Scs SC-5 ^loio v Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library LECTOR 1} T) E L 1 B R O. Ter Numerus Terms , bisftelix-, Tu maque fxlix , Has Regum Leges f,tpe kgendo Novem-. Hie, Majeftati dira eft exofa Tyrannis; Juftitis hk facree , Vis cadit ante pedes. R. Ja. I. Troditus a Tatrm , Capt'evus, deinde Redemptus-, Oppida, Sacra, Scholas , Juftitiamque coh. R. Ja. I L ' Tro T atria pugnans , Tatriie dum cmtjub hmmrit ROS BVKGVM Taifie, Sanguine redde ntee. R. ILL Cingula cum Nati certies, offender e Noli Sive Tatrem, T>mmum,fett Tatritsque Tatrem. R Ja. IV. ^ Fata licet FLT)IT>0 dscuit (JPIe-, Conjuge, Reguum lyLngligenum, Scotis in Pronepote dsdi. R, 3 a. V. Juftitix Vindex; ut Nati, juris & aqui Excolerent artes, Nobile condo Forum. at ARIA REQINA. Tot Soholes Regum, Regnattix Foemina; Regnum Connuhijs Orno , Koboro ; Trok Beo. R >. VI i_Antiqm Sceptro , junxi TSiademata trina; Sub Titulk quatuor, Sextus et Utius EGO. R Car. L Lex, Topulus, Troceres, Confeffus, tMitra, Corona; Nomina Char a , Sanguine Clara MsCi R. Car. II. Carolus a carlo, christo jic auspice regno, Vt facile agmfeat Tlebs , .'DhK'E SCEPTRA DEUM. De Scototura Regum Iniignijs, Tarmetkm. Nobilis ecce LEO (Quern Nemo impune Laceffit) T)EFENT)IT Sceptrum, MONOCEROTEfao. Vnguibus Alter Atrox, Cornu petit lyflter Atroci: Hie ferit Iratus, Concitus Hie fremit. LEGIBUS aufcuUa; Noli irritare L E O N E M, Si fapts: Enllli MOrtifer ENSIS adeft. Perlubenter fu)|dcbat JACOBVS CVNIGAMIVS, Signeto Regio Scriba, Paili>iame:n^t J[Lade bif ^TCvfig the (I) and his [R.oy:Aj^vx^cessojis JCJJfG-S of SCO TLANJy ZAcosxrs .-y.xsx Scoroisiarl Extraobed and Collected from tkePutlickRecords \lACOBlrS.iy. JiEJC SCOTORUit IIACOSVS.UI.SXX SCOTORUJit .lACOBl’'S. 11 - RBX SCOTORUM IXA.COBUS.I. RBX SCOTOiRVj Zj Cljrl fciilj' J- i'.; k ■ - -'I' '- ‘I ■s LAWS ACTS PARLIAMENT MADE BY KING JAMES THE FIRST. SECOND. T H I R D, F O U R T H. F I F T H. Q^U EEN tMART, KINGj/^AfE^the Sixth .KING CHARLES tlie Firfi, KING CHARLES the Second Who now ptcfently Reigns, KlNGS««iQUEEN SCOTLAND. ColkEied, and Extracted, from the Tublick Records of the faid Kingdom, by Sir THOMAS UHV RRAT rf GUndook, Knight, and Baronet , Clerk to His Majeftic’s Council, Regifter, andRols, by bisyii\iK\.€t, frecial warrand. EmiNBVRGH, Printed by DAVID LINDSAY^ i^nno 'DOM. M D C. LXXXI. CVM T RIVI L EG I 0. THE N T E N Of the o o c o T S B K. I. TH E tyiCls ofparliameni made by King JAMES the Firft, Second, Third, Fourth > Fifth , ^ueen tM ART, JAMES Sixth , King CHARLES the Firft , The Submijjims, and Surrenders of'Jeinds, &c. With King C H A R L E S the Firft his Decreets arbitral following thereupon. And the ^Bs of Tarliament made by King CHARLES the Second now prefentfy Reigning. I I. The of the Conventions of the Kingdom of Scotland , holden in the years i66^, i66y. and i6y%. III. The Index, or xyibridgment of the tyTBs if T arliametit. I V. Chrottologie of the Kings f Scotland from the begining. V. The Interfretatim of the terms, and difficile words ufed in the four Books of REG 1 A M tM A J E ST AT E CM, and others, in Infeftments, and froBick of this Kingdom. V I. \yf Catologue of the Books emitaining the old Laws written before King JAMES the Firft, of good memory. * % THE THE PRIVILEDGE. Ktiight, andParonet, Clerk of Oiir Council , Regiptr, undKols, hisHenes, Execntonrs,an. JJ& ^ f , lif avife the vhoU latcs, ^fls, and vns , and OrdinancesofParliamentofiheKiy^domoJS'coihnd, hath old andheip , non' 'being ^ ',,'y.,iL to be re mbrhnedlyivhatfo- ConkniionsofthetJ?arliamenu,and^isoft^^ W JrIuinterM,nthefaidKingdoinofScoi\^ri6,oreUfere,iUhaUp^^^^^^ '■ - « . tnentioncdimhejaidCift i \t Jhau pieate mm , orimm, »u . 'v/ . a- • - , -' , • With the Treahfe intituled -Dc Vevbomm Significationc, ^nd the Chronologte oj the Ji I I -rt /-T^ _ _ iLm fnntfUfl-irtlh the ItonoJVdrltanunt , ardaUAediotnc i»aexojtne^Timxa^>.i>. 4^51. . . ,h, Cmmiffim granted hy the VmUamentfonryitlg the cantrivanet , and capalig m tlx BUlemng . .fter the redrimm there- lohn Cairns Printet/^r re'.prinung thereof} ^nd for that end hath given to them his conjent and licence , conform to htt .ytffgnanon made to them of ihe firefaidPight, andOift, :^af.nfirr,n , thefdrefSd nt made and bak betwixt thefaid Sir Thomas Murray , and the faid David Lmdfay , end John c«ir.« Printer : and better afiirance, ' ‘ firefaid Right , bjfaft bears. THEREFORE, JJaif L»“ ViX ‘Xef u the faii David Li-dfay , dni ‘he faid ,Klm Cair»s Mater v„i,„ake,aad Vrmer aleve. ZZeiTda theii Heir! , Buettlem a«i ^jftgtteyr , >» caafe be re-frh,,ed aai to re-prm , the firefatdt Me , Ux,.^ Cottfjmt- t. a„d OrJMet ofVarlMa, of thefaid " ft force : ^nd likeirife , thi whole Laws, iMaa.,e;\ ' of rarliament , andioinfertinthe Toget’her . Uth the fir, /aids Sttrreaders . and Seat, nett fillomag thereof on ; With the forefitd Treat, e ^utoMDe , he r hromlosieoftheMeXhlg, of Scothtti, mto Oar prefemRetgn; MtoeomfUat heh:deno]th,Me^n,o (aid-odexSlMuMefthtfaraUeU^asofTarliatnent, and to print the fame ta all thecoftesthataren here-printed- Togethermth the^B of r«L.„ Jeerning th/coa/i.ation dad El, La of, he lords of .Articles , dated the .8 Tunv .66,. nth, eh t‘ ff “'ff TarlMnt.andaded^otheXnoftheJriated^Btj ro^‘i'‘^lfoM^U,.enoihMU^^ :airns Vrintef, • whole King- that none ofthem Upon any prttencewhatfoevey, prifume, nor take upon hand , totmpmt, fell, buy , or cauji the fame tn whole , or tn part , a Com- terd, hereof to he imprfnted , fold, or hough, fnithin the faid Kingdom of Scotbad , ornilhou, the fame , nithm the fpectal confem, and Itcenee, {j'thefaidDovidUnLjVndeLker, andfhefaidiohn Cairns Pram , or their forefatds . radaroig l4r/f«ro/Ninetecn years, afterthe day and dale JftheLrefeats. undn]h, fain of Ef, heating, he fameto the fire-named VerfonsVniertaker andTn, nor , and thetr forefatds . and paying to them , the fun, ofTiJ Hundred pouni Scots «nrr . fo he taken he them . to their utility and profile, fiom everyone Lion, Licence, andVifeharge , atoflatiijhallhaffenchemoranyofihem , tobreakandcomaveenthefame. ■'""'I'f’jft letter of Gif, , and Vrh-ilcdg, granted to the for, -named Ter fins vndertaker , and Tstnter , it hereby erdatned to be puUtfied, and alfi “thelnnsed , and feshefoie theCopiesofshefidsLasnsandjBs , .ndO,h,r,abov,fpeeified,oh,Ite-ps,niedasfa.d.s , shasnoa, fresend sgnorance , G irs N M Our Court At WHITEHALL, the firfi day o/ May, i6So. Mof Cur Reign the ;z. years. Sealed according to wariaud, under His MajeJIie, Privy Seale, At EDINBURGH the 31. day,of .S81, T O T O The Kings moji Excellent CM. AJESTT CHARLES THE SECOND By the Grace of G O m , of SCOT L ANT), ENGL ANT), FRANCE, and IRELAND, KING, Defender of the Faith , &c. THE SCOTS LAWS, AND ACTS O F PARLIAMENT, From Seven of your Rcyal PREDECESSOURS Together With the kACT S of yotar Royal F AT H E R of blejfed CMemory, And the laws, and acts of parliament CMade Jime your ^MAJESTIES hapfy Reftattratm. Moft humbly offcteth rw M A J E S T I E’ S MoJl dutifull CMoft hrnibk \Atd mft obedient Subjeli and Servant. TUQ.tMDRRAT. / -1 'f . ' r & -p: ' 3 > « Fol. I THE FIRST PARLIAMENT o F KING JAMES THE FIRST. Halden at Perth the XXVI. Hay of Citlaij: The zxir of God, lyhte thoufand foure Jmndreth twentie foure zeiris: <^nd of his Rei^ne the tiineteene zeir. 1. The freedome of the balie Ktrke. N THE Firft to thehotiourofGodandhalieKirk; Itisftatuteandot- dained, that the halie Kirkejoyis and bruike, andtheMinifters of it, their aulde Ptiviledges and fteedomes. And that na man let them to fet their landes and teindes. tindet the paine that may follow, be Spiritual Law, or Temporal. %. Teace fuldbe keef ed within the Realme. ITEM, That firme & ficket peace be keeped and halden throw all theRealme, and amang all and fmdrie Lieges and fubjeftes, to out Soveraine Lord tlie King, andtliatnamantakeon hand in time to cum, to moove or make weir againfl uther , under all paine tltat may follow be courfe of commoun Law. That na man rebel againfi the Kingis ferfone. TEM, It is ftacute and ordained, that na man openlie or notourlie rebel againfl; the Kingis perfon, un^ der the paine of forefaulting of life , land and gudes. 4. men fuld afftft the King to pmijh rebelles. TT E M, It is ftatute and ordained that gif ony difobeyis,till enforce die King agamft notour tebellers agmnft I his perfone quhen diey be required the King , and commanded ; diey fall be challenged be the King, ^ favourers of file rebellers ; bot gif diey'have for them reafonable excufation. I 5. j..-- . - . -- - TEM Itisflatutethatnamanofwhateftate, degree or condition he beof, rydandorgangandinthe ■ trad nor have maaoerfoneswidi him, normayfufficehim,ortilllnsEflaite, andforquhomhe eaS ym nn be of Lryders or gangers; the King command, h.s oSsofthclaT diat quhai? they happen to be, rill atreift them, and put them under fickerbur- SwerquhilldieKingbeceitifieddierebf, and fend his wiUwhatfallbe done of fiktrefpafl^^^^^^ 6. Of the Mmflers of Law within the Rcahne, and offices given in heritage. T T F M Tr is ordained that there be’^aid officials and minifters of Law , ditow all die Realme, diat can. Na man ftdd travel with maa men, nor he mayfujleme. I a KING JAMES THE FIRST tominiftetdiereinin proper perfone; that utheris be ordained in their flexes, for the quliUk. theytliathes fikofficesof die King in fee, be halden toanfwertohiin, gif they trefpalle.i 7. Sornares or comfmiies ouer-lyand the Kingts Lieges, fiild be arreifted and fatiffie the King and fartie. ITEM The Parliament ftatutis, and the King forbiddis; That na companies pafle in the Countrie, to Iveupononie die Kingis Lieges: or thig or fojournehorfe, outlier on-KirLmen or husbands of the land And gif onie complaint bemaidoffiktrefpairouresto the ScliirefFe of the land; that he arteiftfik folk, and chaUengc them, and taxe die Kingis skaith upon them; And gif they beconviftof Ilk trefpafle that they be puniflied , and finde Burrowes till aflyidi the King and die partie compiainand. And gif fik perfoncs takis ony skaidi in the arreifting of them , it fall be impute to diem felfes. And in cafe that na complaint be maid totheSchireffe , the Schireffe fall inquire at ilk head court diat he haldis, gifoniefikfaultoutesbewidiinliis Schireffedome. ’ Andgifoniebeisfounden, that they be punilhed, as is before written. 8. Cajfomes and burrow maiUes, ar amtcxed to the Croun. ITEM, It it is confented be the hail Parliament , diat all die greate and fmall cuftomes , and burrow-mailles of die RMlme , abide and remaine widi die King till iiis living. And gif onie perfone makis onie claime till ony part of the faid cuftomes, that he fchaw to the King quhathehesforhim, and the King fall make him anfwere with advifement of his Councel. 9. Of landes and rentes that were onr Soveraine Lord the Kingis Tredecejfoures, and [chawing of balding. ITEM, As anent landes and rentes, die qulidk were of before timeOVR SOVERAINE LORDE the Kingis anteceflbures : It is feene fpeedful, that the King charge all and fmdtie Schireffe of his Re- alme, to gar inquire be the heft, eldeft and worthieft of their Baillieries , quhat landes , pofleffiones, or amiuil-rentes perteinis to the King, or hes perteined in his anteceflburs times of gudmemorie, David, z. Robert 1. & Robert 3. Iiis Progenitours ; & in quhais hands they now be: And diat ilk Schireffe gar re¬ tour be inqueft under his feie, and dieir feales that beis upon it: And gifitlikis the King, he maygarfum- mond, all and findrie Iiis tennentes, at lauchfuldaie and place, to fchaw their charters and evidentes, and la be their haldinges he may perceive quliat perteinis till him. ^ 10. Of flaying of Salpiond inf oKAdden time. ^ ITEM, Qulia fa ever be convift offlauchter of Salmonde, in time forbidden be theLawe, befall pay fourtie fchffingesfor the unlaw. And at die thtid time, gif he be conviftof fik trefpafle, hefalltyne his life , or dien bye it. And gif onie man be infeft to filh in forbidden time , al fik priviledges fall ceafe for three zeiresto-cum. Aid gif onie dois die contrait, he fall tine ane hundretli fhillinges for the unlaw be¬ fore the Juftice: Upon die quliilk trefpafle, die juftice Clerke fall inquire, at the receiving of die indimentes, as of uther poyntes belangand Ills office. II. OfCruves, Zaires, and Satterdaies Jhf. ITEM, That all Cruves and zaires fet in frefh water, quhaitthefeafillisandebbis, the quliilk deftroy is die frie of all fifches , be deftroyed and put awaie for ever mair : Not againe ftanding ony priviledge and free- dome given in die conttarie , under the paine of ane hundreth Ihillinges. And they that hes craves in frelh waters , that diey gar keepe die Lawcs, anentes Satterdaiesfiop; and fuffer them nottoftande in forbidden time , under die faid paine. And diat ilk heck of the forefai& cruves be three inche wide, as the aulde ftatute requiris. 11. Mines of Gold and fiver perteinis to the King. ITEM, Gifoniemineof gold orfilvetbefoundenin onieLordis Landes of die Rcahne, and it may be prooved that ditee halfe pennies of filver may be fined out of die pound of leade : THE Lordes of Par¬ liament confentis , that fik mine be the Kingis, asisufuallofutherRealmes. 1 3. That na Clerkes paffe truer the Sea , hut the Kingis licence. ITEM , It is ftatute be die haill Parliament , and be the King forbidden , that na Clerke paffi, nor fend procuratour forliim ouer Sea , but leaueof our Lord die King asked and obteined. 14. That FIRST TARLIAMENT. XXVI. of CMay. 1414. 3 14. That na clerkes furchafi fenjiones of Benefices within the Realme. ITEM, In likewife it is ftatute be die haill Parliament, and die King forbiddis, that onie Clerke of his Realme in time to cum, purchesonie penfion out of onie Benefice feculat or Religious , under all paine tliatliemaietyneagainftliisMajeftie; orraifeonie penfion granted in timebygane in onie maner of waies, under the paines forefaid. 1 5-. That na man have out of the Realme gold nor filver. ITEM, Itisftatute& ordained, that na man have out of die realm gold nor filver, bot he payfourde pennies of ilkpundof cuftome to the Kins, under the paine of tinfel of all gold and filver that beis fun- den with him , and x. pundes to die King for the unlaw. 16. Of fir angers that takis money for their merchandice. ITEM, Quhat ftrangercs that fellis merchandice in the Realme , and takis money itheirfoir, he fall liavewitnefieofdiehofteofhisinnes, that he outhcr wait al fik money for pennie worthes ofdiisland, or els pay the cuftome foirfaid, under the paine before written, 17. That na man flay at the fute-balL ITEM, Itisftamte, and the King forbiddis , that na man play at the fute-ball, under die paine of fiftie fchillings to be raifed to the Lord of the land , als oft as he be tainted , or to die SchireSe of die land or his Minifters, gif die Lordes wil not punilh fik trefpallbures. 18. That ilk wan bufk them to be Archeres. ITEM, That all men bulk diem to be Archeres , fra they be twelve zeit of age, and that in ilk ten pundis worth of Lande, their be maid bow raarkes , and fpeciallie neir to paroche Kirkes , quhaitin upon haliedaies men may cum, and at the leaft fchutte thtife about, and have ufage of Archerie, and quliafa ufis not die faid archerie, die Laird of the Land fall raife of liim a wedder , and gif the Laird raifis not the faid paine, the Kings SchirefFe or his Minifters fall raife it to the King. 19. Of biggmg'flf Ruikes in trees. ITEM, For thy that men confidderis that Ruikes biggand in Kirks Zaitdes , Orchardes , or Trees, doisgteateskaith upon Comes: It is ordained, that diey that fik Trees perteinis to, lettediemto big, & fufter on na wife that their birdes flie away. And quliair it be tainted that they big , and die Birdes be flowin, and theneftbefondenintlieTrees at Beltane tteesfal befoitfaultedtodieKing(botgif diey be redeemed fra liim , throw them diat they firft petteined to) and hewin downe , and five fcliillings to die Kingis unlaw. xo. Of fJMure-buming. ITEM, It is ordained , that na man makMure-burning, after die moneth of Aforrfe, quhil ail Comes be fchorne , under die paine of fourtie fcliUlinK , to be raifed to die Lord of the lande of the burner. And gif he hes not to pay , that he be prifoned fourtie dayis. And gif the Lord of die land raifis not fik pain, norpunilhisnotuktrefoaflbutes, as is befoir faid, the Juftice Clerk be the inditement , fall gar fik trefpalloutes be corredfed befoir die Juftice , and puniftied as faid is. XI. Cuftome of Horfi Nolt , Scheefe , hadfurth of the Realme , and ofHerring. Als W A For thy that mony tliinges pafiis out of the Realme, witlioutten Cuftome , it is ordained and decreeted diat of all Nolt, Horle, and Scheepe had out of the Realme, their be payed to die King twelfe pennies for cuftome of ilk pund, of the price of the faid guds, and of all Herring diat aretane widiindiis Realme, diat is to fay, of ilk dioufand of frefche Herring fauld , of the Sellar one penny , md of ilk laft of Herring, tane be barrelled, foure fchiUinges of ilk laft , be ftrangeris taken, fexe fciiillinges. And ofilk dioufand red Herring, maid in die Realme, foure pennies. IX. Cuftome of Mertrik skinnes , and uther Furringes. ITEM, It is ordained , diat naman liaveMertrikskinnesfurdiofdieRealme, andgif he dois, thathe pay to die King two fciiillinges for the Cuftome of ilk skinne , and for ten Fowmattes skinnes called l idiawesten pennies. Item of ane hundredi Cunning-skimies twelfe peimies. Item of ilk daker of Ax OtKt ITiNG JAMES THE FIRST OaerskinnesandTodskmnes. fex pennies Item for ilke daket of hart and hynde skinnes twelfe pen- nies. Item of ilk ten Daes and Raes skinnis , foure pennies. Reformatim and mending of the money. TTFM The Parliament lies determined and ordained , tliat our Lord die Kmg gar mend Ins money . Ild Ji’lSke itSewechtandfinenes to diemoneyiof And diis money runnand nowe, m have^^oKuU the King forbid it. And that die King fall garre ftnke new money . qulien him lykis, and diinkis it fpeidful and profitable for the Realme. 24. Of Hofitllaries in Burrowed and thromh-fares. TTEM It is ordained , diat in all Burrow Townes of the Realme and dirouch-far^ quhait leomi^in . that dieir be ordained HoftiUares & receipters, havand ftables and cheers. AndZ^n'Wdiidith^mbtead and aile. and aU udier fade , alfweil to horfe as men, for teafonable price , after the chaipes of die countrie. Of the age and marke of Beggers . and of Idk men. e be tlie counceues or me lounra, ui ,*.-t they may not wmne their living 1 waies And diey diat falbe dioiled to beg , faU have a cett^e takin on *em to Land-wm of die Schi- reffe ■ And in die Butrowes , diey fall have takin of foe Alder-men , or of die Bailhes. Md aU uther perfones havand na takins . noufoer of lande , nor of Burgh .falbe charged be open Proclamap, to labour and pafTe to Craftes, for winning of dieir Hying, under die pame of butnmg oafoe cheike, and banifhing of foe Countrie. N I S. THE SECOND P ARLIAMENT o F KING JAMES THE FIRST.. Halden at Perth, the twelfth date of CMarch, the zeir of God, me thoufaud, fmtre hmdreth, twentie foure metres y And of his Kinrik the nineteen z^ire. a6. Of the frcedome sfhalie Kirk, and of Kirk-landes wrangemjlie atmalied. N TheFirft, to die honour of God,' diat the freedome of halie Kirke be keeped throw all die Realme; And gif ony landes or poflefriones of halie Kirke bewraneeouflie annalied, they fuldebe reftored agame, be lauchful procefle of Law. ^7, Reformatim of Hoff italles. ITEM, Anent Hofpitalles that at founded of Almous dcedes, ditow the Kinges , to be uphalden to puir folke , and feik ; to be vifited be the Chancellar , as oiey have bene in die Kingis progenitoutes times. And diey that ar founded be Bifhoppes or udiet Lords Spirimal or Tem¬ poral , to be vifited be the Bifhop and Otdinars , quliom it effeiris to, and reduce and reforme diem to foe efieft of their fitft foundation. i8. Of SECOND) ‘PARLIAMENT-.- XII. of March, S a 8 Of Heretkques. ITEM, Anent Hereticques , tiiatilkBiftiOTjpefallgatreinquiteto die inquifition of Herefie, quhajr onie fik beis founden and that they be punilhed as law ofhaiie Kirk requites. .Andgilitmifteiis, drat fecular power be called , in luppott and helping of halie Kirk. -Lq. The breakers of the aStes if Parliament , fiild be pmijhed. IT Is ftatute and ordained , that the breakers of die aftes of Parliament be punilhed . after die forme and ordinance thereof. 30. Leagues and bands are forbidden. Item, it is decreeted be the faaili Parliament, and forbidden be our Soyetaine Lotde die King, diat onie leagues or bandes be maid amangft his Lieges in the Reahne: And gif onie hes bene maid in time by-gane , that diey be not keeped nor halden in time to cum. 31. Of fitting of Horfi. Item, it is ordained that na Hotfe be fauid out of die Realme , quliill at die leaf! diey be three zeir auld out-gane , under the paine of cfcheitte of them to die King. 3^. Anent Taukh. tTEM, It is ordained that na Taulch be had out of die Realme, under the paine of efcheitte of if 1 to the King. 33. Stealkrs f mene woodde , of fruite, Cunuinges , ‘Dneies , peallers of Trees, ‘^reakers ofOrchardes; and defirc^ers of woodde. Item, it is ordained, diat die juftice Clerkes , inquire at the receiving of the inditements, of diem that be night fteallfs gteene woodde , or pealis the bark off trees, deftroiand wooddes. Andqulia fa be convii? before the juftice offiktrefpafle, diey fallpaiefourtielhillingestotiiel^gfor thc^aw, and affyidi die partie skaidied. And als the faid Cletke fall inquire of the breaking of mennes Orchar- des, fteallers offrute , deftroyers of Cunningaires and Dowcattes , the quhilkis lall bepumihed, as it is ordained of the fteallers of woodde. 34. Stealkrs of Woodde fuld he f unified in the flace quhair the cryme was committed. IT Is ordained, gif onie man findis his ftoUen woodde in uther Lordeslandes, he fall gar anreift bath the woodde and the fteaUers of it, and gar diem fulFer LawinhisCourte, thatdiewooddewasftol- lenfra, andinnaneuthets, 3y. Anent the time within the quhilk Sahmund fuld iwcht bejiaine. TT IS Ordained be the Parliament, and forbidden be the King, diat onie Salmoimd be flMe.fra^ iFeafte of the AiTumption of ourZ,ir&, qd^^diefeafteof in WinKt^ n^^^^ Metres nor Cruves, nor naneutherwaies, under die paine put upon flayers of read fiih,,q Juftice Clerke fall gar inquire. 36. Anent jialkers , that Jlayis Deare , and their maittteiners. TTEM, It is ordained , diat die Juftice Clerke faft inquire of Stalkers , ” Ifay, Harte, Hynde, Dae, .andRae, anddiehaldetsandmainteinersof diem, AndalliooneKO Stalker may be convift of flauchtetofDeare, he fall paie to die King, fouttie IhiUmgs: And die nai ders and mainteiners of diem fliall paie ten poundes. 37- Receif teres of rehelles fuld be forefaulted. TTEM, It is decreeted and ftatute, diat na man wiMUe fall receipt, mamteine, w do “ lopenand manifeft RebeUares againft the Kingis Majeftie, and the commoun Law. under the paine of forefaultour. ' B 3 8. Honli KING JAMES T HE FIRST 3 8 . How meikk gudes am tJMerchand fiyling Juld have. ITEM It is ftatute and ordained , tliat na Merchand of tlw Re^e pafle over the Sea in metdian- dice bothehaveoiliisawinpropergudcs, or at die leaft committed ^bsawmEOvernance, *|^efer- plaithesof Wool!, or thevaiueof dieminudierMerchandice, qrfiilR fallbe kendor he pafle, beanm- ^eftof hisnichtboures , under the paine of ten pound to the King. 39 like Craft Juld have one ‘Deahm. TTEM, It is ordained, diat in ilkeTowneofdieRealme, of ilkfindrie cr^^ed dierem, bechofen la wife man of that craft , and be the laife of that craft , and be confent of the Ofliciar ofdie Towne ; the ^ilk faUbehaldeiiDeakonor Maiftet-man over die laife for dienme, Aatbeismaid, before the Crafcef-men of that craft: Swa diat die Kingis Lieges be not defrauded and skaitlied in time to cum, as they have bene in time by-gane, ditow untrew men oi Crattes, 40. The Cttftme if Woollen claith . f Salmund and Englifh gudes. ITEM It is ordained , thatofilkpoundeswoorthofwoollenClaidihadoutoftheRealme, theKing faU have of die out-liavet for Cuftome twa MUnges. And of ilk pouiides woordi of Salmouiid bocht befttangers, and had out ofdie Reahne, threttie pennies. And ofilkepoundeswoorth of gudes, brock m the Realme, threttie pennies. 41. Aneut men quhaf lid labour the land. ITEM, It is ordained that ilk man of fimpleeflaite, that fuld be of tealbn labourers, haveoutherhalfe ane Oxe in the pleuch, or elfe delve ilk day fevcn fute of length, and feven on breadth, under di* paine of ane Oxe to die King. 4X. The age , mark , and fame of Beggers, ITEM, It is ordained diat na Thigger be dioiled to begge , noudier to Bumh nor land, betuixt fourceene and diteefcoir andtenzeires, but dieybefeenebe die Cpuncel of the Commounes of the Counttie, that they may not win dieir living utlierwaies. And they diat fa beis founden have a certaine takiniie to Landwartof theSchireffes, and in Burrowes of Alder-men and Baillies, and thatunderthepaineofburn- ingondiecheik, andbanilhing off the Counttie. And that in everie Burgh outthrow the Redmc, the Cnahnedainefidl inquire in his aire zeirlie, gif die Alder-men and Baillies, heskeepedtheafl, and the forme of the ftatute. And gifdiey have broken it, they fall be in fiftieihiUings to the King. ITEM, The Schireffesfailzieingof die keeping ofthefaid aft, to be puniftied in hkevvue. 43. Leefng-makers tiuis life and gudes. ITEM, It is ordained be the King and die haill Parliament, that all Leefmg-makcrs and tellets of diem, quhilk may ingender difcotde betuixt die King and his people, quhair ever they may be gotten, fall be cli^enged be diem, that power hes, and tine life and gudes to theKing. 44. Of IVeafott-fthawinges. ITEM, It is ordained, diat in ilk Schireffedome of dieRedmc, be maid Weapon-fehawinges foure tunes in dlC-Zeir. 4y, Anent ccmflaintes to be decided bfore the Judge ordinar. ITEM, As anent billes of complaint, quhilkismay not be determined be die Parliament, for diverft caufes belanging die comnioun ptofite of die Realme : It is ordained diat the Billes of complaint be execute and detetmined be thaudges and Officiates of die Courtes , quhom to they perteine of Law , oudier juftice, Chalmerlane, Shiteflfes, Baillies of Burrowes, Barronnies, or uther Spiritual judges, gif it effeiris to them. To die quhillds judges all and findrie, the King fall give ftrait commandement, aliweil within Regalities, as out-widi, under all paine and charge diat may foBow, that aliweil to pure as to rich, but fraude or guile , they doe full law and Juftice. And gif diere bee onie pure aeamre , for multe of cunning , or expenfes, that cannot, nor may not follow his caufe , die King for die love of GOD, fallordaine the Judge, before quliom die caufe fuld be determined: to pur-wey and get a leill and a wife Advocate, to follow fik pure creatures caufes. And gif fik caufes be obteined , die wranger fall a%ith baith the partie skaidied, and die Advocatiscoaftes and travel. Andgifdiejudgere&fisto do the Law eavenlie , as is before faid, die parde compleinand , fall have tecourfc to the King, quha fall fee rigoroufliepunilhed fik Judges , that it fall be exemple till all uthers. 46. Anent THRm PARLIAMENT. XL of CMarch. 141^. 7 46. AneutremiffioHs to be grum, and afyithment of fartie. ITEM, It is ordmned be the Parliament, that quliair tlie King gives remifliones till onie man, with condition toaflyiththepaitie skaithed and compleinand ; That confideration be had of the Hie-lani men , tliequhilkis before the Kingishame camming, commounlie reft and flew ilk ane utheris j of the quliilkis there may not be maid full afly thment till umeris, bot in die Law-landes , quhair the skaithes done may be kend , andthetrefpaflourestobeof pouer to make ane mendis of all or of part : That there be chofen gude men & leill, fworne thereto, to modifie amendis after the qualirie and quantitie of the perfon, and of die skaithes, gif die parties cannot Concorde be themfelves; of the qvmilkis modifica- tiones, baich die parties fall nald them content., FINIS. THE T H R 1 D PARLIAMENT o F KING JAMES THE FIRST. Haldett at Perdt the Elkventh of ^Marche: The xeir of God, ane thoufand, foure hundreth, twentie five xeires: And of his Kinrik the tweutie sneir. 47. uy^tent homes to be hrocht home be Merchandes. TEM, It is ordained be the King and the Parliament, thataMMerchandsofthe Realm, pafland over Sea for Metcnandice, bring hame, ashemaiegudlydioilc, after die quantity of his metchandice, harnes and Axmourcs, widi Speates, Schaftes, Bowes and Staves. And that be done be ilk ane of them als oft, as it happenis them to pafle over Sea in Metchandice 48. That alltheKingts lieges live and be gavemedbe the Lawes of the Realm. ITEM, It is ordained be die King, be confentanddeliveranceofdiethreeEflaites, that all and (indrie die Kingis Lieges of die ftealme live and be governed under die Kingis Lawes & ftatutes of the Realme al- laneriie: and under na particular Lawes, norfpecialPriviledge, nor be na Lawes of udiet Countries nor Reaimes. 49. For the balding of mm^ within the Realme. ITEM, It is ordained, for die balding ofthe money widiin die Realme, diat na man have out of the Realme gold not filver , bot he pay fourty pennies of ilk pound to die King for cultome , under the pain of tinfel ofall gold and filver, diatbeisfoundenwidihim, and ten pountfes to the King for die unlaw. And quhat fttanger, that bringis Metchandice in die Realme to fell, and takis money theitfore, befall havewitneffing of the Hofte of his Innes, that he ware all fik money for penny worthes of diis Realme, or elfe paie the cuflome fotefaide to die King, under the paine before written. And for die keeping of this ftatute , diat the Kingis Chalnietlaine ctoute , or himfelfe , gar ordaine in ilk Toune , quhair fik lliangers repairis , twa fumciefit men baidi to fee die entrie of diem of fik gudes , and to heare die reckon¬ ing of them, and to receive die Kingis Cuflome, & uther diinges, diat belangis thereto, & to make reckoning and give compt diereof, at the Kingis Checker. 50. That na ferfones that inditis men to the JuJike Aire, be on their Afftfe. ITEM, It is ftatute, ordained, & forbidden diat onie man diat is officiatofonieCountrie, oranic man that inditis ane udier for onieaftion, beonhisaffife, diat fall thoUe the law, under the paine of ten pounds to the King. B 1 yl. Of 'k ItiG- AME s THE FIRST yi. Of fore-thought fellmie and Chaud-niella. TTEM It is llamte for the keeping of the Kingis peace, and added “ I before ’ that als foone as onie complaint be maid throw ome perfoiies to Juftices , Schireffes , Bailhes m Burrowes or on land , till ony uther Offidar of die Lawe, quhairever heebee , drat « effeins or pettemis to, faUinaUaudliehafte garre fummound baidi the parties before lum, and iiMuite dihgendie but laUinaUjud ena g done upon fore-thought Fellonie, or throw fuddameChaud-meUa: and gif it Sun Jen forethought-fellonie the partie fall be chaUenged incontinent of the Kingis oeace breaking be theOffidars of Lawe, qulidkis fall gar the partie hurte be fuUie aflyithed , aft^ the quantine of the skaith that he lies fufteined. And thereafter the life and die gudes of die trefp^oure tobe in die Kmgis will to auhais prifon hee fall bee had incontinent. And gii die trefp:^ be done of fuddam^e Chaud- mella, tl?e partiLkaithed fall follow, and die partie trefpafland defende, after the courfe of the auld Lawes of the Realme. yi. That all Trelates , Barrones andi Free-halders fall cmfeir ferfmmllk in theBarliamnt. TTEm” It is ordained and ftatute, diat aU Prelates , Erles, Batroimes and free-halders of the Kina T vlnrlipRealme fen they arhalden to give prefence in the Parliament, and General COTneei, ratour alleage there andFOve a lauclifuU caufe of their abfence. yj. Attornayes in the Juftice Aires fuld be himejt yerfofies. TTEM It is ftatute and ordained, that na man be admitted robe Attornaym the Juftice Aire , hot laif he lie ane honeft and fufficient perfon of difetetion for drat office, die quhilk fall be knawin be die Juftice and the Barronnes then prefent, gif onie doubtbetheitol. yq. Ofyerfones to he cbofen to examin the huikis of Law, and reforme them. TTEM It is ftatute and ordained, that fex wife men and difeteete , of i& aneof the three Eftaites, Iquhilk knawis the Lawes belt, fall be chofen (fen fraude and guile audit to help na man) that M fteii^xaminetheBuikesofLaw, diatistofay, RegiamOVlajeftatem, mA ^mmm Attach, amenta. And mend the Lawes, thatneids mendement. y y. ^,hat excepiones fM be admitted or replied. TT is ordained, that all lauclifull exceptiones of die Law be admitted in Judgement and all frivolous 1 and fraudful exceptiones be repelled, and not admitted be na Judge, fwa that die caufes hapous and pleyes be not wrangeouflie prolonged in skaidi and prejudice of the pattie, and in fraude of the Law. and all frivolous Tangeouflie prolonged y6. All men fuld ludge with Hofiillaries. ITEM In the way that Hoftillaries in Burrowis and thtouch-faires , meenis diem to the King, diat Ins lieees ttavelland in the Realme , quhen they cum to Burrowes and tlirOTch-faites , hetberies diem not in hoftiiaries , hot with dieit acquentance and friends: The King of deliverance of Councel, andconfent ofthetliteeEftaitesforbiddis, that onie liegeman of his Realme, traveUanddirowthecouncteyonlTOrle oronefute, fra time diat the commoun hoftillaries be maid, berbery or ludee diem in ony uther place, hot in the Hoftillaries foitfaid, hot gif it be the perfones that kadis moniewidi them mcompame.tliat fall have friedome to herberie with dieir friends : Swa diat dieir liorfe and their memze be harbened and Indeed in the commoun Hoftillaries. And als it is ordained, diat na Burges indwellandm burgh or m throuch-fait receive or admit ony fik travellers orftrangers, bot allanetlie commoun Hoftillaries , under thepaiiie of fourty fchillinges , to the King for the unlaw. yy. OfWeichtes. TEM, It isordaiiied, diat their be maid a ftane for gudes fauldandboghthewcidites, the quhilk faU , wey fyfteene kill Trois pundes, and that ftane to be divided in fex-tene kill SCOTT IS poundes, and of it there fall be ordained halfe a ftane, a quartet, a hafte quarter, apounde, halfe apounde , and utherlefteweichtes according thereto, with the quhilk all byares and fellers of gudes widim the Reahne fall buy and fell-with, and with nane uther weichtes fra WHIT-SUNDAIE nixt tp cum , and fra diencc foorth their forefaide Weichtes faU have courfe. y8. Of Water -mettes. TEM, It is ordained thactheWater-mettes, thatnowear, fall remaine and be ufed throw the Realme in time to ciinv,' and in ilk place and'Towne, quhair die gudes arfauld and metre be the water; there be I I THRID TARLI AMENT. XI. of CMarch. 14x5.. 9 be ordained , be die Alderman , and die Baillies , dieWater-mette, alfweill coales or udier gudes. tromet diem in die melting of fik gudes. ane kill man fworne to mette all gudes , fellable be And diat die fellares , or nane of dieir belialfe , in- 5'9. Perrier s and Boate-men Jiild have Bribes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that ail Boate-men andfetryates, quhait Horfe are ferryed, fall have for ilJke boate a treene-brigge , quhair-widi diey maie receive widiin dieir Boatcs , travelleres Horfe diroughdieRealme, un-liuiteandunskaithed, under the paine of fourdelhillinges of ilk boate, fra Whit-fundaie footdi nixt to cum, 60. Of the matier of Weafmfchawinges. ITEM, It is ordained in die Second Parliament of OUR SOVERAINE LORDE die King, diatilke’sdiireffeofdieRealme foulde g&r Weaponfliawinges be maid foure times ilke zeire, in als monie places as were fpeedeful , widiin liis BailU^tie; botdiemanerhow Weaponfchawingesfuldebe received was not appoynted: Hetefore OUR LORDE The Kifig, dirdw die liaill ordinance of his Parliament ftatutis, that ilke Gende-man , havand ten pounds woorthof land or mair, befufficienriie iiarniihed and armed with Bafnet , haill legae Harnes, fworde, fpeate , and dawet ; and Gendemen havand lefleextentes of Landes, nor nalandes.M be armed at dieir gudlie power, after the^cteuonofdieSchi- reffes bot all udier zeamen of the Realme , beniixt xvj. andfextiezeitS, fall be fufftcientlie bowed and fchafted widifword&buckler&knife: And diat all the Butgefles&indwellets within the Burrow tounes of the Realme in like raaner be anarmed and harnuTied , & make WeapOnlhawingeS- witlim die Burrowis of the Reime in like maner , foure times in die zeir, & that be the Mdermen arid Baillies, upon the quliilk the Chateetlatie and Ms Deputes fall knaw and execute die faid diinges. And that all nien Secular^ of tlw Re¬ alme , be weOl purvayed of the faid harnes & weapones be the feait of the Nativme of our Lord Chrtfl nixitoGUMi ttadetdiepaintisfoaowand: Tliatistofay.ofikGendemanthatdefanltisattliefiraweapon- fliaWingfourtiefcliiftnges, and at die odiet default fourdefdiiUinges, and at die dmd default, ten punds, andad&eiklealsofS-timesasliedefauitisafter-ward: And of ilk bow-man at the firftfaultc ten fehilliiiges, atdieotherdefaulftenfcldllin'gek, andattliethridfouttiefcliillinges. Andfwafutdialsoft-nmesasliebeis fonden fauldfe afterward. ' 61. Na man fiddfajfe in Ireland without licence. ITEM Astothepaflagebetuixtj’wfteiand/rf/W, itisfeenefpeedfultodieKingisCouncel. diat bidding be given be die King to all die Lordes,ScliircfFes, and all udier Officiates, upon die Frontiers of SCOTLAND lying a.1. Vr % bot of fiiddaine caife king JAMES THE FIRST caifethatmaynotbeforefcene, aswUde-fite.Rattones, orfowles, otfiklikeneflb, the law leavis itun- ’’“iTEM, GiftheGovernouresofdie Toune be n^ligent in the execution of Aeir office, andtliisordi- ”®ITEM!‘ThrnaKVfeSldfraS bo' W‘'bin coveted wefhel I^TEm’ Gtf'fire happenis in husband Tounes of Batronnies , we leave them to bepunifhedbcdieir Lordes, inlikemanerasBaffiesandGovernoursdoisinBurgh. N the fifth PARLIAMENT o F KING JAMES THE FIRST^ Holden at Pettit , the loft date of September , the zeir of God, one thmtfand faure hundreth twentie fex zeires. y6. Anent the cuftmes of Salmmnd and uther fijht TEM, It is ftatuce and ordained, that cuftome be payed to the King, alf- weill of indwelJets witliin die Reahne , as of fremmed men, in onie BurrowesofdieRealme: Andasofftrangersandunfteemen, ofallSal- mound and fifh fauld and bocht, and had outwidt die Reahne, out of onie Burgh of die Reahne. 77. Of Deaknes of Crafts attd their oftice. TTEM, The King of deliveranceof Parliament lies ordained, that the ■^Deakones of Crafts in Burrowes, ftande till die nixtPatliJHnent, indie manet as after foUowis: that is to fay, that the Deakon of ilk Craft, fall have nacorreddon of die Craft, nor of na man thereof, hot allanerlie to fee that die warke-menbe cunning, and diewadtefufficieiit, diequhilk he fall aflay and examine everilk fifteene dales anis. 78. Of the fees of Craftefmen , and prke of their warke. TTEM, It is ordained , that the Aldermen and the Counccl of ilk Toun fworne , fall fee and price the mater, ^andthecoafte, and die travel of the warke-man, anddiereafter prife die made wark, how itlallbelauld,^ & diat price make knawin to die Kings commouns and be oppen cryed. 79. Of the fees of -work-men. ITEM, It is ordained diat die Councel of the Toun fall fee and ordainequliat fee wark-mcn fall have for dieir handtog of their Craft , diat Worlds udiet mennes watkes , as Wrichtes, Mafones, &udier fik-likc: 80. OfJVricbtesandMafines. rT E M , For quliy, diat it is complained to die King & Ins Councel, drat Wrichtes and Mafones takis attanis otiliandmoniewarkes.quliilkismeymaynot, norwiUnotftilfi'llatdietime dieyliecht, dirow diequhilk the Kineis Lieges ar skaidied , and die honour and profile of the land letted. Therefore it is ordained be the King and die Parliament , that it be cryed in ilk Toune openlie, diat na warke-man take mair warke on hande, dien he may gudlie fulfil after his cunning, under die paine of dnfel of the price of fa raeikle warke that he takis on hande. SEXT T ARLI AMENT. Firjl of Julij. 1^1.6. 13 hande tlien he may gudiic fulfil to the King, and of the fulfilling of die watke diat he takis on hande .upon i°isawmcoaft. AjkI alfwa quliair a warke-man , oudier wiilfuUie or unrichteouffie , lettis to fulfill die watke o/wrf. d at he lies tane on hande , that ane udier man of that ilk Craft , refufe not to take that on hande for reafonable fee under the paine of punifhing of him at die Kingts will , fwa that he be a watke-man knawin, and hes then '*.> nane udiet warke on hande. 81. Of /awing mi labouring of the ground. TTEM Thefaidday, our Sovetaine Lord die King, with confent of the haill Parliament ordained, diat •^rl owaJltlieRealme, ilk man teilland with a pleuch of audit Oxen, fall faw at theleaftilkzeiraFiriotof ]\re halfeaFirlotofpeafe, &4o.beanes, under the paine of x. s. to theBattonneofdie land that he d ir in if he fawis it not, & as oft asliebeisfoundenfaultife. AndgifdieBarronnefawisnotthefaid ' e*ln like manet in his Domaines, he fall paie totlieKingfourrieftiillinges; AndgiftheBarronnebe f°'^”deniieEligentinthetaifingofthefaidepaineonlilshusbaiides, there fall be taifed on liim fourtieM- Ikiges , als oft times as he defaultis , widiout remiffion, g X. iMnent the bigging of Caftles in the North. TTFM It is ordained that evet-ilk Lord havand land bezond the AfijKffi, intliequliilkislandesinaulde A rin^-sthek was Caftles, Fortalices andManour-places, big, repatrel. andreformetheirCaftles&ma- &dweEindiembetlieinfelfes, oraneoftlieirfriendes, for the gratiousgovernaloftheirlandes be gSepolide, aadtoexpeRdetliefrMeofdieirlandes. indieCounttie, quhait the landes lyes. finis. PARLIAMENTUM SEXTUM <7- * ^WPFRTH Die Martis, Prim® Die Menfis Julii, Anno Domini, Miilefimo, Qua- JACOBI, vkejirm fecundo, drmgentefi > _ ^ ^ ^ \ftfcopis , Ahbatihus, Trioribus, Comitibm, Barontbus, © dtBo^oitno Nojlro Rege tenentincaMquehbet Bur^^^ fertk Bureen/ibus, tid hoc Jumnmmtt fuermt,cm/arenttbus(mmbustJuquidebueruntt§ voluermt cmmdet»tereffe , Abfentibus quihufdam aids, quorum quidem ahqm legttmeemtfati fuerunt ■ aluvereamfipercommaciamfeahjentavermit^quorumiwmmafatentm rotulu feB arum, Quorum quifqtie adjudkabatur iff arnrmmento decern hbrarum. 8 3 That Judges fall be fworne to determine all caufes after dieir cunning. OdemTHe Rex, permodumfiatuti, ardinavit, qmd dehincmnes^ (inmli ad quafcumue cattfas fS querelas terminandas, inquocmquefutun TarlmmeHtQelkendi,jurabuHtadSanaaT>ei%vang utmnesh fimukt caufasM querelas caram eis p-o/onendas ® terminandM abj- que favore vet odk, frandefeHColmealiqm,juxtafiasfctentms,fidekter ® jttridke terminahmit. 84. Tiiat na Clerkes norlaickspasfutdiofdie Realme : And of their finance. Die Luna , feptimo menfisy^AtmiJiipadiBi, Rexexconpnfu mitts Tarliamenti, ftatuit ^ ordinavtt , quod mnes (S Jmguli I r • - » ckrtci regni fit ad partes ultramarims , quacunquede caufa Jeu fe transfer entes , f actant cambia/m ie mmteta , po eorum etpenfis extra ^ Jirribtts infraregnumconftitutis , 'uelfaltemcammercatonhusinjraregmm, q tempore extHeutem campfJvelmmatmfaaafueri«t\cernfaentCamellarmmT^omm^^^^ mIetranJltufmextraUgn,LLakttsveroqukunqueadpartesultra.mar^^^^^ cmjimiliterfacerecambiafuainfraregnum, utpramitUtnr , Jitper qmcet A „ . . « • fuikientiadocumenta, 4 de caufatranjitus fit , fids pm, a vtgmU hbrarum, vtfihusDmtmno/tnKegts, applkandarum. ^ gy. Anenc 14 K m G J A M E S T H E FIRST Sf. Anent Hoftellaries. item, Eedem die Rex mmdavit univerfaliter omnibus Burgenfditts de regno , quod fmant fieri HofieU laria Ceu bofbitia public a in Burns, honefta & competentia more aliornm regnorum , adrectpendtmomna isfinguhs hojpites, tarn pedeftres , quam equeftres per regnum laborantes. , Jiib pwna Juper hoc m atto ‘Farhamenti confiituta. 8(5. Of downe-puttiiig of Deakones of Craftes. Die Veneris, videlicet mdeeitmmeufis jnpradiBi , quia ordinatkms fait iS in Farliamentis pr^ee- dentihus , fiiper artificum ‘Decanis in Burgis Regni , teudebant ad mxam & cammsme totm regm dtf feiidium , Rex ex trium Regni flattmm deliberatione , ipjas or dinat tones revocavit , ® illas totaliter anml- lavit, inhibendo de cetera , ne talesHecmi in aliquikis Regni Burgis, inter artifices eligantur , necetmm alias ekBi, ulterins exerceant ojpcia Uecanmmi, necfaciaHtfiascongregatimiescmJuetas, quacm- Ppirationes fapere priefimuntur. 87. The forme of Proces, and the paineofdie Judge not kdpaiid die famin. T T E M , Eodem die adparcendum expetifis ® vexatimihus pauperum in curiajpirituali htigantium, & ad ^ hreviandumlites , proexpedientifuitordimtumincaufiscivilibus^proPhanis , mod adinpautiamlaici aBoris, ClericusreHsciteturperfuumordinarium, vel ejusefficialemaicertumdiem peremptorie, appo- nendocaujam in citatione , propter quam retu citatur ad ctmparendum fiilket , rejpmifiirusfimpmna excm- wtmicationis-: ^mdk adveniente, reushabet litemcmtefiari. ^odfi reasfateturpetitim,mmeaturad filvendum infra quindecim dies , jub pmna excammunkationis : fiver 0 demegetfetitum , aJfigneMr terminus aBori , ad producendum omnes Juasprobationes peremptorie,juxta arbitrium Judkis : ^0 die advenknte, & receptis liujitfimdiprobationibus, eijfignetur terminus reo ad producendum omnes fuas exceptknes & defett- fiones peremptorie , juxta arbitrium Judkis : adveniente receptijque exceptimibrn & defenfionihu ; afiigHetiirterminusadcBududeiidum&adJententmmdiffinitivam profereniam, fi liqueat: fic qmd infra quadragmta dies , a tempore executa citatimiis feuteHtiaferatur,a qua nulla parsfrivok appdlefrtec Judex tales appeUationes admit tat. Et fi Judex infra quadragmta dies , propter iefeBum vel negligentiam nmfe- ceritcomplementumjujfitia, velfrivolas exceptiones admittat , ® de hoc coram Jm erdinario cmiviBus fuerit, fit ipfe debitor principalis' parti cmquerenti. Et quodifiudfiat'MtUr de prcjenti authoritate Con- cilii Trovincialis. 88. Of the eleftion of the Overf-inan in arbitrie. ITEM, Or dinat urn efifitper omnibus tSfinguliscaufis, infra Regmm, HunependeHtibusfiibcmpromifib, ^fi inter Clerkos arbitri fiut eleBi in pari numero , per diocefanum Epifispum, ae amcilmfiii capktdt, dijpar perfina , partibus non JuJpeBa , eligatur. Si vero inter Barones vel mmfcunque alios lakes, extra hurgum commorantes, tunc eligatur dijpar perfmm neutri partium JiiJpeBa per Vkecmitem, infra aijus balliampar- tes comprmittcMes tommorantur , de Concilio tamen Baromm, qms Vtcecames tile commode pro tempore ha¬ bere foterit, neutri partium JitJpeBorum. Si autem inter Burgenjes , feu alios habitantes infra burgos ar¬ bitri fmt eleBi , tunc di/par perfmia mi fiiJpeBa,per Frapofitum © Gmxilmm Burgt , infra quempartesfn- hahitant , eligatitr. %lAd negotia vero caufas & Ikes futuras per arbitria terminandas , arbitri de c/etero in dijpari numero ® non in pari eligantur. Arbitria autem aliterinita^faBa , ntdlius Jint I'oboris vel mmetiti. 89. That the caufe of ali Merchandes, deade out-witli the Reaime, be decided widiin. TTEM, Eodem die Rex, ex deliberatione trium fiattmmhiF arliamentocmgr egatorum, iecreont , qmd caufe omnium Mercaterum & incolartmregni Scotia in Zelandia, Flandria,w/<^&i extra regmm deoeden- tium , quifi canfamercandifarumfiiarum, peregrinatimis , velaliquaquacsmqtie caufa ( miMModocauJa non mar midi extra Regnum Jfe tranfiulerunt , debent traBari coram fiusordinariis infra regmm , a quihus fuateftamentacmifimmntur , non ohftmte quod quadam ex bonis hujufmodi iecedentium, tempore Jiu obi- ttts fiienmt in Anglia, vel iu partibus tranjmarinis. 90. The manflqyer Juld be perfewed , until he be pit foarth of the Reaime , orbrocbt againe to the place of the Jlaucbter. IN The firft , qiihair oiiie man beis flaine within die Reahne , alfweil witliiii Regalitie as widiiii Royaltie : and in Burrowes as to land , diat incontinent witliout delay , als faft as die Scliiteffe beis certified diereof , oudier be die partie , or be onie udieris ; he fall palle and perfew die flayers ane or maa , and raife die Kingis borne on diem , and raife incontinent the Counttie in his fupporte , quhill he be over-tane. And eif he may be ovet-tane, he fall be put in Acker fafteiiance, quhill the- Law be done on him-. And that fall be done witliiii SEXT PARLIAMENT. Firft of March. 14x6. within fourtie daies at the fartheft : and be it reid hand , it fall be done witliin tliat fun. And gif he efcape outoftltatSchirefTedomeun-arreifted, the ScliirefFe fall write or fend aneofhisofficiarestotheSchirelTe ofAatiiixtSdiitefFedome, andcertifiehimoffikmen, that lies done fikfellorueagainft the King, and at fugitive fra tlie Law , and then fall that Scliireffe perfew him or them out throuch his Schireffedome', in the famin maner, as the otlier did before , without delay. And fwa foortli fra SchirefFe to Schireffe , qulijil he beovet-tane, orputoutoftheRealrae. And gifhehappeniscoflieinRegalitie, outoftheRoyakie, the Schireffe fall certine the Lord of Regalicie , or his Stewart or Baillie , the quhilk fall perfew the trefpaffour in like maner as the Schireffe , as is forefaid. And quhair ever he happenis to be takin , that Schireffe, Stewart or Billie of the Regalitie, faU fend him to the Scliiieffe or liis Baillie of the nixt Schireffedome , die quhilk fill receive him, and fend him to the nixt Scliireffe, and fwa foordi fra Scliireffe to Schireffe , quhilTliebepuc to die Schireffe of the Schire , quliair the deede was done, and diere fall the Law be miniftred to the partie, as is forefaid : And gif it be fore-dioucht fellonie , he fail die therefore. 91. He quha is fugitive for fkuchter , fuld be ofenlie proclaimed , and his receiptersptmijhed. And Gif it happenis die man higitive to efcape throw divetfeSchiteffedomes, thatSchirefieotSchi- reffes, that he lies efcaped&a, fall pafle to the cliiefe Burgh of his Scliireffedome, and there gar cry openlieandproclaime, that fik a man hes done to die King fik a fellonie and trefpafleagainft his Majellie, and is fugitive fra the Law; and there forbid that na man lioufe nor hetberieliini, receipt him, orgiveliim fupportorhelpeinonicdegtee, under the paiiie of life and gudes. qx. Of jbuchter in the BarronnieJ ITEM, GifamaiibeflameintheBatronnie , die Barronne or his Officiates fall atreift him, and gif he be infeft with fik freedome , he fall do the Law, as is before faid, or elfe ptefent liim to the Schireffe or his Minifters: andefcaipeheun-arreiftedoutoftheBarronnie, and afterward itmay beknawinbeaneaffife, before the Juftice or the SchirelFe, that the Barronne miclit have atteifted him, andoutherforlleuthor favour let him pafle u narreifted: The Barton ne fall pay to the King twenty pundes. And he efcaipe in die de¬ fault of die Barronne, Serjant, or Baillie of the Barrormie, they beand requited or warned, iftlieybenot of power to pay twentie poundes , they faE temaine ifi the Kingis pnfon , quhiU diey over-take die Kingis will thereupon. 95. Of fkuchter in Burgh.' ITEM, In like maner fail the Officiates of the Burgh doe, gifonie man be flainewidiin Burgh, they fall take him gif he may be over-tane , and put in furetie , quhill the Judge may be warned, that lies power to do the Law, and gif die Aldermen and Baillies hes na power to do die Law, there the Judge havand power fall receive the trcfpaflbute , and minifter the Law widiin the time forefaid. 94. Of Jlamhter in Regalitie , and officiars thereof. ITEM, Itisftamte, that gifony Schireffe or Minifter olRegalide, that minifteris not die I^w , as is beforefaid. andthatmaybeover-takenonhim, outlier be an affife before die King or his Juftice, or be wimeffiog of gud, worthy & trew men,that is to fay, three or foure or five or niaa,he fallbe in the Kingis prifon fourtie daies , and to pay the King fourtie poundes , and die ctoy to die natreft of die kin of the flame man. 9 y . Of the Lord ef Regalitie , and (JMagtftrates within Burgh negligent in their offices. ITEM, Itisftamte, riiatgifthe Lord ofRegalitie be warned, andexecutisnotdiel^w, norgartishis Officiars execute it, as is before faid, he fall be in like paine to die King, as is die Schireffe. And gif the Minifter ofthe Regalitie faiUis ill the execution, as is before faid, he fall ne puniflicd be the Lord of Rega¬ litie , in maner as the Schireffe fall be puniftied be die King. And richtfwa Aldermen and B^ies in Burgh, fell be puniftied be die Kingis Juftice , gif diey failzie in die execution of the Law, as is forefaid. 96. Of inquifition of fore-thought-fellonie , tobetakenbeanaffiji. ITEM, Itisftamte, that gifonie man batgaiiis outlier in burgh or land, quhidderthatthepattieplem- zieornot, that the officiates, that is to fay , Alderman, Baillies, or the Setjandes intheabfenceotdie Baillies, fall arreiftbaidi the parties, and diat famin day, gif it be before the Sun goedoune, and na halie- daie, fall give them die knawiedge of aiie affife, quhidderitbefore-thouglit-fellonieotluddamelie one. And gif it be fuddainelie done , demaine them as the Law treads of before , and gif it be fore-thoucht-lelloiM, Ids bodie to be put in prifon, quhill he amend to die partie, bethefightofleaiandtrewmenbeforetlieSchi- reffe, gifitbeRoyaltie; and richtfwa before die Lord or his Baillies in the Regal^iti^ md before Alderman and BaUlies in Burgh , he fall gatre amendis bee maid after die quantitie of die trefpafle done to the pame , an demained fyne as Law will. „ rtf ■' D X 97' Of king j a m e s the FIRST 97- Of the Ft^imre in fare-thought-feilmiie , fi-aburghtolande. Be The advifeofriiehaill Parliament & be called fote-thoucht-fellonie liament , it is ftattite & ordained , gif fik bargane happenis to be in Burgh , )nie, & the deed-doar efchaip un-arreifted fra die Alderman and Officiates d fote-thoucht-leuome, « me uccu-uoai . - - rftheTowne, and flies the Law, but delaie die Alderman or BaiUiesfaU wntc to the Schireffe ordie Offi¬ ciates to die Regalirie quhair he happenis to be receipt , & cerafie diem of his mifdeede , and tha he is fiigi- ■ rive fra die Law and then faU they petfew him as a fugitive , and fend him againe quhair the deed was done, and to abyde die Law but delay , after as he lies maid default. 98. Injurieerptuchterdonebehim, quhais friend to affitredferfines. tTFM Itisftawte, that quhair twopardes difcordis, and after are put under Burrowes, Ukaneaffiited T of uthe’ts andtheitputch*, after tLtanieofdieirfriendes thinks, that riiocht the pnnapalpames he affu S heeisnocXed, cummis and outlier hurris ordefoulistheparae diatis cantr^tohis fnend MS?Mdgifheflayis,hefaUdiedierefore, andtyneallliisgudes, asefcheittetotheKing, andgifhe Oor'drfoull widi Monie affailzieand widi edgeorvre liefaUremamemprd-onbutrcmeid. quinll ajJaAbemaidtotheparde, andamendistodieKing, ortodieLord, Aatitbelangisto.aseffeins. 99. FheCmmtriemennocht ajfiftandthe Schireffejuldbepinijhed. TTEM Gifit happenis die SchirefFe, to perfewfugitoures with die Kindis home, asisforefaid, ^dthe Icouiitrictifenotinhisfupport, they, all, orpatte, heatand the Kingis norne , orbeandwimiedbethe Maires and followis not the out-horne, and that be over-tane upon them be ane affile belore the Scliiteffe, ilk Gentle-man fall paye to the King unforgiven fourtieftiiiiiiiges, andilkzeamantwentie fhillinges. 100. That (Maires and Serjands have wandes and Homes. TTEM FraAinefoordi, it is ftatute and ordained, that ilk Officiat of Ae Kingis, as Maire, or Kingis Iserjand, andBartonneSerjand, faUnotpaffeindieComitrie, nor Barronne Setjand itiAcBattonme, but ane home and his wand, and that fall be in this manet. , r, r THE Kinais Official as is forefaid, fall have an home, and lik ane a read wandeofdiree quartets oi ane zairde Ians at die leafte , and die Official of die Regalitie ane Wand of the famin lengA , tldane end reade, tldothet ende quhite , and ane home quhair he paffis widiin the Regalitie. The Barronne Serjand Me home and a quhite wand of ane elne lang , the Serjand of the Burgh ane reade wand ^anerHe , hke die Kingis Of- ficiat, and als oft as hee beis fcun*n wiAout his wand in die Burgh, hee fall, paie audit Whnges un-forgiven totheKinee: and there-attoure to abide challeneed beforedie Chalmetlame. And gif the Kings Serjand hes not home and wand, as is forefaid, he fall be challenged before die Sciiireffc at die heade Courtes And gif hebe convift, he fall paie fouttieihillinges to the King. And nchtfwa the Serjand of Ae RegahueMbe chaUenged at tliree heade Courtes before die Lorde of the Regalirie. And gif he be convia he faB paie tdl his Lorde fouroe fhillinges. And gif the Batronne Serjand defaultes , he fall be puniihed after the unlaw of die Bjrronne Courte. And that ilk Serjand be dius putwayed be xy. daies nixt after White-firndaseaiU to cum. N I N SEVENTH TARLI AMENT. Fir ji of (March. 1417. 17 IN PARLIAMENTO SEPTIMO Vel CONCILIO GENERALI lUuftriflimi Prindpis Domini JACOBI, Dei Gratia Regis SCOTIvE, tento apud PERTH, primo die Menfis Martii , Anno Domini Millefimo Qiiadringentefimo vicefimo feptimo: Et Regni Homini Regis vicejimo tertio, cum cminuatione dierimtstemparum, fimmonitis^vecatismoredehitotSfdito, Efifeofis, (Abbatibus, Trioribus, Comitibus, BarowibusM Etbere-tenentihus , cpii de T3omimtwjiroregeteimtmcafiteMdeciuolibet Burgocertis BurgenJIbus , emfarentihus omnibus Hits fudebuerunt, voluertmt , IS fotuermt com- mode interefe,qmbufdamveroabfentibus, quorum alujui legitime excujdtifuerunt , alfts fecmitumacl- ter abfentantihus , quorum nomina fatent in Rotulis fedarum, quorum quilibet adjudicalusfuit in amerciamento decern lihrarum , ob Jitam contumaciam. 1 01. Of them, that lies Merchandice out of die Realme uncuftomed, IE Veneris, quinto menfis Martii fupradiSii : The King widi confent of the diree Eftaites, llatute and ordained , that diey that lies out of the Realms merchandice , not payand the cuftome , oudier gold or diver, gif diey be prelent orconvift, orgiftheybeoutofdieCountrie, gif the King lies cleare document thereof, that without onie dooms diey be banillied, and uther paines maid againll them, ftandand nevertheles in dieir force, out-takand them diatisinhoftage for the King in England, forquhais collage how it fall be maid, the King M ordaine the maner. i.ox. That finallBarroHnes andfree-halders needis not to come to Tarliamentes. ITEM, The King with confent of die haillCouncel, Genetallie lies llatute and ordained, that the fmall Barronnes and free-tennentes neid not to cum to Parliaments not General Councels , fwa that of ilk Schi- tefdome their be fend, chofen at the head Court of the Schirefdome, twa or niaa wife men, after die largenes of the Schirefdome , out-tane the Schirefdomes oiClakmaunau and Kinrojfe , of the quhilkis ane be fende of ilk ane of diem, die quhilk fall be called Commillares of the Schire, and be thirCommilTatesofallthe Schires fall be chofen ane wife man and expert, called the commoun Speaker of die Parliament , the quhilk fall propone all and findrie needis and caufes, petteining to die commounes in die Pathament or General Councel.the quhilkis Commiffares fall have full and haill power of all die laif of the iS’chirefFedome, under the witnelfuig of the Jehireffis feale, with die feales of diverfe Barronnes of the jehire , to heare , treate , and fi- nallie to itetermine all caufes to be proponed in Councel or Parliament: The quhilkis Commillares and d’peakers, fall have coftageofthemofilk Schire, that awe compeirance in Parliament or Councel, and of tlieir rents , illc pound falfbe utheris fallow to the contribution of the faid codes. All Billioppes, Abbottes, Priors, Dukes, Erles, Lordes of Parliament , and Ban-rentes, die quliilkis the Kir^ will be received and o. Anent theferfimes that faille haill harnijhed and weiUhorfid. E The advife of the haill Parliament it is ftatute and ordained , that illc man that may difpcnd zeirlic twendepund, or an liundtethpund in movable gudes, that lie be weillhorfed, and haill harniflicd, as Gende- NINTH PARLIAMENT. VI.ofCMarch. 1419, 1 X I . KAnent the gratheing of Zeamen fir weire. ITEM, That ilk Zeaman that is oftwentie pound mgades have a gud doublet of fenfe, or ane habir- geon, anironhat, witlibow, fchaif, fword, buckler, andknife, andtheZeaman, dial is na archer, norcatuiotiaw a bow, fall have a gude fuit Hat for his head, and a doublet of fenfe, with fworde and bucUet, and a gude axe, orelfeabro^gedftafFe. That ever ‘■ilk Barrwine within himfelfe oriaine his men ts be gg'aithed , as is before written. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, diat ilk Barroniie widiin liimfelfe fall fee and ordaine liis men to be bodin, 'as is Wore written, AndgifliedoisnottliisbetuixtriiisandAfortise-wM, the Schireffe fall raife ofilkZeamatitiiennotboin.asisforefaid, aweddet: and of like Gentleman, twawedders, fa diat they be warned of fourtie dales warning at the firft time ; and atthe nixt time of fifteene dales warning, of ilk Zearnah ndtbodin, twawedders, and ofilk Gentleman four wedders: and at the riirid time of fifteene dales warn¬ ing of tlic Zeaman three wedders , and of ilk Gentleman a Maitt , and fwa futth fra fifteene daies to fifteene; qmiill they be atiis lauchfully bodin , as effeiris. 1x5. Ofilk 'burgejfe ntan havand fiftie fundes in gudes. IT E M It is ordained , that ilk Burges havand fiftie poundes fn gudes fall be hail! anatmed; as a Gentle¬ man aacht to be And die Zeaman of iawer degree , and BuigefleS of twentie pundes in eudsM be bodilt widihat, doublet, othabirgeon; fword and buckler , bow-, Ichaif, andknife: And riiatheetliatisna bow-man liave a sude axe and fore weapons, ^isforefaid: And that the Baillies faU raife the pains hereof inBurah ’eifitbeisnotkeeped: tliatistofay , of ilk harniihed man four IMHngesatthefitft, auchtfliil- iinaesatthenixt-, amarkeattliediriddaie, ayfoorthquhillhebcweiUanarmed: And ofilk Zeaman twa fl-iiiingf-s at the firft, foure fliillinges at die nixt; and audit Mlinges at dietluid, and fwa foorth; qidiilifte be weiM aiiarmed. Anent Jhiffes that breaBs in this ^ealme. 1 1 y. That Advocates and FoYe-ffeithres in temfaral Courts fall fiueare. Throw the confent of the haill Parliament it is ftatute and ordained, that Advocates and Fore- fpeakers in Temporal Courtes, and aifwa the f)arties that they pleade for, giftheybeptefenti mail caufes that tiiey pleade , in the b^inning or he be heard in the caufe , he fall fweare , that the he tro wis is gud and kill, that he fall pleade. And gifdie principal pattie be abfent; the Advocate fall fweare in me faule of him , after as is conteined in thit meters: Mud jurttur , quod Hs (tii juftd Vdttuu Et fi qu£rttur vernm * non infidetur. Nil promiUetut , ntc frlfa prohtttio detfin Vt lis tardetur , dilatio mild petetur, 1x6. ^arrmnesandLordes havand Irntdes m the IVejl Sea, and m the North, fitld have Galqyes. TT E M , It is ftatute and ordained , tliat all Barroniies and Lordes havand lands and Lord-lhippes neir the; /* _ TJT’.t.ii j J Tlffs. tlist tlicv hdiVC Galaves i rhat is W .. iatiae ane aire. z\nu uidt uus wua va vaxv..* , ^ of Galaves. For they that are fcft before fall keepe and uphalde the Galayes, tliat they a,,. - iT J, " Tf ■; halden to fufteine be tlieir aulde infeftment And thatthefaids Galayes bee mad andreparte e ® cum a twelfc-moneth, under die paineofanemarketoberaifedto*eKingisufeofiIkair. Andthelandes and Lotd-fehippes, quhat ever tliey be , fttikand endlang^the coaft fyde, and inward in the land , fex mile fall :c to the repararionandme&ftentationofdiefSd^ Galayes. contribute 1 king Yn m e s the F I r ^ ¥ I^7. of the Mture ofths brkfe bf iiique'tft undfaifmg. jLthebnrfeoffaifing. diatis ^ ^ thatitbectyedon diatltbeferyedmconnnem^^ the Ming ffl be given, aid tiie {burdedaibsafterth^tcallfe,’ ratktdiebreakerbeinfaifmgofbeiete. iz8. AUferfms remamand in England, without theKingis ka-ve, cmmittistreafmi. ITEM itisilatute, that gifonieoMeKingis lieges paffis in £»^W, and tefidis and remaims there, ■‘•againft die Kings wiU, hefallbehaldenasttaitouretotheKing. 1%^. (f fovertie asked be mie fartie of utbers. lies ony doubt of dje life , outhet be T T" E M ; it is ftWte and ord^^,, X^atgif onie I deedormantiance^ or violent prefumpnpn am iadiat die partie plantifemakpraif of the deed , or till liimbeliisaitli, orudiecluffictentpruife,, andthe - he fall be in fourtie pund to the King , and aflyith die partie. lie VlUlCJflt pipUIll^LlUU IUKUU UUilliC : that effeiris till his office in that cafe, 130. Free -haliers or their Attorney es fuld he frejent at the Schtreffes head Cowries. . . . . , , T T E M , It is flatute and ordaiijed , upon die Ifcrvine of indueifteS and Retoiif es agaiAe to die l&gis Chap- I pel tl4t all Free-halders dwelland \vidiin ony Schireffedoincs ; corhpeir at Hie hrad Cdurtes , in. their Soper’perfoneswidithcirfeMes.:. Botgifithappenthemtobeabfentnponatearonabfecaufe. Andgif ome b'eabfentin diatcafc,,diathefcndeforliima§fficiehtG-entle-man, iiis Attorney , with the. leale of Ins Armes and ftva in Jehireffe-epurtes fet upon fiftdenedaies wafnii%:. Alid gif si: hippenis thattai Goan ife walk , and not fnfficient in die Ky al witlnn die fcliiref^ome , the Gendfes of die Regalities fall compeir if die warning of die Jehiteffe , without prejudice of die Reealitie, and enforce the court. And they dtic ancht compeitance, andcompeirisnot, fall be inane unlaw oldie Court. j 3 1 . Salmmd fjhing is forbidden except in iSblway and Tweede. T T E M It is brdaih’ed ; that fhe ftamte 6f fifhing of Sadmoid , ihscdbe the King diat iS , Ae Ar& '■ ’ - — I,- <-4 4 /*.J .-1.: 1-:ll - — *-'-J 1.L JL.,. j»^3 T T E M , It is ordained i that the itamte ot nimng ot ^almond , masd be the ssing that tpwiSj ma m 1 Eftaites, beflrnlfcBekeepted, ayfdotdl, qijliiUitbefevdi'ed be di^ King dtc_thfte feftidtes.'of die Parliament , out-takafid Ae waters bl Solway daiTweede , quHlkis faube rfeddieto ^ tiaiiej of the zeir , ' als lang as Berwick and Roxburgh at in die Englijh mennis handcs. N THE tENfti TJ^EitAMENt. FH-ft »3 T H i -F S N ¥ H A R L I A M B N T O F iilNG jAMfeSr T H -E F I K S T. HaMen at Pitixi the fifteenth tf Q&hber, 1431.' I }x. ^Aneut the fitting of Sahmmd out of the Realm. HE , and the Parliament hcs. fctute and ordained, thatnaSalmondbc failid, fife? dri^ mari Ht^hesif dut'<)flhdRcJfi)i>$,> ^SaB^&i/h inbpef aanfcriiti, gbld ; St mst Bi A^sltie Mfe" , an» w fiK g«dd pehffid^WriKe fcf ffid otHsEC MC f i j; mt m m^rofthe kMm nAghM Mha^^h idMes , ihbi filltlif^&inMe. not Biw fti the erdwne na lartdfe , , not annaiy that fcftaJ the Ctowfle *e dece^ dfo^ Baftaitdes And therefore the ^ and the infoftments inaidtiB AB aM KER of tJie lahdes t>fZutlmm was of nasie availe. finis. THE ELLEVENTH PARLIAMEKT o F king JAMES THE FIRST, Halden at Smviliiig, the ficend dak of ^March. 1433. 1 34. r!)ctirat6re7).GeotgiideD\mbxmilitis, ret ® deft 1 3 y. Of the forefaiiltour of the ErMome of March. T E M , 2)if Martts , videlicet tindecimo die Menjis & amit pradiliorim, inprie- diBoTarliaenento frafatietecellentiffimiTrincipis, tento-apndV&da, utjitfira, fuferjure iamProprietatis quam pojfefftonis mmium ® finpuarum t err arum Comk toftw iff Marche, CS2)(W»i»»Vf Djjmbar, Trsctirataribits IS prakct^oribusdiffi \csc:ellentiffimiFrmcifis IS Homini' mftri Alieru ab una frqfequtntis ^ necmi udpknum cmfideratis ® Vdifcujfs, dmjqm T)mn. Georgid (Siyas'prabcuisre remotis psftearevecatisS \reintratis,fertres.fiatus RegnimdiBoFm-liamenUp'efentes & exifteutes, dili- gentiexammatimeiSmaturadeliberatmneprahabitis , CBmtorditer fait decretum, ■ M per os 'DstnA'Dsm^fcasJudkat^is Tjirliamenti fententialiter judkaitm, qusd ratime forisfa&uree Timn. Georgii de Durnbar quondam Comitis Marchia ® Dom. de Dumbat mne jus tarn prop-ietatk 'quant foffeffimismnkmSfingttlarumterrarum cemitatus Marchis, © ‘Dminii de Dumbar, alianim- gue terror dm qum de diBo Tdm . mftro Rege terhiit in caf'tte , am omnibus ® fhiguUs fuis pertinentiisfuiffe, Jpekajfe & pertinuiffe, ac ejfe, [peEtare ® pertmere debere, tarn in pqfefirk, quam in petitmo ad “ ’ I noftrum Regem fipradiaum. i;6. of letters of lidelitie promitted to oM'Iadie the Queene. JTEM, Eodem die Menjis IS ami JtipradiBmm , mnes Domini de Tarliamento , tarn ^cle- (uhfici, quamSaculares , ac etiam Burgarum Cmmiffarii, prmijermt dare liter as fims retinentite fidelitatu Demina mjlra Regina. FINIS. THE THRITEENTH TjIRLIAMENT. II. of Olfober. 1456. THE THRITEENTH parliament Or GENERALL COVNCELL of king JAMES THE FIRST, IJaUen at Edinburgh , the twentie twa date of OBober , the sseir of God , ane thoufand, fottre hundretb , thirtk fix zAres. 137. Of Thieeft-bute. TEM, It is flanite and ordained be die King, with confent of tire three Eflaites, that noutlierLordofRegalirie, SchirefTe , Barronne , norudieris, felloniethicfe, or fine widi him of thieftaome done , nor to be done , under the paine to die Lords of die Regalitie, doandthecontrarie, oftinfell of the Regalities, and Batronncs, Juftkes and Schireffes oflife and gudes. Saifand that this ftatutefall not ftrike to Bordouters dwelling on the Marches , but for thieft to be done, after die making of diis ftatute. And mis ftatute induring the Kingis will. 138. T hat ajfifors fiild jweare. Item, it is ftatute and-ordained, that all Judges fall garre die affifouresfwear in the making of their aith, qulienthey are charged toaflifes, diatdieynoudierliavetane, not fall take meede not buddes of cnypatne; And gif oniefik be given, orliecht: or onie prayer maid before the giving out of the declara¬ tion and determination of the afluoures; diefaid aflifoures fall openly teveale die bu&s, gifts ot prayers, and die quantitie and maner diereof to die Judge in plaine Court. 1-39. Of arreijlment to be made be the Crowner. ITEM, It is ordained, that all Crownets fall arreift at all time, aMweill before the crie of die Aire, as after, il them diat fail be given to him in pottuous bee the Juftice Clerke, and nane udietis. 140. Trefiaffmires may he accufid at the Kingis infiaMe allanerly. ITEM, It is ordained, that aUMaires and Serjandes arreift at die Schireffis bidding, albeit that napartie follower be , all ttefpaffiiures : and diat the faid Scliireffe follow die faids trefpalToures in die Kings name, gif na pattie follower appeatis. 141. t_AJfurance with Englilh-men is treafin. TEM, Itisordained, that na man be allured of nor take proteflions of them fotlandcs or gudes, bot aUanetly die Wardens, quhiikis fall have leave given by die King, under the paine of tteafon. I4^. Juftice fiild be done ufm thieves in all hafte. ITEM, It is ordained for mairftaiiching of thieft and trefpafle, diat luppofe a diiefebydetwaSunnes, direeorfoure , or maa, after lie be attached, he fall not have fteedome to abide fouttiedayes, but he fall be judged als fooiie , as a courte may be fet therefore. 143. Of in-bringing of Bulzeon. Item, itisordained, diat ofilkfack of wool!, diat fall pafle out of tof/We, and dietortirMer- chande gif he failis therewith, ortliedVoWirMerchandediatfellesittofttangets, fallfindefidterfo^t- tie to the Cuftomers of the Fortes, quliaittheSchippesfaillis, tobringhameiiidfortoii/etotheMailter of the Kingis cuinzie , diree ounce of Bulzeon, and of a laft of hydes as meikle,asof thethreelacksoi wool}. Andoffiveff«i»^»rv/6batre!lesalfmeikle, asofafackofwooll. And of udier gudes, diat awe na cuftome, or awe cuftome, after the ftauclit of the Setplaidi : that is to fay, it that payis a Serpladi m fall bring three ounce of Builzeonhame, under die paine of tinfel of aluneikleBuilzeon, asmeyluldbrmg hame to be applyed to the King. And the cuftomers of ilk Burgh fall write all maner of gudes , diac enters to fchip-buirU for die fearching of knawkdge heirof I ^6 K G JAMES THE FIRST 144. That nane be fmnd'm in Tavemes after ninehoures> ITEM, It is ordained , that na man in Burgh be foundin in T avernes of wine, aill or beir, after die ftraike ofnine houres , and the bell, that lall be rung in, in die faid Burgh. Thequliilkisfoundeii.dieAlderraaft and Baillies fall put diem in the Kingisprifon: Thequliilkgifdieyaonot, they fall pay for ilk dme , that diey be foundin culpabiU before the Chalmetlane fyftie fchillinges. i4y. Eyeing and felling guds. ITEM, It is ordained, that na man tinder the paine of efcheit bye ony claithoruthergudes, m'Saaxh^KmnkoiScotlandfa'S.ngliJh-nmt, orwidiout. And diat 11a 'E.nglijh-mati havand conduft, bring in and felf or change onie ^nglijh gudes, bot gif thay gudes be Ipecified, and leave given in his fafe con¬ duft, faifand in payment of ranfome of 'S.nglijh-meti. 146. Tmtching the filling of Salmond till Englifli-men. ITEM, Itisordained, that fell to orinE»?fe«‘ ■"‘■•'*y'''"’ , 'i: . Ts’^i " hrr O V- . ■■ - . •.»'•'!'• ' . .- , '.V.-A5.'. 'J •■. '• ^ 'k ■ i Tt^sih-'.'I'ila*^' '■ ‘ '■ ' ’■' :' ' ' .•« .•■ t ■. • -y •..•.■'.M ■»>_» ^ . iv 1. . '.^4 .r ^ - .t»v; , TS^ 'r'i; •i4-- Ni' •> X ■irvxM" :;X ' :^''V'i v^, ••>■ W.^. r ' m . 1 3.i./!r* ?j ■_- ^ ,-rVtiI's'l A^^,LXA\ ■■'.{■'<■. A. i ft. ■•♦v" ■jJ'jifcMi'l 'w ,t ■ .1 h ’-T ’>, . X‘|V 1 ',. , ».T ■. V v<«,='Vi3; . ■■■!■' 1 ‘ !,...c'. I. •••::.' ■ . . & ? K • ’ I ^ ■:-j: 5 '®' ^ «■. .7 IL THE FIRST p A R L I AMENT OF. KING JAMES THE SECOND, Ji'- ..'Sj&vhuxghtlx XX. Tiayof CMarcb, The Zeir of.God, iAnetlmtfand,fcurehmidrith, threfiw fevmzems: lyind of his Reigne M Jirft sxn-. Of the Coronation of out Soveraine Lord. TO T)ie comfarentibus trihis Regni . amncs Comites , Nobtks, (S Barones, EDINBURGH, - - - — — . . .-.'e-tenentes diBi Regni , "venientes ad caftrum zeites. And gif it happenis ony fik ahenationes to be maid in prejudice or lulidring of rite Crowne, dtat it be of na value, force nor efleft. THE i 3° KING JAMES T HE SECOND H O N D PARLIAMENT Or COVNCELL, of KING JAMES THE SECOND, «*• «' <*' 3 iMiieiif Rebelkures andurtreafimbk men . being receipt and balden within Cajlelks. TEM, It is ftatute and ordained, diac quhair thereisony rebcllouresorunrule-ful men witliin Caftelles or fortalices halden or receipt, or quhair there be ony prefumption violent of rebellion, or fpoilling of the Countrie : it is advifed and ordained, tliattlie Lieu-lennent taife die countrie , and pafle to fik houfes , and arreift their perfones, quhatfumevertheybe, totheLaw, and take fovertie of thay perfones, beingwidiin dray houfes, that die Countrie and all the Kingis lieges be unharmed and unskaithed of die faids houfes , and of diera that inhabitis them , fra thine 'foordi. And gil ome makis difficultie to be arrcifted and finde fovertie , as law will , they fall be ftreinzicd riiereto, N S. THE T H R* I D PARLIAMENT Or COVNCELL GENERALL of king JAMES THE SECOND, Haldeit at Striviling , the fecmid date of the Moneth of Aupift , the zeir of God, ane thmfand foure hundreth , and fmrtie zeires. 4. Kirk-men fidd mt be troubled in their bodies mr gudes. HE Frydaie the fiftdaye of die Moneth, and zeir before written: The haill three Eftaitesnane didentand, lies ordained, that halie Kirke be keiped in freedome, and na-man vexe Kirk-nicn in dieir perfones nor gudes , under all charge, that dicy may in-rin againft; God and our Soveraine Lxirde the Kingis M^eftie. y. Jujlke aires fuld be halden twife in the zeir. ITEM, The famindaye die haill three Eftaites lies ordained, diat the Juftices on the South fide ofdie Sea, fet dieir Jultice aires, and hald them twife in the zeir , and alfwaon die Nordi fide of die Scott is Sea , as auld ufe and cuftomc is. And richtfwa Lordes of Regahties within their Regalities , & alfwa the Kingis Baillies of his Regalities. And diat.’die King himfelfe, quliill Juftice be anis halden in the Realme, be inilkToune, quhair the aite fall be halden , or neir theitby , quhair his Councd thinkis it fpeidfull. 6. Of remeid and funitim of divers crymes. TEM, The three Eftaites lies concluded die faid daie , that our Soveraine Lord the King ride dirow all the Realme incontinent after their be fend word to his Councel , quhair onie rebellion, flauchtcr, burning, teiie. I FOVRTH ‘PARLIAME NT. IV. of November. 1443. 31 mfe. forfeit, otthieft, happenis: and there to call the Schireffe of the Schirequhair the tliingbeis done before him , and or the King depart out of that Schire , to fet remeid of fik harmes done . or gif onie fik fall happen to be done, quliidder the default be in the Officiates, or in the doers , to be puniffiedbetheKing, The quhilkconclufion and ordinance, all tire Bartonnes of commounailent and confent ate obliihed till af- fift, baith with their power in bodies and gudes, alsoftasfallbefeenefpeedeful, be advife oftheCouncel, for the glide and avarle of the Realme , and the commoun profite. THE FOURTH PARLIAMENT Or GENERALL COVNCELL of king JAMES THE SECOND, Halden at Striviling, the fourth dale of November, the zelr of God, am thoufand fours httn- dreth , fourtie tloree zetrs. 7. lylneut troublers of Halie Kirk: and cur fed fer fines. HE Kinge and die three Eftaites lies ftatute and ordained, that dieftatuteof halie Kirk, that is opprefled and hurte , bekeiped, belaweof lialieKirke, and aftes and ftatutes made of before time in Generali Councell and Parliament. And that general procefle be maid in forme , and general cutfing againft all the breakers ofthefaidlreedome, and als againft particular or fmguli perfonesbecenftireof hahe Kirk. And that ilk place aliift tilludiers procefles. And diat na perfones, the I quhilksar notour fouilzieours, diftroublers, or invafouts of halie Kirk, nornane againft quhome the Proccs beis ledofcurfmg: be received in the KingisCaftelle 1 or Palace, or in his prefence, nor admitted to Councell nor Parliament, heard nor anfwered in the law ofjudgementoffee and heritage, oruthetcaufes, botever efehewed as cutfed , unto the time tlis faid perfones cum to amendis , and aflyidi the partie , & obteine abfolution in forme of law. FINIS. T H E F I F T H PARLIAMENT o F KING JAMES THE SECOND, Halden at Edinburgh, the mr of God, ane thoufand, fours hundreth, fmtrtiemne zeires : And of his Reigne the threttenth zeire. 8. The funitim of the jlauchter of Salmond. TEM, It is ordained, diatquha fa beis convidlofflauchterofSalmond in time forbidden be the law , fall pay fourtie IhiUinges , but remiffion die firft time. And the feconde time foure poutides. And at the dirid time he fell tine his office for ever. And alfwa he that garris ftaie or mainteinis the flayer , or is airt or pairt of the deede doing , fall be demained , as the principall doers. And gif onie man be infeft of freedome to filh in forbidden time , fik ftee- dome fall ceafe for feven zeires to cum. Andgifoniedoisintheconttarie,hefallpaiean unJaw before die Juftice, upon the quhilktrefpafle, the Juftice Clcrke fell inquire at the receiving ofdieindiiftnients, as ofutherpoyntesbclangand his office. 32. KING JAMES THE SECOND 9. The Schlreffe fild cmife reftitutm to he maid of mdes JJuilzied and reft: other- '■fijales he hectmmis debtor' therefore. THroueh the confent and adtife pf tlie haill Parliament, it was ordained and decreited, quhaironic open and publicke tiefes and fpoliationes oucher ofKirke gudes , or uthers happems withm the Realme that the partie fpuilzied compleinzie to the Schireffe , in quhat ScUteffedome tliefpudz.ers remaims m and that the gudes ifruUzied ar re^ipt in. And that the ScIiirefTe paiTe to the fpuilziers and receipters of them and the glides fpuilzied, and charge them to reftoreagaine the fpoliation and arreift the fpudzieoures and receipteres of tliem , and the gudes?puilzied, to die Law. And gif die fpuilzieourp or receipters drfobeyis the SchirWe fvva that hee may not compel! them to reftore againe the fpohation , the Schireffe fall blavv out on thcmtotheKingishorneasrebelloures, and pronounce diem as fik rebelloures opcnlie to the Lord Lieu- tcnnent And gif the SchitefFes refufis to doe their office , or be negligent , or partial : then the parne fpuil¬ zied fall compleme to die Kings Lieu-tennent,of the Schireffe, and the Lfeu-tennent M demame the Scliireffe, as the fpuilzeouresfuld have bene demained; and diat fik execution he maid be the Officiates upon them, that agL-ftandis and difobeyis the Kingis Afts & decreetes given under the Kmgis waxe , and decreeted be the Lieu-tennent and die tlirce Eftaites. And gif fik trefpanburcs put to the Kmgis home, make na reftitu- tionaiidfulfillingoftheafts, as is before faid, within fifteenedaies, & findis not loverty tounderlydielaw for rheir difobeyiijg, that fra thine foordi , thay petfones be notourlie cr^d rebelloures to the King be the Of¬ ficiates. And fik men fuld be demained be the aaes of foiirtiedaies, the auldaftiiotagaine-ftanding. And if ony fik trefpafiTours, rievers or fpuilziers , of ony mennis gudes put to die Kingis home , makis not reftitu- tion within die forefaid fouttie daies of the gudes Ipuilzied , and bindis them not to the law , as is before writ¬ ten , they fall not be received be na minifter of the Kings to the Law , quhill before all diings diey have maid full reftitution of the fpoliation. 10. That tlx Officiares and hordes of Regalities fall execute and fulfill this forefaid aH. Item, it is ordained and decreeted, that diis afte fall be execute and fulfilled be die Officiares, and Lordes of the Regalities within die Realme , widi die lielpe and fupphe of the Lord of the Ryall , gif neede be. And gif die Officiares of Regalities fulfillis not this afte , it fall be lauchfuU to the Kiogis Schireffe to fulfill it within Regalities. I N 1 S. H X PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE SECOND, Halden at Edinburgh, the zeir of God , ane thoufand , fottre bundreth, fourtie nine zeires. Of letters of caftion to be given againjt Curfed ferjmes. N The fitft , for die mainteining of the freedome of halie Kirk , It is ordained, that fra the cenfure of halie Kirk be led and ufed upon onie perfon , and it be raaide knawin be the Ordinar, die Kingis letters of caption fall be given, andtheauld Law ufed as ef^itis. And that the Schireffe and udiers officiars execute the Kingis letteres , and put the perfones that the cenfure of haUe Kirk is led upon, in die Kinds waird. And gif die perfones be fugitive , and may not be over-tane be the Schireffe or his Officiares, and diey havelandes and gudes, diay landes fall beanddieit gudes arreifted and ptyfed to die partie, like as forutherdebtatcertainemercat jdayes, as effeiris. And gif the faidis perfones be not over-tane be the faid Offi¬ ciares , and diey have noutliet landes nor gudes, diey fall be put to the Kingis home. And diis aide till indijre till die nixt Parliament. I a. The SEXT TARLIAMENT. XIX. of ^ianuar. 1449. 53 TheTroclamationofgenemllfeace: OfLaw-burrowes; OfMiniJiersofLaw. Item, it is ordained, that genetail peace be proclaimed and keipedout-tlirow all the Realme, tliat all men may travel fiirely & fickerly in merchandice , & utlierwaies in alhplaces throw the land , fwa tliat na lan neede till have alEirance aiie of uther, bot chat tire Kingis peace be affurance till ail men. And quha that oflendis therein, to be punilhed by the King or his Officiates. And that the King make ilk Officiates, tliat an weill & may weill punilli fik ttefpaflbures. And attour , gif ony perfon dreadis ane uther , that he pafle totlieScliireffe, orto die Officiates, that it effeiris to , and make uiat kiiawin . or fweare that he dreadis him and tliey fall take borrowes of peace, after the aftes maid thereupon of before. And thatjuftmenbe maidTuftices, that kennis die Lawe; and that will miniftereaveiilie, alfweillofdiegreatc, asofthefmall. And richtfwa of uther officiates . And gif they be negligent to minifter their office , that diey be punilhed be tlie King- And that die Juftice paffe twife tlirow the countrie in die zeir, after die auld lawes. 13. That nane rebell againfl the Kingis ferfan fwr his autharitie. Item, it is ordained, diat nane rebell againft the Kingis perfon, nor his audiotitie : andquhafamakis fik rebellion, to be punillied after the qiialitie and quaiitttie of fik rebellion, be the advife of the three E- ftaites. And gifithappenis ony widiiii the Realme openly or notoutly to rebell againft theKiiig, orma.kis weitagainfttiie Kingis Lieges againftliis forbidding, in diat cafe the King to gang upon them widiaffiftancc oftlieliaiE landes , and to puniih diem after the quaiititie of the trefpafle. 14. Of them quha feekis revenge for trejfafbures jufttfied. And Attoure, gifithappenis ony man till affift in red, comfort, or counceU or maintenance to them that at juftjfied be die King in liis ptefent Parliament , or fall happen to be juftified in time cummi*, for crimes committee! againft die King, mtlieconttairofdiea(ftmaid: Fra it be notour, or the trefpaftoutbe coiiviift thereof, he fall be punilhed in like maner , as die principal ttefpafloures. I y. Trewes m the Bordoutes , fmlde he keepd be the W ardane. Item, iris ordained, diat the Wardane clioofe fik deputes and officiates under liim, as he will Hand for, fo’rthekeepingandobfervingofdietrewes, fen heelies the charge. And that the King gat affift to him , ia die fupplying of him and liis officiates, gif ony wtlde take on hande to difobey or gaine-ftand. 16. Offunitm ofOfficiares trejpajfand in their office wilfuUie. ITEM, It is ordained, that gif ony Officiarwilfiillytrefpaffismthemimftcation of his office of die Law, tliat beandover-taiie or proved on him, before die King or Ills Councell, he fall lyne his office for an zeir and day at the Kingis will., andaflyiththepattie, as effeiris. 17. The byer qf Landes fold keep the tackes fet before the lying. ITEM, It is ordained, for die fafetie and favour ofthepuir people that laboutis die ground, diatdiey and all ittheris , that lies taken , or fall take landes in time to come fra Lordes , and lies termes and zeires thereof, that fuppofe the Lordes fell or annaly that land or landes : the takers fall remaine widi dieit tackes, unto the ifehew of dicir tetmes, quiiais handes that ever diay landes cum to, forfiklikemaill, as they tooke them for. 18. Tacks ofwedfet Landes, fet within the Juft valtmr, fuld mcht be keifed after the Redemptimi. Bot Quhafatakis, or hes tane landes in wedfet , and fyiie fetts for mailllang time after the land be quite out , for haife maill or neir diereby , diat diay tackes fall not be keeped nor halden, after the quiting out ofthefaid land, bocgifdieybefetfortheverrymaillorneittheirby. 19. The committer of (fuilzk Jidd make rejlitutbu: pay the expenfis , and ane unlaw to the King. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , diatonic man, diatbeislpuilzied, and cummis before die King, and liis CounceU , andcompleinziesoffpoliation, & the fpuilzie may be proved, diete die pMe prefent or fummond lauchftiUie, & not compeirand : or appeirand, jtlie fpuilzie beand proved, die Schireffe of mc Schure fall be commanded be the King to mak him , that is fpuilzied , bee teftored but delaie. And gif the plem- zeour of the fpuilzie have na proofe reddie before die King, the King fall write to die Sdiireffc. athism- ftance, tofethimapereraptourdayoffifteenedaiesattlie fardeft, to die quhUk he faUwame die patties to cum. At die quhilk day quhidder diey cum or not , die fpuilzie beand proved , the Scliireffe faU make Inm. - - K I NG~JA MES THE SECOND _ _ thatiXulzied, but delay to be reftored, as is before faid togiddet with the expenfes, thequliilkistlie partie foUower laucltfullie makis , and the Kiiigis unkw as efferas. ^o, That thejufitce , Chalmerlane , Crowuers , and all uther Officiares ryde mcom- fetent mid number. ITEM, It is ordained , thatjuftices, Chalmerlane, Crownere courfe throw the land , ryde but in competent and eafy number , t people, the quhilk number ofauld time was ftatute and modified, an ingofthetenne pennies, forthewrangcuftomeofthem, tliatfindis zi. Of the away putting of Sornares, feinzkdfmks and vagahomides. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, for the away putting of Sornares, ouer-lyars, and maifterfuilbeggers, with horfe , houiides , or uther guddes , that all ofticiares , baidi Sciiirifies , Barronnes , Aldermen, Baiilies, aKweii within the Burgh, asoutwitli, takeaneinquifitionatilkcourte, that they haMoi die fore- faid things: And gif ony fik be founden , tliat their horfe, houndes, orutliergudesbeefcheittodieKing, and their perfon put in the Kinges waird, quliill die King have faid Ills will to diem. And aluva that the faid .Schireffb, Baiilies, and Officiares inquire at ilk court, gif there be onie , diat makis diem fuiles, and are bairdes, or uthers fik like rinnares about. And gif onie fik be founden, diat diey be put in die Kings waird, or in his irones for their trefpafiis , als lang as they have ony guddes of dieir awin to live upon , and fra diw have not to live upon tliat their earesbe nailed to the trone, or till ane uther tree, and their earecuttedorf and banillied the cuntrie. And gif thereafter they be funden againe , that diey be hanged. iz. Of lyares of •visual , and keiferes- theirof to ane dearth. ITEM, Itisordaiiiedfordieefchewingofdeardi widiin die Land, thatScIiireffes, Baiilies, and uther Officiates, baith to burgh and to land, take and inquire at ilk cource that diey liald, quha^etlbns widiin their houndes byisviftual and haldis it till a dearth. Andgifitbeisfounden, that the Sdiitiffe and officiares makeitknawinatilk mercat croce to the King, quhat perfons tlieyat, and tliat dieybebotasockerrares repute. And that diey be puiiilhed and demained as ockerrates&ldbe. And die viftual that they have, be efclieitted to the King. z 3 . It is lefim to all the Kingts Lieges to bye and fell viBml. Of mild ftackes. s , and uther Officiares , that makis oefchew grievance and hurting of the d that the Crowneres ceafe oftiietak- them reddy borrowes. ALSWA, That naBurgefles nor na uther perfones, that byis ony come or vifkial to fell againe, hald vifhial in Burgh not out-widi, mair then will fufteine him and his meinzietonewcome: under die paine of efclieit of me vi^al to the Kingis ufe , bot diat that viftual be ptefented to metcattes , and fauid as the price gois. And attour , that the Kingis Lieges in all places thtowout the Realme, have power to bye & fell viftual at their liking , baidi on the Nordi halie and South Iialfe of Forth, iik ane ri'il utheris , but onie let¬ ting or impediment. And that na man hald old ftackes in faiszairdiangerdienZa/c, under the paine of efeheit diereof to die King. 2,4. Sundrie ftyntes of treafin. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that gif onie man, as God forbid, committeordotreafonagaffifttiie Kingis perfon , or his Majeftie , or rifts in feite of weir againft him , or layis liandes upon liis perfon yio- lentlie, quhat age die King be of, zoungorauld, or receiptis ony diat hes committed treafon, ordiatfup- pliestheminhelpe, redde or counfell, or diat ftuffis die Ijpufts t?f tiiem that are convift of treafon, and haldis them againft die King, or tliat ftuffis houfesoftheir awin in furdiering of the Kingis rebeiles, ordiat aflailzies Caftelles or places quhair die Kingis perfon fail happen to be, without theeonfentofthetliree Eftaites fall be punifhed as traitouics. zy. That the Regalities being in the Kingts hande, fall be jufiijkd he the Kingis Juftke. ITEM, It is ordained , that all Regalities , that are in the Kingis handes, orfaUbeintimetpxuni, be haldenas Royalty dejuftified be the Kings Juftice, quliill they remaine in the Kingis handes, and the free-halderis of the laid Regalities fall compeir at the Juftice aites,and dieit Suters widiin die Schireffedomes, diat diey are in, and to die Kinges Parliamentes and Generali Councelles , as die free-halders of die Royaltie dois. z6. For efehewing of maifterfull thkft and rcife. ITEM, For efehewing of greate and maifterfull thieft and reife , it is ordained, that the Juftice do law out throw the Realme , andquhairhemay nothald JulHceofmaiftetfullmen, befall verifie andeertifiethe King theirof : dien die King fall provide with his fecteit Councdl in aU haift remeid dieirof . z/. The SEXT TARLIAMENT. XIX. of Jmmar. i 449- ^7. The JnJike Clerk Jidd nocht reveil the dittay : nor alter theRolles. xTEM, It is ordained, that the Juftice Clerke reveil lu mannisaftiontonaperfon, or trandate onia laafe in England in time of weir. T T E M , That na man palTe into England without leave of the King , the W ardane , or of them he gives Xpowerto, inthatpatc, intimeofweit, under the paiiK of treafon, fhat king JAMES THE SECOND yi. That na Englifli-man cum in Scotland without conduSf. TTEM Gif onie Emlijh-man cummis in tlieKintikoffo/afe,t!ieZ,ew, and the Ryder, fall have courfe in this Realme of out money , to the value and equivalence of die courfe that they have in That is to fay, EDWARD with the Rofe , to threttie twa fliillitiges of out money. Itemdieauld EDWARD to foure marks, the ounce of the famin price, as the jRff/ hes courfe. The HENRY Noble to twentiefevenlhillinges, fex pennies. The French Crowne to twelve fliiUinges.fex pennies. The Salute to thtetrine ftiiUinges foure pennies. The Lett; to fifteenelliillinges fex pennies. T ie to twentie route Mhnges. The Bew to twelve fliiUinges. The Lyon with die Crowne , to twelve IhiUinges. Item . the auld Engltjh groate M paireforfexteenepennies. The groate, as the new groate. Tlie new groate of EDWARD ior twelve pennies. The Spurred groate , as the auld Engltjh groate for fexteene pennies. Tne, direepennies. And the new penny richtfvva. The groate of the crowne fall have courfe for four- teene pennies. Item, the lialfe groate feven pennies. The groat of the Fhuf-deluce, audit pennies. And die quhite tote penny and halfe penny to have courfe , as they were wooM to have. And the ftrickmg of the black pennies to be reaH , that diere be nane ftticken in time to cum , under the paine of death. And that ftrait inquifition be taken beallSchiteffesandBailHesofBurtowes, gifonyfikftrykingbemaid , atidthe ftrikets to be brock to the King and punilhed , as is before written, and the brmgers oi fik perfones to be wetU rewarded therefore , as efFeiriS/ 19. The mdner ofdekts and contraHes faying. ITEM, Becaufe our Soveraine Lorde and liis three Eftaites, confidders aiid underftandis, diat his Hienedc and the haill Realme in ilk eftate is greatly hurt and skaidied in the changing and hieing of the cours oi the money, as is before written , baith in debts paying, and conttafts, by-ganeannualles, wed-fettes, and laiidesfetforlangtetmes, cuftomes, and procuracies of Prelates, and all uther debteslefle, then they were ■ FO-VRTH ‘PARLIAMENT. XIL of Janmr. 1467. provided in tliisptefent Parliament, be our Soveraiiie Lorde andhis three Eftaites, that baith the creditour and die debitour, the byer and feller, die borrower and the lender , die Lord and the tennent , Spirimdl & obferved to die defire of the internes of them, chat were in the time of die making of their con- trafts, and payment to be maid in the famin fubftance, diatwas intended the time of the making of the con- caftes , maid before this ptefent Parliament : Swa tliatquhat variation be maid in die Parlianiente of alte¬ ration of die money for the commoun eudofdieRealme, die famin fubftance and value redound to die re¬ ceiver, like as he fuld have had die time of the making of diis a ^9. Of Obligations to he folhnued within fourtie zeir, orelfefrejcrive. ITEM As anent Obligations-, that faM be followed in time cumraing, except them, that ar depeadand in the Law , before the making of this ad : It is advifed , that the pattie to quliome die Obiigatfon is maid that lies intereft therein , fall follow the faid obligation , within the fpace ot fourty zeir^ and take document theteupon. And gil he dois not , itfallbeprefcrived. andbeofnane avade, the laid fourty zict- cs beand runnin , and unperieived be the partie. 3 o. Offeiares within burghs fiild nocht be continued : T he mtld Comfel fiild chufe the new : They twaehoofis the officiares. ITEM touching the eleftion of Officiares in Burrowes, as Aldermen, Baillies, and utliet officiares, be- caufe of great conrenttouzeirly for die chufme of the famin , throw multitude and clamour of commones, fimple peribnes : It is diought expedient, diat na Officiares nor councel be continued after die Kingis Lavves of burrowes, furdierthen anezier. And that the chufing of new Officiares, be in this wife- That is to fay , the auld conned of the toune fall chafe the new councel, in fik number, as accordis to the towiie And the new councel and the auld in the ziet forefaid , fall chufe all Officiares perteining to the rowne: AsAlderman, Baillies, DeaneofGiT/, and utlier officiares. And that ilk Craft fall cliufeapetfonofthe lamin craft , that fal have voit in the faid eleftion of Officiares , lor die time , in likewife zeir by zeir. And attouritis diought expedient, thatna Captaine, nor Conftable of die Kingis Caftelles, quhattownethat evcrtheybein, fall beare office within the faid towne, as to be Alderman, Baiilie, Deane of Gj/i, The- faurar , nor nane uther officiar diat may be cliofen be die toun , fra die time of die nixt chufing foorth. ji. Motaresfidd bemaid hetheKing, andmt bethe Entjerour. ITEM, It is thought expedient, that fen our SovetaineLorde lies foil jurifdiftion, and fee empire witli- inliisRealme, that his liienenefle may make Notates and Tabelliones, quliaisinftmmentesfall havefuli laitii in all caufes and conttaftes civil within the Realme ; And in time to cum, that na Notar be maid, nor to be maid be the Emperours audioritie , have faith in contraftes civil within the Realme , kfie-tiien he be exa¬ mined be die Ordinar, and apptieved be the Kingis hienelle. And that full faith be given to die Papal No- tares in times by-ganc and to cum, in all their inftrumentes. And als that full faith be given to all inflxumeiites given of before be die imperial Ndtares , like as they are of availe. And attour, that the Notates that beis maid be our Soveraine Lorde , be examined before their Ordinates, Biihopes, and have certification ofthetn, that they are of faith, gudfame, fcienceandiawtie, according for die faide office. 3 X . T bat wBoUett claith be met he the Rig. ITEM, to efehmv deceipt and skaith ol out Soveraine Lordis lieges dailie , and at all times fufteined, throw the matting ofwoollen claith be the felvedge: Itis riioucht expedient, that in time cumming, all woollen claith be met be die rig, andiiothethefelvedge. 3 3 . The indarfation of the Kingis letters fuld be fiamjed. ITEM, As touching the indorfmgofthe Kingis brieves and letters, diat fuE faidi may be given diercto: It is feene expedient in this prefent Parliament, that Schireffes , Baillies , or ony uther officiares, outher of lee , or in that part , that cxecuts the IGngs brieves or letters, fet their feais or fignets to them before witnefle, & procure gif they have nane , till all execution and indorfing of the faide brieves and letters : Swa that faith may be given tliereto , and udierwaies their indorfsng till have na faidi. 34. That the extwfiones of the Kingis Lieges be not tane in Faires. ITEM, BecaufethereisabufionfoundininthekeipingofFaires, Parliament rimes, and Generali Coun- celles: That the great Conftables of Caftelles, SchireSes or Baillies of Burrowes, take greateextorfioncs of the Kingis puce Lieges, quhilkis they call their fees , that is not audit to them : Like as of ilk laid of flelli, filli, viiftualles, meiliormalt, orfiklikeburdinges , asfoulcsonmennisbacks, and uther things bptne in mennis handes , to the quhilk they have no reafon : It is feene expedient and llatute in this pre&it Pariia- ment , that all fik thinges be fore-borne in the time to cum , and na fik extorfioiies to be taken of riie Kingis Lieges, underchepaineofpunilhingofdieirperfones, at die Kingis wiE, and to be put fra the execution of their office for ane zeir. 35-. That foynding on 'FlAKstA‘-me.%andTI\\\tTxm.&>y be deleted to the thrid day. on Haly-daies ar forbidden. Faires ITEM, Bccaufeofkeip the poynding for ma diflention , and caufes < I great gaddering quhilks ar greatly broken, and namely, in oftennentes, quhilkis caufes greate upon iolemne daies of Whit-fkndaie and Martine- FIFTH PARLIAMENT. XX. of November. 1469. 59 M irtine-mes ■■ Fortheefchewingoftliequhilk, it is tliought expedient in tliis prefent Parliament , that I ^p^jpoyndingformaillesandannuallcs, in-caftingaiid outcafting of teanentes, bedefettedtothethvid after IVhit-Juuday mAMartme-mes , witliout ptejudice ofony perfones, and inlikc\viie tlierebcna faircs linden on hally day es, bot on die morne after. 36. Ofjkuchterof fore-thonghufellonj mid fuddautie, and fleeingtoGirth. IXEM> Becaufeoftlieefchewingofgreatflaucliter, quhilk hes iiene richt commoun amangfl the Kings Lieees nowe of late , baidi of fore-thought-fellonie and of fuddantie : And becaufe monie perfones com- itris nauchter upon fore-diought-fellonie , in ttaifte they fall be defended throwe die immunirieofhalie K'rk and Girth, and paffis & remaims in Sanftuaries ; It is thouclit expedient in this prefent Parliament, for the ftanciiin cxpen tober iifes maid on the Over-lotde for Charter , faifmg and infeftment. And the faide redemption and lovvfing to be maid within feven zeires, as faid is, or not. And gif the cteditour takis the termes m^ be vcttue of die brief of diftrefle , it fall not be leifful to the Lord to tak it agame. And gif there cannot be foundm a byet to the faids lands, the SchirefTe of that Schire or ony uther, quliair hehesland, faUcheefeofthebeft and worthieft of the Scliire , and leaft fufpeft to ony of the parties , to the number of thretteene perfons, and ap. prife the faid landes, and affigne to his creditour to the avail! of the fa>d tome , within fex moneths after the FaidfLimmeberecoveredbeforetheSchireffe. And als die Ovet-lordfailreceivediecr^touroronyuthet bver tennent till him , payand to die Over-lord a zeires maiU , as the land is fet for the tune. And fail- zieiiig thereof, diat he take the faid land tiU himlelfe , and under-gang the debteS. 58. Offijh, Salmottd, girfiks, trowtes, mdtiettes mwaters. ITEM For die multiplication of filh , Salmond, Girfilles and T rowtcs , quhilk ar defttoyed be cowpes, narrow’mafles, nettes, prynes fet in rivets, thathescouifetotheSea, or fet widiin tliefluderaarkeof the Sea : It is adviftd in this piefent Parliament, diat all fik cowpes and prynes be deftroyed and put away for three zeires. And qdia fa haldis diem up , fall be indited , and punilhed be the Kingis Juftice in his Juftice aire as deftroyers of tedde filh, after the tenour of the aift of flauchter of redde filh laft maid of before. And inlikewifeallmillares, that llayis Smokes with cteilles , oronyudietmanerofway , fall be punilhed be die Kinges Lawes, after the tenour of the faid afte , maid upon the flauchter of redde filh. And that ilk Scliireffe widiin his Schire fall deftroy and call downe die faidinftrumentes, cowpes, piynes, & narrow mafles, nettes , cteilles , or ony uther fiklike. 39. The Tarliament , Juftice aires, nor Chalmerlane aires , fwedismtbe mtinued fra date to date. ITEM, It isfeenefpeedefull, diat die court of Parliament, Juftice aire, nor Chalmerlane aire, nor lik- likecouttes, that lies continuation, needis not to be continued fra day today , bot that diey be offik ftrength, force and effeft, as they had bene continued fra day to day, unto die time diat they be dillblved: The Parliament be the King: The Juftice aire be die Juftice: The Chalmerlane aire be die Chalmerlane, and utheris fildike Courtes. And diat nane exception proponed be ony perfones be admitted iq die comrade. 40. That the Kingis Rolles and Regfter be fut in buikes. TEM, It is thocht expedient, that die Kingis Rolles and Regifter be put in buikes, and have fik ftrengdi as the Rolles had of before. 41. That na Denicts ^France, Cmtes nor Mailzies be tane, nor brecht ham. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, thitdieiehen^Tienierf of France, Mailzies. Cortes , Mites , wx naneudiet counterlaiftes of black money, be tane in payment in this Realmc, bot our Soveraine Lords awin black money, ftricken andptented be his Cuiiiziourcs , under the paine of death. And diat na maner of perfon bring into this Kealme ony ftrang black money of uther Realmes or counterfit the Kings money under the paine of deadi , as faid is. And attour in time cumming , diat na man take in pay¬ ment, nor offer in payment ony black money , bot of our Soveraine Lordis awin cuiuzie. Forquhadiat they be founden with , fall be debtour for them. I N S. THE SEXT TXRLIXMENT. VI. oftMatj. *471. 61 H PARLIAMENT O F king JAMES THE THRID. at Edinburgh, the fext dak of (Mai; , the zeire of God, me thoufand, foure hundreth Jeventk one zeires. ’ 4X. KAnent brieves pleidable. TEM, It is ftatute and ordained, betheLords, having tire haill power of the tlireeEftaites committed to them, and the bodie oftheRealme and Parliament that in time to cum, quhaironie brieves pleidablehappenis to be followed before quhatfumever judge , and drere be exceptions, ane or maa proponed, anddiere- uponborrowes and recounters foundin, and doonre given falM, andagainefaide be oudier of the parries , and diereafter difeufled in the Parliament : Gif it hap- penis the doome to be difeufled & determined for die partie follower , dicn fall the patties baith pafTeagainetodienixtJufticeaite, anddiefaminbriefeandprocelTe maid of before fall be reddc againe, and the partie follower make his clainie , and die partie defendand fall have freedome and priviledgetotakeaneormaaudiet exceptiones, dUatouresorperemptoutes, as drey follow in ordour, nixt after the firft exceptions proponed, that the doome was falfed upon ofbefote. Bot it fall not be leifM to them to take ony exceptions,*^ that they pretermitted and let pafle by at that time, bot they fall palTe ordoutly forward fra exception to exception, how oft drat ever the doome be falfed , unto die time that the brieve be brocht to the recognition of ane &ife , gif it pleafis die partie to mak perfute theirto. And die faid ordour and forme conteined in this afte abonc written, to be obferved and keeped in all pointes in die proceeding of the brieve of mortanceftry,purchafled be Andrew Bijfet , againft die Laird of Ardros, and now dependand in the Juftice aire of Cowfer. againft die Laird 45. The man-Jkjer fuld not be relaxed, except he finde caution. Negligent Schireffes. ITEM, Anenttheftaiichingofflauchter, quliilkisfacommoninthecuntrie, baith in Sanftuarie places, Stuthets, the Lotdesdiinkis expedient, diat the aftc of die laft Parliament maid thereupon be keiped, widi this addition, diatquhait ony flauchtet is committed, and the partie committand the flauchter be put to die Iiorne of partie, and fyiie thereafter cum, and binds diem to die Lawe, the Schirefte fall not receive him to the Law, nor gii him dilatoures of fourtie dayes, without lie bring widi him fufficient burro wes, diat he fall compcirpcremptourly die faid day, to underlie die law. And fadziengtheirof, that die committer of die faid flauchter be put to the Kingis liorne, at the faide day peremptour, ana all his gudes efeheit to die King, and his burrowes to pay twentie pound to the King for the unlaw. And fra liyne futth to be demained be the Schireffes , as is conteined in the aftes maid of before in the laft Parhament. And to have knawledge quhat Schireffes lies bene neghgent in the execution of die faid afl: maid upoii flauchter fen the laft Parliament. And tliat now there be limited a day to the Schireffes at the empleafance of our Soveraine Lorde , quliair the Schi- reffe fall compeit, and abide his accufation thereupon. And qulia that beis foundin culpable , to be punillied afterthetenourofdieafteofParliam^nt. And in the'meaiietimcdiattlierepaflelettersoftheKingisinaU Schires, to be proclaimed at the head Burrowes, that quliair ony parries complcinzies upon flauchter fen die faide time , that they cum to the King the faide day with their plaintes, and die King fall mi- nifter them juftice widiout favoutes. 44. That na Clerhes parches benefices, or office of CollcPlarie at the courts of Kome, the quhtlk was not thereat befoir. ITEM, As to the Article ofdie great damnage and skaithdaylie done to all die Realmc be Clerkes, reli¬ gious and feculares , quliilks purcliaflis. Abbacies , and uther benefices at the court of Rome, quliilks were never dieirat befoir , and purcliaflis, be meanes, office of CoUeftorie, and takis upon them to raiic hcavie and great taxations of Prelates and Clerkes , and makis information of the ayaile of the benefices in die court of Rome, mair nor the ufe and cuftome was of befoir , or that ever was done in ony Kingis time bygane , and to provide for the making of^unions of benefices perteining to Abbacies, and urher annexed and unite to Bifehop- Mj,3 ricks. king JAMES THE T H R I T> 6i _ ricks andutliers in heirfcliip and deftruaion of religious places , and againft the commoun gude of the Re- alme ’ Tlietefore the LorSes thinkis expedient , that confidenng the meftimable damnage and skauh m thduvineof innumerable riches outofthe Realme diere-throwe that fik abbacies, and utlier benefices. purSelbefeculareorreligiousperfones, quhilkis were never at thecourte of Rs^re of before , beofnane Se but tlrat die faidis places have free election ofthe famm. Anddtatnaneof ourSover^ne Lordrs ZTs’ Spiritual nor Temporal, take upon them to be Colleftours to the fege of lW«e , of na higher not Sr’talationofBilhoppiickes. Abbacies. Priories. Proveftries, nor uther benefices, thatavyetaxa- rinn bot as the ufe and cuftome of auld taxation hes bene of befoir , as is conteined in the Provmcialis buik, nv .he auld taxation of Bafimo/it. And attour , drat there be na unions nor annexations maid in time to cum . Abbacies nor Priories ofonv benefice : nor that na unions . nor annexations maid now “lai FromS;vm£ beofftrength, value nor effea norbefufferedwitlyn rl c Realme bot that the Paid benefices , that were unite , be put agame to their firft foundation , to the olacc that ’they were at. before the time ofthe union. And the faid unions to be repute ofna force, ifrenoth nor effea in time cumming. And gif ony perfones of our Soveraine Lordis liegesSpratual or T em- noralwauld attempt, or hes attempted in the contrairofthefepoyntesabone written. faUbedemained, as Travtourcs to our Soveraine Lord and his SuccelToures, and never to bruik benifice. nor ufe worlhip with¬ in the Realme Neverdieleffe . it fall be lauchfuU to Lordes and Barronnes to putchafe annexationes and unions of ony benfice, tliat they can to purchafe, oudier their awin Patronage or uthers, to be unite to Secular Colleges founded, or to be founded. 4y. The length of Jfeares , ITEM It is thought expedient, that na Merchandes bring fpeares in this Realme otit of onyutltet cuntrv ’ bot gif they conteine fex elne of length . and of a clyTt : nor tliat na bower witliin tins cunttie malte nafpearesfbot gif they conteine the famin length. And quha that dois die contrair, that die fpeares be efeheited and the perfones puniflied at the Kingis will. Item , that ils zeaman that cannot deale wtdi t^ bow that he have U gude Le , and ane targe of ledder . to refift the fehot oIEnglmid, quliilk is na coift, bot die value of a hyde. And that ilk Schireff-e, Stewart, BaiUie, anduthersOfKciares.makeweapon- fchawingeswitliiiitheboundesoftlieiroffice. after the tenour of the afte of Parliament, fa that in default of the faid weapon-fehawinge our Soveraine Lords Lieges benotdeftituteoOiarnes, quhen they have need. And that the Fute-ball and Golfe be abufed in time cumming, and that the buttes be maid up, and fchutmg ufed afterthetenouroftheafteof Parliamente maid diercupon. and that Zeamen have targes. 46. That nane weave fdk within an hmidreth fmndes woorth of land. ITEM It is ftatute and ordained in this prelent Parliament . that confidering the greate povertie ofthe Realme , the greate expenfes and coaft maid upon the in-bringing of Silk in the Realme : 1 1im therefore na man fall weare filkes in time cumming , in doublet , gowne or cloakes, except Kmclitp , Minftrelles, and Herauldes ; without that die wearer of the famin may fpend ane hundreth pundes wooith of land rent, under die paiiie of amerciament to the King of twentie pound , als oft as they ar foundin wearand filkes.andefcheit- ing ofthe famin, to be given to the Herauldes and MinftreUes, except the claithes that ar maid before this P^liament. And that the Scliireffe of ilk Schire, Alderman, and Baillies of Burrowes, take inquifition there¬ of, and fend it to the King. And that mennis wives witliin ane hundreth poundes, weare na hikes in lyning, bot allanerly in coller and fleeves , under the famin paine. 47. i_Anent the money , and crying dowm of the allayed groate to fex pennies. ITEM, As tuitching the mater of die money , fen the mater is greate and tuitchis tlieliaiUbodieoftlie Realme in great nearenelTe , and diat the Lordes here prefent cannot haftely be advifed to take a final de- terniination thereof; It is ftatute and ordained, tliat the money have courfeasitdoisnow, unto die conti¬ nuation of this Parliament. And die Lords that fall liavepower in all uther maters for the commoun gude ot dieRealme, atthattinietoadvife, determine and conclude upon the faide mater of the money, diatnow niniiis. And in likewife, gif it be feene fpeedeful to make innovation of ony new money , outher gold , or filver, the faidis Lordes fafi have power to advife and conclude thereupon. And as anentis die new allayed create of feven pennies: It is ordained be our Soveraine Lord, that fradiinefoorthithavecourlerorlex pennies , and die halfe groate of die famin for three pennies. And die cuinzie and courfc thereof to be con¬ tinued , quhill die continuation of die nixt Parliament. 48. iVilfull and ignorant errmtr of AJfifires. ITEM, For the efehewing of man-fweating of falfe affife and inquefts in greate hurting of out Soveraine Lordis Lieges, and fpecially be inqueftes in heritages : It is ftatute and ordained , that in time cumming, quhait a partiefindis him grieved be ony affife or inqueftes be partial malice or ignorance of the afiTifc or in¬ queftes. faifand and exceptand die affife of brieves pleidabill, quliilk diis ftatute fall not extend upon: It SEVENTH PARLIAMENT. IX. ofO^lay. 1474. theignoranceorfalfedofdiefaidiiiqiieft. And git it Iiappenis him toproovethefaidfalfed, the paitieorievedM be reduced ro the condition, that it was in of before, or the faidinqueft or aflife proceeded, and tire determination ofthefaidaflife or inqueft to be of naneavaile, and die faidis perfoiies of theaffifeor inqueftes, to be ptuiifticd. after die forme of die Kingis Lawes, in the find buik of the Majeftie , Contra temere i^autes fiifer ajjifam. And gif the partie conmleinzieand be foundin in die wrang, he fall pay aiie unlaw of ten pound to the tUng , and make ail tlie expenles of the partie that is fummoimd. 49. That Lordes, Batromes, end Burrowes gar make Schifpes , Bujehes, anigreate Pinck-boates with nettes. Item, The Lordes tliinkis expedient for die commoun gude of the Realmc, and the great entres of riches, tobebrochtwidiintheRealmcofiithercuntries, diat cectaine Lordes Spirimail and Temporall, and Burrowes gar make greate Schippes , Bufehes, and uther great Pinck-boates, with nettes, and all abuilze- mentes ganaiid therefore for filhing. And the execution of this mater and the forme , and the number of the famin be had , at the continuation ol this Parliament, yo. The partie that tynis his aBion , fall he in an. unkw of foteetie Jhilliuges. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that qiihair ony partie foUowis ony aftioii before the Lordes of Coun¬ cell in time to cum , the partie that beis founden in the wrang , and thefsntence is given againft , fall pay ane unlaw of fourtie fliillinges to the Lordes , to be difpoiied be the Chan cellar, and die expertfes of the partie that winiiis the caufe, be tlic modification of the Lordes. FINIS, T H * SEVENTH PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE THRID. Edinburgh , the ninth dale of May , the zeire of God , ansthoufmid, fourt hmdrttk fi-ventie fiure zeires. yi. Of money and hulzietm. TEM, Anent the mater ofmoney and in-bringing of bulzieon-. It is ftatute and ordained , that the aftes and ftatutes maid of before ,, anent the in-bringing of bul- zieon fall be obferved and keiped; That is to fay, of ilk Serplaitli twa ounce of burnt fdver, andofuthetgudes efteitand thereto : Ofthelaftofiiidcs.foureoimce.and of the laft of Salmond , twa ounce , and of claidi and udiet gudes , widi this addi¬ tion: That the Cuftomers fall, ordieygivediecockquectoonyfcliip, takefo- verde and Borrowes of ilk a merchand, for the liame-bringing of builaeon , as faid is: And fall zeitly make compt diereof in the Checker. And gtf the cuftomers foilzies in tiic taking of the faidefoverrie, they to be ptmi&ed therefore, andde- Drived oftheij Office for ever; And quhat metehaiid that failzies herein, to pay ten pennde to the King : And becaufe die mater of money is richt fubtile and greate, and may not tick haftely befet: ItisdtouchtfpeedcM, tliat the diteefiftaites commit their power to cettaine wife dilcrcctpcdones, to the number often, or twelve, to advife, and fet die coutfc of the money , and to devife new'? money, as they thiiike maift expedient. yx. Of me Tutor and hk age. TEM, It is ftatute and ordained anent the briefeofTutorie.diat ft be underftandmgm me cummmg thathediatisneareftAgnat, and oftwemie five wires of age, fulfilling die lave of die poyntes I KING JAMES THE T H R IT) 64 _ _ _ _ _ briefc fallbelauchfuUtutour. fuppofetliechildethathappemstobeintutorie , have ane zounger brother or After No“anding that Sic agaat is not immedfat to fucceedetothecWde, becaufe of zouttger Brother and fiftets. j'3. Trobatimt of arreifimentes. TEM It is ftamte and ordained, aneflt dieprievingofarreiftmentesbeCrownersorSerjandcs . onthe I Northhalfe oftite water of tliathes bene ufed of before, to bemevedbetuitchingofwandes. It ^ftatute and ordained, that in time to cum, aU prieves fail be maid be Crowners and Serjandes , b.wit- nelle and perfones , like as is ufed and done on the Soutli liaMe ot bartb. j'4. t^ient airjiif of mooveabk gudes of Barromtes. ITEM Anent the airihip of mooveable gudes , that the aires of Barroimes , Gentle-men , and Free- halders fall have: It is flame and ordained, that the faidisaires fall have the beftofilk a dung, and after the ftamte of the Bunrow Lawes , and as is conteined in the farain. I 5-f- Trefiriftion of Obligations ITEM, Anentis the affe maid of before of prefcription of Obligate in this wife , that all auld Obligations maid of before , that is elder l.„.. „„ - - - — - - . pendant in the Law , in the time of die making of thefaid acte, fa 1 be prefenbed and of na ftrength : likcwifcintimetocum, all Ofaligationes maid, ortobemaid, that beis not foUowed within foume fall preferive , and be of nane avail®. ;ationes : It is ordained to be underftandin then the dait of fourtie zeiris, not de- andin zeircs. j6. The Retour fildconteinetheauldandnew extent. ITEM Anent the brieves ofinqueft to be ferved in time to cum: It is ftatute and ordained, thatitbean- fwered in the retour , quhat the land was of availe of die auld, and the very availe that it was w’ootth , and gives die day of die ferving of the faid brieve. jz. That foure of the auld Councell he chefen to the new. TTEM, It is ftatute and ordained in Burrowes.notwithftandingtlieAiftes maid ofbefore, thattherefall J. be ofthe auld Councell ofthezeir before, foure wortliy perfones chofenzeirly to die new Couiicell . at their entrie to fit widi diem , for diat zeir, and have power widi diem to doe Juftice. yS. The Over-Lord mt entrandttthefuperkritie,tinisthefamm,mdfatisfe}tbefartie. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained anent Over-lords, that in defraud and skaith of their vMMes and ten- nentes , diffectis to enter to their landes and fuperiorities , diat in time to cum , the faids Over-lords m enter to their lands and fuperiorities, & do their diligence thereto, but fraud or guile within fourtiMaies , after that they be required be their vaflalles dr tennentes. The quhilk gif they do not , die faidis valialles or teii- iientes incontinent thereafter to be entred be dis King or the Over-lorde , that die fuperiorities^ ar iialden of, and hald of liim, and die odiet Over-lorde, that fraudfuUy differtis Iiis entrie, to tyiie tnetemientlor his life-time , and affidi tlie partie of his coaftes and skaithes , diat fall be fufteined throw him , in de¬ fault of his entrie. yp. Thatferfines arreified to the Juftice aire , enter within harre. ITEM, Becaufe in rimes by-gaiie, there was halden an ufe and coiifuetude , that perfones' indyted to me Juftice aire, wauld cum in prejfence ofthe Juftice in the Tolbuith, and hald them out-witlt the' Barre , and wauld notenter , for die payment of ane little unlaw, quhilk is great derifion andfeorne of Juftice , and Ifthj lying ofthe Kingis Hienefle : It is dierefore ftatute and ordained, that in time dimming all perfones arreifted, thatmaybeappreheiidedtlietimeofthe AireindieTo!buith,ortlieTowne, quhair the Juftice is, lailbe taken and delivered to the Juftice , to be juftified for his crime and his trefpafle : Swa that the arreiftment be maid of before the time of die beginning of the aire and feate of Juftice. 60. The unlaw of ftealing of haulkes , houndes ,ftertrkkes and Dukes. ITEM, Anenttheefchewingofgreattrouble,difcord, and divers inconveniences that may cum, anentc theftealiiigofHaulkesandHoundes: It is ftatute and ordained, that in time cumming , na manet of perfons take ane uther mans hounds , nor haulkes , maid or wilde-, - out of neftes, nor egges out of neftes. within ane uther mannis ground , but licence of the Lord , under die paine of ten poundes . And in likew lie thatnaeggesbetaneoutofdiePettrickes,norwilde duik-neftes, under riiepaineoffourtieftiilliiiges. And diis to be a poynt of dittay in time to cum. ,AVCHT T ARLIAMEUr. XX. of Nmember. 1475. 61. OfTiaesandRaes, hunting of Tleares , and taking of Cmtnwges. Item, That na man HaieDaes not Raes, norDeareinrimeofftorme, orfnaw, orflaieonieoftheir Kiddes , quWll they be ane zeir auld , under the paine of x. punds : And it to be a point of dittay . And in likewife that na man hunte, fchutte, nor llaie Deare nor Raes in utheris clofes or Parkes , or take out Cun- ninaes out ofuthers Cunningaires, or ony foules of utheris Dowcattes, or lift out of utheris pujles or ftanckes, butTpecial licence of the awners , under the paine of dittay, and to be punifted as titieft. gx. That Ferriers make brigges: and of fraiicht. tTEM, It is ftatute and ordained, tliatintimeto-cum, tlieFerrietsofiO«^i?iflr»f , falltakoffrauclitbot I twa pennies of the man oc woman, and die burden; and of a horfe fex pennies. And quhat perfones diat Hingis liorfe or bcaftes , fall make die perfones and the burdens free , fa that die horfe buiden aud die perfon, thanallbe, pay fex pennies. Andinlikewifeuthetbeaftesfalimaketheperfonesfteeoffraucht. And at fan be taken bot ane penny oftheman, alfwa the liotfe twa pennies, and all in forme and mana abone written. And at the Tortin-craige ane penny for the mao , and the horfe ane penny . And quhat Ferriers, thatdoisindieconttatie, fail pay fourty ftiEinffes to the Kina, andliisperfonprifoned, at die win of the King. And that the Ferriers make brigges to their boates, after & forme of the adls maid of be¬ fore , under the paine conieiaed in the famin. N S. H U H PARLIAMENT O F K I N G J A M E S T H E T H R I D, Halim at Edinburgh, the twmtie day of November, thej&eir of God, ane thoufand, four bun.- dreth , ftventk five zeites. 6j. That all cmflaintes firfi ferfewe to their Judge Ordimre. TEM, As anent die adminiftration of Juftice in civil aiftions andcomplainteS throw il the Realmc, it is ftatute and ordained, diat ah parties compieinzieand, M fitft paffe to theit Judge Ordinate, Stperfewe Juftice. And that rheOrdinares fail miiiiftet them Juftice without pardal meanes or fleudi. And gif the Judge 1 failzies in Ms office and adminiftration of Juftice , die partie fall cum and plenzie to ' the King and his Couiicell upon the Judge and in likewife on die partie. And in that caie they fail have lummounds, baidi on die Judge andon the partie, to compeir be¬ fore die King and his CouiiceE , and there have Juftice and reformation , after die itenouc of the act of Parliament maid ofbefore the twentie day of November, die zeire of God. ane dioufand, foutehundiedi, tliteefcoir nyne zeires. lyfnent fdlfi afiifors in criminal caufes. Of ane great afofe. — , _ _ _ , _ ICJ. ; It. 13 anil.* TieigmimerViurmtiumfuf^ That quliair indited perfons ate fch . . .h accufationofatrefpaflour, notour, ormanifeftknawledgebeandofdiettefpaffour, &ithappmdiepcn thatpaffisontheaffife, wilfully be favours or partial meanes, to acquire the trefpaftout, ortrdpaiioures, in diat cafe it fall be leiffulitotheKingandliisCounceU to call die affife, and inquire at them, gitthey concord all in a voyce, or how mony faid aU inavoyce, andhowmony&daneudietway. And tney diat ar Mpea timer ario jur amenta , fall be accufed before the King & his Juftice, quhat day & place, that it pleads his Hienefle. Andgifdiayperfoncspieafistograunttheitfaultaiid temerarnmfmwrmm, tone punifted therefore, after die forme oWauldelawc. Andgif tliey deny or makis excufation thereof be T Ignorance, 66 iiT/NG JAMES THE T H R I T> Ignorance, the King or his CounceU fall give them ane great affife of xxv. Nob eperfones andfchawtothat afrife the evidents or notour knawledge of the trefpalTe, tn fa far as wasfchawen tothefirftaip. And thereafter gifitbeisfoundm,thatihefiraaffliacquitthetrefp^oursbet«wrarme,orwdfoUybe^^^^^^^ pard^alitie f Sa mony as beis.coavicfof thatcryme, to be punAed rfter the formeo^ ”r luhebuikol RegmmMaJeJlaRm- Nevertheleffe the peifones that liappenB tobeareufedoWiewefoalTe, outher to be convia . or rniid quite , after die forme of dig fitft deliverance , and die falfe alTlfe to be pu- nilhed, as faid is. 65-. tMueist the in-bringing of hulziemt. ITEM As anent the money, becaufe the Lordes underftandjs, that the pretermitting and lleuth that hes bene in the execution of the aftes maid for the in-bringing of buizieon in the Realme , and als me fearching andkeipingofthc money fra pafling forth of die Realme , hes earned the great fcantneffeofitAat .snow of the money tlirow aU the Land : That therefore out Sovetaine Lord , fall zit caufe the aftes and llatutes maid I -M. _ of the monfev. be fcharoelv Dut to execution. depute true and abillperfones to befeatchourcs in time to cum , that ivill and itiaydoddigence (or the balding in of the money, asis ftatute ofbefore. And that the merchandes fall hayefedk oanceof bnmt filver , riiat he bringis hame to the cuinziers, twelve IMlinges, and the cunzieour of dial burnt filver. to make twelve groates of the ounce of die famin prent , diat the new groate is uow. And of ™e nw finance of the new Englijh groate. And that there be ane penny and ane half-penny of filver maid oi die larmn im- aiice, according to the new groate , anddiat penny to have couife for three pennies. 66. That nmther filver nor gold be pa to thefyre. ITEM, Becaufe it is weill knawen, that all cunzied money , baith filver and gold put to the fire tobe maid buizieon to uther new money , isminilhed, wafted, and deftroyed in the ttanflation be thefyre. incurris great skaith in hurt of die King and ail his Lieges , and fold not be fuffered in time to cum : It is therefore ftatute and ordained, diatfra hine foordi, noudxerfiivet noxgolddiat beans prent andforineof cuinzie, thatitbeiiiany wife molten or put to die fire be the Kingis cuazioures, or be Gold-fitiitl»toony warkt , without fpecial licence or charge of the King : bot all gold and filver that is cunzied and hes prent, be obferved and halden haill to pas amangft the Kingis lieges , as he ordained it to have cours. • 67. tl}e brieve of Uiotrie and furkfitie. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, diatfeii there is a brieve ofourSoveraine Lordis Chape! maid and or¬ dained for the fafetie of alienation of Lordes and Barronneslandes, throw idiotes and natural foks, furi¬ ous and wood-men the rime oftheir folly , the quhilkis brieves favis not die alienation, bot alianerly fra die timeoftheferving of the faidis brieves, andremeidsitnot, that is done of before , in-cafe it be done in tne time ofthe folly or furiofitie, albiet he be als greatafule and furious before, as after; ^ It is ftatute and or¬ dained therefore in time to cum, tliefaid brieve be reformed, and an claufe put therein, to inquire of the folly and furiofitie, and how lang time lie was of thay conditions. And Iraitbeknawinbetheiiiqueft, that the perfones be fules or furious, die time thereof, die alienation maid be him, after die time that the inqueft findisthathewas outher ftile or furious, fa!! be of nane avails, bot retreated, and btodit againetili him , alfwell as the alienation maid after the ferving of die laid brieve. 6 8 . That the money and gold be cryed »/ higher. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, for the great fcantnes and want of gold that is within the Realme, throw having out ofthe famin, becaufe it ftandis heir inalawer price,- then it dois inudier ciuitties: It is ftatute and ordained, diat the gold have courfe in time to cumin tliiswife. That is to fay, the,R«^ Noble to XXXV. fliillingcs. The Henry Noble to xxxj. fliiilings. The Angell to xxiij. fhiMiiiges. The A Crowne to xiij.fhillingesiiij. pennies. The ®c;^'to xiij. ftuUinges, iiij. pennies. The Scottis Crownetoxiij. fliillinges. TlieiR?te#toxv.fliillingesfex pennies. Tlie LtCw to xvij. fliilliiiges fex pen¬ nies. The Rydar to fifteetie ihillinges fex pennies. And all uther gold to pafle after die fines and weicht, and at the pleafance ofthe giver and the taker. And diat all filver money have couricfik-likeintime to cum, asithestliisday. 69. Of the payment ofthe debtmw anithkereiitour. ITEM, To remove difcordamaiigft die Kingis Lisges, betuixttiieCreditoures andthedebtoures, that areawaiid fummes : It is ftatute and ord^nad, diat notwidiftanding the variance ofthe courfe ofthe commouii gold and filver, quhat courfe that ever it have, the debtour fall pay his creditourthe debt ofthe money, diat fuld have been payed at die termes, before die making of this aft, with fik money, and ofthe famin price , as die money had couile before this proclamation and ParHament. NINTH TARLIAMENT. IV. ofjul'y. 1476. 67 70. That na coiirte of Guerra be halden. Item, Becaufe tliete hes bene abufion of Law in times by-gane be die Schiteffes, Stewattes, B^ies and Offidares , in die balding of courts of Guerra , to the great heirfhip and skaith of our Soveraine Lords eges and of his awin Hienefle in his awin Juftice aires , quhilkis ar fpilt be the faid Gawa courts: It is ft* mte'and ordained, that in time to cum, there be na couttes of Guerra halden, be na maner of perfons, under tlie paine of punition, as for a man- flayer and riever of his gudes, and ufurper upon the Kingis Lieges and his aadiorkic. FINIS. THE NINTH PARLIAM ENT O F KING JAMES THE THRID. Halden at Edinburgh, the fourth dak ofjulij, the zesre of God, ano tboufand, fmo-e htmdreth, Jeventie fex zeires. yr. Of mr Soveraine Lerdis Revocatimt. N The firft of ali alienations, infeftmentes and gifts given and granted be him to quhatfumcver petfones that be hurt or prejudicial till his aires , or to his Crowne , of quhatfumevet heritage perteining to his Hienes, in ony time to tliis day, andinfpecialofgiftsoflandes, mailles, fifliinges, patronages of Kirkes, giving ofwairdlandes in bieiich-ferme, fettineof lanoes, making of Regalities, and tailzies maid in Iiis tender age , fra the righteous aires : Aifwa all giftes given be his Hienefle of keipina of Caftelles for langer times, then in-duriiig his will, and in fpecial of the Caftelles that ar the key es of the Realme , and generally all maner of alienations , as faid is , or may be prejudicial till his aires, and Crowns in ony wife , or that is againft ony guds confdence. 7^. The annexation of the Erledme ^Rofle. ITEM, Our Soveraine Lord, with confentofhis three Eftaites of his Realme, annexis till his Crowns thsErledomeofi?#, wi* the pertinents, to remaine thereat for ever: Swathatitfallnotbeleiffiillto his Hienefle or his aires , not his Succefloutes to make alienation of the faide Erledome or ony part thereof, fta his Crowne in ony wife I SaifanddiatitfallbekifFuUtoliimandthem, to give the faid Erledome at their pleafancc till ane of lis, or their fecundc Sonnes, iauch&Uy to be gotten betuixt him and die Queene. finis. 68 king JAMES THE T H R I D H N H PARLIAMENT o F king JAMES THE THRID, ■ O THE 74 king JAMES THE T H R 1 T) the fourteenth PARLIAMENT o F KING JAMES THE THRID, HaUen at Edinburgh, the firfi date ofOBober, the zeire of God, ane thoufattd , foure bmidreth, auchtk [even zeires. 98. For in-brmgmg rf trejfaffoures , and defending of them at the Barre. LSWA, Becaufe our dbverainc Lorde , hes fa gratiouflieapplyedhimtothe counfelofhis three Eftaites at this time, inallthinges concerning them, and the commoun prohte of the realme, & benignlie granted to them ail their dehre dc requeftes , that tliey have maid to his Majeftie , ail the hordes Spiritual and Temporal, Barronnes, Free-haiders , and Coniinnmtiesof the Eftastesof the Realme , hes Ireelie granted , that everie ilk ane ol them for himfelfe , fall faith- fuiliepromifeandfweare, that they fall not in time to cum, manteine, fortifie, fupplie , defende , not be Advocates , nor ftande at the Barre with manifeft trai- toures , nor commoun menflayers , thieves , rievers , nor iither trefpaflbures, nor perfones perteining to tliemfelfe or utheris : Saifa nd it fall be leifulto them infoberwife, toflandewitii their kinne and ftiendes, inthedeienceofthemin honeftaftiones: Bot that they fall at all their gudlie power, bring, orgat brine trefpaflbures to Juftice, and underly the Law , butdiflimulation, qulien ever they be required or charged fliereto, be OUR SOVE- R A 1 N E LORD, or his Juftice. And als then at all their power and knaw ledge , fall give their counfel, helpe, fupplie, favoure, andaftiftaiiceto inquire and get knawledge ofthefaid trefpaflbures for execution ofjuftice upon them, after their demerites. And that the Lordes of die Regalities, and aU utheris , Spri- tualaiid fanporal, that hes jurifdiftionofCourtes, nor their Baillses fall not fell onytrrfpafloures, nor line With them nor fall not for love, favoure, a fFeftion, orrneid, or tewarde leave juftice undone. Andthatilfc ane ol them fall make fuith-taft and true relation to out Jbvetaine Lordis Chancellar or Juftice , quhen diey fall be required of the perfones that dois in the contrair hereof. And qulia fa beis convift and attainted of the breaking ol the poynts and articles foirfaid , or ony of diem , fall be punilhed after the forme of the Kingis Laws ,^and of Rsgiam Mateftatem : And the ftatures maid be King JAMES the Firft , and King JANES die Second , our Sovetain Lords Grandfchir and F ather. 99. Of arreijfmg ofmightk and difihedient ferfmtes to the Jufke aire. ITEM, It is thoclit expedient, ftatute and ordained for the gud of Juftice , in-bringina of trefpaflbures CO the Law, andpunifliingof them, diatiii timeto cum, quIiendieCtowner receivisliisporteousand traiftis, that there be ony perfones conteined in the famin, that will difobeie liim,that he dare not, nor is not of power to arrieft -. In that cafe the Crowner fall pafle to the Lorde & Barronne ol Barronnie,qu!iaic that perfon or perfones dwellis and inhabids. And gif lie dwellis not within a Barronie , he fall pafle-to the SchirefFe of tlieSchire, and fcliaw his porteous , that he hes fik perfones conteined therein, and inquire and aske, gil that Lord, Barronne, or SchirefFe will be fovertie and Borgli for thay perfones or perfon, to enter them to the juftice aire, fen they dwell within their Lordlliippes, Barronnies & boundes. And gif they grant thereto.lie fall deliver them the names of the perfones, diat they cum borrowesfor, indented in writ, fealedorfubferibed with their awin hands. And if they deny and refufis die fovertie or borgh , he fall ask and require the faid Lord, Barron or SchirefFe in die Kings name , outlier to pas , or fend their officiars with dieir houihaid and fa¬ miliars, infuffidentnumber widithefaid Crowner, orftuffe, fortifie and fupplie him in die making of his arreiftraenc , taking or keiping of the perfon that will not finde fovertie , quhill he lie brocht to the J’chireffe to be keiped to the Juftice Aire. And quhat Lord , Barronne, orJehitefFe, that denies or refufis the doing diereot , fall pay ten pounde to the King, at the nixt Juftice aire diereaftet : Jwa that it may be fufficiendy proved be the Crow'ner, diatthey were requited thereto, as faid is. too. Menflayers charged ufmi fix daks, and nocht C(mfeirand,Juld be demmeed Rebbelles. ITEM, It is thocht expedient, ftatute and ordained, that the Adtes of Parliament maid of before, anent the punition of flauchter be put to execution, widi this addition ; diat quhair ony perfon committis flauchter. fourteenth TARLI ament. Firft ofOBober. 1487. 7S (1- iiclitcr , and cummis not incontinent to the ScltirefFe to biiide liim to the Law , and finde fovertie there- C re aftertheformeoftheaftesofPatiiameatmaid of before, bot beis fugitive and abfentis him : The Sdhiteff'cfall then foorth with, be him or his deputes , fearch and feeke the committer ofthefaidflauchter ' this dwelling place, ifhehesony. And if he lies nane , and cannot be perfonally apprehended : Thenthe Schireffe fail put his gudes under arreift , and pafle, or fend his depute to the head Burgh of die Schire, quhair the flauchter is committed, and be open Proclamation at the mercat-croce, wanie and charge the llayct, ane ormaa astheyfbe, that they cum to him widiinfexdaicsmxt after, and finde fovertie to compeir and im- derlv the law at a cettaine day , under the paines conteined in the afles of Parliament, maid of before. The luhilkisfextlayesbeandrunniii, and the perfones not compeirand , and findand foverrie , asfaidis: Then Sie Schirefis iucontiiient , to put them to the home, and deiiunce them the Kings rebelles, and raise and efcheittheitgu'l^s- And make warning to the nixtSchireffe; that fik petfoncs at put to the home be him, and charge him in our Soveraine Lordis name to do the famin , or els take and arreift their perfones , gif they may be apprehended , and bring them to the Law. 1 01. Of the keifmg of amifted treffajfoures. Item, it is thought expedient, ftatute and ordained , fotthepuffltioiiandjuftifieingoffiktrefpafiburs as lies bene in times by-gane , after that they were taken and arreifted be the Crowners, and in default that diev Muld finde na borrowes , nor there was na Cafteil to receive and keepe them In , quhill the Juftice Aire, antuheir-dirow efcaipcd and was put fra the Law ; That therefore in time to cum , quhair onie Crowner ar- rciftis and takis fik trefpafioures, he fall bring tltem- to the SchirefFe of the Schire , qahiik Schireffe fall receive tliem , and keepe them in furetie and firmance on OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS expenfes quliair it failiesoftheirawin gudes, quhill the nixt Juftice Aire, and then ptefente them to the Juftice. The quhilkScliireffe fall have allowed to him iii the Checker, forthe expenfes , that he makis in thekeipingof diay perfones , that beis delivered to him be the Crowner, for ilk perfon tliree pennies on the day . he bring- and a teftimonial to the Checker fra the Juftice under his feale, of the perfones, that he bringis to the Ju¬ ftice aire, andhowlangtinie, andquhatdayeshekeipedthem. Upon die quhilk time and daies the Ju¬ ftice fall take certification and proofe in the aire , quhat time the Crowner delivered them , and how lang the Schireffe keiped them. And gif die Schireffe tefufis to receive the perfon or perfones that fall be brocht to him be the Crowner , as faid is , he faE underly the danger and unlaw of the Juftice aire to die fourt court, as ane borgh fold do , for fault of entrie of a perfon arreifted , the Cpowner ptievand , that he brocht fik pet- fones to the Schireffe, and requited liim to receive them, asfaidis. lox, The Crowner may nocht intromet with gudes of men cmtviSi , without the Schi- rejfs confetti. ITEM, It is ftauite and Ordained, thatbecapfe the Crowners in times by-gane, dirow wrang con- fuemde’and abufion of the Lawe , after that a trefpaffoure was convift before the Juftice ,■ and condemned to the death, the faidis Crowners walde incontinent pafle or fend to efcheit die gudes petteiniftg to our Sove¬ raine Lorde, of fsk coiivift ttefpaflburs-, and at their awin hand intromet with the famin, and approptiatc a part "thereof to tlieir ufe , baidi corne and cattle , & uther gudes, tliat of law or reafon fold nocht perteine to their office; It is therefore tliocht expedient,- ftarote and ordained in this Parliament, diatintimeto cum , na Crowner take upon hand to take ony fik gudes . or intromet therewith . quhill the Schireffe of die Schire or his deputes pas or fend with them, and fee all the hail! gudes, and thereafter deliver to them fa- meikle, as they fold have of reafon, and as perteinis to rlieir office , and bring the remanent till our Soveraine Lord and his Thefauret : And that the ScltirefFe deliver to the Crownets na mait , then they audit of Law to have. And gif they do in the contrair hereof, andinttomettisandtakisonyofdiefaidgudesatdieirawiii hand , they to be pimiliied diereforc , ' as for riefe. - - - io'3. The Schireffe andtheCrmnerfuldthoillatteaffifethelafidayoftheaire. ITEM It is ftatute aad ordained ,■ that there he charge given to the Juftice , that he in time to cum , the laft day ofijis aire, give ane affife to' the Schireffe add Crowner, gif they have ufed and done their officetreulie. Andaiftncybeconviftandfoundinfalfetlierein, diattheybepunifficdthe-refote, after the forme of Law and tlieir demerites. 104. The Schireffe. difchargemtdcmvdcatm, anddifibeyed, maycmtinuehiscourte. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , ' that the afte aiid'ftatute maid of before , anent the cumming to courtes iin fober wife and quiet, but armes or convocation ofour Soveraine Lordis Lieges, beputtofliarpeexe- cucion ill all poyntes contained in the fahiisi , and with this addition : ■ That fra the Schireffe be iickerly cet~ tided and get.knawledge, that ony parties makis- convocation and gathering of armes to cam to -uic Court: The 'Schireffe Tall be'himfelfe, liisdcputes or Officiars, fendtothayparnes. and charge tliein to ceafe, andskadi their gaefleringes, andcum in fober and quiet to the court, after the forme ef the lai king JAMES THE THRID afte , the quhilk gif they do not , out Soveraine I,ord , quhat perfc ledge of their difobedience. An fones for ane Tsir, andalstopa throw the faid difobedience. loy. That all aBims firft be perfewed before their Judge Ordinar. ITEM, It is thocht expedient, that all civillaftions, queffions and pleyes , moved betuixtqunatfmn- ever parties be determined and decided before their Judge Ordinar, as Jitftice, Chalinerlaiie, Schireffes. Barronnes, Proveftes and Baillies of Butrowes , and uthers Officiates Judges and minifters of Law, to quhom thay affions perteinis and effeitis, to be determined and decided •. Swa that na aaiones fall be deduced. caUed, nor determined before the Lordes of out Soveraine Lordis Councell , except allanerly aiftions perteinina in fpecial to our Soveraine Lord, adions and complaintes maid be Kirk-men, Widowes, Orplianes, and Pupiiles, adlions of flrangers of utlier Realmes, and complaints maid upon officiares , for fault oiexecucion of their of- fice, orquhairtheofficiatsarpartiethemfeife. And qulien ever the complainteisniaidontheOfficiarfor vvraneeous and inordinat proceeding in cny maters , and fummoundes be determined and given thereupon, tlifi partie that lies petfewed or defended the aftion , fall be fummound and called the famin day , with the Ofheiar for their entres, and fpecial charge given, that the rohnentes of the court be brock wim them to that day , tliat it may be underftandin, quliidder it be ricliteoufly proceeded and determined , or not. And gif it beis foundin , that the Officiar lies proceeded wtangebufly , or utiordourly : The proceffe fall be reduced andannulled, andlietopaytheexpenfesoftlieparne, and tobepunifliedatthewilloftlieKing, aftertlie forme of the afte of Parliament maid in that mater of before. And gif thepartie compleinzieand beis foundin in the wrang,, be making of the complaint, he fall paye baith the expenfesoftlie Officiar and the partie. And gif the partie be not of power to pay die coaftes : Then their- perfones fail be at die will of the King, fane and punilhed be warding or prifoning of tiieir perfones : Providing- alwaies that this ftatute hurt not the proces ofthefalfmgofdoomes, quhair it pleafis the partie to proceede that way. And that all fummoundes, that arnowraifed, or ftandis under continuation, dependand and undetermined, fall- be decided and ended be¬ fore the Lordes of Counceil. And tiiis aiSc and Aatute ail indute quliill the nixt Pariiament. FINIS. that he fall ceafe the court for that day , and incontinent cum and fchaw to is'difobeyis him. And thereafter to call thay perfones , and takeknaw- qiiha diat beis foundin culpable , fall be punilhed be warding of their per- 1 the expenfes and damnage , that the partie fufteinis be defemng oi Tuftice. THE ACTS AND STATUTES That the haill' Commiffioners of Butrowes defiris to be ratified and apprieVed in this prefent Parliament, and to be put to execution- for the honour of our Soveraine Lordis Hienefle , his' Rcalme , and weil-fare of Merchandes. io6. Of Jaillers, to have halfe one loft ofgudes. T EM, 'It is ftatute and ordaiiied, that the aaesofParliament maid of befoir upon the greatc multitude of ftmple , unlioneft perfons Saillers toordi of ail Butrowes South and North, inthepartsofFyWfrj-, Holland, oiZeelani, micht be put till dewe ex¬ ecution : Sa that na man feile in the laids pacts in way of merchaiidice , hot famous and vvorfliipfull men, 'having ilk ane of dieir awin halfe a iafte ofgudes, or Iiavandfa- meUdetnfteirageorgovetnance.uiiderthepaitieoftenpouiide, to betaifedto OUR S P y E R A I N E LORDIS ufe , as the suld aftes ptoportis. And ais that na Meccliande faill witliin die forefaide partes , bot eif he be a ftee-man of a Burgh , and iiidweller of die famin , under the faid paine. And that fearchoures midit be limit here-uporj, havand power to execute and fearch the aftes, and raife the paine , and inbring die famin till our Soveraine Lordis Checker, als oft as they be foundin doand the cdnttaii hereof. And tlie Comtniflioners thinkis expedient , that in il.k Burgh, dieProveftc, Baillies, and Cuftomers, be fearchoures, and anfwer hereof. 107. ThatCrafiefrftinuJeindmer'chandice , r’emnee their Graft. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that the afte of ParliimSrtt , ' tiaacliingthe Ctaftef-mcn ufand anddeal- andwitiimerchandice, micht be put to execution, fatliathetSat-isaCraftef-maii, outherfor-bearehi.s raerchandice, or elferenunce bis Craft, butony diffimulationor eaHeur, under die paine of efeheit of die mcrchaii- fourteenth parliament. Firft qfome,-. 1487. 77 handies , that he ufis occupyand Itis Craft , and this efeheit to be in-brocht be the faidfearclioures to out ^veraine l^rdis life , andcompt thereof to be maidin the Checker. 108. OfchuJtngofofficiaresinBurrowes. Item, it is ftamte and ordained, tliattiieafte of Parliament, maid aiient the chufing of Officiates in Burrowes may be ratified and apprived , and put to execution , and in time to cum to be obferved and teiped: Satliattheeleflion of Officiars michtbeof thebefteatid wordiieft indwellers oftlteTowne, and not be pattialiric nor maifterlhip , quhilk is undoing of Burrowes , quhair maiftcr-fliippes and requeifls cuminis- ¥09. OffrmuhtingojSsbijifes, and the fames tlxreof. Item, it fe ftamte and ordained be the three Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, that the afte of fraucht- ingand'ladingofScliippes, micht be put to execution after the tenour ofthefamin, and that na glides be fured be die maifter upon his over-loft, nor the merchandes gudes to beftrickenup, norunrcafonably f -.aked nor rieven , under the paine of twentie pound to the Kingis ufe . And this to be fearched be the Oft- cjares of the Burgh, anddieheadfrauchtef-menoftlieSchip, the quhilk fall anfwete therefore. 110. The bind ef faltmmd, and meafire thereof. ITEM, it is ftatute and ordained be the tliree Eftaites in this Parliament, diat the Bartel binde of Salmond, fold keipe andconteine tlieaffifeandmeafureoffourteeneGallones, and nottobemmifced , under the naine of efcheit of the Salmond, quhair it bets fonndin lefle, to the Kingis ufe: And that die Ptoveft, Baillies, andCuftomets of ilk Burgh, befearchoures heitto. And that ilk Burgh have three hupe irons, mdehcet, ane hupe irone convenient herefote, aneat ilk end of the barrel, andane in the middell : lot tlie meafuting of the barret , and a burning iron to marke the famin , uiidei the paine ol efcheit ot me barrel littmarked. III. That Cvmmijptmers of Burrowes -emfeir togtdder anis in the gseir in Xnnerketliing. TTEM, Itisftatateandordainedbe theliaill three Eftaites, thatzeirlyui fimetocum, cettaineCom- Imifees of all Burrowes. baith&uth and North, conveene and gadder togiddet ants ilk zeinnmc Burgh hmierkthmg , on the mome after Saint James day . with full commiffion : and there to commoun and treateupontheweil-fate of merchatidice , thegude ruieand ftatiitesfor me commoun profited Burrowes. And £0 movidc for remeid upon the skaitli and injuries fufteined within the Burrowes. And quhat Burgh Aatcompeirisnotthefaiddaiebedieir Commiffares. to payeto the coaftesoftheCommiffares five pound. And zeiriy to have our Soyetaine Lordis Letter to defttemzie herefore . and for the mbnngmig of the famin. iiz. Annexatimt of the Erkdome «/ Marche , and uther landes to the Crowne. IT IS tiiougkexpedientbetlietliree Eftaites, to unite and annexe perpetuaUy to the Crowne fikLord- 1 fhippes and lands , as they fall tiiink convenient , of die landes that is dimming in the handes of our Sove- raine Lord be the fore-faltour , led upon Akxander , Duke of lyllbmty , Erie of Marche, Mat , and Garioch , Lord of AW^/and Manne ■. And Sit James olUddal, oi Halkerftcm : Sa chatthere- afterout Sovetam Lord may be advifed how he wiUdifponeAe remanent to the rewatdmgofhistrueheKs that hes in timeby-ganc done, and faEin time to cum do, ins Hiennefle gude and true fervice Ofthe quhilkannexationWetenourfoilowis: JAMES, bedie Graceof God, IGngof toto. to^ L felieges, baithCletkesandLaickes, greeting: F OR-Sameikle to us, anf our Succeffoutes, nor profitable to our fubjeftes inhabitants of our Realme, tlientohavemaU thepartesofourRcalme, certaine dominions andpofeffiofts apDtopriate mitous: I"*" perfonally dwell and remaine, for doing ofJuftketoourfubjeAes, greffouteLfourLawes: tiiatdierby wemay governehonourabiie, andqwetlieptefewethcEftareofout leaime. witooppreffingofourLdges: 'TWforeinourPailiaracat.haldenatfiteryM 0;?rffr,thezeirof(fod,aiietlioiifa3^, fourhundtah. fow fcoirfevensMis: Xee of all and fmdrie Prelates, Bartonnes, Burgeffes, Commiffioners, Free-halders, Eftaites of our Realme: Itis ftatute and ordained, that aSlandfmdneLordftippes. Land^ with Advocation and Patronage of Mtks and Chaplanaries , with dicir petcmentsliereaf er expre^^^^^^ be in aU times camming unitel incorporated . and annexed : Like aslie ^h^s prefenc ftamte and ffiey atreallie united , incorporated, and annexed to us .out S^ceffioures Mjsof riclit ofthe Crowne tliereof petpetualiie: Swa that ttfall notbeleafum tous, out Succellouts KING JAMES THE T H R I T> 78 _ to/Wquhat-fumever, in ony time hereafter , to give, grant, orinony manner of way to annalie fro, „ therichtandpropertie ofour Crowne, infee or life-rent, to onyperfon or perfones of quhatfume^r E. ftaite, degree, Ldour, or condition he be of: The forcfaidis Lordflitppes , I-aj'des, ^aftelles, Patfo. naffesofKirkcs, or ony part thereof, except the faid donation , or alienation . fall be maid witli the advife, manure deliberation and feefeit of Parliament of tire three Eftaites of our Realrae : A>id *a lor the evident M^noditie. and manifeft utilitie of us. our SuccefToures and fubjeftes And gif.t fall happen ony of the Lordiltippes Landes, advocation ofKirkes within written , to beannahed ordiiponedbeus, ourSuccef. foures K^lrigis o( Scotland, in ony time hereafter, without mature delibcratirai, corfent, anddecreiteof Parliament or out evident commoditie. and manifeft utilitie of us , our SiiccelToiires andfubjeiftes, asfaid is: Thefamindonationandalienation, ftva maid and granted, fall be of 11a ftrength , force, ijorelfea; i„ fikforte that it fall beleifum to us and our SuccefToiirs , Kings of Scotland, for the time, to take back and receive at our awin free will and pleafure without ony procefie of Law to be moved there , anent, the faidis landes Lordfhipes, Caftelles, and advocation ofKirkes, fwa alienate, contraitthetenourofthisftatute, to reinaine as richt and propertyof our Crown , and to out awin proper ufe , notwithftanding the alienation thereof forefaid : And mair-over . all and fmdtie the perfones to quhorae the l^dis LordJnipMs , landes, Caftelles Advocation of Kirkes was fwa given andannalied, fall be bound and oblillied to ratore all and ft nJrie fruftes , commodities , and emolumentes intrometted-with and taken up be tliera oi the faidis landes, induing the hail! time of the donation and alienation theceofto us and our Succefloutes.Kingis 01 this Realme for the umc. And thir ar the Lord-ftiippes , Landes , Caftelles and Advocation ofKirkes , united , mcorpo- rated,' andannexedtoiis, ourSucceffouresandrichtofourCrowne. Imprimis All and hail! the Lordlltippe and Erledome oi March ,' with the pemnsnts : All and haitl the landes of the Barromiies oiTIumhar . xAColhrands-feth , with the Caftel oiTIumhar , with the toute and fortaliceofC«/^Wj:-/fr/^.- Ail and haill the landes of the Lordlliip oi lylmanddml , witli the pettmeats, with the Caftel of with tennentes, tennendries, andferviceoffreetenaentes, ofthefaidErle- domeandLordfhippeofc*zrr/i, and of the forefaidis Barronnies of‘a<»ifor , sndColbrands.petb , and Lordfliip of Annanddail, and Advocations of all and fmdrie Kirkes, Prebendaries and Chaplanaries pertein- and to the faidis Erledome, Bartonnies and Lordiliippes : Mait-ovet to the efFeft that diis prefent ftatute may be the mair furely keiped and obferved : It is ftatute and ordained , that we fall give our bodiely aith, for the inviolable obfervatioii of the famin : And that all and fmdrie out ^ucceiToures , Kingis ol Scotland, fail be obliftied to make the like aith in the time of their Coronation :, In witnelle of die quhilkis all and findrie pre* miftes , our great feale, and the feales of the Venerable and ReverendF athers in Chtift, Biftioppes, Abbottes, Priors’, togidder with the feales ofour Lovits, Coufinges, Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, Free-!ialders, and Commiffioners of Butrowes , ar hereto hung and appended. 1 1 5. The Crmmer fold have the horfe perteining to the makfaBores. IT is ftattite and ordained, that the ftanite maid of before, anentthegudesoftheperfonesthatarjufti- fied, and quhat part the Crownet fold have thereof: andefpecialof tliispoynt, qiihair it is faid , in the faid ftatute, of damoned horfe un-fehod : that it be interpreted and declared intirae to cum , indiiswaies: That the fid Crowners fall have damoned horfe depute to warke , and not to die faddle, that was never fchod nor ufed to fchone. 1 1 4. Kyinent ftrangers bringand in viBualk, and utheris merchandke. And Attout, for the commoun profite of the hail! Realme, and to caufeftrangers of utlier Realities to cimi within the femin with viftualies and uther Merchandke , to the fupportation of the Kingis Lieges: It is ftatute and ordained diat in time to cum, all ftrangeres be treated lionotablie with all favoures, quhair ever they cum to ony Port of the Realme : And that nane ofour Soveraine Lords Officiats , nor uther his Lieges, diitrouble them , nor put them felves, fchips not glides under arreift: Bot that diey have full libertie and freedome to difpone upon their awin gudes, and fell them tofrec-men, widioutcornpulfionot violence: And tliat 11a price be fet upon their gudes, bot be bying and felling with their awin confent. And that na new cuftoraes, impofitions , nor exaftions be taifed nor taken of tiiem, bot after the auld ufe and coii- fiietude ; And quhair ony viftualies of Merchandice cummis gaining for our Soveraine Lord : diat his Comp¬ troller or receiver, after diat the price be maid with the ftrangets, fell havefameikle ofthefirftaiidbeft, as is needefuU to our Soveraine Lordis proper ufe , for the quhilk they fall make diankfull payment , but delay, that in default thereof, the ftrangets be not tarryed. And that in time to cum , na perlon under cullour of byeing to OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS ufe, take or receive mair gudes fra ftrangets, to regrate and fell againe , under die pasne of banifhing the Realme , and tinfell and efeheitte of their mooveable gudes. And mair-over , that ftrangets now being within the Realme, that ar plainteous of ony glides taken fra them, or injurie done to them , fall have incontinent payment maid to them , and reformation, according to Jiiftice. And in like-waies, gif ony ftrangets , that ar now abfent cummis hereafter to compleinzie , diat they fall liave reformation and J uftice of ony perfon within the Realme , but delay : Swa that tlitow minifttation of Juftice, and favorable treating of all ftrangets , they fall have occafion to cum and repaire in the land in time to cum, to the great utilitie of the iiaiil Realme. ly, Co'ttt- FOVRTEENTH ‘PARLIAMENT. FirftofOBober. 1487. 7? lerfones under 1 1 y. CommiJJimi far exam'matimi of the Lawes. Item, The haiU three Eftaites hes committed full power ofthehaill Parliament to die perl written, toadvife, commounaiid refer againe to the nixt Parliament or Generali Councell, a _ uftionoftheKingis Lawes, Regiammajeflatem , aftes, ftatutes, and udier buikes to be putinanevo- Uime and to be authorized, and the lave to be deftroyed, viz. Four for ilk aneofthediree Eftaites, and the Prelates ar accorded to make the coafte, of tlieit Ckrkes: And the Barronnes die e;tpenfes of their per- fones And die Burtowes of their Commiflionets. N I ANE TABLE Of the PARTlCPlLAR lyiCTES and utheris, Wiaid be KING JAMES the Thrid, quhilkfs ar mcht f rented. Fitft Parliament, nintli of Otftober, die zeir of God, anedioufand, four hiindreth , fextie fex zeires, ANetst the mariage efmr Saver aine Lard. ^_AMent baimes fut in fee off he land. Far in-bringing ef money within the Realms. Second Parliament, xxxi. of Jaouar. 146^. litcme to Merchandes to page to Middle-burgh with their gudes. Fourth Parliament, xiv. of Januar. 1467. xAmtt fitting of Seffms. That there be two. Sejfms. Of ftting and mtbarizkig ef Jnfike aires. Fifth Parliament, -xx. of November. 1469. The Setter-day uther vigils'to be halie-daks. \Mnent the redvBimi of Hojpitalks. That Ferriers make Brigges. Jext Parliament, vi.ofMaij. 1471. Of Cartes of weir to be maid. Jevendi Parliament , ix. ofMaij. i474. KAne Embaffaimr to England. That all cmplaintes be perjewed before their Judge Ordinar. Audit Parliament, xx. of November. 1475. Ofjufiiceairestwifimthesaeir. Amnt the manage efffvr Sonjeraine Lordis Sijler. Tenth Parliament-, vi.ofAuguft. 1477. Of fiauchter. Of the ntrnn. 8o Ane Embajfadmr to the Ttuke tf/Butgundie. Lomm'iJJion anent m Embajfadour to Be fint in England. Elleventh Parliament, xviii. of Match. 1481. Anent weapm-Jchawing. Ata'mft the rievcr Edward. The Kingis fromifi anent JuJike. The maner to refift the riever Edward. Of Currours and their hwfis. For refifling of the traitmir James Dowglas. The up-holding ^Berwicke, and Garrifmies on the Bordoures. Of wages contrair the favorers of James Dowglas. Ane EmBaffadour to the King of France. Anent the indult granted to the Arch-Bipopof^&int-hnditem^s. Thretteenth Parliament, iv. of Februar. 1483. Recovering (^Dumbar Cajtel againjl Alexander T)uke of Albanie. The denying of remijfmns and rejpettes. Impetration of benefices the fege vacand. Ane Embafiadour to King Richard. Of the Filli-girth. Ane Embaffadottr to the Paipc , and bis infiruBious. Of talloHU and fait hides. Refufe of remiffmns and rejpettes. Of juftke generalles to be maid, hmbaffadour to the King of the Romaines. Of fijhing and making of hiring in the Weft fea. Annexation of the Triorie of Coldingham to the Chaipel Rcyal. F I N I S. the V . . ] /•I c I L I f I y * THE FIRST P A R LIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE FOURTH, Haldett at Edinburgh, the VI. T>ay of October, The ZeirofGod, i^ne thoufand, foure hwt- dreth , foure-fcoir aucht zeires : jlnd of his Reigne the firft zeir. I. Of Burr owes repkigeand their Nkhtbonres fra the Juftice. T Is ftatute and ordained anent the article beiaiigand the Butrowes, in the time of the Juftice aires, quhiikis hes bene repledgedlra the Juftice, he fittand in the principal Burgh of the Schire , into their freedomes ; Throw the quhilk repledging , juftice hes not bene done upon the inhabi¬ tants of the faid Biirrowes intimeby-gane; Therefore iiitimeto-cumit fail be leiffoll to the Kingis Juftice , he fittand in the principal Burgh of the Royaltie, upon the mater of the aire, to give ane aftife to all inhabitants witliin utheris Burrowes of their awinNichtboures, that beftknawis the veritie , gif they be prefent. And gif fa mony bee not prefcnt , that may be fufficient number : That it fall be leiffull to him to choofe anc aillfe of the faid Head-burgh , or to eik the nuj-nber , as he rhinkis maift expedient for the gude of Juftic? , and without prejudice of the ffcedomes of the faid Burrowes. ectimzw. That a fine fenny of gold, mid ane utber offiker be firicken , Of the W ardent of the c T E M , It is ftatute and ordained be our Soveraine Lord , and his three Eftaites in this prefcnt ParliMicnt, _ that a fine penny of gold be ftricken , to be of weichc and fines to the iJo/e-Noble , and ane penny to be equal to the auld Englijh gioate , and ten of them to make ane ounce of filver , and to have cpijrfe .and gang for fourteene pennies. And that there fall be ane halfe groate of the famm. And the faid penny oj I tidis sroates of the lamm pteiit. Ana me laiuis pe.jiues or m have fik ptent and dreumfeription . as fall be advifed be the Kingis HienelTe. And all uther money to be equally conformed thereto. AnJ our Soveraine Lord fall limit ane cuinziour thereto 2.%y4kxand^ LevmBouu , and a wife and kill man, that hes knawiedge in the money , to be warden thereof: Thatis tofay , /rrwcj- o, Creickotm, oi Rucbvendami , forthefpaceofazeir, to examine and ^ay the fines of the faid goldand filvet, after the forme and rule maid in the Parliament of before : The faidis Wardene and cuinzioures havand fiklike fee for tlieir laboures , as they had in the time of our Soveraine Lotdis Ptogenitoures and fik ike pro- fitestocumtotheKingisHieneffeofthefaidcuinzie: And as for the m-bringing of Bulzieon. the nicr- chandesfallforthegudoftheReaime. bring of ilk Serplaith of Wool!, ilk lafte of Safmonde,ilkfourchun- dretlidaith, four Lnce of brunt filvet , of iik lafte of hides fex ounce, ilklafte of Herring, cwaoimce. And fikiike of aU uther gudes that payis cuftome to tire King. And the merchandes thereof M bang in Bulzieoneffeitaiid thereto. Aiidattour. the merchandes AatbnngishamethefedBulzieon, 8^ KING JAMES THE F OV RT H fall be of die fines forefaid, fall have of die faidcuinzie, and to be payed be the Wardene , twelve iMinges for ilk ounce. And the faid Wardene fall fnrnilh the cuinziour of bulzieon , and the irons to be put in keip- ing, and to receive it, that is cuinziedro the changeour thereof, and p^ the raerchandes for the faid Bul- zicon , and to take ane aflay of Gold and Silver that fall be cuinzied, as is forefaid , to bekeiped and examined zeirly’at the Checker , and there to be maid compt of fa mony ounces, as is cuinzied in the zeir, baith of gold and filver. And the Cuftomcrs at their compts making , to be charged with fa mony ounces , and uthcris glides, as is abone written in the famin forme. Andtobedifchargedoffa farre, as they deliver to the laid Warden and cuinzieoures. And that all merchandes that beis foundin culpable in the breaking of mis ftatute, fall pay to our Soveraine Lorde , the double avaiie of die faid ounces of Bulzieon , according to the Serplaith and gudes abone written. And that all utlier money, gold and filver fall have courfc to the avaiie, as it is now. 3. That fchifjes cum to free Burr owes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that in time to cum all maner of Schippes, ftrangers and udiers cum to the Kingis free Burrowes , {\f,2.%T)umbartane, Irving, IVigtoun, Kirk-cudbricht , Renfrew, and utheris free Burrowes of the Realme , and there make their Merchandice. And that die faidis ftrangers bye na fifh, bot failed and barrelled, nor bye nane uther merchandice, bot at free Burrowes , and there pay their dewties and cuftomes , and take their coequet as eileiris. And that they make na merchandice at Lowes nor uther places, bot at free Burrowes , as faid is. And that nane ofour Soveraine Loidis Lieges take Schippes to fraucht, under colour to defraud our Soveraine Lord nor his Lieges , under the paine of tinfel of their lives and gudes , and that na ftrangers do in the contrair , under the paine of tinfel and confifeation of their Schip and gudes to our Soveraine Lordis ufe. 4. Of Ckrkes that pirchafis benefices contrair the Kingis Jrefentation. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that for-fameikle as it was ftatute and ordained be the Parliament in our Soveraine Lordis Anteceftbures times of maift Noble minde ; That quhatfumever Clerk his liege pur- chafed ony benefice at die Court ofi?(wz;e,ofthequhilk die prefentationpetteined to his Hienefle, the fegc vacand , be richt and priviledge of liis Crowne : I hat they that attempts, accepts, or putchafis ony fik bene¬ fices , or commitris the crime of hurt-majeftie againft his Hienefle , that the paines conteined in the aft of Parliament , that is to fiiy , profeription, rebellion and treafon be exemte upon them. And now it is feene ex¬ pedient be the three Eftaites of the Realme, and ftatute and ordained, that quhat time it be declared be the bell and wordiieft Clerkes of the Realme, before the Lordes of Councel , that ony perfon or perfones be grace ac- ceptis, or purchaftis ony benefice, perteining to our Soveraine Lordis prefentation , die fege vacand, in the Court of Rome, or within the Realme : or hes piirchafed or perfewed the famin, fen the laft ftatute maid thereuponTliat after the declararion be maid beClerkes before die Lordes ofCouncel,theChanceliar fall make the paines conteined in the faid aftes of Parliament to be put to execution upon the breakers of die faidis aftes, les nor they leave the faid benefices , after they be required diereupon : And dieit letters of declaration to be given in name of our Soveraine Lord and his three Eftaites. And that the Ordinaries difpone upon their nther benefices, for the inhabilitie of their perfones. And gif ony perfones Spiritual! or Temporal wauld niainteine, fiipply, or defend the faidis Clerkes, breakers of our Soveraine Lordis aftes of Parliament, afterthatitbedeclaredhis Patronage, asfaidis, theybeand required, and willnotdefift fra the fupplying of the faidis Clerkes : That there fall be letters given in likewife upon diem declaring them to liaue fain in die famin paines, conteined in the aftesof Parliament, asfaidis. y. The revocation maid atScont. ITEM, Ancnt the Proclamation maid at Jew/e: It is ftatute and ordained, that all alienations of landcs, heritages, lang-tackes,few-fermes, offices, tailzies, blanch-fermes , creations of new dignities, granted to ony perfones, quhat eftaite, degree, or condition that ever they be of , fen the fecond day of/flr»ar laft by-paft, be umquhileour Soveraine Lordis Father, quhom Godaflbilzie, quliilk michtbe prejudicial to our Soveraine Lord, and his Crowne , that now is, be cafled & annulled , and to ba of na force noreffeft ill times to cum; Becaufe chat fik alienations , gifts and ptiviledges were granted , fen the faid time, for the aftiftance to die perverfed counfel, diat were contrair the commoun gude of the Realme, and caufe of die fiauchcer ofour Soveraine Lordis Father, and divers udiers his Barronnes and lieges. 6. That the aires be not hurt be theirpredecejfoures. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , anent die aires of all Lordes , Barronnes, and uther landed-men, that were with our Soveraine Lord that now is, indie field of againft die perverfed Councel in the misguiding of umquhile his Father, quhom God afloilzie, and the commoun gude of die Realme, that na hurt nor prejudice be done to diem be ony of their prcdeceflbures, in alienation or skaidiofthe heritages. SECONT> TARLIAMENT. XV. ef Ftbruar. 1489. _ ^5 . that they fuld fucceede ro , fen thetimeofthefaidfielde, or in ony time to cum: Andgifonjr rnsnon be maid in prejudice of the faidaire, thatitbeofnaftrength, force net effect in time to cum. And and declaris the famin of nane avails , gif there be ony done. Finis. H S E O N O PARLIAMENT O F king JAMES THE FOURTH.' Haldm the fifteenth day of Februar , the zeir of God , am thmtfandfimr hundreth, amhtie nine zeireii 7. Of the freedme efhalie Kirk: N The firfti for the honour of God, libertie and fteedome of haUeKitk, andKirk- meti: It is ftanite and ordained, tiiatailpriviledges, fteedonies, and immunities of die famin be obferved and keiped in time to cUm , like as they have bene in the time of our Soverainc Lords Father, andfor-beares of maift Noble minde, witli this addi¬ tion : T hat the takers and intrometters of the lands , teinds obligations, ptofRtes or dewtics of liaKe Kirk, without tacke or afledation of the Perfon, V icar, or their fetm- orares, be called, and that to be a poynt ofdittay in time to Cum. 8, Of mhjirpl cmatrd amangf his Liegei. irputhisauthoride.betlieadfifeoliiisfaidCouncel! , to make ^ perfones and patties tobcatfriendftjip and concord , and quhai perfon or perfones that refufis, inhisdetault, to heare anereifonable and honor¬ able Concorde of his partie: That the Kingis Juftice put iharpe Jufticeondiepartie, qultilkisarobftinate, throw the quhiik the Kingis Hienes may caufe them to be in heartie amitie, ftiendihip. and quiet with the pu- nition, according to the Lawes of the Reaiiae. 9. For m4ringmg of the taxatimt and m-dorngoftheKingisdifehargetfonyfarithereof. ITEM, Ancnt tlie expedition of rliehaiftiefa-kingingandgettingoftiietaxtgraMedffltheParliameiit, fortheexpenfes of ane honorable Embaffadour that fold palTe for out Soverainc Lords manage . anew the L-., j- . Trie rKraidbr exnedient. tliat the Prelates now beino in this towne, luld tiatthefaidis Schireffes and Baillies, anduthers Officiates , being fo oft-times charged be the Kmgis letters, and ar now called to be here, that tlierefore they be now charged be Offidares of the Kingis , to be before the ChanceUar , and Lotdes of Couticett , on Friday that nixt cummis, m George Rokefmeslmei , to mak iuU compt and pay mem of the faid taxt : And in like wife, that aU Schireffes, Proyeftes, and Baillies of Burrowes, and all iicker officiates quhilks come not here, norisprefeiit: That letters inrontinent be wntten to them, chargdngtliemtoraife, in-bring. and pay the faid taxt to ane fehort day, or els that they kchargd to their perfones in warde witliin dil Caftel oiBlacknefe witliin fifteene dayes, gif they faibie of the m-btingtog and paying ofriiefaidtaxt. under the paines of Rebemon and putting of them to the horne confifeanon^d efcheitcinlofalltheirpropergudcstotheKingisufe, And becaufe the Lordesunderftandis that theteis feme partMf letters gcauted be the King to Spiritual Ixitdes and Prelates and Temporal Lord«^ Barronnes.ofdifchaVofpartoftheSdtaxt, Ae^u^l^^efaids Lotdes confidte and wid«^ Kingmichtnotdifehale, L it was |«ntedbethefaidEftaitesto*efaidEmbaffadour. andf^^^^^^^ forefaid: Therefotetiiefaidislettersofdifchatgetobenadefaifancetoffiem. And that na ftreng*. force, noreffeft. And that letterrofdifchatgc be maid under the prmefeale, and fend to the Ordinaries and Schireffes thereupon. ^ 10 Of 84 > K I N G J AM E S' T HE FOE) Rt B 1 0. Of the Kingis Revocat'm and in-bringing of his frofertie of his feruandes feef. ITEM, Touching die Article of the Kingis propertie , for the honorable fuftemation and haldir^ of his houfe , according to his eftaite and honour, quliilk may not be failzied , without great derogation of ins Noble Eftaite ; It is coniidered be the faidis Lordes of Articles , that fen all the Lordes Spiritual and Tempo¬ ral, and utheris his true lieges, fold abone all fingular and particular profile, defire to preter the Noble Eftaite of his excellence, like as it was done in the time of his maift Noble Progenitoures of gud mindc ; Herefore it is thought expedicnte, neidfull and reafonable , and als ftatute and ordained m ttas prefent Par¬ liament , That fullderogation, caflation, and annullation be maid of all giftes, donations , inieitments', tew, fermes, fees, life-rentes, given be his Hienefle to quhatfomever perfon or perfones. fen the day oi Itis Corona¬ tion; Swa that all landes, rentes, cuftomes, burrow-mailles, fermes, martes, mutton, pultrie, auarage, car¬ riage, and uther dcwties, that were in tliehandes of his Progenitoures and F adier, qiihome CjOQ ailoilzie , tlie day of his deceafe ; Notwidiftanding quhatfomever affignation or gift be maid thereupon under the great feale, privie feale , or uthers, be alluterly cafled and annulled : Swa that the haill profiles and rentes thereof, may cum to our Soveraine Lord, to the honorable fuftentation of his houfe and Noble Eftaite, as faid is : And quhair there is ony fees or dowries to be given to Officiates, Wardens , and utheris fik-like , as had fee in his Fathers and Graiidfchirs times, that me famin fees be payed to them in money , be the iiandesrftlie Re¬ ceivers , and Comptrollers. And that they take na dewties of the Kingis proper landes for na affignation maid to diem. Andthatalltheirlandes.rentes.lermesabonewritten, remaine with the King in this kinde, qubiU liis age of twentie ane zeir , notwidiftanding ony gifts maid of befoir in the contrair. II. For kei/mg of the dayes of trewes. An D As tuitchifig the obfervation and keiping 'oi the trewes taken with the King of E N G L A N D, It is thoucht profitable be the faidis Lordes of the Articles , that our Soveraine Lord caufe liis wardens and Lieli-tennents, that they obferve and keepe dayes of trewes , als oft as it is neidfull, for the obfervation of die faid trewes, induring the time of the famin : Swa that his Hienes and lieges have fik-like obforved to diem for the part of E N G L A N D. And that the wardens halddieir courtis , and punilh trdpaliwrs , for die gude of rlie cuntrie , and ftaiiching of fik trefpaflbures. l^. Of the Kingis Comtcell , and faffing of Jignatmres. And For the mair fickernes , fore fupportarioti , and acceleration of Juftice , it is advifed and feepe fpeidfull, that the faid Councell now' chofen in this prefent Parliament, be fwotne in the Kingis prefence and his three Eftaites, to give his Hienes a trew and afaldcounfel in all maters concerning hisMajeftie and his Realme. And fail remaine of his Couiicell , quiiill the time of the nixt Parliament. And to be refponfal and accufabil to the King and his Eftaites of their counfel. And our Soveraine Lord lies humbledfeis Hienes to promit and grant in Parliament to abide and remaine at their counfels , quliill the nixt Parliament , as faid is. A nd till efclie w all drcumveiitiones and deceites , that lies bene done to the Kings Hienes be bringing of divers fignatoures of infeftments , donationes, giftes, conduftes, and remiffiones , and uther fik letters hurtand and tuitcliand the King in his cafualitie or propertie : For thefeciuding of the famin, fiis Hisnelfo lies granted and confeiited be authoritie of this prefent Paniatnent: That na fik giftes, fignatoures, remiffiones, rclpettes, conduftes, and utlieris letters fall pafle in time to cum, without advile and confent of the Lordes of the faid fecreite Coimcell. And all fik letters to be fabferived be the King , and fa mony of the faid Councel), as fall be prefent for the time , to the number of fex perfones at die feweft , fittand togidder in Councell , the Chancellar beand ane. And gif ony fik letters be given without their confents in uthenvaies , That the faidis letters be of naneavaile, force, nor effeft, and to have naftreneth. And diat the Chancellar , .Privie feale, andSecretar, anfwere to nane uther letters, bot fik as beis fiibfcrived , as faid is, with the faid Lordes of Councell. And in likewife the King to be ruled and governed be their Counfelles in die difpofitions and giving ofhisTreafure.filvetvcfciiel.cheinzies, jowelles, and udier abuiiziements , perteining to his maift Noble perfon. And diis maiier of doing to be keiped and obferved, quliill the time of the nixt Parliament. 13. Of Gold-Jmithes. AS Touching the article of Gold-fniitlies, quhilkis layis and makis fak mixmre of evil mettel.corruptand thefinemettelofgoldandfilverintiiedeceiptofour Soveraine Lord and his lieges, that gartis make and worke gold and filver , for the reformation and efcliewing of the famin : It is now advifed and-foncluded, chat na Gold-fmith fall make mixwre , nor put fals layis in die faid mettelles. And to have kiiawledee of die fi lies of their warke , that ilk Gold fmidi have ane fpecial marks , figne and taiken, to beput in his faia warke, quliilk he makis. And thay famin warkes to be offinesoltlienewwarkesoffilverofSrw^ej. Andtiiat there be ane Deakon of the Craft of Gold-fmitlies , quliilk fall examine the faid wark and fines theteol , and feetliatitbcalsgudeascliefaidwarkof^rK^ej-. And thereafter the famin Deakon to put his marke and figne on the faid wark, and to anfwer thereupon, upon his life and glides. And as touemng die warke of - SECON’D PARLIAMENT. XV. of Febnmr. 1489. g j' oold, tljatitbemaidalsfine, as it is firft molten in prefence of the awner, like as the touch and aflaie given to hint’ quhen it is firft molten. And nawarto be delivered in prefence of the Deakon: Swa that the j^ngis lieges be not deceived , and that it keipe die faid fines , as faid is. 14. (.Mnent the failing of Merchands-. Of Btdzieon. An E N T the afte of failing of Merchandes , quhilk lies bene maid of before , and tliat the famin aftc be now in time to cum obfsrved and keiped be the Merchandes , and in likewife anent the inbringing of Bulzieon, that the afte maid thereupon be given and keiped in fcharpe execution. And that the Auditotfres of tiie Checker, and all utiters in time to cum take comptofthe in-bringing of Bulzieon, fen the time of our Joveraine Lorde , like as at mait length is conteined in uther a&s maid diere-upon. And that the faid compt be taken after the quantitie of the gudes , tiiat is cumming hame. And anent the failing of the faid Mercn- ante, tliat the Proveft , Aldermen, and Baillies of Burrowes make diligent fearcliing and feeking of the faiUets in Winter, fra AlbaUtm-ms , till Catidil-mes , and make the paines to be raifed on the breakers there¬ of to the King, under the paine often pound to be raifed of die Officiates, thatbeis negligent not puniftiand in their default. ly. i_Ansnt craves and fijhzaires : Ofthemid-ftreame ; T7jeSettetdaies7li^.- CreiUes and nettes : Readfijh. Item, Anent emves and fifhzaires, qiiliilkis deftroyisthe fryoffifti, andhuttisthecommounprofitc of the Realme : It is ordained , that the afles and ftatutes ma’id of befoir , be obferved and keiped with diis addition: That letters be written to all Scliirffes, Baillies and Stewardes, todeftroy, call downe, and put away all die craves within their bounds incontinent without delay. Andthat dittaybetaneupon them , that lies craves in the contrair die faid afle. And to pay for ilk cruve five pound for amerciament in the Juftice aire , to be raifed on die maker and up-halder of tlie famin. And .in likewife the Schireffe that failzies, to be in amerciament of twentie pound to the King in die Juftice aire, and tobea poyntofdittay, as faid is. And anent the cruves tliat ftandis in frefii waters , that they ftand not in forbidden time. And letihe mid-ftteame beaiwayftee, bethefpace offivefcte. And that the flop be obferved and keiped, as the afte and ftatute maid be King requiris. And that ilk heck ofthe laid cruves be five inche wide , according to die fafnin ftatute. And as for millers , that fettis crcilles and nettes in dammes, Hiiliie-Iandesv atidwaters, deftroyandreadfifli-, andfryoffijli, asfaidis, fallbeapoyfttofdittay. And thepainebaitliofcauferofcteilles, nettes, and of die millets, ilk aiie of diem tliat dois in the contrair, to incfitdieualaw ofread fifti, andtobetaken ofriiem that dois in the contrair. And that letters be written, asfaidis, todie Schireffes, Stewardes. and Baillies, to put difs aft to execution , and fee diat the famin be obferved and keiped, under the paine of twenciepound.tobe-raifeduponthethe officiates that failzies, asfaidis. And as touching the flauchtet ofread fifli, tliat it be punillied after the forme of die ftatute, de- clairand the unlaw thereof, ten pound. 1 6. the free tennentes , that haldis ofthe Duke of Rothefay and Ste¬ ward of Scodand, ITEM, Anent the free tetmeiites, diathaidis of die Prince, the Duke of and Steward of Srat- W: The Lordes ofthe articles tliinks it teafonable , that all thay free tennentes fall be halden to com- pdr and anfwere indie Padiament and juflice aires, with dieufuitesandprefenres, asefreires, ay, and quhill our Soyeraine Lorde haV'e ane Sonne , that fuld be immediate betwixt the King and diem , to aniivere for them in the faid Parliament and juflce .aires : And fuit-rolles to be maid thereupon , quhilk fall indure, quhill die Prince be borne, I 17. Ofthe money. TEM, Anenttheatricleoftliemoney: ItisthochtexpedientbetheLords ofthe Articles, thatthcre JLbeanetrewfubftantionsinan. maifter ofthe cuinzie, quhilk fall forge money , and cuimieroferv erne Kingis lieges. And that cuinzie fall be in this manner, that is for to fay, a groate till have courle and ga ^ot fourteene pennies, and ten ofthem to .weyane ounce, and to be of the famin fines, ^ the EDWARDE groate of England and that thefaid cuinzieour fall give & pay for the ounce of brant filver, Slsven ihimnges, fex pennies , to be given, andfor IPtfw filver , and the filver warke of Bruges fiklike. And as for the filver warke of tliis Reahne , quhilk is brock to the cuinzie , tliat is not fa fine, the faid cumzieour M give and de¬ liver therefore the verry availe to the awner of tlie faid filver. And fa-meiklc as it is war then Pans warke, or filver warke oi Bruges, to be defaulked qnd tebaitqd of the price of the faide filver. And gif the bud cnmzieour and the feller ofthe faid warke cannot aerie ofthe price, thatthetefallbetwatrewegoid-lmidis, iwornbe their great aiths to fee and examine the faid filver warke, andtlievaloutdiereof, and to declare quhanns wcortli like ounce : Ofthe quhilk modification and ptice,baith the cuinzieour, awner & lelier ol tlie laid luver fall ftand content. And to have knawledge that the faid cuinzie be keiped in weicht and fines wffi die laid ^ - ICING JAM ES THE FOVR TH^ EDWARD aroate , this faidcuinzieourfallhaveafigneand taAen_^matdin theprentmg haveaiiddifTc. rence fra the firft cunzie. And gil ony of the new groates be foundmwar mwe.cht and fines, nor tlte roWARD groate, the cuinzieout to be puniflied therefore, andnne his life and pdes Andthatto be examinedaiidfeeneatthenixtParliament, andfoonergif itpleafisthe Kmg. Andbecaufe insmcaned mni R SOVERAINE LORDE, that his gold and filvercunziedm his Reaime, is be ignorant per- fonesrefufed, qnhen thefaidgold orfilverhes crackeor flaw orbe folded: jtisordained, thatthefa.d e^dandfilveifallbereceivedbeallhislieges: Sathatitke.pallAe week, andbegudetrewmettel, fup. pofe it be with crackeor flaw, or folded, asfaidis, mall times to cum. 1 8 , Of miming ofCaufes in Galloway. ITEM Becaufe it was meaned and complained be our Soveraiiie Lordis lieges dwelland in die bouiides of GaUm^M that certaine Gentlemen, heads of kin in Galloway lies ufed to take Caupes.of the quhilk tacke there and exaftion thereof, our SOVERAINE LORD, and his three Eftaites knew naperfite nor teafon- ablec’aufe for die quhilk hisHienes beadvifeof the lalt Parliament, affigned, warned and charged all thenerfonisthat claimed or aUeaged to take, raife, or intrometwitliony fikaaionofCaupes, to cum to the nixt Parliament, and there oftend and fchaw quhat richt they have to die taking of die farain And nowe in this wefent Parliament, the faidis perfones making the faid ciaimes , lies bene oft nmes m called for tlie of- tenfion and fchawing of their richt, asfaidis, andnane hes compeired norfehawmna nclit, nor title of richtes to raife and take the faid Caupes. Herefote owr Soveraine Lord , willing and being of intention, to feclu’de and put away all flk abufiones , evill ufe and extorfiones put on his people and lieg« . but reafon- ablecaufe Be authoritieofhis Parliament lies ordained to be abufed, and left die taking ofthe faid Caupes in all times to cum : And na man to take them of the Kingis lieges , under the painc to be puriillicd as for riefe , and ay in time to cum to be a poynt of dittay in the Juftice aire. 19. Of Caufes in Carridb. 1 HienefleandhisEftaitesdbrefaidis, thinkisex- _ _ _ _ _ apes, be warned be open Proclamation to com- ^inn tile nixt Parliament , bringand'wTth them flk evidents and richtes , as thy will ufe for the taking of tha laid Caupes , witli certification and diey do not , that our Soveraine Lorde, with advife of his three Eftaii will annuli ail fik thing , and will otdaine all fik Caupes to be not taken in time to cum. ices lo. The pfoceffe tf recovering of annual-rentes. ALS WA It is tlioclit expedient be the Lordes of die Articles and Eftaites, after die information and fuppiication maid be the Proveft , Baillies, CounCell and Comtnuaitie oifPerth , defiring of our Soyc- raineLord, that the conftitution and rule ofthe faid Burgh be conformed to die KiftgisLawesandconfue- tude of the Burgh of and lawe of Burgh, anent the recuperation and obteining of annual-rentes in Burgh, in default of folution, and payment ofthe annualles audit to the Lords, awnersandproprietares of the laid annualles : It is thocht expedient, that die Proces ofthe recovering ofthe faid annual at the FoUith Court , be obferved and keiped in the Burgh oiVerth, and uthers Butrowes in time to cam, as it is ufed in the Burgh of Edinburgh, according to the Law of Burgh, notwithftanding ony uther ufe or confuemde, diat they haVe had in the Ibid Burgh of lang proces and delay in times by-paft. 11 . The tennents of the Kingis pvfertie fuli not be troubled. ITEM, Becaufe it is undetftandin to the Lordes of die attides , the heavy complaints that hes oft times bene maid to the King and liis Councell be his puit tennents , maiilers , and inhabitants, his proper laiides in divers partes of his Realme, that they ar gready hurte and opprefled be Lordes andGentie-meniiithe cuntriedwellingbefide them, quhilkis hes na tack ofout Soveraine Lord of thay landes, conftreinzies , and compellisthemtodofervice, avarage, cartage, fcheiting, leading, labouring, ryding and travelling be their powers and authorities : And for remeid hereof, It is now ftatute and ordained , that na Lord, Barromie, Free-halder, Gende-man, nor udlerscompell, ony of tile Kingis tennents, maiilers, and inhabitants of Iris properlandes, todothemouymaneroffcrvicebecoaftion, ordread, underthepainetobepunifliedasop- preflbutes of the Kingis lieges. And to be a poynt of dittaie in the Juftice aire. 11. Our Svveraiue Lordis revocatim. ITEM, It is thocht expedient, becaufe there was ana ftatute maid in our Soveraine Lordis ParMament, that was balden at on the auchtdaie of lOffrfer, diezeirof GOD, anediou- land.fourehtindteth, fourefcoirauclitzeires, declairand all alienations of landes, heritages, lang-tackes, fcw-fermes, offices, tailzies, blanch-fetme landes maid ofwarde, to be of nane availe , after the fecond day of Februar (quliilk was the day of Our Soveraine Lords, that now is cuinming forth of Strivilmg} unto the coronation THRIT) TARLIAMENT. XVIII. ofCMay. 1491 coronationofourSoverain tliatnoxvis maidbeour SOVERAINE LORDIS Fadier dw now is ofgudemind, to be of na torcc nor effedt , for cettaine caufes conteined in thcfaidafteandftamte: That tlieiefote all they , quhiliis gatte pretended giftes oi aiienatioiis of heritages, lang-tackes, few-fermes, offices, tailzies, blatich-ferme landes, fuldc bring their letters and evidentes granted hereupon to out Sovetaine Lord] widiin fourrie daies to be deftroyed, certifieing them that btingis not, die King will make diem to be fpc- ciallie called , and punilhed for tlieir inobedience. ^ FINIS, THE T H R I D PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE FOURTH. 'Malditt the auchtenth day of Maij , the zeir of God , ane thmfand foure hmdreth, ninetie ane zeires. a, 3. The alliance and confederation ^France to be confirmed. T is ordained and concluded, that the alliance and confederation maid of before ' ofauld and new, betwixt the Realmesof Scotland and France, theKingisand Princes of the famin , betheadvife, conclufion, and deliverance of the tluec Eftaites be renewed , reformed , and interpreted in forme of the auld alliance, and confederation maid betuixt them and their Realmes and Lieges of befoir. And at- tour, toobteine and procure uthers newftanchefles and priviledges, totlieho- noureandprofiteofout Soveraine Lord, hisReaime and lieges, andtothesude ofMetchandes , that our Soveraine Lordis lieges ufand thay partes , havefik free' dome within the Realme of France, and bounaes of the famin , like as the French' men lies witiiin out Soveraine Lordis Realme and boundes. And quhair the famin priviledges and freedonies arnot, norhes not bene obferved nor keiped in times bygane, to requite refor¬ mation of the famin , according to the forme of the faid alliance. And comiiiiffions to be maid in dew forme thereupon. X4. T be forme of the Chancellariefuld not be altered. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that na brieves nor uthers letters be given to napartie, bot after the forme of the brieves of theChancellarie ufed in all times of before. And that tlie forme ot the Chancellarie be keiped and obferved without innovation or eiking of new termes. And gif onie beis given uthf.rwaies , that they be of na force nor effefl: , except the brieve of fummondes of erroiir. % y . The Wardatar fall not deftrqy the Landes : heftilifufleine the minor. ITEM It is ftatute and ordained, that quhaironie Landor landes hapenis tofaEin WaitdtooutSove- raiiieLord oronieuthet Barronne of this Realme, Spirituall or Temporal, or landes given in conjunft- feftment or life-rent alfweill to Burgh as to land, tliattlie Schirefleofthe SchiteorBaillies fall take Ck-hke foveritie of the perfon or perfones , that gettis or hes fik wairdes , that they faE not waiftnot delhoy tlieir bigsinges Ordiards, Woodes, flanks, parks, medowes, ordowcates, bot that they liald them in^k-iiSkmde as they are in the time, that he gettis andreceivisthe famin, he tak-aiid his rea onabiU fuftentationotufingin neidful tliinges without deftruftion orwaiftingdieteof And ane rerfonabi I living tobegiventothefuftentation of the air, after the quantitie of die heritage, gifthefaid air hes na blanche fetme , not few-ferme landtofufteinehimon. alfweUofthewaitdlands, that failis in out Soveraine Lords hands, as onie uther Barronne, Spiritual, or Temporal. z6. Of landes faUand inwairdor ntherwaies altered, that the tennentesfaUremaine therewith, qubiUthe Wliit-fundaie. T T E M , It is ftatute and ordained , diat qulieii onie lands faUis in waird or quhen onie Ladie havand tetce lorconjunft-feftment, Iiappenistodeceis, orquhatiandberedeemedorlowfedbeteverfion, gilt, Iclbng, 88 KING JAMES THE FOVRTH or wcdfettintT , or ony utlier-waies landes happciiis to be altered. The KUMMes , labourers , and inhabi. t'ntcsomcoi'tliefaidiandesfall remaine unput foordi , orreraoved, quhiUthemxttermeof I .Uowand, payandtotheLorcl, that fall enter to the faidlaadcs the mailes arddewaes audit and wont of the faid landes, quhilkbruilungfaU induce iiapofTeffionlanger, thenthefatd Whit-funday. 27. i_AHetitfindmgoflaw-borrowes:. ITEM, Itisadvifed, ftatiite, and ordained, fortheefche\vingof(lauchter,fore-tlioiightfelionie, and debait ,’ that fall happen betwixt oiiie perfones in time to cum, be complaint maid to our Soveraine Lord, hisChanc'ellar, orjuftice, that the Chancellar or Preftdent beaiid forthetirne, withiadvifeoftheCoun- cel, and Juftice', with advife of his aflefloures, fall put-quhat paine of fumme of money , that they think ex- pelient, the parties ajid their aftionesbeaiidconfiddered, that tliepartic Compleinzieand fall be iiarmeles andskaitliles in his perfon or gudes, but fraude or guile utlierwaies then law; will. And quliat Judge or Judges that takis this foyertie, that they aft the famin, or put in remembrance in their bulk, that it may be fchawin to our Soyeraiiie Lord and his Ccuncel. And fik like painss to be pw in flauditer , rebellion, and utlier crimes. 28. AneHtmmi-jlayen taken, or fugitive: i_Aiid ofDemembratm. ITEM, It is ftatute , that quhait ony man liappeiiis to be flaine or demembred within the Realm , alf- weil within regalitie, as wiriiin royaltis, andin Bumh, as to land 1 Then incontinent without delay, alshaftely, as the SchirefFe or Steward , Baillie or Officiar of Regalitie can be certified thereof, outherbe partie compleinzieand , orony utlier way , hefallpafleandperfewtheflayersordememDcrets, aneormaa, and raife the Kingis home on him , and raife the cuntrie incontinent in fimpott , quhill he be over-tane. And gif he may be gotten , he fail incontinent bring him to die King or his Juftice , or els kelp him in ficker fiiretie, quhill die King be certified of him, and have anfwere, quhat he fall do thereto be our Soveraine Lord or his Ju- llicc at his will, or how foone it pleafeth him, noewithftanding the fourtie daies, or the three fumies conteined in the auld Lawes ; The partie toUowand beand prefent or warned to be there , gif he will perfew die aftion Aiidgifithappcnis the faidis txefpa&rs tillefchew out of the SdiitefFedome unarreifted or taken, thentli? Schireffe fall write or fend ane of his Officiars to the TchirelFe of the nixt Schirefdome , and certifie him of ftk men that lies done fik fellonic againftthe King, and ar fugitive fra die Lawes. And then faQhefirftper- fcw him or diem out-dirow the Schireffedome in the famin manor , as the other did of before without delay. And fwa foorth fra SchirefFe to SchirfFe , quhill he be over-tane , or put out of the Realme. And gif he hap- penis to flic in the Regalitie out of the Royaltie : the Schireffe fall incontinent certifie the Lotde of the Re¬ galitie , his Stewarde or Baillie , the quhiik fall perfew the trefpafibures in like manner , as the SchirefFe dois, as is before laid. And quhait ever he happenis tobe over-tane, diat the SchirefFe, Sewarde, orBailliesof the Regalities fall incontinent fende him to the Schireffeor Baillie of the nixt Schireffedome, quhiik fall re¬ ceive him, and fend him to the nixt Scliiteffe. And fa foorth fra SchirefFe to SchirefFe , quhill he be put to the SchirefFe of the Tchire . quhair the deed was done. And there fall juftice be incontinent done, as is before faid. And gif it be fore-thought-fcUonie to die therefore. And gif the faidis lychiriffes or Officiates beis foiindin culpable herein, and he have the Office of heretage, hefall tine itfot threezeires. Andgifhehes itfortermes, to tine it for ever mair. And to abide and underly ane aflife, quhidder lie be culpable or not. 29. That Juftice aireshehaldeHtwifemthe zeir. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained for the ftancliing of cummers, flauchters, riefes, thiefts, extorfions andoppreflionesofouriSbveraineLordis Lieges: Thattherefore iiisairesbefet andhaldentwifeinthe zier, that is to fay, anis on the come, dcanisonthegrafle: Ta that Juftice may be univerfally execute throw the Rcaime , for the piinitionofthe faidis crimes. And quhair it fall befeene Ipeedeful, thatourdb- veraine Lord mo ve his maift Noble perfon dtereto. And quhair it is not neceflare , that our Toveraine Lords perfon move , that be advife of his Councel , he fend fik-like perfones , as fall be fene fpeedcfull for the time, and the countrie that they pafle to. And that ail our Soveraine Lordis lieges reddelie anfwere, rife, and cum to them in fottifieing of juftice , as tltey fall be charged be the Juftice , under die painetobepuniihedas favorers ofthe faid trefpallbiires , and airt and part thereof , and dittay tobe tane thereupon, and to bf a poynt of dittay in time to-cum. 30. Oj the defender nocht empirand. TheSchireffe and uther Judges fttldexecute all deer eetes. ITEM, Itisftatuteand ordained, that quhait ony partie lies aftion and fummoundesagainftutliers, and the defe iidour compeir not in proper perfon , or be liis procuratoures , he fall pay the coiftes and skaithes of the partie corapeiraiid, and ane unlaiv of fourtie lliillinges to the judge, within twentie daies after tli: decreet of the deliverance be given thereupon , or they be heard in judgment : And failzieand thereof. _ thrid tarli ament, xviii.of^iay. - - ^ thereof, that letters be written to the Schireffe of die Sdiire, Steward, orBailliein Burgh, or to land foi- the execution ofthefaiddecreete, and to have forliisoiBce and fees, twelve pennies ot ilk pounde fa reco vere4,to be taken of the parrie thefaid decreete is given againft. And gif it liappenis ojiy of theftidis Schiteffes and officiates to failzie in their offices, not makand the parties to be payed, after the forme of the Kingis letters widiintwentiedaies, offikafummc, as beisdecreeted and recovered, asfaidis: Qiihat Schireffe or ony uthetOffidartiiatbeis negligent, asisforefaid, and makis not dew execution of the faidis deaectes , after the forme of the letters and decreetes, cummand to them thereupon , he that lies the office in charge fall tine diefetniu for three zeires, and he that lies the famin in life-rent, fall tine it for ever^mair. And die coiftes and skaithes of the partie,the Schireffe or Officiar to be debtour t!ierefore,and rife it upon him or them, togidder with the principal furame that is recovered. And in likewife the Proveftes and BaiUies of Burrowes! JO be feduded fra dieir offices for ever mait , and to be debtour and pay the faid femme with coiftes and ex- peiifes, asfaidis. , 51, Of •weapn-fibawinges. Item, it is ftamte and ordained, tliat ilk Schireffe, Steward, or Baillie of the Realme gar weapon- fehawinges be maid four times in the zeir in all places convenient within his Baillierie , indiiswife: That ilk Gende-man , Iwand ten pounds woorth of land or mair, be fufficiently hatniffied and anarmed with bafnet, feliat, quhite-hat, gorget, orpiflane, liailliegge-harnes,fword, fpeare and dagger: and Gentle- jnen havaiid les extent of lands or unlanded , fall be armed at their gudiie power, after theTight and diferetiora of the Schireffes and Bailiies , and fik perfones as our Soveraine Lord fall depute Commiffioners thereto, and honeft zeamen havand fufficient power , that likis to be men of armes , to be haniiffied fiifficiendie, after the ijifcretion of tliefaidis Schireffes and Conimilfioners , and all uther zeamen of the Realme , betuixtfextie and fextene fall have fufficient bowes and fchiewes, fword, buckler, knife, fpeare,oranegudeaxeinfteadofane bow. And that all Burgefles and indweliers in Burrowes of the Realme, inlikemanerbeanarmsd, and harniftied, and mak weapon-fdiawinges , asfaidis, foure times in the zeir. Andthatthe Aldermen and Bailiies be correAed be the Chalmerlaiie or his deputes, for the execution of the faidthinges. And that all men of the Realme baith to Burgh and to Lande , Spirimal mennis fervandes , and Temporal , be weill furvaied of the faide harnes and w'eapones be t\\^{eAe.oiMidfimmerni\ttocnm, quhilkfalibetlieday ofweapoE-fchawinges, under the painesfoUowand, that is to fay, of ilk Gende-man that defaults attlie firft weapon-fehawmges, fourtie fliillinges , and at the fecond default , uther fourtie , and at die thrid default, ten pound. And alfmeikle als oft-times as he defauitis thereafter. And of ilk bow-man at the firft fault ten fliillinges, at the fecond ten fliillinges, and at die thrid , fourtie fliillinges. And fa foorth als oft-times as hebeisfoundinfakiferiiercafter, fourtie fliillinges. And after the faciilrieoftlieirlandesandgudes, that eyerie man be furniflied & harnifljed in his bodie with quhic harnes brigantines , or gud jacks , with fplejites and glooves ofplait and weill hotfed correfpondano to their lands and gudes, bethedifcretionoftheSclii- leffe; Commiflionet or Officiar forefaid, p. Fute-baU and Golfe forbidden. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained that in na place of the Realme there be ufedfute-bail, golfe, or uther fik unprofitable fportes , for the commoun gude of the Realme and defenfe diereof. Aiidtliat bowes and fcliutting be hanted, and bow-markes maid therefore ordained in ilk parochin , under the paine of fourtie fliil¬ linges to be raifed be die Schireffe and Bailiies forefaid. And of ilk Parochin ilk zeir . quliait it beis foundjn, that bow-markes beis not maid , nor fcliutting hanted, as is before faid. 55. Of mettes , meajures and weehtes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, for the commoun gude of the Realme, honour andprofiteofoprSove. 'tain® Lordis Lieges , diat the auld ftamtes and ordinances maid of befoir , baith to Burgh and to Land, alfweil! of mettes and meafitres, cuftomesanduthets, be obferved and keiped , after the tenour and forme of the aAes and ftatutes maid thereupon , and under the paines conteiiied in the famin. And tliat the Chal- merlanes provide , that this be obferved and keiped , and fpecially of weiclites , alfweill ef wax and fpice, and fextene ounce ofthe pound. 34. Of convocation and gaddering in Burrowes. Item, it k ftatute and ordained , that within all Burrowes tlirow-out the Realme, na leagues nor bandes be maid, notzic convocation, nor rifing of commouns in hindring of the commoun Law , bot at the CoinmandoftlieirheadOfficiares: And gffonydoisinthecontrair, and knawledge or taint may be gotten tiicteof , their gudes to be confifeat to the King , and their lives to be at die Kingis will. And diat na man dwellandwidiiii die Burgh be foiindin in man-rent, nottideinnarowtinfear of weir with na man, bot widi the King or his Officiates , ot fiklike , under the famin paine. And als that na indweller within Burgh purchafe ony out-Lotdftiip , or Maifterfliip tolandwatt, to towt nor ride , topleyatbar. otony KING JAMES T H E F O V RT H 3 S’- I uthetivayintheoppreffionofliisNichtbout, bot foberly Nichtbour to Nichtbour under tlte famepaine. A 5 tlL CTetv man dweUand within Burgh, anfwere and obey to the Officares of the famm as faid is. cjulw,,, and in quliat vvife they fall be cliarged be tie faidis Officiares , m defenfe of the Realme and Lieges , and for theS™rgude aLwelfareoftheBurgh, in andLaw, under thepaineiore- f^rZd thft theJufticeCktkezeirly. in the taking of the dittay, inquire upon the fa.d poyntes . and rile breakers thereof to be puniflied be the Juftice as uther crimes, after the lorme of the faid aft. Tk defender in the fammundes of errrmr , fold be warned with c-ertifeatm: The ferfewer mcht prfemnd may be unlawed. TEM It is ftamte and ordained, aneiitthebriefeoffummoundesoferrour, and for the declaration of 1 the famin that quhat petfon obteined fummoundes of errout upon ajudge of inqueft, or petfones that paft 4reupon: ’that the parrie be called for his intereft to Comtek to an certaine with certification Aac quhidder diey compek or not , the Lotdes wiU proceede after rue forme of *e rummoundes . and do to the nartie not abidand die fecond not tlirid fummoundes, declaring tliataliperfonesdiatpaffis upon fik inquefts compeir perfonally : Becaufe it may depend upon their infamies. And qulw ony petfon calhs utlier at his inftaiice , and compeiris not to follow his partie , he faU pay the expenfe of hs pame, and ane unlaw of fourtie fliillinges to the Lotdes , alfweiU in fummoundes of errour, as m uther fummoundes, or he be heard in judgement fro follow his partie thereafter, and to abide die decreete to be given thereupon. 3 6. Hew the cmtnmm gude ofBurt'Owes Juld be jf ended andfet till uthers. T T E M It is ftatute and ordained anent the commoun gude of all our Soveraine Lordis Burtowes widiin itheRea:ime. that the faid commoun ™de be obferred anS keiped to the commoun profite of die fnd to be fpended in commoun and neceffarie thinges of the Burgh , be the adwfe and Councell of tk Towne for the time and Deakons of Ctaftes quhair they are. And inquifition zeirly to be tAen m die Chahner- laue aireofexpenfesanddifpofitionoftlicfamin. Andattout, that the rentes of the Burtowes, aslandes. fifhinges fermes, maiUes, mihies, andivaters, zeirly revenues be not fet , bot for riiree zeirw ^a- nerly^ And gif ony liappenis to be fet utherwaies, tliat they be of nane avaiie, force nor efFeft in time to cum. 57. Of refitfiig of gold that is cracked. ITEM It is ftamte and ordained , that becaufe it was ftatute in the laft Parliament : Tliat allgoU that held week and fines fulde be tanc in payment, and notwithftanding the ftatute forefaid, tliey teMe to take ooldthatiscracked: That dierefore it is ftatute and ordained, that all fik gold be taken without refufe, and miha fa dois in the conttair, fall tine the avaiie ofthe penny be himtefured in this wife -That quhair the Laid eoidbeis given for debtes, the refofer faU tine die penny be liim refufed andthatfaUbeanefufficient acqmttance to the profFetet ofthe faid debt. And gif it be given for gudes to bebocht , the tefiifer fall tine the avaiie of the penny, dial he refufed for die faid gudes. THE FOURTH FARLIAMENT. YYVr the fourth PARLIAMENT O F king JAMES THE FOURTH. H,a<. at E41i.bui{li, <4, tmtkht i,, ,/5ta., ,& ain ^ mmdreto , muettf three Hfeires. ■ 38. that benefices of auld, ufed to be iifiomi within the Reahne, be difiomd within thejamin. T E M , Anent the benefices ReMgious and Secular , quhilhis paffis now to the court of Rome, andweredifoonedintheReaimebeekaions, anduthetwaies in the rime of Kingy/zwB-jthcFirft, of maift Noble minde: That aE Prelacies, Abbacies, Priories, and uther benefices remaine and be difponed in all times to cum, within the Realm lik as they were in the time of die faid King the Firft. And that naperfoneUt- tempt to doe in die contrair , under the paine of proferiprion and banifhing , and nevee to bruik honour, dignities nor benefices witliin the Realme of Scotland. 39. Of taxation of Benefices to he maid after the auld taxatimt. ITEM, Becaufe there is ane notable aft maid be our Soverainc Lordis Father, quhom God Ailzic tliat naaeofhis Lieges of his Realme, Spiritual nor Temporal, make, nor caufe robe-maid higher taxation of Prelacies , Abbacies, or uther benefices quiiadumcver, at the getting of promotions and contentions for pro- .motions in die court of Rome , bot after the auld taxation, as is cqnteined in tl^e bufc of Bagtmmfts taxt, and .nanighet: Therefore conformand to the faidafte; It is ftatute and ordained in diisprcfeiit Parliament, that gifonySpirinialpcrfonlaboHrisorattemptsindiecontrairofthisafte, they beand knawintoourSoveraine lord and his Couiicell, that petfon Spiritual, fall be unable to broik that benefice, or onyurlier within the ■RealmeofJfff/4r«(/,andnottobedifpenfcdwitijthebruikingofbenefices: And Temporal meadiatdoisin the contiait, fo tine their life and gudes. ' ' ■ . ’ ' ' 40. the trouble of the mmy and it be cracked. ITEM, Anent the trouble and debait, that is amaneft our Sovetaine Lordis Lieges , oftherefufingof the money, for the crackes and flawes being in die gold, orthefilver, quhilkisfufficientpffines.aiidof cur Sovetaine Lordis prent, and for the diverfjtieofdiyerscuinzies of filver, ftricken be diverfe cuinzieours, the faidfilver and groates beand fufficienc of fines, beatandprent of our Soveraine Lordis ftraik: IT IS be die advife of the Lordcs of die articles charged and commanded be our Soveraine Lorde , and the Eflaites of die Parliament, riiat all die Kingis Lieges of his Realme, but impediment receive and take die faid money, ®ld and filver, as laid is, foronyme'rcliandiceoryiftualles, or uther thing being to fell: Notwithftanding the diverfirie of prentes of the ftraike of findrie cuinzieoures , alfweill die ftraike of Gilbert Fijh , quliilk die commoun people callis .fierwiri-groates , as of umquhile Leemgtom, and JA Currour : And gifony per- fon or perfones refufis the farain, coijtrair the ftatutes maid thereupon, in die laft Parliament 1 The haver of the faid money, fall cum to the Officiares or Baillies of die To wne , and fchaw the faid money , quhilk beand gudandfulEcient, die faid Officiares fall gar him have the merchandice or penny-wportjies fra the petfon, tliat refufis the faid money : And fa-meikle of gude money as he refufis , thefeller fall tin.e to be the Kingis efeheit, and deliver the penny-woorthes to the byer : And gif die money that was offered , gold or filver he fajfecutnzie andevilftuffe, fene and underftandin be the Officiates of the Towne, be the advife of the men, havand ^awiedge of the money , die faidis Officiates fall clip and breake die faid falfe money and cuinzie of evil ftuffe , gold and filver : Swq thatitmake na mair trouble nor dif-friendihip amangft the Kings lieges, and deliver die fimin clipped money againe to the awner._ 4 1 . That ftrefnger^ merchandes , that cummis with Sekiffes , cum to the pnnc'fal T rjcne: They fuldf ay cufime , andcarrynammiey away. Item, R is advifed be the Lordes of the Attickles , that for the defraud done to out Soveraine Lorde in Ifis cufiomes be ftrangers , and alienates of ptfaei Realmes , qiiliilkis cunupis to diis Realme . and takis ^ a riicir - ‘ - rr V/, .n^^r.irlier Fortes of the Realnie. and chatgis their gudes to their ludging and Innes in the Tewne oiLeith, and m ut ® ^ ^ to our Soverame Lord . in TeSea, andutherstheirmerchandice not paya^ and thatwife. *at their gudesarun^ntred as Schip or alienates or Clerkes of the Cocquet : It is ftatute and ordamed , the Realme ; The ftraiigers of uther Realmes , “^mis to die Haven lujginp; an| Innes in the principal Towne of the faid maiftet or merchandes of *e Schip “ quhiliitbe Porte , and enter dieir gudes as J f^t |es and Merchandice they fend to the Sea and feenebethecuftomersandClerkso ^ ,“l‘.anddewties,dfthefaidftrangerspaffis away un-cB^^ king E fovrth relies elciieic. aikj ^ ■they will flaaddierefore! 4^. That m Cordoner . mr uther Qraftefman . take na cufimes ofntber. TTEM, Itisdiockexpedient.becarfeitisJarl^underftandm^Aa^^^^ XasCordoisersandudiers, takis of men of > r’kgj-nenny-worthes^fikasfchoonewaswom penny of ilk man, quliilkisthecaufeofdearth.aic . that is exalted tot a penny, tofex, or to befauldfortwelfe pennies, or betpr cheape, andutteMeKhante^^^^ CoSr5;ly««E.a“rd~"«ute,lie^ life therefore , as for commoun oppreffion. Tttttim dmite ofTieakms efCraftes, and that na Malones r.w Wrkhtes take ■ ^ payment for Halie-daies. greattrouble-*-”—-"’"'*'' '•-^'~-«-^'*^»"^'’ai'«dnfmtT0ttlieMnEisJLseaes,Deiwuac&ui4a _ of K of men of Ctafte in Buttowes is riclic dangerous , ana as taey uie u.s w...... , - - ---of 3le in Burrowes and convocation and rifing of die Kingis Lieges, be ftatutes making , “nrar the hommounptofirtaXrircirfingdarprofitcanda^^^^^ IMaifons & uther men of Craft , tliat conveenis togidder , and makis rule of their Craft , 1 fc as Mailons, a w Wrichtes and uthets, tliat diey fall have their fee alfweiU on the Me-day , as for die wark-day , or elfe they fall not wootke- And als that quhatpeffon of them, that w^uld begin ane uther manrnswarke, andlieat Lspleafutewilileavethefaidvvarke; andthennaneofdtefaidCrafrdarenotcompleit, nor fulfill the fanun warke It is herefore advifed, ftatute and ordained , tliat aU fik Deakons fall ceafe for ane zeit and have nane rdrpower.rotaLnerIyto;xamine the fines oftheft^ ofhisbafe-. AndalsbelangandMaifons, Wrichtes. and uther men of Craft, thatftamtis r’ jSf havefeeaifweaiforthehalie-daie, asforthewark-day : That al the makers “d jjfasoftliefaidftam^^^ fall be iodifted , as commoun oppteffouts of die Kings Lieges be their ftatutes. And tliat the Clerke of the Jufticiarie, fall take dittay dieteupon , and they to be puraflied as oppteffoures i AadinlAewfte. ci » makers of the ftatutes, that quliair ony beginms ane mannis warke, ane udier fail not ende it: ThataEUW makers and ufers thereof, fall be puniihed as opprelToures of the Kingis Lieges , and dittay to be taken there- Upon , as is abone written. 44. tyfnent the taking of multure of firwre , that ctmmis fwrtb of uther landes. ITEM, Anentthe cofflplamt maid upon the taking of multure of the flowre, that cummis forth of utliet landes to the Porte and Haven Leith : It is tliocht expedient , advifed, and ordained, that aU fik itanites fall ceafe unto die nixt Parliament ; And that diere be na multure taken for fik flow-re m times to cum , W of die flowre that cummis to die mercat , hot that it may cum to the mercat , and be fauld with mmtute , or ony uther new taxation, that was ufed to be taken of befoir : And that all men be free to bring and fed vi a ■ all rlie dales of the ouike, alfweUlasontlKmercat'day; And this a^e tobeobfervedandkeipediiiaU u rowes of the Realme. 4y. That the JuJlke-Ckrke takefeorth all the ftatutes, that hesfaine of dittay. T E M , Becaufe there is mony diverfe ftatutes , quhilkis lies in the end of them the paine of dittay , and I _ lies not bene in time by-ganeclearelyfpeared at the fadiftmentes taking, as dieyfulde have bene, the quliilk diverfe petfones, tiiac lies broken the faid ftatutes, hesnotbctjepunifhed: IT IS advK^i ftatute, FOVRTH TARLI ament. XXVI. efjms. 1493. 93 and ordained , that the Clerke of the Juftidatie , take foorth of the Kingis ftatutes, all thay ftatutes, ! \es paine of dittay in the ende , and make the famia to be inquired at the dittay taking upon everie poy nt: c that cite crefpaflbures and breakers of the ftatutes, may be puniftied in everie Schire, according to Juftice: And to the effeift of the faroin ftatutes broken. And this to be done incontinent , or the Proclamation of ony Jufttce airss. , 46. jhatnaCuftomerstakenammrtaxatkBthenisftatute: Offalfiwekbtes. Item ft is ftatute and ordained , that na Cuftomecs within Burgh take na mair taxations, cuftomes, or dewties then is ftatute and ufcd in die add Law And quha that dois in (iie contrair, to be punifted as an opprefTour and breaker of the Kingis. L?w . and dittay to be une thereof. 47. FAfi meafwres. A ND Ill likewife, they that ufis falfe meafutes and weiclites, dcceivand the people, tobeindidled as falfares. And dittay to be taken thereof be die Juftice Clerke. 48. Of Mure-hume. * Item Becaufe it hes bene ftamte of before, that fetters ofMure-buriie fuldpay ane unlaw to the King, and becaufe it is clearly underftandia, that the pair bodes that dweUis in maiUinges, Mdarbotfervandes to their maifters, tliatawethemaiilinges, and dois it for their command: THAT Therefore ins ftatute Lotdained that he tliat awe the mailing, be reafon that he commanded that to be done m forbidden time, faiipay ane unlaw to the King of fouttieftiiMinges. And dittay to be taken upon them baith thereupon, and the petfones that dois the famin , to pay ane udier unlaw . 49. xyhient the making of Shifts and Bufihes , in the quhilk all idle mm fiddlaimir. TTEM Anent the Ei-eate innumerable riches, thatistince infeultof Schippe$ sndBufchestokdifpon- 1 edfotfifting, f(k-Hfcasu*etisRealmeshes, tliatarmarcliandwith t:heSe3,andfortlie|w!K>sandcon- queft.thatm3ybehadlierehntiU,andtoca«feidlemen,Vayengcoutstolabonrforthenhvmg,fortte^^ L of vices and idlenelTe , and for the commoun profite and uravetlMl wedl of the Realme . 1 T I A u 1 ixiedientbethe Lordesof Articles , and als ftatute and ordained m thisprefentPatlianient, diattherebe ScLpesand Bufchesraaidiaail Burtowes and Townes within the Reaime, andtliatthe leafteofthefaid Schippes and Bufches he oftwentietun. Andthat the Townes and Butrowes have die faidSchippesand Mches accordingtothefubftanceofiik Town, andtothe numberasafter foliowis, wed abuilzsed with ailneceffarieeraithirtliefaid Schippes and Bufches, and witlitnarrmers .news, and utliergraidi con¬ venient for dlir taking of great fifli and fmaU. Andalldie faid Schippss and Bufches to be reddie maid and furiii&ed to pas to fiftiing be Faftrenf-even nixt-to-cum. And in ilk Burgh of the Royakie , that the Offi¬ ciates of the^ Burah make all the ftarke idle-m'en within their boundes^to paffe widithe faid Sclnnpes for their wages. Andaif^diefaide idle-men refufis to paffe, that ttey banifh them die Burgh. And Wo Burgh ofBartonnes quhilkarneare upon the Sea, that the JcliireffeofdieJchire compel! the idle-me^vitlu fos boundes to paffetothe faid Schippes for their wages, ^ndgif diey tefufe, Schire. AtidgiftheofficiatesoMieBurrowes. Scbrfesofme Jctoesbe«^ in tlieputring foorth of the faid Jcliippes and bufches , orcompeUingdie tlreir\vaees,^ot banifliing of them offriieirBurrowes or Schire: Gif they refufc , LKnfanunbwoftweftiepoundilkaneofthem. thatistofay dieofficiaroftheB^^^^^^^^ die Sdiireffe of die Schire. For the quhilk they fall be charged m die Checker, and give con^t diereup n. Ofgiftes and alienatkm maid be our Soveraine Lardis Father. 50. lyj - - TTFM Trisftarate concluded, andordaffledinthisprefentParliamembedjehamtlueeEftaites: That tions of divers iandes, and gave infeftniefites in exhetedanon and d er ” teafonable caufe to ftationandperfwafionofleevilcourffdthatwasaboutkm asfaidis thedifpleafieofGod, conuair juftice . ^‘‘dtotliehutteofthefaule: TH^^ nations, and infeftmentes , maid and given be him, ^ ^ fall be ofnaneavaile, force, anetlioufand, fourehundtedi.foute-fcoirfevenzeites, tothedayo _ AllEpreftoredand re-inteBrat noreffeaincimetocum.botdiatourSovaameLordisHfeneffe,diatnQWi.Mbe^^^ to all Iandes, rentes, pofiefiioiies, that was he ony man^f way annali ,8 g - fmnever KIUG JAMES THE FOV RT H 94 _ _ _ fum-everperfoneswithin thefaidtime. A.idmlLkewife, that all refignatwns received bee him andinfcft. ,rn«s tSdOT totheexheredationanddiflieriftingandputtingofonyiandsancipofTeffionesfrathe mentes , tnauie eav® , ^ Soveraine Lord, ""d'XXrs perfon^s that was Iwrte within the faid time , fail be . and is be vetcew of this afte reftored to il vivcs as they xvere of before thefaid daie. And caffis and annuMis al donations , gife rndSmwtes rntidafter dieJef.gnationswitjhnthe faid time, and decetnis tbemtobe ofnaneayaiie, force , nor effea injndgemente , nor without m time to cum. yi- That aire s may revoke at their lauchfntt age , and of our Sovera'me Lordis Revocation. T T E M Sen it is ieaved and permitted be the conftitunons and ordinances of lawes civil and Cannon, that 1 perfons conftitute in zouriicad and tender age , quliillds ar greatly damnaged and skaithed m their hericag- be imprudent alienations, donations, venditions, and permutations of the famm , may at their per- feftfoaoffage make revocation, and reduftion of tliinges tlpnc prejudicial to diem m their mmormes and tender age . THE KING IS revocation. i EREFORE We’ J AMESbethe GracesfGodKingofto#^, clMriyunderftandiiie that part of alienations donations, and giftesofour lieritages of out Realme w^maid i beou^rogemtouresofgudememorie. quhom God affodzie- AndpartinlikcwifebsiB ' inourzoutheadandunperfiteage, in hutte and prejudice of the powneoite/W: Md I inlikewife, that in the time of our Coronation & taking ofthe Scepter of out Realme , We f promittedandfwore upon thehaly Evangelles of our Lord JESUJ our Saviour, diat ‘wefuldobferveandkeipthericht, honour, preliemirience, and ptiviledgesm lands, rentes, noiTeffiones dewties, and uthcrtiiinges thereto perteining, as is mair exprefly fcliawmm the Law of hake K»e: And als fen itisfene rick p?ofitable to tlie Eftaites of our Realme that we have landes W ftipps and poflifliones , to die honourable fuftenution and up-haldmg of our dignitie ^ And als thanvehTve power, facultie, andfubftance, to the defence ofour lieges and Realme, <|uhillus!yisondry BordoXstoLfW. diat lies bene ourenemies ofauld-. Andfor thir confiderations and utters m the tiXof diis our prefent Parliament , be the advife and Councel of the Eftaites being m die famm : rtr iiingk w E Revoke , reduds , ca(& , and annuUis , all infeftmentes , donations . alienations , and difpofiti- ones be ony manner of way . in fee or frank-teneraent of the lands , Lordlhippre , cuftomes , annua ks, Xges aodburrow-maileXnncxed tothe Crowr-e, or ony parte of them, alfwcU given be our Father, as be fs to ony perfon orperfones to be reduced again to us. and our Crowne, be vertew of die aft and ftamte maidoftheannexationes, andaftertheformeolmefamin. , t n • r a rhpinci- Alfwa, ivetevokein likewife all alienations maid of ony henrage annexed to the Pnnee , fecondper- V""- fon of the Realme. i- • r r j -r item Inlikewife, we revoke, caffis and annullis all donations, alienations, few-iermes, andgii- cesquhat-fu’m-ever in life-rent, or uther-waies, maid incur noiw-age ofthelandes, cuftomes, or annual- . or onvuther revenues, thatour Father hadinhispolTeffion, thenme ofhssdeceale, giftesotofli- ces for teenies, as Chalmerlanrie , Baillierie, cuftomary, orClerkofCockquet, maidiormaazeiris, bo: Ltheta checker, todiecomptbemaidindienixtChecker foUowing, with aflidation, aiidtackes maid of ourlandwforhng.crm^^^ & caffis all tailzies maid fra die aires general, totheaires mailofonyiandesin ITEM We revoke all pretended entrefle, faifinges, and pofieffiones obteined and ufed be ony perfon ■„ 0.1, of out Realme, of die landes, Lord-fliippes , orpoffeffionp .that were in our Grand-fekrs, or in our crirt pi Fathers handes, andokeined and takenoutofour Fathers handes, orourawmhandes - Our Faueror iircifim. oujfgifgjjging within age, quhilkis micht not be perfewed, quhillout compieit age, be Itreqgib oi a e ofParliameni maid thereupon. . ,, , r i i u lUmhfit- AND Attour, we revoke all new infeftmentes of landes given in blancn-ferroe, that were haidenot us ms. in w'aird and reliefe of before. , rr rr css> iv» Mait-attour, we revoke all Regalities, or confirmation of Regalitie, that had na poneflionoi Regali i %cgtlMts. jjf^uld, and all offices given be us in heritage , orbeourFadier, fen the aftes and ftamtes maid, thatna Reaalicie nor office fold be given in heritage , without advife and deliberation of the haill Parliament. Btliririi ITEM, We revoke all alienations maid of ony heritage in our none-age, that were lauchfuUycummffl ’ in our handes be baftardrie, orony utherwaiesfik-like, and life-rentes given be us in our minoritie, and xhins of item,' We revoke all the new creations of landes in Barromiies, and aiinei^ations , and unions of di- smmia. landes into afoe, in prejudice pfourdewfervice auchttous, and opr Progenitoures of before. And Zms. ‘’■^inlikewife, the difcliargesoffervice and fuics of courts, audit ofauld to our Progenitoiires. ..rpEiyi rail\k. Tojitlftotst perttining fifth parliament. XIII of June. 1494. 9S Wererokeallnewmfeftmentes, given of cteationesofBattotmies, in the Landes and Lord- revoke rScis, caffis, and annullis all giftes of Patronages and advocations of Kirkes and thn of Kirh. . *XrevoteaS caffis all thinees , that the commoun Lawe leavis us to revoke and reduce. . . V^^rfoeneraHv we revoke, reducis, caffis, andaimuUis, all & quhatfumever thingesdoneinde-^^,"”" ■ ^ «nd harme of our faule and confcience , hurting of the pnvilete and ftcedome of our Crowne , pre- t*, ttimenp _ tons, oaraires. or Succefloures, with mis addition and prote- r*! ^"ttbranTrdamnagrofoM oaraires, or SucceSures, witVdiis addition and prote- j''""'"'' judia-L. Suppofe wee ofoncfavoures and benevolence, Mer ony perion orperlones, toufeor frf. ^Til'onv oriviiedae or poffeffion, to the ufersandhaldetsofthefamin, botitfallbeleif&lltoustoputrt^"" our handes thereto , ever it fall pleafe us but ony contradiftion , be vertew and ftrengtli of diis our Wee revoke in manerfotefaide, afl confirmations given , quhairthehailllandcs, orthemair i- nf them were annalied of before the giving of the faid confirmation, and the faminobteined under colour we not knawing the alienations, that the faid iandes were fallen to us, be reafon of alienation, as fore-falW. XTice/Imo Sexto Jnm, ^urnDmini 1493. In£BmneTmf£atm V Trinto dmusfuprernusTiimtnusnoferRextnTretttrm de Edinburgh, Concejft, quod terr^e iatsCmit'Me'&Q^-W & JohsaAoimUtti,tmcaderentfubrevocatmtteatitedim. yx. Of the binie of Salmmtd. TEM Itisftamte and ordained, thattheauld ftamtemaidanentthebarreUingofSalmondeofdieauId I bindeofcy*-W«beobfervedar.dkeiped, after the forme of the fame, wthtte addition: That quha« Lcowp^or Ctaftefman makis ony krreUes of ies bind*, then the faid auldbmde, andbeisconvift thereof, fall pay ten Ihillinges for ane unlaw, and dittay to be tane thereupon. rem ITEM, Kt the aft and ftatute maid of before, anent the Schippes, and making of fifti at the Weft cosft , be obfetved and keiped in all thing after the forme of the faid act. 1 N H H parliament O F KING JAMES THE FOURTH, Haldm at Edinbnteh, the thretteenth iaye of June, the zeire of God, ane thmfand, fmtre bun- dretb, ninetie foure zeires. St. That mperfiiies fafefoorth of the Realme tofurchafe mty benefices without kave of our Sever ake Lord. TEM It is ftatute and ordained, for the weiil and honour of out Soyetaine Lord , the commoun gude and profite uniyerfal of his Realme and lieges , and for the efehewing of innumerable skaitli and damiiage, that his Benefit, Realme , and I Lieees dailie meurris andfufteinis , throw the exorbitant coaftp and expenfes d^y |donlbeKirke-men.upondieimpetration and purchafmgatthecwrt of ^ebe- 1 nefices ekaive , and divers uthers that mick be given and provided wmm the Re- Se' eontrair the aftesofParliamentmaid thereupon , and contrau divers facul- ^ ties and nrivikdaes , that our Sovetainc Lord and his Ptogenitoures, of ^de mmd, KING JAMES T HE FOVRTH 9^ _ _ _ _ I^enefices • T H A T For the remied hereof in time to cum . that nana of our Soveraine Lordis Lieges ot benehces i n a r ealme unto the time the Spintual petfones mamare the caufe Spintualnorfemporal paiTe^ ° caufe rftheirVairL : That tlwy may have liccLe of him , and get the.r teftimonialles cellar, attempt „ doe iiaAing utherwaies , then is conteined m their laid Ikena^ contrah thecommoun’profiteoftheRcahne, aftes and ftatutes maid thereupon And that they f liaw -’nd warre auhairin they make finance, and with quhat perfon, that it may he underftandm , that fchaw -nd r i AndquhafadoiscontrairthepremifTes, till in-cur the painesof ' ^oferimton^ "rebellion baniiliing , and putting of them to our Soveraine Lordis home , and never to bruik profcnption, rebelli ^ as traitour and traitoiires , and their benefices , gif rabrvacanr.Mtte but gifthey be laick Patronages and then thepatrliefalldifponethereupon. And aUutheraftes maid upon this mater of before, conteinand ony ftriftion for die commoim profile , to be nevct-theles obferved and keiped. That all Barronnes and Free-halders , that ar of fubfiance, pa their eldeft Sonnes and aires to the fihules. , . TTEM ItisflatuteandordainedthtowalltheRealme, that all Barronnes and Free-halders, that ar of I fubftance , put their eldeft Sonnes and aires to the fchules, fra they be fex or nine zeires of age . ana nil re- maine at the G^^r-fchules , quhfil they be compctentiie founded , and have perfite Latme Am tXK- afKr to remaine three zeits at the Schuies of Art and jure, fwa that they may have teawledge and unc^er- ftanding of the Lawes i Throw the quhUksjuftice may remaine umverfally throw all the Realme : Swadiat they that at Schireffes or Judges Ordinares, under the Kmgis HienefTe , may have knawledge to doe Juftice, tha^tlie puir people fulde have na neede to feek our Soveraine Lordis principal A«ditour , for ilk fmall mjune Andauhat B^onne or Free-halder of fubftance , that haldis not his Sonne at cue fchides as faid is , Iiavand nalauchfulleffoinzie, hot failzies herein , fra knawledge may be gotten thereof, he fall pay to the King, the fumme of twenrie pound. yy. Of the money and btdziem. TTEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that our Soveraine Lord with advifeofhisComcell, ordaincand 1 ftatute ane famous and wife man, that is expert, and underftandisthemanerandfa&ionofcumzies, to maifter of the money and anent the ftrikiiig tltereof , the fines, and the cours , and anent die inbrmging of buiizieon , and fearching to be maid of the famin, and of the out-pafiing dtereof ofFthe Realme : That tlie ftatutes and aftes maid thereupon of before be keiped ; And that this maiftet of money and fearchoutes, hat e upon them the charge of caufing and folifting of the faidis afts , to be put to execution. And g,f they be nwed of in-diligence or fleuth therein, that they be pumlhed be tte Kmgis glide pace , andhisLordesof Councel accofding to tlteir trefpaffe , and to be deprived of their Offices , and iithers put m their places. And that’tlte OuftoLts of Burtowes , make compt at this prefent Checker , and in all times “ J the in-bringine ofbulzieon , according to the quantitie of their metchandice , paft forth of the Realme, after the forme ale faideaaes. And that the maiftet of the money , and cumaeoures under him, pay to the merchandes for the faid bulzieon, or to onyuther petfones, that \wll fell them fine ftuffe tocuiiszie, the prices conteined in the faid aftes, and na lefle, under the paineofprifonuigoftheirpeifons, anddepnva- tion of their offices. y 6. Of the {rice , guines , and fines ofviBualks , and all uther maner of fiuffe wrocht. ITEM It is ftatute and ordained , for the remeid of the great hurtc and oppreffion done to our Sovetain Lords lieges, throw dif-proportion of prices maid be Ctaftef-mcn, and warke-nien , upon pi maner d ftuffe , thatdieywoork, andfellis, far exceedand the price of the ftuffe . they bye: ThanherefoteaU Barronnes Proveftes and Baillies of Burrowes, and uthers , diat lies the rule and diredlion of thtocWaips, and hofteUares, throw all the Realme, make diligent inquifmon, and take.knaw!edge of die price oiviitoailes and all uther ftuffe , wrocht be ony maner of work-man , according to the price ofthe faide yittualies ana ftuffe • That they fet and ordainc certaine price , gudnes , and fines upon bread, aile, and all uther neceliane thinges that is wrocht , and dailie bocht . and ufed be the Kingis lieges. And that they make amame pnevars andexaminatoures, to waite dailie upon the keiping thereof: Andquhaicony warke-manbeisnoted, * and exorbitant prices for his ftuffe, abone the price , and over-far dif-propomonate of the ftiifte he byes, mac he be punilhed be the faidis Barronnes , Proveftes , and Baillies, and uthers havand the direfton and rule oi the faide throch- faires, and hofteUares, be die taking of ane unlaw of die courte. that he is iindet , for the wn time And ane unlaw, and efeheiting of the ftuffe, that beis exorbitantly fauld the fecOTd time And die thrid time depriving and fulpending of tliem fra dieir Craft , and efcheittmg of the law ftufl'e, fauld over-deare, as faid is. ?7 . Thai SEXT TARLIAMENT. XI. of CHarch. 1503. _ ^ That all fiimmouttdes oferrmtr be raifed and ferfewed within the Jpace of three zeires. I- 1V4 Tt i? ftatute and ordained , that all fummoundes of errow , or inordinate Ptoces , tliat ar to be pTEM. ^ _ ..kinljiti flipm kirte be thedeterminationofinqueftes, orbeprocesofSchi- '7 r nmces and makine ot tetoures : iie pames mat auragis. tuau .miLt . uai.gui wu^iuuu age, after the P„ , ’ . ^ that the ertoure and in-otdinate proceffe , miclite cum to their eates ; And gif ^'’^retnSom dsmLtfffil&mmoundes, cme “ judgement upon that adson thereafter ; Botfall tme tlieir Nevetthdeffe the fummoundes r ' nowdependandandhingandbetuixt ony parties, to be proceeded, as the^'ere wont •. And ' ’f that ony perfoiies thiiikis them Imite, be retoures or proces, that ar eife led and maid m nine quhairdiato yP fo^^oundes thereupon, witliin die fpace of three zeires , and perfew the And feilxieing thereof, that tliey be never heard in judgement , asfaid.s, hot to one their pnvt- lete'of reduftion, in ^ times to cum.] finis. T H PARLIAMENT 0 F KING JAMES THE FOURTH. Enlden at Edinburgh, the eUeventhdaje of tiMarch, the zeire of Qod , anethoufmd, five hm- and three zeires. yS. Of the dailk CoumelL TEM, Itisadvifed, ftatute, and concluded in tliisprefent Parliament, becaufe there hes bene greate confufton of fummoundes , at ilk Sellion : fa that lealure nOr fpace at a time of die zeir , micht not have bene had for the ending of them: And therefore, puir folkes hes bene delayed , & deferred.fra zeir to zeir, dirow the quliilk I diev wanted juftice: Therefore, for efehewing of the faid confufion.that there be ane ' Councell chofenbe the Kings Hienefle , auhilkfall fit continually in Edinburgh, or quhair the King makis refidence, or quliair itpleafishim, to decide all maner of fummoundes in civil maters, complaintes, and caufesdailie, as diey fall happen to I occutre ■ And fall have die famin power , as the Lordes of Seffion. And qulieii theyfallbeginne, and in quhat place, fell be notified to the people, be open Pro¬ clamation, attheKingispleafure. 59. That Jufike and -Schireffes be maid for the lies. ITEM Becaufe tlisre hes bene greate abufion of Juftice in the North partes and Wefte partes of die Re- lalme fik as tlw North //«, and South 7fc, for lacke and fault ofjufticeaites.jufticra and Schireffes, and X aime, iiK as tiw ^ _ ordained . for the acauietme of the >s and Schireftes ot the Norm lies , nave meir teaie aim piac^ lui ,.u.. '■mimei-nes otHmg-well, as the maters occutris , to be decerned be die faid officiares. 1 ■ .'*er Juftice and Sciiireffo , be maid and depute for the South lies, and thay paM ’ ^ “ ^ave Ins ge ^PTeate for adminiftration of Juftice, in the r«-fer oiLoeb-kmkerane , at the will and pleafure of the faidis ^^.iciaies, as the maters occurris. 60, 00, Of the Juftice aires of mtd thay farts. T T E M . It is ftatute and ordained . becaufe dicre hes bene ane parte Wvai^tBadzmochznALome, and ar called and ^or^ppe oi to. quhilkishesbeneoutofufetocumto Jufticeaires, And likewife CMawmor, Lo , R 98 - KING JAMES THE FOV RT H S-’ a, ’re oUnneJs: Er^Ie quhen .pleafisthe Ki„pHien=(r=, fallcamtoy.r.J andtte^ lanfeman, may cum ^"daskej£.ccw*ou actheLgispleafure. asfaidis^ AiS tllftiiaTpatt^oTcSf^that is not withto the boundes, nor Lordihip oiErgyk , ml all the iniwbiants I f rbp aire of Item, that die aireof Arran, Knafdak, Kmtyre , andmekilS^^ • haldefa tthe Burgh of^ir, ormhe/ay , and the inhabitants thereof , to cum there. at the Kingis plea&re. 6i. OfSchkefes to be mad in Rofle and Caithnefle. TTEM Becaufetherehesb^egreatelackandfaidtofJuftkemthcNordiPajts TLtoltofdivifionoftheSctecfedomeofW*.., quhilkis over-great, and fcr1ipfaidButehof/»«er«M, throw the quhilk they may not be brochthaftely thereto wrtltou^ great ex- Lnk, laboures and ttaveEes , quhair throw great enorniitie and trerpaffe hes growen m *ay Panes “ de¬ fault of officiares within themfelfc , that had power to put gude i^e Miang the people . 1 tute and ordained in this prefent Parliament, that there beaneSchireffemaidofi?#?, quhdkfallliai,efuj newer and jurifdiftion, Ld Schireffe-fliip within the boundes of i?(#, andtofitandhavehisplacelorad- CSronofjufticetarto..or®»^i.asthefaidSchireft brieves or onv utl’er fik thinges belangand to his office , as die caufe requins. And m liicewile , that taere t ane SddrefFe Ld quhil faU be ^called the SciiirefTe of A# , quhiLkftU have full jurifdiftion of Schireffe-lhip, of all the haill diocefie of Caithnsffe , and fail fit and have place for admirallratwn oOiis Office, mTtormckmVik, as he tliinkismaift expedient, forthecaulesoccuErand. And alkhe SdiirefFedomes of Imsernes , Rojfe and Caithnefe , and the inhabitants thereof, compeir to the J uftice am ollnnertus , quhen it beis cryed and ordained. 6%. That the greateft crime be Jpedfied in- the rmsffimu TTEM Becaufe tliat there hes bene in times by-ganc , abufion in the giving and granting of remiffiones to 1 nerfone’s that hes needed the famin , and hes put ane kcht caufe. for the fpecial carfe , in the faide remrf. to and under the general claufe hes comprehended greater enmes tlien Ae fpecial caufe , quhilk wase*- Skd qS^^^^^^^^ cr nerfoiies defiris to have remiffiones in time to cum, and w:dd that reraiffion fuffic^ to him, exDone and declare in the faidremiffionAe greateft caufe, that lie defms to. have the remiffion for And fo that cafe, the general claufe fail fuffice him to comprehend enmes of les caufe. And gif he expreemis not the greateft crime in fpecial, the general claufe, fall not favelmnfta ane greater cryme , nor the fpecial is. 63 That na rermffm fall be given for fauchter, ufm fm-thoucht-fellmk. TTEM Becaufe the Kingis Hienefle lies tonfideted, and underftandm the great ilauckers that hes bene I JSeitoe, and the occafon Aeteof-in traift andbeliefe. togetremiflioncsliaftely quhaur-thtow Aeereatinconvenientsofflauchter, moved and happened, ever-ilkdayemairandmaii: rherefoteof his awin feee minde and motive , hes defired , Aat his three Eftaites in this prefent Pai lament wauld fet ftiarp. rule therefore and for importunitie of askers in time to cum, is content of the ordinance and deliverance to te mafoSm Thkefotebeehisawinadvife. and the faidAtee Eftaites: Ins ftatute.devifed. and con- duded that ihere be na remiffion given fra thine fut A for flauebter, tote committed upon fore-thouc^^^^ feiloiiie , in ony time to cum. And this ftatute to indurs unto Ae nme out faid Soverame Lord make fpecU revocation of the f^in. 6a,. Of the cmreBim and examinatim ofNotares. ^ TTEM. AnenttheartideofNotates, becaufe Acre hes bene divers and great compHetesm^^^^ 1 SovetaineLordis lieges, that Aete is fa mony fills Notaresm the Realme, that it is d.edd Arow the t ^ felfed. AatttewmenfaUnotbefickeroftheirheritage, nor Clcrkcs of dMt benefice , aftions, quhilk may caufe ane great Avifion amang our SovetaineLordis Lieges: Theteforeinsftawr^^ andordainedinthis prefent Parliament, that aU Bfthoppe and Ordmares, that their diocefe, to be called at a convenient day and place before them, and make them be examined u'jgpf Aeirfufficiendeandknawledge. Andalstakinqmfition, how they have demamed diem, fame. And the perfons . Aat Aey finde culpable , that they deprive Aem of Aeir offices tliemfortheirfaults, according to Aeir demerits : And the perfons Aat Aey finde acceptable, Ld them with theirwritinges to Ac Kingis HienelTe, quhilk M depute certaneperfons to examine them AndSeybegainand, to make diem Regal, if they be not maid Regal of before. Andals. hat ^ faid OtdinLs take inquifirion of all Aem that ufis fals mftruments ; And in fa fat as belan|B SEXT PARLIAMENT. XI. of March. 1^03, 99 I- (tireordinar, topuniflithem. And quliair it belangis not to his Office Ordinar , to fend them to the tobepuniffiedasefficiris. Summounds upn recent Jfuilzie , may be execute ufon fifteene daks. Item, a nent recent fpuilzic, it is ftatute and ordained, thatitfallbeleiffulttothepartiequliilkisfpuil- jgd to fummonde die fpuilziers upon fifteene daies before the Lordes , fa tliat he make his fummounds ffiin fifteene daies , nixt after the committing of the faid fpuilzie , notwithftanding the aft maid of before, ''' fummounds fold be maid upon twentie ane daies: And richtfwa, to have power to call the faid before the Schireffe , and that there fall be iia exception dilatour admitted againft that fummounds, ifbeand lauchfuliy indotfate. 66. ie excelkntiJJlmusfipremuJqueTIomimsnoJier Rex , infrafatoJiioTarliamento', cum confenfit & ajfenjii trium Regni fid ftatuum, ifjis, ut Jufra, frefentihis revoca- vit, cajfavit, annullavtt , omnes Jingulas dmatimtes , Loncejfmes terrarum , fra - diortm, fojfejfiomm, aut aliarum rerim , alia, ftatuta Tarliamenti fiti Generalis Concilii, (S quacmque alia fer euttdem fiif remum TDomimm mftrum Regem, ac no¬ mine fim, temforibus retrooBis p-ajudicialia , ac damnum, detrimentum feu lajwnem Ecclefiie Catholka , anima- fine , ant Corma generantia. Et pxdiBas donatimies, aBa , ftatuta , ® qit£cunque alia , Jk ut fremittiUir , revocata , po nmi faBis haberi N THE SEVENTH PARLIAMENT o F KING JAMES THE FOURTH.' Halden at Edinburgh, the auchtdaye of tMay, tlx zeire of God, ant thotifand, five bundretb', and nine zeires. 1 01. i^nent the diviftmi of Schireffedomes. T E M , Anent the Artickle of the divifion of Schireffedomes, quhilk was ordained i be aneafte of Parliament, maid in the Parliament, htddea Edinburgh , in the zeirofGod, anethoufand, fivehundreth, and three zeires: It is now ftatute and 'Ordained, that fra thine foorth , the faid afte ofParlianaent, haveftrengchalla- Inerly, anent the courts of Jiifticeaires, baithfor fuit, prefence, and all thinges f concerning the Juftice aires. And as for the SchirefFc courtes, and all utlier courtes and doinges , that they cum to the Townes and SchirefFedomes, that tliey come to, I and were, of before the making of the faid afte of Parliament, and there to anfwere, land give fuit and ptefence, and thole law, as they were woont to doe, exceptand the landes perteining to Schir TDtmcane Forrefter, that is to fay, thelandesof Garden, Ttifthcr, Kipane , Emi, mAGibhineafter , to remaine at die Juftice aires, and Schireffe courts oiStriviliug, as they were of before the making oftiiisprefent aft. lox. Ane aB maid he our Saver nine Lord,,anentthewaird, re- Uefe, andmariage of the aires (f themthat deceafis mthe armie. At Twcfil-bauch\,A\tT.t\toiCQA, anethoufand, five hundteth, thretcene zeires: It is ftamte and ordained be the Kingis Hienes, widi advifeofallhis hordes being there for the time in his hoift in this forme , as foUowis , that is to faye , 'gif ony man beis flaine or hurt to death in the Kings armye, mA\\d&.he^Engliflo-men , or dies in the armye, induringtherimeof his hoift , his aires fall have his waird , reliefe , and mariage of the King free , difpenfand widi his age, quha: cild that ever he be of. And ordainis the Kingis letters to be dircft hereupon to the effeft Ibrefaid , nccellair, as effeiris, FINIS. ANE I o6 ANE TABLE Of die y JRTICVLAR and uthe'r tyiCTS, maid be KING JAMES tie Fourth, quhilkis ar not p-ented. Firft Parliament, fext day of Oflwber, the zeir of God, anethovtfand, fctircljundreth, auchtie, aucht zeires. OVR Smsra'me Lordis marime. Of Imdes and gndes taken before the Field ^Striviling. That reftitutmi be maid to Burgeffes and utt-landed men, of glides taken Jm them T bat all Ojf dares being in the Field of ftriviling , he Jufpeuded fra their offices. Anent the cntreffe of me aires of them quha aeceafiditi the jielde of tftriviiiflg, 7 he fnrth-futting of Jufiice. Commijfwn anent the ftanching of thieft and uther enormities. Of Clerkes that furchafis benefices at the Cmrt ^Rome. The popofitim sf the debaite of the field ofStm&ng. Anent Cruves. Anent the keifimg of the Caftel ^Edinburgh , and defiruBim of the Cafifi efDumhaf. Jecond Parliament, xv. of Februar. 1483, Of Jufiice aires. Ane EnAaJfadour to France. Ane Embaffadour to Denmarke. ‘Provifion far the Fluke of Rofle and Erie of Marre. Commijfms fir the in-bringing of the Kingis rentes. Auditours fir the Kingis Comps. Anent Ferriers that takis double fr aucht. Of Halcatftoun to be called the Temple. Remijfmnes of them quha was in Dumbartanc with the Lord Liie.' Thrid Parliament, xviii. of Maij. Embafiadour fir our Saver aine Lordis mariage. Ane Emiajfadour to Denmarke. The kcifmg sf the daks of f reuses. The fitting of the Sejjion. Fourth Parliament, xxvi. of June. 1493. The dififofition of benefices, the Sege vacant. The Bull amit Benefices ekBive to he obferved. That na Legate be received •within this Realme. Of the Indult granted to Jaint-Andtewes , and Glafgow. Of the peyes betwixt the Bijhoppe 9/ Saint-Andrewes, and Glalgow.l The Kingis Emhafadour fkldf charge all prfims to eeafe their fikyts. Entbaffadour for the Kingk mariap. That nane deftroy Her one fewes jw three zeir. Stxt Parliament, xi. of March. lyoj. Anent the making of Schifpes for fijhing. That the auld able anent Saikrs be pt to execution. Anent the in-bringing of bulziem. That money crac&d or flawed, have cmirfe within the Realm- FINIS, B. A R: F PARLIAMENTUM PRIMUM JACOBI CLUINTI, Gratia Scttorum Regis lUufiriJfmi, Unttm ®indioatum apud Edinburgh, die, Jovis, duode¬ cimo die Menfis Julii , KylnmT>(mm, CMUkJimo ^inmtejtm , decirm-quinto , fer ilhftrern (S magn^itm frincipem, Johannem T)mem Albania ®f. RradiBi ‘Tyomini mfiri Reys^ Regni tutorem ^ gttiernatorem , una cumTrielatis , Barmiibus, Rroeeribus -, ^ BurgorirnCm- tnijfariis in Jpeciali Cmmiffimie emtentis, ® ibidem ferkBis,^ in diB'o Rarliamento emgregatis-,, tres Regni flatus reflrefentantibus &c. ■ die fettis vocatis , curia aflirtnata abjeutes flatetifl in Retulis. t. Of the freedme of hatie Kirk. N The firft itisflatutei that the freedomes, priviledges, andihuhtoni- ries of lialie Kirk , and uthers Spiritual perfones , beobfervedandkeiped n honour and worlhip, inthetimeofourSoveraineLordi and my Lord Governour, that now is, as it lies bene in times by-gane. %. The tnaiper or mainteinerofane thief, fluid deliver him to the^ fartie, srexhibite him before the Judge. Ofthieft-huie. The wrangeous accufir , fayistenflmmdes. ITEM, Becaufc the crime of thieft and ftouth-riefcj isfaconunounlie ufedamangtheKingis Lieges, and for fianching of die famin , it is ftatute and ord^ed in this prefent Parliament : Thatquhairony oftlie Kings Lieges is plainieous, or complecnis upon athielethathesreftor ftolleiihisgeare, orhismennis, and is in fervice or obeyfance ofonieman, and fchawis the famin to the man, that he is in fervice with, and wauld attach liim to the Law for the fame: this man, thatdiisdiiefoc never is in fervice witli, or finds him with him, or under his obeyfance, fallbehaldenandobliflied, to pro¬ duce and brine him to the Law, beforcdie Juffice, Schireffes. or ony uthers, diat lies coenition to dci Mice upon & perfons, committers of fiR crimes , at daies and places affixed to them to undetly die famin : or elfe fall deliver the faidthiefe or riever, to thecompleener, tobebrocktotheLaw.and Juffified, asfaid is. And gif his maifter or fufteiner of this thiefe or riever , refufis to do the famin , he fall be halden airt and partaker oThis evil! deedes , and fall be accufed therefore, die ptincipall thiefe or never , and als fall reftore, and fatisfie to the compleener the gudes reft or ftollen fra him : And gif diis compleener , after that he have attached tliis thiefe, or delivered him, asfaid is, wald concord with die faid thief, and take diieft-butei and put him fra the Law: In that cafe, he fall underly the Law, and be accufed therefore, as principal thiefe or riever. And gif he attachis and accufis him of the faide tliieft or riefe, and beis foundin innocent thereof: The faid compleener fall be halden and oblifiied to give to the faid man, that he fclanders innocendy, teti pound for amendis oftlie faid fcMder, FINIS. S * THE king JAMES THE FIFTH io8 T H E S E C O N D PARLIA MENT O F king JAMES THE FIFTH. ■Haldeu at Edinburgh , the twentie fourth day of July, the zeir of God, ane thoufand , .five hun- dreth , twentie twa zeires. 3. i_^neut the wdivd 1 feliefe^ nud M^Tiage of the alrss ofthent that dece^Jeiu the ho^Jl moved contrair EngHlli-men , or the traitours of the Realme. HE Quhilk day my Lord Govemour, with advife of the three Eftaites of the Realme, lies ftatute and ordained in this prefent Parliament ; That gif ony man be flaine or hurt to death, in hoaftorarmy, agaiiift our auld enemies of Eip- gland, or traitoures of Scotland, in perfewing or defending now in time of weir moved, or to be moved, betuixt this Realme, and the Realme of In that cafe, die aires of them that arllaine, fall have the waird, reliefes and ma¬ nages of the Kingis grace , and my Lord Governour free , difpeiifand with their age, quhateild that ever they be of: To be applyed to the utilitie of the wives, aires, and bairnes of them that ax flaine, for theup-haldandfuftentationofthe faidis wives, aires, and bairnes : Swathatthrowthedeceafeoffheirliusbandes, diey remaine not alluterlie in povertie and diflblution. And in likewife , all the Lotdes , Spiritual and Tern- poral, hesconfented, andconfencis, that all perfoiies that haldis lands of them, that beis flaine or hurt to death’, as faidis, fall have, andbruiktliepriviledgeofthe Afte: Aiidalfwa, allvafialles.andfiib-vaflalles, thathddislandesofBarronnes, or uther their Over-Iordes. and happenis to be flaine orhurttodiedeadi, inthefaidhoiftorarmie, dieir wives, aires and bairnes , to bruik the effeftandpriviledgeofthefaidAfle, as is before written. And diat letters be direft thereupon in dew forme, aseffeiris. 4. Anent the tackes und fteadmges of them that ar faine , asfrnd is. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, be the haill three Eftaites of Parliament , diatquhat-fum-evetteii- nent, Gcmlc-man unlanded, orzeaman, havand tackes or fteadinges , of ony Lordes- or Lairdes, Spiritual or Temporal , that happenis to be flaine be Englijh-men , in our Sovetaine Lordis armie or fervice, or getcis deathis woundes, in the famin-. The wives and bairnes of them that fall happen to bp flaine or wounded to the death, as faidis, fall bruik their tackes , maillinges, or fteadinges, for their fuftentation, during the fpace of five zeires, nixt after the flauchter m wounding to death, of the faidis tennents, gref- foumefrec; Payandallanerlybutmailles, dewties, and fervice audit and woom. FINIS. the THRIT) ‘PARLIAMENT. XXII. of Januar. iyz8. log THE T H R I D. PARLIAMENT o F KING JAMES THE FIFTH, Ualden at Edinburgh, the tyoentie two. day of Jmuar, the zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth , twsntie aucht zetres. y. The matter of arreiftments to be maid be the Crowner. TEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that Crowners in making of their arreiftments, fu!d paffe to the habitation and dwelling place of perfones, given them in pottuous, indifted to the aires, and tliereafter make open proclamation at their ParochKirksj upon Feftival daies, quhilk fuld ftande for fufficient artieftment , howbeititmaidna mention in the faid afte. gif the faidis perfones wete ftteinzieable for the unlaw, or not: Quhair- throw , our Soveraine Lorde, lies bene greatly defrauded be the Crow¬ ners. in balding of liis lafte juftice aires, and giving of ail vagaboundesanddivours, notbeingdiftreinzieable fortlieunlaw: Tlierefore.ft is ftatute andordained, all times cummiiig, that quhair the Crowners makis ony fik arreiftments upon perfo¬ nes at their dwelling places : A ud thereafter at their Paroch Kirkes , tliat they take ficker foveritie of them, lik as they will ftand for, to the Kingis Grace; And gil that die faidis perfones fwaarreifted, benotfttein- Zieablp, that the Crowner arreift their glides , andputthefamininfurekeiping, totheKingisufe, quliill the faid fovertie be foundin : Or elfe take their perfones , and put them in the Kingis Caftel, if ony be with¬ in the Schire : And gif there be na Caftel to the SchirefFe of the Schire , according to the aftes of Parliament niaidjkreupon of before: And lailzieing thereof, the Cr®wners to aiifwettooUt Soverain Lord , for tlieirMlaw. 6. The matfler fuld anfwer for his mm in the Juf^e aires. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that everie Lorde , Barronrie, and Free-haldet, anfwereinoutSo- veraine Lordis Juftice aires , for his awin men , direlling upon his awin proper iandes, tackes, fteading- cs , rowmes and Batroiintes within the Schire quhair he dwellis , and fall be limden to enter diem to the Law. or elfe to anfwere to the Kingis Grace for their unlaw, in all times camming. 7 . The fiwertie may be called for afiyithmeut to be maid to the fartie. ITEM, It is ftatute & ordained, that quhair ony petfon or perfones liappenis to take diem to our Soveraine Lordis remilhones , refpet , or compofitioii in the juftice aires , orjuftice courts, for ony aftion, except 1 laiicliters , or mutilations , and fi iids fovertie to aflyitli the partie : It fall be lefum to the partie to call die faidis foverties , qulien they pleafe , before the Lordes of Councel dierefore : Qtiliilkaftionsfallbeprivi- kdged to be called in all times , baidi in the Seffion , and out-witii the Seffion : Sick-like as recent fpulzies. And as for flaucker and mutilation , to keip the ordour of the aft maid thereupon of before. 8 . i^ll Burning and fire-raifing is treafiu. TEM, Anew the artickles of fl.iuc!iters , murthers, burninges: , It is ftatute and ordained, that the aft» maid tliere-upon of before , and the auld lawes be keiped, with this addition , diat qulia cummis and rnis folkes in their lioules , and all burninges of lioufcs and comes , and wilfull fire-raifmges, be treafon, and crime of lefe-majeftie ; Becaufe fik deeds ar exorbitant , and mair againft the commoun weill , then many Ktlicr crimes: Anddiatparticular Jufticecourtes, or general Juftice aires , be fet thereto, as fall pleafe the Kingis Grace, his Couiicell , and thejuftice for the time, with there confent ; Providing that it fail be lief- foi to ony man to perfew and follow comniomi diieves and rebelles to take them : And gil diey enter in ony houfo, thatitfall be lei ftiill to invade, breake, and deftroy the faidis houfos, befire, orurherwaies, tothe intent and effeft of taking or flaying of the faid commoun thieves or rebelles , for quhilk , there lal follow up¬ on the doets, iia paitie oi acciifation , crime, nor offence, hot to be free thereofin all times. F' I N I S. S 5 THE tlo king JAMES THE FIPT H the fourth PARLIAM ENT o F king JAMES THE FIFTH. Halden at Edinbuffih, the fiventh daje of June, the ze'm of God, me tboufand, five bundreth, threttie five gteires. 5. tMgamft them that fiiftems'thefrocesofcurfing, ahnethejpacetffimrtkdaies. LSWA, Becaufe the damnable peifuafions of fleretickes, aadtlieirpavcrfesi 'doftrine , gives occafion toEchdie the procelfe of curfing , and udiers Cenfures ofHalieKitk: Foirenseidlieteof, ourSoveraineLorde, in riiisprefent Parlia¬ ment, hes ratified and apprieved, and of the new, makis, conftiniris, andor- ■dainis , the a r Andalstatifiedandapprieved, ‘beumquhile OUR SOVERAINE LORDE *atlaftcieceafed of giideminde, quhomGodaflbiizie: touching merchandes paffaiidwiduheirmerdiandicefoordioitheR^^^ kie. loFrmce, AWerr, or ony udiet partes: That •’ of gudes of bis awin , or elfe in governance, as faftour to udiet Merchandes, Bepu ° . r.j n points, in time to cum, aftertheforme and tenour of the famin. ratifies and appnevis he and ftatute now in this prefent Parliament. And atcou^, ordainis the Proveft or Baillies of B««°wes. KING JAMES THE FIFTH 1 14 fittiateatilkPorteoftheRcalnie, to fearche and fecke the perfones , breakers of thefaklisftatutes; AnJ that they dillreinzie ilk perfon breaker thereof, for the fumme of twentie pound , to be apply ed on this wife That is to fay, tlfanehalfeto OUR SOVERAINE LORDS nfe, andth’otherhahetotheProvek or Baillies for their laboures ; And that they make compt thereof zeirly in the Checker. And gif the Proved or Baillies be negligent in the exercing ol their Offices, and power given to them: tliey fail be oblilhed to pay the faid paine of twentie pounde for eyerie man , that paffis and faillis in contrair the faiJe afte at that Porte, quhair they have jurifdittion : And als it is ordained, that na Schipper, Maillcrcs awners of Schippes , receive onie Merchande to faille in their Schippes , without they have the names oftherriinTickettes, fubferibed be the faidis Proved: and Baillies handes , under tire paine forefaide for il|^ perfoun that they receive in their Schippe , and that OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Cuftomets or ony uthers, thatpleafis; accufethe faids Provefte and Baillies, gif they be negligent in the premifles’ zeirly at the Checker. And letters to be direft hereupon in dew forme , as erfeiris. And als , that letters be written to the Confervatour of the Nation in Flanders , contcinand the effefte of this afte , chargeing him to fend hame the names of all Merchands refortand tliere in evetie Schip , in contrarie the tenour of the faid aede, to the Thefaurer , under the paine of tinfel of his office. ^5•. That Tta ScbifJaiU with Sta]>k glides fra Simons alzyrtwif Judes, ^«fo7/Candle-mes. ITEM, Our Soveraine Lord ordainis , the adfe maid be King the Second, bethequhilkitisor- dained , that na Schip be frauchted out of the Rcalme with ony llaple glides , fra the feaft of Simons day mA Judes, unto the feaft of the of our cd&cACaudle-mes , beobferved, keiped, and put to execution in all poyntes, with this addition .• That the paine ofthem chat cummis in contrair hereof, fall be in times cumming , twentie pound, toberaifedofilkperfon , breakers of the faid aKailfallbedcnunccdRebcUes.andputtohisHoiK^ 34- The Crmmer may arreift fugitives at their dwelling faces, and the Taroch Ktrk. A N n A L S Becaufe mony perfones indifted to Juftice aires ar charged wi A fovettie to Jufticc t\ Courtes ufistoabfentthemandflee, and may abfent diem and flee, f\va that Crowiers cannot ap. ifdKnde them perfonally to arreift them : In that cafe in all times to cum , it fall fuffice the Crowner to cum to the dwelling place of tlic perfones indifted , and there make them warning and charge , that they compcir in the Tuftice aire then nixt to follow , to anfwere to fik accufations of crimes as fall be impu.e to diem : And t Set upon the nixt Sunday or Fefti val day following the faide charge , that the Growner maKC open and 1 1- ,iiTs.;iTtimarinnofliiswarnini£ charge, and premonition, maid to the faiclis perfones be their Mmes, mthei?ParochKitkes, quhilkis charges , premonitions, and iiinmadons fall ftanc^e to them for fofficient ajSeS theCrmvncrpricvanlthcfaminbehisaith. and anewimelTe asauldconfuetude«. And Sew'fe the Kings Offidarcs makand warning to private Juftice courts of ony perfones for cny enmes notSvanLbeUioni In cafe of none-finding of foverrie. that they keipe die fammordour and proces, Quhilkfallbehaldenand repute for fiiffidcntfovemefoundsn, under the pame of lawe the aftion not be- and for Cchtet nor mutOadon : And ordainis the Juftice Generali . upon ony maner of crimes, coiimstted or w be committed, to fet Juftice courtes particular, quhen neede is , for pmimon ofparnculatfaukcsand crimes that occurtis, fik as recent flauchter, mutilation, fire, ravilhmg of women. And ^ for depreda- rions maifterfull riefes, and fpuilzies, that parricular diettes be fet therefore, at die dlfctetion of the totdes, the mater being firftdvflie decided before them. 55-. Theferfiwer fidd finde caution for reporting the letters. And Becaufe divers petfons in times by-gane, lies raifed fikiike letters to particular diettes, and lies abfeiited baitli themfelves and the letters and lies not cum to perfew their affions , and there-tlirow lies abufed the Juftice aiidbtoclitthecu'ncrietogreateexpenfes. For remeid hereof : It is ordained , thatin times cumming , the keipers of the Signet , fall anfwere nalecters for caUing of ony perfones and pam« to fik particular diettes : bot gif the famin be fubferived with the Gierke , writer to the Signet, and Juftice Clerk, ancfliis deputes • And that die Juftice Clerk, or his deputes , fall take ficker foverlie of the parties purclialiers - kfik letters , that they fall bring the famin againe to them , or the day fst thereto , dewlie execute and im dorfat, under the painesconteined in the letters, that the paities called upon. _ and Gif ony perfones be called upon mutilation , and the famin be foundin na mutilation : The pame perfewer, fallcontemandpay die unlaw often pound, lefleormair, tothepattieperfewed. aiidexpenles to the affife , at the diferetion of the Juftice , and his afleflbures. And gif ane parne caUis ony multitude ior flauchter, rnutilation, or uther crimes at fik particular diettes, quhair by the innocentes, at put to great trouble, charge, andexpenfes, and it be foundin that thefaid multitude is innocent of the dead, The parne perfewet faU pay ane unlaw of ten poundes , iefle or mair , to the partie petfewed , and expenfcs to the alhle, at the fierht and diferetion of the Juftice, and his afleflbures, asdieythinkecaufe: And gif “'e purclialiers of fik letters , be not refponfal in gudes , for payment of the faid expenfes , dieir perfones fall be put m pnlon, and there to remaine , zeir and day , and fur Aer induring the Kingis Grace will. 3 6. The addition of the aBe of curjing. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , for augmenting, ftrengtliening and helping of the afte maid upon curfed folkcs, andaivingofriieKingislectetsthereupon, and to meete frivole appellations: That thcKingis letters fall have place to poynd and diftreinzie &c. Suppofe it be dewlie appealed, zeir and day being by-paj . the appellant not bringandhame his Commiffion, within zeir and day , Ceffantejufto imfedimento. And ttt partie quliome fore the Kingis letters fall happen to be given , findand fufficient caution before ™e Councel, to refound the gudes and geare, that fall happen to be poynded, bevertueofthelaidislette^s^ FIFTH TARLl ament. XVII. of tJMay. 1537. .(■ fall happen the femcnce qubair-upon the faidis letters fall be given , tobe retreated be the judge delegat. ° 'Vthftanaing ony appellation therefra, the partie appellant beand warned and called, tohearethefo- ’’'’^'"and caution tatie: And that the name appellant, fchawandbeforethefaidisLordes, the fenteiK.e te- iSatour, letters be direft, to poynde the faidis fovetties therefore. F J N I S. THE FIFTH parliament O F king JAMES THE FIFTH. HaUen at ‘Edinburgh, the XVII. day of CMaij, the zeir of God, lyine thmfaitd, five hun- dreth , threttk /even zAres. The mfiUutimi of the College of Jtiftke. TEM, Anent the fecond article, concerning the otdout of Juftice, Be- caufeourSoveraine Lordismaift defiroustohave ane permanent otdour of Juftice, for the univerfall weill of all his Leiges ; And therefore tendis to inftitute ane College of cunning & wife men,baitli of Spiritual & 1 emporal Eftate , for doing and adminiftration of Juftice in all civil aftions ; And therefore thinkis to be chofeii' certaine perfonesmaift convenient, and qualified thefote , to the number ol foutteeneperfones, halfe Spiritual, halfe Temporal , with ane Prefident ; The quhilkis petfonesfallbeau- tliorized in this prefent Parliataent, to fit and decide upon all aftions civil, and naiie uthers tohave vote with them, unto the time the faid College may be inftitute atmairieafure. 37, Theflacequhairtofitin, and oftheFeriat times. And Tliir perfoneS to beginne and fit in Edinburgh ,on the mornc after Trinitie Sunday , quliill Lmnh-mes- .Andtlicreafertohavevacance, quhili the ninjeene day ofO/?Arnixt after, andthen to begin and fir quhill to? Even afore Z«/e, and thereafter to begin on the morne after day . and fit quhill Talme-Snnday Even, and thereafter to beginne upon dte morne after ‘Dommtca m Albu, and fit quhill Eamb-mes, 38. The hordes to be fworne. And Thir perfones tobe fworne to minifter juftice equallie to all pedbnes , in fifc caufes as fall happen tooHtibeforethem, with fikuther Rules and ftatutes, as fqU pleafc die Kingis Grace to make, and give to them , for otdouring of die famin, 39. T heauthorizing in ? arliatnent . The Three Eftaitesofdiis prefent Parliament, thinkis this artickle weill conceived : And therefore the Kingis Grace , with advife and confent of the faidis three Eftaites , otdaims die 6mm to have effeft iJiallpoyntcs, and now ratifies and confirmis the fame, and lies cliofen thir we effeaiorefaid, quliaisprocefle. fentencesand^cteetes, fait have the famin fttength, force and efteilt, as the decteeteoftlie Lorries of Seffion had, in ait times by-gane. 40. The autharitie of the Chancellar and hordes . ^W. _ ^ PRovidingalwaies, that the Lotde Chancellar being prefent in this Towne or ony uther place, hefaU havevot^andb^principal of thefaid CounceJ. Andfik-Hke uther Lordes, asfaU pleaferiieKmgis gracetoinjoynetodieniofliisgteateCoHncel, to have vote fiklike, to the number of three ot tou e^^ 41. The flames ej the Ljsrdes. 'T' H A T Is to fay, the Abhot oiCambuskmteth Prefident, Maifter Rich^dBoth-well, ^yajohn^^, 1 well, MaSttjHenr'iemjite, U2i&zt Robert Schmwel Gibfone, Maifter U^ ^rth^e Boyce , TheLSrd of&W Sdm bel, Maifter ,^dame Otterburtti, James Cohtl of Baft ^ femes the Juftice Ckrke, Maiftet Fra»f« Both, well, Maifter James Lawfift. And tliir Lorries to fabfctivc all delivetanges , and nane utliers , alter they begin to fit, and minifter Juftice. 4»- TheChancelkr andTrefiient , toreceive the the Lories abfent. T TEM, Thefaid day the Kings Grace hes committed his power to the Lord Chanceliar and Abbot of 1 Camhu(, conjutiftlieandfeveraliie, to receive the aithes of diem that at abfent, cho. kn, and named to be of tills Jeffion, and in their abfences the aithes of onyuther, quhom liis Grace will name thereto, aifthelaidis perfones chofen cummis notbetuixt this and &#^r«wynixt-to-cum. Andin abrence of the Lord oi CaMhuflenneth , Prefident, the Kings Grace lies ctiofendie Abbot of A«®/# to minifter therein, quhilihis returning. 43. The Chancellar , Trejident, and Lories of the Sejfm , to make the ardour how it Jail he froceeded in their Seffiou. ITEM, His Grace hes given command to the Chancellar , prefident , and Lordes of tne Seffion , to advife , Councel , and conciude upon fik rules , ftamtes , and ordinances , as fall be thocht be them expedient to be obferved and keiped in their maner and ordour of proceeding atalltimes. Andastheydt- vife, con.-brmc to reafon , equitie and Juftice, his Grace fall ratifie and apprievetiiefamin. And ordainis the faidis Lordes of Seffion , to keip all thir audit daies curamand, in advifing and making of their rules and infti- tutes, for the ordour of Juftice: And after die forme of the famin, to begin and call maters on AfswWigi nixt-to-cuni. And in the meane time , to deliver billes, and call priviledgedfunMnouiides, astiieythinkfi expedient. 44. The divijmofthe Reahne quarterlie. IN The fi is de vifed and ordained, that the Lordes of the Seflion fall begin quhair they left laft in calling the Table : And diat die priviiedged firnimoimdes of eveiie quarter, fail be tabular with die un-privitedg. ed fummoundes of that quarter : And all to be called . and have proces baith upon priviiedged and un-pti- viledged, quhiU that diet or quarter be ended: And to begin quarter after quarter, as after foliowis: And thir Schires to be in the firft quarter, riiat is to fay, Yorfar, Kincardin, x^berdem, Bamffe, 'Ehm, Yorrejfe, Marne, Innemes, axxACrommartie : Tliefecond quarter, YJmburgh, Linlithgow, Semo'k, Roxburgh, ‘Feb Its, Berwick, anAHadingtouni J he third quarter, Strivifmg, Aire, Renfrew, Lan. ark , IVigtoun , Drumjreis, Kirk-cudhricht,md,t_Aauuandak. 1 he Fourdi quarter, Yife, Ferth, Clack- muiman, Kinros , Dumbartane, Ergyle mABut. qy. That all fimmoundesp-iviledgei , be called mykomvAsej oulklie quhilkfolkwis, and horning all times. ITEM, Itis devifed and ordained , that thir fummoundes under-written fail be priviiedged, and to be called by the ordour of the diettes, that is to fay : recent ipuiizies , calling of letters, redeeming of landes, actesofadjornall, fuperiours to hear them decerned to tine their fuperioriries, reduftion of inordinate pto- cefle , that is to fay , retreating of Rolmentes of couttes, led before SchirefFes, Barronnes, Bailiies, retreating ofdecreetes, ancf transferring of decreetes: And thir to be called be themfelfe, and to be called oulklie upon Mononday. And gif beis lialie-daie , to have proces On the nixte day thereafter: And all thir to be called, except letters diatconcernis horning, quhilkis fall have proces at all times, astlieycum. 4 y . T hat all the tammmn maters he called m all the daks of the sulk , exceft Friday , for the Kingis maters, andftrangers, and the 0mems maters. ITEM, All uther maters to be called be the ordour of the Table, upon ail the daies of the oulk, except Friday , quhiik is affigned for the Kingis maters, and the matens of ftrangers. And gif the Kingis Grace nor ftxangers hes na maters ado upon Friday, then the conimoun Table to have proces, andfik-lik* die Qiieenis maters. Anditfallbena exception to alleage, thattlie faidFriday isotdained fortlieKingis maters. 46 . That aUcmtinuatiims be called at the dayes ajflgned thereto. ITEM, Thatallcoiitinuationso^rocesbeforethe Lordes, quhair afts at palled , be called at the daiss affigned tlieteto , for expedition of witnelle, andefehewing ofexpenfts. 47. Jnentit FIFTH PARLIAMENT. XV I L of HMalj. 1537, 119 47. Anentis deliverance of cognition to %chirejfes. Item, Itisdevifed and ordained fra thine foorth, thaticbedkedinalldeliverancesdirefttoSchireffes, or uthers judges ordinares, tliatthey admit tothe parties tlieir lauchfull defenfis , andtominifter Juftice eqiiallie to baith the faidis parties. 48 . The Cmncelhimje to be ref arretted. ITEM, Tliatfeates be honeftlie maid and covered with greene claith , flocked on the Kingis expenfes, quhair the Lordes fall fit, and fall be maid ane buird, quaiangular , or round , about tlie qiihilk there niay fe auchteene perfones eaftlie : And that there be maid feate upon ieate , and ane Bell to be hung to call inthe Maiflers, or parties, as the Lords requiris. 49. That all Lordes enterinthe Tolbuithat auchthoures. ITEM, That all the Lordes fall enter in the Tolbuitli and Councell-houfe at audit houres in the morning dailie, and fall fit, quhillelleven houres be ftricken. yo. That the Cowtcel-houfe be ifched aftet' the entrieof the Lordes. Item, AlfooneastheLordsbeentredintheTolbuith, that an Maifler ifche the Councel-houfe , and himfelfe fall ftande at the dure, and let na man enter. And gif ony Lord , oruthermancummistothe dure , and defiris entrefle, that he advertife the Lordes thereof. And gif they have ony mater they will pro¬ pone', thatfilencebehad, quhill they have done , andthentotemoove. yi. That na man f ley hot farties and their frocuratoures. ITEM, That na man enter to pley, bot parries conteined in their fummoundes, and their procuratoures, gif they will ony have. yx. That Bittes and continuation be firjl red, and fine the Table. ITEM, Incontinent after the Lordes be entred andfittindowne, and all the houfe be ifched: That all BiUesbefirftredandexped. And gif there be ony aftes of continuation of proces begun, thatthefamin be nixt called .■ And fra thine the Lordes beginnis to cal! ony mater , or aft of continuation, that na Bill be re¬ ceived nor red: And fra time that ony fummoundes be called be the Table, that naaftes of continuation be called for that day: And that all parties , or their Procuratoures, deliver to the Chancellar , orprefident their Billes, Acftes, and Letters of continuation , or they enter in the Tol-buith, or incontinent there¬ after , at die charge or warning of ane Maifler. y3. For examination of witneffe. ITEM, That oulklie there be depute three of the Lordes of the feate in dieir towre : That is to fay , the firftoulktwa Spiritual, and ane Temporal, and thereafter twalemporal, and ane Spiritual : Andfwa foorth oulklie, as they at put in Bill and ordour, to examine all witnefle : The quhilkis Lordes fall conveene everieday, as neede requiris , in the Councel houfe, at twa after noone, with the Clerke of the Councell, or ane ofhi’sClerkes or writers, fworiie and admitted be the Lordes , and fall remaine quhill foure houres in the examination of witnes, orfchorterorlanger, asneidbeis: And all the parties . or their Procuratoures. be warned to bring their witnefle , at the faidis houres. 5-4. T hat allmaters be called be the ordour of the Table. IT EM,. That na mater be called, bot be the Table, conforme to the flatute abone written, maid and devifed thereupon, y y . That filence be had in the Councel-houfe, Item, That the Lordes beandfittindowne, and billes begun to bee red. that filence be had amangft theLordes; And that na mao commoun, orfpeake ofony mater , or rownd with his marrow , botas^ he faU be required , and fpeired at be the Chancellar or Ptefident : And as they command ony twa Lords of tliefearetoargunnieor difpute ony mater, that nane uther interrupt them, quhill they have done: And then the Chancellar or prefident , to- require onie utlier to argune the mater . And quhen they have done, giftherebeony uther of die Lordes, that lies ony opinion, or argument to make, that they aske leave fra the Chancellar or Prefident , and then tp argune , as they thinke expedient. y(S. Of I io king ^AMES the FlYTH y 6 Of the giving of votes , and or dour thereof. T E M AU areumentes and difputations beand maid , and the prds haldand filence , my Lorde Chan, PrefiS M aske ot require everie Lordis vote in that mater, as they armtheordourbethe ^cellar ot Prefident 1 „ , theClerk ofCouncelfallreade and name: Andfaordourly £u;s,r/pS7.“ » ssrrU .rg™ « .k, g„4 thereof. ^ I I y 7 . That ten Lordes fall remake with the Trefident. TEM in advifins andgiving ofallfentencesand decreetes tliere be ten Lordes at the leafl; with the ChaKeui or Prclfdent:^ And that nane of theLords chofen and admitted, departe, orbideawaie, vifins andgiving otalllentencesana aeciccLca. u.cicus-gc . -nnuie PrclTdent: And that nanc of theLords chofen and admitted depute, orbideawaie, without licence asked and ofateined fra the Chanceliar or Prefident in prefence of Ae haiH Ccuncell, for tea- fonable caufes : And that they returne againe at the day affixed to them. ITEM, ^ pubhcanons of witnefle, andiithersatteftations, and examination of proces, be maid before the had Auditour. y8. ExemtionoffentemetobemaidbeHerauldes, Turfevantes, andMaiffers TTEM ThataU fcntences anddecreetes ofthe Lordes, beexecutein times cunimmg be the Jchireffe I ofthe Schite, or his deputes , quhair the parties dwellis , agamft^hom the faidis decreetes ar given, or Mhappentobegiven: OtelfebeHcrauldes, Purfevants orMaiffers: And that nane take mait for ffie execudL of dieit office, bot after the forme of theaae ofParl.ament, botgif it be of benevolence ofthe partie , under the Paine of deprivation of their office : And that they deny not to do their office , under the paiiieforefaid, alfweill topure, as riche. yp. Ofthe Ckrkes of the Signet . ITEM That ail Clerfces ofthe Signet be fworne to exerce their offices lauchfullie and diHgently. And tliat naiie of them faU reveale not make manifeft to ony man , quhat they write or dois for ane uther , bot fallkeipallclofe andfecreit. 6o. <_yTneiitfaymentfor Bilks of cmflaint , and the Kings letters. ITEM That na Clerk ofthe Signettakmairfortlie writingofanebillbotauchtpemiies. Andfotthe writing of ane letter upon ane decteit ofthe Lordes & deliverance , bot twentie pennies, nor for nane uther letter, mair tlien was ufed incur Sovcraine Lordis time, quhalaftdeceafed, quiiom God afioilzie , under tlie paiiie of tiiifel of his office. 6 1 . xyhent the delivering of Bilks. ITEM, That naClerke ofthe Signet enter in the Councel-houfe, for delivering of ony Bilks, bot that die deliverance be written be ane writer of the Councel : And to provide , that nane fruftrate ane uther of his laboures and profite : T hat everie ilk Clerke ofthe Signette , that writtis onie Billes , marke the faniiii with his awin name in the Bill, writtin widiin, andthefaminfallbe delivered to him againe. or the partie, quhilit of diem cummis to aske the faid Bill , they pay-and to the writer of the deliverance , foure pennies. 6%. That Maijferes keep Couftcel. ITEM, That all Maiflers be fworne to execute their office faithlullie and diligendie , and they fall reveale na diing , that they fall happen to heate commoned amatigft the Lords , under the paine oi deprivation and infamie. 6 3 . ^hat tMaiffers fall take far their laboures. ITEM, That na Maiflets take mait fra ony partie , that happenis to obtainc ane decreete in the Seffion. bot twa lliilliiiges : Bot gif die parties gives mair of their awin benevolence , under the paine fore-faid. 64. The number tfx^dvocates , atidtheirnames. ITEM, It is ftamte and ordained, that diete be ane number of Advocates and Ptociiratoures chofen, and to be cliofen , to the number of ten perfones .that fall be called general procaratoures of the Councel, ofbeftname, knawledge, and experience , admitted to procure in all aftiones, ofquhom die names fol- lowis; They ar to fay , Maifter , lAkSitt Robert Eefy , 'Mzxlksx: He-nrySfittle y Maifter John Letham , Henry Lawder , MsM.exThomasKmcrag’j , Mx&txThomas CMarjorihankes, Maifter William Johnftmn : And gif ony udiers cunning men will defire to be admitted to the office of Ad¬ vocation and Procuration , they lall be received with advife of the faids Lordes , for compleitting o‘ die fifth TJRLIAMENT. XVII. ofiFdaij. I 537- f ■ j number And that thir Procuratoures fotefaidis , procure for everie man for their wages, bot gif they [ive“’teafo»*l= excufe. 6y. (^Advocates to be fiumie. That all the faidis Advocates and Procuratoures chofen, or to be chofen and admitted, fall be I hvotne to exerce faithfully and diligeiulic the office of Advocation and Procuration. That all Advocates fafe fourth of the Cmmcel-houfe, quhen the Lories fajps to diffutation. TEM It is ftatute and ordained, that all Advocates and Procuratours fall enter in the Conncell-lioufe, I I ^tthec^ingofallfummoundesandafts, and remaine quhill die parties have argunned and difputetlieir * ets at the Barre , and then to remoove quhen the patties ar remooved , and riten to enter againe at the ^ying and pronutitiation of interloquutoures , quiien the parties enters. 67. ^.Aftent excepions dilatmires. Item Itis ftatute and ordained , anent proces and formalitie to be keiped be Advocates in pleyiiig be¬ fore the Lordes , drat ane dilatour exception being proponed , and repelled be ane inter-loquutour of die rdes that the Advocates, Procuratoures, or parties be their felves, fall propone die lave of their dila- TOures at anis. And that nane Advocat nor Ptocutatour within the Bar ftaiid to pley, bot pafle out-with with [hepatde, except die Kingis Advocat. 68. The Kingis glide minde anent tlx Lordes of the Sejfiou. I Orfameikle as we for the great affedlioii, that we have for Juftice to be done, aiidequallie ; miniftrat to aU out Lieges, liesinourlafteParliamenc, chofenanccertainenumberofper- [fones. Spiritual & Temporal, tobeuponourdailieSeffion, aiidtomiiiifter Jufticeequallie * amang all our Lieges, asfaideis.afrerrlieirconfcience&underftanding; And all the faidis I petfonesatfwornetodotliefamiii: And als at our command, they have maid certaine Staruta » tutes and rules to be obferved and keiped be tliemfelfe and utliers in their doinges , and pfo- Appvobi. ‘ ceeding for Juftice in all times. 1 he quliilkis ftatutes & rules we have fubferived with our hand Herefore we of our awin free motive & proper will, ratifies &apprievis be thir prefeiites, all and findne the faids ftatutes maid be our faidis Lordss of Seffion in everie poynt. Attour , wee promit to the fatds Lords, tliat we fall not be ony private writing, charge or command at the inftance of ony petlon , or delire tliem to do „„ „„ uthetwaies in ony mater that fall cum before them, bot as Juftice requiris : or ro do ony tiling, that may breake i» ^ «»- ftatutes maid be them at our command and doing of Juftice. Als wee fall autliotize , mainteiiie, and defende all the faidis Lordes , their perfones, landes and gudes fra all liarme , wrang , liune, and injurie to be done to theiiibeoiiymanerofperfon; And quha that dois in the contrair, fall be puniilied with all rigour. And becaufe the faidis Lordes chofen upon our Seftion.prefeiitis our peifon,& bearis our authotitie Ill doing ofjuftice. Wee fall have them, baitli Spiritual & Temporal in fpecial honour & maintenance. Andweelall give iia credence to ony man. that will murraure them, or ony of them, be doing of wrang, or inhoneftie ; Bot fiiey fall be called before us, and gif tliey be foundin culpable, to be pmiiflied dierefore after the quahtie of the .W" fault and denicrite: And nif they be foundin cleane and innocent. theperfoticomple.enmg, laUbepumihed j, with all rigour, and never to have ctedite with us againe. Attour, becaufe the laidis perfones man awaite dailie upon our faide Seffion, except at feriat times, & fold be therefore priviledgedaboneuthers Herefore we have exeemed, and be the tenour hereof exeeniis tliem, and evene ane of them, baith Spiritual c/w. and Temporal, fra all paying of taxes, contributions , and udier extraordinare charges , to be up-lifced in ony times cimiming, and fe the beating of ony office or charge within Burgh . or out-with, bot gif it be their awin ITEM We grant to our faidis Lordes of Seffion, tlia t gif ony perfon or perfones, difhonouris and lidithes it p «- them, or ony ane of them, iiiony manerofway: That they command and cliaree, andputthatperfonor perfons in warde in our Caftel ol Edinburgh , or ony uther our Caftelles diey plrfe , to temaine quliill they havemaidfatisfaftionfor the fault ,attliefaidisLordes-confideration.eif die fadtbefmallandmjurions: And gifitbegreace, quhill they advertife us tliereof, tiiat wee may gat the famm be amended, andpuniihmeiit maid therefore , as effeiris. THE SVBSCRITTION. his our ratification and approbation promit and grant ofalltliirpreniifles, Weliavefol/crived with our hand , And ordainis tlielmin to be put in the buikes of our CounceU iirlicT nrdes of Seffion. Subfctived in likewife with our liandc at our Caftel of the witli our Hand , And oraain.s tne .am.u lu uc pu . . 01 our v-ounccu J ni'a^beoutfaidisLordesofSeffion, Subfctived in likewife with our liandc at our Caftel of the tenth day of AndofourReignetlienineteeiiezcir. y A M E S R finis. V THE Hi KING JAMES THE FIFTH H parliament o F KING JAMES THE FIFTH, Haldm at Edinburgh, the tenth daye of December, the zeire of God, am thoufand, five hun- dreth , and fourtk zeires. 69. The aire may be farefalted far treafon committed be his Tredecefoure. HE Quhilkday, Henrie Lander , Advocate to our Soveraine Lord, ex- I poned in prefence of the Kingis Grace , and tlie three Eftaites of Parliament , how thathis GtacehadraifedfummoundsupontheairesofumquhiieiJa^fyr Leflp^ to 1 heare his name and memotie delete and extinft, for certainepoyntes and crimes of illefe-majeftie, committed and done be him otliisdeceafe. Andtliereforeallhis ij glides moveable and unmoveable , pcrteining to him the time of the committing of V. the faide crime, and fenfnie, to be decerned to perteine to his Grace: And becaufc it is murmured, that it is ane novcltie to raife fiimmoundes, and moove fik ane aftion jlagainftaneperfonthatisdeade, (howbeit the commounlawedireftlie provide the famin:) Neverthelefle for ftanching of fik murmure, and that his Grace tendis on na forte to moove or doe ony thing, bot that hee may juftlie bee advifed of the three Eftaites : Therefore de- fired the faid three Eftaites, to advife thereupon, and that his Grace may havefenfementeofParliamente, quhidder that he hes ane aftion to perfew fik fumraoundes or not. The haill Eftaites, Spiritual, Temporal, and Commiffioners of Burrowes, all in ane voyce, but variance and defcrepance, hes delivered and concluded that his Grace hes gude caufe, and juft aftion to perfew the faid fummoundes, & all uthet fiklike fummoundes of treafon , done and committed againft his perfon, and commoun weill, conforme to the commoun law, gude equitie and reafon ; Notwithftanding there is nafpecial lawe, afte, nor provifion of the Realme , maid th upon of before. 70. THE KINGIS GRACE REVOCATION. E JAMES Be the grace of God, oi Scottes , underftandingclearely theprfi wiledge of the commoun Law, adds and ftatutes of our Realme, provided and given to the Succeflbures of all manet of perfones. to revoke, calle, and annuli all thinges done be them in their zouthead and lefle age quhair-tlirow tliey ar greatlie and lieavelie damnaged and skaithed in tlieir heritages, be imprudent alienations, donations, and venditions of the famin; And that they may at tlieir perlite age revoke the famin , and all thinges done be them prejudicial in their minoritic and lefle age: And therefore our Predecellbures, Kingis of Scotland, attheirperfiteageof twentie five zeires pall , hes in times by gane , maid revocation of all fik thinges that hes bene done be them in hurt and detriment of their Crowne, lands,j:ents, and poUefliones , pcrteining to the famin, and uther thinges quhair-intill they, be circumvention, were damnaged and skaithed , maid their revo¬ cation, caflandandannuUandallfikeiftes, alienations, and donations: Herefoteweatourperfiteageof twentie five zeires by-runnin, beano for the time fcorth of our Realme, in the partes of JirOTCf, maid our general revocation fchortlie at Roan , the thrid day of Aprill , the zeir of God , ane thoufand , five hundred:, threttie feven zeires , as at mair length is contcined in ane inftrument maid thereupon , fubfetived with the hand of Maiftcr George Cuike Notar publicque ; Of the quhiik the tenour followis. Wee for certaine great and rcafonablc caufes moving us , and havandrefpcfl to the weill of our Crowne, and commoun weill Of our Realme , revokis all maner ofgiftes , infeftraentes , and difpofitiones qiihat-fum- ever, we h'avc maid , or hes bene maid be our Tutoures and Governoures , for the time , during our minoritie and lefle age, in quhat-fum-ever caufe or cafe, that they may cum under revocation, be the commoun law , or confuctude of our Realme : Protefting folemnely , that our abfence foorth of the famin at this time, and the folcmnities reqi^redonthat belialfc, not being done , be to us na prejudice , anentis the faid revocation, with the quhilkis we difpcnfe, and fiipplies all faultes therewith, be our Kinglie power and authoritic Royal , and will that this ftandc for our general Revocation of all maner thinges done be us. or our faiJis Tutoures: And the famin to be extended in the maift ample and large forme, as ony SEXT TARLl AMENT- X- of December. 1540. IZJ „nvHdiersRevocMfoMm«dbeo« lidi the ad^ife and coiifent of our three a/ after followis, revokis, caffis, and annulks in general , Sdlls in , g eaffis , and annuUis, aU infeftmeiites. donations, alienations, and difpof.tions iN Thefirft, weKWJ; ’ „ jj^otirlesaae.inonymanerofwaymfee.. few-ferme, or*^ ,t,aidbeus,ourTjrsOOTern ; ftanck.tenanentotonyl^ds,L gP to ®"="!^‘nriertes i31irtheaaesmaidthere%onofbefore. tobe reduced agameto^ ony petfon or perl . ftatutes maid of annexations, and after the torrae of the famin. ^'^T^rWeTe^iafitnations of ony rentes, landes, and heri«^^ ^JtePtmi few-fames. and giftes « item, Sierw^ i„ our norie-agcot the landes, rentes, annualles, or onvuthers „>/ rl*’nKkiioi1ief?inn the dmeot'hisdeceafe, be £ift»oruther-\vaies, and of all offices, ?e,enu«,thatourFatherhadinhspoffefe^ame^^^^^^^^^^^ fSiitStcS Andals,##edatio,iesandtackcsmaidiorlangertermesnor^^;;tf,^- Inlikewife, weerevokcandcaffis aUtadzies maid fra theatres general, to the airesmaiU. -«v«. fore , be fetvice oi war Je and reliefe. . _ „ c ^ of the Regalities , and of all offices given be us in he- and Generallie, ^ee twoke, caffis, and Crowne, prejudicial age, in detriment and harmc ofout faule a And quhat lie commoun Law . and confuecude of our Re- tothefamin.andtousnioutpatruiionietheteof. ^ qt and alslargelie extended in Gene- almeleavisustorevoke. f ral and in Special, as ony Revocat, ’ . . nuhom God aflbilzie , and Ring 3 A M E S the Serond . fpecially be our deareft Father, of gude fuffer ony petfon or perfones, toufeorpoffeede^w- Andproteftis, hippofe we of our favours and , a; „ ’that ar fallen under our Re vocation: ItMmake ony ptiviledges or pofleffiones Jn to us to put our handes thereto . quhen ever it fall maid of before. 71- LC. ThatallSehireffesanduthersOSkiaresbe M Courtes zetrlte. n O R T H E Mainteining Cowtes be them- r ftatuteatid ordained, tiiat all StewardeSjB » i r ii vz-^rp throw beinsL in the Kingis Grace iervice, khproperperfon, wiffiourtheyhavejuftandWd^^^^^^^ ind to'teftifie me famin be his Grace wnang or ^ debtfuU adminifttation of Juftice : It is fiklike ftatu te Grace authoritie be not lichtlied, awe fute and ptefence into the faidis Courtes, tobe Slid ordained, that all Barronnfes and Free-haldvr , And quha that awe bot lute, thattheyfend thereperfonally,andtheabfentistobe^erc.atwA^ngour.^^^^^^^ ^„athat their futors, honeft and qualified men, *le » d^ d« "P ^nf^ete to the Kingis Grace , And to the Kingis Grace, upon tlieiiuttet-maift charge. ^ ^ ^ KING JAMES THE FIFTH j%. t^AUTmjoralJtidges, Juldfet their CmirUsupmififteeiie daks. ITEM , Becaufe our Soveraine Lord lies bene, and isofgude will and minde to have Jufticefchortelij done to kl Ms lieges , fwa that throw lang proces , his lieaes be not lang taried and vexed in greate expenfes ■ Therefore hesftatute and ordained, tliac all Schireffes and Temporal judges, fail in times cumming, in alj perfonal aftiones , fet their couttes peremprourlie upon fifteene daies : And direft dieir precepts thereupon andatthatdayproceede Jummanet^ deflatw. The patde being warned upon fifteene daies, andmakefilt procelife in all thinges, as is ufed before the Lordes of Councel andSeffion : Notwithftanding onie auld Lawes and conftitutions maid thereupon of before And all uthers maters and affiones to have fik procel£ , as they have had in times by-ganc. 7j. Of the qualities and aitb of deputes. ITEM, That all TcMrefSs and uthers OfBciares of the Kingis within this Realme , make their deputes , ane or maa, gude and wife fubftantious men, ofbeftfame, knawledge, underftanding, ancl expe¬ rience, witliintheSchireffedomes, andlcaftfufpeft: for quhome they fall anfivere for adminiftration of Juftice, toaliperfonesindifferentlie. And that they caufe their deputes to be maid, creat, andfwome in plainecourte, and ane afte maid thereupon : And gifthey continue their deputes langer then for anezeir, that they caufe them zeirly to be fworne to their offices , for the adminiftration of Juftice , at the head courses after CMichael-mes. 74. The ifidorjation of all letters fuld be ftamjed. ITEM, That all Scliireifes, Stewardes, andBaillies, caufe their Maires and Officiates, quhafailexe- ' cute the Kingis letters atid charges, or their awin precepts, tohave anefignet, and in it graved the firft letter of their name, or firft ofdieirfur-name, or elfefumutlier thing, that fail bee univemlly knawin to be their fignet, widi the quhiikis they fall fignet all letters and preceptes execute be them, and indorfet ia times to-cum: And that naindorfation fall have faith, nor be admitted, hot they diat at figned widi the faids fignettes. And fik-like, that ail officiates of the Kingis, have their fignettes in maner forefaide; And fignet all letters and charges execute and indorfat be them , under die paine of deprivation of them fra theirOffices, tliatmakisonyfikexecutiones, widtoutriieir fignettes forefeidis. Andgifonyofdieirexe- cutiones wands their fignet, the famin fall have nalaith. 7 y. The erdotsr of pmmmnding of all perfenes in Gvill dBiones. Item, For efehewing of greate inconvenientes andftaude, done to OUR SOVERAINE LORD IS Lieges, be femniounding of them at their dwelling places, and oft-times felslie, andcet- ris never knawledge diereof : IT IS ftatute and ordained, that in times cumming, quliair ony Officiat or Scliirefte in that parte , paffis at commandeofthe Kingis letters, ortheScliireffcs , Ttcwardes , Barron- nes, or Baillies precept, tofummoundeonie partie, gif they cannot apprehende them perfonallie, they fall pafle to the zett or dure of the principal dwelling place , quliait the perfon to be fummounde dweUis , and lies their aftuallrefidence for the time, and diere fell defire to have entrefle, quliilk gif it be granted, they fall firft fcliaw die caufe of their cumming: And gifthey cannot get the partie perfonallie, they fall fchaw theirlettersorpreceptbeforethefervandesofthenoufe, or uther famous witnefle , and fall execute dicir offices and charge, and diere after fell offer die copie ofdiefaidis letters or precept to ony of the fervatids, quliilk gif they refufe to do , that diey affix the famin upon die zett or dure , of the perfones fummound : And fik-like , gif they get na entrefie , they firft knockand at the dure fex knockes , they fall execute their office be¬ fore famous witnefle , at the faid houfe and dwelling place , and affixe the copy upon die zett or dure diere¬ of, asfaidis, quhilkfallbeieiffull andfufficientfummoundinganddeliveringofthecopie, and the partie, nor Offi tiar fall not be halden to give ony uther copie , bot at their awin plcafure. And evetie offidar*^ in his indorfation , fall make mention ofhis awin execution, in maner forefaid. And the partie at quliaisinftance, the letter or precept is diredt, fall pay to the Officiarexecutout die expenfes ofthe copie affixed, as faid is: And fall be taxed and given againe to him, at the giving of the decreet or fenteiice, eif he happenis to ob- teine ; And gif die Officiar beis foundin culpable in the execution ofhis office , he fall be put in our Soveraine Lordis prifon , andpunilhedin Ms perfon and gudes , at die Kingis Grace will. 7$. The eleBim and examination of Notars. Item, AnentJctibes and Notars, baitli to lande and Burgh, becaufe it is underftande to the Kingis Grace , that die multitude of them generis ane great confufion , monie falfettis ar committed : For remSi hereof. It is ftatute and ordained , that evetie SchirefFe , with fik perfones as fall pleafe the Kingis Grace toadjoyiietothem, fall call before them, all Notars diat at laick men, widiin his Sciiireffedonie, and boundesofhis Office, and examine diem, and quha that at halden to be famous and able men to execute the Office, that diey be admitted be ane adie in judgement; And that the faid Scliircffie have ane buik, and gar iy4o- SEXT PARLIAMENT. V. of TJecmber. — _ _ garthemthataraamitted write their fubfcription, and fignes manual in tliefaidbuik, fik-Hkeasthev fub- frtive aU mfttumentes , & as they will ufe m times cumming , and to difchara;e all uthers ^ i ^writers. Notars, and Scribes, in OUR SOVErIinE roTfs Co^ Civil! and Temporal quhafaU be admitted be the Chancellar, Prefident, and Lordes of Luncell^S quhaafterthelaidedifchargemakisonyinftrament, thefaminfallbe of nane avaUe, andhavena faith it beand opponed be the partie . and not beand proven in the conttair , diat the faide Notar is admitted as faid is; AndtlMtallOrdinarescaufefik-IiketobedoneuponallNotares, that ar Spiritual men within their Dio- cefiei Andquhathathappenistobemaid Notates in times to-cum, that they ufe not the faide Office of fjotarie. untothetimethepumbelorecheSclureffeorOrdinar, and gette their admiffion, fubfctive and puttheiifignesinthefaidistakes, as they will ufe in times to-cum, with certification to them, and tliev failzie, tlieirmltrumentesiallbeofnaneavaile. and make na faith. ^ 77. .SaiJiugesu^onfrecepsoftbeChancenarie, Jitld be given be the Schireffe Clerk, andalluthers be honejl Notars. I T E M , It is ftatutc and ordained , for efchewing ofinconvenients of giving of faifmges be private Notars ■ iquhais names ar oft-times un-knawin, and their protocolles cannot begotten, in-cafe the principal in- ftrumentbetinte, defttoyed, fubftratted, and haldeii awaie. For efchewing hereof ; THAT Allfai- fingesbegivenintimescumming, betheSchireffeClerke, or his deputes , whom-forehefallanfivcre and benaiieuthcrs, upon all precepts that paffis be the ClianceUarie : And all udiets faifuiges to be given be famous Notats admitted mereto, andbenaneuthers. ° ° 78. Of the admijfmi of Notars , be the Lordes of Sejfitm. ITEM, Becaufe tliere is in the afte preceedand , greate credence and faith to be given to the Notars and ■ClerkesofCourte: It is ftatute and ordained, that ail Schiteffes , Stewardes, Bailiies, anduthers.baitb to Burgh and Lande, prefent tlieir Clerfces and Notars in prefence of my Lorde Chancellar, Prefidente; and Lordes ofCouncell, to be examined, fwome, and admitted: Providing alwaies , that they change or chufeastheypleafe: And quha that beis new chofen, tobeprefented, and admitted, as faid is. 7 9 . That the Trotocolles ofalljaifwges be prefinted zeirlie in the Checker. ITEM, AnentistheafteofFarliamentmaidofauld, quhair it is ordained, that ail Scliireffes bring with diem at their Checker 'Comptes aiiis in die zeire ane buik contemand all feifinges given be diem, at the leaft, theday, the.moneth, bfdie giving of the faid faifmge, and the name ofthelandesconteinedindie •famin, beeikedinthismaner: That the Cierke of the Court cum with the faid Schireffe or his Deputes, iti everie Checker, and bring the faidebuik with him, fubfcrivcd with his awin hand and figne manual , dm die famin may remaiiie in the Regifter : Swa that the Kingis Grace may knaw liis tennentes , and all udiers liavand entrcfle, may have recours diereto. 80. Offalfe Notars and witnejfe , Cotmfelkrs, and ufirsoffalfed. ITEM, For puniffiment of falfe Notates, and them that beads falfewitnefle, ordiatinducisonymanto' beatefalfewitnefle: And fiklikeofthem that makis falfe inftrumentes, or caufis make ony falie infttu- mentes, or ufis the famin wittmglie: That all fikperfones in times cumming, bfcpuniihedindieirperfones ?ndeudeswidi all rigour, fiklike as it is provided be the difpofitionoftheconimoun Law, baidi, Canon,- Civil, and fiatutes of the Realme. 81. Of Notars Or dinar in the Schireffe Court, or utberwaies. ITEM, For efchewing of greate inconvenientes, thatdailieoccuttis, in the reducing of procefle, led bee fore Schiteffes, Stewards, and Bailiies of Burrowes, Regalities and Batronnies, quhair diere is oft- t'wes produced and fcliav/in inftrumentes, contrair to udiers : That is to fay, die inftrumentes and aftes maid lie the Scribe of the court, beiraiid ane way , and inftrumentes tane in uthers Notars handes, beirand I aneuthetway, and oft-times alleageance, diat was never heard nor undetftande to die judge, his afleflbures, 1 otutliers members of coun: Therefore in times dimming: It is ftatute and ordained, that all inftrumentes, notes and aftes be maid and tane in the handes of the Scribe, and Notat Ordinar of the Courte, or his De¬ putes; And gif ony partie will have ane Notar with him, formairfecuritie, that that Notat pafle and ftande wimin Barre , in quhais handes it fall be leif&U to onie partie , to take documentes , togidder widi the Notar olCourt : And that ilk ane of them be infert witnefle to udiers , widi ane parte of the maift famous petfones, aflenoures or uthers members of court being widiin Bane , with ftk udiet honeft-men as ar prefent, with cer- tincation, eifdiisformeandfalliionbenotkeiped, that the inftrument taken in ony udier Notats handes, nottheScribeof courte, fall have na faith. And gif die Notat and Scribe of courte, refufis to give inftru- V 5 mentes. jz6 king JAMES THE FIFTH mentes aftes ornotcstoony petfonesdefirandthefamm, he fall tine his office . and fall be called and pu. niffied in his perfon and glides at the Kingis Grace will. 8^. Fm- giving of Cmmiffimies, infrsjudtceofthsOrdmar. tTFM Anenttliearticklemveninbethe Scliirettes , tnat quhair they have their offices in heritages. T E M , Anent die artickle given m - ifhisEftaites, he - - - - forferving of brieves, apprifing oflandes , bqt to the Judge Ordinar : > ordained , that na coni- miffion be given in times camming , 3 , , --- - ^ a S eV. ,U»se »e rfoble ,»hy f.«n f.U not be given. 83. Of kajing-makers. T T E M , Touching the artickle of leafing-makets to the Kingis Grace , of his Barronnes , Greate rnen and lLieg“: andforpLihmenttobeputtothemtlierefore: xlie Kmgis Grace . with advife ofte three E- Itaites® ratifies and apprievis the ades and ftatutes maid thereupon ofbefore, and oidaims die famm to be putto’executioninipoyntes: Andalsftatutisandordainis. that gif onymaner of perfon m^isomeevill hiformationofhishienestohisBarronnesandlieges.thattheyfallbepunilhedinfikmaner.andbethefamm paines, as they that makisleafinges to hie Grace of his LotdeS, Bartonnes, and beg s. 84. The alie of annexatimi of landes to the Crowne. TTEM, Becaufeitisunderflandin, aiidweilladvifedlieconfiddered be the Kingis Grace wd diree E- i ftaites of his Realme , beand affiembled in this prefent Parliament , that the patrimonie of his Crowne . k revenues thereof beand augmented , is the great weiU and profite , bairii to the Kmgis Grace , and his Lieges : And therefore it is thocht expedient, tliatourSoveraineLorde, followandthe gu^ example oi ms prede- ceflbures, fold annex to his Crowne, for the honourable fupporte of his Eftaite Royall , m all adventures and cafes, baith in weere and peace, fik landes and Lordfliippes, as ar now prefendie m his hanefos , that arnot annexed of before, and thefaidis lands being annexed, to remaine petpetuallie with the Crowne, mavnoutherbeeivenawaieinfee, nor franck-teiiement , to ony perfones , quhat ever Ellaite or degree thevbe of, without advife, decteete, and deliverance of the haillParliamente, andforthe great realona- blecaufes, concerning die weil-fate of the Realme, firfttobeadvifedand digeftlie confideted, bethehaiil Eftaites. AndalbeititfaUhappen OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, thatnow is or ome his Suc- celToures , Kingis oi Scotland, to annalie and difpone thefaidis Lord-lliippes , Landes , Caftelles, Townes, donationes, andadvocationesofKirkesandHofpitalles, with their pettinentes to tte Crowe, as laid is annexed, that the alienation and difpofition, fallbeeofnaneavaile: BotitfalibeleiffuUmhe Kmg lor the time, to receive thay landes to his awinufe, quhenever it likis his Grace, butony procefle oi Lawe, and the takers fall refounde and paye all profites, that they have tane up of thay landes again? to the Kii^c, lot all die time that they have had them, with fik uther reftriftiones, as is conteined m the Actes ot 1 arlia- mente,. maid bee his maift Noble Predecefloures , Kingis of SCOTLAND, in die Aanexanon to A N D Therefore his Hienefle', with advife and Counfellof his three Eftaites , lies annexed to his Crowne, to remaine diere-with , in manet forefaid , thir landes after following. I N The firft , die Landes an . Lordfliippes ofall his lies. South, aiidNotdi; ThetwaKjiiitires, with the Caflelles perteinmg thereto, anddieirpertinenres.- The lands and Lordftiippe of Orfe^, Zetland, and the Ties perteiniiig thereto, an their pertinent?s. The Landes and Lordlhippe oIHowghfe, with the Caftell, Towre, andlortalice thereof, ■'donationes, anda)}vocationesofKirkesand benefees, and their pettinentes : The Landes ana Lordfliippes of ind Crawfurd- John : The Landes and Lordfliippes of rH ftoun, and Temptalloun, with TowreS, Fortalices, landes, rentes , advocationes and donationes ot Kirkes; The Lands of Btni/frc .• The Landes and Lordfliippe of Je^f/iwr^^Forreft; The Lands and Lotd- {tim'fzoiKerymure , with all dieirpertineiites; The fuperioritie ofall and haill the Earledome oit^ngus, and all utheris landes , rentes and pofleffiones , quhilkis perteined to Arcbebald , fume-time Earle oiAtgtic < the time oftliefaid Earles fore -faltour, and now being incur Soveraine Lotdis handes, be reafon riiereot. The Landes and Lordlliippc oiGlammis , that at not halden of the Kirk ; The Landes cABaky , Balmiiket- ties, Tannades, T)rumglies, LaHgforgaHdw.dBalhelwies\Tvd\ihsTo'mes, Fortalices, advocationes, and donationes ofKirkes , and their pettinentes The Landes olRackwch , ^ihite-camft , over and netnet How-ckweb : The Landes , Lordlhippe, and Barronnie oiAvandailfwidiLWR towre and Fortalices thett' of, advocationes and donationes ofKirkes, their annexes and connexes , and all their pertinents , fik* OLi\mic\u\\AsJa!nesHammiltounoiFhmart1Smdv., had, and bruiked the laniin, before the time ol ws fore-faltour ; The Landes and Lordlliippc of with the Caftell advocahon aw 117 _ SEXT ‘PARLIAMENT. X. ofT>ece,nber. 1^40” donation of Kirkes , and tlieirpertinentes : The landes and Urdfliip o{Bath-w.eU the^-re fortalire. and their pertinents. ’ 85'. IV ^apH-fibawmges to bi twifi in the zeir. Item, Touching die firftartickleanentis the weapon-fchawing; It is thoucht neceflar, diat weapon fdmvingesbemaidtwifeinthezeir, out throw all thoRealme, that is to fay, in the monethes of ^Wbiober, atfikdayordayes, andplace, asfalipleafetheSchirefFe, Steward, Baillies, Proveft and yvldermenof Burrowes , to affigne after die qiiantitie of the Schire , gif the multures cannot be alkane onane day. And diat they make warninges thereto , upon the premonition of twentie dales. And that the faids cultures be tane be the SchitelFe of the J'chire, Proveft, andBaiUies ofBurtowes, and Baillies of Regali¬ ties. anduthersCommiffioners, quhome die Kingis Grace pleafisto affigneto diem. And becaufe diey havehenefalangoutofufe, ofmakingof weapon-fcliawinges : It is thocht expedient, that the famin be maid thtifc for the firft zeir. And the lirft time to be on the morne after Law-Simday , nixt- to-cum. 86. That the amy of Scodmi be nn-horfed, excep great Barromes. ITEM, -Anentisdiemancrof camming ofourSovetaineLordis Lieges toweere, horfed and un-horfed : The Kingis Grace underftandis the great hurte . skaith , and damnage done in cuiiiming of multinide ot horfe-men, tluowdeftruftion of comes, meadowes, and berrying of pure folkes; And als the ateate im¬ pediment maid be them in the lioift , quhair all men mon fight upon fute ; T H E R E F O R E lies ftamte aad ordained, tliatnamanerofman have hotfe with him, hot bee teddic to gang on fate, fra the place that pltafis the Kingis Grace to alTigne to be the firft meeting and aflembline of his armie , except cariaue horfe allanetlie: Andgifonymancummisonlioilc-back, orbtingishislioiievvith him , except for his caiiaue , asfaidis, that he incontinent fend his horfe liameagaine with anctinnand boy , and with na fenfible man, or able ofperfon to beare weapons, under the paine of death: Providing alwaies , that albeit tliis Afte is maid General, the effedle thereof, fall not extend to Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, and greate landed men, hot that tliey, andfikuthers, as fall be thocht expedient be the Kingis Grace, or his Lieu-tennentes , fall paffe on horfe-back , quhair ever the Kingis Grace movis with his armie. 87. The mamr of Harnejfe , weapons, and armour. And AstothemanctofHarnefleandweapones, andho.\vevcriemanfuld be armed ai»d weaponed: It is ftatute and ordained, that all OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Lieges have weapoiies and harnefle, as after followis ; IN The firft. tliat everie Noble-man , fik as Earle, Lorde, Kdicht, and Barronne, and everie greate landed-man, havaiidancluindrethpounde of zeirlie rente, bee an-armed in quhite harnefle, lichtorheavieastlieypleafe, and weaponed effairand to his honour: And that all urhers oflawerrentanddegreeintheLaw-lana, have jack of plate, lialkrik, or brigitanes , gorget or pefane, with fplentes , panfe of mailzic , with glooves of plate or mailzie : And that all uthers OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Lieges, Gentle-men unlajided , andzea-meii, have jackes of plate, halkrikes, fplentes, fallate , or fteil;bonet , with pefane or gorget , and everie man with fworde. And that lia maper of weapons be admitted in weapon-fehawings, botfpeates, pikes, ftarkeaiidlana, offex elnes of length , Leif A axes, halbardes, hand-bowes and arrowes , croce-bowes, culverings, twaliandedfwordes-. And everie man to beanarmed, asfaidis, under the paine of five pound, to be tane of everie landed-man, fiftie lliillinges . of everie Gentle-man, and xx. Ihillinges of everie zea-man : als oft as they be foundin faultous in the premifles. And becaufe it is underftandin, that their w'eapones and harnefle may not be compleitlie gotten at the firft weapon-fcjtawing , that is to fay , on the morne after Law-fimday nixt-to-cum : Therefore it is difpenfed be die Kingis Grace , that they make their fchawinges and muftures with fik harnefle and weapones, as they have , or may convenientlic get againft the faid My. 88. Of armour esnfirme to everie mannis rent and fib ft ante. IT E M , It is ordained for weapon-fcliawinges in Burrowes, that everie man havand arte hundreth poundes woorth of geare , beanarmed in quhite harnefle, and weaponed as landed-men forefaide. And everie man within anehundredi poundes worth of gudes, and that may fpend ten pound, be anarmed as Genlc- mcnlanded, andzea-menmen, inmanerforefaid, andunderthepainesabone written. 89. That all ferjbnes prejeut in weapn-fehawmg be written, with the maner of their armour. Item, That na fraude beraaidintlje making of the faidis weapon-fehawinges , and that the Kingis Grace may knaw the ordour of his people: It is ftatute and ordained, that everie Earle , Lorde, Bar¬ ronne, Laird, and uthers cummand to the faidis weapon-fehawinges, give the names of the petfones that fall ~kYn g j a m e s the fifth J^S _ _ fall am with diem th'^oinBiU to theSchireffe, BaUlie, Stewards, Lorde, or BailUeof Reg^ veft Alderman , and Baillies to Burgh , or to ony uthens , quhome it fall pleafe the Kingis Grace to gtvc com’miffion to with them , and that diey roll their names in ane buike , with the maner of tlieir harnelTe and ™ni S weaponihawinge, fealed with their awin feale . and lubfcnved with tlieir hanSes. fende and deliver the famin to the Kingis Grace to be taped Grace fall pleafe to give the cute riiereof. And diat all Lordes and Baillies of Regal-ties, oo iik like zeirhe, within die boundes of tiieit offices. 90. Tfo p-mmitim of the weafon-fehawinges. TEM ThatallOURSOVERAINELORDIS Lieges , be warned to the faidis weapon- fchawinges, upon fourtiedaies warning, for the firft time : And zeitlie at evenc time thereafter, upon twentic daies. 91, The chujing ofCapaims in everie Tarochin. ITEM, That execution may be had throw all the Realms, amangft all OUR SO V ERAINE L O R D I S Lieges , for exetcing of dieir petfones in ordour , fwa riiat be learning of ordour , and bearing of their weapons in time of peace , they may bee die mair experts to put then&lves in ordour haijlielie, and keipe the famin in time of neede : It is tliocht that this artickle is verie-necellari* to be provided ; AND therefore ftatutis and ordainis , diat everie SchitefTe , Stewards , Baillies , Proveftes , Aldermen , and Baillies of Burrowes , Lordes and BaiUiss ofRegalities , at everie weapon-fehawing concurreand fit downs , with the Kingis Commiffioners, that faU happen to be depute to them, and they togidder, to conlultewitli the mailt able perfones of the Schire : And after diat they have rolled the names of everie man , with their harnefle and weapones, chuile ane able man for everie Parochin, or maa, as it is of greatneiie , or fmallerParochinesane, quha fall bee Captaine, orCaptaines, to die cumpanies of the laidis Parochines, and fall learne them to gang in ordoure, and beare their weapons, and fall conveene their faidis cumpanies twifeattheleafteiiieverie'Monedi, of tlieMonedies of Maij, June, and Julij, at quliatdayes they fal diinkemaift expedient, upon Halie-daies before noone: AndalsinailudiersMonedis, gif they may gud- lie , and there exerce diem in maner forefaid. And that na man dif-obey the faidis perfones , Captaines , to be depute and cliofen , as faid is , under die paine to bee puniflied at die Kingis will. And that the faidt Captaine bee chofen, als oft as beisfeene expedient be die Schireffe of the Scliire, Commiffioneres , and Councell admitted to him to diat efieft. 9 ^. i^ne generallremtjjimt , granted be the Kingis Grace to all his lieges. AL S W A , Our Soveraiiie Lord , underftanding the great occafion and evill exemple for the time, given to his Lordes, Batronnes, and all his lieges, to commit and do the time of his lefle age, fik oltenfes and crimes oftreafon and utherwaies , quliilkdefervis great and hie puniiliment , quhilkis as liis Grace under- ftandis , be the gude and trew fervice done be them to liim , fen his cumming to perlite ag« , they walde not have done nor committed : And becaufe his Grace thinkis , that he will not be uiiremembrand and ingrate, for the gude and diankefiill fervice done to him, be liis faidis Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, and liegK ol all degrees , lies remitted and forgiven , and be the tencur of this afte , remittis and forgives to all his faidis lieges, all maner of crimes oftreafon, done be diem in our SoveraincLordis time, diatlaftdeceafed, and his Pre- decellbures, ¥Angisoi Scotland , and in his hienefle awin time, unto the daie and date of this prefent ad (The intelligence with .(frffefc/(/fum-time Earle of GeorgeT)owglashis brodier, and umquliile t^rchebaldDowglas of Kilffindie dieir Eame , fen the time of giving of doome of fore-faltour againft them, allanerly excepted) And therefore exhottis and pray is prefentlie, au his Batronnes and lieges, tobetrewe and thankfullfubjeftes unto ItisHieiiefle, as he fall not Ml, tobeanegude, thankful! and loving King to diem: And that the copie of this afte, fufficientlie extrafted, fall befuffident remiffion, witlioutony udier particular writing. FINIS. the SEVENTH TARLIAMENT. XIF. ef CHarch. 1^40. 1^9 the seventh parliament O F king JAMES THE FIFTH, Hidden at Edinbutgji, the fmrteenth day ef March, the zetre ofGedi one thmfand , five hm- dretb , and fmrtk zeires-. 9 jj Ratification of the "mftitut'm of the Colkge of JufiicL I HE Kingis Grace, with advifeofhis three Eftaitcs of Parliament:, underftanding I tliat the inftitutionof his College of Juftice, andafts maid tliereupon , ar richt profitibie to his Grace , and all the hasil Reaime : And therefore now after his per- i fiteageoftwentiefiYezeites; lies ratified and apptieved, ratifies and apprievis, for I hint and Iiis Succeflbures , the inftirution of the lade College of Juftice , and Aftes ( maid for adminiftration of Juftice therein : And likewife ratifies & apprievis the con- i firmarion, ratification, approbation of the Eaife , of the eteftion omie faid. College; j and oftiie gift ofall benefices, rentes, ^ven& to b ' Jtothahoneftfuftentationoftiiefaid CoUegeof Ju: *fum-evetgraunted, and to bee graunted thereto, beetheTaife , Andwils, andotdaimsforthecli&sforefaid, that the &d College and inftittition thereof, remaine perpe- tuallie, fortheadminiftrationofjuftice, to all the lieges of this Reaime, and to be honoured fik-like, as bny uther Colie , thatarconttairthe faidis aftes, inlicht-lyingoftheKingisauthoritie, m4.isfi- mnee and furnifliing to the petfones , breakand and hurting our Soveraine Lordis priviledge , quhat ordour fall be taken againft toWr^Glerkes, remainand in Rome, tliat ftaiids contrair our Soveraine Lordis ptivi- kdffe- Itisftatuteandordamedinthisprefent Parliament, that the ftatutes and aftes maid thereupon of bclore againft them, paifand contrair our Soveraine Lords priviledge , beobfervedandkeipedintimeto- ■ Ana thatdittay be taken upon the breakers of ony of the faidis aftes , to underly the Law for the fame, die thtid daye of die nixt Juftice aire of the Schire , quhair the breakers dwellis , or upon fifteene dates warn¬ ing befoteour Soveraine Lordis Juftice priticipall , or his deputes , quhen , and quhair they fall be fummotied tlier»to be our Soveraine Lordis letters fwa that Juftice fall- be extreemehe done upon them pafland in- cotitrsir the priviledge granted to the Kinds Hienefle, and breakand the aftes and ftatutes maid there¬ upon, after the forme and teiiout thereof iiio-. Thenearefttfthe Kin, to have the guies of minors , that dies inteft at , without prejudice rf the ^mte. Item Anem the attickie proponed: For-fameikle as oft-times zoung perfones dies , that may not make teftamentes , the Ordinates ufis to give their executoures Datives to their eudes, quhilkis intromettis therewith and with-drawis the gudes fra the Kin and friendes , that fold have die famm be die Law ; It is fta- tutc and oidained , bee the three Eftaites of this prsfent Patliameiic , that quhair ony fik perfons dies within age , that may not make their teftamentes, the neareft of their Kin to fucceede to them , faU have their gudes, widiout prejudice to the Otdinares, anent the Quote of their- teftamentes. I z I . All the Kiugis Lieges may Jell bread in Edinburgh on mercat dayes. ITEM Becaufe ofdie great repaite in throwrefortiiigofout Soveraine Lord Iris Lieges, and uthets ftraiteers , and it is neceflar , that they be provided of bread , gude and fufficient ftiiffe : 1 hcrefore itis ftatute and ordained , that there be oulklie three mercat dayes for felling of bread within the faid Towne : Thatistofay, Momnday, Wednefday, and FryajvouMe, upon the quliilkdaies, itlaUbeleittuiltoall our Soveraine Lordis lieges, baith to burgh and to land, to cum upon the faid mercat daies to the faide Towne, and fell their bread for reddle money , without trouble or injuries to be done to the perfones , cummaiide with their bread, to the effeft forefaid. t zx. All the Kingis Lieges may fell jkjh in Edinburgh on the mercat dayes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that there be three mercat daies oulklie in the faide Towne, fotfelling offlefli: That is to fay, Sunday, Mmonday, and Furifday oulklie all maner of perfones, baith to Burgh and to Lande, fall be free to cum and feUflelh for reddie money, forthe furnilhing of out SOVE¬ RAINE LORDE, and his Lieges, and uthets repairand to the faid Towne. 1x5. ‘Jallomfiildnot be carried awaie, nor barrelled. TEM, For-fameikle as it was ftarate and ordained ofbefote, tliacnaTaUoun fulde be had fooith of the Realme,fortheefchcwingofthedearthofthefamiii, not-thelefie die TaUoun is c^yed foorth m erea e quantitie, quhilk lies raifed exceedand dearth in the Cuntrie , puttand the ft,ane of TaUouii to ane double price or abonc : THEREFORE It is ftatute and ordained in tliis prsfent Parliament, that na perion nor pe - fones, take upon liande in time to cum, to carry ony T alloun foorth of the Realme , un er le paine o J- cfalltheirgJdesmoveable, cunimand in-contrait hereof : And that aU Cuftomers, atevenePormofthe V, j}6 KING JAMES THE FIFT^ Realme , quhair Schippes at franchted ’ efcheiulie imil. SOVERllNELORDISufe. AndthatActu^ paiiK of tinfell of 111 their gudes I 1x4. Of them that cmnterfaiSiis the Kmgis muiey. r a.^™Ic1p as diverfe wicked evil advifcd perfotses, feinzies and couoterfaiais our Soveraine fSii^sfiiSsis our Soveraine Lordis Juftice. to be juftified for their dementes , after the forme of the Lawes o/tl e 1 ealme, maid upon fatfe cuinzieoutes. I X y . He that takis places ofEtjhoffes mi Abbott s , after their deceafe, cmmittis treafm. WA Inthefirft, for the honour of God. and halie Kirk, our Soveraine Lorde, with advife of the three E. S ftaites ordainis that the frcedomes, privikdges, and immunities of halie Kiik , and all Spmtual petfones, beobferved and kdped in honour, worlliip ind dignitie, for the time of our Soverame tad . *at now is , i&e as hes bene in the tinie ofhis maift Noble Prt^eiiitours of gude minde quhome God afloilzie, this addition : T hat for-fameikle as quhen Prelates , ft as Bifiiopprickes or Abbacies , » vau the nomination thereof, perteinis to our Soveraine Lord , and the ptovi&n oW* lamm. “ ® lctters.attiLsquhenBi&oppricksvaiksandw^^^^^ and in likewife, enters mAbbaies and tabs Aem an phttis Ae fame in keiping in fecular mennis handes, but confent, command, or letters of the Kingis L but commandc, aSvife, or defire of the Conventes of ft Abbaies, in hie f ° ° ftSelv and in hie contemption of out Soveraine Lordis auAotmc, quhair-throw the Kirk and Kirk-menatheaviely hurreanddamnaged: Therefore it is ftatute and ordained in diisprefentPitthament, thatquhat-fum-evct perfonorperfones. in ony time to cum , takis ony Bilhoppes Places , Caftdles, orftrengthes, orentersbe their awin authotitie in Atoaies, to halde thay places, but out Soveraine Lordis commande, letteis or charp, or defire of the Convents thereof, at times qften fik Bifiiopprickes or Abbaies vauces, or ony uther «««. notvaikaiid, but the Kiiwis auAoritie , they Mincurre the crime of treafp and leie-majcftie, and fall be called therefore at the Kingis pleafure, upon Aeir forc-faltour , a nd to tine their lives, landes, hpitages, and nudes moveable, and un-moveable, honour , and offices, becaufe the Kingis Grace is haiden and boxmdm , to defend the Halie Kirk, and Kirk-men, iiuheitjuftaaiones. 1x6. qffkiares of anmes may be deprived be the Tbejaurer. TH E Lotdes ordainis, that becaufe the Kingis Officiates , quhen they ar charged be the Thefaater to da fervice to the Kingis Grace in his earandes , alleagis that they have na Horfe nor their wages not fufficient, quhair-throw diverfe maters concerning Aecommounwcill of the Realme, arpoftpon^: Tlist therefore the faid Thefautcr fall have power to take the armes fraonyofourSovctametadisOfficiares, under Herauldes, diat refufis to pafle fik earandes, as hce layis to their charge, in the Kingis name, in time to-cum. I XT , The Ckrke ofRegifter havand the Kir^is licence, fuld caufe imprent the abies ofTarliament. OU R Soveraine Lord hes ordained, that the aftes of Parliament maid be his Hienefle , be publifned out- throw aU the Realme. And that all Schireffes, Stewardes. Bafilies, Proveftes and Bailhes of Butrmvas and utliers his Lieges , may have the copyes diereof , and pretend na ignorance , throw mif-knawng 01 me famin; Hes ordained his Clerke ofRegifter, to make ane audientik extraft and copy , ofall die &dis arts. fafarasconcernistliecommounweiU, under his fubfeription manual, to beimprented, bequhatPtentent fall picafe the faid Clerke ofRegifter to chufe: And it fall not be leafumtooayuthcrPreniertoimprenttne famin widiin this Realme, or widiout the famin, or bring hame to bee faulde , for As fpace of fex zeirK nixt to- cum, under the paine of confifeation of the famin : Providing alwaies that the faid Prentet to be chofen be tJw faid Clerk ol Regiftet, as faid is, have our faid Soveraine Lordis fpecial licence thereto. 1 I 1 k I I I T M parliament O F MARY, QUEENE OF SCOTLAND, P,4inlMirol^ the XIII. day of-L74arch, the zeir vf God, ane th(mfatid,fi-jehmi- i UMFS.EarleofiKRARE dd HAM- MI LTO'VN-, lutour and Gniermir to her , the Re alrne am Lieges-. Fajfmg ofjignakitres throw the feaks, after the Kbigis deceafe-. HE Lord Governour, with advifc of flte three Eftaites of Parliament;, atifies and apprievis the &&.t Edinburgh, theaudweenthdayof -antiar, laft by-paft, couching tile paflingdf all figiiatourei, concerning itleftmentes throw the fealesl Andflk-Iikeofrefpeftess rahiffiones, and atliers, as is conteined in the faide afte , and after the fbtme and tenourc of tiefame: And protogaristhetermecOnteinedintiieraidafte ; fbrraifing of the faids feaies fik-like all fummdulldes to be taifed under the quarter feale, quhill the firft day ofA&^t//?nixtCo-cum. Ofthequhilk afte , the tenour ibllowis : A T Udmbiir 'gh the aitcliteenth day of Januar, tliezetroi God, ane thoufand, fivehundreth, foutde tvva zeires : The Quhilk day it is thoucht necelFar and expedient , be theLbtds of Cbulicell, at die command oi the iaide Lord Govetriotir, for the commburt weill, and weillolfmdneLordes, lijronnes, and Landed-men , andutherSoiirSo- vcraiiie Ladies I ie>tes, qtiliaobteined before thedecealeofout Soveraine LottL quhom God aMzie, figna- toures of new infel-cmentes of their lattdes beVehgnation aUenatibn confirmation andalsremffione^ and maid compofitiones tlierefore, with confent and advi e of the ^ befamer, , cur faid umquke Jovetaine Lord , and liis 1 hefaurer . qulnlkis as zit ar not paft the feaies . foretIiefaidfsZ,ordesordaimsandftatuns, ^ataUnewemtettmentesandfignatoures^ orderly throw all our faide umquhile Soveraine Lordes Seales , and to * 6«ate and etfte ■ as and thev had bene raifed alote his Grace deceafe. And albeit the gear Sea^ . and SiSarrovXS. -ddiverfepreceptsw llSaint-Andrewes, keiper of the priv.e Seale, and fra rtefaid pnvie direft to G«, ^ch BilhoppeofG&Sw. Clianceilar for the timet Ihatthcfaidisptec^ts be anfwered be keipe s of die faidislales; ahf they to be of als great ftrengdi. valour “defa as tW weredtteft to^^^ Al> 'aaiaiRaday now keioeroftheprivie feale t And to the faide Sara;/, Q.^i&xnAiASmnt-Andre'wes, fiovv Chincellaiid keiper of the gteat Seaie: And als ordainis, *at all precepts of faifmge els upo^ infeftmentes , granted be umquhile our faid SovetMe Lorde Aat a LnY. fuffiafent- and of als fik-iikd that ar to be paft upon the fignatoures and precepts forelai @ , rnAruiirhftaftding our faid great valoure. ftrengL, aiA effeft. &r giving and taking oWiefaKlisfaifingcs umquhile Soveraine Lordis deceafe) as they had bene put to execution, and ^ his Yacc deceafe:' And that letters beedireft throw all die Realme . tomiKlifliednsco iracc deceafe: And that letters bee topubliftiediisconftitucion, and to warne Ijg §1^ V E E N E iM A R I E warne allmanerofpetfones, that lies raifedonyfignatoures and preceptestliere-upon, mmatierforefai4 that they cum and paffe under the faidis Seales orderlie, asefFeiris, betuixt this and tlisFeaftof-Pa/ffe,,;’ to-cum; with certification and they failzie, the faids fenatoures and precepts raifed thereupon, fall of na force nor effeft , fra die faid day footth . and fall not be anfwered of the faidis Seales , the fajj day being by-paft. F I N I -S, ; the second PARLIA M ENT O F MARIE. aUEENE OF SCOTLAND, Haldm at Edinburgh, tbt fifteenth day of ‘December, the zeir of God, ane thmfani, five hun- dretb, feurtie and three zeires. %. Ratificatm of the injiitutm of the Colkge of Jufike, and payment of the cm- tributim granted to them. HE Quhilkday, die Queetiis Grace , with advifeoftlie Lord Goverjiour, and the three Eftaites of the Realme , ratifies aad'appnevis the inftitution of the Col¬ lege of Juftice ; With all ptiviiedges , freedomes , and Kbertiesi given and granted to the famin, in fik-like maner, forme, andeffeft, asitwasinumquhilloutSo- veraine Lords time, thatlaftdeceafed, andfenfine. AND Mair-over, the three Eftaites of Parliament, decernisandordaiiiis, letters to be direft , to requite the Ordinares to give their letters upon all Prelates, to caufe payment be maid of all reftes, awin be them to the feate of the Seffion , of alltermesby-gane: And fik-Mke in time camming zeirlie and termelie, within fex daies nixt after their charge, under die paine of curling : quhilk vj. dales being by-paft, and they not payand: tliat the Queeris Grace letters be direft, to poynd and diftreinzie their T emporal landes and gudes, confortne to the Aftes maid of before , for in-getting of the contribution , for fuftentation of the perfons diat dailie and contiauallie remainis, for adminiftration of Juftice , to all the Lieges of this Realme. finis. the THRIT) V ARMAMENT. IV. of MRiguft. Iy46. >39 the T H R I D parliament O F marie. aUEENE OF SCOTLAND,’ U/ilden at Edinburgh, the fourth daye of tMugnfi, the zeire ef God , am thoufand , five hutt- ^ • dreth , and fmrtie fiic gkires. 3 . Temientes fuld-h'e rnttmei in quiet matier , without cmtvocafm. H E Quhilk day the Lord Govethout and die three Eftaites of Parliamente , rati¬ fies and apprievis in this piefeiit Pariiament . tlie afte maid at StrWtling , the ellc; venthdayofy«Ej/, thezeirofGod, ane thoufand, fivehundreth, fourty fex zeires , tnaid aneiitis the laying forth of tennentes be their Over-lordes , as at matt length’ is conteined .in the faid afte : of the, quhilk the tenour foUowis : THE quhilk day the Lord' Govetnout , widi adviie of the Queenls Grace, and Lordes of Councell , underftandand diat there is great convocariones maid in die Realm, for putting and laying of men forth of their tackes and fteadinges, and fik-!ike, to refift to die Lordes of the ground, their Daillies and OiBciares to lay them foorth, quhilk - - - 1“ jg occafion of great trouble and fiauchter amangft our Soveraine Ladies Lieges : Therefore it is ilatute and ordained, that letters be dire/t to all Schireffes. Stewardes, BaiUies, and their de- nffa” a to uthers Officiates of die ; Schireftes in that paffie to the mercat croce of tliehead Crowes of the Schites. and there be open proclamation , commande and charge . all and fmdne out Sove- faCLadieslieges,ofquhat-fum-everAegreetheybe, that nane of them tak upon hand to make on vconv^^ cation for putting alid laying forth of ony temientes, bot that they be theit BaiUies and Officiates , lay Mi he faidis tennencef gudes Ldfrly , conforme to the Lawes of the Realme obfaved and ke.ped™sby- Snr-NorzitthatMmanetoftennentesmakeony convocation or laddering for refifttincetodieirLord^^^^^ theoround , their BaiUies and Officiates, under the paines conteinect m the adtes of Parhament , maid agmnft them that makis ony gadderiiiges or convocations , with certification to them that dois in tlfo connair , diat w’fo ! be called at^ticulfr diets, and faU be puniflied therefore with aU ngout, as accordis. And Snypetfon ttokl^hem offended be ordaims that they faU be c&d outhet cnminally 6r civilly, andjuaicefallbeniiniftred, as accordis. The disposition of benefices, wardes, relitfes, and m^iages, and of poffef- f?oLs oYthem that liappenis to die in the armie: the ze.r of God, ane dioufand ; five himdreth, and fourtie fcveii zeires. 4. x^uent Kirk-men. T CMonk-toun-HaU, the racht day of thezeirofGod, anedioufand, five hundteth , fivehundreth, and fourriefeven zeires t Thcquhilkday , myLordGovemour, widi advife and confent of the Prelats. Kirk-men, Earles, Lordes, Bjronnes, md alluthe s Patrones of benefices, baidi Spiritual and Temporal underftandand that die h^^bod^ of the Reaime , is paffand forwarde at diis time, ,to tefift out aulde enemies o^Englmid, Ruling in this Lalme to invade the/amin: Ordamis . ffiat . . _ „e ptefentarion , provifion andcollationof his beCfTce for Tharptoi^T^d t^^ Kin, that happenis to be flaine, or deceafe, m maner forefa d JertVinetodL ofthcirbencficL,widuhefruitesfpedaUieondieRrounde widitheamiatffierf^^^^^^^ dieit executoutes alfweiU Abbottes. Prior®, and Si uthers Religious men, as aU uthei Kitk men. y 2. Aneut 14° ^ T) E N E CM J R I t_Amnt the warde, reliefe and mariage. ITEM It is ftatute and ordained , that quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones , liappenis to flaine , Imtjj to the death, or take feicknefTe in our Soveraine Ladies arraie, now ordained m teddme/Te to pafTe for. warde fordefenfeoftheRealme. and refilling of our auld enemies of now gaddered to invade die fame ’ and dies in the faid feicknes. gangand, remainand or command thcrefra That their aire or aires , feu have their warde none-entrefTe, reiieie, and manage, free ; oi our Soveraine Ladie , diipenland with their mi. noritie and lelTe age , quhat eUde that ever they be of, without payment of ony temde-penme ; And fik-lfee, cfallutherLordes, Spiritual and Temporal , baithofvafraUesandfub-vairaUes: Providing riiat the aires forefaidis perfew and obfeine ehtetefle of their Over-lbldes . within three terihesaiter die deceafe of their fathers or of quhat-fum-ever udierperfone, quhom to they artofucceede, for die caufes forefaidis And gif die fiiidis airra be of lefle age , within tutorie, and beis not entred to their landes and heritage , before their aae of fourteene zeires, quhilk may be throw negligence of their tutores , and udiers their friendes •• Our So¬ veraine Ladie priviled'gis and grands to them , that diey may enter within three termes, nixt after their com- pleit age of fourteene zeires , as faid is : And this to be extended to the mediate aire , diat is to fucceede to the perfoii, that liappenis to deceafe in our Soveraine Ladies armie, inmanerforefaid: Andbecaufeitmay happen the faid petfon , drat happenis to deceafe in die faid armie , to have maa lauclifuli bairnes of his bodie byhisaite; Therefore ordainis , that the profitesofhiswaird landes be tane up be their Modiers, gifthere be na tutoures Teftamentars, als iang as fcho remainis widow, and failzieing thereof, be the neareft and laucli- full tutoures of the faii bairnes, to be diftribute for die fuftencadon of die faid aire , and to die utilitie and pro- fiteofdie remanent ofliisbrether and fifters, to the perlite age of the faide aire or aires: That is to fay, gif the aire be male of twentie ane zeires , and gif they be femal of fourteene zeires , die profit of the faide aires manage, being ay free to himfelfe, his faidis Mother, tutour, andgoverneur, findandfufficient caution be¬ fore the Lotdes , that they fall make compt and reckoning of their intromiffion, before the Lotdes of Councell; or in the Checker zeitlie ; And gif the aires of the perfones that liappenis to die , as faid is , have ony fewes, riiat they enter fik-like to their few landes, halden of quhat-fum-ever perfones, Spiritual, or Temporal, within the termes forefaidis , without ony pay ment of die doubling of the few. 6. i^nent pojfejfiones. T he QiliilkdaytheLotdeGovemour, and all the Noble-men, Bartonnes, Free-haldets, and Gende-men, being conveened and aflembledtogidder, topafleforwatde, fordefenfeofthisRealme, and refiftingofourauld enemies of now inftantiie approcheand totlieLordGovernour, and his armie: Hesdevifed, ftatute and ordained, alfweillbetheLordGovernoursawinconfente, astheconfentol the Noble-men , baith Spiritual and Temporal : That gif it fall hmpen (as God forbid) ony Earle , Lorde, Barronne, Ftee-halder, vafTall , fub-vaflall, fewates, maillers, racket men. rentallars, and poflefloutes, or com- ' mounes to be flaine, or take feicknefie, quliair-riitow they happen to deceafe at this ptefent armie : That their i aires, executours, orafiignayes, fall freelie have their awinwairdes, teliefes, and roariages in their awin handcs, to be difooned diereupon, as they fall thinke expedient : And fik-like riieir wives , bairnes, exetuto'urs , or a%nayes , fall bruik their tackes, fteadinees, rov/mes and poffeffions, alfweill of Rirk-lar.des, as of Temporal mennis landes, and enter thereto, and remainc therewith freelie, for the'fpace of five zeires, widioutony gteiTum or entrefle filvcr, payand ailanerlie mailles and dewries, ufed and woont; And die faid aft alfweill to extend upou Kirk-msnnis valTalks, and T cmpotalles, as upon the Queenis. finis. the FOVRTH ‘PARLIAMENT. XXIX. of tJMaij. ijji. 141 H O U R H jARLIAMENT O F marie, QUEENE of SCOTLAND, musa Edinbuicl, . the XXIX. laye ef Oley . the zeiee ef God , erne thoufand . five hm- dreth , and fiftte me zetres. , lAllthendes mmeabk o^ them quhafufteinis the frocge of cmfugane zeir , or communi- satis beintexcmmunkate fall ferteme to the King, the creiitom being ’ * firfl fatisfied. HE Ouhilk dave, the Lotde Governcur, with advife of the three E- couUoutand andreceivis ftaitesofPatliament, havandrefpeft to die Noble, Catholick and Chri- ftian aftes and ftatutes, maid bee umquhile our Soverain Lord , King TAMES the Fifth, that laftdeceafed, quhom God aflbilzie , for con- fcrvation and balding of his Lieges in the tr.ewe and godlie faith ever hid- I dertils notonelybeliim. botalfo be his maift Noble Progemtoures, in. i violabl’ieobfervedandkeiped, fen they firft received tlwfamin : And m foeciall fik ftatutes, ordinances and aiftes maid anentis them diatwilM- ^ lie obftinatelie, or arrogantly incurris the paines of curfmg, be ony maner of way , and lyis under that damnable ftaitlangtime , jehawand theirungodhehfetouAerstheiaithfuUheges of this Realme havand na regard to be participant ofthemente of the bloud of CHRIST , quiia - thfowe their atrogancie, obftinacie, andm-ooedience, wilMlie tkow , n^-^'jimldeCathoUcllpMwl,' Aiidforremeidliercof, andfordchwingoffikeviU.abominable, glide, trew, limpleCatnoiicKpe p . t-K a lieges of this Realme may live m trew ^erverfe., &deteftable vices m times cummmg PtogenLures times 1 faith in our Soveraine Ladies time, that now 1 ’ r ^ ar denunced curfed , lor ony maner of Hesftauite and ordained aiJfolemned daye. in time of divine fetvice before caufeintheitParochKirkopeniieandpub icldie, on ane loiemnea aay . ^ noone, before the Patochin, blelTed and halie Sacrament, iin- obftinathebethefpaceofanezeit, otrece vistheb , ^ ^ ; jgj n^oveable throw tliat derthefaidecurfing, and te tie famin be in-brocht to her deede, faUfall in our Soveraine Ladies handes,ber ^. ^^^^^^^ _ Providing alwaies, that And that letters be direft to make publication hereof at all places needetuU. ‘DedaredTraimresmajbeflame : ^ndqnhaquarrellisthefamin, committistreafm. j -T _ _ ■cA-zvirAc /-»r Pfiriinr ortheLordGovemoutsreipecr wV= 'tike as they ’ nor nSie of them rhisRealme, and hands and tepains amangft our Soverame Ladies heg , rheRell’me, northeautho. had committed ony ofFenfe againft our Soveraine , r O V E R A I N E L A D 1 E s’ Lieges , their ritie, andarreceipc, fortifiedandmaintemedbe OUR -nrlipirrrpafonable deeds, havand-na re- affifters, favourers, mainteiners, and airt and part-takers with nemi And in rimes dimming, to gard toward our j’overaine Lady , the Lotde Gwetnour , not t ^ au ^ committers tliere- fchawthatfoule,abhominablcai)7ieoflefe-mq)eftieandtreafon, andiorpunimmenr CH A R I E §1 n) E E N E 14^ _ nf their aflTifters, favourers, mainteiners, receipters, fortifiers, and partakers of all fikTraitoutes, and their companie , andtoavoidethecompanieofuthets , OUR SOYERAINt LADIES trew and IdfdeSfef ftamte and ordained be the Lord.Governour , and tliree Eftaites of Parliament , that in cafe onvfik declared traitour, or ttaitoures , happenis to be handled, taken, apprehended or flame upon fud- dantie orutlier waiesputtodeath: then and in that cafe, it ftiall not be leiM to die km , friendes , affi- fters fortifiers, mainteiners, favourers, orairtandparMakers widi fiK traitouresonnawifejratiietime that fikdike traitour or traitoures happenis too bee handled , apprehended or flame fra mine foortli , to moove oniequeftion, pick, grudge or querrell , or beare onie rancour, hatred . or envie agamft the perfon or perfones , committers of tfie flauchteroffik-likepetfones traitoures nor toperfewiiormvade themfor ho- dielv hatme flauchter , or uthetwife , to injure them in word or deed for that caufe , nouther tor times by. pane nor to cum , under the pain of treafon, with certification to quhatfumever petlon or perlones , that fumipis in the contrair of die premifTes, that he fall be called and accufed upon treafon , Ijke as the committar of the principall crime fall be in likemaner punilhed, conformeto dieLawes ol theRealme, with all rigour, 9. ,_Anent them that fchatls with gmmis at Deare andwilde-fowle. TH E Samin daye , for-fa-meikle as it was devifed , ftatute and ordained of before , that nane of OUR SOVERAINE LADIES Lieges, fulde take upon hande to fchuttewitli the lialfe-hag, Culver- ing, orPiftolet, atDeate, Rae, wiide-beaftes , orwilde-fowles , under the paine of death : Notwdth- ftandmg OUR SOVERAINE LADIES Lieges, daylieandcontinualUem-conttairtM tenour of the attes maid thereupon , incurrand the paines conteined in the faihiii , fchuttis with the halfe-hag , culver- ing, and Piftolette at the faidis wiide-beaftes, and wilde-fowles , quhair-tlirow the Noble-men of the Re- aliiie, can get napaftimeofhaikiiig and hunting, like as lies bene had in times by-paft, bee reafon that aU fik wiide-beaftes and wilde-fowles at exiled and banilhed , be occafion forefaide : And for temeid hereof : It is devifed ftatute and ordained be the Lorde Governouris Grace , and the three Eftaites of Parliament , Zitas of before, that nane of OUR SOVERAINE LADIES Lieges, of quhat-fum-ever degree heeiieof, takeuponhandetofehutteatDeare, Rae, orutherwilde-beaftsorwilde-fowls, with half-hag, culveringorpiftoletinonytimestocum, under the paine of death, and confifeation of all their gudes, for their contemption , and quliat petfoil or perfones , that Iwppenis to take or apprehend ony maner of perfones, command in-contrait this prefentafte and ftatute, andbringishimtotlieSchirefieofthe Schire, or his de¬ putes, the taker fall have the efcheitofall die perfones gudes lice apptehendis, and fall be rewarded utlier- waies , as accordis for his laboures. 10. The a£{ maid anetit the annuelles of landes burnt be mr auld enemies ^Englaiic! , within Burrowes. At Edinburgh, tlieellevenchdayofj^few^w, thezeirofGod, ane thoufande , five hundreth, and fiftieanezeires, in ptefence of the Lotdes of Councell , compeired ane maift Reverand father in t)OD, John, Ktch.-'&mo’foiSaint-Andrewes, Commendatorol the Abbaie of For liim- felfc , and the remanent of the Clergie of this Realme on that ane part : And the Proveft and Baillies of the Viin^-iolEdinburgh , on that uther parte, and gave in diirartickles under-written, fubferived bethehande ofMaifter JohnLawder, Arche-Deane of Nocar publicke , anddefiredthefaminto beeinfert in the buikes of Councell , and tlie faidis Lordes to intetpone their authoritie to the famin. The quhilk-de- firc , the faidis Lordes thoclit reafonable , and ordained the faidis artickles to be regiftred in the faid buikes of Councell, and to have the ftteiigthofane aft and decreet of the Lords thereof, and lies interponed, and mterponis their authoritie to the lamin .• And decetnis and ordainis letters executorialles to be given here¬ upon , for dew execution of die faidis artickles , and everie poynt thereof , as efteiris. Quhairof die tenour foUowis. Of the \_ART1CKLES and FOVND AMENTS tobeadvifed i^m, tsudmigthe burnt landes and tenementes, within the Burgh «/’ Edinburgh, and uthers Burghs and Townes within the Realme ijL Scotland, burnt he m anld enemies of England. TEM, Thefirftattickle, quhairtheChaplainebetliefiglitoftheMaifoun. wticlit, and maifterofwarke, and uthers difereit men fworne thereto, will contribute and pay die pate loftlieexpenfes, for the rate of their annuell, andmaillofdiehoufe, asitpayis ptefentlic. ' that they fall have their haill annuell , after the biggine of the lioufe. I ITEM, The ground annuell appeiris to be payed, quha ever big die grounde , &fail- izicing thereof, that die annucllat may tecognofee the ground. item, FOVRTH parliament. XXIX ofOTaij. lyji. 143 jTEM. Inailutlierannuclles, toadvifegiftiieawnerskts the ground to be un-bigged, quhatfallbe I e Chaplainis P'ltt gif he may recognofce the famin or not , or compell the awner to big the famin : And gif I' eniay neither : gif hee may c3l for warrandice , after the forme of his foundation. 5 T E M , Gif fa-meikle reftis un-bumt of die haill tenement .that awes the annuell , as will pay e the famin, ■f tl’.e annuell may be craved cotnpieidie. ° IT EM, Toadvife, gif the Chaplaine lies the annuell under reverfion, and contribiitis with the biggat, conformetothefitftartickle, to confidder how iaiig thereafter, die annuell fall be unredeemeable , or fa- „ci!de as is contribute , to be eiked in the reverfion. ’ item, Quhair the Chaplaine was Laird of the tenement, and the fame haillelie burnt, andthepatron yjjedtobigthelame, refufis and will not, and may not, fik-lik the Chaplaine may not, quhidder it fall be leafum to the Chaplaine to fet the fame tenement in few , and require the patrbne tor his confent , and nif bee refufis, gifhee may be compelled thereto, or gifthe Chaplaine may fet the famin be his advife and confent. or not. item, Quhair the haili tenement , after it be bi^ed, be fet infewe within the availe thereof, for the up- hald of the fame , and beis burnt , gifthe fewar may be compelled to big the famin upon his avvin expenfes or not : And quhat fall be die Chaplainis part in that cafe. ITEM, Gifthe coryunft-feare or life-renter of tenementes, quhilkspayis annuell to the Kirk, and is banit, asfaideis, giithey may be compelled be the Chaplaine, and atrcsofthefaid tenement, to concur andbigthefamefortheiriiiteres, and gifthey be difaffentand thereto, quhat fall be leafum to the aire, and Chaplaine to do in that bdialfe. Em foUtmis the pnvijimie , ordinance, mi amdujhu, maid to the artic kies akone exfreemed, and to k in all times cumming obferved and keipd, anentis all annuelles of the burnt lattdes andtene- fnentes , be the auld Enemies England , within the Burgh ^’Edinburgh , and uthers Burghs aid Townes within the Realme o/Scotland, awandaljweill to Sfirituallmen , asT emforallmen : Concwded and agreed upon , betuixt the Lories of the Artie kies ofBarltameut , and the-Provefi, Baillies and Cmncell of the /aide Burgh 0/ Edinburgh for them , and the remanent Burghes and Townes of this Realme , to have theftrength of alles , ftatutes , and ordinances of Parliament in all time camming : The quhdk emtclufmi the Lord Govemour, and the three Eftaites of Par¬ liament , ufm thefirft daye o/Februar, the zeir of God, ane thmfand, five bmdreth , fiftie and one zeir , ratified and afp'ieved. I TEM, In thefirft, anent the fitft artkkle, given in be the annuellatis of the Burgh of Edinburgh. and uthers Burghes within this Realme : It is concorded , ftatute and ordained , that gif the annuellar be the Judgement or fight of the Maifon, wrick, and maifter of watke , craftef-men, in the teparrelling of tlie tenanent , quhilk is afttided to the annuell . and udiers difcteic men fwotnc thereto , will contribute and paye the part of expenfes, according to the rate of the annuelles, aiidthemaiiesof the houfes, quhilkis it givisnowprefendie, that the famin annueliarisquhatfumever they be, Spiriuiall or 1 emporall , fall haev the haill annuell of the nixt terme , immediatlie following die bigging and repairing of the tenement or houfe, and fall be free to poynd and diftteinzie fra diat time, aifweillfor the by-gane, as to-cum, call and recog¬ nofce therefore according to Jnftice: Providing alwaies, that gif ony queftion or pley fall happen to rite anent the expenfes of the bigging, betuixt the annueilar and the hcretour , the famin fall be decided and dif- tuffed before the Lotdes of our Soverauie Ladies feate of Juftice, upon ane firaple Application, but outlier diet or Table. ... . . n. j i ■ j i ITEM Anent the iecond and feventh artickies , quliilkis ar coincident: Itis ftatute and ordained , riiat quhidder the annuell be redeemeable, orunreedemeable, the annuellar havand the grounde annue 1 upon ony burnte laiide, quhiik is , or beis reparreiled bee the awner thereof , that makis na contribution to the big- ging of the famin, fall wante the fexte parte oi the annueU , the few annueilaris fail in likewife wante the fifth parte of their annuelles : T lie toppe annuellares , fall in likewife want the fourth parte ot theirs , and the awner ofthe burnte Land, quha lies bigged and reparreiled die famin, fall not bee halden to paye niair 01 thefaidisannuellis, reffeliive, then cummis to the refidue thereof, die faidis fexte . firai , and iourth partes, re/^eSiw, being defaifed. , , r -i- -j r 1 Providing alwaies , that it fah be leafum to die amiuelletes, notwithftandmg the defaifance maid prefently, gifthey pleafe CO byein aeaine, and redeeme. fra tliefaid awner ofthe famin land.fameikle ofthe faide annuell. as they fail happen to want, bee particular redemption, as the faidis.annuellers may cum to . and it were never fa lirJe, payand proportionaliie for ilk marke given downe, to the proportion and rate thereof , theluinmc often poundes &flf fix money , but onie ianget procefle ailaneriie, the awner being required to receive his money, fall bee fufficient warning, and the annuellar to be anfwered fra the nixt terme of fa-meikle as he payis money for, as hee off'ersteallie, and with efFeft, the awner bang required, andrefufand; Andmthat tide , the money to be deponed in the Proveft and Baillies handes of the tovvne , gil they be baith T empotal ; BotgiftheybebaithSpiritualand Temporal, ot baith Spiritual, in the Officialles hands of Lwf&af/f being 144 £ ^ E B N M xM A, R I _ B arid ckfaiftnce. aftriftedtothe for Ae tittle, and there to remaine to iiis utilitie and profite . that of payment , in maner fotefaid , to be contmuaUie fra the biggittgof tlv tenements , annnelfe , , . , . thataiftte awners of the burnt landes and tenementes , toperfcwtlieirannuelles refpehivi , conforme to the nature and rat* o. . zeircsbeino ' orecmcd • or to -rceognofe die tetiement &t none-payment of the famin . the faidis n.a zeircs being Lth-rumiin, and to Ife their proceffe for none-paynleiit thereof, as aceordis of the Lawe, alidpiaftick ‘^SE'^M^lKntthefourftartiAiei It isordained, tliatonhatkindeofannuell'thateverit'be, thcfamm lyandupon’tliehaill tenement, giffameiklereftisim-bunitoftlieliaiB, aswiii pay die .anim annud! the awnerliavaiid,bytheannueU, twifealsraeikleastheannneUextendistoofzeirUeprofite, the iia:^^ amiudl foil be payed ■ IJtherwife it fall bee ppopottionable , effeirand to the thnd penny of the zeiriy avaue of the teiicmlnuhatftaiidis, andquliaitri«la^beisbigged, to have filt-like interpretation, conforrtetothirpre- £ M , Anent tiie fifth artkkle , it is devifed and conduded , that in-Cafe the annuellar cbnrribote witli the a-.vnerofthe burnt tenement, to the reparation flieteof , conformetothe firftarticklc'ohhe famin, t.ic aiinuc! !cr fail have the re verfion augmented , to the qiiantitic , extending to the thnd ptot of the furame, iipoii the quhilk the aimucli is wod-fet : Swa that quhiii the principall fumme , ana halfe fameiLe with it be payed, thcaniiueli to be uiiredeemeable : Thatistofay, in cafe the antiuell lye upon twahundreth markes, it is nottobe redeemed, quhill three hundrethmarkes be payed, ill-cafe forefaid . i t - j ITEM, Anent the fext arrickle : It is provided and concluded , That gif ony Chaplaine be haill Laird of the burnt tenemente, unite to his Chaplanrie , as patrimonie cheitof , and the patrone of the Lhaplaiiry being required to bie the famin, and nouther wiU not , orelfemaynot, andmiikcwiffetiie OiMplame is not ofpuiirancetodothefame .■ Itfallbeleafumfornolicie, and efchewingofdeformiaeoftheTowne, tofet die famin in few , to the utilitic and profite ofhis Chaplanarie ; to ony that will offer teaift therefore with¬ out the patronis coiifent , gif he refufis to give his conlent ; Providing aKvaies-, that the Patron be nrft re¬ quired to talte the famin in few liimfelfe , and liee to be iwthat cafe preferred to onie other , givand a!s meikle to the Chaplaine therefore , to the evident utilitie of the Chaplanarie , as ony iitliet wiU ■, without coliuiion , and the Patron refufand, the Chaplaine to bee free to doe therewith, as is abone-Written ITEM, AstothefevenriiArtfokle., It is anfwered and concluded , asiscontcinedin theresponleand conclufion, maidtothefceGndartickieabmiewritten,becatifetliey wereco-incidenttogidder. ITEM, Astotheaachtattickie-, It is ftatute and ordained , that gif there beis ony conjunct-fear, or life-rentar , of ony burnt landes ■: ’ConUderatioii being tane and bad be the Proved as^d Bailiies of the Burgh , quliat'free maill the famin p^ed before the burning : It fall be leafom to the proprietarof tire lan& to big the famin , gif he pkaus> payand the faide conjunCl-feat or life-rentar , during their life¬ time , die thnd part of die free male . die quhilk die faide lartde payed before the burning : Bot gif diecoiijuna.fear, or life-rentar pleafis to big the famin, they to bee preferred to the prbpnetat, and to bruik the famin , during theitlife : And therefore fall die proprietar and land baitlie be boufidm and oblifli- ed to them for to refound the dirid part of the money , quhiikis they debutfe , in bigging of the faids tene¬ ments, in neceflar and profitable expenfes, to bee fcortli cumnnaiid , tobegivento them the time of their deceafe, and thereafter to their cxeciitoures and affjgnayes, die land being ail weill bigged, as of before and nichtbour like. N S. T H R FIFTH T ARLI AMENT. Firft of Fehrmr. ijyi. H H pARLIAM ENT O F marie. aUEENE OF SCOTLAND, mden ut Edinburgh, the firft days ofFebruar, the zeir of God, ane tbmifand , five himdreth, ^ and fiftie ane sxires. II. Anent the p-icesi;i«, nixttocum, and fra thine furth , xij. pennies’ Item, theLapron, twa pennies. Item, the Woodde-Cocke , foure pennies. Item , the doufane of Lav- rocke’s, anduthersfmallbirdes, the price of the doufane, foure pennies. Item the Snipe and quailzie. price ofthepeece, twa pennies: Item , the tame-gufe , xvj. pennies. Item, the Capone , twelve pennies, ite®, the Hm and Pultric , audit pennies. Item , the chicken , foure pennies. Item , the gryfe , auchteenc pen¬ nies : And for obferving and keiping of this aft , quliatfumever perfon or perfoiies , alfvveill byar as feller, that breakisthefamin, and dois in the contrair hereof: Thatall his gudes fall be taken and efcheitted to ourSo. veraine Ladies ufe , and their perfoaes punilhed at the Lord Governours will and pleafute. ^ Scottif-men be'mg charged to ieave ajfurance with Englilh-men , and difibeyand , fall have ti^ ablionagaiiiji trew Scotai-msn, for any wr mg done to them. 13- ITEM, It is dcfired to bee concluded in this ptefent Parliamente, Scottif-men un-affiired with E-ntland, xdiivcoon Scottif men iSSmeAmih. England , the rime they were allured, andtooke their gudes and aeare', quhiddet gif thay affijred perfones fpuilzied , have juft adtion and place to aske reftitution of their gudes, andamendisforthedamnagesdonetotliemornoc : Itisconduded, decerned and declared be die Queenis Grace , rhe Lord Governour , widiadvifeofthe three Eftaites of Parliament, that quhair out So- vetaine Ladies charges and proclamationes , or the Lord Governoures private letters , or command was di- reft, cliargeing all and fmdriealTured perfones of this Reaime widi Englatid, and that fat under their affii- tance , to difcharge diem of the faide aflurance , and leave the opinion of England , and to cum to the obe¬ dience of our Soveraine Ladie , the Lord Governour , and the authoritie , within ane certaine terme prefixed thereto conteincd in the faid letters, and wald not leave the opinion forefaid, botalTifted to England, En- qlijh-men, and their companie : That thay ^red in maner forefaid, fall have na place nor aftione to'petfew the perfons Scottif-men , un-afliired , lor the fpoliation of their gudes , or farisfattion ofoiiy utherdamnages done to them thereafter. And quhair na letters , charges, Proclamationes, nor uthers private wtitinges, norcommandeoftheLorde Governours Grace were direft, cliargeing fik afliired pet- fones to leave the opinion of andtocumtotheobeyfanceofour Soveraine Ladie , thcLocdeGo- vetnoure, and the authoritie , nor nafik charges come to then Eares, that thay allured, as faid is , fall have place and aftion to perfew the perfones un-afliired , that fouilzied for reftitution of their gudes , andamendisforthedamnageandskaithfufteitiedbee them, gif the ipuilziers had na fpeciail commandc, nouther in writ nor worde ol the Lorde Govetnoute , to tide upon fik mlured perfones. 14. AeScottif-man, bemgjpuilzied be Sconif-rntn, Englilh-men, hesgudaEiimagainft the Scottif-man , albeit the Englilh-men werefewar in number. ITEM, To the refolution maid upon the fecondartickle, makand mention, quhair men allured or un- affiired, raid in particular pinzieones, and fmall companies of Scottif-men, being the oreateft number , and invaded the un-afliired, burnt their houfes, fpuilzied their gudes, and berried them there-thtow , quhidder gif the perfon fpuilzied and herded , lies juft aftion to perfew fik Scottif- meu, fpuilziers, for reftorance of their gudes againe, and fatisfaftion for the damnages done to them , or not: It is decerned and declared bee the Queenis Grace, the Lord Governour, with advife of the three Eftaites of Parliament forefaide, tliat all fik perfones fpuilzied, hurte, or damnaged, in maner forefaid, lies juft aftion and place to perfew the fpuilziers and to defite reftorance of their gudes , and fatisfaftion of their damnages, as accordis of the Law. t_Ane ajfured Scottif-man , affijland the Englifli armk may he perfewed for all the skaitb done to Scotrif-men, m-ajfured. ITEM, As to the refolution to be tane upon the thridartickle, beirandinef&ft, c^dkonj Scottifmm, i&aeAhe England , and raid with the armicdiereof, w^ononj Scottif men , un-aflured, lor burning of theirplaces, flauclitetofthemfelves, their wives and bainies, and fpuilzied them of their gudes, or burn¬ ing of their comes , downe-cafting of their houfes , and uthers deftruftiones , quhidder gif it bee lauchfoU to onie Scottif-man fpuilzied in that forte with the armie of Englatid , to perfew ony Scott if man , being in com¬ panie with the armieolE«^/(7»<^, the time ofthe fpoliation and deftmftion forefaid, for fpoliation of their gudes, and fatisfaftion for the damnages fufteined be them, orhesjuft caufe and aftion to fute therefore: It is concluded and declared be the Queenis Grace , die Lord Governour , and the t{itee Eftaites fotefaidis 1 That fik perfones un-aflured, burnt, hertied, and deftroyed be allured, and being in companie with the armie of E«g4r»;/, and came widi them, and were with them the time ofthe Ipoliation, burning & defttuftion forefaid, hesjuft aftion and caufe to perfew all allured peribnesto^ri/^ww, that raid in maoef forefaid , for reftitution and deliverance of dieir gudes fpuilzied fra them , and fatisfaftion and amendis for the damnages and hurres , as accordis. 1$, <^mit FIFTH PARLIAMENT. Fh-ft of Febrmr. ijyi. »47 1 1 6. KjAnent them that fwearis ahhminabk aithes. X F M , Becaufe notwithftanding the bft and frequent Pteachinges , iil deteftation of tlie grievous andab- I Bmiiiabie aithes fwearing, execrationes , andblafphematiounofthenameofGod, fweatandinvaineb* iv nreciousblud, bodie, paffion and woUnds , Devillftick, cummer, gore, roiftorriefe diem, and fik her our. and Sik-lik wee revoke all difeharges of fervice of flutes oi Comtes , audit ofauld to oar Progeni- of ^ ^ f cfaid * *'°'l*TEM, Wee revoke all new infeftmentes given of creation of Barronnies in landes and Lotd-lliippes rnim of annexed to our Crowne. . rir ijji - f'"‘ item, \''ee revoke all giftes and confirmationes, given be us, ol quhat-fum-ever landes and hen- fmy. taoes, be falfe fuggeftion , be expreeming of talfe caufes , quhair gif they had bene expreemed ane trew caufe, and the veritie , we had not given the fame, and there- throw we ar greatumiy and enormelie liurte. Cupp.lfl-, and Genetallie, we revoke, caffis, andannullis, all and quhat-fum-ever thinges done be us in our lefTe caufe ve- aae forefaid , in dettii^ent and liatme of out faule and confcience , hurting oi die pnviledge of our Crowne, prejudicial to the fame , and to us in our patrimome'dicreof , and all and findry things, that the Law and con- nmimn. fuetude of our Realme leavis us to revoke. And als will and declatis , that this out Revocation extend to all thinaes alfweill not fpecified, as fpecified therein, quhilkis perteined to us and our faid Crowne , be deceafe of ourfaiddeareftFadier, and to be extended fra his deceafe, in all thinges forefaidis, to usaiidourbehoofe, als lareelie as the Revocation maid be our faid maift Noble Father , micht be extended to , fra the deceafe ofout maift Noble Gud fehit King James the Fourth , to the time, daie, and dait of his faid revocation ; And as the revocation maid in King James the Seconds time , micht have bene extended to, fra the deceafe ofout maift Noble Progenitour, King >w«theFitft. to the making thereoh Declarand that albeit, we ofourrtcrt«sc favour and benevolence , fuffef ony petfon or petfones to ufe, pofleid, or bruik ony priviledges, poliefliones of ^ f landes rentes and offices or ofony thing quliat-fum-everfalland under this our revocation; Itlalimakena;Wx« tichtto’theufers, haldets, or poireidats thereof , hot it fall be'leiffiiU to us to put our liandes thereto, quhen^-™"- we pieafe bot ony contradifl»n , and that bee vercew of this our Revocation , Aftes , and conltitutiones of ourLalme Protkand folemiiedlie. that our abfence foortb of our faide Realme at this time , and thefolem- nities required in that be-haife (gifonie bee) not being done, bee na prejudice to us, anent our fore-laidere- vocation . with the quhilkis we difpenfe and fuppUes allfaultes thereof, gif ome be , be our Qiieenelie power AND That th^ Revocation be intimat, infinuat, and declared in the nixt Parliament, to be balden ill cur Burgh o{ Edinburgh , witliin our Realme, in the Moneth olMaij or JunJ, nixt thereafter. ^9. Anent the fealing and fubfcriftmrfreverjiones , and writes belangand thereto. T T E M In likewife it is ftatute and ordained , that all revcrfiones to be maid in time to-cum, and all bandes Jandobligationes,formaking, fealing, and delivering of rcverfions, bemaidunderthefealeandfiibfcripaon 5'thepromittarandgiverthereof: Andgifthepartiecannotfubferive, ro fubferive the fame with his hand. with conlent of the parties in judgement , in the buikes oi feme ordinar Judge ; except gif it happems within Burgh, that the time of refignation of landes in the Baillies handes, the Clerk of the Burgh, Notar to tlie faffing giving be the faid refignation . be required then inftantlte of mftrument in his handes ot the reverfion , before the famin witneffe required in tlie inftrument of faifing, and gives his mftmmenc hereupon; makefaithasfiifficientreverfiois, Andais, that all difchai^es of reverfiones in all nmes to-cum, belealed 152. ^ V E E N E CM A R I E and fubfcrived in manerabone written; And gif the partie cannot fubfcrive , to fubfcrive the famin within hande, at the pen led, be aneauthentick Notar, and fealed with his feale, as is abone written. 30. \_Anent warning fra redeemed lands s, and the fame for mne-remmemg. ITEM, In likewife it is ftatute and ordained , that gif ony perfones havand richt be reverfion to redeeme lands , or other poflcffions, makis, or caufis make lauchfnll warning to all parties, fra quhom the faids lands or uther pofleillones audit and fuldc be redeemed , to compeir at ane certaine day , in the place named in the faid reverfion , for receiving of the fummes of money and tackes, gif ony be fpecified therein , and at the day warned, fulfilling all thinges , as accordis , conforme to the reverfion for his parte, gif the parties warned , as faid is, compeiris, and refufls to graunt the faidis landes or pofleffiones lauchfullic redeemed, or abfentis them- felves, gif there be na tackes to run, after the redemption of the landes or pofleffiones , or the tackes being run out, the haver of the richt to the reverfion, caufand lauchfull warning to be maid to the patties forefaidis , and all uthers occupyars, before ony IFhiPfimday terme , after the redemption . to flit and remove fra the faidis landes and pofleffiones, the redemption in maner abone fpecified, being fouiidin lauchfull , and the landes be vertew thereof , decerned lauchfuJlie redeemed : In that cafe the parries quha fuld have granted the re¬ demption of the faidis landes refufed and abfented , fall be called as violent poflefibures thereof, fra the terms oiJFhit-fknday, before the quhilk lauchfull warning was maid to remoove , as faid is, fik-like as the lands and pofleffiones had bene granted lauchfullie redeemed the day of the redemption. 31. i^tie man-Jkyer may be relaxed upon caution , to ane certane day ; And being there¬ after denunced Rehell, the daks of Relaxation, ar efieemed dayes of rebellim. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that gif ony perfon or perfones flayis ane uther , the perfon being charged to finde foverty within fex daies, and findis not the famin, or foverrie being foundin , compeiris not at the day , and fwa he be put to the horne , and ony time thereafter within zeir and day , he oflerris of new to underly the Law, and to finde foverrie thereupon, the paines fall be doubled , foverrie being foundin , and liee relaxed. And gif he compeiris not at that day , and of new beis denunced rebell, his relaxation maid and given, be vertueofthelaftfovertie foundin, fall na-waies helpe him anent the rinfellofthelife-tentofliis landes , bot he fall tine the famin , as he had not beene relaxed fra the firft horning : And tltis to be extended to all relaxationes maid within zeir and daye, after the firft horning, and to airc'and pairt of the flauchter, withthe paines ay doubled; Andattour, all alienationes, contrafts, obligations, and uther thinges quliat- fum-ever, that fall be done be him , to be null and of nane availe in the felfe, without ony precefle of reduflion, during the time of his relaxation upon his foverties , foundin after the firft horning ; Swa that liee compeir not at the day, and enter to the quhilk he findis foverries: fik-like as and he had annalied , contrafted, oblifted, or done uther tliinges , beand Rebell , and at the horne. And this aft to be extended in the favoures of uthers fupenoures, alfweiil as unto the Queenis Grace. And gif it happenis ony perfon or perfones , committers of flauchters , for none-finding of foverries, or foverrie being founclin fornone-compeirance, beis denunced Re- belles, and put to the horne, and thereafter paffis to Girth , and offers to finde foverrie to abide the Lawe , for the fore-thocht-fellony ; In that cafe foverrie being foundin , and they compeirand at the day, and acquire of thefore-thocht-fellony , to be reftored againe to the Girth, and the aft forefaidc to have na place againft them, bot upon die fecond horning. 3 z. i^neut fummoning of per fines pajf and foorth of the Realme. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that gif ony perfon or perfones beis fummound and warned lauchfullie, audit dayes before their departing foorth of the Realme, and paffis foorth of the famin thereafter : Ntfi Reipnblica cauja , the partie perfewar fall have procelle upon his firft fiimmounding bee continuationes , in fik-like maner, as and his partie had not paft out of the Realme, bewarningesonfifteenedayes, langetot fcliorter , as the perfewer fall defire , makaiid warning at the dwelling place of the defendar , gif he ony lies ■ And failzieing , that he have na dwelling place , nor lieS not conftitute Procuratoures , to bee warned at the mcrcat croce of the head Burgh of the Schire , quliair he had maift reforce, before his departing. And this aft to have place in civil aftiones allanerlie, bot not againft witnefle. 33. The ardour for Jkmmoniug of parties to compeir before the Jujike, or uthers Judges. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that ony perfon fummound to compeare before the Juftice, his deputes, or uthers Judges within this Realme, havand power of Jufticiarie in criminal caufes : The copie of the faidis letters or precept , quhairby bee is fummound, fall be delivered to him, gif he can be perfonallie apprehended, and failzieing thereof , fall be delivered to his wife or fervands , or affixed upon the zet of liis dwelling place, giflie ony lies , and thereafter open proclamation being maid at the head Burgh of the Schire, ane uther copie to be affixed upon the mercat croce. Providing alwaies, that giftlierebemaapetfonsnortwacon- tcined in the letter, being all called upon ane deede and crime : In tliac cale , twa copies to be delivered to twa of the principal named in the faidis letters , or then given to their wives or fetvancies , or affixed upon their SEXT PARLIAMENT. XX. of June, lyjy. ’ ot dwelling places, gif they ony have, and ane copie left and affixed upon the mercat croce, the nublication is maid, to be fofficient to the haill perfones, quhat- fum-ever they bee conteined Se faidfs letters. 3 4. x.Aitent giving of faifinges nfon frecefts of the Chancellarie. tfM For-fa-meikle , as in umquhile our Soveraine Lordis time , that laft deceafed , It was ftamte and 1^ A iiied that :il! faifinges qiihilkis paffis upon precepts of the Chancellarie , to be aiven be the Schireffe •l°\e or Ills deputes; Sen the quhilk afte , there is be occafion of weir and great troubles, diverfe faifinges be uthers Notars , upon precepts paft foorth of the faid Chancellarie : Therefore the three Eftaites of o''r'amente difpenfiswitlithatfauitofallfaifiiiges.givenbeuthersNotars, fen die making of the forefaid A and otdainis the faid aae to be publiflied . and have effeft in time camming , with this addition ; That ’ -ill Dtecepts paft foorth of the Chancellarie , the Schireffe, Steward or Baillie , alfv/eiil the Regalitie , as Royaitie.or their deputes, fall be required to pafTeto give foifin^ witlyhe Schireffe Clerke and his Deputes : afle and give faifing , then the partie haver of that pre- .,,Lif the Steward, Baillie, or their deputes refufis to pad cept to put ony uther Baillie to give faifing , as he fall think maift expedient. lyfnetit the ordour for giving of curatoures to Minors. If- Item Becaufeitisunderftandin, thatbethegivingofcuratourestoMinoresbeefindrie Judges , there 1 bene great skaith fufteined be the faidis Minores; Therefore it is ftamte and ordained, that in all mes cumrning quhen onie Minot paffis the zcites of his Tutorie , and defiris Curatoures ; That he cum Sore his JudKOrdinar, and defire of him ane fummoundsorediift, towarnetwa, at the lead, of the Lift honeft and famous ofthe Minor’s kin, and all uthers havand intereffe, quhilk fall be warned lauch- Mlie- That is to fay, the fpecial perfones perfonallie, ot at their dwelling places, givard ane come to thsir wives or fervandes, or affixand it on their zettes ot dures, and uthers havand intereffe generaUie, atthe 'mercat croce of the head Burgh of the Schire , quhair the faidis Minores lies their landes or gudes , to compcic amiiecettainedaye , upon nine dayes warning at the leaft, to heare and fee the Curatoures defired be die faid Minor, to be given to him unto his perfite age of nventie ane zeires , and caution foundm k mi adminiftratme, quhilkis beand given in maner fotefaide they fall not be revoked nor diffiarpd, nor uthers cliofen to the Minor, unto die rime they be called before the Lordes of Coimcell or uthers ludnes Otdinar, at the will of the bairne, to heare and fee them difcharged and revoked for reafon- ablccaufes: Quhilkis being foutidin of veritie, they then to be difcharged, and uthers curatoures given in dieit places be the ordour forefaid , with caution , and nwitlier-wife. 56. ,_Mhent eating offlejh in Lentron, and uthers daks forbidden. T E M For-fa-meikle as there is diverfe infolent and evil given perfones , not regardand the La\ve of I god’ andconftitutionofhalieKirk, hot in high contemption thereof, and to the great fclanderol the Mian people , eatis flelh in Lentron and uthers daies forbidden be the Kirk, and Lawes thereof. ■ Therefore ^ for die repreffing and puniffimenc of the quhilk ; It is ftamte and ordained, tliM na perfon not lerfones contemnaiidiie and willfullie without difpenfation or requiring of licence of their Ordinar their Parfon Vicar or Curate, eate flelh plainely or privatelie in the faidis daies and times forbidden, under the hepaiiieofconfifcationofalltheirgudesmoveable, to be applyedtoourSoverameLadiesufe, andgiftie were hes na gudes , their perfones to be put in prifon, thereto remaine zeir and day . and furdier indunng die lueenis GraL will , - but prejudice of the Spiritual punition, conforme to the commoun Lawe. 37. Of reverfiones cmiteinand tailzied gold and filver . [TEM, Becaufc diete is diverfe and findrie reverfiones maid and given for redemption and ou^ loflandes, beirand and conteinand gold and filver of ceitainefpec.aJ valour and price; the faid gold LfilverisUnowtobegotten. quhlthrow the havers offikrcverfioneshesbene to edemption of their landes: Therlfoteitisdevifed. ftamte and ordained , anencaU ind coWeinand gold and filver, or atlier of them, of certaine foecial valour Siffik gold and liver cannot be had nor gotten within the Realme the havers edeemLhelandesfpecifiedtherein, be vertew of their faidis LiS wrfeforthetime, leand ofdiefamin valour, weicht and fines as the goW fum wetfiones, conforme to the commoun Lawe: And this aft to be extended to all and quhat-lum eierrev loncs by-gaiie and to-cum. The frocuratorie and inftrument of refignatiou fnld be fealed and fubfcrived. ' _ « • 1 1 _ - _ /TT,1I ro./'lim ^ivocd- tioH of (auft!. If4 ^ V E N E CH A R I E hishandeatthepen, led be aneauthentick Notar, and fealed, asfaidis. And gif the faid refignMionbjij niaidbethevaflalperfonallie, adferfetuamrmanenttam tltat the mShrument dierTOf beeiealedwitlulie fealeoftherefienat, and fubfcrived with liis hand: And gtfhe cannot write, to be fubfcrived with his atthepen, led be ane Notar in maner forefaid, and na refignation tohavs faith in time to cum , utherwaies then is abone Ipecified. 39. tylnent the warning of tennentes. ITEM It is ftatute and ordained, tliat in all time cumming , the warning ©fall tcnnentcs and uthas, to flic and remove fra lands, milnes, filliinges and pofleiriones quhat-fum-ever, fall be ufed in maner follow, ing- Thatistofay, lauchfuU warning being maid oriy time within the zeir, fourtie dayes before the fcaftof ivkufunday outlier perfonally or at thdr dwelling places , and at the ground of the landes , and ane cojiie delivered to the wife or fervandes , and faUzieing thereof, to be affixed upon the zetces or diires of the dwd- ling places ofthefaidis landes, gif oiiie be, and thereafter the famiti precept of warning to bee red in the Parocli Kirk , quhair the landes lyis , upon ane Sabboch daye before noone.the time oi Preaching or Prayers: And ane copie left and affixed upon the raaift patent dure ot the Kirk , fourtie dayes before the terme , and nj furdcr laying foorth of ftrefles , and temooveing upon W '•.dnejday , to be ufed in time to-cum. And gif the parcie warned , in maner fotelaid , removis not at the terme, in that cafe, the warner failiiicontinent, or fafooneaspleafisliim, cum to the Lordes of Councell , ortotheSchireffeoftiieScbire , or uthers Judges Ordinates , havand jurifdiftion , fchawand his precept of warnM , ordourlie execute and indotfate , and fall have letters or precept to charge the parties warned and pofleuoures of tliat ground , to compeir before thefaidis Lotdes, Schireffes or their deputes, or uthers Judges Ordinates forefaidis, havand Jurifdiaioti, upon fex dayes warning, or langer, at the willanddefireoftlieperfewar, to heare and fee them decerned to reraoove, defifl: ancTceafe, conforme to the precept of warning and execution thereof, orclfeto fchaw ane reafonable caufe, quhy they fold not dothefamin, with certification to them and they failzie, that letters fall be direift fimfbeiter upon them in the faid mater: Atthequhilkday , gifthey compeir not, the Lordes, Schireffes, or udier Judges Ordinar havand jurifdiftioii , fall decerne them to remove , defift and ceafe fra the landes: And gif they compeir and inftandiefcliawisfufficient title to btuik die landes: In that cafe , die famiii Judge to proceede and do Juftice , as accordis of the Lawe : And gif the partie compeiris and fchawis na thing, bot makis alleageance, and offers him to improove the indorfation: In that cafe hs fall not be heard in judgement, bot gif he finde fufficietic caution to the Warner then inftanriie, diatgifhis allegeance being foundin relevant , b? not fofficiendie verified and prooven be him , that the profites , dam- nase, andintereft, quhilkis the faid warner or ony uthers havand intereft, hesfufteined, orfallli^pento fo&ine, be the delay of the forefaide alleapance, be refounded to him : And to the effeftthat this ordour may have fuffidenc procefle in afl times , to-cum ; Itisdevifed, ftatute and ordained, that all Schireffes, and uthers Judges Ordinar, havand jurifdiftion, as faid is, be their felves, or theit fufficient deputes, bee reddie to fit be fenfed courtes, all the lauchfuU fifteene dayes after imme- diatlie the feaft of Trinitie Sunday, for doing of Juftice in the faidis caufes, in maner abone fpe- cified : And gif the Schirefe or Judges Ordinates , havand jurifdiftion in maner forefaid , and their deputes failzies, to be reddie in granting of precepts, and doing of Juftice forobfervingofthisordour: In that cafe , diey fall pay to the partie their haill damnage , intereue and expenfes , but prejudice of the aftion, againft the violent occupyats and pofteflbures forefaidis. and Als, that na Advocation ofcaufes be taken be the Lords fra the Judge Ordinar, except it be for deadlie feede , or the Scliiteffe principal , or the Judge Ordinar be partie , ot the caufes of the Lords of Coun- cell, and their Advocates, Scribes and members. 40. lAhteut the having ef talleun, viSiualles and flejh furth of this Realms. ITEM, BecaufeanegreatpartoftheliegesofthisRealme, and uthers fttangers , liesthitdiverfezeires by-gane, caried furth of the lamin viftual and flefh, quhair-throw ^reate dearth dailie increafis : Therefore it is ftatute and ordained now, that nane of our Sovetaine Ladies Lieges nor fttangers in time cumming. catrieonieviftualles, talloun or flelh foorth of this Reaime, to uther partes, except fa-meik!c as fall be tlieit ' neceflat victualling for their voyage , under the paine of efeheitting of the faide victual or flelhe , to our So- veraine Ladies ufe , togidder with uie reft ofalltlieirgudes moveable, to bee applyed and in-btochttoout , Soveraine Ladies ufe, asefeheitte: ProvicJingalwayes, thatitfallbeleiffulltotlieinhabitantesoftheBiit- Towesoi Aire, Irving, Glafgow, Dumhertane, and uthers our Soveraine Ladies Lieges, dwelling at the Weft Seas, to have baken oread, browenaile, &aA\_Aqua-vitieto^\c\\e&, to bartour with uther Mer- chandice : And this afte to be extended to the Maifters and skippers of fik receivis fik victualles. flelh and talloun , as to the awnets of the faidis gudes. 41 . In criminal caufes the per fewer fall have fimre friendes , and the defender fex allanerlie. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that gif ony peribn or perfones being called to underlie the Law before the Juftice, his deputes, or udier havand power to fit in criminal adhones, compeitand at the day , tl"? I SEXT ‘PARLIAMENT. XX. ofjumj. ij-yy. ailed, quhat number that ever theybee of, being all called on ane crime; Tliey fall have allanerlie with at the barre, fex ol their maift honeft , wife, fubftantious friendes, able to give Councellwith their a" cattes to defend: And the partie perfewer of that crime, to have with them foure of their friendes ^1 erlie ; Swa that be multitude of friends command to the barre, the getting of ane affife fall not be flopped: id the breakers of this aft, to be pimiftied in this maner : That is to fay, thejuftice, or uther Judges f faidis, to charge the breakers to enter their perfones in waird, under the paine of rebellion, and putting em to the borne , and git they difobey , to put them to the home ; And gif they obey and enters in warde, there to remaine during the Qiieeiiis Grace wtli. 4a. Anentis nullities. Item, it is ftatute and ordained , that' all nullities be received and have procefle , be way of cxceptiones otrcplyis, and all titles, contraftes, infeftmentes , or uther thingesquhat-fum-evet, that at null of the awe, to be declared in time cumming null, and of nane availe, be exception or reply in that fame ^Ifance , they at produced : Providing alwayes , that the partie againft quhom the faid exceptiones or reply of nullitie is proponed , have fik-like day to call his warrand before the anlwering thereto, as he micht or fuld have had, in-cafe he had bene called be way of aftion, to have heard his title, conttaft, infeftment , or uther thingptodut^eJ be bim, declared null of the Law. 43. Anentis k agues and bandes. ITEM, Becaufe it is thocht againft all Law and obedience offubjefts toward thejr Princefle , the making of particular leagues, outlier in Burgh or to Lande, and giving and taking of bandes of man-rent, and maintenance reJpeBive : Therefore it is ftatute and ordained . that all leagues maid in times by-gane be null, and ot nane availe ; And all bandes of man-tent and maintenance in likewife , bee null , and oft nane availe, except heretable bandes given oi before, ot given for aflitliment of flauchters in time by-gane ; And difehargis all making of leagues or bands in time to-cura , and that the receivers and givers thereof in times by-gane , be free either of uther in time cumming , and of onie profite be life-rent of landes, tackes, teindes, Baillieries , ot zeidie payment , granted or given for the faidis bandes of man-rent , to retutne to the givers, as the famin had never bene givend : For the declairing hereof , die bruikers of the faidis life-rentes of landes , tackes , teindes, Baillieries , or zeirlie profite for bandes of man-rent, fall anfwere to the giver thereof, for the faid band, uponxxj d’ayes warning, but diet or table, before the Lordes of Councell, toheareand fee the faidis life- lent of landes, tackes, teindes, Bailieries, or zeirlie profite given for the faidis bandes, be decerned to re¬ tutne aaaine to him be this aft. Quhilkis being declared be the faidis Lordes, to retutne to the givers : They fall make their lauchfull warning fourtie dayes before the feaft of Wbit-funday nixt thereafter , and intromet widitheitawin, asaccordis: And quhat-fum-evet perfon or perfons chat makis leagues , orgivisortakis -band of man-rent, and maintenance reJPeBive in ony time cumming, they fall be puniftied be putting of tlieir petfones in waird, there to remaine during the Queenis Grace will. 43- Notars fitld be examined and admitted be the Lordes of Sejfion , and their p'oto- colks Juld he marked. ITEM, The Queenis Grace Dowager, and Regent of this Realme, and the three Eftaites of Parliament of the famin , confiddeting the great and mony faifettes daylie done within this Realme be Notats,and that our Soveraine Lord, King the Fifth, and in likewife our SovermieLadie, in her Parliament halden Edinburgh, thefirftdayeofFebtiiat, thezeirofGod, anethoufSid, five huiidreth , fiftic ane zenes; maid aftes for otdouring of Notats , and puniftiment of falfars , quhilkis as zit lies tane na dew and eftectual execution ; Therefore it is ftatute and ordained , that all Notars within this Realme , baith Spiritual and Temporal, be caiifed to cum be their Ordinates, SchirefFes, Stewards and BaiUiesre^eftw, to the Burgh ft! Edinburgh , there to compeir perfonallie before the Lordes of Councell, or that the faidis LordMihrect tlieir letters, requiring and chargeing all Notats witliin this Realme, to compeir before them, as far eis, bringing with them their creationes and haillprotocoiles, betuixt tliis and the Feaft oi Wbtt-fundm , nixt to-cum , at fik dayes as fall be appoynted and afligned be the faidis Lordes , to be examined , and then crea¬ tiones vified be them , their protocolles produced to be marked be the faidis Lordes , and the leafes nunibred, and the blancks marked , and the faid protocol buiks not to be leene not red , hot to be marked ,111 prefence of the faid Notar , and delivered againe to him but ony infpeftion ; And as they be foun m qualified and admitted be the faidis Lordes of Councell, to ufe the office of Notane thereafter; And that na Notar, bequhat-fum-everpowerhebecreat, ufe the office of Notarie within thisUealmem time dim¬ ming, hot gif he firft prefent himfoife to the faidis Lordes, fchawand his creation and be .admitted be them, as qualified theretio; And that na Notats that fall happen to bedifcharged be the &dis Lordes or not-admitted be them hereafter, ufe the office of Notarie, under the painc after fpecified. An a ° ’ is ordained, that all Notats to bee admitted, as faide is, givand inftrumentes, and requirand ".‘tneUc thereto, they fall require the faidis witneffe quhait theydwelL o«ak= fome uther evident t^km otto andinferttliefaminintheirfaidis inftrunienres, that rhe witnefle may bee knawm , d gp rime Aa tM A R 1 E, ^ U E E N E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rime - Furdet eif onie Notars beis convift of falfed, and not admitted be the Lordes in maner forefaid and hTofficeofNwarie they fall be puniftedasfoUowis: That is to faye, AorhaiU moveable gudes to be efdieh andapplycdtooSrSoveraLLadiesufe, and thay to want tkirnchthande, andtobebamfcd pteryfaulS inaflinftrumentesgiyenfenfine. andallmftrumentestobegtven unto the feaft oiWhit-fmdaj nixt to-cum forefaid. 45-. JVeoU, andutherfia}kgudeseuflmabk,fiddnotbeearyedmU'ix^A'RA. T T EM, Itisftamteand ordained, that naperfon nor perfons fend nor cary woolb skin hides or Ar 1 topWudescuftomable, futtliof thisReafoie be land, into theRealmeof£«te<^, under ttepaine of dbhc ttingofthefamin,tobein-btochttoourSoveraineLadiesufe. And als the breakers of this afte, tooe nuihihed .A their perfones, at her Grace’s will . and gif thay gudes catyed , cannot be apprehended the away laker and haver t!?ereof forth of the Realme , as faid is , fall pay als meikie as the valour of thay gudes catyed, to our Soveraine Ladie, hee being convift of the crime, and to be pumfoed in maner abone written. 46. f_Anentts the giving of faifing upn frecefts not f aft feorth of the Qhancelkrse. ITEM, Anent the giving of faifmges upon precepts , that paffis not foorth of the Chancellarie , to qlll^a^ fum-everperfon or perfones: IT IS Statute and ordained, that the takers of the iaiiiiig. Other aire, vaflal or fub-vaflal , within zeit and dayprefent his failing to the SchirefFe Clerke of the Semre , quhair the landes lyis, he to iiifert the famin in his Court buikes , at the leaft the day and Moneth of tte giving of the faid faifing , die name of the landes coiiteined in the famin : The name of the Notar and wicnefle conteined there- in-tiUl And that the faid Clerk bring witli him in everie 4k Checker the faid court buiks , and gi ve the double in that pairt thereof, fubferived with his hande and figne manual, to remaine in the tegifter, Middet with the double of his awin ptotocoll , conforme to the aft maid be King James the F ifth , that all perions havano m- terefie , may have recoutfe thereto ; Providing alwayes that the Cleike take na mait for the infetting 01 the faid iiiftrument in his court buik , bot twa foiilinges for liis laboures. 47. lyfnent fmijhment of falfi witnejfe. T T E M , It is flatute and ordained , quhair ony witnefle deponis falfelie , or ony manner of pellpnne or m- I fonnes inclucis them to beare falfe witnefle, that all fik perfones in times camming , be punilhed be peailing of their tounges, and efcheitingofall their gudes to our Sqveraine Ladies ufe, and declared nevertobeable to bruik honour , office, or dignitie fra thine foorth, and furderpunilliment to bee maid in their perfones, at the fight and difetetion of the Lordes, according to the qualitie of the fault. 48. KAnent the Weodde ^Falk-laad. ITEM, For-fa-meikle as be our Soveraine Ladies letters, direft to the SchireffeofF^andhisdeputes, for taking of cognition, gif die wodlSde of Falk-land w'as auid , failzied and decayed in the growth dieteof, and able to faill alluterlie : IT Was founditi be aiie aflife, that the faid woodde of Falk-land for the maifl; parte thereof was auld, failzied, and decayed, and meete to be cut downefor the commoun wsili of the Realme, and to be parked, haned and keiped of rxw, for policie thereof: Therefore it is ftamce and ordained bee the Queenis Grace, and the diree Eftaites lotefaidis , that the faid Woodde of Falk-landht cutted , and of new parked againe , keiped and haned for tifing of zoung growth thereof, to the great policie and weill of die famin. 49. Anent the liberties and frivikdges of Burrowes. ITEM, The Queenis Grace Dowager and Regent of this Realme, widi advife of the haill three Eftaites of Parliament, undetftanding clearelie, that the E&te of Buraefles tbir mony zeires by-gane, be great trouble of weires lies fufteinad infinite skaith baith in dieir landes anefgudes , and als that their priviledges granted to them , be out Soveraine Ladies maift Noble Ptogenitoures , and aftes of Parliament maid there¬ upon , hes not bene obfetved not keiped to them , as accordis : Therefore the Queenis Grace Regent , withadvifeofdiethreeEftaitesforefaidis, hes ratified and apprieved, and ratifies and apptievisallprivi' ledges and aftes of Parliament, granted and maid in favoures of Burrowes, Butgefles and Merchandes; And hes ftatute and ordained , tiiat letters be direft be the Lordes of Councell, at the inflasces of all Burrowes , upon dieir priviledges and aftes of Parliament maid thereupon in all times to-euw. SEXT PARLIAMENT. XX. of June. ijyj. 157 for putting of the famiii to dew execution with all rigoure, againftthem, that dois or cummis in !tr of their faid^' --i-j - j -n- r — - n;.._ -i- - .. to-cuin . % , . (jjecontrairol their lidis priyiledges and aftes forefaidis , without calling of ony partie. x_Anent the (laying of wilde-beajies , wilde-forjeks , hatting and hunting. :i iimquhile our Sovetaine Ladies maift Noble Progenitt ; Second, atidtheThrid, andalsour Sovetaine Ladie Item, For-fa-meikle , as in iimquhile our Sovetaine Ladies maift Noble Progenitoures times, fpei lie King the Firft, the Second, atidtheThrid, andalsour Sovetaine Ladies maift Nobill Father KiiiiT Janies the Fifth , and now in hit Graces awin time , divers afts of Parliament hes bene maid , for ftanch- init and repteffing of the (lay iog of wilde-fowles , and wilde-beaftcs , and fchutting at them with ciilvcringcs, li3fe-liag> andpiftolecte : Quliilkisafts the three EftaitesofParliametit hes ordained to be publiihed and niirto execution with all rigour in times cumming , with this addition : That na man take upon hand to ryde ro gang in theitnichtbouris comes, in haiking or hunting, fratheFeaftofyt^fe, untotlietime that die faminhefehorne. And that na man ryde nor gang upon quheatena time of the zeir : Andthat naPertriefc be taken unto the feaft oiMkhael-mes : and that aa perfon range uther mennis Wooddes , Parkes , haninges within dikes or broomes , without licence of die av/ner of the grounde , under the paine of refoundement of the damnage and skaith to the patties , upon quhais Comes they gang or rides , or quhais Wooddes , Parkes, haninges within dikes or broomes, they fail happen to range. And ten poundes for the firft fault to OUR SOVERAINE LADIE, twentie poundes, thenixt-. and the thrid fault, efeheitring of their guds moveable : And all other paines anentis the poyntes conteined in our Sovetaine Ladies aftes , and her maift Noble Progenitoures maid of before , to be execute with all rigour , conforme to the famin. yx. Auent the difchargeingofDeakmies , andchufingofvifitoures. ITEM, Becaufe it lies bene clearelie underftandin to the Queenis Grace Regent , and the three Eftaites , that die chufing of Deacones and men of craft within Burgh , hes bene tidit dangerous , and as they have ufed diemfelves in times by-gane, lies caufed great trouble in Burrowes, commotion, andrifingofthe Queenis Lieges in diverfe partes, and bee making of ligges and bant^ amangft diemfelves , and beaiixt Burgh and Burgh, quhilkdefervis great puniftiment. THEREFORE The Queenis Grace Regent, withadvifeoftlietkeeEftaitesforefaidis, hes ftatute and ordained, that there bee naDeakoneschofen in times cumming widiin Buegh, bet the Proveft, Ba: lies, and Councell ofthe Burgh to chufe the maift honeft man ot craft, of gude conference , aiieofeverie craft, to vifie their cralt, that they labour fufficiendie, and that the famin bee fufficienc ftuffe and warke: And thir perfones to be called vifitoures of their craft , and to be elefted and chofen zeirlie at ^tkhacl~mes , betheProveft, Baillies, andCounceliofBurgh ; And that diey thereafter give theit aith in Judgement, to vifie lealeiie and trewlie tlicit faide craft , widiout ony power to mak gaddering or afTembling of diem , to onie private convention , or making ofonyafles or ftatutes, hot ail Craftef-men in times ciimmii^, to be under the Proveft, Baillies, andCounceil. And thir vifitoures chofen, fworne, and admitted m lm_e voiting ill chufing of Officiates and uther things , as the Deakones voiting of before ; And that na Craftef- maa btuike Office within Burgh in rimes cumming ; Except twa of them maift: honeft Md famous to be chofen zeirlie upon the Coiiiicell : And they twa to be ane parte ofthe Auditoutes , zeirlie to die compt of the commoun gudes, according to die aftes of Parliament , maid thereupon of before. And Mhafaever cum< misiiithecontrairofthisafle, to be puniftied be warding of their perfones, be the fpacc of ane zeir, and tinfell of their F reedome within Burgh , and never to be received thereafter , as freemen , unto the nme diey obteinethefavourandbenevolenceoftheProveft, Baillies, andCounceil, quhaicthe fault w committed, and the thrid part of their gudes to be efeheitted and applyed to our Sovetaine Ladies uie , for tneic contemptioii. yy. K^nentk the commoun fajfage i* Burrowes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained be the Queenis Grace Dowager, and Regent, with the advife of the IthreeEftaitesofPariiament, that all commoun Hie-gates, that free Burrowes hes bene m oi precee- dant, oudiet for pafiage fra theit Burgh, or cumming thereto, andinfpeciaU, ^ commoun Hre-gates,tts dtie Burrowes , to the pones and Havens nixt adjacent , of proceedant to them , be obfctved and keyed, and that nane make them impaliment, orftopthere-intill; And gif onie dois, to be called and acculed tor op- 'preffion, andpuaiftteddierefore, according to die lawes. 54- ^Anent Burrowes oftheWefi Cuntrie. TEM, ThehaillBurrovvesofthe Weft Cuntrie, Irwin Aire at uther Burrowes at the Weft partes , lies zeirlie in times by-gane teforted to die fiftinj of UEheris Z,9f&Hnthe North Iks. formakingof Herring, and uthens Fifches. rftet ™ ofriieirbufmefTeattheitpleafute, paKedfteelie, but payment of ony manet of exaa on memofthefifiiersallanedie : NoMhelelTc certaine Cunttie-men adjacent and dwellandbefideLff Becaufe the raaift Chriftian King of Fraace , hes^ranted ane letter of na- i E,jyi, Decaiue tiiemaiii ucbyttiiiLcu«#u»^ icllviui ua* turaiitie , for him and his Succeflbures , to all and findric Scottef-men being in the Realm of /iraKce, or fail happen to be in the fame in onie times to-cum: Makand them able to btuikiandes, heretages, offices, dignities, andbenefices: And to difpone thereupon , and their aires to fucceede to their landes and heretages : Like as the faid letter of naturalitie, regiftred in the Parliament oITaris, in the great Coiincell, and in die Chalmer of compts, in the felfe at mair length proportis ; Therefore the Queenis Grace Dowager , and Resent of diis Realme , and three Eftaites of the famiii, thinkis it gud and agreeable, that the like letter of naturalitie be arrefie 'S cmjume , L,es aepuez acs «««» - - d noffre diB fils le ferment de fidelite comme a leur vray & naturel Seigneur qu it efi , qmy ejtans les fuhjeBs des deux rowimes f qui witjufques icy ® ordinan ...... -- - -- liquienfemUe, vefiu en mutuelle amitii & iutdligence, favorife ^ fecour, lies ims les autresj farlaf- pmhe des maifom de France ® d'Efiop tellement unis enfemblc, que nous les eft iinons comme me mefim chofe. Ef defirauts d cefte caufe , four mieux eftablir , entretenir & fortifier cefte amine entre msdits fuhjeBs & ceux dudit royaume d’%fiofie, ® dminer aufdits bfitants d iceluy Rpaume d^fcojfe ftlus de moyen de vifiter leur Roy ® Royne-quand ilsferont dedeca , refider auftres d>eux , lesjuy vre f — dorismfidelesfubjeBUttrUefAesgratifier^favmferdesgracestB^^^^ fuhjeBs. Scavoirfaifinsqnemm, ces chefes confiderees , hfourftlufieursmtresgtandes tS taifimmbles caufesdeenousmouttantes, amnsdtomleshabitatttsduditrtyaumft^fcoffe, fuhjeBs de noftre ditfih k RoyDaulphiu, mdemftreditefiUefinsJpoufe,permuaccordehoBroye,penncttmis acmrdms^o^oy- mparcesprefentes, qiiils piuffent ® leur loyje toutesfois et qiuintes que bon twr, reader, et demurer enceftuy noftre r oy mme , etenicelnyacceptertemretpofiedertousetc^m les benefices , dignitez et offices 'Exckfiaftiques , dont ilspourrout eftrejuftement et bontitre, ni derogeJit aux faids^decretz . concordats, privileges, franchifes f X GalUcme. TJicetx prendre et apprehender laftoffieffim etjouyffiance . et en profits , et revenus d quelque fomme quilsfiyent , ^fepuiffient monter. Ef d avan ag • .1 ,, ffi, aume ,pais , terres mfigneuries de Jftre oheiffimice , tons & chmrn les btens tmt verrontboueftrei Lesteniretpoffieder , ^MfemAk ceux qm leur pmrroutefcheoir foitparfiicceffiwH, donatmuouautrement , etenordonneretdifpoferpai Wam autre t ■ ■ - ■" etenquehue autre forte quece Jolt. Ytqmkwsbnitiusouaunes - - '’t-n,-i}jender la poftejjwn etjouyffiance de orlgtnalremcut nattfs de nojdits r&g- r puilfent dorefidvant freteudre lef- 66. The priviledges and liberties of Scottefmen within die Realme of France. ENRY TAR LA GRACE T)E DIED ROYDE France , _^yAtmMprjfents^a Vi ■Riy-uamyrnn, „uju ^ ^ -j-y--- j . - — --i deJditVeft, eft , All moyen de unairemnt commn- volontfl, donation faiBe entrevifs , dnjqnels its en aiiront difi kurjdits hiens , toutainffi aume et pais. Sans que noftre gocureur gener a dits hens d nous acquis par droiB d'aubeyne , ny diceux hiens aucunementtroubkz. %tdtoat ce que^ aepusimsiesiiauns 'TArw et femietiries tt dijpenjins par ces prefentes , Joit qiiils Jqyent habituez en mftrcdttrqyauTr " jf rll, ou autresnos officierspmffient dorefimvant premdrek - ry lefdits fuhjeBs dudit riyaume d’^^fcoffiefoycuteii lajot.yjance L Isu^musksauonshMlitezBdiften^ ^Mams ^ V E E N E tM A R I E _ de ftofire oheijfance, mtauditrmumed’EfcoJfe , ferns qidUsfqyenttenm four rmfen dece, nomfayer mi a msjimejfeursmcme finance ouindemnite , delaquelle, aquelquefeomme , vaki^ , ^efimattonqu’elkfiit ^ repuijfemmtcr ,tt(m ksavons , encmfeideratkudeteque deffits , qtdtesotS dejchargez, qmtoiis (g charieons , & d'icelk , enfeavettr de mftre ditfils & de nofire ditefilk, feaiB £S feafemisdmfar cesfrefeente, Cioneis de mftre main. A la charge , que feifmr raifeon de/dits benefices fee meutfroch , tls neferciit tirer m convenir aucuns de ms fahjeBs finon far devant ceux de ms Judges aufequels la cogmijfmce en affartiendrit_ Si donnons en mandemeutfar ces mefemesfrefeentes , a nos amez tSfeeaux , ksgens tenants nos courts de 2V, kment, grandCutfeeil, ^demscmfteia^m%, fS atousms BaiUifs , Senefechaux, Trevofts marts fwsJufticiers&Ojficiers, mkters Lieutenants , frefintslS avenir , ^achaamd'ettxcommealuy afar, tiendra , ^uede ms frefeentes graces , cmgi , licence @ fermijjion , de tout k cent cm en ces dit es frefentes. Us facent fetmifirent & laiffentlefeditsfeubjeBs & habitants dudit rt^tme d’ Efecojfe jmtyr tS ufeer flahiemnt iSpacihkrmnt, Cejfants tS feaifeantscefier tom troubles^ emfejchenmits au contraire : Car tel eft ho. fire pla'fir. Nm ohftantque la vakur de laaite finance me feoit icy fefecifie'e ny declaree , ^etekdau n’ayons accoufttmd feaire que four la rmitii ou k tiers , Les ordmuances far mm & ms fredecejfeurs faiBes fur tordre & difir ihutimt de ms finances , Et me femes celle dtimois deDecembre dernier , par laquelk it eft dit i que tom dons, hien-failis & resomfenjes , feront fayezfar k threfeorier de nojlre ejlargne : \a quay mm amns de mftre flaim fuijfeauce et authorite royakderogi etderogemis, etaux . dcrogatoires y coutmues, far ks frefientes : Et a quelcotiques autres ordmmnces , reftriBions, man. dements et defhifees , a ce contraire's. Et four ce que de ces frefeentes I’m fmirra avoir affaire en pk- fiettrs et divers lieux, turns voulons qiiau vidimus d’kelks, jaiB feoubs fiel royal , m deuement collatl oud far I'un de ms amez et feeaux mtaires et feecretaires, foy feoit adjouftee , cmme a cefrefeent original i_Auquel i afin que ce Joit cbofee feerme et ftabk a toujhurs , nem amis f'aiB mettre et affojer m. ftre feeel : Satife en autres chefees, mftre droiB, et d'autruy en toutes. Donne a Vilkrscmfferez, « mots de Juin , Pan de grace , mil cinq cents cinqmnte et hutB. Et de mftre regne k douzie'Jme. THE Quhilk day the Queenis Grace, and hailitltteeEftaitfis of Parliament, gave fceciall command, allinanevoyce, bucdifaepance, toMkiikst James CMackgill oi Rankelaur-Nether , Clerk ofRegifter, to give die audientick copies to all defiters of the afte, anent the Naturalization ol Scattefe-men in Frame, And of Freuch-mett in Scotland. Finis. THE N' I N T H PARLIAMENT o F ; MARIE, aUEENE OF SCOTLAND, j tJalden at Edinburgh, the fourth day of Junij, the zeir efe God, am thmfeand, five hundreth, : am tlsreefecore three zeires. 6f. The a£ie of OMivimi. UR SGVERAINE LADIE, of the great aftecticifl and love , thatB^i Grace beans toward her fubjeftes , and for co nfetvarion and conteining of tliem, andevetieaneofthem, in fincere amine, and mutuaU love : Andfoiefchew- ing of all plead, difcotde, adtion , queffion , querrell, or debate, that may hcte- after, ormichtintimeby-ganearife, or to bee moved be either of diem, agaii'ft uthets, foroniecaufeor occafion done, or committed be onie of them, to.ot againftuthers, during the time ofthe late troubles in her Majefties abfe'nce, ot for orsie caufe that her Grace may have , or moove againlt them , for the tranfgtd- fion of die Lawes of her Hieneflc Realms, or onie uthets received within the famin , fen , and fra the fext day of March , in the zeir of God , a® thoufand, five hundreth , fiftie audit zeires , unto the firft day of exclufewe, die zeir of God , ane thoufand, five hundreth , threefcore ane zeires : Anci for ane coni- moun peace, union, reconciliation, andquietnefle, to be perpetuallie obfetyedbethe haill Lieges an“ inhabitants of this Reahne , fwa dial they may at their uttermaift power, with ane uniformitieot min®' obey NINTH TARLIAMENT. IF. of Junij. 1563. 165 Ljy and ferve her Majeftie in all fortes, ashecummismaifthumbleandfaitlifuU fubje&s, to the glorie of God. herHienescoiitemmeiit, and common weal* of her Native cuntrie ; Bethea,dvife, Councell, and ^jliberatioti of her Grace three Eftaites, prefentlie conveened , lies found profitable and neceflat for thegud aovcriiement , and adminiftration of the Realme , and commouii wealth tliereof : That ane ftatute , Lawe fnd ordinance of perpetuall Oblivion , be maid and eftabliflied : Like as her Hienefle be the advife and con- fait ofthe hail! three Eftaites oilier Majefties Realme, conveened in this ptefcnc Parliament, makis and eftabiilhis ane iaw of Oblivion. '{HAT Alldeede, occafion, comifell, and pretence of quhat-fiimeverweicht, orqualitie, thatmay jjgjjjeagcd, or appeare to have bene done, maid, given, pretended or aififted to , bequhat-lum-everper- foil or perfones her Majefties fubjc&s and lieges of quhat-fura-ever qualitie, ftatc, or condition tliey bee pf contrail' the Lawes ol tliis Reainie , ftatutes , ordinances , conftitutiones thereof , or quliat-fum-ever utherLavves, received or ufed in the famin, in onie tunes by-gane , toquhat-fum-everelFefl:, fen, andfra the faidfextdaye of March, thezeirofGod, ane thoufand , five hiindreth , fifticauchtzeires, to thefaid firftdaye of September, exclufius, thezeirofGod, anethoufand, fiyehundreth, threefcore ane zeircs , 3[!d the memorie thereof with all adliones civiil or criminal, that may refult tliere-tlirow ; To be ex- pyred, buryedandextinft for ever ; even as the fame had never bene maid, done, counfelled, thocht, pretended , nor alTifted to , fwa that nather they , nor their aires, nor fiicceflbures may be indifted, perfewed , ilimmoned , accufed, followed, or conveened therefore civilie or criminallie, before her Hienefle , or hec Graces Succeflbures, nor three Eftaites of Parliament, noruther Judge or Judges criminall or Civiil, Spiri- tuailor Tempotall quliat-fum-ever, within this Realme, or out-with the famin, in onie time to-cum be her Hienefle, her Grads Succeflbures , or their Advocates, norbeonie her Gracis fubjeftes, or onie utliers jnaner of perfoiies quhatTum-ever , difeharedne expteflie bee this prefem Law of Oblivion die Eftaites fore- faide, Jufticegenetall, his deputes: Lories olthe College of Jufticc and SefTion : All j’chireffes, Stew- ardes, Baillies, aifweillofRegalities as Royalties : Ptoveftes, BailliesandCounceliofBurtowes; Legates, Atdi-biilioppes , Bilhoppes, Abbottes, Commendatats, Prioures, and aU uthers Judges, Magifttates and Officiates of quhat-fum-evet Eftaite, degree , or conditioii they be of , of onie indifting , arteifting , fum- inoundmg, accufing, following, calling, petfewing, conveening , or proceeding, againftquhat-fiim- everperfon or petfones, her Hienefles fubjeftes and lieges, of quhat-fum-ever qualitie, Eftaite, degree, or conditiontheybeof, forthepremifles, oroiiiepoyntdtcteof, or depending thereupon onie maner of way, and of their offices and Jutifdiftion there-anent , for now andever. and FURDER, It fall not be leiffull be Afte of Parliament, or uthetwayes hereafter, to make onie derogation of this prefent Lawe , ftatute and ordinance of Oblivion , nor cum in the contrait of the famin, di- reftite , or iiidireftlie , without exptefle advife and confcqt .of the haill perfones , and everie ane of them that lies or may pretend to have entrefle, priviledge, orfavouti beereafonoftliisLawofOblivionforefaid. OUR SOVERAINE LA DIE, With advife ofher three Eftaites, being willed and minded , diat aa perfon nor perfones, fubjeftes of her Majefties Realme , being un-worthie of the priviledge and favour of the afte and ftatute of the Law of Oblivion , have, bruik, joyis, nor ufe the priviledge thereof, for fiktranfgreffion, deede, or attemptate , done, or committed be them , or onie of them , fra the fext day of March, thezeitof GOD, anethoufand, fiveliundteth, fiftie audit zeites, to die fitft day of Sekember, thezeitof GOD, anethoufand, fiyehundreth, threefcore ane zeites. Hes ftatute and or¬ dained, andbeethirptefentis, ftamtisandordaines, that letters be direft, publillied, and proclaimed at all the head Burrowes of this Realme , alfweill within Regalities , as Royalties : Commanding and . chargeingallaiidfmdrie, OUR faide SOVERAINE LADIES Lieges , of quliat-fum-ever degree, Eftaite , or qualitie they be of , havand or pretendand to have aftion , outlier ctimiiidl , or civiil , for onie deede, caule, oroccafion, done, committed, otafilftedto, fratlieforefaidfextdayeofMarch, thezeir ofGod, anethoufand, fivehundreth, fiftie audit zeites, totliefirftdayofSeptembet,thezeirofGOD, anethoufand, fivehuadtedi, threefcore ane zeites, that they and everie ane of them, intent and perfcw dieaftion, quhilk they pretend to have, alfweill for recovering, as for teduftion of decreetes , els given upon deedes done within tlie time forefaid, before the Judges Ordinar and comipetent : And gif the pattie peifewedbehimfelfe, orhisptocuratoures,will,ormayalieage, that the perfewer fold not be heard, inre- fpeft of the Law of Oblivion forefaid : T hen , and in that cale , the Judge civiU fall ceafe of further pro- ceeding ill that caufe , aiid the parties defender and perfewer, fell cum to the Lordes and perfones under¬ written ; T hat is to faye, the Noble and michtie Lori, JAMES , Duke oiChaJiel-Hsraud , Lord Hanmuton &c. ARCHEBALDE.EarleofLrw^, l^otACampheUnALorne , Juftice Generali &c. JAME^ Earle of Aferray, IsAAlhermthyMsAStrathname. JAMES, Earle of l-OiaiHaUceUb, Chancellar&c. WILLIAM, Earle Aferffe/,LotdeL>ft6&c. ALEX AN DER, Earle of arse, LovAeKilmawris&c. JOHKLotde Erf kin: PAT RICK, Lordei?»ftee». Ane Reverend Father in G O D , H E N R I E, Bifnoppe oIRofe, Prefidenr of the College of Juftice and Seflion : Aneyene^le F athet in GOD, MARK,CommendataroftlieAbbayofiVrai-fo«/e.' SchirRlCHARD MAITLAND, of Lethkgmrn , Knight, Keiper of the privie &ale: Maifter JAMESMACKGIL olRmM^r Nether, CierkeofRegifter: Schir JOHN BELLENDEN, ol Ambinnowl Ju^Cle'-ke: WIL- LIAM MAITLANDE, ofLet«»g#«zounger, Sectetar; Commendatar of Saint Marie Ik , Thefaurer : Schir JOHN WISCART of Kmglit B b i Compt- 1^4 ^ V E E N E CH A R I E Comptroller : Maifter JOHN SPENSE of Coudie , Advocate to OUR SOVERAINE La DIE, Maifter THOMAS MAKCALZIEANE, Commiffioner for the Burgh of Edmburth ■ Maifter JAMES HALIBURNTON, Tutour of Tetcur , Provcft of ‘Dundie ■. And J O H ERSKIN oiDuity ProveftofJ/w/ro/?; And give in their fupplicatione to the liaillLordesfore-faid, mf they chance to be prefenttogidder, and failzieing thereof, tothefaidis Chancellar, Prefidetit, Clerkeof Regifter, orAdvocate, within this Burgh of , bearandtlietenouroftheperfute and allegcance ofthe Law of Oblivion, forthedefenderorperfewerforredoftion : AnddiefaidisLordes, oronie fexof them, three ofthe faidis Earles or Lordesalvvayes being ofthe faide number: Qiihafal! give their declara, tion upon the faide exception proponed civilie, and put the famin in writ, in the Regifter , quhidderthe de¬ fender or petfewer to reduce bee worthie, and fulde bruik , joyis, and have the priviledge of the faid Law Andastlicy declairthelamintobeobferyed, J'idelket, Gifthey be not worthie, theLaweto beena fuffj' ciente exception to them , and the Judges , quhom before the faidis exceptiones fall happen to be proponed fall incontinent thereafter proceede , according to the declaration of the faidis Lordes , to be fchawen to them' extraft and drawen foorth ofthe Regifter , authenticklie fubfcrived be the Clerke of Regifter , or his deputes', andnautherwayes, anddojuftice to the faidsperfcwers or defenders, and admit or repeil the faid excepti! on, or admit proteftations, as the Law tequiris. AND SICK-LIKE, Gifonieperfonorperibnes, cailis orperfewis uthers criminalUe, or intendis to doc the famin. for onie crime done within the time forefaide, thepartiequha is charged to underlie the Lawe , findand fovertie , fall cum with the copie of letters or fummoundes , quhairby he is charged to fcliaw the famin to the faidis Lordes, or onie fexof them : Three ofthe faidis Earles or Lordes being of them: Quha fall declairquhidder the partiedefendar, be wortliie ofthe faid Law or not : Andastheydeclair, dis Juftice to proceede, or to defift fra proceeding, as the ordinance to be maid and given there-upon be the faidis Lordes fall bearc, fubfcrived, as is before fpecified : Anditi-cafeofin-laik, of onie of the number of the faidis Lordes, chofen to the effeft forefaide, within the fpaceursder-wriiten: It fall be leafum to ths remanent, then being on live, to eleft and chufe la monieuthers in their places, quha fall declare tlte faid Lawe, inmanerforefaid, within the time and Ipace within rehearfed. PROVIDING Alwayes, thatquhat-fum-everof OUR SOVERAINE LADIES Lieges, had, hes, orpretendisonya^iioncriminalJie or civilie, orreduftionof d^reetes els given fo manet fore- faid, quhairof die deede was done, committed or alTifted to, iradieferefaid fext day of March, the 2eir of God, anethouland, fivehundredi, fifrieauchtzeires, to the faid fitftdaye of September, the zeit of GOD, ane thoufand , fivehundredi, direefcoiranezeiies; diatthey intent and petfew the famin before die Juftice, liisDeputes, die Judges Ordinates, alfweilliriRegalitie, asRoyaitie.betuixtdiisandriiefirft dayofAuguft, thezeitof GOD, ane thoufand, fivehundredi, threefcorefourezeires : Declakandbe thir prelentes , that quha that perfewis not within die faide fpace , they, their aites, executoures or affignayes fall never be heard toperfewtliefame,- or have aftion thereto againil them, quha will aJleage the loreiaid Law of Oblivion. NOTWITH-STANDING , Quhat-fum-ever Jurildidlion , priviledges , Lawes , or conftituti- ones, quhilkis the faidis perfones , or onie of them had, lies, ormay pretend or acclaime, as granted be OUR faid SOVERAINE LADIE, Her Grace Predeceflbures , or uther Judge or Judges quhat- fumever. AND SICK-LIKE Otdainis , this declaration again!!: Minores , or udiers quhat&mever , thatmay pretend priviledgeofnaprefetiptionbethe Lawes of this Realms, or utlier quhatfumever Lawes, that theymake perfute to their faidis aftiones, within die fpace and time forefaid : Videlicet, the fadis Minors with advife of their Tutoutes or Curatoures. PROVIDING Alfwainlikewife, that ia-cafe die faidis Minors be hutte be negligence of their faidis 1 urouresandCuratourcsindieirlaidisa^iones, quhilkis they had, orpretendistohavc, for quhatfumever deede, caule, oraiftion, done or committed, during die Ipace forefaid, diat die laidisTutoures and Cuta- toures, fall be balden to anfwere for the damnage and skaidi fufteined, and tobefuftcinedbethe faidis Minors there-throw , and they to have fufEcient aftion againft them , for recovering thereof, as done in their defaulted negligence, and fall have na aftion againft die principall perfon, committer of the faid deede , at onie time hereafter. And uthers perlbnes , that may pretend priviledge in mancr fore^id , never to have aftion in likewife in dme camming. 68. ty§mt erteves and zaires. The Qpeenis Majeftie , and the three Eftaites of this prefem Parliament, ratifies and apprievis the acre maid be her Hienefle maift Noble Gud-fchit , King JAMES die Fourth of gude memorie , of the quhilk the tenour foUowis. ' .=> ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that all craves and filhdammesdiat at within Sait waters that ebliis aiidflovves, bealluterliedeftroyedandputdowne, alfweill, they riiatperteinis to our Spverain Lord, as ” throw all the Realme. And anentis cruyes in ftelh waters, that they be maid in fik largenefle, and fik dayes keiped , as is conteined in the aftes and ftatutes maid there-upon of before , wii;h this ad- dmon following : That is to fay , that all craves and zaires , that at ifet of late upon fand , and fcliauldes , fat within diewater, quhair they were not of before, that they bee incontinentetanedowiie and put away. NINTH PARLIAMENT. IV. of June. iy6;. and the remanent craves that ar fet and put upon die wawt fandes, to ftande ftill quhillthefirftdayof Oftofaer nixt :o-ciira , and incontinent after the laid firft day, to be deftroyed and put away for ever. And for execution of this aft, ordainis eyerie Earle , Lord, Barronne, and everie Gentle-man landed , within |,;sa'.vinboundes, to caufe remove , deftroy, putdowne, and take awaye the faidis craves and zaires, in iiianerforefaide, refpeBive, under the paineofanehundrethpoundes to bee taken up of their glides, that niittis not this aft to devve execution , and thefaid fumme to be in-broclit and applyed to our Soveraine Ladies life, and tba^ everie Schireffe, Stewatde, Baillie, alfweillofRegalitieasRoyaltie, their deputes and uthers Judges within their awin Jurifdiftioiies , take gude attendence ani fee, that as is conteined in this prefent afle bjdone, and put to execution in all poyntes, according to the tenour of the famin: And failzieing thereof, that everie Schireffe, .Steward, Baillies, alfweill of Regalities, as Royalties, and uther Judges, within their awin Jutifdiftion , as faide is , up-take and in-bring the faide paine oi anc hundreth poundes of everie Earle, Lorde, Bationnc, Gentle-man landed , or utliers negligent in the ptemilles, and make comptthereofzcirlieinthe Checker; AiidgifthefaiJisScliireffes.Stewards.BailliesofRegalitiesor Royalties, beis foiindin negligent- in execution of their offices, anent this afte, that the forefaid fumme be up-lifted of thenifeives , and in- brocht to our Soveraine Ladies ufe, and tliat but prejudice of the paines to be execute upon the iorefaidis Earle, Lorde, Barronne, Gentle-man , or udier contraveners ol the forefaide afte : Providing alwayes , that this afte on na-wayes be extended to the craves and zaires being upon the water of Solway. 69. AmtUs the carying and having of gold and Jilver furth of the Realme. ITEM. TheQueenisMajeftie, with the advife of the three Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, liesra- tified and apprieved , and ratifies and apprievis all Aftes maidofbeforebeherHiencflePrcclecefroures, aiientis the carying and away talcing of Gold and Silver foorth of tliis Realme in all poyntes , with this addi¬ tion: Thar na mailer of perlbn nor petfones, pretend or take upon hand totakeawayorcaryfoortliofthis Realme, oniegoldeotfilver, in onietifne hereafter, under the paine of efeheitting of the famin, and of all the remanent of their moveable glides that Jois in die contra r , and for obferving hereof , and tryal to be had tliere-upon, S I C K - L I K E Ordainis, that quhat-lum-ever petfon or perfones that will cum , teveale and fchaw the famin , and give up their names , that offendis this Law and aft , that perfoii or perfones , fill have the fourth parte of the faide golde and filver , and remanent of their moveable gudes , the famin being tryed be their revealing. And in'-cafe the revealer be partener of the away-taking, and carying of thefaid gold and filver foorth of this Realme: Intliatcafe, he fall be free of all paines, dangers and perrcll that he may ia-cur be this aft : And fall have for his reward . . as is beiore reliearfed , like as he had bene na partener thereof; And this afte for the fpace of five zeires to injure: Providing that aJlMcrchandes and uthers, paffind foorth of this Realme, according to the Lawes of the famin, may have fa-meikle golde and filver aliaiieriiCj asmaybetheirnecefTarexpenfes, qui^ diey cum to the partes bezond Sea, quhait they have their neceflar bufsnefie ado. 70. ^nentis the hame Ringing of fdfe cumzte , and upng of the famin within this Realms : And als anentls forgers and makers thereof within the famin. ITEM, Our Soverai ue Ladie , with advife of the duee Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, hes rati fted and apprieved , and racihes and apprievis all aftes maid of before , touching the hame-bringing of falfe cuinzie oi gold or filver, layed money , or uther money quhat-fum- ever within this Realme : Ann fik-like , anenris the makers , forgm of faife cuinzie wuhin the faram , with this addition following ; 1 hat quhatTum-eyer perfon or perfones that will cum, reveale, and declare the names of the hame-bringers of fik-like iaife cuinzie, cutlrerofgoldeorfllyer, or uther layed money , or of the makers, forgers and leinzier^liereofwitliintliis Realme , that that perfbn or perfones fall have that ane halie of the efeheic of all his lands and gudes moveable and unmoveablc , ofthe laid pedbn or perfones, odeuders ol this prefent aft and Law, the famin being tryed be his teVealing 1 Andforthefcharpeexecurion hereof, diat gude attendance be given be the Search- oiires and uthers Officiates throw all the Realme ; And that the Conforvatout in/'/3?/i/»j/, in the 2eir of God forefaid , and to be maid hereatter , quhill ni«to-cum , in this inftairt zeit of God, atie thoiifand , five hundreth , j;ree-fcohethf“«“«’ ’ 8 1 . lAnem refignatlones maid ad perpetuam remanentiam. For-fa-meikil as it was ftatute and ordained of before be ane afte maid in the Parliament halden at ' ■ ■■ hezeirofGod, anethoufand, five hunareth, fifcie five zeires, )f their proprieties in the fuperiours hands , ad f erf etuam rema- , ■ ,n pems maiu uc , die faid procutatorie fulde bee tealed and fubferived bee the vaflaUes f"T ’ id eh he coulde not write to be fubferived with his awin hand at die pen, led be aneOTthen- N’otar tnd feakd with his fcale , and 'gif the faid refignation beis maid be the vaffal penonaUic tjcl; Nota > f- ijig inftmment theirof be fealed with the feale of the refigner, and f {r^ed^vith his awin hand, and gif he cannot write, to be fubferived with his hand at the pen, led fubferived witli a\v , 6 jefi„nation ad remanentiam to have ftrength in times to cum. to the Qtieenis Majeftie , and the f “SaLs of this Rcalme . that the faid aft lies not bene dewlie obferved . nor univerfJly cum m ufc and thrfamin came not to the knawledge of the liaill Lieges of this Realme. quhair-vhrow diat be rei^lon me lanm ca ind receiving; offikrefienat ones . be the teiiourol the forefaid ■ v- • t 1 R S f parliament O F KING JAMES THE SEXT. Halden at Edinburgh the XV. day ofTtecember ,15-67. Be JAMES Earle of 'JMVlR- RAT , ©f. Regent to this Realme and Licgjs, 1. i_Aiientthe conjiitutiou of ]zmts TJarle ^blurtay in Regent, to our Soveraine Lo'd, bis Realme and Liegis. T E M , It is foundin , declared , and decerned lie our Soveraine Lord, with ■idvife of the three Eftaitis , and haill bodie of this prefent Parliament, that .he nomiriatioun , conftitutioun , atid ordination of our fakl Soveraine Lords dearcftCoufing, JAMES Earle of , 'LoiS Abernet hie , 'll Regent to his Hienes, his Realme and Liegis thereof, during the tin c ofhisMajeftiesminoritie, andlefleage, foecified and exprcficd in the Qiieenes Majefties Letters , under herfubferiptioun and privie feale, of the date the 14. day ofjulij laftpy-paft, togidJeralfwa with the confent and anprobation oi the Earles , Lotdes , Prelates , Commiffioners of Bur¬ rowed Batronnes, and utheris faithfull fiibjcfts , convened and adciii- bled to that effedh And the acceptation of the faid office of Rcgcntric, bethefaide JAMES Earle of cj%rrr^, upon the ^^.day of Augiift laftby-paft. was, is, and iii all times cumming fall be halden, repute, & ellee medlawfull , fufficicrit , ahd perfite. And all and whatfuniever thim.s quhilks he lies done be verrew of his faid office of Reeentrie , fen his acceptatioun thereof, or quhilks he fall do hereafter , m ourfaidSove- rainc Lords name and authotitie, during the time of his liieneireMinonne.fpecifiedtnt .e ai co and procuratioun produced , advifed and confidered , be the faid three Eftaites , to be as dcwlic . lawfulhe , fufficiently, and righteoiifly done , and to have als great avail!, ftrength, force deeflift, mall reTpefts and conditions, as ony things done be quhat-fumever Regents, Governours or Proteftours " the minorities and lefTe aiges of ony uthers native Princes of the fame. And ratifies , apprevis and conhttnis, the fame nominanoun ana acceptatioun , for now and in time ctiiiiming. Marie Bethe Grace of God Queene of Scots , to all.and findtie our Judges, & mimfters of our Law'cs; liegis defubjeds, quliomiteffeiris, to quhaisknawledgethir our, letters fall cum , meiklc , as after lane , greate and intollerablc paines . and labours taken bee us , fen out arriv wi ’ Realme, for Government thereof, and keeping ofthe Liegis of the famin in quietnes, we ^ beenc vexed in our fpiritc , body , and fenfes thereby , bot als at length are altogidder fa Weatyed thereof, that ourhabilide, and ftrengtli of body , is not abill langcr to indure the famin. T H E R E F O I R , and becaufe na thing eatthlie can be mair comfortabill and happy to us m ^ La 1 , norinourlifetimetofeeour deate Sonne, the native Prince of tlus our 'n mp thereof , and the Crowne Royall fet on his head , we of our awin free-will ■ P -.r have dimirted and renounced tlie Governement guyding and governing of this out “ C c 3 KING JAMES THE S E XT 174 SCOTLAND, lieges and fubjefts thereof , in favours ofSurfaid Sonne, to that effeft chat in all tinier hereafter, he may peaceablie and quietlie enjoy thefamin, without trouble, and bee obeyed as native Kirni and Prince of the famin, be die 'eges thereof. And underftanding , that be reafon of his tender zouth , isnotofhabilitieinhisawinperloun, to adminiftrate in his Kingly roome and governement , asequicierc- quyres , quhill that hereafter he come to the zeires of diferetioun. And als knawing the proximicie of blude ftandand betwixt us, our faide Sonne, and our deareft Brother JAMES Earle of Murray, Lord Abernethw, &c. And havand experience of the natural afFeftioun and tenderlie love , he lies in all times borne, and pre, fentliebearestowardesus, honour and eftaite of our faide Sonne. Of quhais love and favoure towardcs him, wee cannot bet aflure our felfe. To quhoniena greater honour, joye, nor felicitie in earth can conie, nor to fee our faide Sonne inaugurate in his Kingdome, feared, reverenced and obeyed be his lieges thereof Inrefpeftquhairof, and of the certaintie , andnotorieticofthe honeftie, liabiiitie, qualificationnandfuf- ficiencieofour faide deareft Brother, to have the cure and regiment of our faid Sonne, Realme and lieges forefaids, during our faide Sonnes Minoritie .• Wee have made, named, appointed, conftitiite, and or¬ dained, and be tliir our Letters, names, appointes, makes, conftituccs and ordainis our faid deareft Bro¬ ther JAMES Earle of Regent to oiirfaidedeareft Sonne, Realme, and lieges forefaids, diirinn his Minoritie and les age , andayaiidqunilliiebeoftheageoffeventenezeirscompleit. Andthat our fai3 Brother be called during the faid fpace. Regent to our faid Sonne, his Realme and Lieges. Swa that olir faid Sonne, after the compleeting of the zeirisforefaidis, inliisavviaperfoun, may tafc upon him the faid go- vernment , aitd ufc and exerce all and findtie priviledges , lioiiouris and utheris immunities , that appettamis to the office of a King, alfweillin governing his Reaime and people, according to the Lawis , asinrepref. fing the violence of ftk as wald invaid , or injuftlie refill him or them , or his Autlioricie royal! ; With power to out faid deareft Brother JAMES ’SjkrXooi CMurray , in Name, Audioritie and behaife , of our faid maift dcare Sonne , to receive refignatiouiiis of quliat-fum-evet Lands haiden of him , or zit of Offices , Ca- ftciles, Towres , Fortalices , Mylnes, Fifcliiogs, Woods, Benefices, or pertiiieiitis quhat-fara-ever : the famin againe in our faid Sonnes Name , to give and deliver : ftgnatoitris thereupon , and upon the gifts of Wairdes, non-entreffis , and relevis of Landis, and Marriages ol Airis falland, orthatfallhappeiitofalf in our faid Sonnes hands as fiiperisur thereof. And als upon prefemacioun of Lands, Benefices, Efeheitis of giiddismovabillandun-movabiil, debris and takkis , refpittis, remiffiounis, fuperfcdereis , and upon the difpofitioun of Offices vacand , or quhen thay fail happen to vaik , tofubferive, andcaufebepaft thefeil- lis. The faid office of Regentrie, to ufe and exerce in all thingis, priviledges, and commodities , fik-like als freely, and with als great libertie, as ony Regent or Governour to as , or our Predeceflburis ufed in oisy times by-gaiie, and fik-like as gif every head, priviledge and Attickle , concerning the faid Office, were at length expreffed and amplified in tliir our Letters. PROMISAND to hald feme and ftabiil , in the word and faith of ane Prince, quhat-fumever things ourfaid deareft Brother in the premiffis happinnis to doe. Ciiargcingheirforezoiiallandfindrie, ourjudgesand Minifters of Law, Liegis and fobjeftis foir- faidis , to anfwer aud obey to our laid deareft Brother , in all and findrie things , concerning the faid office of Regentrie, aszeandilltaneofzou, will declairzou loving fobjedlis, to our laid maift: deare Sonne, and un¬ der all pains, charge and offenfe , that ze and ilk ane ofzou may commit and inrinne, againft his Majeftie in that part. Subferiyed with our hand , and given un,der our privie feill, hiLochkvhi the ^4. day ofjulij, AndofourRcigne, the riventie five zeir. 1. iMrtenttheaboliJehingoftheT'afe, andhisufirfedauthmtk. ITEM, Our Soveraine Lord , with advifeofhis deareft Regent, and three Eftaitis of this prelent Parlia¬ ment , ratifyis and apptievis the Aft under written , maid in the Parliament lialdin at Edinhurih the 14. day of Auguft , thezeitofGod icSozeiris. And of new in. this prefent Parliament, ftatutis ana ordainis the faid Aft to be as ane perpetual! Law, to all our Soveraine Lordis Lieges, in all times cumming. Of die quhilk the tenour followis. ITEM, the three Eftaites underftanding that the jutifdiftion and authoritie of the Bifchopofi?fl»?e, called the Pape, ufed within tliis Realme in times by-paft, lies not onely bene contu¬ melious to the Eternall God , but aifo very hurtfull and prejudicial! to our Soveraines authoritie , and coni- mounweillofthisReahne: THEIR FOIR It is ftatute and ordained, thattheBifcliopofi?9«, called the Pape, have najurifdiftioun nor audioritie widiin this Realms, in ony time cummina. And that nane of our faid Soveraines fubjefts , in ony times heirafter , fute or defire tide or richt of the faid Bifehop oiRome, or his left, to ony thing widiin tliis Realme, under the paines of Barratric, that is to fay, profeription, banimment, and never to bruike honour, office, nor dignitie within this Realme. And the contravenerS heirof to be called before the Juftice or his deputes , or before the Lords of the Seffion , and punifehed therc- foir, cmiforme to the Lawes of this Realme. And the furnifehers of them, with finance of money, and purchaliers of their title of right, ormaintainers, or defenders of them, fall incurte the famm paines. And that naBilchop not uthetPrelat of this Realme, ufe ony Jutifdiftion in time cumming, be the faid Bifehop of authoritie, under the painefoirfaid. And therefore of newedecernis and ordainis, the contrave¬ nes of rii* famin, inonytimeliere.after, to be puniHied according to the paines in die forefaid Aftabovc 3. ^nent FIRST ‘PARLIAMEUT. XV. of ‘Deember. 1J67. 3, i_AtmttheamiuUingBfthei.ABesofTmrlmmmt, made againfi God his ward, andmain- tsnance of lialatrie in my times byfafi, Item. OurSoveraineLord, with advifeofliisdeareft Regent, and three Ettaites of this ptefemParlia- ntent, rarifyisandapprevistheAfteundcr-writcen, made in the Parliament haldin at , the ^..dayofAnguft, thezeitofGod, anethoufand.fivehundreth.tlireefcorezeires. And of new in Sis pre- fentParKamentftatutisandordalnisthefaid Aft, tobeasaperpemallLawtoallourSovetaine Lordis liegis in all times cumming. Of the quhiik the tenour foUowis. THE quhilk day , For-fameikle- as there lies beeneivets and findtieAfts of Parliament, made in King JAMES the Firft, Second, ThriS Fourth and Fifth’s times , Kinges of SCOTLAND for the time, and als in our Soveraine Ladies tyme , not ag- gteing with Gods haly word, and be them divers perfonestukeoccafion to maintaineldolatrie and fuperfti- lon within the Kirk of GOD, andtepreflitffioffikpetfones, as were profeflbursofthefaid word, quhair- tlirowdiyers.innocentsdidfuffer. AnoforeMiewingoffikinconvcnientesintime cumming, the three E- ftaites of Parliament, lies annulled, and declared all fikAfts made in times bypsft, not agreing with God bis word, and now contrary to the Conieffion of Faith, according to the faid word, publiSied in tlus Pat- liament, tobeofnaneavaile, force nor effeft. And decernis the faid Afts, and every ane of them , to lave na effeft nor ftrength in time to cum , bot the famin to be abolifhed and extinguiihed for ever , in fa far as any ofthefoirfaidjs Afts are repugnant, andcontratietotheConfeffioun of Faidi, and word of GOD foirfaid, tarifyed and approved be the Eftaites in this prcfent Parliament. And therefore decernis and or- dainis , the contraveners of the famin Aft , in ony time hereafter , to be punifehed , according to the Lawes. Of the quhilk Confeffion of the F aith , the tenour foUowes. THE CONFESSION Of the FAITH AND DOCTRINE. Beieeved and Profefled be die Proteftantes of SCOT LAND, exliibited to the Eftatis of die fame in Parliament, and be dieir publick votis authorized, as a doftrine grounded upon dte infallible Word of God. 1 I. Of God. I EcoEifefleandacknawiedgeaneonely GOD, to whom onelie we muff: cleave, whome i oneliewemuftferve, wliomoneliewemuft worfhip, andirrwhomoneliewemuftputour [truft. Who is Etemall , Infinit, Unmeafurable , Incomptehenfible, Omnipotent, In- Ivifible, ancinfubftatice, and yet diftinft in three peribnnis, the Father, the Sonne, and I die Holie Ghoft. Be whom we confefle and beleeve all thingis in heaven and earth , afvveil j Vifible as Invifibie, to have bene created, to be reteined in their being, and to be ruled and guyded be his infcrutable Providence, to fik end, as his Eternal Wif- dome , Goodnes , and Juftice lies gppoynted diem , to die manifeftatioun of his awin glorie. Mae.ig.:^. ijoho;.?. Ges-i.i. Keb.ii.}. A£t24.»«. Deiif. $. 4. I Coe. S.d. EraL44- 6. I Tim. 1.17. 1 Kin-8.27. sCht. 6.19. Ffzl- 1}9. 1 Tim. t. ij. i<. £xQd. j. I4> ^ 'i. Of the Creatiom of man. WE confefle and acknawledge, diisourGOD to have created man, towit, our fitft Father een.«.|«. to his awin Image and fimilitude, to whome he gave wifdome, Lordlliip, Juftice, Free-will, & ojSc’j.i'k cleir knowledge of himfelfe, fa that in the liaill nature of man, there culd benotedno imperfeftioun. Fra quhilk honour and petfeftioun, man and woman did both fall: the woman being deceived be die Serpent, and man obeying the voyce of the woman, both confpyringagainft the Soveraine Majeftieof GOD, who in cxpteCfed words had before dweamed death , gif tliey prefumed to eat of die forbidden tree. 3. OfOrtgtnall Jinne. Be Quhilk tranfgreffioun, commounlie called OriginaU fume, wes die Image of God uttetlie defaced in man, and he and his pofteritie, of nature, become Enimies to GOD, Haves to iSathan , and lervandis 7. /.* unto 176 king JAMES THE S EXT 2 Kill. 17- IJ. U, &C. 2 Kinj;. Z4. 5,4,5£Ut.Zg- 56, 4*- 2 Kin. 2f. ii &c. unto fin, infamciklethatdeathcveriaaingheslud, andfall have power and dommioun overall that have Ttbeen atnot, or fall not be regenerated from above, quhdkregeneratiounis wrochtbethepoweroftl.,e holieGhoft, working in the hartesoftheelcft of God, aneairuredfa.mmthepromifeofGod. reveiled to us in his word , be t^hilk Faith we apprehend Clirift Jefus . with the graces and benefites promifed in liiin. 4, Ofthi Revelation of the fromife< FO R This we conllantlie beleeve , that God , after the fcirfuU and horrible defeftion of man fra his obe¬ dience didfeek^r&»againe, call upon him, rebuke his fin , convift him of the lame . and m the end made unto him ancmoftjoyfullpromife, to wit, that the feed ofthe woman fuid break down the Serpents head that is he fuld dcitroy the works of die dcvili. Qdiilk promife, as it was repeated, and made mair clcare from time to time : fo was it imbraced with joy , and maift conftantlic received of all the faith- full bom Adam to Noe , bom Noe to Abraham , bom Abraham toTIavtd, andfofoorthtothemcar- natioun of Clirift Tefus , all (we mcanc the faithfuil Fathers under the Law) did fee the joyfull daic of Chrift Jefus, and did rejoyce. y. The continuance , increaje, and frefirvatioun of the Kirk. WE Maift conftantly beleeve, that God ptefervcd, inftrufted, multiplied, honourea, dccored, & from death called to life, his Kirk in all ages fra Adam, till the cummingofChriftJefusin the flefli. For he called from his Fathers cuntry, him he iiiftruftcd , hisfeede he multiplied , the fame he iiiarveilouflieprelerved , and inairixiarvciiouflie delivered, from the bondage and tyrannic 01 to them he gave his Lawes , conftitutions and ceremonies , themhepoflefledintheLandofCaatfOT., to them after Judges and after to/, he gave DizMr/ to be King , to whome hce made promife , thatoi the fruite of his loynes fuld ane fit for ever upon his Regall feat. To this fame people from time to time he fent Prophets, to reduce them to the right way ohlicir God: from the quhilk oftentimes they declined, be Idolatry , and albeit tliat for tlieir ftubborne contempt of Jiiftice , he was compelled to give them into the hands of their eni- mies, asbefoirwasthreatncdbethemouthofMj/?j, infa-melklethatthehaly Cittie'was deftroyed , the Temple burnt with fire , and die haill Land left defolatc die fpace of Ixx. zeats ; Zit of mercy did he reduce thomwimttojerufalem, where the Cittie and Temple were reedified, and they againft a!! temptations and afEukes of Sathan did abide , till die Meffias came , according to the promife. 2Tini. Eph. B.«m. 5. I4v Rom. f. 23. Jolin 3- 5- Thil. I - ap. Gen. 3- 9- Gcn-i.ij. Gen- II. 3. Gen, 15.5,6. 2 Sam. 7.1 2, 13. 101.7.14- Efai. P.6. H»g 2.6.7. Johns. 56. E2ecl».6.6, Gen. 1 2. 1,2 Gen. 15.7- Exod. 1. 1, 20. Joih. 23.4' 1 Sam. 10. 1 2 Sam. J().| J3. zSam.yiz 2 Kin. 17. Dan. 5>. 2. E«. I. I, Hag. I. 14. Zach. 3. 6. Ofthe mcarnatmt of Chrift Jefis. Ga].4-4- Luk. i. 31. Mat. 1. 18. Mat. 2. i., Rom- 1 . 3. Mat 1. 23. Joh. 1.1,45. I Tim. 2. 5. QUHEN Thefulnesoftime came, God fent his Sonne, his eternail Wifdome , the fubftanceof his awin glory, in this warld, quha tuke the nature of man-head of the fubftance of woman , to wit , of a Virgine, andthatbcoperatiounofthchoIicGhoft : Andfo wasbornedicjuftfcedeofBaTOW, theAiigel of the great Counfel! ofuod , the very Meffias promifed , whome we confefle and acknawledge, Emmamiel, very God and very man, two perfit natures united , andjoyned in one perfoun. Be quhilk our Confeftiouii we condemne the damnable and peftilerit hereftes of c^rrwJ-, Marcion, %utyches, Neftorius , and fik uthers , as either did denie the eternitie of his God-head , or the veririe of his huraaine nature , or confounded them , or zit devided them. 7. Tfloy it behooved the Mediator to be very God and very Matt. WE Acknawledge and confefle, that tliis maift wondctousconjunftion betwixt the God-head and tlis man-head in Clirift Jefus, did proceed from the eternail and immutable decree of God, from quhilk all our Salvation fprings and depends. 8. EleBioun. ..1 For thatfame Eternail God and Father, who ofmeere grace elefted us in Chrift Jefus his Sonne, be- foirthefoundationofthewaridwaslaide, appointed him to be cur head, our Brother, ourPaftor, and great Billiop of our fauls. Bot becaufc that the enimitie betwixt the Juftice of God and our fins was fik , that na flefli be it felfe culd , or might have attained unto God : It behooved that the Sonne of God fuld defeend untous, andtakehimfclfabodieofourbodie, flefli of our flefli. and bone of our bones, and fo become the Mediator betwixt God and man , giving power to fo many as beleeve in him to be the Sonnes of God, as him- felfcdoiswitiiefle. I pafifcuptomy Faaier, and unto zourFatlier, to my God, and unto zout God. Be quhilk maift holiefraternitie, quliatfaever wee have ty nt in , is reftored unto us againe. And for tiiiscaufe, at we not afffayed to call God out Father, notfa-meiklebecaufelic lies created us (quhilk W* have common with the Reprobate) as for that, tliathelies^iventoushisoneiy Sonne, to be out Brother. Iplief. i.ii. Mat. 25.34- Eph«r.i.2i> 22. Heb. 2. 7,8. Pfal. 12. II. Hcb. 13-10. I Pet. 2. 24. &5-4.15- pfal. 1 30. 3. Pfal. T43.3. 1 Tim. 2. 5. Joh. 1.1 2. Joh. 14 t?. Rom. 5. 17, 18, 19. Rom- 8 15. Gal.4. 5,6. Aft. 17-31- and given unto us grace , to acknawledge and imbrace him for our onlic Mediatour , as before is faid. hooved FIRST PARLIAMENT. XV. of December. 1567. 177 , fjtthei: the Meffias and Redeemer to be very God, and very man, becaufe he was to underlie the «'!>■ "-i entdueforourtranfgreffions, and to prefent himfelfeintheprefenceofhis Fathers Judge"'-'" iSrfon, to fuffer for our cranfgreffion and inobedience, be death to overcome him that wa III our p i,£(.aufe the oiiely God-head culd not fuffer death, neither zitculdtheon ^^^'" thefamin, hejoynedbothtogitherinoneperfone, that the imbecillitie of theane ft to death', (quhilk we had dclerved) Andtheinfinitandinvinciblepoweroftlieut! j. fuld triumph and putchefle to us lilc, libertie and perpeaiai viftoty : And fo we confcfs , and undoubtedly beleeve. 9. Chrifts death , Pajfion and Burial. T' hat Out Lord Jefus offered himfelfe a voluntary Sacrifice linto his Father for us, thathefuffercd contradiftion of fiiiners , that he was wounded and plagued for our tranfgreffiouns , that hee being the .[,e innocent Lamb of GOD, was damned in the prefence of ane earthlie Judge, Thatwefuldbcab- flved befoir the tribunal feat of our God. That he fuffered not onlie the cruel death ot the Crofle (quhilk was CgjbethefentenceofGod) bot alfo that he fuffered for a feafon the wrath of his Father, quhilk ftnners . j Jjfetved. Bot zit we avow that he remained the only well beloved and bleffed Sonne of his F ather .even !’* I g ^ iddeil: of his anauilli and torment , quhilk hee fuffered in bodie and faule , to make the full fatisfaftion f" the fmiies of the people. After the quhilk we confefle and avow , that there remainesnauther Sacrifice for finne , quhilk gif ony affirme , we nathing doubt to avow, that they at blafphemous againft Chrifts death, and the evetlafting purgation and fatisfadtion , purchafed to us be the fame. . gement, as .itu.n, him that was author o< neither zit culd the onlie man-head over- fuld fuft’er and be ’ And the infinit and invincible power of die uther, to wit, of the Heb To. I. rz. 8. 2. 24. R01U.4. 2J Hcb.2.i4,i. Mat. 28. 4. Maf. 27. sj J}. Mat- 2S. s. job. 20. 2: fit 21. 7. Auk 24.41 10. RefiirreBmn. WE undoukedlie believe, that infameikle as it wasimpoffible, that the dolours of death fuldereteine in bondage the Author of life, that our LORD JESUS crucified, dead and butyed , quha def- nded into He'll , did ryfe againe for out Juftification , and deftroying of him quha wes the Author of death, brock life againe’to us, thatwerfubjeft to death, andtothebondageofthefame. We knaw tint his Re- futreftion wes confirmed be the teftimonieofhisverie Enemies, be the Refiirreftion ofthcdeid, ejuhais ScDultures’didoppcn, and tliey did rife , and appeared to mony , within the Cittie of Jerufalem. It was alfo confirmed be the teftimonie of his Angels , and be the fenfes and Judgements of his Apoftles , and of uthers, quha had converfation , and did eate and drink with him , after liis Refurreftion; II. Afeenfiott. WE natliinv doubt, bot the felf fame bodie, quhilk was botneof the Virgine, wascrucified, dead and buried, and quhilk did rife againe, did afeend into the heavens, for the accomplilhnient of all thinges: quhere in our names , and for our comfort, he lies received all power in heaven and earth , quliere he fittes at the richt hand oftlie Father inaugurate in his Kingdome, Advocate and onelie Mediator for us. OuhilkGlorie honour, and prerogative , he alone amonges the Brethren fall poffefs, till that all his Ene- miesbemadehisftueftule. as that we undoukedlie bcleeve,- they fall be in the final Judgement: Totlie Executionwhereofwecertaineliebeleeve, that the fame our Lord JESUS fall vinblieretiirne, as that hee was feiie to afeend. And then wee firmely believe , that the time of refrelhing and reftitution of all things fall . cum, infa-meiklethatthir, that fra the beginning have fuffered violence, mjurie, and wrang, fotrichte- oufnesfake, fall inherit that bleffed immortalitie promifed Ira the beginning. Botcontramwifetheftab- ^ burne, in-obedient, cruel oppteffours , filthie petfoms , Idolaters, and all fuch fortes of unfaithfull, (all becaftinthedungeounofutterdarkeneffe, where the worme fall not die, neithetzittheirlyrelallbeeex- Hiiw.L.. tinguifiied. The remembrance of quhilk day , and of the Judgement to be execmedin thefame, is not k onSietousanekydle, whereby our carnal luftes ate refrained, bot alfwa fikineftimable comfort, that nedict may the threatning of worldly Princes, nether zit the fcareoftemporal death and prefent danger, move us to renonnee and forfake that bleffed focietie , quhilk we the members have with our head and onelie Mediator CHRIST JESUS, whom we confeffe and avow to be the Meffsas promifed, the onhe head ot his Kirk, our juft Lawgiver, our onlie hie Prieft , Advocate, and Mediator. In quhilk lonoures an o J ,? fices, gifman or Angelprefume to intrude themfeif, weutterliedeteftand abhorre them, as blafphemous toourSoveraineandfupremeGovernout CHRIST JESUS. t Tub. 2. {- Faith in the holy Ghojl. Mac. 22. 13. PCC.3- 11.. Coi. J, 1 1 . Auk. 21. 28. 1%. T , His Our Faith and the affufance of the fame, proceeds notfraflelhandblude, thatiswfty, ft na m«.;« a- i natural powers within us, botistheinfpirationofthcholy Ghoft: whomewe confefle ° ^ V. It witluheFatliOr, and with his Sonne , quhalanarfyisus , and brings us in allveriuebe his awuvop^^^ ^ witlioutwhomewefulderemaineforeverenimiesto GOD, and ignorant of his Son L i-rlrked ft'"' of nature we are fo dead, fo blind, and fo perverfe . that nether oalvwc IbiU when we fee the licht when it Ihines, nor allent to the wih of God when it is revcile , u p eTei.3.1'. KING JAMES THE SENT 178 Lord Jefus quicken that quhilkis dead, remove the darkneflc from our myndes , andboweourftubburne j-uLV/t'. hearts to die obedience ofhisblefled will. Andfoasweconfefle, that God the Father created us, \vl,j^ Mic/?”’;. we were not; as his Sonne out LORD JESUS redeemed us, when wee were enimias to him: foaifo prTiM.'j!' do weconfeflethatthe holy Ghoft doth fanftifie and regenerat us, without all refpeft of ony merite pro. PM, 5. 10. ceedingfromus: be it before, or be it after our Regeneration. To fpeak this ane thing zit in mait pl^ae St'iuV-!'. words: As we willingly fpoyle our felves of all honour, and gloir of our awin creation , and redemption- fodowealfoofour Regeneration and Sanftification ; forofourlelveswearnotfufficieritto think one gydj jQ*! ‘s. thocht , hot he quha lies begun the wark in us , is onlie he that conriiiewis us in the fame , to the praife arid rph.i.«. giorie of his un-deferyed grace. 14. The cmije of gude warkes. QA Thattliecaufeofgudewatks, we confefle to be not our free-will, bot the Spirit of the LORD JE. k', ■* .” ^ S U S , who dwelling in our hearts be trewe faith , briiigis forth fik warkes , as God lies prepared for us Rom.>.s. towalkein. For this wee maiftboldelie affirme, that blafphemy it is to fay, that Chrift abydes in the heartesoffik, asinwliomethereisnoSpiritoffanftification. And therefore we feir not to affirmc , that murdieters , oppreflers , cruell perfecuters, adulterers , liurcmongers, filthy perfouns. Idolaters, drunkards, thieves, andallworkersofiniquity, have nether trew faith , nether ony portion of the Spirit of the LORD JESUS; fo long as obftinatlie they continevv in their w’ickednes. For now foone that ever the Spirit of the Lord Jefus (quliilk Gods eleft children receive be trew faith) taksponeffionintlieheartofonyman, fo foone dois he regenerate and renew the fame man. So that he beginiiis to bait that quliilk before he loved , & begins to love tliat quhiik before he hated , and fra thine cummis that continuall batcell , quliilk is betwixt the Rom. flelh and the Spirit in Gods Cliildrcn:wlii!e the flelli and iiaturall man, according to the awin corruption, luftes gU.'s.’i?.'' for things pleifand and deleftablc unto the felf, and grudges in advei fity , is lyfted up in profperity , and at K: 7! every moment is prone and reddie to offend the Majeftie of God. Bor the lypirit of God , quliilk gives wit- J™; J; nefifing to our Spirit , that w'e are the jbnnes of God, makis us to refill filtliie plcafures, and to groane in Gods iph.4.17. ptefence, for deliverance fra this bondage of corruption : And finally to triumph over fin, that it reigne j Tini'i. 2«. not in our mortall bodyis ' This battcll hes not the carnall men , being defticute of Gods Spirit , bot dois iol- low and obey finne with greedines, and without repentance, even as the Devill , and their corrupt lulles do prick tliem. Bot die Sonnes of God, as before wesfaid, do fecht againft finne, do fob and murne, when they perceive themfelves tempted in iniquitie : anti gif they fall,, they rife againe with eatneft andunfained jah. I !. (. repentance, and thir diingis they do not be their awin power, bot be the power of the Lord JESUS, without wliom they were able to do nothing. ly. IFhat warkes ar reputed gtde befotr God.!, Confefle and acknawledge, that God lies given to man his holy Law, in quhiik not only ar for- dIui.4-7. yV bidden all fik warkes as difpleis and offend liis Godly Majeftie, bot alfwaar commanded all fik as pleis him, andashehesptomifedcorewaird. And thir warks be of twa fortes. The ane are done to the honour of God, theutliertotheprofiteofourNichtboutis: and bothliave the reveiled will of God for their alTu- i,ukj.7s. TohaveaneGod, to worfehip and honour him, to call upon him in all our troubles, reverence his Mic». i. 1 1, holy name , to lieare his word , to beleive die fame , to communicate with his holy Sacraments , are the 1,7. warkes of the firft TabilJ. To honour Father, Modier, Princes, Rulers, and fuperiout pow'ers ; to gte ,!2.i, jQyg ^ tofupporttliem, zea to obey their charges (notrepugniM to the commandement of God) to favg dig lives of Innocents, to reprefle tyrannic, to defend the opprefled, to keepe our bodies cleaiie and 2Tkt4.4, lialie, to live in fobernes and temperance, to dealjuftlie with all men both in word and deed-, and finally. reprefle all appetite of our Nichtbouris hurt, are the gude warkes of the fecund Tabill, quhiik are maift pki- Ihiso.i. fing and acceptabill unto God , as the warkes diat are commanded be himfelfe. The contrary quhairof , is friitr. 4.<. finne maift odious , quliilk alwayes difpleifis him , and provokes him to anger : As not to call upon him alone, when we have need, nor to hear his word with reverence, tocontemneand defpifeit, to have or worfehip Idols , to maintene and defend Idolattie , lichtlie to efteeme the reverend name of God , to propliane, abufe, Rorajj ^ or contemne the Sacraments of Chrift Jefus , to difobey or refill: ony that God hes placed in Authotitie (quhill they pafle not over the boundes of their office) tomurther, or to confent thereto, to beare hatted, or to let Innocent blude bee fched , eifweemaywitliftandit. Andfinally, therranlgreffionofonyutliercomman- koin.'i4^j. r^cm^ntinthefirftorlccunoTabill; we confefle and affirme to be finne, by the quliilk Gods anger and dif- i*sim.'i j!' is fondled againft the proud untliankfull warld. So that gude warkes we affirme to be thir onlie , that moi 10 I ^te done in faith, at Gods commandement, quha in his Lawe lies exprefled what the thingis be that pkis him. And evillwarkisvyc affirme not only thir, that exprefledlyar done againft Gods commandement; hot thir alfwa that in matteris of Religion , andworfchippingofGod, hesnautheraflurancebot die inventioun M.rk7.7. andopiniounofman: quliilk God fra the beginning hes ever rejefted, as be the Prophet and be out Maifter CHRIST JESUS wear taucht in thir words, In vaitie do they worfehip me , teachings dottrines the precepts of men. 16. Tilt FIRST TARLIAMENT. XV. of Tiecemher . 1^67. 179 16. The^erfeBimmoftheLaw, andtheimperfeSimmofman. rjJE Law of God we confefle and acknowledge maift juft, maiftequall, maifthalie, and maift: per- fite commaundingthirthingis, quhilk being wrocht in perfeftioun, were abill to give life, and abill ^Tira.'i"ii ’jntoEternaUfelicitie. Bot our nature is fa corrupt, faweake, and fa iinperfite, that wear never fffip.'j.' *h1!toTulfiftdiewarkesoftheLawinperfeftiouti. Zea, gifwefay wchavenafinne, evin after we ar re- V^l^red. we deceive our felves, and tl rateci, _ _ .theveritieofGodisnotiniis. Andtherefore, itbehoovis us to ap- ^ ^^Tend ChriftJ®fus with his Juftice and fatisfaftion, quhaistheendand accompliftiment ofthe Law, be ^ lorn'’ wear fet at this liberty , that the curfe and malediftionofGod fall not upon us, albeit we fulfill not p'/viLis.’ T fameinallpoyntes. ForGodtlieFatherbeholdingus, in the body of his Sonne Chtift Jefus, acceptis ^^imperfite obedience, asitwereperfite, and covers our warks, quhilkardefyled withmony fpots , with Te Tumce of his Sonne. We do not meane that we ar fo fet at liberty . that wee awe na obedience to the Law ttit 2^, ?ft that before wee have plainly confelTed) botthisweaffirme, that na man in earth (Chtift: Jefus oiilie ex- Luk-fki, *°t') lies given, gives, orfallgivein worke, that obedience to the Law, quhilk the Law requiris. Bot we have done all things, wemuftfall downe and unfeinedly confefle, that we are unproficablc fer- *ands Andtherefore, quhofoever boaftis themfelves of the merits of their awin works, or put their OTft in the works oi Supererogation , boaft themfelves in that , quhilk is nodit , and put their truft; in damna¬ ble Idolatry. 17, Of the Kirk. MsLtt. AS We believe inane God, Father, Sonne, andhalieGhaift: fa do we maiftconflantly believe, that ftom the beginning there hes bene, andnowis, and to die end ofthe warld fail be, aneKirk, thatisto fav ane company and multitude of men chofen of God, whorichtly worftiip and imbrace liim, be trew fith in Chrifl; Jefus, quha is die only head of die fame Kirk, quhilk alfwa is the bodie and fpoufe of Clirift lefiis quhilk Kirk is Catholike . that is , univerfall , becaufe it conteinis the Eleft of all ages , of all Realmes, Nations andXounges, be they ofthe Jewes, orbe they ofthe Gentiles, quliahavecomraunion&focie- tiewitli God the Father, and with his Son Chrift Jefus, tlitow the fanffificatioun of his haly Spirit and tlierefote is it called the Communion, notofprophane perfounes, bot of Sands, quha as citizems of the heavenly Jerufakm , have the ftuitioun of the maift ineftimable benefites, to wit , of ane God, ane L O R D JESUS, aneFaith, andaneBaptifme: out ofthe quhilk Kirk, there is noutherlyfe, not Eternall felict- tie Anddicreforeweutterly abhorrethebialphemieofthemthataffirme, that menquhilk live according to equirie and Juftice , fall be laved , quhat Religioun that ever they have profefled. For as whhout CHRIS F JESUd* diere is noudier life nor Salvation : fo fall there nane be participant thereof, bot iik as the Father hes given imto his Sonne CHRIST JESUS, aiiddieythati.urmecumuntohim, avowe hisdodrine and beleeve into him, (we comprehend the Children with the faithlull parentes) this Kirk ismyifible, knawen onelietoGod, quha alaneknawis whom he hes chofen, and comprehends alfweiU (as law is) the Eledthatbedeparted, commoiilie called the Kirk Triumphant, and they that zit live and fecht againft fin and dadian , as they that fall live hereafter, 1 8. The immartalitie of the Saules. TH E Eled departed are in peace and reft fra dteir labours : not that diey lleep , and come to a certaine Oblivion. asfomePhantaftickesdoalBrme: botdiatthey ate delivered fra all feare Mid torment, and allteniptarioun, to quhilk we and all God liis Eled are fubjed in diisHfe, and therefore do beare the name ofthe Kirk Militant: As contrariwife , the reprobate, and un-faithfuU departed have anguilh, torment, paine , that cannot be exptefled. Sa that neither are the ane nor the udict m fik fleepe , that they ee c o their torment , as the Parable of Chrift Jefus in die 1 6. of Luke, liis words to the thiefe, and diir wordes ot tlie fauIescryingundettlieAltat; OLord, thouthat art righteous and juft , How lang fail thou twt revenge our binds upon thir that dwellis in the Earth , dois declair. Epil. 1.4. Col.i.Tl. Eph.S.ii>' Eph.i. ip. ]oh. 5.14. Joh.17. 6. 1 Tiai.2. 19. Joh. U. H. Epl). 1. 1 a Col .1.10. Heb. 12.4. Ago, 14. i|- ELai.25. 8. Apos. 7.itf. 17. Apoc. 21.4., Efai. 66. 24. Mar. 5. 44, 46>48. Auk- 25.43. Auk. 14. 24, 19'. Ofthe notes, be the quhilk the trew Kirk is decerned fra thefalfe, and quha fall be Judge of the doBrine. Because That Sachan from the beginning, hes laboured to deck his peftilent Jynagoge with the tide ofthe Kirk of GOD, and hes inflamed the heartes of cruelmurdieters, andmoleft, the ttewe Kirk , and members thereof , ?&Catni.AAM, the haiU Priefthead ofthe Jewes ; Chrift Jefus himfelfe . and his Apft es after him. It is ane ^^"8 ^ etc . that the true Kirk be decerned ftadie fikhie Synagogues , lie cleare and ived receive and imbrace to out awin condemnatwun . ' ible harlot f the Kirk allured takens, whereby the immaculate Spoufe of Chrilrjelus IS knawen tra , Malignant: We alBrme^re neidier Antiquitie. Title ufurped , . Lineal nor Multitude of men approving ane error: for Gti^in age and title was prefened to e a Gen. 4. 8. Gen. 21. p. Gen. 27. 41. Mat. 23. 34. Job. 15. 18. ip. 'oh. It. 3 J. 5- 20. Aft-4.1. &c. Aa. J.17. e■ rph.4. 4- rTim.3.16. Joh. 10.27. 7.r«/a*«hadpre.ogativeaboveaUplacesoftheEatth, where alfo were tne Pr^fls linea^ defehdedfra 4r/« And sLter number Mowed the Scribes, Pharifies, andPneftes, then unfamedly bceved and approvd Chtilb Jefus an i his doftrine : and zit as we fuppofe , no man of found chat • were the Kirk of Gcd. The notes therefore of the trew Kirk of God, webeleevc, ro,i iefli and aN'OW to k , fir a the trew preaclnng of the word of God, unto the quhilk God lies revealed him. ' felfe unto us , as the writings of the Prophets and Apoftles dois dec air. Secondly , die riaht admimftration ..trlieCirnmetitsofChtift fefus, quhilk mon be annexed untoche wotdandpromifeof God, tofeale and ci fi me SetSear Ecclefiaffical difeipline uprighdie miniftred, as God his word pre- fetibre JlJebyviceisrepreired, and vertew nunibed. Whercroeverchenthirformernotesatercene, and ofoiw time continue (be the number never fo fewe about two or three) there wulwut aU doubt is the trew KirkofChrift- who according unto his promife, isiathemkiilof them. Not that umverfal , of quhilk we have before fpoken, bot particular, fik as was in Lomtlbus , Galatia. Efhefiis, and uther places, in cmhilk the Miniftrie was planted be Paul , and were of himfelie named the Nirks of God : and fw Kirks , we £Smn™S/almeof SCOTLAND, profeiToris of Chrift jefos prolcffisourfelfistohave n mir Citries Townes , and places reformed , for the doftrine taucht in our Kirkis , contemed m the writen wordeofGod’, to wit, in the buiks of the auld , andnew reftamentis, in thofe huikis we mrane , quhilk of the ancient have beene reputed canonical. In the quhilk wc alfirme , that all thineis neceUary to bebe- leev-ed for the falvation of man-kinde , is fufficiently exprefTed. Iheinterpretationquhairof, weeconfeffe, neither appercaines to private , nor publick perfone , neither zit to ony Kirk , for ony preheminencc, or pre- roaativepafonallieorlocallie, quhilk ane lies above ane uther , bot appertemesco the Spinte ofGod, be the quliilk alfo the d’eripture was written. When controveifie then happmis , for the tight underftandingof onv place or fentence of Scripture , or for the reformation oi ony abufe within the Kirk of God , we ought not fa-incikle to like what men before us have faid or done, as unto that quhilk the lialieGhailtuniformelie fpeakes , within the body of the Scriptures , and unto that quhilk Chrift Jefus liimfelfe did , and commanded to be done For this is ane thing umverfallie granted , that the Spiritc'of God, quhilk is the Spinte of Unitie, is in iiathiiis contrarious unto hmifelfe. Gif then the interpretation , determination , or fenteiicc of ony Doctor Kirk orCounccll, repugne to the plaine wordeofGod, written in ony uther place of the Sam- ture it’ is a thing maift certaine, thattliereisflbtthetrueunderftandingand meaning of the Italy Ghaift, although that Councels, Realmes, and Nations have approved and received thefame: Fotwedarenot receive nor admit ony intcrptetaiion, quhilk repugnes to ony principal poyntofourfaith, 'ortoonyutkt plame text of Scripture , or zit unto the ilule of chande. io. The authritie for the Scriptures. A S We beleeve and confelle the Scriptures of God fufficient to inftrudi:, and make the manofGodper- fite: fo do we alfirme, 'and avow the authoritie of the lame, to be of God, and nether to depend on men, nor Angels. Wee affirme therefore, tliat fik as allege the Scripture, to hare na uther autlioritie, bot tiiat quhilk it hes received from the Kirk, to be blafphemous againft God, and injurious to the trew Kirk, quhilk alwayes heares andobeyisthevoyceofherawinfpoufeandPaftdt, bot takes hot upon her to be .Maiftres over the faniin. ^l. Of general Councels , of theirTower , Authoritie , and caufi of their Conventim. AS We do not raihlie damne that quhilk godly men allembled togither in ge.necallCo.iincell lawfully gathered, have proponed unto us , fo without juft examination, dare we not receive quhatfoeveris G.i.t- !'• obtruded unto us by men under the name of general Councels: for plaine it is , as rlV^ wet men , fo have fome of them manifeftlie erred, and that in matters ofgrcat Weight and importance. So farre then, as the iTim... 1, Councelprevis the determination and commandement that irgives, bee the plaine wordeofGod: (bfoone r.s- do we reverence and imbrace the fame. Bot gifmen under the name of a Councell, ptetendto forge untou^ new Artickles of our faith, or to make conftitutionis repugning to the word of God: then utterlie we muft Col i. i«i refufe thefame, as the doftrine of Devils, quhilk drawis our faules from thevoyceofouroiilieGod, tofol- Uili! lowthedoftrinesandconftitutionesofmen. The caufe then quhy that generallCouncellis convened, was nether to make ony perpetual Law, quhilk God before had not maid, nether zit to forge new Artickles of ourbeleife, nor to give the word of God authoritie, meikle les to make that to be his word, orzifthettevv interpretation of the fame, quhilk was not before, be his haly will , exprefled in his word : bot the caufe of Aa.K.i. Councellis (we meane of fik as merite the name of Councellis) wes partlic for confutation of herefies, and for giving publick confelfion of their faith , to the pofterite following , quhillt baith they did by the autlioritie ofGods written word, andnotby ony opinion or prerogative, that they culd riot erre , be reafon ofthek general aflemblie : And this we judge to have beene the chiefe caufe of general Councellis. 1 he uther was for iTim.Ms. gudepolicieandordour, to be conftitute and obferved intheKirk, quhilk (asinthehoufeofGod) itbe- ?coi.'A'. cummis all tilings to be done decently and in otdour. Not that we think , that any policie, andanordout in Ceremonies , canbcappoyntedforallages, times and places : for as ceremonies , fik as men have de- vifed, at bot temporal : fo may and audit they to be changed , when they rather fofter luperftition, then that diey edifie the Kirk , ufing the fame. . 2^■ Of FIRST TARLIAMENT. XV. cfT)ecember. 1567. 181 -uk 11. 19. Crr.i t.i+. Com 0.16. I Mir !(!. I'j-' ax. Of the Sacramentes. « The Fathcris under the Law, befidestheveritieoftheSacrifices, had twa chiefs j’acramentes, tOc™,,. A ^ r Circumcifion , and the PatTe-over , the defpifers and contemners whereof, were not reputed of i"" ^"’coDle- fadowe acknawledge and coiifeiTe , thatwenowinthctimeoftheEvangell.havetwachiefe ’’cutes ’ onclie inftituted be the Lord Jefus , & commanded to be ufed of all they , that will be reputed ;»■ I rs of his body - Towit, Baptifme, and thefupperor Table of the Lord Jefus, called the Comma- ... "■ fl-,,sbodvaadblude. And thir Sacramentes alfweiU of auld, as of new leftament, now inftituted ‘’■‘r r o not onelie to make ane vifible dilTerence . betwixt his people , and they that wes withom his league ; ; 1 MlfVtoexerce the faith ot his Children, and be participation ot the fame Sacramentes, to leill in theh r isdeairucanceofhispromife.andofthatmoftblefredconjunaion, union and focictie , qidiilkthcele s<5> as t-3- \yj r - - 'X' hat Sacraments be richtlieminiftrat, we Judge twa dungs requifite; i ftrat be lauchfull Miniftets , whom we affirme to be only they that ar ^ iLchfullie ofthe word , into quhais mouthes God hes put fum fcnion o cxi , rtp t asGodhes chofentheretobefumKirk. T heather, thatthey bemimftrann <^^keiauems, andm»^^ appoynted. elfe we affirme that they ceafe to be the richt .Jacraments of Chrift Jefc. ^nd hereto eh d^tweflythedoarineofthePapi&caUKirk. I'/ P^'^ipation o heir Sacramen^ .lifters are naMinifters of Chrift Jefus, zea Ghaift will not fuffer to teache in the Coiigregatioun, to Baptize , n Y . Chtifts aftion terated both the one Sacrament and the uther , with their awin mvc o , hot mennis inventiouns. abydesintheoriginallpuride. For Oyle, Salt, Jpittil, and fiUykemBaprfme, Adoration, Veneration, bearing throw ftreitis and townes, eipingo _ ^ ^ . eac&c. do ze phanatiounofChrifts J’acraments, andnaukofthefame. For Jo t to the Sacrament '♦■==. thisinrememberanceofme. Be quhiikword and charge he an ‘ ..‘‘^jjpyyji.inke of the uther, and luk. ofhis haliebodic and blude, totheend, thattheanefuldbeeate , Papiftes have done heitto- ftoM,..,. nstthatthayfuld be keiped to be wotlhipped and honoured, as , r 1 Varrament towit, the fore. WlJalfocommktedJacrilege, fteilling from the people the ane parte of the dacrament. tov.t,^^^ E e Of the richt adminiftration of the Sacraments. Mat. 26,26. &c- blefledcupe. Moreover, thatthc Jacramentsberichtlyufed, iris required, that the end and caufe , why the Sacramentis were inftitute, bee underftand and obferved , aMweillofthcMinifter, as ofthcreceiveris For eifthe opinion be changed in the receiver, the rkht ufe ceafifis , quhilk is maift evident , be the rejeftiotr of the Sacrifice, asalfogiithe teacher planely teache fals doftrine, quhilk were odious and abhominable before God ( albeit they were his awin ordinance) becaufe that wicked men ufe them to an uther end, then God lies ordained. The fame affirme we of the Sacraments in the Papifticall Kirk : in quhilk we affirme the haillaftion of the Lord Jefus to be adulterated, alfweill in the externall forme , as in the end and opinion. Qtihat Chtifl; Jefus did , and commanded to be done , is evident, be the Evangeliftes, and be Saint Paul; quhat the Preifl: dois at his Altar , we neid not to rehearfe. The end and caufe of Chrifts inftitution , and why the felfe fame fuld be ufed, is exprefled in thit words, Doeze this in rememberance of me , als oft asze fall eat of this bread , and drinke of this Cupe, ze fall lhaw furth , that is , extol . preach, magnifie, and praife the Lords death , till he cum. Bot to quhat end , and in what opinioun the Prieftes fay their Mefle, let the worde of the fame, their awin Doflouris and wrytings witnes'. To wit, that they, asMediatoresbetuixtChrift, and his Kirk , do offer unto God the Father, a Sacrifice propitiatorie , for the quick and the dead. Quhilk doftrine, asblafphemousto Clirift Jefus , and making deroga¬ tion to the fufficieiicie of his only Sacrifice , on ce offered for purgadoun of all they that fall be fandafied , we utterly abhorre , deteft and renounce. xq. To whme Sacraments apfertaine. coi.z.ii. \T7'E Confefle and acknawledge , that Baptifmeapperteinisafweil! to the infants of the faithfiiU, asunto lom. 4. 1 1. W them that be of age and diferetion , and fo w'C damne the error of the A nabaptifts , w ho denies baptifme to apperteine to Children, before chat they have faith and underftanding; boc the d’upper ol die Lord, we coniefle toappettaine to fikoiiely, as beof diebouihald of Faith , and can trie and exainiiie tbeinfelvcs, alfu'dl icor.ii. in their faitli , as in their deweie towards their Niclitbouris. Sik as eatc and drink at that haly lable without faith , or being at diffenfion and divifion with their Brethren ; do eat unworthelie : And therefore it is that in our Kirk, our Miniftets take publick and particular examination , oftheknawledge and convcifatioii of fik , as are to be admitted to die Table of die Lord Jefus. ay. Of the Civitt (Magiftrate. WE Confefle and acknawledge Empytes , Kingdomes, Dominiouns, andCitries, to be diftinfted and ordained be God : thepowersandautlioritieinthefame, be it ofEmperours in their Empyres, im.2.13. ofKingsintlieirRealmes, Dukes and Princes in their Dominions , and ofutliersMagiftratesintheCitties, to be Gods haly ordinance , ordained for manifeftatioun of his awin glory , and for the fingular profite and commoditieofmaiikind ; So that wliofoever goedi about to take away , or to confound the haill ftace of Civile policies, now long ellablillied : we the fame men , not oneiy to be enimies to mankinde, but alfo wickedly to fechtagainft God iiis exprefled will. Wee farther confefle and acknawledge, that fik perfouns, as are placed in authoritie, ar to be loved, honoured, feared, and lialden in rnofl: reverent efti- matiouii; becaule that they aretheLieutennciitsofGod, in wliofe Sefliouns, God Iiimfelf dois fit , and rfii.«2.i. jyjgg. even the Judges and Princes tliemfeives, to whom be God is given the fword, to the praife anddefenfe of gude men, and to revenge and punifh all open malefaftors. Mairovet to Kings, Princes, Rulers and Magiftrates , wee affirme that chiefiie and moft principailie rhe confervation and purgation of the ichrra.n. Religiounappertaines, fo that not onlie they are appointed for Civil! policie, bot alfo for maintenance of ll’chlp.’’ the ttew Rcligioun , andforfuppreifinsof Idolatrie and Superftitioun wliatfoever. As in 'David, Jofa- pjj^f ^ Ezechias, JoJias, and udiershighlie commended for their zeale in tliatcaice, may be efpyed. And Iciuon.zp. therefore wee confefle and avow, that fik as refill the fupreme power, doing that tiling quhilk appertains to chipM! his charge, do refill God iiis ordinance; And therefore cannot be guiltles. And fanner we affirme, that fclcchip!' wliofoever denies unto them ^de, their Counfell and comfort, quhiles the Princes and Rulers vigilantly ttavell in execution of their office, that the fame men deny their help, fupportandCounfeii to God, quha be the prefence of Iiis Licu-tenneiit , dots crave it of them. x6. The guiftes freelie given to the Kirk. Albeit That the word of God ftewly preached , and the Sacraments riclitlie miBifttcd , and Dif- cipline executed , according to the word of God , be the certaiiie and infallible Signes of the ttevv Mil. I ! . 24. Kirk, we meaiie not that eyerie particular petfoii joyned with fik company , be ane Eleft member of CHRIS f 2j,is,&c. jgypjj. For we acknawledge and confefle, thatDornell, Cockell, and Caffe, maybefawen, grqffi andingreataboundancelieintiiemidlloftheWlieit, that is, the Reprobate may be joyned in thefocietie of the Eleft , and may externally ufe with them the benefites of the word and Sacraments. Bot fik being Mat. II. 20, bot temporal! profeflbures in mouth , bot not in heart , do fall backs and continew not to the end. And adra.i.. j. therefore have they na fruite of Clirills death , Refurreftion , nor Afccnfion : bot fik as with heart un- fainedly beleeve , and with mouth bauldely confefle tlie Lord Jefus, as before we have faid , fall niolt afluredly receive tliir guiftes. Firft in tliis life temiffion of finnes , and that be only faith in Chrifts blude. first TARLI ament. XF. cfT)ecember. ijSy. 183 f iieikie, that albeit fmue remaine and continuaUie abyde , in thir our mortall bodies, zic it is not im- ,"fdui’.tous, hot is remitted, and coveted with Chtiftsjuftice. Secimdly, in the generall Judgement, be given to every man and woman refurreftion of the flelh. For the Sea fall give her dead ; the Earth ? O"'- "^p^'wliactheveinbcindofed, zea the Eternali our God fall ftretche out his hand on the dud, and the deade 1°.' ' flUrifeiincoiTtiptiblc, and that in the fubftaiiceofthefelfe fame flelh that every man now beiris, to receive fordfii!' Itcordinv to their warkes, glory, or puhifliment. Forfikasnow delyte in vanity , cruelty , filthynes , f erllition; orldoiatry, fall be adjudged to the fire unquencheable. Inquhiiktheyfallbetormented for "xr aifwcill in their awin bodyes , asintheirfaules, quhilk now they give to ferve the Devil! inall abho- '^'■iia'tion. Bot fikascontinewiiiweilldoingtothecnd, bauldely profelling the Lord Jefus : weconftantly ^ _ Seevc, that they fill receive glorie, honour, and immortality , to reigne for ever ill life everlafting , with Ci-rift jefus , to vvhofe glorified body all his Eleft, fall be made lyke , whenhefall appeit againe in Judge- mcnt, and fall rander up the Kingdome to God his Father, who then fall bee , and ever fall remaiiie all in all things God hlefled for ever. To whome with the Sonne, andwitlithehaly Ghaift, be all honour and now and ever. So be it. glorie , Arifi (O Lord J and kt thy enimks be confounded , let them flee from thy f re feme, that hate thy ^odlie Name. Give thy fervands flrength , to J^eake thy word inhauUnejfe , and let all Nations Aa.4.jj'. cleave to thy trew knawkdge. ijAmen. TliirAcds and Artickicsar red in the face of Parliament, dndratifyed be the three Eftaitis , hx.E^n- for^/ithe 17. day of Auguft, thezeirofGod iy6o. zeiris. y . \_Aiicnt the CMeJfe abolijhed, and pmijh'mg of all that hearts or fayis the fantm. ITEM, Our Soveraine Lord , with advife of his deateft Regent , and the tliree Eftaits ol this prefent Par¬ liament ratify is and apprevies the Aft under written , maid in the Parliament halden at Edinburgh ,'tlie % 3 . dayofAuguft, thezeir lydo.zeires. And ofnewin this prefent Parliament ftatuts and ordainis, the faid Aftto bcasanperpetuall Law, to all our Soveraine Lords lieges in all times to cum; Of the quhilk , the tcnourfollowes. 1 he quhilk day , for-fameikle as almichty God be his maift trew and bleflcd word . lies declared the reverence , and honour quhilk fuld be given unto him. And be his Jonne JESUS CHRIST lies declared the new ufe of the d’acraments, willing the fame to be ufed, according to his will and word. Be quhilk it is notour, and perfitelie knawen, that the d’acramentes of Baptifme, andoftheBodie and Blcudof JEd’Ud’ CHRId’T, lies bene in all times by-paft corrupted, be the Papifticall Kirk , and be tlicit ufurpedMinifters. Andprefendie, notwithftanding the refoimatioun alreadie made, according to Gods word : Zit there is fura of the faid Papift Kirk , that ftubburnely prefeveris in their wicked Idolatrie, fayandMcfie, and Baptizand , conforme to the Papift Kirk . prophanandtherethrowdied’acraments fqir- faides , in quiet and fecreete places , dicrethrow nouthet tegardand God , nor his word. THERE- F O I R E , It is ftatute and ordained in this prefent Parliament , that na manor oi perfoun , or petfonnis , inonietimeciunming, aciminiftrat onyoftned’acramentsfoirfaids, fecretly , or ony uthetmanerofw'ay, but they that are admitted , and havand power to that efteft. And that na mancr of perfoun nor perfounis , fayMelle, nor zit hear MelTe, nor be prefent tlieirat , under the paine of confifeatioun of all their gudis movabiil , and unmovabil! , and punilhing of their bodyes at the diferetioun of the Magiftrat , within quhais Jurifdiftiouu fik perfonnis liappinnis to be apprehended , for the firft fault; Banifliment ol Ac Rcalmc , for the feconcl fruit: And Juftifying to the death , for the thrid fault. And ordainis all d'cliireffes, Stewards, Baillies , and tlicir deputes , Proveftes , and Baillies of Burtow'es , and udrers Judges quliarfumever , within tliisRealmc, to take diligent fute and iiiquifitioun, within dieit bounds , quhaiconyfikufurpcdMiniftcrie is ufed, Mefle faying, or they diatbeis prefent at the doing diereof, ratifyand, andapproovandthefamin, take and apprehend them , totheefFeft, that Aepaines above written may be execuw upon them. And tlierefore of new decernis , and ordaines the contraveneris of the famin , in ony tyme heiraftet , to be puniihed according to the paines of the aforefaid Afte above rehearfed. 6. fluent the trew audhaly Kirk , and of them that ar declared mt to he of the famin. TTEM, ForfameikleastheMiniftersoftheblefledEvangellof JESUS CHRIST whomGodofhis A mercie lies now raifed up amangft us , or heirafter fall rayfe , agreeing widi them that imw Hvw , A ctrine and adniiniftratioun of the Sacraments, and thepeopill of this Realmc, that ptofcMis CHRIS ', as he now is offered in his Evangeil, and do communicat with the haly Sacraments (as inthe reioriM Kirkes of this Realme they are publicklie adminiftrat) according to the Confeffioun of the Faith ; u Soveraine Lord, widi advife of my Lord Regent, and three Eftaitis of diis P«fent Par lament lies dared , and declaris , the forefaid perfones , to be the oncly true and halie Kirk of J E S US , r , within this Realme. And decernis and declaris , that all and fmdrie , quha outlier the word ot the Evangeil, received and approoved . asthelieadesof the Confeffioun of Faith profefled ni Parliament ol before, iiuhczeirofGodiy6o.zeires. asalfofpecifiedindie Aftes of diis Parliament mair patticularhc ' E c i 184 king JAMES THE S E X T doisexprefTe, and now tatifyed and approov-cdiiuhisprefetit Parliament, or that refufis the parciematiouu ofthehalieSacramentes, as they are now Miniftrat , To be na members of the laid Kitke, witliin this Re- alme now prefently profefTed . fa long as they keep therafelves fa divided fra the Society of Clirifts Bodie. 7. t^dmiJJiounofGMiniftsrs; of lakk T atronages . ITEM Itisftatute, and ordained be our Soveraine Lord , witliadvifeofhisdeareft Regent, and three Eftaitis of this prefent Parliament , that the examination and admiffion of Minifters , within this Realnie, be only in the power of the Kirk , now openlie , and publickly profefled within the famin. The prcfentatioii oflaick Patronages alwaies referved to the Juft and aundent Patrones. And that tne Patroun prefent aiie qualified perfou? witliin fexMor.ethes (alter it may cum to his knawledge , olthedcceafe ol him, qulia btuiked the Benefice of before) to the Superintendent of diay partis, qmiair the Benefice lyes, or utliers havand commiflion of the Kirk to that effeft ; utherwaies the Kitk to have power to dilpone the lamin to aiie ^ Pj^OVIDlNG that in caice the Patron prefent ane perfon qualified to his underftaiiding, and fail- zeingofane, ane uther within the faidfexMoncdis, and the faid Superintendent or Commiffionet of the Kirk, refufis to receive and admit the perfon prefented be the Patron j asfaidis.- It fall be lefiira to the Pa¬ tron to appeale to the Superintendent , and Minifters of that Province quhair the Beneto yis, and deftre the perfonprefented to be admitted , quhilk gif they refufe , to appeale to the general! AlTemblie of this haill Realme, bequhomethecaufebeanddecyded, fall take end, asthay decerneanddeclair. 8. Anent the Kmgis aith , to he given at his Coronation. ITEM, Becaufe that the increafe of vertew , and fupprelTmg of Idolatrie craves , that Ae Prince and the people be of ane perfite Religioun, quhilk of Gods mercie is now prefently profef fed within this Realme ; THEIRFOREItis ftatute , and ordained be our Soveraine Lord , my Lord Regeiic , and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , that all Kinges and Princes , or Magiftrates wharioever , haldmg their place, quhilkis hereafter in ony time fall happen to reigne, and beare rule over tins Re^e, at the time of their Coronatioun, and receipt of their Princely authoritic, make their faithfull promile health, m prefence of the Eternall God , That induring the haill courfe of their lives , they fall few® &min Eter- nallGod, totheuttetmoftoftheir power, according as he lies requited in his maift naly word, revelled and contained in the ne\v and auldTeftamencs. And according to tire farainwotdefaU mamteme the trew Religion of Chrift Teiiis , the preaching of his halie word , and dew and richt miniftration ot the Sacraments now received . and preached within diis Realme : And faU abolifli and gainftand all fats Religiouii contrare to the famin : And fall rule the peopil committed to their charge . according to the will and commaund ot God, reveiled in his fotefaide word, and according to the lovabill Lawes, and conftitunons received in this Realme, nawife repugnant to the faid word of the Eternall God. And fall procure to the uttermailt of their power, totheMrk of God, arid haill Chriftiaiipcopili, trew and perfite peace mall tiraecum- ming. The richtis and rentis , with all juft priviledges of the Crowne of S C O T LAND, to prelerve and keip inviolated , nouther fall they transfer nor alienate the famin. They fall forbid and rEprejje m all Eftaites, and degries, reife, oppreffibn, and all kinde of wtang. In all judgemeiites , they lall com¬ mand , and procure that Juftice and equitie be keiped to all creatures , without exception , as the Lor and Father of all mercyis , be niercifull to therii. Arid but of their landes and Empyre , they lau e carefull to tute out all hetetikes , and eramies to the trew worlliip of God , that fall be convirt be the trew Kirk of God, ofthefoirfaidiscrynies. And tlla't they fall tehfullic affirmethe things above written, be their folemne aith. 9. Na Jerfin tndy be Judge Procurator, Notar, nor member ofCourt, qubajrofejjis not the Religion, ITEM, The Kingis brace with advife oTmy Lord .Regent , and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parlia¬ ment, ftatutes and ordainis , that no manerbfpeifbh riot perfons, be received in ony timiM heiraltet , bear publike office remqyabill of Judgement , witfiiri tliis Realme , hot fik as profeffis the puritie of Re igi® anddofttine, nowprefentlieeflabliljied. And that nane be permitted to procure, nor admitted I'"®™’ or created a member of Court, in dny time ciitiflfilrig , iyithout he in likewifeprofefle the Evangel, an ligion foirfaid. Providing alwayes , thSt this Aft bfe o’ri na wife extended , to ony maner of petlon o^er on , havand their offices heritablie bir in life-rent , hot that they may ufe the famin , confbrme to their infeKmeii >■ and difpofitioris granted to them thereof. 10. Anent the thridis of benefices , grahte'iikthedMlbniih ofDecemb'sr , the zeir of God lyfii- zeires , for fiifl 'eining if the dMiiiifieri and uther affaires of the P rime. ITEM, Becaufe the Minifters hes berie lang defrauded of their ftipendis, fwa that they ar becummj^ in great povertie and necelfity . And notwitllftanding lies continued in their vocation , without payn' FIRST ¥ ARLI AMENT. XV. of December. 1567. liiy be an great fpace. Quhair-diroW they ar and fall be confti ained to leive their vocation of tlieit "'P . j provided. T H E R E F O K. E our Soveraine Lord , with advife ot my Lord Regent, ^vithoat re Parliament, ^gs ftatme and ordained , rhat the haill thrids of thehaill and die tm _ fall ^ow inftantlie , and in all times to cum , firft bee payed to the Miniftets of the geiiehces ^ fuccefTours. And ordaines the Lords of the Seffion to grant , and give Evangeiorj or that beisadebted in payment of the famin . to anfwere ' ’ I pv the faidis Miniftcrs and their CoUedours . to be nominate be the faidis Minifters , with advife of and to ooey ^ ^ Norwithftanding anie difcharge given be our d'overaine Lordis Mother, j„y LOW ^ 6 • ^ of the faid thride , or ony pairc thereof, ay and qiihill the Kirk come to TY]loolkfriounoftheirproperPatrimonie,quhilkis*^ PROVIDING alvvayes, that the 'j-’n tints of the faidis Miijiftcrs , make zeirliecompt in the Checker of their mtromiffion Jwa, that the iders may be firft anfwered of their ftipendis, appertey ning to cverie ane of them. And the reft and fuper- ^us lo be applied to our d'ovetaine Lords ufe. II. The teacheris ofzonth fuld be tryed be the vifitoris of the Kirk. r F M For-fa-meikle , as be all Lawes and conftitutionis , it is provided , that the zoudi be brocht up 1 lainft’tuaedinthefeareofGod, and gudc maiieris : and gif it be utherwife, it is tinfel baith of their flptandfaules, gif Gods word be not ruted inthem. aUHEIRFOIRE our Joveraigne Lorde ^ Vi .rivife of mv Lorde Regek , and the three Eftaites of this ptefenc Parliament , lies ftamte and ordained, ? ,11 VchufistoBurghanJland, and aU Univerfiteis and Colleges be reformed: And thatnanebeper- ' rrk nor admitted , to have charge and cure theirof in time cumming . not to inftrua the zouth pnvatlie or ^'eiilie ; bot fik as fall be tryed be 3ie tTuper-incendentes or vifitouris of the Kirk. li. ^nent the dipfim of Tr^veftries , Trebendaries , and Chaflanerm , tohnrfaris be found in Colleges. ttEM Fot-fa-meikleasthezouthisnotoneliefeenetoprefervethecommounweiU, bot alfwa ofthem mrinaSscumming, attheirpleafureprefentchefammtoBurlKis. quhom they plcifc to name, to rrverterandletteris® within aL College of ony of the ofthisRcalme tlKre to tem^ne forfikfoace as the Patron foirfaid pkafistohaldhimatvettewandleammg, within the foirfatd Co Jcgc 5:£;2-».*i.nyr™d.«n^ God , and comtort of the commoi? weill of this Realme. 1 3. Anent the filtbie vice ofFarnkatm , and funijhment oftbefamin. TTEM, Itis ftamte, andordamedbeQUr&veraineLord, withadvifean^^^^^ XandthethrecEftaitesofthisprefentf^adiament, thatgifonyper . r tj^iatthe committcris ■Burgh or to land, fall commit the hidiie vice of Fornication, an fault alfweill the man as the ther?of. failbepuniihedinmanerfoUowing. Thans-toray for woman fallpaykhefiimmeoffourtiepunls: Orthenbaithhe ofauchtdayer, WirfudetobebreadeandfmaUdrinke. And tl ereafe P'f ® '‘“^"’"p^lhpace the Towns or Parochin bait-headed, and there ftandfaftene, tia , ^ jr J P^vift they fall pay of twa houres : as Ira ten houtes to twelve houres at nopne b or le k ^ ly 1 be doubled, tLir thefummeofanehunketiimarkes, ortlienthcfoirnamedday>5 „ , ^-he faid mercat place, andbaich fudetobebreadandwaterallanerlie. Andintheend, to be thereof, fallpay tlKheadisofthemanandthewomantobefchaven. And for tkthtid fault, b.i ng convict me e i, p^y Ee 3 KING JAMES THE S E X J 186 _ _ _ _ ^hundteth Dundis Ot elfe their above imprifonmcM to be tripled , thsir fudc to be breade and water allLerlic And inthe end , tobetanetothedeipeftandfonUeftpuie, orwateroftheTowne orParocbi,,, there to be thrife dowked , alidtheirafter baniihed the faid Towne , or Paroemn for ever And fra thine fnrth, 1 rw oft that ever the V be convift, -oftlieforefaide vice of Fornicaaon, that fa oft the faid thnd penalciebc ixeciite upon them. ^ And that the Proveft and BaiUics of ilk Burgh, the Juftice genera , and his deputes, orfikuthersperfones, as fall pleafe our faid SoveraineLorf to give commiifion unto, be Judges to the per- fnnes fufoeft and delated of Fornication : and being convift-, they fall lift and uptake the above written pe- cunialnaines’ oftheperfonesrefponfal, and rather willing to pay the famin nor to be demamed in their cerfonM And that the faidis corporal painesofimprifonment, banillimg, and uthers abovefpedfied, he execute upon all fik perfones , as outlier refufis to pay thepecunial paines , or that ar not refponfal to pay the fimin And that the famin pecunial paines , qiihilfcis fall happen to be received , be furelie keiped in ane rtofebox and be converted in they partis , quhair die cryme is committed , as it faU pleafe out IbiH Covrraine Lord and his deareft Regent to coramande. And cue receivers of the faid paynes, to be ready to give accompt tliercof , quhen ever they fall be requyred thereunto. i4. xMmit them that emmittis Incefi. TTEM Fot-fa-mcikleastheabhominable, vile, and fikhieluftofinceft, isfaabhbmuiableintlieptc- i fence of God, and that the famin Eternal God , be hisexprelTe word, hes condemned the lamin , .and -At ncvetthelcnc the faid vice is fa ufed within this Realme, and the word of God is in fik fort contemned be the lifers tlicrcof , that God be his juft Judgements hes occafioun to plague the Realme , where the laid vice iscommicicd, widiout God ofhis-mercie be mair gracious, and remeid be provided, chat the laid vice ceafe in time ciimminiT T H E R E F O I R our Soverame Lord , with advue and coiileat ot my Lord Regent, and tire three Eftaites of thisprefent Parliament, ftatutes and otdaines, that quhat-fumever perfonorper- foncs, thaccommittesthefaidabhominablecrymeof Inceft, Thatistofay, quhat-fum-eyer petfonorpr- fones they be, that abufes their bodie with fik perfones in degrie, as God m his word hes exprellie foi- bidden, ill ony time cumming, as is contained in the xyiij. Chapter of Leraftm, fall be ptiniined to the death. 1 y. Aiieiit lawftdlmariage of the awin blude , in degrks not forbidden be Godin his word. TTEM Our Soveraine Lord, with advife andconfencofmyLordRegent, and the three Eftaites oftliis i nrerent Parliament,' hes ftatute, and ordained, that the halie band of manage, made be all Eftaites and fetsofmenandwomen,-toBeaIslawMandalsfrie, as the Lawe of God lies permitted the famin to be done withoucexceptionofpafonorperfones. And hes declared , anddeclates, that fecimds in degrees of corfanguinitie, and affinitie, and all degries outwitti the famm contamed m the wordoftheEtcmal God and that are not repugnant to die faid word , OTighc , and may lawfully marry at all times fen cIk viij. dav rfMarch, the zeir of God, anclhoufand, five liundreth, fiftie audit zeins. notwithftanding ony Law ftatute . or conftitu'tion maid in the contrare. And ratifyis and apprevis all the ftid imnap done fen tlic faid day. And the bairnis eOttiil , or to be gottin in fik Manage , to be as lauchfull , ^ afwcill toward their fucceffioun to landis, heritages, ot ony uther liberties, as ony bairnesgomn m Manage, and to be repute and efteemed, inalltimetocume, lauchfuilie gottm , m laucafull Manage , notwichftandmgany Lawes, ftatutes,conftitutionjs, or Aflis, maid, ot to be maidin the contrare. 1 6. Aneiit Jlajkg of Hart, Hytide, andutheris heaps atd faults with Cukerings. ]T E M For-fa-meik!e as there hes bene divers Afts and ftatutes made of before , that na ma^r of perfon, nor peribnis fuld fchut with Qilvetingis, Crosbow, or handbowony time, at Dae, Rae, Hart Hyndc.Hait Cuniiina Dow, Herron or feule of river, under fpecial pains, conteined in the faidjs afts and ftatutes. Aiw notwithfianding the famin, and that na execution hes followed of before , upon me perfones contraveneri of the faidis Aftw, they at fa lichtlic efteemed , that the faidis Beaftes andFouks, are at all times ilaiiie down, and deftroyed be fik perfones, that nouther hes regaird to the co'mmoun weill , nor policie 01 ^TSitft is ftatute and ordained, be our Sovetaigne Loid, with advife of his Regent, and the three Eftaitis oftliis Realme. that quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfoms, of q^iat Eftaite, ifegreeorcon . thacevertheybeof, fchuttis in ony times cumming , With Culyeting. Ctosbovy, orHandbow, atme Rae, Hart, H^de, Hair. Cunning, Dow, Herron, or foule of river, within this R=a!me fa! foirfault and yne their Iiaill moveabil gudis.tliat ane halfe thereof to out Soveraine Lordis ufe.and tlie uther liaLe to be “PP f , to the Judge , and apprehender of him that committis the crime , to bee div Ad equalhe bemixt them. An ro that effSt ordainw all Schireffes, Stewardes, BaiUies of RegaUtie , and all uther ordmar Judges with » uthers , as fall pleafe our Soveraine Lord , and his Regent to give power and commiffion to, to cab me c traveneris of tlX prefent Aft . at particular diettis. And gif tliey Se convift of the crime . to rf^heit all d e moveabil gudis, to be applyed in maner foirfaid. And gif the committer of tne cryme be ane vagaboMd^ FIRST T ARLIAMENT. XF. of TDecember. 1^67. 187 - - A^he Judoe, quliom befoir he is convift, keip and ha!d him in prifon , fottliefpaceof havand gu™ A„a the nixt fault, to cut of Itis richt hand. &nhM mone'i fuld be cmziet : Layed-mmey fiild not be cmziet without confent of ty SC -’•> the Ejiaitis: (Money juld not be melted. T-nr f, meikleastheordoutingoftheCuinzie-hoiis, and forgeingofmoney within this Realme, T’^^’^h.Prnfpteatimportance, to the haiii lieges thereof , as may appeare bee divers Aftis , maidem 1 ‘f iSs l-Irdis predecefTouris Parliamentes of befoir. And feeing the greate neceffity now required, our Soveta£.s L ^ ^ S j T-^tones , and uther for having ot gufle a deft toyed , fwa that the unce oi filvcr , is at dowkl price , thant wount to auid filv« j j j . quhair-throw the Realme is utterlie impoverifoed be evil Cuinzie. Therefore it 'rf ?nSspSparhament, that our Soveraine Lord, with advifc of his Regent, may caufe rfcuinzieGolde and Silver of fikfyneffe. as uthers Countreis dois, to paiTe within thisRealmcto prent and cuinz-e uoi ^ cumziet , m ony ^but advife of die three Eftaites of Parliament. And fik-like, OUR SOVERAINE timecummmg, :f^r.fU\'iRpaenr and the three Eftaites foirfaidis , ordainis, thatnamanerof Gold, nor lord witliadvifeofteRega , alteadie of the halfe of the guddes of the awner . and mdter And the fecond fault , confifeation of their haill gudis. , 8 The Lordis of Sejfwn ar Judges to all Infeftmentes and giftes graunted , firmed in Parliament. or con- Anentthe petition proponed be the Senatoures of the College of Juftice, bcirand that there is fA^duftion or not to our Soveraine ^tte OUR So" 1 8 Anent fehutting , and bearing of Culvertnges and Hagges. iwarke, arnotonlie of the lovabil conft.tutions Z ftayne, and forbidden, but als divers our Soverame Lords lieges , amesofperfute, as hurt , quhiikes utherwife wer abili , to ^ efehewing and remeid dicreof in ti me cum- liesbenelaitliefeenevvidiinthisBurghof£ir«^^^^^ LORD®, with advife and confent oi his ffling; Itisftatuteandordainedbe OUR V ER AINE LUiv norpetfones, ofquhat- Regcnt, and the three Eftaites of this prefemParliarnen , p !„,rinees Dasaes Piftolettes.orany udiet Gunnes, oringmesoffyre-warke, many parrot this Rea q„.pfo and Matinerres , andfikas for paftime will fchutt within their Inner-ciois , and zair a J. , under die paine of hauntes the Seas , being aftualhe upon me famm , tor defe uerfones® of quhat-fum-ever eftate, cutting oftheir right hand. Andfik-like, „ ^Daaees' pSlolettes, or anie uther conditionordegreetheybeof, beare, weate. outwith fikingineoffire-wark, upon their perfones, or m obteined thereu^n. under the iioufis, without licence of our Soveraine Lords, and his g ^ ’ j fetvingourSoverauie Paine forefaid. PROVIDING alwayes that the Cap tans > ^ wcir , ^ ew ^ Lord , and his Regent forefaide , aaiiallie in his highnefe wa « , | • j 0^3 ofjhe Burgh iiRegalirie, as Roy aide at weapon-fdiawings ’ Cut;Se authotitie, to afTem- ofEdmburgh. or utherisButrowes of tiiis Realme, charge _r uje Uiolmes fervice and affaires , inthe biies, weapon-fehawingis, and conventionis , for furth-fettmg . ^ yni„„ or departing to and dme thereof ; nor zit nane of our Soveraine Lords hega m I’eineXeciaUfo and exprenehe com- ftaonyhoftes.weiris, armies, raidis, w^^pon-foliawingisot^ , ^ Pj^^es meittand at dayes of nianded and charged, to that effed be his HienefTe letters, and a rn. j|[|j,„QfLeiilmenmsgudis, andin news. And fik-ifethey that ar foUowand thieves . m defence of fteiUmgol Leillme g cefcours thereof, fall not be comprehended under tiiis prelent ACt, i88 KING JAMES THE S E XT 19. Falfe Cunzie filld be dypped. ITEM, For-fa-meikleforthea'ioli(liiiigofgreatquantitieoffalfe ciinzie, quhairwith the common wein of this Realme is greatlie troubled , to the heavie damnage , and skaith of the haill lieges thereof- THEREFOIRE, It is devifed, ftatute, and ordained, be our Soveraigne Lorde , with advifeofliij Regent, and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , that certaine men of Judgement, having under. Handing of cunzie, be chofen and eleAed , within everie Burgh of this Realme, (^ha being fworne there, to, all fummesofmoney fall bee delivered in their prefence, and quhair ever they apprehencT, orfindeany falie money , io clip the famin. And the deliverer to ty ne the faid falfe money , and the dipper to have ane penny of i'lk pound, forhislahourisofthereceiverofthemoney, quhLikfall be received. And to thacef. fed, OrdaincstheProveftandBailiies, and all uthers officiaris of Burrowes, to make fufficient clippj,,. houfes, in fik places of their Burgh, as fall be fufficient for the premifies. Andtheperfonis, quhom to they coramirthat charge , that they be abill to anfvver for their office in that behalfc. ^ ■ 1 o. t_Apfrohatm of gift is of bene fees and penfionis , fen the tJMoneth of Angufi 1^60. zeirs, granted and given , he our Smeraine Lordis Mother. ITEM, It is found, declared, ftaaite, and ordained, be our Soveftine Lord, his Regences Grace, and tlic three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , tliat all giftes and provifionis of benefices eledtive , penfionis, orurhersquhat-ftim ever, given and difponed under the pnvie feill , be the Queens Grace , our Soveraigne Lordis Mother, inherReigne, fen the Parliament halden , in the zeirol Godiydo.zeiris, uotoffiefco. ronationofourfaideSoverameLord, were, ar, and in all time cumming fall be , tochepof!efrouns,bever. ten -thcrcol ; lauchfull , fu'-l , and perfite ty ties and richtis, and als vailzeabil in all refpettis , quhair ever they benro.luced, as gif the laiJis provifionis, and giftis had paftuponfupplicationis, diredl to the Court of Rome, and Bulbs paft there upon, in maift ample forme. ‘f’roviding, that this prefent Aft be not prejudicial to the Aft of feercit Councell , granted in favouris of the Mimfters , anent die giving to them of allhenefices, within zeirlie rent of three hundreth markis , fen the tiaic ol the faid Act , nor zit be prejudicial to laick Patronages. XI. Auent thieft , and receipt of thieft, taking of prifineris be thievis , or handis for ranfomis, and punijhmeut of the Jamm. ITEM, Anent the Attickle proponed be the Bartonnes, Free-halderis , and Iiihabitantes of the .Schiref domes of Roxburgh. Lanark, Reblis , Dumfreis , Edinburgh, and urheris inhabitantis of the remanent Schires of this Realme: beiraiid, that it is nor unkiiaw in of the continual thieft , reif, and op- preffion, committed and done , within the boundis of the faidis Schirefdomes , be thieves, traitouris, and uthetis ungodlie peifones , havandnoutherfeareof GOD nor man, and fpeciallie in thir troublis, be re- ceipteris, fonifieris, and mainteneris of the faidis evil given perfonis, amangis theinliabitantisaiidindisel- leris of the faidis Schireldomesff/^effiw, within divers partis of the famin, quhilk is the chiefe caufe , and fortification ofthe faid thieft. Andfik-like, that the thieves , and broken men , inhabitants ci the faidis Schirefdomes , and uthetis boundis of the marches of this Realme , foirnentis the partis oi England, not onlie committisdayliethieftis, reiffis, heirfehippes, murtheris , and fyre-raifings , upon the peaceable fubjeds ofthecountrie; botalstakisfmdrieofthem, deteinis them in captivity as prifoners , ranfoumis them , or lettis them to borrowis for their entrie againe. And in like maiier, divers lubjefts ofthe Inland, takisaid fitcis under their aflurance , payaiidthemblack-maill, and psrmittand them to reif , herrie, andopprefle their Nichebouris , with their knawledge , and in their, ficht , vvitliout refiftaiice or conttadiftion. For efchewiiig and (lopping ofthe quhilkis inconvenientis foirfaid : IT Is flariite and ordained, beourSoveraine Lord, his deareft Regent , and the three Eftaites oftliis prefent Parliament, that quhat-fum-ever perfon , orperfones, receiptis, fortilyis, raainteinis, or givis meate, haibourie, oraffiftencetoanythievisintlieirthifteousftealliiig, anddeedes, outlier in their cum- iiiing thereto , or paffing therefra , at any time cumming, or intercommonis , or try ftis with them to that efi’eft , any maiier of w ay , without licence of the keeper of the countrie , quhair the thief remaines , luo thereto , to the effeft it may be knawin , for quhat purpofe they intercommoned with the faidis thieves with¬ in xlviij.houris after, or before the committing of the faid cry me , that die receipter, fortifier, maintener, ailifter, meat-giver, and intercommoner with fik perfones , fall be called therefore at particular diettis cri¬ minally, asairtandpairtoftheirthifteousdeidis, orutherwayis dvilie at the inftance of the partie onendeci upon I y. dayis warning aliaiierlie, without diet or tabill. And als that the Schireffis of aft Schires .Stewartes, Bailliesof Regalitie , and their deputes, and all uther Judges ordiiiar , at every head Court , puttliefaidis maters to theinquifition of aneaftyfeofthecountrie, at the defire and complaiiite ol the partie , aiidasbeis fouiidin, toreport h. famin to the Juftice, JufticeClerkand their deputes, within ly. dayis ni.xt after uic I upon them , as tiic faidS anfw er to our Sovciaiiie a forelchc\vingofihc|!aid great, matter be tryed. S a that this preicnt Act and Itatute , may be put to SchirefTes, Stewartes, BaiUies of Regalitie , and Judges ordinar foitfaidis , will Lord , and his deareft Regent , upon the execution of [their office : And a!fv\ FIRST ‘PARLIAMENT. XV. of ‘December. 1^67. 189 great continual , and odious crimes and ofFenfes , and for the cominouii weill thereof. ranfom tbein. and pacifying of the lieges in all partis opprefled vvitliln Realme , and !or the commouii went tnereoi, '"it is ftatute and ordained that natheif, takeoiiy Scottifmaii, at onie time heireafter , under the paine o( thinis treafon and lefe-majeftie. And that nane of our Soveraine Lordes trew and faithfuE liegis, quhilks have bene "°l ■ kin be the faids thieves and broken men , fall be halden to enter to them , notwithftanding ony band given . for their entrie , difcharging them and their foverties pmplkiter in that behalfe. And gif ony of faidis thievis callis or charges the principal men takiii be diem , or their foverty for their ' entres forpaymenteofthepainesconteinedinthebands, or ony parte thereof, be raiifotim orband, not aved to the faids diieves, outlier byganc or in time dimming , they fall (be die doing of the fame) incutre y underlie the paines of treafoun , and iefe-majeftie ioirfaide. And als that our faid Soveraine Lordis faithfull, and obedient fubjeftis, quliilkis heitefter fall happin to take and apprehende ony of the faidis thievis , in their pafEiig to committe thieft, or in the aftual doing thereof, or f,„, in tlieit teMtning therefra , on na wife let them to libertie and feeedome , bot prefente them before the Juftice, <» I» and his deputis in die Tolbuith of Edinburgh , within fitteene day is after their apprehenfion , gif their takcris (havand power) Juftify e them not to the death themfelfis. And als that nane take aflurance , or fitte under ^furanceofthe faidis thievis, or pay them blakmaiil, or give them meate, drinke, receipt, maintenance , or fupply in their thifteous deidis in time camming , under riie paine of death , and confifcation of all their gudis jnovabil. And in like manet,quhen ony thieves rcpairis in fteilling or reifing, within die Incountrie, that all our Soveraine Lordis liegis, dwelland in the bounds, quliair they refort; rife, crye, raife the fray , and foUowtiiera, alfweillintheircummingasoutpaffing, on horfe and fute , for redding and recovering of die oitirir. puddis ftollin and reft, & apprehending of dieir perfones to be brocht to Juftice, and concurte with the awners oftheguddis, and uthers followers to that effeft, under the paine to be halden partakers of the faid diift. Andquhafoeverbeisfufpefted, or delated to doeinthecontrare, tliat the Juftice Clerke grant letters, at thcinftanceofanypartie, for calling of them to underly the Law therefore , at ane particular dyer, com- plenand upon the premiftes, or ony poyiit thereof. Oraccufethem, for the famin at general Juftice airis, executand tlie paines conteined ill this ptefent Aft, againft the coiitravenetis thereof, but favour or delay. And gifitfalUiappen ony open notorious thief, totelort, or cum to ony mailer of perfonishoufe, itlkllbe lawfull to the awner of die wide lioufe , to take and apprehend that thief, without reproch or diflionout , and bring liim to die Juftice , to be puiiillicd coaforme to the Lawis. la. ThatnahorfibecariedfulrthoftheRealme, ai Common LMerchandke. ITEM, For-fa-meikie as albeit there was divefs Aftes and ordinances maid of before, inhibiting the carying of ony Horfe footdi of this Ilealme, zitthirtwazeirislaftbypaft, divers perfones , pardicundet pretence of priviledges and licences : and partlie without ony leife , lies tranfported Horfe foorth ot this coun~ trie , to Bourdemix , and utheris partes bezond fea , and maid an common trade and mercat thereof, to the great skaith of the common vveill , and ray fing of dearth oi Horfe, git remeid be not provided. THEIRFOIR, It is ftatuce and ordained, by the Kings Grace with advifeot his deareft Regent, and the three Eftaites of Parliament , that nane of the liegis of this Realme , take upon hand , privatlic or openlie, tocarryortranfpottfoordiofthcfaniinby Sea, ony manerofHotfeintime cumming. And in likcvvilc, that jia skipperis and maiftcris of Schippis , indwelietis of tliis Realme, or ftrangers, receive within their Schippes ony Horfe, to bee tranfported to uther Countreis, under the paine of confifcation of the Horfe, Sdrippes and remanent guddis movabii , ofthetraniporteris, and punilhing of their perfones, attheKingisMajefties will, and ills &dRegentis. ^3. The denunciation of the Rebellion Jidd freceid the gift of efihtit. ITEM, Out Soveraigne Lorde , with advife and confent of his deareft Regent, and the three Elhites of this prefent Parliament , lies ftatute and ordained, that in all times cumming, na gift ofefcheit pane, with this daufe following, (Or quhen it fail happen the ofFendar to bcedemmcedrcbell, andputtothehorne) hot that the horning, be execute beioir the gift of the efciicit bee difponed, uthetwife the giftof efdieit to be of nane elTeft. 14. i^nent p'iviledge.t granted to Kirk-men. TTEM, Our Soveraine Lord , with advife and confent ofhis Regent and the three Eftaites of this prefem X Parliament, lies ratified, and ratifies, all civil priviledges, granted and given be our Soveraigne Lordis Predeedfouris to the fpiritui eftate of this Realme , in all poynts , after the forme and tenour thereof. zy. The ratificatiai of the friviledge of the Barrotmes. TEM, Our Soveraine Lord, with advife and confent ofhis deareft Regent, prefent Parliament, lies ratified and appteved, priviledges, and liberties, ga g 190 KING JAMES THE SEXT NobilitieandBarronnesofthisRealme, and adles of Parliament, made in their favouris, and ordainis fame to be put to execution in all poyntes , after the forme and tenout thereof. z6. %ylnent frivikdges granted to Burr owes. ITEM, Our Soveraigne Lord, with advife of his Regent, and the three Eftaites of tliisprefentParljj ment, hes ratified and appreved, and be thirprelentes ratifies and appreves, allAftes andconftitutjo,,^ or Parliament, maid bee quhat-fum-ever our Soveraine Lordis predecedoures ofbefoir, in favouris ol the BurrowesandBurgeflesofalJthisRealme, iiihabitantesofthefamin, with all priviledges, freedomes, im raunities and liberties, granted and given to them , and everie ane ofthem, in ony times by-paft. decernisanddeclaris, the famin to have full ftrengtli, force, andeffeft, in all times heirafter, fwatliat die famin may be put to full and dew execution in all poyntes, and to ftand as ane perpetual Law to them and their fuccellburis. Saijings within Burghs, fitld he givenbe ane Baillie , andtheClerke. ITEM, For-fa-meikle as the great hurt, done of befoir within Burgh , be givingoffaifingisprivatlie without anie Baillie, and ane common Cletke of Burgh , quhait-tlirow our Sovsraine Lordis liegis , may bee defrauded grearlie: THEIRFORE itisftatute, and ordained be our Soveraine Lord, withadvile and confent of his Regent, and the three Eftaites ofthisprefent Parliament, that na faifing begiven within Burgh of ony maner of land , or tenement witliin the famin , in ony time cumming . bot be ane of the Baillies of the Burgh, and common Clerke theirof And gif onyfaifingbeisutherwaiesgivenheiraftertobenuU an 1 of nane availl, force nor effeft. 1. 8 . Anent the declaratioun of the Commijferis , how they fallfroceidin beneficial materis. ITEM, Anent the Artickle proponed be the Commifleris of EDINBURGH, beirand that there is divers and fundrie beneficial Aftiones depending before them, upon the richt and propertie of the Bene¬ fices. Quhairein the ane part hes their provifiounofthegiftoftheQueene, and the utlierof the ordinal partlie bee dimiflioun in his liandes , partlie be collation , as vacand. And fum given be the ordinar , witll the Queenes confirmation thereuTOn, and that fen the reformation of the Religion. And therefore drfirins the determination to be given to them, quhilk of the gifts fall have place in time by-gane, fen the faide re¬ formation, as alfwa in time cumming. Our Soveraine Lorde with advife of liis Regent, and the three Eftaites of diisprefentParhament, hes decerned and declared , and decernis and declaris ! that the faidis Commifleris, fall at all times proceede, and minifter Juftice in the faidis caufis, bevercewofallgiftisand difpofitions , granted and given be our Soveraine Lords deareft Motlier , fen the Moneth of Auguft ® the zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundretli, tlireefcoir zeiris, andnaudierwife. Andfik-like, conformetothe giftes, to be granted be our Soveraine Lord, and his Regent hereafter. And ordainis all giftis, and difpofi¬ tions, givenbeher, fen the faid time, tohaveplace, and to proceide according thereto, butprejudi«to the benefices of the laick patronages , quhilkis ar not comprehended in tliis Aft. 29. t_Malt-men fiild not have ane Tieakon. ITEM Itisftatuteandtjrdained, be out Soveraine Lorde , his Regent, and the three Eftaites of tliis prelent Parliament, lor the common weill of this Realm, that there be naDeakon of Craft of Malt-men outlier to Burgh or to land , or ony uther part within this Realme. And gif ony writing gift or ptiviledae’ be given ony time befoir : Our Soveraine Lorde , with advife of his Regent , aud the three Eft’aitesToirfaidis. decernis and dedans the ftmin to have bene fra the beginning, and to be in all time cumming null, and of nanc availl, force nor effeft. Sa that it fall never belefum to ony oftlie Malt-men of this Redme, tohaye Deakons, bot to be repute na Craft. 30. x^nent black fijh, cutting of greene^wood, mid Jkuchter of Smokes. Itisftatute and ordained be our Soveraine Lord, be advife of his Regent, and the three Eftaites 1 ofthisprefentParhiment, thattheAdsofParhament, made be our Soveraine Lordis Predeceflours of and cutting ofgrecnc-wood , be put in execution in all poyntes. And that, the pay nes be execute upon them widi all extremitie, and with this addition- That as Rovaltie , andfikutheris, as fall pleafe our Soveraine Lord, and faiSarS^L'nf.^^^^ “ "P dittayoftheperfonscontravenarisofthc mlirt f ’ Courts ilk zeir, thatistofay, aneCoUrtatPafehe, and ane uther at Martinc- rxtSdedmX'te'of^Tll^i: (Providing alwaies, that this prefent Aftbenawife 15 I. FIRST TARLIAMENT. XF. of T)?cemher. 1^67. 191 ji. AnentabrogatiugofallaBescontrarietotheReligtoun. IN the Parliament halden at the 1 9. day of April, the zeir ofGod lyfi/.zeiris. The quhillt 7 die Queens Majeftie having confidered the Eftate of hir^Majefties Realm , that it ftude at , the time , fp^2frjvalfurthof/'W/ee, and zit prefently ftandis at. Fotrfeing alfwa the common weill of hircountrie ” tiimlietobeincreafed, and eftablilhed be the keiping of the common peace and quietnes , amangsall biefts; and like as hit hienes fen hir foirfaid arrival , lies attempted nathingcontrare the eftate of reli- ” ciuhilk her Majeftie fand publiklie and univetfallie ftanding , at hir arrival foirfaid , quhair by hir pon, qu is maift worthy to be ferved , honored, anJobeyed. RichtfahirHienesintendstocontinewin 1 tamin gudnes and governement, in all times cumming, quhairby all her glide fubjefts , proleflburis of 1 elbion foirfaid, fall have occafion to praife God, forhergude, happy and gratious governement. And crave of God fra the bottom of their hearts, that he wald of his inhnit gudnes, profper andblishir Marftie and hir pofterity, with lalig lile, gude and happy goyeriiement , to rule and reigne over them. A dtoriieeffeiftaifwa, that all hir Hienes gude fubjefts, proteftburis of the religion foirfaid , may afUire F mWves to be in full furetie therof , and of their landis , lives , benefices , dignities , jurifdiftions , * Viledees, guddis, fame, and honouris in time cumming. And with the better wifi jeoparde and hazard Pj” ■ jjygj and guides in her Hienes fervice , againft all enemies to hir Majeftie, and to the commoun 11 of this Realm at all times neidfull as their predeceftburs lies maift frankly done heirtofoir. And ri at without fear of any paine , punifliment , tinfell of landis , benefices, and guddis, for profelTing, exercing 'jyPjng of the faid religion, in times by-gane, and to be impute unto them, or tlieir aiues , notwithftand- ^ anvlawes, aftis , and conftitutionis , canon, civil or municipal, or uther quhat-fum-ever ordinance hlrtotoir inftitute in the connate. And for their great furety foirfaid, our Soveraine with the advife of the haill three Eftaites of this Parliament, lies thocht neidfull, and convenient to difpenfe, calTe, , 0 t and annuli, like as her Majeftie prefently difpenfis, caffis, abrogatis , and annullis all and ^ h4-fum-everlawis, afts and conftitutionis , canon , civil, or municipal with all other conftitutions and watheks penall, introduced contrair to the foirfaid religion and profeftbrs of the famin; and ordainis diem and their pofterity, in ail times to cum , to be free, and exeemed from all paine corporal , infamic, renroch depriving fra benefices , dignities, or offices, or uther crime or paine quhat-fum-ever, that may beiiicumd ' or imputed to them, be vettew of the faidis afts, lawes, ordinances, canon, civil or Mun'cipal ’andprafticque, for contravening of the famin : renunceand the famin . and flrength therof, in favons of our faidis fubjefts, to the effeft foirfaid. Andfik-like, the Qiieenis Majeftie of her authoritie rovai granted to hir be God , with the advife of the three Eftaites foirfaidis , takis to hit felfc , and her po- ftetitie all her gude fubjeas, their benefices , lands, offices, guddis, and honouris, to be under fure faifeard maintenance, proteaion, and defence petpeuially, againft quhat-fum-ever fotreine authority DOwer jurifdiaion, and perfute be it Ecclefiaftical or temporal, Exiniand hir foirfaidis fubjeas fra all ramnerance, fummoningor obedience, pretended heirafter againft them for the cauies foirfaidis Be cuhat-fum-evet forreine perfon, or uther pretendand jurifdiaion , or authoritie throw them: Willing llir fubjeas to dweU in perpetual fecutity , and quietnes witliin this Realme , be making of their maift humble and faitiifull obedience to hit Hienes and hir pofterity in all times cumming heirafter aUanerly. Like as alfwa her Majeftie (GodwiUing) in times convenient , Ml take further ordour, mail uther poynts, concerning the eftate of Religion , as may bed ferve for the glorie of God , commoun well of this Re¬ alms , and continuing of commoun peace and quietnelTe umverfalhe amangis all her fubjeas. Commanding them, and everieaneofthem, in all times heirafter, to keip mumal , petfite , and maift heartiekindnefTe. love friendlliip and Nichtboiirhead , ' ilke ane to uthets, under aU hieft pame aid charp, that heirafter may follow , for breaking of this prefent Aa of Parliament , and her Majefties maift lawfull commandement, 5 X ^fieu the renting of the ABs, maid in tbisfrefent Tarliament , and of the AB maid in our Smeralmes Grandfehirs time , anent the rayfing of fire and htrmng. The xxix. day of December, thezeirofGod, lyd/.zeires. qu^kwasthekft dayofthisPar- vifeofhis Regent, and the three Eftaites of Parliament, foirfaidis Aas of Paidiamcnc . to be authenticklie imprented : As ^wa, o>^daims the _ in out Soveraine LordisumquhiiedeareftGudfchirs Parliament, halden therein roLalfwa vember , the zeir of God i /x6, zeiris, made anent burning of ho-ufes, andutheris fpecified tlierein. to be aMwa imprenced. Swa that nane of our Soveraine Lordis liegis , may pretend ignorance of the famin. 33. i_Anent the rayfing of fire, and burning. f T E M , In the Parliament halden at Edinburgh , the xij. day of Novernber . the IThequhilkday, Anent the Artickleolflauchteris.murtlieris, burni g. , jj-- that ouha that the afts maid thereupon of before, and the auld La\ves be J'’ . /■ andlefe-maieftic cummis and burnis folkis in their houfes , and comes , and wilfull fy re-ray 1 g , ’ » „ j particular becaufe fikdeidesar exorbitant, and mair againft the common weill, “ .p. . T j,,-, - ^ • Juftjceaites. or general Jufticeaites, befetthereto, as fall pleis the Kings j ^ Ff 1 his Councel . and the 192^ KING JAMES THE SEXT die Tuftke for the time, with theit confent. Providing, rhat it fall be lefum, toonymantoperfew, follow common thieves, and rebellis to take diem. And gif diey enter in houfes, that it fallbe lawful! r invade, break or deftroy the faidishoufis, befyreorutherwife, to the intent and effeft of taking, otflavi„*' ofthefaidis thieves, orrebelles, for the quhilk there fall follow upon the doetis , na paine, accufaSon^ cryme, bot to be free theirof at all dmes. ’ FINIS. ACTS Omitted inthisFirll PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE SEXT. A Kent the dimjjim of the Crown in favoures of ourSoveraine Lard, andhisCMajeftiesCoronatimi i^nent the jurifdiBioun of the Kirk. i^nent the ACi of Parliament maid of befoir of the declaratioun of our Soveraine Lordis t^Mothirs ferfite age. t_Anent the retentioun of our Soveraine Lords CMother in frifon. Ihe declaratioun of Parliament maid to the Laird of Lochlevin, the keefing of the Kingis M(r ther in the houfi and fartalice of Lochlevin. " commijfm to certaine Lordes oj the Eftaites, to conJlderfkArtikles as or committed to them, andit report the famin againe in the nixt Parliament. ’ lAnent therefidence and fitting of the Lords ofSefiioun for miniflratioun ofjuftice, %/lnent the demolijhing of theCafielofDumhar , and Forte of Jncheheith. FINIS. the i *93 H N ARLIAM ENT O F king JAMES THE SEXT, mldm at Striviling , the xi. dme of ^uguft , i j 7 i- atid the fifth zeir of hit Relgne : Be ^ Zouimr of miememme, CMATTIlEfV Earle of LENNOX tSc. And ended the 7. day of Se ft ember filhwand their after, he JOHN Earle of tMAR, &e. Regents te his hknejfe , Realm and lieges. tA Anent the mminatim , eWim , acceftatim , and affrohatim , of the Earle of tMAR in Regent. T IS found, declared, and decerned , be our Soveraine Lord , with advife of the tliree Eftaites , and haill body of this prefent Parfiament, that the nomination, conftitution, eleftion, and ordination of the Nobill & niiditie Lord, John, Earle of MAR, Lord ERSKIN, &c. itiRe- gent to out Soveraine Lord , this his Realme and liegis theirof , during the nme of his Majefties ntitioritie and leile age , fpecified and exprefled in the Queene liis hienefle motliets letters, under hit fubfctiption andprivie- feale, of die dait the xxiij. day ofjulij, thezeiroi God, lyfiy. zeiris. Toffidder alfwa with the confent , and approbation of the Earles , Lordes, Prelates, CommffioaeresofButrowes, Bartonnes, and utherts faith- ; full fubje’fts, convecned and aflembled to that efFeft. Andtheaccepta- I tionofthefaidofficeofRegentriebethefaid Earle of MAR, upon the - - - ^ yj dxjeol September inVimt, wes, is, atidinaUtimecumming faU ba haldcn, repute, and efteemed laucii&ll, fufficient. and perfite ^ And all , and quhat-fumever things rifclAesdonc bevertewofhisfaidofficeofRegentne, fenhss acceptation thatof, or quhilkes he ' 111 ao Keirafter in om Soveraine Lordis name and aurhoride , during die time of Ins hieneiie minorme , SitatSaidCo^^^^^ fufficientHe and tickeoufly done and to Ledsereat avaiil, ftrength, force and effeft, in aU tefpefts and condinons, as ony thing done be Sat&lwerLaences Governers, or Ptoteftoures of this Realme, inthcmmontiesandlesag«ofony whetsnativePtincIsofthefame. Andtatifies, approves, and confirmes the fame nomination, ele&on. conflituEion , and acceptation for now, andinnmecumming. 5 y. Ratification of the freedme , and Bertie of the trew Kirk of God. ITEM. OurSoveraineLord, wi* advife and confent of bis faid Regent, the three Eftaites. and had! Ibodk of this prefent ParMament, hes ratified, and be this prefent aaeraofi« and appreves, all, and iliat-fumeveraftes, andftatutes made of befoit, be ourd'overameLord, or his predee^oures anent L freedome and libertie of the trew Kirk of God. and Religion , now pubkcklie ptofeiTed w.tlm tks Realme. 3«. \AmntAlknatknes, midiffofitmesofperfinesfmfalteifca^t^^ raineLerdis Father, erRegentes. item. Itisdccerned, and declared be our Soveraine Lord, with advife ofhisRyntis Grace and the IdireeEftaits. that all Alienaaones , Refignationes , dimffiones , ever, maid or to be maid, beanypctfon. orperfonesconvift. or that heiraiterfaU happen m ony w^e to be cowia , or forefalted for airtind pairt of tile tteafonabiU murthctes , and flanditens oi umqululeoutSo- veraine Lordis deareft Father, orRegentis, ofquhat-fumeveilandes. Sewages. nies, orpoffcffiones, fen the times reJfeBme , fra the commitong ttere , , foUow'ed ot felves, and of nane avaiil. ftrength, force, nor efFeft mall times cumming, with aU tliat loUow ed , ot fjlll r.n - 1 - - - «»iu vji iidiic dvdm, Akicnig!. 1 happpen to follow thereupon. Ff ? 17- Anent 194 KING JAMES THE S E X T 3 7. i^nent the Vajfalks and free tennentes , of Jik at ar forefalted in this ‘Parliament. ITEM, Itisftatute, ordained, and declared in plaine Parliament, beour JbveraineLord, with advif andconfentofhisfaidRcgent, three Eftaites, and hail! bodie of this prefent Parliament, that all n*' fones , our Jbveiaine Lordis trew and faithfull fubjeftes , quhilk hes ferved , and ferves his hienes , in 1113^' tcnanceofhisauthoritic: having landes, heritage, annual-rentes, life-rentes, penfiones, or pofleflionr quhat-fumevcr , balden of ony perlbnes , called and forefalted in this picfent Parliament , of quhat-fumev * crymes of treafon , and lele-majeftie , fall bruik and joys their tenandries quhat-lumcver , 110^*^ {landing the forefalting of tlieir fuperiouris theirof , and bald the famin of their nixt immediat fu periour. Providing alwaies , that in-cafe ony of the faidis V aifailes , or utheris that fall happen to claimc ony ben fire, be vertew of this Adi , at ony time heirafter , makedefedlionfraourjbveraine Lordis auchoritie & obedience, or cum in the connrair theirof , that they, nor naneofthem fall have, nor bruike the priviledee and benefite of this prefent A£t, and the famin fall na wife be extended unto them. “ ’ 3 8. Anent Landes , rowmes and foffejfwns halden of Frieres , this Realme. or Numtes within ITEM, For-fameikle as there ar diverfe lieges , and fubjeifle.s of this Realme , quhilkes hes fundrie landc' rowmes and pofTelfiones , obteined be them , or their predecefibutis, in fewe and heritage , ol the Pnourel or Priorefles , Mothercs, and Conventes of fundrie Frieres and Nunnesplaes, n ithin tins Realme hjl den ol them and their fuccefloures. And now fen the reiormation of Religion the faidis ftiperioures , ar for the maill part decealFed, and na uthers placed , nor to be placed in their rowmes , fwa that within fchott fpace, they fall all decay, quhairthrowthcairisofthefaidisfeweris, and uthers heritable tennentes ofthe faides places , fall get nacntrie to tlieir la.nds and heritages, halden of Frioures and Nunnes. For temeid tliereof , it is llatute and ordained in this prefent Parliament , that all perfones , fe ' eris or heritabill tennents of fik Frioures and Nunnes places, and their aires after the deceafe , decay or inlaik of their faid fuperiours liald, and fall hald their fewes, and tenandries ofthe famin , ofourSovetaine Lord, and his fucrelTotires' in all times cummingfik-like, and as freely as they held the famin , of the places foirfaidis , Prioures, Prio- ' redes, or uthers being theirin for the time. And the few mailles fervices and dewties fpecified , and con- i reined in their inleftments, topcrteinetoourd’overaineLord, andhisfuccefiburs, to be intrometted , up- taken, and difponed at their pleafurei And that the aires of the faidis tewares, and heritabill tennentes foirfaidis , fail enter to their fewes and tenandries , be brieves of our d’overaine Lordis Chappell fik-like and alsfreehe, andinthefaminmanerasthelewares, andheritabill tennentes of our J'overaine Lordis proper- tie, in all times cuinming. ‘ ‘ 39. r^nent alienatioties , and uthers dijiofftones , maid be ony Burgejfes , within this Realme, that hes maid defeflion, fratbe Kings anthoritie. ITEM, Our Soveraine Lord, with advife and confcntofhis faid Regent, the three Eftaites and haill bodie ofthrs prefent Parliament, hesftatute, ordained, decerned, anddeclared, that all and fundrie a- Iienations, mfignations and uthers difpofitions , quhat-fumevet maid , and given in ony wife be ony per¬ fones Burgefles or inhabitantes, widiin die Burgh of or ony uthers Burrowes of this Realme quhtlks hes maid defeaion ira our Soveraine Lordis authoritie , and aftifted and taken part with the confpira- tours declared Iraitours, to on v perfon or perfones , fen the committing ofthe faidis erimes be them , or ony of them, ofquhat-fumever their landes, heritages, offices, takkes, fteadinges, rowmes or polTcfli- ons quhat-fum^ever, ar and fall be m time cumming, null in themfelves, and of naneavaill ftrenath, force, nor efted. ’ ° 40. That na fchipfes faill , without our Soveraine Lordis Cocqtiet. j Soveraine Lord, his Regent foirfaid, the three Eftaites , and haill body ol this prefent Parliament, that na Schippes pafle loorth of this Realme, to the Realme of trance , or ony others pairtes , without our Soveraine Lordis Coequet. 41. ^>tnt Kirk-men that hapfinnis to be jlaine in our Seweraine Lordis firvice , indefenfi of his hienes autboritie. r T EM , Our Soveraine Lorde with advife of his Regents Grace , the three Eftaites , and haill body of this 1. prefent Parliament , hesftatute mid ordained, that in cafe ony our Soveraine Lordes trevv lieges, bene- ficed men happinnis to be hurt, ftayne or wounded to the death, and thereafter ofthe faidishurtes, or woundestodieinourSoveraineLordesfervice, and in defence of his Authoritie, atonytime, againft the fotelalted and declared Iraytours, prefently being within the Caftell and Burgh of and utliers his Majefties open and maniteft enemies, refifters and confpiratours againft his hienes authoritie, duriij 1 SECON'D ¥ ARLI AMENT. XXFIII. of iMugiifi. 1571. '9? timeoftheopenandmanifeftrefiftancedieteto: thattheneateft of the faid Beneficed mennes kyn . * 11 fiaualified, fall have the prefentation , provifton and collation of his benefice , forthat timeal'aner- jbill and difponed to the neareft of his kyn , that happenis to be (layne , or deceafe , in manet o beiM alwaies abill and qualified therefore , as laid is. And the profites of their benefices , with the !““r’r;a1Ueon the around, with tire annattlieiraftet. topetteinetothem, and their executors, alfweill frunsipea ^ Kirk-men. j^bbottes , Jnent the waird , rekifand (Mariate of them , that fall happen to be flajtte m our Soniera'me Lories Jervke , in defence of his Mgejliesauthoritk. Item My Lord Regentis Grace , with advife of tlft three Eftaites , and haill body of this prefcnt Pat- r ment lies ftatute and ordained , chat in cafe ony Earles, Lords, Barroniies, Free-halders ,Landed- '* Gentle-men , or ony utlier perfon or perfoiies , tall happen to be flayne , hurt or wounded to the ? tfli a-nd theirafter of die faid Iiurtes to die , at ony dme , in defenfe of our Soveraine Lordis authoritie , linft certaine his forefalted and declared trakoures , prefentlie being within the Caftell and Burgh of Edt^ TIa and uthers his Majeftses open and manifeft enimies , refUlers and confpiratours againft his hienefle .rfiodtie duringailthetimeoitheoppenandmaniteftreftftaiicetheirto: I hat their aite or aires , falihave AHrWard none-eatries, releife, and manage free, ofour Soveraine Lord, difpeiifind with then: mino- Wrieandieifeaae, quhateild that ever they be of: without payment of ony teynd penny, or uther i>rofice Tirfoit And fik^iike , of ail utliets Lordcs Spitituall and 1 emporal! , baith of vaffal es and fubvaffalles. Pro? dine that the aires foirfaids, perfewaotfobteineentres of their Oveilordes , within tlwee termesaf- i-pfrl-iedeceafeoftheir Fathers, otquhat-fumeveruthetperfones, quliom to they at to iu^ede,^fot the raufcsfoirfaidis. Andgifthefaidisairesbeoflefleage, within tuEorie, andbeis not eetred to their landes fnd heritage faefoir their age of xiiij. zeires , quliilk may be throw negligence of theit tutouK , and utliers Ti ffienl. Our Sovecai^ Lord priviiedgis and graunts to them , tliac they may enter wtthui tltr* temes nixtaftettheitcompleit^e of xiiij. zeires, as faid is, and this to bfe extended to the iMdiat aire, riiat is to fucceedetodieperioa, that happinnis to deceafe, during the time and m manerfoitfaid. Anibecatrfe it may happen the perfon., or petfones that happinnis to deceafe in dtis manet, and during the time fottM, XeSaa iaudiM bairnes of their bodies by the aire : 1 heirto.r otdaines', that the ptofitcof the Ward- Lndes be tane their Mothers (gif there be na Tutours Teftametitares) als lang as fte ranaynes Widow andfattleingchcreof, berheneareft, and iauchfuU Tutours of the faid bairms, to be diftnbutcd £0 die fuftentaaon of the aire , and to the ntilitie and profile of the remanent hs bretlieten and lifters to die nerfit aee of the faid air or sites. That is to fay , gif the aires be male , of xxj. z«ns , and gtf they be female, riiij. ziris, theprofiteof thefaidsairismariage beingay freetohim^ The Mother. “Go¬ vernor find andfuffidentcautionbefoir the Lords, that they fall make compt, rectomng , and payment ofdidtintromiffionbefoirtheLordsofCouncell, or i.uhe checker ze.rly : and gif theains of thathaocinaistodie as faid is, have ony fewes, that they enter fik-hke to dipr few landes. lialdenof whatfuTOverperfoMsd’piriniaB. orXempotaM, witliinthetctmesfokfaidis, without ony payment of the double of the few. 43. Anent fofejfmes. T T E M , Our Soveraine Lord .with advife of my faid Lord Regents Grace , the three Eftaites .and haiil i body of this prefem Parliament , lies ftatute , and ordained , that in cafe any Earle ^rd Batron F ree- lialder ValTafl, Jub-vaffall, Fewares, Maiilercs, Takkif-men, 1 eiinaits , Remcllers pc fleflours , ot commounes hapnerastobehaite, flain, or wounded to the death, and theirafter of the faidis torts , or woundcs to die in lux Soveraine Lords fervice . and in defenfe of his authorme ’ “ S hisforefalted and declared traytours (prefentliebeingwitomtheCaftellandBurehotirfcwMcrf/s) Scutiie s hisMajeftiesopen, and man Jft enemies, «fift«sandconfpiratoursagainfthish(mefteau^^^ aUdietimeoftLopcnandmantfeftrefiftancetheirto: that their aires, liavctheitawinWairdes. reiiefes and marriages , in their awmhandcs, “bedifpMedAcremon, y fall think expedient. And fik-iike . dieirwives, bairnes. kes. fteadia^es, townies, andpoffeffiones, alfweill of Kirk-mennes , as Centric enteithereto, and remay ne tli«ewith freelie, fortliefpaceoffivezeiris, wi ” fxrend udok Kirk- filver : Payand allanerlie mailies and dewries ufed and wount. And this Aiftalfw i P® mennes, as Temporahmennes vaffalles , as upon our Soveraine Lordis. N S. i^mes omitted in this fecond Tarliamsnt. fit tk efshmet vf ftrfms, (mming to tht ehtdientf.^ ^ THE 196 KING. JAMES THE S E X T THE T H R I D PARLIAMENT Halden at Edinburgh, the XXVI. daieofjamiar, the zeir of God , zeires • Be JAMES the Sext , be the Grace of God , Kino of SCOTT ES ; with advife andconfentof JAMES, EarkofCMO RTOVN, LordTiALKETTH, Qjc. Regent to hU (Majeftie, his Realme and lieges. Anent the afprobatm and confirmation of the Regiment. .HE quhilkdayitisfundin, declared and decerned, be our Soveraine Lord , with advife of the three Eftaites , and haill body oi this prefent Parliament , that the no mination, conftitution, eledion and ordination , oftheNobiil and miehtie Lord y^^JAMES, Earle of Lord , &c. In Regent to oiir Soveraine #jLotd, his Realme, and lieges thereof, during the time of his Majefties Minoritie ^'andlelTeage. Togidder with the confent and approbation, oftheEarles, Lordes Prelates, CommiflionersofBurrowes, Baironnes, and iither faithfull fubjefles’ convened and alTembled tothateffeft. And the acceptation of the fold office of “yRegentrie, bethefaid JAMES oi Mortoim , upon of No. vembetlaflbypaft, was, is, and in all time ciinuning fall be halden, repute and efteemed lauchfull , fufficient, andperfire. And all, and quhat-fumever things , quhilks hee lies done be vertewofthefaideofficcofRegentrie, fen the acceptation thereof , or quhilks he fall do heiraftcr, incut Soveraine Lordis name and authoritie , during the time of liis hienes minoritie , to be as dewlie . lauchfullic fiifficientlie, and richteoufly done, and to have als great availl , ftrength, force and effeft, inallrefperts and conditions , as any thing done be quhat-fumever Regentes , Governours or Protcdlours of this Redmc in the minorities and lelfe ages of ony uthers native Princes of the famin. C^hilkes confirmation nomi¬ nation, eledfion, conftitution, acceptation, aftes and proceedings : Ourfaid Soveraine, with advife & confentofthefaidesthree Eftaites, and haill bodieoftliis prefent Parliament, ratifies, appreves and con- firmes , for now and in all time cumming. ’ 4f- Tapiftes relapfi, and Not-communicantes , fvld be admonijhed , and they, remayning obfiinate ar infamous. ITEM, For-fameiklc as there was aneAtftemaide in the Parliament, halden in the firftzeir of our SO- V E R A I N E L O R D I S Regent that now is , Intitulat ; Anent the trew andhalie Kirke , a,M theme that ar declared not to be of the fame Kirke. Qithilk Aft , our Soveraine Lord , with advife and con- fentofhisRcgentis grace, the three Eftaites , and haill body of this’prefent Parliament , ratifies apprevis and for his hienefie and his fuccelTours , perpetually confirmes. And feeing the education of our Soveraine Lord, is in the trew Religion of Jefus Chrift, and that the famin Religion be Lawes and Afts of Parliament made in his hienefle Reigne , is eftabliihed : and that it is baith godlie and expedient , that all his hieneffe fub’ jeftes , worlhip the only trew God , in the uniformitie of Religion , and his hienes obedience Therefore It is ftamte and ordained, be ourfaid Joveraine, with advife of his faid Regent, the three Eftaites and haill body ofthis prefent Parliament, that the lauchfullArch-bifchoppes, Bifehoppes, Super-intendentes , and and Commiffioneres of Dioccfes , and Provinces of this Realme , be themfelves , and the Minifters and Rea¬ ders, fervingattheKirkes, within their charges , refbeBrve , with all diligence, after the publication of this prefent aft, note the names of the perfons, afweill men as wemen , fulpefted to be or that hes not communicate with the Sacramentes, asdieyar now trewlie miniftrat, in the refornKd Kirkes of this Realme, and with the like diligence , lauchfullie admonilh them , according to the ordour of the Kirk. Andmcafe, they befoorthofthe Realme, upon threefcoir dayes warning, to recant their Papifticall et- routs, give their Confeffion of their faith, according to the forme approved , in our Soveraine AordisPar- liament , be participant with the Sacramentes , and fubmit themfelves to the difeipline of the trew Kirk , with¬ in certaine reafonable fpace , under the paine of excommunication. Andiftheyfailzie, to pronunce tlie feiuencc oi excommunication againft them. And in cafe of the contumacie and none-comperance , of ony perfones, Iwaadmonilhed, or compeirand , gifthey refufe to obey the admonition : Or quha hes returned to their ertoures, rfter tlieir confeffion anes given , thateverielauchfullArch-bifchop, Bifehop, Super-in- tendentorCommiffioner , prefent ane Roll and Catalogue , of the names of the difobedientes , obftinat, or rclapk per ones, to out Soveraine Lord, and his Regent, betuixtandthefirftdayofjulijnixt-to-cum, to die effeft that the famin may be imprented , divulgat , and affixed on tlie Tol-buith oi Edinburgh . & iitliers lol-buithes, andpubhckplacesofjudgement, within this Realme , under the paines following : Tliatis THRIT) TARLIAMENT. XXVI. of Jmmr. IX7^. J97 to fay, eyerie Atch-bifcliop or Bifchoppe, that fall be found temifle, or negligent therein, be the genet all ^mblieofthe Kirk, under the paineoftynfell of the fruites of his benefice, fotane zeit to our Soveraine Lordisufe, and eyerie Super-intendent or Commiffioner under the paine of tynfell of his ftipend , for anc zeiralfwa, to out Soveraine Lordisufe, and removing ofhimfoorth of his office, and facing of anc uthet niair diligent therein. And that the difobedient , obftinat, and relapfc perfones , to be contcined in the faid Catalogue (after the publication thereof) fall be halden , repute, and eftcemed infamous , and un.. abill to fit or ftand in Judgement , perfew, beare office, norfall not be admitted, aspteves, witnedes, oraffifoutes, againftonyprofeffing the trew Religion, ayand quhillthey havereconcMthemfelvestothe tteweKirk, fubmittingtiiemfelvestothe difeipiine thereof, and obteine Tcftimoniall thereupon, quhilfc inhabilitie, being alleged againfl: ony Judges principal! , or deputes, members of Court , officietes, par¬ ties, ot procuratotes , peifones of inqueft, or witnefles, fall be relevant exception of the Law, tode, dyne them fra Judgement, office, perfute, procuration, inqueft, orbearingwitnefle, without they then prefendie produce fuffidentteftimoniall, witnsffing them to be received, as members of the trew Kirk. As yfwa the depute of the Judge principal!, quhaisthe excomrnunicate , ortheprocuratour, quha will com- peir for the Excommunicate, fall notbelufferedtoproceede, nor heard in Judgement ( the Excommuni¬ cation being opponed and verified , againft the maker of the depute , or conftituant of the Procurator) except that the principall be quiiome they proceede, or ufe their Procuration, firft be received to the Kirk , and have fuffidentteftimoniall thereupon. And that the faid exception, be not admitted, againftony, quhilk, fallnotbefpecialliecomprehendedinthefaidCatalogue. Andincafethe Judge prooeed, notvvithftanding die faid exception, the Yaijiin being lauchfulli® proponed , and ratifyed, be the Catalogue forefaid , fik contempteous proceeding, teftifyedbeansinfttument, and produced before the Lotdes of Councell, /-^ll be ane fufficient caufe of fufpcnfion, and difclmtge of the Execution of thedect^it, to bee givej^n that matter. ' 46. All EakfiaftUall perjmies fidd fubfirive the mnfeffm of the Faith. OfHeretkkis. ITEM, For-fameikleastheconfervation, and purgation of the Religion, cliieflyperteincstotheChti-. ftian Princes and Godlie Kings, Rewlers, andMagiftrats; andthatitis maift requifite, that the Kirk witliiii tips Realme , be fetved be Godlie petfones of found Religion , obedient to the authoritie of the Kings Majeftie, oitt Soveraine Lord: Itisth?itfoirfonduded, ftatute and ordained, hehisMajeftie, withadvife of his Regent, thetlifeeEftaites, and hail! bodieofthisprefent Parliament: Thateverie petfon, quhafaU. pretend to be an Mipifter of Gods word and Sacraments : Or quha prefentlie dois , or fall pretend to have, and bmikony Benefice, ufe of fruites, ftipend, penfion, or potrion footth of Benefice, and ar not alteadie under the difeipiine ofthe trew Kirk, and participates not with the Sacraments theirof, fall in the prefence cftheArch-bifchop, Super-intendent, otComniiffionerofth^Diocefe, or Province quliair he hes, or fall have the EcclefiafticaU living, give his aflenc, andfubferive the Artickles of Religion, conteined in the Aftesofour Soveraine Lords Parliament, and give his aith for acknowledging, andrecognofeingof our So- veraineLord, and his authoritie , and fall bring ane tcftimoniall in writing thereupon. And openly on fiim Sunne-day , in time of Sermone , or publick prayers in the Kirk , quhait be reafon of his EcclefiafticaU living, heauclit toattend, or ofthe fruites quhairof be receives commoditie, teadebaiththe teftimoniall and con- feffion; and of new mak the fhid aith, within the fpace of ane Moneth, after tStc publication of this ptefenr Aft. And gif he be foortb ofthe Realme, within threefcoirdayes after the publication heirof. And in time cumming, within ane Moijetli after his admiffion, under the paine that everieperfon that fall not do, as is above appoynted, fall be, iffifalto, deprived, and all his EcclefiafticaU promotions and living, fall be va- cand, as giflie war then naturallie dead. And gif ony petfon Ecclefiafticali, or quhilk fall have Ecclefiafli- callliving, fall wiUfulliemaintene ony doftrine, direftlie conttair or repugnant, to ony of the faidis Ar¬ tickles: and being convened and called, aslbllowes, iiiUperfift therein, and not revoke his error, or after his revocation , fall of new affirms fik untrew doftrine , fik mainteining , affirming and perfifting, fall be juft caufe, to deprive him ofhis EcclefiafticaU living. Anditfallbclauchlulltothem, befoirquhome heiscal- led and convened , to deprive him. Quhillcfeni^nceofdeprivationpronounced.hefallbedeptived indeede, and his living vacand , asgifhewacnacuralliedeade. And that all Arch-bifclioppes, Bifclroppes, ‘yttpEt- intendencs, Poflefeures, or Titulares of Prelacies be called , and convened for this effeft , befoir the general! afiemblie of the Kirk , and all inferiour perfones befoir the Arph-bifehoppes , Bifehoppss , Supet-intendentes, or Commiflionercs of the piocefe or provinces , witliin die quliilkes diey dwell, 47. Adverfaries ofthe trew Religion, armtJuhjeBstotheKing, Of\^foftatM. Item, For-famejjde as there hes bene great rebeUion, and difobedience againft our Soveraine Lords aiuhority in time by-paft, and feeing the caufe of Gods trew Religion , and his hiei^ne autliontie loirfaid, arfajoyned.'astliehurtoitheane, is common to baith. It is theitfoit declared, ftatute and or¬ dained, be out Soveraine Lord, widi adviie and confent of his Regentis Grace, witli theffirecEftaites , and hail! bodieofthisprefent Parliament: That nane fall be repute as loyal! , and faithfull fubjectes to outlaid 198 KING JAMES THE SENT Sovcraiiic Lord, or his authoritic, hot be punifhablc, as rebellares, and gaine-ftanderes of the fainin qiihilk fall not give their ConfelTion, and make their profeflion ofthefaidettew Religion. And that allfi);’ as makisproftffion thereof, and 2it lies maid defeftion fra their dewe obedience, auchtto our Sovcraine I.ord, fallbeadmonilhedbethePaftoursandMiniftersoftheKirk, to acknowledge their offenfe , and rc. tunic to their dewtiftill obedience: and gif they failzie therein , to be excommunicate and fecluded , from thefocictieofthcKirk, as rebellious and corrupt members , betuixt and the firft day ofjunij nixt-to-cum And that alwaics , bcfoit fik perfonnes as lies maid defeftion , be received to our Soveraine Lordfs mercie aiicj favour: they fall give the Confedion oftheir Faith of new, and promife to continew in the Confedion of the trewe Religion , intimccumming, mainteiiie our Soveraine Lordis authoritie : and that th^- fall at the ut- tcrniaift of their power , fortifie , adift and mainteine the trew Preachoures and profeflburs of Chrifls Rclj. gion. againftquhat-fumeverenimies, and gaine-ftanderes of the famin : Andnamelie, agginft all fik o[ c|uli.ic-ftniiever Nation , Eftaite or degree they be of, that lies joyned , and bund themfelves , or lies adifted oraiTiftcs to fet forward, and execute the cruell decreittes of the Councell ofTre/;?, (quhilk niaift injuriou! die is called be the adverfaries of Gods truth, the Haly League) contrarie the Preachoures , and trew pro. fedburs of the Word of God. 48. The explanation of the iMSi maid anent CManJes and Glebes. ■ Orfanieiklc as be aft of Parliament, halden and begunne at Edinburgh, the fourth day of Junij , the n zcircofGod, anc thoufand , fivehundreth, thteefcoirthreezeires ; It was ftatute , and ordained that na Parfon , Vicar, nor uther Ecclefiafticall perfon , fuldfetinfew, orlaiigtakkes, ony of their Man- fes , or glebes perteining to the Kirkes. And alfwa that they that ar appoy nted , or to be appoynted to ferve orMinirtetatony Kirk, wirhin tliis Realme , fuldhavetheprincipallManfcoftheParfoncor Vicar: or fa- niciklc thereof, as fuld be fund fufficient, for ftaiking of tliem, to the efleft that they may the better await upon the charge appoynted , or to be appoynted to them , whither the faides glebes wer fet in few, or takkc of bclore , or not: Or that ane reafonabill and fufficient houle , werbiggedtothembefidc thcKirke, betheParfoneor Vicar , oruthershavandtliefaidisManfesin few, or long takkes. And far¬ ther , famcikic land to be annexed to the faidis dwelling places , of them that ferves , or Miuifters at tlic Kirk, as thereafter, withgudeadvifement, fuld be appoynted, like as the faid aft, at mair' length , ptoportis. Qiihilk being in divers pairtes doubtfull and incertaine, na gudde execution lies followed thereupon , in time by-paft. TherefoteourSoveraineLord, witliadvifeofmy Lord Regents grace, the three Eftaites, and haill body of this prefent Parliament , findis and declaris , that the Manfes , outlier perteining to the Parfone or Vicar, maifteweft to the Kirk, and maift commodious for dwelling, petteines and fall perteine, to the Miniftet or Reader, ferving at the famin Kirk : Togitlier with lour actes of land of the glebe at leaft, lymA contigue , or maifteweft to the faid Manic, gif there be fa-meikle : And failzeing thereof, fa-mciklc as there is; to be marked, andfpecialliedefignedbe the Arch-bifehop , Bifcliop, Super¬ intendent, orCommiftionerof the diocefe ot province, the time of their nixt vifitation, bethcadvifeof ony twa of the maift honeft and godlie of die Parochiners , quhilkes he fall require (not being polTef fours of the faid Manfes or glebes themfelves) tojoyne with him in execution hereof, whither the faidis Manfes and glebes be fet in few , ortakkes ofbefoire, otnot. Anduponthefaidmarking anddefignation, the Arch-bilchop , BifcIiM, Supcr-intendent, orCommiflioner, fall give liisreftimoniaU, beating, how he with advifcol fik twa of the Parochiners, lies vifited the Manfe and glebe, offikanKirk, andfindk the famin occupyed be fik perfoncs. And that they have appoynted, marked, and dellgned the faid Manfe, wiihfoiirc acres, or fik quantitie of land adjacent thereto , totheufeoftlieMinifter, or Reader, that fall fcivc and Minifter at the faid Kirk, in time cumming. And upon the Minifters or Readers llipplication, c u.iair withall the faid teftimoniallfall be ptefented to the Lordesof Councell , letters fall be directed , chan'- ingthcocctipyars, andpodeUbursofthe faidis Manfes and acres of land, whither the famin befecinfew or takes of Ixfore, or not: to remove, defift and ceafe theirfra, and enter the faid Minifter ot Reader, to the pol lelfion of the famin , within ten dayes , under the paine of rebellion , and gif they failzie , to put them to the home. And in cafe they be denunced , letters of caption , and uthers executoriiles to be I rbcm , according to the Lawes of this Realme. Qiihilkes Manfes and acres ofland fa marked, and cleftgned , as faid is, it fall not be leafum to the Minifters, or Readers prefent, or to cum, to fell, an- nalic, let in few, ortakkes, ortoputonyinpolleflkinofthefamin, in prejudice of their fucceflburs : hot fticlamiiuo remainealway«freetotheufeandeafementoffik, asfall be admitted to ferve, and Minifter at the laicl Kirk. And quhair ony petfones upon pretence offewes or takkes, obteined of Manfes or Glelies, hes maid lumpmous biggings thereon, fra die quhilks they think hcavie to be difpoffefled , ot removed , that then the Arch-bifchop, Bifehop, Super-intendent ot Commilfioner , the time of their vifitation , travell to a^rcc the fewer or takkef-man and the Minifter or Reader , be delivering to the famin Minifter or Reader of ane udier Manfe, quhilk fall be als gude , and eweft as the uther , be juft eftimation , tbc timcdiat It was fet m few, ot takkes: tobebiggedbwuixtthisandthefirftdaye of Oftober nixt-to-cuni: togiddcr aliwa with certaine acres of land adjacent thereto, m maner forefaid, for efehewing of debait and contention. Bot gif the fewer , or takkef-man , refufis willingly to condifeend to the famin , then the execution to proceed , for removing fra the ptincipall Manfe , & fa manie acres ofland , as is before Ijiccified , not- HRIT) PARLIAMENT. XXVI. of Jamar. 199 notwithftandingonybiggingesmaae, or to be maid thereupon. Providing aKvayes, thatfa-mcikleol the few maili be deduced to the perfon or perfones , to quhom the faidis Manfes or Glebes is fet in k\v, feamdum ratam: andfik-like, that the fewer nave fufficientaftioii, againftthefetcarof the faid Manfe and Glebe, for-fameikle entres filver, as he payed to the fetter the time of the fetting thereof, fecmdum ratam, as faid is. 49. Pofejfms of hew fee's . or uther Ecdefiafikall rents tines tlxlr life-reut , being zeir and day at the Horne. FOrfameikle, asbetheLawesofthisRealme, fpedally be aft of Parliament, halden in the Reigne of siraquhile King JAMES thefifth, our Soveraine Lordis Gudfehir , ofwotdiiememorie: Itisfound, thattheufeititimesbyganehesbene, that the mailles and dewties, ofthelandes of them, that lies bene zeir and day at the home, halden ofutherSuperiours then the King, returned againe to the fuperiours of tliefaraiiilaiides, for the life-time of them that fuftenedfikprocefle of home, zeir and day, as laid is, ex¬ cept crimes of treafon and lefe-majeftie . and that ther law fuld fa be interpreted and ufed, like as at mair length , is conteined in the famin aft. Quhilk lies bene great feare and terrour to all lietitoures of landcs , to incut the feidprocefle of horning, during the time foirfaid, and tlierefoir for faiftie of their life-rent , lies done diligence , and ufed all good meanes to obteine themfelves fpedelie relaxed , when ever they happened to incut the faid paine: zit becaufe the Law was not equall, at leaft had not received the like execution, againftthepofleflouresot Benefices, Penfions, Portions, or uther Ecdefiafticall rentes : Tliegreatcon- tetnpt of horning, lies bene in lik perfones, quliilkes thinking their livings in na danger, throw tlieir difo- bedience, continued in their tebellioa, and ufed na diligence to get themfelves relaxed, quhilk maid the faid paine of horning contemptibill in times by -pall. F or remeid of the quhilk abiife lieirafter : Our Soveraine Lord, with advifeofhis Regents grace, the three Eftaits, and liaill bodie of tliis prefent Parliament, de¬ dans, ftatutis, andordainis, that gifonypoflefloutes of benefices, penfions, portions, or uther fikEc- clefiafticall tents, being ordourtie denunced rebelles , and put to the Horne, remaines tlieirat, attour die fpaccofzeirandday , they fall theirbytyne their life-rent of their benefices, penfiones, portiones, or uther Ecdefiafticall rents, fik-like and in the famin maner, astlietemporallmen, and hetitours of landes dois, and according to th® aft maid in out Soveraine Lordis deareft Gudlchits Reigne. 50. Affrobatimiof the i_ABes and proceedings , done in the name and Authoritie of our Smeraine Lord , and of tlx invalidilie of all things attemptea in the contrair. ’T’ ORS AMEIKLE, as fen the coronation ofthe Kings Majeftie our Soveraine Lord, divers rebellious Jp infurreftioncs , treaflbnabill confpitacies , open hoftilities , anddifobediences, lies bene rayfed againft his hienes authoritie and Regentes, tending to the fubvetfion of Chrifts Religion, the depofing of his Maje¬ ftie from liis Roy ail Crowne, and the confufion of the haill Eftait of the commounweilloi tliisRealme, For refiffing and repreffing of the quiiilkes treaflbnabili , rebellious ) and dangerous intetpryfes , and fafetie , ana prefervation of out Soveraine Lords innocent perfon , his Regents, Nobilitie and Eftaites, profefling liis obedience , lies bene oft times confttayned to ufe tlieprocefle. Judgement, andtxKu- tion of liis hienefle Lawes : as alfwa force and hoftilitie againft his Hienefle declared traytouts , rebel¬ lious and dtfobedient fubjeftes, their affifters and partalcers. Tlierefoire, it is ftatute and ordained be out Soveraine Lord , with advife of his Regents grace , the three Eftaites , ai^ haill bodie of this prelcnt Parliament, tiiat all procefles , Judsementes , and Executions of his hienefle Lawes , led, given and maid, in his Majefties name, criminaliie orcivillie, fen his hienefle Coronation forefaid, outlier m Parliament , privie Couiicell , Juftice courts , Seffion , and Collcdge of Juftice , Checker , or e- forc die Schireffes , Stewatdes, Baillies, Proveftes, Aldermen , and Badlies of Burrowes, and uthers Judges and Miiiifters of Lawes quhat-fiimever. And all deedes of hoftilitie , in rayfing and com u 1 on of men of weir , battalles, confliftes and utlietwayes, ciiinzieing of money , taking ancliortincation of Townes, Caftelles, Palices, Places. Houfes, and Policies: Burning, deftruftion, and deniolilchnig thereof; Intelligences, Treaties and Conttaftes maid widi quhatfumever forreyn Pnnees , or their Lieu- tennentes, orMinifters: Inbringing offtrangersintlieTownes, and utliers partes of tms Rcalme, iiitro- milTion widi money , munitiones , and movabill guddes , uptaking of rentes , t^ing and deteming o prifoners , ranfounes, buytinees, rayfing of taxes , impofitions, and urhers quhat-iumever , out Soveraine Lordis Regents? Nobility .and uthers fubjefts , profefling his obedience, againft tlielaidis declared Traitoutes, rebeUes, otdifobedientfubjefts, their affifters and partakers quliat-fumevet, at ony hme fen our Soveraine Lord4 Coronation , and before they obteined remiffions therefore , as ** * intromiffion with ony of their livings , guddes, geir, plenifliiiges , and udiets being wit iin leiri , or upon their iandes or rowmes , notwithflanding quhat-fiimever affignation , tiaU , or ony uther perfones may acclayme or pretend thereto, and all that followed , <^fai ^ i r n- thereupon, liesbene, is, and in all time cumming fall be repute, halden, and efteeme ’ „ . -ji. done , and as gude and profitabill fervice for his Majeftie , tending to the prefervation ot the EUait ot v,nriui- an Religion, the Royall perfon and Crowne of our Soveraine Lorde, re ' efifting and repreffing of liis faidis lebcl- ^oo KING JAMES THE S E XT rebellious and inobedientfubjefts, and quyeting of the country. And that the faidis Regents and Nobilit; and ucheris fubjeifts , their alTifteris and partakeris . fall incurre na skaith or danger thairthrow , in their net’ foncs, landes, or guddes, nor fall not be called, noraccufedforthefamin, criminalbenorcivillie, been manner ofway in time cumming. Difchargeing be this prefent Aft , all and findrie his Majeftics'judoes^ and Miniftcris of his Lawes prefent , and to come thereof, and of their offices in that part for ever, Xi d this Aft to be amplie extended and interpreted , in the favoures of all fik , as profefled our Soveraine Lordis Authoritie and obedience, againft them quhilkis were difobedient thereto, their affifters and partakers And in like maner , it is declared and decerned be our faid Soveraine Lord , his deareft Regent , the three E ftaitcs and haill body of this prefent Parliament , that all pretended Procelfe , Judgementes and executiones of Lawes criniinall, or civil! , outlier in pretended Parliaments, Councell, or before Schirefi'es , Stewar dcs, Baillies, Proveftes, Aldermen, Baillies of Burrovves , or uthers Judges , or Minifters of Lawes qnhatfumever, inname, or by cullour of onyuther authoritie, fen our Soveraine Lordis Coronation fore- laid, lies bene, is, and in all time cumming , fall be repute, haldenandelleemedasunlauchfull, ufurped vainc , and ol na force , ftreneth , nor effeft : and to have na maner execution , for any time by-gane , or to cujn , without any procefle of reduftion. f I . t^fiient pircbajing of the Tapes Bulks , or giftes of the ^teene our Sever abie Lordis CMother. FOr-fa-meiklc ,asbeAftofParliament,haldenat£ T ARLI AMENT. XXVI. W«41es , ^ at npw petfewand die faidis lands , for them, notwishftandiug. they aid?mo!iflicd;an4bumt. asfaidis Therefore, out jjhadvifcandcoBfea£QfhisB.8gaitsGtafe, tlf?, tbr^e Eftaites, and haill bodie of this Soverauie .^t j^^^j.:5j^f3yj^jnd,si,uinta!iddsnwliflied,, a?faidis, mot to be oblilhed to make prclcuti amiualles awand foorth thereof, bet; th? famin to be defalked, according to the cwnpleit p y ■ c pavment of the ann«alles;awatid foorth ofthelands, lyand withmthefaid f7“liofb:foTr!bethepo7verof£y<*^^^ And the parties awneris of ieldisamuial-rents, not to have farther aftion , but according to die aGe of Parliamm maidanentthe I vmeTcofamiU Semg the d«;molmonfo,rfa.d isdonebeoui f Lordis declared Traytours , quliilkisalike to the perfonnes damnaged , as gif the famin had bene doiXfotKioeemmies. Providing dl ad extend to nane, bot to fik as affifted and tuke part with our Soveraine tord , during the time of thit kittroubles , and continues therein. j9. i^nent. the tr.mjporting of forbidden gufldes out of this Realm. tTEM It is ftatute and ordained, be out Soveraine Lord, wi& ad¥ifeaiidcoi^nt<)f.his Regies Graix, I Ltteee Eftaites ^ andhaili bodie ofthisprefent Parliament, that the ate and ftatutes, maid, of befoir. infthecaryingofforbiddenguddesfoorthoftlusRfite^^^^ Andfik-like LfnaneoltliefubjeftsofdiisReaime, takeuponhand, to carry or mnfport foordrofthis Anaiu^ iiNc, “ T CijnHpl nr iitlier Talloun aishat-uim-cver. elui3iectsoiuu3i\ciuuic, — j— - - Rie^oi/ymaner of tinning aaich;U^^^ maid Candel, or u*er TaUoun quhatWwrj catting buttef, cheefe, barkedhydes, ormaidfehoone, under the pame of efcheittheteof, andthehaiU remaiKM guddes of the buyers , and tranfporters thereof , to out Soverame Lords ufe. 6o; Herring and quhite fifth, fuld be brocht to free Tories withinthe Realme. TTEM Fot.fa-meikleasitisheavielycomplened, how that die haill flayers ofaU tod of fifcheswitlm Ithis^ime notteFatdingtheAaesmaidbeourSoveraineLotdisdeareftPredeceiroursofbefotr,quliiik h iMorenherringlndclite-fift rf^ey auck to bring die famin to the nutt adjacent Burrowes IndToXs Sfttiepelnes flayers thereof, dweUes. to theefe befirftferved^ and gif abundance occurred, that they micht be faked, andtianfp^ed, befteeBu^elfe. Throw none-doing ifehe quhilk , our Soveraine Lord is eteadie defrauded of liis cuftomes , and liis Hienefle licgEswamstheftuitoftheSea, appoynted be God for their nurifehement. and the Burgefles andfree-men thdj. oroutwiththefamin,withintheFitdies.bringthemtofreePortes.thetetoke&u^ to all our Soveraine Lordis lieges, and the reft to ftee-men , quliaithy his Majefties Cuftomes b* ed, andliisHieneffeliegesnotfmftratofdiecommoditie appoynted to them be God, confifcatioii. andtinfelloftlicvefcliellesofthem, diatcummesittdieconttairheirof, andefcheittingotall their movabil guddes , to our Soveraine Lords ufe. F I N t S. JBe emitted in this fourth T ARLI AMENT. iAbent the hame bringing k-like, that na handie-labouting . nor woorking, be ufed on the Sabboth-day , nor na gamming Hh 1 and KING JAMES THE S E XT xo8 andplaying, paflTingtoTavernesand Aile-houfes, orfellingofmeatotdrink, or wilful! remainiugfr 1 Paroche Kirk , .in time of Sermon or Prayers on the Sabboth-day be ufed , under the paines folio win? • is to fay, ofevericperfon, forthehandie-labouringandwoorking, commonlieufedbethepurefl fchillings, and for gamming, playing, pairmgtoTaTernesandAile-lioufes, felling ofmeat and driiii’ ''I! wilfull remaining from their Paroche Kirk , in time of Sermon or Prayers on the Sabboth-day of e ■ perfontwentie fchillings, tobeapplycdtothehclpeandreliefeoftliepureofthe Parochin. And inc'f orinhabilityofonyperfonoffendinginthe premilTes, to pay the faids paines d indelaiedlie , upon their apprehenfion or conviftion , -'t- '- > <■ ■■ ■ • ’ the refufe fentlie and after lauchfuli tryai, he'^orfteTfalli'' putandhaldenintheftoks, or fikutlier engine, divifcd for publick piinilhment, be the fpace of'tw ibure houres. And for execution heirof , the Kingis Majefties commiflion of Jufticiarie , fall be granted fum perfone in every Parochin , bell affedled and mailt abill to performe the fame, attherequcftof ^ Minifter. * "" 7 1 . Anent the zouth K uthers bezottd fia , JuJpAIed to have dedhwdfra the trevj Religimi ITEM, Becaufe findrie ofthezouthof this Realme, pafllng to the partes bezond fea, bccummis corrunr \ in Religion, quhairof great inconvenient may follow. THEREFOIR it is flatute and ordained rhat all perfones, the fonnes of Nobil-men, Gentil-men, or udiers pretending the caufe of tlreirdei nirc to be for atceining to farther knawledge in letteris, fall before their faid departure futs, andobtein the Kingis Majefties licencetothateffcdl, conteininganeprovifion, that they faU remaine conftantiiul/ profcITion of the trew Religion , publickhe preached , and be Lawe eftablifehed within this Realme and do, nor procure nathing to the prejudice thereof, or of his Hienes and Iris Authoritie, under the pa’inc of Bartarrie. As alfwa the faidis perfones , within the fpace of twentie d^es. after their returnimr withi,, this Realme, fall pafle to the Bifcliop, Super-intendent , or Commifhoncr of the Kirks, wnhin the bounds quhait they arrive, or happinis to make refidence, and there offer to make and give the Cni feiiion oi their Faith , according to the trew andChriftian Religion preadied , and be Law eftablifehed with m this Realme, or then .within 40. dayes thereafter devoyde and remove themfelvesfurth of this Realm quhairin gif they failzie, that they be admoniftted and perfewed , as the Advetfaties of the faide trm’ Religion. And for fik perfones , as ate alreadie furth of this Realme , and lies declined fra the trew Hr hgion, that the order appoynted in the Lawesalreddie maid, be ufed and execute againft them aceordin, tothcditetflionandtenourtheitol, inallpoyntes. ° > v 71. That houjhalders have Bibles and Tfalme-buiks. TTEM, It is fhtute and ordained be out Soveraine Lord, and his three Eftaites in this prefentParlia- 1 ment, thatall Gentil-raen houlhalders. and uthers wonh joo.markesofzeirly rent or ionc andall fubftantiousZeamenorBurgeffes likevvffe houlhalders efteemed worth yo.poundes in landes or glides be halden to have an Bible, and Pfalme-buik m vulgar language in tlieit lioufes, for the better in ftruffioa of themfelvesandtheirfamihes, mtheknawledgeolGod, within zeir and day after the date heirof ilkner- fone under the pameofx,poundis. And tliattheProveftandBaiUiesof ilk Bu^gli, and fik perfons in cL Parochin to landwatt asfall have the Kings Commiflion, featch, inquire and trye quha failzies hetciiL and they being convift thereof, to upt^e the laid paine of every an that failzies , the tlirid part to themfelvcs lor their paines, and the twa part to tlie help and reliefe of the pure of the Parochin. 7 3. For the releif of the labourers of the ground, troubled for want of timous teindini of their Cm nes. '-1'^ H E Kings Majeftie, and the thteeEftaitesofthisptefentPathament,underftandingthegreatskaiib X andmconvenient, fuftemed be die labourers ofthegroundewitliin this Realme, throw the defaultof the Teindingoftheit comes m dew time be the malice offik as lies tides, or takkes of their faidis teindes, m r ^ ^ faidis labourers of die ground , for default of Teinding of their faidis comes in dew time, adv^f^ fi remeid quhairof, our faid Soveraine Lord, with ’ f ^ ® > « intending ony wife to feade the fame , fall palS or fend , and caufc diev dehv'm the fcheeriiig thereof, quliilk# Ss rnmef m ’r I r l’' 5 underwritten, it fall be laiichfull totheawnerofthc Ids f^rcom P^®^®"®® "'itneffes, andtoteind awn^S-X faid- ^ P*®®® *® *®‘"‘^ ftakked upon the ground , quhilk the ^ 1 *®®^ undeftroyed and eaten be heaves, quhill the fiid richt to d?e7a^Lfnd Providing diat he requite teining of the parrie havand the titill , takke or i oonf afmrrheSlel^^^^^ n ®PP.®"^® the Paroch Kirk , upon three feveral Sabboth-dayes before oiXrofrhffa faithfullic obferved bedis ri nefr d a’ ft ®"®' ‘defence for him, againft all aflion of fpuilzfc that may be perfewed agamft, him. for intromiffion with his faidis comes, he teindand thankfuHic. with SEXT E ARLI AMENT. XX. qf OStober. 109 - (.|.fo,iehavaiidtitillortakkeofhisfaidisteindes, and making na impediment to the teinding and "’'‘'i “rlcirof in hie wayes , or upon ony ground that is fchorne. 7^ Forpmijhmcnt of ftrmg and IdkBeggars. and reliefe of the pure and impotent. ■ oRSAMEIKLE as there is fmdrie lovabill Afls of Parliament maid be our Soveraine Lords maift iH'^ii'lProgcnitours, for the ftandiingofmaifterfull and idle Beyers, away putting of fornares , and for the pure : Bearing, thatnanefallbethoiledtobeg, liouther to Burgh nor to land, betwixt and 70, zeires. That fik as makes themfelves Pules and arBairdes, or utliersfiklike runners about, ! : II fa laog 35 they liavc ony gudes of their awiii to ‘ jeiiended, fallbeputintheKingis Wairdorirones being “1 r ^ they have not quhairupon to live of their awin , that their eares bee nayled to the Trone , live on; crtoanuthcrtree. and their eatescutted off, and baniihed the counttie , andgiftliereafter they be found li - - , ' , 1 J * ne that they be hanged. rr E M That naiie bee thoiled to begge in ane Parochin , that ar borne in ane uthet. T hat die headef. ofilkParochin, make takiniies , andgivetotheBeggaresdieitof, thatthey may bee fufteined within Tboundes of that Parochin. And that nane uthet bee lerved with almes , within that Patochin , but they 1 bearis that takinne allanerlie , as in the Aftes of Parliament maid theitanent , at mair length is conteined. n hil'kesintimebygane, hes not bene put to devve execution , throw the iniquitie and troubles of the time LToaft and be reailbun that there was not heirtofoir ane ordour of punifcliment, fa fpeciallie devifed , as required, botthefaidisBegeares, befides the uthers inconvenientes , quhilks theydaylie produce in Tecotnmounwealtli , procures the wradi and difpleafure of GOD, for the wicked and ungodlie forme of liliniT ufed amangs them , without mariage or baptizing of a great number of their bairnes. THERE. F 0 TR now > forVoy ding of the inconvenients , and efehewing of the confufion of fmdrie Lawes & Aftes, L -oncerniiw thdr punifcliment , ftandingin effeft : And that fum certaine execution , and gude ordour may •Mowthewnent, tothegreatpleafuteofAlmichtie GOD, andcommounweilloftheRealme: IT IS : thodit expedient , ftatute and ordained , alfweill for the utter fupprefflng of the faidis ftrang and idle beggers, facontave'ousenimiestothecommounweill : Asforthe cliaritabill releeving of aged and impotent pure neopil that the ordour and forme following bee obfetved : Thatistofay, that all petfones, beingabove Logoi' fourteeneand within theaigeofthreefcoirand ten zeires, that heirafter at declared and fet foortli bctliisAftand ordour, to be vagaboundes, ftrang and idle beggars, quhilkes fall happen at ony time heir-^„',^"/f; > after after the firft day ofjanuarnixt-to-cum, to bee taken wandering and mifordering themfelves, con- pmijbtd, tratie to the effeff and meaning of thir prefentes , fall be apprehended , and upon their apptehenfion be ^brocht befoir the Proveft and Baillies within the Burgh , and in eyerie Parochin to Landwart , befoit him that KallbeconllimteJufticebetheKingisCommiffion, orbethe LordsofRegalitie, within the famin to this Weft- And be them, to bee committed in waiid, inthecommounprifon, ftokkes or irons, witliin their i> iurifdiftioft theretobekeiped. unlatten to libertie , oruponbandeorfovertie, quliillthey beput to the fknawledge of ane Affi fe , quhilkfall be done within fex dayes thereafter. And gif they happen to be con- fvifted to bee adjudged to be fcourged and burnt rliiow the eare, with ane hote iron : Theproceffequhair- of fall be re^iftrate in the Court buikes. Except fum honeft and refpotifall man , will of his charitie , bee rcontentedthenprefeiidie, to Aft himfelfe before die Judge, totakeand keiptheoffendennhisfervice, for 'anehaillzeirnixt following, underthepaincoftwentiepound, to tlieufe ofdie pure of the Toun or Pa- Irodiin AndtobringtheoffcndourtotheheadCourtofthejutifdiftionatthezeitesend,ortiiengudepruife ‘ofhisdeath, theClerketakingforthefaid Afte, twelve pennies onely : Andgrf die offender depart and ‘kavethefcnicewithinthezeit, agamfthiswiUthatteceiyishiminfervice : Then being apprehended he f .fall be of new prefented to the judge , and be bis command, fcoutged and burnt throw the eare, as is fore- I faid. Quhilkpunifehment, being anis received . he fall not fuffetagaine the like for the fpace of three- fcoir dayes thereafter, botgifat the endeofthc faidis lx. dayes, heebe founden to be fallen agamc in his idle ' : andvagaboimd trade oflife: Then being apprehended of new, he fall be adjudged, andfufierthepauiesof ^ dcsth fts 3 thief. t And that it may be knawen , quhat maner of petfones ar meaned to bee idle and ftrang beggates , and vaga- Iboiinds, andworthieofthepumfchmentbeforefpecified. IT Is declared diataU idle petfones, ganging iaboutuionyCountiieofthis Realmc, ufmgfubtill, craftie, and unlauchfuU playes, asjuglaoe , Faft- -fW- aiid-lous. andfikuthers. The idle peopill calling themfelves or any uthet, that femzies them i tobaveknawledgeofCharming, Prophecie, or uthers abufedfciences, quhaitby they perfwade the peo- ]' pill that they can tell their weirdes, deathes and fortunes, and ftk uthet phantafticall imaginations: and all I prfones being haill and ftarke in bodie, andabill towoorke, alledging tliem to have bene herned or burnt, > infumfatpairtof the Realme, otalledsingthemto be banifhed for flauchtet, and utherswicked dcidcs ; anduthersnoutherhavandlandnorMaifters, nor ufmg ony lauclifuU merchandice, craft -or occupation quhaitby they may win tlieir livings , and can give na reckoning how they lauchfuUie get their living : & all Minftrellcs, Sangfters, and Tale-tellers , notavowedin fpeciall fervice. be fum of the Ws ol Parha- f mem or great Burrowes, or be the head Burrowesand Cities, for their commoun Minftreftes : allcom- moun labourers, being perfoniKsabiil in bodie, living idle, and fleeing labour: all countetfaifters of liccn- H h a ves ^I0 KING JAMES THE S E X T cestobeg, or ufing the fame , knowing them to be counterfaifled; all vagabound fchollers of the Univc r tics of Sti 'mt-Kyindrewes , Glaf^ow x\Cn_Abirdene , not licenced be the Reftor and Deane of Facultie oftl ' ofthm Univetfitie, toaskealmes: all Schip-mcn and Mariners , alledging themfelves to be fehip-broken wirl, they have fufficientteftimonialles, fall be taken, adjudged, efteemed and punillied , as ftrang Beggar'J'*^ «,/>»•»»- and Vagaboundes. And gifony perfon or perfones , after the faid fitft of Januar nixt-to-cum , gives irone'* libomit. i^ai-bejjc orludgeing, fettis houfes , otfhawisonyutherreliefe, to ony vagabound or flrang begger , ma/' c/in™ ed or to be marked, wanting an licence of the Proved: and Baillies within ‘Burgh, or of the Judge’ wiebj^' ftiy,! thatParochin : The famin being dewlieprovin at the Court, they fall pay fik unlaw to the ufe of the unr? of the Patochin, asbethc Judge, at the Court fall be modified, fwa die fame exceed not five punds. An! Zn. alfwa, gifany perfon or perfones, didurbisorlettistheexecutionofthisAidonymanerofwayes, ormakis impediment againd the Judges and ordinarie officiars , or uthers perfones , travelling for the dew Execution heirof, they fall incur the fame painequliilk the vagabound fuld have incurred, in cafe he had beneconvift iZun Providing alwayes that fchip-men and fouldiours, landing in this Realme, have licence of the Proved or BaillieoftbeTovvne, or JudgeintheParochin, quhairtheywarfehippe-broken, orfirdentred inthe Re almc, fall, andmaypadc, according to the efTeff of their licences, to die rowmesquhair they intend to re tfvm! inaync. And that the licences onelie ferve , in the jurifdiaion of the giver ; Sa that gif the perfon travelliim inJ,. hanie, have farther journey , heprocurethelikelicencesofthe JudgeofthenixtParochinorTown, throw quhilkhenionpade, andfafraParochintoParocliin, quhill he be at his reding place. And that there be certaine perfones , ane or niaa nominate, in everie Burgh and Parochin , be the officers and Judge rhereof forfcarching, receiving, and convoying of the vagalioundes, to the commoun prifon , Irones or dokkes’ upon the commoun charges of die Parochin. Quhilkes perfones fa erefted , fall be halden to do their dewtie diligentlie, asthefaidis Judgeswillanfwerethere-upon. And feeing charitiewald, that the pure aged, and impotent perfones , fuld be alsneceflarilie provided, as the vagaboundes and drang beggars reptelled’ and that the aged, impotent, and pure people, fuld have ludgeing and abiding places, thtoughout the Realme, to fettle themfelves intill. IT IS therefore thocht expedient, datute and ordained, that the LordeChancellar, according to the direftion, offindrielovabill AftesofParliamentlieirtofoirmaid, fall call for the eredbiones oi all Hofpital- Ics; to be produced befoir him, and inquire and confidder , cheprelentEdaite theirof, reducing them , fa fnes."' farasispoffible, to the fird inditution , as may bed ferve, forthehelpeandreliefe of the faidis aged, im- inqmfitim potent, and pure peopill. And als that the Proveds and Baillies ofilk Burgh and Towne, and the Judice hn cf"' conditute, be the Kings commidion, in every Parochin to landwatt , fall betuixt and the fird faid day of Januar nixt-to-cuni, take inquifition of all aged pure , impotent and decayed perfones, borne within diat fmeniZir- Tstocliiii, or quliilkes War dwelling , and had their maid commoun reforte in the faide Parochin , the lad foiiti.'' fevenzeires by-pad, quhilkes ofneceffitienion live bee alines ; And upon the faid inquifition, fall make aneRegiderbuike, conteining their names, and fur-names, toremainewidrtheProvedsandBaillieswith- in Burgh, and with the Judice in everie Parochin to Land- wart ; Andtotheeffeft, that the number of the mwntio pure people of everie Parochin, maybeknawin, datutis and ordainis , that all pure peopill, withinfourtie ihtirmm dayes after the Proclamation of this prelent Aft , at the mercat Croce ol Edinburgh, repayre to the Parochin, quhair they were borne , or had their maid commoun reforte or refidence , the lad feven zeires by-pad , and itov/ii/lfB. there fettil themfelves, under the paine, to bee punilhed as vagaboundes, andcontravenarsoftliis prefent tauem. Proclamation; And the faid fpaceoffourde dayes being by-pad : That then, the Proveds and Baillies within Burrowes , and tlie Judge conditute , be the Kingis commidion in ilk Parochin , to Land-wart, make a Catalogue, ofthe names ofthc faidis pure people, inquire the men and wemen , quhair they wer borne, quhiddertliey armaryedorun-maried, quhen, and be quhom they war maried , and quhat bairnes they have , and quhair their bairnes wer baptized , and to quhat forme and trade of life , they addtefle themfelves, and their faidis bairnes ; Giftheybedifeafedorbaill, andabill inbodie, and quhat they get commounly ’ on the daye , be their begging : And fik as neceflairlie mon be fudeined be almes , to fee quhat they may be maid content of their awinconfentis, to accept daylie to live unbeggand, and to provide quhair their re¬ maining fall be, betliem-felves, or in hous with others, with advifeol the Parochiners, quhair the faidis pure peopill, may be bed ludged and abyde. And thereupon , accordingto the number, toconfiderquliat . their neidefullfudentation will extende to everie oulk : and then, be the gude difetetions of the faidis Pro¬ veds, Baillies and Judges, in the Parochinis to Land-wart, and fik as they fall call to them to that edeft, to t.axc and dent the haill inhabitantes within the Parochin , according to die edimation of their fubdance, cMicfors without exception of perfones, to fik ouklie charge and contribution, as fall be thocht expedient and fuffi- firaimti. cient , to fudeine the faidis pure peopill. And the names of the inliabitants dented , togidcler widi dieir taxa- ovtrftm tobeclikewiferegidrate : And that at their difererion, they appoynt overfeers and Colleftours in everie Burgh, TounandParoche, for the haill zeir , ior collefting and teceiving of die laid ouklie portion, quhilkes fall receive die fame, anddcliverfa-mcikle thereof todiefaidispurepeopill, and in fikmaner, as the faidis Proved and Baillies within Burgh, and Judges, in the Parochin to Land-warte, refpebiive, fall otdaine and command ; And that ovetleeres ofthe faidis pure peopill, beappoynted be their diferetions, m/’"' to continue alfo for a zeir. And at the end ofthe zeir, that the taxation and dent Roll, be alwayes niaidof new , for die alteration that may be tjirow deatli , or be iiictes or diminution of mennes guddes and fubdance. And that the Proveds and Bailies in Burrowes or Tounes , and the faidis Judges, in rhe Parochinnes to Land- watt, SEXT ’PARLIAMENT. XX. of October. 1^79. /.winabiainapkces, with Teltimomaues to asse aimss m uicit J'^^’^ueftinglwanichtcs togiddet in ony an place, without occafion 01 feekeneileorllormei P'^,^!!!fmwofthepure,t«opfflrefiditopaffeandabidemthepkcesappoynted,otaftertheappoyntment.o/,t^^^^^^ L f"mfbeEonK. then to be punilhcdhe&rging , imprifonment, and burning rijrw the eare, m vaga- j . nnd^anE begaats : and for the iecond iauk , to be puniftied as thieves , as is bcfoir appoymed And H^fnerfonesc^oScolleftoures, refufe the office, or having accepted the feme, beis found negligent gifthep o jnaj^etheir comptseverie half zeir anis , atthe leaft , to theProvefts andfJajliies m Bur- and to the feidis Judgesin Land-wart , and to deliver the fupet^lus of that quliilkreftis m *«rhan- j°"''’l’rrbpefidofthczeit, orhalfezeir, tofikasMbechofenColleftoursofnew : Then dk-ane of theo/rfm, rnlleaoursfooffending, fall incur thepaine of cwentiepunds, to the ufeofthe pure oltha^atMlim and Collecteursio b (tiirinv the Kingis will : For quhilkcs pames , the faidis Provetts , Bail- f^'^TluTes ^fellpovndanddiftrettlie : A® dgif ony perSnes, being abill to toffiet tliis diaricable hdp.fA, ‘‘^i^iiobSMSefufetoconmbutetotheteliefeo&epure ordlcourageu^ ' Xobffinateorwilfullperfon, bemgcaUedbefoir tire feidis Ptovefe and Sadhes within Burgh. tin Sarochins to Land-wart , and convift thereof, be ane Affife , or fufficientwftimome of nva famous witneffikhis-nichtbours , upon the fupplicatioti of the feidis IPtovefts , BaiUies & Judges, ^Ae^inirs Majeftie and his privte Councell , the obffinate and wilful! perfon or perfones , fall he com- rotheKingsMaja , -fujshienes and his Councell faUappoynt, and there remaine, quhill heb. ■“SfSteotd™?ofhisfaidyaroch; andperfornicdiefecindeede ; A"^b«gedandin|ct«t „ Soncs notheingfadifeafed, lamed or Wpatent, botthattheymay woork m fern maner toLand-war. ^hebe~ of OTuj^eire-, J J ^ j remedie , as for their hired fervand or prentifes , afweiil agamft the otMaiffieffie, tohavethehkeattionan^ coEeane of money may not be had, and bairne , as agamft the ^ ealdet viftualles ,®meat and drink , or uther things, .y" a«i- thatitisovergreataneburdiMtothe CoUseto , A „ . BaiUies in fiurrowes, and the feidis /«. >»<•« fortelicfeoftTiepureinfum^rochines ; Jhat ffie Proveft and ^ Jutes in the |arochmes to LanJwaH J pj, of them . as they fell think undertheirhanct-writstofik, *1 attheirawin houfes. Sa as alwayes, it pudc, “f^'andgaddettiiechatitabledmes, Mbefufteinedwitliin the feme, and becfpeedely appoyntedandaggried, howthepute And feeing be teafonoftliisptefent aft and or- Exp,„fl:ff ucriSbcd/a^&etouAers, Townes, dour, the commoun pnfones , itonesandltokkesotev accuftomat, in fe far , as jfcybtHW, °1 purepeopill, maknottheyarweffiabffitofufteinea^ f^be^edbsapaittofdie commoun contri- feiiltoffuftenanee : Thetefoirtheexpenfesoftheprilon aiiowand to ilk perfon daily butions, andouHyalmesofthelPatochin, quhmrheor , theot'efenterofhimtoptifon, fall aneponndeofAithreade, and water to drink. 5 Stewardes and BaiUies of Regalities, and givefovertie, or make prefcnt payment. M 1 • puttodewexecutioninallpoynt- their BaiUies over all the Readme, and their deputes, fed F an/our Soveraihe Lord thereupon, es, withindieirjurifdiaionsre#ed?W. *5 *ey wiUanfweretoGod, and “ . qUR AndquhateverdoubtorambiguitiefeUhappentoattfeupon p „ ’ committis the interpreta- ” s 0 V E R A I N E L O R D , with advife of te feidis ,dvife of his ph^ don , explanation, fuppliement, and fuU execution dieteof. to his Majeltie , witn tie Councell. 75- Forpun^mntofferfmies . that contemnandlyremaynes rebelled, and at the Kmgst^ne. 7 ^umjrdjmniojjfiMjm^^ t . . ✓ ^ dinar Juftice' pOrfameikle, as the contempt of our SovctameLord^audiontie^MdofeheL^^^^^^^^ dUordiiut pro- VofthcRealme, is the ground and fountaine fra quhilk, the maiftp ceedis. ' KING JAMES THE S E X T Lttiers of borning fuldhert- tifirti. ceedis, and amangs uthets evilles, the difobedience of the procefle ofhorningisfagteataiidcomniou that the perfoncsdenuncedrebelles, takes nafearetheirof, and the parties hurtand in their intereft tl"' lies obteined decreetes and letters , with their infinite expenfes and coafte , can get na execution nor redreir' Andhow-beit, be an Ade and ordinance , maidbetheLordesofSeffion, it was provided , tliat all Olficia immcdiatly aftertlieirdenuntiationofonyperfonestothehorne, fuld pafie to the Schirefle of theSchi quhai t they dwelt , and intimate to him the fame, requiring him in our Soveraine Lordis name and authoritic’ tomakcanejuftinvcntureofallthefaidisperfoncsgudes, totheeffed, thatthefamin michtbe inbrochtt’ hishicnelleufe, for their contemption : And tliat the faidis Officiars , fuld deliver to the faideSchiteffean° authcntick conic ofthefaidis letters, with the execution of the fame, fubferived with their hand, 5c withij audit dayes thereafter , fuld pafs to the Thefaurer or his Clerkes , and deliver to them anc uther copye of the faidis letters, with the execution of the fame, in like maner fubferived , with die faidis Ofliciars handis to theeffedfoirfaid, conforme to die faid Ad and ordinance. Neverthelelle the famin lies bene negledeii of the maift part , and na wife followed be the faidis Officiars ; Swa that the impunitie of fik heynous attempta- tes, and open Rebellion, lies brocht our Soveraine Lordis authoritie in contempt, and maid die multintde of rcbelles fa great , dial it fall be difficill to knaw them fra the Kings obedient fubjedes , without fum haiilie remcede be provided. Notwithftanding , that be the foirfaid ordinance oftheLordes of Seffion, anduthers lovabillLawes and Ads of Parliament, eftabhllicd be his Hienes, and his maift Noble progenitors nude ordour be talcen for avoyding of the faid confufion : zit die neghgence of the dew execution theirof , lies bred this great inconvenient. Quhilk now our Soveraine Lord, for the furtherance of his obedience , and uni- verfallweill of his fubjedes, prefently intends , as God fall grant ppportunitie, to remeid, Thereibir his Hienes, with advife of his three Eftaites, in this prefent Parliament, ftatutis and ordainis , that all letteis of horning, execute and indorfat , or that fall happen to be execute and indorfat, befoir the publication of this prefent ad , fallwitliinthelpaccoffifteenedayes, after the publication theirof, and in all time there¬ after, within the fpace of fifteene dayes, after the denuntiation, be brocht to the Schireffe-Clerk ofeverie Schirefdome , quha fall regifttate the fame , in die Schireffes buikes , and deliver die principall letters agaiiie execute and indorfat, and noted on die back, regifttate fik a day, and fubferived widi his hand , witliin twenty fourc.houres , alter the teceipt theirof , and fall receive fra the partie awner and prefenter of die faidis letters , for his labourers only fex fchillings audit pennies. The quhilkeslettersandexecurions theirof, fwa regifttate and fubferived on the back, be the faid Schi- reflc-Cletk , or the copie theirof authenticklie exttaded foortli of the faid Schireffe buikes , fubferived be the faid Schireffe and Clerk , fall be efteemed as authentick , and fall have effed: and force in quhat-fumever Jud¬ gement diey happen to bee produced , ay and quhill the partie fwa denunced to the Horne , obteine himfelf^ KtUndiim ordourlic relaxed theitfra: Quhilk relaxation , fall alfwa be maid publicklie, at the metcat Croce of tlie jM tiRe. Schire^ quhairhedwellis, and quhait the denuntiation ofhorning was maid: and that the faid relaxation, and execution theirof, fall be like-wife regifttate in die faid Schireffes buikes, within xv. dayes after diepu-. blication diereof , at the-mercat Croce, and be alfwa regifttate and fubferived on the back, in maner foir¬ faid , uthetwife the faidis letters ofhorning and relaxations , fall na wife bee halden lauchfullie and ordourlie, execute , bot the executiones theirof null. And that all Schireffes have honeft famous men to their Clerkes, quhabethemfelfes , or dieir fufficient deputes, fall be halden , to be alwaies refident, witliin the hcaJ Burgh of the Schite, for receiving and regiftting ofthefaidis homings and relaxationcs, as they fall occur, and fall do the fame trewlie and ordourlic , within xxiv. houres , under the paine of payment of the damnags, and intereft , that the partie skaithed happinnis to fufteine in their default , at the ficht and modification of rtt Mtiit! the Lordes of Counccll and Seffion : And tliat ilk Schireffe, caufe the names of all the perfones, fwa de- uli’fMtc reniay nine in his regifter , to be openlie publilhed and proclaymed , at the mercat Croce of the, (Mfitd. heade Burgh of the Schite, upon the mercat dayes , proceeding the three head Courtes zeirlie , and aflixe. the Catalogue of their names, baith on the mercat Croce, and intlie Tolbuith, that gif ony of tliera lies, aftiontoperfew, they may be repelled ah a^etido, andnawayestobe delete forth of the faid Catalogue, quhill they be lauchfullie and dewlie relaxed fra the home. And that everic Schireffe , within the fpace oTxv.. dayes , alter the heade Court , fend the Catalogue of the names of the faids Rebelles , regifttate in his buikeil andane btiefenoteofthecaufes, for quhilk they ar denunced, to out Soveraine Lordis Thefaurer, or 1® fmnt. Clerk, quha fall be halden with all diligence to raife letters, and caufe uptake the efeheittes of the rebelles, £/t(,n(/«M to our Soveraine Lords life. And quhen out Soveraine Lords Comptroller , CoUeftour gencrall, or ony. uther perfon, prefents letters ofhorning, dewlie execute and indorfat, to the faid Lord Thefaurer, or his, [mm. Clerk, for fpcciallfummesofmoneyor debt ; The Thefaurer fall caufe raife letters thereupon, athisin-, ftance, for uptakingoftheefeheit, direift outlier to the Schireffe of the Schirc, or his deputes, or to Offi- ciarsof Armes, asitmay beftfetve, be advife of the complener, ofthereadieftand firftcndcolthe quhilk efeheit, the partie complener, fall be payed of his juft debt, with the officiars expenfes, andthefuper-plus, ofthefaidefcncit, tobcbrochtintoliisMajeftics Thefaurer, within the Ipace of ane Monetli thetealtctj Providing that the partie complener , and prefenter of the letters , to the Thefaurer , make the firft expenles upon the Schireffe or Officiar , that fall be ditefled, for uptaking of the faidis efeheit guddes, quhill the elaiflt Pifcm- fjife ^ jnay releeve the faidis expenfes , and tlien the fame to be tane , and allowed of the efeheit. And in- ojf'Jir. ' cafe the officiar diredt for uptaking ofthe faid efeheit, beis violently deforced & ftoppedin execution of hi5 office, thenuponthecomplaintofthefaidLord Thefaurer, orof the Officiar or partie, that wants pn)i. Clerkvs. \^ni give to the The. i SEXT TARLUMENT. XX. of Oeiober. 1579. letters fall be direft, be deliverance oftheLordes of Councell, chargeingtlic ScliiiefTcoi “““yhis denotes • Or eif it be nnddtftand , that the ScltitefFe will not , ormaynot, cha.yc- tiie Schire ana . Barronnes , Gentle-men ofgude power within the Schirefdome , bcft aflcacd I fett ne of our Sovetaine Lords authority and Juftice, toconvocate hishicnesUep in w c.r-hke to tl« j a|-e and concur with the faid Officiac , that befoit was deforce^d and flopped , and Ice the ^j„er, Planers execute reaUie, andwithefFeft. befoir they depart off the ground quhair the fatds remains : In the quhilk execution , they fall have aU fedomes , pnviledgcs and tnnnu- areramedbetheLawesofthisRealme, to4perfonesasperfewtstheK.ngs rebclles to brmg nines, i ales Providing that this aft, nor natliing therein contemed , be prejudiciall to the Lon.cs or th^ richt and ptiviledges . batth m execution o fRegahnes w ^ efeheits. have done, beforetliemak.ngof this prefent Act. And . letters, „„„„ 1, ominu execute, for fummes of money .quhiddcr be th iht King. A For remeede of the fraude and difarder , ufed be Offidars of ^rmes . in execution 7°' of Criminall letters, xittNT Thecomplaintmaid to our Sovetaine Lord, and tire three Eftaitesof thisprefent Parlia- NENT ® E „i„gjfjUje within tliis Realme, makandmennon, that quhairas it j^ment, be depute Commons Earle of Lotdof®nte/^, r'liSenf iSgudcordouitoSiadamangflliisMajeftiesOfficiar^^ ,„h,s upon flauchters , mutilations , and uthers canitall crimes , quluitby ane gtcai that rayfed and pertewea let p andfik collufion ufed betuixt the parties and Ofticiars multimdeofcomphceswasfummondandgivenmbiil, ^ foirfaidisexecutors thereof, and zit could not Be porYewed at ofhisMajeftie, *^jb^"S°bQmesknawe , tepottingof the faidis letters, the diet hereto, 1 be his dewlie execute and mdorfat, up pigrrand his deputie ; That na letters ctiminall . in timt Hieties p^ft beriiem for fummonding ony complices , to be given in bill, be the cumming , fuld be direct , nor p »’rfr>tips mmnleiied upon fuldbe nominate in the bodic of the pameputcheffertheteof, bof thatihe ^incipallletters. Neveiriieleffeit.sofveriti^^^^to notonlyhes faidis , without power or Pnviledge g“n „gjfo„es as complices given in bill , and not nominate in the fummond, “d daily zitfummonOs, divers ^leit lettersforefaidis, compellandthere-tlir w ^ ^ \ c ^ Anduthet-wayes uftsfik ex- fumpteous charges ‘and expenfes, tohisMaj g ^ compofition to deleete theic names: tortU, tliatthefubjeftes at compelled to give^ Like as alfwato *eir greater vvtack and heirfclupte^^^^ multitude of Affifoutes, topat- cheffens of the faidis letters , lies fummond V ^ fj j fubftantious perfones , quhom they ticulat diets, that be compofition received bed . /• rnound theteis, beappeatance.ofthcitextor- delcete, and dtawis forth of their ^'bket, after tiey fatisfie the parries againft quhome the tion, neir als meikleptofite and compofition but a mulmde of his crimes at committed, and na uthers at put in R ’ P „ go^jpofition : to their great hurt, travel! liieneffepurecommomesforefaidis ^"bahes no^ y t ^ P j^jyogates for his hieneffe in- and expenfes: as alfwa to the prejudice of b to confent to the conti- tereft, quhilkes, fotwantrf ane fufficitntnu with’advifeolhistlueeEftaites , in this pre- nuation of findrie caufes. Thetefoit, out Sover ,,, L hje deputes, fall direft na letters in th mmri lent Parliament, ftatutis and ordainis, that the Ju ice , ’ , , hot that the lettetsbeupon ‘/"““/’I: time cumming, for callingofoiiy complices genera 1 , oliciai of atrites , executor of ony criminal fpeciall perfones complened upon. And that no Schnefte or gmciat 01 , / ^ letters, prefume to take upon hand, to thatgc ot ufo ei^cu on, upo^i^M Affifc.'"'- attour the bounds and direftion of the ktKts , not o ^ . p ^fubfetibed with his hand , and fall tlienfouttiefive. quhakeshefallteceiveiiiRoU, fa 1 annex the fame Roll , unaltered oc cancelled , /■ j nffiriar to be deprived of his office , and to ■vtninRoiL dretlimatkes,.to be incuttedbe his fovettie , and “^.^O^ciat fuffer farther paines in his bodie and guddes, at A r „ j the Affife, uponhisfiipplica- findistliatofneceffitie, heemonhave ane greater num e . .. .P ^ officiat may fumnioinidfa tion, thefamefallbe granted, asitfallappeirreafonable p/hfetived be the manymaa. upon the Affife, as he faU be direfted be the letters, andteccive partie , witliout incurring the paine above written. li 77' That 214 KING JAMES THE SENT 77. That the paines of Law-borrowcs , fall he divided betwixt the Kuig and the panic. ORSAMEIKLE as the paines of breaking of Law-borrowes , hes bene negligentlie taken u ■ timeby-gane, be reafoii the partie offended unto , received na commoditie , be the perfute of the a(^ ■] HEREFOIR. It is ftatute and ordained , be our Soveraine Lord , with advife of the three Eftaite this prefent Parliament : That the paines of breaking of Law-burro wes to be fund in time cumming fjn 1°^ cquallie divided, theanehalfetoourJoveraineLordisufe, andtlteutliethalfe, to appetteine to the 03^°' oiicndedunto, quha fall have aftion to perfevvtlierefoir. " 78- t^gainjlfk as troubles their Nichtboures, becriminall perfite fake-les. FOrfameikle , as findrie perfones of meere malice and envie , calumniatis innocent perfewis them b«foirthe Juftice , upon paines criminall , quliairof the perfones ac ar acquire and maid cleane bedie Affife. And likewife findrie perfones , that outlier in awm ivanies be the Kingis Advocates upon their information , raifis criminall lerteris and fummoundis Alfifes , from ii? far partes of this Realme, oftimes ufis to palTe fra the perfute of the letteris at the Bar , to the areat nreudir' of our SOVERAINE LORD, and troubill of his hienes lieges. For remeede quliairof, oiirJov' raine Lord , with advife of his three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament flatutis and ordainis , That thefaidis iniu ft perfeivetis fall pay the paines and unlaw Refpeliive following , in cafe the perfones accufed happeiiis to beeacquiteofthccrymcs, layde to their charge , to be equally divided betuixt OUR SOVERAINE LORD and the partie acquire. That is to fay, gif the partie acquire be onlie ane perfon or maa , of or within the number of ten , the fumme of ten pundes , and gif the number acquire bee paft the number of ten the fumme of twenti’e piindis , and tliat doome be given theirupon befoir the Juftice , without farther callins and the perfewer haldcn in waird , quhill he make payment. Andgif the Itingis Majefties Advocat be oiilie perfewer, his inlormcr to pay the paine foirfaid , And letteris ofpoinding or horning to be dirctft, for pay. ment theirof , upon the Att of Adjornall without uther calling or Proces of Law. And that in time’ciimniiiis the Juftice Clerkc and his deputes , at the granting ofletteris , take Ibvertie for againe-bringing of the letteris dewlie execute and indorfat , and that the raiferis theirof, fall perfew the famin letteris aerhe day appoynted under the paine conteined in the Afts of Parliament. I * ' 79. KAnent the cheiffmg of Inqueijies in caufes ofTerambulatitmi. TN E CAUSE There is mony and findrie brieves of perambulation, railed witliin this Realm, quhairin i.3 die raiferis efthefaidis brieves foundisthemfelf upon na bounded evident, bot intendis to verifie and pro ive their claime of the meithis and marches of the landes debaitabill , be the perfones of inquefi: being men offmall rent or living, and fum of them having naheritage, and Ilk-like be fmdrie perfones, quha kennis nochttlic landes debaitabill, noutherzitdwellis in the countrieneare the famin , thinking naobjedfion may be maid againft them , fwa that they be Trobi ® f deles homines ‘Patria , quhilk as fum think , is hoiieft and faithfull, havandgeir, woorth the Kingis unlaw , and fubjeftes of the Realme, quhair ever tliey dwell far arncare. Qiihilkgifitwertrew, men ofna heritages fuld be Judges, and alfwa witnefles to the property oflandis, and tak away mennis heritages and landes perteining to them, and adjudge the fame to utheris, quha lies little or na richt to the farnin. THEREFOIR It is ftatute and ordaineef. That in all time cum¬ ming, in caufes of Perambulation, na perfones be received upon die Inqueft theirof, bot honeft fubftanti- ousmen, liaviiw heritage of their awin , andquhabeftknawisthemeithesofthelaidis landes, and dwellis ran i ft eweft the famin , To wit , within the Schirefdome quhair the laidis landes debaitabill lyis (gif they may be had within thefamin) and fourehalfis about, orfourenixtSchires , gifthey cannot be convenientlieliad within the Schire it felf And this to be univerfallie obferved . quhen the brieve and dame of Perambulati- oun , cannot be verified be ane bounded Evident , nor uther authentick writtes. 80. tAnent the fubjeriptim and infer ting of Witnefes in Ohligat tones , atid utheris writtes of importance. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained be our Soveraine Lord, with advife ofhis three Eftaites in Parliament, that all Contraiftes, Obligationes , Reverfiones, Aftignationesanddifehargesof Revetfiones, or eikes theirto, and generallie all writtes importing heritabill titill , or utheris bandes and Obligationes of great im¬ portance to be maid in time cumming, fallbefubfctivedandfeilled, bethe principall parties, gifthey can iiibfcrive . utherwife be twa famous Notars befoir four famous witnefles, denominat be their fpeciall dwelling places, or fum uther evident takens, thatthe witnefles may be knawen, being prefent ac that time, utlier- wile the faidis writs to mak na faith. 8 1. Prefeription in caufes of Jpuilzies and Ejedtwnes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with advife of his three Eftaites in Parliament, tliat all adbonesof Ipuilzies, Ejeffiones and utheris of that nature be perftived perfones, anddayke culed being innocent, -- SEXT ‘PARLIAMENT. XX. of OMer. 1^79. iij r -jtlie ordinal Judge, within three zeires after the committing theirof, utherwifetheperfcwcrisalledaed It never to He heard thereafter. Providing that this Aft exten'd not to Minours , hot to perfew within zeires after tlicitperfite age. 8i. Preferipion in canfis of Rentoofuing. Irp E M , ft is fta™te and ordained be our Soveraine Lord , with adyife of his tluee Eftaites in Parliament > that all aftions of Remooving be perfewed within three zeires after the warning , with certification & they tailzie ; the warneris fall never be heard there-after to perfew the famin upon that warning. 83 . Prejh'ipiott in certaine caufis of debt. Item, it is ftamte and ordained be our Soveraine Lord, with advifeofhisdiree Eftaites in Parliament, that all afti°”es°f debt, forhoufe-mailles, raennisordinars, fervands fees , Merchantes comptes , and mther the like debts , that are not founded upon written Obligationes , be perfewed widiin three zeires. uthet- wife the creditour faU have na aftion , except he outher pteile be writ , or be aith of iiis pattie. 84. lyfga'Mjl the deftrojeris of planting, haning and policie. FORSAMEIKIL AsthereisfindrielovabilldcgudeAfls, maid be our Soveraine Lord, &his maift Nobill Progenitouris , fpecially be his hienes Gudlchir King the Fifth, of.gude memory , anent plantingof-Wooddes, ForreftesaiidOrchardes, favving of Broome, againftthe deftroycris theirof, brea- Ljj5.ofbowcattes , Cunningaires, Patkes, ftankes, zairdes, flaying oi Haires, makeris of Mure-burne ill forbidden rime, and findrie like uthetthingis, for puniftimentofthe deftroycris of planting, hailing and Dolicie. Quhiike Affs , our faid Soveraine Lord , with advife cHiis diree Eftaites in this ptefent Parliament, ratifies, apprevis and confitmis , and ordainis them to have effeff and execution in time camming , not only upon the contraveners theirof, bot alfwa upon the deftroyers and ftealeris of Bees , and cutteris and pulletis ofBioome, with this addition: thatquhat-fumeverpetfonftealis, pealis, and deftroyis green-wood! pullis or cuttishaned Broome, breakiszaMs, orOrchardes, without the gude will of the awner : T hat the of¬ fender being taken reidiiand , may be perfewed, andputtotheknawledgeofancAftife, befoir the Barton crLandes-lordoftkelandorground, quhidder the offender be his tennent , unto quhoui thewrangis done ctnot, within three dayes after the apprehenfioti; And uthers not taken reidhand , tobc alwaies perfewed befoirtheSchireffe, Steward, otBaillie, within quhaisboundes aiidjurifdicfion the wrangdoer dw'ellis. And gifhe that receivisthe wrang and hurt , be Schireffe , Steward , or Baillie himfelfe, then the wrangdoer , tobeperfewedbefoirtheunfufpeftdeputeofthe'faidisSchireffe, Baillie or Steward, receivand the wrang. And lot the firft fault, being coiivift, be his awin conleffion or witnefle, fall pay to the awner of wood, broome, otzaitd, the availloftheskaith done, togidder with ten pundes; Forthefecoiidfaulc, fall pay to the faid awnettwentiepundes, withtheavaiilofit thatisdeftroyed; And for the thrid fault, fail pay to the faid awner, fourtie pundes, andtheavaillofitthatisskaithed: Andfratliinefootth, fa oft as the offender tail¬ zies dteiraftet , the faid thridpenaltie to be payed to the awner of the Wood , broome or zairdes. Bot in cafe the committer of the wrang be unrefponfall , he fall for the firft fault be put in the ftokkes . prifon , or irones audit dayes , on bread and water : And for the fecond fault , fifteene dayes ; & for the thrid fault, ane moneth to lye in the ftokkes, as faid is, and to be fcourged at the end ofdie faid Moneth ; And this but prejudice, to be called at Juftice courts, at our Soveraine Lords inftance , conforme to the former ufe and auld Aftes. And that the paines for breaking of Dowcattes, Cunningaires and Parkes , be according to this ptefent Aft and addition abone written. And in cafe the offendours be not refponfall in guddes , for the faidis paines, for the firft fault to be punifehed, as is abone written , for the fecond fault the paine likewtfe abone expreffed. and for the thrid fault hanging to the death. 8 y . Ratification of the Priviledges of Bttrrowes. OUR Soveraine Lord, and the three Eftaites oftltis ptefent Parliament, ratifies and apprevis all and fmdry Priviledges , Liberties, Immunities, Freedoraes and Aftesof Parliament, maid and granted, be quhat-furaever his Majefties maift Nobill Progenitoures , in ony time by-gane, in favoures of the Burrewes and Burgeffe theirof ; And decernis and declaris all and findrie the faidis Afts and cotiftitutions , to have full ftrength and effeft in all times lieirafter , and that the famin be put to full and dew execution in all poimes, after the forme and tenour theirof, andtoftandasaneperpetuallLawto thefaidis Burrowes and BurMlies, and their fuccefloures in all time dimming. And the Lordes of Councell and Seflion to give and di*e et- teris, atthefupplicationoftheProvefts, Alder-men, and Baillies of Burrowes, asareaggreabiU with the faidis Lawes and Aftes of Parliament, in all poyntes. 86. Foirfialling and tranjporting of Herring and qtdiite Fifth. ORSAMEIKLE As divers Aftes hes bene maid, be our Soveraine Lordis maift Nobil Progem- toures in time byganc , Ordaining that the flayeris of Herring and quhite fifth , fuld bring the lamm to the 1 i 5, next adjacent Burtowes and T ownes , quhak die perfones flayeris theirof dwellis , to the efTeft that ou Soveraine Lords lieges may be firftfetved , and gif abundance occurred . diat they michtbe faked and tranf ported be free Burgefles. And that the faidisAfts , throw negligence andoverlichts, lies noclit receivcii execution ; Quhainhrow our Soveraine Lord lies bene greadie defrauded in his Cuftomes , and his Hienes Lieges wanted the fruit of the Sea, appointed be God for their nutilhment, and the Burgefles and Free-men of Burrowes dif-appointed of their traflScque and comjnoditie. THERE FOIR, Our Sove raine Lord , and the tliree Eltaitts of Parliament , ratifies and apprevis all the faidis Aftes and Conftitutions maid anent the faidis Herring and quhitcfifche, and ufing theirof: Speciallie the Aftes made in the times of umquhile liis Hienes dearelt Grandfchir King the Fourth, of gude memory, and be his Majeftie the time of the Regiment of his richt tteft Coufing James Earle of CMortmn , Lord o{T>a!keith , Regent to his Hienes, his Realme and Lieges for the time. And ordainis all and findrie the faidis Arts to be obfervcd andkeipedinallpoyntes, after the forme and tenour theirof , and tlie contraveneris of the faniin tobepu. nifcheJaccording thereto. And that all Schireffes, Stewartes, Baillies, Lordes of Regalities , Proveftes Aldermen, and Baillies of Burrowes, and Judges ordinarquliat-fumever, put the faidis Aftes to execution upon the contraveneris theirof And to that eneft gtantis atid gives to them power and coinmiflion of Juki! ciarie , every ane within the boundes of their awin liberties and jurifdifliones , and to uptake the efcheittes of the contraveneris being convift, thctwa part to die Kingis Majefties ufe , and to make corapt theirof zeirliein his Hienes Checker, and die thrid part ofthc fame to the faidis Judges cxecutoutes, for their travellcs and laboures. 87. Forexecutionofthei^iiofTarliament , maid anent bearing, •wearing, and fihuitting of Culveringes and Dagges. FORSAMEIKIL, As be Aft of Parliament, maidinthefitfticirof our Soveraine Lordis Reiap.e IT WAS Statute and ordained, that namanerofperfon nor perfones, ofquhat-fumeverEftait, degree orcondition, fchuit with Culveringes , DaMes, Piftolettes, orony udiergunnesoringines of firc-wark, in ony part of this Realme, nouther toBurgli not to land, norbeare, wcate, nor ufe, ony Culveringes Dagges, Piftolettes, oronyudierfikingineoffite-warke, upon their perfones, or in their companie with them, privadieotopenlie, out-widihoufing, without licence ofour Soveraine Lord, under the paine of cutting oftheit richt hand, andfatdietpaineslbecifiedinthefaid Adi of Parliament , as the famin at mair length ptoportis. Quhilk hes not bene put to dew execution in time by-gane , be teafon of the troubles in¬ tervening : And diereditow , mony hes taken libertie to beare, weate, andufeCulvetings, Dagges, Pi¬ ftolettes, anduthersinginesoffire-watk, widiin Burrowes , andutherpartesofthisRealme,qiihairthtow, divers his hienes lieges hes bene fcliamefullie and cruelliemurthered, ftaine and hurt, in redding, & uthet- wayes , quhilkes war able enouch to have maid defenfe fulficientlie for themfelves , at all times of petfute ,& fum part of tlie occafion , quhy die faid Adle hes not tane execudon , was be teafon of the paine of leadi , or demembring , quhilk the otdinat Judges was laith to execute. THEREFOIR Our Soveraine Lord, and the duee Eftaites foirfaidis , Ordainis the faid Adi to be new- lie publiflied , and that namanerofperfon not perfons beare, weate, ufe nor fchuit Culverings, Dagges, Ot Piftolettes, within Burrowes or without the fame, intimecumming, udierwife nor the faid Aft and excep¬ tions thereof proportis, under die paine often pundes, money of diis Realme, and the Gunne and armour they beare , to be payed be ilk petfon contravenand , and doand in the contrair, without prejudice ol the uther paines , gif the Kings Majeftie will have die fame execute. AND For execution theirof, makis and conftitutis the Proveftes, Aldermen and Baillies within Burgh, his Majefties Jultices in that paitt, everie an within their freedomes and jurifdiftions , with power to them to fearcli , take and apprehend die offenders and contraveners , and put them to ane Affile , and being con- vift, tohaldtheminwaitd, quhill die paine foirfaid be payed, and to take ficker fovertie of the perfones convift, tofor-beare, indmecumming, under the double ofthe faid paine. And die paines quhilkis beis uplifted, to be employed, to the fupport ofthe pure. AndthisAfttoferveforfufficientcommiffiontodie faidis Proveftes , Alder-men, and Baillies of Burrowes, to the effeft foirfaid. 88. For funijhment of Regraters and For e-f a tiers. ITEM, Our Soveraine Lord , and the tliree Eftaites of Parliament, hes ratified and appreved , and be this Aft, ratifies and apprevis, all Aftes and conftitutions, maid be his hienes maift Noble Progenitours, in time by-gane, fpeciaUie the Aftes maid be umquhile his hienes deareft Gudfehir, King James the fifth, ofwotdiiememotie : Anent Foitftallets and regraters of viftualles , flefch, pultrie, anduthers vivers. cumand to Mercattes, And makis and conftituds, theProvefts, Alder-men, and Baillies ol all his hic- nefle Burrowes , liis Majefties Juftices for execution of the faidis Aftes , witliin the boundes of their awi n free¬ domes and jurifdiftions, and to up-take the paines conteinedtlierein, tobeapplvedafter the forme and tc- nout theirof. 89. Anwt SEXT ‘PARLIAMENT. XX. of OBober. 1579. 117 89. Amit the defiriiBim ofCrteues and Zaires, Jktechter 0RSAME1KLE, As anent the complaint given in be Schir DAVID HUME of Fifehewik r Knicht , Beirand that there being ane Aftion and caufe perfewed be him againft Schir RICHARD jyjyi^jjLAND oi Leth'mgtoun^nidv, ane ofthe Lordes of Seffion, for transferring of ane decrcete of Mon-entres, obteinedbeumquhile WILLIAM MAITLAND of zounger his Sonne, inrhefaideS'chirBtzt^i^/asdonatourtheirto, be difpofition maid be our Soveraine Lord with advifcofhis umquliile deareft Gudfehir EMatthew Erie ok Lennox , ■ Lord ‘Eernely , Regent for the time. In die quhilk caufe , for delay of time , it was alledged bee die faid jcliir Richard , that there audit na tranflation to pafle, bccaufechefaidumquhile/Fi//i««?vvasdenuncedandputtothehorneinour ifoveraine Zordis deareft Mo¬ thers time , for cettaine caufes , and diat he had obteined ane further gift , granted be her , of the faid decrcit. And for probation dreirofftayedtiie faid VchirD/iwZfproces, be the fpace of twazeiris. Andfeandthat be na delay of time , he culd cum be the faid horning (quhilk never was) he , be his fupplicatioun to the faidis Zordes ofueffiotm , defiredthefamintobeprovenbc witnelles, havand nouther Zaw nor praftick in fik cafes. And it being ane noveltie , and tending to the iieavie wrack, afweill of the Nobilitie, as remanent fub- ieftcsoftliisRealme, in cafe the famin were received as ane praftick, I he faid i'chir Eavid meened him to-our Soveraine Zord, and Zordes of fecreet Councell : And then the Zordes ofd'effionwetdifchargcd of proceeding tlieirin , and the famin ordained to be difeufled befoir out faid d’overaine Zord and Eftaites of Par¬ liament , like as the famin was continewed in the laft Parliament halden at Strivilmg , unto this prelent Par¬ liament.' Dafiring theirfoir the Kingis Majeftie and Eftaites , to receive the faid matter, and difeufting their- ofbcfoittliems and put the famin to vote , for decifion theitof , that it may remaineasaneZawtottiehaill fubjcftesintimecumming. Qiihilkfupplicationbeingfeeneandconfiddcred: OUR Soveraine Zord, with advife ofthe three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, hes declaired and declairis , that in all time cumming, natenouroflerterss.of horning,, executions and indorfations theirof, not extant and produced judtciallic, fallbeadmittedtobeprovenbewitnefles, in quhat-fum-evet aftion or caufe, perfewed or tobeperfeived betlie Lieges of this Realme, befoirquhat-fum-ever Judge or Judges within the famin. And that but pre¬ judice ofthe forefaid a&on , dependand betuixt the faidis parties , before the Zordes of Councell , and dcci- fion thereof, in ftait as it was left befoir the difehargim of them of farther proceeding there-intill. Providing that the witneffies to be ufed and produced againft the laid Eavid Hume , in the faide caufe , be examinat hi prefence ofthe haill Lordas of Seffion. 96. xyEneut Scottef-men ufing the privikdges of this Nation in the Lawe-cuntries, under the King ^Spaynis dominion. FO R S A M E I K I L , as there is divers and findrie Scottef-men married and unmarried, witlihi the partes of the Lawe-cuntries , under die King okSfe^nis dominion , keipand tlieir reftdence, quliair this Nation keipis their Stapil , and having their life, indufttic, and trade ofthe Kingis Majefticsfubjeclcs, asfaftoures to them , ufing and haunting the priviledges granted to the faid Nation , within the faidis partes ofthe Lawe- cuntries .t la farre as the famin may make lor mem, their commoditie and profite, And at utliers times re- nunceing the famin, and reclaiming theirfra, ailedging to their Porterie, refidcnce in any foreine Cunttie, and forfaking the obedience to the Kingis Majeftie his Lawes and Officiars. TH ERE F 0 1 R It is ftatute and ordained , that ane incorporation be maid of the faid Nation and priviledges theitof , fpeciallieordaining that quhat-Ium- ever peribne refident , or remaining within the partes forefaidis , (fpeciallie quliair the laid Nation keipis Stapil) Intending to ufe faftourie , or ony utller tcade with the faid Nation, and willing to enjoy the fruite and commoditie ofthe faidis priviledges, in haill or in part. Sail give his aitli of obedience to the Kings Majeftie and his Lawes , befoir liis Hienes Confervatour refident in the faidis Lawe-cuntries , and fall pay lor his entres to the Kingis Majefties ufe ten pundes Flemijh. As alfwa fall be ready to underlie all fifc charges and conimandements , as fall happen to be diteft and cum fra his Hienes, in the fame forms and mancr, astliey weredweliandintfc^^/izW. And quharefufis to give the laid aitli, and paye the faid entres. That they fall be called be the faid Confervatour, and upon their refufe or delay, deprived to have or enjoy thereafter ony benefite of his Majefties fubjeftes. And that nane of his Hienes fubjeftes have trade, traf- ficque, or ufe of faftourie with ony the perfones fa deprived thereafter, under the fame paine. 97- For avydiug of the great number of unfree-men failland in the Lawe- cuntries. r7 O R avoyding of the great multitude of Sailleris to the partes of Flanders xo the diftionour ofthe Cuntric, A their awin hurt and tinfell and ereat liinderance to the Burtowes , and for teftrainingof unlree-men, diathauarisandfrequentsthefaidpar ' '' - 1 « ft.rnte and ordamed occur Soveraine Lord, with advife of _ cumming; of his three Eftaites in this p“fefent Parliament, That na unlreermen bai^ KING JAMES THE SENT haunt orufe thetrafficque of Merchandice in time camming, fpeciallie in the Lawe-cuntries und King of Sfaynis dominion , under the paine of confifeation of all tlieir moveabil guddes doand in the con ™' And that the Confervatour of the Priviledges of this Nation , fearch and feeke the contraveneris , efeheit faidis guddes, the twa pairt to our Soveraine Lotdis ufe, and the thrid pairt to his awin ufe for h i boures, andthathemakecompt, reckoning, and payment of his intromiflion, to out Soveraine Lofo ^ liis Thefaurcr anis every zeir. aiji) 98. For inJlruBion of the zouth in Mujlck. For Inftruftionofthe zouth in the arte ofMufick and ringing, quhilk is like to fall in great decay wh out timous remeid be provided. OUR Soveraine Lord , with advife of his three Eftaites of this pref Parliament, requeifls the Proveftes , Baillies, Councell and communities of the maiftfpecialButro\ves''f thisRcalme: and the Patrones and Proveftes of the Colledges , quhair fang Schoolesar founded Tm. a bill for infttudb - - ' ’■ • and fet up ane fang School, with ane Maifter fufficient and abill for infttuiftion of the zouth, inthefaq' fcienccofMufick; JVs tliey will anfwet to his Hiencs , upon the petrel of their Fiuidationes , And in p«' forming of this his Hienes requeift , will do unto his Majeftie acceptabil and gude pleafute. N ANE TABLE Of the T ARTICULAR CT E S, and uthers, made be KING J AMES the Sent in thisfext ‘Parliament lo. OBober. and not imjrmted. ’ I ^ Ommijfm atient the JurifdiBion of the Kirk, the lajl pairt thekof 1 Ratification of the Kingis 'revocation anent Fees and Penfiones. 3 c/fye AB anent the Cunzie. 4 ^ne AB infavoures of the Fewares and takkefmen of the Lands and Te'mdes of foir-faltedfn- luCtSS . y K^nent the Kitieis Councell. 6 cApprobat 'ion of the proceed'mges in the Kingis name. 7 I.AB in favour of faithfull SubJeBes. 8 Revocation of the infeftment of the Erledome 0/ Lennox ma 'td to the Lorde Charles 9 Confirmation of the fatd Erledome to Robert Erie of Marche. I o Ratification of the d 'lfcharge granted to the Erie ^Mar. I I xyiB anent the tennents ^'Dumblane. 1 1 Cmfirmation of the infeftment of the haven »/Kilrynnie in Fife, to Tohne Betoun p/'Balfour. 1 3 AB m favour of the Ho/fital in Edinburgh. 1 4 Confirmation of the infeftment of the Towne ^Faithlie. ly x^B hetuixt Patrick Fortoun and James Hunter. 16 KjAnent the making of Aquavits. 1 7 Comm'0on to decide the antiquitie and pr'ior'itie amangis the Burrowes. 18 AB in favours of the Lord Boyd. 19 Ratification of the reformation of the Vniverfaie ^Sanft-AndrewM: FINIS the SEFENTH PARLIAMENT. XXIV. ofOaober. ij8i. H N H parliament, Udden and bemn at Edinburgh , the XXIV. date of OBober , the zeir of God , ic8i. zeires; Be JAMES theSext, be the Grace of God . King of SCOTTES , and the three EJlaites of this Reaime. 99- TheRatifoationoftheLihertieefthetrew Kirk tf GOT) and Religion, with con- firmation of the Lawes and t.ABes maid to that effeB of befosr. ,UR SOVERAINE LORD, with advifeofhis three Eftaitcs and hail! body )ofthisprefentPatiiainent, lies ratified and appreived, and bethetenourheirofra- 1 tifiesandappieivis, all and quhat-fum-evetAftes of Parliament, Statutesandcon- ' ftitutionespaftandmaidofbeloir, aggrieabie to God his word, for maintenance «f the iibertie of the ttewe Kirk of GOD and Religion, nowprefently profcfied y within this Reaime , and putitie theirof. And fpeciaUie the Aft maid in the Reigne (oftiieQueetic his deareft Mother, in die Parliament haldenat&/«i»r?/ithe 19. fdayofAprii.thezeirof GOD ijfSy. Anent thecafling, annulling, and abrogating I'of all Lawes , Aftsandconftitutiones, Canons Civile, and Municipal, withuther conftitutions contrair the Religion now profefled within this Realm. And in like- wife the Aftes after following, maid in divers Parliamentes, haidenfen his Hienes Coronation. Nameliethe Aftsanenttheabo!ifchingordieytf/>andliisufurpedauthorine. Anent the atmuUingoftheAcfesofPat- liament maid asainft G O D his word, and maintenance of Idolatrie in ony time bypaft. The Confeflion of theFaitiiprofelTedbethePtoteftantesof&srtei. Anent die Mefle abolifclied, and punifchingofallthat faeatis orfayis the fame. Anent the trew and haSy Kirk, and of them that ate declared not to be of the fame, Anent the adraiffionoftliem that fall be prefented to Benefices, havandcureofMiniftetie. Anent the KmgiS Aith to be given at his Coronation. Anent them that fuidbearepublick Office hereafter. Anent thriddis of Benefices granted in the Moneth of December, thezeirofGod , 1561. zeires, for fufteining of theMini- toie and mherisaffairisot the Prince. Anent them that fall be teachers ofthezouth in Schooles. Anent thejukliftionoftheKirk. Anent the difpofition of Proyeftries, Prebendries, and Chapknetles toBurfates, to be found'-d in Colledges. Anent the filthie vice of F ornication . and punifliment of the fame. Anent them that committis Inceft. Anent lawful! Mariage of the awin blude in degries , not forbidden be God lus word. Ratification and approbation oftheAftes and ftatutes maid of befoir, anent the ftiedome and hbertieofthe trew Kirk of G O D. Anent the trew and halie Kirk. That the Advetfaries of Chrifts Evangel fall not enjoy the Patrimoaie of the Kirk. Anent the difobedientes , quhilk fall be received to out Soveraine Lordis mercie andpardon. TheexplanationoftheAftmaidanentManfesandGlebes. Anent purclrfing ot the “ftfes Bulks, orgiftesoftheQueene, our Soveraine Lordis Mother. Approbation ofthe Aft niaid anew the dif¬ pofition of Benefices to the Miniftets of Chriftis Evangel. Anent the reparation of Paroche K>™s. The rati¬ fication of the Iibertie of the trew Kirk oi God and Religion. That the Glebes of the Mimftets and Readers fall k frie of teyndes. Anent the trew and halie Kirk, and of them that are dedaired not to be of the fame. Anent thejorifdiftionoftheKirk, difehargeing ol Mercattes, and labouring on the Jabboth-dayes, and playing ordrinkingititimeof J’ermone, Anent the zouth, and utherisbezondftyMpeftto have declined ftomdte tteweRdigion That houlhalderis have Bibles and Pfalraebuikes. For punifliment of ftrang and idleBcg- gers. and releife of die pure and impotent. And declaris the faidis Aftes, and everieane of themed dl udierisAftes of Parliament, maidinlavoursofthetrew Religion, fen rite ftid reformation, tohaveeflect in all poy ntes , after the forme and tenoiit theirof. too. Trwifton ofMinifters , and certainefltfendesfor them at aUParoche Kirkes. item, Becaufe for laik of Preaching and reading in fmdrie parts of the Reaime 1 pefted to be fallen in great ignorance and danger of godks Atheifine. , It bang found the charge of pluralitie of Kftkes ony aneMinifet-may.inftw.ft mome.flockes. dient , ■ ftatute L ordained be our Sovmine Lord , and his three Eftaues of this prefent Partoen^ Ttat every Paroch Kirk, and fameikil boundes as fall be lound “b^afofficient and competent P^ foir, fallhavetheirawinPaftour.withafufficientandreafonabilftipend: accor ■Miniftets with of the place. And that all Kitkis annexed to Prelacies be provided of ^ ""X competent iivinges, afweill laitlie difponed fen his Hienes acceptation of the go befoir the peifonc. as that fall vaik and be provided hereafter, Toh'h Ws ttenes perfite g • bereferved title of ony Ptelacie be conferred to ony perfon hereafter, that the faidis livings p . K k KING JAMES THE S E ill rlie provifion, and aKvayescomptedinclietlirid, to the effefl: that Miiiifters bee proWd^T^ aavi::-rn. And in-cafe oiiy gift orj^rovifion of Prelaciefallpafleuthervvife, declains the fame to be nuj" and oi ■Miil, force, nor effeifx. Mh' '.is Dilapdatmes of the Rentes of Benefices , p'o-jided to CMinifiers , in title for their life-times. T E M , Becaufe fiodry jVJlniflrers provided to benefices for their life-times without regaird of conf-i _ orhow their .Snccelfoursfould life alter them, for fum prefent ptofite: Settis their la'dis Benefice j Kenre . rhcirot m Fewes, Takkes, Rentalls ; or difponis furth of the fame , to the utter overthrow o'^rbr i and great prejudice, ba.thofrlieKingis-Majeftie, the common-welchandpofteriticto-cum Iris' thocht expedient , ffatute and ordained be our Soverainc Lord , with advife of his three Eflaites and if Body oftliis prefent Parliament ; That na perfones. being in the funflion of the Minifterie, provided ro IT of Benefices under Prelacies difpone penfiones, or mak uther difpofitioncsofthe Rentes of his BenTfi" to the prejudice of his Succeffour.and diminution of the Rental, quhairat hee findis it at his enrrie Hiei-to ,,iT' thepaineofdepriyationfromthefaidbenefice, quhair-intill in cafe hefailzie, hisfetand locaodn tohed ccpicdini I, and himfelfe to be deprived, alfweill from his funflion in the Minifferie, as from chebeicf jtlclf, quhilk upon his default tryed and adjudged, asfaidis, orderlie, fall be dedaired to be vaikard to be prefented and conferred of new, asgifhevvernaturalliedead, I o^. That dlTmifteriifaU be prefented he the Kiugis Andtothceffeft that rite execution of toourSoveraineLord. ^"d his Hienes Thefaurenn « Checken^, the faidis Aftes fall not be iieglcfted , as m times by-paft . cAAimill . or the nixt lauchfull denzeirlie. TheanethefirftdayofFe^nwr, and the . ft„,g5 quhenoccafionfervis, at the dayes thereafter follow ing , befide uther Coates to be hafo 4 dilcrction ofthe faidis Juftices. Andincafethefaidis J . Y Being called and diligence, forcxectitionofthisprefentcommiffion, at \ n.-„_,:Z.j,,aii or his deputes, atcheinftance comia thereof be O U R S O V E R A I N E L O K D I S If ■X^hSeth pS . to be uplifted of cfhis Hienes Advocate , Every aneohhemi fall meurreth 5J j tFiat this prefent Art, not thembehisHienesThefaurer, tohisMajeffiesufe.^ Bet a Y Being dewlie infeft and in pofleffion nathingriiereinconteined, fall be prejudicial! to his Hienes u j g ’ i e [Jey may ufe , joife, bruik and of balding of Craves , Lines, or loupes within ftcfdi waters , Bot that they my KING JAMES THE SEXT zi8 occupie the fame in time cumming , according to their richtes , keepand die Setterdayes flop , and fik difl betwixt every Heck, as the Aftes of Parliament appoyntis. And in cafe they failzie therein, to beaccT* bill, andfufferpunilhment, as die remanent tranfgteflbures of the faidisAftes. 1 1 Executioft may be aga'mjl my Me ft and reife , committed be my other of the famin Lianne. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And his three Eftaites, in this prefent Parliament, having cni fiddered the mony grievous opprefliones and cruelties, quhair-untohispeaceabilland gude fubjeft' atfubjeft, findisnathingmair intollerabill , nor the deadly feedes, borne be the Clannes of thieves, brok'* men, and Sornetis upon crewmen, fordieflauchter,. takang, hurting of the faidis thieves, broken men* and Sorneris , taking and bringing diem to Juftice , or in the defence and ridding of the new mennis guddes ’ ftollen and reft fra them. And how the faidis Clannes of thieves , for the maift paitt ar companies of wicked men , coupled in fellowfcliippes be occafion of their fur-names , or neir dwellings togidder , or throw keipin focietieinthieft, or receipt of tliieft , noffubjedted to the otdinarcpurfe of Juftice, nor toony ane Landis^ lord, that will mak them anfwerabill totheLawes, bot commpunlie dwelland on fmdrie mennes Tandes ■agaiiift the gude- will of their Landis-lpr4es , quhairthrow new Men opprefled be diem , can have na remeid’ at the handes of their Maifters, bot for their defence, aroft-tentimesconfttainedtofeekeredresoftlieir skaithes of the haill Clanneor fik of them as they happen to apprehend , like as die haill Clanne , commoun- lie beads feed, for the hurt received be onie member thereof, quhidder be execution of Lawes, be otdout of Juftice, or uthet wile. rr IS thctciore declared, ftamte and ordained , be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with ad- vife ol his three Eftaites , and haill body of this ppefent Parliament : That it fall be lefum to all his obedient and gude fubjedles , that fall receive onie harme or skaith , tlirowftouthormaifterfull reif of their guddes, ' to be comniitted after die daic hereof, be onie of the faidis notorious diieves, broken men, or Sorneris of the faidis Clannes of thieves, in time cumming , To apprehend , flay, andarreift, the bodies and guddes oUlie perfones , offendinpgainft them or pnie udiers , being ofthe fame Clanne, their fervandes, depen- ders, or partakers, quhairever they fall finde them , in onie partes of this Realme, ayandquliilltheprincU palles , or uthers of the faid Clan , caufe the faidis harmes and skaithes be tedrefled , to the fatisfafhon of dif fufteiners thereof: oratleaft, finde fufficientfovertie to that efletft , to the contentment ofthe perfon tliat lies fufteined the skaith, in-cafe it fall be found be order and tryall , according to Juftice , that the offender and deed-doer wes onie wayes receipt , fupphed , and mainteined amanges the faid Clan, after tlie offence committed. 113. Againjltheexcejfeof coaJielieCleithhtg ^ AndtranfbortingofWooll, quhairly the fare may he the better halden in IV ar he. The Kingis Majcftie , and Eftaites ofthis prefent Parliament, Confideringtlie great abufe, ftanding amanghisSubjcftcsoftlie meaneEftaite, picfumingtocountetfaifthisHienes and his Nobilitie, in theufeandwearingofeoaftelie Clcitliing ofSilkesofalflortes.Layne, Cammeraige, Freinzies, and Paf- mentes of Gold , Silver and Silk , and Wollen Claith , m^d and brocht from uther forey ne Cuntries , quhait- throw the prices ofthe fame is growen to fik exorbitant dearth , as it is not abill to be langet fufteined without the great skaitli and inconvenient of the cpipmoup weill , liowbeit God lies granted to this Realme fufficient commodities for cleidiing ofthe inhabitantes thereof witliin the felfe, gif the peopell werverteoufiie em¬ ployed in woorking of the fame at liame , quliairby great numbers of pure folkes , now wandering in begging, micht be releived , alfvveilltothehonefty, as wealth of die Cuntrie. Fprremeidquhairof, Itisftatuteand ordained bee our Soveraine Lord . with advife of Ills Eftaites and haill body of tliis.prcient Parliament : That naneofhisHienesSubjedfes, ManorWoman, being under the degrees of Dukes, Earles, LordesofPat- liament, Knichtes., or landed Gentil-men , thatliesQrmayfppndoffriezeirliel\ent,twatlioufandmarkes, orfifty ChaldersofViftuallatleaft, or their Wives, Sonnes or Douchteris , fail after the firft day of May nixt-to-cuni , ufe or vveare in tlieir Cleidiing, orapparell, or lyning thereof, onie Claith of Gold, or Sil¬ ver, Velvot, Satine Damask , Taffataes, oronybegaities. Frenzies, P^ments, orbroderie of Gold, ifilver, orjilk: norzitLayne, Cammerage, or Woflen Claith, maid and brocht from onie foreine Cun¬ tries, under the paineofanehundrethpundesofeyeryGentil-man landed, ane hundreth markes of every Gentil-man unlanded , andfourriepundesof ilk Zea-man, for every day that hee, his Wife, ijonnc or Douchtertranfgreffis this prefent Aft, The ane halfe to the ufe of OUR SOVERAINE LORD, or Lord ofMie Regalitie , within quhaisboundes the tranlgreflbures are apprehended: and the uthet halfe J® the Schireffes , Stewartes and Baillies within their Jurifdi^ones, Provmes, .^iJermen, and Baillies with¬ in Burrowes and Ciries : and to the Stewartes and Baifljes widijn Regalities , for dieir paines. Quhilkis ®t" dinar Ju^es be themfelves , theit Deputes and Officiars , fallliave power to atteach and arreift the IPerfons rianfgrelloures ofthe faid Aft, andtoputtheminWaitd. quhill they bee ttyed upon the faid tranfgreffion. be ane Aflife , quhilk fall be done within the fpace of three dayes after their apprehenfion at the fattheft. hm being found culpable , tohalde themin Waird. quhill they nave payed thp faid paine, andfound Joyemef® seventh TARLI AMENT. XXIV. of Oaebcr. Z19 ■■ • rimecummine;. under doubling of the paine, ExcentandalwayesthcOfficiares andfervandcs cf lORDIS Hbuftiald, conteinedintheRoll tlicteof. The Officiates of his Q UR ^ ^ ^ ^SenatoursoftheCoUedgeofJuftice, Advocates and Scribes thereof, Schireffes, Stewartes, and tflaite , . ^ BaiUies and perfones , being , or that hes bene on die Councels of Burrowes , s in i?eaalities, Herauldes and Mafers, quhiikis fall not be ftibjeftto the paines of this prefent F^wearintrandufingoflikappaiell, asthey have,, or fall happen to have in time cumming, cither j-liat they beare Office, and are Cquiifellers or thereafter, duringtheirlife-times , Nctherfall Hienes I-tegesbce fubjeft to the faidis paines. for ufmg and wearing of onie their Cleithing, omcolWb^^.^ publication of this prefent Aft, nor fall it extend to onie fervaiides, for ufmg and alreaclic > Cleitliing of their Maifteris or Maiftreffies , nor to onie Weemen , for ufmg and wearing of n'cating heades , as they have bene accuftumat to weare in time bygane. And to the cfFeft, that mr'^'‘Hi''ncs Subjectes pfohibite be this prefent Aft , to weare the faid coaftelie Cleithing , may the better I f ed ofClaith an'diitherftufle. wrocht within this i?ealme , to their fufficient Cleidiing in their dc- hclcrv a ,p‘ 1 pyre peopill may Be the better lialden in wark , throwetheiabouringofthe wooll ^ff’Cuntrie within the fame ; THEREFOIR, It is ftatute and ordained be OUR SOVERAI- ° r 1 ORD with advife of his faidis Efiaites ; Thatnamanerofwoollbetranfportedorpiit mSchippes ^ R fps to be tranfoorted forth of this Realme in time cumming , under the paine of confilcation of the f and of all the remanent guddes movabill of the petfones awners and tranfpovtcrs thereof , to SoVeRAINE LORDES ufe. And that na licence or difoenfation fall be granted be OUR ^VvFRAINE lord otWsfucceiroures. to quhatfumever Perlone or Perfones , for tranfpotting T vvnftl lurch of this iJealme, after the faid firft day of Maij nixt-to-cum , under quhatfumever cullour “ ' rL(e And that alfoveill the purchefferis of the faid difpenfationes or licences (git the famin fall happen orprete • . or wtane narrative , tobegtanted) as their informers buyers of the licences, from the tkowiigot aldtranfportetesoftheWoolinthdrd’chippesand veffelles, fall incunhc faidis as vif na fik licences had bene granted, quhilkes fail beefteemedbot as private cttcrs. furrcp- Suflv purchafed , quhairevei they fall happen to bee fchawen m Judgemente , or out-witii, quhair-thtow Kevv ka and meaning of this prefent Aft . fall na wayes be hindered or prejudged. T14. t.y{gamjl fiiferjimm Banquetting , and the iimdimt ufe of ConfcUourcs and Tlrogges. OUR SOVERAINE. LORD, undetftanding the ^gtea^excefle and : And his three Eftaites convened in this prefent Parliament, ! fuperfluitie ufed in Bridelles and utheris Banquettes ' amangis t^neane’Subieftes of tfis i?ealme ,■ alfweiil within Burgh as to Landward , Tothe inordmat confump- Ln not onliioffifettuffasgtowes within the iJealme, botalfwa ofDrogges, ConfecToUres & Jpicctics, Lock from the pairtes bezond Jea and'fauld at deare prices to mome toke , that are vene unabdl to fuftene “afte Forftanchingofquhilkabufeanddiforder, IT IS ftatuKand ordained be OUR finde cnVFRAINE LORD widi advife of his faidis three Eftaites : That na maner of Perfones his LSes Earles, Lords, Barronnes. landed Gend-men, or utte Sa eworSSyfpendehixeirliefrie twa thoufandmarkes money or fiftieChalder^ Vi^^ Jr^ram^ffirfallprefume, to have at tlieir Bridelles, or uthet Banquettes, or at them ^ BaiihestoLaniwatt, fallappoyntfeatchers Toq^hilkisfeatchensoree ^ fumevet Houfes that they cum to fearclie , under the paines to be eftc m Balden in Waird quhill they Aft. giftheyrefufe.' And the offendetis being apprehended . “h/f have payed tlie faidis pecuniall paines, to be employed the anehaJfe o 1 andfearchers, aiidtheutherhaifetothepureoftheParochine. ■ , 1 1 c. Ratification of the AB ofTarliament , cmicmmg the T)ecfion of Affellatmes , maid: to tlx Court of Rome. ' /^UR SOVERAINE LORD . and the three Eftaites of f V./ appreivis., and confirmistheAftofParliamentunderwrittenina p 5 ’ de- tickles comeined thereintill. And ordainis the famin to have fuU e’davanddaitthere’of, and fwa to cetnis and dcclairis the famin Aft to have bmea^commoun Law, ro cognofee or decide in be in all times cumming. And tliatna Judge widim this Realme ® ® P ^ famin , be their onie caufe conuair die tenour and ordinance of the faid Aft , . X ..^diercof, according to the ingyne or interpretation , bot the famin Aft to be kee^d in all die tenour KING JAMES THE S E X T tcnoijr of rhe famin , Of the quhilk the tenour followis. IN THE PARLIAMENT, hold the tenth day of Julie, die zeir of God , i ydo. zeires. ThefaidParliaipent being'conrin''' tothefirftdayof Auguft nixt thereafter following , with continuation of dayes qpon die t-a,. day otrl'r^ Moneth of Auguft; Thethree Eftaitesthenbeingprefent, underftandihg that the Lieges and fubjeft'^’l thisRealmc, iiavand aftions dependand and jperfewedin the Court of Rme , or jbj t,heconllftorieso?l famin, lies fufteined great expenfcs, fa that they have bene alluterlie herded theirdirowe. For cfl^'^ ing of the quhilk, and that na pairtie , havand juft Aftion , be defrauded jtheredf. IT IS ftatutr'^'a ordained, that all pairries , alfwell perfewers as defenders , havand pleyes , dependand in the Court of Rome or Confiftories , or before uthers Judges , called Delegates or Sub-delegates , fail perfew defend the faijic at rheit option before the Lordcs of pur SoverainisSedion, the Sdiireftl , Stewart, orb'? lieofRegalitic, Baillie ofBarronnie , ProveftorBailliesof Burrowes, or uthers temporall Judges ordn- within this Realme, quhairtliepaittiepetfewerauchttoanfweroftheLaw, and the faidis proedTes to 'u ginnequhairtlieylcft, according to the laft Aft of the proces, and after the forme thereof , quhillthe fin 11 cpd and decision of the famin. And the fentence being given , the execution to be maid thereof, as of utli fcntences ptonunced before utiier temporal! Judges of this Realme. And attoyer , becaufe it is likeuife derftand, diat there is Appellationes maid and interponed fra divers fentences , given in the fbrcfaifts Co^ fiftories, and als fra fentences be Judges Delegates and their Sub-delegates , quhilkis appellationes bei Juftified, ijiay reduce the laid fentences. Therefore, IT IS ftam’te and ordained , That rhe pairtief qulia lies appealed, give in their fupplicaoons to the Lordes of our Soverainis Seffion, to have letters to c.ill the pairtie, fotquhome the fentence is given, to compeir before the faidis Lordes to lieate and fee twa, three, .orfouce named be commiffion. To fijt in the maift convenient place, to cognofee upon the laid Appellation and fentence , and to declaire the famin , according to the Laiy , Outlier r.c.t.rei'tand the fentence or confirmand the famin. Providing that the perfewers of rhir appellations do their diligeytcp in niancr fojefaid witliin the terme & foace fpecifiedin the Lawes ; uthetwayes not to be heard hereafter.'bot execution to be ai! ven upon the faidis fentences , fiklike as & the pair^ had not appealed theirfra. Aijd in likevvayes , becaufe it wes lauchfull at fumtime , be way of Supplication , called Terinodum JimplicU querela , for to leeke remeid of the nullitie and iniquitie ol fentences , albeit na appellation had bene maid and interponed theirfra. Therefore it is ordained, that the faidis fupplicationes fall be given in be the coijipleenets , to dje faidis Lordes of the Seffi. on, quha fall have cognition thereintill, & dojulbce their pnent, conforme to the Law, Providing aiwayes, that this have place onlie in fik caufes, as of before were permitted to perfew fer modum fimflicuqH^eU,z\hniAK. 1 1 (!• i^gainfl the abuji qf [um Iftnded Gpttil-r/fen , and utheris forbearing to keepp honfe at their (twin dwfUing places . AMEIKLE, asoflaitriieteisctoppeninamangisfumNoble-men, Prelates, Bartonnes, and r Gc/itil-mcn , in certaiae paitts of this J?ealme , being ofgude livinges .great abufe contrair the honour of the .ffcalme , dc difierent from the honeft frugalirie of their Forebeares, paftiiig to Burrows , To>vnes, Chucli, annes & Aile-houfes with their houffialdes , and fum abiding in their awin places , ufis to buird tliemfeivcs and uthers to their awin fervands, as in hoftillarics , quhairon skaithfull and fdiamefull inconvenients da> lie fallcs Giic, tothcoitenfeofGod, defrauding ofthepureofdieiralmes, fclanderofttjpCunrrie, andhurrpftheau- thours. For remeid quhairof. Our Soveraine Lord, witli advifeof his diree Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, lies ftamte and ordained : That every Prelate , Zord, Barronne, and landed Genril-man , (all make his ordinat dwelling & tefidcnce at his awin houfe with hss famihe , in all time cumming, after the publication of the Ads of this prefent Parliament, For fetting forward ofpolicie and decoration of their faidis dwelling places,fupport- ing of the pure with almes , & interteiningof friendfehip with their Nichtboures be all gude ft honeft nieanes. And that they fotbeare the faid unhoneft forme of buirding of fhemfejves . ft their families and houihaldes in Burrowes , Clauchannes ft Aile-houfcs , or in their awin houfes , under the paines following , That is to fay ; Ilk Lord and Prelate , under the paine of yoo. markes, ilk great Barronne under the paine of 3 oo, matkes, and ilk landed Gentil-man under the paine of aoo. matkes. And gif they failzie , being called ft ordouriie convift of tranfgrelfuig this prefent Aft , the faidis pmnes to be up-lilted to our Soveraine Lords ufe. 1 1 7. The forvte and paine of Law-bomrwes. FORSAMEIKLE, As findriemde^fteshesbpnp maid anent finding of Law-borrowes , for prefer- vationofthetrewe and obedient Suqjeftes from injuft force and violence. And laitlie for their greater comfort , ^ was weill ordained , that the paines ofLaw-botrowesfuld be divided betwixt the King and the Pairtie offended unto. Nevetthelefle , feeing the paines of Law^borrowes hes extended only in time by- gane, forfafetieofbodieliehatmefromtltepeffolioftnecDmpleener : Themaliceofthewic.kedfainctea- fis , as they ce^e not be indireft meanes , and hounding out of Zimmars , vagaboundes , and uthers not refponlall, to invade the innocent perfbnes , not onUe in their bodies, hot to reive, fteale, houch, orllay* their Oxen, Horlcs, andutherCattell, cut or deftroy their Comes, orlocaulceacethelamewithBclliall. to hound and flay tlieir feheepe with dogges , boaft themfelves in fik forte , as they dare not lie in their awin Houles, or tomanace their^rvandes , to heve their ferviee, quhairthrow theirgrpund may be fayed wadh to the utter wrack and depaupeiingofthelnnocentes. CZUHAIR- SEVENTH PARLIAMENT. XXIV. of Omber. lygi. _ Q^U H A I R F O I R , OUR S O V E R A I N E L O R D , with adv& of his three Eftaites in this nre- fent Parliament, Ordainis, 1 hat aU Letters of Lavv-borrowes , falibedireftintimecummina at the in ftanceofthepaimescompleenand, Chairgemg the petfonescompleened upon, tofindeficker fovertie and Law-borrowes, thatthecompleeners, their wives, bairnes, tennentes and fervandes , fall be harmelcs and skaithles in their bodies, Landes , Takkes, pofleffiones , guddesandgeare, and on na waves to be niolefted or troubled theirm , be the perlones compleened upon , norna udiers of their caufwe, fending houndiiig-out, receipting, command , affiftance and rati-habicion , quhometheymay ftoppeor letdircd- lie or indiredtlie, utherwayesnorbeordourofLawandJuftice, under great paines to he modified be the LordesofSeffion, or uthersordinar Judges , Be quhome, in cafe the faid Law-borrowes fall be dewlic tfjxd to be broken . the ane halfe of the paine fall perteine to OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and ilieudiethalfctothe pairrie grieved, according to the effeft and meaning of the faid Aft, maid to that edeft of 1 1 8. Anent deforcements , breaking of Arreijimentes , and Alienatmes maid in de¬ fraud of Creditoures. FORSAMEIKLE, As it is heavelie compleened to OUR SOVERAINE LORD, be divers his fubjeftes : That quhen they have upon their lang travell and expenfes recovered their fentence , they ar deforced in execution thereof. Lyke as quhen Arreiftmentes ar maid to make the gudes iurth’cum- niand, after die recovery of the debt, the famin ar contempnandlie broken. Andfarder, the execution offentences and dccreetes are oft-times impedite be fraudfiillalienationes of the dekoures Landes and gud- des , maid be them throw colorate meanes , to their friendes and conjunft peribnes. And the Pleyes and aftions upon deforcements, breaking of arreiftments, and reduction of ffaudefull alienationcs , hes bene fwatedious, fumpteousandiangfum, thatveryfeweol them are brock to ony gude end, qidiaitby our SoveraineLordisAuriipritie is contemned, andhisSubjeftesarebrochttogreatinconvenient. For remeid quhairof, IT IS ftatute and ordained , That the Lordes of Councell and Seffionproceedefummarlie and (Jiligentlieinallaftionesofdeforcementes, and breaking of arreiftmentes, to be intented before them , at the inftance of quliatfunievet perfones , and fpeciallie that the faidis aftiones , qulien tliey ate ciled, fall with all convenient fceed without intermiffion be put to ane poynt , after the calling thereof. And that the perfones convift of deforcement, orbreakingofarreiftmem, fall be punifehedbe the Efcheit of their gu&ies movabiil, and punifehment of their perfones, at our faid' Joveraine Lordis will , according to die Lawesobferved of before, with this addition : That the pairtie tecoverer of the fentence, fall be firft payed of his debt and of his expenfes, to be lieicWie taxed be the faidis Lordis, and of ane certaine fummeofmoneyto be modified at the faidis Lordis difcrecion, to the pairtie, for the damnage and iiite- reft fufteined be them. Anent the quhilk the pairtie intereft , fall have the reddie execution upon die firft andreddieftguddesand geate of the petfoneconvift : Notwitliftanding tlierichtof dieEfclieitperteiiiing to OUR faid SOVERAINE LORD, quha fot weill of his fubjefts , will and grantis , that the creditours be preferred to him in this cafe.' And further witiiadvife of Iiis faidis three Eftaites , IT IS ftatute and ordained be his Hienes : That all giftes of efcheit, quhilkis fall be given hereafter , to quhatfiim- evet perfon or perfones of guddes, geare.and uthers cummand in liis Hienes handes for defotcement.or break¬ ing of arreifttnent, fall conteineexprefle exception and refervation, totheCreditout, ofthefummestcco- vered for Siis principal! debt, expenfes andfumme, to be modified as faid is. AndgifonygiftofEfcheitpro- ceeding upon the caufe forefaid , be given without the faid refeevation and exception , tlie fame fall be null& cfnaneavaill. And fik-like, for the greater expedition of reduftionof Alienationcsanddifpofitjones of Landes and guddes, maid in ftaude of the Creditout , IT IS ftatute and ordained, tliat the famin be maift fummarlie decided and priviiedged befummondes upon ^ i . dayes warning , widiout diet , table or con¬ tinuation of uther fiimmonds. AnddiatthePairtiqreceivcroftliefaidisfraudefulIalienationesand difpofi. ones, fall not be heard to defend therein, except that they (before they be admitted to produce the faidis aliena- ones and dilpofitiones, and toanfwertothefummonds) configne in the handes of the Clerk of Regifterand his Deputes, for quhome he fall be lialden to anfwer, iikfummes of money , as fall be modifieo, be thq diferetion of the faidis Lordes , to be delivered to the pairty perfewer , jn cafe tile faidis alienadones and dif- pofitiones fall be declared fraudfull. 1 19. Anent regifratimt of inhibitimes and interdiliiones. Item, Albeit imerdiftiones and inhibitiones , for many great and weichtie confiderationes , to di¬ vers intentiones, ar very neceflk and profitable : Neverthelefle, itisoflaitcoqfidered, thatthefaidis inhibitiones and imerdiftiones, ar greatly abufed, to the hurt and ptejuice of our Soveraine Lordis He. ges, contratie to the end quhair-unto they were firft diredted : In fa far, asinterdifliones, forthei^ft pairt proceedis upon confent of pairty , like as the faidis intetdifliones , and letters of inhibition , oft-tentimes proceedis upon licht caufes ; The execufiones quhairof, ar fundrie times forged and fenzeit , and after mony ^ites, theexecutorandwitneflesbemgdeceafled, the faidis inliibidones and interdiftionesar ufcd againft out Soveraine Lordis lieges, at the inftance ofthe receivers thereof, a«id uthers, forrefcindmg&rettegting LI i ef ^3^ KING JAMES THE S E XT ofcontraftcs, infeftmcntes , and utherrichtes upon allcgcatice, that the famin ar maid fraudfuUic, jfj thepublicationoftliefaid interdiftion, and iniiibition ; Be the quhilk craftie dealing, fik as contra-^^ bona fide, at brocht in danger to their great damnage, and to the advantage of tte faidis perfoncs , abufe^ ofthefaidis inhibitionesand interdicliones. For remeid quhaitof , and to the efTeft that evetie anc of SovcraincLordis lieges may knaw and underftand, the conditione and qualitic of the perfon , with quliom he contraiffis in this head, quhidder he be fubjeft and thrall to interdiflion or inhibition , or be at his freedome and libertietocontrafl. IT IS ftamte and ordained , that all inhibitiones and interdiftionesto be raifed hereafter for quhatfumevercaufe, with the executiones and indorfationes thereof, be within ,3 dayes after the publication and cxecudon of the faidis inhibitiones and interdiftiones , produced firft to tl,; Schirefi Clerk ol the Schire, quhait the perfone intetdited or inhibit dwellis , and makis his rcfidence. Atij eifthefaidperfone have his landes and heritage, or the maift pairt thereof lyand in ane uther Schirefdonie nor quhair he dwellis : That the perfon , at quhais inllance the uther is interdited or inhibitc , produce the faidilitcrdiftionand inhibition, dewely execute and indorfat to the Clerke of the Schirc, quhait the faiJi; lands lyes, within the famin 40. day es. Quhilkis letters of interdiftion and inhibition , with the cxcco. tion thereof, the faidis Schireffe Clerkes , fall infertin their regifters , rakand for everie letter, with the executions thereof, five fchillinges. Quhilk letter , with the execution thereof, they fall fignewith their fubfeription , and deliver the famin fwa fignet to the partie , within xxiv. houres , nixt after the receipt tliete. of 1 he extraft of the quliiik regifter , M have as grear faith and ftrength , as gif the originall wer-fehawin,. except the parties havandintereft to opponeagainft the faidis inhibitiones and interditfiiones , offer to im. prieve the famin, be way of aftion . or exception. In the quhilk cafe, the paittie purchefier ol the faidis letters, and uthers havand intereft to defend the famin , fall be halden to produce the princmalles, andori- ginalles, notwithftanding that they be regifttat, asfaidis. And that nainterdidfion or inhibition to be ray. fed and executed hereafter, beofforce, ftrength, orefteft, to onie intention, botthefamintobenullanil ofnaneavaill, except the famin be dewlicregiftrat, asfaidis. Ratificatm of the anent pr eft rift ion in caufts ofjpuilzies and ejebi tones. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with advifeofhistlirceEftaites, in this prefent Parliament, Ra¬ tifies and apprevis the Aft maid in his Hienes Parliament, halden and begun at Edinburgh the 10. dayofOftober , the zeir of God, i yyp. zeites : Anent prefeription in caufes of fpuilzies and ejedi- ones , Andordainisthe fame to have effeft and execution in time cumming, after the forme and ten- our thereof. 1 1 9. iMitent the Convention of Bitrrowes. FORSAMEIKLE, Asitwasfoundneceflarto OUR SOVERAINE LORD,andhisHienes Predecefiburs That’the CommifiTionets of Burtowes convene at fik times , as they fold think gude ; in ouhat Butah they t’houcht maift expedient , with full commiflion , To treat upon the weilfair of Merchandis and Mcrchandice , eude rewle and ftatutes for tliecommoun profit of Burtowes, asatmairlengthiscon- teined in the Afts of Parliament maid tlieiranent , and anent the Priviledges of Burtowes. Therefore one Soveraine Lord , with advife of his three Eftaitesof thisprefent Parliament. Ratifies and apprevis thefaidis Aftes And for the better obfervation of the faidis Conventiones be fik Burtowes , as lies heretofoit noifent riicir Commilfionets at onie time thereto , hes ftatute and ordained , that in time curnming , f hf « o" ventiones of Burtowes is appoy nted , be the maift pairt of the faidis Burtowes , or be the Burgh oi Edmbm and onie fex or audit of die reft , The Burgh warned thereto be ane Miflive bill of the Proveft and Bailliesrf the^Burgh, quhairthefaidconventionistobehalden, or utherwayes lauchfollie cited thereto , pcirandle their Commiflionet fufficientlie inftrufted, fall pay for the charges of the Burghes ft^t M conven Lfummeoftwentiepundes. AndordainistheLordes ofCouncelland Seffion, " of horning or poynding, againft the Burtowes abfent fra the fame Convention and adjudged bee th .1, ...°....*. •^.„i,.,,,..i„^.,r,»rlrhpFjiHnninpandiinlaw Andthisattlieinftanceof tile Burgh ixo. Anent the cumming of Schippes to the Burrowes in the Weft Cuntrie. URSOVERAINELORD, and his three Eftaites of this prefsnt Parliament, Rati^' O »PP^=ivis . and confirmis the Aft , maid be his Hienes maift Nobill Progenitor J ^de memory , Anent fttangets repairing withm this Redme with their ft'i'PP« ftrength ii tiro' paflages, claufo, and attickles thereof , , And decerms the famm to liave full effeft | Lmming, after the forme and tenouttheteof, with this Addition : ®<.uni tcirot and uthe^ris repairing to the Weftpairtes of tte Realme , Weft wVhprlv' ^mbirtam , or /?'»• Kingis ftie Burrowef, txkas Kircudbricht , Wigtoun, Atr , Irwmg, alfoeill biocht frev, and th'-r<‘ make their Merchandiee ivith frie-men thereof, of all manetof gud^s. - ^ ENT H PARLIAMENT. XXIF. of OBober. i;8i. 133 ' - ""I rane forth of the famin, and pay their cuftomc and dewtie to Ac ordinal asthcucher nairtes, rhev make namanetofmerchandicc, nor buy onie mer- Loches of the -nd North 0°'? Buirowes and that fra free-men ; Commanding cx- r-nfifche, hot faked and barrelled, r pondua: fraucht nor pilot onie fttanger, tothe ;ta in 000““^ P”"%fon»SrovSs BXs and Officiate,, of ^"nltake^theirhaillfchippesandmovabtl^ the tfoid pairt. totheap- l^l. ^.MneBtth fining of t/rdsur and p->ce on alt ftiife. „ „ n S O V EH M N E to J.D, oU;cmaift:NobilPrt)2;emtors, toruieltanciicingui ,;.u;n u as Rovalde , and their Baulies to und-watt , and the Ptoveftes and ®»! . RepBivc : Makaitd and con- y. Diit to dew execution , ever* ane with m their ho« j appoy nt ftatutes and ordniances , ftmandthemjufticestothateffca, Jghe^i Court xdtly: Andtoinquite, call, accufe and forthefpccialobfervationof tiefaidis Ate, t headCounes , under the pame of anelumdreth panifchl the cotitraveneas of the faidis Att > aifweill within Reealsrie as Royalne and their Ba'Ilies Lndes, £obespayedbeeverieErle,lx)rde,B*ttonneai ^n^j^ng, that fall be found remilTe and ^And of the Proveftes Aldermen, and |ey fall bedewlkcalkdandconyfttheitof. negligent in executioh of the faidis Aft . y ^ Judges to be called to underlie the Law therc- r‘^°S?a^Sj«fticrAte“ . . , L.4. X r doN of <^tutu a7id lix. - - it ane fpeciilie very unptoSrabie to the “"f CowpperS , of intention to make mer- Sommerfeafon, med commounke be petfoiws o m and na Horfesoffetvice. ^liairfoir, Sa^iLfthefaiffishotfes bemgforthem^^^^^^^^^ „« being ane Erie , Prd.te IT IS fcture and ordained , Thatnaneo p u ggffion, or landed Gentil-man» that may fpend Lord great Ban-otine, llvWues iduced, fall hald onymaneioi Hodes at hard of his awin ane thoufand matkes of zeitlie reM , B befoir the fifteene day of Oftober , under latSe WrnotthefifteenedayofMay, ^ *“ll of them to OUR' SOVERAINE the paine of efeheitting of die faidis thifAfttobeapoyntofdittay , And the contravened, r\VK SOVERAINE LORD. undecftMdmg, Omaidofbefoir, Ar>en“he%ingofHart.H^d ffeft '’3di« with Culvetings, Ctos-bowes, and Hand-bowes ^eites. Aftes hitherto hes tane na effeft and 1 EdhiburghinDecmber^hszcaoiGoi, ^ die fame to execution. THEREFOiR is 2.34 KING JAMES THE SEXT boundes die contravenerofthisprcfcnt Aft beis apprehended, dois not execute the famin, fa oft asditt /all be given unto him upon ony contravener , he fall pay for the firll fault the fumme of ane liundreth pundr^ lor the fccond fault, twa hundteth pundcs , andayfaoftashefailzies, fall double the faid paine tobfT^' plyed to OUK SOVERAINE LORDIS ufe. And to the efleft , that the Stewardes , Baillic'- and all urhets ordinar Judges within this Realme , may put the faid Aft to dew execution : O U R S O V F ’ KAINE LORD, widiadvifefoirfaid, lies ordained, and ordainis , the Lordes heritours , or pollelfoii ' oltheground, to prefent the contravener of the faid Afte, to the ordinar Judge, within quhais boundistl'* faid contravener dwellis and makisrefidence: Thefaidheritourorpoflellour, being required betheordi Judge, to do the lamin, under the paine foitfaid , fa oft as he beis required to that efleft , to be annl OUR .SOVERAINE LORDIS ufe, asfaidis, withpowertothe6idisordinar Judges. tocaS convccne the faidis hentoures or poflclloures, retufand to prefent the faidis contraveneres for the faidis paines And gifthey be found culpable, to convift them their-intill , and to poynd and dillrenzie them theitfoir And to make zeirly compt theirof , to OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Thefaurer , in his Hiene ' Checker ; Swa that the famin may be applyed to his Hienes ufe , as faid is. And ordainis fp’ecial letters of publication, tobedireftheir-upon, gif neid beis, in forme as efleiris. ‘ ' 124. tyfga'mft the tranjport'mg of Not and Scheepe and uther Cattle foorthofthis Realme. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of his three Eftaites , and haill bodie of this prefent Parliament, ratifies, appreivis, and for his Hienes and his Succeflbrs , perpetually confirmis the Aftes maid be his Hienes maift Noble Progehitours , againft the tranfpotting of Scheepe, Nolt or uther Cattle fourth of tlie Realme : And ordainis the fame to have full efleft and execution in time cummine with this addition ; 1 hat it fall be leiflull to ony of our faid SOVERAINE LORDIS Lieges thi hap pinis to apprehend onie Nolt or Scheepe , zoung or auld drivand , to be tranfported foorth of this Realme to llay thegudes, and to apprehend and keepe the drivers of them , quhill they have thoilled ane Affife befoir tliejullicc, orhisdeputes, vM\\e.Tolbuithoi Edinburgh , or beloirtheSchitefre, Steward, or Baillie of the boundes , quhair they fall happen to be apprehended , quhom his Hienes makis ordinar Jufti’ces in that paitt for trying oftlie contraveneres oftliis prefent aft, and executing of the paine of hanging upon them *^and confifeation , alfweill of the gudes apprehended , as of the remanent of their moveable gudes; ^hilkis per Tones, being found guiltie, ordainis and declaris , the ane halfe of the faidis gudes apprehended , and their remanent movable gudes, to be equaUie divided betuixt the Judge ordinar, and the apprehender for their paines , and the uther halle of the fame efcheit guddes to be in-brocht to our J'overaine Lordis ufe , and compt to be maid of the fame m the Checker. * 1 2 y . Againfi the tmlauchfuU taking of profit e be Captaines and keepers of the Kingts Caftles. FORSAMEIKLE, As amangfl: findry utheris great difordours , growen in this Eftait , fen tlie Kingis Majefties Coronation . ane , not of the Imallefl: importance, lies bene the making of mercat of the Kingis Ca/fles and ftrengthes (being the Keyes of the Realme, quhaitin the Ordinance, Niunitiones and Jewelks of the Crown ar placed) be fum , to quhom the cuftodie and keeping theiroi , happened to be committedfor the time; Conftraining his Hienes Regentes, in his tender age, and utheris havand his richt and power for the time, to redeeme liis awin houfes , Munitions and Jewenes at his great charges, and with their Landes, livings, and guddes, to the heavie damnage and intereft . alfweill of his Majelhe, as of them, their aires and pofteritics. FOR renieid quhairol, and efehewing the like evil example amangeft his Hienes Sub- jeftes, to make their unlauchfull advantage and comnioditie be hisferviceinalltimecumming, IT IS STAl UFE and ordained, that quha ever lies received onie funimes of money , landes, benefices, or guddes, outlier belangand to his Hienes or his Regentes, and utheris, havand his tichc and power , for’ the raiidcring and delivering of his Hienes prmer Caftles and ftrengtlies , with his Ordinance , Munitiones , and Jewellcs, being theirein, fen his HienelTe Coronation, or that happenis to make onyfikeontraftormer- chandicc in time cumming , direftly or indireftly , fall be halden to rander and deliver againe thaf quliilk they have received, or fall happen to receive, to tlie behoove of themfelves, or ony of their aires , ortheavaill tlieitof to his Hienes , and his Succeflbures, being properly his awin , or to liis faid Regentes , or others, havand his Hienes richt and power , their aires and executors , upon cognition had that the thinges given for the faid caufc, perteined properly unto them , to be btuiked and joifed be them , and their aires , in-cafe they be capable theirof , or utherwaies to be difponed at their pleafures. And that his Hienes and they , fall have gude aftion for repetition theirof, as neceflarilie given be them for the time, to efehew greater inconve- nientes , and zit wrangeouflie received be die takers , for unlauchfull caufes. 126. For punijhment of the fraudfull mixtion of Wines , be the Taverners and fellers theirof ^ and utheris their abujes. FORSAMEIKLE As be ane Aft of Parliament maid at Edinburgh the firfl day of Fcbrnar, The zeic of GOD, M. D. LI. zeires: IT IS ftatute and ordained, that namancr of Taverners take upon hand. CO make onie mixtion ofonieaiUd Wines and new Wines, or put ony Water in the fame, under the paine SEVENTH T ARLl AMENT. XXIV. of OBober. 1581. , -dm fik wine or water fa^be put into : Togldder with all the reftofall paine ot elc & . . a^yners of fik a Tavernc , and tinfell of tbdr frfifidome for ever. And in like ?»nd findrie ti \ ^ . Pr» ATVTT? T ORI'^T^ T nf Winftc rri f SlK-sSy XojjM s-u^. agaiM _ _ _ , buieres of Wines to be topped , “‘Tigris of Tavernes, take upon band to huird or hide fit wines, epft be them, in their houfes againe . 3'’° j5.jgy pj,t *6 farain in dieir commoun T avernes , and vouftes theirof , to be fauld “"iCntfv to o’ur Soveraineiordis lieges, upon the prices that fall be fei, maid and prpclaimedtbeir mdiffetentiy I foirfaidis ^hilJt Ad out Soverame Lord, with advtfe.oi hjs three EJlaites m this parliament ratifies and apprievis. Ordaining die fame to ftande in foKean.dsffed, asapernemalLaw prefentPatliai better execution thereof: makis andconftiWtisthePtoveftesatjdBavUiesof intimecumro. wjApower to them to makefearchepures, takeinquifmon, ^•STt^Som^^SLoneiams: witoilkeBurgh. qufaair wineistoUefapLd, u^nthecon- nfrtSiefaid Ad. And as they be found culpable . to execute dw (aidesp^ftes upon thern. Ai^ r''Se faides Ptoveftes and Baillies bets found temiffe, or negligent dieirio, being ^led and convid jn onietime thereafter. iz8. tAnent the Trockmatm of the aBes ofTarlkmept. F^o B i MflKI F As it is undetftand to the Kings Majeftie, and.tlwihreeE«laitesofParliament, iubtes and Sonsarifis touchingthe Proclamation of the Ades ofParliament. dutoftennm^joubtes^^^^ th| lieges, tliat drey are not bound to obferve and and *^7Les not^incur ony paines conteined therein , ^uhiU the fame be proclaroed at the keepe the famm f A?gs_ FortemedingofqultilkSdoubtes, jndme eummine; Ids mercat ctoces of the h „„-noTnrd and Eftaites of this prsfent Padament: That all afles and ftarate and ordained , e „ 1,. majd at onie time hereafter fall be publiihad foiriaidis, decetnisanddeaaris,^ tobeals v^^eanoiuu^ . bail! Lieges, lobeboundinand afterthepubiicationofthefamin. at . Ns^y-pafl^- A N E table Of die TARTICVLAR tACTES, hithisfeventh Tarkammt, ^4■ OBober, iy8i. not mfrmted. 3 CmmiJlimforr^ot'tnatimofliiJpitalks. 4 lAnent the eftabUjhing of the Kingis Comcell. Cuters e Orimr hm the iinifdl bi rekhted efimfortme and nntmms fitters. 6 tAnent the difihargeing of foBeries. .1 2ri' « « -*< ./ * -«-/« I"”" Rurrowes. 12. AB in favour of John Carnegie. ^ t j rut,.. I ; Tk ereBiou of the landes ijfDoun in erne iM'd-Je'^f- 14 AB in favour of the Burgh of Abetd^e. t$ The ehatmge ef the affumftim of the thrtd of the Ah f io the remanent 16 Change 16 Chaimgeofanepairtoftheaffumftionofthe i. of the Abbacie of Aberbrotjiok, 1 7 Trotefiation of the Nohilitie anent the murther of the Kingis Father. 1 8 Ratification of the faire of 'DdXWdth. 19 Ratfication the Burgh in Barrmmy of the Toun i^Mytetoun. ^o Ratificatiottoftbe Bttr^jinBarronnyoftheTotm i^Porrfoy. ^ I Ratification of the feinzie faire in Saint-Andrewes. Of the faire of Striviling. ' V 1.', Of the faire of Auchtcrardour. X4 Of the faire at the brig-end of Luntrethin. 1 y Of the priviledge of Silk-making , granted to Robert Dickfon. i6 Ratification of the cormmijfim, given to the hordes ofSejJim. for takingordow with the Qmmifars. ■L-j Rat fication granted to Maifier^'i^2m^-!Aivt, LordVioyvad. 2.8 Revocation of the propertie. ay Revocation of the cajualities. 50 Revocation of the Collehiorie. 51 Ratification of the difpofition of the reverfion of the Ft’kdome ^Lennwt 31 Ratification to Robert Erie of Otknay. 33 'To Vvinccs, fum-time Erie Bofhuell. 34 yo John, Erie of Mortoun. . To William, Er/ei^Gowry. 36 Th Margret Lellie, Angus. 37 'To the Lord Lindefay. 38 To William Ker of Cesfurd. 39 yh Andrew Ket Faldoun-fide. ■ 40 To Henry Stewart b'ts. 41 Tq Andro Monro ^ Dawachattie, 42 Item, to Jennet King. 43 To William Mofnian. 44 Patrick Creichtoun s/’Lugtoun, of fmdrie infejtments. 45- Lmfirmat'wn of the 'infeftment of Jew-ferme, of the He. Abbayandmaufi»tof$xM-Co\sM%-}Sldtllii 46 Ratfication of the Abbaicie ^Newbottle, to tAblaifier Marck Ker. 47 Ratification granted to Henry StewSrt, of the Abbay ^SainoColmes-inehft. 48 item , oj the Rriorie of Pliifcarden , to Alexander commendator theirof 49 ‘Rriorie op Coldinghame, to Alexander ‘Prior theirof. 50 Rntification granted to StoK Lconsxds Cotledge in Soim-BnitK'OKS. - ^qjCTH T4RLIJMENT. XXII. of CMaij. 1,-84. 137 U H P'ARLIAMENT current, r,cht SCOTT ES , and tk thee - - " ? EJiaites of this Realms, 12,9. ,An' aU cmfiming the K'mgis tMajefties Royal fewer over all Efiattes, and [iibjeBes within this Realme. Mlii m ^ Q S A M E I K L E As &m perfones , being lately called befoir die Kuigs Maje- ^ ieftie and his fecreit Councell : to anfwer upon certaine points to have bene in- concerning fumtreafonable . feditious, andcontumeliouslpea- uttered by them in Pulpit, Schooles, and utlietwaics . to thedifdaineand reprochothisHienes, hisProgenitours, andprefentCouncell, contemptuouflie declined the iudgement of his Hienes , and his faid Coimcell m that behalfe , to the evil exempli of tttheris to do the like, gif timous remeede be not provided. XherlfoirrsLrane Lord, and his threeEft liament, ratifies, andapprevis, andpetpetually confirms the royal pow«, and SiLitieoverallEftaites, alfweiU Spiritual, as Tei^otal, wi*m tbs Realme ^ . r , jf- ic -Moi.ftie out Soyetaine Lord, his aites and fucceflouts: And als ftatutis and intheperfonoftkKmgisM^^^^^ be themfelyes , and theit Councelles , at, and ordamis , that h s H.enes his laiUB fabjeftes. of quhat-fum-evet eftaite , degree, intimetocumfallbejudpcompetentt P “ ^ j I in all matters , quhairin they , or ony funftion. orcondmontWeyertheybeof Cchareed Tanfwet to fik thinges as fall be inquired of of them fall be apprehended fT™7fe’CounceU®And that nane of them, \nmis fall happen to be “i to M=S. .-1 fc"*- ■ “ S** c™.«» 1. .te p.».iire. . paine of treafon. 1 30. Aient the mthmtie of the three Ejiaites ofTarliament. J_ continued paft all memory of man, unto tiy,^ heseve^beneuphalden, rebellious and ftaices of this auncient Kingdome. Be quhom 1 r .4 jnd mainteined , and the lawes and aftes ttaiterousfubjeftespuniftied, the gude and faith . , P , j, . T j And finding the power, dignitie.and ofPatliamem (be quhUkis all men at governed) maid and P authoritie of the faid Court of Parhament , o , . i - Majefties firme-wiil and mind alwaies travelling to have introduced fum innovation irip of his faidis three Eftaites fall ftand, and con- being as it is zit: That the honour, authority. “ 'S'’ ^ jj [oyabill cuftomeby-gane, without ony altc- tinew in the awin integntie, accotdmgto the a ’ Soveraine Lord, andhisfaidis ming , under the paine of treafon, Jfecial licence and commamement. C O R S A M E 1 K L E , as in the ttoublous times , * ar'’Sd 'in thtpraaize and r judgements and jurifdiiftions, rimes convocat ’and aflembled togidder, and cuftome, quhairby the Kingis Majefties fubjedks ax of - rliem- orocefo led, and deduced ; paines alfweiU civile and pecunial, as Ecclefiafticai , ’njo'ne ^p, C^JJ52it, being allowed of, and fentcnces, and decreetes given, andthe^meputmexecu 10 ' |,jj.„{^omc'obfetvediiionicuthet approved be his Majeftie, and his three Eftaites m Parham , diminifhir.g of the force , and Chriftian Kingdome, or weill governed commoun w^l. „ . . n gyeht to be rtuled : Andfpe- power of his Hienes awin Lawes , be the quhilkis h.s Majeftics fubjeaes aucht * Mm' KING JAMES THE S E X T ciallic his Hiencs and his Eftaites , coiifidering that in the faidis aflemhlies , certaine his fubjeftes liavc upoiuhcmtojuftifie, and authorize the'faft perpetrat againft his HienespprfonandEftate, at/?;// ’’ and prcfccutcd thereafter, quhillhisMajeftieatGodspleafure, recovered liis libertie, havin’? inch/ tended niancr, maid Aftes theirupon, keipis the fame in Regifter. and as zit feemis to allow the remptat, althoucht now publicklie condemned be his Hienes and Eftaites as treafonable , naneoft/^ t'l rrstheirof, having craved his Hienes pardon theitfoir. Forremeidquhairof, intimecumminir according to the lovabil aft of his dcareft Grand-fchir, King James the Fourth, of wotthie memoric "'a his Hicncs lieges (being under liisobeyfance) mon be ruled be his awinLawes, andthecommcunl t ^ of this Rcalmc, andbenaneutherLawes: Our Soveraine Lord, and his three Eftaites, in this nref''^ Parliament, difehargis all judgements , and jurifdiiftions , Spiritual or Temporal , acenftomed to be i r"i and execute, uponony ofhisHienesfubjeiftcs, quhilkis at not approved be his Hienes , and his faidis tl"^^ Eftaites, convccned in Parliament; and decetnis the fame to ceafe in time cumming, quhill theord/*^ thcreofbcfirftfccnc, and confideredbc his Hienes, and his faidis three Eftaites conveened in Parliame and be allowed , and ratified be them: Cettifieing them, that fall proceed in ufinu, and cxercimr of h' faidis judgements, and jurifdiiftions , or in obeying of the fame, not being allowed , andratified, a?faid fliey fill be repute, halden, called, perieweo, andpunilhedasufurpers, and contemners of his Hieno- antlioritic, in cxcmple of utheris. And als it is ftatute and ordained , beoutfaidSoveraineLord aiidli- rhicc Eftaites; that nanc of his Hienes fubjeaes: of quhat-fum-ever qualitie , eftate, or fiinftion’ thev b/ of. Spiritual or Temporal, prefume or tak upon hand , toconvocate, conveene, or aflemble themldv/ togidder, for balding of Councelles, Conventions, orAflemblies, to treat, confult, and dcrcrmi„at in ony matter of Eftaitc, Civile or Ecclefiaftical (except in the ordinar Judgements) without his Ma'etlics fpeclal commandement , or exprefle licence had and obteined to that effeft , under the paines ordained be the Lawc- and aftes of Parliament , againft fik as unlawfully convocatis the Kingis Lieges. * The caufis and matter of deprivation of tji'limjiers . OUR Soveraine Lord, and his three Eftaites, allembled in this prefent Parliament, willing the word of GOD fall be preached, and Sacramentes adminiftrat in puritie and finceritie : and that the rentes , quhairon the Miniftets aucht to bs fufteined , fall not be poflefled be unworthie perfones , ncsleftiiw todothediietics, for quhilkis th^ accepted tlieitbenefices, being utherwaies polluted with the fraillaiid cnormc crimes, and vices after Ipccified. It is thetefoir ftatute, and ordained be his Hienes, withadvife ot the faidis three Eftaites: That all Perfones , Minifters or Readers, or utheris provided to benefices, fen his Hiencs Coronation (not having vote in his Hienes Parliament) fufpeffed culpable of herefie, Papiftric, fals and erroneous doifttine, commounblafphemic, fornication, commoun drunkennes, non-refidencc' plurality of benefices having cure, quhairunto they are provided fen the laid Coronation, Simonie k dilapidation of the rentes ot benefices, contrare tlie lait Aft of Parliament, being lawfully . andordonrly called, tryed, and adjudged culpable , in the vices and caufes abone written , or onie of them , be the or¬ dinar Bilhoppe of the diocefe, or utheris die Kings Majefties commilTionexs , to be conftitutc in Eccle¬ fiaftical caufes, fall be deprived alfweill fra their funftion in the Minifttie, as from their benefices, quhilkis fill be therby declared to be vacand, to be prefented and conferred of new, as gif the perfones pofilfibrs theirof, were naturally dead; And diat it M be eftcemed, and judged non-rcfidcnce / qtihair theperfonbeinginthefunftionoftheMiniftry, provided to ane benefice, fen the Kings Majefties Coro¬ nation makis not tefidence at his manfe , gif he ony hes : And failzeing thereof, at fum ifther dwelling place within the Parochin, bot remainis abfent dieirfra, and from his Kirk, and ufing of his office, be the fpacc of lour Sabboth dayes in die haill zeir , without lauchfull caufe and impediment, allowed be his’ordinar. Andquhaironieperfon, is admitted to maa benefices , havandcure, fen our Soveraine Lordis Coronation, the acceptation of the laft, fall be fufficient caufe of deprivation from the remanent, fwa that he he provided to twa, or maa benefices liavand cure, fen the time of the faid Coronation. And neverdieldlc this prefent Aft fall not extend to ony perfon , provided to his benefice befoit the faid Coronation , neither fall the bruiking of that office, quhairunto he was provided of befoir, induce pluralitic ol’benc- fiecs in this cafe, bot he fall allanerly tine his riclit of the benefice, quhairunto he was provided fen the faid Coronation allanerly : And union of the Kirks to ane benefice , not to be judged pluralitie , quhill farclcr ordour be cftabhllicd and provided in diat behalfe: Like as alfwa, the perfones being in the funftion of thcMiniftric, that fall happen to be lawfullie and otdourly convift befoir our Soveraine Lordds Jullice gcncr.ill, or utheris their Judges competent, of coital crimes , fikastreafon, flauchtet, mutilation, aJ- iilteric, inceft, thieft, commoun oppreffion , ulurie againft the Lawes of this Realmc, perjurie, orfalfcd I hey being likewaies lawfullie and ordourlie deprived fra their funftion in the Miniftric , he their ordinar , or the Kingis Commiflioners in Ecclefiaftical caufes. The benefices poflefied be the faidis perfones to vai.k . be rcalbn of the faid conviftion , and deprivation. And tliis to have effeft and execution , onlic for crimes, vices, faultcs, andoffenfes, that fall happen to be committed after the daitheirof 1:3. ,_AVCTH ‘PARLIAMENT. XXII. of tMatj. 13-84. ^39 13 3- That CMinifters fall mt be Judges , nor exerce ony uther ordinar office that may abjiraii them fra their office. THF KinaisMajeftie, and his three Eftaitesaflembledia this prefent ParliaineM, eameftly defitous, i M all his loving and gude fubjeftes , fall be faithfullie inftrafted in the doftrine of their falvation , and iMinifters of Gods word and Sacraments, may the better, and mair diligently attend upon their thattlre ^^^cation; -j-j^grcfoir ftatutis, andordainis, that all the faidis Minillers, fall faithfullie 1 ere-upon, to the comfort , and edification of the flockes committed unto them : Andtliatnoneof gwaicii or that fall be admitted theirto, in time camming, fall in onywaies tliempr ^jadminiftratonyplaceotjudicature, in quhat-fum-ever civill , or criminal caufes , nochtto f'’*'?theColledgeof Juftice, Commilfionecs, Advocates, Court Clerkes . or Notaris in ony matters (the 0 of leftamentes onely excepted) under the paine of deprivation fra their benefices, livinges, and r'*Sn- And eif they failzieheirin, beingcalied, tryed, and adjudged culpable , be their ordinars, orbe 1 K'nvs Majelties Commiffioners in Ecclefiaaical caufes ; They fall then tine their faidis benefices d livinges, and uthers qualified perfones, fall be prefented, and provided thereto, as gif they wer na- tutallie dead. 134. \Anent Jknderers of the King , his Progemtours , EftaitandRealme. FORSAMEIKLE, as it is underftand , to our Soveraine Lord , and his three Eftaites aflTembled in rhiSDtefent Parliament, quhat great hatme, and inconvenient hes fallen in this Realmc , chiefly fen 1 eBimiinaofthe civile troubles , occurred in the time of his Hienes minoritie , tlirow the wicked and i,>tnrious D&lick and private fpeaches . and untrew calumnies of divers liisfubjeftes , to the difdame con- llmnrandteptochofhjsMajefty, hisCouncell, and proceedings , and to die difhonour and prejudice of Ik Hienes his Parents, Progenitours , andEftaite: Steiring up liis Hienes fubjeftes theitby romiflikmg, fedition unquietnes , and to caft of their dew obedience to his Majeftie, to dieit evident penell, tudell, r,nA deft’tuaion, his Hienes continuing love and clemcncie , toward all his gude lubjettcs, and maift wiHine to feek the fafetie and prefervation of them all, quhilkis wilfully, needles, and upon Blaine malice, after his Hienes mercy and pardon, oftimes afoir granted, hes procured tliemfelves L tiieft fteafonable deeds to be cut off, as corrupt members of this commoun weilh Thetetorc it is ftatute*and ordained be our Soveraine Lord, and his three Eftaites, in this prefent Parliament, tliatnane ofhisfubjeaes (of quhat-fum-ever funftion, degree, or qualitie in time cummmg) faU “ ^euponhandprivatly, orpublickly. in Sermoncs. Dedamationes , or famtliat conferences , to utter. Swi. flanderous, or untrew fpeaches . to the difdaine, reptoche and contempt of hisCouncell and proceedings, or to the dilhonour , hurt, or prejudice of his Hienes, his Parents, id CSLres,^r to middle in the affaires of his Hienes and his Eftaite prefent in time lummina under the paines coiitcmed m the Ades of Parliament, agamft mate and tellers of kefingcs: Celtifieing them that fall be tryed conttaveners theitof , or that liearis fik flies and rcDortes not the fame with diligence, the faid paine fall be execute agamft them, Sr in exS of uthetis. Attoure .®becaufe it is tmderftand to his Hienes , and to h^tkee Elaice’s, that the buikes of the Chronicle, and 'Eemeregm apd Scotos ^e umquhile, Mai e GEORGE BUCHANANE, and imprented fenfine , contemis findne ofenfiye matters , wotthie tobcdeleete- IT IS THEIR FORE ftatutc and ordained, that the havers of the faidis twa volumes m dieit handes ’ inbrine and deliver the fame to my Lord Secretare , or his deputes , withm fouttie dayes , after tiicpubiicadon hereof, to the effsa , that the faidis volumes may bee petufed and purged of the oftn- fe irextraXiiem«tetsfpedfiedt^^ not meete to temaine asRecordesojtruethtothepofte- tide’. underthcpaineoftwahund?ethpundes, of cverie perfon lailzieing E tefponfal to pay die faid fumme,' to be punifhed in tlieir perfones . at OUR SO V E R Airv lSrDIS will Andtotlieeffea, thatdiis ordinance may cum to the ° f ‘ j VERAINE LORDIS Lieges, ordainispublicaiiontobemaidtheirof, atthemcrcat r taes of die Scliires, and utheris places needeful! ,. Lhat nane pretend ™ re pra tieconteineddi^^^^ to be executed with aU rigour agamft the havers of the &d^ Z ISS^of Cy dayes being by-paft, after the publication, and proclamation of the faid Aftin every Scfiire, as faid is. I jy. A^inft reduTim offore-falmrs fir nullitie '>f ^ give cotmfel to that effeSI, without ffecml warrand of the Kmgss Majeftte , and Eftaites in Parkament. T"' HE Kingis Majeftie temembtingofdtemonytebelliousandtreafonabledeedes, j^p^wtedagM^^^^ i his Majeftie , and his maift Noble Progenicoures , with the greater ’of befoir , they have found the fore-faltours led againft Aim perfones, authors o ■ . Mother, reduced, and taken away in the minorities of his Hienes, and of the Queene his deatelt MotM M m 1 ‘ KING JAMES THE SEXT X40 upon the prctcnfe of fum alledgcd nullities , found in the procefles , the principal caufes and crimes r quhilkis the fame perfones were fore-falted, not being purged. For remeidofthequhilkabufe, andth’aMi men may the rather efehew to incur the fearcfull fpot of treafon to themfelves , their houfes, andpoftc ^ in time cumming. ' I T !S ftatute and ordained be our d'oyeraine Zord, and liis three .Eftaites, in thisprefentParljjme that no proccdcsoffore-faltour for treafon committed againft the King, and his Eftaite alreadie flandand''^’ force , or that fall happen to be deduced againft ony peifoncs , for crimes of Zefe-majeftic, in time cummin"* fall at ony time liereafter be reduced lor ony pretended caufe of nulhtie, that may be alledgcd to be in procclTe; Quhill firtl the caufe and crime , for quhilk the fore-faltour was led , be fteeiie remitted t' him be OUR S O V E R A 1 N E LORD: Or that he be purged effedliially , and the partie tried and found acquire theirof Bot in cafe it fall pleafe his Hienes, or his Succeflburs , at ony time hereaiter to reftore to ony fore-falted perfones . or their poftetitie: that fall onely be granted to them be wav of grace: And that na Advocates, writers, or uthetis his Hienes lieges prefume , or rake upon hand to travel lollilt, orgivecounfelincontraretheordourappoyntedinthisprefentAdl, without fpecial warrand ofliij Hienes , and his three Ellaites in Parliament , under the paine to be repute as favourers, and partakers widi traitours : And to undeily the paine and puniihment dew theirfoir. I j6. RcmiJJious and rejbettes Juld not be granted far Jlauchter and uther odious crimes: Remijfion fuld conteine Jatisfablion maid be the fartie. The Kings Majeftieconfiddeting that flauchters, fire-raifmgs, and others odious crimes , hesbene ficommounly committed, throw all partes of this Realme , and a great part of the occaCon theirof fuppoled to be the ready granting of his Hienes reljpettes, and remilliones to the committers theirof , upon in-oppnituncfuittcs, maid to (tis Majeftie theirfoir: His Hienes remembring how greivous fik flau'ghtets lire raifinges, and utherisodjous crimes ar in Gods fight, and how otTehfive to the Eflate of the cornmoiui wcill of iiii Realme , followand the gude and lovable example ofhismaift Noble Progenitours in like cafe at the inflaiit rcqucfl of his three Eftaites , aflenibled in this prefent Parliament : And for the bettetefcliew- ingoftrefpaftes, andenormitiesagainftthefafetieofhis Lieges, and commpun profite of his Realme, of his fpccial grace, andfavoqr, hes granted, and in the wow of a King proinitted to clpfe his hands, and coilcfragrantingofonierefpettes, ot remiffiones , for ony maner of flauchters, fire-raiflng , or ony uthec odious crimes, that fall happen to be committed, forthefpaceoftlir«ezeitesnixt-to-ciutt, after die dait hereof : T hat in the meane time his Realme may be put in peace and rule , and his Lieges live in furetie. And gif ony remilliones bei^iven or granted for auld aftiones, that it fall be exprimil and ptovided in the fime : that the trcfpaflc wes committed before this prefent Parliament, and that his Hienes and his Ihcfaurer, hes fenequhair the parti? is aflithed: and giftheegnttarebeis found, flretemiffioti.ortdpet to be of nane availe. I jy. An afi touching tho frtmijkn. to his Hioms of^Guitrde-, ^ndfieeft^ynenb^thtir ... ordinar wages. The Kingis Majeftie, and his three Eftaites, conveened in this prefen.t PatUanjent , having coafid- deted how neceftare it is to have a reafonable number of Gentif-mcn to attend continuaflie upon bis Hienes perfon , as his guarde , hes thocht tlic number of fourtie perfones meet to be eledled , and interteined for that effedt , able, honeft , and weill horfed , andhaYingfumrealonabielivinges.oftheif awiu: Quliillds being fworne, and admitted in his Hienes fervice, fall be unremoveable tlteirlra, .during their life-times, without upon worthie and great caufes , they fall be juftlie deptiyed. Everie ane orq,uhilkes fourtie perfones fall have twa hundreth poundes zeirlie , for their mterteinement, thankiullie payed to tlKmatwa termes in the zeir , whit-funday. and Martine-mes in winter, be equal portiones. Bcginiiaiid the firft termes payment , at the fcaft of Martine-mes nixt to-cum , in tliis inftaut zeje of God, anethoufand, five hundreth , fourfeoirfourzeiris. And for fuir payment of theitfaidiswaucs, and inter- teincment, that they fall not in default theirofbe compelled to negleft , or leave his Hienes letvice otbis Majeftie to be fruftrat, anddeftituteoftliefamin, his Hienes nawayes willing to lay the burding of their faid interteinement upon his people , be ony taxation , or impofition to be railedhpon thern , quhairofbeis maift willing to cafe and releeve them, bot to provide the laid interteinement utnerwife. Theitfoitwith advifeofhisfaidisthreeEftaitesdecernis, and declairis, ftamtis, andordainis. That ofall tire Prelacies, and utheris inferiour benefices \yithin this Realme (laick patronages excepted) now vakand, or that heirafter fall happen to vaik, his Majeftie and his fucceflbures falf have the firft zeiresfrufles, after the deceofe, foirfaltour or deprivation of the laftpofleflour, according as tire fame Benefice fall be valued in his Hienes Clieckcr, be the auditoures theirof. Toquhoma, ot ony five of them , his Hienes givis and gtantisiull power , commiftion and audioritie , to mite and fit die extent and. value ofall the benefices fmall and greate within this Realme in money , according to the quhilk the laid firft zciresfrutftesfalLbe payed. And that die haill zeir after the vacance be expyred, or then the firft zeires ffuites be inftantly payed befoirony gift , provifion or ptelcntation of the benefice bee granted. And als decernis, declaids, ftatutis and ordainis. JUCHT PARLIAMENT. XXII. of CHaij. 1584- ’•41 - — rZ^valued to ane thouftnd punds be zeir, now vaikand ot tliat fall happen to vaik That of every benehM, focceflbutes fall have freelie payed to them zeithe twa hundretU lieiraftet , b‘S Majeine o{ fVha-JmAay and CMartme-mes, be equal portioncs. J„ndcs. ‘of every benefice, alfweill aboneas beneath the^dvalueofane thoufand pundes^ XndfivaproporM^l^ym^^^^ .. - HeefaUfindeeudefuretieforpayment, alfweill of tlw fitft ze.res iruaes, as ol Andfivapropo«‘°n““> - dire roauhatfumever benefice hereafter fall have his ptefentation expedc and And belore Siec faU finde gude furetie for payment alfweill of tlw fitft zeires iruaes , as of pad the him zeirlie , to his Hienes and his Thefautcr , in his J^jefties name, to his ihefummedewto p y Anddutinsthehaillfpaceofthevacanceof the faidis benefices the faid „re, andefteaaomrefpea^^^^^^ profitesanddewtiesthereof. Botbecaufethe Thefaorertoint . fummes appoynted to be payed iurth of the faid firft zoires r r g,,o.£xtendprefently tothepaymcntofthewagesofhis Wienesguard, Ins Ma^e famczeirly. .“Pnixtbelbhelpea/^^ {lie and his Eftai „ ’ a^jjliunries , quhilkis of auld wer ordained and accuftomat to be fuftemed upon oftheAbbayes, thereof at for the m^aift part departed this life, fen the zeir of God, ane therentesandfr ito^ NaneorfewutherisprcfentedbehisMajeftie. bemgentted intheir pla- fivehundreth, '^’'“''XXirdeathesaccreffinetothe Abbotes, Priores.Commendataresorpoflifioures ces, bot their portioneste their death henaLaw or conftiturion , ziteftablifliedbe his Hiencs S'hefiiidis Abbayes. and his faidis Eftatfes. It ** . ihes , and difpofitiones of the faidis prelacies pertcinis to three Eftaites . That as pf j ifs Crown : La hes he gude richt and inteteft to crave, his Majeftie be the ndtt. tlte P«fones of the Conuemes of thefaidis Abbayes , receive, intromet, p .'"Py „ti„ panj zeiiof God, ane thoufand, fivehundteth, thrcclcore prioriesandNunriesthathesdeceafed andNunties fallvaike dt zeires. O' 4 j-f/n^rion bedeceafe foreialtour, or lawfull deprivation of the bccum fulHe in his Hienes ’ a„d his Thefauret in his name , hes , and fall have gude prefentpofTeffoutsthereof. _ A“d®ath.sMaj«^^^^^ ^ Lion be law to crave, receive, inttomet, ‘ . r (Lj ane thoufand . five hundteth , fourfcoit akeadie deceafled. as faid is , of .^Lhil! the faidis benefices fall happen to vaik, fiklike akeadie deceafled . j g3ming quhill the faidis benefices fall happen to vaik , tlitee zeites iaft by paft. and m pgf ’ gVine on hfe , and that the Lords of Councell and ,, *t liai »■*' ll" lefaU U.idTh*mt. roriBfom"6ajdofc^ „i.5„«,«ifap.,«...t.h./«pi«.rd..d,„d. of benefices. SOVtaAlNE LORD .ld.«. (3 fenc Parliament , lies , a'td appreiv ^ have the fttength , force and effedt Aft and flatutc undent'Otteni and decemis an j ^t Edmburilh the penult day of ane afte of Parliannent , of the qulnlk the t®“°“ | , ' i j he cmhilk day , in prefence of the the zeir of God. ^netlioufarf five hnndredi fom^^^^ ^ andiffion. compeired Kingis Majeftie. /nd Lo^^^ the name of his Hienes maift Maifter Dav'td CH^IskgtU of mfhet Mvoeatet^ J , ’ j how in the Parhamene halden at r.i.L r.u I. _ filfweftes s exponed and dcaateQ , i» _ tLatnvtrm , xx. ^ j * t « ^ for the time : Ane ©sumantc dame, iJHarie Qjeene Downer > nerfate and defenfe of their aftioues : ^hilk Parliament was maid , anent L neceffane to have bene ane perpetoali law all times Aft, aMioiicht itt the felfe raatft profitable and e . boafters, and opptefeuts of their parties; thereafter, fotrepreffing of proud arf nndanton . gj^gg^ jftet the making thereof; Qphilk Aft, Zit was the fame only tempotaH , _for the fpac ^ y . ,• jjgftted to be renewed and eftabliihed m ane the faid Advocate, in aame, andlorthe caufes toresmo , following Upon the quhilk defire, our perpetuallLawittaH tiTnescumming, with the ^ orhispredfeceffores, for the reverence and SovSaineLord, wilfe to follow die eudeexemple and cxecutiones of increafeof Juftice, anaaflatano^of and Seffion,. ordained, decerned, and de- thefame, heswithadvifeofthe laidis Lotdes of nis mf 4 fall happen either the defender or per- clared. that fra this day foorth , in ^1 ® ’1 f ^avesto inLdeaneof diemaneuthenuoi y fewer, to flay, or wound, to thee&fion of blud of fummounds ot precepts, and law - fort, quhair upon they may be criminally wg execution of the decreet to be given tliere- full execution thereof , or in ony timebefee t . P maner forefaid , or being airt, pairt. Upon ; The committer of the flauchter, Uude, . _gJatjheinftance of theperlewer, or in- red ot Councell thereof ; gif it be the defender , feU flaine wounded to the efFufion of his blude, cafe of his deceafe, of the neareft of the kin of mmq . , pg^fg^yed. exceptfuraniarcognitioa orinvaded. havandrkhttheteto. withoutonyprobatio^o^thelibeUperiew ^4'^ KING JAMES THE S E X T tobetaneoftheflaucliter, bludc-fclied , orinvafion, before the Juftice , or uther critniiiall Judge pctetit thereto , be conviftion , or bcaiid fugitive and put to the home. And gif the decreete be given fame to be unreduccable for ever. And gif the perfewer flay , wound to the effufion of blude , or in ' a the defender, as it is above written : Or beairt, paitt, red, or Councel theitof , cognition beiinr as faid is, in that cafe the defender , or in cafe ofhisdeceafe, the nearefl: of his kin , able to fucceed ■ tbatricht, fall have abfolvitour fra the libell of the perfewer Jimplkiter , againft the quhilk the perf ■ nor na uther behisricht, fall ever be heard be way of reduttion or reftitution in integrum, in onv^t'^'^’ thereafter, quhatage, condition, or qualitic that ever the flayer , drawer of the blude , or’ invader f faid be of , 1 he proces of transferring in the caufes above written reJpeBive, to be upon ane fifteene da warning, but diet, table, or continuation of utheris fummondes. And gif the flayer , fchedder of bl or invader, as faid is, hes landes or life-rentes , and beis denunced rebell , and put to the home forn findingof fovertie, or non-competance to underly the Law , for the faid flauchtet , blude-fchedi or i fion, in that cafe the flayer, fchedderofblude, orinvader, incontinent after the denunciation fail tviJ*? lyfc-rentol his landes, benefice, office, and utheris tentes , and commodities quharfumever for his Ivf rime, without onyfarder delay olzeir, andday, as in uther caufes of tinfell of lyfe-rentes, throw be '" zeir and daye at the home. ’ '"S AttourourSovetaineLord, bethefaith, and duetieofaneChriftiane Prince, promifistogivena refnetr nor remiffion to the offendares in fik caufes. And gif his Majeftie or his fucceflburs dois in the conttare f isnotbeleevcd) theufingoftliefaidrefpett, or remiffion be ony of the parties, perfewer, or defender f^ be the like caufe, and of the famin effedl , as their conviftion, for the caufe abone fpecified , And this aft and ordinance to indurc for the fpace of feven zeires immediatlie hereafter. And to be confi rmed in his Hienesnixt Parliament, tohavetheftrength, and effeflofaneac'l thereof, andtobeobferved. asaneper petuall Law , in time cumming. ’ f 159. tyine All anent the better execution ofTDecreetes. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with advife and confent of his Hienes three Eftaites of this pre- few Parliament , hes ratified and apprieved , and be the tenour hereof ratifies and appteivis the Aft & flatute underwritten, and decernis , and declairis the famin to have the ftrength , force , and effefl of ane Aft of Parliament , Of the quhilk the tenour followes. Kt. Edinburgh twentie three day of Marche, The zeir of God ane thoufand, five hundreth, fourfeoir twa zeires. Uie quhilk day in prefence of tlic Hinges Majefticfittand in Judgement, and Lordesofhis Hienes Councell, and Seffion compeited Maifter David CMakgUloiNisbet, and in his awne name, as Advocat to his Majeftie, and in name of his Hienes maift faithfull, humble, and obedient fubjefles of his Realme , exponed, and declaited , how it was heaveliemeanedbe his Majeftiesfaides fubjefles, that after the tedious, chargeable, andlangfumpetfute inobteiningoftheirdecreetes, themaliccofperfoneshaddayliefwaincrefced, be making of fimulAiind fals aflignationes , of their moveable guddes , fraudful! and private alienationes of their pofleffiones , lances, and heritages , That the execution of all decreetes given be quhatfumever Judges , .within this his Hienes Re- alme , althocht obteined be maift langfum proces , wer altogidder fruftrat , at lehft: fwa delayed , that patties war in na better cafe, after die obteining of the faides decreetes, nor gifthe famin had not bene given, the faidesmamfeftfraudes, and daylie invented coUufiones, being the flay of Juftice, quhairof the prindpall parte ftands in execution. ‘ ‘ Forremeidofthefame, confideration being tane be his Majeftie, with advife ofthe Lords of his Hienes Councell and Seffion, toquhombe his Majefties maift noble Progenitors, King JAMES the Fifth of gudememory, erefletoftheColledgeofJuftice, with confent of Parliament, the concluding upon mles, ftatutes, and ordinances, for expedition ofjuftice was committed. Therefore his Hienes, with advife & confent forefaid, hes ftatute and ordained, that for execution of all decreetes, afweillgiven be the faidis Lordes , in ony time bygane , as to be given in time cumming : And fik-like of decreetes given , or to be given , be quhat-fumevet Judges within his Majefties Realme , quhair-unto the authotitie of die faidis Lordes of Seffion lies bene , or fall happen to be interponed : That letters alfweill of horning , as poynding, the ane nocht prejudicial! to the uther, fall be direfted at the will and pleafure of die pattie •obteiiier of the decreet, quhidder the fame be given upon liquidate funimcs, or that the execution their- of uthetwayes confift infalio. And that na uifpenfion be granted upon die execudon ofthe faidis dc- creetes , without reall offer be firft maid to the partie , in c|uhais favourcs the execution of the faidis decreets is ditefled , and the parties refufe , fiifficiendy verefied to the faidis Lordes , confignation al- wayes beingniaid, asufe is : And that according to their late ftanite and ordinance, quhilk h?s Majeftie, with all utheris their ftatutes and ordinances maid for expedition, and execution ofjuftice, ratified, and appreived. Providing alwayes , that confideration be had upon the fpace and dayes of the charges, and that according to the diftance of the defenders dwelling places , and the quantitie of tlic fiimnics contcined in the fidis decreetes. ^ 1 14. . Addi- i_AVCHT T ARLIAMENT. XXII. of 1^84. ^43 MditionmbeABesmatdqf before, a«ent the ammHgtoCourtes andcmPeiringatthe '4 ■ Barre, in fiber maner , inferfiiteanddefimeofhminallcaufes. , T R c n V F R A I N E L O R D . and his three Eftaites , convecned in this prefent Parliament , O mrffies appreivis and for his HienelTe and his Succeffoutes perpetually confirmis *e Aft maid ^ tamfS tL Second of vvorthie memorie , Intitulate ; That na man cum, to Coates , hot ^bfr aJ aL the uthet Aft . maid in the Regiment of his deareft G^-dame MAME, cDowderandRegentof thisRealrae, anentthe camming totheBanefor petfute. and defenfe n, ^ nil cX aiid oriinis the faidisAftesto beinviolabliekeeped. andtobeputtoexecunon >n «m^ f I With’tlvs addition : That nane of his HienefTe Subjeftes repair to Courtes , and m fpeqaU . to HtnlsTufticrCoort, orutheris Juftices ouhatfumever . for criminall caufes bot be fik number and \sthcfaklisaftesptovidis , under die paine of incurring of the crime of convocation of our So- “"’Pne LorSes tobc execute alfweiil upon the perfones. quha fall happen to make thefo.d convo- verame E“d convocate , with all rigour. And further , for reformauon of die troubles and tu- qiulkishes fallen out, andcontinuJiegtowisbedie aflembling of our SoverameLordis lieges, to f theperfute and defence of criminall caufes , moovedbefore our Soverame Lorasju- ouhait pongreSn followed, to the contempt of jufhee limderofthe coutfe of tfc’onm oun Law® and punifehment of offences. IT IS ftatute and etaamed , that m all time cum- tneX onieletters kll happen to be direft for onic crime or offenfe to ane particular diet, that tl^ rS and putchefTares thereof, at the findingoi tlieit caution to report the letters dewli? ^ecute ft CfatS e day Xynted, fill alfo finde caution to the Juftice Clerke . and hs deputes afted in the executor, withinfixedayesnixtatertheybediarged^ to^^^^ in the faidis letters , ac-coiflpamed in o - . . ^ themfelves in quiet maner , onely ite in the Town of t « reform of^ accoX accompanied, as laid is . And enre in Z Aft of Parliament, comptand thete- niedmththenumberofperfoncs a an r y with them in the faid Tol-buitli , or place quhair in, tluee preloquutores, quha fJi onely OiiKilk fovertv fall be taken under this condition : Juftice fallk halden quhiU the Court be M andbefound' That gif tliepartie defender, utlietwayes P® j , ties fall be unlawed, as gif they had notcom- with ony greater number,' nor is before fpecifi I , . r ■ j p ygjjjg fall be adjudged fugitive fra the, peired ■ Andtheparties defenders, intlic Lv, ^ndputrotfiehorne aiidtbeirrfchatm^b^^^^^^ ,, famm manor , as gif they Sfi, halden the Tulice and his deputes for the time , fall make raid Tol-buidi, orplace, Juftice fail be halden, oTthepaitties, attour the faide record in diebiiikes of adjornall of tlicit prefence , P the foidis perfones re¬ number appoynted. A ndiniraediady thereafter, fail d.teft hispre^tsroae ^ belles, an^uctliem to the home, and ordeme And X OUR SOVERAitiE LORDIS ufe, tliat in all the prerailTes , the denuntiationes to be m 1 nroceff- ofliornitJE regiftrat in the buikes of the Parliament halden at tliexxiv.dayofO o r. 579 ITEM. thereof. AndmlicefTeft the Ms Aftes may be tire better keepedand^M faidis mcafurcs , and offalfe and umuft packing of Salmon , oreat\urt of the free-men , Bur- lifedbeunfree-men, hfliersandutheris fiayers of the faid » rrhereforc it is ftawte and ordained, gefih and Merchandcs . and haill commoun weill of this Realme. Tlieretorc ’-44 KING JAMES THE SENT that there be ancjiiftmeafure and ftandard for the Salmon J, maid l>e the Burrowes, conforme to Adcs of Parliament, and the famintoremaine at the Burgh lylhvrdenc . And fik-likc that rf ane juft ftandard and meafute for Herring and quhite-filh , uuhilk fall be burnt . and remaine in the IT" of thcProveftandBailliesof£if/«^argA. And that all Salmond trees , Herring trees , andquhite univcrfallic throw this Rcalmc, fall be ofthe gage and meafute forc-faid. And that ilk Bureli fall r ane patrone and meafute of tbe gage forefaid , and fall caufe the Couppetes within their bounds m-ilte^ trees conlormc to the faid meafute, and the fame to be burnt be the Town Iron, and Counners iT baiththeendes and upon the fteppe , befide the bung. And irt-cafe ony Salmond, Herring or nT filli be packed in utheris trees nor of thejuft gage fore-faid , burnt and marked, asfaidis, thefamT/n be cfcheit to out Sovctainc Lord. And ordainis the nrincipall ftaple of Salmond fra T>ee north to be T i Butghesoft^^^rfcw-fe™=’ '« 3„dti,ac the annexations of landes, Lordlhippes and Banonnies. maid mony and Sncceffoutestoreve Lordlhippes and Barronnies, qulirik faU not happen to „mepteccedm^ fn ara fall after his Seceafe, returne to the awin natrire. a terdfo ‘’"‘‘"“^^teimationesraaidbefore. in the time of his maift Noble Prr^enitoures.^ ProvidmgaUvaies. forme of few-fetme be not maid vrithin the juft availe , to the prejudice and hilrc ol out that the *? j 1 1 fuccelTourss : That is tofay , within the dewtie , to the mihitkis the faidis landes at nfivbei&retoured , for the new extent. Qrrliilk new extent hiskenes, wichadv.le fore- retoured, 7 Winfr availe of the faidis landes, for the quhiik tliefamm may be fctmfevv-fermc. Pro- faid, dcclanst , k ^ „„ji(5,lution , fall not beextendedtothsIandesofi?»r/«>e«, Erskene, mA vidingalwaies, *8*:^ 1 p rf eonteined in the Kingis Majefties Signatour. Botthcfaminfallrc- uthctis, theEt ^ andhisHienesSucceffoUts, tobeufed, occupied and mtrometted with, maine with Bw lung J - ^ that fall happen to be for the time in fik fort, andiiuhcfamm i^Mimt onv his Majefties fubjedes. topuichafefew.takke or rental rf the famm. or o ^_AU KirUandfs Jet V fern f erne fili be emfirmed, Fors ameikle firmed'betheXingisMajefty: ^ „ „^,fonsdiathadfign2»urofconfirmatioflpaft. lyandtn tion; And for die (ecutme thereof. Aat ^ f fold cum. Thefaurets hand , fold cum and “Lmation within the time and diet appoynted to themthe make their compofmon, . • but rather as appeariscontemnis the fame, anddois to. Nottlielesanegreatnumbern^^ andthethreeEftatemthisp diligence therein, i^^iallwaicisconuddercdt — . , » ,.j- — i 7. • J be way ofexcep- ,the and there- . . diligence therein. Asalfwaitisconfidda - rt^, I,, befotethefaidS.dayof A/^rc/^, did font Parliament, fiftie audit zeires, quhiik be die ordout then obfetved , fold zeirofGod, anethoufand, five hund e ’ , , ip _ .^.etenatlier then confirmed be that ordout, not havebene confirmed atherbe the 2itbenautherdewotdow. S the zeit of God , 1558. zdises. asfen- ofKirk-laiides, thecoktmarionthererf.anddiefamih.confir^^^^^ viding alwaies that the auid poffeffoutes faE not be P of dieir feme And that the land be not evided .anddiekrmoramsfortobim^^^^ peeking the famin fiomthem, nordifponedtoonyuther, theyo B „fj,pnwaies to pay 8 mailles or three fermes. And withinzeirtodday."aft«^;mWiati^o uthetwaies, diatyitliefaidisfewes, = “ .rim’minz. Andfallbetepcikdanddifcufledi Be force not fttcn^i in jui^ement , or out-wiA , W . j and produced. And fik-like, that wayofexception, beforequhat-fum-evetJudgetheyMhw b ^ itfahbele&tooutfaidSoveraineLotd grfitfaEpkafcfosM^^^^^^^ fe„ the time forefaid, orfall hisiiame, redudion of all die faidis ptfeSments °f °3is: that the famin fallbere. happen to be fedieteaftet in ony time cummmg, noth S , And that the haill lands fall fall in out ducLle, fordieonlyteafonandcaufeofnon-confirmanontocrf ashefallthiiikeex. faid Soveraine Lotdis hands and his Succcffouist to beufedanddifpo pedient in time cumming. N n 3 8. Auent KING JAMES THE S E X T ■8. AHcnt money and victual, ajjlgned to the keefing oftheCaJHesofEdinhwc^-i , Dum- liettane , Striviling and BlacRnes. FORSA'MEIKLE tVic oi Edinburgh , Tiumbertane, Striviling ixiA Blachies , bein, four oftliccliiefcftrengthes of this Realme, maift necefik to be keeped , alfwell for OUR SOVt’ RAINE LORDIS fervice, as his refidcnce within the famin , at nmes convenient ; as fot the guard and keeping of irriforlers and wardoufes, charged for their oflenfes, to rcmainc within the famin, QiilijH; CaftlcscannotbefafelykedpedtohisMaJelliesbehoove, and weil-farc of his Realme, bot be his fubjeclcs andfervandes, offlcfame.Jautieandcredite, aS his' Hienes efteeinis woorthie todifeargetheirdewtiein thatbehalfe; Qiihaarnevet able todorhe famin. But' fufficient rent and living, quhairupon die petfones continually attending upon the fiid diarge and iervice , may be mai.nteined. Therefore our Sovcraine Lord' with advifc'and conftnt of the three Ellaites of this prefent Parliament , lies ftatute and ordained , and be the tenour hereof , ftamtis and ordainis , tliat all the money and vidlual afligned , given befoit for kerning of the faidis Cattles : And quhairoftheCaptaines and keeperaof the famin have IjeneinpofleflioH, be thefpaceofy.zcires, ptccecding thodaitofthirprefcntis, .fall in time cumming , temaine and abide, with the Captaines and keepers ihctcof, for fufteining of thecharges of dieit offices:’ Thatistofay , tothefaid Gafllc of Edinburgh , twelfe hnndrcth markes , to be payed monethlie, footth of the cuftomes of the'Trone ' Edinburgh , -and foorth of the of the thrides of benefices : Thehaillthridofthequheiteofthe Arch-bifehopprickof Saint- Andrevees , feven chalder , twa holies , three firlottes, ane peck. The reft ol the thrid ol the quheite ol the Abbaic oiScone, three holies ; the hajU thrid of the quheite of tlie Priorie of Charter. twa chalder, five holies, iij, part boll. The haill thrid of the quheit of Z,««r luc Or\n« cogmtion cancofbe- or maa oi his Councell : Except the the lead be four of them : quhair- n Ties of trealon or rebeiiion : Ana m-caic ui wj u 'r NotwithftandingthefubfctiptionofhisHienes, oronytwa, - . . . r I rrers be fpecially fubferibed be the chicle officiates of the Eftaire , at the leaft f I ^ Chanccller , ihefaurer, or .Secretar fall be alwayes ane , and fall perfitely underftand , andanfwcr, “ 'f k letters aradvifedly direited , for matters being in themfelves ttettfon in deede : or uthetwayes of importance, concerning his Hienes perfon , and proper Eftaite , that may fufler na delay. And I ^ e Secretar admonilh all his deputes and writers to the fignet, that nane ot them take upon hand ilut tlie ^ jjjoPorfngonymanerotSignatourot Letter, to be part his Majefties hand, that conteinis to write, _ goiitrair the lovable and accuftomed ftile and forme , notwithftandinothedeftre novaltie underthepaineof deprivation. And that eyerie writetfubfcribehisnameonthebackofthe ? °”rnnr or letter , as allowed be him , T hat it is written according co the ordinar ftile and forme : And I a (iir'natour or letter paile unfillowed or fubferibed be the writer , as faid is , as they will anfwer there- Jpon at their higheft char|e and perreU. 14. Fijh Jkine on atber fide of the water of Forth , may be brocht to onyfi-ee Burgh. t-’ORSAMEIKLE As in the Aft of Parliament, lately maid anew the packing , and peeling of r Herrinuandquhit-fiffi, and uther lift, flame on ather fide of the waters of Fwz/j ; itisexprefliepro- •V. V ail the faidis fifties, fall be brocht to the Fortes of Lc/rA , or Cflrrrrr/allanerlie : There to bs .fihed and handled , as in the faid aft at mair length is conteined ; Qtihilk fenfinc lies bene very hurtfull ® d nmiudicial to the remanent free Burrowes and Sea portes, on ather fide of the faid water of Forth. TWfore our faid Sovetaine Lord, with advife of his three Eftaites, conveened m this ptefent Pacha- nr dedatis, ftatucis and ordainis , that it fall be iefum to the remanent ofthefaidis free Burrowes, to Wp rhefaidis fifcesbrochtto ilk an ofthemin time camming, alfweiU as to the faids Portes ot Leith and CnrTLiil: Notwithftandingonyrefti'idfion maid their-anent, be the faid A6te, or uthetwayes of betoir, difpenfand therewith for ever. And ordainis letters of publication to paile here-upon , m forme as eticins. Licences mient tranjforting of forbidden guddes , nocht fubferibed be the Compt¬ roller, ar of nane availe. FORSAMEIKLE As findrie perfones, under couUour of our Soverainc Lordis licences panted to them hesttanfported, anddaylietranfportisfoorthofthis Re^rac, wooll, tallon, viftual, and fi uther forbidden guddes, to the great hurt aiicfprejudice of his HienelTe cuftomes, and chc comnioun-wei of this Realme. For efehewing of the quhilk m time cumming, our find Soverainc ^ . Eftaites of this ptefent Parliament , decernis , ftatutis , and ordainis, that all fik licences, " P p S the faides forbiflden guddes granted or to be granted be his Majeftie , befubfciived be li« Hienes Comi rollers , prefent and to cum. And utheru ayes to be invalide and co have na force nor effeft. And ordai is letters to be ditefted to the effeft torefaid. 1 6. ^yldiitimi to the AB maide anent Sornares and thieves of Clannes. , TT Is ftamte and ordained be OURSOVERAINELORDE, be advife of his three Eftaites in IpatliaLnc that in cafe ony of his Hienes gude fubjectes, that received omeharme or skaith, throw ftowth or maifterfullrciffeoftheir guddes, be onyot the notorious thieves, broken men, or Sornares ofthc J£Sfves“tr^^^ fall happJn nocht to he of powetofthemfelvestoftay andarteiftthe bodies and uuddes of the perfones that lies offended agamft them, or uthetwayes of the faiiK Clan, their and p^artakers being apprehended be rhemi failzic, his Hienes with advife of his faidis Eftaites, uthersof thefamin Clan , tlieirfervandes, defenders, orpartakers, wit i^u proper guddes , guddes ftoUen ot reft be tltem . were receipt : and to reteene the famin , as their awm p. p gt . O o a Z54 king JAMES THE S E X T ay and quliill the offenders , or uthers ofrhefaid Clan,cum to compt and reckoning, and makefufficientfure tic for redrefs of the trew mens skairh : Conforme to the faid Aft of Parliament , and affoilzies them fra all danger of fpoilzie, or violent proffittes, but'onely to be anfwerable for the principal guddes , qulien they fall have reckoning, compt, and dew redreffe of their awin guddes , with their coaftes and skaithes. ^ 17. Revocation of the Hingis f roper tie. OUR SOVERAlNE LORDE, Having at findrie time heretofore, commanded ordout to be taken with the EftaiteofliisHoufe and toward his propettie, quhair-upon the fame fuld befufleined- And fining nathing effeftual done thereanent , as zit. Bot in default of the fame , diverfe abufes entered and Hill continuandin the fame houfe , and great diminution of his Hienes rentes , his Majefties debtes, and his awin houfealwayesincreafing. FOR remeid quhairof, his Majeftie beadvifeofthe Lordes, a’ndof his Eftaites alfwa in Parliament, hes maid, and caufed publilh diverfe revocationes , quhilkis notwith. ftanding.hestanefmalleffefttohisHienescommoditie: Becaufe the thinges appoynted to berecovered and brochtagaine to the fame revocationes, were alwayes newly impetrat and purchafedofhis Majeftie be inoportunc and unreafonable fuites, quhairby his Hienes awin neceffitie audit firll to be provided for THEREFORE his Hienes, zit as of before , with advife of his three Eftaites , conveened in this pte.! font Parliament, revokis, callis, and annullis, all infeftmentes , takkes, penfiones, giftes, affiina- tioncs, reverfiones and exceptiones quhat-lhm-ever , maid of the rentes of his propertie annexed and pet- reining to his Croun, inthedayesofhisdeareftGud-fchir, King JAMES the Fifth, of worthiememoric Orinony timeby-ganc, proceeding the dait hereof, being oftheir awin nature, or be cuftome or Lawes of this Rcahnc revocable. And declaris the faidis infeftmentes , takkes, penfiones, giftes, affignationes, reverfions and exceptions, tohavebene, andtobenull, and invalide forthecropandzeirofGod, ijgr’ zeites inftant, IVhit-ftmday , and CH'Iartine-mes termes of the fame, and in time camming; Notwith ftanding, ony ratificationsotconfirmationstheirof, be Parliament or utherwayes, and ordainis the faidis rentes, to be charged for , intrometted with , and in-brocht to his Hienefie proper ufe , be his Majefties Comptroller, and his deputes , to his Hienes ufe. Attour hisMajeftieavowisinthewordofaPtince,& promifes inviolablie to obierve this Aft , and to abfteine from all new difpofitions , of ony of the faidis rentes revoked, as faid is, quhill his awin neceftities be firft of all dewlie and fufficiently provided for. As alfwa to allow of that gude forme in his houfe, quhilkis the faidis Lordes of his fecreit Councel , andOffi- ciares of his Eftaite , appoynted in this prefent Parliament , fail appoynt to beginne the firft day of Januar nixt-to-cum. Difchargeing his Hienes Comptroller, ofallanfweringoradmittingofcnypreccpts or fees, penfiones or wages , to ony perfons, of the termes forefaid , orinony time camming ; quhill it be tiewlic direfted , and fpecially appoynted be his Hienefie, with advife of the faidis Lordes of his Privie Coun- cell, and Officiares of his Eftaite, fittand togidder in that number. Quhilk be this prefent Parliament at appoynted, his Hienes awin necefiitie being firft confiddered, quhat penfiones, fees and wages , fall be allowed and payed in the Office of Comptrollerie, of the zeir of God forefaid , and in time camming. To theeffeftitmay befecne, tliat the thingis commanded to be anfwered, at rcafonable and profitable to be done, without his Majefties hurt and inconvenient, liis awin neceffitie being alwayes firft confiddered and provided for , as faid is : And confideration had alfo of the payment of his by-gane debtes , fa far as is pofiifale; Certifieing the faid Comptroller , gif he do in the contrait , he fall have na allowance of his doing ; notwidi- ftanding ony warrand paft before the dait of thir prefents. 18. The narreft Agnat Jiild be curatmtr to Fooles , Idiot es, and Furious perfones. OUR Soverainc Lord, be advife of this prefent Parliament, ftatutis and ordainis, that the narreft agnates and kinfmen of natural Fooles , Idiotes, and furious perfones fall be ferved , received, and preferred, according to the difpofitionofthccommoun Law, to their tutorie, and cutatotie. 19. i^ddition to the Ali anent double poynding. FORSAMEIKLE, As there was ane Aft maid in the laft Parliament , halden at Edinburg , in the Moneth of Auguft , ane thoufand, five hundteth, fourfeoir foute zeites, anent decteits given upon double poyndings, and homings, the ane part being lauchfullie fummond ; compeiris not in tliat inftant , and there¬ after defires to be heard be way of teduftion , They fall not be heard to retteite and reduce thefaid decteit, not zitfallbereftorcdagaiiietothefamin: neither zit have onie aftionfortheby-runproffites intrometted with be the obteinet of the decreet : As at mair length is conteined in the laid Aft. Quhilk aft is not only extend¬ ed to all fikqueftions as may occurre hereafter, but alfwa m all fik matters ofthehke fort by-gane intended, otto be intended . depending and undecided before the Lordes of Seffion , and uthers Judges ordinar, to ane great hurt and prejudice of ane great numbet of our Sovetains fubjeftes , fecluding them fra their aftiones of reduftions of decreetes of double poyndings and horninges , and from the ptofites refultand thereupon , alreadie intended and depending lang before the making of die faid aft , quha of law and cqiiitie , audit not to be aftrifted to obfetve ony ftatutes or ordinances , before the making of the famiii: feeing Lawes fuld be extended and not ad pntterita. Therefore our Soverainc temth parliament. X ef Tiecember. ij8y. 7'^h advife of the three EftaitesofthisprefentParliament, decernisanddeclaris. theforefaidAft V ament , only to be extended to the reduftion of decreetes of double poy trdines and hot ninges . as hes. n he obtei'ned fen the making of the famin: and not tofikaswesimendedanddependinglangofbefore. orfalloe -ourSoveraineEoidisfebjeftes, could not obfetve the faid aft , before me making heir* ^ S«Staetstobedireahereupon,. informeasefFeiris. 1 o. Signatmres and other writies , fiU k ^refinted k the crd'mar Offidari. OUR SOVERAINE LORD undetftanding how farre his Hienes is ^dgedj be tbs fulv fcnving of fmdry Signatotires and letters , at immottune fiire and ■ defire of finfe perfones , his » effe not being fore-warned nor ttewlie infomtedorthceffeftandcontentespfthefaidf^natouresand Hien p^jjg^giiiqufiairof, his Majeftie with advife of his three Eftaines, cOnveened in tliis prefent Pat- r Mt ftaratis and otdainis : That na fignatoHt or letters quhst-fum-ever , fail be prefente d to his Majeftie, l"e fnbfctibed in time cuMming , hot be his otdinat officiars, unto, quhais ®^ces the fame properly belanais. *A°iin cafeonyfignatout, aithei ignorantly,, orupoti inopjottimitie, fall-happen to be iubfcribed, behis weneffc utherwayes ; Commaadis ids faids ordinar officiars, to Hay them : And in ne wayes to fubfcribe ot ffethsm- As mey will anfwere at their hi^eft charge and'bettell: Qjiliilkffiayingoftliepaffineoffik P cures’, lallbeimputetothemfotnaoffenfe: Bot efteemed be his Majeflfe , as acceptable and gude 'feme* tendingtohisHieneflehonout, and commoun-weiUpf this Xcaiine. N S. ane table Of the P ARTIQVLAR kAQTES^ mthktmthTarlmmrn . ij8y. and mt imprinted. . I D Atifcatimoftkt^aofPM-liamntmaidamMtinfefments ghenfirMver^^ a ]^Oftk ajfent of the eftaite, fir emeUngtf ane kague , wtthtk^inerfi,xt^md. 5 Ratification granted to James iHchardfon^nieetoun. 4 Item, m the Laird of Elfim&mn. y Item, to the Laird ^ Car-michael. 6 Item, to the bairnes of the Laird ^Segic. 7 Item, to Alexander Wood. 8 Item, to Walter Dundas. 9 Item, to William Cmmendatar ®/ PetM-wceme. 10 Item, to ummhik Sir James Balfour, his wife and bawt^s. n hem, to William Dowglas, oftheProaieJlrieofUnefiA^. I^ Item, to Maifter £dward Bruyfe, of the Abback 13 Item, to the Laird efCttkadi, anent the landes of OimAom. 14 Item, to George «« Andrew Halibumtounes , ofthetrTenJmes., ly Item, to John Authinleck, of his ‘Peffion. 16 Item, to Maifier George Young, and John Andto. 17 hem, to ffie Yw s/Anfttuthet, m free burgh. 1% Item, anent emfirmettim of fewes attd Kirk-kttdes. ^ 19 Item, in favour of the Colkdge ofjteftke, anent the tme of fating. “ lz\ r- *' Item, efNebk-mm and uthers rejlared and received to the Kingis favour. s! Item, of John, ErkofMoitaan, hisfrisndes and fervandes. ^ _ ,^4 Item, ifMmflersandMafiersofColkdges, aniScjmks, concerning their reptuUm. sy Item, of w L. Religion, being called perhvadeonie of hisMajeftiesfubjedes , todeclineftatheprofeffion^^^ tocompeit. andanfwetthereuponbelorehisHienesandhispnvieCouncell. m caletnep ij8 KING JAMES THE SEXT and delated, oronieof diem, fall be fund culpable, be his Hienesprivie Councell or five of them , his MajelbesChanceller, and Clerk of Regiftcr being twa of that number, aither be the Confeflion of the faidis perfones accufed , Or be the depofition of famous witnes : Or gif the faidis petfons delated, being called and adjudged ctiminallie (m-cafe his Hienes and his Councell fall fwa thinke gud) and beis fund guiltic and cidpable in the premi/Tes : That they there-throw, incur thepaine •ftinfell of all their moveable guddes : Togetlier with the life-rentes oftlicir Landes and livings quhat-foever, to be uptakes and imployed to bis Hienes awen ufe : and na wayes to be dilpaned to the perfons con vift or fugitive , for the caufes forefaidis. ay. IhefeUersattdiiJpirftrsoferrdmoiuiuikes, JuldbepifniJhedandthebHikesdefir^td. FORSAMEIKLE as findrie perfones brings furth of uthetis Rcalmes divers buikes and wtittes, contcining erroneous doftrine, againft die trew word ol GOD, and Religion ptofefled, and be the Lawes eftablilhed in this Realme : Or conteiningfupetftitioustitesandcetemonicslP^^jf^icfl//, quhair- by the people at greatly abufcd. FOR remeid quhairof , OUR SOVERAJNE LORDE, and the three Euaites of this prefent Parliament, ftatutis andotdamis, thatquhairfoever ony perfones fufpefte of hamc-bringingofthelaidsbuikes, fallrepaire, refort, andfemainewitltinony Burgh, it fall be lauch- full to the Ptoveft and BailKes ol the fame Burgh, with ane Minifter, to fcarch and feeke the faidis buikes, and being funde fik buikes as at before declared, to defttoythera, and to committ the hame- bringerstowaitde, ■quhill tliey be puniflied in their- perfones and guddes , at OUR SO VERAINE LORDIS wiU. For the quhilk this prefent Aft, fall be fufficientcommiilion to the faids Ptoveft, Bail- lies, and-Miniftert Anddteitfaidfearching, feeking, intromilDon, and. deftruSion of the faids buikes, fill be repute ane lauchfulldeede, for the quhilk they Iwincurrena danger of fpuilzie, orinmifion, orony tliingthatmayfollowthere-iipon. : > ^imljiers provided to “Benefices smdtr Trelacies , fuld be free of the firft teeires fruiter mtd fifth penny. ITEM, It if declared, ftatute and ordained, that all Beneficesof Cute under Prelacies, quhait-unt* Minifters at Readers or admitted (chataftualliefervis, and dois their dewdes at their Kirkes) fall in all time cumming, be free of the firft zeites ftnites , and filth pennie of dieir Benefices. And fail from this rime foorth have their Signatoures of prefentation paft at the Privie Seale , upon his Majefties awin fubferip- tiononcly, and his Sscretatis , without ony payment, or caution to his TMauter for the faidis firft ftaites or fifdi penny. 17. Tumfhneevt-^troublers ofithe Kirk, invaders of Minifters, and of Eucommtmicat perfones , entr and into tm Kirk. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with advileofhis three Eftaites, in this prelent Parliament, fta¬ tutis and otdainis , diatquhat-fumeverpetfon or perfones, fall hajmen hereafter, to petturbetheot. dour of the Kirk, in time oi Divine fervice, or tomake ony tumult, raileony fraie, cither in the Kiik or Kitk-zaird, (whair-throw die people then conveened , fall happen to be dilbrdeied, troubled, otdifpetftd: The fame tail he ane poynt of dittay , and the perfones to be convift thereof, fall tyne all their moveable guddes , to be efeheit to OUR SOVERAINE LORD, f6r their offenfe ; but prejudice of greater puiiilhmcnt, giftliete happen ony greater ofienfc, asflauchter, bloud, mutilation, fchuttingofHaghuttes aiidPiftolettes, according totheLawesofdiis Realme. And for-fameikle as divers perfones having com¬ mitted findrie oft nfes, for the quhilk they merite to be feparate ftom the focicne of the Kirk ; And zit fcekis na reconciliation there-unto , bot for necclfirie of Baptifine to dieir baitnes , or manage of themfelvcs, or of their friendes , fum-timesminacisandboaftistlie faidis Minifters, and fum-times for feeking of their livinges, orfikutherquarrelles, fparis not te put violent handes on them. FOR remeid quhairof, it is ftatute and ordained, be OUR SOVERAINE LORD,withadvifeoftliefaidisEftaites; Tfaatquhat- iumeverpctfonorpcrfoncs, invadisony Mmifter*, or puttis ony violent handes in him, for the caufos above utiier fik forged quariell , fall be punilhed therefore with all rigour , and incutre the pains oftinfollofall their moveable guddes, for the faid invafion and violence allaneriiet Albeit naflaughter not murilatioii follow thereupon The ane halfcoftlie faidis moveable guddes, to be applied to our SOVE- RAINE LORDIS ufe, andtheuthertothepartieoftnded; But prejudice of greater punilhment, gif crime concurre , with the violence and invafion forefaidis. And for die better execution hereof ; It i s ftatute and ordained , that all p etfones , delated of the faidis oft nfes , fall be called and prefonted ritete- ioreenmin^e, Mfoiethe^ftice and his deputes, aither in Juftic* aires, or at panicular dienes. And iliM letters be direft to diareftft in c oinmoun forme , at the inftanceof the Minifter , or the Kingis Advocate, or ProcuratouT for the Kirk , or ony u ther that will perfcw the faidis oftnfes. And quhair ony excommuni- att perfones enters in the Congregation , the time of the Miniftration of the 5’acramentes , or comraoun 1 takers; The Minifter being certified thereof, lall incontinent dicreaftcr, charge the Exconununicatepet- ELLEVENTH parliament. XXIX. Ofjuli/. 1587, !.J9 , in the name of GOD, and OUR SOVERAINE LORDE to depaitt : Quhilk. being ' hifcd. he fall after the Miniftration oi the Sacramentes, or Commoun Pray ers ended , require fa mony the ma'ft wife, difereete, and fubftantious of the Paroche , as he pleafis ; That they , in OUR SqYj;, [?.AINE LORDIS NAME, fail take and apprehend die faid Excommunicate perfone, and ^refenthimto the Judge Ordinar, witliiatheboundesofthefchire, quhair the Paroche lies , quhilk Judge ^rdinar , &11 be halden to receive the fame Excommunicate perfon off their handes , and keepe and eteine him in prifon , till he fiuJe caution , under fik fummes as fall be modified be the Mmi- (ler And fa nionie of the Elders of that Kirk, as ar prefent for the time , orrefortistothcoulklieaflem- blies ; That the Excommunicate perfon reconahatehimfelfe to the Kirk, and fall make amendis ior the faide offeofe- j- r r , and gif the Excommunicate perfon forefaid , deforcis ony of them in the execution of the premifles , he being convift thereof, his moveable guddes , fall fall in efcheit to OUR SOVERAINE LORDE; And nis perfone fail be punillied , at his Hieiies will and plcafure. z8. Interfret atkn of the A£i maid anent defrivatimi of Mmifiers. Item, it is ftamte and ordained , that the Commiffion for deprivation of Perfones provided to be¬ nefices, for the caufe of deprivation, fall extend alfvva Perfones provided to Prelacies , as u- tliers inferiour benefices uader Prelacies , to be ufed be the perfones fpecified in the faid Commiffion : Or fik utheris , as his Hienes fall give Commiffion to , in that behalte , for all tranfgreffiones of the Ate maid theit-anent, fen the Padiament halden at Linlithcow , in December, the zeit of God, I j 8 y. zeit€s. Z9. KAnnexatkn of the Temforalitk of benefices to the Croun. o UUR SOVERAINE LORD, and his three Eftaites of Parliament, perfitely undetftanding the ereateft parrot his proper rent, to have bene given and difponed of auld, toAbbaies, Monafteries, and urhetis peribns of Clcrgie : quhairby the Crown lies bene fa greatlic hurt , that diereaftet his maift Noble Progenicours had nociit fufficient meanes to beace loordi the honour of their Eftaite, as tliCT had before , quhilk hes bredde findrie inconvenietwes within rliis Realme. And feeing the caufes of the dillolution of the mttiniome of the Crown, to the Kirk, after the trueth knawin, ar found nathcr neceffar not profitable: Mdthat be manie occafiones, through a langprocefieof time , the dearth lies fa gteadie increafed, not only inthis Realme, Botin ail Cuntries, that the Princes charges, at notableto beuphaUen be tliatpart of the patrimonie , quhilk now reftis in his handes .• And his Hienes ior the great love and favour qidiilk he beatis to his fubjeftes; being na waies minded to greeve them with un-profitab!e taxations, fpecially for his myall fupport It is found maift meete and expedient , that he fall have tecourfe to his awin patri¬ monie, difponed of before (tliecaufeofthedifpofitioanowceafing) as aiieheipe maift honorable inrefped ofhimfeKc, and leaft grievous to hispeople and fubjeftes. . , , and therefore Out laid Sovetaine Lord, and his faidis three Eltaites of Parliiment, bcdie force of this prefent Adte, have united, annexed and incorporate , aoduiiitis, the Crown of this i?ealme, to remaine therewith as annexed, and as it were propettiethereol, m all rime cumniinff, and with our faid Soyeraine Lord, and his Succeiloucs forever; Ail and iindrie Landes, Loid- fliippes, Bartonnies, Caftles, Towtes , Fortalices , Manfions, Manoiir places Milnes Multures, Wooddes, Schawes, Parkes, Fifehinges, Touiies , Villages, Burrowes in iJegahtie , and Barronnie, annual-rentes , teiiementes , teverfioncs , cuftomes great and fmall, few-fetmes, teimentes , tennendrics, and fervice of free teniientes. And al! and findrie utheris commodities . ptofites and emoluniaites quhat- fumever , alfweill to Burgh , as to lande . (except . as hereafter fall be excepted in this prefent Atte) Ojihiikis atthedayanddaitofthirprefentis, viz. The xxix. day of thezeir of God, lySy. zeires, per- teinistoquhat-fumcverArch-biihoppc, Bifliope, Abbot , Prior, Ptiorefie, and quhar-lumever utherPre- !at, either Ecclefiafticall, or beneficed perfon , of quhat-fumevet eftaite , degree , high or iawe . and at rile day and dait of thir prefentes petteinis to quhat-fumever Abbay, Convent, Cloilter , quhat-funiever, ordour of Friers, orNunnes, Monkes or Clianiiones, how-fumever they be named, and to quhat-iuni- , ever Colledge Kirk , founded for Cliantorie and finging ; Or to quliat-fumevcr Prebendane or Chapianane quliair-everthey be, or be fituate within this i?ealme and dominion thereof. Andfik-hke, all and fi drie comnioun laiides, bruiked be Cliaptours of Cathedrall Kirkes , and Cliantrie Colledges as commoun : And quhairof the faidis Cliaptours have bene in pofleffion before in commouniM. robe mall times here¬ after, taken, halden and repute, as it were the propertie and patrimony of the Crown, to remame there¬ with ill all times cumming after the forme andeenour, and ordour the time of our SoveraineLprdis maift Noble Predeceflbur, King JAMES tlieSecon , ” to ail claufes, conditions , and drcumftances thereof , quhilk in all poyntes is lial “ P , ^ this prefent Aft. And als it is ftamte and ordained . that the execution of tins aft , m , fogoftlieptofites, fallbeginandtakeeffea, atthetetme oi^artme-mes Tt me Soveraine Z,ord , may receive the rentes and dewties of the faid terme , and fwa foortli to c cumming, ^(5o KING JAMES THE SENT TMaiim AND bccaiife it isiioclit reafonable, that after tbefaid annexation of the faid Teniporall landestotl ’ Crown , the faidis Prelates and Ecclefiafticall perfons be burdened with ony taxationes , lor , and in fpeft of the faidis annexed landes, his Majellie, and his Eftaites of thisprefent Parliament, lies remind) thcordouttobc taken for their reliefe inthatbehalfc, to certaine perfones to quhom theordour of the o narall taxation of all landes within tliis Realme is committed. Quhilk ordour to be taken , fall be obferv <5 in all times cumming , and the heritable pollcflbures of the faidis landes , and utheris addebted in taxatione fall pay their taxt, according thereto. AND Further, is is declared , decerned, flanite and ordained , be our faid Soveraine Lord, and h' ftidis three Eftaites of Parliament , that in-cafe ony of the faidis Prelates , or perfones Ecclefiafticall , quha'* Teniporall landesarproperly comprehended in thefaidannexation, fall be hereafter called and prefented^ attheinftanceofquhat-fumcverpcrfones, for warraiidize of ony of the faidis Kitk-landes, fet in few or takkebc them, ortheirpredeccflburcstodivets perfones, be occafion of double iiifeftmentes, or aftedati ones: orforquhat-fumeveruthercaufe , they, and theirfucceftbures fall nawayes bee obliihed to warrand tile fame , bot for their awin deed -. to wit , quhair the warraiidize proceedis , and takis occafion upon double infcftnientes, orafledationcsofaneland, haith proceeding from anepetfon difponer thereof, zit on live- In quhilk cafe allanerlie , they fall be obliihed , as faid is. ’ Tnfmt! I. SAfwa concluded, ftatute and ordained , be our faid SOVERAINE LORD, and his imvift oj three Eftaites of Parliament, that the faid annexation fall have hill ftrength, force and clfeft , in all Lord- S- rlflor- ’ Konendries , Barronnies , and uther Tcmporall Landes , quhilk pertcined to ony Prelacie , or oj, ’ poftefted before , be quhat-fumever Prelate or. Ecclefiafticall perfon , againft quhome pro- cclle oHbre-faltour , or Bairatrie lies bene led at ony time, fen our faid Soveraine Lordis Coronatioun; Al¬ beit they have bene in ony Parliament before , or fall be now in this prefent Parliament , or hereafter fuUelie leftored againft the faidis fentences , and procefle, and their reftitution fall have na effeift, againft the faid annexation : bot the faid annexation , fall have effedl againft them , notwithftanding the faid reftitution. fmisioitr SallbealwaycslauchfulltoourfaidSoveraineLord, in his awin time, to fett in few-ferme, quhat- /« icih funiever the faidis Kirk-laiidcs, quhilkis were not fett in few-ferme before ,igif ony be. And fik-like , gif ony K"’£' infeftniciitesoffew-fermeofthefaidislandcs, nowannexed, quhilkis were fett in few-ferme before , fall happen to be rctreited and reduced , for the reafones and caufes hereafter exprefled : Quhairin his Hienes Diirduiion. Succeftbures , fall onely be heard to quarrell and clainie. It fall be lauchfull to his Flienes in his awin 'time, asfaidis, tofettthefameinfew-ferme, notwithftanding thefaidannexation. And to the elTeft fore- tod, thcfaidprovifionfallferveforafufficicntdiflblutionintliatbehalfe, and liis Hienes , and his tlireeE- ftaites forefaidis , diflblvis the fame in tliat part. ESttplioHS. AND SiUike, it fall be lauchfull to our faid Soveraine Lord, to ufethe fuperioririe and few-fetmesof the Landes of theinilne Craqithy ^ niiJlandesandfuckenofthcrame : The Landes of quhilkis pertcined to the Abbacy of i_Mbcvbrothock , lyand within the Schireftc-dome of Fot'-fare , and Rc- galitie ol t^berbrotbock , as fall feenie gude to his Hienes. And that the converfion of the viauall in money , or diminution of the rentail , fall be na caufeofredudlionoftheinfeftment, thefaidannexation, or ony claufe , or condition therein conceined notwithftanding. FURTHER, Ourfaid Soveraine Lord , and his faidis three Eftaites of Parliament, hesdcclared, and be the tenout hereof declaris, decernisandordainis, that the Landes , Lord-lliippes and Barronnies under- wntten, ereifted be his Hienefle in temporall Lord-lhippes and Barronnies , before the daitof this ptefent Acte, quhilk is die xxix, day oijulij, the zeir of God, 15-87. zeires, ar not , nor fall not be com¬ prehended in the faid annexation : excluding the lame allutetly their-fra , to remainc with the perfons to quhome they were firft difponed , after the forme and tenour of their infeftments , maid to them thereof. They ar to fay ; The Lands , and Lord-lhippes of Torfhichm , The Erledome of Gms- ru, the Lord-lhippc and living of Belr , now called the Lord-lliippe o( Altrie. The Landes and Barronnies of New-bottle , with the uther landes annexed thereto ; The Barronnies of Brouch- tmmtindKerft, the Burgh of the and ane part of the Town of Leitb , the Bartonnie of Al- called ^thke-Kirk ; (Quhilkis of before, pertcined to the Abbacie of Halyrude-houfi- I lie Landes and Lord-lhippes of GMiiffel-biirgb , quhilkis of before perteined to the Abbaie of T)untfer- mtltng. Quhilkis Lands and Lord-lliippes ar difponed to diverfe perfones , as their particular infeftmentes ' r excepted the haill remanent landes of the Abbay of Humfermelmg , declared as zit to abide with the faid Abbay, inthefameeftait, quhairin they then were, and at not comprehended in the annexa¬ tion lorefaid : Bot to remaine with the faid Abbay , quhill forder ordour be taken. As alfwa excepted oordi of the laid annexation of Kirk-landes to the Crown : The infeftment of the Temporalitie of c j Priorie of ‘Plujcarden^ and temporalitie thereof. It is alwayes provided, and our laid soveraine Lord , with advife of his faidis three Eftaites in Parliament, provides and declaris, tliat notwitnftanding the faid annexation is appoy nted to take efTeft in maner forefaid , Ac the Feaft of Martine- we/nixt-to-cum: Neverthclefs JOHN, Lord HAMMILTOUN, Commendatar of the Abbacie ot Aberurothock, fall bruik the fruites , profites and dewtiesofthe faid Abbaie, during his life-time, in the lanw maner as to did before. Except the profites of the landes of , and milne thereof, the landes ol fullou and Corftonn , few-fermes , and dewties of the fame ; For the quhilk he fall be recompenfed . according ELLEVENTH parliament. XXIX. ifjulij. 1J87. i6i , "iir to the penetall ordour to be taken with the remanent Ecclefiafticall Pcrfoncs , quliais rent is paired, r H 'iniie'xarion , accordina to the Aft and ordinance maid there-upon. ■'nj lVkE WANER, our SOVERAINE lord, with advife of his faidis three Eftaitcs, *(■ and appreevis the gift & dsfpofition maid be his Hienefle to Jehu Botfrjuellhnne lauchfull to Adume , "''1 ncoiGrkudy, Khh&cKoiHalyrude-hou/e , and haillfruites thereof, with the haill frecdomes, ' 'nft'ons, liberties, rentes, proventes, and emolumentes ofthefame, with the haill refetvationes, ■'■■'"r'e ' con'ditiones, andcircumftancesof the fame, after the tenour tiiereof i Asthe fame of the daite, "\"xhdwo{T)ecemb6r, thezeirof GOD, ij8i. zeircsbearis ; Declaring the fame to be fiiffidenf ^ 'V^ilzcable to him, for bruiking and ufing of the faid benefice and haill fruites thetcofinduring his life-time. V ' "ithlfandine , qiihat-fumever Aftes , conftitutiones or Lawes, Civill, or miinicipall , maid in the difpe&and there-with , and effeft thereof; Andthatthisptefentratification. bealsfuflicient, as faid oih and difpofition had bene excepted in fpeciall, in the laidis Aftes, oronyof them. And this t’l JO be without derogation of the Aftc of annexation , of the temporalities of Benefices to the Crown ; " f nuhat fumever richtes and titles maid be them , or ather of them , in favour of quhac-fumever perfones, '’'hiiltbethis, his Hienefle meanisnawayes to prejudge; Bottlrefametoftanderatificd and appreeved , in ihdr’fullftrength and force, as gifthey were fpedaliie mentioned herein, , . , , . , IT IS Alwaycsunderfland, like as our faid Soveraine Lord, and his three Eltaites dedans , that under t fa-'d annexation or ony daufe herein fpecified the teind fcheves & uthers teindes of quhat-fumever lands , Tt.W.t, ' 'diiii this Realme perteining to ony Perfonage of V icarage , ar not , nor fall not be comprehended ; Except "i'.hair the teind and flock is fat togidder . as is hereafter declared fBot that the fame fall temaine with the pre- f iitDoflcflbur having richt thereto; and qiiha fail have richt to the fame hereafter ; Notwithftanding the laid Miicxation , or ony genetall daufe therein fpecified , quhilkis fall nawayes be extended to the faidis ten- ilendes, raait not gif the laid annexation had nawayes bene maid. „ , ■ Refervandaiwayes, andexceptand to all Arch-biflioppes, Billioppes, Abbotes, Pnores, PnorefTes, Conimeildatars and utherPolTeflbtcs of great Benefices, ofthecflait of Prelates and quhilkis betorc had, erhes voice in Parliament. theitprincipleCaftles, Fortalices, houfes and manfiones with the bigginges > ' and zairdes thereof, as they lie and are fituate within the precinftes and daiifures ot their places, quhilkis fall temaine with tliem , and their fuccefToures hereafter , for their tefidence mid habitation. Notwith lland- L the faid annexation, quhilkfallnawayesincludethefame; But the fame Caftles, houfes nianfiones, anduthersimmediatliebeforerehearfed. faU abide in the fame Eftaite quhairm they were before die faid annexation but prejudice or hurt to be meaned or intended to the faidis Prelates or ony uthers perfones , iliatmayhaveorjuftliepreteiidrichtthereto. Providing alwayes they keepe and maintame the fame , m * M C Fp T A N D altofolrdi of thefaid annexation . all and quhat-fumeyer manfiones of Parfoiiages ■and Vicarages annexed to ParocheKirkes with four aikers of glebe, maiftewefttotheKirk andcommodi- ousfortheMinifter, ferving the cure theirof. for his better refidencethete^at, quhilk fall not be , nor ar coLrehended in rhe faid annexation Bot faU temaine with theMinifter Parfon or Vicar, ormher qulia^fali be provided thereto , for ferving of tlie cure , according to the Aftes of Paihament maid there-anen t °^EX°ckPTAND Inlikemanet, allandfindrielandes, ptofites, tennentes , annuahrentes , temd- ■feheves, and uther commodities and ptofites quhat-fumever, given granted, anddi^oncdformtcrteine- iiiGiitofMaiftersandftudentesinCoiledges, ereftedforexercifeofiearomp an or , ji />: ...j '‘""‘i*"* andforfiiftentationofMinifters; Makanddieir tefidence mButroWes, quhair there is na uther ftipciid ap- ^Tnd%uZ exceptandandrefervand, alllandes, tennementes, ptofites , annual-rentes . ft com¬ modities quhat-fum’ever, panted before die dait hereof, memes, annual-rentes, “"dutheriscominoditiesquha^^^^^ Toth^uliilkthefaid annexation fall iiocht “an D S;S£king, *e fid |,.»i .f f 1; A .xeST"' miBTOiei mnui-renia. the Crown of diis Realme to “ ui,e„ jifefaklandes, and uthers above foecified, nimg: ItisbetIiisprefentxA.ftefpecialheprov!de^ to ckke and affedation : or ar dilponedin oronypartorportiontheitof, greatorfmall, reliefe^r utheris waies. as may Hand and free tennendrie, in blanch cane, or for fervice ol wairde and re , , rakkef-men and utheris agree with the Lawses of this Realme : The faidis “^Y^dS'^Lord-fliippes , Bartennics , tencmentes, nghteoBS titulares thereof , fail btuik and enjoy their Landes , . ™ annual- Pp z6z KING JAMES THE S EX T IPer.ffotits. TJc fniritig annual-rentes, and their utlier rights and titles quhat-fumever , after the foijne and tenow of the ' poynts; And our (aid Soveraine Lord, and his Hienede Succedbures , fall’be hereafter imnicdiatfu tothem: Like as they fall beeum, bevertevvofthisprefent Aft, inimediattennentes andva((allei'"'L''* Hicnel.e , and their Suceedbures , in their faidis Lord-diippcs , landes andtenementes , forpavmem r T dowcie and fervicc , contcined in their infeftmenres, takkes and adedationcs , and utherisrichtesanH 'i rhcrcot; in the fame fort and maner, as they miclit have bene oblilhed to the faidis Ecclefjafticall and naucher-« ayes. And that be the fame infeftmentes, takkes, richtes, andtidcs, quhilkis the f "a”' podedbureshesofthefame : They fall bruik, joyisandpolledctheirliidisiandes. And it fall not K* cci lar to them ; to altet their faidis infeftmentes and richtes : Nor to take die fame of new of O U R VEKAlNE LORD, Notwicliflanding the tranfladon of the fiiperioricic in his Hicnefle ^ AND Becaufe thereat divers pendones, granted to mony perfones loonh of the faidis annexed h.A. alfweill be the fatdis Prelates, and utheris Ecclefiaflicall petfones, as be OUR SOVERaim ’ LORDE. the benefice vaikand in his Hieneshandes. adiSt throw deceafe. orbe ptocedbof fore f.i, orbarratnc.ledagainftthepodbflburofth.Bcnefice. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and hkTil' three Edaites of Parliament decernis, and declaris : That the faidis penfioners. fall na vvayes be hit ‘ irrcjudg^ intheirfaidispenfiones (they being lauchfullie provided thereto) be the faid annexation v ®' that thcfiidis Penfioners have bene authorized be decreetesof the Lordes of Councell , or uther Tudoet T* dinar : Or have bene in lauchfullpoficdion of their penfiones, atony time preceeding. ^ be out Soveraine Zforde, and his faidis three Eftaites in Pari, ’o tenementes, annual-rentes, uthersprofites&com properiycomprehen^dinthefaidannexation: OurfaidSoveraineLord, andte Sticcefouts, lall have the only and full tichtofthefuperioritie of the tennendries, fik-like, and in the fnm. maner , as the faidis Ecclefiafticall perfones had tire lame of before. And that the aires of the prefent herita Brie n I r “ter be Brieves of our Soveraine Lords Chappell aUaLtly • quhX \v"s nnv ife | ■‘^ of the Schire quhair there was na Regalirie bete And quhair there vvasonyRegahtiequhilkhcs nowane heritable Bat'llie or Stewart, thefiSnefallbedireftedto Jie MBaiL ^oVErA^^E rv.fyAiil LORDS ChanceUary, quhidder the faidis landes lie in Royaltie. orRegalitie- The 1 ai tie fall have precepts to be fetfed , halden of our faid Soveraine Lord according to his retour ^ b* thknmf conditioncs , as Mr laid Toyeraine Lordis uthers tennentes have bene fcafed be preceptes direft forth of the Chancellaryofbefore Intijequhilkpteceptcommandementfall be given, toSchheffrlfteird !! ol the faidis infeftmentes be conrtaveenerl hi w it*® ju- the claufles and conditioncs reduecthe faidis inS„tes Lcordfovtri,e^®“"‘^^^‘^“"^^^^^ ft cd-ciny fault, ofrenfo“rw^ his HicneireandhisSuccefToLs or committed. nnme cumming allanerlie. Aad fc.fimentcsortakSdairSLe if^ «- pnwer to make the fame ere i j ^tk-landes , qnhilkis ar maid be tliem quha had btion , aniHilling or expyring tlKreof^°^ Nor .“’S *'tei^n, m quefoon : Nor zit to perfew the redu- Aftion, tichtortitle,TrS ^uce^ran, Id^ nor iis TuccelToures haveonie maner of dcwheandlauchfulheconfirmedbehtorfor^^ of the faidis Kirk-landes. fiid diminution be nochtof™ Id mafo fours , fall nawayes be hZ to n .aS' r d ■ And his Majeftie and his Juccef- infilverdctitfe OrforotZerrS«Z^^^ *«= quhat-fumeverLaw, Cannon muninnall A ''ll ’ Icfioun or hurt : Orbereafonof payment of the faidis deuties LiddcwZ’ ^®.°t oonftituaon ; Except in the caufes forefaidis, for none m the faid infeftmenZ tmiecumming ; According to the reftriftiones contcined hatxJ.Lh!'orf4?ev;ffSt^^^^^^ SOveRAINE LORDE.&hisJuecelfoure^.may caufes .allanetly his Hienefie and his be fals and fcinzied : In the quhilkis Afte, ar, and fall be exprellie and contimiaU ” ’ , j*Y®P*“®®topetlew, and be the tenour of this prefent forefaidis. ^oo^ftudedfraall-utheraftion, caufeandperfute, except the 4Sran«rthfferfZZlSftZZnZ°"’; f/injrji ■llJCf.lCI faidis ELLEVENTH PARLIAMENT. XXIX. of JuUj. 1^87. 163 r-\- r vavesancifeciennentes, their aires and fucccflbutes in their roimies and pofTefTioncs, pcrteinineto except for the fpeciallcaufe above excepted ; Bot that they fall bmik their faidislaiides, Mc! tenncnd’ries, alsfrcelic in all refpeftes, for payment of the deutie , and fervice conteined in leftnientes: as onic his Lords , Barronnes, fewares, and free-tenncntes , quhilkis was immediat ' 'ffalicsofauld, hes bruiked and joyfed there faidis landes and heritages : Or prefendy bruikjs or joyis V-fime but ony difference hereafter. aND Becaufetheteind-feheeves, and uther fmall teindes of all landes within this,Realmc , ar expredie fwfs/t;* cDtcdfoorthofthefaid annexation, and the fame nawayes extended thereto. And thereby it is confi- d that queftion may fall out, anent the payment of the few-fermes of the Kirk-laiidcs , to our Sovc- (is, T_ord, qiihairinaiieinfaftment, the landes and teindes, is fettogidder for anedewtie ; And but divi- ?'”ordiftinJ-theThrid, ourSove- raine Lordis mailt Noble PredecclTour. And als providing that this prefent dilfoKition , fall ftand during the ■ dayes of our faid Sovcrainc Lord , that now is allancrlic.Swa that wiiat Landes,,!, is Hiciies in his time iettis in few-fetme, to ciuhat-fum-evar perfon or pcrfoncs, for augmentation of his rental , as faid is, the famin fall abide with the laidis perfones , their aires and fuccciroiues in few and heritage lor ever. And after our faid Soveraine Lordis decealb, the annexation of the remanent landes, iiorfett in few in his Hienes times . fall returne to their awin nature. 'I liif ar the names of the landes to the.quhilk this.prefent diflblution is , and fall be extended. Theyartofay, The landes of the Erledonie of Rofe, and l^oxAMf^soIArdmanmch, The landes of flie Erledonie oiOrkuay , with the lies perteining thereto ; The landes annexed to the Crown’ lyand within the Scliireffedome of Edinburgh,- mA Conftabularie of Hadingtoim : The Friers lands NAbcr'. licne, quhiikis were before difponed to George Erie The landes and Lordlhippe of Mentetth, difponed to Jirwer Lord Doun: The landes and Lordlhippe of aboue and beneth Cr ee . The Erlcdome of CHarch , and the Lotdlliippe of Ettrick Forrefl. ji. THE KiNGjs General revocatwn. E JAMES, Be the Grace of GOD King of , being -now of perlite tiae , of twentie ane zeires compleit, and knowing jthe rcmeid competent tousbethecomiiiouii Z,awe, andZ,awesofoucReahne, In revocation of all and findrie alienations, donatioiK, venditiones, or utheris difpofitions quhat^m-ever , maid be us in our minoricie and IcITc age, or be out predecefloures in their times, in hurt and detrimentof our Crown, out faul, andconfciencesagainllallLaw'csofourRealme, and theirin following the exemple of our moft Noble Progenitoures , in their general Revocationes ; And being latelie pall: our f.iijperfirc age of twentie ane zeires, .and ane large fpace w'ithin our age oftw’entie five zeires, duringthe quhilk, the remeid of our Revocation is competent'to us : Wemakeour-GeneralRevocation, inmanet lollow’ing. F 1 R .S T We revoke , cade, annuli , retrelt and refeind , all and findrie infeftmentes , ebartouts , . giftes, donationcs , alienationes , and difpofitiones quhat-fum-ever , maid be out umquhile deareft Mother, before our Coronation : T o quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones , in ony maner of way , in fee, few-ferme, orfranck- tencment , of ony Lands, Lordlliippes, Barronnies, cuftomes, annualles, fifehinges, Burrswmaiiles or Caft- Icwardes, annexed to our Crown . Offices of Jufticiarie, and Schirelfeffiips within the famin, appertein- ing thereto, inconttair, the aftes of annexation maid there-upon of before ; And quhair lauchfull diflblu¬ tion ofthe faid annexation was not maid be our faid umquhile deareft Mother, and her three Eftaites in Par¬ liament, in her awin time, tothceffcdlthatthefamefallbeofnanoavailein time cummipg , after the dait heitof and si K' like. We revoke, annuli and retteit, all and findrie infeftmemes, Cliartours, giftes, donatici;s, alienatisns, and dilpofitions quhat-fum-ever, fees and penfioncs difponed be us, ofourfaid ,« i/t an nexed awin proper Landes, -at ony time preceeding in our Minoritie, andlcfleage; Except the fees and pcnliones difponed to the Officiats of our Crown, their deputies and Clerkes, as hereafter fall be excepted. Refervand ahvayes foorth of this our Revocation, the halfe lands of cafterL^er/e;fB««o6, fetinfew- I ferine in our minoritic , to our truftie fervitour Sir John GMmray (AT iillibardin Knidit , ane of our Maifters I of Houlholde , And fik-like refervand foorth of this our Revocation „ all and haill the lands of Knocktane, Kiidnrroch , Kttrieyisalcck , and five marke-lande of Kereburne , lyand withintheSchirefldomeof/Tig- towi, and kindlie pbflcfliones to ^yiRatrickJVans cS Bambarrochi'Me^'A-. Swatliatheandhisairesniay Lmikthefamc, according toliis infeftments theirof, -daited-at Haly-i-nde-hduji , the'twentie dayofNo- ■ vember , The zeir of God 1 5 8 x. zeires. Tiirfmi. ITEM, We revoke all alienationes-and difpofirionesquliat-fum-evfer,' of ohforentes, lands, orheri- (ip ' Mr. -(jggj ^ annexed to-the Principality , or to the Prince quha is alwayes fecond perfon of this Realme , maid be •us, or onie our predecefloures, to the prejudice and hurt ofthe Prince, fecond peiToiiforefaid. , "Ij™- ITEM, Werevoke, cafle, annuli and retteit, all infeftmentes, donatiolies, alienationes and dlfpofi-’r;'" Ui!'.cs.: dons, granted be us, ourRcgentesandGovcrnoursforthetimc, iii our minority and lefli age; Toquliat- 'fum-ever perfon or perfones in fee, few-ferme, -lyfo-rent, or utherWayes , • of all ufliers Landes, rentes, annualles andtevenues , not annexed to our Crown , quhilk ourumquhilldeaieftMocherhadinlierpoflef- 0/ fion before our Coronation. And of all offices fik as Chalmerlaneries, and Baillicries, and ofthe Office of cu ftomarie, maid for maa zeires but fta checker , till the compt be maid in the checker after following , Con- ii:,uUrr. ftabularies, andBailleriesofoutpropcrlandsaud Caftelles. And als we revoke and annuli all rentalles, and takkesofour proper Landes and rentes, maid be us out Governours and Regents, incur ‘ minoritie, abone the fpace offive zeires. rifJZ"' IT M > We revoke , retteit, tefeinde and annuli , all and quhat-fum-ever infeftmentes or rentalles of ‘ ' fe\v-fer®c, I ELLEVENTB 'PARLIAMENT. XXIX. of Jttlij 1587- i6y ” r - of qiihat-furn-ever our proper Landes, annext to out Crown, maide to quhat-fum-everperfones, 1 or be our predeceffoures heretofore, quhilkis are maide in diminution of our rental, 'll "rr of our patrhnonie , quhair the diminution may be verified and proven. I T F M Wc revoke , refeind , retreit and annul! all and quhat-fum-evet mfeftmentes , difpofitioiis and t- - ones’ maid be us, our Govetnours, and Regentes in our minorities , or be onie ol our predeceflbures fennaLi'. ■^‘T^irrimes o'fthofew-fermeviaualofonie Lands and Lord-ftippes, perteinmg to our Crown , quhilk ’'’'’u„rlifn!liefetinfew before, for payment of the few-fermeviftual, and the fame fcw-fermeviaualis f fav thereafter , for filver payment. Becaufe the fetting of the few-ferme is clearelic undetftand to be • '■ ' — aaddiminutionofourPatrimonieandrent. itFM Wcrevolteallinfcftmentes, alienationes and difpofitions , maid to quhat-fum-ever perfoncs f i Caftcllesandhoufes, the places and roumes , quhair-upon our Caftles and houfeswat fituat, and kmfa rirmoiifched ill out minority and kffe age. And fik- like all infeftmentes, alienationes and difpofi- ”'’"'tofaiihat-fiim-everourMedowes, Wooddes, and Parkes, with all. takkes.affedationes and udiqr Sfitionstheirof. fetbeus, our Regentes and Governours in out minorine as M f T EM We revoke all and findtie mfeftmentes, alienationes, giftes , and difpofinones quhat-fum-ever , id be us ’ out Govetnours and Regentes in our minority; ToqiJiat-fum-eTetPerfons. in fee , few-ferme nrlde-rentof all Lands andamiual-rentes;QuhilMsbc£omeinourhands,aspropertiebericht of ourCrowri; ?l rouS"baterdry, otwebdnglaftaire, be reafon of tecogmnen. forrfJto-ur or uthervvayes, withaU rr, firmationes,aifoniebe granted inParliamenttheit-upon. That Lhefaidslands may returneinpropettie touLndourfucIffoutsintimecumming, And nevettheles be this head and ,tode of this prefentRev^^^ io Wededaire, dccerne. andordaine: That nane oftheLotd=2uppes, jandsandBatronniesdiatbe- comeinour hands , be teafon of the fore-faitours , ^hilks were tetteited ,an^efcmded be the pacification crdudedaty^rfA. the three and twentiedaye of , ThezeiteofGod anethoufond, fivehun- tel threefcoirtwdfezeires, and ratified and appteeved m ourParliarnent, hddenat/&^-r«*-;«^^^ foe laildayofApril. ThezeirofGod, anedioufand. fivehundreth. threefoondimeeneze.tes.: Andte dTpadfiLion maid in our Parliament haldenatLr«to&^, mthegreathallofthePahcetheirof The m iday of December , The zeire of God , ane thoufand . five hundred! , fourfeore five ze.res : Sail abyde aidremLcwithusandourfucceffoures: Bot the fame failretutnetotherichteous and whers havaiid intcreft to the fame. Sik-Hke as gif the faidsfotefaitours had never bene led.. And tothat eMweprcfcntliediffolvetheannexationofalllandes united to our Crown, and aUedgrftol^^^^^^ curhandes bercafonoftiiefaidsforefaltoures. quhilku ar tetreited , asfaidis. Andfik-hkewetefemdthe annexadonismaidinourdeareftGudfchirstimeoJaUlandestliatbcecomemhishandes. Or m Aehandes ofliisPredccelToures, be quliat-fum-cver Ptoces offorcfaltout, quhair the faidfotefaltour is reduced, and ‘’iTEtl’^Wc^Sell tailzies, maide be us in out minority and lefTe age, fra the aires general to the aircs maiil, of onie landes within out Realme, againft die Lawcandgudeconfcience qdhairtliefaid.s I andes were difponed before to the aires quhat-fum-ever , • and die faidis mfeftmenies , changed be refigna- foisourReyocat^ that onie petfon , quha acquires tk ncht ofon.e Heritable l^nnde'? nijivtsksthcfeinictofiksifcssslicplfisiis. ^ • r /vj- /-« ITEM, Wcc’revoL, refeind and retreit , aU new tottmenttS 8*1“ VernoursaiidRegcntcsinourmiEioritie, ofonieLandtsandLo^fepp - Rr^r nreiudire alwave? werehaldenofiis anclourPredecefTomes, bcforebefemceofWaraeandreliefc: Bot prejudice alwayes to the heritable poffeffoures : That they fall braik dieir faidsJandes heretabiie : as they were haldcn before ilicfaid inieftment€S , maid in our miuoriri®. ... . . , ITEM WemvokeallRegalffles, and confitmationes of Realities, given be us mourmwntyand lefreaEeor’oni6o?ourPred€cefroutesbefore,againfttheAaesanJft*tut«tktnaRcgalw.ef^^ herSe ° Zt di”aS and deliberation okchaiUPatliamcnt. And fikjte we revoke a%fte^ and infelt, lcnc“ofquha£-rum-everOfficcgivcnhetitablie,toq«h«.fum-eyetpcrfo^^^ in fee , quhilkis ar made in our minoritie , in prejudice ofour dew fenrice to us """• ofbefore, end f.k-like we revoke all difeharges. given be us m our fatd mmonty , offerviceofluitesoi Courtes, auchtofauldtoourProgenitoutesforefaidis. ri.,.rion ofR^irmnnies , item. WecrevokeaUnew*tmentssmaideandgiveninourfaidmin6rme.ofCteation ofBarronmes. in the Lands and Lordlhippes annexed to our Crown. mVen and granted item. We revoke ail infeftmentes, giftes, anddifpofiaoMsquhat-fum-everfet, given ^ be us in our minority , to quhat-fum-ever petfone or petfons, mfee, j nreiud’ice out con- fthf' everHofpitallis, maifon-dieus , Ifedes or rentes appetteining theitto, m PXldiLrfthepuir. feience , to the end that thefaids Hofpitalles may be reduced to the fall iiAtutio , , ny,^\y^o^Eilifiiurzh Providing alwaies that the rentes of die Hofpital of the Trinitie Colkdge befide the Burg o quhilk is now decayed, adigiied and given to the new Hofpital , erefted be the Proveft , Baillies, and Con, cell of the Burgh ol Edinburgh, be na-wayes comprehended under this prefent Revocation. rnfau- ITEM, It is alwayes underftand , like as we be tliir prefentes declaire that the tennandries halden of Hi, Iff. luherluperiours , beeumminifiourhandes, beefeheit, aslailaire, be forefalxour ftandand , e>rbeba(far- drie, 1 litprcfenrationesorinfeftmcntsfollovvingtheir-upon. cummis not under our revocation. Becaufe the fame being cafualities, could not remaine in our hands, in prejudice of the fuperioutes ol the faidis ten¬ nandries ; Bor of necelhtie it behooved us to prefent heritable tennenrs , to the fuperiors of the famin. ITEM, Wee have deepeliecorfiddcred the eftait of cafualities, dailic mven and difponed throw impor- ‘I’’.' nmitie ofaskers, in fik exceffive maner. That difficil it is to cntcrteinic the daylie and ordinar expenfes of our Eftaite and Crown : Howbeit the occafion of charges , hcrcwithallcontinuaUieincrcafis. And we andour Eftaites confiddering that our cafualities audit not to be fa inordourlie and inconfideratlie difponed, at the importune fuitc of all askers, bot our commoditic maid thereof, and fik diferetion had in difpofition oftl;e fame, aswcmaycontinuallielivcuponourawin. Therefore , we with advife of our faidis three Eftaites , and haill bodie ©f this prefent Parliament, revokis, refeindis, cadis, annullis, and difehargis all giftes of tecs, penfiones, wages, liveries and difpofitions, out of our cafualities and coders , given be us with advife of our Regentes for the time ; or be our felfe , fenthc accepta- tioD of the Governement of our Realme in our awin perfon , declaring the fame to be null , and of nane avail, force nor edeft in time cumming : difehargeing oUr Thefaurers prefent and to cum , of all payment making ofthc faidis fees, penfiOnes, wages, liveries, and utheris things appoynted to be payed footth of our cafuali- tics, of rhe terme of IVhit-fimday\i^ by-paft , or hereafter in time cumming ; Exceptand alwaies the fees and iKiifions, given to the ordinar Officiars ofthc Crown, their deputes and Clerkcs,quhilkis we will, fall not be comprehended in this our general revocation : Thsy at to fay , the fees and penfions given and adignedto otirThefaurer, his deputes and Clerkes: To our Sccrctar and his depute: Our CoUeeftour andhis Clerk and procuratour ; Our Jufticc , Jufticc-Clerk, and their deputes, AdVocat, Procuratour for the puit , Mailler of Rcquellcs : Our Clerk of Rcgiftcr , Dirciftor of the Chancellarie , and Director of the Rolles : (^hilk we dcccrne and declare, fall ftand in force and cfTcdf ; Notwithftanding this our prefent Revocation, r, ri'EM, We revoke, retreit, cafte and annuli, all and quhat-fum-ever giltes, penfions and free rrmfirt. difcliarges of the rhrids of benefices within our Realme , granted fen out Coronation , be us, our Govetnouts and Regent.s in our Minoritie and Icftc age : And we decetne the fame to be of nane availl , in all time here¬ after: And fik-like , we revoke all takkesofthethrids of benefices, fet be us in our minoritie andlefie age, quhairby the dc wtie is diminilhed : Or quhair we have fett the haill benefice , in diminution of the thrid there¬ of: Andweproteft, chat quhat-fum-ever we have done to tlK detriment, hurt and prejudice of our thrid, and of the miniflerie, in out minoritie, or les age, that the fame may be reduced , as accordis of tlie Law. uM- ITEM, We revoke all and quhat-fum-ever infefementes, maid be us in our Minoritie, our Governours , ImJrr.l juej R,egcnts in our name, of onie Kirkes landes. Friers landes, Nunnes landes, or commoun landes, quhilkisoniewaies fell and become in our handes, asourpropertic: Except the infeftmentes , maid be out umquhilc dcareft Mother and us , for ereftion and fuftentation of Hofpitallcs , and Miniftets within Bur- rou'cs, quhair there is naalfignation nor ftipend allowed, foorth of the thrids of benefices , forfuftentatioa oftheMiiiiftct; thereof. rmu:niii ■ ITEM, V.'e revoke all takkes , aftedationes, and utheris difpofitiones quhat-fum-ever, of onie com- Knicr. iiiounKirkesuichinoiirRcalme, maidbeusinonietimeby-paft : to thecffeathacthefaniemayreturneto us, untothcrimethatfurderordourbetaken. Providing alwaies that at the faidis commoun Kirkes , there fall be Minifters appoy nted to ferVe and make refidence , and fall be fuftcined of the readieft fruites theirof, according as fallbc modified. J'oiiOj ITEM, We revoke all giftes of Monkes portions, firft fruits, orfifthpenny of ony benefices, quhair- uijfo -we have richt be our Aeftes of Parliament , maid ofbefore there-anent. ITEM, We revoke all giftes and infeftmentes, maid be us in our Mnoritic, ofquhat-fum-everadvo- lityks. ention, and donation, and richt of patronages, given or annexed to ony Lordihippe , Land or Barroniiie, quhair the faid Patronage, advocation, donation of benefice , perteined noclu of richt of before , andquliilk takkis the bd^rinning and ground fraonygiftandinfeftmentthereof, maid in our Minoritie, as faidis, b« this claufe , de nmo diimtts, quhair the purchafer of the faid infeftment , had na richt to the faid patronage, ad- vocatibn and donation before. si.tfif/M ITEM, We revoke all giftes of fuper-plus,andomittedofthefaiitesofbenefices, given and difponed ""j be us , our Governoures and Regentes in our name, and in our Minoritie. of iiT" AND Gcnerallie, werevoke, cafle, annuli, retreite, and refeind, all and quhat-fum-ever thinges done <*mr. bens, out Governours and Regentes of our Realme, in our Minoritie andlefie age , in detriment and hurt of ourfaulandconfcience, HurtingthePriviledgeofourCrown , prejudicial to the fame , and to us, inoiit patrimonie ofthc fame, andquhattlieLawandconfuetudeofout Realme, leivis us to revoke. And tais our Revocation , wcordainetobeofalsgreateffeft, and als largclie extended in general , and in fpccial , as onie revocation maid be our Progenitoutes , before the daitc hereof: And fpeciallie, die revocation , maid be our umquhile dcareft Mother, and umquhile our deareftGud-fehir', Iving JAMES theFifth, ofgude memorie, andkisPredecellbutesqubat-fum-eyor, conttined in our buikesef Parliament: Qiiliilkis in sd heads. ELLEVENTH TARLIAMENT. XXIX. of July. ijS;. - TfoiTi^Idr^tlances thereof, wc hald as herein exptelTed. And als wc ordaine , and decenie hca^^'’ clauies rimnU nnH nbfolnre . without onv exa i-iHr^Qaiidcirciimuancestueieoi, \vt,iiciiu osiivi^ui n. -n- ■ ri It vocation tobefimpleandabfolute, without ony exception , teftnaion, or imitation, to ihisourft'a*-^^^’". , further nor therein is conteined. And to that eHcft , we annuli and rc.cind. hcadniitteda?^”* _ _.„„,„„;,4;„f,„n,„.,;nfnuIiar-fura-everDerfoncs, in onie of our Revocationcs maid . — , ^l^jgjrceptions maid in favours of quhat-fura-everperfoncs, qiiliat-wm- i\jf^vaies, at onie time pteceeding the dait hereof. r i- • rarliam<=“ > J pef.yeare ^ efe„cc oi ourlaidis three Eftaites , be our great aith , prcfentlie given, ^ p] D wciwe complete , And as we were this our fiift Pad - J^fg^cj^aabeneofperfiteageatout Coronation; That we fall faithfullie obferve oblilhed robbed • of Parliament, maid in the daies of our maift Noble Ptedeceffimt , King aneiit the keeping and retcining of the Landes , Lord-lliippes , and Barronnics , jA,MES ne anueii^'-° P Qjgfi; bethirptefentes, that gifit fall happen tis, for onie relpen: or confideration , to lulter A L S ” ^ 1 pcius to ufe or polSlle onie Priviledges or pofleffiones, landes, rentes and offices, quhilks ar ouyperfonorp . jj. make na richt to the ufers nor halders thereof: Bot it fall be lefum fal!eitun““’'’“j j'ucceflbures, jg our hands thereto, quhen ever it fall pleafe us, be verme of tills ^"ration afts and confuetudes of our Realme, maid of before ; But owe obftacle , impedi- SSr contradiaion, jx. Exflanatm of the Alt maid anent deprivation of fjMlnifierS. On R j’overaine Lord , with advife of his three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , having confiddered the aft maid in the Parliament, lialdenat the xxij.dayofcJWa^, thezeitofGod, ane hnd fivehundreth, fourfeoir, fourzeites, anent deprivation ofPerlons, provided to benefices of cure, “Tr Prelacies for none-refidence at the Kirks oi their benefice, and that it fold be compted none-refidence ^nSfentfratheirfunftionfotitdabbothdaiesinthezeir: Be quhilk Aft commiffioi. i, granted to certain S-clefiafticalpctfonesmentionedthetein; To call and conveene before theni the perfones delated and ftSd as non-refidentes , or for uther caufes mentioned in thefaid Afte , quhilks necelTatlie requitmg e^ Sanationes and doubtesdailie fallen out there-upon. Therefore declans , ftatutis and ordaims . that the FaidAfteandcommiffiondireftedrhere-upon, is, nor at na time hereafter faM be extended, agamftomeof ft^eLordesoffecreeteCouncell, ord’enatoursoftheColledgeofJuftice or that members occupied, or davHeattendingonhisHieneffeneceffatyfetvice: Or againft ony perfons being foorthoftheRea me, be liis^Hienefle licMce , and employed in his fpecial fervice , during the time of their abfence. C^hilkis not- withftaiiding, fall be afttifted and halden to fufteine qualified Mlmftets at their Kirkes m their abfence Neither fall &e faid aft and commiffion be extended againft fik Perfones . as were ™ r cure under Prelacies, being laick Patronages , before the making of die faidA6te of deprivation for non- Kfid’ence, and uther caufes |ecified therein; Bot that the hail Perfones brudtand benefices mcafesbe- foedLlaed, fall enjoy and poffell'e their benefices during dieirfife-nmes fuftenand the mimftrie accord- Sfkotd^ut. asisken. orfallbetakentheir-anent; As gif the faid Aft and commiffion hadnocht benegranted. And that alwaies fik Perfons, as lies received benefices , and bene coUanoiiat , upon condmon toferve in the funftion of the Miniftrie , and to make refidence , and zit failzics their-intill , fall be fubjeft to the judgement of the faid Afte and commiffion. 3 3. Anent the parliament. UR SOVERAINE LORDE, Now being of lauchftill and perfite age , and confiddering the O decay of die forme, honour and Majeft'ie of his fupteeme Court ot PadiMient, be occafionofdie ^les tliat lies occurred , fen the deceafe ol his deateft Gud-fchir , King JAMES die Fifth of wortliic memorie and willing to reftore the fame to the auncient ordour, digiiiae and integntie, lies thouclit Spdim, and bea&ifeofhisthree Eftaites aflembled in diis prefent Parliament, ftatuns andor- ^'xHrx There fall be na confufion of perfones of the three Eftaites; That is to fay, na perfon fall take upon him, the funftion. Office ot place of all the three ?/ f JXlijfiof fall only occupy the place of that felfe eftait , quliairin he commonly profeffis liimfelfe to live , and qulijirot hetakishis ftilc. 34. The tiulnw of G-hJentes fv^ ^arltament. T'HAT In-cafo ony Erie, Lord or Barron of Parliament, Prelate, or Burgh, being lauchfuUie wMed .1 abfentisdiemfelvesfraParliamencwitlioutlauchlullandfufficientexcufe,admitteda^ Lordsofthe artickles ; Our Soveraine Lord, and his three Eftaites, prefenffie “ ordainis, diatanepecumalpainefallbemoffifiedandtancofeveneaneo len i J , nnndcs- of everie Prelate, loo.pundes, and of evetie Burgh , loo.markes. Ana /Tip.i;.. to the Parliament KingisMajeftie, onhorf-hackdecentlie, with lute-manges, from Ins Hiene , fioufe KING JAMES THE S E X T 1/0 lioufe, fall bS repute for abfentes, and incurre the fame paines, as gif they were abfent. And letters directed to poy nd and diftrcinzic tlieir lands or guddes therefore : Or to pay the fame witliin ten daycs und^ the paine of Rebellion , and gil they failzie , to pucthem to the home, that the fame paines may be inb'rou I to our SoveraincLordes ufe. 35-. Herauldes, Turjevantes, Maijj'eres, Trumpettors committandfmdt. GI F Onie of the ordinar Herauldes, Maiflers, or T rumpettors, fall be noted abfent from the Parlia meiit Or being prefent , performis nocht that quliilk becummisthemofdewties, without lauchfull excuT maid and allowed, as laid is, everieaneofthem being noted, fall amitte and tync ane zeires fee, forti firft fault: and for tlicfecond fault fall be deprived. ’ 36. Of appar ell of the EJiaites. That everie Eftait fall have three feveral apparelles in feemelie falliion, conforme to the patron there of: Quhilk the KingisMajeftie fall caufc make, and command to be obferved, under the paine of ov hundreth pundes , of the perfone failzieand , and debarring of them futth of the Parliament lioufe. * 37. The number of the hordes of the Artickles. ITEM, That die number of the Lordes of Artickles , be equall in ilk Eflaite , and diat the feweft number of everie Eftaitc be (ex, and the maift number ten. 3 8. ’Preturatours may compeir for all per fins accufid. ITEM, That na Advocate, norPrxloquutour, be nawaies Hopped , to compeir, defend, andreafoii for onie perfon, accufed in Parliament for treafon, or utherwaies : Bot diat quhat-fum-everpartieac- cufcd, fall have full libertie to provide himfelfe of Advocates, and Prsloquutoures, in competent number, to defend his life, honour and land , againft quhat-fum-ever accufation : Seing the intending thereof, fuld not prejudge the partie of all lauchfull defenfes: as gif it were p-o confejfo, that the accufation were treiv, annulling all adies maid in the contrair hereof before. 39. TOectJlon in Parliament , may not be impugned be inferiour Judges. Na Fore-faltour, lauchfuUie and ordourlie led in Parliament, nor na decifiones paft in Patlia, ment, betuixt partie and partie be proces, after cognition of the caufe, fall be called inquellione be ony inferiour Judge. 40. The ardour of Parliament , fidd be inviolabkly obferved. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, withadvife forefaid, declaris, ftatutis and ordainis , that the ordourabone written, fall be in violablie obferved in all time cumming, as the neceflar and lauclifull forme of all Parhamentes , and faithlullie promittis to do, or command na thing, quhilR maydireftly, or indireflly, prejudge the libertie of free voicing and reafoning of the faidis Eftaites, or ony of them in ony time cumming. 41. Contention far prioritie of place , or vote in Parliament, fuld be pmijhed. FORSAMEIKLE As in divers Parhamentes, halden be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And his maift Noble Progenitoures, findryqueftioncs lies bene amangft Noble-men, and uthersofthe Eftaites for prioritie of places, and voices in Parliament , and there-upon fura-times quertelling to the difturbance of the fupreeme Coutte of Parliament , quhilk audit to proceede with greateft honour and quiet- nefle. FOR remcidquhairofintimescumming: It is ftatute and ordained , be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, withadvife of his three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament: That nane of liis Eftaites, fall ptc- fume in time cumming, to make querrell or provocation of trouble to uther, for prioritie of places, or voltes in Parliament, utherwaies nor be fupplication : And content them with the ordour and dire- (ftion of his Hicnes, and his faidis Eftaites, ay and quhill their final decifionofcontroverfie, under the paine to be repute and halden, as difturbers of the publick peace and quietnes of theRealme, And to be grievouflie punithed theirfote, at the diferetion of his Hienes, and Lordes of the Articldesallembled, at that Parhament. 4Z. Aliiones of moleflation, and utheris pofiejfoures , fuld be decided before the inferior Judges. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And the three Eftaites conveened in this prefent Parliament, rati¬ fies, appreevis , and for his Hienefie and his Succellbures , pcrpctuallie confirmis the A‘ «#/^».intheitperfonesandguddes, according to die auncientLawes of this Realme, andcxmloeuideob- A N D Gif it happenis mutual perfute , convention or reconvention on ather fide . to be intended . haith the parties doand their dew diligence, be intending andperfewing of their aftiones&is’crwiK', beforetot- mteflam maid be ather of them. And all tlieir reafones and allcgationes in the Lawe , being produced . fceforethematcrbeputtotlieknawledgeofaneinqucft: The Judge lall proccede inthembaidiMv/i#«; AndfallremittheheadesandAtticklesofthedaimepreccpts, fummounacs or exception, quhilk confiftis iiifi&o, andwasaccuftomedtobeverifiedbewitnefres. to the determination oi ane affife. Quhi^ldltake cognition in baith the caufes, quhete they cannot be denied. And the equal halfe be taken of the petfones fummound for ather ol the faidis parties, aiw gil the Affife, maynotbeehadofthenumbetfummoundbeatherofthepatties; In that caecieju S , . ttonie, aswantisofutherisfuffidentaffifoures, albeit they be fummondedbenatherofthe^pau^ ihefaminperfonesbcmg alwaies landed-men, or being fubftantious famous and honeftzeamen, as ^ Andthgod-manfallbediofenbecaviiL And quhair it fall bapiftnthcSchireireoftbeSchue BaillieofR^ galitie. or udiei inferiour Judge ordinar. to be fufpeft and unable » Judge the faidis caufe for deaffi.e feede , and uther teafons , quhilkis may decline the Judge, or the place ofjudgcment to be incompetent, that ^srewith the parcic cannot Iiavc fare accede for his perfute and defenfe. ^ dq % KING JAMES THE S E X T IN That cafe, the mater being mooved to the faidisLordes, and lound and declared be them, theuth partic being latichfulliefummound: theyfallappoyncunfufpeft Judges, and ane place competent, for faidis cognition and determination, for the caufes forefaidis , be commiflion be their Afte and ordinance' OrunderthetcftimonialofthegreatScale, be their deliverance. And the faidis Judges to be appoynted ' fall at the acceptation of the faicus commifliones upon them , make faith , nocht onelie, that they foil dewli ’ and lauchfuUieminifterJuftice in the faidis maters: And that they have nocht taken, nor foil nocht take onicrewardc,proficeorgudedeede,fraonieofthcpacties, and that they have nocht made, norfallnocht makepaftionorconrradtwith onie of them, for onie certaine fumme, before the pley be intented or during the dependance thereof, and the aithe of the faidis Judges , to bee tane before the recompenfe of their juflc travel , to bee modified be twa of the Lordes of Seffion before the pronuntiatioun of the decreete, in the faidis maters , quhilk fall be payed unto them , before the giving pf the decreete forefaid : Or at the a'ceepta tionofthe commiflion upon the fupplication, tliepartieobteinertlieirof, fall make the fitft payment : hot fall have the fomin modified, to be repayed to him , be him that tines the plee : gilkheiomiA quod tenure litigaverit, with the utheris expenfes , to be fufteined be him , intlierecoverieofthc faidis decreete never theles, gifthepetfones to be appoynted Judges to the faidis caufes, fall happin to bee drawin fra their awin dwelling iioufe or places, to the ground of the lande or uther place, quhair Juftice fall be miniftred in the faidis mater ; The partie quha fall require tliem thereto , fall niake the exipenfes for their voyage , in ganging abiding, and returning, quhilk fall not be impute to the Judges, as ony fault before the Lordes of Councell' 01 before the neateft Judge adjacent to the landes , quha fall have power of the faidis Lordes to that effeft, he the faid commiflion , andinfettthereintill. Andbecaufefum-timestliequeftionfalUsoutbetuixtpofleflburjs of landes , lyand cmitigue, and zit in diverfe Schireffedomes ; And at fum-times the ai^ land lyand witliin the Royaltie; And the uther witliin the Regalitie: That in the firftcafe, theSchireffeofaneoftheSchites- Andinthefecundcaufe,neithertheSchireffenorBaillieofRegalitie, may be judges competent to baitlithe Aftiones. Therefore quhen lik cafes occurris , theLordesuponthecomplaintoffliepattic having intereft- fall appoynt Judges unfufpeifl , with ane competent place , keepand and obftrvand in all utlier circumllances the ordour abone written. And further, the faidis Lordes declaris, that this adf and ordinance, onna- waieshurtnorprejudgetlieLordesofSeffion, and Colledge of Juftice , and their members: Botthatthey have , andfall life their priviledge , to petfew their aftiones, before the faidis Lordes or utheris ordinar Judges, according to auld accuftomed ufe , ufed and obferved before the making of this Adi. 45. The Jiaine of malitious Tleyers. ITEM, OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And the three Eftaites , underftsinding tliat the maift parteoftheliegesofthisRealme, arbecum willful!, obftinat and malitious pleyers: Swa that they will nocht bee content to pay and fatisfie their cteditoures, of fik debtes as they audit juftlie to them, and do and fulfill all maner of lauchfulldeedes, quhair-untothey ar fpeciallie obliflied, without calhng and com- pulfion of the Law and extreemitie theitof . Therefore ftatutis and ordainis , that the partie agfonft quhom decreete beis given, anent liquid fummes before the Lordes of Seffion, fall pay to the faidis Lordes twelve pennies of everiepunde, effeitand to tliat quhilk beis recovered and obteined beforethem-. Andinallde- creetesconfiftandf«yai:?t»; He quha tinis die pley , fall content and pay to the faidis Lordes, thefummeof five pundes money : And alfwa the expenfes of the partie obteiner of die decreete , at the modification of the Judge, And ordainis the fame forme and ordour to be obferved heirintill: as lies bene keept be the faidis Lordes , inuptakingofqo.fcliilhngcsofilk decreit of before. 44. The Lordes of Sejjimi ar Judges to the interp-etatim of the Law of Oblivion. Oy ^ ^ AINE lord, with advife of his three Eftaites of Parfiament , ftatutis and or- dainis, that the Lordes of Councell and Seflien, fall in all time cumming be Judges ordinar to the interpretation of tlie Afte of oblivion and parties cdmpleenand, to intend, peiMwandgiveinthelibelles ^d fupplicanones thereupon to them ; And as they decerne and decreete in the faidis maters; to heals effe- ctual , as gif they had nrft bene appoynted ordinar Judges, to the faidis caufes , be the forefaid Aftc of Obli- j *'°'^^‘^*’^S^^^'’^^^^^*^^’^^^^^hieordinarcsofthelaidisLordsofSeflioh, at the giving and pronuncing ol UK decreete, and interloquutour in the forefaides caulcs: Sik-like as tlieyobferve in all utlicr maters and actioncs , depending before them. 45'- quha., and haw Notares Juid be admitted, of their QfiHtwners ^rotocoIL As the KiiigisMajeftie and Eftaites of Pathament, confidering the great fraude ufed be diverfe Notares , in the Office of Notarie , within this Realme , the hurtc and skaitli cumming jr offi H’cneflc Licgcs : And that mony perfons within thit few zeires , being admitted to o "''f‘’?';='^^'^"dertryalltakcnofttieirknawledge and qualification, and they being lot the maift pai te ignorant of the conimoun coutfe of the Law . fornie and madlicke : Quhilk ordourli* audit ELLEVENTH ‘PARLIAMENT. XXIX. of July 1587. 173 "■ TTfprved in makiiiE of their inftmmcntes ; contraftes, and uthetis wtittes , titles and fecurities, audit to SeoM 1 ,,_a„ftanHbeLaw, otdour and praftick , obferved widiiii this Realme , and vjuhat nocht knawmg quh dale generis mony plees : queftions and controverfies , amangft his HienelTe Lieges, not; *t=®8^“,„„reattroubre, charges and expenfes. FOR Remeid quhairof . it is ftMute and ordained, Ringing them in g Parliament , that all admiffion of Notares in be his Ma^lt , ^ ^ ^ j jj prefents ; And that time f : , Notates thereafter ; hot they that hes reafonable undcrftandmg in the Latme toung and nanebeadia „ . That they have ferved and bencincompamewithancofcheLordes otSefTi- andisatcheleaftcongraons Orfumofthe SchirefFe, Stewarde or Baillie Clarkes, of the rr-^Tco—klerkcsof*^ And have ferved diem trewlie. thefuU ^nveirS and teporte their teftimoniall of their truetli and qualification, to be ichawen to the ‘'P"'!“.fSurcdr.’ in time of their examination , quhilkis fall take care in the fame exammat.mi bee their Lordesof frUpiraivenCierkes of the Signet, quhom they pleafe call to them for that effeft. And giveaprefentandfull proofe in their "“""g of r.« evto , ;a. *'.» or w„d nreftnceot „o,ri»«r nixt-tp-mm; To be ufed and j d I e the faidis Lordes • That it may be knawin how monie of their Cautioners ar on live ; And confideted be *e faid;;. j ® 'j ar deceafed . or fall be found be the faidis Lordes to be mfufficicnt. howmomedec^afed . .^idqidi y of the cautionetis deceafed. tothe content- thatuttesnew ^dfuffic ent cau ^ ^ ’ p^^Notares aslSl be foundin altogether ignorant, and not worthic f Mb cumming"; And ordainis the Schirefle forufingotthai g and «ther Judges ordinarquhat-famevet, tofendetrew ofeverieSchire BaillieofRcgahtie . ttot av-putes « November nixt-to-cum . of reportand knawledgeto the A^^gif on.e Notates faUzic allperfonesufingtheOfhceo „ the effcft under-written . thatnotonelie fall they be deprived fra inprefenangoftheirProtocollbmkes. • r rh-iiereafter declared null, and to make U . „d Mb. na faith: BotalfwatheyfallbecaMedaMpm j.m.worthic to bruik Office or place of crcditethere- of Parliament , and pumffied as petfon^s deiam , c Notares in time cuniming , for dew admi- aftet. And fuidier ordainis, *^*^‘^,.9®’^‘XrialI that their Protocollbuikcs. within xv. dayes nixtaf- niftration in their Offices , becum obliged m fp ^ i J.’ . ' , j qj of Reoifter , or anc of his deputes, tertheitdeceafe, fa«bebtochtto£&«. ilk Notat, ^poyntedbehinitothateffcift, quhafall t r j t g^des of Seffion : And thereafter the faidis for the fame Protocoll, at the fight and modifier „Qy£g_^jNE LORDIS Regifter. And the Notarisbuikestobereteined and “ p v j . And to make the fame patent &foorth- fonable expenfes. 46 OfthemmberofOffiaaresof^rmes, their Mm ^J^rcautmers, andhead. 46. usmemm to be balden be the Lyon, Kmgof^rmes. r.UR SOYERAINE COED A.d to; EM« U zeires , there is entted in the office of Atmes , fin n , j- jn f,k 5 confufed and incettaine verie great number of Meffengers through i^^unefa^ and qiiha deprived, or nock : Otquhid- mancr, that ic is become doubtful! quliaaradmin:cd,ai; in times of beft government, der their cautioners be livand or departed this life. An expediLt , ftatuce and ordained , that a certainenumberofOfficiarsofArmes : It is now tier .^.-jand^and bearand out Soveraine Lordis intimecumming, there fall be onelytwahundre* Zn , King of Armes. and Amies. inthehaillboundesoftheReahn^ftoW : comptdiended. being in number hisBrether. the otdinat Herauldes , Maifferes, and J^it sSkeBles ^ theRcalme, in xvij. perfones , and the remanent , to be divided arnaiffift OtLiai xA Zetland , four; witliin the mnl following ; That is tofay , within the Sdnteff dome k O'^.^doms of Name , twa ; Within Sciiireffe-domeof Innernesani Cromartte, ten = , , . Crliireffe-dome o! Banff, four; within the theSchireffe-domeoffi^w, andFerrfj, V four: Within the SthirelTe- Schiteffe.domeofr>#erfe, xij = Within the SchiKffjdome of ^74 KING JAMES THE S E XT _ dome of Foi fan. x. : Within the SchirefFe-domc of , X; WithintheSchireffe-domeofif/VsiTf twa . Within the SchiiefTe-dome of twa: Within the SchirefFe-domeofPer^/j, and Stew! artrics ofCfllmteitb and Stratherm. xij ; Within the Schircffc-dome of Strivilmg , five : Within the Schi- Kd'c -do\xit ofnOnmhert ane . four: Within the Schireffe-dome of Z/w/rfArtrat, four: Within the Schi- re r’c-domeof principall , xxiiij : Within the Schireffe-dome of and Conffabuiarie cf / !,i-bnqtoun, four : Within tlieSchirefie-dome of Bcr-wkk, four : Witliin the Schireffe-dome of Juati.rgh, viij : Within the Schireffe-dome of Selkirk, twa: Witliin the Schireffe-dome ofTehlis, iij; ^ hin the Schireffe-dome of x: Within the Schireffe-dome of iSrtyfi-ero, iiij : Within the Schi. to\.o-domto{i,Mrgik3.ndTarbert, iiij : Within the Schireffe-dome of twa : Within the Schireffe. domeofe/f/r, xij: Within the Schireffe-dome of fKigtmm , iiij : Within the Schireffe-dome of 2)a»;- freis , ^ndSKmrdrksof Kirk-cudhricht and Avmndaill , xg. And to the effeft that the ordour now ap. poynted, may take the better effeft; ordainisandcommandis, King of Armes , thatheon nawayes receive ony maner of perlbn , to the office of meflengerie in time cumming , except it be in the place of ane ofthcpcifons, thatfallbethouchtmcctetobereteined, after the firft day of , nixt-to-cuni , be lii-idcceafeordeprivation: Notwithflanding ony precept or warrand given, or to be given in the contrair : Quhairin, gif he failzie, he fall incur the indignation of our Soveraine Lord, and the perfons fa admitted, fill have na place to ufe and exercc the faid Office , nor his executiones quhat-fum ever , fall nawaics be valide in J udgcmcnr , or out-with. And for try al quhilks of the perfons now occupy and the office of meflengerie, ar wo.'thic and meet to be reteined in that Office during their life-times. OUR SOVERAINE 1. 0 R U E , ordainis letters to be direff to the Commiffionets , nominat be his Hienefle , in the Scliircs, qiihiiksconvceningintheTol-buithofthefaidBurghof the Schire, at the nixt head court after Micbael- nixt-to-ciim , fall returne their advife to the Lordes of Councell and Seffion, upon the firfl day of No¬ vember nixt-to-cum : Qiihat meflengers within eyerie Schire, (not exceeding the number above written) they think m.iift honed:, worthie, and able to be reteined in the office, during their life-times : Or quliill they be deprived for won hie caufes. Quhilks perfones , being thoucht meeteft to be reteined , as faid is , fall be recommended be the faidis Lordes of Seffion to Ljm King , to be continued in their offices , And autho¬ rized be him, with tcftimonialis of new, as found worthie be the judgembnt of the Schire, quhairin tliey d'l cl! , and recommended be the Lordes of Councell and Seffion ; And that they have new blafones of Silver, ill ane forme and qiiantitie , in ane honed: and civill forme ; feeing the commoun Amies , maid be meflengers in times by-pad, wer fa (lender and gude cheape: That the greater number offlichtmenfoughttobead- miiicdiothatoffice, quhilk audit indeede to be ufed be perfons of difetetion , honeflic and credite: That ev eiy |ierfon fo admitted of new , fall findc gude and refponfable foverties for obfervation of the injundiones, cruircincd in the endofthisprefentaed, under the paine of five hundreth marks, to our Soveraine Lords ufe: v.'ith coades, skaitiies,daninagcs,andintereftofpartiesgreevedbetheia!fed, negligence, oriiifornialitieof pny , That the names of the perfones , alfweill admitted of new , as dcpiived , be publillied and im- nrciued, withinthefpaceofanemoneth , after the faid fird day of iVwwz/ie?', nixt-to-cum: ThatnanefaU oc abufed, or pretend ignorance in default thereof. And for all complaintes to bee maid to King of a: nics, upon the default of Officiates in time cumming , he fall fett twa pereniptour Courtes in the zeir , to be hildciiiii hAiuburgh , uponthefextdayofcTflzi/, andthefextdayofiVri'iierw^er, gif they be lauchfull : and l.iilzieng thereof, the nixt lauchfull daies. And fall fummound the ptittie compleined upon , be his precept. Cl Hircin.ind the caufe of the complaint relevantlie libelled. And caufe fummound the perfones acctifed , and Ins cam loner, on fifteene dales warning, and deliver their copies , concludand , in-cafe the officiar be found culpable , nochtonelic his deprivation fra his Office, bot his cautioner to incur the paine , quhairofthetlirid p.ii t fall appetteine to the faid King ofatmes for his labours. And that his aids and decreetes , befor- mallie w ritten and regiftrat , and patent to all out Soveraine Lordis Lieges havand intereft. And fik-like let¬ ters coniormc to pas there-upon, as upon the decreetes of quhat-lum-ever Judges ordinar witliin tlris Rcalme. 47. All Superfederees as contrair to furtherance of Juftice, ar fn-biddeu. FORSAMEIKLE As OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And Eftaites of tliis prefent Patlia- ment, underftandinv great contempt to be done to his Hienefle Lawes, and great hurt to his Lieges, bcp.uhngoi Wooivxe.mdSnperfederees , quliilk dailie ufes to be granted to fik as be themfelves . oruthcr liicniis, hes credite of his Majeilie , they being at liis Hienes home : eitlKr for caufes of treafon , ornonc- f in sly i :ig of iheir debt to their creditoures : or not obtemperand decreetes and charges. THEREFORE ( ‘ !R .SOVERAINE LORD, with advife forefaid , Itatutis and ordainis, that na fik Licences and /( -dn CCS , be granted in onie time cumming. And in-eafe onie happenis to be purchafed , declaris the lame Co lie null of the Law , and not admiffable be onie Judge , nor effeiffuall to the purchaler in onie waies. And ordainis all Judges within this Realme, to proceede and do Juftice to the patties, fik-like, and in the lame maner, as gif the faidis Superfederees had never bene puichafed , not produced. 48. Re^m- ELLEVEKTH TARLI ament. XXIX. of July. 1587. 48. Reqmfitim of tejnding, may he done upn twa fivet'all Sabboth-dayes . tFM our SOVERAINE lord, With advife and confent of liis three Eftaites , ratifies I '^4 n'reevis.theAfteofPariiameiit, maid at in the zeir of God , anethoufand, five hun- ^*1 ^three-fco'teniiieteenczeires: Forreliefeofthelabouretsoftheground. troubled forwantoftimous dV fj of their Comes. And ordainis the fame to be obferved , and to be put to execution in all poy ntes, 'f the forme and tenour thereof, with this addition: That it fall be fufficient to all labourers and awnets n Comes, intimeciimming, to require teinding of the partie, having the title, tack, orrichttothc f T teind-fclieevcs , openSieintheParocheKirk, upon twa fevetall Sabboth-dayes, before noonc, alter I f heetingofthefaidisCornes; Providing that there be xiiij. dayes interjeaed fullie , bctuixtthedaieof 1 firfttequifition, and before it fall be lauchfull to the awnersofthefaidis Comes, to teind the fame , and Id the ftocke thetefra , in manet conteined in the faid former Aft. 49. He that accujis another of treafon, quha is acquite thereof, committisTreaJon. FORSAMEIRLE As the crymeofTreafon is maift odious, and defervis the higheft puniOiment in all nerfones culpable thereof. Swa on the uther part, the malicious accufers of innocent perfones , at 1 1 to be credited, botfeveteliepumiK»H: THEREFORE It is ftatute and ordained , be OUR cnVERAlNE LORDE, and the three En,.-.„oofthisprcfent Parliament: That quha-ever accufis ^ Apr nerfon of treafon, the partie calumniate being calleu, -=/-ufed, and acquite of the faid crime of Son his accufet fall incur die fame crime of treafon , quhairof he acculeo tl.o udrer. yo. Landed-men cenviSi of thieft, riefe, or receipt thereof, commut-is treafon. Item, it is ftatute and ordained , be our SOVERAINE LORDE, and his three Eltakw . in this prefent Parliament , that in-cafe it fall happen onie Landed-men , to be lauchfuUie and ordourlie con- viftofthe crimes of commoun thief:, receipt of rhieft, or ftouth riefe in time cumming : They fall incur the crime and pains of treafon: Thatis, tinfeUandfore-fakouroflife. landesandguddes. yi. tiMurther or Jlauchter under credite, is treafon. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that the murther or flauclitet of quhat-fum-evet OUR SOVE- RAINE LORDIS lieges, quhair the partie flaine is under the traift, aedite, afiutance and power of the flayer: Alfik murther and flaucket, to be committed in time cumming, after die date hereof, the fame being lauchfuUie tried, andtheperfbn delated found gufltie, be aneAffife thereof, fall be treafon, and the perfones found culpable , fall fore-fault life, landes and guddes . yx. It is not lefim to take ane greater annual-rent, for the loo.ptmdes, nor ten ^ ' founder, or five hoiks viBuall. UR SoveraineLord, with advife and confcntofliis three Eftaites of this prefem Parliament . ftatutis, \ > ordainis, anddeclaris, that quhat-fum-everperfon or perfones, m time cumming , be onieblockor iWaioe, upon pledge or annual-rents alfweill ofviftual, as of money faU take or receive ma.r for die leane, intereft, profiteofzeirlieannuallofanelumdtethpundesmoney during the haillfpaceofanezeir nottenpundesmoiiey: Otfivebolksviftuall : Swa of greater or fmaller fummes proportional^^ Tkt aUfikperfons, takers or makers of fikblockes and conditiones, for greater or mair profite wterel com- moditie, oramuaU, forthefpaceof ane zeir, orfor langeror fliortet fpace tlCTa fon ite zeir, thentenpundsmoney , orfivebollesviftuall f^ilkliundrethpundesbezeir, fall be^ ^pu e . r ^ _ ir _ .inr'. rpppiVe and incur DUmlhment and Judgeiiient ot tiie o the beginning. y 5 . Atmt the making of the prices of Wines and Tymmer. TT IS Statute and ordained be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, L this prefent Parliament , that nanc bearand charge or office withui Bu g i, OffKe , otporcionerofWinesandTymmer. fall be fetters of pricK on the fame, nixt after andtheir-upontlicyfallbefubjefttofufFetaneafrifeof theu’ 'T cliofen^ liavand die the expyring of their office, before the Proveft and Bailhes of ffie Burg 1, , . /-[[ notbe lefum to Kinges Commiffionetfittand in Judgement with tliem to that effecT:, ^ ptoceede: KING JAMES THE S E X T 'i,j6 proceede : To the efieft that Juftice be not abufed : and to the effecT: that certaine ordour may bee obferx- H inalltimectimming, anent the fetters ofprices of Wines, and Ty miner, and of their number , and f efehewing all deceipt and abufes done their-anent. IT IS Statute and ordained , that zeirlie in time cumming , there be twa Barroncs , or uther ttva fuffi. cient landed Gentilmen, nominate at the head Court after GMkbael-mes witliin ilk Jehiref-dome ol tl ’ Realmc , and uther twa perfenes to be zeirlie nominate at that fame time be the Kinges Majcftie and his fee Councell. Quhilks foure perfones , fall be all .acfuallinhabitantes within the faidis Buirowes ; Or at tb'^ farrefl , dwelland within fex mile to ilk Burgh : And foure Burgelles that are knawen not to excrce , norb^ parteners in fik trade ofMarchandice, to be chofen zeirlieatthe faidfeaftofcJWteAr/f/-H?«, bcth'eCouii^ cell ofilk free Burgh, of Mcrcliantes , or craftefmen ot ilk Burgh , according to their proper Cuflomc and priviledges, prclentlic obferved be them in zeirlie cleftion ol their Counccll, and Officiares. QiilijU^j audit perfones zeirlie to be elefted and nominated, as is before fpccified, fall be the onelie priceres of a|| Wines, and Tymmer, that cummis within this Realmc hereafter. And that they exetce their faid office from the day of their eleftion to that day twclf-month allanerlie , And that zeirlie new elcdion be maid of (lb olEciarcstoindurenalanger, botforthefpaccofanezeir, as is abone written. And ordainis (Ifc. Jehireffe depute , be himlelfe or his Clerk , to intimat and nominate to the Councell ofilk Burgh the names of the faides rwaBartones, zeirclie to be chofen , as faid is, within three dayesni'''-“/rer ilk feaft of and the Thefaurer and liis deputes , zeirlie witliin fex daxes nixr air" «k fJHichael-mcs , To advertift and cer tifie the Councell of ilk free Burgh , of the Kinge^ “ c-ommiflioneres , zeirlie to be nominat be him tn tliateffedt. With power and licence r''‘i"^i3idis lour Burgelles, zeirlie to be eleded , as is abone fpecified That in-cafe the faids twa BarrOiines and the Rings Commillioners being lauchfuUie warned at their dwelling places, bctlieTownisOfficiar, torepaire to the Burgh to tliat elfedt, and cummis not within48.1iouresnixtaf'crthefaidwarning ; Thatthenitfallbelcfuni to the faids foure Burgelles of ilb Burgh , be rherr'tfcives to fet the prices of the faides Wines and Tynimcr , and the famin power and licence is in like niancr granted and permitted to the faidis foure Burgelles, zeirlie, quhen it fall happen the Kinais CommilTioners and Batronnes , nocht to be elefted and dewlie intimat , to the faidis Burrowes, in mailer andatthcfpccialltimesabovefpecified. And als ftaiutis and ordainis, that na Wines be brocht in this Countrie , be quhat-fumever inhabitantes thereof, witliout ane T eftification of the price of the fame , under the Townes Seale where they were coft ; and ane Teftimoniall fall be fufficient for the haill wines of ilk Schip , and the price to be maid of the commoun prices that Wines gives , the time of their bvina tlieteof. ^ ^ yq. DnlauchfuU Cujlmes of vibiuall , aud uther guddes ar forbidden. FORSAMEIKLE As ane ofthefpeciallcaufes of dearth, proceedis from the exorbitant Cuftomes and impofitiones , layed upon viftualles , comes and guddes , cummand to mercattes , free-portes ot Havens, without oniewarrand, and quhairofthey have not bene in ufe and cullome paftmemotie of man, quhilkisane opprelTlon of the people, and ane caufe of in-creafeof dearth. THEREFORE OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, With advife of the three Ellaites of Parliament , forbiddis and difehargis through the haill Realme , all fik cuftomes and impofitiones , quhairof there is na warrand , neither have tlie intromettoursanduptakers thereof, and their predecefioures , bene in ule and pollelfion thereof , paftme- morieofman. And ordainis the takers of the faidis exorbitant inipofitions to be called therefore : And quhat-ever they have up-tane, to be adjudged to rander the famin to the Kingis Majefties ufe : And they lurdcr to be punilhed in tlrcit perfones and guddes , as oppreflbures of the people ; conforme to the Lawes of the Countrie: And that nacuftome be tane hereafter, hot according to our auld Lawes and AftesofPar- liament, and quhair-upon the up-takers lies fpecial Warrand, attheleaft, bene in poflellioii theirof, pall memorie of man, as faid is. y y. Vietuall may jiot be tranfforted foortb of this Realme , neither be Land, nor be Sea ITEM, In confiderationtliat the great inctealc of the dearth ofvivers.principallie proceedis throw tranfport- ingofthc famin, baidi by Sea and Land: Quhilk would be alluterlic abfteinedfra, and remeid found theirforc: In refpeft quhairof , OUR faid SO VER AIN E LORDE, with advife of the faidis three Ellaites of Parliament, ftatutis, dccernis, and ordainis, that the Wardens of the Marches, fallbeaiifwcr- abletothcRing, for all viftualles and guddes tranlported in £i\fGZ,^iV®, fyling their Marches. In doing quhairot , they ar na furder obliihed to their Native Countrie, nor to an Englijh-man, in-cafe his guddes ftollcn , fylc his March. And to the effeft the faids Wardens may be the mair diligent thete-anent , dccernis and ordainis the equall halfe of the faids guddes and viftualles , tranlported in England, to apperteine to the faidWardcn: And the uther halfe thereof, to apperteine and be maid foortli-cummand to OUR SOVE¬ RAINE LORD IS ufe. And for Haying die tranfportingofviftualles be Sea: It is ftatute and ordained, that the Schippe and haUl guddes, and geate belanging to the Maiftets thereof, and Clerkes of the fame S -his pcs tranlportersofthe faid viftualles, fall be confifeat , and the faidis Maiftets and Clerkes , perfones ftibject to imprilbnmCiit , at the will of his Majeftic: And for the better execution thereof, OUR SOVE. 77 ELLEVENTH parliament. XXIX. ofJAiJ. If 87. 'vv RA^NE LORDE, with sdvife forefaid , declaris and otdainis ilk free Burgh within this Realme, SO V ^ , ^^.^{iofOUkhael-mes , toeleft and choofe ane fuificient Burges, to be fearchoiirat the fea *“"^*f,fthefaidisviaualles, tobeadjoynedtotheKirigisfearchers, ofequall power with him, in all re- ’ ’ And that they may life and execce the fame office conjimaiie or feverallie , as occafion fall fetve and A the equall'halfe of the faidis viftualles , to be applyed to the ufe and commoditie of ilk Burgh ; nrher halfe to die Kingis ufe. And fik-like , gtantis the fame power to the Baillies of all Regalities rrowesofthefame, quhair-unto the faidis Burrowes . and BaiUies of Regalities , fall be lialdentoaiv zeitlie of their diligence , in the premifies. yd. Harfijiddnotbebaldenatthehardmeate , after the frfi day of T K M It is ftatute and ordained , be O U R S O V E R A I N E L O R D . with advife of the Eftaites I r his orefent Parliament: That napeifonquhat-fumever within tiiis Realme, keepe, hald or inter- after the firil day ofji’^j'/^zeirlie, mtimecumming: Except Earley Lorcics *^*jn.,rriimeS.quiia,andilkaneofthemmayfpenduvathoufandpoaindsofzeiriie rent, at the kaft. And 1 . raid firft daye of Juuij zeirlie ; It is permitted to ilk Earle and Lorde , ilk ane of them to halde and i n- • i,. atthehardmeate, twaHorfesatthemaift : AndilkBarrone, ane Horfe onelie. With certifi- n to the conttaveeners of die faid Afte , that it fall be lauchfuU to the SchirefFe of ilk Schireftedome , and Ignores to efeheit and inttomet with their Horfe, quhair-everdiefaminmaybe apprehended. Like * r toverai’ne Lord and tliree Eftaites , be thir prefeiits , gives them foil power to that efeft. T hat the *‘*°'SfiOl*efaidisefcheitHorfestoperteinetotheKuig. and the uther halfe to tiieSchireffes. f7- Anent viStuallmg of Schiffes, faffing ta the lioAfifchinges, found fw thetr returning. and caution to he T- 1- M o t J R S O V E R A I N E L O R D , And his three Eftaites , conveened in this ptefent Patlia- T ^ .r ftatutis and otdainis , that die cuftumares and fearchers , faU take inquifinon rmd note . quhat quan- fliftuall every Schippe or Veffell, takisinatherpaffingtoLorA^w*, and utliens *e North Iks, AndtakeLerdethatdieyfattreturncriiedi^^ and m ^ auhite-filh within this Firtli , or udieris free Bunowes , to be fold to O U R S O V E- Sn^”loS.D« Lieges, for their Mentation, andfumifliingoftheCoutitrie, under the pame of anshundteth pundes. y 8 . ' Anent licences to be granted for eating of fiejh , m forbidden time. TTEM OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And histlireeEftaite.sofjhisprefeatParliament, ratifies T T E M , j,. » ctp of Kjo i.ift Parliament , maid at Edinburgh , in lyluguji , the zeit of God i y 8 4. without dsftdcation , otcoinpoiiuon, 5'9- Slayers of tjuilde-beajies , c&^fMttes thleft. UR SOVERAINE LORDE underftanijngthrf^^^^^^ V/ maidof before, anent the flaying of Hart, ft n’ Andfoeciallydie AaamaidintliePar- Wild.beafteswithCulvetinges. Crof-bowes fivetndreSi, tkeefcoitfevenzeircs, poyntes,paftes, claufesandarticlesareirof. withAsato curre the paine and punifhinent , dew to the cryme of tliiefc. Rt o KING JAMES THE SENT 178 60. T he places afpcp/nted for Proclamation , and fcrvmg of Brieves. ITEM, For the efchevving of fik hurt and inconvenient in time ciun ming , as (Indvie parties licretoforc h fufteined , throw Proclarnation of Brieves at places doubtluU , and appoynting them to be ferved inplar^* incertaine , far diftant fra the head-Burrowes of the Schireffe-dome , quhair the Lands-lies , quliil,'!. hesrna^ frequently occurred in fum SchirefTe-domes quhair there is fum udiers jurifdiflions of Srcwardrics or Bailljc lies , within the bounds of die fame Schireffe-efomes , and fum Schireffc-domes . quhairof the head Burrnm ardecaiedorfallenindifliictude, Forremeidofdicquhilkinconvenientsanddoubtsintimc cuniniing ■ i* is ftatute and ordained, that all Brieves for fervice of landes, lyand within the bounds of the Stewardries of Strathenie , and CMcnteith , fall be proclamed at the mercat Crofle oiTerth , and to be feri'ed at the place* ufed & woont within the faids Stewartries. All within the Stewartrie of Fife}oz open Proclamation at the ipe cat-croceofthe Burgh of Corner All within the Baillieries of Kyle , CarriH , and Gimninghane at the mcrcat croce of the Burgh of Air. All within the Stewartries of Kirkcudbricht and Annandaill at tl ' mercat croce oCDrumfreis , And that the places of ferving of Brieves , and balding of Courtes to that'eflecd^ bealwayes in the Tolbuidiofthe head Burgh of the Schire, Stewartrie or Baillierie , or uther pairtcswidiin the fame Stewartries, and Baillieries , quliair Brieves were maiftufiially ferved , and Courtes halden to that cffeifr of before. 61. Anc laick pat rone infeft in the richt of patronage , vued-fet be onie bis predecefoures , after the Redemption theirof. canmt be hurt , be langpofjejjkn of anc Ecclefiafticallperjon. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, WithadvifeofliisdirecEftaitcsofthisprcfcncParliamenpunder- ftanding that diverfe Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, andutherishisHienefleFree-halders, being infeft in their lands and Barronnies,widi advocation, donation, andrichtofPatronage of Benefices: Theyhavc annalied certaine of their landes and Barronnies , in wed-fett , under reverfion , through the quliillds alienati¬ ons, the faidis landes and Barronnieshes remained widitheperfoncs receivers tlieirof in wed-fett, ane too' zeiresandmair. Intliemeanetime, certaine Prelates , Abbotes, or uther Ecclefiafticallperfones,havaiii richt or title, cled them with the faidis Benefices , and thereby, quietlieintradisthemiii the poflclilon and richt thereof, in default of the faidis Patrones , qiiha take na regarcl thereto , during the faid none-redemption of the faidis wed-fettes. Quhair through , the faidis juft and iauchfull laick Patrones of the faidis benefices hes bene heavelie prejudged in their richtes and prefentations of the fame in time by^-ganc : Therefore fo^ remeid theirof. It is ftatute and ordained , be our Soveraine Lorde , that na pofleffion apprehended bee Biniomes, Abbotes, Priors, or uther Kirk-men , of quhat-fum-evet Parfonages , Vicarages Chaplana- ries. Prebendaries, or uther Benefices , belangand to the faidis Fries, Lordes, Banonnes, Free-hdders or uthenslruck patrones, and quhairin they arfpeciallie infeft be their chartoures, fall be ony waies hunfiili or prejudicial to their richtes and titles, of die faidis laick patronages, after redemption oftheir landes and wed-fettes, alfweill alreadie ufed in times by-paft, as to be ufed: Bot that the faidis laick patrones may as frcche brink joys , and ufe their faids Patronages , and prefent qualified perfones thereto at a^l times: lik-hke as the laidis Kirk-men had never apprehended poITeffion of the fame, and notwithftanding thereof 6x. The principal gift of Tenjionsfuld be produced, andtbefammheingimpreven. The con¬ firmation, and all decreets following tbere-upon, ar null. OU R S O V E R A I N E L O R D , and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , having confi- SeTof widiin this Realme , hes bene burdened with counterfaiaed and in- , giltes of Penfiones of vidual, or filver, or fpecial alfignation of haill Kirkes , with fruites theirof • And ai'^henA pSaiT'' and invalide giftes , hes'obteinedli.s Hiencflb, or his p'deceSS^ andSnna ,o,r h^ ^**1* fight oftheir principal gift, upon their onelierarifications and confirmations, hes obteincddecreetes before the Lordes of Sc, Tlon. and utheris fudges ouhairin-cafe hare bel^ffytd orS^^ .aither the fame wald have bene found invalide , or the falfedViiofvvalde aveoenetryedorknaviea Thcreforeitisftatutcandordained, be OUR SOVERAINE T ORD tSnflons to b^piLSSOTobte^'d'^T'^'T^ that quhair ever queftion orcontroverfiefallarife, upon validitieofthefaminPenfioic hequliat-fura-everperfons.alterthedaithereof: Oruponthein- giftandpenfion To tS^^^ produce theprincipal iuliais benefice is LdertTi fall be relative , at tlw defire of the partie, Ln.oronypartthereof AnHm udierwaies they fall be fecluded fiaallricht, tothefaidpen- the Judge ordinar- In tlnr gift and dilpofition, beis outlier improven or reduced be acdSireteicfitethem^^^^^^ P-^«e«dand richt to the faid penfion, fill never be heard to four formes following there imn oiue ratification , confirmation, dccreetes, or letters in the toesc”™iS S "a redudion inthiscafe, in lacivc. being «ne awiue the faids tatificationes, confirniationes , anddecreetesisr^ 63. Tk 63- ELLEVENTH TARLIAMENT. XXIX. of JuliJ, 1587. X79 TheCheckerJi4ldbeginthefirftdayof]\£}. Anent abfints therefra, and chargeing ferfines to compeir. tiR SOVERAINE lord, withadvifeof his three Eftaites, conveenedintliis prefent Par- O.V jij ^ for the greater certaintie of iris Hieiies Checker, and gude otdour to be keeped tlierciit, quhair- ***deteckniim, andcomptmay bemaidofhis Hienefle rentes in dew time : Stamtisand ordainis, *^r^'^rdinar Checker, fall begin zeirlie in time dimming, upondiefirftdayof and fall end upon ^\^^%tvoiAugufi- And that alfweill die perfons, qvflia fdl be nominate and conifimte Auditoutes of rl ket as all tliat audit to make compt therein , be dewlie warned be Precepts , to compeir tliereat , n underdie paine of 40. punds. And in-cafe of dieir abfence, at the day es appoynted; That ^ b undawed in the faid fumme, and letters of homing or poynding to bee diied againil tliem , for tjrey And die Comptroller to cliarge hirawidithe laidis un-Iawes inhiscompts. And at all paymen of the. faid Checker, quhillthe end diereof, thacdiecomotares, rliat audit to give ’r dietein , in-cMe of dieit difobedience of die precept of die Checker , be charged of new , at die mercat- comptu And in-cafe of their difobedience of die fame charge , to bedcnunced rebelles, and die home at the fame metcat-ctoce of Edinburgh. Qiihilk denuntiadon , his Majeftie decernis to be as gif diefamin were maid at die mercat-croce of die head Burrowes of die Sdiites , quhair die alsfufn j & fcmeSrhireffe.s buikes diereof ; And diat thehorningb perfc tlic . iifficient as eiiti^sia.niin\ycrc iTidiu a.L Liicinti.Ad.1. v-ic/cw v/j. cJv.iiii.v-o , r „ diveliis Md regiftratin die fame Schireffes buikes diereof ; And diat the horning be regitttat m '1 Ttefaurets buikes , ot Scliireffes buiks of Mtnbta-gh : Tliat the Thefaurev , Comptroller , and Col- Ta r bediemfelves, or dieir Deputes and Cletkes , beptefent, during the haill time of die fitting of u rL’rker fotfikdiinaes, as may occur in ilk anc of dieir offices. Andthatna-diingbetreatedofin diis decker boc onelie the handling of the Kings Majefties awin affairs. And for maters md aftions , k • r attieandpartie • Ordainis die Checker to conveene and fit everieTuef-day after noone, dutingdie Sg oW Seffiom, or at udiet times, as it faU pleafe the Kingis Majeftie;to appoynt. 64. AllSchirefe Qlerkes fiddprefentin the Checker zeirlkallfeafages. Trisftatoteandotdained, diat die Afte of Parliament, maid be our Soveraine Lotdis deateft 1 rnA frbir Kine James the Fifth of gude memorie , for prefenting be the Schireffes and their Cletkes of li PmmroU’esofil feafingeszeirlieindie Checker, beput to dew execution m all pomts. And our faid foveraineLord, widiadvilforefaid. ofnew ratifies Mdapprievis die fame Afte. And ordaims that the KfCouttofilkSchireffe-dome, cum with the faid Schiteffc deputes m eyene Checker . and k l?ihhbnanebuik, contemineallfeafmges, givenbethem.fubfctibedwithdiefaidaerkesawmhand and Lne manuall : That die famin may temaiiie in die tegiftcr : fwa that die Kings Majeftic may Icnaw his tenneL, and all udietis having intereft, may have recoudediereto. 6s- All receivers of the Kings rents, fuldfndCmttminMmhwgh. U R Soveraine Lord , with advife of his three Eftaites of this ptefent Parliament , ftamtis and ordftiiis, OtenaChahneriane, not receiver ofdie Kingis rentes remoovable, ^k as findis fovertics to the Comptroller in ^inburgh , to make compt m the ordmar tune of the Checker, a^£5ayrntwidiinxx.dayL^^^ Alfwaitisftamteandordained.thataUhentableChal- meriaines and compters, be charged to findefovettie, to the fame effect. 66. Hieland-men and Borderers , way befummmedat the mercat-croce of the Burgh. TTEM, ThataUwamingsandexecutiones, in the Kings Imen or Lderetsinbroken Countries, ubinoftfatettutmaccefus . be maid at the mercat-croce of die head Burrowes of the nixt Scliires , in the Law-land. 67. The Comptroller fuld anfwer for all Chalmerlanes. TTEM, Itisftatuteandordained, diat die Comjprioller in rime cununing^^ IthehaiUrentofliisHieneffepropertie, andbeanfwetableforthe h^ *hers“^^ mceivets removeable : Beca4 they at of the Comptrollers awi^^ng: Mdfomteto b« fices heritable, that die Comptroller fchaw his diliggnee againft •o-h-.fiiicMaieftiesoroDcrtie quliilk fall alwayes end , before Ae fitft day of September zeiilie. And dedans d"®' ® ^ J rlie^clecker mftlmtralitisptkendie, faUfinde,'fiifteine Wshonfe accordmgtothe^^^^^^^^^- Andthatquhaevethesdieinttomifflonandteceytol ^ mdedieape, as andmonfurnilh, die expenfesofhishoufe in teddie money ; riiathisfu S Y Qj.qJ^gnhisMajeftie onieuthers. AndthisordourtobeginatthefirftdayOf • O^quiienn j thinkis gude. R r ^ 68. Anent KING JAMES THE S E X T z8o 67. lyTnent Trecepts of the profertie , and the Comptrollm comptes. JTEM, That na precepts or difcharges of anepartoftheproperric, to be allowed in rime cummino,, Checker, except the fame fall be fubfcribed and accepted be the Comptroller, andalwaiestheparL ac(]Uittatice to be produced upon compt, and na thing to be ailowed^^crvVw/j? covputautis. ^ 68, i_All rentalles ar perfonall life-rents , quhairin na mention is maid of aires. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that all rentallcs.fett be onie OUR SOVERAINE LORDij Predcceflburcs, of gude memorie , of onie landes , pertcining in propertie to his Kienefle (except rentalles, fet to men .and tlieir aires) fall have na further ftrength nor effedt. nor ane naiked life-rent, and that after the deceafe of the rentallers, his Majeftie have power with advife of his Comptroller, to fet, and difpone theitupon at his plefour of new in few , aither tor augmentation of the former rentall . or lor new entres filver , and that all bee fet in augmentation of the Kingis rentall. 69. The cajiialities fild not he difponed in great. ITEM, Itisftatute, that his majellies cafualities fall not be given away in great ; asofthecafualities of ane haill Cuntrey togidder: Or the confirmation of the haill fewes of onie Prelacie; or of onie fpeciall crimes, 70. x^nent payment of pec uni all paines and compofitionnes. ITEM, It is ftatutc and ordained be OUR faid SOVERAINE LORD, with advife and confent fotefaid, that all pecuniall paines of offenders, fall be raken up in gold and filver, attlieavaillofthe money, quhen the Adles ware maid , or els augmented in the money now current. And the famin reeaird to be had in making of compofidones , takand the ground and exemple fra the laftzeir of the regiment of King James the Fifth. 71. The paine cf negligent Schireffe Clerkes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that in-cafe onie Schireffe Clerk, within this Realme , refufisatonie time hcreaftertoreceiveandregifter onie lettersofhorningprefentedto them, be quhat-fum-ever parties tothateffeft; Orgifthcfamebenotdewlieregiftrat, after he have written , extradled andtegiftrat, onthe back theirof And in-cafe he fend not zeirelie to the Thefaurer or his deputes, ane petfite inventat of the haill horninges regiftrat ilk zeir in their buikes. Or in-cafe onie uther thing beis done be the faids Schireffe Clerks, undewtimllie. That then and in thefe particular cafes abone written , the fame being lauchfullie tryed, ilk Schireffe Clerk, fall tyne all his mooveables, to be efeheitted and applyed to his Hienes ufe. And his principal Scliiteffe, toties , qusties, fall be compelled to paie ane hundreth pundes to his Hienes by the damnage and interefl: of the patties skaitli their-throw, and to have his relieie of the faid Schireffe ' Clerk , in that behalfe. 7^. Of the fovertie to be fotmden be officiates of Armes: And of their daylie wage. ITEM, For the better and mairfuirferving of the King, be officiates of armes : It is ftatute and ordained, that nane be reteined , or hereafter admitted to that fervice ; Bot he that with his u! heris injundliones , fall qnhair-upon to ferve his Hienes and heges , and diat Ins fovertie fall be anfwcrable for the damnage and intereft of his falfed , flouth and informal gifonie fall happen. And that the wage ofonie OfBciatof armes on the day , fall be ane marke money , Summer and Winter over-head. 75. Relieves fuld he entred in compts: The Schireffe or the partie may be poyuded ctmforme to the buik of Refponda. and Baillies, make not their compts NttheSartSSerfbef^^^^^^^^^ ^ Th.».Usgi,l.(S,“MS3" L.SS“““£;; tne neiauret orbaith, To pay the fummes conteined in the ortoDovndtheSchirefc theparae; gff thepartrehavenottlteScbireflSsdifcharge thereof, toWva^dprXe 1: i 74 . The ELLEVENTH TARLIAMENT. XXIX. of Julij x^h- ^8I 74. The Schireffes fold make comft of alt efcbeittes. T c M It is ftatute and ordained . that all Schireffes in time cumming , make compt to the Checker , of 1”^ u fum ever efeheittes up-taken and inttometted with bee them , within their jiirifdiaion ; And that ilk Schheffe charge himfclfe fpeciallic with the famin efeheittes , in ilk Checker zeirlie. Commijfmes fttld fajfe the quarter Seale : 7 he obtemer thereof JIM finde Caution .• 7 > ■ They ftdd not be granted upon ftauebter, frisftatuteandordained, thatallfpecialCommiflTioncsof Jufticiaric, bemaidbefignatoutes to T'^^O^’enuitetfeale, in time cumming. totlie efFeft, that maybe maid thete-upon, after A P^L:,n?and lovable falhion. Andthathequliaobtcinisane Commiirion, iindc fovertie at the Chan- ,1,-r lie fall within fourtie dayes thereafter , report a teftimonial ol his diliKiice , under the panic of ccUatie.JMtn na Commiffiones be granted, to proceedeonflauchter: bot the Jufticc general*" “ P““^de there-upon. 76. The King may ferfew all crimes , without the partie. That the Thefauiet and Advocate, petfew flaughtets and utheris crimes, aldioucht the partws In fiknt o walduthetwaiespriviheagtee. Andthatm Jufticeaites oroatnculardiettes. the haiU Affi- ire&Sfot. andtheabSntesamlrciat, to moovethem. to make the better obedience. -77. Na allowance witlmit production of acquittance. .rTFM TlvatnaallowancebegivenintbeThefaurerecomptesintimecumming. pertculo computantu, Jbotquh’airacquittancesarptefentliefchawenaiidptoduced. Vjment. hes ftatute and ordained, t be granted tor fuper-expenfes. in time zckeinWsdifcharee. withcernfica»n|if precede the Thefauretscompts cumming. ^ likevvife it is ftatute^ and ordained, be our faid Soveraine Lord andmonenterinit, beAf Ra dficariones be palTed in Parliament, uponfimple Articksof 79- CwrfeJ- fuU not he continued. 80. The Schireffes fuld give up the names of their deputes, and fuld finde cautim. TTEM. Itisftatuteandordained, IrittineoftheSeflion, totheLordsofSefli ’ , o j chacecingill^SchirefFe» underthepaineofre- ufefotthatzeit. Andfik-like, BurneVe’s, iniwete snitWitiEdinburgh , Aftedinthe bellion, with certification &c. To finde cautio ’p ^ ■ ’ug checker, and paye all tliinges, teftandj buiksofCouncell, that they fall xeitlie make their Compts in the CliecKe , p y auchtand to the Kingis Majcftie , be vertew of their ottice. B,. c,/*/™ 1- '■ * ■pEcauleof the pat delay in .aionw Criminal!. IJ according to & auncient and lovable . Hnrinal caufesis onelie now at Edinburgh , quhair maid of before: Confidering the betimes, thepunithmentofuthetofFenfes.quhaitby particular diettes at fett. forcertainefpecialandl S „ ’that very fendillhaldis, and there-tlirow the commoun-weill is greatlie grieved .left to tbe ) and’teUefe of tire fubjeftes , that at fa ftequenth becumc contemptible THEREFORE, ow ^nd to palTeupon AffifesinE/gf«a»,feven: Berwike,isiita-. Roxbiirgkioas- tene: Selkirk, Tcblis, kvea-. Lanark, (ouitene: Renfrew, {even: i^rgile, {even: B/ite,{even: u-ff/htwentieane: lVigtoun,{evea: ‘Dumfreis,menne ane. QuliiLkis fall be die Kingis Commiffioners and Jufticcs , in die furtherance of Juftice , pe?.ce and quietnefle : Togidder widi four of the Councell of everie Burgh , widiindiefelfe; Qululks fall be conftant and continual up-takers of dittay. Givand, gtant- and, and committand to them full power to take inquifition , and make Dittay be their awin knawledge ; Or be an fworneinqueft, or fworne particular men, of all perfones fulpefted culpable, of the crimes andde- faulresconteined in die Table, to be maid be the Thefaurer , Juftice Clerke, and Advocate, annexedtothis prefentAft, divided in wa fortes. And all perfones delated as culpable indiefirft degree; The faidis Judges and Commilfioners , fall adier apprehend and commit to waird (gif convenientlie diey canne) Or els fallde- livccthcminthcPoituous, to the Crowner of the Schire, everie Monethanis to be arreifted, and put under fovertie, be him, or his deputes , todienixt Juftice aire, to be haldentwife in the zeir be the Kingis Juftkes deputes . direfted from his Hienefle, in maner before fpecified. And upon all perfones delated and fufpefted, as culpable of the uthet crimes and defeultes, in the fecond degree : The faidis Juftices and Commiffioners in thcScliires, left proceede and do Juftice themfelves, at dieir courtes and meetinges , to be kept four times e , rey zeir : That is to fay , At die firft day of Maij : At die firft day of Augitft : At die firft day oiNmiember, andatthcfirftdayof Februar , or utherwaies , at ony rime ;diree thereof, then being togidder, and ahvaies fitting in the Tolbuith , of die head Burgh of the Schire ; And that they remainc at every ane of the faids font ELLEVENTH TARLI ament. XXIX. ofjuhj. IJ87. ^85 ilk petfon, under the paine of ten puiidcs, tolonii" tothceffeft, i As aUvva to fend their extraftcs to the The- aftet everie ane ot tneir tour meetingcs , to cue euct t , the paines and tin. law therein coJiteined , may ten up Quhairof compt, reining , and payment fall be maid , at the nixt Checker , and the cltarges "erne's of thefaidisjuilices and CommilTioners, allowed therein , in fik quantitie, as fall be modified ^"l^'^^ovntcd, bee the Lordes of his Hieiielle Checker, betuixt and thefirftdayofWffuraifr, nixt-to- in-cafe of difobedience or contempt , that they notifie the fame to die Kingis Majefties deputes, ndisTufticeairis. Andgiftheyalfwafallfindethemcontemnedanddifobeyedony waies: tofignifie f eto OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, and his fecreit Councell , quha fall provide for punilh- * |^die contempt, be force, to the terrour and exemple oi utheris ofTendoures , to commit the like in And the faidis Juftices of baidt fortes, for the fpace ofanezeir, and further, induring SOVERAINE LORDIS will, toindure. §1. Hoebares or flayers s qfhorfe. Oxen: deflroyersoffleuch-graith , trees, conies, or leakers of milnes, Juld be pm 'tfhed as thieves. Item, his Hienes ratifies the aft maidanentthepumfltmentofhocharesofoxen, liorfe and guddes in rime of labouring; With this addition: That ciuhat-fum-ever perfone or perfones cuttis and deftroyes ucliandpleuch-geire, intimeofteeling, or wilMulEe deftroyis and cuttis grovvand trees and comes, FTlb^a'ledtheirfote, before the Juftice or his deputes, atjufticeaires, or particular dieses, andpimifhed Irefore to the death, asthieves. And the famepametobeexteiided,andftrikeonbreakctsofmilnes, or ffickers. gorates, andfellaresofoxenorhorfe, intiraeoflcedingofcornesorfewall. 83. Offletars of armes, comiB of falfed, fidd be pmiijhed to the death. Item ft is ftamte and ordained , that Officiates of armes , committand falfed or oppreffion of the Lieges’ in execution of their Office, fall be called tlietefore, before the Juftice. or his deputes, at Juftice aites , or particular diettes . and punifted to rite death , in-cafe they be found culpable. 84. TTefwcers efOjflciars , fidd be ptmijhed at the Kings will. ITEM Itisftatute, that all deforcers of Officiates , in execution of their Office, befummoundupon fifteene’daies warning, civillie or criminally , at the option of the patty perfewet, and their lives and guddes to be in die Kingis will therefore. 8 c Letters of Law-berrowes fitld noebt he granted againji complices generallie : Anent ’ ' caution to he found be the raifers thereof. ITEM It is ftawe and ordained : That feeing in times by-paft , letters of Law-borrowes , being given withthisword (Complices) be the Clerks of Seffion, hes imported and dayliedois import great skaitli, damnave and heirlhip , to findtie of his Hieneffe Lieges , be plaine collufion , betuixt the parties purchafers, • andOffidarsexecutorsoftliefame. That therefore na letters of Law-borrowes, be granted mMescum- ming, beonieClerike, with power to charge complices ; And that caution bee found to the Juftice Clerk, and his deputes , that letters of Law-borrowes in times cumming to be granted , fall be dewlie execute, upon allperfonsconteineddtetein. atherpetfonallie, ot at their dwelling places and be openProclamanonat themercatcroces, ofthe head Burgh of the Schire. quhait the patties dwellis betuixt auchthouresm the morning, and twelve homes at noone. Summer and Winter, in open nmeofday ; In prefeftce of fanious witKffes, fpeciallie defigned, and Copies affixed upon the zettes or dooresol the dwellmghoufes ofthe petfonesconteinedthereiS, with the haiU names: And an uthet on the mercat-ctoce, under pa^of waliundretlimarkes. And wiUis and declairis, that this be alfwaobferved mall cnmmaUlerters. and uthens ^uhat-fum-eve^s that importis tinfeii of life , and moveable guddes. E6. The time cf fenjkg of Courtes. TTEM, Itisftatute and ordained, that all Judges, and amangft the reft, the Juftice deputes, keepe the 1 home of Caufe , in fenfing and proceeding in their Courtes, in times cumming , as it was obferved ot auld, Vis. Atelleycnhoutes, before noone. 87. 1t,xpenjes ofthe partie accufed and acquits. item, It is ftatute and ordained, that quhair parties at lat particular diettes, before the Juftice, and his deputes, modified®bt theteo'f: That their kpenfes in time cumming. lor keeping- of the ^X\r a£acauite the Juftice, Juftice-Cieite. and their deputes, befide the ordmar pame of them that ar atliet acqmte,^ ot paft free. 8b. tzf KING JAMES THE SENT ^84 88. Of fcrfones to be fimmotmd, to fajfe ufon AJffis. LIKE-Wayesit is ftatute and ordained, that na Officiar , nor Officiates fummoundoniemaapetfone uponaffifes, in time cumming , nor fourtie five perfones , to be given in roll , fubfcribedbethepw pnrcliaferoftbefaidisletters: OraneNotarinhisnamc. Norzitputout, nor put in the faidis Roll .*^onie perfones for gratitude or glide deede , under the paine to be called therefore , at particular diettes , before tli Jufticc or his deputes, andpunifliedascommounoppreflburestothedeatli. And that Dittay be tane of aH fik Officials . as lies ufed, or fall ufe the fame , and they to be called and puniflied therefore, as faid is. 89. Falfe Cuftotners and fe archers, fitld be funijhed. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that all Cuftoincrs and Searchers, committandfraude in their Office beover-fightofthetraiifportingofforbiddenguddesfootdiofthcCountrie, for gratitude given to them' fall be called therefore at Juftice aites, and particular diettes , and punillied in their perfones , at OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS will, Andalltheit moveable guddes . to be efcheitted to his Hienefle ufe in-cafe of their conviftion. ’ 90. The haill Troces and p'obation, fall be nfed before the ajffe , in frefince of the par tie accufed, and his Trocuratoures. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, Confidering the wranges alleged fufteined be diverfe Noble-men and utheris Lieges of this Realme, being accufed of treafon, befollifting, boafting, andminacingof thcaffife, after they were inclofed: The acciiferes and utheris perfones their favourers , having libertie to pafle to the faid Aftife, and to produce to them fik writtes and witnefles, and uther probation , as they pleafed to verifie the crime, outwith the prefence of the parties accufed : Quhairbythejuftdefenfe of their lives’ landes and honours, was taken awaic. THEREFORE our faid SOVERAINE LORD, with advife and confeiit of the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , lies ftatute, declared, and ordained, that in all times cumming, the haill accufation , reafoning, writtes, witnefles, and utherprobationaiidiii- ftruftionquhat-fum-cverofthe crime fall be alledged, reafoned and deduced , to the Affile, in prefence of the partie accufed, in face of judgement , and na utherwaies. Andthatallandquhat-fum-everLiegesof V Ki- ’ this Realme, accufed of treafon, or for quhat-fum-ever crime, fall have their Advocates and Procuratoures, ^ , | toufeallthclaiichfulldefenfes, quhom the Judge fall compell to procure for them ; In-cafe of their refufe’ ' ■ ' ' tliatthefutcofthcaccufcrbenottane/fflctfr^j/o. And the partie accufed, prejudged in ony forte, before hcbcconvifted, be lauchfuU tryall. Andtotheeffeft, the faidis Advocates and Procuratoures, maytlie mair freelic and willingly do their Office , in the Premifles : our faid S O V E R A I N E L O R D , with advife and confentforelaid, annullis, caffis and refeindis, all and quhat-fum-ever Aftes of Parliament and utheris ftatiites maid be him , oronie of his Predeceflbures of before, in contrail hereof 91. Of Kyljffoures doubt and, and incltifng thereof. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that how-foone the haill perfute, defenfes and anfwers thereto, at fulhe heard be the Aflife, gif onie of the faids affilbures lies ony doubt, quhairof they vvald be relblved : That they propone the fame openlie, in prefence of the parties , in face of the judgement , before they pafle out ot judge¬ ment themfelves. And immediatlie after that the faid aflife lies cliofen their Chancellar , the Clerk of the Ju- Iliciaric , fall inclofe the faid aflife them allane, or in an houle be themfelves, and ffiffer na perlbn to be ptcleiit with them, or tepaive to diem in ony waies, nather Clerke nor utheris , under pretenfe of furder information, reviving ol onie doubt , or onie utlicr cullour or occafion quhat-fum-ever. Bot that the faid houfe be lialden fair, and na mall prefent tliereiii, bot the faidis Aflilburs, and that they benotfufferedtocumoutofthefaid houfe, for quhat-fum-ever caufe , or to continue the giving of their fentence to ane uther time : bot that they K inclolcd, as laid is , unto the time they be fullie agreed , and returne their anlivere , be the mouth of the faid Chancellar, to the Judge. And our.Soveraine Lord, with advife forefaid , decernis, declaris and otdainis, iliatgil onyoftlielaidsaccufcrs, informers of his Hienes Advocate, or utliers perfones quhat-fum-ever, pretend 111 onie waies in time cumming, to informe, follift, reafon, difpute, fpeak or repaire to the faid Aflife, after their remooving foortli ofjudgement , and indofiiig of them , in maner abone written : Or utherwaies tmnlgrefle onie poynt of this prefent aft: In that cafe, the partie accufed , fallbeliddenandpronunccd clrane, and innocent of rh^rimes and treafons then layed to his charge. And this prefent afte , be ane fuftcicnt warrand to all Affifours m ctiiiiinal caufes hereafter , to pronunce tlie partie accufed , cleane and in¬ nocent, m-caleonieoftlieprcmiflesbeiscontraveened. 91. <~Anettt the quieting of dtfirdered fubjeStes , inhabitants of the Hie- landes, and lies. OUR Sovcraine Lord , and Ins three Eftaites conveened in this prefent Parliament, confidderingthe wicked mclmation of the diforderedfubjefts, inhabitants, on fum partes of the bordouresfore-aiient Engko^' ELLEVENTH TARLIAMERT. XXIX. of Jv:hj. 1587. iiif d and in the Hts-lanies and Iks, dcliting in all mifcliieves , and maift uiinaturallie and cmcilie flayani^, and deftioyand their awenNichtboures, and native Countrie^rcople, takand ^yailtani • trouble that may occurrc in the inner panes of the Realme , qtihcn they think that care "htofthereprelTingoftheirinfolence, is ony waies forzct : to renew their maift Batbatous cruelties, aiidtlioc ^ FOR remeidquhairot'i attoiir and befide the lovables Lawes and conftitiitions maid , in this behalfe : Qiihilk OURSOVERAINELORD, with advife of his three alreadie apprevis be thir prefentis: It is ftatutc and ordained, that the firftdayofeverie gifitbelauchfuU, and failzieng thereof, the nixt lauchftill daie , immediatlic follow- ni be a fpecial'and peremptour diet for his privie Counceli , to conveenc and fit , baith in the fote-noonc, ingj’® .-oone: For receiving , hearing, anfwering, anddireftingofalleomplaintes, caufes and maters, and mif-tule of the difordered and trouble-fum ftibjeeftes . inhabitants of the Hk-lnndes , and coiiMtni g attemptates committed bs them , upon the gude and peaceable fubjeftes in the In- BofWi pjgjuJice of uther, and maa diettes to be appoynted for the fame efteft , gifcheocca- counW ’ jjjfg . And fpeciallie that upon the faid firft day of everie Moneth , or uther nixt lauch- tryall and inquifition to be taken of tlie diligence done , in the execution of thinges direfted S lieth otecceding , and of the tiring n'eceflar and expedient to be put in execution , during the ''■^Moneth to cum thereafter: and that a particular regiftcr be keeped b« the felfe , of all thingeS' happen to be done, and direfted in maters concerning the qiiietnefle and gude rule of ths BoUures, Ld Hk-landes. 93. Caution fidd be found be Lands -lor ds , and utheris. That AllLands-lordesandBailiiesofthelandes, on the Bordours , and in the Fw- Wer , quhait tookenmenhesdwelt, orprefentliedweilis, conteinedinaneRoU, ratified in theendofthisprefent ,ment faUbechargedtofindefufficientCautionandfovertie, Landed-men in the In-countrie to the ''“Inmien’t of our S O V E R A I N E LORD, and his privie Counceli : Betuixt and the fitft day of ^n,her nixt-to-cum: Or within fifteene dayes after the charge, upon conditions following, under the .ieTf rebellion: And gif they failzie, the faid day being by-pa!l , to put thenuo the Horne: Thatisto f oif onie of their men, tennentes, fervandes, and indwellers upon their lands , rowmes , ftead- • nnffeffiones or witliin their BaiHietics, conimittis ony maifterfuU reife, thiefc, or receipt K &io«;s. open and avowed fire-raifing. upon dfdly feedes , proteefted and maimeUted k llrMaiftets- That the Landis-lordes, andBaillies, upon quliais Landes , and in quhais jutifdiftion Kwdl erbrinrandpr^^^^^^ perfones compleined upon, before OUR SOVERAlNE T ORnrS Tuftice or his^deputes, to abide tryall, and underiy the Law for the fame, upon fiftene tes waning, w b’e maid be Stem lauchfully : And fatlzeing tlreitof . that the faidis La«dis- otdes and Rjlllies be debt-bound , to fatisfie die partie skaithcd, and to refound, content, and pay to them diet 1 vTrliinnpsifsnclskaithes ofrhdravvinproperguddesandiands, according to theavaiilandquantitietanc r^' I Ipinere nuhilk fall be modified be aithofthe partie hurt, ather before the Lordes of Counceli ftathecomplemers quhatr-upo.r execution fall pafTe, baith agatnft the ptinct- “Rp^llfoverties ^n forme as effeiris^ Providing alwaies, thattheLandes-lotdis, quha lies their landes they maklig tef.dence themfelves in the WWr, and thetr fpi nptirpc atirl inliabitaiites of their landes , being ot Clannes , or dependars on Chieftames , and Cap taines of the Clannes quhom the Landis-lordes at nawaies able to command , kit only gettes their mailles If r,™ ll m urher\tvice nor obedience, fall nawaies be fubjeft to this aft, botmmanerfoUowmg, hz ■ 1 hey fall be halden to dired their Precepts of warning , obteine decreetes agamft their “ 1 ’ \ Afs liorne And immcdiadie after their denunciation , that the faidis Landes lordes, deMncerhcm to Ac te ^ Chieftaines and Captaines of the uthers, in removing of all perfons difobedient to the Lawes , or ugi 1 , , ’ , r„i[„ reauired. In Aat cafe it fions. And in-cafe ony refufe to concur to the efted foie&d, being ew y Cpiq/ ftRleined be the partie fallbelefumtopetfewthepetfonreftifand andkscautioner,torredte ^ hurt, and die Lands-lordes and Bailliesofthe difobedient per ’ r „f„„;|-jye after the committing Anditi-cafeonypeifon.Landes-lordotBaillie .receive or recap rlifvDafie throw their boundcs, ofthecrime,upLtheirlands,otftayisoratreiftistheniiioclit, with onie ttew^ memies guddes, reft or ftolleii , gif the fame cummis ony waie, to Knawie iS6 KING ’JAMES THE or that it beis trycd that they miclit liave ftaied or withftand the faidis riefes and opprefTiones ledge and power of the Over-lordes , fall be tryed be ane Affifc : The Maifreri Landes-lords v r ■ ceiptersoftheolTenders, ornotftayandandarreiftandthem, palTand throw their boundes aVr -a -^'’ 'e- be balden to bring and orefent the perfones olTcndoures , to the Lawes, in manet forefaid ■ Orel ” redres the patties skaithed, in manerabone written. And quhair the awners ofthcreftandfl-r,li followes not the flayers and arreiflers of the perfones and guddes, pafTand throw tlieir landt" balden to make cettification , be publication at die mcrcat-croce of the head Burgh ofthe Schiir partie having intcrefl , behm thereby adveriifed, may chalJciige their awin guddes in fex daves f.J waies, the ftayers and arrcirfcrs of the guddes, fall not bee ajifvvcrablc thcrelorc ^ , item AlthoughtfumoftheLordesoftheground. never tifis to make refidcnce in the partes i the quhilki* thieves reforts. m their palling to fleaU and rieve . and returne thcrefra ■ zitfalfth?. ,’ den be their Baillies and tennentes, to make their arreiflments, and flay and make publicar o .f f e™' gif It be in their power or eummis to theit knawledge: or utherwaies, to be LlL and redres as gif they dwe t upon the landes thcmfelves. And that the chiefe of the Clanne in quhair broken men dwel IS, throw the quhilkis limmeres and broken men , repairisintheb-naffl andneve, or returning thcrefra, fall be bound to make the like flay, arreiflment and i iihr^"^ to ftcall Landes lordes, or Baillies and be fubjeft to the hke redres and IftioneriS’ai^ dvtf'S’ failzie or negligence. And becaufe findrie immediat tennents , to OUR SOVERAINr lies diljioned their landes to utheris , halden of themfelves ; In that cafe it fall be fufficienr f ^ ® ^ . lord, to enter and prefent his tennent and vafTall, for anfwcring for his fub-te" J (prtheOver- . I , . , ; 1 - i...auu vaiiiu, luianiwcrir to have Ins reliele upon his tennents thete:anent , as accordis. --tennent; And tlie Landes-Iofo 96. Tie chiefe of all Clannes, fall finde f leges. A Ttour and bcfide of the forefaid ordour , devifed againfl the Lands-Iordes and Biiilios « . laiides, and in quhaisjurifdiaiones the thieves, fornates, and broken men dwellis and fe’m IS an rt a ftatute and ordained, that the Captaines , Chiefles, and Chieftaines of all Clannpc ir Hie-laud, ZioaliitBordoures , and the principalles of thebranchesofrbpfaiVI c ri ®**t''0'llontlie noted in ane Roll , ratified and infert in this prefent Parliament : Qiihilkis Clannes dwelteu ^ of divetfeLandes-lordes, and dependis upon the direftiones of fa S f 7*.'® “P'’" the la-des tames (be pretence of blond , or plLe of their dwelling) Althought agamft t! c wfll ^'Jof ' the ground, be charged in maner, and under the paine abone^vtitfen ■ m e„ er fik ^ ^1 be nominate be tVie Kingis Majeflies letters to be direfl to them uponxr^ls P ogos, as HiencsandhisfecreetCoiincell, atthedayesrobeappoynred, to be lilaied as hk H venient, for keeping of gude rule in time eumnung, according to the eondfoWs unto the Landes-lordes, and Baillies, arcfubiel- under rim ,,a,np death , in-cafe of tranfgrcflion , and nocht redtelfe maide be the perfones dfoSares ° fm^ l''" plegesiyes. And that the faidis pleges fall be relieved ouarterlie wirN „t-i flol-om the faidis tobcfpeciallynamed, alfoone as may be aftertliebeLMnniiwo’frhkr^rrl iho fame clan orbranche, bekccpcdintheKingesflrait-w'ard, upon their aw'cnexpenles avandn'^UlM”*^ tjiat the faids pleges fall or branches, find fufficient and refponfalfovcrtie aifled^in the InLs ff” ‘■'7P“'’‘^‘P“I*os of the clanne entred, fall keepe trew warde , ay mid qXll the’v befieed Councell ; that the pleges with quhome they fall happen to be placed to remahic ■ faU on n^va ef otdourlie. And zit the perfoL faides pleges , todeparteorpaflehame, under the oaine of, n A f '“’’‘-o or libertie to the Barron or Gentle -man, thL g^ronV fik fall be placed to remaine witlf Noble-men and Barron^s ifo 'h® la-dcs pleges theirawmexpenfes. And all Clannes Sahi^ mil br,^ I r buirdmgof pleges at the* day, and in maner eonteined fo thrchWn^^ to m A “ outer tlir publick enemies to God, the King, and all his trew and fifihfon”'r‘^^'k“ cftcemcd hi-caiidfword, quhairever they be apprehended withonrrrimp fhbjccles, and to be perfevved widi doers thcre-throw. And that comp/?etane aiiis in X ve r’-.r^rl'"fi a ‘““trcd be the fonesplegedfor. ardead, andquh^atzoXmrforunn ipX^eiX e ofAW^e., quhatper- quhair complaint is maid upon ony perfon pLed \r tli^i f ^ And to prefent the off'enders , before thi King or hfs Coiince the Clanne or branch, to be charged, the Law for the fame. And in-cafe of faflzienfrlm r’- , ‘^I’oJuflice and his deputes , tounderlie the plege lyand for the faid perfon, to be execute be Tuft[X"-.®n^ ’ oompleined upon , 9y. ^l men borne in the Hic-landes and Bordours thej 'isjei'e borne ^ returne to the ]>lace quhair Iandthelandes,fum-tinieeSleVB:S'“^^^^^^^^^^^ obedient. ELLEVENTH parliament. XXIX.ofJuhJ 1^87. ^87 faUberemoovedoutofthe/»-&»«/, quhair they ar planted, and prefendie dwellis or haunts , to obedient" Laods-lordes , quhair they prefently dwell , will become die parts q 1 anfwerabie to the Law, as the Lattz-'/aW and obedient men, under die conteined in the aas of ParUament. pii 96. x^netit the regifier of f leges , andutheris. I-rirM It is ftatute and ordained, for furtherance of the quieting of the inobedient^uri^oarj'and We- / Ax' Thatabuik be maid comeining the names of the pleges, entred, ai?d to be entred for eude 1 “.ndofthehaillpetfones, forquhom they lye, and be quhom the pleges fold be relieved: As alfwa I ’ remftetbemaidofthehasilPatochinersdf the landes, inhabite be tiiieves and difobedient perfones, * K Hk-ktides, maBordaurs; The names of the Landis-lordes , and tounes in everie Parochin, “ ^ fif die haill men , inhabitantes thereof, paft the age of fextene zeires : Quha ar Undis-lordes , or r" II es of everie land or toun : Or of quhat Clanne , or brinch , the faidc intiat icantes ar. And that L Ime of onie perfon that has entred on die broken landes , after the remooving of onie uthcr j'nobedient perfon therefra, be fend to the keeper of the faid regift'er, witliin twelve dayes, mxt after bis fcft entrie. 97. Vagabmndes fall be charged to fnde f leges , mid their receivers fall fatisfit thefartie. T^Fcaufe after all diligence done, alfweill againft the Landis-lordes and BaiUies, as againft di. RStinesandprmcipalksofClannes. theccwiUbea.iumberofvagaboundesun-pleged,oranM t K. rheir Landis-lordes Or Baiilies: It is ftamte and ordained, that letters fall- be direfted: Chme- un-anfwerabie men. be open Proclamation , at the metcat-croce of the I “.i RiiraiioftheSchire ouhait they haunt, or head Burrowes of tlietivanixtScIiiresintheL^ headBarg foygetie to underlie die Law, thethriddayeofthenixt Jufticeaire, ' ■ ' ■ " of Parliament. Andirt-cafe -..ig, tobedeiluncedtebelles .nd fuEidves and they and taeit reccipiers . 10 ue peu-.-w.u J they be apprehended and pu- ^ ^Kt’irrl-mprites- Andthattfcpartiesskmhed. have competent aaion, civil or crmimal. againft wittingie receipt, widi the guddes ftollen or reft, in dieit paffing, remaining or remtmng. 98. Bandes gtvm be the cautioners, Mijhis their aires. tTEM itisdedated, ftaoitcandordained. Thatallbandes, adcs and obligationes , maidottobe Imaid 'be quhat-fum-evet pstfons , for quhat-fum-ever broken men, pleges, or udietwaies teceivedfor Sdetule qLneffe of ?he Borimrl ^xAHie-landes , «°“'=*mgdepeadmphereupon Mbeex- tLded againft the airss and fubcelToutes, of their fovetties and cautioners: Akhougrifpecial mention be not maid in the Afts . that they obtifeed thsmfelves, their aites and fucceUoures. 99. ‘Divers fureties king maid fall be vailzeabk, M the anepffis not the uther. irair , tlie furec ie maid be them to the Laadis-iords and oaiUtes. The waner how guides taken away, may be related. item, Itisftamteandqrdained. landthieftcs, M happen to be c«nm.Ke.lwithinony pan o^ ^ theirof, be onie Captainc of Clanne, or be ony uuiet Llanned man. riefes , fotninges ... _ -landes or Bordmres againft onie of OUR S O V E- lame guddes and ^88 KING JAMES THE SEXT and decrecte to be given againft them , with the profites thereof : Sik-like, and in the fame maner , as mici or fu!d have bene given againft the perfones committers of the dcede themfelves : and execu torialles to pa(t thereupon, in forme as effeiris. And als, gifitfallhappenthepartieharmed.betheperfonescommitters of fik enormities, to follow and perfew his awin guddes and gear tane , as faid is, for die recoverie of the fame- and in the telicfc of his awin guddes and geate, to flay, hurt or mutilat , onie oi die takers thereof : It is hereby expreflelie declared, ftatute and ordained , that the faid partic harmed , or his afliftares , and complices^ fall never be accufable of ony flk flauchter, mutilation , or uthcr hurt : Bot als freehc remitted and difehataed in that behalfc, as gif he had our S O V E R. A I N E L O R D I S fpecial Commiflion to that effeeft. And als ordainis and dcclaris, that quhat-fum-cvet perfones fall happen hereafter, to beare feede for ony fik flauch¬ ter, hurt, or mutilation, fall be fubjerft to the paines and aflion abone written : And it fall be lauchfull to the pattie harmed , to call and convecne them criminallie or civihe , at his option , for the faidis riefes and on- prefliones, in maner before fpecified. I o I . GMainte'mers and receifters of thieves , fall be anfwerable for their doings. ITEM, Quha bringis onie Scottes or Englijh thiefe in his companie openlie or privatelie , to the Kinais Majefties Court , or Burgh of Edinburgh , or requeiftis for him , to hald him back fra the dew punilliment appoyntedbetheLaw, without licence of the King , his Lieu-tennent or Wardane: Sail be fubjerft to the afiion Criminal or civill, of him quhom unto die faid thiefe lies offended be thieft , or riefe : Or be compelled forthefametoredrefle, as principal diiefe or reivar. And quhat-fum-everA»?/i^ thieves, fall cum in onie part ol Scotland, without licence of the King, his Lieu-tennent or Wardan , fall be taken and ufed as lauclifuU prifoners: And quha-fa-ever wald avow fik thieves to be their prifoners, or brocht in be them upon li¬ cences , fall nocht keepe them in companie in the Kingis Court or Palice , or in the hie ftreit , quhair his Hienefle, or his Juftice fittis , and remainis , bearand weapons : bot hald them in clofe houfe fra their cumming , to their departing : under the paine to be repute as favourers , Ibfterers , and mainteiners of thieves and thieft , and to be puniilied therefore, conforme to die lawes of the Realmc. Io^. Hittay fitld be taken up anent blak-maill. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that the Juftice Clerk, and his deputes, and the Kingis Commiflioncrs, conftitute to further Juftice, quietnefle and gude rule in all Scliires , fall diligendie inquire and take up Dittay, of the uo-takers and payers of black-mail! , and to make rentalles of the quaiititie thereof; And to perfew alfweill the takers, as payers thereof, at Juftice aires, or particular diettes , anddo Juftice upon diem, according to the Lawes, and receive fovertie , under great paines, diat they fall abfteine in time cumming. ^ 105. Landis. lordes and utheris, fuld prefint sseirlie trejpajfours , to the Juftice. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that the Juftice-Clerk, falltwifeinthezeir. Viz. At the firft dais oiCHarchciwA September, procure the Kingis Majefties clofe Valentines, to be fenttotheMaifters, Landis-lotds , Baillies and Chieftaines of all notable limmers and thieves, chargeing to prelent them , oudicr before his Majefties felf, or before the Juftice, and his deputes , at the day andplacctobeappoynted to underly the lawes, conforme to the lawes and generall bande, and under the paines conteined in the fame, and to try quhat obedience, beis fchawin be the perfones, quhom unto the faidis Valentines , fall be diredled : And in-cafe of their contempt, be undewtifull anfwete, to put themfelves to the knawledge of an Aflafe and mini- fter Juftice upon them, conforme to the Lawes and generall bande. 104. It is not leftm to ane Scottes-bordouret. to marie with ane other in England. ITEM, Sen experience declaris that the manage of the Kingis Majefties fubjeftes, upon the dauditers of the moken men and thieves of England, is not only an hinderance to his Majefties fer- viceand obedience: Bot alfwa to the common peace and quietnes, betuixt baith the Realmes; Itisthere- tore ftatute and ordained, be our Soveraine Lorde , and the tliroe Eftaites of this Parliament : That nane of his lubjeaes prefume to take upon hand to marrie with onie ^gtijh-woman , dwelling in the oppofite Marches, without his Hienes exprefle licence, had and obteined to that eSeli, under the great Seale: under the pame of death, and confifeation of all his guddes moveable: And tltat this be a^cialpoinc of dittay in time cumming. ' toy. The Wardane fuld put in Bill the siames of all Englilh-mtn, quha occupies pof- fejjiones in Scotland. ITE.M, It IS ftatute and ordained, that the Wardanes of the Marches, fote-anentE»?/W, takediligeni mquifmon . quhat Znghjh-men occupies ony Scottis ground , in paftourage or tillage : and they bill 189 ELLEVENTH ‘PARLIAMENT. XXIX. of Jutij. 1.587. erfons offenders in tliatbehalfe, aMinll the treaties, and feeke redreffe , according thereto , as they 11 anfwete upon their allegcance , at their hieghsft charge and perrell , and under th« paine of incurring of So Hienefle indignation and difpleafour. I his Hienefle indignation 106. Thefkgesoftbe'&oii.oms, fuUbeplacedinthe North-fide Hie-knd plegcs , on the South-fide tkreof. TEM, It is thocht expedient, ftatute and ordained ; That all pleges received for the gude rule and auietiieflo of tf’O Bordmrs , fall be placed on the Nortli-fide of the water of Forth , witltout exception or iTfeenfation, and die pleges for die gude rule oftheffie-Zan^r and //fr, to be placed on the South-fide of 1 e fame water of Forth : And that the Juftice-Clerke , and his deputes , to quhom die cate of this ordour ^committed , take fpcciall regaird to die dew execution hereof, as they and eyerie atie of them will anfwete upon tlie execution of their office. 107. K^nent the relkfe.of the Landis-hrd or Batttk. Item, ForrelisfeoftheLandis-lordorBailhe, that fall happen to be charged for entrie of his teniientes orperfones, dweiland under his jurifdiftion , to underly the Law, or to make redrelle, that he ufe nine, and feeke the ordour olremooving, agaiiill his temientes and occupiers of the ground, and make them the MngiSKhelles, within the fpace of fourde dayes, after the nixt terme, im- receiving mailles or ^g^tiesfratliem, in the meane time. Quhairin his diligence being tryed and fuiidin gude and fufficient, be the Kingis Majeftie , and his privie Councell , Or be fiis Juftice and his deputes : And that he performe all tliinges that he culd , or that was in his power to do , after die fadl com to his ktiawledge In that cafe , he fall be relieved of the paine and danger of the Law. 108. CMakfaBm-ei fugitive , hes na aBim contrair the executours of the Lma agaiuji them. T T E M , In-cafe onie Landes-lordc , Baillie or chiefeaine of Clarme , fall happen to be burdened , with die 1 taking and prefenting of ony Malefaftour , and that the fame Malefadtour is fugitive fra die Law , and re- fcfis to relieve his Latidis-lord , Baiilie, or chieftaine : And dm diere-throw , according to the Lawes and genetall band, they fall bee confttained to bume the faid difobedient perfons houfe, and to hald them, slieinvives and bairnesoffthe ground ; It is ftatute and ordained in that cafe, diatdie faidis difobedient perfones, their aircs, wives, baimes, nor naiitheris pretending richt fra them, or bedieir deedeor occa- fion, fall have onie aftion criminall or civill, for the laide remooving , burning and ejeftion, bot fall be fimplieaflbilziedthstefra, and dl that may follow tiiere-upon, quheii-evcrorquhete-ever the fame fall be perfewed. . . 109. The fellers of guides perteinmg to MalefaBmires , fuli be fumfi)ed. T T E M , That fik mediat perfones , as takis upon them to be felleris of the guddes of thieves or inobedienc ipetfones, andClannes, that date not cunt to publickmcrcates in themfelfes, quhairby the execution of the afts maid anent tiiieves and Sornares ol Cknnes , is greatly impeded and defrauded , fall for tliatdeede, being tryed culpable tlieirof, iiicurre the paine of baniffiment , and confifeation of all tlieir e;s moveable ; The ane halfe to our Soveraine Lords ufe , and the uther halfe to the partie appre* er and fuiter; no. Kirk-mn fuli not warrand, but fra their awin deede. T T E M , It is ftatute and ordained , be OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, and three Eftaifes of 1 Parliament : That quhair there is diverfe of the Bilhoppes , Abbotes , Prelates of cliis Realme , that lies fttttheitlivinges, for certeinefummes of money , to be payed to them for their life-rentes : As alfwa hes dilponcd diverfe and findrie penfiones , foorth of the twa part of their benefices ; partlie to their Convemes, and partlie to utheris : And for the teddier and mair fute payment , hes affigned the fame to be tane up , of the readieftofthe faidis Bilhoppes, Abbotes and Prelates few-landes , quliilkis beingnow affigned and an¬ nexed to the Crown ; the laidis pofleflours , will be put tlierefta , and the faidis Prelates called lot their warmd, quhilk will be fa great affioti, and import fikskaith unto them, that they will never be able to fuftemenahoneftranck. THEREFORE OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, having confidera- non, that the faidis temporall Landes, is taken fra the faidis Prelates , be Aft of Parliament, and I^w of out Realme, and dilfolved fra their benefices, fwa that na&audfull deede, canbealledged, intliepeflon of the faidis Prelates : HisMajeftie, with advife of his three Eftaites, hesordained, thatthe faidis Pre¬ lates, quhaislandesai affigned and annexed to die Crown, aiiddiflblvedfra their faidis benefices . ahej fallbeiia-wayeshaldentowarrand, tack, penfion, affignation, orutherdifpofitionquhatJumevet, maid iftkeTemporalllandcsofthefaidis Benefices, fermes or ptofites thereof, unto die poflelloures, nor na I* ^ UtllCElS 1 X9' KING JAMES THE S E X T utheris ; Bot fall be free fra all warrandice in time cumming, Notwithftanding onycontraft nenf afrknation thereof , maid in times by-pafr. Providing alwayeS, that quhair the faidisBifliopp® Ahh’ and Prelates , be tlieit awin deede , lies maid double richtes , adier tackes , penfiones adiefnationr iitherdifpotones of onie tiling, difoonedfiirtliofthefaidTemporalllandes. fermesorprofitesdier^f tvyaormaafevcrallperfones, pofleliouresofdiefaidisTemporallLandes, orudierisquhat-fumever- 1’/“ lall be halden to warrand die faidis double richtes , maid to diem, fordieirawin deede and difponrion^ n ^ ncrly. AndordaimsdieLordesofSeffionand Councell, to Judeeaccordingtothis Aft asaneofriiPi of our Realmc. '■^“ucLawcs III. The taxation of the Burrowes ftld not ie altered. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And direeEftaites of Parliament, underftanding thatbertia 1 annexation ol Kitk-Iandes to the Crown , the taxt of die Clergie mon be altered and ane orL? thereof, layde upon the faidis Temporail annexed landes. And becaufe die free Burrowes of rhk R abidiSindiefameEftaite, quhairin they were of before : Therefore our faid SOVERAINE I ns now alter his perfite age of twentie ane zeires compleit , with advife and confent of the diree Efta.>« P’ prefeiit Parliament , llamtis and ordainis , that the taxation of Free- Burrowes , fall na-wayes be aitod u fall (land as die fame ftude. mall times preceeding : Thatiscofay , their part of all gonerall taxarintJ. Cimecummmg, faUextendtodiefcxtpartdiereofallanerlie. ^ ^ taxanoncs m III. Na Burghmayfelltheir freedom, without confent of theTarliament. pORSAMEIKIJi; AsitisnotlauchfuUtoonieofdieKingisvairalles, to fell and annalie their l,nd F m prejudice of Ins Majcflie, their fuperiour : Even fa it is found expedient ftatureand j 'P' O U R p V E R A I N E LOR D E , and tliree Eftaites in this prefent Parliament : Tliat it h® lauchhillto onie ol ins Hieneflc free-Burrowes , tofelior annalie, dieir freedome and priviledge in T 11 or m parr, to on.e udier Burgh, or udierwayes quhat-fum-ever, widiout exores lireLennT’ r 1 .IS Hicncde , and dirce Eftaites in Parliament , under the painc of amiffion and rinfeli of the froe d i®*^ Burgh: Oudierbyandorfellanddiefaidisfree-domes, inhadlwinpr asS^ 113. The CommiJJioners of fmall Barrmnes , and Free-hatders , hes voite in ‘Parliament. a y«"’=mt’nng of ane gude and lovable Afte , maid be his HierSfe PtogenitourK?rT a M r « ihchirll, ofw'orchiemeniorie, in the Parliament halden ^x.^'Perth ^ r God. anethoufand, fourhundreth., twent“nzeftes ancn7th;comm^^°^'^‘*^^d Parliament: 1 hathisMaieftie and his faidis Fftairos M c Barronnes in ell-eft, ^"dtpeputtoexecmionintimecunnJiing fudoS?^^ .>7' planationoi the fame aft, andccrtainccxecurionrher^of . * for the mair full ex- ccllarie , to ane Barron of ilk Schire litft To conveene the ^ diteftp foorth of the Chan- fmgof theConniiiirioncrS; asiscontein’edinthefame Afte ■ Ouhilkis C*' fen, and fond to Parliament the Precenrs of f ^““'Ikis Commiilioners , being anischoo- forefaid. to be direfted to the laft CommSfioners of ilk Srhi V TuF^on® °Ptee-haldets , to the effeift thcKingisFrcc-halders. reStinrefeorfoeilr? oners ot the fame Schire , to have power and to be authorized ® as tl7 Comrailfi- oncrsSeale, in place of die Schirefe • Andrharall Frc? Feld ^ the Commiifi- latesand Lotdsof Parliament, be warned be ProclailiLion^b^pefonS^S^^^^^^^ being remitted be thefaidiriE cole7ne^®n mater: confiderationofourfaidSoveraineLord todoeandordii ^>'S‘thcow , to the will and good dient and requifite , betuixt and his nixt Parliament • And no7'lf ’ M ftW tliink maift expe- takeordoutlorthefinallfettingandcftablilliinpofrharondrf ^aje^ftie intending , God willing , to toftand inpcrpetuitieinthisbfhalfe, accordiitoLfffJft^ftheS AftTo^ maiftmeete and expedient hthcow, >nconfiderationordieeteatdecavnfrLF.-^l.n,A iioo “ . , Pathament, maidatZaa- tieconfiderations moovinghisMenelTe : ^Therefore his "eteflar & weigh- xxj. zeires compleit, fittand in plane Parliament dcrL ’ "ow after his lawfuft and per/ice age of theFirft. totaLfuileffeftandVxcTiS aiiddecerms tlie faid Aft maid be Kng famt the better execution thereof, ordainis die Commiffioners nf^*’il c ’1 '*’^®'?'^’':thirprefentes : Andfor .ngtodienumberprcfcrivedindicadAftofParhameat.tobeSS^^^^^^^^ foil ELLEVENTH TARLIAMEKT. XXIX. Ofjulij. 1587 191 fi ft head Court after CHicbael-mes zeirlie : Or failzieing thereof, atonie uther time, quhen the faids Pfce-haldcrsp!eafeconveenetothateffe(ft : Orthat his Majeftic fall require them thereto : (Suhilkscon- entiones , his Majeftie declaris and decernis , to be lauchfull : And the faidis Commiftioners being cho- fen as faid is. forilk SchirefFedome , their names to he notified zeirlie in writte, to the Direftor S' the Chaiicellarie , be tlreComraiffioners oftliezeirjprcceeding, and thereafter , qiihcn onie Parliament , orge- erall Conventionis to behalden : thattliefaicfCommiflionersbewarnedattliefirft.bcvertewofprecepts furtli oWie Chaiicellarie ; or be Iiis Hicnefle miffive letters or charges : And in all times thereafter , be recepts of the Chancellarie , asfaUbediteftedtotheutlierEftaites. Andthat all Free-halders beetaxtfor the expenfes of the Commiflloners of the Schires , paflTing to Parliament or generallCouncelles, and letters ofpoynding or horning, to bedireft for payment of the fimimcs taxt to that effeft , upon anc fimplc l^gjoffexdayes warning allanerlie. Andthat the faid Commilfioners authorized with fufficient Com- niiftionesoftheSehireffedome, fra quhilk they cum, fealedandfubferivedwithfexat the leaft of the Bar- tonnes and Free-halders thereof, fall be equall ill number, with the ComniiifionersofBurrowes , on the Atdckles. andliavevoitinParliamentandgenerallCouncellesintimecuniniing ; And tliat his Majeflies Miftives , before generall CounccUes , fall be direfted to die faidis Comniillioners , or certaiiie of the of diem : As to the Conimiffiooers of Burrowes , in time cumniing. And that die Lordes of Counccll andSeffion. fall zeirlie direft letters . at the mftance of the faidis Commiftioners, for con- oldie Free-halders, to cliufe the Commiftioners for the nixtzeic, and making of taxation ; to die jfpjiqabonc written, Andthatdiecompeiranceofthe faids Comniiffior^rs of the Schircs in ratlianieiits , or EenMaliCouncelles, fall relieve the haiUremanentfmallBarrones, and Free-halders ofthcScliires, of ilieitfuites, andprefence, audit in the faids Parliaments. Providing alwayes , that the faids fmall Bar- tonnes, obferve there promifes and conditions, maid to liis Majeftie. Upon the quhilk declaration and ordinance, maid and pronunced be our Soveraine Lord, fittand in plaiiie Parliament, as faid is ; John xJMtaray of Tullibardin , asked Aides and Inftnimentes : And ‘David , Earle of Crawfurd , Lord Lindefay for himfelfe , and in name and behalfe of uthets of the Nobilitie , protefting in the contrair. 1 14. The jufi quantitie of weehtes , mettes and meafieres. FOrfameilde As in our Soveraine Lotdis late Parliament , hAAm-nEdinburgb , thetwentie nine day of , laft by-paft : his Hienefle and his three Eftaites coiivecned therein , mooved be the generall com- plaintofailliislovingandgudefubjedles : Botfpeciallicthepuirfcrmorares and labourers of the ground: Gave, granted, and committed , full power ancfCommiftion of Parliament, to his truftic and wcil-beloved Counfcllets, and utlieris after fpecifiecl : They at to fay, Maiiicr: 'David Makgill , oi Kfbet , hisHie- neffc Advocate: 'iAiAX^eDavU Carnegie , of CuUuthie: Robert Fairlie, oi Braid : "sa K_Arcbebald Roper, of Knight, Generall of his Hienefle Cuinzie-houfe : Jobm^Arnot , Commiliionerof 'Edinburgh: William Fkming, CommiflionerofT’^rtA ; Robert Forefer , Proveft and Commilfioners dStriviUng: MAHeugh Campbell, Proveft and Commiffioner of frwrg : Oroniefeven, lex, or five of them conjunpe ; The faid Lord Advocate , being ane : To conveene in his ludging , within the Burgh oi'iJinburgh , alsoftastheyfalltliinksexpedient, betuixt andriielaft day of hy-paft , and there¬ after ficht and confideration of die Lawes and A^es of Parliament , maid anenr metres, nieaftires, and weehtes, ill time by-gane, and groundes quhairon tliey have proceeded , havand regard to equitie and iii- diffeteiicc : To fett . make and eftablilli ane juft metre , meafure and wccht , to be commoun and univer- fall , amaiigft all OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Lieges ; To buy , fell , receive , and give out : and to ptefent die fame to his Hienefle, andliisprivieCouncell, betuixt and the tiventiefex day of Maij , iiixt-to-cum : That the fame micht be notified , toaU OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Lieges, with all convenient Ipeede and diligence thereafter : As thefaidis Commilfioners waldanhvere to his Flic- nelle, upon their obedience : Ordaining letters to be direifted, tocharge and conipell hereto, gif neede be, informeasefieiris : Like as at mair length is conteined in the laid Commilfion, givenbe AT of Par¬ liament, iiimSmerforefaid : According todiequhilk, a fufficient number of the faids Commillioners , conveening, and having fccne and coiifidered , thefaidis Lawes arid Aftes of Parliament, maid anetit met- tes, meafures, and weehtes, in time by-gane , and groundes quhairon diey have proceeded, havand regard to equitie and indifference : lies fett, maid, and eftablifhed , ane mett, meafure and weeht, to be com- nioimanduniverfali, amangft all our Soveraine Lords lieges , to buy, fell, receive, and give out, and tliereupon lies delivered their report and conclufion , fubferibed widi their hands , bearand in effect , that they liavefichted, red, and confidered , the faidis Lawes and Aftes of Parliament, maid anent metres , mca- fiires, and weehtes in times by-gane : the perfite grounds quliairon they have proceeded ; tliat is to ay, theElvand, thepundTrsw, and the ftane proportionat and effeirand thereto: the boll-metc , ndot “cl peck : the pint , quart and gallon , everie ane in their awin proportion. And lies found that maiit wile y , the proportions -and grounds of all thir weehtes , metres , and meafures , lies bene fa eftablilhed ot auld , that everie ane of them, comptrollis uthers , and be juft conference , makis and eftabhihis, ane certaine nica- futc and weeht, and therefore lies thouchtmaift expedient , that die fame proportion and comptrolmcnt he obfcrved in all time cumming. And firft lies fund the Eln , and ftand thereof , committed to Edmbmgh, 19^ KING JAMES THE SENT contciiiing )7. inches : Thcflancconteimngxvj. li. Trois , ilk TVc/j-punde, conteiningxvj. uticc. ■j-i oi StrivUlng , ij. pund, and ix.unce Trow wccht of cicir water ; Allthepiemifles, tooblervca ii'l} proportion, according to the Law and Aftes of Parliament : and as to the firlot, quhairof clierc hes bo ' mention maid in the ACl: of ICing Jmms the Second , to have bene of 1 8 . pints : haviiw tried and comptro|||!j the fame in deepnes and bread , he the Llnwand , and in quantity and wecht , be the faid dope oi StrivUm hes found thefamclesinptonortion, noritaucht to he, beand comptrnlicd be the reft of the weehtes aifi meafures abone written , and this asappeiriseareftbecrroroftlrePrenter; be reafonthatbejuftcalcul.itio' and comptrolment , the faniin extcjided to 1 9 . pintes , and a jucat. And for efehewing ol fraud, hes thoucht expedient , that allviiftuall fill be mcafuredbe ftraik. And be reafon that malt, bear, and aites, beneufedtobemeafuredbchcap, lies fund be examination and triall, that the heap in proportion, 4 tl juftthtid of the firlot or peck ; Therefore remitted to the KingisMajeftie, and Lords olTccret c'ounccIL whidderdiey thocht it maift expedient, to caufe make ane particular meafurc for meeting malt, bear, aites be ftraik : Orthatanemcafure fuld ftand univerfallie , to receive and deliver three for nva, or fe for four of malt, bear and aites, according to die proportion of vicftuall , and ftufFe ufed in time by-paftto benietteby ftraik, fikas quheit, rie, beanes, peafe , itieall,filt,andquhite, fauldin die nier? cartes and the Countrey : except die water mett , to remaine according to the ufe of die Cuntrie Sik-like, that there be double ftanderts of the forefaidis weehtes, metres and meafures maid of bralfe- the ane of everie ane of tliem to remaine in die regifter, and thcudier, with the Towns, to quhoni dicv have bene committed of auld, tobcdireflfurdito the liaill lieges, to be ufed univerfally , and this with¬ out prejudice to oniepeifons, quhaar founded, infeft, oraddebtedbe tack, or contrafl of auld, or new formes of uthetis meafures, bot that dieir foundation, infeftment, tack or contrafl: , fall ftand in effetf and the meafureol their foundation, infeftment, tack or contrafl , fall be proportioned to die meafure now tobceftablifhedbehisMa eftie, his Parliament and Counccll ; Swa that die fame quantitie fall remaine with the giver , and the receiver , but prejudice ofonieot them, as the faid report, exliibittoche Lordesof fecrect Councell , atmairlengdiproportis : Qiihilk being feeiic, confidered and allowed be them ; Tliev dicrcfore, according to the po.ver and authoritie of the faid Parliament, and report of the faidis Conuiiillf- oners, have decerned and ordained, and be thir prefentes , decernis and ordainis , die Firlotto be augment¬ ed, aiidtlieftandcrt dicrcoftobeofdieformeafterfpecified : And to conteine nine-tene pintes , and twa Joucattes : And this to be the meafure of all vifluall and ftuffc, ufedin times by-paft, tobefauld be ftraike, fikasQuheite, Rie, Peas, Beanes, Meale , and quhite Salt , fauld in mercats , or in the Coun- trie ; TliewideiiesandbreadnefteofdiequhilkFirlot, under and abone , even over, within the buirdes fall conteine auchteiie inches, andfextpartof ane inclie : Thedeepenes, feven indies, and halfe indie And the Peeke to be maid e ffei rand thereto. And that the fteppes of the faid Firlot , be of the auld proportion in diickndfe of baith the buirdes, ane indie & ane halfe : Thatthebottomcdiereofbe crolftd with iron, nailed to die fame, and to die ring of the Firlot: and die edge of the bottom, entring within die lagenti be pared out-with, towarde the nedier fide, and to be maid in-with plaine and juft itde richt ; That die mouth be ringed about with ane circleor girth ofiron, in-with and out-with, havand a croce iron barre,* pairing over fra the ane fide to thcudier, diree-fquared , ane edge downe , and a plaine fide up : QiiliiUt fall gang rule right, widirheedgeofriie Firlot, andcveticfquarefallbeanejuftincheofbr«idtli : Anddiat therebeaneprick ofiron, aiieinchein roundnefle, withane flioulder under and abone, riling upright, out of the center or middeft of the bottom ofdie Firlot, andpafting throw the niiddeft of the l§id over-croce barre, ruiffedbaith under and abone : And that the Cowper caufe the right ftraike of the faid Firlot , pafle fra the ane end oldie faid over iron barre, todieuthcr. And be reafon that Malt , Bear, and Aites, hes bene ufed to be mealured be hcape : and for efehewing of fraud, thinkis expedient and ordainis, that all viflualles fall be mcafuredbe the ftraike in time cuniming : Seeing be thejuft tryalland examination, the lieape in proportion , is found the thrid of the Firlot or peck : And that the forefaid meafures of the Fir- lot.andPcck, ftand univerfallie : receiving and delivering three for twa, or fex for four , of Malt, Beir, and Aites, according to the proportion abone written: Except the water- metre, to remaine according to the ufe of the Countrie. And that there be double ftanderts of the Firlot , maid of Brafte , be the Burgh of Linlitbcow , and of the forefaids uthers mettes and weightes , be the utheris Burrowes , to qufiom they have bene conunitted of auld : And ane of everie ane of them, to remaine in the Regifter, andtheuther, with the faidis Burrowes : And the juft meafure and quantitie of the lame , to be direfl furtli be tlie faids Burrowes, to the haill Lieges of this Realnie, to be ufed univerfallie, in manet and forme be¬ fore rchcarfed. AND That the forefaidis weehtes , mettes , and meafures , with the quhilkis , all and quhat-fum-cvet perfones, fallbehaldento buy, fell, mett, meafure, wey and receive, have courfe allanerlie , widiia tliis Realme, atter the twcnticfexday oS Ma 'tj ^ nixt-to-cum : and na utheris weehtes, mettes, nor meafures, under tlicpainesconteined in the Afles of Parliament, maid here anent , in his umquhile’deareft Modicts dayes. And that all Firlortes to be ufed in niercattes , baitli to Burgh and Land , be burnt and fcaled , widt the burning iron of the head Burgh of the Schire , quliairin the faids mcrcattes ar halden. And that the Pro- vefts and Baillies ol Burrowes and Cities , baith ot Regalitie and Royaltie : And als the Bailhes of Burrowes ui Barronie , and uthers quhat-fum-ever places , quhair mercattes of vifluall ar halden , fall be bound that all nica- ELLEVENTH TARLIAMENT. XXIX. of Juli,. ^93 j- res to be ufed , fall be of anc forme and quantitie , according to this prefent Aft. And gif ony di(Fe- futes be found iitpnic of the places abone written ; the faids Provelles and Baillies of Royalties , Re- and Barronnics , to be acculable thereof , conformeto the faidis Aftes and Lawes , maid be his I and Barronmes , - - , h deareft Mother of before. PROVIDING Alwayes , gif onie perfones be founded or in- -addebtedbetack or contrafl of auld , or new fermes of uther meafures, tlien ar abone written ; ^*^1 ’■ °f undarion, infcftmeiit, tack, or contrafl, quliidder it be mait or lefle, fail be proportioned to Tb^“’ ,, that now is ; Swa that the fame quantitie, fall remaine with tire giver and receiver , but th'* of onie of them. And oxdainis the Clerk of Resifter , to infert this, prefent Afl, quhilkisof the ptejuaic ^ thefirftday of November, the zeir of God , 1587. zeires , in the buiks of ment ad futuramreimetnoriam ; And that letters bedirefl for publication of the premiftes , be Proclamation , at the mercat-ctoce , of the head BurrowesofthisRealme, and utheris places neede- r^ '• That nane pretend ignorance of the fame. Commanding and chargeing , all and fmdrie , the f i ' Proveftes and Baillies of Barronies and Cities, baitli of Regalitie andRoyitie : And als the Bail- r °'*f Burrowes in Barronie, and utheris quhat-fum-ever places, quhair mercattes of vifluall ar halden, °r in execution this prefent Aft , and everie parte thereof , fa far as concernes them : Swa that 'u ®’ftme may take full effefl , after the faid xxvj. day of May , nixt to cum : After the forme and of the faidis Acles of Parliametit, and under the paines abone written , conteined therein ; with to them, and they failzie, they fall be called, accufed, and the paines of the faidis Aftes ai be execute upon them . ;in all rigour , in exemple of utheris. N S. the roll Of the XI T ANDTS-LORDS and BAILLIES of LANDES dwelling on die ^“ordouts and in the Hieiandes, quhair Broken meii lies dwelt, and PK^ntlie dwellis. To the quhiLk Roll, the 94. Afte of tins Parliament is relative. CMiddle (March. The Earle Both-well. The Laird of Farnie.herft. The Earle of lyingm. The Laird of Buek-ckmh. ^ The Schireffe oITeviot-daill. The Laird of Bed-rmtk. The Laird of Wattchof. The Lord Elereis. The Laird of George Eurne-bull of Halrevk, The Laird of Littk-dsne. ^ The Laird of Tlrum-langrig. The Laird of Ghijholme. JVefi (March. The Lord (Maxwell. The Laird oi’Drum-langrig. The Laird of Johneftoun. The Laird of Aple-girth. The Laird of Holmends. The Laird of Gratnay. The Lord Hereis. The Laird of Titm-widdie, The Laird of Lochin-auar. Eattdis-lords and Baillies. Mlelandes and Iks. The Duke of Unnox. The Laird of Bmbannan. The Laird oi Mak-farlane of the Arroqubmr. The Laird of Lr#. The Laitd Mak-canla of Ardmcaple. The Laird of Merchlnfton. The Laird of Gknnegyis. The Earle of Gkn-cairne. The Laird of EfrumquhaJJill. The Laird of KUcreuch. The Tutour of Menteith. The Laird of Knokijill. Henry Schaw of Camhtifmtr. The Laird of Kipfenrop. The Laitd of Burley. The Laird of Keir. The Maifter of 'Levmgflmn. The Lord of T)mm. The Lord Tlrummund. The Laird oiTulliehardm. The Laird of Glen-urquhy. The Laird of \M.weris. The Laitd of Weyme. Tt »94 KING JAMES THE S E X T The Abbot of Inche-chajri^. Cohne CamJ>beU of Ardbcith. The Laird of Glen-lym. The Erie of \_Athok. Tire Laird of GrantuUie. The Laird Strowane, Rohert-finne. The Laird Strowane , ^Murray. The Laird of IVefter-wetnes. The Laird, of Abbot s-hall. The Laird of Teling. The Laird of Inch-Martme. The Laird of Tury-Fotthringhame. The Laird of Moncreif. The Laird of Balleachen. The Barron of Fandowie. The Erie of Errojl. The Erie of Gewrie. The Laird of Cultiebragane. The Lord Ogilvie. The Laird of Clouay. The Laird of Fintrie. The Laird of Edzell. The Erie of Marre. The Maifter of 'ElPhinflouH. The Erie of Himtlie. The Maifter of Forbes. The Laird of Grant. Makinto/cbe. The Lord and Tutour of Lovate. Cbijholme of Cummer. The Laird of Glengarrey. Mackeinzie. The Laird of Fowlis. The Laird of Batnagoun. The Tutor of Cromartie. The Erie of Suther-land. The Laird of T)uffus. James Innes of Touchis. The Erie of Caithnes. The Erie Marfchell. The Lord Olijhant. The Laird of Bowquholly. The Laird of Tiutmybeith. Mackye of Far. Torquhill Mak-lewid oiTogtyth, The Laird of Garhch, Makgilliechallum of Raarfay. Mak.lewid of the Harrich. Mackimmn of Strathodell. Mak-lewid of tire hewifi. MakneiU of Bara. Mackeane of Ardnamurchen. iMlane Mackeane of Hand Terim. The Laird of Kiwydert. GMacklene of T)owart. The Laird of Ardgower. John Stewart of me tJMackoull of Ijorne. t-Mackoull of Roray. The Laird of Ijochinnell. The Laird of Caddell. The Laird of Skelmurelie for Rauchry. Mackondachy of Innerraw. Angus Uackoneil of Dunnyweg , and the Glennts The Laird of Gowip. The Schireffe of Bute. The Laird of Camys. The Erie of Argile. The Laird of i.Auchinbrek. The Laird of Ardkinglas. lAahtauchtane. "Mak-lauchlane. The Laird of Gawmount. The Laird of Tarbreck. The Laird of Duntrune. Conftableof ZJaWif, G.o{ Glalhy, The Laird of ¥,lenegreg. The Laird of Otter. The Laird of Coll. Macklene of Gochunie. 'Makfee of Collon/ay. The Lord Hammiltoun. THE X H E roll Of the rl«t- hes CAPTAINES and CHIEFTAINES, quhom on they depsnde. CLANN of their Landis-Lordes, alfweili on the Bordetires, as Hie-landes; ®ium«s sg of Braunches of tlie faidis Clannes. tM'arche. Elkttes. l^tckfinies. Creftrs- Wefi iMurctis. Scettes of Eufdatl'- Seatifmms. Littles. Gkndmnmges. Irvkges. Belles. £srrutherei. Crahmes. Slimes, knes. ittes. Lititmrsi ‘Hie-landes end Iks. Bmhamannes. . Makfm-hms of die Amquheir. Mek-knabbes. ^ahames of Menteith.^ Stmmss ef Balquhiddef. Clanne-Gregm-e. Clan-Lmeren. ■ 'Camf belles of Jjtchinsl. ' Camf'klks of Innerraw. 'Clatt-dmuall of Larne. Stewartes of Ijmte,. or of Appn. Ckn-Mackeane Awricht. Stewartes oiAthoill and, partes adjacent. ClmmeADmmquh) in AthoUl, and paites adjacent Mein&tes in Atbull and v^nadull. 'Qmrmak-Xhmas in Gleufihe. Fergufimes. Spaidinges-. , . Makintojehes, in t^thoUL Clati-Chamrm. Ckn-Rannddm'Loch-Aber. aafi-RatmaldoiKmydert, Moydert, ^Glengarrei. Cian-ljewid of the 'Lewis. Clm-ljwid of 'Herrich. Clan-Neill. Clati-Kinnm. CkH-Jedne. , 'Oanidhattane. Grmtes. Frafires. ClaudKeiwzk. Clan-Avercis.- Munroes. , ■ Murrajes in Smtbsrh^ Tt X A N E 1^6 KING JAMES THE S E XT ANE TABLE Of the T A RT ICV LA R t^CTES andutherh, maid be KING JAtMES the Se in this elleventh ^Parliament, the twentie nine ofjulij, the zeir of GOP), ane thou^ fand , five hundreth , foure-ficoir fiven zeires , nocht imfirented. I f^Ommiffion anent the Cuinzie. ^ K^CommiJJion for ane Taxation anent the Kingis mariage. Commtffion for eflablifhing of ane miverfall mette , meafitre-, and wecht. Comm'lffion for fatisfaBion of file Cletgie fir their life-rentes. Commiffion anent the Prioritie of places, and voyting in Parliament. i_Anent our Soveraine Lordis privie Councell. / Ratification of the Priviledge of the Seffion. 8 AB in favour of the Lordes of Seffion, as fall become aged and m-able. 9 Anent the vacance of the Seffion. o Ratification of the ABcs anent Fore-flallercs and Regratoures. 1 ABe in favoures of them, quha hes maid payment. Dona fide, to FaBoures. - ABe anent fewes and tackes ^Kelfo, fubfcribed bee Sit John Maitland. Certaine maters remitted to the Checker. Anent the wed-fitting of the Kingis profertie. Anent granting of refpettes and remiffiones. Anent univerfall concord amangfl the Kingis lieges. Ratification of the pacification , reftitntion and abolition , granted to ouT Soveraine at diverfe Parliamentes of before. ABe in favoures of the Noble men, being with the Kingis tMajeftie at Striviiing Ratification to the Er/e of Angus, of the 'Szledome o/Mortoun. ^ Submiffion of the controverfie , betaixt the ^rle of Angus, and the Lorde Fkmmg AB annulling of the richtes and titles oTDumfermdine, maid be the (Maifier o? Gray ^'‘%tne7 «^C«wfurd, of the Bajlardrie of tMaifter George CreichtQun ^ <^B betuixt the Erk u/ Cravvfurd , and the Burgh e/Dundie. ijf \^B in favour of the Maifter of Graham*. If kAB in favour of the Erie ofMarr. a6 Submiffion betuixt the Countelfe s/Murray, and the Lairde fl/Pettarrow 17 Ratification of the Erkdome of Gov/iie. 1% AB in favour of the maifter Eglingtoun. Claud, Paiflay Cambuflane. }o AB m favour «/ Claud HanmUtoun, fonne to the CmmendatarofViiSiw. 31 AB tn favour of 'fltfi.e.t, Commendatar of ^hnnte. ^ Bruyfe, touching the lAbbacie e/Kinloflc. 33 Rattfiiatwn to CommendatarofEhiScwim 34 In favoures of the Commendatar c/Scone. 3f In favour of maifter James Haliburtoun. 36 Of the College of Glalgow. 37 Of the new Colkge 0/ Saint-Andrewes. 38 Anent the parfimage ^ Dunfe. David Lindefay, Minifter at Leith 40 0/ Thomas Hutfoun, Maifter of his Hienefie Chappell Rmall. 4 1 KAneiit the benefices prefented be the Erk of Orkniy 41 Ratification ft the mfeftments of Sir Jolin Maitland e/Thitkftaie 43 To maifter Peter Young, o/Seytoun. 44 o/r Patrick Vaus, s/ Barnebartow Knight. offh^^rche.deanrieomK.RnStt^^ 46 c/fe uther to the find maifter George, and John Andro tl f ‘ and her bamm, thrife 48 In favour of John Achefon. 49 lAnent the aires of Mony-ward. 4 y 6 7 15 »4 16 17 19 10 a-3 5 Knight. $0 Is I ELLEVENTH PARLIAMENT. XXIX. of Julij. 1^87. 197 jfi favDures ^ James and John Meinzies. jieniijr‘»n rf Ldrd «f Duryis fufflkatim to the KingLs Mqjefiie. jH in favour of the \Mird of Roflyitli. In favour ^ James Stewart, fenne to the Er/f ^Buchane. In favour of David Fergufl&n of Glenfchintot. ilr Ratificatm to the ^Edinburgh, of the infrftment mid ts them, Aimt the Mentatim nftheMmfirie.Puir, andColkge. 5 Ratification of the Hojfitall of the Burgh «/Petth. \ Ratification to the 'Burgh of Mont-rofc. l i Commiffien in favour of the Citis of Glafgow. ' Jn favour of the Gold-fmithes. 60 Ratification to the Burgh of Bmnt-Iiand. 61 An kAII in favour af the Burgh e/Cattaill. Of the Tmm of Auftrudisr. 63 Of the Craftef-men Fleminges, 54 Confirmatimto'Mssk, L»r''ks,giftlieybelauchfulhcruled, befuffi- ftandiiij; TWELFTH PARLIAMENT. V. of Jim i). 1591. ^99 j, of quhac-fum-ever Statutes , Ades, Caiione, Civill, or Municipal Lawes, made in the contrai-e. To I liTlkis and everie ane of them . thir prefentcs fall make exprefle derogation : And becaufe there ar divers I' a irnent, maidinfavourofthePapifticallKirke, tending to the prejudice of the libertie of tire 3od, prefentlie profefled witliin tliis Realme , jurifdiftioii and difeipline thereof; Qiihilk iit tii r re buikes of die Aftes of Parliament , noclit abrogated nor annulled : Therefore his Hienefie, JFftaite '■> cfaids, hes abrogated , cafled, and annulled , andbeethetenour hereof, abrogaus, cadis ^''d nniiUisah AftcsofParliamentraaidbeonieofhisHieneflePrcdeceflbures, for maintenance of fuper* rr°oiandi 'olatrie, with all and quhat-fumeverAfts, Lawes and ftatutes , maid atony time, before the d'Vanddait hereof, againft die libertie ofthetrew Kirk, jutifdiftionanddifciplinetheirof, asthefamin is fJd and exercifed widiin this Realme. Andinfpeciali , diat part ofthe Aft of Parliament, halden at Striviling, tliefourdi day of November, q., jjofGod, aneth'oufimd, fourhuiidreth, fourciediree zeires, commaiuiding obedience to be given ^ A«?CT«fWche'P«^^’for the time : The Afte maid be King James the tlirid , In his Parliament hal- d° xEdinbwxh, thetwentiefourdayof ThezeirofGod, ane thoufand , four liundrcth , four f 'ir zeires. And all utheris Aftes, quhairby the Paifts audtoritie is eftablilhed. The Afte of King j, jhetlirid, in his Parliament halden at thetwentiedayeofiYTOCOTfcr, the zeir of God, ane thoufand , four hundred! , tlireefcoir nine zeires , anciit the Satterday , and utlier vigiles to be lialic-daies, from Even-fang to Even-fang. ITEM, Tliatpairtofthe Aft, mvIIhs^-it§lueeHe Regent , in the Parliament halden at the cM^gaoiFebruar : The zeir of GOD, anedioufaad , five hundreth , fiftie ane zeires, giving fpeciall licence , for balding (APafihe and Zule. ITEM The Kiiigis Majeftie and Eftaip , forefaidis , declaris , tliattlieia9- AfteoftheParliament, halden at , tliexxij.dayofCWai/, the zeir of God , ane tlioufand. tivehunieth, fourfeoir, fourzeires, fall 11a wife be prejudicial!, nor derogate oniediing to the nriviledge riiat God lies given to the fpirituall office-bearers in the Kirk , concerning heads of Religion, maters ofHerelie, Excommunicarion , collation or deprivation of Minifters, or ony fik-like efleiitiall cenfours , fneciallie grounded, and havand watrand of the word of God. ITEM Our SovetaLne Lord, and Eftaites cTPadiament forefaidis, abrogatis, caffis, andannulKs, theAftofdiefameParliament, halden at E;f;«- htrgb , we faid zeir , ane tliouTand , five hundreth , fourfeoir four zeires , granting commiffion to Bifehoppes, and atiiens Judges, conftituteitiEcclefiafticallcaufes, to receive his Hienefie prefentationes to Benefices, to give collation thereupon-, andtoputordour in all caufes Ecclefiafticall : quhilk his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaidis, declaris to be expired in the felfe, and to be null in time camming, andofnaneavaill, fotcenor effect. And therefore ordainis all prefentations to Benefices , to be direft to the particular Presbyteries , in all time camming ; widi full power tagive collation thereupon ; And to put orefour to all maters and caufes Ecclefiafticall widiin theitboHudes, according to the difeipline of the Kirk : Providing the forefaid Pref- byteries be bound and aftrifted, to receive and admitcquliat-fiimever qualified Minifter, prefented be bis Majeftie, or laick patrones. lie. Pnt-qmlifiei psrfines king deprived , the benefice vakis , and the Patron not prefentand, therkht of prefientatimi perteinisto the Presbyterie, hut p-ejudice of the tackes , fet be the perfon deprived. OUR SOVERAINE LORD ConfideringdiegreatabufesquhilkisarkitliecroppeninthcKirk, tlirow the misbehavcouroffikperfones, as ar provided to Ecclefiafticall funftions: Sik as Parlonages and Vicarages, widiin onie Parochiii, and thereafter neglefting their charge, adier leave their cure, or els com- mittisfikcames faultes, or enormities, that they ar found wordiieofthefentence of depnvation adier beiore their awin Presbyterie, or elfe before the Sy nodall or Generali affiemblies. Quhilk fentence is the leffie regarded be them, Becaufe albeit diey be deprived of their funftion and Cure within the Kirk zit they thmke they may bruik kwMietheprofitesandrentesofeheitfaidis benefices, induriiig their life-rentes ; Notivithftanding tliefaidfentence of deprivation: Therefore, OUR SOVERAINE LORD With adv.fe of the Eftaites of diis prefent Parliament , declaris , that aU and quhat-fumever fentences of deprivation , ather pro- nuncedaheadic, or that iiappenis to be pronunced hereafter, be onie Presbyterie , Sy nodall, or Generali affemblies, avainft onie PaXn or Vicar, within their Jurifdiftion, provided fen liisHieneffie Coronation; All Parfones," provided to Parfonages and Vicarages, quha lies voit in Parliament, fecreit Conncell and Seffion, or provided thereto of auld, before the Kingis Coronation {Kn&U^IieTGewgeTonng , Arch- d.tiVLZcASamt-Andre'mes , being fpeciaiiie excepted) is, and fall be repute in ail Judgcmentes, ane juft caufe to feclude die patfon before provided , and then deprived from all profites , commodities , rentes and atiddewtiesofthc faid Parfonage and Vicarage, or benefice of Cure : And diat atlictbeeway of aftion, exception or reply. And that the faid fentence of deprivation, fallbeeanc fufficientcauie toma , Benefice, to thereby. And the faid fentence being eKtrafted, Patrone faU be bound to prefent ane qualified perfon of new to die Kirk, within the fpace of fex Moneths Aetafter : And eif he fflzie to do the fame , the faid Patrone fall tine the ticht of prefcntation , ^ for that timeallanetlie : Andtherichtofprefentationtobe devolved inthehand^ofdie Presbytaie, within the ■ quhilkthebeneficelics: to the e&tliat they may difpone the fame, and give collation thereof, ■j;; - king JAMES THE S E X T _ qualified pcrfon , as tliey fall think expedient. Providinp; alwayes , in-cafe die Presbytery refufis to admitt onie qualified Miniftcr , prefented to them be the Patronc : It fall be lauchhiU to the Patrone , to retcine the haillftuitesofthcfaid Benefice in his awin handcs. Andfurder, his Hienelle and Eftaircs forefaidis, declairis that the deprivation already ptoniinccd , or to be pronunced, be onie Presbyterie, Synodall, or Generali alTemblies , againll onie of the Parfones or Vicars forefaidis , fall na-vvayes hurt , or be prejudicial! to ony tackes, lawfuUie felt be diat Perfoii deprived , before liis deprivation, to quhat-fun,. ever perfones. lift. Nwut CManfes and glebes in Cathedrall and i^bbaie Kirkes. OUR Sovcrainc Lord , With advife of die Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , flatutis and ordainis; That the AcflsofPadiament maid of before, anent Manfes and Glebes, to be given to Minifters of Gods Italic Evaiigell , widiindiisRealme, fall beunderftandand extended to allAbbayes, and Cathedrall Kirkes, within this Rcalmc , qiihairnautlietMaiife nor Glebe, perteiningtoParfonor Vicar, was of bt- fore : Swa that the Minifters prefendie admitted, orquhilkishereaiterfallhappento be admitted, to die Office or Cure of the Miiiifterie, within the faid Kirk , fall have ane futficient Manfe and dwelling place, within the ptecinift of the Abbaie quhait he fervis : Togidder with foute acres of land , of the beft and maiii commodious, lyand contigue , and maift eweft to the laid Manfe , quliilk perteinis , or in onie time of be¬ fore pcrtcincd , to the faid Abbaie, or onie member thereof : Qiihidderthcfaminland lye within the faid prccinfl, or without the fame , gif there be fa meikle , as may extend to the qiiantitic of foiirc acres , to be defigned, inhabit, occupied, laboured, manured; conforme to die tenour of the Afte of Parliament, maid of before, anent Manfes and Glebes , to be given to the Minifters of Gods word, widiindiisRealme: wirhfpcciallprovifion, that it fall be in the option of rhe Abbotes , Ptiores, and utheris Prelates and per- foncs quhat-fumever , fewares of the faidis Cathedrall , and Abbaie places ; ailiet to grant ane Manfe to the Miniftcr, withintheprecindloftlieirplace : Orelfe, ane fufficieiit Manfe, lyand als eweft and commo¬ dious to die Paroche Kirk. 1 1 7. Ane -aioman divorced for her adulter te , may not anualieordtjpoticherlandsorpof- fejioncs , in frejudice of the bairnes , gotten the time of her mariage , orofheruther aires qubat-fiim-ever. IT Is ftatutc and ordained be our Soveraine Lord, and Eftaites oftliis prefent Parliament, tliatquhen-fo- cver ony woman is, or lies bene divorced fra her lauchfull fpoufe , for her awi n fault and oflenfe of adul. tcric; And complcitisunlawfull and pretended mariage with the fame perfon, with quliom (lie committed the faid offence, or plainly and openlie dwellis and refortis in companiewirhhimatbedandbuird; gifthe have ony lands, heritage, tackes, rowmes or poffeftions : It fall not be lauchfull for her to difpone, annallie, lot put awaic the famin, in all, or in part , ather to her faid pretended husband and adulterer : or to the fucceflion proceeding of that pretended mariage, or carnal deale : nor to quhat-fum-ever uther perfon or perfons, in pre¬ judice and hurt of the aires and fucceflion, procteat upon the faid firft lauchfull mariage : or failziena of them, of her uther lauchfull aires quhat-fum-ever , nor to do onie deed , directly nor indirectly , that may hurt and prejudge them therein : and declairis and ordainis , that the aires and fucceflburs of her , procreat in the faid firlf lauchfull manage ; and failzieng of them , her utlier lauchfull aires quhat-fum-ever, at and fall be able to fucccede to her after her deceafe, in the faidis landes, heritage, tackes, and polTefliones: Notwithftanding anie alienation or difpofition maid in onie time by-gane , or to be maid hereafter in the conttair , quhilks pre¬ tended alienations and difpofitions, maid or to be maid, in maner forefaid ; our Soveraine Lord , and Eftaites of Parliament, dccernis and declaris to have bene , and to be null from the beginning , and ordainis the faid nullitie to be received and admitted, by way ofexception or reply ; But ony procelleorfummoundsofre- duftion , alfwcill before the Lordcs of Counccll and Seflion, as before tire inferiour Judges, inlerviceof brieves, and all uther aftiones and caufe,s , quhait-ever the famin may occur: And ordainis this prefent conftitution , to have full effeft , anent all difpofitiones and alienationes forefaidis : gif onie be maid , fen the Parliament halden be our Soveraine Lord , after liis perlite age of xxj. zeires comnleit in the Moneth of >///■, the zeir of God, 15-87, zeites. s ■' 1 • n8. All committers of flauchter, within Kirkes or Kirk-csairdcs , and receifters of them, ajter declaratour , tines their life-rentes. IT Is ftatute , ordained and declared , that quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones committis flauchter within onie Kirk or Kirk-zaird , the time ol the Prayer, preaching, or miniftration of the Sacramentes ; That per- lon or perfones , committers ofthe faid flauchter, being ather denunced rebelles, or declared fugitive for die fame; The Kingis Majeftie fall have full power, not onhe to difpone uponthem, their Ample efeheit of mov ables : but allwa upon the life-rent oi all and quhat-fum-ever their landes, hvinges , tackes, teindcs, rowmes or pofltifibns®!-. And declaris, that quhar-lum-ever perfon or perfons, fall happen to receipt ony ol the laids perlons , quha beis denunced rebelles or fugirive , for the faids llauchtcrs committed witliin die faides 301 TIFELFTH T ARLl AMENT. V. of ’'junlj Iy9^. r-j- Kirks or Kirk-zairds, dcclaratour b£ [nctr the fame paiiie and tinfall of their ly ft dcclaratour being firft pad upon tlieir faid receipt, "e-rentes. The reccipters of them fall 1 1 9 . %reBion ofKirh-landes and teindes in temforall Lord-jhiffes , ts forbidden. Tpl E Kingis Majeftie and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , for efchewing of the great iiiconvenientes likelie to arife , throw ereftionoftemporalities and teindes of Kirk-land, in temporall Lord-lhippes , vinoesto the prejudice of the Kirk, and hurt of his Majefties Eftaite, and priviledge of his Crown: n*fl*a'nis°aiid dedaris that na eteflioiies of die fotefaides Lands and teindes , maid fen the Aft of annexation, f H I e ratified or given in this Parliament , nor in na time hereafter ; And in-cafe ony ereftion happenis to be I Pined in onie nme cumming, The Kings Majeftie and Eftaites fotefaids , declairis the fame to be null , d of nane efieft in the felfe , exceptand alwayes , like as our faid Soveraine Lord , and Eftaites abone writ- ^ jjfly exceptis and refervis all ereftiones , charters, and infeftrnentes . granted be his Hienes , offik ties and portiones of the Kitk-landes , alreadie erefted in temporall Lord-!liippes and Barronnies , to fik ^*fcn orpetfones, as hes alreadie , fentliefaidlait Aftofamiexacion, received tiie, honours, ordours and Sates of Lords of Parliament , bethefolemne forme of belting, and uthers Ceremonies obferved in fik ca'ies and hes fenfine entered and fmen in Parliament , as temporall Lordes voted in Parliament , and Ar- tides, received and admitted to that efieft. lao. Sayers of Jefuites, Seminarie-Priefles , trajfcqumgV!i^\&.ti, mtdreceif- teres of ony of them , cmnmittis treajon. The Kingis Mijcftie, and Eftaites oftliis prefent Parliament, ratifies and appreivis . all and quhat- fumevetAftes of Parliament, fecret Councell and Proclamations, maid of before , againft JeJuites^ ^tmmark-Frtefies , andtrafficquingT'a/^M, andrcceiptersofonieofthem; And decernis and dedaris , riat in aU time cumming, the faying of cTfe#, receipting of Semmarie-Triefies trafhequing 9 Mies aeainft the Kinds Majeftie , and Keiigion prefentlic profeilcd wichm this Reaime ; Is , am lali be aneiuft caufe, to infertile paine and crime oftteafon, baitli againft the Jefuites, Mefe-'Prieftes, ttafficquing Papiftes, andreceiptersoftiiem. Providing howfoone the and , faiilnes die Prince and the Kirk , the forefaid pcnaltie na-wife to ftrike againft the faidis receipters. izi. Ratification of the maid in YAitut, lyS/. Lt favonres of the CMiniflers , Their Jtifendes and rentes. OUR Soveraine Lord , and liaill Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, ratifies, apprievis, andconfir- mis die Aft maid be his Hienes, widiadvifeofthe Lordes oflecceit Councell, Sellion and checker, upondiexiv.dayomW, diezeitofGodiySy.zeires ; In favours of the Mmiftery , that ftipendes and rentes ; And decernis and dedaris , die famin to have the ftrengtli , force and efFcft , of ane Law and Aft of Parliament, in all times cumming: And al Judges within this Realrae, t^roceeJe, decide, and Mi- nifterjufticeiiiall aftioncs and caufes , concerning die faidis Minifters , thcit alhgiiationes , ftipendes an tents; According to die forme, tenour and contents ofthefaid Aft in all poyiites, quhairof the tenour fol- lowis. Ki-Ediuburgh , thexiv.dayeof AeWf, thezeirofGoJ, anethoufaiid, hvehundretli.fourfcore fevenzeires : ForffameikleasintheMonethof ©wwii?/-. thezeirofGod, ij6i.zeiies,foonerfrerthe arriving of out Soveraine Lotdis deareft Mother , out of the partes of France , withm this Reaime ; ^ Conful- tation being taiie be her Majeftie, with the advifeoftlie Lordes of her fecteitCounceil, and uthens of the Nobilitytlienprefent. anent die provifion of the Minifters , to tcalonable and competent livings and lupport of die pubiick affaires of the Reaime : And to that efieft , conference being had with the Prelates , & uthens ofthe Ecclefiafticall Eftaite : <^uliais offeres being heard and confidered ; It was concluded , decerned and ordained; That gif the feird part of the fruites of the haill benefices Ecclefiaftiall, withm diisRealmemiiglit befulBdenho fuLnetheMnifters, throw-out thehaillpartes thereof, andfupportofdicta^^ tertemeaadfecfor-watdethecommounafFairesoftheCountne: Andfadziengtlereof, thedind^ faidis ftuites andmit: qiihiliitwcre fuffident to the effeft forefaid, fold be zeirly up-t^en .n tim.ecum- ming. tote ployed to die twa ufes abone fpecified allanerlie. And thereafter, m the Parham^ dendle firft zj of our Soveraine Lordis lleignc ; It was ftatute and of Benefices wdiia this Reaime. fold then inftaiitlie in all times cummng . vV™ to die Minifters of tlieEvangell, and their SuccelTouts : perteining to eyerie ane of them , the reft and , fold be employed Hienes ufc , quhair-throw the famin become , as an inviolable Law. An e J L Friers- and his umquhile deareft Mother, was in pt^^^c^ble poffeffion of die faidis thtiddes of Kirkes^ laiides : Swatiiattheieby theMiniftersofGodsword . blick affaires, honeftiierufteiiied. And albeit the plainewordes of the ufe, effeft and mention thereof, to have tended to na udier fine, bot fonablie fufteined , and die charge of the pubiick affeires fofficientlie «« f then adict ditow jnoportune fuites of fum pcrfoifos , rnair refpefting tlieit awm par i l > KING JAMES THE SENT the fuftciitatioii of the Minifters , or his Hiciies honourable Eftaite , and the comnioun weill of chc^f i ' His Hienes , and his umqiihile dcareft Mother , lies bene moved to make difpofition of the faid EperfP"^- ' pcnfion, ortodifchatgeandirivcthefamefree, to cercainepoflellbures of benefices: Ottoniakcta k afiedationesofthefamethrides, conimoun Kirkes , Friers-landes, and rentes thereof : Quhair-throi | remainislittlcornathingtobedifponcdon, athertobe modified, afilgncd and appoynted for livine*''^'* ftipcndcs , for fik qualified perfones , as God may raife up hereafter meete to enter in the function of? nilberie , or to fupplie the publick affaires of the Eftaite of his Hienefle Realme. Foravoydingolquhilkinconvenicntes; albeit diverfe revocations oi tliefaidis giftes, tackes and d f tiones, lies bene maid before, and namelic be his Hienefle umqiiliile deareft Mother , after her perfir°"' intheMonethofde/rf;»^ff, ane tlioufand , five liundrctli , tlireefcorefexzeires : And thereafter 1^ Hienefle, with advife of die Regentes lor the time , in die Monedi of , the zeir of God , ane 1 ^ fand, fivehundrcth, threefcore threttene zeires : As alfwa in the Parliament , hMm lit Edii'ibunhx' zeir of God 15-8 r , and 1^84. zeires. Andlaftofall, in die Parliament , lialdcn after his Hienes nerf age ol twentie ane zeires compleit , in die Monetli oVJnlij , laft by-paft. By die quhilk revocationes JpeHiveloteUdis ; Itisfoundenalfo be his Hienefle deareft Modier , after her perfite age : Aslikewi’f?" his Hienefle felfe , and three Eftaites conveened in Parliament : That die faidis diridcs of benefices ^4 fiperflmtUiKoi, commoun Kirkes , Friers-landes, andrentes being afliimed and taken in his HienelT halides, forfuftcntationoftheMiniftcrie, and fupport of the publick aflaites, might not be difponed given uther- waves , but applycd to the fame ufe and efFeft , diat they were ordained to at the bceinnin”' And that fpeciallie, inrelpeitthat thcrecanbena7»/-er-//»rofthc faidis thriddes, unto the time tliattP’ faidis Mmiftcrs had bene fufficienthe placed and provided of dicir ftipendes ; (^uhilkis being variable ft zeir to zeir die condition alfwa of the {mi\s fiferfhs , behooved to be incertaine, and confequendi^ cidd not be difponed but from zeir to zeir : And that after the faidis Minifters afllgnation , and fiiffidenr ptovifion of his Majeftics lioiife , quhilk was fpeciallie nieaned and underftand , under the name of the faid pubhek affaires : And therefore , aU fik giftes , Penfiones , tackes and difpofitiones of the faidis tlirids commoun Kirkes , Friers-landes, and rentes thereof, granted be his Hienefle deareft Mother prbehis Ma’ jeftics felfe ; Orutherwayes be his Regentes, alfweill confirmed in Parliameni, as un-’confirmed he expreflewordesofthefatdis Revocationes confirmed in Parliament, at decerned and declared to be of ilaiie availe , force nor effeft , but ome declaratour or ptocefle of reduftion , as the famin in tliemfelves at iiinV lengtli proportis .• Zit neverdielefle the faid revocation, be thefamin, as before , lies bene evacuate and f ru Itratc , and the faidis giftes and difpofitiones partclie ratified , in his Hienefle laft Parliament nartelie renewed after his Hienefle perfite age, to the fame perfones , and utheris of the like qualitie, quhairthrow 'if ^'"1 fruftrate in all times ciimming : Like as alfo fii ft be Adlof fecrcitCounceU, aiidnixtbe Acfte oparliament ; Itisftatute and ordained, that allBeneficesof andthelaickpatrones, in fevour of the able and qua ificd Minifters, aptandable to enter 111 that funftion, and to difiliarge tliedewtie thereof- QiJiilfc inlike-wift hestaiienaefreft: But conttair the exprefTeftatute and meaning thereof, the faidis bewfices hes bene difponed to bairnes and utlicris perfones, altogether un-able for the faid office and fuiiflion- " ■ ^'’‘J,“*^™'‘«‘’e(''“dfullrefignation, of tlieufu-fruauates, wicli provifioii iie- vcrthelcfl'e, that the famin fall temaine widi the ufu-frufluares , during their life-times, expLIe^lftall tlK elorTerf God'’^^^ aigeol before : Swa that the onelie twa meanes of the advancefneiit of flnaf bTncfi^c?s Hifthe" l" commoun Kirkes, and difpofitiones of the famin ImaU benchces , Is be the malice of inconfiderat perfones , alluterlie fubvertedf quhairbv eteat con- fu fions lies entred , and diverfe inconvenientes like to follow , gif tinious and fubftantious remeid fe not pro- vided : FOR remcid quhairof, and reformation of the faidis abufesof the diriddes, conmioun Kiies, RAN EL OR n e'* ’ “1 ^ducing of the famin to their firft inftitution : OUR SO V e: ^1^ I ^ in ^ ^ ’ e'' ]’ ^“"^des of his Hieneffc feercit Councell Seflion and Checker, all m ane voice, fiiidisand deelaris, that the dirides of Benefices, commoun Kirke Fries landes, andrentes, being onlie deftinat to the tiva ufes abone fpecified, aeemdinroTe SfAfeof Counccll, Parliament and revocation forefaidis following diereupon, might be difponed given or em- a' 1 “'‘r 4ilk tlie^ were appoynted^ard e Lain- nmg. And fik-like that na penfions , tack, or life-rent . oftheVaid fipelflm, oFLLmnlmi Khkes mielit or may be difponed in time eummiiig , for onie langer fpace nor the fpaee rf aT z^ • S fo\ f5dni%f Hs Maieflh ^lTig>taciones of the llinifters ftipendes, 'Ld fufficient ptovifion, iver PCI fionf 1 rt^?, f ' c decemis and deelaris , all and quliat-funi- XtCrS" o hffi purchaled, or to bepurcliafed (Quhaitby the faidis ditids , fufer- eslKnel ndhed^ Frieres-landes , and rentes abone writ- generall TJ'/ELFTH TARLl AMENT. V. ccember, ane thoufand hundteth, fourfeore five zeires ■■ And the ad maid in the Parliament , halden at Edinburgh, in the Monetl f JulJ, 15-87 zeires : Ratifiand the faidis acts, with the haill eikes maid thereto , ar onely extendine 'a maid in favour of fik iierfons , quha profeffis the trew religion , as the famin is ptefently profefled within tL Realme : and lies acknawledged his Hienes authoritie ; And chat na petfon nor perfons , quha wet fotefalr H conviscofbatrarrie: or quha tint their benefices or penfions, ipfi facto, may be heard to feek the benefi ’ of the faids acts, or ony of them : or to ufe onie reftitution, or ratification thereof, before that they profes tl*^ crew religion, as the fame is prefentlie profefled within this Realm , and acknawledge our faid Soveraine Loed^ and his authoritie: And this act, not onclie to be extended againfl all perfons, quha lies bene forefaulKd’ convictofbarratrie, and tint their benefices ipfo faBo, at onie time before thedaithereof; Butalfotoali perfones, that fall happen at onie time, hereafter, to be forefaultcd , convict of Barratrie, or lauclifuUii tine and amit their benefices and penfiones. ^ 1x4. Anent the dewtie of Schireffes and Judges or dinar , their deputes and Clerks. For Renicid of the great contempt, difordour and wrang, quhilk lies bene in diverfe partes of this Realnie, in default of keeping and execution of the gudelawes and actes of Parliament maid of before be the Schireffes , and utheris Judges ordinar, their deputes and Clerkes : It is ftatute and ordained , be out Soveraine Lord , with advife ofliis Eftaites in Parliament: that the faidis Schireffes and uthers Judges or¬ dinar , alfweill to burgh, as to land, witliin regalitie as royalcie , do their exaift dihgence , to knaw and under- ftand the Lawesof this Realme, and aftes of Parliament, quhairof die execution is committed to tlieit charge: And diat they put die famin in execution widiout delay, after the end of diis prefent Parliament fpcciallieinfearcliing, feeking, following, perfewing , apprehending, comniittingto waird, and prefenting to Jufticc of declared traitoures and rebelles,conteninandlie remaining at die home, and ftandandregiftrate in their awin buikes unrelaxed , or in doing of Juftice , upon diem , gif they have commiflion to that efieft ■ And gif they cannot apprehend die faidis traitours and rebellcs , within the bounds of their awin jurifdiftion" tomakedenunciarion to the Schireffes and Judges ordinar , ofdiefourehalfes about, that fik perfons at fled w itliin their bounds, requiring tlicni to ufe the like diligence , in fearching and apprehenfion of diem : as they will anfwetc to his Majeftie , at their perrell , and under the fame paine, diat the traitoures or rebelles lies incurred. In inquiring, fearching and apprehending offornares,oppreflbures, ftrang vagaboundes, andbes- gares, wandring athort the Realnie , on preteiife diat they ar fchip-broken or banilhed for flaugliter , or uther odious oflcnfes : Or ar of the diffiniulat thiefes and abufers, calling themfelvcs tyEgyptians. In execution of Juftice , hi all civil caufes bclanging to their judgement , widiout partialirie or needles delayes. In extraffin:: ofProcefles, decreets, and giving offeafinges and reroutes, at reafbnable prices , without exorbitant extor" fion In bringing of their court buikes , with the compt of efeheitces, and un-lawes, intrometted with be them zeirlie, to the checker. In making of dieir Deputes and Clerkes, ofmenofbeftfame, knawledge under- ftanding and experience, thatniay andean ufe theofficc, quha fall be aftrifted to bring their regifters, of Icafingw, horiiingcs and regiftrationes, to the checker, and liis Hienes Thefauter, as is ednteined and ordained in the acres of Parliament, maid there-anent of before. And diat die faidis Schireffes and udier ordinar Jutlgcs, may die better execute and do their dewrie in die premifles : Our Soveraine Lord , with advife ofhis Eftaites in this prefent Parliament , ratifies and apprievis all liberties , priviledges , regiflrationes , fees, and commodities , granted to diem , their Deputes and Clerkes , be Iiis Hienes , or his Progenitoures of be- fore , they alwaies findand gud fovertie, in his Hienes nixt checker , for difehargeing of their office dewtifulbe, and making of their conipts zeirlie in the checker, at die diettes appoynted thereto : and that they fall nawaies iLiffct thcnftc ves to be dentinced to the home, in default thereofl But that they fall fend their deputes, ane or "’“g n- of November, to be examinat and admitted , be die Lords of Councell and Sefiion , under pccumal paines, at the Lordes modificarion, to be paied be them, to our Soveraine Lotdis fiidzie, with certification to them , diat git the faid fovertie be not found betuixt and the end f I rebelles, and put to die home: and thence futth, all his Hienes fubjeifts , widiin dieirjunfdicftions fall be exeemed fra their offices , andjurifdiaion : And attour declatis and ordainis all precepts futth of the Chancellatie upon retoutes to be paft in the auld manet to die Schireffe , and iiy. Ibe TWELFTH PARLIAMENT. V. of Juv.ij. 1,-91. Lyou , and his Brethec idicnarreftprifoii, therein to lae. The office of the Lyon King of Armes-. of execution of letters oftreafon: of tlx ad- ’ miffion mid number of the officiares of armes. OU R Soveiaine Lord , and Eftaits of this ptefcnt Parliament , confidering the great abnfe that lies hciic amangft the lieges of this Realm, in their beating of armes, ufutpandto'themfelves fik armes as be- - not unto them : fwa that it cannot be diftinguiflicd be their arms , qulia at Gentlemen of bkiid, be their '^"teceflbrs: norzitmay bedecerned, quhat Gentilmcn at difeended of Noble flock and linage. FOR gjijquhairof, hisHieneflewithadvifeofthefaidisEftaites, hes given and granted : And fie this pre- Afte. grantis, full power and Commiffion, to Lyon King of Armes , and his Btethcr ^ Ides', tovifite the haill Armes of Noble-men, Barronnes and Gentle-men, borne and iifcd within hisReal®* Andto diftinguifli and difeerne them, with congruent differences, andtliereaftertomatri- ^ulatetliemintheirbuikesandregifters ; and to put inhibition, toallthecommoun fortof people, nocht *^otthiebetheLaweofArmes, tobeareonie fignes armorialles ; That nane of diem prefume, or take ''"onhand, tobeareorufeonie Armes, in time dimming , upon onie their inficht or hotilhaldgeare, under tte paine of efeheitting of tire guddes and geare , fwa oft as they fall be found contravening this prefent Aft , auliair-everdiefaniinArmes fallbefoundengtavenandpainted, to OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS ufe • And like-wayes under the paine of ane hundreth pundes , to the ufe of the faide L\ HerauldeS ; And lailzeing of payment thereof, that they be incarcctat, remaine upon their awin charges , during the pkafure of the faid Lyou. item, Becaufe charges oftreafon, lies not bene execute and ufed, with fik folemnitie and Officiates ofAtmes, 'asdieweichtinesthereofrequites; It is ftatute and ordained, that our Soveraiiie Lordis The- irritfL hmer, and utlieris direftets of fik letters, deliver them in time cumming, to be execute be the ordinal ^ Hetau'ldesand Purfevantes , bearandcoattes of armes, otMafets, to bee ufed be them, as of before: And eifony execution, under the paine of tteafon fall be execute utlietwaies, declaris the execution to be null, and of nane ayaile. rr \ mrr r item. In confidetation of the great abufe of Meflengets and of Officiares of Armes within this Realme, cuhilkis for'the maift part at not qualified , for ufing of the faid office , being admitted be cxrtaordiiiar and im- Mttune fuites : be quhais abufe , the Lieges of this Realme at lieavilie troubled and opprefied : Tlierefote it is ftarate and ordained , that the faid King of Armes , be advife of the Lordcs of Councell and Seffioii, deprive and difeharge , all fik Officiates and Meflengers of Armes, as he fall finde unworthie of the office. And take fickerfoverrie of the remanent, forobfervationoftheirinjunftionesintimecumming; With power totho faid Kinv of Armes, with advife of the faidisLordes, to injoyne further neceffar injunftiones to thefaidis jneffengers, for keeping ofgudeotdour in their offices: difehatgeing him in the mean-time , to admitony maa Officiates hereafter, quhill the hail! meflengers, prefentlie bearing armes, be reduced be death or de¬ privation, to the number conteinedintheafteofPatliament, maid anent the confufed number of Officiares M , Becaufe the jurifdiftion of the Lyon King of Armes , is not able to execute dew puniflimeut upon allpetfones’, that fall happen to offend in the office of Armes : Therefore our Soveraiiie Lord , with advife of liis tliree Eftaites in Parliament , otdainis and commandis , all civil magiftrats , as they fall be requited be the King ol Armes, or onie utlieris in his name to concur with him, to fee the afts maid in his favours, of his office put to dew execution in their jurifdiftions: As alfwa to concur with him, to thepuniffimentaud iiicarcetadon of all fik petfons , as fall ufurp the bearing of his Majefties Armes, after dew deprivation , under tliepaineofrebeilion,andputtineofthedifobeyerstohisHiencshorno, with certification to themandthey failzie being required, letters fall be &ie.&.Jimfliciter to put them to the home. 1x6. The names of all rebels fuld be delivered to the Thefaurer, evith all unla-ascs. Names of all fugitives. Because it is provided that crimlnall letters fail not ncid to be regiftrat , bot to returnc to the ad¬ journal: Theireforcordainis and commandis tlieJufticeClcrkandhisdeput«witlunlcxedayes, alter criniinall Letters , with execution of onie perfones at die Horne , bets returned to them , to deliver the names denunced, witlianebreifenoteofthccaufetotheThefaurer, orhisClerke, oi Rcgiftet, that ktters loune liptaking of efeheittes , of the perfones denunced , may be direfted and execute , with all expedition , ^ the faidThefaurerand JufticeClerke, will anfwer to his rHienelTc , upon their dewtic ar.ddffigcncc, Tliatm Juftice courtes, or Juftice aires, the haill affife fummound , being called out and thc abfentcsunlawcci: The extraft of the afte of the unlawed , be delivered to the T hefauret , or his Cktke , wtdiiii fex dates tlicrc- after, that letters bee direfted thereupon, for uptakiiig of thefaidisunlawes, without compofition to be maid therefore. , , , , And likewifequhen-ever onie perfones, that hes fund fovettie tounderlytheLaw, - .a; . day appoynted , and their-throw are decerned to be denunced rebellcs , as fugitives fra the a . Clerk or hisdeputes, fall deliver the aft of adjournal thereupon, fadecernedfugtoe, be openPtociamation, atthemercat-croceof£i/i»tox^. witlunfcx dales, alter they V Y 5 be 306 KING JAMES THE S E X T lialiitantcsofilicfaidis Solutes, '\n-,mlfifde , toward the receipt , fupplic, and inter-commumn^ with ti"' faidisRcbcllesdciiunccd, qiihill the laid denunciation of horning be ufed at the mercat-crocc , of theh a Burrowes of the Schirc, quhair the |retfoncsrebellesthemfelvesd\vclIis; And that the Lordes of Coiur n and Sefiion , grant na Letters of fiifpcnfion , upon onie paines and un-la-.ves ofliquidat fummes , charged fo be tlic T hefaurer, without confignation or gude fovertie, in the in-pattes of the Rcalnic. ' That Z-yw King of Armes, uithin fiftene daies, after the publicaticn oftheAftcsofthisprcfentParli ment , deliver to the Tliefaurcr , or his Clerk , the names of die Officiates (landing admitted, widi the namr of their cautioners: as alfo the names and cautioners ofrhedeprivedoiririarcsintimccumming. That all utam. exeniptioncs and licences fra raidcs and affifes, or for rranfporting of forbidden guddes (gif onie fall happa, j begranted) fallbcfubrcrivcdbctheTlicfauter for compofition to his Hiencs ufe. Andtoberegiftrat intli” Tlicfaurcrs regffter , to the efTcft he may be charged therc-with in time cumming in liis comptes , and tliat n!^ fik licences be warrand in judgement , or to the hgnet or privie feale, wantand the fubfeription ofthefaid Mondti Tliefaurcr. And for-fameiklc as the care and charge oftne receiving and making coniptoftheMonkes no mimn. fioHcs , firft fruites and lift penny ol benefices , is committed to the charge and diligence of his Hienefie The" fiiurer. Thetefore ordainis and commandis the faid Thefaurer, to make ane pcrfite rentall ofthefaidis Monkes portions , firft fruites, and fift-pcmiie, and to charge and difeharge him therewith in his comptes And that lice may be the better acquented therewith; Ordainis all fignatours of giftes and provifiones to be pall upon onie part of rhe fime, to paffc bis Hienes Thefaurers regifter, and be fubferived be the keeper thcrcol, before it be fulficient warrand to the feales. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, with advife ol his three Eftaites in Pailiamcnt , difehargis all commilliones of Jufticiaric granted be his Hienes ofbeforc and nanc to be gr.antcd ill lime cumming generally ; or for langerfpacc, iiortlieearandinhand, niaybecon- vcnieiitlic perfited, and that upon caution to produce die proecs, and pay that paiit of the comnioditie quhilk be the comniiliion is deftinate for the Kingis ufe. ’ 117. i^il fc-^-fermes and cemfirmat tones of the Kingis propertie, noebt pajt with confent of the Comptroller , ar null. An E N T The complaint given to his Majeftie and Eftaites of Parliament , be his Hienes Comptroller niakand mention , iliat diverfe and findrie inl'eftmentes of his Hienefie propertie , lies part the feales without the faid Comptrollers knawlcdgc or confent , quhair-throw he is not able to knaw his Majefties ten- nentes, nor their zcirlicdewtie. Forrcmcidquiiairof, our Soveraine Lord, and Eftaites of diis Parliament dcclairis and ordainis all iiifeftmcntes of few-ferme , or confirmationes of the proper landes pertcining to his Hicncs Crown, that are made fen the entric of diis prefent Comptroller to his office . or to be maid in time cunimirig without tlieexprcfre confent and knawledge of the faid Comptroller the time of the making therc- ol andlubfcriptionofhishand, and palling his Regifter. quhairby the eftait of the faides Landes at onie wife altered or innovate, to bee null and of nane availe , 111 all time cumming, albeit the fame be pad throw allthciealcs. Becatilc the Comptroller fiild knaw quhen onietenncntesisalteredornewlieenteredtothe Kingcs propertie. and that the wanting of the Comptrollers fubfeription to the fignatourcs , quliilk is the warrand ol the laid original Chartour , lall be ane fufficient caufe of rcdudlion. ia8. For the better keeping 6f the Kingis Tarkes. 119. Anent the cuftome of guddes, and fearchingof guddes cujlmable. I 307 TTVELFTH TARLIAMENT. V. of J uni), i ST- j --h fourfcore ninezeires; Anent the bringing of all packes of claith, haill, un-broken-up to r (lomcboufe, and felling tliereof, in maner conteined tliereintiU , inallpoynts, artickles andclaufes, A'wfpeoifiedintliefame, withthis addition : That na maner of perfoncs, take upon hand , cohoufe, ■\ot conceale ony maner of Englijh guddes , ather cummand be Sea or land , in onie Burgh or fub-urhe of under tire paineofconfilcationofall the guddes, fwa hid and concealed, in defraud of the.dew 'ft me quhair-cver the famin can be apprehended. And in-cafe the famin be not apprehended , the ^'"'^sto'niakeiheavaillthereoffoorth-cummandtohisMajeffieasefcheitc, after tryal tane thereintill as And alfwa for die better execution, to ordaine ilk Cuftomer, to fearch within the bounds of his "all maner of houfes and buithes, alfweill to Burgh as to land, and to efeheit, confiske andin- ° kg with all maner of uncuftomed Englijh guddes , and all Englijh claithes unfealed , and gif neede beis, g open durres , and uther lock-faft; iumes , and to ufe his Majefties keyes to that effetl : And in-cafe gjfoncsrefift be force, to make open and patent durres to the faid cuftomer, fortbeefFeftforefaid; Tl'*^ ^erfones refifters , to be under the like danger, as the committers of the deforcementes, and to be punilh- j* rheit perfones and guddes , conforme to the afte maid thereanent Ordaining alfo the Proveft , Baillies ^'^IMaeifttates of ilk Burgh, gif neede beis, to concur and affift, with the faidis'Caftomers, in execution hereof , twa oft as drey fall be required thereto. 130. t^nent ratificationes faji in this frejent Tarllament. The KingisMajeftie , and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , decernis and declaris , that the ratifi¬ cation of onie particular rickes, infeftmentes , tackes, penfiones, or utheris wtittes and evidentes , otaiited to quhat-fum-ever perfones in this prefent Parliament ; Sail nawaies prejudge , hurt,inor derogate to the particular richtes of uther parties: Notwithftanding they be not] ratified nor confirmed at this time , be his Hienefle, and his faidis Eftaites. and Mairover, it is ftatute and ordained, be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and his Eftaites, in this prefent Parliament: That albeit fmdrie ratifications be paft and pronunced in this prefent Parliament, in die avouc of fmdrie of the Eftaites , or private perfones, upon fimple Articles : As alfwa fum favoure grant¬ ed to the vaflalles of perfones forefaulted in the fame Parliament , and to the Burgefles and inhabitantes of tdinhurgh, being infeft in landes, or annual-rentes , annaliedtothem, beonieofthefaidisperfons, now forefaulted, or their predeceflbures, under reverfion : zit fall not the fame ratificationes be regiftrat in the Parliament buik , nor have effeft without the fignatoures of infeftmentes , or articles granted or ratified , be I fubferived be his Hienefle Thefaurer . or his ticket fent to the Clerk of Regifter , teftifiand the Thefaurer to ‘ befatisfied, that his Majefties commodity may be refoefted, as apperteinis : And that bemixt and the firft (Jayofrfr/^^ifnixt-to-cum: utlterwaies the faidis ratificationes to be null, as gif diey had not bene granted, not pronurittd in Parliament : And that the trew rentailes of things ratified to Burrowes, Colleges, or Hofpi- ' taEes, be ptefented to his Hienefle and his CounceU, beaiixt and the faidfirftdayofo/rf?r^?^nixt-to-ciim; With a declaration how die famin is imploycd , utherwaies the fame ratification to be null. 131. •LAnent the frodu^lmi of rentailes and fewes. FORSAMEIKLE As in our SOVERAINE LORDIS umquhiledeareft Mothers time, the thridesofall benefices witliin this Realme , was be Aft appoynted to diefuftentation of her Majefties houfe, andofherHienesSuccefloures, fa farre as happened to reft Trie thereof, by the fuftentation ot the Ninifterie, within this Realme. And fik-like, OUR faia SOVERAINE LORDIS, his iaidis uniquhiU deareft Mother, and uthers his Hienes Predeceflours of gud memorie , lies founded, confirmed, and augmented diverfe Hofpitalities within this Realme , with the giftes and donations theirto , quhilkis his Ma- jeftie is willing to ftand for ever , without onie hurt or derogation : as alfwa in the lait Parliament , balden at E^/»fe)v/!,!n diemonethof diezeiroiGod, anethoufand, five liundretb , fourcfcorcfevinzeircs ; The haill temporal Ecclefiaftical Lands of his Realme, are annexed to his Hienes Croun, and his Majcftic ordained to have prefent pofleffion theirof, payand to the lyfe-renters penniefotpennie , and boll for boll. Andbecaufc his Hienes cannot underftand quhat courfe to follow-out , anent the premifles, and cannot knaw perfitelie quhat the faidis thrids will extend to , nor quhat will be the tent of the faidis Hofpitalles , nor quhat prefent commodities will fall to his Hienes, be the faid aftofaimoxation, norhowtheMinifterieofthis Realme, fall be dewlie provided , according to his gud will, mindc and intention , without his Majcftieand his Hienes Commiffioners, to be appoynted to that effeft , have the ficht of the rentaUcs of aU Bilhopprickes, Abbacies, Priories Ptoveftries, Parfonages, Vicarages, Altarages, Chaplanaries, Templancs, andutheris Benefices: AndofallMaifon-dieus.andHofpitailes, within this Realme, and ofthe rentes thereof, foun- dationes of the famin; Andofallthingesfoiinaed, given and mortiHed thereto; And of all infertmenres , tackes, titles, richtes and fecurities , maid to quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones , anent quliM-fum-cvcr Kirk- landes, Temple-landes , teindes, and utheris Ecclefiaftical rentes and poffeflionesquhat-fum-cvcr. llie tc- fore it is ftatute and ordained, be his Hienefle , with advife of his Majefties Eftaites , in this prefent Parlia¬ ment ; That all and fmdrie perfones within this Realme. as they fall be charged thereto, in Ipccial or m general, he open Proclamationes at the head Burrowes ohheSchiresquhitirin they dwell; compeir, bring, and produce king JAMES THE SENT 3c8 produce w itii them , before his Hicncs Commiflloners , anc or maa , to be appoynted be his Majehie to 1 cfTccT:; Sikdayandplaee, as fall be appoynted to them to diatefTeft, under the paine of rebellion, and'**' tingofthemtothehorne: with certification to diem and they faihie, that diey fall be put thereto , a,,?' put them to the fame, in-cafeoffailzie; ThetentallesofthcfaidisBifiiopprickes, Abbacies, Priories p ° vcllries, Parfonages, Vicarages, Altarages, Chaplanries , Templaries, and utheris Benefices: And of 'll Hofpitalles and Maifon-dieus widiin this Rcalme , and of the rentes thereof, foundationes of the fame ■ a a ofalldiinges, fonnded, given and mordfied thereto ; And all and quhat-fum-ever infeftmentes , tack”'^ titles, richtes and fccurities, maid to them, anent quhat-fum-ever Kirk-landes , Tcmplc-landes , Teiiides a'*l udicrisEcclefiaftical rentes and pofiellionesquhat-fum-evcr; And all richtes and titles, that they or on’ief them , may pretend thereto. And to deliver to die faides Commilfioners infpettion of the fame , and the a° thentick copies theirof ; With certification, and they failzie ; letters fall be Ant&i/imfUcitcr as faid is. 13Z. iMueiit the jurifdidion, frefentatm ^ qualities and age, of the Lordes of Seffm Because TheNobilitie, Erles, Lords, and Barronnes, auncientheritouresofl.'indes, liyin and poflcfiiones , underfboode the inftitution of die College of Jufticc, and Lordes of Sefiion tolli'^’ bene fra the beginning, for dccifion of all civill afdoncs ; unto the quhilk decifion their haill heritages,” livin landes, and po&lfiones are fubjedl: : And that his Hienes Progenitours in ftiture the faid College of cunr'^*’ and wife-men : Qiihilk his Majeftic willing to continew , according to his for-bcaris giid intention ; And ^ forefcethccorruprionincrcafandinthefaid College, in this latter and declining age, declairis his bliei/'' minde be Aide of Parliament : That in all times hereafter quhen onie place fuld vaik in the Selfioii ; That Majcftiefuldprefent and nominate thereto, a man fearing God , of gud literature , pradlik, judgement and underftanding of the Lawes, ofgud fame , having fufficient living of his awin : Aiw quha could makgudex pedition, and difpatch in matters ruitching the Lieges of die Rcalme. And zit that it isrequired, diathis Hienes glide intention he mail- fpeciallieexprefied toward the complaint of chcifiiig ofzoiingnien, without gravitie, knawledge, and experience, upon the faide Sefiion, not having fufficient living of their awin THEREFORE OUR faid SOVERAINE LORD, with advifeoftheEftaites of tins prefent Parliament , declairis that nanc fall be received to anc place of ane Senator in the College of Juftice, except he be fufficicntlic tryed and knawin be his Hienes and haill Lordes of the Sefiion : That the faid perlbn , to be prefcntedand receivcd, have in zeirlie rent , propedie perteining to himfclfe, the fuinme of ane thoufand markcsufuall money of this Rcalme, or els twentie chaldcrs ofviftuall: and that his experience , uualitic and converfation, may be the better tryed , that he be of the age of twentie five zeires at the leall compleit in all time cumming, utherwife his prefentation and admifiion to be null , annulland all prefentationes , given and granted be liisMajeftie, fen his Hienes Coronation , to quhat-fum-ever petfon or perfons, not Ixandi ofdieageforefaid: radfiand neverthelefle and apprievand alwaies all afles maid be his Majefli’es ptedecef- fours, and his Hienes felfe of before, upon the inllitutionofthe faid College, and reformation of the abufes theirof. 133. Touching the autbentick daithtg and re gift ring of fgnatoures. OUR SOVERAINE LORD with the advife ofhisEftaites, lies flatute and ordained ; diatna fignatoures fall palle the Regifters, of his ordinarofliciaresofeftaiteundet-written : Exceptthedait thereof be filled up with the handes of the Thefaurer , Colledtour, Comptroller, Thefaurer of augmentations and Secretar, or their principal Clerks awin handes : And that the regiftrationof the Sinnatour, or letter beare not onelie upon the back of it (regiftrat) But the daic and dait of die rcgiftratioli , with the number of the leaves of the buik , quhairin it is regiftrat ; Quhilk buik.'fall be marked be the hande of the Clerke of Reaiftcr, or his depute conftitutc to tliat efled. And fik-like , thai the keeper of the Signet , fall write on the back of ' the Signatour, the fpccial day that he affixt the Signet: And the writer , keeperoftheprivie feale, fall write like-Wife upon the back of the letter, the daie that he writes , and paffis the fame the privie feal'e. Quhilks warrands fwa marked , fall be maid furth ciunmand to onie partie intcrefied , for tryall oi the ante-dait , be the keepers of the fignet and privie feale ; And that the tryall oMie faidis ante-daites , fall not be received , widi- out verie grcOT aclminicklcs ; and certainc.circuniftanccs offalfed : And that die fimime confignedforinipro* barion be maid verie great; The forme of the improbation fall onelie be received be the writers of the Signa- toures, the principal Officiates,- their deputes or Clerkes , keepers of the Regifters, keepers of the Signet, Mivie feale, anddieirfervandes, iraiters of die precept, and writers to the great Seale , and keepers ol the fame, andnauthers. Andthepunillimentoffikfalled, gifoniebeis found and tryed, fil be punilhed with the name offalfed and lefe-majeftie : And three partes of the landes and guddes ol the offender, to be adjudged to the King , and the fourth part to die partie grieved. 134. For ejehewing of falfcttcs in reduhlion of decreet es of Redemption. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE And Eftaites of Parliament, underftanding diat the fabricating, forgeinganddevifmgoffalleevidentes and writes, witliin thisRealme, produced, and fumilhcd iniiunie- TTVELFTH parliament. V.ofjmhj iy9i. 30^ 0 the hurt and prejudice of his Hicnefle ^ _ _ ^ V OUR laid SOVERAINE f^'thfaU “‘^■.cadvife and confeMof hisfai'i Eftaites , ail'd liaill bodie of this prefent Parliament , fiiidis. 0 R D ■ j ^ 1 ij that it fall not be lefum to ony perfon or perfones witliin this Realme , their aites decernis .ana a _ Or’utiieris perfones quhat-fum-ever , having richt proceeding fra them , to perlcw for »ncifut«“°“ t „jf£tocallmqueftioiionydecreete of redemption of lands , teindcs, Coalcs, Coale- teduftion, or un Fifehinees, Cafties, Toures, Fortalices, or onie part diereot , obteined of quhat-fom-ever perfon or perfones. againft quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones at onie bevertew, or under pretext of quhat-fum-ever difcharges oi reverfion or re¬ time, '^““'^/iptiourinfefDTients, or utheris contraftes quhat-fum-ever, quhilkis may evacuate and take ^erfions , P redemption , or ony of them ; And this afte onelie to have place m dectectes of awaiethefai upon kucliM premonitiones , maid be the parties lauchfull contradifyiures . dewte 4lmound. to the giving of the faidis decreetes ; And for obedience thereof . quhilkis were ^ utheris fpecified in the fame decteetes of redemption: andquha ''“f f?fiShe times fummoimd. and convened before the Lordes of Sefllon attlreinftanccol his ^ A dvocates and patties for their inteteft . for produaion and improbation of all difcharges of reverfion finles Dofterio^r infeftmentes, uthers rights and fecurities ciuhat-fum-ever : Qiihilkis might prejudge “''''r^rerwMioiitothereverfionorrevfrfiones, quhair-upon tfie faiaisdecreetesol redemption, orome “r? its ffuowed and produced na difcharges , poftevior infeltmentes nor 11a uthens writres, quhilkis „ftheml«follou . of redemption: or prejudge, or make derogation to the „,ght reduce or tak quhair-upon tire faidisdecreetes of redemption orome of them proceeded: Swa laochfulli^varnedandfui^^^^ “““ > might pretend na ignorance cfolie &idi« efceteetes of redemption. T ir tAll annual-rentes may he redeemed , he fulfilling ofthefomtes of the reverfion mid payment of ten for the bunareth. . part ofthe Jdfr w annua!l« thereof : (^ihiikis by-run annualies, his HicnclFc verfion or teverfioils . " J w for everie hundreth markes allanethe : Finding and de- aiid Eftaites . iiquidatis and mod fi ’ , . . }auchfull be payment or confignation ofthe faidis principa! daringtheredemptionofthefaidisannualles for the^y-run profites of tire fame. fummes; t°giddet with ten markes for ^ quhat-fum-ever contraftes, bandes, conforme to the infeftmentes maid h , ■ ^.funj_eyer maid to them of greater annualies, TT IS Statute, ordained, and decernedbe his aenes Mid Ifeftmentes quhat-fum-ever, _„J be the faid hcretableteiinentesrefignatioii; ceffors , or be onie uther fupenor to ‘ , „f jp fouites , (quhilk onlie refpeftis die fuperior. Albeit the fame conteine atie new 6* .w’*|j2;vtended to the prejudice ofthe thridperfone) thatthefaid grantand the faid infeftmenr, and na wife fold exten J riudice anent the bounds or marches, infeftment paft upon the refignarion of tire te I’tthpgueftionsarifing upon the richt and pofleiTion of . atlrer in property or coramountie to ony be the Lordes of CounceU and uthers infe- tliefaidpropettie andcommountie , fall be determinwa a.n j g mention of boundcs rior Judges, andMiaiftersoftheLawesmthefamefortandmanet , and marches , conteined in the infeftment paft upon die faid refignation. 1 3 7. Tenfimnes not authorized be decreet mr pfieffmt an mU. ^ ■nORSAMEIKLE As there bei • nenfiones . alleged difponed forth of the benefices and L' u IV s A M 1 1 IV 1. E. /la -->ng ^eiudice dicreof , and the fuccefiburs . albeit na poffef- Jr prelacies of this Realme, tothegreatliurta P, J i-fo.jjme alleged difponerstheitof, quhair- fion is followed nor apprehended thereupon « e counterfaift titles, Andk tlirow die famin failis ofthe Lawe and mamfefthc app - ofOUR SOVERAINE LORD, reafonoftliecortuptionofthistimeandthegreat lu P ordained be the late Afte of Parliament and the Succeflfours fufteined thereby: coVERAINE LORDE, that quliM^m- madc anent annexation' of Kirke-kndes to O ...i-Ugr authorked widr decreetes nor poflMon ever penfiones, difponed fur* of the prekaes and Aft h.sHienes before the faide Aft. fold fall and be nuU, of nwe avaJl, wre 510 KING JAMES T H withadvifeofthehaill Eftaites ratifies , apprievis, confiimis, and declairis ; andodZT^ ' mfiiat-fum-ever penfioncs, alleged to be difponed furth of prelacies, and nathcr authorized heT ’ feTion, quhidder the fame be of the fpirituality or temporality , quhairuponneitherderreer'®''"'’' P°f- lies follow^ in the prelats life-time, and before the faide afte of annexation , faU be nuIlnn^„f“P°®''''>n force nor efFedt, in all time by-gane , andto-cum. “ nane avail!, 158. iMga'mft mlauchfull cmiditimies in contraAes or Obligat tones. AS IT IS not lefiim to ufe and commit ufurie: fa itisnotlefumtoonieprivieman be his, tionandauthoritie, to aftrift or burden onie of our Soveraines Lords lieaes wir!i’iinl,..ifi?'"''««- pollible conditioncs apinft all Law equitie , rcafon and gud forme , albeit thiir neccffitie for £ ftraine them to zeild thereto ; as quliair film petfones gives foorth their money upon profite or obhgationes they provide that the parties receivers thereof quhair-foever they cfwell i’„ Ir " the Kealmc, fall be charged to make payment, onlybeopen Proclamation, at the mercat Croce W. upon fa fchort and fuddaine warning, as probablie andpoffiblie, it cannot cum to the kn-ilff*'' the petfones fwa charged And that the iTenunciation ofthe horning fall be at the famin me cate. the Wning regain the Schireffebuikes of makant the famin als laS.I ’/"‘I petfones were charged perfonally, or at his dwelling place: And the execution of horidna ’ niercat Croce of tne head Burgh of the Schire , quLirthe patties dwellis : And thel re„ n“ tbeSchirerfcbuikestheirof, to the great hurt and prejudice, not onelie of the parties fa denunced®' canno7cur^°'‘^’ knawledge probablie the faides denunciationes oflionA^ 1 HEREFORE his Hicnes withadvifeofhisEftaitesinParliament, ftatutes, ordainis and He 1 ■ ■ unlauchftill and unpolfible conditiones , be made in contraftes or obligationes amai£'®' of his Hienes fubjeftes m time eumming. And in-cafe onie denunciationes of Horninges | f to be made at the faid mercat Croce of Edinbitnih , only upon charges ufed rber/Jr „ „ J- ‘’“PP'" the unlauchfull and impofiible conditiones abone fpecified^ the f^e charges and “poii horning, fall not be repute kuchfull Bot the patLs ut th^llteXS t^Sf f 159. That the copies of letters or charges he fuhfcrived be the executor theirof 140. I Naperfin may be demmcedrebellupon letters charging all and Jindrie getter allie. ane body; at the leaft, it fall not be iSuni SuLe m?ir£rieu& letters, except gif the faid partie be fitft lawfullie and fpec^iallie cilled r *1 ’“Ijr’ -“P°" ^ direct againft him, lorafpecialandcertainedewtieorfafti a1 for dit qu^eSc'^kvTdeTltlli^^^^^ |“des, n^esofthltennilS’.Tnd n^tchfponed totwafind'rypaftii- oniebeneficedman, to leeke general letters rnnfnrmp i • ^ it falibeiefumto ferve for ane publication and intmiation thereof: Bot nawaiel'ro fevfoTb’e fXent“f ^ “ totliehoine,notbeandfpec,aUiecaUed, andhisdewtieexpmfTedthercTn aS^^ 141- That compenfation de liquido ad liquidum be .admitted. O debt de liquido rtrf i>wiftL^i!fta„Be'^erefifd^brvJ^^^ ftatutis andordainis : That onie creete, be admitted bee all Judges within this Realme hen before the giving of de- thercof, inthefufpenfion, or in reduftion of the fame decrLe."'*^ of exception: Bot not after thegiviiig 14^. TTamnage and expenfes of pley , fuld be modified be the Judges. I be the parties be altogidde^a£t£*and'lSrd ’ °^ploy. maid and fufteined And fpeciallie quhen as^the libell, claime or petition Ju4es within.tliisRealnie: and expenfes, and upon regiftrat bandes P '“O" ar proven be writ, conteinand damnage , intereft the coaltes and skaithes, quhilk will flay patties^to be'vLilf contraftes , fummoundes bearand for y p s to be willfull and obilinat pleyares. A^d this to be extended TWELFTH PARLIAMENT. V. of Jmiij. 1591. 311 obteinand de- ded aSfweili to the defenders obteinand abfolvitour ; as to the patties perfewares , aleK condemiiatour. 14,;. That obtemers of giftes of efcbcittes, fay the debt miteined in the horning, quhair- ufon the gift froceedis. It is ftatute and ordained, that all intromettours with onie mans efcheicte , begift, affignation, or ntlie'rwife, who takis pofleflion of onie part or portion, of the denunced perfones landes, guddcs or geir in ° wife , fth be halden to pay the debt , conteinsd in the horning , quhair-upon the gift of elcheit proceeded 'And that letters be direftfummarlie, againftthedonatouresaliignayes, orintromettoures, with * ienattoftheefcheit, at the parties inftance , uppii fex daics warning , to heate the famin decerned, or etfe to allege aiie caufe quhy. 144. F(rr pmifhrmnt of the receifters of traytoures mid rebelks. f T IS Statute and ordained be OUR SOVERaINE LORD, with advifeofhisEftakesinthis I nrefent Parliament : That all former Lawes and adtes ot Parliament maid of before . againft the reccipters jTiaiwtitesandRebeiles, and punilhment of them quhilk contcmnandlie remainisatthehorne, fall be execution in all pointes. And fpedallie, quhair ever onie declared Traytoures or Rebellesre- pairis in onie pstte of this Realme, nane of our SOVERAINE LORDIS Lieges, fail pre- fume to receipt, fupplie, or inter-commoun with them: or to give them meatc , drinke, houfe, harberie, oroniereliefeorcomfotc, under the fame paine, for quhilk they ar fore-faulted, or put to the home : And that immcdiatly upon knawiedgeoftheir repairing in tlie bounds, that all his Hieneffe obedient fubjeftes, do^tiieirexaft diligence at the utter-maift of thdr power, in fearching,feeking,taking and apprehending of the faidis declared Traitoures and Rebelies, and prefenting of them to Juftice; Or in following of them, ouWll they be taken or expelled, andputfoortiioicheSchire: And immediatlie to make intimationto the Maviftrates and perfones ofpowetandautlioritie in the nixt Scliite: Quhilk fall be halden to do the like cxa& dilioence without delay , And fa fra Schire to Schire , quhill they be apprehended and brocht to Juftice, 0- expelled and put foordi of the Realme. And further, quheii ever onie maner of Traitoures, Rebelies, or unbiawin meti , vagaboundes, iiappenis to repaire in the Countris , all his Hienefle Lieges, knawing them or amangft quhom they refort , fall with ail poffible fpeede ceriifie his Majeftie , or fum of his fecreit Councell, orfumofthechiefe perfones of authoritie and ctedite, dw'eiling within die fame Schire: ’I'hat fik perfones (gif they be knawen) ar within the fame : And gif they be unknawen fchawand their takens , and for quhat caufe they pretend tliemfcives CO be wandring athott the Cuntrie, or lurking in onie part: undec tlie paine, that the Traytoures , Rebelies and vagaboundes, audit to have fufteiiied in bodies or guddes tlielves , ia-cafe they had bene apprehended , prefented and coiwided be Juftice. o i4j. latent the efeheiites of Rebelies. UR SOVERAINE LORDE, with advife of his Eftaites in this ptefent Parliament , ftatutis andordainis, that na affignation, or urher evident alleged maid in defraud of the creditour, fall be a Valiable tide to perfewot defend with, git it fall be then inftantlieverefied bee writ, that the ceuentremainis Rebelie and at the Horne , for the fame caufe un-reiaxed ; Nor na gift of efeheitte , affignation or uthe r richt, proceeding thereof, allegcdmaidindefraudeofthecreditour, and in favour of the rebell, fall be valiable title to perfew or defend with, gif it fall be then inftantiie verefied be writ, that the rebetl remainis ffiU at the home, for the fame caufe; As alfwa it fall be an relevant exception, againft ony pretendinff title there¬ to, be affignation or gift of efeheit of the rebe'l, to allege th it the faidrebeilliimfelfe, hiswife, baitnes, or neare friends remainis in pofleffion of his rackes and guddes, to his awinufe and behoove. Andin-c^ efeheittes or life-rents fall happen to be given ony utherwaies , nor to the behoove of the party offended : me Thefaurer fall be halden to make the dilpofitioii to an . efpohfa! perfon , qulia fall be debtor to theparffe , at quhais inftance the horning is led for his debt.- Or the ( heiaiuer (gif he thinkis gud) fall take gutnufticienc caution for his reliefe: .And in-cafe the donatout fail not be found refponfal in landes or guds: OurSove- raineLord, with advife of his Eftaites , declaristhegifttobenulL And becaufeperfons convict, orl andr wg rebelies for tteafon, mutther, flauchter, or others odious crimes, commounliehes the fruition ot their guddes, debts, tacks, fteadings and pofleffions, their houfes ftill bruiked and polieued be their wives ,■ Saimes. .dr tender friendes, to tire defraud ot the Law, oftheprofiteoftheCroun, andencouragemgot wickedmen, after committing of mifehievousdeedes; And that under pretenfe and aiUour of traudtulidil- pofitiones or affignationes , maid be their felves , or giftes of tlieir efeheittes , fmmlatlie putchafled or oans- ferredinjivourofthemfelves, their W’ives , baitnes, tender friends, ot weill-willers, totharepramo i e andbehoove, forremeidquhairof, our Soveraine Lord, with advife of his Eftaites , ftatuns an ‘ ’ That the faiisfraudfuU and fimulatdifpofitioiies of efeheittes, or ony thing 1 ■ /- ij fetvetonurifh and fufteine the faidis Traitoures and rebelies, in their contempt and rebellion, be laucltfuU to his Hienes and his Thefaurer , to intromet-with , and up-take the faidis efcheic-gu , g and debts, remaining in the polfeffion of the perfon be- quhais deede and occafion it fell: Or i X ^ * KING JAMES THE SEX bairnes, familie, or tender friendes quhat-fum-ever , upon die ground, and within the houfeoccHnv A pofleded be him , before he was declared, or put to the Horne; Or in-cafe hee have bene receipt in houfe at onie time after his forefaltour , or denunciation to the Horne : notwithftanding onie fraudfulUr fitionorafiigration, or limulat gift orrichtofefcheittpurchafedofthefame, infavour, ortotheb 1^° of the faidis iraitouresor Rebelles of before , quhair-throw the houfes and pofleihones oftl/'f? Traitoures and Rebelles, fallnawaies bee fuffcred to cum to their ufe or commoditie, direfllie ^ direfllie, during the time of their Rebellion; And the up-taking of the faidis efcheitt guddesanJdd and labouring of the faidis tackes and poilcillones , during the continuance of the faidis Traytour Rebelles, in their rebellion , fall nawaies be impute to the faid Thefaurer , or utheris havand hirM** or direflion, as ony aflion criminall or civill , exonering and difchargeing them of the famin forever- 'a a that the faid Thefaurer or his deputes , caufe the houfes of the perfones committers of the ( ^ ™ faidis , be deteined and keeped , upon die expenfes of the reddieft of the faidis efchcit guddes. , being ordourlieconvift, fall faf'; incaufes oftreafon. I4<), IVillfuU fitting of Jire in Coale-heitches , is treafin. FO R The better punilliment of the wicked crime ofletting of fire in Coale-heuches , be fum i fones , upon privat revenge and defpite : It is ftatute and ordained . that die mmmirrina of ^1 in onie time hereafter , fall be treafon : And that the committers th( fikpunilhment in bodies, landes and guddes , as is dew be the Law 147. Far fmtijhment of maijierfull beggares , and reliefe of the fnir. OUR SOVER AINE LORDE And his Ellaites, in this prefent Parliament, ratifies and si prievis his Hienes aft of Parliament , maid for punifiiment of ftrang and idle beggars , and provifionS rehefe ol the puir and impotent : And ordainis the fame to be put in execution in all partes of the Realm/ ithesalreadietaneeffecL, within the partes ofthe Burgh of And beciife fum of the Schimif domes ar of wide and lang boundes, quhair-tlirow it will be dilhc.l, to convoy vagaboundes and / fones offending, to tl^ commoun prifones of the head Burrowes of the Schire; Therefore ordainis commandisallSchirefe Stewmtes, Baillies, Lordes and Baillies of Regalities, and their denutes And Proveftes and BaiUies within Burrowes , to make prifones , ftockes and irones : NotS at the head Burgh but alfo at die principal throw-faire tounes, and Paroche Kirkes, within the haffl boundes of the Schire: alfwetllto Burgh astoLandwart; And to conftitute aneortwaSchirefre-dewes of honeft and zealous men, of beft credite and power in the bounde? within, or nixt adjacent to theSi Burrows, throwdaneTounesandParoche Kirkes. to put the effbft of die faid aft of Parliament in execu¬ tion; Or gif the faidis Schireffes, or utheris Judges ordinar, bcis found remilTe or negligent; gives^d grantis, fullpower, charp and audioritie , to the Minifters , Elders and Deacons wifhin the bounte of everieParochin, oroffa monie Parochines as will concur togidder, to nominate and eleft ane t«a three or niaa perfones of the beft habihtie, zeale and difcretion , within the fame Parochin or bomi es! quhom his HienefTe makis and conft.tutis Juftices and Commiflloners in that parte, to die efFeft under written ; Givand, grantand and commutand- to them , conjunftlie and feverallie, full power cliaree and audmritie to execute the faid aft of Parliament, concerning the punilliment of ftrang and idlefc|- garesandvagabouiides, and provifion for reliefe of the puir and impofent; And totliate&a, toferfe andhaldcourtes creat officiares fimmoundalTife, ilk perfon under the paine offivepundes, un-lawes and panics, totake, up-lift, andraife; And for the fame , gif iieede beis , to poynd and diftreinzie , and to generallie all and-fmdrieutherthmges, todo, exerccandiife, Indi/«ld ifafdkn“^^ b°“‘’des, is necelTarlie required, f/d / ordieir deputes, or the faidis perfones to be nominate and eleft, as fa d s, conihturc Juftices and Commiffioners , be die aiithoriae of this prefent afte of Parliament, fft happen to refiffe or delay , to accept and ufe the faid Comniiffion; Or^having accepted the fame, fall be found temiffe or negligent in execution diereof; they fall incurre die paine and un-law appoynted, the/calLd^?nL“f.rd'H'^T“’ ' of Parliament ; quliairupon dittay fall be uptaLn, and diey (^led and accirfed therefore, M general Jufhce aires , or particular diettes ; Or then letters fall be diteft, riieh de™mT%ftl alfweiU the faidis Judges ordinar and L dll mrfent aft of ^'e^-ed ; and conftitute Juftices and Commiffioners, thereof vvidifn Wi?.^^^ execution in all poynts; after the forme and tenour the Horn/ fl’®,<:h«ge; under the paine of rebellion, and putting of them to tie Horne, And gif they failzie therein, the faids fourtie daies being by-paft- to denuncctliedifobey- Hienefficlfe fordiLmm^^^ the hotne; And to efeheit and in-bfing^,^alltheirmovableguddestoliis ftetfiillbeiToares feinvi H f* for the tetertryall of commoun fornarcs, vagaboundes, andniai- perSed ^or liiiith™ counterfaift Egyptians: And to the elTeft thatthdymay beftiH S-'d/ ^T at /ell T dyvelling, or be expelled foorLf die Coumie. ThattheSchirefFesandudierJudgesordinar, and their depute^ and udier Juftices and Com- milfionets 1 crimes fore. TWELFTH TARLIAMENT. V. of Junij. 1591. ■ ffioiiers abone fpecified , take inquifitioii be inqueft , at the head Courtes zeirlie , of the names and takens ftiicm; And make denuntiation of them, to the nixtordinar Judges and Parochinnes, in the four halfes . . ’ AcalfotoourSoveraineLord, andhisfecreitCouncell.within j.o.davesafrerrhpfai^cl 313 «iiu i anjj-uumcs , m me iour Ualtes As alfo to our Soveraine Lord , and his fecreit Councell, within 40. dayes after the faids head courts, 'S«ihepaineforefaid. 148.. ^dhaeirfore.ftallersandregraters: howthey fall beaccufedandfaimthereof. ORSAMEIKLE As findry Afts of Parliament , lies bene maid for punilliment of fore-ftallers and F regraters, being very pernitious members in the com mounweilJ : zit becaufe it lies not bene expreffed uhat was foreftallitig and regrating ; Therefore our Soveraine Lord , with advife of his Eftaites , in this '^ efeiit Parliament : declaris, ftafuds and ordainis , that quha overbuy, orcaufebuy, onie Merchandife , viftuall, or uther thing cumraingbeLandeor Water, toward onie faire or metcat, in Burgh or in Land- wart, tobefauidinthefame, from ony partes bezond Sea, or within the Realme : Or makis onie con¬ tract', orpromifes, forthehavingandbuyingofthefame, or onie part thereof, before rhe faidis Merchan- Jife 'viflualles, or uther thinges fall be in die faire or Mercat-place, in Burgh, portorraide, reddie to be fauld: or fall make onie motion be word, writ, ormeflage, for raifing of the prices, or dearer felling of onie of the thinges abone mentioned : Or elfe diflwade or moove onie perfon cumniing to the faire , Mercat or Town, to bring ony ofthe things abone mentioned, to the Mercat, fair or Town, fall be efteemed and judged aiieforeltalier : Andqulia-evergettisinhispofleffion, inony Fair or Mercat, onie come, viftuall, flelh of udier vivers , that fall be broucht to be fauld, and fellis the fame againe , in onie Faire or Mercat, halden in the fame place, or onie uther Faire or Metcat, within four miles thereof ; Otquliaget- tis ill his hand by buying, contraft orpromifes, the growand come on the field , fall be repute a regratour. And becaufe there lies fa little effeiS followed in the execution of the faid Aft, be the Magiftrats within Butiowes, to quhorn the execution thereof was committed : Therefore it fail be lauchfuU in time cum- ming, to OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Thefaurer or Advocate, tocall andperfewallperfones fufpeft and delated offoreftalling and regrating; in-cafe they fall happen to prevene , be apprehending, in¬ tending and executing firft, alfweill as the faidis Magiftrates in Burrovves; And it fall not be feafum to the Ma- gilltates within Burgh, to replege onie perfones challenged or periewed be the Thefaurer or Advocate, be¬ fore liis Hienes Juftice , or his deputes , at Juftice aires , or particular diettes. And albeit there be na fpe- cial! dittay , boC tliat the foreftaller and Regratour , beonlieaccufedof commoim foreftalling or regrating . fa repute aad halden: zitthe libell intliatgeneralitie, fall ftand relevant, and the perfones accufed, to be puttotheknawledgeolaneaffife : Andgiftliey cum in will, or be convift be ane alfife, for commoun foreftalling and regrating of Mercattes : They fall incurre for the firft fault , the paine and un-law of four- tie piindes ; And fall finde fovertie to abfteine in time dimming , under the paine of ane hundreth markes ; And eifhc fall againe in the fecund fault, the principall , and his fovertie , to in-cur and pay the faidfumme of ane hundreth markes : And for the Arid fault , the offender being convift or cum in will, to tine and lore- fault ail his moveable guddes, to be in-brocht to OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS ufe, as efeheit; And dut Juftice courts or aires , for the effeft lorefaid , be halden everie zeir twife. I 149. t^yfgamfi carrier s of wooU , nolt and Jheefe]ocrtbof the Realme. T IS Statute and ordained, thatnawooll, fteepe nor nok, be tranfported in under the paine lofefcheitdng. not oneiie ofthe faidewooll, fcheepe. andnolt. quhilk fallbefundpaffandtofiwiW.- BorajS the Lili moveaWll Fuddes , ofthe aftuall tranfporters , and ais the Merchandes cauffers & pnn- cipall doers ofthe faid tranfporting , Albeit fum lakelie they caufe the farne bee done be puir folkes , the ant halfe of die faidis efeheittes to apperteine to the apprehender of the feids guddes and w’oll , m-cafe he may fuf- fidentlie verifie and try the fame^atid die udier halfe to our Soveraine Lord, and to be mtrometted with be the Sane kdoer Schireffe Stewart, orBaillie, quhafali be comptable to hisMajeftie for the fame; , Thefaurers power and direftion ; To ftaie and arreift , take and apprehend the faids perfraies and g * ; toprefenttheJbeforetheWardinc, Schireffe. Steward BatAeorkeeper; or to be prefented to the Juftice, or his deputes: and to underlie die aw, -mdalsfallbeDunilhedin tryed^ dieoffenders fall tine their haill Uveable guddes , to be divided asfa d s: m thdrperfones, asisabonewritten, attheKingistfieafure. tothemrrourofuAers widiinthis Realme; It being tryed that the perfon byaroUhe lame guaats^^ England: AndouVsoveraSie Lord, with advife of tliefa.d^Eto^^^^^^^ tobegrantedhereof; And ordainis. that the penaiitie of this Aft, fall wrike againlt ^ of; Notwithftanding the faid licences putchailed or to be purcha e . Xx 3 I JO. 2?f- 314 KING JAMES THE S E X T lyo T)eforcers or troubkrs of ojfciars, in execution of letters, forefmdtis and tynis all their movables. o: ,UR SOVERAINE LORDE, And his Eftaites, conveened in this prefent Parliament ■ F ' remeid of the daily hurts and injuries, received be officiates of armes, or Schirefles in that part ’ cutand letters or precepts in our Soveraine Lordis name and authoritie ; Statutis and ordainis , tliat in 'T aneofficiar of armes, or ScliirefTc in that part, oruther perfon quliat-fum-ever , thetimeoft'he execi'™^ ofony fummoundes, letters or precepts , direftbehisHienefle, orutlicrjudges within this Rcalme • ^n* in putting ofdecreetes to dew execution, be deforced in dooing of the fame, or be molefted, invaded^' perfewed, tothe effiifionof their bloud, be die perfon or perfons , quliom they fall be vertew' thereof f mound orcharge , Oronyuthersol their caufing and command , thcdcforccrsandperfcwersof the ciares, and utheris forefaidis , fall forefault , amitt andtinealland quhat-fum-evet theirguddes and moveable: and the ane halfe thereof , fall apperteine to our Soveraine Lord, asefeheitte: and the uT' halfetothepartie, at quhaisinftance the faidis fummoundes, letters and precepts ar diced and purchaf d quhilk execution , Our faid Soveraine Lord, and Eftaites forefaidis, decernis and declaris to be lau I full and ordourlie execute ; Notwithftandingtlie faid deforcement, and invafion of the faiis Officia and utheris abonc written, to be committed in maner forefaid : The deforcement being firft verified and provin. lyi. Cmicerningtherelevancieoflibelles, incaufescriminall. JTEM, It is ftatute and ordained, feeing thaidiverfe exceptiones and objefliones rifts upon criminall libelles, and parties are frufttat of Juftice, be alleged irrelevancie thereof : 'i hat in time dimming all minall libelles, fallconteine that the perfones compleined on , ar airt and pairt of the crimes libclleb Quhilk fall be relevant to accufc them thereof ; Svva that na exception or objedion , take awaicdiat part ol' thelibell, in time cumming. ‘‘ ‘ lyz. It is not leafnm to tm-freemen ; Bot to Burge fes to excerce the traKcmie of tjblerchaudtfl. ITEM, Frr-fameikle as by diverfe Lawes and Ads of Parliament it is ftanite and ordained that na perfon within this Realme, fuld exerce the rrafficque of Merchandice, bot the BureefTes oi Free-burrowes ; Quhilkis have not bene, nor zit ar oblerved, be rcafon that there is na penal tie irrogat to the perfones, contraveeners thereof ; Therefore out Soveraine Lord, aixl haill Eftaites of tins prelent Parliament ; Confirmis , ratifies and apprievis the faidis Ades , conftirutioiies and evetie aneofthem, with this addition ; That quha-fo-ever exercifis tlie faid trafficque of Merchandife not being free Burgefies : Their haill guddes and geare , fall becum in efeheitte ; The ane halfe to out’ So- veraineLord, andtheutherha fe tothe Burgh, quhaisCommiffionerorColledourfall firft apprehend the fame. And to the effied that die faidis efeheittes may be up-lifted ; his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaidis gives ai^ grauntis lull power and authoritie , to eyerie ane of the faidis free-Burrowes , be thcmfelves or their commiliioner or colledour quhom diey fall have power to depute in that behalfe ; To fearch and fecke the tointrometthere-widiasefcheit: and to deliver ane half thereof , to his Hienes Thefaurer , and the uther halfe to the Burgh, quhairof he fall be appoynted Commiffioner or Colledour, quhiddentbe within this Realme, or in ony uther part, quhairthelhmmay BrndS r Andtoarreifttliefaidisguddes, call, follow and nerfev; thereLe; SrunSeS ffr i.r ^ to that effed : and ordainis the ane halfe of the faid efcheit , to be intrometted-unth, be the faid Commiffioner or Colledour, as faid is, to be applyed to the cora- moimweill of the faid Burgh, quhafallfirftapprehendthefaidisefcheitteguddes : ' Of tlKquhilk halfeoC Burnlf"'So! £'^‘^'l’ comptmaid. as is appoynteLf the commoun%dde of the Lan®ded mfn nb1 =>lwayes that tins prefent Ad be not prejudicial! to Noble men, Barronnes, or uther tliat th^Tell lioftlt ' ar awin particular ufe and behoove ; foa ffi c^thHhid Nobler ’ r"" Metchandife thereof againe , to our Soveraine Lordis lieges, Quherein M beremued Utheris abone written , be fund or apprehended culpable . dicy fee BuXes ’ ™ ri ’ “"defteemed, as un-fee-men trafficouers : And ittail be leafum?o the faidfs Ld’geXIs’efrletr ^°'™l‘dioner and Colledour fore&d , to intrometwitli tlieir haill guddes ao nf wittel ^ un-freemens guddes, in maiiet iy3- Anent the taxation of Bttrrowes : Watching, and warding. T Jer!e«eaffieS’’e£r“°T^ the Realme is multiplied, quhere-witfi the Burrowes are ^■XXr LerXnH «i=tner of perfones , inhabitames SEatrofa l ^^^^^‘’‘^"dife , or having change within the fame . fall bearetheirpatt of aU taxes, ftentes, and taxationes , watching, and warding , fit all duties and fervices peiteiniiig TWELFTH PARLIAMENT. V. ofjuny. ijji 31 j •fijjjgto our Soverainc Lord, the weill of the Realme , and the utilitie of the Burgh; and that without ^”erefp&tobehadtoomePriviledge, difcharge, or excepriones , granted be our Soveraine Lordis Pre- a”*efrourcs; orbehis Htenes felf, ortobegtantedintimescummuigbe his Majeftie, or his SuccetTours , °'^uhat-fum-everperfon, orperfones, ofquhat-fum-evcrqualitie. orforquhat-fum-evetcaufc. And or- 3 • (.^5 to have txccution againft all perfons , exerceand die trafficque of Merchandife . or udier change , • nieoftheButrowes of this Realme, whiddertheybeadmittedFree-burgelTes therein, or not ; Provi- ? oaKvayesthatitfallbe leafiim to his Hienes , notwithftanding of the faid Aft . toexeemefromthefaides vations, watcliing and warding , aneperfoti of ilk craft, for his Hienes particular ufe and fervice, in-cafe I s Maieftie fi*’de it gude and expedient to be done. And fik-like , that this Aft be not prejudicial! to the members Colledge of Juftice , and to dieir priviledges and immunides granted unto them , or wheieof they have bene in ufe in times by-gane. 15-4. Exercifi of crafies , witb'mjub-urhs adjacent u Burrowes , isforbidden. Item, For-fa-meikleastheexercifeofcraftef-men, inthefub-utbesoftheftee-Bucrowes, is not onlie huttfiiil to all our Soveraine Lords lieges for the in-fufficiencic of the wark : hot alfo miniftratis great occa- fiontoPrentifesandfervandsinftee-Burrowes, un-dewtifuUie to leave their Maifters , and to remaine and abide m the faides fub-urbes , thereby fubftraftiiig diemfclves , fra the jurifdiftion of the Ptoveft and Baillies of the faides Burrowes. And als the free craftef-men , rcftdent within the faidis Burrowes , are greadie damnified , feeing they beare ane great part of the charges of the Burgh , and the advantage of the wark , that fuld relieve them is drawen away to the faidis fub-urbes ; Therefore out Soveraine Lord , and liaill Eftaites 0! this prefent Parliament , ftaturis , dedaris and decernis chat in all time cumming , there fall be na exetcife ' o'fctaftes in the fub-urbes adjacent to die faidis Burrowes : Bot that the famiii fall ceafein all times here¬ after ; And that it fall be leafum to the Proveft and Baillies of the faidis Burrowes , and their deputes and offidies, to intromet with all the warkes that fall be found wroucht, or in working: quhidderdteniatocial- les thereof appetteine to the craftef-manhimfelle, ortoquhat-furaeverpedbn, andtocfcheitriie famin, to be applycd to the commoun warkes of the Burgh nixt adjacent to the faids fub-urbes. 1 5 y . ^Againji granting of refpettes and remijftones. For Furthering oftiiepunilhment of fiauchters, fite-raifinges , and utheris odious crimes, committed in diverfe partes of the Realme, thir fmdrie zeares by-gane . upon fetpurpofe and fore-diought fellonie, totiieoffenfeofGod, and contempt of our Soveraine Lordis authoritie : His Hienefle followand the lova¬ ble exemple of his maift Nobis Progenitouces , in like cafes . of his fpeciall favour , and at the inftaiic requeft of his Eftaites, at this prefent Parliament grands , and in the word of a Prince, faithfuUiepromitris, that he fallclofehishandes, and ceafe fra granting onierefpites, orremiffiones, fotony manetof flauchter, fire- taifing, or utlier odious crimes, that fall be committed, upon auld feed, and fore-tlioglit fellonie , for the fpaceo’fy zeires nixc-to-cum , after the dait hereof ; that in the meane time, the Realme may be put in peace, and his Lieges maid to live in fovertie, except the faid refpit or temiffion fall be craved to the offen¬ der bethewife bairnesorneareftfriende. ofthe peefon that lies received the offenfe ; Orthacafufficient fetter of flaines, feene and petfitelie confldered be his Hienes Councell ; And gif oay refpite or remiffi- ones fail happen to be granted for auld aftions, thacitbeexpremed in the fame tliatthetrefpas was com- mitted, beSre this prefent Parliament ; And that his Hieneffc and his Coimceli hesfeenequiairtliepar- tieisafTy.hed: utherwayes dedaris die fame refpite or remiffion . to be null, andof nane avadl. Andm- cafeony fikremiffioriesortefpittes (as God forbid) fall happen to be granted and paft: Ordaimsandcora- mandis his Hienefle Juftice, Juftice-CIerke , and their deputes, to proceed and do Juftice upon the per- fonesufers thereof : Notwithftanding the faidis remilTions and refpittes, as gif the famm had never bene granted or produced : And ordaiiiis all perfones , that lies alreadie obtemed refutes , for the faidis crimes, feu his Hieneffe accepted the governement ofthe Realme in his awin perfon , to be called to underly the Law fortliefame: At the inftance of die partie offended , gif theypleafe toperfew. And althouclit they mfift not, at the inftance of his Hienes Thefaurer and Advocate, and die perfones compeitand offenders , and ufandilie faidis refpittes or remiffions, to caufe them finde gude and refponfallfovemes, aftedmthebuikes ofadjoumall, for firiffieng ofthe partie, as Law will, atthemodificanoa of the Lordes of Couiicell and Seffion . quhome his Hieneffe ordainis and commaiidis to proceede and Mirafter up-right Juftice 111 modi- fieng of condigne andfufficientaffyitlimentes of the faidis flauchrers and uther odious crimes to Che gravitieanddrcumftaiices thereof, as they willanfwertoGod and his Hieneffetierem^^^^ thefuaierancethereof, tliathisH.eneffeThefaurerandJuftice-C erke, caufe colleft the n^ (ones , that lies gotten refpittes or remiffioiies for flauchtets or utliers odious crimes , fen . tatioii ofthe Governemeiic in his awin perfon, and prefent die fame to his Hienefle, an 11 p with all expedition. iy6. Againfi KING JAMES THE S E XT fjt, ijy. tranfforting (f skitmes foorth of the Realme. OUR SOVERAINE LORD With advifc of the Eftaites , inliibitis and difchamis, all and fundr' merchandes, trafficqiiets, and utlteris his HienefTe Lieges quhat-fum-evet ; Of aU tranfportinr; a' a catrying footth of this Realme , of Calve-skinnes , huddrounes , and Kid-skinnes , packing and pedlin™ thereof^ intimecumming, undet die paine of confifcationofdiefametohisMajeftiesufe; Commandin'’ hisMajefticsCiiftometandSeatchet, to fearch and feek the faidis skinnes; And in-cafe oiiiebeisfound^ tranfporting , to inttomet there-with , and in-bting the fame to his Hienefle ufe. And ordainis letters to h" direa, for publication thereof , informeaseffeiris. T yd. Concerning the Jireetes and fajfages of Burrowes. OUR SOVERAINE LORD And the Eftaites of Parliament, ratifies, apprievis and confirm' the aft of Parliament, maid be QueeneAforie, Dowager of diis Realme, in the moneth of 7k;//) df zeir of God ; ane thoufand, five hundredi, fiftie five zeires ; Intitulat , x_Anent the commoun pajfages, to Bur rowes: Be the quhilk it was ftatute, that aU commoun hie-gates , riiat free Burrowes lies bene in ufe of' proceeding ather for paflage fra their Burgh, or cumming thereto: Andinfpecial, all commoun Iiie-catM’ fra free dry Burrowes, to the Portes and havens , nixt adjacent, or proceeding to them , be obfervedaS keeped ; And nane make them impediment or flop there-intill ; And gif onie dois , to be called and accufed for opprefljon , and punillied dierefore, according to the Lawes ; as in the faid aft at mair length is conteined Quhilk aft, with the haillclaufes and conditiones thereof, his Majeftie with advife forefaid , willis that the faminfallbehalden, asexpreffed herein: And to put to dew execution in all time hereafter , withtliiraddi tiones following. THAT For-fameikJe as it is fiifficientlieunderftand be his Majeftie, that diverfe malicious perfons un ■ on deliberat malice , ftoppis and impedis publickpaflages , perteining to free Burrowes , within this Realmr iiamelie to the Portes, quhilkis lies greateft occafion of trafficque, be cafting offowfies, and bieein^of Aikes, forinter-clofingofthefaidis common paffages, and will not fuft'er die inhabitantes of the faidis Lr rowes, and udiets his Hienes Lieges, and trafficquers towards the faidis fea-portes: to have, or ftenuenr' the accuftonied paflage ufed of before , in tranfporriiig of viftualles, fewalles, vivers, merchandife and udiets for entettainement of the commoun negotiation of the cunttie: bot conipellisthemtopasanemileottwa about, to the great hurt and prejudice ofthe faidis Lieges. HEIR FORE his Majeftie with advife lore faid, incorroboration ofthe faidformerAft, and to the efFeft that the famin may be put to full execution in ti^mecununing; Statutis and ord^nis that nane prefume, or take upon hand hereafter , to flop or imuede the faids publick and common paffages , perteining to die faidis free Burrowes , and namelie to die faidis Sea- portes. And gif onie M happen to doe in the contratie , the parties grieved fall have their recoutfe to the Lordes of Councell and Seftion quha fall grant fummar letters in their favoiires, upon fexdaicswarniiii allaiietlie tocaufcandcompelldiecommittetsofdiefaid oppreffioii, to defift and ceafe therefra: and to lieare and fee tliemfelves decerned to have done wrang, in flopping ofthe faids paffages : and to finde caution, aftedinthefaidisLordsbuikes, under fik paines , as fall bee modified unto them, never to commit the like wraiigbediemfelves,theirmen,tenncnts,orfervandes, and udiets quhomdieyniaylet: the ane half of the (aid penatoe to appertaine to his Hienes, and die uthcr half to the pattie grieved ; And the probation of the faid wrang in flowing of die ftidis paffages, to be received by famous witneffes allanerlie ,^andiiotbyane rohedifebar^edfr T and all utheris infetiour Judges, «nn ^ma d fnmr ' Notwithftanding oily quhat-fum-ever ftatute or conflitu- Bon , maid anait molcftationes ,111 ptopertie or commoiitie ; In number quhairof his Hieneffe will nawaies 1 y;. Concerning certaine abiifes in the Admiralles froceeding. be the liaill Burrowes of diis Realme; Tliatthey andthehailltounes, lyand upon the Sea Coaft, have bene greatlieoppreffed be the Admiral! taking anecuftoruponclienewiiifeftment, maid to ir/aKcer, funi-time eL ofthe faid AZhalitic; I be ouilovctZeZd^ n, d ^ reprefling of die quhilk oppreffion ; It is ftatute and ordained, WsSuccXXt^erliZl ThattlieAdmiraJloIthisRea!me,aiid tte'dmftZeSdl^^^ iy8. It TWELFTH TARLl AMENT. V. of Junij 317 o ly?- J jg. It IS kcifum to laik fatroms to dijfone their Trebendaries and Chaplanaries tojfii- ’ dentes : Benefit es of Cure, ferteining to the faidis fatrmes, and ferved be rJMinifiers, fafis m thrid. OR Soveraine Lord and Eftaitcs, prefentlieconveened in Parliament, ratifies and apprlcvis the Afl: of Parliament, maidinhisHieneflemiaoritie, andfirftzeate of liisraigne, uponthe fiftenth dayof efiecember, thezeirofGod, anethoufand, fivehandrerii, tlireefcorefevenzeires: Intimhx. anent the dif ufition of Trove fries , Trebendaries , and Chaflmmries to bur fares , to be founded in CoUedges , ferteming tlaickVatrenes ; Andwiilisanddeckris, that the haillpoyntes, arrickles and provifiones , conteined in thefaidaft, fall be halden as exprelied herein, with this addition ; That the faidis Burfares , ftiidcntesand timlats, lauchfuily provided to the faidis Prebendaries, Chaplanaries, fall bruik, joyisand poflefTe in all time hereafter : Like as they had fuffident richtes to bruik, fen the dait of their provifiones ; The haill rentes, rofitesandemolumentes, conteined in the auiident foaridationes , maid be the faidlaick patrones; not- withlkodingqnhat-fiimever provifiones, or particular itfe, tothequhilkthehaili, or ane part of the fame, wardeftinat, iifedorbruiked, in time of and before the Reformation of Religion ; Andnotwith- ftandingquhat-fum-cveraft, ftatute, conltitution , difpofition, gift or prefentatioii following there-upon, ijiaid be his Hienellc at oriie time heretofore : Like as his Majeftie , with advife of the faidis Eftaites , and haill bodieofthisprefent Parliament, expreflelie declaris , chat it was never his Majefties intention, ather to erejiidge die faidis kick Patrones , in their Parfonages; or the Perfoii provided to the faidis Prebendaries anti Chaplanaries , of ony part of die fruites and emolumetites , conteined in the auncieiit foimdationss, maid be the laid iaick Patrones ; Bot as before , heartclie requeftis the faidis Patrones, to difpone and prefent their faidis Chaplanaries and Prebendaries , to fufficient and qualified Perfones „ as they wald godlinelTe and guda letters to fioorifn within this Ilealme, to Gods glorie , andprofiteoftiiisage, and the pofteririe. And at- tout, our Soveraine Lord, and his Eftaites in Parliament, declaris, tliattheBeneficesofCure.beingkick Pattenages, provided to Miniftersafluallieferving,, and making refidenceat the proper Kirkes of the fame Benefices, failnocbefubjeftintimecumramg, to the payment of ony thriddes, foorihofthefame; bocdie feme tliiiddes , to be reteined be them , as a part of their awin living and ftipend. lyinnexation of the landes and annualles , mortified to the tJMiniflers and Hof- fitall of Edinburgh. OUR Soveraine Lorde, now after his peril te age of twentie five zeirescompleit, with advife of his E- ftaites in Parliament, ratifies and apprievis the donationesand morcificationes , maid be Ills Hienefie umquhile deareft Mother, inherperfite age, andbe his Hienes atdiverfe.tinies, of the landes, Benefi- cesaadrentes, dotedforfuftentationoftheMiiiifterie within the Burgh of 'Edinhurgh, and interteining of the Hofeitalies tiiereof ; And fpedailie , of all landes , annualles , and tenementes . lyand within the fee- dome of the faid Burgh , founded to quhat-fum-ever Benefice ; And of all landes and annualles , lyand out- with tlie libettie of the faid Burgh, annexed to ony Benefice, Prebendarie, or Religious place, fituate v/idimtiiefree-domeoftliefaidBurgh. And OUR SOVERAINE LORD, forhis pitilull zeae, cuiiilkheliestodiefuiteMarionoftheMimfterieandHofpitalleswittothefaid Burgh, with ndvtfe 01 his iaidis Eftaites of Parliameiit, now after his petfite age of twende five zeires complcit ; hes of new an-* nexed to the Communitie of the faid Burgh, and their SuccefToures , infavoures of their Miniftery and HofpitaU ; All and haill the faidis Lands and tennements, annual-rents , profits and emo uments fore- faids : Few-fermes, mailles and dewties thereof : And furrogatis diem in the fuUricht of aUlandes, an¬ nual-rentes , and emolumentes , fituate within the iree-dome of die faid Burgh ; Qiihukis pertemedol be¬ fore. toquhat-fumeverBilhop, Abbot, Prior-, Or quhat-fumever EcclefiafticaUperlon within this Re- alme ; And ordainis an new infeftment to be exped thereupon, lor their fecuritie, gif it be thought expe¬ dient i And for the faid godlie efFeft , his Hienes dilTolvis the generail annexation in that part ; m la tar as the femia may a-ppeare to be extended to onie of the pi-emiffcs, or to the annexanon maid of before, in tavours of the faid Coledge and HofpitaU , t£T>umbarny , quhairof the Kirk of Fotie ind^mretje at pendiddcs, lyand within die SchirefFedome oiTerth ■. The Parfonage of Curry . and die ane Vicarage thereo , perteining to the Arch-deane oiLoiithiane : The landes, annual-rentes , Iioufes , zairdes an ‘gg'"S TmifkCoilege, fituate widiinthefaidBurghofEi/«Walfweillperteimng to the Proveft.a^^^^^^ bendars diereof, and commoun landes, and annual-rentes of the fame. Qiihilk aniKxa i n, is advife of his faidis Eftaitcs in Parliament , ratifies and apprievis : As als liis Majeftie , with of his Lids Eftaites, ofnewannexisdieutherhalfeofdieVicatageof&rry, todiequhdknaperfonispc^ die haill Vicarage of the faid Kirk of quhilk alfwa vakisbe deprivation of N. of the fame ; To remaine with the Proveif , Baillies , Councell J communitie of the fafo^ and their Succeflbures in time cumming, for fuftentationof Aeit faidMmi erie an ^ ^ ' before Soveraine Lord , and Eftaites forefailis . decernis and dedans , "ane of ~ Written, difponed of before, and newlie annexed, for fuftentat.on of the “ were, ar, or fall be ever comprehended in the generail Annexation ^ to theCrown ; Boewere, arf and fail be excepted therefra i L.keashisMajeftKand^ ofiiewexceptisthefamin, not onelie fra die faid annejanon : bot fra Ins » 3i8 king JAMES THE SENT time by-paft, or maid ill tliisprefent Parliament; And declarisalfwa, that the faidis Proveft.Baillics, Cou cell and communitie , and tlieir Succeflbures , in all time camming , lies, and fall havefikfullrichtof nr” pertieandiuperioritieoftheforefaidislandes, annuall-rentes and revenues, tennentes and tennendries^j ferviceof free-tennentes tliereof; as had the Bifiioppes, Abbotes, Priors, Friers, Monkes, Nunius Chaplanes , and Prebendarcs , to quhom the faidis iandes and annuali-rentes , pertained of before ; Nqj’ withftanding , ony afte or conftitution , preceeding the dait hereof. FINIS. ANE TABLE OftheT ARTICULAR t_ACTES and utheris , maidbe KING J ACMES theSext in this twelfth Parliament , the fifth of Juny ; zeires , not imfrented. ’ I Ommijfwn anent the Minifiers flipendes. a jExcepion in favour of Adam, Bijhoffe ^Orkney. 3 Commifpon for reparation of Hofpitalles. 4 Anent thebigfimgof aneJkondKirk, within theParochin of S.hnixewss. y For apprievingof the Kirk, bigged be }o\mSch3sn of Gteenok. 6 The union of the Kirk ^Forteviot , to the auld Colledge ^Saint-Andtewes. 7 The diffolution of the Ueanrie i^Reftal-rig. 8 Ratification of the penfion granted John Durie, his wife and Jbnne. 9 Ratification of the manfe of the Mimfier ^Pettin-weeme. 10 Commijfion anent the he all flipendes of Minifiers. 1 1 LommiJfWn anent the rpding in Parliament. I v For furthering of the Kingis commoditie be the mines and mettalles. 1 3 Ratification of the Kingis revocation. 14 t.Mnent the payment of Burrowe mailles. I y Annexation of Kelfo and Coldinghame. 1 6 Anent the nomination andefiahlijhing of our Soveraine Lords privk Counceji. 1 7 iMiient the Kingis Chappell Rqgall. 1 8 Commijfion anent the examination and imprinting of the Lawes of this Realme. 19 Ratificationof the contrail of mariage, betuixt the King, and ®ueenes Majefiies , andofherinfeft- mentes pafi thereupon. ^ 10 Approbation of their fervice , quhaaccompaniedhis Majefiie to Norway and Denmark. I I Ratification of t be proceeding of the Earle Marfchell , and uthers direii to Denmarke , to treat tbefaid Mariage. 11 Ratification to the Laird ^Barne-Barrow , and Maifier Peter Young, and of their proceedini in the find Mariage. ■ e & 1 3 Prefiription of the Ail of repoffejfimi. 14 iMii annullingthe bandes and contraHesofperfbnes, beingput in captivitie. ly Ratification of the Commiffariote of i.&ahax^\. 16 Ratification of the Burgh ^Hadingtoun. 17 Of the Hojpitall of Perth. 2.% For the biding of the Tolhuith «/Clack-mannan. 19 EreHion of the Toun of Scraling , in ane Burgh of Barr&nnie. 30 Changeing of the Fame 0/ Dornoch. 31 AB in favour of the Burgh of Anftruthcr, bezond the Burne. 31 In favour of the Burgh i^’Cul-rofle. 3 3 Ratification of the exceptiones from the generall Ait of Annexation-. 3 4 ‘Declaration to the Earle of Angus , anent his honoures. 3y I^tificatwn of ane contrail, betuixt the King, and the Earle »/ Angus. 3 6 Ratification to the DukeofLeaaox , of the fuperioritie of the ‘Priorie ^Saint-Andrewes 37 Ratification of the Earledome e/Orknay , to the F.arle thereof. 38 Ane uther to the ^arle e/Gowrie , of his infeftment 39 Item to him, of the Abhac'te o/Scone. 40 To the Earle o/'Mont-rofe. 41 To the Maifier ^Mont-role. 41 To the Tord Lindefay. 43 Of ane ‘Penfion out ^■Quhite-horne, to my Urd of Ai to the Maifier of DmmmoMndi. 4y iMnent the TemporaMe ^Paflay. 46 In favour of the Commendatar ^Mel-rofe. 47 Ra- TWELFTH FARLIAMEUT. V. cf Jmtj. lygi. Vetifictitim to Arche-bald Dowglas, foatotheCmnmidatar ’fo the Commetdatar of Kinlofle. fo the Cmmendatar o/-Lundbris. fa the Lvrd »/New-botde. fo the Lord e/Urquhart. ^ ■ \ fo)ohnCohi\i, SqKue to the Cmmendatar efCvkoWs. faWiUiam> Cmmendatar amnttheJemforalUieof&vlmiiig. L fQthebairMsffmqubik, dir Lewes Bellendena/Auchinijowll, latte Jnfik(i,QkrliH. fo the bairnes of umquhik the Laird flf Segey. 'A to Maifter David Chalmer «/Otnjond. , A To Alexander Hoome ^ North Berwike. Vi fo Sir Robbert Mal-vill ^Miirdocarny Knight, Thefaurer. A fo Andrew Mal-vill e/’Garvok, Maifler-hmjhoUe. lo To the Laird o/Tullibardin, tMatfter-hmJholde. (,1 ft^ the Laird of Otmdkma., JuliiceXlkrke, f^dVrJqhnCarmichaeU, ofthatUk, Knight, MaifieroftheStahhj 63 TothefdidSir^AnconcermnphelmdsBfJjms^Y^tAmAma. Jq foolJfei/Pc'r Gilbert Moncreif, Medicinartohis’Majefiie, 6j George Young, Arcbe-deane»f%w&.-hsdte!^i%. 66 To Sir George Hoome Knight. 6-j fojoliii Gib. 68 To John Chifliolme. 69 To Maifier Hentie Keir. 70 To the aires of Eupheme Mak-kalzane. 71 To David Cunninghame-«/Robett-lar>'’ yi To the Ladie Aicket. 73 To the Laird, of Cef-furde. 74 To the Laird ^Pettarrow. 77 To the Laird ^Findlater. ^ To rfe fiW ^Buquhollic. 77 To the Laird ^Lareo. 78 To the Laird of hme. 79 To the, Laird of T tit.. , 80 To the Laird ^Effil-mont. 81 To James Boyde of the Kppes. §z To Gawin Hammiltoun ^Roplodl. 83 To Nicoli Cairn-crocs of Calfe-hill. 84 To James and John isiurrayes.' 8j To Walter Scot of Tu^hjeiaw. 8d To Frances Borthwkke in Ballincreit 87 To Sir Alexander hoome ^Snuik Kni^ot, 88 To John Hoome ^Slcg-den, 89 To Thomas Meinzeis of Durn. 90 To James Hammiltoun ^Liber-toun. 91 To George Hammiltoun of, Preftoun. 91 To Williame Hoome ^ Baflmdene. 93 To John Schaw ^Broicli. , ‘ ' 94 Of ane, band of man-rent to the Laird ofBkck-Wsod: fs To John Andtd Clerk of the fecreet Cornwell. g6 To William Wylie ,■ ,, , . • 97 To the Ckrk of Regifter, aniMaifter JolinHay hU fohtte. 98 To the Earle ^Murray ane Super-federe. 99 To my Lord Thirle-ftane , LbancelUr. 100 To the Eark of Murray of his infeftmentes. 101 To ;fe fort/ Diiig-welL , ta%T:otheLairdofljsit zomger,his. xo^ "tothelMiSfi-towi. ■ io/Aber-kbine. loq ro the Commndatarof^tXii'^-yli^C. 107 Tithe Eark oflAonom. 109 Tothe LairdofTiwif^*s^ III To Mattene Eliot, iio To George Sinclar of Maij. til To % Lord of Spynie for his mfefitnent. nment. FINIS. 'ft 9. gc H E jao king JAMES THE S E X T THE THRETTENTH P A R LIA MENT, Balden at Edinburgh, the XXI day ofjulij , the zeir of God , ane tKoufand, five hundreth fmrfiore threttene zeires. Be the richt excellent , high , and michtie Trince , JAMES the Sext , King of SCOTT ES ; ^Mnd three Eftaites of the Realme. reft. 159. CMercattes and Faires ar forbidden on the Sabhotb-day. UR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of the Eftaites of this prefent Pat ) liament , ratifies and apprievis the Aftes maid anent tire difchargeir^ of Faires and Mercattes, halden on Sabboth-dayes ; And becaufe the famin Aftes in manic re " ■ at na-wayesobferved in Land-wart ; THEREFORE His Majcllie |with advife forefaid, expreflie commandis and chargis , all Schireffcs , StewarJes" ^Baillies, Proveftes, and Bailiies of Burrowes ; And all utliets quhom it falj , pleafe evetie particular Presbyterie to nominate , within their awin bounds , to tliat deffeft ; Todifcharge, remoove, and put awaie all Faires and Mercattes', halden j!on Sabboth-dayes , as they will anfwcre to his Majeftie ; And in-cafe they be found negligent, ordainis letters of horning , upon an fimple charge of tendayestobedi- to charge them thereto , at die inftance of the faid Presbytery. 160. Contemners of the decreetes of the Kirk , fuld be denunced Rebelles. FORSAMEIKLE As the Kingis Majeftie, with advife ofhis Eftaites in Parliament, lies confirmed andeftabhflied, tliejurifdiftion andjudicatours of the Kirk , in the generall and Synodall aflemblies Presbyteries, andpardculatSeftionesofeverieKirkandParoclie, willing and ordaining dieir fentencesind decreetes, in matersperteining to dieirjudicatour , to be put in execution , and take full effeft • And it is of veritie, diat a number ofobftinat and ftubborne people, in diverfe Parodies of this Land , hath contemned, and daylie contemnis the fentences and decreetes of the faidis aftemblies and judicatoures of the Kirk • Na- mclie in Land-wart Parodies, quhairdiereis litde, or na concurrence of Magiftrates, to punilh o’bftinat anddifobedientperfoncs : AndtliefaidKirkhavingnaudierpunilhmentintheirhandesbot Spitituall- the quliilkthefaidobftinatepeople (being altogether flelhlie and beaftlie) feelisnot, norfettisnotbv. There¬ fore OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of the faidis Eftaites, for remeid hereof , hesfta- tute and on^^ained, that in-cafeony ofhis fubjeftes within this Realme, refufis to obey the ordinances and dec recces of the faidis Aflemblies and judicatoures of the Kirk , in ony time to cum , the faidis AfTcmblies and judicatoures, fall direft their Bedle to the perfone orpeifonnes difobedient, chargeing and commandinj tlieiii ni che name of God and the King , to obey tlieir decreete and ordinance : The quhilk charge , gif the laid perlon orperfones contemne , and remaine obftinat ; The Minifter of the Paroche , quhait the faid perlonotperfoncsteniainis, fall tlireefeverall Sabboth-dayes from Pulpit, charge and command the faid perlon or perfones , in the nanie of God and the King , to obey the famin ordinance and decreete : And in- cafcnotwitliftanding, all the fodis charges, the faid perfon or perfones remainis ftill obftinateand rebelli¬ ous ; Then fal the faide Memblie or judicatoures, quliilk he? maid the faid ordinance and decreete, meane the mater be their fupplication , to the Lordes of Selfion , conteining the fubftance of the ProcelTe, die fentence and decreete pronunced againft the faidis perfone or perfones, with a complaint of their con¬ tempt and di obedience : Quhait-upontheparciecompleined on, being firft cited and heard to propone tueir aucWuIldefenfes, in-cafetliey compcir : And gif they compeirnot, propter contumaciam. The aidisLordes ofSelflon, orfecreitCouncell, fall give out letters , to put the fiid perfon or perfones to the tem7c’ardimo?“"‘'‘‘^ in-cafe of difobcdience. and continuing in their former coii- 161. CMinifters glebes Jitld be defigned foorth of onie Kirk-landes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, quhait there lies bene na glebe of auld, or quhair hes bene fum of ‘ ^ larre within the ^antitie of four aikers of Land , that tlie defignation be maid of tlieParfon, Vicar, Abbot or Priorefle Landes ; And failzieng thereof , outoftlicBilhoppislandes, Friers landes or ony ucher Kitk-landes , lyand witliin die boundes of the faid Paroche ay and quliill foure aikeris of land be compleit. ■' ' item. THRETTENTH TARLIAMENT. XXL of July. '59}- tTEM, That die faidis glebes be defigned with free-dome of foggage, paftourage , fewall fail! ifTat , ioning ’ ^ priviledges and richtes . according to ufe and *,oont of add. 1 6i. LMiniflsres fiifendu fild be free of all impfitioues. FORSAMEIKLE As findrie MiniAeres , quha lies bene in iang pofleffion of their ftipends, be vettew of their affignationes, are troubled be penfioners or tackifmen, qulia lies taiie inttick, gift, or p-ttfio-n ather tlieir haill ftipends, or ane great pairt thereof, and lies obteined ratification in Parlia- , Our Sovetaine Lord, with advife oOiis Eftaitcs of this prefent Parliament ; Or- dainis that all Minifteres ftipends in time cumming be fee from all tackes, penflones, taxationes, or im- pofitiones quliat-fumever , notwitliftandingof ome gift or difpofition maid in the contrair ; to the effeft diat ftieMiniftets may bruik their ftipends peaceably in all time cumming, without ony trouble, according to ^leit allignation. 163. Anent dijfojitions of hemfices granted to OHinijteres. FORSAMEIKLE As the Miniftets ferving the cure within this Realme , being lauchfullie provided to Patfonages and Vicarages, and annexed and perteiningofbefore to prelacies; Ties bene this time by- oanc fruftrat of the rentes and faiites of the fame : Notwithftanding die lauclifuUprovifiones and affigna- tionestliereto: Fortemeidquhairof, and to die effeftdiac the haill Parfones, ferving the Cure of Minifterie within this Realme , may peaceablie braik and poflefle their benefices of Parfonages and V icarages of their awin Kirkes , iruites , rentes and emolumentes thereof, in all time cumming ; Co;|forme to dieir Provifion and affignation of die famia ; to retnaine wi. h them and their fuccefibutes, ferving th&Cure , as faid is : It is ftatute and ordained , that all gifts, provifiones, and affignationes, difponed to the Miniftets, ferving the Cure oftiie Parfonages, Vicarages, and Kirkes thereof; Is and fall be, now, and in all time cumming, valiable andfufficient richtes and titles to them, andeverieaneofthem: Forbruiking, joyfingandpofleffingofthe fame ; and intrometting with the fruites, rentes and dewties thereof, in time cumming, ratifiand and appriev- and die fame: Notwithftanding quliat-fum-ever aft or conftitution maid in the contrair : But preju¬ dice allwaies of quhat-fum-ever particular pairties tightes ; And fpecialiie the Queenes Majefties Kirkes of ’Dumjemel'me. 164. Afient the fayers ^Mefle, andreceipters , Or intertemers of excommunkat Papiftes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, diat in-cafe in time cumming, oiiie perfon or perfones fayil/e^, ot receipt and intettainc willingly, be the fpace of three nightestogidder, or three nightesatfeveral times, excommunicate Jefuites, or trafficquing ‘Papiftes , againft the Kingis Majeftie and Religion , prefendie pro- feffed and eftablilhed within this Realme : The famin being dewlie and lauchfullie tryed , fall vetifie and infer the deede to have bene of the knawledge and gud-will of the perfon or pctfonesaccufed therefore: Quha being convift of the ptemilTes, ot ony of them ; tlieir efeheitte, for the firft fault, fall fall and becum in his Majefties Iiandes, aiidfailbeintrometted-widi, to his Hienefle proper ufe; And being convift thereof the fecund time, fall amit and tine their life-rent , of quhat-fum-ever their landes, poffeffiones, utheris guddes and geare; And being accufed and convift therefore the thtid time, fall incurrediepaineoftreafon, and the proces and doomeof forefaltour, fall be ordoutlie led, pronuuced and execute againft diem, widi all rigour. ifiy. Na particular aBe of Parliament, fall pejuigethe Miniftersintheirlivinges. 0URSOVERAINELORDE, With the advife of die Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, having confiderarion how that the Miniftets Provided to Ecdefiafttcal funftiones and livingesoftheKirk, andferving the cute thereat, hes bene and may be in time cumming lieavilieprejudged in theitfaidisEccle- fiafticall liviiwes and rentes thereof, befpecial aftes and conftitutiones , maid in lavour ol certaine particular perfones: For remeid thereof in dine cumming , hes Harute and ordained, that quhat-fum-ever aac or conftitution ofParliaraent in time cumming, after th.edait hereof, be maid in favour of ony particular Mt- fon . quhairby die provifion of ony Miniftets livings , may be tane awaie , or in onie wife prejudged, direeilie or indireftlie, in their fjidis provifiones, rentes and ptofites thereof , or ony part of die famin ; diat the fall be in alkime.s cumming, nullandofnaneavaile, force nor effeft:: Except the faidis Mimfters be called Upon their provifiones , and die famin in haiii or in part, reduced before the Judge ordinar. 166. i^dditimm to the paines of Law-hmrowes. TT isftatuteandordained, be OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, and the three Eftaites JL tune nimmiMfr r»FT aw-borrowes . or for no diat in T Isftatuteandordained, be OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, and the three Eftaites, t time cumming, thepainesandunlawesofLaw-borrowes, or for none-againe-brmging ot letters to^tlie KING JAMES THE S E X T JufticeClerke and his deputes; or for none-compeirance before the Juftice after fovertiefoundc- fa!|i for cvcrie Erie or Lorde , rw a thoufand pundes : For cverie great Barronne, ane thoufand pundes : Fqj „„ F rce-Iialder, ane thoufand Markes : For eyerie Fewer, five himdreth Markes : For eyerie Zeaman-nian i...y,dadiMarkes; For eyerie Gentle-man un-landcd , twa himdreth Markes: Ofilkperfonfunimoncd”' pas upon Aliife before the Juftice , ane hundred! Markes ; And that the Juftice Clerke and his deputes ceil c fovertie, according to the faidis paines in time cumming , and na uther-waies : as tliey will anhvere u the dewtie and execution of their ofiices. And the faids paines of Law-borrowes , to be divided equih ietuixt die King and the partic offended unto; conforme totheaftmaidthere-uponofbefore. si- 1 die un-law of all perlbnes arreifted cumming , fall be twentie pundes. and not compeirandatthefirftjufticeaire, oVer all the Realme iii ijjuj 167. Annual-rentes fayed out of the Kin^s Trofertie , to Ecclefaftkal ferfines, after their deceafi, fall reUtme to the Crown. IT Is ftatute and ordained be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and his Eftaites in this prelent Par liament; Thatafter the deceafe oftheprefenepofleflbur of the Prelacies, and uther benefices within Ak Realme; the annual-rentes payed there-unto , out of the BurtovV-mailles, cuftomes, and utheris rentes of thepropertie, toremainewithhisHienefleandhisfucceflbures, as apartofthe patrimonieoftheCroune- And nane diat fall happen to be provided in tide to the faidis Prelacies, or uther inferiour Benefices , fall hjyj ■■ richt or aftion , to crave or recover the famin annual-rentes : Notwithftanding their provifiones , general or fpecial quhat-fum-ever, without prejudice alwaies oftheHofpitalles and Colleges within Univerfities, and Schooles, within this Realme. 168. The faines of wrangeous Cuftomers and Searchoures. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, with advife of the Eftaites in this prefent Parliament , ftatutis and ordainis , that all Cuftomers and fearchers , fall compeir zeirlie in the ordinar time of the Checker and make faith that they have done dieir dewtie trewlie in their offices, the zeir preceeding ; And gif ony fall be tryed to have done in the contrair ; be fuffeting or over-looking of forbidden guddes, or un-cuftonied guddes to be tranfported , ather before the Juftices or his deputes, or auditoures of the Checker , diat the offender thereby in-cur die paine of deprivation from their offices, and efelieitting of all tlieir movable guddes. 169. Remijfiones and rejfittes fidd not be granted , without ane letter of Jlaines : They fdd be regijlrat. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites ofdiis prefent Parliament, ratifies and apprievis, the aftes of his Hieneffe Parliamentes , maid of before ; againft the granting of remiffiones and refpettes to the committers of murthers, flauchters , and udier odious crimes , mentioned therein , quliair there is not fufficient letters of Haines ffiawen ; And ordainis the faids afts to have full effedf, andtobeoblervedbeliiS Hienefle and his deputes, during die haill fpace , mentioned therein; And that narefpit or remiffion be ad¬ mitted in judgement hereafter. except dielaminbecomponedbethcThefaurer, fubfccibedbeliini, andat die leaft, paft his Regifter. 170. Ratificationes of the friviledges of the College of Jnfiice. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And Eftaites of this Realme , conveened at this prefent Parlia¬ ment, ratifies and apprievis , for them and their fuccefloures, all and quhat-fum-ever Adles, ftatutes, conftitutiones and ordinances, maid be his Majeftie, or his Predeceffourcs, in favoures of the Senatoures of the College of Juftice , and members thereof: fen the firft ereftion of the faid College, to diis prefent day and daft, widioutonymanerofdiminutionorderogationofthefamin, inonyfbrt, be quhat-fum-ever udier aft or ftatute, diat may or can be extended or interpreted in the contrair , aidier fpccial or general. 1 7 1 . Infeftmentes ofthefrofertie , without conjent of the Cornf trailer ^ ar null. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of the Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies and apprievis the ade maid in die Parliament halden at the fifth day of 7a»«, thezeirof ^od , ane thoufand, five hundreth , fourfeore twelve zeires ; Anent the fetting of infeftmentes of his Maje- Ities properee; And decernis and declaris quhat-fum-ever infeftmentes to be fet in dme cumming of die lamin, without the Comptrollers confent, his fubfeription and palline of his regifter, to be null and of nane availe. r & b > Infeftmentes given be the King, with new richt of Tatronage in that fart , arnnll. OH.^ LORDE, And Eftaites ofdiis prefent Parliament, confidderingliowhis Hienefle lies bene greattumhe circumveened in granting of oew infeftmentes, to fmdrie perfones of their Landes THRETTENTH TJRLIJMENT. , XXL of July. IJ95. 3^5. — ^J^^'iJidudingthsrc-with, bedisirimporwnefuite; the advocation , donation, and ticht of Patronage ^ • V Kitkes and Benefices : quhilk never pecteined to them oi before; Bot to his Majefties prefentation, ofdivene ig^itoalife; And the richt of the Panonage of their Benefice, ^dandt^en, during their life-time, without their confentorknawledge: Tendingtheteby toap- parcliali . quhairthefarainfalivake. to their particular ufes; Not onelie proptiate Hienes, and prejudice of the Kirk ; quhairby all convenient oceafion is abftrafted from U'^nefle to grati'fie qualified peifones , quha hes travelled and ar able to ferve in the fanftion of the Mini- g„(i Preaching of the EvaagcU; Bot aifotothegreathazatdanddangeroftlieperfones, providedto ^emeidqiihairof, our faid Soveraine Lord and Eftaites forefaid hes ftatute and ordained : and be ^ nnur hereof, decernis and deciaris, that all fik infeftmentes, granted in times by-paft , or to be graunted thete be his Hienes, conteinand the gift and difpofitionofthe right of ony Patronage, advoca- J donatioii of benefice , quhilk petteined of before to his Hienefle gift and prefentation: quhairofthe non ™ pejfon, was for the time, or fall happen to be alive, the rime of the granting of the faid inieftment, & nnfent noc'ht had andobteined thereto, hes bene fra the beginning, and fall be in all time cumming . '"T f nane availe , force nor efFcft , fa far as concernis the diipofition of the ticlit of Patronage of die faidis ?'• t s- Bot furder proces or dedaratoiir of onie Judge to be given there-upon ; And die faide advocation, j rinn and rivht of Patronage of the faidis Benefices, to retume to his Hienefle; and be at his difpofition and ™ frnration freelie, as the famin was before the granting of the faide infeftment ; And as gil the faidis infeft- ** res had never bene granted: But prejudice alwaies of the faidis infeftmentes, anem the remanent f T s thetdn conteined ; Quhilk fall remaine in the awin ftrength and effeft , and this nullme to be received clmarlie'’ be way of exception, reply, orobjeftion: Difchargeing adjudges within tltisRealme, to grant onie Ptocefle upon the ti|ht of the faid Patronage, be vetrew of the faidis infeftmentes: bot to halde the fame^ n „ j q foone as the beneficed mans, awin confeiit may be had and obteined , to the fakiisinfeftmentes.thefametobealsfufficieatandeffeftual, as gif tlieit coiifent had bene obteined thereto, ftoai die beginning. 173. fhepaimofthem that troubles the Tarllament , Sejfon and uther Judgementes. TT isftatuteandordainedbe OUR SOVERAINE LORD And ]^rdesofArticUesoftbispre- ^ L pSment; That quho-foevet fall happen at ony time hereafter : to fttfe, hurt, or fkie ony perfon /r during the time ot the liaidine of the Parliament, within the Kings Withitdiss Hien^P n-chalmetoforeEnce- The Kinais Majeftie for the rime being widiin iiis Palkce, in„ctCirJmet,Cabmett^; Or orwirhmtkinne ■ p ’ 1. | ^ time ofche Councell fitting there; Or quha^foever fall happen Setimrfatathepail^ and faU be accufed therefore, as committers of treafon and lefe- “ AND S* like ftaturis and otdainis, that qulia-fa-ever fall fttike or hirte in ony time heir-after SrifiSS tte t’ime that difLordcs of Seffion fittis for admiiiiftrarion ofjuftice, fall incur the paine of death , and fall be accufed onie time heirafter , fall ftrike ot hurte onie perfon, poundes granted Le quhat-fum-ever ftatut* fitting in Judgement . fcM incutre the painc of deadi, and be accufed ctimmail} tlieretoir. 174 Ratification of the ABes maid anent Meft, refiitus and rmijfiones ar mil, 174. Kanjt without fatisfaawn of the J>art>e. I^UR SOVERAINE LORDE, Cl ofthe rebellious contempt, ufed be atic great rr „ i Ouha without regard of their dmrs as in the Hie-lmides , and diverfe utheris partes of his Hi j.. ' r •„ . jqgj fubferiving of aflurances dswtifuU obedience , paffis daylie to the home .for no^iidmg o , ^ . d Hienefle Officiates, in execu- in maters of feeds, ingis and ftrickis his Majefties mefleoger^ and commitris open diieft, tiefeand tionoftheirofiices: ASdfum quha nighdie and dail.enev.s, forrayis, and commitns open KING JAMES THE SENT 314 oppredion: For remeid quhairof , our faid Soveraiiie Lord, ordainis the Aftcs and Lawes maid of K f anent thiefc , thiefc-bootc, receipt of thicft, interteiners, intercommuneres, receipters and fuppliers of tl ' to beput to execution, according to the tenour thereof; And ratifies and apprievisthefaiiieinallDo"^'^'*’ Andfurder, our faideSoveraine Lord, with advife of the Eftaites of tliis prefent Parliament , ftatut ordainis, that narefpite nor remiflion, be granted at ony time hereafter , to ony perfonorpetfones palfistodiehorneforthieft, riefe, flauchter, burning, or heir-lhippe, quhill the partie skaithed l’ c'a fatisfied; And gifonyrefpit or remiffion fall happen to be granted, before the partie grieved, befirftfnt c j the famin fall be null and of nane availe , be way of exception or replie, without ony furder declaratour ■ ^ the faidis temifliones and refpittes be granted, for pacifieng of the broken Countries and bordoures. I75-- That the writer infert his name in the hodie of the writte. OUR SOVERAINE LORDS, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, underftandiiw fitelie , that falfettes in-creafis dailie within this Realme : And Ipeciallie , be the writing of the b ofthecontraftes, chattoures, obhgationes, revetfiones, affignationes , and all uthers writtes and° dentes, be the hand- writtes of fikperfones, as ar not commounlie knawen, and ar not commoun nor nor bruikes na commoun Office , as writers within this Realme : And gif the writer were knawin , thefa*'^'*’ wald give great licht to the tryali of the trueth of die falfed ofthe faid writ and evident: Therefore his r"* nefle, with advife ofthe faidis Eftaites in Parliament, decernis anddeclaris, that all original chartou contraftes, obligationes , reverfiones, affignationes, and all udieris writtes and evidentes to be maid after, fall make fpecial mention in the hinder end thereof , before the inferting of the witnelles therein Of thename, furname, and particular remaining place, diocefie, and udier denomination ofthe writer of tli bodie of the forefaid original writtes and evidentes : uthetwaies the fame to make na faith in Judgement not out-with in time cumming : And to begin upon the firftdaye of nixtto-cum. 176. Annexation of the propertie to the Crown. OUR SOVERAINE LORDS, And Eftaites of diis prefent Parliament : Confiddering the dailie in-creafeofhisHienes charges and expenfes, and diminution ol his Hiene^ rentes of hisVo. pertie and commoditie , throw unprofitable difpofitiones maid tliereof in time by-gane : Therefore tliinkis expedient, that the landes and Lord-ftiippesimder-written, be annexed to the 6own ; and ptefentliean- nexis the fame thereto , followaiid the example of his PredecefToures , for the honorable fupport of his Eftaite: and the fame Lands , Lotd-lhips, andutherishereafterfpecified, toremainepeipemalhewiththe Crown: Quhilkismaynatherbegivenawaieinfrcefrank-tenement, penfion, or utherdifpofitiontoony perfon, ofquhat eftaite or degree that ever he be of, without advife , decreete, and deliverance ofthe liaij Parliament: And for great reafonable caufes , concerning the weill-fareofthe Realme : Firft to be advifed anddigeftlie confiddered be the haill Eftaites. And albeit, it fall happen our Soveraine Lord that nowisi oronyofhisSucceflbures, ISimtsoi Scotland, to annalie and difpone the faidis Landes, Lord-fdiippes! Caftelles, Tounes, donation and advocation of the Kirkes and Flofpitalles , with thfe pertinentes , annexed to theCroun, as faid is, utherwife: That the fame alienationes ancl difpofitiones, fall be of nane availe ; hot that it fall be lefiim to his Hienefle , and his Succeflbures , to receive the fame landes and rentes to their win ufe; qulien ever it likis them, without ony proces of Law : And the takers to refound and pay , allprofites that they have taken up thereof, againe to his Hienefle , and his fucceflbures ufes , for all the time that they havehadthem, withfikutherreltriftiones, as ar conteined in the aftes of Parliament, maid be his mailt Noble Progenitours, YiapsoiScotland, in their annexationes to the Croun. They ar to fay, die landes of Beaufort: ThthnAtsofPettmdreicht : The landes ol Cote)//; 1 he landes oiOneiH: The landes of frt- ttrearne: The landes (ATeilmg and Tolgavie : The landes olCoibraudifpeth : The Erledome cA Marche: The landes of T raheache apd Teringzeane : The landes of CarriH , Lejualt and cJNermyhrig : Thelandes ■ol Cowell: The landes and Lord-ffiip oi Galloway, abone and beneath Cree: Thelandes of'DH»roiii.- The Caftle and landes aiUchmabene : The landes oiGleucharny and Glenmoreiftoun : The landes omfeher andToyer.- The landes of ffrar/fOTa.- TheLord-fchipofC%»feft/o.- The landes of Thelandes of Bute : The landes of Ruthvens in Cromar : The affife herring in the %afl and Weft Seas : The Lord-lhip ol Ttumbar .• The landes of NormangiU, ^ihitegiU & South-wood : The landes oiTtunedonald: The Kingis watk m Ceith: The Kingis liable : The Kingis Meedow : The Pallace, zardes , and Parke oiHaly-rude-hmfi: The Lord-lhippe oidnUthcow ; without, prejudice of die former annexation of die landes and Lotd-lhippes abone written, or onyof them, gif ony be maid of before, with tennentes,tenncndries,fervicc of free-tennontes. ^77* Tlecreetes given within Burrowes,fiild receive execution, he letters of horning. ITEM, Becaufc there is na execution on Borrow aaes, but only wairding and poynding ■ Quhilkisnot onehe a great trouble to the Magiftrates, bot hurt and defraud to the partie ; In relipea that findrie abfentis theirgeate: utherisrefeiftis not warding: Andthatthefuitingoflettersconforme. isbaitlifumpteoustotlic perlewer, and hmderfum ; the decreetas beand given oftimes offmallfumnies : Therefore OUR SO¬ VERAINE THRETTENTH V ARLlAMEwT^'of July. ^ VERAINELORD withconfentoftheEftaites, decernis that the Lordes of Councell and SefTion fall direft letters of homing on all decreetes and afts , given be Proveft and Baillies of Burrowes inter coneives ■ and all uther fubjea unto their jurifdiftiones , upon the fight thereof : And execution of die officiates chame- inethe patty t° ™ake payment within fiftene daies ; ' like as is granted upon CommilTars precepts And diat tliefaidis letters of horning , proceede upon an fimple charge often daies allanerlie. 178. Cafe, Kid, and certaine uther skinnesjuld not be trmfportedout of the Realm. o Cate fufficient . as it me lamc were m.etj, ueicm , wore DC wow ; INotwithltanding the fame is not infett ; Anent thequlKlk. hisMajeftsewithadvifeforefaid, bethirptefentcsdifpenfisforcver. widt this addition ; That his Majeftie and Eftaites of this Parliament underftanding how neceffary and profitable the fchurling skinnes ar for lyning cufchcones, making of poita, lynmg, puitches, glooves, and daitliine of die puir ; and utherwife fervingtodivetfeutnerufes, to ail his Majefiies Lieges; Qiihilkis be due traSporting and carving of the foie foortli of tiiis Realme at become to ane exorbitant dearth ; that there-riitow, not onlie die sWnnets argreattuailie hurt and prejudged, be die tn-laik ol tne leather tliereof, quhair-with to worke- Asalfwa I, is Msjeftie importis na profile thereof be cuftome , nor uther-wife ; Bot alfwa all utheris liis Hieneffie Lieges , ar gteattumhe hurt and prejudged thereof Therefore it is ftatute and ordained , diat na Merchand, Crafief-man, or uther perfon or perfones , cane, ortranfnort, onie of the faidis fchurling skinnes, nor utherskiniiesabone mentioned, foorth o! this Realme , under the paine of confifeation oi fa monie , as fail happen to be apprehended: The ane halfe thereof to be confifeat to our Soveraine Lordis life, Lid the .Btliet halfe to die parde that apprehendis the fame : And furder puniffiment of the perfones , tranfporters and conttaveenets of this prefent aftc , in their perfon and guddes , according to his Majefties pkafure. 179. The cuftome of Beare. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, ftatiuisandordainis, that his Hienelle fell have twentielliiiiings of cuftome, of eyerie tunne of Beare, brocht in tliis Re- alme, intimecumming, after the dait hereof. 180. Cmfirmatim of the Tiemie of Glides JurifdiBim. FORSAMEIKLE As out Soveraine Lord, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, having confid- dered how neceflarie and expedient it is , that the power andjurifdiiftion of die Deane of Gild, and their Coancell within Burgh, be approoved and allowed, as it is now uftd in the x.o\xAo{ Edinburgh: quhilkis totiiegreatfutdietaiiceofJufticetoourSoverame Lords Lieges, in all affions and maters concerning Mer- cliands; betuixt Merchand and Merchand , and betuixt Merchand and Mariner; quhilk aflions, aucTitnot, not fold not byde delay; Bot be exped and decerned be the Deane ofGr/«»-HL.»-i™owedth«eiipon, to be in all times summing, and to have bene in all times by-gane, null and of nane availc, force nor ettcct. And that the perfones, obteiners ofthe &disinfeftmentes, giftes, anddifpofitiones, fall nevetbe heard ^ Zz X 3^8 KING JAMES THE S E X T to mooveaftionnorquarrell thereupon: Nor foundconic exception or defenfe, be vercew thereof , 173;.^ theiaidisProveft, Baillies, Councell and communicie, and tlieir fuccelToures , to the effeef thattfeyi all times hereafter, without onic impediment or obftacle, may peaceablie bruik the faidis landes, tenemei^s" annual-rentes, uther emolumentes and profites, to die ufe quliair to they wete given of before, asfaid is. ^ 186. mercat granted to Aberdene. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, With advife of his Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, giyisj^j grauntis licence and libettie to the Burgh of i_Aberdene : Tl'o hald ane mercatte and publick Faue, with, intheireedomeofthefaid Burgh, to begin zeirlie hereafter upon Monondaie, immediatlie before Whn- Jfimdaie: And thereafter to continue for the fpace of audit daies, widi the liaill jurifdidiones , Iteedonics' I toll and cullomes of the fame. ’ ' 187. i.Mnent confirmations of Kirk-landes , fiibfcrihed of auld be the King , and under the frivie feale. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, undcrftandingdivetfeinfeftmentesoffew-ferme, to have bene granted of auld be the Prelates of this Realme , of their Temporal landes, in favours of his lieges, lauch fulhe maid for juft caufes, and with all folemnities requifit : Andfindricinfeftmentes, nocht onely ^ted bee the faidis Prelates, and their convent, under their commounfeales and fubferiptiones: Botals, bee the fpecialconfenteandauthoritieofhisHicnellePredeceflbures, ofgudememorie, Namelie, his Gracis Gud- fchir King JAMES thcFifdi, underhisfubferiptionandpriviefeale: Quhilkis according to the Eftaite of time wete lawfullfecurities, to the receivers thereof, and needed na particular confirmation to bcintet- poned thereto , atherbeaudioritieofthe!P or the Confirmation alleged requifite thereto , To be als fuffidemlieprovin ^ It' Voeftes , be produftion of the faid iafeftment , with this prefent Aft of Parliament , as gif ane ordinal " fi" atioti were produced ; And this prefent Afte of Pariiarnent to be received in all Judgementes hsre- (^“‘’"‘^^^giPintentcdanddependinginquhat-fumeverpartoftheproces, astobeintented, and to be ob- r^'^^dunivetfallie, as ane petpetudl Law , in ai! times hereafter And willis and dedaris , diat thir pre- - ' quhat-fumever aftes , ftatutes or coriftitutioncs of Parliament pre- fall make exprefie derogation, toqu ^eding anent the Confirmation ofthefewes of Kiik-landes, or anent double Confitmationes andpreroga-, tive thereof. ig8. i-Ali in favour of the Burgh of Aberdene , for confirmatlm of their mnualles. IIR Soveraine Lord, and Eftaitesofthis prefent Parliament, ratifies, apprievis and confiritiis, and O f new gives, grantis, anddifponis, totlieBurghoft_/®«rr/OTP, all and findrie die annualies , few- f es Chaplanaries and Prebendaries , quhilks beianged of before , to the Chapkines of theit Paroche Kirke dJier^^te, conteined in Ac gift maid to Ae faid Burgh of before. Annexafm of the Ahbay o/Bumfctmeline to the Crown. tiii; Succeubures lor ever : Auatianam in^ j.,auas, i.uLuiu.p» , , . , wooddes parkes. fifcliinges, Tounes. ViU^^cs, Burtowes , Regalmes. Batromes , annud-rentes, ten- Tments r^wfiones.CuftoL great and fmali. tew-fermes, places houfes , b.ggmges. Cattles, toures mio^places, zairdes, orchardes. Khkes. teindes great and fmall. ftuites, rentes, emolmnentes, and_ SSdrieutheris commodities and profiles quhat-fum-ever. tennentes. tennendnes. [erv.ce of malltimecumm g, f Kioir TamfitheSecond and King the Fifth, and confotmetoall cumming, asfeparateBarronies, andna-way«cobecomp i cp,umfermelme fallbemiderftand , be prov.fiof.tha|lithctondcsofAefaidisLan^ vertew of this aft , annexed to Ae Ctowne “e form^ remanent prelacies and KirkJandes of this maid in the zeir of God, 15-87. zeires , andallthex faid Soveraine , and his Eftaites of Realme, ar annexed to the Crown. It /.’gehite with annexes and connexe.s, free Re- Pariiament, *a«h«LordflitpandBartomeof^^# norfallnotbe gaime. pattesandpendtekiesofAefamm. Ar"oJ Lo^dihippe and Barronnie , with comprehended in ony annexation , to f. r fsJfamin, beiim ane part of the Patrimonie annexes, connexes. ftecRegalme, pattesand ^nexation of the Kirk-landes ofriiefaidAbbacieof2)/#wjfe-«»f/r«e, ivasexccprafaro nUR faid SOVERAINE LORD, tothe Crown. And >/* Lord of ChanceUar Lord- and Dame his fpoiife, .^„i„.Lordishandes, for infeftment of lyfe- fliippeandBarronie, they have laideiercfigned in ourfaidS uiencs life-rime And for ane uther in- ren'tW, given to the VeAsMajeftie for all Aedayesrfhirtt^^^ ^ j feftmentofthehentabillfeethereof, given to Ae faid J jof/ftmentes, our faid Soveraine Lord, Snoufe , and theix aires maill and of tailzie hentablw. Quh.lkis inieitmentes ‘ Z z ? 33° king JAMES THE S E XT with advife and confent of his forefaidis Eftaitcs , ratifies and confirmis be thir prefentes, and for his HienelT andhisSucccflburcs, willis and grantis , that the famin , ftand in full force. Heed and elTeft , in a][ (j ' hereafter; Andordainisthefaidnewinfeftment, given to the faidy«/»;, Lord hisfpoufe, and their aircs forefaidis, to be infert in the buikes of Parliament, gif ncedebcis. tpo. AB of the new %ift i^Dumfermcline , with the tJMonkes fm'tiones , to the ^eenes Majejlie. ITEM, OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With confent of his faidis Eftaites, havaiidconfideratioii thathis’Hiene!rebeandin‘i;/7&, in Norway, thetwentiefoureday ofA&ww/3er , the zcare of God aiw thoufand, five hundreth , fourfeore nine zeares , for diverfe occafiones mooving him , gave and difponed tohisdearcftSpoufe, ANNA Queeneof all and haill die Lord-lhip and Barronies of line, with all Lands , Tounes, Manourmlaces , milnes , multures diereof, lyand on the North-fide ofthe water of Forth-, to be bruiked and pofiefred be her , forallthedayesoflier life-time, as at mair length is conteined, inthefaidgift, ofthe dait forefaid : And now willing that his faid deareft Spoufe, fallbruik& joyis the (hid gift, forallthedayesoflier life-time , accordinglothetenourdiereof,andto die promife maid be him, and be his faidis Eftaites , to his deareft Brodier CHRIS 11 ANUS the Foutt of that name King aiEtenmarke : T H E R E F O R E Our Soveraine Lord , with confent forefaid , confirmis , ratifies and apprievis the faid gift, chattout, and feafmg following tliere-upon ; and all and fmdrie heades and arti- cles conteined therein : And promifes faithfullie to obferve , keepeandfullfill, andcaufethe famin to be keeped, obferved and fulfilled. Maiteover, for the caufes forefaidis , OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with confent of die faidij Eftaites, gives and difponis of new , to his faid deareft Spoufe ; All and haill die faid Lordlliip of Z)«», fermeline, lyand as faid is : With all Lands , Barronnies. places, houfes, bigginges, Caftles , routes Fortalices , manour-places , zairdcs , orcliardes , milnes , wooddes , fifehinges , Kirkes , teindes great andfmall, fruites, rentes, emolumentes perteiiiing thereto , with power and jurifditftion of Regalitfe of diefamin, for all die zeires and terme of her life-time ; And lyke-wife all Monkes portiones , perteiningto the faid Abbacie , to be bruiked be her , induring the faid time : And to be peaceablie inttometted witli be her faftoures and Chalmerlaines , in her name , als freelie as our Soveraine Lord may bruike and poflelTe the fame , be reafon of the annexation forefaid ; Or as ony Abbot or Commendatar lies bruiked or poflefied tlie fame, in ony time by-gane ; And to that effeift , our Soveraine Lord , with confent forefaid, cams, retreads, refeindis , and aiinullis all and fmdrie giftes and difpofitiones of Monkes portiones , perteining to the faid Ab¬ bacie , maid and given be his Hienefle , to cjiihat-fumever perfon or perfones , for quhat-fumever caufe or oc- cafion , before the daye and dait of this prelent aft of conftitution. 191.- ABe concerning the ^leenes tMajefiies richt to the thrid ^Dumfermeline, and comfenfation , for-fameikle at frefintly wants thereof. FO R S A M E I K L E As immediatly after the Mariage contrafted and folemnized betuixt the Kngand Qiieenes Majeftie , our Soveraines Lord and Ladie ; His Hienefle, forthefmgularloveandaiefti- 011 borne toward her ; gave, granted, and confirmed to her , in forme of morning gift, all and haill, the LordihippcofBft»;/etw//«e.' with all Barronnies , Landes, principall Manfion , houfes , zairdes , pa- ftoures, mihies, multures, milne-landes , teindes, alfweill great as fmall, wooddes, fchawes, coales, coale-heuches , fifehinges, and all utheris pertinentes thereof , quhat-fumever, alfweill under the earth, as abone , Ipnd on the North part of the water of Forth ; Quliiikis Landes , Barronnies , With all abone fccified, his Hienefle ofbefore had united, annexed and incorporated, in ane haill and free Lotd-lhippe, for payment of ane filver pennie , at the feaft of Whit-fmday , in the name of Blench ferme ; Like as at mair length is conteined inthefaidgift, daitedatT^, in'Norway , the xxiv. day of A&t'mfer , thezeir ofGod, 1989. zeires: And thereafter her Majeftie was infeft and gat poflellion, and faifing of the faid Lordfliip, upon the daye of the zeit of God , 1990. zeires: Quhilkgift, infeftment , and haill contract of Mariage, isratified, apprieved, and promifed to be accomplillied be his Hienefle , andhis Eftaites ; As his confirmation , under hi^reat feale , and under the feales and fubferiptiones of his faidis Eftaites, daitedanddehveredtotheEmbafladoutesof2)e«»Mr;4e, upon the xvij. day ofthe faid Motietli of A/iZy, the zeir of God forefaid beares. As alfwa in the Parliament, halden at Edinburgh , upon die fiftli day oijmtij, diezeirofGod, lypa. zeires, our faid Soveraine, with advife and confent of his Eftaites in Parliament, ratified and apprieved the faid contradf of Mariage, morning gift, and als the charter, pre¬ cept, and inftrumentoffaifing given be his Hienefle, to the Queene his deareft Spoufe , according to the faid contradf, Ofthe Palice oi l^ijilithcow , with the Lord-fehippe and Landes of the fame , zairdes, paftures, loches , fifehinges , milnes , multures, coales , coal-heuches , rentes , fermes , viftualles, Guftoumes , with advocation and donation of Benefices , tennentes , tennendrics , fervice of frie tennetites annexed aifo connexed Landis , partes , pendickles and pertinentes thereof , quhat-fumever lyand lyitb'*^ the SchirefFe-domc of tinlithcow and als the Earle-dome of Fife, with the Pallace and Caftle olFalk-lmi Lotd-fliip , Landes , wooddes , fchawes , paftures , rentes , fermes , dewties , cuftoumes , milnes , lUteS; THRETTE NTH TARLIAMENT. XXL of Julij. i 5'93. 331 ^.js; ^vith advocation and donation of Benefices, tennentcs, tennendries, and fetvice of free-temicntcs , *■ jjf’^jandconnexedlandes, partes, pendickies, and pertiiieives quhat-fumever , alfweil! not named at mmed; lyand within the Schireffe-dome of , and haiil contentcs thereof , accoriiig to the faid Char- tout. ofthedait, ^tHaly-rude-houfe , the Elleventh day of Mai/ , tliezeir of God, ane thoufand , five iiundteth , fourfcore ten zeires. And furder , decernand and declarand , that the faid contraft of Mariage , haiU claufes and contentes thereof , the faid Morning gif t , the faid Lord-fliippe of TDumfermcline renewed , asfaidis. abonefpecified ; The Chattoures , precepts, andinftrumentesoffaifingofthefaidEarledome, , ojd-fcipps. and uthetis abonefpecified : To have bene maid and done , to the honour , weill and profite ofhis Majcftie, and his Hienefle Crown, and to the weiU and cominoditie of the haill Realme ; And there¬ fore decernand and ordainand, the fame to Hand effeftuall, and to be inviolablie and faithfullie obferved , keeped and fuifilled , in all poyntes , and in all time ciimming : And that the faid decreete and fentence of pjjliainent, fuld be extradled , under the great feale , and feales of the haill Nobilicie, Barronnes , Clcrgie, andComniiflionersofBurrowes, Lordesof Articles of the faid Parliament, gif need were, quhair-throw jjisHienefie, and his Eftaites , reprefenting the haill bodie of tliis Realme, at oblilhed to the accomplilh- nientandfulfilling of thefaid contraft, Morninggift, infeftmentes and titles , maid to O U R faidSO V E- g,A?NE LADIE, in maner before fpecifiea. NeverthelelTe becaufe tlirovv occafion of findrie unprofitable difpofitiones , maid of findric partes , of the fruites and rentes of the faide Lord-fhippe olT>umfermetine , pardie before , and partlie after the faid Morn- ineeift; the foil rentes of the faid Lord-ihippe, according as it is valued, could nocht be gotten , andtim- cSlie brocht in to her Majefties proper ufe : OUR faid SOVERAINE LORDE, hesbenediverft times Mooved be his deareft Brother, coufmg, andallia, theKingof®e»»jflr^, and his Embafladoutes , inhisname, fentin this Realme ; That the faid Morning gift might be maid gude, to the Queenes Hie- oeile; andfheenaedinreallpofleffiontliereof, toiler awin proper ufe , Qiihaitanent tteatic being had, betuixthisMajeftie, and certaine ofhis Counceil inhis name, and the Embaffadoures of his faid deareft Brother coafiiig , andalliatheKingofZ)«;OTar^? ; Refolution is taken, that her Majcftie, andherChamb- tnerlanc in her name , fall have full & real! pofleflion of the faid Lordihippe oiT)umfermelme, and fa monie of tiie tents and ftuites thereof, asar ptefentlie free and uiwitiat ; And lall have alfwa compenfation out of the rentes and properties of tlie Crown, beinfeftmentoffpecialllandesaiid poftefiiones, as will extend in certaine and free rent , all chairges deduced , to the fumme of fex thoufand punds money of this Realme , zeirlie to be intromected with and uptaken be her Hienes awin Chambmerlane in her name , & to hir behoove attdproperufe, quhill fikpairtesoftherentsofBr/W3/frwe//«f, as are now poftefled be fum in lyfe-rentes , may accrefle be their deceas; and the pretended titles now ftaiidaiid upon the rents and fruites of the faid Lord- (hip oiDimfermelme , may be annulled and taken away be ordour of Law and Jiiftice, And the fame rentes teGovered and maid peaceablie to be intrometted-with, be her Hienes & her Chambmerlane, to her proper ufe and behoove , quhilk God willing is to be performed , within the fpace of ane zeire and ane halfe , quhilk will bee maift acceptable unto her Majcftie , and aye as onie pairt of the tent oiTyumfermelim now vitiat fall be recovered , and her Hienes in peaceable pofleffion thereof, als meikle of the faide compenfation out of the propertie fall be relieved and returne , to be received and intrometted-with bee his Hienes Comptroller, to his Majefties awin ufe. Mair-ovet our faid Soveraine Lord , confidering that the haiil Lord-lhippe QilDumfermel'me , alfweill lan- desasteindes, ditid as twa part , is conferred to our faid Soveraine Ladie, his deareft Spoufe, in her Mor¬ ning gift , as faid is : And that it is alreadie found be his Majeftie, be ane aft maid , with advife of the Lordes, and utheris ofhis privie Councell, Seffion and Checker , authorized, allowed and approovedfenfine be his Hienefle Eftaites in Parliament : That the thriddes of Benefices, and thereof . being deftinat lot fupport of the publick affaires , and fuftentation of the Minifterie , micht be difponed , given , or employ¬ ed na utherwayes , bot to the faid ufe and effeft , for the quhilk they were appoy nted at the beginning : And. fik-Iike, that nape nftones, tackes, or lyfe-rentes of the faidyF^fr-^/»f, micht , or may be difponed in time cumming, for onie langer^acc, nor the fpace of ane zeir ; And diat after the maldng of the zeitlie affig- nationes of the Minifters ftipendes , and fufficient provifion for fuftcining ofhis Majefties houfe zeirlie ; De¬ cernand and dcciarand , all and quhac-fumever penfiones , ly fe-rents , and tackes , putchafed , or to be, putchafled, quhairby the thriddes thereof , Or rite firft and heft rentalles thereof, hes bene daninifiied or altered, fen the firftaflumptionofthefaidis thriddes, granted aither be OUR faid SOVE- RAiNELORDIS deareft Mother, or be his Hienefle felfe , to quhat-fum-cverpetfon or perfones, upon wrang report or importune fuite , without cognition preceeding of the fuftentation of the Minifterie, and fufficient provifion for fufteiniiig of his Majefties Houfe , to have bene fra the beginning , and to bee in all time aimming of nancavaile, force nor effeft : Notwithftanding quhat-fum-evet tatificationes or confirma- tiones following there-upon : And like as die generall Colleftour , be himfelfe, his Chambmerlaiiies, & un¬ der-receivers in his name , ar ordained to aske, crave, receive, intromette, and up-cake all and haill the thriddes of Benefices , within this Realme , unafllgned to the Minifterie, quhairriie firftand belt rentalles ofthefamearalteredordiminilhed, fenthefitft afllimptionofthefaidis thriddes, of the croppe and zeirot God, anedioufand, five huiidreth , fourfcore ft ven zeires; And flkhke zeirlie in time cumming; accor- din«o the rentalles maid compt of, in die zeir of God , ane thoufand , five hundredi , fourfcore tour zeires, Molaftriieteof : Andgiftlie faidistfoiddesbediminillied, otliuttony wayes, beriiefaidisIaftrentaU^ 53’- KING JAMES THE S E X T and afTumptiones thereof , fen the firft afliimrioncs of the faidis thriddes , maid in the zeit of God , ane tl fand, fivehundreth, thrcefcoreanezcires : ThefaidCoUedlourtohavc recours to the firft a(runir)ri°'* for-fameiklc of the faidis thriddes , as the famin ar diminiftied , be the laft afliimption : And to chame to°\‘ ' fame, without refpeft of onypenfion, tack, life-rent, or difcharge of the faidis thriddes , and or onie part thereof, altered or diminilhed in the rentalles , len the firft affumption of the thriddes , as fay*’ Swanow, our Sovcraine Lord, be advileofhisEftaites in this prefent Parliament j ordaims and gives ni richt and power , be the tenour hereof, to the Queene his deareft Spoufe , our Soveraine Ladie, he her'felf orherChamcrlane, in her awin name and to her proper ufe arid behoove : To aske , crave , receive tromette with & up-take,thc haiil thrid of the faid Abbaie and Lordlhippe ol T>umfermelme : Sufteinino' tT Minifters, ferving at the proper Kirkes thereof , in ftate as they were aifigned , at the time of the makinir 'f the faid Morning gift , or furder at her gude pleafure : And tliat the Whit-fundayes terme laft by-pali t Martine-mes , nixt-to-cum : AndofthecroppeandzeirofGod, anerhoufand, five hundreth , fourfco™ threttenezeirs ; And fiklike zeirlie in time cumming , during her life-time : according to the firft alTumn' -tion of the thrid of Humfermelitte , and compt maid thereof in tiie crop and zeir of God , ane thoufand fi hundtcth, rhreefcore ane zeires : And fiklike, ordainis that the Lordes of Councell and Seftion, fall nT wayes graunt onie fufpenfion or relaxation fra the home , to onie perfone or perlbnes , charged or denunced for payment of the faid thrid oHDumfermeline , altered ordiminiihed fra the firft and beft rentall , as faid fi’ quhill the fummes and vuftuailes charged for, be firft payed to her Majeftie, and her Chalmerlane in hd naine : Notwithftandingquhat-fum-everpenfion, tack, life-rent or difcharge , purchafled, ortobepur- chafled, of die fame thrid , quhairthefirftandbeftrentalli^altcredordiminimedasfaidis, of this inlbnt croppe, and zeir of God, anedioufand, fivehundreth, fourfcore threttenc zeires, and zeirlie in time cum¬ ming, during her life-time, as faidis : Bot that the faidis Lordes , fall repute and efteeme the fame as null indicfelte : And the faid nullitie to be received, alfweillbc way of exception, as aftion ; But prejudice ncverthclefle of quhat-fum-ever heritable infeftmentes , granted be our Soveraine Lord , quhairby the condi¬ tion of the faids thriddes at altered or diminillied : Attour, our Soveraine Lord, with advife of his Eftaites of Parliament, in refpefl of the faid Morning gift , fa faithfullie and folemnedlie promifed to beeupfett and maid gude : decernis and declaris , all giftes and provifiones , maid of the title of the Kirkes of the faid Ab¬ baie and Lordlhippe , fen the daitofthe faid Morning gift, to quhat-fumever perfones ; to be likewife null fra the beginning, and to be in all times cumming , of nane availe , force nor effedl : And the faid nullitie to be received, be quhat-fum-ever Judge, alfwcill be way of exception, asaftion; Notwithflanding ony difpenfation or Aft of Parliament , maid or to be maid in the contrair. Maitattour , out faid Soveraine Lord, with advife of the faidis Eftaites of Parliament , confidering that she Queene his deareft Spoufe , is infeft and faifed in the faid Lordlliippe of Dumfirmeline , granted to her in Morning gift , as faid is , during her life¬ time; with tennentes , tennandries, ferviceofftee-tennents, advocation, donation and richt of Patronage of Kirks , Benefices , and Chaplanaries perteining thereto. And that her Majeftie is likewife infeft in lyle- renr, inthefaidEarledomeof Fije, and Lordlliippe of Linlitbcow. Andattourand befide the fame, in the thrid part of the propertie of the Realme of Scotland; and all Proventes , rentes and emolumentes of the fame propertie , perteining to his Hienefle , or propertie of the Realme , all ratifiei and apprieved be his Hie- nefie and his Eftaites of betore in Parliament. And to the effeft that the fame may be the better preferved fironi unprofitable difpofitiones, in time cumming ; and his Hienefle, his Eftaites and Realme the betterre- lieved : Her Hienefle , with his Majefties fpeciall advife and conlcnt , lies nominate certainc perfones of his Hieneffeprivie Councell, Sellion and Checker : They ar to fay, Alexander ,l.atdtoiVrquhart ,Vk- fidentoftheColledgeof Juftice, Walter, CommtnAiliXoiBlantyre , KeepcroftheprivieSeale,Mai- tiQtJobnLyiidefayoiBakarras, James Elfhmftoun, oihmer-nochtk , Thomas Hm- mihonnoi'Drumcarme , x^lexander Hay of Eafter-Kennet , Clerk of Regifter And Maifter Teter Toungoi Sealoun Eleemofynar to his Majeftie, tobealfwaofiier Hienes Councell, in thinges tending to her honour and commoditie ; inbringing and fpending of her living ; and in the adminiltration of the affaires concerning the famin living, namelie in hearing of the compts thereof, and toudiing tlic palling of prelentation of Kirks and Benefices, Prebendaries, Chaplanaries, and Altarages; orMai- fters and Members of Hofpitalles, quhairol her Hienes lies the gift and richt of Patronage. And in re¬ ceiving and entring of free-tennentes , upon retoures, or clare conflat , or upon refignationes, or in granting of confirniationes : Or fetting of tackesoflaiides, teyndes, or utheris pofleffiones , or making of quhat-fum-ever difjiofitions. C^hilkis Couiifellers , lies maid faith to give her Hienefle tlieirtrewadvile and counfell in the preniilles: Like as her Hienefle, with advife of our laid Soveraine Lord her husband, for his intereft , isweiil contented: and lies promifed in the word of a princefle , to follow the gude advife ofher Hienefle Counlelloures in the premifles. And that fhefliall not detcroriate her laid Morning gift, nr uther her faid life-rent landes and living , be her deede and occafion : And that na writ, evident or precept, that fall be prelented tliere-anent , fallbepaft their Majefties hands, quhillthefamcbefitftleenc, red and deliberatelie confideredbeherfaid Couneci, andlubfcribed betliem, atthelcaft foure ol them conveened togiddw: The faid Lord Przfident alwaies being ane, teftifiand the matter to be lauclifull , andforhet Hienelle honouraiid commoditie, without the quliilk her Majefties fealefall not bee appended noraffixed thereto : Nor the fame writ , evident or precept fall be of nane availe , force nor effeft , to the Purchafler. To ' — THRETTENTH PARLIAMENT. XXL of Jutij. IJ93. ~ T the quhili^is, all and fmdrie premifTcs, OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with advife of his Zaires in this prefent Parliament , intetponis his confent and autliorine , ratifiand , allowand and apprievand Sic fuhcrihitur, JAMES R. ANNA R. tiie fame for ever. 191. xyiSi anent the Burgh off oiiicct. „UR SOVERAINE LORDE, underftanding , that be afte and ordinance maid anent obferva- (^/tionoftlicSabboth-day, within this Realme : The Mercattc-dayeofthe Burgh of beingthe head Burgh oWteSchire, quhilkwasSundaye, is taken from them ; And his Hienefie not wiiline that Uiey in oniewayes fold be prejudged hereby ; 1 herefote his Hieiielde , withadvifeof tlieEftaites of this prefent Parliament, alterisandchangistlieirfaidMetcat-day , from Sunday to Friday , Andwillesthefamin Fri- j-,ve ouklie to be their Mercat-daye to them , in all times hereafter : And tlie famin to ftande witli the like F I N 1 s. ane table Of the ¥ ART IC'D LAR t.ACTE S andutherls, maidbe KING J ACMES iheStxt, in this threttenth ‘Parliament, the fifth qfjmij ; lypj. awm, not imfrinted. HE ‘Decreete * ' of the dooms and firefaitour, led and deduced againft utnquhiU'ioh.’ci % Partkttlar exceptions comernhigftewinfeftments, wtthrwmoj tatrmage. , Vm'rmndimottbeCairayoftheQimciwoie., atdmtwitbtheWaterxiet. 4 lIlfiZimlftheEarie^iAaiA, anent the CoUege of M.... i] AamfavmtroftbsEarkyixS xi9- Anent Jkuchter, and tmibling of parties infer file, and defenfi of their attioves. OUR SOVER.AINE LORD, having confideration of the manifauld opprefTiones done within thisRealrae, and for die maift parte occurring betuixt parties contending in Juftice, be proud and ntonedbraggers.boaftetsandoppreflbures; And underftanding that there was aneafte of Parliament, jj of lantr time by-paft ; Firft in the daies of umquhill cJJ&rif , Quecne Dawager, his Hicneffe Gud-danie, ordiie niemorie, quhilk wes onelie Temporali , for the fpace of three zeires nixt following ; and apptoven I his Hienefle in liis Parliament halden at Edinburgh, in the Moneth oinrl,rinn»o,i ‘t™ utilitie ol the Burgh , as at lengdi isconteinedmtliefaid umhartane,Strivilmg:Perth,Forjare, y,herdene,Bamff,Elgin,Fm-es,Narne,Intiernes,mACromertie,$t&fim.dzs,oiStatherne2.adMenteitb. And iikewayes a great number of w'icked thieves, oppreffoures , and peace breakers , and receipters of thieft, of the farnames oihrmeftranges, Elhtes, Nkkjmes, Croferes, Grabames, Irwings, Belles, Cairleillss, Beatifmies, Utles,Thiim(mes,Glendunnmges,Carutheres,IohMeftones,Iardanes,Moffettes,Latimers:inAm\\, Selkirk, Tables, T)iimfrife,md Stewarcrie of hnimndaili. In the Murther, Heirfchip, and dailie oppreffioii of his Hienefle peaceable and gude fubjeftes ; In the haill Countries adjacent to the Hielandes and Botdoures; to die difpleafure of God.contempc and dilhonour of his Hieiies perfon and authoritic; and to the waifting and defoktion of a gud part of die plentifull ground of die country , il fpeedy remeid be not provided. And underftanding diat this mifchief and fchamefull difordour increafis , and is nurillied be the oycrfight, hounding-out, receipt, niainteinancc and iiot paaiiiimentofthediieves, limraers and vagaboundes ; pardiebetheLandis-lordes, Maifters, andBadlies of die landes and boundes, quhait dicy dwell or refotris : And partly throw the counfelies, dircftions, receipt, and partaking of Chiefcaines principaUes of the branches, and houflialdets of the faidis furnames and C auiies, qdiiikis beans quarrell, and feekis revenge for the lead hurting and flauchter of onieane of their mihappic race, although it were ordour of Jufticc; or in refeuing and following ol trew memiis gearc , itollen or reft: Swa than the faid Chieftaines, principal of die branches , and houlhalders , worriielie may be efteemsd the verie authors, fofterers and mainteiiiers of the wicked deedes of the vagaboundes ot their clannes andfurnames. FOR remeid quhairof, and diat there may be anis a perlite diftmCtion be names andfurnaraes, betuixtthemthatar , anddefiristobeefteemedlioncftandtrewiiien: andtliem . thacarand afdiamis not to be efteemed thieves, reifets, fornares, and receipters, and fufteiners of duett, in their wicked^ odious crimes and deeds ; IT 1 .S ftamte and ordained, diat diet be an roll and catalogue maid with ail poiii- ble diligence, of all perfons of the furnames forefaidis, fufpefted of flauchter, thielt, riefe^, receint ot thieft or thieves, or forning, within the faids Schiteffedomes and Stewartries in quliat townes, and patochms and unuet quha Landes- lories and Maifters or Baillies they dwell. THAT all Landis-lories and Baillies be chared to findc fovertio, to relieve the King and Warden in the Bordoures. and over all quhair. tomakeUieit 1 344 KING JAMES THE SENT , tennentesandfcrvantsanfwerabletojuflicc, and to rcdrefle parties skaithcd , quhilkis hts aid fovertie alrcadic : T H A T the hail! perfones fufpefted and delated of the faidis crimes, fall be given “and his ThiUndu- men . die faid fovertie alrcadic _ in valentines to their Maifters.Landif-lordes or Baillies, to be prefented before his Hienenejulbe,. Deputes , and utheris Commiffioners or affeffors to bee appoynted at certaine daies and places'- fri/im it niay be underftand quha will be obedient, and quha inobedient and fugitive. SIK Houfhald * the faids Clannes , as conipciris , to finde caution , for reliefe of their Landif-lordes : Sikascom"* ”^ not, to be denunccdrebelles and fugitives. THE Cliieftaines , principal of the branches and Houlhild'^ to be charged to enterpleges, forreliefealfwaofthe Landif-lordes. THE Pieges to be delivered in ing to die Noble-men, Barronnes and Gcntle-mcn, that lies received greatell: and latcft hatmes oftli thieves and forners of Clannes, and their ailifters in their awinlioufes, or with their iriendesin tijp o® trie _ _ T TT _ _ _ i-f.. .. frifim thm <• jHpet. Tu^iiiuer. VerDC quhair they thinke maifl fiire. GIF the perfones compichied upon , compeiris and findes miH ; , for reliefe of their Maifters and Landis-lordes , to bruik their tackes and titles. G I F ti.”' They tent iellfs. compeir not , or compeiraiid findis not the faide fovertie, to be denuiiced rebelles , andtheirefch ' of tackes to be difponed to their Landis-lordes , for their better reliefe. The compleiiat to have ift'* criminal or civill, againft the Landis-lordes , Maifter or Baillies, or their foverties, for theattemntatt i committed, after the fovertie found; THE availe and quantitie of the guddes ftollen or reft or u 1 skaithdone, fall be referred to the aith of the compleiner, the truethofthefaft being proven be two ■ nelles : or gii die partie compleined upon , compeiris not perfonallie before the Juftice , to make his def ""r ' orexcufishimnotbetheaithofhisMinifterpetlonalliecompeirand; Na Landis-lord, to fet his land to fuller his land to be occupied and pollelled with his confent, or receive mailles. grellume , and dutie fo ’ T' occupier theirof, that being of a Clainie , findis not fovertie , to relieve his Landis-lord , betuixtandV' firftdayof A^rr/?nixt, quhilk gif the Landis-lord omit to feik for his reliefe, he to be anfwerable to I ' compleiner, criminallieorcivilie, as gil he had done the deed hinifclfe. Nanc of the faidis Clannes uther broken men, their wives, bairnes , - aires , executors or aflignayes , fall haveaflioncriminallorc'i II againft quhat-fum-ever perfones, Forejection, fpuilzie, flauchter, fire-raifing , or uther alleged violent committed againft them , be onie of his Hienes Lieges , except they inftruft with their fummondes om/.- that the perfone alleged hurt, fpuilzed, (laine, or ejeftedwes the Kings free-liege man, the time of that deed’ and had found fovertie to be anfwerable to Juftice, for reliefe of his Landis-lord, and to redreife parties’ skaitlied. Everictliiefeandfornerfallbeefteeniedthemanandfervandofliim, quliom of he lies land in til afhi i, lage or paftourage : Or quliom the faid thiefe , forner or tievar accompanies at convciitioncs , gathering or 3t onie violent deeds : Or on quhais ground , the faid thief or rievar is receipt , and taries twelve houres’to- S."”'"'' with the knawledge of the Landis-lord, being of liabilitic and power to apprehend him: Orquha lies receaved band of manrent, or given band of maintenance to the thieves or rievares: Or receivis their cawlpesandherezeldes: Or quha lies hadthefaidthievesandrievarcsuiiderthcirafturance,orexcmption- Twa Juftice Courtes to be halden zeirlie , for the ordinar execution of this prefent art and ftatu’te witliiii evetie ane of the faidis Schireffedomes and Stewartrics at leaft ; At Jedbuijh , for Roxburgh , Selkirk and Teihles: At BKiw/r/>e for the .Schiteffedome theirof , and Stewartries of KircudbrkhtznAAnnand-daill- AiStrmlingkiArgyle, Bute, Dmnbartmie md Berth, Stewartries NMentelth, and Strathern • hxAbir dene for the Schireffedome theirof, and Bamff: At Elgin or Itmernes, for the Schireffedomes oi Elgin Forres Name Innernes, and Crmertie : And the expenfes of Officiates , Clerkes and uther things needful’l to be tane of the readieft unlawes and efeheittes of the faids Courts : Ane band to be maid , fworne and fubfetived ui 1 j landed men, within the boundes of the faidis Schireffedomes and Stewartries obhihand tliem to fok the true execution of this prefent aft , for their awin partes , and to concurre againft the faidis thieves, rebelles, and fornares, and to keip ordinat watching and warding,and to contribute to thatelfea- 111 fik fort, as fall be thought meiteft amang tliemfelvis. Certily ing them , that fall be found not to conveene and further this gudewark, they fall be halden infamous and favorefes and partakers with die faidis thieves andfornaresmtheuewlldeedcs. And our faid Soveraine Lord, with advife of his faidis Eftaites, declaris that this prefent Aft of Parliament , fall extend not onelie againft all inhabitants of the faids fpecial Schireffe- domes and Stewartries bocagainft the Landis-lordes, Maifters, and Baillies of all perfons that are, or fii^efted and delated of thieft , reif , oppreffion, and fotning over all partes of the Realmc , and name- inlt the hetetours and life-renters of Landes within Townes and fub-urbs rheli CtHTier. uetnegene- taU bund. Sufp M r fonts. of ten- fall be fuff life-renters of Landes within Townes andiub-urbs theiroT'Tuiiiih 5^ itidivellers i and prefent to Juftice, perfones dwelland within their tenenientes and lioufes fufpefted tobeHarlottes, thieves, receiptersoftliiefr, or vagaboundes. Ilk-like as Landis-lordes in Hielands orBor- h,. dours, for tlieir men and Knnentes that are thieves and forneres. And theirfoir that the faidis hetetours or lyfe- renters in townes and fub-urbs theirof, take fovertie of their tennentes, quhome unto they fet their houte, for their releife, at their awmperrell. And further our Soveraine Lord, with advife of his faid Eftaitis, raufiesand apprievis and for his Hienes and his fuccelTours perpetuallie confirmis all former Lawes and Aft«, maidbe his Hienes, and his maift Noble Pr^enitours in onie times by-gane . anentpunilhmentof n r ^ ® andfollowing, fitting under alfurahce of thieves, or taking , or paying of black maill: And ordainis the fame afte.s to he m.r ro ,iili. gence , after the forme and tenour thereof, and maintcinis uihcrs in wicked deedes fame ac^es to be put ro execution with Si“ AND finallic, that as thieves and forners concuiTis, alfiftis againft trew men , without fcare of God ,• the King , or the Lawes : Swa FOVRTENTH parliament, vm. of JumJ. 1^94. 34? • c„j[belauchfullto t'r(twandlioneftraen, tocoacutreandjoynetliemfdvesia Counfells and aaiones, Swai” guddes of themfelves and diek tcnnciites , againft thieves and’forners , and to ■■ ' foru6i*“_ ^ 1J:«. 1^*. for deicn ^ _ claanes R ’Xures (not fubjea be gude and fufficient names skaithed) and to take and apar fol- thn for / them , andail theit races , claanes and siames . dwell and within the boimdes of the Hie-fandes fovertiesandpkges, tabeanfwerableto theLawes, and^™'”X- ti- iht . to - } or iande , and all his F ree-haiders . remaining at his Hieneffe F aith .peace and obedience , conjunfUie uLj'Jii. rallieWsH'®*'®^ with power to halde Courtes , create members thereof, ilk nerfonunderthenaineoftennoiindes . aSsofr as needs beis. And iii-cafeonvnf the led) to the death, makatida’S! ippiel-ieiid their perfones and guddes, keepe themfelves in pri- dlQUtSoveraipeLoniisOfficiars, and Minifters of Juftice , n mdaffife, ilk petfon under the paine often poundes, alsoftas ’ ™ their affiftersdwellandii r munlaie _ And in-cafe ony of the in rite Hieiandes and Bordouts (quliilk /!»•> i Wr, r n r be under gude fovertie or plegeing , as faid is ; betuixt and the firft daye of K^Auguf} nixt-to-cura) hap- fahno.^ butane, hurt, flaine, or mutilate ; Their guddes to be taken and intrometted-with; their lioufcs t deftroyed, or caften to the grounds. OUR Soveraine Lords with advife of the faid Eftaites in this lit Parliament, willis, grantis, anddeclaiis, that the fame fall never be impute as onie crime or of- ^ f toquhat-funs-evertrewman, authors or executors thereof : N O R they , nor nane of them , fall ^ ailed or accufeddiereof, ctiminallie, norciviliebeoniemanerofwayinrime cumming : Exonerand ? (iifehargeand them of the fame for ever : And ratifies and apprievis all utheris afts abone fpscified : And “d^nis them to extend over all the Realme. Prelates and utters benefit ei ferfones fuld have relie fe of their taxatm. Soveraine Lords and Eftaites of tills prefent Parliament, for the better explaining of the releife (j nted to Prelates and Minifteres provided to parfonages and vicarages, Vicares, and utheris bene- M „ be the Aft maid be the Eftaites laitlie conveened , upon die taxation of ane bundretli thoufand ' ’anted be them for the defray of the honourable charges of die Princis.Sa/r/7fef •• Findis andde- 5 that they and eyerie ane of them fall have their juft releife p-o rata , of their pact of diis piefent taxation, tiiefewies, valTailes, penfioners, and tackef-menofteindsofdieirfeverall Benefices. upon That the TtmfaraU lauies annexed to tloe Crown fall remake therewith , and that they fuld be retoured. OUR SoveraineLorde, and his Eftaites of riiisprefentPariiafhent, declaris and ordainis, that all few- landes annexed to his Majefties Crown , be the aft of annexation , nsmaine with his Majeftie & Crown in all rime hereafter. And that all few-landes annexed. orHtherfew-Iandsqahar-fnm-ever, within this Re- 1 me ' be retoured and availed, tomarkeor pennie lands, that his Majeftie may knawthe awnerthereo Sbeingretoureddiatqulienitfidl happen ony impoftortaxaoon to be taifed, thatdiefaidis fewares faft be diarged according to dieir rctours. a3 o. Cautm fuld be found be them quha fuld make mnft ht the Checker . OUR Soveraine Lord and Eftaites of Parliament, ratifies and apprievis, the aft maid at , diezeirofGOD, anethoufand, fivehundreth, auchtiefevenzeires ; Anent^mg orcompt m die CheX; And ftamtis and ordainis, that all the Chalmerhines and fewaresof his Majefties proper land's Cuftomers, BailltesofBurtowes, Schireffes and utheris taomcttows with tted^es of his Hie- LlTepropettic and cafualities , fail finde caution andfoyertie, Burgeflesoffii/iwtoxA , for tlieirzeirhc com- pekanceandmakingofcomptintheChecker. ^ j j ANE TABLE of the ■PARTICVL^R iACTES ” t Eclaratim anent the annexatim a/Kelfo atd Coldmghame^ Farliantmt r IjThat napejudke be done to the Beenes CMajeJlie m thtspefent Tarlmment. 3 iAB in favour of the CMinifters e^iafgow. 4 Ratification of the Kirk of Brunt-Hand. n j, j, ^ Rati- KING JAMES THE SEXT 34<' 5- Ratification of the difbofitions maid be umqubik Patrick Bijhoffe ^aint-Andrewe*. 6 Ratification of the aifpofitimi of the Kirk of Carraii. 7 Ratification f the Kirk of Grtemck, andtheT’arochinoflm&tkv^. 8 xyinent the Chapfel Roy all of Striviling. 9 Ratification of the all maid in favour of the Skinnares. I o Aneut the dijfolution of the Kirk ^Neither-airlie. I I In favour of the Bijhofpe tf Duiikeld. In favour of the Bijhoffe of Aberdene. 13 In favour of tMaifler William Mall-vill, anent Kilwinning, 1 4 In favour of the new College of Saint-Aiidrewes . 1 5- In favour of the Troveji ^Linchiden ColleBour. 16 In favour fDivid Seamn, ^Parbroith, Comptroller. 1 7 la favour of ths-Cittie of Glalgow. 1 8 Infavour of the Burgh of Kinghorne. 19 In favour of the Burgh of the Cannon-gate, xo Anent the fair of a I All in favour of the Earle ^Murray. 11 Of the Lard Fleming. 13 Of the Lord Levingftoiin. 14 In favour of the Countefe ofMaxce. 15- In favour of the Laird c/Mavv. 16 In favour of GMaifter George Young. 17 In favour Andrew. 18 In favour of ]o\\n hchdow. 19 0/' James Smyith John Wel-wood. 30 In favour of l&.ohe.n Abercrumby. 3 1 Act in favour of the fewares of the Kingis prof ertie in Fife. 31 In favour i^Thomas Fowles. 3 3 Againft the exemption s/NicoU Udward Burges s/Edinburgh. 34 In favour ^Robert Walde-grave ’Prentar. 35- Ratification of the aB and contraB anent the Cuinuoie. {6 Of the aB anent the bulzeon. if Of the aBes anent Regraters and forejiallers. 3 8 Ratification to the Burgh of Aberdene. 3 9 Ratification if the Burgh in Barronnie o^Turreff, 40 Ratification of the Kingis Majefties acquittames to the Burgh ^Bundle 41 Ratification to the Tluke o/Lennox. Of theTemporalitie tffPlufcacdin 41 To the 'Earle ijfMarre. . ‘ 43 To David Seaton e/'Parbroth , Comptroller. 44 To the tlerke of Regifler , aM Maifier John Hav his fonne To Maifier Peter Young. 46 To the Laird of Dcumlinxig. 47 To the Confiable of Handle. 48 To David Scrimgeour ^ Fordie. 49 John Hay ^ Lochloy. yo To John Arnot. yi To Captaine Patrick Cranftoun. yi To rfiHaifier Henrie Keir. y3 To George Haliburntoim and his wife. q^To the Clerke of Regifter of the Chaplaines Chalmers o/Aberdent.' ^ommematar of 56 To Patrick Hume ^Polvvart. y7 Anent the Brig 0/ Dalkeith. y8 Provifmesmfavmres of Burghs ereBedfeu the aUe ofamexatka. y9 Anent the Hofpitdlles aud Schooles. fourth of the ereCUones, fenthe annekafm, Exceptiones fra the generall aB of d^olutm. iioHnnexmum- I N S. FIFTENTH. F.ARLIAMENT. XIX..ofTiecmkr. i S'97- 347 H N H P A R- LIAMENT O F king JAMES THE SEXT, Edinburgh, the nmtcenth day rf‘I3e:ember , the zeir ofGod, anethmfiud, five him- dreth , nmem Jeveti zeires. 5,3 1 . Ali CMinifiers p-mjided to ‘Prelacies , Juli have vote in Parliament. jUR SOVEB.AINE LORD, AND His Hicnefife Eftaites in Parliamente^ ) havand fpeciall confideration and regairde , ofthe great Priviledges and immunities, granted Bee his HieneflePredecefldures, ofmaift vvotthie memorie, tothe halie i Krk within this Reaime ; And to the fpedail perfones , exercing the offices, titles, land dignities of Prelacies, within die famin : Quhilkis perfones, hcseverrepre- // fented ane ofthe Eftaites of this Realrae , in all conventiones of the faidis Eftaites ; .And that the faidis Priviledges and freedomes lies bene from time to time renewed f andconfervedindiefameintegritie, and condition, quliair-in they were at ony ptimeofBefore : Swa that his Majeftie, acknowledging the famin now to be fal¬ len and becummin, undethisMajeftiesmaiftfavourableptoteftion : Therefore Ms Majeftie of bis gteate zeale , and fingular affeftion , quhilk hee alvvayes lies to die advancement of the new Religion , prcfentlie profelled within this Realrne with adyife and confent of his Hienclle Eftaites , fta- tutis, decernis, and declaris, that the Kirk witliin tliis Realmc, quhairin die famin Religion is profefTed, is the' new and Halie Kirk : And that fik Paftourcs and Minifters widitn the famin , as at ony time his Ma- ieftie fall p'eafe to provide to tile office, place, title, anddignitieofaneBilliop, Abbot , or uthet Prelate, fail atalltimehereafiet, have vote in Parliament . fik-likeandalsfreelie, asonyuther EcclefiafticallPre- kehadatonytime by-gane : And als dedatis , that all and quhat-futn-ever Bifliopprickes . prefendie vaikandinliis Hienefiehandes, quhilkisaszicarun-difponedtoonyperfon; orquhilkisfall happen at ony timehereaftor, tovaik, fall be oneliedifponed be liis Majeftie, to actuall Preaelieres and Minilters in the Ki>k: or to fik udiers perfones, as fall be ioundin apt and qualified, to ufe and exercife the Office and fun- ftion of ane Miniftet and Preacher : And quha in their provifiones to die faid Bilhopprickes , fall accept in, and upon them, to be aftuall Paftoures and Minifters ; And according thereto, fall practize and cxerce die famin thereafter. . . n-n ■ 1 ITEM, As concerning the office ofthe faidis perfones, to be provided to die faidis Bilhopprickes , in their SpicituallPoIicie and governement in the Kirk ' The Eftaites of Parliament, lies remitted, and re- mittisthefamm to die Kingis Majeftie, tobeadvifed. confuked, and agreed upon, beliis Hiencllc, witli the Generali Affemblie of die Minifters, at fik times as hisMajeftiefall thiakeexpedienttotreatwidi them thcre-upori : But prejudice alwayes in the meane-time , ol die jurifdiction and difcipline of the Krk , eftablilhed be Aftes of Parliament , maid in onie time proceeding, and permitted be the faidis Afts, to all Generali and Provinciail Affimblies, and utheis qiiliat-fum-evet PtesbytenesaiidSelliones of the Kirk. ajz, kirk-zairde dyhs fitld he bigged, OU R Soveraine Lord . and Eftaites in Parliament , ftamtis . decernis and ordainis : That all. Parochf. nets ofevetiePatoch Kirk widiin this Reaime, build and repane ffie Kirk-zandc dykes of their awm ParodiKirk, widi ftane aijd morture . tothehighcoftwaelnes 1 Andtomakefoffic^ntMcs and eiittelie in the faidis dykes, to pas to the Kirk and Kirk-zaird thereof : AndotdaimstheLordesofdieSeffiontodb tcd and give letters and charges thereupon , in forme as cHeiris. X3 3 . Alienatmi of the Ktngif annexed frofertie. TH E Kiltgis Majeftie , mi Eftaites in Pariiament, decernis and declaris . that all heretable mfeftmenKS offew-ferme , fet , given , and difponed be his Hiencffe. or ony of his Progenitoures o ’ annexed propertie , is nutt of the Law, he way of aaiori ot exception except fik 'nfeftmentes « quhilkisatfetbe his Majeftie, orhisPredecclTourcs, being of perfite age, after dilTolution maid in Parlia Ipente, inhisortiieirmsjoritie, with augmentation of die rental}. 348 king JAMES THE SENT ^3 4. Tbe annexed fropertie may not be dijponed hot in few-ferme allanerlie. ITEM, It is decerned and declared , That all lieretabledifpofttiones given and granted in ony time k gaiie, or to cum, toonyperfon, ofhis Hienes annexed propertie , to be halden of his Majeftie gL?!' Succellburesinchiefe, be fervice of waird and reliefe : or in ony uthermaner of balding, then in ftiy-fe allanerly , is null and of nane availl , be way of aftion , or exception : Becaufe iaiides , or uther anne'^'^H propertie to the Crowne , cannot be fct or difponed , bot iii few- ferme allanerlie : Providing that this z ftitutionna-wayes prejudge fikinfeftmentes and alienationes, as ar maid and given be his Hienelle, ot p' PredeceiTours , hemyoiexcambiHm, permutation, orrecompenfation ; Swa that thereby his Hien fT rental! be not diminilned. ' ' a3 y. zAnent dijpofition of the Kingis Cafielkt, and certaine utbtrs partes of the an¬ nexed propertie. IT IS Decerned and declared, that all heretable alienationes in few-ferme, or uther-wayes,aHedationes rentalles, penfiones, giftcs, or difpofitiones quhat-fum-ever , maid and given be his Hienefle, or ony of his Predeceflbures , of his Majqfties Palices , Caltelles, Parkes, Mcadowes, Coale-heuches, andutlitrs under-written: they at to fay, ofthePaliceof//a/y-ra«fe-&K/f’, and Park thereof : Palice of Park and Coale thereof ; VtSi as be way of exception and defeiife ; And declaris and decernis , all and findrie exceptiones , grant¬ ed in favour of ony perfon or perfones , in the bodie of the faid afte , or feverallie in the faid Parliament, halden at Edinburgh the faid fifth day of Jmij , the zeir of God , an.e thoufand , five hundred! , ninetie twa zeires ; Of in ony uther Parliament halden thereafter, to be null, and of nane availe , force, nor effeft, be way of exception or reply ; like as gil the famin had never bene given or granted ; Providing alwayes, diac the exception and provifionconteined in the faid afte and conftitution , touching lietetable infeftmentes , fall fetname and ftaiide in the awin ftrengch and effeft , as ane exception maid fra the faid Afte and Ordi¬ nance ; And fik-iike , but prejudice of ony priviledge granted to die College of Juftice , or ony of the Lordes diereof. The twa fart of the Benefices vaikand, fall afferteine to the King. IT Is ftatute and ordained, that the twa part of die Spiritualitieun-aflumed of all Prelacies now vaikand v orthat fall happen to vaik : And all fruites , rentes, profites, andemolumentestliereof, fall apperteine to his Hienefle and his Succefloutes , to the fuftentation of their houfes and affaires ; And fall on na-wayes be difpoiied in all or in part , to ony perfon , be way of penfion , gift or difpofidoil ■(juhat-fum-ever. Z43 . Anent ratificationes and dijfofitiones maid in Parliament. FORSAMEIKLEAs diete is certaine Generali and Originall Lawes , quhairby expres ifion is maid, thathisMajeftiespropeitieaiKTannexedTeraporaiitieofBeiicfices, maynotbe dilapidate not difponed, to his Hienefle prejudice, and derogation ofthefaidis Lawes. IT IS 1 herefore ftatute and or¬ dained be his Majeftie , with advife of the Eftaites in Parliament, that the faidis general! Lawes fall have their fail effect. And that na derogation fall be maid riiereto, beequhat-fum-evergiftordifpofition : Notwith- ftanding the fame bee particularly ratified in Parliament , except the faid ratification and new difpofirion be inaid with exprefle aiul fpeciall difpeiifation of the faidis gencrall Lawes , and bee advife of die Eftaites to bee fpeci'illie mentioned therein : And that the Lordes of the Seflion fall Judge according to the genetall Lawes, without refpect of ony particular derogation maid thereto , to his Majefties iiurte or prejudice , or conttair die tenour of the faidis Actes. 144. tMinifiers andpffeffoures of benefices , fall give ttf the rent all of the T emforalitie: IT Is ftatute and ordained, diat all Minifters that fail happen to receive ony aflignationss for their fti-’ pendes , foorth of the fruites and rentes of ony Benefice , within this Realme , faH at the time of die re- ceiveing of their afliguationes , and raifing of letters conforme thereto , declare and give up particularlie to the Clerk directer and fubferiver ofthefaidis letters, how meikle tiiey , or ilk ane of them lies of the Tempora- iitie , given and difponed unto them , in dieir leveraii afliguationes : The quhilk Clerke fall be halden and oblilhed, to give and deliver the fame , todieClerkofiheThefauiarleofaugmentation, tobeinfett andre- uraaineinRegifterinaUtimecumrning : Andmaireover, ail and findrie Prelates , and udiers poflefloures of all benefices , quhilkis at at his Hienefle gift or difpofition , fall likewife give up to the Clerke forefaid , ane fufficientinventare, conlormetotliefirftallunipdonofthethriddesofallrentes, profites, anddewties, of the twa part of the faidis benefices ; And how meikle thereof is fet in few-ferme , or iafeudifirma feudifir tnsrum : With certification to them , and everie aiie of them , giftheyfailzie, or gif diey fall happen to omit ony of the rents or fruites forefaids : or give up ane rental! , quhilk is not juft and ieill : In that cafe . benefices fall vaik in his Hienefle handes , as gifthey were naturallic dead : Swathatliis Hienefle may clif- poncdiereupon, and intromet with thoprofites of die fame , athispleafure. Z4y. The fewaresoftheTemfioralitie , fuldgme uf dne rentallof their dewties. f T is ftatute and ordained , that all fewares , of quhat-fum-cver annexed laiides , pertdning to die Tempo- 1 talitie of all Benefices within this Realme , except laick patronages , faU before die firlt day of Januar, tl^ C c c 1 35’° KING JAMES r zeirofGod, anethoufand, five liundreth , nmetie audit zeires , exliibite and produce to the TK r of augmentationes , and his deputes , their infeftinentes and titles , quhair-by they bruike and uofi faidislandcs ; To the effeft his Hienelle and his faidis officiates may be infpedion thereof the dewtie quhilk they , and ilk ane of them audit and fold pay to his Hienede : The quhiJk Clerkrr n ''' trad ane minute thereof : And aU tliefpeciall daufes and provifiones gif ony be conteined in the faidis * f mcntes , to remaine with him , as ane trew and autheiitick rentall , of his Hiencfie Tcmporalitie in tim -ming: And gifonyoftlie faidis fewarsfadzies in the premifies, the infeftment of few-ferme andair^' ticht and title quhilk he can alleage and pretend to the faidis iandes , to be null , and of nane avaife W ” effed , be way of exception or reply : and it fall be leafum to the King and his Thefaurar forefaid to inrr lift, and uptake the mailles, fermes, anddewties, at the terme and feaft of nixtand' '' diatlie lollowing , the faid firft day of Jannar forefaide ; And ordainis that this ade fall be imarented thefirftdayol,teynixt-to-cuni ; Or failzieing thcreol . faUbeeopenly publilhed at the heade Schire = j ti= extended to ony perfon , quha lies produced and fchawen their fial a46. AUfewss may he decerned ntdl, for not payment of the dewtie, albeit na provi. Jioti be maid there-anent in the infeftments. OOR SoveraineLord. and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, haveand confiderationof theprp,» damnaK and skaith , quhilk his Majeftie and lieges of this Realme fufteinis , throw evill and uiitimo^" paymentourietewdewtiesoltheir Iandes, fet in few-ferme : Therefore llatutis and ordauiis , tliat TnT? It laU happen in time cumming ony vafiall or fewar , haldand lands in few-ferme , ol our Soveraine Lord * oioiiy utlierrupenourimmediatliemfew-ferme, to iailzie in making of oay ment of his few dewtie r„' Sovermn Lords Comptroller, orutherhavandpowcroiliim , orto utheV immediate fuperiour or uther havandpowerofhm be the fpaceoitwa zeires, haill and togidder : That they fall am. tte and tine hek faidfewoftlieirfaidslands, conformed the civiU and cannon Law : Sik-like and in the famenianer S ane claule nritant were fpec.all.e mgroffied and infert in their laid.s infeftmentei of lew-ferme. ’ X47- Itisnotleajumtotakemair annuall-rent or profile , nortenforthehundreth. OUR SO VERA I NE LORDE, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament havand confidm ^on thatexorbitanteprofiteandufurietakenfor^^^ IsToch Se or W ^ condemned , bot alfw^ .s forbidden bee the Lawes of this ReLe , and Afles of Padiam^n! Therefore ftatutis and ordamis , tliat nane of our Soveraine Lords lieires nk e imnn ■ ^“lament . and his deputes, to underly the Lawe for the famin , Andthat all infeftmentes contmaes an^^ cnnreineXnn^ m time camming , for payment of annuall-rent of viauall : That’the vifluall therein contened, fall be reduced to fikeonformitie of price , as fall aiffivere to ten for the hundretS^^^^^^ efcLdi^Soffieol^r^^^^ forpaymentofa^iegreat dewtie in f.lver or viauall ft foTme Asali^vabecontraa, band or obligation, makis f.mulat h O'Dyeing or Idling of viauall, to be delivered at ane certaine day , andfailzieine thereof certaiiie ffigh pnees hquicTat therein , of intention onely in defraud of the faid ad . L recover wK^ qtffi^t tSrdtbX^^ X^direaiieforbidden herein : AslikeXEX"^^^^^^^ Sieando"Lr "gg^^s with the partie for the takifreftlfcuritirb^^^^^^^ antfreteinis the fame in their handes, and certaine terme asoif nfufc ^ I Ji- ^ ^^g^tion , orutherwayes of the haill fumme to be payed at ane fomftawSoXnis irXl “ ^‘“owed therem : There- Xro he molT ^ ^ that all fikmfeitraents, bandes, contradcs, or oblieationes quhilkfallhap- K aSa^irXonf f' h’ '"‘if ““drfthefaidisadsandftatu^es. andL circumTentron of tife normavbeanfwerableinnnVp noraccordingtotenforthehundreth; or mair viftuall, andSneSe £ eXX^ ®anerabonefpecified, fallbcnuU, to bereceived lijmmarn^» alfM-otii k*» c ' nuliiDe upon the caules fore-faid; be tL aTth of affive 11 be way of exception and reply, as be way of adion, and to be ttyed quhairby the fa^un iaurhf.d ‘aoohfull probation conjoyned therewith , competent of the Law; q nanny the laid un-lauchfull ockermay be verified to the Judge, and the faid null.tie to bf perfewed be the FJFTENTH parliament. XIX. of 'December, i ?97- tie hisaires, executoures, and affignayes ; with concurrence ofthe Kings Advocate, againft the ’ itisaires and executoures : Notwithftandiiigquhat-fum everratificarionofthcbandeandinfeft- Qt’ienuntiation ofthe faidaftion, granted be the partie , quhairin it fall nochrbe kafum to him to without his Majeftiesconfent and licence granted to, tltatefleft : Andthcfaid infeftment, band, ^ J \livatioti being reduced r the Kingis Majeftie and his donatour to have undoubted richt to the principall c ° e (mhilk was delivered , cogidder wi: h the ordinar annualrent , of all zeires and termes bygane unpayed: ‘“"J I jpjjtie to have repetition of quhat-fum-ever exorbitant ptofite he hes payed, exceeding the ordinar jllForefaid, in-cafe he concur with his HienesAdvocat, inthefaidreduefion, uthertvayestobedebar- the repetition of ony fummes payed be him : The Kingis Majeftie ahvayes , his Advocat and donar ro have full richt in their perfones, to perfew the reduftion , and annulling of the faidisfecutities, for the OS'"' for'^u'tlis . albeit the principall partie refufis to concur witli them tlierei.ti, iiS. The fame of Bearers, ufirs , or fihutters with Piftolettes , Culverings ,dagges , or ingtnes of fire-warke. OUR SoveraineLord, ratifies and spprieyisthe AfteofParliaraent, maid ofbefore be his Hienefle, with confent ofthe three Fftaites, in the Moneth of ‘Decejwier , lydy. anent fdrutting and beating of rilveringes, anduthet ingines of fire-warke , andordainisthefametobepucto execution vvirii all rigour. A d the contraveeners thereof, tobepunifhed, confotmetothepainesconteineddrerein : Andmairover, h confifeation of all their guddes moveable : Swa that the ane painc fall not flop or ftay die uther , except •the uthetWayes thocht expedient be his Hienes : The ane halfe thereof, to appetteine to the apprehender, for his travel! and kboures : and the uther halfe to be applyed to our Soveraine Lordis ufe And for execu¬ tion thereof, makisandconftitutis, ilkSchireffe, Steward, Baillie, Barronne, and Proveftes , Aldermen Ld Baillies within Burgh , his Majefties Juftices in that parte , everie ane within their Freedomes and Jutif- diftiones : widi power to them to fearch , feek , take and apprehend the offenders and conttavecnets , and put themtoancaffife , and being convift , to put diem in warde . quhill the paine forefaid bepaid, anduntill tliey finde ficker Ibverdc to foubeare in time cumming ; And this affe to ferve for ane fufficient commiffion, to die effeift forefaid. 149. T he frkes of gold and fiver : Of fareineCuinzie , andBidzieon. /~vUR Soveraine Lorde and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, ratifies, apprievis, andconfirmis the I lafte maid 3.1 Dtmdk, the fourteenth day of Mail , i5'97- anent the downe crying of the filvcr : ofthe quhilk the tenour followis. The quhilk day the Kingis Majeftie , his Kobilitie , Councell and Eftaites Dtefentlie conveened : confiddering the prefent fcarcetie of cuinzied money , now current within this Realme: And the great dearth and exorbitant prices, quhairanto all fortes of golde and filver, alhveill foreine, as of his Hienefle awinCuinzie, atprefendieredafted, bethelibettie, quhilk all fortes and degrees of perfones takis at their awinhandcs, in raifing ofthe prices ofall Golde and Silver at their pleafure, farre abone tlie iuftcavaiUe, preferived in his Hieneffe Lavves , Aftes, and Prockmationcs, maid thereanent : Beethe quhilk forme of doing , and bee the in; lauchfull tranfporting of the Cuinzie at all nmes foorth of tins Realme, eteatdif-ordoureandconfufionhesbeneinterteined, andislykeliedaylieto m-crcale, to the hurte of the commoun weill , and greate contempt of his Hieneffe , and his autlioritie , gif the Lawes alread.e maid here- anent . fall not bee put to dew execution in all poyntes , according to the tenour thereof , with dl exDedition AND THEREFORE, liis Majeftie, with advife of his faidis Nobilitie , Councell, and Elaitesfotefaidis , hes concluded and ordained , and bee to prefentes ratifies and apprievis , the Law« readiemaid, anent die difehargeing of the daylie raffing of thepric«ofGoldcond filver AND OR- DAINIS, that all and findtie perfones, tranfgreffoures ofthe faidis Lawes, m raffing ofthe faidis prices, fall bee called, tryed, and puniilied therefore, with^extremitie. i-i-,-. ,,,4 cft,,irpe AND FORDER, That his Hienefle, with advife of his faidis Nobilitie , Councell, and Efta es fore-faidis , hes thocht meete to declare and makejt manifeft : TH AT daye^^^^^ May inftant , The ounce of filver cuinzied in ten fliillmg peeces , and the Mkr peecM of d ^ ven pennie fine, cuinzied accordingto the lafte ade of Pad.anient , e n^e tlicauldetlirettiefliiUing peeces, being ofthe like weicht and fineffe, at the P • nennics • And tlirettie iliilling peeces, teingthree quarters of ane ounce, atthtett.e the aulde and newe twentie and ten ihillinge peeces, according thereto , „ mnijnge pee- Golde, oftwentietwa Carter fine beiiighis ^teneffeawm Cuinzie of vcp nwifey, CCS, fall alfwaftande at tlirettie pounde die ounce : AND FORDER, « rVrrp^rp fine in Gold and finefTe thereof: Towitte, ofclleven pennie fine in filver : fallbee Cuinzied, and have courfe hereafter , conforme to the Aftes o gj and that AllMerchandes, or utheris perfones, tranfoortcre of the kmc that na foreine tryed and punilhed according to the faidis Lawes and Ate forefaidis : hdilie iii-brocht to Cuinzie of Golde or filver fall have coutfe amangft his Hienefle liegM herea : p quhilkfall be fcrveasBulzieontohisMajeftiesCuinzie-houfc. AndthMallGolde.filver.oruthetCuinzic.quhilklaUbe 35-1 KING JAMES THE S E X T brocht within this Realme hereafter , quhair-unto his Hienefle fubjeaes ar aftrifted to brina in bee I ■ jeftiesLawes, asBulzieon; The ounce thereof, being of twelve denieres , Or being bailer ’ an 1 f bee compt and quantitie , to bee woorth twelve Denieres : THE Merchandcs in-bringers’ ther have ane ounce of his HicneiTe awin cuinzie of elleven denieres for eyerie ounce of bulzieon ,%rouaht^° ’ fnre-faide : AND of all uther foreine Cuinzie , that they fall voluntarlie bring in to the CuinzieT the faide ordinar Bulzieon : That there be onlie the threttie pennie thereof rctcined to his profite. '^^J^ftics And alfwa ordainis , that all the faide Lieges , conforme themfelves in this mater of the Cuinzie • will, declaration and determination of his Majeftie, his Nobilitie , Councell, and Eftaites forefad ■ onna-wayestakeuponhandetobreake, or contravecne the famin in ony part," as they will anfwe ’ Hieneife , upon their obedience , at their uttermaift charge and perrell : And under the paines i/V° in his Hienefle Lawes , to be execute upon them without favour. And to this efFefl , that the Tl and his deputes .infill, and feeke the execution of the paines and punilhmentes preferive’d in the faidis T again!! the contraveeners thereof , with all rigour and extremitie , as they will anfwere to his Hiencffe their office and ob^ience : And that the Generali Maiftcr Cuinzieour , Warder , Counter warde ’ lu”” Her Cuinzieor. a%er, Tinker, mcltare, forger, and all uthers offreiares of his Hienes Cuinzie’l r procecdetothecuinzieing, ftriking, and forgoing of new Cuinzie, accordingto the Lawes alreadie and this prefent atle and ordinance, as they will anfwere to his Hienefle , upon theiroffices And elfeft his Majellies fubjefles may be refolved of the prices of all golde and filver to be brocht i widiin this Realme : And quhilk die Mailler Cuinzieour fall be aftriaed to paye to them c^f to the tenout of thir prefents , he fall be aftrifted to have openlie affixed in his hoiife ot exchange ane a, d™' tick i able tobemaidbehisHienelTeCommiflioners, appoyntedtothatelfea, conteinand thenart i prices ol all fpeces of foreine Gold and Silver . ufuallie in-brocht within this Cuntrie • According ml availe, weidit, and finesthereof : And that the ClerkeofhisHieneflbRegi (let. caufeimprent thir ™ rentes , and all uther Afts maid concerning the Cuinzie , Cullomes , and Bulzieon quhair throw h , nefle fubjedes pretend na ignorance thereof ; Qtihilk afte abone written , our faid Soveraine Lord w advifeoitliefaidsEllaites in Parliament, ratifies, apprievis, andconfirmisinallpoyntes, after the tenr!™ And decernis and dedans the famin , to have the ftrength, force and effbd of ane Law and Tde of thereof : Parliament in all time cununing. t y o. IKoaU fitld not be tranfported foorth of the Realme. OUR SovetMe Lord, and Eflaites of this ptefent Parliament, ratifies, apprievis, andconfinnistlic admaidatOa;/^/?, thethrettendiday of the zeir of God , ane thoufand five hundX mnetiefevenzeires: Anent the reteiningofwooll within this Realme : Of theauhilk the’rennnr f„li ’ THE Quhilkday, theKingisMajefll, with advife of his Nobilitie. CouJ “d conveened ratifies, apprievis, and confirmis the Ade of Parliament, maid be his HienclTe ’and his P ftaites for the time; Anent tlie receiving and reteining within this Realme, of all the wooll quhilk orowis witlunthefame inallandfindrypoyntes, artickles, and claufis therein conteined : And ordainis the fad ad to be put to dewe execution in all poyntes againfl die contraveeners thereof: notwjthftanding ony 1 cenc^ or uther difnenfation , granted be his Hienefle iii the contrair : Quhilkis licences and difpenfatilnes^ltcnS and effed thereof , his Majeflje annullis . and difchargis//«///Wto- be thir prefentes : Promittingon na waves tograntonyfiklicencesordifpenfationesatonytimehereafter : And that craftef-men llrangeK be bto^cht hame withm dus Cuntrie , for woorking of thefaid wooll within the famin . for the commoun we’ill and pro fite thereof, in time cumming : Quhilk ade abone written, ourfaid Soveraine Lorde, with advife o/the Ellaites in Parliament, ratifi^, andconfirmisinallpoyntes, after the tenout thereof : And decernis and dedans the famin to have the ftrength of ane Law and ade of Parliament , in all time cumming. o ■ kMU Merchandice brocht within this Realme , fuldpay cujlome UR SoverdnLord, and Eftaites of diis prefent Parliament . ratifies, apprievis, and confirmis , the ad maid ^tHundte , the threttenth day oj May , the zeire of God. ane thoufand, five hundreth, ninetie feveii^zeires : AnentourSoveraineLordiscuftomes; ofthe quhilk the tenout followis : FORSAMEl- RLE As It IS underftand to the Kingis Majeftie. his Nobilitie, Councell, and Eftaites, prefentlie con- veened, that the fubjedes of all Foreine Nationes, quhilkis bringis and tranfportis ony kinefe of claith, or uthers wares or Merchandice, from ony Foreine Cuntrie, to their awin Native Cuntrie, lies bene in ufe, and zit fill continues, in the payment of certaine cuftome , or uther exadion therefore , chiefelie at the timeoftheirarrival, and in-cumming within the famin : And almaift few or naneof the fubjedes of ony Realme exeemed therelra (the fubjecTes of the Cuntry onely excepted) quha be reafon of ane alleaged by-pall immunitie claimis the priviledge of exemption : Albeit it cannot be denied bot his Majeftib is a free ' and Prerogatives, be the Lawes ofthis Realme, And^rhr^p^^’f as ony uther King, or Prince, or Potentate quhat-fum-ever : And therefore audit to have the like cuftome and exadion , for interteining of his Princelie Eftaite of - - FlFTENTH‘PARLIAMENT.XIX.ofT)ecember.i^^j. to be brock witliin this Realme, behisHienesfubjeas at all • rt hereafter. For the quhilk nurpofe , hisMajeftie, with advife of his faide Nobilitie , Councell and ?Ses, hesthochtmeete, conciuded, and ordained, chat all Ckith . and utheris merchaiidice quhat- f ' ever, to bee brock within this Realme , fra ail foreine Nationes , fallpay the cuftome following, atthc of tlieic atrivall, and entrie therein, in all time cumming, that is to twelve pennies of evetie ”” ndes wcotth of all fortes of the faidis wares, or merchandice : And to this effefte , his Hienelfe and hts Nobilitie. Councell, andEftaites gi vis full power and Commiflion to the Lordes , Auditourcs of his rl ecket, and uthersofhis Nobilitie and Councell, to the number alwaies of ellevenperfones, attheleall, ^fctdownetheL^^.C.ofthecuftomeofallclaith, and others wares, and merchandice , quhilkis fall be 1° -ht and entered within this Realme zeirlie here-after ; with power likewife to them , to fet price upon the fdis ware's; Conforme to die quhilk the Cuftomers . to bee appoynted bee hisMajeftie to that elfefi:, fall [jft cuftome thereof ; and to make all uther ordinances necelfar lot the eafe of the merchandes, and furetie **?,' ij piienelTe Cuftome , in the execution of thyrremifles ; And aifwa of fik uther guddes , to bee tranfpoct- dfoorth of this Realme, as is not as zit exprefled in the 5. C. alreadie maid : Providing this Afte bee ^otextended to Earles, Lordes , Barronnes , and Free-halders; Botitfallbeleafumtothem , tofendtheir iddcs beyond Sea , for their awiii particular ufe : A N D A L S , It fall bee leafum to them to bring within ^'•sReairne, Wines, Ciairiies, and udier furnifliinges , for their awin particular ufe ; And nawaies to merchandice thereof, conforme to the Lavves and liberties granted to them of before : The quhilk above written , OUR SOVERAlNE LORD, and Eftaites fotefaidis , decernis and declaris. TO ftand as ane law in all time cumming. xyz. Englilh f /arV/r , aui'alluthers'^\y^&i. merchandice maid of wool, is forbidden. OUR SOVERAlNE LORD, And Eftaites ofthisprefent Parliament, ratifies, appeievis, and confirmis the afre maid at F)itudie , the threttenth day e ol i^laij , the zeir of GOD, ane thoufand, fivehundteth, ninetiefevenzeites; Anentthehame-bringingofE;;^/#Chidi: Of the quhilk die tenour follovvis : T H E Quhilk day the Kings Majeftie , his Nobilitie, Councell, and Eftaites, prefentlic conveened, fore-feeing the greats hurte and inconveiiieme, quhilk the comtnoun weill of this Realme dailie fufteinis, tlitowtheun-proficablettadeufedbee Merchandes , in the hame-btinging of ^nglijh Ckith, and udieris tMliJh wares and Merchandice maid of wool! : The fame Ckith havand onelie for the maift parte , ane ouc- warne fchaw , wantand that fubftance and ftrength , quhilk oft-times it appeatis to have : And being ane of the chiefe caufes of the traiifporting of all gold and filvetfootth of this Realme; And confequeiitlie of the great fcatfitie, and ptefent deardi oi the cuinzie , now current within the famin; Seeing that kinde of ex¬ change, cannot weill bee interteined be onylauchfull trade, or utheris w'ares or merchandice, to hetranf- nottedfoordi of this Realme, quhilk be die Lawes of die famin, at not alreadie proliibite and forbidden ; And therefore his Majeftie , widi advife of liis faidis Nobilitie , Councell, and Eftaites forefaidis, lies diouclit riieeteandconvenieiite, to reftraiiie the hame bringing within this Realme, of all ^nglijh Ckith, or uther ^nglijh wares or merchandice maid of wool! in time cumming ; And ordainis his Hienefle Lieges , of quhat eftaite qualitie, or degree that ever they be of, that naneofthem take upon liandc, to bye or bring fiame within this Realtne to be fauld, oiiy kinde of Erg/zyf; ckith , or uther Engli/h wares, or merchandice maid cfwooll atony time hereafter, under the paiiie of confifcationofthelameckidiaiidmerchandice: And all udiers the moveable guddes of die hame-bringets to his Majefties ufe ; The quhilk aft, our faid Soveraiiie Lord, and Eftaites forefaids , ordainis to ftand as ane law in all time cumming. . Great burne Coale , fidd not be tranfforted fierth of this Realme. OUR SOVERAlNE LORDE, And Eftaites ofthisprefent Parliament, ratifies , apprievis, and confirmis the Afte maid at ‘Dwidic, the tlirettciie daye of ditaij, the zeire of God, ane thoufand, fivelumdretli, ninetiefevenzeires; Aneiir the traiifporting of Co.ilesfurth of this Realme. Of the quhilk tk tenour foUowis ; FOR- Sameikle as it is underftaiid to the Kingis Majeftie , his Nohditic , Councell, andEftaites prefendie conveened ; That the greate burne Co.ales , ar commouiilie traiifporcedfoortliof this Realme’ bediverfeandfindrieperfoiies, quha at all rimes laideiiis dieit Schippes and udiers vefcliclles therewith and tratifportis the fame at their pleafure , ufand the famin as a coiiimoun trade , togidder widi- outhisMajeftieslicenceorpermifiioii; To the great hurte of die comiiioun weill, aiidexprelielieagainft liis Hienelfe Lawes, adlesofFatliamente, and liiidrie pcoclaniariones maid m the coiitrait; Forremeid quhairofin time cumming his Majeftie, with advife of the faidis Nobilitie, Councell, and Eftaites foie- iaidis ftamtis and ordainis, diatnaperfones, alfweill ftrangers , as uthers borne fubjertes of this Realme, take upon hande to tranfporteonie greate burne Coale foorth of diis Realme, at ony time hereafter; Nor zit kidendieir Schippes, Creates, or udiers vefdielles tliere-with , to be traiifported , as laid is, under the paineofeonfifearionofthe fame Coales, Schippes, Creates, and uthers yelchcllK, to his Majefties ufe; Cettifiengthem, and diey doe indie conttait, that die fame Coalles, Scliippes, Creates, andveichclles, falibeconflfcatandiiitromected-with, with all rigour and extremirie, in cxeniplcot utheris. And to this effea, thataUPtoveftesandBailliesofthe faidis Biurowes. Cuftomers and featchoures quhat-funi-evcr Ccc 3 M KING JAMES THE SENT 3 54 fallfeacch, fcekc, take, and apprehend all and ftndrie pcrfones , contraveencrs thereof keio an4 reteine their pcrfoncs in warde, within their Tolbuithes; Fenfe and arreift their fchips ’ Cremes ° 5^“*° fchclles, take the failes fra the Raes, andkeipthem under arreiftment, at his Majefties’inftance throw they deparre not; Notifiand their names to his Hienes, that his Majeftie may eive furder H' A towards tliem, as apperteinis ; As the faidis Proveftes, Baillics, Cuftomers. and fearchoures will aSi *'”” hisHieneffi;, upon their office and obedience : The quhilk aft, our faid Soveraine Lord and Midis, Ordainistoftandeasanel^w, in all time dimming. "-“wsiore. Forbidden gtiddes Jidd fay cuftome. ^UR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites of Parliament, ftatutis arid ordainis thatin c 'onyofthe forbidden guddes under written, bee tranfported upon licence foorth of this CunrW. tranfportersfallpaytherefore, the cuftomes under-written , To wit, forilkftaneofwooll fivefl rii- '® Ilk douzane elnes oflmmng daith , foureffiillinges : Ilk boll of viftual, five ffiillinges, and ilk poimdes o offorbidden>Er/f/^/5iwates, in-brochc to this Cuntric upon licence . twelve penmes! All coequettes fidd be Jpeciall , and eonteine the f articular kindes of Merchandice "Gained- for efehewing of the damnage and skaith quhilk dailie arifis given and graunted within this Realmc: Thatin all timeem’ allUerkesoftheCocquet, fall particularlie expreeme and fpecifie in the Coequettes riveiX cb the Merdiandes , and awners of ebe famin ; How meikle of the fame guddes perteinis to ilk kretnr a that the Confervatour in the Law-Cuntries , doe not admit nor allow ony Coequet excendr be „ v ' formed in maner forefaid , bot fall confifeate all the faidis guddes noclit exnreemernafrirnl r " Is : And make compt and reckoning thereof zeirlie to the 1 fiefaurar, as he will anfwel upon liistffice'' I All Schiffesftdd have ane fujjitient Coequet. and ane Coequet formelie written : And efeheit the haill gudSw and geale bein^ in the faWSdii “ ’f' veraine Lordis ufe , and make compt thereof zeirlie in the Checker to the ThefaLar. ^ ^ ayy. The mth of the tMerchandes , Suffers, and Falioures , fajfand to and fra the Law-cuntties , andjurth of this Realme. ^ I ^^^V'T!’f‘^?"‘®^'*'°”''^‘*’*"°®‘’"«“‘''=°'^admitony Coequet albeit the fame be to ten- ■ except the Merchandes, Skippers, Faftoures, and everie aneVrhem fo*"' Wauchfullie given; guddes , make faith , and fweareTolemnedlie be God himfelfe his Creator ’ tbm?'^' fo^fog of ony oi their or geare , nor na uther lauchfull merchandices , by, and attour that quhilk is cm r 4'* "? knawisofnanetobeinthefaminSchip, perteining to uthers- And tli^G f? guddes and geare perteinis properlie to free men lid na oarr\lwifm ‘“/”=>sheunderftandis, thcliaill returning fra the towardes d'cef/W ■ Thevfall It Asalfwaattlieitbacfc thelaideSingoftlieSchip, erin^M^igofot g£s tlKLt aithes , before nocht to ftrangers ; Andgifthey Ioffe oniegudcis and eeare runfma 4 P P®p*‘'P®rreinis to themfelves, and faide aith , or puttis ony luddes in Schin bind to belolf before the giving of die bee confifeate. And gif the faid aith be refufed be them all mid thw Scotland all the fame guddes to leafum to the Confervatour , to arreift the Lde the fame : It fallbe aboneexpreemed: And that they have na forbidden midHes ®^'thes, and mak faith in forme and maner except that quhilk is conteined iniheir Coequet and eltres • And M "I' g“t*tles or merchandice, under the paines forefaidis: Quhilk aitli, fall be maid totber„ft ^ na uther guds in, all that voyage, able zeirlie in the Checker. ne Cuftomers. quhair-anent they fall be anfwer- 158. iMllSchiffes and tMerchandes fuld lattd at the ordinar Siafk. I or geare in ony parte tliereof f blTt rite Toln ofCW° na petfon fall gang on Lande, or tranfoorte nnv rl i ^ ^*’®°fo*natie Staple for the time; And g g x,anae. rranlporte ony thing out of die Schippe, before*hisarriyalatthefame Porte, F I FT E NTH TARLl AMENT. XIX. of December. *^97; _ 35£ p_e, P^/?® °fKnpoundesF/f;w/}?.tobeetakenuplratliecontraveeners, bethcConfervatour and be to bee comprable thereof . to the Thefturar. AND Ordainis , the Confervatour in time cumminR to tie tile aith of die Skipper and Merchandes here-anent , before the loffing of ony of their guddes and gears. ^5■9. The Confervatour fild funijh iifirers. IT Is likewifeftatute and ordained. That the Confervatour fall put the aftsofParliament to execution, anentocker and ufurie upon all Merchandes, Skippers, andFafloutes , within the conlotme to the tenour of me faidis aftes in all poy nces ; As lie will anfwere upon his office, and make compt aiiis ia the zeir of his intromiffion to his Hienefte Thefaurar. xSo. lyiU LMerchandes fild give am mveittare of their merchandke and guddes . to the Cmifirvatmir. Item, Evene particular Merchande cummand foorthoftlieLaw-cuntiiestothisRealme, fall give up to die Confervatour, the fpecial quantitie of his guddes . and die qualitie thereof , before the in-barking of the farain guddes , under the paine of confifcation thereof : And the Confervatour to vifie and trie the fame, at his pleafure , to the effeft that he may fend liameaneCockquetofthefame, particularlie to his MajeftiesThefaurer, fubfcrived be himfelf'c or his depute ; For efchewing of the fraud quhilk may be ufcd towardes his Majeftie ia his cuftomes. t.6i. Of /layers of read fijh, Smoltss , frie, and Salmond in forbidden time. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, and Eftaites of tliis prcfeiit Parliament , undcrftanding tliat there hes bene diverfe afles of Parliament maid anent die flayers of black fiflie inforbidden time. Smokes, andftyofaliSalmondfiflic, and for balding downe of craves and zaires, quliilk lies nottane efFeft, throw the iniquitie of the time, and confiddering that the greateft hurce andskaithisfufteinedbee hisMajeftie, throw want and in-lack of ane great pairt of his Hieneflepacrimonie, ofthecuftomeofSal- moand; Therefore his Grace , with confent of the three Eftaites , hes ratified and apprieved , andbethir prefentis, ratifies and apprievis , the former aftes maid for punilhing of flayers of read filli, fmoltes, and fit oM fifties in forbidden time , commiflion and power therein conteined ; Making die particular perfones therein mentioned, Juftices in that parte, with this addition; That all and fmdrie Earles. Lordes, Bar- ronnes, Gentle- men, and Free-halders, havand land nixt adjacent to the waters and tivers.quhairin Salmonde fife at ’taken and flaine, within all the partes and bourides of tiiisReaJme, fall according to die General tande,finde caution and fovertie, afted in die buikes of Councell, diatthey, and eyerie ane ofthem fall be anfiverable for their awin tenneiites and in-dweliers within their landes : And for all udiers within their bouiides, fa farre as their landes extendis, quliome they may flop or let . conforme to the general! bande, that they fail not flay ony Salmond fiftie , in forbidden time, with cobill, net, fpeare, wand, creij, pock , or ony utherkindeofingine: The Earle and Lord, under the paine of ane thoufand markes: The Barronne and Gende-maii, and others quhat-fum-ever awners of waters and landes, under the pameofhvelmndreth maikes: The ane haife of the faidis paines, in-cafe of contravention to beup-lifted tohisMajefticsule; And die urfier half to the Judges conteined in the former atls : And that letters of horning be directed at the inftanceofthefaids Judges, and charge the faidis Earles, Lordes. Gentle-men and Free-halders, to finde the faid foverties, afted in manor forefaid, exceptaiid forth of this prefent aft, die waters of lAnnand and Tweid. 1.6V. The inhabitantes of the lies and Hielandes fuldfehaw their haldinges. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE fiddering that the With advife of the Eftaites of this prefent Pariiamente , Con- lie-landes and Iks of diis Realme , quhilkis ar for tlie maift parte .tliisHiene!lcannexedptopertie:Hesnocnto„ehefruftrateliisMajefti=ofthezeirliepayme.ttofhispro^^^^^^^ entes , and dew fetvice ptoperlie addebted be them to his Majeftie , foorth of the faidis Landes • heyhavelikewifethrou&itLirbarbarousin-humanme. maid and prcfentliemak.s thcfaid.sfe-Wer J/fc, (quhiUdsarmaiftcommodiousinthemfclves, alfweili bee thelettikieofdieg^^^^^^ ifliinges bee Sea) akogiddet un-profi cable, baith to theoifeives, and to ail uthet s his iieneffe Lieges mhiii this Realme : They neither mtertey ning ouy civill or honeft focietie amangft dierafclvcs zit d-mitting uSrTs his HiLlTe Lieges, to trffficque within theit boundes . sddes, FOR Remeidquhairof, and diat the faidis in-habitantesoftlie faidis and //ex, may iiebetterbeereduccdtoaKgodlie, honeft, auddviUmaneroflmng: “ilLis il! Landes-lordes , Chieftaines , and leaders of Clannes , j and loflefloures. or preteadaiidrichc to ony landes, pfi/ Cliecker vl tdinbumb or l'.exy.dajeofc5?fai/mxt-to-cum, compeit before the Lordes of his Hien dieitinfeftmentes, juhair it fall happen them to fit for ’the time, and there bring and produce with them, all riieitmfeftmentw. KING JAMES THE S E X T 3^6 ^nd that reply, butony lichtcs and tides quhat-fum-cver , quliairby dicy claimericbt and tide to ony parte of the landes or fin.- with in the boiindcs forefaidis : And then thereafter finde fiiflicient caution , afted in the buikcs of Cl Forzeirlieandthankfull payment to his Majeftie , of his zeiriic rentes , dewties, and fervice addeb° a diem, foorth of the landes, portefied and occupied bee them , oronyinthcitnames: And that thev tl felves, men, tennenres, fervandes, and depcndares , fall bee anlwerable to his HienelTe Lawes hnd J"' ftices ; And thatthey, nor nanc of them, fall doe injiirie to ony utheris his HienelTe Lieaes inri pcrfonesorguddes, qiiha fall happen to repaire and travell within the faidis bounds , for their lauclifullr licqucwithinthcfamin: Andthatthcy, and every anc of them , fall make redrcfle to ail parties , skal andhurte, or to be skaithcd and hurte bee them, in time cumming, under fikpaincs as it fall pleafi faidis Lordcs of Checker to modifie, by reparation ol the skaithe to die parties, thatfufteincdthefn^™ ■Witlicertificationtothem, and ilk ane of them , gif they failzie in the prcmifles, ortocompeareandfi "a' caution in maner , and within thefpace forcfaide ; That they , and cvcrie ane of them , qulia failzies " f n bee decerned, like as bee this prefent acT:e , they ar decerned, to forefault, amit, and tine all pretended ■ feftmentes, and uther richt and title they have , or may pretendc to have, to ony landes quliat-fum they have halden, or pretendis to hald of his Majeftie , either in propertie , or fuperioritie ; Quhilkist^’ pretended infeftmentes and titles thereof, in-cafe of fadzic forcfaide, ar now as then, and tiic^snow d ' dared be this prefent Parliamente, to bee null and of nane availe , force, noreffeftinthemfelvcs ’ the nullitie thereof , fall be received and admitted in alljudgementes , be way of exception proces , adlion , or dcciaratour of redudlion to be given thereupon. x63 . Anent the bigging of Burrowes-Townes , in the lies /t//thin this Realme, dwelland within the BaiUaries or Stewardries, alfweill of Royaltie as Regalkc be ofthc faidis Baillaries and Stewardries, w thintL Sink QuJ'llPXt^ the SehireffSikl ^ A nH r’l ^ ll" " ® ''if " ‘’^d bene regiftred in waieseLcutea drXiftmH^ n r “n™" ‘“PP“ “ te uthet- dainX aXLXni ?: f availe, with all that followed thereupon: And ot- foe anent rerrfftXX ofl mentioned in the aas of Parliament , maid of be- prefentoXXSXXXftZZ'’ of relaxationes , inhibitiones fuld be maid kdl- ctallie: Or before ane Notar, andfonre witneffes: Of the Judge refufand the regijlration. IIakJs*'“befo"renlX?‘^’ °/l®ers of horning, relaxations, inliibitions,inter- dthXL?rfrH m ?,2 “f wyaltie. as regalitie, be thcordinarClp If J“d'c‘ahy , oUiefore ane Notar , and four famous witnelles , byaiidattout tXfis trre^ ftl ri “"ySchireffe, Baillie, or Steward, alfweill of Royaltie , as Regalitie, reiuhs to regifter tlic forefaidis letters of homing, relaxations, interdiaions , and ufoersofthe like forte: That FI FT E NTH PARLIAMENT. XIX. of Ttecember. i $97- iS7 , repatEiequhaprefentisthefammlettettoberegittred : takeinftrumeiuesofthefaidererufa!, andprc- .^‘.jf^inlecter thereafter to the mxtSchireffe, Scewarde, orBaillie, or to the Clcrke of Regitter and r Lputes, to be depute be him : To the effia the famin may be regiftred in the buikes of CouiiceU : olihilk fttadon , fall be als fuffident , as gif the famin letters were regiftred in the SdiirefFe , Stewarde, or Baillies ' quhair the faidis perfones dwelUs. 2,6(5. It is not teafum to flay Deare, Raes , Hares, wilde-foules , or Dowes. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, ratifies, apptievis, and confirmisdieafVes, lawes , and conftitutiones , maid be his Hienefle, and his Predeceflbures of ojthiememotie of before, againft the fchuttiiw and flaying of Deare , Raes, Hares, wilde-foules, and Dowes > hagbiittes , liand^unnes , Croee-bowes , and Piftolettes , and taking of them with giriies ^dneites: And ordainis tire lame to be put to dew execution in all time hereafter, with this addition, tliat • pjjl be leafum to eyerie Schireffe, Steward, Baillie, andBartonne, within his awin boundes , w flay all Ljngdogges. quhilkis the fowlers ufis, for flauchter ofthefaidwilde-fowles, and tak and apprehend the ijiclis Fowlers therafelves , and put them in ftockes , and deteine them therein , forthefpaceofqS.houres, js'oft als they apprehended^ x6y. Auld tmlmues , ar valued and amplified. y^UR SOVERAINE LORDE, and Eftaites forefaidis: Confidderand the great contempt done Cl be the maift part of the Lieges of this Realm, quha at charged to pas uponalfifes, or to do oiiy uthet thing upon fmallpecunialpaines of un-lavVes: Quhilkis paines be la fmall, that they refpeift not the famin, botdifobeyisourSoveraineLordisauthoritie; Therefore it is ftatute and ordaitied , beourSoveraineLotd, and the three Eftaites , that quhen-foever ony perfoii contraveenis oay Law , ftatute, or afte of Pailiament, maid of before, conteinandanefpecialpecunialpaineandunlaw: That he fall pay for ilk twelve pennies of unlaw of auld, ten iliillinges, of prefent current money bl this Reairae: Andforilktwentielliillingesof auld , ten poundes of preleiit money And fwa foorth proportionallie : And this ordinance to be underftand clpecuniai paines and unlawes , conteined in the Lawes of this Realme , maid and conftinite before the firft dayofMarch, in the zeir of God , lyqx. a68. Strang ieggers , vagahomides , mid Jitld be ptmijhed. OUR Soveraine Lorde , and Eftaites of Parliament, ratifies and apprievis the afles of Parliament maiij of before, againft ftrang and idle beggers, vagaboimdes, and with this addition, Thar ii,., kc beggers and their bairnes , bee impioyed in commoun warkes ; And their fervice mentioned in the aft otfladiament, iiithezeitof GOD, anethoulaiid, five hundteclr , feventie nine zeires, to bee prorogate; iiidunng their life-times ; And in place of fcveral commiffions in Landward to be granted be the King, for exe¬ cution of the faid aft , the power thereof to be granted to the particular Selfiou of the Kirk. z69. The paines of Law-burr owes fuld be payed hi him quha for his difibedknee is demmeed rehell: The cautioner may be perfewed, or the frincipall. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, and Fftaites of Parliament, ftatutis and ordainis, that the paines ol contravention, fall be payed be the principal partie , that is. charged to finde Law-burtowes, aueitheepafletothehorne, and finde not caution ; And gif he finde caution, that baith he as principal, and als his cautioner, fall be fubjeft to the payment thereof, at the option of the petfewet, as in alludier pecuniai obligationeS; zyo. Thepaine of the generall bande, is divided betuixt the King andthepartie. {\\I\ SOVERAINE LORDE, and Eftaites of Parliament, ftatutis and ordainis , that the paines of contravention of the general bande, fall be divided betuixt the King and the partis, in all time cumming. ^7^. The Schh-effe Clerks, fuld bringtheir buikes to the Checker : They fuldbemarked. OUR SOVERAINE LORD; and Eftaites ofthis prefent Parliament, finding that the fecuritie ofallbyeinttandfeiliiigoflandes, audofallefcheittes, depends upon the tegiftration ofiiftiiHriones, interdiiftiones , M(jhoriiiiiBesrej^f(!?w; the credite quhaitof allanetliepetteinistotheSchitefte Clcrkes, quha hes bene oftimes improven before the Seffion; Therefore ftatutis and ordainis, that their buikes be marked be the Clerk of Regifter , in fik forme and manet , as uther Notares buikes : And that tlKauthen- tieke copies be reported zeirlie, to remaine in the Kingis Regifter, quhait-anent they jail be an ^ Kirlieinthe Checker, under the paine of waitding of their perfones, orhorning, asfallpIealetbeLordcs Auditoures of die Checker. D d d T-yi. Bar- 3y8 KING JAMES THE SENT ■Ljz. Barronnes fitU fend to the Parliament Commiffioners with fnjfcient commijjlones OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And Eftaites of Parliament , ftatutis and ordainis , that na R nes be received as Commiffioners , for ony Schireffedome within this Realme , at ony Parliament balden hereafter : Except the faidis Barronnes bring and produce with them fjfficient Commiffiones tr’ ™ j to them in ane full convention of the haill Barronnes of the faid Schireffedome ; Qiihilk Commiffion "r n i authorized , with the fubfeription of ana great number of the Barronnes then prefent, togidder with the Cl t of the faid convention , his fubfeription : And gif the faid Commilhon be not pad in dew forme in forefaid, his Hienefie and Eftaites . difehargis the Clerk of Regifter , in all time hereafter, ofonvrecp'^"'' oftheitfaidisCommifliones. ’ ^ "'"’8 Z73. Trifin-houfes fnld be bigged within all Burr owes. /^UR Soveraine Lorde , and Eftaites ofthis prefent Parliament, underftanding that tor want of f K V^cientandfureprifones, jailles, and warde-houfes , fmdrie rebelles and tranfgreflbures of the La\\ ' alfweill criminal! , as civill , efcapis un-punifhed , and Juftices contemned : ForremeidquhairofourSo^*’ raine Lorde and Eftaites , hes ftatute and ordained , that within the fpace of three zeires, in all Burghes wilr in this Realme , there be fufficient and furejailles and warde-houfes bigged , up-halden and mainteined be tl *' Proved, Baillies, Coimcell, and Communities of the faidis Burrowes, upon their awin commoun nud'° or utherwayes upon the charges of the Burgh : And that for fure imprifoning , warding , keiping and de’ reining of all fikperfones, tranfgreffoures of his Hienefie Lawes, upon their awin expenles , alfweill crimi nail as civill, as fall be prefented unto them , be the Schireffe of theSdiire : Or Stewards and Baillies of Regalities, within the quhilk the faids Burghes ar fituate , and fpeciallie quhair their judicatorie fittis : And alfwa all uthersperfones prefented ather towarde, be vettew of their awin authoritie within Burghes or utlierwayes, upon letters ofeaptiondiredfed to them. ° ’ 174. x^nent dimijfwn of Benefices conteining refervation of the life-rent of the rt- fignant. FORSAMEIKLE As in die Parliament halden at in the Moneth of Auguft, thezeirof God, ane thoufand , five hundtedi, fourefcore , foure zeires . All Succeflouries and Provifiones to Ab- bacies, Commendatarics , Priories, and Nunries within this Realme, maid be the titulars diereof for the time, in favour of their Succefldures, nominate bee them , and giftes graunted to them there-upon bee OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, conteining refervationes of the dimitteris life-rent of theTain’e , in refpedf of the manifefte abufe and corruption thereof , arc retreated , refeindedand declared to bee null' in diefelfe. QUHILK ACTE OfParliament .isdeclarcdbeaneutherAifteofParliamente, maidinthe Moneth of /a/ji , the zeit of God , ane thoufand, five hundred! , fourefcore threttene zeirs , to be extend¬ ed to fik provifiones allanerly, as fold happen to be purchafed, after the making of the faidfirft Aft; Andnochttofikprovifions as was dewlie and lauchfullie part, before the making of the faid firft Afte, quhairupondiverfeperfoneshes taken occafionto purches and obteine giftes and provifiones of die faidis Benefices, as Succefldures nominate diereto, bee their Predecefldures , And upon their dimilfion, with refervation of their life-rentes : And hes antedated the fignatoures thereof, as gif die famin had bene paft , before the making of the faid firft aifte of Parliament : And zit lies noclit paft the famin , throw the greate feale, quhill lang after the making of the faid laftacfl of Parliament: quliilk declaris plainelie, die raanifeft fraude and falfcd of the faidis provifiones. Quhilks provifiones, ar noclit onlie niaift wrangeouflie and furreptitiouflie purchafed, as faid is : Bot alfwa ar maift prejudicial toliisHienesinhis rente,' and commoditieofdie Temporal landes thereof: Quhilk perteinis to OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, bee the Adte of Annexation , as ane parte of the patrimonie of his Crowne : And diere- fore OUR faid SOVERAINE LORDE, and Eftaites forefaidis , confiddering the nianifeft fraud and falfed committed in the purchailing of the faidis pretended provifiones: AND FOR OB- ^ 1 fkT I N G Of the lamin , retreatis , refeindis , cailis and annullis all lik provifiounes of Abbacies, Priories, and Nunries, and uthers benefices maid, or to bee maid, be quhat-fum-ever perfon orper- fons, paft upon the dimiffion of their Predecelfoures , and conteining the refervation of that life-rentes, as faid is : C^uhilkis were noclit dewlie and lauchfullie paft and exped , with all folemnities : And fpeciallie cjuhilkis were nocht pafte and exped tlirouch his Hienefie greate leale , before the making of the faid firft of Parliament maid there-anent, quhilk was in the moneth of Auguft, the zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth , auchtie foure zeires : And before the aft of annexation : Bee the quhilk , the Temporal Landes was annexed to his Majefties Crowne: And declaris the famin to have bene from the beginning, and to be null in all time cumming, of nane availe, force, nor effeft, with all that lies followed, or may follow thereupon. VS 175'- F I FT E NTH PARLIAMENT. XIX. of 'December. 1^97. Offer fines dweilmid mthin Burgh, fuhjea to the hetfeofthefuir , to watching and Warding. FO R - fametkie as tlietc is diverfe iii-habitantes that dwellis and rertiainis within the free Biirrowes , with their faniifes, and ar of reafonaMe fubftance : As alfwa lies rentes and livinges within the faminBuriTli, jj,jefijfistocontributefortheintetteinemeiitofthepuite, watching and warding within Burgh, with the eft of the Nichtboures: or to beare tlieir parte of fik uthcr dewties, as coiicernis his Majeftiesfervice thereby living at iibertie , neither knawand the Magiftrates in Kirk nor Policie ; To the great hinderance of i jjjyjajeftiesfetvice, andthehaiilRealme: For remeidquhairof, It is ftatute and ordained , beout SO- YERAINE lord, and the diree Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, That ail fikashestheirrefi- jgDce and dwelling within the faidisBurrowcs, be their families: And may fpend ane hundreth poiindes ofzeirly tent, within the fame, or Rented be the difereit Nichtboures, to be worth twathoufandmarkes ; fteeguddes: fall be fubjeft to be burdened with thereftofdieinhabitantes, for the advancement of the jg,ieofGod, his Majeftiesfervice, and weillofthe Burgh quhair they dwell: Providing alwaies that this aft be nawaies extended to fik as at cxeemed for his Majefties fervice, as ane of ilk occupation for that (^ufe : Neitiiet to ony perfon that ar members of die College of Juftice , and admitted be the Lordes of the Se/rion- ^y6. lydll Burgejfes fuld be taxed miftmtei be their OMagiftrates , according tothe rentes within Burgh. OUR Soverainc Lord, and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, underftanding that at fik tymes, as taxationes and ftentes', occurris within this lande : TliattheProveftandBaiUiesofBur- lowes.andfikasthey appoynt Stenters within the famiii, without all giidordour and difcretion, ftentisfm- drie of the Burgefles, inhabitants of the Burrowes , qulia lies their fpecial rents and livinges to Laiid-wart , out- \vith burgh, according to their abilitie , alfweill to Land- wart, as to Burgh, albeit reafon and equitiewauld crave, that they fuld be only fteiited, according to their rentes , and balding within Burgh: Becaufe their rents and living ly and to Landwarte , at ftented , with flie Batronnes , Gentle-men , and Free-halders with¬ in the Shires quhair they lye : It is therefore ftatute and ordained, tliat in all time fall not be leafum to the Proveft and Baillies of Burglies , not na Stenters within the fame , to Rente ony perfbnes therein , accord¬ ing to tlieir livinges and rentes iyand out-with Burgh: Bot only according to their rents and halding within Burgh, astheydo witlivtherperfones, of their rancke and fubftance, that lies na rente nor living out- with Burgh , and na uthetwayes. Ane T AXATlON to be granted to the KING: The forme and maner of the uf -taking thereof, HE Eftaites of jParliament, prefentlie convecnied , confidderingliowexpedienteitisthat his Majeftie , for fmdrie weichtie affaires , and of greate confeqaence, tending to the ad¬ vancement of his Hieneffc honour and Eftaitc , and to the benefite of all the liaiil Lieges of diis Rcalme ; Sail direft diverfe and fmdrie honorable Embafladoures , to findrie foreine Princes : And fore-feeing the great and excellive charges that man bee maid bee his Majeftie , in furnifliing , and reikiiig out ofthefaide Embafladoures: And his faidis Eftaites being willmg to helpe, futtlier, and fupplie thefamin, and relieve his Majeftie of ane parte thereof; H E S Therefore fteelie and voluntarilic ofTered and graunted to his Majeftie ane taxation of twa hundreth thoiifandmarkes, to bee uplifted and payed be die haill Lieges of this Realme, in forme as followis. That ' is to fay ; The fumme of ane hundreth dioufand markes , bee the Spiritual eftate : The fiunme of direefcore, fexthoufand, fex hundreth, threefcorefex markes, audit fhilinges, ten pennies, be die Batronnes, & Free- halders ; And die fume of threttie , three thoufarid , three hundreth, threttie diree markes , foure lliilinges , fex pennies , be the Burrowes of this Realme : And that to be payed betuixt and the firft day oiAfrilN'tx to-cum: -And for in-bringing of the Spiritual petfones part of the faid taxation IT IS Ordained, that letters be direft, chargeing all and fmdrie Billioppes , Abbottes, Priors, and utlieris bcneficed petfones , conteiiiedinthecaxtroii, their Cliarnierlanes, Faclourcs, and intromettours ^ With their livinges , to make payment of that fumme , that they and everie ane of them ar taxt , to Marke , l-oxAoiNew-bottk, Maifterofrequeftes, his Hieneffc Colleftour general, appoynted for receiving of tliefaide haill taxation : or his deputes and officiats in his name , havand his power to receive the famin : And that betuixt and the fifteenth day ofAfarcAnixt to-cum, under the paine of rebellion, and putting of them to the Horne: And gif diey failzie, the faid day being by-paft, to denunce And mat the Prelates and beneficed men for their relieve, have letters to charge their vaffSlles, fub-vaflalles , Fewars. Tackef-men, Ladies of Tercc, conjuiidl-feers , live-rentars , and penfioiiers , to make payment of tlieir pattesofthefaidtaxation/re rata, within xx. dayes, nixt after tliey be charged diereto, under the paine of rebellion 6iV. And aif they failzie, TodenunceCgf. Aiidgifneedebcis. topoyndanddiftreiiizie Ddd X there- 3^0 KING JAMES THE S E XT therefore, as they thinke maift meece and expedient, alwaics declaris that the produftion of fufp horninges, againft the faid fewars and vaflalles, fall be anc reliefe to the faidis Prelates : And fall exo'^"'’ them fro tanto, fra the payment of the faid taxation. Tmm, AND Furdet, that the faidis Prelates , and uthers beneficed petfones , may have their reliefe of r| tKk4-^ faidis va/falles, fewars, tackef-men, and pcnfioners , to their greater cafe, and lefle trouble , totheirfaij ''alfalles, and uthets forefaidis , And to the effeft that everie man proportionally , may pay his part of rf ^ faid taxation, according to the quantitie and availe of the free rente that he hes of his landes and teind feheayef perteiningtohim, alfwcill the Prelate himfclfe , as the fewat or tackef-man ; It is thocht expedient, ftatur^’ fM and ordained, that the faidis Prelates, fall everie ane of them feverallicconveene his haill fewars, vaffalle^ tol'L tackef-men , at fik convenient place as hee thinkis mecteft : And caufe fummound them perfo'nallie o’ lUftTs. attheitdwellingplaces, for that effect : And being conveened , the faidis Prelates and beneficed petfones' fall fchaw to theirfaids vaflalles, the quantitie of the taxation impofed upon them , and they withanecon’ fent, fall difttibut the famin to be payed be everie man. Alfweill be the Prelate, as be thevalTall, fe^v3' tackefman, andpenfioner, according to the great or fmall quantitie ofhis free rents, that he hes either of his landes, teindes, orpenfion, with certification to ony of the faidis petfones , fewares, vaflalles, uen fioners, and uthers forefaidis , that compeiris not at the day appoynted , to the effeft fotefaid , diat’fikjj fall compeir with the faid Prelate and beneficed perfon , fall proceede in the equall diftribution of tlie faid taxt, alfweill amang them that at prefent , as the abfentis quhilk fall be als lauchfullinallrefpefts, asvif TnUms number were conveened. AND als it is thocht expedient, ftatute and ordained, that all eteftoncs triilrd 10 ofonie Prelacies in Temporal Lord-lhippes, fall in the pay ment of this prefent taxation , pay to the Colle uri-Jhifs. (Routes of the faide taxation , fa-meikle of this prefent taxation , fro rata, as gif they werenawaieereefed and as they wete fubjeft to do , before the eredlion of the famin , with fpecial provifion alwaies that this fall be na preparative of the like hereafter, Bot that in all time cumming, their faidis ptefliones fall pay the taxationes, to be hereafter impofed, as uther Temporal livinges within this Reahne: And Tiimfots nawaies to prejudge or derogate in onie waies to their faidis eredliones. AND Sik-like , it is fia- iigihii. tute and ordained, that all diflblved benefices within this Realme , fall be fubjeft in payment offameikleof the faid taxation , fro rata , as they wauld have bene fubjeft to give , fwa the famin had not bene dilTolved- And therefore , that letters be direfl chargeing the prefent pofleflour of the faids diflolved benefices , everie ane ot them for their awin partes , to pay proportionallie their parte of the faid taxation , to the quantitie that the famin benefice wauld have bene taxt to, gif the famin benefice had not bene diflolved, as faid is, within twentiedaiesnixt after they be charged thereto, under the paine of rebellion &c. And gif theyfailzie&c, stmjrtti Todenunce&c, AND Sik-like, becaufe that at this prefent , there at fmdtie Prelacies vaikand , undif- vuhioi. poned to onie perfon ot petfones quhat-fum-ever: Therefore it is ftatute and ordained, that the faid Col- Icflour Generali, fall ufc the like forme be himfelfe , or Ibme uther fufficient qualified perfon in his name with the fewars, vaflalles, and tackef-men of the faidis vaikand benefices , that is preferived andfetdowne of before, to be done be the Prelates , and uthers beneficed men , in the diftributing of the faid taxation, as faidis; And the faidis Eftaitesauthorizis the faideColledlourgenerall, of this prefent taxation , intheverie nn- place of ane provided Prelate to the faids vaikand benefices , for this effeft allanetly . AND for the Bar- ronnes and Free-halders part ofthe faid taxation, that letters be direfl, chargeing all and findrie Schiteffis, dlZ Stewards, Baillies , their deputes and Clerks, that they, and ilk ane of them , within the boundes of their offices , raife and up-lift the fumme of 40. fliillinges, of everie pound land of auld extent , lyand within the boundes oftheirjurifdiftion and in-bring and deliver the fame to the faid Colleftour genetall, betuixtaiid the XV. day of Aforc/a,quhilk is the terme of payment of the faid taxation,under tire paine of rebellion &c. And for their reliefe , that letters be direct, chargeing all and findry Earles, Lordes, Battonnes, and Free-halders, to make payment and deliverance to the faidis Schireffes, Stewards , Baillies , and their deputes and Clerks , ilk ane of them for their awin partes , for the fumme particularlie ahone written , of everie pound land of auld extent, perteiningtothem. As for the faid taxation, within xx. dales nixt after they be charged, undertlie paine of rebellion, &c. And gif they failzie&c. todenunce&c. and to efeheit. Or elfe, that the faidis Sdii- reffes, Stewardes, Baillies and their deputes poy nd and diftreinzie therefore : As they fall thinke thaift meete and expedient : And that the faidis Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, and Free-halders, have fik-like letters fortheir relieve, againft their vaflalles, fub-vaflalles. Ladies of Terce, conjunct-feares, and iife-renters. Bmoiinits AND Becaufe there at diverfe and findrie Barronnies, within this Reahne, difmemhred, andtheBar- '^°'”>es ofthe faidis Barronnies in time by-gane , hes had na relieve fro tanto , of fa-meikle ofthe faid harron- nie , as wes difmembred, againft all realbn , feeing that the Schiteffe , Steward , or Baillip , ottlieit deputes, without onie regard, charged the prefent Barronne, of the faide Barronnie, for the haill taxation oltlic famin, as gifna part thereof wete difmembred; Therefore it is ftatute and ordained, that all fik partes of onie Barronnie , as at difmembred therefra , fall be retoured be the Schiteffe of the Schite , quhait the famin lyis, to the availe and quantitie proportional, of the haill Barronnie ; And being retoured , the faid Bar¬ ronne fall have letters of relieve, againft the heretoures of the faid difmembred part of the Barroiuiicfot relieving of him, offa-meikle ofthe faid taxation, as the famin landes fall be rerouted unto, be theSclii- reffe, withintwentiedayesnixtafterthecharge, under the paine of rebellion &c. And gif they failzie&t. Todcnunce&c. and FIFTENTH PARLIAMENT. XIX. of December. S97- 361 iMD Furder, It is ftatutc and ordained , that all the Stewardes and Baillies of onie part of Uis Hienes ’^ertie , fall with all convenient expedition , caufe retour the haill hndes of the famin , evetie ane within ,inboundesandjurifdiftion, and tiiac to the famin availe, qiiantitie and proportion, as onie uther 1 des lyat*tl nixt adjacent to the fame, halden of his Majeftie , at fet or retoured to : havino; neverthelcflc ane f ciaii regard to the free-rent , that the fewars and tentallers hes of the fame lands , befide their few-fermes ridewties payed be them, toourSoveraineLord : Quhilks landcs being retoured , asfaidis ; Itisor- d'^ined that letters be direft be die faidColleftor of this prefent taxation, charging the faidis Stewardes and Baillies • ® up-life the fumme of foiirtie ihillinges of evetie pound lande , that his faid HieneiTe pto- ertie fail be rerouted to, eyerie ane within his awinjurifdiftion , andin-bringand deliver the fame to the Lid Colleftour , betuixt and the faid fifteenth day oICMarch nixt-to-cum , under the paine of rebellion, &c. A„jor,ttheyfaiizie, &c. to denunce , &.c. And for their relieve, that letters be direft , chargeing all and findrie fewars, rentallers, tennents, andtack.efmenofhisHiencspropertie, tomakepaymcntanddeli- veiatice to die faids fewars, Baillics, their deputes and Clerkes, ilk ane ofthem for their awin partes, the fiimnie particularlie abone written , for everie pound land , that their faidis landcs fall be ftented or retoiired to, ivsthin XX. dayes , nixt after the charge , under the paine of rebellion &c. And gif they failzie , &c. To denunce &c. And gif need beis , that the faids Stewards and Baillies poynd and diftreinzie therefore , as theyfallthink maiftmeete and expedient. Andbecaufe his Majeftiespropertie hereof, hes nawayesbene ill and confuetude ol payment of ony part of ony taxations granted heretofore , nether did they relieve the tefte of the Lieges, of ony parte of the famin. HisHienelleandEftaitesforefaidis, thinkis it maifl meete and expedient , that the faid taxation to be up-lifted fra the faidis fewers, tennentes and tackef-inen, of his Hienefe propertie , fail be na-way es accompted nor allowed in part of the faid fumme of twa hundrerh diou- fand markes ; hot the famin fumme to be up-lifted , according to the divifion abone Written ; And the fuin- niesto be up- lifted of the hndes of his HienetTe propertie , to be maid compt of be the faid Coilecfour , over and belide the fumme oftwahundreththoufand markes, granted, asfaidis : Providing altvayesthat the famin be na-wayes employed nor bellowed to ony ufe quhat-fum-ever , except to the famin tSe& that the uther greatfumme abone written. and For in-bringing oftheBurrowes part of tlie faid taxation, that letters be direcT: , chargeing Proven and Baillies ofilk Burgh , to make payment of the taxte and ftent thereof, to tire faidis Colleftour ge- neril, attire time abone fpecified, under the paiire of rebellion &c. And gif they failzie &c. To denunce •/'*'««- &c. And for their reliefe ; That letters be direft , clrargeiirg all and furdtie iirlrabitantes of ilk Burgh , to coiiveene and eledl cettaine perlones , to {lent their niclrtboures And the faid eledlion being nrard , to charge the perfoires eledl , to accept tire charge upon them , in fetting of the faide flent upon the inlrabitan- tes ot ilk Burgh : Andtoconvceireandfetthe famin, and make ane ftent roll there-upon , as effeiris, rvitbin tvventie four Iroures , nixt after they bee charged thereto , under tire payne of rebellion &c. And gif they failzie, to denunce &c. Andefcheit&c. Andftk-like, thefaideftent-roll being maid and fet , as faidis , to charge the BurgefTes , iirlrabitantes and niclrtboures ofilk Burgh , to make payment of their partes of tire faid ftent , to the faidis Proveft and Baillies , conforme to the taxt-roll , to be maid and given out there¬ upon , within three dayes , nixt after the charge , under the jraine of rebellion dec. And gii neede beis , to deimnce&c. Andefclieit &c. Andgifiieede'beis, thattlrefaidsProveftand BaiUiespoyndand diftreinzie therefore, astheytliinkemaiftmeete and expedient. IT IS ALWAIES Provided, tliatna peefon qnhat-fiun-ever be ftented or taxt within Burgh, except according to the availe and quanntie of his rente, living , Euddes , and eeare that he Ires within Burgh, nawayes refpeaand his landes and pofieftiones, qiiliilkis ire lies to Laiidwarc , for the quhilkis Iree will be obliilied to pay taxation to utliers ofneiers. A r T O U R, THE SaidiEftaitcScoirfidderingtlienianifaldabiife that hes bene ufed in all tirnes by-gane, be fiiidne of tire Lieges , againft all aude confeience , in caufmg their purr Feniiorers and labourers or their ground , being removeable , qriha wasfubjea in payment ofverie deare femes , to relieve tlrem oftlre ha, 11 burden cl — the tode taxation, quhilk hes bene the occafion oftlre im-poverifiring of ane great number of the fa, a,s Fet- ^ moretes, and bringing ofthem to utter wrack and turn. aul«,ras of reafon , the faid.s tennentes, fuldbe al togidder free from tliepaynient of onie taxation 1 And the fanrm fuld be payedbe fik as hes free-rent, lan¬ des , and guddes oi their Lhr : For renreid quhaitof , It is ftatute and ordained , that na peefon qiilrat-funi- ev-er , exact or compell his tennentes and Fetmotets removeable qulra payjs irinr ferme lot the andes occu- pyed be them, to pay ony parte of this prefeat taxation, or to lute rehefe for the famin, at theirhandes. Mdgrft!refaminbdsiuirdLlonebeonyVetfones,.thatrireyfaUbecaUeda,rdconveencdbefotch.s^ Jufticeand his deputes, as violent and maifterfullopprelToures of his HienelTefubjectes, and pumlheddrcrc- a'nd T O^THE EFFECT Tiiatbcetheiregligenceof Collectoures, appoynted for in-gaddering oftlre faide taxation, in letting time over-flip , the filver be nocht in teddieneje m dew ■ to the effectuating oftlre putpofe, quhairforc the fame was aopoynted : dierelore ,t isorda ned h.rttlre^ letters aird®cliargesV directed againft the faidis Prelates, beneficed perfones , Scliirefres , Sfeu ardes, Baillies, and Priveftes, and Baillies of Burrowes, to bee in reddmefle againft the firft daj of tire faidis Collectoures fall ufe all poflible diligence, for the dewe exe- nixt-to-cum ; Atthequhilktinre cution of the famin. Ddd 3 ATTOUR, KING JAMBS THE S E X T Ittms of frfptnfitth 'LeiitYsof ATTOUR, It is concluded, determined, and refolved, that nafufpcnfion of ony letters or cham be direft for payment of the faidc taxation , fall be granted either be the Lordes of Councell and Scaion be the Lordes of fecreit Councell ; hot difehargis them fimflkiter of ony granting of the famin • Alwavr the cquitie of the caufe requiris , his Majeftie and Eftaites lies given and g'ranted fpeciall power and com? r I\ontonm,car his Hienes Advocat. Giving them , at the leaft onie foute of them being altogiddcr conveened allanerr power and commirtion to grant the faidis fufpenfiones ol the ehatges , dire^ft for the faide taxation and to d ’ cide the faidis fufpenfiones , according to equitic and Juftice, Difchargeing all uthers the Lordes of fee r Councell and Sellion of ony melling therewith , and of their offices in that part : And als , our faid S O V P RAINE LORDE, and his Eftaites , hesgivenpowerandCornmiffiontothefaidisperfonesaboiiomp ' tioned , to decide the haill fufpenfiones teftand un-decided of onie taxationes , graunted heretofotc a'nd dainis them to miniftrate Juftice thcre-intill, according to reafon. ’ Z’KiXir granted heretofore I,. *A”- reafon that the Schireffes of ilk Sciiire, quhafuldebcin-gadderers of the faide taxation, andar men of’rl? jt within the faidsSchireffe-domes, thattherearnanewithincliefamin, chat cither ^ ^^'dis schireffes, in poynding for this prefeiite taxation: zit neverthelelf? fMutcht lindrieofthelaidisSchiteties heretofore, having had na regarde to the dewtifull obedience they audit tn emtm . Majeftie, and to the laithfull difchargeing of tlieir offices, lies thoclit in time by-gaiie , anefufficientexonp ration ol them , forfameikle of the faid taxation , as they produced letters of horning , execute againft omr perfonesfortliefamin: quhair be the power ofthc famin letters, he niiclit have lauclifully poinded the rc^L dieftguddes and gcare of the faidis rebelles: or elfe be produflioii of alleaged deforcementes , done wilfullie to dciraude his Majeftie, qulien as in their awin paf ticular , tliey wald na-wayes fuffer the like, beiim men ofthataudioriticand power, asfaidis : That they arable with ftrang hand, topoynd and diftreinzl the faidis rebelles guddes , gif they pleafcd. For reineid quhairofin time cuinming : It is ftatute and ordained rhatu^Collettours ofthe faid taxation , neither the Auditoures, to be appoynted hereafter, for the heannfr ot the laidis Colleaoures compts , in ony wayes receive ony horning , or deforcement , for anc lauchfull exo¬ neration to the faidis Schireffes , for the faid taxation , pro tanto : 13ot ailanerly the payment ofthe fum' nies , for the quhilks they ar charged for : Ai vvayes the faidis Eftaites remittis to his Majefties confideration the condipon of lome Schireffes, quhaarenot of that power and authoritie, within their Schireffedomes ' that ar able with llrang hand , to poynd ffk rebelles guddes and geare , as fall be dcunced to the home , for this prefenttaxation,ofquhom ins Majeftie hespromiled, as he findis convenient to receive horninges and de- lorcementes for their exoneration. ° BECAUS’E Heretofore, there lies bene ane great abufe ufed bee die Schireffes and their Offi- tJnt taxations heretofore, heforceing rhe fubjeffs to pay in ane nianet MW . axatioii to them , for m-gaddenng die famin , alleageing it to perteinc to them as Schireffes : Al- .tSL beictheybe their offices, aHubjeff in in--gaddering ofthe famin, and na-wayes the faidis fubjeffes debte- ^ payment of onydwtieto them : Therefore it is ftatute and ordained, that na Schireffe nor P upon ony kinde of pretext, charge, up-lift or raife fra ony of jus ye efie fubjeftes , oiiic dewtie quhat-fum-ever , except the fumnie of fotutie ihillinges, for everie pound lanycmiteined in the letter, under the paine ofdeprivation ofthe faide Schireffe of his Office, in-afe it y oundin that the fame m onie maner of way , done of his conimande or allowance ; And gif the fau teyeomiiiittedbetheOfficiarhimle f, not only to be the deprivation of him Jimplicter fra the Office, diedtffi£eC?Tall“ before the Juftice and his debuts, and puiiilhed to vrkmsfi. .‘’'®^^j‘=®«^"^Eftaitesforefaidis, bethir prefciitis, atinullis and difehargis all ptivi- Ony perfones may thinke thcnifelves free of paymeL of Eftaites being acquainted with the great abufe that lies bene in times iiTflitt by-gane, be granting of precepts to findrie inoportune perfones , for anfwerimt them of ane nairtc of findrie Zed^TZ '’^’'’gwii'^'wayes bellowed, nor to that end, quhaitforc they Sfeim tLt h ' “dainis and commaiidis thefaid ollectour, tliaye on na-wayes anfwere , obey , and make payment of ony parte of the faid taxation , to ony perlon or perfones, upon pretext ofonie precept or prcceptes to be direct or fuberived be his Hieneffe, except the faidis preceptes bee fuiy rived bee the Commiffioners under-written , quhoni his Majeftie and E- cmm!p. ™KSMsappoymeyohcover-feers, that this prefente taxation be na-wayes employed, hot to the fur- Enibaffadours : They ar to fay, Teter, Biffiop oiTJunkeU: T)avid, Billioppe of " r, C°mmendatatof Edward, Commeiidatat of A-i;;/#.- imtarn, Earle of George, B^ikOKarJbaU ; lohn, Earle of ; Alexander, hosAc Levingfloun: Maifter Veyfom _ F I FT E NTH PARLIAMENT. XIX. ofTlecemher. 1597. 363 ^■^ecq)avidCarmgyo{CuIkthy : Sir George Hnmeoi rTedder4ur,ie¥.night : Ioh,iTo-jjres oUmier- idth, vOiAAlexanderStratoimoiLanrepim : HmyNtfhet, Vtoye^o{ Edinhurib : ^alFilliam Sca- mn, 'vtosfAoiHadingtotm ; NicollCmiewelloiBoiiehard , Vmz&oiLinlithgow.mA /Valter Ccrjoane CornmifTioner to this prefeiit Parliament, for the Burgh of Or ony audit oi them , thercheing jPvayestvvaoftheSpirituall ■ ftaite ; TwaNoble-men : Twa Barronnes , and twa Commiffioners of But- rowes : (>h‘lkis perfones fall allanerly direft the faidis precepts to the faid Colleftour , fot anfwering of ony patt of ms faid taxation . and that allanerly to the life abone written , for direfting of the faidis Embada- dotires- And gif ony precepts upon ony uthereffeft, or to ony uther ufe , bee anfvvered , then to the ufe abone written , in that cafe , alfweill the faid Colleftour , as fa monie of the Commifliooers abone written . as fall fubferive the faidis preceptes , fall be atifwerable to his Hieneife and Eftaites, for die fumme deb- urfed. And the fame preceptes fall be na difeharge and allowance to the faideCollefloure in his comptes. And gif atonytimeappoyntedforin-gatheringofthefaid taxation, occafiones may interveene , thatit fall aotbeiiccelTartodirettawayaniefikEmbafradoures, It is alwayes provided , that the faid Colledour fall teteiiie the faid fumme in his hands ay and quhill that the faidis Embafifadoures be direft : Or that be his Hie- nefie Parliament and Eftaites to bee convecned hereafter , I hefaidefummefallbeimployed, w'ith all dieit confentes, to fum uther gudewarke, tending to his Hieneflehonoute, advancement and weill of rids R.e- aime : Upon the quhilk declaration, Henry Nifbet , Proveftofthc Burgh of in name of the haill Butrowes , asked inftrunients. L I K E-W I S E , It is provided that the faide Colleftour fall be na-wayes urged nor fubjefl , to receive , rhe cMi. nor aiifvvete ony ari'ignation or precept , to the ufe abone written , exceeding his recept or inttomiffion , *’»>■ albeit the famin be orderly fubferived, as faid is, bottliat it fall be ane fufficient excufe to him in refu- fitig the acceptation thereof, that he hes received na mair, norliee lies deburfed alreadic, upon anteri- rt- out precepts. and FURDER, His Majeftie and Eftaites , confiddering that diverfe and findrie perfones, dwelland RigtUiin. within Regalities , hes without onie regard of his Majeftics Lawes , paft wilfullie to liis Hicnefle home , and remained thereat as rebclles, thinking themfelves in furetie great anough, bereafon that theLordes of the faidis Regalities , having richt to their faidis efeheittes , commounlie difponis the famin in favours of the faidis rebelies : Quliait-throw his Majeftie is defrauded of fa-meikie of the faid taxation , as is to be payed be diem ; Forreraeidquhairof, his Majeftie aijd Eftaites , be thir prefentes , determinatis and concludis , that in all time hereafter , quhen onie perfon , within onie Regalitie wiriiin this Reakne, be denunced for none-pay- mentofthe faid taxation, that the Lordesofthe faide Regalitie, fall either caufe the faide fumme, quliair- fore die faide rebell is denunced, bepaysdtohisMajefties Colldcftour, oftliisprefent taxation, betuixtand the faid fifteenth daye of A&rr/j, nixt-to-cum ; Or then the faid Lord of Regalitie , fallrenunce and give ovetonie richt and title, that he may have or claime to die faid rebelles efeheit : And that in favour of liis Hiendle rhefaurer , quhom his Majeftie and Eftaites fotefaidis , ordainis to intromec there-witli, and to make cempt of the famin, before the LordesAuditoursofhisHienefte Checker ; Thacbe this preparative kreaftet , his Hienefte be not defrauded of onie part of die faid taxation , be reafon of die faid rebelles volun- tar pafftag to the home , as faid is. AND LAST, Becaufetheofficiares,chargarsforthefaidtaxation,up-liftetes,andrece!versofthcfamin, hes bene in ufe of allowing to themfelves of great and exttaordinar tees for their fervice , qiihifk was ane great impairing of the former taxation , there being ane great parte thereof beftowed upon the charges ■ in in-get¬ ting of the famin , albeit it might have bene in-gaddered upon farre lefle expenfes , gif fwa the Lollcdloures of before had ufed the greater fore-fight , in not fuifering the faids oiftciares , to continue in their alleged wounted allowance : Therefore his Majeftie and Eftaites , ordaims the faide CoUedfour Generali , of the faid taxa¬ tion, tocompone, tranfaft, and agree with the faidis officiates, executoursofthe faidis charges, uponals rcafbnabic condition as is poffible , having na refpedf al-to-gidder , to anie auid confuctudes , that the faidis eSiciares may crave be onie allowance granted of before. CoHeffed, vijkd am. I extroBed, fearth of the Bukes and Regifler of the t^Bes ofTarliamxt , at his (JMajefiies command : Be me CMa^er JOHN SKENE, Clerk of his Hiettejfe CmimeU, Regjler and RoUes, under mjjigne and fuhfcripioti manuaU. JOANNES SKENE CK Regifter. finis. ANE 1 364 KING JAMES THE SEXT ANE TABLE Of the ’PARTICULAR Kyi CT E S and utheris , maid in the Parliament , halden at Edinburgh , the ninetenth day of December , tlx zeir of God , ane thoujdnd , five hundreth, ninetic fiven zeires, nocht imprinted. ACTES IN FAVOURS OF Lodovick, ’Duke 0/ Lennox. Sir Robert Mal-vill , Knicht. The Bijhopfe i?/’ Brechin. The Laird ly^’Fliillorch , anent the College o^Frafer-burgh. CMaifter Andrew Knox, CMiniJler ^Paiilay. The Burgh i^Aberdene. The Burgh Perth. The Burgh ^Fladingtoun. Of the Kingis Lieges, qnha accmpanied his Majefiie IS his Lieu-tennente. in the North partes of this Realm O/Viilliam, Earle of hngKK-. George, Earle of AndVtmsxs, Earle of Ltto]l. ' RATIFICATIONES Of the Lerdjhip «/Dunfermeline to the ^neenes Kyilajefiie. To Andrew , Lord Dingwell. To the Bijhop of Aberdene. To the Burgh ^Narne. To the Burgh ^Jedburgh. Of the Confiftorie of Aberdene. Of the new fundation of the College of auld Aberdene. T 0 Maifter Edward Bruyfe, Abbot ^Kinlofle. 7b William Mal-vill, Zorr/ Tungland. 7i3 Alexander Hume, ^Snuick To Euftathius Roch , anent the making of Salt. Of the aH of Copper cumzie. For Locall ftipendes of Minifiersl For ane Grammer to be univerfallie teached. For ordour and prioritie of place in Parliament. For retouring of landes nocht retoured. Anent the forme of proces aoamji Witches. Ane ad anent certaine Kirkes ^North-Berwick. Atie all anent Chrifts-Kirk ^Udny. Anent the Kirk i^Buramaiiy. AB for up-haldiug of the Brig of Don , and the caljey of the Month of Cowy. tyiB for reparatm of the Brig of MuHil-burgh. tyiB for bigging of ane caljey upon Edmondftoun edge. Except tones infavoures (^'Patrick, Lord ^Lundoris. Peter Young Seaton, Afaj^er Almoufler. Thomas Erskin , ^Gogar, Knight, and his Brother. Michael Elphinftoun , Andrew Mal-vill, Maifiers of houjhald. Sir James Mal-vill «/’Hal-ltill Knight. Sir Patrick Murray. Patrick Hume zounger of Polwart. William Elphinftoun. Maifter George Young, Arche-deane ^Sauit-Andrewes. Maifter Andrew Black-hall, Minifter Muflil-burgh. And Bernard Lindefay. Proteftation conteinand the Kingis declaration , in favoures of Alexander , LiOrd of Spyny. FINIS. the S EXTENTH VARLIAMENT. XV. of November. 1600. 365 THE SEXTENTH PARLIAMENT O F king JAMES THE SEXT, Halden at ETHNBT) RH the XV. day of November the yeare of God 1600. j. The Fifth day of t^uguft is affqynted for giving yearly filemne thanks to God. ORSAMEIKLE AstiieEftaitesofthisRealme, acknowledging that Angular benefite, grace and favour of GOD, beftoweduponthembyh'ismiraculousand extraordinare prefervation of their moft gracious S O V E R A I G N E from the horrible and deteftable murther , and parricide attempted agaiiift his Majefties moft Noble Perfon, byumwhyle John Earle of Gmjone, aiidurawhyle Maiftcr t_A- kxmider Rutliven his Brother , upon the fifth day of Auguft laft by paft. And thatitbecommeth them with moft humble and tliankfull hearts, to give unfained and daily praife to their mercihil! GOD, for the faiftie of every one of themfelves, and of the liaill bodie of this Common-wealth , preferved from wrack and utter confufion by the miraculous and bountiful! deliverance ot his Majeftie , from the faidTreafoninmanerfore-faid. Therefore OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and con- fentofthehaill Kftaites, Statutes and ordeins , that in all'tymes and ages to come , thefiltli day of Auguft, fell yearlie be appoynted and kceped in all the Presbiteries and Parochins within this Realme , and bounds of his haill dominions , for publift preachings , prayers and folemne tliankf-giving to G O D for his great mercy and favour granted to this Realme , and every member thereof , by his Majefties gtatious and miraculous pte- ■■ ■ ' ■ - 1 - • I > - . - perpetuall monument oi their moft humble, heartlie and un- at all worke, labour, and other occupations, whilk may in any > /- - 1:_ upon the day forefaid , 1 fliaUcaufethefarainto be in ; and fee the contravei- ners thereof punillied accortling to the qualitie of their tranfgieffion. lervation, asfaidis, upon the faid day. Asa GOD forthefamiti. And that i. of Annexation of the fore faulted Lands , and others to the CrovSnt. FO R S A M E I K L E As it is clearlie underftand by the Kings Majeftie , and Eftjjites of this Realme, that the augmentation of the Patrimonie and revenwes of the Crown thereof, not onely ferves for the forth- fetting and mainteinance of his Heighnes honour and Royall Eftaite , but alfo releaves greatlie his fubjedfs of divers charges and heavie burdings. Therefore OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD, following thecommendableeKamplcsothis moft Noble Progenitors , with advife and confent of his Majefties Eftaites, unites, annexes and iiicorporats to his Heighnes Crowne , there-with to remaine pecpetuallie , and infeparablie in all tymecoinniiiig , die Lands , Lordftiips , Barroiiies , Abbacie , and others under- written , wliich may nether be given in tenement, fee, or otherwife to any perfon of whatfomever Eftate or degree , without advice , decreit and deli¬ verance of the haill Parliament;; and for great, reafonable , profitable and feene caufes concerning the u el-fait of the Realme ; firft to be advifed and digeftlie confidered by the whole Eftaites. And albeit it lhall Mppon OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD, that now is , or any of his SuccelTours, Kmgsol S COT- LA N D, to amialie or difpone die faids Lands, Lordftiips, Barronics, Abbacie , or others under-wticteii , with their pertinents prefendie annexed to the Crowne, as faid is, or any part thereof ; that the fate alicnaaous iliall ht nuU and of nane avaiU ; and that it ihall be leafome to the King for the ty me or his Succeflours , to receive the faids La!ids,iivings, Abbacie, and others fore-fiiids with the pertinents,to their owns ule when ever it i hall pleafe them, without any proceffe of Law, and the takers ihall refound & pay all profites that tliey have taken up of the faids Lands, and others forefaids to the King,for all the time that diey have had theru-'' ™ inch other rcftriflions as are conteined in the Afts of Parliament , made by his Majeftie and his moft no e rogciiitours Kings of S C O r L A N D in dieir annexations to the Crown. Whilks haill former Aefts of annexation.aiid all and l'undricartickles,provifions and reftridfions therein conteined, are halden as tepeite , an peci ic ex pteflid and comprehend in this prefent Aft. Thefe ate die names of the lands and others with the 366 KING JAMES THE S E X T prcfemly annexed to die Crowne. All and haill the Lands , Lordfliippe and BarronieofGow/eand Sen All and haill die Lands. Lordlliippe and Banonie of Ruthveu, Balknio, NewtownKowgaske, Strath-b,-^^' Gknfchie and Trochrie. All and haill the Lands, Lotdlliips, Batfonies, T einds, commodities and rents wli'lf’ perteined to the Abbacie and Monaftrie oiScoone , with all and fiindrie the Lands, Lordfliips, Barronies, Mi lies, Moultcts, Schawes, Woods, Parks, Filhings, Townes, V illages, Bun'owes of Regalitie ot Barronic.Ten ' ments, Annuelrents, Revetfions, Ciiftenies, Few-fermes, Places, Houfes, Buildings, Caftels, Towres, Mane^' places, Outfets, Yardes , Orchards, Kitks , Teynds , Advocation , Donation , and right of Patronage of Kir/' Ffofpitals.Chaplenries and Prebendaries, Tennents, T ennendries, and fervice of F ree-tennents, profites, enio ' lunientes, commodities and pertinents wliat-fom-ever of the faming Lotdlliips , Barronies , Lands , Abbaci ' Benefices, Patronages. T cinds and others particularlie above mentionat, or any parte thereof All and hall the tenement and ludgiiig in Terth, wliilk perteined to umwliyle lohne Earle olGowrie , with the Yardes and others pertinents pCrccining thereto, With all & fundry others Lands, Lotdlliips, Barronies, Benefices, Rent and Poflellions wliilks perteined either to the faid umwhyle lohne fometime Earle oiGowrie , or to liis'Predi ceflours, to whom he was heire, or appearand lieire , or to whilks any wyfe he might have fucceeded , or have had right to, or was pofleft by him by the fpace of five yeates , before the committing of the crimes of treafon for the whilks his memory and pofteritie are fore-faulted , and declared unhabile and incapable to bruike and pollcfle lands, heritages, benefices.offices or others dignities or commodities within this Realme, and now ner tciningto OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD, and being in his Heighnes hands by reafonfo™ faid. Attout, OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advifeforefaid.fuppreffesandaboliilies Rrialiiie. the Regalities and heritable offices pertcining to the faid lohne Earle of Gowrie , or liis Predicefiors , or whilks were annexed to any of the Lands , Lotdlliips . and others forefaids , and unites , annexes , and incorpotats the famintohisHeighnesRoyaltie, there-Withinfeparablieto remaineinall tyme comming. Andordeinisliis Comptroller prefent and to come, to intromet with , up-lift, and difoone upon the haill rents , profites and commodities of all andfundrie the Lordfliips, Barronies, Lands.Teyndes, Rents, Revenwes, profites.commo- dities, and others, wliat-fom-ever above fpecified, to his Heiglines proper ufe.and intertainement of his Heigh- nes lioufe, and other honorable charges belanging to die faid office in all tyme comming. Finallie OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE L O R D , with advile and confent forefaid, unites all and fundrie the Lands, Lordfliips, Barronies, Benefices, and others particularlie above mentioned , annexed to his Heiglines Crown , as faid is , to the faid Lordlliip oi’Kuthven , now and in all tyme comming , to be called the Lordfliip and Stewartrie of Hmitingtour , and the tennents , inhabitants and poflellbrs thereof to be anfwera- ble to his Heiglines Stewart of the faid Lordfliip united, as faid is , with lik freedomes , priviledges and liberties as are any wyfe compereiit to any Stewartry of his Heiglines propertie, or to die tennents and indwellets of any ol his Heiglines proper lands within this Realme. Exceptand alwyfe and refeivand forth of riiis annexa¬ tion, allandhaillthethtidpartoftlieLandsandBarronieofBit'/tnK, with the Towre, Fortalice, Manet- place thereof, Brabrotlier-parke, Hiefield.Menfles and Menflefiiiore, the Toun & Lands alHirlton .idiilks were appryfed by umwliyle Maifter Adam Otterhurne, and redemed by umwhyle Dame lean Haljhurntomi, with mylnes, moultets, cunnings, cunningers, fiftiings alfwell in fait water as in the frelhe.with the advocation and donation of the Proveftrie of TDirlton , widi the tennents , tennendries , and fervice of free-tennents , of all and haill the lands and Barronie of ‘Dirlton, with all the pertinents thereof The thrid part of die lands & Bat- rony of Bolton,\\\t\\ mylnes, moulters, tennents, tennendries, & fervice of free-tennents, of all h haill the faids Lands & Barronie oiBolton,mA\ the pertinenrs. The thrid part of the lands & Barronie of Haffmden & Halj- burnton, mylnes & moulters thereof advocation and donation of the chaplenrie of Halyhurnton, with ill theit pertinents , with tennents, tennendries.and fervice of free-tennents. Of all and haill the Lands and Barronieof Halyburntoun with all pertinents. All and haill the fuperioritie and tennendries of the halfe lands & Barronie of BaUegernoch, with the pertinents. All and haill the thrid part of the Lands and Banonie of AbernytkM'dA the mylnes, moultets, mylne-lands, wak-mylnes thereof tennents, tennendries, and fervice of free-tennents of the lamin. All and haill the thrid part of the half Lands of Forgundeny , with the mylnes , moulters , mylne- lands, tennents, tennendries, and fervice offree-tenncntsoftheiaids halfe Lands and Barronie, advocation and donation ofthecliaplentyofAif^/sa'e^with the pertinents. All andhaill the thrid part of the Lands and Barronie oiSem, vvith mylnes, moulters, mylne-lands thereof tennents, tennendries , and fervice of free-ten¬ nents, Of alfand haill the faids Lands and Barronie of Segie , with all and fundry parts , pendicles and perti¬ nents, annexes and connexes , of all and fundry the faids lands and others refpeiflive above written. Whilks Lands , Barronies and others refpeffive above fpecified are ordeined by his Majeftie and Eftaites , to be dif- poned heritablie to his Heiglines familiar and domeflique fervitor , Si t Thomas Erjkine of Gogar Knight , for great , feene and reafbnable caufes of the Realme, And are declared no wyfe to be comprehended under this prelent annexation , not no claufe not condition thereof As likewyfe exceptand and refervand forehand fra the laid annexation, all and haill the Lands and T eyndes of Cowjland, with all and fundry their pertinents : whilks Lands and I eyndes with their haillpertincnts , at likewyfe ordeined by his Majeftie and Eftaites to be difponed heritablie , to his Majefties faithfull and truftie fervitour Sir Hew Heries Knight for great, fene, profitable and neceflaie caufes ol the Realme , at lenth exprefled in the faid Sir Hewes infeftment and fecuti- tie w me faids Lands and T eyndes granted to him in this prefent Parliament whilks are halden as fpeciallie cx- prclied herein. Andfiklike, exceptand and refervand forth ofthis prefent annexation, the yearlie penfioii of SEXTBNTH TARLIjlMEUT. XV. of Novemier. 1600. 567 f vcntiE chaU'ers viftiJali , thereof ten chaldets ten holies bsete ; nyne chalders fex holies m'eill , to be ycir- f .lifted and tane by the faid Sir Hew Herses , his heites and affignayes , forth of the heft and tca’dieft pay- “^“P’pf(Vjehai!ifnites, tents, rhaiSes, fermes, kaynes, cu ftomes and others dueties whatfomever oulie and' Lordfcip of Scame and Gowrie ; ay and wliill the infeftment of the lands and Bartonie of Cffwjland take ftill effeft , by pofleffion in their perfotis , either by deceafe of DameBtirarfe Ste wart, Countes of - •- otby the£viftioiiofthefaminkndsandBan:onieofG>!£y? • rj j _ ftattding Se nade in his Heighnes PatUament halden at the aught day oUime the jeare ° E e c 1 1 ^6'6 KING JAMES THE S E of God 1^94. yeares, annulling the A(fls of Parliament, .. made in favours of vaflels, of perfonsWf T Toriiewhilkatn:, and all others afts , ftatutes, or conftitutions ; made atony time of before and™" '''*■ to be made , in this ptefent Parliament , thit ptefents makes and ihall make full derogation ■ and nerlie in favouts of the faids petfons , who , or their Prediceflours held lands , heritages , and others f r ol the faid umquhile Johne (ometime Eatle of Gowrie , or his Prediceflours , as faid is. The forefaid ° and every anc of them payand to his Mijeftic , and his Succeflburs , or any others their next inimed* r riours , for ilk twentie Ihilling land , whilk they held of before of the faid Earle oiQowrie , ten pounds^""*’'' ofthis Realmebetwix and Whitfonday next to come, for compofition. ^ ’ money 4- i^neiit invading and ftrfewing of CounfiUers. lord, and Ellaites of tills prefent Parliament, underftandiiiff th, j- verfeofthe Lords ofhisHeighnes Secret Counfell and Seflion, and others of iiis Heiehnes for the difeharee of their bounden ductie in his Heighnes fervice , incurres the haitred , indignation T*' and feedoffundrieperfons , who often-tymes quarrels them , without any juft caufe. Therefore s"™'" andordeines, that vvhat-fom-ever perfon in tyme comming , invades or perfewes any ofhis Hieehn^T? on , Secret Counfcil , or any his Heighnes Officiars , it being verified and tryed , that any of the lids r Juliled tf tl'TdcaS.®^^^^ ‘*“"8 “'"Shnes fervice, iSlb"' j-. ai/ml Turp-ifm in the Kings Commonties. OUR S OVER AIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, confidderiniztliarlc Heighnes, and his Heighnes Prediceflours, fortliehelpeandreleef of hispoorc coinmouns^ in d^ verie parts of tins Realme, lies referved great quantitie of Moores , and others common lands nowvfedr' poned 111 propertie to any particular perlSn. Notvvithftandiiig whereof diverfe perfons , lies riven out parked tilled, lawne, anil laboured great portions of the famin commonties , without any right of propertie com, ’ Realn°*^ t’i heighnes , and utter wrack oftliepooretennents and commons of tfil’ Realme. Therefore, Statutes and ordeines that all perfons, who lies tflled , laboured, fawne parked ndofed, or qiptopriataiiy part orpottionofliisMajehiescommon Moores, or others commonties he’ laiiging to his Hemlines , within the memotie of man ; the famin being ttyed , eitlier by way of moleftation by the Lords of the Seffion , that they within yeare and day , after the faid tryell , lay in^ the famin com’ monties againe ; to the effeiff the famine may remaine unlaboured or parked in any time thereafter ■ but tore maiiie as common tie fikhke and in die famine manet as it was before the ry ving out or parking thereof And §ial l lawfull tryall being tane therein , fsfaidis' they Andfiklike, OUR faid S'OVERAIGNE LORD favv^n^t ftatutes and ordeines, that wha-foeverin.tyme comming, ftiall till , labour manure’ 6. Anent Bearers and Schutters with Bagbuts and Biftolets. breedsfikttoubletopattiesandaflifours, and fik difficulfe in the ttyerriiaS hisHeighneswithadvifeandcoXofh For temecd whereof, Wearers of Hagbuts and Piftolets and others ingvnes of fire^ wirt otdeines, that the Bearers and nor mutilation, nor other odious violence there Idrh bur 00^ f’ committed flauditer or in their companies,, conttar^ He^t Lli anrAftpad them upon their petfons criminallie before the Tuftice anri his J- °* Patlianient , may be either perfewed fore his Heighnes, anKiTLdsoT tf, °>’fetved‘^, or be- at the option of his Heitrhncs Thefaurer or A rivrmr lawful! probation of witnes , or eadi of partie , his Heighnes , and Lords of the Secret ComifplI A ’^°''y‘^‘"S^l"'yfe, that fik as fliall be perfewed before faidscrjmes, fliaUnottcu^^^^^^^ of the tight hand, butonely to be ouniflie/brr c pteferyved by the former Adts, be amputation or payment of fik a pecuniall peiialtie and fnn perfons, efclieit of their goods movable CoLLuflialldecetL'^rbutpSiTny^ f/’'? Lotds^fhis Secret as fliall be criminallie perfewid ! convift and^found oilrv ^ of Parliament , again!! fflt generall, or his deputes forefaids incafe his Maieftiefik? ^ conding affife before his Heighnes and Juftiee fticc, not before the Secret Counfefl a L a criminally before the Ju- scctet CounleU, And fatdier. his Heighnes and Eftaits forefaids. annuls k difcliatgesall iicences S EXTENTH TARLIAMEMT. XV. ofl^emkr. ^6^. ^ licences given by his Majeftie for bearing and wearing of Hagbuts . Piftolcts and others ingynes of firei^ W ordaincs, that "a hcencesftallbegraiitedmtymecommmgtonoperfonsforbcarinpand wearing of the fam^, o^ept that the famine licences be graunted by his Heighnes, and Lords of fecret CounfellfittingiiiCouncdl: And when the famine licences are fa graunted, ordainis the famine licences to caycompofiiionto his Heighnes Thefaurer, and pafls his Regiftet , and to paife the Signet and bailUeales- ydecernes and declares all licences not graunted in Counfell, and whilk ihal! notpay compofnionand pafle the Signet and haillfeales, asfaidis, to be null and of nane availl. And iiotwithftandingtheieof the isidsperfonstobeaccufed, conforme to this ptefeiit ad . and ads ofPatiiamenc made of before. 7 , Exflamtim of the aifs ofTarliament anent Ocker andVfurie. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORE), WithadvifeandconlentoftheEftaites,ratifiesandapprovesthc adsol PatiiamentmadeagainftUfurie and taking of unlawfull annuel-rent or profite for filver in all po) fits , according to the teiiour of the famine. And becaufe the obfeurity of the ad of his Majefties fifcentli y lament, titular, It is not lefome to take raak annuel-rent or profite norteniorthehundreth, anent the iJianec of tryell and probation of thefaidcryme by eathofpartie, and ail other lawfull probation conjoyned there-with, competent of the Law, lies bred fic difEcultieinperfuteaiiddecifionofthefaidscaufes, that Juftice thereby he,s bene gteatlie fruftrat . and the contraveinets of the faid ad altogether unpuniflied. Therefore his Majeftie with advyce and confent forefaid , ftatutes and otdaines that in all adions alreadie intended, depeixland, or hereafter to be intended againft contraveinets of thefaidsads, Litifeonteftation ijeing made therein , byadmittingofthefummondstoprobation , it fliali be lefome to prove the faidsfum- nioiids and contravciniiig of die faids ads , or any of them anent the takingof unlawfull and exhorbitaiit pro- lite, forfummes of money, by writte or eadi ol parrie , receavet of the laid unlawfull profite , andbethe witneflesinfertinthefaidlecuritie, made for the faids fummes, without rcceaviiig of the cathofthepattie, giver ol the faids unlawfull profites, for efehewing of all occafion of perjutie, whilk might be fufpeaed to proceed thete-upon. 8. Anent dljfolutiou of the CoaUeughs of the frofertte, and lands where demolifed jirengths and (Jaftels were builded of antd. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, underllanding tiiat the ground & boundes where diverfe Callels, Strengths and Fortlis perteining to his Majefties moft noble Progenitoiirs , were of auld fituat , is now altogether moftdefonne and unprofitable to his Majeftie, thefaidsCaftekandForths being fa denioliihed, that there remaines no ky nde of building therein , either for ftrength or dwelling to his Majeftie. As lyke- wyfe. that his Heighnes Coal-licughes within the boundes of his annexed propertie , being unhabile to be wrouniit, without advancement of great expenfes, are fa negleded that his Majeftie neither receavisfurtii- mre of coaies to his Heighnes houfe thereby , nor any other profite or commoditie ofthe famine. For remeed whereof, OUR faid SOVERAINE LORD, withadvyfiandconfentofhisEftaitesofPar- iiament. ftatutes and ordaines that it Iliall be lefome to his Heighnes, to fete all and fundrie the lands and , bounds with the pertinents , whete-upon any of the faids auld demolifhed and unhabitable Cartels and F ortlis werefiruated; together with the Medowes and Loches belanging thereto, and Coal-heughs being within the boundes of his annexed propertie , in few-fetme heritablie. So that it be not in dimunition of his Heighnes Rentall Greflirm or others dueties, but in augmentation thereof. And to that efteft , with confent fore¬ faid, makes prefentdiffolution thereof. And that the lands, Medowes, Loches, Coal-heughes , and others fet by his Majeftie, byvermeofthisAcft in manet forefaid, lhall ftaiid petpetuallie , and after his deceafe , the annexations made before to retutne againe to the awne nature. Sa that his Succeflburs, after his deceafe’ ihail have na farther power to annalie not wodfet in few any ot the faids lands, boundes, Loches, Medowes Coal-heughes , and others forefaids , nor they had before the making of this prefeiit diftolution. And his Heigtees and Eftaites of Parliament, declares tliat the forefaid dilfolution fltall nowyfe hurt nor prejudge Akxmder Lord Levmgfion his rights , whilks he hath to the Coall of Borntmi befide Lithgow, and to Iris tight that he hath to the Caftel of Blacknes , with die greines and petanents belanging thereto. amit ctmfte and Bullion. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament, having at length reafoned anent the ftatc of the Cunyie as the famine is prefently current within this Rcalnie declares , that iinhis prefent Pariia/nent , they will on no wyfe alter the fynnes nor pryces ofthe Cunyie , either of gould or filver ; but thatthelaminehavefteepalTageand courfe hereafter as it prefently gives, becaufe hisMajefticand Eftaites underftands thatthete is gteatfcaitfitie of Cunyie for the tyme within this Realmc. 1 herefote , lies given poxvet and commiffion to the Lords of his Heighnes fecret CounfeU for otdour taking anent die hame- tangingofBulyeonforfutnilhmgofdieCunye-houie. and difeharging the tranfoomng and aivjy taking of gouid,Til¥er and other forbidden geare, under the name ofpuniflimgoitheirbodiesandgoods, according tothedifcterionotthefaidsCommiffioiwts. , Wherehy the Comime may be furmlhed withaboundmiceof c* a, l,,unvie? }7° KING JAMES THE S E XT And Cunyic of fik fyniics and pryces as the famine prefentlie gives, and hes paflage within this Realms thefe ptefcnrs to be publilhM to all OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDS Lieges. 10. Alt anent the faking and tranjjorting of herring. The Kings Majeftie with the adv.yce of the Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, ffatutes and daines , that na petfonnorperfons , alfwell ftrangers as native borne fubjefts of this Realme, take ui”'" hand to buy, pack, peill, fait, barrel!, or yet tranfpott foorth of thisReainie, any herring in fm'all or nr " quantitie at any tyme before Michael-mes yearlie , but to feffer the famine to be brought to publick niar and there fauid to all his Heiglines Lieges, vipon reafonable pryces, widiout attempting any thing contraire thereof,, under the paine of confifcation of the famine herring, barrels, Ihjppes aud velhels • and ' f all the reft ofthe movable goods of the perfons, contraveiners hereof in any poynt , The thrid part of 1 famine to the apprehender , and the reft to his Majefties ufe , to be intrometted with by his Heighnes Com roller, and fik as he ihall give power and commiifion to for that etfcft. And ftatutes and ordaines that*'^' licences be granted hereafterfor packing, peilling, faking and tranfportingofherring before the ty’mefo"'* faid; except the famine licences be graunted with confent of the Coimfell fitting in the Coimcell KA after the graimting ofthe faids licences, ordaines the famine to palle the Signet and haillfeals, otherwvf declares die famine licences to be null and of nane avail!. ’ II. Slaying of Salmond in forbidden tyme. to he ane cryme of thift in tyme comming. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, andEftaitcsofParIiament,ftanitesandordaines,thatthefIav ing of .Salmond in forbidden tyme, orofKipper, Smolts, or fik black filhe atanytyme, lhallbein all tyme comming , ane ctyme of thift to die committer whatfomever in all tyme comming ; and Ihall be pumihed as thift in every qualitie, according to the committers rank and eftate. Exceptand alwyfe forthof this prefent aft , the Salmond. Kipper, Smolts, and all other filhes flanc or tane witliin the rivets of i>4fe»rz?/i^andZ'«.'£’rarliaf granting to other Papifts the fpaceoffourtiedayes to fatisfie the Kirk, or to remove of the Coun'trie be nowyfe extended to them. And becaufe me refer whilk they have founden in diverfe parts of the C trie, lies given diem the boldnesfoavowedlie to contemne his Majeftie and his Lawes. That therefor°7i petfons as Ihall be given up by the Presbyteries , or Seftion of the Kirk , to be the refetters and hurd ^ ' r them, ihall be charged under fikpecunialpaines, as ihall be modified by his Majeftie , and Lords of Counfell , not to relet them hereafter with this addition that his Majeftie and Eftaites of Parliament deef that every Earle diat ftiall happen to refer any , fliall pay a thoufand pounds. Every Lord , a thoufand ni T'* Every Barron, five hundteth pounds. Every Frce-halder, three hundreth marks. Every Yeoman pounds. And every Burges according to die modification of the Kings Majeftie and Lords of fecret lell; the paine alwyfe not exceedand the fumme of an hundreth pounds. Whilks paines the faids Fll hes ordained OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDS Thefaurer to exafl: with all extremiric avainll^rl* contraveiners hereof , and to intromet there'with to his Heiglines ufe. ° rp. Ratification of the alt anent jirong and idle beggers. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advyceofthe Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, ratifies and confirmes die aft made by his Heighnes and Eftaites conveined at Terth die fitft day of ApnrvIe laft by paft , aaainft ftrong and idle beggers ; whereof the tennour followes. The Kings Majeftie and Lords offecretCouniell. remembring how there hes bene diverfe gude and lovable afts ol Parliament and fccret Counfell, made and publiihed heretofore, for punilliment of ftrong and idle beggers, and releef oftlie poore and impotent. And how the faids afts hes received litle or no effeft , or execution by the overfight and negligence of the petfons, who were nominatjuftices and Commiflioners, for putting of die faids afts to full and due execution. And that herewasnotafpecialpenaltie, appoynted and enjoy ned to them who fhould be remifle and negligent therein. So that the ftrong and idle beggers being for the inoft part tliMves bairds and counterfitte limmers , living moft infolentlie and ungodly , widiout manage or Baptifme ofa vreat number oi their children, are fuffered to vaig and wander throughout the liaill Countrie , and the pooreaiid impotentperfonsareneglefted, and no care had , nor provifion madefortheirenterteinementandfuftenM- non. For remeed whereof, and fupplieofthe faids afts, and namely of the aftofParliamcntmadcintlie yeare of God i ^97. Whereby the execution ol the afts of Parliament, is committed to thepatticular Sclfions of the Kirk, It is ftatute and ordained by the Kings Majeftie, with advyce of the Lords oi hisfectet Counfell, tliat the faids Seftions of the Kirk, where need is , fliall be aftjfted by ane or twa of the Presbyte¬ ries ; and that they Ihall put the faids afts to full and due execution , conforme to the tennour thercol in all poynts, every an oftiiem within their awne bounds, under the paine of twentie pounds to be exafted of them , fo oft as they fliall be found to be remifle or negligent herein. And that tliefe prefents Ihall beviime to take effeft, and have execution upon the firft day of June next to come. And to the effeft his Majcflie may be the better afliired of the care and diligence of the faids Seflions ofthe Kirk , in due execution of the faids afts of Parliament, his Majeftie commands the haill Presbyteries of this Realme , to take diligent tryel of the obedience ol the Seflions hereanent , and to report their ccaificat and teftimonial there-upon , to his Ma- jcftics Minifters , betwixtandthefirftday of Auguftnexttocome. Where-throw his Majeftie may diere- afteyitoceed againft fik as fliall be negligent as accords : And that letters of publication be direft: here-upoii as effeirs ; where-throw the faid Seflions of the Kirk , nor no other pretend ignorance. And ro command and charge the faids Seflions ofthe Kirk to put the faids afts of Parliament made againft ftroiw and idle beggers, whereof the execution is committed to them , by the faid aft of Parliament made in the forefaid yeare ol God iy97- to due and full execution in all poynts , conforme to the tennour thereof, betwixt and the faid firfl dayofjunenexttotome, under the faid paine of twentie pounds to be exafted of them , fo oft as they ilwH be founden to be remifle after the faid day. Certifying them that failyes , that the faid paine ih.iil be uplifted of them with all rigour. And fik-like to command and charge the faids Presbyteries to take tryeil of the faids SelTionshete-anent, and to report their teftimonial there-upon betwixt and the firft day of Au.tuII , as faid is. As they will anfwere to his Majeftie upon their obedience at their utteniioft charge and perrell. ^o. K^Inent the ^JHartage of adulterous ferjons. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advyceofthe Eftaites ofthis prefent Parliament, dccerncs all manages to be contradled here-after by any perlbns devorced for their awne cry me andfaftnf adulreric. S EXTENTH TARLI AMENT. XV. of Nmjember. 1600. 373 Jaliene- from theit lawful! fpoufes with the peribns with whom theyarcdedaredbyfcntcnceofthcor- judgetoiiavecommittedthefaidcrymeandfaaofadukerie, to be in all tyme comming null andun- f "fyllinthemfelv£s, and the fucccffion to be gotten befikunlawfullconjunitions, to be unhabile to fuc- eed as heites to their faids parents. Regtjkrs of the Scblreffe Clerks to be marked by the Clerk of Regijier and his deputes , mtd their extraOes to be marked by themfilves. TH A T all and whatfomever Schireffes Clerks in all tymes hereafter , fliaU prefent their Rcgifters to the ClerkeofRegifterto be marked by him and hisdeputes. And whatfomever regiftration to be fub- fctyved hereafter by them, tmon whatfomever letters together with whatfomever extrafts fliall be given forth thereof to any perfon, mall conteine in ail tyme comming, the leafe wherein the famine is regiftrat, and this ordour to beginne from the firft day of March next ; within the whilk , they and every ane of them Aji; prefent tlieir faids regifters to be fa marked. And that nane of them fubfcryve their regiftration upon anv letter, or give forth any extraftfubfcryved with their hand after the forefaid day, imfpecifying the leaf wherein the famine is conteined, within their Booke, marked as faid is, under the paine ofanhundteth matkes , toties, qmties. Bar prejudice alwyfe of the homings wliilks the faids Clerks omifllon , or negleft in tliis behalf® , fhall iiowyfe make inv^ide. ax. AB a^t removing and extiuguijhmg of deadly fead. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and haill Eftaites of Parliament prcfentlieconveined, forre^ movingoftheprefentfeadsthatabounds withinthisRealme. Finds it meet and expedient that the par¬ ties be charged to compeir before his Heighnes and fecret Counfell , at fik daye.s as Ihall be thoght expedient, to fabmit to twa or three friends on either fide ; or to fubfcryve ane fubmiffion , formed and fent by his Maje- ftje to them to be fubfety ved. Wliilks friends by their acceptation Ihall be bound either to decetne within the fcaceofthrettiedayes, after they have accepted , or elfe to agree at their firft meeting , on ane Overf-man wba fhall decerne within dial fpace: whilkif diey cannotdoe, they fliall widiin the forefaid threttie dayes, teport the ground and caufe of their difagreraent to his Majeftie , and fik fpecials of his Counfell ^ his Heigli- nes fiiali finde leaft partial and fufpeft. ( Wliaes Majeftie by the advyce of the Eftaites here prefent, is decla¬ red to be Overf-man in that matter.) And faily ing , that the friends arbicratouts, either decerne or repotc not within the forefaid fpace after their acceptation, every ane of them by the authoritie of this prefent acte, to incutthepaineofanetlioufandpounds, to be imployed to liisMajeftiesufs. And becaufe all leads are ane of tlijr three natures, namely that there is either naflaughter upon neither fide, or {laughter upon ane fide only; or elfe flaiighter upon both fides. The parties in the firft may be commanded to agree, duefaris- faftion being offered, and performed at the fight of friends, and overf-man in manet forefaid. Wherethete is flaughter upon both fides , his Majeftie may by rigour and equalitie of Juftice, compell them to agree , due fatisfaiSion to be made on either fide , according to tlie qualitie of the offence , and perfons offended. Where die flaughter is oneiy on the ane fide , the partie grieved can not refufe in reafon to fubmit in maner forefaid , aU quarrell he can beare to any perfon innocent , Juftice being made patent to him againft the giltie ; Ipecial- !ie he being ordeined by this prefent aft to perfew nane other but the giltie , and tliat by die Law. And the partie fo perfeived not to beare quarreilfotit, but todefendin lawfull maner. And chat all quarrels ihaU ceafe againft fik as fhaU be lawfully perfewed in tliis forme , either by their conviftion, and execution by Law, or otherwyfe by tlieir clenging and agreraent ; that all perfons being of perfite age , and withm the Countne , and having encres to perfew any partie for crymes capitall , fhall within fourtie dayes after the publica¬ tion ofthis prefent a5“^ committers ofthe faids crymes, and facisfying this aft anent their reconciliation with all nowyfe be prejudged offteir aaion, competent againft getknaw-lele ptovyding, tliat they Ihall beare no fead againft the finds fufpea perfons wluUfitft after fufficient inLmation obteiiied. they raife their letters for fummondmg the faids ® ™ law, andeithetmakethemfugitive, or otherwyfe obteine Ac perfute decided. And fatfoer, dut^tli 1 KING J A M E ^ THE S E X T prefcription of tliis prefciit aftfliall nowyfemilitatagainftanypartie, wliacs actions are alreadiefubniittcd to ane langcr day nor is prefcryved in this aft. Provyding , that the partic doc liis diiigcnce in maiier above written, within fourtiedayes after the expyringot the faidfubmifiion. And to the intent that Jufticebena occafion to breed farther trouble , every partie lliall conic to the town accompanied allancrlie with t\\ eiiti foute perfons , where both they and tlicit companie fhall keepetheirliidgingtothchoureofcaufe, Atthe whilk, firft the ane and then the other fllail be broght out by tlie town in Armes accompanied from thei( Judging to the Bar with the number prefcryved to their rank by art of Parliament. The contiaveincr whereof ifhebeperfewer, fliall tyne his petfute in tyme comming; and if he be defender, he Ihall be denounced rcbell as prefumed guiltie , andrefufinglaufulltryiell. And for ftayingofalldeadly fcadsin tymeconimiim whcretliere is no caiile nor quarrell given as yet, it JlialJ not be lavvfull to the perfewer to invade, perfew, beare fcad or quarrel againfl: any Iriend of the oflender , innocent and not accufed and convift of the cryme , unde the paine of tynleil of his aftion and perfutc againft the guiltie, & to be compelled to fubmit with the offenders ftlfe. RefervingalwyfetohisMajeftiehisaftionagainfthimfor the cryme. Lyke as the friends of the guiltie petfon being convift and fugitive from die Law , fliall not beare quarrel for his perfute be Law, neither maintein , fuppiie nor refel him , under the paines conteined in the aft againft refetters of fugitives and rebels And in cafe any ofthe friends of the guiltieperfons refer himiii contempt of this prefent aft, and others his HeiglincsLawes, the paroe grieved aftifted with his Heiglines Advocat , fliall onely perfew the refettcrbv ordour of Law without convocation or fead , grudge or quarrell to be b^pne againft him therefore otherwvfe • under the paine of ty nfell of liis faid lawfull aftion in all tyme comming^An J to tin's ordour before fpecified' thehaill Nobilitie and Eftaites here prefent , have given'tlieirapprobannn and confent, and fivorne tocon' forme them thereto in all feads whilks fliall fall out in tyme comming. And this prefent aft nowyfc to nullitat Jn fik cafe where the partie offender is denunced rebell , or fliall happen hereafter to be fugitive and put to the borne , for llaughter or other odious capital crymes , during the tyme of their rebellion. And to the intent tliefe prefent articles may have the better effeft, and be the mair willingly embraced by Ins Majefties haiU fubjefts,his Heiglines ot his proper motive and gracious inclination to Juftice,quyetnes and well of his people folemnedly declared and faithfully proniitted'in prefence of the faids Eftaites , that for flaugliter and other odious crymes to be hereafter committed, his Heiglines ihall graunt no refpit, remillion, pardon nor overfight at any tymes hereafter. Albeit the parties tranfaftandagreeamongftthcnifclves,tilltheinveteratanddam- nable cuftomes ol the faids heynous crymes be rooted out and altogether fupprefled. Whilks articles above Written , in the haill heads and poynts of the famine , OUR SO'VERAIGNELORD and Eftaites forefaids , prefently conveined, ratifies, approves and confiniics, and ordeines theftimine to have the ftrenath, force and effeft of ane law in all tyme comming. And that letters of publication and executorials palTe liete' upon, for die better obfervation hereof in this prefent Parliament. 13. Ait againfi Jldugbter of jVy Id f owlet. FO R S A M E I K L E as by common confuemde of all Countries , fpecial prohibition is made to all forts of perfoiis to flay \vy Id-foiill , Hair or V ennifon, except fik as by their revenewes may beare the charecs and burdiiigs of the Halkes, Hounds and Dogs, requifit in fik paftymes. In refpeft the famine as well lies b?ne created for the recreation of mankinde, as for their fuftentatioii. Lykeasitisoftreutlitliatbydiverfeand fundry arts of Parliament others ftatutes and proclamations made heretofore , all flaying of the faid wyld- foull and bealtes by any indireft meanes , fik as hagbut, girn, net and fowllcr dogs is fpecidlic forbidden, and 01 verfc penalties conteined in the famine aft. Yet neverdieles , fik lies henethe Ikcknes ofthe execution of the famine, that diverfe and fundrie peifons having greater regarde of their gaine and commoditie, whilk they piirclies by the felling ofthe faid wyld-foull, to fik perfons wha prefers their awiie inordinar appetite andgluttonie, either to the obedience of the faids Lawes, or to the recreation that may be had by thedireft flayiiw ofthe famine. Hes ufed aU the faids indirect meanes in flaying ofthe faids wylifowles and beaftes, whereby this Countrie being fo pleiitifullie furnillied of before, is become altogether fcarce of fik waires. XT',, c run the difSiairgingofthefellingofthefaidswyld-fowuaiia yennifonfliallprocureaiietemeedoftheabufeforefaid. Have therefore difcliargeci, lyke ashy thefeprefents they dffeharge any perfons whatfomever, within this Realme in any wyfe tofellorbuyaiiy faftaiireidot ^mi?s cwirn Hares Partridges, Moore-fowles , BlacVcokes. AitlHieimes, Termi- fwrtc ^°Idmgs, Mortyms, Scliidderems , Skaildraik , Herron. Butter, oranyakyndeoffowlles, commonly ufed to be chafed with Halkes , under the paine of aiieliun- perfons to pay the faid lumme , that the apprelieiider of them Ihall caufe them be fcourged thorow the Burgh fliall be apprehended Arid als difcliarges any of the faids Lciges, inany wyfctoflay S ro f ‘ ” ‘’^gbut . under^tli; paine above fpech ned to be incurred by them, l-or execution whereof, OUR STOVER AIGNE LORD hes given and graunted power and coinmiflion to all SdiirefFes , Stewarts , Baillies , alfwell of Regalities as Royalties, SEXTEM'TH ^ ARLtlAMEMT. XV. of November. 1600 _ iTf allies. PtoveftsandBailliesofBurrowes, and every Barron within his awne Batronnic, fpecial juftices 1 at i power to up-lilr or execute the paines above fpcci fied againa r anfete^’^* prefents ; the ane halfe of the faicis pecunial paines to be inttoraetted with by them, perreine to OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and to be payed to his Heighnes I hefaurer ; and % mhet halfe to the delator and apprehender. And becaufe ane of the greatefl occafions of the fcatftie of I faid' partridges and Moore-fowles , is by reafon oi the great flaughter of their Pouts and yoiw anes ; h™ as for youtli neither are they habile to give paftyme , and for quantitie can no \v yfe b e ane 'I^t refrelhmcffi. OUR SOVERAINE LORD lies difcharged all his Heighnes fubjefts whacfomever, • nv wvfe to fl^y O' of the faids Moore-pouts , or of any other kyndes before the thrid day of Julie; ** Pattcidg'POO'. before the aught day of September. Alwyfe OUR SOVERAINE LORD and Slaiic'fotsfeids, declares that this prefent aft , lhall nowyfe comprehend Cunnings , Wod-cock, Plevats rmyld-Goofe, but the famine to be flane with nets, and others ingyncs not forbidden by thcLawes of dds Reaime , and to be coft and fauld as lawfull Merchandice as of before. aq. Aneitt the cuftuming of goods. FORSAMEIKLE as it is underftand to the Kings Majeftic and Eftaices of this prefent Parliament , that be diverfeAfts of Parliament, Lawes and conftitutions heretofore obferved , all maner of Englilh soods broght within this Reaime . ace and have bene ever fubjeft , and in ufe oi payment to his Heighnes of aaecettainecuftome, and duetic properly perteining to his Majeftie, as aiie-part of die Pattimonie of his Crown. Lyke as alfo other forts of ckith, filkes, ftuffes, and merchandice broght within this Reaime from fotraine Nations , ate by aft of his Majefties Nobilitie , Councell and Eftaites , of the date the threttein davofMaij, tiieyeareof God lyjy. Ratified and approved in Parliament halden at ^inhurgh in the Monedi of December, the famineyeare, fubjeft to the payment of ane certainecuftome to his Heighnes. Andtli* Merchants inkingersofthefaidsgoods, aught not to Ioffe, bteake bowk, or difponethere-upon, whillthefaminebeefirftemered, thenmarked, and dewlie cuftomed by the Cuftiimer apMy need thereto. Notwid’ftandingthecuftomeofdiefaids goods arevery far over-fene, to the great hurt and difcommoditie of liis Majeftie . in tefpeft there is nafeall appoynted to be hanging , to the faids goods , according to the ufe and confwetude obferved in other Nations, whereby the goods cuftomed, couldnowyfebeknawnebythe uacuftomed goods. And fa by their conMon the Merchants , awners and iabringers ot the faids goods , im- mediatlv after the arryving and comming of the faids goods within this Reaime. Ioffes, breaks bouk, lelles and conceSs *• famine ; and never offers nor prefents na part thereof to be cuftomed , conforme to the ordour, todieereatptejudiceofhisHeighnes: whilk being now confiddered by his Heiehoes, his faid Nobilme , Councell and Eftaites, and tliey finding that by the want of the faid feall, his Majeftie is , and hes bene greatly defrauded of his cuftomes. Ordeines therefore the haill Cuftumers wnthin tins Reaime to caule make ane D-iM feall and (tamp of feall conteining twahalfes for every Burgh andfea-portwithmthisRealme where Lre ate eftabliftiedLftumers ; the ane halfe thereof conteining J A C O B U S R E X , with lii^ciglnies Ames and Crown; and the other halfe the name of the Burgh where the larnme flia 1 remame, Wliilk feall &ftampfliallbeapplyedtolead.&beingfoftrickenandpriMedwithdKfaidftamn,lhalbeiiarigingtoevery mh peece and 0:eik of ciaiih , filk and ftuiT of whatfomevet Nation that here-after ilia.l be broght within this Reaime bvfea or land, before the famine be ptefented to open markets, fauld or any wyie difponed upon. And the ane halfe of the faid feall to be keeped by the Cuftumer , and die other half e by the Cle« of the Coequet. ■ The awners ofthe faid claith, filkes and ftuffes payand the cuftume thereof. And to the effeft die daitlfilkesandftuffesprcfendiebeiiigwithiiitliisRealme. may be knawne and decerned ftomthatwMk heteafeer feall be brogfe within die Imine. It is alfo decerned and ordeined, that the Cuftumer of every Bmhandfea-port, lall repaite to diedwellinghoufesandbuiths withineveryancofthefa.dsButghsand Pols where tliev are particuiMiie aopovnted Cuftumers , and there receave the eadies ofthe awners , of fik peeces. ftdks a.n^ woL of claith. filkes and ftuffes as ate therein; whither the famine aes payed *£ cullimic Lteof or not. And fik as hes not payed cuftume. chat the famine be then mftantke payed, and he faid fejli in token tliereof hanging thereto, Ld to ail odiers peeces, fteikes and \vobes whilks feall be apprehended Withinthefaidsbuithesaidhoufes. whereof the cuftume lies bene payed of before "/yfe ofthe faid Cuftumer And that the awners ofthe faid claith and fluffs , 'cquy re the Cnftumers w ith. ewty Burgh and Port particularlie to reoaite to the faids buiths and houfes to this efteft, within fourcene dayes afte7 :he Mblication liLof i And farther, to doe and perfornie all other things wliilks to every a, k of them is appoyntidrobedoneinmanetforefaid. claith and ftuff, that feall be apprehended thereafter wanting the faid feall. bringers ofthe faids claith, filkkndftuffwitliindii6Realmemtymeconmiing,ptcfume^^^^^^^^^^ feuLdifpone«ponthefamine.nornapartthereof,untothetymethefamineb^ within the cuftuie-houfes, the cuftume thereof payed . “d'hefaidfealh.uokent^^^^^^^ patticuiat peece ofthe famine, as faid is, underthepaineofefcheanngof 1 , ik liilyethackiandwhatfomeyerwobs. fteiks and peeces whilks “^^/PP fiia&beconfifcatand intrometted with to his Majefties ufe as efehea , \ d in F f I 1 KING JAMES THE S E X T ill example of others. And that letters of publication be direft here-upon, where-throw nane ptete„j| ignorance of the famine. x<. charges of Horning againfi ferfins north the water ^Die to be direli npn jiftcnc dayes at the leaf. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament , confiddering how that his Majefties fubjeas , inhabiting the North-part of this Realme, are oftymes drawen in great inconvenients by findl charges . direft againft them , fome-tyme for finding of Law-borrowes , or compeiring before his Majeftie and his Councell upon fimple charges of fex dayes ; fa that be the ihormes of tyme , and impoifibilitie to them to fatisfic the faids charges within lex dayes , in refpefl of the fat diftance of the place of tlieir refidence ftoi,, the Burgh o{ Edinburgh , they are oftymes put under the danger of horning ; whereas if they had convenient tymes graunted to them , there wald not be fik difobedience of fik great numbers of his Majellies fu|j. jeftes. ^For renieed whereof, it is ftatute and ordained, that na letters ol horning fliall be direft againft any perfons dwelling be North the water of T)ie upon ane ihortcr fpace nor fiftene dayes at any tyme here¬ after. And the horning to be ufed againft any ol the faids perfons upon ane Ihorter fpace nor fiftene dayes, (hall be null and of nane availl. ad. cigainft ferfins wha ferfiwes others within ane myk of the Kings GMaje- fiies refidence. The Kings Majeftie and Eftaites of Parliament, confiddering the manyfald indignities from tyme to tyme done to his Majeftie, by ane number of undewtifull and unreverent fubjcfls , wha to the contempt and dillionour of his Majeftie , make frequent tulyies , and feekes the commoditie to revenge their particular quarrels within the Burgh of Edinburgh and Canuogate , and others places necre to the place of his Heighnes refidence; not fpairingfometime at his Majefties awne back, to ufe their privat revenge, to the hazard and . perelling of his Heighnes molt Noble Perfon. Lyke as divetfe perfons , under pretence of their awne de¬ fence, repaires and reforts within his Majefties Palaces , armed with Jacks , Secrects or Corflets , under tlieir doublets or coats. Where-throw it is to be feared , that certaineevilldifpofed perfons, under cuUout of their awne defence, may attempt fome enterpryfe againft his Majeftie or his domeftiks. For renieed whereof, and efcliewing of the inconvenients that herc-upon may enfew ; It is ftatute and or¬ dained, that whatfomever perfon of what eftate, qualitie or degree he be of , fliail prefume to take upon hand at any tyme hereafter, to invade or perfew any of his Majefties fubjefts , within any part of this Re¬ alme , within ane myle to the place of his Fleighnes refidence and remaning for the cyme ; or wha lhallrefott and repaire within his Majefties Palaces , or any part of his refidence , armed with Jacks, Sccteets, or Cotflecs under their coats , doublets or otherwyfe ; that tliefaids perfons, malcers of the faids tulyies and combats, after due tryell tliat they were the firft oiifettets. As alfo , the faids perfons , repairing armed within his Ma- jefties houles , asfaidis. lhall be taken apprehended and warded foryeareandday , aiidfarjier, ay and vvhill they fyn witli his Majeftie for their liberty , according to his Heighnes good plcafurc. a/, i^nent the Court place of the Schirefdome of the CUtcirnes. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prcfcnc Parliament, underftandiiig thd great prejudice fufteined by the Leiges of this Realme, where the judgment-fairs of SchirefFes, and others Judges ate not fa commodious , neither in building nor in fituation, as theSchirefi', others Judges and their deputes may convenientlic fit, not the patties may refort thereto. And fpeciallie chat theScliireffoftlie (JMeirnes, alias, and his deputes , licsbeneinufethefemany yearestofitat Kincardin, where there is neither ane Tolbuith , not any houfe to parties to ludge into , for their incerteinement ; nor yet is die placeindiemiddesoftlieSchire, whereby the Leiges within the faid S hiteffdonie are ereatlie damnified. For remeed whereof, it is ftatute and ordained, that the SchirefF of theSchireffHomeoffcwrar&andhis deputes, in all tyme comming , lhall fit and hald their Courts at the as maift meet and conve¬ nient to tliem, & to the haill Leiges within the Shyre : & that precepts to be diredl, lliall be to warne all parties within their jurifdiflion, to compeit, to perfew & defend in their Courts at the Stane-hyue in all tyme hereafter. ^8. \.Anent the keiping of fledges. FORSAMEIKLE as in tyme bygane , the onely meane for quyeting of the Borders was entering of pledges, and the keeping of them in furety that in cafe any enotmitie or wrang were committed by any of the gang or furname , tor the whilk they were entered pledges ; then Juftice Ihould be execute againft rhe faids pledges with all rigour. And becaufc heretofore, ane great number of the Nobilitic and Batroiines , being burdened for keeping in furetie fome of the faids pledges , hath made their excufe of the danger ,aii J inconve¬ nient that might occutr to them, in cafe of the efcape of any of the faids pledges, dely vered to them in keeping; wliilk being eafie to be prevented be the maitimptifonment of them. OUR S OV ERAIGNE LORD’ and Eftaites of Parliament, Andes that nane of the Nobilitie and Barons, being burdened to rcceave any of the faids s EXTENTH PARLIAMENT. XF. of Ntwemher. 1600. 377 Xufond pounds. N ane table of the balden at t pf ICV L AR x-A CTE S mid others , fafi in the xvj. Tarliament , Edinburgh, the fftenth day of November , 1600. ysares not imfrinted. rf' He farefatdtour ofumwlyk Jolm Earle ofGowrie and umwhyk Alexander Ruthven his Brother. T silent the diperejing and inhabditk of the hrether and pfieritie ^the umwhyk Ear< of Gmurie. . , ^A£{ dholijhmg thefurname 0/ Ruthven. 4 Troteftatimifor the Queues majefite. t Trotellatm for the Earle o/Rotfa. \ in favours of Sir Thomas Erskin. 7 Jne other alt m his favours ^ k Ah in favours of Sir ^ AH in favours of Sir John Ramfay, anent the Lands 0/Eaft-barns. 0 M in favours of Sir Hew Heties, auent the Lands of Cowfland. ■ in favours of Ixme&lMVidxt. I Amnt ihe pfteritie of^imct^finktyme^rle Bothmell. I, Tntejlatim of the Burrowes anent the Bulitm. 14 Ane other frotefatkn made he them. tl AB anent frmjtfanfir Armour. \l Murray ment the Abbacie of Fern il AB in favours «/Johne ,5 Ratification of the Cmntes «/ Mat her ' (T\4fr'U^idt7p ai^ipii to her auesit the educatwi of th^ rrwee. MmfLLsoftheCrnfiabkofmn&ie, AB in favours of the Lardnoome, anent the thriddes of ColimghAm . % ani cmfier John Moncreif, II ZficZZffbetSmofArgh :i fheZiZfhTMilS^fZ^^ betwi.therMar^uehofiimAonandtheLairi of Adihax, remitted to the next ‘Parliaimit. 49 Ratification of the mfeftment oftheLmes. 30 lAB in /avoirs of the Fewers of the Kings lands withm Fyfe. 31 Ratification of the Bifiof e/Glafgows reftauM. 34 ijmtfmt Regtftratm ofSeafiim in the Secreiars Regfiar. d Cmmiffion far rantiug of the Noble-men m their flats. Qommtjfm anent the wooll. N S. Fff 3 THE 378 KING JAMES THE SEXT THE SEVENTENTH parliament of the CMoft Excellent and CMichtie King and ^Monarch , JAMES By the grace of GOT) Kmgof G RE AT BRITAINE, F R A N C E and I R E L A NT) , Tre-‘ fender of the Faith: Halden at Perth the elleventh day of Julie, the TeareofGod 1604. Tcares. By the 'Totent ^arle and Lord, lOHNE 'S.arle i^Montrofe Lard GRAHAM and M^GDOCK, his tJMajeJiiesCommiffl- oner : and the miaites of this Realme. I . Commi ffioH anent the Union of the two Kingdomes. ORSAMEIKLE As it hath pleafedhis moil Excellent Majeftie, acknaw- lectging the un-fpeakable favour, where-with the divine Providence of the moft Heigh hath blelted him by the oft-wiflied, but hardlie expefled coruunftion of ^va fa auncient and lang difcordant Kingdomes , mailt earneftlie to deure ane efla- bliihed continuance of die famin ; that as by lawfull fuccelhon they are ane in tlie head, fo in the body and every member thereof, they may befainfeparablie con- joyned , as all-aftet-comming ages ihould finde the fweetnefle of the peace, wealth andfelicitie, whilk by the perlite accomplilliment thereof, may continue to the warldsend. And his moft Excellent Majeftie, although abfcnt in peribn (from his moft auneient and native Kingdom) yet ptcfent by his princelie power, Fa- therliecare, and prudent commandements , daily direfted to liis moft humble and obedient fubjefls of the Kingdome, ha'ving laid before them the great blelfingdiat ane conftant and ftiendlie conjunffion with their neighbour Countrie of England, now united by alledgeance and loyall fubjeftion in his Majefties moft Roy. allPcrfon, vvald bring to them and their Pofteritie , and diere-witli out of his maift loving and accuftomed princely rcgardc, totheirineftimablejoyandcomfort, voucha fine to alTure them of bis fincere difpolition and cleare meaning, no way by the forefaid union , to prejudge or hurt die fundamental! Lawes , auncient ptiviledges , offices and liberties of this Kingdome. Whereby not onely the princely authoritie of his moft Royall difcent , hath bene thefe many ages mainteined , but alfo his peoples fecuririe of their lands and liviniis rights, liberties, offices and dignities prefetved ; whilks if th^ Ihould be innovated, fik confufion Ihould enfew , as it could no more be a free Monarchic ; and his Majefties gracious intention in eftablifliing the fore¬ faid union, is onely to alter and reforme fik indifferent and temporallftatutes, particular Cuftomes otfpe ciall ordinaunces ; whereby the bygane remembrance may be extinguiihed , and the future erouth prevented' of niany particular debates and unhappie accidents, whilk might here-after difturbe diat conftant love and perfiteamitie, betwix both Nations , fotenderliewillied by his maift Excellent Majeftie ■ and fik ftead&ft and afald grounds of uniforme focietie , furrogat in their place ; That as the prefent age is Ravillied in admi¬ ration with ane fofortunat beginning, fa that the pofteritie may rejoyce in the fruition of fik ane effeauall union oitwafa famous and auncient Kingdomes , miraculullyaccomplillied in the Elude and Perfon of fa Bare ane Monarch. Tlwrefore and for the mair perfite accoraplifliing of the wark forefaid , die Eftaites Spirituall and tenipo- rall of this prefent Parliament , affembled be vertue of his Majefties Commiffion , under the great feale of Scot- land Declares, IHtutes and ordemes , that the perfons following they are to fay, JOHNE Earleof ? FRANCES Earle oiErr®//, heigh Conftable of Jciir/W. ? XI n ^-Matr^ell, great Mairfhell of Scotland. JAMES EarlcV Glemarne. ALEX- r F n R r JOHNE Archbilhop of Gla^ow. DAVID Bifliop of Roje. r 'VALTER Pryor of P A T R I K Lord G/itr/rer. A- y M Llphmftotm. A L E X A N D E R Lord Fyvie, Prefident of the Councell of Scot- land. ROBERT -Lot A Roxburgh. JAMES Lord x_Abercorne. JAMES Lord Balmhrimch O V ' O Lord Scoone. Sir JAMES S C R Y M G E O V R of UudvfMt^ . Sir J O H N E C O C K B U R N E of Ormefton Knight. Sir J O H N E H O M E of Cotdonknws Kmgbi. Sir D AVID CARNAGIEof Kinard fuiiglit. Sir R O B E R T M E L- THOMAS HAMMILTON of Binnie Knight. Sir JOHNE LEIRMONTH ol Balcomie Knight. Sir ALEXANDER STRATON of UwreftoH Knight. Sir J O H N E S K E N E ol Cam/j///Knight. Maiftcr JOHNE SHARPE of p IMI r CRAIG Lawer. HENRY N E I S B I T. GEORGE BRUCE. ALEXANDER RUTHERFURD. Maifter ALEXANDER WEDDER- BURN. SEVENTENTH TARLIAMENT. XL of Julie. 1604. 379 trN Merciiai’ts. Oranytweiitieofthem, ffliaUby vermeofthisprefetit Afl:,havefuilPower,Com- ’Libertieanci Auchoritie; to aflemble and convene thcmfelvcs . after the ending of this prefentSef- before the next Seffion tliereof , at fik tyme , an'd in fik place as it fliall pleafe his °(1; e to appoint with certaine felefted Commiffioners , nominat and authoriztd by the Parliament of according to the tennourofthcirConimiflion in that behalfc, to confer, treat, and confult upon ^^‘^^*^'fiteUnioiioftheRealmesof>S'c9f&0i/andE?;f&»(/, and concerning fik other matters, caufes and ^ whatfomever , tending to his Majefties honour and contentment , and to the weall and tranquillitie of I ■ fdieKingdomes, during his Majefties lyfe (whilk tire ever-living God lang continew) and during his o 111 Pofteritiei^bleflsd tranquillitie to the warlds end. As upon mature deliberation, the greateft part r efaids Comniiffioners , affembled , as is forefaid, with the Coitimiffiooets authorized by the Parliameht (Vpslaud’ toll in their wiflomes tliink maid expedient and tieceflar ; not derogating any wyfe to any funda- ril Lawes , auncient Priviledges , Offices , Rights , Dignities and Liberties of this Kingdorae , as is 1" forefaid : And that the Commiffioners ofbaith thefaids Realmes, according to the tennout of their Com- in that behalfe , fet downe their proceedings in three fcvcrail wryttings , every ane of them to be fub- flwed and fealed by them ; to the end that ane of them may be in ail humilitie prefented to his Majeftic ; the f to he prefented to the confideration of the next Seffion of Parliament , for the,Realrae of Scotland \ and !v thrid to be offered to the confideration of the next Seffion of i?aiHament, for the Realme of England. That hereafter fik ordennay be taken therein, as baith thefaids Parliaments toll think expedient for his Maje- Hies fatisfaftion , and benefite ofbaith the faids Kingdomes. N ane table Df the

'fl;to//, umwhile John fomccyme Earle of Gcnrie, ^^°^^f^^\v\v\tM'2AWi<-Alexandn-Rutbven his brother their memorie; together with the afts made atient T inliabilitieofthepoftcririeofthefaidstraitours. And decernes, declares, ftatutes and ordcinis , that the *"^j.j(,Jsr£ftitut!oiitobegivcnbyhisMajeftie, or any of his fucceflours, to any perfon or perfons alreadie f faulted fince his Majefties perfite age ; or wha in any tyme coraming (hall happen lawfullie to be forfault- V his Majeftie , or any of his fucceflours , or to their heires or their lucceflours , ftiall nowyfc hurt or pre- f jZ any of his Heighnes fubjefl s in the right and fecuritic obteined or to be obteined by them or any of them, the lands, poffeffions, tacks, rights,goods or geare pettcining to the faids fotfauked perfons rebeis.and fallen OUR faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, or his fucceflours by their rebellion and forfaukour : but I* r the famine lands, pofleffions, tacks, rights, goods and geare whatfomever , fallen to his Majeftie in ^''^iiertorefaid , and lawfullie difponed by his Heighnes , or hereafter to be difponed by him , orhisfucesf- s toanyofhisortheirlawftillfubjesfts, fliall perpetuallie temaine with , and appettein to the receaveis fours fthefecuritie and difpofition thereof. Notwithftanding the faid gtatious teftitution , to be obteined by the f ds forfauked perfons or their heires or fucceflours , whilk fliall be na farther extended ,■ nor have na farther force nor efcft > btit for the rehabilitation of their perfons alianerlie ; and nowyfe to be extended to the lands, oflefflons, tacks, rights, goods or geare perteining to them betore their forfaultout , and lawfullie difponed to any of his Heighnes obedient fubjefts, at fik tyme as the undoubted fight thereof ftude in his Heighnes pet- foii lilon and becomraen in his Majefties hands , be vertue of the faid forfaukour. And becaufe the perlbns forfeultcd, their children and friends, in prejudice of his Heighnes donatours , andothers his Majefties bedient and duetifull fubjefts , abfttafts and abfents the evideiits , tacks and fecurities of tlie lands , rowmes Ldpofleffioosofthe faids forfauked perfons. IT is therefore ftatute and ordeined , that notwithftanding the abftraifting and abfentine by any perfons of the evidentSi tacks and fecurities ofthe lands and pofleffionS whilks pertcined to any forfauked perfons , and whereof tire rights being either difponed or confirmed by his Maicftie , the faids difpofitions or confirmations are extant in his Heighnes Regifter .that the extraft thereof fcilions, as ifthe principal and original evideiits, tacks aiid leci evicients and fecurities lhall not be decerned tomakenafaithortobeimproven, for not produaion ofthe oriainal and principal, the faids excrafts or confirmations being produced by his Majeftie, or his donatours and others forefaids. And they being content to abyde at the vetitie ofthe deed , and ttyel not oneiy of the truth of the confirmation, butalfoatthcttuethoftliewricwhilkisinfertin the confirmation, wdiercoftlic principal is abftrafted. o , . kAH anent the rivers i^Tweid and Aniiand. JUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament, undetfeanding that in die aft made in his Heighnes Parliament, in the yeare of God , aiiethoufaiid, hundreth yeares , whereby the flayingofSalmondfilhe in forbidden tyme, otofKipper Smote or bla A fiihe , at any tyme dec ared to te thilt ; and the committers thereof were ordeined to be pumflied for die famine as for tluft. The Rivers ofrwiid.#«Wwerethenexcepted. becauf=thefaidsRiversatthattymedevydedatmanypatts.die bounds cl Scotland and ^jidani adjacent to them, whereby the forbearance upon the Scots part of the flaugh- tetofSalmond,inforbiddentyme andofKipper, Srnoteandblackfillie.ata Itymes: waldnot iavemaife ’ ,1, iu waters, ifthe Ivke order had not bene then obferved upon the Enghlh uniting of baith the Kingdomes in ane Empyre , in t le Royai perion 01 ms mo ' 3:::7 rfb . ' r.: andrigditeousMonarchofdiefamine. Whereby the Inhabitants of this teilllfle, aicequalhefub cfttohis facred^PerfonandLawes; and the remeed of their liarmes, and the redrefle of their abufes, pumihmen: of anenttfcforbiddingtheflaughterofSalmond, Kipper, Smoksandblackfilli. paines of thift and death , decerned againft the contraveinets thereof. abro^yats the faid e vceotioii of the faids w aters of 2" wted oc Annand. neyet bene cotiteiiied dierein. 6. Anent the cujitmes betvoene Scotland and England. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ftatutes and ordemes fIoLI aoe keepc an^c original of all the goods th..e Ggg 3 L }86 KING JAMES THE SENT entred and fhippcd for England, the fliips name , place and maiftcrs name, and to what port the fliip , and to kcepe the entreflc o( every port by themleivcs. And alfo anc other original biiike of the goods btoii ' t from the Ihips name, maiftetsname, of what port, and from what port the lliip comes , tok^™ the entrefle ot every port by themfelves ; and every half yeare the Fetmers of Scotland, to fend ane true c ofthefaminebuikestotheFermersofEw^/jW; and the Formers of Eag/rJ«r/todoethelyketotheFcrn'''*^ oi Scotland-, and anesyearlie,lyk\vy(e to fend the ane to the other, all the returnes , whilk eomefrorneitr^ Kingdome, for difcharge of their bands , to examine if they be not falfified, whilk being examined Hhi be returned back againe. ’ ^ SIKLYKE,Itis flatute and ordcined , that the Cocqiiet doe pafle in the names of the principall awnc ofthcgoodslaidenineverylhip, and not in poore mens names, fcarfelie knawne in ITEM, That order may be taken thatnagearenormarchandicebefufferedropalleby landfromJro; land into England, nor from England mto’Scotlandhj the wafte grounds and vvafVes. IT Is ftatuteand ordained, that goods caried by land from to E;/§'/rzW, or broght front Errei, j toScotland, may pafle onely by the wayes of Ber-wick and Carle'tll, and by no other way to prevent ill fraud. And that all Merchants doe bring ane certificat from the Fermers deputes of Edinburgh to the Fc mers deputes of Berwick and Car kill; and alfo the F ermers deputes of Berwick and Car kill, to give the Ivk ' cettificat for all goods pairing thefe wayes, for Edinburgh ot any otherCittieorTowneinSfot&Sif, keepe original buikes thereof , under the paine of warding of the perfons of them wha ihall contravcin this prefent adt , or any poynt thereof, and cicheating and confifeation of the hail! geodes , geare and merchai dice, whilk any petfon or perfons Ihall tcanfport betwixt Sro/^WandE»j4eW otherwyfe not is prefervved in this prefent aft. ■' 7. Ancnt Gkihs in Bafturage and Jbwmes graffe. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eflaites of this prefent Parliament, underftandingthatbe aftofParliament, anentthedefignationofManflesand Gleibsto Minifters. It is ordcined , tliattheie fliall be foure aikers of land defigned to ilk Minifter for his Gleib next adjacent to the Kirk. And feino that by the iniquitie of ty me and diforder of the Borders and Hielands of this Realme in tyme bygane. f here ate fundtie Kirks within the famine whilk lies na attable land adjacent theteto , but onely palturage ; fa tliac by the forefaid aft of Parliament, made anent the defignation of foure aikers ofland onely for the Gleifa of ilk Minifter , and na farther. The Minifters ferving the cure at fik Kirks as lies na arrable lands adjacent thereto, but onely pafturage, are greatlie hurt and defrauded. For remeid whereof, It is ftatuteand ordcined that inalltymecomming, there be defigned to the Minifter ferving at the cure of fik Kirks where there is 11a arrable land adjacent thereto , foure fowmes grafle for ilk aikcr of the faids foure aiker of Gleib land, extend- inginthehailltofextenefowmes, for the faids foure aikers , and that oftliemaift commodious and heft pa¬ fturage of ony Kirk lands , lyand next adjacent and maift neateft to the faids Kirks. And ordeins letters tohe i direcT: againft the pofleflours thereof for removing therefra, in the famine forme, as is appoyntedbytlic forefaid aft of Parliament , made anent defignation of Manfles and Gleibs of before. 8. Knent teynding of comes. IT Isftatuteandotdainedby OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites in Parliament, that in tyme comming in all teynding of comes , that rite famine be teynded at three fevcrall ty mes every yeare if the awners of the comes ihaU thinke it expedient : To wit , the croft infield corne at ane tyme , the beere at I ane other tyme, and the out-field corne at the thrid tyme. And declares that fifeene dayes after the complcit fliearing ot ilh fort of comes being out run , that it Ihall be leafome to the awners at the laid fiftenc dayes end, to maKC rcquiiicion upon leven dayes to make tliem thankful! teynding ; and if the awners get not thank! uH teynding at the expy ring of die faids feven dayes . the faids Eftaites declares , that it fliall be lawfull to the awners of thefaids comes, to teynd and flack the famine themfelvqs, confbrme to the aft ol Parlianiciit made of belorc , anent the teynding of corns in all poynts, and Ihall incurre na danger therethrovv. 9. hiient auld decreits of ejection and Jfuilyie in the Borders. *nd Eftaites ofthis prefent Parliament, being caivfullthattlic letlcd and peaceable eftate, happelie begun in thefe parts of this Countric , whilk were the late Borders, tore anent ig an , may be fa mamceined, as all occafions of difturbances dicrcof may be providentlic forefeene , and convenientlie remeided. And, chat na thing is mait habile to brinir diverfe of r to defperat courfes and turbulent entetpiyfes , then the rigorous execution ? ° temed againft them or their prediceflburs , twentie yeares before his Majefties happic cce I I's rownof ngland, fpeciallie where the faids decreits of their awne nature, may brint^thc anger o t le year le vio ent profits upon the perfons againft whom the faids decreits were obieincd ; and r ■' P« to extreamc execution, willgivethe 1 artieoccafionolfikdifpate, as may induce them to attempt fir dangerous remedies , as may diflurbethe general 1 ^VCHTENTH PARLIAMENT. IX. of Julie. 1606. 387 general quye™effi: to renew and beginne hot and bloudie feeds amongft parties. For tcmccd whereof, and obteined twentte yeares before hisMajeaics romiiiing to the Crownc of Emland , and na execution fought nor obteined thete-upon. during the faid fpace r„yentie yeares proceeding his Majefties obteming of the Crown of England, may not urge and dryve them ° jifpare and miferie , fik as have three yeares bygane conteined themfelves in all duetifull obedience to his Maiefcss authoritie and Lawes. ^ .p {4 E R E F O R E His Majeftie and Eftaites forefaids , ftatute and ordaine , that all fik decrcits of .•.jflion and removing, and all efTeft and execution that any way may follow therc-upon, (liall ceafe, and ■^gjjtymecoinmingbcvoyd. Except for obteining of poileflion, to the parties in whais favours the faids decteits were pronounced , of the lands therein conteined ; and payment to diera of the ordinate profites, the faids lands have payed, to the petfons againft whom the faids decreits were given, of die yeares fincehis Majefties going into England allaiierlie , and of na others yeares preceeding the famine. W ith fpe- cial provifion , that in cafe the petfons againft whom the forefaids decreits of removing or ejeftion were given, jhall happen hereafter to be lawfuUie denounced rebels, and put to the home, for not obedience of the fore¬ faids decreits ; they being fitft charred after the day and date hereof, by all the charges conteined in the let- jgfjjaifed or to be raifed upon the faids decteits to obey the famine. In that cafe, the faids Eftaites ofPat- liament, declares that the petfons obteincts of the forefaids decreits, fliall have fufficient action againft the jjetfons defenders, fpecified in the faids decteits for the violent ptofitesofthe lands mentioned thereinti!!, contin'JalSie fmee the obteining of the forefaids decreits , as accords of the law . notwithftanding of this prefent afl. 10. lylB t2mnt direBing letters of Horning on Schirefs , Stewarts and Baillks decreits. SkUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this ptefent Parliament, otdeins for the greater * furtherance and better execution of Juftice to all his Majefties Leiges , and efehewing of the fuperfluous unnecelfc charges , whilks they fuftein by poy nding on decreits , obteined befiore Schitefs , Stewarts and Baillies , alfwell ol Royaltie as Regaiitie , that the lyke letters and execution of Horning be diretft and graunt- edbytheLordsofSeffion, uponaltafts, decreits and fentencesofSchirefs,StewartsandBailliesamvellof Royaltie as Regaiitie , as arc graunted and direft upon decreits , afts and fentences of Provefts and Baillies withinBurgh, conformetotheactofParliamentmadethere-anent, and after tire forme and tennoitt of the famine in all poynts. 1 1 . t^nent Coaljiers and Salters. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ftatutes and ordeins, thatnaperfon witliin this Realme hereafter fliall hyre or conduce any Salters, Coalyiers or Coal- bearers , witliout ane fufficient teftiraonial of their Maifter whom they laft ferved , fubferyved with his hand, ct at fca’ft fufficient atteftation of ane reafonabie caufe of their removing , made in prelencc of ane Baillie , or ane Magiftrat of the part where tliOT came fra. Andincafeanyreccave, fee, hyre.fupplieorintertaineany ofthe faids Coalyiers , Salters or Coal-bearers, without ane fufficient teftimonic, aslaidis. Themaifters whom fra they came , challenging their letvants within yeare and day , that the partie whom fra they are challenged, ihall delyvet them back againe witliin rwentic foute houres, under the paine of ane hundredi pounds , to be payed to the perfons whom fra they palled , and that for ilk perion ; and ilk ty me that they or any ofiliemlhaii happen to be challenged, andnotdelyvered, asfaidis. And die faids Coalyiers , Coal- beaters and Salters, tobeefteenied, 'reput and halden as theives , and punillied in their bodies, Viz. Sa many ofthem as ffiailreceaveforewages and fees. And the faids Eftaites of this prelent Parliament, gives power and commiffion to all maifters and awners of Coal-heughs and Pannes , to apprehend all vagabounds and fturdie beggers to be put to labour. I z. anent fetling ofFewes he fihvajfels of ward lands. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament , having confideration ofthe afl and ftatute , made by his Heighiics prediceOcur , King J A M E S the Second of worthie memorie , in the fourtene Parliament, halden by his Majeftie , and direfcore twelve chaptour ot the faid Parliament, anent the retting of lands in Few-ferme , as the aft it felfe at lenth conteines. Under the pretext and cullour, where¬ of divers perfons halden their lands of others Superiours, for fervice of warde and releif, have letdielaids lands halden by them, asfaidis, in Few-ferme, to others their fubvalfels, forpaymentof ane mv-terme duetie; whereby they doe manifeft prejudice to their faids Superiours, in altering ofthe fai rft la ing exptelfe repugnant to the meaning of the faid firft aft. Whereas the faid balding can ^ by the vaiills, without feme direft deed done by their fuperiouts , tending to approve the faid diipoiitimi and whilk may alter the nature and condition ol the faid firft halding. ForremeMwhereot G RAIGNE lord, and Eftaites of Parliament prefcntliecoiiveined, lies ftamte and ordained, andby 388 KING JAMES THE SENT the tennour of this prefent , ftatutes and ordeins in all tyme comminn , that it fliall nawyfe be Icafoine to tl vaflals of any Earle, Lord, Prelat, Barron, or any other Frec-haldcr within this Realme«diahalds the' lands of their faidsSuperiours, by lervice of vvardc and releif, to fet their faids lands whilks are halden b' them, as faid is , to any other perfon in few, for payment of ane Few-ferme duetie , in prejudice of theirfaj/ Over- lords, whom ohthey hald the faids lands , by fcrvicc of warde and releif, as faid is, without the f,/ cialadvyce and confent of their faidsSuperiours, had and obteined to the fetting of the faids lands in ferme, or purchafing of the faidsSuperioursconfirmariontothcfaiddifpofition, ii any ihall happen to b' made, as faid is. And in cafe any fik alienation lliall happen to be made in any tyme to come , without coa^ fent of the faidsSuperiours, or their confirmation obteined to the famine, OUR faid SOVERaigNe LORD, andEftaitesofParhament, finds, decernes and declares , all fik difpofitions to be nullandof ■nanc availl , force nor efSft , cither by way of adlion or exception. 1 3. A/ient laying of Lint in Lochs. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament , finding that thelayingofLintji Lochs and burne.s, is not onely hurtfull to all fillies bred within the famine, and beftial that druiks there' of; but alfo the haill waters ofthelaids Lochs and burnes, thereby being infefted, is made altogether un profitable for the ufe of man , and very noyfome to all the people dwelling thete-about. Therefore ftatutes and ordeins, that na perfon nor perfons in tyme comming, lay in Lochs and running burnes , aiiygrcj,. Lint, under the paineoffourtielliiliings, totics quoties , lot ilk tyme they Ihall contravein ; andalstonlif cationoftheLinttobeapplyedtothepooreoftheParochiii, within the whilks the &ids Lochs and burnes lyes. And by the tennour hereof, gives power to the SelTion of the Kirk of ilk Patochin , to try, cognofee and put this prefent aft to execution , and to uplift the uniawes , and confifeat and difponeupoiuhe faid Lint, totheweallofthepooreoftheParochin, as faid is. 14. iMlL in favours of his CMajefiies Vajfals for payment of their blench dneties. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of diis prefent Parliament , remembring the great favour lliawne and borne by his Heighnes and his predicellburs , ro the Noble-men, Bartons, and others fubjefts of this Realme, and their prediceflours , for their notable and memorable fafts and fervices done to his Majeftie and his predicellburs, in defence and wealfair of the Realme ; in making and graunring to them of heritable infeftments of their Lands , Barronnies, Lordlltips, Cartels, Towres, Fortalices, Woods Mylnes, Salmond, Fifliings, offices and others therein conteined , halden of O U R faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, and his predicellburs , in free blench-fcrme , for payment of certainc blcnch-ferme dueties , ex- prelled in their infeftments ; not as any burding or yeadie duetie, but by way of acknowlegcment & rccognof- cence , if the famine dueties lliall be requyred allanerlie. And that notwithftanding thereof, within tbir late and few yeares , the faids Noble-men, Bartons, and others OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDS Leiges and fubjefts, wha halds their lands and others forefaids of OUR faid SOVERAIGNE LORD in free blench, are yearlie without any jurt caufe burdened , urged and compelled by charges to make payment in his Heighnes Checker of ccr'taine fummes of money , as for the pryces and valour of the faids blench dueties ; there being na fik fummes of money nor pryces conteined in their faids infeftments. For remeed whereof, OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advyce of the faids Eftaites, Andes, decernes and declares, that the Noble-men, Barrens ,. and others Leiges and fubjefts , wiia holds their lands and others forefaids ofhis Majeftie in blench-ferme , are onely juftlie adetted in payment of the blench dueties expreHed and fet downe in their infeftments, if the famine be required allanerlie. 'And that they aught nowyfe to be burdened, troubled or charged for fummes of money, as pryces for tile faids blench dueties. And that notwithftanding whatfomever aft or ordinance made by the Lords of his Heighnes Checker , or others afts or ordinances whatfomever , of whatfomever yeares bygane or to come, to the whilks this prefent aft lliall make and makes full derogation. And therefore Sir Thomas Hammiltmi of CMonkland Kiiiirht , Ad- vocatto OUR SOA'^ERAIGNE LORD, in prefence of the faids Eftaites , protefted in his Heigli- nesName, that the blench dueties and fpecies thereofconteiiied in the forefaids infeltments, becoiiforme to the Kings Majeftie and his Succeflburs , Eftate and dignitie. And there-upon the faid Lord Advocat asked iiiftrumeiits. I y. kAU aneiit feafmgs to he given on frecefts of the Chanccllarie. LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies and approves the aft made ofbefore by King JAMES the Fifth of good memorie, whereby it was ftatutc and or- deined , tlwt all Seafings given by vertue of any precepts direft forth of the Chancellarie , Ihould be given by ^^hy re , Baillics or Stewarts, where the lands lyes , their deputes and Clerk, as in the faid aft of the dare the tenth day of December the yeare of God, anethoufaiid, five hundreth , andfourtic years at niair length is conteined , in all and fundrie poynts . heads, articles, claufes and conditions of the lamiiie, la farre as the famine extends or may be extended to Sealings pall upon preeeptsdireftforthofthc Chan- AVCHTENTH VARLI AMENT. IX. of Julie. 1606. 389 ~~r toie upon Retouts allanerlie. And the faids Eftaites of Parliament, decernes and declares the aft wade by King JAMES the Fifth of the date above written, to have beneonely madeforfik faniij* -fpOTvenby veitueofprecepts, that pafles upon Retours , and to nane others Seafings direct any other precept , direfi: forth of the Chancellarie. 16. Act hi favours of the Burrows Kegal. UR SOVERAIGNE lord, and Eftaites of Parliament, Ratifies, approves and confitmes O 11 -ifts of Parliament and Lawes, witii all Frccdomes.Priviledges, Immunities and Liberties, granted' 1 * B'lrahs Regall within this Realme by OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD or any of his HeighneS a'ceflburs, at any tyme of before. And decernis and declares the faids Burrows, and every aue of them to [ave right to btuike their faids priviledges and liberties , as they were wont to do before. i-j. Act, for flaying of unlawftdl conventions within Burgh, and for affifiing cf the Magifirats in execution, of their offices. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prafent Parliament, ratifies and approves all and whatforaeverafts made heretofore by his Majeftie, and his Heighnes progenitours , and the Tftaites of the Realme, for ftaying of all tumults, and unlawfull meetings and conventions witliin Burgh. And ordeins the famine to have effect , and to be put to due execution againft the conttaveiners thereof in all ^vnts With tliis addition. That na petfoti nor perfons within Burgh , ofwhatfomeverrank, qnalitieor ^ ndition they be of , prefume nor take upon hand from this forth , under what lomevet cuUour or pretext, to “peat or afiemble themfelves together at any occafion, except they m-ake due intimation of the lawftill caufes of their meetings to the Proveit and Baillies of that Burgh , and obteine their li cence thereto ; and that be done nor attempted by them in their faids meetings, whilk may tend to thedetogationotviola- r'oriofSieafts of Parliament, lawes and conftimtions madeforthevveUandquyetiiefleofthefaids Burghs. D“danr.gbytliirptefents, die faids unlawful! meetings, and the perfons prefent thereat to be factious and fedinous and all proceedings therein to be null and of nane availl. And die faids perfons to be punilhed indieit bodies ’croodsandgeare, with all rigour, conforme to the Lawes of tliis Realme. , „ i, A ND to die efftft the faids unlawfull meetings with all others tumults . turbulances and pleyes that i hall ■ hanoeii to fall out within the faids Butrowes, may be fubftantiouflie fupptefl'ed, Ordeins the ha£mhabi- tarits of the faids Burrowes, at all occafions to readilie affift and concur with theMagiftratsaiidOfticiats fb-reof for fetline of the faids tumults and turbulances , and punifhing of the faids authors and movers there- fif" And fik as ffiall not concur and affift with the faids Magifirats readilie , or their OfficiMS , for tedding andfetiineoftiiefaidstumultsandturbulances, asfaidis, fliali be teput and halden asfofteretsandmam- teitiets ofliefaids tumults, and puniiliedtlietefore in their perfons, and unlawed m their goods at thearbi- "triment of the Magiftrats and Councell of the faid burgh, and ordeins publication to be made hereof at die inarket Ctoffes of the faids Burrowes , that nane pretend ignorance tiiereof. 1 8 . Difoktiou of Hmtmgtour and Strathbrane. /^UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament prefeiitlie conveiiied, confidderiiig W that the fettiiw of die lands of the annexed propettie in Few-ferme , lor payment of the auld rentall, with augmentation , is greadie to his Majefties beiiefite^and profite . Ins Heighnes rentall thereby being made fofe unchanrable unalterable, and nowyfe liable to be difponed and annaiied. Hes therefore dilTo ved. and by tile tennof^f this prefent aft of Parliament . diflolves ftoimlie aft of annexation of the lands dLe oiGowrie , and Lotdfliip of Huntingtour , alias , Rutbven, the haill lands perceining or bdangi ij, to the faid Earledome of Gaw/e and Lordfliip of , Mdinfpeciali die Lands and Lordilim f Emuingtour, and the lands of and that to the effeftdiat die fimine haiU lands are herfafter patticulatlie enumerated) may be in Few-fetraelacen and hentabiiedijoned, for payment of the^ddlietySaugmencationofdietentaU And that the laid aft be extendeeJm ample forme widi all claufes neediuU. .... . .. are tofay , TlielandsofCw-,?arf , with die famine ThelattdsofT^W// ljetbfiMe,,^riijt€f'-ti€iCpames^wii'tvurnfii uui a i x jn • c in aue pardculac warrand made for diflolution of tlie faids lands. 19. I.AE of diffolutimi of the Uwinonds. ^UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of diis prefent Parli^ent conveiiicdandhalden ■!.« 1. 1. .te.he id u n king JAMES THE SENT wafte of his Majetlies propcrtic , whereof his Majeftie teceaves na yearlie profile , be fet in Few-fetm heritablie, to fik perfons as will give maift therefore ; for the augmentation of his Majefties proper re within this Realme. Hes with ane advyce and confent by their decreit in Parliament , diflblved , and by ^ tcnnor of this ptefent aff dilTolves from his Majefties Crown and Patrimony of the famine, allandhaillt!'' hilles of the Lowmmds and U.ootesoi Falkland, with the proper parts and pertinents thereof, annex^ of before to his Heighnes Crown and patrimonie thereof, now and in all tyme hereafter, to remain feparate and diflblvccl from all former annexations thereof. To the effetft the famine nay be fet in Pew^ ferine heritablie, in haill or in part, to fik petfon or perfons as will give maift therefore, in augmen¬ tation of his Majefties proper rent. ao. anent Salvo Jure Cujuflibet. FORSAMEIKLE as in this prefent Seffion of Parliament , there are many Ratifications paft, where in divers and new claufes are infert , whilk may be prejudicial to particular parties rights and efcrogatiye t" many and divers lawes , lawfullie made and eftablijhed of before. Aibeit die meaning oi the Eftaites be at tlii tyme as it was ever in all przeeiding Parliaments , that by na aft of Ratification any other pattie ihould b hurtorprejudged. For remeid whereof, It is ftatute and otdeined, that na Ratification paft in this Sefiion of Parliament, lhall be prejudicial! to any ptivat parties tight, but that die faids Ratifications be ahvyfe underftude whither the famine be general or fpecial , to be Salvo Jure mjujlibet. ^ FINIS. ANE TABLE of the T A RT I C V L A R CT S and others , paji in the xviij. Parliament , haldin at Perth . the ninth day of Julie , ido6. not imprinted. 1 A NENT the keeping of the Kings hmifis. i Ad anent the Taxation and colleding thereof 3 Ad anent the granting of the Taxation. 4 Kat if cation to the Earle o/Oumbar of the Earledome e/Dumbar and other lands. y An acquit ante and difeharge to the 'Earle «/Dumbar of the Kings Jewels andgarderob. 6 Ad anent the Chappel-Ktyall , and exceptions therefra. 7 Cotnmiffion anent the eredions. 8 Ml in favours of the Tenants i^Cafche. 9 Mt in favours of the Mchbijhop u/Sanft-Aodroes in fatisf action for Monimail. JO Mt anent the erection of the Kirk u/Leith be north the bridge in a Paroch Kirk. II Mt anent the difmemhring of certaitie Towns from the Kirk e/Ellem, and incorporatingthe famine to the Kirk of Slanes. * II 'Erection of the Kirk ^Ptefton. 13 Erection of the Kirk 0^ Portincraig. 14 Mt in favour of the Burgh a/ Edinburgh, ly Mt in favour of the Burgh ^ Perth. 16 Act in favour of the Burgh of 'Don&e. 1 7 Mt in javour of the Burgh of Aberdein. 1 8 Ane other in favour thereof. 19 Act in favour of the Burgh of Xts'mg. zo Act in favour of the Burgh i^Bamf zi Katification of the Kirk ^Nether-Airlie to Sir Thomas Lyon a/'Auldbar K zz Act in favour «/Williame Commendator e/Tungland. Z3 Act in favour ofMaifter John Prefton a/Pennicuke, Collector generall. Z4 Mt m Javour rf James Hay of Fingask. zy Act in favour a/Patrik Kinnard of that Ilk. z6 Act in favour of CM. Alexander Hay anent the lands a/Dron &c ^■7 tn favour of Maijorie Marjoribanks the Eelict of John Dutie Minifter. z8 Ratification m favour of the Marqueis of Hivataikoti and Marqueis ^Himtlie of their dignities. zp Vati‘ 39* - t^VCHTENTH V ARLl AMENT. IX. of Julie. 1606. P„ti fieation to the 'Earle of Angus and bis Jinne of their infeftment. ’■9 0 j„ favour of the 'Earle of Caidines. 3° notification in favour of the Lord Lyndefay. favour of Sir John Moncreif. natijicat'm in favour 5/ William Learmonth of the Hill. ' ^ JB 'm favour of the B'lfloof and Town ^Dunkeld. S'! justification of the Schoole of Dunkeid. it JB in favour, of the Caftaine and keepers of the Caftell 0/ Dumbattane. 'in favour »/ George and Mmfier Peter Haj'es. H ^stification to the young Laird e/Calderwod of ane tack of tejnds. ^ Ratification to Bernard Lyndefay of the Kings wark 'in Leith. jlstification to Sir Alexander Straton i^Lowrenfton of h'ls penjim. Ratificat 'm in favours of the Laird ^Bahnaghie. ylA'm favour of the Laird of 'EixaXis.. AB in favour of the Earle ^Erroll anent Blanks, jjl in favour of the Maifier ^Murray ^TuUibardin. t Ratification in favour of Sir John Arnot anent certaine tmnes of Wyne. Ratification to the faid Sir John of his infeftment of the lands !jf Orknay. Ratification to the La'trd s/ Moncreif of bis petijm. 'Ratification to Maifier John Drummond ofh'is office ofClerkfhip. '' Ccftatne and divers aBs anent the ereB'mis. to AB 'm favours of Maifier Archibald Moncreif of his penjim. r geirfortlithereofandoutofthe bounds of thefe middle-%res, and outting and felling the fall n i countries. Befides that others of the faids out-lawes have bene aUured andhad refet anS overfiX Z , countries by fonae men of rank and power to be inftruments and executors of fik revenge and mill If 'a diefetoudiomtheybearemidice. grudge or quarrel!; whilk for fear of his Majefties lawes aSalT Aey durft not attempt by themfejves for remeed whereof, his Majeftie withadvwceandconfrn EftaitesofParhament, ftatutes andordeins that na man lliall hereafter either receaveorretdnanrnvini^’" or lang habituate in tire late Bordets in his fetvice or company, or upon his lands unlelTe heZwc“' knau ledge ora true and authentick teftimonial of his Majefties great CoZmiflloner of the late Borders orT'® deputes, ofthefaidBorder-mans true name and lurname. place of his nativitie and report of his tS,d lawtie andthatheisnoknawnemalcfaftor. but reput a duetiiuU and obedient fubierf underrhr * meurthedanger and to be made anfvyerablecivilie and criminalhe to his Majeftie and all his lawfulFubS" for all aftions and crimes whilk might be any wyfe laid to the charge ofthe faids broken-men for anv !^' oroccafioneitherprccedingorduringthetymeoitheirreceavingorretainingthemintheirfen^ice cl. orupontheirlands, as if the refetter had committed the faids faults himfelfe Aslvkwvft heZT? T.ftim. wha are not knawn to have committed any haynous off'ence in their awne perfon obteinina rnOin,, i r , ® S'/ • birth and good report , may give the fame to broken-men to be uid by tliL in pface^vv We rhl' not knawn. It is ftatute and ordained that whafoever lhall either give his teftimonial toLy man wiSbvTr may be abufed by another nor him to whom it was truelie graunted ■ orwhiflnllfiini^„r ’ teftimonial, orwhafliallfordgetohimfelfeorufeafalfeteftimLalinth^Sfe ^^^ deatlu And to the elTea Ws Majefties faithfull and obedient fubjeS;^^raShe£ faids fugitives and broken men, and that fik asrefetthemmavwanrallnrprcvro.„i„ « Knawledge ofthe R,n is ftatute and ordeined that a Roll lhall be made by his Maje^fties sreaFcommiffioner of H ^ contciningthenamesofthefaids rebels, fugitives. o4-lawes4nffi dentmarksanddefcriptionoftlieirage, ftatute, colour and other tokens whereby they ravbeZift^^^^^^^ and readily knawn. And being imprinted lliall be fent to the SchirefsandMiiriftr^ Je ofX ‘ ^ and proclamed at the market Srolfes of the head Burrowes rfthe ftvre? i 11. cMii m favours of the Urds ofSefflon of ten tboufand founds to he given to them jearlie. O mfJe&°oIcerning\heprrfew°bn°^^^ d”f Til'’''' being now the onely remanent of tlie Kirk Eftate having vote in Parliamenr m^omd the Billiops, place. And finding by experience that they will be altogether unhabile worthelif m Af^*’ in that honourable ranke . unlelTe diey be prwyded of fufficient mafntenance nor on charges of their families , but alfo toTuftein the great burdinns oft bT •" ^ ^ conventions, and other publidf affairs concernii Ais Majeftifs fereme and foT Parliaments, earneftlicdeltwith the Lords of his Majefties Councell Ad c // TeftamentswithinthisKingdome, wSdid iZftTLTAf ro rF tions thereof, granted to them by his MaieftieAidhiLr»di/ir difponedtothetaidsBilhops eveVLSemS^^^^^^^ comming. Wherein the /aids Loris of Seftion preferring theftalffAT" ’ T ‘n V'"' faffiontohisMajeftie, rotheirawneprofiteandAefentlretS Ss^ZfttThl a T'' jeftic being alwyfe of minde and intentbn to remunerat his fUdFf, W f / yceided . And his Ma- faid ^ A R.L1 A I'tf E MT . XXIE. offline. i6oy. 403 , ,f)aotc filver , they beiiM the onely ordinate fupremc ] udges of this Rcalme , for adminiftration of Ju- • ^and interteinement of policic and peace within the famine , whilk ncceffarlic icquyts their dayly and prefence and attendance , preferring the pubttd good and weallof the Realmc, m the adminilfration '^Tf'fticciiidiflerentlie to his Majctties Leiges, to their awnc privat and domeftical affaires; and in the ° e-tvtnc are forced to fpend their awne patrimonie and rent in the faid publicf weall of the Realmc. And "'■^Maieftie having now by fpecialinftruftions proponed to the faidsEflaites of Parliament, the faids great itliftiU fervices done to his Heighnes , and for the common weall of the Realmc of Scotland in particu- bv his faids rightttuftie and familiare Counfellers, the faids Lords and Senators ofhis Heighnes Col- of Ttiftice , in yeelding and granting to his Heighnes fpecial defire , to ftirrandcr and over give from them h faid Quote filver of the Teftaments , being the maift and beft part of their patrimonie , to and in favours f rl e faids ArchbiHiops and Bifliops of this Realme , for the helpe and fupplie of their Eftate , as is before r ti And the faids Eftaitesofthisprefent Parliament having thcrc-upon, taken full tryell and verification, Iv have found, tryed, cenfured and judged ; lykeastheyprefentliefinde, cenfure and judges the famine to ^ ^and to have benegreat, feene, reaionableandprofitablccaufesforthe weall ofhisMajeflie, andofthc Scotland. As alfo, his Heighnes and Eftaites fouefaids , findes, decernes and declares, that r' Maieftis w'di their advyce and confent may for the faids feene, profitable and reafonablecaufcs, whilks; I V have knawne and tryed to belorthefeene weall ofhis MajeftieaudRealmc, asfaidis, give, affiirne or Rfoone any part ol the patrimonie of his Majefties annexed ptopettie oftheCrowne to the faids ordinate T rds and Senators of the Colledgeofjuftice and their SuccelTors, Senators of the Collcdgeol Jufticcinre- mpence to them of the faids Quotes of teftaments , fucrandered by them and over-given at his Majefties de- and command ; to and in favours of the faids Eftaites of Bilhops , and tliat in fik manner , forme and furc ''iiditions as his Majeftie beft pleafes lot their fecutitie. And to that efTeft that the annexation of thefe parts the laid patrimonie of die Crown , that at to be alTigned and difponed to the faids Lords and ordinate Sena- t of the faid Colledge of Juftice and their fucceliours Senators , iliail be fimpliciter diflblved from the Ctowne fa that they may be given , afligned and difponed to the faids ordinate Lords and Senators of the raid Colledge of Juftice and their fucceflors Senators perpetuallic in all tyme comming. And die feids Eftaites beiiiv tvplie and gravelie advyfcd what his Majeftie may give and difpone to the faids Lords and Senators and their” licccflors with the leaft detriment to his Heighnes Ctowne and yearlicrent. Thefaids Eftaites all in, ancvoyce, have found and declared, and by the tennot hereof findes and declares . that the cuftomes of tliis his Heighnes Realme oiScotland, annexed to the Crown , may with the lead detriment to his Majeftie, ot hurt to die rent or revenew of the Crowne , lot the feene caufes above expuefled , be given , alfigned and difnoiied by his Majeftie to the faids ordinate Lords and Senators ofhis Heiglmes Colledge of Juftice and their fucceliours Senators in maift ample forme. And to that elleft , his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaids of Parliament dillolves , aiinulles and infringes the annexation oi the cuftomes ofriiis Reahne <£ Scotland to tbeCtowne from the faid Crowne and patrimonie thereof, infafatasdiefaminemay beextendedtothe fumme often tlioufand poiuids, of tliefirft, readieft, maift furc and beft payment ot the faids cuftomes allaiierlic Andnow after die faid dilBlution, his Majeftie and Eftaites forelaidsoi tins prefent Parliament, hcsgiveikgrantld, alTigned and difponed , and by the teiinor hereof, for the feiie caufes forefaids, gives, aantes, Sfignes and''difpones to thefaids ordinareLords and Senators ofliisHcialines Colledgeofjuftice, and tlieir'fucckours polTeirnig the ordinate places ol die faid Judicatorie and Colledge of Juftice perpetuallie in all tviiie comming All and liaill the fuiiiiiie of ten dioufand pounds ufuall money oi Scotland, 111 tecom- pencem them olthlfaidQiiot': filver of Teftaments , over-giveii by them at liis Majefoes defite fortlie LportofthefaidcftateofBilhops, tobeuptalten. uplifted and receaved bytliem, anddiencoUeftorsto be appointed by them m theit names yearlie at twatermesm the yearn. Wliit-fonday andMartin-mesin Wintctbyevenpottioiis. forth of die readieft and beft payment of lus Majefties admits of the faid Realme oi Scotland, or any part thereof from his Majefties Compttollcts. tackf-men, pofreffours aiid mtronietters with thefaids cuftomes, aiidodietsaddettediiipaymciittliereot, now ptefeiit and diat Ihi^ liappentobe for the tyme , to be diftributed ainongft them in fik forme as heretofore they vvere accuftumed ui devydmg of thefaid^Kfilvcr. Beginning die fitfttermes payment dietofat the faid feaft and termeolMertm-iiies next to rome in this inftaiit yeare of God, anc dioufand, fex huncketli . and iiyiie yeares . andlaforth yearlie and termlie thereafter, at the termes forefaids perpetuallie in aU tyme comming. Chatginglierefore ;i«cjo 11 ,.o. a Mrkf men ooflellbrs and inttoiiiettets With the faidscuftoiiies of the faid Realme ifw/ oCt addetted in payment of the famine now prefent, and chat iliall ppui ro uc lui Ui,. 1.31 , . xreariie moiicv lotefaid , to the faids ordinate Lords and Senators of Swrordge oTjuftice and^heit fuccclfouts, and their coU^^ tion ifcorodiertiglicordifpofitioiiwhadomever. Beginning die firit tliefai^ffeafcaiidtermcofMartin-mcsiiexttocome, and fa forth ycatlic a id teniilie thereafter at tli tenues Sa* ™Xeinalltymecomming;i^^^^^ t!ieSsLoEtnatorsor^colkaorsacqVa.iccsanddto^^ 4°4 KING JAMES THE SENT the Checker, to the upon And likwyfe commanding the Lords Auditors ofthe Checker prefent and to corne : payers , the forefaid fumme of ten tnoufand pounds yearlie and tctmlie , in the firft end of tlieir * upuii the fight ofthe faids Lords and Senators, or their faids colleftors acquitance upon the paymenM'"''^ of, thir prefcnts being ahvyfe fhawne and produced in Checker. And als his Majeftie and Eilaites fo of this prefent Parliament , decernes and ordeins his Majefties Comptroller prefent and his fuccelT^''^^ Comptrollers for the tyme; as likwyfe the tackfinen of the faids cuftomes prefent and to come a a'*’ trometters there-with , and adetted in payment thereof to become aftedthemfelves, andtofindefnffi”"’' caution and fovertie affed in the Buikes of Councell and Seifion , for thankfull payment of the forefaid fe of ten thoufand pounds, to the faids ordinate Lords and SenatotsofthefaidColledgeofJun:iceand''l"''' fucceflburs, yearlie and termlie, at the termes forfaids in all tyme comming. And at thedeceafeord r fion ofthe faids Comptroller or tackf-men, that the new intrants fhall become adfed to the effeilt fore/4 new, and that caution be founden by the faid Comptroller and tackf-men at the fetting ofthe faids tak*^^ the effeft forefaid; otherwyfe the faids tacks to be null , and the nullitie thereof to be decyded by vvav Z''* ception or aftion at their pleafure. And tliat letters and executorials of horning limpliciter , may bed' upon ane fimple charge of ten dayes againft them , be dely vetance ofthe faids Lords and Senators ofthe 0 1 ledge of Juftice , for payment of the forefaid fumme of ten thoufand pounds yearlie and termlie , at the te ° ' forefaids. And his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaids , decernes and ordeins , that na fufpenfion fh'all be gramma for fufpending of the faids letters , at the inftance of whatfomever partie or perfon aefetted in paymem of tl forefaid fumme in any tyme comming , for whatfomever caufe or reafon by the Lords of Parlianient , nor the Lords of Checker , or other Judges whatfomever, except upon confignation ofthefummes, orun ^ produflion of fufficient acquitances of payment ofthefummes where-with they are charged. And that d” faids ordmare Lords and Senators of the laid Colledge of Juftice, are and lhall be onely judges ordinarefn* difcullitw of the faids fufpenfrons ; difchargiiw all others Judges whatfomever of all granting of fufpenfions b any caufe concerning the premifles and difcufting of the famine by any manner of way , and of then offices in that part for ever. And to the forefaid difpofition and aflignation of the forefaid fumme of ten thoufand pounds, to be payed yearlie and termlie forth of his Heighnes cuftomes forefaids , firft, readieft and beft payment of the famine , to the faids ordinate Lords and Senators of the faid Colledge of Juftice and their fuc- cellburs forefaids perpetuallie in all tyme comming as is above exprefled; His Majeftie and Eftaites fore¬ faids of Parliament , lies interponed and intetpones their confent and authoritie , asthatdeedwhilkftallbe now and in all tymes hereafter efteemedandjudged for the weall of OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD and for the common weall and eftate of the Realme of Scotland. And his Majeftie for his Heighnes and his fucGeftburs promits m verbo Erincips , never to impugne nor quarrell the famine , nor come in the contrare hereof dircahe nor indirefllie in any tyme comming. I a. f-Atl anentEatronages of forfaultedferfins. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD being maift dcfirous that all the vaiking Kirks within his Kiiw- dome may be planted with qualified and wordiie men , and that thefe wha are alreadie provyded to be¬ nefices lavvfulhe vaickand at the tyme of their ptovifion, and wha lies obteined decreit conforme thaeto, with laiGuU and peaceable poflelfion following there-upon , may be mainteined therein. And fpeciallie that the reftitution of forfaulted perfons, pretending themftlves Patrons of benefices, either by his Majefties gra- tious favour, pardon or rehabilitation , or by reduflion of their forfaultors lhall not be ane occafion to fubvett foe eftate of thefe wha obteined lawfull ptovifion of any of the faids benefices by prefencation or gift ofthe KingsMajeftie, or others to whom his Heighnes difponed tlie right of Patronage thereof, during thefor- faultour Handing of the otlier pretended patron , whais cryme could neither be any reafon to make the vaick¬ and benefice not to be difponed; neither lliould his reftitution or reduaion be ane occafion tottoublcthe titulare thereof, feing the fteuth or negligence of ane lawfull Patron and faithfull fubjed, not prefenting with- 111 fexmoneths to the benefice vaickand whereofhe is Patron, makes him for that tyme toamitthisrightof Patronage; whilk devoluto falling to the Kirk, the perfon provyded by them , lies undoubted right thereto during his hi tyme And therefore his Majeftie witli die advyce and confent ofthe Eftaites of Par- lament ftatutes and ordeins , that all thefe wha are eidiet alreadie provyded , or lhall hereafter be provyded by Ills Majeftie to any ofthe faids benefices, whereof the Patronage is fallen to his Heighnes, byforfaul- j?"’ Majeftie lies difponed the right of Patronage of any fik benefices , and by 1 conforme to their ptovifion , with lawfull and peaceable polTeffion ofthe . rcfiinii ? y t e pace of divers yeares , that all fik perfons lhall be mainteineefin their faid right and pof- SedL And fliall nowyfe be^atrellcd , I'l. j n, j faids forfaulted perfons, orfoeirheires, fuccelfours or pofteritic , beingteha- perfons having right difpofition orpre- beronip in noffeili ’ f l”"’ f ^ beneficed perfons during the faid forfaultour, and by verttic thereof ritTm nn? n fi f benefices in manner above written ; lhall peaceablie enjoy, bruike and polfelTe anlrinhreo^fof rents, rights, commodities and priviledges thereof , as freelie . peaceablie nr ju brf rn H f 'd o forfaulted, and had lawfullie prefented , themfelves, but prejudice to the faids Patrons being reftored, and their heires and fuccelfours to recover their right of patronage j XX. T ARLl AMENT. XXIV. of Jmie. i 609. 40^ P,„oi,ag;°'’Pf°ftflfd'vithinthisKingdome,andtothegodlieanddecentgovernenieiit ""d whole members thereof Therefore, his Highnes with advyfe and confent of rf ’ ’ andconfirmsallandfundriethe ptemflTes, and Otdeins them and everie ane of them to be obeyed and obferved , be all his Highnes fubjeGs as inviolable LaweS in alltymecomming Annullingandrelcindingtheiiq.Aift, of his Majefties Parliament, halden in anno Knls^ndOifomes'lnVor""'"^ ' Ordinances, Conftitutions , Sen- tences and Cuftomes m fo fatre as they ot any of them , or any part of the fame are contrare or derogatorie, i'^ n alseflbntiallie, anddTeaualieinalltefpcfts, as if the faids Adts and confuetudes heirby abrogate , were at Icnth herein expreft. Ane r XXL PARLIAMENT. XXIII. of OSiober. i6iz. 409 ^yLtie ABfor remanding back to hu Odajefiies officiars ofjuftice hi England of offenders in fame fat -tuular crymes in the mentioned . who after the committing the offence iu England , jballhe thereufonfugitive , andremane in this Kingdome OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament, confidering that albeit the gude effeftsofliisMajefticscaitfull Providence, to reprefle the innumetabk diforders , crymci, andofen- (.js , whilks befoir his happie atteining to the Crowne of England, were not only frequent hot ahn’oft ordinate in thefe bounds of the Kingdoms of Scotland , and England, (which then being the borders of the two King¬ doms , are now become the middle-fliyres thereof ) Hes reduced thefe pairtes to fo gude progrefle of peade and obedience, as in fo fliort tyme could hardiie have beine expefted. Nevertheles it is founden be experience that aifweel in thefe Shyres , as in divers uthers partes of both Kingdomes fome evill difpofed perfons are im- boldned to attempt and perpetrat many lieynons crymes and offences, upon hope of impunitie , Ifafterthc committing ofthc fame in one Countrie they mayfleeandefcaipe to the uther, and not be fent back to the place of their offeufe. T he praflize whereof hes made many odious cry ms and tranfgreffions heirtofoir to rc- maine unpuniilisd to the great contempt of his Majefties authoritie , and univerfall greife of all gude fubjefls of both Kingdoms. POR REMEDE whereof OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advifeandconlent of the E- ftaites of Parliaments , Statuts & ordeins, that if at any ty me after the end of this prefent Seflipn of Parliament, any perfone or perfons fliall commit any cryme or offence , within the Realme of England, whilk be the Lawes oftlie Kingdome oi Scot land, are or lhall be declared or ordeined to be pettie treafon , murthet , man-llauch- ter, fellonious burning of houfes and Come , burglarie, robbing of houfes by day, robberie , tliift , or rapt , and fn^lflieotefcaipeinto this Realme of Scotland, and be taken and apprehended witliin any part ot th'efaid Kingdome ofdV(!if/aW,boundes and dominions thereof That then it may and lhall be lawfull to and for the Juffice generall and liis ordinar Depute, the Shirefs, Stuards, Lords, and Ballyes of Regalities, the Commiffio- nars of borders or any two of them , in their ordinar Courts, or the Juftices ot Peace in their generall and quar¬ ter Seffions, oranyfoureofthem: upon due and mature examination ofthe (aid offence or offences in open Courts or Seflfions and pregnant pruiffs of the fam, by warrand under their hands and feales . To remand and ^nd all filch offenders into the Realme of Kngland, to receive their tryellfor any of the foirfaids offences, committedbethem withinthefaidRealmeofEir^/aWif, inmanerabovc mentioned: Notwithftanding any Law, Aft, or Conftitution , made at any tyme heirtofoir to the contrate. Provyding nevertheles that this Aft or any daufe therein conteined , (hall riot take effeft, force nor execu¬ tion in any fort. ExceptanLawandAftofParhamentbemadeand eftabliihed within the Realme of E»- glmid, in the fitft Seffion of the next Parliament thereof : For Remanding and fending out ofthe faid Reahne oiingland into the Realme of Scotland all perfons who (hall at any tyme heirafret commit any of the crymes or offences forefaids , within the Realme of Scotland , and thereafter (he into ’E.ngland , or any part of the do¬ minions of the faid Kingdome, to receive their tryeSl and due examination and punifliment within the Realme ol Scot kind , for everie ane ofthe faids offences committed be them within the faid Realme of Scotland in mi¬ ner before mentioned. 5. Ane AB declaring that iu all tyme heir after , the objeBing of Horning for a Ci vile cmfe ofthe ' " ' mutilat , JhalibenoliberationoftheoffenderfrsmthefuniJhment fartie atherjlaine or mutilat , due of the Law. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advife and confent of the Eftates of Parliament ; Stamts diatifanyofliisfubjcftsbemutilatorflaine being atthehorneonliefor Civile caufes the Slayer being perfued,or fick as are airt or part of the faids crymes of Slauchter or Mutilation , befoir the Juffice generall his deputs or any uther ordinar Judge : No alledgeance founded upon the partie flaine ot mutilat, dieir being at the horhe for any divile caufe lhall ather ffay procefs ot be ane defence to delay procefs or procure impunitie to any ofthe offenders guiltie ofthe crymes forefaids. And this Aft to have force, effeft and execution , for all fick crymes above fpecified as fliall be heiraftet commited allancrlie. 4. Aue AB againft Ravijhers ofWeemen, OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advife and confent of the Eliates of Parliament , Statuts and ordeins thatif any being airt otpartofRavilhing ofWeemen, bepetfuedfordiat heynous offence Jefend themfclfes be the fubfequent confent of the woman Raviflied , ot be her declaration that (bee went and defend themfclfes be the fubfequent confent of the woman Raviihed , ot be her declaraaon that (bee went Witluhemofherawnefrie-^wiil and confent (albeit in that cafe the womans declaration ofher confent may exeime them from Capitall punifliment.) That if the womans Parents ot neireft kins-folk , or his Majeffies Advocat be able to venfie be determination of the allife , that the faft wes at firft violentlie and forceablie done againftthepaitieswillandwithouttheirconfent. Thefubfequent confent ordedaration of the pattiefliall not exeime the offendeis from his Majefties arbitral! piinilhment of warding their perlons, confifeation of theit goods, ot impofing upon diem pecuniall poenalties at his Maielhes pleafure. Kkk } Ane KING JAMES THE SEXT 4IO y. ^ylue Act anent more tymous teynding , for the eafe of the labourers of the ground. IT Isftatuteandordeincdby OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites in ParWm n- in tyme comming in all tending of Comes , that the fame be teynded at three feverall tymes pvl ^ it the awners of the Comes thall think it expedient ; To wit the croft infeild come at ane tvme rl k ane utlier tyme, and the out-feild come at the thrid tyme. ^ at And declares that eight dayes after the compleit Ihearing of ilk fort of comes being out-mn that leatum to the awners at the faids eight dayes end, to makrequifition upon utlief eight daves to tlianWull teynding, and if the awners get not thankfull teynding at the expyring of the faids lalf Thefaids Eftaitesdedarestliat it lliall be lawfull to L aimers of tVe faidsc^es to tey£^^^^^ famine themfelfes conforme to the Aft of Parliament made of befoir anent the teyndinir of m poynts, and lliallinciirrena danger theit-through. '' “ * '-ornes mail 6. iMueAa for djfcharge of all per fute againfl any within the bounds of the late Borders for caufes preceding his Majeflies going to England, with exception not-thelesofall decreits already recovered : and with refervation of thecriminalperfuteattie injiance of his ^JMqjefties officiars. o URSOVERAIGNELORD,and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament having due confideratin h the occafion of unquyetnes of the Borders of this Realme , and of the deadlie feads tS? ■ers blood-lheds, flauchtets, mutilations, fvte-raifinirs. ftruvrh.: ... c’lf u.wuj:cL..c» or me ooroers ot mis Aealme , and of the deadlie feads rb.~7 there fell out divers blood-lheds, flauchters, mutilations, fyte-raifings, ftowths and others crvm^^’ ^ I , depredations , and relffs of uthcrs’goods and geatl wkhi ' the faids Borders. And underftanding that thtogh his Highnes happie preferment to the Crowne of „ / j thefaids Borders of boith the Realmes ate become peaceable and civile; albeit that the inhabitants not able to fatisfie the byganedamnages of parties. sthereofare Therefore O U R faid S O V E K A I G N E L O R D , and Eftaite*; fnrpfjiMc j ftatutes, and ordeins , that all and fundrie inltabitants within the bounds of the faids Borders S’&S? and fpecialhe within the bounds oftheSchirefdome of Berwick Roxbouruh Dnimfr^ic . ^ AnnandaiU , their heires, fucceffots, and executors, are andlall be frSn;red m?S thir prefents of ^1 aftions of fpoliation and wrangous intromiffion with Ihatfume4r goods anigeire fiiuT and intrometted with be them or their ptediceflors , before his Maielfiec nrofrro,. . . ? England. Witlt ane exprefTe refervation nottheles ofalirrd«^dSten«sS be any perfon whatfumever before the date of thir prefents : Whilks are declared I ® r 1 " prehendedwitliin the compas of this prefent DifchargI tobenowayecom- Andalfohis MAJESTIE and Eftaites forefaids , declares ftatures !,nAr.rAn- „ i 1 c -j • 1 bitants of the faids Borders and fueciallie within rhMirhiref^’ ^'WoMans, that the faids inha- Areandfttallbefrie.fredandSrged betl I beintendedorperfuedagainftanyofthem beanvlatet^^ intendedorto Majeflies Advocat, Juftices and Commiflionars Teout an^ to h ' ^’‘“P“’*^'"6rf'='’eliis fyre-raifings, flauchters, mutilations dS&uroSers^’^^^^^^^^^^^ for whatfumever be them , importing or that may import the takininwav of rkei . ^ ‘ committed his Highnes preferment to the faid Crowne of fi»v/a«;^allanerlip ’ F ^^'"8 committed before vocat , Juftices and Commiflionars , to petfue thi faids criminal! alwayes to his Highnes Ad- expreflbdeclarationthatthisprefentAftlUnowavesber^^^^^ with donefincehisHighnes prefeLent to the&dCrovLrf^rjlJ 7. Ane AH allowing Homing upon ane ftmple charge of fyveteene dayes to be direll itpon Lommifdrs decreits. UR tuts, T as the decrelrc of Wu;;'®.’’''''*'’ jlTl o witiiin mis Kingdome , receave ftklvk „ the Lords precepts lawfullie execute Direft letters of Horning to the Aft of Parharaent made O tutJ, tSe dKreit?a^dfeLncSaftSi?i^f'^ '‘u ® * Ordeins and fta- be Horning as the decreits of SchirefTs Admiral^ ^■'’gdome , receave ftklyk execution ofSeflionlpontlte hcln of the ifts an^ and Baillyes of bourgh : Andtl/atf ’ ’ be their officiars,bearandthepartietohavebemechargedupSZ'S*dw?s^^^ precepts lawfulli, executors XXL TARLIAMENT. XXIII. of OBeher. i6iz. _ 41' rots for the where the fads houfes at fallen in decay , and fhall be built and repaired be **^*^^f the beneficed perfons upon their awne expenfes.the next Succefibr fhall be obleilhed to give fatisfaftion any°r jQtiieHeires or Executors oftliedefanftatthefKlitoftwoorthreeofthe Bilbops within the Pro- tJjereW ^j^gjI^jttjiefaidfatisfaaionexceidnottSiefoumc of ane I'houfand pounds, if they be Pr whereunto their confentby the Lawes ol attend at fick occafions , It is moft ne^SfJu'thev b^reftm^d ^ ” longinguntothemofauid.^^^^^^^ Gleibes, rents andlivings be- thedral Kirks within*thl^fned^e'*'lhat/f'' members of the Chapters of tlieCa- moniebXgrng t^rkm ® to their Manfes, Gleibes, Rents, and uther patri- And XXI 1. PARLIAMENT. XXVIIL of June. 1617 417 ■"T'T^^rfiatefFefthis Majeftie with advife of the faids Eftates , diffolves fra the Crowne and pattimonie ( the forefaids Manfes, Gkibes, Rents andDuetiesformerlie annexed : to the effect the fame ^^’^^Heteafter be injoyed andpeaceablie poflcflcd be the Minifters that are , and hereafter ihall be provyded Without prejudice aiwayes of the fewes, tacks, penfions and uther rights lawfuiliemadeofvvhat- ' j^janfes , Glebes , Lands and T eynds of any part of the faids Chapter Kirks to the parties having right w®® fame And fikiyke but prejudice to laick Pattons of their Patronages granted to them be the Kings ftie with confenioftheTitularsfottlietymealbeitthefamebenotratified in Parliament, which Ihall j be prejudged be tliis prefent Aft. And with exprelie refervation of the Rights of the Priorie of Sanft- now ereftedinaTemporalLordfliip in favours of Ludovick Duke ot Lennox and his Heires, I ■ lhall'reiriaiiie m the awne ftrength and integtitie , noiwithftaitding of the Aft of Reftimtion above- rtei “titi ti'ty thing therein comprehended. *^*Ard als with refervation of the Houfe and place of Biggings and Orchards, Yeards , and 1 leneitinentsofthefame, info far as the fame or any part thereof pettcined of before to the Deanrie of Tlaftw , which his Majefty and Eftates referves furth of this prefent Aft , to his truftie Coufin J A M E S , M- tques'offlhw/Afl?/«, and his Succefiburs , tobe haldenofhisMajeftyandhis Highnes Succeflburs, as Ir immediate fiiperiours thereof for ever. And without prejudice to the Burgh of Edinburgh, of what- f^'ever rents, profits, tenements, annualrents , teind-fheaves , and other commodities given , granted d difpoKd to mem for entertainment of their Hofpitals . Coiledge and Minifterie. And fiUikc but preju- , 4 eofwhatfomeverteinds, few-mails or annualrents which perteined ofauldtothefaids Chapters in com- or to any Prebendar in particular, difponed by his Majefty to any Coiledge within the Univerfitieof Attdrewes. Matters or Burfers thereof , which his Majefty with advice of the Eftates , declares ihall be prejudged by this prefent Aft. And als according to the i-eftriftions , exemtions and limitations con- “ jioiavours ofFewars, Tackf-raen, and others havand right particularly let down and expreffed in file fecond Aft of his Majefties eighteenth Parliament , concerning the reftitution of the Eftate of Bithops. ,1.1. jU, rcftnftions , exceptions and limitations , are halden as repeated and expreft in this prefent Aft. And „ rlie effect that all lick perfons who are and have been Tenents and V affiJs to Deanes and other Members of Cathedral Kirks may be in certgintie known and by whom they fiioald bee ntred and received m die lands find others halden by them ofdie faids Deane and Members, oranyofthem. Therefore it is Statute and ordeined by Our Soveraigne LORD and Eftates Thatwhen fyhkoc- cjfoB Ihall offer of receiving or entrina ofVaffals, or of changing of Tenents who com« m tlie Vafl^ nk'c»s either by alienation of the V aftals , or compryfmgfrom him . or by any other kwfull ra^ner , the lecftupcrioiir of whom the faid Vaffall immediatly held . Ihall be aftrifted and haldcu to do the fame and to enter all fik perfons by himfelf (they doing their duede to their fuperiours as appercems.) In the which cafe, OUR SOVERAIGNE L O R D an3 Eftates declares die confent of the Prelate, or remanent Mem- krs ofiiis Chapter . no wayes to be neceffar to the faid entry or change of Temients. And becaufe the Prio- tie oi'iin&.-Andrewes is now erected in ane T empotal Living and Lordlhip , the Prior whereof m . f^er mes vvas alwayes Deane of the Chapter of Sm&-Andrewes , and the Channons thereof were the Mem- ktrof the fafd Chapter whidi are now allaboliflied, and to the effeft there be not wanting ane Chapter “SurVoVERAIGNE lord, withadvicefoiefaid, declares that the Minifters femng the cure at the Kirks under, written , prefent and to come , ftiaU be efteemed the Ctapter ther^f- They arc to fay T hePriorofPflr»fl9i,^whoispriiKipalofS.LraWrColkdgeandDeaneoftteChav«^^^ » rUi , TheVicxoh.Ljndrewes. The Vicar of Lfar/jcfj'. The Vicar otCiro/^. Tk Proveft oiKirkhtU. ' The Parfon of Dyfert. The V icat of Forgotid. The Vicar oihfbture^ 1 he iietfons Which perfons lliail have the adminiftration , doing and performing of the affairs belonging t e , BifliopofAWi«. The Biihop oiBreclun. The JX fiKi&rving Biftiop of cM/irr/ry. TheBifliopofO?i«?y, atfo theB (1 p , , M-j„g The Arch-deane of die Cure of the Kirks under- written, to wit. The ^iticipa o . g ^ CowPer. Which S.AWr„TheVicarof TlieVicarof die Atch- Biiliops and Minifters, or the moft part of them, . „..ppgjnted by our Soveraigne bilho^wheneverthe Seaftiall yaik. and ft, all h^^="c aiap e^^^^^ L 0 11 D, and Eftates, for the eleftion forefaid. The generd for “ J | ‘ oiUmkeld, who SOVERAIGNE LORD&EftatcsdeclatestQbcnowandinaUnmecomm g E L 1 1 3 41 8 KING JAMES THE SEX iliall happen be for the time. And fiklike OUR Soveraigne LORD, with advife ofhis Eftates.declareTJP'' and ordeins, thattheArchbilhopofG//^«w, whcnfoever that Sea lliall vaik , fliall be eleftedbvtl Bilhops ofhis Diocie, to wit, the Biihop of , theBifliopol Arg^/e, the Biihopofthef/'^ I forthetime, and by his ordinar Chapter, or the moft part of them, theBiihopof Galh-jjaj beintf^l '"S Conveiner of the wids Eleffors to tlte faid cicflion. Which perfons fliall have power onely in election, feeing it is the exprcfle will and ordinance of his Majefty and Eftares, that the auld and Chapter oiGlaJgow, and the other Chapter above-written , appointed for the Sea of Sanft- Ar/dyv.- faid is, fhall have the only adminiftration of diefe things, concerning the affairs tending to the wear? 1 Cathedral Kirks , and belonging thereto, as the auld Chapter formerly had , and thefe others Cha ° fore mentioned . appointed allancrly for eleftion of the faids Arch-biihops , fliall no wayes be deroiiar"-* the others ordinary Chapters eftablifhed for the handling of the affairs of their Seas in manner written. ACT III. Atient the Tlantatm of Kirks. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, Confidcring that there be divers Kirks within this Kinodm not planted with Minifters , where througli Ignorance and Atheifme abounds amongfl the Peonle ■ "h that many of thofc that are planted , have no fufficient provifion or maintenance appointed to them whe^h the Miniflery are keeped in povertie and contempt , and cannot fruitfully travel in their charges. ’ Conif f ring alfb that nothing is more properly belonging to his Princely care, than to fee to the good eftate of rl^ Kirks within his Dominions , out of that zeale which his Majefty beares to the promoviiisof the dome of CHRIST. ^ b'^itneiving- A N D for ane perfit remedie of tliofe evils, with advice & confent of the Eftates of Parliament lies srintM fullpowerandcommifliontotheLordChancellourforthe time, and to the reverend Fatlier’s iii G O n Jtf^i«Arch-biihopofSanft-yfWrOT«, lames Arch-biShop of Gla/gow , Akxa/Her Bifhop of T),i„ke/J Alexander Bifhop of AherdeimMexanderBifao^of Mmray , Tatrick Bifliop of RolTe , AdamB\C^ otDunhlane, o^Galloway Eight perfons nominat for the Clerde and Prelats AnS in-cafe of tlie deceafe of any of them , To Andro Bifliop of Brechin , Georee Bifliop of Or knay Andro B.llinn of At;?y/e, and Bifhop of M/e/.- Which foure perfons , his Majefty an/ Eftates h« nominate w fopply and become m the place of any ofdie other eight forefaids , ifany fhall happen to deceafe before tfe Commiffion be finiflied To wit , the firft of the foure in the placeof the firft of the eight deceaftng and inmderfucccfftvelyasclieyarenamed. And to /A Earle of Lord Thefaur^. Ar«rerWquefs ^Hamdm lames ^MAbercorne^MT ullthardm , Wobert Earle of R.wWi , ^ VifcountofLWeri/^ife, Thomas\.osAof Binning, and Ttavid'LosAofCarnei'ie , eight perfons nominate for the Nobilmc, A'ld in cafe of any of their deceafes , To Alexander Lord Elfhmftmi , ^nominate to bl comemtheplaceofthe, Alexander ^MEglmm inthefeco^d, lohn Earleof TerTm the diird , and Lord of Bdmrremcb in the fourth. And to the Commifiioners under-written nominate Sir /ITaAer D/W^rr of that ilk , Sir fames HMt^n 0,1 of Tttcur lohn Hamdton of Lettrsk , Sir lohn Vans of Barnbarroch , Sit AndrUur- reyofBahaird SaAlexatH^GordouofQluny, anAtoSk George Anchinlekof Balmanno And incafe ofanyoftheirdece^es to rW-^WWSherrifffof Sir I£as Steward of Bon, ton, and Robert Sto,yMSchill,nglaw, perfons nominate to becomeroX Mafter At tile eight deccafiiig. And to lames Arnot Burgefle of Edinburth Maftet Mexander WUderburne Clerk of T),md,e , Sir Thomas CMenzies Proved; of Aberdein Un %7tSn^^licald‘\oA^r' Linlithgo, ]ohn Osbnrne Burgeffe of Am ! ]ohn MatheJonGloikoiCarel , anASiiGeorge Bruce of Knight , Burgefle of C«/w ^eiaht nerfonsno- mmatelortheBurrow^. Andincafeofanyoftheirdeceafes. m A/ IoCmfliamronC{eskofsTerlkF-'^°V^^^^^^^’^’‘”‘^‘/' Nicoljon Burgefle of Aberdein, and tiers forefaids deceafins Wliirfi f "°tmnMe to fuppiy in order any of the other eight Commilfio- Sent nganda^^^^^^^^^^^ Comm.ffloners , oranyfive of4 Eftate nomi, we , asfaidis, ^ ® j ® ® i ’ fl’allhavepower to convein , confult , and to determine imon the tothev;iXl‘SyT/"i/nrfion' •. that there is and fhall be necelfarily lequifite nm^laflentoffive ofevervaneof rlip fn-T of faids Comminioiiers , thecoii- whichconW ^^gether in ane voice, without tlic power to make anv valide or effpfln 1 ^‘1 the reft of tlie faids Commiirioncrs fliall have no Cbeod/envaves dot is T" f ‘7 Commiftlon . but whatfoever OUR SOVErSV forcenorefTecT Thatistofay, power dcaudioritie to the faids CommiffloneM'totttr’/^ tenoiir hereof, gives, grants, & commits full times as they fliall aonoinr and fi nrl meet and convene m die Town of Ediubm -gb, at Ilk time and StnoCnd/ra/andfm “ before tlKin .allPatrons. iacKsmenoltcmdsgreacandfmall. and all others having right by whatfomever title to the Teinds within' thi.1 XXn. T ARLI AMENT. XXV 1 11. of June, 1617. 4x9 ! I? Kioedon^^- ^"d expedient to exhibite and produce before them their rights and T, thereby they claime the faidsteiiids tobefeene and confidcred be the faids Comraiirioners, With ’to them out of the faids teinds of every Parocliin, to appoint and adigne at their difcretions ane per- ual ftipend to thsMiniftersprefent and to come at all Kirks that fliall be found by them either as ye' _,o„;ded at all , with Minifters and ftipends , or where the provifion is lelle nor five hundreth marks n orovided at all , with Minifters and ftipends , or where the provifion is lelle nor five hundreth marks of ariie tent in money , or five Chaldcts viftual ( by majife and gleibe ) or fik proportion particularly of fiver viftual > extend to five hundreth Marks or five Chaldets viaual yearly , & which is the fV and the meaneft ftipend and provifion determinate , appointed , and declared by his Majcfty and E- ?res to be given and afligned to any Miniftet for his locaU itipend in time comming , where the fruits of the Rneficewtlfextcnd to that quaiititie in maner under-written , and that notwithftaading of any right or title **etendedbythefaidTackf-men, or others in whofe favours Teinds have been erefted, With fpccial power j.g xixe faids Commiflioners , to unite fik Kirks , ane or moe as may conveniently be unite . Where the ^its of any one alone will not fuffife to entertain ane Minifter. In the which cafe of union of fik Kirks, if it fall *■ neceffitie offer to unite Kirks belonging to die prefentation of divers Patrons , the prefentation of the Minifters fl'all be appointed by the faids Commiffionets to pertain to the Patrons {alternh vidbus) to the * i,ich Commiflioners his Majeftie andthcEftatesdoesreconimendandreferto confider and appoint far- folide order as may be beft taken , and ftand with the leaft prejudice of any of the Patrons , and as they iliallbefoundtohavemoreorleflemtreftintheKirkstobefoanked. Itisalwayes provided, that whereas theteatediversKirkswhercofthefruitsofanyonewillnotextendtothe quantity of five Chaldets victual, dor five Inmdreth marks of fiiver in yearly commoditie , and that the rents and whole patrimonie thereof are owayes anfwerable to that proportion , and fo is not fufficient the alone for the full maintenance of ane Mi ni- fei andyetnsvetthelefle for diftance of place , or other lawful caufes may be found incommodious to be unirel. viiereby neceflitywiiievince.thateveryKitkfnthatcftate, lliouldbe plantedwith theitownpar- BciiUr Minifter to fetve thereat, whofe provifion behooves neceflarily to confift of thefruits of the Benifice itfdf, how mean foever the fame be. therefore it is Declared that it ffiall be fufficient to the faids Comraiffioners in that cafe to alTigne & appoint to the Minifter to be planted at any fik Kirks the \yhole fruits perteining to the Patrimony thereof, by and attour his manfe & gleibe. Which fruits ate to be injoyed by him and his fucceflburs thereafter, as their E«rpetual Local ftipend and provifion. And to the end die faid Commiffioti may take the better efteft, andfotanefolideordecanentsheptovifionofthefaidsKirks. with their certaine definite ftipend, andthat itmaybeclearly known what lhail be the proportion and qutnlitie of any ftipend, which fliall be hereafter annoitited to every Minifter, atatiyKirk, either not provided at all, or not fufficently provided, asfaidis. ^OUK Soveraigne LOR DandEftates Declares, that die kaft and meaneft ftipend which they have aopointed to be hereafter provided by the faids Comraiffioners to any Minifter lliall not be under and wthm the qaantitie of five chaldets viauall, or five hundreth marks of money , or propornonaly part of vidtaal, and nart thereof in money , according as the fruits and rents of the Kirk may yeeld and aflord and as the laids Coimiiffioners fliall riiink expedient . effeirand to thefaids five chaldets viftual , or five hundreth marks money by and attour their manfe and w.ll extend tothe auantme erteirandtomeiaiQS nve cnaiaers viciuai , umve gleibe, where the whole fruits ofthe Kirk will extend to the quantitie foSd and that the Kreateft and raoft ftipend which tliefaids Commiffionets fhail have power to affigne for ftipend to any Minifter at any ofthe faids Kirks, aither not planted or planted . and provided with ftipends WirhiLiid under the faid five chaldets vicmail.or five hundreth marks of money , as faid is , lhaU not exceed tk quantihe of Ten dwlders victual , or ane Thoufand marks of money , and propomonally part of money andpartofviftuall.attheconfiderationofthe faids Commiffionets asthey ffiall findeby examination of rherLtsoi theKirkmoft conveniently maybe payedbyaiid attour their manfeandgeifcSivatk^^^^ Ml be ane Thoufand marks, orXenchaldersviduaMwith manfe andgleibe, ™ marks or five chalders of visual, with manfe and gleibe, except where the whole fruitsefthe RAsuiU notextend to that quantitie, asfaidis. Andfindsanddcclates, that allKirks which ate piantcdwithMmi- fters,whofeftipenlextendstofivechaldersvidtaal,orfivehundrethmatksoff.lverotgrtotbo^^^^^ tothe whole by their manfe and gleib, (thefame beingraade fureto this Commiffion, and no wayes comes under the compafle thereof, nedier ■ „r feenie the faid luveanypowerbyvermeherWtomeddlewitiiany Kirks orftipendswffiidi are in CommZftisnotextendedtothefame. IT alfoprovided, that where any ^ provided, albeittheirprovifion does exceed the thatfoe marbofmoney , Andals where the fruits ofany Benefice are m the fame fiiaii be continued in the efetewherem it is at the prefem, and no . ^ provifion ofthe faids Kirks and Minifters is to be impoled ^^nt-rTw/^cfnllnower and commiffion to the faids Commiffionets, fp to proceed in die determining ofthe fatd 1 • 410 KING JAMES THE SENT or any other having right to erefted Prelacies , who fliall be cited before them , refiife to take the btird plantation of any Kirks belonging to the faids ereflcd Prelacies , which are not planted , or to help (il- Kirksofthefame, as are not well and fufficiently provided, according tothetennouref the forefajH o midion, and that upon their relufall (the faid refufal being firft found reafonable by the faids Com n'"" ners) the burden ofthe faid plantation , or farther provifion , fliall be laid and impofed by the faids Co fioners, in whole , or in part, cither upon the principal T akfmcn of any of the fruits of the faids Kirks o cafe ifthcTackfmcnrefufc, the burden be impofed upon the Sub-takfmen thereof, the faids Connnidlo^ fliall have powerto decerne, appoint, and ordeinfik particular tecompcnce to be given to the faids men, or Sub-takfmen, by renewing of their tacks or fub-tacks, after the expiring thereof , upon fik co ons as the faids Commiffioners fliall findc reafonable , refpect being had to the qualitie and- proportion of i" burden to be impofed upon them within the time of their taks and rights , farther then they ate aftricred I their faids rights , or by appointing fik other reafonable fatisfaction as they fliall finde the faid burden and ftrefle undergone by any of them, fliall deferve and require. I-ykeas the faids Conimiffionets fliall have fiklike power to determine , decerne and appoint fik part' I fatisfaction and recompence to be given either to laick Patrons , or to the T akfnien ofthe fruits of die t belonging to the like Patronages and Sub-takfmen thereof, as they fliall think may be anfwerable to the b™* dens to be impofed upon eidier of them for the caufe above-written proportionally. In the prefcrvvi the which recompence, thefaidsCommiillonerslhallhave fpecial refpect, what conlideration they'! d reafonable to be given to the faids Pattons for their confents to the tacks, if any fliall be appointed and dece '' d to be fet and given to the faids tackfmen for recompence forefaid. And if any beneficed peifon upon jufl 'at reafonable caufes , refufes to provyde any Kirk belonging to their Benefice, according to the order herer prefery ved , whereby the burden of plantation, or fartlier provifion of the Kirk, muft n'eccflarily lye upon tl ^ Tackfmen or Sub-tackfmen ofthe fruits thereof. Thefaids Commiffioners in that cafe alfo fliall decerne ft recompence to be given to the faids T ackfmen and Sub-tackfmen for dieir lofle and prejudice fuftained as th faids Commiffioners fhall finde the fame fliall merit , by renewing of taks to them upon fik conditions ^ ma ° requite their lofle , or by finding out fome other reafonable meaiic which may repair the fame. And 0 U |{ faid Soveraigne L O R D , with advice and confent of the faids Eftates , Declares, Statutes and Ordeins That all tacks whichfhall be decerned bythefaids Commiffioners to be^given in recompence to any pcrfo ' whatfomever for the caufes above- written, and which fliall be fet for obedience, and conforme totL faiJ decreet and fenrence; 'Vvhatfomeveryeares, or long fpace die faids tacks fliall comprehend, fhall be good lawful, and fuflicientfecurities to the perfons in whofe favours the fame are appointed to be given and^coii' ceiyed , neither fliall the fame be any wayes prejudged by the Aft made in this prefent Parliament bv the which itis ftatute that no Archbifliop , Bifliop, or Prelate fliould fet in tack any part of their patrimonie for longer fpace nor nineteen yeares , and that no inferiour Beneficed perfon fhall fet in tack any part of thek Beneficeforlongetfpaccnortheirawnehfe-times, and five yeares thereafter, asthefaid Statute pronorts fra the which Statute the faids tacks fo appointed to be fet and given in recompence , are and fhall be exceot- edandreferved, and fliall no wayes come under die compafTe of the faid Act and Statute , nor any tliL therein conteined but the fame fhall remaiiie and abide valide and fufficient rights for die whole fpLe anS dicrein according to the tenour thereof notwithftanding of the faid Act and Statut. ^ ^ I '' ” &Kh that in the recompens to be appointed by the Commiffioners to the Patrons T acksmen, & Sub-tacksmen for the forefaid burding to be impofed upon them, nioe yeares may be affigned for prorogation of their prefent tacks nor may lawfullie or conveniently be fet be the prefent beiieLed peffons to whom be Law the fetting of tacks of Teinds belonges. F O R reiLid thereof OUR Soveraigne LOR D wiffiadvifc dc confent oi die faids Eftates Declares, Statuts and Ordeins, That it fliall be lawful to the Coni- penefoftSfid refpcBive for bruiking of the faids teinds forreconi- FaidspJimckfmenifih^tf , ^!l f ’^^‘^'^''"f"«lyb-tackfmen reJpeBtve, and to dieir heirs and affignayes, for bruiking and oofTeffiiig anJSCS^Sshad f y^fsofprorogation,lsif^good,iawfuland valide tackf Seffion fhall direft and grant Letters in forme Pariiament. For obedience vyhereof the Lords of on above-written takfog force and full pffi-AV according as fhall be neceflar , Which Coniinif- downa'idroZrehenSerefo hv 5^ pow-erthereinLmprehended.giventotkSToiSS^^^ conforme to the OUR XXIL T ARLI AM ENT. XXVIII. of Jum, 1617. 4H n U R S O V E B. A I G N E L O R D • with the exprefTe confent and affenc of the ERates in that cafe c des and declares > that no perfon in whofe favours the teinds ofKirks and Benefices arc ercfted, nor no whatfom^vet bruiking teinds,’ by vertueofRights lawfully made to them of the fame, acco’rdingto I Lawes of this Realme then {landing , lhall be ever farther altered or quarrelled in any of their faids Rights, • V time to come , farther then lhall be appointed by the faid decreet and fentence to follow upon this' pre- j? conim'®°“ ; but the faids rights and fecurities in-cafe forefaid , fliall remain in the awne (Irength , force ^"defTeft" asgood, lawful, andfufficient rights and fecurities to them and every ane of them for their awne parts, for bruiking and injoying the faids teinds, conforme to the tennour of the faids tights, for pow and ever. ACT IV. Rnent the fett'mg of Tacks hy Trelats, and other bemfeed ferjons. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Statutes andOrdeins, 1 hat no Archbilhop , Bifliop, or other Prelat within this Realm, ihallherealterfet in ackandafledation any part oftheirPatrimonie, for longer fpace then nineteen years. Andthat no infe- ^oar beneficed peifon , ihaUfet in tack any part of their Benefices , for longer fpace rlien their own life-times, nd five yeates after their deceafe, under i he paip of deprivation of the petfons contraveinets from their offices ■ d benefices , and to be repute from that time forth , infamous and incapable of any publick funffio.n in the /,^ndfotthebetterdifcovetingoftlictacksthatlhallbefetbyinferiout beneficed petfons, (or longer fnace then is above-written. IS Ordeined, that all the tacks that ffiall hereafter be fet by any of them, for longer {pace then is before mentioned, ihall be Regiftrat inane Book, which the Clerk of Rcgiiler ffiall keep forthatefleft, "thin ffie fpace offourtiedayes after the fetting of the fame tack, otherwife tile faid tack fo fet for longer Face ihall be null and of no effeft to the tacidmeii thereof, by way of exception or reply, witltout any other a^ion.proceffe, prdeclaratourofLaw. ir IS alwayds declared, that this Statute lhall no wayes be extended to any tacks or fub-tacks, or con¬ ditions for fetting ^f tacks or fub-tacks for longer fpace nor is above- written , Whereas the fame depends and remade or appointed to be made, conforme to the ComrniiTion granted by OUR Soveraigne LORD, with advice of the Eftates of Parliament for plantation of Kirks, in manner as is fpecially fee down in tli® (aid Commiffion. A C T V. \yfddifm to the A& anent dilafidatiott of Benefices. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and confent of ffie Eftates of Parliament , Ratifies and approves the Afl; of his Highnes Parliament haldeii at 'Perth the ninth day of July, ffie year of God 1606. x^Mnentthe dilapidafmof the rents of Prelacies , JVith this addition , WherebyhisHigh- iies and Eftates forefaii, Findes, decerues and declares all tacks orafredations tobemadeofany Quotes 0} Teftaments or any othencafuakie perteining to the faids Prelats in time comming , to be null , and of no avail force , nor effieft , and that it fliall not be lawful to any Prelate within this Kingdome hereafter to dif- cone’ alienate or fee any of his cafualties, in whole or part, longer nor during his awne life-time allanetly. Lt prejudice of ffie tacks , if any be fet before this Ad , as accords of the Law, to ffie whilks ffiir prefents lhall BO wayes be extended. A C T VI. Anent furuijhing of necejfars for mlnifiratm of the Sacraments. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Ordeines that all the Patoch Kirks within this Kingdom be provided of Bafins and Lavoits for the mmiftmtion of theSacramentofBaptifme; andofCups, Tables. andTable-Cloaffies. forthe mimftration of the holy Communion; whiclfliaUbercceivedwthatufeby the Miniftero ffie P^ochm mfikconvm^^^^ killall finde meet , for which he and his heires and executors fliall be ^ die fame be loft, or otheiwayesufed to any profane ufe. themfelves to the faid eft’ea, animake payment of ffie money vvhetem ffiey fliafl be ftented, as the lame jhail be required. M m m ACT !/■ 1 n ‘U ^ M P TUP. .<} P Y T ACT VII. imlawes of abfents from Tarliament. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftates of this prefent Parliament, lies ratified and an proven , and by the teiinout hereof Ratifies and approves the tliirtie fourth Aft of his Highnes eC vinth Parliament, 1^87. Intitulat (the unlaw of abfents from Parliament) in the whole heads anti elaufes thereof, after the forme and tennourofthe fame in all points; with this addition . that theunlawol the CommifiionersofBarons through their abfence from Parliament, fhallbeanehundreth pounds rnoncv And declares that no excufe lhall be received nor admitted hereafter for abfcnce from Parliament, except theii Licence be granted by his Highnes under his note and fuper-fcription , if his Majefty be prefent within the Re alme for the time , And in liis Highnes abfence , by his High Commilfioner of Parliament : and in-cafe of the faidCommiifioners abfence, their Licence to be granted and fubfcryved by the Lord Chancellour, and Lords of Secret Councel , to be produced judicially the firll day ol the fenfing of ilk Parliament , to the Clerk of Regifter and his Deputes. And farther declares , that in rime coming it lliall be lawful to whatfomever Duke, Marques, Earle, Vicount, Lord , or Prelat within this Realme , being abfent from the Parliament andlawfi-illyexcufed, asfaidis, to fend anefufficient power fubfcryved with their hands to any one of fiiaj eftate, having place and vote in Parliament, who lhall be admitted to rcafon and vote in Parliament, and whole’dyets thereof, for that perfon abfent , fiklike and als freely in all refpects as if he had been prefent him. felf And ordeins the faid former aft with this prefent, aft at ilk Parliament, to be execut with all diligence. And the penalties therein mentioned to be up-lilted to Our Soveraigne Lords ufe , by his Highnes Thdaurer, ACT VIII. tylnent the JuJlkesfor keef 'mg of the Kings sMajefiies Teace , and their Conftables. i UR SOVERAIGNE LORD,withadviceandconfentoftheEftatesofPatliament, 1 having confidered die Articles and Inftruftions given ofbefore by liis Majefty to the Juftices ^ and Commiffionets , appointed for keeping ofhisMajefties Peace, and to their Conftables I which were prefented to his Highnes , and unto the faids Eftates , by the faids Juftices , and } defired to be authorized by decreet and fentence of Parliament : Hes ratified and confir- |med the fame in manner as they are particularly here fet down and exprefled in every point and article thereof, of the which the tennours followes. That is to fay. The Commiflioners and Juftices of Peace at their firft admittii^ upon the Bench , lhall give the Oath following: YOV Jhall fwear, that you as one of theCommiJfioners andjuftice ofPeace within the Shire of according to your knowledge , wit and power , jhall do equal right both to rich and poor , confmtn to the Lawes and Cujlomes of the Land and Statutes thereof : And that you Jhall not be of Counfel with any per- fon in any quarrel or matter dependingbefore ymi, and fiat you Jhall every quarter keep the Sejfmis, or oftner as yon Jhall he required , not having any juji impediment to the contrary : and jhall faithfully and Irm¬ ly dijiharge your duetie , as anejujiice of his MajeJliesTeace , andjhall leave nothing undone, that may tend to the prejervation of the fame. So help you God. II Any one Juftice lliall have power upon complaint of any perlbn, being threatned , and fearing to be wronged, to biiide the party complained upon, underfuchapecunialfum, to keep the Peace , as he lliall think fitting. As alfo to commit him, until furetie be found by him, the faid complainer alwayes gi¬ ving his Oath before the Juftice , that he hath juft caufe to dread his harm. And albeit no perfon complain , yet if the Juftice be credibly informed, ofappearance of trouble betwixt any parties, he lhall binde them to the Peace in manner afotefaid: except the patties declare upon their confciences, that neither of them doth beare any grudge to other. And all fuch bands lliall be kept in record by him , and he lhall make deliverie of the fame to the Clerk of die Peace, at the next Seffion, to be kept and tegi- ftrated by liim. III. IF any perfon, being charged to make his appearance before a Juftice of Peace, lhall refufe or delay witliout caufe ; if the partie bee a landed Gentleman , whofe rents exceed ten chalders of viftual , or a thoufand marks of filver ; then the Juftice (whofe command is contemned) lhall informe the fame to feme ofthe Lords ofHis Majeftiesprivie Counfel: to the effect the party of the quality forefaid may bee called and fined for liis difobedicnce. And if thedifobeyet be of a meaner degree , the Juftice lhall hereby XXII. V A RLI T. XXVIII. of June, 1617 4^3 li-riceof aconftaWe, his ownc fervaiit , or any other udsJufticeofPeace, with affiftance of the co'untrey, IV. nowet to command the next conftaUe: on, • havimiawartaiidiiiwrit, fubferived by the Koganyfochpartie before him. I F eithet the Sheriff or Bailie fliali condemne any perfon in a bloodwyte , or otherwife convift him in any *'iine proper for him to impofe, the Juftice fnallhaveno powetof new to fine that offender lor that but if they ftall finde himnotcondignlypuniflied in regard of the ofFenfe commitred by him, 1 <.^%all then inform liis Majefties Counfel thereof, that they may take order therewith. And if there be jjFjfljon made by the Skeriffor Bailie to the partie offended, the Juftices may modifie reafoiiable fa- ^ftion to the party offended , hee putfuiiig therefore before them ; and if they inall finde the fatisfaftion by the Sheriff or Bailie in favours of the faid partie offended, not condigne nor anfwerable to the ffnee and wrong fuftainea, then they (hall alfoinforme his Majefties Counfel thereof, chat they may take order therewith as appertaineth. ^ r F either Sheriff or Bailie , or other Deputies by collufion with the delinquent, ihall fuffer any perfon guilty * * • ' — ' - - *"^^0 (the parcie once cleared, is not to be brought further in queftion before i tobequitedordearedbyatiAffife (the parcie once cleared, jsnottobebrough' ^ejuftkes) but upon their information, the Judges are to bee called, cenfared, his Majefties Counfel. iq< and feverely puniflted by VI. rf^ H E faids Juftices ftiail hereby have power to proceed upon all petfoiis , committing ryots, and breaking I the Kings Peace, under die degree of Noblemen , Prelates, Counfellers, andSeiiatorsoftbeCol- S"*"* of Juftice; and to punifh and fine according to the quality of the crime, aiidtheeftate ofthe offender. if any of d’® perfons being charged to compear before the faids Juftices.fliall difobey the fummonds heiaeindorfed, the lawful citation verified and fad proven, the Juftices lliall punifli and fine the not com- nearme according to the quality ofthe crime , and the eftate of the offender. And for the more clear de¬ termination of die order which fcall bee kept by die faids Commjffioners in the deducing of any fuch proceffe. Out Sovetaiene Lord , with advife ofthe Eftates declareth , That it ihall be lawful to die faids|juftices wlien- foevetdieyliave any occafion to move any aftionagamfl: parties for committing any like fact or riot, to re¬ fer the fitft fummonds to the parties Oaths of verity (incafe of inlake of other lawful probation) who being oetfonally fummoned by riiatfirft citation, fliall beholden as confeft, and decreit to be pronounced againlt him conform to the libeil and fummonds. And if he be not perfonally fummoned by the' fitft citati¬ on ’the faids-Commiffioners Ihall beholden to caufe fummond him of new againe . byafecond fummonds, at his dwelling place; which two citations Ihall be als- fuffident to infer decreit, and fentence upon the libel agaiiift him as if hee were apprehended perfonally. And which fentence given after the manner and forme of probation above-written ; His Majeftie with advife lorefaid , authorizes and fuftmnes as good and lawful in themfelves. And concerning thefe perfons of higher degree, the faids Commiffionets ihall ufe all their power for preventing and flaying of theriots, commanding the attempters m his Majefties name to ceafe, and to finde caution for keeping of the peace, and for their compearance before his Majefties Coimfcl. And ii any perfon , being charged to finde caution . and refufeth or delaycth to do the tame and m the mean time contraveeneth the feid charge , by committing of fome deed betwixt the time ot the charge and finding ofthe caution: neverchelclli he fliall be anfwerable for the pame from the date ofthe charts like as if caution had been then found. ^ VII. TH E faids Commiffionets fhall put his Majefties Afts of Parliament to due aud fuU execution qgainft .--ur.-t Tt . _ _ j WojTipn . witiiouC Of tL’^dc> lurking are ac- called Egyptians : and they ihall puniHt and fyiie their recepters » cordingiy , by fuch competent paines as is proper to them to injoyne. Via. 'T'H E faids Commiffionets and Juftices of Peace , are hereby authorized . with powr to give order ' 1 (asthey fliall tiunk moft convenient . and witli leaft grief to the fubjefts) for mendmg of a 1 Higl wayes and paflages, to or from any Market towne or Sea-port witliin that S iire . an , - - . , them all fuSi perfons as ffiail ftraite tliefe paffages or otherwayes (as by calling of D^ches ^ the fame) fiiaSmakethofeHigh-wayes noyfomeand troublefomeunto paffiengers P™ " W them according to the qualitie ^their offenfe. And to the effeft it may Be knohm of what breadth tJlcommon High-wlyes fliould be to Market townes Our Soyeraigne Lord, dates , that the fame Luld be of twentie foot of meafure in breadth at the leaft • breadth, theyordainethefamefotoremamunaltercdotfttaited: f in tlfe eft”^^ fame, with all other wayes from any town in tlieParoch, to the Faroe i i rc . ateiandwhere they fincLiiyneceflkieof other w-iyesfromanytowumtlieParochinto^^^^ they fliall informe Iris Majefties Secret Councel thereof, who Ihall give them (after fufhcient mtou.u Mmm z ‘ KING JAMES THE SENT tion) tlieirdire^Hontlicreanent: according wliereunto they fliall beholden to proceed. And if any rf refufetoconcurfor mending ofhigh-wayes and padagcs, the faid Jufticcs lhai! havepower to cenlure punilh them according to their dilcretion ; with provifion alwayes , that if in their proceedings therein ufefuchlcveritie or rigour, as may movejufl: complaints againft them; theyfliaUbe cenfured therefor p his Majefties Secret Councel. as appertaineth. “Y IX. THefaidsCommidionersiliall put his Majefties Afts ofParlirment to Execution, againft cutters dcftroycrs of Planting , Green-wood, Orchards, Yeards, Haynings. breakers of Dove-houfes a Coningers, Stealers offices and Bee-hyves, ufers of unlawful games widi lying dogs, flayers of ted a black fiih and fmolts in forbidden time, Fowlers fowhng in other mens lands, makers of moore-burne a mofle-burne , fetters of craves or nets in waters and dammes , having and keeping of cruves and yares in f bidden time : and ihall proceed againft them accordingly ; And for their better warrand to proceed in d premiflcs, I T is his Highnes pleafure.that commifllon ihall be wanted to the faids Juftices of Peace , to andpunillnheviolatersofthefaidsAfts, in the try al whereof they fhall proceed by witneftbs, by Oadw partie, and the punifhment to be inflidled by them , fhall be a pecunial fumme , anfwerable to the circumfta oftheoffenfe, and the qualitie of the offender : with fpecial provifion , that their cenfores and piiniihmc'''^ fliall extend againft none but thofe againft whom by the priviledge of their inftruiflions they may lawfoir proceed, and alfo with provifion that tliefaidcommiflions be not extended to any petfbns who fliall be a^ refted and conveincd for the faids crimes before any other ordinary Judges. It is alfo provided , that theo'^' dinance and power contained in this Article , Ihall no wayes be prejudicial to any other commiffions or riphts whatfoever , granted to otliers parties , whereby diey have power to proceed and cenfure the crimes and offences above-written. X. ITEM, they fliall informe the Kiiips Majefties Councel, and his HighnefTeThefaurer or Advocate the leaf!: once every y eare , of fore-ftallers or regraters of Markets, that order may be taken with them con forme to die Aifts of Parliament. XI. IT fhall not be licenced to any Hoftler to recept any maftet-lefle men and Rebels at the Horne any vasa bounds, or other perfons guilty of knowne crimes, orufing ftouth and reafe , under the paines under written , Town, fourty fhiUings to be incurred by them for the firft fault , foure pounds for die fecond and ten marks for the third, together with the losfing of the libertie of Brewing, the incurrers of die which pains, fliall be pumfhed according to the order aforefaid, bythe Barons and Mafters of the ground where¬ upon the Hoftler dwelledi, withinthefpaceof fifteen dayes after the committing of the faft And if die faids Barons and Heretours neglca to do die fame widiin the faid fpace , it fliall be lawful to the faids Juftices to purfue and fyne the Delinquents in their Courts , . according to thepaincs forefaid , and to uplift the fame ftom them : widiout prejudice alwayes of whatfoever others Afts made againft the faid Hoftlets in the Bacons Court-bookes under whom t hey dwell , bearing any higher pain dian as is fet down in this above- written Aft • andalfowithoutprejudiceofallaaion criminal or civil, competent of the Law, againft the faidHoftlers! in cafe they be under the danger diereof, which fliall not be taken away by any punifhment fetdowne, and tobcinfliited, conlormetotliis Aift. j j jr > XII. T EM, They fliall informe the Kings Thefaurer and Advocate , ofbreakers and contraveiners ofdie Afls I XIII. J. dilobeyctsoftlie order appointed by them, according to the quahty of the delict. XIV. T Hey fhall appoint at their Quartcr-Seffions, to be kept in Auguft and February the ordinate livre and TarbeSr&ned andwhofliaHrefirfetofcrve^on thepricefe dmvnby ma7be tl e mc^ra'^rnnip ; 1 ^nd to the effect, that fervans S Tnft ® the ordnances to be made by the faids Juftices and the faids fees, the pltid by Aeforf f f dll fees ap- liy Sier Judge ^ ^ purfuefor the faL before them than T XV. houfes^^hhi any fin! rhe Scherrifdomes where there are any Geailles and Prifon- iioufeswithmany Burgh, that the fame may be kept up, andnotfufferedto decay or become ruinous. And XXIL TARLIAMEUT. XXVllI. of June, i6i, 42- y b£ afiy Shbc where there is not any Geaille or Ptifon-houfe, they iliall inform his Majefties Co "of that they may appoint and give order for building of one within the head Burgh of the Shire , ; £el thet®^ directions to be given there-anent , the Juftice lhall be holden to proceed. ;otaiiig£' XVI. MT) becaufe there be a great many of Prifoners apprehended and committed , who having no meanes A f their owne for their maintenance and entertainment , will otherwifefamifh and fterve before they e to their tryal : who not the lefle in regard of the crimes they have committed , can no wayes be can fijrety , orotherwifein faults of lefle confequence , areunable to finde fiiffident caution to be .lent of thofe poor Prifoners, providing they do not exceed the fumme of five ftiillings Scots money, rertaiiii jjot under one (hilling at the leaft; which fumme fhall be up-lifted for that ufe by the Minifter a det who fhall fetve at every Paroch , from fuch Deacons who lhall be appointed to collect the fame ; *'"'4 h faids fitms to be delivered by the Conftabk of the Paroch, at the Quattet-Seffions , in ptefence f h whole Bench then conveened, to fuch perfons as the faids Jufticesflialitruft therewith , and who ac- ° (liah tn2k.e due account in paying theGeaiiers fuch rates as lhall be allowed for the poorPri- cotdmgy jujicing the reft forth-coming for fuch ufe and intent of the like nature, as the faids Jufti- fenets, “ . B ces iliall appoint. “ xvn. LL Maeiftrats of Burghs, andkeepersofany GailesorPtifons.lhaUreceiveintotheitPrifonsallfuch A oetfons as either iliall be brought by Conftables , or fent unto them by wartands , under the hand of any "l.iftice of Peace (thefaids Juftices caufmg fatisfie for their entertainment) and if any Magiftrates , or “^vGailets, fuffet any perfons, committedbythe Jufticestotheirptifons. toefcape, they lhaU be con- dpely puniihed therefore , at the difetetion of his Majefties Councel. XVIII. IT I? M Out Sovetaigtie Lord with advice forefaid , ordains the faids Cotnmiffioners to fet a price upon Ctafts-mens work , and upon the ordinars of Penny Brydals , together with the price of Shearers fees, and topaniihdiecontraveenetsasappettaineth. XIX. THev Ml caufe fufficient fmgle and double Ale to be brewed in every Shire and flialUppoint vifi- mrsro that effect with confentofthe Baron and Over-Lord of the Ground. They lhall fet down jvasagainft notorious and common Drunkards, and i.mpofe fummes upon the conttaveeners , according to their quiities and deferts. ' XX. UR Soveraiene Lord, with advice aforefaid. dcdarethtliatthree JufticesofPeacelhaUbeafuUnum- U bet and Seffion to decide in matters occurring betwixttlie four Qjarter-Seflions. XXL A Lfo declares that no Letters of Caption ought to be granted againft the faids Juft'ces for apprehending A of Rebels , except they be found fubject to do die fame by poffeffing of fuch odiet Offices and places . to tiiewliidt the obedience and putting to execution of any fuch charges dodi belong. XXIL A ND becaufedwei3fenfibleprejudicefeenandfelttlitouglimanypattsoftlK^|ffi>me whidiisn^ KING JAMES THE S E X T zeis VtowciioiAlierdeen, limes Hammilton'Pioye& oiGlaJgow , lobn Oxburti hargi^soIiMir j~' Gemve Bruce oiCarnok , Burges of Ca/w. ’ Si[ VVliom, or nny eight of them, hisMajefty, withadvifeforefaid, ordaines to meet and conveen to at fuch time and place as they lhall think expedient , and to confult and advife togetltcr, and to apno^^”^' ’ determine upon the mofl: convenient means , how the faids meafures and weights may be reduced to tl formity aforefaid. A nd after they have ripely advifed therewith , and given forth their determination anent , they fhall deliver the fame , and whole courfe of their proceedings, to the Commiffioners and r of Peace , and to the Deanes of Guyide of the head Burghs of the Shires . who iliall be holden carefuU "j* their diligence, to fee the meafiircforefaid now appointed, to have the courfe through all partes Burgh as Landward. And that there may be one conffant conformity betwixt Burgh and Land ' O^L ^ Guyld of every Town , of the weights and meafures , and of the number thereof, which the faids Maaifi: and Deanes of Guyld in Burgh, mail be holden to flicw , declare, and give up to them , to the faidsjuffices to Landward, may confer the fame with the Standardnow authorized, and where thevfi a any difeonformity in the fame, from the faid Standard , the faids Juftices lhall inform theKiniis flies Counfel thereof , that they take order therewith as appertaineth. For it is exprefly provided T" theft prefents, that the feids Magiftrates in Burgh fliall not be permitted to have or ufe anymoe meaf within their Townes, than the number to be proieffed by them , and given up in N O T E , to the faids llices to Landwatd , as faid is. This alwayes being tefpefted, that if the faids Magillrats within Bii I finde any necellity for having any moe meafures then was given up , and ufed by them before, I T fhall be f cenced to them to make moe meafures, they being anfwerable and conform to die Standard , and maki the faids Juftices to Landward forefeen and acquainted therewith , and declaring the number of the meaf i whereof they finde the necellity of ufe. THE faids Juftices lhall be holden to give command and diredlion to their Conftablcs , to apprehend an fuch perfon who lhall be found contemptuoufly to have difobeyed die cenfures of the Church, they beina laJ fully required to doe the fame. ■' ° XXIII. ^ ^ 'HE faids Juftices of Peace, alfwell to Burgh as Land, fliallconveeneandbeprefent at the Quarter J- Selfions of the Shire, where the Burgh and Land lyes , give tlieir Oath to the Bench at their admiffon' make their record, and make paymentofthe fines intromitted with by them as Juftices of Peace of thar Shire, and to their Colledlor. erto XXIV. 'y' H E Y fhall appoint a fufficient Collerflor for uplifting the fines and penalties which they have powi J- impofs upon any offender , and are to take caution of him for making due acconipt. XXV. 'T'HEY fhall have induring the rime ofSeffions, for every day of their abode (fo it do not exceed J- the number of three dayes at the moft atone time) allowed to every one of them fourty Ihil- hngsScoK money, daily to be payed and uplifted by the Colleftor of the fines, but neither Earle, Lord, orSefiioner, ihallhavc any allowance; and all fuch Juftices as havethebe- nefitof that allowaiice , andfliallhe abfent from every ordinary Quarter-Seffions , or otherwayes when he IS required lawfully by the Cufios Rotulorum , to any particular meeting, lliall incur the penaltic of ftices^t?iere allemb°*d™°”*^ ' lawfully excufed, and the excufe ^iowed by the reft of the Ju- XXVI. of Selfion lhall direft general and fummaire charges of horning and poinding at the inftance cd theColleaot (appomtedinevery Country for ingathering of all fines and penalties whatfoever in- curredjuponafimplechargeoffifteenedayes, and no fufpenfionfliall be granted, but uponconfignationof theinS'^^aSin^'fd^'L^'d^^”'^*''*'^' for paymentofthe charges of the Juftices at XXVII. y* HE faids CoMiilfioneKatthe end of every Quarter-Seffion , fhall fend to his Majefties Counccla ‘'™°g'^somluchperfons as they have either committed, or other wife put under fiitety , with a ftort abbreviate ofthecaufe thereof: to the effedl, that thereupon the Counfel, as they fhall think expe- tSurriSdireAons*'^"’ Seffions, or to xkiQ Cups Rotulorum , in the meane while eA- XXIL T ARLIAMERT. XXVIII. of June, 1617. 42.7 A N ENT CONSTABLES. I. fUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with the advife of his Eftates , Andes and declares , that theConftables arc to be made choife of, by the Commiffionets and Juftices of Peace in their i Quarter-Seffions throughout the whole Countrey , two at leaft in every Parochin, ormoe, ac- cording to their difcretions, having confideration of the quantity tliereof. In great townes like- r ("not being Cities nor free Burghs) they are to appoint a number of Conftables proportionally to tlte efle thereof: but in ail Burghs Regal, and free Cities, the Conftables ate to be chofen by the Magi- greatn ^ j diey arc to indare , and to be changed from fix to fix Moneths. arates ^ ^ aND who lhallretufe to accept the charge, and not to give his Oath for dutiful execution thereof, lhall t,e ^ptifoned and fined at the diferetion of the Juftice of Peace , at their next fitting. 1 1 1. The Conftables llrall take the Oath following. ■ beemnmethtou VMircommandemeitt , atidjhalhio'wmmde , cover, nor conceale the jam , m, iinces which you can give far the clearing and {roving thereof. So help you God, of Juftices, « the bounds and evi. IV. A. Conftable may apprehend any fufpea man, who for the moftpart fleepeth all the day , and «afeth in the night , and carry him to die next Juftice of Peace , to finde furety for his good behaviour, ctotherwifetobedommittedtoprifon: and if he bee a man of quality, the Juftice of Peace fliall go widi tl-e Conftable , and do it. , , 1 r Conftables ftiall ftay and arreft all Vagabounds , Sturdy-beggets , and Egyptians . and carry tliem before dienextCommiffionersofPeace, who &aU take order for dieit committing, orpumlhment, according to die Statute of Parliament. V. ConftableslhaUatreftallidlepetfons. whom tiiey know to have nomeanes to live upra, and will not taketheUlvesto any labour, uade, or occupation, and ftial carry them before tte Commiffionet of Pace, wlioafterexamuiation, lhall eidier commit them, or take furety of diem for die.r appearance at die next Seffions. VI. any Coiiftabk havingapprehendedaperfonguiltyandculpableofflauchter.murtlier. theft or any otlier capital crime whatfoever , ^all then require his neighbours to affift , for fafe convoying of fuch perfons to die next Commiflioner , who lhall then examine the patty . andfet down his depofinon m writing to bee lliown at the next Seffions , and thereafter lhall fend him back to prifon. And if a Nobleman , Prelate , m SBaron Manyinthdrnames, havingpower.lhallacclaimetherightof Junfdiftionmproceedagainft advertife his Majefties Counfel , that order may be taken dietewidi . to die quality of the lault, VIII. . 1 n A Conftablelhallarreftanypctfoiiofthcdegrecofa Yeoman, ftolets-, andDagges, and lhall carry them before a .,| , j’ butif tlicpetfonbe for theirappearaL die next Seffion, orconirait themptifoners till they do the lame, butu p 4^8 KING JAMES THE SEXT of higher quality, theConllablefliallinformetheJiifticethcreof, who lhall delate the fame to his M ' n- Counfel, that order may be taken therewith. IX. I F any party of the degree of Y eomen , do complain to a Conflable , that he is threatned by any i, then fliall the Conftableapprehende the tliteatner, andcarryhim, vvith the party complainant, bel™^'’ next commillioner of peace; andifherefufetogo, then fliall they carry him to prifon. Andif hj be° f ' higherdegree, the Juftice being informed thereof, fliall informe the Counfel , and in the mean time ' the party to bind to the peace. ^cllar| X. ALL The Conflables , at the leaf! one of every Paroch , inftruftedwithcommiffion, toanfwerf reft within thefaidParoch, fhall attend at evey Quarter-Seftion , there to give information of all hi ■ demainouis as have happened in thofe bounds hnee the laft Seflion ; and otherway cs to give toth R further fatisfaiftion in atiy thing wherein they lhall be required : and to receive from the faids con' nets, at the end of the Seffion , fuch orders and directions as they fliall then injoine , and aDnoin?*! to doe. FftnntUicQ X I. UPON the appearaiKe of any Fray or ftir betwixt parties , the conftable may take the affiftance of u- neighbours, for fundring of the parties .■ and if there be any harme done to the Conftable, or anvof r affiftance , by them who made die effray , they lhall bee punilhed by the Juftices at the’ next Self they being of die quality of yeomen, and being ofan* higher quality , the Counfel! fliall be informed rl!™ ’ of, asfaidis. ™uiere. XII. W H E N any hath made ane effray , & then flees to an houfe , the Conftable may follow to the houfe if the doors be Ihut , he fhail take notice of the mailer of the houfe , and requite witnefTe thereon And the delinquent fliall flee further without the bounds of the Conflables charge , yet may the Conftable loll " and apprehend him in a frefh purfuite , and crave concurrence of the Cuntrey to that efect XIII. of Pe^ce fliallbeexecutersofdieprccepts andwarrands ofthe Juftice XIV. ' Concerning die Fees and fatiffacdon to begiven to the Conflables and Clerks for their paines- OUR Soveraigne L O R D vvith advife forefaid . ordcines the faids Juftices to give up pardcular N OTESb, Auditors of his Majefties Checker , of the fines inbrought to them , that out thereof fuch meafure and fitiffaction maybe appointed and given to the faids Cl^ks and Conflables, asmay recompeiKelck travels, wherein ifitfhidl be found that the faids fines will not be fuffiem^^ the faids LorSi7Hvhnf& Checker, fhall appmnt fuch mrther fatisfaiftion to diem, asintlieirdifcretion they fliall think their hbouts and diligence doth deferve , and caufe them be payed of the lame ^ “ fame ^ O tlus above-written All, and all the particulars forefaids contained in the fame ; O U R Soveraigne LORD, with the advife and conlent of the faids Eftater fla me and'arant ’ J Commilfioners and Juftices’ ofpeac“’ and grant of Jurifdicftion and priviledges to them , nor the making or approbation’^ of the natticuki^ Articles above-written , introduced in their favours , nor any thing dierL comined IhTbe as faid is ; OUR Soveraigne LORD wirli aA T f ^ r ^ having right or liberty of jurifdiiflion, arife betwixt them thereanem , DeclL? ’ that it lhaU not he 'ill M queftion , which may make any citation ofparty before their Court rillrhee^ ° f i!^c ’ to the faids Juftices, to tingofthelafl, forwliic[itSrtterTr^^ afterthecommit- any having power and iurifdiftion asfaidis Inrl ^tthecmpleatouc-runningofwhichfpace, if libertyofti,eirrightaiidpower,itfhalltL’belawfuhol'?a1d“^^^^^^^^ top liberty of their rightaiid power, itlhairSbelaZlorL'DA'fA^ "^ and XXII PARLIAMENT. XXFIU. ofjmte, 1617. 419 rovo . in all points in manner as the fame proports , and gives unto them the ftrength and force *f^/^santlC)rdinanccs of Parliament, and ordains execution to pafs upon the fame asefFeires. ACT IX. <_Aiient teiudmg of Cm-nes. nR-fomuclt as by divers andfundryActsofParliamentmadeofbefore, anent the order and manner cf 17 ■„£n'’ of Corns , andfpecially by the eight Act of his Majefties xviij. Parliament, holden K. 'Perth, * iihitlt of July , 1 606. and fenfme by the fifth Act of the xxj. Parliament , holden at Edinhnrgh, uixm of October, I6I^. tliemannerandformeofteinding, andthetimeandfpaceappointcd.torrccjui- robe made for the fame , is at length fet down: inthewhich Actsisftatuteand ordeined , That all n'-'®'’ jijjii he teinded at three feveral times in the yeet , if the owners thereof thinks expedient ; to wit , the t" field Corn at one time , the Beer at another time, and the out-lield Corn at the third time, as the faids '''itonort ; Neverthelefle, OUR SOVERAIGNE LO RD.forthe greater well andeafeof his M hies Liegos . finding it requifire, that the former Acts be altered in the points following , for fetling of ^far and certain order, to be hereafter olrfeived , inallteindingofCornes, Hath with advife andcoiiient ^neEftates of Parliament, ftatute, andordeined. That it lliall be lawful to all heritors and lahourets of 4 'round, eight dayes being expiredafterthecompleatlheating of every one of the diree forts of Comes I ve written, to require the owner of the teind , at his dwelling place, within the Parochin ; andincafeot r not dwelling therein for thetime.his Factor and fervant, orotherperfon (who is ordained to be confti- and fpecially defigned by him in manner after-mentioned) upon the ptemonition ot four dayes to come ™ d make thankful teinding of the faids Corns : who foiling to do the fame, and neither the owner ol the teind, his fell' petfon appointed, to be defigned by him, as is under-written, comming and making the f Irhankfulteindmg, beingfo lawfully required: ' O UK. SOVERAIGNE LORD with advife and confent of the faids Eftates, declares , That it lliall 1 lawful to the faids Heritors and labourers of the ground, to feparate die ftock from the teind, and to lead “,„rrv their flock away, and eithertoftackthefomewithin their Barn-yards , or to place the fame in Tir barns leaving the teind upon the ground , which they, lhall be holden to pteferve and keep im-delltoyed 1 pUn bv’beafts . for die fpace of eight dayes after the expiring of the time of the aid requifition : Which rornesbeingfoledand ftacked, or placed in barnes, and the teind being left on the ground, and preferved filis OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and confent fotefaid, declares. It lhall be Mcient to liberate them ofall danger offpuilzic, or wrongous incromiffion , whidimaybe moved againit W therefore , in any time to come : And for mote clear explanation of the premises ftatiues and ordaines hemvner of the faids teinds, if he have not his dwelling within the fatd Parochin (whofe dwelling there would reauirepremonitiontobemadetohimfelfeathisdwelhngplace , asfaidis) ^ /> iiu j ■ u- 1 TOdefiiinea fpecial fervant and laftor for him . to whomthe fold premonition ftiall be made m his ab- fen'e who Lil have his remaining either in fomecertaine houfe , whhin the Parochin, onn the next moa ^"etandadjacentclachan, whofe name and particular place of refi^dence thefa.dovvnerofthetemds (laa 1 c ufepWlymdmatintheParilhKitk, eichcruponthelallSundayo July.otthefiraSunday of Augull veatir foprJfenceotrhe Minifterof the ParofhinandPatofhiners, that no ignorance may be pretended Sf- wLchfoaorfodefigncd, fliall be warned either perfonal y, if he can be apprehended . orbymti- mation to be made to the Mirafter of the Parifli , and at the forefaid place to be defigned for the Whichteqoifitionfomade, OUR Soveraigne L O R D wi* advroeJoreM^^^^^ from the teind ftanding unfhorne and lawfull excufe to the Temd-maftcr . Bine when the fame are ready. N n n act king JAMES THE SENT 430 A C T X. Aucut the Toor. FO R A S M U C H as there hath been clivers worthy Laws and Statutes made by His Majefly , | - Hi-Thnefs Prcdcceirors, for tearaining of idle and mafterful Beggers : and that notwithftanding diereof die numlacr of the faids Beggers hath daily increafed , mote and more ; and His Majefty, and Eftates , confi’ derincr, that the caiife of the multiplying of the faids Beggers, hath, anddodi, proceed from this ground' That no order hath been taken in by-gone time, with the poor Children and Orphans, born of poor and in’ digent Parents, who being tollerated orneglefted, at their firft entry to begging, dothcontraftfuch acu' flmiie and habite, that hardly they can be drawn thereafter to any other calling ; whereas if the faids Children were in their tender years put to work , and imployed. and trained up in any commendable labour, they mialu thereafter not onely relieve the country of their charges, butalfo prove profitableto theCommon-vvealtli- which might be cafily performed , if the faids poor Children were taken olTthe hands of their Parents’ by feme ofhis Majefties well-affected fubjects in particular, or by any of the incorporations and Burghs with! in this his Majefties Kingdom in common, and imployed in fome calling or vocation , that might tend to the good of the Realmc : T H E R E F O R E , His Majefty, with advice and confent of the Eftates, doth in moftearneft manner, recommend to all his Highnefs loving Subjects, requeftingthem, as they tender the good and honour of the Realme, to receive within their houfes and family, and to take upon their cate, intertainment , andeducation, fome of the faids poor and indigent children , oneormoc, every perfonac! cording to his power and faculty; LIKEAS his Majefty withadvice forefaid for the further fecutityof his Highnefs Subjects, finds and declares, thatitlhallbeclawfultohisHighnefsSubjects, totake thefaids poor Children in their potver, houfes, and family, to be educate, and brought up by them , either in theit houfes, or to be put by them to fuch Crafts, callings, and vocations , either within the Country or without the fame, astheypleafe; which children fo received, fliall be oblieged and bound , asfervants, tothere. ceivers , in manner , and during the time after fpccificd; I T is alwayes declared , tliat the condition of the faids children , which lhall be fo received by his Majefties Leiges , and the manner of their delivery to them, lhall be as followeth : That is to fay, THAT they be fuch who lltall be found and try ed to be poor and indf gent , and to have no meanes for their entertainment , and that by the declaration of the Provell and Bailies, and by the Selfion of the Kirk, within Burgh, or by cither of them ; and the Selfions of the Kirks in Land, ward, where the faids poor children remaines, orarefoundto beforthetime; and ifthe faids poor chiliea be within the age of fourteen years, theyihall be delivered to his Highncfic Subjeffs, by the Magiftrates within Burgh , or by the Sefiion of the Kirk and Parochin where they remaine , with confent of their parents, if they have any known within the Parocliin for the time ; oiherwife they fliall be delivered by the faids Magi¬ ftrates & Seffion of the Kirk alone'ot either of them,as faid is. And if they be paft the age of fourteen years, that theit own confent lliall be taken thereto , by the advice of the faids Magiftrates and Selfion of Kirk , or either of them, as faid is, who at the delivery ofthe faids poor children, to nis Highnefle Subjefts , lhall give a tcftinionial, undertheir, or their Clerks hand writs , ofthe Eftate, quality, and condition forefaid, of the faidc poor children , and of theit delivery to their Maftets : Which teftimonial of the faids Provefts, Bailies, and Sellion of the Kirks , bearing the faid tryal and delivery , his Highnelle with advice and confent of tha E- Hates forefaids , Andes and declares, fliall be a fulficient warrand to the receivers , for brooking the benefit of this prefent Statute : And to the effeft his Highncfie Subjefls may be moved hereto, by the expeftation of die ' commodity and advantage which they may reap by the labours and fervice of the faids poor children ; His Majefty with advice of the faids Eftates , ftatutes and ordaincs , that the faids poor children , received by any of liis Highnelle Subjefls , upon the teftimonial of Proveft, Bailies, or Seffion of Kirks , in manner above-fpe- cified, lhall be bound and afttiifted to their faids Maftets, their heirs and alfignayes , in all kind of fervice, which lhall be injoy ned to them, until they pafte the age of thirty years compleat, and that they fliall be under difcipline to theit faids Mafters, and theit forefaids, and fubjeff to their corrections and chaftifemeiits , accor¬ ding to the merits of their ofleiKCs , in all manner and fort of puniflimcnt, the life and torture excepted. Like- as it is declared ,that whatfoever the faids fervants gaines , or wins , by their travels, during the faid fpace , fliall appertain properly to their faids Maftets and their forefaids : And if it lhall happen the faids fervants to abfent tliemfelves from their faids Mafters fervice, without their licence , then & in that cafe they fliall be oblieged W refound to their faids Mafters the whole danmage and intteffe fuftained by them , tlirough their abfence.upoii the declaration of the faids Mafters , without any further probation , by and attour the bodily punilhnient to be laid upon them at their returning , by the djfcretion of their faids Mafters : And if it iliallliappen them to be received by any other perfons , the faids teceipters fliall be oblieged to reftore them again to their faids Ma¬ tters, within twelve houres after tjiey be required to that effect, perloiially, or at their ^veiling places , in pte- fence of a Notar, and two witnefles,and if they failzie, they fliall pay after every requifition, ten fliillings daily, ay and till they be reftored, and that without prejudice to the faids Mafters , to call and purfue for delivery of their faids fervants , before the ordinary Judge, as accords of the law , and for the damnage and skaith fuftained by them, tlirough the want of tlieir faids fervants, during the fpace of their ableiice, after'’ :he faid requifition. act i XXIJ. T ARLI AMENT. XXVIII. of June, 1617. 43’ ACT XI. Auent the ^eetn CMqjeftie her Qounjel. IR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, ratifies & appfor es i e Letter of Nomination made by his HighnefledearcftSpoufe, ANNA, by the Grace of GOD, ( nretA Britain , Frame, milrelmtd: ofApril, laftby-paft: whereby Queen og confent , hath nominated , and appointed . Sit GEORGE HAY, of hctwy’ Sir WILLIAM O LI PH ANT oi Newton Knight, OUR So- • pj Advocate; Sir ALEXANDER DRUMMOND oOffLorf ^ underftanding that a great number of ignorant people, thetinie certain tonSstobette^^^^^^ TgtilreofTotS^^ of kin .• wiiereas bv the contfarv ’ rhp fvTnffi behoof of their children, or odier perfons who are neareft carry with it the whoL profit and^commodT^ri”^ ‘"“tpt«ation now obferved , doth whic^ihisXfty bi Teftanient : vilion XXII. ‘PARLIAMENT. XXVIII of June, 1617. 4i3 . (-.ryedby the Laws of this Realm : referviitgonely to the faids Executors the third of the defunfts being fitft payed and deduced, without prejudice alwayes to the faids Executors of whatfoever P®''’ ^ left to them by the faids defunfts; whichfliallno wayes be prejudged by rids prefent Aft: butthe Legacies rg Laids Legacies, albeit die fame exceed the faid third of the defunfts faids Exe Legacies exceed the whole third part , the faids Executors iliall have right to the PfL,™ de,aadno part oithe third ; WITH this expreffe declaration. That where Legacies are left to yihole ,'they ihall not fall both the faids Legacies and a third by this ptefent Aft , but the faids Legacies and allowed to them in part of payment of their third. ACT XV. Orient the Efcheat of Lfe-rentTacks. HR COVER AIGNE LORD having confidercd that there hath been divers queftions tnoved Ok Le the Lords of his Majefties Councel and Seffion , touching the Efcheat of Life-rent-tacks of lands , “ fallen bv the rebellion of the perfons to whom the fame appertamed ; and that it hath not been T dcAded wliethct a Life-rent tack (liould fall under the gift of a fimple Efcheat , or not : For the bet- rleatlydeciaeu, V* _ ..rxiT)} « o V rr u A 1 ON E - - - - ' c.i _ T 1 rf^prided, whetneraLiie-rent:tacK.Juuuiuiaiiuiiuci r , AA — *tCnEwhereofinalltimecomming,OUR S O V ERAIGNE LORD wnh advice of the Eftates ‘fi frdent Parliament, declares, ftatutes, and ordains, that Lile-rent tacks of lands ortemds, Ihall S uXafimplegiftofefcheat, but under the gift ofa Life-rent efcheat only : And further , In cafe k feoflauds otteinds, contain moe life-rents nor one ; and that the perfon to whom the faid tack in life-rent , be Rebel attourthefpace of year and day, wherethrough he lofeshis life-rent of the appertamc h remanent Liie-renters containedm thefaid tack nor die be.res or faid tack. I ‘ { ^,ho have right to the faidtack, afterthe faid Rebels deceafe , ihall notbepre- “'!®"^r'iSufe-renters RebeUiL; fo that after his deceafe, the faid perfon having right to the faids ihaUbSokand injoy thefame, notwithftanding the faids Life-renters rebehion attour the fpaceof wdiichieLnfltaliprejudgehimfc^^^ ^"d-’°°*cr perfon fucceedingto himm the right ofthe faid tack. ACT XVI. fluent the regiftration ofRevsrJims , Seajings fluent meregijiru^.m,.j — . ....._, , and others Writs. SpVMMGNE LORD Jthe fraudulent dealing ototi , -rp .^^y-fKiobt formerly made by them, render the fubfequent iicrcfore. Yetbythehmjuftconcealmg£omepnvatR.|h^^^^^^ lienation done for great fums ^ j? Hiahnes Lieges; For remedy theteof,& of many inconvenien- .rivate Rights be made patent to Ins confent of the Eftates of Parliament ,fta- :es which may enfue thereupon ; HIS M J k p„ifter in the which all Reverfions , Regrefles , Bands, utesandordeins, Thatthetellia affienations tliereto , difeharges of the fame^ Renunciations ind writs for making of Rev-erfions “ , 00:0 |i[ juftruments of Seafmg Ihall be Regiftrat within three- jfWadfets, and grants of Redempti ’ . , thatitlhaUnotbe neceflarto Regiftrate any toredayesaltertliedateofthefame. I unleffe the Seafingpafle in favours of the parties, make no laith in Judgement by way o . ^But prejudice alwayes to them to ufethe faids perrectandlawMRighttothefaidsLandsandHeritages ayes declared, rhat this pre- Writsagainftthc pattie maker thereof , rj and Reverfions therein conteined, given by fentAcffoaUnowVbeextendedtoinftru^^^^^^^^^^^ and Freedomes. halde ProyeftandBailicsofkeeBurghsRoy^.^0^^^^ 434 KING JAMES THE S E X T prefcnt , and to conic , have the faid Office as ane proper part and pertinent of the Clerk of Regifter his off make and conftittite particular deputes, anc or moe for all the dayes of their life-times , or othenvife as he think expedient, of good fame, literature, and converfation, for whom he Ihall be anfwerable , and who'lh || i refident within the towns and places aftet-fpecified , at all times to receive fra the parties their Evidents ^ a to Regiftrat the fame within the fpacc of fourde eight hours next after the receipt thereof, and to iiwroff i whole body of the writ in the Regiftcr under the pain of deprivation of the Clerk of his place and fervice ^ of the office of Notaric in all time thereafter. And within the fame fpace Ihall deliver to the prefenters famine, tlieir Evidents marked by him, with the day, moneth, andyeatof theRegillration, andin\,|* leafeof the book the fame is Regillrate ; and Ihall take allannerly for his paines twenty fix Hiillings eight ' ■ nies money of this Realme, astheprice ofilkleafeofhisRegifter, containing no lelle then is in this nref™ Aft : anefin cafe the leafe contain lelle to take lefTe accordingly , and fo proportionally for every page of T' leafe , afld part of the page , and according thereto Ihall take ibr Regiftting of every ancrof the faids Evidc' And the faidsRegifters to bee filled up by the faids Deputes, to be markciiby the Clerk of the Rcgilfcr his Deputes to be appointed ^ him to that effeft, with ane note of the particular number of the leaves thatti fame Ihall edntaine : & the fai®Regifters after the filling up of the fame to be reported to the faid Clerk of R*' gifter, to remain witli him and his Deputes, and bee patent to all O U R Soveraigne^ORDS Liege*^ and extrafts thereof to be given by him and his Deputes to be appointed by him , during all the dayes of the’ life-time’, or otherwayes as he Ihall think expedien t for that effeft , to all Ihall have adoe with tlie fame whi l' lliall make as great faith, as the principals , except incafe oi improbation. And the faids Regifters for the ere ' tereafeofthoEieges, to be eftablilhed in the particular places following : Thatistofay, Aneinthemr^ oiKirk-j^ialm Orknay, for the whole lands lyand within the bounds ofthe Sherifdomes oiOrhiay andZrt land ; and ane in the Burgh oilnmrnes , for the whole lands lyand within the Sherifdomes of Itmernes and Cromnrtie ; ArieintlieBurghof£i^fr;e for the whole lands lyand within the bounds of the Shetifdome of Forres and Nairn ; Ane in the Burgh of Aberdeemlot the whole lands lyand within the bounds ofthe Shcrif- diomti o{ i^berdeene , Bamfe , linAKiucardm-. AneintheBurghof2)?W/(?, for the whole lands lyand within the bounds of the Sherifdome oi Forfar ■. Ane in the Burgh oiPerth , for the whole lands lyand with. intheSherifdome of Perth and Stewardryofi'rrat/tcrw: (exceptand the Stewardrie of ) Aiieiji the Burgh of Srcn&^, for the whole lands lyand within the bounds of the Sherifdomes of Sterling, Cft/w mannan, and Stewardry ofMwtffr/r : Anc intheBuighofCctn/>« inii'^, forthewhole landsLyand within the boundes of the Shirrefdomes of Fije and Kinrojbire ■. Ane in the Burgh of Edin- burgh, for the whole lands lyand within the boundes of the Sherifdomes of principal , Coii- ftabulatieof/ife(f;'«^f«a« , Linlithgow , wABathket: Ane in the Burgh oiLawder, for the whole lands lyand within the Sherifdome of Berwick, and Bailirie of Lawderdak : Ane in the Town oiSelkirk , for the wliole lands lyand within the Sherifdomes! of Roxburh , Selkirk and Peebles : Ane in the Town oiHanunilmn for the whole lands lyand within the Sherifdome of Lancrk ■■ (exceptand the Burgh and Barronie oiGlnfmA) Kne'inihoC'iiy oiGlaJgo-w , for the whole lands lyand within the boundsof the Shetifdome oi Reitfiew, andBatonieofe//r^«-ai.’: Ane in the Burgh of Bt/aWtor for the whole lands lyaitd within the boundsof thcShetiffdomesofDKa^WrrOT, Bute, Argyle , Arrane , mATarbet-. AneinthcBurghof/41>, fortlie whole lands lyand within the bounds of the Sherifdome oiAtr, Bailicrie of Kyle , Carrick%nA Cunhgbamt Ane in the Burgh of for the whole lands lyand within the bounds ofthe Sheriffd’ome of llhgtmv. Ane in the Burgh oiT)rumfi-eis,ioi the whole lands lyand within the bounds of the Sherifdome oi'Ernwfeis, Stewardiies of Kirkcudbright and Aimandak ; Or any other place or places more convenient , as tlic Clerk ol Regifter lliall think mod expedient , due intimation being made to the Lieges ofthe fame. And the faids Evidents to be Regillrate in the particular Books appointed for the lands within the bounds of ilk Shetifdome, Stewardrie, and Bailierie , as faid is, ot in the option of the party in the Books ofRegifter or Selfion keened by the faid Clerk Regifter himfelfor his Deputes to be appointed by him, during all the dayes of their life¬ time, or otherwayes as he Ihall think expedient to that effeft, Edinburgh. And OUR faid SOVE- RAIGNE LORD with advice and confent ofthe Eftates decerns, and declares, this ptefent Aft to have the force, ftrength and efTeft of ane Decreet and Statute ol Parliament , which lliall have force and exe¬ cution , according to the tennour thereof in all time to come. Ordaining publication to be made of the Ciiiie in forme as effeires. ACT XVII. Anent the loofing of Arrepments. OUR SOVERAIG N E LORD confidering the great abufe and corruption ufed in finding ofcau- tion to jiiefiengers for loofing of Arreflments in times bygone , whereby his Highncfie Lieges have been heavily prejudged , the receiving of the faid caution being committed to whatfoever Meffienger oi Amies the party pleafeth to chuie, who at the defire ofthe party , iorthemoft part, receiveth irrefponlal cautioners: and thereafter , when caution is found, there is no warning thereof given to the party arrefter ; but only ticket, under the Meflengersftamp and fublcription, bearing him to have Jooled the Arreftnient , and to have received fucli a perfon cautioner : which ticket is not fuffident ofthe Law to furnilh aftion againft dw ^ XXII.T ARLI AMENT. XXVni. of Jnne, i6ij 435. withoutvroauaionoftlieprincipalBandsgiventoriicfaidMencnget, receiver ofthccau- ..which Band, if any were takea, remamesinthehandsoftheMeflenget, andfseithcr lolled by nesli- cc or abfented by malice , whereby the party is altogether prejudged oi his aftion , which he had aaahift 6 Cautioner, who was tound for tooling of the Arreflment ; For remedy whereof, OUR Soveratonc i'oRD with advice and confentoftheEftates of Parliament, ftatutesand ordains, that allBilsand Sup- i vations for loofing of arreftments , which fcall be paft and delivered by the Lords of Councel in time coni- P . jjjal! be paft upon caution ta be found in their Books , and ordaines the Clerk of the Bils to receive the r!d caution before the giving out of the fame, for raifing of Letters thereupon; and if any arreftments be Aetwife hoofed, die fame to be null. andinefFeflual. ACT XVIII. Anent the keefing of Forrejfs. /^UB. SOVERAIGNE LORD confidermgthattheForreftswithinthisRealme.inthewhichDeer Oarekept, are ^together wafted and decayed, by Shicllings , paftouring oi Horfes , Mares, Cartel, Oxen and other Beftial , cutting of Woods within the bounds of the faids Forrefts , lliooting and flaying of neer ’Venifon , andwiideFowles', withHagbuts, and with Dogs in forbidden time. And albeit tliere ladi been divers and fundry loveable Afts , Lawes , and Statutes made for puniihing the tranfgrefldurs of the fam-Aas, yet die fame have not been put to due execution in time bygone. In iclpeftthe keepers of the faids Forrefts, under his Majefty, and oriiers having right thereto, by vertue olthcic Infeftments had no nowernorjurifdiftiontopuniflithefaidstranfgtefioufs. Therefore OUR Soveraigne L O R D , with ad¬ vice ofdie of tills Parliament , wils and ordains in all time comming, that the keepers of the faids For- fts and others, having right by their Infeftments, asfaidis, fhall have full power , priviledge, and ju- rfdiftion, to call, conyeeoe and putfue before them, whatfoevet perfon or perfons, that fliaU be found hereafter to tranfgrefle the faids Ads and Statutes, fit, and hold Courts thcreanent, and to put them to the trval of an iiiqueift : And being found guilty , to put the faids Ads to full execution in their contrair , after ^ forme and tennout thereof in all points ; to wit , the flayers and fliooters of Deer , Rae , and Wilde- F owls, being Landed- men, under the pain of five hundreth marks, and every unlanded-man , being refponfible , under the paineofonehundreth marks, and ifhe be not refponfible, underdie pain ofwardingand piintlh- ment of his perfon, conforme to the former Afts made thcreanentsand the owners and in-putters of the goods aadBeftial, within the faids Forrefts, and cutters of Wood, under the paines contained in die former Afts made theteanent , and conforme to die provifion of the fame Afts. ACT XIX. Amit ‘Doiicats. O' URSPVERAIGNELORD with advice and confent of the Eftates of riiis prefent Parliament, coiifidering the great ineoiiveiiients fuftained by the Lieges of this Realm , thro ugh the fiequent building ofDoucats, by all manner of perfons, id all die parts dmeof, ftamtes, declares, and ordaines, that here¬ after no perfon nor perfons, lliall have power, libertie, nor priviledge , to build a Doucat upon any Lands Witliinthis Realme, neithenvithin Burgh , nor in the Countrey, except that perfon, builderof the Dou- cate, have lands and teinds pertaining to him, extending in yearly Rent to ten ChaldersViftual, next ad¬ jacent to the faidDoucate, at the leaft lying widiiiuwo miles to the fame ; And als declares, that it fliall nowife be lawful to the perfon forefaid , wotdi in yearly rent die fotefaids ten Chaldets Viftual , to build moc Doucates upon , and within the bounds forefaids , except one Doucat oncly . ACT XX. Aaent the funijhment of Urmikards. TT Is ftatute and ordained by OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and confent of the E- 1 ftates of Parliament . for the refttaint of the vile and deteftable Vice of Drunkennefte daily incrwfing , to thehighdiihonotir of GOD, and great Imme of the whole Realme, That all perfons, lawfully convict ofDrunkenneffe, or of haunting of Taverns and Ale-houfes, after ten hours at mghc, or anytime oi the day, exceptintimeof travel, or for ordinary refrciliments; ihallforthefitftfauk paydireepounds orm- cafeoOnability, orreliifal, to beput in Jogeesor Jaylefordiefpace of fix lioures: tor the fecond fault o payfivepouni , oriiicafe of inability or leFufal , tobekept in Stocks or Jayle, for the fpace of ^che Wes: andfordietliirdfauktopayteti pounds, or incafe forefaid, to be kept m Stocks or Jay le for t e fpaceoftwentyfottrehoures: anitfierealtet. iftheytranfgreire. tobecomm.tted to ^ * cy ™ caution for their good behaviour in time comming. And for better execution of thefepre n ’ P ' authority, and aimmiffion is given, granted, and committed to all Shcrifs , Stewards, Ptovelto , a d Bailies.WeLfPeace, anlKirkskous. witliin every Parilh, tocall, conveen and try the foreMs 43 6 KING JAMES THE. SENT petfoiis, unlavves to uplift , adf ios , ^neceffariosufus , in every Parilli to apply , and all and fund tilings to do and exerce , which neccflarily is required for execution of thefe prefents. ACT XXL Anent difeharging of Canines, o\ JURSOVERA{GNELORD, and Eftates , underftanding and confiderine the nr andskaith, which his Majefties Lieges have fuftained thefe many years by-gone, by the Q r Clans witliinthe Highlands and Ifles of this Kingdonie , by the unlawful taking from them tl ” p drenand Executors, after their deceafe, under the name of Cmilfes , of their beft aught wh rf"^ Oxe, Meat, Hotfe, or Cow, allcdgeing their PredeccHbrs to have been in poflellion thereof ' raining anddefending of them againft their enemies and evil- willers of old : Andnotonlyoneo'f Chiefes of Clans, will be content to uplift Ills Caulpc, butalfo three orfour moe, every one of tl allcadge better right then other : And every one of them after aiie other , will upt4e the fanf™ foureorfive fevcralCar.'^ej- will be taken from one petfon, howbeit never ane of the Yaids Clans h^' thereto , or to the lands which the perfons occupies , wherefra the Caulfcs arc uplifted ■ An!lr r ' vere are they, that every ane of them after aneother, will pull their Horfes and Oxen out of their PI and Harrows . in the very time of their greateft bufinefle and labours : fo that many of Iris Maiefti °c jeefs wliich of old were inrichedwith fufficient ftore of goods and Beftial , and thereby made hirpr^i nes, and others having tight , thankful payment oftheirmails, caines, anddueties, indebted bv rC yearly to his Majeftic , and others having tight , are now , by the extortion of the faids Chief r Clans and others claiming right to the faids Caulpes, and by unlawful raifing and uplifting thereof I come depauperate , and unable to pay his Majelly , and others having good right , their iufl: H ^ And feeing tlKtewasan Aft made heretofore, in favours of the inhabitants of Galloway bvliTsw"?' neffePredecel^ur, King JAMES thefourth, of worthy memory , in his fecond Parliament and eS'" teenth Aft or Chapter thereof : Difeharging the faids Caulpes , and uptaking thereof in all time ™ in'"tfic'MlTAi're''"' I^ittay againft S Therefore OUR M SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advife of the Eftates of this prefent Par liament, Statutes and Ordaines , that in no timecomming none of his Highnes Lieges prefume nortalr S' forefaid” of this Kiiigdome inder the ACT XXII. lyinent the inbringing of Trotocolles, O' ) L,lv° ^ P ^ ^ ^ 4 i" ^ ^ ? underllanding that tliat part of the Aft of Parliament , made J xlv. Intituled , men, who, audhow , Notars Jhould he admitted, WherebyitwasStatute andOrdained, that all Protocol-Books dflwie^n the deceafe of the Notar, brought in to Edinbnrtjt, and nnr V p of Regifter otane of his Deputesappointed byhimforthatefTeft, hathnotbecn SamSe fo f •’'* Majefties Lieges have fuftained great hurt and foXol-riie Vifd. P "r " tlie Protocols arevitiate anddeftroyed, by ryving out of the leaves Slime wntingof falfe inftruments upon the blank paper containedin Ire fllfifiL Tv I re S S P»P« - 'Vhereupon inftruments viTes Shadf beeTd mfttuments, contained in the faids Protocols and many other- ill^If ’the exerurS firTT A ^ ^ ^nd Seflion ; and that thi delay- to-be vSbvrSciei of upon ane ordinance contained therein , ol fatisfaftion t“rs to«L((idPrSSr “dierelift, children, or executors of thefaids No- Indin! He ll^f- Clerk of Regifter or his Deputes, would be drawn to very great and mtoUerable charges, m regard ofthe great number ofthe faids Books. fd j-rr 1*^®’ ™ for remedy thereof, OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advife forc- m: chiSiScTtoI Noif “ be given to the re- any ndn^hemaftef Ll aTi °^bJotars that lhall happen to deceafi at tieliver the fame to the Clerk nf R ofthe f^tar, inbring the faids Protocols to %dmbtirgh, and T thI Paine of ° ‘’y f°^ tbateffeft. un¬ tile pamc of ane hundteth pounds to be incurred by them . wdio lhall happen to be found to con- I XXII. T ARLI AMENT. XXVIII. of June, 1617 43 7 and tliereaftet the faids Notars Books to be retained and keept by the faid Clerk of Reaifter, Depute, to be appointed by him to that effed. At the deliverie and inbtinging of which Of ciles , n the fame fliali bee inbrought by the faid tcUa or children , his Highnes with advice Otdaines the Clerk of Regifter , or his Depute forefaid , to make a note of the names of the faid re- children of thedefunft Notars, cotheeffedt, thatwhenfoever any party fliall purfue for traiifumpC f inftniment forth of the fame , he fhall be aftrifted hereby to fummond by the patty having “ ’^lie relift and children of the defunft Notar , to the efFeft that the faids relict and children e'faiffied by the party , craving the ttanfumpt of the faid inftrument, at the modification of the SsofCouncel and Seffion. And his Highnes with advice forefaid , declares , that this Aft flrall I e extended to the ia-bringmg of the protocolles of theCferks of any free Burgh Royal within this e deceafed already , or that fhall happen to deceafe hereafter : but the relict and children of the ?^4'"cietks of free Burghs , fhall be halden to deliver the faids Protocolles to the Proveft aud Bailiies fl faids free Burghs , to temaine in rhe Regifter of the faids free Burghs, and to be made forth- to att parties , having intreile , whenfoever they fhall crave any inftrument to bee tranfomed of the fame at any time hereafter. act xxiii. Aft Salvo jure cujufibet. FOr-afmuch as in this prefent Seffion of Parliament , there are Ratifications paft, wherein divers and new claufes are infert , which may be prejudicial to particular patties Rights , and derogative to „ Lawes lawfully made and eftablillied of before'; albeit the meaning of his Highnes, be at this time, ® jt was ever in all pteceeding Parliaments; That by no patticuiat Aft, any othet patty mould be temedi^'theteof , It is Statute and ordained, that no Ratification part in this pteftnt Seffion of Parliament , fhall be prejudicial to any privat patties Rights : but that the faids Ratifications be alf- wayes uiie'tfctiod, whetlter they be general or fpecial. to be SaUo jure cujufibet. FINIS. ane table Of the particular acts and others not Imprinted, pad in the XXII. Pailiaraentjl holden at Edinburgh, die z8. day of June, id 17. 1 A Cmmijfm for heritahk Offices. _ ^ XA Cmmifm for keepng of Juftice Courts. 3 kMB anent the Clangregour. A Aakfavoursofthe y AB for a new affigtmtim to the Caftk «/Edinburgh, out of ha tMajepes prof true. 6 Annexation of Fearne to the Bijhopkk o/Rofle. ■ , m 1.1 7 Annexation o/Coifreguale and Monimusk to the Bijhopick e/Dumblane. 8 Annexation o/Icolmekil and Archattan to the Biffiofruk of the lies. 9 anent the Chapter of the Bijhop of the lies. iQ AB autut the ereBien of the Kirk of r II Vnion ffithe Kirks o/Ki!bride and Renfrew , to the Ctlkdge of Glafgow. ij. AB for changing of the Kirk ^Strathgedi. 13 AB far changing the Kirk oflsmAct. 14 A Commijfmn anent harking of Hides. 15 Ratijicatmt in. favours of the Tktke of Lennox. O 0 o t6 Raft- 458 KING JAMES THE S E X T 1 6 Ratificatim in favours of the Earle ^Dunfetmling, Eord Chancelhur. 1 7 Ratificatim to the Earle of Argyle. To the Earle ^ Errol. 19 To the Earle ^Hume. 2.0 ProteJlatioH made by the Lord Rofle. a I A£l in favours ^Robert Maxwel. a a Proteftation made by divers per fins anent the faid o/4Kf, 23 AH in favours of the Lord Sanqhuare. 24 Two Ratifications in favours of the Lord Birwing. ay Ratification to the L^d Blantire. 0.6 To Sir Gideon Murray of divers his infeoftments. 27 To Sir Gideon Murray, William Walter Murrayes ^ms Hamilton Ptoveft oiGlafgow , John Oishurne Burges of Par- _ _ - _ - _ . _ va---./- - XTiTd liiGeorgeBrmellCaniok^^^ Burges oiCulros ; Whom or any eight of them . His Majeftie widi advice forefaid , Ordained to meet and conveine together , at fuch tyme and place as they ihould think expedient And to confuit and advife together, and to appoint and determine upon the moft convenwnt meanes how the faids Meafures and Weights might be reduced to the coiiformitie forefaid. Asm the laid laiteAftofParliamentatmorelengthiscoMainecl. , , d 1 cet/ / Which whole Commiffioners forefaids , having mett and conveened witnm the Burgh of upon thetwentieanedayof Jamiat laftby-paft, and dtemoftpartof them upondivers and iundrie others dayes thereafterinthefaidMonethofJanuarandFebruar inftant. And having read and confidcrcd the “relaid Aftof Parliament, anent the faids Meafures and Weights, andfindingthatltisOrdained that there lha be oiilie Anejuft Meafure and Weight , tltrough all the parts of this Realme which fltall umverfallie fer\ e all his Majefties Lieges (by the which and no other) they ihall buy and fell , m all tyme comming. And that it is declared by the faid Aft that the forefaid Meafure and F irlot of Lmlithgmi , which is now commonlie ufed tlieconforniitieoftliefaidMeafureofZ,i«//f%111, coMeinitig Sexteine Troys Pounds , in the Stone, and Sextcinc Troys iJnces in the Pound , and I kflet Weights and Meafutes to be made ill proportion conforme thereto : (And that Weight called of ' Wrhe Troll? weight to be allutterlic aboiilhed and difeharged , and never hereafter to be Vcccaved nor f T) And in tefpeit that the keeping and out-giving ot the-WcightsofoidtodieBurrowes, andothetshis ifllies Lieges within this Kingaome ; was committed to the Burgh of Lamrk : Therefore the faids Com- ■ffonets have committed the keeping and out-giving of die faid French Troys Stone Weight . now cftablilli- to the fotefaid Burgh of Latierk and their Succellors , to be given out by them and their faids Succellots ' the Buitowes and others his Majefties Lieges , betwixt the date hereof and the Firft day of Maij next-to- andinalltymecoraming. A N D Ly kewayes Statutes and Ordeiiis , that there be double Standards of the forefaids Firlots and Mea- f and Jedges thereof, and of the forefaids Weights , Twoofeverieoneofthemtoremainein theRe- "■fter within ttie Caftel of Edinburgh , and other two within the Cartel oiDunhritave , therein to reraaine a w'arrand for the Meafures aUatineriie. And the other in the Townes to whom t'l ley have been committed old as faid is , to be direft footdi to the whole Lieges to be ufed univetfalie. And this without prejudice to ® pjjfons\vhoatefouiided,infeoft,oraddetted,byTackorconttacl:, of old or new femies of otlier Mea- fcrcs and Weights; but that their Foundation, Inteoftraent.Tack, otContraft, Ihall be proportioned to the Meafote and Weight now eftabliflied , fo that the fame quahtitie fliall reraaine with the giver and receiver, butptejudicetoany ofthem. Sickiykctheyhavefoundanddcclared,ThattheElneaiidStand thereof com¬ mitted to the keeping of the Burgh of Edinburgh, conteineth Thirtie feven Inches. And that the Pinte Stowp, committed to the keeping of the Burgh of Sterline, conteineth the Weight of Three Pounds feaven ounces of French Troys Weight ciearc running watter of the waiter of Leith. Which Elne , and Stowp , They Statute and Otdaiiie , to lemaine and abyde in the fame iiitegritie as they are now ; and that no other Elne nor Stowp, or ereatet or lefle proportion containing the faid weight, Ihallbcrcceavedbyane of his Majefties Lciges in any tyme commiiig, to buy or fell with, in any part of this Kingdome. And that the halfe and quarter Elnes , 'Odbalfe quarters, and Nails: Quart, Chopin, Mucclikin, and halfe Mutchkine Stowps , bee made in Broportion conforme thereto. And the Burglies of Edinburgh , and Sterline , to whomc the keeping there¬ of hath been committed of old ; have the out-giving of the lame to the reft o( tlie Burrows and all others liis Maieftics Lieges to that effeft , betwixt and the Firft day of Aptyle next-to-come : And that they have dowble Standards of tlis faids Eine , and Stowp , Two of eyerie one of them , To temaine in the Regifter widiinthe Cartel o{ Edinburgh , and within the Caftel of®K»^r/teBe, for a vvarratid as laid is ; and die other witli themfelves and their Succeflbrs , to whomc they have been committed of old : And that the forefaids Mcafures Mets , and Weights , with the which all and whatfomever petfons lliall be hblden to buy , fell , tnett Meafure, Weigh, and deliver, have courfcallaiinerlie within this Reainic; after the dayes refpeaive gfct ’following vita. The VTeights after the Firft day ofMay next-to-conie , and the Meafures of Firlots and Pecks , and the reft of that degree , after the Firft day of June next thereafter , and no other Weights , Mets , ac Meafures to be receaved'nor ufed in any tyme hereafter ; in any part of this Kingdome, under the paines contained in the Ads of Parliament made thereaiient ; and that all Firlots to be ufed in Markets both to Burgh and Land be brunt and fealed either with the Marks and Seals of Unhthgouiamwa forelaid or with the burainElronofcheheadBurghofthe&yrewheteinthefaidsmatketsareholdeti And that the Proveft and Baillies of Royal Burrowes, and Cities both Regalitie and Royaltie, and als the Bailhes of Burrorves m Baronnie. anajufticesofFeacein whatfomever places where Markets of Victual are ho den, or oriiers Forraine or Ccuntrie-Wares Ihall be bought, fauld, and Weighed. Mete , and Meafured fliall be bound, T hat all Meafures and Weights to be ufed Ihall be of one forme and quantiue , according to this prelent Adt .• And if any different Meafures and Weights be found in any of die places above-mentioned , 1 he faids Proveft and BailL of Royalties, Regalities, Batonfe and Juftices of Peace; andif need bc&allbelioldento iiiforme the Kings Majefties Couiicilthereof. diat they may take order thereaiient as . “Trowdire alwayes as is before provyded . if any perfons be founded or infeoft, and addetted by Tack ot Contrailof old or kw Ferrae.of other Meafures & Weights.tlieii are before written m mamier forefaid; Their foundation. Tack ot Contraft. whether it be more ot ielTe, (hall be proportioned to this Meafure and wemlit which now is eftabliflied , fo that die fame quantitie fliall remame with the giver and receaver , but prejudice toanyofthemin manetparticuiatUe before exprelTed.' Andbecaufeby the Provifions immediathc before written, divers Pkyes and queftions , may aryfebetivixt parties reccavers and deliverers , Ma.fters and tennents, Fewers and their Superiors, anentFermesand Viftual, andficklyke anentodier fluff and due- ties addetted, and bound to be payed and delivered by Weight , either by Infeoftments, Tacks , Foundations. Bandes, or Conttacis whatfcvet, made before the date hereof anent die conforming and proportio¬ nating of the Meafures and Weights contained in the faids infeoftments , Tacks. ^ ^ lities forefaids, with the Meafures and Weights now eftabliflied, if fare nottire andtryal be not taken of the juftMeafute and quantitie of die Meafures and Weights, which have been moft Cuftomabhe ufed & receded 441 'The i_A C T ancnt Mets , Meafures and Weights-. tliefe fiftic or threefcore yeares bygone , within the Sliircfc’omes under-written, wa. Lanerk , Wm TTrumfreis. Roxburgh, undBervtk. In the which the faids Commiffioners confidcring evidentiie greatcft divcrfi tic of meafures and weights, from the meafures and weights now eftabliflied , to be for the n part; SothattliefefyveShyresbeingbroughttotheconformiticaforefaid, thereftofthc Shyres withiuu Kingdome may be eafilie reduced to the fame , conforme to this prefent Aft . THEREFORE the faids Commiffioners , Finds it meet and expedient , and by thefe ptefents Star Decernes, and Ordains, ThartheShirrefofeverieone of the /orefaids fyye Ihyresof Lanerk, Drumfreis , Roxburgh , and Bervik ; or their Deputes fltall warne the Baillies of Regalities within the C”’ Shyres, and Stewarts ofStewartries thereof, ifanybee, Juftices of Peace , andMagiftrates ofBartow"'' Toconveenilkoneofthem within theheade Burgh ofthefame Shyre wherein they are Magiftrates, vvi,p’ twentie dayes afterthc Councils pleafure lhall be iignified to them thereanent : and there not onlie to recea"' and embrace the faids meafures and weights, from the Proveft and Baillies of Ltnlithgou and who ' thekeepingthereofisconcreditinmanerforefaid. and which ate eftabliflied by this prefent Aft : Butalfot" take tryal & cognition of the difference betwixt the faids old meafures dc weights, and the meafures & weishr now eftabliflied. And to appoint, conclude and determine , ilk one of them within their own bounds , what proportion leffc or more fliall be given and receaved in cyme comming, for the conforming of their Formes and dueties addetted by former infeoftments, foundations. Tacks, contracts , bands and Securities , to tlie forefaids Meafures and Weights now eftabliflied, andtoinfertthefaniein their Regifters and Court books ; To re maine with them for decifioun offuch controverfics as may atyfe in thofe bounds hereafter , anent the difeon' formitieforefaid ; and to report their diligence thereanent and conclufion in writte authenticklie fubferyved by the faids Shirrefs of Shyres, Magiftrats of Royal Burrowes, Baillies of Regalities, Burghs of Barronies and Juftices of Peace ; conveening witiiin ilk aiie oi the forefaids Shirefdomes : And to prefent the fame to the Lords ofhisMajefties Council andSeflion, before the firft day of Julie next-to-come ; Totheeffeadic fame may be dely vered to the Clerke of Regifter to be infect in the bookes of Council ( ad futuram rei memo- rtam ) And that none of the forefaids fy ve fliyres , nor no others his Majeftics Lieges within this Kingdome prefume or take upon hand in tyme to come ; To buy. Sell, block, bargane , concraft, orfettinTack, to or with others , for receipt or dclyverie , with any other weight , Meet, or meafure, nor the fame which now by this prefent Aft is approoved and eftabliflied. And this for report ofthe Commiflion above-written , Re. quyringthcLordsof OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDS Council and Selfion , That letters maybe direft for publication ofthe premifles by open proclamation attlie market Croces ofthe head Burrowesof thisRealme, and other places needful that non pretend ignorance of the fame. Commanding and charging, all and fundric the faids Provefts and Baillies of Burrowes and Citties , both of Royalitie , and regalitie , and alfo the Baillies of Burrowes in Barronnies , and Juftices of Peace , and others whaefomever , in places where markets are holdeii; To put in execution this prefent Aft and everie part thereof in fo farce as concetnetli them, fo that the fame may take full effeft after the dayes refpeftive forefaids ; With certification to them and they faillye , they lliall be called and accufed , and thepaines contained in the Afts of Parliament , lhall bee execut upon them in all rigour in example of others. In witnefting of the which the faids Comniiflionere have fubferyved thefe prefents with their hands, day, yeere, and place forefaids. And ordains thefe pre- fents to be delyvered to the Clerke of Regifter , to the effeft he may caufe infert the fame in the Reoiftetof Parliament, FINIS. XXIII. T ARLI AMENT. IV. of Augufl, i6xi. 443 T H E XXIII. PARLIAMENT of Our lMoJI High and Tirsad Smeraigne J A MBS By the Grace of GOD, King of S C O T L A N D, E N G L A ND , F R A N C E and IRELAND,, Defender of the Faith, &c. I a? Edinburgh, the fourth day of Auguft , bythe Nebk atdTotent lard JAMES (_0arqiiu of Ha.rmkon, Earle efAmne, Cambridge , Lord Avon, Innetdail, Cmrnijftonor af fainted fir holding of the faii Tarliament , by vertue of his CMajefiies Commffmi granted to hm under the great Seale of this Kingisme with the Jpecial advifi , confent aud affent of the Eftates of this Realme. ACT I, L/f Ratification of the Fivi ^Articles of the General AJembiy of the Kirke, halden at Perth, in the iMmeth of tAuguft, i 6 1 8. UR SOVERAIGNE' LORD, With advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament ptefendy conveened , ratifies aiid approves the Afts of the General Affemblyof the Kirk, halden at 'Perth, the xxv day of Auguft , theyeare of GodJ“ Vi= and eighteen , and concluded the twenty feventh of the fame Moneth, Sejpone Jecmia, Whereof the teniiour folioweth. I. SINCE We are commanded by GOD himfelfe.that when wee come to worfhip him , wee fall down & kneele before the LORD our Maker; & donfideriog with all, that there is no part of Divine worlhip more heavenly &fniritualTtheii is the holy receaving of the blefled body and blood of our LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST: Lyke as the moft humble and reverend gefture of the body in out meditation and lifting up of our hearts , beft becommeth fo divine and faaed an A , at the Burgh of At? Z/;/^ the T d o!Torphichm,ztthc Burgh oiLin/ithgow. the Prior of MamwL'iX. the Burgh of Vjulitbgcrja-. the l.ord of ^\„_j.,i4e-fiottfe,at the Burgh o{ Edinburgh-, the Lord of Ne'-jnbottk,-nt the Burgh of Iidmbiirgh-ri\\t Prioreflc fUaditKltOJtfl.'t. the Burgh of Hadington ■. The Lord of the Temporal landes of the Priotic oi Nortb-ber-Eick, ° r]re Burgh of North-berwick; The Patron , dePatfon of the Kirk oi'S.ynmwcbar , didolvcd fromthc Priorie ^ cMorthiofiiiick, at the Town of : ThePatron, andParfon of the Kirk of L/tr^e , diflolved tronv ‘^gflb-berwici , at theTownofLrtr^d; ThePatton, and Parfon of the Kirk of cflfiJyfe’Z, diflolved from ^grth-bermck , atdie BurghofilfeyfoiZ : ThePatron and Parfon of the Kirk of Ls^^, diflolved from -^North-berwick, atthcBurghof iyzer/Z«^: TheLordof/feZ/o , at the Town of /v ; TheLordof Cold- inthame, attheTown of Eymoutb-. TlieLordofBo'ter^/j. at the Town oiTiryhurgb The Prior of Etf/Zf, atdieTowiiof'i>K«/; oiCauld-Jireame , at die Town oiViunJ : The Lord of Jed- ^ '/j’attheBurghofJeiter^/j : TheLordof Afe/m, attheTownof A/i?/w: The Lord of Pa//7y> , at ^ilmmoi'PtiiJlcy. TheLordofB/«»Zyre, at the Burgh olGZ^rjgoro; TheLord, and Bailie of the Tern* DoraUandcsof/G/t^K?a»?,, attheBurghof/rTOK^,: The Pattons , and Patfons ofthcKirksof liilwyn- diflolved from the Abbay of KUwynniug , arthefaid Burgh of : The Abbot of Corfraguel, at'tlie Town of Mayboil ■. The Prior of IVhitehonte , at the Burgh of Wbitehmw -. The Abbot of Smlfet , atthe Burgh of The Prior of teZ?-il&r/>r/e, attheBurghofK»r^O(iZZirwte ; TheLordof qyundremue, attheBurghof/CrW^rig/jZ = TheLoidofGZ?«/«ef , attheButghof The Abbot diotmgland, attlieBurghof/^^ffl» ; The Abbot of at the Burghof Bwa/fw : The Abbotof/*A-TO»iZ, attheBurghof®?^)itiefourehoutes next after their charge, under the paine of Rebellion, dec. And if they lailc , to *”™'^nce andefeheate, &c. And ficklikc , the faid Stcnt-rolle being made , and fet down, asfaid is, '^^'T^raetheBurgefles, Iii-dwellers , and Inhabitantes , within each Burgh , to make payment of their ' s of the faids Stent , to the faids Provefts and Baillies , confornie to the T axt-rolle , to be given out therc- vvithin three day es next after the charge, under the paine of rebellion, &c. And il tlicyfaile, to ? unce andeicheate, &c. And if need bee, that the faids Proved and Baillies poynd and diftraine ^ °fore ' as they lltalltliinke mod expedient. IT IS alwayes provided , That no perfon whatfoever , I ftenie'd, or taxed, within Burgh , except according to the availe , and quantitie of his Rent , Living, r \ds and'ceare , which hee hath within Burgh; no wayes refpefling his lands , nor polleffions , which 1 hath to Land-ward; for the which hee will be obliilied to pay taxation to other Officiars. Provi- dtag always®’ Tearmes payment of the faid taxation bee ever pad , before the next be chatgcd_fc^^^ His Highnelle, and His faids ESTATES, Decerncs, and declares, That the charges h ffiven for payment of the faid Taxation , fliall be executed before the teatmes of payment above fpecifi- * J f t evefv teatmes payment particularly by it felfe. And that the denunciation of Horning following thcre- ” ™ (hall not be executed until the teatmes of payment bee by-pad. Which denunciation fo following , the charges given before the faids teatmes- of payment, thefaids ESTATES decernes, aiiddc- ,L».c tobevaliae, andfufficieftt. , r , . , aTTOUR HisMAJESTIE, and die faids ESTATES, Confidering the great abufc which I orb heenufed in all times by-gone , by fundry of the Lieges of this Realme , againd all good confeicncc , in l„fmg thelre poor Fetmoters , Tennentes , and Labourers of their Ground , beeing remoyea de , who ate S ieft^in payment of very deare Fermes , and other duties , to relieve them ol die whole burden of the by- nip TaxMions : which hath beene the occafion of impovetilliing of a great number ol the faids Fermorets , Labourers and Tennentes, and bringing of them to utter wracke, and ruinc: Whereas otreafon they iSbeektogetherfreefronnithepaymentofany Taxation, andthe fame iliould bee payed by lucli as wfatrentl lands, and goods of died owne. FOR REMEED whereof, ,t is datuted andot- rned That’noperfonswiiatfoever, exaft or compel his Tennentes, otFcrmorers rcmoveable , wlio MvFer’me and other deare Duties , forthe Landes occupied by them, to pay any part of this prefent torion- ortofutereliefeattheirhandsofthefame. And il the fame be found done by any perfons, that thcvlliall be called, and conveened therefore, before his HighiiclTe Juftice, and his J lew and mafterful OpprelToiirs of his Highneffe Subjedes, and pumflied therefore , acccording to ordinatie Taxation, ofriietwentiepenn.eofa 1 annuel-rentes, wh ch “I Pf JXXenTes where- Kingdome, freely due and payable unto them yearly or ^ whereof lhall be, and be¬ ta they are addebted to others, being firft deduced) The firftttarmes payment wtier ginneUtdiefaid FeaftandTearmeo Martimnellenext-to-come^ ^ kitfondayandMattinraeffe, until the faids fouteyeares, and the eight tearmespayme y andcompleatlyout-runne pstatfS bavebv AaofPatliament, autliotizedallandfundry AND WHEREAS the ESTATES have by Acioi Deputies, and the Pro- hetetableSherriffes, Stewardes, Baillies, and Bai lies 8 . . ’ , ^Pgjygg ^ within the bouiides of veftes and Baillies of Burro wes, who ate h®'“aWe Sietri _ arenothcretable : tkir Jurildiftions : as likewife faid Extraordinarie Taxation , and malcc pay- whicliClerkeshavetheirOffices [W vttam^ THERE- mentthereofto the Colleflor General, to beapomtedbyl s J y ESTATES OrdainesLet- FORE, and for in-bringing ofthe fame exttaordinaty Tax , Stewards, Baillies, Baillies tersto be direfled, Charging all and fundry the faids her who’atcheretableShcrtiffes within ofRegalities. and their Deputies, andthe faids Proved and thcmlelves, as likewife die Cletkes within *e JunTdiftions where thcle Ottices are 45-2. KING JAMES THE SENT, tliey, and cvericone of them , by North the River of , within tiicfpace of fiftecnedayes -r ry Teatme ofMartinmefle and Whitfunday : and that they , and eyerie one of them , by South tii ‘Eee, within^he fpace often dayes after every Tcarnic ofMartinmefle and Whitfonday, deiiver r i jeftiesfaidCoIleftorGcnerai, atrueand juft Accompt and Inventor, of the whole fummesofrn tobc payed by any perfon within the boundes oftheirjurifdiftion, forhis part oftlie faid Extra”*!?^ Taxation : Andthat theygiveupthefameComptand Inventor upon their Oath, foiemnelv f that the fame isjuft and true ; And make payment unto his Majefties faid CoIIeftor General , orr puties in his name ; having his power to receave the fame of the whole moneys due to be payed' to h° ftie, conforme to the faid Compt and Inventor, within Twentiedayes after each Tearme, undcrrr ofRebelIion,&c. And in-cafe thefaids Shcrriffes,Stewardes, Baillies, BaiIiiesofRegaIities,and Cle k« to denounce and efclieate , &c. F or whofe reliefe , that Letters bee direfted , Charging'all and fu ^ faids Annuel-renters , to make payment to the faids Sherriffes, Stewardes, Bailiies, Baillies of R ties, Clerkes, Proveft and Baillies of Butrowes, ofthe faids rwentiepennie of all Annuel-rentes due and payable to them, within Twentiedayes next after the charge, underthe paine of Rebelli ’ Andiftheyfaile, to denounce and efclieate , &c. And if need bee, that the faids SherrifTes Ste?*’ Baillies, Baillies of Regalities, Clerkes, Proveft and Baillies of Btirrowcs , poyndanddiftrai'iip ti, as they fliall think moft meet and expedient. before, AND His HIGHNES, and ESTATES fotefaids, Ordaines the Lordes of Seflion to btv Judges to all fufpenfions to be craved and futed by any of OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDeS ges, touchingthe faids Taxations, Which fufpenfions his Majeftic and Eftates forefaids finds m i ' granted upon lawful and equitable rcafons to bee confideted by them , and difeharges all other Judves \vM thisRealme, ofgranting of any fufpenfions thereanent. With power to the faidsLords to de!e4tefiv "* the leaftoftheirordinarie number, as they tliink expedient , To fit, cognofee, and decide tliefaidfr' penfions, intimeofVacance, ifneedbe. ACT IV. iMiie AB of Ratificatmi , in favour of the ‘PRINCE His Htghnefs. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD With ^vife and Confent ofthe Eftates of Parliament Raii fies Approves, and for Him and His SuccelTors , perpetually confirmes all and whatfoever ments. Gifts, Donationes, and other Rightes , and Titles, made, or granted by His MAIESTif' or ony other His moft Noble Progenitoures to His HighnelTe , CHARLES , PRINCF ^^^JESTIES Deareft Sonne, or any other His Hieli- nefle the Prince, his Predeceflbures, Pn^nces , andStewards of S C OTL AN D, of whatfoever I anS I^ordlliips, Barronies SuperioriMs, Offices, Annuel-rents, Advocations, Donations and RWits of Patronage of Rirkes, Benefices, Chaplainries , Alterages, and others whatfoever where ever thevlve within this Kingdome of SCOTLAND: together witli all Afles of Parliament , other Aiftes Laws fta tutes, Confuetudes, Ii^unities Honours , Priviledges , Prerogatives , and Liberties’, wlutfoevcr made inwduced orjoyfed, by his Highnes the Prince, or any His Highnes PredecelTours , PnZ "'.anyume by-gone. Notwithftanding whatfoever Ades of Parliament, other a ^ o'^Conftitutions, which may appeare to derogate to the fame, or that may or can beex^ tended, or bee interprete in the contrarie thereof, either fpecial or general. AND FURTHER De Donanons, Aiftes, Priviledges Immunities, Prerogatives, and others lorefaids , were at length hereia hayrdSnS"" ^’ddifi "T I ■ I ^5 Majeftie , witli advife and confent ofthe Eftates, havedifpenfed, anddifpenfe, by th^prefents : Referving alwayes the Landes, and others afligneil A C T V. ’ iMhent the Plantation of Kirkes, as yet wiflautcd. (~)^me^*whicfi^v^bMarpr'nm^ -^'^ underftanding , that there bee divers Kirkes within this Kiiig- lii i6i7 were not ferled nor of Kirkes, in the Parliament holdeni" L, Sbpendes : But which yet remaine disfurnifl.e and unprovided oTcomnere'nrmraif conffant Stipendes : But which yet remaine disftiniil have been heretofore fundrie Kirkes united toeether and mnv, Majeftic confidenng , Thaali ons it mav be found more pvr„-,f;«.nr ^ouoonjoynedin one: albeit upon good colifiderati provided feverallv vx'irh diftiruft Fnn4' ^ the lame union bee diflblved , and that the feids Kirkes bo provided leverally, wirhdiftintflFunftions, andfeparate, at fuch places where the comnioditi. mat < i XXI II. PARLIAMENT. IV. ofi^„gnft. i6ii. 4J3 jflotdc, iiithefamemaniier.asifiiofuchiitiioiihadbecn made. Andaichlikc, becaufc there be feme 1”7 whereof the Parochinc is offo large bounds, that many cf ihc Parochiners, dwclliiigin rowmes of the p ocliine fo remote from the Kirk : who for the great diftaiice of the Place, or for the intcrjcaiiig of Waters I wixttheit rowmes and the Kirks, which oftentimes, andcfpccially in Winter, arc not pafTafile . or for r'efiich other known irnpcdimeiit, cannot have acceffe and repair totheParochc Kirks at the ordinary ppointedfor Divine Service and Worfliip, and injoy the comfort of the Exetcife thereof. AN D nTjR oOVERAIGNE LORD, accotdifig to the Princclie andGodlyIndcwments, whetcwitli o- Msiefty is fmgularly bleffed , being nioft careful to eftablilh all good , and propagate the Religious and yorftip of G O D . univerfally throughout all this whole Kingdom : Where-thorow all His People ''’^'^'haveoccafton to participate me benefite of the Word, without feeling of any of thefe Prejudices, ■naftomthe above-written occafions : Which his Majeftie, inhis Royal and Fatlierly cate over his gtowi^o defstous to have removed ; THEREFORE, his Majctty , with cxpreile advice, and ”^TVof the Effaces of Parliament , Hath graunted full power and Commifsion , to the Lord Chancellor Andtothe reverendFathetsinGOD, John, Arch-biihop of : James, '”VbilhopofG/i2j^atP • Akxander, Billiop of ‘Dunkell- Adam, Bifltop oiDumblane ■. Andro, oiGalkway ■. John, Bifltop of Sixe perfons nominate for the C/cr^K, and Pre- Bidwp < ■Jates, And in cafe of deceale ot any ot mem , to -rawic^ , minop oi Ko^e ■. and 'tatrick , , Bilhop 'T'Aherdene. Which two perfons the Eftates have nominated , to fupply , and become in the place ‘’cv of the other fixe aforefaids, if any of them fliall happen to deceafe before this Commifsion bee ■^1 d TO WIT, The firft of the two, in place of the firft of the ftxt deceafmg ; To /»/>«, Earl erVuMr Robert, Earle of ; Thomas, Earle of Mit/raj/c : Jo/.)®, Vicount of La/tt/fr- j 1 lohn iJX&'Belmerimi David, LoiA. Carnagie ■. Sixe perfons nominate for the Nobility. d" ii cafe of any of their deceafe , To lohn , Earl oi JVigtou , nominate to become in the place of the end eafina : hsA Walter , Lxh oi Buckdettch , nominate to become in die place of the fecond. I rrornmifsionets under-written, nominate for the Bartons : To wit. Sit Richard Cockknc oi Kniaht, Lord Privy Seale, Sit WMiam Uvingfloim oi Kiljythe , Knight; Sit lames Inn, lias oi Armjtoun Knight : Sir hrchbald Napier of Mefchingftomt , Knight : Sir Andro Kcf, (VhairnehirJ ■ Alexander Ijiudsr oi Haltosme. And in cafe any of their decealfe , To Dav,d Crich- nAtuotvav. and Sir John Hamiltoun of ‘Prey?®?!®, perfons nominate, to become in order, as they ate inulace ofanvoftheflx deceaffma. And to John Byres, burgeffe oi Edinburgh UtkiictiWUiam F burEefie oi Dondie ■. Andro E'en, burgeffe oiUnlithgow. Wobert Taylor, burgefse of Samd- M irewe's-U&ot lames buagefse of Haddiagtoim -.mASit George Bnce of Knight, t \cnnJculros- Six perfons nominate ior tlieburrowes. Andin cafeof any of their deceafe; To Alex- Clerk Merchant burgefse of Edinburgh: And Matter Alexander Wedderburn , Clerk oi Dondte-. anier Clerk in order, any Sf the other fix Commifsionets fotefaids deceafmg. which perfons nominate - >n ;.nvu,,Mc; — - - - - WHICH ‘‘^MUiavfwwrt matters. a°nd in manner tmder- ^ Providing allwaves Thattheteis, andfliallbe requifitetothevahdiucofany Aft, Conclufion, SEnce andkferminltionofthefaids Commifsionets The conjunftafsentoffe^^^ ^dtSttE all agteeingtosetherinonevoice.Withoutthe which confentoftheftidfoureofeveyEftate faids taEttate , 8 - . A Commifsionets ihall have no power to make any valide, or c ffedual conclu- fo agreeing. 1 h • But whatfoevet fliall be otherwayes done , is declared to be fion, by vertueofthis prefent Commifsion; '’^"hat ifToTA^'^OufsoveraignLord, and Eftates of Parliament, by the Tennor liereofgives, 11-ift.i IS ivy s and authoritie to the faids Commiffionets, to mcete, and convemc , in -‘ifindeconvenient;A„a are not already pianueQoy , tn^cefsatv andexpedient, Toexliibite, and produce before t ispteentCommifeon as dreyM f^T^ynds. tobefeen, and confideted bythe them, their Rights and Titles, nnr of the faids Tevnds of every Parochine and Kirke, faidsCommifsioners ; Widi power unto them, diferetions perpetual iLal Stipend to theMi- aot already planted; To appoint and afsiene, jj ^ as’faidK? AN D that notwitliftanding niftasprefent, andtocome at all the &ds Kirks vhofe fav^irsTeyndes have beenc c“ any Right or Title pretended by die ai * ’ jgdjf.mii’ce fuch Kirks, oneormoe,aswere united of refted: Withpoweralfo, to the faids asdiey upongood confiderarions fliallfindere- before, "^dappointedtobefavedbyoneMiift ^^^^^ andcharges. asdiftinftparochines, altcrfuch qmfitetoappomc Providing alwayes. That all parties having interefse , ..d ti—i™ confent thereunto. „ IN Q.q q 45’4 KING J^'^“1’° ftiall de'ccrne fuch recompence to be given to tiieteof : The faids Commifsioners . m that cafe f "Gained, asthefaids Comm.fsio- thefaidsTackf men, and Sub-Tackf-nien, °r -1- ^5 unto them, upon fuch conditions as may nersihallfindthefameffiallmerite, °{ reafonable meanc which may repaire the requite their Ioffe ; Or by finding out lome otliet rcaiu. fame. Q^q q z AND 45'6 KING JAMES THE S E X T AND OUR faid Soveraigne LORD with advife and confent of the faids ESTATES ^vT dates, flatutes, andOrdaines, that all Tackes , which lliall bee decerned by the faids CommifTioners '' beegiveninrecompenfeto any perfon whatfoever , for the caufes above-written : and which ihallbc fee’/'* obe ience, and confornie to the faid Decreete , andfentence, whatfoever yeares, of long /pace the fJ? Tackes ihall comprehend, lliall be good, lawful, and fufficient fecurities , to the perfons in whofe favo^ the fame ate appointed to be given , and conceaved.. Neythcr Ihall the fame be any wayes prejudged , by r|'* Act made in the Parliament holden in Anno 1 6 1 7 . By the which it is ftatuted , T H A T no Arch’biih Bidiop , or Prelate , lliould fette in T ackc any part of their Pattimonie , for longer fpace nor ninteene I'eare**’ AND, That no inferiour beneficed perfons ihall fette in T acke any part of their Benefice ior longer fp * ' nor their owne life-times, and five yeares tliere-after, as the faid ftatute proportS: From the which the faids Tackes fo appointed to beefet, and given in recompenfe, are, and Ihall be excepted , and ferved , and ihall no-wayes come under the compafle of the fame Act and llarutc, nor of anything thet*' in contained. But the fame fliall remaine , and abide, valide, and fufficient rights, for the whole fna^ and yeares appoynted therein , according to the Tennor thereof : notwithitanding of the faid A and Statute. And becaufe it may fall foorth. That in the recompence to bee appoynted by the faja^ Commiffioners, to the Patrones , Tackefmen, andSub-Tackef men, for the aforefeid burthen to be* impofed upon them , Moe yeares may bee affigned for prorogation of their prefent Tackes, nor may law^ fully, or conveniently be fet, by the prefent beneficed perfons , towhombyLawthefetting ol Tacks of Teynds belongs. FOR REMEF.D Thereof , OUR Soveraigne LORD, with advife and conient of the fajdj ESTATES, Declares, Statutes and Ordaines, mat it iliall be lawful for the Commiffioners forefiiids to appoynt as many yeares alter the expyring of the prefent Tackes, to the Tackefmen of the faids Kirkes andTeyndes ; Or to the Patrones or Sub-tackef men {refpeBive) for bruiking of the faids Teyndes.foj recompenfe of the faid Burthen , as they iliall tliinke reafonable ; Which ihall be as good, valide, and fufficient Rights, to the faids Patrones , Tackef-men, or Sub-tackef-raen , {refpcctive) and unto their Heires and Affignays, for bruiking , pofleffing, anddifponing on the faids Teyndes, during the faids yeares of Prorogation : As if good , lawful, and valide Tackes and Rights of the faids Teyndes had been fette and made to them, by the Titulares of the Benefices, to whom the fame belonged , With confent of all patties having Intereile. WITH expreffe provifion and declaration , That at the expyring of all the faids yeares, the tight ofthe faids Teyndes, and power to fette Tackes thereof , ihall returne , and apper- taine to the afotefaids Titillates of the fotefaids Benefices , as they did before the making of this prefent Aft AND OUR faid SO VERAIGNE LORD, with advife ofthe ESTATES, Declares, and Ordaines this prefent Commiffion to beginne upon the tenth day of Januarie , next-to-come : with continu- ationofdayes : andtolaft and endure, during the fpace ofyear and day thereafter. After the which time the fame iliall ceafe and expire : And ordaines the Decreete , and Sentence of the faids Commiffioners iii all the particulars forefaids, and everie one of them , to have the ftrength , force, and authoritie ofa De- crecte. Sentence, and Act of Parliament. For obedience whereof, the Lordes of Seffion ihall direft and grant Letters in forme as effeires, and according as lliall be neceffiarie. Which Commiffion above-written, taking force, and full effect , in all the faids particulars therein contained , as the fame are fet downe, and comprehended therein, by pronunciation of decreete andfentence upon the lame, confornie to the power therein comprehended , given unto the faids Commiffioners. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with exprefle confent, andafientoftlie ESTATES, in that cafe, Andes, and declares , That no perfon , in whofe favours the Teyndes of Kirkes, and Benefices, are erefted : nor no other whatofever , bruiking Teyndes , by vertue of rights lawlully made to them of die fame, according to the LawesofthisRealme then ftanding, ihall be ever farther altered, or quarreled in any of their faids rights in any time to come , further then Ihall be appoynted by the faid decreet and fentcnce to follow upon this prefent Commiffion. But the faids rights and fecurities in-cafe fotefaid , fliall remaine in their owne ftrength, force, andeffedl, as good, lawful, and fufficient rights , and fecurities , unto them, and every one of them, for their owne parts , for bruiking and enjoying the faids Teyndes , conforrae to die tennour ofthe faids rights, tor now, and for ever. ACT VI. i^nent Comjrijlngs. lord, and ESTATES of Parliament, confidering that his Ma- jelties Lieges ate greatly damnified , and prejudged , by the abufe and evil cuftome , which heretofore liaili been obferved in Comprifings : whereby Lordlliips , Baronies , and other great portions of Landes are comprffed lor fmall fummes of money : and thereby the comprifer hath right to die mailes , duties , and pro- itesoi the Landes .• notwithftanding that they farrecxceede the profite of that fumme of money for the which the laids Landes ate comprifed. F OR remeede whereof , It is ftatuted and ordained , That the compriferlhallhavenofurtherrighttothemailes, fetraes, and duties ofthe comprifed landes, by vertue XXIII. PARLIAMENT. IV. of Auguft , i6n. 457 '"’T'''”ImprifinE led at his inftance, during the yeares and fpace that the fame is redeemable, but onely l''iiartandquantitiethereofas\viiicortefpondetothcAnnucl-reiitofthefumme, at ten for thehuii- to mtii p which comprifing is led; with this provifion alwayes , and expreffe declaration , That if the ’ J duties of comprifed kndes excesde the proportion of the annuel rent of the forefaids fummes , for "’^'^lich the comprifing is deduced, and that the comptifet pleafe to irittomet therewith, and according to thathehave intromiffion with the fame, in that cafe his forefatd further inttomilfiou , which tliereun^^^ to any greater qiiantitie then will jufUy facisfie him of the forefaid Annuel-rent , ihall be aferibed '"P/^Te*^AS^TH^eTs°T ATEs'finte and de^'^ares , That the fame further inttoniimon Ihall bee r^cdinthatpaYmentofthefaidprincipalfumme : So that if it Ihall happen , that the qu antitie of the Ips and duties to be intromitted with by the cotnprifer , to extend unto as much as will fatisne the whole mlfummes, with the ordinarie Annuel-rent thereof, according to ten for each hundreth , and the P''‘’Xheftowedby the Comprifer . inpaffing, and obtaining Infeftment of the Supetiour, of whom the •?P>iarehoiden; togetherwiththeAnnuel-reiitofthefaidsiummes, fo givenbythe Comprifer to the e priLr for entritie of him to the comprifed lands , and the neceffatie expenfes and charges waited and be- ft Sby the faid Comprifer , in leading and deducing the faid comprifing , in tl^t cafe , therealter the coin- „mexovre rii5>/o and to ceafe in all times following. iFthatriieperfonagainftwhomcomprifingisled, beMinot, andof lelTerage, IT IS fta- „,r»d and ordained, Thatitfliallbelawfultohimacany time within his perfea ap of twentie five yeareS nlkate.totedeemethelkidscomprifedlandes., iophewhicluhefa.deoni- Zawaslcd , andofthekwfulannuel-rentesthereof, according to ten tor each hundreth ; Together Stie expenfes beftowed in pairing and obtaining ol the Infefunent from the Supenour . and ordinarie 1 re, t of the fame- toeetlteralTo, wi* the neceffatie expenfes beftowed in eaduigand deducing of rSdeoraprYfing, as is above-written. AndthatnotwithllLdingofthepreceedinnLawcs andPraai- nfrhkSdome, bythewliiditheLegalrevetfionofcomprifedLaiides. expired within leaven yeares the leading of the comprifing : F rom the which His Majeftie and Eftates hath , by this Aft Steo llllife yealesfubfequent, afterthe expyringofthe faids for the which the land is cOTpnfed. And if it Ihall happen a M l . g B landes,asfaidis.todeceaffebefehe be of perfeaageof mem Heire, or Succeede unto him inks right of teverf on and thefaidscomprifedlandes: | ficklfkc ’and inthefamemanner, asiftheyhad ledge above-written, for redemption of the faids laiides, . ,1 ‘ „eares which ran after the £;,SJ;S&SilS“SSps thelaidpetfonMajocfofucceeding, fhallbe inwlioferighthe fucceedetli. Odier- witliin the fpace of year and 'l r ,‘I l,e ihall bee perpetually fecluded from wayes, the faid Redemption not being ufed by km with, J, „(Re- ailbenefite, whichheemayclaimebythereverfionand fuccemmitnete unt demptionofthefaidsLandcs, byvertuethereot. Bucifa 1 cbeinsMaior’) toredeeme, within the fpace yeares were not expy ted, Itfliallbelawfuilforksfaidfucc j^j|,Qj,j(jgceaffe; fuchlikeasif offomanyofthefaidsfeavenyeares, aswerersotou Which time beine expyred , and hee do- thefaidsLandeshadbeencomprifedfronrthefaidMmorkmfffe. » PY iiignodiligence, hee foal! bee excluded from the benefieoto^ ifthe comprifed Landes bee not AND IT IS fpeciallyprovided, Thatinalltheabove-im ^ efe to*® Annuel-rent of the worth fuch yearly quancide ol' Maile andDutic , a w» P J \ orbesne worth that the fame is faidMoney.^t tenforevery hundreth for the which comprifn^sle^ Sthe c®olrifcr . and un-an- exhaufted by other lawful deeds which may render 1 1® a hatlfcomprifed either in whole , or m part ; fwerabletotlicAnnuel-rentolthefummes, forthew^ichiehat^^^^^ then , and in that cafe , the redeemer (whether he be M j , r ■ „ jy to him , tlie full Annuel- deemc. or out-quite tire faids Landes, fromthe tent KING JAMES THE S E X T rent and profite of the fummcs , for the which the landes were comprifed . fo farre as he wanteth aii^ lackcth , by the benefite of his faid comprifing. And if the tent of the Land fo comprifed , confift Theeftimationand confideration thereof , fliallbc had according to the common prices of viftual inthof’ Shyres where the comprifed landes lye ; according as the fame giveth betuixt Zuile and Candleniefle. a N n the faids ESTATES Declares , That this above-written Statute fliall no-wayes extend , nor be preiudie I to comprifings , which ace already prefetibed before the date of this prefent Aft. ACT. VII. tyinent t_Adjudicatmis. OUK. SOVERAIGNE LORD. AND ESTATES of PARLIAMENT, Confideri the great prejudice fuftained by diverfc and fundry Creditours, by deceafe of their Debtors; Jj'® beingpreveened by the diligence of their Concreditours , by obtayning of fcntences of Adjudication *(■ their dcfunfl Debtors. Landes, andEftate, inrefpefloftherefufal ofthe neareft ofKin, to enter Hei° to them, are fecluded from participation of any part ofthe landes and goods pertaining to their faids defun^ debtors ; they being common debtors to the faids whole Creditors , contrarie to all equitie and reafon. p OR REMEED whereof. It is Statute, and Ordained, THAT All Adjudications to be obtained by an pcrlon at any time hereafter , of any of their defundl debtors landes , and Eftate whatfoeyer , with all right and Infeftments following there-upon . fliall be redeemable from the partie obtainer ofthe faids Sentences of Adjudication, their heites and asfrgnays, at any time after the pronouncing of the fame , AT die inftanceof any Concreditor ofthe faid defunft debtor, or ofany Creditor of die faid perfon, who renouncedi , To be Heire to his ptedeceffors , who fliall happen thereafter toobtaine decreet of Adjudication, againfttheaD- nearing Heire of the defunft debtor; And that widiin the fpace offeavenyeares, next and immediacky following the obtaining of the faids Sentences of Adjudication , by payment of the fummes of money fpecified in the faids Sentences .■ Together with the Annuel-rent ofthe fame fummes , according to ten for each liun- dredi diereof, during the time ofthe not-redemption of the fame ; and of the expenfes fuftained by them in .obtaining ofthe faids Sentences , to be taxed . and modified , by the Lords of Council and Seflion. By pay¬ ment of the which fummes , the faid Coiicreditor fliall come in the place and right of the partie from whom he redeemeth ; And fliall bruik the fame by vertue thereof, perpetually thereafter : Except it fliall happen another Concreditor , who fliall obtaine the like fentence of Adjudication to ^edeeme the fame from him , within thefpace above-written. In the which cafe , it is declared , That the partie redemeer, inthefccond' thrid, or fourth rowme, andfofoorth, fo long as there are any Concreditors , fliall beoblifliednotonlyto pay the fummes contained in the adjudication , obtained at the inftance of the partie from whom he redeem¬ eth; But alfo the whole fummes , which were payed by him unto the former Concreditors , for redemption of their Adjudication , widi the annuel-rent . and expenfes in manner above-fpecified. IT IS alwayes Declared, Tliatifthe partiefrom whom the faids Adjudications fliall be redeemed, did up-lift the Fermes, andduetiesofthelandsandotliers, contained in the Adjudications : Thatthen, and in that cafe , the partie redeemer fliall not be holdeii to pay any annuel-rentes , or expenfes : but in lb farre as the fame annuel-rents, and expenfes, cxceede, and are mote, than the Mailes, Fermes, and dueties, intrometted with by the partie from whom the fame is redeemed. A N D if the faids Mailes , Fermes, and Dueties, excccdc both the annuel-rent and expenfes, IT IS Declared, That the fuper-plus fliall be al¬ lowed in the principal fumnie , by the fight of the Lords of Council; Confideration being had of the pryces ofthe Fermes, andViftual, as the fame were commonly fold betwixt Zuile and Candlemefle, in the Slier- rifdomc where the lands lye. IT IS alwayes declared , That thefe prefents fliall no-wayes be extended to Dccreetes , and Sentences of Adjudication already recovered. AND ficklike , it is Declared, That in-cafe any Minor, who hath renounced in his Minoritie, be reponed [i« integrum^ againft the fame renounciation : That then, and in that cafe, he fliall have place to redeeme from the whole Creditours , by payment of the laids whole fummes owing unto them , and wliere-upon they; obtayned Adjudication in manner , and with the proyifions above-fpecified. And all the reft of the Priviledges granted to Minors , in Comprifings, to be likewife granted in Adjudicationes : vvhicli ate here holden as repeated. ACT VIII. x^/Eient the Extracts of Infeftments , j)afl upon Comprifings ^ foorthof theTrivie Seale : where the fame are not regijlrated at the Great Seale. EST AT ES ofthis prefent Parliament, Underftanding V,.y that lundne His Majeftres Lieges , who for great fummes have comprifed their debtors landes , are lica- viiie prejudged, riirough the fraudtul abftradting , or deftroying of the Writtes , Infeftments, or Confir¬ mations of the faids comprifed Landes; the faids Writtes. Inleftments, and Confirmations , not being regiftratea T J RLI A M ENT. IV. ofK^uguJi, 1611. 459 jj,jjntheRegifterofiheGreatSeale. HEREF O R E, whereas any Cteditour hath comprifed lands ^ f His Majeftie , and cannot recover foorth of the perfons hands , horn whom the fame are comprif- •rori given unto them thereof. Left the jgQ £5 fjght, and confirmation of the fame Infeftment, ed, . ^ Qf jhe partie , not regiftrating the Infeftment, or Confirmation, after the paflfing thereof at the . Seconded with the fubfeqiientfraude, in abftrafting and deftroying the principal Right and ^ ^ fliould unjuftly in daranage the true Creditor , and Comprifer: His M AJESTIE,with Great flmaCion> inouiu UliJUiliy unatiiiiiiu^v^ Lutw LIUL, v-icwiic/i , eiuu ^ ^°'-"”aridconfentofthefaids ESTATES, wiiles, and declares , That if the faids Infeftments , and mations of the faids perfons , from whom thefaids lands are comprifed, have pall the Privie Scale, ^ I ' effiftrated in the Regifter thereof T hat nonvithftaiiding the want of the Infeftment and confirma- the Great Seale, or the Extraft thereof ; the Extraft of the faid Infeftment, or Confirmation , tioii ® Regifter of the Privie Seale : The fame thereafter being paft the Great Seale, at any time ih^l ^°°^'fficient right to the Comprifer , whereby to poffefle and enjoy the landes comprifed conforme to the heaW ^jg^j^gjitCottiprifingS: as freely in all refpeftes, as if the faids Infeftments and Confirmations nj, and regiftiated in the Regifter ofthe Great Seale. Providing alw'ayes , That this prefent Aft ,„ayes hurt nor prejudge any third perfon, who hath Infeftment or Confirmation ofthe fasds com- fliJ*"? the Great Seale; ofananteriour date to the faid Infeftment, fo paft the Great Seale , in ptifed Oj^efaid • but fliall be oncly of force and effect againft that petfoii , from whom rite lands are com- Ws Heires , and Succeffours. ACT IX. i_Afieul giving of Licence to Bijhojisto fit their W arie Lands in Few-Ferme. cpnftant tent gifted anddifpoiied f flip nrefent Titulars , to tneir owne particular uie, wiuiout any ueiKm-t ^..^wdours . WHERE- /« if the faids Kirk-Landes were fctte in Fiew-Ferme for a competent yearly Duetie, the fame would not rfv augment , and meliorate the Eftate ofthe Benefice ; but alfo diminiih the occafion of appiymg of Kirk- !StoDatticularufes. AND HIS MAJESTIE, out ofhis Royal rare, and Princely dilpofttioh, Se the prefemtion ofthe Eftate of thefaids Biftioptickes . and their Chaptours: and therefore heme tnnft eatneft to avoyde and remove this evil ; HIS MAJESTIE, and ESTATES, a.nd Safnes , T hat it fliall be lawful for all Billwppes , and Members of Chaptours , whojiave Ldhds holden bMukteortogtothecuftome of reroutes oOandes in riie countrey ofthe Ife valour, wherylre faids 1 ,ihciter~\ ofall payment thereof, in all time comming. 'I'tni ACT XI. Ratification and addition , to the Aid ofRarliament made anent Rejlitution of Chaptotirs. ^ ^ UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, andEST AXES ofthisprefentParliamcnt, ratifies a a proves the Aft of Parliament made m the moneth of JuniJ , in the yeare of G O D one thouf a ^ ^P' hundreth , feaventeen yeares , anentreftitutionofChaptoutsofCathedralKirkes , in all the HnT o,’ Exceptions, Limitations and reftriftions thereof And further, Ordaines , and declares Thar.ll^'''®' done fince the date of the faid Aft , or to be done hereafter , whereby any member of anv Car .a beinganOfficeordignitie, hathorfliallbefuppreft, or any Land Pa^rfo/age Vicarare^ beionging to the faid dignitie diflolved from the fame , without ane exprefTelatrL from h.s mSL ''“I’ confent of Parliament, are, and lliall bee , with all that have followed , or lliall follow them, \ and ofnoforce nor effefti and llrall be fo founde in all time heareafter by w^ rfAftion'^Tenri replye. Providing alwayes the MarquelTe ofH A M I L T O N His right to the Parfnnuae Af 0“^^ " ' ’Dalje,fe , the Eatle of iMARRE His right to the Parfonage oicirnwotl , and Ly lawfril rights conforme to the Lawes of the countrey , before the Aft of Parliament , \l/bmo one d,n r'"!!® fixe hundreth, and feaventeene yeares, beno wayeshurt, or prejudged herein, ^“'oufand, ACT. XII. x^nent ‘Packing , and Peyling, w«i.**..ofd,E. this Realme , take upon hand to packe or pevle anv hIXs , nor Inhabitants within the owner of tfefaidslot- to his M^eftie , upon their^^Office and Obcdienck ° “ execution , as they will anfwere act. XIII. x^nent the dificharging of p-otefiions. Omay fundrie ptoteftionsbeefowhtE/Rini^^T^^j^? of Parliament, Underftandingtliat there • 'vliereby the execution due unto the Credito*r ^ °'i addebted in great fummes of niay be fruftrate , Totliegreat Dammageofthr C a" of countrey* againft the Debtor , Statuted. andOrdained,®ThaSa4rtheT^ ^EMEEDE thereof, IT IS due and competent againft any man of the Law a ni i no proteftion from any Execution the grantet of the fame fhall be fubieft and Ivnbip nf ,1 i ’ "Phat if any ftiall be hereafter granted, he hath granted proteftion. ^ Creditor for the fiimme , from the vvliich ACT XXIll T ARLIAMENT. IV. of Augufl, i6ii. 461 0 ACT. XIIII. \_Anent flaying at Qardes and Tiyce , and Horfi-races. UR SOVERAIGNE lord, AndESTATES of Parliament Confidering the manifold vils and incoiweniendes, which enfue upon Carding and Dyeing, and Horfc-races, which are ver-mnch frequented in this Country , to the great ptejuaice of the Lieges^ And becaufe honeft mcil ottoexpeftthatany winning had at any of the Games above-written, candothemgood,orprofpcr: ““i VE therefore, ftatuted and ordained , That no man fliall play at Cards nor Dyce in any comnlon- ^ r Town, Hoftelrie, or Cookes houfes , under the pain of fourty pounds, money this Realme; home, o'f die keeper ofthefaidsinns, or common houfes, for the firft fault : and lofle of their liber- ® f ^ the next Moteover,That it fliall not be lawful to play in any other private mans houfe.but where the “f nr of the Family playcth hirafelf. And it it fliall happen any man to winne any fummes of money , at Dyeing , ‘attourthefummeof anhundreth Merks, within the fpaceof twenty lour hourts : or Wwers upon Hotfe-races , any fummeattour the faidfurame of anhundreth Merks; Thefuper- - be configned within twenty four hoiires thereafter, inthehandsoftheThefautetof theKirk, .1 it ’ Orinthehandsoffuch of theKirk Seffionin theCountrey Parochines. as Colleas and fnritees moneyforthe poor of tlie fame; Tobeimploycdalwayes uponthepoor oftheParoche where r iSiiiwUiaM happen m fall out. And to the effea , tiiat either exceffe inplty maybe tkts reftta.ned: r rSal excefllve winning may be imployed as faid is. OUR Soveraign Lord, by Aa of his Supreame SSament, Givesf^^ STr land Tuftices of Peace, i«he Country, topurfue, and convecn a Ifuch perfons, for all winning. Dyce, and Hoife races . which ihall happen to be made by any perfon, by andatcout c 0 ACT. XV. Aa declaring allTacksJetfir longer [face nor three years without confent of the Tatrou , being perfons wider the degree of Tr elates, Jince lypq. to he Null. HR coVERAlGNELORD.andESTATESof this prefent Parliament, Undetftandine, Ttedfoerfe beneficed perfons, under the degree of Prelates have taken occafion upon an AS Uiataivcuc hnUenatEngandreg.ftrineofaConfirmatio«orInfeftmentofa Ten pound Land o;under wkh "he preceptoffea/fngfollow.ngtTiere-upon. duely and orderly paft the Quanet-Seale. ’vZnds The writting and of a Confirmation , or Infeftment , of all other lands under a Barronie’ auarSeak“"‘^'""‘^’ following there-upon, duely and orderly pall the a^LTeS® I-'feftment of a Batronie , with the precept of Seafinf fa^ri Andforeverie Barronie, m^thenonecontainedtherein, ' . ' vDoTdt P oTidmg that Ae whole payment exceed not, . ’ ' vI'S' part IrSi-ftale® “ Earledome, with the precept of^Seafing And for everie Barronie, moe then one contained therein. Providiim tliat tlie whole payment exceed not Commi/fions fealed in favours of a Lord of Parliament, Lutorie Datives, duely and orderly fealed, ' ' ' For the whole perfons contained in the Tutorie. ’ ‘ ‘ ' And XX. pounds. V. pounds. 1. pounds, xl. fliillings. iij. pounds, vj.pounds. xl. /hillings. XXIII. TARLI AMENT. IV. of xyitigiifl , 4«7 ' And of other lands of greater avaUe . Ane Brieve , ■ • • • Ane Attornie, • • • regiftring of a Retour to a common man , To a Barron To a Lord of Parliament, p „epts upon rhe Retour for lands, underaTenpoundland, And n the lands bee above a Ten pound , to pay accordingly : ‘*^-^j,g°fec6iid and third Precepts, The fourth Precept , conforme to the firft Precept. , jjjpimondsofErrour, paft the Quarter-Seale, And in-cafe it contaiiie many remiflions, not to exceed, ■ . v.pounds. V. millings, ij Ihillings. xiij. Ihillings, iv. pennies, xxvj. (hillings, viij. pennies. . • xl. (hillings. . • xl. (liillings. providing that the higheft price ex- iiij.poimds. . . XX. Ihillings. iv. pounds, vj. pounds: Tryces fet down to the Writters to the Signet, to bee taken hereafter, of all Letters, Ssmmonds , and IVrittes, which pafe their handes: Excepting alwayes Signatures , thefryces whereof are alrea^ fet down. Advocations, and Sufpenfions, , . . • xiij. Ihillings, iv.nennies- For the (irft (liecte : and for eyerie (heete moc, which it containetli, befides the firft (heet , x. Ihillings. All common Lfetters, . . . , ■ x. Mings. Contraaes. for the (irft fiieet, ..... xxx.Mmgs. And for every (heet moe, which it containeth, . . • xx. millings. Summonds.ofaflieetofpaper, , , . • xiij.fhillings.iv. pennies. And for evsrie (heet moe, which it containeth, , i • x. ihillings. ‘Prycesfet down to the orimarie Clerkes of the Sejfmi, to be taken hereafter of all fitch Letters, lyf&es, and IVrittes, as fajfe that Office. xiij, (hillings, iv. pennies, xiii. (liillines, iv. pennies. , ihillin The Regiftring of an Obligation, AaSLe««*““^^ . ■ '■ • ■ • . %x, ihillings. An 'h^eALitisLmitefiatmi, infummare and common caufes, for everid Iheetof the Aa , and of ; _ . . XX. lllilllllgS- ■ And in matters of contentious Difputation, heard in prefence of the faidsLotdes, The pryce of die Aa cfLiteCtf«ri?M«, tobeatthediferetionofthepartie. ' . ... zi • j ■ cLmonandotdinarieExtraas, for every flteetextraacd, ■ • xiij.fliillmgs.iv.d. ' Xlieregiftrationtopayasmuch. TryCes fet down to the Clerke of the Bilks, before the Seffion, io he taken heredfter of all Bilks and tyfUs f roper to that Office. Billes, Aaes of Caution, with the teliefe, Commiffions, • ■ ' • Mpenfations in favours of a pattie , AndferaShettifdome, Stewardrie, or Burgh, ■ AaesofLaw-burrowes, For everie pet-fon contamedm die Ait. Advocations, . • • ' Relaxations (perfi) And for everie petfon contained therein accordingly. . iv. pennies. XX. ihillings. xiij. (hillings, iv. pennies. iv. pennies, vj. ihillings, viij. d. vj. (liillings, viij. pennies. XX. Ihillings. vj. (hillings, viij. pennies. Prycesfet down to the Clerke of Privie Council , to be taken hereafter of allfuch Letters and IVrittes as paffie that Office. ETTERS ofComplaint, containing a (heet of Paper, j And for everie (heet attout the firft (heet, XX. (hiliings. X. (hillings. 1 468 KING JAMES THE S E X T Letters of Law-burtowc9 , An Aft of Caution, with the reliefe. An Aft of Law- Burro \ es , for eyerie perfon contained in the Aft, Deaeetesofaflieet of paper, . , , xiy.fliillmgs.iy.pennij^, vj,ft, mgs,viy.p, |- xxvj.ftdhngs,vi,3,^,„„l«- Tryces fet down to the Clerkes of the Exchequer , to bee taken hereafter of all writs which fajfe that Office. ITEM, forwriting, rolling, andextraftingofaSherriffas Compt, . iij- pounds, vj.lhillinffs v"' Item, forwriting, rolling, and extracting ofaChamberlaines Compt, iij- pounds, vj.lliillin|s"^'P' Item, forwriting, rolling, and extracting of a Burrow compt, . . ’ xx § ’ir” Item, forwritinganExtraftofaRental, . . . X). fliillincrs, viii penn'®*' Item , for writing of a compt unto any perfon , loorth of the compt-roller °or I hef • • • vj.lhilli;gs.viij.pc:;^^ vj.lhillings,viij. pennies' xx.lhillings,' Item , for allowance of a Gift in the Exchequer , Item, forwriting, rolling, and extracting ofaCuIlome compt. Trycesfet down to the Keefer of our Saver aigne Lordes Signet , to bee taken hereafter , for all letters, andwrittes, whichpaffie the Signet. For Summondes, ofwhatfoeverqualitie, . . x Ihill' For letters of Inhibition, and arreallment, . . xyj. Ihillings, viij Mnn"«. For letters of Law-burrowes , and criminal letters , how manyperfonsfoeverbeinfert, x. fhillings- For Minifters Letters, For all letters of Horning, of whatfoever qualitie : Except letters of Law-burrowes , "and” X. Ihillinj - - * — - - , and crimi- A dT’ ■ ■ * ’ ■ • xxxj.ilaillings,viij. pennies. A Relaxation, . . . • , ° x iliillinos And accordingly lor eyerie perfon relaxed : or compofition, at the diferetion of the Keeper of the Signet. For a Legitimation, ■ . • ^ ^ • . xx.lhillings; Foranelnieltment, or Confirmation, ofa live pound land, orunder, . ; xxx.lhiilinS Foraneinfeftment, or Confirmation, olaTenpoundlande.oruncler, . xl ihillinj For ane Infeftment , or Confirmation of otlier landes , under a Thirtie pound land , or Bm- ,fr‘ r ‘’n • • ' ' ' • h Ihillings, For ane Infeftment of ane Barronie, ... iij pounS And offo many more different Barronies as are contained in the Signature, , . impounds ForaneInfeltmentofaneEadedome, andLordlltipofdignitie, . . vj pounds And for eyerie Barronie, befide, contained in die Signature, iij pounds For comptyfings, . . . . . ' xl.'lfiiUings: For an ^bacie . . . . . . ^ For a Bilhopn^e, . , ... . pounds. Foran Atch-bilhopricke, ... , xii. Bounds. And if an Abbacie be induded,to pay . . vj pounds For a Remiffion to a common man , . , . xx Mlinss And accordingly for every perfon contained in the fame remiffion , and for every crime. ^ For a Remiffion unto a Barton , . ' xl Ihillings. And accordingly , for every perfon of that ranke , and for every cryme contained in the Sig- nature. For a Remiffion to a Lord of Parliament, , iij. pounds. And accordingly , for every perfon of that ranke , and for cverie cryme contained in the Sig¬ nature. A Patronage being inferr in a Barronie , to pay the halfe price that the Barronie paveth at the Signet. ^ ^ A Xaxt Warde being inlert , to pay likewile die halfe price that the Landes or Barronie paysth at the Signet. A Regalitie to pay the whole pryce that a Barronie payeth at the Signet. ES Of Secret Council . andSefsion, Ordaines and commandes , That m ‘Proceffe he eranted before mferimir Judges in thefirfl fiimmonds-. but upon UbeltedPrecefts , andCitationof fifteen dates warning conforme to'the AB ofTarliantent, Jnd Ordaines the/e frefeuts to hepubhjhed, and Imprinted. ATTOUR our SOVERAIGNE lord, with confent forefaid , hath [7r;«y’//a/‘fr ] jfeharged the whole Subjeds and Lieges of this Kealme, of all fuch by-gone penalties, unlawes, and pu- nilhments , which they , or any of them have incurred through breaking and violating of the faid Ad of Coun¬ cil in any time by-gone, preceeding the date hereof: and decernes the fame , tobeof{trcngth,t0rce, and acT atrainft the tranlgrcllburs thereof , in all rime comming only. AND° FURTHER, OUR SOVERAIGNE LOR D,withconfent forefaid , Giveth, and Branteth, full power and commiffion , unto the Lords of HisHighneile Privie Council , To takeorderfor letting downe and appoyntingof fuch particular prices, as are omitted to befet downc by the faid Ad of Council. And whatfoever the faids Lords of Privie Council, lliall determine andordaine intheprcmillcs, Decernes the fame to have the fttength and force ol ane Ad of Parliament , in all time thereafter. ACT XX. AB, ordaining Annual-rent to be due after Horning. OUR SOVjERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of Parliament, confideting the great prejudice which div'erfe of His Majeflies Lieges fuftaine by the want of their money , lent and given foorth upon Band or Contrad, or otherwife juftlie owing unto them , by their Debtors: whohaving ufed all Execution competent to them by Lawe , t^ainft theit debtors , by charging , and putting of them to Horne : are forded after many yeares , to rcceave their principal fumme and penaltie , without any latisfadion of their annuel-rent, andintcrefTeoftheirmoney inthemeanetime. Whichasit isa prejudice unto the true Creditors ■ fo it is ane occafion to the debtors to contemne His Majelties charges , and Letters ol Horning ; who refolve in end to pay no more for reliefe of the Horning , after many yeares delay, then they were obhihed ™FO *reme'S"\vhereof, HisMajeftie, with advice and confent of the Estates of Parliament , ftatuteth andordaineth. That whenfoever any perfon is denounced Rebel , andputtothe Horne , for not payment of furames of money, owing by him, by band, contrad, or otheewayes : That^after the faid denounemnon, thefaidperfonfo denounced, lliall be fubjed in payment of Annucl-rcnt fummes forthe whichhdsputtotheHotne, and that ofallyeatesandtearraesftomthedateof the faid denounciation , un¬ to the time of payment of the fame : and that notwithftanding there be no padion , nor condition of A nnuel- rent made betwitt the faids parties , which may binde the faid patne who is denounced rebel , ^ W' ment thereof And fuch perfons as ace now Handing re pels , and at the Horne , This Ad fliall not « orke againftthem, {qmadpreterita ,) But ihall have ftrength and force againft them lu time commmg, iromthc FeaftofMartinmelfe next in this inftant yeareoi GOD, one thouland, fixe huudreth, twencie and one yeares : and they lliall begin to be fubjedin payiiientof annuel-rent atthat time, and yearly and tearmly thereafter , until the payment of the principal fumme. act XXL Anent Servants , goinglowfe , and leaving their Majlcr.tfirvke. I^UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, And ESTATES of Parliament , underftanding the great flftravtes and necefifities whereunto poore Labourers of the Ground arc driven, and conftiayncd, Efpecially by the fraud and malice of Servants , who either refufe to be hy red , ^ ^^Wtofondi y ' tie W^es promifed unto them : Or otherwife byre themfelves only from M.irtiiimellc co Wli . 1 474 KING JAMES THE SEX after the which Tearmc of Whitfonday , they caft themfelves lowfe , of purpofe and intention . to m t ^ gainc and advantage by the extraordinary workes which bcfal in that feafon , betwixt Whitfonday.and M meflc: fuch as calling and winning of Peats, Turfs, Fewel, Divots , building of fold dykes ,iheari harveft. Fordoing whereof, they know the faids F4usband-nien, who have necefsarily adoe therewith" be forced to hire them at daily and weekly wages, and fuch high rate as they pleafe, to the great bar,,, ' ’ Labourers of the Ground , and alibis Majeftiesfubjects. of the FOR remeedewhereofitisftatuted, and ordained. That it (liall not be lawful for any hired f from Martinmefse to Whitfonday, to leave his Maifter at the faid tearme of Whitfonday runne lowfe from that fcrvice : Except he be able to verifie to the Juftice of Peace , ot Co Pi™ of the bounds , that he is hyred unto another Matter , from the faid Feaft of Whitfonday to Aa™' tinmefse thereafter. And if it be found, that he is not hyred to another Matter : Then that cafe, iris declared , That itlliall be lawful unto hisprefent Mafterto keep, and detain him ^f thefaid Featt of Whitfonday unto Martinmefse , for payment to him of fuch Wages as he payed to him f h fore. Andifherefufetoferve, that the Juttice of Peace fliall havepower to compel him thereunto A a if the faid fervant of the quality forefaid , break lowle from his Matter , It lliall be lawful for his matt take and apprehend him , wherefoever he findeth him , and prefent him iintothe Conttable or Tuft *'^ 'r Peace, upon the ground where he lhall be found ; who lliall have powet to compell theSemnt to m ° unto his former Matter, ifitbefoundthathebeMatterlefs, and none otherwayes. ™'‘' AND fuch like, HisMajetty, andEttates, Andes, and declares. That it lliall be lawful unto all I' Majetties Lieges , who have necefsarlie adoe with Labour, to take, apprehend, and imploy inr] '■* Works, whatfoever lowfe and Matterlefse Men and Women, whom they lhall find within their own BounHc' Andfuchhke, tliatthejuttices of peace, and Conttable, lhall have power, at the inttanceand defiteof whatfoever petfon His Majetties Lieges, to force, and compell all. and whatfoever lowfe Men and Worn™ to ferve for competent hyre and Wages. ^ ’ ACT. XXII. Anent Coutiterfelting , mid mailing of falje IVrlttes, pOR Etthewing the danger wherein many ofhis Majetties Lieges Hand, by counterfeiting and falfifv. ingofEvidents: IT IS ttatuted and Ordained , That whofoever maketli and ufeth a falfe Writ , or A malting tliereol, lhall be punilhed with the paines due unto committers of Falfe-hood AND It lhallnotbe lawful for any petfon counterfeiter, falfifier, or accefsory whatfoever, to declare in judgement, that he pafsethftom the Writ, quarrelled of Falfe-hood. But if alter the tryal, theWritquar- relled be found falfe, the palling from or declaration of the party , that he will notufethe fame, ihal no wayes free lum from the punnliment which is due unto thofe who commit Falfe-hood. ACT. XXIII. A general pardon for deedes done againfl penal fames , {fame few excepted) and a dif charge of James Crantton his Commiffion. ^ U R S O V E R A I G N E L O R IT and Ettates of tliis prefent Parliament , confiderine the com- flnm Sierriffs, Stewards, Bailies, and other Tree holders withiiuliisKing- dom concerning the danger which all our Soveraigne Lords Lieges do daily underly for having tm S prSSl'erKrrn:^ And[=ruS wllhhave beeriedal^^^^^^^ P"*"'’ of thefame ttatutes, on ofbefLe at fundry times, with intollerable rigour . andexafti- . ’ ' J ®- have dlfcharged freely pardoned , and remitted ; DISCHARGES freely nar- dons and remits all contraveenets ofany of the faids penal ttatutes . for all deeds done by them comL^to red affick Ftth Whil^ S of unlawful Ufury : Tranfporting of Money and Gold : and flaying of redand black Filh. Which are no wayes difcharged by thisprefent Statute, not comprehended here- clares^ Thache'teSrer^CnmmfTm^'f^°'^^’ J'fatutes, and de- Sen ofLTdSalhrwl!^^r^ Statutes to execution, lhalloiJy be granredtoho- Sng rfSroiSce ^ fufficiently authorized by the Lords of the Secret CoLcil . fordif- M '^"‘*“'’P°H“lydifchatgesmtimecomming, James Cr an Hon his Deputies, or Sares P granted unto him for that efFecl, tobequiteextinguilhedandabolilhed. act XXni. TARLIAMENT. IV. of^ngnjl. i6it. 47 J ACT, XXIV. Atmtt Enjidents fafi the great Seal, which are not Regtftrated. OUR SOVERAIGNE lord, and estates of Parliament, underflanding, That there are fundrylnfcftments, and other Writtes , Whichpafiehis Highnefs Great Seale, That in mebygone, afterthe expeding thereof , and appending of the Seale tlietcunto: Have, through the o- “ f,n-ht and negligence of the Receivers thereof, in the not returning of the fametothe Diredtot ofHis u' |,,iefsChanceiiary, and his Deputies, Been omitted, to be regifttated in their Books and Regifters ap- "fited for that effeft. And confideting, that tire not regiftracion of the famelnleftments and Writs, f fendeth to the great hurt and prejudice of the perfons unto whom the fame ate granted , and per- '*'tHEREFORE, Our faidSoveraign Lord, and Eftates of Parliament , for remeed hereof, ftatutes dOrdains, THAT in time comming , when any Infeftment, or other Writ, or Evident, which paf- feth his Highnefs Great Seale , ftiall be formed and written by the Diredfor of his Highnefs Chancellary , or his Deputes. The fame after the writing thereof, ihallbe delivered by them unto the party, In-giver of tlefaidlnfeftments, or otliers Writtes forefaids : To the efFeAliemay get his Highnefs Great Scale there- '\o appended. Atthe Delivery whereof, the party receiver of the fame, ihall only be holdcn and aftri- 1 ■ ft d to pay at that time to tire Director of the Chancellary , or his Deputes, That one half of the prices al- • 1 I .jjiuiitohimby theBookofRatesfotwritingofEvidentstotheGreat Seaiei And that only in confide- ' don of the paines takenin forming and writing ol the faids Writs and Evidents , without paying beforehand ( Te other half of the faids prices , which hereby is appointed to be referved unpayed , while the lame be regi¬ ft at in manner after mentioned, Which Infeftments and Evidents being delivered to the Keeper of the great r c "^ale and he having appended the fame Seale thereunto , and being fatisfied of the price due to liim thete- ; ' f.j.’ordains the Keeper of the Great Seale, to return, and redeliver the fame Infeftrnent, or other Writ ' S fotefaid, fofealed by Him back again, to the Director of his Highnefs Chancellary , or his Deputies ■■ To 4 tlie effect the fame Infeftments, Evidents, or other Writs forclaids , may be regiftrated by him in the Regi- ^ ftets and Books appointed for that effect. Which being foregiftrated, Ordains the Director of his Higlt- nels Chancellary , his Deputies , to deliver the fame to the party ; He being fatisfied of the other half 1' 6f the price fotefid, retained by the patty , and impayed by him , at the time of the writing of the faids E- v vidents to the Great Seale, as due for die Regifttation thereof, in manner above written. 1 and ALSO, Our faidSoveraign Lord, ftatutes and ordains, all and whatfoever perfons, who have ^ anvTnfeftments, Writs, or Securities , grautedunto them, and already paft the Great Scale, and which are not as yet regiftrated , to returne the fame back again , unto the Director of his Highnefs Chancellary, ( ' within the fpace of a yeare after the publication of this prefent Act T o the effect the faids Infeftments , and fc Writs . may be regifttated by the faid Director of his Highnefs Chancellary , and liis Deputies ■. and that I [g-atts ) and without any payment to be given unto him therefore. J ACT. XXV; ^ tAneut Banqueting , mid Ajfarct. o UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of Parliament, confiderine , the great hurt comming unto this Country, by thefuperfluous ufage of unneceffare fumpmoufnefs in Meat, Apparel, andothenvayes: and that by all Ibrts of people, promifeuoufly without diftinctiono^rcrfons, efranksot quality. For reprefllng ol the faid abufe in time comming, Do ftatute and Ordaine , THAT J NoneofOutSoveraigne LordsLieges, ofwhatfoever quality or degree, fliall weate any cloatlimg of Gold orSilvetCloatlie, o?any Gold or Silver Lace upontlieir Apparels, or any partofdie.r Bodies hereafter. 1 And that no manner of perfon lliall have any Apparel of Velvet Sattin , or other Stuffs of filke , except Noble-men, Lords of Parliament, Prslates. His Majefties Counfel ers Lords of Seffion , Bartons of quali¬ ty. having of fteeyeatly rent foutfeore Chalders Victual , orfix tlioufand Merks offilvet: and the Pro- - VeftsoftheprincipalBurrowswithintliisKingdom, or tliofe who have been Proveftsi with fuciiaffo as fliall liappentobe, orliavebeen, Proyefts, Bailies, Deans of Guilde. and Tliefaurers. within the Towne of Edinburgh-, excepting alfo Rectors of Univctfities. i /--j » AND IT IS ftatuted, andOrdained, That thefe perfons which are pcnmttcd to weate the (aid Ap¬ parelling of Silke, fliall nowayeshave Embroydering , or any Lace, or Paflements upon their doatlics: exceptOTlyaplain Welting LaceofSilkeupontheSeames, or borders of tlieitCloatlies: with Belts , and Hat-tands^emBroyderedwtdi filke : andl^h-like, tliatthefaid apparel of filkebe now'ayes aitout upon other ftuffes of filL : except upon a Angle Taffatic. AND, that the Wives of the finds priviledgcd perlon^ 47'> KING JAMES THE S E their cldeft fonnes , and eldcft daughters unmarried, and the children of all Noble Men, be licentiaro their apparel in manner aforefaid only , under the paine of a thoufand pounds , Toties , quotks a. ITEM, Thatnoperfbn, of whatfoever degree, fliall have Pearling, or ribbening upon their n Sarkes, Napkins, and Sockes Except the perfons before priviledged. Andthe Pearling and RKi-' to be fo worne by them , ( if any be ) to be of tliofc made within the Kingdome of SCOTLAND thepayneofanehundrethpoundes, toties , qmties . ' 3- ITEM, That none weare upon their Heads, or Bufkings, any Feathers. And notwithft It IS permitted. That any petfon may weare Chaines , orothcr Gold-fmiths wotke, having no peatles, within the fame. And that no petfon weare any pearles , nor precious ftones: Except tli^^..^"°' before priviledged : under the payne of a thoufand Marks, to be payed by the contraveeners , toties, qm^ 4. And itis ftatuted. That no perfon , norperfons, ( Except the priviledged perfons forefaids ^ Launes, orCambricke. And that no perfon whatfoever weare upon their bodies , Tiffinies Col"^ Launes, orSlyres, under the paine of anehundtethpoundes, toties, qmties. ’ f- Nevetthelelle, The Kings Majeftie, Prince, and their ordinarie Houfe-holde fervants arepv» 1 from diis Aft, and all the claufes thereof. ’ 6. It is moreover ftatuted. That no fervants , Men or Women, weare any clothing , except tliofe n, emadeofCloath, Fufteans, Canvas, otftufemadeinthecounttey. And that they fliairSave nn (ilt upon their cloadtes: Except Hike Buttones, and Button holes: and Yilk Garters, without neatly * rofes , under the paine of ane hundredt Markes , toties , quoties. 'S • or 7. It is alwayes declared . That it may be lawful for them to weare their Maifters , or Miftrefles old cloatlis 8. It is hereby ordained. That no cloathes bee guilded with Gold. 9. It IS alfo declared. That Heraulds , Purfevants, and likewifeTrumpetters, be exeemed from this Adf to. ITEM, itisfuchlike fttatuted. That Minftrels be'exeemed. It. IT IS farther ftatuted, Thatnone, cxceptthePriviledgedpetfohsforefaids,ufeDama{ltpM,n- brought from beyond lea, under the paine of ane hundreth pounds , toties, quoties. iz. IT IS hhewifeftamte, that no moedeuleweedes be made at die death of any Earle orrra.nrpit buttwen ■eloureatthemoft: Or for ane Lord of Parliament , or ane Lords wife butfixteenroZ for all other priviledged perfons before named , twelve at the moft : And that none ( exceSe nrivL'"^ perfons ) h^ave any honours carryed , and thefe according to their qualities ; and that no derweed b thfa to Heraulds, Trumpetrers, or SauUies, Except by the Earles and Lorfs and theft w A JoZdT, of by no perfon after Mattinmeffe, theyeare of G O D onrtliM°Tv ' f ycares: under tliepaines[rey?ea'^e /above fetdowne,’ Z'^^^^ies Conftftbns^^fBanquettings^ manner of Defert ofWettc and dry in S C O T L A N D? As alfo Fips R^-iif nc ^ ■ Feaftings , or any meales : Except the Finites growing underdieDamcofathoufandMn?lfc tt * , Almondes, and other confeifledfruites; the paine of a thoufand Marks , toties, quoties. Excepting liich like the ufe of the forefaids forbidden XXIII. ‘PARLIAMENT. IV. ofKMuguJl. i6ii. 477 to be lawful for tlic cntcrtsitirncnt of His Msjcftic , Prince , ^nd tlieir Trsiiies , beins witltin ibc ountrey. andfor Ambafladours, orfttangersofgreatqualitie. ^ jg. Anditisftamte moreover , Tliatno perfon of whatfoever qualitie , ufe any Feafting at Burials, offer of other Meats, except bread and dtinke. As Like-wife, no perfon ufe any eating or drinking Might-wakings, or Licke-wakes : under die paine of a thoufand Markes, toties, quotas, ACT. XXVI. Amit Tbakking ofHoufesin Edinburgh, with Sklaite and SkaiUte. 0URSOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of this prefent Parliament , confidering that fundrie petfons of meane qualitie , acquire unto themfelves the heretablc right of fundrie minous Landes , and Waftes , within the 1 owne of Edinburgh. And for want of meanes to build the' fame fufficiently, thaickes the fame with ftrawe, and Deales, whereby the Landes next adjacent unto die fame builded^pon the great charges and expences of the Heretors , ate often-times brought in ereat hazard , and fometime to decay , in time of fudden Fyte. 1 H E R E F O R E , and for further decoration of the faid Burgh, being the Head-Burgh of diis Realme, OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, widiconfent of the faids Eftates, ftatutes and ordaines. That in all time to come, no manner of nerfoii, or perfones, fhaii be fuffered , or permitted to builde any houfes within the faid Burgh of Eiidurgh- But fuch as lhall be covered With Sdaite, or Skallie, Lead, Tylde, or T hacke-llone., and aifo, ftatutes, and ordaines, 'I hat the Heritors ol fuch houfes as are already thaicked wiih Thack and Straw, (if the fame Tiiacke, and Straw-Roofs , ftiall hereafter at any time become ruinous) ftall be aftrifted tothaickthefame againe with Sklaite, or Skaillie, Lead, dylde, or T hadte-ftone. A N D Ordaines , Letter? of Horning to be ditefted here-upon , againft the Heritors of the faids lands, in forme asefleires. AND fuch-like, Ordaines the Proveftand Baillies of die faid Burgh, To put this Aft to Execution. ACT. XXYII. Anent Compryfingfrom apparent Heyres, extended as well mte Mens owne debts , as their Predeceffbrs. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of this ptefcnt Parliament, Ratifies, approves, and confirmes , the io6. Aft of the feaventh Parliament oLKing 'J A M E S the fifth, of worthy memory; Intituled [ The Creditor may purjhe him, who is charged to enter, and entreth mt, ] in all the Heads, Articles, and Ciaufes thereof. With the addition and explanation following .• THAT the fame lhall be extended unto Debts owing by any perfon himfelfe, as well as to thofe which are addebted by his predeceflbrs. For the wliicli debt, it fliall be as lawful for a Creditor, to charge any perfon to enter Heir to hispredecefibt, andiyith the like certification , as if the predccefibr had been deWor thereintil. Where-upon comprifing may follow in manner fpecified , in the faid Aft. ACT. XXVIII. i^nent taking of Annuel-rent before hand, to be ‘Uptrie. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of this prefent Parliament, confidering. thatnotwithftanding Ufurie, and taking unlawful Annuel , more then ten for each liundreth, hath been by fandry Aftes of before difeharged, and forbidden: Yet it hath been ufual, by ane evill and Scuftome to take, or retaine , the Annuel-rent , the time of the borrowing the Money: ineffefte is eleven of each hundreth, at lead. For Avoyding whereof, ftatutes, anci ordains That no perfon, wholendes, or gives out money, and receaves Annua therefore, lhall retaine the time of die lending, exaft, crave, or receave, from tlteir Debtors , the Annuel of theit lent fummes , until the tearme afpayment appoynted, by their Bandes, be fitft come. And it fliall be lawful, at the time of lending of Money, and making of Bands , to adde the annuel unto the principal fiimme •• providing alwayes , neitlier principal nor annuel be exafted, or craved, before the tearme of payment appoynted to the faid Band. And the contraveeners of this prefent ftatute lhall be punifhed as unlawful. Ufurers. T t t ACT 478 KING JAMES THE SENT ACT XXIX. Katijicatim of thi Sit of Secret Ceimdl, kga'tnfi Backjlers /Broccijiers , Flefijcrs and Candk-makersoj Edinburgh. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With advice and confent of the E STATES oftliioi, Parliament , By the Tenor hereof, Ratifies, Approves, and confirmes ,The Aft of the Secret Cou 'i thoufand, fixe hundreth, and eighteene yeares; Made'*^ J downe , by his Majeftic , with confent of the Lords of His Highnefie Secret Council , againft the Backft Browfters, Flcfliers, Candle-makers, and others therein contained , In-dvvellers within Edmbur- 90 Aft Ttt 3 481 _ _ ^ KING J ^ OK E S THE SENT. ' 5'o Aft disjoyning the parts lying widiin the Ports of Edinburgh,, from Sanbl-Cuthbfrt , and Huly-I^^ y I Aft in favours of the Keepers of tlie Kings Caftles. yz ProteltationmadcfortheEarleofA'rrff/?, Great Conftable. yy Proteftation made by the Earle OKarjhal. y4 Proteftation made by the Earle of andLordof/?oJ/e. y y Proteftation of the T own of Leith. y 6 Declaration in favours of other Butrowes , ancnt the Aftes granted in favours of Edinburgh. y/ Ratification in favours of MafterA/fJfaaifcrGr^w, Laird of Orrrrf. y8 Ratification in favours of the Laird oUVauchtoun. y 9 Aft in favours of the Laird of Lochmvar. 60 Aft in favours of the Laird of Caddel. 61 Aft in favours of the Laird of IVhittinghame . 6 z Aft in favours of the Laird of Corjlorfhin. 6 j Aft in favours of the Laird oiBuchanane. 6 4 Aft in favours of the Laird of Sanii-OMxmans. 6y Aftin favoursofSityofi«d’cor, oiScots-Tarvet . 66 Two Aftes in favours of Alexander Cranjloun oiMoreJloun. 6 7 Aft in favours of the Laird of Ruchlaw. 6i Aliinlsvowsoi I'Killiam Barcklay , oilnnergeUie. 69 Ratification to Mafter!r&»/^af//«/>e, oiCraighal, of his Infeftment of Ar«y(/re. 70 Aft anent the Union of the Lands of Khminmonth, &c. unto the Kirk of JifW. 7 1 Aft in favours of the Univerfitie of Sanll-Audrewes. 7Z Aft in favours of Mafterf^^/Z/awr/hr^er, oiCraigievar. 73 Licence to Sir anentfellingofhis Yron. 7 4 Ratification to IViiliam Maxwel, of his Infeftment of JufUng Leys, and Vicarage of Kirkbennit, 7 y Ratification in favours of die Laird of Carftorphin. 7 6 Ratification of the Gift of the Chamberlainrie of Fyjfe , granted unto umvvhile Sir James Hay. 7 7 Commiifion to the Lordes of Seffion, in favours of the Lord of Sfynie. 7 8 Aft in favours ol James JVinrame. 79 Aft in favours of Mafter JV zlter IVheitfurde » ancnt the Minifterie of Failfwde. 80 Aft in favours of Sir Gear;^e /ifarse , oIOKanderjioun. 81 AftintavoursofMafterfZ^/7/M»r Kellie. 8z A&mhvomsoiJVilliamDowglas , of Cavers. 8 3 Ratificarion in favours of the Town of Elgin. 84 AftinfavoursofSir/a/a«Ca?w/'^e/, anent die Kirk of 8 y Ratification in favours of the Town of Elgin. 86 Acccptationbythe Parliament oftheOlrcr made by the Extraordinary Lords of Seffion, anenttheir Taxation. 87 An AftandCommiffion , granted by Parliament , upon the offer made by the Advocates, and other Members of the Colledge of Juftice , anent their Taxation. The end of the XXIII. and lajt Parliament, of Good King JAMES the Sextb. the J I i THE ACTS Made in the FIRST parliament Of Out Mofi High and Dread Soveraign , CHARLES the first. By the Grace of G O D , King of GREAT BRITAINE, FRANCE,' and IRELAND, Defender of the Faith, &c. ’ Etlden hj Himfelfe , p-efent in Terfin , With his three Eftates at Edinburgh , uFm the Tweutie eight day of June , Anno Domini , 1653. ACTE AnenttbeTaxatmgrantedtoHisCMajefieoftbirtie]hillingsrearmtufmthepund Land, mdthejixteenthfeunie of all Annuel-rents. N THE PARLIAMENT A Edinburgh , the twenty eight day of June, tlK yearc of God, i ^ 3 5- THE THREE ESTATES of Parliament being aflembled , having taken to their Confideration the many bleffings, which this nation doth enjoy under hisMajeftiesmoft wife, happy, and peaceable government , whereof each Eftate is moft fenfible , his Majefties royal zeale for pr^agating rhe Gofpel of J E S U S C H R I S T , his care tor providing fufhcient main¬ tenance for the Clergie, his extraordinary pames taken forunmng the disjoynted members of this Common- wealth, and ixtirping of all toots ofdifcords, releevingtheopprefled, aud with fo eaven and fatherly 0 handcurinethewoundsofthis Common-wealth, as the wifeft eye can findenoblemifhinthetemperofallhis Royal Aftions : And lalt, the great comfort they have by enjoying his Majefties Roy al ptefence and expencesdisbutfedbyhisMajeftieinthishisMajeftiesjourney: with a moft tha^ ufa _ _ /X _ _ ..—J Kic iVlaipRif! . ro JlCCCDt of tllis UlCIf VO paines . _ _ tliankfulacknow- ntteat ms sacrea iviajcuic , to accept of this tlieir voluntary _ _ _ and payed to his gracious Majcftie, in manner, and at the The Dukes, Marquefles, T nrds . and Commif- ^en , and expences disbutled by his Majeltie in tins ms inajeiiiesjoumc Igcment , are moft eatneftly and humbly to entreat his Sacred Majeftie ftrotane taxation to be impofed — „„4„.,„.,1ml-„carariniis s following : That is to fay ane taxation to be impofed, coUeaed, anapayeaioiiisgi,.c.uu»^-aj-“‘-, r.ii ■ -r-i— -T r- . nrc. r>.,i,.e Earles, Vicounts, Lords, and L-ommil :mes following : Thatistofay, TheDukes, Matquefles, i.-n iners of Sillies for the temporal Eftate, have gtaMed, tliat there fliall be up I tc o yp 484 THE FIRST PARLIAMENT old extent within this Kingdomc, pertaining to Dukes, MarquelTes, Earles, Vicounts, Lord7~R ' and Freeholders, and FewcrsofhisMajcfties proper lands, the fumme of thirty fliillimrs nionev' one of the fix fcveral termes followiiig , viz. The fuinme ot thirty ihillings money at the leaft and Martinmas, in the year of God, 1054. Thefumnieofotherthirtielliillings money at theleaft of Martinmas , in the year of God , 1 63 y. The fumme of other thirty Ihillings money at the feaft a H of Martinmas , in the year of God , 1636, 1 he fumme of other thirty Ihillings money at the feaft a H of Martinmas , in the year of God , 1637. The fumme of other thirty lliillings money at the feaft aiH ofMartinmas, in the year of God, 1638, And the fumme ofother thirty Ihillings money at the fe IF terme of Martinmas, in the year of God, 1659. AND the Archbilhops and Bilhops forthes” Eftate, have granted that there Hull be uplifted of all Atchbilhopricks, Bilhopticks, Abbacies p and other Inferiour Benefices , within this Kingdome , at everyone of the fix termes above-fpccified*^^”^'^^ ’ taxation thereof, as they have been acciiftomed to be taxed unto in all time by-gone , whenfoever tl” '^T poral lands of this Kingdomc were ftinted to thirty Drillings the pound land of old extent : And thefam tiontobepayedateveryoneofthefixfeveraltcrmesabove-fpccified. AND the Commiflioners of rowes for their Eftate have granted , that there lhall be uplifted o( aU the Burrows within this Kingdo ' every one ofthe fix termes above-fpccified, the juft taxation tliereof as they have been accuftonicd"'^ ’ k ' taxed unto, in all time by-gone, whenfoeverthe Temporal Lands of this Kingdome were ftinted to ' Drillings the pound land of old extent. And the faid Taxation to be payed at every one of the fix fcveral te above-written. A N D in regarde that IrisMajcftie hath erected fundry Prelacies in temporal Lordlb''^ whereby the owners thereof may claime to be taxed with the Barons of the Temporal Eftate . and rlisr,.l, ' r ' Majcfticwillbedcftaudcdofagrcatpart of the faid Taxation. ^ 1 HERE FORE THE SAIDS ESTATES Ordaine. that all ereiftions of Prelacies and oti, fmall Beirefices , in whole or in part in Temporal Lordlliips , lhall in payment of the faid Taxation nav r theCollccftourthercoffoniuchofthcfameTaxation {fro rata) as if they were no wayes erefted and ” th w were fubjcct to do before the erection of the fame. AND fiklike it is ftatute and ordained ’ that all diDolvcd Benefices within this IGiigdome , in whole or in part , Diall be fubject in payment of fo much of rl frinc taxation (/trr> as they would have been fubject to pay , though the fame had not been diflblved And that thofc patties, who have gotten any part or portion of any Prelacies, or other Inferiour Benefice dillolvcd , and new fecuritics made unto them by his Majeftie of that part and portion thereof fo dilToIvcd lhall be fubjcct in payment ofthe Taxation thereofto the Prelate or other beneficed petfon for his reliefc nf the fame Taxation, as they would have been, fo the fame had not been dilTolved , notwithftaiidinn of thwco°f fecurities made by his Majeftie to them in thecotittary AND FURTHER, his Majeftie and the faids Eftates annul and difeharge all priviledges and imm,, nities wharfoever , whereby any perfons may think themfelves free of payment of this prefent Taxa' tion ( The priviledges granted to the ordinary Lords and Senators of the Collcdge of luftice and the taxation of Benefices , given , difponed , and mortified for entertainment of the Univetfities Col ledges, and Hofpitals within this Kingdomc only excepted.) AND further, the faids Eftates lor a more ample teftification of their exceeding great affection to his Majefties fervice have fbcfidc and attour the ordinary taxation above-written) made a tree and willing otTcr to liis Majeftie of one yearlv cx- dnmo h" rh f f ""y annual-rents which any perfon or perfons within this Im- 0^0 0 1 ^ ® “™'y ^ annual-rents, wherein they are adebt- cd to othMs being firft deduced ) .- The firft termes payment whereof lhall bee , and begin at the Feaft and terme of Martmmw, inthcyeareofGod, one thoufand fix hundred thirty four years, and fo forth yearly termeTna^mc r P^^y^a^. wlule the faids fix yeates and Live termes pa^i ment thereof be full and complecely out-run. ^ I “tire better tryall of every man his annual-rents, whichhcchathyearlyortermiy due to him: Jowcs'lTdieShiTir H^ of the whole hcadbiir- f M n- I BaiUeries, and Regalities , within this Kingdome , whcrcbyall I’nd “' 'e u ^ ^ ° therewithal the faids EftaL will , command , u din r!r Pel ful^efts Aat have any annual-rents payable to them. That they compear ai f S‘’=“*tl°me, Stewartrie, BaiUerie, or Regalitie, ortho Head burgf of a y*’«einthe head-Courts arc holden, andwherLiefaidsannual-rentersLcII, a rone of p court day in one of the two laft weeks immediately preceediiig, time he sLL* 0?° weeks immediately foUowing Whitfunday , and Martinmaire.^ ‘ At which Lr-sw,rimrh^r ^ of Regalities, and Proveft, and BailliesofFrcc-bur- fi^cifed A Hrhcl^ Diall be obliged to hold Courts weekly, to the cfTcft after of the wliole fumme- Courts, lhall give up aite invcntar to the Clerk thereof, of cirDebrorT Hnrw Tl’"^ is due to them yearly ot termly, with the names ortl c t ^Idi^rr f I "'^y *^y in payment of annual-rents to others , with the names tlicit creditors, to whom the fame is due, defigned likewife by name and furnamc , and the place of their OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST. 48 j hcnordinarie refidence, whedier the fame annual- rent be in viftual, or iiifilvcr; the amuial of viftiial to L efteeraed according to the flock of money for which it is payed , at eight for ilk hundred thereof. And dial! caufe the parties, up-givers of the faids inventars , eVeriepartiefubfcribehisowninvcntarhimfelfc, ii 1 ec can writes and if hee cannot write , the Clerk of the faid Court Ihallfubfcribe the faid inventar in fa,i fihe court before the members thereof. And alfo die Sherriffs , Stewards, Baillies, Baillics of Rcgali- °ljs Proveft, andBailliesofFree-burroweswithintheboundsoftheirjurifdiftions ; AndthcClerkstlieni- felvMlhall make and give up anc inventar ofthe Debts owing to themfelves, and by themfelvcs , as f.iiJ is. jX IS alvvaies provided , tlutifanyperfonimpeditbyre&nofficknefs, or diftraited by fomc othci juft occafion, ihall not be prefent himfelfe to give up the faid inventar , It iliall be lawful for him to c,iufc anv honeft refponfal man within thejudfdiftion where hee dwels, compeirandgive up his inventar, pro¬ viding the fame be fubferibed by himfelfe , or any Notar at his command , which the ingiver ihall de¬ clare to be one true deed , and ihall abide at the fame upon the like hazard and danger , as the prin¬ cipal partie ihould underlye ; which fliall be alsfufficient, as if the inventar had been given perfonally up bv the principal partie himfelfe. And an inventar being once made and given up, Ihall ftill Hand, and bea ground to charge any perfon , during the time of tlie fix years of the faid taxation , unlcfs the par- tie change, or otherwaies employ his fammes: and then he Ihall give up a new inventar , which Ihall be a new ground of a charge, and the former ihall ceafe. And the faid Clerk ihall make a Record in his Re- rifter of the faids whole inventars ; which inventars being fo recorded , lliall bee extrafted by the laid Clerk, and fabfaibed with his hand, And three excradls made of the fame; one to be given to the partie, if be re- nuite the fame; another to be fent by the faid Clerk to the Colleftor of the faid taxation; and -the third to be fent by the laid Clerk , to the CLtRK of His MAJESTIES REGISTER, to be kept a- mongft the Records of his Majefties Exchequer , to the intent it may be known how far everie part;; is ly able in payment of the faid extraordinarie taxation. For the which extraft and not made in Regifter, the faid Clerk lhalliiave of every perfon, up-giver of aninventar, the fummeoffoutlliillings money. And if byflothor malice the Clerk Ihall happen to delay , or fliift the Lieges , reforting to the faids courts to the cfFeft forefaid, Slaintbeingmadethercofto the Lords ofhisMajeftiesprivie Council) the faids Clerks Ihall bee pu- accordingly, at the diferetion of the faids Lords. And at any Court day , in any of the faids two Weekes preceeding or immediately following any terme , itiliallbc ieafome to any perfon to^compeir and oSer to give up his inventar (hee making pay menc of the taxation due for the fame) which the Clerk dc Judge IhallbeaftriftedtoteceaYe. ,1 j r and albeit it be declared . that an inventar once given up fliall ftill Hand, and be a ground to charge any perfon during the whole tetmes of the faid taxation , except the fame be changed in manner forefaid : Ji et bccaufefuiidry , who have this liberty , delay to make payment of the taxation of their moneys after the time be expired , THEREFORE It is provided and declared , that if they faillie to make payment of the due taxation of their moneys within twentie dayes after each terme, that the partie fo faillymg, fliall be fubjeft in payment ofthe triple ofthe faid taxation, for each tetme wherein he faillies, and letters ihall be direftagainll them, for payment thereof in forme as effeiris. FURTHER, Forriiebetterobfervarionofthis Aft , It is declared, that whofoevet receaves, re- taines, or conditions to leceave any annual-rent, and concealeth the fame, or any part tlieteol . Or in giving up hisinveiitarofdebts, andannuals owing by him to hisjuft creditors, giwth up more thm he 19 luffly addebted , the up-givet thereof IbaU forefdt that tetmes annual to his bfajefties ufc. AND who- foevifirftdifcovers, orreveales , either the annual concealed, or annual which is more than the up-givcrs juftdebt; fliall for Ills reward have the halfe of that tetmes concealed annual and as much as the Italie ol that annual which fhall be difeovered to have been unjuftly given up. AND Iii-dafe if Ihall happen any perfon or peifons whatfoever, byvettue of hisup-given inventar , to be charged for payment of his taxa- L, and at the time of his charge to declare in prePenaeofa Judge by h,s great Oath folcmnlylivotne that 1, is debter isabankrupt, wherebylie is difaMed to makepaymento his taxation andis content Majeftv ihall have the whole annual-rent addebted to him by his baiifoupt debtor for that terme. The pd declatadonfliallbeeafufficientiiberationtohimoftliefame : AND Forefchew.ngof of thofowliohaveomitteJorconceakd their fummes . IT IS ordW. Th^.whenfoeve any pa ftallaccufe, or delate another of concealing, oromittingoffunimes. the tirne of making 1ik inventar he lliall condifeenduponfome probable caufe of liis delatimi , and lliall And f faiUieinprovidingthatwhichheedelates. And theteflwll no fuchaaions of delations to any creditor, to get reliefeofliis debtor for this taxation which is 'XMlZers AND concetnine ftauuc, underihepainescontainedm the Ads of Parliament made a ent Ufl «s A N D Mnors, itisdeclafod That their minority fliaU no waye^pnvfledge them, but theirtiuors 486 THE FIRST PARLIAMENT ihall give up their inventars of their annual-rents in their names, which if the faids Tutors and Cur failyie to do, the faids Minors (hall incurte the like danger as others, and at their petfcft age, (hall 1*^°'* adionof relief apinllthe faids Tutors and Curators for that caufe. AND incafe any pe'tfon out of this Kingdom after the publication of this prcfent aft , the fame (hall no wayes excufe him giving up an invcntat of his annual-rents, and payment of the faid Taxation, and underlying qm'” danger contained in this prefcnt Aft. But they who are prcfently forth of this Kingdom , and III n not return before the tcrmeof Whitfunday , intheyearofGod, one thoufand, fix hundred.thirty five fii ^ (hall not come under the danger of this Act until the terme of Martinmafie thereafter, providing' at thattctmc they give up their inventars, and pay their Taxation, as if they had been prcfent witli^' die Kingdom , bclore the forefaid terme of Martinmafie. AND fot uplifting of the fame Taxati granted upon Annual-rents, and to the intent, his Majefties general Collector thereof, may know who”" to crave and charge for the fame; I T is flatute and ordained , that within every Sheriffdome, St™ wattry, Bailycric, and Regality, where the Offices of ShetilTs, Stewarts, Bailiffs ate heritable and' the Proved: and BailiiTs of Free Burrows, thefe heritable Officers and their deputes, for whom the (hall be lioldcn to anfwet, and Proved and Bailiffs of Free Burrows , (hall collect the frid Taxation^ and make payment thereof to his Majefties Collector general of his faids Taxations. And where thefe Offices of Sheriffs, Stewarts, and Bailiffs, ate not heritable but changeable ; The Clerks within the faids jurildictions (having their Offices ad vitam) (hall be collectors thereof. And in cafe the faid Clerks have not already found fufficient caution for difeharging of their Offices , they (hall be holden before tliey have any intromiffion with the fame Taxation , or oMteife their Office of Sheriff-Cletk af¬ ter the forefaid Tcrmeof Martinmafie, in the year of God, oneSioufand, fix hundred, thirtie four years to find fufficient Caution for that effect. AND where there are no heritable Officers nor Clerks (ha^ ving'thcir Offices ad vitam ) and have not found Caution in manner above written , the faid Colle-' ctot general of his Majefties Taxation, and his Deputes in Iris name fufficicntly authorized by him' and for whom he (hall be holden to anfwer. And whofe name he (hall caufe publilh at the Mark«-crofs of the head Burgh of that Jurifdiction , where there is no heritable Officers nor Clerks ( ad vitam) that his Majefties Lieges may know to whom they (hall make payment, (liall collect and uplift the fame Taxation; which payment being made, the receaver thereof (hall be oblieged to deliver to the payer thereof an acquittance upon the Receipt of the fame, gratis, without paying any money for the fame. I T I S likewife provided , that the Fees of tlic Collectors and Receavers o? the fame Taxation ofannual rcnts, (hall be , !ikc-as hereby they are remitted to the difetetion and arbitriment of the Lords of his Majefties Privy Council, to be fet down and aggreed upon by them. AND the faids K- ftates hereby defeerne and declare , that all Burgefles and Freemen within Burgh , albeit they be taxed in the ordinary Taxation abovewritten , with their Neighbours, conform to the order prefcribed for collecting of the burrows partof the faid ordinary Taxation ; yet the fame lhall no wayes liberate not free them from payment of the faid extraordinary 'laxation , according to the proportion of the fixteenth penny of their annual-rents, but (hall be lyable in payment thereof, as others his Majefties Lieges are. A T T O U R the faids Eftates annuli , and difehatge ail priviledges , and immunities whatlbever wherc- byaiiy perfon may think themfelves free of payment of any part ot this prefenc extraordinary Taxation the priviledges and immunities granted to the ordinary Lords ol^Seffion, with the annual-rents due to be payed toColledges, Schools, and Holpitals , or mortified for fuftentation and upholding of Kirks and Bridges, witlithc annual rent that might be claimed of poor people, whofe (lock exceeds not the fumme otfive hundreth Merks Scots, only excepted. ACT 11. Anent the CoUelting and InbriHging of the Taxation, and reliefe to Prelates. TN THE PARLIAMENT Holden at Edinburgh upon the twenty eight day of 7»«e, theyearof j ol , 1633. The three Eftates of die faid Parliament being affembled, having taken to their confide- deration the many blelfings which this nation dodi enjoy under his Majefties moft wife, happy , and peace- ab e government whereof wchEftate is moft fenfible, his Majefties royal zeale for propagatingthrOof- pclof JcfusClirift his care for providing fufficient maintenance for the Clergy, his extraordinary paines taken for unitingtlmdisjoyntedm^embers of this Common- wealth , and extirping of all roots ofdifeords, relieving tlie opptefied, and with fo eaven and fatherly a hand, curing the wounds of this Common-wealth, as the wifeft ey e can finde no blemilli in the temper of ail his royal actions : And laft , the great comfort diey have had by wijoymg his Majefties royal prefence , paines taken, andexpencesdisbutfedby hisMi- jefty in his his Majefties joutney : with a moft thankful acknowledgement, are moft camellly and humbly to intrcat his facred Majefty, to accept of this theit voluntary offer of one Taxation ordmary to ^ impofed collecmd , and payed to his gracious Majefty in manner, and at the tetnies (ollowing ; That is to fay , The fumme of thirty (hillings money at the Feaft and Terme of Marnn- mafic, i 4S7 I KING C H R L E S THE FIRST. ifTe in the year of God, 1634. Thefummeofotlicr thirtiefliilliiigs money at the fcalf itndtcrmeof 5!,lirtinmane,i6;y. The fumme of other thirtiefliillings money at the ieaft and terme of Martinmaffe, « 6 Thefummeof other thirtiefliillings money atthcFeafland terme of Martinmairo, 1637. The r ^rneofothcrthirtiefliillingsmoneyattheFcaftandtermc of Marcinmafle, 1658. And the fnmmc of Ter thirtiefliillings money at the Feaft and terme of Martinmafle, 1639. AND For the fpiritnal-mcii j Butrowes parts of the fame taxation , That there fliall be uplifted ofeverie Archbiflioprick , Bilhoprick , Ihhacie. Pryorie, and odierinferiour benefice, andofeverieFree-burgh within thisKingdome, atcvcric ^ ol the faids fix termes payment, the juft taxation thereof , and as they have been accimomcd to betaxt ''"toinall time by-gone, whenfoever the Temporal-lands within this Kingdome were ftented to thirtie Mlings money the pound land of old extent. And the fame taxation to be payed at every one of the fix f veral termes above-written. AND FOR inbtinging of the fpiritiial-mcns parts of the fame taxation. Ordains letters to be diteft , charging all and fundrie Archbilliops , Billiops, Abbots , Pryors , as likevvife all M blemen and others, in whofe favours the erection of any ptelacie,or other inferiour benefice, or any parr or ^ tion thereof, be it in Lands, Kirks, or Teynds, Or in wliofe favours the patronage o( any benefice, Kirks, or ?evnds are paft , and all other beneficed perfons contained in the T axt-ro!s, their heritable Baillies, Chamber- I les Faftors and intromettors with their rents and living, perfonally ,or at their dwelling places, and by open - damationat the Market-crofles of the Head-burtowesoftheSheriffdomes, Stewartries, and Baillierics, ^hcre the faids Prelacies, erefted Lordlhips, and fmall Benefices lye , if they be within this Kingdome. And ■f hev be without this Kingdome, by open proclamation at the Market-croile of Edinburgh, Peir and Shore of Trith uponthreefcore dayes warning, to make payment of that fumme, that they and ilk one ofriicmare ^tunto, for every one ofthe faids fix termes , To the Collector general of thelaid taxation, appointed be appointed by his M A J E S T I E , or his Deputes and Officers in his name , Iwving his power and *^^mmifhontoteceavethefame, at the particular termes above-written , under the paineol Rebellion, and mtiina of tliem to the home. And if they failie therein , at the by-naffing of every one of the faids termes , To denounce the difobeyers rebels, and put them to the home, andtoefchcat, &c. And that the Prelates, and beneficed perfons, aiidfuch Noblemen, and others , in whofe favours the eredlions and patronages above-written ate paft. For their reliefe have letters, charging their Vaflals , Sub-vaffals , Ladies of terce, coniunft.feears , and life-renters, Fewars, Tackfmeii, and penfioners , to make payment ol their part ot the faid Taxation ilk one of them {fro rata) according to the fumme they ihall be taxt unto ; to the faids Pre¬ lates and other beneficed perfons, and to the faids Noblemen, and others, having power to receavc the fame, within twentie dayes next after the charge, -under the name of rebellion , &c. And if they failie, &c. To de¬ nounce &c. andEfcheac,&c. And to poynd and diftrenyie therefore, as they fliall think moft expedient : Providine alwaies that the firft termes payment of the faid taxation be ever pall , before the next termes pay¬ ment be diarged for. And the Eftates declare, Thattheproduftionoffufficienthorningsagainft the faids Vaflals Fewars, Tackf-men and penfioners, ihall be a reliefe to die faids Prelates. Lords oi ereftion, and bene- ficeduetfons and ihall exonet them {frotanU) ftompaymentofdiefaidtaxauion, Providing tlut the fame horn4s with their Taxt-rolsauthentickly made and fubfetibed by the faids Prelates, Lords of F.reaions, and ot&r beneficed perfons. and by their Fewars.Vaffals, Tackf-men and Penfioners in manner hereafter pre- feribed containing the particular fumme which each one of them arc taxt unto , be delivered to the Collector ofthe fame Taxation, within the fpace of threefcore dayes after every Ferme: Odicrwifc he fliall be no- wayesobliged to teceavethefaine,neitherfta!l the Prelate, Lordofcreaion, nor beneficed petfon be exo- nerd by produftion ofthe fame at any time thereafter. . , . , r r 1 r- o.- 4 And faher that the faids Prelates and fuch Noblemen , and otiicrs in whofe favours the Ercftions and Patronages abo’vc-written are paft. and all other beneficed perfons may have their reirfe of their VafTals, Sub-valSls, Ladies of terce, conjunft-feears, life-tenters, Fewar^ Tackf-men and penfioners.- Totlie gteateteafe and leffe trouble to their faids Vaffals and others forefaid. And to theeffea, that every one propottionailymaypay his part ofthe faid Taxation, according to the quantity and availe of the free-rent, whichheehath o/hl benefice, lands, penfions. pkes, and Tcind-lheaves oertaming “ f ^el Ptekte, Lordofeteftion, Patron , and other beneficed perfons themfelves, asthcFewar, Tackf-manand **'11 Ts thought expedient , ftatuteand ordained , that the ftids Prelates and others above-rche^cd cvetyoiieofthcmfeve^lyfliallconveenhiswholeFewars. Vaffials, ticular places hereafter defigiied. They are to fay , The Atchbffiiop ^ c of SaualHndrewes ■. the Atchbifliop of Glafgow, at the Cine oiGlafgm : the Biihop ol alKirkwal- theBifliopofCirintew, atthetownof®«ra£(f/i; the Billiop of ^(?/> , at the town of Ctow- m Mofs : the at the town of £/«« : die Bifltop of a: the tlieBiih4offir.r-&«.atdieBurghof5r.c&«: theBilhooof'M^. Vt U^odmhlane, atthetown&®«tec The Billiop of Ga//gh-. theLordofAfe/rw, attheTownofil/^/rw: the Lord of , atthe Tofvii oiPaiJlay -. xhsLoxAoiBlautyre,3Xx\\ehm^\olGla/gow: the Lord &BailIie of the Temporal-lands of /ft/. ■ayy;//?/irdillblvedfronitheAbbacieofArte'«///f, at the burgh of Irtr/r//^ : die Abbot oi Corfraguel , atthe Towii of Afoyfoi/ ; the Vtyoxoiwhitharne , at the butghof /PAifAcir/rr': the Abbot of burgh ol IVbithorne : the Pryor of Santfl-Afe^-I/e , at the burgh of Kirkcudbright -. the Lord of Dundremmn at tlic burgh of : theLordofGAw/afe , atdieburghof theAbbotof7»«^4t»(/_ jj the burgh of/T;?t«/r»: die Abbot of at the burgh ol : Haz NSoox oiHolie-vmod , 3.x the burgh oiHunfreis -. the Pryor of Catmabie , at the burgh of hnnand-. the Barron and Baillie of the Baronie ofP/«i'fWa»,dcllblvedftonitheLordlhipof Hole-rud-houfe , afthe '&\xx^xoi Edinburgh-. theHeritoursof the hundred pound land ofthe BarronieofMi»^4z»r» refpeft being had to the gerfom payed by the faids Sub-tackf-mcn. AND FOR INBRINGINGofriieBarronsandfree-holderspartofthe fame Taxation , and of tlic Fewers and rent- telierssfOur Sovetaigne Lords propalandstheirpartstheteof; Ordaine letters to be direft , charging al andfundrie Sheriffs, Stewarts, Baillies, their Deputes and Clerks, Fewars, Chamberianes andRcceavcrs of Our Soveraigne Lords proper lands; thatthey and every one of them within the bounds of tlieit proper offices raife and up-lift the fumme of thirtie killings, money of this Realme. of every pound land ol old extent Ivina within the bounds of their Jurifdiftions , for every one of the fix termes abSve-tpecificd. And mbting and deliver the fame to the colleftor forefaid ; or to his Deputes and Officers in his name , having his power to receave the fame at the particular termes above-fpecified, under the paine of rcbellioii, &c. Audit they faille at the by-paffina of every one of the faids termes, to denounce and efclieat, &c. And for their relief, that letters be direft, charging all and fundtie Dukes . Earles, Lords, Bartons , Free-holdets , ’ Fewars , and Rentellets ol our Soveraigne Lords proper lands , petfonalhe , or at their dwel¬ ling places , and by open proclamation at the Market-ccoffc of the head-burgh ofthe Sheriftdome, Stewartrie, Badlkrie . where their lanSs lye , if they be within the Kingdome and if they be without the Kmgdome . by openproclamationattheMaAet-croffe of Edmburgh, Peit and Shore of, upon threefcore dayes warning : to make payment to the faids Sherriffs. Stewarts, and Bailhcs, their Depute and Clerks. Chamberianes, andreceaversofour Soveraigne Lords proper lands, every one of them for rhcir own parts rejhemve, ofthe laid fumme of tliirtielhiliings money torefaid , foreyery pound land of old extent , per¬ taining to them for eyerie one ofthe faids fix termes payment Withm twentie dayes next alter they be chargedthereto, under the paine of rebellion . &c. And ifthey failie . &c. To denounce and efehea , &c. Andit need bee, that the faids Sheriffs , Stewarts, Bailhcs their Deputes and Clerks , C^iambcrknes. andreceaversofour Soveraigne Lords proper lands, poynd and diftrenyic the readieft goods and geare being upn the faids lands therefore , as they lhall think moft expedient^ And that the faids Earles . Lords, Barons and Freeholders, Fewers, and Rent-tallctsol our Sovetaigne Lords proper Lands have le tots for theirreliefe, to charge their Vafials, Sub-vaffals, LadiesolTerce Conjunft-feears, and Life-renters, to makepaymentoftheitpartsofthefaid Taxation-, within twentie dayes next _a ter the charge i^^ef the paineo^fLbellion. hi And if they failie ,&c. To denounce And efeheat . And /need be thatthey poynd. anddiftrenyiethecefote. Providing alwaies . d"' Taxation be ever pall , before the next termejic charged for. AND for 'nbnng ng dmo'Ves p^^^^ ofthe fame taxation , ordains letters to be direfted , charging the Proveft and Bailhes of ilk Burgh , to make L 49° THE FIRST T ARLI AMENT gone merers payment of the taxt and ftent thereof, to the Colleftor general aforefaid, ins Deputies and Oflicers ' name, having his power to receive the fame at the particular terms above-fpecified , under tliepai 'fp™* hellion, &c. And if they failyie , &c. To denounce and efeheat, &c. And for their relief tors bedireft, charging the Proveft, Bailiffs, and Council within each Burgh, toconveen and'ele'ft tain perfons to ftent their neighbours. And thefaid eledion being made, to charge theperfonsci to accept the charge upon them, in fetting of the faid ftent upon the inhabitants of every burgh conveen and fet the fame, and make a ftent roll thereupon , aseffeirs, wiihin twenty four hours ter their charge, under the pain of Rebellion , &:c. And if they failye, ike. To denounce a^H^r cheat , &c. And fuch like , the faid ftent Roll being made and fet down , as faid is , To charge th " R geffes, Indwellcrs , and Inhabitants within each burgh, to make paymentof theirpart of tliefajd n™'' to the faid Proveft and Baililfs, conform to the taxtroilto begiven out theteupon, within threed'^"'’ next after the charge, under the pain of Rebellion , &c. And if they failye , &c. To denounce and efeheat, &c. And if need be, that the faid Proveft and Bailiffs poynd and diftrenyie therefor’ they lhall think moft expedient. IT IS ahvayes provided , that no perfon whatfoever be ftented within burgh , except according to the availe , and quantity of his rent, living, goods, andgeate he hath within Burgh: no wayes refpecting his lands, nor poflelfions, w’hichhehath to LandwMd- ( the which he will be obliged to pay taxation to otliet Officers. Providing ahvayes, that the fiift terms’ ™ ment of the faid taxation be ever part , before the nex t terme be charged for. A T T O U R , His Mijefty , and his faids Eftates dccerne and declare , that the charges to be g' for payment of the faid Taxation, lhall be executed before the terms of payment above-fpccificd f ” every terms payment particularly by it fclf : And that the denunciation of horning following theteuno°' ihall nor be execute untill thetermes payment be by -part , and twenty dayes thereafter. Which den^’ ciation fo following, upon the charges given before thefaidstermesof payment. His Majefty and Eftat dccerne and declare , tobevalidandfufficient. And his Majefty, and the faids Eftates confidering the great abufe which hath been ufed in all time bv by fundtyof the Liegesof this Kingdom, againftall good confcience , incauling ol theirpoorFar , Tenants, and Labourers of the ground being removable, who are fubjeeft inpayment of ven^ dearc Formes and other duties, to relieve them of the whole burden of by-gone taxations, which hat! bcciithc occafionof impoverilhing a numbet of the faids Farmerers, labourers, and tenants, and bringinir ofthemtoutter wrackand ruine, whereas of reafon they fhould be altogether free from payment oftn? Taxations, And die fame fliould be payed by fuch as have free rents, lands, and goods ol their ownc FOR REMEDIE whereof, it is ftatute and ordained that no perfons whatfoever exaft orcomnel his tenants, otfermerers removeable, who payes forme, and other deare duties for the lands occiiiSed by them top.iyany part of this prefent Taxation, or tofeek relief at their hands of the fame. And if tlicianie be ^Lind done by any perfons. that they fliall be called and conveened therefore, before his Majcftiesjuftice and his Deputes, or before his Majeftics Council as violent and Mafterful opoteffors ofhisMaJcftiesfubJefts, and puniffied therefore according to Juftice. . “ AND F U R F H E R , the faids Eftates , befidc the ordinary taxation above-written, have for the pace ollixyearpnext, aadimmediatly following the terme ofMartinmaire,i634. years, freelyandvo- luntarily granted to his Mijertv a yearly extraordinary taxation of thcfixteenth penny of all annual rents which any perfon or perfons within this Kingdom hath freely due and payable unco them , yeatl v and term- ly, (their own annual rents, wherein they are adebtedto others being firft deduced.) The firft tetmes payment whereof lhall be, and begin at the faid Feaft and terme of MartinmalTe , 1 63 4. yeares : and fo forth r.'r'lLT Marrinmaffe and Whiefunday , untill the faid fix j cares or tWefoe termes payment thereof be fully and completely out-run. And whereas his Majefty and Eftates have by aft of Parlia- ment authorized all and fondryhcrctableShcnlTs, Stewarts, Bailiff's, and Bailiffs of Regalities , and as’lL^ifoTe ' Provefts and Bailiffs of free Burrowes within the bounds of tlieir jiirifdiftions , rli r notheretable : which Clerls# have r I C ad vitam) To colleft thefaid extraordinary taxation , and to make payment thereof to the THEREFORE, andfor inbringing of the faid extraordinary nt r hererable Sheriffs, Stewards, Bur mv’s ^"dd’cir Deputes and Clerks, and the faids Ptovefts and Bailiffs of free re m!of Marr M thefpace of fiften dayes after every foa^e of f ^ Whitftmday : And that they & every one of them, by fouth the water of Bee, within the fpace often days after every terme ofMarttnmafs& Whitfunday.deliver to His Majefties faid Collector gcnc- hoi’f jr f inventat of the wffiole fummes of Money due to be payed by any perfon within the bounds of their jurifdiction. forh.s part of thefaid extraordinary taxation^ And that they give up the ™ "rr H a' ^he fam^isjuftandtrum AndtoLke ceivrti Deputes in his name, having his power to te- ttt w thfn ^ ^ the fail compt and inven- r, wttlun twenty dayes after each terme, under the pam of Rebellion . And in cafe the faids Sheriffs, Ste- wan* u I NG CHARLES THE FIRST. 49t ffarts, their Deputes and Ckrksfailye &c, To denounce and efeheat, ike fOR WHOSE relief thatlettersbecfirect, charging all and fundry the faids annual-renters, to make payment to the iaidsShenfFs, Stewards, Bailiffs, Bailiffs of Regalities, their Deputes and Clerks piovefts and Bailiffs of Free Burrows, of the faid fixteenth pennie of all annual-rents, freelie due and payable to them , within twentie dayes next after the Charge , under the pain of Rebellion , &c. And Iftijey failyie, &c. To denounce, &c. Andifneedbe, that the faids Sheriffs, Stewards. BailiffsofRe- oalities . Ckrks , Provefts , and Bailiffs of Free Burrows , poynd and diftrenyie therefore , as they lhall link moft expedient. A N D His MAJESTIE and the faids Eftates , ordaine the Lords of Seflion , to be only Judges to all fufpenf'°*t5 to be c^ved and futed by any of our Soveraigne Lords Lieges , touching the faids taxations ; W'hich fufpenfions , die faids Eftates finde may be granted upon lawful and equitable realbns to bo confidcted Jjythem: AnddifchargeallotherJudgeswithinthisKingdome, dfgranting of anyfufpenffons thercanenc. To delegate five at the leaft of their ordinary number, as they lhall think expedient. Tout, cogiiofce, and decide the faids fufpenfions, intimeof Vacance, ifiicedbe. Andfik- likc , to depute Coramiffioners for trying and judging of concealemencs , with als ample apd full power to be given to them, as the faids Lords of SelTion, by vertue of diisptefent Act , have. ACT ni. xylmnt his Myejiks Royal Prerogative , and Apparel of Kirkmen. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With advice , conleiit , and affent of the whole Eftates , ac¬ knowledging his Majefties Soveraigne Anthoritie, Princely power , Royal Prerogative . and Privi- ledge ol his Crown, over all Eftates, Perfons, and Caufes whatfoever within this Kiiigaome, Ratifiesand approves the Act of Parliament, made io the year 1606. anent the Kings Royal Prerogative, and peqic- tuaily confirms the fame , for his Highnes , his Heires and Succeflors , als amply , abrokitely and ifeely in allrefpects, as ever any ofliis Majefties Royal Progenitors did poflefle, and exercife the fame. Andwith- alremesnbritig, that in the Act of Parliament made in the year, 1609. anenttheAppareiofJudges.Magi- fttates, andKirk-meti : IT WAS aggteed. That what order foever his Majefties Father of bleHed Me- jnorieihouldprefcrivefortheapparelofKirkmen, and fend in Writ to his Clerk of Regifter , llwuld bee a iMcknt Warrant forinfertingthefamein the BookesofPacliament, to have theftrengthofane Act thsre- of ; H A V E all confentetf , that tiie fame Power fcall remaine with the Perfon of Our Soveraigne Lord , and His Succeflburs that now is , And widi the fame claufe for execution thereof, as in the faid Act is contained. ACT IV. Ratificatimi of the kAISs Touching Religion. OUR S O V E R -A. I G N E L O R D , With advice and confent of the Eftates , ratifies and approves all and whatfoever afts and ftatutes made before, anent the iibettie and freedome of the true Kirk of God, and Religion ptefenriy profel&d within this Realme . And otdaines the fame to ftand in tlieir full force and effect , as if tliey were Ipecially mentioned, and fet down herein. ACT V. Ratification of the AB of Council anent Tlmitatim of Schooles. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with the Advice of die States , ratifies the Afl: of Secret Council , dated at the tenth day of December, one thoufand, fix hundred, and fixteen years, made anent die planting of ichooles, with this addition, That the Biftiopsin tlieir fevera! Vifitations lhall have power with confent of the Hetitours and mofl: part of the Pariftionets , And if the Heritour being lawfully warned refufes to appeare; Then with confent of the moft partol the parilhonsrs, to fet down andftent uponevery Plough or Husband-land, 'according to the worth, for maintenance and eftablilhing of the faids Schools. And if any perfon lhall find himfelfc grieved , it lhall be lawful to him to have recoutfe to the Lords ofSecretCouncel, for redrefleofany prejudice he may or doth fuftain. And otdaine letters to be direft for clistgingofthepofleflbursforthe time, toanfwerand obey the Sclioole-mafters of the duties thatfliallbe appointed in manner forefaid. ACT 492. THE FIRST PARLIAMENT ACT VI. Kgalnft the Itivertmg cfTiousDondtmis. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With the Advice of the Eftates , uiiderftandiilg that cert • fons pioufly difoofed , have oflate bellowed certaine gifts in Lands. Heritages, andfiim™. in favours of Coll fonspiouflydifpofed, have oflate bellowed certaine gifts in Lands, Heritages, andfummesof"'^^^'' _ voursofCoIledges, Schooles, Hofpitals, and other pious ufes , which by the Adminitlratou”"'"'^^' filch others as they have entrulled with the managing thereof ; are inverted to other ufes then the W n ’ diljjoncr, upon lomefpecious pretences, conrrarieor different fromthe Difponers intention to !i example of others , and thehirtderance offuch and the like charitable works , againll all rAfon and co r THEREFORE It is llatute and ordained ; tliai it ihallno-waies be lawful to alter, change or i ofthefaids gifts, legacies, and other pious donations, to any other ufe then that fpecifikufe they arc dellinate by the difponer himfelfe. And that the Hcires , Executors , Or others enttullcd'''T'’'° faids gifts and legacies lhall be comptable for the fame, to the ufeofthe Kirkes, Colledges, and | whom the faids difpofitions were made.- And tliat aftions lliall be competent cither to the faids Colledges, and others, towhom the fame were difponed, or to the Bifhops and ordinaries withintl i?’ cef&s where the faids Kirkes, Schooles, and others above-lpecified lye, for compelling them to a Ik fame to the true ufe, Andtomakecomptand payment of the ordinarie profits of everie years intro at the rate allowed by the Lawes of the Realme, by and attour the fulfilling of die Difponers Will Afl to be extended to all Difpofitions made at any time fince die majoritie of King JAMES die Six I to be made hereafter in all time comming. And that letters ofHorning be ditefl at their inllance. bvd r anceoftheLordsofSeffionwithoutcitationof parties. ^ ^ act vii. knent Invading of Minifters. o; lUR SOVERAIGNE lord, with the advice of theEflates, ratifies and approves the Aiflof * Parliament made in the year of God one thoufand, five hundred, fourefcore and feaven yeates, anentthe Invaders of Minifters, with tliis explanation and addition , That whofoever invades any Minifter, otputs any violent hands on him, by themfelves , their men , tenants, fetvants, or any others by their houndiiw out , direflion or allouance , for whatfoevet caufe or occafion ; whither the fame be for the caufe contained in thelaidAift, or for any other caufe, ptherwife then by order of Law; or doth offer violence to them, ihal! incurre the like paine as is contained inthefaid Aft, and fhall bejudged after the forme and manner therein preferibed. And declares, that the fame fhall be extended to all Arch-bilhops , Bifhops, and Minifters whatfoever. having power by lawful warrant to preach, and adminifter the Sacraments. And bccaufetlie malice ol fome is fuch , that the invafion and violence forefaid may be committed by lawlefle and uurefponfal men , the bounders out of whom cannot bs gotten detefted ; fo as the behefite of this Aft ', and the indem- nitie, of the faid Church-men& their forefaids niay be fruftrate. THEREFORE it is ftatute and ordained. That the Land-lords, and Heritors, andchiefe of Clanus , and others in whrfe bounds the faids offenders dwell , or haunt ordinatlie , fliall be holden , upon the complaint of the partie offended to die Lords of His Majefties Secret Council, to exliibite and produce the faids malefaftors before the faids Judges, robe cenfured and punillled corporally , orothetwifeintheir eftates, if they be refpoufal at the diferetkm oftlie faids Judges. And if it fliall happen the faids offenders to abfent and remove themfelves out of the boundsol the faids Heritors and Land-lords, and others on whom they depend, fo that the faids Landlords, Heri¬ tors, and others forefaids, may pretend that it is notin their power to exliibite the forefaids delinquents; Therefore it is ftatute , that if after the giving in of the faid complaint before the faids Judges , and certiorating of the faids Land-lords , and others forefaid , either by citation , charge, or intimation, or any other Legal mannerofway, ifthe faids delinquents lhall be found within the bounds of the fhids Land-lords, and others forefaids , haunting publickly and openly by thefpace often dayes; That then and in that cale the faids Land¬ lords, and others forefaid, fliall be efteemed as connivets with the delinquents, and be obliged under tile like cenfurc and punifliment , to exliibite diem to the Council. ACT VlII. Of^atificationofthe AliofCommiJfion anent the (^inijlers Vrovijions. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With the adviceandconfent of the Eftates ol Patliainei't. ratifies and approves the Aft of Commiflioii of Surrenders and T einds , of the date at Holy-rnd-honlt twentie fixth day of June , theyeareofGod ifizy. years, whereof the Tenor follows. The Comniifliw'^'’ after F KING C Hk^R L E S THE FIRST. 493 fjjjrcaConingupon the loweft proportion and provifion, wherewitli the Miniarie fwing the Cure at each K'rke provided , Have found it meet and expedient , that the ioweft proportion ihall be eight Chald- „ofvictual, where virtual IS payed, or proportionally in filver or virtual, asthe Commifll.iiers Ihallap- 'oiiit. atthefettlinuofthcKirke, and according to the Eftate of that part of the Coiwtrey, where thepay- ^lentolthellipcndlliaUoccurre. Andthinkeitmeet, thattliefaid pioportion of eight Chalder ol'virtiiai, ®tpropotnonallyinfilver,asfaid is, fliall be the low eft maintenance to each Kirke, except (iich particular Hirkesoccurre, wherein there Ihall be a juft , reafonable, and expedient caufe to goe beneath the ijuaiicitie pow determined. ... HisMajeftie, and Eftates forefaids , referreto theCommilTionersto bechofenby hisMajeftie, jtthisprefent Parliament, Theconfiderationofrlieteafonsand caufes, which may move thenifaftcr the valuanonof the true worthoftheTeindsofilkePariflibeclofed) rodctersnincand nlodificaleflequantitic for the Minifters maintenance , nor the quantitie forefaid of eight Chalder of virtual, or eight hundred matkes ill virtual or money'- proportionally, And what the faidsConiilhonetsfliall determine ihcrein, the fame to Ujijjijotwithftandingofthispreletitllatification; And alfo his Majeftie and Eftates ratificaiid approvethc whole particular Acts of the faid Commiffion of Surrendels and T einds , whereby ftipends are appointed and modified by the faids Commilfioners alreadie , And ordaine the Minifters to whom the fame is afllgiied , to have innoniiflion therewith : And that the Lords of Seffioti dirert: lecte'rsof horningandpbynding, in favour of the fatd Minifters coiiiorme thereto.upon one fimple charge often dayes alleniietly. And alfo upon ail other Acts co be made for plancariou of Kirks by the Coramiirionets appointed by his Majeftie and Eftatc.s for chat ertect. And it is declared, thattliefe prefents fllali be without prejudice co the titulars and others having iiitereft to purfue for rectifying ol fuch valuations, as arc or fhali be cnormefo undervalued , and alfo without prejudice of the Minifters maintenance and augmentation propottionaliy efteiting to th. true and juft werihotthe leind, &c. act IX. The Kings General Revocation. FORSOMUCH As OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, the Kings Majeftie, fliortly aftci < tiiedeceafeofhisMajeftiesurawhiiedeareftFadier, KingJ AMES the fixt, ofeverbleflcdnicmorie, forprefervingofthelibcrtieandprivifedge due to his Mijeftie by the common Law, and by the Arts and ftatutes of the K > igdoiiie ; And following the laudable cuftome ufed before by his Majeftics Predeceffiiurs , in making of their Revocations t Did upon the twelfth day of Oftober , 16x5. make and give fortli his General lievocidon under his Privie Seale, as the fame, intliefelfe, at more length bcares. AND HIS MAjESTIEberagno'vpre.fominhisRoyalperfon, within this Kingdome, and having by Gods gi ace, fevout, andbleffing, and with the General acclamation , joy , and comfortof hisSubjerts , accepted the Crown thereof, wherein he is glorioufly inaugurate , and now holding the ficll Parliament of his whole Eftates of the faid Kingdome , with whom Ids Majeftie hath advifed and refolved aneiit the, faid It evocation. Therefore lii.s Majeftie , with confent of the three Eftates , and whole body of this prefent Parliament , hath ftatu'e , cnarted , and ordained , and by thefe prefents , ftatuts , enatts and ordaiiies 111 manner following. IN thefirli, his Majeftie and whole Effaces of ParliameiK revokes, caffes , and annuls all Infeftments , Chartc'S, Precepts, Coilfirmatiotis, Alienations. Gifts, Donations, Rights, Securities. and other Dif-. pofitions whatfoever, of any Rents, Lands, Lordfliips, b.ironies. Heritages, Teinds, Pacionages of Kitks, Offices, Priviledges, and others whatfoever annexed CO the principality, or to the Prince, who is fecotidperfonofthe Rcalme, made, convoyed, ftgned, orconrenceJuntobyhisMajeftiesfcileiiihismi- iioritie and iefle age , orbyhisMajeftiesumwhiledcareftFadier, iorhimleiie, as Prince of ; or. asFadierandlawiuiadminiftracortohis Majeftie, ortoumwhile Prince Henriehx's Majefties Brother, Wortliie memorie , or by the faid umwhiie Prince Henrie himlclie , or made and granted by his Majefties faid uiuwhiredeareft Father 1 or any other his Majefties predeceffors, Scotland times, to what foevet perioii or perfoiis , in hurt and prejudice ot the Prince , fecond perfon forefaid : or made and granted by his Majeftie at any time proceeding the date hereof , unlawfully , and againft the lawes of the Kingdome, fhelamebeingtriedandfoundtobefo. . j r - J ITEM. His Majeftie with conferit of the faid Eftates , revokes , caffes , annuls, retreats , and reicinds, allatidfundrielnfettments, grants, difpofitions , confirmatioiis, and other rights whatfoever, made by bis Majeftie inducing his Minoritie and leffe age, to whatfoever petfon. or petfons, in fee, frank-tenement orotherwife, ofthe lands , Kitks. Teinds, patronages, offices, and others pertaining to the Lordlhipot THonfermling . to the which his Majeftie fuccecdcd as onely Sonc and Heire, to his Majefties umwhile dcatclt Mother Queetie Anna , who was heritably Infeft in the faid Lordlhip o! D»;// wmelmg. And fick-like , re¬ vokes aU gifts , alienations, difpofitions, and other tights whatfoever , madeby hisMiyeftie. othis laid dcareft Mother , unlawfully , and againft the Lawes ol the Kingdome , of the faid Lordlhip , or oi any lands, teinds, offices, Kirks , patronages, and others pertaining to the faid Lordfhip, at any timcpreceedingUie fiatehereof, the fame being fo found and verified before the ordinary Judge. ITEM Xxx * 494 THE FIRST TARLIAME ITEM, His Majcftie and Eftatcs forefaid, revokes, cafe, annuls retreats anT~r " rundrielnfeftments. charters, gifts, donations, confirmations, alienations, penfion ^11 . fmonswhatfocver made, convoyed, figned, orconfenteduntoby his Majeftie orbvli’ ^ diloo. while deareft F ather, or by any other his Majefties Predeceflbrs in their feveral times to um' orperfons, in any manner of way, in lee , few-ferme , frank-tennement or otherwife P^rfon lands rents, Lordlhips, Batronies, Patronages of Kirks, cullomes, annuals filhinas , ■ ofai,„ mgs, burrow-mails, other rents, Caftle-watds , or other whatibever annext to the Cm’ fi®- Julticiary, Stewartrie, and Bailliarie . within thefame appertainingthere-unto conwri.r °®asof nexation made there-upon of before. And where lawlul dilTolutionof the faid annexation ’^'^'^sofan. his Majeftie , his faid umwliile deareft Father, and his faids predeceftbrs , Kings of Scotland W withconfcntofthethrecEftatcsofParliament, in their feveral times, forfettinir of dm r’ ■ ™^jontie with augmentation of the rental: Totheeff-eft thefamemay be of none avalm date hereof, byway of aflion, exception, or reply. summing, afterthj ITEM, His Majeftie with confentforefaid, revokes, annuls, retreats andrefri A donations, alienations, and other difpofitionswhatfoever made by his Maieft’ie orhicCv? ^ '''^ftments Father, eitherin their Minoritie to their hurt and lefion, orin their Maioritie attainftrlm deareft Parliament, to whatfoever petfon , orperfons, of whatfoever lands rents ^annunk ^“\''‘^®‘‘"dAasof annext to theCrown.whereofhis Majefties umwhiledeareft Grand-mother QucenM^J"‘^ r^^enews not bcforetheCoronationofhisMajcftiesumwhiledeareftFatherofhappy memwie t^Chamberlanaries, Bailliaries, office ofCuftomarie made for moeyLes, but' from ffi/p ^ the compt be made in the Exchequer lollowing, Conftableries , Bailliaries Tackpc and m ^ Exchequer , till propeHands and rents, above the fpace of fiveyeares, made and granted contrarv inH ° and Afls of Parliament of the Kingdome , the fame being fo found and tryed ^ “gamft die Lawes ITEM, His Majeftiewith confent of the Eftates, revokes caffieq ann,.lc all and whatfoever Infcftments. rentals, and otherrights whatfoever of anv nart of rim f of the fcw-lcrmes of whatfoever proper lands annext to his Majefties Crown! mad!rr!r'r°P^"^’ " byhisMajeftie, or his umwhiledeareft Father; orany otherhis Majefties orederptr Petfon in dirninution of the rental, and hurt of the patrimonie of the Croiine where rlT°4 ’ ^ ^remade proved and verified. the diminution may be ITEM. His Majeftie revokes, caffics, annuls, retreats, and refeinde -.11 ,.,4 1 r ^lenations, and difpofitions, made by his Majeftie, or by his umwhile deareft p Majefties Noble Progenitors , of the few-ferme virtual of any lands pertaiL^ro ft ^ ITEM, His Majeftie revokes, cafe, annuls, retreats and reC-.n-l.- n , r r and difpofitions. with all taekes, and affiedations, and any other fo of ml vf alienations, hisMajeftie, or his Majefties deareft Father or anv other His Mnieft- „ "'I’atfoevermade by againft the Lawes of the Kingdome, to whatfoever parlous of his M • m Kings of and Roomes . whereupon tl?e faids Caftlesa^ Caftles , and Houtes , or Places, to his Majeftie and die faid Crown. Andfickllke all Infeftmenr’s now demohllied by injury done offier fort of conveyances whatfoever , of any of his Majefties medowes ‘T“d ’ ‘‘j . and all affiedations, ai'd other difpofitions thereof, made Iw Ins Maidfi!!rh^ .i"tlparks, with all tackes, Lawes of the Kingdome, Thefame being ibfSnd tryed ^ P^edeceffiors forefaid. againft the difpofitions, ot any ither conveyances! whatfoever mad^^^ Infeftments, alienations, gifts, any other hisMajefties Predeceftbrs , Kings oi Scotland ind^rintr rh deareft Father , or after confirmed in their majoritie , to whatfoever oerfon’or e,4K“ tn'noritie and lefle age , and not therc- annuel-rents which becomi in their hafe ' as pm . and beinglaftHeirebyrecognirion.orforefaultcr. OToFherwif!wit1i’all°mnfirm baftardtie, or liament thereupon: providingthatprefeiitniinn rnrenn-,„4,' r ,, “'’firmations, ifanybegrantedinPar- come under this prefent Revocation , becaufe the fame beinu f l occafion forefaid , fliall in no wayes or his faids predeceftbrs hands . in prejudice of the Superior the faid!? ’n “ temaine in his Majeftie , tlicm to prefent heritable Tennants to the faids Superiours * tennandr;es, but of neceffitie it behoved Tt- -“"-“a".™. other His Majefties predeceftbrs. Kings ol Scotland- m umwhile deareft Father, orany Baronies, Lordlhips, or other Hcritaaes whatfoeve^ “ petfons, of any Lands, OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST. 495 to btookeaiid hold their faid lands heritablie, as tliey were holdeii before the alteration of the faid nors His Majeftie with confctitforefaid, revoks, cafles, annuls, retreats, and refeinds all Regalities Joifts of Regalities, and all confirmations, and ratifications of the faid gifts and regalities, made, given, ^"nranted, or confented to by his Majeftie, or his faid umwhile deareft Fatlier, orany other hisMajefties ./rx..c liings of Scotland, agaioft the Afts and ftatutes, that no Regalities Ihould be given in heritage, ■ rnuui _ ‘ deliberation of the whole Parliament, together with all charters, infeftments, confirmations, . ■ .. j - - i J ml,*,. 1,;. PrcdecelTors, ^dv'icc ^ c ^ ^ (isdenmio damns-. And other rights whatfoever, made by his Majeftie or his Prede ^fvvhacfoever heritable offices, againft the lawes and Afts of Parliament of the Kingdome. ° item, Mis Majeftie with confent forefaid, revokes, callcs, annuls, retreats , and refeinds all new eation of lands, baronies, and annexations, and unions of divers lands in fee, which arc made by his Maieilie. or his faid umwhile deareft Father, or any other of his Majefties Predeceflbrs, Kings of Scotland, in prejudice oftheir due fervice owing of before; Together with all difeharges given of the faid fetvice, and futes of court due of old ; And that in fo fartc as the fame is, or may be lound to be uii- lawfoli'y againft the laws of the Kingdome. item. His Majeftie with confent forefaid, revokes, cafles, annuls, retreats and refeinds, all new Infcftnien'ts, made and given by his Majeftie, or his faid umwhile deareft Father, or any other his Majefties ^ Prcdecelibrs, Kings of Scotland, of creation of Baronies, and Lordlliips annext to the Crowne forefaid, i„ favour of whatfoever perfon, in fo farre as the fame is , or may be verified , tohavebccnc made and grant¬ ed unlawfully, and againft die laws of the Kingdome. item, His Majeftie with conlent forefaid, revokes, cades, annuls, retreats, and refeinds all Infeftments , gifts, and difpofitioiis whatfoever , fet, given and granted by his Majeftie, t his faid umwhile deareft Father, or any other his Majefties Predeceflbrs, Kings of Scotland, to whatfoever petfon or perfons in fee, fsw-ferme, or life-rent, of whatfoever Hofpitals, Mafondieus, lards or rents appertaining theretoTn hurt or prejudice of their confciences, and againft the laws and Adis of Pstliameiit of the Kingdome, to the end, that the faid Hofpitalls may be reduced to the firft infti- ffition for upholding of the poore, fo farre as may be done by the lawes ol^ the Kingdome. Pro- vidine alwayes, that the rents of the Trinitie Coiledge befide die burgh of Edinburgh and otliet rents afligned to the Hofpitall and Coiledge creaed by the Ptoveft, Baylift'es, and Counccl of the burgh ol Eimburgb, be no wayes comprehended under this prefent Revocation. item, His Majeftie with confent forefaid, revokes, cafles, annuls retreats, and refeinds allandwhatfo- eveteifts penfions, gifts of fees, wages, liveries, and difpofitioiis out of his Majefties cafualities, and coffers given by his Majeftie . or by any of his Majefties noble Progenitors ( except fuchas ihaUbe ofnsw granted by his Majeftie againc) together with ail Prefentations to offices and places, which by the laws ofthe Realme fall under his Majefties Revocation, excepting alwayes the prefentations, fees, and bcnfions given to the ordtiary officers of theCro.vne after fpecified, their Deputes, andClcrkcs, and to £ other perfons after mentionate, which are declared iio wayes to fall within this prefent Revocaton : They are to fay. The fees and penfions given andaffignedtothe Thefaurer, (^mptroU^, and Collcftot principaiiAnd to his Majefties depute Thefaurer. and to their Deputes and Ckrkes; To the Secretary principaland his Deputs: To the Clerke of Regiftcty, to hisMajefties Advocat .& the Juftice, Juftice-Clerke, rnddieirDepiits, andtotheMafter of Requefts, and to the proftot for the poore, direftoroftlie Chance - larie and didbtor of the Rolls. And aifo declares die penfions and others undetwntten , no wayes to fall underhisMajeftiesRevocation, viz. The penfion to the Dukol Lra««. ^The o°enfion to The penfion to the Earle of M«r?««,widi the tackc arid affiedation of OrW and The penfion to fiiUbm Her of Amrum-. the penfion to Mr. lobn The penfion to Sit JamsUkart T\\o penfion tofir James Livmgftou-. The penfion to fir well-. The pe4on to fir iJmes Carmkhah The penfioh to fir 5 lohi Murray ofKevilrige, which his Majeftie and Eftates declare lliall ftand ilicffeft, notwithftanding of this prefent Revocation. ' c j li -r ITEM, His Majeftie with confent forefaid revokes, f “^hSilwhde penfions, and free difeharges of the thirds of benefices, granted by his M je i , nr nerfons Lreft Fadier, or any other his Majefties Predeceflbrs, Kings ot Scotland, “ ’ againft thelaws and Aas of Parliament of the Kingdome with all tackes of thirds of tcntalied duetie is diminilhed, or where the whole benefice is fet and difponed m diminution ol the third thereof, in fo farre as the fame is contrarie to die lawes of die Kingdome, aslai is. r • j ri 4 ITEM, His Majeftie with confent forefaid , revokes, cafics, annuls, retreates, vvbtfoev-er Infeftmems made by hisMajeftie or his faid umwhile deareft Facher.or any decefTors.of any Church-Iands.F ryer-lands, Monk-lands, or common-.ands.w iic i any ^ T ’ _ j intlicirhandsaspropertie. aiidthatinfofat.asthefameis. or maybevenfic to infcltment gainft the laws and Aids of Parliament of the Kingdome. made for cteftion and fufteiitation of Hofpitals, Mimfters within u , affignation 49'5 THE FIRST T A R L I A M E aflij Am f nation nor ftipend allowed forth of die thirds of benefices, for fuftentation of the Miniftcrs I declares that all fuch Infeftments of church-lands as is before cxprimed , fails under this revocatin"^^'®*^- )>crfonotpcrfons, and their fuccedbrs , to whom the fame have been difponed, have not anfwered " ’ formed the caufe and ends exprclTed in the faids Infeftments, and for the which the faidslnleftm*"'^'’®'' granted by his Majcftic and his prcdeceflbrs , as faid is. "’as ITEM, His Majeftiewith confent forefaid, rcvokc.s, cafles, annuls, retreats and refeinds all aflcdations whatfoever of any common Churches within the Realmc of Scotland , made by his MaieS'^*^^ ’ his faid umwhiledcareft Father, or any other his Majefties Predecefiors , Kings of Scotland, infof fame is or may be found and verified to be made againfl: the Lawes and Adis of Parliament of the Kin^d^ Providing aUvaies, that there fiiall be fufficient Minifters appointed to ferve rhefiids Churches ud f?'’ make rcfidence , and (hall be fufiiciently fultained of the teaciieft fruits of the faids common Kirkes ' ac to the general order t.iken thereanent. ’ '■°rding ITEM, His Majeftie, with confent forefaid , revokes, cafles, annuls, retreats and refeinds all r Monkes portions , firfl: fruits or file penny of any benefices , whereiinto His Majeftie hathright bytl of Parliament made before to that end , And that in fo farre as the faids gifts are or may be found to be o againft the Lawes of the Kingdome. granted ITEM, HisMajeftie, with confent forefaid, revokes, cafles, annulls, retreats and refeinds all f and Infeftments, made, done, and confented unto , to whatfoever perfon or perfons by His Maiefti his Majefties faid umwhiledeareft Father, orany other liis Majeftjes predecefiors , Kings of Scotland’ ”r whatfoever advocation , donation, and right of Patronage given or annexed to any Lordfiiips, Land ™ Baronie where the faid Patronage, Advocation and donation of benefice pertained not before of light which taketh the beginning and ground from any gift and Infeftment thereof made with this claufefith, damns) where the purchafer of the faid infeftment had no right to the faid Patronage , Advocation and ation of before. And that in fo farre as the fame is or may be found to be granted againft the Lawes and Aft' of Parliament of the Kingdome. ° ITEM, HisMajeftie, with confent forefaid , revokes, cades, annuls, retreats and refeinds all gifts difpofitionsoffuperplus omitted of the fruits of benefice, given by liis Majeftie, his faid umwhile deaterf Father or any other his Majefties Predeceflors', Kings and Queens of Scotland, info farre as thefameiso may be found and verified to be granted againft the Lawes and Afts of Parliament of tlie Kinedome ' I TEM,his Majeftie, with confent of the Eftates , revokes, cades, annuls, retreats°and refeinds all grants and infeftments of ereiftions, of whatfoever Abbacie or other Prelacie, inwholeorinpart , Tempo ralitieor Spiritualitie thereof , made and granted , or confented unto by his Majeftie at any time p’reccedLil the date hereof, toandinfavourofwhatfoever perfonor perfons, and declares the fame null and of none avail, bywayofaflion, exception, orreply, and als his Majeftie and Eftates , revoke all inieftments of Ereftions made and granted by his Majefties faid umwhile dcareft Father, or any of his Majefties prede cedors Kings or Queens of Scotland , of whatfoever Abbacie , Priorie, Nunnerie, Preceptorie oranv other Erefted benefice whatfoever, of whatfoever nature, qualiticor condition whereof the prefentation lliouldpertaine to his Majeftie, if the fame were not erefted in a Temporal Barronie, Lordihip orLivine or ol any part or pendicle thereof , either Spiritualitie or Temporalitie of the fame to and in favour of what loever netfon or perfons , And that m fo farre as the fame is , or may be verified to be granted againft the general Lawes and Ails of Parliament of the Kingdome. And to that effeft revokes , calTes ’and annuls retreats and refeinds all Ails , ftatutes , and didhlutions of any of the faids erefted benefices , Lands or Teinds ol the fame , whereupon the faids infeftments of ereftions are , or have been founded ; And diat in fo farre as the fame IS or maybe found and verified to be contrarie to the general Lawes, Ads of Parliament, and Itatuces or the Kingdome , asfaidis. genewlly his Majeftie, with confent forefaid , revokes, calTes, annuls, retreats, and refeinds aU Ads, conftitutions diliiofitions , grants, conveyances, ratifications, and all other things whatfoever done or confented unto hy his ^jeftic at any time ptccecding the date hereof, or by hisiinwhiledeareft Fadicr or any other his Majefties predecelTors , Kings and Queens of Scotland . in detriment of their foule andconfcicnce: m hurt and detriment of the Crownc and Church, and contrarie to the Lawes andAdsof Parliament odhe Kingdome. And wds and declares, that thefe prefents lhall be als amply extended, and to be of als great efied in general and fpecial . as any revocation made by any of his Majefties Royal Pre- dccelTors before the date hereof, contained in the bookes of Parliament, which in all heads, claufc, and circumftaiices thereof are holden as here repeated. i,- with confent of the Eftates, ordainesanddecerncs, that albeit it lliall happen hisMajeftieforanyrefpedorconfideranon.torufrer any perfonor perfons.toufeorpoireireanypriviledgcsot polTcffions. lands rents, offices whjch ate fallen under tLcompafe hereof, Thatit iliall make no rightto tl eufers and ho ders thereof, butitftiall be lawful tohis Majeftie and his fucceftbrsto intromit therewith. wheneyetitfljaUp leafetliembyvettueofthefe prefent Ads and confuetudes of the Realme made before, without any obftade , impediment or conttadidion. ACT OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST. 497 ACT X. Anent Atmexatm of His MajeJIks Trofcrtie. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With advice andconfcm of the Eftatcsoi this prcfcnt Parlia' mcnt, ratifies and approves the whole aifls of annexation of whatfoevcr Lands, Lordfliips, and Bar- roniesanncxttotheCtownbyhisMajeftiesiimwhileFather, or any other his Majeftics Ptedecenbts. And farther, his Majeftic and Eftates forefaias , and without derogation of the former annexations , ot new annexes the fame to the Crown; to remaine there-with (or ever according to the conditions and provifions contained in the former Afts of annexation ofLaiidsto the Crown-, andfpecia!!yofthe Artolannex.ati- aiade in die dayes of King James the fecond , in the Monctlj of Auguft , 1 4 j “ yvTXOUR, His Majeftic with confentforefaid, declares the right .ind title ofSupcrioritic, Of.a!Iaiid fundric , Lands , Baronies , Miines , Woods , Fifliings , Towers , Fortaliccs , Manour-places , and whole pertinents thereof, pertaining to whatfoevet Abbacies , Pryories. Piyotcfrcs, Preceptories ! and whatfoever other Benefices of whatloeverEftate, Degree, Title, Name, or Defignation the fame be of, ereaed in Temporal- Lordfliips, Baronies, or livings, before or after the general Aa of annexation of Kjtk-lands, madeinthcMonediofJuly, lyg/.' yeares; together with the whole Fcw-mails, Few-fermes and other rents and duties of the faids fuperiorities To be annexed , and to remainc witli the Crown for ever : Referving to fuch Lords and Titulars of Eredions, and each one of them , who have fubferibed thegciicra! fntrender , the Few-maiis , and Few-fermes oftheic faids fuperiorities , aye and while they reccavc payment aiidfatisiaaionofthefummeaf a thoufandmarkes, ufual money of Scotland, for each chaldcr of Few- ferme viftnal over-head , and for each hundredi markesof Few-mai!s, and for each hundreth markes worthofall other conftant rent of the faids fuperiormes, not confifting in virtual ormoney, and not being naked fetvice of Vaflals , according to the tenor of his Majefties general determination , aiicf according to the conditions therein expreft : And referving to them and to ail other Titulars of Erertion , their propertie and nroper lands to beholden of his Majeftie and his Succeflots , in Few-ferme forpayment of the Few-ferme teks, and other duties contained in the old infeftmeiits made to them, their PrcdocefTors , and aiidiors before the faid Aft of annexation. Like-as his Majeftie and Eftates forefaid, findcs and declares that all tiffllars of erertion without exception, fhall hold their propertie and proper lands of hfs Majeftie and his SuccefTors, inFew-ferme, forpayment of the Few-fetmeduties contained in the infofmicnts granted to themandtheir forefaids, beforethefaid Artofannexation, andno otlierwife. And his Majeftie and E- ftates declares all rights and deeds whatfoever , made and granted to whatfoever perfon or petfons prccecding the date hereof, which may prejudge his Majeftie and his Succeflors, in the peaceable brooking, enjoying, and nofieffing of the faids fuperiorities and Few- lerme duties above-fpecified (excepting and referving as faid is) To be null and of none availe, force nor efTcrt by way of artion, exception, or reply. AND ficklike , his Majeftie and Eftates ratifies and approves the Arts of Parliament made by his Maje¬ fties faid umwhiledeareft Father, oi Eternal memorie : The fifteenth Parliament , Cap.^33. Incitulatc, [menttheamexationof tbs Kings anmxtfrofertk:\'Xo%t'&iex'x\A\AvfL-ii,. ArtofthefaidParliament.In- imA}iejrheannextp-ol>ertkmaymtbediffonet, but in Few-ferme allanerlyl] Andalfotheasb. Artof tliefemeParliameM, lmita\a.KidiJpofittonoftheamiexlJrofertie, made before the diffolution , ormteon- fy-metotheconditionsthereofisnuU.'] Andficklike, the 243. Art of the faid fifteenth Parliament, Inti- tulate , [ Amut ratifications or dijpefims made in Farlmment : ] And ordaines the fame to have full force and effert in all time coming. And declares all deeds done in contrary thereof, to be null and of none availe byway of artion, exception, or reply. IT IS alwayes declared that under this prefent Art, nor no claufe thereof, fiiall no wayes be comprehended the Temporal lands, fuperiorities, and others pertaining towhatfoever Arch-bifhops, Biftiops, and their Chaptots : but that the fame fliall remaine with them and theirfuccefTors unhurt or prejudged by this prefent Aft. ACT XI. O F DISSO LVTION. For so much, as albeit the Lands, Lordfliips, Baronies, and others of old, are lately annexe to the Crown were and are , for great and weighty confidcrations , tending to the wealc of the Crmvn and whole Rcalme, Ordainedto remaine withO UR SO V ERA IGNE LORD, and his Succefcs forever Andnottobedifponednorannaliedinfeenor life-rent , to whatfoever perfon or perfons without adviceofthethteeEftatesofParliament, and for profitable and feene caufes, tending to thevvealc of the wholeRealme: YecnevetthelefTe, it hathbeen ever thought expedient m the dayes of OUR SOVE- RAIGNE LORDS moft glorious Predeceflbrs : And no way es derogatotie to the “nditions of the faid annexations but aggteeable thereto , as tending to the publtque weale of the Crown and Kingdomc ; that theannsxtandptopetlandsfliouldbefetinFew-fermeforincreafeofpolicieandaugmentauonofdietentth 498 THE FIRST T A R L 1 A M And his Majeftie being well pleafed to obfcrve and follow the order kept by hisMajefties Prcdeceff faid, anent hisMajefties annexed propertic. fore. THEREFORE HisMajeftiewithconfentofhisthteeEftates ofPatliament, ftatiites and o H ■ that it ftiall be lawful to his Majeftic enduring his time, to fet all and fundtie lands. Baronies, ' ntilnes . filhings , and other his Majefties proper lands both of the old and new annexed ptopert'ie a dr* ' remporalitieofKirk-lands;in Few-ferme, fothatitbc not in diminution of his Majefties rental , and other duties ; burin augmentation thereof, providing alwayes that this prefent diftblution (liifnn beextendedtothefertinginFew-fermeofanyof OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDS Caftles CCS, Yards, Woods, Parks, Forrefts, paftUres forflicepe and nolt, and in fpecia! the Lomnio' H ^ Falkland, Coalheuchcs, and Offices ; But the fame to remaine infeparablie annexe to the Qrown Withftanding of this prefent difloiution. And declares chat this prefent diflolution ihall endure for rl, ’ t?" time of OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, the Kings Majeftie , who now is allanerly So \ the Lands and other forefaids , which he fets in Few-ferme in liis rime , with the condition foref ftiall ftand perpetuallie , to and in favours of the receavers thereof , their Hdrs and Succeftors alter his deceafe, the annexations made at this prefent Parliament , and of before ftiall returne owne nature. and to their ACT XII. Ratification of the Alls of Interruption. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftates of Parliament, ratifies and approves the Aft of the Lords of Council and Seffion, olthedite ix Edinburgh , the penult of March . 1630 veatc ^ anent the interruption of the Aft of prefeription , in favour of his Majeftie and his Succellors , together witi the Aft ol Secret Council, oi t\\ed3.K3.tHolj-rude-houfi , the twentie fixth day of May , 1630 yeares' Whereby the faids Lords of Secret Council have allowed and approved the faid Aft ; And ordaines thefaids Afts to be infert in this prefent Ratification. And his Majeftic and Eftates declares the faids Acts to have the full force effect and execution of a law, ftatute and Act of Parliament , in favour of his Majeftie and his Succeflors in all time comming. Followetb the tenor of the AH of Council and Sejjlori, Al’ EDINBURGH, the penult day of March, the year of God , 1630. yeares. The which day in prefence of the Lords of Council and Seffion compearKl perfonally , SaThomas Hope oiCraige-hal Knight Baronet , his Majefties Advocat , and ptefenced a letter directed from his Sacred Majeftie, whereof the tennor followcth. REX. Right truftic, and right wel-belovedCoufm and Councillcr, andtruftyand wel-beloved , We greetyouwell. Whereas by Act ofPatliament made in the Moneth of June, 1617. years, all heritable tights eled with fourtie years pofleffion, are declared to be irreduceable in all time comming , except the fame be quarrelled within-tliefpace of fouttieyears : And by the fame Act there is libertie grantedtoall perfons, who might be prejudged by the faid prefeription of fourtie yeares already run and expired , before thedateofthe faid Act. To intend their actions within the fpaccofthirteen yeares after tlie date of the faid Act; And whereas we. fhordyafterthedcceafeofourdearcftFather, of Eternal memorie, made our ge¬ neral Revocation in the Moneth of October. idxy. yeares. Which revocation we by two fpecul Letters of declaration. One of the date at Waire-Aa/ the twentie fixth day of Januarie, i6i6. yeares; And regi- ftrateintheBookesofSectetCounciltheninthofFebruaty, 161.6. yeares. And ane otherol thedatcat IFainJteed, theelleventhofjuly, idid, yeares ; And regiftrate in the Bookes of Secret Council upon the twentie one ol July , 1616. yeares. Have reftricted to the annulling of rights of the propertie of die Crown, as well .innexed as unannexed, whereofaccompt hath been made in Exchequer, andofthePrin- cipalitieunlawfully difponedbyourPredecefiors; againft the Lawes and Acts then Handing, and to the annullingoferectionsandothcrdifpofitionsof whatfoever lands, teinds. Patronages, and Benefices for¬ merly belonging to the Kirk , and fince annext to the Crown. And of any other lands and Benefices mor¬ tified and devoted to pious ufes ; And of Regalities and heritable offices , and of the change from the ancient holding of ward and reliefe to blenfti or taxt ward , fince the year of God, 1740, yeares. And becaulc . We were unwilling to enter in proceflc with our Subjects anent the premides ; but rather defired to take a faire coutfc w'ith all fuch as would voluntarily treat with Us or our Comitiifiioncrs there-anent. THEREFORE Wewerepicafedbyour Commiffionofthedateat the feventeenth dayoi January, 16x7. ye, arcs, to appoint cettaine of our Nobilitie, Clergie, Gcnttie, Barons, and Burro'.ves, to be commiffioners , to treat and deal betwixt Us and our Subjects , anent the premifles. And albeit the faid Commiffion hath madcagoodprogreftc in the faid matter of erection and teinds.; and that a great number of E S THE FIRST. 499 fniirfubjects, having intereft therein havefubfaibcd to us general fubmiirions, whereupon, Wc have °'en forth our feveral determinations for the good of our Subjects, andcaabliihingof die perpctuaKiuiec- e'V and peace of that out ancient Kingdome ; Yet it is cettainc that many of theib who have intereft in tionsandteinds , lyefortli , and have not fubferibed the faid general fubmiftions. Like-as alfo the "manentpoints of our faid commiffion anent the Patronage ofKirkes, rights, and inieftments of our PoDertie, andPrincipalitie. Regalities, Heritable offices , and Changed tenours of holding in blenlh or *^'/wards, are not as yet begun to be handled and treated, aiidcannocbcpollibly finilhcdandclorcd be- And becaufc , Wc will faid commiffion of the ^Tth'eexpiringofthetimeandyearesofinterruption, allowedbythe faidAct. Ai tfufferourfelfeorourSucccflbrstobe prejudged by delay of the execution of the fa . . f wful sedons competent to us and them , for reducing offuch rights of the prcmilfes , to the which We'have iidoubtcd intereft- Andfeeing a multitudecannotbecommodioullyfummonedand warned perfonally , " dwelling places in foihert time as is to run of the faid time of prcfcriprion. 7 H 4 REFORE ®Jjfojptefetvatioiiofour rights and actions competent to us and our SucceiTors anent the prcmilfes , Ne- ^efiryitis, that fome folemne Aetbedonebyus , to teftifie our will and tefolution , to profccutc our faid actions in the owne time, if die famebenot takenawayand removed by the fiid commiffion, wh'ich we think cannot be more properly and conveniently done, nor by infertingof this our declaration in your Books of Seffion , anddirectingofLetters of publicationthcreupon; certify ingall our Lieges who have 'iteteftfotheptemifles, by open proclamation at the Market-ctofle of out Burgh oi Edinburgb , and other "laces needful, of diis our pieafure , will, and declaration. Andthatthcfamebedcclatcdliyyou.tohave *!iellrsngth, force, vertae, and sower of a legal and perfeft interruption. AND T lEREFORE, We retire you immediately after die fight hereof, tocaufeinfertthefepreferats in your Bookes of S'cffion’, andtooeclatethefametoliavetheforceofaLegalandlawfulinterruptioii , and to direft Letters of publi¬ cation thereupon, in forme as effeires. Which, not doubting you will doe. We bid you , fatewcl. From MCowtitJVhite-hal , the twenty ninth day of November, 16x9. years. With the which Letter, Te¬ nor, Contents, and defire thereof , after that the fame with the Aft of Parliament whereiinro it is re¬ lative, was read in their whole prefence ; ThefaidsLordsbeingwellandripclyadvifed, and having con- fidcteci the JufticeandEquitieofhisMajeftieswillandpleafuretherein contained: they have ordained and otdainethefaidletter and declaration therein contained , tobeinfert, and regiftrate in their Bookes of nint; andordaine Letters of publication to be direft and paflle thereupon, certifying all his Majcftics Lieges who iiave intereft, by open Proclamation at the Market-ccofs of and other Market-croifes of the K-ingdome , where the L^nds , Baronies, and others underwritten lye : or where the perfons andfub- iefts dwell and temaine, againft whom the faid declaration is tohavethe efTcftofaLegalinterriiption, in nianner following. AND by open Proclamation at the faid Market-crofs of Edinburgh , Pier and Shore oi Leith, for all fudiofhisMajeftiss Lieges, who are forth of this Realme, Of his Majeftics pieafure, will and declaration, and of the faids Lords their decreet, and autlioritieinterponed thereto. Like-as the faids Lords declare, That die faid declaration regiftrate, as faid is, and to be publiflied in manner forefaid, lhall have the ftrength, force, and power ofa Legal and perfeft interruption, agaiffft all perfons having intereft : and that in fo farre ailaaeriy as may be extended to the particulars followihg'; To wit, to his Ma'cllies annexed propettie, andhisMajellies ptopercie unannexed, whereof the, fetmes duties or Few- fermeshavebeencompted in his Majefties Exchequer, fmcetheMoneth of Augulf , 14^5-. yeates , and unlawfully difponed by his MajeftiesPredeceffots, againftthe Afts of Parliament and Lawes of the King- dome: and to the principalitie unlawfully difponed by his Majefties PtedecefTors , againft the Afts of Par¬ liament and Lawes of this Kingdome , and to the reduction of whatfoever erections, of wliatfoever bene¬ fices, "fpirituaiity or temporality thereof, againfttheLawsandAftsofPatliament: and to the reduftion of whatfoever patronages ofKirkes pertaining to his Majeftie and his Predecefibrs, and unlawfully difnoned by diem againftthe Aits of Parliament; and againft unlawful difpofitions of whatfoever lands, Teinds, or Rents doted to Hofpitalities, or Mafoit-dieus , and unlawfully difponed againft the Afts of Parliament : and aaitift Regalities and hetetable offices unlawfully difponed , contratie the Acts of Parliament ; and againft all changed tenors ofholding from ward to blenlh or taxt ward, granted by the Kings and Princes in their minorities and not granted or ratified by any King or Prince being Major ; with this declaration , like-as die faids Lords declare, that the fame iliall not prejudge any perfon whatfoever of their lawful defence competent to tliem againft any Action to be intended hereafter, at his Majefties mftance and his Succeffots • except ’ip fo fat as coneerne the faid Act of prefeription , whereupon the laids Lords declare, that no exception fliaii be founded in prejudice of his Majeftie and his Succefiors , con¬ cerning the ptemifles. FoUowetb the Tenor of the xASl of Secret Council. ATud UA^j-mAe-hovLevicefimfexto diemenfisLMaij , AnnoT>ominimiUeJ!mofexcentefmi>tricefmo. THE Which day, in ptefence of the Lords of Secret Council, compeared perfonally Sir Wtroax Hofe dCrmge-haU, Koisht Baronet, his Majeftics Advocat, and gave in the Aft of Seffion underwritten-, made in favour of Iiis Majeftie , anent the Interruption of the Aft of prefeription, and defired the fame to be THE FIRST F ARLI AMENT yoo infcrt and regiftrate in die books ofprivie Councel, and tlic Lords anthoritie to be interponed tlicrer A(Jt of Sedion being read, heard, and confidered by the faid Lords, and they being tliere-v ^'hicli thcdcfircofthcfaid Advoeatvvelladvifed: The Lords of Secret Councell thinke diecourfeandoH^”^"'^' by the faid Lords of Scilion for interrupting of the faid Aft of prefeription, tobejuftandreafon n tlierefore, they ordaine the faid Aft ofSellion to be infett and regiftrate in the bookes oforiv'^ r ' whereofthc tenor lollowetii. . " hi Edtnhnrjih, the penult day of March, the yeare of God, 1630 years: The which day 'n of the Lords of Counceil compeared perfonally Sir Thomas Wofe of Craige-hall , Knight 33” Majeftics Advocat, and nrefented a Letter diteft from his facredMajeftie, whereof the tenor Mi"' CHARLES REX: Rigfit tiuftic, and right well-beloved Coufin, and Councellcr, and 1 ip| and well-beloved. We greet youwell. Whereas by Aft of Parliament made in the moneth of Tu'' yeares. All heritable rights cled with fouttie yearcs pofteftion, are declared to be irreduceable"^’ coming, except the fame be quarrelled within the fpace of fouttie years: And by the fame Aft” I hbcrtie granted to all iicrfons , who might be prejudged by the faid prefeription of fon ' ^ already run and expired before the date of the faid Act; To intend their actions within tl'*^ of tliirteene yeares after the date of the faid Act. And whereas We, Ihortly aftet the deceafe of eft Father of eternal memone, inade our general revocation in the moneth of October, i6zir revocation we by two fpccial Letters of declaration, one ot the due at IFhite-ha// d\c twenty lixth | January, 16x6 yeares. And regiftrate in thebookesofourfecrctCouncelthe ninth day ofFebruarv years; And anodicr of the date atff'aftf/fr’Ci/theelevcnchday cfjuly, 1616 yeares, andregilfra bookcsofourfectetCounceluponthetwentieonedayofJuly, i6a6ycares; Have re'ftricted to ih ing of rights of the propertic olourCrowne, as well annexed as unannexed, whereof accomptlia'rri'””^'' made in our Exchequer; Aflft of the principality unlawfully difponed by our Predcceflorsagaiiift tli 1 and Acts then ftanding ; And to the annulling of erections and other difpofitions of whatfoever lands m patronages, and benefices formerly belonging to the Kirke , and fince annexed to the Crowne • Anf7'°*’ other lands and patronages, which any wayes /hould juftly belong to the Kirke or Crowne; andofwl ? ever lands and benefices mortified and devoted to pious ufes; AndofRegalitiesandheritableofficcs- A j of the change of holdings from the ancient holding of ward and reliefe to blcnlh and taxt ward, fin yeare of God, lyqo yearcs. And becaufe We were unwilling to enter inprocelle withourSubiectsaii''' the premifTes, but rather dcfired to take a fairc courfe with all fuch as would voluntarily treat with Us o- commffioners there-anent, Therefore Wewerepleafed by our commiflion of the date at White-ball the feventeentli dw of January; I6^7 yeare!;; To appoint certain of our Nobilitie, Clergie, Gentrie, Barons and Burrow to be commillloners to treat and deal betwixt Us and our Subjefts, in the premilTcs. And albeit the M commiflion hath made a good progrelTc in the faid matterofereftionsandteinds, and that a great numlm olourfulijeftshavmg mtereft .herein, have fubferibed unto us generall fubmiflions, whereupon Weliave given forth our fcvcral determinations for the good of ourfubjefts, and eftablilliing the perpetual ciuictneffe and peace ofthat our ancient Kingdomc; Yet it is certain, that many of tiicfe who have mtereft in erefti ons and teinds, lye forth, and have not fubferibed the faid general lubmiffions : Like-as alfo the remanent points of our faid commilllon anent the patronage of Kirks, rights, inteftmcntsofourProperrieandPrinci pahtie. Regalities, Heritable offices, and Changed tenour ot holdings mblenlh, or taxt Wards are not as yetbegun to be handled and treated, and cannot poffibly be finilhed and clofed, befdretheex’iringofihe time mid yeares of the interruption allowed by the faid Aft. And becaufe we w'ill not fufrerourfelfMtoiir lucceffots to be prejudged, by delay of the execution of the faid commillion, of the lawful aftions competent to Us and them for reducing fuch rights of the premifTes, unto the which we have undoubted intereft- And leeing a multitude cannot be commodioullyfummoned and warned peifonally, and at their dwelling places infolhotttimeasistorunofthefaidtimeofprcfcription: Therefore, and for prefervation of our rightsaiid jiof competent to Us and out fucceffors anent the premifTes, necefTarieitis, that feme folemne Aft be doneby Us, to teftifie our will and refolution, to profecute our faid aftions in the owne time, ifthefamc be not taken away and removed by the faid commiflion, which we thinke cannot be more properly and con¬ veniently done nor by inferting ot that our declaration in your books of Seflion, . and direfting of Letters of publication thereupon. Certifying all our Lieges who have intereft in the premifTes, by open proclania- tion at the market crofle Edinburgh , and other places needful, ofthat ourpleafure, and declaration : And time the fame be declared by you, to have the ftrength, force, power, and vertue of a legal! and perfeft interruption. Mid therefore. We require you immediately after the fighthereof, tocaufe hiferttlicfepre- fents 111 your bookes of Seflion, and to declare the fame to have the fotce of a legall and lawful interruption, and to direct Letters bf publication thereupon, in forme as cfTeir is Which not doubting you will doe. We bid you fate-well. From out court, at White-hall, the twentie ninth day of November, i dig veares. witliibe Which Letter, tenor, coiitentes, and defire thereof, after the fame witli the Act of Parliament where, unto itis relative were read in their whole ptefence. The faid Lords being well and ripely advifed, anj havings confidered the jufticc and equitie of his Majefties will and declaration contained thcrej„, they have ordained, and ordaine the faid letter and declaration therein contained to be j„. L E S THE FIRST. Ill f^iclregiftrateintheirbookesof*(/(rH«/>; and ordaine letters of publication to bcdircfland paiTc there- upon, certilying alibis Majefties Lieges, who have intcreft , by open proclamation at the market Croflb of Ed'mbirrgI), and other market Crofles of the Kingdome , where the lands , Baronies, and others lye, or where the perfons and fubjefts dwcl and remaine, againft whom the (aid declaration is tohavcellert’ofa legal interruption in manner following. A nd by open Proclamation at the faid market Crollc o( Edmbmgb , pi^rand(lioreofL«i'/j, for allfuchofhis Majefties fubjefts as arc forth of this Rcalmc, Of his Majefties plcafure , will and declaration , and of the faids Lords their decreet and authoritic interponed thereto. Likc- js the (aids Lords declare. That the faid declaration regiftratc, as faid is, and to be publilhcd in manner forefaid , Shall have the ftrength ,forcc and power of a legall and perfed interruption againfl: all parties having jntereft, and tlrat in fo fatre alennerlyas may be extended to the particulars following, viz. To his jvlajefties annexed propertie , and his Majefties propertie imanncxcd , whereof the ferme duties orfew-ferm- es have becnecompted in his Majefties Exchequer, fince themoncthof Atiguft, 145')-. ycarcs,andunlaw- fullydifponcd by his Majefties Predecefibrs againft thcAfts of Parliament , and Lawes of the Kingdome : And to the ptincipalitie unlawfully difponed againft the Afts of Parliament and Lawes of this Kingdome: And to the reduffion of whatfoever ereftions , of whatfoever benefices, Spiritualitie and Tcmporalitie thereofunlawfuly difponed againft the Laws and Adis of Parliament : And to the rcdudlion of whatfoever patronages of Kirks , pertaining to his Majeftie and his Predecefibrs , and unlawfully difponed by them againft the Adis of Parliament •• And againft unlawful difpofitions of whatfoever Tcinds , Lands , and Rents doted to Hofpitals , and mafondieus, and unlawfully difponed againft the Aefts of Parliament ; And againft Regalities and Heritable OiRces unlawfully difponed, contrary to the Adis of Parliament ; And againftall changed tenours of holdings from ward toblenm or taxt ward , granted by the Kings and Princes in their min¬ orities, and not granted or ratified by any King or Prince being major. With this declaration like-as tlie faids Lords declare , that the fame fliall not prejudge any perfon whatfoever of their lawful defences compe¬ tent to them , againft any adlion to be intended hereafter at his Majefties inflance , and his fucccllbrs , except in fo far as coiiceroes the faid Adi of prefeription , whereupon the faids Lords declare, that no exception fiiall befound inprejudiceofliis Majeftie, and his Succeflbrs concerning the prcmillcs. ACT xni. 0: Amtit legalities of EreBions. .UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, Withadviceaiid confentofthe Eftares of Parliamjcnt , Ratifies 'andapproves that head andardcle of the Adlof Parliament made in the moneth of July , lySy. years,^9. cap. anentthe annexation of the temporalitie of benefices to the Crown, whereby the right and priviledge of regaiitie , which pertained to whatfoever Abbacie, Priorie, Priorefie, 'or other benefice whatfoever, is annexed to the Crown : widuhis declaration. That the heirs of thevaffals of the heritable tennaiitsfliali be entred by briefes forth of his Majefties Chancelarie, to be dircdlto the Proveft and Bailiiesofthe Burtowes o( the faids Regalities. But prejudice alwaics to heritable Baillics and Stewarts of the faids regalities , their heirs and fucceftbrs , of their rights and infeftments granted to tlKin of the faids Bailiieties and Stewartries of Regaiitie, which fliall remaine vvith them in the fame condition they were before the fame Act of annexation, except in the change of their Superior, viz,, in the Kings Ma¬ jeftie , and his Succeflbrs , who in all times thereafter lliall be their fuperiour , as in the faid Act of Parliament of the date forefaid , at more length is contained . AND farther, liis Majeftie, with coiifent of the Eftates of Parliament, cafles, annuls, retreats and refeinds all rights and titles made and granted by his Majeftie, or his Majefties umwhilc Father, or by umwhile Queene Marie his Grand-mother , to whatfoever perfon or perfons , of the right and priviledge of Regaiitie , pertaining to whatfoever Abbot , Pryor, Pryotefle, Preceptor, or other bene- ficed perfon whatfoever, at any time preceeding the date hereof: And declares the right and title of all and whatfoever Regalities within die Kingdome. which pertained to whatfoever benefice particularly or geiierallie above fpecified, at any time preceeding the general annexation of Kirk-lands , without refpeift to any exception mentioned in the faid Act of annexation, to pettaine to his Majeftie and hisSucceflbts in all time comming. Referving alwaies to all heritable Baillies and .Stewarts of the faids Regalities , their rights andinfeltmcntsofthe faids Bailiieties and Stewartries, granted to them by the faids bcncficcd perfons , at any time preceeding the dare of the erections of the faids Abbacies , Priories , and others iorefaid in Temporal Lordlliips. And it is declared , that thefe prefents ihall no waies be extended to the right of Regaiitie of whatfoever Lands , and Superiorities, pertaining to the Atch-bilhop and bilhops of this Kingdome, by verme of their gifts and provifions, granted to them or their prcdeceflors there¬ upon , •which Ihall remaine with them unhurt or prejudged by this prefent Aft. AND alfo it is declared, decerned and ordained, that the lands andBaronicof5?'»w?W(t««. compre- hendmg the Towns, lands, burgh in baronie, milnes, and others mentioned in tiie infcftmiMits granted fiyhisMajeftieunder his Highneflegfeat Scale, To his Highnefle right ttuftio Coufin and Coun.ellct THE FIRST TARLIAMENT 5'oi Y^ohert Eark oi Roxburgh , of the date, the day of one thoufand, fix hundred tl ' years, ihall not be comprehended herein , excluding the feme allutterly there-from, To remaine witl""!' laid Earle, his Heites and Succeflbrs , after the forme and tenourof the Infeftments made to him j ■ authors of the fame. Jnd hij ACT XIV. Anent Superiorities of Kirk-lands. OUR S O V E R A I G N E LORD, With advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament fii a declares , and ordaines, that his Majeftie and his Succeflots , have and lhall have good and doubted rightto the fupetioriteofall and fundtie Lands, Baronies, Milnes, woods, fiHiings To Fortaliccs, manourplacesand wholepertinents thereof, pertaining to whatlbever Abbacies, Priories redes, Preceptories, andwhatfoeverothetBeneficcs, of wliatfoevetEftate, degree, Title, Name orT ' fignation the fame bee ol, Erefled in Temporal Lordlhips, Baronies, orlivings, before or after the g ral annexation olKirk-landcs, made in the Moneth ol July, onethoufand, five hundred, fourfeoteT'i feven years , And to the whole cafualities of the faids fuperiotities , not difponed before the date of the ge ™ ral Commidion, which is of the date at thcleventeenthof Januarie, 162,7. yeares ; Andalf to the whole Few-mails, Few-fetmes, and other rents and duties of the faids fuperiorities, of all yeares f ter the datcofthe faid Commidion : RefervingtofuchLordsandTitularsofEreffionswhohave lubferibed the general Surrender.thcFew-mails.andFew-fermcsoftheirfaidsfuperiorities, ay and whilethey rcceave pyment and fatisfaflionofthe fum of one thoufand.markes ufual money ofScotland, for ilk Chalderof Few^ fcrmcviftual over-head ; Andforilkhundrethmarkes ofFew-nuils, and for ilk hundrethmarkes worth of allothcrconftantrentofthe faids fuperiorities (not confiding in vidfual or money , and not being naked fer vicCofVadals) accordingtothetcnourofhisMajediesgeneraldetermination, and conform to the condid ons therein contained , which arc holdcn as repeated and expred here. And ficklike with this declaration" thatthefeprefents fliall be without prejudice to the faids Lords, and Titulars of ereftion, ofwhatfoever Lands, Baronies, Woods, Filhings.Manour-places, Milnes, Multors, and others of the faid erefted Benefi ces, pertaining to thofc who have Surrendred, as faid is , in propettie ; And whereof they had the right of propertie , the time of the faid general futrendcr acquired by them , either before or fince the faids erefti ons , by whatfoever maner of way according to the Lawes of the Kingdome. Providing they hold the faid propertie ofhisMajedic and his Succedbrs, as the fame were holden before the date of the faids ereiftions And for payment of the Few-niails , Few ferms, and other duties mentioned in the old Infeftments of diefeids lands before the date of the faids ereiftions. AND His Majeftie and Eftates declare all rights and deeds whatfoever granted by his Majeftie or his umwhiledeareft Father, or Grand-mother, Qtieene tMarie, to whatfoever Titulars of Ereftion’s which may prejudge his Majeftie and his SuccefTors , in the peaceable brooking, joying and poffeffing of the faids Superiorities , and whole benefit thereof above-fpccified (under the exceptions alwaies and ptovifions above- written) To be null, and of none avail, forcenoreffeaby wayofaftion, exception or reply ■ Andalfo findes and declares that the faids Lords and Titulars of ereftionihall hold their propertie and proper lands Ofhis Majeftie and his SuccefTors , as the fame were holden before the date of the faids ereetions And forpayment of theFew-mails, Few-fermes, and other duties mentioned in the old Infeftments of the faids Lands granted to them and their authors before the date of the faids ereflions .■ I T I S alwayes provided anddeclared thatthefeprefents, not no claufe therein contained, fhall be extendedto the fuperiorities of whatfoever lands. Baronies, and others, pertaining to whatfoever Archbifhop, Bilhop, and their Chap- f°*^* Aft' remaine with them and their SuccefTors unhurt or prejudged by this pte- A C T XV. Anent bis CMajefties Ammitie ofTeinds. O^f ri/r ^nd Eftates of Parliament , Ratifies and approves the Act i^ofMav^Td^v ^rf wi' Surrenders , Of the date at the twenty methe^^^^^^^^ found and ordained , That his Majeftie and his SuccefTors lhaU Bol ofX^mftff rL payed out of the Teind Bolls of Viftual. And out of the ver oaved to rim Bilbo T money , Except the Teind-bolls and fil- paved m orefei tlv XblV^ rent pertaining to them, in the Eftate wherein the fame isptefently nle of Cd Living rh " ' u i'’" Teind-bolls and filver payed to Minifters in af n ^ ^ andtotheColledgcs, Hofpirals, and other pious ufes • Thatisto blip’s °Anr/fJe?feB2or'hM^fT’^a^^^ Ofeverie^BollofthebcftTeind-beare. eightlhil- o > And ofcveric Boll of the beft Tcind Oates, meale.peafe and rye, fix /hillings : And where oatesareof that F KING CHARLES THE FIRST. yoj mire that they will not render above halfmeale, the rent to be three fliillinns : And where the bolls 1 3je of inferionr goodnefs, worth and price not die beft, That his MajeUicsaniuiitie forth thereof of M I modified proportionally. And where the rent doth not confill in viauall but in money, that his • ffie and his Succeflbrs lhall have of every hundreth marks of Parfonage and V icatage tcind, not con- in visual tent, the fumme of fix matkes money. Together with the Aft of the faid commiliiou f I date at holy-nidehoufe, the eight of Auguft, i6x8. Whereby it is ordained, that the payment fie faidannuitie fltal! have the beginning of the crop and ycare of God, i6i8. Togetliet with another ” ■> of the faid commiffion, of the date at Holy-rudehoufe the fourteenth day of July, 1630. Whereby - of horning are ordained to be direft at the inftance of his Majellics Thefaurcr, for pay ment of the f^aniiuitie of the crops, 1 6x8 and 16x9. And yearlyintimecomming. Together with an Aft of the veiition of the Eftates, of the date at Holy-rudehoufe the twentic ninth of July, 1630 ycares, where- r” liefaid Eftates have ratified and approved the faid Aft of the date and and tenour forefaid, anent letters f l''otninS. to'be direft atthe inftance of his Majeftics thefautet, for payment ofhisMajcftiesannuitic of I ' tops and years of God, i6x8 and 16x9. And yearly in time comming. Andfiddikeratificsandap- '''^vestheAftof.thefaid commiffion, of the date the twentie third of March, 1631 years. Whereby itis ^'Xined, that in all teinds which lhall be unvalued betwixt and the firft of Auguft thereafter, that the hc- °tor ihail pay his juft teind according to the fifth part of the prefent rent, ay and while the conftant rent be !! terinined. And whereby it is ftatute and ordained, that his Majeftie ihall have tigk to uplift his annuity ^ ording tothe faid fifth part of the prefent rent, ay and W'hile the faid conftant rent be determined, To- ^Sier with another Aft of the faid Commiffion of tiends and furrenders of the date at Holy-rudehoufe the ? ujteentli of December, 1631 yeates. And ratified by the Lords of fecret Counccll upon the twentieth dav oi the faid month of December. Whereby it is ftatute and ordained for an interim, that the aimuitie of teinds confifting in victual, fliall be payed to his Majeftie of ail ycares bygone, and in time coming con- forme' to die tenour of die faid laftAft: And that according to the juft and true prices of the viftualin ilk nattof theCoiintry,compting for ilk hundred matkes ohhe prices of the faid viftual being redafted in money L matkes for his Majefties amiuitie. Which Aft is tlieteafter upon the tweiitierii of December, 1631. ra¬ tified by the Lords of fccret Councel, And letters of horning and poynding ordained to be direft thereupon, ard thereafter ratified by the Lords of Exchequer upon die twentie diird of the faid moneth of December. And hisMajcftic and EftatesStature and ordaine the laid annuitie forth of the teinds to be payed to his Maicftie and hi' Succeflors.of the faid crop and year of God, i6x8. And of all yeates fenfine and in time comming. And tliat aftvell out of the unvalued as valued teinds conforme to the tenours of the faid Afts of convention, fe- cKt Councel and Exchequer. And ordaines letters of horning and poynding to be direct by the Lords of iis Majefties Exchequer at the inftance ofhisMajeftiesThefauier, principl and depute, for payment of tlie faid annuitie of all, years by gone and in time comming. And ordaines the Lorefs of his Majeftics Ex¬ chequer, to fit ataJlconvement times for granting' and difeuffing of fufpenfions, touching the faidannuitie of teinds. It is alwaies declared, that the laft ciaufe and article contained in the faid Act of annuitie. where¬ by die Commiffionetsthinke fit that the faid annuitie ofteinds lhall bee annexed to die Ctowne, isnowaies riified by thisprefent Act, nor no ciaufe thereof. And thathis Majeftie takes to iiis own gracious con fi- deratioii what to do tliereanent in whole or in' part, as his Majeftie in his royallwifdOmelliairthinkcmoft expedient. And wlutever his Majeftie fhali do now or hereafter tliereanent, fliall be as valid and effectual, i*s if the fame had been particularly expreft in this prefent Act. ACT XVI. hitent Vajfals Holding JVard. OimSOVERAIGNE LORD, And Eftates of this prefent Parliament, ratifie and approve the Act of Parliament made by his Majefties lumwhiie Father, of eternal memorie, i8. Parliament, cap. 1 1. Intitulate, Act anent Yetting of fewes to fub- vaflals of ward lands in the whole heads and articles thereof. Andfatther, liis Majeftie with confent of the faid Eftates, hath extended and doth extend thefaid Act of Parliament ’and benefit thereof, in favour of his facced Majeftie and of the Prince of Scotland and their Succeffors in all time coming: And ftatutss and ordains, tliat it fliall no wayes be lawful towhatfoever Vaflals, holding laiids of his Majeftie or of the Prince of Scotland, or of any Duke, Marqueffe, Earle, Vicount, Lord, Prelate, Baron, or any other perfon whatfoevet, holding tlieir land of their Superiours by fervieg of ward and reiiefe, to fee their faid lands, baronies, milnes, fifliings . or any other lands or heritages whatfoever,holding ward.'as faid is. To any other perfon or perfons m Few for payment of a Fewfer- me dutie or in any manner of prejudice of the faid ward holding, without fpecial advice andconfent ol their fu’periours, of whom they hold the fame reffeBive-. And tefemds and annulls all former Afts oi Parli¬ ament of whatfoever date or tenor, which may in any fort derogateto this prefent Aft. And Andes & declares tliat all&vvhatfoeve r inieftments to be granted otherwife, without confent of the faid fuperiours reJ^eBive, or dicir confirmation obtained thereto, doth nowayes flop the ward of the faids lands.nor hinders die courfe ofre- Yyyx cognition 1 yo4 the first farliame nitionvacand, or which fliall happen to vake in the fuperiours hands, in-cafe of alicnation^^^^ cither of the whole . or of the moft part thereof, according to the courfe of the common Law i fent of their fuperiours, but prejudice to their faidfuperiorsre,^ei5;w, andtheit Succelfors ’oTl'"’"' ofthefaid Aftof Parliament, tflod: whereby all (uchinfeftments and grants without confent”'^*’^'’'^' arc declared to be null by way of afton , exception , or reply. Which claufe lhall ftand in favoii ■ jeftic, and in favour of the Prince, and their Succelfors, andother fuperiors refpea'tve forefaiH c and in the fame manner as if rhc faid claufe were infert in this prefent Act , and this Act lhall not h ’ ■ to deeds lawfully done in time by-gone , bclore the date of this prefent Act , but only adfutura. ACT XVII. ^^nent the Rate and Trice ofTeinds. pOR-SO-MUCH As OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD out ofhis Royal and Fatb. i did immediately aftetliis happiet '^ the C row n , pubhih and give forth his Royal declaration anent the reforming of the abufcs ul5 in i "> tcinds, wlj^trein his Majeftiesumwhile Father, of Eternal and blelfedmemorie, laboured fom,?'^"^ "I hrMailir P™'"''"" mamtenance of Kirks , and other pious ufes forth of thefaids teinds i’ M jeflie being by Gods gracious providence prefent in his Royal Perfon within this his h?s f f'ds his firft Parliament ofhis whole Eftates of the fame feaio? TeiS ef ”'fM3J=ft'e"''diconfent of the three Eftates, hythefeptefentsftatutes „ a ■ and dcclarcs , that there lhall be no Temd lheavej, or other Teinds , Parfonageor Vicarane led *’ within the IGngdomc , but that each hcritour and Life-renter of Lands lliall have the leading and d"”^ fo --'y -d lawfully valued , and th? p^ng^ r fi d’ wilhngtobuy the fame : or otherwife paying tlierefore the ra e r Sfcfhed L'ff-=‘*'’'^MajeftieandEftates find and declare, tliLLjuft and true raw of T?'Ii'’‘‘ are^alied o!nd conftantmnt which each land payethinftock and teind where til f ’ fi ill he ft I, ^ d^r a Severally , that the juft rate Ihereof fi ah bcfuchasthefameisalreadyotlhali be hereafter valued, and proved before the fa dsS^ ’m tofuclla3fit"t’^tr‘"e «ft'T»“'h«eoffortheeafeof?he heritors, r^^«^ befoldandannalied. confiftingtEn ™ vt^il nr T andcftimateaccordingtonineveatespurch^fe rhe^rfel V A and lhall be rule! Teind confifts, being rerffimCv tvtdi^rr d ''''^"^ part ol the Countrey f to the which the ftme is ‘^acli fioners already appointed or to be appointed to that effbift ^L^Xd ® Majefties Commif- Kingdonie,beingwilhngtobuyteoCTeindfilrltx t obliged to buy the Teinds of his own Gndl e Titulars having power to fell the fame , lhall bs ving the cure of the Kirk . for his maintenance^'^'i^id ’ rf ‘°‘^ally alliped to the Minifter , fer- Martinmalle, intheyeareofGod veiret 1, H a^d theterme of before the date hereof, and where the fame is nnr* vm ’d Valuation of the Teinds is made and approved afterthefamebevaluedandapprovedbvtheCommlTi''^ ued and approved within the fpace of two yeares that effect .• after the expirin^of the vdiich rimT Id appointed by his Majeftie and Eftates to lliall not be compelled to fell tie fame exceorrhpvd and Lftates declare tliat the faids titulars clarationahvayes, that incafe the inipedimenrol nl°f andconfent. Withdiisde- Titularbyrealinofhisntoty^^^ mduri^ the fpace forefaid . flow from the buy his owii Teind within the fpace forefaid fln 1 1 ha r- 1^^'’ oflereth himfelfo ready to bisTeiiids, notwithftaiidingoftheexDiring’nfrhp v a«fofoone as the impediment is removed, to buy ifthe Heritor be minor, an3 his Tutors neolertrl yP'^^andliiaceaboye-exnreircd. And it E declared, that lhall hf.v,» L, “"°'^®'’^g>cct the buying of his Te lids wirhinrhr.f 1 his Titor sell I T r f “ "P°''e-ex,iteircd. And it E declared , that _ _ oTutms hisTei„dswittiinthefpaceforefaid,tlieminot piring of the fpace fWefaid , for feliiiigofthefaiT'r'^^'^’ “mpel the titular aftertheex- Heritors, as faid is, finde that the HcrRorfl allT‘""1V ^re coft by the having right thereto by contract of marriure i ,ih ^ “ g've to the Life-renter of the faids lands, oftheliileftmehtofFce, the leading of rii®T,-^i r’'i’ • Conjunft-fec , or Refervation forth ofthe Teind of the Ihme. And fickfike finds H? r* ° T'fe-rent Lands, for payment of the rate or Life-renters of Unds, who have L i '' where Teinds are not coft , {hat the Heritors others in their name, lhall be obliged to Mv[othlT>'l®'™r?‘'^^ themfelves. their Tennants, and and CHARLES THE FIRST. a„d prefcnbed by the Commiffioners of furrenders and T cinds , or to be fet down by the Comminionerc in- pointed , or to be appointed by his Majcftie with confent of Ae Eftates of this prefent Parliament ded i LgfomuchtheteofasllmllbeaffignedtotheMimfter for his maintenance. IT IS alwayes declared fl-liether the faids Temds be fold or not , his Majeftie (hall have his annuitie forth of the fame, accordina to the Tenor of the Act of Annuitie : And becaufe fundric queftions may arife both anent the Valuatioii of Teinds, andPriccofthefameindiversparts of theCountrey , and anent the feciirities to be made bv the Titulars to the Heritors who buy their Teinds , and by the Heritors to the Titulars of the price to bepayed fertile fame where the Teinds are coft,or for payment of the rateof Teind where the fame is not coft ; And ficklike anent the provifion of the Kirkes, with competent maintenance , and tor divifion of the price ot Teinds betwixt the Heritors and Life-renters, andreffifyingofValuationsalrcady led to the enorme hurt and prejudice of thefe , h ping intereft, T H E R E F O R E His Majeftie and Eftates have referred , and refer the determination of the faids particulars, and all others concerning the Teinds to the Comminfioncts appointed by his Majeftie and Eftates in this prefent Parliament. IT IS alwayes declared, thatthispre- feiit Aft fliall be "0 farther obligatory againft whatfoever Arch-billiops , Bilhops, Parfons, Vicars , and irovifions and con- date the other beneficedperfons, beiiwMinifters, nor their Succefiors , but according to the pr< dicionsexprefledintliefubmiriion, madebyvhe Bifliops to his Majeftie, which is of the . . . day of I6^8. yearcs, and regiftrate in the Bookes of Commiffion of Surrenders and TeinJs, upon the thirteenth day of July , idji.yeares ; Which provifions and conditions are holden as exprefted here¬ in. And alfo it is declared , that the V icarages of each Kirk being a feveral Benefice and Title from the Par- fonage, fliall be feverally valued, totheetfefttheTitularsorMiniftersfervingdiecute, who haveriehtto tlie faids Vicarages, be not ftuftratcoftlie true worth of the faids Vicarages. ° ACT xvin. KAmnt the Exchequer. OUR SOVERAIGNE lord, and Eftates of this prefent Parliament , ratifie and approve that head and claufe of Parliament , made upon the twentie two day of May , 15-84; Whereby his Majeftiesumwhile Father ol Eternal memorie , with confent of the Eftates, hath appointed and ordained, that all caufes concerning his Majefties property , whether the fame be fufpenfions, letters conforme’ breaking of arreaftment , deforcement of Officers in the premiffes, ot any thing depending thereupon' (hall be^ ifeufled before his Majefties Exchequer in the Exchequer-houfe. And ficklike , his Majeftie with confent ofthe Eftates, ftatutes and ordaines , thattheLordsofExchequerappointed, or to be appointed by his Majeftie, lhall have undoubted power, warrant, and authoritie , to fit, cognofee and decide in all the forefaids caufes, concerning his Majefties propertie, and others depending tliereupon : And alfo in ailcaufesconcerninghisMajeftiesannairieforthoftheTeinds, and ordaines them to fit at all convenient timesfor paffing and difeuffing of fufpenfions, and for deciding of all other actions concerning the faid pro¬ pertie and annuitie of Teinds. And to direfl: letters of homing and poynding , and other execution necef- fary upon the decreets pronounced by them, of or concerning the premilTes , and the horning topalTeupon a fimple charge of ten dayes , upon this fide of the water of Bee : And upon twenty dayes by North Bee al- Icnncrly , at the diferetion of die faids Lords of Exchequer. ACT XIX. Commiffimfor Valuation of Teinds not valued, rectifying the Valuations of the fame already made, and other particulars therein contained. For so much As our SOVERAIGNE lord, immediately after his happyattain- ing to the Crown of this his Ancient and Native Kingdome , did out of his Rtwal and F atherly care to the publique good thereof, give forth his Royal declaration , anent the reforming ofthe abufes ufcd in leading of teinds , and for provifion and maintenance of Kirks and other pious ufes fordi of flic faids teinds. And 3fb for leftoring the Crown to the fuperioritics of whatfoevet benefices and temporalities thereof treftbd in tem¬ poral livings , and againft other prejudices and detriments done to die Crowne , mentioned in die faid declar¬ ation. And albeit his Majeftie hath beene ftill urging and following the performance of the particulars fore- fiid thefe five yeares by-gone , or thereabout , by Commiffions direct by his Majeftie under his, great Scale , to that effeft , wherein there hath beene good progrefle made , yet the fame could not take a full end without the authoritie of a Parliament; Like-as his Majeftie out of his earneft and tender affection to the publique goodofdiis bis native Kingdome; And for advancing the faids great and glorious works intended by his Najcftie , as faid is , hath taken the pains to come hither in his Royal perfon , where his A/ajeftic beingpre- ftiit in folcmne Parliament , with his three Eftates of his faid ancient Kingdome : Have rcfolved and conclud¬ ed upon the parucular Afts and Statutes after following , tending to the publique good , peace , cafe , and Y y y 5 tom- ^o6 THE FIRST TARLIAM ENT comfort of his faid Kingdome and fubjefts thereof : viz. His Majeftie and Eftates forefaid have ratifi j Aft of Comnii/Iion offiirrcnders and teinds.of tlie date at Holy-rude-houfc the twentie fixch day of “ '''' ycarcs, whereby it is found mcete and expedient , that the lowed proportion for maintejiance of ihall be eight chaldcr of victual , or eight hundreth markes proportionally , except fuch particular Kirk curre, wherein there fliallbcajuft, rcafonable, and expedient caufc to go beneath the forefaid ric ; And hath referred rhe confidcration of the reafons and caufes thereofto the ComniiiTioncrs to fen by his Majeftie , withconfentofthe£ftates in manner contained in the faid Act. Like-as alf i°' Majeftie and Eftates by anotlier Act and Ordinance, hathftatute, ordained, and declared chat cadi tor and Life-renter of Lands lliallhavc the leading and drawing of their owncteinds rh V'”' being firfttrucly and lawfully valued, and they paying therefore thepticc aftcr-fpecified, in-cafe the *11° willing to buy the fame, orotherwife, for the yearly payment of the rate of Tcinds aftet-fpecified Lt as his Majeftie and Eftates have by the faid Aft, found and declared , that the true andjuft rate of Te' !i- and ftiill be the fifth part of the conftant rent, which ilk land pay es in Stock and Teind where the'f'^'*’ arc valuedjoyntly. And where the Teinds arc valued apart and fevcrally , that the juft rate thereof is fhallbefuch, as the fame is alreadie by vertuc of the former general Commiflion of Surrenders and T ' j proved and valued to , OrelfeihallbchcteaftervaluedandprovcdbcforetheCommiftionerstobeam '■ cdbyhis Majeftie witliconfent of the Eftates, deducing the fifth part thereof forthceafeof the Het> Rcfervingalwaicslibertie to fuch as lhall finde themfelves enorm^ hurt by the leading of the faids val ons, to purfuc for rectifying of the fame before the faidsCommiftloners to be appointed by his M.iieftie Hi Eftates forefaid ; like-as his Majeftie and Eftates have by the faid Aft found and declared , that the nri *(■ allTcinds which may be fold and annalied, confifting either in money , viftual, or other bodies o^otiH° is, and fliall be ruled and eftimate accordingtonineycarespurchafe. The prices of victual and otlierb*’ dies of goods , whereof the T einds confift being redafted in money according to the worth and prices ofv°' tualandgoods inilkpartoftheCountrie, Tothcwhich thefameisand fhall be prized andeftimate bvtl'”' faid former Commiffions of Surrenders and Teinds, or by the Commiftioners to be appointed by his Maieft witliconfent of the Eftates : And alfo have found and declared , that ilk Heritor in the Kiiigdome beiH willing to buy his own Teind from the Titulars , having power to fell the fame , fliall be obliged to buy tii° Teynd of his own Lands , except fo much as fhall be locally affigned to the Mini ftcr ferving the Cure for li° maintenance : And to pay the prices forefaid to the Titulars betwixt and tl e particular times and diets ex* preft in the faid Aft, And alfo have found that the Heritors fliall bee obliged to give to the Life-renter of the iands , the leading of their own teinds for payment of the rate of Teind of the fame. And alfo have found that in all cafes where Teinds are notcoft, that the Heritors or Life-renters of lands who have the leading of their own Teinds by themfelves , their tennants, and others in their names, fhall be obliged to nav to thcTitularsofthefaidsTeinds the yearly rate thereof , according to the order fet down and preferibed by the former Commiffions , or to be fet down by the Coniniiffioners to be appointed by his Majeftie with confent of the Eftates , dcducingfo much thereof as fhall be affigned to the Minifters for their m’ainte nance. AND Becaufe fundrie queftions may arife anent the valuations of Teinds and prices thereof, and anent the fccurities to be made by the Titulars to the Heritors who buy their T einds ; and by the Heritors to the Ti¬ tulars of the price to be payed for the fame , 'when the Teinds ate coft . or for payment of the rare of Teind" where the fame is not cofc ; And anent the provifions of the Kirkes, with competent maintenance and other particulars mentioned in the faid Aft. THEREFORE His Majeftie and Eftates , by the faid Aft did referre the determination thereof to the Commiftioners to be appointed by his Majeftie and Eftates With thefc declarations alwaics, that his Majeftie fliall have his annuitie payed forth of the Teinds accord- ingtothetenourofthe faid Aftofannuitie ; And that the Archbilhops, Bifiiops Patfons Vicars and other ^ncficedperfons being Minifters, and their Succeft'ots , fhould be no farther obliged ’in any o’f the premifles . But according to the provifions and conditions expreft in the fubmiftioii made by the Bilhops to liis Majeftie, whichisolthe date the day of idiS.years. And /egiftrate in^he faidsBooks of Surrendersand leiiids upon the thirteenth of July , idji.yeares. And that the Vicarages =»ftvetal Benefice and Title, fhould be feverally valued, to the elTeft the Timlars and Minifters ferying the Cute, wliohave right to the faids Vicarages, fhould not bee fruftrate of the true worth of die fmds Vicarages. And ficklike. His Majeftie .nd Eftates by anotler Aft have found aiiddeclatcd, that Ins Majeftie and his ^ccefes have and fliall have undoubted right to the fuperiorities ofwiiatfoevet ereftions, Few-in^ls Few-fermes, and other cafualities thereof, Refcrviiig to fuch Lords and Titulars ofereftion who fubfenbed die general Surrender, the Few-mails , and Few-fermes of their faids Superiori¬ ties, ay and while they receave payment and fatisfaftionofthefumme of one thoufand markes ufualmo- neyol Scodand, for ilk Chalder of Few-ferme viftual; and for ilk hundred markes of Few-mails, andfor ilk hundred markes of all odier conftant rent of the faids Supetioridcs , not confifting in viftual or money; andnot being naked fervice of vafTals, according to the tenour of his Majefties general determination; and coiitormc ro the condicioas therein egntained , as in die faids three Adis of this prefent Parliament ac more lengtli is expreft. ^ A N D OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST. 5°r as it is neceiTarie for determination of the particulars fotcfaid, and of all fuch other ^ ■ vliichate fit and expedient for the finilhing and full perfeflion of the faid glorious worke, anenitlie poi'® '-jainrenance of Miniftets and others loreiaid. That a commilTion be granted by his Majeftic, with ofthcEftates, and by authority of this ptefent Parliament THER-EFORE His Majeftie, with confc”' Paid Eftates, hath granted, and by thefe prefents granteth full powet and commillion to the “’f"- after foihving : To wit, Nine of theClergie, nine of the Nobilitie, nine ol the fmall Barons, and I**' f he Burnefles ; TogctherwithmyLordChancellout, and eight officers of Eftate, viz. Gcoree^aile "'"f ° L-Z/C/Mwee/roKr, lVilliiim'i..irle oi M.ortonTb';fmnr, lohn Arcbb'tihof oi%nmt Rndre-jos, Thomm yin^iimtown Lord Friv'te Seak, Vatrick Rrcbbijbop of Glafgow, JF'tlliam Karle CMatjbal. £ark of Wintvivn, lohn tark of Vertb, lohn Earl of Kiugbonie, IKUl'tam Earle of Oiimjrcis, m Earkoi Sterling Secret ary, 'David Earle oi^outbask, \ohii Earle oiTraquair Tbe/aiirer Depute, V ark ofyieymes, hrcb'tbaldVmd Napier, George LordCorftorpbe'me, klexander Bijhop o{ Duukell, I RdhoP of ijblurray , lohn Btjbop oi R«j/e , kdam Bijbop of Dunblane, David Wi/bope of Hricben, of Argyll, George Bijhop of Orktiay, Sit \obn\\ayClerke of'kcgifter. Sit Thomas Hope Ad- ey^QeorgeEiphmgjtone hiftice Clerk, S,\t\ames Galloway HMafier o\ Kcquejls, Sit IKobert Spot - '“j Sir lames Eearrmnth , Sir lames Lokhart younger of Ley, Sit lohn Charters, Sir Kobert Grier, uRodl of Kelburne, Sir miliarn Douglasof Cavers, The Laird oilmhemartciue. tbcLairdofLug- lohn Smklar, lohn Machiacht, Archibald Tod, Edward Edger, Ua/ter Alexander Guthrie, Ga- f^'‘jr,„m,ehame KokrfXailyear, TlilliamlAickle-lohii, mAfrlaJlerV.obertCimmghame-, oranyfiltcene s . wirl-s rlirrenf Ilk Tvlflipftics officers af Eftate. of which number •I n there being three of every Eftate, with three of his Majeftics officers of Eftate. Of which number °rfif ™ the Lords Chancellor, Thefauret, and Privie feale, Archbilhops of Saint- Andrews or Glafgow, ^ I Mirffiall and Earle of Wintown , or any one of them ihall be one. to meet and conveene at Holyi-ude- f / or Edinburgh atfuch times and places asthey Ihall think fit; And there to profecutc and follow forth K’.l..ationof whatfoeverteuids, patfonage or vicarage within the ISingdome, which arc asyet unvalued, rl fotoreceivethereportsfromtheSubcommiffioners. appointed within ilkepresbtene, ofthevaluanon r 1 Xever teinds led and deduced before them, according to the tenor of the fubcommifsions direft to T'lXa And toallow or diffallow the fame, according as the fame fcall bee found agreeable or difagtee- from 'the tenour of their fubcommifsions. And alfowith power to reaifie whatfoever valuations , led J . be led to the enorme prejudice of the titulars, and to die hurt and detriment of the Kirke, and preju- fffieM.niftersmainteaanceandprovif.ons, orofhisMajeftiesannuitie. And forthe better cxpeding ^ LdvaLinaofthefaid valuations, with po.ver to appoint of their owne *”iiber To^receive the reports of the faid valuations made or to be made; And to receive, admit and exa- SiTewitnlffies, aud to take parties oathes, with their depofitions, where the fame is telcrred to oath; And minewiti e E Committies or Subcommitties of their owne number, asthey ffiall TTfiSth-S =>ndfpeedy finilhing of the fame; Andficklike. with powet to them. f Sb? to appoint Subcommifsioners, not being of their owne number w ithin any parochin or presby tet.e M Cnuntrfe^ for leading and deducing of the faid valuations, and to receive the reports thereof, allow m oftheCo ” ’ p Inf ueneraliv with power to them, to fet downc whatfoever other order or coutfe r rn^ll be thowht fit and expedient for Sifpatch of the faid valuations reaifying thereof or finall clofing Anri ficklike with^powertothefaidCommifsionets, or any fifteen oi them, as faid is. there ol the fame. ^ of the petfons of the above-fpecified, afterthe clof.ngand being three of ilk Eftate, \vitl y j XoapTOint, modifie, andferdowncaconftantand allowance of valuations of. IkMrkcau^^^^^^ of the tiends of ilk parochin, accotdingt® local ftipend and maintenance to k P referres with confent o! rhe faid Eftates, the tenour of the Aasabove-fpeciifo ^ j ^ p ^ J j j ove the faid Commif»ioncrs to toth=!a.d»mmifs.oner thetr^ rf goe beneath the q“““tie of eigte cl^d t jtli power to the faid Commifsioners, to cfv.deamplc in manner contained m thefaidAtt. ' m jg and expedient, or to unite divers Rirksm and fpaciousparoch..KS. where “ jj [ her tryaland confJefation fuch union or difmemoring wlwleonn parttoothers; And to ““ r , T gtCommifsions. And ficklikc with pow- ofParochines. ^ath beeiie formerly made by parochin. as the eftate thereof may erto them, to appoint and provide for fuch othe p p . , P ^ hiat every heritor bear. And fickiike, with power to the fold rhetelf, they and life-tenter oflands, ffiall i'^vc theleadimof t leir o . P g fame irom the titular, paying theprice contained in the Aft above-fpee.fied .. cafe they be tothatefTeft, having power to fell, or othetwife paying therateo ^ rgjnds according to the worth there¬ with power to the faid Commifsioners to fet downe tie pr ^ ^ power to thenuofet ofinWhpattofthecountrey, where the fame rothcefiea.thc downe luch good and ample fecurmes, as may y., to the titulars and fellers ofthepnee titulars may be fully denuded in their favour. And jn,„,-prhcfecuriticinfavourofthctitiilarsandof due to he ;ayedtoIhemfotthefa.d teinds; and timous pay- the Minifters, fofarre as concernes befold. And ficklikc with power to the faid ment ofthe rateofteind, where the fame are not, commif- L yo8 the FIRST VARLl A M E N T commifnoners, to difcufle and determine all queftions which may arifebenvixt the titulars and I, eritorc anentthe price of teinds, according to the nawreand quahticof thcrigiKstobefo Id, whethetthefameb- heritable or temporal, and to proportionate the price accordingly ; And alfo to dn idc the price of tiend^ betwixt heritors and life-renters, thereof; And betwixt titulars, tackfmen, and others who have Ibvcral diftinft rights to the faid teinds fcllable, according to the qtiahtie of their rights: And alfo with powerto tliem tocaufe the titularswho fell their faid teinds, to exhibit their rights and titles, to the effect that thev may be lawfully denuded thereof, in favour of the faid heritors and life-renters reJpeBive, without prejudice ahrayes to his Majefties annuitie, to bee payed forth of the faid teinds by the faid titulars of teinds, or heritores orlife-tentats of lands, according to the tenor of the faid Aft of annuitie; And gencrallie with power to the’ faid Commidioners, to decide and determine in all other points, which may concerne the leading and draw ing of teinds, the felling and buying of the fame, or payment of the rate thereof, containediiuheAiftso'f Parliament above fpecified, or fetdowne in his Majefties general determinaticn ; with this provifion and declaration alwayes, that the Archbilliops, Bilhops, Parfons, Vicars, and other bencficedpcrfons.bcine Minifters, and their fucccflbrs, lhall be no farther bound but according to the provifions and conditions ex- preft in the fubmilfion made by the Billiops to his Majeftie, which is of the date the day of , 62,^ yearcs. and regilhate in the bookesofeommiftionoffurrenders and teinds, upon the thirteenthday of July rdji : Which provifions and conditions are holden as expreft herein; Andalfo with this provifion, that the Vicarages of eacliKirkc being afcveral benefice and title from the Parfonage, lhall be fcverally valued to the efted thctitularsotMiniftersfcrving the cure, who have right to thefaid Vicarages, bciiotfruftrate of the true worth of the faid V icarages ; And ficklike,becaufe by the Ad above-fpecified, made anent fupeti- otities of erections in favour of his Majeftie, there is fpecial refervation made to filch titulars and Lords of ereftion, as have fubfetibed the general furrender of the few-mails, few-fermes, and other conftant rent ofthefaidfuperiorities, aye and while they be p.iyedof the price thereof contained in his Majefties general dctetinination, and according to the provifions fpecified therein. Therefore his Majeftie and Eftatesgive full power to the faid commilTioners or any fifteeiieof them, as faid is, to call and conveen before them the Lords oferedion, and others having right to the faid few-mails and few-fermes, and other conftant rent of the fuperiorities of Kirkc-lands, at luch particular diets as theylliall appoint, and to urge the faid Lords of ereftion and others forefaid , to give up their rentals of their faid few-mails, few-fermes, and other conftant rent forefaidof their faid fuperiorities, conforme to his Majefties dcccrete and determination, given out there-anent; And with certification as is thetein contained, and to liquidat the other conftant rent of the faid fuperiorities, not confifting in viftual or filver: To the efleft that after the full tryall ofthe faid rental and liqui¬ dation thereof, the faidLordsof ereftion mayteceivethcpriceofathoufandmarksfor each chalder of few- fermes, and for eachhundreth markes of the other conftant rent, being redaftedin money in whole or in part proportionally, from his Majefties Thefaurers, principal, or depute, and incafe ofthe abfenceaiid refufal of thefaids titulars and Lords of ereftion, thatthefame may be configned in the hands of the Clerke to the laid commilfioners, toremaine configned for their behove; After the which confignation, it lliall be lawful to his Majefties! hefaurers, principal or depute, to up-lift, receive, and introm'et with thefaid few-mails, few-fermes, and other conftant rent forefaid, of all yeares and termes alter the faid confignation, according to the tenor ot the faid general determination; And alfo with power to the faid commilfioners as faid is, to difcullc and determine all queftions thatmayarife betwixt the faid Lords of ereftion and the heri¬ tors ofthe ground, pcnfioners,life-renters,and others pretending right to the faid few-mails, &few-fermes, and to divide the price amongft them , according tothequalitieoftheirrights, and all other queftions anen’t the few-mails, fewfermes, and other conftant rent forefaid: Which by his Majefties general determination is referred to the determination ofthe commilfioners to bcappointed to that effect; And whereas it may fall out that fomcof the commifsioners now appointed by his Majeftie and Eftates, may be unable to attend thefen'ice, through death, ficknelle, ot Lome other notour and knowne impediments; Therefore his Majeftie referves tohimfelfe the nomination of fuch other perfons in their places, as his Majcfty lhall think fit, whom his Majeftie by his letters ihall recommend to the faid commifsioners, to the intent they may receive and admit them upon the faid commifsion, and take their oathes for faithful difehargeof the fame. And his Majeftie and Eftates ordaine thisprefent commifsion to endure unto the laft day of bccemhcr in the yeareof God, 1635 yeares: And farther induring his M.ijefties pleafure, and aye and while die fame be exprelly difeharged Iprhis Majefties warrand, or letter to that effect. And his Majeftie with confentof the Eftates forefaid, findes, declares, and ordains the Acts, decretes, and ordinances ofthe commilsioners forefaid, and ofthe other perfons, who lliall be furrogate in their places by his Majeftie in manner forefaid. in the whole particulars above-fpecified, and every one of them; 1 o have die ftrength, force, and authoritie ofadecrcte, fentence, andAct ofParliaincnt, and ordaines die Lords of Sefsion to Q;rant and direct letters of horning, poyiiding, and others thereupon, upon afimple charge of ten dayes, or orhcrwifeaslhallbc found neceflary. Attourfor clearing of all doubts and diuiculties which may arilbancnt the rectifying of valuations, or other particular heads lollowing: His Majeftie and Eftares have declared and declare, that where valuatious arc lawfully led againft all parties having intereft, and allowed by the former commifsioners according to the order obferved by them, that the fame lhall notbedrawne in queftion nor rectified upon pretence of cnorni Icfloii , at the inftance ofthe Minifter, not being titular, ©rat tlic inftance of his Maje- Majeftiw yo9 Majefties Advocat, for and inrefpeaof hisMajeftiesannuitic, except it be proved that collufion was ufcd betwixt the titular and heritor, or betwixt the procurator fifeal and the titulars, and heritors, which collu- fion is declared to be where the valuation is led, with diminution of the third of the juft tent prcfeiitly paved and which diminution fhall be proved by the patties oathes. And fickiike it is declared tliatthe provifions contained in the forefaid fubmiftion made by die Biihops, whereof mention is made in the foreftid ACf oftithes, and which is repeated in this commiftion, lhall be refttiaed to chat whercoi Archbilhops Biihops, Parfons, vicars, or other beneficed perfons being Miniftets, Colledgcs, Hofpitals, and other dotations to piousufeswere in actual and real poffeffionthetimeof thefaidfubmiflion, which ihalltcmaine yvith them in quantity and quality, according to the tenor of the faidprovifion: And ifanyqucftion lhall arife betwixt the faidArch-bifliops, Bifliops, Parfons, Vicars, and other beneficed perfons forefaid anenc the leading of teinds, that the fame fhali be referred to his facred Majeftic, and to his Royal plcafuictohe fjpnified thereaneiit. And alfo anent laick patronages pertaining to any his Majeftics fubjefts, before the veareofGod, lydi yeares; His Majeftie and EftatesdeclarethatthefamefallSwithiiitheconipailcofthe Lnetal fubmiffion made to his Majeftie, Andhis Majeftics determination given thereupon, andthatalen- narly in fofarre as concernes a competent maintenance, to be locally payed forth of each Church , to the IViimfter and hisfucceflbts;And anent the teinds of other mens lands;And anent the annuitie to be payed to his ji^jjeftie forth of theteinds of thefaid Kirk: Andasto theremanentteindsthefametopertaineto laick pa¬ trons in price or rate thereof in all cafes, where the forefaid laick patrons were in polMon of the teinds there¬ of by thefpaceoffeven yeares within the fifteen yeares immediately preceding the date ofthefaid general fubmiffion : With this declaration, that where the titulars or the Minifters provided to the faid laick patron aves and Kirks thereof, were in poflelTion of the benefices forefaid, and fruites and rents thereof, cither bv leading of the teinds, or by up-lifting and inttometting with the whole tents thereof, by the fpace of feven veares otfifteene yeares immediately preceding the faid fubmiffion ; in thefe cafes, the diftcrence betwixt the faid laick Patrons, and the Titulars-, and Miniftets, iliall be referred to his facred Majeftie, and to his Roy;i1 declaration to be given there-anent, and ordaines all former commifsiotis anent the ptemifles, to ceafe in time coming , and this onely to ftand in force in time to come. ACT XX. tjlneut the Ktrg Hts T)sJignation of The Names to be infert in the Commifiions anent the Tithes and Lawes. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, And Eftates of Parliament, confidering that the Defignation of the particular perfons necellaric to beeingroft in the two fevearl commifsions granted in this prefeiit Parliament; The one anent the teinds; Andtite other anent thefurv^ of the Law's W'hich was by thefaid Eftates referred to his facred Majeftie. THEREFORE the faid Eftates appoint and otdaine the clerke oihis Higlinefle Regifter to infert in the faid two fevreal commifsions fuch particular perfons names as his Majeftie by his warrant, figned withhis hand, lhall appoint and ordaine to be infert thereunto. Fordoing wheteof declares this prefent Aft to heals fufficient a warrant to the clerke of Regifter, as if the faid com- miffioners names had been now ptefently infert in the faid two fevetal coramiffions by hie Majeftie and eftates «f Parliament. ACT XXI. i^nent the Anwel of Eight to he taken oi ilk hundredintimetocome alennerly, fujpendingthe fame far three yeares, aud in the interim two often to he fayedjor thefaid ffaee to bis MAIESTIE, IN THE PARLIAMENT Holden x Edinburgh, upon the twentie eight day of June, theyeare ofGod 1633. ForfomuchashisMaiefties Lieges and good Subjefls are heavily oppreft and burden¬ ed with exorbitant annual-tents, andintereft taken for the ufe of money, far exceeding the rate and propor¬ tion taksn in England, France, and other neighbour countries: THEREFORE His Majeftie, with ad¬ vice of the Eftat«, ftatutes and ordains, that inotwithftanding of any former Aft of Parliament, allowing ten pounds to bee ’taken for eachhundreth pounds in a yeate: Yet that no perfon after the date licreof take mote then eight pounds for the ufe ofthehundreth pounds in a yeate, andfo proportionally 111 leftcr or gteaterfums under the paines contained in the former Afts of Parliament made againftufurets. « AND forfomuch as his Majeftie, out of his gracious goodnefs.witli confent of die Eftates, hath reduced the intereft and profit ofmoney from ten oldie hundred toeielit, conforme tothisptefent Aft. Thcrelore the Eftates of Parliament ptefently conveened, being fenfible of the great good enfuing thereby, to this whole Kingdome in all times to come; Make a voluntary aud humble offbr to his Majeftie. that of the faid ten payed by borrowers for each hundred. durin| the fpace of tlitee years nextcnfuing: Two lhall THE FIRST TARLIAM ENT be payed to his Majeftie , during the faid fpacc (by and attour the twentieth penny prefently his Majeftie inthis ptefent running Taxation) and that for the tcarmcs ofMartinmefle next yearcs, and Whitfunday, 1634.. ycares. And by and attour the fixteenth penny ot the extrao'rdi Taxation now prelently granted to his Majeftie in this Parliament, to begin at Martinmafle 163 , And hereby it is declared, thatthofc who formerly borrowed moneys for eight of the hundteft be free of payment of the faid two of ten; for fuch and the fame quantities as they have for, , borrowed, and arc prefently adebted by them, lot payment of eight of the hundred allenerly.”^ ^ thofc who formerly borrowed for nine of the hundred, and arc prefently owing by them, lhall be 1 lyable to pay one to his Majeftie of nine , during the faid fpacc , for fuch and the fame quantitie of ftm, as were formerly borrowed at nine lot the hundred. ■ Anditisfurthcr declared , that thofe who never borrowed moneys before the date ofthis Afl, and fl li happen to borrow anyfummes of money hereafter(tliey being equally participant of the benefite ofthefoa Act , and his Majeftics gracious favour thereby extended to them with his other , Subjects ) fhall be fubierft ” paymentofthefaidproportion of two of ten, during the foace of three years , asfaidis: And ordains tl"* lenncrs to pay the fame yearly and teatmly , during the faid fpacc of three years , together and in one fom '' with the twentieth penny of this prefent running extraordinary Taxation , for the faid tearme ofMartinm™(f’ next , 163 3. years , and Whitfonday 1 6 34. years, and together and in one fumme with the fixteenth ne ^ ^ granted in this prefent Parliament, for the tearmes of Martinmafle , 1634. Whitfunday and Martinmaff^ 1 6 3 y . and Whitfunday , 1636. beginning the firft tearmes payment of the faid two of ten , at Mattinmaft next , and fo tearmly thereafter , during the faid fpace of three years and fix tearmes. And the faids Eftar ' have agreed all in one voice to fufpend , like-as by thefe ptefents they doe fufpend the execution of the faid aft for the fpacc of three years , after the date hereof; and by thefe prefents declare that it fhall be lawful (nr’ withftandingofthc faid Aft) to all fubjcftswitliin this Realmc, to take ten rnarkes for each hundred mark ' oftheir lent moneys, put out, or to be put out upon annual-rent, conforme to the preceedino Afts of p ^ liament , during the faid fpace of three years next after the date hereof. And for inbringing of the faid Taxat'^^' oftwo marks often, ordain letters to bedirect in the fame forme and manner as is direct for collectiim d” forefaid extraordinary Taxations of the twentieth and fixteenth penny. And the fame to be payed together and in one fumme to his Majefties Colleftor-general , to be appointed , ot to his Deputes in his name havim,’ his power to teccave the fame. ’ » ACT XXII. t-AiienttheIjO>dsofSeJstoit, th€irTaxationofT tnjhillings tobeimpojed upon ever'ie Pound Xjznd of old extent. IN THE PARLIAMENT holden at Er/itr^rrrv^ upon the uventie eighth of Tune God, 1633. OUR SOVERAIGNE LOR oV'ifings Sacred MaSe, a&^^^^^ iiamentprcfentlyconveened: KcmembringthatattlrefirftinftitudonoftheCol edge kjuftice and dims S rrf Majefties Royall Antece&m ftidndbythcm attendance, their privat affaires are neglected, and g^eaf Ioffes thereby fu! miflloners of Shyres for the remnora^^Eftam ' r . and Com¬ old extent within this Kingdoi4, pertainina to Likef '“"'’“I Frce-holders, and Feo'atsofhisMiirftirc, « t r ’ Vicounts, Lords, Batons, and the four tcarmcs following, vJz *Thefumeorterihimn'^^^^”"’*^°^r”^r*^'^ money, at everieoneof next to come,in this inftant year of God t rt , , i “ die Fcaft and tearme of Martinmafle tearmeofMartinmas, 1634. years- thefiimenfnrl^ - die fume ofother ten Ihillings money, at the Feaftand mas,i 6 35-. yeares: and the finne of other ten ihilf foiUmgs money , at the Feaft and tearm of Martin- Andd,eLch-bilhops,dtSSrs iS.^ bilhopricks , Bifliopricks , Abbacies Prvories and granted that there lliall be up-lifted of all Arch- oneofthefouretetmesabove-fnecifi'ed ^leino’ diet inferior Benefices , within this Kingdome, atevetic uretetmesaboyelpecificd.thejuftcaxationethercof.astheyhavebeenaccuftomedtob«a.xedin all OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST. jU time by-gone , whenfoevet the temporal lands of this Kingome were ftented to ten lliillings the pound land of old extent '■ the lame taxation to be payed at evcrie one of the four tearmcs above-fpccifiecf And the Coitiro>‘5'°n“S°^^“trowesfor their Eftate have granted, that there lhall be up-lifted of all the Burrowes within this Kingdome, ateveneoneof the foure tearmes above-written , the juft taxation thereof, as they have beeneaccuftomed to be taxed unto in all time by-gone, whenfoevet the Temporal lands of this King- were ftented to ten fliilhnp the pound land of old extent ; And the faid taxation to be payed at everic one of the faids foure tearmes above-written. And in regard that his Majcftie hath ereaed fundrie Prelacies in Temporal Lordilnps, whereby the owners thereofmayclaime to be taxed with the Barons of the Temp¬ oral E^ate, whereby the faids Lords of the Seilion would be defrauded ofa great part of the faid taxation • deftinatc and appointed,as faid is. 'pherrtfore the faids Eftatesordaine that ail ereftions of Prelacies, andotherfmali benefices, in whole ot* jn part , >n T emporal Lordfliips , ihall in payment of the faid taxation, pay to the Colleftors thereof, fo much ofthefaidTaxation, (/ro rafa) as if they were no waies ereaed , and as they werefubjea to do before the creflionofthefamc. And ficklike, itisftatute andordained, that all diflblvcd Benefices within this King- dome in whole or in part, ihall be fubjea in payment of fo much of the fameTaxation(^ro rata ) as they would jiave beene ftibjecT: to pay , though the fame had not beene diflblvcd. And that the parties who have gotten any part or portion of any Prelacies , or other inferior beneficae diflblvcd , and new fecurities made unto them by his Majeftis , of that ppt and portion thereof fo diflblvcd , fliall be fubjeft in payment of the Taxation there¬ of to the Prelate , or other Beneficed perfon for his relieie of the fame Taxation , as they would have beene , fo the fams had not been diflbved.siotwithftanding of any condition contained in the infeftments and fecurities made by his Majeftie to them in the conttary thereof. And farther , the faids Eftates annul and difeharge all priviledg'^s and immunities wiiatfoever , whereby any petfons may thinke themfelves free of payment ol this prefent '1 axation : the priviledges granted to die ordiaarie Lords and Senators of the Colledge of Juftice ; and the Taxation of the Benefices given , dilponed , and mortified for intertainment of the Univerfities , Colledg- es , and Hofpitalis within this Kingdome , onely excepted. Attour , Our faid Soveraigne Lord , and Eftates iorefaid , have given and granted , and by thefe prefents give and grant full power and authoritie to the faids Lords of Seffion, to nominate, appoint, and eteft their owneColleftors, one or moe, as they fliall thinke lEoft expedient for up-lifting of the forefaid Taxation , to the effect forefaid Which fumtnes of money , after they Ihall be in-gathered, as is before appointed; Our Soveraigne Lord, and the Eftates forcfaic^eftinato o; they Ih: „ , . . and ordaine to be mortified by imploynient upon Land heritably , or for annual-rent , or other fufficient fe- curitie , as may conveniently be found , for the ufe and benefit of the faids ordinarie Lords of Seffion , prefent, andtocome: Tothe effedt, that the yearely profit and annual ofthe faidslands or moneys, (astliefame Ihall happen to be iraployed ) may be receaved by tliem and their fucceflbrs in their faids Offices , yearely and termely, after the tearmes of payment of the fame, and applyed to their behove, in manner, and con- forme to the confuetude of the divifione of the ycately duety , prefently allowed and receaved by them ; and that by and attour the prefent provifion and rents allotted toriiem by Parliaments heretofore. Andtothat effect, the faids ordinary Lords of Seffion, ihall with all convenient diligence make, fubferibe, and deliver to his Majefties Thefauret Principal and Depute , a fufficient and validefecutitie by band or contract , made by the fight and advice of his Majefties Advocat , for imploy ing of the faid Taxation, and whole benefit there¬ of, in whole or in part , as the fame fliall be up-lifted to the ufe and effect abovc-fpecified. And ordaine the particulate forme and manner of up-lifting and in-gathering ofthe faid Taxation, and reliefeof theProlacSi Lords of erections, and other Beneficed petfons, to be conforme to his Majefties owne Taxation, granted in this prefent Parliament in'ali points , except in fo farre as conesmeth the particular day to be appointed to theVaflals, for conveening with the Prelats, Lords of erections, and other beneficed petfons, fotapoint- ing and fetting down ot their due and right proportions of the faids Taxations , which they ordaine to be upon l\\i fevsnteentb Aijoi September nnnocomt, which is declared to be rile piecifeday of meeting, to the effect forefaid ; And that no farther citation , nor fummonin|^fhali be requiftte to that effect , then the publi¬ cation and Proclamation of tliis prefent Act, at the Market-Ctofles ofthe head Burrowes of this Realme, and holdedi the whole remnant claufes, and provifions ofthe Act of reliefeof his Majefties Taxations , as liete repeated. And ordaines letters to be direct hete-upon. ACT XXIII. Raiificatm of the liberties of the Colledge of]uJitci. kUR. Soveraigne lord, with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament ritides, _ 'approves, and confitmes all Acts of Parliament, gifts, grantsanddonationswhatfoever, of all pri- Viledgcs, freedomes and immunities , made, given, granted, ot conceaved in favour of the SenatOTS o the Colledge of Juftice, by any of his Majefties Royal predeceflbis , or in any Parliament holden bytliem, difpenfine alwaies with the generalitie hereof; And heldingthis genera! Ratification as fumcient, asi ne whole priviledges, freedomes. and immunities, Aefs, and grants thereof were fpecially and at length infett heteintil. x t Zzz i ^ ^ ^ I L THE FIRST F ARLI AMENT ACT XXIV. Ratification of the Trivikdges of the free V^oyal Burro-jces. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, And Ellatcsofthisprefent Parliament, Have ratified and proved, andbytherenourhereofratifiearidapproveofnew , all AftsandconftitutionsofParlia^’’*’' madebyhisMajefticsPredecenburs, in favour of the Free-burrowes of this Rcalme. and BurgelTes ana i"' habitants within the fame , with all Priviledges , Freedomes, Liberties and Immunities granted and o' to the whole Burrows in general in any time by-paft , by any of OUR SOVERAIGNE L O R n his Majeftics Noble Progenitors, withall thathatlifollowedormayfollowthereupon. And decernes' a declares the fame to have full ftrength , force and effeff in all times hereafter ; fo that the fame may be full and due execution in all points. And fpecially , without prejudice of the generalitie above-written Majcfiicand Eftates Ratificthe Afl: of Parliament made by his Highnefle Grand-father , umwhilc yc/wet the Third, 1466. Flis fecond Parliament , Cap. ii; Ordaining that none faile nor paffe in chandife out of the Realme but Free-men , Burgefles dwelling within Burgh , or their Familiar Faftors s”' vants being with them in Houlhold at Meat and Drink (excepting and referving to the Prelates , Lords Ba' tons and Clerks, as in die faid Aft is contained : and all other exceptions contained in any Aft of Parha' ment in force, preceeding the day and date hereof ) And ficklii<£ the Aft of Parliament made by Kin j James the Fourth of worthie memorie, in the Parliament holden at Edinburgh the Elleventh day of Marcl° I yoj . yeares , Cap. 84. Ordaining that no perfon dwelling out of Burrowes, uf® any Merchandife.noryei buy norfell Wine, Wax, Silkes, Spicetie, Wad, not ficklike ftufTe , nor yet Itaple goods : And tbt none Pack nor Peill in Leith, nor other places without the Kings Burrowes , under the paine ol Efcheat of the goods that be Topped, Sould, Packed, or Peilled , contrary to that ftatute. Andficklikethe lyi. Aft of umwhile King '"jamesiNs Sixth, His iz. Parliament : Ordaining that no perfon exercife the traffiqiie of Merchandife , but Burgefles of Free-btirrows, underpaine ofEfcheatoftheir whole goods and geare the one halfe to his Majcflie , and the other halfe to the Burgh apprehender. And giving power to every Burnh by themfclvBS or a Collcftor , or Commiflioner depute by them to fearch the faids un-fteemens goods, intro- met therewith as Efcheat , either within the Counttey , or any other part to artcaft , call , follow and'purfue before un-fufpeftBaillies to be creat by them. As alfo the Sixth Aft of Iking JAMES the Sixth , His ninth Parliament, Ordaining letters of Horning to be direft againft un-freemen , not being Burgefles of theFrce Royal Burrowes , to finde caution for defifting from ufurping of their Liberties , in all the Heads, Claufes Articles and circumflances thereof : Like-as his Majeftie and Eftates declare, that the faids Liberties and Priviledges , mentioned in the faids Afts are only proper and competent to the Frae-butrowes Royal, that have vote in Patliament, andbeare burden with the reft of the Burrowes, and to no others. Ptdiibitine anddifchargingallperfonswhoarenotBurgeflesofthe faids Free-Royal- Burrowes, andbeare not burden with the reft, Ofallufmg and exercifing of the Liberties and Priviledges forefaids , in all time comming And otdaine , that Letters of Horning may be direft by the Lords of Council at the inftance of all Burrowes upon the forefaids Priviledges and former Afts of Parliament made thereupon : And this prefent Aft in all times to come , for putting of the fame to due execution with all rigour againft them that do , or come in the contrary of the Afts and Priviledges forefaids , without calling of any partie. ACT XXV. Katifcatm of the ABs made in favour of the Juftices ofTeace , and their Confiables ; and Commijfm to the Lords of Secret Council thcreanent. OUR SO y RAIGNE LORD, and Eftates of Parliament , ratific , approve , and confirme the eight Aft ofthetwentie two Parliament, holdenbyKing JAMES' the Sixth of Eternal memorie. intinilate , VAnent the Juftices for keeping of the Kings Teace , and their Conftables.-] In the whole Heads, Articles and Claufes therein contained, admitting the generalitie hereoftobeals valideandfufficient, as if the fame were all herem/ercA'/ire^Ti/wingroft. Attour his Majeftie, and Eftates forefaid , give full power, authoritieandcommiflionto the Lords of his MajeftiesPtivie Council, to fet down and impofc penalties upon uch of the Juftices of Peace as fliall not keep and obferve the diets prefixed for their fevcral and parti- cu at meetings. And with power likewifc to the laids Lords of privie Council to enlarge and amplifie the power and authoritie of the faids Juftices of Peace, if they lliall finde it neceflarie and expedient; and what tiiey ihalldcctetcMd determine tlietcanent, finde and declare that the fame fliall have the force, ftrength and power of an Aft of Parliament. ACT OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST. y'3 ACT XXVI. Exflanatiou of the ABs of Parliament made in favour of the Lords of Seffwn, anent twelve pennies of the found to be fayed in decreetes , to be given Ay the /aids Lords hereafter. /^UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, And Eftates of Parliament, for explanation of the former Afts /j of Parliament, made in favours of the Lords of SefTion, anent twelve pennies of the pound: Statute Vl rdaine , that whenfoevet the faids Lords iliall decetne and ordaine i x. pennies of the pound to be payed V decreet or fentence to be given or pronounced by them at any time hereafter ; The fame lhall no wayes r ^avedbythe parties, purchafers and obtainersof the faids decteetes and fentences, butbythefe parties , againft whom the faids decreets and fentences fltall happen to be obtained and putchafed : And I ^ booking and eitrafting of the fentences lhall not be flayed for the not payment making of the twelve pen¬ nies of the pound , by the purchafers and obtainers of the faids decreets. ACT XXVlI.l Pardon of Penal Statutes. /^UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, Confidering that the ptecife and rigorous exaftion of the pains O arbitrarie and pecunial , adjected to penal ftatutes heretofore made , would prove a burden to his Majc- ftiesLieeesheavieand infuppottable , if by his Majefties grace and favour they Ihouid not be eafcd and libc- areof thefame; In confideration whereofhisMajeftie in this his firft Parliament, holden in this his ancient A native Kingdome , being willing to give eafe and reliefe to his fubjects of the forefaid burden : Hath 1" forcbeen'gracioufly pleafedwithconfent of the Eftates of Parliament , to difcharge . freely pardon 7ni remit and by thefe prefents difchargcs , freely pardons and remits ail contraveenets of any of the faids “ .1 ftatutes for all deeds done by them contrary to the tenourofthe fame ftatutes in time by-gone Ex- L'nt oniv the ftatutes concerning wearing and bearing of Hagbuts and Piflols , Taking of unlawtul ufurie, TLScodandWCanada«Am^^^^^^ pound land of old icesof'Teace, andtheirConfiables , andCommiffton Tjiminuns of new scoaana am m , uimj-i <■ - ' ■< prefervatioH of the fijhings thereof . JO AB anent the Clatt-Gregmr. . oo . n-i 31 ABiufavttm'ofhisMajefiis, andUeges, inUtukte% Salvo jure Cujuihbet. and A TABLE THE FIRST F ARLI AMENT A table Of the . of gold, aiidfilver within T A RT I CV L A R ACTS, and Others ex fed and faft in this firfi Tarliamet t of Our Soveraigtie Lord C H A R L E S the Firft, the Grace of God, Ri„g ^ Scotland, Englan4, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith i Holden at Edinburgh , the twentie eight day offline, 1653, yeares , not imfrinted. I Ommiflion for furveying the Lawcs. z CommiiTion anent the admiralitie and Chamberlanry. 3 CommifContotheLordsof SectetCouncil, fordecidingthequeftionbetvvixttheShireaofPf/^/i p far and Fyfe , and the Burgh of SaWie anent the Ladle full ofcorne brought to their market ' Anent the petition given in by the Tanners , againft the Lord Erskeine, Anent Mallet David JVeaderhumes Grammet. Anent Freedomc of Foegage, Pafturage, &c. to Minillers; Anent reforming the Malt-mens price betwixt the Boll of Beir and Malt. Anent ellablilhing of eorredlion houfes. Anent the mutual interchange of forbidden goods betwixt Scotland and England. Anent inbtinging of Manufaftorics. Anent Reformation of abufes in prefenting playding to Fairs and Markets. Anent difeharge oi^bert Bnebanes patent of the peatle and all other monopoh’es. Anent Reformation of bleatehing of Linen Cloath. Anent difeharge of impofitions upon V iftual brought from forraine parts. 4 Commiffioii to the Lords of fecret Council anent the fcarcitie of coyne , this Kingdome. Anent the frequent courfc of Dollors and bafe copper money. Anent the penakie of the breakers of the Aft of Parliament , anent Metrs and Meafures. ^"'^"compry fuigs"^*'* BUls for allowance of y Protellation by his Majefly anent the coyne. ^ Council anent the petition ptefented by fohr. Lord Torpliichen in 8 CommiiTion to the Council anent the exchange of moneys betwixt Scotland znd ^noland. 9 GommmiontothcCouncilanentthecriminalJudicatorie. ° anentthedisjoyningofmeikleandlittleDaltounsfrom the Kirk ol Moufwald , and planting of the new Kirk of Beiili. CommiiTion to the Lords of Exchequer anent Robert Toung Printer his gift, Anent the petition of Keine and t\\ Jff*. . ' . : -.•» . *■ ’ i I » 7 , -S. - • V - , r .1. S.J , - ■_ ”* ■ ■ . k)lb' '' ■ '■ .o . 'XjM; ' > ■■ 7. v '■ ■ Irt. *' ' < -i 'at; c3loa«ri;i*’‘ini;b'je ,?5t/3iUiA--‘ •>.;•! !.i if ■■I'l rri i'; i- : ■•ix rw m jf'' ’ 7)r,ravi. ' -. ) i '..V'rA ' if' - . • V • 'j .j u ' . l i . ;y,v, f .'.'i i-'fA I • ri :.• M ; ; tVilv . ‘i«' '-.ily-'' fj • *• *, >„'•?: .7 'n' • • -..•■V.’A ;•? -I T If) ¥»('-. w,. -r-,' y-fuiM ’-.o i4) v • : ' t 3^*43 i ■ ■ '..X 5^.y :j,i't+';o8 /H.J;.*! Sij ■ fv. :'9rj -j ij l.v.i - ' ' . _ .rVlU u I. .vB; ]'-j ' ' .“■t'AV.* J):< 'VV'..YV,.-[ ({; .- I . ffe?^ •■•ji-A jf!j . ! '-ci'd S3i£JTj3 ■ ^ _ -fcl'T): ‘o y. . *0 ■ i) ,/ ■' .... ry'.V • '■)>)!'' I.. ,. ' ••• -■ • •; A-»rc>f f" rjivftti/'-.- ..if fi .. .r.rMfhHi;-’,-: j ‘I'l • tJcM 0[!i kf Sirl'ftl OJ. .. ; Vf ' Jo f');- ’ ’liiiV).- 7^, fi ; •, , .hiyt s^/;” 'i '/hir ■ .•-.-A iflft'.o ‘5 rsera io:.TL': i-xKif -tfr-.i ;.,!, . 1^3)lu •iviw' > nodi tji • ■silff’t 'i v.TOii> li/, 'io li '.'Vil n> jiA 10 ificvtl lit , iiinuJeiyii'l i j ,■)'<). f ;»»- 10 ctc'T rr '*6' SMii ’ r^irryy liV^ y i(K}Tyoijti>3K„ . • .-fiv't;! wFj. ircvf-l m w. yr -J C *' . ■ r,- >*i f - f ( I ) SUBMiSSlONS,ANDSURRENDERS Of T E I N D S, &c With His tJH AJESTIE’S ’Decreets jolhwing thereupon. g^mijjim’made be the Loris of EreBions y Titulars, Tackf-men, tec. Gentrie, Here- tours of Lands -, To His Majefty, auent their Superiorities, andTeirids, tec: '■ t WHITE-HALL,rhe{ec!iiayo[Febrttar, And HALT-ROOD- ‘ HO'Ud'fi.Thetwentythirddayofi'e^r/wr, The year of God. One thouland, fex hundred . T wenty eight. The Perlons under-written having or pretending right to w hatfoevet Eredtions, & T empotalities of Benefices, Superiorities , and Few-dewties of the fame , or to the Kirks, and Teinds great and fmall , Patlbnage, and Viccarage.or Patronages ot Kirks pertaining to the faids Eredfions, otto any other which they, or any of them, have of other mens Lands, bewhatfo- ever Right, or Title. And ficlike, the Heretours . and Pofleflouts of Lands; lyand within the faids Kirks, and Benefices, erefted, for themfclvcs, and in. name of all Otliers , who ate defirous to have Right and Title , of the Teinds of their own Lands, at a competent rate, and price, conform to His Majefties Proclamation madeto that effedl, THAT IS TO SAY, All the faids Perfons, Confideriiig, That his M icfivdieitDiead, and Gracious Sovetaign , out of his Royal care , Fatherly, and tender affeaion, to h blick well of his Majefties Ancient , and Native Kingdom of Scotland, was lately pleafed in the Moneth nanuar theyearofGod 16x7. years, for the cafe of his Majefties Subjeas, and removing of the general f which were conceived , by teafon of his Majefties Revocation, given forth, and publiilicd in the Moneth \nttober'i6%c years , To grant CommiftSon under his Majefties great Seal, to certain his Majefties rornmiftionersnoininatinthefaidCommiffion, to meet, conveen, deale . and treat, anent fuch reafon- bk fatisfaiftion and compofition , to be given to fuch of his Majefties Subjefts , as had right tO whatfoever fpffion of Benefices Temporalities, FeW-ifiails, Kirks, Teinds, and others forefaids, who fhould make fiirrenderthereofin his Majefties hands; and anent the moft convenient and lawful form how the faids Per- (bns ihould be denuded of the Superiorities of the faids Ereaions , without any compofition to be made there¬ fore except for the Few-mails, Few-fetms, and other conftant Rent of the faids Superiorities ; And how awful Difpofiriotis (liould be made to the Heretours , and pofTefirouts of Lands of the Teinds of the faids ands pertaining to Ereaions, for fuch compofition, and yearly dewties, to be payed , and refolmded m HisYacred Maiefty as the faids Commilfioncrs fliould think expedient. With power to the faids Com- Xnets, toconfult, and agree, upon the eftablilhing, and annexmg of a certain Patrimony to the Crown and means remain with the Crown for ever; As the faid Commiflion ot the datetoKfaid, Ling certain Declarations , Refetvations , and other Provifions in favours ol his Majefties Subjeas having tight to Eteiftions ; And in favours ot Heretours , and PotletTours of Lands , for fecurmg of the Teinds of the fL at more lenth is contained. BY V ERTU E, and conform tothe which Comiuitlion, the Commiftioners having now conveened, and treated anent the premitIes,from the faid Moneth o{Jaiixar,mttl the laftlyof J««e,laTt by-paft: There was during that time a good ptogrefs made by them in the faid buf. filrefrcommittedtotheircare , And by an Aft of the date the Tvventy ninth day of A/ryilaft by-pall, 1 wasadvifed concluded, andenafted, Thathis Majefty and His SuccetTours, Ihould have a conftant, Lfand Dewty payedoUt ofthe whole Teinds ofthe faid Kingdom confiftingin v.ftual , or filver^xcep mg fhe parriLt Teinds excepted and referved be the faid Aft, Of every boll of thebeft Trinr Wheat Ten Mllms of every Boll of beft Teind Bear , Eight fhillmgs ; and of every Boll of the bell Teind Oats, Peafe, and Rye, Sex Jhillings, MtAb the faids Rents to be mo¬ dified out ofthe whole ofthe Teind bolls of vidual, of the Teinds forefaids, being of intcriour worth; eoodnefs aU prices, according to the ptoportion of the faids Dewties, and Rent, laid , and impofed Lon the heft Boftof every kinde , in manner fmefaid , And where Oats are ofthe riature , that they will not render above half meale ,^thc Rent to be Three jhillings : And alfo of every Hundred merks of Parfonage , and Viccarase Teinds which are not Viaual, thefumof*w»rrr^x money, of yearly rent , anddewty, LIKETrfoefaSrCommffioners having entereduponconfiderationofthecompofiriontohavebeengivcn ( i ) pertaining to the faids EreftionT^ COMMISSIONERS bethehfi^' Suneriorities of Ereflion? (Iinnu i._ .'■‘oi the Ereftions, andfortheTeinds, Parfonage, andViccarage the rate, andpricepf the faids Teinds; THE SAIDS be thei date the 29. dayofj'a»e, laft by-paft, Found, tliat all Superiorities ol Eteiftions, Ihould f figned, andfurtendered, in his Majefties hands, without any compofition. And becaufethe^r'^'*y■K- mj^Iioners could not uniformly agree anent the compofition to be payed for the Few-ferms . Few other conftant Rent of the faids Superiorities , nor yet anent the true eftiination, in the rate ou ’ “"‘1 prices of the fame. Therefore , be another Aft of the date tlie ap. day of ^"<1 was condefended that the determination thereof ihould be refered to his Sacied Majefty AND II u ’ perfons acknowledging in all humility, his Majefties Royal and Princely care,provi4ncc and wifn his F atherly and tender afleftion , tending to the removing of all thefe queftions , and coiitraverfi ™ the puhlick well, and good of the Kingdom; THEREFORE, All tiic faids Perfons liavcwirh ' fent. andaffent, ofccttain knowledge and proper piotive. Ratified, and Approven the faid Aft the finds Commifiloners, anent the faid conftant Rent, andDewty, tohe payedto hisMaieftv ? j ’ f°“h°ftj’=l^c'itsoltheKingdoni, except, as is excepted in the faid Aft, and with rl!,. reftriftions, andprovifions, mentioned in the faid Aft, whicliisofthedatethe ^9. of A&v rogether with the faid other Aft made upon the faid 19. of Jaw laft by-paft: Whereby IH pata lSupcrioritiesofErectionslliallbefreelyrefigned, and furrendered inhis Majefties hanH^ r the finds Perfo^, and every one of them , for all Right, and Title , whieh they have , or may pretend Supenonties of whatfoeyer Lands pertaining to whatfoever Benefices erected, of whatlocyer Title fl j ’■ be. Are content i n all hupiility , promptitude , and alacrity of mind . To ’ render ofthe faids Superiorities, in manner aftet-mentioAed. AndtlierefoteTl^y , andeyeryoneofn of certain knowledge, and proper motive, hayemade, conflitute. and ordained, and be their mlr' makes, conftituts , and Ordains, Mafter>Sr///ww£^yf,;»5/?»^ , Cup-bearer to his Majefty and^^""'® .. ,, Their Procuratours: With powertothem, a'ldilk aneofthem ’ coniunfti and feverally, to compear before their Gracious, and DreadSoveraign.liis Sacred Majefty.and his sS™^ ’ Of before their Commiffioners , having power to receive Refignations, whatfoever day and nhr? ToRefign,^ up-give, and’surrender inT' ands of their ftid Gracious , and Dread Soveraign , his Sacred Majefty , and his SuGcefloucs n^ 1'* hands of their Commiffioners forefaids, i^dferpetuamrema?ientiam: Likeas they and every one of rk * for their own right, for them , and their SucedfTours. Refigns, and Surrenders in his Wfties LnTl£ ^ T TheRightandTitleolSuperiority, ofall and fundrie Lands Woods, Filhings, Towers. Fonalices, Mannour-places , and other Pertinents , pertaining to wh^ff/ whlc rttr o whatfoever Title , name . or defignation , V fanie be w an f’ fT’- ^nyoftbem have, or may pretend to have, or pretend right of Superiotty at the dav anddateoftheirptefents, and which ate holden of them, as Lords of Ereetioa be P "°«y.atthe day ol the compofition which fhall be ordainid, and appointed to them be Lordsof Erection before tlm i'”' g«uted be his Majefties late Father, to any of the any ofthc Lords of Erection orl >'?'*’ *^‘oiinution of the Rentals. orFewesbought6fl»^^^'>^'^'^’'>^^”y;yihis Subfcription Suhmiffim made be the Burrowes, To his Majejly , Anent their Teinds. At P ERTH,T\\e. Second Day of ]uly 1 8 . years, Wee the Commiflloners of the Free Royal B rowes oi Scotland , under-Subfcribing, having full Power, and Commifllon, from Our feyeralBu under-written , fortheirRighttotheTeinds, great, andfmall, Parfonage, and Viccaraoc, of all a whatfoever Benefices , doted be his Majefties moft Royal Progenitours , be Vertue of the Adfs of Parliatn^'''^ and Sccuriries made to them, and ilk one of them , fortheir own parts rejpective , for Suftentation of rf'’ Miniftrie , Collcdges , Schools , and Hofpitals , of the feveral Burghs under-fpecified , to the effeft q(V mentioned. CONSIDERING, ThathisSacredMajefty, Our Dread Soveraign, Out of his FatlierN and tender affeftion , and Royal care to the publick good of all his Majefties Subjefls, of his Majefti^' Native, and Ancient Kingdom of ScW/;rW, for freeing them from the extremity , and damage, which enfuetothem, by leading of their Teinds , Intends to take fuch courfc, as hereafter ilk Man may pofTcA wdenjoytheTeindsofthe Lands pertainingto him in property. AND Wee acknowledging our fclvs to bound in dewty, to the advancement of all his Majefties Royal defigns, tending to fo publick a good • therefore tobeBound, andOblidged, LifceasWee, and ilk ane of us for our own Burghs ,we<^?r^;eunder-writc^ , Binds, and Oblidges Us , and Our Succefiburs , to grant unto the Hcrctours ofthe leveral Lands , W'hereofthe'Feindsdothto Us appertain, after the expiring of the prefent Tacks already granted be Us, to the prefent Tackf- men, fuch Rights, and Securities , lor perpetual enjoying of their own Teinds, and for payment of fuch Rates, and Teind Rental, andTeind Bolls of Vidtual, ashisMajeftyin His Royal Judgment fliall decern ; WeeSubmiting our felves, ilk ane of us for our own parts hereanent To his Majefties Royall Decreet , and Sentence, and what fhall be the true Rate, Eftimation, and Ouan- tity ofthe faids Teinds, and what Security fliall be made to Us , be the faids Heretours , for yearly payment tobemadetoUs ilk ane of Us for our own parts, of the faids Teind-Bols of Viftual, offuchLts, as fliall grow upon the fame Lands yearly , as fliall be decerned by his Majefty , betwixt Znile and Candlemes for payment whereof, the fame Lands fliall be lyable , and bound in fecurity for the fame. And are content andconfents, ilkaneofUs, for our own parts ,' T hat his Sacred Majefty give forth his pieafure, anddctcr- mination, anent the premifles , Referred to his Majefty in manner forefaid , betwixt the day, and date hereof, and tie laft day of ‘December, in the yearof God 16x9, as fliall feem good to his Majefty, With power alfo to his Majefty , to prorogat the time of the giving forth of his faid detetminatioa , to wliatfo- everday, ordayes thereafter, as fliall feem good to his Majefty, out of his Royall Wifdom, Bmds, and Obhdges Us , and Our SuccelTours , ilkaneofUs for our own parts, and Burgh ^der-written. In cafe it fliall be found, that the Rents ofthe Teinds, great, orfniall. Virtual, or Silver ^ewty of die ft me, doted for Satisfartion of the Minilters , Rertors, and Regents of Out Colledges, a erso Our Schools, and Poor ofOur Hofpitals of Our feveral Burghs, payed to Us, fliall exceed the eyera . urns of Money expended be Us, for the forefaids Pious Ufes, and their entertainment in the MipcndsofthefaKlsMinifters, Rertors, Regents of Out Colledges , Mafters of Out Schools, andofOtir root, and of Our laids Hofpitals, then, and in that cafe, to pay yearly to his Majefty, and his Collcrtoiirs, fo'chofthelupcr-plusandexctcfceol the faids dewties remaining, by TUif? ^^^^^P^^'^'J^o^^l^cStiixrndsofthefaidsMiniflers, Rectors, and Regents of our faids Colledges, ijaitcrsotUur Schools and entertainment ofthe Poor in our faids Hofpitals, outofilk Boll of beft Wheat, c ''1^ Boll of beft Bear , Eight Jhillings , And out of ilk Boll of beft Oats , Peafe , and 'he faidRcntto be Modified outol the whole Reft of the Teind-Bols ofVirtual Being of inferiour worth, goodnefs, and prices, According to the proportion of claiddewty, nndrent, m.ide, and inipofed upon the beft Boll of every kind in manner foreftid. And \Uierc Oats are of the Nature rliat they will not tender above lialfeMeale, the Rent to be Three Jhillmes, And mIV of Perfonage, and V iccarage Teinds , which are not of Victual , the Sum of Six a money, of yearly Rent, and Dewty. AND FOR the more Security , Wee arc content, and li n"' pi^nlents, with his Majefties determination to follow hereupon , fliall be Infcrt, and ooks of Council, and Scllion. and fliall havc.thc Strength ofa decreet of the Lords thereof, wthExecimonro follow thereupon, inforniascfrcirs. And the Horning to pafs thereupon. On a Ample Charge of Ten Dayes allennerly ; And to that etidrt , Makes and Conlfituts urProcuratours, To Compear, and Confent to die Regiftration hereof in manner forefaid, In (7) T„ nnmfs whereof (Written be James Wtllip Scrvitout to Maftct John Hay Common Clerk { Edial’tiri’h) Wee theCommillioncrsof the Burghs under-written, have iubferibed thir prefems with Our Hands ; Likeas his Sacred Majcfty , in token of his acceptation hereof , hath Super- feribed the fame with his Majefties Hand , Day, Year, and Place lorefaids , Before thir IFitneffes GeoreeSutie, “Patrick Eleis , ‘mi John 'Tod , Burgefles ol the faid Burgh of , mi jdlexaiidir naught VI titter, with divetfe others. SieSubJeribtur , rAkx: Peebles 'iAoimtowt , ]ohn M'naught {or Edinburgh , Tho: V! eir {or Edinburgh , And: JFilJbn {or Perth, Thomas Halyburtoun {oi “Hunkee , ^l^<\ctoAlexander Forbefs{or Aberdeen , oAkx: CoouaniorStirling, IVill: Bell {or Linlithgrrjti, Simeon GrcliorSt. Andrews ,GabrielCtmmgham{oiGlaJgow, )oIm Knight for Aire, Mr. ^ames tockhnrn for JdndiugtouH, David ebriftifin {otDyfert , i_Alex: Law {or Kirkaldie, ]ohn ]arden {or rJMontrofs , Rob: epearfin for Conf er , Henry CMoreis'{ot Anflruther , J«/j« Irving for Dumfreis , Duncan Forbejs for Inner- nefs, iVill: Meiklejohn {or Bruntijland , Mr. Rob: Cuuinghame {or Kingbo>-H, AllanDtmlap {or Irwing, jvir \obn Rutherfurd for 'Jedburgh , John Ewart for Kirciidburgh.pat: Edgar for IFigtoun , Mr. Thomas Ifardlaw for Dumfermling , Mr. ]ohn Ker for Selkirk, Geo: Purvefs tor Dumbar , Mr. Jr/.- Pearfon for oAr broth , AlexauJer Muir for Veebles , David VI at fin for Dmntartoun , Gideon )ack for Lanerk, Tho: Cunhigham for Carrail, David Forreji for Tayne, Mr. Edward Black for Culrofi. j^nkrew Hunter {or Forfar, John Thomfonlar Rutherglen, John Meinzies {or Northberwick .George King yiniiger {orPettinweym. Itaefi Magijler Alexander Guthrie Scriba Bnrgormn, RegniScotiie Mot arias Vnblicus, inpramips rcquifitus , nomine reliquarnm Btirgorurn , defpecialimandatoreliqmrum Cotnmif- fyiarmum-.Teftanhisnms Signo , fs Subfiriptkne Manualibus, Mr. Alexander Guthrie, George Satie Witnefs, PatrkkEleis VIiino{s, fihn Tod VI ititcls, mi Alexander M“natightVIimds. SubmiJJion made to His Ma]ejly , he certain Tackjmen , and Others having Right to Teinds, &c. AX the Lighteentbioej o{ idx'g.. The Perfons under-writen , having, or pretending a right , be whacioever Title, Tack, or other ftianner of right, to whatfoever Teinds ofother Mens Lands pertaining to whatfocverBifhoprick , Abbacie , ' Priory , Parfonage, Viccarage, Col- ledee' Kirks Prebendty, Chapiainry, or other Benefices whatfoever. And ficiike , the Heretours. andPoireffouts, ofwhatfoever Lands lying within the faids Benefices, and who arc defirous to have the Teinds oftheir own proper Lands pertaining to the faids Benefices, at a competent rate, and mice, con¬ form to his Majefties gracious intention , declared , and fignified for the well ot the Kingirom ; And conformtohis Majefties many , andfeveral Proclamations made thereanent, THAT IS i O SAY, The faids Perfons Confidering that his Majefty, their Dread, and Gracious Soveraign , out of his Royal care, F-therlv and tender affection to the publick well of his Native, and moft Ancient Kingdom of S««W, was lately pleafed in the Moneth of 1617. Years, forthe eafe of his Majefties Subjefts, andremo- ving the general fear which was conceived be reafon ol his Majefties Revocation, givmuorHi , and pub- lilhcd inthcMonethofO^e&r, t6xy. years, to grant Commiflion under his M^efties GrcatScal, to certain his Majefties Commiffioners, nominat in the faid Comniiffion, to r Treat, anentfuchreafonableCompofition. and Sati.sfaaion , tobegiventofuchofh.s Majefties Su^efts, as had Right to whatfoever Ereftions of Benefices , Temporalities , Few-mails , Kirks , Teinds , and Others pertaining thereto . and how lawfull Difpofition may be made to the Heretours, and Poffeffours of lands , of the Teinds of their faids Lands , for fuch Compofition , and yearly Dewty , to he payed, and Refetved to his Sacred Majefty, as the faids Commiffioners fliould think fit and expedient, kindle faid Commiffion ofthe Date forefaid , bearing cetcaioDeclarations ’f "f f fions , in favours of his Majefties Subjeas having Right to Eteftions, and m favours of ® feffours of Lands , for Security of their Teinds , at more length is contained. B E V ERTUEandCQ^- F O R M to the which Commiffion . the faids Commiffioners having Convecned , and 1 reared anent he Pre- miffes, fromthefaidMonethol tothe laftofJ««e 16x7. years, There * f. great progrefs made be them, inthefaid bufinefs committedtotheircare, Andbeai AHofftiexpof ^ UvlZrs, Icwas Advifed, Enaffed, and Concluded . That his Majefty and hisSucceffours.Wd have 1 conftaiit Rent , and Dewty , payed out ofthe vvholc Teinds ofthe fa.d toal, orSilver, ExcepttheparticulatTeindsexceptcd, and ff^l^ved be the faid Aft. Lto the fads Com milfioncts having entered upon confideration of the Rate, andPrice of Tein s, oun uc ^ ^ theycouidnotuniformlyagreeupon the true Eftimation of the faids 1 einds, mthc Rate PriL thereof; And Therefore be ane Aft ofthe Date oi thefkdxp Day of Jr« ! • CondeM thatthedetermination thereofiliould be referred to hisSacred Majefty. ^c ° faids, inthemfelvesatmorelengthptoports. And all tK&ds Perfons ackpHedg.ngn a Majefties Royall, and Princely Cate . Providence, and Wifdom with bis 1. -uhcrly Tendingtotheremovingofallqueftions, and controverfies , tothe public wc S . u^jnro- T H E R E F O R E All the faids Perfons , with one confent , and affent , of ccrum 6 > P per Motive, have Ratified . and Apptoven the faid Aft made be the faids Commiffioners , anent the laid con 0 () ^ ftantRcnt, andDewty, tobepayedtohisMajefty , and liis Succefiburs , forth ofthcTeinds oftlieK' dom, Except as is excepted in the faidAbl, and with the qualities , reftriftions, and provifions nientio"'®a inthefaid Aft, which is of the date thefaid^9.ofA/i _ . . _ "*Uion: ops, Bilhops, Parfons, Vicars, and others of the Clergy of the Kinad ad notfubferibed the faids 1 ubmiflions , which Impediment is now renin upon pretence that the Arch-Biflii who had Right to theTcinds , hau nuLiuoicrioea ineiaiasi uumiiiions, wnicii iinpearmentis nowrenio • J intefpeft the Arch-Bilhops, andBifliops, have fubferibed a feveral fubmidlon to his Majefty , Infof™’ as concerns the Teinds pertaining to the Bifhoptiks. AND his Majefty being willing, and refolved haveaneuniverfal order eftablilhed within the whole Kingdom , anent the matter of Teinds, and that ev Heretour (hall have, and btuick his own Teinds, ofwhatfoever nature the faid Teinds be, and to wh rf^ ever Benefice the fame pertains , at a competent Rate , and Price , T H E R E F O R E his Majefty be |° Letter, andWarrand, direfttotheCommiffionersforTeinds, ofthedate the dayof laftby-paft, hath fignified his Majefties Gracious will and pleafure ; That all Titulars of Teinds pert' ingtowhatfoeverKirk, or Benefice, and ais all Heretours of Lands, the Teinds whereof pertains to ^tl”' faid Benefices , or Kirk fliall fubfetibe a general fubmiffion to his Majefty in referring to his Majeft 1'^ price, rate, and quantity of whatfoevet Teinds of other Men’s Lands; WH I CHLetterbeine re and confidered be the faids Commiftioners for Teinds, They be their Aft of the date the j ^ laftby-paft, have in all Humility acknowledged his Majefties Gracious, and Fatherly Care f ' the Good ot his Ancient Kingdom, and have allowed, and approven the faid Letter, and Interponed the'*^ authority thereto. yfW all the faids Perfons being moft ready, and willing, in all humility , fubmiffio'^ Promptitude, and Alacrity ofMind, to give Obedience to his Majefties defireforthe Publick' well of ti"’ Kingdom. THEREFORE They all ol certain knowledge, and proper motive , havefubmittedto h'^ SacredMajefty, All and fundrie Teinds, thatthey, or any ofthem have of other mens Lands , bewhatf'* ever Right, or Title, theypoftefs, or enjoy the fame, and how they may be denuded Omni hahiUmod quodejure. And in like manner do fubmit to his Majefty , toappointthe rate , and quantity of Teinds a d whatprices fhallbegivenfotthefame, and what fecurityfhall be made ofthe Teinds of other Mens Lands to the Heretours , and Poflcflburs thereof, infuchformasmayftandby Law: And all the faids Perfonsar' content, and confents, that his Sacred Majefty' give forth his pleafure,and Determination, anent the nre* miftesrefered to his Majefty in manner forefaid, betwixt the day , and date hereof, and the laft davof 'Decemberi6%q. yezTS-. With power aifo to his Majefty to prorogat the time ofthe giving forth of his faid Determination, to whatfoeve r day , or dayes thereafter, as ihallfeem good to his Majefty out of his Royall Wifdom. Likeas all the faids Perfons, Binds, and Oblidges them, their Heirs, and Succefiburs in all Humility toobtemper, fulfill, and obey, his Majefties faid Determination, they receiving perfeft’ and Lawful fecurities, conform to the Tenour of his Majefties Commiffion forefaid, and als receivimr real paymentofthatwhichlhallbeOrdainedbyhisMajefty , before they denude themfelvcs, either of Right or Pofiefiion ofthe faids Teinds , andthat,at,ot within fuch time, or times as his Majefty fliall appoint’ be his faid Determination. AND for the more fecurity , all the faids Perfons , and every one ol tLm ’ are content, and confents, that thir prefents , with his Majefties Determination to follow hereupon lhali beinfert, and Regiftrat in the Books of Council. andSelTion, andfhallhavetheftrengthof a Decreet of the Lords thereof, and Execution to pafs thereupon , informasefTeirs, and the Horning to pafs one a fimple charge of Ten dayes allennerly. And to that effeft makes, and Conftituts ^ Their Procuratours to compear, and confent to the Regiftration thereof in manner fore faid. 7« whereof (Written be ^f//M»r7’erg«7S«Writter,) All the faids perfons have Subferibed thir prefents , with their hands , day, year, and place forefaids. Before thir Witnefles&c. SieSubferibi- ^ Buchanan Portioner of Batlajlie. It a eft Walterus Wat Con Notarms Vubltcm mframtjfts requiftus, de mandato dim Jacobi Buntein de Kirktoun , fer there nefeien ut atTeruit tShuHcCalamum meum tangen , Tefte manu propria. Ita eft Robertus Glen Connotarius 'in prarnm requtfttus, deftpectabmandatodiai JacobiBunteindeKirbounScriberenefcien, ut afseruit Tedernaim propria. ^ ’ ■' A PROCLAMATION By his Majefty , Far ‘Publijhing his Majefties Tiecreets upon the Submijjwns forefaids. the grace of God, King oi Gte3.t Britain , France . and Ireland, Defender of Faith, To OurLovits, Lyan King at Armes, andhis Brethren Ueraulds , Mefsengers, Out S/a/rre/rm that pact , conjunftly, andfevetally , fpeciallyconftitute, greeting. FOR SaMEIKLE, As ^Wee having now after good Advice, and Deliberation, pronounced, and given forth Out Royal Dc As " _ _ _ and Determination , inchemattetsreferted, and fubmitted unto Us, by the General Sub- " ' and Benefices, ns^madebytheArch-Bilhops, andBilliops, Lords of Ereftions, Patrons of Kirks , 1° rs of Teinds , and Heretours of the Lands out of which Teinds ate payed , and by Out Burrowes, and ^s Out fubjefts , particularly exprefled in the faids Submiffions . as in the four fcvctal Decreets foliow- Ochet ^^^^^^^gjjjyUgjnthefe matters, at length is contained. AND Weefindins it neceflary , and expe- it®' ^rthe good of Our fubjefts, that Publication, and Intimation fliould be made of Out faids Decreets. ■ntentmatOur fubjefts being acquainted with the Tenout, and fubftanceof the fame, they may better prepared and tefolved , to obtemper ,& obey the fame. Wee therefore Recommended to the Vf Our Privy Council, the Publication ofOur faids Decreets, which Decreets being exhibit unto Out Council, and Read in their Audience, upon the Eighteenth Day of inftant , and they in all J ° tiful Obedience, acquiefeing to Our Royal Direftion anent the Publication of Our faids Decreets-. I'herc- f they have Ordained , and Ordains , the faids Decreets to be Pubilhed at the Mercat- Crofe of the Head n^nwes of this Our Kingdom, and hath Ordained thefe Our Letters to be direft for that cffetl, as an Aa thereupon bears, OUR WILL IS Hetefore, aiidWee Charge you ftraitly, and Commands, ‘hitincontinent thefe Our Letters feen you pafs to the Mercat Ctofs oi Edinburgh and to the remanent ® j erodes of the head Butrowes of this Our Kingdom , and there by open Proclamation , in Our Name, d Authority makePublication , and Intimation of Our faids Decreets, Toall, and fundry Out Lieges. tjuKiects , wherethrough none pretend ignornacc of the fame As you will anfivet to Us thereupon ; The . 1j to doe , Wee commit to you conjunaiy , and feverally , Out full power by thefe Out Letters . delivering fame by you duelyExecut, and Indotfed again to the Bearer. EN under Our Signet, at Holy-tude-houfe , the Eighteenth Hay of September, and of Our ^esgne the fifth Tear 16-1.9. ‘Per AStum Hminvrum Secreti Cmilij. HERE FOLLOWETH THE TENOUR OF THE HECREETS. His Mqfifiies Heterminatmu ufon the firft General SubmiJJms. ARLES By the grace of God King of Great Brito®, and /reW. Defender of the Faith. C To all and fundty Our Subjeas whom it effeirs . FORSAMEIKL Em by tlie gmeral Submiffions madetoUs. by ail and fundty perfems, having, or pretending Right to whatfoevet Ereaions, and Tern- noralitiesofBeLfices, Superiorities. andFew-dewtiesof the fame, otto theMrks, and Teinds, great, Ldfmall Parfonages, and Vicarages , or to Patronages of Kirks ^rtammg to EteaiMS , or to any Teinds, which they, or any of them have of Other Mens Lands by whatfoevet Right . orMe: Andalsbythe Zetoutsl and Pofleffouts of Lands lying within the faids Kirks , and Benefices creaed for themfelves, and in name of al! Others , who were defitous to have the Right, and Title of the Tein^Hhem own Lands, at a competent rate , and price , conform to Our gracious Proclamations made to that effea ; The faids Per- foss Subscribers oftlie faids eeneiai Submiffions did fubmit themfelves to Us; And are bound to Band, and Lide, at Out determination® & decreet, anent what compofition, bvUs tothem otanyoithera; fottheFew-mails, Few-ferms, and other conftant Rent of die Superi- offiies’ Xhatfoevet Lands, Battonies. Mylnes, Woods. Fiffiings.Towers.Fortl.ces.Maimout.placcs, StheixpeSts pertainingto whatfoevet Actions, and Temporalities of Benefices whatfoevet title name ordefignation, thefamebe.refigned, and futrendeted by them m Our hands: And als did feelv andabfolutiyfubmictoUs, all andfundty Teinds , thacthey, oranyol them have of Other mens twixtandthe Usa nLbet of Our Nobilit^ Privy Importance, M°nethsof^/. a^nd Arguments of all Patties having intereft. with faidsSubmiffions, till the laft day oiDe««fer r6^9. years. f'tT^&dTgeSLb- that Wee would give forth Our Royal determinatmn in thef rV^dcriL the Wclf and Plan- miffions; AND NOW Weebeingwell, and ripely adyfed therein, and tendering the Well, anomn^ 1 ( lo ) tation ofche Kirks , witli the Peace , and Quietnefs of that Out Ancient Kingdom ,PRONOU\r Sentence , and Determination as followes. IN THE F I R S T , as to the compontion to be pi forthcFew-mails, Fcvv-fcrms, and other conllant Rent ofthefaids Superiorities , JVee Find a the fum of One T houfand merks Scots money to be a competent , and reafonabic fatisfaflion , to he * cachC/6 ORE Wee Ordain Our faids Commiffioners to take trial of thefaids feveral Rights, and e ( II ) and accordingly to apppint the faidsfumsor^incd to be payed by Our faid Thefaurers , and Receivers for (^mpofmon . and ^israflion as is to be payed , or divided amongil them , according to the quality of their Rights. AniUVee and that the Difference or difput to be made amonolf the faids Patdes having- or ptetending to have right to the faids Few-ferms, Few -mails, and other conhant Rent forefaid* ’ after the true Rental thereot be once tryed, as faid is, ihallbcno huideraiice nor impediment, to Out faid 'plicfaurcr , andThefauret-depiit, tomedle, andintromet, with the faids Fcw-lcrms, Few mails and other conftunt Rent ol the faids Superiorities; They alwayes paying, or configning the faids lums decerned {jyUs, asfaidis, inprelcnceorthcfaidsCommiHioners, to be forth coming to all the faids Parties, who pretends intereft thcreo , according as Our faids CommilTioncrs lhall appoint. And Farther Wee Dc'cbrc [iiat Ow entry to the faids Few-ferms , Few-niails , and other conftant Re iit lorefaid of the faids Superiorities^ lhall be , and begin at the Feau,and Term oUVhitJunday ,or ^lartitmfs next, and immediatly following rhe payment, orconfignationtobemadeby OurThelauret, Principal, orDcputinOurNamc, to each per- foiiup'giv^i of his Rentalof the films of money dew to be payed , conform to this Our Decreet , and determi¬ nation, And at the term next, andimmcdiatly following the failzic to be commited by thole who ffiall not give tip their Rental in manner forefaid , Our Xhefaurcr , and Thefaurcr-depute , being aUvayes aided for payment to them , after they fliall give up their Rentals in manner forefaid. AndA'i Declares , if any of the faids Few-ferms, Few-mails, and other conftant Rent forefaid , be payable at other terms , northefaids ordinary terms of /r&V/BHi&y, ouMartimefs , that Our entry lhall be ruled, and divided according to the jefpeift of ifi* ordinary terms of Whitfmday ,and rJMmt'mefs , in manner above-expreft , fua that if pay¬ ment, orco!ifignationiliallbemadebyUsat/;?7;if/r<«ii^, theiithe whole year , and Cvopt ihall be due to Us, and ifthe fame lhall happen to be at Afafteej-, then the lialfe allenneriy lhall be dew to Us; And the Jiltecourfetobeobferved, where the failzie lhall be commited in not up-giving, of the Rentals in manner beforeexpreft. NEXT, Whereas the faids Perfons Submitters hadi fubmited to Us, All and fimdry the Xctnds that they , or any ofthem have of Other mens Lands by whatfoever right , or title they poffefs, or enjoy the fame , ^ and how they may be denuded thereof in Our favours ; And als have fubraitted to Us the rate, and quantity of Teinds, price of the fame, aiidmanneroffecurity tobemadethcrcaneiit. IVeefiiid, Xhat it is necefiary, and expedient, for the publick well, and peace of this Our Ancient Kingdom, andfor the better providing of Kirks , and Miniftets Stipends . and for the eftablilliing of Schooles , and otlier Pious nfes , that each Heretour have , and enjoy his own Teinds. A N D T H E R F. F O R E , to the effeft , full , and perfeft fecurity may be made to every Heretour of his own Teinds. WEE DECERN, and 0 R D A I N , the faids Submitters , and every one of them , and their Heirs , to denude thcmfelves of the right of Otlier mens Teinds, in Our favours , by ail lawful manner, as may ftand by the Laws of the Kingdom . and that of the Crept l6^^. years, and yearly thereafter in ail time coming. hnd totbateffeB , Wee decern the faid Submitters, and every one of them, and their Heirs, to exhibit their Rights, Infeftments, Tacks, and other fecutities whatfoever, whereby they bruick the faids Teinds oi Other Mens L.inds, to OurAdvocat, or Clerks of Our faids Commiffions, at fuch diets, and times, as they lhall be required , tq the effeft , he upon the fight thereof may form fuch lawful , and valide fecurities in Our lavou s as may ftand by Law. 'Which fecurities , Wee decern the faids Submitters to fubferibe , providing they be no farrhet oblidged in warrandice thereof, but from their own deeds, and from the fafts, and deeds of their Ptcdcccflbuts, towhomthey are Heirs. Excepting therefrom fuch fafts, and deeds, as is made, and periefted by any of the Submitters, and their forelaids, in favours of the ptefent Poffeflburs, Tackfmen, and others having right from them of the fame Teinds. Whereupon they , and every one ofthem lhall be oblidged to condc- feend at the time of the exhibition of their rights , to Our faid Advocat , or to the Clerks of Our faids Commif¬ fions. And as to the rate, and quantity of Teinds, Weeratifie, and approve the courfe, and order taken by Our fpecia! Command, and direftion for valuation ofthe whole Teinds of the Kingdom, fofarreas fliall bejuftly, and lawfuiy done , according to the tenour of Our Commiffions, and Ordains the Commiffioners, and Sub-commiffioners already, appointed, or to be appointed to that effeft , toexpedthethc fame with all convenient diligence , andfinds, and declares that the rate , andquantityofallTeindsof the Kingdom , is and fiiall be the Fifth part of the conftant rent .which each land payeth in flock , and Teind , where the fame are valued joyntly. Andwhetethe Teinds are valued a part, and fevcrally , that the rate , and quantity thereof is , and ihall be fuch as the fame ihall be valued , and efteemed to, by the faids Commiffioners, orSub-Comiffioners , Deducing alwayes the Eifth part thereof; Which Wee out of our Fatherly , and Royal care, for the well of Our faid Kingdom ordaine to be deduced olFthc faids Teinds feveraly valued as faid is , for the eafe , and comfort of Our Subjefts : Referving alwayes liberty to fuch as lhall be cnormly hurt , and greived in the valuations fotefasds , either conjunftly . or feveraly made , to appealc to Us , or Our Parliament, to the effeft Wee may take fiich order therein , as may teftifie all abufes , and difordets committed , or to be committed in the faids valuations. AND AS tothepriceofTcinds, Wee Fi!idtl\cpucco(eid\Hm/dred OTfr^rofTeinds confiftinginmoney , tobevalued, and efteemed to Nine years purchafe, andwheterhe laids Teinds confifts in Viftual, or other bodies of Goods ; Becaufe there is great difference ofthe quality ofViftual.andofthe other bodies of Teinds, both infpaces, and kinds, and in worth , and goodiicfs , accor- '■ Therefore Wee ‘Decern , if the price . dingtothediverfeplacesinthe Countrey wlierethefamegroweth, and are bred; Tbnefore Wt tsAOrda'in tryaltobe taken by Our Commiffioners appointed, or to be appointed by Us , oi ()()() worth, ( II ) worth, andcftimacionofcach ClialderofViftual , and of all other bodies of Goods, wherein the T confiftcth in Kinds , andGoodnefs, as the fame commonly ruleth in each part of the Coiintrev ■ A being tryed, and condelcended upon , and the prices thereof being reduced in moneys: 'a and rcaibnable Price thereoftobeeflcemed to Nine years purchafe; And Wee declare this Nine chafe, tobethc juft price ofthchcrctablc right olTcinds, where the Seller hath the heretablc rieht th* But where his tights are not hetetabic, buttemporal, and confifteth in Leafes, and Tacks, orfonic^V^’ temporal tight , whereofthete aremany, or lew years to run : Wee Declare the price in this cafe to be°'l a proportionally, according to the number of the years to run and quality of the rights. Andbecauje manv h" touts of Lands , hath Tacks long , or Ihort of their own Teinds , or fome other right thereof ftandingki Petfon, in the which cafe it is not teafonable, that the Heretours fhould pay the full price tothe Pcrf having right to their Teinds. 7 herefore Wee referre this point alfo to our Commiflionets appointed 0°”* be appointed, to determine, and fet down the proportion of the price, according to the years of the'T°'^t° to run. and quality ofrightsftanding in the Pcrfons of the faids Heretours, and according to thequalit f the Rights ftanding in the Pcrfons of thofe who hath Title to the faids Teinds , after the out-runinu of the tours Tacks , and rights of the fame . It is alwayes declared, that the faids Heretours who ihall buv own Teinds.fliall be oblidged to pay for no more of the fame, but fuch as fhall reft byand attour the Minift^' Stipends , and othet pious ufes , which by the tenour of the Genetal Commiffion are ordained to be firft o vicied, that thofe who fhall not buy their own Teinds, and are to be fubjeft in pay ment of thenr of their Tcind above-fpecified, fhall be no farther oblidged in payment thereof to the faids Titulars but w'tf deduflion of fuchpart & portion thereof, as is,ot fhall be provided to the maintenance of the faids Minifters ' and other pious ufes fotefaids, expreft in the faid general Commiffion , Which Wee Will , and Ordain to be deduced, according to the tenour of the faid Commiffion, and Afts thereof made , ot to be made therein Or in any other Commiffion to be appointed hereafter by Us , in favours of die Minifters , and other pious ufes therein mentioned. Awt/Dertarer the faids Titulars to be free, and liberat of the Minifters Stipends pro rata. And Decerns the faids Heretours to free , and relieve the faids Titulars at the hands of the Mini- fters. andothershavingrightofthatpartofthefaidsTeinds, which fhall be affigned, andappointed to be payed to the faids Minifters, and to tlie other pious ufes forefaids : And als to relieve the faids Titulars at Our hands anent the payment of Out Annuity; Andtomakeyearlypaymentofthefotefaids burdens for reliefe of the faids Titulars Pro rata. AND SICLYKE Wee Decern , where Wee , or any other liaveright to Teinds, after infpeftion of their Evidents, and due confideration oftheirRightsby Ourfelfe Or by fuch Commiffioners , as Wee fhall appoint , That accordingly in regard of the rights that Wee , ot they fhall be found to have, and for making up ofaperfefl right to the Heretours, fuch a part, or price or pay¬ able Rent Ihall be ordained to be pa;^ed, and applyed to Our, ot their ufe. AND 5eeiz«ye Weehaveafpe- cial , and particular intereft in tlie Teinds of Erefted Benefices , and that Reafon, Confcience , and Juftice ctaveth, that a part ofthe price thereof, or where price is not payed, apartolthe yearly dew'ty fhould be applyed to Our ufe. kndbecanfe all Ereftions are not of one nature, and kind, but fome ofthemdeferv- eth more confideration , andrcfpefl: nor others, according to the true caufes , merits, andfervices, for which the fame were granted. THEREFORE Wee remit the tryal hereof to Our faids Commiffioners , todeterminewhatptopottion of price, or rent ihall be defeafed, andallowed to Us ofthe faids Teindsof Erections, according to the validity , and merit of each Perfons tights after the produftionof the fame to OurAdvocat. AND ^ecaw/e.byanecxprefsclaufemthefaidsSubmiffions, It isfpecialy Declared by Us That Wee would take to Our Princely confideration, the lawfull Tacks, and Rights of Teinds oferefted Benefices, andofallLaick-Patronages, made, and fet to the prefent Pofleflburs , or their Authors by Imyful Abbots , Laick-Patrons , and others Titulars of Benefices, lawfully fet before the dates ofthe faids Etedfions: Andfor thefpaces, and years ofthe faid Tacks, Rights, and Patronages as yet ro run ; To the effedt that they might have full, and plenary fatisfaffion for l^ie faids Tacks, Rights, and Patronages accor¬ ding as Wee fhould find the validity thereof, as is ufual in the like cafes , with the burden alwayes of Our An¬ nuity mentioned in the faids General Securities, and Submiffions. hnd to the effcbl , Wee might be in- T c “ j of Our determination in the premifles. I T W AS , and is O R D A I N E D , and Provided, that fuch of the faids Lotds of Erections .and other Pet- Ions loiefaids, as have fuch T acks , or Rights made , and fet unto them , theit PredecelTouts .and Authouts, bclore the faids Eredlions, fliould exhibit, andproducethefametoOurAdvocat, atfuchdiets, andtimes, as Ihould be appointed by Us, ot OurChanccllout, at Our command , and direction, before the giving le 1 premifTes; L YKEAS alfo it isfpecialy provided. That the faids gene- ra u niiliions, ihould no wayes be prejudicial to whatfoever action of Warrandice competent to the faids any of them , againft their Authours from whom they bought , or aequired their Rights o ne aids Teinds (which falleth within the Compafs ofthe faids Submiffions) for fums of money; But chat cit ler 1 1C faids action.sof Warrandice fliall bereferved unto them , confotm to the tenour of their Rights made to them thereupon : Or otherwife , That the fatisfaffion to be decerned in their favours fliall be anfwerable i‘°"'®y*^s‘'ileriour thereto ; The faid Pcrfons, and fua many of them who have tlicir actions of warrandice referved to them in manner forefaid , Exhibiting , and producing their faids rights, bearin'} l^aringtlic warrandice forefaid, ToOur Advocat, atfuchdiecs.andtimcsaslliouldbcappointcd, andprc- fcribco’tothembyUs, orOurCTiancellour, at Our command , anddircftion, before the giving forth of Our Determination in the Premjfles ; As in the faids general Submillions at more length is contained AND for SAMEIRLEAsWee according to the provifions contained in the faids SiSimiffions , by Our Let¬ ter, of the datethe laft day of J«»« i6x8. Gavcfpccial warrandtoOur CommifTioners forproduftion of [he forefaids Tacks , Lcafes , and others forefaids , who by tlieir Aft , and Ordinance of the date the Eight and by publick Proclamation paft thereupon: Ordained that all the faids Perfons having intcreft. ftiould compear before them upon the firft of Novemberi6zi. years; Bringing, and producing withthem, all their Leafles, and ! acks of Other Mens Tcinds, fettothem, or their Authours, before their Er^®™®’ together with all their rights , and fccuritics of the forefaids Teinds, bearing abfoluce tatidice, or warrandice of their own moneysincafe oi eviftion: To the efFcft, the fame might be feen, andconfidered by Our Advocat , with certification to them that failzics, that they Ihoiild not he hc.ard to claims any fatisfaftion for the fame thereafter. that fortic tew allancrly of the faids Perfons having intcreft , havegivenintlieirTacks.andRights, bearing warrandice asf,iidis:Suatliatby ngourot Law. Wee might give out Our Determination without refpeft of the faids Rights, not produced to Our (Irid Advocat, conforin to [he provilton contained in the faids Submiflions. YET WEE out of Our Royal clcmencie, and goodnefs p E C E R N . and O R D A I N full , and plenary fatisfaftion to be made , not only to tbofe who' have al- [Cjdy produced, and whofeproduftions are extent in the Regifters of the faid general Commiflion: Bur al- fo to all other perfons Submiters , who have lawful Tacks fee to them , their Prcdecefiburs , or Authours of the faids Teinds of Erefted Benefices , which 1 alleth within the conipafs of the faids SuhmiiTions , lor the Rights ofehefaidsTeindsduringthefoaces contained in their (aids Tacks, and chat without any dctalcaiion , or diminution oftiie price thereof, in tcfpect of Oiu particular right, and intcrelt; But according to thclull availe of the years to run contained in die faids Tacks ; They alwayes exhibiting , and producing to Our Ad¬ vocat for the time, or Clerks of Our Commiffions forefaids , their faids LeafTcs, and Tacks, betwixt this and the laft day ofA/ay next to come, and no othetwayes; And becaufc after produftion thereof, every Perfon will not have alike years, andfpacestomnin theirfaidsTacks ; Therefore 'Nee referreto Ourfaids Commiffionets to fet down the juft worth, and valuation of die faids Tacks fet before the faids Ereftions, according to the number, andfpacesofyearsofthefamewhichisyettonm; And to modi fie the faid price, to each Perfon accordingly. AND SICLIKE, WeeDcffra, and That the faids Perfons Sub¬ mitters, nor none ofthem (hall be any wayes prejudged by their faids Submifiions, of their aftionsof war¬ randice, competent to them againft their Authours, from whom th^ bought, or acquired their Rights of the faids Teinds , which falleth within the compafs of the faids Submifiions ; But declares their faids aetions of warrandice , to be free, andrefervedtothem, allowing alwayes inthe firft end thereof, fo much as they are to receive by vettue of this Our determination , in the firft end of their faid warrandice; And if any of them fhall happen to be prejudged by, or through occafion of their fubferibing of the faids Submifiions , of their faids aftionsof warrandice, and to be debarred therefra in whole, orinparc, by occafion thereof. In that cafe Wee ‘Decern , that wiiatfoever by Law they might obtain againft their faids Authours by their aftioii of warrandice , forwatranding of their rights of the faids Teinds, which falleth within the compafs of the faids general SubmifiTions : And for the which they ate or lliall be debarred by and through the f'aid.s Submif- fions, and this Our determination following thereupon: Thatthefamefliallbercfoundedto them by Our faidThefauret-principal, Thefaurer-depute, and Receivers forefaids ; They alwayes exhibiting, and pro¬ ducing to Our faid Advocat, or Clerks of Out Commiffions forefaids, their faids rights bearing wariaiidice in manner forefaid . betwixt and the laft day of May next to come , and none othctwilc. AND Wee FIND, and DECLARE, That this general courfe, and order. That every Hcrctour lhall bruick, and pofiefs hisown Teinds, (hall have begining in this inftant year of God itizp. years. The faids Heretoiirs being al¬ wayes ready to fuSlfil, and perform their part of this Our determination. And to the effetl , that the faids Titulars may receive full, and compieat fatisfaftion of the price of the faids Teinds, fua fatre as is due to them by this Out determination, from the faidsHeretours who lliall buy their Tcinds as faid is, or where they (liall not buy , that the faids Titulars may be fecured in the yearly rate , and quantity of the faids Teinds to bepayed to them of the faid Cropti6z9 years, and yearly thereafter; IVee Referrc the confidcration of the terms ofpaymentofthe faids prices. And alfo the terms of payment of the faid payable rent of the faid Cropt 1619, and yearly thereafter , Together with the manner, and form offecurity to be given tliercancnr, by the faids Hetetours, to the faids Titulars , unto Our faids Commiffioners > To whom Wee give full power to fet down, fuchamplefecuritiesasmayftandby Law, both for Our fecurity, and lor the fecurity ofthc faids Titulars in the ptemifTes* Which form offecurity to be ordained by them , Wee decern the faids Herc- toorsto obfetve, and fulfil in all points, after the form, and tenour thereof. Life tfj alfo Wee referrc to the confidecation of Oar faids Commiffioners , what manner of fecurity fhall be made by Us, to every Hcrctour of the Teinds of his own Lands ; To the efTeft they may bruick the fame herctably, and perpetually for ever, accordingtothemeaningof diisOurdetermination. AND WEE DECERN, the faids whole Pet- fons Submitters, their Heirs, and Succeflburs , toobtemper, fulfil, andobey this Our determination, in the whole Heads , and Aiticles thereof ; They recei ' ' ' 1 , and perfeft fccuritics. conform to the tenout o( Our ( 14 ) ofOur Commi/Tion, and whole heads thereof , particularly, and generaly mentioned in the faids Submiffions: And als receiving teal payment of that which Wee have Ordained by this Our deter general ■foiination. And before they denude themfelves, cither of Right, or Pofledion , of the faids Fcwmails, andTeind"’ that in manner particularly exprefl: in this Out determination, asisabove-fpecified. AND FINaLt^"' Wee Ordain this Out determination, with the whole Submillions, whereupon the fame proceeds r K ’ giftrat in the books of Our Council , and Sellion to have the fttength,and force of a Decreet o( the Lord” i of, with execution to pafsrherc^on in form as effeirs. and the Fdorning to pafs upon a fimplc charge fr' dayes allancrly. And to that cflefl, makes, and conftituts ° °tTeii OutAdvocat, OurProcuratour, to compear for Us, and content to the regiftrating hereof, i,, forefaid. 7« whereof , Wee have llgned thefe prelents with Our hand At the'f^'''''' September, theyeatofGod 1619. years; Before thefe Witnefles , Earl of of Our Council , MiHigh JuJIiceo{ Scotland-, /Alexander oiMenJlryKn\^\^^ OiirS tary, S'ltColineCampbel of Lundee Knight, Barfonet, Sit James Lockhart younger of Ley kninhr Maftet IVHliam Elphingjioun One of Out Cup-bearers. ° ’ His LMajeJlies Decreet pronounced upon Submiffions madebe certain Tackf-men, and Others having Right to 7 einds Charles By the Grace of God, Kingoi Gcczt Britain, France, Ireland , Defender ol t\\c Faith: Toall, andfundry OurSubjeftswhomiteffeirs. ForSameikle, as Wee being fuUv refolvcd to havcancuniverfalotdetcftabliflicdwithinOur Kingdom of Scotland, anent the matter ofT einds ; And that every Hetetour lhall have , and bruick his own Teinds , of whatfoever nature the faids Tcindsbeof, andtowhatfocverbeneficcthefamepertaineth, at a competent rate, and price; Andundet- ftanding that diverfeofOurSubjefts had deferred to fubferibe the firft general Submiffions anent the faids Teinds, upon pretence that tlm Arch-bilhops , Bilhops, Patfons, Vicars, and Others of the Clergy had not fubferibed the faids general Submiffions : Which impediment was thereafter removed by a feveral Submif- llon, fubferibed by the faids Bilhops, and Clergy to Us. Therefore, Wee by Our Letter, andWarrand directed to the Commiffioners for Teinds, otthe date the x8. day of Oblober lalt by-p’aft, did fignify Our will, andpleafurc: That all Titulars of Teinds, pertaining to whatfoever Kirks, or Benefices ; And als all Fderctours of Lands, the Teinds whereofpertaine to the faids Benefices, and Kirks, Ihould fubferibe a general Submiffion unto Us : Referring to Us the price , rate , and quantity of whatfoever Teinds ol Other mensLands. Which Letter being read, and confidered by the faids Commiffioners of Teinds, they by their Aft of the date the Third day of December laft by-paft : Did in all humility acknowledge Out Gracious^ and Fatherly cate for the good of Our faid ancient Kingdom, and allowed, and approved the faid Letter’ and interponed their Authority thereto. Conform to the which there was certain Submiffions dtawnup’ Whereby all Petfons fubferibets ol the faids Submiffions , having , or pretending tight , by whatfoever Title, Tacks, or other manner of right, to whatfoever Teinds of Other mens Lands , pertaining to whatfoever Biffioprick Abbacy , Pryory , Parfonage , Vicarage , College , Kirks , Prebendary Chaplanry, or Other Betience whatfoever : And flclike the Herctours , and Poflellours of wharioever Lands lying within the faids Benefices , and who are defirous to have the Teinds of their own Lands pertaining to the 4ids Benefices, at a competent rate, and price, fubmitted, and by the tenourofthe faids Submiffions, did Submit unto Us. All, and fundry Teinds, that they, or any ol them had of Other mens Lands , by whatfoever right, or d tic they Poffiffid , and enjoyed the fame , and how they might be denuded thereof*, Omni habili modo quo dejure And als did fubmit unto Us , to appoint the quantity , and rate of Teinds , and what price lliall be m m the Teinds of other mens Lands , to the Heretours, Md Poflellours thereof , in fuch form as might ftand by Law , and were contented , and confented that wee Ihould give out Our plcafure, and determination , anent the prcmilles referred to Us , in manner forefaid, betwixt the day , and date ol the faids Submiffions, and the \tAday ofDecember , 16x9. years; Asthe tlte faids Submiffions fubferibed by the particular Perfons , Titulars , and Heretours of the feveral dates tlicrc- of , in themfelves , mote fully proports. And IV te being well, and ripely advifed anent the premifles : And finding It neceliar and expedient lor the publick well , and peace of thatOur ancient Kingdom ; and for the bcttcqsroviding of Kirks , and Miniftets Spends , and for eftablilliing of Schools, and other Pious ufes ; That each Herctour have, and enjoy his own Teinds : And therefore to the effeft, full and perfeft fccutity may be made to every Hcretourofhis own Teinds: IVceDecern, mdOrdain, The faids Submitters, and evciyonc olihem, and their Heirs , to denude themfelves ofthe right of Other mens Teinds, by all Law¬ ful manner, asmayftandby the Laws of Our Kingdom, and that of the Ctopt 1619. years, and yearly therealtcrm ail nmc coming and to make, and fubferibe good, valide, and lawful fecurities to each Hete¬ tour ol hjs own Teinds , by the fight ol Our Advocat prefent , and being for the time , providing they be no larthcroblidgcd in warrandice thereof, but from their own deeds, and from the fafts, and deeds of tlieit Prcdcceliours , to whom they are Heirs: Excepting therefrom fuch fafts, and deeds, as is made, andpet- fefted ( ) fefted by any of the Submitters , and their forefaids , in favours of the prefent V’offcfTours , Tackf-mcn , and Others having right from them of the fame Teinds. And as to the rate , and quantity of Teinds , Wee ratify and approve the courfe, and order taken by Our fpecial command, and direfton , for valuation of the whole Teinds of the Kingdom , fuafar as fliall be juftly, and lawfully done according tothetenouroftheCom- milTions And Ordains the Commiffioners , and Sub-Commidioners already appointed , or to be appointed for that efFeft, to exped the fame with all convenient diligence, Finds , and Bcc/rtrw .that the rate, and quantity ofall the Teinds of the Kingdom, is, and fliall be the F;/r/upartof the conftant rent which each Lands payeth in flock , and Teind , where the fame are valued joyntly : And where the Teinds ate valued a part, andfeverally, that the rate, and quantity thereof, is, and ihall be fuch as the fame fliall be valued , and efleemed to, be the faids Commiflioners , or Sub-Commillioncrs, deducing ahvayesthcA’^f' part thereof, which Wee out of Our Royal, and Fatherly care fortlievvell of Oiirf.ud (kingdom, Ordain to be deduced off the faids Teinds feverally valued as faid is, for the cafe, and comfort of Our Subjefts. Referving alwayes the liberty to fuch as fliall be eiiotmly liurt , and greived , in tbe valutaions forefaids , either conjunftly, or feverally, to appcalc to Us , or to Our Parliament ; To the effeft Wee may take fuch order therein, as may reftify all abufes , and diforders committed, or to be committed in the faids valuations. And as to the priceof Teinds, Wee find thcpiicc of each himdrea of Teinds confifting in money , to be valued and eftimat to Nine years purcliafc. And where thefaidsTeindsconfiftsin Viftual, or other bodies of Goods ; Bccaufe there is great difference of the qua- lityofViflual , and ofother bodies of Teinds, both infpecies, and kinds, and in worth, andgoodnefs, accordinngtothediverfe places in the Coutitrey where the fame growes, and arc bred. Therefore, Wee decern, andOrdaimryalco be takenby Our Gommiffioners appointed , ortobc appointed by Us , of tbc price, worth, and efflmation of each Chalder of Vidlual , and of all other bodies ol Goods, whcrcintiic Teinds confifteth in kinds and goodnefs, as the fame commonly ruleth in each part of the Countrey. And this being ittyed, and condefeended upon , and the prices thereof redaifled to money, Wee find thejuft, and reafonable price thereof, to be eftimat to Nine years purchafe: And Wee Declare this Nine years pur- chafe to be the juft price of the heretable right of Teinds, where the Seller hath the heretahle right thcrc- ofjButwhereliisrightisnoihcretabel, buttemporal, and confifts in Leafes, and Tacks, or fome other temporal tight , wheteofthete ate many ; or few years to tun. Wee declare the price in this cafe to be ruled proportionally , according to the number of the number of the years in the Tacks to run , and quality of the Rights. Anaaecaufi many Hcretouts of Lands hath 1 acks long , or llliort of their own Teinds, or fome other right thereof ftanding in their perfon ; In the which cafe it is not reafonable that the Heretours ftouid pay the full price to the Perfons having right to their T einds. T herefore Wee referre this point aifo to Our Commiffioners appointed , ot to be appointed , to determine , and fet down the proportion of the price of Teinds, according to the years oftlie Tacks to run, andquality ofthe Rights ftanding in the peifon.s of the faids Heretours , and according to tbe quality of the rights ftanding in the perfons of thefe who had Title to the faids Teinds, aftertheout-raningofriieHeretoursTacks, and Rights ofthe fame. Itis declared , that the faids Heretours who fliall buy their own Teinds , fliall be oblidged to pay for no more ofthe fame, but fuch as fliall reft by and attour the Minifters Stipend, and other Pious ufes, which by the tenour of the general Commiffion , ate ordained to be fitft provided. And als that thofc who fcall not buy their own Teinds , and are to be fubjeft in payment ofthe rate of their Teinds abovc-fpccified , toll be no larther oblidged in payment thereof tothe faids Titulars, but with deduaion of fuch parr, and portion thereof, as is retting by and attour the faids Minifters Stipends, and pious ufes forefaids. Andjic- bke'FttDecern, where Wee, oranyofthefaidsTitularshaverighttotheTeinds of Other mens Lands, after infpeaion of their rights, anddueconfideration thereof by Our Commiffioners appointed , or to he appointed for that effeft ; That accordingly in regard of the rights that Wee , or they fliall be found to have, luch a part of the price, and payable rent, fliall be ordained to be payed , and applyed toOur, or Thcit ufes. AndTVee Find, zniDeclare, That this genera! courfe, and order, that every Hetetour fliall bruick, and poffefs his own Teinds, lliall have begining in this inftant Crept, and year ot God i6xp, years; The faids Heretours being alwayes ready to fullfil, and perform their part of this Out determination. And to the effect that the faids Titulars may receive full, and compleatfatisfaction ofthe price of the faids 1 einds , fua far as is due to them by this Out determination , from the faids Heretours who fliall buy their own Teinds as faid is ; Or where they fliall not buy , that the faids Titulars may be fecured , in the yearly rate , an-i quan tity ofthe faids Teinds, tobepayedtothemofthefaidCroptibxp. and yearly thereafter. Wee referre the confideration ofthe terms ofpayment ofthe faid payable tent ofthe faid Ctopt I6^9. years, and yearly there¬ after , together with the manner , and form ofthe fecurity to be given theteaneiit by the faids Heretours, to the faids Titulars, unto Our faids Commiffioners. appointed, ot to be appointed, To whom Wee give in 1 power to fet down fuch ample fecutities as may ftand by Law , both for Our fecurity , and for the fecurity of thcfaidsTitularsinthepremiffcs; Which form offecurity to be ordained by them. Wee decern the (aids Heretours to obferve, andfulfilin allpoints, after the form . and tenour thereof. Decern jho faids whole Perfons Submitters, their Heirs, and Succeffouts, toobtemper, fufil, andobey, this Our determination, in the whole Heads, and Articles thereof, they receiving lawful, and perlcft Iccuritic , OOOO^ conlorm ( i6 ) cojiform to the tenour o( Our Commiffion, and whole heads thereof, particularly , and generally menT in the faids general Submiffions ; And als receiving real payment of that which Wee have ordained I Out determination, before they denude themlclves either of right, or pofleffion of the faids Teinds^™'^ tltat in manner particularly expreft in this Our determination, above-fpecified. And finally Wee O'dai' Our determinatination, with thewhole Submiffions whereupon the fame ptoceedeth, to be regi(ltrat"'i books of Our Council, &Seffion.- Tohavethcfl:rength,[dc force ofa Decreet of the Lords thereof rrith”''' cution to pafs thereupon, in form as elTeits , and the Horning to pafs upon a fimple charge of Ten daves ncrly. And to cfTcifl makes , and conftituts ^ "I?"" Advocat, OurPtocuratour, to compear for Us, and confent to the regiftrating hereof in manner lorefvf' In fT/r«e/r whereof Wee have Signed thefcjprefents, withOurhand, AiJVindfore the Second day of J tember, theyearof God 16x9 years. Before thele Witnefles William Earle of Menteith. Pteftdent^^'f Our Council, and High Jr^/ceof Scotland ,^KWilliamiyilexander oiCMenHry'ETERMINATION, upon the Submiflion made by the Burrowes. CHARLES By the Grace of God King of Great 5r;V(7;B, France , and/re/ar/a', DcfenJetof I Faith, To all and fundtieOutSubjefts, whom it effeits. ForSameikle, Asthe CommilTio ^ of the free Royal Burrowes within Our Kingdom of having full Power, and fromthcirfevctalBurghs;ConfidetingthatWeeoutolOurRoyalcarc, Fatherly, and tender aflceljon thcPublickgoodofallOurSubjefts, ofOur Native, and Ancient Kingdom of for freeing rli from the extremity , anddamage, mayenfuc to them by leading cf their Teinds; Intended to rake fi T courfe as thereafter each Man might pofTcfs and enjoy the Teinds of the Lands pertaining to him in nroue ' ty. And thcyacknowlcdgingthemfelvcstobeboundinduty to the advancement of all Out Royal defim^ tending to fo Publick a good, Therefore, They by their Band , and SubmiBlon , ofthe date atyt^r/'^ theSccondday of tlieyearof God 1 6x8. years. Bound and Oblidged them, and each of them Sub' fcribcrsofthelaidSubmilTion, and their Succeflburs, for, and in name of the faids Burghs , to grant unto each Heretour ol the fe vetal Lands , whereof the Teinds did to them appertain (after the expiring of the pre- fent T acks already granted by them to the prefent Tackf-men) fuch rights , and fecurities for perpetual en- joyingof their owiiTcinds, and for payment of fuch rates, and Teind, Rental, Bols of Wee in Out Royal judgment lliould decern ;Submitting rhemfelves, & each one of them for their own parts therc- anent, to Out Royal Decreet, and Sentence , and what lliould be the true rate, eftimation, andquantitvof the faids Teinds , and what fecurity lliould be made to them , by the faids Heretouts , lot yearly payment to be made to them , each one for their own parts of the faids Teind-Bols of Viflu- al , of fuch forts as Ihould gro'v upon the ground of the faids Lands yearly ; As fliall be deter¬ mined by Us betuixt2t«/e, zxiACandlemes. ForpaymentwhercofthcfamineLandslhall be lyable, and bound in fccurity of the famine; And were content , and confented , each one for their own part, that Wee lliould give forth Our pleafure , and Determination . anent the premifles referred to Us in manner forefaid betuixt the date ol the faidSubmilTion, and the laft day of Decewafer , in the year of God, 16x9. years • As in the laids SubmilTions of the date forefaid , containing diverfe other Provifions , at more length is con¬ tained. yfnr/Wee being well, and ripely advifed anent the premifles , and finding it neceflar , and expe¬ dient for the publick well, andpeaceoftliatOur Ancient Kingdom, that each Heretour have , and enjoy liisownTeinds. yrnwOTwccr/li Our Sentence, and Determination therein as lolloweth. IN THE FIRST, Wee Defer;/, indtOrdam^ the faids Burrowes Royal, Provefts, Baillies, and Council ol the fame , and their Succeflburs , whofe commilfioners have fubferibed the faid Submiflion ; To grant unto each Heretour of the fevcral Lands , w hereof the 1 einds doe appertain to them , their Heirs , and Succeflburs (after expir¬ ing of the prefent Tacks, already granted Iw them to the prefent Tackf-men) fuch Rights, and Securities, for perpetual enjoying pi their own Teind , for payment ol the Rates , & Rental-Bolls alter mentioned infuch ampleform, as may ftand by the Laws of the Kingdom: T he faids Heretours alwaies , and their forefaids, making , and Subfctibing to the faids Royal Burrowes .& their Succeflnurs , liich lawful Securities for payment of the ^pota , and rate of T einds after-lpecified yearly , betuixt Zmle , and Candkmes , for payment whereof the famine lands lhall be lyable , and bound in fecurity for the fame ; And that in fuch form , and manner as lliall be devifed by the fight of Our Advocat for the time , to whom Wee referre the manner , and fotm of the Securities to be made by the faids Royal Burrowes , to the faids Heretours of their own Teinds , and by the faids Heretours , to the faids Royal Burrowes, oftherate, and of Teinds after-fpecified. Andzi to the rate , and quantity of Teinds, IV ee Fmdt\\e ^lota , or rate ofall Teinds pertaining to the faids Royal Burrowes , to be the Fifth part of that w hich each Land payeth ol conftant tent in Stock , and Teind , where the fame arejoyntly valued , conform to the courfe , and order taken , or to be taken for the valuation of the famine: And where theTeinds are valued leverally, and a ^dxi,Findeth that the rate,and quantity thereof is, and lhall be fuch as the fame lhall be valued to by Out Commiffioners appointed , or to be appointed to that e^fl‘. Deducing alwaies the Ftfih part thereof to make thefamin equal to the conftant KatCommunibus annis. And Finds, and Declares, that it in the valuations of the faids Teinds, either joyntly to be made with the lands, ot leverally , their be any fenfible hurt , greivance, and prejudice committed in excels, or diminution, which lliall require to be tertified by Us , that it lhall be lawful to the parties greived , to appeale to Us , ot to Our Parliament, tothcefreef. Wee may lee order put thereto as effeirs. And Xiecernsthis coMife. , and order that every Heretour lhall have his own Teinds , tohavethebeginingin theCropt, andycar of God 16x9. years-. TheTacksfettotheprefent Tackfmen, being expired , or otherwife lawluUy eftablillicd in the PerfonofthcHcretourby the faids Tackf-men who have right thereto. ATTOUR For/dmeikle, ashy the faid Band, and Submiflion , the forefaids Commiffioners each one of them for their own parts, hath Bound, and Oblidged their faids Burrowes, and their Succeflburs, that in cafe it lhall be found, that the tents of the Teinds great, andfmall, Viblual, or Silver dewties of the famine, doted for the fuftentation ofMiniftcts, Redfor, and Regents of their Colledges, Mafters of their Schools , and poor of the Hofpitals of their fevetal Burghs payed to them lhall exceed the yearly fums of money expended by them for the fore¬ faids ( 19 ) . piousufes, andtheirentertainmentintlieStipendsof thefaidsMinifters.Rcftor. and Regents of their I? dees, Maftcts of their Schools, and of the Poor in theit faids Hofpitals; Then and in that i. afc , to early to Us , and Our Colleftours , each one of them for their own parts forth of the fuperplus, and ^fce of the faids dewties remaining by and attour the payment of the faids Stipends due to the iaids Mini- Reftors , and Regents of theit feveral Colledges , Matters of their Schools , and entertainment of their in dieir Hofpitals . Out Annuity due to Us in manner expreft in the faid Submifllon. T herefm-e IVee jU Qyj. Commiffionets appointed , or to be appointed by Us , to take trial of the true eftatc of the Rents, Teinds pertaining to each Butgh , and ol the burden which they have for entertainment of their Miniftry, a Poore , and of the Reiftor , and Regents of Colledges where the famine ate , and to confider il there bo any ( tolus ,' and excrefee by and attour the burdens forefaids .forth of the which Our find Annuity ought tobe lupetp the faids Burtowes, and their Succefibuts , to make payment to f and Our Colleftots , of Our Annuity which is due to Us fordi of the faids fuperplus, and excrelce if any ft II be found as faid is. And Ordain this Out Decreet, withthefaid Submillion whereupon die famine eeds to be regiftrat in the Books of Our Council , and SelTion , T o have the force , and rtrength of a Dc- of die Lords thereof, with execution to pafs thereupon, infotmas effeirs.- And the Horning to pafs onafimplechatgeofTendayes allennerly ; And to that effea makes, and conftituts “P OurAdvocat, Out Ptocuratout , to compear for Us, and confent to the regi¬ ft .titw hereof in manner fotefaid. In Witnefs whereof. Wee have Signed thefe prefents with Our hand , mnd fore ih.tStconAi3.yoi September, theyearofGodidi?. years; Before thefe Witnefe, miharn V A oiMenteith, Prefident of Our Council, and High Juftice of Scotland, Sir IViUmm Alexander oi X/?r« Knight, OurSectelaty, Sir ColineCamfbeM Lundte Knight, Barronet Sir Lockhart TOungerofZ,^ Knight, Ui&ttWMatmifhmgftetm One of Out Cup-beaters . and Matter '^■m&.a&tEdinbnrgh. FINIS. . •<>.?. ... • ' • * »* -I » u ' ■- ' •: ■ ■ •■ ' ■• - ^ .-u .--r- ■ ' • -■'■• V ' ^ - , r -«*■ ' 4 .P /•■ i ' * .i, r H . . • ' r • THE laws -- ACTS OF THE FIRST paruament Of Oiir lMo/I High and T)read Soveraign CHARLES THE SECOND ^y ths Grace of G King of SCO^LAM^t E M G L A MD ^ FRANCE, and 1 R E L AND, Defender of the Faith, &c. Holden at Edinburgh the fitft of January, 1661. By a Noble Lord, JOHN Earl d GMiddktoun , Lord Ckremont , and Fettercaim, His MAJESTIE’S High Commiffionet, for holding of this PARLIAMENT, by vertue of a Commiffion under his GMajeflie’s great Seale ol this Kingdom : With the fpeciali advice and confent of the Eftates of PARLIAMENT. OtUeHed, and ExtraBed from the fublick Records of the faid Kingdom, by Sir THOMAS CUD RRAT af Glendpok , Knight and Baronet , Clerk to Hts Majeftie’s Cmmcid, Regifter, and Reis, by his Majeftie’s warrand. edinbdrgh, Piinted by DAVID LINDSAY, Anno DOM. MDC. LXXXI. CVM T RIV ILEGIO. iu A V- " T i .Z- 1 ^ 1 O f Ji r'. J a ^ 0 3 .^ ?' 3HT ■ 2 a a Ji a . ■> pr . G' ’/i KAO - * ^ . G It V- G V 0 0 1 \. itZA ■,(•: i3 0 ^ .G' ’A G _ a 1 •, , ,2L oai i. -A \ . .’ ^ . v."*! v‘\ -(SciaVG -.-i; «»1 • Iu;T V:\iO'^ , tivjj <^.1 .i ti>i .(;^..-*,Y ^o iiiil t .'( 4jiiai,-.A3. >*. .. '■ aiWealAi'f .«'■•■. U; .’.•.■wr.Ax.> fc-Oj lo .3 y.A'i M;i: te gnll-l-.i .cJ ,i3bc'.‘. 'mcO -'laiH jii! T'ljfiu no’fiji; -JjtTo:. .• vd .-f.'i ' -..vI ziiil- lo 5.'..;2 it3ig • • ■ . .TH3MA1J,^/T loir,; 3 stb Jo tr* »■ U IL!k»'^l4;b riiiW iKliiOBT nil 1(4 , sKib^Ki'A \ '^'A , i'JoL.'olO ^ ii. Si 0‘V .Vr.iTtk'i; .'AiflsyH V-^' .'AA tet. -J.1 m. i> 54 G a Vi 1. a- a • - ' .\yy,xj .oa*' .Moa carA. ,'/ AiaaiJ. fliVAO -f I .oiii AV '4\5l‘^- IA0"0 i . f • fl\ ( 3 \ THE L A w S and ^ C / J-A MADE IN THE FIRST P A R L I AMENT, Of our moft High and Dread SOVERAIGN, C H A ' R L E THE SECOND, By the Grace of GOD, King of . Scotland, England , France aitd Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Begun at Edinburgh Ac fitft of January, 1661. s s I. act concerning the Trefident and Oath of Parliament. Orafmueh as it hath pleafed Almighty GOD, to compaffionat the troubles and confufions of this Kingdom, by retutningthe Kings mod Excellent Majefly to the exercife of that Royal Government , under which , and its excellent conftitution, this Kingdom hath for ma- ny ages iiijoyed fo much happinefs, peace and plenty. And it being upon good and important confiderations , an inviolable pra&ice in this Government, before thefe troubles, that the perfon nominat by His Majefty, tobeHis Chancellor within this Kingdom, did of right, and as due to his place, prefide in all Meetings of Parliament , and other publick Judicatories of the Kingdom , where he was prefent for the time, And His Majefty now confidcring the great advan- 1 cages do acetefs to the publick good of His Subjefls, by the due ob- _ fervance of fuch ancient and well grounded Cuftoms and Conftitu- and the prejudices that do accompany a change thereof; Therefore His Majefy, with advice andconfent of His Eftates of Parliament, doth Declare, That the prefent Lord Chancellor , and lucli as hereafter lhallbe nominate by His Majefty, or His Royal Succeffots, tofucceed in that place; an in cafe of their abfence, fuch as lhallbe nominate by His Majefty, are by vertueand right ot the laid o - fice and fuch nomination refpi Clive, to prefide in all meetings of His Majefttes Parliaments or ot ler publick Judicatories of the Kingdom, where they ihall happen to be prelent , and that they arc now and in all time coming to enjoy this priviledge. And in difcharge ot this truu , they are at t ic r down-fitting of every Parhament, to adnainifter to all the Members thereof the Oath ot A ct gianc , whereof the tenor follows ; . , j j I, for tefttfication of my faithful obedience to my moft gracious f CHARLES iflTe of Great Britain. France and Ireland, Detender of the Faith, &c. Mja, teftitje and declare, by this my folemn Oath, That I acbmeuledge my fat d Suveraign ^ tions. The jirjl ‘Parliament of vernour of thu Kingdom, over all Per font and in alt Caufes; and that no Forraion T> ■ Power or State, nor ferfonCivilor Ecclefiaflick, hath any furifdiUtion, Power or Sup ’'■"‘f’ overthe fame : And therefore Ido utterly renounce and forfake all Forraign Jnri[di[iion‘°’'m^ were and Authorities ; and flsall at my utmoft yower, def end-, affijl and maintain Hie JVfa' furifdiCiion fore[aid az^ainfi all deadly , and never decline HisM3l\dXies Power nor lurifd'^^^ as IJhallanfwer eo GOT). With this addition, AndIJhall faithfully givemy Advice and v’''-’ every thing Jhall be fropounded in Parliament, asl/ball anfwer to GOT). Likeas His Majefly, with advice forcfaid, doth hereby Refcind and Annuli all Acts , Statiit Praftices, as to the Prcfidcnt.ot Oath of Parliament, which arc prejudicial unto, or inconfiftcnt this prefent Aft, and Declare the fame to be void and null in all time coming. Ail and Acknowledgement of Hit MAJESTIES Prerogative , in the choice of JJis Officer^j^State , Count ellors and Judges, T He Eftates of Parliament , considering the great obligations that do ly upontliem from the Law of GOD, the Law of Nations, the Municipal Laws of the Land , and their Oaths of Alice' ance, to maintain and defend the Soveraign Power and Authority of the Kings Majefty, and the fad con fcquences that do accompany any incroachments upon, or diminutions thereot: Do therefore, honi their fenfe of humble duty. Declare, That it is an inherent priviledge of the Crown, and an undoubt ed part of the Royal Prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdom, to have the foie choice and appointment of the Officers of State, and Privy Councellors, and the nomination of the Lords of Seffion as in former times, preceeding the year, 1637. And thar the Kings Sacred Majefty and His Heirs and SuccetTors are for ever, by verrue of that Royal Power, which they hold from GOD. Almiglity over this Kine' dom, to enjoy and have the full exercife of that Right. And therefore, the ¥S\\g& Majefty , with ai vice and confent ofHis Eftates of Parhaihent , doth hereby Refcind and Annuli all Afts , Statutes or Praftices to the contrair, and Declare them to have been undutiful and difloyalinvafions upon the Roy. al Prerogative, and to be void and null in all time coming. III. Alt averting Hit MAJESTIES Royal Prerogative , in the calling and difolving of Parliaments , and making of Laws. THe Eftates of Parliament now conveened, by His Majefties fpecial Authority, confidering that the Quietnefs, Stability and Happinefs of the people, da depend upon the Safety oftheKings Majefties Sacred Perfon , and the maintenance of His Soveraign Authority , Princely Power , and Prerogative Royal. And conceiving themfelves oblicged in confcience, and in difeharge of their du. ties to Almighty GOD, to the Kings Majefty, and to their native Countrey, to malte a due ac. knowlcdgement thereof at this time; Do therefore unanimoufly Declare , that they will with their lives and fortunes maintain and defend the fame.. And they do hereby acknowledge, that the power of Calling, Holding, Proroguing andDilTolving of Parhaments, and all Conventions and Meetings of the Eftates, dothfolely refide in thelGngs Majefty, His Heirs and Succeftbrs. And that as no Par¬ liament can be lawfully keeped without the fpecial warrand and prefence of the Kings Majefty, or His Commiffioner ; fo no Afts, Sentences or Statutes, to be paft in any Parliament , can be bining upon the people, or have the authority and force of Laws, without the fpecial Authority and Appro¬ bation of the Kings Majefty, or His Commiffioner interponed thereto, at the making thereof. And therefore the Kings Majefty, with advice and confent of His Eftates of ParHament, doth hereby Re¬ fcind and Annuli all Laws, Afts, Statutes , or Praftices that have been, or upon any pretext whatfoe- ver, may be, or feem, contrair to, or inconfiftent with. His Majefties juft Power and Prerogative above-mentioned, and Declares the fame to have been unlawful , and to be void and null in all time coming. And to the end that this Aft and acknowledegment, which the Eftates of Parhament, from the fenfe of their humble duty and certain knowledge have hereby made, may receive the more exaft obedience in time coming. It isby HisMj/f7?y, with advice forefaid. Statute and Ordained, that the punftual obfervance thereof, be Ipecially regarded by allHis A/rz/'f/frfjSubjefts, andthatnoneof them upon anypretext whatfoever, offer to call in queftion, impugne, or do any deed to the contrair hereof, under the pain of Treafon. 4- Ktfig CHARLES the II. IV. Jit aprttus His MAJESTIES Royal Prerogative, in makitg of Leagues and the Conventions of the Subjects. THe Eftates of Parliament , confidering that the maintenance of His M.ijefies Authority and Royal Prerogative, in and concerning the making of Leagues anil the Conventions of theSuh- • Its, is not only a necelfary duty of the people , but of fmgular advantage to their happincls and neace : And that their Predeceflots wifely fotefeeing the good and benefit thereof, and the preju- d,<-es and miferics that inevitably did accompany the negleft of the fame, did therefore by many fe- veral Aft® Laws , aflert the Kings Prerogative and Authority therein ; and particularly by the hundred 4nd thirty one Aift of the eight Parliament of King fames the fixth, it is Statute and Ordained , ‘ih^t none of Iris Highnefs Subjeits of whatfoever quality , (late or fimdlion , pre- fume “ ponvopat , poiivccn or alTeaibk therafelvcs for holding of Councils , Conventions , or Allcmbljf? . to treat , cpnfult and determine in any matfer of State , Civil or Ecclefial flick C exfept hi the ordinary Judgements ) without His Majefhes fpccial command , or ex- prei's licence, had aifd obtjiiticd thereto, under die pains made againlb fuch as unlawfully convocats die liings And ty the twelfth A£t of the tenth Parliament, holden the tenth oiTlecetnber, cue five hundred and eighty fjve. It is by His Majtfiy, with advice of His three Eftates, &amte ?(iT.Otd'4ine4 , no Leagues nor Bonds be made among His Subjects of any degree, iipon eolouf or pretence, without His Highnefs or His Succcflbrs privitic and confent, A ojjtf jifed thcreUBto, under die pain to be hoiden and execute as movers of Sedition to the brc'adi of t^e Peace. ' ijo.yv' finding that the due obfecvance of thefe Laws, might have coatri- tufe much to die preventing of thefe confufions and troubles, which in thefe late times have almoft ruined both the Kings Majefty and all His loyal Subjects : 1 hcreiore His Majefiy, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, doth revive , renew, ratifie and approve thefe Acts above- mentioned, and Ordain the fame to be punctually obeyed in all time comming, conform tO' the tenet thereof, and under the pains therein contained. And Declares, that any explanation or gloffe, that during thefe late troubles hath been put upon thefe Acts, asriiat diey are not to be extended arainll wf Leagues Couneik, Conventions, Aflemblics or Meetings, made, holden or kept by the Subiects for prefervation of the ATings Majejiy, the Religion, Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom, or for the publick good either of Kirk or Kingdom , are fall'e and difloyal, and contrair to the true and genuine mcanmg of .thefe Acts : And therefore His Majcfy. with advice forefaid, doth Dilcliatge, ami for ever Annuli the fame, and all Acts and Practices that have been in purfuance thereof. V. jet averting His MS.'i'S.S'XlY.S Royal Prerogative in the yifaVA, and in making Peace and War, &c. THe Eftates of Parliament, confidering the great happinefs tliat this Kingdom hath formany ages enjoyed, under the Princely Government of tlicir Royal Kings ; who by the fpccial bkiling of Almighty GODjiave reigned over them, in fo long and an unparallel’d f cries of Royal defeents ; and the obligation thereby lying upon them, in coiifcicnce, honour and gratitude, to own and aflert the Royal Prerogatives of the Imperial Ctovrn of tliis Kingdom, which the Kings Majtfiy holds from GOD Almighty alone. And to vindicat the fame from thefe invafions, which by the malice ct fpecious pretexts of ill affected petfons , and the confufions and dilbrders of the late times, have been made upon it. Do therefore Declare, that the power of Armes and making of Peace and War, or Treaties and Leagues with Forraign Princes or Eftates, doth properly rcfide in the Kings Majefiy, His Heirs and Succeffors; and that it was and is their undoubted Right, aud theirs alone, to haw the power of raifmg in Armes, the Subjects of this Kingdom, and of the command¬ ing, ordering and disbanding, or otherwife difpofing thereof; and of alt Strengths, Forts or Gar- xifons within the fame, as they fhall think fit; the Subjects alwayes being free of the Provilions and Maintenance of thefe Forts- and Armies, unlels the fame be concluded in Parliament or Con- vention of Eftates. Likeas the Kings Majefiy, with advice and confent torelaid, doth hereby De¬ clare, That it is, and flrallbehigh Tteafon to the Subjects of this Kingdom, or any number of them, more or lefs upon any ground or pretext whatfoever, to rife or Continue in Armes, to maintain any Forts, Strengths or Garrifons, to make Peace or War. orto makcany Treaties or Leagues with Forraiofi Princes or Eftates, or among themfelves, without His MaieSlies fpccial Autlionty and Approbation firft interponed thereto ; And doth difeharge all His Majesties Subjects ro offer upon any pretext whatfoever, to attempt the doing of any of thefe things hereafter, under the faK^paijiot The firft parliament of Treafon. And in further detcftation of fucli unlawful and unwarrantable praftices, theKw'jT^ Oy, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, dotli hereby Refcind and Annul all Aft, tutes. Ordinances or Deeds, part or done in any Parliaments, Conventions, or other Meetings wl’ r ever, or any otherwile, info tar as they are, or may be contrair to, or inconfiftent with, this nr r Aft; and Declares the fame (difpenfmg with the generaUty, and holding ail the particulars wherein inferted) to be void and of no force nor efTeft in time coming. A VI. Alt annulling the pretended Convention of Eftates , kept in the Tear, 1643. Forafmuch as the power of calling of Parhaments, or Conventionr of the Eftates of this Jfm dom, hath alwayes been, and is an undoubted priviledge ot the Crown, and doth Ibly refil' in the icings Hajeffy : And that notwithftanding thereof (among the many other invafions, wlncl* during tliefe late 'times, have been made- upon the Royal Prerogative; a pretended itfeeting and Convention of the Eftahies tvds called and kept at Edinburgh , in June, one thoufand fix hundred fourty three. Without any warrand from the Kings Majefty ■. And the Eftates of Parhamenr riow coiiVeened by His Majefties fpecial Authority , havmg taken into their confideration the indiftion , reafons and grounds of the caUing of the faid Convention , do find that the faid pretended Convention of Eftates, notwithftanding ot all die fpecious pretexts made for die fame did meet, andconveen, without any lawful Warrand orAuthority; And thereiore the Kings Maiedy with advice and confent ot His Eftates otParhament, doth Declare the fame, with all that was done therein, void and null, and Relcinds and Annulls all Afts or Deeds whatiomever, ratifying and ap. proving the fame. V 1 1, .1 All concerning the 'League and Covenant, and difthargiug the renewing thereof without U/j-MAJESTIES warrand and approbation. FOrafmuch as the power of Armes, and entring into, and making of Leagues and Bonds, is ail undoubted priviledge of the Crown, and a proper part ot the Royal Pterc^ative ot die Kings of this Kingdom, and that in recognilance of His Majefties juft /fight, the Eftates of Parliament of this His molt ancient Kingdom ol Scotland, have declared it high Treafon to the Subjefts thereof, of what- foever number, lefs or more, upon any pretext whatfoever, to rife, or continue in Armes, or to en- ter into Leagues and Bonds, with Forraigners, ot among themfelves , without His Majefties fpecial Warrand and Approbation, had and obtained thereto, and have Refcinded and Annulled all Afts of Parhament, Conventions of Eftates, or other Deeds whatfoever, contrary to, or inconfiftent with the fame ; And whereas during thefe troubles, there have occurred divers things, in the making and put. fuance of Leagues and Bonds, which may be occafiOn of jealoufie in, and betwixt His Majefties Do- tninions ot Scotland, England and Ireland. Therefore, and for preventing of all fcruples, miftakes or jealoufies that may hereafter arife upon tliefe grounds, the Kings MnyV/?)', vyith advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, doth hereby Declare, that there is no Obligation upon this King- dom by Covenant, Treaties or otherwife, to endeavour by Amies a Reformition of Religion in the Kingdom of England, ot to meddle with the publick Government and Adminiftnation of that King, dom. And the Kings with advice and confent forefaid, doth Declare, That the League and Covenant, and all Ifeaties following thereupon, and A£ts or Deeds that do, ot may relate thereto, are not obligatory, nor do inter any obligation upon this Kingdom, or the Subjefts thereof, to meddle or interpofe by Armes, or any feditious viay, in any thing concerning the Religion and Government of the Churches of Ei gland and Ireland, or in what may concern the Adminiftration of His Ma- jeffies Government there. And further. His Majefly, with advice and confent of His Eftates, doth hereby Difchargeand Inliibite all His Majefties Subjefts within tliis Kingdom, that none of them pre- fume upon any pretext of any Authority whatfoever, to require the renewing or fwearing of die faid League and Covenant, or of any other Covenants, or pubhek Oaths concerning the Government of the Church, or Kingdom, without His Majefties fpecial Warrand and Approbation; And that none of His Majefties Subjefts offer to renew and fwear the fame, without Warrand, as faid is, as they will be anfwerable at their higheft peril. viif. o tOl'J V I 1 I. Ait agairift Tttpifts, 'Triefts, and Jefiuts. Ur Sovetaim totd coiifiderin& 'tWatdie pufclick contempt of, and difobcdicncc to, lawful Au- ' thority, (though covered with the moftlpecious pretexts) is alvvayes accompanied with grc it .-ufions and provocations to theMionour of GOD, and ruine of the People.; And that thereby 'ccafion is offered to wicked and ‘ill affeftedperforis, of all forts, upon one pretence or other, to fub- Religion, and pervert the Duty and Allegiance of the Subjeas; Whereof thefe be too lad evi¬ dence, hy the increale of Popery , and the number of Jefuits, Priefts, and Papifls; which have of late abound in oiis Kingdom, in tar greater numbers then ever they did under the Go* vernweht of His Majcftees Royal Father and Grand-Father , of biefled memory. And His Majcfty, feeing dehrous to trace dtb.e His Royal Anceflots, in a due and vigorous prolecution of chele many ex- celldit Laws made by them, againft die Saying of Mefs, and the flay and rcliet of Jefuits, Semiiiary Mefs Priefts, aiid Trafficking Papifts, within this Kingdom : Doth therefore, with advice and con- fent ot His Eftates of Parliament, command and charge all , and fundry Jefuits, Priefts and Traffick- in® Papifts, that none of them prefume hereafter to Say Mefs within this Kingdom; And that within amonethaiter the publication hereof, they remove forth of the Kingdom, under the pain of death • ijjd ficklike, His with advkeand donfent forefaid, doth command, charge, andmhibiteall His Majtpi! Subjefts, ot what quality or degree foever, that noneot them prefume to hear Mefs, reflet, iupply > entertain, turnifh meat or drink, nor keep infeiligence or correfpondence with any Prieftsi JcluiB or '1 ralficking Papifts , under the pains .contained in the Laws and Adfs of Parliament made i!) that behalf. And to the end that this Aft may receive the more exad obedience and profecuti- on, His Majcfly, with advice and confent forefaid, doth hereby command all Sheriffs ot Shires and the’ir Deputes, all Magiftrates of Burghs , and other publick Miniftcrs ot the Laws , to make exaft enquity and fearch in their feveral bounds and jurifdiaions, and to apprehend all fuch Jefuits, Priefts .juidfraffickirig Papifts, as they lliallfind within the fame, alter the laft day offl^nri-,6 next to come - anil to commit them to the next fure Prifon, there to remain till they receive due puniihment, acl cording to the Laws: And alfo, that with all poffible diligence, they fend in to the Parliament, or in cafe of their not Sitting, \o His ^ajepies Ptivy-Council , the Lift of fuch pqrfons within their bounds, as are known, ot fufpefted to be Papifts; that courfe may be taken with them, coniorm to the Laws of the Kingdom; And hereof, the Sheriffs and Magiftrates , and their Deputes are to take Ipecial notice, as they will be anfwerable at their higheft peril: Likeas, His Majtfty confider. j„g how dangerous it is that Children be educat by perfons Popilhly affeded, do theretore, conform to former Afts of Parliament, appoint that Children under Popiih Parents, T utors or Curators fliall fee taken from them, and committed to the education of feme well affeded and religious. friend , at die fight and by order of His M.ijefties Privy Council: And ordains publication hereof to be made at die Metdat Crofs of Edinburgh, and other places neediul, ^ ..IX. Ait approving the Engagement, 1648. and mmtUing the pretended Parliaments and Conmittes kept thereafter. f FOtafmuch as in the year one thoufand fix hundred fourty and eight, the Eftates of ParUament oi this Kingdom, and His , Af. if ?/?/«, good Subjeds therein, from the fenfe of their duty to Almigh¬ ty GOD and th.e King’s Majefty, did ehearfuHy undertake and concutr in an Engagement, for relief of His hte'Majefiy of glorious memory from His imprifonmenc, and for His reftitution to the Royal Government ot His Kingdoms. And the Eftates of Parliament, now conveened by His Majefiies fpfccial Authority, taking that Engagement to their confideration, do find it to have been an Honou¬ rable, Juft, NeceflaryandSeafonabic Difcharge of that indifpenfible Duty, whereunto this Kingdom, and the Subjefts tliereof, are by the Law of GOD, by the Law of Nature and Nations, by the Mu- nicipal Laws of theLand, by their Allegiance, and by all the ftnfteft bonds ot Confcience and Ho- jiour, ohhged to the moft SacredPerfon, and. Royal Authority ot their King’s Majepy. And there¬ fore, Our Sovetaign Lordi with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, doth Ratific and Approve that Engagement for His MajePies relief and reftitution to His Royal Government, And doth declare, that as it was a moft. noble and pious Teftimony of the.LoyaityofHis good Subjefts of His ancient Kingdom , and of their af&ftion and zeal to His MajcPies Perion and Go¬ vernment : bd His MajePy, for Himfelf and His Succefibrs, doth afTiirc, that lliey will always ic- tain a grateful tefentment thereof; And have appointed thel'e ptefents to remain upon Record, for the due honour of thel'e per Ions who did engage, therein, and of their poftcrity for. ever. And whereas the neceflity and juftice of this undertaking , with the intereft this. Kingdom had in His Majedies Perion, by the honour of His Royal Birth, and By.thele many and fingulac Afts of (irace He had lately confert’d upon it , might juftly have claimed a ready concurrence of all the Subjefts ; Y et there wanted not Ibme, and even fuch, whom not long before., His Majefty had obliged by marks of His Royal favour both of honour and profit,, who made it their work to p, j difappoiiic The firft ‘Parliament of dilapoint and oppofe the fame; And for that end, having gathered fomc mutinous Com others, who by a few feditious Minillers, had been preached into an open RebeUion nionetii of Seftember, one thoufand fix hundred fourty and eight years. Without any i thority, (and not giving the Oath mentioned in the Commiflion of ParHament: without^''^r* was cxprelly provided, they were not to have accefle to, nor place in, the Commitee") to themielves tlie name and power of a Commitee of Eftates; and having by their ownFd A^^'^^ dared all fuch perfons as had given teflimoney of their duty and loyalty to the King r i ’ capable of being Members of Parliament, or of having voice in the Eleftions to the Parliameii ° then, without any lawful Authority, called a Packt meeting of Parharaent, to confift onl"* fons of their own ffamp and faftion ; who accordingly met in fanuarj, one. thoufandT P'" dred fourty and nine years: and afluming to themfelves the hoveraign Authority and Go of die Kingdom, intended to Ellablilh and fix the power in their own perfons for ever purpofe, having pubhckly declared againft that neceflary and juft Engagement , for Hi's M relief and relfitution to His Royal Government: Having approven all theoppofitions and Amies againft the lame, and by Oath folemnly engaged themfelves toa conftant adherence to : Having for their afliftance called in the Ufurper Cromwel, and a part of his Army • H by publick engagement, given up the honour and fafety of this ancient Kingdom to the £«?//>!!)■ andH''*’’® rcd,that His Majeff^ lliould be obheged to Ratific that unworthy a£l:,before any Treaty were with h His relief; Having given order to their Commi/iioners, to protelt againft any agreement betwixt and His Subjefts in £'»g/j«ia',in the Treaty at the Ifle oiWight-. Having, lb far as in thcmlav**'™^' ned and dilTolved the common Allegiance of the Subjefts to the King’s Majefy, by proclaim' S' Right to the Crown, with bafe reftriftions and limitations, and prdfing the Subjefts aBainft^l^ conlcicnccs, to fubferibe the fame: Having difowned His Majefttes intereft in the Quarrel 1 them and the Englifl}, who had invaded this Kingdom, meerly to deftroy His MaMes Int it: Havingtaken the lives of fonie, and forced others of His Majefttes good bubjedb of bel^' ' t ty, to flee to Forraign parts for their fafety: Having fined, confined, imprifoned, and feized*^'**^ the livelihood of many : Having put dilgraceful cliaraders and incapacities upon all who had w w fed any alfeaioii to His Majefttes Government: Having unjuftly pronounced, and with crueW cuted b'sntcnccs of Forfeiture againft the fives and fortunes of fuch as from confcience oftheir diir”'' did oppofe them: Ha^ng in their publick Meetings , appointed, that the innocent Wives and rlla’ dren of thefe, who offered to vindicate His Majefttes Authority, Ihould be feized on and i/ r ported to Fortaign Countries : Having once and again foUicite their Brethren in Ei eland that fiC of this Kingdom, as (.for venturing their fives for theKing) vvetethen prifoners m EnelMd ft, 3 be ftill kept Prifoners,as Pledges of the Peace: Having thrult out of the OfEces of State pl’ac’cs of F dicatory and publick Irult, all luch as were willing to engage for Majefttes relief and reftiti, ™ toHisGovernnient and put luch in theirplaces, as did oppofethe fame: Having laid on and raiW great cxaftions and hims of money from the people, andemployed them for their own ufes- Having leized on Ffis Majefttes Revenues, and beftowed them upon themfelves, and fuch others L were in open Oppofition and Arms againft Him : Having alfo feized upon the Properties anddueRiahts of Subjefts, arid the Patronages by Law fecured unto them: And haying, by thefe and many fuch lKe Adts, endeavoured to perpetuate themfelves in their ufurped Power, they prorogated the mectinvnf their pretended Parliaments from time to time, fubftituting feme of their Truftees, for catryinl on of their defigiis m the whifo And the Eftates of Parliament, having taken thefe proceedings unto their fcrious confideration. Do find, that there was no Law, nor lawful Authority for die Meetings of thefe ptetended Parliaments and Committes of Eftates; But that the perfons, meeting thcrcin,dfd folvlT" contempt of FFis Majefties Authority, ufurpthe power to them. dorh"RffWnH''^rVA'''’V''l'’?-* andconfent of His Eftates of Parliament, doth R.fciiid ai d Amiul thefe pretended Meetings of Parliament . and Committes above men- he Gme""i,d Pretended Parliaments or Committees flowing from furf Treaties , done by them or their warrand : Exc^ing r 7ed^hvHL^M ^ as were part in any Meeting of Parliament, or Committee of Eftates, autlit^ iized by His Majefttes prefeiice, and are notinconfiftent with this prefent Ad. And alfo Declares any 1 1 it E^xcet m Adi to have been void fmm the be- tt nottwHnd Declarations and Provifions, after-mentioned. more dcfirous to rfcbim H'c ® P^'’°cations, the King’s Majefty, from His innate goodnefs, being more dc irons to reclaim His Subjeds to their duty by Ads of Mercy, then to reduce tliem by their trcm"it\irfoch netb f favour and grace, with advice and confent forefaid,In. And King CHARLES rjf H. 1661. ^ - - the Ordinal- Courts ot]uftice, did fit and aft by \\ ai rand ol thele Meetinns, the ninos Majefy, for the good and cafe of the people, doth with advice torclaid, Declare, 1 hat none of leAfts, Decreets or Sentences, givenbythcfc whofatasLordsofSeliion, eras inierioiir Judges within I is Kingdom thele years, nor no Execution foUow'ing thereupon, are forwant of lawiul Authority to be (tioned: Whereanent, HisMajefty, with advice forefaid, by tliefc prefeuts difpcnlcs. And allb, viis 00‘tfideringthat by a pretended Afl andConimilhon, Irom the laid pretended Meetings t parliaments. Augmentations were granted to Minifters, kirks were divided, new Kirks were ecc- Acd, and Lands troin one Paroch to another, dif-joyned and annexed, and divers other particulars decerned, in relation to the Plantation of Kirks; which Commifioiis, one or more, though they had 0 )a\vlulAuthority, but in themfelveswere and are null. Yet, His M.tjcfiy, being defirous to give all due encouragements to the Minifters of the Gofpel, doth, with advice and conlent forelaid. De¬ clare, That all Afts, Decreets and Sentences, pronounced and given lorch bythefaidsComniillioncrs, and all Executions thereupon, are and iliall ftaiid valid in time coming, except Inch as upon the com¬ plaint of any party, fliall be found to have been unjuftly or exorbitantly pronounced and decerned. Ihe determination whereof! ts hereby referred by His Majefly, with advice and confent forefaid, to the Commiflion for Plantation of Kirks, to be eltablilhed by His Miijcfy in this prefent Parliament; that they alter hearing of parties, and confideration of particulars, may take I'uch courfe for altering, annulling or allowing of what was done by vertue of the faids Commiilions in the years, one tliouland fix hundred and fourty nine, and one thoufand fix hundred and fifty , as they iliall think juft , con- ■form to tite ftanding Laws and Acts of Parliament, preceeding the year one thoufand fix hundred and fourty nine; and Ordains procefs upon fupplication to be fummarly granted, ,p-arties alwayes being 'fited, and that without any reduction. As alfo, with power to the faids Commtfhoncrs to be ap- . poiiired, upon the dependence of the faids complaints and procefs, to dilcharge execution upon the ' forelaids Decreets in whole or in part, as they iliall find juft, ay and while the matter may be dctcr- 'pined by them. And forafmucli as by a pretended Commilfion for the Exchequer, divers Infeftmems, Gifts and others, were pall in the forefaids years, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty nine, and one jlioufaiid fix hundred and fifty; His Majefiy, with advice forefaid. Declares, That all Itich Gifts, Inteftroents and others, arc and ihall be valid, excepting alwayes new Gilts andDifpofitions of Lands and others, granted and paft to His Higlincfs prejudice, and luch other Gifts as upon tiie complaints of parties, fliall by His Majeflies Treafurer and Commiffioners of Exchequer, be round to have been inijuftly granted or paft. In prejudice of prior Gifts under His Miijefties Hand , though not paft in Exchequer. And whereas by a pretended Act of the forefaid pretended P.ariiameiit, entituled, AB a- khllnfKthe ‘Patronages of Kirks, all Patronages and Prefentations of Kuks, whether belonging to tlieking or any Laick Patron, Presbyteries or others, were difeharged, and all Acts, Gifts and Rights, stanted tliereanent, Refcinded.. And yet neverthelcfs, it was thereby declared, That the taking a- way of the Patronages, fliould not prejudge the Patrons Rights to dieleinds, nor weaken his Infeft- ment wherein the fame is contamed. And that the Teiths of the Kirks, whereot the Prefentations were aboliflied, fliould belong heretably to the Patrons , and be inferred in their Rights and Infcft- ments in place of their Patronage, with power to the Patron to difpone upon the laidsTcinds, in man¬ ner and with the exception contained in the faid Aft. And nptwithftanding that the forefaid Aft and whole Parliament be declared null ; yet nevertlielefs, His, Majefty, with advice forefaid, doth by thefe prefents Declare, That it fliall be lawiul to Laick. Patrons or Hcrctors, to agree with the bciie- ficedperfons for Tacks or Rights of Tciiids, belonging to the laid bencficed perlon, according to the Laws of the Kingdom ; with this provifion that the faids Tacks, Ihall be no wayes prejudicial to the Stipend and Maintenance of the Minifters and perfons to be prelcnjced , according as the fame hath been already modified, or. ihall be modified in time coming ; and that notwithllianding of any Afts or Statutes made in the contrair. All which Afts, his Majefty, with confent torclaid, by thefe prefents Difeharges; And in like maner , His with advice torclaid. Declares, 'J hat as to fuch perfons who are prefently in pofleffion oi Kirks, pretaimng to the iaids Laick Patro¬ nages, the faids perfons and Minifters Ihall, during their lervice, claime no right nor pofleflion to die Teinds of their faids Isirks and Parochins, other then they had formerly before the making ofriiis Aft; they having alwayes a fufficient maintenance allowed and granted to them according to the Laws of the Kingdom. ^ AB condemning the TranfaBieus concerning the King Majefty, whilft He was at Ncwcaftlc, in the years, 1646. and 1647. THc Eftates of Parliament, confidering the many fad and dangerous confequcnces that do accom¬ pany the negleft and contempt of lawful Authority ; and that among the other Judgements, wherewidi it pleafeth Almighty GOD to vifir fuch who rcfiftthe Powers, and oppole the Commands ofthofeinttufted by Him, as Us Vicegerents, for the Government of His People, they are ott- times left to their own counfels, to do that which highly provokes GOD to wrath, renders them- felves juftlv odious to the world, and hateful to their Poftenty. Whereof there is too doollul an experiment in an Aft of the printed Records of Parliament, of the (iYXCwUot January, one thou, and fix hundred 8 The fir/l ^arLiivnevt of Aft u ami fourty feven, cntitulcd, ‘Declaration of the Katgdom ^Scotland, concermrig thTl^i T — ' {iies‘Perjoi!. Which being now taken into confideration, IheEftates of Parhament do fin/^ dare. That it was carried on, and concluded by a prevalent party , againft the judgement of His Majefties Loyal Subjefts; And that it is a moft finful, difloyal, and unworthy Aft, coi the will and commandment of GOD ; contrary to all Laws, Divine and Humane ; contrarv^*'^^ Duty and Allegiance of Subjefts ; contrary to all the rules of Juftice, Honour, Gratitude^ ? manity; and highly reflefting on the honour of this ancient Kingdom, and the reputation ofR^^ j eft its good Subjefe therein. And therefore, the Kings with advice and confent of r»f Parliamenr. doth herebv Annuli and Gnndnmn rlin Gmpfrtr pvpn • And Ond.,; _ ■. E* tion. And the Eftates of Parliament, conceiving themfelves obliged in Confcience, to make the trutl this bufinefs, and the manner of the carrying of it, known to the world , for the juft vindicati ' this Kingdom, and His Maftfties dutiful and loyal Subjefts, wire otherwile may feem to be comti bended and concluded in it. Tliey do therefore, from their certain knowledge. Declare, That in that Parliament (from wliich many of His Majefties good Subjefts were debarred, for their feftion and adherence to HisMajefties Service and Commands) there was a confiderable numbe f worthy Patriots, of all Eftates, who, at , the paffing of that bafe Aft, gave a publick teftimonv a dif-afleht from it, which is here Recorded for their due honour ; and for which, their memory vVII in all ages receive a famous celebration. And that there were divers others, who, upon the prete of Reformation, and aflurancesof the Safety of His ^ajejlies Perfon, being cnveigled, were*^in th* fimplicity of their hearts drawn along for the time: But ihordy thereafter, being convinced of the"' error, did imbrace the ifirft opportunity to expiate the fame, by freely hazarding their lives and fo*^ tunes in die year, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty eight, to redeem His Majefty from thefe rl" ftraints and dangers, which by that impiousAft he was driven into. And therefore. His UajeSh With advice and confent forefaid, doth Declare, That the Aft of Parhament forefaid, of the fixteen^’ oi January, one thouland fix hundred and fourty feven, is not to be look’d upon as the Deed of Kingdom, but as the Aft of a few difloyal and feditious perfons, who, having upon fpecious, butfalfe pretences, ferewed themfelves into the Government, did by force of Arms, keep the fame; and ftom the confcience of their own guiltmefs, being afraid of the juftice of His UajeSlies Government did violently carry on that Aft. And in further owning thereof, did, in the faid year, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty eight, rife in Arms, in oppofition to thofe who endeavoured to reftore HisIVhj. jefty to His Government, and to reheve Him from the imprifonment and hazard He was then lying under, as the natural effefts of that unworthy tranfaftion, fojnftly hereby condemned. ^ ® And for the further clearing of the fenfe of this Kingdom, as to thm; bafe and treacherous Aft and the alperfions which have been thereupon raifed, as if there had been previous Tranfaftions and Baiains of Money for carrying on of the fame. The Eftates of Parhament Declare, They do abominat theve ry thought of anyluch thmg; and that if at anytime hereafter, there ftall be difeovery of any fuch wickednefs, (which they are confident GOD Ahnighty will in His juftice bring to fight,' (ifitbe true) and wherein they earneftly intreat the concurrence of all His Uaje Sties dutiful and loyal Subjefts) The perfons guilty thereof, ihaU without mercy bepurfuedas thevUdeft of Traitours, andlliall beiii. capable ot the benefit of any Aft of Pardon, Oblivion, orindempnity for ever. XI. Ad for tahng the Oath of AUeagiance, and averting the Royal Prerogative. OUr Soveraign Lord, being truly fenfible of the many fufferings and fad confufions, that His du. tiful and loyal Subjefts have been brought under, during thefe troubles; anddefirous, that His Royal Government, in its due Adminiftration, may be refrelliine and unto them, And Ktjig Charles the n. ’r66i. Admiral, Sheriffs, Comhiiffars, arid their Deputes, and Clerks, and all Maoiflratcs nd Council of Royal Burghs, at their Admiffion to their feveral Olhces, and bclorc they offer to vetcc tlie fame, fliall take and fwear the Oath , of Alleagiance, hereunto lub)oyncd. And alfo that other perfons who ftallhe requited by Uh'MajiJties Privy-Council, or any having Authonry ? them, ftiall be obliedged to take and fwear the fame. , , ** ^d fmee all the troubles and miferies that have overfpread this Kingdom, and almoft deftroy- , all religious and civil, all publickand private interefts, thefe twenty years by-gone and upwards, have arifen and fptung from thefe invafions, that have been made upon, and contempts done to the Royal Authority and Prerogative of the Crown, His Majefiy conceives Himlclt obliedged, both for His own Royal intereft, and for the publick intetell and peace of His people, to be caretui to prevent the like for the future. Arid therefore. His Majitiy, with advice lorcfaid. Statutes and Ordains, that all pelbns, who are, or lliall be called to any publick Iruft, as faid is, fl.all, bcfidc the taking of the Oath of Alleagiance, be obliedged before they enter to their OiKces and d rufls, JO aflert under their hand writing. His Royal Prerogative, as is exprelb in the Af.b pad in this prefent Parliament, and in the manner hereunto fubjoyned: Certifying all fuch, as, being required, ihall refufe or delay to take die Oath of Alleagiance , they lliall not only thcrehy render theinfclves uncapable of any publick Trull , but be lookt upon as perlons dulaffefbed to His Authority and Government ; and fuch as lliall remfe , or delay to .ilicrt flis .^njtpes Prerogative, in manner under-written, Ihall from theiicelorth be uncapablcot any pubUck Xt^l within this Kingdom. Follows the Oath of Alleagiance. I For teftificatiott of my faithful obedience to my moft gracious and redoubted Soveraigti, CHARLES, if/ ^GreatBritain,FranceiJ». Follows the Acknowledgement of His MAJEftlES Prerogative, FOtafmuch as the Eftates of Parliament of this Kingdom, by their feveral Afts of the eleventli, and twenty filth ot January laft, have, from the fenfe of their humble duty, and in recocognil'aiicc oI\FlS Majefties Right, Declared, That it is an inherent Priviledge of the Crown, and an un¬ doubted part of the Royal Prerogative of the Kings of tliis Kingdom, to have the foie choice and ap- pointtiicnt of the Officers ofEllate, Privy-Couricellots, and Lords of Seffion ; That the power of ^ing, holding and dillolving of Parliaments, and all Conventions, and Meetings of the Eftates, doth foly trfidc in the Kings Majefty, His Heirs and Succeflbrs : and that as no Parliament can be law- My kept, without the fpecial wartand and prefence of the Kings Majefty, or His Commiffioiicr; So, no Afts, iior Statutes, to be paft in any Parliament, can be binding on the people, or have the Authority and Force of Laws, without the fpecial approbation of His Majefty, or His Commiflioner, interpolicd thereto at the making thereof ; That the power ofArmes, making of Peace and War, and making of Treaties and Leagues with Eorteign Princes or States, or at home by the Subjcfls among riiemfclves, doth properly refidc in the Kings iWayV/j-, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, and is their uii- doubted Riehti and theit’s alone; And that it is high Treafon in the Subjefts ol this Kingdom, ot any number of them, upon wliatfoever ground, to rife or continue in Armes, to maintain any Forts, Gatifons or Strengths, to make Peaceor War, or to makeany Treaties or Leagues with For- teiEners, or among riiemlelves, without HisMir/V/fw Autlioiity firfl interponed thereto; ^hat it is unlawM to theSubiedls, of wliatfoever quality or fundlion, toconvocate, conyeeiiot affaiib.c them- felves, for holding of Councils, Conventions and Aflemblics, to Treat, Conlult and Detcrmni in any matters of State, Civil or Ecclefiaflick (except in the ordinary judgements) or to make Leagues, or Bonds upon wliatfoever collout'or pretence, without His Uajefties fpecial coiilcm and appro- batmn ha7thereunto; That the League and Covenant, and aU Treatiestol owing t 'eteupon aiij hSts or Deeds that do or may relate thereunto, are not obligatory, nor do inter >'P . ■ this Kingdom. ®r the Subjeds thereof, to meddle or interpofe by Atmes. or ^any ledicious way, m any tliini concerning the Religion and Goverment of the Churches and ™ in Vt may clern L Admiffiftrat.on of HtsMaJ^pes Government there : and that JO Ibc firft Parliament of HajeftieS Subjefts ftould prefume, upon any pretext of any Authority whatfoever. to req^Ji^' xenewing or fwearing of the iaid League and Covenant, or ofany other Covenants or puM ^ Oaths concerning the Government of the Churcli or Kingdom ; And that none offerto renew or ^ the fame, without His Majifies fpccial warrand and approbation, Sr. 7 ^o, conform to the cf Parliament aforjaid, declare. That I do with all humble duty ackrc-juledge JJis Biyal Prerogative, Right and Power in all the particulars, and in the manner ajoremer^ cned-, and that I do heartily give my eonfeitt thereto, by thefe prefents ■. Subfcribed by me, at" XII. M concerning the judicial proceedings in the time of the late Zdfurpers. FOrafmuch as fince the year of GOD, one thoufand fix hundred and fifty one, the late Ufurpers did take upon them to eftabliih Judicatories, fuperior anti inierior, Within 'this Nation; as Jude lor Adminiflration otjuftice, in place of the Judicatory of the Sefiion formerly eftablifhed by La\^ Commifliontrs for the Admirality, iiiieriffs of Shires, Commiilars, Juftices of Peace, and other inie! riour Courts. In which Courts tlie people did in name of the Ufurpers, or under the notion of the Keepers of the Liberties, profecuteand deiend their feveralCa'uies and Interefls, thefemany yearspaft And his Majcfiy confidering that the matters agitate, punuedand concluded, wqrelor the moftpart' things of courfe, belonging to the ordinary Judicatories formerly eftablifhed in this IGngdcm ; and being unwilling that the people ihould be put to any further trouble, where Matters have beenafted and Cales determined, according to Law : Iherefore, His Majcfiy, with cenient of the Eflates of Parliament, Declares, 1 hat all and whatfoever Afts, Interloquutors, Decreets and Sentences, made pronounced and given forth by the laids Courts, fuperior and inferior, with all execution thereupon* and all execution by Horning, liihibiLioii, Caption, Comprifing, Poyndingand others, to have been* and to be, v.tlid, and hand in full force, notwithftanding of the unlawlulnels of the Authority, by 'which thefe Courts were lield ; and the execution ufed: But becauie the Judges or Ctrnm’ft fioncrs tor Adminiflration of Juftice, did fometimes proceed in an arbitrary way, contrair toLaiv and Juftice; and at other times, many of thembeing flrangets and ignorant of the Law, did proceed Unwarrantably and unjuftly betwixt parties, Iherelorc, His Majcfiy, With colent fcrelaid, doth Declare, 1 hat w hatfoever perfon or perlons, hath any )uft reafon to quarrel their Aas, Inurlcqtiiitcis’ Dccicers, and Sentences, they are herety warranded and allowed to do the fane, witheut any Kea dudtion or Suipenfion, W'ithin the fpace of one year, next after the down-fitting of theSelfioii ; And ' if patties complaincrs be Minors, within the fpace of year and day, next aiter the} ihall attamthe age ot twenty one years compleat. Parties alwayes being lawiuUy cited thereto. And if any petlbn or pcri'ons, bccharged under the pain of Horning,Sul'pcnfion lhallbe granted to them upon Caution or it they be not able to find Caution, Jnper Cautione Juratoria. And if it fliall be found, that the complainer doth, without any juft ground, unneceflatiy vex the party coihplained upon, in that cafe, the Lords of the S'elfion are hereby authorized, to determine the parties damage and charges to be paid by the unjuft complainer. Likeas, all Decreets before the faids pretended Commiffioners for adminiflration ot Juftice. w hether given inabfence, or parties compearand, ate hereby allowed to be brought in queftion, reviled aud rccognofced, in manner forefaid. And whereas there be many Proccliesas yet depending undecided, upon Summons and Letters raifedin the faids Ufurpers names, the fame Procelles Ihall beallwakned in His Majefiies Name, and be put to a final clofe by the Lords of Scflion, as if they had been intended from the begiilning, in His Majefiies Name and Authority. And whereas, anyAfts or Decreets have been made or given forth in the Admiral Courts, or any o. thcrinleriour Courts, the fame may be brought in queftion before the Lords of Seffion, in the lame form and manner as was formerly eftablilhed byLaw and Pradick of this Kingdom. Andioraimuch as the faid Ufurpers, did from time to time, nominate and appoint CcmmiflionetS of Exchequer, having the lame power topafs all forts of Writs, Signators and otliers, and to difeufle 1 roccncsanaSulpcnfioiis, in tlie fame manner as Hisil/ia/V/y/fj-TreafurcrandCommiflioners, appoin¬ ted by His Mjjtfty, had power to do; Theretore, His Majefty , with advice and con/ent forefaid, Jor thegoodand eale ot His people (under the provifions under-written) doth Declare, all and what- locver Writs, Gifts, Signatois ot whatfoever nature and quality they be of , pafl and exped the I m'y grcat and quarter 5eals reJpeSfive, or paft according to pretended Orders for the time , when tn^e w^rc no beals, to be or tuil force and effe£t; Providing alwayes, that where any Signators were paft in Exchcquc" under the Ufurpers, and tlie Compofition paid, aud yet not paft the Seals , the ame fliallbc prelciucdand part m Exchequer, de novo, if there be reafon therefore, without any Com- po ition; and where Kelignations only have been made upon Procuratories in the Ufurpers time, Sig¬ nators may w ithout new rclignation pals thereupon. It is alfo provided, that this Aft be no wife ex- n “‘Lands, Teindsand others, paft to the prejudice of His nor toGilts of Baltardic, oniltimus Hares, unlefs the lame be of new ratified and approven by His Majefiies Ireaiuret Ktng CHALILES the II. i66i.' ll’ _ _ _ _ .. Wore and Commiffioneh of Exchequer, nor to any other Gifts, Confirmalions, Charters inaaon, where the faids Gifts, Conhrmat.ons and Charters were made and granted . in licmdicc TanV who had former rights granted unto them by His Mijefy of His lloval Jlthcr of blefled memory, under their Seals, or Paft their Royal Hands. And generally providina *hat all and whatfoever Gifts, Grants, Commiffions, Charters and other Writs whatfoei ^ paif in feebequer, aiid through the Seals in the Ufurpers time, and all aiid whatfoever Ads and &:ntcnce.s Monounced and given forth by them, lhall and may, be called in qiieflion at the lilftance of any of ^5 people, who may pretend to have beerr uiijuftly wronged aiid prejudged thereby; And that upon complaints to be giveninto 'iiiisMajefties Trealiirerand Commillioners of Exchequer, wherciii jjey fliali have power to determine, as they flail think juft aiid rcafonablc; XIII. •0 and offer of Fetirty thoufand founds Sterling, to he paid to the Kings Majefly yearly dih ^ ring His lifetime by this Kingdom Eftates of Parliament, taking to their confideration, the great happinefle this Kingdom hath > I informer time injoyed, under the Government of His Maj flies Royal Anceftots, with the mi- fetics and bondage, which by the neglcft and contempt of the . Authority, and commands of His R oval Father of bleffed memory, it hath groaned under, during thefe twenty years troubles. And that tlK Kings Majefty, hath been gracioufly pleafed Qiotwithftanding of all the provocations given to jiimfelf andHis RoyalFather} to evidence His affeftion and favour to this His ancient Kingdom, com¬ forting and reviving it, by the Rayes of His Royal Government and Authority, under the ptotcefti- pn of wltich, the juft Liberties , Freedom and Intereft of this Kingdom, and the Subjefts thereof, jte, and can only be, fecured ; Do with all humble duty, thankfulnefle and fincerity, acknowledge His Majejiies unparallel’d Grace and Goodnefle. And that as their happinefle doth depend upon tlic Safety of His MajeftiesVaioa, and the eftablifliment and exercife of His Royal Authority and Greatnefle : So this Kingdom will be ready at all occafions. to offer their Lives and Fortunes againft all deadly, in every caufe, wherein His Majejiies Perfon, Authority, Prerogative, or Government may be concerned. And feeing, for the due eftablifliment of His Majejiies Authority, and fetthng and fecuting the peace of this Kingdom, His Majejly may have occafion, for fome time, to rail'c and keep fome Forces witliin the Kingdom; and that the late troubles will at prelent, nccefTitate a Water expence, for fupport of the Royal Government, then formerly, ind that His Majejly hath lignified His refolution, not to taife any more Sefs; Therefore, and from the due fenfe of their duty and obligations, die Eftates of ParHament, Do in name of the Kingdom, make humble and cheat- full offer to his Majejly, of a yearly Annuity, of Fourty thoufand pounds iter ling, during all the dayes of His 'Majejiies lifetime , which they pray may be long and prolperous, that this Kingdom may have further occafion, to let the world know, they do above all things, hate the very thoughts of difloyalty, and that no people under Heaven, can expreffe more duty and obedience to the Au. tliotity and Commands of their Soveraign, then they ate, and will be ready to do. XIV. 1 - f 'Act for raijing the Annuity of Fourty thoufand 'pounds Sterling, granted to His Majefty. THc Eftates of Parliament, in purfuance of their KSi, of die date the twenty two day of this inftant; whereby they have made offer to m^UajeJly of the fum of Fourty thoufand poun^ 'Sterline yearly during all the dayes of His Majetties lifetime, towards the entertainment of any fudi Forces as His Majefy fliaU think fit to raife and keep up within this Kingdom; or otherwayes towards the defraying of the neceffary charge of His Government, according to His Royal plcafurc, Appoints and Ordains the faid fum of Fourty thoufand pounds Sterh'ng, beingFour hundred four- fcote thoufand pounds Jrofr money, to be raifed, levied, coUed-ed and paid, in manner under-written; viz. Ninty fix thoufand pounds Scots thereof to be raifed yearly off the Inland Salt and Forraign Commodities aftetmentioned; To wit, tlireefcore twelve pounds icotr upon ilk Tun ofopamlh Wine^ Cannary, Malvefie, and aU other Wines of the like kind ; Fourty eight pounds money forclaid, upori iEt Tun of French Wine, and twelve pennies money forefaid, upon ilk pint of Vineger; fixpoimds ijpon ilk Barrel of Imported Soap : fourty fliillings up^oii ilk Boll of Forraign Bey-ialt, and The firfl ^Parliament tf Linlithto'jj Mcallirc; twenty IhiUings upon ilk Boll ot imported Wiiite-falt, andfiiteen ihillingj , ills. Boll otln-land dalt, meafure forefaid : But prejudice nevertlielefs to the preleut Tuckf-mea ofV" Fotrein and In-landSalt, during the time fet to them by the Commiflioners of Excife, to exaft tl 1 Hates tlicrcin mentioned: twelve pennies money forefaid, upon ilk pound of Tobacco, imported bv •the Natives of tliis Kingdom, from the Tobacco Plantations, and three Ihillings upon ilk pou„d j J ported thence by Eorreigners. /re»; three Ihillings upon each pound of Tobacco, imported bythcNa' tives of this Kingdom, from any other place then the forefaids Plantations , and fix IhiUings upon ilk pound imported'’byForreigners; twelve IhiUings uponilkEUof Cloath imported into this Kingdom a bove fix pounds the Ell, and fix fhilhngsupon ilk Ell of imported Cloath at or below fix pdunds di" £11: fix IhiUings the Ell upon all fort of imported Searges; three IhiUings upon ilk Ell of Callilians J other imixirtcd Worftead Stuffs whatfoever ; three IhiUings upon ilk EU of all forts ot imported Hj Stuffs vvhatfoever ; three pound twelve IhiUings upon the Piece of ilk Bavet-Hat , one pound fixllid lings upon Uk Demy-baver andVigon, and twelve iliiUings upon thePiece of aU other forts ofHats im' ported into thisKingdom ; one pound fixteen IliilUngs upon thedozenofaU imported Worftead Stock' ins; twelve IhiUings upon the pair ot double Stag-gloves; fix IliiUings upon the pair of Angle Stags and Cordivans; three IhiUings upon iUt pair of Kids, Sheep and Lamb Leather, and aU other fort of Gloves; one pound fixteen IliiUings upon ilk Trunk of the largeft fize; one pound four Ihil lings upon ilk Ifunk of niiddUng fize ; twelve Ihillings money forefaid upon ilk Leather Male of the largeft fize ; fix IliiUings upon ilk 1-eather Male of middling fize , imported into tins Kingdom , and one IliiUing, aU Scots money forefaid, upon the pound value of aU other Forreign Commodities (except the particulars alter excepted) to be paid by the Retailer: that is to fay , The firft Buyer of the faids Commodities from the Importer or Salkmaker of Inland Salt or by the faids Importer or Salt-makers, for what they lhaU either make ufe of themfelves, or fell out 111 Pracels. Item twenty IhiUings upon ilk Horfe; eighteen IliiUings upon ilk Cow, andtwoUiiUinss money forefaid upon ilk Sheep imported into this Kingdom, to be paid by the Importer thereof. The particular ordering and regulating of the which Excife of the Commodities above-written, is hereby remitted to the Conimiilioners of Excife, who are to put the lame in Farm er CoUeftion to tlie beft avail Provided alwayes, likeas it is hereby exprefly provided, tliat the Forreign Commodities aftetmen. tioned ; viz. All Salt imployed upon BarreU’d filh, whether tranfported out of this Kingdom or made ufe of within the fame; All Pitch, Tar, Cordage, Cork, Nets,Iron, Copper, Brafs; Tin Unmade Pot-alhes, Oyl, and aU other ingredients for Soap; all Flax, Hemp and Flops, untwined Silk; all Mate! rials for dying; all Deals, Trees, Stings for Coupers, Kiiapl, Wainfeot, Planks, and Oak-wood what- foever for Ihipping; Barrelftaffs or Materials whatfoever for filhing; aU .Suggars, brought from the Plantations in Jeofr-bottomes; aU unfined Suggar, brought from any place: As alfo , all Materials for Manufadhirics, as Sj/amjh and Sigmta Wool and others, are and fliall be free of any Excife impofed by vertue of this prefent Act. And the remainder of the forefaid four hundred fourfeore thoufand pounds Jbefj money, being three hundred eighty fourthoufand pounds, to be raifed out of the Bear, Ale, Aquavitxand’ftroiig. waters, at the rate of two nierks Scots upon ilk Boll of Malt, brewed and fold witliin tliis King, dom; three IhiUings money forefaid upon ilk pint of Aquavits or Strongwaters not made of Malt brewed and fold within this Kingdom ; fix IhilUiigs upon ilk pint of Forreign Aquavits or ftrongwaters] and twelve Ihillings upon ilk Barrel of imported Bear : And what tliis impofition fliaU be lhortof the quota of Excife, impofed upon the feveralShires andButghsby the Lift under-written, the fame to be lupplied by the faids Shires and Burghs, in lieu of the Malt brewed in their own houfes, in manner after-mentioned. Likeas it is hereby declared, that tliefaid fevcral Sliires and Burghs lhaU be, and are by thefe ptefents lyable in the payment of the refpeiftive Monethly proportions under¬ written, viz. arc The Sheri^fTiom ot Edinburgh principal (the Town of Edinburgh ahd pertinents excepted) in the luni of two diouland fix hundred threefcore four pounds, Scots money forefaid, monethly. Flic Town of Edinburgh, comprehending Camiongate, South and North-Leith , with the whole pendicles and pertinents, in the fum of three thoufand feven hundred thirty two pounds. The Sheriffdom oi Haddingtouu, and Burghs witliin the fame, in the fum of one thoufand fix hun- drccl iourlcorc fifteen pound'. TheSheriftdom of comprehending the Bailery oiLauderdale, and Burghs within thefame, in the him oi fix liundted ten pounds fixteen lliilUngs. 7oun?sSeTlhUli“"‘^'' ^ *tcn Ml^gs” Burghs within the fame, in the fum of one hundred fifty three pounds '^'teifllh£gr°^^"^" and Burghs within tfee fame, in the fum of one hundred thirty feven pcimds J King CHARLES the II. i66i Aft _ iheTown otGlafg^, m the fum of one thoufand feven hundred fourty four pounds four jhe Sheriffdom ot Thimfrieze and Burghs within die fame, in the fum ol five hundred threcfcorc fix teen pounds. •Xhe ShenfFdom of Wtgtoun and Burglis within the fame, in the fum of two hundred four nounds twelve lliiilings. v ’ll-.cStewartry of Kirkendhurgh and Burghs widiin the fame , in the fum of three hundred fourtv eight pounds. Xhe ShenfFdom of and Burg^Iis within the fame, in the fum of one theufand fix hundred three fcote filtcen pounds fixtcen millings. Xhe Sheriffdom of T>uuidrtoutt and Burghs within the fame, in the fum of one Iiundred foutfeore fourteen pounds. "Xhe Sheriffdom of Bute and Burghs within the fame, in the fum of fifty fevien pounds. Xhe Sheriffdom of Reifre-m and Burglis within the fame, in the fum of four hundred fifty feven pounds four ftiillings. ■' Xlie Slienffijpm oi Stirling and Burghs within the fame, in the fum of nine hundred twenty pounds eight iliillings. X he Slicriffdom of Linli thgow and Burglis witliin the fame, in the fum of feven hundred fourfeorc nine¬ teen pounds four iliillings, Xhe Sheriffdom of K earth and Burghs Within the fame, in the fum of two tlioufand three hundred thteefcore fourteen pounds fixtcen iliillings. XheSlietifFdom oiKit.catrdeH and Burghs within the fame, in the fum of three hundred thteefcore three pounds twelve iliillings. . The Sheriffdom of Aberdeen and Burghs within the fame, in the fum of two thoufand five hundred and eighteen pounds nineteen lliilhngs. Xhe Sheriffdom ot Bamff and Burghswithin the fame, in the fum of three hundred fourfeorc feven pounds three IhiUings. TlieSlierifTdomof Innernefi and Burglis within the fame, in the fum of fix hundred fourfeorc fourteen pounds eight Iliillings. The Sheriffdom of ElginznA Nairn and Burghs within the fame, including that part of the Paroch of Fertn-tojh, which pertains to the Sheriffdom of Hairn, in the fum of five hundred tliirty fix pouiidsfour Iliillings, TlieSlierifFdoni otCromarty and Burghs widiin the fame, inthelum of thirty pounds. Ihe Sheriffdom of Ar^le and Burghs widiin the fame, in the fum of one hundred foutfeore thirteen pounds fixtcen fhilhngs. The Sheriffdoms of Fife and jfrwro/raiidBUrglis widiin the fame, in die fum of four thoufand four- fcorc eight pounds eight IhiUings. The Sheriffdom bf Forfar and Burghswithin die fame, except as is after excepted, in the fum of one thoufand foutfeore four pounds four fhillings. The Town and Paroch of Sawr/ff, with the Miln and Miln-laiids thereof, in one thoufand one hun¬ dred thteefcore two pounds four fhillings. The Sheriffdom of and Burghs widiin die fame, in the fum of threefeore twelve pounds twelve ihillingi . . TlieSlieriffdombi^ijfr^r;^ and Burghs within die fame,ih tliefum of onehundred thirty three pounds four Iliillings, The Sheriffdoms oiOrkudy and Zetland and Burglis within the fame, in the fum of one himdrcdfour- fcore thirteen pounds fixteen IhiUings. The Sheriffdom oiClackmannan and Burghs within die fame, in the film of two hundred fourty two pounds two iliillings. The Sheriffdom of Rofs and Burghs within die fame, in the fum of two hundred and four pounds. Andifdie Excife impofed upon the Inland Salt and Forreign Commodities, fliall exceed the forefaid fum ot ninety fix thoufand pounds, appointed by this Ad to be raifed off the fame, then the fiiferjilus to be imployed and madeufeof, by fuchas lliall beintruftedby His Maje(ly with that affair, ior the relief of liich Shires and Burghs, as they fliall find to be overburdened, or difproporrioiiat by die forefaid Lift. And tor the better and more fpeedy inbringiiig and payment ot the laid three hun¬ dred and eighty tour thoufand pounds, the Kings Majejly, with advice and confciit of HisEftates, of Parliament, nominates, appoints, and ordains the perfoiis underwritten, to be Comniinioncrs Within die tefpe&ve Sliircs and Burghs for regulating, ordering and uplifting of the laid Excile; B 3 Edinburgh. M The firfl Parliament of Edinburgh. For the Sheriffdom of Edinburgh principal , the Town of Edinburgh and pertinents exceprc.,1 Lord Ramfay, Walter 'Loti. Torfhichen, James Lord horrefter. Sir James Fouls ( Collingtoun, the Lairds oiHaltoun elder and younger. Sir JohnWauchof of Nidrie, Sir AUxa der ilalmahoy olthat ilk, S'ajohn Nicoljon olPoltoun, Sir JamesT)undaso{Arnifloun,Sis‘lf' Confer ol Coger, Adam Curinghame of Woodhall, George Fouls of Ravelpon, Sir John Fouls" V fon, Ht.Juhn Tonng of Leny, Mr. Robert Preftoun ofPreftoun, Patrick FiamtltounolPrea^ Sir William Murray Maljerof work, Mr. Lawrence Scot oiBaviUa, James Boyd of Temple s”’ Robert Murray ol Cameron , Mr. Alexander Fouls ol Rat ho , Sir John Smith of Grothel ^ ’pj ward EdgarolPefer-milne, John Bi^er olWolmet, Doby ol Stainie-hill ’ jyk' William Little ol Over Libertoun, %vcJohnGibfon ol Adefoun, Mark Kerfe younger o*fC fen, Mr. Robert Plalgleifli of Louriftoun, SitThomas Thomfen of Dudinfioun, Sir WtlUam Mi ray ol Newt oun, Henry Elfhingfioun olfalderhall, Ramfay olWhythill, Thom' Craig olRickertoun, William Murray olLong-harmiftoun, Alexander Calderwood in Tlalkeith the eldefl Baily olMufSelburgh tot the time being. ’ for the Town ol Edinburgh, the Magiftrates and Council for the time being. ^ Haddingtoun. For the SlicriUdom olHaddingtoUu and Burghs within the fame, William'FiAol Roxburgh, John Earl of Haddingtoun, John Harlot Tweddal , Alexander Vifeount of Kingfioun, John Lord Bel haven. Sit Robert Dowglas olBlaikerftoun, Hefburn ol Wauchtoun, Rnthven ot TdunglaJS, Sir Peter Wedderburne of Goffurd , Francis Kir, loch of Gilmertoun, Mr. Alexander Hay olBaro, Mr. John Hay of Aberlady , Mr. Cornelius Ingld of Eafl-barnes , James Lawder Baily in Dunbar , William Seatoun Provoft of Haddingtoun , Sit J.imes Hay ot Lindflumf, Sir Robert Hefburn of Keith, George Cockburn Tutor of Ormefloun Sir Thomas Hamiltoutt otPrelioun, Sir Alexander Morifon olPrefton-grauge , John Seatoun ol Saintgermams, Sir James Durham of LufnefS, George Hoorn ol Foord, Leadiiw, toun of Siiltcoats, Hefburn of Smetjom, ' Batly of North-Berwick Alexander Cockburn, " * Linhthgow. For the Sheriffdom ol Linlithgow and Burghs within the fame, William Duke of Hamikoun, GeorgeFitX otLiuhthgow, Walter Loti Torfhichan, Bit Archibald Stirling ol Cardef , Thomas Drummond of Rickertoun, Sir James Stewart of Kirkhill, Mr. Archibald Camfbel of Kim fount. Nit. John Fatrholm ol Craigiehall , William Sharf of Houftoun, Robert Hamiltoun of Dechmond, Sir Robert Drummond of Meidhof, George Drummond of Carloury, James Dundas ot Mortoun, Ntt.John Stewart of Ketleftoun, Mr. Thomas Hamiltounol Parklie, Mr. John Hay ot W oodcockdeal, Mr. Andrew Keir in BurroWftonnefs , Mr. James Hamiltoun of IFeftfort, Tho¬ mas Hamiltoun ot Bathgate, Patrick Murray of LeVii gfioun, Mr. William Sandilands of Hil- derftonn, Alexander Levitgjloun of Craigingall, fuch of the Magiftrates of Linlithgow for the time being as ate not Brewers, ArchibaldWilfon in Queensferry, Pearth. For the Sheriffdom of Pearth and Burghs within the fame, James Marquefs of Montrofe , John Earl ot Athol, James Earl of Tultb,irdin , Patrick Earl of Ilinghorn, David Vilcount of Stor'- mont, James LotiDrummond, JamesLoti Cowfer, David Loti Lour, DavidLoxiMadertie, Thomas Lord Ruthven, JamesLoti Rollo, Patrick'Mi&ot of Gray, Mungo Murray of Gairth, Sitjfhn Drummond of Burn-bank, Sit John Moncrief ol that ilk, John Camfbel olGlenurtjuhay, Sit John ChilholmolCromlicks, Sit JamesDrummondol Machany, S\t Thoms Stewart olGoirn- tuUie, Sir William Stewart of Innereytie, SitGeorgePrelioun olValefield, Sir Robert Nairnol St rat hour d. Sir William Graham of Braco, Sir James Merfer olAdie, Bit Gilbert Stewart olPilcatk, Robert Murray ol Abercairny , Alexander Menzies of that ilk, Thomas Nienzies ol Inchaiffray, Patrick Graham ol Inchbraikie, Nit. John Nairn ol^Auckerfie, Robert Meiiizies ol Glaflie, Robert Bitch, innan of that ilk, Mr. David Kinloch of Bandoch, Henry Stirling of Ardoch, John Kinloch of Gourdie, George Hay ol Kirkland, George Hay of Balhoufie , Law¬ rence Olifhant ot Bachletoiin , W illiam Murray flar of Ochtertyre , Patrick Raitray ol Craig- hall, John Camfbel ot Fordie, William Blair of Kinfains, Robert Murray ol Buchantie, If'il- Him Ogilvie ot Miiry, David Drummond of Innermey, Henry Murray of Lochlene , Andrew Tojheoch ol Montvnird, George Graham ol Moiizy , Patrick Stewart ol Ballenhane , Mungo Criuam ot Gorthy, ttobert Camfbel of Glenlyon, Alexander Robertfon of Strowan, Alexander Stewart King CHARLES the 1 1. i66i. 55 ■t:,rs,art of Fojfe, Jjhii Nairn of Seggicdene, John lilair o{ Edbiair , lohn Stewart %fs, Mxavder Robertjon oiN„d, Ji^hn Heuderfou ot Brabfter , T)u,'ica„ Robert fji o( J.Ji John Stewart -deii , Sir Gideon Scot of Baychefler, Sir Tlomas JCer of Cavers, Robert Ker of Gait'fhaw , Robert Ker of Crathnhalt Renry Mackdowgal of Mackairfluun, John Rutherfoord of Edgerftjun, Mr. Gilbert Elliot of Crmgend, Patrick Scot oiThirleftdin, John .Ker of Elifimch, James Linlithgow of Elry. orange, f.,Uuim Ker of Sunderlandhall, Henry. Ker cf Ltntoun, John Turnbut of Mmto , Robert frtngle of Stetihel, John Scot of Gorrenberrv , Robert Ker of Graden , Robert Scot of Hir. ■wood, Robert Trugle of Cliftoim , Mr. John Scot of Langjhaw, Alexander Done of Newtoun, Qavtn Elhot ofGrarge, Ai.drew Ker of Littledain, mA'Patric,' . . „ . , PatnekDone tkrfcerd ’Ptovofk of Jedburgh, andj^iu6« Rutherfoord^Afy. John Rii- Selkirk. Forthe Sheriffdom, of and Burghs widiirt the fame, John Murray of Philiphavgh, Tho. )nas Scot ofWhttlaid, Sir Tloomas Ker of Fairiiely, the Laird of Whitebavk AAtx, John Rtddcl oiBiiirtHg, William Scot of Smtottn, William Scot of Hartwood,myres, William Scot of Tulhe- kw, John Murray of Efchefteil, John Scot of Wall, Patrick Murrav of Helmburne , Thomas Scot of Todrig, John Scot of Langhop, AiidrPw Scot of BowhiU, Mr. John A.rgus and Robert El- hot itiSelkirk', Lanetick. Forthe SheriffdomofiiTwwV^and Burgliswithinthefame, William Duke of Himlltoun, 'hA of Carnwaih, IjotA Fleming, Sit James Lockhart of Lee, Sir Wtlltam Biiilzieof Lamingtoun, Sit Rsbert Hamiltoun of Silvertmmhill, William Lmd fey of Covingtoun, Sit Tho¬ mas Baniiltoun afPreHoP', Sir James Murehead of Lac hop. Sit William Weir ot Stave-brres, Sir JiJWM Hamiltom of Orbejioun, Gavin Hamiltcun of Raploch, James Hamtltoun of D tlzel, SixVV alter Stewart of AUentoun, Alexander Hamiltoun of fiaggs, John Ballentrne ofCorehotife, Sirjawfr Carmichael of Bomiieteun, James Hamtltoun.of Woodhall , Thomas Stewart of Ctilt- tiejs, James Siewart of Turret/s, William Jt.glit of Eafijhetl, Alexander .Mrinztes of Culie- rawes; John Roberton of Earrock, Mr. Archibald Fleming of Fairne, Mr. Archibald Robertoun of Bedlay, Claud Bailzie of Batgbte, Wtlliam LindfayofEelflane, Robert Chancelor of Sheil- hill, VV i Hi am Bailzie of Litt leg! I, James Murehead of Bradyjholme, John 'Weir of Cluu- burn, James Cleland of that ilk, Samuel Lockhart of Mr. John H.imiltvun of Grene , Waiter Lockhart of Kirktoim , James Hamiltoun Commiffar of LanertcL, Mr. Henry Scot of Mo^ennane , and James Thretplaud of two of the Mii- giftrates of Latehck for the time being, and two of the Magiftrates of Rutherglen for the time For the Town of Glalgow , whieh is excepted out of the Sheriffdom of Lanerict , the Magh ftrates and Council for the time being. Drumfries. . ■ - , For the Sheriffdom ofTJya^wVr and Burghs within the fame, Robert'^saXofKfithiJdail, James Earl of Qiuensberry, Gavin Earl of Carnwath, James Earl of Annar-datl, William X-oxADrurh- langng, l6 The fyft ‘Pnrliamevt of IdVifil, Roiert Fergnjfui! of Craigdonnoch , fames Hunter of BalLigen, Sir Robert Murriv t Clenmurc, Robert Ttalzel youn(;er otGknte, James Chrightoun of St.heonards, Robert M wel oi Cairnfillocb, Gilbert Richart of Barshimmng, William ‘Dcnglas of Mortonn y, Johii/loun o( Coreheid younger, Sir James Johnfloun oiWeflerhiU, 'Drumfries, JamesGreer'Xntor oiGag, Ambrofe Johnjioun or 'Todetn, John Scot or Ne-oubny, Christopher JohhftoutiolBuriiegleif Hugh Sinclair oilngleftotm. 'S*. Air. For the Shcriffaom of Air and Burghs within the fame, William Earl of Glencairn, Lord H' k Chancellor of Scotlaid, Hugh Earl of Eglingtoun, John Earl or Lowdoun , WtlliamEtr] ot2)r fries, James Lord Kilmares, Alexander Lord Montgomery, John 'LsirAMachline, Lord’ Creightouii , Alien hord Cathcart , William hard Boyd, JohnXjxd Bargenie , Will Lord Cochrane, William Maftcrof Cochrane , Sit Robert Montgomery of Sleln.or ’lte Bar*”^** Sir “David Cunningham of Robertland Baronet, John Blair of that ilk, Sir William Mo^r‘'\ Ro-oualand, Robert Montgomery oi Heffilheid. JamesDunlopoi tWr Sis,, David Montgomery ( hangjhaw, Robert Kcr younger of Kerjland, John Cunningham of Bed land, David B^l burn, John Montfod of that ilk , Sit Hugh Camphel of Ce\nock , Sir James Dalrimpk of ■ John Chmbers or Gaitgirth, John Cochran or Ochiltry, David Bo\-wel oi AnchinUch , ff'’"’ CrightouH of St. Leonards , David Blair of Adamtoun, James Crightoun of Cafilemains^Qa bert Ritchie or Barshmmin, Cunningham of “Erivtck, William Campbel of Gl\ nock, Kennedie clCulen, Mure oi Achindrain, Ret die ol Kirkmichael, Thomas Kennedie oi Balterfan, ^‘O‘^°^'l^ochreg, JamesCram ford oiArdnii lion, and Kennedie of Crngoch, the Provcfc and fiaihes of Ar lor rh' time being, and the Ptovoftand nvo firft Baihes of Irrviutoirhe tune beuig. Dunbartoun. . For the Sheriffdom of Dunbartoun and Burghs within the fame. Lord Flemint S' John Colquhotin oi laifs, John Naper oi Kilmahew, Robert Hamiltounoi Barnes, isir Humphrri Cblquhoun oi Balvey, William Bontin oi Ardoch, John Semple yo\sa«g.r oi Fulwood, Aulay Mack auiay iar oi ArducaptU, Archibald Stewart oiScottiftoun, James tlemingo, Oxgaiig,Mt. fame’s Fleming oiB iloche, MAior George Hoble, Walter IVatfon, John Cunningham, Robert Watjon and John Smollat Burgefies of Dunbarton. ’ Argyle. For the Sheriffdom oi Argyle and Burghs witliin the fame, the Laird oi Gletmrquhay, S'lsDoueat Camphel of Auchitbreck, Donald Campbel oiBarbreck, Sir James Caw mont or Inneryne, Alexan. der Macknachtan oiDimderave, Archibald Campbel oi Kilmun ,Sivc Hugh Campbel oiCaddel, John MitckdowgaloiDuuolichte, Coleiii Campbel oi Lochrazel, Duncan Stewart or Ap'ne, Murdoch Macklean of Cochbowie , Heitor Macklean of CorL 'tsk , Archibald Campbel o, Glencarradel Mackdonnal of Cargy , Heitor MackaleiHer of l.ot:p , Colein MacklauchlanCin. tain oi hchconnel, Archibald CampbelYtt&oroilla, Dougal Campbel oi Dail, Duncan Campbel Baily of Ktrayre, the Provoft and Baylics of Inverary for the time bemg, aiid George Campbel. Fife and Kintofs. For theShcriffdoms of Fife and Kinrofs and Burghs within the fame, John Earl oiCrawfordLini. fqv Lord Highl'tealurer, John Earl of Rothes Prefident of the Council, Earl of Kelly, CzrioiWeymes, WiicoMM oi Stormont, Balgony, CorA Sinclair, FotA Burehly, Lord MHvifllHham Scot oiArdrofs BrrThtlipAnflruther ofthatilk, ^cThomasGourlay oi Kin. craig, SKDavidAuchmutyoirhAr^, Sir John Weymes oi Bogie, Mr. Alexander Merteyii of S , atnery. Sir Alexander Gibjon ot Dury, “Patrick Lindfey oiWormeftoun, Srrjohn Lefly or New. °\I<‘ntoiw, Sir H^ry Wardlay of “Pitrevy, Sir James HacietoiPitftr- C O } r, Cairny , Ur.Dasvid halfour oi Andrew Murray ^^^‘‘lochie Srr Andrew Ramfay of Abbotjhall, William Pitcairn oi Forfar, Ltudjey 7 TrR t L of Undfey of Mouth, A x^ZtlT fr n na ^‘^kforfar , James Clerk olpettincrief, £efs'^ Wrf/r/ °7 ^«r-f,Burgefs of St. Andrews , William Simpfon le xwTrBl fk ^o^ Burgefsofipr-iird^, George TurnbuU Buegeis ' i Cowper , A- Wigtoun AftJi: King CHARLES the 11. i66i. Wigtoun. foe tiie Sheriffdom oiWigtonn and Burghs within the llime, James Earl oiQalloway , Alexau. jfrlotAGairbes, Andrew Jgnew oi Lochnaw, 'Thomas of Mochrimi, Va- trick Mackdowaldoi Logan, William Stewart of Cajlleftewart, Vchtrick of French, gilliamGordouu of Cratthlaw, Sit JamesDalrimple of Stair, David Ttumbar of Baldon, llxaKder MacuUoch of Ardvall, John Murray of Brughtom, John HowSfoun of Drmnmaifoun, tt'iUiamStewart of Egirnefs, George Stewart of Tndergie, William Macgnffock of Alterry, Tho¬ mas Stewart of Glentark, Richard Murray of Brngbtmm younger, John MacenUoeb of Mjrtonri. Stevvartry of Kirkcudburgli. for the Slewartry of Kirkcudburgb and Burghs vhthin the fame, Robert Earl of jVr thifdail , James fatl of Galloway, Robert Vifeount of Kenmure , Alexander Lord Garlies , John Lord Herr is, ^i^yiToti. Kirkcudburgb, Robert Mzffet ofHerr'u, John Herns of May bie, Sit lames Murray of 'gabertoun, David Mackbrair of Newark, William MaxweloiKirkhouj'e,Ht. Alexander Sfotji tueodoi Sweetheart, Mt. Thomas Hay of Lands , lames Maxwel of Braikenjide , Roger Gordoun affroqtthen, WilliamGordounof Shirreners, Mt.WilliamGordcim of Earltfiotm, Robert Max- ^elofOrchartoun, William Mackleland of Collin, George Maxwel of Munjhes , Richard Mur¬ ray ofBroughtmm, Alexander Mackghie of Balmdckghie , William Greirfon of Bargatou , John Ccifan of Samtick, Gilbert Brown of Kempltoun , John Dumbar of Machirmore , John Mure, of GaJJincarie, RatrickMackie of Larg, Andrew Herrouu of Kiruchtrie , mSlohn Ewart of Mulltttk, the Pro voft and Bailies of for the time being, andtheProvoft ofNew- galh'o/ajfotthstmthcmg. ' Peibles. For the Sheriffdom of Teibles and Burglis within the fame, John Earl of Traquair, John Earl of fweddale, the Lairds of Blackbarrsmie elder and younger, William Murray of Stainhage , Sir John Vaitcb of Daick, johnVaitcb his fon, Sit Michael Naefinith of Toffa, Silr Robert Murray cf Skirling, Robert Hunter of ‘Polmude, Willi am Horfburgh of Horfburgh , Walter Murray of "Balmyre, Adam Murray of Cardan, James Geddes of Kirkttrd, John Murray of Romanno, jVlr. JohnDickfmi of Whitfleed, Alexander Bailzie of Flemingtom-milne , Mr. John Hay of Hayftotm, George Tait ofTirue, Mr. William Burnet of Cringeltie, George Brown of Scotftonn, WiUiam Brown of Stevinfou, James Law fon of Cairtmure, WilliamGovenof Cardrona, Hami Itoun of Caldcoat. Bure. For the Sheriffdorft of snd Butghs within the fame, William jyoktofjlamiitonn, Sit James ' Stewart SanaSof Bute, Deugal Stewart Mifon, HeBor Bannatine of Beams, Nivian Stewart pf Kikatten, Ninian Stewart of Afiboa^ John Stewart of Ardinho, John Hamiltoun , Baily of Arran, William Hamiltoun of Coats, James Stewart of Kifiiwhinlick , and John Glask of Branfer, the ProTOft and Bailies of Rothfay for the time being. Stitline. Fotthe Sheriffdom of StirlinesisA Burghs within the fame, Willidm Duke of Hamiltoun, James ¥atoysi&of Montrofe, . ^&tf of Wigtoun, James Tzxlof Callender, Lord Fleming, James Lord ForreBer, Alexander Levifigjloun Nevoy to the Earl of Callender , Sit William Levingfloun of WeHqmrter, Sir Robert Elyhiiigfloun of Quarrel, Normaud Leving- ftotm of Milne hill, Mr. Andrew Of-wald of D alder k, John Rollo ot Woodjide, William Bruce of Newtcun, Thomas Elphingftom of Catherhall , Jon Murray of Tolmais , James Seatoun of Touch, Skjohn Rollo of Bannackburne , Sir Charles Erf kin of Alva, William Stir line of Her- krt/hire, Alexander Monroof Bearcrofts, Sit James Levin^oim of Kilfyth, , Ha- •miltoun oiTardewie, John Stirline of Banket, Sir George Stir line of Keir , Si\t Mungo Stirline of Glarati Buchaunan of that, ilk, Alexander Glafs of Coltinghoofe , Sir John Stir- line of Carden younger, Walter Leckie of Defhors, John Leckie of that ilk, Alexander Cunning¬ ham of Bowhan, sad-Mt. Alexander Nairn of EaTter-Greenydrds, the Provoft, Bailies, Dean of Gild, and Treafurerof the Town of Stir line for the time being. Bamff For the Sheriffdom of and Burghs within the fame, WiTUam^tfof Marjhal, lacA of Findlator, Walter Ogilvy oCBoyne, Sit John Gordounof ‘Park , Sit AkxanderVrquhar't ^^T^tinlugus j, Williapi Innes of ^ Mr. *John Abercrombis of Glaffocb, George Gordoun of ^ornbank , Alexander Garden of Trouf ; James Junes of Auchrosk , bit C Alexander I3 The firjl ‘Parliament of Alexander Abercrombie olBirkinboge, William‘DalgarnooiBlackwater , Alexander n ■vie of Kemfcairth The Provoft and Bailies of the Town of Bamffioc the time being, and the - - ■ ' ■ lipiiiiT '^es olCnlen for the time being. Sutherland. For the Sheriffdom of Sutherland and Burghs within tlie larrte) Earl of Sutherl George Lord Stranaver, Lord Rue, Alexander Lord ‘Duffuf, Robert Gordo Langdail, Sir Robert G or doan oiEmbo, Robert Gray of Skibo, RobertGordoun oi Carrol « Macly o{ Sco-airy, An gut Macky oi Melnies , John Sutherland oiClyne, William GorJo"*^^- ‘DalphoUie, the Provoft of for tlie time being, oaid. Alexander Gordoun 'oa» of :e. Clackmannan. For the Sheriffdom of Clackmannan and Burghs witliin the fame, Henry Bruce of Clackman Sit Charles Erskin of Alva, Mr. Robert Bruce of Schanbodie, John Nicolfin of Diliicultrie vid Bruce of Kennet, William Stirline of Herbert/hire, Mi.lfhomasNafer UiiymAllaway v" trick Burn of Sheirdel, and John Keirie in Allaway. Elgin. For the Sheriffdom of Elgin and Burghs within the fame, Alexander Earl of Murray, Alexa J Lord Ttuffus, lames Grant of Freuchie, Sir Robert Innes of that ilk, Thomas Mat ken i^ie oiVl% car din. Sit Robert Innes of Muirtoun, lames Brodte of tfatifk, Robert Cuming of Altar, Walt' KinnairdofCubin, Sit Alexander Jnties of CokBoun, Sit Robert Dunbar of Grainghil, lohnSt art of Newtoun, Alexander Dowglafsof Syeiney, AlexanderTullochofTannachie, David‘S' bar of Dunfail, George Innes of Caldcoats , lolsn Grant of BallandoUoch , Patrick Grant”} Achehangin, William Grant of Cardels, lames Grant of Achernick, the Provoft and two Ba'I of the Burgh of Elgin for the time being, the Provoft and cldeft Baily of the Burgh of Forres for the t being. . inie Innetnefs. For the Sherifflomof/«»ff»e/f and Burghs within the fame, the Earl of Murri^, theEatlof Seal f lames Grant of Frtuc hie, Lauchlan Mackinto^j Uncle to the Laird of Mackint^j, John Forbes f Cullodin, Hugh Frafer of Belladrum, Alexander Mackintojh younger Of Connedgr, Hugh Frafe of Foyer , Donald Mackintoflj of Oldourte, Mt. Roderick Mackeinzie of Kilmure, Alexat der GrahamofDrynie, Sit John Vrquhart of Cromarty, Alexander Dunbar of Kennedjield, Kenneth Mackeinzie ofCoul, Roderick Mackeinzie ofDavachmaluake, RederickMackeinzie yoonoetof Ferburn, Colein Mackeinzie of Reidcaftle, John Cuthbert of Caftlehtll , Eune Macpherfonlmtsi ofCluny, Sit NormanMackleod of Kernary, John Grant of Garthiimore , Mungo Grant of Cun sugars, lames Grant of Shetiglie, theProvoft and Bailies of /w/erwe/jr for the time feing lames A^ derfou and Robert Innes in Forterofe, the Provoft and one of tlie Bailies of Dingwal fet the time being. Cromarty. For the Sheriffdom ofrrownrfj)' and Burghs within the faine , Sii lohn Vrquhart of Cromarty A. lexander Vrquhart oiKivnudie^ Alexander Clunes ^^diyoiCrmarty. Renfrew, ForthcSheriffdomofJ?f»/>-eKiand Burghs withintlie fame, HughEiA of Eglingtomt, lamesLoti Alexander EoM Montgomery, George Lotd Rofs, William Eotd Cochrane, William MSfotofCochranc, the Lairds of elder and younger, the Lairds ofBlackhalle\d-z/eez/ior the rime being, the Provoft and two Bailies of Kintofe for 1 tiwebsing, JohuJohniloun Q'ii\y of Invertiry, sniWi Ilium Fergufony owgtr Burgcfs there. ffofs. For the .SherifFdom oiRofs and Burghs within the fame, Kenneth'Scrrlof Seefe^t, SirGeorgeViac, -. (diTarbit, David Rofs of Beluagonie, John Monro younger of Foulis, David Rqfs of Ten- •Ivie jVilBam Rofs of Grunord, Walter innes of Inuerbreckie, Hebior Dow^las of Muldarg', % FloryFickenzie of Afjint, Mr.Fhomas Mackenzie of Inerlael, Sit William Sinclair of May, jilt am Sinclair of Dunbsaih, Bvt George Monro of Qtlkairn, and James Hay Burgefsof Tam. Kincardin. , • ■ For the Sheriffdom of Kincardin and Burghs within die fame, William Earl of Mar pal, John t xfofMtddletoun,, Alexander Lord Halkertoun, and in hisablence Alexander Mafter of Halkartoun , Alexander Strqton of that ilk , Sir John Keith, Alexander E innerman of Elfick, and Bannerman his fon, David Ramfay younger of Bal- «‘aw Six japies'Stramehan of Thorntom, Sit Robert Grethamaf Morfhie, Six Alexander Burnet ‘iLeyes, SitFran'ek Ogflvte yomxget of New-grange, John Barklay of Johiiftoun , Colortel Hfzz* Z Bar kitty of Knox:, Arthur Str atom of Snadoun, Falconer of Glenforquhar, Rdert Keith of Whitrsggs , WtUiam Rait younger of Halgrein , Andrew Wood of Babtgnie, Allereds of AUereds, Sir James Ram[ay of Benbolme, Sir Alexander Carnagte of fittaro, Andrew Ar but hnet of Fiddes, Mt.Wt Hi am Ramfay of Woodftoun. , , . Caithnefe. FortheSiierifFdota of Cailhnefs and Burghs widiin the fame , . Eairl of Caithnefs, Sif William Sinclair of Mey, WtUiam Simlair of Ratter, WtlUdm Sinclair of Dumbeath, John Sinclair of Brims, Murry oVR-enni eland, David Murry of Clairden, Robert Mon-^ toolBorhme , Alexander Sinclair of Telfien, David Sinclair of Dtme, Mx. James limes of Sandfaid, James Sinclair 'of Affere, Frances Sinclair of Stirkaike, Walter Innes of Ortoun. Orkney and. Zetland, , ■ For the Sheriffdom of Orkney and Zetland and Bhrghs within die fame, Earl of 'Mortaun, Colonel John Stewart of Hewwark, James Stewart of Gramfay, Hugh Halcu of that ilk Robert Stewart of Burgh, Mr. Talrick Graham James BaiBe of Tan keriiefs, Patrick Monteith of Egilfhaw, Hugh CraigteolGairfey,, Patrick Blair of Little-Blair, Archi. bald Stewart of Burrough, George Smith of Rapnefs , John Sinclair of Quandatl , James Stir. Clair of Skallow ay, Andrew Bruce of Mum, Wtllidm. Brm'e of Sotmdburgh, Mr. James Mount Gilbert' Nivin, Chein of 'Efemont , and Robert Hunter Fador for thfc Earl of Mortouii, Forfat. . . roriar. ■ . , For the Sheriffdom of Forfar and Bu’tghs within the fame, {Dun'dee excepted) JamesloA of Bu- chan, Tatrick FxA of Kinghorn, James 'S-ixlof Southesk, ■ Earlot to Ear) ofDmtdee, Robert Kikounzoi Arbnthnet, James 'LoxAOgilvte, George FoxA Brtchau , David Lord Lour, James Lord Cowper, Sir David Ogilvie fon to theEarl of Atrlie, Sir James Ogilvie of Hewgrame, John Ogilvie of Balfour , Sjx John Carnegie of, Soyfack . bix Alexandet E, -skin of Dun , John Lindfey of Edgle , John Wood of Bonnytoun John Gmham youn^ er of Fentry , David Fothrlngham of fourie , John Gar^n oi ^toim , David Er ski a of Cirboddo , William Fullertomt of tiiat ilk, Mr. Robert Hay of Dronlaw, John Ogilvte. Bf Tettenves, Sir John Carnegie of Bomiemuue, James Scot of Logie ^ ^ 'WalUrGrahamofDmitrom, James Durbam-.yowngox of Omacbie, Fatnck Lyon of Brtd^ub^ The fiyft Tarli.mievt of JVtUinm Lyon of EajlertiU, Henry Mauld of Melgwn, iViUiam Gray of hmerichtn thringhiirn oiDumm, John OgilvieoiTeil, Tatrick Wentonnpi Strickmartine, j'am°'^r^°' toil!! oUiuthven, David Neavoy o{ that ilk, John Scrimger of Kirktoun, John hunter ^ gay, Sir Alexander Wedderbnrn of Blacknefs , Mr. ‘Patrick Teaman of Dry burgh, Mr°7 Ktd oiCraigie, Peter Lyon oiCoffans, Peter Blair oiDuvkeuy, David Carnegie aiCra'‘^‘^ Robert Ar but hnet of Fyndonrie, two of the Magiftrates of Forfar, Breichen, Montrofe aji^f ’.a*”** brothick, for the time being. Aber. For the Town of Dundee , comprehending as faid is, the Magiftrates and Council for tl teing. ^ time Berwick. For the Sheriffdom of Berwick and Burghs vdthinthefamc. Sir Ar chib aid Cockburn ofZ James Hof jiringle of that ilk, John Home of Blaccader, Sir James Home of Eccles , SiiWT"’ Dowglas of Blaikerltoun, John Home of PrandergaiH , George Ramfay of Idingtoun M p bert Sinclair of Longformacus, George Home of Kaimbes, Robert Home of Kimergham’e A bald Dowglas of Limfdaine, John Ker of Weftnisbit , Patrick Boge of BurnhouFs Aley. j ‘ Home of Linthill, Robert Home of Bogend, Mr. John Home of Bellita, Mr. Thomas Ridp “tht Fiilfardlies, and the two Bailies of Lawder for the time being. ®t Nairn. For the Sheriffdom of Nairn and Burghs within the fame. Sir Hugh Camfbel of Caddel 7 u Grant of Moynes, John Hay of Loch low, HtighRojs of Kilravock, Thomas DumbarofGran * Alexander Camfbel of Zdrehney, Alexander Dumbar of Booth, John Sutherland of KinAaic’ Hugh Hay of Birchmony, Colin Camfbel ofDe Ineyes, John Rofs of Braid ley, Hugh RofsyQmgc of Clova, two of the Magiftrates of the Burgh of for the time being. ^ With power to the faids Commiffioners or major part of them, to take trial of whatMaltis brewed and fold within their tel’peftive divifions, and to order the colleffing and taifing oftheExcife thereof at two Metks upon the Boll ; and to raife die remainder of the proportion impofed upon each re.' fpeftive Shire and burgh, which lliall not atife by payment of the fotefaid two merks upon the Boll of Malt, and of the rates impofed upon the other particulars above mentioned, .Stewed and fold or imported as faid is, from the refpeftive Shires and Burghs in lieu of the Malt brewed in their own lioufcs; and that according to the rule of the valuations as the fame were appottionat before Auguft laft. As alfo, with power to the faids Commiffioners to meet and conveen at fuch times and placesi they fliall think fit, and to choofc their own Conveeners (who is to adminifter an Oath Defideli Admini. ft rati one to the remanent Commiffioners at their fitft meeting, and take the fame himfelf) and to appoint their own Colleflors, and other Officers, except theClerk, whoistobe namedby theClerk ofRegifter and to modifiencceflar Fees for the faids Colleftors, Clerks, and other Officers, and tofubaiivide them-’ lelvcs for the more fpeedy and equal ordering of the faidExcife. Withpoweralfo to them toeftablilhOf- flees of Excifc(at which Offices, the whole Brewers are hereby required to make their Entries, atleaft once every moneth, of their weekly brewing) and by Miller,Maltman,Oath of party, Witneffes, or any other lawful manner of way to difprove the Entries given in, and to impofe Fines upon the perfons whole Entries lhall be difproven, not exceeding tbe double of the value of the Malt conceal’d, and to dcccni aiitl^deteiininc in all cales and debates, relating to the faidExcife within their refeeftive divi- all lawful maner of probation as faid is: And ordains general Letters to bedirea: ^;w^/i-upoii the feids CommifTioners, their Decreets, at the inftance of therefpcftive Collca:ors; or otherwayes with power to the laids CommifTioners, to poynd and diltrcnizie upon their own Decreets, quarter upon the Deficients, or imprifon their perfons rill payment be made of the urns due by them, as well principal as expences; and which expenccs the faids Commiffioners are hereby inipo\ucd to niodific. And itis hereby Declared, Thattherc fball be no necefllty to apprize the Goods of tlie DendenLS at the Mercat Crols, but that it lhall be lawfull to apprize the fame, at the ncarefl tooch Church, And ficklike it is hereby Staute and Ordained, that die Commiffi- oners of the relpedive Shires and Burghs lhall be, and are oblieged to pay in their refpeftive proporuons cf the laid Shires and Burghs to fuch as arc , or lhall be appoijitcd by His If. CHARLES the II. i66i. to receive the fame at four terms in the year, ~. n'leifuUn, Uimhmfe, Uerth„e& aiH QiudkmeSfe, by equal proportions, beginning the firft terms payment at U-,nbm4e next, Rr'ihe thteemoncths of May, June, and J«/y, immediatlypreceedingthe fame : And wludi Commillumcrs, by >^befe prefents impowered to put in execution the whole furementioned Orders ;uid Inllrui^hon^ for raifing and inbdiigingof the laid Excife for their relief. As alfo the Kings Mijeftj, wiUi aa\icc 2iid confent of His Eftates of Patiiamcnt, gives power to the Lords of His Majefiies Privy Council, to nominate and appoint Commiffioners of Excife in the refpeilive Shires and Burghs upon the death or inability of any of the Commiflioners above-named. XV. A£i Refeiudittg and Aunulling the pretended Tarliaments, in the years, 1640, 1641, &c. THe Eftates of Parliament, confidering that the Peace and happinefs of this Kingdom, and of His Majefties good Subje&s therein, doth depend upon the Safety of His Majefflies Perfon, and the Maintenance of His Royal Authority, Power and Greatnefs; And that aUthemiferics, con- fufionsand diforders which this Kingdom hath groaned under, thefe twenty years, have illiicd from, and been the necelTary and natural produfts of thefe negkfts, contempts and invafions, which in and from the beginning of thefe troubles, were upon the fpecious (butfalfe) pretexts ofiJeformation (the common cloak of all Rebellions} offered unto the Sacred Perfon and Royal Authority of rhe Kings Majtfty> Royal Father of bleffed memory. And notwithftanding, that by the facred Right, inlierent to the Imperial Crown (which His Majefty holds immediatly from GOD Almighty alone) and bytheancient conftitutionand fundamental Laws of the Kingdom; the power of convocacing and keep- jng^emblies of theSubjefts; the power of Calling,Holding, Proroguing and Diflblving of Parliaments, and making of Laws, the power of entering into Bonds, Covenants, Leagues andTreaties-; the power of raifmg Armes, keeping of Strengths and Forts, are Effential parts, and Infeparable ptiviledges of tile Royal Authority and Prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdom; Yet, fuch hath been the madnefs and delufion of thefe times, that even Religion it felf, which holds the Right of Kings to be Sacred and Inviolable, hath been pretended unto, for warrand of all thefe injurious Violations and Inctoachments, fo publickly done and owned , upon and againft. His Majefties juft Power, Au¬ thority and Gevetnment ; By making and keeping of unlawful! Meetings and Convocations of the people; By entering into Covenants, Treatics-andLeagues; By feizing upon, and pofrclTuigthcmfclvcs of His' Majefties Caftles, Forts and Strengths of the Kingdom; and by holding of pretended Par¬ liaments, making of Laws, and raifmg of Armes for the maintaining of the fame : And that not only without warrand, but contrary to His Majefties exprefs Commands. And although die late Kings Majefty, out of His meet grace and refpefts to this His native Kingdom, and the peace and quiet of His people, and for preventing the conlequciices, which fuch a bad example, and piaftice miglu' occafion,to thcdifturbance of the^’Peace of His other Kingdoms, was pleafed in the year, cue thouland fix hundred and fourty ope, to come into this Countrey, and by His own prcfcnce, at their pretended Parliaments and otherwayes, to comply with, and give way to, many things ncerly concerning the undoubted Intereft and Prerogative of the Crown, expeding that Inch unparllcrd Condilccntions Ihould have made His Subjefts afhamed of their former mifeartiages , and the very thoughts thereof, to be hateful! to them and their pofterity for ever. Yet fuch was the prevalency ol the Ipint of Re¬ bellion that raged in many for the time, that not content of tiiat peace and happincis. which even above their defircs, wasfecurcdto them; nor ofthofe many Grants of honour and profit, by which. His Majefty endeavoured to endear the moil defperate of them to their duty and obedience, they then, when His Majefty had not left unto them any pretence or ihaclow of any new defiro to be pro- pofed, either concerning themfelves or the Kingdom, did moft unworthily engage, to lubyert His Government, and the publick Peace oitlie Kingdomof£«^/rt«i^i lor which piupofc, having joyned in a League with fome there, they, for the better prolecutioii of the fame, did alhimc iiino themfelves, the Royal Power, kept andhcld Parliaments at their pleafureiby the pretended Amlicnty of which, they laid new exadions upon the people (vvhicli in one moiicili diJLit exceed wliai ever by the Kings Authority had been raifed in a whole year) levied Armes, fent out Edifts, requiimgo dience'unto their imlawfull demands ; and with all maniicrofviolcnce purmed liicli as out olduiy u. His Majefties Authority oppofed them, by fines, confirmations, impnloiiment, bamllm.ciii, vneat o] (orl'eicuro of tlicir poflerity; and witli their Army thus raifcd, invaded His Mjjlfties England!, and joyned with iuchas were in Armes ngainft Vn^ Majtfty there. And thus mainta' i°^ their nlurj'cd power, and violently executing the lame againft all Law, Conlciciicc, Honour aiid'p''^ inanity, have made thcinl'elvcs inllrumcntsol much lol's, lhamcand dilhonotir to their native Count and have jullly forlcited any favour they might have pretended to, from ViiiMajefties former c ccllions. And forafmuch, as now it hath pleafed Almighty GOD, by thepiower of His own rjoht ha^’n' fo miraculoiiny to reftore the Kings Majefty to the Goveritment of His Kingdoms, and to the ex”’ eife of His IVoyal Power and Soveraignty over the fame. The Eftatesof Parliament do conceiveth felvcs oblicged, in difeharge of their duty and confcienceto GOD and the Kings Majefty, xo ploy all theirpowerand Intereft for vindicating His Majefties Authority from all thefe violent in™' lions that have been made upon it, and fo far as is remove out ofthe way.every rhinvtl™ may retain any rcmcmberancc of thefe things, which have been lb injurious to His Majefty an3 Authority, fo prejudicial and dilhonourable to t-he Kingdom, and deftrtiftive to all juft and true ' terefls within the fame. And confidering, that befides the unlavvfulnelTe of die publick Aftings d rin<’ thefe troubles, moft ofthe Aids in all and every of the Meetings of thefe pretended. Parliamei r™ do^’liighly incroach upon, and are deftruftive of, that Soveraign Power, Authority, Prerogative aid Ilight of Government, which by the Law of GOD and the ancient Laws and Conftitutions of ft™ Kingdom, doth refide in, and belong unto, the Kings Majefty, and do refleft much upon the honou * loyalty and reputation of this Kingdom, or are expired, and ferve only as teftimonies of difloyaltv and reproach upon the Kingdom, and arc unfit to be any longer uptJn Record. Therefore the line Majefty and Eftates of Parliament, do hereby Refcind and Annuli the pretended Parliaments kenr in the years one thoufand fix hundred and lourty, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty one' one thoufand fix hundred and fourty four, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty five, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty fix, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty feven, and one thoufand fix hundred and fourty eight, and all Aifts and Deeds paft and done in them, and Declares the fame to be hence ' forth void and null. And His Majefty , being unwilling to take any advantage of the failings of His Subjects during thofc unhappy times, is relolved not to retain any remembe-ance theteofi but that the fame lliall be held in everlafting oblivion; and that all difference and animofities being for gotten. His good Subjefts may in a happy union, under His Royal Government, enjoy that llappi! nefoand peace, which His Maiefty intends, and really willieth unto them as unto Himfelf, Doth therefore by advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, grant His full Affuranceand Indemp. nity to all perfonsthat afled in, or by vertue of tliefaid pretended Parliaments and other Meeting flowing from the fame, to be unqueftioned in their Lives or ibrtunes, for any Deed or Deeds done by tbem in their faid ufurpation, or by vertue of any pretended Authority derived therefrom, ex- cepting alwayes, fuch as fliall be excepted in a general Aft of Indempnity, to be paft by His Mei jefty in this Parliament. And it is hereby declared. That all Afts, Rights and Securities, paft in any of the pretended Meetings above-written , or by vertue thereof , in favours of any parti- cuiar perfons , for their civil and private interefts, fliall Hand good and valid unto tliem, untiU the fame be taken into further confideration, and be determined in this, or the next Seffion of this Par. liament. XVI. AH coitcerxivg Religion and Church Government. OUr Soveraign Lord, being truly fenfible ofthe mercies of Almighty GOD, cowards Him in His preforvacion , in times of greateft trouble and danger, and in his miraculous Reftitution to His jull Ki^lit and Government oi His Kingdoms. And being defirous to improve thefe Mercies, to the glory ot GOD and honour of His greatName, Doth with advice and confent of His Eftates That it is His full and firm refolution, to . maintain the true reformed Pro- teftant Kcligion, in its purity of Dodtrine and Worftiip, as it was eftabliflied within this King¬ dom, anting the Reigns of His Royal Fadicr and Grand-father of bleffed memory. And that His Aft IT:. King CHARLES the I I. i66i. His MjJtJb' “ promote the power of Godlineffe, to encoiir.-tge the exercifes of Re; n-ion both publick and private, andto lupprefleall prophaiienefTe, and diibtdcrly walking And tor ftet end will give all due countenance dnd protedionto the Minifters of the Gofpd.thcy containing dicnifelves within the Bounds and Limits of their Miiiiflerial Calling, and behaving tlicmiclvcs with ilijt fubmiffioii obedience to HisMdJefties Authority and Commands, that isluitublc to the Al- wianct and Duty of good Subjeds. And as to the Government of the Church, His M.ijifiy will make it cate, to fettle and fecute the fame, in fucli a frame as lliail be moll agreeable to, the word of GOD, moft fuitable to Monarchical Government, and moft complying with the pubhek peace quiet oi the Kingdom. Md in the mean time. His with advice and confentfore- fiid, Dotli a!low_ the prefenc Adminillration by Seflions , Presbytries and Synods, (they keeping widiin bounds and behaving themfelves as faidis)and that notwithllanding ofthe preceeding Ail, jefeiffory of all pretended Parliaments, fince the year one thoufand fix hundred and tliirty eight* " XV n. jetfor a Sokmit Auniverfary Thanksgiving for Hu Reliauration to the Royal Gmiernmtnt of His Kingdoms. THe Eftates of Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland, taking to their confideration the fad Condition, Slavery and Bondage, this ancient Kingdom hath groaned under , during tilde twenty three years Troubles: In which, under the fpecious pretences of Relomiation, a publick Rebellion hatli been, by the Treachery of fome, and mif-perfwafion of others, violently ^ned on againft Sacred Authofityi to the fuine and deftruilion, lo far as was pofliblcj ot Re¬ ligion, the Kings Majefiy, and His Royiii Government, the Laws, Liberties and Ptoperty of the People, and all the publick and private Iiiterefts of the Kingdom ; So that Religion it Iclf, which holds the right of Kings to be Sacred, hath been proftitute for tlie wa’rand of all thel'c trtafonable invafions made upon the Royal Authority, and diHoyal limitations put upon the AUcagi- ance of the Subjefts. And hath it not alfo been pretended unto, for the warrand of all thole vile and bloody Mutthets, wltich in high contempt of Almighty GOD and of His Majefties Authority and Laws, were under colour of Juftice commited upon His Majeflies good Subjefts, meerly iot the difehatge of their Duty to GOD, and Loyalty to die iSTingi Hath not that Royal Govern- nient, under whofe Protedion this Nation hath, to the envy (of the World, been lb' fa- mous forraany ages, beenoflate troden under foot, and new Governments and Governours cllablifli- cd and kept up witliout His Majefiies Autliorify, and againft His expteffe Commands ? Hath not Law, which is the Biith-riglit and Inheritance of the Subjefts, and the Security of their lives and fortunes, been laid in the dull, and new and uiijuft Edids and Orders pall and publiihed, forlub- jefting both life and fortune, and what elfe was dear unto any of His Majejiies good Subjeds, tb die Cruel and Ambitious Lufts of fome ufurping Rulers > Hath not Religion and Loyalty been the only objeds of their Rapine and Cruelty > And hadi not their new and arbitrary Exadions and Burdens upon the People, exceeded in one moneth what ever had been formerly in many years paid to any of the Kings of this Kingdom > And when the belt of men and the moll Excellent of the Kings ofthe earth, had in anunufual way of confidence rendred HisPerfon to the Truft and Loyalty cf His Native Subjeds, was not tliefecurityof Religion pretended unto by fome, who then governed in Church and State for the ground of that bafe (and never enough to be abhorred) tranfadion, in leaving fuch a Prince their Native and Dread Sovcrajgn, to the will of thefe who were in open Re¬ bellion, and for the time had their fwords in their hands againft Him; And that when by thefe and many fuch like undutifuU carriages, the Kings Majefty was removed from His Kingdohis, the ■foundations of this ancient and well conftitute Government was overturned, the Liberties and Pro: petty of the people inverted ; And this Kingdom expofed to be Captives and Slaves to Strangers, and nothing left unto them but the fad meditation of their increafmg milerics, and the bitter remembrance of tlieir by-paft difloyaities > Yet even tlien it plealed Almighty GOD to compaftionat their low condition, and by the power , of. His own right-hand , mtll raitaculoufly to reftore die Kings moft Sacred Afoie/y to the Royal Government of His King¬ doms; And thereby to Redeem this Kingdom from its former Slavery and Bondage, and to te-‘ ftete it to its ancient and juft Priviledges and Freedom. And the Kings Majefly acknowledging, with all humility and thankfulnefs, the Goodnefs, Wifdom and power otGOD, in this Signal Aft aiHis mercy to Him and His people. Doth, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Par¬ liament, Statute and Ordain, That in all time comming there be a Solemn yearly Commemoration ofthe fame: And for that end. the twenty ninth ot il%, (which day GOD Almighty hath fpecially honoured and rendred aufpicious to this Kingdom, both by His Majepes Royal Birth,' and by His bleffed Rcftaiiration to His Government) be for ever fet apart as a Holy day unto the LORD, and that in ail the Churches of the Kingdom, it be iniploycd in pubhek Prayers, ’ Preachifig/ *4 The firfl ‘Parliament of Aft 19- Preaching, Thanksgiving and Praifesto God for fo tranfeendent Mercies ; And that all Trad chandizc. Work, Handy-labour, and other ordinary imployments be forborn, and tiie teni’'^ - part of the day fpent in fuch lawfull divertifements as areliiteabk to fo Solemn an occafion^A”® It is hereby recommended to allMiniftcrs of the Golpel, and toallSherifis, Jullices ofPeace, and l''* publick Minifters in the feveral Counties, and to allMagiftrates witliin Burglis, to be carefull° I for this prefant year, and in all time coming, the twenty ninth day of May, be accotdinglv't and obferved within their feveral Jurifdiftions. And for the fpeedier and more full intimatim l'’*' of to all His Majefties Subjefts, It is Appointed thir Prefents be printed , and publillled at all Mercat Crofles of the Royal Burroughs. * “’c XVIII. Act for the due Obfervation of the Sabbath-day. THe Kings Majefly confidering, how much it concerns the honour of GOD, that the Sabba I day be duly obferved, and all abufes thereof reftrained : And that notwithftanding of fev 'i Adts of Parliament made in that behalf, particularly the third Aft of the fixth Parliament of ](' James the fixth of blelled memory, the faid day hath been much prophaned by Salmond-fifli^''® going of Salt-pans, Milnes and Killes, hiring of Shearers, and ufmg of Merchandize on that dav othetwayes. Therefore our Soveraign Lord, with advice and conlent ot His Eftates of Patliame Ratifies and Approves all former Afts of Parhament, made for obfervation of the Sabbath-day, and aeai ft the breakers thereof ; And by thele prefents Inhibits and Difeharges all Salmond-filhino, Bom„ f Salt-pans, Milns or Killes ; all hiring of Shearers, carrying of Loads, keeping of Metcats, otufinEaiw forts of Merchandize on thefaid day, and all other prophanation thereof whatloever, undertheoa' * and penalties following; vi^s. The lum of twenty pounds Scots for the going of ilk Salt-pan or Kill on the faid day, to be paid by the Heritors and pofTeflbrs thereof; and the fum often pounS for ilk Shearer and fifher of Salmond on the faid day, the one half thereof to be paid by th Hirers and Conducers, and the other half by the perfons hired ; and the faid fum of ten pounds for every other prophanation of the faid Day: And which Fines and Penalties are to be ^lifted and difpoled of, in manner contained in the Aft and Infltuftions anent the Juftices of Peace; and if the Party Offender be not able to pay the penalties forefaid, then to be exemplarly punilhed in his body, according to the merit of liis lault. — XIX. Ali t^atuft Swearing and Excejftve ‘Drinking. OUr Soveraign Lord, being defirousthat all His Subjefts within tliis Kingdom, may live a quiet and peaceable life under His Government, in all godlinefs andhonefly ; And in order thereto h.i\ ingrefolved to curb and furptefle all fort of fin and wickednefle, and efpecially thefe aborai.’ liable and fo much abounding fins of Drunkennefs and all maimer of Curfing and Swearing. There! fore our faid Soveraign Lord Ratifies and Aptoves all Afts of Parliament, made in fomier times a- gainlt the laid crimes, or either of tliem. And further Declares, That each perfon, who lhall Blaf- pheme. Swear or Curfe ; and whofoever lliall Drink into excefs, fliall be lyable in the painsfol¬ lowing, according to the quahty of die offenders; viz. Each Nobleman in twenty pounds Scots, each Barron in twenty Merks, each Gentleman, Heritor or Burgefs in ten merks, each Yconun in fourty IhiUiiigs, each Servant in twenty fliiUings taties quoties, each Minifter in the fifth part of Ills years Stipend ; and that the faids Fines and Penalties be uplifted and difpofed upon, in manner contained in the Aft and Iiiftruftions anent the Juftices of Peace. And if die party Offender, be not able to pay^tne Penalties forefaict, then to be cxamplarly punilhed in liisbody, according to tlic X X. Aa again fi Curfing and Beating of Tarents. OUr Soveraign Lord, and Eftates of Parhament, confidering how great and acrocius a aimeit IS, tor Children to beat, or curfe their Parents ; And how the Lawof G O D bath pronounced juii icntcnce of death againftfuch as (haU either ofehefe wayes injureeidier of tlieir Parents. Tliere- l^c.HisMiric/j.withadwce ofH.sEftates, Doth hereby Statute and Ordain, That whofoever, Sonor Daughter above the age offixteen years, not being diftrafted, fliall Beat or Curfe either their Father or 0 ici, la e put to vath vidioutmercy: andfuch asare within tlieage of fixteenyeats,andpafttli« rbar°if“'’‘ pi'^flied at the arbitrement of the Judge, according to their defervings, diat othats may hear and fear, and not do the like. XXL A7,v^ CHARLES tin II. i66i. ’•V XXI. Act againft the Crime of BLifpheniy. OUt Joveraign Lord, and the Eftates of Parliament confidcring, that hitlicto iSicre hath becn h* Law ill this Kingdom, againft the horrible crime of Blafphemy. Therefore, His Majefy, with 4 ce of His faid Eftates, Doth hereby Statute and Ordain, That whofoevcr hereafter, not being ■Jtl'aftedin his wits, fliall rail upon, or curfe GOD, or any of the Perfons of the bleltcd Trinity, be proeefled before the chief Juftice; and being found guilty, ihall be punilhcd with Death. I leas, His Majefty, with advice forefaid, Findes, Statutes and Ordains, That whofoever herealtcr I'll deny GOD , or any of the perfons of the blefl'cd Trinity, and obftinately continue .therein, (ball be procefled, and being found guilty, that they be punilhed with Death. As aUb, His Majefiy, h advice and confentforefaid,Dec!ares, That all Perfons who have committed the forefaid Crimes fince 'he feventeenth of February, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty nine, Ihall be proceeded againft ' cording to this Aft; and Ratifies ail by-gone Decreets and judicial Proceedings, againft any Pcrlbii ^'^mroitter of the faid Crimes fince the forefaid date, which have been pronounced and done againft Sefaii Committers, according to this prefent Aft. And Declares, That the pronouiicers and ex¬ ecutors of tiiefaids Sentences ftail never be queftioned tlierefore, in any manner of Way, but ate, and {hall be, hereby fecured, no lefs then if this Aft had been of the forefaid dace. xxo. comerning the fevertd degrees of Caufual Homicide. OUr Soveraign Lord, with advice and confcnt of the Eftates of this ptefent Parliament,, for re. moving of all queftion and doubt that may atife hereafter in Criminal putiutes for Slaughter, Snnites and Otdams , That the cafes of Homicide after-followin|; viz , Cafual Homicide, Homi- ride in lawful defence , and Homicide committed uponTheeves and Robbers breaking houles m the r Lht- or in cafe of Homicide the time of mafterful Depredation, onn thepurfute of denounced ot dc. iredRebels for capital Crimes.or of fuch whoaflift and defend the Rebels and maftertuU Depredators bvAtmes, and by force oppofe the putfute and apprehending of them, which fliall happen to tall out iJtLe commingfnor, any of them, fliall not be pumftied by death: And diat notwithflandmg of anv Laws or Ads of Parliament, or any Praftick made heretofore or obfetved in pumfliment of toghter; but that the Manflayer, in any of the tafes afotefaid, be aflbilled irom any Cn"" ^1 Put- toe putfued againft him for his Ufe, for the faid Slaughter, belote any Judge Criminal within this Kinedom. Providing alwayes, that in the cafe of Homicide cafual, and of Homicide in defence, notwith- ftandmg that the flayer is by this Ad, free from Capital Puniflimenc ; Tet it ihftl be leifum to the Criminal Judge, with advice of the Council, to fine him in his bieans, to the ufe of the defund^ wife and bairns, or neareft of kinjor to itiiprifon him. And His with advice iorefai^d, De- ckes that ail decifions given conform to this Ad, fince the thirteenth of Ff^nM>T,one thoi fandfix Sed aLd fS le year*, fltall be as fufRcient tofecure intereffed as. 1 this prelent Aft l adbeenT^^^^ And that all cafes to be decided by any 8“ f tato cS Homicide, or Homicide m defence.commitedatanythne haetofore, fliall be decided^ is above exprefiei. XXIII. AH Ratifying the Triviledges of the Colledge of Juftice. o ment, then the adminiftration of Juftice, n . Aiife and qualified perfons; and for and other Members of the Supream Juicatory, ftiou - „ . q,-:...- places and to undergo their encouragement to ferve the Countcey m their biXg tbeir the great toil, trouble and expence of time, an ponces and Nations, and in fpecial.of fervice thetan. It hath beett the wifedom and pa&ce of f ^ J^^^i^ is evidentby H.sMke/?/MRoyal Progenitors, to grant to them diverfe l^^^^^^^^ and ImmuLies of the Coi: many Afls of Patliarherft and Statutes ^Renewed and^Ratified from time to time; TheteJ ledge of Juftice, and Members thcteol, Granted, Renewed and Ratmea r6 The firft Tarliiiment of fore His Majefly, with advice and confent of His Eldatcs of Parliament, Ratifies and Approve^ wliacfocvcr Liberties, Priviledges and Immunities, given and granted by His Majcfiies Roval'p ccllbrs, to, and in favour ot, the faid Collcdge of Jullice, and ol the Senators, Advocats Cl Writers to the Signet, and remanent Members of the fame , or wJiereof they have been in' ul , pofiedion in any time by-gone, together witli all Laws, A£h of Parliament, Statutes and G31 fV ons, made and conceived in their favours; Holding and Declaring this prefent- Ratification to I fujBcient as if all the forcfaids Priviledges, Freedoms and Immunities, Afts, Stanites and Gra r and concerning tiic fame, were in fpecial and at length expreft herein. And His Majin\ vw t vice and confent forefaid. Ordains and Declares, That the whole Priviledges, Liberties and 'l ' nities forefaid, granted and belonging to the ordinary Lords alid Senators of theColIedgc of ll'iall be extended, belong and appertain to, and enjoyed by, the Advocats, Clerks, Writers coT’ Signet, and remanent Members of the faid Colledge ot Juftice, in all time coming, notwithlland ” r whatlbevcr Aft, Cullome or Praftice to the contrare. ‘"8 of XXIV. Aii concerniiig Ayfearand 'Heirs , their payment of thei'r Tredecefiors and their own ’Debts. OUr SoVeraign Lord, With advice and confent of theEftatesof Parliament,taking into confideratioi that Appearand Heirs immediately after their PredecelTors death, do frequently dilpone their e' Rate in whole or in part, in prejudice of tlicir Prcdeeeflors lawful Creditors, bciore their aeathcomet" their knowledge, or before they can do lawful diligence againfl the faids Appearand Heirs ; and which Difpofitionsthe faids Appearand Heirs do often make before they beferved Heirs and Inieft; or other wayes, by collufion they liiffer their Predece'fTors Eftates to be comprifed or adjudged from them f * payment of their own proper Debts, real or fimulate, without refpeft to their PredeceflorsCredito And His Mj;>/?)'>oonfidering how juft it is, that every mansownEftate iliould be firltliableto hisow*' Debt, before the Debts contrafted by the Appearand Heirs. Therefore, His Majejiy, with confent forefaid. Declares, That the Creditors of the Defunft lliall be preferred to the Creditors of the An. pearand Heir in time coming, as to the Defunfts Eftate ; Providing alwayes , that die Defunfts Cre ditors do diligence againft the Appearand Heir, and the real Eftate belonging to the Defunft, within the fpaceof three years after the Defunfts death. And becaufe it were molt: unreafonable, that the Appearand Heir, wlien he is ferved and retoured Heir, and infeft , Ihould for the lull fpace of three years, be bound up from making Rights and Alienations of his Prcdeeeflors Eftate,- and yet it being as unreafonable that he lliould difpon thereupon immediatiy or Ihortly after his Predecellors death, in prejudice of his Predecellors Creditors, he having year and day to advife whether he wiU enter Heir or not. Therefore it is hereby Declared, That no Right or Difpofition made by the laid Appearand Heir, in fo far as may prejudge his PredecelTors Creditors , fliall be valid, unlels it be made and granted a full year after the Defunfts death. Xx V. Art for ’Denouncing of Excommunicate ‘Perfons. confent of His Eftates of Parliament, confideringtheinfolencV of Excommunicate Papifts and others, who flight the dreadful Sentence of Excommunication, to tneciil honour of GOD, and obduring of their owm hearts j Doth therefore ratifie and Approve all Afts of 1 arlianient and ACis of Privy Council , Handing before the year one tlioufand fix hundred and fourty againft Excommunicate Perfons. And Statutes and Ordains, That in time coming, fouity dayes being paft alter tlie laid Sentence of Excommunication, Letters be direft at the inltancc of His Majetttes Advocate , for denouncing all Excommunicate Perfons , His Ma. Rebels, and putting them to the Horn, and that by warrand of the Lords of Pri- vy Couiicil or Scftion : w'hich denounciation being ufed, by vertue of the faids Letters , at the A/erc,it Cro s of Edinburgh , and Peir of Leith , is hereby Declared , to be fufficient againft them , and lor ufing of Caption thereupon , arid taking of the Efcheat and Liferent of the Re- bcls conlorm to the 1 anding Laws ot tliis Kingdom. Providing alwayes , tliat before the pafling of an) luc 1 Letters of denounciation , the wdiole ProCefs and Sentence of Excommunication be exlii- bice arid produced bciorc the Lords of Seflion, in Scfficn-time, to the end, that they may confider le ^ Ircccfs , and grounds whereupon the Sentence proceeded: and that accor- nab'^-^ nuygive forth the faids Lerrets of denounciation, as they iTall think Juft and feafo- XXVI. King CHARLES the 1 I, itJe ’■7 XXVI, ja affoimitig the ‘Ptirfujf of the Thief, to have the Gooels ft ole,, from him , reftored. OUt Soveraigii Lord underftaiiding, that when Thieves are taken and execute for Theft or dc dated Fugitives, their whole Eftateand the goods ftolenallb, doth fall to His Maiefty and to 1 ords of Regalities, and other Juftitiars pretending right to the faids ftolen goods. For remccd \\ hcrc- j mMajefty, with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains, Unit ’y perfon having goods or gearftoUen from him, and having purlucd the Healer thcrcol. llial! ha\e J,s own goods arain, where ever the fame can be apprehended: and where the (lolcn goods cannot be bad, the Purfuer of the Thief, lliall have the juft value of the goods and gear ftolen fro'm him, out of the readieft of the Thief's goods, with the expences waited out by the Purfuer , he alwayes purfuiflgdie Tliief, itfque ad feiitei/tiam ■, Rcferving alwayes to the SherifFor other Magiftratcs, and {^et of the Thief, the expences waked out by them in taking and putting the Thief to exe¬ cution. XXVII. for the ‘Pardon of ‘Penal Statutes. OUr Soveraign Lord confidering, that the precife and rigorous exadfion of the Pain, Arbitrary and Pecunial, adjefted to Penal Statutes heretofore made, would prove a burden to His Maje- hes Leiges, heavy and unfupportable, it by His Majefties grace and favour they lliould not be caf- cd and liberate of the fame. In confideration whereof. His Majefty, being willing to give eafe and relief to His Subjedts of the forefaid burden , Hath therefore been gracioufly pleafed •, with coulent of His Eftates of Parliament, to Difcharge, freely Pardon and Remit, and by thefe prefents Dift cktges, freely Pardons and Remits , all Contraveeners of any of the faids Penal Statutes, for all Deeds done by them, contrair to the tenor of the fame Statutes, in time by-gone ; except only the Statutes concerning the unlawful taking of Ufury, Tranfporting of Silver and Gold, and Slaying of Red and Black Fiihes, which are no wayes dilcharged by this prefent Adt, nor comprehended under the fame. XXVIII. Ad discharging the Quots of Tell aments. OUr Soveraign Lord, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, for many Weighty com fidetations moving His Majefty, Statutes and Ordains, That no Quots ofTeftaments, confirm., cd fmee the fixteenth of November, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty one , and to be confirm'c4 in time coming, fliall be exaifted from any of His Majefties Leiges by Commiflars, CommifiTar-Clerks, Fifcals, and others whom it effeirs; but prejudice alwayes of the ordinary fies due to them as accords. XXIX, All for Poyniing ttfan Sheriffs and Cotnniiffars Decreets. OUr Soveraign Lord and the Eftates of Parliament, confidering, That albeit by Aft of Parliament, of the date the ninth oi Sttly. one thoufand fix hundred and fix years. Letters ot Horning ate Ordained to be dtpefted by deliverance of the Lords of Seflion upon Sheriffs, Commiflars, and othet inferiour Judicatories their Decreets, upon the fimple Charge therein mentioned: Yet, the Aft bears 110 warrand for Letters of Poynding to be granted by the deliverance torelaid upon thelc Decreets ; whereby the patties interelTed, obtainers of the Decreets, are qfttimes prejudged ot their payment, when thefe parties, againft whom thefe Decreets are obtained, do flit or remove oiu ot the Shire or lurifdiftion of the Judge before whom the faids Decreets are given. T hereiore His M.jcfty, with ad- 'iccofthefaids Eftates, ratifies the Ad of Parliament above-mentioned, m the wholehtads and points thereof: And for remedy of the prejudice forefaid. Ordains Letters ol Poynding tobedirtftbydclh 'fcrance of the Lords of Seflion, at theinftance ol the Parties interefled, upon the kids Copi- miirats, and other inferiour Judges their Decreets contained in the lorelaid Ait. .'ucKlikc, aij|,. The frf ‘Parliament qf i3 _ in the fame manner, as Letters of Horning are appointed by the faid Aft 'to pafs upon thTi^ . creets, that thereby tlie Panies may have real execution, as well as perfonal upon their Dectect”'^ faids. Likeas, His Majefty, with advice and confent forefaid. Declares, That all execution ofp ing, legally ufed upon tlie faids Decreets fince the twelfth of June, one thoufand fix hundre?”'*' fourty nine year's, lhall be valid and fulBcient ; and the Parties, Mefiengets and others, ^ecut ufers thereof lliall never be queftioned, nor any Procels fuftained againft them therefore, eithf r** villy or Criminally, before any Judge whatfomever; But prejudice alwayes to Parties againft Ji Poynding have been ufed, upon rcduceable or unwarrantable Sentences, to purfuc repetition as ac a of the Law. XXX. Alt anent the Fetvers and Valais of Kirk-lands. OUr Soveraign Lord, with advice and conJent of the Eftdtes of this ptefent Parliament, confid ing. That whereas by the general Surrender of Kirk-lands, and Ereftions made by theSuperi*'^' and Titulars thereof, in favours of His Majefties deareft Fatlier ot ever blefled memory; It jj ally provided, that the faid Superiors and Titulars, notwithftanding their Surrender forefaid fh*'!! have right to the Few-terms and Duties of the Vafials and Fewets of the faid Kitk-lands and Ere^ ons, till the Kings A%>/?y make payment to them oi the prices of the faids Few-ferms and Duties m ' dified by theLordsandothetsofthe Commiftion for Surrendersand Teinds. And ficklike theFewe and Vafials of the faids Kirk-lands and Ere£l:ions,are oblieged by their new Infeftments under the neat Seal, to pay the faids Few-ferms and Duties to the Kings Majefty and His Succeflbrs ; and fo againft reafoh may appear to be lyable to double payment thereof ; ft is therefore Statute and Ordained bv His Majefty, widi confent forefaid. That the faids f ewers and Vafials of Kirk-lands and Ereftidnj their Heirs and Succeflbrs, fliali be obheged to make fhankf ul payment of the faids F6\v-ferms and Di^ ties contained in their Infeftments ; and whereof the faid Superiors and Titulars have been in pofleflion preceeding the Surrender forefaid, to the laids Superiors andTitulars, theirHeirsandSuccenbrs,aYand while they get payment of the prizes modified by the faids Lords and others of the Commiflion fore, laid, according to the Aft of Parliament, one thoufand fix hundred and thirty three years. Andtliat Letters of Horning and Poynding lhall be granted to that effeft , without prejudice alwayes to His ’ M.ijefty, and His Succeflbrs, of the Superiority of the laids Fewets and Vafials furrendred in manner forefaid, and without prejudice to them of their Infeltments taken to be holden of His Majefty and His Succeflbrs. Likeas it is Declared, That the faid Fewets and Vaflals of Kirk-lands and Ereftions have been, in bona fide, in p.iyment of the faids Few-ferms and Duties to the laids Superiors andTi. tiilars of all times by-gone, according to the provifions contained in the faid general Surrender. It is alwayes provided, that this Aft lhall not be prejudicial to an Aft pafl by this Parhament in favours of tlie Earl of Lauderdail of the Lordfliip of Mufteburgh, of the date the ninth day of April laft. XXXI. Aft concerning the Regiftratian of Comprifings. OUr Sovereign Lord, with confent of the Eftates of Parliament, confidering, that the Regiflra- tion of Comprifings, was only eftabhflied by ah Aft of Secret Council, and never authorized by any Law, or Aft of Parliament, and that the Regiftration thereof did put the Lieges to unnccet far charges: neither .adding to the validity of the Comptifing^ nor to the benefit of the Comprifers: Hath therefore difeharged, and by thefe prefents difeharges all Regiftration of Comprifings, with all Gifts, Afts of Council, and other warrandsand Cuflome whatfomever; granted andobferved, atany time heretofore thereanent ; and by thir prefents Ratifies and approves the Cuflome obferved thefe many years pafl ; whereby, in place of the faid Regiftration, a fhort Record of all Comprifings of Lands, Tcinds and others, and of the Comprifers names and defignations, the Defenders names, the Debts for which the Comprifing is deduced, the Meflengers and Clerks names, the date ofthc Execu. tions, the Witnefles names thereto, and of the Superiors of whom the Comprifed Lands are liolden, hath been made in a Book by theClerk ofRegifter and his Deputes, at the allowing of tlie faidsCom- prilings,^ (^lor which Allowance and Recording, there is only fourty ihillings Scots to be paid) and whicli Cuftomc is very ulelul and neceflar for information of the Lieges. And therefore iiis Majefty, with advice and confent forefaid , Ratifies and approves the forefaid Cuftomc , and Ordains all Comprifings formerly deduced and not allowed and recorded in manner above-written , to be brought ‘CH ART'S S i/x I I. i66i. Aft3^33-_ _ _ _ b^l't of Regifter a^nd his'Depuccs , , xvir!,in thi-^cfcore da)xs after die pi.bUciu^n h«eof , and aU Comprifmgs to beJed and deduced,, .to be brouglit in to the laidClcik fRegifter andhis Deputes, within tltreefcore dayes atter thedate thereof. With ccrcilicttion. tlv)c ‘’(•they be not allowed and recorded .within the I'aid (pace, any other Compnfing though poilcrior L dace, yet if it be allowed ana recorded before the prior Comprifing, the lame lliall have i^refcrdiice according to the date of the Allowance and Record ; but prejudice ahvayes to any Jjirtber djl.icciicc by Infeftnionts , or charges againft the Superior , according to the priority of poftcrionty thereof ■froutdejnre. XXXII. Aa concerning Heritable and Moveable Bonds. Out Soveraigii Lord, with advice and'eonfent of His Mates of Parliament, for many juft and rda. fonable caufes moving Him, Statutes arid Ordains, lliat all Contraasand Obli.eations forSuni? of money payable to patties at any time, m.adeand dated fmee the fixteenth day of November, Oiie thoufand hx hundred and fourty one, or to be made in time coming, containing claufes lot .payinent of Anmi'alfent and Profit, ate, and lhall be, holdeii and interpret to be Moveable Bonds , except in tbefe cafes following; vix. That they bear an exptefs obliegement fo infelt, or that they be coii- ceived in favours of Heirs and Affignes, fecluding Executors, in either of which cafes , Ordains the Sums to be Heritable, and to pertain to the Heir; othenvayes to be confirmed by the Executor, and to appertain to the neareft of Kin, and 'to theDefunifts Executors and Legators, according fo the La\y and'prafticl^ of Moveables, Declaring alwayes', that all fucli Bonds, quoad fi[cum, ftiall remain in clip fame condition as they were before the faid fixteenth of November, one thoufand fix hundred and fourty 'one, 'not tp fall under the compafs of fingle Efcheac, norlltallany part thereof pertain to thelliy lift, jurereltBee, where the Boridsare made to the Husband, nor to the Husband, junt mariti, v. here the Bonds ate made to the Wife, untefs the Relift, or Husband, have othetwayes right and iiitcieft there, to. Declaring neverfhelefs, that this 'ptovifion lhall no way prejudge Wile, riot Husband, and theit Executors of their relpeftive Titles aria iriteteftsto the by-gone Annualrcnts of the faids Bonds, refting before either of their death's. X X X 1 11. Ad for the right fucking of Salmond. : one of jAiidtliat I in thc diftoyal pack. ingof the fame;, nor onlyis the Merchants eftatc damnified thereby, butallb the Nation is diihoriolifed abroad, and difappointedofwhat fliould return thereby. Tlieretore, Our faid Sove'taign Lord, .With advice and confent of the faids Eftates, Ratifies and Approves all and fundry Afts of Parliament, Laws and Qinftitutionsof this Realm, madeanentSalmond-filhing, and the fufficiency of the Barrels, and loyal packing thereof, v/ith this addition, That the whole Coupers within this Kingdom, make the laid Salmond Barrels of good and fitflidentnewKnappcl, foi.whichthcy lliall he ahftverablc, without wbrm- holes, and white-wood, and of fulEcient tightnefs, for containing the pifkle, and .fuffiqient tightnclTd for enduring all kill'd of ftrefs in the handling'; andthatthc Battels contain no lefs'theii fen Gallonspt.ihe Stirling pint, (conform to anAft of His MajeMies Council, ofthe date at Halyrood.kouje the filteenth day of 7®^, on thoufand fix hundred and iiinteen years, which His with confent lorefaid. Ratifies and Approves, in all the Heads, Claufes and Articles thereof) under, the. pain of fi've pounds i tobd paidby theCouper, for each infufficieiit Barrel, and.efchcat of the faid Barrel, and that.dic lame be well pinned in the pickle betbre the packing ; and thereafter the faid Barrels to be well tighted and double girthed before the tranfporting thereof to Forraign Nations. And that ho. Barrel bo Ibonct hiado and Uow'n, but the Coupers Bitn be fet thereon, onthc tapoiie-ftalTthercof, in teftimony of the fiiffidcncy. of the Tree ; and that every Couper be anfvyetable and liable in payment of Rich iofs .is happen .to. be laid on the Fiili at the Mercat, if it be found to be in the default of the Couper by the infulEcicncy oi ibc Tree.or packiiig.ot any other means i n the Coupers detault. and that they .keep right gage, both in ilic length »f the ftaves,chc biig-gitth,the widehefs of the head,& deepnefs ofthe chincjtlte Barrel being made.niatkcdl ^ The firft Varliiiment of _ _ _ and thrice gene in the packing, (liall be marked with the Marking-iron, under a very parcicalar Mer thant mark, as ufc is. And that no Burgh, or any other trading with Salmond, Iball prelhnie to cou tcrlcit the Mark or Birnot another Trade, under the pain of confifeation o*':l’eSaimond,byandattor the punilhment oithe parties counterfeiters, at thepleafure of the Judge ordinar ; the one halfof tlJ faid pain to pertain to His Majefty, and tlie other half to rite Burgh fo wronged, and ordains the Ma. giftratcs within the Burgh to put this Aft to execution. XXXIV. agahiH Clandeftme and unlawful Marriages. OUr Soveraign Lord, and theEIlatesof thisprefent Parliament, confidetinghownccefrary itis, tha- no Marriage be celebrate, but according to the laudable order and conllitution ol this Kirk • and by filch perfons, .as arc by the Authority of this Kirk warranted to celebrate the lame And that not. W'ithllanding hereof, llindry, either outoidilaffcff ion to the Religion prelently prolcfled in this King doin, or being dcfirous to efehew the Cenfutes of this Kirk, or to fatisfie their promife of Marriaw ibrmerly made to others, or to decline the concurrence and confent of their Parents or others havi^ interelf, or out of lome other unlawful pretext, do procure themfelves to be Married,and are Ma^ lied cither in a Clandelfine way, contrary to theelfablilhed order of the Kirk, or by Jeluits, Prieps Depofed or b'ufpended Miniflers, or any other not authorized by this Kirk. Therefore His with advice of His faids Eftates, Statutes and Ordains, that whatloet er petfon or perfons, (hall here.’ after Marry or procure themfelves to be Married in a Claudefline and inorderly way, or by Jefuits Prictfs, or any other not authorized by this Kirk ; tliat they lhall be imprifoned for three monechs, and befide their faid imprifonment lhall pay, Eacli Noble man,cne tiiotifand pounds Scots-, each Barren ai,d landed Gentleman, one thoufand merks; each Gentleman and Burgefs, five hundred pounds; each ocher perfon, one hundred merks; and that they lhall remain in Prifon, ay and While they make payment of thelb reffeliive penalties above-mentioned, which are hereby ordained, to be applyed to Pious ufc.s, within the fcveral Parodies where the faids perfons dwels. And that the Celebrator of filch Marriages be banilhed the kingdom, never to return therein, under the pain of Death. Like¬ ns His M.ijcftj, with advice iorefaid, Prohibites and Diicharges all men and women , having both their oedinar refidencc within this Kingdom, to get Marriage to thtn'Jehe.s with ethers within the Afngdoni ol Engl.nd, ox Ireland, without rrociaination of Banns here in Scotland, and againff the Order and Conllitution of this Church, or Kingdcm , under the pains iclicwing, b or cadi Nobleman fo Married, one thoufand pounds; for each landed Gentleman, one thouiaiid merks; for each Burgefs, five hundred pounds; and for each other Subffantious peribn, five hundred merks ; for an Yconian,oneIiundrcd pounds; for each perfon of inferior quahty,one hundred merks ; the onelialf of the which penalties, lhall belong to the Kings Majefty, the other to the Paroch, or Parodies where the Marred P.arties did refide ; and Ordains His ilAiyV/ffr Advocat, and the Procuiatcncrilie Kirk, to putluc before the civil Judge,the Parties Contra veeners of this Aft, or either part thereof, for p.ip'iiient of the penalties r effective above-meptioned ; and in cafe of the poor condition of any man, Married in manner forefaid. Ordains him to be punilhed with Stocks and Irons : which pains corpo- ml and pccuiiial, lhall no wayes be prejudicial to, or dcrogat from, the Order and Cenfures of die Kirks, to be inflifted againft the Delinquents. XXXV. Act concerning the Election and Charges of the Commifponers from Shires to the ‘Parliament. THc Kings Majefty confideting. That divers debates have formerly occurred , concerning the perfons who ought and Ihould have vote in the Eleftion of Conimifiioiiers from the leveral .Shires of this Kingdom to Parliament, and who arc capable to be Commifi.oners to Parliaments, and that it is nccefiar for the good of His fervice, that the fame be cleared lor the future , Doth there- fore, with advice and con lent of His Eftates of Parliament Statute, Enaft and Declare, Thatbcfde all Heritors w ho hold a fourty Ihilliiigs Land of the Kings Majefty in cafite-, that alfo all Heritors, Liferenters and Wodlcttcrs holding of the King, and others who held their Lands fcimcrly of the Bilhopis or Abbots, and now hold of the King, and wdiole y’carly Rent doth amount to ten Chaldcrs of virtual Aft King CHARLES the II. i66i. final or one thouland pounds (all tew Duties being deduced) lb, all be, and arc capable to vote in 'I'e Elcfti°" of CommilTioncrs ot Parliaments, and to be clcfted Comniillioncrs to ratliamcnts ; cx- aiwayes ftom this Aft all Noblemen and their Valials. And it being juft, that thole wiio II all be chol'en and accordingly ihall attend His M,ij<]lies and the Kingdoms I'ervicein Parliaments^ ave allowance for their charges; His Majefly doth theretore, with advice forelaid, Modific and Aiv 'oint pounds JVefx of daily allowance to every Commiffioner from any Shite , including the Lft and bft dayes of the Parliament, together with eight diiyes for their conimihg, and as irtucll f r their return, from the f uttheft Shites oiCaithncfSM\A Sutherland •, and proportionably at nearef dt- llances ; 'und that the whole Free-holders, Heritors and Liferenters, holding ot the King and Prince, Ihall according to the proportion of their Lands and Rents, lying within the Shire, be lyable and olilicgcd in the payment of the faid allowance, excepting Noblelnen and their yaffals. For payment of which, all execution of Horning, Poyndingaiid Quartering is to pafle, as for raifing ol the Excii'c, and that according as the time and dayes of the Parliament ihall be attefted under the Clerk ot Rc- pillers hand. And becaufe at this time, feme Commiftioners of Shires have been put to extraordi¬ nary expences in providing of Footmantles for the riding of die Parliament; It is herelby Statute, Xhat the Commiffioners ihall be relieved of the prices thereof, to be given in under their hands • j(id that the prices of the Footmantles be raifed in the fame way and by tin fame execution, with die daily allowance aforefaid; the Commiffioners alw'ayes, at the rifing of each Parliament , making the footmantles fotthcolming to the Shite, to. be difpolcd as they ihall drink fit. ' . XXXVI. ' : All anent ‘Prefentatlou of Minifters. FOrafmuch as the Kings moft Excellent Majejfy , confideting how neceflar it is for the right ani orderly adminiftration of GOD’s Worlliip, and the exfercifes of Religion, and for keeping of i-iis good Subjeds' within their duties they owe to GOD , to His Majefty , to their Native Couni irey, and fellow Subjefts, efpeciaily at this time after fo many conilifions and diftraftions , both ai inong Church-men and others ; That more then ordinary care be had in prefenting of Minifters to all fudi Kirks as are, or fliall be vacand within this Kingdom; hadi given particblar Commiiiion uni da His great .Seal, as to allPrefentationstoall Perfonages, Vicarages, and other Benefices and KirkS atHisifeye/w prefentation. And as to all other Benefices and Kirks, whereof the prefcntation belongs to any odier Patron or Patrons whatfoever. His MajeBy, with advice and confent of His Ei Hates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains, That all Pattons or Perfons whatfoever, who hath, of pretends any right to the Prefentations to any Patronages , Vicarages ; or otli'et Benefices of Cutt, Kirks or modified Stipends ; be careful in all time coming, that Prefentations to thefe Benefices; Kirks or Stipends, be granted by them to fuch perfons only, as ihall give flifficient evidence bf their Piety, Loyalty, Literature and peaceable Difpofition ; And ihall, ih prelcncc of the Patton or his Atturney, and of the Sheriff of the Shire, Stewart of the Stewattty, or heretable Baily of Commifi fat of tile bounds, if it be in the Countrey, and of the Magiftrates oi the Burroughs witliin the Burgh, before the granting and their accepting the Prefentation, take and lublcribe the Oath of Ali Icagiance, the faid Sheriff, Stewart, Baily, Commiffar and Maaftrates having firft taken the Gath ihemiclvcs. And it is hereby Declared, That if any perfon vdio hath not lo taken the Oath of Ah icagiance, ftiall be prefeiired by any Patton, not only ihall the Prefentation be void and pull of if fell , but the right of the Patronage, as to that vacancy, flmll belong to die Kings Majefy , and tire Pattons be repute ifaffefted to His Majefties Government, and contemners of His Royal Aui tliority. And Ordains thir prefents to be printed and publiihed at the Mercat CrolTes ; tlisif none pretend ignorance; kxxvit 51 The fieff ‘Parliament of Act :: XXXVII. Ad covceruing the Bullion. O Ur Sovcraign Lord, with advice of the Eftates of Parliament, now prcfently conveened I u Majefties Authority, cotifidering how much the penury and fcarcety of His M Coyn here in Scotland, is eccafioncd by the mcannelle and Imalnefie of the proportion of firit impofed, never iKretofore confidcrably augmented ; notwithllanding His Majefties have been feveral times augmented, Enafts Statutes and Ordains, That all Commodities Iv paiment of Bullion, ihall pay aecording to the Rates menriemed in the Alphabet of Bullion ate Vf lowing, as the fame is now augmented and condefeended upon. Which Alpliabet of Bullion, His^^ ' jefy With advice forefaid, Ordains to be printed and publilhed. And to prevent all abulc and^^* judice to the faid Mint, that may occur and fall out by the Cuflom.ers exafting of His and His prcdcceflbrs, tlteir own Coyn from the Merchants exporters of the Cemmodities lyab/*^^’ paiment of the quantitigs of Bullion, as is aforefaid, or elfe exaftiiig fo much /c?" ounce of the f 'a Merchant exporter, to tlie great prejudice and utter deflrii£fion of the faid Mint, His Maiefiy j advice forefaid, Statutes and Ordains, that every Fcrmerer, or Cuftomer, within this His MajcT Kingdom, fliall by the advice and concurrence of the feveral Clerks of Coequet, caufe all and Merchant, ( whether Native or Forraigner} exporter of the Commodities lyable in paimeatof quantities of bullion, fee down in the aforefaid Alphabet of Bullion condefeended upon, and greed to, as the fame is now augmented and Ordained to be printed and pubJifhed, find fick^' Surety and Caution, or give Pledges that he may aniwer for, that Bullion equivalent in ptopornn'*' to the quantity of the goods exported, be deiivered to the Officers of His Mafelties Mint, (and that of Forraign Bullion) either Plate or burnt.Siher, twelve Dtnicr fine, and being baler,' to b confidercd by weight and reckoning, and the faid Surety, or Pledges, to be taken befote the faid Merchant receive his Coequet, Tranfire or other Warrand whatfoever, for exporting the faids goods lyable in paiment of the quantities of Bullion, as it is aforefaid ; and Ptchibites and Dilcliarges all and every of the faids Cufbomers, and Clerks of Cccquet within this ifingdem, to exaftotre. ceceive any of His or His PredecefTors, Coyns or any ether fatisfaflion whatfoever- ex. cept the faid Forraign Bullion at thefinenefs aforefaid, and that not only under the pain of deprivation of their Offices, but alfo of punifhing their perfbns, and fining of iliemi in their gccds, by theap. pointmentand at the difcretion of the Lords of His Majeiftes Secret Council; and tothcefieftany fuch collufion or tranfadbion may be difeovered. His Majefiy, with advice forefaid. Statutes and Or- dains, tlwt each perfon delating or dil'covering any fuch collufion, or tranfadbion, as is aforefaid, ftall receive and have paid to him, the third part of the value of the Bullion, that was due to have been paid by the Merchant exporter, but prejudice of the certi fication forefaid. As alfo, it is Statute and Ordained, That the faids Cufbomers, their Accounts be controlled upon the quantity of Bullion de¬ livered to the faids Officers ot His Mint, according to their Letters of receit thereof; and what refts not delivered , that the Culbomers be anfwerable tlicrefotc ; and that the faids Cu- flomcrs, grant a convenient time for homc-bringing of the laid Bullion, correfpondent to the dilbancc of the port, at which the goods exported are to be delivered; the longtft time not exceeding feven moncths.. And in like manner, it is Statute and Ordained, That the Alphabet of Bullion, as the fame is now efbablilhed and appointed to be printed and publillicd, be of lull force from the date of thir prefents. And that all Commodities exported after the faid day, be lyable to the feveral proper- tions of Bullion therein contained ; notw'ithftanding of any Adt or A£bs, made or to he made, in this pielent Parliament, in favours of any Manufadburies , Companies of Fiffiing or Trade , or other A6bs wliatlojvcr; which ate hereby Declared, not to impede the payment of Bullion, augmented in maniict FollovJs the A, B, C. of Bullion , ds it k r.ow eftablifhed by our Soveraign Lord and Eftates of Parliament. A ASlics, Pot-aflicss, Wood, or Soap-aflics, the lafb, Aquavit.x, the barrel containing ten gallons Alum, ilk two hundred weight _ Ahniz-l’eeds, ilk huiidrcdweight-=-=-j — ; _ - . . Apples, ilk two bolls, or ilk four barrels _ _ Bullion. _ _ ' Silver, twelve ‘Denier fine. _ four ounces. - ^two ounces, _ _ two ounces. - two ounces. - two ounces.' B Aftii. - - - - - - - - - - - _ RuUioti, B Stiver, twelve^ DdiTTr i. •I (lives the thoufand - - - - - - - — two ouikcs, every four bolls half boll— - two ouiiu :|s three barrels - - two ouijccs. every four bolls half boll - - - two ouiicos. '5^’ railed drinking bear, tlietumie - four ounces. ii^mMtal, the hundred weight - ; - — - - - ^ two oimce.s. four thoufand - — - - - - - ^ — r. ^ ^ two ounces. |„^e , ilk thre hundred weight — - - - - - - - - vvo ounces. o\k ilk two hundred weight, or barrel - - two ounces. thegroee, or twelve dozen - — - - two ounces. foazile-'tbt two hundred weight— ' ~ two ounces. ^ (cood, ilk two barrels - - - - ^ - - - - - - - , two ounces Butter I jotrupt, or Butter, ilk three barrels - - ■ two ounces. Btidle-bits, the groce, or twelve dozen - ^ - two ounces. Bakes, ilk five hundred weight - ’ ■ - - . .. two ounces. Boots, ilk thirty pair - • • - • - - ... two ounces. Bucktan), ilk hundred elk- - - - ... ... two ounces. Batk> iik eight bdlls - - ' * , “ ' " ’ ■ ■ - two ounces.- ' ^ C I ■ :^Ab!cs, ilk five hundred weight . " . . - . - two ounces. l/Cabkfyatn, ilk^thoufand weight ; - . , . . - two ounces. 1 New Woolen Cards, fix dozen - - ... - - - two ounces. Cards! Qjj|^ooleti Cards, ilk twelve dozen .... - - - two ounces, called [ Stock Cards, every four dozen - - - - - t\yo ounces. Cards called playing Cards, every three groce, or dtitty fix dozen - - - two ounces. ' Cheefe, ilk five hundred weight . - - - . - - . two ounces. Coals, every four chalders - . • . - two ounces. Cordages, tarred or untarred, ilk five hundred weight - » • - two ounces. Cotballs of Oak, ilk twenty pieces - . . „ . - - two ounces. Copper, ilk thoufand weight t . . . - four ounces, ' Cteath of all forts, Linnen 'and Woolen, ilk hundred ells ■ • - - two .ounces. Copperas, Ilk hundred weight - - . 1. - - - two ounces, Ciilsons, called fewed Cufoons of all forts, ilk twelve dozen- . - - - two ounces. Cambtick, ilk hundred ells - - - - ; : ; : four ounces. DEals of ail forrs, the hundred •• > .. •• •• two ounces.’ Doraick, ilkhundted eUs •• ■ — - — • •* '• " ounces. ■ .f E ' ^ j^Ggs, ilk diree Barrels •• '*■ two ounces. : ' ' f . ■ i, : F ' , F Locks, the thoufand weight •• " •• ” •• " two ounces. Fuftiahs, ilk three pieces. . ... •• " •• ^w'o ounces. Feathers for B^s, ilk three hundred weiglit •• ' •> •• " ounces. Flower, ilk four Bolls •• •• " “ two ounces. ' -'/(M -f - r, ■. G GLew, iik fee hundred weight .. .. .. „ Gloves, ilk fix groce .. f 1'.. Gtograins of Jeof/. making, ilk four pieces. Galls, ilk hundred weight .. .. ■> , Girdles, ilk hundred; •.( .• Ginger, ilk hundredweight ■ .. GlafTes, called- drinking Glaflcs, and GlafsBottels, ilk twelve dozen Glafs, called Window Glafs, ilk three Chefts '■ r E . two ounces. . two ounces. . two ounces, . two ounces. . three ounces. - two ounces. I. I one. ounce, . two olinct^. Hemp- 34 The firfl Parliament if H HEmp-fced, ilk fix barrels - - Hemp, of all forrs, ilk eight hundred weight .. ) White Herrings, ilk fix barrels Herrings, ^ Herrings, ilk five thoufand - Halberts ungilr, ilk 'three dozen - Hides of all forts, ilk three dacker two two .two two Vances, ounces ounces] I Hofe, Bonnets and i'oeks, otWool, made in Lieth-uumde, and other 1 ounces, Hole, j places in this Kingdom, ilk five hundred pair — - - - - J two dunce. Honey, ilk three barrels Buck-homes, ilk five hundred - Hart-hornes, ilk three hundred - Oxen-hornes, ilk two thoufand' Hornes, < j Ram, or Sheep-hornes, ilk five thoufand - Horlesor Meats, ilk two thereof - Horfes tails, ilk three hundred - - Hooks, ilk two groce - Hops, ilk hundred weight - ^ - - Half-long Skines, ilk ten dacker Hard Wait, ilk hundred weight - — Horfc-lhoon, ilk hundred gang ■ - - two two two two two two • two ounces ounces- ounces- ounces- ouiices, ounccs- _ ""oouncst. — out ounce. two ounces. ~ one ounce, * ounces. tWOr Jc o, I of Oak, ilk riv'cHtypieces ' ’’ 1 of Fir, fourty pieces ■.*— Jedburgh iitaves, ilk hundred - iiJk fifty Rone weight ~- lik three 6hip.pound - - Bk laft - - - Iron Pots, ilk three dozen ir' Iton-Ordnaiiee, ilk four hundred weiglit Indigo, ilk hundred weight — K K Ettles, ilk hundred weight - . ( ilk hundred and one half ilk fix battels — — K nappel of all lorts, ilk five hundred Kine, ilk fourof them — ■■ Knives, ilk twenty dozen — Kombes of all forts, ilk hundred dozen ' " hvo ounces, two ounces, ' two ounces, two ounces.' • two ounces, eight ouncea two ounces, .two ounces, ““three ouncesi two ounc( two ounc( two ouncf two ounce two ounce one ounc tWb ounee Atlibsi ilk thirty X_jl-ead, ilk two thoufand weight or fodder Lead-ore, ilk fix barrels. - - ^ - T ». .1 I Wilde Leather) ilk three dacker ■* wr I Leather, ilk four hundred skins called I Leather Points, ilk ten groce - - Linning death of all forts , ilk hundred ells Lint-feed, ilk three barrels - Lint of all forts, ilk eig|rt hundred weight - , . {ilk hiindrcdandthreefcore' _i_ _ * ! ilk fix barrels - — ^ - Liquorile, ilk hundred Weight ' ‘ — - Lobfters , ilk two hundred - Lint, wheels, ilk twelve dozen _ Leamons, ilk barrel of the mealiire of ten gallons two ounces; two ounces. two ounces. - two ounces; - two ouncef. -two ounces, —two ounces. two ounce?, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, one ounce, one ounce, two ounciS- ene ounce- Madder, King CHARLES the 11. 1661. M _ _ BuUim. 'Silver, twelve 'Deliierfi^. oiKuerfi-we Ml cropt-madder, and all other bal-madder, ilk two hundred weight 1 Adder, j madder, ilk three hundred weight - - ° j Malt, e^ery lour bolls iralf boU ' ' - Meal, every fix bolls - - Ws of all forts, ilk dozen - . ^ttons caUed woven Mittons, ilktliouland pair two ounces. two oUncest, - two ounces. - two ounces. - two ounces. N Ails of all forts, i!k twenty Aoufand Nuts, ilk eight battels ofairforts,' ilk twenty grocc, the groce containing twelve dozen Niehwaps, ilk thirty dozen . New-lit, ilk hundred weight - - - . - O OArs of all forts, the hundred conttining fix fcore Oats, every fix bols . Oxen, ilk three ot them , ■ - ... Oyl, ilk fix barrel Orchyard-ht, ilk hundred weight Onions and Onion heads,' ilk lour barrels . . . ,- Oifters, ilk twenty tlioiifand . - - - ■ ,, y I^Ans of Brafs, Ilk hundred weight I"' Pans of Iron, ilk five hundred weight ' { of Silk of all forts, ilk four pound - - - . ■ . i Paflments, | ofWorftead orThreed,ilk twenty groce, the groce containing twelve dozenof ells Peafe, every fix bolls , - Pennet and Ink-hotas, ilk two groce Pewter,' ilk hundred weight Piftols, ilkeight pair - - - Pitch, great or fniall bind, ilk four barrels " < pf Silk, ilk four groce ' ' - Points I of 1-eather, ilk ten groce .. j ofThreed, ilk threelcore groce Pots' of Brafs, ilk hundred weight •• Pots of lion, ilk three dozen •' Powder, ilk hundred weight •• Pypsftaves, ilk fix hundred ’ •• Purfes of Leather, ilk four groce Plaiding, ilk hundred cUs Pepper, ilk hundred weight Paper, ilk fourty reams Plaids called wearing Plaids, ilk hundred ells Phingtitti, being a fort of Plaiding, ilk hundred ells Prunes, ilk two hundred weight Pleuch'focksandcultets, ilk hundred - Pellet-'skins, ilktwohundred two oiWices; two ounces, one ounce, one ounce, two ounces. two ounces, two ounces, two ounces two ounces, two ounces, two ounces. • orte ounce. two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounecs. two ounces, two ounccs. two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounccs. two ounces.. two ounces, two ounces, two ounccs. two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, tour ounces, three ounces, one ounce, two ounc,.s. one ounce. Rili j / of Silk, ilk four pound weight Ibbaiids \ oiWorlkad, ilk ten groce Rokt,' ilk three hundredweight - '• Rye andRye^eai, uk fix bolls •• •• Rafinesf ilk hunckai weight R E a two ounccs. two ounces, two ounces., two ounces. ^ one ounce. Roe^skinsy The fiyfl Parliament Roe-skins, ilk hundred — i Runds of Cloath, ilk tliirfie thouland ells Srlver, twelve " • two ouncjj SAil^canvas, ilk two hundred ells - Sack-xloath, ilk two hundred ells - 6'addles covered, ilk twenty four - . Saddlc:fl:ocks , ilk thirty - ^ — Soap, ilk fix barrels — - Salmond, ilk three barrels - S alt, ilk three chalders - ■ ; Saltpeter, ilk two hundred weight - c I of Scots making , ilk filty ells I ofFlanders making, ilk fifty ells • Searges of Scots making, lik fifty cUs Sheep, ilk twenty of them one two ouiice. Silk of all forts, ilk four pound weight Calfskins, ilk three dacker Clipped'skins, ilk fifteen fcore Cunningjskins, ilk two thouland Skins, called Fulmcrt^skins, caled Fitchoes, ten dacker Futfells and Skildings, ilk thouland Goatjskins, ilk three hundred Kid'skins, ilk thoufand Lamb«sluns, ilk two thoufand Lentron ware, ilk thoufand Sparres, Marikiiuskins made in Scotland, ilk hunated Mertricksskins , ilk dacker - Otter-skins, ilk two dozen Shorling!-skins,ilk two hundred ^ Sealcluokins,ilk twenty dacker Todsskins, ilk halt hundred Veabskins, ilk four dacker WooLskins, ilk fifteen fcore . Woolfsskins, ilk two dacker Roof fparres , ilk hundred - — Roofd'parres of Oak, ilk twenty Wickertsparres; ilk thoufand — Stulliiig, every fix bolls — - - - Stirropdrons, illt ten dozen — — — Stirropdeathers, ilk twenty dozen - — Sword»blaids, ilk threefcorc — i _ Swords mounted, ilk twenty S\vord«belts of Leather, ilk twelve dozen — Swine, ilk ten of them - — ^ - Sugar of all forts, ilk fixty pound weight - S)'thes, ilk tlirccfcbre ofthem - • — t- j ilk five hundred thereof - - ^'-*'‘''=‘^■1 .Ik fix barrels - - - Shooes, ilk hundred pair - ■■ - - Starch, ilk hundred weight • - :■ ~_ Slyrcland, ilk hundred ells — - — • Sewed Beds the piece - - - Sulfur, ilk hundred weight _ _ ; ounces. _ two ounces, twooiiiices’ ■ 'two ounces' ~ two ounces' _ 'Wo ounces] two ounces] ^ two ounces] _ two ounces] _ two ounces] _ two ounces] _ two ounces] _ two ounces. - two ounces, two ounces. » two ounces _ ,two ounces two ouAcej _ two ounces _ two ounces two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounc^, two ouncM. two ounces, two ountes. two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces. ■ two ounces, - two ounces. “ two OUJKCS, ‘ two ounces, two ounces. - two ounces, two ounces. - two ounces' two ounces, two ounces. - two ounces, two ounces, twp ounew. two ounces, two ounc«. three ounces, two ounces. one ounce. VMlow, ilk five hundred weight Tallow, called iiSrrwfr Tallow, ilk fix barrels Scots Tallow, ilk three barrels • . T arof preatand finall hind, ilk fix barrels ~ ~ Tyking lor beds, ilk hundred ells ~ two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounce*. Towft King CHARLES T*ir II i 6tSi i7 ~RuTlio)i. Tn\vs ilk five hundred 'weigfit ToimPS, ilh five hundred , r ilk hundred weight Xobacccpipes, ilk fourty grocc V! Eals, ilk ten of them - , , ( of Wine, ilktwotunns - Vinigers or Ale, ilk three tunns Silver, t-JvelveTieiiierfinf. "" , two t\uacw. - - . • one o\u\cc. ' - one ounce. - - - one ounce. c\Vo o\inces. t\vo ounces, two ouncejl r Adnidll, ilk two hundred ells IV \\/^ Wainfeot of all forts, ilk thirty of them ilk laft or fourteen Ship^ppunds • - Wheat- every four bolls half boll - Whale^ftot- , - r s - Worftcad yarn for Sewing, ilk twenty pound Wool, ilk fix ftone weight - - Wool. Wines, ilk tan wines, - Wine.feUars, ilk twenty of them - Whiiigersot Durks, ilk fixty of tliSln - ‘Cable-yarn, ilk bight hundred weight - Cotton-yarn , ilk fixty pound weight __ - Irifii-yarn , ilk three hundred weight - Raw Linning-yarn, Dutch or French, ilk firty pound Scotsmm, ilk fifty pound weight — - — ^ - — — Spruce or Afa/rot'/iV-yarn, ilk tvro hundred weight Woollen or Bay-yam, ilk hundred weight - two ounces. ■ two ounces, four ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, one ounce. two ounces, two ounces, -two ounces, ■two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces. ' ; ‘‘ ■ ! ; ■ XXXVIII. ■ Cmmiffm and lujlrultioiiy fe the ‘Rupees of feace.and 'ConpHet. XUr Soveraign Lord, taking to His RoyR' confideration, how much the appointing of Rifliccs of Opeace and Conftables within all the Shires of this Kingdom, under the Reign of His Majeliies Roval Predeceflots, did contribute to the Peace, Quiet and good Government thereof, and to the fpeedv and impartial execution of Law and Juftice-to all perlbnS fubjefted to their jurifdiiftion an(l power. Tlierciore, and for the furtherance of thefe ends in the future, .His Maiefy, with advice Ld confeat of, His Eftates' of Parliament, Dbth'iiereby Statute and Ordain, That in all timecoming, tlierc.fliall be juftices of His Majepes'Vezce appointed within each feveral Shire of this Kingdom, tobenominate,from time to time, by His MajeBj 'and Hfs Royal Sti'cceflors ; Which Jufti’tes of Peace are hereby impowered to adminifttatejuftice, and put His iWayV/f/cj; Laws in execution, according to the patticular Infttudions alter-meritioned, war. ' ; The Juftices of Peace at their Hrft fitting, fliall take die Oath of Allcagiance, and Oath Tie fide li adminifiratione . which at firft fliall be ddininiftrate 'to them by the Slictiff or bis Depute of ilk tefpeftive Shire, or in their abfence , by the Ptefident and Conveener for the tinii. FoUoweth the Oath of Allcagiance. , I'' For tepJicatioH of my faithfull Obedience to mymoji gracious and redoubted Semeraip), Charles, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Tcfender of the Faith, &c. Affirm, tef/fie and declare, by this my folemn Oath, that 1 acknowledge my [aid Soveraign, only Supream Go. sfernour ef this Kingdom, cfver all perfons, and in all Cdufes, and that no Forraign “Prince, Tower or State, norPerfon Civil or'Ecclefiafick, hath anyjurifdiiiion. Power or Superiority over, the fame ■. And therefore I do utterly renounce and forfake all For'raign furifditiions^,. Towers and Autbaritiesx andjhallatmy outmoft power, defend, affiA and mamdinFhsUi)Q.^'\&i ’JttrifdilHqnforefaid againll all deadly, and jhall never decline His Majeflies Power nor j«- risdiiiion', as I [hail anfwer to GOT. i. •. 58 Tae firfi 'FarhaMr , t f Followetii die Oadi ‘hr fideli adminiflratione. Js one of the Commijpotters and Jnftices of Teace, wiihhi flit res, acco'-di,„ ^ ledge, svtt and fower, fljall do equal Right -tot h to rtch and poor, coiflor£t° Statutes andCufloms oj the Laud-, and that T Jhall not he of Council with ^ m ^ r rut -nwr. ! J - ^ ! . f .J' . .1.1 . t n t t ^ ill cacli rtrpcftivc Siiire, fiiaU meet and. con veen together fourf liidjay of tlicjirft Tuelday of die laft Tueidav n hfareh. In which S'cmoii.'i. riicvltiaH The Jiifliccs of Peace year, vis:. On thefirll: T . . ^ _ _ ^ . . ,„n j.u and the firif iuefday ol flfareh. In which Scilions, dicyiliall adminiflrate Jiilticc to di°^ within their Jiirifdifticn, and piiiiilh the guilty, tor Faults and Crimes dn ’ 'H I n»T K»» J _ _ (1 . Il-s. 1 1 thij]i;s char arc niittcdiii the jirccccding Quarter: and by mutual and coiijundl advice, makeaiid reaifip'n^ j ** lor die Fees of Servants, .Shearers in Harveft and other Labounngmtn, appoint Prices tor crafts, cica or coiitiiiiie Oiiiflablcs or other OlBccrs, and difpoleot the F mes and ol die conftablcs, Clcdts and other O.licers Fees , and niiploy the remnant on fuch pious tiles, as they lhall find moll expedient ; and lhall have power to continue the faiJ to adjourn the fame to Inch dayes and place as lhall be nioft convenient. *®ons, or . And one Juftice fliall have poVver Upon complaint of any perfo.-i, being threatned and ( ■ be wiongcd, to bind the party complained upon, under luch a pccunial lum to keep tlieVr''"®® lliall dunk fitting: As alio to commit him until Surety be found by him, the I'aidCoiiiiilain. ^viiig his oath before the Juftice, that he hath juft caufe to dread him harm. And alter n comp am , yet il the Juftice be credibly informed of appearance ol trouble betwixt anv Mrr lhall bindtheni tothe]icacein m.iiincr forelaid , except the parties declare upon thcir^enn that neither of them bear any grudge to 6thcr? And aU luch Bonds lliall be kept and RecrlTI]?' »a“S'a' “ ■'« >■““ “ tf any perfon being charged to make his appearance before a Juftice of Peace, lhall ref„r„ j lay withoutcaulc. It the party be a Landed Gentleman, whofe Rents exceed tcnchalLs or one rhouland Merks of filver, then the Juftice (whofe command is contemned) 111 IJ Lime to Ionic of His Mtje/lies Privy Council , to the elFea the oartv of rhe n,? ■ i'“ oiXac^lhTn"'^ /’“I'*"" if the dilobeyer’ be ot a meaner degret'dicTS o: leacc lhall hereby lial'c power to command the next Conflable, orin abfence of a Conftihlf 1 w th aftfi"inre"'f “r I'fmg a Warrand in writ Ihblcribed by the faid Jidlfce Pei* \Mth .lliullmce ol the Country, to bring any fuch party belorehim. condemn any perfoh in Blood-wyt: ojr othetvvayes convift liimin a y pain proper tor him to impolb, the Juftice lliall have no power of new to Suit “ GUilfv T 'iS co^lufion withthe Deliquent, fliaUfufferany perfon SlKirbe^^ihijte ^ the Party oncedeclared, is n^ot to’ be br^t “-Kn le-vercly punilhcd by His Mr/r/^^^CounciI. be called, cenluredaiid brc.nking'thc Kin<’s Pc^afe und^ib^'d'^^ I'Pon all perfoiis cemmitting Riots, and Coiled,? m ju « a Id to S ’ arm Sendfors of the ■Offender. And itanv of the f *ne according to the quality ottlic Crime, ardtheEllaK oltlie dubbc}, ihc iiinimoii6bciniMndorf>a*^rl°^^^^ Cliarged to compear before the faids Jufiices.iliall'md fne the rot rrn ^ theJawiull Citation verified, and Fad proven, the JnlliccsM Crtcnder. And lor the more ’.J ^‘^“''.‘^'"8 the quality of the Crime and Fftate el the car determination of the order which lliall be kept hy the laids Commiliioncrs Aft 38- King CHARLES the II. 1661. “T-T* Commirt^oncw m the deduc.r^g of any ftch procefs Got Sovc^gn Lord. With ..Jvkeof HisEnI -s. Declarcth, That k lHall be lawful to thelaids Jufliccs, \>hailccvcr they have any occanouolhoVc anyaftion againft Parties, for any hke Fad or Riot, to refer the fitll Simniions to t& oaths of Verity, failzemg of otiier taull probation ; n ho being perlonallyli,„,.v.onedby firll Citation, ihall be holden as contclt, and Decreet to be prouiiounccd againft him, conform to the Libell and Summons. And if he be not petfonaUy lummoned by thefirft Citation, the faidsCom:. „,if!ionerS fliaU be Wdento caule Summon him, of itew again, by it ,fccond Summons at his place; ndiieh two Citations lhaUbe as fufEciclit to ihfer Decreet aiid Sentence' tipoft the Libell 'ainft h.m, as ii he were apbrehended perfotolly. And which Sentence given after tlie hiarinct and rorm of probation aboye-Written, His MajeJty, with advice forefaid. Authorizes and Suftains Js-'midd andlavvhill in themlelVes._ And as concerning theiePerfons ol higher degree, theliiids Commill Snets (hall ufe all their power for prcvennng and flaying of the Riots, commanding the at'tcniptcrs .11 His Name toceafc,and to find Cauion forkeeping of die Peace, and lot their compearance before His jjajejiies Council, And it any perfon being charged to find Caution, and refufe it.or 'ddayco dodic lame and in the meantime contravcenetluhc laid Charge, by committing of feme Deei bCtWixt the timeb? the Chirge and finding of the Caution, nevctthelefs he ihall be anfwerable tor the pain, from the date oftlis Charge, likeas it Caution Iiad been then found. ThefaidsCommiffiontsfliallputHisM(i'i'/?/«AaofPatliamenttodueahdfu!lexecutionaoainft wll. //’ ^ full Btggars and Vagabonds, folitary andidieMenandWomenwithoutCallingorTradc.lurkmain Ale" ' j houfes, tyed to no certain fervites, repute and holden as Vagabonds ; and againlt thole perlotis who atc '^'^ { commonly called iitgyptians, and they Ihall punifli and fine their Refletters andSetters ot houfes to ' them accordingly, by luch competent pains as is proper lor them to enjoy n. Tlie faids Gonlmiffioners and Juftices ' 'of Peace arc hereby auihofized and impowered, to Eire e ’ Ax order (as they fliaikhink nioft convenient, and' with leaft griH to the Subjefts) tor mending of all High. wayes and PaflagfeS, ro ot fromany Mercat-fown or Sea-port within that Sliire, and lhailcals.bciore''y^'' them all fuch perforis as 'fliali ftrait thefe Paffages (or otherwayes by carting of Ditches o'r tiirouehthc fame) ihall make thefe High-wayes noifome and troublcfome unto pall'engers, and ihall puniih and fine them accordingto the quality of tltie'r offente. And to the effed it'may he known cfwtet breadth all common High- w^esihould^be, to Mercat-tbWiis , Our Soveraigh Lord , With adViCfe forelaid, Declareth, That the lame Ihould be of twenty foot of meaiure iiv breadth at the Icait, and where anyare of larger breadth, they Ortkin the fame lo to re'main unaltered or flraitned, and that the faids Juftices maintain the fame , with all other Wayes .from 'any Town in the Paroch to the P,iKch Churches , in the eftate as they ate : And where they find any necefllty oi other Wayes itoni ' any Town in the Paroch to Paroch Churches, they ihall inform His Majefites Secret ( ouncil thereof who fliall give them ( after .fufficient information) their diredioii thereaneiit; according wherenntoj S ihall be holden to proceed. And if any perfon refufe to coucut for 'mending of High-wayes and ges, the faids Juftices fliall hays power to cenfure and purafh them according to their diicretion; with ptovifion alwayes, that if in, tlieir procecdijigs therein , they ufe fuch ievetity or rigour as may move juft complaints againft them, they fliall be ceiifuted therelore by His Secret Couned as appettaineth. , The faid^ juftices fall putHis_]Vfc;f/?/M Afts of Parliiment to execution, againft Cutters and Do. fttoyers of Planting, (freen-Wood, Orchards, Gardens, Haynings, Breakers ot Dcfv e.houies and Cunl uinghares. Stealers of Bees and Bee-hives, ufets of unlawful! Games with Setting Dogs, Slay ers ot red • 1, , w , ^nd black Fifliesand Smolts, in forbidden time, Foiilers fouling, in .other metis Lands,. Makers ofWoor- ^ ‘ burn and Moffeburii, Setters of Crooes and Nets in Waters and Dames, having, and keeping ot Creoes ' agd Yairsin forbidden time, and fliall proceed againft them accordingly. And tot their better Wan' Mtid to proceed in the premiffes, itis His Higiinefle plcafure, that Ccnimifliciib be .granted to tlialafds Juftices of Peace-,, to try and punifli the violators ot tlie faids Afts; in the tryul whereof they fliafl proceed by witnefles , orby oath, of Party; and the puniflimcnt to be. iliflifted by them, fliall be^ pecuniaifum, anfwerable to the circUmftance of the offence, and quality of the offenders; with fpccial ptovifion, that their Cenfutes and Punifliments ihall extend againft none, but thole againft whom by priviledge of their Infttuaions they may lawfully ptoccedl And alfo with ptovifion, that the faids Qinimiffions be not extended to any perfons, who fall be arrefted and conveened for the faids enmeSi before any other ordinary Judge. It is alfo provided, that the ordinance and power contained in thi? Article , ihall no wayes b.e prejudicial to any other Commilfions, or Rights whatfoevetf granted tp. other parties, whereby they have p ewer to proceed and cenfure the critnos and offences above- written. v'.T' itent. Afts of’ Parliament, made againft Malt-makcrs, that the tranfgtelTors ahd contravecners thereof may be punillieJ, conform to the Tenor of the laid Ads. They lhall let down order in the Countrey, tor Governance in time of Plague, and iliall punifl, fcverty the difobeyers of the order appointed by tliem accordingto the quality of the Delinquent. They fliaU appoint at the C^iarier Jdiions to be kept in Aiipft a.nd leh-nfry, the ordinary Hire 4 and Wa 'cs of Labourers, Work-men and Servants, and who lhall refule to lerve upon the pricefct ^lA down by them, lliaU be imprifoned, and further Punilhcd at their dilcretion: ^d to the efTeft Set- ’ " vants may be the more wimng to obey the Ordinances to be made by the laids Juflices, for the faids Fees the faids Juftices lhall have power to decern, and compel the Mailer to make paimentof the Fees, ’appointed by their Ordinance, in cafe tlie Servants plcafe rather to puflue for the fame be. lore them then any other Judge. „ , , r- i • j r. r , , The faids Juftices lliall take notice in all Sheriffdoms, where there arc any Goals, and Prifon-houfes, Within any Burgh, that the fame be kept up and not fulTered to decay or become ruinous: and if there be any Shire, where there is not any Goal or Prifon-houfe, they lliall inform His Majejiies Counc 1 thereof, that they may appoint and give order for building of one within the Head Burgh ofthe ohire, and according to the direftions to be given thereanent, the Juftices lhall be holden there be anv Shire, where there is not any Goal or Prifon-houfe, they lliall inform His Majejiies ^ , , . _ _ _ Mifrkin tile He.a n.—L ofthe ohire, and according to the direftions to be given thereanent, the Juftices lhall be holden pf their own tor their maintainance and entertainment, willotherways familli and ftrave before they can come to their tryal, who not the leffe, in regard ofthe crimes committed, can no wayes be put under lurety, or othetwayes, in iaults of Icfle confequen'ce, are unable to find luftcient Caution to be made lorth coming and anfvverable at the next Seflioh; Therefore it fliall be lawful to the faids Commiliioners and Juflices, at their Quarter Selfion, to rate every Paroch tor a weekly proportion, lor the entertainment of thofe poor Prifoners ; providing they do not exceed the fum of five Ihil- lings Scots money at the moft, nor under one lliilhng at the leaft ; which fum ftiall be uphftcd for thatulcby theMinifter or Reader who lhall fetve at every Paroch, from fuch Deacons, who lhall be appointedto collect the fame ; and the fiids films to be delivered bj theConftable of the Paroch, at the (garter Seflions, in prelence of the whole Benclithen conveened, to fuch petfons as the faids Juftices iliall truft therewith, and who accordinglyi llfall make due account in paying the Jajlots fuch rates as lliall be allowed lor the poor Prifoners, and making the reft forthcoming for fuchufe and intent of the like nature, as the laids Juftices iliall hppoint. All Mai'iftrates of Burghs, and keepers of any Goals or Prifons, iliall receive into their Pfifons, all fuch perfoiis as either iliall be brought ly Conltables, ot fent unto them ^ warrands under the handol aiy one juftice of Peace, the faids Juftices caufing fatisfie for their entertainment; and if any Magillrates, ot their Jaylors, fuffetan_y pcrfons,commitea hy the Juftices to their Prifons,toefcape, they ibail be condignly' pumilied tlierefore, at the diferetion of His Majejltes Council. ^ Fees, and to pUiiilh the contraveeners, as appertaineth. They ll.ail caufe I'ufficient Angle and double Ale to be brewed in eve^ Shire, aiid fliall appoint Virmrsm ihar eflcft.with cotilenrof the Barron and Over-lord of the crouiid : They fliall fet down CH All LI-., “I tlv ' ,, Lord, with ad\icc torcMid, DccLircch, Ih.ic ihctc juLlitcs oi t'o.icc Ih.ui bo .1 iiilL Iv-r aii.l ^foiTion, to dcciJo in matters occuring betwixt the lour Qu:uter hciiiuiw, ‘'■"a w Declares , that no Letters ol Caption ought to be granted agamll the laids Jullicos, fov n -heiidiii!? 0‘ I’-cbcls, except they be iound lubjeft to do the lame, by poircding oi uich ochev 0 ''4cs^ and "piaccs , to the which the obi-dience ai\d putting to execution ot any I'tich charges A d'b'ecaulc there is I'cnfible prejudice feen and felt through many parts ot the Kingdome, by rra* . Jivcrfity ot Mealurcs and Weights ui'ed in the lame. Tlicreiorc Our So\er.iign Lird, with ad- torclaid, tot removing ot all ahulcs, which may cnluc in any time to come thereby , Hath li und ' o'cd'cnt , and by this Decreet and Statute of Parliament. Decerns, Statutes and Ordains, 1 iheic fl^^be but one yuftMcaiurc and Weight through .ill the presof riic Iviugdom, w Inch lliall uniw'-fnly (■ '"vc all His Hit,lmcl e Lieges, by the w inch they lhall tell and buy, and reccite, and gb. e out in ,.il \vhch Meaiure, riis Mtyry?;)' With advice forcfaid, finds Ihuuid be ihat.Meaiuie of .X \ii hthtow, which IS now commonly uied and winch hath been uicd molt cuiloinably through the rcatelt parts of this Kingdom thele miuiy years by-paft. And, lor icthng a 1 nfit Order, w hereby aU 'the Mealures that arc now tiled may be reduced to the cuinormity ot the laids Mealiires n, w authorized; and for’makhigot proponoii aiilntrable betwixt the leiitr Mcaliitc “1 arcacelt. H.i. M-.iicfty with advice forelaid, hath granted lull Power and l.i .diitcand VVei,,hcs, aiid the crcacelt. n*3 wan auMw ,u.i lowei and l.onmiliion to AUx^ tt'Ar Fraser o: -Phillorth, SaGiUert- R.wijar ol B ’Fnayn, F'llli, im S.v! oi Arfyofs , Ju/jit ‘h'lirrar oi %tuh Jam, Sir Robert Htpburn o. Keith, J imes O.ic/uuni. o. San:t Leonards, .Sir J fyeiv Ramlay,'Fc Robert Murray, Sw: Alexander F/ edderbnrn, ’John Ri U,U'i Iham U-.ninngham, Aietre-siGlen, ^oalVtliamThomfon, Whom, or any leve.n ot them, HisFLjefty, with advice torel'aid, Ordains to meet and coiiveen together, at fuch time and, place as they lhail ch nk expedient, and to confulc and advife together , and to appoint and determine upon the mod covcnicnc means , hoy/ the laid Mealurcs and Weights may be reduced to the ccn.ormity lorcfaid; and after they have ripely advifed therewith, and given lorth their determination thereanent, they lhall deliver, the lame , atn'i v- whole courfe ot their proceedings, in the faid matter to the Con niiiiioiicrs andjulliccsof Peace, / v >| to the Deans of Gad ot the Head Burghs ol the Shires, who 11 aii be holdcii cart.uliy lu do diligence to lee the lMca,ure .orclaid, now apnointed, to have ccvtfc thiaugh all pail -is w li b" ■ '' as Landwart. And that there may be one conifant con.crnnty in Head burj,h and Land'. Ovr laign Lord, with advice and conlcnt lorcla.d, Ordains, tliaiLhc laids ]uli ecs ot Fe.icc iii L.;.i.; take tryal of the Meaiuresaiid ’Weiglits ulej in Burch, and to take a Note irom the n bgill/.ir, , 1 Deans of Gild of every down, of the Weights and Mcafurcs, and ol th, number thcicoi win ’ h. faids Magiftrarcs and Deans ot Gild in Burgh, lhailbc holden to ihew, dtCare and giic up to L. .1 to thecrfeflthel'aidsJuUicestoLandw'arLmay conter cheiatne with ihcStandard now auihonzed; m.l where theyfind any di, conformity in the lame, from the liids Standard, the faids Juiuccs hiall , ',1- form the is lOgsMtZ/c/?/ ft Council thercot, that they may take order there with as apputaintth: 1 01 11 .s exprefly provided by thefe prefents, that the faids Magiltratcs in Bpr; h, 11 a.j nor be i.c-inictcd to h.ivc or ule moe Meafures within downs, then the number to be proitfied fy them, and given up in Wti'r to the faids Jullices to Landwart, as faid is;, this alwayes being reif efted, dliatit the laids Magi(lr .in.s Within Bur Jr, find any neceflity tor having any moe Nleafures tlien was given up aiwl tiled b) fore, it ll’ali be licenced to them to make moe Meaiures, they being anlwcrable and conlotm to the Standard ; and malciiigthe laid.s Jufliccsto Landwart torefeen and acquaint therewith, and declaring the number of the Meafures, w hercoi they find the necellky ol iile. dhe faids jullices lhall be holden to give command and direflrion to their Conffiablco , to apprehend any fuch peribn, who fltall be found contcmptiiouliy to have duobeyed the Ccnftircs of the Church, they being lawiully required to do the fame. . t , The faids Jullices ot Peace, as well to Burgh as l.and, lliall convecn and be prefept at the Qrarter, Seflions of the Shire where the Burgh and Land lyeth, give their Oath to the Bench at their admilii- on, make their Record, and make payment ot the lines intrometced with by them as Jullices ot Peace of that Shire, to cheit Collcdlor. ■ ' They fhall appoint a lulh’cientCollcftotfor uplifting the Fines and Penalties, which they have powe... to impofe upon an Offender, and are to take Caution of him for making due accom c. They lhall have, during the rime cf Seffions, tor every day ot their abode (to it do not exceed the number or three dayes at the moil -at one timsy allowed to every one ©t them, fourty Ihiilmgs Seats money, daily to be paid and uplifted by the Colledlor ol the Fines; but neither Furl, Lord, Bilhcp. Prb vy Counceiior, ot .Scliioner, lhall have any allowance ; and all Inch Juflices as ha\ 0 the benefit ot thar^ allowance, and lhall be abient from every ordinary Quartet Sellions, or otherwile when he tiy requited lawfully by the Cuftus Roiulurum to any particular Meeting, lhall incur the penalty pitouriy.pQpsj'^j Scots money, norbeing lawrully excul'cd.and the cxcufe allowed by the'rcfl: ofthc Juflices, there aticmbled.'. The Lords ot Sefiion lhall diredl general and fumraar Charges of Horning and PbyndihiL>' '.at inftance of the Caileilor appointed in every Co'untrey tor ingathering all lilies and PenahleJ' F whatlbever "The firfl Varlimnent of Pai. vhatfocvcr inCDired, upon a fimp'Ie Charge of fifteen dayes; and no Sufpcnfion fliaUbe eraiu'Jk of, but upon confignation of the lums contained in the Sentences , aad by finding Caution f'"" menc of the Charges at tlie modification of the faids Lords. P The faids Cominiffioncrs , ’at the end of every Quarter Sefiions , fliall fend to His jW • rf. Council, a Catalogue of all fuch perfons as they have cither committed , or otherwaj-esfuff''^ furcty, "wnh ’a llwrt Abbreviate of thecaufe thereof ; to the cffed, that thereupon the Coui they ihall think expedient, may return to them againft: their next Scflion , or the CuftosRcti’'^ in theihcan'time, their further directions. * ‘"'et* Tlte faids-Julllces fliall put in execution, all Acts of Parhament made for punilhing all petfon i, ' 'Toever , who lhall Curfe or prophancly Swear , or fliall be Mockers or Rcproachcrs of Pi * the exercife thereof; and fliall require and levy upon every Offender , the feveral penalt^’f"' lowing, vix. Of a Nobleman twenty pounds: each Barron twenty merks ; each Gentleman ' tor or Burgefs , ten merks i each Yeoman fourty fliillings ; each Servant twenty Ihiliings’ money ; each Minifter in the fifth part ofliis years Stipend ; withoii prejudice to other n ings againft any fuch Minifter for the fame. And in any of all flie'cafes before fpecified inth?' flruftion , the faids Juftices fliall put in execution all fuch Laws , as for Corporal punilh ^ • have any provifions mentioned in them for fiicli cafes; And in cafe of the inabihties ol tll""'^’ ties Delinquents to pay the fum meiitioncd in this Inftrudlion , the faids juftie'es fliall put in cution fuch Laws , as for Corporal punifliments , have any provifion mentioned in them for f ''t iafes ; and that the WiveS Delinquents fliall be piiaiftied according to the quality of their f ftive Husbands , and that their Husbands be lyable for the payment of their Wives Fines tefue/}' ly , in manner above-mentioned, toties quotics for each fault : And all others whatfoever particularly herein nominate ', are to pay in propoftidn to their refpeftive qualities and dcBre*^ And alfo , the faids Juftices are to put in execution , the A£fs of Parliament made for the nilhing of all perfons that ftiaU be found guilty of the fin of Fornication ; and that they lew**'^' caufe to be levied , the feveral pecunial fums therein mentioned , viz. For each Nobleman ^ f* the firft fault font hundred pounds ; each Barron two hundred pounds ; each other Gentlema'nanJ Burgefs one hundred pounds ; every other perfon of inferiour quality ten pounds, totr nionev • and that thefe penalties fliall be doubled toties ^mti'es, according to the rela'pfes and degrees^ f the Offence , and qnality of the Offenders. And that the faid penalties lhall be levied , not oidv of the Man , but allb of the Woman, according to her quality , and the degree of her offince the one without prejudice of the other. All andlundry which penalties fo to be levied , Are to be difpofed of as followeth ; To wit, one half to pious ufes in tlie fame Parocla where the Offenders live , or the Offence hath been committed, and the other half to be divided in two equal parts one part whereof to be given to the Informer and Profecutor, and out of the other half, to fa’ tisfic the Conftable, or other perfons who lhall be imployed for bringing the' perfon accufed to ]u' ftice , and the remainder to be difpofed to pious ufes , or to fatisfle die Conftables for their tta." Vel and fervice in other parts of their office , according as the Juftices ftiall think fit. That the Juftices lhall put the Afts of Parliament in execution i for the punilhing of ailpct fons found guilty of die fm of Drunkennefs or exceffive Drinking , efpecially under the names'^ of Healths , or haunting Taverns or Aleihoufes after ten of the Clock at night , or at any time of the day , except in time of travel , or for ordinary refreflimehts. , As alfo againft the keepers of tht Taverns or Ale-houfes , that fliall fell the drink unto them : Which penalties in the laids feveral Afts contained , the faids Juftices are to levy , or eaufe to be levied , upon the laids D®. hnqiients; and the faids penalties are to bs difpofed of by the faids Juftices, iii like-maimet as aforefaid. n Juftices fliall put in execution , all AAs of Parliament, made againft fuch perfons as lhall Prolaiie the Lords-day , and require or levy the penalties therein contained : which penal¬ ties forelaid , the faids Juftices are to difpofe of, inhke manner as aforefaid. And at what time and whenfoevet one fliall accufc another perfon or perfons to be guilty o Trenlon , Murder or other Fellony , Blafphemy , Inceft , or any other hainous Crimes: in fuch cales the laid Juftice or Juftices , flidl forthwith caufe fuch perfon or perfons to be apprehended, and after inquiry made in the caufe, the faids Juftice dr juftices,, if they find cau c fliall commit the Offender to ptifon i of take fuffiobne Bail , if die ke by the \v be bailable ; and ihall take the ififormatiOn of the Party accufing upon oath , and bind hmi CO Prolacuce , and lhall take the feftimony ot depbfition of the Witneffes likewife upon oath , aiid bind them to give in evidence , and lliaU alfo take the Examination of die Par- tyaccnled. All which Recognizances , Informations, Dcpoficions and Examinations, the laid Juftice or Juftices , fliall cettifio to die next (garter Seflions , Allizes ot Criminal Courts telpsetivcly , ts the end the Juftice may proceed againft them according to the Law. Ah^l Aft A/;;^ CHAK-LtS the 1 1. looi. ' And if any Nobleman, Barron or Baily, ot any m their nanic^, li.ivino power, mall .icci dm ilf' riehc of jiirildiftionto proceed againft any Dc'uKiucncapprehcndcd by a c onllable i ,r m , ‘t nme- Then, and .nthatcale, any ot thejuftices ihalircicivefcctmity ofritc M p rtv ihe Defender to be. delivered to Inm. that mft.ce min.nred,and tltn^hlucanreddhcrj of the faid perfon to be made to - ^nd the fa.d Juft.ceot peace, at the next .Seirion. llhdi certdl^ the whole niatta to the Bench, to the vdeftthey may entjinrc.whcthcriiillicchath been accovdiivly mimflred, and .1 any tank be ieund, to advertile His Council, that odcr may 1° uken '’’Tre'&ds Juftices fliaU twice in the year, atthefirft of Ticcem6cr:^ni the firft of t^eim hid of the Poor in every Paroch within Burgh or Land ; into which number there (hall no nctVoi be received, tyho arc any way able to gam their ownhving; and to the cflctf tlicic Poor may no longer be neceffitate to feek their living, with luchhardihip and difficulty by fcandalous vagingas hith-rto they havebeenmufe af,the Julbcsiha l appoint two or moeperfons ot good Inmeand cluautyin evxry ' Paroch, to be Overfeers for the Pooiiii each Paroch aforfaid, and to authorize the laids Ovcrl'csrs to make due tryal and examination ot the conditon and number ofiuch Poor, Aged, Sick, Lame and impotent inhabitants of the laid Paioch, nffio (of themfelves) have not to maintain them, nor .ate ibietowork for their living as alfo of a 1 Orphans and other poor Children w ithin the laid Paroch who are leftdeftitutc of all help : and the laids Ovcrleers arc tohft and mrollall Inchperlons and to provide themfuch a convenient Houle lor thar dwelling, either a part or together, as they ih ’ill iudtfc requifit;and upon confidcration had, what the ncceflaty maintenance wiU extend to weekly the Hids Ovetfeets arc to call for the Colleftions of the laid Paroch. or other Sums apnoinied for the maintenance of the poor thercol ; and the perlons who have the laids lums in then- hands ■ irc hereby required to deliver the iame to the l^ds Overfeers; and their Receipts under their h uuk shall be their fuiheient Diicharge : which him lo received , the Overfeers , arc to difpofc‘nm' portionably to the feveral poor people alorelaid , according as tliOy shall find their nccdUtics to require , and the faids Overieers are to take due tryal of the good behaviour and carriage of the poor peifohs, lifted and iiirolled asaforelaid, that if any of them being fo provided, shall go abroad to beg, or otherwayes milcarry' themfelvcs, or shall rclule, being able, to work any manner of work tliat they are able to perform; m filch tales, die faid Overieers are to acquaint the fiiid Jtifliccs therewith , who shall appoint fuch punishments for the fitft fault, as in their judgements they shall find requifit ; and if they shall continue in fuch mifcarriagcs, they are to be holdcn and reiratc as ' Vagabonds, and fo to be proceeded againft according to the I-a,w in that cafe provided. And to , the end that there may be an exaft performance of the premifles, the faids Juftices ate hereby re¬ quired, to call before them the faids Overfeers once in every fix months, or oftner if they shall think expedient, to give an account upon Oath cf the whole bums received by them, and to produce the Rolls of the laid poor, together with an Account of what money they have received any other¬ wayes, for the ufe of the faid poor; and altera due confideration of the charge, together with the Difcharge thereof, to approve, allow, or dif-allow the fame, as shall be found" juft, and the faid Juft!ce,s are to take due tryal and examination how the faid Overfeers have dilchatccd their Truft- and in cafe of refufal of any of the faids Overieers, nominat and elefted as aforclaid, to accept the fiid office, or having accepted, shall be lound negligent therein, or shall reftife or delay to give an account of their intromiffions, when required as iorefaid, or to deliver what money shall be^ found telling in their hands, undifpofed of at the end of the year, unto fuch new Overfeers as shall be appoint¬ ed : in fuch cafas of the offenders shall incur the penalty of twenty pounds Scots, to the ufe of the Poor; and fuffer futtlier Cenlure, at the faid Juftices, at their Quarter Seffions, upon confidcratioH had of their fault, shall fee meet to impofe. And further, the laids Juftices are hereby impowered aud commanded, to call for an account from thefe who took upon them to excrce that place and office, during the late Ufurpation, of all fines. Penalties and others, raifed, exadled or uplifted of any perfons, and to ordain them to deliver and make paimenc to them of what hath not been by fufficient order difpol'cd of: in any cafe of any difference atifing thereupon, that the Juftices conftilt His Majefttes Council, who shall give their orders therein. ' Confiahles. OUr Soverai^gn Lord, with advice ofHisEftates, findes and Declares, that the Conftables are to be madechoileof, by the Commifiioners and JuRiees of Peace, in their Quarter 5cflions, throng lout the whole Ccuntrey, two at icaft in every paroch, or nioe, according their difcrction, laving conndertion ot the qualit) thereof; In great 7 owns likcwifc, not being Cities nor free lUirghs, icj are to appoint a number ofConflabIcs proportionably to the grcatncfTc diercof; but in all Ikirghs * — ega , and tree Cities, the ConRabiesare to bcchofen by theMugiRrates of the fame : and they arc to endure, and to be changed, from fix to fix months. F % Aud The firfl ‘Parliameiit of And wte lliall rcfufc to accept the Charge, and not to give h.s Oath for due, lull thereof, ihail be impnfoncd, and fined at the dilcretion of the Tuftiecs oflV^^ “ fitting. « ti,c„ FoUoweth the Oath to be taken by the ConftabJes. Tofevear that I J],allfaithfuUy and truly d, [charge the Office of Confl abulary i ' Paroch of Me. enduring the time appointed to me, and /hall not for favour the of any man, forbear to do what becometh me in the faid Oflce : and above all thi ‘'’’ftar regard the keeping and preferving, of the Kings Peace, and /ball at eZTn Sef/ion and meeting of Jufiices, give true and due information of any breach car/,/ ?; made of His Majefties within the bounds of my Commandment ■, and lhall ,, ’‘“''^^‘» cover, nor conceal the fame nor any of tie proofs and evidences whichlcangive fnZlP iiig ajid proving thereof i So help me GOD. ^ ^ clear AU the Conftables, or at leaft one of every Paroeh intrufted with power to anfwer for n within the faid Paroeh, ftiaU attend at every Quarter Seffion ; their to eiva inform?. breaches of the Peace, and other niifedemeanors as have happened within their bounds f ceedingSclfions, aird have come to their knowledge; and fliaii no way hide covet nnr fame, nor any of the proofs and evidences which theycan give for the clearing and prov,r?' and otherwayes to give the Bench further information in any thing wherein they ihsll 1 ® and to receive from the faidsjufticcs at the end of the Seffion, fuch order and dirca,o7 enjoyn and appoint. cion, as they (hjjj Every Conftable, in their refpeaiye Parodies, 11, all apprehend any fufpicious perfons wl night walkers, and cannot give a good account of themfelves, and catfy them to d,e nd i'n '” of Icacc, to find Cation for their good behaviour, or otherwife be Commited to Pr f the faid Conftable, orConftables I], all ft.iy andarreft all Vagabonds, fturdy Beggars and^dEs?' ""'* and carry them before fome Juftiee of Peace, who 11, all take order for their IlmSglsTT' or Other punifiimcnts, according to the Statutes of Parliament "'■‘■“’b to Prifon, Every Conftable, in their refpeftive Parodies, ihail arreft all idle perfons wlinm rhm, t have no means to live upon, and will not betake themfelves to anv T’ Tr.j H jnj M of All r'^’^K r‘T appearance at the next Quarter Seffion All Conftables ,n their refpeaive Parodies, lhall apprehend every^rlon or perfons tluirfl, iie guilty and cuplaple of Slaughter Murther, Theft or any other culpable crime whSe^e n require his Neighboursto^ffi forfafeconveyuigof fuchperfon ro perfons, oath»nexcS who lliall commit him or them, to cake C>urctv nrmrHh-itr m ot Peacc ftableo, in executing Ins or their offices, llicli perfons, for refufmg or delavinir (hXh? &d Con- or otherwife pumlficd by the faid Jultices at their Seffioiis. ^ y g. lhall be imprifoned. All Conftables lhall arreft any perloniiot being inHis flffriVf?/>rfprvirp A..11 1 r j ■ r,\s!or“"“' *' a“£ «f, » >0 l—of m Co.«.bt 0, “ P”«PO •«< Warrand. aa ,hoy «,.ll f™ LoS rtk aoi pain,. 0», Sovoaija torsof Afis Majeflies Exchcouer nf . “ give up particular Notes in writ, to tlicAudi- latTstaafon iw ^brapooS^^^^ >n-brouglit to them, that out thereof, fueli meafureand as may r clpenee .^'^s ^nftables ; and alfo to the Oerks of the Peace fuftieient the & flaall be lotiiid. that the faids Fines lhall not be as in their dilcretion thev ilvill rl VT * Chequer, lhall appoint Inch further fatisfaflioii to them, mtheit dilcretion they 11, aft th.nkthe.r labours and diligcnecdo delcrve, and caufe ffiembepaid oi Km^ CHARLti) the 1 1. 1604. 1 c fame. Ami notwicftanding of this above-wricten Aft, and alt die particulars furcfaids.' coV-- ‘"‘ j ,n die fame, Our Sovcraign Lord, with advice and confenc of His liiids Hfates, bKiuitcs ^^ ''erns and Declares, I hat the crcaion of the faids Commiflioncts and julliccs ofl'eacc, and grant ^'’luri.diftion and Priviledges to them, and the making or approbation of the particular AftsaboVe- ’ introduced in their favours, or any thing therein contained, tliall not be in any lort dero- . p,. preiudicial to the Rights, Priviledges and Liberties, granted and bellowed by His JSKi- His Highnefs Royal PredeceflTors of before, to any of His A/ir/c/frcr SubjcQs. cf what- *^cr cilate or'qiiality from the higheft to the lowed : But Declares, that the f.iids Rights, Pn\ i- !°d'cs and Liberties ihall remain m their own integrity, iafe, intirc, unhurt or unprejudged by du p "iiides or any thing expreft in the faids Articles and every one of them, and arc holdcnas cipec'ally dcrvcd and excepted out of the fame. * ^,id lead thiJ above-written Refervation, diould feem altogethcrto deflro’y the power granted the laids Jutlices, or ihould beget controverfie betwixt them and any other having right and nx’rty ot Jutifd'.dHon as faid is, Out Soveraign Lord, with advice forefaid, for removing of all “1, Ion, which may anl'e betwixt them thereanent, Declares, lhatit lliall not he lawfull not per- ^ittcd to the laids Jultices, to make any Citation of Parties before their Courts, till the cxpiring'of me fpacc of filtcen dayes after the Committing of the Fad for the which the Committer is to be con- veened; At the compleat our-tunning of the which fpace, if any having Power and Jurildidlion as faid is, hath omitted andaeglefted to ufe and exetce the Priviledge and Liberty of their Right and Power; it Ihall then be lawfull to the faids Jufticcs to make Citation, and to Proceed againft the Parties,’ according to the Power and Authority given to them by His Highnefs, with advice forefaid and conform to the particular Articles above-written in all points, and no othetwayes. If any Patty complain to a Conftable that he is threamed by another, chcji Hull the Conftable apprcIiMd the Threatnet and carry him with the patty Complainer belore the next Jullicc of Peace, and if he Kldfe to go, then Hiall he carry him to Prifon. ' Which all and funiry the premiffes, Our Soveraign Lord, with advice and confent forefaid) Ratified and Approves -in all points, in manner as the fame proports. And gives unto them the ftrengtli und foree of Afts and Ordinances of Parliament, and Ordains execution to pafs upon die fame aseficirs. XXXiX. • ■ yfhf for the Ftjhings, and Eredtng of Companies for Tramming of the fam(. OUr Soveraign Lord, confidcring the belt and readieftmeahs for improving the benefit and ad¬ vantages which properly belong unto Him, by the Filhes which are; or may be taken within lilt Jieas, Channels, Firths and Lochs, adiacent and furrounding this His ancient Kingdomi And BOT-eiviiig the ftme may be of great advancage.many wayes, el'pecially in that the fame 1 radc will not only be a Hurfery for Sea-faring men, ahdalpecdy occafion oi building Ships Hr His Majfjhts and His Subjefts ufe, both in Peace and War; But likewife will fet many poor and idle perfons a work, and Itirnifli the materials of a great native Export, .for the continual enriching of His MajeBies Jlingdc-ms by a lure foundation otlrade and Commerce. For which ends, and that the laid Irade cfHlhingmay be the more effeftually advanced and ptomoved within this His Majifties ancient mngdomr His Sacred MajeftvMtb confent of His Eftates now conveencdiH this prelent Parliament, hath Etefted, and by thetendur hereof Erefts, Creats and ERabliihes, particula'r Societies and Ccm-i Sies of Hii.MaJeliiesovin free born namraliied Inhabitants in Scotiaiid ; and ol all others who I be taken and inrollcdin any ot the fame Companies and Societies, and admitted to theprL viledges thereof, and ihall enter ihemfelves in the faid Societies vvidiin any Shire or Burgh of this faid Kingdom, one or moc, betwixt and the . . ■ . day of ■ as the firil modern So* cictiesand Companies to the effeft after-fpecified, Coiiftituting and Cl'eating fuch jictfd'ns who Hull enter. themfelves, and tlieir Succeflbts, in a Body and Incorporation politick, to extree the Trade Hnder- written. And Ordains tliat none be accepted therein, except he who Hull enter the Him bf five hundred merks tfeoH, at lead, of Stock, in the faid Society. And Wils and Grants, that w ho* ibever are of rile forefaid Societies or Companies - to be-Conllitute, their Heirs or Afilgiics, fi-all enjoy the yearly benefit of the Stock to be given by them, in all time alter tlie in-giving thereof ; but to have no power to uplift the Stock, except by confent ot the Company or Council thereof after-fpecified. ' Granting and Committing, likeas His Majefty, by the tfcnour herebi, Gives, Grants and Commits, to the faids Companies and Societies fo' to be Cotiftitute, and to all Inch whom they or their .Succefiors lliall admit or receive therein, lull power to take and filh, Hcrriiig and White-fiili, in all and lundcry Seas, Channels Firths, Rivers, Floods, Lakes, and Loihs ol this His Majefties faid ancient Kingdom of Scotlaiid,^adi Mes thereunto belonging, w licrdocvct Hettinger W liite- filh, are, or may betaken and to bring in and disburthen the laids Herringand other hitc-filbes, to itli andfuiidry Ports, Harbour5,Slioars;& to lay the lame on the Land, & topickic them w ith Sait, and tb city, and load the lame in Barrels and Puncheons ; and tor confetvationoi the laids Herring and Fifiies, fobilild Houfes and little Cott.ages, and other things necefiaty -let the iilcof the laid Hlhing-ttadc, jilwhat- fover places., Hull be .convenient,, upon the paimencoi the allowance underwritten, -unto the Lord or Mailer of the ground , or othcrW'ifc, to it'll v ulc and dilpoic upi n the laids Fieirin^s -nd ctlnf ° filhes 46 Tile firff T.irhjminl . ,‘'W . 'Vitl, Fislies, to die liiliabiunts, to keep and confetve the lame in their bliips and Ft ^ts and prepare them therein, and to carrj’and traniport the lame to foiraiyi parts beyend '-^™ and other Vellels belonging to them, or Hii J\lajejfi es other Subjedbs; and to lell thereupon, to Ihcli who shall be in friendship and amity with His M.ijtfty and His Slice power alfo tohclliids Companies and Societies toelciftand make choice ot*] ■'’'® own luimber as they shall think fit, for niaking and iraming of Laws, Statutes and Rules ' T' ''"it regulating, managing and carrying on of the laid Trade of Fishing (the I'aids Laws bciinn '■‘''hdit proicn and allowed by the Council of Trade) and to punish tranfgrcfibrs accordinoly. bc admitted to beCounceUors of the faids Societies, except fuch wholliall enter of Stock d/ 'f one thouland nierks money forelaid, and that they be Scots-men, or naturalized Stranoers denters within the faid Kingdom. And to the which Council , fo to be Nominate and the faid Companies reffcBive lhall fubmit, and to all their Afts, Statutes and Rules, efn prejudice ot the generality lorefaid, to the particular Rules under-written. To wit; Firft'ri after the erefting and feeling ot the laid Company or Society, may enter or come in' but b\' the Company or the Council thereof, al ter the faid day of next be appointed to beinrolkand taken in by the Council of Trade, to whom anyperfon; huafln!^ cuifion, may make ins Addrefs. Secondly, Lhat the return Irom Forraign places upon theSt l be all fold in free Burghs and to free Burgefles within this Kingdom, by the faids Companies ‘"V them or their Fadtors, without any previous offer to the Burgh ; providing they do not retLl l'"^ ling Ids ijuantities norfiveTun ofWme, or the equivalent lii valuein other Commodities ■ a T Import and Return lhall be of lefs quantities, then and in that cale thefe Commodities ll]all"° i* 1'' fold in wholcfale, without any tctail whatloevcr. Thirdly, Ihatno Herring or White.fill]t°i,"^e Scots-men in the faid Kingdom or Hies rhcicto belonging, be fold, frelh or fait', to any buttoN*°"“^ except by the Companies reffeatve-. And that no btranger unnaturahzed, lhall have any make ami prepare Herrings or White-filh upon the Land , or to make Booths for that effedt the pain of confilcation ot what lhall be icized upon, and the double thereof to be exaded of ’tl” s ler, except they be Iree of one of the Companic.s lorclaid. With power alfo to the faid Coun' l ' " ulc and have a Seal and Gage for ilk Company rtfj.(aive, wherewith all their Barrels or Puncheon!’ “ be marked, and that ilk Barrel of green filh cdiitain twelve gallons, which is to be the ordinar twixc Buyer and Seller. And alio to make uieor, and imploy,. all and liindry Tolbooths and Wa a ing-houlcs, where nccellity requires, ior holding ol Courts, warding or punilhing of tranfgrellors 1 Burghs being alwayes free of the charges of tlie I'riloners; and further, to depute fuch of their n her as they think fit concerning all bulmcfiesand affairs, and to cognofee and determine in all Qu!ff oils and debates relating to tlie laidTrade otfilhmg; aiidtocaufe execute luch Decreets and SentenJj as lliall be pronounced thereuooii : and tor that dfoib, to make choice ot Officers and Servants aiidr admiiiiflcr Oaths to them, and amongfb thcmlclves, forthe good of the Trade; and if iieedbe with power to the faid Council, to dcfign certain Judges under them in convenient places, to admiiiiller Tn fticc in die matter ot the Trade of Filhing allanerly. And Our Soveraign Lord, beingmoftvvilli„e:o cherdh and encourage the forefaids Societies and Companies, in the faid Trade, Hath out of His In nate Beneficeiide and Royal Bounty, Ordained,' and by the tenoiir hercofDecerns and Ordains tlia! Salt, Cordage, Hemp, Cork, Pitch, T at. Clapboard, Knaple, Skew-hoops, and Holland Nets, imported tor the Trade olFilhing torctaid by the lorelaids Companies is, andiliallbe, free of any Cii. Rome or other Impofition whatloevcr; and that the Herring and White-fifii taken, made or prepared theievvith, are and shall be iree of any manner ot Taxation or burden in the exportation of the fame. And alfo that al Strangers Filliers who shall repair to this His ancient Kingdom, and will come and make tlieir rehdencew'ithin the lame, shall be naturalized hyUisMajefly , upon the defire and application o any of the faids Councils and shall be entered Burgeffesin anyCity where they shal rchde and shall be teedol all manner oftaxation, for thefpace of ihven years next after their at. rival. AiidfurthetHis Majefy hath Rcleafcd and Dilcharged, and by the tenor {\zK-oi/lmpticiter Rcleafesand Dilchatges, theTe.nd Herring and Temd Fish, ofall fuch Herring and Fish, vvlifch shall be taken by the Boats and Fishers o the faids Companies refftaive, or fuch wlio shall be hired by thcni, in all time hcrealter , And alfo, Exonfets and Difeharges the Excife Herring due to His Maje- (exec, It the Herring of ^umUr-) for all the dayes, fpace, ycatsandterms of nineyears, next af- ter the (^e hereof And mlike-mannci-. His Declares, That all Ale, Beet, Strong-water.saiid other in^ionsforout-reeking oiaiiy Veflcl lor the laids Fishings of the faid Companies, is. andshall be, ii« ot aU manner ol Inipo itions whatloevcr, Commanding hereby the Lords and Matters of the ground, mall places throigi the laid Kingdom where theteis Loch or other Killings , not only to protect, maintain and deicnd the faid Company and Society, and all Mailers of Ships , Fish- er,s and others whaclocver going about the faid Trade, and belonging to the rclpcctivc ComiMiiic^ of l ishiiig Ironi all harm , trouble or dammage whatfo'cv’cr, or ellb to Jatishe and rcicund thcit lolle and dammage which they shall fullain upon their Land ; ut aJlo , that tlicy , nor none ot them , prefume nor take upon hand , to exact King CHARLES tht i66i. a '^1 any more frem the faids Fifliers, rvlerchants. or riieic Servants , belong;ing to the faidsCcm* “'nics'^’tor Ground-leave, but only twelve IliiUings Scots tor every Laft j.andthat tn.luU latisiabtioik Jurhe’Saturdayes filhiiig, or any manner of Dues whatfoever. .And tor -the greater lintouragcmtiit of Merchant-filbers, Mafters of Ships 'and other VelLels. and their Servants, to attend the laid 1 radc.of ■Clhin'’; HisMiJf/;', by His Sovetaign Authority and Prerogative Royal, not only by, f hefe prclbilfs n-claresthe Ships, Boats and other. Veliels, with their Furniture, provided for, and in axercife of, !l,e faid Trade of Filliing, no wayes'to be Arreftable by any Creditor,, but that the liimc and fhdfe d at lhall ferve therein, jhali not berprefled to any publick lervicc, without Hi^ Majeflus particulftt ^mmand. And that the Filliers,. Mafters .and Servants, in the faids Veflcls, and makers of Herring and White-fi!h, during die whole time of the faid Fiiliing, and their imployment therein', ihaft. be Irec from all Aftions, and no wa'yes conveenabie before .any Judge or Judicatory whatfoever for ahy caufeor caufes Civil, which may be intended againft them ; But aifo by the tenour hereof, Dectaras d,e■<*. ktktve, for the good tlieteol, to dwell ind refide ia any part or place of this faid Kingdom, al. bcit they be Burgelles in any Burgh Royal, and not theteby Id's .their freedom, notwithftand’mg of any Aft or Afts in the conttair. And in like-manner it. is hereby Declared, .that .no. perfbn orperfons fhall have liberty to export Herring or FiAr./norule orhave the Privilcdges, Libertics'and }inmuiiitjes above-written, but thole that ihallcnter themlelves And be free in one or other of the £ids Companies and Societies.., And finally^ it is hereby- Sratute and Ordained, that diofe in -the feveral Shires and Burghs of this Kingdom, who shall enter in'tlie faids Companies and Societies, .con. form to the tenour of this prefent A&, (liali give an account dieteof to die Parliament, or Bis ifffi«.Co,uncil.of Trade for the tune- within , ■■ after di« crefflon thereof, tlut the lime be Recorded ad fnturam tei mtmriam. XL. 'AB for EreUitig tf ManttfaBurifs. OUt'SoVeraign Lord, confidering how many great advantages this Kingdom, and the Subjefti thereof, may have by the Erefting, Chenihing and Maintaining of Manufaftaries. thereby keep, ingin die Countrey great lutns of money, .daily exported for bringing in fuch Commodities as may be made at home, and bringing in money f or fu^h Commoditiesa^may be made and wrought within the fame, and exported to forraign Natioijs ; befides that thereby many Poor people and Idle perfons and Vagabonds,^ ^will be fa at worL and, entertained , whereby .yertue.will, be.jncresfcd and idle- fet curbed and rellrained. ,■ And that upon this account , and for this end , feVeral Acts have been paft by His Royal Predeediots , in their Parliaments, Conventions and Councils and efpeciaily the one hundred and thirteenth Act of the feventh Parliament , and the two hundred and ililty , and two hundred fhty two Acts of the fifteenth Parliameaj of King Jawff the fixth)' and Acts of Council in the years one thoufand fix hundred y. ond thbhfand'fii hpiidred and one, 'Tone thoufand fix hundred and twelve, one thoufand fix hundred and fourteen, ; , one thoufand. fix'll, un- dted and fixteen,. -one thoufand fix. hundred and twenty, one thoufand fix hundred -and tw^hty three, and Acts of Convention , one tlidufand fix hundred' twenty five -and ofie thoufand fix hundred twenty fix years. And His MajeJlj , being refol.vcd to profecute what hath been fothier.' ly intended , and togive fuch new encouragements is isjtieceflary for advancing of Manu/icturics, ; Hath therefore thought fit , with advice, and confeht. of His Eftates of Parliament , ;lieteby,:'to Et to all fuch perfons as have or fliall undertake to fa up any Maiiuf'actufies, tlid Privilcdge* 'Wing, vix. If any Stranger ftialicome ,■ or be brought into this Kingdom by Natives, ,r to fat up Work , and teach his Art in making Cloath , Stuffs , Stockings , Soap-, . .-or any other kinde. of Manufactury , he lhall enjoy the- benefit of the Law, and all other Priviledges', that a..Native ..dotii-. enjoy ; with power to erect Manufacturics either in Burgh. or.Landwarl as •licy lhall think fit , and there to dwell and cxetcife their Trade without any flop dt trouHc? Xnd 48 Tjye firf} 'tarliti7nenl of , ^ '' liac- 3rc hercbv -) r And for their further cncouragmtnt. Declares, all Oyl, Dying-lliifls, lorraign Wool lot 3 ■ any other materials whatefoever ufefull for Manufaduries, that Ihall be imported, tobel’rccoicnl? Excile atid other pubheltDues; and that all Cloath, Stuffs, Stockings or any other Ccniniodi made and exported by them, be Itcc of Culfcm and Excile, for nineteen years aitcr 7, thouland fix hundred and fixty two years. And if any Stock Ihall be employed for tertaining of any Manulafturies ofanykind.thcfameis to be freeof all publickand private foever. Likeas all Cuflonicrs, Colieftors, Farmerers of Cuftoms or Exife, and others, charged to demand any Cuftom, Excife, or any other Impofition uhaticeier, fore mentioned and belonging to Manufafturies, as they will be anfwcrable. aim m reca H ■ — great prejudice to the Kingdom by Exportation of Wool, and Skins with W'ool upon then other Native Commodities and Materials fit tor Manulafluries; Ihercfore Ffis ‘ledof Tice forelaid. Doth hereby Diicharge all and every ptrlbii whatlbever. Native or StraiiPcr to"r'^ ' out of this Kingdon any Wool, or Skins With Wool upon them, or Skins of any kind, or ■' tcrials ulcliiU tor Manutadlurics, until they be made in work, or put to the bell avail' for tl*'^ of the Kingdom ; Certifying fiich as do in thecontrair, they Ihall torefeit fuch Wool, Skins and Materials, or the juft value thereof, the one half to Ffis Majefiy, and the other halt to the Inf ***'' who Ihall difcovcr, apprehend, and profecate the fame before Ffis MajeBies Exchequer, bcfidrT"^’ the perfons and clhates of tuch Contraveeners, ihall be lyable to fuch punifl-.ment and' fine 1 fame, as Ffis Majei'ites Exchequer Ihall appoint. And alfo Ffis , with advice fo°ru' Difeharges all Regraters and Forellallcrs ot Matcats of Wool, and that no Merchant not r whatlbever, buy and keep up Wool to a dearth, but that they bring the fam« to be fold in^™^' Mercats, under the pains contained in the Afts ot Parliament made againtl Regraters and Foilla'lf.^'' And in regard there is much deceit by wrapping up of Wool in the Fleece, by putting Hones, Sand other iniutEcient fluff in the fame, ft is hereby Declared, that all fuch Wool lliall be co'nfikat tl one lulf to Ffis MajeBies ufe, and the other half to the ule of thofe who Ihall apprehend ’ d C cover, and purfue the lame. Likeas Ffis Mijeiiy, for the lutther incouragement 01 the faid's hi nutafluries. Doth with advice forelaid, Difchargc all Quartering, or Levying of Souldiers upon M^' nutaifuiics, or the Mafters thereof; and that no perlon whatloevet entile, reflet, or entertain anv the Servants or A|iprcntices of the Manuiaduries, without content of their Mafter, under the 1^ ™ contained in the Ads of Parliament againft Coal-hughers, Salters, and their Refletters. And"""* the iurther improving ot the laids Manutaduries, Ffis Majiity, vflth confent tcielaid. Dul Vr°' by Impower the Mafters, Eredors, or Entertainers of Manutaduries, to meet by ihemielves 1^ making t Ordinances tor the good and advancement of their Trade, for the right ordering of ihek Servants, and lot the fufficiency ot their Stuffs, Cloath and others; and chute one of themotlex pert of their number for vifitingof their work, that a Mark or Seal maybe put upohit, diftinguilK ing uhat is fuflicient and what not. And becautc many things may occur hereafter,' which mav be iiccctTary for advancement of Manufaduries ; 1 hcretore Ffis MajeBy, with confent forefaid Doth impower the Lords of Ffis Majelfies Privy Council or Exchequer , or fuch as fliall heap! ■ pointed by Ff^ MajeBy, during this ptefent Parhamenc, or thereafter , to confidcr fuch Overtures as ihall he offeted tor the good of Manufadluries; and to make fuch O rders, and grant fuch fur. riier Liberties and Priviledges to them as they (liall think juft. It is alwayes Declared, thaticihal'l be tree and Lvvvlul to Ffis Maje^ies Treafuret and Commiffioners of Exchequer, as they tliall find cauie, to grant licence for exporting hf Woolsnd Skins, any thing in this Ad to the contrary not. withllanding. . ■' X L I. yfil? for ‘Planting and inclofing of Gromf many laudable Laws Lave been made, by His Majtliits Royal! Progenitors,. fotParking and Inclofing ofGtound, and Planting of Wood, andforpiefer. vmg ot the lame : and finding the great prejudice have followed upon the not dew obfervanceoffi) 7! 1 how expedient, fit and neceflar it will be, for the good of this Ffis A'Jajesties ancient Kingdom, especially for Shipping and Building, that Timber be Planted ; and how aavantagions it is for tlie increafeot Corns and Cartel, and the fowing of Lint andHempibr ammicUiriss, that larking and Inclofings be made. Ooth therefore with confent and advice of ,'01/,]“ Parhament, Revive the ninth Aft of the fiSurth Parliament of King James iXmM, ot Qldiodmomoxy hntmhA.An of Woods, Forrelis and Orchards, and all otier Aits made tor that effeii, by HisMajeftyot any other His Royal Predecefibrs; and Ordains lie lame to he put to execution in time comming, conform to the Tenor thereof, in all points; With this adifttion. Likeas His MajeSly with adviccof His faidsEftates of Parliament, Dothheteby acute ana Ordain, chat c\ ery Heritor, Liicrenter, and Wodfetter (according to rhe qualifications under* . . . ,, one Luoa.a.ia pounds oi ye.n-.y ‘’"f'Taciicriliall indole lour Aikers of Land yearly au leall.and plane die lame about with Irccs of ri r Elme, ' Alh, Plain, haucli or other limber, acthrec yards dillance. And all other Hci;i- ‘ ’or Idle Rent nor the laid funi ot one thouund pounds money loreiasd, do I'iant, In- - - ' AlffC CHARi-t.0 the lb lOOi. 41. 1 ' .IHafrcnTwIthin His laid ancient KinaUorn ol J'.U. witn . under*"' J ,, . i AUra'rC /^f T nnri \?»'-Sri\7 ll"*!!"! 1>iM' valued Rene Oak, pnie, tots ot yearly, nioe or tewer Aikers, according to their rdpcftivc Rents, for the I'pace ot ten cloiC am.^^ £„,uing; and that of luch Lands as the heritors lhall think moft fit for Hanting and jpj nclofinn, to bealfo Planted, Ditched or Inciolcd in manner iordaid ; and that thcfaids ^1“® to Plant, Ditch, and Inclofe, the laid ground at the I'caR of Jslnhiultntjle next to and uphold the fame in time comming. And tor the lurthet incouraremcnr of the I'aids He- vVodfetters and Lucrenters, to go about the ready obfervance of .the laid Ad, liberty and is oranced to them, at the fight 01 the bhenffs, otevvart.-. Lords of Regalities, Bartons, and ra'l^'es 01 Peace in their reipedivc bounds, to cab, about the high-waycs to their conveniency, pro- .et'.tchey do not remove them above two hundred ells upon their whole ground; Excepting al- hctdroni, Burrough and incorporate Aikers, which arc no wayes to bo Parked or Incloled, "'Tile the Heritors ihctcot lhall think it meet and expedient. And where there are LUercnters ^ Lands, It is hereby Declared, that the lame lhall be done upon the cejual charges and ex- ^*^°ccs of the Lifetenter and Heritor. And m caleot Proper Wodlets, It is alio hereby IpeciallyDc. Pf'' j that the fame fliall be done by the VVodictter, and the charges thcreoi is and lhall be ael- J dto'the reverfion, and no wayes redeemable, whdethey make pamient thereof, as W'ell asol thelums f r winch the Lands are Wod let. And tot the better incuuragemencol Heritors, and for preferving of le faid Planting and Inclofures, It is Statute and Ordained, that w holbevcr lhall cut or breakany f the faids Itees, (not being the Heritors themfe;ve.s) lhall pay unto the Hentorsorperfons wronged, twenty pounds for every 'free ; or it he be not able to pay ijiefaid twenty pounds, it lhall he in the Dower'^ot the party thereby wronged, to ma'.c him work fix weeks, giving him meat anddruikal- I nerlv And iurther it is Ordained, that vvhofoever fliall break down the or Dikes oithe faias Parks or Inclolurcs, pt be lound within the lame, being a llranger, 11 ad be holden and repute a breaker down thereof, and pay five pounds tor every lau.t; or it he be not able to pay the I'aid five pounds, to work ten day c.sto the owner or thefaids grounds, lor meat and drinkas faidis.. I' And for die greater encoura^tnienc 01 all perlbns. who, fhall be venuoufly tnclined to Ditch Inclofe or plant riieir ground, m manner^ lorclaid. His M.ijcjly, with conleuc -above ipccifieil, hath Declared, and by diir prefents 'Declares I'pch parrs and portions ot their faid ground, as lhall be lb Inclofed and Plan¬ ted to be* free of all manner or Land-Uents, T axacioiis or Inipolkions, 01 w batfoever nature, or Quar- teri'ngs of Horfe in the laids liiclolures, tor the Ipaceot nintceii years, next after the dace hcreof| and that at the proportioning ot the laids Burthens, the lamc inclofures lhall be exempted and made ftee thereof accordingly. Aiidalfotor 'the better preierving ot the faids liiclolures, aiidot the 'Itcei and Planting to be let about the fame. It IS bcacute and Ordained, that ilk Heritor, Tennant, and Cottar, keep their Cartel and Goods, out ot their neighbours Inclofures at all times, that their Irees,' Planting and Ditching, be no wayes Damnified or prejudged, ' under the penalty of five pounds for ilk contravention, lotus qi ones, to be paid to the party damnified. And iurther Statutes and Ordains, lhat where liiclolures lall to be upon the border ot any petibns Inlicntahce, the next, adjacent Heritor Iball be at equal pains and charges' m building. Ditching and Planting that Dike which parceth their Inheritance. ' And Recommends to all Lords, Sheriffs and Baylics of Regalities, Stewattsor Stewattnes, and Jufticesot Peace, Baylies of Burroughs, and other Jiid 'cs whatfoever , to fee this Aft put in execution, and to grant Procelic at the 'nllance ol the Parties damnified and prejudged, and to fee them repaired, aitct thciormand tenor 01 this Aft above-written, in all points. XLII. AB Efablijhiftg Comfatnes, and Societies for maiing Limen-cloath, Stuffs, &c. ■ , OUt SoveraignLord, confideringthat all the laudable Laws and Statutes, made by His Anceftors, anent Manu.afturics, lor enriching 01 His Majiflus ancient Kingdom, p utung of Poor children. Idle perfons and Vagabonds to work tor the maintenance and rcliet oithe CoUntfoy of the buithen offuch unprofitable peribns,. have been hitherto rendred in-effeftual; And that many good fpirits, having aimed at the pubWek good, have lor want ol fuffident flocks, council and al-, fiftance, been crulbed by fuch undertakings, Do conceive it neceffar, to Croat and Erefl; Compjtnic.s and Societies lor Manufaftunes, that what was above the capacity of fmglc perlbns, -may be caHiea on by the )oync affiftance, council and means of many. And therefore His .MajeJIy, with advice and confent of His Eftatesof Parliament, Doth Eflabliffi particular Societies and Companies, in th« perfons of fuch as lhall enter themfelves in th'd faids Societies within any Shire or Burgh, on* G JO Tlie fi-ft TarliiimeJit of their or nioe of this Kinadoiii; and after their deccafe, in the i^crfons of their SucT^ — wayes Declared hereby, that not any of them lhall be reprefented but by one '"'“iR al any other who lhall lill and enter theinfelves rhereiii, betwixt ajid the , ^ d^ f" “'I'Hierlyj ' at the firft modern Societies and Companies for niakinsr of Linnen-cloath Worftea^°i i ges Baifcs Sayes, ^ttons, Sempeternums, Caftilians, Perpetiianaes, and all aU other Wnii""*' and Cloath; and for their ineouragement and tlie good of His Highnefs Kingdom H with advice and confent forcfaid, Prohibits and Difeharges any of HisMaicliiesUete-^ port into Spam, Portugal, Ri\cay, Ruffia, France, or any place b^^ndSeas anv?"^ Baifcs Sayes, Cottons Senipiternums , Caftilians, Perpetiianaes , or any other Woo U C oaths, except they be ftee and of one of the Societies aforefaid. And it is hcreb?n , or all Materials imported for tlie ufe of the faids Manu&fturies, and that aUthefaid. Smff ^at exported by the faid Company, lhaU be free of all Cuftoms, Excife or any oSr In loever, lor the fpacc of nineteen years after the day of all orb M '"''’st- ftec in one or other of the faids Companies, paying the ufuall Cuftoms, Exeife otanv fitions for any of the faids Commodities Exported by them. As alfo His Majefl ^“Po- fore aid for the good and incouragement ofthefe who ihall enter themfelves inthe hfds r ’ Doth dficharge the faids Companies refpe{}ive,^hirc ever the fame lliall be ereefted to „ Within the fame, except thefewho fhall contribute andbrinir i„ to make up a Srnrk ro^l r «>y aauries, the lum of five hundred merks Jeef.. and doth grT iTberty to t£ S MeiS'^^ "‘r’™' laids Societies to choofc and .ka a certain number of thL own IiKorpS'"°! cicty, to be a Council for making of Laws, for their berrer a “ andSo. panyand Manufaaury, and things belonging thereto ■ providing alwales '^r^r Com. lious. Charitable and profitable Defign,_ may be no longer iruftrate, nor poor Childten Vanik or Idle perfons, continue to be biirdenlome to their Countrey ■ It is Statute and there bem each Paroch, one or moe perfons provided and appoLed, upon the charges aiH e™ of the Heritors thereof, for inftruaing of the poor Children, Vagabonds and othll Id 1“ and nnx Wool, fpiii Worftead,and knit Stockins. And lor the more fpeedy ^^01^ 0 d able Dcfign and Policy fo much aimed at by His Majeflies Royal Predcceffors and,li„ r condefeending care forthc meaneft of Hil Subiefts llf si" tute and Ordained, char witliin moneths after thediffolving of thisprefent Parl a the Comm, fhoiicrs ofShiresdo convecn the whole Heritors w-fthin their refpeaive Shir“ £ ' of fome of the Heritors within each Paroch, to fee this prefent Aft madecfreaual and iwf pointed for inftruftingof the Children and others forefaid, to fine and mix Wool kiiit StLk ’ j ipin Worftead, and to fee a maintenance fetled in every paroch upontt &dT3i? S within tr'evil Patcches of rLfpeat'll^ 'to “£ tn'a^countTtk^' mad diligence in the matters aforefaid ; and in cafe they ft, all be found to have failed" dm rile fodl Commilhoncrs now attending this prefent Parliament, do fee this ptefent Aft oPt in exmirk, f dt'ficllnr'”'/ o’d"' Parodies where the faids petfoLSedftt? bSd “ eSHgislSiSsS pan 1 ’ L t ftL o kit; / as flial be brought home and iniployed for the faidsConi. fo wftl out p£i.t a„l tfo, Burghs and Landwatt where the Companies fliallriiink fo theitHeed^^^^^^^^^ h fl =‘"yP“'Bn or perfons, under wharfoeTet colour or pretext iionykhftaildn^^^^^^ publick Burdens or Exadions during their liLmc; His or anv of His Pi- hfoulgence, made or granted in thceontrairby which are all hereby Commitec, or Incorporation whatfoever, Idved tl P 7 fat is they may be con- Tradef-men Natives or S-annerl'V ImrnunitiM granted by this prefent Adt, in favours of mg m the laidsManufacftniies.And Siflidd Companies, for work- £.,£5 ri £,sr r S* 'a,"ss,““ iiiidor the breadth of an ell I'll'f ^ Companies oi prnace I radl-nicn, lomakc any S'earges. Mturters and i lidf nor no W ^ I '' i' ’ B'*P‘^J“anacs and Sempitennmis, under the breadth bt Vlncc pimil to biitr Ibv ll miceraneil and a half hr, ad; under the paili of twenty ^ ^>er ihclcoh and d.e iaids and Cloaths, to be ccnfiicar, the one hi it 51 ,, - - CHARLES tlie U. icfn. f-fi 4'- 'i"*" _ _ _ ^ - : - - - - - Ai dilcovcroi-s thorcot'. Further, H is •'•‘.‘■’/rfy M-kli advice forel'aid, for encouragement of thefe who ihall enter into the l.iids Companies V mi afturi“' Doth ilk one of the faids Companies all the Pnviledges and Immunities " or ihall be hereafter by the Kings MajeBy indulged to the Companies or Societies of tl«i fame were herein expreft. Whereanent, His M.ijeBj, with confent forefaid, hath 2Sid^nd hereby dil^nfo for ever. XLIII. A£i discharging the exj>ortatioH of Limietf-yarn, and regulating the breadth of Linnen-cUath, &c. OUr Soveraign Lord, conceiving it neceflary for the good andwel-being of His Majefties Sub- efts, to pr^eftand indeavoiir the improvement of all the Native Commodities of this Hisdl/ri- • /? ts ancient Kingdom, and to make Laws and Ordinances, for eviting and preventing of all fraud W deceit ufed heretofore, in making Sale of the faids Commodities; And ponfidering that it would J more to the advantage of H\% Majefties Subjefts, andpromoviiig ofManufafturics, to tcftiain 1 bertv that Merchants have taken to export Linnen-yarn, then fuffer them to carry the fame 'other places and Kingdoms. Therefore Mis MaJeftj, with advice and confent of His Eftates "rParhament, Dilcharges any Merchant or others whatfoever, to tranfport out of this Kingdom any T • en varii under the pain of Gonfifeation of the fame, the one halt to His Majefiies ufe, and \ tiler half to the uie of the Attacher and Apprehender oi the faid Yarn ; and Stamtes and ndaiiis that all Yarn be fold by weight, and that no Reel be made ulc of within this Kingdofo, i the meafure and length of ten quarters; and that under the pain of ConfifeationofanyYam h" ^iht to the Mercat of a lliorter Reel, the one half to His Majeftiesxxk, and the other halfto dilute of the Dclaters and Apprehenders of the faid Yarn. Asallb, His Majelty confideting, i ■ Linljcn-cloath is one of the moft ufefull Commodities of the produft of this Kingdom, where, hrmu’dr money in ancient times was btoti^k home; And that now, to the great prejudice of the ( 1 r nrtoditv the latnc is brought inconcempc abroad,and become hardly vendible, dirough the dc'ceit- M MakiiVJ, evil Bleetchirtg, and unequal Breadth thereof; Therefore His j,,With advice * 1 confent of the faids Eftates, doth Difcharge and Prohibit all Weavers to make any Linncii-cloath, Sdie price of ten fliillings Scots tlife pil, or abovd, finder the breadth of an ell and two •inches, alter the firll day oi November next to come, under the pain to be imprifoned, for the fpacc .of iourcdcii "dayes, and of -twenty pourids Scots to be paid lor each fault, to Magiftrates of Burghs, Sheriffs of Shires,- Lords of Regalities, and Bartons within their refpeaive bounds, and of the Coiififcacit* of the fame, to the ufe of the Attachers and Difcovcrers thereof; and Statutes tliac aU LiniKti-cloath be taken up by Selvage, and not by the Rigg, and fo to beprefentedto the Mercat j and that - ail Linnen-cioath be Bleetched- without Lime, under the pain oi twenty pounds for each fault to be paid to the Magiftrates forefaid, within their refpciftive bounds. Andlaftly, it is hereby Declared that all Flax and Linnen-yarn Imported, and all Linnen-cioath Exported, by fuck as flial enter into theComoanies and Manuiaftilties for making of Linnen-cioath, lliall be free of all Cuftom, and all other Impoiition, for the fpacc of fifteen years after the faids Manufadfuries lliall be efta- blilhed in the perfons oi fuch as fliaU enter tliemfclves in the faid Companies,betwixtand thcfirft day pf January next, conform to another Ordinance of Patliamenc for eftabliftiing the faids Com¬ panies. , , XLiV. , Adi for tnmiragingof Shiffifigand Navigation- OUr Soveraign Lord, cohfidering that the Wealth,- Safety and Strength of this Kingdom, ar«i very much concerned, intheincreafe of Shipping, and incouragement of Trade an^d Natagatioii; both which are much decayed, if not wholly ruined, by the late unhappy Wars, aiw the laid cf- fefts that have followed thereupon. And perceiving the prefent low condition of Trade, and the fmali number of liThips andSea-men within this Ifingdom, Hath thought expedient, out otHiS Prince¬ ly zeal for the publick good, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament now prelently conveened, ts Statute and Ordain, and bythele prefents . Statutes and Ordains, that from andaltet the ■ • • day of and thence forward, no Goods hot Commodities wnatloevet, that are of Fotraign growth,- Produft or Manufafture, Vyhich are tQ be brought into Scotland, ot any of the Iflcs thereto belonging, fliall be iliipped ot brought from any other place or places, Coun rey Pr-C-ountrics but only ' from thofe places where die faids Commodities do grow, arc pro uee or made, or from the Ports where the faids Goods and Cominodities commonly ate, or u ua y me G a TJoe prjl 'Parliament of ’'“v for no o,'i;;775;— ^ or VcfTcls, but fuch as do -truly and only bclony toH ^ i and i„ nomr~^ 1 Mtts otthc Manners, are Natives and Inhabitanr-'"^'’ h"’’ tlicMalt"^ ^efTcls, asdotruly and only bebr unt^'t^ ! "^1;" ^ - att^-and three fourth and tlirec fourth parts of the Manners, are Native’s and Fnl 1 nnd whereof th^ta^^nr to be verified and attefled, under theSeaTof ?rCity o W '"‘f’"' Ml of the parties to wiioni the fa,d Ships or Velleis do bdila u i” “"le, and fuch Goods a. fliall be Imported from any other place or Cm. „r" ' P"‘" Confifeat"! contrair to the true intent andmeanin:. 0/ this Aft^- As alfo nC r ^ Shipor v°i*" to be imported, w.tli all her Guns, Furniture lackic i '' d'sy IhaM half to His Miay>/?y, and the otl.r hah t^dte ufe ;f thoTwl‘"°.i: 1^*’'" of this preicnt Act, and purfue for the fame 1 t difcover the Com And further it is Statute and Ordained by His MrlJv'^y MajeHies Ew Goods or Commodities whatl'cci er prodiuicd or ih/iwd confent forefaid the faid day, and thence lorward^S "St lmno ed mt^ longing, in any Ships or Vellcls rhar (ItiII X i I ^ or any in^inds rK thereof (except in eJ^IiIIi onr.lh Veirds prov Nadv« aJd of Trade within thehingdoms and DomihLis F VclFcls, enjoy the lik^P"'^ be lyableto double CHlome . j and 7;-eW , and no othen!, Aliens. And further it is St.uute^ and^O^la'inld " d l''® Goodsperta.n to n!'.'*'’’*** ward, all Goods and Commodit.« f’ , 'h' Paid day, and tb foever Ships or Vcflcls, whether Forrai m n I’ M Aliens, Exported or Imported cordingly. And it ts iurtlierbtauue Orjf GuftoiSe a j n, forward, all Goods or Commodities whatfoever Fxn P^'d day, an/r^ as do truly and only belong to the Nariv t ’ ""X “diet Ships ot Vefids h double Cuftom and py accidingly, whe her £a J G “T' ‘’’‘d' be lyable"? ■ CIS further Enafled and Ordained by H rX^T Go°ds appertain to Natives orAlienJ , ? after the faid day, and thence forward ^all 6h of an/v P^^'^'d. thata/!"a tainllluch time that he or they': cla,m“nv h 1 1’ die benefit of fuch a SW V ‘ff , Oiheer or Officers of the Cuftomsiu i"';//. he t fl “ ^PP«^ ‘0 tL Ji anA Stirhw on the South fide or h'urih, and to the rhi/m jf® " bctwjxt Bermck or they refidmg in any place betwixt SnrltiKr :ir,A ^ ^ ^lef Ojficer or Officers at Bumilland lip .a cafe of their abode ,n more rel^rp als ly' "P^ N”d’-P‘d= of Firth h place ol his or their abode, that thev nr I,p f ’ J P^dicer or Officers of the Port next m l, ffich Officer or Officers, who arc hereby wtLrized ^ * 1’*'? *■’ Oath before VclTclvvas bona fide, and without fraud, Lur-ht bv him idmmifter the fame, that fuch Sltip or prelhng the Sum, Time, Place and Perfons bom w evaluable confideration et- bo aoy have) All wliich Partners fliall be IviM bought, and who are his Partners or Officers of the Cuftoms refpebiive as laid k ' o take the faid Oath before the chief Oiiicct ffil'Wr^d ^ dJemTaiSthitutiSf y^fgner, diredly nor iSl" thyi r y'' yd ot Seal of the faid chief OffiL- r ’? “ die> fliall receive a Cet- the per Ions fo making Oath, whereby lUcIi a Slim L J Port next the abode of a .Miip bel^miig CO che faid Port, and imoy the PrivS. rd;" /“'“te pafTe, and be deemed as Officer or Officers, fliall keep a Jlchller «/al Lh r ^5' dich a Ship or Veflel; and the faid nint a Dnplicat thereof to the ch.H Offi cf of tt "V'’oor tliey fliall fo give, and re. ed in all the other Ports of this Kiii-rdom copcH ' for fuch as flfall begranr- ti'hom fuch Ships were bought, and the fun?n ’ ’ names of the perfon or perfons \ora names of all fuch perfons .as are Partners, if any fiidr^ T T’ '™*.P=''d Pot tho faL; asalfotli* with confent iotelaid, tlnatit any Officer of the C.ifl ^"n ‘n dmher Enafted by His to any SJ.ip or Vellil, d,e pnva eX2 dn - L che laid day, alloi lodticed or fuch Proof and Oath aken betote ihem ^ f ^‘’T’ "'b Pneh Ceirificatbe hythen. lame, and to examine uhethet the MaSr and d. 1 ** '“'ey fliall appoint to receive the Zn VZ. 'b- bingdo.r£du c fourth parts of the bfa rinersacleaft be Natives Iball be put out of their Offices or Maces a , f ' b/b effience, fuch Officer or Officers t laces. And it is further Statute and Ordained . that no Mcrclianf ¥- King CHARLES I 1. '1661. Aft _ ■ - belonein? to this Kingdom, llwh imploy any Alien, or pcrton not horn within this Natibh iMerciun ^5 ^ Ucmzen thereof, irdmand alter the laid day, as I-ador in any place pfiiacurJ' yCg account ofthe Merchants of this Kingdom, unc* pain of a pecuniary peyond oe imploy him: which fum ihall he impolcdat thf dii- Iviiiifti Council of Trade, the one half thereof to His Mnjefiy and SuccelTors, and the othec crccioii o inform and purfuc for the lame.ltis alwayes hereby providtd,thdc ihis hail to ni therein contained, extend not to, dr be meaned to reftrain or proltibit the Ini- of any of'the Commodities of 4/K». Africa, 6t Atnerica-, as alto of the Commodities port.ruoi from Inch Ports and places, and in fuch Ships and S'effcls, as may be gotten yf filuji yurii jurh time as the Merchants of this Kingdoml have afhtal Trade to thefe ulaccs • and that the lame be prohibited by Ath of Parliament, Privy Council, or Council iclpecti t Declared, That it ihall be lawful to import anylbrt of Corns, in time a/urh from any place or places, in any Ship or Veflel whatldever, without being lyablc to Con- of dear , . (- qj. jjj,y other Penalty contained in thisprefent Aft; the dearth and neccflity ^Uroport being alwayes ’cognofeed and declared, by a publickAft of the Privy Council, or Council 'of Trade. XLl!'. . ■- Act difchargilg the Exportation ef Skins, Hides, lie. >-r^He Kings confidering how neceflar it is, that all former Laws for improving of Na; I tive Commodities be Revived ; and underftanding that the Deacons and remnant Tradef-mcrt tMie Skinners, have upon their own charges, brought irom Forraign places, Pcrlumcrs, Makers and P cnarers of Leather, by whole pains and Art, the Kingdom may bcturniflied with Gloves atcafier Kates and be able to fiirnilli other Nations abroad withMade-work; Doth therefore with advice and rnnfent of the Eftates of Pathament, Ratifie and Approve the hundred feventy eight Aft of the rWteenth Parliament of King James the fixth of blefled memory , dilcharging the Exportation of Skins and others therein contained; and Ordains the fame to be put to execution, contorm to the tenor thereof in all point*. And alfo confidering how ufelulGoat-skms, Hart, Deer, and other Wilde Lfts Skins might be, if/they wereprepated and imptoven by Skimiets within the Kingdom; His Maie0y doth tlief efore with advice focefaid, Difchatge aU Merchants; Iradel-men and others. ,, to Wnl'PMt any Calf-skin, Kid-Skin, Hudderon , or Shotling-skins , ot any Goat-Skins Hart, Euck^ Deer . or any other wilde Beafts Skins forth of the Kingdom under pain of ConhU ration of the fame. And for the further encouragement of the Skinner-trade and Manufaftiity, Licence is hereby given to Export Gloves made within the Kingdom, free of all Ciiftom and Excuc, for the fpace of ninteen. years after the date hereof ; referving alwayes to the Lord-TreafureB and CommilTioners ot Exchequer, to give Licences for Exporting ot Skins, as they fliaU find caule, alter one year from the date hereof. XLVI. ■■■-.. f j AB difeharving Exportation ef Wollen-yarn, Worftead, broken Copper '■ and Tewter, & c. THe Kings Majejly, confidering the great prejudice this Kingdom and Manufaftuties do tc.' ceive by the Export oFWotftcad, WoUen-yarn; R.lw and Unvvaked-cloath and Stuffs ; and the dilcoutagement that Tradef-msn and Attifts have by the Export of broken Copper, Brafsand Pewtet; Doth therefore, with adviseand confent of His Eftates ofPatliament, Difchatge all fWcrchants, Tradcl- men, and others whatloever, as well Strangers, as Natives, upon any colour or pretext whatfoevft. to Export forth of this Kingdom any Worftead, .Woollen yarn, »i?aw or LJnwaked-cloaths and Stuns whatfoever, made within the fame, (Plaiding excepted) or any broken Copper, Bralsor Under the pain oi Confiication of whai of any of the particulars abovc-w ritcen ihall be apprehended fn the Exporting ; the one half to.bcapplyedfor. His ufe, and the other half lor th« ufc of the apprdtender and ptirfuer of the fame. 54 Hie firfi ‘ParUciment uf XL VI I. Act dt^chargivg Tradef-meu lo Import Made 'juork. THe Kings MdjeHy, confidering die great difeouragement given to Manufafturies 3 J t- by Tradci-men’s bringing home from Forraign places, lucb Gjmmoditics as nT"”! witliin the Kingdom, by thefe oi the fame Trade; Doth theretbre, with advice and c ^ Eftates of Parliament, Inhibit andDifcharge all Tradef-men and Mechanicks, to Import parts any Made-work belonging to that Trade or Calling whereof they ate Fte^meii the fame, or any fuch Ware brought home by Merchants, in their Shops or otlierwav«°' ? pain of Confifcation, the one half to His Majefties ufe, and the other to the annri,. ’ fuer of the fame. orpur. XLVIII. Alt for encouraging of Soap-works. THe Kings mofl: Excellent confidering the great advantage this His ancient K- hath had, and may have by eredtmg and keeping up of Soap-works, whereby the c n Irade and Green-land Hfhmg will be much helped, by In-poitmg of Pot-alhes and -Otlier M and money brought into the rvmgdom, by the Exported Soap made within the lame- And yV/y' being lenlible oi thcprcHidicc this Kingdom hath fuficred during thefe trouble bvrJip^t of thefe works, and being willing to give all due encouragements to the fame tor the future therefore, with advice and conlent of the Eftates of Parliament, Declare all Oyl Pot-alhes a j *^‘1 Materials of any kinde whatfoever, to be liuportcd tor the tile or Soap-works or rnaki’nrm k and all Soap made within the Countrey, free of all Cuflom and Exci.e, and all othef m P’ or private Dues whatfoever; and alio that all Soap, fo madeand Exported, lhaUbe Ireeior rlf“r ■of •mnteen years a.te-r the letting up of tl.efc works, and after the date hereot, tor Ihch Works already fet up; and dilcharges all Cuftnmers, Colleftors or Fetmerers of Excilb or Cuftom a n others whatfoever to demand Cuftom, Exen'e or other Duty, for any Oyl, Pot-alhes Tallovv l^terials Imported tor making 01 Soap, or ufe of Soap-Works aUanerly.or ior &ap maJe'wlL' the Kingdom, and exported as faid is. ^ within XLIX. Af Reducing the Annuals to fix for the Hundred. THe Kingsf^;yr/?v with advice and confent ofthe Eftates of Parliament, Hath thought fitupon diver e good confiderations. to Reduce, Likeas herebythey do Reduce, the AnnuLenKS money within thjs Aingdom, to ftx for the Hundred yearly, in all time coming. And I^KI faiJlix for the Elundrcd to be free ot all Retention, or other publick Burdens whatfoever. L. Alt and Offer of Twelve thouf.ind pounds Sterling to the Lords of ScJfioH. F"gOD r^lifittfieirf- unparalkl’d bleftlngs, wherewith it hath pIcafedtheAbiighty 1 GOD to vifittheicA ngdoms 10 the return of His Majelty to the exercilb of His Royal Govern- ment, it is the gteatefthappinelle of tins Kingdom, that the oMinary Judicatories, the fountain, d ftRutions”ASthe'Eft^iMsm1^''''i eftabliftied, according to their ancient and well grounded Con- ^ ,1 '1 ^ I -It ■ament confidering, how much it doth import the advancement of His College of jTftRe’^vW-lhVL^;;^^^^ c c n V I - 1^ ■ ‘-liicihihry ot iome Debitors, and by laying afidc the twentieth penny futc 1 H be an unequal burden and grievance to fU as mull futc the benefit ot the Law , and fo ate lyable thereto . before they can have repe- tition - 7, A7/;? CHARLES tin 11. i66i. ^ - T^Tor recovery of their juft Debts) the prefent yearly allowance to each of them will not nc hundred pounds Sterling; which being fo mean, and linfuteablc to the honour and re- exceed ° imploymenc, and to equity and ]ufticc, as to the perfons Called by His 3/.y>^’to puiation ^ ^ lierefore the Eftates of Parliament have thouglit fit to grant, Likeas they do hereby make jirvethew .j 'yaxation of twelve thoufand pounds Sterling, towards the making up of j free oK jj robe imployed for the life aforefaid, and to be paid' by the j Stock, qP Kingdom ; the one half thereof in the monetly ol Novembey next to 'come. Shires an nioneth of May thereatter, in theyear one th'oufand fix himdredand fixty jnd the o ijQ [jj caifed in the lame manner, the prefent or laft Impofitions are, and have been tivo y'^^> thereunto. The Kings Majefty, with advice and confeiit of His Eflatts of Par- y' Doth hereby Statute and Ordain, the faid film of twelve thoufaiid pounds Sterling, tobf lianient, Burghs of the Kingdom, in manner for the life aforefaid, the one halt thereof paid by ‘j^ij^cmber, and the other half in the moneth of May next to come ; aiid that ‘1’ f 06^6 brought in and delivered to any, whom the Senators of the Colled ge of Juftice^fliall 'r to receive the fame; and Whofc difeharge upon the receipt thereof, in whole or in ‘parr, W" ordin“!y be a fufficient exoneration to the Shires and Burghs, and all others whom it effeirs. A f rhe faidsmoneths oi November and May relfebiive, being part, Ordains Letters of Horning Povndino and all other Execution Iieccflar to be dircacd at his or their inftanccs, againft th® er es or Buro’hs of the Kingdom and their Colleftors: And twenty dayes being expired, alter either ’Te faids moneths rcftcffctic. Ordains Quartering to be upon deficient Shires and Burghs; and that all who command the Forces within the Kingdom, gives orders, and be affiftmg hereunto according¬ ly- ■ a LI. ' jibi concerning ArreHmentsi Out SoveraignLord, confidering the great Aatges ibar Creditors putto, by Comprifingoffume winvto their Debitors, by vertuc of Heritable Bonds, Contraas and other Writs beating pai- f A™na!rents- Which in tefpcaof the Obliegment for Annualrents, were not m former timci S°able Therefore chz Ucige. Majefiy, with advice and confent of His Fftatci of Parliament, wrei-auic. rW all fums of money which are. addebted by Bonds, Centtaas ■ and other ^‘"f^mbUeemSs' whereupon no Infefti^nts have followed, are, and fliaU b® Atreftable at the fnta ce S any Cteditcr, /notwithftanding that the Bonds Contraas and othet Obliegments bear ™mcnt of Annualrents. And the King. Majefty mth advice and conknt fotefaid, Declares that S s tell no wayes change the nature of thefaids Sums, nor prejudge the Heir nor any other perfon r nehts to tte fame as being Heritable, which arc hereby Declared to remain m their own na- u unchangedby this Alt fro ut de jure, except that only the fame are Arreflable. And it is hcTOby ex-, Srptovided. that all Arrcftmcnts and Executions thereof, f.nce the twenty ninth day of Le ^thoufand fix hundred and fourty four years, ufed conform to the tenor of this Aft, fliall be as vL ibffident as if this prefent Aft had been of the faid date; Bucpteiudicc alwayes totho cSit^s lo Comprifc the fa[ds Heritable Sums, if they fliall choofe rather to Comprile then t® Atreft. LII. I ASi concerning the diffofalofV acand Stipends. ‘T’Orafmuch as by divers Afts, it is found that Stipends and Benefices of Vacand Kirks, or which therc- r after fiiould vaik by Dcceal'e, Depofition, Sulpenfion, Tranfportation of Mimftcrs, Dil-union of Kirks, or any other wayf fliould, during the Vacancy thereof, be imployed on P'O^^^Yonst c Kinos Majeliy confidcring, that during thefc troubles, many Learned and ' Miniftry ate Univerfities,ior their expreffions of duty and loyalty to His ”"?LSv ingin the confufions of the time, have, been Depofed, or Sufpcndedftom and have been othetwayesput under great fuffetings, and they and their Families mifery and want. And conceiving it to be an Aft of great Piety and Juftice, “ «e regard _ to- theluffcrings of thofc honeft and faithfull Minifters and others, and in feme " ^ of for them, . Md repair their Ioffes; Therefore His Majeity, With Parliament, Ordains all Stipends or Benefices of Kirks that arc ’ “’I I difpofedof, or which fliaU vaik by Dcccafe, Depofition, Sufpenfion , Tranfportation,^ ^6 _ 7»f fjyji ■j'arliarnent of - - pliy otlierwajc, tuusimp>o^i;a lortlie lUppiy and miinccnancc, aiiacowaraitlic repcrT" - fcrings and loflcs of rlic perfons aforcfaids, and of the Wives and Bairns offuch ofdic^ ajid that in fuch manner and wayes as after tryal of their merits and fufferines, and™rl^* grounds thereof, iliall be thought fit by the Lords of His Majefiies privy Council to'^’ Majesty, With advice and conlcntforclaid, commits the care ot this bufmcfs; Anddotl | His power and require them to ufe all diligence, that the favour and Jufticc hereby intcnri a Majeffy to thefefuffcring Perfons and their Families, maybe made eSeftual ; and that notwSu^^ of any thing contained in any of the I'aids Afh to die contrair. It is alwayes provided*'"l Aft is without prejudice of any benefit, whicli by the Law and Cuflom of this Kinedom n the Rclift, Bairns or Executors of a Minifter after his decealo; and that this Aft is*to™’a the fpacc of feveii years, and longer as His Majefly ihall think fit. SMure for LIII. Jia ratifying the M of Tar li ament 1633. anent the Annexatianof His Troferty, &c. OUr Sovetaign Lord, witli advice and confent of the EftatesofthisprefentParliament Rar fi Approves, and for His Highnefle, and His Succeflors, perpetually Confirms, the tenth firlt Parliament of His Majefties fjoyal Father of bleflcd memory. King Charles the firft hnU™ Edinturgh, in Anno one thoufand fix hundred and thirty three. Intituled All anent the A atson of His Majefties Troperty, in the whole Heads and Claulbs thereof, efpeciallv thar r^r" of the lame whereby His M.ijeSty and the Eftates of Parliament then conveened, did Dccbr 1 right and title of Superiotity, of all and fundry Lands, Barronies, Milns, Woods, Fifliinvs ‘ Fortaliccs, Mannor-places, and pertinents thereof, pertaining to vbatfctier Abbacies, Prior' orcftes,Preceptories, and whatfoever other Benefices, of whofoever Eftate, Degree, Title Na^ ’ n' lignation the fame were of, Ereded in temporal Lordfliips, Barronies or Livings, belo’te or 1 general Ad of Annexation of Kirk-lands made in the moiieth of fnA one thoufand five h 1 j eighty and feven, together with the whole Few-niails, Few-fermes and other Rents and Dur r the laids Superiorities to be annexed, and to remain with the Crown for ever, upon the f ■ of the Lords and Titulars of Eredion therein fpccified : Likeas thereby His Maieliv and faid, Found and Declared, that all Titulars of brredion without exception, fliouid hold th<.,r . and proper Lands ot the Kings and His Succeflors in Few-ferm, for paiment of ferm-duties, contained in the Inleltmcnts, granted to them before the faid Ad of Annexation j no otherwayes. And that all Rights and Deeds, made and granted to whatfoever perfonor perlom precccding the date of the forefaid Ad which might prejudge His Majefy and His SucceC in the peaceable injoymg of the laid Superiorities and Few-ferm-duties, lliould be null and nf avail, by w^y of Adion, execption or reply. And further His MajcSly whih advice and confem foreiaids, of new Declares, the iorefaid Superiorities of all and whatloeter Kirk-lands, Milns Wood Fifliings and whole pertinents ot the fame, pertaining of before to w hatfeever C hapters. Priors Pfo orehes, Preceptors, and whatloever other Benefices of wbatlcever ether Iflate, Degree Title or Del.gnation they be ot. whereof the prefentation belonged to His MajtSfy and His HighnelTcPr" dcccllors, eieded in temporal Lordllnps Barronies andLivings, to pertain to His andHis Grtr B remain all time cemming. And alfo Declares all and whatfoever Grants, Rights or Infeftments of any of the faids Superiorities of the Lands and others pertaining to whatloever Chapteis, Priors, Priorefles, Pteceptors, Abbacies, and whatfoever other Benefees of what, foever Eftate Degre^ Title, Name or Dcfignation the fame were of, withaUWarrands, Tacks, Com- miflmns, BailericSorpeputationsfor entering of the Vaffals thereto, made and granted by mMajefiy or His faid Umquhile deareft Father in any time by-gone fince the Surrender in one thou- of- rlJ'ii d u w ^ twenty feveii, or to be made in time comming with all other Gifts and Donations of the laids Fevv-dutjes formerly be onging to thefaids Lords of Eredion, and made by HisMajtfttes ftid Uniquhile^careft Father after the Surrender, and before the Redemption thereof from the faids Lads, and all heritable and irredeemable Rights granted by His Majepes faid Umquhile deareft Fatherafter the mdcmption whereby the Profits Calualities & Emoluments of the Superiority of the faid Kirk-lands, m.ay be conierrd 1 0 any other perfon, cxceirt the proper Vaffals thereof, direftly or indireftly, of whatfoever Name TitleorDcfignationtheybe of. & of allGifts ofnew Regalities or Jurifdiaion, to bcnhllbyway of rl^rl! r ^ Kelerving alwayes to thefc perfons, who iiave right to theFew-duties, the righi and Ti- r y/*’ Earlof Hisil/<7/V/?/>j'SolcSecretaryfortlieKingdomof W,a hy His Majes^iy at His Court oWhitehalM twenty fifth day by 1 aft, aiK paft in His Majefts es Exchequer, of all and whole the Lordfhip, Barrony and Regality oiMtfe- containing new gilt of Union and Ercaion of the fame, in a free Lordfliip, Barrcnyf and Regality; and dilchargcs the Treafutcr Principal and Depute, Commiffioners of the Treafurary and remnant Lords King CHARLES the 11. I 6 6 : S7 Aft _ — T'^Fx^cquer, Writers to, and Keepers of the Seals from all padiiig or expeding any fuch new Lords ot ji^Yeftments , Tacks, Warrands , Commiliions, Bailicrics, or Depurations tor entring ff’ I-*' except granted to die Lords and others, pfVallals, r jP j^ttothefaidsEreftions and Superiorities , whereby they might have right to claim the whohau Yew-duties addebted by the Vaffals and others fubjcdl, in payment thcrcot, aliancrly, ay f ew-term ^ fatisfed therefore , in manner fpecified in the fourteenth Aft: of his MajeRics faid umquhile jiidwm . yj^jj£j.{|p2jijament, and with the whole remanent exceptions andrefervations, contained in ? rj nja^e ill anno one thoufand, fix hundred, and thirty three , which arc holden as repeated and cx- tlieWids^^ . jj. Dgclarcd , tliatnotwithftandingot" this Act, any who have gotten or fliall get ncwInfeltmentofS^erioritie of Kirk-lands , the fame ihall ftand good, as to filch Vafials who have anynew’ the faid right of Superioritie: In regard that fitch a confent, as to HisMajcftic, isof given m Refienation of their propertie , in favours of the faid Superior , to be holden of the the prejudice nevcrthelefTe to His Majefl:ie,_ of His Highneflc Right o{ Reverfion of the Few- KidS' Susies and Cafualities, confotme to the forefaid Act of Parliament, one thoufand , fix hundred, and tlurty three. LIV. lAa in favours of Laick Tdtrons , of Troveflries , Trebendrks . Chafanaries '• and Alter ages. ,,T,crxx7FnATrtNFLOR:D, with advice and confent of His Eftates of parliament , Ratified 0^1 rli.. A rr of Parliament made by King the fixt , His Majefties Gtand-Fathcrof andApptoves GW. twelfth , hnentTroveftries , Trebendrks, Aiterages , Chap- etetna! c. pertainine to laick Pattons , together with the Act of Parliament twelfth Chap. and&%Mf lGtks.pu^^^^ and Ordahtes the faids Acts tohavcfull force and efiect one hundred T 1 SSfioTalwayes , That in refpect the Vaffals which held Lands of tlicfaids gi all time comig^^^^ andodietsforefaids, areputto a greatuncertainty of their Supetiors itnotbeuig Provefts, are Provided to the faids Ptoveftrics , Prebendaries, Chaplanries, Aiterages. and known to the™ P oublick the which they may have recoutfc for knowledge and odiers forefaids, y P ^ Rcgifter , is the infeftments and Seizings , made noncethereof. f Tlieteiote. for fecuting of the Vaffals. whohold Lands, j ’ ’ p, of Chaplanries, Aiterages, and otheis of that nature, at any time of before; the raids a,cK-Fatr^ Subjects , upon Retout or by ptecepc t by Refilnation. Comptifing. or any manner of .way with Gifts nowdamusi dCkre cenjm, “ oy provided or to be provided, to the faids Proveftnes andprebend- and that W‘tho« or otli Titulars of Collegiat Kirks; and alfo without Tonte rf Ihf Ster.’oTConvent of Z faids prebendaries thereof, ot moft part of thcTam^ which of beta was in aiwayestotheTitularsofthe faids Provcilties , Pre- others, the Vaffals and Tennants ftall enter in manner above-fpecified ; the faids Provelt, BaiUies. Coundlhaviiigbeenformerly Patrons ofthefc Chaplanries. L V. Abi anent 'Coequeis and Entries of Ships. r\ UR SOVFRAIGNE lord uriderftandiilg there are divers abufes commited by tlie Cufto- from Mafters of Ships, greater fumsof money therids due to them, and fomet.mes ^blcnangrijem H The Jirfl Parliament of y8 Aft y6. felves , to the great prejudice of the Merchants eftate , and to the hazard of the lofs of their vov - fore Out Soveraigne Lord, with advice and confent of die Eftates of Parliament, Ordains thaM^ grcatcrpriceexafted, for entring their Ships and Goods, then the fume of twentie three Ihillin nics ; and for the faid Cocquet , then the fume of fourcy Mlings ; and that the keepers of die lid rP'"' attcnd by themfelves or their fcrvants , diligently and readily to anfwer and give out Cocquets to »li ants and Mallets ofShips , under pain ofloling their place , whenfoevet they lhall be found eithe more then the faid fum above-written , or lliall occafion to the faids Merchants and Mailers mote d'? is needful for vvtitting of the fame. uelay nor o L VI. anent Coal-hewers. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advice and confent of His Eflates of Parliament R c _ he eleventh Aft of the eighteenth Parliament of King J A M E S the fixtli , of worhie memo'ric a anent Coal-hewers and Salters , with this addition , That becaufe Water-men who laves and draws W ■ the Coal heugh-head, andGatef-men, whoworkthewayesand pallagcs in the faids Hewghs , are as far to the Owners and Mailers of the faids Coal-lieughs , as the Coal-hewers and Bearers. It is therein " v ' tutc and Ordained by Our Soveraigne Lord, with advice and confent forefaid, Thatnoperfon fliall feduce any Water-men , Windf-men and Gatef-men , without a Tellimonial of the Mallet whom thevT"'*' under, the pains contained in the former Afts in all points. And becaufe it is found by experience 4 giving of great Fees, hath been a mean and way to feduce and bring Coal-hewers from their Mailers^ r™ Iheteforealfo Statute and Ordained, That it lhall not be lawful forany Coal-Mallcrs inthis Kingdom”'* give any greater Fee then the fum of twentie merks in Feeor Bounteth, under any coloiiror pretext- ’ becaufe the faids Coal-hewers and Salters , and other work-men in Coal-hewghs within this Kingdom d I from their work at Ztde , Whitfinday . and cettain other times in tlie yeate ; which times th'ev’^ ploy in Drinking and Debauchry , to.the great offence of God , and prejudice of their Mailers; It is The™' fore Statute ancTOrdained , that the faids Coal-hewers and Salters , and ocher Work-men in Coal-heughs^f this Kingdom , work all the fix dayes of the week , except the time of Chriftmafle , undet the paineof Lcn ty IhillingsSrafj-, to be paid to their Mallet; for ilk dayes failziefby and attour thepteiudice fudoTlj by their faids Mailers ) and other puifliment of their bodies. ™ L VII, ACT difchargmgtheCiipmoftwoanda halfe oft he Hundred , and the Impji of four pounds on the Tun. ^ OUR S O V F-R AIGNE LORD, confidering that the prices of all Merchandice do daylv rife CO exceeding great dearth, which is alleaged to be occafioned through extraordinary Cuftomsand Impofitions. For remedy whereof. His Majellie , with advice and confent of His Ellates of Parlia ment Doth difcharge all and fundrie whatfoever Culloms and Impofitions exafted by the Cullomers which are not allowed by the Afts of Parliament , and efpecially the late Cuflom of two and an hdApercent and the late new Impofition of four pounds upon the Tun of Wine, and all raifings of His Maiellies’ Culloms , direftly or indireftly , without confent of Parliament. And becaufe that die coo much trou¬ bling of Merchants, and drawing of Mafler? and Mariners ftomtlieir ordinary charges, doth muchim- psde the Trade ; Therefore His Majellie, with advice and confent forefaid, difeharges the taking of Merchants, Mailers and Mariners Oaths in the matter of Culloms. And to the end that “die Subjeft of Trade may not be rellrained with unnecelTary Culloms, His Majellie, with advice and confent forefaid. Declares, That all Goods and Merchandice, Imported from Forraign places to this Kingdomcandoutofthefame pay ing Inward-cullom, ihall be free of all Outward-cullom, according as IS ufed m England m^Ireland. Like-as His CMajefty Declares, that He'confenced to the Adt above- written upon this condition, that Commiffion and Warrand b. granted to the Exchequer, toellablilhdie Book of Rates, acccording as the prices of Merchandice now rules; and His CMaieme permitted the option to the Burroughs, whereupon the Burroughs having advifed . they ma3e choice to he ruled by the Book of Rates anent the Culloms; and confented, that Commiffion Ihould be granted to the Exchequer to eftabliih the Book of Rates, according as the prices of Merchandice now rules. In Lord, Ordains a Commiffion to be drawn up to the Exchequer to the effeft torefaid and extracted thereupon , for ellablilhing the Book of Rates according as the prices of Merch¬ andice now rules : And 1 hereforc Our Soveraigne Lord, with advice and confent forefaid . Ordains die Act above menuoned to uand as a Law, in manner and to the effect above-rehearfed. Aft King CHARLES the 11. i66i. LVIII. t_A£l in Favours of thefi who get their IV ard-holditig changed by the Kings Majefiie. u Fftatesol Parliament having taken to confideration , diat fome difficulty Itath occurred in the Trnfecution of his Majefties Royal Fathers intention of; changing of Ward-holdings in Few, \ 11 of his Subje’iiDOWcrtothefaidsCommiffionetsor^«(irKwforefaid, togivc rccompcncc to Parties itrr the aug- f^nd \\i ijjjtoijejnipofedbythis the fame way as was done by former Commifsi- nieniation I 1617. With power to them to determine all Qncllionscon- ■’ CTtliePricesofTeindsbetwixtTitularsandothcrshavingrighttotheTeinds, and the Heritors; Ajid ‘^‘^'’''"nint fuch fecurities in favours of the Titulars and others havitig right, by the Heritors payers of the v;i- f°%utlesotbuyersofthefaids Teinds, and in favours ol the Miniftcts as to their maintenance, as the Scommifsionctsllialltliink fitting, according to the Rules fet down in the faids former Ads, namely •1 faid Aift in J'mo one thoufand fix hundred thirty and three. And iiichlikc , with power to them to “lint and orovide for fuch other pious ufes in each Paroch as the Eftatc thereof may bear. Declaring, here t^ic Vicarage of any Paroch is a feveral Benefice and Title from the Patfonage , the famefliall r frveraUv valued to the efFcd the Titulars or Miniftcts ferving the Cure, having right to the faid Vicarage, L J^rfriihrate of ’the true worth thereof. Itisalwayes Declared, ThatMmiftcrs fctvingthcCurc, who lead theirTeinds and that Colledges, Schools and Hofpitalsbe not confttamed to fell, fet nordtf- nerheirTeindsiiipreiudiceoftheir Succeflors notwitliftanding of the valuation thereof; and that Titu- fars and others having right to Teinds , fliali not be forced to difjione any d ends valued or to be valued, lich they lhall be content and willing to afsign and difpon to the Miniftcr Icrving the Cure of the Paroch as rt of his Ptovifion And His Majefty , with confent forefaid , Declares, That where valuartons arc hwfullv led avainft all parties having mtereft , and allowed by former Commikitins . according to thcor- r obfctved by them that thefame fliall not be drawn in queftion . norrcftificd uponthc pretence of c- Zrm lefion at the i’nftance of the Miniftcr , not being Titular ; or at the mftance ol his Majeftics Advocate ’for and in refpea of his Majeftics Annuitie ; Except « be proved that collufion was ufed ttvvixt the Titulars and Heritot , or betwixt the rrocurator-filcaU aiul Heritors and Titulars ; .lich collufion is Declared to be where the Valuations arc led with the diminution ol a third ohhc juft Rent, IndwhichdimimitionlhallbcprovedbytheParties Oaths. And albeit that alhhcAfts of the pretended Parliaments in the years one tlioufand fix hundred and fourty, and one thoufand fix hundred fourty and one, and fmee ■ ate declared by an hSi of this prefent Parliament , null and of none avail in all time comming ; yet iris hereby Declared, That all and whatfoever Valuations , Ads, Sentences and Decreets, done, con- Ided and decerned by vertue of any Commifsions granted by the faids pretended Parliaments , w ith all, «ecuti’onufedortobe 4d thereupon, are and fliall ftand valid in all times comming. notwithftanding of die forefaid Aa Refeiffoty ; And this for the good and eafe of the People , and for tneouragement of the MU ^ - ^ t _.L _ i.;^x4«;«n.,,UrxpU/^KtTor7t=>c Ann aliiiOLiah hv alnccinl Act rlieforefaid Mi Relcillory ; And this tor tne gooa anu cdic u; tne i .... niftersoftheGofpel, wliereuntohisMajefty hath alwayes a tender refpea. And although by a fpcc.alAa oWiis prefent Parliament, the pretended Parliament holden in one thoufand fix hundred aiid loutty Jnc ffld in the beginning of the year one thoufand fix hundred and foty is fronuhe beginning Declared void’andnull. and 5l that hath followed thereon ; Yetnevctthelcffc His Majefty Doth, with advice fore¬ faid Autliotize all Valuations, Aas, Decreets and Sentences led , dduccdandptonouncedbytheCom- mifsfonsoneotmoeappointedbythefaidptetended Parliament for Plantation of K.tks and Valuanonof Teinds, and all executfon competent thereupon ; Excepting fuch Dcctccts and Sentences given 1 n lavouts ofMinifters for their Stipends, or for dividing, uniting, annexing or building of Kirks, which lhall be found tohavebeenunjuftlyor exorbitantly decerned: The determination whereof is hereby referred by Ins Maje- fty with confent forefaid to the faids Commifsioners . that they after hearing of pf tics, and confidcrauon ol particulars, may take fuch coutfe for altering, annulling or allowing of the folds Adfs, Decreets, and Sen¬ tences as they fliil think fitting, conformto the Laws, Praaiquc and cuftomobfetved prccecding the yearonethoufand fix hundred and fourty nine : and Ordains Ptocefle upon Supplications robe lummatly granted, patties alwayes being cited , and that without any reduftion. And it hall be awful tot^ folds Lmmifsionersor ©mfotefaid, to proceed in all Summons and Aarons to be intended for thatcffcT within the fpace oftwo years after die ftrft down-fitting of the Commifsion. Asalfo, with power to he faids Commifsioners, upon the dependance of the faids Complaints and 1 roceflesto difeharge «ccii 10 upon the forefaids Decreets, in whole or in part, as they fliall find juft , ay minedby them. As alfoin refpeadiatby divetfc Decreets pronounced by die folds Commilsioncrs ap¬ pointed % *e faid Commifsion . in hnm one thoufand fix hundred and fourty nine , the ^ LntationwasputupondiyetfcTacks-menofTeinds. and yet no recompence was made to them by proro¬ gating of the faids Tacks; integard alfo that diverfe Regiftets of Commifsions, ptecceding the year one LXd flxhundtedand fourty nine . ate loft, whereby Prorogations were gtaiucd.n favours ol Tacks H 3 ^ The fir ft Parliament of men, and the Extracts alfo periflied the time of the Troubles: Therefore his Majeftv , forefaid. Gives power to the laids Commifsioners , org/ ^ ^ thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty oiJ; p'rovidiiw that linihed a°d fixfv rf ""“f Candlemeirenext, in the^year one thoufand, fix at WhitfiiTdlvneL fhaU h ' a ' by-gone Annualrents of the faids Sums refting unpaid thefame o rhefrvvh^l ^ he made a principal Sum , and the Debitor ihaUgive feefirity for forbearmiK th= by-gone Annudrents , when they take the benefit of the fokfaid Sectiritv to be^ranfcHL after-mentioned ; orat any other time that the ihme ihdl be demanded: VVhidi to pavAnnuahent forth' f*^ y-gonc Annualrents, madeup in a principal Sum, fliallbearobliegment Heof ZmZrltl the tearms after-fpecified , wz. For a thirS part part fromMarrimpf7brl*^"^f'’ thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty two years ; and for an otlier tWrd VC^onTtho^fanrfS. '‘’"i lalt third jLt , from Wliitfimday . in the UD forwliich iwriomi ' P^ytnent of the ihid principal Sum fo made tod '('® P^icipal S^s, by tl,e fpace a- iicr forefaid \t is alfo n i' j' • without prejudice of the Security to begrantedin man- Ihall beholden and pftp ®®*3‘cd and Ordained, thatthefaid by-gone Annualrents , are made up, and fmm ihe Smrand H r ^ums ; And that Annualrents ihall be due and payable for the fame the tearms and in manner forefaid, and that execution ihall follow at theinftanKrifthofe who have rijlit S the II. I 6 6 I. /v#zig w n A i\ iw £ 63 _ upon andbyvcrmeof their Bonds, Contracts and Rights , and of this prefcnt K&l and OidinMce. in the fame manner as it a new Security were already granted in manner and of the tenour lqy'^ -Written* AndnotwithftandingofthePtemifles, It is hereby Declared , thatthe Lords of Sefiion Iball liave power utant and pafie Sufpenfions lot Sums not exceeding one tlioufand pounds , uponfuchtcafons as they ftatl think juft. _ And where thofe who have right to by-gone Annualrcnts ate only Liferenters, and have no tight to the (lock and principal Sum , It is Ordained , tliat it ihall be lawful to them to ufc execution for the whole by-gone Aiinualrentsduetothem, astheymighthavedonebeforcthemakingofthefe Prefents; and that the faids Lords of Seffion lhali have power to grant and pafle Sufpenfions againll the faids Liferenters, in cafe they Avail find jnft gtnnnds and caufe for granting of the fame. (c is likewayes Provided , thar the benefit of the laid forbearance , Ihall only be granted and competent 10 fuch Debitors , aslliallpay the faiJ years Aunualtcnt, within the time fotefaid, and ihall betwixt and jjjjfirft day of November, compear before any of the Lords of Sefiion with the Clerk, and declare before them upon Oath, that their Debts exceeds the value of Four years Rentof their F-ftatc, pertaining to , and nofieft by them: which Declaration , extracted imderthc hand ofthe Clerk ofRegiftcr, or his Deputes, ftallbe a fufficient Security againft Perfonal execution ; And for which Extract, the Clerk Regiftcr and his Deputies Ihall have for their Fees the film ofthirty three Mlings four pennies Scots, and no more. And jtisDedated, that all perfons , whofliallnotbythemrelvcs, or dicir Tutors or Curators, appear and de¬ clare within die time , and in manner forefaid . ihall be excluded from the benefit of the fotefaid forbearance, and ihall never be reponed or admitted thereafter , upon any pretext whatfoever. And the benefit of the forefaid Forbearance being granted to the Debitors, or any of their Cautioners , uponthecompearanceand declaration foref.iid, Ihall only be perfonal for them and their Heirs and othors leprefentingtliem , and ihall not be extended to thofe who are bound with them, and Jy able to the faids Ddits. uniefs they alfo compear and declare , that their own proper Debts and Cautionry lot perfons who have taken the benefit of this Aft , exceeds the value of Four years Rent of their Eftate , and that within the time and in manner forefaid. And for the more eafe of the Debitors , It is Ordained, that in-cafe within the tinveofthc For¬ bearance forefaid , the Debitor flial! offer to the Creditor a part of his Debt, not bftng beneath or with¬ in the third part of the whole Sums due by them to the Creditor for the time, the Creditor in that cafe, (hall be holden to accept of the faid partial payment: and in-cafe of his refufal, offer being made of a part ofthe faids Sums, not within the proportion fotefaid, in prefeiice of a Nottat and Witnefles, the Debitor, upon confignation of the fame in the hands of the Clerk ofthe Bils; Ihall be free of the An- nualrcnt of that part of the faid Sum that lliall be configned , jn all time coming alter the confignation forefaid. , And whereas the legal reverfwn ofComprifings was formerly limited to feven year?, His Majcfty , for the teafons and with confent fotefaid, is graciouffy pleafed to extend the fame to ten years in all time com- ming; and Statutes and Ordains, that all Corapriungs already deduced, and whereof the legal revetfion is not yet expired, or which ftiali be deduced any time hereafter , Aiallbe redeemable within the fpace of tenyeares after die date of the fame; and all comprifmgs deduced fince January, one thoufand, fix hun¬ dred, and filty two years, andwhereol the legals are expired , and all comprifmgs deduced before the faid Monetli of January , one thoufand , fix hundred, and fifty two years , and which were not expired before the faid Moneth of January, one thoufand, fix hundred, and fifty two years, lhaii be redeemable within the fpace of three years, after Whitfunday now laft by paft, notwithftanding the legal reverfions of the fame be now expired. ^ , And in cafe tlie Lands and others comptifed , exceed in yearly Rent and value, the Annualrcnt ot the Sums contained in the faids Comprifmgs , and of the expcnce disburfed in obtaining Inleftmcnts tliereupon and the Debitor fliall defirc the Creditor to pofiefs the Lands and others compriled it ihall be’ lawful to the Lords of Seffion, !ikc-as the faids Lords aie hereby impowcrcd and authorized , upon a Supplication to be made to them by the Debitor, and citation of the comptifots' , to appoint the Apprifets to poflefs fuch of the faids Lands and others , during die legal tcverfi- on as the faids Lordsof Scllionfhall think juft and rcafoiiable; the faids Debitors alwa^cs giving pol- feffion to thofe w ho have right to the faids Comprifmgs , and ratifying tjicir poffenion already appre¬ hended by them (if any fuch pofleffion they have) ol fuch of the faids Lands and odicts, as .diefaids Lords of theSeffion appoint, not being beneath in yearly Rent and value ol the Annualrcnrs abovc-mcut.oncd ; ototherwayesaivine to the Creditors (whether they have poffieffion or not) fufficieutfccuw . at die fight ofthe faids Lords, for payment of the faids Annualrcnts, during the time forrfaid; the^a.ds Lords oi Seffion having alwayes power to determine , whether in the cafes lorefaids we Debitor foaU giy.cfutct>w the Creditor , for his Annualrcnts , or the Debitor not being able to give furcty , the Creditor ^ obiieged to take poffieffion ofthe Debitors Lands. And if the Lords of Seffion lliall appoint m die j^e'o.c- faid, ihe Creditor to be pofleft for his Annual-rent, then and in that cafe, the Debitor iffiaU be dtliyer the Evidents ofthe faids Lands to the Creditor , or tranfumpts thereof; providing alwayes that Creditots right, by vertue of the faids Comprifmgs. be nowayes prejudged alter the expiring o 1 The firft parliament of - - - And that tlie whole Lands and others, both fuch as fhall be poflefled by the Debitor , and the rema ~ ■ Lands and others contained in the faids Comptifings , lhall pertain to the Creditor irredeemablv And becaule oftentimes Creditors , in regard they live at diftance, or upon other occafions , are and preveened by the more timeous diligence of other Creditors , fo that before they can know' tbe of the common Debitor , his Eftate is comprifed , and the pofterior Comprifers have only right to rcverfion, which may, and doth often prove ineffcflual to them, not being able to fatisfie a theprior Comprifings;( their means and money being in the hands of the common Debitor^ it is Statute and Ordained , that all Comptifings , deduced fince the fieft day of January o land, fix hundred, and fifty two years, before the firft effeiftual Comprifing, or .after ,' bin ■ ' year and day of the fame, lhall come in pari pajfu together, as if one Comprifing had been d "l"'*'''' and obtained for the whole refpeftive Sums, contained in the forefaids Comptifings. And it dared, that fuch Comptifings as are preferable to all others in refped of the firft real Right feftment following therenpon, or the firft exad: diligence for obtaining the fame, ate and (h^l bel ij” the firft effedual Comprifing, though there be others in date before and anterior to the fame'- " the forefaid benefit given and introduced hereby, in favours ofthefe whofe Comptifings arc led V the time, and in manner forefaid, is only granted and competent in the cafe of Comprifings led f the firft day of January, onethoufand, fix hundred, and fifty two years , and to be led after the d thir prefents , and for perfonal Debt only , without prejudice alwayes of ground Annuals , Anniialrenr"a upon Infeftment, and other teal Debts , and ‘Debitafmidi , and of comprifings therefore of Land others aftevfted therewith, which fliall be effectual and preferable according to the Laws and Praftickofi ■ Kingdom now ftanding ; And it is alfo provided , that the Creditors having right to the firft comnrT™* except as is above excepted, lhall be fatisfied by the pofterior comprifers , claiming the benefit 'f^’ faid, of the whole expcnccdisburfed by them, in deducing and expeding the faid firft comprifing and°r' feftments thereupon. “ And further, for obviating the frequent and fraudful praiflice of the appearand Heirs of Deb' who are in ufe to acquire the tight of expited comprifings, and by vertuc thereof, to enjoy and uoftT’ their Predeceftors Lands and Eftate, to the prejudice and defrauding of the pofterior comprifiims other Creditors , It is Statute, that in cafe the appeatand Heir of any Debitor, or any other confid™ perfon to his behoof, lliall at any time hereafter acquire the right of an expited comprifimr jU-T deduced, or which lliall be led and deduced hereafter, the faid right lhall be redeemable Irom the ■ ^ pearand Heir, or the faid confident perfon their Heirs and Succeftbrs within thefpace often years afte' the acquiring of the faidright, by the pofterior comprifers, upon payment allanerly of the Sums tnil' paid and given out, for buying and acquiring the faids rights, at the leaft fo much thereof as lhall bereft™ unfatisfied , for the fame, by the inttomilfion of the appearand Heir, or of the faid confident perfon or their forefaids. ^ And His Majeftie, with confent forefaid, doth Declare, That the benefit forefaid introduced here byanent Comprifings, lliall be extended to Adjudications for Debt; fo that the Creditors at whofe inftance the fame are obtained , and thofe who have right to redeem the fame, ihall be in the fame cafe as to the benefice forefaid , as if the faid Adjudications for Debts were Comprifings. And in cale a Creditor , againft whom the benefit of the forefaid forbearlince for fix years lliallbe taken, or whohathlcd or lhall lead aComprifing againft the Debitor, lhall think fit and be willinir anej defirous to take his Debitors Lands, or other Eftate, or any part tliereof for fccutity or payment and mfatisfaaion of his Debt, then and in either of thefe cafes, the Debitor lhall be holdentosiveSe curity out of his Lands, and other Eftate, or to fell the fame to the Creditor, at the fight of the Lords of Seftion, with fuch warrandizc, and at fuch rates and prices (if the Creditor be cmitent to biiyj as they lliall appoint ; with certification, th.« otherwayes the Debitor, refufing or failing, lhall lote and forfeit all benefit introduced in favours of the Debitors by this prefent Aft, as ifithad never been made And in regard fome perfons may have taken advantage of the late times and troubles, bytakingand acqmring of proper Wodfets of Lands and others, exceeding the Annual-rent ol the Sums lent upon the fame; and providing neverthelclTe , by the right of the forefaids Wodfets and exprelTe provifions therein, or by writ apart, that they lliould not be lyable to any hazard of the Fruits. Tennents War or Troubles; HisMajeftie wnthconfent forefaid. Statutes and Ordains , that all fuch Wodfets, granted fince the year one thoufand. fix hundred, and fourty nine, lhall be reftrifted to the ordinary Annual- tent of the Sums whereupon the fame are redeemable ; and the faids W'odfetters lliall be countable for the ruperplus of the Mails and Duties and other benefit of the fame, exceeding the Annual-rent of the faids Sunrs , and the fame lhall be imputed and aferibed , in fatisfaftion of the faids principal Sums^ro ta^to-. And mrafe any fuch Bargains and Rights ihaU be made and acquired hereafter. His Majeftie, tfitli content forefaid. Declares the fame unlawful and ufury, andtlie contraveeners lliall be punilhedfeverely as Uiurets , coniorm to the Lawes and Afts of Parliament againft Ockerers and Uferers And as to proper Wodlets granted fince the time forefaid. where the Creditor undergoes the faids haMrds, and die lame are affefted with the ordinat provifions and claufes irritant, in cafe of not payment ofthcfumsgivenoutanddueuponthefaids Wodfets, atchetcarmes and in manner mentioned in the faids . Rights; 1#; 4r Kitig C H A R L E S rte I 1, i 6 6 i. 'T'J the faids Wodfets and Provifions be lawful ; yet His Majcfty , confidering and having refpcft ^'^l^difficulties of the times. Statutes and Ordains , withconfentforefaid, That the faids Claufes irritant, H ot takeaway the Heritors right, they alwaycs redeeming within the fpacc of five years after Whit- ^ lift- And in cafe the Debitors conceive, that they have dif-advantage by the faid proper Wodfets. all defire to redeem the fame , it lhall be lawful to them to redee'm at any tcarm of Whitfunday or Mat- fib thev pleafe , notwithttanding of any provifion to the contrair in the faid Wodfet-tights , or any other ''■'T art fvifpendi'ng the redemption thereof. Like-as it is Declared , Thattheclaufcs oftcriuifition con- call jied in [ proper Wodfets , granted fincc the year one thoiifand .fix hundred, fourty nine years , lhall be ctVcc- I ondnovWesfufpendednorprejudgedbcteby ; But jlrcjiidice alwayes to the forbearance of petfonal ' tion in manner above- written. And where the Creditors and Wodfettets have tranfafted with their nTkors and have acqitired inrcdeemable rights , for, andinplaceoltlieirtormerWodfcts.ltisOrdained ^ Vncclared , That when , and at what time foever the faids Wodfets were granted , whether before or fince *1 -eat one thoiifand , fix hundred , and fifty years , the faids tranfaftions and irredeemable rights acquired by^ieCreditorfor the fame, are and lhall be valid and cifoaual , and lhall no wayes be prejudged by thefe j(ui-rher His Majefly , withconfentforefaid, doth Declare, That in cafe any Debitors have by Vo- I Var aateement betwixt them and their Creditors , or any of them , renounced the benefit of any AdS of this e “concerning Debitor and Creditor, made or to be made , the faid agreement ihall be of force and ffrauai and ihall not be prejudged hereby ; without prejudice alwaycs to the faid Debitor of the proregati- Xforefaid of the Legal reverfions of comptifmgs led and deduced againlt them , and not as yet expired , not- ftanding of the agreement and renounciationforefaid. ^ , Andbecaufe, before the year one thoiifand, fix hundred and fifty , when moqey paft at eight or ten per divers proper Wodfets were then made and granted , and are yet unredeem^ ; and fmee the beginning nnaiuiary, onethoufand, fixhundred, andfifty. there be divers perfons , who taking advantage of the rct'ufed to lend their money , unlcfs they got proper Wodfets of Lands and femds . at extraordinary advantages, to the heavy prejudice of the Debitors : Therefore, HisMajefty. tyith advice torefaid Sta¬ tutes and Ordains , That in time coming , dnringthe not requifition of the Sums whereupon the faids Wod- X are redeemable , and during the not redempcion of the fame refoeiftively . if the Debitors ihaU give fuffi- r enr Security to the Wodfetterr for payment of his Annualrent , during the not tedeniption. or not requifi- don as faid is ; In chat cafe , the Creditors- Wodfetter, lhall be holden to renounce and quy t f he fii-ds Lands and Teinds , in favours of the Debitor and others haying right from him ; Ai Icaft if the Wod- foter toll be contentto retain the poiTelf.on of the fame ; In that cafe all the free ftofirs and Rents . wtochlie toThaveorupliftourofthefaidsLands. jhallbereftriaedtofix^eyeei# year yo Iree money . and the Wotoet lhall be countable to the Debitor, or otl.ers having right from lym forthe^i^rvjte; and that witout prejudice of the Wodfetters real Right and Inlcftment ay and while the Lands be redeemed , and the^;:o:tofom^;X^ It .alw-s provided wb^ a^ Credftor hath had lofs by his poffeffionof the Wodfee-lands and others fuice the date of hiS Wodfet , So that he hwh not receaved as Lich Free ents as , cmmtmbus amm , hath extended to the Annualrent allowed hv T aw for the time all chacees and burdens being deduced ; m that cafe , it is provided that the W odfe ter S be firll fitisfied of what he wants before hequy c his pofleffion ol the faid Wodfet-lands or be holden t > -..IrtJeruritvfothis Annualrents ; And it is Declared, thatm the^accouiit otohe Wodfottcys by fpecificd, before the faid warning. i, kpnefit and indulgence to Debitors , as the like cannot And His Majefty having granted fo much oblate Statute and Ordain , That the be Ihown to have been granted at any time in this Kingdom , dom ueciare , oia Laws and Pracf ick of the Kiiigdoift.r-- — thereof, ceptingfo tar as the fame is altered , iniiovat and repealed by this pielent ACt. 66 ThefirflTarliament tf King CHAK'LJiS the 11, iSSi. L X 1 1 r. L/fS Salvo jure cujuflibet. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, taking to conlideration , that there be m of Ratification and others, paft and made in tliis Sedion of Parliament, in iavours of perfons , without calling or hearing of fuch as may be thereby concerned and prejudged His Majefty , with advice and confent of the Eftates bf Parliament, Statutes and Ordains fuch particular Afts, and Afts of Ratification , paft in manner forefaid, lhall not prejudge ^ party of tlieit lawful tights, nor of tlieit aftions and defences competent thereupon before the”'^ of the faids patticular Afts , and Afts of Ratifications ; and that the Lords of Seffion and Judges witliin this Kingdom , fhall be oblieged to judge betwixt patties according to their feve | ftanding in their perfons before the making of the faias Ails. All which ate hereby exponed' a dared to have been made , Safye jure cyujlibet^ ‘Is- LXIV. tyi C T of h^ournment. T He Kings Majeftie Dedares this Parliament current, and Adjourns the fame to the twelfth h of March next to come; Ordaining all Members of Parliament , Noble-men , Commiffione < Shires and Burghs , and all others having intereft, to attend that day and that there be no new r Uilions in Shires or Burghs, except upon the death of any of the pteient Commiffioners. A. PRIMEROSE, Cls. Regilier. FINIS, A TA. ‘7 TABLE Of the Printed ACTS. * CT comemingtheTreJident , mdOathofTarliament. ^ and acknowledgment of His Majefies Trerogative, in the choice of HisOfficers of State, CmnciUors and Judges. . . ' . ^ct affertingHis Majefies RoyalTrerogative , in the calling and dijfohing of^arliaments, andma- ^ king of Laws. . . „ „ Aff ajfertii^ His CHajefties Ryal Prerogative, in the making of Leagues , and the Conventiotis (f the Subjects. ^ ^ Jd afertingHis Majejlies RiffalTrerogative , jafoeMilitia, andinmakingTeaceandlVar,&x. 6 Ad annullingthsfretendedOmventknBfEftates,keeftmtheyear, 1643. « Jd cmscemingthe League and covenant, anddifchargingtherenewingthereof, without Hts Majejiies ' Warrand and affnbation. ^ ,^d againjl Vapifis , Vriefts and Jefiits. o Act afp-oving the Engagement , t6s,%.andannuUingthefretendeiVarliaments UndCommitteeskeeft ' thereafter. ,0 hd condemning theTraHfactknscomernmgthe Kings ^ajeftj, whilfi He was at ne\v-zt&\s in the years 1646, and 1647. II hd for takingthe Oath of Allegiance, andajfertingtbe RqyalVrerogative, \d cmcerning the Judicial proceedings in the time of the late Vfurfers. hd and Offer of Fourty thmifand pounds Sterling , to be {aid to the 'hings Majefiy yearly during His life¬ time, by this Ihingdom. 1 4 hdfir raifing the hnnuity of Fourty thoufand pounds Sterling , granted to Hs Majefiy. If fSreJcmdingandannullingthepetended'^arliaments , intheyears, 164®, 1641, &c. si hd concerning Religion and Church Government. 1-1 hdfor aSolemn anmverfaryThanksgiving, for his Majejiies Rejlauration to the BfyalGntrmenl of His Kingdoms. 18 hd far the due obf^vation of the Sabbath-day. 19 hd againft Swearing and exceffive Drinking: Z hd againft Curftng and beating of Barents. %t hd againft the crime of Blajhemy. hd conceruingthe feveral degrees (fcafual Hmictde. 4? hB'hatifyingtheWmkdgesoftheCoUedgeofJuftice. hd concerning appearand Heirs , their payment of their Predeceffors and their own DebH. 44 hd fir Denouncing of ExcmmunkatePerfins. hd appoititinglhePurfuer of the Thief , to have the Goods ftolen from him, reftortd. 47 hd for the Pardon of Penal Statutes. 48 hd difcharging the flmts ofTeftaments. zq Ad firpiynding upon Sheriffs and Cmmijfars Piecreets. w hd anent the Fewer s and Vaffals of Kirk-lands. ' ,1 hd concerning the Regiftratim of Cmpriftngs. hd concerning Heretable and LMnjeable Bonds. 7 5 hd fir the right Packing of Salmond. iZhd againft dandeftine and unlawful Marriages. , 3 ^ Act cmcerning the Election and charges of the Cmmffumersfrom Shires to the Parliament. 36 Act anent pefentation of MiniUers. Act concerning the Bullion. ^ 7 g CmmffwH and Inftructions to the Jufttces of Peace aud CmHables. 39 hctfirtheFifhings, and erectingof companies for pomaving of the fame. 40 Act for erecting of Manufacturies. 41 Act for planting and Inclojing of Ground. ' c ^ 44 m edabhjhk^ companies andSecieties, fir makingLitmeh-ckatb, Stuffs, &c. Art difcharging the Expartatim of Lmm-Tarn , and regulating the breadth of Lmneifi chath, &c. 45 44 Act far incour aging of Shipping and Navigation. 45 Act difthargingtheExportationof Skins, Hides, &c. I 1 4$ Ad 6S A T A B L E of the Printed ACTS. •a^es. 46 Art dtfAargmg the Exfartatim of Woollen-Tarn, Worjlead, broken Qoiper and ‘P 47 r-A:t difcharging Tradef-men to Import Cdlade-work. 48 Ad: fia incoaragmg of Soap-works. 49 Act Reducing the Ammals to Six for the Hundred. At andOffirofT weivethoufandpounds Sterlingtothe LordstfSejfm. yr Act conceraing Kyirreaflments. yx Act concerning the dijpofal of Vacand Stipends. yj - . .X 54 . - - - yy At onent Cocqnets and Entr ies of Ships. y6 Act anent Coal-hewers. y7 Act difcharging the Cufam of two and an half of the hundred, and the ImpoH of fnu the Tan. ^ I founds y 8 At in favours of thofi who get their WarSholding changed by the Kings Majefy. y9 Act anent the Exchequer. 60 At concerning Docqueting of Signatures, 61 ComtniJionfor-PlantationofKirksandValuation ofTehids. Atfororder'mgtbepaimeni '1 Qui thought itnecefTar andaccordinglydothherely RedintigrattheStateof Biihops to their anrtT";^’ haA undoubted priviledges in parliament, and to alltheirother accuftomed Dignities priviledir ^ flions ; and doth hereby Reftore them to the exercife of their Epifcopal Funftion 'prcfiden ?"'* J^nfiii. povycr of Ordination, inflifting ofCenfures, and all other Arts ofChurch-difcipline whiT i perform, with advice andtifsiffanceof fuch of the Clergy as tlieylliallfindrobcofknownlm I 5' And, his Majefly, With advice forefaid, doth Revive, Ratifie and Renew all dence. _ , _ _ _ Parliaments, made for tlie eflablillimcnt, and in favours of this ancient GoVeriirnen?'' a‘ j‘^"’'''net tific and approve all Adfs and Proclmations emitted by his Majefty or His Privy Council c* firfl day of Jaw laft, in order to the reftitution of Billiops. And further it is lierebv Uc 1 *c vdiatevCT fhall be determined by his Majefty, with advice of die Arch-bifhops and Bilhnn. '>'« of the Clergy as fhall be nominated by his Majefty, in the external Government and Pnl’i Church ( the Gme confifting with the ftanding Laws of the Kingdom ) fliall be valideV And his Majefty , confidenng how neceftar it is , that all doubts and fcruples which frnr« r or Pradiccsmay occur to any concerning this facred Order, be cleared aid removed Ucrl of certain knowledge , and with advice forefaid , Refcind , Cafs and Annuli all Afts of pZ which the foie and only power and jurifdiaion within tliis Church, doth (land in the Ch„t ■>y general, provincial and presbycerial AHemblies, and Kirk-Selfions ; And all A(^ls of P r’ Council uiliicli may be interpreted to baye given anyChurcli-power Jurifdiaion orGovernment rn beaters of the Church , their refpeftive Meetings, other then that which acknowledeeth a H upon , and fubordination to the foveraian Power of the King , as Supream ; and which gulated and authorized , in the exercife thereof, by the Arch-bifliops and Bilhops who are m der to all Ecclcfiaftical matters and caufes, and to be accountable to his Majefty for their a a in" with advice forefaid , doth Refcind and Annuli the firfTA a the twelfth Parliament of King fames the fixth, holden in the year, one choufand fivl K ninety two, and Declares the fame aud all the heads, claufes and articles thereof,’voH and nnn'"'* all ttmecomming. And His Majefty, confidering, that the Jurifdiftion of the CommiffirioK ’ per part of the Rights and Priviledges belonging to the Biihops, Doth therefore, with a£ce wH' Reftore the Arch-bifliops and B.fbops to their faid jurifdiftion of CommifTariots, accordinv toiru Aft of theParliament one thoufand, fix hundred and nine, which is hereby Ratified an®d And accordingly Ordains , that in all time comming tlve Quotes of Teftaments be payed in ^ Arch-BiHiops and Bilhops in tlieir refpeftive Dioceftes as tormerlv to the J Aft of .i/m .Mon of 5n, ‘f declares the fame void in all time comming. It is alwayes hereby Declared , that this Aft k ’ i,'"'* Prejudice of the prefent Comiwfiaries, their Clerks and Fifcals, dieir enjoying their Pl^fc iTf™' fits thereof, conform to their Gife and Laws of this Kingdom; unlefs, forfhir infufficienev or^mra'' meanors, they be found uncapable of the fame. Further, His Maieftv wirh aAv’ tnifde- forefaid. Statutes and Ordains^ That no Aft, Gift, or Ded theinterniption of the Government by Arch-bilhops and Billiops, in t[ie year one thoui dred and thirty feven, to the prejudice of their Riuhts Patronares Ad,r,irftl,>i,.c c Ka!n" ‘"’i Biftopricks ft’and valid! or be in Biihops may have their Claim, Right and Pofleflion , for the year one rlli, land , fix hundred , and fixty one , and ali years following, to whatfoevet was nofleft L I i' Laws of the Kingdom was due to their PredeceiTors in ami, one thoufand fix lumdrd ^d tlitt ven; and that notwithftanding of any donation or riahts madp m nimared, and thirty fe- Minifters, or any other perfoL, finL Te JeTr on fhoulS Sdrfd ’ „ foever Order, dL or I^arrand exceprinj as^sTfoSd'l;/!^^^^^^ o. of *» D.„o„ W,.B ry, and to pafs Infefcmencs under the ereat Seal anH m d pts ow oi tne uiance* feids other pei?ons who had right to their Superiorities for the °i^e AnTS’ m A ' r ly nleafed, that fuch Rights and Infeftments^as for the time were Majefty bemg graciout paft in manner forefaid, ^lliould nor beSfed T erefoe ’it Ts ftal fans . who, fince the beginning of the Troublfs in fo™ one ihoS “ ■‘’f ate entered or infek by ^Majefty or his Roy^’ Fat er bv die indi a'^ ’ lore die laids troubles, fhall now hold the fame of the Arch-bilhops and Biftioos their lawful Suneri- «rs, in the fame manner as they , their PredeceiTors and Autliors! held the f^e before the late kou- bWs. King CHARLES the II. 71 ,, And it is Declared, That neither this nor any other Aft oithc laR or prefent ScfTionof this Par- r ent jhall prejudge any Retours, Signators, Charters. Precepts, Infeftments , Seizings of Lands , » uairents , or any other Eftate holdcn immediady of Bilhops , whereby the lame arc retoured, or I rfements of the fame are taken to be holdcn of the King or his Donators fmcc the time foicfaid, u- Retours, Rcfignations , Comptifings, Adjudications, or by way of confirmation , or Precepts of ecmHut or otherwayes; which Inieftments being orderly paft as they ought to have been fortlic ■ With the Rctours , Signators and other Warrands of the fame , His Majeftie with confent fore- f M^’doth Ratifie and approve, and Declares to be valide Rights, as if the fame had been granted or eJ by the faids Arch-biftiops or BiHiops. It is alwayes Declared, that the Declaration and Ra- *A^'tion fotefaid, fliall not be extended to any new Gift or Grant, or any other Claufe or Right coa- •*^11 in the faids Inieftments or Signators , or other Warrands of the fame, whereby any now Gift or '^hal Right of the faids Lands and others are given , or the Rioht of the fame is granted or convey, ^d'otherwwes then conform to the Rights and Infeftments thereof, before the time aforefaid. Likeas neclared , That the faid Ratification and Declaration fotefaid , lhall not corroborat or import any R '^ification to' the faids ValTals their former Rights , which are to be in the fame cafe as they were in K beamniog of the faids troubles, in the year fotefaid; In regard it is HisMajefties intention; likc- is Declared by HisMajefty, with confent fotefaid. That the Arch-Bilhops and Bilhops lhall be, , Patrimony and Rents, in the fame cafe and condition as they were in the year fotefaid, ^^nvitliftatlding of whatfoevet Ails of the pretended Parliaments, fmee the time forefaid, to the con- ''°V- And notwithftaning of whatfoevet Rights, Grants or Deeds flowing from, or depending upon, ^^'done O' granted by vertue of any Aft or Afts of the f^id pretended Pariiaments, which His Majc- with confent forefaid, do* Declare, Decern and Determine to be void and null, except in fofar ' s referved and ratified in manner abovewritcco. It is hereby Declared , That this Aa of Reftituti- Ll> give no Right to any of the faids Arch' Bilhops or Bilhops, or their Succeflors , not 10 the Heirs I!!’ Fxecurors of *e deceafed Bilhops, ol any Rents belonging to the Arch-bilhopricks or Biihopricks ZZedim the year, one thoufand, fix hundred and fixty one, after the faid year one thoufand, fix Cdted and thirty eight ; but that all the faids Rents intrometfed with by , and pertaining to , fuch erfmis as had tidit thereto for the time , and wherewith they have or might have mtrometted , fliall F! freuted to them. As alfo , all fuch perfoiis who. bonafitie . have made payment of their Few-duties, Ss and Teind-duties , and others Rents of theit Biihopricks. ate and lhall be alfo fccured, for by- gores aliannetiy, free of any aaion or queftion, notwithftanding ot this prefem Ad or any mmg there¬ in contained. T 11 ACT for frefervation of His Majefties Ter fin. Authority and Gtfvernmnt. 'He Eftates of Parliament taking into thdrconfideration, the mifeties , confofions , bondage and onrreffiotis , this Kingdom hath groaned under fince the year , one thoufand , fix hundred, and thirty feveii, wi* the cauls and occafions thereof. Do with all humble duty and thankfulnefsreknbw- ledie His Maiefties unparrallel’d grace and goodnefs , in paffing by the many rmfcarriages of His Su - L?s and“ft«S tl/church and State to^heir ancient Liberties. Freedom, Rights and PolTcffions; and the great Obligations thereby lying upon them to exprefs all poffible care and zeal m the ptefewa tion rfMs Majeftfes Perfon, (in whole honour and happinefs confifteth the good and welfare of H s Lple) and fo the fecurity and eftablilhment of His Royal Authoritie and Government, againft all fuch ^cked attempts and ptaalces for the time to come. And fince the rife and ptogrefs of the late trou- Wes *d in a^gteat meafure proceed ftomfome treafoiiable and feditiouspofirionsmfufcdmto the people mt tCs lZmTto SiJets, for Refirmatim:, to enter into Lmtemnts and leagues, or to take up ArmTZSthe Khg, orthofi Commtfsmnated by Hm, andfuchkk-. And that Kbellioas ciurfes were taken and praMed in putfuance thereof by of the people, by mutinous and tumultuarie petitions , by info lent fedmous His Maiefties Royal and juft Commands, by entering into unlawful Oaths and ’ f/ “ ping* a7d power of Council Tables, and Church Judicatones H. Maje- ftv^ifeharged bvtreafonable Declarations, that HisMajefty was not tobe admitted to the exercileot life Roy al power . untill he fliould grant theit unjuft defites and ArSy die grca^ bellious rifmg in Arms againft his Majefty and fuch as had Comrniffion from Him countenance, allowance and encouragement given to thele defeLc thereof And con- tiousSermons, Libels and Difeourfes. preadied printed and publ.flied fidering, that as the ptefentage is not fully freed Par- lapfe leicin. if timeous temdd be not provided. Therefore the Kings Majelty and Eltates The ficoiid SeJJlmi of the firfi Tarlimnent of liament do Declare , that thefe pofitions , That it is lawful to Jnbjects . upn pretence nfr> on. or other pretence what fiever, to enter into'Leagues and Qmjenants , ortotakenp Arrf Ktng\ or that tt is lawful to fubjects , pretending His Majefties Authority , to take 7s the HisTerfonorthofecommiJfimmted by Him, ertofijpend Himfromthe exercife of His or to put hmit at tons upon their due obedience and allegiance , Arc Rebellious and Treafo n that all thefe Gatherings , Convocations , Petitions , Proteftations and Ereftiiw 'an ' *''d of Council-tables , that were ufed in the beginning, and for carrying on , of the late troubk lawful and feditious : And particularly, that thefe Oaths , whereof the one was conin!’ 7 be National Covenant , ( as it was Iworn and explained in the year one thoufand fix | ““v tliirty eight, and tiiercafter) and the other entituled, A SolemnCeague and Covenant “"d in themfclves unlawful Oaths, and were taken by, and impofed upon , the Subjefts of tiv k- againft the fundamental Laws and Liberties of the fame ; and chat tliere lyeth no obligation uuo'n ^"’Sdom , Subjeefs from the faids Oaths , or cither of them , to endeavour any change or alteration of r eitlier in Chutch or State ; And therefore Annuls all Afls and Conftitutions , Ecclefiaflical or p ing the faid pretended Covenant,os. League andCovenant , ormaking any intcrntenl- (amc or either of them. And alfo it is hereby Declared by his Majelly and Efta'tes of Parliament 77 pretended Afidmbly , keept at Glajgow in the year one thoufand , fix hundred . and thirty eigh ’ fc f (after the fime was by His Majeftydifcharged. under the uain oftreafon) an unlawful an7cj “ Meeting; and that all Aids , Deeds. Sentences, Orders or Decreets part therein , or by vcrm. r pretended Authority from the fame, were in themfelves from the beginning ate now and in all, ° nung CO be reputed unlawful , void and null : And that all Ratifications or Confirmations of the by whatfoever Authority or in whatfoever Meetings , fiiall from hencefoi th be void and null iTnT’ Majefty and Eftates of Parliament, reflecting onthefad confequcnces of thefe rebellious courfe ', a carefu to prsvent the like for thefuture , have therefore Statute and Ordained , and by thefe nreLrc "§ tesand Ordains ThatifanyperfonorperfonsIhaflhereafterplot.contriveonntenddS^^^^ t^ie Kings Majefty, or any bodily harm tending to death or defttuftion , or any reftraint upon H?s R ? Perfon, ortodeprivc. depofeorfufpendHimfromthe ftile. Honour and Kingly Name oftliVL^ Crown ot this Realm . or any others His Majefties Dominions , or to fufpend Hil from the eLrcife of h' Roya Government . or to levy War or take up Arms againft His Majefty or ony commiflionated bv " or lhall entice any ftrangers or others to invade any of His Majefties Donf inions( and fliall by writS S’ mg preaching or other malicious and advifedfpeaking, exprefs ot declare fuch their treafonableintcS ' even' filch perfon or perfons, being upon fufficient probation legally convicted thereof, fliall be deemJ’ dec ared and adjudged Traitors . andikll fufFer forf^itureoflife.® honour, lands and gooSt feT f high Treafon. And further, it is by His Majefty and Eftates ol Parliament Declared, Statute and adted Hiatifanyperfonorpetfons fliall by Writing. Printing, Praying. Preaching Libelling Re' monftrating , or by any malicious and advifed fpeaking , exprefs . publifhot declare any words or fenteiires Zn ] ^ Royal Prerogative & Supremacy in caufes Eccle Tuft fi ; “ fV Government ol the Church by Archbifliops and Billiops as it is now fetled by Law or t A and declared againft by thisprefeiit Act, that every fuch perfon or perlonsfo offending, and being, asfaidis. Legally convicted thereof ate hereby declared incapable to enjoy or exerce any place or imploymenc , Civil , Ecclefiaftical or Milit’arv within this Churdi and Kingdom, and fliall be lyable to fucli further pLins as 7edue by Te Law hi S Act (otKSlSXtlrS7‘’f°‘l tlieofFencesafotefaid! contained in this ordeVofHk 57 S uiilefsitbebyorderfromHis Majefty, or by unlef7thSbenurf^77r^'"" S above-mentioned! in foXMmmTSerrh!. '‘F after the offence committed, anS fentenced thereupon with- r theProcefs. Audit is alfo Declared , That ifliis Majefty Lnt His dietartv pTr^Sfltan7'"' ft contained in this prefent Act ; After fudf pardon , 1 1 1. I^ct concerning fuch Benefices and Stipends as have been poffejfed without prefientations from the lawful PATRONS. T that all His good Subjects may bcfcnfible of th du nterelbiand tjii s o^hc Royal Government , by a free, peaceable and fafe enjoyment of tlid ftoivd to thefe His reftitution they may find themfelves re lace ttoublecTurl e® "'’’ctl^y Law were fecured unto them, and by the violence and unjufticeof the! onfufions have been wrefted from them : And conCdeting , that notvvithftanding the tigh 0 75 C H A R L E S II. ,p , onaeesbe dulyfetled and eftabliftied by the ancient and fundamental Laws and Conftitutions ol this dom - Yet, divers Minifters in this Church have, and do polTeffe Benefices and Stipends in their re- r '"live Cures without any Right or Prefentation to the fame from the Pattons. And it being thcreiore that tlie lawful and undoubted Patronsof Kirks be reftotcd tothepoircffionoftheRiaTitsofthcit ""fcaive Advocations, Donations and Patronages ; Therefore, HisMajefty, with advice anti confcnt of u- Eftates of Parliament, Doth Statute and Ordain, That all thefe Minifters who entered to the Cure of aroch in Burgh or Land within this Kingdom, in or fince the year one thoufand, fix hundred and fourty at and before which time tltepajcrons were moft injurioufly difpoflefled of their patronages ) have no tunto, not fliall receive, uplift nor poftefle the rents ol any Benefice, modified Stipend. Manfeor rT b for this prefent cropt, one thoufand, fix hundred and fixty two, nor any year following, but their Ices Benefices and Kirks are, vacand. Yet, His Majeftie , to evidence His willingnefs to *’ fsbvandcoverthemifcarriagesofHispeople, Doth, witli advice forefaid. Declare, That diis Aft ihall ^'^beVejudicialtoanyofthefc Minifters in what they have poffclTed , or isduetothem, fince thieradmif- f"*' • And that every luchMiniftcr who lhall obtain a prefentation from the lawful patron , and haveColla- *-onftom the Bifliop oftheDiocefle where he liveth , betwixt and the twentieth ofSe/rm^er- next to come, fl allfromthenceforthhaverightto, and enjoy his Church, Benefice, Manfe and Gleib, ' as fully andfteely "if he had been lawfully ptefented and admitted thereto at hisfirft entry, orasanyothcrMiniftetwitliin te Kingdom doth or may do. And for that end, it is hereby Ordained . That the tefpeftive patrons fliall “ preTentations to all the prefent Incumbents, w ho in due time fhall make application to them tor the fame. And in cafe any of thefe Churches fliall not be thus duly provided before the faid twentieth of V I I. Act for the allowance of ten thoufand founds Scots , yearly , to the Lords ofSeJfon out of His Majefties Cuftoms. '^He Kings moft excellent Majefty taking to His confideration , how much His own honour ri A good ol the Kingdom, and the particular intetefts of His Subjefts , of all ranks within the fa concerned, inthefocedyandequaladminiftrationof Juftice; and how necelTar it is , in order that the Senators ofthe Colledge of Juftice , who are the only ordinar fupream Judges of this Real . Civil caufes , be provided with a competent and futeable allowance for the defraying of the charge ' T pence they are put to, in their attendance on the difchargc of that publickTruft; Hath therefore ° princely care , thought fit to grant the faids Senators of the Colledge of Juftice , an addition of ten pounds Scots to be payed unto them yearly, and that over and above the former Annuity often r] pounds granted by His Royal Grand-father, in the year one thoufand , fix hundred, and nine or | , ‘I been formerly grained to them in this or any other Parliament , or otherwayes doth appertain to tlie'^ His Majefty confideting , that this grant will much tend to the profit, advantage and good of His M ' fervice and well-fare of His Kingdom , Doth therefore , with advice and confent of his Eftates of Paft appoint the fame to be payed out of the Cuftoms of this Kingdom: Andforthatend , His Maieft advice forefaid , and after mature deliberation had thereupon, diftblves, annuls and infringes if’ Crown and Patrimony thereof, the annexation ofthe Cuftoms of this Realm , info far as the fame extended to the faidfum often thoufand pounds, ofthe fitft and readieft of the Cuftoms. And n this diflblution , His Majefty, with advice forefaid , gives, grants, affignes and difirones to the f^d nar Lotds and Senators ofthe Colledge ol Juftice, and their Succeflbrs in the faid Office and Truft' ' time coming , all and whole the fum often thoufand pounds ufual money of Scotland, to be uplifted ’ 'd ceaved by them , and their Collectors appointed by them , at two termes in the year ,’ Whitfundav a h'm ' timafs, by equal portions, forth of the firft and readieft ol His Majefties Cuftoms , or any pau ll r from his Majefties Thefaurer, Deput-thefaurer, Receavers, Tackf-men, Pol&flbrs , Intrometto m the faids Cuftoms, and others lyable in paiment thereof, prefentand to come; beginning the firft? paimentthercoffromthefeaftandtermeofMertimafslaft bypaft, one thoufand, fix hundred ad f one years, and fo forth, yearly and termly thereafter at the termes forefaids in all time coming- I herefore the faid Thefaurer, Deputy-thefaurer , Receavers, Tackf-men, Poflefibrs, Intrometto the faids Cuftoms , and orhers lyable in paiment thereof, prefentand to come, to make thankful n the termes of paiment above- written, ofthe forefaid yearly fum often thoufand pounds to the faids'™d"’^^' Lotds of Council and Seffion , their Succeflbrs and ColMors in their names , our of the firft and reaT ^n^r the faids Cuftoms; and that they be preferred in paiment thereof to all and whatfoever other perfo fons pretending right to the faids Cuftoms or any part thereof by penfion, affignation, gift or or? -T or difpofition whatfoever. And likewayes commanding the Lords of Exchequer, pr’efentandto™” allow the fame to the payers ofthe faid lum often thoufand pounds, yearly and temielv inthe fi'ft'^V'r their accounts, upn fight of the faids Lords of Seffion, or their faids Colleftors acmiiiranr^ ment thereof. A^nd alfo . His Majefty , with advice and confent lorefaid , De“3&dlsT"r’ jellies Thefaurer, Deput-thefaurer, Receavers, Tackf-menof, and Intrometters with the faids O, ft prefent and to come , to become enafted themfelves and find fufficient caution , afled in the Book f r cil and Seffion , for the yearly paiment of the forefaid fum of ten thoufand pounds to the faids Lords" f on and their Succeflbrs , or their Collectors , at the termes and in manner above-expreft • And I * a '' ceafe or dimiffion of any of the perfons fo enafted , that the next entrant lhall become enafted tiontotheelFeftfore6id. Asalfo, at the fettmg of any new Tacks, the TackfimS find efteftfore^id; otherwayes, the faids wholeTackstobenull, and the nullity thereof to be deciddb?«5 eitherofaftion orexceptiom And that Letters and Executorials of Horning UDonanchar^r ^ ^ bedireftedagamftthem, by deliverance ofthe faids Lords of Seffion, for laimTm of t£"^ thoufandpoundsmmannerabove-wrwen. And Decernes and Ordains, TftatnoSufpenfion be gr nted n thismatter to whatfoever perfon or for whatfoever caufe, bythe Lords of Parliament Lords ofSie quet, orother Judge whatloejxr except uponconfignationofthefumsThargedfor.orproduction^M^^ cient acquittances; and that the faids ordinar Lords and Senatorsof the Colledge of Juftice are ??d Si be, -‘yJu gesfotdifcuffingofthefaidsSufnenfions difehargm^ concerning the premifles and difcuffing ofthe 4me. andoftheir Officesinthat part for ever ® Z‘d mle forefaid Difpofition and Aflignation of ten thoufand pounds , and to the whole Heads and Articles of Z Act above '«i«en His Majefty and EftatesofParliamentinterpones their Confent and AuthSv a » an Actwhichdothhighly concernthegood and well-fare oM^^ AndHisMajefty for^H h- nefsandHisSuccefrorspromifes, r« ^ Prmafss, neverto impugn orquarrel the fame nor ome in checonttaitthereof, directly nor indirectly, in timecoming, and the likeweeution being graTtedb7Aft of 1 King CHARLES the 11. 77 'ToHament in the year , one thoufand fix hundred and nine , for payment ol the ten thoufand pounds ranted to the Lords of the Seffion; It is hereby appointed by His Majelty and the Ellates of the"® i,t, That in time commine they be paid together; and tliat all the execution contained in this ^^1 t former A/g ^ Great Britain , France W Ireland , Defen¬ der of the Faith’ taking to onr coufideratiou , That during the time of the late troubles, and ullccarm thereof, many Writes, declarations, Kdtif cations and other deeds may have f aft Our iJndsUo the prejudice of the Church, Our Eft ate , Tatrirmny , andnijlMereftofmir^ubjeas, and dZatory to Lr honour, the frivikdges pfourCrown, and d.gnip of ourTwJon either before we at- tahid to the age of twenty one years or thereafter; as alfo , that mm d^ds might ha^ f aft our Father hands during the late wars, to the emrm hurt and lefwn of His Sacred CMajefy m .UtL particular wayes aFme exfreft , whkhby the Laws of this our Kingdom can mwayes be binding, " .u-.Lf.,rv aamna ,ts . but by vertne of the fa'tds Laws may berevocked. And feeing, beforeourre- BT oblmtary againft us, but by vertne of the fatds Laws mayberevocked. , , IL I theGmernmentofour Kingdoms, in May thoufand, fix hundred andfixty we had not thi S nreahm of Judicatories within this our i^Ancient Kingdom, to whom we (acccordmgto the practice ^fLLalJnceftors) might have dtrelled our Revocatim of fuchdeeds ■. Ihtrefwe returned to the exerctfe of our jufty Inwful and Royal An- ^^Tlf^hiflxbrnmoflAlrnightyGod, returned to the exerctfe of our juft , lawfiU and Koyal/iu- Omity " i by thefe frefents., lemck, Cafs, Annul, Ketreat and Rfcind all ABs of ftretendedTarh- Znts Cmventims or Councils, declarations. Treaties or Katificatimis of the fame; andaltandfm- Z liflftments, Charters, Gifts, Donations, Diffofitions Confirmations Tenfions , Tacks , Afp lit ons and other V,ights and deeds whatfoever , conveyed , figned w confented to by us , towhatfo- filrpe^fmorperfions ofanyKents, Lands, Teinds, Tatronages, Offices, kew-farmss, Cafualities, Vr-Itledns Services and others whatfoever, which the Imws and coufuetude of our fmd Realm al- Zetb us to ^evock, either faft by us in our CMimnty, or fimee , at any freceedmg the twenp drth day ofU^y , one thoufand, fix hundred andfiixp , or by our Royal father of glorious and hlefied imtt ays y , ^ {hi year one thoufand, fix hundred and thirty feven, to the hurt or prejudice ■’ - -- ■ -Priviledges of our Crown , Dignity of His mimory, at any tmefimee i 17Z Church His ^ Our Honour, Eftate, Tatrinmiy, Priviledges of our Crown , Dignity of His ^ nfpirrm w M right and interefi of our Subjeas. And We Will and Declare , and by ourSo- iyal AiUlLty Ordain, Thlt Lfe {refits fiallbe as amply extended and of as great f„e Ldeffea if’ leneral and in fpecial, as any Revocation made by any of our Koyal Predeceffors, ftrength,a ff d’„„ f A,, j Records of parliament , which in all heads , claufes and ctreumftauces there- Ltd! Igal and effeSiualto all intents mid purpofes , as if the fam bad been done and Kcgiflrate in A BmksffTarf ament, before ouri-Age of twenty five years ; Proteftmgfolemnly, that the omiffi- mfhmof nor onr abfence forth of our f did Kingdom nfScotiand, at this time, nor want of other So¬ on wereaj, he m Prektdice to us anent this Prefent Revocation , with all which we do til albeit we offavour and henpvolmce , and for any reffect or confderatm whai^fiever , fiiffer all mZi per bis to ufe and enjoy any Wlviledges , Pofiefjms Lands or Kents , Offices or my o- atp pepon Vfirj j aj . Revocation . the (am Jhall make no right to the ufers or “V” r"#"" kP ........ K 3 And we do De. The ficond SeJJion of the firft Parliament of 78 "Declare that theGifts or Confirmations made and granted by us ^ ~ -ufind, fixhimdref andfixty, audfuch as Jhallt granted or Lfirmed h7u? T"'' •‘'‘^’‘''^f‘°^fl!fU>>otbeconifrehe,idcdwithinthisKevocatmfiiitareexceptedmt^ ‘‘’»e hi ’ (^^tOi^'weJVillandOraaintobeintimate . infinuat declared andreaift^'/if^ ■ toA; Tarhammt 11^ fitting in Ediiiburah . ^nd holden by our tnfiy and well-beloved '‘f thif^’^‘- Mo/mMcxon Our Commijfioner in Our Name and by Our sduthorin c'^" ’^'o'‘’:ci£f‘^“ AndHisMajefty widi advice and confentofHisEflates of Parliament dorh n. 1 tion ,s to be extended to all and whatfoever Deeds done in hurt and prejudic^ iwhSfoi"''^ Rev„ and others annexed ro the prinapalhty , or to the Prince who is fecLd Perfon n thTs R I" LordOv clearing and furtherfatisfaftion of the Subjefts, as to that claufe bvwhirhall j And P® Deeds, madeanddonebyHisRoyalFather, are ReUed whietttv 'I'e domallowHisM^eftytoRevokejHisMaJeV. wirhai^^^^^^^^ M>^i.t.ufCy iruuiiaeKjiftsor thoufiiiid, fix hundred, an are I X. xAa anent the Teinds belonging to Bijhofs and other benefited ferfons. o o Ui-ucf idunejicea perjons. jP Orafmuch , asby the KingsDccreet arbitral, in the Moneth of 1 Church-men m the year one thoufand, fixhundred ai.drMrr , ,.^“'''*^‘^S«belonEine to r!» fore. theKmgsMajefty, With advieeandlfSofmS^^ valuations of the Teinds, whereofthe Biftops and other beneficedner^^^^^ Ordains all by any pretended Commifoon for valuation of Teinds W £11^ 1 ’ ^’S^idis ’id thirtyfeaven, tobevoidandnullintimecominE Tndt'ha X 7^ hundred ’1 fhall enter to the faidpofTeflion of rental Bolls fndltidin^ [aids Biihops and other beneficedPc’rfom croptandyeatofGo^, onethoufand. foLdred alwayes, like-as it is hereby provided, that the Heritors offu^h T a, coming ; Ptovidinv Arch-bifliops, Bifliops, and other beneficed perfons bein^ MinifteVs theirfubmifliontoHisMajefties Father of blefl^d memoir fo^bel tl7r^ werefetin tack, thetinieof were m, by the Decreet arbitral pronounced thereunon ^nd bv rl ^ condition they Anno onethoiTand fixhundred. and thirty thref Em tuled CW^^^ Parliamentwi and fhall have the fu hen«»fif ^ valnatinnnf'T,,-.*u.. Other deeds ol commi/llon & omilTion, whereby tity’havl cOT'trilen‘^ d & rendred rhemfelves lyable to the pains . penalties cenfures Serer^ ' a n ^ feft peace be fctled m this Kingdom and that all Hic a c 1^ thereto . And being mofl; dehrous that a ncr- ”^f-"dble,hngsof His Govfrnment an^Sa^Xte enj^tliafpl agamftHis Majellie, or His Royal Father of blelTcd memnr5 committed another , in relation to the late troubles , ftall 1 ereXTS’'n againftanyoftltembefoteany Judge, CivUorC iS to fe. ^e brought iii qucflioii ces,pr.viledges,Libertiesorreputa“ions: ButrLTfiCte latauieedsoffututedifFereiiccs, and remembrance of former pm- King CHARLES the U. 79 proceedings, may as well by \^^ajefly as by hisSubjefts one towards. another, be forsrottcn : and Hrar all names of repr6ach or d.llmft.on which Irave been ufed or may rpvive the memrTry of the late difFerences , be buried in Oblivion Tl^mfore, His Majeftie , of His .fignal prudcticc , Grace and Good- nefs Doth, with advice and confent of His Elktes of Parliament, Dedate , Stantte and Ordain That ^1 manner of Treafons, Rebellions, Mutthers, Offences, Crimes, Contempts, Injuries Miflemca- nors and all other Deeds, as well of comiffion as omiffion, commanded, aclcd or done by any perfon or petfons , by vertuc ol any power or warrand of any pretended Parliament , Council or their Com- niittees, Commanders of Armies , ^or others pretending Authority , tinder whatfoevet title , name or deliguation , fince the firff day of jahuury , otic thouland, fix hundred and thirty feven years , and be¬ fore the fitft day of ^e^tember , one thouland , fix hundred and ftxty, , ( other theu ftteb as arc'herealtcr excepted in this prefertt Aft ) be and are hereby. , ^ekafed , Indemnified tail 't)iftbargfii atid that all and every perfon and petfons or Incorpofat;i6ris., Afting , Advifing,- Adiftiiig or Abetting the fame, and their Heirs, Executors, and Succeffouts (except as lliall be hereafter excepted ) are hereby Thrdoned ixAlndemnified , and ^ijeharged thereof, and of all pains of Forfeiture, Death, -Fines, Imprirbnmcut , BanilhmeM- and other pains , Penalties, Aaionand Qiteftion, Civil or Criminal ; andolall Dcctccts, Sentences , A^s or Orders pad thereupon , and all other damnage , prejudice and inconveniencies what¬ foevet . they or any of them might or may be lyable unto for the fame. All which Pains , Sentences , and others fbrefaids , are hereby declared void and null in all time coming ; and that this Free and General -Vardon, jndemnitj^nAOblivm, lhall be as effeftual in Law, to every one of his Majcllics Subjefts, and bodies politick and incorporac, and perfon or perfons- whatfoever , in, for and againtf all things; (which be not after excepted) as if the &ids Petfons, Crimes, Offences, Injuries, Deeds , Mifdemcanouts , Penalties . Decreets , Sentences and Orders , had been fpecially and particularly here infert , and in expreffe words -Par¬ doned and Rekafed ; and that none he hereafter, inany maner of way purfued or queftioneJ for the fame , but that thefe ptefents lliall be in all cafes , in Judgmenf and outwith the fame , a fuffi- cieiit defence and exoneration to all parties concerned ; Difchargiiig hereby , all and fimdrie Judges, Civil and Criminal, to give order for intenting any Procefs, either at the inftance of his Ffl.ijelltes Advocat, againft the Subjefts , or at the inftance of any ol die Subjefts againft another , for any ot the faids Crimes, Faults, Offences or other deeds , orto proceed in any Procefs already intended, or to be intended thcrc- anent. AndHtsMajeftie, with advice forefaid , doth hereby Statute and Ordain, That every cLiufc and word, intliisptefentAift, beunderftood and interpreted in the moft faVoiifable fenfe the cxprcCTion may bear , for Indemnity ot the whole petfons who may have intereft therein Excepting alwayes from tliisjite- fent Aft, and the ‘PardotimAImenifnity therein contained, all fucli perfons (If any be") wliowicre guilty of, and acceflbry to , any previous tranfaftions and bargains of money , for carrying on of that- procedbr con¬ cerning his MajeftiesPeiion , condemned by the tenth Act.of the firftSe^ionof diis pvelenc Parliament; and excepting all fuch (if any be ) who upon any contrivance were art and part el the horrid murtlict'oTliis late Majefty of biefled memory ; Andfick-like, Excepting all private murtliers , thefts, witch-crafts, i'ncefts, buggeries, briberies, forging of falfe. Writes, perjuries , ufuries , and other cririics of that natiire.norrelating to the late troubles; and the Accounts ofallfucli perfons as have -ir.tromcttcd avith any 'ofliisMajellics Revenues, publick Impofitions , Excife', Fines, Fotfeitutes, Sequellrations, and all ocher publick money, for which they had not Order, Warrand otAffignment , (for their own privat ufe) or for which dicy have not duly counted, and received Difehatges thereof, from fuch as pretended to have the Authority for the time , to do the fame; And alfo Excepting all fuch perfons who have been forfeited, or declared Fugitives, in this prefent Parliament, or by the Committee ol Eftates , lince one dioufaftd , fix hundred, and ftxty. And particularly , Excepting the Decreets of forfeiture againft t^rchibald Camphel, late Matqiicfs cf Argy! ; Archibald JohnhounSometimt called Sir Archibald JohnJioun ol W arriftoun-, John Swintomi , fomet i me cal¬ led of ; James Quthery , VlilliamQonjan, JohuPIome, mAJVilliam'DimdaJs , James Camphel, {omsrXmsc.&\hA(iiArdkmglafs,zaAJamesCdmpbel, fometiraes called of Otwyl^; which Dcctccts are to ftand in full force and have further execution, conforme to the tenours thereof. Andfick-like, Excepting all Decreets, Sentences, Affignments and Orders, paft, given and renewed by this prefent Parliament, in favours of any perfon ot perfons ; And but prejudice of the generality forefaid ; Excepting fuch perfons , as to the payment offuchfums of money , as are refpeiftively expreft in another Aft:, paft in this Parliament, Entituled , i^ct coucerningfome exceptionsfrm the h£i of Indempnity. X I. Salvo jure cujullibet. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD, taking to confideration, thattherebe many Afts of Ratification andothers, paftandmadeiiuhisSeffionofParliament, in favours of particular perfons, without cal¬ ling ot hearing offuch as may be thereby concerned and prejudged. Therefore, His Majeftic, with advice andconfcntoftheEftatesofParliament, Statutes and Ordains , That all fuch particular Afts,, and Aftsol Ratification, paft in maner forefaid, lliall not prejudge any third party of their lawful Rights , nor of their aftions The ficond Sejpon of the firft parliament , &c. aftions and defences competent thereupon before the making of die faids particular Arts , and Afll fications ; And rhat the Lords of Seflion and all other Judges within tliis Kingdom, lhali be obli betwixt patties , according to their feveral rights , (landing in their perfons before the making of th f All which are hereby exponed and declared to have been made , Salvo jure cujufiibet. * Afts, XII. C T of hdjournment. The Kings Majefty Declares this Parliament current, and adjourns the fame to the twentietl May next to come ; Ordaining all Noblemen , Commiffioners from Shires and Burroughs , and dl ^ having intereft , to attend that day ; and that there be no new eledlion in Shires or Burroughs , ' cxc ^ the death or incapacity ofanyoftheprefent Commiffioners. ’ “pon A. PRIMEROSe, Qls. Regi^er, A TABLE Of the Printed ACTS. * A Ct for the ReJlittttmandKe-eftabliJhment of the ancient Government of the CSiurch by Archbilhotis J\ and Bijhefs. ^ ^ i ASlforjrefepjationofHismtyeJltesPerJbn, Authority and Government. 5 ACi coticemingfuch Benefices and Stipends as have been pjfefied without Trefentations fim the lawful Patrons. 4 concerning Mafters (fVniverfities , Mimfiers, ISc. y AB concerning the 'Declaration to be figned by allferfims inpibUck T rufi. 6 AB for fupfrefifmgcf Theft , ikobberiesandDepredations. 7 ABforthe allowanceoftenthoufand founds Scots , yearly , totbe\jirds of Sejfion, out of His Malt- flies Cuftoms. ^ 8 The Kings Majeflies general Revocation. 9 net an^ic toe s. etnas eetongmg to tstjoofs and other benefleed perfons, 10 The Kings CHyeflies gracious andfreePardon, ABoflnxmfnityandObliviti 11 Act Salvo jute cujuflibet. ti Act of AdjoHmmtnt. FINIS. LAWS laws and acts Fall: in die THIRD SESSION Of the F I R S T parliament, Oj Our Mofi High and Dread Sever aign ] CHARLES TH E SECOND. By the Grace of G O D . King of Scotland, England , Frame and Ireland, Defender of the Faidii BjaNoUeLord, JohaEan c/Rotlies. LffriLeflyrfWBantibteith, Fw MAJESTIES Qmmiffmner far holding the fame, hy vertue of a Commiffion mtder Hts majesties Great Seal of this Kingdom. With the J}scid Advice and Cimfent of the Efiates of TarMmenU Begun at Edinburgh upon die eighteendi of June, i66y and continued to the ninth of OMer thereafter. I. '■ACT anettt the -way and maner of EkUion of the Lords of the Krticks. HE WHICH DAY, The Earle of Roofer, His Majeflics Coin- miffionet, reprefented to the Eftates of Parliament, That' it was His Majcfties exprcfsplcafure , Thatintheconftitution of Parliaments, and choifingofLordsofthe Articles at this Seffion and in all time coming, the fame form and order ftould be keept, which had been ufed before - thefe late troubles, efpecially in the Parliament holden in the year One ^ dioufand, fixhundrcd, and thirty three. And the manner of cledion of die Lords of Articles at that time being now feen , and confideted , be the Eftates of Parliament ; They did with all humble duty acquiefeom Ins s,!!/ Ill Maieftie’s gracious pleafure , thus fignifyed unto them. And m ptofe- WJ\\ cutin thereof, TheCleygy retired to the Exchequer chamber and the Nobility to the Inner houle of the Seffion, (the Barons and Burgelles keep- 3 ins their places in the Parliament houfe) The Clergy made choice of eightNoble-mentobeontheArlidel^k:. TheDukeofF«to, TheMarqiieM Eatlesof£r«/, Mar, LgbtgUm, Hadington, CaUen^ar, Ammtdatle ■, And the Nobility ma^^ 8z The third Sejfm of the firfl Tdarliament of choice of eight Bi/hops, viz The Archbidiops of SanA-ri/idrews and G/a^ov, Tl,» b „ - --- burgh, GaUoway, Vtimkeld, Breichen,Caithnes, and f/hj-; which being done^ thin of ' ^^’'ohequerhoufe, and having (hewn their eleailnMoothersIh?^^’'* atle^foniany ofehemas wereprefent, flayed together inthatroum, (wliilft all othcrii' '’®'^'’"* 'left J jointly madechoiceofEight Barons, and eight Co, nmiffioners of Bu rivs, sTr Cra gmillar, PrcfidentoftheSeflion, Sk James Lockhurt oi Lk Sir l Archibald StirlmgoiCzrden, SkVeterhFedderburnoiGosfoord’skJhomasHamil^^ S°'*‘"gtoun cf Mnft and Jea/rof Ardrqfs. Sir Robert Murray Prwefl^ ^ Mailer >feParfr/0« 01 Perth, of Dundie, GiwZ-t Gra\ ^‘^'Ohurpl, of theirtrufl, m preparing of Laws, Afts, overtures, a(i4 ordering all things remittedr^^ i’" **oharoe Parliament, andindoingevery thing elfe which by the Law and Praftick of tS Kimdn ^ ^'5 ’’y tL wereproppertobedonebytheLordsofArticlesannytymebygono I I. ACT againft fef oration and difobedience to Ecclejaftical Authority. P as the Kings Majelly, confiderjng the prejudices which did enfue to the Cbnr,-K a n ^^d rn P^O''°gotive of the Crown, to the Authority of Parliament to the LibemV and to the pubhekLawes and Peace of the Kingdom, bv the inuifmnp i ™^’°™osofthe Subjeft of i ef p'r '”"T Bilhops, andhathredinhgratedthelllac^^^^^ “ ® Majefly!^l!dradvfre thereof thus ellabhlhfd ly dred Md fixty two, but chat their pllces ^Benefires^and for die year , one thoufand , fixhun- everMinillersflioiild, withoutalawhilVvenfeV f j, . ^ ' vacand ; And that wliac- DiocefianAllbmbly,orwhohK.uldnotconcuI“alldKrtlS^^^^ themfelves fom the Mto required by the Arch-billiop or Billion of the Aincefti tl I u as they Ihould be tliere- Office and Benefice till the next Diocefiaif Meeting nnd if' l fitft fault fufpended from their ChurchandBeiKficetobeprovidSZlSfin ^ "^^^dnot, fliould be deprived, and the to conferve and maintain tlfe Church in the ptefent Stawand 'Be Kings Majefly having refolved ops and others bearing office therein and not to endfre nor ® thereof by Arch-biffiops and Bilh- intheleall. Doth therefore , with advice and conlhlr of I Parliament, Ratifie and approve the afore mentioned aI ” d^f‘^1 conveened in this third SeffionofHis mer Seffions of Parliament , in oK tS^of p^^^^ and all other Ads and Lawes made in the twofot- ihis Kingdom ; and Ordains them to flaiid in Dignity , Junfdiflion and Autliority within furthercxecutioninall points colrmero^^^ kingdom, andtobeputto refolution herein, His Majelly, with advice aforefdd'^ doT"^' j’ P“!^“““ °f Majellics Royal Council, totakefjieedyande^eftualcourfe rivirrl ’f ^ to the Lords ofHisMajefties Privy Majefeies Subjects; And for that end thattbov |||’'v^'^‘;*'®'^^‘^f,‘^^'^®adyanddue obedience from allHis flncetheyear. on; thoufand fixhun^^ and Collations, as aforefaid, yet dared to ore irb in V- ^ave not as yet obtained prefentations , perfonsand contemners of the Royal Authorirv to punilh them as feditious keep not the Diocefian Meetings ^and concur Lrlfrfd’ ^e careful , thatfuch Miniftets, who for the fame fufpended or deprived, asfaidis bel-ro d’* Bdhops in the Aftsof Church difeipline, being fices, Glebs and Manfes- and if an'v of them ii, ^ '"8*7 rafter deprivation, removedfromtheirBene- ies,and.ianyofthemfhall„otw.thftandingoffertoretaintliepoireffionoftheirBene. fices /C/»^ CHARLES the II. ficesorManfes, that they take prefent coutfetofce them difpoITcft-, and ifthcylhali thereafter prefumc to exercife their Miniftry, that they bepunilhed as fcditious pcrfoiis, and fuch as contemn the Authority of church und Stutc. And as His Majetty doth expea, from all His good and dutilul Subjeas, a due acknowledgment of, and vorry coniplyance with, his Majetties Government, Ecclcfiaftical and Civil, as it is now cftablilhed by j jw within this Kingdom, and that in order thereunto they will give their cheatful concurrence, counte¬ nance andaffiftance to fuch Minifters, as bypublick Authority are or lhall be admitted in their fevctal Paro¬ dies, and attend all the ordinary Meetings for divine Worlliip indie fame; SoHisMajclly doth Declare, tliatHewill. anddoth, account a \vith-drawingfrom,andnockeepingandjoyningin,thcfe Meetings, tobc feditious, and of dangerous example andconfequence. And therefore , and lor preventing the himc for the funire, HisMajelly, with advice and confenc of His Eftates inParliament.,doth hereby Statute, Ordain and Declare, Thar all and every fuch perfon otperfons, who lhall hereafter ordinarly and willfully with¬ draw and abfent themfelves from the ordinary Meetings of divine Worlhip in their o.vnParoch-Church on the Lotds-day, (whether upon account of Popery or other difaffcaion to the ptefent Government of the Church) lhall thereby incur the pains and penalties under-written. viz. Each Noble-man, Gentleman andHcretor, the lofs of a fourth part of ilk years Rent, in which they lhall be accufed and convidlcd ; and every 'Yeoman, Tcnnent or Farmer, the lofs of fuch a proportion of their Iree moveables ( after the pay¬ ment of their Rents due to theit Mailer and Land-lord ) as His Majefties Council lliall think fit , not exceed¬ ing a fourth part thereof; and every Burgefs to lofe the liberty of Merchandizing, Trading, and all other Ptiviledges within Burgh, and fourth part of their moveables. And His Majcfty , with advice forefaid, doth hereby authorize and require the Lords of HisMajelties Privy Council, to be careful to fee this Aft put to due execution; and for that end, to call before them all fuch perfons as after admonition of theMiniftcr, in prefence of two fufficient witnefles, and by him fo attefled, lhall be given up to the Council as tranfgrclTors olriiisAfl, in with-drawing from their Paroch Churciies asaforefaid;andthefame, after hearing of the par¬ ries, being duly found, to decern and inflift the cenfures and penalties above-mentioned , and fuch other corporal punilliment as they lhall think fit, and direft all execution iieceflary for making the fame effcftual, jnd to do every other thing they lliall find necellary, for procuring obedience to this Aft. and putting the fanie to ptinftual execution, conform to the tenor and intent thereof. I I I. Aiditmal tA C T cmiceming the ^Declaration to befigned by all per fins in public k T ruH. FOrafmuch. as by aaAft, paftin thefecond Seffion of this Parliament, on the fifth of September laft, concerning the Declaration to betaken by all perfons in pubiickTruft, It is remitted to His Majefties Commiffionet to take fuch courfe as he Ihould think fit . how tliefe, who are prefendy in Office, may fubferibe the Declaration; And the King’s Majeftie being refolved, that all in pubiickTruft, fliould without further delay, fign the fame; But confidering, that in this vacand time, many of the Courts of Jufticcdonotfit, fo as fome longer time, muft be allowed unto them. Therefore, the King’sMajefty, with advice and con- fentof His Eftates inPariiament, Statutes and Ordains all perfons, whoenjoyorpoflefsanypublickTruft or Office within this Kingdom, as Officers of State , Members of Parliament, Privy Counceiiors, Lords of Seffion, Commiffiotiers in Exchequer, all Members of the Colledge of Juftice ; Sheriffs, Stewarts, Bailies of Regalities, Commiflaties, Juftices of Peace and their refpeftivcDeputs and Clerks, and all who enjoy any other publick Charge, Office or Truft within the Kingdom, to fiibfctibe the Declaration hereunto fubjoynetl, in prefence of the feveral Courts they relate to, betwixt and the eleventh of iVoziOTicr next to come, orfooner, as theyfliall have occafion or be required thereto by His Majefties Council; Difcharging hereby ftl fuch of them, who lhall not fignthefame, asfaidis, toexerceany pubiickTruft orOfficevvithin the Kingdom, -after the faid eleventh of 'Hovember. And tliat a fpeedy account may be returned hereof, I t is hereby Ordained, that the Sheriffs in the feveral Shires be careful in requiring due obedience fo this Aft. and that they and all others concerned therein, make report thereof to His Majefties Council, betwixt and the fitft oi January next to come. And feeing the cleftion ol the Magiftrarcs and Council of Burghs will occur about tJMkhaelma/s next, and that fome difaffected perfons in Burghs, having none or fmall advantages by their Magifttacy, may, upon account of this Declaration, refufeto acceptany Chargeor Truft; Irisdiere- lote, byHisMajefty, with advice forefaid, Statute, Thatatthenext enfuingeleftionofMagillratcswith- in Burgh, all fuch perfons who lhall continue in. brbeofneweleftedtobcMagilliatcs, Clerks, or of the CouncilofBurghs, lliall at fuciuheireleftiqns, if they be prefent , oroiherwile, how foon thereafter they lhall be required thereto by chofe who did cle'a them, fign the Declaration aiorcfaid; Declaring hereby, all who lhall refufe or delay the fame, to be from thenceforth not only incapable of , andtohavcforfaultcd, theprivikdges of a Magiftrate, but alfo all tiie ptiviledges of Merchandizing, Trading, and otlicrs belong¬ ing to a Burgefs;And that die feveral Burghs make report of theit proceedings therein to HisMajefties Council betwixt &die forefaid eleventh o{Nov.iS they will be anfwcrable upon their duty & allet^iance-. And for fuch as L 1 lhall \ L 84 The third SeJJion of the firft ‘Parliament of fliall hereafter be admitted to any publickTruft or Office, they are to ftgn the DeclatafoT^^ and under the certifications, expreft in theformer Act of Parliament of the fifth ofSenteml'" "’ana Majefty doth hereby recommend to the Lords of His Majefties Privy Council , to be careful rf' His be put to due execution , and receive obedience conform to the tenor thereof, Acts ITtoJincerely affirm and declare, that ljudeeitmilawF,a, r upnpreteticeo/Kefirmation or other pretence what foever, to enter into \^aQuesandC ^j^^^, to take up \rmes amtnB the ¥dng or thofi commiffionated by Him ■. hnd that all the/e Gatherim^'T*^' tions, Veutions, Protefiations, auderedingand keepingofCounciUables, thatwereufedintl'i'^'^- and for carrying on, of the late troubles, were unlawful and feditious. J^nd particularl Oathes,whereof the onewas commonly called. The National Covenant, {asitwas fwornand *^fe the year, one thoufand,fix hundred and thirty eight, and thereafter) and the other entituled^‘‘“'‘‘‘^’’‘ Ixague and Covenant, were, and are, in themfelves tmlawful Oaths , and were taken bv ' upon, the Subjeds of this Kingdom, againBthefundamental'Laws and Liberties of the farne- there lyethnoobligatwnuponme, or any ofthe Subjeds from the faids Oaths, or either oftheni tj Church or State, asitisnowedabliJh’edbyaeL^'^ 1 V. Lydd againft Protedious. 'T'HcKings moll ExcellentMajefty being careful, thatthebenefit ofthe Law m the adminillrari. ’ H's Majefties good Subjeas; And confidering the prejudices Inanv if merlyfuftamed, m the flopping of the courfe of Juftice, by the too frequent granting of PtMealr pcrfonal execution. Therefore, and for preventing of the like lor the future , HisMaieftv If and confent of His Eftates in Parliament , Doth Ratifie . Approve and Renew all former Ads of Pa’n fifn granting of Proteaiojis ; And Difchargeth the Lords of His Majefties Privy Councr^r fion and Exchequer, to grant Proteaions to any perfons againft petfonal execution , certifying t for the debt againft which they gtant the Protection ; and®ailexen!‘^ lhallpafs againft the havers thereof, as ifthe fame had not been granted ^^“execution frefp That notwithftanding hereof, itlliallbe free to the Lords of His M ■ c‘f'"‘" ’ f of Exchequer , and to tiie Juflice-general and his Deputes petfon or pfons are fummoned and appointed to appear perfonally before them, to give order no™ ^ thy have been in ufe formerly to do, for fufpending perfonal execution againfl the perfons fo fumL “a andappointed to appear , for fuch few dayes , as they may come to give thdr aonearanre f „a a findfeff^'’^’ '"''‘“™®f®'''‘^?y“fo“heirreturn, and that accordhig as thelfSs refpeflive^ftidges flSl find tcafon, upon the patticular applications to be made thereupon. ^ t ve judges lliall Ad for the efiablijhment and conjlitutiou of a National Synod. FOrafmuch as the ordering and difpofal of the external Government of the Church and the tiominati- OT of the perfons, bywhofe advice, maters relating to the fame are to be fetled doth belonvto ms Majefly, as an inherent right of the Crown bv vernie of Pit Or.r,, i Authority in caufes Ecclefiaflical : And in proflciLn of this Sufl H f Sft? c^nfit ? 1« fit andnecefl-arj. It is. for the honour and fervice of Almighty God , the good and qffiw of t cf „ c7 Sy a National ^Synod and Affimbi; yiiy conltitute within this Kingdom . Hath therefore Appointed and Declared andbvthefe nrefents Sc^^anrSl a^dtr ' and be conftitute of the Archbilhops ofSanct-Ai- ciimdies Aif dea’enn i '"'o Provinces, of all Deans of Cathedral thUefoectivfSoSer;nl1' ’®^°t'“^^^^ of Meetings fot exercife , allowed by the Billiops of 1 e relpective Diocelles, and of one Presbyter or Minifter of each Meeting , to be chofen and elected SnerAST one f£ f™- the uSerfity of * ^ d one from G/n^«te-, one from the King’s Colledge, one from Marlhals Colledge of yNberdeen, andonefrom thecSlledge oi Edinburgh-, And this slnod tlms coSf is rmee a ’ SS!lt!“t ^oXde^Ind'^^^^^^^ byHisProclamation, lhallajpoint; and is to dSe, treat, con- trine' WorlhiD Difrinlinp ^ ^hch pious maters , caufesandthings.concetningtheDoc- derHisRoS han? ^dTlle this Church . as His Majefty lliaU from time to time, un- er His Royal hand, deliver, or caufe be dehvered , to the Archbilliop of St. Andrews. Prefidentoftlielaid National King C H A R L E S 1 1. I^ational Aflcmbly, to be by him offered to their csnfideration. The Eftatcs of Parliament do humbly re- cooiiofce and acknowledge His Majefties Royal power and prerogative alotcfaid , with the piety , iiifticc and nrudcncc of his Majeftiesrefolutron herein ; Likeas His Majcfty , with their advice and confent doclihere E, tftablilh , Ratifie a^Confirm this conftitution ofa National Affcmbly , as the lawful couftitution of the National Synods and Afiemblies of this Church , His Majcfty, or his Commiffionot (without whofc prcfcncc National Synod can be kept) being alwayes prcfent; And Declares, That no Ad, Canon, Order or Ordinance ihali be owned as an Ad ol the National Synod of the Church o[ Scot land ,{o as to be of any cfled iorce or validity in Law , tobeobfervedand keeped by the Arch-bilhops and Billiops, the inferior Cleriry ' and all other perfons within this Realm,( as far as lawfully, being Members of this National Church, it may concern them) but that which fliall be confidercd , confulted and agreed upon by the Prefidcntand major nartof the Members abovc-fpecified. It is alwaves herebv orovided .rbar nrirbinirbeenaitipii CUtion Anrboritvi prerogative G. - - ui c,auic ue utuaicu, cuminica anti concluded upon , but what lhaU be allowed , approyen and confirmed by His Majcfty or his Coniiniffioncr , prefent at National Synod. V I. ACT anent ruinous boufis in '^ojal Burghs. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD being informed, that upon the high Streets of fevcral of His Ma- jeftiesBurghs-Royal, and in the vennels and other paflages within the fame, there be many houfesiii the publick view ofall people reforting thereto, very ruinous and not inhabited thefe divers years by-gone, nor likely to be repaired by any, to the great opptobry of the faid’s Burghs , and common fcandal of the Kiiig- dome , as being altogether defeftive ol that policy and good order which is , and ever hath been , fo earncftly intended in the many wliolfom and laudable Laws already made , by his Majefty a nd his Royal Progenitors of moft worthy memory. And finding the Burroughs very defirous to have thefe many dangers and incon- yeniencies prevented and remeeded, which the Inhabitants of thefe Burghs, and the reft ol the Lieges fre¬ quenting the fame, do continually lear from fuch ruinous buildings ; Doth tlietefote, with advice of His Eftatcs of Parliament, Ordain the Proveft and Bailies of the Burgh where fuch ruinous houfesare, to caufe warn and charge all perfoiis , that have orpretends right to the property of fuch Lands and buildings, or any Annual-rents forth thereof, to caufe build and repair, in a decent way , within year and day, fuch Houfes and Buidings as have been waft and not inhabited three years before die date of this prefent Adi, or lhall be waft and not inhabited thereafter by the forefaidfpace of three years, otelfetofeil thefame toothers, robe fcuiided within the fame fpace of year and day: And to charge all known perfons, perfonally or at their dwelling places, andbyopenProciiamationattheparoch-kirkorMercat-crofsolthe Burgh; and all others by open Proclamation'atthefaidMercat-crofsandParoch-kirk. Andincafeof their abfcnce outof thisRcalin, at tlitCmkoi Edinhurgh , andPecrandflioarofLe/V/j, upon threefcore dayes ; with certification to them if theyfailzie, the faid Proveft and Bailies llial! caufe the faids Lands and Tenements to be valued by certain perfons, to be chofea and fworn by them for that effect, and fell the fame to any perfon that will buy them, Md pay the price ofthe fame to thefe owners, ifthey be known; and if they be not known, to confign the prices thereofin the hands of the Proveft, one of the Bailies, or Dean ofGildofthe faid Burgh, tobe forth- Mming to thefe who have intereft thereto: Andifnomanwillbuytliem, it lhallbe lawful! to the faid Pro¬ veft and Bailies , after apprifing thereof, as faid is , and payment or configiiation of the prices of the fame , to call down the faid ruinous houlcs and caufe build the fame of new. And His Majefty , with advice forefaid , bedares. That it fliall not be lawful in time coming, to any maner of perfon to purfue them nor their fuc- ceflbrs therefore, nor pretend any tight or intereft: tlieteto , but that the faid tight lhall be a petfeft fecurity to die builders thereof and their fuecc&rs. vn. ACT difchargtngthe ImfortatioH of Strong fKaters.Scz. UR SOVERAIGN LORD and Eftates of Parliament undetftanding , that there are divers ^ -waters. Mum-heat .and other Beet for drinking, brought into this Kingdom from fortaigii L 3 ACT 86 The third 8ejJion of the firfl ‘Parliament of VIII. ACT diftharging the mixing of Tin with Lead. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD and Eftatesofthisprcfent Parliament conlidering H fuftaiiiedbyHisMajefties Lieges , by the fraudulent dealing of Pevvterers, in mixing the Tin brought from France, Flanders mAoxhet parrs beyond fea , withbaferai^ r of of Tin and Lead, and their exafting greater prices betwixt the new Pewter caftcn by them , and 111^”^ they receive from the Lieges. For remeid thereof. It is Statute and Ordained , that the Pewtere*° r of Tin, ihall put the mark ol the Thiftle , and the Deacons mark , witli his own name , uoon ofwork that he happens to call:, and that the fame flial! be of the fincftof the Pewter marked ra. England-, And in cafe the fame be under the fineft of thefaid Pewter of that thef'* confifcat , and he puniflied in his perfon at the difcretion of the Magiftrats of the Burgh where he d^'l tothatefTeft, that there be a Say-mafter appointed by the Magiftrats in each Burgh, fortryino 'r | Aslike-wayes, that hefhalltake, betwixt the pound of old pewter and Tin, n.arked;XrS-- faid, and the pound of new caftenbyhim.twolhillings Jrtffjallanetly , under the pain forefaid IX. lyi C T anent the diftharg ing of Ad-vocations for fitms within two bimdredmerks OUR SOVERAIGN LORD and Eftates of Parliament confidering, the manifold nre’ A- and troubles arifing to divers of His Majefties Lieges , in purfuing of maters of final impottaii toofrequentgrantingof Advocations from inferiour Judges. Therefore, Ourfaid Soveraign Lord advice and confentofthefaids Eftates, difcharges the Lords of Scllion from giving and graining L ’ Advocation , of any aiftions intended or to be intended before whatfoever inferiour Judicatories competently, by the Lawes of the Kingdom , be decided by the faids inferiour Judges , before vvhom'd Aftion is or fhall be intended , for films of money within two hundred Merks ; or for any other cauf unto, by the Laws of the Kingdom , the faids inferiour Judges are exprefly appointed Judges, * wlicre- X ACT in favours of xMinors, anent the duties of the Lands comp-ijed from them UR SOVERAIGN LORD confidering, the favourable condition of Minors, who are often. VytimesdeftituteofTutors and Curators; and though tliey have them, yet in refpeft of their minority' ■ they are not in capacity or credit to raife films of money forfatisfaftion of their Creditors : And it being m realbnable , that their Creditors comptifers of their Eftate , fliould, during the not expiring of the legal tever- fion, which, according to Law continuesdutingtheirminority, have more advantage by their Eftate then correfponds to the Annual-rent ofthe true firms owing to them by vertue of their comprifings; Doth, with advice and confent of his Eftates of Parliament , Ratifie and approve the Aft of Parliament , made mAimtl onethoiifand, fixhundeted, and twenty one, Caj>. 6. info far as the fame concerns Minors; Andlli dares, thar the true meaning thereof was , and is, that Minors, having tight to the Legal reverfion, fliould be no further obliged during their minority of twenty one years of age , but allanerly for the Annual-rent of the films contained in the comprifings; and that they lofe not the right ofthe ofthe mailcs and duties ofthe Lands, fo far as the fame exceeds the faid Annual-rents, during their faid minority. XI. C T againji exportation of money forth of the Kingdom. ' I ' He Eftates of Parliament confidering, how much the Kingdom is impoverifhed by the daily exportation ofmoney forthof thefame; andthat the making ufeofour own native Commodities, forfurnifliing us with tliefe things which formerly were brought to us from forraign places, is, b}’' the commendable indtiflry offeveral defetving Country-men and ingenious Artifts, much improved: And that in order totheiren- couragment, and that our own native Commodities may go the better off, neceflar itis, thatfomemorc fevere reftraint then formerly be laid upon the exportation of money. Therefore , the King’s Majclly, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains, That no perfon orperfons whatfoever, fliall trade or ufe merchandize with any other Nation, till firftthey take an Oath before the Lord Thcafurer orTheafiirer-depute, orbefore fiichperfbns as they fliall appoint for that effeft, That they King CHARLES the 1 1. 87 „ 11 not export by themfclves or othcrs.direaiyor mdireaiy , by Sea orLaiid.any Gold or Silvcr.coy iicd or un- vned except fuch a fum as they lliall declare upon Oath before the fold Lord rhefaurer, Thcfourcr-dcputc thefe appo''‘“‘^ bythem, as faidis, robe neceflar for making of their voyacc to the port where they are and that if he know any money tranfoorteci by any other perfon, he lliall delate the fomc to the jThefaurer, Principal or Depute, or to the forefaid perfons appointed by them. As likewifc, every ttiooer foalh before he make anyvoyage after the publication hereof, to any other Kingdom or N-ation, ^ ke an oath before the faid Lord Thefaurer or Thefaurer-deputc, or thefe appointed by them for that eHcdf’. 'lat he fliall not himfelf tranfport , nor fuffer any Gold or Silver , coyned or iin-coyned (except as is love-excepted, and except thefumofthreefcore pounds at moft, which every Padenger is hereby allow- d to carry forth of the Country for his neceiTar fpending ) to be tranfported in the Ship wherein he is Matter, nd that lie fliall ufe his oiitmoft endeavour for difeovery of thefamc, if any be: And that if after he hath ** adefaih it ih^U come to his knowledge, that there is any money concealed in his Ship, or in any other Ship, r lliall at his return, delate the fame to the Lord Thefaurer, Principal or Depute, or to thefe appointed by lem for that effeft: And winch perfons appointed by them, are hereby reciuircd , to give timeous notice Vereof to the faid Lord Thefaurer or 1 hefaurer-depute , under the penalty ot the liaK of the money inform¬ 'd to have been tranfported. And ficklike, the (aids Oaths fliall be renewed and taken before the faids Lord Thefaurer or Depute, or thefe appointed by them , as faid is, by ail Skippers and Merchants, at the akiiig of every particular voyage ; And boththefaids Oaths iliallbefubfcribed by the refpccttive parties, "Idiofcrt in the Books of Exchequer, or in the books of thefe perfons appointedbythe Lords Thefaurer or Depute for that eflea; ForwliichExtraas.they fliali pay to the keepers of thefe Regifters twelve Ihillings ^Jrallanerly, the one thereof to be carried to theCuftomer, andinfertin their Books^^rrrfix ; the other he carried to the keeper of the Coequet, and infert in his Books_jra?/x. And it is further Statute and Or- d* ned That in cafe any Merchant or Skipper, fhall, after the publication hereof, trade with, or make yoyage to any other Kingdom or Nation, before the taking of the faids Oaths, and production of the Ex- Ss thereof to theCuftomer and keeper of the Coequet, that then they lliall forfeit the fifth part ol their moveables and be incapable, the Merchant of all trading , and the Skipper of having any charge of any Ship witiiinthis Kingdom in all time coming. Provided alwayes , that the taking of the Oaths above mentioned Ml be without prejudice of fearch for, or feizureof, any exported money .• And if any Gold or Silver, covned'oruii-coyned, lliall, after publication hereof, be dilcovered carrying out of the Kingdom, byaiiy oerfon who hath taken the faid Oath, thefame not only to beconfifeat, but tlieperfon or perfons owners Siereof to be proceeded againft as perjured perfons , and further lyable to fix moneths imprifoiiirient. As Ifo it is hereby Declared, that notwithftanding of the faid Oaths, if it fliall at any time thereafter be Iffially proven , money hath been carried out of flie Kingdom by the perfons takers of the faid Oath, the faids perfons fliall be proceeded againft as perjured perfons, and by and atcour , be fined in the value of the money exported; andwhatfoevet money fliall be difeovered or feized upon, the one half thereof to be for His Maicllies ufe, and the other half to the informer. And the Lord Thefaurer and Thcfau>'cr-depute lie hereby required, to appoint fufficient hoiieft men, to be found at the refpeftive Ports of this Kingdom , or Royal Burghs next adjacent thereto , for taking of the faids Oaths; And that they take bond, with fufficient cau- tioD from each of the perfons fo appointed, under the pain of fix thoufand pounds Scots.that they (hall not fuf¬ fer aW Merchand or Skipper to ufe trade or Merchandize with any forraign Kingdom or Nation, before they have taken the faids Oaths; and fliall do their utmoft endeavours for difeovery and feizure of all money carryed out of the Kingdom : And that ifit lliaU be mformed to them, that any money hath been carryed our of the Kingdom they fliall give fpeedy and timeous notice of their information to the faid Lord Thefaurer crThefaurer-depute, theone halfofthe forefaid fum of fix thoufand pounds, incafcoffailzie, tobeforHis Maieftiesufe and tlie other hall to be given to the delator, and to be further lyable to fix moneths imprifon- mem for breach of their truft. And ficklike, the faidLord Thefaurer ptincfoal, andThefaurer-depute, are hereby reauired to caufe theFarmetets and Collectors of the Cuftom, and keepers of the Coequet, to rkeanOath'tha'- the faids Farmerers and Collectors of the Cuftom lhall ufe their utmoft endeavours, for dte difeovery and feizure of all money carrying out of the Kingdom by Sea or Land either by Merchant, Skinoet or by any perfon of whatfoever quality or degree, except as is above excepted ; And that they flial not rivivvarraiid to any Skipper to receive a Coequet, unlefs they have received, both from the Skipper and Merliants in the Ship, extracts of the refpective Oaths, as faid is; and that the keepers of the coequets lhall oiveno Coequet. unlefs they have likewife received extracts of the Oaths above-mentioned, both from Ikipperand Merchants; and both Cuftoniers andkeepers of the coequet to give bond, with fufficient cau¬ tion under fuchfams ofmoneyasthefaid Lord Thefaurer principal and Thefaurer-depute hall mink fit forfulfi!lingofthepc,emiires. Andincafethe faids Farmerers CoUectorsand keepers of the coequet, or either of them, (hall refufe to compear, or compearing, tefufc or delay to take the Oath and give iheirBond as aforefaid. thentheitTack, .Commiffion, Gift or any other Tide, by which they, mjoy^ their places and charges, to be void and null, andthey to be lurther lyable to fuch cenffircs^ Lord Thefaurer principal , andThefaurer-depute fliali think ; fit for their contumacy. as the faid And ifit fliall be made Appear to the faid'LordThefautet principal , and Thefautet-deputc , that any of die Farmerers or Collefto^s^ 88 The Third SeJJion of the firft Tarliament of ofCuftom, or keepers of Cocquet, fhall tranfgrefs the Oath and Bond above-mentioned in any ' their Tack, Commi/fion, Gift or any other Title by which they enjoy their faids places, tobcvoS^^’ **’^1 and they to have incurred the fumsand penalties contained in their relpetSive Bonds (the one to be given to the informer or delator) and to be further proceeded againft as perjured perfons ; Dfi hereby , all granting of Licences for exporting of money ; except to luch perfons allanerly §’"8 faith in Exchequer, or thefe appointed bytheLordThefaurerotThefaurer-dcpute,andgivefugicie r that the money which they are to carry out, is to be bellowed upon Timber in Norway, or in order inginofViiflual in timeof extream dearth, and that they fliall return in fpecie, what part of the not be fo bellowed. atoll X I I. C T forincouragment of Tillage and Tajlurage. o UR Soveraij which is reraign Lord confidcring, how neceflar it is, for the incouragment of the tillage of this Cou is fubjefl to fomuch toil and expence, though theimprovcmenttbereolbemolladvanta'i?^’ to the whole Kingdom, That liberty be granted fot the exportation of Corns, after the Natives are ly provided for. Therefore, the King’s Majelly, with advice and confent of His EftatesinParlia'”'^"'" Statutes and Declares, That it lhall be lawful to export Corns ol all forts, when they are under the following,at the Ports or refpeflive lolaces of exporutionjwc; ilkBoll of Wheat,under twelve pounds the'B''’|f Beir & Barly under eight punds the boll, Oates and Peafe, under eight marks the Boll; notwithllandina of ° ’ former Adis, Laws or praclice to the contcary,they paying the ufual cullom and Bullion as formerly; with provifion,That when the Lords of HisMajelties Secret Council lhall judge it neceflar,for the good of die Ki dom & preventing of dearth,they may discharge the exportation of V idluai of all forts,for folong time asd iliall think fit. As alfo, for improvement of the Pafturage of this Kingdom, and for incouraKmentofd^ breeders oftheBeflial thereof, It is Statute and Ordained , with advice and confent lorefaid, that the exn ration by Sea, of all forts ol Bellial, either Nolt, Sheep or Swine, and barrelled Flelhes of allfort, fliallt' free of Cullom , Bullion , and all other impofitions, for the fpace of nineteen years next after' the dat^ hereof. ■ ' XIII. ACT for a new Imfojltion upn EngUflo Commodities. THc Ellates of Parliament confidering, how much it concerns the credit and wealth of the Kingdom, that our own native commodities be manufactured amongll our felves, and that the endeavours offucli perfons as are fetting up Manufacturies and Trades, have been, and are much retarded, by the importation of fuch forraign commodities as may be made within the Kingdom. Therefore, and fot their due encourac- ment, the King’s MajelW, with advice and confent of the Eflates of Parliament, Statutes aud Ordains, That from and after the nrfl day oi September next, twelve pounds Scots upon ilk ell of broad Englilli cloadi; fix pounds upon ilk ell of Jorkfhire and all narrow cloath; two pounds, eight lliillings upon ilk eB of Jearge • thirty lliillings upon ilk ell of callilians; forty eight pounds upon ilk Beaver-hat; twenty four pounds upon ilk Demy-beaver and Vigon ; and three pounds upon the piece ol ilk common Hat; thirty fix pounds upon the dozen of worllead Stockings; twenty four pounds upon the dozen of Stag-gloves; and twelve pounds upon the dozen of fingle Stags, cordivans, Kid or Shiverings ; and twenty four Ihillings upon ilk pound ol Tobacco, imported either for fale orprivate ufe into this Kingdom from England, all Scots money; Be exacted, levied and collected; and fourfeore per cent, upon all other forts of commodities imported into this Kingdom from England, and not particularly named in this Act, and uponall the growth and manu- factury of that Kingdom, though imported from any other place, and that over and above all other inipofiti- ons pur upon the fame already. And to the effect this prefent Act may be the more exactly put to execution. It is Statute and Ordained, That all Goods importeef from orof the growth and maiiufactuty of England, not above particularly exprefl, lliall be valued, after fighting, bytwoskilftilhoneftmen, upon oath, to be nominate by the Dean of Gildorhis Allellors, otMagiflratesof the Burgh, or next adjacent Burgh to the cuflom-office,where the faids Goods .are entered, or by the oath of the patty to whom the faids Goods belongs , and accordingly pay the faid fourfeore per cent. And the Lords Thefaurer and Thefauret- depute , and Lords of His Majeflies Exchequer are hereby required to take an Oath; and Bond with fuffici- ent caution, from the Farmers or collectorsof the faids impofitions, that theylliallexactly collccttliefarac, without any abatement thereofdirectly or indirectly; and that they fhall not luffer any of the faids Goods to pafs or be conveyed away un-entred, and that under the penalty ofthe worth of the faids Goods, ilthecoii- trary lhall be made appear, the one half thereof to His Majefties life , and the other hall to the informer, and under the pain of forfaulting their Tacks and commilfions , and being declared incapable to farm or col¬ lect, in any time hereafter , any cullom , Excife, or other Impofition whatfbever within this Kiugtlo™; I ■N King CHARLES the \\. «9 , .j-jny oftheforefaids Goods or Commodities fcall beinformed and made appear to be btoughtin, ^"{hallbefciwJi'P™’ not being entered in the Cuftom- office, or any other Office appointed fotdut ef- A then the fame to be wholly confifcat , the one half to His Majcfties ufe , and the other half to the firft XIV. act impfmg a Cuftom ufonCornimprted from Ireland intothis Kingdom. THe Eftates of Parliament confidering, what great funis of money are caryed out of the Kingdom, jjy perlbns , importers of Corn hither itom Ireland , who haying told their Corns , export the money vithoiit bartering any of the Commodities of this Kingdom ; whereby the whole Nation, particularly fc near adjacent parts of the Kingdom, are much impoveriihed ol money: And that it is juft andrea- fonable that the faids Corns Ihould bear Cuftom, toward the inctcafe of His Majefties Revenue, propor¬ tionally with other imported Commodities, efpecially when die Corns of this Kingdom are fold at eafic rates. ^ Therefore, the King’s Majefty, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Doth hereby impofe three pounds Scots of Cuftom upon ilk boll , Linlithgow meafure , of Corn imported in¬ to this Kingdom from Ireland, after tliefirft day of September next; and appoints thirty ffiillings Scots to be raifeaupon ilk boll already imported, and not yet retailed, conform roan Aft of the Committee of Eftates made there-anent, iaamm, one thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty. But lead the more indi- petitfottofpeople might beprejudged, by hightning the prices of the faids Corns in time of dearth under ctetence of the faid Cuftom ; Therefore , the King’s Majefty , with advice and confent forefaid , doth hereby give power to the Lori of His Privy council to remit and difeharge the exafting of the faid Cuftom , vvhentliey mail find the prices of the Victual of this Kingdom,, Meal and Barley refpeCtive, to exceed '^jbt'poimds the Boil ; And appoints the Lords of His Exchequer to caufe put this Act to full execution, and caVe the forefaid Cuftom be exactly levied , with power to them to allow fuch files to the Coleotors there¬ of as they. fhall think fit. XV. rA CT fir hi-bringmg of His Majefties Rents. orafmuch, as His Majefty and Eftates of Parliament, taking to their confideration , the great con- r tempt aiidnegleft of the feveral Fewets and others lyable in payment of His Majefties Rents, where- jj^tougli (notwithftanding of the diligence and endeavours of His Majefties Thefaurer-principa! , Thefauret- depute, and others His Majefties Officers appointed for the management of His Majefties Reveneue) the fame arc not payed, or othetwifefounfeafonably payed, that it proves a great hinderance and ptc- iudicc to His Majefties affairs. And finding feveral Afts of Parliament made for the timeous and fea- fonaMe payment of His Majefties Rents, as well conftituting the time and fitting of the Exchequer, to the effeA that the perfonsiyable in payment, might know both the time, place and petfons, where ,whcn and to whom they ffiould compt and make payment of the faids Duties , as alfo fuch cenfures and pe¬ nalties as might induce them to due obedience thereto: particularly, the fixty third Aft, ‘Par, eleventh, hoiden by hIs Majefties Grand-father of blefled memory, in anno, one dioufand, five hundred and eighty feven. Ordaining the Exchequer to fit down the firft day of yearly , and to continue to the laS day of ««?«// theteiifter; requiring not only the Thefaurcr, Comptroller, Collector, their Deputes and other Officers , to be prefent and give their attendance during the faid time ; but alfo all perfons lyable in payment, who ought to make compt in Exchequer, to be charged by precepts to compear thereat, under the pain of fourty pounds, to be uplifted by the Thefautet; Ordaining Letters ofHor- ,ning to be directed againfl; them for payment thereof, and that the faids perfons do attend for making of the faids accompts to theclofe thereof; and in cafe ol difobedience to the faid Precept, that they be . charged ofnewlat the Mercat-crofs oi EdinburgkzaA in cafe of their difobedience to the faid Charge, to be denounced Rebels at the faid Crofs; which denounciation is declared to be as fufficiem , as if the fame were at the head Burgh of ths Shire where the petfon liveth , and that the Hormng be regiftrat in the Thefaurers books or Sheriff books of Edinburgh. And fickhke, by the fixty fifth Act of the faid Patliameat, all Chamberlains and odier Receivers of His Majefties Rents, as well heretable as moveable, ate ordained to find caution to the TMwiKim Edinburgh , for making compt at the ordmat time of Exchequec , and payment within twenty dayes after the tesme. And alfo, ^ the ciguy of the faid Parliament, it is Ordained, that Letters be directed, charging the Sheriffs under the pain ofrebellion, with certification, &c. to find caution, Burgeffes Indwellers m Edinburgh , ihall yearly make their accompts in Exchequer , and pay all things retting owing to the Kings Majelty ,by vertue ol their office. And ficklike , by the two hundred and thirty Act, Parliament fourteenth, mm, one thoufand. five ‘ t jvj hun- 9° The third %eJJion of the firjl ’Parliament of hundred, and ninety four ; not only the forefaid Aft is ratified and approven^buT^icTT' lains, Fewers, Cuftomers, Bailliesol Burroughs, and Sheriffs, and others intrometmr’ ^'^’a'nber faids Rents, arc ordained to find caution Burgefles of Edinburgh , for yearly comne Ae foj * compt in Exchequer. And ficklike by anotlier Aft, Parliament fifteen. Aft two^hu two, for preventing of the prejudice that did then arife, through the not timeouspavmcnrlf i fixtv Rents, payable out of the High-lands and Ifles, the faids Fewers are Ordained to finr) '’‘^'“'cfaitk Exchequer, for yearly and thankful payment of the yearly Rents, Duties and ServicecT“°" 'lie able forth of the Lands pofTeft and occupied by them , or any other in their names • vvK pav- failed, their pretended Infeftments , and other Rights and Titles they have to anv of 'I'ey cither property or fuperiority, are declared forfault and null. Which whole Afts of p' i Jpeatve above-mentioned , The King’s Majefty and Eftates of Parliament taking of ''f- fideration ; and finding no means could have been more probable and conduceable fo “ thefe prejudices and obftruftions that have atifen to His Majeffles Affairs , through Jhe n of ment of His Rents; and that the neglect of the exad putting of the faids Adts to P^y- been the only fountain from whence thefe have fprung. Therefore , and for VTeycnTinTT?'''V the future, the Kings Majcfty , with advice and confent of the Eilares of Parliamenr r4 Renew, Ratifie and Approve the forefaids Afts refpeftively and particularly above’ wrv'" dates, tenors and contents rhereot in all points, in fo far as the fame arc or may be evrl a'a payment or fecuring of His Majefties Rents; and Ordains the fame to have force ally obeyed and extended againft all Chamberlains , Fewers, Sheriffs, Stewarts of Steward'' of Regalities, Bailies of Burroughs , and others lyable in payment of any of His Majefties r’ finding caution m Exchequer to theThefaurer-principaland Thefaurer-depute , wh^ti herebv to caufe charge the forefaids perfons , particularly above-mentioned, at the Mercat-crofs of to compear before them, to theeffeftabove-written; with certification, not only under tamed in the refpeftive Afts of Parliament ; but alfo , in cafe of their difobedience , to denL*^ Rebels at the faid Mercat-crofs of Edinburgh , arid to be regiftrate in the Thefaurers nr n ftersofifornings: Winch cliarge denounciation and regiftfation ref]^eaZe , the King'sC Eftates of Parliament Declares to be as fufficient, to all purpofes and intents as ifrfi! f were given to them petfonally at their dwelling-houfes , a^d Sie denounc“rion at ^ *e Shire where they live, and the fame regiftrate in the Sheriff Books thereof And fiA lie M aid Eftates of Parliament taking to their confideration, thatfevctal of the faids Fewers ed and denounced for not compearing, compting and paying of their faids Duties dolv Procefs of Horning, apprehending themfelves (from the diflMce of the place) fecure botli as 1 rl'’' perfons and goods, to the great contempt of His Majefties Royak AutLrity flinlit nv conr and vilipending Fiis Majefties Laws: And His Majelfy and Eftates of ParliaLnt “n^mning nature, dutyand office of each Sheriff, Stewart an'd Rjafties ^h^n the^^erte { i'Sa %Z f Pl^ml and by feverll Afts of Patl„gffi t ^ot rar. I'ar. 6. Affha. Aagy. ]a. r. Par.y. ja -ja Par f, Vx f, ^ m Ordained, to execute His Majefties Laws, and put letters of Poindino and Caption to execution rak ^ fiinre ’l I execute His Majefties Letters, and caufe His Majefty be navS of H. the Sheriffolrhe Shire and lfisTI?rl^t^ direfted to charge in thofe bounds where the AH ^'ewartry, Bailly of the Regality witfi- piit them in warde av and^i^f 1°"* dwells or Lands lyes , to take and apprehend their perfons and whers aDDointrd bv r’bc J ""V''’de payment be made to the Thefautet and Thefauter-Depute. or and gcct^^and to make fale of thereof , or to poind and defttinzie the readieft goods depufe and othcrraoDoinref b ’ ""d « “ufe His Majefties Thefaurer and IhefLet- foror^rffifttuTfuTcr^^^^^ A It c P^y^d of the faid fum charged be charged- With certification if^ipv i within twenty one dayes next after they be direfted to charge them or r|l-^ ^ twenty one dayes being by-paft. Letters fliall the painof rebellion and outtinrr payment thereof themfelves, under &c.^„maner abov^^^^^ drey failzie, to denounce them rebels. cfCT King CHARLES the II- 91 XVI. A €,Tl concerning Beggars and Vagabonds. ^Ur Soveraign Lori, ranfickring the many laudable Afts of Parliament, made by HisMajefliesRoval piedeceffors for relief of the Poor, and for conftraining of Beggars, Vagabonds and idle Perfons to t^c riiemfeSves to latrful Callings, that they might not be burdenfom and dif-gracefol to the Kingdom; Efpecial- ■ u die feventh Aft of the fixth Parliament of His Majefties Royal Grand-fother KingJ ames the fixch of happy memory; Ordaiaingthenaraesof tliepoorofilk Paroch, and fuchasmuftbenecciTarilyfuftaincdbyalmes tobe taken up, and to tax aiidftinttlie perfons within the Paroch, according to theeftimationoftheitfub- ftaijce, without exception of perfons, to fuch weekly charges and contributions, as Ihould be thought fuffident to fiiftain tliefaidpoor People: And thehundred andftxty cightAftof the filteenth Parliament King > Ratifying the former Aft ; With this addition, That ftrona Beggars with their Bairns, be imployed in common Works, and that they ffliall continue fervants therein during their life-times. And confidering the tenth Act of the two and twentieth Parliament of His iliid Royal Grand- father King ]ames the fixdi, Recommending to al! His good Subjects, to take into their feryice poor and indigent children, declar¬ ing that theyftall befabjectto theitfaidMaftcrs, their Heirs and aflignes, inallkind of fetvice that dial! be enjoynedtothem, umili they pafs their aged thirty years compleat, and that they foall be fubjcct to their I4afters correction and cliaftifement in all matter of punilhment ( life and torture cxceprcd ) and that if it ihal! happen, the faid perfons to abfent themfelvesfrora their Matters fetvice without their licence, notonlyto belyable to bodily puniflimetit at their Matters difcretioii , but chat all receptors ofthem (hall be oblieged to reftotethem to their Matters, within twenty four hours after they be required, otherwayes, to paytotheit faid Matters, ten ftiillings Scots for ilk dayes abfence till they be teftored. And His Ma'ctty confidering, that the chiefecaufe, whereby the forefaids Acts have provehin-effeccual, and that Vagabonds and idle peri -fonsdo yetfomucii abound, hatlibeen, thacthetewere few ot no common Works then erected in the King¬ dom, who might take and imploy the faid idle perfons in their fervice ; and that now, byHisMajetties nrineelycatCi common Works for Manulacturiesofdiversforts, arc fetting up in this Kingdom; Therefore, His Majefty , with advice and confent of His Eftates in parliament, Ratifies and Approves the forefaids Acts of Parliament ; with this addition. That it foaUbeleifunitoallperfonsorSociecies, who have oriliallfet up any Man'dfacturies within this Kingdom, to feize upon and apprehend the perfons of any Vagabonds, wlio ihall be found begging, or who being Mafterlefs and out of fervice , have not wherewith to maintain tkmfelves by their own means or work, and to imploy them for their fervice as they Ihall fee fit, the fame king done with the advice of therefpective Magiftrates ofthe place where they Ihall be feized upon; And Ordains the Paroches where fuch Vagabonds or idle perfons, as Ihall be found begging, were born; Or in cafe the place of their nativity be not known , the Paroches where they have any refidence , haunt, or mofi; refortfor tliefpaceofdireeyeaisimmediatlypreceedingtheit beingfo apprehended, whothcreby are reliev¬ ed cf the burden of them, to make payment to the perfons or Societies that ihall happen to imploy them, two ftiiilings Scots money fer diem, for the fittt year after they be apprehended, andonelhilling Scots terdiem fS; die next three years thereafter; theone liaifthereoftobepayedbytheHcretorsofthefeveral Paroches refpeBtve, and the other halfthereof to be payed by the poliefTors and Inhabitants dwelling upon the ground 'S’eachHeretotre^f&'-w.Likeas, His Majefty, with advice and confent forefaid. Ordains the Heretors of each Paroch, or as many of Aem asilialiiiappentomeet, upon publick intimation, made at theVaroch-kirk upon any Sabbath at the“iflo!ving of the Church from the firft Sermon , by any of the He- retots ofthe Paroch, or by the imployers ofthe poor, to make up a ftent Roil for maintenance ofthe Poor in their Paroch, who Ihall be imployed, as faid is, at the rate aforcfaid.the one half thereof to be payed by the Heretors,’ either conform to the old extent of their Lands within the Paroch, or conform to the vaiuaiion by which they bft payed affeiTment; or otherwayes, as the major part of the Hcre- tors fo meeting I Ihall agree. Life-renters and Wod-fetters alwayes being lyable, during their Rights as Heretors • and the other half thereof to be laid upon the Tennents andipoirelTors, according to their means and fubftance. And in cafe die faids Heretors , being required by any perfon or Society, implovine the poor as faid is. fliallfailzie to make up and deliver a ftent Roll in mancr forefaid. with power to the perfons. Society or others intrufted by them, to charge the Heretors of each Paroch for the Ln of two fllUiiffiS Scots Per diem, for each one of their poor, whereof they ihall be relieved m maner forefaid, conform to the old extent or valuation forefaid, at the option of the perfon or Society imploying. O'- thefe intrufted by them; which ftent Roll fliall continue and fland for one year after the making up thereof either by the Heretors . or in cafe of failzie , by the Perfons or Societip imploying the poor, as faidis.andflialithen be renewed from year to year during the prs above- written Providing aifo that the Hetetoiirs in cafe tliey faiizie to make a ftent Roll, as faid is, and be charged , .0, ' M2, conform The third SeJJion of the frfi Parliament of conform to the old extent or valuation ol their Lands , that they lliall have relief of the Tennents fbrs of their Lands, for the one half of what they lhall be diftreiled for. And His Majefty f forefaids, Ordains Letters of Horning to be directed hereupon, at the inftanceof thePetfons dpoifes. imployers of the Poor, or perfons intrufted by them, ag'ainft the Heretors and others u rli . V.; J J.:l _ II _ L _ >1,. D — _ _ _ f.l _ I._; oftheYaid daily allowance lot the Poor, oragainftthe teceptets of them , being foimployed r'’“i''’fnt lings Scots money fer diem, upon fiftteen dayes only: Providing alwayes, that after exami’nat'*^'"’**’'*' cafe, the Lords of the Privy Council lliall find caufe lor idrefting fuch Letters ; And ordains all Sher'ff' '''' arts. Bailies of Regality , Principality, Magiftrates ofBurroughs, or Juftices of Peace andtl llables, to theaffifting in the apprehending of thefaids Vagabonds, orinthebtingingofthemba fervice, after they lliall be imployed; And ftrifily Prohibits andDifchargesallperfonswhatfoeve pofe or hinder the taking or bringing back of them in nianct forefaid rejfe&ive, under the pain ofdefo^ ’ '°®P' Likeas, itishereby Declared, TliatthePoorfoimployed lliall continue in the fervice of the implov*^*^""'*' under their diredfion and corteffion, in manet forefaid, not only during the fcceol the maintenar^’ payed for them by their Parodies, inmaner above-written; but alfofor the Ipaceoffeven years for meat and cloath only; Declaring alwayes, likeas it is hereby exprelly Declared , that the Burgh nor their inhabitants fhallno wayes be comprehended herein, but are excepted here-lrom in all noinr recommends to the Lords ot the Privy Council, to fee this Ad and all former Ads of Parlia^mcn againll: llurdy Beggars and Vagabonds, put to execution, with power to them to fupply by their otd'^'" I lhall be deficient, as to the execution of the faids Ads. wwhjt X V I 1. ACT anent the meafure of Coal. /^Ur Soveraign Lord, confidering, that feveral queftions and debates do atife, betwixt the buyars of Coal ' and the Cuftomets and Receivers of the Bullion , anent the meafure of the Chalder, by which tl ’ Cuftomand Bullion impofed upon the Coal Ihould be paid; Doth therefore, with advice and confentoIH''^ Eftates of Parliament, Statute and Declare, That the rates ofCuftom and Bullion, impofed upon the dial derofCoal, is and lliall be underftoodof theCa/ray^chalder; and the faids rates exaded and paid according to that meafure allanerly, notwithftanding of any former Cuftomtotiie contray. ° XVI I I. ACT anent the Foot-meajure. '^He Eftates of Parliament confidering, that notwithftanding by the ancientLaws of the Kingdom, the ell is ' -I- deligned to be thirty feveninches,yet many ufe inches by which the ell is divided into fourty two inches, & of tliefe final inches, maike the Foot-meafute of a fmallet proportion then it ought to be, to die great prejudice of the Lieges; & that the occafion ot this liberty hath been,becaufe. that hitherto there hath no Standard been ap- pointecT for footmeafure, afwell as other meafures.Therefor His Majefty,with advice& confent ofHis Eftates of Parliament,Statutes & OrdainsTliat from and after the firft day oijune next, one thoufand,fix hundted,fixty four, no Work-man nor other petlbn lhall make ufe of any other Foot-meafure, then fuch as confifts of twelve of tliefe inches whereofthe ell contains thirty fevem And that this may be the better made pradicable to the Lieges, Ordains an exad Standard-foot to be madebythe Kftgifttatesof Edinburgh, before thelirftof January, one thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty four, ofiron or Copper, andprefetvedbytheCityof£&- hurgh, for all time coming. And that all Burghs lhall have a meafure made according to it, andliungat tlieir Tolbooth doors or upon their Mercat-croftes, before the firft of March, one dioufand, fix hundred and fixty four; And any Burgh that lhall fail in this, lhall be lyable to the penalty ofone hundred pounds dVofr. And Ordains, That all Wrights, Glafiers, Mafons, and all other forts of publick Work-men, lhall work by this Foot- mealure allanerly, that the Lieges may not be abufcd by variety of meafutes. Providing alwayes, diat this do infer no further priviledge to the Burgh of Edinburgh, in jufting of the Standard to the Shires and Burghs within the Kingdom , then the keeping of the fame ; not to any others that have Standards of the like nature. ACT i \ King C H A R L E S rif 1 1. 9i X I X. ACT difibargmg Monday and Saturday Mercats in burghs. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD confidering, that there is much occafion given for profanation of the Lords-day in the Royal Burghs , by keeping their weekly Mercats on Monday and Saturday . and that the fame may be as conveniently kept on other dayes of the week ; Doth therefore , with advice and con- fentofHisEftates in Parliament, Inhibit and Difcharge all the Royi Burghs , from keeping any Mercats , ill time coming , upon the Monday or Saturday , under the pain of one hundred Merks , to be payed by each of the Royal Burghs for every contravention refpective ; And allows them to change and keep their Mercats onotherdayesof the week as they have done formerly, fince the year , onethoufand, fix hundred, and fouttyfour, and that they make timeous intimation ofthe change to the next adjacent Burghs. It bcingal- Yiiayes Declared , that this Aft is not to be extended againft Flelhers in Royal Burghs, who may keep Mc'rcat of Fiefiies in their refpeftive Burghs upon thefe dayes , this Aft notwithftanding. X X. ACT anent Lint-feed, Hemfefeed and Steel. THe Eftates of Parliament, taking to confideration, the manifold miftakes and diffetences that do and may arife , betwixt the Farmers of Excife and Merchants , anent the exafting of Excife upon Lint-feed, ' Hempdeed and Steel, whichfemes to be occafioned becaufe thefe Commodities ate not particularly excepted, in the Aft of the Annuity , from payment of Excife ; and being certainly informed , that the prefenc F atmers of Excife and their Collectors, do requite and exaft duty of Hemp-feed , Lint-feed and Steel , contrary to the meaning ofthe faid Aft of Annuity, and of the 40 Aft of this prefent Parliament , made for encouragment of Manufafturies. Therefore, Our Soyetaign Lord , with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Doth Declare , all Hemp-feed, Lint-feed and Steel to be included in the generality of the prpvifo of the faid Act of Annuity ; asalfo ofthe faid fourtieth Aft, whereby all materials for Manufaftunes are exempted from Excife. XXL ' ACT anent Manfes aniGkbs , and pindingfor Miniflers Stifendi. OURSOVERAIGN LORD, confidering the great difficulties whipfe oftcti-times the Minifters of theGofpel do meet with , in the due payment ol their Rents and Stipends ; So that they arc fometimes forced to ufe legal execution by poinding , and in fo doing are neceffitate to carry the Goods poynded to be ap- prifcd at the Mercat-crofs of the head Burgh of the Shire, Stewartry, Bailery or Regality , many miles diftant from the place where the Goods are poinded, to the great prejudice of the party and -of the Goods alfo. Therefore, His Majefty, with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Declares, that it fhall be fufficient to die Minifters forefaid, in poinding , apprifing , deftrenzying the Goods ol the perfons deficient in payment of their Rents and Stipends , to coimrife the faids Goods , by honel^fvvom men, upon the ground ofthe Lands and place where the Goods are, which fliall be js fulncient, as the fame were done at the faids Mercat-crofles. And becaufc , notwithftanding of dwers Afts of Parliament made of before , divers Minifters are not yet fufficiently provided with Manfes andGjebs. and others do not get their Manfes free at their entry; Therefore, Out Soveraign Lord, with adyice forefaid, Statutes and Ordains, That where competent Manfes are not already bu'lG Heritors of the paroch, at the fight of the Biftop of the Diocefs, or fuch Minifters as he lhall appoint , with two or three of the moft knowing and difereet men of the paroch, build competent an cs to their Minifters , the expences thereof not exceeding one thoufand pounds , and not being beneath five hundred merks: And where competent Manfes are already built. Ordains the Heritors of the paroch to relieve the Miniftcr and his Executors o( all coft, charges and expences, or repairing ofthe forefaid Manfes; Declaring hereby , that the Manfes being once built and repa‘r“, and the building or repairing fatisfied and payed by the Heritors in manet forefaid, the fai ® fliall thereafter be upholdea by the incumbent Minifters during their poffieffion, Md by ^eretors in time of vacancy, out ofthe readied of the vacaiid Stipend. In iike-mancr r mns, , ^ Mlnifter have Fewei , Foggage , Feal and Devots , according to the Act of in anm, one thoufand , five hundred , and- ninety three. As aifq , that ^ fuch Minifters of Royal Buroughs , who Ijave not right to Glebs) have Grafs for ’ over and above their Gleb, to be defigned out of Kirk-lands . and with relief according to the forma M 3 I 94 The third SeJJlon of the fir jl parliament of AflsofParliamentftanding in force; And ifthere be no Kirk-lands lying near the Minifbers KJanf whichthegrafsforonehorfeandtwokincmaybedefigncd, or otherway es , ifthefaids Kirk-land V Land, ineitherof thefecafes, Ordains the Heritors to pay to rhe Minifter and his Succeilbrs fum of twenty pounds Scots , for the faid grafs for one hotfe and two kine , the Heritors ahvaves I ved according to the Law Handing , of other Heritors of Kirk-lands in the faid Paroch. And bcca Kirks have no Glebs as yet defigned to them , it is hereby fpecially provided , that in all defignations'* Incorpotat-acres, in Village or Town where the Heritor hath houfesand gardens, the fame lliall n k figncd, he alwayes giving ocher Lands neateft to the Kirk. And His Majefly , with advice Wr u ' • ' ■ - -r . . . ^ _ tc'aid, for ' "otbede- fpecialcaufesanBconfiderations, Declares, that this prefent Aiff , as to the Manfes , istohavef^'° tiK fame had been made and dated the fourtcentli of MarcA, one thoufand , fixhundrcd andfn,, > «iuurty nine. XXII. ACT anent Comfrifings. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD, confidering, thatfincethefirftday ooed fix hundred, and fifty two, before the making of the fixty two Act of the firft’setfi '’'J- Parliament , entituled , for ordering the fayment of debts betwixt Creditor a7id Ttebitor perfons , having right by pofterior Comprifings to the Legal reverfion of the fiifl: Comptifing d d of their Debitors Eftatc , have according to the Law then in force, redeemed or fatisfied Comprifing, and acquired the right thereof for their own better fecurity, left the legal reverfion fl^ firft Comprifing Ihould have expired to their prejudice. And whereas, by an Claufe of the f° r ■ Act of parliament, it is Ordained , -That , all Comprifings, led fince the faid firft day of r one thoufand, fix hundred, and fifty two, within year and day of the firft effedliial Comprjfi come iafarifaffu together, in maner, and upon the provifions, mentioned in the faid Aft Claufe, as it is moft juft as to ail Comprifings led, and (landing im -redeemed and un-fatisfied h "i fubfequent Comprifers having right tothe lcg5 reverfion. So it were unjult to prejudge thofe wl^f their own fecurity, have redeemed or fatisfied the firft Comprifing, as faid is, according to'tl I ^ then {landing. Therefore, His Majefty, with advice and confent of the Eftates of ParhamenT n dares, that albeit the forefaid Aft: was made ad praterita, to regulate the diligence uied by Co • fings at the inftance of the Creditors ; Yet it was no wayes their meaning to prejudge pofterior C prifers, who, bona fide, for their own fecurity, and for preventing the hazard of the expirat' the legal reverfion of the firft Comprifing, did redeem or (atisfie the fame ; And Therefore it is Stam and Ordained, That the faids fecond Comprifers (hall no wayes be prejudged of the right of the f faid firft Coirmtifing, redeemed and fatisfied by them; Declaring neverthclefs , that as to the fe or pofterior Comprifing, Handing in the parties perfon who fatisfied the firft, the fame (hall only co"'* in witli the reft of the Comprifers, as it is provided by the forefaid Aft. As likewa^* Declaring, that thefe prefents be no wayes extended to any Comprifings fatisfied by the fecond Com prifers , fince the making of the forefaid Aft of Parliament , or to be fatisfied in time comino-. XXIII. C T anent Sentences of Excommunication. lord confidering, that the provifo in the twenty fifth Act o( the firft Sefiion of Parliament, entituled, cACi for demunceing of excommunicat perfons, anent the exhibiting the Procefs and Sentence of Excommunication before the Lords of Sefiion, to the end they Aight confider the legality of the Procefs and grounds whereupon the Sentence proceeded, before any Lexers o( denouncianon lliould pafs againft the excommunicat perfons, was concluded before the reftau- ration of the pifiwps, ^d is prejudicial and derogatory to the jurifdicrion of Ecclefiaftical Authority as itisnoweftabli(hed; Doth Therefore, with advice and confent of H s Eftates of Parliament, Reneat and Relcind me laid provifo, andDecIaresthefamctobevoidand null. XXIV. ACT for additimtal provifion in favours of the Tjniverfities. O r^e^rfn^iJnn oGh L OR D and the Eftates of Parliament . taking into ferioiis confideration,’ the condition of the fevcralUniverfities of tins Kingdom ; And finding, that the prefent mean and competent provifion of theMafters and ProfeAhrs tfiereof, is fo prejudicial tftEe flSng of Jiefe Semmanes of Church and State , that unlefs fomc confiderable augmentation be fetled upon them King CHARLES the] 11. them for their cncouragment the ableft and fitteft perfons of ingenious fpints and education , willihu,, and avoid the undertaking of Funaions m UniverCties, for want of fuch ingenuous means as Ihould in vice, entertain, encourage and obliege men fufficient for fuch laborious imploymcnts , to the arcitdc aayol Learning, and detriment of all tanks of Peifons in the Kingdom ; For prevenemn and re meeding whereof, diere being aa expedient propofed , that the Archbilhops and Bilhops, ail'd the reft o( the inferiour Clergy, may allow fomc part yearly of their Rents, Benefices and Maintenance , for the fpace of five years to come , as an exemplary teftimony of their piety and zeal , lot the advan¬ cement of Learning and Religion. Therefore , His Majcfty , with advice and confent of the Kllatcs of Parliament , Doth Statute and Ordain, That for the cropts and years , oncthoufand. fix hundred , and fixtyfont, one thoiifand , fix hundred, and ftxcy five , one thoufaiid , fix hundred, and fixty fix , oncthou¬ fand , fix hundred , and fixcy feven , and one thouland , fix hundred , and fixty eight , there be raifed year¬ ly, oucof the Rents ofilk Archbilliop and Bilhop , the fumot fifty pounds for every thoufand merks ot the faids Revenues, andthefumof fourty pounds out ol every thouland merks of the Stipends or Benefices of every Minifter , and fo proportionably fix of the hundred , as the Benefice or Stipend lhall be valued to be more ot lefs by the Bilhops of the Diocefles ; And that the faids fcveral proportions , payable by the Bilhops , lhall be yearly given in to the Archbiihops of the refpeftive Provinces , or fuch as (hall have wartand from them ; and that the faids feveral proportions , payable by Minifters , lhall be yearly given in to the Bilhops of the tefpeftive Diocefs , or fuch as fliali have watrand from them , and lor whom the faids Bilhops lhall be countable ; Which fums fo to be taifed , fiiall be diftributed to the feveral Univerfities , according co thofe proportions which lhall be alFigncd by His Majcfty , by a Committee to fit at Edinburgh , confifting of the Archbiihops of Sanct- Awaftwr and Glajgmsi , and the Bilhops of Edinburgh and Aberdeen , and four others , whereof one to be nominat by the Vifitors of the Univerfity of Sanct-t_/fei/rftew , and another by the Vifitors of the Univetfity of Glafgno, the third by the Vifitors of kberdeen, the fourth by the Council of Edinburgh-, Hereby authorizing the Archbilhop ot Smet-Andrews , and in his abfence the Archbilliop of Glafgcrw , to prefide in the faid Committee , and to appoint their diets of meeting from time to time ; and the Committee to take cate, that the lums thus allotted , lliail be put into a Stock and fetled upon Land or otherwayes , by advice of the tefpeftive Billiops , who are Chancellors of the faids Univerfities ; and Ordains the Annual- rent of the faid Stock to be proportioned to the Mafters and. Profcllbts of each Univerfity, as the Vi- fstors thereof fliall appoint. And further, His Majefty and Eftates lotefaid , do Ordain , that Stip¬ ends, and all Benefices of Kirks that lliall vaik after the firft day of February , in this following year ot God , one thoafend , fix hundred , and fixty four , for the fpace of feven years next thereafter , ihall be up-lifted by Collector thereof, and imployed by him in the maner, and according to the proportions above-fpecified , for encteafing of the Stock of each Univerfity ; De¬ claring, that the fifty two Aft of the firft Sellion of this Parliament , Cmicerning the dij^ofa! ofia- cand Stifeuds, fhall be of no force during the fpace of the years forefaid ; And Ordains Letters of Horning and Poinding , and all other execution necellaty , to be direfted at the inftance of the faids Bilhops , or any to be appointed by them ; and at the inftance of the faid Colleftor , for the more fpeedy in-bringing of the fums rebfedive above-mentioned. Further, His Majcfty and tire Eftates of Parliament , do recommend to the Lords of the Privy Council , to entertain and promote any volunta^ offer or contribution , lor the ends aforefaid, to be made by Noble-men or Gentlemen , fot a work lo rvorthy of the publick wifHom , piety and honour of this Kingdom. It is alwaycs Declared , chat this Aft lliall be without prejudice of Acts paft in this Parliament , for allowing the vacand Stipends of the Diocefs of \fles and Argyl for breeding of young Schollars, the fum being regulate by the Committee above-named ; and that this Act lhall be no preparative for laying on any burdens on the Clergy here¬ after, without their own confent. XXV. ACT regulating the frofortions of Excife in the fcveral Shires and Burghs. THe Eftates ol Parliament , taking to their confideration , the grievances rcprcfcntcd to them by feveral Shires and Burghs , anent the excesfive proportions ol Excife laid upon them by the late Act of Parliament , and what great burthen the Land-rent of the faids Shires and Burghs lyes under, for making up the faids proportions , and the great eafe which fcveral other Shires have in their pro¬ portions f And it being juft and reafonable, that all publick impofitions ol that nature , fiiould be equally diftributed upon thofe ly able in payment thereof. Therefore , the Kings Majcfty , wit i a vice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains , that the fcveral Shires and Burghs o this Kingdom, lhall, for the Moneths of November and December next , one thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty three, and January one thoufand, fix hund.rcd and fixty four years , and m all tune thcreat- tcr, be lyable in the monethly payment of the refpeftivc proportions undcr-wntcen , W2;. ic iit «f Edinburgh principal, in the fum of two thoufand, one hundred, and fourty pounds Scots 96 The third SeJJion of the fir si Parliament of TheTownofE/e, in the fum of fix hundred, fiftyfix pounds; TheShireofW/^to/iaand /i''' i"®'’ brufi] , inthefumoffevenliundrcd, thirty two pounds , twelve fliiliings, whereof the Stewattrv^rt^*"^' is to pay the fum of four hundred, threefcore, onepounds, and the Shire of tli f twohundred, threefcore, eleven pounds , twelve fliiliings ; The Shire of , inthefumofo^ I fand, fix hundred, thirty nine pounds, fixteen fhillings ; The Shire of Dimbartoim, in the fum ^ hundred, fifty fourpouuds; The Shire of B?r/f, in the fumof fifty feven pounds ; ' TheShire f frew, in the fum of four hundred , fifty feven pounds , four fliiliings ; The Shire of Tr/r/rw _ j„ of nine hundred, and threefcore pounds, eight fhillings ; The Shire of , in the fum of hundred, fourfcore nineteen pounds, four fliiliings; The Shire of in the fum of two th tA three hundred, threefcore, fourteen pounds, fixteen fhillings; The Shire of Kincardin, in thefum°f i hundred, threefcore, three pounds, twelve fhillings ; The Shire of t^berdeen, in the fum of two thoufand hundred, and eighteen pounds, nineteen fliiliings; TheSIiire of Bamfi, in the film of four hundred f feven pounds, three fliiliings; The Shire of Iwiernefis, in the fum of feven hundred,fourfcore, fourteen eight fhillings; The Shires of Elgin and Nairn, in the fum of five hundred, fourfcore fixteen pound fliiliings; The Skire of Cromarty, in the fumof twenty four pounds; The Shire of Argyl, in tlief four hundred, fourty three pounds , fixteen fhillings; The Shire of Fi/e and Kinrofis , i^he fumolT ' thoufand, fix hundred, and eight pounds, eight fhillings; The Jliire of Forfar, in the fum f ^ thoufand, twenty four pounds, four fhillings; 'llie Town of 'Z>«aifee, inthefumoffevenliundrcd °Ild eighteen pounds, four fliillinp; The Shire of Sutherland, in the fum of threefcore twelve pounds tvvel fliiliings; Thed'hireof Ca/A/e/r, in the fum of one hundred, fifty three pounds, four fliiliings- The SI™ of Orlnay and Zetland, in the fumof two hundred, fourty three pounds, fixteen fliiliings The Shire 'f Clackmannan, in the fum of two hundred, and fix pounds, two fliiliings; And the Shire of yti/f inr| fumoftwo hundred and four pounds, money forefaid; Any thing in the faid AftofParliamenttothecon^ trarynotwithftanding, which is hereby. Declared to he of no force or effeft , as totheoronortionsof rU faid Excife. after the faid firfl day of next. ^ ^ of the XXVII. An humbleTender toHisSacred Majebly, ofthe duty and loyalty of His ancient Kingdom of Scotland. FOrafmuch, ^ the Eflates of Parliament, upon confidetation of the great bleffings thisKinedomeniov- eth, under the ptoteflion of His Majefties Authority and the adminifttations of His Royal GovenJent; being thereby not only delivered their former troubles, and all the evils which attend fuch ufurpations- butbeing folly teftored to, and poffeft of, aU riie liberties and priviledgesofa free people; Have, by their feveral addreffestoHis Sacred Majefty, made offer oftheir lives and formnes, and allchatisdeatefttothem for the advancement ofHis Royal Honour, Authority and Greatnefs. And this Kingdom being flill more and morefenfible of this their haDninefs hv the often c^nA _ rr ^ « r . J. ^ uim viicauicis. AiiQ tiiis xvingaom Dcini the often and renewed expreffions of HisMajeftiesgrao their preiervation , in the peaceable and lecure enjoyment of thei :race& favour, and of His tendernefs and care of their meferyation , in the peaceable and fecure enjoyment ofdieir Religion, Laws, Liberties and Properties; Do find themfelves the more obliged to renew the expreffions of theirlutv; ofthis His MaJeftiesancientKinv^ dom of *£.//W, do. 111 name and behalf of allHisMajeffiesgoodJ'ubjefts within the fame, bytiiefepre- H and fortunes, forthepromovingof His Majefties Service and the advancement ofHis Royal Authority. And as they do chearfully recognofee His Majefties Royal Pre- t «'’^°«>’ted Right ofthefolepowerofraifing, arming and commanding of //is Subjeflsf So, in afutther acknowledgment of tlieirduty they do make humble and hearty offer to //is Majefty , oftwenty houfaiid Foot-men and two thoufand //otfe-men, fufficiently armed ,%nd furnifhed with fourty dayes ^■rnl^h^hi 7;?^I”")‘‘’"fT/4"‘*'’''^“°(^‘’eKingdoni.accordingtothePropo^ following, 'L. f " Shirffi of //sr^rrr^/ and Selkirk one tnoufand, three hundred, thirty three Foot, and one hundred, fourty, eig^ityotfe. From the Shire of^^^^^ eight hundred. Foot, and feventy, four //orfe. From Ic =‘g‘’'h'!.''*=eiFoot, a,idfeventyfour//orfe From the Shire of eight and niif • w ^fc. From the Shire of twohundred, fiy fix Foot, Wv w ^ ^ Linlithgow, three hundred, thirty three foot, and forty two //orfe. From the Burgh of Edinburgh, Lieth and Camngate, eight hundred Foot. From '1 King C H A R L E S 1 1. 97 from the Shire oi IJmifms. eight hundred Foot, and eighty eight Hotfe. Fromthe Shire of eiaht hundred Foot, and eighty eight Horfe. From the Shires of /Errand /Jrayj'ra;, one thoufandNhrcc l,undrcd,thirt}'threcFoor,andonehundrcd,fevemy .fixHorfc, From the Shire of Lr;?;er;rf, one thouiand Foot, and one hundred, fourty.eight Hoife. From the Shiresof Stirling ■mAClnckmanumi, fixlumdrcd F,xcy' fix foot, and eighty eight Horfe. From the Shires of and /flnru/r, oncthoufand, fixhundrcd foot, and one hundred, feventy, fix Horfe. From the Sliire ai'Perth, one thoiifand, fix Imndrcd Foot, and one htindred.feventy, fix Horfe. From the Shire of Aor/i?-, onethoufand Foot, and one hundred and three Horfe. From the Shire of Ktncardin and Marjhnh \>mo( ^_/^ber^leen, eight hundred Foot, and jeventy four Horfe. From the reft of Aberdeen and Shire of one thoufand, fixty fix Foot, and one hundred feventy fix Hotfe. From the Shires of Naim, and this fideol Nefi, one thoufuid Foot, and eighty eight Horfe. From the Earl of Seafort and Lord Lovat , their diviiion of Inncrncfs, fix hundred, fixty fix Foot, and eighty eight Horfe. From the Shires of Sutherland miCaitlmefs, and the reft of Innernefs, one thoufand, fixty fix Foot, and eighty eight Hotfe. From the Shires of Xiumbartoim and Bute, eight hundred Foot. Fromdie Shire of Orforyi, fix hundred, fixry fix Foot; which Forces are to be in readinefs, as they fhall be called for by His Majcfty, to march to any part of His pominions of Scotland, England or Ireland, for fiippreffing oi any forreign invafion, intcftinc trouble or infurteftion , or for any other fervice wherein His Majefties Honour , Authority or Greatnefs may be concerned. And for the better profecution hereof, the Eftates of Parliament do humbly entreat. His >lajefty may be gracioudy plcafcd to give Commffions to fiich perfons to be general Officers, Colonels, Lieutenant-collonels, Majors and Rute-mafters, asHisMajefty, in His Royal judgment, lhall think fit; And for other Officers, or any other thing fittingtobedone for perfeftingofthe Levies and carrying on of this bufinefs , they do humblyrecorrimend to HisMajefty, togive His direftion therein to His Privy Council, who are hereby impowered with Commiffion and Authority, for the ordering, difpofing an’d foie managing of this Affair, in fuch a way, as this dutiful offer of the Parliament to His Majcfiy may be made moft effcftual, and according to the inftriiftions and commands they lhall receive from His Majefty. And the Eftates of Parliament do Declare, that if His Majcfty lhall have lur- thet ufe of their fervice, this Kingdom will be ready, every man betwixt fixty and fixteen, to joyn and hazard their lives and fortunes , as they *311 be called for by His Majefty , for the fafccy and prefetyatioii ofHisfacred Perfon, Authority and Government; X X V I i. r affertingHls MajeBies Prerogative in the ordering and diffofatof Trade with forraigners. THe Eftates of ParUament confidering, that ’during the late troubles, dirers invafions were made upon the Royal Prerogatives ot the Crown; And that in a juft abhorrence thereof, and in a due fenfe of the hapninefs they enjoy under His Majefties Government, they are obheged on all occafions to vindicate and affert the fame, in the feveral branches thereof: And fmee the ordetinE and difpofai of Trade with forraign Countries, and the laying of refttamts and impofiti- ons upon forraign imported Marchandizes, is. by the Law ot Nations acknowledged to be proper to add inherent in, the perfons of ali free Princes, as an undoubted Prerogative of the Crown. Tliev therefore, in a dutiful and humble recognizance of His Majefties Prerogauvc-royal , do De¬ clare That the ordering and difpofai of Trade with forraign Nations, and the laying of mftraints and impofitions upon forraign imported Commodities, doth belong to His Majefty and His Suc- ceffors.^as an undoubted Ptiviledge and Prerogative of the aown; And that, by vettue thereof, they may lay fuch impofitions and teftraints upon imported forraign Commodities , and fo order anYdffpofe upon the Trade of them, as they lhall judge fit for the good of the Kingdom L.kc- S Majefty. with advice and conient of His Eftates m Parhameiit, doth hereby Rcfcmd MdALS"!iAas. sLtes, Conftitutions and Cuftoms to tire contrary; And Declares the fame void and null in all time coming. xxvni. COMMISSION for flantatioii of Kirks and vatmtion ofTetnds. He King’s moft Excellent Majefty, being defitous to ptofecute the 'jf i and p&tation of Kirks, in reference to H.s own mter^ for d’e » ^ eood of His Deoole efpecially for the incouragmertt of the Minifters ot the Golpel, Dot f£e aS cSt ’ornr Elates of Pariiamint , Ratific and APP-e th^juietee^^^^^^^^^ of tlic Parliament, holden at Edinhurgb by His Royal Father of blefled m ry, , hundred N T 9 The Third SeJJion of the firji Tarliament of hundred and thirty three, (entituled, Commiflion for valuation of Teinds, ) in the whole I claufes and conditiojis thereof, except in fo far as there hath been any alterations made j by Afts and Commiflions made and grantedbyHisMajefly fincethedateofthefaid Aft, orgranted pretended Parliaments fince , and which arc Ratified , Salved or Referved by this prefent Patliamei which alterations arc not dcftruftive of, and contrary to , this prefent Aft , or any claiife thereof ’ a ficklike, Ratifies and Approves the fixtyone Aft ol the firft Seflionol this prefent Patliamen And Commillion for plantation ol Kirks, &c. in the whole Heads, Articles ancl Claufes tliereof, far as the fame may be contrary to this prefent Aft, as faid is. And HisMajefty, withadvicWndc^'^'r forefaid , gives full power and commifilon to fames Archbifliop of St. KnAxe\n$-JVilliam Ear! of Gle Chancellor; Earl of Rothes, Thefaurer; Archbilhop of Glafgow ; Earl Privy-Seal; Da/feofHamiltoun ; CMarquefi oi Monttok ■, 'E.sxXoiLaiiderdail, Secretary; Earlofg /■ ton-, ^ox\o{ Linlithgow, Earl of /fe/^ ; o{ Haddington -, ^-sAolAnnandail-, Earl of ' Tweddail-, Gee»"?el3ifliop of Edinburgh; Jizrwer Bifliop of Galloway ; GeargeBilhopofDunkel; ’ Billiop of Aberdeen ; fobn Bilhop of Rosfs ; Kobert Billiop of Dumblane ; Bilhop of Orl William Lord Bellenden, ' hefaurer-depute; Sir John Gilmore , Prefident of the Sellion ; Sir hrclTy^ij ?'r';>»fr’i^,ClerkcRegifter;HisMajefties Advocat; Sir^aA® Home of Renton, Juftice Clerk ; Sir 7 Lockhart ofLee; Skiohn Scougal ofwhitekirk; Charles Maitland of Halton; Sir Thomas Ha-miltom Prefton; Sk John JVauchop o( "HiAnt -, Sk Robert f letcher o( SAton -, SkHenrjWardlaw William Scot oi Krtiiok-, Sk Andrew Kamjdy , Provofl ol Edinburgh ; Sk Robert Murray p Archibald Syd/erf-, Sir Alexander Wedderburn-, Sk William Thmnfon-, John Miln-, Robert Leutroi^ ProvoftofSt. Andrews; Mr. JohnVaterfon, Provofl of Perth; William Seatoun, oi Haddim tom-, or any fifteen of them ; whereof three of the Clergy, three of the Nobility, three Officers of Sta* three Commiffioners ofShires, and threeofBurghs;ofwhichnumber, theArchbiiliopofSt. <_Andrews the Chancellor, or die Thefaurer, or the Archbifliop of Glajgow, or the Privy-Seal, or the Jecretiv or die Oaksok Hamiltoutt, ot xAs'CzAoiHaddingtoun , or any of them, being alwayesone, to meet and convKtizx. Edinburgh, the day of one dioufand, fix hundred and fixty years; and at fuch other place or places, times and diets as they fliall appoint, to value, and caufe be valued whatfoever Teinds, great crfmall, Patfonage or Vicarage, of whatloever Lands within this Kingdom ly- able to the payment of Teinds, which are yet un-valued; Excepting alwayes the Teithes of the Archbifliops Bifliops and other beneficed perfons, whereof they were in real and aftual pofleffion, by leading and colleft- ing the fame, in the year, one dioufand, fix hundred and twenty eight ; And with ptovifion, that they be not prejudged ofthe Fruits and Rents oftheirfeveral Benefices, astliefame was pofleft by them , anno, one thoufand, fix hundred and thirty feven, conform to the Submiffionmade by the Bifliops to HisMajefty in the faid year,and Decreet arbitral following diereupon; With powertothe laids Commiffioners, or forefaid, to appoint Sub- commiffioners, conform to the former Afts andCommiffions for valuation of Teinds and receive reports from them. And widi power to them , where Minifters are not already fufficienrly pro¬ vided, or have not Localidesaffigned to them for their Stipends, out ofthe Teinds within the Paroch vvhere they ferve the Cure, tomodifie, fettle and appoint conftant local Stipends to ilk Minifter, out ofthe Teinds of the Paroch where they ferve the Cure , in fo far as the fame will amount to , according to the quantities of victual or money mentioned in the faids Acts and Commiffiones, and to decide and proportion the faids Localities. And with power too dif-joyn to large and ipacious Patoches,to caufe erect and build newChurch- es, to difmembet and annex Kirks, as they fliall think juft; and to take order, that every Heretor and Life- renter fliall have the leadim and buying of their own Teinds, iftliey be willing, according to the rates pre- feribed by former Commiflaons; Particularly, by the Commiffion granted by HisMajefty, witliconfent of the Ellates of parliament, in anno, one thoufand, fix hundred and thirty three; with powertothemto determine all queftions concerning the prices of Teinds, betwixt Titulars and others having right thereto, and the Heretors; and to appoint fuch fecutities, in favours of the Titulars and otliers having right to the Teind, for the prices to be granted by Heretors, payers of the valued duties, or buyers of the faid Teinds, and in favours of the Minifters, as to their maintenance, as the faids Commiffioners fliall think fitting, according to the rule fet down in the faids former Acts, namely in the faid Act, ««««, one thoufand , fix hundred and thirty three. Declaring, T hat where the Vica- rageof any Paroch isafcveralBenefieeandTitlefromtheParfonage, the fame ffiml be feverally valued; to the effect, the Titulars or Minifters ferving the Cure, having right to the faid Vicarage, benotfruftratof the true worth thereof; And that Titulars, and others having right to Teinds, fliall not be forced to difpone anyTeinds, valued or to be valued , which fliall be afligned,difponed and allocat to the Minifter ferving the Cure of the Paroch. As alfo, with power to the faids Commiffiioners or quorum forefaid, to rectifie whatfoever V aluations, led or to be led to the enorm prejudice of the Titulars, and to the hurt and detriment of the Kirk, and prejudice ofthe Minifters maintenance and provifions , or of His Majefties Annuity. Provided alwayes, likeas it is hereby exprefly provided, that where Valuations arc lawfully led, againlt all parties having in- tereft, and allowed by former Cbmmiffiones, the fame fliall not be drawn in queftion, nor rectified upon the pretence ol enorm lefion, at the inftance ofthe Minifter ( not being Titular) or at the in- ftance of His Majefties Advocat, in refpect of His Majefties Annuity, except it be proven that collufion was King C H A R L E S 1 1. 9') was ufed betwixt the titulars and Heretors , or betwixt the Prohor . 4 u , “ . which coUufion is declared to be. where rhe and Heretors and Ticu- ,„rc • which coUufion is declared to be, where tlic Valu^rion^ i Ticu- U’* to, . ** i-u«» ftii le p“ V gU„dlg,e^„g, Y„.... ,j„b. DSi? ‘Efg' JS "?SZ'v”E" coming, as >f the fa.ds Valuanons Afts, Sentences and Decreets , had ten gh €^^1 lnln™n bypcrfonslegaUy.mpw^^^^^ effeft any ttdng in the forefaid refeifl-ory Aa to tir onS „onvithfanaing; Excepting foch Decreets of yaluation, modification of Stipends . or augmeS ens theteof, paft and granted fince the year, one thoufand , fix hundred , and thirty feven . ^whereby the faids Atchbifliops or Biihops arc Ptejudte of any part of their Rents, whereof Siey were in pof- fefiion 111 the faid year thirty feven. And although , by a fpecial Aa of this p'refent Parliament ^die pretended Parliament . holdep in one thoufand. fix hundred, and fourty nine , and in the te ginning of theyear. one thouftnd, fix hundred and fifty, is from the beginning . Declared voiLnd , and all that had followed thereupon ; Yet nevetthelefs , His Majcf^ do* . with advice fotefaii, authonze all Valuations , Afts , Decreets and Sentences . led , dsduced and proiiouncS by the Commiffions, one or moe appointed by the faid pretended Parliament, for plantation of Kirks and \ aluation of Temds , and all execution competent tteeupon ; Excepting fuch Decreets and Sentences, given in kvours of Miniftets for their Stipends; or for dividing, uniring , annexin'^ or building of Kirks, which ihail be found to have been unjufdy or exotbitantiy decerned : Thedctct- rijination whereof is hereby referred by His Majefty, with confent forefaid. to the faids CommilTio- nets, that they, alter hearing of parties and confideration of particulars , may. take fuch coutfe for altering, annulling, or allowing of the faids Ads, Decreets and Sentences, as they iliall think fit¬ ting, conform to die Laws, ptaftick and Cuftoni dbfcnted.pteceeding the year, one thoufand, fix hun¬ dred, and fourty nine ; And ordains Ptocefles, upon fiipplications , to be fummarily granted, parties alwayes being cited, and that without any reduftion. And it fliail be lawful to the &ids Commiffi- oaers , or quorum forefaid, to proceed in all Summons arid Actions to be intended for that effect, wifoin the fpaceof two years after the fitfc down-fitting of the Comniiffion. And whetess it may falj, CUE, that fome of the faids Commisfioners * may be un-able to attend the fervice , through death , ficknefs, or o*et known impediment ; Therefore, His Majefty Declares , that He iliall be ciirefui to fill their places with odiet perfons qualified, wbofe oaths for faithful difeharge of the fame lhalf be taken by the Lord Chancellor, or in his abfence, by thePtefident of the faid Commisfionfor tlie time ; And Ordains this prefent Commisfioh to endure ay and while the fame be difeharged by His Majefty; and the Acts, Decreets and Sentences tlieteof, to have the force , ftrength and ettect of a Decreet and Sentence of Patiiament,, and the Lords of Sesfion to grant and direct Letters of Homing , Poinding and others tequific , iti manet contained,, in the forefaids Commisfi- ons. And'eonfidering , that it was the will and pkafuts of His Majeities Royal Father, tliat all Heretors , who fliould be willing to buy , fcould have their own Teinds . at reafonable rates ; Therefore, His Majefty , with advice forefaid , Statutes and Ordains , That all Heretors , whofe Teinds are not valued, ( excepting as is formerly excepted in this Commiffion) fhali have liberty to value and biiy the fame , at fuch races as is contained in the Acts of Patiiament , one thoufand , fix hundred, and thirty three With power to the faids Copimisftoners , to augment the faids rates ac- cording to the burin of augmentation , and others fuftained by the Titulars fines the faids Acts; asd die faids Hetetors to have the liberty of buying, as faid is , within the fpace of three years af¬ ter the Valuation. With this Declatation alwayes ; That in cafe the impediment, during the time forefaid, flow from the Titular, by reafon of his minority or other in-ability j in that cafe, the Hotc- tot who offers hiiiifelf ready to buy his own Teind , within the foace forefaid , iliall have place , fo foon as the is removed, to buy his Teinds, notwitliltanding of the expiring of the years and fpace abow-expteft. And it is Declared, that if the Heretor be Minor , and liis Tutors neglect die fewing of tes Teinds within the forefaid fpace , the Minot ihall have action for two years after his minotfty, to compel tlig Titular for felling of his faids Teinds ; And His Majefty, widi confent forefaid , hereby difchaiges all former Commiffions. Deciaring the fame to be expired. The third ^ejjion of the fir ft Tarliament of XXIX. C T anent fenal Statutes. THe King’s moft Excellent Majefty , having, outofHis grace and goodnefs to His Subjefts prn an full and free Aft of Indemnity, Pardon and Oblivion , for all crimes and offences committed relating to tl;e late troubles , and more fully expreft in the tenth Aft of the fecoiid Seffion of this Parb ’ Aird confidering , that befides tliefe , there be divers arbitrary and pecunial pains.adjefted to penal Stat"^*'^' which being ftriftly exafted , would prove an heavy burden to the Subjefts who may be lyable thereto HisM ajefty being at the clofe of this His firftParliament.that allHis good Subjefts may find I effefts of His mercy, as to exceed all former prefidents, fo to be beyond their own expeftation- therefore thought fit , with the advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament , by thefe prefents ' to dT charge. Pardon and remit all contraveeners of any penal Statutes , for all deeds heretofore done bv th contrary to the tenour thereof ; Eiicepting the Statutes concerning the unlawful taking of Ufttry , tranfno" ’ ing of Silver and Gold , flaying of red and black Fiih , and all Afts and Statutes pad in this prefent pLl'*'" ment, which ate no wayesdifeharged by this prefent Aft. XXX. ACT Salvo Jure cujnftibet. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD and Eflates of Parliament, confidering, that in this lall Seffion of this prefent Parliament, many particular Afts and Ratifications have been pall: , wherein divers Claufes may be inferted , prejudicial to the rights and interefts of feveral perlons , albeit it hath alwayes been His Majefties purpofe and meaning , and the purpofe and meaning of the Eftates of Parliament, in this, as in all preceeding Parliaments , That all particular Afts and Ratifications general orfpecial, howfoever conceived (where petfons concerned have not been heard, for their Inte^ reft before the paffing thereof) fliould not prejudge private Rights of parties. Therefore , His Majefty with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains , That all particular Afts and Ratifications whatfoever , paft in this laft Seffion of this prefent Parliament , fliallbe interpreted Salvo jure cujuftibet ; Excepting alwayes , an Aft and Ratification paft in this Seffion of Parliament, in favours of tlie Duke and Dutchefs of Buccleuch , of their Contract of Marriage, which is Declared by His Majefty and Eftates of Parliament , no wayes to be comprehended herein. ExtraBed from the Records ofiTarliamnt , by Sir Archibald Primerofe o/Chefter Kuijiht and Barronet , Clerk of HtslAiysfSxti Council, Regifters and Rolls. A. PRIMEROSE, FINIS. Cls. RegiSfer. A T A- lot King CHARLES the H. A- table Of tile PfintecJ ACTS. 6 A£t 8 ^ A CT ama the way and mmier of Election of the toi-ds of the Articles. ^ AB agahM fefaratmn and difobedience to Ecckjialiicai Authority. , Additimial Attcomerning the TMkmimtobeJIpiediyaUperfonsiupublickTruJt. \ ZdB againB TroteBms. 'Y ^fortheiJiahttfiimmtanicShBitutmafa'KatioMal^ynod. - AB anent ruinom houfis in Rtyal Viurghs. cgfiig the import at ion of Strong-waters , &e. mixbtg of Tin with Lead. o AB avent the difeharging of Advocations fir Jtms within two bpndred merks. TQ AB ill favtrnr afCMiners, anent the duties of the Lands comprifed from them, ix fAB agdinfi exportation tfmm^ foAh oftf.e Kingdom. II AB fir enCBuragment of Tillage and Tafiurage. 1 1 AB for a new Impafitim upon Enghjb Commodities. j , AB impejing a Cujiom upon Corn dmpa-ted from Itehnd into this Kingdom. lY AB fir m-bringing of His iCMaje flies Rents. 1 6 xjiB concerning Beggars and Vagabonds, ij A3 auent the meafiire of Coal. 1 8 AB anent the Foet-meajure. - 19 AB difihargmg Monday and Saturday Mercats in Rtyal Burghs. -xo AB anent hint-feed.. Hemp-feed and Steel. %i xAB anent Manjes and Glebs , and poinding for Mmjlers Stipend. 5,4 lMB anent Cmprijings. 43 hB anent Sentences of Excommunication. _ XA hB for additional provijim in favours of the Vhiverjities.^ xe hB reflating the proportions if Excife in the feveral' Shires and Ewcghs. x6 An bumble Tender to His Sacred Majejiy , of the duty and loyalty of His ancient Kingdom Scotland. 47 AB averting Hij cMajepes Trerogative , « the ordering and difpofal of Trane with for ^ raigners. 5,8 Cmmijjm far pkutatmi of Kirks and vajuatim ofTeitids. 49 KB anent penal Statutes. 30 Act Salyojut.ecujullibet. N I .s> 'N j A T A- A TABLE Oftheffedal iylCT S and R AT I F I C AT I O N S , faft iu the fiveral Sesjtons of this ^Parliament , which are not imprinted. FIRT SESSION. 1 PRoteftations by fome Noble-men, Commiffioners from Sliires and Burghs, conccrame tbaV - deiicies in the Rolls of Parliament. ° Aft difcharging Sir Archibald fohnjtoun of all publick Trull. Aft concerning the Burial of the Corps of the late Marquefs of (Mntrofezv.i'Lmi<£q)ahet\ Commiilionsforthe Lotds of the Articles and Bills. • * Exoneration to Mr. concerning the Regillets. Record of the produftion of the Patents granted by His Majelly to His Officers of State ' an4 a - Admisfions. ’ “ Record of the production of fome Patents of Honour. Decreet Earl of Pdalhoufa and others, againft Mr. "S^bert Hodge. Aft in favours of the Laird of Mackclean. Precognition in favours of the Mailer of Bamff'. Qomxms&.cirxto'iAs.JohnWilkie , to collect the vacand Stipends. Aft tefcinding the pretended forfeiture of the Marquefs of LMontrofi. Aft allowing Mellengers to execute Summons of Tteafon. Exoneration in favours of the Earl of Crawfurd and Idndfay. Aft concerning the Magillrates of Kirkwal. Aft for an Impofition at die Bridge of Mujleburgh. Commiffion for vifiting die Univeriity of Aberdeen. Aft anent the election of the Magillrates of Montrofe. Decreet Archibald 'Lamont contra Campbel. Aft for an Impofition at the Calfees of Cowie-month, Reference CMackenzie contra Mackpherjon. Decreet Earl of Perth contra Sit George Mofiat. Afts in favours of fome Minillers for dieir Stipend. Aft in favours of Col. IVeymes, Col. Li^ and James Scot. Letter and Act in favours of the Laird of Renton. Aft for a Bridge at Ramal-wel-craig on Cfyd. Aft in favours of the Town of IVigtmn concerning a Bridge. Decreet Ijockhart contra Bonar. Decreet Mackenzie of Kedcajtle, contra Gilbert Ker and othei^ Decreet Elizabeth THitcIy , contra Henry TDeunipoun. Aft anent the Cuftom and Price of imported Tobacco-pipes, Decreet Carnaigie contra Carnaigie. Ratification to the EarlMar^ir/oldieSheriff-lhip ai Aberdeen. Protellation by the Earl of Roxburgh , in name of the Marquefs of ntly , againft the fame Ratification in favours of Mailer Adam Cunningham of Wood-hali , of the CommilTariotoflZVw^w: Ratification in favours of the new Colledge of ^Aberdeen. ■' " Protellation by die Town of Aberdeen againft it. Ratification in favours of Sir John Vrqhuart of Cromarty. Ratification to Mailer Hary Hay, of the Commillar-clerkiliip Edinburgh. Ratification to John Ramfay of his Office from the Lord Regifter. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Elgin. Ratification in favours of Thomas lAanfon. Ratification of the erection of the Kirk of KinloJJe. Ratification to Mailer of dieCommilTar-clerklhipof Lauder Ratification of the erection of the Town of Findom in a Burgh of Barony, protellation Town of Aerrej- againft it. ' Ratification in favours of War. Ratification to Mailer yawej'iV;V&^»of the Commiflariot of Ratification to lohn Newel. Ratification in favours of Hary Blaickwood. Rstli' A Table of the nn-fr 'intcd ACls. I03 ■fi^arion to Alexander Monro oftheCommifTariot of Sterling. concerning the Town of Ilirkwal. R tification to the Town ot Edinburgh of the regality of the Cannongate. 'fication to the Town of fi^f/niar^fiofthe mark upon the Tun. n ^^ification Town of Edinburgh of the Land called T he Kings •work in Leith. R t'fication Town of Edinburgh oi the Cuftoms at die Houfe in die Mure. R Vfication of the Town of Edinburghs new Charter of Confirmation. Act in favours of Mr. }ames T)ees. C mmiffiou for tryal of the burning the Gates ofBrawt/awr/f, it concerning the Earl ot Terth and Lord THrummmds lofles. At concerning Sir Thomas Harniltotm oiTrefloun his Writes. A riefcinding the pretended forfeiture of the Marquefs of Huntly. At refcinding the pretended forleiture of Maekdonald of Earn. Act refcinding the pretended forfeiture of Sir ]ohu Gordoun olHaddo. Act for a contribution for repairing the Harbour of ‘Peterhead. Act in favours of the Town of ‘Dunce. Act in favours of George CampbeJ. jvlodifications to fuffering Minifters out of the vacand Stipends. iCatifiaatioo in favours of the Earl of Mar. Ltification in favours of the Town of Nairn , and Proteftationby the Laird of Caddel aaainft it. Ratification in favours of the Earl oTP anmure , and Proteftation by the Burgh ol Krbroth againft it. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Imemefs, and Proteftation for and the Burgh* of Forterofi , Cromarty and Tiingwal againft it. ^j^tification in favours of the Eati af Unlithgow. Ratification to the Earl of Callander. Ratification to the Town of Muphtirgh. Ratificatioti-in favours oiKobert Thomfin , and Proteftationby the Eati of A/W againft it. Ratification in favours of Maftet Thomas Murray. Ratification in favours of Matter lobu Finley. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Tligtmn. Aa for a weekly Metcat and two Fairs yearly in Bouden. Ratification in favours of the Royal Burroughs. Ratification in favours of the Earl ol Weymes. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Kirkcaldy. Commiffions for trying feme perfons fufpected of witch .craft. His Majettios nomination of the Lords of Sefiion and their Admifiion. Afl- for the fitting and diets of the SelTion. , „ , , . -n-.. r TheLordRegiftersnominationoftheCierkstotheSeffion. to the tegifttationof Seafingsandadmiffionof Notars, and their admiffion, conform to their Gifts from the Lord Regifter. Aft eftabUfti’ing the Sheriffdom of Kofs and *e bounds of it. Commisfions for the Filhings on the waters of Dgie and Itham. aa m iames 'names for a new invention of Milnes , fSc. , , , 1 c Aft in fevours oi :he Earl of Lauderdaile, anent the Lordlhip and Regality of »tir,PrefidentoftheSe(fion, ofhisRij, sor the Barony Ratification in favours of the Burgh ofDunkel . and Proteftation by the T own of Terth againft it. Two Ratifications to die Earl of Craufurd and Lindfay. Ratification to the Earl of iaatfertfit/Veol the Regality o/T/iH/ftzweandLordfliip of Muflebmgh Ratification to the Earl of Lauder daile of the gift of Swintouns F otfeiture. Ratification in favours of Mr. James Douglajs. Ratification to Sir John Gilmor of his gift of Penfion. Ratification to Sir James Hope of his tight to the Mines. Ratification in favours of the Laird of Calder. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Aber deen. Ratification in favours of Mr. John Herbertjon. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Home. Ratification in favours of Sit Alexander Home. Ratification in favours of Mr. John Cunningham. Ratification in favours of Sir James Cunningham. Ratification in lavouts of James hmes. Ratification in favours of Sic Robert tMurray of Camron. Ratification in favours of the Earl Marjhal. SECOND SESSION. ACt for calling in the Bifhops to the Parliament. Act for fetling the Orders in the Parliament-houfe. Aft concerning Members of Parliament who do not attend. Recommendation for die Creditors of the late Marquefs of Argyl. Commifijon for tryalofthe burning the Gates oiDrumlanrig. Modification and Recommendations for fome fuffeting Minifters. Proclamation for the Annivetfary Thankf giving. Aft concerning the Earl of Mortoun and Town of Kirkwal Aft for yearly Fairs in Corjlorphin. Aft in favours of die 'LotiFrafir , for his Tide ofLordFri?/?r. Aft betwixt the Lord Burghly and Shire of Fife. Aft in favours of Alexander Bruce , Brother to the Earl arden. Aft anent the Chapter of Argyl , and Glenorchies Ptoteftation againft it. Aft in favours of the Inhabitants of Orknay. Aft lo6 Table of the im-frinted Aft for reliefe of thofe who were overburdened in their Levies, in Anno, 1649. in the Engagement , in Anno, 1648. ^ Aft concerning the Minifters of Edinburgh. Aft refeinding the pretended Forfeiture againft Harthil. Aftin favoursoftheEarlofjPerrAandothers, forfomcmoniesdttetodiemby theSKir rm Commiflion for the Creditors of Forfeited perfons. ^ ‘ WF. Aft for keeping theRegiftersofSeffion in the Patliament-houfe. Decreet Marqiiefs of Huntiy, contra Innes Cromarty, Robert Foulis, tec. Decreet Laird of Haddo, contra Lefy. Aft of diflolution of the Earldom of Orkney. Xicacct cMacklaud , com.t2iMx.T)avidT)rummond , &c. Decreet Sir Jame^Mackdonald , contra Mackonochie Inera. Aft for changing the Way betwixt the fouth Ferry artd Cramond. Aft in favours of the Town of Edinburgb. Decreet againfl Archibald Camfbel. Decreet of Forfeiture againft Ardkinlaji and Ormjay. Aft in favours of the Lord Lyon. Aft for an Atch-deanry in the Ifes. Aft in favours of Sir Robert Fletcher. Decreet Mrs. Vlhaley, contra Camintom. Aft for changing tlie Mercat-day in Aberdeen. Aft in favours of the Town of St. Andrews. Aft for yearly F airs to the Earl of Kinghorn , rhe Lord Tar bet , the Lairds of Gltnorcbie aijd Viaddo Aft for two Fairs yearly, and a weekly Mercat in Dalmeny. Aft in favours of the Earles of f^ueensberry and Annandail. Decreet in favours of Mr. Thomas ^Mackenzie. Aft for building a Meal-mercat in Dumfries. Act concerning the Declaration. Act containing exceptions from the Act of Indempnity, for Finesnt Act anent the Chilrlten and Poftetity of Forfeited Perfons, Act in favours of the Countefs of Branfurd and Lady Famjler. Act in favours of the Lord Mackdottald. Act in favours of hamont. Act freeing Bilhops V aflals from the charges of Com miflioners to, the Patliament . Commiflion for rectifying the Valuations of Aberdeen Shire. Recommendation in favours of frbn eSHein. Decreet Dunolich againft Camfbel. Sufpenfion of publick Debts, with References infavoursdftheLotdi^lfsr^^^aodLordCwr^ff. Ratification in favours of the Atchbifhop of St. Andriws. Ratification in favours of the Bifhop of Edhiburgh. Ratification in favours of the Bifhop of Galloway, Ratification in favours of the Bifhop of Brichen. Ratification in favours of the Bifhop of cArgyl. Ratification in favours of die Earl of Craufurd and landfr^. Two Ratifications in favours of the Duke of henox. Two Ratifications in favours of the Earl of Athol. Ratification in favours of the Earl oiTuMarekn. Ratification to Sir Gilmor of his Lands of Craigfockhart . Ratification to the Laitd of eSHorfhie. Ratification to the Laitd of Allardice. Ratification to the Laird of Glenorchie. Two Ratifications to the Laird oi Cromarty. ' Ratification to }ohn Beatoti. Ratification to the Burgh of Unlithgow. Ratification to Sir John Strachan. Ratification to Taul ^ymer. Ratification to die Earl of Annandail. Ratification to die Earl of Newburgh. Ratification to Sir Robert Innes of eJMnretoun. CQttcutrjm^ third Kyi Table of the un-frinted kABs. 1®7 third session. Act concerning the conftitutioii and eieftion t f die Lords cf the Articles. Warraiids hr perfonal Proteftions againft Captions, 1 jr fome time, to the Lord Sindar and others. c f the Aft of Billeting. {Jobnlioun, fometime ofJVanftom. ratifying the Remiffioti granted to George Camfbel. Aft annexing fome Kirks to the Deanry of Smut- Andrews. Record of the produftion of the Duke of Monmouth' e, Patent to be Duke of Buccleuch. allowing to the Minifters who ferved before and in the year, one thoufand , fix htmdtcd and fixrv two the hif cf the Stipend due for that year. ■' ’ Ratification in favours of Sic Veter Wedderhurn. Aft refeinding a former Aft paft in die laft Seffion cf Parliament , anent fome Fees acclaimed as due to the Lyons Office. AftconcerningthematerofBiUeting, and a Letter direfled to His Majefty thereupon. Aft for repairing the High-wayes at the Town ofPrefiOud. Wattand for three Fairs to the Town of Newburgh. Aft concerning the pardoning and reftoring the Chiioren of Forfeited petfoiis. Angus arid iSonald Mdcklauis declared. Fugitives. An impofition far repairing and upholding a Bridge in Cltifiail. Warrand fir changing the Fair-day cf the Town of Clackmannan. Reference to His Majefty concerning the Procefs againft AJJint. Art concerning the Impofitioti laid on Engliih Commodities. Aft paft in f-Wours cf Stationers, Silk-weavers, &c. ActforchangingofdienameofdOTifr'r, of latcufcdby foms of the name of Act for an Irnpofition for repairing the High- way betwixt Corforfhin and the Cow-bridge. Warrand for cliangitig tlie Fair-day ot the Town 'of Nairn. Commiffior! concerning die Annuai-rertts due by petfons Foifeited by the Ufiirpers; Aft Relcinding, ArniiSling, and for Razing put of the Records, two Acts paft in the fecond Sellioh of this Parliament , one for excepting perfons from.publick Ttuft, and the other for thp man,net of voting it by Billets. Act in favours of Doctor ColvU, , . , Act concerning the riding of the Parliament, and the Penalties offuch as lhall be abfent from it. BefeVeet betwixt $k Arthur Forb'eJS and the Lord Cochran. Act in favours bl Mr. JA Wilkie. Act anent the vacand ftipends in hrgyl and Ijles-. Act for repairing the Bridge of Tullibody. Act for the difpo,faI of fome vacand Stipends; Act for the Bridge cf TSalkeith. . ■ . . Act for upholding the Bridge cl Kiffon , and for two Fairs at the Kirk of Kiffon-. K(k for a yeerly Fait in die Barony of Caskibrnt. Act for changing the weekly Metcac of Tittetiweym. ha in hwassci'^ohnHatybrtttttoti, coacetning his Writes. Act appointing the Fines to be paid in to any perfon His Majefty lhall appoint. Act in favours of the Captain of TitmSia^age and others. .Two Fairs yearly to be kept in the Barony cf Vrefion. The Fairs granted to the Town cf Whtteharn changed in the dayes and dyets thereof. Decreet the Eari cf Roxburgh contra Sir ]ohn Weymes. Act for two Fairs and a weekly Mercat in Stanfyvei Act concerning the making cf Cairds; Recommendation in fivours cf the Marquefs cf CMontrofi. Warrand for two Fairs and weekly Mercat to the Laird cf Tirum. Warrand for paying of fome debt due fay the Shite of TSumfries. , i i j nr An Act and Ratification cf the Contract cf Marriage betwixt the Duke and Dutchefs of Buccleuch , and Wat rand for regifttating the Contract. Act concerning the Stipend cf the Miaiftets of the Cdmmngate. • Remit the Duke of Hamiltoun contra Lady ^orrejter. Warrand for two Fairs , and for changing the Mercat-day of the Barony of Sktrlmg. Warrand for a yearly Fair on the Brae of hthol. Act for a Fair and weekly Mercat on the Lands of Kinudy. Act concerning Bromhals Writes. Ai3i A Table of the un-frinted ABs. A(5l for an Impofition , for repairing and keeping up the Bridges oiSatichtonhalzn^ Clegorn Remit to the Seffion concerning the eighty thouiand merks claimed from the Burroughs. Lamonts Procefs againft George Camfhel remitted to the Seffion. Recommendation in favours of feme fuffering perfons. Commiffion for ordering the prices of Offices, Writes and Seals. Aft fufpending execution for publick debts until the next Parliament. my ofWhite-ffihing, remitted to the Council. Aft lor a yearly Fair in the Barony of Caskibon. Remit to tlie Council anent the Act for Trade. Warrand for changing a Way near 'Leidintmi. Aft for renewing the Juftices of Peace. Ratification in favours of Sir Andrew Aitoti. Ratificarion in favours of the Lords of the Seffion. Ratification in favours of TDavid Souter. Ratification in favours of Mr. ryilexander Foulis ofKatho. Ratification in favours of the Bilhop of Aberdeen. Ratification in favours of Sir Kobert %inclar ofSteinfloun. Ratification in favours of Mr. }ijibert Sinclar of \jnigformacHs. Ratification in favours of Thomas iiamiltoun of Bathgate. Ratification in favours of VliUiam ‘Prefoim ofValified. Ratification in favours of Mr, Robert TreHoun of that ilk. Ratification in favours of tMichael Balfour ofPitmedden. Ratification in favours of fames Gampbel and his Son. Ratification in favours of John Malcolm. Ratification of a mortification in Berth. Ratification in favours of George Home tf Karnes. Ratification in favours ofthe Earls of Craufurdm^'Lauderdaile , ^e.\saiVarbroth, the Lairds Of 3.nA ArdroJ^, Coiondl-efyzaAJamesScet , oftlitir Gifts of Mines and Minet.a!s. Ratification in favouts of James ‘Dickfin. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Vlhitehorn. Ratification in favours of Sir Jsfw and Mr. Alexander Gibjon. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Rothes. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Humfermeline. Ratification in favours of Sir fhn Home of Kenton, Lord Juftice Clerk , and Pioteftac^n for Sjit ander Home and yiedderburne againft it. - . aa Ratification in favouts of Charles Maitland ofHaltoun. Ratification in favours of 'William Scot of Ardrofs. Ratification to the Town of Edinburgh of their right to the Citadel. Ratification in favours of Captain 'Lockhart. FINIS. The Kin^s tMAJ E ST IE’S T T R; Tohis PARLIAMENT of SCOTLAND, in tlie year 1663, Concerning the of Billetting. CHARLES R. My Lords mid Gentlemen. S WEE havejuftcaufetoaccountitoneoftliegteatbkffmgsof Almighty God, ! upon Our Perfon. and Government , that Y ou the Members of Our Parliament . of that Our Ancient Kingdom of Scotland, Have fo unanimoullie Joined in tefcind- iing all pretended Parliaments, and Afts derogatory to Our Authority, and in I making fo many laudable Laws , whereby the Church and State are now again fct- I tied , upon their proper, and folide foundations ; Peace and Order eftablilhed ; I.awsreftored to their former luftte, and vigour, Out Authority and the Royall i Prerogatives of Out Crown, tranfmittcd to Us fromfo many Anccftours, now miTO-vJ ’ 2t>d clearly vindicated , and the feeds of Rebellion tooted out. By and Righteoufnefs , Peace , and Plenty , arc by Gods blelTmg , like to be thelafting fruits of your labours : So Wee have thought it fit at the beginning ol this Seffron of Our Parliament, again to fignifie unto you. Out juft efteem of that eminent Pietie , Loyalty, Prudence, and AfFeaion, to Our Perfon, Crown, and Dignity , which you have by thcfe excellent publick Acts , ma^l^efted to the World And Therefore Wee doe again return Our moft hearty thanks , which Wee doc defirc may be recorded to Pofterity . Wee ftiall not enumetat the particulars . for that were to redte^i the Laws of gcncrd coacetn enaded in the firft Seffion of tliis piefent Parliament , and fome in the laft Seffion . Only Wee fliall let vou know that Wee have obfetved ail along in the framing of thefc Laws, amoft obfequious compliance with whatfoevet hath been reprefented to you by Our laft Comminioner to be Out intention , or what m^lit be acceptable to Us, and that to a degree , that could not but proceed from an unparalellcdatteftion to Oiu: Perfon, andSetvice. and an intire deferency to Our Judgment in every point. Info much tliM although fome few things hath been carried on, and even part , and Our confent given to them, without Our know¬ ledge and very farre from Out intention, which upon deliberat confidcration Wee find to be of quite another ftrain . then thefe other excellent Laws , which Wee fo defervedly applaud \ et Wee cannot attn- Tut yoiKconcurtancethereintoaaything, but that affedion and deferency Wee have mentioned, thoueh in the contrivance, and promotingof them, fome fmiftrous and g.ddie courfeshaih been taken, whereby die Loyal intentions of well meaning Petfons have beenled into which .1 not redteffed, may prove a pernicious example of dangerous confequence , as lending to the diihonout of Our Par lament and to the fubvetfionofalljuftice. anS good Government of this nature. And.ndeedtheth.ngWeemamlymfifton wasthatftrangeActforincapLitatingrwe/wttanfmittedto Us fealed. (And which Wee have fo ordered thatitlhailnefermorecometolight,) and the yet ftranget way of voting. t, even by A way never before oraftifed under Monarchy, nor ever heard of under any Government, as to punilhmentsolfucha nature L this was, where the Pwfons concerned, wetefo farre from being accufed , heard or upon evi¬ dence condemned , that their names were never made known to your felves who fo fentenced them. But be- Sc the confent Wee gave to the incapacitating fome few . feems to have been made ufe of as the ground of this with which Wee Me with fo much reafon moft unfatisfied : We fliall let you WeeaSvou4eteabufedinthisparticular. BeforethelaftSeffionofPatlumenC Wee did by Our Inac¬ tions to Our laft Commiffionet declare Our pleafute concerning fines to be impofed by Our Parliament . both asToXcrirnes^^^^^^^^ And th is moderat way of taifing fines ( which Wee intended to Iraploy only for the relief of Our good SubjcctS'who had been great SufFerers) ofPardon and Oblivion: The One excepted only as to fiws , ^ Lcc^fuffid- ni-Klirk mill: And this laft he owned to be the defire ol Our Parliament, (tnougn jj.iii,, Ldy informed dtat incapacitating was neverfo muchasheardof mOurP^ wife preft in name of Our Parliament, Out confent to the incapacitating fome few ol m exceeding Twelve. To the !aft Wee conftnted ; And meetly upon the acompt of eratifvinTtiiTTT faithfull andloLoyall a Parliament. NOW You can belt Judge whether you gave warranf^ f * a defire as was made in your name , whether Our confent fo obtained , was reprelented as a coi ® Us , and whether it was made ufe of as the rife and ground of this pernicious Way of incapacitating Which as it hath no colourof warrandfrom Us, ( being farre from Our knowledge, and yetfartli Which as it hath no colour of warrand from Us , ( being farre from Our knowledge , and yetfart'l? "r ; intcntions)SoWeccannotbutdeclate, that Wee eftecm it contrary to Our Honour, Freedom a H of Parliament, to all former praftifes , to Common Juflice, and highly derogatory to Out Autl™^'“^''y Dignity, astcndingtotheumverfaldifTatisfaflionofallOurgoodSubjeas: For it voting bv punilhing in that way be allowed , no man is fecure of his Honour , his Eftate , his Liberty nm his T t fons of greateft merit may be this way deftroyed; And even Our Officers of State and thofe of ncarelt a 1 to Us, may by colour of Our Authority, without Our knowledge, be torn from Us , and exnoferf ■ and ruine. And becaufe Wee are moll confident , fuch things were , and ate as farre from You and intentions , as they are from Ours , and that Wee have great reafon to fufpeifl , that Our Name! abufed , and many well meaning Perfons have been made to believe , that what was done would be to Us; Therefore lor vindicating of Our Honour and Yours , Wee doe in the firfl: place , earneftlv to you to cake fpeedy and exalt trial , of the contrivance, and carrying on oft nis pretended AtS- of citatingbyBr/Zc/j-, and report the fame to Us ; That Wee may make known to you Our farther i ?P“' And Weearefoconfidentof your Juftice, that Weearecertainlypctfwaded, you willjoineinnrZ'™''- Acl for refcinding all that relates to Billeting , with the claules referring to it in the Aft of Pardon a nf * Vion and in the Aft of fines, expicffing in the narrative , fuch grounds and reafons as you fliall finH ll.n necellary, rafing all memory of it out oi Our records, and dilcharging all voting by for Hio fi There be fome other Afts in which Wee doubt not you will concur with Our opinion,that they havp aif M be mended: Butastothefe Wee referre you to Our Commiffioner , who will affiitc you rf, , w ^ believe your confent to thefe things , with which Wee arc no wayes fatisfied , did proceed { as Wee 1 v. r ^ from your incite defetency to Our Judgment, and the belief of mofl among you , that thev wnnU x ^ cept^le to Us So expefting the continuance of that Zeal , and Affeftion to Our fetvice , and the ffiat Our Kingdom, of which Wee have had fo many, and large teftimonies, Wee bid you very heartl GivinotOurCimdee, or any four of thorn, to meet and to take fpeedy and exaft trial of the contrivance, and carrying on of that pretended Aft of Incapacitating by BiBets-. As alfo to try whether the Paitliament gave Wattandto defite his Majefties confent to the incapaci¬ tating of feme not exceeding Whether his Majefties confemfo obtained, was teprefented as a Com¬ mand from his Majdfty ; And whether it was made ufe of as the rife and ground of this way of I ncapacitating hv Billets-, And if his Majefties name hath been abufed by any , to make others believe that fuch a proccdura would be acceptable to his Majefty. And generally with power to them to take trial of the matter of faft , in the affairs Zove expreft, And for that effeft , that they call before them , and examine upon Oath , alt fuch Perfons, as they flial! think fit, for giving information to them therein, and that their Depofitions be written and fubferibed by the Deponents: With power to them alfo to call for all fuch Afts, Letters. In- fttuftions, or other Papers, which may give clearnefs in this matter, and if anyPetfon wholliall be called before them, Ihallrelufe, otdelay todepon, or to exhibit, and give in fuch Afts, Letters, Inftraftfons, or other Papers which ate in their power, relatingtothisbuffinefs, and fhall be called for from them; That then the Commiffionersaforefaid, make report thereol to his Majeftie's Commiirionct, the Parliament, ot Lords of the Articles , that fuch farther courfe may be taken therein as effeits. And that the faids Gom- miffioners be ready from time to time tomakeanaccomptoftheir proceeding to his Majeftte s Commiliio-- tier, and Lords of the Articles , That being from them ttanfmitted to the Parliament , a fpeedy report there¬ of may be made to his Majefty , conform to the prefeript of his Royal Letter afotefaid. Tht THE PARLIAMENT’ S A N W R. To His Majcftie’s Gracious LETT E R, of the of June, i66 . Moji Sacred Soveraign, HE DESIRE Wee have had to return to your Majefty a fitisfafto ofwhatbyyour moll Gracious Letter , of the fourth of Jn;;e, vvas Us for try ing of the contrivance , and carrying on of that defign of Siu't''^^ which Your Majefty with fo much reafon declared Your felf nioft Hath occafioned that Wee have not fooner made thefe humble , and tlia”kT!'^'* ^ knowledgments , which the gracious cxprellions in the former'part ot Yo ^ ter call for ; Being defirous that tlie account of Our dutifull , and hearty oh d'- to tliefe Your Majefties juft commands , might acompany Our due ackn'^^T ^ ments of your Majeftie’s grace andgoodnefs, and that Our return 'divide what your Majefty by your Royall Letter Joined. ‘S^tnot Wee doe with all humble duty , and thankfulnefs acknowledge the great blellings which this You ent Kingdom doth now enjoy , under your Royal! Authoritie. The Qiurch being reftored to its riJh r ' vernmentjTheKingdomtoitsformerpeace; The Laws to their free courfe; And the Subjefts to tf'^T Liberties ; And all thefe flowing to Us , as the happy fruits and effeifts of your Majeftie’s blefled reltTm ' ^ Wee conceive our felves oblidged in a due refentment thereof , and of the often , and renewed expreffio your Majeftie’s Royall care and tendernefs of this.Kingdom, To return the humble offer of our Lives Fortunes, and all that is deareft to Us , for the advancement of your Majeftie’s Honour, Authority' a Greatnefs: And that it fhall be Our care, that the exprefllons of Our obedience to your Majeftie’s mands Us. ftiall be lutable to thefe unparalell’d Adis' of grace , and favour your Majefty hath vouchafed s com. upon By your Majeftie’s Letter , it appears that by a imployed laft year, with a letter of Cr d' {commeEatkolOHidd/etoun, itwasreprefentedtoyour Majefty, that it was the defire of Your Patf menthere. That the Adi of Indemnity Ihould carry an exception of incapacitating from Publick truft; And that he earneftiy preft in name of Your Parliament your Majeftie’s confent to the incapacitating feme lew ol tlie moll Guilty, not exceeding And your Majefty defiring to know the truth thereof from Us. IN OBEDIENCE to your Majeftie’s commands , this being taken into the confideration of Your Parlia- ment, and every member ofParliament particularly asked thereupon: /Fee by the unanimous opini¬ ons, and votes of the Houfe, That the Parliament gave no warrand to defire of your Majefty, thattlieAdl of Indemnity lliould carry an exception of incapacitating from Publick Truft , And tliat the Parliament gave no warrand at all to defire in their names your Majeftie’s confent to the incapacitating a few : Yet Wee Lve feen the enclofed double of an inftrudlion given by the Earle of GMiddletoun in the contrary to SirGewm figned , and owned by him , in ptefence of your Parliament, tobea Juft double, beating that it was much defired by Your Parliament , that feme fliould be excepted from Publick Truft. Wee alfo find no other ground in the Adi ofParliament concerning Billeting , neither doe Wee remember of any other ground made ufe of before the Articles, or in the Parliament, for incapacitating ; But that it was your Majeftie’s pleafure to have it fo; And that this was the rife of bringing in the Adi ^Billeting, as the iifoft expedient way of voting the Adi for incapacity. And in obedience to your Majeftie’s coftfmands, for the farther trial of the manner of contrivance, and cMrying on of this defign of hilleting-. And your N(ajefties,fufpition that yout Name was abufed thereinjSoilie Cortimilfioners authorized by your Majefties Parliament , having taken the Depofitions of diverfe Members ofParliament , and two Knights thereupon ; And having delivered the principal depofitions to your Majefties Comfnifioner , to be by his Grace, communicated to yOur Majefty; Have offered to Us this particular ac¬ count th^eof under their hand- writings , which Wee (without preftiming at all to give any Judgment there¬ upon ) offer hereby to your Majefties Royal! confideration, And when your Majefty fhall be pleafed to make Yoiir farther pleafure therein known to Us , Wee lhall give fuch obedience thereto , And to the other particulars in your Royal! Letter , as lhall witnefs to the World , that your Majefties Royall Judgment is the rule of Our adtions ; And that your Majefties commands fhall alwayes receive that obedience from Us, which futes with the Duty ol good Suhjedls , and the relation wee now ferve your Majefty in; As your Ma¬ jefties moft Loyal and Faithlul Parliament . In whofeName, andby whofe Command , thefe are fignedby Edinburgh Toury\.dysKi€ srnoflHunMe , moJlTlutiJul , niojl 28.]uly. 166;. Obedient, Subject, and Servant. GLENCAIRNE Cancellarius. J. T. T>. Tar. ACT A C X Refdnding two A C X S Taft in the laft S E S S I O N of PARLIAMENT: The OSS foe excepting of perfons from publick Trull ; and the other for voting the fame by Billets, Edinburgh, the ninth (f September , 1663. UR SOVERAIGN LORD, out of his innate goodnefs and love to this His ancient Kingdom , being defitous, that now, after fo long troubles , aper- fefl peace be fetled within the fame , and that all His good Subjefls niigli't enjoy the happinefs and bleiTings ofHis Government in a full and free Afl oHndcmp- nity. Pardon and Oblivion ; Did, by Hisinllaiaions to the Earl of Middle- ton, HislaflCommiffioner, before the fecondSelfion of this Parliament , De¬ clare His Royal Pleafute concerning Fines to be inipofcd , both asto the crimes, for which fining was allowed, and as to the proportions; and this modcratway of fining (whidt HisMajefty intended to imploy for the relicfcol His good Subi jefts who had been fufFerers) being the only punillimentHis Majcfty gave war- rand for ; And His Majefty being careful to fee His Royal Grace and Favour to His people extended as large as he intended it : He commanded the Aft of pardon and Indempnity to be tranfmitted to His own confidera- tion, before His Royal confent were given to the fame. In obedience whereunto, the’EsAoi Middleton, infummer, one tlioufand , fixhundred, andfitxytwo, difpatched Sir George of Tlrrfcr to His Majefty , with aLetter of credit; He carried twodraugbts of an Aft of Indempnity, the one excep¬ ted on!y‘ as to fines, the other excepted alfo as to incapacity from publick Trull; the lall he publickly owned to be thedefire of the Parliament, andearneftlypretl, in name of the Parliament, the incapaci- tacin® of fome few of the moft guilty, not exceeding twelve; to which His Majefty at laft confented. raeerly to gratifie that which was reprefented to be the deftre of fo faithfull and loyal a Parliament .• And teving defired to know the truth hereof from His Parliament, they, by their unanimous opinions and votes, upon the twenty two of laft , Declared, that they gave no warrand to dcfire of His Majefty, that the Aft of Indempnity fhouid carry an exception of incapacitating from publick Trull, BOX any warrand at all to defire in their names. His Majefties confent to the incapacitating a few; and that notwithftanding thereof, they had feen the double of an Inftruftion given in the contrary by the Earl of Middleton to Sir George M^kenzie, figned, and in prsfciice of the Parliament , owned by him to be ajuft double; beating, that it was much defired by the Parliament, that fome lliould be excepted from publick Trull; And it was alfo declared by the Parliament, that there was no other ground for incap«:itating, but that it was His Majefties pleafureto have it fo, and that this was the rife of bring¬ ing in the Aft of billeting , as the moft expedient way of voting the Aft of Incapacitating ; by which it appears both His Majefty and His Parliament were abufed, as to that exception from publick Trull. And Oar Soveraigii Lord confidering, that this way of Billeting had no colour of warrand from His Majefty, and that His Royal confent was given to it without His knowledge, and very far from His ktention 2 and that in the contrivance and carrying on of the fame , finiftrous courfes were taken , and defignes laid , for incapacitating the Earls of Crafurd and Lauderdad, and Sit Robert Murray ■ perfons who fortheiremiiientloyakyto.and great and long fufFerings for HisMajefty, are defcrvedly in His high efteem, and who, lor the time, had the fpedal approbation of this prefent Parliament for tlicfc great imployments they' had from His Majefty , as His Officers of State and otherways; and that Therefore He hath, with much reafon, declared Himfelf moil unfatisfied therewith ; Yet , He doth not attri^ bute the concurrence ofHis Parliament in Billeting to any thing, but to their unparallel d affeftion to His perfon and Service, and their obfequious complyance to every thing was reprefented to them to be His Majefties intention, or which might be acceptable to His Majefty, And conf.dcring the way of Billeting to be moft pernicious in it felf, and of a moft danKtous confcqucncc , as tending to me dilhonbur of His Majefty and his Parliament, and to the fubvetfion of all and Government; it being a way never befote that time practifed in this Kingdom . or m any other place, under Monarchi¬ cal Lvernment; being fo derogatory to his Majefties Authority and Royal Dignity, and fo contrary to the honour , freedom and gravity of Parliaments , to all former praflifes , and to the rules of Juftice; every man, even thefe of the greateft merit, being thereby rendered unfecure ofth • eftates , liberties and lives ; his Majefties Officers of State and thofe of neareft relation to If'^ expofed to infamy and ruine, to be , by colour of his Authority without His knowledge , tornf'''' and his Royal Prerogative, in the choife of his Chancellors and fervants, alerted in this nr 7'”^''''’ liament, violated and made contemptible, and all his Majefties good Subjefis made lyable m without being accufed , heard, or legally condemned. In regard of all which. Our Sovera o witli confent, and by fpccial advice of his Eftates in Parliament, Dotli' hereby Refcind and i?'' n Adis paft in thelaft Seffion of this Parliament on the ninth of on^.thoufand, and fixty two ; the one Entituled , Ad? af pointing the manner of ‘voting by Btlkts , and the oti ' tuled, jiH concerning perfmu to be excepted from publick Trufi, together with the Qlaufe thereto in the hCi of Vidempnity and in the <_AB of Fines-, and Declares the faids two the Claufes aforefaids relating thereto, to have been from the beginning , to be now, and in n ■ ^ coming, void and null; and Ordains the fame to be expunged and razed out of the Records \ accordingly, the faids principal Acts being called for and prefented in Parliament, were publirtl and deftroyed ; and the Act of Indempnity and Aft for Fines , with the Records of the minutes of P liament being alfo called for , die Claufes contained therein , relating to the excepting of ' publick Truft, and the veting of it by Billets , were expunged out of the fame: And tfe Cler/'R”* gifter is hereby Ordained to take care, that from henceforth the Act of Indempnity and Act for F' be extracted and recorded according to thele amendments, and that any extracts already given our '"f* void and null , as to the Claufes thus amended. Likaas Our Soveraign Lord , to evidence His ' n diflike of fo peroicious a courfe. Doth with advice andconfent fotefaid, Difchargc all voting by BiU t ^d forafmuch , as the Parliament , in obedience to His Majefties Commands , did tranfmit to H' Majefty, the originall Depofitions of thofe who were examined, concerning this whole bufinefs to tl'* ®nd *ie might declare his further pleafure; his Majefty Declares, that having taken all that relates r* me bufitjefB of Billeting into ferious confideration , Hewill, in convenient time, make known His pleafure THE LAWS AND ACTS Of the SECOND PARLIAMENT, Of Our Mojl High and T>read Soveraign , C H A R L E S T H E SECOND. By the Grace of GOD, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faidi. Begun at Edinburgh . the 1 9. of OUober , 1669. By a Noble Lord , John Earl «/Laudecdail , Vijcomt Maitland , lard Thitleftane and Bolton, Nis MAJESTIES CmmiJJiomr for holding the fame , by vertue of a CommilTioii under His MAJESTIES Great Seal of this Kingdom-. PKith the Jpecial Advice and Confent of the Eftates qf Tarliament. Extrafled from the Records of PARLIAMENT, be Sit Archibald Trimerofi of Clxfter , Knight and Baronet , Ckrk to His MAJESTIES Council, Re- gifters and Rolls. lyL C 7 averting His cMajefties Supremacy over all Terfons and in all Caufts Ecclejiajtical. November 16. 16^9. HE EftatesofParliamenthavingfcriouflyconfideted, howncccniiitis, for the good and Peace of the Church and State, That Hs Majelhes Power andAufhority, in relation to Matters and Petfons Ecclehalhcal, bemote dearly aflertedbyanAftofParliamcnt; Have therefwc thought St it be hnaded, Afferted and Declared, Likeas, His Majefty,with advice and Confent of His Eftates of Parliament , doth hereby Enaft , AHett and De¬ clare, That His Majefty hath the Supreme Authority and Supremacy over all Perfons and in all Caufes Ecclefiaftical within this /'"gdom ; and that by vertue thereof, the Ordering and Difpofd of the 'j ment Ld Policy of the Church doth properly belong » HisSucceffors, as an inherent Right to the Crown; ment of the Church . and thePerfons imployed in the j ^X"cf Ads, J^atters to|be propofed and determined therem , as they in their Royal WiWom man minis Kittg CHARLES the \\. Orders and Conftitutions , being recorded in the Books of Council and duly publiflied, are to be obf and obeyed by all his Majellics Subjects , any Law , Act or Cuftom to the contrary uotwitbfl Likeas,his Majefty, with Advice and Confent forefaid, doth Refcind and Annul all Laws Claufes thereof, and all Culloms and Conftitutions Civil or Ecclefiaftick , which are contrary''^ inconfiftent with his Majefties Supremacy as it i^ hereby aflerted. And declares the (amevoi/a.'j ' in all time coming. I I. ACT concerning the CMilitm. November id. iddp. anddegrees; asatlengtliisfpecifiedinthefe Adts. And it being declaredbythefiftliACf ofthefirfj'sr.y''^^ ofHisMajeftieslateParhament, That it is His Majellics Prerogative-Royal and undoubted Right , toh'°'' thepoweroftalfmginATmestheSubieflsefthisKingdom, andof the commanding, ordering and'disban^ ing, or otherway es difpofing thereof as He lliall tliink fit. Asalfo, theEllatcsof ParliamentofthisKi dom, in recognifance of His Majefties Royal Prerogative forefaid , and in a further acknowledgment of thef duty. Having, by the twenty fifth Act of the laft Sellion of the forefaid Parliament, made offertoH' Majeftyol twenty thoufand Footmen, andtwothoufand Horfemen , fiifficiently armed and lurnillied with fourty dayes provifion, to be raifed from thefeveral Shiresof theKingdom, according to the proportions expreft in that Aft, to be inreadinefs as they lliall be called for by His Majefty, to march to any part of His Dominions of Scotland, England or Ireland, for any fetvice wherein His Majefties Honour, Authoritv orGreatnefs may be concerned. And HisMajefty, finding it exjicdient that the forefaid numberofFoot and Horfe lliould be modelled and trained in military difcipline, to the effeft tliey might be in greater readinefs and fitnefs for //is Majefties Service when they lliould be called lor, Having, by advice ofHis Privy Coun¬ cil, conftituted and fettled a Militia of horfe and Foot in many Shires ol theKingdom, according to the proportions mentioned in the forefaid Aft ; And in fomeother Shires a Militia of horfe only ; having thought fit in this exigent, for important reafons, to change their Foot into a proportion of horfe, futeabletothe charge of their proportion of Foot: And having nominated and appointed the Colloncls and Lieutenant- Collonclsof Foot, and Captains ot horfe ; And the Lords of Privy Council having, by his Majefties Order andwarrand, appointed Commiftioners of the Militia in thefeveral Shires, ordered the eleftionolthein- feriour Officers, appointed particular dayes of Rendezvous, the way ofliftingof Foot-fouldiers, ordered fit allowances to be given to the Foot and horfemen every day of the Rendezvous ; That Collours, Standarts, Drums and Trumpets be provided at the charee of the Shire; And having given fevcral other Orders and Inftruftions concerning the ordering anddifpoluig of the Militia, The Eftates ofParliamcntdoinallduty acknowledge his Majefties fingulat Wifdom.and tender Care of this his ancient Kingdom, in conftituting and fettling the forefaid Militia. Likeas, his Majefty, with advice and confent of his Eftates of Parlia¬ ment, doth Ratifieand Approve the conftitution and model of the Militia, asthefameiseftablilliedbyliis Majefty, with advice of his Privy Council : And particularly, tlicir appointing dayes for Rendezvous, or¬ dering fit allowances to be given to the Foot, and horfemen the faids dayes of their Rendezvous; And all Afts, Commiffiones, Orders and Inftruftiones pall and emitted by the Council concerning the Militia, and their whole proceedings relating thereto. And Statutes and Ordaines, that in all time coming there be allowed to each Footman fixlhillingsd'cofj', and to each horfeman eighteen IhillingsdVs/j-, everyday of the Rendez¬ vous, tobepayed be theheretors; And that the faid fix Ihillings to be payed to the Footmen, berefounded totheheretorsby the men-tennents and fervantsforwhomthe Footmenareputour, and who are nor lifted in the Militia. And alfo Statutes and Ordaines, that the Rendezvous be punftually keeped, tliat horfe and Foot be duely outreiked and fufficiently armed, that Ftaftiones with their proportions of thcpriceoftlic Collours, Drums, Standarts, andTrumpets be timcoully payed. Likeas, //is Majefty, with advice lorefaid, dothgive power andwarrand to the Commiftioners of theMilitiaintherefpeeftive Shires, to fine parties for the Souldiers abfcncc from the Rendezvous, not exceeding fix pounds Scots lot thehorfeman, and two pounds Scots for the Footman abfent ilke day of the Rendezvous; And likewife,fuch as lliall be deficient in the outteik of horfe or Foot, or in payment of the ftaftions thereof, or of the proportions of Collours, Drums, Standarts and Trumpets, or of the pay allowed by this prefent Aft to the horfemen or Footmen, the men- tennents and fervants for whom the Footmen are put out , being alway es lyable to relieve the refpeftive herc- tors of the payment of the fines aforefaid, inlblar as concerns the deficiency in outteik ol Foot, orpayment of the ftaftions tlicreof, ot abfcntsol the Footmen from the dayes of Rendezvous. And to the effeft, mote ready obedience may be given to diis prefent Act aud Ordinance, his Majefty, with advice forefaid (without derogation Fbrafmiich as by divers ancient Laws and Afts of Parliament, made in the Reigns of HisMa" (!■ Royal Anceftors, it is Statute and Ordained, That Weapon-fhowings be holden in ilk Shire fev''n times in the year, at which the Lieges are appointed tobe hatniflied andarmed, according to S the II. 1 1 i Jeroeation from any power a ready given by the Iiiftructions or Ads ol council ) doth authorize and impowo, ,he Commiflioners of the Mihtia m the refpeaive Shires or any three of them ( two oUhemiorum not heu- Officers ) after try al taken that parties have been abfent irom the Rendezvous , or deficient hi the outiciks an J Payments forefaid ; to give order and warrand to any one of the Serjants of Foot of the refpeaive Conipii uic . nrCorporalsofHorfetobenamedbythelaidsCommiffioners, to poind and deftreinzie the tcadieRGoods and Geer of thefe abfent or deficient, wherever the fame may be found , apprife and make fale thereof toic the payment ofthefumsfpecified in the faid Warrand, and of the charges and expenfes of the poindin- aDprifing; thefe charges alwayes not exceeding ais much more as the fums for which tlic poinding lhal! be uu • ^ Likeas, HisMajefty, with advice forefaid , conftitures the faid perfon , to whomthetbrefaid Order Ihabi-t' /jifcif^ed, SherifTin that part; with power to him, by virtue of that Order, to poind the Goods without nc- cefiityof carrying the fame to the Paroch-church or Mercat-crofs oi the head Burgh ofcheShirctobc ;n- ntiled; and to do and aft in the execution of the faid Order, ficklike as a MeHcnger at Armes maydoliytlK tjw. in execution of Letters of poinding and apprifing given under his Majefties Signet; ptovidii: - alwayes, that the goods poinded be valued and apptifedhy two honeft fwotn men, whofc oaths the faid Sheriff in pams authorized to take to that effeft; And rkclares, that it fliall be Icifomc to the party tooin whom the Goods fliall be poinded, to redeem the fame within fix dayes afterthe poinding by pay¬ ment of the fums, for which the poinding Ihallbe ufed, expenfes of the poinding forefiiid, and twelve (hillings Scots each day during the not redemption. And in cafe the party do not redeem the goods poinded within thefpace forefaid. Declares that it fliall be lawful to the faid Sheriff in thatpart to retain the goods orfcl the fame, with deduction of the thrid of the fume to which they were apprifed, He aUvvayes being countable for the price thereof to the Commifiionets of the Militia, who arc to fee tlie party, from whom the Goods were poinded, fatisfiedof xX^fiifcrflus of the price (if any be) of the Goods for which the poinding was ufed, expenfes forefaids of the poinding, third part of the value to which the Goods were apprifed, with twelve fliillings Scots ilk day during the fpace that the party liad power to redeem, being alwayes deduced; and declares the faid Warrand, being figiied by three of the £ids Commifrionets(one of them only being ane Officer) to have the force and ftrength of an Dcctcct ; and that there is no neceffity of any Precept or Charge to follow thereon: And that the poinding and apprifing fo ufed, by vertue of the laid Warrand, is and lhall be als lawful and valid, as if all die folcmnities jcqiiifit in and ufual poindings were obfetved ; whereanent His Majefty , with advice forefaid , doth difpcnfc in this cafe of the Militia. And it is declared, that thefe who are not fufficiently armed or mounted at theRendezvous ffiall be holden as abfent therefrom, and fliall be fined and poinded accotdiiigry in niaiicr forefaid. Andfot pteveetiing debates that may arife the time of mufteiing. It is Declared, thatLiev- tenants and Cornets of Horle fliall be reckoned oltlie number of Hotfe-men, appointed to be put out in the tefpeftive Sliites; But prejudice alwayes to any ofthe’faids Officers, to claint andfiite payment of Fraftions, if they be Leaders of Horfe. Asalfo, His Majefty, witli advice forefaid, doth authorize and impower the Lords of his Privy Council from time to time, to appoint dayes of Rendazvous, and to give fuch further orders as fliall be requfite for the full eftabiifhmentof the Militia in every particular tliereof ; and to call for an acount from the ftveral Shires of their procedure and diligence in fctchng the fame. And commands and requires all his Majefties Subjefts of whatfoever degree or quality, to give due and ready obedience to all iuch orders and diteftions as they ffiall receive from His Majefties Privy Council, relating to the Militia , under the pains and certifications contained in any Afts made, or to be made by them thereanent. III, ACT forreg^ratmofInBrimentsofReJignatmziitmiaeux.a,m. November i6. 1669. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD, withtheadviceoftheEftatesofParliament,S£atuts,& Ordains, Thatall Inftruments of Refignation that fliall be made in the Superiour hands , aJ remanentiam , ( fourty dayes after the publication hereof) be regifttate within tlireefcore dayes after the date thereof, in the fame manner and way , and at the fame rates as Renouiiciations, Seifings or Rcverfions .• To the effect , the Lieges the better know , that the Infeftment which was granted to the Refigners is thereby void and extinct , and that they may be put to contraft witli tlie Refigner thereanent, or to comprife the fame from him, othetwayes the faid Refignation to be null. It is alwayes hereby Declared, That the Infttunieiits of Refipation of Tenements, Lands and Fifliings holden in free Burgee, being regifttate in the Town Court Books of die Burgh, fliall not fallwithin the certification of this prefent Aft. P S.CT The ficmid Parliament of 114 I V. tyf C T concerning poinding before the dayes of the Charge expire. November 16. 1669. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD, with advice and confcnt of the Eftatcs of Parliament s and Ordains, that hereafter it fliall not be lawful to poind moveables upon regiftrate Bond's erects for perfoiial Debts, while the Parties be firft charged, and the dayes of the Charge be expired certification, that poinding othetwayes ufed lhall be null, and the poinders Ihall be puniihed ' ceeded againft as fpuiliers ; But prejudice alvvayes of any Decreets recovered at the inftance of H againft their Tennents in their own Courts; whereupon it lhall be lawful to them to ufe poinding merly ; And but prejudice to Superiours to ufe poinding againfl: their V aflals for their Few-duties ° 1°''' might lawfully have done of before. ’ V. C T for the fecurity of the Ter fins of Minijlers. November 30. 1669. FOrafmuch as the Kings Majeffy, confidetinghowjuftandneceflarit was, that the Orthodox Cl lliould be protefted from the violence of difaffedfed and difloy'alperfons ; Did therefore with ofHis Privy Council, by His Royal Proclamations of the fifteenth of March and tliirteenth of June thoufand, fix hundred, and fixtyleven, command and charge all Heretors , Life-renters and others l’ any real Intereft orRentwihin the feveral Parodies of the Kingdom, toproteft, delend and fccii'^''T® Perfons, Families and Goods of their Minillers, not only in the exercifeol their Minifterial Funftion* h in their dwelling Houfes, or being elfewhere within the Paroch, from all injuries , affronts and pteiu'd' which they might incur in their Perfons or Goods ,' from the violence and invafion of any difaffeded d'fl al or other wicked perfon : With certification , if the aftors of fuch outrageslhould not be apprehended and brought to tryal , by the means and diligence of the Patochiners, the Parochioners Ihouldbedece H to pay to fuffering Minillers for reparation , daramage and intereft, fuch a fum and fine as His Maiefties Council fhould determine; as is more fully expreftm the faids proclamations. And the Eftates of Pa li ment, having taken to their confideration the proceedings ot His Majefties Council herein; andfindi*' that tlie protection ofthe Orthodox Clergy, andthereftraining of theinfolency ol difalfeded,’dilloval ”d wicked perfons at this time, did require more nor ordinary means and care from His Majefties CMndl Have therefore thought fit , Likeas, HisMajefty, with advice and confent of His Eftates, dotli hereb’ Ratifie and Approve die two Proclamations aforefaid , and the proceedings of His Majefties Council in or ^ fecution diereof ; and auchorizedi them ftill to profecute the fame as occalion ihall offer , until His Maiefo in his next Parliament give latther Orders therein. And it is Declared , That this Aft is’and ihall be but ok judicerrfany former Laws and AftsofParliament made againft the invaders of Minifters, and of the pains therein contained ; And pardculatly the twenty feventh Aft of the eleventh Parliament of IGng ]aml th- fixth, and feventh Aft of King C/w/ifj- the firft His Parliament in Anno, 16^3. Which Afts HisMa' jefty, with advice forefaid, doth hereby Ratifie and Approve, and Declares the fame to ftandin’full force ftrength and effect in time coming. ^ V I. ACT f or the orderingofStiJfenfiotts of the Benefices and Stipends of thzQlergy. November 30. 1669. T He Kings Majefty being careful that die maintainance ofthe Clergy be duelyfeciired unto them, and that they be not withdrawn by unnccelTar Law-futes , for recovery thereof : Doth therefore , with ad • vice and confent ofFdisEftares of Parliament, Statuteand Ordain, that no fufponfion lliall be paftintime coming agauift any Arch-bifhop, Billiope, Miniftet of die Gofpelor Univerfities and CoHedges, ofany Charges to be given at their inftances lor payment ol the Rents of their Benefices , Stipends or Colledge-renis. where they have fpecial Decreets againft the Heretors orpofleirors due and lyablein payment thereof to them; except upon produftionol Difeharges, or confignationof the films charged for, if the Rent ofthe Benefice or Stipend confift in money; ot of one hundred merks Scots for ilk Chalder of Viftual where the fame confifts ■« Viftual , and proportionally if die Victual charged for be lefs then a Chalder , without preju- ir d .Tf a greater or lefs fum for the Chalder of Viftual , as they lliall find caiife ■auhe difculftig of the Sufpenfion. And iT any Bill ol Sufpenfion ol a geiieralCharge lhall be prefented mtimcofSeflion, That the ordinary Lord upon the Bills , before the paffing thereof, call for the Cliargeis at the King C H A R L E J II. tlieBar. that they maymftruftthe ground of the Charge: And in cafe it ihall be found by the Lords SefTion , at the difcuffing of the fufpenfion, that either the Charge hath been malitiouny given or " ' - - • . ' "'ieafifth partofthefunicharged (or, of expenfesofPlcato VII. ACT for Naturalization of Strangers, TDecember 8. 1669. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD, out of his Innate Bounty and Royal Inclination to favour and protect Strangers, and for the encreafe and promovingof Trade and Manufactories, being graciouOy ■d and willing to give encouragement to Strangers to repair to. and dwell andrcfide within this King- . ' pjjrl, therefore thought fit , Likeas , his Majefty , with advice and confenc of his Eftates of Parliament, doth hereby Statute, Ordain and Declare , That all ftrangers , beingofthe Ptoteliant Religion, either fuch who having Eftates dial! think fit to bring the fame to this Kingdom , to dwell and inhabite within the fame ; r who (hall come to fet up new Works and Manufaftories therein , and fliall repair to , and fettle their abode, dwelling and refidence within this Kingdom ; (hall be , and ate hereby Naturalized as native bom Subjefls of the Kingdom of Scotland , and are to enjoy his Majcftics Royal Ptoteflion , the benefit ot the Law, and all other Ptiviledges which a Native doth enjoy , als freely in all refpefts, as if they themfelvcs had been born within the fanS; and that they (hall have liberty and freedom of Trade, and freedom to buy andputchafe lands , Hetetages , and other Goods moveable and immoveable , and to enjoy the fame by (uccelfion , pur- diafe or donation , or any other way ; and to difpofe thereof and tranfrnit them to their Hsits and Succeflors , who are to iiicceed thereunto: And to enjoy all other Liberties, Ptiviledges and Capacities which do belong to and ate competent , or may and (hall belong to any native Subjedt born within__this Kingdom. And fuaher his Majefty doth Declare, that upon applications to be made unto himbythefe Strangers, He will orant unto them tte free and pubiickexetcife of their Religion in their own Languages, and the liberty o( laving Churches widtin this his Kingdom. It is alwayes hereby provided , that no perfon or petfons (hall have 4e benefit oftliis Aft , untill fitft by Petition to the Lords of his Majefties Privy Council , containing an exaftdefignation of their names, places of their birth and former refidence, and that theyareof the Pto- teftant Religion, it be found by the Council, that they ate qualified according to this Act. and ought to have the benefit thereof. And it is hereby Declared . that thefe prefents , with an Exttaft of the Act of Coun¬ cil infavours of thefaids petfons to theerfectaforefatd, (liall be unto them a fufficient Naturalization to all intents and putpofes. Which Extract (hall be given to them freely , without payment of any money or com- pofition • fave only the Fee of nine pounds Scots money to the Clerks of Council and theit Servants- V I 11. act coHcerningthe Bullion. Tiecember 8. 1669. Ilfi The ficond ‘ParliameHt of edto talcc Surety or jjledges, or to ufe anyodier exaftion upon the Merchants therefore pain. And his Majc'fty °wit’h advice forefaiZlefornXanJ’AnVulls anyUaX^romafo^^^^ ‘’'gl'eft tlurty feventh Aft of the firft Seffion of his Majefties firft Parliament , or id any other Afts nf p" '°«faid fo far allanerly as the fame impofes Bullion upon thciiative Commoities of this Kingdom 'll, in exported forth thereof, and no further; And in lieu and place thereof Statutes and Or.ln; ' imported Goods and Commodities under-written be lyable inpaymentof thefeveralauanr ^ ’ 7'*' 'I'e aftermentioned, v,z. Spanifo, Rhenilh and Brandy-wines of all forts, each Tun went twelve denier fine ; French-wines of all fortes, every fun twelve ounces; Loaf-fuegarthe hi. fix ounces; Playing-cards, one ounce thegrofs; Paper for Printing and Writing ot all fottc *''^ every fix rimms; Gray-paper, every twelve rimms one ounce; Deals , evcrvthoufandfivc n,, trees, every thoufand five ounces ; Double-trees, every thoufand ten ounces ; Doublc-dn,,W»"“' allothetgreaterFir-timbcr every thoufand twenty ounces ; Steel, every hundred weight oL ""d and Iron-work beaten of all forts, every Tun two ounces; Onions and Aples “ eve ^t, one ounce; Mum-beer, every Barrel four ounces; Prunes, every Tun lour ounces LT rants and Figs, every Tun ten ounces; Iron-pots of all forts, every dozen one ounce- two ounces; Suggar-candy , every hundred weight ten ounces; Copper-kettles, Brafs-nans an"?®?,™* thermade work inBrafs or Copper, Yetline otbeaten, every hundred weight fourounce Ma^'^ thoufand weight five ounces; Hats of all forts, every three dozen two ounces ; Window-e&:nr''"y every Chert one ounce ;Limons and Oranges, each thoufand one ounce; Hopes of all forts ever?,! weightoneounce; Spanifli-leather, Matikin, Tanned-leather, Wild-leather, and all other forK rT'"*^ Wh*iilc '^'^'iwtr-leather, every hundred weight oneounce; Gloves of all forts, each dozen oLin Whale bone or Baline, ilk two hundred weight one ounce. AndStatutes aiidOrdains, That the orother importers of the abovewrrtten Commodities oranyof them, make ready payment of I ?“r. ’ l’«‘;l’y_>mpofcd_. to the Officers ofFdis Majerties Mint for the tLe being nefsoftwelveDeniers. an/bein-g bafor to be confideted b7 wS thatfmntediat r- try he fhaU be holden andartrifted, to make paynKnt ^f Z of tX thereof to the Colleftors . at the Port or Precinct where he enters the faids Goods ; And which ? payed by him at his entry , lhall redeemable from the faids Colleftors , upon the payment of the w/-?' quantities of Bullion in to the Officers of his Majerties Mint : Provided alwayes, fuch payment of bShoZ madewidnn fourty dayes, artery thereafter'^ And it iSin, dared, that it Ihallnot belawlul tothe faid Tackf-men, Collecrtors or their Deputies, to permit tl/fiMo importers to break Bulk, m to give them Tranfire’s or other warrant thereanentf till firrttheS Zr heT?H a’" receipt of the due quantity of Bullion payed orelfiX the T ackf men, Co leftors or their Deputes, receive payment or twelve Shillings S«fj- for ilk ounce of Bullion notdeliveredintotheMint; Andforilkeounceof Bullion of twelve Denierfine, fopayed intotkSn tZ Lri f T""'’ f f himinhisMajefties CointhLVunds enZes tohavedeliveted back to him fifty five Ih’illl^ nine pennies Seo(s and fo ptopottionably conform to the finenefs of the Bullion given in. and that i Saft on £earh?r X OfficcrsofthcMint. for his Majerty or otiie w fe And whereas, by the forn^t Afts of Parliament made anent Bullion, the general Tackf-men and collcZ of Iw Tn *.^“"‘^ant practice of his Majerties Exchequer , the faids Tackf-men and coiteL by heir Tacks and commiffions given to them, and Obligations granted by them are bouZZZZnt Majeft7orhis‘’foid"Mi7 ffio2°fuff “f" this Kingdom. Andlefthis ^ S KooJ laid Mint fhould fuftmn any hurt or prejudice, or be at any unSettainty byloofing ri If ^ change; Therefore it is hereby Statute and Ordained that d/eeneraf preteZt7c5me^firhe"“^rl"’" general collectors of the fame and their olputies fi"d fo fortf Je^Td onethoufand,’ fixhundted andfevei, DmieV^7r?f„rmi{Zr ‘■“‘ds Tackf-men, collectors or their Dc- ^rrh of tliisKinffH ^ 1 accounts ofche whole commodities exported yearly eZ t Ztln ^ n °fthe Bullion was yearly known; And tothe f Bullmn now impofed uponthe forefaid commodities imported , maybe, als luUy known : It is hereby Statute and Ordained , That the faids Tackf-men , collectors ot their Deputies ”7 K'nr’ C H A R L E S U. atall the Ports or Precinas withmthis Kingdom , iliall give in yearly in Exchequer ihccxaaactountofthc feveralqur>"titieso} the Commodities, whereupon Bullion islicrebyimpofcd , and that upon Oath at the k^ijimAtamoiMtirtmas ynAy ■. Asaifo tocxliibit and produce the fuhfaihcd Entries by the Merchants ofthelorefaids Goods imported; And for thatefFea , that Letters of Horning be directed againft the faid aencral Colleaors, Tackf-men and their Deputies, by the Lords ol His MajcRics Exchequer upon a aarge of fix dayes; And it is hereby Declared. That the faidstackf-mcn, Collectors or their beputics ftallbe holden and aftricted to deliver to the importer , Certificates of the forefaid Bullion iii/fede, oxol the Monoy payed therefore at the rate forefaid , gratis. And whereas ; by the meaning of this Act, it is left in the option of the importer , either to pay fjiillion in fpccie or to pay Money for the fame, at the rate of twelve Shillings /fr ounce , and that the Money fo payed is to be delivered to the General and Matter of the Mint, by the faids Tackf-men, Collectors and their Deputies, and thcrchy the faid General and Matter are oblteed to import the flock of the Bullion themfelves : Therefore it is hereby Statute and Ordained , iliatthe^ids Officers iliali be oblieged to Coin ihefaid Bullion fo imported by them, and to make the fame pafs His Majetties Irons , and that the faids Officers be controled by rheir Letters of receipt of the faids fums cfmoney granted by them, to the faids Tackf-men , Collectors and their Depiines. And itis hereby De¬ clared, That the forefaids whole Commodities imported after the forefaid day, fhallbe lyable tothefevetal proportions of Bullion above fpecified, notwithftanding of any Act or Afts of Parliament formerly made, or to be made in this prefenr Parliament, in favours of any Manufaftotics , Companies of Filhing, or Trade, or other Acts whatfoevet, which are hereby Declared not to impede the payment of Bullion im- pofed upon die imported Goods forefaids, in manner abovementidned. I X. C T concerning ‘Prejiripions. December 8. 1669- /^UR Soveraigti Lord, with'advicc Scconfent ofthc EftatcsofParliament, Statutes and Ordains.T hat ail Arreaftments to be ufed hereafter upon Decreets.regiftrate Bonds.Difpbfitions orContracts.not purfued and iiififted on within five years after the laying on thereof, fnall after that time preferive ; And that all Arreft- ijients already ufed upon the ground aforefaid ,lnaU preferive within five years after the date hereof. And that all Arreftments.ufed or to be ufed upon dependance of Actions. fliali likewayes preferive within five years after Sentence is obtained in the faids Actions, if the faids Atreftments be not putfued or infiftcd on within that ame. And likewayes, HisMajefty, with advice forefaid. Statutes and Ordains , That Minitters Stip¬ ends and Multars not purfued for within five years after the fame ate due. And likewayes Mails and Duties ofTcnnents, not being purfued within five years after the Teiinentsfliall remove from the Lands for which the Mails and Duties ate craved, fliall preferive in all time coming: Except the faids Minitters Stipends, Muitars, Mails and Duties fliail be offered to be proven to be due and retting owing,, by the detenders their Oaths; or by a fpecial Writ under their hands , acknowledging what is retting owing ; And that all Bargains concerning moveables or films of money , probable by Wimefles, ffiall only be probable by Writ or Oath I)! Party, if the fame be not purfued for within five years after the making of the Bargain. And further , ^ His Majefty with advice and confent forefaid , Statutes and Ordains, That all actions proceeding upon warnings, Spailzies, Ejections, arreaftments, or for minifters Stipends and others forefaid , ffiall preferive i|Vithin ten years, except the faid actions be wakened every five years; But prejudice alwayes of any ofthc faids actions, which W former acts of Parliament are appointed to preferive in affiottertirae. Andalfo Statutes and Or¬ dains, That Holograph miffive Letters, and Holograph Bonds, and Subferiptions in Compt-books without Wimefles, not being purfued for within twenty years, ffiall preferive in all time thereafter; Except the puriher offer to prove , by the defenders Oath, the verity of thefaids Holograph Bonds and Letters, and Subferiptions in die Compt-books. It is alwayes hereby Declared, Thatptefetiptions ffiall not run in any of the Cafes forefaid, againft minors during die years of their Minority. X. ACT concerning Interrupions. t>ecember 8. 1669. OURSOVERAiGN LORD, with advice and confent of the Eliates of par¬ liament, Statutes and Ordains, That all Interruptions, as to the Rights of l.ahds be citati¬ ons, fliallintime hereafter be execut by Meflengets at arms, and againft the defenders perfonaUpr at thcit dwelling place and at the Paroch Churches in the time of Divine Service, otimmediatly atrer; And “’“’c the patties be forth of the Kingdom, at the mercatcrofs of Edinburgh, and Peer and Shore P 3 ii8 The fecmid Parliament of oWei'h, upontlnkfcoredayes. AndthatallCitationsthatlliallbemadeufeofforInierruptions wh in real or perfonal Rights, be renewed every fevcn years , otherwayes to prefcrive ; Except the Minors : in wliich cafe this Aft is not to be extended againft them ; during the y eats of their Minority ^ XI. K C T concerningthe forfeiture of feffmis in the late Rebellion. ‘December ly. 1669. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD and his Eftates of Parliament, having confidered the Procefs of T fon , purliied and deduced at the inftance of Sir 'iohn Nisbet of Dirleton, His Majefties Adv By Warrand and Order of his Majefties Privy Council before the Juftice , againft the perfons ftter-mentio'^^rl’ for their treafonable rifing in Armes , and being in , and having acceftion to , the late Rebellion in the Welle Shires, in the year 'of our Lord, onethoufand, fix hundred , and fixty fix ; with the Libels , Interloquitur"' Probations , Depofitions of Witnelles , and the verdifts of Inquefts and dooms of Forfeitures proceedi thereupon.- Do find, that the Juftice and their Afleflbrs appointed by the Council in the faid Procefs i® finding the faid Libels to be relevant , and admitting the fame to the knowledge of Inquefts ; and thq fore’faM Inquefts in finding the fame to be verified and proven, and in giving their verdifts and dooms of Forfeiture thereupon refpeftive ; Have proceeded juftly and warrantably upon relevant Libels , and cleat evidence and probation ; And therefore , do Ratifie and Approve their proceedings, Interloquiturs „ verdifts and refpeftive Dooms and Sentences of Forfeiture given and pronounced by 1 hem in the faid Procefs , viz. The Sentcaceand DoomofForfeitutepronouncedagainftCollonelJ'rwrw IValace. Jofifh Lermonth . M’klel- lanofBarfcohe, MxJohnlVelJh , MtJamesHmith.TatricklJBottttinCalder, IVilliam LiBon\i\s%oY^' WilltamTorterfieldoi^arreltoim. pronouncedupon the fifteenth day of .^uguji, in the year of God’ one thoufand,fix hundred, and fixty feven years ; And the other Sentence and Doom of forfeiture pronounced sgzmtiV^illiam Muir of Caldwell , Caldwell, eldeft Soneto the Good-man of Caldwel, Rubet-t Ker of Kerfland, Mr. John Cunninghame of Bedland, Alexander Tortetfield , brother to ^areltmn , Jofe tJMaxwel of Monreith yowget , tJMckkllan of Belmagahan , Mr Gabriel Semple, Mr]ohn Guthery, Mr <_Alexander Pedan, Mr 'flilliam Deitch, Mr '^ohn Crookjhanks, Patrick Mcknaught 'm Cumnock, uponthefixteenthday ofu/fa??//?, in the faid year of God, onethoufand, fix hundred, and fixty feven years: And Decerns and Ordains the faids Procefs and Dooms and Sentences of Forfeiture forefaid , to be valid and effeftual to all intents and purpofes , notwithftanding that the faids perfons found guilty and convifted of the crimes forefaid, did not compear in the faids Ptocefs; And Declares that the faid Sentence and Dooms of Forfeiture lhall be of als great force and ftrength, as if the faids perfons had compeared, or the fame had been pronounced in Parliament. And his Majefty, with confent forefaid , doth Approve His faid Advocats fervice in the faid affair. And in relpcft it were againft teafon and juftice, that when any perfon or perfons are accufed of high Treafon, for rifing in Armes againft his Majefty or His Authority, when they ate cited to underly the Law before the Juftice, if they do not appear, that their ablence and contumacy, which ought to be an aggravation, if any can be, of fo high and horrid a crime, Ibould be of any advantageto them: Therefore, his Majefty, with confent forefaid, doth Statute and Ordain, that in time coming in all fuch cafes of treafonable rifing in Armes, and open and manifeft Rebellion againft His Majefty or his Succefibrs and their Authority, his Majefties Advocat for die time, may and ought to infift againft, andprofecut fuch perfons as he lhall be ordered by his Majefty or his Privy Council to purfue : And if they be cited and do not appear, tlic Juftice notwithftanding of their abfence, may and ought to ptoceeed to confidet, and give their Intetlo- quiturs upon the Libel; and if it be found relevant, to admit the fame to the knowledge of an Aflize, and upon the verdict of the Inqueft, finding the fame to be proven, the Doom and Sentence of For¬ feiture ought to proceed , and be given and pronounced in the fame manner , as if the perfons accufed had compeared and were prefent. And his Majefty, with confent forefaid, doth remit to the Juftice- General, Juftice-Cletk or Juftice-Deputes, the Summons and Procefs of Treafon , intended at the iit- ftance of his Majefties Advocat , againft certain perfohs therein mentioned , for their acceftion to the faid Rebellion, and depending before his Majefty and the Eftates: With power to them to proceed, notwithftanding of the abfence of the faids perfons ; And if the faids Summons be found relevant and proven by the verdict of the Inqueft, to pronounce the Sentence and Doom of Forfeiture thereupon. ACT King CHARLES the \ 1. X I I. ACT concerning the Excife and Cnhfomes. Gecemher ly. 1669. FOrafniuch as many debates, queftions and inextricable difficulties do and may arife, in levying and inbringing of the Excife, impofed by the fourteenth act of thefirftSeffionofHisMajeftiesfirtfPar- ment, to the great prejudice of His Majefty, and of the Ttadeof this Kingdom .■ Therefore, and for "reventing and clearing of the fame,- and to the effeft , the faid Excife may be more orderly and cafily Icvyed Pjj colleaed. His Majefty with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and ordains, Thatnotwitliftanding the faid Excife is due and payable by the Retailers, yet the Importers ffiall be lyable (o( the &nie intime coming, at the rates contained in the faid Act, for Wines of all forts. Vinegar and felt as they ate particularly expteft therein , and that under the ptovifionsaftct-fpecified: To wit, that wliM payed by the Retailers, fliall becompleatly made up by the Importers, within twelve nioneths after the importation thereof, for which they are togivefufficient fecutity to the Farmers or Col- leftots of his Majefties Excife, at the entry of the faids Wines, which ate to be according as they ffiall be loaded at the port from whence they came; And lor the laid Importers, their greater eafe and encour,age- his Majefty, with confent forefaid, doth Statute and ordain. That the collectors or Far- p,ers of his Majefties £xcife in all time coming , fhall grant abatement to the faid Importers of the fourth part ofthefaid Excife duties of allWines and Vinegar imported and entredby them, inconfider- ation and upon the account of leckage and decayed Wines, and othet ha2ards and inconveniencies. And further. It is Statute and Ordained, for the encouragement and greater eafe and advantage of trade and Merchants, that the Importers of all othet Goods and commodities, except what is excepted from the duties of Excife by the forefaid act of Parliament, ffiall pay the Excife thereof, according to the Books of Rates for His Majefties cuftoms, and as the faid commodities are and ffiall be valued and rated in the fame ; And if any of the faids commodities be not contained in the Books of Rates, the Ex¬ cife ofthe fame is declared to be five fer cent, according to the value of the faid Goods; And the Excife of the faid Commodities is to be payedattlieentriiigof thefameinthe Excift-office, unlefs the faid Excife- duty exceed thefum of one hundred Merks Scots-, in which cafe, the faid Importers ffiall be obliged to give fufficient fecutity for payment of the faid Excife-duty, within fix Moneths after the entring of the lame; they making it alwayes evident, that no Merchant lliall make entry oiany Goods, but what pro¬ perly 'belongs tohimfelf And for further encouragement ofTrade and Traffick, Iris Statute and Ordai- M, that all Goods and Merchandifewhatfoever imported, and which fliall be infttufted to be really cx- poited, within twelve Moneths alter the entring thereof , ffiall be free of Excife ; and in cafe of payment there¬ of, the 'fame ffiall be repayed at tbs exportation ofthe faid Commodities , the Importers alwayes making faith, tliatthe Commodities exported, are the fame which were imported and entred; and in cafe bond offecuti- ty bath been given for the excife of the faid Commodities , the fame fliall be returned unregiftrat, or difeharged iftliefameberegiftrat. Andfortheregulatingoftlie ExcifeofSalt.andtliebetterlevying and inbtinging of the fame, his Majefty, with confent forefaid , Statutes and Ordains, that the Importers of forraign Salt of all forts, at their entring ofthe fame at the Excife-office, fliall give fufficient fecutity lor payment of the Excife thereof, conform to the Rates contained in the forefaid fourteenth Act, and that the Importers ffiall be obliged bythefaidfecurity , to pay the faids rcfpecfiveExcife-duties, forfucli parcels of the faid Salt as ffiall be retailed, whenandas the fame fliall happen to be retailed, and topay compleatly the whole Excife ofthe faid Salt, within twelve Moneths after the entring thereof, and that whether the faid Salt hath been expended and imployed upon the CLireing of Fiffies or not; providing alwayes , there be abated and allowed to them, the Excife ofall Salt that fliall happen to be call: away at Sea ; And likewife, the Excife of Salt expended upon Fiflies, that may happen to be caft away betwixt one Port and another, before the fame be entred , Co be exported out of this Kingdom , the wrack and quantities of the Salt or Fiffies loft there¬ by , being alwayes fufficiently inftruded. And further. It is Ordained that all In-land Salt confumed within this Kingdom, whether the fame be expended upon Fiffies or imployed othetwife, fliall be lyable to the duty of Excife, expreft in thefaidAft, which fliall be payed by the fitft buyer thereof, and tliat before it be carried from the Salt-pans where it is bought; And albeit it be provideJ in manner torelaid, tliat the Exdfe-duties refpemve above-mentioned , ffiould be payed lot Forraign and In-land Salt , whether die fame be imployed upon Fiflies or othetwife, and that in refpea of the great difficulties,^ to cleat and make appear vvliat Salt is imployed upon Fiflies or not, and that his Majefty may be prejudged of the Excife of Sale, upon groundlefs pretences, that the fame hath been , or is to be imployed upon Fiffies; Yet. nevertlielefle, his Majefty being moft willing to give all due encouragement to the Trade of Killing , and that whatfoever Salt fliall be imployed and expended in order to the faid Trade, and upon thecureing of Fiffies to be exported, fliall ineffea be free of excife ; and unon , and after mature and exaft confidetation of the quantity of Salt, neceflary and fufficient for each Laft of Herring and 120 The fecmd Tarliament (f White-fifliofanykind, and ofcacli LaftofSalmond , and what the Excifc of the fame ~n. - amountto, finding that the Excife ofthe Salt oftheLaft of Herring and White-fiih willan often pounds, four lliillings 'icots , and that the Excife ofthe Salt of each Laft of Salm’ond will""' fumoftwe VC pounds, money forefaid. /fisMajefty, with confent forefaid , Statutes and thereihallbenoCuftomexadtedattheexportationofthefaidsHerringand Whife-filli -md V that the forefaid ten pounds, four Ihillings of Excife , fhall exceed the Cuftom payable for the faids w Wbite-filh-, at the exportation thereof, lliall be duly and timeouily payed to the Merchant e! out any delay reward or abatement for each Laft of Herring and Wliite-filh ol any kind whatfn« “"P’ be exported out of this Kingdom : And that the forefaid fum oftwelvepounds, fortheExrffJf'"*'’^'' each Laft of Salmond , at the entry and exportation flrall be payed to the Heretors Life reml 'a from whom the Merchant-exporters bought thefe Salmond , ' they alwayes producing Certificlc! f ’ refpcftive Heretors and others making up thejuft quantities contained in their Entrls ; uno,?wl i "A ficate, thelorefaid fum of tweve pounds is to be payed , to the Heretors and others mond werehmighr, orto any having their warrand to receive the fame; which fums ten for the Herring, White-fiih and Salmond, ate to he payed in manner above-fpecifi/d Kl rifT"'' at the refpeaive Ports where the fame ihall be entered , forwhom, the Farmers and principal die Excifc ate to be anfwerable and careful that thefame iliall be punaually payed • and ^ fliia payment, they ihall be lyable for the parties damage; providing alwayes , that the faU u P""' White-nihes and Salmond, be duly entered in the Excife-offlee , andtheexuortationtliprprvf r a; ftrufted to the Colleftors , io as they may certifie the fame under their hands Likeas His advice forefaid , doth inhibite and difeharge the Colleftors or Farmers of Excife upon an^nr^"''’"^^ ’ any eafe or abatement of the fourty Ihillings Jrarrimpofed by the forefaid fouttcen^tliAft^ Ln^lt n forraign Bay-falt Lmlahg^-meuhre , imported into rliisMngdom : Certifvinn them ft j!^ veen, the faids Colleiftors ihall iuifer deprivation of their Oifice and rbp ^ n, h , ^*^tta- fitoftheirTackoftheExcife, and iliallL further tylle toXe^™^^^^ Lords of Exchequer iliall think fit to inflift. And tor the better inbrinainD- nfrbni? Salt, it is Ordained, that all Owners of Salt-pans and their Greeves, ^laft be obliere/tn°/vrK^“‘^ duce totheCollecftorsorFarmersofExcifeottheit Deputies when'thev ilnll and pro¬ book of^all Salt fold to be perufed by them , and returned within the fpaeJol twenty^u^ours' to d It may be known what Salt is confumed , and that the Excifc ofthe feL is du W naLd . i to make faith, if they be required , and that they have fold nor difnnfpd m n "^.’®'^^“P°‘’fheyare faidBooks; Andficklike, the Salters of every S^alt pan ihaU^^^^^^^ of the faid Excife of the Salt appertaining to tliem any manner of wav® I'd ^"i CoUeftors andtoinftrua, that the fame hath beenlulyentered^in the Excife offire famehathbeenpayed, whereupon, and tlfa^ ft“y have fow"nf™r“bu beefd 7" they areordained to make faith if they berequited ; It is alwaves ,-,m!;d7i i i ‘I" ^ m the Town ot place v^iere the Salt is made , the Sa'lt-maftets. riieii Greaves’ of sIlTerr^ihrilf repair to the Excife-ofhce , to the effea forefaid if thev he rrnnirpd ^ ! r i T ’ ^ thefe places , the CoHeaprs or Farmers of Excfte or theft Denurieff ’ ‘’a ' in refpcftive Salt-Girnals , or Salt-pans where the SaltTs made Lnd tf ed to go any further. And in like m^nnef His Ma^^eftv co^ftd may atife, anent the interpretation of feveralAfts and Pr^Xdl queftions and debates nulaftories. for immunity and exempt on ftomieEx^^^^^^^^^ favoutsof Ma¬ terials ofthefaidsManufakries ; Doth '^hichatetheMa- Thatno Manufaftory lliall have the benefit tbekf * ^ ' forefaid, Statute , Ordain and Declare. erecHedfince the firftLy of January onethoufand fixlSrd > or hath been lawfully theLords of HisMajeftiesExcheLrtohafcbppn years , and fhall be found by and tohavethequalificatiTnskZd A t° the Afts ol Parliament, terfo large expreffionsofHisMajeftiesRoval care and p^‘®^j^%tinderftanding, that ifaf- of Merclianrs, aiiyfliall be^bunfa^^I^f^Ia/^r^. rM the advancement of Trade and eafe thereby evading the payment of the Cuftom anTp ™ported by them. His Majefty will be prdXdof Hft Cuftom Za ‘‘f ^‘"tP^pble to His M.ijelty ; not oni; much endafnaged by'^Sds MercL^Se ft u^THL ’ '’“f Merchiindife will bl of their Goods, and pay the duties of Cuftom and^^i G® °*“S, whodo honeftly make true entries judice and abufe . HisMajefty vSSiJenHSafo “ ’ forpteventfng ofthe faid pre- of Cuftom and Excife, or to their DepuSs to piS P°'^p“ “d warrand to the Colleftors ly conceal and abftraft their Goods ^or anvmrr rl ?'*tfoo^fuGh petfons who lliall wilfully and wicked- accelTory . ot any wayes aiding and ’aSm Hip fame, o^ who lliall be the Lords of His Millies ExeWa V^fttaaing thereof; and that before of the place where the faids Lords Ihall’liappen to'^fit*’for°the'^r"''** other competent Judge : And in cafe the faids npiftonc i- ' r , m their option , before any Collectors otFarmerl. ortlicftDeputfts opuiet ^‘''“^‘^^'di^diftancc. it fhall bdawful to the faids ncir deputies, teputfue them before the Sheriffs, Stewarts of Stewattries, ot Bailiffs King CHARLES the II. Bailiffs of Regalities , Magiftrats of Burglis , or any other competent Judges > who are hereby required take due and fpeedy tryal of the premifles , and to admit probation thereof by writ, wimefs, Oath '^oartyorotherwife according to Law. any Aft or Ads of Parliament , or Claufes therein contained to hecontrary thereof nonvithftanding. And to the end, thathis Majefties Lieges and Merchants, upon 1 occafon 3nd pretence forefaid, be not unjuftly molefted and troubled, Itis Ordained, that the rds Procefs andPurfutes fliail be intended within three Moneths after the fraudful abftrafting and im- '“‘ijjpg forefaid ; and thatthefe at whofe inftance they fliall be purfued, lliall be obliged to give their naths « cahmnia, if thereto required, that the faids purfutes are not intended of malice i hut upon edible information , and that they have juft reafon to purfue , as they conceive. And in cafe any M'-rchant, Jkipper, Mate or Marrincr, orother perfon fliaii be found guilty of, or acceflbry to, the fid Imbezieiiig , in concealing or abftrafting any Goods which ought and mould have been entered ; It is Statute and Ordained , tliat the faid delinquents fliall be imprifoned lor the fpace of twenty four hours, and until they make payment of the full price and value of the Goods which lhall be foilnd to have been abftrafted by them, and fhal! be further fined by the Lords of his Majefties Exchequer, as jjiev fliall fee caufe. And in cafe any Goods fiiali be found and feifed, upon acoimt that they were conceded and not duly entered , they lhall not only be detained and confifeat without redemption , but alfo the Owners of the faids Goods, and all others who ftiali be found to be acceflbry or aiding to the concealing or abltrafling of the feme , fliall be imprifoned for the fpace ef twenty four hours , andfuch fines and other punifliment lhall be impofed and inflifted upon them, as the Lords of Exchequer lhall appoint. And that the CoUcflors of his Majefties Cuftoms and Excife and their Deputies , at the making their accounts of dicir ititromiflion.with the Cuftora and Excifeduties, fliall be iioidenandob- lieeed to give their Oaths upon the truth of thefe accounts to be given in by them. Audit is Provided ana Dedar^ by His Majefty, with confent forefaid, that the forefaid Aft of liis Majefties firft Parlia- inenc, whereby the Excife is impofed, fhallftand, and is and fhall be of full force; except info far as die fame is altered, imiovat, qualified and taken away in manner above-mentioned. XIII., ACT fur mnexatim ofOi’^xj and Zetland to the Crowu. December 17. 1669. FOtafmach as the files of Orknay and Zetland are a great and fo confidcrablc a p4rt of this HisMi- jeffies ancient Kingdom, that for divers ages they were the occafion of much trouble andexpeiiceol Hood and money, for maintaining thereof againft the invafion of Fotraignets, and recovering the feme out of their hands by Amies and Treaties ; And the faids Ifles being of a great and large extent of bouni, and fo remote and at fuch a diftance from the ordinary feat of Juftice and Judicatories, that the Inhabitants within the fame are not able to travel in the winter feafon; and at other times cannot, without great trouble and expeiices, repair to the faid Judicatories to compicanwhen they are opprefied and grieved. It is not only fit in order to His Majefties Inteteft , but will be the great advantage of Kis Majefties Subjefts dwelling there, that without interpofmg any other Lord or Superior betwixt his Ma- iEfty and them , they IhouM have ane immediat dependance upon his Majefty and His Officers , being their great fecority againft Fortaign attempts and oppreffionat home. And leeing it is moft expedient and iieceffer, that a puHick Patrimony and certain Revenue in Lands, Lotdfhips and others, lliould befetledupon, and annexed unto his Majefties Crown, for fuppotting of His Royal Eftateand Govetn- tngat, and the great and necef^r charges of the fame, which ifnoc defrayed out of His Majefties own Pro.* perty and Revenue, w'ould unavoidably ly, and be a heavy burden upon his Majefties Lieges*. Andtothafi purpofe , divers Afts of Annexation have been made from time to time , and in fpecial the Earldom oiOrknay Zetland, withdie pertioents of the feme . were annexed to the Crown in the years , one shoufatid, five hundred, and fourty, and one thoufend, fix hundred, and twelve, rejpeldivs. And yet importu- aity prevailing with his Majefty and his Royal F atlier, their goodnefs and inclination to gtatifie their Subjects, they nave been induced to give away and part with lb great a Jewel of their Crown , and to difpone and ttaat Rights of the faid Earldom and Lordfbip ; which being found to be to the great prejudice of His Majefty, His Crown and Subjects, and contrary to the Laws and Afts of ParHa^ent of this Kingdom, by a Decreet of the Lords of Seffion , obtained upon die twenty fifth day oi Februap laftby-paft, at die inftance of Sit John Nishet oi ’Difktouu Knight, His Majefties Advoeat, lot His Majefties inteteft, againft William Earl of CMortom, Charles Lord of Halheith his Son , George Vifcount of Gratidiftotm , and certain other perfons therein mentioned; the faids Lords by their Decreet forefaid, have reduced the Comrafts, Difpofitions , Infeftmsnts, Ads of diflolution, and other Rights therein mentioned , made and granted by His Majefty and His Royal Father , to , and in flours of, the deceafed William Earl oiMertmm, Grand-fathet to Wdltam now Earl of Mormtt flni the faid George Vifeount oiGrandiliom . of the faid Earldom oiOrkuay and Lordfhip of Zetland, with the Riglws alto 'here- in mentioned depending thereupon : and the faid Lords have found and declared, that His Majelty hwh good and undoubted Right to die faid Earldom and Lordihip , as His annexed Property , Ill The Jecond parliament of reSforis cliercin contained ; as the faid Decreet at length proports. Therefore, His Majefty, ■ andconfentoftheEftatcsofParliamenc, doth Ratifie and Confirm the faid Deereet, andOrdain ' | to be of full force , llrength and efTeft in all time coming ; holding and willing this their Ratification fuflicicnt and ctftcf ual , as il the faid Decreet and whole tenor ol the fame were infert herein. And hi lollowing the laudable example and praflice of his Royal Predeceflbts , doth , with confent forefaid « the faid former Annexation of the fame to the Crown ; and without prejudice thereof dori’ again unite, annex and incorporat to Hi.s Crown of this His ancient Kingdom, to remain in’fepar 'n ^ the fame in all time coming, the faid Earldom of Orktiaj and Lordfliipof2a'/‘/a«a', withallandfu Holms, Udal-lands and other Lands vvhatfoever, of what name and by what defignation fo fame arc or may be known, lying within the Sheriffdom of Orknay and pertaining to the faid Ea'ld'^'^ Lordihip, and belonging to his Majefty in manner forefaid, in Property or Superiority, or by anv mT''* Right or Title , together with all Caftels , Towers, Fortalices, Milns , Multars , Fiihings, Annual-rent fions , Patronages of Kirks, and Teinds , Parfonage and Vicarage pertaining to his Majefty wfthin the I forefaid; And all and whatfoever Mines of Gold , Silver, Copper and other Minerals within the fc^* bounds, with the heretable Office of Jufticiary, Sheriffship and Foudrie and Admiralty within the foref Tfn and belonging to the faid Earldom and LorJlhip, with all other Parts, Pendickles and Pertinents Caf ' Privilcdges, Jurifdiflions , Officesandothers whatfoevcrpertainingtothefamc; all which 'hisM* ''m’ with confent forefaid , doth unite and annex to HisCrown, Declaring the generality forefaid’to be f ffi to the intent & effeft fotcfaid,as if each Patt, Parcel, Pertinent, Office. Patronage or Priviledge belon™'^'^"^ the faid Earldom and Lordihip were herein expreft. And it is Statute and Declared , That the faid Ea'f? and Lordihip, Lands, Teinds, and others above-mentioned, annexed to the Crown in manne faid , fliall remain therewith in all time coming ; and that the fame or any part thereof ftiall not may be given away in Fee and Heretagc, nor in Frank-tenement, Life-rent, Penfion or Tack e’ for the full duty which may be gotten from , and payed by the Tennents , nor by any other maiinct’of nation , Right or Difpofition whatfoever , to any perfonor perfonsof wbatfoevereftate,degrccorau*r ' they be, without Advice , Decreet and Deliberation of the whole Parliament; and fororeat J rcafonable caufes concerning the good, wellfare and publick Intereft of the whole Kingdont firft to be nrn f edandtobeadvifed, and maturely pondered and confidered by the Eftates,^-f7/«fevra, bkoreanynre ■ Grant, Right or Deed be given , raadeordoneby hisMajeftyorhisSuecelTors, concerning the difpofif“! of the faid Earldom and Lordihip or any part thereof, which may any wayes predetermine theni or I Eftatesof Parliament, and prejudge the freedom of their Deliberation and Confent And ifatanvti hereafter it fliall be thought fit to difpone orgrantany Right ofany part of the faid Earldom and Lordfhn It IS Declared, that the general narrative of good fervices , weighty caufes and confiderations fliall not be fufhcient; but the particular caufes and confiderations, whereupon His Majefty and His S'icccffbrs mav be induced to grant, andtheEftatestoconfent tofucliRights, arc to be expreft ; that it may appear that the fame IS not granted through importunity, or upon private fuggeftions or pretences, but for true’ iuft and rcafonable cau^fes and confiderations of publick concernment. And farther, It is Declared that ’ifanv general Aft of Diffolution of His Majeftics Property fliall be made at any time hereafter ; the faid Earldom and Lordihip and others above-mentioned and annexed , fliall not be underftood to fall or be comDreliend- ed under the fame ; And if the faid Earlcdom and Lordihip , or any part thereof, ft, all be aniiallied or difpo- ned , or any of the fame fliall be granted othctwaics then is appointed and ordained in manner above- mentioned; His Majeftie with confent forefaid. doth ftatute and Declare , That all Difpofitions; Infeft- ments and other Rights of the faid Earledom and Lordfliip , or any part thereof which fliall be n-.ranted coii- trary to this prefent Aft, with all Afts of DilTolution and Ratification and other Afts of Parliament' concetn- mg the lame , ihallbe from the beginning and in all time comming void and null, and of no effift ; And iiot- withftanding thereof, that it fliall be lawful to our Soveraign Lord and His Succeflbrs for the time , totake' backandreceiveatthcirpleafutefortheirownufc, without any Procefs of Law , the Lands and others a- bove-annexed , or any pare thereof which fhall be annallied or difponed ; and thefe in whofe favours any fuch Rights and Alienations fliall be made, fliall be countable for, and liable to refound and pay all profits, mtroimffion or benefit taken uplifted or enjoyed by them in the mean time: And it is Declared, thatall Annexation to the advantage His Majefty and His Crown , are and fliall be holden as repeated and infert herein. And farther, His. Majefty, with advice and confent of the Eftates forefaid.hath fupprefTed the faid Office of Shenfrsliip.and hath wetted and hereby erefts a Steiyartry within the bounds forefaid of the faid Earldom andLordlhip.and Ifles of andxffr/i7»^, tobccallcdmalltimecomming. The Stewartry of Oxkmy WZetland; Ordain-, I"'’“bita"ts withiii the bounds forefaid . and other petfons who werefor- Slietiffhip, and Foudrie above-mentioned', tobeanfwe-, P ^ withallPriviledgeseompetenttoanyStewartryof.His. Majcfties Property within this Realm. Likcas , it is Declared and Statute , fhat the forkid Office of Ste- uattrylhallnotbegivenheretablytoanypcrfonor perfonsand their heirs, without advice and confent of Parliament in manner above-mentioned ; and all Rights of the fame which fliall be granted other-- wayes at any time hereafter, fliall be from the beginning and in all time comming null and void. King CHARLES the \ ■'T^T^ves Declared, that this Aft and Annexation forefaid (hall not prcjudgctheBi)hopofOr,f/;(yiofHis •''^“^onyand Priviledges Belonging to him , or of any part thereof; and that he and his Succeflbrs lhallbe cafe as they were before the making hereof.^ And likewayes it is Declared, that the Annexation f f idandthefuppreflingol the faid Office of Shetift', and thecrcetingofthefaid Stewattry lhall bewith- ^ejudiee to His Majeftics V aflals within the faid Hies , of their Liberty and Priviledge to have and fend Conim iifionets to Parliament , to reprefent them in the fame manner as they did or might have done 0 formerly. XIV. C T concerning the exportation of Corns. December 17. 1669, UR SOVERAIGN LORD confidering, that by the eleventh Aft of the third Seffion of His Vy Majeftics law Parliament , libe tty is granted to export Corns of all forts , when they are under the prices f llowing. IlkBollofWheatundertwelvepoundstheBoU, Beer and Barley under eight pounds the Boll Oats and Peafe under eight mctlts the Boll. And feeing , by rcafon of fevcral Duties formerly impofed uDon'Corns, the exportation thereof hath been hitherto obftrufted; AndHisMajefty being defirousfor tl e aood of this His ancient Kingdom , to give all due encouragement to the export of Corns , and to remove every thingwhich may impede the (iime : Hath therefore thought fit , Like-as, HisMajefty, with advice nd confent of His Eftates of Parliament , doth Statute and Declare , That all Corns which lhall be exported ? time coming by His Majeftics Subjects forth ot this Kingdom , lhall be free , and are hereby dilcharged of the payment of Cuftom, Bullion , and all ocher Duties whatfoever, except one Merk Scots allanctly for ilk Chalder. And left any confiderable prejudice Ihould thereby enfue to His Majeftics Cuftoms , it is Statute and Ordained, that the Duties after-mentioned are and fliall be impofed upon the Commodities following, .jjia. TenfhillingsScotsuponilkBarrelofTar, andtwenty fliillings Scots upon ilk Tun of Iron imported into this Kingdom, and that over and above all former Impofitions put thereon; and the Cuftomets , Col- leftors and their Deputies are hereby appointed andimpowered to uplift the fame accordingly. And for pre¬ venting any debates that may arife anent the refpeftive prices of the V iftual , when the fame ate under or a- bove the rates expreft in the faid Aft; HisMajefty, with advice fotefaid, doclvtecommend to , and autho- lizeth the Lords ofPrivy Council to determine the fame; And Declares, that it fliall be lawful to His Maje- ffies Subjefts to export Corns of all forts, unlefs by a Proclamation or publick Intimation from the faids Lords of Council , they be prohibited and difeharged to do the fame. And Ordains this Aft to begin and cake effeft qpon the fecond day of February next to come. X Y. t_ACT for regulating the prices of Ale and ‘BrMmg-heer , and "g of d’? obliegeraciit ol her ConttacT; ol Marriage , or other Ptovifion made to her by her S^’baiid where there was no Contraa of Marriage , be alfo free of Quot , info fat as the Inveract extends to c ears purebafe of the Annuai-rent or Life-rent provided to her ; and that Ihe lhall be lyablc and pay Qiiot p^y^^fWi/Mj-oftliefree Goods or Debts confirmed; And that this be extended to all other Litc-remers, f°'yi.|:;^inathemfelves Executors Creditors. Aslikewayes, that poor people, not worth in herctablc or cableEftatefourty pounds money, have their Confirmation pall and regillrat free from payment "TnvCltiot; and for Fees of Court, that they pay only two pounds eighteen Ihill'ings Scots. And farther, ” ■ Statute and Ordained, That heretable Debts retting by the Defuncf, be Infeftment, Bonds or Contrafls ^gobliegmetit to infeft, be not allowed be the Commiflars at the Confirmation, todcfaulk off theln- in prejudice of the Quot, where there is an heretable Eftate belonging to the Dcfundl to fatisfie the T stable Debts, even though the faids Debts be given up by the Delunil himfclf or his Executor. And rtewayes, it is Statute and Ordained, thatCommiffarsadmitofnodivifioninTeftaments, in favours and on accompt of the Relift, vvhereby’licrContraftofMartiageorothetwayes, Ihc is feduded from all pate "^lier Husbands moveables i And if a bipartit or ttipartit divirron be craved be die Executor at the confirma- -n upon her accompt, in that cafe the Procurator Fifcalfliall have power to cite the Reiift, for produftion g/Contraft of Matrit^e, or to give Oath upon her having thereof, or tl at by the fame or any other Writ, fl essfcduid: And if it appear, either be the faidContraft or be any other Writ, or be the Rclifts Oath, I at ihe is feduded from the third or half of the moveables, That then the Toftament fliall be confirmed vidioutdivifionupoiiher accompt, andtheQuot — ,-..0. u. - - - . in the Relifts lavouts, oftheliifigiitandHorriholc only to be granted of the Quot, effeiringto the proportion excepted Iv HisMajefty, with advice forefaid, Statutes and Ordains, that in time coming, no Charges of Horning W jyg„toanyperfon, at the Procurator Fifcalsinftance, forgivingupofinventer, biuuponaRoll of the pffonsnamestobechargedfubferibedbetheCommiffar, and that within the fpace of three years afterthe ^efunfts deceafe, after which time it ihall not be leiiome to give any fuch Charges of Horning for givingup cflnventer; And for the years pteceedina, that they ihall only charge (or giving up liivcnter of thcGoods ffuch Defunfts who have deceaft fince me year, one thoufend, fix hundred and fixty , And Ordains, That Lettas of Caption ihall not be ufed againftaay of His Majefties Lieges for noDconfirming of Teftameiitstbut vvlietetheLetEera of Horning have been execute dgaintt the parties ,. or at their Dwellingdioulfes mdpatoch Kkk-dboisi dh a Sabbath-day after Diviiie Service. And Ordains tile Commiflars of the refpe- ftivcDiocefles, to keep Circuit Courts the time of the Spring and Ffarveft Vacance, for Confirmation of Teftaments atiucIiconvcmeM places in iik Presbytery, as may be moil conducing to the good and eafe of the Lieges; and whereunto they ace to be cited petfonally, or at their Dwelling-places and Paroeb-Kirks as faid is to the end and effeft forefaid.- Witli certification, that if the Commiffar, Commiffar-cletk, Procu¬ rator Fifcal. or any other Member of Court , contravaen rhg Aft v the contravcenerlhall fuffer depriva¬ tion of his Office, and never be re-admitted thereto again, beUde fatisfaftion to the party grieved, of any damage fuftained by him thete-thtougli. X X. C T for in-bringing of piMkk Tines from the Northern Shires. Tiecember Z3. 1669. forin-bringmgthereof. ^ f withadvice and confen: of the Eftates SrW^fdtrSte OrLnand Declare, ThattlK , . -r -T- _ Atn.fcnF'nrinrhefflidShires, and Burghs within th AnnU! Mofii ’f<;Nm,ember\z& and who fliall not pay in the lame accoraing uo rncit reuyeuv. mentofallfuchdeficiencyandarrear without any mam u 12.8 The ficond Parliament af Then and in tliat cafe, fiich Shires, Burohs and Perfons therein fo deficient, fhall be lyable in ' thedoubleof the whole ycarsAnnnityoftxcife, toties quoties . and all execotion perfonal a “f ufedagainft them therefore. And His Majefty and Eftates of Parliament doth hereby Declar ^Y*^’“***’' r- „ . r. I 1 cin contained . fliallno wifeliberate thcCommifiinnprcnfp _ ;c_ r* ’ tin's but that they ihall made theteanent. lianicii XXI. ACT Salvo jute ciyuflibet. Tiecember %}. 1669, UR Eftates of Parliamenc. Scatutesand Ordains, ThataUfucli particular A^sand Afts of Ratificatnhn-® manner forefaid, ftiall not prejudge any third party of their lawful Rights, nor of their Aiftions and ces competent thereupon, before the making ofthefaid particular A^ts and Aifts of Ratifications- And!?*'" the Lords of Seftion and all other Judges within this Kingdom, fhall be oblieged to judge betwixr <*orHtnarnrhf^tr(ip\7f>ra1 R tnl-icc I'n ^1 _ i.: _ /tl_ /-Ti. . . . .. ac- rording to their feveral Rights Handing in their perfons before the making ol the laidsActsc All whit-ii hereby exponed, and Declared to have been made, Sahojure mjufibet . are XXII. ACT of Adjournment. ^December aj.. 1669. 'T^HE King’s Majefty Declares this Parliament current, and Adjourns the fame to the eight of ?«#; next Ordaining aU the Members ofParliament to attend that day, AndthattherehenonewEb lettion ol Commiffioners from Shites or Burroughs , except upon the death offome of theprefent Commifli- N S. A USX 119 A LIST of the Priftted c/f CT S pall in the Tarliamttt , keepcd at Edinburgh in OQober, 1669. j ACT ajferting His tMajefttes Supremacy mjeraUferfinsmidinallCaufesEcckJiaHkai. ' AB cmKernmgtbem&n^. ABfof re'gtUratimiof InBrimentsofReJigmtion adtemanentiam. \ concerningfoinding before thedayes, ^the Charge expire. t jk for thi fecurity of the per fins of Minitiers. JB fir the ordering ofSufpenfions of the Benefices and Stipends of the Ckrgf. xjPBforNattiralizatim of Strangers. g_ AB cmcerningthe BuU'm. ' AB cencernmg'Prefiriptktis. 10. ActcOittorhinglntemptims. 1 1 . Act concerning the-Jmfeiture ofperjms in the late Rebellioti. x%. fjfict cmicerning the Excifi and Cujloms. j , Act for annexation ofOikmy and Zetland to the Ormsin. 14. Act' corneirhmgtheexpmatimof Cams. I ^juTctfif regulatingthe prices of Ate ^’Drinking-beer f§Malt-nien. 16. hctforrepairimHiA-wayes and Bridges. jy. Act attetit'mddfiigof (around^ 18. Act concerning J^udkations. I J. Act concerning the Confirmation and ^mts ofT eftaments. %o. Act for itt-brmgiBgofpiihlick.Duesfromthe Northern Shires. II. Salvo jure cujuflibst. %%. hctofhdjoummnt. F t k t R A LIST A LIST Of the A C T S R A T I F I C A T I O N S /» this firft Seijog of His tM AJESTIES fecond Parliament, and which are not here printed. T) Roteftations by feme Noblemen , and others Commiffioners from Shires and Burtrhe JL precedency in the Rolls of Parliament. “ ’ thjjj His Majefties Letters to the Parliament , concerning the Union of the Kingdoms oiScotlanJ with the Patliaments Anfwers. ^’‘gknd, Aft anent the cleftion of Commiffioners from Shires. Aft for continuing the Impofition for upholding the Cauda of Couiemmth. Afts for yearly Fairs and weekly Mercats to fome Noblemen and others. Proteftation by the Earl of Nithisdale , that the Forfeiture of Oit‘kcklland of , not prejudge him. ^ *^‘^gttthan Ihoulj Proteftation by the Vaflals of Orhiay , that they be not prejudged be the prefent annov,^ , to the Crown. “"nexaDon tlietcof Proteftation in name of the Duke of Lenox, that this annexation do not ptejudee his r talty in Orknay. ° Admi- Proteftation be the Lord Advocat contra thefe two Proteftations. Commiffion anent the regulation of the CommilTat and SheriffCoutts , and other infrrir,, of Juftice. • “ucoour Courts Aft: fufpending the payment of publick Debts. Proteftion to iFilliam Dick. Ratification in fiivours of the Duke and Dutcliefs of Hamiltoun. Proteftation be the Town of Linlithgow againft the fame. Proteftation be the Duke of Hamiltoun in the contrait. Two Ratifications in favours of the Earl of i.Argyl. Proteftations be the Earl of Lrrol and others ag^ft the fame. Proteftation be the Earl of <_Argyl in the contrair, Ratification in favours of the Lord Newhyth. Ratification in favours of Mr. John Toung of Leny. Ratification in favours of Thomas Moncrief oi that ilk. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Kellie. Ratification in favours of the Lord Stair. Ratification in favours of Sir Andrew Fletcher of Aberlady. Ratification in favours of Mr. Andrew Ofwald and his Son. Two Ratifications in favours of Sir lohn Nicolfm of that ilk'. Ratification in favours of Mungo Graham ofGorthie. Ratification in favours of the Archbifhop of St. Andrews. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Terth. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Roxburgh. Ratification in favours of Sir Alexander Fraster cf Dorrs. Ratification in favours of Sir Robert Cunninghame ofAuehitiharvy. Ratification in favours of William cJMurray of Ochtertyre. Ratification in favours of Sir James Drummond. Ratification in favours of Sit John Forbes of Wattertoun. Proteftation in name of the Town of Aberdeen againft the fame. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Tweedale. Ratification in favours of Sir Hary Bruce of Clackmannan. Ratification in favours of Sir iMlexander Don of Newtoun. Ratification in favours of Sir “Patrick Home ofPolwart. Ratification in favours of Sir Charles Erskin ofCambo. ' Ratification to him of his Office of Lyon King at i^t^s. Ratification in favours of Sir Philip hnjlruther. Ratification in favours of David Forthringhame ofPourre. Ratification- in favours of the Earl of Middleton. Ratification in lavours of the Earl of Dundmmald. Ratiii- Lift of tlx unfrinted Aids. Ratification in favours of the Lord Lff. Ratification in favours of Sir ]ohn Keith of Qaskieben. Ratification in favours of theMafter of Ro/}. Ratification in favours of ]ohn Forbes of and his Son. Ratificatioi’ in favours of Tiavid Blair o{ Mamtomi. Ratification in favours of 'William HamiltounofWiJhaw. Ratification in favours of GeorgeDundas oh\\s.x.i\k. Ratification in favours of &t William Ker of Hadden. Ratification in favours o{ Thomas BoydofBinkil. Ratification in favours of the Minifter ol North-Ztf?6. Ratification in favours of Hugh Wat. Ratification in favours of the Town of Bervie. Ratification in favours of Sit Adam Blair of Carberry. Ratification in favours of George FuUertouti. Ratification in favours of David 'PhilfofOvercarnbie. Rarification in favours of Mr. RobertDeens ofLongherdmiftotmi Ratification in favours of the Earl of hnnandale. Proteftation in name of the Vifeount of Stormont zgAvA'K. proteftation be the Earl of Annandale in the conttair. Ratification in favours of Sir John and Sic Robert Dalyels. Ratification in favours of Mr. John Wijhart. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Linlithgow. Ratification in favours of Sir John Nisbet, Lord AdvocRt. Ratification in favours of Alexander Brodie of Letham , &c. Ratification in favours of Sir William Turvefs of Woodhoujke. Rarification in favours of die Girdle-makers of Cukofs. Ratification in favours of James Stewart of Torrence. Ratification in favours of the Lotd Drumlanrig. Rarification in favours of the Vifeount of Stormont. Ratification in favours of Lieutenant-General Drummond. Ratification in favours of Sir William Bruce of Bakaskie. Ratification in favours of the City of Glajgew. Proteftation be the Town of Rugfm agaiiift it. Ratification in favours of the Town of Forfar. Ratification in favours of Mr. Andrew Burnet of Warrijlmm. Ratification in favours of Sit John Aitoim of that ilk. Remit for the Vifcoiiiitefs of Stormont, Lord Drumlanrig and Laifd of Ednem Aft for an Impofition to be uplifted at the North- water Bridge. Prorogation of the Impofition for the Bridge of Saachtmhal. Aft for changing the Way at Walter Chiefies Houfe at Dairy. Recommendation for the Heritors ot the Sheriffdom of Berwick , cnaKCrnjng th^it filhing oh Tweed. Commiffions for the Filhings in the Waters of and Divmi. Aft anent the Filhings on Sfey, &c. Commiffion for improving of Trade. Aft difeharging the Cuftom of Books. Aft anent the Kirks of Kinneil and Burroughftomefs. Aft concerning die Lofles of the Town of Dundee. Recommendation in favours of the Matters ofdie Scots ItKOtporati0liatl.<*')V 'itl ! rr . fr ‘ ' c iirovf^ f ■‘■ I ■■ - j.. J'' -.ll' * .H; ' • - • 1 ■V-'; ' fo ■: . . ' ' ■ ■ /;.; ■ ■* •■' ' • ijo/r . .’I.; (,. ■ H -'1 . il!' .1': I.l , -JIU, i I ■ ■(,) LiicJ Bi;- ■; .'A.';,'?: J aobciorv :il^:,i I H i 1.1 ■ JO v’^V ' • '* . t . ^ V li-.. _f-:, 7 ' r. f.- . OVi-i rr . ■1 va »: ,. . - ' - ' ve1 ii- • >/ ^ J ^ ni r '•/; y T. ■' ' . . ■ '■.V«;V|,, ,■ 'Al'*? ' >1:1 Vw- njuvhl .,i ,.c TQ 3f ■ / afWvEl ni II'. ■ ■:n:;0 ... 1 i..; 1 ni [. ■' ••'r:. -.-i ^ , V\ V.?. i . ■ 'i' 1 ;ii I' * \ i ' . • ' i > ; ' /t) qi • , i’ yi III . .' ; • V ?'■» <■ . i ’ • . ■ ■’■ "1 HI II, ' •. .1. . ■ '<■' '>■.(.! (li 1, IV,V ' - V :i?i y';l.l ni ri'. :o J):., - ;■/■•?*(• Ci43'- ;d : ' Iwjml .'! : ■■•.V ■ • r‘' ^ . .iii'lo n ■■■ ■ ■! -^fin^Eri;. ■’'Hi; ■■'' 1 ii"i)Elbf!'-' i'r , : •’/iC :ri ‘ ' w’ll -jol , /. fO t' r u-i :■• . % ; ■> 'ifi'v ■; • wl «. ! - '1 ■ sHl .';nijT-.'. ’ * T* 1 ‘ ■: ■.•li; ;.; •'.■ ■ ; r: j' i :.:• I’lii.ii;. 'V-’. i . '■•H ,T I ■ JI .'’■■A ■ i;cl>na M A J E S T I E S CommiJJimier , &c. ACT, Authorizing certain Commtjfmers of the Kingdom of Scotland , to treat ■with Commiffmers e/Engknd , far the isoeell of both Kingdoms. Edinburgh, the 30. day of July, 1670, Oraftnuch as the Kings moft Excellent Majefty, from His Princely Zeal and Fatherly Cate ofthe wcelfare and happinefs of his Subjeas (perfifting in the lame pious and prudent Refolution ol His Royal Grand-father, King James of ever blelTed memory , to endeavour a nearer and mote cbmpleat Union between His two Kingdoms of tefteJ and Hath re¬ commended it to the Parliaments of both Kingdoms , that Commiffioncra , might be nominal to Treat and Confult concerning this Union, to the end, that His Majeftics Royal and Gracious Purpofes therein may be accom- plifticd , and fuch a furdter Union may be treated and agreed upon, as may compieat and confirm forever , a conftant, mutual love and fricndl hip be¬ twixt His Subjefts of both Realms. r-n. ( Therefore. His Majefty, with advice and confent ot His Ellatcs oi Parliament, doth hereby Statute, Ordain and Enaft , That fuch Pet- fons , or Quorum thereof , as ihall be nominated by His Majefty un ¬ der His Great Seal of to W, arc by vertue and authority of this Aa, Authorized, impowered, to meet and affemble at fuch times and in fuch placc^ as His Ma^fty ihall appoi nt , ‘ the to Treat and Confult , according tothetcnorolthcirCommiftionand Authority in that bchali tin Great Seal . with the Commiffioners authorized by Authority ol the Parliament ot Englmtd, ° ™ ccmfflgfuchanUHionoftlieRealmsofto/Wand|«^W, and ol and concerning fm-h other matter. '34 The ficotid SeJJion of the fecond Parliament of caufes and things whatfoever, as upon mature deliberation , the greateft part of tliefaids Co aflenibled, asfaidis, and the Commidioners authorized by the Parliament of the tenor and purport of the Commidion in that behalf, ihall in their wifdoms tWnk 'o ncccdary for the Honour of His Majefty, and the Well and Common-good of both Kin^o'^""^"'^ ^nd ’ms durii His Majedies Life , ( which Almighty God make long and piofperous") aud- of Hi& Heirs j '"5 Succedbrs for ever. Which Commidioners of both Kingdoms lliall, according to the tenor ^"’ful oCrl... n _ _ ri... _ ..I..- T-. , , _ T. '■suur and niirn._ "8 of the Commidions in that behalf, reduce their Doings and Proceedings therein and into' Writinr Purport liniments tripartic, every part to be fubfcribcd and fealed by xhem ; To the end, that one T of may in all humblenefs be prefented to the Kings mod Excellent Majcdy , another parttl^^^' ed to the conflderation of the Parliament of Scotland, and anodier part to be offered, to ration of the Parliament of £«_gW, at their next Sedions to Be held in either Kingdoms after fuch Writings or Indruments Ihall be fubferibed and fealed by the faids Commidronets rl , > upon fuch further proceedings may be had, as by his Majedy' and botli the faids Parliamei^ts n nf' thought fit and necedary for the Well and Common-good ol both the faid Kingdoms • To . i entire confideration of the whole, and the allowing or dif-allowing thereof, or any part therp lliall think fit, is wholly referved. Likeas, his Majedy, with advice and confent forefaid dn,l“ k ^ by Statute and Declare, that no matter or thing to be ptOBoleri,,>tteated bf, or agreed ’iwr c"?' Coramiflloners by vettue of this Aft Ihall haveany forceoreffeft,mbeph{inexecutL,untLt hppp'^' firmed and edablilhed by Aft of the Parliament of Scotla/id. ^ II. ACT againSlfuch whojhall refuje to depne againhi T)elmqumts. Edinburgh, 3. ofAugud. 1670. P Orafmuch asitisthe dutyofallgoodSuhjefts, to give their bed concurrence and affidanceasth».,ii il A be thereunto requited by publick Authority, for difeovery and punifiiment of all crimes aeaind 7 ™ blick Laws, or which may tend to the breach or didurbance of the publick Peace of the Kingdom • A j P'" it IS an high contenipt of Authority , and a fignal evidence of dilloy alty and inclination to rebellion to , r r orfliift the fame when required thereunto. Therefore , His Majefty , with advice and confent ofhis rfr in Parliament doth hereby Statute and Ordain , That all and every Subject ofthis Kingdom ofwha?l! ' fexorquahtyfoever, who hereafter lliall be called by His Majedies Privy Council orany oS 1 ® ’ Authority from His Majefty, to declare and depone upon Oath, their knowlege of any crimes agaii’n7 pubhek Laws and Peace of the Kingdom ; and particularly, of any Conventicles or other^unlawful Mlcipf andofthefeveralcitcumdancesofthe perfonsprefent, and things done therein, or of the reflettina and ® ’ tercommuning with perfons who are,, or he.eafter Ihall be declared Fugitives or Rebels: Are o1ie"edt confcience.duty, andbythealledgianceofSubjects, todeclareand depbne their knowlege thereof fndft all the particulars relating thereunto. And if any lliall liappen to befo perverdy wicked andlidoyal m refuf! or delay to declare or depone being thereunto requited, as faid is ; His Majefty, with advice^and coiS forefai^ appoints their punilhment to be fining and clofeimprifonment, or banilhment, by fending them MH^Majeftiesplantationsinthe/Wrex, orelfewhere, as His Majefties Council Ihall think fit. Li£ His Majefty with advice forefaid , doth require His Privy Council to be careful in tryal of the crimes aS’ iTXluf^idel forefaids, upon all fuch, Without exception as' Ihall refufe or delay to decide or depone thereupon , as faid is. It is alwayes hereby provided^ that m l/mfelf the pLofloftof Life. III. C T for the raifmg a Supply of three hundred and fxty thoufand pounds offered to His tJMajeHy. Edinburgh, 9. of Auguft, 1670. to their confideration, that His Majefty , from His Prince- y a , an Fatherly care of the good and wel-fare of His Subjects, doth imbrace and improve ^”*7 'f u- ' further fecuring ofdieir peace and happinefs; They in a due whirh'rlfp ^"’7® ?. Majedies unparalelPd grace and goodnefs , and for defraying the expence I b al °“afions of HisRoyal Service and Government will at this dm^equite: Do w th all humble duty and thankfulnefs, for themfelves , and in name of tliis His Majefties mod ancient Kingdom, whom they reprefent, make offer to His Majefty ofanewSupply of three hundred and fixy tlioulaiid Kmg CHARLES the \ \. _ _ 2!! ( j pounds in the fame manner , according to jhoul'i'’^ pjoportion , and with the fame exceptions diat the former fupply granted toHis Majcfty by the con- i'’^^*'”o|EftatesinJa«/»0''°nethoufand, fix hundred, fixty feven years wasraifed; And wheroef one vetd®”, Popp thoufand pounds as being the proportion oftwo.monethsofthe former Supply, h^naved betwixt and the firft day of onethoufand, fixhundrcd, feventyonc; andfeventy is t° 1 pufand pounds betwixt and the firft day of May thereafter ; And another feventy two thoufaiid pounds and the firft day of Auiuft following ; And tlK laft feventy two thoufand pounds betwixt and the firft thereafter; being all in the year one thoufand, fix hundred, feventy one, Likeas His day advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament , Doth hereby Ordain the CommiflTionets V Juations , nominal by the Aft of Convention for the late Supply in the year one thoufand , fix himd- *°!ifixt¥ feven , to take care and be atifvverable that this Supply be duely taifed and payed in to fuch as Uiall , „nded by His Majefty to receive the fame , at the particular terms of payment above-mentioned ; And rnannet of diligence and execution concifined in that Aft be made ufc offer raiflng of this Supply , as py as if die fame were exprefly repeated in this Aft. I V. tyf C T againft Invaders of M'miHers. 13. of Auguft, 1670. )i-i0tafmuch astheaflaultingofMinifters, and the invading of their houfes be atrocious crimes, often r Dtohihit and difeharged by Law under high and fevere pains ; And yet, fuch hath been the wickednefs of f e ioofe Men, RebdsandVagabonds, that ofiacetheyliave.infeveral places in the night time, invad- dand broken in upon Minifters houfes, affaultcd and wounded their perfons, and purfued them for their r And the Rings Majefty liaving ajuft indignation of luch horrid and unchtiftian viilanies , hath thought iJlrobrandthefamewiihafignalmarkofHisdifpleafure; And Tlterefore, His Majefty, with advice and ""fent of His Eftates in Parliament, doth hereby Statute , Eiiaft and Declare , Thatwhatfoeverperfonot '“"l be found guilty of the aflaulring the lives ol Miniflcrs.or robbing their houfes, or aftually attemp- the fame fliall be punilhed with the pain of death , and the confifcatioti of their Goods . And for the rlr-lifcovervofthefectimes. His Majefty doth, with advice and confent forefaid, hereby offer and en- S thefum of five hundred Merks to any perfon who lhall difeover and feife any of the faids Affaulters , Rob- K rs or Attempters ; And in cafe they lhall be difeoveted by one perfon , and apprehended by another . the A fmveter is to have two hundred Merks, and the apprehender three hundred Merks, to be payed out of Mis Maiefiies Thefaury by the Commiffioners thereof . who are hereby authorized to pay the fame. And .t We (hall happen any flaughier to be committed in the apprehending of fuch perfons , His Majefty , with f/v ce faefaid ,^doth hLby indemnifie the perfons imployed , and all fuch as Ihall affift m the apprehending of them ; and Declares them free of all queftion or trouble for the fame in time coming. V. ACT againft Cenventkks. \¥Jinbargh, ij.ofAuguft, 1670. r-Orafmuch as the affembling and convocating of His Majeffles Subjefts without His Majeffies War- F3 andAuthotity , isamoft dangerous anl unlawful orafticc, and difeharged by feveral Ls and Afts of ParliLent , under higi and great pains ; An j that notwidiftanding thereof , divers difaM^ ed and feditious perfons , under the fpectous , but faliepreteiices of Religion and religious Excercifcs, prefume to make and be prefent at Conventicles and unwarrantable Meetings and Conventions of the Subj^s, which !imrli»nrclinarvSeminariesolSeparationand Rebellion, tending to die prejudice ofthe publick Worfoipof GodinS SrLs to the fcaLl of the reformed Religion, tothe reproach of His Majefties Authority SSetnment and tothealienaringoftheheartsandaffectionsoftheSubjeftsfromthatduty and obcdi- which for the time ® ^ (lev do hereby Statute and Command . That no outed Miniftets , Diocefs, prefume » expound Scripture, or p^ to whfehthey tothefeoitheirownFamily; and that none ^prefent at any M „5’ . Scripture or prav- i;6 The Jecond Hejjioti of the fecond parliament of caiirion , under the pain of fivethouftnd Merks, not to do thelike thereafter, orclfb — ' to remove out of the Kingdom , and never return without His Majefties Licence'; wlio (nail be found to have been prefent at any fuch Meetings, ihall be, toties quotics fi ' 7 ing to their qualities, in tlic refpeefive fums following, and imptifoned untill they inv th""r “‘•'“ftl- farther during the Councils picafure , viz. Each Man or Woman , having Land in Hcrer '' or proper Wodfet, to be fined in a fourth part of his or her valued yearly Rent ; each Teiment ^ in twenty five pounds Scots,' each Cottar in twelve pounds Scots, and each fervino Man i ^"“c^SLaiitl, of his yearly Fee. And where Merchants or Tradef-men do not belong to , orrefide“[!’P“« That each Merchant or chief Tradef-man be fined as a Tennant, and each inferior Tnadef ' s above-mentioned lliall have their Wives , or any of th'rir'^PK n • tinv fiirli 'N4r'/'»firfifT _ _ l_ r i- , ^ ^“ildrCh liiii’,,,* tar : And if any of the perfons i _ I Family with them, prefent at any fuch Meeting , ... . j, aic therefore to be fined in the half of ftive fines aforefaid, confidcration being had to their feveral qualities and conditions An 1 T i x''‘^^P''' or Mifttisofany Family, where any fuch Meetings lliall be keeped, be prefent withinthc Im ft time, they ate tobc fined inthedoubleofwliatistobe payed bythem , for being prefent at u r venticle. And it is hereby Declared , that Magiflrates of Burghs Royal atelyab?erfo;;«^:±->- to be keeped within their Burghs , to fuch fines as His Majefties Council lliall think fir to imnof a ' the Matter or Miftris of the Houfes where the Conventicle lliall happen to be keeped and thr ^ ^ '*’3t fentthereat, ate to relieve the Magiftrates as the Council lhall think fit to order the fame- irhri*’™^ P'''^' ftandiiig free to the Council to fine tlieInhabitantsofButglis, for being prefentat Conv’entirip''® without Burghs, or where their Wives or Children lhall be prefent at the fame. ® Within or And farther, Ffis Majefty underftanding that divers difafTefted perfons have been fo rnalip^ n wicked and difloyal , as to convocat His Majefties Subjeffs to open Meetings in the Fields contrair to many publick Laws made thereaiient ; And confidering that tliefe Meetings are the of Rebellion, and tend in a highnicafuretotliedifturbanceoftliepublickPeace ■ Doth therefnrp^^''”? advice and confentforefaid, Statuteand Declare Tliatwliofoever,. without Licence or Authoritv wS ftallpreacli expound Scripture or pray at any of tliefe meetings in the Field , orinaiiy Houfe whew Ip be moe perfons then the Hoiife contains, foasfomeofthembe without doors, ('which is liereh, 1 5 to be a Field-conventicle) or who lhall convocat any number of people to theVe meetingrSl mihed with death , and confifcation of their goods. Add it is hereby offered and alliired thl if of His Majefties good Subjeifts lliall feife and fecure the perfons of any who lliall either preacro - n at tliefe Field-meetings or convocat any perfons thereto, they lhallL every fucTpert fecured, have five hundred Merks payed unto diem for their reward , out ol His Majefties Thefaurv by the Commiflionets thereof, who are hereby authorized to pay the fame; and the aids fefe dieir affiftants are hereby indemnified for any llaughter that lhall be eommittedin the appreheX !d fceunng of them. And as to all Heretors and odiets aforefaid , who lhall be prefent at ajfy of thefe pl d conventicles, it is hereby Declared dieyatetobe fined, toties quotics , in the double ot the refneS fines appointed for Fdouft-convenucte ; butprejudice of any other punilhment due to them by Law as feditious perfons , and difturbers of the Peace and Quiet of the Kirk and Kingdom. And feeiL tliell execution of Laws is the readieft means to procure obedience to the fame ; ^Therefore, His Maieftv widi confent and advice fotefaid , doth Inipower , Warrand and Command all Sheriffs Stewans of Ste wartries , Lords of Regalities and their Deputs, to call before them and try all fuch 'perfons who Ml be informed to have keeped or been prefent at Conventicles within tlieif JutifdidioiFs and to in flift upon thefe who IhalUje found guilty, the refpeftive fines expteft in this Acft; they being alwaves countable to the Commilfioners of His Majefties Thefaury , for the fines of all Heretors wfthin tllir tierto be “cciuragcment of the faids Sheiiffs, Stewarts and Lords of Regali¬ ties, to be careful and diligent m their duties herein, doth allow to themfelves all the fines of any net. fons wnhin their Jurifdiftions, under the degree of Heretors; and requires the Lords of His Majefties BSfflTalTl 1“ ‘1"® their care and diligence herein : And if theSheriffs, Stewaresand moftdihWnr^ '"in" t«es. orif the Magiftrates within Burghs lhall be negligent in their out- HaShi renfi.r ""u Co^'ncil a 1 Conventiclcs widiin their Burghs f that the Council mfliafochcenfurcsandpunilhments upon them as they lhall thinicfit. And the Lords of His Majefties required to Pe careful in the tryal of ail Field and Houfe-conventicles. keept fince in Hb rl^‘‘r ’ ""f 'h°«hind , fix hundred , lixty nine , and before the date hereof, and that they himn in L^ws and Acfs of State formerly made thereanent. And laftly , His Majefty bei!^ hopeful that His Subjeffs will give fuch chearful obedience to the Laws , as there lhall not be long ufe of rhiiicVr. n Declared, That the endurance thercoflhall only be lot three years , uijlefs His Majefty lhall dunk fit that it continue longer. Lrfcr King CHARLES the \ \. >57 V I. ACT agahtft difordcrly Baptifms. 'Ed'mbu.rgb, 17. ofAuguft, 1670. FOrafeiuch as the diforderly carriage offomc Perfons , in withdrawing from the Ordinances of the Sacra¬ ments in their own Parifli Churches &, procuring their Children to be Baptized by perfons not publickly juthorized or highly fcandaious to the Proteftant Rcligion.and tends exceedingly to the increafe of jehifm and Profanity : Therefore the Kings Majefty , with advice and confent of His Ellates in Parliament, dotli Statatc and Prohibit all His Majefties Subjefts, that none of them, of whatfoever degree or quality, pre- fume to offer their Children to be Baptized bjj any but fuch as ate their own Parilli Minifters 1 or elfc by luck J^jj„ifters as are Authorized by the prefenc eftabliihcd Government of the Church , or Licenced by His Ma- iefties Council, upotiaCercifiGatfrointheMimftcroftiicPatiih, ifhebeprefent; or in his abfence , by one of the Neighb j uting Minifters : And declares , that the F ather of any Child which (hall be othetways Bap¬ tized, fliail be lyabie to the pains and penalties following, viz. Every Hetetot , Life-renter, or proper yyod-fettet, foil be fined in a fourth part of his valued yearly Rent; Every petfon above the deetee of a •pgunetit, having a perlbiial , butnorealEftatc, in one hundred pounds Scots; Every confiderwle Mer¬ chant in one hundred pounds : Every inferior Merchant , or confiderable T radef-man, and every Tenncnt la¬ bouring Land , in fifty pounds: Every meaner Burgefs , Tradef-man, Inhabitant within Burgh, andevety Cottar, in twenty pouiids Scots; andeveryServaminhalfayeatsFee, And His Majefty, with advice fore- faid, requites the Sheriffs, Stewarts, Lords of Regalities and their Deputes , and Magiftrates of Burghs Royal, witliin ffleir fevera! Bounds and Jurifdiiftions , to be careful to put this Aift in execution ; and that upon Infor¬ mation from the Bifliop of the Diocefs, oranyother, diey call before them , and judge the Perfons Contra- vecnets thereof, and uplift the Penalties forefaids, Likeas , Mis Majefty , for the further etreoutagemem of thefaids Sheriffs, and others forefaids, to do their duty herein , doth allow them to retain for their own ufc, the Fines of tire feverai Perfons above-mentioned, except thefe of the Hetewrs , for which they are to be compt- abktothe CommiffionersofHis MajeftiesThefauty. V I t. i/f C T againft Separation and withdrawing from the ptthlkk Meetingt of Hivine Wmfhif. Edinburgh, io. biAuguB, ifiyo. FOtafmuch as it is the duty of all His Majefties good Subjefts , to acknowledge 'and comply With His Majefties Government , 2s it is by the Lawes of the Kingdom eftablimed in Church and State ; and in order thereunto , to give their cheecfu! concurrence and countenance to fuch Mini- fcrs.'as by Pubiick Authority are , or fliali be admitted in their fdvetal Parilhes , and to attend ail the Pubiick and Ordinary Meetings of Divine Worlhip in the fame. And feeing the Laws 0! the Kingdom hath declared a witlidtawing , and not keeping of . and joy ning in. thefe Meetings, to be feditious, and ofdansefous example and confequence: HisMajeuy conceives Himfclf aifo bound in Confcience and Duty to His Audioritysthat diePubiick Exercifes of Gods Worfhip be countenanced by all His Subjefts and that fuch as upon any pretext do diforderly withdraw, be by the Genfutes of the Law made fen- fible of their mifeatriages , and by the Authority of the Law. drawn to a dutiful obedience to it. And there¬ fore , His Majefty .with advice and confent of His Eftates in Parliament, Statutes. Ordains , and commands all His good Subjefts of the Reformed Religion witliin this Kingdom, to attend and frequent the ordiiiary Meetings appointed for Divine Worlhip, in Sieit own Patilh Churches ; Declaring hereby, that every foch Perfon who fliali three Lords Days together withdraw & abfent themfelves fronitheir own Parilh Churches wdiout a reafonable excufe to be allowed or di&llowed by the Judges arid Magiftrats after-mentioned . llwli be liable to the pains and penalties following, «. Every perlon havmgLand in Heretagev Lite-rent, or proper Wod-fet, in the eight part of his or her valued yearly Rent : Every 1 enneiit in lx pounds Scots ; Every Cottar or Servant , iri fourty (liiilings Scots -. pery perfon above the degree of a ^ cn- nent andwhohath aperfonal, but no real Eftate , in twelve pounds Scots 1 Every confiderable Merchant in tw’elve pounds Scots^i Every inferior Merchant , and confiderable Ttadef-man in fix pounds Sc^ts ; E^ very other meaner Burgefs, Tradef-mart. and Inhabitant withm Burgh, Ma efty , with advice ind confent forefaid , doth commit the execution of this Aa . and the Pe¬ nalties above-mentioned to the Sheriffs . Stewarts, LotdsofRcgalmesandthcir Depius, and to Magi fttats of Burghs within their feverai refpeaive JUtifdiaions ; And doth y Jath ■ tobecatefultofeethisAaputindueexecution; and m order thereunto, 3 "hetcbv fuchpetfonsinevety Pariftiistheylhailthinkfitceft, for difcovetyoifuchas lhall withdraw, and thereby a L 1 138 The ficond %eJJion of the fecond Tarliameni of incur die penalties above-mentioned. And lor their encouragement herein, HisMajefty j ^ faid , doth hereby allow to themlelves the Fines of all pcrfons within their refpeftive Jurifdi’flj'*^ ' |''‘‘^’^fore. degree ofHeretors , they being alwayes comptable for the Fines of the Hetetors to the Comm^^ ’ the Majefties Thefaury. And incafe any fferetor , Life-renter, or proper Wod-fetter , lliallbef obftinat , as to withdraw from their Parifh Churches for the fpace of one year , notwithftandin r '?"'^td and fined as aforefaid : It is Ordained , That the Sheriffs and other Judges aforefaid, withinthei f ' dictions , dilate them to His Majefties Privy Council , who are hereby authorized to call rbe fdu J“ti|. fore them , and to require them to fubfcribe the Bond fallowing : I dictions , dilate them to His Majefties Privy Council , who are hereby authorized to call the ^ ■' ■*“' 1 - .--..I - ■ '■‘‘“Sperfonsbj^ oblid^e my felf , that I /hall not upon any pretext or callonr what foe _ Arms againft the Kings ejitajefty , or any having his ^yfuthority or Commijfion ; tiorjhall oiTlt ' tenance any whojhall rife in Arms. And if any perfon fo called and required, ftiall refule or dela^^^ the Bond , That the Lords of His Majefties Privy Council fecure or bainilh them , as they fliall dv 'c it is hereby declared, that upon fuch refufal or delay to fign this Bond , the fingle Efcheat , andl^T fchcat of the refufers or delayers lhall fall and appertain to His Majcfty , and is to be intro'metted ' difpofed of, for His Majefties ufe. Likefas , the Lords of His Majefties Privy Council ate hereb"'*™ ’ to call from time to time for an Accompt from the Sheriffs, and others fqrefaids, oftheir dilieenc^'^^'*'*''^*^ this Aft in execution ; and il they be found negligent , that they inflift fuch Confutes and Punilhm ” them, as they lhall judge fit. And it is further declared, that this Aft is to endure only lor the foa years, unlefsHisMajeftylhallthinkfititcontinuelonger. Anditisfurtherherebyprovided is to be without prejudice of the Cenfures of the Church , to be ufed againft fuch who lhall be abfent f ^ Publick Meetings for Gods Worlhip , conform to the former Afts and Praftices of the Church thereanMt'*'' VIII. ACT ratifying the Trivikdges of the Ordinary Lwds of Sepou. Edinburgh, of Auguft, 1670. FOrafmuchasatthefirftInftitutionoftheColledgeofJuftice, the Kings Majefty and Eftates of P I' ment , confidering that the Lords of Selfion did reprefent His Majefties Perfon and Authorirv in JufticetotheSubjefts; And in regard thereofand their daily attendance, did by an exprefs Aft of pT® ment, exeemthem, and every one of them, from payment of all Taxes, Contribution, and other exm ordinary charges in all time thereafter ; which Priviledge and Immunity hath been fully ratified and anoro in all fucceeding Parliaments. Therelore , and in cbnfideration dtat the pains and travels of the faieft L '"T have been fince rather increafed then diminilhed , His Majefty being willing, for their greater encouraren^er in tlie difeharge of their Truft and Employment , their Priviledges be prefetved entire , with advice and con fentofthe Eftates of Parliament, Doth Ratifie and Approve their whole Priviledges and Immunities fort faids , granted by their firft Inftitution , or any other iubfequent Aft of Parliament. And for their farther fecurity. His Majefty, with confent forefaid, Statutes and Ordains, That the faids Ordinary Lords ofSeffion 111, ill bruik and enjoy their faids Priviledges and Immunities , from all burdens impofed , or to be impofed bv this or miy other Parliament in time coming , als fully as if they were particularly excepted out of the laids Acts. . * I X. C T concerning High-wayes. Edinburgh, za. of Auguft, 1670. of the laft Seffion of Parliament, anent will bf appointed for working thereat is limited betwixt Seed-time and Harveft, where- riK Year and repairing feveraloftheHigh-wayes at other Seafons oi the rftoeftivrsfefff-s ^ ^ Elates of Parliament, doth declare, that fSblfro to f ^ Juftices to whom the Execution of the faid Act is committed , may require all per- thevStbirara" andFernes. toconveen, the^mberofdayes excewred And firfr or fcafon they fliall judge moll convenient., Seed-time and Harveft being alwayes that It lhall be leifomp 'r g*^^at diftance from thofe who are liable to repair the fame, ftance thev navimr fiv flViM n" * Oyer-feers to difpence with thofe perfons who live at fuch a di- beenimnlovei?i/riif Girl w ' S® yearly for ilk Man , and twelve Ihiilings for ilk Horle which ought to have ShcrifFand Iiiftirpc o w pay^d in, fliall be expended at fight ot the faid ShcrifFand Juftices , on Work-men to work in place ofthofe who live at fuch diftances, in mann^ forefaid. ’ i^CT X. ACT Salvo jure cujullibet. Edinburgh, olAuguft, 1670. U R Sovcraigii Lord takinj^o confideration , that there be many Afts of Rati O and made in'thisSeffionofPatliament, in favours of particular perfons, witl I as may be thereby concerned and prejudged; Therefore, HisMajefty, witl ly Afts of Ratifications and others, paft '' without calling or hearing of His Majefty, with advice and confent of the ces compel the Lords - tent thereupon, before the making of the faidparticula T oras ofSeffionandallotherJudgeswithinthisKingdom, ihall be obliegedtojudge betwixt Parties, ac- * dine to their feverai Rights ftanding in their perfons before the making oi me faids Acts ; All which ate hereby exponed , and Declared to have been made, &alvojure cujuflibet. XI, ACT of Adjournment. Edinburgh, oi Augufi , 1670. /-r'HE King’s Majefty Declares this Parliament current, and Adjourns the fame to the eleventh of May next 1 tocome; Ordainina all the Members of Parliament to attend that day , And that there be no new E- leffionof Comraiffioneisfrom Sliires or Batrouglis , except upon die death of feme of the ptefent Commiffi' oners. N 1 S. A TABLE of die Printed ACTS. c T autbm-mngcertamCmmilfm:ers,fthemngdm<^^^ toT reat with the Commifr- A ^ ^0iers of Engfand , far the weel of 'boti Kingdoms. 1: 4. Alt againft imaders of Mmifters. 5 AB againjl Cmventkks. . S KB ratifying the Triviledges of the Ordinarj Lords ofSeffm. g. KB ratifying the Triviledges of the Ordinary . 5. KB concerning High-wayes. 10. Aft Salvo jute cujuflibet. 11. KB (f hijmrnment. N S. S ?. A LIST 140 A LIST Of the and Ratifications paft in this ficond Sejpm cf His Majcfties fecond Parliament, and which are not here printed, AC T concerning LegalExecutionstobeufedattIieTownsofL««israndiD«»fe. Aft in favours of tbe Duke and Dutchefs of Hamiltoun. Aft in favours of the Eari of Errol and his Cautioners, Aft in favours of the Countefs of Bramford and Lady Forrefter. Aft In favours of the Earls of 'Roxburgh and W^es. Aft in favours of tjie Town of hnBruther. Aft uniting the Kirks of Inchftnre and Rofsie. Aft for an Impofition for upholding the Bridge of ‘Dalkeith. Aft in favours of die Laird of ^drofs. Afts for fome new Fairs and Mercats. Aft for repairing the Kirks of Dreghorn and Kilmars. Aft Ratifying the Taxt Roll of the Burroughs. Aft in favours of Thomas Rocheid and Thomas Rutherfurd. Aft for reftifying fome Valuations. Aft in favours of the Earl of CaithneJS. Proteftation in favours of the Advocats and Writers , &c. Ratification of a Decreet Arbiaal concerning the Stipend of the lecond Minifter of South-Zif/Vi5. Proteftation be the Lord Balmerinoch and Paroch of Saaih- Leith againft tlie fame. Rarification in favours of Robert Baird of Sauchtoun-hall . Proteftation the Wrights and Cowpers of the Canmngate. Ratification of the Right of the Coliedge of 0\i.- Aberdeen. Proteftarion the Lord Gofsfoord and others againft the Ratificatioi| to Sit Andrew Fletcher. Ratification to the City of Edinburgh of die late Impofition upon the Wine and Ale , &c. Ratification in favours oijohn Wedderbwn , Fiat of Blacknefs. Ratification in favours of Sir 'iames CMercer. Ratificarion in favours of Patrick Lejy of Balquhine. Ratification in favours of the Earl of kFintoun. Ratification in favours of General Dalyel. Ratification in favouts of the Lord Gofsfoord. Ratification in favours of Alexander Monro. Ratification in favours of the Lord Saltoun. , Ratificadon in favouts of the Town of Kirlmal. Ratification in favours of the h arl of Eglintoun. Kaa&c&ixoamiisowK oi John Cmninghame ^Caldwel. Ratification in favours of James Cockbarn of that ilk. v . Ratification in favouts of Sir George Ogilvie of Barras. Ratification in favours of Sir Robert Nairn of Strathurd, Radfication in favours of Sir George CMonro of Colrane. Radfication in favouts of the Chiturgions & Apothecaries ri Edinburgh. Ratification in favouts of Sit Robert Sinclair of Longtormacut, Ratification in favours of the Lord Haltoun and his Son. Ratificadon in favours of the Lord Haltoun. Ratification in favours of the Members of the Mint-houfe. Ratification in favours of James Borthwick of Stow. Ratification in favours of Sit Colin Campbel qfx^berurquhil. Ratification in favouts of Henry Mcdougal of Mccairftoun. Ratification in favours of Robert Douglas f Brtd^ord. Ratificadon in favours of miliarn Blair ofKinfmms. Radficadon in favours of Colin Camfbel of Monsie. FINIS. THE THE laws and acts Paft in die THIRD I S E s S I O N Of th* S E C O N D parliament* Oj Our Mofl High and Drud Soveraign , c H A R L E s T HE SECOND. By die Grace of G OD, King of Scotland^ England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Begun at , from the la. of to the ii. of 1671. By his Grace, John ^uk ^Lauderdale , Marquefs fff Marche , Earl ^Laudetdaii, Vijcmnt Maitland , Lord Thitleffane , Muffelburgh and Bolton , Wc. ffix MAJESTIES CommiJJioner, &c. i. C T fir Settling the Militia. Edinburgh, the ty. of Jane, i 6 7 x, HE Kings Majefty confidering, that the Honour and Security of this His Ancient Kingdom are much concerned in the right ordering and fetde- ing of the Militia within the fame : Which being a Service and Imploy- ment of fo great Truft , His Majefty Rcfolves to take fpecial notice thereof ; and as He will give all due encouragements to thofe who fltall b® imployed therein,, fo He will expeft, and require from them an exaft performance of the duties and fetvices incumbem. to them in theit feveral Rations. And therefore His Majefty , with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament , Doth hereby Declare , Statute and Enaft , That ail fuch perfons who fhall be enrolled and admitted in this truft of the Militia, fhall be entirely refetved lot that impioyment ; and during theit fervice in it, fliallbe freed and CxdemM from all other Levies whatfoever. And that the perfons iriiBloyed may be fuitabl® to, and qualified for fuch a truft , It is alfo hereby Statute and Or¬ dained , That all the Officers in the Militia, be perfons well affefted to the Religion and Gwernment of the Church , as it is nov/ eflablifhcd by the Laws of this Kingdom : And that ali the Oincers and Souldiers, toHorfeotFoot. fhall. atthe firft Rendevous of each Regiment orTtoup wherethey fhall be prefent. Take the Oath of Allegiance, which is hereby Ordained to be adminiftted unto rijem , by die chief Officer commanding upon tlie place. And if it fhall happen any of them to lefrue the The Third SeJJim of the fecond Parliament of I4^ That they fliall be prefently feifed on , and fent to the next publick prifon , there to be kept ai ' order of His Majeftics Privy Council, they bcbaniflied die Kingdom: And that thefe who our* them , do forthwith furnilh others in their place. treiked And further , it is hereby Statute and Ordained , diat all the Officers of the Militia do pun* attend their feveral Charges, and that none of them offer to defert or demit the fame (but upon™* a and rcafonablc caufe, to be firlt offered to, and allowed by His Majeftics Privy Council) und^'^i pains following : viz. a Collonel of Foot , and Captain of Horfe , two thoufand merks ; alieutr™ Collonel of Foot , and Lieutenant of Horfe , one thoufand, five hundred merks; a Major, or Ca'^"-’' of Foot, one thoufand merks; a Lieutenant, or Enfign of Foot, or Cornet of Horfe, five hund^’a merks. And that all Officers to be hereafter named , lhall accept and attend their Charges • ai d f any of them fhall refufeto accept, without a reafonable caufe, to be fitft allowed as faid is, tlievfl 'll be alfo lyable to the refpeffive Fines aforefaid. And in cafe any of the Officers already admitted * who fhall hereafter be admitted in this Service, fhall neglefl the fame, and not give due atendance the feveral diets of Rendezvous of the Regiments, Troups, and of the Companies, they lhall be Ival^ to, and forfeit the Fynes following; a Major and Captain of Foot, and a Lieutenant and Coma f Horfe, fifty pounds in time of war, and twenty five pounds in time of peace; and the other inferio Officers, twenty four pounds in time of war, and twelve- pounds in time of peace. And it is alfo hereby Declared, that all Fynes formerly impofed by Acft of Parliament, for abfence from Rendevous or deficiency in outreikoPHorfeorMen, or in cafes of infufficiencyofHorfc or Armes, fhall be doubled in time of war. It is alfo hereby Ordained, that none be defigned Hotfe-men or Foot-men of the Militia, butfuchas dwell and refide in the bounds within which they ferve; and if any be already othetwife defigned, that they be changed , and others accordingly put in their places : And that in time coming , no Leader change any Tcnnent, Cottar orServant defigned Horfe-man or Foot-man in the Militia, folong as he continues on the Leaders ground , or in the bounds for which he ferves , or fliall be in the Leaders or Tennents fctvice: And that theTennent, Cottar or Servant lifted in the Militia, fliall not remove from his Mafters ground , nor leave his fervice , until year and day expire ; aiid dien the removal is only to be at the term of Whitfunday, the Leader being alwayes obliged, before his removal , toprefent to the Captain another fufficient man in his place, who fhall continue in the fervice as aforefaid. Andif anv man lifted in the Militia, fhall defert the fervice, and withdraw to any other place vvitliout the bounds for which he ferves ; the perfons who reflet him, upon intimation thereof given by his Mafter, or the Captain of the Troup or Company, fhall be holden to return him back within three dayes thereafter, and the perfon himfelf to be punimed for his fault, at the diferetion of the Captain and any two Com-^ miffioners of the Militia: And in cafe the Refleter, being required, lhall not return him, he is to be Fyned inane hundred merks Scots by any two Commiffioners of the Militia, ifhe live within the Shire: and if he live in any other Shite, by the Sheriff, Magiftrats of Burgh , or any other ordinar Magiftrat on the place. It is iikewife hereby Ordained , that the Leader of every Horfe is to furnilh and uphold a fufficient Horfe with his furniture for die ipace of leven years from this time; and that after the expyting of the feven years, thefe of the Fraction with him fhall contribute for another Horfe, at the rate of ten pounds Sterling, and that the Horfe be provided to the value of that fumme, and fo after the expyting of each leven years thereafter fiiccefsive-. And that theHeretors of every Shite allow yearly fourty eiglit, pounds Srarj to the Trumpetter who ferves their Troup, and twelve pounds Scots to every Drummer who ferveth their companies. And it is further Ordained, that befides the dayes ol Rendevous already ap¬ pointed, and which areftill to be obferved in the time of Peace; Yet in the time of War, there are to be two Rendevous yearly of the Regiments of Foot; at either of which , the Companies are to be keeped together, and exercifed for two dayes; as alfo, four dayes of Rendevous for the feveral Companies. But in regard of the diftance of the bounds , and other difficulties in drawing together the Regiment which is raifed out of hrgyl, Bute and TTumbartan , they are to have onely one general Rendevous in the year , and two for the feveral Companies , who are to ftay together two dayes at either of their Rendevous. And further, his Majefty , with advice and confent forefaid. Ratifies, Approves and Renewes all former Adis, Orders or Inftruiftions paft in Parliament, or by His Majefties Privy Council concerning the Militia ; and Ordains them to be put to due execution, except in fofaras any of them are innovate or altered by this prefcnt Aft. ACT A C r concerning Tupils and tMinors , and their Tutors and Curators. Ediniurgb, ofjme, i6y7.. O.UR SOVERAIGNLORD, Confidering the great prejudice andinconvenieiice befalling, to Pu- ' oils and others , who cannot provide for, or defend themfelves , That their Tutors or Curators have immeaiate accefs to their Charter-chefts , Writs, Evidentsand Securities of their Lands, fums of money, gnti others belonging to them » whicn they may imbefil , fuppreJs , or by collufion , give up to their Debitors or other parties intetefied, without juft fatisfaCliou;' Ocothetwife , having gotten lacisfaiftion , there is no rnean by which a Charge cars be made up againft the faids Tutors and Curato rs , but themlclves , when they ate brought to an account , make both their own khatge and Difchargc*, and in cafe of their deccalc, they who fucceeu to tiiem , for the moft part , can have no Charge made up againft them at all. Forremced whereof- HisMajefty, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Statutes, Ordains and De¬ clares, that no Tutor or Curator of any Pupil, Mino'r, Idiot or furious perfon , to be named or defigned in any time coming, or who is not afluallyftated and entered in the faid office, ffiall have power or audio- fity to exercife the faid Office of Tutor or Curator, orto meddle with the Writs , Evidents, Means and ^Eftateofthe faids Pupils, Minors, Idiots or furious perfons , Untiifirftaninvcntarbcmadcup, in manner aftcr-fpecified , by the faids Tutors and Curators , with advice and confent of the ncareft of kin oh the F atliers fide , and the neareft of kin on the Mothers fide , ' Who ffiall be Majors , and within the Kingdom for the time: which Inventar ffiall be fubfetihed by the faids Tutors and Curators, and the faids neareft of kin ; and one fabfcribeddoubie thereof keeped by the faids Tutors or Curators, another by the neareft of kin on the Fa¬ thers fide , and the third by the neareft of kin on the Mothers fide. All which fubfef ibed Duplicats ffiall be judiciailyproducedbefore the Judge ordinatofihe place, where the Pupil, Minor , Idiot or furious perfon their chief tefidence is, and an Adt made upon production thereof, heariilgtheprodufliion of the Inventat, and expreffing the names ofthe perfons fubfetibets thereof, and in whofe cuftody the fame were left; and that the Duplicats be alfo fubferibed by the Clerk of Court , that they ihay not be altered thereafter. And ill cafe the neareft of kin on both fides will not concur in making up the Itivcntatin manner fprefaid , the faids Tutors and Curators ffiall raifefummonds at their ihftance, before the faids 'Judges ordinal refpeCti-ve, for fummonding the neareft ofkin that arc majors, and within the'Comitrey,, upon cither fide, ibr decerning them to concur in making up af the faid Inventat in maniietforefaid: And in cafe they compear not, or do not concur as faid is, With certification, the faid Inventar ffiall be made up by the faid T utor or Curator , with advice and confent oi the Judge ordinar , or any w horn he ffiall delegate or appoint , u ho ffiall fubferibe three Duplicats ofthe faid Inventat with the faids Tutors or Curators, whereupon a Judicuil Aft ffiall be made, and the Duplicats fubferibed by the Clerk, itithe famemannetasiftheneareftofkin had concurred; aiida Duplicatthereofftiall be keeped by the faids Tutors and Curators, and theothettwo Duplicats lhall remain in die Clerks hands, to beaeliveredto the neareft ofkin on the Father and Mothers fide, being clofed up and fealed by the faids Tutors or Curators, arid the perfon delegate for making the faid Inventar as faid is. Which Inventar ffiall contain the names and defignation^oftheLandsbelongingto the Pupils, Minors and others fotefaids, andthe Bands, Counts and Tickets due to them, andfumsthccein contained, and their Moveables, afweilHeirffiip-Moveable as ocher Moveables; Andincafcithat theretfter. any other Lands, Debts, fums of money or other Goods and Gear whatfoever belonging, pt that may happen to belong to the faids Pupils , Minors, Idiots, or furious perfons, ffiall come to the knowledge ofthe faids Tutors or Curators , fo that they may attain to the poflcffioii thereof ; In that cafe , and within the fpace of two Mon- eths after they attain to the polleffion ofthe famine, Theylballeekethefame to the forefaid Inventar, and make a judicial Aft thereupon in the hands of the Clerk ol Court where the principal Inventar was made , and ffiall leave two Duplicats ofthe faid Eek ot Eeks , one or moe , fealed as faid is , in the hands of the faid Clerk, for the ufe ofthe neareft ofkin as faid is. And it is hereby further Declared , that the Debitors ol the Pupils, Minors, Idiots or fiuious perfons, fliali not be obliged to make payment to the Tutors or Curators olthe faids perfons , ofany fums due by them, unknecbcfaid TutororCuratorlhowtothe faids Debitors, that the Sums ot Goods demanded from them . ate contained in the faids invencars or Ecks fubferibed by the laids neareft of kin, or by the Clerk oi Court in maner rejpeBlve forefaid. And it is haeby iurther Declared. that ifthe faids Tutors or Curators ihallfailzie in making up the faids Inventars and Ecks m manner above- written , They fliall be lyable both for intromiftion and Onliftfon , and lhall have no alio wance or defaJ^cation ol the charges and expenfes wared out by them in the affaif s of the faids Pupils , Mmors , Idiots or furious perfons: and ffiall be removable from tfer Office as fufpeft Tutors and Curaw^^^^ thcEdcs ftomtimetotimeinmannerforefaid. Itisalwayesheteby Declared, that this Aft lhal not pte- judge Pupils, Minors and other perfons aforefaid, to charge ® made appear they have iiitrometted , or might have mtrometted with , over and above ^ ^ TLK And futtherHisMajefty ,^vithadviceandconfentforcfaid, Statutes and Ordains, That 144 The third SeJJimi of the fecond parliament of all Gifts ofTutory, that lliall be granted hereafter, by His Majelly or His Exchequer, lhall proceed n citation of the Minors neareft of kin on both fides, at the inflance of the Gravers of the faids Gifts- they may he heard, if they have any thing to fay againft the petfon to whom the Giftisto begranted- upon confent firft obtained thereto, under the hands of the faid neareft of kin. And Ordains, that the Ga Gifts ihall bear exprefly that tire neareft ol kin were cited , or confented to the palling of the faid Gifts • c tifying all who lliall procure Gifts of T utory or Curatory forefaids , without citation or confent of tlic favi ' neareft ofkin, or where the famin is not exprefly mentioned therein , That thefc Gifts lliall be declared n II and void, by \Vay ofexceptioiiorafiion , at the inftanceofanyperfon who Ihall have obtained aGiftoftl faids Tutory or Curarory , conform to the Tenor of this prefent Aft. III. C T difchargmgthe imfm'tationoflrijh ViBual. Edinburgh, a8. of June, I67^. FOrafmuch as the importing of Viftual, Horfes and Cows from Ireland into this Kingdom, hathbeeit by divers publick Afts and Statutes , difeharged , under great pains 'jAnd that, notwithftanding thereof fundry perfons , preferring their own privat intetefts to their obedience to the Law and good of the Kingdom ’ have adventured to import diverfe quantities of Victual from Ireland, and have vented and fold the fame in this Kingdom; whereby the fale ol Corns, growing within the Kingdom, hath been flopped, and much- money hath been unwarrantably carried out of the Kingdom. And His Majefty being refolved , fot the good ofthis His Ancient Kingdom, totakeaneffeftual coutfe for preventing and reftraining fuch courfes forthe time to come; Doth therefore, with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament , Statute and Ordain that all Hcrctors, Wod-fetters and Life-renters within the Shire of Lanerk below Glajgow, and in the Shires of Air, Kenfrew, IVigtoun, Dumbartan, Bute, hrgyl, and Stewartrie of Kirkcudbright , having Land onthcSea-coafts; and the Magiftrats of the Burghs ol Glajgow ,T)tmfreis , Kirkcudhight , Renfrew, Tlumbartan, \rwing. Sir ,Stranrawer,RofsawA\nnerrary , give Bonds, that they, their Tennents* or any dwelling on their Lands , or Inhabitants witliin the faids Burghs , ihall not import or reflett any fort of V iftual from Ireland, under the pain of twelve hundred pounds Scots, toties emoties. And if any of that Vic¬ tual Ihall happen to be Livered within their bounds, by perfons not living within the fame. That tliey alfo detain and feife the Viftual, Veflel and perfons therein , ifthey can be apprehended, under the fame pain. And ifthe Importers make any forcible refiftance, Itishereby Declared, that the Seifers, andthefewho iliall afllft them , ihall be free of all skaith or prejudice may fall out thereupon .• And that they give timeous notice thereol to the Lords of His Majefties Privy Council or Exchequer , who are hereby impowered to pun- ilh the Importers , by fyningorimprifonment, or both, as they iliall think fir. And forthe Veflels and Goods, whether imported by Natives or Strangers, They are hereby Declared to be confifeat; two parts thereof to His Majefties uie, and the third part to the Seifer, whether he be Heretorol the Lands where the Importation happeneth , or not. And in cafe any Hetetors or Magiftrates ihall fufFer any Viftual to be imported , and lliall not feife and cettifie, as faid is, and that any other perfon iliall inform thereof, and verifie the fame ; This Informer is to have the third of the Goods , if they ili^ be apprehended , and alfo the third ol the fine impofed upon the Heritors or Magiftrates failzeing as faidis. Likeas His Majefty , withadvicc forefaid , doth Authorize the Lords of His Majefties Privy Council to appoint fit perfons to receive the Sub- feriptions of the Heretots,Magifttates & others forefaids,within the bounds above- written, to the Bond here¬ unto fubjoined. And if any of them ihall refufe to fign the Bond, they are , for fuch refufal. Declared to Incur the pain and penalty of Tw'o hundred pounds Sterling, and imprifonment during the Councils pleafure: Befides that, they ihall be ly able to the fame pains as if they had fubferibed the Bond. And lor the encourage¬ ment and relief of fuch Heretors and Magiftrates, asiliallgive Bond as faid is, Itis appointed, thatifany Viftual fo imported, ihall happen to be reflett in any of the faids Shires or Burghs , the Reflettet iliall be lyable to relieve the Heretor or Burgh in whole bounds the Viftual was Livered, of theFyne they incurred thereby : As alfo, that their Tennents and Inhabitants ihall alfo fubferibe the fame. And in cafe of their relulal, their Tacks of their Rooms, ifthey have any , are declared void , and they , and all fuch otherTen- nents or Inhabitants, as have no Tacks , ate to be removed from their PoflelTions and Dwellings , by fentence ofany Judgeordinar, before whom the refufal ihall be proven; Befidesthat, they ihall be lyable as if they had lubfcribcd the Bond,and their perfons to be imprifoned during the pleafure oi his Majefties Privy Council, who ate alfo hereby warranted to give Commiilions & allowances to fit perfons to feife any of the faids Veflels that Ihall be Water-born within the Waters, betwixt the Head of Kintyre and Lochryan,o'c within the Weftetn Ides, or any Port, Loch, Creek or Rivet from Lccii^'a)? to BrOT/mr: As alfo, to allow importation of Viftualforfuch timeasthey fiiallthinkfit, the price of Viftual, within the Kingdom for the time, beingat eight pounds the Boll of Beir and Meil, and ten pounds Wheat, or above. Andlaft, His Majefty Ratines and Renews all former Laws , and Afts, and Proclamations of Council made againft importing of Viftual as faid is : And Ordains them to be put to Execution , except in ib far as they are altered by this Aft ; And Ordains Letters ofHoriiing to pafic hereupon, informaseneirs. The Tenor oi the Bond above-mentioned. I in obedience of , and conform to, the Mi of ‘Parliament aeaM importation of ViBnalfrom Ireland , ‘Do hereby hind and oblidge me, that I. nor mjTemients, nor other Perfon dwelling upon any Lands belonging to me , jhallnot import nor rejfetany Via ual from f eland. <^^td if any Viiiual, fo imported, Jhall be Livered in any Bounds belonging tome , by any not living within my hounds, / oblidge me to feife and detain the ViblHal . Goods , Vejfels and 0„.fQns therein , if they can be apprehended ■. t^id to give jfeedy notice thereof to His Majefties Conn- ilor Exchequer, under the pain of Twelve hundred pounds^, as oft as I or thy Jhall failzie hi any of \ypremtfts ; To he payed to lyCtnd for the more jiciirity- The like Bond to be given by the Magiftrates of the Burrows above-mentioned for their Inhabitants. I V. c/f C T for raijing of a New Supply of Eight Hundred and Sixty Four Thoufand Pounds Scots , Offered to His 'Majejly. 'Edinburgh, 5. of July, 1671. TH E Eftates of Parliament being fenfible of the great Obligations lying on them to imbracc every Occa- fion whereby they may renew the Expreffions of tlieit Duty , Loyalty and Gratitude to His Majefty, for the many and conftant Proofs they have had of His AfFeftion to, and Cate of, the Concerns of this His Ancient Kingdom ; And confidering that His Majefty is now engaged in a moft Juft and Necelfaty V/aragainft uie States General of the ‘United ‘Provinces , They conceive therafelves oblidged to take fuch courfes , and provide fuch remedies , as may evidence the fenfe and refentments this Kingdom hath of Hss Majefties Honour and Interells, as well as what may concern their own fecuriw, againft all Acci¬ dents which either from without or within the Kingdom may fall out upon this occafion : And therefore They do hereby Declare, that, as the Kingdom of Scotland will cheerfully hazard their lives and fortunes in tliis or any other caufe wherein His Majefties Safety, Honour or Interefts may be concern’d ; So, in order thereunto. They have fo fettled the Militia, as the Forces of the Kingdom may be in readinefs , when ever His Majefty Hiali be pleafed for thofe ends to make ufe of them. And conceiving it necellary , for the rendering of this Humble Tender of their Duty the more effeftualfot His Majefties Service, That His Majefty be provided with a flock of money toward the encouragement and maintenance of the Forces of tM Kingdom , and fuch otlier neceflary occafions as concern His Majefties Honour , or the BubSick Peace ; T hey do therefore, with all humble Duty and Cheerfulnefs , for Themfclves , and in ®sme of this Kingdome which They reprefent , Make ofter to His Majefty ol a new Supply of Eight hundred, fixty four thoufand pounds tofJ , to be payed andraifed out oftheLand-rentof the Kingdom, according totheprefent Valuations, inchefame maner , and conform tothe proportions contained in the Aft of the Convention of Eftates , for raifing of die Supply granted to His Majefty in the Year, One thou- fand, ftxhundred, fixtyfeven, andtobepayediniourpartsattheTermsfoilowing, eachfourthpartan- fwering to three MonethsCefs; viz. Two hundred, and fmeenthoufand pounds, as being one fourth part thereof, and anfwering to three Moneths Cels, to be payed at the Term of next to come in this prefent Year, Onethoufand, ftxhundred, feventytwo: AnothetTwohundted, and fixteen thou- fand pounds, at tiie Term of , Onethoufand, ftxhundred, feventy three ; And the third Two hundred , and fixteen thoufand pounds , at the Term ofEambas , One thoufand, fix hundred, feventy three; And the fourth and laft Two hundred , and fixteen thoufand pounds, to be payed at the Term of Candlemas, Onethoufand, fix hundred, feventy four. Likeas the Kings Majefty , with advice and confent of HisE- ftates of Parliament , Doth hereby Ordain the forefaid fumme of Eight hundred, fixty four thoufand pounds &5rjtoberaifedandpayedattheTermsofpaymentparticularly above-mentioned ; And that the Com- miffioners tor the Valuations take care, and be anfwerable, thatthe fame be accordingly raifed and payed in to fuch as lliali be warranted by His Majefty to receive the fame ; And that all mancr ot diligence and execution contained in the forefaid Aft of Convention, Onethoufand, ftxhundred, fixtyfeven, be made ufe of for raifing of this Supply above-mentioned , atthe IcveralTermsof paymcntthercoi , asfully as if tliefame wereexprefly repeated in this Aft. AndasHisMajefty with Advice forefaid. Ordains that exaft- nefs, diligence and execution be ufedfbrthe fpeedy bringing in of this Supply asaforefaid ; So, fertile encouragement of fuch as iliall make due payment, as laid is , It is alfo hereby Declared, That no per¬ fon liable in any part of this Supply, lliali beholden to produce their Difehargesor Receipts ofthc fame after thefecondofA’^m/^rry, inthc Year Onethoufand, fixhundred, and eighty one. Andfariher, the Kings Majefty, confidering that tlis whole burden of this Supply licth upon the Land-rent; And conceiving The Third Se£ion of the fecmtd ’Parliament of juft, that the perfonal eftates df money fhould bear fome proportion of the Burden, tow A ^ of the Latid-rent ; Doth therefore, with Advice and Confent forefaid. Statute and Ordain ''fef Debitor owing money within this Kingdom, lhall, for the fpace of one year, from the Term f mefs, Onethoufand, fix hundred, ftventytwo, to die term of Mertinmefs , OnethoufanH r dred, feventy three, in die payment, of their Annual-rents for that Year , have retention ■ i‘!'W hands ofonefixdi part diereof, at the payment of the other five parts of thefaids Annual-tentc'j™? °"'n Yearas faidis. for that V. . ACT comemhigthePrivikdges of Burghs Royal. Edinburgh, lo. of July, 167a. OUR SO V ER AIGN LORD, taking intoHisferiousConfideration, how neceflar t' Wealth and Welfare of this His ancient Kingdom.tliat Trade & Commerce be encouraged bo' h r Export ot the grouth and Manufaflurie of the Kingdom , and for the Import of Forrcign Commodit' '''' fite for the ufe and fatisfaiftion of His People ; And lot that effeift , that the Priviledges of the Roval'^R’ granted by His Majefty and His Royal Predecefldrs , may beeftablilhed, and cleared from them troverfies and Debates that have been thereanent , to the greatdifquiet and expences , both ofthe rows themfelves , and other Incorporations and People of die Kingdom : Which Controvctfies ha concerning the extent of the Priviledges of die Royal Burrows ; and how fat the Ratifications thereof by His Majefty and His Royal Predeceflors , and the Eftates of Parliament , have been deroBM abrogate by conttair Cuftom, Or by Infeftments and Priviledges granted by His Majefty and u'* Royal Progenitors; and fpecially the a4. Adi of the Parliament, holden by His Majefties Royal c | ot happy Memory, in the Year of God, 1633. entituled , Ratification of the Priviledges Royal Burrows, whereby all exportation of any Merchandice is prohibited to any perfons but th R ™ gelles of Royal! Burrows, tlieitFadlors or Servants; and all Perfons, dwelling outof Burrows are hibitedroufe any Merchandice, ortobuyWine, Wax, Silks, Spicery, WaldorficklikeStuffi- noH°' none Pack nor Peil without tlie Kings Burrows, imderpain of Efcheatof the Goods that fliould be ped, fold, packed otpeiled contrairtothat Statute: And giving power- to the faids Royal Buorows"'*’’ their Commiflioners, to fearcli unfrce-mens Goods , intromet therewith as Efcheat, either within ’ 1°' Countrey or any other part. Which Priviledges fo extended , were never in ufe , and are higly judicial to the common intereft and good ofthe Kingdom, and are by the faid Statute, extended fat bev''^'H the ancient Priviledges of Burrows , repeated and confirmed therein ; applying the priviledges grat^ to Burrows generally to Royal Burrows only, to the prejudice of the Burghs of Regalities and Barron™ and extending of the fale of Imported Commodrties which could only be underftood of whole fale the topping and retailing of the faids Commodities. And on the other part , tire juft priviledges oft^ Royal Burrows have been encroached upon by others, not only by exporting, but by importing of Staple-Commodities , witliout bearing burden with the faids Royal Burrows in the publick Taxation and Aids granted to His Majefty. For remeed whereof. His Majefty , with advice and confent of HR Eftates of Parliament , Statutes and Ordains, that it is, andfhail be the priviledge ofFree-menofRoval Burrows, and no other Incorporation or perfon within this Kingdom, to buy or fell , in great or whole fale. Wine, Wax, Silks, Spiceries, Wald, and other Materials for Dying ; And that no other incor¬ poration or perfon within this Kingdom, fliall have power to import or export the, fame, or to import any other Commodities , except fuch as are allowed to jehem by tliis prefentAft.- But prejudiecto Noble-men , Prelates, Barones and others, of their priviledge of importing any of the faids Goods for the proper ufe of themfelves and their families allaneriy. Likeas, His Majefty, with confent forefaid Doth hereby Erafl and Declare, that it fhall be leifom to any of His Majefties good Subjefls, or any perfon that ihall buy from them, to export forth of tliis Kingdom , by Sea or Land, ail manner of Corns that ate of the Grouth of the Kingdom , all manner of Cartel , Nolt , Sheep, Horfe , Coal, Salt, and Wool, Skins, Hydes, and all other Native Commodities of the Kingdom: Andthat itlhallbe Ici- fom to the Burghs of Regality and Barony, by any of their Burgefles or Members of Society , to export all their own proper Manutaflurie , or fuch Goods as fliall be bought by them in Fairs or Markets. And tliat it fliall be leifom to the faids Burghs of Regality or Barony, ot Jbcietics erefted ot to be erefted for Manufafturies, and all others exporting the Native Growth of the Kingdom as aforefaid, to import, in return of thefaids Goods exported, or of the Fraught and Hire ofthe Jhips, die Goods and Commo¬ dities following ; viz. Timber, Iron, Tar, doap , Lint, Lint-feed, Hemp, Onions, or other ne- ceftars.fot Tillage ot building, or for the ufe of their forefaid Manu-fadurie-. And als, to top and retail all Commodities whatfoever. Likeas, His Majefty, with confent ofdie faid Eftates, Statutes and Ordains, That, if any man, not being free-man in the Royal Burrows , fliall be found to have in His poflefiion any Goods or Commodities to be bought or fold , exported or imported by him, conttair to diis prefent d'tatute. King C H A R L E S I I. M7 tuce. anJ-thc Priviledi!,eof che Royal Burrows granted thereby ; The faids vrholc Goods fliall l-e Nieat', thcone halftoHisMajeny, and thcother hall to the Biirghappichcndcr ; the lliids r ods be apprehended within any ol the faids Royal Burrows . or the Sub-utbs or Appendicles belonginii to I ^ or within their Ports or Harbors ; Thcfamin may be fummarly feifed and fecured, as Goods dclieat ■ ma'iier forefaid. But if tlif faids Goods , competent only to F rce-mcn ofRoyal Burrows, Ihall be found, uieadeed to be found, elfcwlictc ; They Ihall only be arrcallcdand purfued to be declared Elchcat, to rdividedinmannerabove-written, before any competent judicator, as accords of the Law: And that, pretence thereof, the Magiftrates of Burghs, or others by CommilTion from them , or any ol their jP, ,,u|tants, Ihall not fearch or feife upon any Goods, or any Way trouble or molefl His Majefties good « bicdls, living without the bounds ol their faids Burghs orSub-urbs, fummarly and byway offafl, but ' , f... T cnol Pmcefs accordinn to Law, unon the nreti " - ~ - Iv by Legal Procefs according to Law , upon the pretence ofany Ptiviledge, Cuftom otUfage what- unlefs the Perfons be deptehended in the ptefent and aflual ttanfgreirionofthePriviledgesofthe onl foever Roval Burrows above-written, and that within the bounds of the faids Burghs , Sub-urbs and Potts thcre- f . Under the pain of being proceeded againll as Committers of Ryot , and Difturbctsof His Majefties Peace, Likeas, HisMajefty, with confent forefaid , Caffis, Annuls and Refeinds all Adis of Parliament ‘ j Ratifications , in fwa tar as they ate contrait to this prefent Statute : And Ordains Letters of Horning '^0 be DireiftfummarlyattheinftanceofallRoyal Burrows, againftall and whatfoever Perfons who have ' anferefled , or fiiall tranfgtcfle the fotefaids Ptiviledges , as the fame ate Eftablillied and Declared by this prefm Aft. V I. ACT difeharging fecund Summands, &c. Edinburgh, lo. oijuly, 167a. FOrafmuch as tire former Prafticc andCuftome, that Procefs and Summonds before the Lords of Scf fion, for the moft part, Ihould be continued , lies been the occafion of delay of Juftice, and of great trouble and charges to His Majefties Leiges: Byreafon, that when the Patties , at leaft the Defenders , did live at a great diftance from tlie faid Judicatory , after the Purfuer had raifed the firft Summonds, and had fent, and cauftd execute thefameinremoteplacesoftheKingdom : They were forced to return tliefamcto be continued and , upon an Aft of continuation , to raife other Summonds . and to fend the fame again to die Countrey ’ and to caufe execute the fame in remote places of the Kingdom , for the moft part by Mefiengets i loved and fent diere of purpofe ; And to return the fame before there could be any Procefs m the Caufe forefaid And even when Parties had their refidence near the faid Judicatory , and the Putfuers were con¬ cerned ’ and defirous, to infift with all polfible diligence; and to that purpofe had raifed Summonds ; Yet, if the Vacation- time didinterveen^ (duringwhich their Summonds could not be continued) their Pro- refs could not be in readinefs againft the next enfuing SeiTion ; fo that they vvece poftponed by the fpacc nf diverfemoneths , to their great prejudice. And Our Soveraign Lord , being tender, and equally carc- fnll of the Intcreftof His Subjeas , both Putfuers and Defenders ; And chat a remedy may be (uo- videdforpreventingtliefaidinconvcmemsand prejudice to the Purfuers: fenders be not prejudged : Therefore , His Majcfty , with advice and confent ol His Eftates of Parliament, Doth Statute aL OrLn . that , in all Caufes and ProcelTes that lha 1 be intended hereafter before the Lords ofSeflion ofwhatfoevetnaturethefaminbc; and albeit formerly the Summonds were in ufc, and ought to have b^en continued : Yet. the Purfuer Ihall not be obl.dged to caufe eontmue their Summonds and to take out Afts of Continuation , and to caufe raife and execute Letters and fecond Summonds there- UDon any Law , Cuftome , Statute or Aft of Sedermt to the contrary notwithftanding . which is hcie- bv Reoeafed And becaufe by the Law and Cuftome formerly obferved in the Caufe forefaid , , being oft- tfees of meat importance, a Decreet could not be obtained fummarly upon a Angle Citation ; whiclunay randCimls U indufttuoufty . and of purpofe, fo conyeyed enme to the Defenders knowledge : And upon the confideraaons fotefaids , alter that the uetwaers tiies, andcotwodiftinftdietsanddayesofCompearance; faid ShetifFs in that part, andMeflengets and t at, y firft Summonds , be Summonds, fuch perfons, as might, and wet , , ' , .k. fij,, recertifications as formerly warranted to give the fitft citation upon the fame time , and with the lameeertitieati r lyo the Third SeJJion of the ficond ’Parliament of were and ought to have been in citations upon the firll Summonds : And by the fecond Warran - - - gersat Arms, otfuch other perfons as formerly were and ought tohavebeenimployedtoexecut'i fccond fummonds , when they were apart , and mon Afts of Continuation ; ftiallbe vvattanted^^"^'^'*'’' manded to give the fccond Citation , after the palling and elapfing of all the time contained in the the firft Citation : And the faid fecond Citation fhall be upon the fame time , and with the fame r for t , t.i.oi .. c cercincp*: com. ntfot ations that were ufual in fecond Summonds, and in the Afts whereupon the fame proceeded, according to I {files , conception and nature thereof rcJfeBive. And it is Declared , That upon all Summonds av ' ^ ties , either within or witliout the Counttey , containing the faid Warrant for two Citations , beinp”*'”*^ faid is, andnootherwife; Ptocefs iliall be granted in alTcaufes which before did abide Continuati'^*^'^'^^^^ fame manner, and with the fame effcdls, to all intents andpurpoles, as were granted upon Su"'’ Adis ofContinuation and Letters : And in all other Ptocefles and caufes , which did not require tion. It is Declared , that the Summonds (hall be libelled , and Procefs (hall be granted thereupon and in the fame manner , without any change or alteration. And it is further Statute and Ordained** | ’ time coming, all Executions ofSummonds (hall bear exprefly the names and defignations ofthePart' fuersand Defenders: And that it (hall notbefufBcientthatthefamedo relate generallv to the otherwife the Execution lhall not be fuffained. ’’nionds , VII. ACT" coHcernmg TVrits fajfmgthe Great andPrivj Seals. Edinburgh, i a. of July, 1671, 'T^He Kings Majelly, confideting how much His own Service and the Interefts of His Subieftes A prejudged, by the negleft of Regiftrating thefe Charters , Inleftments, Gifts , Commilliom other Writs, which do pafs, and ate written to, the Great and Privy Seals; Doth for remeT ing and preventing of this evil for the time to come , with advice of His Eftates of Parliament Stan r andOtd.iin, that all Charters, Infeftments, Commidions, Gilts and other Writs which liereaL, lun pafsunder the Great and Privy Seals , (hall be regiftrat in the Regifters of the great and Zysfafs reffeatve , before tlie Seal! be appended to them : And the Writers to thefe Seals , who keep the ReoS thereof, are heieby ^darned to Regiftrat every Writ palling their Office, and, by their li*fcript^ m mark the fame on the back thereof , to be written and Regiftrate by them , before tljey give tliero out to be fealed;^ and tlut they make and keep a perfedfMinut-book, containing the Names, Surnames and Defigna tions ol the perfons m whofe favours the Charters and other Writs are granted , with the Names of the Lands and fpecial matters therein contained: And the keepers of thefe Seals are hereby Difehawed to anoendthe Seals w any writs which are not fo markedand attefted to be Regiftrat , as they will be anfwerable. And 1^ Majefty father cMfidetmg thatthe Writting of Precepts of Seafing, to pafs under the Quarter Seal a great anbunnecelTary trouble to His Subjefts, andmaybeafwel, and with lefs trouble fup^ied, ifthePre- MptofSeafingw^mfertinthe Charter; Doth tlierefote , with advice forefaid , Supptds, and for ever Difcharge,thepaffingorwtmngDf any precepts of Seafing to. or underthe Quarter Seal: And Ordains that , in heu thetMf , every Charter lhall , towards the end , contain a Precept of Seafing of all the Lands and oth«s contained therein; which lhaU be aisfuffident for taking of Seafings. asifthefLe were pall under f onSbv the W y ^ ■ “"'^“ftanding the great trouble and inconvenieScies occa- ^ °f , itl OUC bfOad patch- Sid f ^ largenefs that they can hardly be read : Doth, for remcid thereof, with Lvice forefai^ Statute and Ordam, thatitlhallbelreetoanypetfon. who hath any Charter or Writ to be wittea for the Great or Pny Seals, tochoifewhethertohavethefamewrittenina broad skin of parchment as fot- Seer V Written by way of a book m leaves of parchment , about the breadffi of an atdmary fteetofpaper; and accordingly, the Writters to the Great and Privy Seals, are hereby Ordained to andexped the fame: And, il they lhall be written in the way of a book, that each page be fignedand MowJi/ Jr* T^f.'*-| therefi^dlivi Seals areto be appended tLreto if manner following, v&. To fuch as lhall be written on a skin of parchment in the ordinary wav. That die ** which lliall be Written in the book-way, tLttiie Seals (hall Linu^ieref f IbT’ib 7 '1’= leaves in the Marginc. And that for doing hereof , this lliall be a fufficient warrand to all perfons concerned. “ sicr VIII. ACT concerning Arreafiments ufid •within Burghs. Edinburgh, iz. of July, 1672. OURSOVERAIGN lord confideriiig, that the Burrows Royal have been in ufe to atteall Strangers , who live without their refpeftive Burghs , for all Debts due by them to any of the Inhabi- rsBurgefeofthefaid Royal Burrows, any maner ofway , without diftinftion; Do daily iotce them to W Caunon to compear before the Town-Courts , or otherwife go to Ptifon , to the great hurt and prejudice nf the Leiges , who being Strangers , and not able to find Caution within Burgh, arc oftentimes fummarly • catcerat, without any juft caufe , to their great dammage , expences, anddifgrace. For remeid whete- "f Hisbdajefty, withadvice and confent ofHis Eftatesof Parliament, Statutes and Ordains , that, in ”me coming, no Burgefle nor other Inhabitant of any Royal Burgh lhall have power, or be permitted, to ''rcaftanyofHisMajeftiesSubjeflsofthis Kingdom, who live outwith the Burgh, or force them to find Caution , or imprifon them as faid is , for any debt whatfoever ; Except allanetly for Horfe-meat or Mans- ^ eat Abuilzs™®'''® or other Merchandice due by Strangers to ButgefTes ; For which they have no other fe- "" titv but their own Compt-books ; and for which rhe faid priviledge of Arreaftment fhall only be competent Tthe Merchant, Inn-keeper or Stabler from whom the famin was gotten, and to whom it was rininally addebted : So that , in cafe the famin be alfigned to any other Burgefs , the Affignee ihall not have die benefit of that Priviledge. And fiklike , if Strangers have given Band or other fecurity , for the Mans “ eat Horfe-meat . Abuilzements or other Merchandice , t he Merchant , Inn-keeper or Stablet refpective Jhall nothavethebeneficofthefotefaidPriviledge; hut lhall be lelt to putfue for their tefpeflive Debts be- the Judge Otdinat as accords. And in regard that Burghs of Regality and Barrony do aflume the fame PriviledgetTherefore His Majefty.with advice fotefaid.Inhibits & Difeharges the Magifttatesof thefe Burghs Arreaft or Incatcerat any perfons who ate not Butgefles Inhabitants in their Burgh , for any manor of Debt; And it is hereby Declared, That.ifanyMagiftrate of any Burgh fhallptefumetodointhe conttair hereot . Xhey fhall be puniflied for wrongous Imprilonment ofHis Majefties Leiges. IX. act againH Unlawful Ordinations. Edinburgh, 14. of July. i67z. aJS^UmtyorthisChhrch, and for pteferving the Reverence, and Interhft of the Reformed Religionpro- felTed in it ; and for the preventing of die gtouth of fcandalous Schifra and Confufion arifing from various and distent Ordinations; Doth therefore, with advice and confent of His Eftatesof Parliament, Stamte and Ordain that no petfon or perfons whatfoever ptefume to appoint or Ordain any petfon to the Office and Work of the Miniftry, except thefe who have Authority approven by the Laws of the Kingdom for that ettett; and that no petfon take Ordination from any, butfuch as are thus Lawfully Authorized to mve '''= Declatine hereby, allpretended Ordinations of any perfons, fince the Year, t66i. which have not been, orhereafKrfhallnotbe, according to the Appointment of the Law. tobenullandinvahd; And all perfons who , fmee the faid Year , have received pretended Ordination , or ftall receive the fame any other manct of wav then as is fettled by Law , to be no Miniftets. And His Majefty , widi advice fotefaid , Statutes and Ordains , that both the pretended Ordainets , and thefe who lhall pretend to have received tofindCaution or being baniflied, fliall afterwards return to this Kingdom, that they fhaUfufferpOTcm- tile Aftof Patliamentin againftdiforderly and clandeftmeMamages: Which Adi is hereby Ratified and Renewed. S ? ACT The Third Sejjlmt of the fecond Tarliament of I JO X. ACT concerning hpparel. Edinburgh, z6. of July, ih^z. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD confidEring the great prejudice , which this Kingdom doth fuftain by the fumptuoufiiefs and prodigality which all forts of perfoiis ufe in their Apparel , without regard to or diflinfhon of, their feveral degrees and qualities ; confidetable fummes of money being, upon that occafi’ on, unneccdarly exported out ot rhe Kingdom, and the Native Commodities and Manufaflorics thereof being thereby ncgicftcd , and not improven for the ufe and advantage ot the Inhabitants ; For remeid where of, HisMajefty, withadviceandconfentofHisElfatesofParliament, Statutes and Ordains, that none of His Majefties Subjefts of this Kingdom,ofwhatfoever degree, condition or quality, lhall, after thefirft day of thoufand.fix hundred,thtcefcorc thirteen Y ears,weat any Cloths or Apparel wherein there is any Gold or Silver ; or wear any Gold or Silver Laces of whatfoever kind. Buttons, Ribbands, Tracings, Fringes or Louping made of Gold or Silver ; or have any Imbroidoring of Gold or Silver upon their Apparel , Sword’ belts or any other manner of way; Excepting alwaycsButtons,Bucldcs and Hilts of Swords of Gold-fniith work, which the Priviledged Perfons aftcr-expreft are allowed to wear, and no others: And thatnoiic wear any Flowrcd Stuffs, Stripped ftufTs, or Brocado’s of Silk, or have any Silk-lace, Gimp lace, or any other ■ kind of Lace or Imbroidcring of Silk upon their wearing Cloathes : And that no perfon prefumc to import in¬ to this Kingdom , or make, or fell therein atw of the Commodities above-expreft after thedate ncreof- Certifying fuch as fliallcontravcen, that they mail be lyable in thepains following , viz. The Importer’ Maker and Seller , lhall be fyned in One thoufand pounds Scoti , by and attour the Confifeation of the Goods' Ibimported, madeorfold: AndtheWearerthereofinfive hundred merits dVow, toties moties , by and attour the Confifeation of the Cloathes. And it is hereby Declared, that the Importer of fuch prohibited Goods fliall not have Aftion, for the price thereof, againfl the Merchant, for whole ufe the fame were import¬ ed; Nor the feller theteofagainfl the Buyer, albeit Bands be given for the fame , if it can be made appear that the Bands were given for that caufe ; Excepting alwayes from this prefent Aft , Comedians , as to the Cloathes which they make ufe oi upon the Stage ; Heraulds , as to their Coats , and His Majefties Trumpet- ters; And alfo excepting Pages and Lacqueys ot the Priviledged Perfons after-named, as to filk-laces and Pafments allanerly , which they areherebyallowedtoweatupontheirLivery-cloathes. And His Majefty, With advice forefaid , Doth Statute and Ordaine , that none of His Subjefts fliall , after the fir ft of J»«c next, tvear any Cloathing or Apparel of Velvet , Sattin ot other ftuffs of Silk , or wear any Beaver-hats , under the pain of five hundred merks, tobepayed by thecontraveener,rflr;ex5a«r/>j-.' Except Noble men. Prelates, His Majefties Counlellors , Lords of Jeftion , and fuch Bartons , Knights, or Genile-men, who have of yearly valuedRentTwothoufand pounds JwtJmon^; Andthe Provofts of the principal Burrowswithin this Kingdom ; Or thefe that have been Provofts , and fuch alfo as fhall be for the time , or have been Provofts. Baillies , Dean of Gild or Theafiirer within the Town of Edinburgh : Excepting alfo Reftors of Univerfities, and the Wives of the faids Priviledged Perfons, their eldcft Sons, and eldeft Daughters unmarried, and all the Children of Noble-men; And that none w'eat any Ribbands ot Louping of Silk upon their Apparel , or any white Lace, or Point made of Thteed, under the pain of Five hundred merks Scots toties moties-. Excep¬ ting the Privileged Perfons afotefaid , who are hereby allowed to wear plain Taffety-ribbands upon their Ap¬ parel , and to wear white Lace or Point made of Threed upon their Linnings only. And all perfons whatfo¬ ever are hereby prohibited to wear Feathers , except Souldiers , under the pain aforefaid : But prejudice al¬ wayes to all ranks of perfons ( except thofe of the Y comanry ) to wear plain T affety-ribbands upon fuch parts of their Apparel wherethey may haveoccafionof the fame for Tyes; and to Women tovvear Hoods and Skarfs of Taffety : And but prejudice to domeftick fervants to wear their Matters or Mifttettes old Cloathes , allowedtothemby this Aft. And for the better effeffuating hereof, HisMajefty, with advice forefaid. Ordains all Colleftors of Aflefsment and Excile, and their yub-Colleftors, Farmorers andColleftorsof Cuftomes, and Waiters in Burgh or Land, ateveryTermtogiveup, uponOath, totheCommiffionersof Excife in the feveral Shires and Burghs, and to the General Colleftors of the Cuftomes and Excife, Lifts of all thofe wlwm they have leen and obferved to tranlgrefs this Aft : And it is hereby Declared , that the one half of the penalties aforefaid fhall belong ro themfelves , and the other half fhall be collefted by them for His Majefties ufe ; Tryal being firft taken, and the perfons found guilty , by the CommilTioners of Aflefsment or Excife, Juftices of Peace, or other ordinaiyMagifttate of the place; And fuch Contraveeners as they fhall not give information of , that the one halfof their Fynes lhall belong to any otlter perfon who fliall difeover them. And in cafe the faid Colleftors of Aflefsment and Excife, Farmorets and Colleftors of Cuftomes , oi Waiters, fhall failzie to give up the laid Lifts as aforefaid. They fliall thereby lofe their places, and be in¬ capable of tlnitJervice for ever. It is alwayes provided, that no perfons contraveening this Aft, fhall be liable to the faids penalties , unlefs their names be given up within the fpace of three months after their incur¬ ring thereof ; But prejudice alwayes to any other psrfon, who fliall difeover the Contraveeners in manner forefaid. - King C H A R L E S «& II. ,^7 freftid- efthe one half penalties, whenfoevcr they fiiall difcovet them. Likeas, the CommilTio- ° ts of His Majefties Jufticiary ate hereby requited to give Order, at their Circuit Courts, to take up Dittays ^^aitift die Tranlgreflbrs of this Ad ; and to proceed againft them, by fyiiing them in the fummes above-men- jj, and to exad the fame. Likeas, His Majefty, with advice fotefaid , Doth hereby Authorize d Lripower the Lords of His Privy Council to take fuchiurthercourfes, for making this Aft eft’cdual, jjXheylllialldiinkfit. X I. C T againli Juch who do not Baptize their Children. Edinburgh, ifi, oi Auguft , 1671. THe Kings Majefty, confideringthardiverfedifaffededpetfons in this Kingdom, being unwilling to have their Children Baptized in an orderly way , do either delay to Baptize tliem , ot pretend that they ate not Baptized; thinking thereby to efcape the puniliiment, which by former Ads of Parliament , is ap- pointad to be inflifted upon fuch as ate guilty of diforderly Baptizing ; Doth therefore , with advice and confentofHis Eftates in Parliament , Statute and Declare, that luch Parents , who ihall hereafter keep their Children un-baptized for the fpace of thirty dayes together , or Ihall not produce a Teftificat under the handoftheMinifteroftliePariih, beatingthatthe Children were Baptized within the foid fpacc, ihall in- curre, and be ly able to, the pains and penalties following ; viz. Every Hetetor , Life-tenter, ot proper Wed-fetter , fliall be fy ned in a lourch part of his valued yearly Rent ; Every perfon , above the degree of a Xctinent, haying a perfonal, but no Real Eftatc , in One hundred pounds dtoj- ; Every confiderahlc Mer¬ chant, in an hundred pourids ; Every inferior Merchant , or confidetable Tradefman , and every Tennent labouring Land , in fifty pounds ; Every meaner Burgefe, Tradefman, Inhabitant within Burgh , aiid every Cottar, in twenty pounds jVaij; and every Servant in half a years Fee, And it is hereby Dcclatsd, that, where kirks are Vacant, the Patents (hall , within the faid fpacc of thirty dayes, be oblidged to go to the next adiacent Parsfc Kirk which is Planted , and obtain their Children Baptized there , under the fotefaid penalties. And His Majefty, With advice fotefaid, Requites the Sheriffs , Stewarts, Lords of Regalities, and theit Deputs , and Magiftrates of Butghs Royal , witliin tlieir refpeftive bounds , to put this Aft in exe¬ cution , by calling before mem , and judging the Contraveenets, and uplifting the Fynes above-mentioned ; And for theit encouragement, Theyate lietebyallowedtoretaintheFynesofallthefaids perfons for their ownufe; except thefe of Heritors, for which they ate to be coraptabk to the Commiffioners of His Ma¬ jefties Thefaurary. Xjl I. C T for an Anniverfary Thanksgiving. Edinburgh, zi.of ^Auguft, THe Eftates of Patliament, confidetiiig the great Bleffing of Almighty GOD, inreftoting His Majefty to the Throne of HisRoyalAnceftors; and thereby liberating thefe Kingdoths from the thraldom and bondage under which they did fo long groan ; In acknowledgment ofTheirThatikfulnefs to GOD, and ofTh4 Duty and Loyalty to His Majefty, andthatthemeraory offogreataMetcy may nevcrfall inobli- Vion or neeleft : Do humbly offer to His Majefty . that the AnniveriSry Solemtlity be yearly and petp tuallv kept by all the People of this Kingdom, upon the zp. oiOday, being the Day of His Majefties Birth anS Reftautation. Therefore His Majefty , with confent of the Eftates of P^lramcnt , Statutes and Ordains, that the Anniverfary Solemnity, for His Majefties happy Bitch and Reftauranon , fhall, in att time coming, be kept upon the zp. day of CMay yearly ; and that ringing of Bells , through¬ out the whole Kingdom, and other Evidences of Joy , be obferved the faid whole Day , with Bon^« at night ; And that all Miniftets within the Kingdom fhall Preach yearly upon the faid Z9. of that they, with the People, may give thanks to G O D Almighty . to thefe Kingdoms. Certifying, that wliofoever fhall fail m obferving this prefent Aft , they fhal be fytsed, and otletwife punifhed, by His Majefties Privy Council and other Judges ordinar, accotdi^ro hetf condition and eftate?^ AndHis^Majefty , with advice fotefaid. Declares, 3iat tins ptefent Aft fhall be the Rule and Wattant for the faid Anniverfary . in all time coming. ACT The third Scjpm t>f the fecond Parliament of XIII. ACT for the lyTnndttetothe Executors ofBiJhofsand Minifters. i-dinhurgh, z}. o{ AuguQ., i6yz. “'T^ He Kings Majefty, judging it nccefiry, for the good of the Church , thatfuchaftate^ JL courfe be taken for clearing and fecuring the Ann due to the Executors of deceaft Biihons perfons and Stipendiary Minifters, as may bcfuitabietotheintereft of the Executors , andno'dT ment or hinderance to tire planting of the Vacant Benefices.- Doth therefore, with advice and HisEftates of Parliament, Statute and Ordain , that, in all fuch cafes hereafter , the Annlhall b°™""' years Rent of the Benefice or Stipend over and above what is due to the Defundl for his Incumben f is now fetled to be thus , viz. If the Incumbent furvive WhitfUnday , their fhall belong to them ’ I cumbency, the half ol that years Stipend or Benefice, and for the Ann die other half: And if hentfwsviMc Michaelmafe , he fhall have right to that whole Years Rent for his Incumbency- and f Ann, fhall have the half years Rent of the following year : And that the Executors fhall have rivhrl without neceflity or expences of a Confirmation. ° ’^teto. XIV. ACT for the Retouring ofTaxt-Marriages Edinburgh, zj. of Auguft, idyx. THe Kings Majefty and the Eftates of Parliament, taking to their confideration the great preiud' Majefty fuftainsbythefeveralServicesofHeirs, holding Land of His Majefty, Waird, Xaxt f with the Marriage ; And the Retout making no mention of the Taxt of the Marriage , HisMaieft™ times fruftrate of His Cafuality of tlie Marriage : For preventing whereof. It is Statute and Ordainel the Inqueft upon each fervice of Heirs, holdingLands Waitd, Taxt or Few with the Marriage flialU after take tryal what is the Taxt for the Marriage, and o f the Few cum Maritafo, ifitbeTaxr’ ona* thcfametotheChancellary , tobeinfertinthe Precept. ’ XV. CommiJJlonfir Plantation of Kirks, and Valuation ofTeinds. Edinburgh, z8. o! Auguft, i6jz. FOrafmuchasHis Majefties Father, ofevet blefled Memory , out of His Royal Care and Zealfotthe Reformed Religion within this Kingdom , and the maintenance andprovifion of the Miniftry and Church es thereof, and die Peace of the Kingdom, and for preventing, and fettling all ^ueftions and Differences' thatdid, or mightarife betwixt Titulars and others having right to Teinds , and Heretors,' concerningthe leading and drawing of thsir Teinds; Did, immediatly after His attaining and fucceeding to die Crmvii Give forth and emit His Royal Declaration anent the premiffes, and the other particulars therein mentioned’ Andinputfuanceoftheencrsforefaids, diverfeLaws and Afts ol Parliament were madein theyearof our L°rd, 1635 His faic^ Majefty being prefent in His Royal Perfon; andfince, diverfe Afls of Parliament and Commiffions have been, from time to time. Made, Given and Renewed to that purpofe .- And vet by reafon of the unhappy Troubles and Diftra^lions of the late Times , that good and neceftary Work neithe^ js , nor could be througlily and fully accomphflied. And , His Majefty being refolved , and defirous to pro- fecutefogood a Work for theuniverfal Good of His Subjefts, andfpecially for the encouragement of the Minifters of the Gofpel : Tharfot His Majefty , with advice and confent forefaid , Gives full poy^er and Commiffion to His Majefties Officers of Eftate for the time being ; And to the Arcli-Bilhop of*. Andrews, the Arch-Bilbopof the Bihopoi Edinburgh, the Biihop of Tiunkeldin, the BilliopofG*W, tie Biftepofthc me bif^p of Breichin, the biihop of Vumblaine, and the Bifhop of oAberdene, for the Uergy ; The Duke of Hamilton , the Earl of hrgyl, the Earl of Athol, the Earl ofUnlithgbow , the ‘ the Earl of the Earl of and the Y^jElfoingfon forthe Nobility; The Prefident of the Seffion, the Lord Colingtoun, the LordOtir- J^d the Lord Ct-a/V/e the Laird of Niddne ,\.bo Laird of Nickolfon, the Laird of Balcaskie , Charles Er skm of Cambo, and^xtJVtlham Lockhart , forthe Barons ; Fdt Andrewbamfay , FntlViUiaml homfin. Sit IVilltam Sharp Sa Alexander Bruce , John Murray, TototoiStormemth , Robert Milne, Thomas Calderwood, mil, am Bmnmg, and John Johnflounof Poltoun , forthe Burgeffes; Or any eleven ol them, whereof two of the Clergy, two of the Nobility, two Officers of Eftate , and tivo Commiffioners of Shires, and two of Burghs; Of which number, the Arch-Bifhop of *.Aa(/reau-, or the Lord Chancellor, King C H A R L E S /te I 1. oroneoftlieCommiffioners of the Thefaurary, or the Arch-Biihop oiGlaCgrju, or the Lord Privy Seal ottlie Lord Sccrctare, ordieDukeofflawtiAOT, otihzZ^AoiTwcedale , beinir alwayesonc To meet j^dconveen at£rf/«^A the day of Yeats'; And at fuch other place otplaces, times or diets as They lhall appoint. To Value, and caufe be valued , whatfoevet Tcinds 'neat otfmall. Parfonage or Vicarage, within this Kingdom , wltichare yet unvalued ; Declaring chat where jl,e Vicarage of miy Panfli is a feveral BeneHce and Tide from the Pai&nage, the fame lhall be fcvcrally valued, to the effea the Titulars, orMmiftersfetvingthe Cure, having riglic to the faid Viearage, be not fnifttatedofthe true worth thereof. WithpowertothefaidsCommiirioners , or forefaid , to ap¬ point Committees , or Sub-committees of their own number , and to grant Sub-commifiions , and to receive reports from them, and to approve or difapprove the fame, as they lhall find juft; and to tcftific what- foevet Valuations led or to be led, to the enorm prejudice of the Titulars, or the hurt and detriment of the Kirk, and prejudice of the Minifters maintenance and provifions. Provided aUvayes , Likeas it is lietebyexprelly provided, chat, where Valuations ate lawfully led againft all parties having intcreft , and showed by former Commiffions; The fame lhall not be drawn in queftion, norreffified, upon picccnce of enorm lefion, attheinftanceoftheMinifter (notbeingTitular) orattheiiiftanceof HisMajefties Ad- vocat, in refpeAofHisMajefties Annuity ; Except it can be proven, that collufion was ufed betwixt die Titulars and Heretors , or betwixt the Procurator Fifcal and Heritors and Titulars ; Which collufion is de¬ clared to be, whenthe Valuations are led with the diminution of the third part of the juft Rent: which dimi¬ nution fhall be proven by the parties oath ; And with power to the faids Commiffionets , or Riorum forc- faid , where Minifters ate not already fufiiciently provided , or have not Localities alTigncd to them for theit : Stipends, out oftlieTeinds within the Parifii where they ferve the Cure, info far as the famiinvill amount to’ , according to thequantities , proportions and rules contained in the nineteenth Aft of the Parli.imcnt in , Tomodifie, fettle and appoint conftantlocall Stipends to ilk Miniftcr, out ol the Tcinds oftliePariffiiyhete they ferve the Cure. Withpow'eralfo, to grant rccompence, by prorogation of 'l acks to parties, for the augmentation of Stipend? , which lhall be impofedfuitable to the faid augmentation, as the faids CommUTionecs fhall think juft. And ficklike, with power to disjoin too large aiidfpacious Pa- lifties, to caufe eteftand build new Churches, todifmember and annex Kirks, as they lhall think conve¬ nient. And to take order ^ that every Heritor and Life-tenter lhall have the leading and buying of their own Teinds , if they be willing according to the rules prefetibed by the nineteenth Aft: and Commisfion granted " U with conlentof the Eftates of Parliament in Anno, 1633. and the Afts of Patli: 1 .byHisMajefty, therein mentioned. With power to determine all Queftions concerning the prices of Tcinds betwixt Titu¬ lars and others, having right thereto, and the Heritors : and to appoint fuchfecurities, infavoursoftheTi- lulatsand others having right to the Teinds, for the prices to be granted to the Heritors or others lyable in payment of the valued Duties , or Buyers of the fatds Teinds; and in favours of the Minifters , as to their maintenance , as the faids Commisfioneis fliall think fitting , according to the Rules fet down in the faid Aftinc/iirw, AndtheHetilorstohaveliberrytobuy theXeindsoftlieirLandswhichare notva- lued, withinthe fpaceofthree years after the dated this Aft: With this Declaration alwayes, that, incafe the impediment, during the time forefaid, flowftomthe ritular, byreafon of his minority or other inabb lity; in that cafe the Heritor, who offered to buy his own 'leiud within the fpace forefaid , fhall have place, fo foon as the impediment is removed , to buy his T einds , notwithftandingof the expyring of the years andfpaceabove-exprett. And it is Declared, that, iftlic Heritor be Minot, and his Tutors neglect the buying of his Teinds within the forefaid fpace ; The Minor iliall have aftionfot two years after his minority, to cornpel the 1 itular to fell his faids Teinds : And generally with power to the faids Commillioners to decideand determine in all other pointswhichmayconcetntheleadinganddrawingtheTeinds. the Idling ot buying of the fame, or payment ol the rates thereof, contained in the former Afts of Parliament , or fet. down in the general determination given out by His Majefties Royal Father , of blellcd Memory. Andifany peefonbr perlbns lhall find themfelves grieved, and complain of the injuftice or exorbitancy of any Decreets andSencencesgiveninanyoftheCommisfions during the late Troubles ; with power to the faids Commisfioners to take the fame to their confideration, andtoalter, annulorallowthc faids Decreets andSentences, as they iliall find juft. And it is alwayes Provided and Dalarcd that Arch-Bilhops and ■Bilhops, and other BeneficedPerfops, being Minifters, and their Succeffors, fhall not be prejudged of theR^ts whereof their Predecelfors were inAftualand Real! poffesfion; and which, by the Laws ofthe Kingdom, weteduetotliemin^»^,i637. Andthatthey ihall be no farther bound, but according w provifions and conditions expreft in the Submisfions made by the Bifliops to His Majefties Royal t ather . of ketredMemoonwhichis ofthe date the day of i6a8. Years and Regj- ftrate in the Books of Commisfion for d’urrenderS and T einds , upon the i y. day of july ,163 1 . And wheteasitraay fallout, that feme ofthe faids Commisfioners may be uiuble to attend the dervice, through death, ficKsorothe’rknowninipediment : Therefore His Majefty Declares . ' He «iall be c teM . tofilltheir placeswith otliet Perfons qualified , whofe Oaths, fotfauhfui •taken by the Chancellor, or, inhisabfence, bythePrefidentofriieCommisfio^ And Or daitis this ptefent Commisfion to endure ay and while the fame be ”>5 ^ Acts, DecLtsandJ'entencesthetebf to have thefotce,fbengthandefrectolaDecrcctanddentcnceo^Pat I5’4 The Third ^eJJIon of the fecond ‘Parliament of liament; and the Lords of Seflion to grant Letters of Horning , Poinding and others requifitein ~ tainedintheforefaidsCommiffions. And His Majefty, with confentforefaid, hereby Difcharg Commiffions , Declaringthefametobeexpyred. »'®"*forinet X V 1. act concerning the Regulation of the Judicatories. Edinburgh, jo. of i^AuguJl , \6j-l. The Kings Majefty being defirous, thatthepublick JudicatotiesofthisKingdommightbe fo that all abufes which had, or might probably creep into the fame, betedrefled and prevented'^™^^’ thatthebeft, moft fummar and equal way , of bringing and calling of Ptocefles fordifpenfing of T fhould befettled, as his Subjefls might be relieved and lecured againft oppreflion and exa expreffing the day of up-taking; and chat the day of the moncth of the feverai Rfctimis, be fe'e before the Ptocefles infert each day , arid each fubfequenc weeks Roll Ihall , inchefirft place, contain what te.mainedimdifcufs’dby an Aft, Decreet, or Proteftation , or not ddetly the Ordinary , Upon the Purfuers notinfifting. And where Procefe are delayed to a day , til! the Parties lee, or fomeching be produced of done, which requires not an extrac'fcd Aft , the fame iliali remain in alifubfequent Rolls , m the fame day that it was in the firft Roll , that after the day to which it Was delayed , it may be called by the Ordinary till itbe difcufs’dotdelet ; And for that efieft , the Ordinary Ihall on the Margentol the Roll, mark at that Ptocefs, to what day it is delayed; whichfliallremainfomarkedihtherubiequeacRoUs, till the Caufe be difeufibd- And ill cafe the Ordinary ftiali difeufle ;!ie Roll of the Caufes above-exprefl: . appointed to be called Lon Tuefday or Wednefday before thefe two dayes expire ; he is cci procefed to the difeuffing ol the Caufes id the other Roil. 4. ThattheKeeperofthefaidBooksdfEntbllmehtfortheOuter-houfe, do exaftty and punftiially ob- fetve the Rules and Orders afotefaid , and that the perfon who lliall hereafter be appointed Keeper of the faids Books, give liB oath for that effeft, (the prfefcnt Keeper of thefe Books having already made faith to that purpofc) and ifhetranfgrefs the faids Rules, the Lords foal! deprive him of his Office, andothetwayes pu- ni!h him as they fee caufe , and appoint ariodier in his place , who, and his SuccelTors ; fliall aKvayCs be lyablc fotobfervingthepteniife. , ... . . , ' y. That in like manner there be a Book of Enrollment of Procefies to be difeufs’d In the Inner-hoiifc , con¬ taining Caufes proper for the Inner-lioufe; asthedifeuffingofteafons of Reduftion oi Hcrctablc Rights of Lands, or Annual-rents, Declarators of Rights thereof, ProbationsofTeiiorsof Writs deftroyed or loft, which Book fliail be keept by a perfoii appointed, or to be appointed by the Lord Chan¬ cellor , who ftiali infert the faids Ptocefles as they are in readinefs to be difeufs'a in the Innet-lioufe, wa. Re- duftions alter the Ptoduftion is clofed, and Declarators; Tenors and Cejftones honor tim, alter the Diilators are dsfcufled in tlie Outer- houfe ; and a great avifanduni made by the Ordinary in the Outet-houfe, who is to pro- ceedlio ftitcher therein ; and that according to the date of that great dvifandtm , as it ftands written upon the tiocefs by the Clerk ofthe Procefs: And where the Lords, upon report ol Difpute from the Outet-houfe jnadebyilie Ordinary , fliall for the importance, intricacy, or preparative ofthe points reported, ordain the Caufe to be heard in prefence of the whole Lords, the faid Procefs ihall be infert in the Roll of the InHer-houfe, according to the date of the Lords deliverance, appointing it to be heard in their prefence. 6. Thattherebea Book of Enrollment of concluded^Caufes , whereof the probation is to be advifed by the Lords , to be infert according to the date of the conclufiori of the Caufe , as the fame ihall be pte- fented by the Clerks ofthe Ptocefs, tobekeeptby the Keeper of the faid Book of Etitoliment for tileln- ncr-liouic. 7. That the Keeper of the faids Books of Enrollinerit for the Innet-houfe , Ihall attend iri the Seffion-lioufe each Saturday from two to three a clock in the afternoori , and fhall receive and infert all Ptocefles which fliall be offered to him in either ofthe faids Books, according to the order fotefaid; and fliall receive thirty Inil- linss Scots for each Procefs to be infett in the Book of Caufes to be difeufs’d, and twelve Ihilljngs tor eadt Caufe to be infert in the. Book of concluded Caufes , and fliall exaft or take ho more for himfeli othis fet- vants; andfliaiimake thefaids' Books patent to all the Lieges freely, and ihall affixa Roll both ot I ro- ceflesto be difeufs’d in the Innet-houfe, and of concluded Caufes, in all things conform to the Books, upon Monday, als oit as needbeis; andflall addtotheCaufain the faidRollfotfubfequent wedts . m thefame manner as is appointed for the Rolls ofthe Outer-houfe, and both m the Books and Rolls Ihall ex- ptefs thedayofttp-takini the Ptocefs, andthedayof the geexavifandtm or Ordinance of the Lords ior hearing the Caufe m their ptcfence, fubjoyning thereto the Caufes each day , both in the Books and Rolls ot k. j;c.„c.u . Jj .11,4 RnH n( cnndiided Caufes : according to the date 01 tnc Caufes to be difeufs’d , and the like for the Book and Roll of concluded Caufes ; tencMotj of tlie Caufe. V 8, Thar I ij6 The Third SeJJion of the fecond Parliament of 8. That the keeper oftliefaids Books ofEnrolmcnt for the Inner-houfcobferve the ptemifl^s tmder the pain of deprivation , and being further cenfured by the Lords , astheyfhallfeecaufe ■ his Succeflbrs fhall make faidi to obferve the premifles in all points ; the prefent Keeper otrhef^R that {already given his oath to that effefl. °°ks having 9. That the Lords both in the Inner-houfe and Outer-houfe fliall proceed to the difcuflliig of Pr rr order asthwftandinthefaidRols?-^e®w, without paffiiig over, or anticipating any'Caufe°'^^ a ’ each Procefslliall be foil called in its order, untill it be brought to an Aft, Proteftation , or Deere’ be delayed till fomething be produced or done which requires not an Aft extrafted that after the H ‘^'t itisdelayed , thcfamemallbecairdtillitbedifcufs’d. towhich 10. AndwhereatdiecallingofanyCaufeinthelnnerorOuter-houfe, the Purfiierinfiftsnot 1 cefslliallbcdcletoutof theRoll, and Proteftation fhall be granted to the Defender , without' folemnity , but the demanding thereof at the calling of the Caufe, whereby die Defender fliall not b'^ ed toanfweruntillliebefummonedofnew, and the Proteftadon money paid, thathebe notobf uncertainatrendauceatthePurfuerspleafure., And in cafe at the calling of any Procefs in the Out* k " any Parties Advocat be in the Inner-houfe , die Ordinary fhall call die Caufe the nextday thereaf^ be deflred upon a Ticket to be given to him before he go to the Bench; but that no Advocat make tion by calling othetwayes over the Bar. mterrup. 1 1 . That the Lords by no importunity alter the order of the faids Rolls by any Deliverance or W exceptitbefordifcuffingreafonsofReduftionol fmall difficulty and importance in the Outer-houfe ’ they be Enrolled in the Inner-houfe , which fhall be Enrolled in the Roll of the Outer-houfe, accordino Ihall be prefented to die Keeper of the Roll, in the fame manner as other Procefles. ’ S^stiKy II. That ifany Caufe be called by anticipation, out of its due place, the Purfuers Advocat mav ff toinfift, or the Defenders Advocat to anfwer, anditfhallbeafufficient defence that he is notoblie^ H * anfwer before its due courfe in the Roll : And although neither parties Advocat fhould objeft feeina 1 who were anterior in the Roll are prejudged , the Clerks ate prohibit to write on any fucli Procefs callS™^* of its own courfe , ortoextraftanyAftorDecreetthereupon. Q out 13. ThatdieLordsofSeffioncverySeffion, go near the difeuffing of all Caufes enrolled that Seffion a that as they fee their work by the Books of Enrollment, they meet the fooner in the morning, andalfo in the afternoon for taking in Reports from the Outer-houfe , which requires not the attendance of Advr!"?' and which coiifumes much of the time both in the Inner and Outer-houfe in tlte foternoon • and alfn fing of concluded Caufes, which ofall other fhould be leafl delayed. ’ 14. That if any Aft, Decreet or Proteftation be flopped , either by the Ordinary or bv the who!. Lords the fame fhall be called and heard upon the Bench in the Outer-houfe , by the Ordinar who formal,, hcai d the Caufe , either the next ^y , or upon Tuefday in the enfuing week , or any other morning thcre^ after , before the Ordinary m the Outer-houfe come out ; and that he proceed in the Proceffes untill the fame foto the Koll fan’e fliall not be again brought ly. ThatnoBillbeprefentedtotheLordsforftoppingorteftifyingany After Decteetpaft in theOuter- home, untill the party nrft make application to the Ordinary who heard and pronounced the fame* and if he refufe to hear die Party upon any new matter condefeended on, orin cafeofdoubtfulneflc to raiorr at leaft upon confignation of an Amaund : In that cafe , the Party may give in a Bill to the Lords expreffing his ajy hcation to the Ordinar , and his refufal to heat or report , as faid is , and expteffing the fpe’cial matter which he defireth in die Procefs, and no othetwayes. ° ^ 16. Totheeffeft, theLordsof Seffionmaybeinbettercapacity to difeufs the Proceffes which come be¬ fore them , not beinv overburdened widi fmall and inconfiderable Caufes , That all Caufes , not exceedina the value of two hundred Marks Scots, be in the firft inftance carried on before die infetiour Judges • And H Caufes of lefs importance, for which the Clerk of Mnd^d on"fnTfRill'°?''*‘^U their peril; except there be fuch reafons condef- ^nhehalfnf. nlfri ’ =*®"'°"‘‘*''®‘“®<''e»“oprocureanAdvocation ofthe Caufe from the inferior Judge, jn behalf of a Defender , and competent Inftruftions thereof ; And that fuch Bills do not pafs of courfe, but \h^r p! Ordinary , and that the deliverance on the back thereof bear , Becaufe for which the Caufe ought not in the firft inftance to be furluedbe- b rsof Exceptingalfo, theVaufesbelongingwtheMem- fn f p ® “ Merchants , Cooks , Vintners and others turc waj’ Mken'^X^'^^ off from them , by fuch as dweU not witliin the Shire where the Furni- no Advocation thereof fliall bepaft, being of the^afrk odCrMR aforefaid , othetwayes then is provided by the Aft of Parliament ; And that Tha^t whfre anfwetable therefore , not to prefent , pafs or write on any fuch Bill at his peril. c4 not 0^12 rv I to befufpLded ; ifthereafonspro- DMfirhrt never. that the Dccteet was in abfence , fo that the craver of the M- p iifion hath never appeared , or hath not continued to defend wliile there was no in-juftice done : Then and King CHARLES the 1 1. din that cafe, hefcallbeoMiegedatthe pafTinaoftheBi!! of Sufpenfidn. toconllgnin the hands of the Clerk of the Bills, fuchfums for the expences of the party, asthepafTeroftheBilHliall appoint, according 10 the importance ot the Caufe and the diftance of the party , which fliall be given up to the Charger , if the Cufpender hath not compeared , or continued to defend before the inlerior Co urt . as faid is ; and that imme- diatlv at the calling oi the Caufe to be difcufs’d, when the compearance in the Decreet may appear , unlcfs the Sufpender improve the Executions of the Summons whereupon the Decreet did proceed. IQ. That Decreets , inforocontradiBorio , before the Lords of Seffion be not again fufpended , upon leafons competent to have been proponed , or which were repelled in the former Decreet. And to the ef- it may be known, with the leaft expence, what Decreets ate /ora, That the Keeper oi the Minute- j^ok make up a Book of the Decreets inforo, according as die fame fliall each day be given in to him bv the Clerks , expreliing the names of all the Defenders for whom there is compearance ; And that the Clerk of the Bills from time to time, call for and receive a double of the faid Minute-hook of De¬ creets inforo-. And when any Bill of Sufpcnfion is to be ptefeiited by him, that at his peril he write on no Sufpenfion of any Decreet inforo, contained in the faid Book, untill it be prefented to the whole Lords in time of Seffion, and to three met together in time of Vacance, the deliverance bearing, that tliev were met together: And where there is once compearance for any Party, and Defences proponed, the Decreet fliali be holden as done in faro, and all the Difpute proponed by the Advocats ihall be in- fett therein , albeit the Advocat thereafter pall from his compearance ; And that the firft Protcftatiun ihali not be fiifpended , but upon configiiation of thirty pounds , and the Sufpenfion thereof fliall bear that it is the fecond Sufpenfion ; and fo forth , all the Sufpenfioiis that fliall he obtained thereafter , ihall Beat that the fame is the third or fourth Sufpenfion ; and that no Sufpenfion fliall pafs ot the fccond pro- teftation , but in prefence of the whole Lords in time of Seffion , and by three of the Lords met to¬ gether in time of Vacance, the deliverance beating as aforefaid: And that the Clerk of the Bills write upon no Bill of Sufpenfion otherwayes, as he will be anfwetable at his peril, and that the fcoondand nofteriot Proteftations lhail be infert in the faid Book , with the faids Deaeets /«/»•«. ^ to. That where Procefles are keeped up'unteturned by the Defenders Advocat longer then fix dayes after the out-giving thereof, which is the rime allowed for fe«ing o( Procefles , that upon complaint mven unto the Lords thereanent, the Ordinary upon the Bills call the Advocat who keeps up the Pro¬ ofs, and fine him in three pounds for ilk day he hath kcept the fame, from the time that the Ptocefs was ’requited fto.m the Advocat, or his principal fervant, perfonally at the Advocats Chamber , byway of Inftwment under a Nottars hand, unto the day that the complaint was given in, and fix pounds lor every day that the Procefs fliall be detained by him , after in-giving of the complaint : And that one of the Macets be ordered to exaft the fine, under the pain of deprivation: And to that effedl, that he be warranted to exclude the Advocat out of the Houle , and not to luffet him to enter the Outer- bar untill he make payment, and that he return the money foexaaed, to the Ordinary upon the Bills, whereof the one half is to be put in the poors Box, and the other half to be payed to the party Putfuer, if he defire thefame, otheiwifcthat thewholebeputintheBox. ti But when there are moe Defenders then one called in aProcefs, andlevcrai Advocats compear- rinitfor them, that the Advocat who taketh up the Ptocefs to fee for the party principally concerned, in whofe houfe the fame is appointed to be fees fliall be allowed only four dayeslorfeeing the Procefs ; and in cafe he do not return the fame within that time, that he incur the penalues conmmed in die for¬ mer Arnckle- And that after the Ptocefs ihall be returned, the fame Ihall remain m the Clerks hands fix daves before it be called, during which time, any Advocat compearingfot any other ot the Deiend- ers mav fee the Procefs in the Clerks hands, and write thereupon for whom he compears and lub- feribe the fame, and may aifo borrow the fame up from the C etk. for the fpaceol twenty four hours, upon his receipt and confignation of an Amaund. accotdingto the importance of theCaufe; and in cafe he do not reproduce the Ptocefs within the faid fpace of twenty four hours upon complaint made there¬ of, he is tolofe the Amaund, and pay fix pounds for ilk day he keeps the Procefs atter the faid ipace- of twenty four hours* and the like execution to be uled therefore, as in the former cafe of the De.enders Advocats not returning Procefles , given out to them by the Putfuets Advocats. And Likewayes if any Advocatduringthefaidfpaceoffixdayes. be defirous to lee the Procefs for any other pany having ntereft. who was not called in the Procefs , that upon produaion of the parties mtereft m the Clerks hands , he be al¬ lowed to fee in manner forefaid , he atwayes configiiing and fubfcribmg for whorn he “mpears ; ^ nd m cafe of failzie to reproduce , being lyable as faid is , and that the Advocat fliall not be heard when the Cauie is cal¬ led , if he hath neglefted to fee in manner forefaid . whither he be compearing for any patty called in the Pro- °In rrfSit I a*gteat dbtoifftion to the difpatcli of Procefles , that when Caufes are called , Defences fometimesateptoponeiupon Writs, which being neitlKr produced nor feen by the that is ordinatly done . is ro ordain the Writs to be produced ; tlierefore . where ever the “ A™ is to found any Defence upon Writs , that at the returning of the Procefs , he alfo y j ledgeance and mark the particular claufes of the W rit whereupon I I 1^8 7 he Third SeJJhm of the fecofid Tarlidment of to return as ; IcdgeSnte to be founded on rtiefe Writs, wliicli were in any of the Defenders Advocats hands 3 them out of the Shires and Bounds after-fpecified; and that they appoint Mafters and Ovctfects of the fame, who may fet thefe poor petfons to work; wz. one Correftion-houfe .at the Burgh of Edinburi’h , for ihefc'of the 1 own and Shite of Edinburgh ; one at the Butgh of Hitddingtoun , for thofeof the Shire of ^,ww/».oneat2)a«yefottheShireoffi£'rte^W,fottheShircofO?vft/iyi and 'Zetland-, each of which Houfes lhall have a large Clofs, fufficicntly inclofed for keeping in the faid poor people, that they be not neceffitat to be alwayes within doors, to the hurt or hazard of their health. And in cafe the Magifttats of the fai J Burghs, or any of them lhall not provide and have in rea- dinefie , the faids Corteftion-houfes betwixt and the faid terra of Whitftinday next , they fliall incut the pain and penalty of five hundred Merks Scots money, and that quarterly, untill the Correfticn-houfes be pro¬ vided : Which penalties Ihali be par'cd to the Commiflloners of Excife, in the refpeftive Shires or Bounds from which the faids poor petfons lhall be fent, to the faids Cotteftion-houfes : And the faids Com- milTioners are hereby warranted to raife Letters of Horning, and ufe other execution at their inftance, againfl the Magifttats of the faids Burghs for payment of the penalties that fhall be incurred by them, in manner forefaid; which penalties fhal! be applyed by the faids Commiflioncrs , for building or buying ofhoufes to the effecf forefaid ; And in the mean time, untillthefaidshoufesbeptovided, the Magifttats of tlie faid Burghs are required to difpofe of thefe Beggars and poor People , who were either born within their tefpeiftive Burghs, or have haunted therein the laft three years, in fomc convenient places , fo as they may not go begging on the Streets, or at houfes within the Town. And for the better enabling of the faidsBurghs, to beat the charges and expences of the faids Corteflion-houfes, His Majefty, with confent of the faids Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains, that the Contributions and Allowances for main- tainingofthe Poor, appointedby the fifteenth Aft of the third Selfion ofHisMajefties 'fitft Parliament, Intituled, AB concerning Beggars and Vagabonds , be applyed for the ufe of the faids Cotteftion- houfes, whereby they fhall have two Ihillings Scots for ilk poor perfon fer diem that fliall be font to them, and entertained and bred by them, for the fitft; year; and twelve pennies Scots Jicr diem, for the fpace'of three years thereafter, during which they lhall entertain and educat them , together with the profit atifing from the labour and work of the faids poor perfons. for feven years thereafter ; Which Contributions are to be payed by the Parodies relieved of the faid Poor, in manner contained in the faid Aft. And to theeffoftitmaybe known, what poor perfons are to be fent to the faid Cotreftion- houfes and who are to be keeped and entertained by the Contributions at the Paroch-kirks for the Poor, the Miniftersof ilkPatoch, with fomcof the Elders, andin. .T; of Vacancy of the Kirks, three or moe of the Elders are hereby ordered to take up an exaft Lift ol all he poor petfons witliin tlieir Parodies , by Name and Sir-name , condefeending upon their age and condition , i 1 tlicy be able or unable to work , by rea- fonofage, infirmity or difeafe , and where they were born, ana,nwhatParochestlieyhavenioft haunted during the laft three years, preceedingtheuptakingoithefeLifts; intimation being aUvayes made to the whole Heretors of the Patoch to be prefent , and to fee the Lifts right take;, up ; and that the Hetetots who, and the poflefrors of their Land, ate to beat the burden of the maiutainanceof die (toot perfons ot eacU Paroch, or any oftliemwholliallmeetwiththefaidsMinillcrsandEUcrs, iliaUconLidcend upon iuen as through age and infitinity , ate not able to work , and appoint diem places wherein to abide , that they may be fupplied by the Contributions at the Parocli-kitk : And if the fame be not fufficient to entertanuhem. that they give them a Badge or Ticket to ask almes at the dwclling-houfesoftlielnlubitantsol their own Patoch only, without the bounds whereof, they ate not to beg ; and that they do not atallrclort to Kirks, Mercats, or any other places where there are meetings at Marriages , Bapnlmes, Burials or upon any other publickoccafion .• And likewife , that fucli of the faids poor perfons as ate of age and ca¬ pacity to work , be fitft offered to the Heretors or Inhabitants ol each Patoch , that if they will accept .iny ofthem to become their Apprentices or Servants, they may receive them upon thcit oblicgmcnt » enter¬ tain and fet to work the faids poor petfons, and to relieve the Patoch ofthem ;Forwhichc.iufe, tlicylhall liavedie benefit of theirwork untill they attain the ageof thirty years conform to the tenth Aetot tie twenty two Parliament of King James the fixth, and that die reft of the faids poor peifonsbe tent to X X 1^4 The Third Sejjlon of the fecond Parliament of the Correftion-hoiifes , for whofe eiuertainment , the faids Heretors lhall caufe colleft the faids^orn'T" ons, and appoint a quarters allowance to be fent along with them , with Cloathes upon them; tocov' I nakednedc , and the faid allowance to be payed quarterly thereafter , by way of advance. With nov^'^ ' i to the laids Commiffioners of Excife in each Shite, quarterly to take an account of the diUgence of thefe^^f Parochin performing of thepremilles: Andincaleoftheirnegleft, to appoint other petfons to mat faids Lifts, and Colle<5lots to uplift the faids Allowances, and to bring them to Cotte(rtion-houIcs*^^A j the Sheriffs their Officers , and Mayers and Conftables ate hereby required to concur and be aflifting I carrying and delivering of the faids poor perfons to the Correaion-houfes. And in cafe any HcretorsV n find within their bounds, any otlier Vagabonds, Beggars or Idle petfons , not being in fcrvice, notin'™ anyvifiblew'ayotftocktocntertainthemfelves, who were not born, not did haunt formerly withinti"''® bounds ; they are hereby impowered to ieize upon fuch petfons, and to fend them to the Corteftion-houf and to charge the Magiftrats or Mafters of the faids houfes to receive them , without advance of any all ’ ance; With power notwithftanding to the faids Magiftrates or Mafters, to charge the Heretors of the l^roc*!*' where thefe idle perfons were bom, or have moft haunted the laft three years, for theallowancc of fuch'^f them as are not bred to work ; And as to fuch of them as can w'ork , the Mafters lhall have the benefit of the”' work for their meat. And His Majefty , with advice fotefaid , doth impo tver and require the Mafters of tl Correftion-houfes to put and hold the 4ids poor people to work , as they lhall fee them moft capable and fit^ And in cafe of dieir difobedience , to ufe all manner of feverity and correflion , by wheeping or otherwaves ’ ( excepting torture ) , and to decaine them within the faid Correftion-houfe and Clofs thereof ; with this nro' vifion, thatincafeanyof the faids poor perfons being received, fliall be fuffered to efcape to burthen the Countrey ot new , that the Magiftrats lhall be charged to recover and receive them again , without any allow ance thereafter , dutingthefaidfpaceoffoutyears, under the pain ofloutty pounds JV-erj- for each petlon fo cfcaping; With power alfo to them , to receive difobedient fervants , and to put them to work, and to cot reft them according to their demerits. Likeas His Majefty , with advice forefaid. Ordains Letters of Hot Ding and other execution to pafs hereupon , at the inftance of thefe who lhallfend the poor in manner forefaid againfttlve Magiftrats of Burghs for receiving the poor fent to them, with the quarters allowance forefaid^ Andiikewife, Letters ofHorning to be direft at the inftance of the Mafters of the faids Correftion-houfes" againft thefe lyable in payment ofthe faid allowance for the poor, conform to the faid Aft of Parliament' and that quarterly in manner fotefaid; and at the inftance of the Colleftors, to be named by the Heretors or Commiffioners of Excife, againft the Heretors and Inhabitants of the faids Paroches, conform to tire faid Aft of Parliament. It is alwayes hereby provided, thatit fliall be lawful to Coal-raafters, Salt-maftets and others who have Manufaftories in this Kingdom, to feife upon any Vagabonds or Beggars, where ever they can find them , and to put them to work in their Coal-heughs or other Manufaftories , who are to have the fame power of correfting them, and the benefit of their work, as theMaftetsol the Cotteftion- houfes. Andfutder, His Majefty, with advice fotefaid, recommends and commits the execution of this prefent Aft to His Privy X^ouncil , with power to them to appoint all means and wayes for making the fame cffeftual; To whom the Commiffioners of excife in the fevetal Shires, are hereby Required to return an accountloftheir diligence in the premifles, by feme of their number the fecond Council day in November and the fecond Council day in ]tme yearly . under the pain of Fourty pounds Scots for every Commiflioner of Excife, who lhall be deficient in doing his part of the pteraifles. XIX. u/? C T Concerning A^ndications. Edinburg, d. of September , id/a. THe Kings Majefty , confidering how far Comptifings have deborded from the firft defign of the Legiflators, who did never intend that opulent and great Eftates lliould lie carryed away for inconfl- derablefums, northatMeflengetsorignorant^rfonsfliould be Judges in matters olfo great importance; And confidering the great prejudice enfueing to Trade & Commerce , by the length of the legal Reverficn for¬ merly granted , the Creditor not being able to command his money, and both Debitor and Creditor neglefting to ufe any policy &improvement of the Lands dutiiig the running of the the legal Revcrfion;And that aftcrex- piring thereof , Comprifings have become the foundation ol much fraud ; the right thereof being lomctunes acquired by the appearand Heirs of the Debitor, who thereby fecludcd the lawful Creditors : Ana that by the ignorance of Nottars and MelTengers,' and many unneccflatfolemnities, oftimes Nulhties have happened in Comprifings, and thefame have alwayes been moft expenfive by heaping of penalties and Sheriff-fees. And His Majefty , being defirous to fecure equally the intereft of Debitors and Creditors , Doth, with advice and confent of His Eltates of Parliament , Statute and Ordain, that in place of Comprifings, the Lords of Selfion, upon Procefles raifed before them at the inftance of any Creditor againft his Debitor , Principal or Cautioner , lhall Adjudge and Decern to the Creditor in latislaftion of his Debt , as the King C H A R L E S 11. iS,- as the lame fhall be decerned by the faids Lords, fuch a part of the Debitors Eftatc , confiding in Lands an. other Rights which were in ufe to be apprifed , as fliall be wotth the fum principal and Annual-rent then rell- and to the Creditor , and a fift part more , in refpeft the Creditor wants the ufc ol his money , and is neccffitat to take Land for the fame , befides and attour the compofition to the Superior, and expenccs of the Infeltmcnt- Which Adjudication ihall be made , according to the feveral rates o( the Lands and other Rights in the places where the fame do ly ; And for that'effeft , Probation fliall be taken by the faids Lords lot the part of the Cre¬ ditor , and likewife for the part of the Debitor (if he fliall defire the fame) concerning the yearly Rent and value oftlie faids Lands and Rights, and what they have payed for five years by-gone, and what the fame may pay, and the rates and prices at w'hich fitch Lands and Rights are ufually fold in thefe places of the Kingdom where they ly ; With Power to the faids Lords to determine what warrandice the Debitor fliall be lyabic in ro the Creditor, of the Lands and Rights fo adjudged as they fliall find juft: Upon which Decreet of Adjudicati¬ on , it fliall be lawful to the Creditor immediatly to enter to the pofleflion of the Lands or other Rights adjudg¬ ed to him , and to intromet with the Mails and Duties thereof, in fatisfaftion of his Annual-rent during the not redemption , without being lyable to any reftriaion or aflion of Count and Reckoning. And in cafe tlicre be adjudged Lands affefted with Life rents, or any Cafuality or other Right not yeilding Rent during the running ol the Legal after-fpecified , the fame fliall be expreft in the faid Decreet , together with that parr of thefum effeirand thereto ; That in cafe .vf redemption , the Creditor may have his Annual-rent for that part ofbis fum , for which he had no profit in manner forefaid ; Which Lands and other Rights adjudged as laid is, fliall remain hcretably and irredeemably with the Creditor, in cafe they be not redeemed within the fpaceoffive years after the Decreet of Adjudication, bypayment or confignation of the funis ptincipal and Annual-tent, for which the Adjudication did proceed, the Compofition payed to the Superior, and ex- pfencesinobtaininglnfeftmentand Annual-rent of the fame, infofarasisnotlatisfiedby the Creditors pof- felfion in manner forefaid : And the Creditor being once in peaceable pofleflion of the (aids Lands or Rights , conform to the Decreet of Adjudication , it fliall not be lawful for liim to ufe any further execution agaiiitl his Debitor .except in the cafe of evidlion upon the warrandice to be decerned by the faids Lords; But it (hall be Ici- fum to the Creditor , to ufe all manner of execution againff his Debitor Principal or Cautioner , by Horning , Caption, Arreaftment or otherwife, untill he enter to the afliial pofleflion of the Lands to be Adjudged in manner forefaid. And it is hereby Statute and Ordained , that no Comprifings fliall be led in time coming , of any Lands or other Rights, which ate not already comprifed ; But prejudice alwayes of any appriftiigs led before the date of this Aft , or to be deduced of Lands or other Rights already apprifal , whereof the Legal is not expired, which ate to have courfe conforme to the Laws and Afts formerly made tlicreanent; It is alwayes hereby Provided and Declared, that in cafe the Debitor fliall abllraft the Writs and Evidents of the Lands and other Rights to be adjudged , and (hall not produce a fufBcient Right thereof , and deliver the fame , or Tranfumptsthereofto the Creditor as the Lords fliall Judge neceflary; and in cafe he Ihall not renounce the pofieflTion ol the Lands and other Rights to be adjudged , and ratifie the Decreet oi Adjudication , to the effeft the Creditor may enter thereto fummarly, without any impediment, fo that the Creditor may have a clear right and quiet pofleflion: Then and in that cafe , it fliall be leifomto the Creditor to adjudge all ot any Right belonging to his the fame manner as he might have apprifed the fame, conform to the Aft of Parliament , 1 66 1 . anent the pay men t of Debts betwixts Debitor and Creditor , in all points, under the Reverfion , and with the power competent to other Creditors expreft in the faid Aft. And it is hereby De¬ clared, that neither die Superior, nor the Adjudget Ihall be prejudged by this Aft, buttliac they fliall hem the fame cafe after citation in this Ptocefs of Adjudication , as ii Appriftiig were led of the Lands at that time , and a Charge given to the Superior thereupon ; Wiiilk Decreets of Adjudication above-mentioned fliall be al¬ lowed by the Lords of Jeffion , as Apprifings now ate ; And die allowance fliall be regiftrat in the fame man¬ ner, and under the lame certification, with the allowances of Comprifings; To die effeft, the fame maybe known , and that Creditors may not be difappointed by Adjudging Lands already adjudged to others. XX. ACT for imfhymgVacandSti^ends fortheVniverJities. Edinburgh, lo. of September, 1672. THe Kintrs Majefty , confidering die prefent condition of feveral Univerfities and Colledgea vvithiii Kingdom andtliemeanandincompetent provifion oftlie Mailers and Ptofeflors thereof ; and ° j _ — rhar rherehv able and fit tietfons maybe inviti .vithin this 2 mean ana incompetent pruvuiuiieiii.i*'-i.-jan.,.Lc, auv, » - - - and being defiious M give all due encouragment to thefe Seminaries , that thereby able and fit fietfons may be invited to accept of Funftions within the fame; Doth therefore , with advice h confent of his Eftates of Parliament, Sta¬ tute^ Ordain , that the Stipends and Benefices of Kirks that fliall happen to Vaik for the fpace of feven years. This prefent year, one Lufand. fix hundred, and feventy two, being die firft of die feven, andfo forth to condnue unril the expiring of the fe:en years, fliall be impioycd for the ufc oftlie Umveifincs X 3 1(56 The third Sejfm of the fecmidfParliameiit of and Colledges in manner aftcr-fpccifiecJ, •viz. Tlie Vacancies within the Dioceflcs of J/, Andre"’ blain, Dunkeld, BrichinzaAOrknay , for the Univerfities of . AWrcccx , and the Vacan'^^ the Diocefs of Eainburgh, for the Collcdge of Edmburff}-, and tlie Vacancies within the ^''*’'n hberdeen, Murray, Rofi anACait/mefs , fortheUniverfiticsofAier-^/ee//; and the Vacancies DioceflesofG^^tttc;, Ga/Zira;;?)' and the as follows, viz. The Vacancies o( thcDiocefs of for this prefent year, oncthoufand, fx hundred, and feventy two , to be employed, the one half Univcrfity ofSr . A?/(frft<;(X, and the other half for the Univerllty of Glafgow ; and the Vacancic T Diocefs for the fix years enfuing , with the V acancies of the faid two Diocefles of Galloway and the\ff riie whole feven years above-mentioned , to be employed for the Univetfity of Glajgo'w. And that ti' r ply may prove the more efleftual , The feveral Univerfitics and Colledges are hereby warranted to nai feilors ( for whofc diligence and faithfulnefie , they are to receive fufficicnt Caution belore they rcce I ” ' Commillions ) to uplift die V acand Stipends which arc or ihall become V acand during the feven years al mentioned, within the refpeffive Diocefles hereby allotted to them; The Collcdlor to he appointed h^°T' Colledgcof Glafgow, to uplift the Vacancies of the Diocefs of G/«/gott) , alwayes finding fufticieiu C ^ ''' at the fight of the Univerfity of Sr . Andrews , to make payment to that Univerfity and to the Uniyerf”"” r Glafgow, equally betwixt them, of the V acancies which lie Ihall receive within the faid Diocefs of G laC this prefent year , one thoufand , fix hundred , & feventy two ; And his Majefty, with advice forefaid O^; Letters ol Horning, and all other execution pafs at the inllaiicc of the faids Colleifors.lor'thc fpeedy raifing & inbringing of the V acancies aforefaid • which V acancies are to be difpofed of & imploye'd 7* the life of the refpedliveUniverfities and Colledges yearly , by the Vifitors to be appointed by his Majeft f the refpeiflive Univerfitics and Colledges under the Great Seal. It is alwayes hereby Declared that the V ' cancies Ihall be burdened witli the up-holding of the Manfes of cliefe Parodies, out of which the Vacan * lliall be raifed , in the fame manner as they were formerly upon removal of the Incumbent, conform to'^T* A(fl of Parliament made thereanent : and as to the V acancies of the Diocefs of Argyl, they are to be ininlo ' H for maintenance of Zufars, as is appointed by former Ads of Parliament ; And His Majefty , with ad/c forefaid. Declares the former Adi pall in the third deflion ofHisMajefliesfirft Parliament, Entituled^ xMfVtfor additional Trovi/wn in favours of Vniverftks , to be void and null to all the intents therein contained. XXI. ACT concerning the Trivi ledges of the Office of Lyon King at krmes. Edinburgh, lo. of September, 1671. OUR Soveraign Lord, confidering, that albeit by the ixy. Adlofthe la. Parliament, holdenhy His Majeftics Grand-lather in the year, lypa. the ufurpation of Armes by any of His Majeflics Leidges , without the Authority of the Lyon King of Armes , is exprefly difdiarged ; And that in order there¬ to, power and Commifllon is granted to the Lyo» King of Armes , or his Deputies to vifit the whole Armes of Noble-men , Barons andGentle-men , and to matriculate the fame in their Regifters , and to fine in one hun¬ dred pounds, all others who fliall unjuftly ufurp Armes ; As alfo to efeheat all fiich Goods and Gear , as fliall have unwarrantable Armes ingraven on them. Y et, amojigft the many irregularities of thefe late times , very many have afliimed to tliemfelvesArmes.wlio fhould bear none, and many of thefe w'ho may in Law bear, have afliimed to themfelves the Armes oftheir Chief, without diftindlions , or Armes which Were not carried by them or their Predeceflbrs. Therefore , His Majelly , with advice and coiifcnt of His Eftates of Parlia¬ ment , Ratifies and Approves the forefaid Adi of Parliament ; And for the more vigorous profccuti()n thereof, doth hereby Statute and Ordain , that letters of publication of this prefent Act be direct to be exCiiute at the Mercat-crofs ol the head Burghs of the Shires, Stewartries. Bailieriesof Royalty and Regality, and Royal Bur¬ roughs, charging all and fundry Prelats, Noble-men, Barons and Gentle-men, who make ufe of any Arms or Signs Armorial, within the fpace of one year after the faid publication to bring or fend an account of what Arms, or Signs armorial theyareaccuftomedto ufe, and whitherthey be Defcend- ants of any Family, the Arms of which Family they bear, and of What Brother of the Family they arc defeended ; With Teftificats from perfons of Honour, Noble-men or Gentlc-mcn of quality, anent the verity of their having and ufing thole Arms, and ol their defeent as aforefaid, to be delivcrccl either to the Clerk of the Jurildiction where the perfons dwcls, or to the Lyon Clerk, athisOffice in Edinburgh, at the option of the party , upon their Receipts ^raf/x, without paying any thing therefore; Which Receipt fliall be afufficient exoneration to them, from being oblieged to produce again, to the effect, that the King of Arms may diftinguifli the faids Arms, with congruant Differences , and may mat¬ riculate the fame in his Books and Regifters , and may give Arms to vettuous and well deferving perfons , and E.xtraiflsof all Arms, exprcflingtheblafoningof the Arms under his hand and Seal of Office ; For which fliall be payed to the Lyon , the fum of twenty merks , by every Prelat & Noble-iiian , and ten merks he every Knight and Baron , and five merks by every other perfbn bearing Arms , and 110 more .* And His Majefty Kin^ CHARLES the M. 167 hereby difpenfes, with any penalties that may arife be this or any proceeding Adi for bearino Atrnes, before the Proclamation to be ifllied hereupon. And it is Statute and Ordained, with confent urefaid'. that the faid Regifter fnall be tefpefted as the true and un'-repealable mle of all Armes and Bear- in Scotlatid, to remain with theLyons Office asapublickReeifter of the Kingdom, and to be tranf- mjtted to his Succeflors in all time coming: And that whofoevec ihall ufe any other Armes any manner of way 1 tther the expiring of year and day from the date of the Proclamation to be ifliied hereupon, ju j^jnner forefaid , mail pw one hundred pounds money , toties cjmties , to the Lyon, and lhail like- wayes efeheat to His Majelty, all the moveable Goods and Gear upon which the faids Armes ate en¬ graven , ot otherwife reprefented. And His Majefty , with confent forefaids Declares , that it is only allowed for Noblemen and Bilhops to fubferibe by their Titles ; And that all others Ihall fubfetibe their Clwiftned Names, or the initial letter thereof with their Sirnaraes, and may , if they pleafe ad- jjCl the Defignations of their Lands , prefixing the word O F to the faids Defignatioiis. And the Vm« King at ^rmes and his Brethren , are required to be carefull of informing themfelvcs of the ^gittraveeaers hereof , and that they acquaint His Majefties Council therewith , who are hereby im- powered to punilh them as perfons difobedient to , and contraveeners of the Law. It is likewayes hereby Declared , that the Lyon and his Brethren Heraulds ate Judges in all fuch caufes , con¬ cerning the Malverfation of Meflengers in theit office , and arc to enjoy all other priviledges be¬ longing to their Office , which ate fecured to them by the Laws of this Kingdom , and according to former praftice. X X Li. , ' L/f C T againft Trifanenefe. \ Edinburgh, ti; of September, i6j%. R Sdvrfgsi Lord, confidering the many and great violations of the Law. of G O D, and of the Laws dnitikefineue.lornicaBonandBiicieanneite, proianaaonotmct,utus-u»^.tlieteaftet; and then being by His tMyepes Authotity'feveKl times Adjourned : The Parliament was by His tMajeJlus Royal Proclamation the 19. of ' KjM.ay , 1674. Diflbived. ACT cmscernittg the Tre-emptim &hi Excife of Salt. Kt Edinburgh, th.tx^.ii’N&uember, 1673. HE King’s moft Excellent Majefty, having, from the conftanfaffedli- on and care , which He hath alv.'ayes had of the concerns of tliis His Ancient Kingdom , Refoived further to gtatifie His good Subjedls, by (uch Grants and publick Laws as he fliall judge to conduce moft for their good and aclvantage : And underftanding by the profecution and management of the Pre-emption of Salt within this Kingdom ; thaithe fame hath been occafion of trouble and burden to His Subjeffs , His Majefty doth therefore Annuli and Difcliarge the faid Pre-emption, and all Pre-emptions of Salt in time coming, and Declares the fame, and all Afts , Commisfions , or other watrands vvhatfomever autho¬ rizing it. to be, from and after the firft day of TPecember , this pre- Tent year, one thoufand , fix hundred , and feventy three , vacated, void and null. And in order thereunto , His Majefty . with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament , Doth hereby refeind and AnnulR allandfundry the Contraffs, which in profecution of this Pre-emption , were enired into by the Salt- mailers , and thefc perfons who , by -warrand oj the Commisfioners oi His Majefties Thelaune , con- traded with them for the fale of their Salt. And declares the faids Contracts and every of them to e void and nisll , after the faid firll o^Tfscember next to come : It is alwayes hereby declared, dutthe e Y 3 Goncra(» 174 The fourth SeJJIou of the ficond ^Parliament of Contrafts arc to ftaiid good to all intents and purpofes therein contained . for all the Salt that is o • (1 made before the faid firll day oiDecemier. Lilteas the Kings Majelfy, for the encouragement ofth lu fafture of Salt, and for the lurther eafe of His good Subjcfts, Doth hereby declare, all Salt made or to ? within this Kingdom , to be henceforth free from payment of Excife. And further, His Majefly, witi ^ IT ■ forefaid, allovves the Importation offorraign Salt; And Statutes andOrdains , that ilk Boll of lorrai' ofZ,;«/rf/jfirameafure, lhall pay fourty lliillings (yco/J- oi Excife , whether the Salt be imployed oi'^K or not ; and that fecurity lliall be given at the entry of the Salt , that this Excife duty Biall be conipleatlv " a within year and day after the Importation thereof .• And in confideration of the Exemption which the ■ Salt employed on F ilhes had from Excife formerly ; His Majefty Declares , That all exported Flhes Herring, Salmond, or others, lliall be in time coming free from the p.ayment of Cuftom. ’ ™'°'' Likeas , His Majefly , with advice forefaid , doth Inhibit and Difcharge the Colledlors and Farm Excife , upon any pretext . to give any eafe or abatement of the faid fourty Ihillings of Excife imnofed uno^^ n boll offorraign Salt , under, the pain of deprivation , if they be Colleftors , and the lols of the Benelit of ? ' ^ Tack of the Excife . if they be F armers ; and of fuch further punilhment as the Lords of Exchequer lhall tl 'T fittoinflic'l. And to the end it may be known , what quantities of Forraign Salt are truely entered H' jelly, with advice lorefaid. Ordains the feveral Colleftors of Excife , from time to time , tomakcnac'^ any ofthe Owners of Salt, orthefe having their Warrand, their Books > info far as concerns the c 'f lorraignSalt: And if the Salt-Owners, or their Faftors, lhall find any quantity concealed or imbezl’d ' that there is abatement given of the duty , they are hereby warranted to putfue the tranfgrefTors before’ 1°*^ Lords of Exchequer ; And fliall have for their own ufe , the equal half of the feifure- concealment , or ah mentrfj^e«it/e, which lliall he fodifeovered by them. And his Majefly doth . with advice forefaid Ref^ 'l and Annul any former Aifls of Parliament, or claules therein, relating to the Excife ol Salt, which are confillent with , and prejudicial unto , the intent of this Acfl: And Declares, that fo long as the Ex 'f continues , this lliall be the conflant rule for regulating the Excife of Salt , and the Cu^om thereof to conrin' ^ as it is in the Book ol Rates. ACT" Concerning the Importation aud Exife of BRANDY. At E‘DINB‘l)RGH, the i. oiHecember^ TH E King’s Majefty, having , upon good confideration, thoi^ht fit to allow the Importation of Brandy and Mum or Bremer-bcer within this Kingdom ; Doth therefore with advice and confent of His Eflates of Parliament, Refcind and Annul all Afts of Parliament and Privy Council!, Proclamations and other Warrands prohibiting the fame. Likeas , His Majefty , with advice forefaid, Appoints every Tun of Imported Brandy to be lyable in payment of fourfeore pounds Sw^j fotCuftom, without any defalcation and ilk Scots pint ofthe fame Brandy to be liable in die payment of fix lliillings Scots for Excife : And every batrcll of the aforefaid Mum, not exceeding twelve gallons to be lyable in thretty Ihillings Scots of Cuflome, and alfmuch for excife. which Excife ofBrandyandMum; istoberaifedinthe feverall Shires and Burghs, where the fame lhall be retailed , by tapping and felling in fmalls, and employed for the proportional relief of the annuity of Excife payable by the faids Shires and Burghs , and this Cuftome and Excife to be hltedand payed conform to the Laws and Adis, made concerning Cuftome and Excife re- fpective. E C T Concerning APPAREL hi RT) 1 M RG the -l. o£ December j The King^s Majefty , coufidering that feme difficulties have occurred, concerning fome expreffions and qualifications mentioned in the A61 made in the laftSeffion of Parliament, concerning Apparel , and that the Manufaiflure of why t Lace or Pearling made of threed( whereby many poor people gainM their lively-hood) was thereby much prejudged and impaired: For the clearing and remeea whereof; in rime coming, His Majefty hath thought fit , with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, to Refcind, Difcharge and Annul that part of the afore-mentioned A6t for Apparel , concerning the allowance granted to the King CHARLES the W. ,l,e perfons thereby priviledged , to wear V elvet , Satins , and other Silk Stuffs , &c. And Declares , that now and in rime coming , it lliall be free to all and every perfon within this Kingdom , to wear all fuch Silits , white Lace, Cloaths and others , in the fame manner, and als freely as be the aforefaid Aft , they were al¬ lowed to be worn by the priviledged perfons therein mentioned ; And that plain Satin Ribbons may be worn upon Apparel in the fame manner as Tafhtie Ribbons; Any thing in the faid Aft to the contrair, notwith- ftanding- Likeas , His Majefty , with advice forefaid , doth hereby Ratifie and renew the alotefaid Aft, pad in the laft SclTion of Parliament , concerning Apparel , in all the other heads , claules and articles thereof, which are not by this Aft innovat or difeharged. ACT tmiCsrnwgthc TmpofimM B At E‘DINB‘VRGH, the of December, 1673. rplE King’s Majefty, confidering the prejudice that doth and may arife to the trade of Tobacco, be and upon occafion of the late Impofition upon the Tobacco , and the gift of the fame given under His ivlajefties Great Seal, to Sir John mcolfin pi Nicolfm, of the date the fecond of December, 1671. Therefore l;IisMajefty, with advice and confent of His Eftates ofParliament, doth difeharge the faid Im¬ pofition Upon the Tobacco. And declares the faid Impofition, andGifcthereofgrantedtothe faid Sit John jTicolfin to bevoidandextinftinall intents, as if the faid Impofition and Gift had not been impofedor granted. And His Majefty, with confent forefaid, dothallowthe ImpottingofTobaccoinalltimc com- niing free and without payment of any other Cuftome and Impofition but the ordinary Cuftome : Conform lothe book of Rates , And the Excife. It is alwayes Declared and Ordained , that fuch fums of money as liave been payed to the faid Sir John , bt to any perfon in his name , for and upon the account of the faid Im. pofition, and all Bands granted upon the account foiefaid, fliall pertain to His Majefty, and the faid Sir John flail be accountable for the faids fums, andfhallbeobliegedtodelivetthe&ids Bands to the Lords of HisMajeftiesThefautieforHisMajeftiesufc; Excepting alwayes, the Band given for the Tobacco, impor¬ ted in the Ship called Whereof jefe Pte/r isMafter, arrived at the Port of in the Weft, which His Majefty doth difeharge; and Ordains, to be given back to thofe who granted the fame ; And ficklike , excepting any other Bands granted upon the account of the faid Impofition , where the Tobacco is not vented, as to fuch proportions thereof, as the Merchants fliall declare upon their Oath, ate not fold by them, they alwayes paying die ordinary dues, viz, Cuftom conform to the book of Rates, and Excife. And His Majefty , with advice forefaid, dothhereby Declare all Tobacco already Imported, lobefreeofthe faid Impofition, where money hath not been payed, or Bands granted for the fame, and difcliatgesany arteftments laid diereon upon the account ofthe laid Impofition. lA. Trimerojei Cls, Reg, Finis, I i -r 4 f THE LAWS AND ACTS Of the T H i R D PARLIAMENT. Of Our Mofi High and Dread Sever aign , c H A R L E S T HE SECOND, By the Grace of GOD, King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faitli. Holden at E D I N B U R G H, the 2,8. day of July, i«8l. Bj His Reyat Htghnefs JAMES Tiuke 0/ Albany , mi York, &c. His Majsftie*s High Qmmiffmer for holding the fame , h vertue if Csmmtffion under His Majeftie’s Great Seak of this Kingdem. With the fpedal Advice and Conleht ol the Eftates of Parliament 1 C T Ratifying all former Laws for the Security of the froteftant Religmi Augufl: 13, 1681. OR SOVERAIGNE lord, With adviee and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Ratifies and approves all and whatfoever Laws, Afts , and Stawts made by his Royal Grsnd-father, and F ather of Blefied Memory, or rnade and paftin any of his Majeftie’s former Parliaments, for fettling and fecufing the Liberty and F teedom of the true Kirk of God, and the Ptoteftatit Religion, prelentiyProfefled within this Realm, and all Afts made againft Popery, And Ordains the fame to ftand in full force, andefffft, and to be put in Execution, according to the tenour and pur¬ port oldiefe Afts, As if they were fpecially mentioned, and fet down herein. 1 I. xAGT AcbmwkdgiHgandaffirtingtherightofSucceffmmhelmferial Crown of Scotland. Auguft 13. 168 1. The Third parliament of I in blood, which cannot be interrupted, fufpended or diverted by any Aft or Statute whatfoever , And tl can attempt to alter or divert the faid Succeffion , without involving the fubjefts of this Kingdom in and Rebellion , and without expofing them to all the fatal ind dreadful confequences of a Civil warr therelore from a hearty and fincerc fence of their duty, Recognize, acknowledge and declare, thattl to the Imperial Crown of this Realm, is by the inherent right and the natureof the Monarchic, afwel 'l V*’ fundamental and-unaltefablc Laws ot this Realm , tranfmitted and devolved by a lineal Succeflioii 'a ing to the proximitie of blood. And that upon tlie death of the Kingor Queen , who aftually ReigncT'ri'^' fubjefts ofthis Kingdom are bound by Law; duty and allegiance , to obey the next Immediat a^ l’ Heit either Male ot Female , Upon whom the right and adminiftration of the Government is immediad' d volved. And that no difference in Religion , not no Law nor Aft of Parliafnent made , or to be made ^ alter or divert the right of Succeflion and lineal defeent of tlie Crown to the Neafeft and Lawful Heirs a' ding to the degrees lorefaids; nor caaftopot hinder them in the full, free and Aftual adminiftration Government according to the Laws of the Kingdom. Likeas OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD With advice and conlent of the faids Eftates of Parliament, Do declare it is high T reafoii in any of the fub fl ’ ofthisKingdom , bywriting, fpeaking, or any other manner of way to endeavout the alteration, fufnenf * ordivetfionolthcfaidrightof Succeflion, or the debarring the Next Lawful Succeflbr from the immed'°'' Aftual, full andiree adminiftration of the Government, conformto the Laws of the Kingdom. Andtl'*^' all fuch attempts or defigneslhallinfertagainft them the paine of Tteafon. 0( III. C T For a volmtafy offer of a new Supflie to the Kinfs Majeflie. Auguft, lb. 1681. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftates of Parliament caking to confideration , That rhi* Convention of Eftates, \\o\Aznx. Edinburgh , intheMonethofJuly , 1678, upon the weighty con fiderations therein fpecified , and particularly the great danger the Kingdom was under , by feditious and re' bellious Conventicles, and the neceffttie which then appeared to encieafe the forces, forfecuring the G*" vernment, and fuppreflingthefe Rebellious commotions, which were fomented by feditious princinlec ni?a praftifes. DIDTHEREFORE humbly , and dutifully ofler a chearful and unanimous fupplie of Eighteen hundred thouland pounds Scots , to be raifed and payed forth of the Shires and Burghs of this His Majefties ancient Kingdom , in the fpace of five years , according to the prefent valuations ; And that as Tw'enrie five Moneths cefs in the whole , being five Moneths yearly , amounting to Three hundred and fixtir tlioufand pounds Scots each year , at two terms in the year be equal portions , at the terms mentioned in tl« faid Aft, being two Moneths , and an halfe Moneths cefs for every term ; according to the proportions im pofed on each refpeftive Shire , and Burgh by the faid Aft of Convention. AND the Eftates of Parliament now conveened.having taken to confideration,how the dangers from the forefaids caufes doe much encreafe in fo far as fuch as are feditioufty , and tebellioufly inclined, doe ftill propogar their pernicious principles' and go on from one degree ol rebellion to another ; till now at laft the horrid villanies of murther aflaflinati' on and avowed rebellion are owned, not only as things Lawful, but as Obligations from their Rclivion to the dilhonour of God, the fcandal of Religion , the danger of His Majeftie’s Saered Perfon , the overihrow- ing of all Government Ecclefiaftical andCivil , and the Imminent and apparent ruine of the Subiefts lives and fortuns. DOE THEREFORE, Inaduefenceoftheirduty toGod , TotheirSacredSoveraiane and to the preler^tion of themfelves , and their pofteritie, Of new make ane humble , unanimous chea’tlul and hearty offer, for themfelves, and in name of, andasieprel'enting this His Majeftie's ancient Kingdom’ Ola continuation of the forefaidfupply granted by the Convention of Eftates; and that for the fpace of five years, or Ten terms lucceflive : Beginningthe firft term’s payment, at the term of Martm-mas 168; being the next immediat term, after the expyring of the laft term ol the fupply granted by the faid Aftof Convention, being two Moneth’s,. and an halfe Moneth’s cefs. for each term of the faids Ten terms , andfo forth to continue 111 manner forefaid , yearly, andtcrmly, during the faids five years ; HUMBLYbe- leeching His Majeftie , gracioufty to accept this their unanimous offer , and tender forefaid. WHICH fup- ■ ‘S preferibed, and appointed by the aid Afto Conyention with the alterations and additions following, viz,. Tliat the Commander of the forces fhall give , and allow fuch parties , and no more , to tlie Receiver General, for quartering on deficients, as he fliall require from time to time, for inbringing of the faid fupply; As alfo that the faid Receiver General !lfc- r and no greater , and at fuch times, as the Commiflioners Excile and Cefs , or any two or more of them , or their Colleftor within the refpeftive Shires , ftiall require, obeimployedfonnbnngingdiefupplie; and tha-t all parties fent to quarter in any Shire upon the accompc forefaid, flialloedirecfted in their quartering, by the Commiflioners of Excife and Cefs . within each Shire, HMf c Convention. IT IS ALWAIES titRKfiY declared, That although the CommiftTioners , or tlwit Colleftors Ihould not require any King C H A R L E S I t. 179 ,rtic oi = Yet .t faali be Lawful to the Rece.ver Generabafer the clapfing of the terms ofnav- j„cnt, to fcod parties to quartet upon the deficients, according to their proportions. four Xroup'Ttl or Dragoons. orSexfoot, for each Thoufand pounds Jcots.of deficiende , and fo forth propottionall v ’■ Which patties Iha 1 be ordered to quarter upon any deficients within tire Shite ; as the Commifiloners or any* nvooftliem, or tierrCoilcaor (hall dneft which order and method is robe obferved in quartering for the Excife ; And the Receiver General or Tacltfmen ol the fame , are only to imploy the number ot forces lore- faidmquarteringthcrefor.asforihefopplie. AND Iris STATUT, and ORD A1 N K D.thatincafe the CoUeftor of any Shire firall reedye many of the faid fupply , and retain tire fame in his hands, not paying it i^^ Receiver, That *ie mall be lyabie to pay Ten poundsTor each one hundred pounds feccived by him ; which he tiiali not pay to the faid Receiver , within a Moneth after his receipt thereof, But prejudice alwaies to the faid Receiver , to ufe quartering and other diligence , againft the faids Colleaors , ot othetslyuhlein manner forefaid. AND HIS MAJESXY In His Royall goodnes, and care to His people '.' taking to his Princely confideration, the many troubled , and inconveniences ; which arife from' thettaiifiew. otfreequarteringof Souldiers, and from the localities for furnifhing, and carrying Corn, Straw, orGrafs, to the Souldiers Horfes. DOETH with confent of the Eftates of Parliament dlfcharge and prohibit, all free quartering of the Souldiers, either tranficnt , or local, and all localities for fiirnifliiiig and carrying Corn, Straw, Hay, otGtafs, to Souldiers Horfes , aiidthatfrom. and alter the firft day ot November next in this inltaiit year ,1681. the quatceifng , and localitie alwaies betwixt and the faid firft day ' gfNpVember being payed or allowed, conform to the faid Acft of Convention And in cafe any Officers or Souldiers lliall exaft any free quartets , or any faclt localitie thereafter , the damnage being inftruaed before twoCommiffionetsfordiefuppiie, or Excife, uponproduftionof a certificat thereof under their hands, tlieOfficerbeingtequiredbewayofInftrumenttogivCredtefstothe pattie, and not doing the fame, flialt lofe a Moneths pay CO be payed to the pattie injured by the Colleftor of the Cefs or Excife iiuhe Shire, by and attout the faid damage, whichlliallbcallowedtohimbytheGcneralRecciyer; And this piinifomenc to to be extended to any qiiatteriiigfor deficiende which (hall be ufed , or exafled otherwaies then is preferibed in manner forefaid. AND Itishereby DECLARED.thatnodifchatgesgrahtedbyTenneiitstoSoul- diers , for ptovifions , either of Men or Horfes , ffiall exoner the Officers or Jquldicis , unlefs theft difeharges be under the hand ol the Matter, or Chamberlain. IT IS AL'WAIEShcfebyfpeciallyPRO'ViDED and O R D A I N E D, that the Sheriff principal or his Deput in the refpeftivi Shires , with any two or three of tbeCoramiffioners ot fupplie or Excife, ftiallfetpricesottCornfotcheufeoftheTroiipcrs, conform to fiats of the year, aiidpricesupoiiStraw, ,Hay, atidGrafs, according to the Current races of the Couiitrie, and take care that the fame be fold at thefe rates , upon prefeiit payment of money to be made by the Souldiers totheownetsofthefaidsprovifions: Andincafeit ftail liappeii that any Horfes fhall be implltyed, and made ufe of, by Officers, orSouldiets, in Towns, orin the Cciintric, for carrying Arcilliary, Ainmuni- tion, or ptovifion, or any other ufe of the Army, Itishereby Ordained, that there lliall be payed for each dav that they travel Three Mlings Scots , for each c\yo myles to die Man and Horfe , and each day that they doe not navel , Six lliillings Scots to the Man , and as much for die Horfe ; the Man being oblidgcd to provide himfclfe and die Horfe, which fliail be payed by the Magiftfats of the Burgh , if the Hotles be taken witliiii a T™ or if in the tlieColieftor of the fupply in the Shire, who are to be repayed thereof, or to have the fame allowed to them by the Receiver General. AND HLS MAJh STY &Eftate,sof Parliament OR¬ DAINS theCommiffioiiersnamedbytheAftofConventiontobeCommiffioiiers for ingathering ol this fiiDDlv And appoints the Shertiffs of the tefpeftive Shires , to be Conveeners of the faids Commiffioners ; Reromraendinvro the LotdsofPrivy Council, to appoint Commiffioners in place of any oi them already mmed be the faid Aft oi Convention , who ate decealed , upon lifts given m be the tenianent Commiffioners, AND The Eftatesof Parliament doededare, that no perfon lyabie in this fupply, fodl be exeemedfrom Davins his proportion of the fame; And doe befeech his Majefty not to grant any fuch exemptions , in favours ofLv Perfon^ AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED, that no perfon lyab cm payment of this drctli nmtey and one year His blajefty with advici landconfcnt'loidaiifsTATUTS and (' rtirp rtf Cefs; and alio their Teonents, Sub-Tennents, and others living upon theic Lands inalLcetaxea^ F y ^ of a rennent , the funi to be appointed by the money following, ^Jr" ™,nq,,Crors forhimfdle his Wife, and Children; Each Teniient and other Heretor , not exceeduig fa pounds tots^ Inhabitant, abOTCChequato ^ And each Tradfman, Cottar or Servant any fum not ex- igTSt;SSfogsScol^^ the faids fums , as for their Mails and duties. Z a ACT The Third Parliament of 180 I V. O C T for fecurmg the Peace of the Conntrie. Auguft. 19. 1681. UR SOVERAIGNE lord, and the Eftates of Parliament, DOERatifie and A all Laws, and AftsofPadianicnt , made forfccuring the Government of tire Church eftablilhedbvLaw. AND for the farther fecurity of the Peace of Church and State, asitknm,, They do hereby STATUTE and ORDAIN, Thatvvhereany perfons whoareTennenr ” in Burgh, as Land, or Servants, being dilated upon the Oath of Calumny of the Informer lli nv,*? guilty , or holden as confeft , before any cbmpetent Judicatory for field-conventicles , or for refettino P erswhoare, orfhallbe, Inrercommuned , or declared fugitives, upon a procefs intended aBainltth^c^' Tennents and Servants, within three Monetlrs after committing of the faids crimes; Thattheirna their fentence, beintimateby thejudgewhopronouncedthefame, undetfotmof fnftrument 10"!?’'^'’ Her, ifthe delinquent be a Servant, ortotheHeretour, and Land- Lord , in whofe Land , and Houf 1 lives, ifhebeaTennent, or Cottar: which Matter, orHeretour, fliall be oblidged within a Monet! r the laid intimation, cither to pay the delinquent’s fine, there being fufEcient goods to fatisfie the fam' ^ and attour a year’s rent to the Matter , or if he have not fufficient goods . to put him and his Family out' f 1 ■ Land or Houfe , if he be a Tennent , or Cottar ; and if a Servant , out of his Service , or prefent him to luft- providing alwaies that the libel whereupon the forefaid fentence proceeded , be fpecial as to a certain nl where the field-conventicle was keep’d , or there about , and alfo be fpecial as to the time , viz a certa' ^ ’ offuch a week , or one or other of the dayes of chat week. AND HIS MAJEs'tie with a-T ■ ^ and confeneof His Ettates of Parliament , DECLARES, that in this cafe, it fhall be Lawful to Hereto ’ to put their Tennents out of their Lands , or out of their Houfes pofleft by them , at any time of the year that without any warning, or procefs of Removing, and that notwithttanding ofany tacks fee to the T*"'* nents for years, ortermstorun, which, inthiscafe, are hereby declared to be void and null • Andth' Matters and Heretors are hereby authorized, and allowed , to retain as much of the goods and geir belon ' ihg to the faids Tennents, Cottars, andSetvants, asmayfatisfy , andpay, the laft year’s rent due bvtif Tennents , and relieve them of the faids fines. ANDHISMAJESTIE, with confent forefaid D E CLARES, That if any manfhallrefTet, or entertain, any Servant, Tennent, or Cottar, whoisfonui away , he fliall be lyable to pay three years fee to the Matter who did put him away , and three years duty to the Heretor who put away his Tennent, or Cottar, it the feids Tennents, or Cottars, fo put away berelTet orharboured, by any other Heretour, asfaidis, and fhall likewife be lyable in one hundred pounds Scots’ fpbepayedtotheKing. IT IS alfo hereby ST AT UTE and ORDAINED , That tL fines Impo- fed by former Laws upon field- conventicles , fhall be doubled , each perfon being by this Aft fynable in twice as much as he was fynable by the former Laws ; except as to Burge Acs of Burghs Royal, Regality and Barony who befides the incurring the fame fines for field -conventicles, arefor the future to lofe their Burgeslhips and liberties , and to be banifhed from the Town where they lived. AND to the end that all the Laws ^aintt Conventicles may be the better put to Execution , IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that it fliall be Lawful to His Majeftie, to nominal SherifF-deputs, Juttices of Peace, or other Commifiionets for punilhmg conventicles, and fuch as are guilty of irregular Marriages, Baptifms, and invading of kiniftets V. ACT ConcerningfrobativeWitnefesin Writs and ExecMms. Auguft i.<). 1681. MtfonSy-if ^ Confidering thatbytheCuftom introduced \Vll4il writing was tteforver^uHtl^’e although not fubferibing , are probative WittlefleS , andby withaE^aXSnf\^l‘^^^^^^^ FOR REMEED wheredf. His Majcftii witn advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament DOETH ENACT and DECLARE That neJelSfer" nSf"rfn' ‘ '’J “"V P«tie hereafter,fliall be probativ^a^i^notAe Wit- are no defivn^H^fhal ^ ““c*’ f ^ hereafter. wherein the Writter & WitnefTes the Writter^iid w rnpiT A "r “ndefeending upon the VFritter, or the defignation of asWtaSanr^^rtl^^^^ ThatnoiHtiiefsfhallfubfcribe lieaYdlSaTySri^^^^^^ unlefs he then know that partie, andfaw him fubferibe, orfaw, or tar’s neT m riiaH-,P fof him , and in evidence thereof touch the Not- wife tile faids WirnpiTc^ fl n I ' fubferibing acknowledge his fubfeription ; Other- wifethelaids Witnefefliallbeteputeandpunifhed, as accefTotie to forgerie. AND SEING writting flip JESTIE with confentforefaid DOETH ENACTandDECLARE, fienariori^rrScJir >“‘^'^^ ‘"^rumentsof Seifing, Inftruments of Re- S conrta&Sr’ affignations. tranflatioiif or retro-ceffions to bands , contraets .or other writs . which fliall happen to be fubfetibed in any time hereafter : A N D T H A T none King CHARLES tht I I, i8i but fabfcribingWitneflesftiall be probative in Executions of Meflenrers, of Inhibitions, of Interdifli- „ns Hornings, or arreftments ; And that no Execution wlratfoever to be given hereafter, fhall be fufficicnt interruption ofprefeription in Real rights, uniefs the fame be done, before Witnefles prefent atthe ^jng thereof fcbfctibing : And that in all the faids cafes the Witnefles be defigned in the bodie of the Writt orEverurionrefneftive. otlierwife tire fame lhall be null and Void , and make no faith in Judge none ons ^ftrument , or Execution refpeaivc ^ent, norout-with VI. Q ACT Amt 'keligm and the TE^T. Auguft. 51. 1681. LIR SOVERAIGNE lord. With His Eftates of Parliament Confldering, That albeit by many whoMbme Laws made by his Royall Grand-father, andFathet, of Glorious meniiory , andby winfelf, Parliaments, fince His happy Reftauration, the Proteftimt Religion is catefoUy aflerted , eftablifhed and fecuted againft Popery and Phanaticifm : Y et the reftlefs Advarfaties of out Rehg*o>’ > tbeit errours , and to feduce his Majeftie’s Subjefts , from their duty to God, and Loyalty to His Vice-getent, and to overturn the eftablifhed Religion, by introducing their SuDetfti'tiobs, anddelufions, into this Church, andKingdom. And knowing that nothing can more en- cieafe the numbers and confidence of Papifts, and Schifmacical diflenters from the Eftablilhed Church , then the fupine negleft or putting in Execution the good Laws provided againft them , together with their holies to infinuat themfelves , into Oflices , and places of truft . and publick Imploymcnt. THERFORE, HisMajefty, from His Princely and pious 'zeal, to maintain and prefetve the true Proteftant Religion, con¬ tained in the Confeflion of Faith , recorded in the fi tft Parliament of King James the Sixth , which is founded and agreeable to the written word of GOD; DOETH, With advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Require and Command , all His Officers. Judges, and Magiftrats, to put the Laws made anainft Popery , andPapifts, Priefts, Jefuits, and all perfonsofaHy other Order in the Popifh Church, Jieciallv againft fayets and, hearers of Mafs; Venders and difperfersot forbidden Eooks;And Reflettersef Po- nifti Ptiefts° and excommutiicat Papifts ; As alfo againft all Phanatick Septotifts from this Mtio'nal Church; Avainft Preachers, at Houfe, ot Field Conventicles , and the Refletters arid liSrhourers of Preachers, who are Intercommuned ; Againft difordetiy Baptifms , and Marriages , and irregular Ordina¬ tions and’ all other Schifmatical difotders , To full and vigorous execution, according to the Tenout nf the'refpeflive Afl's of Parliament thereanent provided. And that His Majeftie’s Princely care to have thefe nut in Execution, againft thofe enemies of the Proteftant Religion, may the mote clearly appear : HE DOETH with advice and confent forefeid , S T A T U T and ORDAIN, That the Minifters of VarhPatoch give up in Oftobet Yearly, to their refpeaive Ordinaries, true arid exaft lifts of all Papifts, Schififratical-wityrawets from the publick Worfhip , in theit refoeffive Paroches ; which Lifts ate to be rnFOrihedbvthem, andthattheBilhopsgiveina double of the faids Lifts Subfetibed by them, to the re- ■feeffive Sheriffs, Stewards, Baihcso/Royalty , aud Regality, andMagiftratsof Burghs, To die effeft fie faids Judges may proceed againft them according to Law. As alfo the Schenffs. and other Magiftrats fSds ate hereby ordained to give an account to His Majeftie’s Privy Council m December yearly, of proceedings agLft thofe Papifts , and Phanatical Separatifts . as they wiU be anfw=mble at their ISil And^that thediligencesdoneby the Sheriffs , Bailies of Regalities, and otlier Magiftrats forefaid^ taarbetheLw^ed intoby the Council, the Biihops of the refoeffive Dioceffes. arto ffudexaff SteofSftsofdiePapiftsandPhanat^^^^ totheClerksofPtivy Council whereby the dihgencesof ikp Sheriffs and Other Juckes fotefaids , may be controlled and examined. D 'ftc an 1 Plianaticks oftheirbeingimployedin OfficesandPlacesofpublickTruft. IT IS H^E- BY ST ATUT and ORDAINED^ tlLthefollowingOn^ihallbe taken by all perfonynOfhces. I { £ nKSirif Triift Clvli Ecclefiafticai , andMilitary, efpecially by all Members ot Parliament , El^fti’rsSembetsSpatliamcnt, all Privy Counfellors. Lordsof Seffion. Membersof the Ex- tine? LorrSfticiaw .and all other Members of thefe Courts ; all Officers of the Crown . and State; Riihobs and Bite and all Preachers and Minifters of the Gofpel whatfoever ; aU perfons of this r dom® 3 o7to be n Commiflioners for the Bordets ; all Members of the Commiflwn for Church nUsTerife Bailies ofRoyalties and Regalities, Juftices of die peace. Officers of the AftaitS; allblierilts, ’ fUnirPlikeandFifcals all Advocats and Procurators before any of Mint Commiffarsandthar™^^ thsfeCourts, allWnttcrsto S Durrmr'inte Jhey iLu be^lyable for the debt , up^ or Supetfvdere’s, Certifying ftidi as a 6 And to the end fuch as are acceflbrymay be clearly which execution is Hoped by the faid jute’s and Licences, fliall he figncd by fuch as difeovered , They oidam riiat all Proteftions , * P L ^ j„ft tgen, their voting thereto , and Etanttlism; Andtheydeclarethattheit g 1 e L others as lyable, as if they had be- . mil make all who figae them jWhethe j ;„crhat thefe Proteftions be recorded in the Books of the comeCautionersfoithefaiddebt ■ the Clerks hand, lliall make faith Court, which "w aVe S hereby DECLARED, that it lhall be free to againft the gtantet. lilaAi-w^x ; tne 184 The Third Parliament of the Lords of His Majefties Privy Council, Seffion, and Exchequer , and the Commidioners of T to grant Proteftions to fuch as are cited , charged, or required by Law to compear before tl v. few dayes , as they may come and give their appearance , and during their neceflary ftay , and r for their return , not exceeding a Moneth in all ; The patties who require witncl fetobecited.‘”n/M"'.‘*“5'« tours and Curatours, ifthefaids parties be Minors, giving their Oaths of credulity , orfubf ficat under their hand upon Oath , that thefe who are cited by them to be Witnefles , are materfl u ® ^ whichProteftionsfhallbearthecaufeforwhichtheyaregranted. AND LASTLY Itisl 1 GLARED, tliat it fhall not only be Lawful to put the Laws in Execution, nOtwitliftandina of and Licences , granted contrary to this and former Laws , but that if any Mcflenget , or Mtoiftr r ^ concur , they fliall be lyable in payment of the debt ; And that the Lyon fliall be liftewife llyablc q, todeprivethe Meflenger who refufes to execute the Law, upon pretence of any fuch Proteff’i or Superfedere. ‘ le icence, X. C T Concerning IVivet Tercet. September. 6. i58i. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD Confidering that fometimes through the ignorance and ' vertencie of feme Writers and Nottars , Claufes are infert in contrafts of Marriage , containin ons by Husbands in favours of their Wives , without mentioning the terce that is due to her by Law preffing the ptovifion to be granted in fatisfaftion of the terce ; whereby occafion is given to R^fts to a terce out of their Husbands eftates by and attout the provifion conceived in their favours, contrar meaning and intention of the parties conttaflers. FOR REMEED whereof, the Kings MaieflV°'’c adviceandconfentoftheEftatesofParliament, STATUTES andOR D A I NS ,Thatin'timec ■ where there fhall be a particular provifion , granted by an Husband in favours of his Wife , either in a 00°? 'I*® ofMarriage, or feme other writ, before or after the marriage; That the Wife lhall be thereby fecludcdfr^ a terce out of any lands or annual-rents belonging to her Husband , unlefs it be exprefly provided in the m traift of Martiage , or other Writ containmg the Did provifion , that the Wife fhall have right to a terce I and attour the particular ptovifion , conceived in her favours : But prejud to determine as to Contrafts ofMarriage, or provifions already made Cuftom. - - -■ft-'- 'V/ a Lcrcc, by ice alwaies to the Lords of Sellion according to the former Law and XI. ACT ConcerningtheKegiJlrationofSeiJingt , and^everjiont of Tenement t within Burgh, September. 6. i(>8t. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, Confidering the great feciirity that this Kingdom enjoyes by tlig publickRegifterof Seifings, and Reverfions, conformtothc fixteenth Aa:ofthc^^. Parliamentof King the Sixth, hoIdeninAnno 1617. And that there is/uliy the like rcafon and benefire, that the forefaidStatutelhouldextendtothewholeKingdom, as well to Burgh, as Landward. THEREFORE HisMajefty. witli confent of his Eftates of Parliament, STATUTES and ORDAINS, That in time coming , allinfttuments of Seifing of Tenements within Burgh Royal , or Liberties, or freedoms there¬ of holding in Burgage, and all Reverfions , Regrefles, Bands, or Writs, for making Reverfions , orRe- grefles , Aftignations thereto , difeharges thereof , Renounciations of I^odfets , and Grants of Redemption of the faids Tenements within Burgh , or the liberties, or freedoms thereof holding Burgage , ihall be infert in the Town Clerks Books of the feveral Burghs refpedfive, within Threefcore dayes after the date oftlic fame , excepting reverfions incorporat in the body of the right ; And that the Town Clerk flaall keep a fevcral book therefore, depending only upon the Magiftrats of the Burgh, without necelTity of any warrand front the Clerk ofRegiftcr , andminutBooksofthelame, to be quarterly compared and figned, bytheProveft and Bailies ot the feveral Burghs. IT IS ALWAIES DECLARED, that it ihall not be neceflary. to infert any Bands, or Writs, for making of reverfions , unlefs Seifings pafs in favours ofthe parties makers of the faids Bands , andWrits; IN THE WHICH CASE, Itisordainedthatthefamcfhallbein- fertwithinfixty dayes afterthe date of the Seifii^, the extraift out ofthe which Regifter ihall make faith 'in all cafes, except where the Writs fb infert are offered, to be improven : Andif it fhall happen any ofthe faids Writswhichareappointedtobcinfertasfaidis, nor to be cluely infert, within the faidfpace of Sixty dayes; THEN and in that cafe, HisMajefty, withadviceandconlentforefard, DECERNS rhefametomake nofaithin Judgment, be way' of adf ion, orcxception, in prejudice ofaT bird partie, who hath acquired a King C H A R L E S /te 1 1, ^ _ _ _ _ _ i8y jjfea and Lawful riglit to the faids Tenements, But prejudice alwaies to them to ufe the faids Writs attainft the parties makers theteof their Heirs and Succeflburs. AND itishetebyDECLARED, that ‘there (jjjll be nothing payed to the Town Clerks for regifttation of the faids Seifings, butfor any poftcriour cx- tratls • '’y rhe Aifl of Parliament tor exttafts out of the Rcni- fters of Semngs in the particular Shires. And tor regiftrating in the Town’s Books., of Revcrfions , Atlig- nations thereto , or difehatge thereof, Renounciations , and Grants of Redemption of Wodfets , which were not in ufe to be regiftrat before in the Towns Books, That they iliall have the halfe qi the rates ptefetibed by the Aft of Parliament, for tegiftration and extrafting the fame, asfaid is. XII kA C T For enmrmgkig Trade and ManufaSduries. September 15. 1681. ^ _ _ ^ .1, by encouragement given to the Maufaftuties thereof) had exceedingly, ex tojfted the money of the Kingdom, and hightned the Exchange to Forraign places, fo thatin a lliott time tlie flock of Money behooved to be exhaufted, and the Trade thereof to fail; FOR REMEID whereof. His Majekie’s Privy Council after long and ferious Deliberation, and advice of the moft judicious and know- Merchants of the Kingdom, DIDbytwoAfts of Council of the dates , thefirftof Ol/rtrc/j, andele- venthof/^/’W/laft, and publick Proclamations following thaeupon, GIVE encoiitagementtoManu- faftuties erefted or to be ctefted in this Kingdom, in manner, and to the cfTeft underwritten; THERE¬ FOR E His Majefty, with advice and Confent of the Eftates of Parliament, fttiftly Prohibits and Difcliarges, all Merchants, and’otlierpetfons whatfoever. To Import into this Kingdom, any Gold or Silver threed . Cold or Silver Lace Fringes, or Tracings, ail Buttons of Gold or Silver threed, all manner of Stulfs, or Ribbans in which there is any Gold or Silver threed, allPhilagtamof Gold or Silver tobeworne upon Ap- Mrel, and all the Counterfeits of any of them , all flower’d . fttip’d . figur’d , chequer’d . P^'nted or print^ &lk. Stuffs or Ribbans, (no waves comprehending changing colloured , orwatteredSmffs or Ribbans ), All EmbroideriesofSilkuponwearingCioathe#: WITHCERTIFIC ATION, ThatallfuchGoodsas Ml he imported contrary hereunto in any time coming , or which have been imported contrary to the faids Proclamations, fhall be burnt and deft toyed, and the Importers or RelTetters fined in the value thereof like AS His Majefty, vdrh advice and confent fotefaid, fttiftly prohibits and difcharges the vv^anng of any ofthefaids prohibited Goods, and Commodities within this Kingdom, by any of His MajeftiesSub- fX mothers dwelling and tefiding therein, afterthefitft of Jfnlncxt, underthe pain offive hundred r monev mies auoties by and attout the Confifeation of the Cloathes , uponwhich any of the StproliMted Goids fhall be found ; Allowing hereby to Officers andSouldiers of the Kings whole ftand- ina fLccs the fpace of two years alter the firft oi November next . to wear out their Cloathes upon which there is anvGold^or Silver Lace, Tkeed, orBurtons. LIKEAS His Majefty , with confent forcfaid , ftriifilv or^iibits and difeharges all Merchants and other Petfons whatfoever , to import mto this Ringdom , rt Mnlland-T innert Ca-mbrick Lawn, Dornick,,Damesk, Tyking, Bouften,orDamcty , ruftedor Stripped Holland .Calligo, Selefia. or Eaft-India Lmnen, & all otlier Forraign Cloaths & Smffs. andufedbythem,andmadeoffuchj:fo«te^ that all fuch Goods as ffiaU be imported con- whin this Kingdom.) , . . flinUhebunitanddeftroved, and the Importers or tratyTtereto, and oon«atytothefaldsPtodan— Re^£ttersthereoffynedlnthevalueofthefa^dsG ■ , . ^ jg yjred andcommanded, to fearch Sutveyets.Colleftors, Waitets^^^^^^^ • for, feizeupon, apprehend, bumanddeltroy a y , , r t, ■ and fufFer the faids prohibited Goods potted contmrytothisAft; With certificate to be imported either by to lerance Z J Led in tlie value of the Goods that cvetbeincapabletofetveinthatoranyfuchPub! g ’ . , orothet perfon , who fliall through their fault ot negleft , fhall hapi^n to be impo ’ o/waiters for negleft of their Duty in the informagainftanyoftl^Fatmourers Colieftots. S^Lyfo ’rheir?S. LIKEAS . His Maiefty Premifs, and prove the fame , Ihall X the eacouravement of the Manu!y i86 The Third parliament of and aneiit the Weaving and Bleatching of Linnendoath. dedaring, that if any Strangers fhall conie brought into this Kingdom by Natives to fet up, work, and teach his Art of making of Cloaths i Stockings, Soap, or any kindeofManufadury, That he flrall enjoy the benefit of Law, andall other ■ ledges that a Native dotii enjoy : with power to fet up Manufaduties , either in Burgh orLand-ward fliall think fit, and there to dwell , and exercife their Trade, without any flop or trouble ; and that fhall have liberty and freedom of Trade, and to buy and purchafe Lands, and Hereiagcs, andall | ^ Goods moveable and immoveable , and all other priviledges , Jiberties , and capacities that do belong to Native Subjed, born within this Kingdom. And For the Farther encouragementof Manufadm^s Oyl, dyingStuffs, forraign Wool , Lint. andFlax, Pot-alhes, or any other Materials whatfoever ufef forManufadurics, that fhall be imported , are hereby declared to be free of Cullom and Excife , and'^l other publick Dues in all time coming; and that all Cloaths, Stuffs, Stockings, or any other Comm^ dities to be made, and exported by them, fliall be free of all Cultom and Excife , forthcfpacc of nintc° years after the date hereof. And it is farther declared, that any flock imployed , otto be imployed eroding and entertaining anyManufaduries, the fame fhall be free of all private and publick Taxes wji°' foever, and all quartering and levying of Souldiers; and all the Servants of the faids Manufaduries ihal'l befree of watching, warding. Militia, or Levies during their adual fetvice therein , fetthefpacc of feve * years alter the date hereof WITH POWER to the Mailers, Eredors, or entertainers of Manufa turics, to meet for making of Ordinances for the Right ordering of their Servants, fufficiency of 1116^ Stuffs, Cloaths, and others, and appointing Vifitots of their Works. AND HIS MAJESTv'" With confent forefaid , R ATIF lES and AP PRO V ES tlie 45. Ad of the i . Seffion of His Majefties I. Parliament, and the 46. Ad of the fame Seffion of Parliament, difehairgeing the exporting of Linnen yarne, Worftced, IVoolen yarnc , raw or unwaked Cloaths ( except Plaiding, Fingiam, wAGallowm white ) under the pain of Confifeation thereof ; And the Ad of Parliament ordaining , that Linnen of th“ priceol Ten fliillings the eln, orabovc, be not under the breadth of an cln and two inches, andtliat the fame be taken up by the Selvedge and not by the Rfdge, and fo prefented to the Mercat, and that the fame be bleatched without Lime, under the penalty of Confifeation of the Linnen otherwayes taken up, and blcatched.andimprifonment, and Fyning ofthepetfonstranfgreffors, not exceeding the value ofthe Lin¬ nen. LIKEAS it is hereby ORDAINED, that hereafter, all Linnen brought to Mercat for publick Sale, be made up ofPeeces and half Peeces, and that the Peece containTw'entyfourelns, and the half Peece twelve elns, and that it contain not one eln more or lefs, under the pain of confifeation thereof. And that all Fingram, Plaiding, Linnen, and Woolen Drogpts, to be made in time coming, fhall be of the breadth of three quarters and an nail, all Searges an eln and two inches, and the length ofthe Peece to be fifty , or fifty two elns to the whole Peace , and the half thereof to the hall Peece .under the penalty forefaid, and that all the faids Peeces, whether Linnen or Woolen, be taken up in Folds , eln or three quar¬ ters long, and that none of them be rolled, thatthereby the fufficiency of the whole Peece, may be known, and that the fame be not fltetched by the rolling, wliereby the meafure will not hold out; and that under die penalty forefaid , for all fucli Cloath otherwife taken up and prefented to the Mercat. AND His Ma- jefly, with ADVICE and CONSENT forefaid, DOETH Authorize the Lords of His Privy Council , to declare thefe Manufaduries already fet up , or that hereafter fliall be fet up , to be fucli , to the effect they may enjoy the Priviledges , Liberties , and Immunities granted by the faids Ads of Par¬ liament. AND for the more effedual execution of this Act , His Majefly with advice forefaid , O R- DAINS the Collectors of the Aflefsment and Excife , and their Sub-Collectors , Farmourers and Col¬ lectors of Cuftoms, and Waiters in Burgh or Land, at every 1 etm to give upon Oath, to the Judges ordinary upon the place by Sea or Land, and Juflices of Peace , Lifls of all thofe whom they have feen and obierved to tranfgrefs this Act. And it is hereby declared , that the one half of the Penalties aforefaid , fliall belong to themielves, and the other half fhall be colleded by them for His Majefties ufe, tryal being firfltaken, andthe perfons found guilty by tliefaids Judges ordinary , or the Juflices of Peace, and fuch contraveenetsastheylhallnot give information of, that the one half of the Fynes fliall belong to any other petfon who fliall difeover them ; And in cafe tliefaids Collectors ol Aflefsment and Excife, Farmourers, and Collectors of Cuftoms, or Waiters fhall by connivance, or otherwayes Failzie to give up the faids Lifts as aforefaid, they fliall loofe their Places, and be incapable of that Office for ever. IT IS alwayes hereby provided , That no perfons contraveening this Act, fhall be lyable to the faids Penalties , unlefs they be found guilty within the fpace of three Moneths after Dilation in manner forefaid; But prejudice alwayes to any other perfon who fliall difeover the contraveeners , and furnifh probation againft them, ofthe one half of the penalties , wlienfoever they fliall difeover them , they being alwayes difeovered and found gulty , within the rime and in manner forefaid. AND it is hereby DECLARED, That this prefent Act, is, and fliall 6e in place of any former fumptuary Law, in relation to Apparel. ACT King CHARLES /fell. 187 XIII. Act Concerning Tieclinatonrs. September. 13. 1681. yv UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, Confidering that by the II^. Afl; 14. Parliament ol King I I ‘jfawwths Sixth, It is exprefly Statute and Ordained, thatnoSetiatoutoftheColkdgeofJuftice, Or- or Extra-ordinary, wall iitorvoteinthecaufes of thdr Father, Brother, andSon. DOETH “'L advice and confent ofHis Eftates of Parliament, STATUTE and ORDAIN, That this dcclin- "' jjj {hall for the furare be fardiet extended to degrees ofafHnitie, as well as confanguinity , So that in all g coming , No Senatour of the CoUed^e of Juftice , Ordinary , or Extra-ordinary , lhall fit or vote in caufes, " here tlKpurfuer, or Defender, is either Father, Brother, otSoaitiLawto him; Andalfotltathelliallnot ft or vote, in anycaufe, where he is Uncle, or Nephew, to the purfuer, or Defender. AND iris hereby declared. That this Aft lliall be extended to the Lords of Privy Council, and Exchequer, and the Commiffiofi® ot the Juftidaty , and to all other Judges and Judicatures in the Kitigdom.who may be declin¬ ed whet“ they ate related to the party Purfuer , or Defender , in the degrees forefaids. XIV. 'ACT Rejiraining the exorbitant exfence of tMarriages , Baftifms, and Burials. o September. 13. 1681. UR SOVERAIGNELOR D,Confidering the great hurt, and prejudice, atifing to this Kingdom, by the fuperflaous expence beftowed at Marriages, Baptifms, and Burials. FOR repteffingof which abufe in time coming, HIS MAJESTY with advice and confent of his Fftates of Parliament. BOES Statute and ORDAIN, That Marriages , Baptifms, and Burials, lhall be folemnized . and cone about, in fobet.and decent manner. AND that at Marriages, befides the mactied perfons.theit Parents, Childien .Brothers, and Sifters, and the Family wherein they live. There fliall not be prefent at any conttaa of Matriaee’ M^tiage, oiln-fate, or meet upon occafion thereof , above four Friends on either fide, witli th-k ordinary domeftick Servants,' and that neither Bride-groom, nor Bride, nor their Parenrs, or Relati¬ ons Tutours oi-Catatours. forthend, and to their ufe, lhall make above two changes of raiment, at Xattime or upon that occafioa. Certifying fuchpetfons as lhall contraveen, ifthey be landed petfons. Thev lliail be Ivable in the fourth part of their yearly valued rent, and thofc who are not landed peifons, in the fourth part of their moveables, Burgeffes, according to theit condition and means not exceeding five hundred erl« Scots and mean Ctaftfmen and Servants . not exceeding one hundred merks : And if their lhall be any !r«^r number of perfons then aforefaid. inanyHoufeor Jnn, withinBurgh, or fub-urbs thereof, orwitlv ® n 70 miles of the^fame where Penny-weddiags ate made , That the Matter of the Houfe lhall be fined in ‘rr m nf five Iwnied merks Scora. AND Itis STATUT and ORDAI NED, Thatat Bap- thefum befides the Patents, Children, Brothers, andSiftets, and thofe of the Family, £eE"nitep3mwbove AND FARTHER HisMajefty with confent fore Jd wItUTES^ andORDAINS, That their lhall not be invited to Burials, any gratet number of per- c ^ rbefe followinv viz To the Burial of Noblemen , and Bilhops , and their Wives , not above fcnsthent , i„„pfa„a Gentlemen ■ To the Burial of a Baron of quality, not above Sixty , andothec 1 AndthattheMoutneisat the Burials of Noblemen, and Bilhops. landed Gentlemen not ab^^ B ^ TtenumberofMournets.doenot exceed Twenty four. And at the Citizens within Burgh theydoenot ekecedthe n^ber of Batiius o® . Jifpk-rpes the ufina , or carry mg of any Penals , Banners , and otlier Honours, Twelve Audptohibtts or upon the Coffin, where there is no Pale. atButi* exaptonlyffieeightM^ STATUTE, AND o Sain ED^That there bl no Mourning Clois ufed at Burials, nor at any other tirae.under the pain of One hundred pounds Scots. XV. t^C T Againlf AffaJJlnatim. September, 13. id 81. r-r-« HI? KING’S MoftExcellentMajeftyConfideting, thatnotwithftandingAflaffinatiMbea&mie T o“a lil! namre Sffiftent with a/d wholly ddtmaive to aU human fooety : Yet fuch arc i88 T^he TUrd ^arUammi of theperniciousprirtciples, and wicked pracftifesoffeveralperfons, That they doe aflert, andmaint ■ villanous, Impious, and horrid Doftrines, and principles. THEREFORE, HIS Matrc' . With advice and confent of the Eftatss of Parliament DOETH STATUTE, and O R D A I N ^ not only all fuchperfons who Ihallaflaliinat, But that all who lliall maintain , or aflert. That it is I ’ kill any man upon difference in opinion , or becaufe they have been imployed in the fervice of the k - ^ ofeheChurch, as it is prefently effablillied by Law , Hull incur the pain of Treafon, and be puni|}i" j’ tinfelofLife, Lands, and Goods. ,,A N D Remembring with horrour, the execrable murder of U moft Reverend, & Worthy Prelat James late Arch-Bilhop oiSzn^-dltidrewesXosd Primat o{ Scotland f ' I ^ delerved fo well of this Church, and Monarchy , for his eminent fervices to both) DOE Ordain the SI * of fife and his deputs , To make weekly fearches in thefe places, where it is, or may be, fufpefted thele AT r finats doe refide , that they may be brought to Juftice , and exai^larly punillied. And likewife ordain li other Sherrifls, and Magiffrats , upon Information that thofeAflaflines are within their bounds. To fearch for and apprehend them, that they may be brought to Juftice. AND DOE hereby Ratifi'"^^^ former AftsofCouncilagainftfuch as lliall reflet thofe Murderers. ^ ® XVI. ACT Concerning the Jurifdidion of the ^Admiral Court. the September 14. i68r. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, Confideringthatthecleariligandeftablilhingthejurifdiflionof the High Admiral of this Kingdom, will greatly tend to the advancement , and encouragment of Trad * and Navigation. THEREFORE, His Majcfty , with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament^' DOETH Ratify and approve the ly. Aft of the I^.ParliamentofKing5'««^^'J•the Sixth, inthewhol’ Heads, Claufes, and Articles of the fame. And Decerns , and Declares, the High-Court of Adrnirality to be ' Soveraigne Judicature in it felf, and of it’s own nature to Import fummar execution. And STATUTFe and DECLARES, That the faid High Admiral, as he is His Majefties Leive-tenent, and Juftice Gener I upon the Seas, and in all Ports, Harbours, or Creiks of the fame, and upon Frelh waters, or Navigable River below the firft bridges, or within the flood marks, lo far as the fame does, or can at any time extend ; So th* faid High Admiral hath the foie Priviledge and Jutifdiflion, in all Maritim and Sea-faring caufes, forreign and domcilick, whether civil or criminal whatfoever within this Realm, and over all perfons as they are concerned in rhefame. And Prohibits, and Difeharges all other Judges to meddle with the decifion of any of the faids caufes in the firft inftance , except the Great Admiral , and his Deputs allennatly. And STATUTES ORDAINS and DECLARES, that it is the Priviledge of die faid High Admiral , to caufe parties be¬ come enafted, and find Caution, not only for compearance. but for performance, oftheAfts and Sentenced of his Court, and that he may punifli all breakers of his arreaftments, and refifters of his Officers , in the Exe¬ cution of his precepts , and apply the fines , and amerciaments to his own ufe , conform to the Laws of the Kingdom. Andfarther STATUTSandDECLARES, that the High Court of Adrnirality is afu- pteme Court, and that the Decreets and Afts of all other Inferiour Courts of Adrnirality , ate fubject to the review , and reduction , of the faid High Court of Adrnirality. AND for the more ready and quick difjiatch of Juftice, in Maritim, and Sea-faring caufes, forreign and domeftick, whether Civil or Criminal within this Realm , and over all perfons in fo far as they are concerned in the fame ' both to Natives and Strangers, OURSOVERAIGNELORD with advice and confent forefaid’Prohibits and Difeharges all Advocations in theforefaids caufes, from the faid Court of Adrnirality to the Lords of Sef- fion , or any other Judges whatfoever in all time coming, and that no fufpenfion or other ftop to the Execution of the Decreets, or Afts, of the faid Court of Adrnirality, be paft be the Lords of SelTion, at any time hereafter except by the whole Lords , in^afintia , in time of Seflion, and by three of the faids Lords the time of Va- cance met togetlier to that efleft ; And that if any fufpenfions, or ftops fhall happen to be paft in manner fore- ibid, rhe fame be fummarly difcufled upon a Bill, and be Pri viledged and cxeemed from the ordinary courfe of the Roll : And if upon difeufling thereof, the fame fhall be found to have been unjuftly , and malitioully taif- ed , That the faid High Court of Adrnirality, may upon the Application made by the Parties concerned. Mo- dine, and Decern the Damages they have fuftained by the faids fufpenfions, and flops of execution of their Acts and Directs, atcour the expences oi plea before the Lords of Sefllon,which is to be modified by the faids Lords of Seflion. AS ALSO His Majefty with advice and confent forefaid , STATUTES and O R- D A I N S , That it ihall be lawful and competent to the faid Court of Adrnirality , to review their own Dc- creet^nd Sentences , if there be juft occafion for the fame. And His Majefty with advice and confent fore- j decerns and DECLARES, That it is the foie Right and Priviledge of the High Admiral, andhisDeput.s, the Judges of the High Court of Adrnirality, To grant pafles , and fafe conducts to ali Ships ; And Inhibits and Difeharges , all others to grant the fame, as they will be anfwerable upon their higheft peril. And His Majefty with advice and confent forefaid Caffes , Annuls , and Refeinds . all and whatfoever Laws, Acts of Parliament , orCuftoms, contrary to, orany wayesinconfiftentwith this ptc- lACr King CHARLES the I I. 189 XVll. ACT Concerning the Sale of Bankrupts Lands. September, 14. 1681. 0URSOVERAIGNELORD, Confidering, that when the Eftates and Lands of Bankrupts are affeaed with Adjudications, Comprifings, and other real Rights, exceeding their value , Itoltim'es jals out that the Creditors do not agree to fell the Lands .whereby fuch as havefmall fums upon fuch ffeAirities, cannot command any part thereol , and fuch Eftates do oftimes become ineffeftual to many Creditors’ therefore, HisMajefty, with confent of His Eftates of Parliament, doth authorize, andim- power the Lords of the Seffiotj (uponaProcefsattheinftance of any Creditor having a tea! Right) To cog- nofee, and try the value of fuch Eftates, whae the Heretor is nbtotioufly Bankrupt, and the Creditors in pofleffion of the Eftate , and to value the fame according to the true worth thereof, in its Rents , Cafualities, iJehts, and Holdings , according to the ufe and cuftom of the Country where the Lands ly, Andtocom- jpilsonatpetfonstofellthefelands, andEftate, or any part thereof, at the faids rates, or more, as can be bad for the fame, with confent of the debitor, where there is a legyteVerfion competent to' him, and with¬ out his confent where there is no legal .• And ordains the faid fale to be by a publkk Roup , not being under the rate, and price, appointed by the Lords of SeiTioii; and that the Roup be made after publick intimation at the Mercat-ctofs of the head Burgh of the Shite where the Lands lye , and at the head Burgh of the Bailiary , Srewartty, otRegality, iftheyly wdthinthefame, and at the Paroch Kirk where the Lands ly, and at fix other adjacent Paroch Kirks , (to be named by the Lords of Seffion ) at the diflblving of the Congregation , on a Sunday after the forenoon’s'' _ . 5: Wliic ■ ranee: wnich letters ftiall ft rights and in pofleffioti ftialll _ , - ^ ^ - , - - - — emether within or without the Kingdom , at the Mercat-ctofs of the head Burgh of tlie Shite , Stewartiy Regality , and at the Metcat-crofs of Edinhergh , and Peer and Shoat of Leith upon fixcy dayes, and a copy, of tne faid intimatioti fflal! be affixed at all the places fotefaids , expreffing the Lands to be Rouped , the price appointedbytheLordsofSeffion, andthetime, and place of the Roup. _ Which alienanon fo made, and fame were made by the Debitor, _ and have any tights affefting the faids Lands , and that a Signature ftiali pafs thereupon in Exchequer , and ap warand for diarging the Superior to' enter the Purchafet , upon payment of a years rent .DECLARING alwaies that the price which fhali be gotten for the faids Lands conform to the Roup ihail be diftribut by the Commtffionets appointed to fell the Lands, orby thePurchaferofthe fame, amongftthe Creditours pro¬ portionally, according to their feveral fonts, rights, and diligences, as they are, or lhall be ordered, and fcund preterable by the faids Lords , whether the faids Creditors Itave compeared , i or not. X V 1 1 1. \^CT KAjfirtkg His tMajefiie’s Trerogative in foint of Juri/diBion. September i5. 1681. The estates ofPatHament confidering that all Government, and Jutifdiftion within this His Majefties Ancient ¥>ingAomo( Scotland , doesorginally refide in his Sacred Majcfty , his lawful .Heirs, and Succeflbuts : And though HisMajefty, and his Royal Ptedeceffours, have beftowed Offices, andjurifdiftions, upon fevetal of his well defervingfubjefts, yet thefe are not privative of his JunfJiftion, They doe therefore, in a dutiful, and humble Recognizance ol His Majefties Royal Right, and Preroga¬ tive as to this point, DECLARE, that no£withft.andmgoi thefe Jutifdiftions, and Offices, His Sacred MajeftymswV^’™^®^’ or anycommiffionatedbyhim, take Cognizance , and Decifion, of any cates; or caufes , he pleafes, XIX. ACT Cmtcemiug the Oaths of Minors. September i5. i 681. /^URSOVERAIGNE lord, and Eftates of Parliament, taking to their fenous confideralSoh, O the great abufes which may be committed againt^Mmors, within twenty on* years of Age compleat^ The' Thrid Tarliameut of 190 by caufmg them fubfcribe Bonds of borrowed Money , Contrafts of Alienation of thei t Lands , Difeharges, and other Writs of Importance, and raxiffe the fame by Oath , fwearing that they ihall come in the contrary , thereby depriving them ofall the benelite of Revocation, Reduflioh , and Reftitut''^^ in Integrum, allowed to them by the Laws of this Kingdom , where fuch Oaths arc not made, jt'k THEREFORE Statute and Ordained, by the King’s Majefty, with advice and confent of the faids Eftac That no fuch Oaths lhall be exafled in time coming; And in cafe of Contravention, Declares the ConrrS to be void and null, and that no Execution lliall pafs thereupon , And Declares the Eliiitor , orExafter f the Oath to be Infamous: And itis hereby declared, that it lliall be competent to any Petfon related to tlte Minot, to obtain thefaids Writs to be declared void and null, bewayofAftion, exception, oneply. XX. ACT Concerning Bills of Exchange. September. 16. 1681. OUR SOVERAIGNE LOR D.Confidering how neceflary it is for the flpurilhing of Trade, That Bills or Letters of exchange be duely payed and have ready Execution, confprme to the Cuftoinof ether parts, DOETH THEREFORE, withadviceandconfentofhisEftatesofPatliament, ST A TUTE and ORDAIN, that in cafe of any FortaignBillofExchauge.fromorto this Realm duely pro' tefted for not acceptance, or for not payment, the faidProteft having the Bill of Excl-tange, ptefixed, ihail be Regiftrable within fix Moneths after the date of the laid Bill, incafe of non-acceptance, or after t'liefaL ling due thereof, in cafe of non-payment, in tlie Books of Council and Sellion, or other competent Judica¬ tures , at the inliance of the perfon to whom the fame is made payable , or his Order , either againft the Draw¬ er , or Indorfer , in cafe of an proteft for non acceptance , or againft the Accepter , in cafe of a proteij for non¬ payment, to the effeft it may have the Authority of the Judges thereof, interpbned thereto, that Letters ofHotning upon a limple charge of fix dayes, and others executoriais necefla^ may pafs thereupon, ior the whole fums contained in the Bill, as well Exchange, as Principal, in forme as effoirs, ficklike , aiidin the fame manner, as upon regiftrat Bonds, or Decreets of Regiftration , proceeding upon confent of Parties PROVIDING al wayes , That if the faids Protefts be not duly Regiftrat within fix Moneths , in man¬ ner above provided, Then and in that cafe, the faids Bills and Protefts, ate riot to have fommar Execution but only to be purfued by way ofOrdinaryAftion, as accords. AND FARTHER, It is hereby STA¬ TUTE, anoENACTED, That the films contained in all Bills of Exchange, beat Annuahrent, in cafe ofnot acceptance from the date thereof, and in cafe of Acceptance, and not payment, from the day of their falling due , ay and while the payment thereof. AND FA°RTHER His Majefty With advice fote- faid, hereby Declares, That notwithftanding oftheforefaidSummar Execution provided to follow upon Bills of Exchange, for the fums therein contained, in manner above ^ecified ; Yet it lliall be leafom to the party charger to purfue for the exchange, if not contained in the finds Bills, with re-exchange, damage, intereft , and all expences , before the Ordinary Judge, or in cafe of Sufpenfion , to eek the fame to the Charge atthedifcufongofthefaidSufpenlion, Tothe effeift, that the fame may be liquidat, and Decreet given therefore , either againft the party principal , or agaijift him and his Cautioners , as accords. ; XXL ACT Concerningthe EleBimi of Commifsmiers for Shires. September. 17, 1681. OURSOVERAIGNE LORD, Confidering , the great delay in dilpatch of publick Affairs in Parliament, and Convention of Eftates, occalioned by the contravetted Elections of Commiftioiicts for Shires : F O R preventing whereof, and for clearing the orderly way of Eledlion of the faids Commiffjoners in time coming. THEREFFORE His Majefty , with advice and confent of His Eftates ol Parliament , statutes and ORDAINS, That none lhall have vote in the Eleftions of Commillionets for Shires , or Stewartries , which have been in tile to be reprefented in Parliament and Conventions , but thofe who at tliat time Hiall bepublickly infeft in property, orliiperiority , and in polTclllon of a Fourty Ihilling Landofoldextent holdenof the King or Prince, diftinctfrom the Few Duties in Few Lands, orwhere the laid old extent appears not, lhall be infeft in Lands lyable in publick Burden for His Majeftie's fupplies for Four hundred pounds oi valued Rent, whether Kirk-lands , now holden off the King , or other Lands holding Few, Waird, or Blench offHis Majefty, as King or Prince of Seer//^, ^:^\v&.yi3.^ex'fohn‘I>emffterQ{ PitUver, anentaPrefetiption Aft anent the Eleftion of Commiffioners within Burghs Royal , for Parliaments , and Conventions. Aft in favours of the 1 own ot Edinburgh , anent the Conduit of water brought thereto. Aft difeharging the theiking of Houfes within the Town of Edinburgh , and fome Other Burghs Royal, with Straw, Bent, or Heather, and appointing the fame to be done with Lead, Scailie, or Tile. Aft anent the Mortification made be Thomas CMudie , for building a Kirk in Edinburgh. Aft in favours of the Earl of ^eensberry , anent a blank Bond given be him. Aft in favours of the Shire and T own olDumfreis , anent a Cuftom upon the watter of Nith. Aft anent the Salmond fiihing in the watter of Nith. Aft anent the Commiffioners fies in the Shire of Dumfreis. Aft anent the Lord of Belhaven. Aft declaring the Sugar-works at Glafgow to be a Manufaftury. Aft declaring the Woolen-Work of the Searge, called Searge and others Stuffs erefted be fames ArmourY o\sng&i , to be a Manufaftury. Aft in favours ofthe Earl of anent the disjunction ofthe Lands of from Pencaitland, and annexing the fame to Tranent. Aft in favo urs of the laid Earl , for exeeming of his Coale, and Salt, from bearing any Publick burden. Proteftation be the Laird of Ormeftoun againll the fame. Aft in favours of the Lady Lockhart, againll her Son. Aft in favours of the Town of St. Andrewes, anent their flent, and flent Mailers. Commiffion for revifing the Laws. Aft in favours of the Lord Lyon. Aft for Rectification of Valuations, and declaring that Coale, and Salt, is not to beat any part of the Supply,' Aft refeinding fome Articles of the Regulation concerning Advocats, Clerks, and Writters. Aft authorizing His Majeflie’s privy Council to name and appoint Commiffioners of Excife, or Supply in the fevcral Shires. Aft in favours of the Town of Innernefs , for exafting a fmall Cuftom, at the Bridge thereof. Aft in favours of the Laird of Kinmundie , for exacting a fmall Cuftom, at the Bridge of Dee. Aft in favours of the Marquefs of Athole , for exafting a fmall Cuftom , at the Bridge of Almmid. Aft in favours of the Earl of GMarr, forexacting a fmall Cuftom, at the Bridge oiTtlltbody. Aft in favours of the Litfters of Edinburgh. Warrand to the Laird of Hoptoun for changing a high way , at the Town of JVinchhurgh. Aft in favours ofrhe Earle of tor disjoyning the Lands of from the Stewattry of Kirkcudbrugh , and annexing the fame to the Shire of Dumfi'eis. Aft in favours of cAflungo Graham of Gorthy. Protection to Mailer mUiam Dick, aadYa Andi'ewDick. Recommendation to the Council , infavoursof theTownof anent their Bridge. Recommendation to the Council , in favours of the Lady Comfiotm. Reference to the Council anent the Earles of Caithnefs , and Broad- Albain. Reference to the Council anent the Towns ol^;y?nrr/jer-A)f’^er, Kilrainy , Cromarty, and Others. Recommendation in favours of the Lady Bogie. Ratification in favours of the Duke of Lennox and Richmond. Proteftation Sit John Cochran, innameof the Earl ofDK«i&«a/i/, againft the fame. Proteftation Sir lohu Cuningham , in name of the Lady of Obryan , againft the faid Ratification. ' Proteftation 197 A Table of the mtfrinted Acts. His Majefties Advocat, againft the faids two Ptoteftations, Ljjfication in tavours of the Marquefs of Athak. Ratification in favours of the Marquefs of Montrofe. proteftation tlie Earle of againft the fame. Ratification in favours of the Earl of t_Amk. ptotcftation by the Earl of Ami, againft the fame. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Terth. Ptotcftation by the Marquefs of Athol, againft the fame. Ratification in favours of the Vifeount of Smmount. Ratification in favours of Sit <_Alexatider Seton, of Titmeid'm. Ratification in favours of Sir Roger Hog, of Harcars. Ratification in favours of Sir George Gordon , of Haddo. Ratification in favours of Sir IVilliam Sharp. Ratification in favours of Mafter Alexander Gihfon. Ratification in favours of Mafter (.Alexander Mackeinzie , of Garlearch. Ratification in favours of Andrew Spalding, of AJhintuUie. Ptotcftation the Marquefs of (.Athol , againft it. _ Ratification in favours of David Drummi, of Cultmalindie. ■ Ratification in favours of Sir Donald Baine , of Tulloch. Ratification in favours of the Hatmakers, and Walkers of Edinburgh, Ratification in favours of Mafter Roderick Mackeinzie , of Findone. Ratification in favours of WiUiam Dujf. Ratification in favours of the Laird of Balhoujfte. Ratification in favours oi Robert Rringk , of Cliftotm. Ratification in favours of Sir William Ker , of Greinhead. Ratification in favours of George Delias , of St. Martines. Ratification in favours of Sir Arcbbald Cockburn, ol Langtoun. Ratification in favours of the Poor of the Town of Qhanne ot Rajs. Ratification in favours of Datrick Smith, oiBraco. Ratification in favours of Mafter John Omey. Ratification in favours of Mafter Thomas Skeen Advocat. Ratification in favours of Diawi of _ Ratification in favours ot Matter James Murray , UwAit at Logi-ratt. Ratification in favours of William Colquhouu of Cratgmn. Ratification in favours of Robert Boyd, of Tt^-mn^crofs. Ratification in favours of Co/ine Campbel, oiOrmadtl. Ratification in favours of Mafter Akxander Forbes ol Fmeran, Ratification in favours of Richard Elf hmpomi, of (Airth. Ratification in favours of The Lord Fitjugo. Ratification in favours of the Laird 01 Ratification in favours of Francis pugat , ol Auchmhtve. Ratification in favours of the Laird of S^eichtu- ss: :: s Two Ratifications in favours of John Graham, ot uavermm. Ratification in favours of Mafter James Carnegte. Ratification in favours of Mafter Tatnck Kter. Ltificatioa in favours o{ Anthony Murray , o{ Vtullme. LtiLation in favours of John Brmn, Ratification in favours ^ Cdlolid Ratification in favours of the faid A Proteftation the Town of the Hammer -men of EdttAurghl Ratification in favour# of the Incorpomt on o* t SS: in to ol liij-; "r RatiHcation ir. lavouis „ Ratification in favours of the Lord Thefaure p Bb 3 Proteftation A Table of the imprinted Acts. 198 Proteftatioii by the Town of TTundee , againft ir. Ratification in favours of Mungo Halden , of Gknegies. Ratification in favours of Walter Riddel, of Minto. Ratification in favours of George Gordoun, of Boigs oiTTalrey. Ratification in favours of Sir Tobn Schaw, of Greemck. Ratification in favours of the Earle of Arrol. Ratification in favours of the Earle of ^ueensberrie. Ratification in favours of the Lord Rollo. Two Ratifications in favours of Sir George CHackeinzie, of Rofihauch, Lord Advocat. Two Ratifications in favours of Sir George Mackeinzie , cATarbet , and Others. Ratification in favours of Sir TTavid Balfour, of Forret. Ratification in favours of The Lord Regifter. Ratification in favours of Collonel James TDouglas. Ratification in favours of SkWilliamTaterfin, znAMa.fLttTatrickMeinzies, Clerks to HisMajefties Privy Council. Ratification in favours of His Majefties Smiths , Mafon, &c. Ratification in favours of William Craik, of Arbigland. Ratification in favours of Robert Fergufon, of Craigdarroch. Ratification in favours of the Incorporation of the Weavers of Glafgow. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of ^.Aberdeen. Proteftation Alexander Seton, cATitmeddin, in name of the Shire, againft it. Ratification in favours of Robert Hamiltoun , ol Frejminen. Ratification in favours of John JohnJioun, of hlfloijheils. Ratification in favours of James Carnegie, of Balnamoon. Ratification in favours of Sir Tatrick Houjioun, of that Ilk. Ratification in favours of William Flamiltoun, of Orbiftoun. Ratification in favours of Sir Tatrick Ogilvie , of Bqyn. Ratification in favours ol fome Trades in TTimbarton. Ratification in favours of Robert tMilne , ol Bamtinm. Ratification in favours of William Gordoun, SherriffClerk of Aberdeen. Ratification in favours of Laurence Olijhant, Clerk to the Admififion of Nottars. Ratification in favours of the Incorporation , of the Flelhers of Edinburgh. Ratification in favours of Ninian Bannatine , of Kaims. R,arification in favours of the Earle of Roxburgh, and Odiers. Ratification in favours of John Hamilloun, of Combardie. Ratification in favours of The Lord Elphingfiotin. Ratification in favours of The Burgh of Glafgow. Ratification in favours of Sir William 'Purves. Ratification of feveral Afts, and Decreets of His Majefties Privy Council, anentthenew buildings, at tlie entry to the Parliament-Houje. Ratification in favours of Sir Charles Halket , of Pitfirren. Ratification in favours of The Lord Nairn. Ratification in favours of lames Seton, of Touch. FINIS. A C T Of the CONVENTION of ‘STATES Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND, By a mbk Lord , John Earl of Rothes , Lord Lefly mtd Bambteith , Kf. His MAJESTIES Cmmijfmier: For a free and voluntar offer of a TAXATION to His cJJ/ A J E ST T. t_/#f Edinburgh , the fourth day o/Augufl, i6(>y. Eftatesofthe Kingdom ofibor/aW, conveenedatthistimeby HisMajefties y fpecial Authority and Command , Taking to their confideration the great bteOings this His Majefties antient Kingdom doth now enjoy under His Royal Govern- I ment, being thereby delivered from all the mifeties and bondage that do accom- IpanythelronRodofanlnfolcntUfurparion, andpoflefledofallthe Liberties and f PriviledgesofafreePctmle, living under the Royal Scepter of thair lawtull Prince, andthat, by a full and free exercife of their Religion, with all fuitableencourage- ^ ments thereunto , by an equal and due adminiuration of Juftice , and peaceable S and fecure enjoyment of their Laws, Rights and Properties ; Dofindthemfelves - ^ -- ‘ honour and gi-jtitude, to embrace every occafion, where¬ by they may witnefs to the world their juft refentments thereof , and their readinefs to contribute their lives and foLnes for the maintaining and advancing of His Majefties Royal Authority , Powr and Greatnefs ; under the proteaion whereof, the Peace, Freedom and Intereft of this Kingdom and Subjeas thereof , is, and can only be . fecured. And undetftanding , that His Sacred Majefty is now engapd in a War with the Inhabitants of the for the maintenance of His own Honour, and the Peace and Iradcot His Kinedoms * and that thereby a new opportunity is offered to them to make good cheit proteffions of tlwtf zeal and affeiftion to His Majefties fervicc. Therefore , the Eftates of the Kingdom , in a due fenfc of His MajeftiesLnoutandInteteft. and of their own duty , Do, withhumble, loyal ^"d d.e«iul f^rts. for themfelves andin name oftlie whole Kingdom, whom they do teprefent, make humble and te"dei "Ml’ftyofaTaxation. wltich they do humbly befeech His Majefty would be gracioufly pleafed to accept of, and which is to be payed in manner , and at the terms following ; ■ r I T-> I Fark Vifcounts Lords , and Commiffionets of Sliires , for of the Convention of Eft at a fand, fix hundred, fixty eight years ; The fum of other fourty fliillings at the term of Whitfondav -1 I /!.-! . A «/-l fii m nrli/^r fnnrr\7 fli illi rTfTQ nf rlir> _r »»,i >y. thoufand , fix hundred , 'fixty nine years ; And the fum of other fourty fliillings at the term of Whirfond° onethoufand, fix hundred, feventy years , being the lafl: term. And the Archbifliops and Billions, forH Spiritual Eflate, Have granted, that there fliall be uplifted of all Archbilliopricks , Biflioprieks , Abbae Priories, and otherinfcriourBeneficeswithin this Kingdom, ateveryoneofthcfive terms abovc-fpecified*’ thejuft Taxation thereof proportionally , according to the fum offourty fliillings monc}-, now inipofcd uii ’ the Pound-land, as they have been accuftomed to be taxed unto in all time by-gone, when the Temno I Lands of this Kingdom were flinted only to thirty fliillings the Pound-land of old extent , with the addition of a fourth part more ; And the fame Taxation to be payed at every one ofthe five terms above-fpedfiei Aiidthc CommilfionersofBurghs, for their Eflate , Havegranted, that there fliall be uplifted of all r] Burghs of this Kingdom , at every one of the five termes above-fpecified , thejuft T axation thereof prono'* tionally, according to the fum of fourty fliillings money now impofed upon the Pound-land, as they ha^' been accuftomed to be taxed unto in all time by-gone, when the Temporal Lands of this Kingdom were flinted only to thirty fliillings the Pound-land of old extent, with the addition ofa fourth part more, tq b payed at the refpeflive terms above-written. And in regard, that His Majefty hath erefted fundry Prelacies^ and Temporal Lordfliips , whereby the owners thereof may claim to be taxed with the Barrens of the Tem’ poralEftate, and thereby His Majefty would be defrauded ofa great part of the faid Taxation : llicrefore the faidsEftates Ordain, that all erections of Prelacies and other finall Benefices, in whole or in part Temporal Lordfliips , fliall, in payment ofthe faid Taxation, pay to the Colleclor thereof, fo mu(,ij the fame Taxation {fro rata') as il they were no wayes ereefted , and as they were fubjeft to do before the ereftion of the fame. And ficklike , it is Statute and Ordained , that all diflblved Benefices within this Kine- dom, in whole or in part, fliallbefubjeflinpaymentoffoniuchofthcfameTaxanon {fro rata) as they would have been fubjeft to pay though the fame had not been diflblved: And that thofe parties, who have gotten any part or portion of any Prelacies , or other inferiour Benefices , diflblved, and new Securities made unto them by His Majefty , of that part and portion thereof fo diflblved , fliall be f ubjeft in payment of the Taxation thereof to the Prelat or other beneficed Perfon , for his relief of the fame Taxation , as they would have been fo thefame had not been diflblved ; notwithflanding of any condition contained in the Inleftments and Securities made by His Majefty to them in the contrary thereof. And further, His Majefty, with advice and confent ofthe faid Eftates, Declares, that the Lands and Teinds, belonging in property to the ordinary Lords ofthe Selfion, the Advocats, Clerks, Writers to the Signet, andotherMembersoftheColledgeofJuftiee, andallfew duties payable to them out of the Lands whereof they ate Superiours ; all Benefices given , difponed and mortified , for entertainment of Univerfi. ties, Colledges, Schools or Hofpitals (theVaflalsholdingoftliefaidsordinary Lordsof theSefllon , and other Members ofthe Colledge of Juftice, and ofthe faid Univerfities, Colledges, Schools and Hofpitals, being alwayes lyable in payment of this Taxation , for their Lands fo liolden , as others of His Majeftics Sub- jeifts) all modified Stipends, and Vicarages where they are a part of the faid modified Stipend ; all Parfonages, Vicarages belonging to Minifters fetving the Cure , where the laid Parfonages and V icarages do not exceed the value appointed by the Adis of Parliament for a modified Stipend , ate , and lhall be free from payment of any part of this prefent Taxation ; And difeharges and difannuls all Priviledges and Immunities, whereby any perfon may conceive himfelf tree of the payment ofany part of this prefent Taxation, except as above ex¬ cepted. And Ordains the faids Senators ofthe Colledge of Juftice, and other Members thereof, and the perfoiis, in whofe favours any Lands, Teinds or Superiorities have been given, difponed and mortified, for entertainment of Univerfities, Colledges, Schools or Hofpitals, to fend in to the Colledlot-general of the Taxation, or Clerk thereof , a note under their hands , thrccfcore day es before the firft terms payment of thisTaxation, oftheLands, Teinds, and Few-duties belonging to them, asfaidis, withinwhatShirethey lie ; and if they be Kirk-lands, what Benefice they hold of And alfo Ordains , the Archbifliops and Billiops, to fend in to the faid Colleflor or Clerk , betwixt and the time forefaid , a note under their hands , of the Par- fonagesand VicarageshelongingtoMiniftersfervingtheCurewithin their refpective Diocefles, which do not exceed the proportion allowed by the Acts of Parliament for a modified Stipend. And for the more fpeedy and effectual in-bringing of the Spiritual Mens part of this faid Taxation, Ordains Letters to be directed as formerly , charging all and fundry Archbiihops and Bilhops, Abbots, Priors; as likewayes all Noblemen and others , in whofe favours the erection of any Prelacy or other inferiour Benefice, or any part or portion thereof , be it in Lands, Kirks or Teinds, or in whofe favours the Patronage of any Benefice, Kirks or Teinds, arepaft; And all other beneficed Perfons contained in the taxed Kols, their herctable Baillies , Chamberlains, Factors and Intrometters with their Rents and Livings, perfonally or at their dwelling places, and by open Proclamation at the Mercat-Crofles ofthe head Burghs of the Sheri ifdonis, Stewartries and Bailleties , where the faid Prelacies , erected Lordfliips , and fniall Benefices lyes , if they be within this Kingdom : And if they be without the Kingdom , by open Proclamation , at the Mcrcat-Crols of Edinburgh, Pcir and Shore of upon threefcore dayes warning , to make payment of that fum, that they, and ilk one of them , are taxed unto, for every one ofthe faicts five terms , to the Collector-general oftliefaidTaxation , appointed, or to be appointed by His Majefty, or His Deputies and Officers in His Name , having His Power and Commiflion to receive the fame , at the particular terms above- written, under the 3 Of the Kingdom of S COT L ANT). the pam of Rebellion, and putting ofdjem to the Horn and iftheyfaibic therein at the by-paffina of every t,„e of the faid terms, to denounce Ac dtfobeyers Rebels , and put them to the Horn , an/to Efchcat &e ;vnd that die Prelats and benehced Petfons , and fuch Noblemen and others . in whofc favours the Ercaions and Patronages above-written arc paft, fortheir rclicfhavc Letters as formerly , chareinirtheUafl-als sT yaffils, Ladtcsol Tercc, Conjunft-fiars Life-renters, Proper-wod-fetters. who! XTc JoSlet tltc las oi the , Fe wers , 1 aekfmen and Peiifloners , to make payment of their part of the faid Xaxarion, ilkoneofthem, according to the fimuheyihall be taxed unto, tothe faids Prelats gnd other beneficed Fcrions , and to the faid Noblemen and others having power to receive the fame within £^entydayesnextaftertheCharge under the pain of Rebellion, &c. And if theyfailzie, to de- nounce, &c. andefeheae, &c. andtopoyndanddidrcinziethcrefore, as they Ihould think moft expe- dient : Providing alwayes That the firft termes payment of the faid Taxation be ever paft . before the next ternics payment b^harged for. And the Eftates Declares , That rhe produtdiion of fufficienc Hornings ae;ainitthefaia Vanals, Fe^usrs, Tackfmen and Penfioners , ihall be a relief to the faids Prelats, Lordsof £reftions and beneficed Perfons; and fliall exoner them {pKotanto') from payment of the faid Taxation: Providing. That the fame Hornings , witluheirfaxtRols authentickly made and fubferibed by ihc faid Prelats, Lords ofEreftions and other beneficed Perfons, andby their Fewers, Vafials, Tackf-mcn and Penfioners , in manner hereafter preferibed , containing the particular film which each one’of them are taxed unto; bcdeliveredtotheColkaorofthefameTaxation, within the fpacc of threelcore dayes after every terms : ctherwayes, he lliall be no wayes oblieged to receive the fame , neither lhall the Pielat, Lord of Ereftion nor beneficed Pcrfoii , be exonered by produftioii of rhe fame at any time thereafter. And further, that the faid Prelats, and fuch Noblemen and others , in wliofe favours the Ereftions and Patron^esabove-wiitten are part, and all other beneficed petfons, mayhavetheir relief of their ValTals, Sub-vafiais , Ladies of Terce , Conjundl-fiars , Lile-renters , Fewers, Wodfettetsfotcfiud, Tackfmen and Penfioners, tothegreater cafe and lefs trouble to the faid Vafials and others forefaid ; And to the effeft, that every oneproportionallymaypayhispartoftliefaid Taxation, according to the quantity and avail of the free Rent which he hath of his Benefice, Lands, Penfions, Kirks, and Teind-incaves pertaining to him, aswell Prelat, Lord of Eredion , Patron and other beneficed Perfons themfelves , as the Fewer, Xackf-man and Peufioner ; Itis thought Expedient, Statute and Ordained , That the faid Prelats and others above-rehearfed , every one of them fevcrally , flialiconveen his whole Fewers, Vafials, Tackf-men and Penfioners, attheparticularplaceshereafterdefigned: They aretofay, The Atchbnhop oiSt. Andrews ztlheCityofSt-i^udrews, theAtchbifliopofG&jgtiTOattheCity oiGlaJgaw, theBilhopof Edinburgh City oiEdiiiburgh, theBilliopofOr&r^attheTownof/Grfoa//, the Bilhop of Caif/v/iyJ at the Tomoi'Durnock , theBilliopof /?fl/IatthcTcwno{C7M«o'“f.^?/^. the Bilhopof Afarrayat the Town of Elgin , the Bifliop of Aberdeen at the Burgh of ^ylberdeen , the Bifliop of Brichen at the Burgh of Erichen, theBiilTOpofB»a4f//attheTovvnof IDaafe//, the Bifliop olT)umblam at theTown of Ttmblain, the Bilhop of Gafctfy, attheTownof/i^ifJaas, the Bifliop ofyYr,|y/at the Town of /aacr-ary, the Bilhopof ^azms2tA)t'Siw^\o[RothefayinBttte, thi Ntshotoi Icolmkill it the Burgh of Rotbefay. thePriot of Ardchattmi at the Burgh of Rothefay , the Abbot of Fairn at the Burgh of Tayn , the Lord Beidey at the Burgh of /w/CT’se/f, tneLordofAS«/c/ratthe Burgh oi Forres, the Wot ol Tlujcardcu at the Burgh of Ehin, tlieLordof©ierattheTownofT’f/tifrfea3, thePrioroffii^'attheTownotrarr/y, thePrior of ■Mmtymusk at the Town oiMonymusk , the hetetable Baily ol the Lordihip of Arbroth at the Burgh ol i^r- broth, the Lord of at tile Burgh of ‘PfrtA, the Lord at the Town of Cowfer in Angus, me Prior ofPeteaefA at the Burgh of Pcj/ar, the Colleftot of this prefent Taxation in place of the Priors of Cbarterhoufe , the Seat now vacand, at the Burgh of and the like in other cales where any Seats are vacand, at the places appointed by this prefent Aft; the Prior of fi/cAo at the Burgh olPcrfO, the Prior of Strapbillaniittfs. Kirk of Cmry , the Lord of Inchaffray at the Burgh oiTerth , Ae Prior oUncbmachoms at the Burgh oi Sterling , the Baily of the Regality oiTOimfermlmg at the Burgli oi'Tumfermlmg, the l^td oiBalmehmch at the Burgh of Cowfer in Fife , the Lord Lyndons at the Burgh olCowfer in Fife the Ma¬ tters of St. in %l.K^iidrews forthePnory ofP^WattheBurghof * the Prior oiTettenweymahterngh oiTettenweym theCMt.LolmbatAte the Lord of Culrofs at the Burgh of Culrofs, the Abfot of Cambuskenmth at the Burgh oi S tirling ■ Torphichmiatthe^m^toiLinkthgow, the Prior of Man W/at the Burgh olLr«to/;|(ra;', the Lord Arw- hottle at the Citv ol Edinburgh , the Priorefs of Haddingtoun at the Burgh of Haddmgtoim , the Lord of the theKirkof ATWw ditlolvedlromihe Priory of A&rt/i berwick, attheTown olAA, the 1 a«°f> Parfonolthe Kirk ok Largo, diffolved from Nortb-berwickattheTownoiLargo-, the Patron and P r fcnoftte£ko 4« 7theU±lkLogie,mo\seAbomNorth4erwk^^ at the Burgh of Stirling-, CotS °f ^ Town oiKelfo , ^he Lord of Coldm^Mm at the Town of Eymutb, of Ounce , the Hriburgb , the Prior of Eccles at the T own of . *e Pri°t of Coldfireamat^t Melrofe the Lord of Lord of>^&r^/^ at the Burgh of^ VfSf of G/a/esT till Lordin’d Baily of the Ta!flayitiheTo\ya.o{ Taijlay, the Lord Ekntyre at the^City oiGlafgow, Temporal 4 of the Convention of Eftates Temporal Land of K//OT»«i»^,diflblved from the Abbacy of Kilwhming, at the Burgh oiIrwmq^~r~^ bot ot Corfs-Ragwel, at the Town of Mayboll, the Prior of Whithorn at the Burgh ot hVhithorn'rfl^l,^' oiSanlfetitththMx^-ioiWhithorn, thePriorof^r. Mary-IpaXthe Burgh ol KirkaMnrgh, thel Xtundrennand at the Burgh of Ydrkcudburgh , the Lord of Glenkfs at ttie Burgh of Wigtouu , 41 1°™ lungland at the Burgh ofWr?/'fla«, the Abbot ofiV(’ce;-<7i^^at the City the Abbot of wood at the Burgh of the Prior of at the Burgh of Awaaa , the Barron and Bailv fi Barrony oiBroiightmn , diflblved from the Lordfhip of Hoty-rud-houfe , at the City of Edinburgh ; the w ' tors of the hundred Pound-land of the Barrony of Munklaud , diflolved from the Lordihip of Mew-botl'^' the City oiGlaJgow ; the Miniftet of Felfoord at tire Burgh of Ktr , the Minifter ot Scotlandwell at the ol Sx. hi/drews , the MinifteroftheCrofs Kirkofye^Wexatthe Burgh ofiPfe^/fr, the Patron and Pa r oftheKirkofDr/Wxx, diflblved from the Abbacy of atthc Burgh of ; And allothc^h" neficed Perfons at the Paroch Kirks of their particular Benefices ; and that they convecn to the effeft abo written, upon the twenty fifth day of . in this prefent year of God-, onethoufand, fix hundr'T fixty five years, whichisdeclaredtobethcprecifeday appointcdforalltheir Vaflals, Fewers, Tackfm ' and Penfioners to keep thefaid Meeting; and that nofurther citation ol fummoning lhall be requifit, then tl'" Proclamation, and publication of tliis prefent Aft at the Metcat-ctofles ol the head Burghs of this Kingdom. As alfo it is Declared by His Majefty and His faid Efl:ates,That if any V aflals. Sub- V aflals , Fewers, Tackf menofTeinds, Penfioners, otanyotherjuftly bound to make relief to Prelat, Lord of Ereftion , Pano orotherbeneficedperlbn, ofany part ofthe faid Taxation, fliall fend any Procurator in his name fufficieiiN ly authorized to the (aid Meeting ; the fame (hall not only excufe the pincipal Patties abfence, but th Procurators fliall be admitted-in ail things , and received to do and perform in the diftribution of the faid Taxa¬ tion, what could , or lawfully might, have been done by him who fent him. It is likevvayes Declared that the Prelat, Lord of Ereftion , Patron, or other beneficed Petfon , impeded Iw difeale, or diverted upon fome other neceffary occafions, from attending that Meeting , havitm his abfence lupplyed that day by a (ufScient worthy petfon , whom he (hall authorize and appoint to that efteft , fliall be as lavvlull as il he were petfonally prefent himfelf ; and the party fo authorized (hall be admitted and received in all things , to do and perform in the diftribution ofriie fame Taxation, what could, or lawfully might , have been done by him who fent him. It is further Statute and Ordained, That at the faid day of Meeting, thefaidsPrelats, Lords of Ereftion Patrons and other beneficed Perfons, (hall by thcmfelves,or by theirProcurators lawfully authorizedas faid is' fence and hold Coutt,call by name and furname upon every one of their V affals.Sub-vaffals, proper Woodfet- ters, Fewers, T ackf-men of Teinds , Penfioners and others oblieged to relieve them of any part of the fame Taxation, and lawful time ofday being bidden, tolliewtotheiriaid Vaflals, Fewers, Tackf-men and Pen¬ fioners , or their procurators compearing for them , the quantity ol the T axation impofed upon their Prelacy, erefted Lordfliip or other Benefice , authentickly fubferibed by the Clerk of the fame Taxation ; and they all ( at the leaftfo many ofthem as fliall conveen for that efteft, with confcntol the moft part) lhall diftribute the fame, to be payed by every man, as well as by the Prelate, Lord of Ereftion and prefent pofTelTors of final Benefice, for the (tee rent that every one ofthem hath of their Prelacies, erefted Lordfliips andfmall Benefices, asbythe Vafl^ , Fewer, Tackf-man and penfioner, according to the great and fmall quantity of the free Rent which every one of them hath either of their Lands, Teinds or Penfions .- With certification to anyofthefaidspetfons, Fewats, Vaflals, Tackf-men and penfioners, that compear nor by themfelves or their Procurators , at the day and place above-fpecified , to the efteft forefaid ; that fuch as fliall conveen with thefaidsPrelats, Lords of Ereftion , Patrons or other beneficed Perfons, or their Procurators, ihall proceed in the equal diftribution of the fame Taxation, as well amongft them that are abfent, as prefent; and fliall make and fubferibe an authentickTaxt-roll thereupon ; 1 he ieinds valued fince the year, one thoufand , fix hundred , twenty (even years , being dinted and ellmiar without refpeft to thefaid Valu¬ ations, ficklike, and in the (ame manner, with the addition of a iourih part, as they were for the Taxation granted in the year, onethoufand, fixhundred, thirty three years , and to be taxed accordingly. And in cafe that none of the (aids Vaflals, Few'ers, Tackf-men and Penfioners, fliall conveen at the day and place above-fpecified , to this elfeft , by themfelves or their Procurators , but fliall wilfully abfent themfelves from the faid meeting; it (hall be lawful for the faids Prclats, Lords of Erection , Patrons and other beneficed perfons, being prefent by themfelves or their Procurators, at the day and place above-fpecified, to make, fet down and fubferibe the fame Taxt-roll; And in cafe any ofthe faids Prelats , Lords of Ereftion, Patrons or other beneficed perlbns , (hall not conveen by themfelves or their Procurators at the day and place above- fpecified , particularly defigned to every one of them ; it fliall be lawful for the faids V aflals , Fewers, Tackl- men and Penfioners , at the leaftlb many ofthem as fliall conveen by themfelves ot their Procurators , to make , fet down and fubferibe the faid T axt-roll ; which T ax^toll lhall contain the particular fum that every oiiclhallbefound juftlytobeaddebtedtopay, the parties name addebted to pay the fame, and the caufe wherefore the fame ought to be payed. And being fo fet down, either by the Prelat , Lord of Ereftion, Patton and ocher beneficed perfon , or their lawfull Procurators , with fo many of their Vaflals , Sub-vafials , Fewers , Tackf-men of Teinds , Penfioners and others oblieged to relieve them ofany part ofthe fame Taxa- Of the Kingdom of SCOT LAN T>. ^ tion , as lhall conyeen with them to this effia ; and in cafe that none fliaU conveeti with them , the faid Roll being then fee down by the Prelat , Lord ol Eredioii , Patron or other beneficed Petfon , or thdr lawful Pro- cutatots, orincafeoftheirabfence, beingfedown, made and fubfccibed by the moft part of the faid Vaf- fais , Fewers , T ackf- men and Peiiftoners , by themfclves or their Procurators , as ihall conveen themfclvas for this effesfl; His Majefty and the faidsEftates Declares to be as lawfull in all refpeds, as if the whole number of psrfons having inteteft therein had conveened , made , fet down and fubfetibed the fame ; which Taxt-roil being fo fet down , made and iubferibed in manner above-written (and no otherwayes) and deliver¬ ed to the Clerk of the Taxation; His Majefty and the faid Eftates, Ordainshimto givewartand forgiving of Letters of relief thereupon; difehatging him , in any cafe, to give watrand for giving of Letters of relief upon any Roil prefented to him , not made and audientickiy fubfetibed in form above-written , as he will an- fwet to the contrary uponhisperilL- It is Hkevyife Statute and Ordained, ThatTackf-men ofToinds fhall have their relief of their Sub-tackf- Bien , fro tanto % tefpeft being had to the grefliim payed by the faid Sub-tackf-men. And in regard that di¬ vers Rkks have been of new etefted , and feveral augmentations of Miniftets Stipends granted fince the year, onethoufand, fix hundred, twenty feven years, to the diminution of the Spirituality ; It is therefore Sta¬ tute and Ordained , That where Kirks have been of new etefted, or any augmentations of Miniftets Stipends (jtanted fince the time forefaid, outoftlieTeindsbelongingco Archbilhops, Bilhops, or other beneficed ^ _ jL I IcHL V * liCtC * ** ft IL 4 M V ^ 1 J s & j w V* w V V tit i j &it _ _ _ _ granted fince the time forefaid, outoftlieTeindsbelongingco Archbilhops, Bilhops, or other beneficed Petfons, or to any Nobleman or other, iiiwhofe favours the^ Eieftion of any Prelacy, or other inferiout Benefice , in whole or in part , has been made and paft , the CoUeiftor of the T axation ihall allow and deduce tothefaidsArchbilhops, Bilhops. or any other beneiicedPerfons, or Nobleman and other Perfons , out olwbofe Teinds the Stipends ol the new ereft ed Kirks , and the forefaids augmentarions have been granted, and who have gotten no prorogation in recompence thereof, fuch a proportion o! the faid Taxation as thall be effeiratid to the proportion of the faid Stipend or Augmentation panted out of their T einds,; Which Stip¬ end & Augmentation, what the fame amounts to, fliallbeatteftedbytlie Bilhopofthe Uiocefs,; Providing, that the whole Teini of the feids Benefices be ftinted proportionally , as they were for the T axatiou granted in the year, onethoufand, fix hundred, thirty three years, with afourtli part more. Ari for in-biinging of the Bartons and Ftee-holders part of the fame T axation , and of the Fewers & Rent- teilers of out Soveraien Lords proper Lands . their part thereof ; Ordains Letters to be directed as formerly ; cliareineallandfundrySherifts, Stewarts, Baillies, their Deputies . Clerks, Fewers, Cliambetlams, and Receivers ofourSoveiaign Lords proper Lands; That they and every one of them . withiiuhc Bounds of of their proper Offices . taife and uplift the fum of fourty Ihillings money of this Realm, of every Pound-land - of old eHcnt , lying within the bounds of their Jurifdiaions , for every one of die faids five terms above-fpe- dfied, andin-btinlaiidddiverthefametotheColkaotfotefaid, or to his Deputies and Officers m li.s name, having his power to receive the fame, at the particular terms aboveLpecified, undei thepainofRe- Lllion, And tf they failzie, at die by-paffing of every one of the faid terms, to denounce «£• AndDedares, ThacnoPriviledgeotlrnmunityiliailbeofanyfoccetoftopriieexccutionol theLaw Lmftthem upon die premises; And for their relief . that Letters be directed as faid is, charging aland Maraiieflis Earis Vifeounts, Lords, Batrotis, Free-holdets, Fewers, and Rcnc-teliets of Edmiurgb, Far and saoro m 1 Chamberlains and Receivers of out Sovetaign Lords proper Stewarts, ofthefkidfumoffourty ihillings money forefaid, Lands. evetyoKofrhemfottheicownpansr^ete.oUlie^ foreveryPound-latidofoldextentpertainingto I ^ fOebeliion {gc And if diey failzie , toder, ounce and efcheat,vgf. AnditneedDe, Lands Bovndanddifttenziethcreadieft Clerks , Chamberlains and as they Ihall think molt expedient. And that the Goods and Gear , being upon tne faids Lands , th , ) Soveraign Lords proper Lands, faids Noblemen, Bartons and Ftee-hoiders Sut-vaffals, Ladies, of Terce, Coiijunft- ment of any part of this Taxation , the ° ^ apprifed at the head Burgh of the Sliirc. they were poy tided, fiwUbeasvalidandfofficient as> ^within & Shires of Inmrnejs, Rofi Argyl, And in cafe any petfon b'^Wempay.™ o theT^^^ Caithnefi, Sutherland, OrfaayaifoZfftotf, fhalli otmax p y widiinrientydayesaftertheyaredcnounced ^ “commends lo the Lords of His Majeft.cs due , and all execution to pafs againft them therefore . ^ ^ Pnvy i ACI: of the Convention of Eflates , &c. Privy Council , to take fuch further courfc for in-bringing of the Taxation , payable out of the fore-n Sliircs, as they (hall think lit. Likcas, HisMajclly. taking to His gracious confidetation the grievance reprcfented to His Hinhnec by divers of His Subjefts, Within the Shires of K^lir , Ranfrew , ‘Dumbartomi , B„te ^^,.1', tVigtoim, ‘Dumfries miTeebles, ancnt the high extent of their Retours, Doth, with confentofHis pj Eft'ates , Declare , That as to tlie prcfent Taxation, the Pound-lands of the whole T emporal Lands witC the faids Shires of Jir, Ranfrew, Dumbartoun, Bute, Arpl, IVigtoim, Dumfries a"!! Tecbles, with the Srewatrries and Baillieries lying within the fame , lhall only be taxed and pay as if jl were Merk- lands: ButthatthefaidRetoursIhallftandandpay asformerly » to all other intents and pofes. And for in bringing of the Burroughs part of the fame Taxation, Ordains Letters to be direfled , charein the Provoll and Baillies of ilk Burgh to make payment ol the Taxt and Stent thereof to the Collefl'or-gene f aforefaid, his Deputies and Officers in his name , having his power to receive the fame, at tlie parcicul terms above fpecified, under the pain of Rebellion, {gc. And if they lailzie , &c. to denounce and efehea*' &e. And for their relief, that Letters be direfted, charging the Provoll, Baillies and Council withiii eacii Burgh to conveen, and cleft certain perfons to Hint their neighbours And the faid eleftion being made to charge the perfons elefted , to accept the charge upon them in letting of the faid Hint upon the Burgefles and Inhabitants of every Burgh , and to conveen and fet the fame , and make a Stint-roll thereupon as effieirs within twenty four hours next after their charge , under the pain of Rebellion , &e. And if they failzie to denounce and efeheat, SJr. Andficklikc, the faid Stint-roll being made and fet down, as faid is’, to charge the Burgefles , In-dwellers and Inhabitants within ilk Burgh, to make payment of their part of the laid Stint to the faid Provoll and Baillies , conform to the Taxt-roll to be given out thereupon , within three dayes next after the charge, under the pain of Rebellion, &c. And if they failzie; &c. to denounce and efeheat, &e. And if need be, that the faid Provoll and Baillies, poynd and dillreihlie therefore, asthev lhall think molt expedient. It is alwayes provided, thatnoperfon whatfoever be llinred or taxed within Burgh, except according to the avail and quantity of his Rent, Living, Goods and Gear which he hath within Burgh ; no wayes refpefting his Lands nor Pofleffions which he hath to Land-ward , for the which he will be obliged to pay Taxation to other Officers: Providing alwayes , that the firlt terms payment of the faid Taxation be ever pall before the next term be charged for. Aitour , His Majelly and the faids Ellates , Decerns and Declares , That the charges to be given for pay¬ ment of the faid Taxation, lhall be executed before the terms of payment above-ljpecilied, for eveiy terms payment particularly by it felf; and that the denounciation of the Horning, following thereupon, lhall not be executed liiltill the term of payment be bypall, and twenty dayes thereafter ; Wliich denounciation fo following, upon the charges given before the faids terms of payment. His Majelly, with confent forefaid Decerns and Declares to be valid and fufficient. ’ And His Majelly, with confent ofthe faid Ellates, Ordains the Lords ofSeffion to be only Judges toall Sufpcnfions to be craved andfuited by any of our Soveraign Lords Lieges touching the faid Twations: Which Sufpenfions ; the faids Ellates find may be granted, upon lawfull and equitable teafbns to be confi- deredby them; and difeharges all otherjudges within this Kingdom of granting of any Sufpenfions there- anent. With power to the laids Lords to delegat five at the leaft of their ordinary number, as they lhall think expedient, to fit, cognofee and decide the faid Sufpenfions in time of vacancy , if need be. Andlaflly, The Kings Majelly , Declares, in favours of all His Subjefts, lyable inpayment of this Taxation, that they lhall not beholden to produce their difeharges or Receipts ofthe faid Taxation, from, andafter, thetermofwhitfonday , onethoufand; fix hundred, feventy three years; unlefs where diligence hath been ufed by denounciations againfl them j before die elapfing of the faid term of Whitfonday , one thoufand, fix hundred, feventy diree years: And Ordains all Commiffions granted to Sub-colleftors, for up-lifting and in-btinging of the faid Taxation , to be infert and regillrat in the Books of Council and Seffion; And thefeprefents tobe printed and publilhed at the Mercat-crofe of and other places needfiill, where-tlirough none pretend ignorance of the fame. FINIS. A S C T Of the CONVENTION of T A T E of the Kingdom ofSCOlL^NT), By a nohk Lord , John Earl of Rothes , Lord Lefly and Bambreith . ^c. majesties Ctwwt/wwt'. , For a ncwandyoluntatofTcrtoHis tMAJBSTT, of feventy twbthourandpottnJs ■ _ . Monethly, for the fpacc of twelve Moneths. . : Edinburgh , the zp day (^January, \ 66’f, ■>HE Eftatesof the KinedomoftoW, being by His Majefties Authority met ^ roEethet at this time , an3 taking to their confideration the great Itappmefs this ^ Torn doth enjoy under His Majefties Royal and Wfe Government ; with His SefcFatUlvcate and tendetneflh for all the Concerns thereof, expreft m i^aviaftLcLvlfeteitiHisMajefty could have the kaft opportunity to manifeft thefime i Andefpecially, toL'iSo Kingdom hath underftanding that His aies , who will ptohably endeavo omvide all futable remedies for defence of the Kingdom a® ibliged in Confdence , Honour ® j ^ pogyet . And therefore the Convention of Eftates for tli ^ llForraign Invafion, ^nem V all the former engagements of the blves , and as tiie Reprefetitatives aieir lives and fortunes , for rite maintenance ate Parliament, and ,f“;J°jGovernmentinCh^ as it is now afTetted (f His Majefties Royal Gieamefs , Audi r y j. .gj.jQji,ggntejtainment of thefeForces, which have ind eftablilhcd by the Laws of the * dltence of the Kingdom , or iliall Itereafter be taifed by His ,eenbyHisMa^ftiescarefofe«^^^^ now aflerted :m oi iiieit i which have ihall liereafter be taifed by His s, willing and cheatful oCt ftKlie fitft day of this curtent Moneth of January. And the E ,_.e of twelve Moneths. and foutfcorc thou- ates do declare, *at this funply's over and abwet ^ HisLilctime : Andtlie other ndnounds granted by the late Parliament to H s J ^^-nredbv the late Convention yearly, for the ipjLfoiiehundred, and thirty three thoufandpo^^ Andwhichnewfcpplyofthteek ,rr - - r. ci - ^ proportions undenvritten,. ref^eSiive: hat is CO fay ; x^Cl of the Convention tf Eflates linj;. M- The Sheriffdom of Eihnhnr^h, the fum of three thouland, onehundted, eighty three pound — Ihillings. ' ®''d eight The Sheriffdom of ffaddington, thefumof twothoufand, feven hundred, eighty two pound ftillims. ^ *nd fix TheSherifMomof5frw/f,4, thefumof twothoufand, eight hundred, thirteen pounds , and on The Sheriffdom of the fum of three thoufand, fix hundred, eighty & pounds, fS lings, and fix pennies. entccn The Sheriffdom of thefumof nine hundred, footpounds, and nine fliillings. TheScheriffdomoCPeebks , the fum of one thoufand, fourty two pounds, and eight fhillings The Sheriffdom of Z,a»er^, the fum of three thoufand, ninety one pounds , and twelve fhillines TheSheriffdomofDrrayy’ew', thefum of two thouland, feven hundred, twelve noundc oS’r fhilliMs. ^ ’ ‘^''snteen The Sheriffdom of fFigton , and Stew of Kirk, two thoufand. fix hundred, feventv nine nnnna fix fhillings. ■' Faunas, and TheSheriffdomof.<^fr, the fum of three thoufand, eight hundred , feventy pounds, andfivefhill' The Sheriffdom of the fum of feven hundred, fixty four pounds, and ten fhillings TheSheriffloraof.S»?f, the fum of three hundred, eight pounds, eight fhillings, and three nenni. The ^lenffdom of Renfrew , the fum of one thoufand , three hundred , fifty three pounds an]’ f IhilliMS. r ana leyca TheSherifflomofJfr/w^, the fum of one thoufand, feven hundred , fifty four pounds, four IhiUingj TheSherilTdom of Linlithgow, the fum of one thoufand , one hundred, fixtv nine pounds • i teen fhiUings. and eigh- the fum of five thoufand, thirty eight pounds, and fourteen fhillings The Sheriffdom of AVward'h/e, the fum of nine hundred, eighty four pounds, andonefhilling: thoufand, feventy feven pounds, and nineteen ihiUinvs The Sheriffdom of and ^1^, the fum of two thoufand, five hundred , ninetypounds an/nn. teen fhillings. to be proportioned and divided betwixt them, according to the Avffion inrl. one thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty. ^ “ic mviiion , m the year, the film of two hundred, feventy feven pounds, and fixteen fhillings he Sheriffdom of Cromarty , the fum of fixty eight pounds , and five fhillings. ^ ’ The Sheriffdom of the fum of one thoufand, nine hundred, fourty feven pounds, ten fhillings, and TheSheri^omof^and/fh/rfl/f, the fum of five thoufand, onehundted, feventy two pounds two hundred, feventy three pounds , and fifteen onehundted. fiftypounds, and four fhillings. ^^SmnMomof Sutherland, thefum of three hundred, thirty fix pounds. ° I, Cl the fum of five hundred, ninety nine pounds, and five fhillings. TheShenffdomof£^r»e, die fum of one thoufand, fifty nine pounds, and five fhillings ^ ^le Shenffdom of Orknp and Zetland the fum of one thoufand , eighty eight pounds . and ten fhillings. The Sheriffdom of the fum of three hundred , fifty two pounds ,*^feven fhillings, and^htee B V R G H S. IheCivy of Edinburgh, the fum of four thoufand, threehundred, and twenty pounds. The Burgh of Psr/A , the fum of four hundred, and eighty pounds. The Burgh of the fum of eight hundred, and fourty pounds. The Burgh of Aberdeen , the fum of eight hundred pounds. The Burgh of Striviling , the fum of one hundred , thirty two pounds. The Burgh of Linlithgow, the fum of two hundred, and fixteen pounds. The City of S^ Andrews, the fum of three hundred & twenty fix pounds. The City of Glajgow, thefum of feven hundred and eighty pounds. The Burgh of the fum of one hundred, fixty eight pounds. The Burgh of Haddingtoun, the fum of two hundred, & fixteen pounds, lire Burgh of the fum of one hundred , fixty eight pounds. The Burgh of Kirkaldy, the fum of two hundred, eighty eight pounds. The Burgh of thefum oftwo hundred, and fourty pounds. The Burgh of Cstei^er, the fum ofone hundred, thirty two pounds. 'Thehor^xofAnJtrutherEaffer, the fum of ninety fix pounds. The Burgh of Humfreis , the fum of two hundred pounds. The Of the Kingdom of SCOT L ANXi. Xise Burgh of the fum of two hundred, fixty four pounds. The Burgh of Burnt-lfland, the fum ol one hundred, thirty two pounds. The Burgh of Inner hit hen , the fum of fixty pounds. The Burgh of Kingharu , the fum of fifty four pounds. The Burgh of Brechen , the fum offeventy two pounds. The Burgh of /rai«, the fum of one hundred, and twenty pounds. The Burgh of the fum of one hundred, and eight pounds. The Burgh of Kirkudhrkht , the fum of ninety fix pounds. The Burgh of Wigton , the fum of eighty four pounds. The Burgh of Tettenwsem , the fum of eighty pounds. The Burgh oiOumfermting, the fum of one hundred, and two pounds. The Burgh of \_AnftrHtber W efter , the fum of thirty fix pounds. 1 he Burgh of , the fum of fourfcore pounds. The Burgh of 'Dumbarton , the fum of feventy two pounds. The Burgh of Renfrew , the fum of fourty eight pounds. The Burgh of Drrafer, the fum of one hundred , thirty two pounds. The Burgh oiLanerk, the fum offeventy two pounds. The Burgh of Arbroth , the fum of ;fifty four pounds. The Burgh of Elgin , the fum of eighty pounds. The Burgh oX'Peebks , the fum of fixty pounds. The Burgh of Cree/, thefumofonehundted, thirty two pounds, The Burgh ofTayae, the fum of fixty pounds. The Burgh of Cnlrojs, the fum of fifty four pounds.. The Burgh of Bamff, the fum of fourty pounds. The Burgh of thefumoftwenty fourpounds. The Burgh of Forfar , the fum of twenty four pounds. The Burgh of the fum ofthirty fix pounds. ; The Burgh of Na'trne , the fum of twenty four pounds. The Burgh of Forras , the fum of tliitty fix pounds. The Burgh of Rutherglen , the fum of twenty four pounds. The Burgh of North^erwkk , the fum of twenty four pounds. The Burgh of thefum of eighteen pounds. ' The Burgh of Lawder , the fum of fourty two pounds. The Burgh of Kintore , the fum of twelve pounds. The Burgh of Kilreny , the fum of eighteen pounds. The Burgh of Annan , the fum of twelve pounds. The Burgh of Lochmaben , the fum of twelve pounds. The Burgh of Sanquhar , the fum of twelve pounds. The Burgh of GalUmay , the fum of fix pounds. The Burgh of thefum of twelve pounds. The Burgh oiDormch , the fum of eighteen pounds. The Burgh of ^aeens-Ferry , the fum of fifty four pounds. The Burgh of Forterofe , the fum of thirty pounds. The Burgh of Cromart'ie , the fum of thirty pounds. The Burgh of Inver v'te , the fum of eighteen pounds. The Burgh of IVe'ik , the fum of twenty pounds. A ND thatthcypayinthefaraetofuchasHisMajeftyfhallappoint, at the A tewixtandtlerirftdayofMay, for the Moneths of January, February fd Match; Betw«t and tMrft dav of Auguft , for the Moneths of April , May and June ; Betwixt and the firft day ^ ^ tSelofjuIy. Auguftand&ptember; fix hundred fixty eight years , for the 45“ Teinjs Annualrents due by Infeftments , Few- Declared, That all petfoiisimvmg red Eftacesoaands,Tc^ m the forefasd fuppiy , unlcfs th6 duties. Tack-duties, and others of that nature, are, an , ‘ and all other Im- AB of the Convention of Eftates, Shires and Burghs belonging to them ; And that no perfon may have juft reafon to complain that rl more then their juft proportion, The Kings Majefty, with advice of His Eftates, doth hereby and appoint the Lords of His Majefties Privy Council, and the Senators of the Colledge of Juftice feveral refpeftive Shires where any part of their Lands and Eftates doth ly ; And alfo the perfons und *" ^ ten within the feveral Shires, to be Commiftloners to the effeft after fpecified , viz. *^t'vrit. For the Sheriffdom ^Edinburgh. Zsrt/Ramfay, Walter Zort/Torphichan, James Z^rt/Forrefter, JrV John Nicolfon waid, Alexander Dalmahoyi^rfjrtrM’, JVrJohnFoulcsi^Ravilftoun, dV John Cowper oF G S/r William Purves^Woodhouflie, Patrick Hamiltoun ^ Prefton , Mr. John Young i/'Lany Mr anderGibfoni/Adiftoun , Mr. Robert Smith i^outhlicld , Patrick Scot r/Langfhaw. , Fcr the Sheri ffdom of HttMmgtoun. George Earl i^Winton , Alexander ^Kingftoun , Robert Hamilton c/'Prefmennen , S/> Ti Hayff/^Linphim, Patrick Brown s/Colften, George Hoorn i^Foord ,' Mr. John Hay s/'Aberiady'^' M*. Cornelius Inglilliu/Eaft-barnes, Francis Kinloch ^'Gilmertoun, Mr, John Dowgall n/ Nunland^’l 1 Joftie^ Weft-pans, Mr. Cornelius Ainflily, JohnHay^Baro. ’ For the Sdxriffdom of Berwick. Alexander Zdr/u/Hoom, William ZofiZMordingtoun , Sir Archibald Cockburn^Langtoun, Geo Hoomi^Wedderburn, Alexander Hoorn o/ Ay ton , Sir Patrick Hoorn »/'Polwart, Alexander' Dot Newton , Alexander Hoorn of Linthill , Mr. Hary Hoorn Commijfar of Lawdet , James Cockb of that Ilk , George Hoom of Kaimbs , Sir Robert Sinclar of Longfarmacus , Sir Hary Hoom^'^r Hardtig. For the Sheriffdom of Roxburgh. Ltfrrf Newbottle, Charles Ker fl/" Abbottoule , Robert Ker ^ Crailinghall , Sir- Andro Ker (f Greenhead, Wauchop eZ'Niddriejyo»»^fr-, Sir Francis Scot i/'Tliirleftane, Pringle ^Stichell, Mr John Scot ^Langlhaw, Alexander Don ^Newtoun, Robert Pringle tiZ Clifton Francis Scot ^Mangerton, Hary Ker ^Linton, 'Malfac Baity to the Earlof HuMingion. For the Sheriffdom of Linlithgow. George EarlofWmon, Walter Lflft/Torphichan, Walter Dundafs of that Ilk , Sir Walter Seaton Tam« Cornwa »/ Benhard, Thomas Drummond of Richartoun, William Sharpa/'Houftoun . Robert Ham’iicon of Dechmond , James Dundafs a/Mortoun , John Hamilton ^Bengoni , Thomas Hamilton of Parklie A fexanderLivingftoun^Craigingat, Mr. George Norvel. ^ n.r For the Sheriffdom a^Perth. Patrick Z^r/a/Kinghorn, David Z^r/^/Ethie , David ^^ttrrr/ra/Stormouth , David LarZ Catdrofs Campbela/Glenurquhte, «/Gorthie, So- James Drummond a/AfaaW For the Sherifdom a/Kincardin. krquhar Andro Arbuthnet a/ Feddis, So- John"^ Allarffis If that 5’jS^ SaSm a^ c“il tr ^TBarras, Alexander Bennerman of Alfick , Capam William Keith Sheriff-tofut of. For the Sheriffdom of Aberdeen. Frafera/plJoKh^^a?”sv Al nrl Sir John Gordon a/’Haddo, GoLff a/Cromettie, Sir James Baird a/Auchmedden , John For Of the Kingdom of SCOT L ANT). 5 For the Sheriffdom of Ipvetnefs. EarhfUmta.j, Macdonald, ofUidond, of Movdon Tmnger, Alexander FrafetraJsr of Lovit, Donald Macdonald «/Caftletoiin, Alexander Gordon of Arra- douel. JohnForbeso/Coloden, William Mackintolho/ , HughFrafero/Foyer, HugUFraferof Belladrum, Alexander Mackintolho/ ' William Macfcintoflic/Borlonie. For the Sheriffdom of Ms. Kenneth Bar/ i5''Sealorth, J/V George Mackeinzie^Tarbert, David Rofs^Balnagoun , JohnMonro fomgerofio'dts. Sir George Mackeinzie,(?iwi?r, Collin Mackeinzie o/Ridcaftle. Malcolm Rofs of jCindeifle , Collin Mackeinzie of Kilroy , Roderick Mackeinzie off etburn, Alexander Bayne of Knockbayne, Hugh Monro ^Tenith , Robert Leflie «/Findrafie , Kenneth Mackeinzie o/Coul. Far the Sheriffdom e/Naitn. Sir Hugh Campbela/Caldcr , Hugh Rofs a/Kiltavock, John Hay afPark, Thomas Dumbar a/Grange, Hugbh-°tsa/Clava, Alexander BrodieafLethin, Alexander Dumbar a/ Boath , William Sutherland af Kingfterie , Alexander Urquhatt o/Kinnewdie , Simon Frafer o/Innsrtallachie, John Rofs of Broadlie, James Grant of Moynes , John Rofs ^Blackhill. for the Sheriffdom of Cromartie. Sir John Urquharte/Ctomartie, JohnUrquhartfl/Kinbachie, Hugh Dollas e/Fermtoun, Mr. Hugh ji^deifono/Udoll, William Grant ^Ajdoch, John Grant of Rifolis, George Delias of St. Martins, James DoUas of Balbhir. Far the Sheriffdom tff Aigyle. Sir Allan Macklane^Dowatt, JohnCampbei9/GIenvitquhyr«<»ger, Collin Campbel^ Lochnanel, Donald Carapbel s/Barbteck , John Campbel Captain ofT}mftaffnage , George Campbel of Aird, Donald Campbel Castoff/ Ctaigneilh, Ronald Mac- Aiaftet, Captain off idoett, JohnCompbelCj/to«ij/Car- rick, Angus Mac-Dondd e/Largie , HeftotMacklaine^Turloyfk , Duncan Campbel Baillieof]\a\ the BaiUie a/'Kittty te/or the time being. for the Sheriffdom i^Fife.- ■ David Lari Carnagy, Sir James Halket, Sir Henry Wardlaw, Sir John Weymes, Sir Philip Anftiu- ther SirJohnLeffie, Sir Alexander Mattine, Gibfoiiff/Dury , John Malcolm <;fBalbedy, Sir Thomas Goutby. Lundfeytf/Wolraiftoun, c/Farthar, Andrew Bruce of Eatlelhal. Frr the Sheriffdom o/Fotfat. Patrick Ertr/fl/Kinghorn, James £ar/c/Airlie, George £rrr/«/Panmure, David E^ ; ■ ^e.iV . T- -■>* •■■jis'’ ^ T, ^V' ^.' . iv*' '■' ?‘y '• ;».■■' . ■,‘^'^c'^' ■' ii.- '.'• ‘vb ■ .-'. i - . • . <- •. .1. * ^,1 . > .-i '• . .'. '•'^ , ' m’ -' ' f ACT Of the CONVENTION of ESTATES, of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND, Holden at Edinburgh , from the i6. day of June , to the 1 1 . of July ^ 1678. By His Grace John Duke 0/ Lauderdale, CMarquefs of 'Maxd\, Earl ^Laudetdail; Vifimnt Maitland , Lord Thirleftane , MuCelburgh and Bokoun , His MAJESTIES Commijfmer , &c. For a new and voluntar offer to His AJESTT, of Eighteen Hundred Thoufand Pounds Scots. xjLt Edinburgh, the tenth day ^ July, 1678. HE CONVENTION of Eftates of the Kingdom of Sfor/n’arhe Burgh of Strivilmg , tliefumoftwo hundred , and fixteen pounds, fhe Burgh of Linlithgow, the fum of two hundred, and four pounds. The City of S. Andrews, the fotn of two hundred, feventy eight pounds. The City of Glafgow. the fum of one thoufand , four hundred? and fourty pounds. The Burgh of , the fum of two hundred, and eight pounds. ^ The Burghof Hadiingtoun, the fum of two hundred, & fixteen pounds. TheiBurgh of tiyfert, the fum of ninety fix pounds. The Burghof Kirkaldy, the film of two hundred, feventy fix pounds. The Burgh of Mmttrafe, the fum of two hundred , twenty eight pounds. The Burgh of CffTO/er, chefum of one hundred, and twenty pounds. The Burgh of A/rir^/jerEafter, the fum of twenty four pounds. The Burgh of Ttumfi-eis , the fum of two hundred pounds. The Burgh of the fum of two hundred, and fixteen pounds. The Burgh of Burttt-Ijhnd,'&s fum of one hundred, thirty eight pounds. The Burgh of / nmrkeitben , the fum of fourty eight pounds. The Burgh of Kinghorn , the fum of fifty four pounds. The Burgh of Brechen , the fum of fixty fix pounds. The Burgh of /rai», the fum of one hundred, and eight pounds. The Burgh of ledburgh , the fum of one hundred , and eight pounds,. The Burgh of Kirkcudbright , the fum of ninety fix pounds. The Butgh of Wigton , the fum of foutfeote four pounds. The Burgh of Vettenweem , thefum of fourfeote pounds. The Burgh oWimfermling, the fum of ninety fix pounds. The Burgh of Wefter, thefum of thirty pounds. TIk Burgh oiSelkirk , the fum of foOrfeore pounds. The Burgh of 'Qumbarton , the fum of fixty pounds. The Butgh of Renfrew , the fum of fourty eight pounds. The Burgh ofiD»«W, the fum of .feventy two pounds. The Burgh aiLmerk, thefum offeventytwopounds. The Burgh of Arbrothock , the fum of fifty four pounds. The Burgh ol Elgin , the fum of one hundred, and twenty pounds. The Burgh of Perf&x, the fum offeventytwopounds. The Butgh of Cm/, thefumofonehunied, and eight pounds. The Burgh of T ayne , the fum of fourty two pound.s. The Burgh of the fum of fourty eight poftnds. The Burgh of Bamff, the fum of fourty eight pounds. The Burgh oi Whithorn , the fum of twelve pounds. The Burgh of Forfat , die fum of twenty four pounds. The Butgh of Rothefay , the fum of thirty fix pounds. The Burgh of Nairne , die fum of eighteen pounds. The Burgh of Forres , the fum of thirty pounds. The Burgh of Rutherdsn , the fum of eighteen pounds. The Burgh of the fum oi fix pounds. The Burgh of Cullen , die fum of twelve pounds. The Burgh of Lawder , the fum of thirty fix pounds. The Butgh of Kintwe , thefem of twelve pounds. The Burgh of the fum of twelve pounds. The Burgh of Annatd, thefum of twelve pounds.* The Burgh of Lochmabeu , the fum of twelve pounds. The Burgh of Smtquhar , the fum of twelve pounds. The Burgh of Galloway , the fum of fix pounds. The Burgh oCDi^gwa//, thefum of twelve pounds. The Burgh oiTiornoch , the fum of eighteen pounds. The Burgh oi ^ueeas-Ferry , the fum of fixty poun^. The Burgh of Farterofe , the fum of thirty pounds. The Burgh of Crmartie , die fum of thirty pounds. The Burgh ol Imerurie , die fum of eighteen pounds. The Burgh of fVeik , the fum of twenty pounis. The Butgh of Inmrbeny , the fum o! fix pounds. And the Burgh of Kirkwall, the fum of fixty pounds Scots money. f ^ 4 AB of the Convention of Eftates, IT Is aKvayes hereby provided, that if tire proportion payable at the cJIforriwaj' yearly , be payed bef the laftolAWm^er the laid year, and tliat the proportion payable at be payed before laftofyrrwe, thefameihallbefufficient. And it is hereby Declared, That all perfons having real Eftat'^ olLands, Teinds, Annualtentsdueby Infeftments , Tack-duties, Fevv-duties, and others of chat turc.are, andlhallbelyable to the forefaid fupply, unlefs thegranters of thefaids Rights, be oblidgedf' relieve the receivers thereof, of piiblick Burdens, and all other Impolitions of this natures Exeepting a|° wayesfuch real Rights and Infeftments of Annualrents as are fecuredto the Creditors by their Debitors fotwhich they haveonlytheirordinaryAnnualrentfree, which ate hereby declared not to be lyable toan ' part of this fupply : Excepting alfo all Rents Irelonging to Colledges and Hofoitals , provided thisexeinn^ lion of Colleciges and Holpitals, fliall not burden the Snires/or any Rent mortified to them, fince the year one thoufand, fix hundred, fifty fix. And it is hereby declared. That the Rents of die Arch'bifhopticks,'and Bifliopricks , lliall be lyable in a proportion of this Supply, according to the prefen't Valuation. And to the end the forefaid Supply may be duly Raifed and Payed , the Kings CMajeJly, with Advice of His Eftates dotliNominat, and Appoint, the Lords ofHisMajefties Privy Council, the Senators of the Coiledge of Juftice, within the leveral and refpeftivc Shires, where any part oftheit Lands or Eftatsly: And alfo the perfons underwritten , within the leveral Shires , to be Commiftioners to the effeft aftet-fpecified , viz. For the Shire ^Edinburgh. The EarJofhowhaa, the EarlofdiXhowfCK, the Vijeonnt of OxfootA , the Lord Totfhidxtix , the ■Lord Forrefter , Richard Maitland of Over-gogar , Sr> Archibald Primerofe o/^Caringtoun , Sir John Wau- chop^fxiddrie. Sir John Mcolfon of that //h, Sir John CoupersfTVether-gogar, S/r John Foulis ^ Ra- Velftoun , Sir William Purves^lto 7/4 , Sir Mark Cafsi?/"Cockpen, Srr William Sharp i^Stony- hil, 71/r. Alexander Gibfon i^Pendand , the Laird of XiilwaihoY Lounger , Sir William Binning q/” Walyw foord, Patrick Hamiltoun q/'Little-preftoun , Sir John Young q/'Leny, Robert Baird q/^ Sauchtounlial Tkfr. James Rocheadq/'Innetleith, John Skeen q/'Halyards , John Hall q/’Graycruik, JohnBiggaro/Wol- met, James DundafsqTArniftoun, Sir William Murray q/"Newtoun, Sir James Ramfay^Whitehil, Sir William Murray (^Dreghorn , Afr. David Watfon q^Sauchtoun, John Cunningham q/'Woodhal, James Dick of Prieftfield , John Brown of Gorgy miln , Alexander Hendetfon ‘Portioner q/'New-haven, Little of Over-libbertoun , Scot Tiai/zie q/" Dalkeith , Brand of ^tioettonn younger, the eldeft Bailzie of Muflelburgh , William Baird younger of Newbaith , John Foulis younger of Ratho, Mr. James Deans qf’Woodhoufly, Charles Scot of Boningtoun, Sir James Foulis of CoUing- toun to be Conveener. For the Shire q/''Haddingtoun. TheEarlofKo-xhnt^t, JohnEtzr/qfTweddale, Alexander q^Kingfloun, theVifeount f Oxfoord, the Lord Yefter, the Lord Elibank , Sir William Ruthven q^Dunglafs, Francis Kinloch of Gilmertoun, Sir James Ffay q/^Linplum , Sir Robert Hepburn e/' Keith , Sir Alexander Morifon of Preftoun-grange , John Seaton q/'d't,Jermans, Hepburn q/^Smeatoun, A7r. Thomas Hay, of BaiUie of Lnm\ngzo\in, Richard Cockburnqf Cletking- oun , Adam Hepburn q/Tlumbie , Patrick Brown q/'Colftoun, S/r Robert Sinclarqf'Stevinftoun, Bannatineq/Newhal, William Murray o/Spot, Robert Hamiitoun i^Prelmenin , David Ofwald q^Eaft- l^srns, Sydferfq/Jl.uchlaw, John Pringle qf Wood-head, Con^tzoMn of that Ilk, Seaton ql^Garletoun , Seaton o/Barns , Sir William Primerofs qf Chefter , William Robertourt Bailzie of VieAonn, David Hepburn q/’Randetftoun, Mr. Gtozgo Vntsoi fortioner of QeSJmcn , Sir Robert SinclarqfLochend, Sir William Hamiltoun q/ Preftoun , S/r John Nisbit o/" Dirletoun, Sir An¬ drew Ramfayq^ Wauchtoun, William Baitd_yor/«^erqf’Newbaith, John Weddetburn ywrger of Gosfootd, Sir James Stampfield q/^New-milnes , James Home o/Gamelfheils , Robert Atchifon q/’Sydferf, Alexander Douglas q/'Blaikerftoun, Hepburn qfBeenftoun, A/r. John Bain q/'Pitcaitly, Robert Hep¬ burn qfBeerfoord, Haliburntoun »/ Eglefcairn, Fletcher qf New-cranftoun, Major Banks q^Lenchyj Hepburn qfCraig, John Auchmoutie q/'Catyet, the Laird of ColiJown Conveener. For the Shire of Berwick. TheEarlofJfioxhe., Sir Archibald Cockburno/’Langtoun, Sir John Nicolfon qj" Cockburnfpeth , Sir James Cockburn of that Ilk , Sir Alexander Don q/'Newtpun , Sir Hary Home q/'Herdrigs , Sir Alexander Homeq^Rentoun, Sir William Purvesq^t/jaf 7/4, the Laird of WiiJAezhmn , theLairdofEccXes.hlzti- anderHorneq^Linthil, 717r. James RocheadqfDarnchafter, L(vir<7 qf Edingtoun , Sir James Cock- burn qfRyfelaw, Sir William Scotyoar/^erft/Harden, Sir Laurence Scot ff/Eymouth, the'LairdofVzun- dergaift, the Laird of hzafoertom, the Laird of Wfhe., theLairdofTl^iAiff , theLatrdofTohs, Mr. Alexander Swintoun q^Merfingtoiin , the Laird^Longformicusyounger, Patrick BoiggfBurnhoufes Of the Kingdom of S COT L A NT). £ jj^irdefEirndiw , the Laird of Bhikerdoxm, the Laird of Ktimcs , cJHr. Patrick Home i^Brownsbank, (he Latrd of Ha\ybunoua, the Laird of MundecRoun , James Peter f^'Chappel, the Laird of Buttcnden, (he Laird of MonAoim, the Laird of Thoinydykes , the Laird of G!e'.ve\d\kes, David Home ij/“Newton, (he Bailzie-dejiute of Lawdetdile , the B-arl of Home Sheriff, Conveeucr, or the Sheriff -depute. For the Shire of Roxburgh. E carnegy ■/iEi of the Convention of Eftates, Carncgy of Pittaro , tMr. William Ramfay of Woodftoim , Falconer ofPhefclo, George Keith of Wliiterigs, Irving of Kincoufie, i .1. f . . M.™ip:sa' garvy, "''jlliani Barclay of BaImagciven.a&.S/y’.i^y;.^./ofKLnkardin.wa6.S6(j.^;y^y,f^J|^P>'- For the Shire of Aberdeen. George of Huntly, y^ari MnFerofSakom, William Frazc.fon to the Ma/terolSakonnT^^ Irvin of Drum Adam Urquhart of Mcldrum , S:r Richard Mairland of Pitrifhie iLcs G^rdn ’ lames Frazer of Tyrie . lohn Fularron of Dudwick , Sfr George Gordon^ w'; of Gefht ’ Alexander pfLefmore, of Fechel_/ %l.ingftouncfGlack Go^ Iohn Gordon./Knockafp,ck, ArrhurForbes«/Brux, Mr. Thomas Gordon «/Buthely Tames I I r'’®" • e/K„ockle,th . Francs Atercromby ./Feterne.r , Sfr lohn Forbes ^/Craigivar, Adam dodWA^^^^ r m- Francis RofseTAchloffin, Simeon Frazer «/Innerallachv Afr ^ Cuming ./Birns , Vdneyofthatilk, George Skeen .FFinr^v Sk Mr George Nickolfon of Chnie , David Ediee/Nevvark . David Tyrie «/-Dr™duv 1 c > ^Cotroun Patrick Chenie./Ardmurdo. lohn Gordoun/AclXot^^^^ John Lindfayff/ Tyne, Gordoun^Badinfeoth, AdamGordotme/Gknbuket s,> jottS/ssT' Of Burnet ^Craigmyle, Burner of Sarhen ’ Eurnet ^to/Cairngal . Andrew Frazer o/Kinmundiejorrrger-, George Keith ofLentufh ' ^Bogney, Baird ^Achmeddinjoarwer-, ^VHary Guthrie WaltW Fnrhec GeorgeKeitho/Knock. Tloe Eeirh/Ettol, or Sheriff-Tte^nte /Aberdeen . CoLL«°^ ^ For the Sd/reo/Innernefs. lacliy, /^^LizWf^Moydart, John Forbes c'/'Cullodpn /A/^t i^Kel* Laclilan M-^intofh of Abivarden , Duncan M^pherlon of Ckiny , Hugh Frazer o/Kinnaries, ander Bailie o/Dinneans. drrHugh CampbelofCaddel Thomas Fnzer of r ^''"“^^Barhim.Alex- of\mtxmSt:,or Sher'^-depute , Conveener. ' ’ the Sheriff-principal For the Shire 0/ Nairn, *»» f/Bcldlcy, lohnHayo/Briflimonie, sSandoSfta^^ .yfDelneis, Sherff-deputeofNaaxn, William Campbel For the Shire of Qromarty. GknuriXSeS cSSlSf the'LmrdojQiovsizxx.y Qonveener, ’ Urquhart ^Ne\vTial^(9»;?^cr, For the Shire of Argile. Sfr Duncan Campbel /ActoSlk^^NeUcfmJbT'f^'”*’*’^*^^^^^ Campbel o/I^arbrecfc, Campbel CaptaiiVcraigneift ArchibJd SSda "4®“""°°"’ MsalafteroAarb/ Donald Angus Campbel o/Kilberrie Colin Camnbcl . f r?” '’-'^Gr^gmtarve , Alexander Campbel o/Kilmartine , Skepnifli , ’ MjaeiZ, Sr/ ?^Loup . Waited Campbel of for of the Kingdom of S COT L A NT). 9 jor the time, Duncan Campbel fiai/zis Jura , Alexander Campbel ^Lodinell , Alexander Campbel CjffWW^Dunftaffnage, Alexander Campbel of Burchaltoun , Archibald Campbel oj Inneraw , John Campbel sf'Inneryeldes, the Earlof Kx'gjit , er SheriffTDepite of , Conveener. For the Shire of Fyfe, •fheEarlofSo’Na-A, the Earl ofhdXanx, theLordTSunktl, r&Z,ar(/ Burnt-lHand, the Majlerof Burleigh, the Laird of hwAj , the Laird (f hx&mtlxtx, the Laird of 'S.xXe.&ioX, Srr William Sharp of Scotifcraig, Sir Michael BalfouresfDenmylne, John Makome ^Balbedie , James Law ^Bruntoun, r/je Wormeftoun, the Lairdof'iot&a.x., Sir John Aitoun, the Laird of Oxxxk. , the Laird of HA- yards, Afr. David Weymesa/Balfaig, James Carmichael, Afr. JohnDempftet ^ Pitliver, Afr. James Robertfon o/Ncwbigging , the Laird off oxMl, the Laird of ikoSyih, Afr. James Cheap s/ RoHie l^rWflfPictrevie, John Geddy o/jy?. Nicolas , Jir Charles Halketi^Pitfirren, Sir William Bruce ^ Bal- caskie. Sir Alexander Bruce «/'Broomhal, the Sheri f j>riKcifal , or Sheriff-defute Conveener. For the Shire of BamtE The Marque fs o/Huntly , tbs Earl off indXsitot , David Lord Ogilvie , the tjitajler o/Saltoun , Sir Pa¬ trick Ogilyie »/ Boyn , Andrew Watfons/Pechhead, Sir Alexander Abercromies/Birkinboig, Srr James Baird e/Achmedden , Sir Hary Guthrie «/Kinefvvard . James Gordon o/Rotheroay . John Ooxionyounger »aiothemay, John Ogilvie s/Kincardin, Walter Ogilvie o/Ragwel, George Gordon s/Thotnibank. Mr. fohiiAbercromyofGlaflie, James Basrdjyw^^rff/Achniedden, George Gordon «/ Edinglaffie, telly «/Knnivy HayofRames. Andetfon u/Weftertoun. Alexander Hay c/ Armbath Alexander Dgiivie ff/Fordland , Alexander DulF of Braco , Alexander Gordon of Atradoid , A- JexanderGairiio/'Troup, George Keith fl/TSlorthfield , John Innes cf Edingeith , Afr. John Lelly c/ Tul- locii tohn Campbel c/Friertoun, Alexander Abernethyo/Achnadoich, Lachlan M'lntolhfi/ William Lefly^Burdsbank, the Laird of kaeamiMm, Sheriff rmafal , or htsDefutes tc be Comeener. For the Shire of Forfar. The Earl of SoutXxesk, the Earl of Vnaxmit , Vifeoimt of Arbudinet, LW Ogilvie, Lord Rofehl Sir David Ogilvie £>/Clova, James Caoiagieflr^«OTffl, David Erskm^ Dun, S;r David Ogilv.e of iLerquharity. theLairdomeux, the Laird of U7.A, Srr John Wood. f Bonn. toun. David Fothnng- hxsasoflVeier-pownz, James Cartiagie e/Balnamoon, JohnGrahatno/Fmtrie, James Creightoun ./ Sn t FLds6giie./Ncwgrange, John GrahameiifClaverhoufc. William Fullarmun ./tto J/i, James Grahame./Monorgan, John Ogilvie ./Pitmowies, J°j™ toun of Strickmartine . John Gaitden ./Daton .John Achterlony ./Guynde, John .fNevoy of that Ilk, William Lyon s/ra//er Ogil, George Lyon Ogil, William Gray ./Inne- iightTe , j4n Scrimgeour ./Kirktoun . Durhame ./ Grange John Ogilvie ./Pe. . Rfe^x. neffv # Newgate Durhame (f Ardowny , Mr. Patrick, Lyon of Caifs , John Camagy / CoJkftoun. ^ Wedderburn./Blacknefs. John Ogilvie ./Colftoun Ogilvie ./Logie ScotofLoeie, Scoc./Roflk, Robert Fletcher c/Ballmfcoe Lyel ./ GlrgclnLofea/er Dunoon, Lvon./Wh.te«^^ gSI ./S^r Seaton, the Livinuttoun 0/ Memufs, henry Crawturd of ea//er Seaton, rR,„u,„irK A/cr ^ .LJrrl./Pitfcandlie. Thomas-Nairn./Bank, Ramfay ./ Ramfay ofBambteichj/aunger, the Earl of Strathmore Lonveexer. Far the Shire of Orkney. Arthur Baillie ./Tanketnefs, Mr. Alexander Mckenzie to the Bijbof oj Orkney. Grahams ./Gtahamflial, the Stewart, or hts ‘Depute Cotweener. fff 10 of the Convention of Eftates For Zeadand. the Stewart of OtkntY, Arriiur Sinclair of Howes, Laurence Sindary«a»^frff/Quendale, Andrew Bru teoro/Munes, William Bruceof Soundburgh, Hugh SinclarofBurgh, Thomas LeflyotUftaines.Geor MonatofHamnavoe, the Stewart, orhisTtepiteConveener. ’ §« For the Stewartry ^Kirkcudbugh. TheEar/ofNichiCdiil, the Fifcount of Kenmuii, JVr David Dumbar of Baldoon , Richard Murray Brughtoun, S/'r Godfray M'culloch of Mercoun , S/r Robert Maxvvel of Orchartouii , Alexander Me/ f Balmagie, Roger Gordon of Troquhan , GrierfonofBargatton, William M'guffbckofRuf°* Thomas Lidderdale of Ifles, the Laird of Park, William Gordon of Earleltoun , John Muir fincary, the Stewart frinciyal, or histyeyuteConveener. ■' For the Shire ^Sutherland. The Earl ofS\xt\Mt\md , the Lard Duffiis, the CMajier of Rae , the L<«W ^ Balnagowan , Robe GordounofSkibo, william Gordoun of Delfolly , Robert Gordoun of Carrel, John Gordoun of Gate John Gray of Arbo, William Baillieoi Brora, Sir Robert Gordoun of £mbo, William Sutherland ol Skel* bo , John Sutherland ot Clytie , John Gordomyounger of Carrell , Robert Gordoun ol Rodgait, the Sheriff: Trincifal, or Shenff-Defute , Conveener. For the Shire of Cathnels. Sir William Sinclare of May, John Sinclar bl Murthil , William Sinclar of Dumbaith , A/r James innes ofSandfide, James Sinclar olFesfwick, John Sinclar of Brims, William Dumbar ol Hemprigs , Francis Sinclar of Srirkak, JohnSinclarof Ulbftar_y»a«^er, David Murray of Ciarden, Colin Campbel' of Car- quhin, DavidSinclar ofSouthdun, Alexander Smart of Weller, PatrkkSinclarof Ulbftar, depute of Cx.kao.kf or the time , the Bailztes of tivnio for the time, the Earl of Cztkaok, or Sheriff: depute i^Cathnefs Conveener . ' For the Shire Elgin. James LffTi/Downe, James Lori/ Duffiis, Sir Robert Innes»//to 7/,^, Alexander Innes of Cockftoun Alexander Dowgias of Spy nie, Thomas Dumbar of Grainge , Sir Robert Dumbar of Graingchil , David Dumbar of Dumphail, James CalderofMuirtoun, Thomas Kiiinard of Covvbin , John Cuming of Logie, David Stewart of Newtoun, the Laird oflvmoi to be Conveener. ^ For the Shire of Clackmannan. TheLaird ofC\zokxnma.a, theLairdoftaWicouiuk, t he Laird of taVkhodp , JohnKeiry, George Stirling , the Laird of Alva, tMafter Francis Mallertoun of Parkmiln . the Laird of Clackmannan Conveener. For the Shire of Rofs. David Rofs of BalnagoWrt , John Mortro of Foulis, Sir George Monro of Culrain, Colin M'kenzie ol Reid- callle, Roderick M^kenzie of Kinwhillidrum , Mr. Roderick M'kenzie of Findorn , Mr. John Bay ne of Del- my , Sir Kenneth M'kenzie ot Coull, Alexander M'kenzie ot Coull , younger, George Paterfon of Seafield , John Rofs otCollace, Alexander Mfftenzieolscatwall, Donald Bayne ol Tulloch , Alexander M'kenzie ofKilrane, Kenneth M'kenzie olSuddie, Hugh Monro of Newmuire , Sir George M'kenzie of Tarbet Conveener. ° And ordains the firll meeting oftheCommiffioners for the feveral shires, to be at the Head- burghs thereof, upon Wednefday thefourth day ofS^^ewl^er next ; and appoints the Major part of tliefhids Conlmiflioners , named for the refpedlive Shires , x.ohtz^uotu'M ,, at their firfl meeting, who are to appoint the next dyct of meeting , and the Major part of fuch as lhall meet at the fecend dyet , or upon ad- vertilement from the Conveener , atanyotherdyet, tobe a^«ur//?» : With power to the faidsConveeners, for rl^ laids Siiires re fpedlive , to call the Commiffioners lorelaids , at fuch dyets thereafter as they lliall find neceffary, for the effectual execution of this Aft; and remits to His Majefties Privy Council, to nominate fuch othe r perfons to be Commiffioners of Afleffment , as they lhall fee caufe. And for the Burghs , His Majelly with advice forefaid, nominats and appoints the Magiftrates of the fame, for the time being, with power to them to choofe Stent-mallets, within their refpeftivc bounds : Which Commiffi- Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND}. II Commiflioners, are hereby ordained to accept and difcharge their truft, as they will be anfwerable ; and that at their acceptation thereof, to take the Oaths of Allegiance ; and for doing their duty faithfully iii the niat- terofthisadmioiftration: and to figii the Declaration appointed by Aift of Parliament , tobefigned by all perfons in publick Truft. And His Majefty , with advice lorefaid , doth hereby imp’ower the Taids Com- niiffione'^s , to prefetibe and fet down fuch rules and orders within the refpeftive Shires and Burghes , as may be moftefFcflual for the fpcedy and eafieraifing, levying, and bringing in of the faid fupply, and ordaining and doing every other thing that may concern the fame : And particularly , with power to them to choofe their own Colleftors , for ingathering of the faid fupplie , for whom they are to be anfwerable ; and to allow them, and their Clerks, fuch Fies (to be payed by the Shires and Burghes) as they fhali think fit. And which Fies ate hereby declared , to be over and above the forefiid fupply , and no part of the fame ; and which Colleftors, and Clerks, are to take the Oaths , and fign the Declaration forefaid. AndtheKingsMAJESTY, with advice and conlent of His Eftates, Ordains all execution , real and pafonal, to pafs at the inftance of the Colleftor General . andtheColleftorsofthe refpeflive Shires, and Burghs, againft all perfons deficient in payment of their proportions as formerly. And alfo impower's the Commiflioners by their Officers, toarreaft, poind, and diftrenzie , the Goods , and iraptifon the Perfons, of the deficients , ay and while they make payment of their juft proportions , and neceflary expenfes. And for the more ready and effcftiial payment , doth alfo impowet the Commiflioners , and Colleftor General , to Qiiartet upon Deficients, witli this exptefs/r'w/d , that every Horfe-man that lliall be upon the place, jhaSl have only free Angle Quarter allotted to him upon the perfons Deficient , ot by Qiiartering in Burghs and Villages, as the Comraiffionets lliall appoint to be fatisfied , and pay ed , by the Deficients . and not by thefe on whom they are Quartered, except where they thcmfelves ate Deficient ; and in that cafe, to have fifteen fhillings Scots a day , from the time of prefenting the Order to the Colledlor , upon whom they are to Quarter, until he give them a lift of the Deficients , and the fuins wherein they are Deficient , and thereafter to Quarter upoiuheDeficieiits; And each Dragowner , to have ten Ihillings Scots a-day ; And each Foot¬ man to iiavefourfhtllings Scots, orhisDiet, as the Commiflioners lhali order ; and the Commander of the Partyof Horfe, Dragowns.or Foot, to have only double Quarter , or pay of an Horfe-man, Dragowner, or Foot- man, ashefaves. And declares, that in order to the Quarters , andmattersrelatingtothein- brjnging of this fupply, any three of the Commiflioners fhali be s. Riorum, and who ate impowered to proportion upon, and taife from the Deficients, the expence and charge of their deficiency; and to fee payment mace to thefe on whom the Souldiers are Qpattered , who were not Deficient. And further . His Majefty, for fatisfaftion of His good Subjefts , is gracioufly pleafed to declare, that all Officers and Souldiers, Horfe-dragowners, and Foot, fiial! make due and punftual payment of their Quarters , Local and Tranfient, as the fame lhali be appointed by the foiefaids Commiffionets , according to the Rates of the Counttey : And in cafe the Souldiers do not pay their Quarters , that the Quarters be ftated betwixt the Quarter-ma- fters , or other Officers, andany two of the Commiffionets ; And the accompts being ftated, and fitted , that they be payed, or allowed by the refpeflive Colleiftots , in the firft end of what is due by the Shire, or Bu^h, where the faids Quaiters ate owing. Providing the faids Quarters exceed not two parts of tlieir Pay; and which ftated Accounts arc to be allowed to the refpeflive Collediors, by the Colleflor General, and to be by him retained off the firft end of the Troops, or Companies Pay. And in cafe the Officers remove before theirAccoiints can be ftated, in that cafe the Colleftors of the Shires, and Burghs areto re¬ tain what after tryal the faids three Commiffionets fhali find tefting, till the Accounts be ftated in manner forefaid; and the faid retention for Qiiatters to Commence from the laft of November next, in this inftant Year, onethoufatid, fix hundred, feventy and eight. And His Majefty, with advice of the faids Eftates, doth declare , that no Perfons lyable in any part of this Supply , lhali be holden to produce their Difchaiges, ot Receipts of the fame, after the tenth day of June, onethoufand, fix hundred, and eighty fix Years un- lefs where diligence hath been done by denunciation, before elapfing of the faid tenth day of June , one thou- faad, fix hundred eighty fix. AnAthcCmvefitionof Eftates Aoth^echte , that this fupply now granted to His Majefty , is over and above the former Supply , of four hundred, and foutfeote thoufani Pounds, grant¬ ed by the Parliament, in die Year, onethoufand, fix hundred, fixty one, to His Majefty yearly , during HisLife-time; andal’sbyandattouttheremaindetofany other Supplies, fotmetly granted , yet telling impayed. And Ordains thefe Prefents to be Printed and Publilhed. finis. 11 .(j’AV. a T PJ .. v:\\0 . : «Vo - (/latsd .flu-: i : ijT'. 1.^'ja j.. ■ '-jaitino I,: - /' -'jj-tyJJllT'j-Jjft, ini, - r.J; "; . -(ci bonrih.-Toj .-jit'i ii ': lj>' ' .. . .lojljnj - .i-a: ! • 7. LihA. ,> ,■ ' ■'* !■- I .Of, bob I..' lOl:;?! ■ -'cjli* . b I. -‘bi 'r N' i'Jv) . . . ; !■ ioai ibntt.i' ,• rj , . . (hi-li...' I , A ; ajnv- ... t , n; '.ni. '{Ol!" irr, . .. )0.' i.l 1/ jikloA i . •;,i ^ b a, (fSitMi.i, .Jiri(03.'. ' ;'j-{£q-jriL vii' ' bo.o*a:i". , '..tri .‘j .ii. ;.;> . jj;^ jjr.'jioojn, •• •1. \ .'-i' '!liC!.X.. .'Ii-jT!-,:.. ,,i f..:; , .iibr..':,,-; ;,i . J" ../lul l;. ;;RrJt|Va . -iTbavn (mt ■4- -'-a, <10 • .. . “ I'jV-li. ' -itA ■ Arv,i ''®* 'ii'inioiji/ > -■ ,[1 . ^ - ^ ^.1 ,'i. .It Vll^ •blrOitnl .* .i, -I. • - ■ ' AO ■ • r'-lf ' ■ . r(i! . > ■ .aJiOi, : Jr lini: ,■ • ‘ '"■ • • : I . , L . .£ \r:‘t ■ "J ^ ‘Ifl 1 4 / OiJ 1^1 .. i;bitn£ . TjiOllaO •IT".'' fT; •*' 1 . . bii/i !;-tL£.j’ -Ovriillit;','.. -il M • -‘id’ 1. fi; ; j'.iLio iitd; ' ornrn')'!) . ■ EiJ ,'^4*; ■.bcH"‘V7;''n-- -r** ; .CJ,- 2 i. O-’ - .' ■■Twi;-;. I. 0 ■ n'VS;'*'. os’,'.. : (fj-/ . . A a lei V. ' • 1 iiA,. I . ' :' O' r v';, .-i j :k *;j ‘.csl 'ij . '.lor • piSJ: O' : •' • 1. .f.‘ 1 :> -f.'-i >• . ; -i • .ii 'r.' ri .’rJv.i , ‘ E '.• odwb ;>y.-."'o:i: . >!• •. i-i'jr -' 1 •J ^ ■J ii io i/do ilori S‘!.n- ' AO- }. '.'J ‘OOOujb 0 ' ■ M ri t r' i-.A ., 1 i 1 . ; r;; . ' ' 1 . ■ . L ,Zjr- . ‘j .T' . ■ ■ J 1 ■irikJoo.'; all llii .§*11 , . ’•.WI- .iAKll'ir.i i;*b , • •'J '--jw:?.. ' • iinA .•./■ I. , O.wlodI!*.';; - • i Xi* » ■ ' fit .L: S'liHvA .1. i ' >' n‘:oTX3 , ,4ei; )o ■{« b iljf 0 ) §!t* 01 i J io ’ , ■ f.: .. ;,tari-.o ';"i'l#i:!’3j . rofilotib fi - , : 1 •.ii'iibo',' •lEi'i Lnfi .fyii !o ,'i , '1'; J/ V r.) .onvMiti. ■ j:/n;*c^/r; . Tt l. . C ■ (•!; yIi^eIUOI. .cab.flix' ■ > ■ 'O Vrijj’l*- ' , 1. : .^I hni. " • ./ 1 M lO'ir^t .; . "risbil;, 1 , fili£ ' -E of . . .1 , ji’(rjlii' yoti ,._ti|luji. .... ...■,... Ijfliiv , •, MiXltj.i- ii(),vi':. :-vi/x:T3ri£i iV -iAosSlvk.., , .'(•■jt ..linciniK!.!; .'<•■1-- . 0 . L'jjiJU'jJ.-* ,u,7 l.'ifjlU. I ir!illj.b,;.,Jir A - I i;n,j.n ■ , . ; , .0 .S'ojf, .''■I a-v.arvi^i-' . .--Vi 1 ; .• . ,.laA ■' yq I '0 x-y'rb 71 . vLdi: / ;-..liriOi! , .i'J;.'tar^e5'r'(r£jT';'siiA ■Ti.l. II. •- .lai'.i . ■ : .-I'l ; ') .^ii! . i-.S-'. 'ill ^uLs.t ' 'll; . ■ lO j . ■ /Ull i -U jrij v'l •• //f'.Ii.- 1 / O'.-r I.ti;'. -^ih ■ . ; . • ■- Ml-' . Vv. K ■ r/j ^.r: r-’ill] . nto I'JitM* »•. #/ ... j Jill I* i' .. o;,'>loifiobn»ifi 1*1.10,; t . .li , toibniar, 1'. . L,iii’ii.'i'i . ontqviir- '• >1 .;. ' .'Iirtitiii , .., ; '■1^0 71.' .I'viv.-I,- .•.Wt3«br..,l -a -. -I. ro" ' :--,-(90(ayli;, ' -i( stTVr '.'.ibfiiA .! 1 ■||■,,,^b^.!- . , i .7 ,(ll ,11. jSVOfi !-'I' - ,£Jfc''.,ii}..r,0 .ikoV E'J-'ri , fii^rri.ii ■; , b .. ••‘....Itsyicriff'-'C ;j£lii£v, ! _ fU A'lsdo:.-; .’.M'JTisjJj I jOLiA ■ iyfi S' . .... LAWS, and ACTS Made in the First parliament Of Om Moft High and Tired SOV^T^AIGN JAMES VII. Ty the grace of gOT , 0/ SCO IL AND. ENGLAND^ FRANCE and IREL AND» ‘Defender of the Faith. Holden at EDINBURGH the 23. of April idS^: By Bif Grace IVILLI AM Queensberry, lAMarquefs of Dumfrcis-Shire. Earl of Drumlanrig, and Sanqhuar, Vifcomt of tilth, Torthorwaldj and^ofs. Lord Dowglas oCKinmount, Dornock.ej^c.Ford HighThefaurer of Scotland, Hit Majefties High Commiffioner for holding this Parliament, hy vertue of a Commiffon under His Majefties Great Seal of this Kingdom, With the ffecial Advice and Confent of the Eftates of Parliaments CdeSei And Estraded from the Regifiers end Records ef Parliament, iy GEORGE f'ifceunt ef Tarbet, Lerd M'Leod, and Caftle-haven, &c. Clerk to His Majefties Council, Regiflers, W Mells, &c. . ■ . EDINBURGH, ■/; ' iv Ptinted by the Heif of Andre}V_ 4nder[tn, Printer to His moft Sacred MajeSiy, Anoo SON, zCtlf Cum Primlegio^ _ ( r ) L A W S “d ACTS Made in ihc F I R S T „ . ,■ PARLIAMENT 0/ Our Mojl High and Hrettd S0VE%AIG}$ JAMES VII. ths ^race of King of SCOTLAND^ ENGLANDi FRANCE and IRELAND. ‘Defender of the Faith* , Holden at EDINBURGH the 23. of April 168 5* i tT For Security of the Trotefmt %eUgm1 April 28. 1685.' Coareht of the Eftites of Parliament CofiWmd; Aifts afad Statutes formerly paft, for the Secuntie,’ true Church of Gop, and the Proteftant Religion;'* Kingdom', in their whole Strength and Tenor, as if own and expreft, * I.; 4 [Ut SoviKAIoN Loro, with Ratifies and Confirms, all the Liberty, and Freedom of the i prefently -profciTed within this J they were here particularly fet d A 2 KING f A M E S THE SEVENTH I r. A DeeUr,stha and Ojfer of DfHy hy the Kingdom of Scotland, with an Annexation of the EXciff to the Crown. i^pril 28, l68j.' HE Estatbs ofPariiamhnt now Conveened by His Soverainn Au^^ rity, Taking into their Confideration, how this Nation hath continued now upwarri Two Thouland Years in the unaltered Form ot Our Monarchical Government,under^l?* un-interrupted Line of One Hundred and Eleven Kings, whofe Sacred Authority , a - - - - ■■ Power hath been upon all fignal Occafions, fo owned and aflifted by Almighty God^ th"* Our Kingdom hath been protedied from Conqueft, Our PolTeflions defended from Strangers OurC^'^ vil Commotions brought into wifhed Events, Our Laws vigoroufly Executed, Our Properties Jeoai/' Fixed, andOurLives fecurely Prefetved 5 fo that Weand Our Anceftors have enjoyed thofe Seen ' tics and Tranquillities, which the greater and more flourifhing Kingdoms have frequently want d' Thofe great Bleffings we owe in the firft place to Divine Mercy ; and in dependance on that to h Sacred Race of Our Glorious Kings, and to the folid,abfolute Authority wherewith they were invefl a bythe firft and fundamental Law of Our Monarchy; nor can either Our Rccords,or Our Experienc ' ftance Our being deprived ot thofe happy EfFcdfs, but when a Rebellious Party did by Commotions' "a Seditions Invade the Kings Soveraign Authority, which was the caufe of Our Profperity, yet (gf hath Our primitive conftitution, and fundamental Laws prevailed againft the Innovations and Sedit' ** of turbulent Men, as that there Interruptions neverterminated, but either in the Ruine, oratleaft? Suppreffion of thefe who atany t medid Rebelor Rrfein Oppofition to Our Government. And li'”* fo many Ages hath alTured to Us the great advjnt3g»s,which flow down to all Ranks of People from happy Conftitution of Our Monarchy, and that all Our Calamities have ever arifen from feditious I ™ fions upon thefe Sacred Rights j Th e a e f oRB,The Eftatesof Parliament for themfelveSjand in of the whole Kingdom judge themfelves obliged to Declare ; And they Do Declare to ’the Wn?/ that they abhor an deteft, not only the Authors and AtSorsof all preceeding Rebellions againft th’ Soveraign, but 1 kewife all Principles and Pofitions which are contrary, or derogatory to the Kin"s ' cred, Supream, Abfolute Power, and Authority, which none, whether Perfons, or Colledlive Bodfes participat of, any manner of way, or upon any Pretext, but in Dependance on him, and CommiflSon from him, Andastheir Duty formerly did bind them to owne and affert the juft and legal Succeflionoftli Sacred Line as unalterable by any Humane Jurifdiaion; Sonow,They hold themfelves on this occafin™ obliged for themlelves, and the whole Nation Repiefented by them,in moft humble and dutiful manner to Renue the hearty an J fincere Offer of their Lives and Fortunes, to Affift, Support, Defend and Maintain King the Seventh, their prefent Glorious Monarch, and His Heirs, and lawful Succef. ibrs, in the pofTclfion of their Crowns. Soveraignty, Prerogatives, Authority, Dignity Riohr/ and Poflefllons, againft all Mortals .• And withall, to atTure all His Enemies, who fliall adventure on the Dilloyalty of bifobeying his Laws, or on the Impiety of Invading his Rights, that fuch fliall foonw wearyot then Wickednefs, then they of their Dacy, and that they firmly Refolve to give thei- intire Obedience to His NaJeHy without Refer ve, and to concur againft all His Enemies, Forraign or Inteftine And They folemnly Declare, Thatas Theyarebound by Law, fo they are voluncarly and firmly Re* fblved that all of this Nation, betwixt Sixty and Sixteen, Armed, and Provided according to their Abi"' lines, fhall be in leadmeis lot His Majefties Service, where, and as oft as it fliall be His Royal Pleafure to Require them. 1 isaiure - Exoife of Inland and Forraign Commodities granted to King Char/es the Second, of everBleffedMemory, bythei4. ,y^?ofthe/’4rf;>OTf»ri6(5i during all the days of his Lifetime and Prorogateby the 8. EffoUhe Parliament 1 68.. for Five Years thereafter, w.ll fhortly Terminal ’aHj ^e Eftates of I arliament Confidering the ufetulnefs of this Grant, to Suppoit the Int^ftof the Crowu, Doas the firft Evidence of their Sincerity in theforefaid Tenderoftheir Duty, Humbly and Unaffmout ly Offer to His moft Saci ed Ma) esh King J^amet the Seventh, their preftnt Monarch, and to His Law-' ful Heirs, ana Sueceflois, in the Imperial Crown of irwW, the faid Excife of Inland and Foriaign '"p ^ '’o °e I ‘0 be Colledled in the manner prefcribld «ts thrfarIe^tnH,frr''''^r and Incoiporated ; and Unites, Annexes, and Incorpo- AnV n r i k ^ 7"° therewith inannexea Property in all TimecomiAg: r‘ha^' 0^7 " ‘k ' Q ‘be Inland Excife^from what it was by the CoIleAmn P‘*b:nbed by the S.AH, Parliament 1681. will require fome time to Eftablifti it in ffriLd bv r'heL '7 V ' Conf^"‘of the Eftates, Continues the Colledlion pre. X n«t allanerly. ’ lor the faid Inland Excife for Six Moneths, ^om the firft of P I R S r tARLlAMENT. t I I, ACT Csncerning Citaiisxs in Friict(fes ftr Trtajcnl May I. 1685. |UR SovuRAiGN Lord, with Advice and Confeot of the Eftates of PatliamentJ ^ Do hereby Ratifie and Approve, the former CuftoRj tiled by His t^njeSiies Com* miffionets of Jufticiary, in proceeding againft Pamials already in Prifon, and India, ed forTreafon, upon Twenty Four Hours; but for the future. His Majesty allows fach Pannals to be Cited on Fourty Eight Hours; And si the Pannalt Reprefenfa Such Defences to the Commiffioners of Jnlliciatie Within that time, as may need art Exculpation. His MajeSie with Advice forefsid, allowes the lards Commiffioaers to delay tht ytiai tiil the days elapfcj to which the Exculpation is to be rais’d. t V. 'act Cmerning VTitntfes in Pme§'af(r Tfu{an, May 1. iSSj. ' • . T UR SOVERAION Loisn, and Eftates of Parliament, Do Statute and Ordain' That filch as being Cited to be Witneffes in the Cafes oi Treafon, Field, or HonfcConVeh* tides or Church. Irregulatities, do tefafe to Depone, they ftiill be Lyable to be Punifted as Guilty ot thtfe Crimes relpeSively, in which they relafe to be. Wit< fseffes.- It being alvtayes hereby Declared, that thefe Depoatiom fo emitted, Ihalltto! militate ai,ainft the i>eponeM himfelt any manner ol way. V. 5f C tP Steldring it Tt u[en U Take er Ome the Ceven'intil Mays. itiSy r P'lIR. Sov tRA i Q S Lord', atid'Eftates of’Parliamenti Do hereby Declare^ that the ■Giit- *”■ in® or Taking, cl the National Covenant, .as Explained in the Year Or of the* League and Coveoant, f fo commonly called) or Writing in Defence thereolj .ot Dwmng of themas lawlul, or Obligatory on thcmlelvei or ethers. Ml infer the Ctiitri and Pains of Treafon. V I. 'ACT oUiging Bm hands u ht IMefet their Wives Fpesi May idSst hUR SovXiAioN Lose, C.onfideritig, that the Lords of His Privy Countil, andoiMf} * Commiffionawd by His and them, have Fyned Husbanils for their Wives With- drawing from the Orditesnces, Doth with Advice and oonfent of the f* Patlii-j ment.Dedare the faid Procedure to have been Legal, and Ordains the fame to beObferved in all time coming I And RatiEes all Decreets and Sentences granted againft Husbands tot- fach fynes! Referving.alwayes Power to the Lords of His MAje««Pnvy Council, to Abfolye,OtMi5 tigtt the Fynes of luch Husbands as ate known to be ol Loyal Principles. ■r T yif. ACT, 4 KING James the seventh V I I. ACt Amnt Porterfield of Duchall, And Conctoling of Siopfly given to leheU, Mays. i'(S8j.- UR SOVERAIGN Loud, and Eftates of Parliiment, Do Ratifie, Approve, "and Con firm the Sentence of ForfaUIture prononnced by the Commiffioners of Jufticiary aojinti John Forterfeld, fometime of Duchall, and the Interlocutors, and whole Procedur*' of the faids Commiffioners in that Procefi. And Declares that the fame was conform to thcLawsofthisKingdom. And in general, Statutes and Declares, that the Conceal. ing, and not Revealing of Supplys Given to, or Demanded for Traitors Forfanlted for Trea/on againft the Kings Perfon or Government, isTreafon, and to be judged accordingly; - V 1 1 i. ACT Againf Treachers at Conventicles, and Hearers at Field-Conventicles] May 8. i68y. UR SovERAiGH Lord, Confideriog the Obftlnacy of the Fanatical Party, who notwith" ftanding all the Laws formerly made againft thtm.Perfevere to keep their Houfe and Field' Conventicles, which are the Nurferies and Rendezvouzes of Rebellion, Th ere pore' His MajeHy, with Confent of His Eftates in Parliament, Doth Statute and Ordain That all fuch as fhall hereafter Preach at fuch Fanatical, Houfe, or Field-Conventicles? Asalfo, fuch as lliall be prefent as Hearers at Field-Conventicles, fliall be Punilhed by Death and Confifeation of their Goods. ’ i X. . ACT For the more efeliual Payment, and Inbringing of His Majefties Rents and Revennes, Mays. i(58y. LR Soveraion Lord, and the Eftates of Parliament, Confidering the great Negieft and Remifsnefs of the Sheriffs, Stewarts, Baillies of Bailliaries, and Regalities, and their Deputs, in their Difeovering, Colledfing, and Inbringing of His MajeBtes- Rents and Revenues Cori- flant and Cafual ; And of the Feuarsand other VaOals, who are lyable for the Rents and Duties of His Mujefies Property, and the Chamber, lains thereof, whereby the Payment, of the fame is fallen very much in arrear s And the Compting yearly in the moneth of July, according to former Adfs of Parliament, is greatly neglefled. Th ere eorb, the better to prevent the fame for the future. His Ma]eliy, with Advice and Confent of the Eftates of Parliament, not only Ratifies and Ap¬ proves all former Laws and Adfs of Parliament made for In-bringing His Rents, and particularly the i5(A hCt, gd Seffion of tile firft Parliament ^.Charles the id. Ordaining the fame to be put in full Eiecution, Conform to the Tenor thereof ; But likewife, further Statutes and Declares, That in all time coming, whatfijevet Sheriff, Stewart,. Baillie of Bailliarie, or Regality, or their Deputs, or Chamberlains of.fiis ifa-, jellies Proper Rents refveSive, fliall delay, or negleifl to Compear and Compt yearly in. Eitiihequer, in the Moneth oljuly, and accordingly receive their sEqaes, and Exoneration of all that can be Charged on them, as due and payable by them to His (Majefly, That immediatly after they fliall be Charged and Denunced for the fame, at the Mercat Crofi of Edinburgh, Conform to the for¬ mer Lawsand Pradfice; And the Horning and Denunciation fliall be duely Rcgiftrat, that Per- fonsfo Denunced and Regiftrat, IhoW ipJofaSo, amit, loft and tyne (during their life-time J their Offices of Sheriff-fhip, Stewartry, Bailliary, or Chambeilanty, whether the fiime be Heretable, or during Life, or Pleafurc ; And it fliall not be lawful for them by themfelves, or their Deputs, to Exerce, or Of&ciat therein at any time thereafter ; but the fame ftiall vaik and fill in His MajeSliet hands, without any Declarator, or Ptocefs of Law : As alfo that all Feuars, and other Vafl^als of His Majejiics Property, who (hall negledf, or delay to compear yearly in the (aid Moneth of July, in Exchequer, and make Compt and Payment of the Feu, Blench, or Tant-ward-dutics and others, S’ I R S T R-^ZLIAMENT. daeand payable by them, and receive their ^quies and Exomrations thereof accordinglv ■ So as two years thereof (hall run together unpayed, and that they ftidl be therefore Charefd De nunced, and Regiltrat, as is abovementioned, that immediately after the faid Denunciation and Regidration. they fhall be lyable for the double of the whole Feu, Blench Taxt-ward or other Duties,- then due and payable by them, and all Execution fhall paffe againft them there¬ fore, bickhke as If the fame were mentioned, and contained in the Reddendocs of their Infeft,: nients 5 And that by and attour and but prejudice of the penalties formerly Impoled, and payable hv the faiJ Non-accomptants, conform to former Laws, And it is further Statute and Ordained That all Shenfft, Stewarts, Baillics of Bailliaries and Regalities, their Clerks, and Clerk-deputs fhall be holden “Iiged, to fend Lifts from time to time to the Lord High Thefaurer, Thefmrer Deput, or C erks of Excheqier, of all Wairds and Marriages, as well Simple asTaxr, that ftiall happen to fall and vaik in time coming, or that are already fallen within their refpciftive lurif diftions. bearing the time of the Deceafe of the Pcrfnn by whom the fame vaiks, and of the Suc- ceffor and them Age, and whether Married or not; all fuch Clerks, as fhall not Ul fore the firu,day of No-urnihpr next to come, report in Exchequer the v,:qc under their c all fuch bygone Cafualities fallen, y„o<,c they have, and do enjoy, under the Proteftionofthe RoLfco and efpecialiy by the many Deliverances from the Rebellious and Defigns of fanatical Traitors, from whom they could exnea nT>^^ Confufion in Religion, Oppreffion in their Eftates, and S ° their Perfons and Families: And that the terrour of His ^akrl/ hath been very Inttrumental for procuring our prefent sLfritf u ■ Kin “"‘y *"^^EnemiescontinuestLir invetera h^^ r 'heir frequent bifappointmS.aveI ,1, u:„ and that the prefent Forces may be too fevv^to''*'^ thp ProtciSlion nf-'fKr- ~ ® UH« ..JO*. And to demonftrat to all Seditious Men, that this Nation is refolved to beftow all hL p - - c.., c j n , . , , aU they have •' And to demonftrat to all Seditious Men, that this Nation isrefolve Kings Service, rather than to be expofed to the leaft of their Infults." D^the^efore" for I" and the Nation reprefented by them, Make a hearty and dutiful Offer to His of dred and Sixteen Thoufand Pounds yearly, payable at two Terms, -.iz, and J"'” Mch year, beginning at m,tfu„d.y next 1 68y, and fo forth Termly, and that over an^blfM Moneths Cefs already Impofed qn this Kingdom by the 3. AS of the Parliament irt8 r « Five will be Four MonethsCefspayableateach'TermhLaf^begin further evfocnce^of their entire Affeftion to the Sacred Perfon of His prefent Maje/k A heartily offer a Continuation and Prorogation of the faid Four Monerhs Tefcr’ 1 humbly Termci^ WhilfuYi/lAt, J.,-; _ ii*l- -r* /-.r,. . . termly, frnm *L- 35 a and fieanily otter a Continuation and Prorogation of the faid Four Monerh. r^fc r ’ i Almighty long prefervc, ) that being the greateft of our Earthly Wifoes L it is the T / c ^ poral Felicity and Glory. And forthe better and more fpeedy Swint of ^ Eighth MonethsCefs, the Kings UJfayV/;, with Advice Ld Lnfent^of the^ Eftatoof p'r Nominats, Appoints, and Ordains the Perfons underwritten to be Comm;ffir,n^r . ^ S”''hament, Sh, re.,, for Ordering and Uplifting of the faids EighfoMonetfe ^ ■P’of the Shire ^/Edinburgh. The Earl of LawdcrdJe, the Earl of Lethian, the Vifcount of Oviiii.A t-'o ^^^.jf^-^Torfhiehen, the Matter of BAWrwFf/i, the Lord Adlocat 1 the Lord BdmtrgHeun, the Lord 'heLord fnakoy of that ilk. Sir W't&tw Nteolfin of that illt Sir "li; pw! f p Dd- Cihfon of Pentland, Sir tfohn C krk of Pennycook, ^InmUuJZl '^^‘=t‘>»dtr Eltsbet of Dean, Sir JohnTeu’ sr of Lenv Sir William tJUu , - ^,'”‘’*‘^°hHathorndean,Sir Falrid toun, Sir John Ramfiy of Whitehill, il\ohert hand of Saucfooun^aT'°s"’l^/“r^^'‘^'’‘'‘'^ Inglif hdl, WMiamBinmrg of Wallyford, -Sir James DtckofPFitMM^" hVHham Sharp oi Stony. Thomas Craig of R iccartoun, Alexander Nishet ot Craigintinnw Rah^ M l h^O»Ounhall of Woodhounie,Mr. ofPreftounhall Mr nl Deans of Uatho, younger of Sauchtounhall lames Ma ^ Sauchtoun, Tew/// of Hadden, Sir Widiam Hope ofGrantoun Mr lame ^ 1 younger of Deuchar, Charles Mur- Mufeihurgh Por±oume, the eldefl Baillieof bu/4fiJtorfoe*tim^°nrF'‘^r'’/p^ pal, Conveener, and in his abfence the Lord CoLgtoun ’ ^ SherifRPrinci- TSb n 1 r j ^ Haddingtoun. J^r- Grer^f Ba/r/arte» of Egelefcairnev Qlr ■? / t “ ^'npluin, George Swivtcun o{ CtitVeerd John Wedderburn of Gosford Sir W- i . Bavid Hepburn of aLderttonn of Balgone, Si, >fc 5 StSitf'te »' .!». Bk, "™ firs ^ ^ F L I A M E N T. For the Shire c/Berwick. rfBI«k.dt, in pn„ „t *„ ,||,^ oltoftS” "“: ofOld CatTiliufs, James C«c4i«i-» of Whin-rigg, William Coclthurn of CnlHr^'^M 5,j»i of a,tag,o... ofwoSttoi™" “ ;, :ri *:".’ narcis, Mr. <'atr,rklran of Hcugh-head, Charles Saimcen vounirtr of ‘J! »'i>nt-Leo- voniigerofBUck'x.rn, Pr/We of Kuthchcfter, IhoJas pf '*gj“ *»'-uajj tti , . ,= •ofBUck'.orn >«r Pr»,^& of Kuthchrfter, Jhom^s Pff^W of ofChapd, Toomss fa;r«.-er of kiMcorth, Mr. James DorroUs oi Larnflaw Mn T; r Eafter-Winnvil, Mr. r>««rw fmirr of Uxftoun, jf'i« of Grcengelf ^ir Mibald1^''7 elder of Lantuun, or m his abltnce his eldcft Son, Convetner ^ * ArMuld Cockourts, For the Shire of Roxburgh. The Ear! of £of^M»,the Lord fra»/?o««,the lorijedhurghfni Lo. 7it«houFS\s William r he:ul,Sn Fraras Sco. of Thirlfhane.Sir WiUsam Ellwt of scobs,;, ir PT/foam Be, wet ofGrub-t of v.ckerftoun, ,Mr John^oot of Ancrum, Mr Robert Pri„s!e ot StePan^TCj^f I, g-ntcvtoun, «,//.,«, /CerofCham., Erasers Soot of Gorron-berry, 'ioh,, Ker of ?tootoxt„ wt lua Kacburn, dnaiwKr of Li trie;- Dean, Charles \\nttay of riadd, n, ivir. PaURk lion \r he^ocst, RooertS,- t of Horllihill, Thomas \Pdowgal younger of IVlfkerlfoun, JJsa Scot of Rennd bocjrn, Ccor^ex, herlord ot Faummoun, James Don ofSmelholm, John HalJrUan ,7°. ere Murehnucelaw Tuna liatherfoord ol Knovvlourh, GhdAoun of thetr Ilk, And.ea, j!e;t.lblack-hiII,iheProv; ft A Jedburgh, Robert P ae a heof Melrols, LioLert bltot , f WlMemdu Ho. f,r( Lairtftoun, 7 M w ,/ if«r c/Quiflet, fEri/am Murray younger of Hadden, Mr. Francis Priaele Sheriff deput, Wihtam blw, of Grange, LangUdge of chat Ilk; Sir William Douglas of Caver.- Conveencr. * '-“•eio. For the Shire of Selkirk. The Earl of Tro^aair, the Lord Elibanl{, Mr. WsULm Hay of Drumelzier, Sir Francis Seel of Thirllfain, James A/»rru^ of Philip-hauchs Sir Palricl; Ms, rray of Deuchar, Thomas Scot of Whiiihd Jdl)M R/ai^e/ of ■ iSyning, Si-gf ufG,illolhcHs, j4lra»^/cr Prwg/e ofY^ir, f urns Murray of O u* char younger, 3ar«r W ol Bowh.ll, 'Ihomas i«f of Todrig younger, of Braidipdows* Keroi Sundcrlandhall, Gideon Murray of Sundhope, Francis Scot of Gilmaiifcleuch, r'ndreiv P/Bw/rr of Midlefteid, John CurrtrofHov/dea, Wllitam Milhilhill, late Baillie in Selkirk- TheLaird Conveener, ^ For the Shire of pethles, JamcsEurl of Mortoun, V'^Lord Aberdour, C'/jar/ej Earl oftraqualr; JohnEiirl of Tweddale, JobxLoru Yeftcr, Collonel Jawer DoregLu of Skirling, William Hay ot DnimcUiir, Sir AuhibM Murray of black-baroi y, Sir William Mwray ofStainhope, J^rhn Patch cf D'-iek. Kirhard ..iu.rajr ofSpittle-hauch, James Gcddesoil^\r\oord, yoiaffay of Ha; Itoup, " tlhum ' nrrci ot B iins,- lames Willi-mfon of CorArono, ^ e'm Er. nm of Scotftoun, John Dy ks of rVhitllad Ce rge Hunter ofPj\U V/ood, llaisid I lei derb it h of I Ay rh, William Burnet ot Rcilzi..-, A exander //.rj^/r.^/j voungcr ofciijt Ilk, James Nafimihc/'Pefifi) Alexander Murray c/ Hall mvre, John Vhirray nf CilPgihy, John Hal- foiir c/ Kilzia , Robert Burnet rrfLitrle-Orinftoun, William Horsburgh r/ that Ilk, Lawton younger c/Ciirniuire, the Provoft a/* Peebles for the time, Alexander Baillie v oungt-r oj C.illands, J.imes Ruflel «/SI'pr'eThtldj Alexander H imilton oj'Cotdwall, J.tmcs Chilholm ,/ laythope, Penni- cook cTKoraan-n, William Morifon «/Prtftoungrange; Collonel j.cmes Dowglas Skirling Con- veener. Fcr the Shire o/'Lanerk. William D«4e e/Hamiltoup J.ames Marjwejj o/Dowgkif, James B irl of IKmn, Alexander L«rd Blan- tyre, John Hamihouii a/' Eldcilbaw', John Hamilton c/Kilkerfcleuch, William baillie of Lit.legil, John Carmichael o/Boningtoun, Alexander Menzieso/Culteralloes, Mr. Andrew Erov/nrr/Dol phing- toun, James Moorhead 0/ Peri:, .lands, Chriftopher Baillie d/Wallloun, James Somervcl v/Gladftanes, Sir George Lockharrrj^Camwath, JohnSomervilr/Spittel, J.ames Lockhart »/Cleghorn, theLaird ^fLee, Mcnzies «/ Caftlehil, Gavin Hamilton 0/ Raploch, John Hamilton a/ Broomhill, C nil. 8 KING ^AMES THE SErENTB William younger of Raploch, iSir Bohert Hamilton of .Silvertoun-hill, ^ohn Kaf, ^ Ernock, lamci ofwatd of f ingakoun, John Hamilton of Barnduith the Bailies of the time, John c/Blaniyre-fertn, iir rhlliam Maxtrtl e/Calderwood, Alexandtr t/" ™‘' of Torrens, Robert Canninghame younger «/GiIbert-field, iir William Fleming c/F.,irholni, t i,. f,**''* lie«/the Regality «./G!afgow for the time, Mr. Hugh Co, bet of Hardgray, Corbet «/To l T Mr. Archibald Roberton »/Bedlay, Jame, £)«»&/> William Cleiland of Cochran of Auchfo&k, Alexander Clciland of louT' milton of Wood-hall, George Muirehead o/5tevinftoun, iir John Harper Gambufhnethem ffyr Hamilton fl/ Wifhaw, Patrick. Hamilton e/Green, Alexander Hamilton of DuhtW, William Murdochftoun, WiUiam Ckiland younger of Haiilhaw, The Duke o/Hamiltoun Conveener'^ For the Sheriffdom of Nithsdail and Dumfreisi WiUiam Duke c/Ciueensberry, Earl 0/ Drumlanrig. John Earl o/Carnwath, WHliamViA of Annandale, Lord William Dorrgla,, Sit Robert Daizcl if Glenae, Sir James Douglas of Kdhead iir Robert Grcirfbn o/Lagg, Sit Thomas Kirk Patrick ®/Glosburn, Sir Ro' krt £w/w o/Maxweltoun, Sic James ffokff un c/Wafteraw, iir PatrickUaxacl «/ ipiin,,kell" Thomas charters of htattiibicXAi, John Carruthers r/ Hcll-mayns; William Dotrglas cf ' DaUt a younger of Glenae; John Fergofon of Craigdorroch; James Jof.nfon of Corre-head; Dot aJ Maxwell of CovsMlW--, Robert Maxwell cf Carnfalloch; George Maitland e/Eccles; John CreirUn ,f Cappinoch ; William CricLton of CnixCootA-toW, Matthew Hairfains of Ctsigs •, John Craikof ^ttvvartoun; James Meri[ies cf Fxioc\\i, Jame, Carruthers , Chamberlain to the Ear! r/Annandaih The Sheriff deput «/Dumircis for the time ; The Provoft c/ Dumfreis for the time; The Dukeo/ Queensberry Conveener. For the Sheriffdom of Wigtoun; The Earl tt/ Galloway, Robert Stenart of Reavingftoun, Sir Andrew Agnew of hochnavi, WiSiam ileBarf of Caftle-ftewart, Sir Chailcs HayoFt^atk, Sir God f et M‘iu/loch oF Myttonn, Sir Wtlliam i/jsiiref ofMurreth, Sit David Dumbar oFF>A\Ao\xt\, James Dt/wW of Mochrum, Patrick Mcdougal of, WiUiam Mcdmgal of Gaiftland, John Steuart of Phifgil, James Agnew of Lochnaw Sir ^oln Dalrjimple o( Stair, John Blair oF Damkey, Andrew dgnew of Sbtncbm, iGeorge Stenart oF'Votl- derghie, lohn Vauie of Harnbarrocli , tokn Fergufon ofDoweltoun, jawer GWo» of Craiglaw William Coultran, Provoff of vVigtoun, Gilbert J\eilfon oF CraigcaUk-, the Earl of Galloway Con' veener. For the Sheriffdom of Air. The Earl of Dumfreis, the Lord Boyd , the Lord Cochran, the Laird of Craigie, the I aird of Blairj Rhn Chalmers younger ofGaitgirth, Majoi Thomas Kennedy of Balterfane, William Wal¬ lace of iewaltoun, Mr, Rone M‘l,inS^ie of Didvenan Baillie of Garrick , ]ames Whitei foord of Dunduff, Hamilior of I.ichgoteridt, ITa/W of Cames-skan, William Sim- « ^/Lrlof Falfid^ the of fncry, Conveener. ’ ^ ‘ ‘“''"‘'^1 the Lord Montgo- Fff tie Sheri^dam of .Slriveling. */H|mi!toun, the Earl of Callender, the Lord Elphingftoun Mr. WlHi r- ■ ^ ' ^Kilfyth lame, Seto r/Touch, loh„ Murray, e/Polmais -elder and younger/ ' ^ d ir/ "/ Kinnaird, Let Ir^rVr/fa; // "Z ArMM Sttrlwg of Carden , Hugh Paterfon, elder and younger of Bannockbufn / ^ &aigbonet, lame, Forfph ef Tayleortoun , Robert Bruce of Afhenbowie BaW rW " "/ Wr EdmonBouuof^rokh miliam Buchauuau of Drum Jd\, Geo,geStlrLoofi£n°l Adam Camptel n/Gargannock, Sir Hope of Carfe, Jlejauder Napier o/culcreul direr^n/Alva.^asrerfir/fofAuchtermony; the £arl of Mar Conveener, S'f Vot the Sheriffdom of Lialithgow. m'ffiaw Duke a/ Hamiltoun; Jawer Earl c/Atran; Gcnr?e Lord Livinelloun- V,/L> i a-n ’ phichen; General Dalzel; Walter Dundas that Ilk, Thomas Drummed n/Rkctrmun'’'^/”'* Cornwa! »/ Bonhatd eWer; Walter Cornwal of Bonhard younger; James HamilWB?n"- I'V exander Hamilton a/Gfange; Patrick Murray arf of aotmell, Alexander Robirtfon of Strrxau. Sir WilliaJfl'^f''’^^ Ardocb, Adam Drummond of Meginch, lohn Stuart of Fafs, Kinloch of Gou H' Murray of Keikr, Donald Robert fon of Kilachangie, lames Stuart yomzer of Orart "f’ ^*''ick Lochlan; TheMarqnefsofdrfo/Conveener. ^ geroiurart, Henry Murray of For the sheriffdom of Kincardine the Earl of the Ear! of il/rW&/c«rr, the Vifcoimt of >,./ r t e Lord Halrartoun, tlie Lord Prefident of the Seffion, Sir Charles Ramfey of Balmain oavef^th °^9‘f"f|’^q';‘har, Sir DavidCarnagie ofFatarow. the Laird of Laurenftou’n Lyes, the Laird of Balbegno, the Laird ot Halgretn, the Laird of Elfick, the Laird of d- cuPffVt ’ Falconer of Phefdo, lohn Domglas ofTilliwhillie ^ Conveenlr'^'''"’ of Woodftoun./.^, Barclay ofjohnftoun; the iirZfZfZ For the Sheriffdom of Aberdeen. c of Oordon, Earl o/Errol, Gwr?e Earl Marifchal William i nrit v -.i. o, Earl «/ Mar, Earl ^Dumfermling,Giro)'ee Earl flf Panmure lohnFatlefKi t Inverury, George Earl f//berdeen, Wsfliam Lord Jo(bes Srhf SoT%« SaIton,or the Mafter »/ Salton, ^Alexander Lord Pitfligo, or the Mafter his Son l Lih^Fo'K Tr? "f Al^i^ander Setono/PitLdden, Sir GeorveNiedfon /fJ *^”“9 Jn Forte e/Craigyvar, Sir James Baird e/Auchmedden, Sir George Gordon of Birnefs, Mr. Alexander Fbrbes of Foverane^’samnol P P "/Taartie, Mr. Alexander Cuming of Rofehill, Alexander Frazre/ sS;r JohnRoffr} Balquholly, James Keith e/TilligOT e S^r Wi iam ^i,h T f William Mowat r/ ^r r'ior’i. J't:ith «/ Whitehaugh, Alexander Cuming of Coulter iri n™ Robert Gordon elder rf Clunie Rok p, j Sir Alexander Burnet e/Craigmvle Menzt??Zds Ja-esUrquhart f/KnoSb: RoE o/Achloflin, Gordon nf Kochhri-hie if Gordon of Achainachie, Francis donf/Braichley, Mr. Thomas Gordon ^ ButhW FranEirD^uS ff ®”' younger of Echt, David Edie f/New-wark mJ Thoma Cn d f/ Auchmhoove, Forbes f/Badaifeoth, William Gray cfCreichie Robert Gordon f/Muresk, John Gordon iNiSS ThomasY^ William Thoires younger Adam Gordon ffGlenbuc4 ’ r rd Watertoun, Charles Cordon f/iela*, Gordon a/Hallhead, Mr. Robert Irving VfSts'^ f youncrer Tampc r'r^ri^f-vn i"o. j ’ * Forbes o^Xulloch- BifTet }y, John GordL ^/CaiJnborrow FranSSnn v f Streichen, Caddd^/AfTwan- Thomas Forbes elder of Echt George Mnrifo "/^Graig, Sir Charles Maitland yPittrichie, younger of Kinltarer, James MSe Jfstonlon/ ‘m ‘‘"j Arthur Forbes of Brux, Geo^e Garioch Ltfly f/Kincraigie, Alex.indcrRoftofTilberna ’k Log'durno, Patrick — T Jt S T P A X Z I ^ M E N T, -'-4- ir tf Newlands, Lefly af Little VVarthell the I i - - fon ^Thornftoun, James Chalmers cf Balbirthno/ the LaW If younger, Robert Simp- Grandom, Thomas Menzieso/Kinmundie, Mr. George Patono/ day, JohnUdney a/CultercuIlen, Mr. Robert Innes ./llairtoun 5 Thi E«1 £nveefe^“^'" for the Shire s/Innernefs. The Dukeof the EarlofAfairav, the Lord t j r tolh, the Laird »/ M'^leod, the Laird e/Grant, the Laird Li'rd orM'^in Laird »/ Kilravock.the Laird of Clava, Hugh Frazer of Belbdrum M^onald, the Grant of Cornmoney, Donald M^intolh c/ Kellochy William Fra^ ^Tn^‘ ‘'‘’/'^ionuries.John ^/Corribroch, James Frazer e/^ Rilik, Alexander^ Mcintolh ^ ^^onald Mrqieen younger, John Mdntolh of Dalmegotter, Farquhar Mqlvray eyD.tnmrrl f M'^mtolh s/’Kellochie' ^nbonula, M'^donaldo/Caftletoun; The Lord isv4t Coavecner M'^donald^ For the Sheriffdom of The Laird «/C alder, or in his abfence his eldeft Son (Ug i _• j , his eldeft Son, Alexander Rofe of Clava, Duncan Forbes \f CulhiHin a i abfence James Dunbar ./Boatb, Daviditherland .J Kinft«t; tS Sd^f Eofths ShcFJ^dotft (ly^Croinarty, . Ge^’^'^^Vifeounto/Tarbat, John Matter (^/Tarbat, the Chamberlninnfrr^.^ » r , George M'kenzie o/ Rofehaugh His MajeHitt Advocat, his Chamberlahi forThe ti,S.'*7r'’ Ufquhart «/ Newhall, and John Urquhart Fiar thereof his Son, George Dalll ^'.^»oder Mr. James Dallas younger thereof his Son, William Urquhart e/Braelangwell Ale4L^“r!"'’ Dunskeuh, Andrew Frazer «fBannance ; The Vifcount ofr«r/el o[ OUid/cton^ the \iC count of eyirhuthnet, the Lord Lindores, Sir David Falconer Prefident ol the Seffion, Sit Geoiop M.-kenziee/Rofehaugh, His Advocat, Sir Patrick Lyon e/'Carfs, Mr. James Maule (,/■ b1. lumby, Mr. Henry Maulen/Kelly, Mr; James Carnagie e/ Phinheaven, David Lindfay «/ Edzelf James Carnagy (i/Baln.araoon, David Haliburtowi «/ Pitcur, Collonel John'Grahame e/Claverhoufe’ James Scot of Logie, David Fotheringhame of Potvrie,' Sir John Wood of Bonytoun, William Durhame, forattime «/Aidovvn, nowe/Giange, James Crichtoun ofRuthven, Gilbert Auchinleck e/thatllk, John Guthrie e/ that Ilk, Alexander Cdrnagie Sheriff Depute/ Forfar, John Ouchterlau- nye/Guynd, Mr. John Wiftart e/Balgavie, oneof the Comm'iffztsol Edinhiirgh, Robert Young of' Auldbar, John Ogilvie e/ Pitmeves, David Grahame e/ Fintrie, ^ray e^ Crichie J The Eitl ol Soiitheik Conveener, For the Sheriffdom of "RimS. The Duke Gordon, the Earl of Airly, the Earl of Finlater, the Lord oliphant, the Lord Bamff gif Patrick Ogilvie of Boyn, Sir James Baird e/Achmeddine,Sir George Gordon e/EdinglaCie, the^’^Laird e/Troup, GeorgeKeith o/Northficld, Sir Henry Guthrie e/^KinnedArard, Grant e/Detilu- gus, Walter Stuart e/ Bog, James Ogilvie'e/Poldavie, Thomas Ogilvie in Bbgtoun, AlexanderHay e/Arnbath, Mr. John and Alexander Aberdrombies elder aiad younger e/^GIaffach, George Gordon 0/ Thotnybank, Patrick Gordon e/Claiftirum, Alexander Gordon e/Glengerrack, John Ogilvie e/Kimp. cairn, Ogilvie younger e/Kimpcairn, Innesc/Edinkeith, c/Kilmach ' Anderfon younger 0/ Weftertoun, John Grant c/Balindalloch, the Laird of Park-Gort don, Provoft Stuart, Baillie Fife, Baillie Jolin'Gordon, the Laird c/ Grant, Patrick Grant c/Elchies Alexander Duff «/Kethmere,- Johiv Gordon younger c/Edinglaflie, Alexander Duffs/ Braco,- James Gordon o/Camdell, PatrickStuart o/Tanachie, Hay o/Raneies, John Gordon c/Bal- dotnie, Francis Gordon c/ Achintoul, Ogilvie ,/Cantly, John Gordon c/Auchynachie ' John Gordon of Rothemay, John Gordori of Dalioacliy 5 The Duke ol Gordon Conveener. ’ For the Sheriffdom of Kircudbtight. The Vircountof ifeawiv-f 5ir Dayid Dunbar n/ Baidoon, Sir Robert Gtierfon o/Lagg, Sir Robert Lowriet/Maxwelcoun, Sir Godfrey M'^culloch c/Myrtoun, Sir Robert MaXwe! c/ Orchartouo Rod¬ ger Gordon c/Torquhen. Grierfonc/Bargatton, Muir c/ Carlincarrie ■ M'guffockr/Rufco, Thomas Lidderdalc s/Ifle, Richard Murray c/ Brochtoun An¬ drew Herron c/Keruchtrie, David Dunbar c/Maehnemore, Maxwelc/'Newlaw ’Hu^h Wallace c/ Ingliftoun, John M'^gie o/Balmagie, William Stuart c/Lcvinftoun, Gordtms elder and younger of Shirmeirs ; The Laird ol Lag Conveener, For the Sheriffdom of Sutherland, John Loti Sir at hn aver, the Lord James Lord the Lsird d/Balrlagown ' SirRobeir Gordon younger ,/Gordinfloun, Sir George Monro o/Culrain, Sir John Gordon <»/ Do’ll, Sir Robert Gordon ett Dumbar of Orkmgail, Alexander Sinclaf i.f'' ftnck Smclar ofSoHthdm, Sinclar af Brahiter, Smclar ofHemfler, J ames io"thct/me^Con’v«ner^’""^ The Earl of Broad- Albion, or the SheriffDeput ol Catthnejs St parliaments For the Sherij^om Murray. The Duke ofGordon, the Earl of Murray, the Eirlornnmr..rn,r t V ’ cflnne^ the Laird of CoxtouPi the Laird of Cubin elder the I * el-ord DufFus, the Lairds Gord.nnoun younger, the Laird of Brodies 5ir ElTbert Dumhar r >''e Laird of dieL^rdof Eafterdchis, the Laird of Dunfail elder the Laird nfPrn '/Granr, fid.- Thomas. Tullocha/ Tanochie, David ^teuartV Netv tl A e Earpt La.rd of Bellandolloch, John Innes -f Quadraih, Waker nnU ‘'’e Dunkintie, John Cuming c/Logic, John Dumbar cf Bones ui,.-ir h'nese/ DounConveeneri ^ ™ Boges, William Brody .r/Coutfield, the Lord tar the Sheriffdom a/Orkney a«d Zetland. The Stewart for the time and his Deputs, Archibald d'teiiart nr Rn nr-n- ' flwy, William Craigy */Cairfay, lan^s Grahame e/ Graml-hflf Willbm rT '’/Eg'=- Henry Grahame of Brecknefs, Robert Steuart r/New-wark^. Georae Rnlfn,? /"ok" Steuart r/ burgh, (.,mes iteuart s/Grahamfay younger WilliL Mudv \? -a O^ney forthe dmeflamesBaikie ^ TlnlfeS'ldm ft Sandylide, George Grahame r/Grahametoun, George Tray 1 < Holland Sew t""’ % Mums LaurenceStuart s/Bigtoun,Laurence5inclarnfQuandcl,GeorgeSe^/E(nimS D^pSS^eJef “ SX'n^cip? or ’hT. Far the Sheriff'dim of Clackmannan. The Earl of Mar, 6corge Vifcountof Tarbat, the Laird of Ava John Kirie nrr n i ' Milne/Tiliallah, George Abercrombies/ ’ Bnice s/ Ln J coutry, the Laird ofTillibody, Mr.Francis Maftertonn s/Patkmiln GeoraeSdrlTnn ^the r“ l^' '< Alloway for the time, the Laird of Ava Conveener. ^ Stirling, the Badhe of Fsr the Sheriff'dim if Rols.' The tarl of Seaforth, theVifcount of Tarbat. the Mailer of TnAar cl. as' ' , .’i, ir George CM‘ksi;sik of Rofehaucb, the Laird s/Belnaaoun the Laird of Fraiifs offculmrn, adder (JMc/(caz,e of Cull, Murdoch UHchc,,:^ie c/Fairburn, Mr. ^sdsn'ri ^ftfoVie sf 5,rKsr,^es/Findon, uMdBawoljM M>ca^ jekrf/^TrW s/Cambifeutrie- A eZau dcr me^^ee ofBfouOchuMun^ of Fyres, Lachlau U^intoff, of Kinraraj AMr meu7iTof Gairloc^ Mr. lohn Bain s/ Delnies; (V;» U‘lf’:te,ie younger of Kincraigic; Hugh M»»<'s of New^ If- fnyercharron ; Alexander ejuefenzie of Ap\e corfs, mu, am Kojs of Kindles, Mr Corge Paterjon of Seafield, G.c»r^e Rofs of Moringy, piXt *e»^re younger r/ Rcdcafllc, Mona/d M^fenzie e/Meddat, Alexander MrWfe of Ardlocl. Mr Cr/ i Littlctarrel, Mafthero Rohertfon s/ Dochcarfy Alexander SHtkrlandof XaMmefAur^^^^ of kxAioii.Keumth Mckn^e oJT)och^!^OigffMcrt Barhar of Mnlderg, Alexander Refs of EaRaftnyH ugh Uonro of Jttammk, David Ferr.eof Tarlonie lames Rori olMoiint-eyci the Earl of Seaforth Conveener, or in his abfence the Mailer of Trrto. '' ^ A Commiffioners,' for the feveral .Shires,' to be'a/ rh next, and appoints the major paitof he faidsComm:ffioneis, named for the .refpedlive Shirey, to be a 9«er«w at their firft meet¬ ing, rtlm are to appoint the next Dyet of meeting, and the Major partotfuch asihall meet at the lecond Uyet,or upon advertilement from the Conveener,at any other Dyet'to be a Riorum': Wit.V power^to the faids Convceneis, for the faids Shires reffcHiv '■, to call the CommilTioners forefaids, at luck Dyets thereafter as they fliall think neceflary, tor theeffeaual execution of this Aft- And 1 R^'tsto His Majelhes Pnvy Council, tonominat fuch other perfons to be Commiffioners upon' the death or ^nyol the lore-named peifons, ... Andforthe Bu ghs, His Jt^a/rf/y with Advice forefaid, J-Jorninats and Appoints the Magiftrats of the fame, for the time being, witli power to them to choice Stenc-mafters within their rejpeltive botind^, which Commiirtoneis of Shires and ftuighs, aj;e hereby Ordained to'Accept, and Difcharge A I as they fliall be .infiverablc and that at their Acceptation tlieicot, to take their Oaths of Alleadgeance. Supremacy, Declaration and Teft, and Oith de fideli adminiSiratione. And His IdajeS'j^ with Advice foiefaid, Doth hereby Impower the faids Commilltonets to ptefetive and fee D 2 down Sir t 14 KING ^AMES THE SEVENTH downfuch Rules and Orders within the rerpe^iive Shires and Burghs, as may bemoft effeftual fn fpeedy and eafieRaifing, Levying, and bringing in of the faid Snpply; and Ordaining, and J' every other thingthat may concern the fame : And particularly. With power to them toch°*"^ their own Colleaors, for In-gathering of the faid Supply, for whom they are to beanfweiable other Officers f except- the Clerks who arc to be named by the Clerk of Regifter ; ) And Ordains rb no Clerk fliall Officiat in the faid Office, either in Shire or Burgh, without a new Deputation the faid Clerk of Regifter; And that thefaids Commiirtonetsfhallat the firft meeting, choice th°'^ Colleaots, for In-gathering of the faid Supply. And the faids Commiflloners are hereby Ordain It ■to receive the faids Collerftors and Clerks accordingly, and to allow them fuch Fees to be payjj T'* the Shires and Burghs, as they thall think fit , And which Fees are hereby Declared to be over a ? above the forefaid Snpply , and no part bl the fame : And which Colletftbrs and Clerks are to tak the Oaths appointed by Law. ® An D the Kings svith Advice and Coofent of His Eftates , tirdains all Execution ■ real and perfonal, topafsat the Inftance of the Colledfor General, and the Colledtors of the r ’ fpeftive Shires ahd Burghs, againftall perfons deficient in payment of their proportions as formerl? And alfo, Impowers the Commiffioners by their Officers, to Ai reft, Poynd and Diftrenzie the Good * and Imprifon the perfons of the Deficients, ay and while they make payment of their juft proportion^ and neceflary expences. And for the more ready and effeaual payment. Doth alfo Impower the Com* miflioners , and Colledlor-General, to Quarter upon Deficients, with this exprefs hevija, Thai every Horfe-man that ihall be upon the place, fliall hare only free Angle Qflarter alloted to him qn. on the perfons Deficient, or by quartering in Burghs and Villages, as the Commiflloners fhall appoint to be fatisfied, and payed, by the Deficients, and not by thefe on whom they are quartered exceot where they themfelves are Deficient, and in that cafe to have fifteen ihilling Scots a-day,' ’from the time of prefenting the Old er to the CoIleiSor upon tvhom they are to quarter, until he give them a Lift ol the Deficients, and the funis wherein they are Deficient, and thereafter to quarter upon theDe- ficients ; and each Dragooner, to have ten ihilling Scots a-day, and each Foot-man to have fourfhil ' ling Scots, or his Dyet , as the Commiffioners fhail Order 5 And the Commanders of the Party of Horfe, Dragooners,orFoot, to have only Double quarter, or pay of an Horfe-man, Drsgooner'^ ot Foot-man, aslieferves. And Declares, That in Order to theQuarters, antimatters relating to the'In- bringing ol this Supply,' any three of the Commiffioners ihall be a Quorum, and who are Impowered to proportion upon, and raife from the Deficients, the Expence and Charge of their Deficiency, and to fee payment made to thefe on whom the Souldiers are Quartered, who were not Deficient. And fur¬ ther, His Majefly , ior latisfabiion of His good Subjedls, is gracioufly pleafed to Declare, That all Officers and Souldiers, Horfe,- Dtagoonei s and Foot, ihall make due and punflua! payment of their Quartets, local, and tianfient, as the fame fliall be appointed by the forefaids Commiffioners accor¬ ding to tire Rates of the Coun trey ; and in cafe the Souldiers do not pay their Quarters., that the Quar¬ ters be ftated betwixt the Quarter-mafters, or other Officers, and any two of the Cpmmiflioms- And the Accompts being ftated and fitted, that they be payed, or allowed by the refpedive Colle- ftices of Peace had exerced tfieir FuniRion wnh that diligence which theLaw required, and the many Evils, efpecially’in E " clefiaftick Difordersand Irregularities, which might have been prevented bv their care. ForRemeid whereof in time to come, His rW47f//;,with the Con^ lento! His Eftates in Parliament, Doth hereby Ratifie, Approve, andCon- firm the 8. -rtiS of theP4rf/4wf»r i(5t7. Intituled, yilf anent the fu/lieet fo'r keefng of the Kinzs Peace a-d Conftahles. The 25. All of the ParliaJent - I'533. tbt Ali Qilbe Parliament i66i ,h\l\ni\t6,Comtni[sion' and InflruBioni to she fHjlices of Peace and Conflaliles, in the whole Heads, Articles and l-.laufcs contained inthem. And further. His d/u/ff/y Gives full Power, Authoiity and Commiffion to the faids lufti ces, to put the Laws in Execution againft all who (liall beGuiltyof Conventicles Iireoular Bpt fms and Marriages, withdrawing from Church Ordinances, and other fuch Difordas, in°fo far as thev are not Cap: tahConform to the Laws made thereanent , And where the Crime is Capital they are to fecurethepcrfoii', and acquaint theSherifF, orother judge ordinary thereof; And icis Declared That in their proceedings againA Church Irregularities, Baptifms, Marriages and Conventicles The JuAicesmay pioceed immediately without waiting any timeafter the Crimes are committed and their Clerk IS appointed to fend Information of their proceedings once in the Quarter, to the Clerks of the Council, as they will beanfwerable. And for their further Encouragement, His Maieh allows unto the raids Ju Aices of Peace, the Fynes of all, except Hetitoes, which fhall arife from thefe Delinquen¬ cies judged by them, to be employed for Explicating of their Jurirdidfion as they (hall think fit and for Difcovcring of what the Fynes of Heritors fhall amount to. TheCleiksot thefe Couits aie’here- by appointed to fend a fubfenbed LiA of them to the Clerks of Exchequer, in the fii A week of No- 'vemheryeitly, under the pain of Deprivation: And His Majefly with Advice loiefaid, allows the JuAices to Nominal thetr own Clerks at their fii A meeting. Mttour, His Maicfli and EAaies fore- faid. Give lull Power, Authoi ity and Commiffion, to the Lords of His MajeHies Privy Council upon the Deceafs of any of the JuAices of Peace, to nominat others in their place, and to let down and Impofc Penalties upon fuch of the JuAices as Awll not keep and obfeive the Dvecs prefixed for their feveral and particular Meetings, according to former Afts, and an Adf made in ihis Parliament. And with power likewife to the faids Lords of PrivyCouncil to Enlarge and Amplify the Power and Au- diority of the (aids JuAices of Peace, if they fliall find it necefi'ary and expedient: And what the Council fhall Decieetand Dtteimine thcre-anent. Find and Declare, that the fame fhall have the Force, Strength and Power ot an A a of Paiiiament. It isalwayes tieclared, That Sheriffs Stew- aics, and Bail ICS of Bailliaries, Regalities, and Barronies, aie to Remain in the Pofleffion and Ex- erciieof their lOimer Rights, according to the Laws of the Kingdom : Any thine in this AtS not. w.thlunding. - / ^ XVII. ACT ^ ^ ^ s T p A RLIdMENT J7 XVII. ACT For Taking the Oath of Allegiance'. Msy 22. 1685. fir™, and Approve whaU^hbKn°do'ne by' Doth Ratifie, Con-' and there Commiflionat by them, irBanifhh,. 7mn f P“''y J^o^ocd, Uaice Cou.c Take and Swear the Oath^of Megiance ISm Xt th-^R RdufeS to in the I x. ASi^ tarlUment i. of King Charles the Second Xlu,^the^Tir^''™fi"'i!" ™'"''°nod this Kingdom to Take and Swear the Oath ol Allegiance' and to AfTerrrl^f n^ Subjcdis of ever they Ihall be Required, either by the Privy Council luftirr r Pforngatives, wheh- them, and that under thepain of Baniihment, ImprifonmJnt or luc^“nt'h’ d ^ommiinonat by X V I H, ’act Concerning Vacant Stipends] May 22. i68j. UR SoviraiiSn Lord, With Confent of the Ellates of Parliament and_Decares That the Vacant Stipends of all Churchesin timeconiinv n,rl1 be Employed on pious Ufes within the relpedfive Paroches by the Patmn W more ptticUla;ly lor the Building and Repairing of Bridges, LpaTi’np ^ Churches or Entertainment ol the Poor, as the Patron fliall determine W ly -, andifhefail therein, he Ihall lofe his right of Prefentation for the neit Vice It IS always Provided, that the Vacant Stipends in the Diocelfes of St. Andrews, Edinburgh, Dunkeh Eumhiain, and Breichen, for Five Yeaiv Ztfln-hndgemdiottht ufeof the Univerfity of St.Andrem; The Vacant Stipends of theu’oee^of 0a[gow, ind Calloway, for the faine number of Years, totheuleoftheColledgeoiC/a/^n,. And thefe' Vacant Stipends within. he Diocefs of Ahtrdenc, and Diocefl'es be-north the fame, fof the uft 0 the Old and New Colledgesof Aberdene, and Repairing of the Bridges within thefe Dioceffes . the Vacaricies of the Diocefs of Orknay (which are hJreby Ordained to be Applyed for Repaiatio^of Yhf Cathedral Church of iUrtea//. durirrg the the faid Five Years J And tharat^he dS a t'on Jd Appouitment offuch Petfons as fl^ll be Nommat by the Privy Council, for Overfeeing bZlf i ■Which Five Years alorelaid, fhall Commence from this prefent Year 1685, and fo ContLe confe quutively, during the lard Space. And His Majefly, With Confent forefaid. Declares that alter Expiring ol thefe Five Years, the Vacant Stipends do belong to the Patrons, to be Employed bv them for pious Ufes within the refpeaive Paroches atorefaid , But prejudice always of the Maintainance of theMinifters Marife, during the timeof the Vacancy, out ol the firft and readieft of the Vacant Stipend^* Conform to former Afls ol Parliament, and that not only during the faid Five Years, but in all time com- . ing. It is always hereby Declared,That this Aft is not to be extended to the Vacancies of thefe Churches' whereof the Kings Mafeflj/ is Patron,- nor to Menfai and Patrimonial Churches belonging to Bilhops XIX. ACT i8 KING James the seventh XIX. C r Rdtifyhg the EriviUdges of the Semters of the Collcdge of Jufice, May z2. 1 68;. a^UR SovERAifiN Lord, With Advice and Confent of His Eftates of Parliament T) u Rat:fie, Approve and Confirm, all Priviledges, Libeiciei, Freedoms and Immuaip'^ Given and Granted by His Royal Ptedeceflors, to, and in Favours of then** dinary Senators of the Colledgeof Juftice, and whereof they are in Pofleffion^ and'^M Adis of PaHiament Made and Conceived in their Favours, and fpeciailie but preiud' of the Generality forefaid, doth Ratifie the S. aH of the i, SesfSon of the 2. ParlUment of Charles the fecond. Concerning the Immunity of the Ordinary Lords of Sesfion , from all Surd^^ Imfofed, or to he Impofed by the Parliament : And Declares, that this Ratification fliall be as and effedlual, as if all tliefe Priviledges and Immunities, and Adll of Parliament concernin® the fam”*' werefpecially expreft, and at length infert herein. ° XX. cyS C T For Freferving Game. May 27. 1685, UR SovERAiGN Lord, And Eftates of Parliament, now pi e- fently Conveened, Taking to their Confideration, the great De¬ cay of Game in this His Ancient Kingdom, efpecially in the Low Countries, notwithftanding of all the Laws and Ads of Parliament and Adis of Pi ivy Council made thereanent by His Royal Prede- ceflors, which does principally proceed through the not vigorous Execution ofthefaids Laws and AUs.and not Exa<.fting of the Fines and Penalties therein-contained. Therefore, Our Soveraigit Lord, With Advice and Confent of the Eftates of Parliament now prefently Conveened, Does Revive. Renue.Raiifie.and Appiove all the former Laws and Aifts of Parliament made for prefei vingof theGame, and the of His Royal Bjother (ofbleffed Memory ) King Charles the Second, with the A'Svice of H s Privy ... J rn !• Council, of the date the 9. day of June, 1682 years, with the whole Lawsand Adis of Parliament therein-narrated, of whir!, ndl the Tenorfollows A Proelamation Xevsvsng the Lam anentHuntrng.Hawking.Fsjhing and appointing Mafters of the Game. CHARLES by the Grace of God, King d Great- s itai„, France, tind Ireland, Deiender of the Faith- To ’ junalyandfeverally fpecially conftitute. Greeting, Wetakingto Our Confideration the great pre¬ judice the Kingdom doth luftain in the Decay of Deer, Roes, and Wild-fowl, and that there i? not on y danger of an utter decay of fo ufelulCrea^ but the Manly exercifes of Hunting and Hawking like to be altogether negledled , And albeit Our Royal Progenitors have made many good Laws to pre' vent and repair this great einl and mifchief, and againft thedeftroying of Smolts and Trouts with Creels and other Eng“>«> anent Cruivesand Zairs, fteepingof Lint in Rivers, Lochs and Bums, where Fifties are , which good Laws, although they be yet in force unrepealled, yet by the d.ftradlion of the late Times, they have been lefs regarded thele many Years by gone, to theenorm lefion of Our People, and contempt of Our Authority.- Have therefore, with Advice of Our Privy Council, thou"hr fit to Re¬ vive all the Laws that ftand yet unrepealled or innovate, for prefei ving of Doe. Roe, Hares and Wild- Fowl, andefpeciallythe ji ^Jof theaj Parlsament otK. James the fixth, whereby all Perfons who 1 “'^er Ihoot Deer or Roe in time of Snow .• As alfo, the 1 , aH of the 4 Parlsamens of K. James the fifth, and 2 1 o of thei4 AAi-/;,iw««rofK. ^a/«cathefixth, by which. Letters ate ordained to be direift, charging all ° Forrefls, to permit no Pafturage within the Marches of the Forrefts, but ”hac WawT n ‘ m ’?i of their Office, and that Forrefteis of Forrefts be- apprehend fuch as travel with Guns or Dogs in Forrefts, and carry them to the neareft Sheriff, Stewarts of Stewartries, Baillies of Bailliaries and Regalities, or Juft.ces of Lace to befecured, to aufwei as accords of the Law, and that all luch of the Leidges who iliall be required to - - B. L I A M ENT. 19 toconcurtoapprehendfuchPerfons, give ready Obedience acic ^ Jndc<^^^^• and thefe who conceal them be fined as Art and Parto' ther.Mt^'i^°''a^f“''^' '>• Jo hefeby forbid alirhooting of Hares, oV Herron at any t™e, u„?e; tt ± "-"fowt Pa:! or loimichan, irom and after the firft day of i ^ . . -J vai Lfntf 7. V^-Tamcsi. excepting Water- parliament made thereanent, iridge, Mallard, Tale or Atale, uc 1 ormicfian ,0 the firft of 5C«/^ yearly, according to the \a%.ASf, Parlumer.t fowl with Hawks la Dredging- time, ittm, ThezzAlf p„i 16 K ling of Mnir-fowl- pouts before the firft aij-uly, Heath.po’uts beforethe fi ft '^Tail before the firft of Sepumk. yearly. iL, We A°ll ^pif. ft' ding Muiiburn after the laft of W^ircrlr, and the Mafteis to be Ivable^for all nnn J,el Weconfidering that Setting- Dogs, and othe?En!ines fo k M na 1, r fcarcity of Game 5 We do hereby prohibite and difchargi’ all Perfons t°o hav^ or’ufb sf.fl'o^n lefs he be an Heretor of one Thoufand Ponnd of valued Rent, ardhav’eexpref Lenfe o '2' Our Game within their feveral Bounds, under the pain of Five Hundred Merks 'he Mafters of failaie, And^Wj d^o hereby difchargeall commonVle's, an ceps they be Donreftick-Servants to Noblemen or Gentlemen, who are Heretots of One Shnd pounds 5c«jofvaluedRent,to have or make ufe of Setting- Dogs, orFQwlin'’-oieces underrhpniin i r cheat of fuch Dogs of Guns, and imprifonment of their perfons lor the fpace°offix Weeks ttL J /« /«)», We Revive the 2 to /f,?, 14. Whereby Shootinv Hnntina uf 1 " within fixMiles ofOurPalaceare Prohibited, under the pains thnein contained, without expreTs^L? cenfe of the Mafters of the Game : And feing the Fowls, Haresand Roes are already fo far de^ftroved that there IS ground to feat a total decay thereof, We therefore with Advice forefaid Do Rcviv72 23 Parl. j6.K.^^mcs6. Forbidding all felling ot buying of Deer, Roe, Hares, Muir-fowl Tormichan, Heath-fowls, Partrioge, or Quail, forthefpaceoffeven Years next enfuing the 20 dav of?:»»einftaijt Year ifiSa, under the pains contained in the find Adi, And for the better difcoverv of theContraveeners, We do hereby give Warrand to the Mafters of Our Game, their Depots, or others impowered by either of them in their refpedlive Bounds, to make fearch tor any of the faids Deer Roe Hares, Muir-fowl, Tormichan, Heath-Fowl, Partridge, or Quail fo killed in any fufpcft place’ with¬ in or without Burgh, as well the Buyers, as Sellers in Mercat, or outwith the famine, or Fowlers and lofeize, fearch, lecure and confifcate the fame for their own ufe. item. We do hereby Reviv; the 5 1 ASl, P*rl. 6. 0. Nary, Forbidding Hunting on other Mens Ground without leave of the Owner. ^ And svhereasby the 11 Alt, Parl.j.K. fames i.- Ctuivesand Zairs feton frefli Water without exprefs’lnfeft. mentsofSalmond-fifhing, areordained to bedeftroyed and put away for ever, and that where Cruives are allowed by Infeftments, that ilk Heck be three Inch wide, which isratified by the 73 .yd?,Pjr/, 10. m. fames 3. And by the 87 Par/. 14. if. 2. It is ftatute that no Man let Ve(l'els,< redsi Weirs, Nets, or any other Engine to hinder Smolts from going to the Sea, and that Coups, Maftes, Nets, Prins fet on Watersthat has courfe to the Seabedeftroyed, and who holds them up, tobelyable as deftroyeis of red Fifties, .Item, That all Millers that flays Smolts or Trouts with Creels, or any o- rher Engine; or any who Dams or Laves, fhall be punifhable as Slayers of Red-Fifti, conform to the yiAll, Part. y.K. fames y. and where the Tranfgreflburs has no Means, they are appointed to be put in Pnfon, Irons, or Stocks, for the fpace of one Moneth upon their own Expenfes; and if they have it notof their own, to be fed on Bread and Water, conform to the 89 Alt, Part. 6. K. fames 6. And by the 1 3 AH, Part. i8,K,fames 6. Thefteepingof Lint in Rivers, Lochs, or Burns where Fifties are, is difcharged, and that under the pain of fourty Shilling Scots, toties quoties, andconfifeation of the Lint : Which good and ancient Laws yet Handing unrepeailed or innovate, We have thought fit here¬ by to Revive and Ordain to be put in Execution; Ordaining hereby the Mifters of Our Game to require all Hetetors and others, to throw down all Cm vesand Zaires fet on frefti Waters, without exprefs In-, feftment of Salmond-fiftiing, betwixt and the firft day ot fuly next, under the pain of an hundred pounds Scots, to be uplifted off thefewhorefufe, and theSheriffs and their Depots to give fpeedyjuftice there¬ fore, when defiled by the Mafters of the Game, or their Depots. And We appoint the (everal SheiifFs and their Depots, Stewarts of Stewartries, Bailiffs ot Regalities and their Depots, and Magiftrats of the next adjacent Burrows to concur with the Mafters of Game, for throwing down of the faids Ciuives, Creels, Nets, and Engines, when they fhall be required; and it thefaids Judges be found negligent,, that the forefaid Penalty be uplifted off themfelvcs, according to the_68 All, Pari. 9. oi Q Ji/.iry. And to the effedl the faids Laws may receive the more vigorous Execution,’ We do hereby Commiflio- nate the Perfons following to be Maftersof Game, within the relpeiftive Bounds alter-fpecified, viz. Out Chancellor for the time being, for the three and Townof and Shire of Par^- jarc; The EarlofiWar, for Shire; Sir George Mackenzie oi Tariet, Lord Clerk Regifter, for, C lakmMnan Shite ■, The Earl of Belcarras, ior Fife ^ and Sit William Bruce oi Balcasbe, for Kinrofs^ the Marquefs of Athol, Lord Privy Seal, for Perth Shire ; the Earl of Perth, tor the Stewartries of Strathern, Momeith, and Balquhidder ■, the Earl of for for/fir Shire, the Eirlof il/ar/'/ir/M/,, lortheShireofA'f»w,fw, and for all below lfiima»(A;Hillj and the Water of Eugie m Pnw/ Shire;: ' - - p and KING ^ A M -E S THE SEVENTH and the Earl of Airly, for all the reft of Bamff Shire Crathus, Bannnchie, and the Sea m Aberdeen S'hire; tiic can ui jxmiore, in all above I ' the faid Shire ; the Earl of Murray, for all from Sfey to Ne{s, high and loiv, compt ^ vl/riti T^TAitti. arif! fn T.nrhttp(t • The P.'irl of RfaiortU from 7\r«/‘. ^ ; the Earl of Bumfermlin^, for ,11 , the Earl of Kintore. in ill above f"' ling tne law snire ; inc carr or Murray, lor au irom ay/ey to neys, nign ana loiv, comor f, . ■ ® Elgin, Nairn, and Innernefs Shire, to Lacbnefs ; The Earl of Seaforth, horn iVe/r to ending an. I low, comprehending Cronrarty Shire ■, Sit Gemge Mackenzie oiTarhet, Lord Clerk Reoin**’ , Conan to foitnaculier, aud O/fr/- Water, and on the Weft from i«c/triv to . theLotd'n for Sutherland, excepting Afrnt, which is in the laft Divifion ; the Eailof Caithne[i,t'or Caithnrf"^"^^ Sttv/zit of Orkney, for Orkney ■, for Argil e ^nd Bute, the Sheriff tor the time being ; theEailof w for the Shite of ierw/Vf; ihe Sheriff 01 for the Shire of the Lord Duk mitten, (or Lan'rk Shire-, the Eirloi Kilmarnock, for the shireof Air ^ the Lord of rfi?/June,i 582 tear?' •And of Our Reign the thirtieth and fourth Tear, And Does ftriaiy Require and Command all tW Mailers of Game Sheriffs, and other Magiftrats, and their Deputs, and all Heretors, and Lilerenten and proper Wodfetters, within their rebpeftive Bounds, to be dihgent and vigilant in Time coming in putnng the faids Arfts and Laws therein- contained to full and due Execution. And Does hereby Require a 1 Our Judges, before whom Our Mailers of Game, or others, fliall Purfue the Contraveeners tooiv! iiemfuilandfpeedyjuftice, asthey ffiall be anfwerable. And for the Ptefervation and Increafe of Paimdge,Muir-fowl, Heath-fowl, and Quails ( which are fo much decayed of late J OurSoverawn Lord, with Confent forefaffi Does Statute and Ordain, That no Perfonor Perfons whatfoever fliall fo for taking or killing ol Partridgei, Muir- fowls, Heath- fowls or ^uafls- within any part of this Our Ancient Kingdom, for the fpace of Stven Years, immediatly altet the Publication hereof, under the Penalty of Fourty Merks Scots for each Fowl that ffiall be fo killed wh n""r '°'?^P®y^‘ibythe Killers or Takers to Our Matters of Game, and their Deputs, or others’ he flmor Shoot Hares, ffiall pay Fourty Merks Scots ioi each Hare that JfXL "AC^ l^ST PAR LI AM E N r, XXI. ACT A^ainft Stca!i»g of Dogs and Haaltt; May 27. 1685* ing tothcir Co[ilidmtion, ih^e'^grafprejudicc a by Perfonsthathasno right or imereQmrinTr ortJ^Tl'attcX 'C™ a Dog 'S “ T j}' with the Matters Name or Style thereon ttiatt B.. H.„d„d , KSi.'S'il:; "1.", ":,S'r4 Jw h^rj"? I O'- Hawk, with lells or vfrvel '’’^''I'beobhgod w^tthin^ounrS^ 0"'^ ihall be fo taken by him, to fend and Book the in the ketitf-Clerk hi‘s Bocks h r Goods are booked.) the Dog by the Kind, Collar, and Marks, and the Hawk by the KinT velsj if It have any, for which there fhall be payed to the Sheriff Clerk. Six SI (Hi c \ u which the Owner of the Hawk or Dogyil be obliged to Sfc/r for each Mile that the Bearer ftiall be fent to the Sheriff-Clerk, or Booking of the fiid Do y or Hawk 5 Andin ofe the Dog or Hawk fhall not be Claimed by Letter.or otherways,by L utt Owner within S^ixMoneths after it (hall be fo booked in the ShetiffClerk of the Shir^ where ho^? Hawk ihall be taken his Books ; Then and in that cafe, the Dog or Hawk Ihall belong and ,n Property to the PoHeflor, and the Owners (hall not be heard thereafter to Cla m the fame • And if the Taker and Keeper of any Hawk or Dog, (hall failzieto cau(e Book thefame in manner ab’ve fplf Sbefoe Xxii. ACT Concernlrg Tailzies, May 27. 1685. UR SovERAiGN Lord, With Advice and ConfentofHis EttatesofPar" liament. Statutes and Declares, That it (hall le lawful to His MijeSiiei SubjeSs to Tailzie their Lands and Eftatts, and to Subttitute Heirs in their Tailzies, with fuch Provifioiis and Conditions as they fliall think fit, and to AfFcft the faids Tailzies with Irritant and Refolutive Claufes, whereby it Ihall not be lawful to the Heirs of Tailzie, to Sell, Annailzie, or Difpone the fitids Lands, or any part thereof, or Contraitt Debt, or do any other Deed whereby the famine may be Apprifed, Adjudged, or Evieted from the others Subttitute in the Tailzie, or the Succedion frtittrate or in¬ terrupted, Declaring all fuch Deeds to be in themfe-lves null and voidiand that the next Heir of Tailzie may immediatly upon Contr.avtntion, Purfue Declarators thereof, and Serve himfelf Heir to him who died lad Infeftin the Fee, and did not Contraveen, without nccelfiiy any ways to reprefentthe Coiitraveener ; It is always Decl.ired, that fuch Tailzies (li.ill only be al¬ lowed in which the forefaid Irritant and RefolutivtClauIesare infert in theProcuratoriesofUefignaiinn, Charters, Precepts, and Inftruments ofSeafing: And the original Tailzie once produced before thd Lords of SelTion Judicially, who are hereby Ordained to Interpofe their Authority thereto. And that a Record be made in a particular Regifter Book, to be kept for that efed, ^vhcrciiifli.ill be Recorded ihe Names of the Maker of theTailzieSe ofiheHeirsofrailzie,and the general Defign iiions oft ic Lordttiipa and Barronies, and the Proviiionsaiid Conditions contained in the Tailzie, with the forefiid Irfirantand Refolutive Claufes fubjoyned thercto,to Remain in the faid Regifter ad Perpelnam rei ve norina. And for which Record, there (hall be payed to the Clerk of Regifter and his Depuis,thc fimc Dews as 13 payed for the Regiftration of Sealings, and which Provifions and Irritant Claufes Ih^ll be Repeated KING fAMES THE SEVENTH in all the fubfeqnent Conveyances of the faid Tailzied Eftate to any of the Heirs of Tailzie • Anj r ing fo [nfcrr. His Majefiy, with Advice and Confent forefaid, Declares the famine to be rwl a rf r fediial, not only againft the Contraveeners and their Heirs, but alfo againfl: their Creditors C pryfcrs, Adjudgers, and other Singular Succeflors whatfoever, whether by Legal or Convent' Titles. It is always hereby Declared, that if the faids Provifions and Irritant Claufes fhall not b'R peatedin the Rights and Conveyances, whereby any of the Heirs of Tailzie fhall brook or eniov R Tailzied Eftate, the faid Ommiffion fhall Import a Contravention of the Irritant and Refolm’ Claufes againft the Perfon and his Heirs who fhall omit to infert the fame, whereby the faid fliall iffafiOo fill, accrefce.and be devolved to the next Heir of Tailzie, but fhall not militat ae 'n Creditors, and other Singular Succeffors who fhall happen to have Contradfed ioua fide with the p”" fon who flood Infcft m the faid Eftate, without the laids Irritant and Refolutive Claufes in the h of his Right, And it is further Declared, That nothing in this ASt fhnll Prejudge His (MauH to Confifeations or other Fines, as the Punifhment of Crimes, or His tfHajeHji or any other la^V^i Superiour of the Cafualitits of Superiority which may arifcto them out of the Tailzied Eftate h thefe Fines and Gafualities fliall Import no Contravention of the Irritant Claufe. ‘ X X 1 1 1. ^CT Ritifyittg the ofinion of the Lords ef Sejfwn, anent thefe who refufete Depone nnintlhe lateT Jonaile ProclansetioK, 1684. June 2. 1685. UR SovEKAioM Lotus, with Advice andConfent of theEftatesofParliame ' Ratifie, Approve and Confirm an Opinion given by the Lords of Council ands"r fion, upon the day of November 1684. Whereby they find, that if ^ ' of His UHajefiies SubjeiSs, being queftioned by His Majeflies Judges, orCotnm^ft'^ oners, if they owne a late Traiterous Proclamation, in fo far as it Declares a w' againft His Sacred Majcfty, and aflerts. That it is lawful to Kill all fuch as Serve R Majefty, or who fhall not diffown the fame-, are thereby guilty of High Treafon, and are Art anH Part of the faid Treafonable Declaration ■ And alfo Ratifies, Approves and Confirms all ProceR of Treafon, Led, or to be Led thereupon in time coming. *** XXIV. ACT 9r darning thatTennents be obliged by theirTacks to live Regutarlyi June 2. 1685. U R SoviiiAtGN Lord, with Advice and Confent of the Eftates Conveened in Parliament, Do Statute and Ordain, That all Matters, whether Heretors, Liferen- ters, pro^r Wodfetters, Tutors, Tackf-mcn , Donators of Wards, or Liferents lhal in all time-coming , infert in all Tacks to be fet by them to their Tennents Landward, an txprefs Claufe, whereby the Tennent lhall obliee e e „ r ’. , *-°“ars and Servants, fhall live Peaceably and Reeu ' °f‘he Tennent, Cottar, or ServLt cS the^ lofing the halfo^f their Moveables refpedlive, each for their own fault 5 And where or in the T° u- ' Tennents fhall enaft themfelves in the Matters Court Book faid WhTc"h n 'o *1’=“ in the Tenor fore- the Cle'rk^nfrh Court is to be fubfenbed by the Tennent , or if he cannot write, by 1 ^ m n T the Matter, or any of the perfons forefiid fhall fail herein , they fhall pay an years Rent of the Lands, fet otherwife ; a third^rt whereof to theDif. coverer, if he prove the fame , and two parts to the Kings Ma,elly ; And a 1 Matters aXther Snfw Tack, without the faid/ Claufes, are hereby 0?Sned« rreifht/aTidfix"‘^or"m tak" betwixt and Riitfonday one thohfand‘fix hun- wife to remove fi^’m?! r ^part from the Tennent, bearing thefe Claufes, other. ttaSdin? oraiw form/ ’ Z"'"/ Tennents as refufe to accept them on the faid! conditions, notwith- Handing of any former Tacks, which in thiscale are hereby Declared voidand null. Andin ft hS7TaTu7e' anToX^‘^T'^ Maftermay commit them to Prifon. And himfelf or stive Bond n tl V Tennent fhall refufe to renew his Tack , enaS himlelf, or give Bond m the Terms forefaid, he fliall be lyable to pay to his Matter an years Rent of FIRST L I A M E li 5(XV, ACT Ratifying tm Alls of Parliament and aPudmation cf Council, ahcnt apprehending June ». i68j. ^ mi? R * (f" Confent of His Edates of Parlii- ment, Ratifies and Approves the 124 ACf Par. 12 of Ring janm the fixth. Entitled, M A net, t the Duty of Sheriffs and Judges ordinary, their Depnts and vuZill' of that fame Parliament, Entituled, AH for pmijhins the Rtf etters of Irattors and Rebels, in the whole Heads, Glaufesand Contents of them; Together with a Proclamation by His Majeliies Privv Council, Dated the eight of July 1682. Entituled, Anent the Dikivtrv of _ perfons in Arms, and Apprehending of Rebels , in the whole Contents thereof- of which Proclamation the Tenor follows. A Proclamation, anent the difcovery of perfons in Arms' and apprehending Rehells and Fugitives, C Wer, by the grace ofGod, King ofGrc/t-firiitaw Fnnrl and /r«/4»d. Defender of the Faith , To ’ ‘ T^ r Our Lyon King at Arms, and his brethren Heraulds' MacerS of Our Privy Council, Purfcvants, and Melfengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part con* junffly and feverally, fpecially conftitute Greeting: Albeit by the blefling ofAlmighty God, upon Our Royal Endeavours, the many Attempts of His and our Enemies (made moft impioufiy under pretence of HeligionandZeal,againft theLawsofGod,ofNature,ofNations,and of this Our Kingdom- defigning the overthrow of Religion, Government, Liberty and Property _) have been frequently Difappomted and Defeated, and their malice turned upon their own heads, and that the many A3s both of Mercy and Juftice, exerc'd by Us, conform to the Laws of God and the Kingdom ; and the great Prudence, Vigilance, Moderation and Juftice, of Our deareft and only Brother, during his abode in, and Government under Us, of this Our ancient Kingdom, have had fuch happy fuc. cels, as to bring Our good Subjefts to further abhorrence of Fanaticks and their Impieties , and moft of thefe who were mifled by the lying Spirit of fome of their pretended Minifters, are flirunk from thefe wayes, whereof they are juftly afhamed, fo that Our people are brought nearer to that Dutiful and Peaceable Deportment which becomes Chriftians and SubjtSs: Yet Ibmeare fb inde¬ fatigable in malice, asto continue and ftir up others to Diftuib that Peace and Tranquillity, which Our people may enjoy under Our Reign.- In fo much as of late, fome Traitors, Runnagates, and Fugitives, haveConvocat towards the number of eighty, with forbidden Weapons, and in unlaw¬ ful manner, near to TalaAin, in the Shire of PceWfj; And thepeople in that Coumrey, have been fo Dcfeiftive in the Duties of Loyal Subjefts, or good Countrey-men,as to negkdl giving timeous no-' tice of fuch Meetings or Aftings, either to OurCouncil, theSheriffof theShire, orthe Command¬ ers of Our Forces, who were nearefl: to them ; and this negleif of theirs being not only a breach of Duty in them, but of very bad example, and dangerous conEquence, if praftifed by others on fiich Emergments ; We therefore by Our Royal Authority and alfo in conformity to the whole courfe of Our Laws, particularly to the 144 Kydcl of the 12 Parliament King James the 6. And 7 Parliament t King James I. Do hereby ftriSly Require and Command , all the SubjeiSsand Inha¬ bitants within this Our Kingdom, whether in Burgh or Land, upon Knowledge or Information,’ that any number of men do Convocat unlawfully in Arms, or appear in company in any place, oi where any one or two of fuch, as are Declared T raitors or F ugitives from Our Laws, on T reafon- able accounts, fliall repair, that they (hall with all Diligence give Intimation therofto Our Chans cellour, and fuch others of Our Secret Council, as (hall be at Edinburgh .- As alfo, without deliy, that they give Information to any Commander of Our Forces , who (hall be neareft to the place where the faid unlawful Convocation, or fuch Traitors and Fugitives are, and to the Sheriff of the Shire, Stewart of theStewartry, Bailie of the Regality, or Magiftrates of Burrows, where the faid Meeting, or perfons appear, or are informed to be, and that within thefpace ofonehourat moft, for every three mites diftance they are at the time from Edinburgh, or from the neareft Commander of the Forces, Sheriffs, and other Magiflrates fbrefaid. And larder. We do hereby Riijuire and Command Our faids Sheriffs, Bailies, and Magiftrates, upon any fuch Information given to them, that they call together competent numbers of Our good Subjeifts, and with thefe, do exaift Diligence,- at the utmoft ot their power, to Search, feek, and Apprehend thefe who are fo met, and to prefenc them to Juftice, and to follow them until they be apprehended, or expelled out of their Jurifdnftt- G on-,1 24 K I N C ^ A M E S THE S E r E N T H on.andontheirflight,they are immediatlyto acquaint the Magiftrates of the next Shire whith an fled; who are hereby required to do the like Diligence; and fofroro Shire to Shire,until thevh hended.or expelled forth of this Realm : Andin cafe any hurtorskaithfalloutin the Purfuit ^PPf^r bending of thcfe lb unlawfully convocat,the Aftors thereof are to be free, and unpunilhed in • ''^*PP*^®* of way; With Certification, thatthele v/hoever fails in their laid relpetSive Duties, wheth'*°^ manner Magillrats, in not purfuance,orOur other Subjei9s,in not giving timeous Information within*h r forelaid, or in not riling with, and afliftingthe Magillrats in their forementioned Duties th m ® be held and repute as Difaffefted to Our Government .and Service, and as Art and Part nivers with them in their faid unlawful Defigns and Convocations, and undergo the punilli to thefe who were of the faid unlawful Convocation, by. the Laws of this Our Kingd™ ” hereby of new, Intimat to all Our Subje^s, that whoever fliall Intercommune wiTb Refer f Ihelter, or give any comfprt to any.deqlared Traitors or Fugitives ; .ortyho lhall conceal ’ Iheher any who do Copvocat in manner fqrefaid} that fuch Refetters or Alfifters fhall b’ ed agaipft, as if tjl^ey W:ete gpilty of, the ^Qr^mes .vyHereof thefe Traitors and Fugitives accqrdmg tothejuftrigorpfOur l.a'iVS. Q«,r Will is iherefore , and We Charge vou ft Command, that ineontinent, , thefe Our letters feqn, ye pafs to the iMercat.Crofs of £di>a P the whpleiWercatC,ro,abEofthe Head Burghs, 9Dd yvhole PamchKirks of .this Kingdom j places needful, and Ahetc, in O.ur Name and A^thority, by open Proclamation make “ op of Our Roy al WiH .a.nd .Pleafure in the Pr^m^s, .that nope may pretend ignorance cheartul and punflual obedience thereto; The which to do , yN.e commit to you coni’ ^*1' feverally, Qur full po^yer, by thefe O.iir Letters, DeJiyering them byyouduely execute dorfed again to the hearer. Qipea an^nr 0/tr .^ignet ^ Edinburgh, the eighth dL af !„ !„ ’ „ jittd fix hifttdred eighlj /po jiefrs, and afOur Beign, the tkrUeth apdfemhyear. AM k lame ftiall have the effei3 of aq Aa of Parliament, And ordain? the faids Afts and PmeN be put yjgofouljy ip execution, eiciamation to KXVI. A CJ CpveerBing Adjudipatiottsfior Finest Jqne 1685. UR SOYJSAIPH lP8i>. M'ifh Advice and Cpqfentpf His Ellates of Ro.r tutes and Qrda,n? , That all Adiudicatipps and App'Jyfmgs S or fines Imppfed, or to be Imppfed by His n/fifellfw Privy Counci’l Cn Jufticiary, or any other His Judges, for the Crimes of — ■ " 'ng> Concealing qf Treafpp, Cpnventicl^ Irregular.Baptifms' wf ’ Church Diforders, or Irregularities, where the Adjudication qy ComnrvfinS^ R or (hall be reftrifted to Lands, not’exceedipg the value pf the F.n« iSd® pite wuhin year and day after Deducing of the Adjudicatipn or ConiD^vfin™ peclac'd that tn cafe of Competition and Conepurfe of feveral PdigeLes witbi^“‘^ “ “ betwixt the Kiqg or His Qonator, and a_ Creditor, which hv the Law mm " year and day. King or His Donator (hall he preferr’d, and haye His ElpdiiphV His oropmTnn” 'j which the Legal (hall expire wtthm year and day, jp n,anner for^aid ; S oroDorP Jng the fnm contained m the Adjudication. And h is hereby Declared Th?f a XX vn. FIRST P A R L I A itf H -JV T.- XXVII. ACT For Securing Sea.PaJfengeri. June 2. 1685. ' UR. SovsHAiGN LokD, With Advice and Confent of His Eftates of Parliampnt. Statutes and Ordains, That all Mafters of Ships who bring Home any Paffeneer who IS not a Sea- man and of his Ship.Company, fliall at his Arrival, and bt fotc he fuffer the faids Pailtngers to depart, bring them before the neareft Magiftrat, that the faids Paf^ lengcrs may give account of themfelves, fo as to free them of all fufpition to the kM r.D fecuce them until they give fuch an account : And alio, Forbids a r.Prohibites any Mailer of any Ship, toexport any PalTenger xvhois nota Sea-man.and of their Ship-Cornpany, until he bring the faid PalTenger before the next Magiftrat, to whom they (hall give account of themfelves in manner fbrefaid, and the Mailer of the Ship (hall have a Ttftificate of hislo doing, under the faid Magiftrats Hand and Seal before whom he compears, ffor which he Ih.ill pay only half a Merk, J under the pain offuch Fines, and Perfonal Punifhment as His OUeieSfie, Pnvy Council fhall think fit toinfliS on the Mafter of any Ship, who contraveens this Law And this to continue during His Af Pleafure; XXVIII. ACT and COMMISSION Fir Pkntatioh cf Kir^t, and Fthaiton ofTeindil ' June 2. 1685. OtiASMBcrt, As His Father of ever blelTed Memory^ outof His Royal C.irc and Zeal for the Reformed Religion within this Kingdom, and the Main- tainance and Provifion of the Minillry and Churches thereof, and the Peace of the Kingdom, and for preventing and fettling all Differences that did or might arifc betwixt Titulars, and others having Right to Teinds, and Herttors concerning the Leading and Drawing of their Teinds ; And immediatly after His Attaining and Succeeding to the Crown, Gave furth and emitted His H oyal Declaration anent the Premilfes, and the other Particulars iherein-fpeciffed j And in putfuance of the ends torefaids, divers Laws and Ads of Parliament Were made in the Year of Our Lord 1633, His laid Mujejiy being then prelent in His Royal Perlbn; and fince, divers Ads of Parliament, and Commiffions have been made, given, and renewed to that purpofe,and particularly by the ij AS of the 3d Sejfion of the 2d Ptrliament oIK. Charles the Second,' His Mijtfiies Umquhile Royal Brother, of ever bleffed Memory ; And His Majefiy being refolved, and defirous to profccute fo good a Work, for the univerlal good of His Subjefts, and efpecially for the encouragement of the Minillers of the Gofpel. Therefore, His itfa/ej?)!, with Advice and Confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Gives full Power and Commtflionto His Maje/lies Officers of Ellate for the time being, and to the Arch-Bilhop ofit. d?;drtiv/, the Arch-Billiop of G/aJjaw, the Bilhopof £d»«f«t^fF, the Bifhopof the Billiopof Galhtvay, thcBilhopof J/lfr, the Bilhop of Breichtis, the biShap ol Diimhlane, the Biftiopof Aberdeen--, the Duke o( Hamiitoua, theMarquefi of DiitgUi, the Earlof£iW, the Earl of Mar/jrAa/, theEarl ofitfar, theEarlof SfratArasre, the Earl of Lrnlitl-gonr, the hsd of Stuihesk, the Earl of Ttreddale, the Earl of Sekarras^ the Lord Prefident of the Stllion, the Lord Fitmrdden, the Lord Firret, the Lord Reidfootd, the Lord Bejne, the Lord Vrumcairn^ the Lofd Bahaikie, Silt WHiamBmce of Kimofs , S\i George Lockhart of Carnroath, Sir ArcLihuld Cocldurn younger of Lanto»rr,Hiigh tFalUce ol IngHfioun Sir George Drummond of Uitn-M; Charles Murray of Hadden, Alexander Mill ot Carrin,S\[ Alexander Brnee of BroomhaB,S'irPalriek_Murraf, James Jebnfioan Provod of Glalgiiv, Mr. Kcfe'-t Writer to the Signet, Sit George Skeen Provoftof athe-deeu, fa/s/es Fletiher Burgelsof Aberdeen, John Denipfler of Fsillver-, or any Eleven of them,?to be a whereof T wo of evefy Eftate,to Meet and Conveen at ^dirdtirgh, the day of years,' and fuch other Pl.icc or Places, Times or Diets, as they fhall appoint, to value and caufe be valued wharfoever Teinds, great or final 1, Parfonage, or Vicarage within this Kingdom, which are yec unvalued ; Declaring, that where the Vicarage of any Paroch is a fevcral Benefice and Title from the Perfonage, the fame fliall he fcverally valued, to the effe£l the Titulars or Minillers ferving the Cure,liaving r'glit to theliiid Vicarage,be not frullrated of the true worth thereof, with Power to the faids Commiflioncrs, or Sueiriini fbrefaid, to' appoint Committees, or Sub-Committees of their o wn number, and to grant Sub Cjirnnilfions, and to receive Reports from them, anf to approve or dif- approve the fame as they (hall find juft, and to Reftifie wharfoever Valuations led, or to be led to 25 KING ^ A M K S THE SEVENTH the enorm prejudice of the Titulars, or the hurt and detriment of the Church, and prejudice f t, Miniftcrs Maintainance and Provifions. Providing always, Likeas it is hereby exprefly Pro° and Declared, That where Valuations are lawfully led againft all Perfons having Jntercft lowed by former Commiifions, the lame (hall not be drawn in Qutftion, nor Ekeftified upon pret of enorm lefion at the inftance of the Minifter f not being Titular, J or at the inftance of jefiies Advocat, in refpedf of His Majejlies Annuity, except it can be proven that Collufion was r j betwixt the Titulars and Heretors, or betwixt the Procurator Fifaal and the Heretots and Titul which Collufion is declared to be, when the Valuations are led with the diminution of the third pa ihe juft Rent, which diminution (hall be proven by the Parties Oath ; and with Power to the I A Commiffioners or forefaid, where Minifters are not already fufficiently Provided, orhave^"^^ Localities already adigned to them for their Stipends out of theTeinds, within the Paroch, where fervethe Cure, in fo far as the fame will amount to, according to the Quantities, Proportions Rules contained in the 19 of the Pjrbament 1633, to Modifie, Settle, and Appoint conftant L cal Stipends to each Minifler, out ofthe Teinds of the Paroch where they ferve the Cure, vv'k Power allb to the (aids CommilTioners, to grant recompence by prorogation of Tacks to* Part ^ for all Augmentations of Stipends which are granted fitice the Year 1630, or (hall be granted that effeiring to the Augmentations already granted, or to be granted, as the (aids Commifijon'” fliall think fit. And ficklike, fo di^ioyn too large and fpacious Paroches,to caufeeredi and build n Churches, to annex and dilmtmber Churches as they (hall think convenient, and to take order th every Heretor and Liferenter (lull have the leading and buying of their own Teinds, if they be will ing, according to the Rules prefcribed by the 19 A£t and Cemmijfion granted by His Majefly Confcnt of His Eftates of Parliament in ■»»»« 1633, and the Atls of Parliament therein-mentioned with Power to Determine all Queftions concerning the prices of Teinds betwixt Titulars and others having Right thereto, and the Heretors, and to appoint fuch Securities in favours of Titulars and others having Right to Teinds for their prices, to be granted to the Heretors and others lyable in payment of valued Duties, or Buy ers of the faids Teinds, and in favours of the Minifters as to their Maintainance, as the faids Commilfioners fhall think fitting, according to the Rules fet down in the faid Afl: 1633 ; And each Heretor whole Teinds belongs to Titulars of Ereflion, to have power and liberty to buy the Teinds of his own Lands, whether valued or not, within the fpaceof three years after the date of this AS : With this Dtcl.iration always, that in cafe the impediment during the time forefaid flow from the Titular by reafcm of his Minority, or other inability, in that cafe, the Heretor who offered to buy his own Teinds within the Ipace forelaid, (hall have place fo foon as the impedi¬ ment is removed to buy his Teinds, notwithftanding of the expiring of the years and fpaee after-ex- preft ; And it is Declared, That if the Heretor be Minor, and his Tutor negleS the buying of his Teinds within the forefaid fpaee, the Minor fhall have ASion for two years after his Minority, to compell the Titular to fell his faids Teinds. And generally, with Power to the faids Commiffioners to Decide, and Determine in all other points which may concern the Drawing or Leading of Teinds the Selling or Buying of the fame, or payment of the Rates thereof, contained in the former Aftsof Parliament, or fet down in the general Determination^ given out by His Mtjefiks Royal Father of blefled Memory. And if any Perfon or Perfons fhall find themfelves grieved, and complain of ’the injuftice or exorbitancy of any Decreets or Sentences given in any of the Commiflions during the tirne of the late Troubles, With Power to the faids Commiffioners to take the fame to their Confide- ration, and Alter, Annul, or Allow the faids Decreets and Sentences, as they fhall find juft. And it is always Provided and Declared, Thatthe Arch- Bifhops and Bifhops, and other Reneficed Perfons, being Minifters, and their Succeffors, fhall not be prejudged of the Rents whereof their Predeceflbrs were in aflual and real PoflTeffion, and which by the Laws of the Kingdom were due to them in Mtim 1 537, or whereof they are prefently in Pofleffion j And that they (hall be no further bound, but according to the Provifions and Conditions expreft in the Submiffions made by the Bilhops to His Majejlks Royal Father, of bleftfed Memory, of the Date the day of I (5 2 8 years, and Regiftrat in the Books of Commiffion for Surrenders and Teinds, upon the Fifteenth of "julji 1631. And whereas it may fallout, that fome of the faids Commiffioners may be un¬ able to attend the Service, through Death, Sicknefs, orother known Impediment, Theesforj, His tMajejiy Declares, That He fhall be careful to fill their places with other Perfons qualified, whole Oaths (for faithful difobarging of the fame ) fhall be taken by the Lord Chancellor, or in his abfence, by the Lord Prefident of the Commiffion for the time. And Ordains this prefent Commiffion to en- dure ay and while the fame be difeharged by His Mijejty, and the Afts, Decreets, and Sentences thereof, to have the force, ftrength, and effeft of a Decreet or Sentence of Parliament, and the Lords of Seffion to grant Letters of Horning, Poynding, and other neceffars to be direft upon the faids Decreets and Sentences in manner contained in the fbrefaids Commiffions. And His Majejiy, With Confent forefaid, hereby Dilcharges all former Commiifions, Declaring the fame to be expired. XXIX. ACT FIRST P A R L I 4 M E N T. ■7 XXIX. ACT Comernitig Ciuiiout htftrt Circuit Courts. June 2. 1685. Advice and Conlent ol the Eftates of v hereby Rat.fieand Approve the pradice of the Circuit Courts in c tin. Treafon, upon Porteous Rolls by Meffeneers or Sherifflffi ^ ,»= - Heraulds or Purfevants, which LaufroT he Circu^ft ^^ K Sf.S'SlS'' •«! W,«fc .b. S„i'» Lu'taS, ” XXX, act Approving the Ntrrative of the Plot, June 4. 1685. U R Sov erIios Lord , with Advice and Confent of His Eftates of D, r Having Read, Seen and Confidered a Narrative of the late horrid inhnifn racy by that Execrable Traitor, MlA Cenrphel, fometLe Earl of^Z*^ others and the Papers Ciphers, and Inftruftions whereon the fame is founded They Do Find and Declare, that there has been a pernicious and treacherous ci’ e u earned on by him and others; And they Th.r.por, Approve tK^ covery of the faid Plot , by the extraordinary Pams, Exaflnefs and Induftry of the Lords of Secret Committee; Together with the Narrative Drawn and Printed by Authority of the Lo S of His Majepes Privy Council, as good and acceptable Service done by them for the Security of Hi! Sacred Uyefy, and this His ancient Kingdom. ^ ^ nis X X X L ■ACT for Security of the Offeers of Slate tttd others.- June 4, idSj. ^^UR SoviRAtoN Lord, Confidering the great and acceptable Services done to His AfaS \jelij by the Secret Committee, His Otiajemes Privy Council , and His other Tudires Ja S Officers; And being defireous to Secure them for their Aftings and Omiffions in His Ma, * jefties Service, in moft ample Form; Doth therefore , with Advice and Confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Indemmfie and Secure all and every one of His Majefies prefent Officers of State, the Members of the Secret Committee, Lords of the Privy Council, and all H\s tAtaMiej Judges, both Civil and Criminal, the Officers of the Atmy, and all others who have Afledby His Uyeftics Commiffions, or by Commiffion from His Privy Council, againft all Purfuits or Comv plaints that can be raifed againft them any manner of way, for their Aftingsin His Atyejlies Ser¬ vice : As likewife for their Omiffions, and wherein they have fallen fhort of their Duty, and that as fully as if every particular Crime or Mifdemeanour were particularly fpecified in a Remiffion under His MyeSHts Great Seal, or contained in an AS of Indemnity; Requiring all His Maje/f;e/ Judges to Interpret this Indemnity in the moft ample and favourable Senfe , as they will be an- fwerable. H XXXIL’ jS KING ^AMES triE SEVENTEI XXXH. act Concerning the MUMk. June 4. i68j. SoVbraign Lorb, with Confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Confidering th g it may contribute for the eafe of the people , to have the ordinary Rendezvouzes of litia Difcharged, unlefi extraordinary occafions (fiould otherwife require ; Th soKR they Difcharge all Rendezvouzes of the Militiaintimecoming, duringHisw' jejliei Royal Pleafure; and until His Pleafure be fo Declared, that no Leadets,nor Affifters (hall ^ lyable for furnilliing, and contributing to buy or maintain ^dorfe or Foot on that account- And they Recommend to the Secret Council to take fuch courfes for difpofing of the Militia Arms in th'^ refpeaive Shires, as fhal] feem moft expedient for His Majejiks Service ; But prejudice alwayes tf the continuance of the former, and prelent Conflitution of the Militia, during the ptefent Rebellion xxxin. Act for Security of the Records, June 4. 1685. R Sov E R /I Vw it is to the 1 lion fl'all think fit. fliall excufe them and prefervation of the RAioK Lord, and Eflatesof Parliament, Confidering ofhow great Importanr at Lcidges, That the Records and Regifters be fecurely Keeped; Do ther * foreordain, That all Clerks within the Kingdom, who keepfuch Regifters as are % have been in ufe to be delivered into the Clerk Regifter,to be prefervedinHisM' Gcnciai Kegilter-houfe, fliall give in all their Regifters and Books preceeding the firft of 1675- -beioic the firft of NovemLer 1685. To be keeped by the Clerk of Regifter; And th t hereafter they fliall keep only ten years Records in their own hands, for the ufe of the Leidp«- With Certification, that thefe who failzies, (hall incur fuch pains and penalties as the Lords of Sef n,.!i .w,n\r fir And it is hereby Declared, That no privat Grant made by any Clerk Revifter" from obedience to this Aft, which tends fo much to the fecurity ofthe oeode’ : the Records, t'-upicj XXXIV. A C Tfor ¥ oil- Money', June 4. i68y. JUR ScYBRAioN Lord, with Confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Or^ , dams , that for relief of Heretors, and others lyable in the Supply, Granted to His With ^ by this prefent Parliament, that their Vaffals who pay no part of the Cefi ; and alfo their T- “"'‘hand th«r VaHals Tennents, Sub-tennents , and others living upon their Land fhall be Taxed.and pay in to the finds Heretors yearly, during the faid Supply, the fums of Money followine; Eac.i Gentleman, above the quality of a Tennent, a proportion to be appointed by the Here- tor not exceeding fix pounds Scots yearly for himfelf, his Wife and Children; Each Tennent: and other Inhabitant, above the quality ofa Tradef-man or Cottar, a proportion not exceeding four pounds for themfelves, their Wives and Children: And each Tradefman, Cottar or Servant” a proportion not exceeding twenty fhilhng Scots yearly for themfelves, their Wives and Children 5 h • Heretors fhall have the fame execution for rai&g of the faids fums, as for ^xxyi P I R S T P ARL 1 X U E NT, t9 XXXV. ACT aMent Mejfengtrs Fees. June 4. 1685. I UR. SovERAiGN Lord, with Afiviz-c .,r,A s' r r , 1 Statute and Ordain, That it ftallbe in the Parliament,’ lies of Regalities, Juftices of P^ce and K within whofe bounds any Legal Dih’eences ’''■Jf'O'w, Charges craved by Meff^ger^ for l of ^ ,, - lefiies Leidges upon the Complaint of the Parties ^ciA^r^ff' ""."y “f His M.<- ideffengers were Imployed. for, or agatnft whom the XXX vr, Jomelime Bar/ s/Argile. '-ampoi.i, June II. 1585. Acit Confideratioti he great happmefs conltrred on this Nation by Almighty ttfted r “""y Ages Governed and Pro- Kdted by a long and continud Succeffion of Glorious and Juft Monarchs, and when they had very juft reafonto expeft a fur¬ ther continuance and increafs in this happinefs , from the .an Ipicious EntryofYour Sacred UajeBj to the Poffeffion of Your undoubted Right , and from your extraordinary Tultice , Pru- fl Conduft, They cannot but with horror re- Heift on the unparalelledTreachery ofthat Heredtary and Arch. Traitor, Archibald Campkl, late Earl of Argile, who after that Our late Merciful King had reftored His Family, notwithftan- ding It had been guilty of a dreadful traft of Rebellion, Blood- lned,andOppreflion,and had raifed it to a greater Luftre and E- ftatethan ever it had formerly arrived at. Yet he did imploy that Power the King had invefted him with, to fupport that Traite- rous and Fanatical party, and to opprefs all who had ferved the King againft His Father in the late Rebellion; And being more led by the inveterat Treachery, in which he had been educated then remembring the great favours fo undefetvedly beftowed upon him, he committed thefe Crimes for which he was juftly forefaulted ; And in proftcution of them, he has at laft abfolutely pluckt off the mask, by Invading this Your My?/er ancient Kingdom, and his own Native Countrey, and by endeavouring to deflime in a publick Proclamation, the late King and Your Sacred Majcfly, Robbing and fpoiling fuch Innocent and Loyal men as would not joyn with him, and aflbeiating to him thefe barbarous Mifereants, who did undertake to affalTinat Your and Your Royal Brother , as Rimhold the Maltfter, now paffing by the Name of Bonis, who at the Ry was to have committed the faid horrid Aflallination ; Thefe alfo who aftually murdered Jams late Arch-bilhop of St, Andrews, as :foh» Balfour of Kintoch, George Fleming in Balbiitky, and thefe other Affifflns who have rendered almoft every mans life unfecure .- From all which juft Refentments We judged it our Duty in all humility, to Addrefs to Your moft Sacied tAaJefty, and with all ear- neftnefs to Implore , thu the Md Archibald Camphel , hate Earl of that execrable Traitor, fliould be for ever fecluded from Your Majeflies favour, and that Your Majefj would be plcafed to Declare, that he, his Family, and the Heretors, Ring-leaders and Preachers who have joyned with him'in this Rebellion, fhould be for ever Declared uncapable of Mercy, and bearing any Ho¬ nours , or enjoying any Eftate within this Kingdom , and to Difcharge under all higheft pains , all '^'our Majefiies good Subjeffs to interceed for him or them, any manner of way ; And that all fuch as fliall interpole for their Reftauration , fliall incur the pain of Treafon ; and that Your Maje. would be pleafedin Your Royal Prudence, to Inquire who have been the Affiflcrs and Abat. ers , either at home or abroad, of this Tteafonable Invafion, by which Your MajeUiet Govern- H t> sient KING f A M E s THE SEVENTH 3° mcnt has been fo highly injured, and maliciouny arraigned, and this your Kingdom , foDidnrl, ed and Harrafled ; to the end Your may Declare Your high Difpleafure againft the”' and every one of them, to the Terror and Example of others ; In Return of all which, We th’ hftatcsof this Your Majesties ancient Kingdom, Do hereby mod Cordially and Sincerely OfF^ ■with our Lives and Fortunes , to affill Your Myefty againft; this, and all other Traitours, their Ad¬ herents and Aflbeiats. X X XVII. ACT for the Clergy, June 13. 1685. URScvbraioh Lord, Confidering how juft and neceffatv it is, and how much it imports the honour of His Government' That the perfonsofthe Arch-Bifhops and Bilhops, and all other’ the Orthodox and Loyal Clergy, be protefled from the Sacri* legious Afliiults, Violence, Outrages and Aflafiinations of Pa" natical , Impious and Bloody- men, who to the fcandal of Re' ligion and Humanity, do maintain the pernicious and horrid Principles of Rebellion, Violence, Murther and Affaffination and to praflife accordingly 5 Doth with Advice and Confent of His Eftates in Parliament, Not only Ratifie and Confirm all former Laws and Ads ofParliament, made for the iJecuri. ty of the perfons of the Clergy, particularly the fifth A6f fifft SeJJion, fecond Parliament, Charles the 6'econd ; Fourth AB fecond Sejfion, fecond Parliament, Charles the Second- And fifteenth AS, third Padiament, Charles the Yecond. But further. His Sacred Myefiy fromUis iuft abhorrence ofi and Indignation againft all fuch horrid and inhumane Principles and Pradices D«h with Advice and Conlent forefaid , of new, 6'tatute and Ordain , That whatfoever perfon or peri fons fliall be found guilty of Aflaulting the Lives of Bilhops, or other Minifters, or ofinvading or Jfobbing their Houfes, oradually attempting the fame, fhall bepunifhed with Death, and the Con. fifcaiion of all their Goods; And if any regular Minifter fhall happen to be Aflaffinated or Mur" thered, the Parochioners of that Paroch wherein he is Aflaffinated , ffiall pay fuch fums as thePri" vy Council fhall determine ; which hum fhall be beftow'ed to the ufe and behove of the Wife and Children of the faid Minifter , at the fight of the Privy Council ; and if he hath neither Wife nor Children, It is hereby Declared to belong to the neareft of the faid Minifters Kindred; and the Legal and Conform Parochioners are to have relief, and to be Re-imburfed by the None- conform Parochioners, or others, who Qiall be proven to have had acceffion thereunto at the light of the Privy Council. And the Eftates of Parliament make their humble Addrefs to’His Ma- jeSy, for conferring a competent encouragement and Reward to fuch perfons as fhall make effe- flual Difcovencs, or ffiall apprehend any whocommit any of the violences forefaid, eiiherupon Bii ffiops , or Minifters in their perfons or goods refipeftively ; and ifthere (hall (happen any Slaughter" or Mutilation to be committed in apprehending fuch perfons; His Majejly with Confent fore- find , Doth hereby Indemnifie the perfons Imployed , and all fuch as (hall affift in apprehen-' ding of ihein 5 and Dcclarcth them free of all (jueftion or trouble for the fame , in all time there- after. And His Sacred Majefly being firmly Refolved to Conferve and Maintain the Church in the pre- fent Stme and Government thereof, by Arch-biffiops and Bifliops, and not to endure, nor Connive at any Derogation from, or Violation of it ; Doth therefore, with Advice and Confent of His E- ftates Aftembled in this Parliament, Ratifie, Approve and Confirm all former Laws and Aifts of Par- liament made and paffied in the Reigns of His Royal Grand-father, King James the Sixth, His Roy¬ al Father King Charles the Firft, and Royal Brother King Charles the Second of Glorious, Memo- ries R eftoring the Church to us ancient and right Government by Arch-biChops and Biffiops, and Redintegrating the Eftateof Biffiops to the Exercife of their Epifcopal Funffion ; and to all the Priviledges, Immunities, Dignities , Jurifdiftions and PolTeffions which was enjoyed by , or r n Kingdom vvas due to their PrcdecefTors , in the year 1637. And Ordainsthem o an m full force , as publick Laws of the Kingdom, and to be put in execution in all points, con orm to the Tenor thereof, as if they were herein all (pecially repeated and exprefled : And in purluance of His tMajefiies Royal Refolution therein , His Majejly with Advice forefaid. Doth re- i it ^ \£ recommend to all His MiniftersofState, Lords ofHisPrivvr™m^-i . , , giftrats to take the Perfons and Interefts of the Loyal aL OrthodovTl M.i- Care and Proteaion; That all Laws, Afts and Statutes made in 'heir fpecial and ready obedience from all His Majep ies Subjefts'. ® ^ 'heir favours, may receive due X X X V 1 1 L ACT Comrmn^ the Rc^ijly,tio„ of Writs i„the Booh ofSepoH, June 13, i6Sy. jUR SovERAioN Lord, With Advice and Confent of the Fftarrs nl o, i- ment, Confidering, That there have been in dt x °"i P^du- Officesof the Ordfnary Cle k of Seffio^ "XLT he of .hofo Ofa. i. ..Uj, ^ ^ There PORE Statutes and Ordains, That there be only th:ee Officefof Ordinary Clerks of Seffion in tune coming, and that thereV no moe t hen two Perfons conpyned in each of thefe Offices, which lhalL remain inrii n the lull extent thereof, without Alteration, Divifion, or DiiinembeiRtion of any part of the fame. And Statutes and Declares That rhev ■,« n 1 ? to the Seffion, and their Succeffors have the only Right to be clerks a's De* puts to the Lord Regifler, to all Procefleswhich are competent before the Lords of Seffion and r h Regiftratin? and Extiaaifig of all Writs Regiftrat in the Books of Council and Seffion and’ have riebr to all Priviledges,P rofites and Emoluments, whereof the faids Clerks ire in Foircffion: And for the b fecaring of the Leidges, both as to the Regiftration and Prefervation of Principal Writs Statuten''^d Ordains, That the Clerks of the Seffion keep an exaift Regifter a part in every one of their Offices f Regiftration of all W rics, and that they appoint one or two fit, diligent, and faithful Perfons in cveJ’v Office, to receive in the Writs given into be Regiftrat, from whom they are to take Caution for their Regiftrating, Recording, and fife Preferving of thefe Writs, And A ppoints, That there fhall be two Minut-Books kept in every Office, in the One whereof there fhall be fet down the Title of Writs oiven in to be Regiftrat, the Name of the Giver in, and the Date of the ingiving , which is to be fubfenbed bytheCleth, or his Subftituts foiefaids, and all Writs fo given in, fhall be booked within the fpace of one year after the ingiring ; and if any Party, or one employed by him, (hall defile up a Writ mven in ' within the fpace ofSixMoneths after its ingiving, then the Title of the Writ, the name of the Party” and the Date of both ingiving and outgiving of the faid Writ fhall be infert in the other Minut-Book and be fubferibed by the Receiver thereof, that as the one Minnt-Book doeth C harge, (o the othec Minut-Book may Difchatge the Clerk of fuch Writs, And that no Writ given in, fhall be taken out after the fame is Booked; And the Clei k< are to begin the foiefaid Method of the faids two Minut- Books, from the fiift day of yffwjKff next enfuing; And when the time comes that thefe Regifteisare to be given in to the General Regifter Houfe, the two Minut-Books areliktvvife to be given inwith them fubferibed by the Clerk , And the Deput appointed by the Lord Regifter for keeping ot the faids Regifters, (hall fubferibe other Doubles of the faids Minut-Books, which are to keeped by the Clerks for Information of the Leidges in their Offices. And the Clerk of Regifter, or his Deput, are hereby Ordained to keep all Principal Wilts in a fecure Room, diftindt from the Room where the Regifters are keeped : As alfo. Further Ordains the Clerk of Regifter once in the year to vifite the Regifters in eve¬ ry Chamber, ashefhallbeanfwerable. And becaufe many Writs arc Regiftrat incompetently outwiifi the JuriWiftion, to the great prejudice of the Leidges, ( fuch Regiftrations being void and null, and confequently all Execution following thereupon, j T h e r e r or e , Statutes and Ordains, That no Clerk of Inferior Court for thefuta.e,ptefume to Reg.ftratany Writs in his Books, either for Confervation, or where Execution is to pafs againft any Party that dwells without the Jurifdiflion, under the pain of De¬ privation, and of Five Hundred Merks of Penalty, theone half to His A/a;f,?y, and the other kill to the Patty Purfuer. Likeas, His Majefiy, with Confent lorefaid. Ratifies and Approves the Gifts otanted by the Clerk Regifter to the prefent Ordinary Clerks of Seffion, of their telpeflive Offices, in the whole Heads, Tenors, and Contents of the fame ; Declaring thele Ptefentstobe as effcaual, as it the faids Gilts were verbatim here infert. And in refpeft that by this Aift, there isa great addition to the Clerk Regifter his Care and Trouble, as well as to the Peoples Security . THfREfORo, ItisOr- dained ” That°there ihill be Twenty Shilling Scots payed to the Clerk Regifter in place ot the Merk for¬ merly paved to him and his Predeceffors for eacli Subfeription.^ J XXXIX. ACT KING ^AMES the SEVENTH ChttrU^ 2 coming. XXXIX. <~ACT In Pivours tffUnttrs, nnd Incloftri tf Ground. June ij. i(58j. UR SovBSAtcN Lord, With Advice and Confent of the Eftates of this fcnt Parliament, for the Encouragement of Inclofing of Ground and Plan^"^'* of Trees, Does Ratifieand Approve all former Lawsand Aflsof Parliam*"® made in favours of Inclofets of Ground and Planters of Trees and panic I ^ Jytlie4i ACi, Parl.i. Chorles i. Intituled, ^tdferPUminfandlmfr of Ground. And becaufe the tirte Ptefcribed in the faid Aft is now elaoW They Statute and Ordain, Thatthewhole Heads contained inthe faid Aa be obfeived for the fpace of Nineteen Years next to come, Commencino <, ■ the Date hereof. And Likewife, Ratifies and Approres the 17 j? Intituled, AB for Incloftngof Ground. And Ordains the fame to be obferved in^ll^r '*' And further, Statutes and Ordains, That hereafter no Perfon fhall Cut, Break or Pull * any Tree, orpiel the Barkof any Tree, under the pain of Ten Pounds Scots for each Tree’ within T ^ Years old, and Twenty Pounds Jcc/r for each Tree that is above the faid Age of Ten Years and V** the HaversorUfersof the Timberofany Tfeethatlhall befoClit, Broken, orPulledup ftal] h * I ' able to thefame Penalty, except hecan produce the Perldn from wliom hcgot it, andifthe Perfo * R fhallbe foconvifled be not able to pay the Fine, then he ihall be decerned to Wofk a Day foteach h w Merk contained in the faid Fine to the Herttorwhofc Planting fhall be fo Cut Of Broken: Aslikeu/Y Statutes and Ordains, That no Perfon fhall breakdown 01 fill up any Ditch, Hedge, orDike wh * by Ground is Inclofed, and fliall not leap 01 fuffer their Horfe, Nolt, or Sheep to go over any d 'T Hedge, ot Dike, under the pain of Ten Pounds totics^uotits, the hall whereof to beapsl j to the Heretor, and the other half for the Mending and Repairing of Bridges and HVhwavs - the Paroch at the light of the Sheriff, Stewart, or Juftices of Peace btloiewhom the Contrav«r..l‘I fhall be purfued, ' y«nirav«net» XL. Act of Annexation of the Of ices hetonging to the late Earl of Algile, Junerd. i68y. HR Sov E RA I ON Lord, With Advice and Confent of the .Eftates of Parlia¬ ment, t onfidering how dangerous it hath always been to the Peace and Quiet ofthis Kingdom, tobeftow too many Heretable Jurifdiaions, Offices, and Supei ionties upon any of His Ji^4;'c/?/fiSubjeas,livingin theremotHioh-lands and that by fuch helps as thele, the Family of Argiledid ia the lart°Age as well as this, commit, and maintain their Execrable Treafons, and opprefs and enflave His OHajellies faithful and Loyal Subjefls, and that the Jurifdiflions Othces, Superiorities, and Cenftabularies after-fpecified are now iailes in His j -A . / f^ojellies hmds, by the Sentence and Doom of Forfanlture given and pro¬ nounced againft Archibald CamfhelhK Earl of trgile, by the Commiffioners of Jufticiary, upon the I-I • A Thehefori, His Majefly, with Confent lorefaid. Do Unite, Annex, and Incorporat to His Crown of this His Ancient Kingdom, to remain infeparably with the fame in all time coming, the Offices of Juftice General of all the Ifles of Scoiland, excep t Or h/ey and fetland, of the Shires of Argrle and T nrkt,zad of all the remanent Lands and t ftate belonging to the faid ate Earl in Scotland the Heretable Lievetenandiy of Argileind Tarhet Shire!,the Heretabl? Chamber- lainry 0 both thefe Shires, the Office of ^ dmirality of all the Lands belonging to him the faid Archibald Camphel the Ri^ght of the Commiftanotinfo far as it belong'dto thelateEarl, the Office of the Kings Mafter-Houlhold within the Heretable Shenff-ftiipof Argile and TarhetShhes, the Heretable Crownerfhip, and Toihdonch, or Mayorfliip in thefe Shires, asallo that half of the Cafualities be¬ longing to the King and ^ince formerly difpon’d by His Majeffyand His Predeceftbrs to the Ear! of Argile and his Predeceftbrs, The half of the Wairds, Releifs, Marriages, Non-Encrifs, Ef- r all Calnalities whatfoever belonging to the King and Prince within the faids Snircs ; And fickhke, the Patronage of all Kirks and Prebandries which any raaoner of way did belong to the faid late Earl and his Predeceftbrs , Aod inlike manner, the Conftabularies.ofthe Caftles otCraignijh, Tarhet, Garrick, Dunine, Swincj and Dun jl a fnige, with the Profits, Rents, and Emo¬ luments first parliament. - as laments belonging thereto, As slfo, the Superiorities of jII and i udoi Bre^j-A'ii,», Lotd L, vat, fohn M’UodolHmti, the Hciii of (he j)finAld M^donaldoi Moydart^ of the Laird of i ' of MHeanoiTorlosk^ Heretoisholdinr of thelate Fail T'/V^V, of the Lands belonging CO the Lairds o^Calder LochtAfl krW u M‘aUllcrotfarl,at, M?ucSttL Nu.canol Ll ^rlrV, LochtttH, together with the Superiority of the But°h Til,, . i I n ^"<1 Caftle, and Parks of I«.er4/Declar1ng Z fhe ieralhrhe7e;f part of the faids Lands, and every Patronaoe were oai r mlarh/ ^ be as firfficrent. as if each Annexation is afferacd with ail the Conditions and Pmvifions/s j prefent and Diflblution mentioned and .Xpreft in the former Aft of Patliami’nr'^A °* Alienation LandJoffheEadofr-trr^, LotdMchiB, the Crown the X L f. ACT txtkririg tht GreetiUnJ.Tifhing to it stJUMufaCltr)} June itf. ifigj. V ** * 'L*' f With Confent of His Eftates of Parliament, ConfiderinS the 5f«t Advantage which may accrewto this Kingdom by encosraging the Grtenlani-ri^i Mf Sums of Money will be kept within theKingdom,and by the export otOW afd Whale-bone conliderable Sums of Money brought into the Kingdom. Do therefore De- dlare the c?r«»/4»4f-.F/yJ/»^ an Manufarftory, and to havcall the Priviledees and Immiini* ties made m favours of any other Manufadlory. or Fifhins-C ompany , And that all Ail or DrinrnJi BeermadeUfebytheShrpstobefenttoCrecflW, and an Butt of Brandy for each Ship yearlv (iiall ha freefroiti Excife,- Iippofitipn,' Cuftom, or any Duei whatloever. And the Grt^ntaad-Fifhine btino mneh prejndged by the importing of Forrajgn Soap,otWhalebone,theCnftomers quitting theone half of the Ddty impofed by Aftof Parliament upon. Imported, Soap. Dotherelore, ezpredv Prohihire anj Difchare'ethe Fermotersof His MairtUK Cnnatr, aM* nt ka*« XL If. MCT of AtiKtxtlioH of fiverat Latidt It the Crotett!, June 1 6. 1685’. ^tlR SoviRAioN Loro, and Eflates of; Parliament J Conli'- dering that the.Traitprs after-mentioned, havp of late been Forea faulted upon Proeefles of Treafon, Intented at the Indance of Sir George M‘ke«zie, His Majeflies Advocat, againft them, both before the high Court of Parliament, and . the Qommiffioners of Jpfticiary (viz) Sir John Cochran ofOchillry, Sit Patrick. Hdme of Polwart, Thomas Stenart of CuUneff, Pringle qfTpr^ woodlte, George late Lord oMelvil, David, Montgomery of Lain- piaw. Sir Hugh Campbel of Cefhock,: Sir George Cawpfe/ younger tf Cejhock, Mr. Robert Marlin, fbfnttime Clerk to the Juftice-Court,' fK-a/terlate Earl of Tarras,' Mr. Robert Bailie p( ferrifipood. The- mas Kenedy pf Qrapge, Porterfield of Duchal^ Mr i^ilti- am and Alexander Giirdmt, hte of Barlfioiiti elder and younger,’! , . ■ , James GorddnyouDgetofCralghen: And His aMaje^y and Edatis. of Parliament , being defirpus to Annex the whole Lands, Bartonies, Teinds, Arlnualrentf, Routns, Poffeffions, Milns, Woods, Fifbingsantl others, which perrained to the fore-named perfons, any manner of way, to the Crown , for the better Supporting the Dignity of His Royal Edate, and the exp'enfes of His Government : His caKa/e/f/.Docstheieforc,' with Adviceand Confcntfbrefaid,'. Is Ra» 34 KING A M n S THE SEVENTH Ra'-ificand Confirm the fiids Decreets of Forefaulture j And Ordains the fame to be of full f fitength, and efFcd in all time coming , holding and willing this thc-ir Ratification to be as f ent and eireftual , as if the faids Decreets, and whole Tenors thereof were infert herein a j c ' ther, His with Confent fbrefaid, Doth Unite, Annex and Incorporat to His Crown fv* His ancient Kingdom, to remain inleparably therewith in all time coming, all and wl'\f Lands, Lordfliips, Baronies, Herctages, R.ouras, Polfelfions, Milns, Woods, Filhinas bttedings, Ttinds, Annualrcnts, Patronages, Wodfets, expired Appryfings and Adjudic t' Caifks, Towers, Fortalices, Houfes, Riggings, Yairds, Orchyairdsj Annexis, Connexis nents, Goods and Aikers, and all other Heretages, Lands and Eftates whatfomever, pertainin belonging to the fore- named ptrfons, Rebels and Traitors above-mentioned, or any of the ^ K whatfomever manner of way. Right or Tide, and wherein they, or any of them, have be™’ might have been in Poffelfion, or to which they, or any of them have fucceeded, or may fur”’ ? as Keprefirnting any perfon,and where the fame ly within this Realm, of whatfomever Name "T I Bounding, or Dciignation the lame be of, Difpenling with the fbrefaid generality 5 And D* 1 ’ ing the lame to be as fufficient, as if every particular, Roum, Land or Barony pertaining t fore-named, fcrefaulted Rebels and Traitors, or any of them , and, which can any manner of' fall under their Forefaultries, were herein particularly conddeended on and expreft; Ando larly , but prejudice of the forefaid Generality, the Lands, Baronies, and others after-mentio which formerly pertained to thefe of the faids Traitors after-named, The Lands and Baro ” ' Othihrf, the Lands and Barony of A, the Lands of Cfo/wcrf/ft/tw, the Lands offC/wJ'^ and F I, wnjioiw, the Lands Cr^lgwan, The Lands of irOiKsf/w/w, Beaches, the Lands of Gree/S and the Superiorities and Feu-dutits of the twenty pound Land of Cartel, all lying within the Sh riffdomof Air, with the whole Pertinents thereof, which pertained to the faid Sir Join Codra» time of o.hilirie^ The Lands and Barony oftchari, the Lands and Barony of Creenkrr with the Rights of Patronages, and whole Pertinents thereof, and Lands of ’ pertaining to the faid Sir P«trrV4 fometime of Within the Sheriffdom of terreickh The Lands and Barony of CHltmfs, lying within the She dom of Lamrkh And tlie Lands of North- Bermck, lying within the Conftabulary oCHaddm^' which pertained to the fiiid Thomas Stuiart, fometime of Cisitnefs The Lands and Baronv o' t”’ KO'dlie, with the Pertinents thereof, lying within the Lordlhip oi Ettrkk-Forreh and SheriffH^' of Seth, k fometime pertaining to the faid Pringle oilorTroodUe 5 The Lands, Lordlhio and Baror,)' of il/ery rnad, comprehending the Lands, Patronages, and Baronies mentioned in the Infpfr ments thereof ly ing within the Sheriffdom ofFrfe, and particularly, comprehending the Lands and Baronies of and Balrreirse, fometime pertaining to the faid George Lord Mehit ■ The r=n meik Land of Lamjhurp, and Teinds thereof, the ten merk Land of Kirkbryd, with the Miln and Pertinents, the five pound Land of Milnftoiw-fleet, the five merk Land of Over and Nether Peacori Pertinents, with the Tower and Fortalice, called CafiMurt and Lands of Erockhomer, all lying within the Bailiary of Cunningham, and i'heriffdom of Air. the Lands of extendmg to a three merk Land, with the Teinds and Pertinents, lying within the formerly pertaining to the fatd David Montgomery .^fometime of wirh'^ffT *he Lands and Barony of Ce/w^ and Ga/fo»» nfr ti ‘^nd 1 ertinents, the Lands and Barony of Bair, the Lands and Baronv all lying within the Sherifidora of ^/r and the Lani^of Newhal, lying within the Sheriffdom of Fife, formerly pertaining to the faid Sir fometime of Cr>r4r ^ TheLands and B^ny ofiugh^^^St 0 Ihnitkjhicls, lying within the Shire of Roxburgh, the Lands of Robertoun ^d Howcleuch-miln W wthe Sheriffdom of Selkirk., the Lands and Steedings oo" Zl I ^ *t j ^ ajfock, Taniemher and Glenderig, lying in Eskaldemnire the Lands of Uatenlan, Hichchefter, and Borthmckwalls, lying in the ^hliSof formery pertaining to the raid Walter, fometime Earl of J5 ®tL LndsS^^^ Lands and Barony of MdkrjZnltZVm of Cairhk and Sheriffdo^'^^f 4" ^^retable Office of Bailiary of M onkiand, lying within the Bailiary ftoun, lying within Alexander Gordons, late ofZ/e- Lardsa7®BaZ!^oS7,7 of Kirkcudbright re/peffive; The orcrahlarv toeerher wirh'^all nrlf pertaining to the laid 6" younger orasgiaro, together with all other Lands, Teinds and Rights whatfomever; belonging to the Re- manent manent of the faids Traitors, or to all or any of them or whereof thr which they might have fiicceeded any manner of way with all Land« T "I or to Towers, Fottahces, Milns, Multures, Filhings, Annualrents, Reverfiom ‘"pi Temd^ Perfonagesand Viccarages, and all and whatfomevcr Mines of Odd ot K'rks and other Minerals w.thm the forefaid bounds, and belonging to the faids Fotef mUcd Trc’, other Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents, Cafualities. Priviled,.. '^"hall other Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents, Cafualities, Privilcdges Turifdiair,nroffi"'“'*’ a'"""-'’*' whatforaever, pertaining to the fame : All which, His Maicllv with f ’ and Annex to His Crown . Declaring the Generality 3d o be^c f effea forefaid, as if each Part, Parcel and Pertinents of the fiids Lands d viledges and others belonging^o the faids Traitorr o any of P^'^^ages. Pri- fe®on, were herein exprea. And it is Statute and Ked Thu tS7°‘df^ wereiuPof- ronies, Temds and others refpeSiv'e above-mentioned Annexed to thi^r ^ Ba-, ftiall remain therewith in all Le-coming, And that Ihe t^^^Aerrof'^airnm may not be given away inFee and Heretage, norin Frank, Tenement Liferent Penfmn "u' except for the full Duty, which may be gotten from, and payed by the Temunts n h ’ ^ manner of Alienation, Right or Difpofition whatfomever, tUny perfon or oeS " Eftate, Degree, or Quality they be. without Advice, Decreet a'lid Dehhell m^ hament, and for Great Weighty and Reafonable Caufcs, concernina the ^00^ w^lf Intereftofthe whole Kingdom; Firft tobepropofed and to be Ad, and confidered by the Eftates’re fefJrT, before any prtious Gnnt Rilt made or done by His DKayr/i, or hI Succeifors, concerning the D.f^ofit In trf tKid ' & fey’s. Barcnies and others, or any part thereof, which may any waves ptedetermlnV/v ^ u Eftates of Parliarpent and prejudge the freedom of their Delibemtiol andCOTfent A t^if atan® time hereafter it feall be thought fit to Difpone, or Grant any Right of any pa t If the Ms L ‘ dT Superiorities, Offices. Teinds and others ; It is Declared, Thu the geleml Narratit of lond rnnfilT ’ Confiderations, feall notbe fufficient 5 But the particular Caufef and Confiderations, whereupon His and His Succeifors may be Induced to gram and he R. fd rFr h T ‘ ^’8hts, are to beexpreffed, that it ma'y appear that the Lels not Craift- ed through ImpoMunity, ornpon privat fuggeftions or pretences, but for True, [uft, and Reafol able Caufts and Confiderations of publick Concernment. And further, It is Declared Thatifnn,, ra"nr‘n^d''th“^K""""’ “fHis^y^er Property, feall be made atlnytMh^rJt Ll^dL t and Annexed, feall not be underftood to fall, or be compre- h n d under the fame.- And ifthe faids Lands, and others forefaid, or any part thereof feaU be Annalziedor Dilponed, or any Right of the fame feall be Granted otherwife then is Appofeted and Ordained m manner above-mentioned. His Majefiy with Confent forefaid. Doth Stuute and De¬ clare, ThatalIDifpofinons,lnfeftmems, and other Rights of the faids Lands., and others forefaid ' or any part thereof, which feall be Granted contrary to this prefent Aft, with all Aas of Dillolu- tion and Ratification, and other Afts of Parliament concerning the fame, feall be from the begin ning, and in all tirne-commg void and null, and of no effeft ; and notwithftnnding thereof It fea 1 be lawful to Our Soveraign Lord, and His Succeffors for the time, to take back and recdve at their Pleafure.for their own ufe.without any Procefs of Law, the Lands and others above Annex¬ ed. or any part thereof, which feall be Annalzied.or Dilponed.and thefe in whofe favours any fuch Rights, or Ahenauons feall be made, feall be accomptable for, and lyable to refound and pay all Profits Intromiffion, or Benefit taken, uplifted, or enjoyed by them, in the mean tiL!' other Claufes, Articles and Provifions, contained in any former Aft or Adts of Annexation, to the advantage of His UUaje^j and His Crown, are, and feall be holden’ as repeated , and infert herein : But it is hereby always Declared, that if any ofthe faids Lands hold’ of a Sub-altern Vaffal, That it feall be Lawful to His Majefiy to prefent a Vaflal to the Intermedi- at Supieriour._ To the end His Majejly may thereby apply the Mails and Duties of thefe Lands 10 holden, ■ to His M ffres own ufe. It is always hereby Declared, That the Annexation of the Lands of A?or//>ier!vfe4, as belonging to the bidThomas Smart, fometime of Ci//fm/r, feall not pre¬ judge the, Senators ofthe Colledge of Jufiice, as to their Right and Intereft in thefe Lands, who are hereby Declared preferable for the fame; Referving alfo Lieutennant Collonel, Theophulm Ogil- throp, and Major Mayv, and Captain Cornaal his Authors, the Rights and Grants made to them rc. ypeSn e byHis late Majefiy, in fo far as concerns the Lands Gifted to them, to bebruikedand enjoy¬ ed by them, ay and until they befatisfied by His Majefiy, or by their own Intromiffions. K XLIII. KING ^ A M E S THE SEVENTH X L 1 1 I. ACT in fivonrs of the Inhabitatiis of Orkney and Zetland. June i6. 1685, )aR ScvERAioN Lord Confideting the great diftance of the Idands of Ori’ my and Zetland from tire Town ot Edinburgh , the ordinary place of T (lice, and the uncertainty of Paffage by Sea , and the many frefh Wat ' and other Ferries in the way by Land 5 Doth with Advice and Confene of His Eftates of Parliament, Statute and Ordain, That all 5'ummons tab intentedagainft the Inhabitants o( Orkney and Zetland, before the Lords f Privy Council, the Lords of SefIion,and beforethe Commiffioners of Juflic' ary, and Letters of Horning and Law-borrows upon their Decreets "^orbv their Warrand, lhall be execute in time coming upon fourty days; but prejudice always of Lett ^ to be raifcd upon Writs Regiftrated of confent of parties, where, by the Claufe of Regiftration party confcnts that execution fliould pals on a fhorter time. ’ ® XLIV. ■ ACT for a Slandarl of Mites. June 16. 1683.' IIR ScvBRAioN Lord, Thinking it fir, that there fliould bea fixed Standartfof Meafuiingand Computation of Miles, and that the whole Ifle of Britain fhould be under on certain kind of Commenfur.ation , Doth therefore with Confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Statute and Ordain, That three Barley Corns let length¬ ways , lhall make an Inch, as it is already ufed; That twelve Inches fliall makei Foot of Meafure, which is to be the only Foot by which all Work-men, efpecially Mafons, Wrights , Glafiers and others are ordained to meafure their Work in all time coming , under the pain of an hundreth pounds, ioties qmties 5 Three ofthefe Foots are to make a Yard , as three Foot and one Inch makes a Scots Eln, And a thoufand feven hundreth and fixty Yards are to make a Mile, which is to be made the Standarr of Computation from place- to place in all time coming. *■ XLV. ACT hi fiiioitrs of Sir William Bruce, for enlarging the Shire o/Kinrols.' Iiine I 68s. UR SovERAion Lord, and Eftates of Parliament- Confidering' the fhialnefs and extent of the Sheriffdom of K-itirofs , and Ju- rtfdiflion thereof, to fupport and maintain the St.ite and Rank of a diftinft Shire, as it is , and anciently has been , and that it will be of great .advantage and cafe to His Uajefiies Lieges, the feveral Heretors, Refidenters and Inhabitants within the Parochs ci( Poitmocl^, Cleifs mATilliboal (^excepting alwayes, and re- ferving the Jurildi^ion of the Lands of C itnbeet Bridge-lands, Cruick , and Cruic\~miln, lying in the firid Paroch o'lTillihod, andStewartry ofjrWew, whereof Earl of Pw.6, Lord high Chancellour is Heretable Stewart, out of this prelent A^I, which is hereby Declared tobe without prcjudicethereunto, In¬ fringement thereof, or Incroachment thereupon, of to the de¬ triment of the laid Heretable Srewartry in any manner of way • rr j , ■ . , r, whatibmever) and to the Heretors of thele teveral parts and p rtionsofLand, lying in the Paroch of , and in the Shires of and Perth ^ and of the Barony oi CiiMgoitrdy, lying m the Shire oiPerth, and belonging to Sir yViUians Brace oC Kinro ft Ba- ^ I R S ^ p j V t 1 A 37 Baronet, Heretable Sheriff of the faid Shi^p vZTTr I - - - and Per/Ai and J urifdiaions thereof, and lovned shires of ft and Jurifdiaion thereof, unto which the faids^Pntochs anTLind"? thci'htre of /0>„{ cntly : And that ^ohn Marquefs of Athol, Sheriff rrinc-ml of . ""d nioll conveni’ ^arctCountefs ofRolhej, and the Deceaft Chot-ln ihenffdom of Perth ; ana w riff of the Shire of Pt/e, have for their «/^e«r,e’ln^e'relff co'^r '^*'’T ht-r Hullaind, Heretable iv". Lands, and Parochs above-mentioned, from the fiids S’hi? “ r Oiriunaion of the (aids them to tl,e faid Shire oPKwrofs, and Hemtable ,r f ;a cf f,/. and Perr/a, and to the Llni. 'f^ Ham Biuce, Heretable Sheriff of the flime with tile I, . ^ '''e Kd Sirir/i! burthcnslaid on, orto belaid onthefame; Th e i, ■’’nd all other public^ upon the Confiderations foiefaid herebv Dlfme K ° Effates of Parliament A. Cleifi andXr//,W. and faids Lands , as is above referved ) and the faids parts anre"’,’ ^ Jui ifdiaion of the rofs, lying within the faids Shires of Fife and Pnlh and the 'V'f °^Kw. goitrdj, from the faids Shires of Pr/e and pA and Jtirifdiflions rh"^* Adjoyn, Unite, Annex, and tncorporat the fame to the f, id Shcr^Sn''^’ And of Kimfs-, And Statute, Ordain and Declare thhm ih f nnd HfrctahleSherifF niip of in and to all effefts and purpofesrand L n A ,1 r“ 'h'-’ Shire Civil and Criminal, ami in all matters privat and rublick v hufoe'’^ ° ^?'^‘“‘nres, fting and colleding of Cefs, Exeyfe, Militia Out of r ■ ordering, ca- amply and fteely as'anyother Sh,L’dt‘ o^^f/Alwn d^rKlnl^ - other Sheriffs and their Depots, and Tuflicee nf Pen/-<. . ■ e- e r -j ^'ifiratging hereby all exerting afty Power of Jurifdiaion over any of tht fhids Lnds and pLochrf°^ f’d honi Inhabitants thereof, in any time coming, as^beinsnow onlv ui ^ hlcretorsand rofs, and Juhicesof Peace within the Le f RelrZ to iheShctiff-Court ofA'tVr- his Heirs, the Jurifdiftion of the faids Lands^ ' r '/ -'I retable Stewart of the fiid Stewartry of. Slrathern ) And in refnpft ‘T" as He. thens, Ctfs, Excife, Militia, ^nd mLding oTh gh-wayef taufe of the fmainc-fs of the Shire of 2C A. and tUforranv velrs'^ d 1 "'"rf of was broken , and divided in the hands of many Creditors i caften in Intereft there- publiek Concerns of fife ; And the Shire of S!/}blrnen2 enU A ’ It the in, made intire again in theperfofi of the faid Sir WiLm Br«ce^ Th aal with Confent fortfaid , feparates the faid Shire of Kiitrofs from Fife is to aU rhnf n f cernsand Adings, as well the Lands contained therein tmerTy t\he^^^^^ prelent Ad ; and from the Shires of fife and Perth reCoeahe ^ in all mar,,.,-" n ? ® late to, pertain,' and fall wfthin the pi ecindf, and Jurifdidion of the falfsimt of KimoQ- now Eftablilhed and Comprehended by this prefent Ad and fnrnnfill nf rh,. i, ^ ^rtve/f, Cfci/J, andr»4f and whole Lands lying within the faids Parochs, ^"nd lllThe faids Lands and Baronies of Cutklgoiirdte with the burthen of the Valuation of the faids Parochs and Lands ; and liberating and freeing the Ends refpemve Shires of Fife and Penh, ptoportionallv ofthe Burdien thereof,and part.cul.YlyCw,thout prejudice of the generality forefaidJofaUCeffS^ cife, Mtlma, Out-reeks of Horfe and Foot, Wgh-wayes, and all other publiek Burthens,' and Impo- fittons la.d, ortobe laid upon thefe Lands, D.fjoyned from the faids Shires of Fife and Penh and' Annexed toKim-ofs in manner forefa.d; and particularly , nberatsthe Shire of p4 of the ValuaX on oftheLwds formerly contamedm the Shire of and pfthe Valuation of the Lands thit are now Difjoyned from the of Ftfi, and Adjoyned to the Shire of Khro/s, amounting both to th6 fdm of t,ghlee«Tho,tfM,d five hundreth an^ fdots Money. And alfo, partictlarlv Libetats and Frees the Shire of Perth of the Valuation of the faids Lands, hereby Difjoyned Pom the Shire of Perth, and now Annexed to the Shire of Kwrofs , extending, to the fum of One Thoufand, feven hundrethand eighteen pounds, fix fliilling eight pennies, Scots Money, making ud' the faids tWoValuations,in the whole, the fum of TirtBly Thottjattd.two hiwdreth attd thirty fetr ponrtds JixJhtllwg, eight peimiei Scots Money , Which is Declared to be the full and compleat Valuati¬ on of the Shire of Kwrofs hereafter , and the ftyle of proportioning the publiek Burthens laid on or to be laid on the faid Shire of Kinrof, Willwg and Appointing the Herctors, Inhabitants and' PoflefTor'spf thd faids Lands , in all time coming , to anfwcr to the Courts of the faid Sheriffdom of Kwrofs, andtobe lyable to thejurildiffion ofthe Sheriffs thereof, in all Caufes, Civil .and Crimi¬ nal, competent to an Sherifts Cognition, and to be hoUien, reputed and elteemed in all time here¬ after, a part of the faid Shire of Kinrofs, to all effefts , .and particularly (without prejudice of the generality forefaid ) with the burthen of all Cels, Excife, and other Impolitious whalfoever K 2 Mi- 38 KING f A M E S THE SEVENTH Militin and other Out-rccks, Collefting and Ordering thereof ; And that in all Retours R' Difpofitions, Charters and Inleftments of the faids Lands, they be Defigned in all time-c ’ ■ ly within the (iiid Sheriffdom ofiCwra//.- And that all Denunciations, and Executions of h'*"'®’ Appryfings, Inhibitions, Adjudications, Publications of Interdidfions, and other Legal againft the Heretors, Poffeliors and Inhabitants of the faids Lands, with all Brievts° Pr ' ons and others, be ufed and Execute at the faid Mercat Crofs of Kinrofs , head-Burgh of Shire, in like manner, and to thefameeffeft, as thefe Executions are ufed atthe head-Bureh° f other Shire , And in cafe there be any miftake in the catting of, and inferting in this Aft tl p of the Valuation above-mentioned , to the prejudice of any of the faids other Shires. His w • with Conft-nt forefaid. Ordains the Commilfioners ofCefsand Excife of the faids other Sh’ Meet, Adjuft, and fettle the fiiids Proportions; and being fo Adjufted , to fignifie the fame"t*’ Lords of His Majejlies Privy Council under their hands, that the fame may be Recorded Books of Privy Council, for a Rule hereafter. As alfo , His Majefly, withConfent of the f'd p flates of Parliament, Confidcring that by the fixteenth^S of the twenty fecond Parliament iu' Majejiies Deareft Grand-Father, King fixth, in anno 1617. ("Entituled KAlCt anent^^^ firatmi of Seafas, Rt. erjions and other Writs) That for the great eafe of the Lieges, the faids Hers were Eflablifhed in the Burgh of Couper in t'lfe, for the whole Lands lying in the bounds f k'" faids Sheriffdoms of Fife audKinrofs , or were to be Eflablifhed in any other place or places ° convenient •• And that now for the greater eafe and accomodation of the Leiges it is th more fit and convenient, That the faid Regiffer be kept at Kinro/s^ head-Burgh of the Shire th°'^^ f for the whole Lands, as well formerly lying within, as now Annexed to the fame Shire ; FCRE H\s Majefiy, and Eflates of Parliament forefaids, Statute and Ordain , That in all time mg, there be a publick, particular Regifter , for Regiftrating Seafins, Renunciations Reverfin™' Difcharges ofReverfions, Grants of Redemption, and other Writs, enjoyned to be Regiftratea u’ the fitd former A£1 of Parliament , keeped by the Clerk of Regifters, and his Deputs at the 1% Burgh of Kinrofs, for the whole Lands, as- well formerly lying within the faid Shire of Kf«Mf now annexed thereto , within the fpace, to the fame effeft, and with the like conditions mentio and contained in the forefaid Altt, in anno 1617^ for Regillration of Seafins , Reverfions &c A J Eftates ofParliament forefaids. Hereby Ratihe and Approve’ infavnn of the faid Sir William Bruce, and his Heirs-male, Tailzie, and others contained in his Infeftmenh nf ^e Eftate of Kinrofs , the twenty ninth All of the fitft Parliament of His Majejlies Deareft Fathe King c&r/er the firft of ever blefled memory (Entituled, AS in Favours of the EarlofUonan Ja tM Lord Dzikthh his Son , anent the Loch of Loch-Le:\m, and prejervation of the Fi/hes thereof ) AnA Ordains the Hid Aff to be pat to Execution by the faid Sir Wdliant Bruce , and his forefaids and his and their^Deputs and Bailies, after the Form and Tenor thereof. It is alwife hereby Decl’ared That this Aft, and every part thereof, is but prejudice to the faid Sir William Bruce, and his Heirli o any other JurifdiSion of Regality or Bailiary, formerly belonging to him of any of the faids Lands, either formerly belonging, or now Annexed to the faid Shire of Kinrofs. XLVI. ACT Salvo jure Ciijujlihet. June 16. 168$, UR Sovbra ion Lorb Taking to Confideration, that there are feveral Afts of Ratifi¬ cation , and others paft, and made in this Sellion ofParliament , in favours of parti- ■ cular perfons, without calling or hearing offuch as may be thereby concerned, or pre¬ judged ; Thbxefore His Maje/ly, with Advice and Confentofthe Eftates ofParlia- ment Statutes and Ordains , that all fuch particular Afts, and Atfts of Ratification palt in manner forefaid, fhallnot prejudge any third party of their lawful Rights, nor of their A&i- ons and Defences competent thereupon , before the making of the faids particular A&, and Ails of Ratification; And that the Lords of Seffion, and all other Judges of this Kingdom, fhall beob- liged to judge betwixt parties , according to their feveral Rights {landing in thmr perfons, before ■■ '■“"■y E»P"nA »9 20 21 22 25 24 Pog: I with an Annesation ofthe 2; 3- Ihid. Hid. Ihidi Ofthe Printed ACTS» Ac T For Security of the Proteftant Religion.- A Declaration and Offer of Duty by the Kingdom ofSeflhtKd, hxcife to the Crown. » _ > Aft concerning Citations in Proceffes for Treafon, Aa concerning WitnelTes in Procefles for Treafon. Aft Declaring it Treafon to Take, or Owne the Covenants. Aft O bhging Hulbands to be lyable for their Wives Fines. Aft anent Porterfield of Duchal, and Concealing of Supply given to Rebels a, Aft againfl: Preachers at Conventicles, and Hearers at Field-Conventicles. * . Jijd Aft forthe more effeftualPayraent, and Inbtinging of His Mojefiies Kents and Revenues’. Ihidi. Ihid, 6. If. Ihid. 16 Hid. . 17 Ibid. i3 Ihid. Ill Ibid. a L. ^ Auuiiiuiiuguig uinis mamiies Kents an Aft, concerning Judicial Confcffions before the Comiuiflioners of ^Pufticiarv Aft Obliging Perfons to accept Offices. ’ ' Aft of Supply , 1 Aft for Taking the r^. Aft Explaining the 9tA Aft ofthe Parliament 1669* concerning Prefcriptions. Aft Explaining rhc loti Aft ofthe Parliament 1669, anent Interruptions. Aft anent Suffices of Peace, Aft for Taking the Oath of Allegiance; Aft concerning Vacant Stipends. Aft Ratifying the Priviledges of the Senators ofthe Colledge of lufticc. Aft for preferring Came. Aft againft dealing of Dogs and Hawks. Aft concerning Tailzies. . i, - , Aft Ratifying the Opinion of the Lords cf SefEoa , anent thefc who refiife to Depone anent the late Treafanabie Proclamation, 1^84, 2t Aft Ordaining thatTennents be obliged by their Tacks to live Regularly. ; Ihid.; L ' 25 25 Aft l^atiry'ing two Afts of Parliament, and a Proclamation of Council anpni- .Rebels. ’ ’PPfetendiDgof 25 Aft concerning Adjudications for Fines. ij 27 Aft for focuring Sea paffengers. 28 Aft and Commiffion for Plantation of Kirks, and Valuation of TeindS ^5 29 Aft concerning Clfatiohs before Circuit Courts Jtid. 30 Aft approving the Narrative of the Plot. . 27 Aft for (ecurity of .the Officers ofState and others: J 32 Aft concerning the Militia. 1 &t/. 33 Aft for fecurity of the Records* 28 34 Aft for Poll-mony. Hid. 35 Aft anent neflengers Fees. Hi‘d_ 36 Aft anent the Addrefs of the Eftates of Parliament of His Majefties ancient iCin»8nm r o ^9 Arch-Traitori JrMMd foLdme EaH Aft for the Clergy. Aft concerning the Regiflfdtion of Writs in the Books ofSeffion; Aft in Favours of Planters, and Iriclofers of Ground: Aft of Annexation of the Offices belonging to the late Earl of jir^ili- Aft Declaring the Green.Und-fJhmg to be a Manufaftory* Aft of Annexation of feveral Lands to the Crown. " ' Aft in favours of the loliabitants of Or\>iej and Zetland, Aft For a Standart of Miles. Aft in Favours of Sir William Bfme, for enlarging the Shire ofKwrafy. " ' Act Salvo Jars Ciijiijlik t, ^ ' Act of Adjournment* " 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 47 :ime Earl Hid. 30 3t & 1^. Hid. Hid. 38 39 Tab l E OfthA&s, Ratification!, pnfl intbc Fird ScfTn,,. t n- Firfl Tariiament, and Licb are nt hL TnltccL Tariat ind his Admiffioa. ° to the Vifcounto'f Aafor feveral Yearly Fairs, and Weekly Mercats tofome Aft in favours of the Vifcouncol Tarb^i ^ ’ ° Noblemen, and Others; Aft in lavodrs of the Lord Advocat. Aft Ratifying and Approving the late ESrI of Aygilts Forlaulture' " pis S'"-' •> r.«-. .g-i.- ,h. B„ ^ _ M tor I homnirffioKnmuhlS. oSi'TS^ »■'•■'“» ol Aft m favours of the Vlfconnt of Tariff, for changing an High- Wav Remu from the Parliament to the Kings Oft.u/t, concernin»°he Sof . Aft Concerning Tradeand Mannfaftories '^“'■'•'>“>0 tne tarls of Soxhr^h and Utkian: Aft for a Commiflion of Trade. Coramiflionfor Regulation of Inferiourjndicatorles. Peqeec and Sentence of ForfaultUre agamft Sitfai„ CtchrS Decreet and Sentenceo Forfaultute3°ainft Sir » t '■ Decrectand Sentence OfForfaUltragCft " "''^^^^^^^^^ Decre«rnd S?nrTn? L='>dS of C,/„,rt‘eIder and younger' Aft in favoiirsof the Bnrgh of ^terdeen: Aft in favours of David Areikine of Dud, ’ Aft in favours of the Town of Dalkeith.' Aft in favours of Sir Patrick Frazer of Doers Aft in favours of the Towti' of Linlithgoro. ' Aft for Exafting a Petty Cnftom at leveral Bridr«w agaidft the fame sssrsts: “■ =s»“ Ratification iaTaamurs of the Earloi Monieith. Three Ratifications in favours of George Vilcount of iarbat Ratifibtion in favours of the Royal Colledge of Ph-jpeians. ’ Proteftation the Town of Edinburgh againft the fame. Ratification in favours of Us, Roderick Mackenzie ol Prefteanhat Ratification in favours of the Earl of jRatificatios in lavoiirs of Hugh WakaHe of IngiiSloiin, Ratification. Ratificatioa in favoars oi Mr. ^olrt Sichurdfou, »nd ^ohn Drummond. Proceftation Sit ^omts Roeheid, ittd f amts Hamilton igzia&thtiimel Ratification in favours of t/£ntas M‘leod. Ratification in favours of Sir Robert Lotorie of Maxneltoun. Ratification in favours of Duncan Tojhicb oi Monyvaird. Ratification in favours of CoWoaA^ames Dew^las^ and Robert Sartoun, Ratification in favours 6f the iVpothecarks in Edinburgh. Proteftation the 'Chirurgian- Apothecaries againfl: the fame. Ratification in favours of chriHof her Irving. Ratification in favours of Collonel Barclay of Ury, and his Son. Ratification in favours of the T radcs of Edinburgh, proteftation the Trades of the C/!»»i»j7^4feagainft the fame. Ratification in favours oi the Bonet-Makers and Litfters of EdinbutCgk, Proteftation the Weavers of the Cannongate agiintt-theCime^ Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Innernejs, Ratification in favours of John Scot of Cemijloun, Ratification in favours of fames Miin, Ratification in favours of Mr, David Dewar Advocat, Ratification in favours of Donald Mcdonaldoi Moydart. Ratification in favours of Sir william Bruce oi Kinrojt. Ratification in favours of Sir fohn Murray of Drumcairm Ratification in favours of the Laird of Drum. Ratification in favours of Sir Searj-eitfactoarff, His Advocat,’ /r , , , , . Ratification in favours of of Muirtoun, vfithan Ereftioaof thfi Lands fif ihtchlloh s Bui gh of Barony, ‘ ^ Ratification in favours of the Baxters oi Edinburgh, Proteftation the Baxters of the Cannongate againft the fame. Ratification infavoursof Mr. DavidCrahame Tutor of Gervy ', Ratification of an Adf oi Convention of the Burrows in favours of the Burgh 6f Barony oj Crt^twtjs Ratification in favours of Mr. Roderick Mackenzie of Dalvenan. — ~ ^ M Ratification in favours of cfohn Lander of Fountainhatt, and Sit fohtt Laiodtr hiS S^i R.ati%atiGaiQ favours of Sir of - Proteftation the Town of Ferreft, againft: fames Caddel of Muirtoms Ratification^ AA in favours of the BiQiop of the ifies. pecteet of Precedency in fames of the Cul of Smthm^rj. Ratification in favours of John flumilttn of Zariicliiilh, FINIS. THE L AW^ S ACTS Made in the SECOND SESSION of the FIRST PARLIAMENT Of Our MoU High aud Dread SOVE R.AIG N JAMES VIE Bjiik QraceofCOD, tQNGo/ SCOTLAND, LNGLAND: FRANCE IRELAND. 0‘itnier,ftht faith. Holden at EDINBURGH the 29. of a^pri/ 1086. By a Noble Earl, Alexander Earl of MO^%AT, Lord Down and Ahernethie, &c. Secretary of State for the Kingdom of Scotland, Bis Majeflies High Commiffioner for Holding this Parliament, by vertue of a Commiffion under His Majeflies Great Seal of this ^ kingdom. VPitb the facial Advice and Confent of the £'^ifero/Patliament; CtUcBcd and ExtrACtedfremthe Rigi/lers and Secordi cf Parliament, iyG'EOUCE Fifeeunt cfTithlt^ Zerd McLeod, and Caftle-haven,&c. Clerk ta Bis U.d.]eK\esCoHnctls, RegiBers, andRells, Sec. EDINBURGH, fijjnted by ths Heir oi Andrew Anderfcn, Printer to His moft Sacred Muje/l), Anno Don, Cum Ptirilegio, . ) I . C 1 ‘ / ( 'V. ■O ■ 'i r- (..■«': xxnw .^ • Ur.i -', li. 'J}..:> :H o n' n n i cj ■ ftO:;;..,;oiy!!lii‘i -Kiuv;!:. ) j o,T; vci ’ «('';.^jIjVii''J ;c': > ^ LAWS and Acts Made in the SECOND SESSION of the FIRST PARLIAMENT Oj Our Moft High and Dredd SOFERJIGN JAMES VII. •Bj the Grace of GOD, 0/ SCOTLAND.' ENGLAND^ FRANCE i A D, Defender of the Faith, Holden at EDINBURGH thesp of April t6Z6. I ACT 0/ Diffolntion of the hands of QcinoQk and Duchal. May 18. 1686. R SovERAioN Loud, and Eftates o( Parliament, Taking into Their Confideration , That HisM^/r/f/fj Commiffioner, as having fpecial Warrandand Inftrudtion from His Mujefly, Having Piopoled and Expounded in plain Parliament, The Great and Faithfull Ser. Tices Done to His and His Royal Brother, o( ever blefled memory, by ^ihn Lord Vilcount of Melfort, one of His principal Secretaries of State, and his conffant Zeal and Faithfulnefs to the Interelipf theCrown, and particularly. That His Ata;«/7y was fen- fible ofthemany Journeys made by the faid John Vifcounool jite/. fort, from SeetUnd to the Court of England, upon occafions of great Importance, to the Service of the Crown and Government, for ffloft of which he had no allowance, at leaft none loitable to his Ex>' , . . _ , , penfes; And that he had Faithfully executed feveral Offices of frear Trnft, is LieOteoaot General and i/after of the Ordilance , Lieutenant Governour of the Caflle fdijt^rgh, Tl^fauter Deput, and Secretary of State for His Jtf/i/fyf/M Ancient Kingdom of s«t- ' A » landi KING fAMES THE SEVENTH, In which Imployments he did very well behave himfelf; That he was inftiumentar T F ^efeat oi the Rebels at was diligent againft the Rebels thereafter 5 And Pains and Charges in the Circuits, ior the Shires of Stirlings Renfrew zni Dumh^^ ihe year 1684, And that he had performed feveral other good and acceptable Services As"*7f MajefHes Commiifioner, as having fpeciall Warrandand Inftrudtion from His Majeliy Hav* o pofed to the Eftates of Parliament , That His Nnjeffy judging it fit for the Intereft of //is and the Good and Wellfare of this Kingdom, To Purchafe and Acquire from the faid'^sT’ Vifcount of Melfort, the Lands, Baronies and others aftermentioned , wherein the faid Vif Rands Heretably Infeft, viz. The Lands and Barony of Comprehending therein the L°'*? of Inverneil, Ktlmoir, Vourntnoltich, Ct aigmoir iif lOlbrjd, Kilmorich, Auchinhreck, Melfort /f"”* more, Knap, Kilmorie, Kilkerrie, Anchinfalloch, Imflremich, Barleamich, Donnarderie Eunk/”~ KUdalkan, Dargachie, Cariedale, Drummeir, Crear, Oik, Muirhall, and ftveral other LanT’ Teinds and Rights mentioned in the Charter thereof, Granted by His Maiefty to the faid f^ohn VT count of Melfort, of the Date the nineteenth day of March leZe. -Which did formerly pertain to S ' V/incan Campkel ot AuciMreck, ^ehn Campkeloi Melfort, ^ohn Camfkel o\ Knap, DonoalCa p kel of Kilkerrie Patrick Mkairter of Irtifiremich, Eivor M'civor of Askins, Donald Mcavetfh of D ' narderrie, Neill Campkel of Evneichan^ Campkel of Kildalkan tflT Campbell oi Dargathie, Duncan Campbell o[ Cariedale, Alexander M^millan ol Douniemoir^ DonaU M-neiSoiCrear, lexander M‘erverlici of Oik, Alexander Camphel oi oitter, frifliamDenkol of Weffheill, Mt. Alexander Campbell Advocat, Collin Campbell e\ie:t of AlUngreig 'andD»»f ” Carsy^t^ younger thereof, and ifr/arr younger of Cultr.els, And which tell ifi MAt yfwhandsby the Forefaultureof the forenamed perfons, And likewife the Lands and Baronv of Melfort,, < omprchending the Superiorities and the Feu-Duties of the Lands of Kayrj andthelfleof Loung, The Lands of lorfay. The Lands and llle of S^w»,»y, The Lands of Armadie Aucknafoul, Ra'^ray and of many ether Lands , particularly mentioned in the Charter thereof’ Gianted by His Majeffy, under His Majefiies Great-Seal, to the faid ^ohn Vifcount of Melfort of the Date the day of iS'iy, Which Superiorities aHd Feu-Du- ties pertained formerly to i^Archihald Campkel, late Earl of A'rgile, and ftlj in' His AfA/Ifej hands by lusFoiefaulture, Excepting only the Superiorities and Feu-Duties of Balquhan, Spitle town of Balquhan, Edmample and Menflrie, which are Refer ved tothe faid Vifcount of Melfort The faics Lands and Baronies being ofavaR and great extent, and 'contairiing gfeat SupenOiitieS and as lying and being Situat in the Highlands, and formerly belongingf to the late Earl of ArMe’ and others of his Party, who were involved in the late Rebellion, and Forefaul't for their acceffion there to, has always been fubjeift to Diforders, which might indanger the publick peace which bein^ in His Majefliet hands. And His Royal Authority and Interefl concurring, may Reftrain aTTd pTevW thefame, and His Majeflie conceiving it juft and reafonable,That the faid Vifcount of Wart in heu and place of the forefaids Lands-and Baronies formerly belonging to him,' arid whid- at His jeSies DeCuc, he is willing to Refign in HB Hands, ad perpetuarn remancntiam , ff^oM havca full Recompence and Satisfaction for the fame. AncT RIs Majefly Defignin" to Give and Dif pone in Permutation and Excambion thereof. The Lands and Barony of Riccartoun- The lands and Barony of r. efnock and Galfoun, with the Tomer of Cefnock and Pertinents ; The Lands and Baro nyof iarr; The Lands and Barony of and Ciinmock; The-Lands and BarOnV offffarV tng- Rojt all lying within the Sherifflom of Air , formerly ^ertaihifig to SV Hugh su'd Sir George Camphels, (omotimo of Cefncck: The Lands and Barony of DuchaU, and the Lands of Portfr- l. fomotmo of Duchall; and all other Lands, Teinds and Rights whatfomever, belonging to the faid Sijr Hugh and Sir George Camp. t / A a c And upon then Fotefanltuf.cdid-come in His Hands* ^d are Annexed to the Crown by the FoUrtytwo,^^^ofthefirff■^Afo« of this current Parliament, ^ion and F vramK ° ^nd albeit His tiajify ie fatisfied that the faid Tranf- WRha e If Crown , and for the Goad and XI ! rvnrnn M h ' 'M * °re&d A lid that the Lands and others which the laid Vifcount of Melfort is willing to Refign ifi HiS iMdjefiis hands, are of greater yearly Rent and Value * Yet His May e By hw thought fit. « fyie^Pa - to propofe the fame in plain Mil ment, Thit they may fenoufly ponder, andconlider the' fajtf particular Services , doL and per- R m rhe'x ’ 5 And the forefaid Pro^- fal as to the Tranfaftionand Exeambion aBove-fnentioried, indewe His cm aje fly Their Advice' Determination thereanent: And the Eftates of Parliament alter mature Delibera- fher'r^n ft'd"" Confulting anent the PremifTes, being fully fa'tftfied and convinced. That ei¬ ther the faid particular Services Done an’d Performed tb His M,^effyhy the. faid Vifcouiw ofiKefcs t'rJn « fufficiently knot«h,aad did appear to tWw ) or the forefaid Perins- J Intereft ald X^nnM"F"r Ihipoffant fteafbns, dOhceiriingboth- H!s'M4/>)?/« Inteieft, and the publick Good and Wellfare olthiS if-ingdom. That They fliould AdvifeandCon- fenc I^IRST P Jt L I A M E NT rent to His M4jei}es Giving and Difponing the faids r ■ , - the raid ?»^ yifcountof^, //<,,(, h/ffeiisand Aflign^eyst >nd fo^that" to fliould bediflojved ttom the Crown, and from the fatd Adlot Anne^tmn^ jay, with A d vice and C onfenr of the Eftates of Parliament Decerns Or/ “ «!= . His ii-V the faids Lands and Barony of Ricumnn-, The Lands’ and B-rnn?^^c^ '•’•'“t with the Tower of Cf/»ec^ and Pertinents ; The Lands and Baronvnf » ^odcullliinn, ol CaHlematns &nd Cumnock ^ The Landsand Baronu n( h ‘ Lands and Barony dom oiA.r, formerly pertaining to thtS wL Sherii^ And the Lands and Barony of M, and the S, of B <«'>'«.meol tained to PoMd, fometm^^e of n^lt A f f P«- whatlomever, belonging to the faid Sir Huzh and Sir dco^oe t oi L^^tis, T«ndsand Rights may be D.fponed .o“,h? faid Vifcount and Ms lorefa 2 A^d , ' V H . u hereby Diffolves the fame from the Crown anK— ,^» Diffolved, ami of Annexation, riiade the fixteenth day of June Onethoufand fiVhundrfi^"'^ forefaid Aft all other A^sot Annexation, and fromall cTaufer OnS And His Mojefy with Advme and ConfentfmS, S DeceL and fent AA of Diflblution, having proceeded upon the AdviceLid ‘‘.'^‘’‘^ “'.^^’ ’•'atthispre- ament , , Xnd founVby daeflrEftts^t b?fl pofed dnd Advifed, and matu.ely Pondered and Confidered. belore anv Drevious Tranr^ ‘i h- T rd ’ (Ti > ■" M VilcSt of" andhis forefaids, of the Lands and others particularly and generally above-mentioned or a^v nar or portion of the fame Does fully fatisfie the whole Claufes , Conditions and QnalificaScor ■ Aaof Annexatron, and flr..ll have the Foice, Strength and effedf of a oera'l Law or Aft of Parliament, and firall beas valid and eftediual to the faid Vifcount ol NclfZ fnd h fotefaids, for the Security of the Lands, Baroniesand orhers above.expreff, asany other Aft of Dif folmion Granted by H,s Majefty, or His Royal Anceftors; with Advice and ( onfentbfthe Eftat« of Parliament, m Favours of vvhatfoever Perfon at any time hereafter. Likeas, Hts Mojclly vv th Advice apdConfentforefaid Finds, Decerns and Declares, That this prefent AcT of Diffolution fhailnot be underflood to fall under, or be comprdhended in any Aft 5,./x;. iW To be pall in this’ or any other beffion of this current Parliament; But is hereby excepted therelrae in all time co’ ming, ”■ 11. ACT For the ietler InLringwg of His M.ijefties Supply: May 26. 1686. URSovieaign Lord Confidering, That by a Claufe in the AftofConven- ttun of Eftates, July 10. 1678. Ii is Provided, That Perfins IjaUe in tj,. ment of the Supply ihcis Impofd, fiould not he holden to produce Dijeharges, or Receipts of the fumen, aficrihe temhdty e/Jmie 168&. years. And feine there is a great part oftheCefs and Supply yet refling unpayed, for which no Di¬ ligence is done, THEKEFORE, His Majefty, with Advice and Confent ofthe Eftates of Parliament, Sratuts, Ordains aiid" Dft dares, That the par- ticular Colledlors in each Shire, for whom the Commiflioners areanfwerable, (hall belyable in all timecoming, to do Diligence By Qiiarteiing, orDenuna oration againft the Deficients, at the head Burgh of the refpcaive bhires where they live ; And Declares the faid Diligence fo to bC ufed, fhall be fufficient to flop' and interrupt the prefeription, and make the Deficients lyable, notwithftanding ofthe Claufe in the foreliud All, finding them not lyable to produce their Difeharges after the faid day ; And becaufe the time preferibed by the faid Ad, is now near elapfed. THEREFORE, His Majeftie with Advice and Confent forefaid, Does Prorogat the fame untill the firft day of iV«ve»rfcr next'; To the Effea, the particular Colleftors may do Diligence in the mean time. Likeas, His Majeify and the Ellates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains in time coming, That all Cefs which fhall not be payed within fix Moneths after the fame falls due, fhall bear Annualrenc after elapfing ofthe faid fix Moneths,, albeit Horning or other Diligence be not ufed for the fame,. And whereas by x\\eAS 3. Par. 3, Ch. 2. The minder if Foot to be imployed in Parties for ^uarterirg upon the Deficients, is Declared to he fix ?oot for every 10^0. Pounds oj Deficiency^ and Jo proportionally. Which number is not fuflicient , nor pioportiunableto the number of Hprfes or Dragoons appointed by the fame A3. It is therefore hereby Ordained and Declared, That the nurhber of Foot hereafter to be imployed, fhall be fifteen fbreach 1000 Pounds Scots, and fb propoiftonally ; And the number of Horfes and Dragoons to continue as formerly. And likewife Statutes and Ordains , That if the Patties appointed to Quarter, fliall B iffi* 6 KING ^JMES THE SEVENTH not exaS their Quartering money every twenty days at leaft , That they (hall not have power to exaft the fame thereafter, It being always Competent to the Parties, in cafe they get notvolun. tar payment, to poynd therefore ( within the faid timej any Goods belonging f o the peribns on whom they are Quartering, in the ordinary way appointed by Law. And it is hereby EnaiSed and Declared, That Deficient Money (hall only be due to Parties, Co long as they are aftually Quarte- ring within the Shire, and that the Quartering*Money (hall commence and be payed according to theforefaid Aft of Convention of Eftates. III. ACT Ordaining Interlocutors to be Subfcribed by the Judges^ May 25. i6S6, UR SoVERAIGN LORD, with Advice and Conlent of His Eftates of Parliament , Statutes and Ordains, That from and alter the firft of Novem¬ ber next, All Interlocutors pronounced by the Lords of Council and Sef. (ion, and all other Judges within the Kingdom, (hall be Signed by the Pre- fident of the Court, or the Judge pronouncer thereof : And His Maiefff with Advice forelaid. Prohibits and Dilcharges the Clerks upon their peril to Extraft any Aftsor Decreets, unle(s the Interlocutors, which are the Warrands thereof, be Signed as faid is : Declaring hereby the Extrafts which (hall be given out otherways, to be void and null. IV. ACT Ordaining all Executions to be Subfirihed by the WitneJJes j roithout necefflty of Stamping. May 26. 1686. UR SOVERAIGN LORD, with Advice and Conlent of His Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains, That in time coming, all Citations before the Lords of Seflion, and Citations before any other Judges, Civil or Criminal, which formerly by Law or Cuftom ufed to be in Writ, and all Executions of Letters of Horning, Inhibi¬ tion and others whatfoever, be Sublcribed by the Executer thereof^ and the Witneftfes* Otherwife to be null and void. And that the fame (liall not. be quatrellable for the want of (lam¬ ping , any Law or Praftick to the contrary notwithftanding. • V. Act Anent theSejfion. May 26. 1686. »UR SOVERAIGN LORD, with Advice and Conlent of the Eftates of Parliament, Statute and Ordain, That the ordinary Dyetsfor Sitting of the Selfion, fhallbethus Regulated for the future, viz. The Winter-Seflion, (hall Sitt dovyn the firft of November, and Rife the laft ol February: And the Summer-Sefiion (hall Sitt down the firft day of J»»c, and Rife the laft of And that this prefent Aft (hall take effeft from the firft of November 16^ 6. And that notwithftanding of the feventh AH of the third Parliament of King Charles the Second , of ever Glorious Memory , which is hereby Re- fcinded, V I. ACT For theChriJimas Vacans • May 2(5. 1686- UR SOVERAIGN LORD, with Advice and Confent of His Majejiies Three Eftates Affembled in Parliament, Statutes, Ordains and Declares, That the Chriftmas Vacation of the Seflion or Colledge of Juftice, ftiall yearly, and in all time- coming, Continue and endure from the Twentieth of December, to the Tenth day of Ja¬ nuary inclufivi-y Any former Law , Aft or Cuftom to the contrary Notwithftanding. FIRST fARHAMENT. May 28. 1681?, - ” E"Z; formed to firft nnd n ^T^o“ f-'‘'’^‘' ‘^'"S Churk, th<^ everBlefleH m ^ °' j" *^‘"8 ‘he Second ( of ^ memories 'j and to His MujeUies 5elf fince His Comm°nder If" if H "'i!/ ■ Lieutenant-General D™« W. forces within the Kingdom of him in hi ^ ^1 'he particular Services Done by in the Yen ■ "1?“^ '^'“h 'he Forces, Levied Klnl P ^^'^“'"8 'he Sacred Perfon of His Mak. gUJIi Subjedfs, by whom He was then kept Lifoner a3 \fith the His Rebeliious t«- the Service of the Crown, in the year itfLunder the r f forces Levied ,n Ireland, for Lord Lieutenant oHreUld 5 And his brave an^ che M r ‘hen both inS«t(/Wand£tt^W. inthe vearifie, 1th 'he^ Royal Armies, and a grievous long Imf rifonmlT AnJ h s Rrfo te'^nd r" ‘^^‘^'^."'’8 g'e»' lofs S*s:jSi.”rrTSs and Banifliment from hisown Native Coltrev tltriubrnh f'L" V t O ai! nh'd"’ he left a Splendid and Hsnourable Imployment under the Emperour of i«, A 3 . Obedience to H.s Native Prince, and that fince his Return to this Kingdom hfdid ^eMfot rtldt th defeat of the Rebels, and Supprlng’the Re- Genera! ofSfe OrdnJte f t h^^P^foland Faithful Performance ofthe Office of Mafier- . n ^ Ordnance, for divers years 5 And in his Good and Succefiful Conduft of His Ma- yr^ter Forces , as Lieutennant General againft the late Rebells and Confpiraton! who under foe Command of the late Earl ofArgde, Defigned to Overturn the Government of this N ifion. And Eifo7realnf°"“^'°”ht Pj’'8™nt proofs of a firm and Ready Loyalty.- And all iemenf to the end fr^th being ptopofed and laid open in plain Par- Irnnent, to the end, the Three Eftates might give His Majefty Their Judgement , Advice and t '*r?Ir 1 whether the fame were True, Good and Reafonable Caufes of pub- lldt Government, for Diffolving the Lands and Barony ol Tormodik, formerly pertaining to 1 . ofr(7n)5f7i?,^/;e^ with all other Lands, Heretages and Rights, which belong, edtohim; from foe Crown and which came in His Mayrjfret hands, through the Crimes of Trea- fon , and UfeMyeflte AQed, Committed and Done by the faid Prkglc, and the Doom an entence o torefaulture, given and pronounced againft him for the fame, upon the ° u u r thoufand fix hundred eighty five years, and were Annexed to foe Crown by foe fourty two AY of the firft Sefiioh of this current Pai liament ; And the faid Eftates ot 1 arliament after lonpnd mature Deliberation, and Treating and Confulfmg anentthe Premif- ’j ^^8 '''lly latisfied and convinced, That the particular Services and Sufferings above-menti- oned, Uone. Performed and Undergone by the faid Lieutenant-General Dnimmo«d^ The Truth w ereo IS clearly known and did appear tothem, are Juft, Weighty and Important Reafons, con- Mrnin^g both His Majejiks Intereft, and the publidf Good and Welfare of this Kingdom, That they odvife and Confent to His Myeliies Giving and Difponing the fiiids Lands and Barony of orwoo te, and others above-expreft, to the.faid Lieutenant-general Drummond, his Heirs and Af- ignpis ; And for that effeft, that the faids Lands fliould be Dilfolved from the Crown, and from * /o therefore, HisMayfJ?y, with Advice and Confent of the Sftates ^ J II Ordains and Declairs , That the (aids Lands and Barony of Tormtodlk^ ' an^ll other Lands, Heretages and /lights, fometime belonging to the faid Pringle late Ot Tormodlkj and whicli caraein HisMa/cJJw hands, and were Annexed to foe Crown in manner B » fore- KlUG ^AdttES ran seventh forefaid, maybebe Difponed to the (aid Lieutenant-General Drummond, and his forefaids; And for that Elfea, has DilTolved , and hereby Diflolves the fame from the Crown, and Patrimonv thereof ; And from the forefaid Aft of Annexation, made the fixteenth day of >»c OnethouC.nj fix hundred eighty and five years, and from all other Afls of Annexation, and from all ClaufK Qualities and Conditions therein.-ontained ; And His MajeS;, with Advice and Confcnt forefaid’ Finds, Decerns and Declares.That this prefent Ad ofDiflblution having proceeded upon the A dvice and Deliberation of the fftates of Parliament, reimegra-. And found by thefaids £(lates to be for great weighty and reafonable Caufes, concerning the Good, Wellfare and publift Intereftofthe whole Kingdom, firft Propofed and Advifed.and maturely Pondered and Confidered in plain Parliament before any previous Grant, Or other Kight or Deed, Given, Made or Done by HisMajej?^,. i^ vours of the faid Lieutenant-General Drummond and his forefaids, of the Lands and others above! mentioned, or any Part or Portion of the fame-, Does fully fatisfie the whole Ciaufes, Condition! and Qualifications contained in the forefaid ^45 of Annexation, and (hall have the Force, Strength and fiffeft ofa General Law, or AS'oi Parliament, and (hall be as valid and efFeaual to the (hid Li^.y’ tenant-General Drummond, and his forefaids, for their 5acurity ofthe Lands and barony of Torroood. lie, and others above. expreft, as any other of Diflolution, Granted hy HisMa-eJiji, or His fioy, alAnceftors, with Advice and Confent ofthe Eftates of Parliament, in Favours of whatfoever p/r! fonatany time heretofore , and that notwithftanding of any former Gift or Grant, Given by His iejiies Royal Brother, to the faid Lieutenant-General Drummond, which (hall no ways weaken or Infringe this prefent Aft ofDifiolution, or HiiMijeJliit Grant ofthe Lands and others abovc-expreft to follow thereupon. Likeas, His Majejl)/ with Advice and Conlent forefaid. Finds, Decerns and JJeclarcs, That this prefent A3 ofDifiolution (hall not beunderftood to fall under, or be compre¬ hended in any A3, Salvo Jure, To be part in this, or any other Selfion of this current Parliament but is hereby excepted therefra in all time coming. ’ Vllf. Additional A3 anent High-Wap and Bridges, | May 28. 1686. UR SovaRAioN LoRcj with Advice and Confent of the Eflates of Parliament, Ratifies and Approves the fixteenth a3 of the firft Sejslon oi tht [econd Parliament olKingCharles the Second, of bleffed memory, tntitHled, A3 for Ref airing High- Wap and Bridges : And the ninth a3 of the fecond Sefsien of the fame Parliament , and Ordains the fame to he duly ohjerved in time coming : And for the more effcdlual Profecution of thefe A3s , His Majefly, with Advice forefaid. Doth Authorize and Require theGommilfioners for His Supply in the leveral Shires , to meet with the Juftices of Peace, and Aft in the fame manner as they are warranted to do by the forefaid Adis, with Power to them at their firft Meeting to choofe their ownCierkj And Declares, Thatany five of the, whole number fhall be a yguorum, excepting the Shires of Clahmannan, Kin- rofs and Cromartie , wherein three to be a ^orum ; And Ordains the firft Dyet of their Meeting for this year, to be the laff Tuefday of next 5 And that the Sheriff of the Shire, or his De¬ pute, caufe intimate that Dyet, and the firft Dyet of Meeting yearly thereafter, at each Paroch Kirk , upon the Sunday before, under the pain of five hundred merks Scots. And in cafe any of the Juftices of Peace, or Commiflioneis of Supply, refiding within the Shire, fliall be abfent the faid hlhTiiefday oifpune next, or the firft Dyet of meeting yearly thereafter, they fhall be fined by the ^orum men, in twenty merks Scots , for ilk Dyets abfence ; andincafea .gAcr-wwof them fliall not meet , the Sheriff or his Depute is hereby impowered to fine each of the abfents in twenty merks Scots 5 which fines fhall be applyed for Reparation of the High-Ways and Bridges ; And whereas by the forefaid in the year 1669, The time lor the /nhabitants to workat the Reparation of the High-ways , is appointed not to exceed fix Bays yearly the firft three years, and four ^ays yearly thereafter- His Majefly ia regard ofthe prefent Condition of the High- ways and Bridges, Both, with Advice forefaid. Ordain that thefe working Bays fhall be fix yearly, for the fpace of fiveyears, from and after the laft Tuejday ofj-une next 5 and feingit falls out fometimes, that Bridges and Ferries are upon the Confines of two Shires, and it being juft that both Shires in that cafe fhould be burthened with the Expence of Reparation; His Majefli with Advice forefaid , Doth Ordain the Juftices of Peace, and Commiflioners of Supply inbothSniresto meet and adjuft the Expence of the &id Reparation proportionally according to the refpe^f ive Valuations of thefe Shires 5 and that the She- P A R LI/ImE HY, _ P Sheriffs of there Shires or their Deputs Conveen j ■ rant to direLn to be Purchaftand Acquired Irom him by HisM.,V//y, for the Caufes likewifc mentioned in the faid Alf, VIZ. The Lands and Barony of comprehending therein the Lands of /w-ncr-Ber/ re a mon, pomamltich, Cr—roU , KUhrytl, Ki morioh, Auchhhreck, Mclfort, Kenmore, \J?r>a hands by the Fotefaulture ol the forenamed Perfons .• And likewife the Lands and Barony olUeifort Com- preheuding the Superiorities and Feu-Duties of the Land of Uayra, and the ]fle of Leung’- The Lands olTorfay, The Lands and I fie oi Shennay, the Lands ot Lagianeifh, Armadie, Aachnafoul, Sagray | and of many other Lands, particularly mentioned in the Charter thereof , Gnntcd by His Majeliy, under His Majeflies Great Seal, to the faid John Vifeount of Melfart, of the Date, the dayof One thoafand fix hundred eighty five years. 5 Which Superiori¬ ties aad Feu- duties pertained formerly to Archibald Camfhel late Earl ot Argile, and fell in His Ma- jeflies hands by his Forelaulture,excepting only theSupetiotities and Feu-Duties of Glen-lU,Batquhan, Sfittletoun, Ednamfle iad Mf»jf)-/c,»vhicharerefei ved to the faid Vifeount ot Melforl ; And alfo Con- fidering , that in purluance of the Dcfign and Intent of the faid Aff of Diflolution, and in Profecuti- on thereof. The Kings moft Excellent and the faid Jo/;« Vifeount of Melfort, have en¬ tered into, and ptrfedled a Cbuttaft of the Date the 14. and 28 days of Ma)i, One thoufand fix hundred eighty fix years , whereby His Majefty hath Difponed to the Vifeount ol Melfort and his Heirs therein. mentioned. The Lands and Baronies of j;/ccj>rOT«, Cffpccd and others above-exprefl.- And on the other part. The faid Vifeount olMelfert hath Difponed in favours ol Our Soveiaign Lord the Kings Ma;f/?)i, and Refigned in His hands, adremanentiam , The Lands and Baronies of and Melfort, Comprehending the svliole Lands, SuperioritiesaBd Feu-Duties abore-lpfcified, excepting and referving tethe faid Vifeount of Melforl, as is before excepted and Referved ; And His now intending. That the Lands, Baronies, and others Difponed and Refigned by the Vifeountof McZ/nA , in favours of His Majefly, lliould be annexed to the Crown, C and 10 KING ^AUES "THE SEVENtH and Incorporat with the Patrimony theteofiTn ere forb His MajtjVy, with Advice and C of the Eftatel of Parliament, Has Annexed; United and Incorporat, and hereby Units, Annex°'' Incorporats to the Crown of this His ancient Kingdom, to remain infeparable therewith in alf coming. The Lands and Barony of Huirhall, Comprehending the whole Lands and others ab tnentioned, -viz. The Lands of Invcmeil, KtUmorc, Doananeltich, Craigmuirhiill KHhriJ mfrich, K^tuehinbrlck , lAelfert, Kenmori, Knaf , Kilmtre , Kilhertie, A»chiiijAloch In^t 'a Surleamich^ Dsuimrdcrie, Euttichan, KildAhAti^Dargachie^ Ctriedali, D’umtir, Cre^r^ oil M*™’ hiU, and remanent Linds, Teinds, and Rights mentioned in the torcfaid Charter thereof by His M-rji^y to the faid fthn Vifcount of Mellon-, and likewife. The iotefaids Lands and"E rony oi Melfon, Comprehending the Superiorities and the Fen- Duties of the Lands of the jfle of lou/ig, the Lands of Tor fay, the Lands arid //ife of the Lands of ij...-,,, f A “t madie, Auchnajoul, Sagray ^ and whole remanent Lands, particularly mentioned m^thcChar?" thereof, granted by His Mayesiy, under His Uayejlies Great Seal, to the faid foh.i Vifcount of Melfort, Excepting only the foiefaid Superiorities, arid Feu-Duties of C/c«.;y/a, Balquhan.Spiule tounaf Salquhan, Ednample aaiMenjlrie, which are refeived to the faid Vilcountof Me/fon’- ^And ft is hereby Statute and Declared, That the faids Lands, Baronies and others above-mentioned with the Teinds thereof, excepting as is before excepted, fliall remain withFlis ^faje/l/es Crown iaali time coming, and that the fame, or any part thereof, fliall not, nc^ may riot be given away inFe* andHeretage, nor in Prank-Tenement, Liferent-penfion or Tack, except for the full Duty which nay begotten from , and payed by theTennents, or by any other manner of Alienuion, Rioht o Difpofitionwhatfomever toany Perforior Perfons ofVvhatfomever Eflate, Degree or quality jhev be , without Advice, Decreet and Deliberation of the whole Parliament, and^’lor great, weiohtv and reafonable Caufes, concerning the good, vveilfare and publick fntercff ol the whole Kingdom - Firft tobepropofed,andtobeAdvifedan(lmatrirelyPondered andConfidered by thcEflates/c/»(irf,./ beloteany previous Grant, Right, or Deed be Given, Made or Done by His Majt//y, or His Suc- celTors, concerning the Difpofition of the faids Baronies, and others iotef.rids , or any part thereof which may any ways predetermin them or the Eftates of Parliament, and prejudge the heedom of their Deliberation and Coiifent ; And if at any time herealter it fliall be thought fit to Difpon, or Grant any Right of any Part ofthe faids Lands, Superiorities, Offices, Teinds and others. It is Decla¬ red That thegeneral Narrative of Good Services, Weighty Caufes and Confiderations fhall not be fufficient; But the particular Caufes and Confiderations, whereupon His Ma]ejly, and His Saccef- fors may be induced to Grant , and the Eftates to Conlent to fnch Rights, are to be cxpreff, that it may appear , That the fame is not granted thorow importunity, or upon piivat fuggeffions or pre¬ tences.- Bat for True, Juft, and Reafonable Caufes, and Confiderations ofpublick Concetnmeat And farther. It is Declared, That if any general Adi of Diffolution of His Ma'yeHies Property, fhali be made at any time hereafter. The Lands, Baronies and others above-mentioned, now annexed ' ihalf not be underftood to Fall, or be Comprehended under the fame; aud if the Lands and others forefaids, hereby Annexed, or any Part thereof, fliall be Annalzied or Difponed, orany Right of the fame fhall be Granted , otherways than is appointed and Ordained in manner above-mentioned - His Ma)e(ly, with Confent forefaid. Doth Statute and Declare; That all Difpofitions, Infeftl ments and other Rights of the faids Lands, and others now annexed, or any Part thereof which lhall be granted contrary to this prefent Aft, with all Adis of Diffolution and Ratification, and other ArSs of Parliament concerning the fame, fhall be from the beginning, and in all time thereafter void, null, and of no effedl • And notwithftanding thereof. It fhall belawlul to Our SoveraFn Lord and His SuccefTors lor the time, To take back, and receiye at their pleafure, for their own nfe, wtthoutanyProcefsof Law, The Lands and others above- rehearfed, hereby annexed, orany part thereof, which fliall be Annallzied or Difponed, and thefe in whofe Favouts any Inch Rights ot Alienations fliall be made, fliall be accomptable for , and lyable to Refound and pay all Profits, Ink tromiffions, or Benefits taken, uplifted orimployed by them, in the mean time; and it is Declared, That all other Claufes, Articles and Proyifions contained in any former .<#<5 or of Annexation, to the advantage of His Malefiy, and His Crown, are, and fliall be holden as repeated and infetc herein, Likeas His Majfy?y, with Advice and Confent of the Eftates of Parliatrient, DothRati- fie and Confirm the forefaid Contraft, paft between HisMajrffy and the faid Vifcount of Melforff in the whole Heads, Claufes, Articles, and Provifionsof the fame, with the Refignation made by vertueof the Procutry therein contained by the Vifcount of in his Majejlies hmds, ofthe lorefaids Lands, Baronies, and others hereby annexed to the Crown, together with the Signature granted by His M/ij^jito the faid Vifcount of Mf//i>rr, arid his Heirs of the forefaids Lands, Baronies and others diflolvea from the Crown, Dated the day of One thouk fand fix hundred eighty fix years ; And the Charter under the Great Seal, Precepts and Inftrumenrs of Seafin to follow thereupon ; and Decerns and Declares this ptefent Ratification to be as valid, ef- kdlual and fulncieat to all intents and purpofes, as if the lorefaid Contrail, Sisnatute and other Writs . . ■ ?£ ot Rights Confirmed, were all herein in^roffed • nnH h - Z).fpenfes and luppfies the generality of thefe“prefen» for now P«li=>ment yiC X. r Orda,„i„, furjms to fur„iJ},tho AS to tho Vofonders, Ju3e S. i68d. now and ever. «>hmonthtj ,ro to ltefo„o: Seflion , and all other Judges withmTlm K',n^i!‘“'’' 'he Lords of Litijcontiflatioa, the Delenders Oirh where by the Aft of be proven upon his part j That the PurluerVan?'"*' Tr’ "“'h'ng to ■Defender with the Aa,rtereon he is to Denn? *^5 “hliged to tuimlL the alter the Purluer or his Procurator (hall ^e feaune'd*'^'" "'S'’' Jelender (hall not be holden to Hepohe bit rife’ him, the forelaid Requifition beJa wws ml/e Term afligned by the Adi, and belSre th7 tZ L “ °f 'he - > niiuiii'.c; and where rhe Defenders in Exhibit-on^ jjefenders m Pi'ocelTesfor making arrefted Goods forthcLing, ‘z)epoao eltlTlffi'®' '''= That the Clerks and Macers Dues (hall be payed by thePuK ,/ affirmariveor Nega- wirh Certification, if the purfuer donot make payment thereof thrijeft 1 Defender; Cepone, but may be diftnifTed by the Ordinary ^ ^ " Defender (hall not be holden to the Pii filers Inftanc Xf. ■dCT Tor Winler-Hiritingl June 8, 1686, «heepandother Beftial in the Wmter ril are eaten and deftrsyed - Doth, with Advice ah/rnn/ J '5’ bo« j...d tVd ofiKS£,S“rf“ij%“* Swofc, «'“r XII. ■dCT Tor Cleonftng the SttreetsofEiiahvir^h^ Junes. 1686. ^the''*v“’!( ^/"'>’C<3'>fi4ering the many Complaints of the Naftinefsot the Stteers, Vmds, Cloffes and other places of the City of Edinhur^h, wliich is the Capiul City of the Nation , where the chief Judicatories leiide , and to winch His ii/a/f/Irer Liedges muft neceffarly refott and attend , As alfo, the great Trouble that does anfe to Hit Majejfies Liedges, and the Inhabitants, bythegrea: numbers of clamorous Beggars ; repairing in and about the faid City ol Edhturoh, j . 3 H's Advice and Confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Deceins and Ordains the prefent Magiftrats of and their Sncceflois, to lay down effeflual Ways for preletvmg the laid Town of Edinburgh, Cnnnongdte and Subburbs thereof, from the Naftinefsof e Streets, Vmds, Clofles, snd other places of the faid Burgh , and for freeing and purging the ame of thefe numerous Beggars which repair in, and about the laid Burgh, and that under the pain 8t Metb yearly, Jobe payed by the Magiftrats, who (hall be m Office, totbe Lords of C i ' Sef- 12 king fAMES the seventh Seffion, tobe applyed by them for theend and ufeforefaid; Declaring, that the Magiftracs who in Office , and who (hall be found negligent ol their Duty , lhali have no relief of their fajj out of the Common Good of the faid Burgh, or by Stenting the Inhabitants ; As alfo. His m’ jefiy , with Advice and Confent lorefaid , for the further Incouragement of the Magiftrats’ of Edt' hiirgh, prelent and cocome,in the faid matter; Does Statute and Oidain, That the Lords of Coun”i and Seffion, fliall receive from the Magiftrats of the faid City, or others-, all (^ropofals which th faids Lords lhali judge rational to the elFcdi above-mentioned , t- nd for that effca , Authoriz”^ and empowers the Lords of Seffion, with Advice and Confent of the Magiftrats, to impofe fcg Taxes upon all the Inhabitants, Burgefles and others,within the faid Town, Can7i0)ig,,tcini Suburb thereof, as they (hall find juft and necelTar, for purging and clcanfing the faid Town of the forefaid Naftinefs, and that all Execution by Horning or fummar Poynding, proceed againft the inhabitant for payment of their Proportions/ And Recommends to the Lords of Seffion , to meet with th^ Magiftrats, and to Proceed in the faid Matter, aswell in timeof Vacans, as in the time of Seffion^ And Ordains the prefent Magiftrats and their Succeflbrs, to put all fuch Aifts and Ordinances as fhalj be agreed upon, and fettled by the Lords of Seffion , for the efFefl above-mentioned, to vigorous Execution , under the pain and certification above-mentioned, to be incurred by the Magiilrats year, ly, in cafe the faid City of be pot effedfually cleanfed , and purged of the forefiid Naft;" nefs and Beggats, without any relief to the Magiftrats out of the Common-Good of the faid Burob' or from the Inhabitants. ° ’ XIII. ACT OfDiffoliilion i» Favours of lU Diil^e of Cordon, June 8. 1686. U R S O V E RA I G N LORD, and Eftates of Parlia¬ ment, Taking to their Confideration , the many fignal Services done and performed to His MajeBy and His Royal Anceftors bv the Family ofHuntly, for many ages, with the eminent Sufferings ofleveral ofthe Reprefentatives of rhatFamily, for their conftant adherence totheTrue Interefts oftheCrown, and thegreat Ser¬ vices and Sufferings of Gfcr^e Marque Is oiHunlly, Grand-Father to George now Duke of Gordon, who for Flis Loyalty to His Majejiies Royal Father, of blelTed memory , was by the then Rebels Condemned, and thereafter cruelly murdered on a Scaf¬ fold : And allb, Taking into their Confideration the conftant Loyalty , great Services and Merits of the faid George Duke of Gordon, who has fully anfwered and iraproven the high and ho¬ nourable ChataaersofLoyalty and Nobility, Derived unto him by his Predeceffors, and his readinefi by himfelf, his Friends and Followers, in fubduing thelate Rebellion. As alfo. His Mayeffyand Eftates of Parliament, Confidering That Mr. Robert Baitlk, tomeume oC JerriJinood, being upon the 24 day of 1684 Found guilty by an Aftife of the Grime of high Treafon, was Forefaulted by His M^/eyl/f/Juftice- General, Juftice-Clerk, and Commiffionersof Jufticiary. And bythe42 AS of the firft Sejjwa of His Ma^fAe/ current Parlia¬ ment, The Lands and Barony of and all other Lands, Teinds and Sights whatfomever' pertaining to the laid Mr. Robert Bai/Iie, were Unite, Annexed, and Incorporattothe Crown of this His M«>/?erancient Kingdom; And the faids Lands and Barony of Ue//arfla«es und Fawns, with the Pertinents lying within the Lordlhip of Gordon, Huntly, Parochin of and She¬ riffdom oCBermck,, did anciently belong to , and wereholden ofthe faid George DukeofGorj?;r,with Advire and AO of cerns. Ordams and Declares. That ti^^aids Lanl and Pertinents formerly pertaining to the faid Mr Rohrt j, and Ean>w, with the ponedto the fmd^r DuL of ard!" ,Tnd htfore&S: “^ be ^ and hereby Diffolves the fame from the Crown and plt ’ And for diat tffed has Diflolvad A PMica,io„ of tho To ft, monks of WUnofos June 14. 16Z6. ''-il Good and 'ime'je'ft ot" Hi's 'uiport and concern the ft'ce, That WitnVes be dSa fan/ of Ju- Written in plain and clear Words ^as' they'^are siven^'"^T Dcpolitions vocats, they being prelent at the DieA of Fval„^ "i Parties, or their Ad- flimonies ol the Witnelies in the Clerks hands ’ a^?nwH’ jhere be publication ot the Te- theeffea Parties niay have Cop es ht of J^iev Z k fi ^ To ftomorUfage to the contrary. ItSandllrg!^ ’ X I X* ^cr Anem tie Regi{lmio» ofSeaftmond Reverfons, June 14, 16B6, ; Pj;?^ ^ ^ ^\Lts°andnir Confidering, That where Seaf, ns and other^ patented to the Keepers of Reg.fters, it is their Duty tocaule cAeTull 7ooT.rRegiC die fame, lor the fecunty of th= Parry, and Inrinurion ot the Liedges- Th BRE FORE H;s Maiefy, vmh Advice and Content oi His Eftatesofpat- liament,_ Statutes and Oru .ins , That where ieafins and other Writs are prefentcaco the Keepers ot liegifteis- and delivered back to the Partv, bear- fern'll under their hand that the fame are ReeiUrat- It than make the tame luflicient and valid lor the lecurity ot the Party al¬ beit by the onaitnon or negligence ol the Keeper of the B egifter , or his Depucs, They tliould not be found Booked onnieit in theRegifter, And tothecfKdf thacall Deputs entrufted with the care and keeping ot the R,egitters, may Faithfully do , and executetheir Office. His Ma;c/?y with Advice and Confent iorefaid . Statutes and. Ordains, That in cate by their omiffion. or neoli4nce any Writs prelenfed to them,, and marked with their hands to be Reg,ftrat, thall not be found book- tdand mfei-tin the Regitler, The faids Depucs. Guilty of fuch omitllon and negligence fiijll be pq.nifliable as. Forgers olthepubha Regiftcrsand Recoids, and (liall be lyable in Damnace’and Pre¬ judice to any Pa ty who flwll be prejudged by the faid omilfion or lu-gligence. And His Maieftr with Advice iorefaid. Statures, Ordains and Declares, Thatchefe PrciVnts flidl no waysderooat from the 16th ^0 of, theaz Par/;Viwf»r K. tfie 6th. Entttukd, CAB anenttheRenfratim of Rcverfi- f»s, Reaftm artd other Writs, which thalt remain imts lull Force and i’trength in all Points as before themakiBgof this prefenc /^c7, ’ XX. , ACT AnenttheNominatiOnoftheclerktothefuflicisefTeace. June'14. 1686. - SovERAiGN Lord, and Fftates of Parliament , Confidering chat by a Claufe in ' thei6th A0 of the faff Seflionot this cui rent Paihament. Ancnt ffi(lices of Peace-, The faids Juftices are allowed to nommat their own Clerks, which is a Right and Priviledge, belonging to the Secretaries ot State , The Clerkfliips of the Juftices of Peace being Dependences of the Secretaries Office ; Therefore, His Majefy, with Advice and Confent ^.ofitfre Eftates of Parliament, Has Repelled, Called and Annulled, and hereby Rcpells, Caft'esand * Annulls the iorefaid Claufe in theSixceciuli A0 of the laft Sefsion of this current Parliament, Al¬ lowing the fiijlices of Peace to Nominatetheir own Cleiks , and Declaiesthe fame to have no Force, Strength , nor Effetfl from the beginning, and to be null and void in all time coming . D 2 XX r. i6 KITUG ^AMES THE SEVENTH xxr. ^Cr 7» F “fever bleffed memory, out of His W^' *^e Reformed Religion within this Kingdom , and Ae i ^ ^’i ^ff " .T Churches thereof, and the Peace ° it h P':e''e“''"g "nd fettleing all Differences, that did, or might 1, i A- “'hers having right to Teinds , and Heretors, concern- ing the trading and Drawing of their Teinds, and immediatly after His attaining and fucceed- ‘"f ; rh Emitted His fioyal Declaration anent the Premiffes, and the other particulars therein*fpecified : And m purfuance of the Ends forefaids. Divers Laws and Afts of^rliament were made m the year of our Lord 1633, His faid MajeJij being then pre- fent in His Royal Perfon , and fince divers Afts of Parliament , and Commiflions have been Made, Given and Renewed to that purpofe , and particularly by the 15 ^3ofthes*/«« of the 2 Parbammt of King Charles the Second, His Ma]efties umquhile Royal Brother , of ever bleffed memoo'. And H's Maiefly being Refolved, and defirous to Profecute fo good a Work for the umverbl Good of His Subjeas, and efpecially for the Encouragement of the Minifters of the GofpeU T H b R E F .0 R E , His Ma]e]iy with Advice and Confent of His Eftates of Parlia¬ ment, Gives full P ower and CommilHon to His Ma]efiies Officers of Eftate for the time being,and to Or any thirteen of them to be a ^ortini, whereof three ofeveryEflate, with one of the Officers of Eftate, to Meet and Conveen at Edinburgh, the day of years, and fiich other place or places, times or dyets, as they fhall appoint , ToValueandcaufebe Valued, whatfbmever Teinds, great or fmall , ParfbnageorViccarage within this Kingdom, which are yet Unvalued 3 Declaring, That where the Viccarage of any Paroch is a leveral Benefice, and Title from the Parfbnage , the fame fhall be feverally Valued , to the effeft. the Titulars or Mi¬ nifters ferving the Cure, having Right to the faid Viccarage, be not fruftrated of the true worth thereof; With power to the faids Commiflioners, or forefaid, to appoint Committees, or Sub Committees of their own number, and to grant Sub-Commilfions , and to receive Reports from them, and to approve ordifipprove the fame, as they (hall find juft ; And to Rcftifie whatlbever Valuations, Led, or to be Led, to the prejudice of the Titulars, of thehurt and detrimentof the Church, and prejudice of the Minifters Maintainance and Provifions. Providing always, LiRe- as it is hereby exprefly Provided.and Declared, That where Valuations are lawfully Led againft all perfons having intereft, and allowed by former CommilTions, the fame (hall not be drawn in queftion, nor Reftified upon pretence of iwom Lifto'n, at the Inftance Ofthe Minifter, fnot be¬ ing Titular 1 or at the Inftance of His MajeBies Advocat, inrefptft of His MaiefUes Annuity, ex¬ cept It can be proven that Collufion was uled, betwixt the Titulars and Hereiors, or betwixt the Procurator-filoal and the Heretors and Titulars : Which Collufion is Declared to be, whenthd Valuations are Led with the Diminution of the third part of the juft Rent •• Which Diminution fhall be proven by the parties Oath , and with power to the faids Commiflioners , or ^orum fore- faid 3 Where Minifters are not already fufficiently provided, or have not Localities already affign- ed to them for their Stipends, out of the Teinds within the Paroches where they Serve the Cure, ac¬ cording to the Quantities , Proportions and Rules contained in the 19 of the Par. 1633. To rhodifie, fettle and appoint conftant local Stipends to each Minifter out of the Teinds ofthe Paroch where they Serve the Cure 3 With Power alfo to the faids Commiffioners, to grant Re- compdnceby Prorogation of tacks to Parties, for all augmentations ofStipendswhich arc granted fince the year i6?o. or ffiall be granted , and that effeiring to the augmentations already granted,' or to be granted, as the faids Commiffioners fhall think fit, Andficklike, ToDiljoyn too large “ ' £ an 1 KING IfAlMKS THE SEVENTH and fpacious I'aroches, tocaufeeredl and build neiV Churches, to Annex and Difnienibe as they (liall think convenient; And to take^rder, that e,very Heretqr and Liferehte*^ fh the leading and buying of their own Teinds , iftKey be willing, according to the Rules by (he 19 A3, and Commiffion granted by His htiijefl), WithConfent of HisEftatesofP^'r in Jn»o 1633. And the of therein-mentioned: With power to Queftibhs concerning the prices of Ttinds, betwixt Titulars and others having Right the Heretors, and to appoint fuch Securities in favoufsofTitulars and otiiws having RightT^TM^'''* for their prices', tb begranted to thfc Heretors , andbiHers lyatlein payment of valued D° ■ buyfersbf the faids Teinds, and in favours of the iVlinifters, as to their iii.'lihtajnance as th'^*r-j'^ Commiffibners {ball think fitting , according to thfe Rules let down in thefaid A3t6^l Hfcrfetor , whole Teinds belongs to Titulars otEteftioh, _ to have power and Liberty to Teinds ol his owri Lands, whether Valued or not, within the fpace of three years alter tln'^^ of this A0, with this Declaration always. That in cafe the Impediment, during the timefb t-f flowfrbtii the Titular, by reafon of his Minority, ot other inability; In that call the Her offered tbbiiy his own Teinds, within the fpace forefaid, fliall have place fo foon as the m mtnt lhall be removed, to buy his Teinds, notwithftandihg of the expyring pf the years, -.o'??™'' after-titpreft. And it is Declared, That if the Herfetor be Minor, and his Tutor negleft th irig of his Ttinds within the forefaid fpace , the Minor lhall have Action for two years afte nority , to compell the Titular to fell his faids Teinds j And generally , with power to th f Commilfibners to Decide and Determine in all other Points, which may concern the Draw Leadirig of Teinds, the felling or buying Of the lame, or paymeritof the Rates thereof com ® in the former Acts of Parliament, or fet down in the general Determination , given out bv Hi jeHies Royal Father ol blefled memory ; And if any perfon or perfons IhaH find themfelves and complain ot the Injuftice , or Exorbitancy of any Decreet or Sentence given in any of the r milfions during the time of the late Troubles, with power to the faids Commiffioners totak n' fame to their Confideration, and alter, anull, or allow the faids Decreets and Sentences’as the n, u find juft ; And it is always Provided and Declared, that the Arch-Bilhops and Bilhoos mT * Beneficed Perfons, being Minifters, and their 5'uccefi'ors, lhall not be prejudged of the Renuln of their Predecellors were in aaual and real Pofleffion; and which by the Laws of Ae KilA were due to them ,637. Or whereofthey are prefently in Pofleflion , and thattheytt no further bound, but according to the Conditions and Provifionscxpreft in the Submiffinnc m a by theBiftiopsto His Muje^w Royal Father.. fbleffed memory, ofthe date, the dat of 1628. and Regiftrat in the Books of Commiftion for Surrenders and Teinds, upon the , /dav of 1 631. And whereas It may fall out, that fome ofthe Commiffioners may beunable to a«en7tho Service through Death, Sicknefs.or other known Impediment. TfIeREFORE His m ® f ”i!r u u places with other perfons qualified whofe Oatl^ rr' faithfullDifchargingofthefame) lhaft be taken by the Lord ChaLllor. or ffitisScl bv the Lord Prefident of the Comtniffion for the time ; And Ordains this prefent Commiffion to endure ay and while the fame be Difcharged by His Mdiellv And the^A^fs “'"“"“on ‘0 ,oh..e,fcFo,.^ And the Lords of Scflion to grant Letters of Horning , Poynding and others neceftir to i upon the find Decreets andSentences, in manner contained in the forefaids Commiffions AndHs bZif/yZt “11 ft^^er Commiffions. Declar&So XXIll, Ccmmijshit for l^eguhtron of ^udicMures} ^unei^, i58d. ovERAiGN Lord froiu His Royal and Priacelv Cafe nf a'nA Welfare ol this His ancient Kingdom, being defirous^to prevent unwarrantable exaiSions within the fame, efpecially i I of Publick Truft, and in the Difpenfation of Jnftice, to theS eSence't^H^ssK^ and impartially Adminiftrat with as little trouble and K / H‘s.W.;ry?y IikewifeConfidering, That His dearelf Brother , derthe greatSeal of this Kingdom of bleffed memory , Having by a Commiffion un- defign, SSred and of Sepu^i.r ,66^. For thefame end and ’ S pt^yent the fame In time-tottiln^ 5 and who in parfuance ofthe faid r i K ^ i r ^ I AM E NT^ fjid Commiffion, did agree upon cetain Articles ol RegUl^ibTTfn^^ - TT^— - Court and Exchequer » All wiiich are Ratified by the i6 n( , J ^ Ch. the Second : But the faids ConunilTioneis were not able thfoDob ,r I K.' pcrfea and accomplilh fo great and neceffary a Work as thp '“'lyto requites. And His MdjeBj being now fully Refolved tn nmfp >nd Intereft of the Kingdom ^a?good dm SUbiec4/andtS petlk^ the fie X fiWetJf their great Happiriefs and Proftlelity under His Protr, formation by all manner of Probation thereanent and how rhf islets au r *'*' from what ttoe , and to take notice anrSf the AuTho^al^C^^ Trarifmit ah exa'dt andperfefl Acedmpt of the fame to His i, thereof, and to af Pieafute, and give vvhat DireSfthd l He Lk He mayfignifieHisRoy^ and tefttaihing thi fame in time comil.! vlhLvl hereby Autorize and Impower the foretaids Deilo^ns nr Ciuoyn rU Does Ads and Cohteutiotis for Regulating the fame^'n time com^g, Z tt/ ffi.iriTful uJdl fuch PeriAlties and Ceitifications to be incurred by the Contraveenerc « r- m tejiB,, i„ .h,. taUf. All *ha Aa’, o*Sr.™ cl Ccmfentlorefaid , Do^'katifie, Approve Tniftfit^f bt put to Execution and to have fuB Force, Strength and Effect againll the Cohtraveeners in all time coming As likeipfe His with confent forefaid, Does hereby Authorize and Im- pdwer the faids comimffionets, to prefcriveand fet down clear and diffintR^es lor the Inferiour Judicatures in this Kingdom as to their competency, and the Nature of their Jurifditions tha't may be at a certainty, andnotbeput to tiouble and expence by bein. cal- led and forced to compear and attend before different Courts for the fame caufe, hereby Inhibitin. or determine in any other AtioL or clufes , than DtrlsJvi ilfrTAA^ Commiffion«s to be proper and competent lor their Jurifdiffions ; fo H. • Decreets to be given and pronounced by them , in matters not compe- tent to their Jurifdidiions. to be null and void, and the Judges to be lyable to the damnageand prejudice of the Party grieved, and to be punifhable at the fight of the Lords of Privy Council r JmiWiff ion. And to the effea,fo juft and neceffary a Work may meet with no cfbftitftion from the negligence , or not attendance of the fo efaids Commiffioners His Ma- yfy, i^ith Advice and Conferttlorefaid, Statutes, Ordains and Declares, That the Commiff.on- )“# , and lawful excule, ( to be allowed by fuch of the Commiffioners who ftnll r “ meeting appointed.or to be appointed for carrying on of the CBd - - j/i tobedifpofedofby thb _ CTWftifffionerj , as they fhall think jifft , And for which, Letteir ol Homing and Poynding are ^tahCed .* And it is hereby Declared ^ That this ^ommiflton fliall continue and endure ddrWg Hi'r Mjejllh Pfeafure, iffid dy diia while the fame fliall be recalled, or difeharged by Hir Maf^Jfy: E a XXIV. 10 KING ^AMES the seventh XXIV. ACT amnt an humble Offer to Bis Mi]eSiy fir- an Impofition upon certain Commodities, fif the Expence of a free Cojinage,' and other matters relating tothe Mint. ’ V‘‘H'’g June 14. 1586. i.UR. SOVERAIGN LORD, and the Eftates of Parliament, ConGd • ■the great advantages that mayaccrefce to this His Ancient Kingdom, bv raging the Importation of Bullion to be Coyned in His Majejiies Mint, and free Coynage is of all others the greateft encouragement for that end! And Eftates of Parliament taking into their Confideration, That the Charge and E pences ofa free Coynage cannot be fupported , without their giving unto Hi M jefiji a fuitable Found for the fame 5 THEREFORE, They Do out of a due Senfe of His Ma*' flies great Care for the Profperity of this His ancient Kingdom, Humbly offer unto His M •"'^T twelve fhillings Scots for each Ounce of Bullion Impofed by the eight Act of the firft Sefiion ofth ftcond ParliamentoClCmg Charles ihe Second, upon the feveral Commodities therein-fpecified Spainlfh, Rhenifh and Brandy Wines of all forts , each Tun fourteen pound and eight IhilG^^' foots money; French Wines of all forts, every Tun feven pound four Shillings foots; Paper f^ Printing and Writing of all (orts, every fix Rims twelve fhillings foots; Gray-paper every twel ^ Rims twelve fhillings foots ; Dailsevery thoufand, three pounds foots; Single-Trees every thou^ find three pounds foots ,- Double-Trees every thoufand fix pounds foots; Double Doubfo.Tree' and all other great Fir.Timber, every thoufand twelve pounds foots ; Steel every hundred weinht twelve fhillings foots j Iron and Iron-Work, beaten of all forts, every Tun one pound four foil lings foots ; Onyons and Apples, every two Barrels twelve fhillings foots; Mum-beer everv Barrel, two pounds eight fhillings foots; Prunes every Tun two pound eight lliillings foots ; Raj fins , Currans and Figs, every Tun fix pounds foots; Iron Pots of all forts, every duzon twelve fhillings foots ; Soap every Barrel, one pound four fliillings foots; Suggar-Candy every hundred weight, fix pound foots; Copper-Kettles, Brafs-Pans, and all other made Work in Brafs or Cop¬ per, yetlin or beaten, every hundred weight two pound eight fliillings foots; Mad er, every thou¬ fand weight three pounds foots ; Hatts of all forts, every three dozen one pound four fhillings foots • Window- Glafs ofall forts, every Chtft twelve [hillings foots ; Lemons and Oranges, every thou! fand twelve fhhillings foots; Hopes ofall forts; every hundreth weight, twelve fhillings foots, Spa- nifh Leather, Marikin, Tanned-Leather, Wild-Leather, and all other forts of Leather, exceptM;^ rowa-Lcather, every hundred weight twelve fhillings foots ; Gloves ofall forts, each duzon twelve fhillings foots; Whale-bone, or Ballen , every two hundred weight twelve fhillings foots.- And His MajeUy , with Advice and Confent of ffis Eftates of Parliament, Doth hereby Refcind and Annuli the eight det of the fecond Parliament, firft Sejfion of King Charles the fecond , and in all time-coming. Statutes and Ordains,Th3t the above-mentioned firms upon the forefaids Commodities Imported into this Kingdom,fhallbe!payed in to the Tackf-men and Colledlors offfis MajefiiesCn- ftoms, by the Merchants or other Importers of the faids Goods, before they break bulk, in the fame way and manner that HhbAajefiies Cuftoms upon Forraign Commodities are payed in by the Merchants and others; And Ordains the General-Colleiftors, Tackf-men and Farmers of iJisil^aje. flies Cuftoms, to Compt yearly in Exchequer for the whole Impofition above-fpecified, according to the rate of twelve fhillings foots per Ounce, in ftead of the Ounce of Bullion formerly payed in infpecie by the Merchants, and to make a general JEqoe for their feveral Sub-Colleiftors. And flis Majeliy, with Advice and Confent forefaid. Doth hereby Annex the forefaid Impofition for ever unto the Imperial Crown of this Kingdom, to remain with His Majefty, His fleirsand lawful Sue- celTors , in all time-coming, for fupporting the Charge and Expence of a free Coynage, and for paving the Sallaries of the Officers ofVlinr. An-l His Ma]eHy , with Advice and Confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Doth hereby appropriat and fet apart the forefaid Impofition allanerlyforthe ofe of the faidMint, and the fupporting the Charge of a free Coynage. And His Maje/ly , with Adviceand Confent forefaid. Doth hereby Command and Require the Tackf-men and Colleiftors of His C.uftoms, and their Deputs, to keep the faid Impofition a- part by it felf, and to pay the lame quarterly to the Lords Commiffioners ol His Maje/lies Thefaury, Thefaurer-Principal , and Thefaurer-Deput for the time-being, who are hereby Required to keep the faids Motleys and Impo- fition a- part by it felf, feparat and cuftmdl from all other His Majeflies Cuftoms, and Revenues; And His Majeflies Cadi- keeper , or Receivers, are hereby Commanded to keep a-part the faid Moneysin a fecUie Cheft by it felt, whereof th* General, or Mafter of Mint, is to have one Key, and the Cafh-keeper or Receivers another Key ,and the faid Cheft is not to be opened without the General or Mafter of the Mint be prelent ; Nor lhall the faids Moneys be delivered but at fuch times, FIRST P A R L 1 4 UR NT. times asH-s Ma]c(lj, or His Privy Coumril fhall ihiiik fiti to the Gener.,! o - TT,- ■ ' jr/if, ■« Mint, for paymenc of the Sallaries of the Officers thereof expence and Charge of a free Coynage 5 And for the further encoura^em’enrnfl^a the defraying the to Import Bullion , Hisjtfa/ryJy with Advice and Confent of His Eftates of and others, arKl ordains, That any Mercham or other Perfon, as well S tran4^„ into this Kingdom, and bring in to His Mint , any quantities o^Bullion '^o^r S^lVT^h' finenelTe of eleven Bearerj, two Grains, which is hereby Declared to be the Standarr of fi m ^ c 'a* fl’^llteceiveou/againfrom theGenmT or Ma]c(ifcs Mine j lor all fuch quantities Importsd by them WeioVt fArW^ioK^tr in u n • i- Coyn of theStandartol fineneffe, and the IpeciesaSbo^edT tK Sav lo^^ foots of fixKen ounces, conform to the Standart Pile of fcotsweight. novv in Hrs £t one pound of fixteen ounces of His uTyflic, cuirent Coyn, wrtho“ut being lyabl^tf S chal- or ex nertce whatfoevet for Effaying Melting, Supporting otwaift inCoySage o^he faL quantn e of Bullion , or Silver of the Standart of eleven Dertins two G.amc r j pound of Silverthat fhall bebroughein totheMint, to be Effaved’ ' And torevery Lrefa^ that fhall be finer upon^EfTay than tt S^an'daS o"X„ there fhall be delivered for the fame to the Merchants, or other Importers theteo7by the Officers of the Mint, fo rnuch more than a pound, as the fame doth in proportion and value amount unto the finenefleand value, and for every pound of Silver that fhall be brought in to theMinltobeEf ayed melted down, and Coyned as afotefaid , that fhall be courfer or bafer than eleven pLerr two delivered by the Officers of the Mint, fo muchlefsthan a pound, ’asrhe fame doth f^l ffiort in Snenefs and value. 1 1 is always hereby Declared, That it fhall not be law- iul to the Officers o^f the Mint to Import or bring in to be Coyned any Bullion, either in their ownname,^orin theqMe of others, with certification, if they cofltraveen, it fhall be holoen a malr^rfatiofi m their Office , and punilhed according to the Laws of the Kingdom* And Statutes and Ordains That there fhal be three Piles of Weight , whereof one to be keeped in Exchequer oneby the Dean of CiMoi Eit>r Mint ffiali be obliged to Deliver back again to the In-bringets, any quantitie of Bullion he fhall Receive from them, in His il^aje/re/Coyn, within the fpace of ten days, if the Bullion do not exceed fix thoufand pound /ceW; and on fifteen days, if it do not exceed twelve thoufand pound fcots; And in cafe the quantity be greater, within twenty days, and in cafe of Failzie, the Merchants or Importers , fhall have legal Diligence againft him , by Charging him with Horning , upon Regi. ftrationof his Note aforefaid , withlntereft, by and attourCoft and Damnage therefore ; And for the further Encouragement and Aflurance of fuchas ffiali Import, and bring in to MajeKics Mint, any quantities of Silver to be Coyned , HisMajcfy and Eftates of Parliament, Statutesand Drdains, ThatmoConfifcation, Forefaulture, Seifure, Arieftment, Stop, or Reftraint whatfome- ver, fliall be made in the faid Mint , of any Silver brought in to be Coyned, or by reafon of any Emiargo, Breach ofPeace, Letters of Mark, or Repryfal, or VVat with any Forraign Nation, or upon any other account or pretence whatfoever , publick or ptivat; But that all Silver brought in to His Mint, within thisKingdom to be Coyned, ffiali truly, and with all convenient fpeed , be Coyned and Delivered out to’ the In-bringets thereof , their Heirs or Affigneys, accor- ding to the Rules and Direflionsof this Adi. And His Majefly and Eftates of Parliament , further Enadt and Declare, That the General, or Mafter of His Majefties Mint, fhall be obliged to give the Coynage free to any Metchant, Strangers, or others Importers, or In- bringers of Bullion- and in cafe the General or MSfter of His MajeSHts Mint, fhall refufe to Accept of. Enter and Coyn any quantity , or quantities of Bullion, to be brought in by the Merchwts, or others into His A/,*. Mint, the General, or Mafter for fUchrefufal ( the Merchant or Importer taking Infttuments in a Nottats hand thereupon ) fhall iffafaHo be deprived of their Offices refpediive; It being al¬ ways hereby Provided, that in cafe the quantities of Bullion to be Imported, ffiali exceed the Stock of Money granted toHis for lupporting of a free Coynage, in that cafe the General, or Ma¬ fter of His Majefties Mint , is to make application to the Lords of Privy Council, and to acquaint their Lordffiips therewith , to the end , that by their appointment , the CommilTionets of Hit Ma- /e/?/es Thefauiy, Thefanrer-Principal, or Thefaurer-Deput for the time being, may furniffi and ad¬ vance eighteen pounds Scots money , for every Stone that ffiali be brought in by Merchants , or others to be Coyned in the Mint, until the next Parliament, or Seffion of Parliament thereafter, fhall take unto their Confideration, the manner of Re-imburfing His MajeHy for the faid Advance, It being always hereby Declared, That the Officers of the Mint fhall not be lyable to the Obliga¬ tion aforefaid , for refufing to Coyn any fuch quantities brought in to the Mint to be Coyned, in cafe upon any accident, the CommilTionets of His Majefliesthetwsy, Thefauter-Principal , orThe- fanrer-Deput for the time being, ffiali refufe or delay to pay eighteen pound /c«tJ per Stone for the Coynage aforefaid. And His Majeftysad Eftates of Parliament, for certain weighty Confiderations, Do hereby Statute , Ordain, and Declare, That in all time coming, the fpecics of Current Coyn within this Kingdom, ffiali be, five fliillings, ten ffiillings, twenty ffiillings, fourty ffiillings, and fixty fliillings fepts pieces, to be Coyned of theStandart of finenefs and Weight aftermentioned, viz. The fixty fliillings fiets pieces is to Weigh, according to the Denomination of Weights ufed in the Mint, twenty one Devrerr, eighteen Grains, ten Primes, eighteen Seconds ; and in the ordi¬ nary Denomination of Weights, fourteen Drop, eighteen Grains .• And in regard that the fixty ffiilling feats piece of the Weight aforefaid, cannot be brought to a certain number, to make up a /cDtr pound weight, without Frafliion ; Therefore it is hereby Declared, that theleffer/pc««ofCoyn fhall be Delivered to the Merchant, Or others Importers of Bullion , to makeup the juft Weights; and when it ffiali fall out, that the Ftadfion is lefs than a five ffiilling feels piece, in that cafe the Mer¬ chant, or Importer fhall have fuch a proportion of a five ffiilling piece dipped off, and delivered to him, as may make upthejuft quantity of a pound weight, by which meansthere will beina feats pound weight, according to the Standart Pile of Weights now in the Mint, feventeen fixty ffiilling pieces, one twenty ffiilling piece, one ten ffiilling piece, one five ffiilling piece, and a finall -Ftaftion of three ffiilling four pennies feats; The fourty ffiilling /«rf piece is to Weigh according IRST PA Rll AMEITT. - - - — - - to the Denomination of Weights ufed in the Mint, fourteen De„iers twelve Grains frv.n n ■ and four Seconds, and according to the ordinary Dehomitiation of lim WeV-ht n?ne Dmh ^ four Grains, whereof rtyenty fiK, arid one ten (hilling piece, ouA.. flion of three fhillingfour pennics/«tj, makes a pound weight = The twentv (hillin» ,« r • r according to theDenomination ofWeights uled in thfeMihi!. revetiDt«,>r,fii Gvains.thr^ee P,imS’ teen Seconds , and according to the ordinary Uertomihatibn oj fcoti Weight tour rh / Grains, whereof fifty two , and one ten (hilling piece, bnefiyfckllino friece and a fm^Fp ^ ? of three Ihillrng four pennies /m>, .pakesa/c.rfpknd Weighl/ The^en k^ according to the Denomination of Weights in the Mirit, three fiiteeLn^ins, nineteen Seconds, and actoruing to the ordinary Denomniatidn of (c,ts Weight two Drofi Grains, wheieofone hundred and five, one fl^e flrilling piece, aid a F^blion ’ol three (hilling S pennies j«rr , makes a /cerr pound weight. The five (hilling pieci is to weigh, accordin^o the' Denomination of Weights tn the Mint, one Darfr'^r, riineteen^Grains, twelve Primes, tvientyonb Seconds, and according to the ordinary Denomination of ferr weight, bheDrob, feven Grains and a half, whereof two hundred and eleven, and a Frabtion bf three (Irilling foOr pennies /catr makes a W pound Wpght. It ts always hereby Provided, that ifupoh tfyal,itfhall be fouhd that the weight if the feveral>e«« of the money appointed by this Aft, (hall b'e any way prejudicial to the IntirTft Or Ti^eof this Kingdom , that m that caice His MajePty , with Advice olHis Privy Council may Reflifie or alter the fame as they find Caufe j But becaufe it mdy (ometiine fall out cafually ’ tha^ money be not Coyned and Fabricac exaflly in all things, to the trhe Stahdaacs of Weight nd fiw nefs above, and atter-fpecified : THEREFORE His ^r./r/?yand Ehafts of Padiafcenc S:L lutc and Ordain, that if it (hall cafiially tall out , that any fpecics ot Cbyn to be Coyned for the fu ture within thisKmgdom, be lighter or heavier than the Standatt ot Weight ifoteiaid the Officer* of the Mint may Deliver the fame, providing always it be tiieerly accidental and cafuai and do not exceed the quantities atrerfpecified, -n/i. Two Grains Over . or under the true Wewht of eve?v ‘"f One Gram over, orundet the true Weightoi every twenty (hilhne ten (hilling, or fiveflnllmg [ceu piece, above- fpecified , appointed to be Coyned by thisprefenc m- As mo, it the money iti the fpeciesforefaid to be Coyned, (hall fall out accidentally robe a Grflinhncr, or conrfer than the true Standait ot eleven Dinier^ two Grains lipoh every twelve Oun ces Weight, fo to'be Coyned, the Olficers of the Mint may Deliver out the money to the Mer¬ chants, or others, according to thefe remeCdS of Weight ahd finenefs above- fpecified, Itisherebv always exprefly provided, that the Officers ot the Mint (hall by no means Woik and Fabticat the moniy with regard to the Remedies lorefaid, ds they will be anfwerable at their higheft peri] Anrf it is Statute and Ordained , That tlley fliali keep' an eifaft Record of all thefe Remedies both of Weight and Finenefs , and Cohipt for the fame yearly in Exchequer, {o: \i\s MAthei ufc- And Appoints arid Ordains in all tiitie codling, that the Ellay-maflerlhall take two pieces ot every Jour¬ nal , that he fhall cut off fo' much'of bneof the pieces as wilTiiiake (mEffay, and (hall put up the re¬ mainder , and the other whole piece, \?ith the Reported Effiiy : All which (hall be put into the Fix, theWairden, or Counter- Waitden, being always prefent, which is to be opened once eve-' ry year in the moneth oi Dteemher, at the fight of the Privy Council. And it is heieby Declared That the tryal of the Pix being made, the whole Silver m the Pix is to be returned to the Ma¬ iler as his own,' and the Say-maftet is to have no part of it , The Pix (Itall haye three Keys, one' to be kept by the Lords of Thefaury, or Thefaurer for the time being , one by the Geneial, and one by the Warden- principal of the Mint, Ani Mis Majefty, with AdviceandConfentfotefaid, Doth Statuteand Ordain, That all the- money to be Coyned tor the time to come within tRi's Kingdom,' lhall be Lettered and Grained round the edges , that is to fay, the fixty and fontty.flrillmg pieces (hall be Lettered , the twenty, ten (hilling, and five fliilling (cUs pieces (liall be Grained round the edges, the particular Impteffion,- Infcriptions, and Reyerfes , As likewife what popotcion of each fpecies of money fhall be Coyned in each Stone Weight of Silver, are hereby left and Recommended to the Lords ot His Mijefiies Privy Council, who are by this prefent Adf fully impowered to Con- fider and Cognofee upon the finenefs and weight of the Gold Coyn, when His Mujefly lhall think fitto Grant Warrant for the fame, and to Regular, Appoint and Determine the finenefs. weight! and (pecies of the faid Gold Coyn , and to Ordain and Appoint fuch Impreffioo, Infcriptionand Re- verfe, asthey lliall fee caufe. . And His M/tjcfty and, Effaces of Parliament Do fuither Statute and Otdain, That no Copper lhall be Coyned without His MujeHies exprefs Warrand, Andthatall Copper which (hall be Coyned conform to His Warrand, (liall be Coyned in two penny and fix pen-, ny fcots pieces, and that fourty of the fix penny pieces, and fixlcore twelve of the two penny pieces (hall make a pound.- And Recommends to the Lords of Privy Council, to appoint Tryal to be ta¬ ken of the weight of every Journal of Copper , before it go out of the Mint-Houfe, and what Profit (liall arile by the Cpynage of the Cpppei, the .Officers of the Mint (liall be lyable to compc for the fame to the Exchequer. And His Mnjefiy and Eftates of Parliament, Do hereby further Sta- - F a tute 24 king James the seventh tute and Ordain, That the fum of twelve thofifand pounds fcocS of the Mpofidon aforefaid - ^ fed by this prefentAft, upontheCommoditiesabove-fpecified, Hiallbein all time comino f for payment ot the Officers-fees, ■ maintaining ol the Fabtick of the Mint, arid providing new and other incident Charges relating to the Mint, in manner after-fpecified, viz. The General faidWint, the fum of three thoufand fix hundred pounds fcots ashis FeeandSallary ; thef two thoufand four hundred pounds fpotsto theMafferoftheMint, and this over and above th'*? of eighteen pounds money for every ftdne ofSilver that fliall beCoyned and pafl’ed HisMajeliies I ^ to be payed to him out of the remainder of the faid Impofition , for fupporting a free Covns°^‘ aforefaid; The fum of one thoufand two hundred pounds (cots money to the Principal Wai The fum of one thoufand two hundred pounds fcots to the Effay-mafter ; The fum of feven h dred and twenty pounds fcots money to the Gouht'er-Wairden ; The fum of fix hundred pou'"!)' fcots to the Sinker or Graver; The fum of four hundred and.eighty pouiids. fcots money to th Clerk or Book-keeper ; The fum of three hundred thirty three pounds fix Ihilling eight pennies fc to the Clerk of the Builion, who is to be Clerk for the time to come to this new Impofition ash'* was formerly to the Bullion , or twelve (hilling fer Ounce payed in lieu thereof ; To the Mali Smith, the fum of three hundred andfixty poundsfcots, as their Fees and Sallaries and the(um^*^( eleven hundred fix pound thirteen (hilling four pennies fcots, to be payed in to the General and fter , for maintaining the Fabrick ot the Mint-Houfe , providing of new Tools, and other inciden" Charges reraling to the Mint, for which they are to compt yearly to His Majeflies Exchequer ad the overplus ( if gny (hall be ) To go to the flock of freeCoynage aforefaid; The which fum of twelve thoufand pounds fcots for the Officersof thehint, and other expenfes thereof, istobepav' ed to the General and Matter of the faid Mint , togetherwith the fum of eighteen Pounds fer^m to the Matter for the Coynage of the Money, at four Terms in the year, viz. CAndlemnf, fonday, Lamkma^ and Martinmnf yearly ; and the faid payment to commence from and a’fter the firfl of Nivember next. And His Majefly and Eftates of Parliament , further Statute and Ordain That no Heads, Sweeps or Chize! of any Gold or Silver to be Coyned in His Majeflies int (half pafs His Majeflies Irons without taking a fecond ElTay thereof, aS if the fame were newly brought in to the Mint to be Coyned ; And to the effea that all matters relating to the Coynage and Mint may be equally Ordered and Regulated according to thisprefent Adi, and in fuch further ways and’ manner as His Uajefly and His Privy Council (hall think (it. It is hereby Recommended to His Majeflies Privy Council, by fome of their number, to try every Journal of Coyn by it felfdiftina. ly, and to take exafl tryal of all matters relating to the Coynage, both as to the weight arid fine- nefs of the money, andother matters relating to the faid Mint , twice every year, viz, Iri themo- neths of Julyzad December yestly, and to call before them the whole Officers of the int and to Examine their Proceedings , and to infpeift their Books , and to (ign and fubfcribe Approbations thereof, as they (hall fee caufe.- And .this without prejudice of the faid Officers of the \ int their compting yearly to the Lords of His Majeflies Exchequer and Thefaury, for all matters comm’ited to' their Trull. XXV. ACT Reflitidhg * Clm]e its the Addrejfe , made by the Parliament , againflihe late Earl «/ Argile. Jtine ry. i6S6. UR SovERAiGN Lord Taking into ffis Confideration the of the firfl St/"- flmol this Parliament, Intituled, anent the AddrefoftheEflates of Parlia¬ ment, of His Majeflies Kingdm of Scothnd, to His hatred Majefty, againB the Arch-Traitor, Archibald Campbel , jometime Earl of Argile ; And that His from H\s unparalleled Clemencie, and Goodnefs , has been Gracionflie I j • L Pardon and Indemnifie feveral petfons, who were accelTorie to, and in- yolved into the faid R^ellion, notwithflanding the Eflates of Parliament from their zeal to {(is Service, and Deteftation of the faid Rebellion, Did by their Addrefs humbly Defire, they 0 or ever be incapable of mercie , and that any of H\s UajeHies Subjeitts who (hould interceed (or them any manner of way , (hould incur the pain of Treafon ; and in regard His MajeHy did make ° as to the faid Addrefs.- Thereporb wis .Maje/ywith Ad- r of A is Eftates of Parliament, Caffes, Annuls and Refcinds that Claufe in the ^ ceil- ‘I’® ffis MajeHiesUttcy. or the Interceffions ofany of flis Maje- ^wSubjedl^ made or tobj made in that behalf.- And Declares the fame Claufe to have no (Irength, Force, nor efifea from the beginning, and to be null and void in all time coming. XXVI. 4s I’ ISST f A Rl, 2 A M E N T, Cmchlaw. a«d CaUloch/«« >«e 15. 1(586. of this His Majkiies Ancient Kingdo^ "f the dS ‘heGreat-Seal Maj^^ 1 680 years, upon the account of Sir Iheothilui Ooihl».S r * eleventh day of and Captain Hendry Cormaall , their Loyalty and ServC-c § °a' ^°'°nel Af«« Grant an'd Difponeto them, their Hehsand Afsirnevs » Did Give. hio and Cailhch, and others more fully fpecified^in the M crarL?"^ of Earleftonn, Cruich. and the faid R ight Ratified in Parliament • And whi-h l ,n.t " j rn. fhey were Infefr. hands , by the Forefaultur of Mr. William and Alexander Gord^ fell in His late iJHajeJiiet James Gordon of Craichlaw, and Mr. WsUiam Feronfen of cltW*" Like*^ His Letter ofthe eleventh of Afa;< One thoufand fix hLdredeigW^ • n by nnGmnersot H.s H.ghnefs Thefaury, upon Information that the faids S ee EftaTes did ° v d7' hundred poun^ Sterling per annum, which His Maje/^was pleafed to Prom^fe 1,, unto them , Ordered, That before the faid Gift plft in Exchequer th^ftiJs Lords'^, rd®°U His Ma^ejly Ihould think fitthLLfter Tnd^in hi; manSr Hir;:i«"h'“ ter, diretied to the faids Lords,of the ijlh of Fehuar, t68i Reauired !hem r’'*"”' nty ofthefatds perfonsfor paymentoftLir A^are of Thefaury, towards the fuppreffing of the Rebellion in the year 1679, not exceeding twTvet^^^^f of the faids Forefaulted Efhtes, and accordingly the faids DonaLn granted Security to the Lords m the 1 erms torelaids. As alfo, O U R S O V E R A F G N I O R n r., nu Hn Ma/ejiy by Ms Letter of the laft of Offokr 268^. upon the Confidmtion^hft the laids® Eftates did not exceed, but are rather confiderably (hort of the faids fix hundred pounds Sterling per annum and of the great trouble and expence, the faid Sir TkeophiUss fwho alfo acquired the other^tirPal: from M«« and Cornoaall ') was, and is expoled to, in attaining to the Poffefsion of the faids three F refaulted Eftates , and being defirous the fame Ihould be made fully etleftual to him, free of all future trouble and inconvenience.- T H E R E F O R E, as a furthL Mark of flirFavour to the red WEJi^“‘n’f^ b's great Loyalty and Service, Authorized and Requi redl William Duke of gueeaiberrie, Ms Majefites Thefaurer-Principal for ihe time Thefaurer-denut defer ver to him the faid Security, and Ordained the fame to b; rhe eiX r.f V ^ Rccotds of Exchequer, whi^ accordingly was done, and an Aft thereupon paft the eight of laft; And further upon Confideration of the faid Sir Ikeophilm his conlbnt loyalty and adference to the Crown, and fignal evidence given by him thereof in the late Rebelli¬ on of thelatelluke ofM»»w«;6, Did Order his Right Trufty and Familiar Coufen andCounfel- loi, Alexander Earl of Murray, Conjuna-Secretary of State for the Kingdom of 5c»r/.i»d, and bis high Commilsioner therein for the time, to reprefent the matter in ParliamentforaDiflolu- we faids three Forefaulted Eftates from the Crown, to which the fame were Annexed in the laft Sefaon of Parliament, holden at £rfwf»r^6 the fixtecnth dayofjawe. One thoufand fix hundred eighty five years, Which Annexation proceeded upon a Suppofition that the yearly Rent exceeded fix hundred pound Sterling a year ; Whereas now upon ferious Examination it is found (hort ; Which Confiderations being this day Proponed in plain Parliament, and the Eftates of Parliament having fully pondered and Confidered the whole matter, and the truth thereofbeingfufficienrlyknown, and wade appear to them, by produiftionof the forefaid Charter , Aa of Exchequer, and other Eviden¬ ces requifite; And by the laid Lord highCommiUioner his Grace, his Declaration in plain Parliament, innanie of^andby Warrand from His Majejiyt His and Eftates of Parliament,after mature Deli- bttatioD, Finds the fame juft, fufficient , and reafonable Caufes for Advifing Ms Majefty to Diffolve the (aids three Forefaulteii Eftates , all particularly mentioned in the laid Charter, from the Grown, that the fame may pertain , and belong to, and remain with the faid Sir Tkeophilm Ogilthrop and his forelaids , as their own proper Heretage, heretably and irredeemably in all time coming; And THEREFORE, His Majefty with Advice and Confent of the Eftates of Parliament, has DiA (blved , and hereby Diffolves the fame Lands and three Forefaulted Eftates aforefaid from the Crown and Patrimony thereof, and from the faid Ad of Annexation, and from allClaufes, Conditions and Qualifications therein-contained j And Finds, Decerns and Declares, that the forefaid DilTolution having proceeded upon the Grounds, Caufes, and Deliberation aforefaid in plain Parliament, Does G 61 i6 KING ^AMZS THE SEVENTH fatisfie all the Conditions , Claufes and Qualifications contained in the foreftid Aft of Annexation paftthefaid laftSefsion of Parliament, and (hall hare the Force, Strength, and EfFeft of a General* Law and Adi of Parliament, and (hall be as valid and efTeftual to the (aid Sir Theophilus OgUthroD and his forefaids, for their Security of the faids Lands and Efiates , as any Diffolution Granted by HisMa/f/j'OrRoyal Anceftors, with Advice and Confent of Their Eftates of Parliament for the time, in Favours of whatfomever perfon or perlbnsat any time heretofore, and that notwithftanding of anyClaufes, Conditions, orQualifications contained in thefaid Aflof Annexation; Andnotwith- ftanding of any Security granted by the faidsDonatars, or any of them in Exchequer. AndHisMa- jefiy with Confent forefaid, hereby Ratifies, Approves and Confirms the faidAdt of Exchequer' and Grounds thereof in all Points. And Laftly, His Ma/ey?r aud Eftates of Parliament, Finds and Declares, That this prefent AA (hall not fall under the Aift yme, to be paftinthis, or any other Sefsion of this Current Parliament, but is hereby excepted forth thereof, in all time coming, , XXVII. ACT of Dijfolulkn of the Lands of Grange in Favours of Sir Thomas Kennedy, lord Provoji of Edinburgh. June 1^. 1686, UR SOVERAIGN LORD, and Eftatesof Parliament taking into their (erious Confideration , That His Majeftks Commifsioner , as having fpecial Warrand and Inftrudlion from His Majejiy, having propofed and proponed in plain Parliament the Loyalty and Fidelity of Sir Thomas Kennedy Lord Provoft of Edinburgh, and the good and acceptable Services performed by him to the Crown and Kingdom, in the diligent Supprefsing of the late tumult within the City of Edinburgh, and finCe 5 And Confidering alfb the Service done by the (aid Sir Thomas Kennedy, againft the Rebels at Bolhtoell- Bridge-, And likewife the conftant Loyalty and eminent Services and Sufferings of Lieutenant-Collonel Thomas Kennedy of Kirkinll his Father , and his Firm Adherence to the Crown, in (b far as the (aid Lieu¬ tenant Collonel Kennedy having attended the late King of ever bleffed memory at Worcejier Fight, he was then taken Prifoner , and detained eighteen Monethsin the Kingdom of England, and after¬ wards fent Prifoner to Leith, from whence after he had flayed (bme while , he was tranfported to ./^;>,and kept Prifoner there until the year 1659. And his Eftate in the mean-time Sequeftrat,and pof fed by the Ufurpers, and himfelf abfolutely ruined All which Services and Sufferings being pro¬ pofed and laid open in plain Parliament, to the end the three Eftates might give His Majejiy their Advice, Judgement and Determination re integra , whether the fame were good and reafonable Caufts for Diffolving from the Crown, the Lands of Grange, formerly pertaining to Thomas Kenii nedy fometme of Oras/ge, with all other Lands, Htretagesand Rights which' belonged to the (aid Thomas , and which fell in His Hands, through the Doom and Sentence of Forefaukure, given and pronounced againft him upon the day of One thonfand fix hundred years, by the Lordsof Jufticiaryfor theCrimeof Trea- fon and Laj-Majefly, committed by the faid i homos , and were annexed to the Crown by the four¬ ty tv/o^B of the fi' ft Seffion of this Current Parliament : And the faids Eftates of Parliament, afi. ter mature Deliberation, and Treating and Confulting anent the Preuiifles, being fully fatisfied and convinced, Thatthe faids particular Services and Sufferings, Done, Performed and Undergone by the faid Sir Thomas Ketinedh Lord Provoft of Edinburgh, and Lieutennant Collonel Thomas Ktn- nedi his Father, the truth whereof is fufficiently known, and did appear to them, are juft, fuffi- cient and important Reafons, concerning both His Majefiies Intereft, and publick Good and Wel¬ fare of this Kingdom, That they fhould Advife and Confent to His Majefiies Giving and Difpon- ing the forefaids lands of Grange, and others above-expreft, to the faid Sir Thomas Kennedy, hiS Heirs and Afligneys ; And for that effeft , that the faids Lands fhould be Diffolved from the Crown, and from the faid AU of Annexation. THEREFORE His Majeliy , with Advice and Confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Decerns, Ordains and Declares, That the faids Lands of Grange, formerly pertaining to the faid Thomas Kennedy fometime of and all other Lands, Heretages and Rights , which belonged to him, and which came in His Arx/f/w hands, and were annexed to the Crown in manner forefaid , may be Difponed to the faid Sir Thomas Kennedy Lord Provoft of and his forefaids 5 And for that effeifl, has Diflblved, and hereby Diffolves the fame from the Crown and Patrimony thereof, and from the forefaid Adi of Annexation, made rhe fixteenth oifune Onethoufand fix hundred and eighty five, and from all other Adis of Annexation, and from all Claufes, Qualities and Conditions therein (Contained .• AndHisJt/4- jefiy mih Advice and Confent forefaid, Finds, Decerns and Declares, That this prefent Adi of DifTolution having proceeded upon the Advice and Deliberation of the Eftatesof Parliament tegra. F IS.S T P A R L I A me NT, of the Laads and others above-menuoncd , or any part or forelaids, the who e Claufes, Conditions and Qualification^ containeTb he '““'y and (hal have the Force. Strength EfFedt oL“nl Law nr f be as valid and effeauil to the faid Sir Thonm ,Jj h^T r Parliament, and fiiall Lands and others above-expreft, as any other Adi' of n'lff 1^ f°rslaids. for their Security ot the Anceftors with Advice an'^J -^fent o^he £^1: o^Si^eTl'^f ^ fon or perfons at any time heretofore And Declares tha n whatfomever per- der the Adf of Sah. ^„re, to f,e pad in this mefent Iffion ^“"ipiehended un- rent Parliament, but is hereby excepted therehom. ^ ^ lubfequent Seffion ol this Cur- -^cr Di(J^hi„s tk U^dsofCM, Nonh- Berwick »dCM,ifrom ,k cnm^ y«»ei5. 1686. ^ '‘'-imn, jUR STovekaign Lord, and Efiates of Parliament Tihina »? • n rj ■ tipn, that His Commiffioner , as haviiw fpeciai Wit W a fioni Mis Maje/ly , Having propofed and expounded in plain ^ilhin^Q^ep Faithful Seivices done to His Maje/ly, and His Royal Brother ot ever bleflid m by Earl ol dn4», Fiift Gendeman of His u ^ conllanc Zeal and Faithlulnefs to the Intereft ot the Crown ; And pirticulady^'dm fS^Earl'of ra» his extraordinary expenfes, when fmployedfay His Muie/lies fiH Dearpft ,i« F™ch ici.B , j., M. ,a„..,c,%im ?h. 1. "S' “ t srr and that he had faithfully executed the faids Offices, and did very well behave hlmrelftfr- ’ and thathe wasinffrumencal in the Defeat of thhle Rebels, and hid perfoimed fe^eS^rpTod Semces All which being Propofed and laid open in plain Parliament, totheendthe Thiee Eftates might give HiSil^ajfffy their Judgement, ftdviceand Determinationre ;»rfera whe ther the fame were True, Good and Reafonable Canfes ot publick Concernment for Diffolvinp the Lands and Barony of Cr^/»fp, lying within the Sheriffdom of ' MCh, and the iands^f ivitr/;! lying wifhin the Conftabulary of Hadiingtcnn^ and als the Lands ot cW/rfer with the femds and Pertinents thereof, lying within the Sheriffdom of Edinburgh. , fometime pertaining fo Thomas and David Stuarts, late elder and younger of C«/r»f/r, togethef with all other Unds a1° nuahents, and others pertaining and behonging to them, from the Crown, and which fell and became in Hisil/,,)e/?;er Hands through the Crimes of Trealon and Aded, Committed and Doneoy them, and either of them, and the Doom and Sentence of Forelaulture, Given and Pro trounced againft them for the fame, upon the and . , bays of f f, c 1 c- Annexed to the Crown, by the fourty two AcT of the fii-ft seffton of this Cuirent Parliament, and by the aH ot this prefent Seflion of farhament ; And the faids Effaces of Parliament, alter long and mature Deliberation. Treatinp- and Confulting anent the Premiffes, being fully fatisfied and Convinced , that the particular Se?’ vices and Expenfes above mentionedj Done, Performed and Expended by the faid Earl of Anan, the truth whereof is clearly known , and did appear to them as Jnff, Weighty and Ihipor- tant Reafons, concerning both His Maycftiis Intereff, and the Publick Good and Welfare of this Kingdom , that they fhould Advife and Confent to His Majefties Giving and Difponing the faids Lands oiCidtne^^ North- Berwick^ Goodtriet, and the ocher Lands abovc^ written, wicli the Perti- nents, to the faid ^ames Earl of Arran, his Heirs or Affigneys ; And for that effeift, that the faids Lands fliould be Diflolved from the Crown , and from the faids two a-Vidlual, or Cartel, a A that Inhibitions fhallnot be prejudged by Recognition, Aft for Burying m fcc/r Linen, ° Aft for Writing Seafins byway of Book. Aft appointing the publication ofthe Teftimoniesof Witneffes. ' Aft anent the Regiflration of Seafins and Reverfions. Aft anent the Nomination of Clerks to the Juftices of Peace. jmaj Geographer, for Surveying the Kingdom of Scotland, and Na¬ vigating the Coafls and IQes thereof 16 aadValuation ofTeinds. 17 Ibid. Ibid2 n Ibid. ' 14 Ibid. IS Ibid. Ibid.' 23 Aft for Regulation of Judicatures. 18 24 Aft FIRST parliament. 24 Aft anent ao humble Offer made to His Ua]cfly for an Impofition upon certain Commodities for defraying the expence of a free Coynage, and other matters relating to the Mint ao 25 Aft Refcmding a Claufe in the Addrefs , made by the Parliament , againft the late Earl of Argih. 25 Aft Diffolving the Lands and Eftates of Earlftoiin ; Crakhlaiv , and Caitkch frcm the Crown- ^ 27 Aft of Diffolution of the Lands ofGrange in favours ofSir Thomas Kennedy, Lord Provoft of Edinburgh. . 28 Aft Diffolving the Lands of Cidtnefs, Goodtries from the Crown, 29 Aft ofDiflblutionin favours ofthe late EarlofTamrai ^0 Aft anent the Meafure of Bark. g t Aft in favours of John Meikle Founder, and othersofthat Trade. j2 Aft Salvo Jure CujupLet. Aft of Adjournment. 2(5 27 28 29 Ibid, Ibid, 30 A TABLE Ofthe A&i and ‘Ratifications P a^ in the fiecond Sejfion of His Majefties firjl ‘Parliament^ and which are not here Printed, PR-oteftation by (bme Noble-men and others, concerning theirPrecedency in theRolls ofPaiiiament. His Majeflies Letter to the Parliament, with the Parliaments Anfwer. Aft for feveral yearly Fairs and Weekly Mercats to fome Noble-men and others. Aft of Didolution ofthe Lands of OchiUrie, in favours oi William Cochran. A6t Dilfolving from the Crown, Lands which held of other Superiours than the King. Act in favours of the Dutches of Hamilton , anent the Office of Juftice-General , in the Ifle of Arran, Act and Reference to the Council anentthe Importation of Prohibited Goods. Act in favours of the Shire of Eofs. Act R'efoindinga Commiflion Granted the lift Selfion ofParliament anent the Eftate oCArgile. Act Rcfcinding the 33 Aft of the lirft SeJJion of this Current Parliament. Act adding fome Comffliffioners of Supply and Juftices of Peace to feveral Shires. Act in favours of Monjleiir Culbert, Marchio de Schankp, Act in favours of Sir Alexander Gibfen, Act for Rebuilding the Bridge of D^re. Act in favours of Robert Cuninghame of Achinhervie. Act in favours of the Duke of Gordon, Act in favours oIMi.Walter Birnie Minifter. Act appointing the Earl of Morray, and Lord Doiin in his ablence, Conveener in the Shire of vernejs. Ratification in favours ofthe Dukeof Ratification in favours of the Earl of Perth, Lord High Chancellor. Two Ratifications in favours of the Dutches of Buccleugh. Ratification in favours ofthe Earl of Mrdrf/e/uB«. Ratification in favours ofthe Earl o( Dumbartoun. Two Ratifications in favours of the Vifeount of Two Ratifications in favours of the Vifeount oiTarbat. Ratification in favours of General Drummond. Ratification in favours of theLmd oIBalnagoun. Ratification in favours ofSir Thomas Stuart of GairntuUie, Ratification in favours of Sir James Stuart of Bute. H a ( 3^ ) Fatifieation'in favours of Sir Ja«fcs OdMommrm>i, Ratification in favours of Sir«;» Omphd of AherurquMt. Ratification in fitvours of Sir of Ratification in favours of SirTW/ KtttMclj, Lord Vtovo^of Sdmimrgh Ratification in favours of Sir Charles Stmrt and Ker. Ratification in favours ofSir Wiliam Sharp ofStonny-hm, Ratification in favours ofSir Jain Gordon Advocat Ratification in favours of the Laird of JnverfteHy» ^ ^ Ratification in favour of Hngh M-kcd of CamhifcHrrte. Ratificatiot) in favours of Mr. hkxander Mcfeaw of Uttar, R atification in favours of John Reid of Bara. Ratificationin favours of Captain £da>4ra Surd. Ratification in favours of Mr, William Cordon Advocat. Ratification in favours ofGeorgeKeiih ofCriechk. ^zoficMon'mhvoutsof ^ames TJrquhart of Knockfeith, ^ Ratification in favours of Robert Miln his MaJeJiietMr. Nfefon. Ratification in favours of Lady Mary Bruce and Wiliam Cochran, F INI Pag. I. LIST OF THE HEADS INDEX, Of the following OR abridgement. A ABctdecn. Abfcnr. Aft and Letters. Aftion. Adlielence. Adjudication. Admiral. Adultery. Advocat. Advocatioir. Air and AfrUiip. Alc.andBcir. Alienations Double. Alienations fraudUiL St. Xnncxauon. j^nnualtcnt. • Aiinuitic4oooo.Ub. Sterling- Annuitie of Tcinds. Apparel ordinary. Apparel Solenine. - Arbiter. Archer. Atmie. Armour. Aneftmcnt. Articles. Articles of Perth. - Afiallination. Affcmblie. AHifoucs. Ailurance. B BAifes. Bailzies. Banckiupt. Bands, Banqueting. Eaptifmc. Battamc. Barron. Bationie. Bees. Beggers. Beit for Drinking. Benehce. Beilial. Bible. Sirn. Bilbops. ... Black niaill. Blaiicli holding. Biarphemie. Boll. Boolu. Borders. Brugh. Sutrowes. Bounds and Marches. Btandie. Bread. Breadth. Breive. Brewers. Bndges. Broom. Buchanan. Buirding. Bullion. Burghs. Burial). Burnt Lands. Biufjries. c CAlumnie. Cards and Dice. Calhei- Caflles. Cafuallty. Cawpes. Caulcs. Clumberlane. Chaiicellaiy, ajvd Chancellor. Chapter. Char|cs/i«p*r In^uiTtndn. ChaicouTS. Chaudmcila. • CUnn. Clerk. Cloath. Coals, Coalhcughs. &cc. Coequet. Colledge. Colledge of ]u(llce. Combat. Commend. Commillatcs'. Commidion. Commidioiicrs. Communion. Companies. Compenfation. Comptj'fnng. Comptroller. Condition. Confellion of Faith. Conhrmation. Coniunft-6er. Coarervator. Coti liable. Conflables. Conventicle. Convention of Ellates. Convocation. Comes. Covenant. Council. Court. Craft. Creditor. Climes, and Criminal Frocefs. Ctownct. Craves and Zarcs. Cuningaries. Cuinzie. Curators. Curfedrcifons. Cudomes. D DAmage. Deacon. Dear. Debitor . and Creditor. Debt. Dcclaiacion. Dcclinatouc. Decreet, Defence of the Rcalme. Defender. Deforcement. Demembration. DenounciatioR. Deponing againll Delinquents. Depredation. Dice. Dilapidation. Dlfloluiion. Donation. Doom. Doucat. Druakennefs. Dumfetmling. E EDinbutph. Egyptians. Ejeftion. til. Lagagcment; England. Ereftion. Error. Efehcat- Edbnzie. Exception. Exchange. ExchecKcr. Excife. Excomunication. Execution. Ezeemors. Expenfes. F FAflor. Fairs. Falkland-wood. Fallbood. Fee. Fcedcs. Feitiers. Few, and Few’-ferni. Few cum ALir ijs?, as iunmecoming, ate declared null, by way of exception , in all Courts. jaiu.S- par. 1 2. cap. 117. All Marriages betwixt petfons divorced , and theit Adulterers, Decerned to be unlawful, and null, and their iffiic Inhabilc to fucceedto tlicit Barents. Jam. 6- cap. 20. ADVOCATS See SefTion. Tromife and Oath ofthe three Eftates not to maintain . defend be Advocats, for, orftandatthcbatwithmanifcftTtauors, and other Notorious Malcfaftois, bot only tocompeit with their Kitiand Friends in fober wayes, defence of them m boueftaftions. jam. j.par. 14.CIP. 98. See itiiiTreafbn. Advacitsmii frielie comptatfor, and defend petfons accuftd mParliameni foiTiiiroi. . oiothcra.,,-. )im. «. p.r. 1 1 . c.p- !S. And mo.tlu iie given as toTieafon , and all other crimes before any Judge, and that the Judge may compel them to procure in cafe of their lelule. Ibid, cap- 9®. . w,4it/«MrFecs, fee the Aft of Regulation. Car. 2- par. 2. Sell. 3. cap. i<. advocation See Declinatour. Th«no..(d»«-fi.»ofcjur,ibcfionilhe Judg, oidin.iic , Exetpt for d«dl, fet cap. 7i. And thcEarlcdom ofT^op. and Lordnupofc^r.fw.innyfy;, arcappointed t-obc the pi*. per Patrimony of the King’s fccond Son. Jam. (j.par. t i.cap. jo, ^Annexat/on of the ’Eotldom of ^nrc/i , and Other Lands, to the Crown, with ■the fame claufcs , fetdownin the Adt Jam. 2. par.ii. cap. 41. Jam, 3. par. 14. ^^^i;mfVa;;onofLandstoBaironics, and tliccffcft ofit . ftc of certain LandsbyKiiig7vw« Annailaicd.witliout decreet ofParliimcnt, forgteat tcafoiiabic caii/cs, tuft advlfcd by the ifi*tcs, ^^AnotEcr’.c5«St-/madebyhimof more Lands, wiilianc exception onijeto fetinfew, for augmentation of the rental, conlorm to the Afls of Di(i6lutiy,i. oVthi haill Temporality of the Kiik to the Crown .made the 29. of 7«/v Its? And to begin fra the term of Martimcfs inAu/Ive , tiie fiid ; |,ui withUinblution, that the fame may be fee m few And the Ecclclhftick Per. fonsarc declared free of warrandice, Exceptfntlicitown deeds. And the Aft contains many other conditions, and exceptions, as particular y, iicxccpts all Tclnds pert, lining to any Parfonage ,or Vicarage . where tiic hock , and tein.l, not fee cocetlicr : All Caftles , Houks , and Manfions, with Biggiugs and Ycards thereof, lying within their piccinfts, pertaining to Bifliops . and other ITelatcs , all PaifoDS , and Manfes , with four Aikers of G cib , appointed for Mini- flers All Lands ■ Tcinds, and oihctsdifponcd toCollcdges, Sclioolcs, or Hof. Ditals, or for fuftentation of Miniftcis, within Burgh, together with allLaik Pa- ttonaecs, as allb without prejudiceol all Fewes, Tacks, and other Rights, and illncnlionshwfullyftirpon.ii ofli.foi.i rtoviiliiiR..lwjyts , llDtlhtSnp.iioiL lics^bclong to 111. KinE f sill Ik” ‘I" 'k' V.lift! Ire tniitd by Bi.iscs oflil!Hie1iirersCliiiretlliD'.«'k=l''"kfkis ochti Tcmtiils. lleni litre «hcie Hock aod ttind ret r.i in f.'vtoettll.i, tire Snpci.onir remain intirely «i,h Kme and the Eccl.liaftick p.tfon , l4 lias. Hie rcnlh ot Ihe « hole demies , p,y. Tble lor ftock and leind. kern ikat Bortotvesof HeBality , and Danony, former¬ ly holden of lire Kirk, enjoy .he fanie Rights, and Liberties, of exe.eing ,\1„. clii.dice , and having theiiown Oflieiais, lo be holden of tire Ring , as alio, that the Kine now become theitSupenor, have the ritnc tight lO the Noncmrics of rencments, and Annual-rcnts.vithin the fame , femg they are not Itcc Battoncs teEil thatthePtelateshadbefote, andthatlhc eott.esbe expedby his Hiehnef! Chanccllaiie. Item tills Annexation ptejudgesnot hetetable Batlxics , and Stcid- atts in Kirk-Lands, except only .is to the change of thcit Supettot. Ilcm the King tcfcrvcs liberty lohimfelftoiftakefrom tliisAtb of Annexation ivliai cxccpiions hpoleafcsbemcfignifirf under his own, and the Lord Chancellors hand, betwixt anJhci!.ofi(ni»yl then nixt, fevcialofivliich execpiions lie fnbiOyned In the Aft jam 6 pat It cap. i9. Butthis Afttefcindcd m lofar asp.cludicultothc “l^ref mfofcrw'KuSj^ree annexed tothectownare declared of all watraudicc of any difpofitionwhatfoeyer made of, or anem thcit tcni- potalitics: Exceptintliecafeofdouble rights, and from tlicitowii deeds. Jam.6. payed out of the Kings Annexed any Prelate , or other ilencficcd retfon . after tlicu Deccafe, remain with the King asanarcof the patrimonic of his Crown. And it is Statul that none have right thereto licrcaftct , without prejudice to Hofpitils, Collcdges . and Schooles. Jam, 6, pat. 13. Cap 167. Sec Comptroller, aod Exchcckcr. j- ■ , J/7 annexing the Lands therein contained to the Crown, wmh he otdmarie clauf- tsi and exprefty thittheymayiiocbcgivenavvay in fee, ftank-Tencment , Pen- fion . or other dtlpofition, except forgteatand rcafonablc caulcs conc„nmg the Rcalme, fiifttobcadvilcdby thewholcEftatcsofParhamcnt. and theu Decreet Un^, Teinds, and otliers , lymd on the Noith-fidcof thcwatcrofFarf*: Excepting the Darionicsofi(rm-/-/yi/»d, andNaWim: And whh an ample Exception, indRaiilicationoftlielnfcftmentsot the Barronicof A/ir/77//ir«?/;, granted to thcLord T/;ir//?/ine. Jam. 6 p. 13 s^ffRatifyingallfotmcrAfts of Annexation, fpecially the Afts Jam 2. p « J- cap 4i..indj3m^.5.J>it-6-c3p.S4 and rcjcmdmg the Aft of Difloluiion paft m Parliament m King the fixili his minority. Jam.6. par-p. cap. 6. and aU oihcr Acts ofDiflblution made in the Minority of Kings, albeit the famcivith the Iiifcftmcntchcrcoii bcRauficd in Parliament in thcli Majority. Jam. 6. par. 14. ^ ifcnithc Kings Caftles, Palaces, Yeards, Woods, Par^.Fortefts.Pafturcj.and in fpe- ciilthcLowmondsofF.i/k/ng Laws by advice of the thice Eft iics fpctiallic tbeiein memioncd, l.)id. 243. yllts of Parliament , ^cc. ^^na annexing the Right and I liviledgc ol Rc- aaliiv belonging to any Abbacy, I’liory, oroiherBcncficc to the Ctown . De- clatin" ilut the Airs of Vaffals fliall be entred by Bteivcs forcliof hisMajcftie’s Chancellary , Dircftcd to the Viagiftrats of the Biughs of the faids Regalities, and fttchcr all ii^ght granted be liis Majefty , his Father . or Grand. Mother of any of the laidsRcgalicies, isRcfcindcd. and the right thereof is Declared to appertain to hisMaieliy, and hisSuccefTors, withoutterpeft to any Exception contained in the faid Aft of ^nnix.ttion ; Rcfctving alwayes to heritable Bathes. and Stewarts of the faids Regalities, theRightsgranted to themby chcBencficedPerrons, pre- ccedingthcErcftions. And this Aft extends nor toany Right of Regality per¬ taining w Archbiftops, andBiniops, iiorycttothclnlcftmcntof thcBartony ol Sru^hiJitn , granted to the Earl of 'Hoxirngh, mthc year HS30. Cat. i. par. i . **Aft Ratifying former Annexations , and the decreet Reduftiveagainft the Earl of Mortaitn, of the Earldom of Orlijry , and Lordlhip of Ztihnd, and ofnewan- nexme the fame to the Crown : Asallb excepting them from all General Afts of Diifoluuon, and that no tight to be granted therepf, for hetcaftci wuhout the Advice and Decreet ofParliamcnt upon maturcdcliberatio^n, and exprefling the oarticulircaures fitft given theicanciu. As alfo the Aft fupptefles the Oftice of Shitreff-fliip, and Feiidricthcrein.andcreftsthem ma Stewartry , notto be given hererablie fo any Perfon , without Advice and Confent tprefaid .without pie|udice to the Bifbop of Orlyiry, of his Partimonic , and of his Maj^efties ValTals, in thefaidslflcs of thcirPrivilcdgc offending Commiflioncts to Patlument, Cat.2. par. 2. Sclt I. cap. ij. ANNUAL-RENT, See Ufurie. All Annual-tents ofViftual, or Silver, foldintime bygone, and redeemable, mav be redccined , by payment of the principal , in tlie tcvcrfion and by-run An- nucls thereof, acTcnpererMf , notwithUandiDgoffccuritygivenfotgrcater An- ^^Aft’cr *I^nunciation*to^thcVotn , the fums dcnunccd for , beat Atmuil-rent u^ till the piyment, albeittherewasnopaftionmadefot Annual-rent, and the Aft is extended to all that they ftood denounced, , from tne term ol Marcimefs thereafter, J.i. 6 pat. 13. cap. 20- 4. Auguft 1621. ^„nit tl-rcni reduced from ten to cigwpet ccnt,£x chat none take more under the painofufurie, butthe Execution of the Aa/ufp^ended for date, intefpefttwootthctcupcr propomoMU, tnat tie Annuity be 6 per tint, with the i.^ft of thp xrt. ,1.. i.iu r> _ fion oV ' 'vith the left of the Afts of die iafd Co'mmi'r’ fion let down m the Aft. And it is declared . chat this Annuity , is n c!p 1 1 Mj)cRic’s liec difpolc. Car. i. ] par.i.cap.21. dated, 28 June 163} Reduced to Sex per that fpace granted to his Majcfty. Ca. , andthefame declared tobe free of all Retention, and other publick Burdens. Car. a. pat. 1. Sell. 1. cap. 49. annuity of 40000. poands Sterling to the King. . ^0 fotlairmg this Annuity ro his Majcft.' yeitly during his life , Mtctidmg m &.r, money . m+joooo.poondsyenily i Whereof 5S000. pounds *•" » “““j nounds Sterling to be raifcdycarlyby an Excifc, upon the Coale. arid Salt, and Commodities, fpecified Inthe Aft, and the remander being ha-ooo. MonrfsScms, on e.»o. pounds Slerling , 10 be rrifed by “ KZ rnd iilc Aquivite. rnd Sr.oog Wrters . Bro.ven, .nd fold in rhe Coun- , k- 're in rhe Aft (Sec il in l.nTr ,) Foiivhichend ir is piopoliionird sIZesTit Bmgh's' Andiiisidiined, .hil.h,. ihelf^Eeuie in i",f AiSro^-sSms'; S’Aui'gf;'nie-^.giin Aefiihed. CeL. p,l. 1. "¥hii Suhy cominued foi file yens ifiei his M.ietio'sdeceafe. Csi. :. pii. !. cap. 8. Stti^inExeife. annuity ofTcinds. 0f\,'^:;tin7wi0fK=ft »he.. .o.i.».na. . flic bellBesi of apparel Ordinaric. Knights and Lords, of two hundrech Merks yeaihe . and their eldclt Sons . without licence ol the Kiue cap Btoidcrie . Peatle , or Bullion. J*ni. i. pat. s. of Apparel , and that no Women come to Kiik , ot Mercar, with herfaccmuUcllcd under the pain of efchcat ofthcCourchie.'Jam. a. pat. 14. That none weite Silk, except Knights, Minifttcis, and Heraulds , andfuch.ii * P®‘'**dsworcli of Land-rent , undci the pain of cfchcac of die auk, and ot Twentie pounds to the King, Jam. 3. pat. 6. cap 46, Aft and particular regulation about wearing Appaiel . wherein Two Thoufand Merks, mdFilty Chaldcr of Viftualptr annum, ate tijuipamt. Jam. 6. pu. 7. cap. 113. r Aft regulating Apparel, wheteiii soClialdcrs Viftual, indScxThou- land Mciks/x-r annnm. Or made f.yaivj/rnr, Jain. 6. pat. 23. c-ip. 15. -/inn>i6it. AnothetAftancntAppaicl,Cir.2.p3t.2. Sen;3-C.>p. 10. .^nna 1671 amlRe- ftincd.^t, i.pat.2, Sell. 4, c.ip. 3. AiicallTheic Afts are Innivaiby the Aft of ltaUc,Cit.2.par.3.C3p. la. See.uinTradf<. apparel Solcinnc. The maimer of Arniments for die ladiiment, .ind for Fote-rneakers , Jam. 2. par.ii. cap.47. Ratified, andchatche King make the pateins, lara.i. par. 14. cap. 68. *> r ■ j ThatMagiftntsofSurghs. and tlicir Comniiftioneisto ratliamencs, wcire at larliaments. and oclicc Solemnc times luch decent Apparel as his Maiefty Ihall picknbe: And the I’atlianienciefersto the King, to appoint the habits of the LotdsofScnioii, and all other Inlctioui Judges, ‘as alfo ot all Criminal, and Ec- » s'ldot.ill Advocais, and others living by ptaftilic of L.iw. Hem that all Alimftcts wear black, and all ITelitcs grave and decent Appaiel : And fatcher, thacwhacotdcihisM.ijclly Ihall ptefctibe foi the Apparel of Kitk-mcn agrceablctotheirftate. andnioycii, being fent to the Clerk Rcgiftei, Ihall be by himinfett inthe fiooksof Fatliament , to havethcftieugthof an Aft thereof^ thatlettersniaybeditefttheceupon, chaiging the Petfonsconceined , toprovidc within foutty daves , and wcare , and ufe , the faid Apparel . at the times , and m chemanner, asliisHighnefslhall appoync. ]an^6.pai. 20. cap. t. Itemthispowet as to the Apparel of Kitk-men , isacchted to icmain with King diaries . andliis Succeflocs, Car. i.par. i.cap, 3. lee it inK.>»^. ARBITER and OVERS-M \N. The way of appoynting an Oveif-maD for Subm'iftions then depending , and that thereafter all Arbiters bechofenof an odd, and not ot an even number , otlici- wayestheSKbmilTiontobcvoyd, jani.i. ARCHER. That all menbuskthcmfelvcstobe Atclicts, fra they be Twelf yeais of age, and that in ilk ten pound Land, thcicbcBow-maiks, jam.i. par, i.cap. 18. A R M I E , See Hoft. ARMOUR, or Harnefs. That all Merchants bring home Harnefs. and Atmour. Jam. i., 3. cap. 47, fee»n-/ha-win^i. That ilk manofzopoundsRcnr, 01 toopoundsof eftate be hotfed, and haill Hatnefl'ed, and other limplet, as in the A«, Jam. i. par. 9. cau. 1 20. And that Zeamenbegtaitlicd for wear as the Aft, Ibid. cap. 121. And that the Barron, and in tliisdcfaultthcShcrifffeehis men fobodeii , underthepaincs fet down in the Aft, Ibid cap. 122. and Jam.i-pat.d. cap 4J. ThitilkSutgersofFifncpounds be aimed as a Gcmleman, andchemein- erfort as inthe Aft, under the p.iinsiheicin fet down. Jam- 1- par. 9. cap. 123. And how men Ihoutdbehainellco, Jam'. 2. par. 13. cap. 56- Jam. 3 - p. it.cap. 8I. and Jam. 5.p. 6. cap. 87. and 88. ARRESTMENT, andbreacking, and loa¬ fing thereof. ProbationofallAtteftmentsmadcbyCrowacis, andSetjinds, To be bywit- nefs. Jam- 3.p. 7. c. J3- . „ , , r. n That the Lords ptocccdfumniailie in Aftions for breach of Atreftnicnt , to put them to a uoynt, without InieimilTion : And thcbreakctstobepuniflicdby ckhcic ofmoveubles, and theitrerfonstobc in the Kings will, and that that cichcat beburdcredwichthc payment of the Atrefters Debt, his expenfs highly taxed. andwiihafuintobemoditicdbythcLotdsof Sellionfoi his d.image, inthehrlt ^ ThaAll Bils mt louFing of Atreftments, pad by the Lords of Seflion , be part upon caution, tobefound in their Books: And that AcCleik receavc the laid caution, before he give outthc Bill j andalllouCug of Aitcftments othetwayes made , tobcnull, Jam. 6. p. 22. cap. 17. . _ r 1 ii j . v. All lumsof money addcWdbc bonds , ot other Pcrfonal oblidgcmeiits where¬ upon no infeftment hath followed . ate declared arrellable , and that without chani^ingthenatuicofthefums, as totlie Airorany piciending iightto them as herctablL andalfobut prejudice to Cteditois to Compiiire , rathcithcn Attcft, iftheyloclioofe, Cat.2.p.i.Se(r.i.cap.5i. r,f . n ' For what Debts Butgcllcsof toh'^1”to itrcli^aiiy Sefr.3.cap.8. whcreMagillntsofButghs ot Regality for Debts . but allenarlic ilieir own Butgefles. Sec the AftiQ Burghs. ARTICLES, See Parliament. The A R T I C L E S of Perth Alfembly . ThefeFivcAtnclcsconcludediiithatAfrembly , Ratified, i. ment of the Lords Supper . be cclebrat by the People on tiicir knees. 2. Tl at i be privatlicAdmimftratm I'cifons on death bed, Tntec or Four ,gi,^n\ih..,fi/«ind Cuflomes, in the tonci.T, lefcinded. Jam. 6. p. u-cjp. i. assassination. Thacnof only all Aflamnes, butall who fhall aflcit . that iri< lawful to kill any man upon difference in opinion, ot becaule they hacc been imployed in tne^ vice ot the King , or of me Church as now cftablilhcd , lhall iiicurre the pain Tre.ifon, Car. a.p. J.c. i j. assembly, See Syno.1 National. The Genet.l AOembly oftheKi.k held .tG/e*. J- . ip the ye.t ' unU.ful , .nd rediiious, .nd . . Deeds, .nd Afts , thereof, made voyd from die begining. and in all lime coming. p Self. 2. cap. 2^ ASSISOURS, ASSISE, or INQ_UEST. ThainoOfficiarofanyCeOuntry, nor indyterofany man , be derthepainof tenpoundstothc Kings, Ta- 1 p 3 cap. 5<' fliouldfwcar, dial they neithcrhave taken , i.^ . L-r... budd cfany party , and if any be given ot heclit or any prayer made 'o ' thcgivingoutofthcirvcfdia, they lhall reveal the lame m plain Court, Jam.i. ^ iVan'vmanbcgrclvedby thcp.irtiil malice.orignoranccofan Affife or In^ucft ofHcIctS". nibemganAnifcofaBteivcpIea^ablc, the AITifc may be Sum- mondUftrc’the King, and Council : And if^the fallhood or.porance be proven that the verdift be reduced, and the Aflilcis punilhcd after the Law m the firll Book oftheMajefly, Contra umerejHTAntes fkper But if the Compl.iiner be in thewrong, thatlicpay Ten pounds to the King, and to the Party his cxpences, ‘lli^y^ilrVin^cThiiiSfauVcsacfluiting the Pcrfonslhawn before them wilfully, againft nottout or manifeft knowledge , may be called bvKing, and Council , and inquired ifthey .all agrecd,or not.and the Perfons confeHing.or excufing, arecon- viftby a great Affife of Twenty five noble Peifons cognofeing on the former evi- dents , are ordained to be punilhcd after the of the h^jefty, foe their;«v4»i<’'»- nterrterarium, but thcdelivciance of the forefaid Amfc, to ftand ^uoad the this Affife, un- Ihalltakc meede. nipelled , B menttoinfeft, or be conceived in favours of Airs, and Affignet, ( fccludin,, r cutors ) In which cafes, they arc Declared hcicrablc , Declaiing nevcrtheleu ^ ’l'" the faidsBandsbeaiingAnnual-tcntlhaUiemamintliclamc Coudiiion - Cap. 31. Marm ir before .he •^41 cTa.^pTi.n^^'^: BAN Q_U E T I N G. Party, Jam. 3.P' 8.cap.64' ^ , , That in the Breive of Inqueft . Pctlons prelcnt, may be c Summonds, topafsnponthelnqueff, Jam. 4. p. fi. cap. 94. .n. i , ThatAllifcrs mayvetifie. and prove by thcmfelvcs , Infinuatby the Atr, ji.o. ^ Thafin Juftice Airs, and patticularDicts, thchaill Allifcrsbe called , and the abfents Amcrciat , to move them to bcttci obedience, p. it. cap. 76. And that the exttaft of the A& of the Un-Iawed be delivered to the TreafuKr, within iix dayes, that the un-Iawcs may be charged for, .ind taken up without Compolition- par.i2. cap. I2fi. Sec theFainsofAirifers abfent. mP4>7i«. That the Accufation , Reafoning , Writs , and Witncflcs , and Other Probation, andlnffruAion, whatfoevet , be Alledged , Reafoned . and Deduced to the Affife, inptefcnccofchcParcyaccufcd. In face of Judgement, and noothcrwile. p. 1 1, cap. po. , ^ . AnyAfiifcr having adoubt fhouldptoponlhe fame openly in ptefence ot the Patties, in faceof Judgement, and after the Affifers have chofeii their Chancel- lout, they lliould be inclofcd in a houfe by thcmfelvcs, and none luffcttcd to be with them, or repair to them, in anywayes, neither Clcik, nor Others, under any pretence. orforanyoccaGon, whatfoevet, and that the houfe be keep fait, and they notfufferedtocomcoutfor any caufe , not to continue the giving of their Scmenceto an otbertime, but chat they be inclofcd untill they be lully agtecd, and return their Anlwer, andifthcAccufer. Infotmer, ot any Pcilon pretend to inform, fpcak, ortepate to the Affife , after their removing, and incIoGng, or iranfgrcfsauypointohhis Aft, the Patty accufed lhall be pronounced Clean, and this ihall be a fufficient waiiand to the Affifouts to doe the fame. Ibid. Th’t the Clcik, nor no otherPerfonbeprefentwith the Anirc,after they arein- efofed. item that the Chancellor of the Affife mark every Affifers vote, pan-. demnineorAffoilzing, on the fame Paper, with the verdift, and to be doled and Icaledby the Chancellour; and fome of the Aflyfers, and not to be opened , but by order ofthc Judges, Car-z, pat.i-Scffs. cap.ifi. Concerning the Juftice Court, ASSURANCE. ThatrheKing’sPeaccbcAirurancctoallmen, fothatno man need have Affii- ranceofanother. 13. . That none take , ot fit under the Afliirance of Theivcs.orpay thcni black- maill, undertliepaiaofDeath, andEftheat,, par. i. cap. 22. SeeiiinTncitt, Bails. The manner oftakning by Balls , to give notice of Invaffonsftem Jam- 2. par. II. cap. 48- BAILLIES, See Judges, and Sheriffs. bankrupts, See F raudful Alienations. Aft impowciing the Lords of Seffion upon a Procefs at the inftance of any Cre¬ ditor having a real Right , to value fuch Lftates as belong to notorious Bankrupts . and whereof the Cccditoisaie in roffeffion , andioapuoynt Commillionersto Icll thefame , atthcfaidt-tc, ormorc, and thatthcfalc be madeby a Roup , upon the Intimations fee down in the Aft. and being lepocted to the Lords, and Rcgi- ftrat, ihatitbealsvalidc, asif made by all Perfons having intcreft ; and that the pticebe dirtribuc bethefaidsCommiffioners among the Creditors s conform 10 their fcvctal Rights, and Diligences, Car. 2. p. 3. cap. 17- BANDS, See Leagues. There is mention, madciiilevetal Afts of Parliament, J-iwri Si.xt, of a general Band, it feemesithath been a Band for keeping the Peace, and it is Statut, thitthcpainsthcrcofbc di/ided betwke the King , andthePatty. Jam. «. cap. 270. bands privat. TharallBandsfoifumsofmoney bearing Annual-rent, made fince tlie ifi of November i64i,bc undeiftood tobe nwvcablc, unlcfs they beat an exprefs oblidg- AftlimiiingthcnumbcrofDillies for every mans table, wt, fotthrc,.! Biffiop, Eight: The Lord, Abbot, or Dean, Six: The Barron , Four : ABur r' or Ocher Subftandons Man , Three -' And one Kindof meat in every Dift unrf ' the pain of 1 00. pounds, 200. Merks. 40. pounds, and 20. pounds Excepiingfromthii AftMairiagcs. asalfo Baoquers, tobe made to Sttan by BiBiops, Lords, Baiions. PiovcHs, and Baillies of Burghs, and none H* Q.M.p.j.cap ij. ** That no Perfons under the degree of Barrens, 8t Landed-men wouli,Fiftie CBtI detofViftual , orTwothoufand Merks/er fliintim have at their T.-ible . fotraivn.^ Drugs, orConfeftLons, aud that there be no Banquets ac npfitings , ’alter flan tifnies, under the pain of 20. pounds, tobe payed by rhe Maftct . andallchcPar takers, and Efcheat of the Drugs . and that open doors be made to all ludp^ ordinarie, for diftovery of the offenders, Ja. 6. p. 7. cap.ii.^.. ^ Another Aft ancni Banqueting, and dilcliaiging Coiifcftions, under the oal of 1000. Merks, jam. fi. p. 23- cap. 25- ^ AftrcftrainingthecxorbitaDtcxpciiccsof Bapiifms, Marriages, and flmials Car. 2. par. 3 >c.ip. 14. ’ B A P T I S M E. Tliat none flaptife their Children , but by the Miolftcr oftheirown Parift orbv aliccnfedMiniUcr, upon a Cctcificac from him , or in his .ibfence , ftomanich- boucMiniftcr, undertlsc pains every Hcrcior, Lifc-rei.rer , or Wodlctter ofa fourth part of his Valued tent, every Perfon above the degree of a Tcnncnt’ and every coiiGdcrablc Merchant, 100. pounds, every luferiour Merchant , otconli- dcrable Tradlinan.and every Tennent. jo pounds,cvery meaner Butgcfs.or Cottar 20 pounds. 6c every Sctvant,of halt a years fee. And the Execution iscommincd loShiriefTs, Stewards, Lords of Regality , and Macifttaisof flutghs, whoareal lowed all the lines . except thefc of Hcretors , for which rhey aremade Conipcable totlicThcfaiircr, Car. 2. p. 2. SclTz. cap. 6. And this Aft, and the pains there of extended, tofuch askeep their Children un-baptifed for the fpace of Thiriv daycstogethcr,orproducenocaTcftificacundcithc Miniftetof the Fariflihisliand^ oriftbeKiikbc Vacant, undcra Nighbouring Minifters hand, tliat the Children were Baptized within tliefaid fpace. Ibid. Sell. 3. cap. 1 1. The exorbitant cxpeuces of Baptifmesreftramed. Cat. 2.p. 3.cap. 14. BARRATRIE. Thatno Clerk. Religious, or Secular, paf* out of the Realm, exeepthemake faith that he lhall doc no Bariatric, and have licence ofthc Lord Chancellour or hisOrdinaric. and he tint docs in the contrary , or makes Barratrie, that heb^v. able to the Sta tut againft havers of money out of the Realm , Jam. i . p. 7 , cap. 107 See Benefice. Thatnone Sutc, ordefire Title, or Right ofthc Tope, erhis Seft , toany thing in the Realm, under the pain of Barraixic , that is Banilhmcnt, andlnfamie, ani thatnoBifliop, orriclate. ufc any Jmifdiftion by the Topes authority, under the faidpain . and flarratlle may be tryed before the Jufticcs , 01 Lords ofthc Seffion. p. I ■ cap. 2. To Trafficque abroad againftthctrucRcligion, incutres the pains of Bauatiic- Sec Jttmes 6. p. fi. cap. 72. in Religion. B A R R o N S. Ratification of all Tiiviledges granted to Noblemen, andflartenes, par. I. cap. 2fi. B A R R O N I E. Annexation of Lands to Batronies , exempts them not from the .Sherriff Courts and Juftice Airs, where they lyc, bot only oblidges them to ptefence , and fcrvice', in the place whercunto they are annexed . Jam. 4. p. fi. cap. 93. MagiftracsofBurghsofflarronie, may aiieft none for d^ebt, buttheic own Bur- gefles, Car. 2. p. 2. Sell' 3, cap. S. The Liberty, and riiviledge of Burghs Royall . as to Trade. See in Burghs, and Car. 2.p. 2. Seffi 3. cap. 8. there. BEES. See Flyves. B E G G E R S. That no Beggeis betwixt Fourteen , and Sevemie years be thoiled to beg , unlcfs they have a token that they cannot win their own living , in Landward ofthc Shcr- riff, and m Burghs , ofthc Bailzies , ocheiwayes to be burnt in the cheek, 'and banilhed, Jam. i. p. i. c^. 25. Ratified , Jam. 4. p 6. cap. 70. Jtem , ihat the Magifttats , and Shineffs negligent , pay Flftie Builings to the King , Jam. i- p. 2. cap. 42. That no Beggcr born in one Faiilh be thoiled to beg in another, and chat tokens be made be the Heads-mcn of ilk Fatilh for chat effeft. Jam. j- par.4< cap. 22. That in Burrows the Chambetlane in liirAir, lhall ilk year inquire , if the Aider- men, and Baillies have keepi the ftatutes of Beggers, and the breakers to be pu- nilbed in 40- ihillingscochc King, Jam. 1. p. 7. cap. 104. Racific-ition of the Afts anent Beggers, containingparcicular orders for repref- lliig idle Vagabonds , and rclcivingiuclias are liuely unable, andpooie, p. 6. cap, 74. SecToorc- And this again Ratified , with a Commiffjon to Jufticcs in that part , foe Execution o. it, in cafe the Judges ordinary be remifs . or negligent. Jam. fi p. II. cap. 147. The Aft againft ftrange Beggers, Vagabonds, and Egyptians , again Ratified, and they and their bairns, be imployed in Common-works, and tlieiifervice mentioned in the Aft , Jam. fi. p. fi. cap. 74. ]s proiogac during life , and the power of Executing the faid Aft, granted to Kirk Scltions , Jam. fi. par. 15. cap. 2fi8, Item , all thefe Afts Ratified, and that the Kirk Seffion beaffiftedby one, or two, ofthc Tresby trie , and that boihthcy , andthe Seffions, put the falds Afts in Exe¬ cution , under (he pain of Twentie pounds, Jam. fi. par. ifi. cap. 19. The Afts. par. fi. cap, 74. and par. 1$. cap. 2fig. Specially Raiihed . Cat. z. p. i. Seffi 3. cap. 1 fi. Aftcftablilhing Correftion-houfes in the Burghs therein named, foridleBeg- geis, and Vagabonds, Car. 2. par. 2. Sell) 3. cap. 1 8. SeePooie. DRINKING BEIR. Twentie Ihillingsof Cuftom impofed on every Tun of Drinking Bcir broughim to the Realm, Jam. 6. par. 13. cap. 179. ' BENE- yjBsof 'Tarliament, 5cc benefice and BENEFICED PER SONS. Sec Dilapidation. ted in their Tacks, toi certain Dumber of ye: uiBeiieiicc. ^ , J*.6.p.2j.cip.i 7 Seethe Aft That Benefices puichared at Tiarar, bv fuch that wete never thereat before, be of none avail : and chat no Benefices be unite to Ililhopricks, Abbacies, or liiuiics, and that fuch unionsbe null, and the puichafleis punilhcd as Trauuis. tycept that Lords and Batons may pucchafe the Annexation ot any Benefice, to Secular Colledgcs. Item, Thar there be no higher Taxation ot Benefices, butasiheold ulc andcutiome was, and asiscontained in the oldTaxacion ot ]. 3. p.6.c.44- And this iai\ part aneni llieTaxation ot Benefices ntified. And that theattenipter in tlie contrary’, ol a Spuituairerfon he unable to btuik Benefice, and ifaTempotal, tineltfe and good}, la 4. p 4.C.39- lum, Thatnone riippoit,ot fiipply with money the laid uulawtul putchalleit. of Benefices, ]a. 3. pat. 11. cap. * Tint no Clerk putchafe Benefice belonging to the Kings ptefentation. the Scigev.Kking, at !<>/»(-, under the pain ot profctiption, and iieaion, ]a.4 p. t. ^hatlTclacies, u/^bbacics, and ocher Benefices, remain and be difponed with* intlieKealm. asin cue fiift’s time, undetthe pain ot prorciiptioa, a- gainfifuchdsdolnihcconctaty, }a.4. p 4. cap. 38. hem. That dictay be taken on the breakers of the faids Afts, Ja. $. p. 7. cap. 1 1 9. Seethe Aftsagainft Clerks, or Spiiitual men tlteit palling loich ot the Kcalm, in PaJ/in^forih af ihe alm. That all giftsof Beneliceseleftive, orpenfionsdif^toned by the Queen, fince the ratliamenc I s^o. Tocitc KingsCotonation, beasvalide, asil granted by the FopesBtiils, bucprejudiceof Che Aft of Council, anencthe leaving to Minifiers, all'seneficcs within three hundreth meiks yearly, and of Laick Patronages. Ja:6; p; r: cap.zo. And the Commillars arc ordained, toMinirtcr Jufticcon the laids gifts 3 andliclike on gifts CO he granted by His Majelly in time coming. Ibid. cap. 29- ... That all Prelates, and roflcfibres of Benefices, athisHighnefsgifr, giveupjufl Inventatieofche two part thereof, conform to the firllanumption of thuds, other- waycscheirBeneficestovaik, ja. «. p. 1 5. c. 244. SceTh'rd>afBe’iefieei. NoBeneficed peifonuDdct 2 l iehtc, may fet longer Tacks otTeinds, or others, belonging to his Benefice, then foctkieeycacs, without the confent ot the Pa* tron, Ja. £■ p. 14- cap. 200. See Patron. That no 1 relate fet in Tack, any parcof their Patrimony, for longer fpace then DiDeceeii yeais, and uo infeiiour Beneficed Fctlon, lor longer then tltcic own lite- tinie, and five yearsthereaftcr.under the pain ot depolltion- And chat all Tacks otheiwayesfet. for difeovety thereof, beregifirat wiclnn4o. daves, elfc are null; XXLcpiing from this v.4ft, all Tacks fee be vettue of iheCommilTIon tor plantati¬ on ot Kitks, granted in this I’arliamcDt, Ja.d-Par.zz csp.4. alfo, Itisde- clatcd. That theinleriourBeneficed Pcrlon, mutt have the content of the Pa¬ tton to his Tacks, conform 10 the faidv^ft. Ja.6- p. 14. cap. 200. Ja.d-p. 23. c,i5. BESTIAL, or CATTEL. ThatnoCattelbefold out of the Realm. Ja. 3. p. 4- cap. ay. See England. ThacnayecsorhochctsofOxcn, 01 other Cattcl, bepuniihedasThieves. Ja.£. , andhowitislimited, and extended. ]a. 6. p. ii. c. 82. ibid. Aft Ratifying all Aftsmadeagainftthettanfpotting of Sheep, Nolt, 01 other Catcel, young, or old, torch of the Realm, impowering any that finds them driving, to ftay them, and keep the Drivers to thole an Aflne bef ore the Jufticc or Shireft of the boundswhcic they ihall be apprehended, whom His Majelly makes Juflices in that part, fot trying and hanging of the offenders, andefeheating theit moveables, halfto the King, and the other halKbetwixt tliejudgcandtheapprc- hender. Ja.d.p.y.cap. 124- Iiim. Sheep and Nolt forbidden robe tranfponed to England,o: foldfo£»(/»yB- mcn who crantporr the tame, under the pain of cfche-i t thereof , and of the whole other moveablesof theaftual ttanipoiteis: And alfo of the caufers and fellers therccritobeiranfpotted, halftothe King, and half to the apptehender, and warding for fix moncths, and otherwsfc at the Kings will, annulling all lieences grantecl. ot tobegrantedin thccontrarc. Ja.6.p. la.cap. 149. Bctlial, Thatis, Nolt, Sheep, otSwine, mav be expotted by Sea, ftecofCu- {lomeorfiuliionfot 19. years. Cat. 2. p. i. Sen. s-cap. ri. ..^'inaifi63. BIBLE. That all Houfiioldeis have Bibles and Pfalm Books. Ja. 6. p. 6. c. 7 1. See it in Houtholdcts. BIRN, See SKIN and BIRN. in the Aft, nny they may give appoint Com- And the Quotes Biffjapi, Sec Benefice and Dilapidation. Riihapi, Abbots and Priors fetdown in otdetbcfotcEails, Batons, intheLatine Titles ol rhcCxth. feventh, and eight Patliamcnis, Ja.i. And before Dukrs and Earles, Ja. I.p. 7. cap. loz. And PrelaiibetoiC Baranes Procerei, Ja. j.p. i. ThjtBilhops inciuircot Hetefie, Ja- I. p. z.cap. 28. , • j Th,acnou4op. not Prelate, iifeany lutirdiaionbythcPopesauchotny, under tliepain ofbanilhincntandiufamy, Ja. 6. p. i.eap. 2. ..... TliatallBithopricksbedifponed by His Majelly to aftual Preachers and Mint- Itetsinthe Kirk, la. «.p. i y. 231. .... • j The ellarcofBifliopsretloted to their honours, piivilcdges, livings, and rents, asthefaminwasintlicrcfotmedKitk, moftampfe before the Aft ot Annexaii- 011. rt87. And this Aft of Annexation, and allotlact Aftsprejudicial to [he faid eftate tefeinded 1 toviding oevcithelefs that the Bitfiops entertain thcit Miniflers upon tlie ilii tds : And but ptcjudicc to their Fewers and Tacks-men , they enter¬ ing by the Bilhops, andpayingthc compofmon appointed tn the At>. As alto, excepting Fewes lawfully let and confirmed before the laid Aft of Annexation . And all Dilpofitionsof Patronages difponed by the Titulars .and HiS Majelly, pro¬ viding they be ratified in Pailiamcnt. Arid all coirimon Kitlu ^naming ol oldto Bilhops and their Chapters In common, dvfponcdby His Majcftybcforc the date hereof. Asalfo, cxeeptingthcCaftleofSt..^[.dr,-u,i,and Ycard thereof, to the Earlof Dxro&ar, and tiic Lands of Manmm.vll and Place, and Patronage of ihe Kirkof .^-fanniwaiWto Sit'J^fcrrr There is al¬ fo an exception from the forefaid Compoltiiou , appointed to be payed by Fewets, in favours ot the Fcwcis of the ArchbithopiickotO/.i/^m, Ja.6. p. i8.c.ip.2. Aft giving liberty to the Bimops to fet Taclts, long, 01 thon. as the) plc.ife, without fctlraint ; only it is tecommeiided, that the duly be competent » duty of the faid Tack is ordained to be the Rental!, not to be dimimlhcd. And the Billiops are ordained to give in fufficient Rentals of theit Benefices wuliin a ycaraltcrthcdatcottlicAft, to the Clctk Regiflcr, under the pain ot athouUnd metks. Which Rcnt.als ate to remain in then integrity in allnmecoming , that ihcMtnificrsmaybc the more affured of theit Stipends to be app<»n'^ thereof. Andthe Aft annullsall Aftsand Lawsmadcor to be made, whereby anyBcncfiedperlonis, or may be prohibit to letTacks ot Teinds, that may lub- ClliaLaw, iM yp.4. ButBilhopsandaUotljfrBencticcdFcrfousaicagamlimi- ABUboprcfiifiiigaTcmmoiualtoa redagogue. in the cafe be ca led betorc the Council ; audit he fatishc not the Council . one. 1 1- 6. p. 2o.cip. I. ■^c CoiumiflgtioisteflorcdtoBitliopi, with power to them miflarics, and clear Clerks, andall other Membetsof Court; ^ Bilhops, andLcuetscn be diceft on thcicCoinmitlaiicsrenunces. Asalfo, to charge rctfonstoconfirmTcftaments aslotmet y. And all former Comimniiies are dirchaigcd, without prejudice p°'o cVp (5°^ his hcictablc right of Coiumifliriat witliin u.6. Tiic Bilhops have tight to modcrat in theit Diocefian Synodr, eltlier by them- lelvcs, or by aMinitler of theboiindsappointedby them. That no fentence of Excommunication or abfolmion be pronounced, but by theit diieftion to the Mi nillct ot ihc Faroch where the offender dwells. That all riercntationsbc ditefted tocheBithoDofthcDioccfs, towhom alfotlic iuidnialmnm , m cafe of the Ta- tronsnegleft, 1$ declared to belong : And in cafe chc Bilhop lefulc to admit the Minifterprelenicd, the Patron retains the fruit of the Benefice , and cither he or thelarocn may complain to the Archbiihop, and if healfoiclule, the complaint lyes to chc Council ; who finding the Bilhops teafonsinfufiicieDi, maydlceft Let- tersof Homing, charging him todohisdi.ty. 1«'", If the Biihop, by oath of pany, or oihcrwaycs. find that the Minillcr hath made a Fimonical paWou with thePatton.totlie hurt of theBencficc.hemiy refufehim. (Sec iTmii;.) The Bi- IhopatlocijiingtohunrclfthcMiniOeryof the bounds, luth power upon ttiall. todcpoteoclulpend Minitlers. That the Bilhop by himfelf, ox a worthy Mmi- "‘'’i^'i^isvifitations. Andlaftly, That the meetings of the Miniftets tor exetcife be moderate by the Bijhops,ot luchas they appoint •• Which the AlfcmMy at 0'l.i/jsu’, dnin 16IQ. arc all ratified, and ordained tobe obferved as inviolable Laws. And the Aft. K iS.p. 12. cap. 114. (Sc it in fOr^) and all ocher Lasvs and cut>oiiis,in fo far as they ate conttaivtochcptetnifl'es, arc rcicinded, la.6 That Biihopsbeekftcdtn this order, iimm thevafanej. His M.afefties licence is to be cxpeoc. and then an Ldiftiobealnxed on cliemotlpicencdoot of the Ca¬ thedral, charging the Dean and Chipicccoconveenfot clefting, who, 'o many as Ihall be convccncd, Ihallcliufe theperfon niniedbv the King j hebeing.ui aftual Minifter, .inJ nootherwajes: And this being ccliified under their *'cals, His Ma- jetlicsafienc under the Great Seal Ihall he a fufficient title to the '^piiitualicv .during the cleftcds life : And thereupon, and on His Hienefs Mandat diicft to' a com¬ petent number of Bilhops within the iToyince. Tliepetfonelcftcdfliailbcconle- crate, and then he thall have His Majcllies grant ot the Tempoialiiy under the Great Seal ; forwhichhc tballfirll do homage, andfweariheOath ot Allegiance andfideliiy, before he iniromec. Andthe Uotdsofthe Scllion arc not to autho¬ rize an^Bilhopsptovifion, unlefshe be thuseniried, la. 6. p aa.c.sp t. Aft allowing bilhops and members or Chapters to fet Lands holden of tliembv feiviceofwaird and relief, intew-lcrni, toia competentduty anfweiable tothe letouicdduty of the Lands, if retouied, or it not, ot Lands of the like value m the Counitcy, and doubling the fame at the entry ot the Ait : And this Aft ot- dained CO be in force tor three years, l.i. 6. p. 23 - cap. 9. Wnn* 1621. HisMajetly and the F flares or farliament finding Lpifcopil Government to be moll agreeable to the Word ofCod, elTeftualiot pieleiviDg of truth and uniiy, and fuitable to Monarchy and the publick peace, Redintegiat the Hate of Bilhops totheii ancient lights and places, and rellute them tuc iecieicireof theiefunftt- onin the Chuich. power of Ordination, Cenluies, and Difcipline, to beperfoc- medbythem, wiihadviceofrucholtheCleigyzsthejr Ihall tliink fit: Raiifving all Afts formerly made in their favours, and all Afts in chc coniracy , And for Presbyterian Government fpeciallie the Aft 4.6, p. 1 2. cap. 1 13. ate refeinded. /lem, They arc telloied to their Commiffatiots and Quotes, according to the Aft, Ja. 6.p. 20. cap. 6- But prejudice to the prelent Commillars, their Clerks, and Fifcalls, of their places, h.-m, Allglfisand deeds pall by whatfoever authori¬ ty to their prejudice, fincctheyeat i«37. ace made void, and theyat re-poflef- led for the year 1661- asthejr poflefs’d m the rear 1637. But all cDCties 01 Val^ lals, Retouis, Signacors, Infefimenis granted by the King, or any having right fromhim, orthcauthoiity fottlietime, ot Lands and others holden ot tbe Bi¬ lhops, ill the time of theit interruption, are declared not to be prejudged , provi¬ ding this be nor extended CO any new gift, ot original right, othetwayes granted then prccccding rite year 1638, It being His Ma'jcfties intention, chat the Bilhops Ihouldbcin the fame cafe and condition as in the year 1637. But the Bilhops, or their Aires otE.xccutors, .are declared to have no tight to the Rents betwixt me year 1638 and 1661. In prejudice ol 'uchwhohad lighcfoi the time ; And alio, thofe that havemade payment otby-gone Rents of the faids Bilhopiicks, atelc- cuted theceanenr, Cat. 2. p. i. Sefl.i. cap. r. Ratlfiediiid. Sefl*. 3. c. l. Aft ancnc Suf^nfions of Bilhops Rents. S. e ia SuTpenlions. BLACK-MAILL. Thatnone take or fit under the afliitance of Thieves, or pay them Black-MalU, under the pain of death, andclcheatoftheirmovcables, Ja.«.p.i cap.22. That dittay betaken up of both taken and payers of Black-Maill , anO juuice done on them according to Law, and foveity taken of them to abflain in time coming, Ja. 6.p. 1 i.eap. tor . BLANCH HOLDING. ThacthcKingsVafljlls holding Blanch, be only lyable in theit Blanch Duties, ifthefamin be requited allanerly, and no wayesbc charged with fumsof money, as chc prices thereof, Ja.6.p. iJ.cap. 14. BLASPHEMIE. ThaCwliofbevetnotbeingdiftrafted inhiswifs, Ihall taill upon, or curfcGod, oranvoftlie I'erlonsof the blcflcdTtinity, and obllinatly continue therein, e proceffed before thcchiefjufticc, and being found guilty, puniflied with deatn. And this Aft tsdtawn back to the 17. of Fib. 1649. Cat. 2. par. i. c.sp. -t. BOLL. .See METTS and MEASURES. BOOKS. Aftdifcharging the CuftomeofBooks, maikcd amongft the unprinted Afts, Car. 2. p. 2. Sefs. I. Books erroneous forbidden. See Religion. BORDERS. See E NG LJND and HIGH-LANDS. Aftancntthe Border Rivets of and Ttorrd. ’ hord-rc Aft difchaiging all Dccreetsofejeftion and icmo’ving obtained m the borders iwentvvcats before KingJ.imfr hbfucceeding to the Crown of England, except aSly as othc obtainfng ofpollcflion. and t^e ordinary ptofites fi"«.he King, going to -^i)duispUidcd.thatupon el.agesgiven aft«^ fhU 5lft, the famin be obeycdlothcrwaycs the pcrlon denounced fot difobedicoce^. An K^hridgement of the * are a. “ theOfficets rmSi?lSCS"n:;^'n^ "“cTo””"' '°'®' " ufcafilfcTcrtimonial. under the pim of death, la-e.p. lo. c. lo^ of the Mine make aTablcortncpji«.c>u.c.cY.. TheBoidcrcrs, crpeclally uithin yt^bHrgh, /jy "V CommilHoDcivento the Loidsof Council taking order anent the hoiue andStcw3rtryof>/ln"«>d*/tf. aredifehatgedof alUftion* ( y^Jljing bringing of Bullion, and difcharging the tranfpott of Gold, Silver, and foibij Mined bcin^ill excepted) offpuiljie, '1°^ 5 and alfo^of all denGoods, under fuchpainscotporaland pecunul. asthey fliall think fit, ijjg. C°"mSju.3?nrndJdf»"»K foi Ttakl’’ commodiii.s ly.blt in Piyjnnnt of Bullion, p.y ncco.ding ,h, That fortlic ounce of Bullion tftclvedcnietsfinc, winch the Mcrclianis a fttifted to bring home, they have an ounce of his Highnefj o«n Covu ot elcv-' deniets ; And that of all otlicr Bullion that they fhall voluntarly bring in,. the thfr tieth peony only tobc retained to his Majcftics profit, la: 6: p: i j: c; That all fonam Cuinzicbemadeureof only for Bullion, and that t‘ -- of the Mine make a Table of the piices chetcoK .6/d. CommillioD given to the Lords of Council for taki 6.p. 21, c. 6. BORGH. The form offindinga Borghin Court, Jl. . leisaBorgh, aQdabfenisthercaficr, tinestlic p,9.c.ii6. Andhewho tccoun- ciion, '6(d. c. 1 1 *• . . in flic i*>.i . . . . . . with concurrence ot the Clciks of the roquet, caufc every Merchant, Native, otFortaincr. expoiter of the (aid rommodicies, findfickcrlovcrty, or give pledges, that the due Bullion be deli. vcrcdtotheOfliccrsof the Mint : Andfha.tof Fotram Bullion, cither /'late or burntSiIver, twelve denier fine, and being bafer, to be made up by weight and reckoning, and rhacbefore he receive his Coequer. Thatnoncof liis Majeaies orhisPrcdccellbrsCoyii, oranyothctfatisfaftioiibcreccivcdfor the faid Bnlhl on, undcTthepainofdcptivationoftheruftomcr, or Clerk of Coquet, and far¬ ther punt Giing in theirperfonsand goods at the t’rivy Gouncils diferedon : >nd who lhall difeoverany fuch collufion, fiiall receive a third of the value of the Bui lion to have been payed by the Merchant. That the tuftomers be ''omptrollcd bv the Recepts of the Officersof the Mint, and be anfivcrable forthc fuperplus : And that they give the Mcrchantconvenicnttimc, the longelt not exceeding feveu mo neths, forhomebrincingofthcBulhon. Andlaftly, thatthe fotcfaid Alphabet beoffotcefromtbcdateol thisAft j and all Commodities licteafrcr exported lyablc accordingly, withouttefpeft toany other Aft made, ottobe made m this Parliaineni, ra. a.p. i.Scfl. i.c. J7- j ^ l r . flutall Native rommoditiesand others exported forth of the Kingdom, jte dif- cliaiecdofthc payment of Bullion, and the fame impofcd on goods imported, and at theratesipccified inthe Aft : Which rates the Merchant is to pay to the Officersof the Mine at the importing, ot twelve /hillings Jcum f or ilk ounce to tlic Colleftorof the Tort, redeemable .ilwayeswithm 40. dayes, upon payment oftht BORROWS. See LAW-BORROWS. BOUNDS and MARCHES. See IN- FEFTMENT. brandy. Aft .llomns '"’’’“'i of "to'b/ E>y=j' ' — - . h J- - . . .ndthis E.cilemo' W p. StlC 4. t. .. rollcflorof tht Bolt, t.dtcra.blc .l«.ycs»ltbr, 40. *y«. upon paym.n, Burghs where the Branoy IS ic c, r Bullion. And forevery ounce of Bullion twclvepcnny fine, the Merchant is to ect back three pound ten pennies S(ott, and ofcleren penny fine fitly five /hillings BREAD. nine pennies, and fo forth. And all fuftomctsi/»r,«/te afficn, are declared counV sccoidine as the Wheat «blctoOfficcrsofthcMintfor«hefaidBumoii. orpriccsthcrcof, and are bound The rrivy Council ibouldfet down the price otBieaa, accoi g ,ogiveinaccomptsotihewliolcforeraidcommodities imoorred. .i... - rules, Car. 2.p.i- SelE i. c. 15. Oath yearly to the Exchequer, andropto BREADTH. Of«h., W"'". .udScuaaooldbe, C, ..p.f .cp. ... B R I E V E "fcd7.»dn,B.m«pk=d.blc...cordinE.o.hc^ ‘S'Exccptionsbc not proponed E'o'oTdt fS’..Th'?Offic".fofd.cTo™, t,odLm» 1,. 4. p. Dimuty, ..efbefore, 1.. 6. p. n. cp. «o. BREWERS. See MALT-MEN. BRIDGES The Council max lay of. Car. 2. p. 1. Seff. ■ mods... Cunoms it Etidgts. forthc opholdiirs there- Seethe AftLnlK4y«' BROOM. See PLANTING. BUCHANAN. i'"e«t‘;.oid".r, „f.„ Ir, 6, p. c. . .4. buirding. Th.teeerv Prel.t, Lord, aod Eroded Gemlem.o, mrke hisordio.ry dmllittg ThJteec^ > Prmily and thitthcyfocbcrtio bond rhenirclves 10 .thisoonHoofc. mtlrltts erto ^ ?rL“d O^Srl^^l-mi’/ks.heE.errB.roo: Aodeo dcdGemlcuun. for the Kings ulc, la. 6.p. 7. c.i K. bullion. That fovettvbM: found tothcCuflomctsofthe rorts, for Goods exported, to brinehomet^^equantiesof Bullion mentioned in the Aft, la-i.p. u-cap. 143. The ciumtitic?of Bullion again appointed,and that the Cuflomcrs make comp I ii. Pvrh^niipr la 1 p 7 cap.ti. And thit Afts ratified . Aiidthat IhrMerlhlni h.« tSe Mliops For ilk Lee of burnt Bullion froo, the Coin- *ier and that ofilk ounce be made twelve groats, 1- j-p. 8. cap. 65. And la. 6. p. tier, “ L bioueht home for Bullion four ounces of burnt filver or eham have ten oAhe fourteen penny gro,n$ to ilk once, la a.p.nicap: 93, Theft, oeRr.ified.^r^ '’“AaiL'vinr”h*AS^’”“"'"”^^ for hriogios it home Mui-afciit to the goods ctanfpoited , that it be compted tor year iy in TxclXet, and defalcation given to the Merchant, if aij^ lofsof goods in A-I .{otevcryounccofutterhne filvet, the MaftcrCuinzier py?"he MeIc£nt fourty Ihill.ogs, rod mrke contpt for rite profit 10 .he King, '’V'ihfi’citVorofill ASsroeot the honre-brioEing of Bullion, rnd ih.tlheThe- rsurctandhis Deputes coinpi thctctoie yearly m Exchequer, U-'6: p: H-cap'* 203. aiiiuii, L>i piii.cMiieieui, anu are bom toeiveinaccomptsotihewiioicroreiaiurommodiiies imported, and that upon Oath yearly to the Exchequer, and to produce the Merchants fubfcTibcd entries : And the Olficers ot the Mine arc oblidgcd to import the ftock of Bullion tiiem- fclvcs. for the laid puces they /hall receive, and to Coin the fame in huMajellies Coin And no Aft made ot to be made in favours of Manufafliuies, or others, /hallexcemthcfaidsGoodsimponcd from die fotcfaid bullion, Car. 2. pa. 2, Seff i.c. 8. BURGHS, See Craft, and Merchant. TliatinallBurghs (here be Eight, or Twelve Tetfons, after the quantity ofthe Town cliofcn ofSccretCouncil. andfwornethercto.todecidematersofwiongt or unlaw to the avail, ofFive, or EightpoundswithineiglHdaycswaming. Ja.a. ^ That nt man in Burgh be found in man-rent, nortideinrowte, infeit ofweir, withanybuttheKing, andhisOfficiats, or the Lord of the Burgh, and thacthey purchafenoLordlhipin oppreffion of their Nighbours, under pain of Confifea- tioii, and their lives tobc in the Kings will, Ja. :.p. 14.C. 77. J.4.p. 3.C.34, and Jam. 5.p,4.c. 27- Sec Letigmi. That all Merchants be Frec-men Indwcllcrs in Burghs, Jam. 3. p. 2. cap. 1 1. Szt-Merdunr. That Ofliciats in Burgh be not continued farther then a year, thatthe Old Councilfirftchoifethe New; And then both Old, andNew choifc theOfficiars; And thai ilk Craft have vote in the Eleftion of Officiates, byonetobcchofcn by theCt.ifc yearly; And that no Captain, norConftablc of any Cafticmany beat OfficcintheTown, Ja. 3- p. 5-c. JO. , In all Burghsfourot the Old Council flionld be choifenyearly,to Gtwith theNcw, notwiiiiftandingthcprecceding Afts, J. 3- P- ?• C; S7- That the Eleftion ot Officials in Burghs , be withont partiality , or MafterCiip, ^*ThaVa^lOffic*iarsinBur by an miffive of the Ptoveft , and Baillies of the Buigh wheie the Convention is to hold , or othcrwayeslawfully died, be dned , in Tweniie pounds , toward the charges of them that meet , and that on tlie of the Convention , Lettetsof Horning, and poinding be fummarly dl- ie&. atthcinftinceoftheBurgh of Edinburgh, for paymcntofctusfine,Jam.d. That the Taxation of Burrows be not altered, butftandasfotmctlie , that is to fay, th.uitbcthcScxpattallcnnetly of all geocral Taxations, Jam. 6. pat. it. ^^That no free Buigli, fell, or annailzie their freedom in haill , or in put, to any other Burgh, oianyotherwayes, withoutliccnce of his Highneis, ana Thiee^- ftaies of Parliament, underihepainof Tinfel of Freedom oftbeButgh, either buymg.or felling, ibid. cap. 11a. , ^ , AfiRatifyiug all former ACTS, and of new ftatuting , that none exeicife Mei- chandife not being free Burgefles , under the pain of Elbhcat of their haill Move¬ ables half to the King , and half to the Burgh whole Commiffioocis fliall appre¬ hend *thc fame , but ptejudicc of Landed-men , to have Ibmc Mcrchaiidife to their own ufe, and behoove, Providing they fell not the fame again, Jam. 6. ^ Tha*t'all Inhabitants in Burghs, whether they be admitted Burgefles. or not, Exctcing Traflccquo , or naviogchangcwithin the fame, bcaicheirpartofali Taxes Stents. Watchings, Waidings, and all Dewiies , andScivices, touching the King, otBurgh, without refpeflto any Prtvilcdge granted , ortobegranted. except that the King may cxeemoneof ilkOriftfothisown fcrvicc . aud without DteiudicctotheMcmbersoftheCollcdgeofJufticc, Ibld.c.iyj. ^ Thatthcrebe three Butclis bieged , one in Kiniyrt, anotiicr in Loehaber, a third in the Lenvei ; wlthalirnvUcdgssofBurglis, Jani.6.p. ij.c. a«3- See the ^ ThaU^etc'be noExctcifc of Crafts in the Sub-utbs of Burrowes. but that the Ma- eifttats andthcitOfflciarsinayintronietwitli,andcrclieat all work, wrought, or working there, to whomfoevertlic materials may appertain. Ia.6,p 12.cap.154. And rhirtwo AftsRitificd, e.xtendmg the former to tree and un-free, having their coromoditicwithin Burgh, and having no other dwclliug, and bcattogno burden without the fame, Jam.6.p. 14.0.225 But declared thus, thatalltehd- imr wiriiin Burgh with their Families, who may fpend a Hundred pouuds a year, or ire ftented to be worth Two Thoufand metks, be fubjeft to burdens with the ieft of the Inhabitants, c-xccmitig and excepting hi jupr.x. Urn. 6. par. ly. '*ThaUil unfre'-Peifons not Afluil Burgefles of the Royal Bunows where they dwell andpaycsnotaxr.andftent, defift, andeeafe fiomuHngMcicliandizc, ot anv of the Lmetlies of the faids Burghs . under the pains Uaiut againft uu tieeTia- fccoucrs and that Letters of Homing be ilicre on dicca . charging the laidsun- fr^emcn to find caution to obey this Aa , as life upon thcdccrects of the Ckmvcn- lioiiofBurtowes. betwixtBuigh, sndButgh, andButgeflesof free Burrowes, “^ThSrLMKis^VHOTn^mgonafi^ of ten dayes, be dhe& on all De¬ creets aud Aas of Burrowes inur Centivei, and others lubjea to then Junf- diaion, and the Officers Execution thereof given on fitiecii dayes. lim.6.p. 13. ‘*Th!nhe Common eude of Bunows after the yearly rouping , and fetdng there¬ of, beycatlybeftowcdattlic fightofthcMagiftiats, and Council, to the doing DftheCommonafl4irsthereof,/l"if.c.i8i. T file Maciftrats atthe inttance of tlic Haicior , take fummar cognition upon iiMtioaof the Patty, ©fihecondiiiouof Lands Lifc-icuicd within Burgh , and extended roall burnt, andwaft Lands'^ I s o ' and this import, my (itliet^mmodities. c.vceptasthis AftalWc;, b^Sce m No ufe fficit Priviledge ol impoiFing for Fhcir own Dou Jo oV ‘^“larcd Leafom to any fubjca.or any who ihall buy from ihel» to ex- HorVr f J,1 ^ Kingdom, aUmitinei of Cattel,Nolt, sheep , and a^Burlh ;f n • cUnJdicies, Socicnif^^of^ Regahrv, and Bittony, and their Butgefles, and Members of fuFaS orftichgudes.asthcyfliaUbuy frauX’iudldte of H,Vi may import fottheit rciutnes , or Hi-n,,,' n - 'j ' fton. Tar. Soap, Lint, LInt-feed ?ufh^rSs"‘®anJ ,iro^ for Tillage , otbuilding , or the ufeof their Ma- anvunftee V and retail, all commodities whatfoevet. And if or imoortJd ron,^^ have any gudes, tobc beughr, or fold, exported, df SrnX on^ 1' fub-utbs, ot pendidcj, then tl ^ m V • « cichcat . bur it out with ! halftoth/^orS^^'”L'^^^^ andpctfewedasefchcat, halttoihe King . and ml.iof r ?k but they may not only m diis hft cafe be funi- oranyforV^^ ofa fetTofMom ip ?, Ratifisaiionscontrary theieunto . are refciiided , and Let- Royal, c7r a pi SeC 3“ *' inflance of Burghs wSn by thcfpice of three years, the Maciftrats may wamuhefckiiowato have ifuetcftchercm, ofpiopenie. or An- rfc «'helt dwelling houfes . and them F anFi .ll othe.s . at the ^roch Kitk , andMercat-crofs, aiidincafeofabfcnceoutottne Realiuc , at Shoat of Leah.oxx Sexty dayes. to tepait hem within year and day, 01 othenvife . that they willcaule tliMamc be vi- Sio r -1 r pHcc . who wUl repair them within the It none will buy, iheo the Magifttats may buy , and ic-build them, and thisright tobc aa uu-queftionable Icciuity to the Builders. Cat. 2.p. I. Self 3. cap. 6. ThacnoRoyalBurghkccp Mcrcats on Monooday , 01 Satetdiy , Cat 2 o. i. Sell. 3. c. 19. See itin ACer-e^fi. . .p. ■ BuigelTcsand Iiidwellers in Burghs Royal, may only aircft Strangers, livine widiouc the Burgh, for Horfe-meat , or Mans-meat , Abuilzements. or othec Metchandile, due to ihemfelfs origiiiallie, without bound , or fccutiiy given therefore, othetwayestlicMagifttatsmay be perfewed fotwiongionsluiprifoa- ment, Cat. 2. p. 2. Seffl 3. c. 5. BURIAL. Aft Rcftraining the exorbitant expences, and numbers at Burials, and dlf- chuging ablblutlie Mourning Clocks, under the pain of an Hundred pounds, Car. 2. p.s.cap. 14. BURNT LANDS. Rulesanencthe repairing ofbunit Lands in Burghs, t. That if the Annuil- rentet , beat his part ofiheexpenceof repairiog, proportionally to the Aonual- tent, and Rent, he have hiswhole Annuilthenext term after therepaiiing. 2. If the Annual-renterdoenotcontributto die bigging hewant the Sexchpart of his ground Annual, the Fifth of his few Annual, and chcSexdiol his top Annual , De- daring nevetchelcfs the faid defeafance redeemable by the Annuarrentei by pay¬ ment to the Owner of Ten pounds, for ilk Merk given down. 3. ifthc Owner repair not within two years, then the Annual-tenter may peifew his Annual f^aiingasabove) asaccords. 4. IfiheAnnuallye upon die haill Tctincment andaparrofitbeonlybutnt, and if the partthal lefts may pay thehaill Annual, and twife as much to the Owner, then the whole Annual Ihall be payed , but if nor, thcDcduftioniobe pioportional,eireirand to the Third penny. 5. If the Annuel be redeemable and the Annuallet conirlbiuas in the fitft Article then a half more of the runiintlietcveifionlhallbeceked tliercto. 6. It the burntLand belong to a Chaplain, and benocable . and tliePatronnotwilling , ornotable, to repair it, tJien the Chaplain mayfet it in few, without the rations confent, (making al- wayes the ficIroftettoiheFatton) for the true avail. 7. If the Land belong to a Life-tenter, and Ptopiietar, then the Life-renter hath theprcfeiicnce if pleaied to bigg, and therefore Biall the rtopciet3r,and the Land ihallbe bound to tclound athei deceafe the third ofthe teal cxpcuce to her Execuiois, or Afligucys, the Land being alwayesbigged as it was before, oilierwayesdicProptietainiay bigg paying to the Life-renter, the third of ilteficc-maiU , iepayed before the burning, Q. M.p.4.c. to. TnisoideranentburncLandsbetwixtcIie Owner, and Annuallet appoynted to beobferved, as toLands in Edinburgh, and aboutit, belonging to tiie true fub- jefts, and bumtby the then Rebels, Jam. 6. p.4. c. 58. Anent. Life-tenteisrepaiiitig burut , otwaULandsinBuighs, Jam. 6. p. 14. C.226. SeethcAftinBx'’iAL BURSARES. Wliat Benefices, Paitones may ptefenr, and difpooe to Buifares, See it ia Patronei, C CA L U M N E. Oachof Calumnc, See GARDES and DICE. ThatnonepiiyatCaidsorDicc, inany Conimon-lioufe, Town. Hoflellaiic, Ckiokes Houle, Uderthc-pain of Fourty pounds .the keeper of the laid Ho"le for thetiift. andlofsof Lilicnyfoidielecoiid fault, and that there be uo play- ine in any privat Houle , except wIick the Maftcr plavcs ; Andil more be win m Twenty fouthours, tlienanHundreth meiks, it Hull be conllgned in the Ki^ Tl.cliuM!hui*w>hartomjid.Btac\tj,efiy according P°^ leHionhadby theKecpersofthefaidCaftlcsfotfiveyears prccecding. And de- cUiiug all deeds in prejudice thereof null, la. 6. p. p.cap. «. CASUALITY. The Kings Cafualitlcslhould notbeciven away in great, as thefe of a whole Countreyr, orthcconfiimationofthewholeFewesofarrelacy, ot of anyfpecial Retime, p- 1 1. cap- CATTEL. Jec BESTIAL. CAUPES. REGISTRATION of CHARTERS. SetRegiflration. CHAUD-MELLA. Sec Fore-thought FeU hny. CL ANN. See Fligh-lands. For ftouth or reiff committed by any notorious Thieves, of the Clanns of Thieves any other of the Clann, their feivants, or dependeis may be feized , untill the Principals, or others of the Clanncauletheskaithbetedicired, or at lead findfo^ veity tot that elTeft, incafeitbefound thattheoffendetwas any way relet amonJ the Clann after the deed done, Ja-fi.p.y.c. iia. ” Asallb, the goods of any other of the Clann, ficc- may be feized, as (aid is without any dangcioffpoilzie, or violent piohts. and the Sheriff, or any other oidinary Judges to fiuigh or Land, or any other Peifon of power ptclisnt for the time, being dedred, (houldconcurandadlft to the faid reiAiie of Petfbos aod goods, und fufuig, belyable And (laughter or hun done by the Owner, in putfuit of his goods, is fully indemnified. Ja. fi- p. 1 1. c.ioo. Caupcs thitisiHorfe, Mire, Ox, orCow, under the nouon of befi Aneht, taken bvHcadsofKin, Clanns, orothetsin Gallowaj, fot maintenance of ihe liven, Wcharged. under the pain of Ketff, ia.4- p.z.cap. i8. And that trial! BetakenofCaupesmCarricfc, «^/^^.cap.T4^ Caupesunivetfallydifchaged. under the paincs forcfiid, p. zt.cap. at. CAUSES. See ACTIONS. CHAMBERLAIN of die KINGS PROPERTY. Th.t Ch.mbe.I.ins ind Receivetsof the Kiugi Kent, fiid fereny Iti IJ/eW. .om.kecomptintheotdm.ryiimein Exehequet, iiid piyment twenty diyes ’'‘RSwindlitendedmiuchimbeil.iutindFewersofhi.M.ieflieipiopeity. Cullomeis, B.Ulic.ofBmit>w5, Sheti®, indOihcis Itttiomettiti with lie Kings duties oicafuaUties, I4' '*?■ Andbflththit A&sratificd, Cit- Z' p. I. SeK j. «p. 14. j „ All Offices of Heritable Chamberlamtics of the Kings piopetty declared mill. !a. 6. p. 15. c.ajs- CHAMBERLAIN of SCOT LAFFD. Chamberlain Aifsneednotbe conrinued, but continue of thcmrelves uatlll diffolvcdhycheChambeilain. I?.}.p. j-c.}p. , ro , • That the Chimbeilain inquire yearly how the common good ofBunowsls fpent, Ia.4t p. 3.c»P- See it in CHANCELLOUR. The Lord Chancellor for the time hath light tbprefide in allPailiaments, and otheipubUckJadicatodcs. Cat 2. p- i.SclI. i. c. i. CHANCELLARY. ThitthefoimofthcChancellary, ioBrievesaod ether L^ri, be obferved, withoutinnovatiOD.orcekingnewtermcs, under the pam of nullity, exceptthc Biitveof Summondiof Etior, la< 4: p: 3: C' 14- CHAPTER. That the Chapters of Biftopriclu temain according to their foundations. And the Aft appoints a new Chapter for the Archbilhop of St. ^ndrevtt, in place of the f riory, r^tfviog to the flifhop his priviledge. That the common Seal to be made by him, (kail ferve for the Chapters cohfenr, without their Subfcriptions; And ibeoldcommonSealtobcfufficientinthe«Brer»w. la: fi; p: 18: c: j. That the faid appointment of a Chapter fot Sr. .Andrewt conUft of at leatt (even, tobcchofenbythc Archbifliop, of thefe dwelling, and having charge within his Dioceft- Andthcrcfttvationabovc-mcntioncdisrenewcd, Ia:6:p: ipie.S. That all Deans, and other Members of Chapters of Cathedral Kirks be teftored toiheiiManfes, Gleibs', and Patrimony, fot which end the fame ate dilTolvcd from the Crown, without piejudicc of Fewes, Tacks, and other Rights already law¬ fully made. Asalfo, of Patronages difponed by the King, with confent of iIieTitulartoLaickPatrons, albeitnotratificdbrailiamcnt. Asalfo, ofthe c- reftionofthcPiiory of St.^Andrewt torhe Duke of Lennox. And alfo to the ToviDof idinburth, oftlicRcnts, Teinds, andTcnementsdilponcd tothcmfoi their Horpitals, Collcdgc andMiniftry. Asalfo, of all Teinds and others dif¬ poned many of the Colledges of St. ^Andrews. As alfo, referving to the Mar- cMcfs of Hamiltoun thcHoufc and Place of with the pertinents, info far as they peitaincd to the Deanry of Claftow , to be holdcn hereafter of his Ma- fefty, with the whole other tefttiftions in the Aft tcftotingBifliops (See it in Bi. Jhopt) infavoutsofFcweis, Tackf-men and others. Item, As tothcenteringof Valfals. thcdircftSupciioutmaydothelamc, withouttlic confent ofthe Bifliop, and remanent Chapter. Item, In (lead of the Prior and ITioiy of St. ^ndrtvis,foi. merly Dean and Cnapta of that Sec, a new Dean and Chapter are appointed, as in the Aft. And the Archbilhop is to be chofen by cighi Bifliojps. and five Miniftew named in the Aft, ortlic moftpart oftlicm, The Bifliop ot DxnlifU Conveene'r, andVicar-Genctal; And three 'Jifliops.ire added to the oidinaiy Chapter of G/a/l row, for clefting the Atchbiftiop thereof, and the Bifliop of GaUovjay con- veencr; Withoutprejudicc to the ordinary Chapters of their former rightand power in all other things, 22- c- z.L/fnn* ifit? . Ratified with this additi¬ on, Thatall deeds doncfince, ottobc done hereafter, fuppreffing any Member of a Cathedral Kirk, being in office or dignity, or dilTolving any Land, Parfo- na^e. Vicarage, ot other living, from the dignity, without his Majefttes exptefs witrand, andcoDfeniofFatllamcnr, ace. and (hall be null, without prejudice co the Matquefs of Hamiltoun his right to the Parfonages of HAmUtoun and Dalferf : Andof tncEarlof Afarr’i to theParfonageof Cur/iiwxfAj and any other petfoDS lawful! tiglu befoic the faid A.ft ofPailiamcoc xfiiy- p. 23. cap, 11. CLERK, or CLERGYMAN. That no Clerk, nor Clei^-man pafs, nor fend Procurators foe him over Sea withouttheKingsleave. Ja. i.p.i.c. 13- ’ That DO Clerk purchafe any Penfion out of any benefice, or raife any Pcofion al¬ ready granted, under all higheffpains. Jbid. 14. That CIctgY-raen be oblldged to wariand their Jews and Tacks from (heir own faftsanddeeUsalUncily, Ja. fi. p. 11. cap, 2$. See Barratrtt and Bentfife, CLERK of the SESSION. SeeSeffion. S H E R I F F-C L E R K. See Sheri^ CLOATH. ThalWoclenCloathbcmetibythcRidg-, andneeby-the Selvedge, Ji.j.p;;, ^’xhatno mau draw Cloatb, under ch4ptiaoftinmgthe GIotth and fieedome. fbryeatahdday: and chictheiebe an ablemas appointed fox trying and fealing the cloath and colour, Ja<5.p.7- e.iifc COAL-HEUGHS, COALLIERS, &c. COALS. That no Coals more then neceflatyptorinoQ becaided forth oftbeftealm. tm> derthepaiuofccnfircationof the Coals, cheVeffel aod all the Goods therein be* loneingtothcOwneroftheCoals, Q. A/.p.y.c. 84. Ratified, and the levealer and puefuet have ihc third of the Efcheat, Ja. fi. p. c; **^nTfull firing of Coal- heughs declared to be treafon. Ja. 6. p. 1 2. c. r^fi. That no great burn Coalbetranlpoited, under the pain of cosfifeation thereof, and ofthe Vcflel ; and that the Magiftratesof Burghs, and Cuftomets, and Scajeh* ers apprehend ihe conttaveeneis, and anell the uids Vellels, Jam. fi. par. t $ . cap. * That none hiteCoalUcrs, Coal-bearcts , or Salters, without they have a Tc- ftimoniilfiom their laftMaftcr, oranAtteftation from a Judge, of the cau(e of their iway-coming; andwbootherwayeshiiesoc inteicaine them, if challenged within a year, (hall deliver them back within twenty four hours, under the pain of an hundred pounds. And the faids Coalliers. Coal-bearers, and Salters, jeceivingfoie-wagcs, cobe punKhed as Thieves. Item, Coal, and Salc-maftea may apprehend, and put to labour all Vagabonds and fturdy Beggew, Ja. fi. p. 1 «. Aft extended to Water-men, Windef-men. and Gatcf-mcn in C«l- hewghs. /rent, that no Coal-mallet give any greater Fee to Goat-hewers then twenty metks in Fee or Bountech: Andthat the Coal-hewers, and ocher worit- menlnCoal-heughs, and Salters, woikallthefexdtyesof the week chorow the year, except the time of ChrifimAi, under the pain of twenty (hillings ftr deem, be¬ tide their Mailers prejudice, and corpoial punilhment , Car. 2. par. x. Seff- x. cap. iS. COAL MEASURE. See Meafure. COCQUET. That all Coquets be fpeclal in the quantity and quality of the Goods, and (he Owners names; and thattheCoB{erv2CO£aQmicofnoocherCocquec,buccoa- Mcat all Goods not therein expreemed. 0.255. ThatiheConfervatotaitcft all Shipswanting formal Coequecs, and efchcat all the Goods therein to his Majeftlesufe. cap. 15«. That Coequets pafs in the names ofthe principal Owners of the Goods, and noc inpoormcnsnaraei, That no gieatet price be exafted for entering Snips and Goods then twenty three (hillings four pennies ; And for the Coequet toutiy (hillings 5 And that the kee^ eroftheCocquetactendhisOffice, andexaftnomoie, unduthepainofdepixva* tion,Cu.2.p. i.Seffii.c. 55- COLLEDGES. Sec Schools and ’Dniverfities. COLLED GE of JUSTICE. SseSefJlon. COMBAT. Thainoncfightanylingulal Combats, under the pain of dcaffi. and efeheit of moveables, ana the Tiovockei to be puoilhcd by the nxoie ignominious deam, Ja. (5,p.l«.C.I2. COWt COMMENDS. ABs of ^Parliament , &c. commends bygone, andintimecomingdifchatgcd, under the pain of dnfell of temporality forthepurcbafrer5time> andaltuodctthe pain of lebellioB, cx- fcpi tliitJilicOidinat may coraraciidforfcxmoncths, Ja. j.p.i.cap. 3. COMMISSARS. The Commiflais Judges competent to Aftions of fenefices, Jam. <• par. i. The CommiHars of £ appointed, two of them to be nominal by the AichbilhopofSt. -/Tndrrtwj, and the other two by the Archbilhopof Giafitvi, withfolcpowcttodecidcmallcaufcs of divorcement, and to reduce all other Comniiluts Decreets, tnfrimAinjlantia, withruboidination nevetthelels to (he Lords of Sefllon, Ja.s.p. 10. c.6. That Commiflars keep Circuits inSpilngand Halved vacance, for confiiming T^amcnisinplaccsconyenientincachFrcsbYtety, andihetcto cite Tatties per- fonally, oratthcitdwelling houfes, and Kirk aoois on Sabbaths alter lervicc, Car.a.p.i.Scil. i.eap. ip. COMMISSION. ThatnoComraiffwn be given fotfervingof Brieves, or compiiding ol Lands, but 10 che Judge oidinaiy, unlefshe be called to the giving thereof, Ja. 5.p.d» cap- Tbe King may give Commiffiou to try lomicators, Ta.6,p- 1. cap. u. As al- fototiylucnaslhoocatDocandRae, Cunney, Hare, Dove, So ” Asalfo, - - cap- 10. A - *1/ , . . _ _ . , 8tc- Ibid c. 16. to try flayers of blackFifli and Smolts, and cutters of green Wood- Ibid. As alio, to certain perfons in eachParoch, forexecutingthe Ad for obfervati- onofthe S&bbath, Ja. 6. p. 5.C. 70. And the Ad about Beggers, ]a.6.p.6.c. 74. And tlie Aft for punifliing the obfeivets of fupctflitious Rites, Ja. 6. p.y.x. 104. All rpccial Commiflions ofjufliciaty Ihould be made By Signatures, and pafs the Quartet Seal, that the Rclpondees may be made thereon> and the obtainet fhould findfoverty atiheChancellary, toiepott his diligence within fouity days, underthepain-offourtypounds; And ^hat no Comnumon be granted on (laugh- tei. but the Chief Juftice and tus Deputes to proceed theieupon, ]a;n. d- par. 1 1. cap. 71. AftdilchargingallCommillionsof Judiciary granted of before, and that none be. granted heieaftei generally , or longer then for tbe eirand in hand, and upon Caution to produce the riocefs, and pay [he'U^les to the King, as cfiiers, lafi That Commiflions forexecucingofPenal Statutes be only granted to honed inenofgoodquali^, fufiicieatly auchoriaedby theLotdsof Secret Council for ihatefieft, ta.e.p. 13.C.23. His Majeny may ncm'rnat Sheriff Deputes, Tudices of Peace, or other Com- mifltoncri for executing the Laws againd Field Conventicles, iucgiilat Matii- agesandBaptirms, andinvadlngbfMinidett, Cat. 2.p.i.c.4, HisMafeft)-maybyhim(elf, otany Commifl]onatbyhim. take cognition and deciiioaofaDycareoiciufehepleares, >M,cap. is. ' Sethe'AftmKj"g- COMMISSIONERS to PARLIAMENTS and CONVENTIONS. SeeParliaments. COMMUNION, or LORDS SUPPER. ThatthePtifonsof allPaioch KirkjfuiaiflvBteadand Wine to the Communi¬ on, fooftasitfliaUbeadminLlirat, Ja.e.p.s.c. 5+- r CA At ThatallmenCommunicatonccayear, without tefpeft totheexcufc or acaaiy f cede, under the pains, w/t. the Earl of a thoufand pounds, the Lord of a thoulind merks, the Baron ofthree hundred pounds, the Ftce-holder three hundred metks, the Yeoraeii fourty pounds, and the Burgeflesasthc Council ftiall modifle, Jam. t. p. l6.C- 17- COMPANIES. See Fijhing and tManufa- Cturies. COMPENSATION. Thit Compenrarion i. in liijnidnm, in^tly perifie J a,! admitted by all Judges before Decreet, but not by way of SulpcaCon. or Reduat •OofthcfameDccKCt, Ja.6.p. 12.C, 141. KlnB,«anuogW,A«,ho„ cha.a, mdt, I 5^ Seal, itubenot Regiflrat atthe Great ** this prejudge Dflo? m ^ ® ‘’“V" of theft Lands pafled The GtLt Sell. 'hich U onlyof fotce agalnft ttiePetlontiomwhomtheLandswetecompiifled.andhisAirs and Succeflbri. la. o.p. 23. cap. I- ' ^ i«''^‘^‘‘}''”*‘'i6‘heR?8jftr»tionofCompiining5, butoidaiuingthcmtobeal- othciwayes a pofteriot Com- ptimogfirft recorded to beprefeircd, astothisflep of diligence; but prejudice cap 3 i^“ ‘f'hgence by Charges, ficc pr.Mt it i»u . Car. 1. p. i. Sell t. The legal reverfion of all Compiiflings, eithenobe led, orwheteof the Legal nocthen expired, extended toten years: Asalfothe Reveitions ofall Comptif- iings led mcejaniidrj, i6ja. oiwhetcofche Legalls not then (xpiied,ptotogued tor three years aftetW'*»f/«nrf„jf, 1661. lum, WheietheRentofthcLanifiex- ceedsthc Annualtentofthe fumsducio the Comprifler, the Debitor may cauTc him rcftiift his pofleflion to, or take ftcuiity fothis Annulraeiu within the Legal, atlsgntof the Lords of Sefllon. without ptejudiceof his tight upon ihe explrati* on of the Legal, /run, That all Comptimngslediiocethef>ifl of^a'inar^.iSsa. a^tobeledindme coming, before the date of the fiill effeftual Compiiliog, f^**‘*tofay, the Compiilingpicfetablc in tefpeft of lofeftmcnt tlieieon, or “tflexaft diligence for obtaining the faroe) or after, but within yeai and day thereof, come infarifaJpH, the pofletiot ( or not ptefe table ) ComprifTets, al- "*yc*r”^lymgthcfiiftefreftualCompriflerof his whole expences : And except¬ ing herefrom all CompiifllDgs for teal Annualtents. and other r/c&ir>< /iindi, which ate to be eneftual and ptefetable . according to the Laws and ptafticque now flanding. Ittm, Ifa Comprifler be defitous totake Lands in ftcumy or fahsfa- ftion of hisdebt, theDebitot ihall beholden to give the fame atthe Lords of Sef- lioD their light, or otherwayes Ihall fotfeiCtUbenefle of this Aft, Car. a.p.i.Sefl'. 1. C. <2. .Anne i$6i. But there is an exception made from this Aft, asio Comprifler! coming in part P4//H, where# lecondCompriflet hathfaiisfied chefirfl, and acquired tight 10 it, before the making of the faid Aft, in which cafe he it not to be ptejudg- edas tohisiightof theforeTaidfirflCompiiling , and only his own lecond Com-* ptiung, istocomeiopdripa^Nwiththe reft, Car. a. p.-i. Sefli s. c. 22. COMPTROLLER. That the Compitollet charge liimielf with thewholcRentof hisHighnefsTro- wrt^ and be anfwerible for all the temoveable Cbambcriains, asheing in-put by himftlf, and ihai he do diligence againd fuch as are UeteubJe , Jam. 6, pat, r COMPRISSING. ihc Shiieirc,urcreUhi!Und,.>idpi7 ?Buvu th«hec,ursAEpii0tiht£ind, bythiracnof thcwortWft of the Shite, ,oSigDtotheCieditoiiotheiv>ilofhu fum. item, Th>t '>!' . iiSiiP-rhp Creditor, orthcBuycr, uponpaymcntofanycarsMaill. as the Lana is fttfotihe^ime, oielfehera,)- tike%heI.,ndiohiiitfeir, ,udtindeig.iig the debt, ^Th^fthe cimpiiffit «hhk the Leg.l, oply tight to „ dudes .seoiielpouds to the Atiou.lieut of the piiiteipil fuiii , todhtg the ftmptming.tlien the Compiiniug to ettpitc ""”t g"^ e Minot, but he me, tedeem My time within hispeifea>|erfo»ei^^^^ h.tiiiightto UldCnndiem*. Ittm, ibwAKoninn”' buteot- Itjlills, Cu.s.p.i.Stttj.t.lo. That no precept, ordifehatge ofthc property be allowed in Excheket. ex¬ cept fubferibed, and excepted by the CompitoUer. Ibid. cap. 67. See Exehtiktr. All few Infcftmcnts . orConfitmationsof thePropetty . whereby tbe date of the Lands is altered, not fubferibed by the CompQoUex, and palling his RegiQec atenull, la, d.p. t2.c. 1 27. RatifledaDdexcendedtoalllafeKmcauofthePco- peityiugcnciai, lam. 6. p. t3.c. t7t . CONDITION. Thatcoun-lawful, crimpoffible conditions he made in Contiafts, orObUga- tions, fucKasfora ParrytocoDfentthaiwhareveibehisdUtance, a Chaige upona Ihoitday, andDenounciauon,bothatcheMercat-crof$ofBdi" !ii;. C-A rntdiii' vj ConvcntionofEflatesholdenat^ri'ntwtA. tlicTwcmy 1667, and Aft thereof for uiCmg of ScveritvmoThoufand poundsMonethly toHil MajUy, forTwclveMoiicthsaffcrthclJldMoneth otj-nmary, mcUJht. Aftof r^nnvfntfon 21 of7**n>#rtt'7 . 1667* Convention of Eftatesholden at InJWy.ieys, and Aft thereof fot raifine of Twenty five Monetlis Cefs, cxicnding to Eighteen Hundred Thoufand ^ c:.,» yeai$ fpjcc , being Five Moncths Cef* igssiSSSSiipsSS SSgiliiSSSSiE lam. j.p'4p'- . . ^dcxtcndedtoLandsgtvenm Con)unft-f« , as j" s«: o,d=, fo. .h=c«.«d» .hc«of»..h.» CONSERVATOR, See Low-countries. Th., ,he ro"r««... andtherartiesexpcnccs, Jam.^y- d. cap j- i.pjocurjffttoanfwcr forhtm, Faftoxs. fwearthmhey pertaining to wlutltisiQ the rwauec, and that % the <*udcs pertain to Free-men , as alfo. others. ^hhAh^ai'oih^ gudespei- WlhcThcfautcr, it'd:cap:irs. >» xTr-rS CONSTABLE of SCOT LANT). .. ,iiifr*rnie fecn, la: 2: p-.u: •ftheSeffion, or Parliament, ften, I.:,; Conll.blts ufe no cMOBion for »hat , Th,unP,>lumcot 'f's-ciim fo,,,. ihtycJlihtUFcei U; j;p; s:c>P' id- CONSTABLES, See Juftices of Peace. CONVENTICLE. AHGo»,ood.i.o,»g..n^Hou^^^^^ cusexeicifesdifchaiged, the Council, or by the Bi- ThacnooutedMinlflcr, 0 Omernot except rn ifieir own fteps, P«»‘;^* Families, indthitnoncbepreTent at anyfuch Houfes, keening Conventicles, and unlawfulmceting. underthepsmo bcinggu Caution, un- thefreachw, Exponer, or Prayer, to be ^ himfelf to re- a,.ih.p.b.of^Th«ur«d^^^^^ ,„.re. ,nd move cot of the Kingdo , Hetetor , Life-rcnict . or Wedfetter > in a rhePerfone piefent lobefined, c .ndMerchant, orcheifTradlman , out f(3uithofhUvalucdren|, eachT ^ with Butghs Royal, /..i, fcrTineMan. m the fouttli part of his man, inTuiW/foK'idr r, , jiYiilictranfErcsfing-, the half of yearsfic, and that Wives , and'ifthc Mafter , orMiftrefsor thcHoufcbe the raid refpeftivc jQ^ble jnd that all be Impiifoncd untill they make prefent.thatthey be fined and Maaiftratsof Burghs Royal, laymcnt.and ^ ate declared :o be lyable tor every de«rmine.forwhichgJalb^^^^^^^^^^^ Others ptefent, , l,. jjjf jhey pleafe For Gonventieles, cither p,i,,0,mc. , mfine h=Uidslnh,bi»» y P mihm, i'-idmS .o.iiimy Houft«hcte there be inore pone Scripture , °^f”F^i r .u.v¥itlout Doors, (whicliisdcchtcd to be a notiheHoufecontaini, ,, f-nvocai any number to thefe meetings, that Fcild-Convenuclc ot who Ih 11 Conwat any n Apprehendet of fucli .heybepunilhcd with death , andef he^ FetfonstohaveFive uof.hcfincsabovefctdown, butprcjudiccofany piefent, to be fined »" j*,],- tvc/mion of the Aft is committed to Shii- othctpuniftunentducby La' . giving to them the fines of all, except KeXeet'; uStrrhfSi^ayioXSllL e. per. e- Seff. e. “4VVAaeon.i™eforod,er.b.eeyem^^^^^^ and longer as his Majeftv and they^d the other judges above- £xccut ^ '’'JS g;,,c of their diligence yearly the htj Thurf- dl“f J./y, .0Hi°M4eaie’i Council” underrhe pein ot free Hundred merki. Cr. 1. p. e. »n, i.c^ 17. - doubled , eecept >s lo Burgefles of The .oreUrd "nd Uirronv, end, be,, beiide.he forme. fine, Jurgly Rov.l , ind ot jeg'my ^ benilhedtte Toren , Cir. e. per. i. ere ordained 0 loft there s P but fiippofa Ji;?miob?eo..Sid Vs"l.ey/e.eby hi. M.jefiie'.ple.rme Cgn.fied lo th. Council- CONVENTION, of ESTATES, See The "t“i""r jefeinded, ^o\dcn^:l°Ed‘niitrih\h^ And Aft there- convention of Slfng. the pound Lend of old eh- ,f lo. .etfing e T.,. on « ^ S-e,''.«‘ Sp.op«fion.llJupo..tbelpmtuJ Stete , end, Aftof Conveniiob 4 Auguft, a 66 5 . raifine of Twenty nve moneiiu , cat. pounds Scon , to His Majefty , in Five ycai> ipdcc , oting rivc monci . vcarly tobe payed attwotermsin the year, beginning the flilt term at Mani- mefs, t67« . Aftofconvendonio. July,i67t, UcSuppIn. CONVOCATION Un-lawfull , See Leagues. ThatnoneprefumetoConvocat.Convcen, orAflemble ihemfelvs, for'hold' me of Councils, Conventions, or Aflemblies , to treat, confult, and deter¬ mine, inanymattcrof State, Civill, or Eccicfiaftick , except in the otdinarie Tiideements, withoutthcKingscommand, orexprefs Licence, under the pain of un-lawfull Convocations, Jam, 6. p. *,c*p. 131. Revived, and Ratified, and thattocxplamthisAft,asthatthcyarenot to extend to Conventions, tc. Holden hetforpicfcivationoftheKingRcligion, and Laws, and good ofdic Kirk, and Kingdom, is a falfe anddifloyalGlofi, Cat i.p.i.Scfl; i. cip.4. C O R- N E S , See Viftual. ThatwilfullDcftroycrs, and Cullers of giowand Corncs, be puniihed, to the death as Theives, la. 6. p. r i - c. *i- COVENANT, See Leagues. The National Covenant as fworn . and explained in ihc ycaiidsg. And the Solcmne League and Covenant, declaieduull, and void. Car. a. par.i. SeCa. cap-z. COUNCIL. Who Invades , or Petfew any of his Highnefs Sefllon . Secret Council , or Offi¬ cials, it being verified, aDdtricd.thatthcfamcwasdoncfordoingofthcKings Service,flvallbepobiih«‘l'o‘^s***’' m n- j • Coromisfion to the Councilfor ordering the home bringing of Bidlion, and dif- chargingtbetranfpoitingofOold, Silver, and forbidden gudes under luch pains as they lhall think fit. Ibid.^p.p- . , ,, j..;,. Aft Ratifying the CommifDon given by King ?««« ihc 6ih , ^fr,l 1603. To the Lords of^Couticil: Toreceavercfignationsof LandshoJdenofhisMa|flfty,and eive infeftments thereupon, togctlier withthefaidslufeftments; as alfo all Con¬ firmations granted by His Maicftie’sordmaiy Officiates , declaimg the fame pall finTHisMaieftie’sCaftiet, and otlierRegdters , and Seals tobe as validc. as if thcUadnaftunderHislHajeftic’sownliand, ]a. 6. p. zo.c. 14. . . . The Kings Council impoweied to appomt prices fot Writs omitted in the Aft ofPatUimentmadethcreanent, ]a, 6. p. 23 c. Ip. , • . , As alfo to fetdown and impofe penalties for Juftices of Peace . not kaepingtheit meetings, asilfotoamplifie, andcnlargcthc power of thcfaidsjutticc, asthe^ ' *As^alfo*tpdceVtoA^^ Beit, and Bread , Car. i. par.i. Seff. i. '*Asllfotolay on modetat Cuftomes. at Bridges , Caufaes,. and Ferries for lenairing and upholding the fame , in cafe the ftent appointed by the Aft be nor fufficienlcar.i.p.i. SefT.i.c.iO, Seciiiii»r4j«. COURTS. Th.t>llmtncoii,ctoCoutl!iafoberimnnet,Kithnomoienotarelnhi!.kylie hoSold, audtha..h=yI.yby.hci,Woafons .ud Sht.tclf. pu, Pttfon, fcodo uSdciLaboiiows, Jam.,.?. 14-Mp. ‘r- Aittfied, Jim. i.p. 14.0.104, indji... tSo m.ii lido to Conns with mote Peifons , tht n they m« in hou J hoUldiylie, eiieepttlie Kings OfliciatimtheEtieculiott of Julliie, or fot foith bcatineofthc Kingsauthority, Jam. i. p.4- c .ji*'. , . n w « ^ - In wLt roanet Petlons mould coiyipeai ui Criminal caufes . Q. M. SecitinCriwai, and both this Aft with the formci. p.i.p. 14.0.12. Ratifaed unVctthcpainofun-lawful Convocation, afwell agauiftthcfc Convocat, as the atthchoutofeaufe, whichis de¬ clared to the Eleven hours before nooiie, Ja. 6.p. ii.e- *6. COURtS of gUerra. ThstnoCounsofGue.rabeholden , by no m.nnetof 'i' E?* ofsliuglitet, Rear, and Ufiirpation on titer Kings Lieges, indhts Authority, ]a.3p.8.«.70. HEAD-COURTS. That Free-holdetr compear at the Head-Conn. . Jam. t. ptr. erp. i ! "l-hn ni'she’.ffi'' Stewart. . .™d B.illier . hold their Three head-Conn. by rhemfelvs op ope'rferroo, ^udrh.r.U Free-holdets give !f."ey owe the fame, or feud ftaficien. Sutters . rf they owe bur Sun, Jam. t. p.6.e.7i. CRAFTS, andCRAF T-M E N , or WORK-MEN. ilk Craft have a Deacon, tobcchofen by the Craft, with confent of the ™T"h°S“S«couiT.oduV;h”eue,, but ha.e no Coueftlonof.ho ttavcllofWoik-mcu, and made work, and make the pii£ J'Sea»'’nJofCr;rtsdifeharsed . and the fo.nre. Afts, appoynnng them revolted, liilisssassfs: e. 103. See Prurj. That Tbit ihere be in ilk Butfh i Deacorvof tlicGoWfmuhs to mstk made work, ind his fie a pcnnic of the ounce, Jam. i. pat. 14. cap. 65 , and Jam. j.p. ij. ^*TliatooCnft-njcn, not Cordoners take Cuftom from fuch of tlicit owm Craft, as come to the weakly Metcat, othetthenwaswout by old Law, umlet the pain of buying his life thetefote , as for common OppicfUoii . Jam. 4. par. 4. '^^■iiacaH Deiconsof Crafts ceafefot an year, md have no other power . but to examinethc finefs of fluff, and work, hem, that all makets, andufetsofthe flatutes, (ch.uwiges be isaycd foi Holy>dayes, afwellas tor Wotk-d.iycs, .md that no Crift-mcn end the work begun by another,) bepunifUedasOpptcflbrs, yfcj'd.cap. 43- ... V/hohavebigginfs , and reparation . either to fluigh or to Land . may choilc Ctif^rf'nien, free or un-frec as their pleafure, and where he that begins delayes to endthework, otliersniay be taken in his place, and that no Ctafts-man make- pediment thcieto, under the painofTinfelof hisFree-dom. Ji.y p 7.C. 1 1 1 Ratilicd, Ja. 6. par. 1 9. cap. 4. Tliatthcrc be no Deacons of Crafts, but a Vifitotir of every Craft, cholen year¬ ly by tiioPioveft , B.iillics , and Council of the Baigh , to vific the Craft ieilly upon Oath, but without any power to gather, crconvccn the Craft, and this Vt- fitour. to have votcinchoifingofthcOfSciatcs, .ind othetwife as Dcacoushad. hem, iliatnoCtaftf-manbruikOfliccwithtn flnigh, except two of them to be chofen yearly on the Council . and on the auditing of the (^mpts of the common crude . and the breaker ofthis Aft, to be pimilhcd by waitding for a year . Tin- f(l of Freedom , and (he cfchcat of a third of their moveables , Q, M, Far. 6. c,ip-52- CREDITOR. Tiiatno deed made by a rebellim-rclaxed , bevalid againfla Creditor- hem, thataogifcofEfchcat, Affignaiion, or other right thereto, alledged made iu defraud of the Creditor, and in favours of ihe Rcbell, be valiable , if it be in- llantly verified by writ, ihar thcRebellisftill atthe horn, for the fame caufc, andthatic bea good exception againft any pictending title by Allignation , or gift of the Rebels elcljcat, thathe, his Wife, 5ai(n$,orFiiends, temiinln pof- ^flion to his behoove. Ja- d- p. la.c. 145. Scifrjudfnl ,y1litnafioni,Bank'H^i,Dt- liittr', -md Creditor , MdEfihat. CRIMES, and CRIMINAL Procefs. Crimes may be perfewed by the Shirreffs in the Kings name , if no follower Ap* pelt, la. i.p.iJ.C. 140. (andhm. 6.p. il. c. 76.) And that the Law for fevenyeats (fra the year 14J4-) beholden where the ncrpalswas doue. without deferring to legalities, or fiuirowestherein, la. ip. 14 cap. 148. ThatlnCriminalFeifuicstheLctrersbcfubrcribed by the Writtei, and Juflice Clerk, and his Deputes, and that (he Juflice Cieik take fovertie for reporting (he fame, underthepains contained in the Letters, hem, ifthe Defendaiin mu¬ tilation be aflbiltied . or a multitude called for any crime , and be found innocent, jheFcifewctfliallbcinanim-lawofTfn poundi, lefs or mote to the Defender, andpay iheexpencesoi the AlTifours, attliedifcrciion of the Juflice, and who heSDOtin gudes, may be puniOied Corporally, lam. 5. par.^ cap. j$. hem, the accufea being found Innocent, that their expences be modified by the Juflice, lufliceCleik. and their Deputes, beGdeclicforcraidpainsforruchasare acquit, orpaftftom.Ja. S.p. n.c. 87. In Criminal cauTes the Petfcwci may compear with four , and the Defender with Sex of his Friends . and no more , othctwilc the Juflice may charge the Breakers to enter their Perfons in waitd, there to remain dunng the Queens pleafure, un- derthcpainofRcbcllion. Andifthcydlfobey, put themto die hom, Q.M, p 6.C.4T. That no Criminal Letters be diicft againft complices in general, but againft rpecial Perfons complained upon : AndiliatnoOfficiarpicfumc to charge Com¬ plices given in Bill. hem, thathefummond no more Perfons without Ipcctal warrant, tobeAlTiflbufs, then Fouttie five, given him by the Petfewer, in a Roll fubferibedbe him.or anc Notatfot-him ; WhicliRolllhaUbcaimexcd to his Exe¬ cution unaltered, and that under the pain of Five hundred merks, and Deprivation , and his Peifon to be in the Kings will, la. 6. p. fi. c. 76. ThainoOfficcrsfummondmorePetfbnsoii Afljfcs, butasabove, not put cut norputinthefaidsRols, for gratitude or good deed, under the pain to^e pu- niihed as an Oppceflbr to Death, lam. 6. p. ti.e. 88. But now the Roll of the Aflilbursisappoynted to be Signed by the Judges, Cat. e. par. z. Seffj. cap. 16. Concerning the Jufticc Court. That theunjuft Peifcwcrin Criminal perluits, if the Perions be acquit, and within the number of Ten, pay Ten pounds, and if more, Twenty ptundsi andthatdoom be given therefore, and the Patty keept in waitd.untillhe make paymenr,andif tlic Kings Advocit be imiy Petfewer, that his Informer be lyablc , and Letters of Horning and poynding tiierefoie (ummarly direftonthe Aftof Adjournal, hent, that the Juflice Clerk, and liis Deputes, takcfovcrty atthc giving of Criminal Letters , for the repotting of them dulic execut , and thsttheiaifer IhiU infift . under the pains contained in the Aft of Par¬ liament, la. e.p.d-c. 78. Secfft*p-»«, inPami Capital crimes arc reckoned. Ttcafon. Slaughter, AlutiLitloi, Adultery, In- ceft, Thclfr, Common Oppicffion, Ufury, Perjury, and Falihood, Jam. 6. par. * ’flFat the fovenytobe found in Criminal putfuits by the Purfiicr to report. See. and the Dcfcpdci to compear, be found by them alio for their compeating in fo- betmanacr, with the numbers piefcribed, Q.M. p.6.cap.4o. Reckoning their Pioloquutors, otherwayes the pains to be incurred by the putfuct and the defender to be adjudged abfent and fugitive, hem. That the Juflice and iii$ Deputes nuke record of the perfons prcfenc in Court, contrary to the faid Aft, and caufc denounce them /tem. That inthcpiemifTesDenounciationmadcat the Mercat Crofs of the head Burgh where the Juflice Court fits,4nd Rcglftration in the Journal Books fliallbe as fufficient asDenounciation and Rcgiftracion in the Shire wlietc the Rc- bcllsdwclls, Ja.d.p. S.cap. 141. • u „ • . The Thcl'aurcr aud Advocat may purfuc all e times, albeit the Parties fliould be ^'^That all^Criminai Li^clls, Libcl'l and P^rf, which part of the Libell ihall be rclevantagainftallcxccpiions, la.6.p. I2.cap.i5>-. , , , a , That in all Criminal putfuirs, the Defender, orhis Advocatsbe thelaft fpeak- ets exccptincafesofTrcafonandRcbclIionagainft thcKing. /um.Thatthc DcfendcihavcthcliftofWitneires robe made ule of againft him, given him with the Libell, and the Puifuer in like manner fuch as the Defender intends to ufe for Exculpation wichtheSummonds thereof, Car. z.p. a. Sell, s.cap. 16. con¬ cerning the Juflice Court. See Jufiieei \yiCis ofTariiamm , Sec. j , P'rfon.convia, ,h. nn,i- ^ . . 1 - J - . " ^ |ic«iviisi.onvict, tnc njunionrti cap never Oiod, not ufed tofhoone, ,1. P'""- .nBr.iocl. MiU., ORc lovtny of them, and ,nel> iheir goods umill il.e faiS fosenv be founj.o.elle NV aitd the perfons. or deliver tlicnuoiheShetiff. Ja s p 1 c s If :,u ^ at lusdwelling place, ami make publick intimation at ihc I’atoeh thereafter, which (hallbe an fufficient aireftmcni, the Crowncr proungitby his own andoiicwKiicfsOaih, la. i.p.4.c. J4 CRUVES and ZAIRES. ThatallCiiivesand Ziiiesfciinfrclh Nt’.'letswhetctheSea flows and ebbs be deftroyed, under the pain of an hundred , and tint they Uutiuvcilicm in frelJi w-atets, where the Scaflowsuot, keep the SniuTiiyei flop, and fuffet them not to ftand in foibidden time, iindcnhe laid pain i and that dk Heck of the fjids Cruvesbe three incheswide, Lv. i.p. Ratified with this addition, that thcmid-fttcim in frofh Waicis be left free by thefpiccot fex foot, under the pain of pit la. i. p. to.c. 74. Again Ratified, burthemid-liieam oidcicd tobe Icli ttccbeclie fpicc of five u ^h»**lk Heck ot Cmvesbe live incheswide, (but tliicc inches ts lound by the Lords to be the juft mcifuic) And that Shitefis, Stcwaits, Jkc. eACtiitc the Afts ancni Ciuvcs, under the pun of iwemj poundi , la. 4.9. a. c. i ?. and la. { . p. 4. c. 17. And thehaldctsol Cinves agtinft the Lawsiobcnumlhed as li'yersof Rcd-hfh, Salmond, aud Sinolts, ilnd.c 17. SeeSnlm.nd. r ' *■ And faithct, that .all Landed Geililcmen put the Aftsforputting down otCruves (ocxecuiion within iheit bounds, under the pain of an hundred poundi ; andit tlicy fail, that Sliciifl's and Baillicsdo it. un¬ der the like pain, Q.M.p. 9.c.d8. Ratified, and Shenfl's, .Stewarts, BailUrs, LordsofReg.dity, and Magifltats ofBuighs next adjacent, arcimpowercdtocaflano hold dowutlie faids Cimes. and to convocat the Lcigesfor that effeft, Ja. 6. p. 6. c. v 9. A ComiRifliongivcinocettaiii Judges within theit rclpeftive bounds ihoion the Kingdom, granted for chisend, without ptejudicc to luch as ate duel) UilelV, and in poflcflion of holding of Ctuvcs, Lines, and Coupes within fteihWvtvts, providing they keep the O'afMrday.jflop, andducwidcnefsol die Hecks, la.6. p. 7. C. 1 1 1. Ko mention here of keeping the mid-ftieam Itec. CUNNINGAIRS and CUNNINGS. CROWNER. The Crowncrfliallaricftas well before as after the cry of the Juflice Air,buton- ly fuch as fliallbe given to him in poituous by the Juflice Clerk, and none other, ^^Tliatthc Ctown« receiving his poniious and iraifts, if there be any perfon therein that he dares not arreft, that fie go to the Baron or Shireff,and|if they letule CO be fovercy for chcperfonsdwellingwithin their rclpeftive bounds, that they af- fiftandforttfiehimiorattcftingthcfaidspcifons, under the piin.ot tenpounds, Ubcpiyc^itiy thcmtothcKing, Ja.j.p. Deftroyingof Cunningairesand Cunniogsa point of diitay , la. i -p. z.cap. 3]. and la. 2. p. 14. cap. 88. SecTheift. That no man take Cunnings out of anotheis Cunningairsunder the pain of dit- tay and iheift, la. s.p. 7.C.61. Q. M- p. "i. Tltac Pcifons curfed lying in that ftatc year and day, or receiving the Sacrament theiein, unreconciled, tine all tlicit moveablesasefcheat to the "*jhp * iciiencetothe Creditor at whofc inflincethcy ate denounced cuticc , Q. M.p. 4- cap. 7. Stz^xcommunitaiion. CUSTOMES. GteatandfmaUOiftomcs . withtheBurrow Maills, aretoabidewiththcKing ‘°Th.\rfNdt; H»rVandSi,eepbad on. of the Bealm be twelvcnenniesp.rpoundofthevaiuc; Andof ilkihonland l.elh HertniES ioid . a r.n'/bythe fcllei; And of Ilk Lift of Betting liken by •Styt.-men. "d Ic^d /.»rVl'“X'. indifbyStiiiigets, And ot ilk Ilionlind Red- two {biUmg, per ^xtez. for the hundred Cunning skins fzuc/w 5cc. >b,d. “^CtSomeofilkpoundsworthofWoolicn death had ou^ ofilknoundswoithofSiimond bought lud hid out by Sttingcrs. l/nny ptStWrAntfof ilkEOnnds«OIthofE.jl.;AGoodiblo.El,. in. tl,.n, ,„n,„,)i. ''The'v'i'hith.veontof.heRe.lmMe.cIiindicenol plying the tnftome , eitliei mk.hinKhedwilhoutdooni, bmptejudiccof Other pjlni, ]i.i. Coldoi Silver, tobebinilhednilhouidooni. bntpie)ni That Cuftometstakt °“AaRtlSfvtnEfo‘'tnetAa,ibout .be ntflomi, ind th:-: i fhftome Roll be mtdi. indihe® ickofWooliocon.iinbut.vventy lout flonc, md the hnnd^.ed^ Abridgement of the ikin* fix ftore, and tlie dozen of Cioath twelve clns allauetly. Jam. 6. par. 7. '^Theialdng of unlawful Cufloms difehatged, under the pain of oppreflion. andtIiatnoCufiomcbcrakeH, but according room old Laws and Afts of rarlia- mcni, and whereupon ilieiip-takcrshaverpecial warrand , atleaft have been m poflclTionpaftmcmoryofman, Ia.6.p. ii.c. 54- . ^ .... That Cuftomeis ana Searchers committing fraud, in funeiing toioiaflcn gooj** robe tranfponed, tine their moveables, and that their petfons be la the Kings will, Jitm, Thattheycompcarycarlyin Exchequer, and make faith that they have done their duty truly; and ifthcy be found guilty offuffcrlng forbidden or uncu- ftoniedgoods’tobctranlportcd, that they be deprived, and tine their moveables, Ja- fi. p. I j- c. 1 68. L ^ fl That all Tacks of Cioath be brought whole unbroken upto theCuttome- houfe, and thatno £«?/;/!. Goods beconceaJed, in defraud of the C\iflomc,undcr painofconhfcatio.n if found, and of the avail ifnot found, /fw, CuHomcis areimpowered tofcarch Buithsand Houfes, and connfear, and intromct witaall £'>i/<>Goodsuncuftomed.or£«i/v4-CIoathsunrcaled; and ifneed bets, to make Doors and other lock-fall Looms open, and chat the relliicrs be punilhed as ac- forccts. Inn. That Magiflrais otBurghs give concurrence when requited , la. (. p. 12. C. t 2p. The Aflife Herring arc a part of the Kings Cuftoms, la. 6. p. 1 5. c. 237; That all Cioath and other Mcrchandifc whatfoever brought from Forraign parts, pay Cuftome at the arrival, at the rate of tw clvc penniesp annexed, to be fctinfew» with Auementirionot the Rental . audwithprefcrteDCcof thofethat have already Few infefements thereof, Ptovidiog they renew the fame betwixt and aday prefixed, -Lxeeptingfrom this A€t, the Kings Caftlcs, Palaces, Yeards, Woods. Parks, Fonefis > Paftures, and in fpectal the Lowmonds of laod, Coal-hcughs. and Offices. Jam.6.p. 14,0.204. But the ground of demolilhed Caftlcs. with the bounds, Meadowes. and Loclies, therctobelonging. asalfohisMajcftic’sCoal-heughs atcairodiflbWcd, tobcfccin few with augmentation of the Rental. la. 6.p. i6.c. t. DiflblutionoftheLandsandEarldotnofC«Hr«, cftccialy of theLordfliip of , and Lands of .ytr.i.6rdnd, lobe rccinfew for auementation. ^c. or Lietuicemrnt >n.i ♦.,11 , , . * - ^ a lie mole m Am^ c. r,ii^ ..1^ ,i..i , .. DilIolutioR or the Lowmonds . and Moots ot FdWtt/and, to be fet in Eew- ferm for Augmentation, (Sre. ibid.c. 19. Diftblution of the annexed propeny , to be fet in Few-fetm for Augmentati¬ on, &e. But excepting the Kings Caftles, Palaces, Yeards, Woods, Fottefts, Parks, Paftures. for Sheep .md Nolt , and in fpecial the Lowmounds of Falkz y^nd, Coal-heughs, andOffices, andihedillblutiou ^ p.i.cap. blutiou CO induteHi/kpra, Cat. 1. DONATIONS PIOUS. Gifts Legacies, ot Donations for Piousufes, may not be inverted fromtheipe- clfickuredeftinatbecheUifponer, andthePerronsincnifted ate made comptable forthefame, andordmarYprofuesthereof , tothe Kirks, Colledges, and others to whomthey are difponea, orio thcBifhop oftheDiocie, for their ufe, and this extended to all fuch Difpofitions nude (ince the Majoiicy of King Jdmei ffie Sexth, and chacLettetsbe thereon ditefted, Car. 1. p. i. c.d. D O O M E S, The forming of falGng of Doomes, and the fallei to offer aBoigh, aftigne a xcafon, andpreteft for i.p. y.c. 117. The ptoccfsoffalfingofCcoms now notin ufe, Ia.4.p.6. c. 95. The words to be uCed m falfing of Doomes changed. Ibid. 99. Ja. 6. p’ Vi c'llV - - - - ‘'I tliefaid Towjii Kevocked.ftc rclcindcd, hia H timers . by vcaiuc ot Utiaas of ll,c Load, of Sccrei Ck.uncil , o> ofihc to.di I’ly” Council , orby iheii own Authority i agreeing uithrhcitowia iibetty, aird not pteiudging ,1,., „f oil„„, doe violiuce rS Mtem. ortlieitOltciars, rnthecxeeuiionoltheitiards Offices, under lire pains Ot Deforcement, and Sediiioii. Item, full rr'»*- --j - ' Ijeiir ,1, .wing Sill .ci,uainlcd HisMajeay foi*.. — s„o„K,,t, ano HcmblcmAtms, raile meuofwarronpay.andufcHagbuts. and all othet At- '?®.“''**»lJ[t>nieswhcncheyihaUtliiiikexp«dicnt.' timi, if any Icrfouin rc- mUngthcfaidsMaeirtrats, ot in the redding of Patties, ( Provydinit it be with Jong Weapons , and not by ftmting Hagbuts ot the like ) Ihall be hurt , or llain, the laidsMaglfttats and ihe Community of (he £u[gh, and all then Afliftcti . ate ihcietoreamplieindemnitied, la.s.p. tj.c. H4. Tlutitoletfonbulld in in time coming any Houfes, except fuch at ftallbecovctcd with Sklait, or Skailic. i.cad, Tylc ot Tluck-llone, and that lucliHoulesasatenowihackcd with thick ot Straw, becoming ruinons, Qull be and covered as atoicfaid, and that Letters be direfttot ihii elVeft, U. I N BV R H. EGYPTIANS, See Beyers. Deftioyeis of Dowcats in Thtifr. That no man break, or take, oiftealDowesoutofanotheisDowcac , under the pain of Theifc, lam. j. par. 7. cap. « i. lam. 4. p»r. 6- cap. 69' Q- M. pat. 6. cap. yg. Ratified with an Augmentation of the pains cventodeath, againft fuchascannoc pay the Fines. iaiD- 6, par. 6, cap.g4. and lam: dr pan 19: cap. 3. Scer*«/r. That Lords and Lairds make Dowcats , &c. la: 4; p: fi; cap: 74- Sec it in PUnt- tnr, andPelicie. ThatnomanhavelibertytobuildaDowcaiin Burgh, ot in the Countrey, ex¬ cept he have Lands and Tcinds to the value of Ten Chaldct of Viftual yearly, within two miles of the faidDowcat , and he loty only build one, and no mote. Iuq; d:p: 22: c: ip- DRUNKENNESS. ThatPcrfonteonviftofDrankctoncrs, othauniingofTtverns, and Ale-hnufes, after ten of the clock at night , or any time of the day , except the time of navel, orforicfrcfliment , pay iorthcfirfttaultrAr«/>««ndi, or be put in Jogs, orjaylc Sex hours, for the fccond F/r/« p»«ndj , ot be put in, Jogs, orjayle Twelve hours, and for the third TMpoHrtdr, ot Stocks, or Jiyle Twentic four hours, and if t^y thereafter ttanrgrefs, to be put in 7»yle till ‘hey find caution, and all ShiireBs, Stewarts, Piovcfts, Baillics, JuRices of Peace » and Kirk Seflions, are im- poweicdtoexeciittnisAft, and apply the pains , 4d fiei & majpiries ty«i, ja: fi: ^ Raafiemon of all Afts againft Drunkennefs , and ftnhet who drink to cxcefs fliall pay , the Noble-man T'uir'inr p»nndi , the Bairon Twmtit , the Gentleman, Heteiot orBurgefs r«a mrrly, the Yca-men Fann/t /ftitfingi , and the Servant Ttwanr/e/i)’//i'if , , tetiej ai*otifi ; And the Minlftei the fifth part of his Snpend, and the Fines to be applied as in the AHnnenethefuJlictiQfpeaet made this menu and the Unable to pay, tobcpunilhedinthcirPctfons, Cat: a.p. cap. 19. Andboch chefe Afts Ratified, Cat. a.pat-z.Sefi- j. cap. 22. Sec Afts in Prsfenntfi. t>vmfermling. Confirmation of the Gift of the Abbacy and LotdOiip of DHmftrmUng . Lands , Tcinds , and Others thereof, lyaud onthcNotih-fidc of the water of Fer/,, inadebythe King to the (i.ucen for hex life-time, at Vfjlo in W»rw-y-, the 24. ^evrm6rr,i589. la: 6. p.i J. c- 190. . . _ Another Aft concerning the fame Gift, calli^ it the Kings Mornmg-g to the Queen , but mentioning neither for her life-timc , not yet to h« Aus . but confirming her Chartoi and Scifm thereof, and eorapcnclog to he* fo much as wantsofthefaid Abbacy, /W. cap.i9i. RacificationoftheQucensIafettmcntoftheLordlhipofO«n,/trm/.«gtohc,& the Aitsofhetbodic. by the King , which faileeing to the Ku^, andhis Airs, and Succeffors, Ja.d.p.zi cap. 10. SccS<‘«n. AftBanilhingall the Vagabonds commonlic called Egyptians, forth of the Kingdom forever, after the fitftof 1609, and not to ictum , under the pain of Death, CO be execuc upon them, as notorious Theives, oniryal lobc takenby an Aftife . that they are holdeo, and repute Egypiians , and that none tcflccthem, aadallwaciaudsinthecouctaiy arc declared void. lam. 6. pat. 20. cap.ta. EJECTION, See Removing. That the Defenders in Ejeftion , find caution for the violent profits , as in caufea of removing, thefirftdyetofihe Liulconteftatioii , ot othetwayes decreet to be given againft them, la. 6. p. 14. c. 217. ELL. ThatthcEll contain Threttiefeven Inches- la. i.p.4.c.<». ENGADGEMENT. Aft approving the Eogadgement In wart for tlic Kings rclcif . In thcycai i tf4». Cat. 2.p. I. Scir I.C.9- and ENGLISH, Sec orf.ifo.BiEging Ldi^HTgl, . and Kmoving tht Pltlkeis S-w'bc aemo^d .if. he High-ga.e . ,U. ‘?-h^rtc.eb=.h.ceBre.dMc,ca>so»kel,i»^^^^^^ „A, ontlieMounday. Wednerday , “Lifday . wceWie tehh As alfo three Fle/b Mcicacs. on Sunday, Mounday, inuiway. hefamcliberty- fi'd.cap.raa. ^ - nude by the King fince his Ratification of all Donations . and Moiuhca , £d,n6i*rf /, , for :oioiialion. iheitHorpilals, elfeclally of ENGLAN‘D Borders. That no man buy EngUth Cloath or gudes from Engiifl, men in ScatlMii , or with¬ out, under the bain oreftheat. and that no £«fhyz. man bring any , except they be fpccificdinhisconduft, orinpiyniencofRanlomcof £-^/»/«-mcD, lam. i.p.14. '*Th«Salmondbcneilherfentto, norfoldinEn^j/xnd, but to £ngh/Smen buy- iDEthemin>' '»■* Ftifonct , and that no man fit upon fpocial Affutance of any ' 7 Jou! leave of the King. orW,uden, under thepatnofTicafon, and tluinonc fupplic Ctrwcfc.otliextMrf^'undetthcfamcpam. ibid c. si.jndfz. That no E«W//7v man have Benefice la Sttr'aud- h- $. p. i - . That no man fend, or fell Cartel . Viftual,F.Ih. or Sail, to ffW-'d. Um. j. D O-C 20 This Aft made, becaufe of the Scarcity then m ^ Seat) men afliired by Engh/lt men, if warned todifcliarge the Aflutance, get no reftiS of goods fpuSed from them thereat, « by men un-aflured . by both *. 3. That the Si/tiops give up to the Thefaurcr and Direftoi ofthe Chanccllary ycar- lyaRollfublcribedwiththeirliands, of ail Excommunicat for Religion wichia cneirDioce&l and chat the Thefaurcr receive no Refignaiions, nor grant Infeft- meats, nor the Diieftot diicft Brieves, norFiecepis. norreceivcReiours in their favours, uiiiill their Relation be certified by the Bijhop- And all Lords of Rega¬ lity, and othei Supeiioursmay lefufe togiantBtieves, or Precepts of Clare eon- ftat, oiChatteis on AppiiffingsiothefaidrerfoDs. if>id.cap.4, Ratification of all the Afts ofParliamcnt or Council piecceding the year 1540/ againfi Excommunicat Feifonsj and that fourty dayes after fentcnce Letters be ditcft by the Lords of Privy Council or Seiflon, at the inflance of the Kings Advo¬ cat, for denouncing them Rebels: And that the fiimc being doneattlie Crofs of Edinburgh, and Pceroi Shoat of Lmii, fballbe lulHcicnt for Caption and Elcheat, providing that the Frocefs of Excommunication bcfiifi exliibit to the Lords of Seflion, in Seflion time. toconOderihefamc, Car. 2. p. i. Sell' 1. c. 35. Bntibis. proW/% isielcmdedj Cai.z.p. i.Scfl. 3.C.23. EXECUTIONS, or INDORSATIONS. See Summands. ExccutionsofthcKingsBtievcsotLcticrsfhoiildbe fealed or fiainped by the Officiarolfec, oiinthacpart, before witnefles. oihciwil'cmaltc no faith, 5. cap. 33. That all Executions or Indoifations be fiamped, otherwife make no faith , ainl theExccuterto be deprived, la; j: p; 5: c: 74. That all Copies olSmnmonds, or Letters delivered to any pjiiy, be fubfciibcd by the officer Executei tlieicoft Ia.5.p. 1 2. c. 139. Tiiat Executions atd welling places where the Party cannot be pcrfonally appre- liended, be made at the principJ dwelling where the 1 any aftujlly refldes : And ifthe Oflicergetentry, that he Ihew his Letters, arid leave a Copy, or affix it ou the Gate 5 and if he get nor entry alter fix knocks, tiiat he affix a Copy on the Gate, and ail before famous w itnefles. and me hxecii'ion to make nicniioii of thisotdet.- and ifthe Officer fail, fliatlicbcimprifoiied, aiidpuuiihedit will. l«. 5. par, d. cap.75. htruf of TartiaMeM , &c. F E E D E S , See Peace. >7 ///w, Thitin CiIininalLetteisUiefopybedelivecedtOlhePattypeifonilly. if he can be apptchendcd.orothetwaycs be delivered tolmwifc or Ictvants.ot affix- on tlje Gate of his dwelling Houfe, and thereafict open Pioclimation to be made, *Bd3fopyaffijredontheCtof$ofthchcadBurRhofiheShitc. Vrrn., if iherc be r>eadly feedenoiuft pretence iopr.-„r^ (mm .• , , morethcDW-ointheLcncrsallcalicdfoioncCrimc. ihisoiderufcdtotwooftlic c.17. See itin ^ ^ rnncipaisdiallbcrufficientastoihcceft, Q. M. p: 6: c: }}. Tliat all Executions and Wairnings in the Kings Caufes againft Ides-men. Higii- Jand-menorBoidcrcrsinbrokenCountieys, M&»nonB4ftr rMtw aectffUt be made at thcMctCitCroflesof the lieadBuighsoFthe next Shite in iheLow-land, la: 6. p:li; c:6<>. That all Criminal Letters. Letters of Law-botiows, or others importing tinleU ofLife or Goods, becxecuie uponall perfons contained therein, petibnally, or attheirdwellingpljces, andby open rtoclamation at the McrcacCroftcs of the head Burghs of the Suite where they dwell, betwixt eight and twelve in the Fore¬ noon, m open time of day. before famous Witnefles Ipecially dctigned, and that Copies containing the whole names be affixed on the Gates of the dwelling houfes and Merest Crofles, under the pain of 200. nttrkj, ILid. cap. gj. ThatChatgesofTieafonbeexecutcbyHetauldsandPutfevants in their Coats, orbyMaccis, asofbcforc: Declaring all Executions under the pain ofTieafon otherwayesexecutctobenull, Ja: 6:p:ia; c.-iaj. ■ftit all Executions of Suntmondsbeat cxpcefly the names of the Tatties Tutfu- ers and Defenders, and chat itlhallnotbefumcient to relate generally to theSum- monds. eirctheyfliallnotbcfulhiDcd, Cat.a.p. 2. SelT.j.c.d. That the Witnefles in all Executions of Inhibitions and Inieidiflions, Homings, or Aireftments, or for Interruption ofPrefetiption in teal Rights be dellgned in tJiebodyofcheExccucion, andaifolubrctibiogthcieto, CaT.2.p.3.c. 5. Seethe Aflin Witmfs, EXECUTORS. See Tejlament. A fum fccuted by the a£1 to the Life-renter upon Land . yet declared payable CO her Executor, Q.M.p.4.c. lo.atiheend. Executors Strangers nominac, atcoblidged to make compt and payment to the Defnnas Wife, Bairns, and neareftofKin. icferving only to them the thud of the Defunffs part after deduffion of Debts, in which third, any Legacy left them, tobc computed without piejudicetothem of theit Legacies, if they exceed the pidthird, Ja. 6 p 12. c. 14. EXPENCES. HethattlnestheAftion before the Lords of Council, ihould pay the Winners Expenccs, attheLordsModification, atid/onrry/Ziii//n^jiobc difponed oponby theChaDccllor, ].}.?.« c. 50. TheExpencesofPleytobeinrert in the Decreet Condemdatoi or Abiolvitor, Q.M.p.7-c. 64- Who tines tiicPley within Burgh, payes the Parties E.tpences, and tvjtht />«- nirrsarpffMndtothe Poore, Ja. 6:p: 6:c: pr. See it in Bwrg/;a. That the tmer of the Pley pay the others Expences , at the Judges modificaiien, ]a 6.p.ii.c.43- Thatthe damage, intereft, and expences of Plcymadc and fuftained by the Parties, be admitted and liquidat by the Decreet, whether Abfolvitot , or Coii- deninator, before all Judges, ci^ecially where the Writ, rhe groundofilicAfti- 00, octheSummoadsbeuslc, Ja.6.p.ia.c.t4:- f»' pre'tniion tlit.tof m tri.11.1 of .1 ^nir i' Pcirewet .loc not invaJc, otbe.t, teede tny Affion \ r . ‘nJ no, iccnlid , tind.t tito ofTinfol of l,i, '/''>‘"S‘l''r-"»'<''>l'OlhcKinj; And tl.o l.itnd oi tht P.ttynu.l,,, tl.otoloro, o, tolc, Itim, njji, £ A, hSI r-e,' 10 oblit.o the miml fo d •dfomnlie piontiflcs (ogiint'no tdpiic, oi re- m.nionfo, odious enmts. unuhtalc invcioi.tlttd! be toStd onl, I1.6. p.u.c.;;. p. -o.c.y. ' ‘ F E R R I E R S. ThatallUoat men , and FettierihaveTreene-btidges forreceavingBotfe. un¬ der the i».inot4<,.yi//,„., each float, la. ■ p.j.c.JjT Kcwuc. uii ThatailFemcrson either fide the Filth . make Btidges, and Ports, in theit Boats iorcalic lliipmgot Hoife, under pain of Contifeation of their Boats, Um. j. "Hic lame ftatut, and alfo the quantity of the fraught appointed . to be pa ed at , and ; And clue Horlc , 01 Bealls, payand fraught, make the Perfons, and Burdens fice , Jam. j. par 7 cap. 4 2. J r f That Fetriers take no mote fraiicht nor is flamt, under the piin of F.v* to the King, and to Aflyth tlic Patty, la. 3. p. 10. c. 7 5. Rsnned Jam.}, pit.rt. cap. 9$, with an Augmencationot thepains. Fraught appointed for fetricts at , Surfn/trnf, and DiinJir, and that they obfcive the fame under the pam of death , Q M, Pat. «. cap. 21. The Iraught at K'n|/ior/) fotHorfeand Man appoynied by Klngjim/i 3. ^n/10 1474- was Sexpennitj, .tad tor the Man Two ytnrjifj, but is higiiet tjji. for Hoife and Man TiutJve pennitj, and foe the Man Sex' prc*rl7. Ratified in favours of his ValTals.and Tackf-meo, andthatnoewUhUandingof the Aft. la. 6. p. 14. c. 201. They payand to the King and thelt Other Superiors , rtffeSive, Tenpoundt for each Twentie Ihilling Land , and that tliey hold of Geiur/« betwixt and Whii- fonday, 1601. forCompoCiion. lbid.cif 3. Ratification of the Poifaultours of the Eail of Bor/;w g. But this pain of 500. mtrki laid to be formerly flaiuce againfl Landed men does uot appear. FRANCE. Thattheold AllianccwithFwfebctencwedand conflimed, and reformation fouglicofabulcs, confoim thereto , Ia.4,p. 3.C. 29. Frrnc/j-men naturalized in JTcor/oni^, asd’cory^menaie inFrb'd. ciss. Thatnomanfeootwith, orweatGuns, UEdetthepain of cutting offtlie right hand, cxceptthatmcnraayfliootfotpaflimewuhiutlKirinnerClors: And alfo, except Maimers at Sea, Menof Warm aftualwagcs, oimenat, or going to, or coming from Weapon-lhawiags, or called to Holts, oiioaflcmbtcin Arras, or in defenceoiputfuitofThieves, la:6:p: Ratified, and the pain leflened andchanged to bet»n ?•«*"<<', andtinfellofthe Gun and Armour, unlcfs the King appoint ine former pains to be execute, and MagiftntsofButghsatcimpowered toexecutethefame . and waiid the petlona convift, untill they pay j asalfo, cocaufc them find Caution to defift, under double ^^AgainRanfied. andthepiinmadccfeheaofMoyeaWe^ halfiotheKing, half lothe Apptebendet; Butprejudiceofthepain in the Paid Aft, la:6:p: i:c: 19- Andall'Jheriffs, Stewarts, Magiftrais of Burghs and Baronies are impowcicd to execute this Aft nr/uP'’.!, laid: p: 15: c.- 248. ... Simple Beuets aud wearers of Guns guilty of no odious violence, declared conveenablebefotcthcfOuncil, andthe thing to be probable by Witneflei. or OathofPatty, butonlyio inlctihc pain ofwalrdiog and efeheat, ot a pecunul pain ; but ptcjudicc of the former Afts, if hisMajeftv like bettertohave the offen¬ ders putfued Criminally before the Juflices : And al Licences except gt anted by his Highnels and Touncil, andccoiponcdinopafi all the Seals, are dcclired null, Ja: 6.'p: id:c: 6. H HAGBUTS SeeGawF.. H A 1 N 1 N G. See Forefts and T laming. HAULKING. See Himtiiiir. HAULKS and HOUNDS. That no man take ot Oe.l aitothc. mans Baulk, ot Hound,, mad ot .ildc . not Eees out of Baulks nefts, underihcpamof la. } • p- 7 c. So. And this pain of tenpounds hightencdt04»j>j«ndrtdp9H-idj, halt to ihc King, halt to the DUater, U S. P.23.C.32. HARES. SeeHuiiting, and IFilde Beafts. To flay Hares in Snow time is a point of Ditiay, la. 2. p. 1 4- c. E 8 . la. 3 . p. 7. c. “'Tlmnomaif’iioo' a'tHares»ilhGunotBo«. la.«. p. i.c. i«. See tlu, ando- thcr Afts in Wilde Seafii . hedges. SeeTlanting. Thatno mao make Hedge., dry S.aik,, Bact, o. te.enWood. bet only of lyandWood. la. 2. p. 141c: 85- HERAULD. Sec Lyon, and Mefenger. HERESIE. That Heieticksbe punilhed aecoiding to tlic La« of Ho|y Kiik , and iba. lire Se- cuUr power afllft, U. 1: pi z*. • herring. See Fi/*> and Vifloing. An tylbridgement of the M.ip, jndjIlsiiitrGoodiOfihctcomvKntn. tKopiii ''‘in .0 die AppdhCTdtt; And ihjtill Lkcnces in me ciinimy be C>mled Hi CmiMil, jndpiftjliti.c Sells, othcrAiyesaicoulJ, li. «. p. c. :o. HI G H-L AN DS , and BORDERS. ivl^rcSSkS mfn ronw.ned in the Roll it.the end of this nrliimeDt, I'^ved^lt, and dwell, tofind Cauiioo, and be ptherwajcslyablcfoi the dwellers on t ? =ndrandforTl.icvcspiningthtou3li the fiiue. in manner contained jn tl.e ..llJiLhe fiidb^omid,, ,„dno,.edi„ R<.lle,r,idi, clianced, and allobcotherwayeslyiblcasm the Aft ; And thit lucli as reruic o rii'clledecs be puiriicd with Fitc and Sword, ascncrniestoGodind the King, fnd rhpffidsVleifcesmaybecxccutedtodcath. in caft rediefs '"•ri’i.ruSto hi'mIdi°X\Triidli%%', end olbe, Pelfons for whom they Iv and wlio^ftiould relieve them; Asalfo, oi all the Land-lords, Baillici, In- dwcllers and Claims within the Paid bounds. /W 0.96. Thatall Vaeabonds w ithin the raids bounds impledgcd,otinfjseied for, be charg¬ ed to findfovcriy, and in cafeof tailzie bcdenounccd, and them, ^eu refttters. orthcMagifttatsoftheboundsttheretheyaiewirtingl/rerct with Goods ftollen orreft lobelyabjctolaiisfiethelatty, li-d.c. p7- , . ThatallBandsand AOsmadefor, or anent broken men, oblidgcs Airs, slbeit "°Thatrove»i«'ma'dc by Land-lords and flaillics, and by Ciiiftains of Clanns, ^'ThMl'a'nd^lotdsfLillics, and Chiftains of notable Limmets, ptefent fiicli of them as the Kiug fhali require by clofc Valcnunes, oiherwile tliey are to be punilh- '‘‘la Ralif^inrSl 'he difordeu of the aers, ordiiningCacaloguestobcinadc, Cautiontobefound, Mafteisand Land lords to be lyablc to produce their men 5 and conftituting all 5?,! -il holders, lullicesint^iatpan. toapptehend. and caufe execute to the death all Thieves and Somers of the faids bounds, m manner fetdownin the Aft, Ja. 6. par, Land-lords, Heretots, and LeadersofClannyn the High-lands and ifl« comDcarbetwixiaiidtheij.dayof/f-j. 1J98. before the Exchequer, and produce tlie Rightsand Titles, and hnd Caution foipayment to hi J Iv-ots and that they and ihcir men, Tennents, Servants, and Depenoers, Ihall bcanfvecrabletolusHighncrsLaws, and [ullices, and anvofhisHiehncfiLelces, travelling in their bounds, andfliallredrcfsall Patties iJi.hVdb" itm. oihtOTiytsifihcvliiliocompp.r, S *n Kj'ityrf , another inLicha^r, andthethrid in the Lewei, towhichhis Mafcliy grams all rhe Privilcdees granted to anv other Burghs . and it is declared leafom for him to give them the ground , and dilponc to them Lands, and Finungs.forihcuCom- fcongude. tobeholdeuBurgagc, la. d. p. 1 5.C.26J. HIVES, and BEES. Thu no man fleal Bec-hives, iirfHet the pain of Ten ptundi, and amends to tbe Party . andthat it be a point of Dittay, Jam. 4- pat. 6. cap. 69. See it m T<.i deaux. Thaca Smith fliocing aHorfc inthequick. pay thecoaftof the Hoile, till he be whole ; And futnilh the owner with another , and if the Horfe will noe mend, chat the Smith hold the Hotfe , and pay the price , lam. 3. p. iol HOLY DAY, Ste. Sabbath. HOMICIDE, See Slaughter. That cafual Homicide in lawful defence , ot committed on Theives , and Rob¬ bers, brc.ikingHoufes in the night, otrhctimcqfMafteiful depredation, or in perfuitot Rcpelsdcnuiiccd fot capital Crimes , oroffucli wiiolliall allift the faids Rebels, .md Depredatorsby Atmes, andbyforccoppofctlicirpcrfuit, or appre- hendihg, lb ill not be puni/hed by Death, Providing tliatin homicide cafual , or in defence, the Criminal Judge may not the Icfs witli the Advice of the Council, finethcllaycrinhismcanstothcurcofchc defunfts Wife, andBairns, orncateft ofkin, oilmprifonhispeifoii, , ind this Aft drawn back to tlic chrettecuth of friri/rtry, tfi49. Car. 2. p. I. Seff •l.-C. 22, horning. That Petfons poflelliDg Benefices, or other EcclefiaftickRcnfS, remainingyear and day at the Horne, tnie their life-rent, fidike as Temporal men doc, lam. 6. p. 5 . c. 49- Sec the Aft .about Temperalmeni lolling their Life-rents to their Supe¬ riors, iiithc cafe forcfiid being, lam- 5.p- 4.c. 32. See itin Juprrivrr. That all Lctiets of Horning , and Relaxation , be R egriUat within fifteen dayes afieNlie Dcnounciation, or Relaxation , made in Shirteffs-books , and marked, vnd given backbythcCIcik. (rcceaviiig for his pains d’faryZ.iri/n^i . Eightpenniei) witliinTwcntyfoiu hours, oihctwaycs the faids Letters not to be holder lawfully execut, hut the Execution lobc-null. Iiim , thattliecxttafts make faith, and bccftccmcdas Authentick. Item, that the Relaxation be made at the Mercat- crofsofthcHcad-butghof the Shite where the Rebel dwcls, and the Dcnoim- ciation was nude 5 And that it be tcgiftrit in the fame Books, lam. 6. p. fi. cap. 7fi. feme doubts arifing upon this Aft ( nd preierira ) notnowcafiblc, decided. Item . thatLettcisof Hoiuyig dulic execut fot not compcaring to nndcrly the Law, ot fornothndiiig fovertp, and r^orted as ufc is. to the jiiflicc Clerk, andhuDeriitrs, fliiJIbc as fn!ficicnt.iSlr regiftrat in the Slietilfs-Books. hem, riutHorningswithin Stewariries, and Regalities, be tegifitat within the Books thereof, and that Horning .igainftwitnclIfsiiccdsnoRcgirttation, la. fi. p. 8.c. 142. Item, Dcnounciation at the Mcrcat-ciofs of the Hcad-bnrgh wliete the Juttice Court fils, and Rcgtlfratioii in the Journal-books, in the cafes of not compearing, ot not finding foveny , asfaidis, arc dctl.ired tobc as fufiicient, as Denounci.i- tion, andRegiftiationiiiihe Sbitcwherc tlic Rebels dwels, Ibid.c:^. i40' See the Aft in Crimes , and Criminal Pracefs. hem , that the Dcnounciation of inch asatciyablc to compt in the Fxchcciucf , nude for thcirdifobedicnce , at the Mcicat-ciofsoffi^intMix'^ andRegiltiation in the Thcfauict-books. or Shetifi Thatflayets, orhochcrsof Horfe, 01 Oxen, or other Cartel, and their maitt- tainers. and leflettcrs , be punilbed to the Death asTheives , And the maituainers, and Refettersof Theives. cap.iio. Ratified, but Confined to the time ofLabouting, andextended toCutceis . andDefiroyeis ofrieuchgeai, intime ofTilling. Andtofikkeis. goaiets. and felleis of Oxen, 01 Horfe, in time of Leading of Comes, oiFcwcl. p: 11. c. 82. That none undera Barron , or Landed man , worth iThoufandmerks of yearly ficcRent, keepHorfeat the hard meat , after the F//f«nf/i of Afi»y , oitaketheia in before the jf/fff" of Oftoi/r, under the pain of elcheat ofthc Horfe, Jatfi. p.7. caps 1 22. But this Aft rcftificd , And tt is Statute , That none under Two Thau- Jand paunds yearly, keep Horfe at hard meat after the fir II ofjuue , And that aft« tlielaid day . the Earle, and Lord keep only two , and the Batrouone , at mofi > under the pain of cfchcat ofthc Hoifc keeptituhe contrary, with which the Sliiref& aislmpoweredtolutromct . halfcto the King, and halfe tothemfelves, lasfi. p; II. cap. 5fi HORSE-RACES. If any man gain by Wagers upon Horfc-taces above the fum of na Hundrei raerk.'., Thattfte fuperplusbc Configiicd in the hands of the Colleftot fot Poor, and Magiftiatsln Bumhs, Sberifis, and Jufilces of Peace in theCouimey , are Impoweied to peffiieforthe laid fupetplus gain , or els are Declared lyablc to the luiormer in the double thereof, half to him, the ether half to the Poor, p. 23- cap. 14. HOSPITALS. That Hofpitals be vifited by the Chanccllour, the Ordinary, and two honeft nien,andtheir Foundarionse.xaaiiDcd , oiif they cannot be found , tl1.1t Inqui- licion be taken , and the matter reterred to the King , Ja. 2. p. 14. cap. fi9. That whciethe Foundationsof Hofpitals cannot be found, the fruits be afligned tothePoor, Ja. 3. p. i. cap. 10. That Hofpitals be vilited, and the King name Vifitours, la.* 3. p.y.capsier. A new Vifitation appointed , vit.. fot Hofpitals of the Kings toundacion by the CliancellouT, and all others by the Bilhops, with power to the Vifitqis, to Charge for produftion of the Foundations, Fewes, and Tacks, Arid that they re- poitbctwixt, andPoy% next, la:fi. p: 5. cap: 63, ,Ann$ J578. See Donattans ptaH!. . . . HOJT. HOST, x^lls of 'TarliamcM , &c. ThitiUmeDbewixcSistic ind Sistcenbt te«(Jy Horfed , indGelred. «they beft m»y, for defence of theReslme, and to come to the Borders, Other- wife to be puniihedintheit Bodies, and Goods, and that Wcapon-fhawings be licept. ttom thmy dayes, to chiity dayes . h:i. p.13. cap 56. i4s<. That no I'etfoD coming to the Rings Hoft, deftroy Mcadowes, or Corns, or (puiltic Goods, in coming, or going, and that each Batron aafvirer for the menot his Leading , to prefent tTiem , or pay the skaith. la: j. p. rt. cap: 83. That for faving Corns, and Mcadowes, the Kings Army beunhorfed, and ready to march on foot , except Lords. Bartons , and others Licenced by the King, 11:5. p: 6. cap: 8<. if any manbe flan, or huttto Death bvihe Enemy, or Die in the Kings Ho(f, doiingthctimcofic, that his Ait have Ids Waird, Releiff, and Marriage ofthe King free, la:4 p:7- Cap ioi. ThisAftbears to be made at , in iierihumbtrlmd, bytheKtng, andhisLoidsptefent intheHoft, 24. ifii: the fame Statut. and extended tothe Vaffils of ail other Superiors, la j. p; 2. cap: 3. But this Aft mentions not fuch asdic in the Hoft, this is alfo ex- fended toun-!andcd men , thattheirWives, andBaims, bruickthcitTacks and fteedings for five years after then flaughtei , or wounding to Death. Gtefliim ftee. Jiidi cap: 4- AChuich-manfUin, or hurt to Death , ordying of Sicknefstakenin the Hoft, then marching againft the EngUdi.ThathisaearcUofRin (moft able tlictcfoie) iiavehtsBenehcc, Qj M: p:i: cap:4. As alfo that any Vaffil fo flain , or dying , have his Waiid . M.irrisgc, Non- entry, andrclicle free, only if their bcoairns befide die Air, tliat then they have the benefite of the Waird of the Lands, Ibid: cap: 5. That in cafe of any mansdcceafsasafoiefjid, his Wife, Bairns, Affigneyes, otExccutors, haveliis Tacks, andStcedings, Gtcirum-frce for five years tneieafter, payandthewoni- cdDewty, Ibid: cip-fi. Tint tnreelaft Afts renewed in favours of fuchas Oiouldbe flain, or wounded toihcDeathbythe Rebels, then within the Diiign, andCaftle of Edinbur^h^ icfiftiog his Majellies Authority, la: 6 Ip 2. cap. 41: 42. and 43. HOSTELLARES. That in all Burrows, and through Fairs, their be Hoftellaties having Stables jDd Chambers, and ptovifion for Hotfc, and Afan, la: i: p. i:cap: 14. That.all Travelling men on Horfe, or Foot, lodge in Hoftellaties. unlefsthey lead moneywithihem, Inwhlchcafe, they may lodge with their Friends; and that none receive Travellers, except Hoftellaties, undeithepainol Feitrtu (hil- to the King. lam. I.p.3.c f6 Thathoneft , and competent Hoftellaties, be made in all Burghs, !am. i p: B;cap:S5. Raufted, andchatallBailliesofSurrowes , andBarronesfeetothe pioviftonof (he faids Hoftellaties, la: $. p:4: cap: 18. HOUSEHOLDERS. That all Houfc-lioldcrs worth Thru Hundred merki of yeatly rent, ot F/v» Hundridpoundi of ftock, have ao Bible , andFfalm book, in vulgar language. intbeicHoufes , under the pain of Ten ptunds, twothridsof it to the Foot . and ihc other child to t)ie Magiltrats in Burgh, And to the Kings CommifConets in Baiifk^stoLandwart, ^lio ate appointed to execuuhis Aft, la:d: p:6: cap: 72- HOUSES Ruinous, See Burghs. . HUNTING, and HAULKING. That none flay Hues in fnow time, SteHarei, andthatno man flay Dae, Rae, luJrDcetc, intlmcofftorme, orfnow, ot their Kidds, whiletheybeaycatold underlhepiinofT • Thatno man ride . ot gang tn his mghbouts Corns . in Hunting , 01 Haulking, ftomP-ifh, till they be fhorn, and upon Wheat at no time in the year, item that no raitiLdgcbc taken till Michaelmafi, and that no man range anotheis Woods Hainhiogs, notlnclofcts . within Dikes , under the pain of damages to the Paitic, andTtnppund/forthcfirft, Twenty pounds for the fccond, andefeheat ofMoveablcsforthcthiidtault, tothe King, Q.:M- ?:«: cap:si. Andthatno man hunt, Ihoot, orflay Deere, otRacin Others mclofeis. See itioTheift. ThatnoncHunt. or HaulkwithinScx milesofthcKings Woods, Parks, Caft- les, and Palaces, under the pain of <•» H»««Wr«< p»«>idi , half to the King, half *°ThafnomIn Hunt who hath notaPlcugh of Land in Hetetagc, under the pain of flnHuiidrfdpsundJ, halftothc King , half to the Delator, la; e: p: 23: cap: 31- I I D I O T R I E. ThitthcBiicveofldioirie. beircoinquiieof the folly, ""d foVolj'y- howlonstiniethePeironwasoftlierecondmons, tothe effea, that all Atienali- „ . m.d, bv the Fool, ot runout retfou. afiet that Iimt may be tetteated, as STs Alienations made aftetfeteingot the Bteive, Jam i.p s.e.«7. . ThatVhelieateft Agnat, ot Kintmau , of uatutal Fools , idiots, snd fut.ons reJonS. be fet.ed, audpiefettedtotheitTutoiy , oiCutsioty , sfici the difpo. litionof’ihe Common Lsw. I D L E-M E N, That the Shciiffinquirc aftcridic men elsinPrifon. and that tlic like be done i ints, ilaiiHfitaunes . and Pwr. j E S U I T j’. ThcAasagsinlilefuits. Seein rsp.yl. , andHt/.g.'.a. import, See Forbiddengudes , mATrade. IMPRQBATION, See Faljhood. i.Fi..A.A(T-«mimeirove a Writ as fafs . either by way of aftion, or exception, fliould findcuiiioii. or enafthimfclfiopay a pain arbitral, incaft he lucemnb, lialf taimm‘5rh?iKm%^ petfi.t. d... ti.e 1 N.C E S T. inclosures. """ ‘“'lofo"' . Q. M. psl. «. esp. See it in rut'l' Cst.a. pst.,. StO. esp. See it in INDEMNITY, j'ec Oblivion. . “"s ‘i'll indorsation, J'ce Execution. INFEFTMENT, See Charter. tsnAScaJin. P'Oteeding upon the VsliiiiRefgnstion , sibell il con- pe,iot,l,eg,an4f7aSe%".Ta'r?;y''“°“”'‘‘’“'‘“"‘''"^ estepltl.eSn. inhibition and in r f.rdiction. "illilheitEseeimons beHeemtstwich- Util in ihe ilooks of ilie A?.,, ■ ' *1"" "t'",'!" 1'“)' dnelis , snd il i,c iisve his Lsndt, ot moil ,,„t ""lieboohiol ih.tM.i.esilb, and tl.s, il.e Cletk twenty four hours. ^ Avr/i'/Wifotlmojiiis; andtheExuaftstonukelaithuiailcafei.ex- ceo Chat oflmptohatiom andthatno Inliibltioiiotlnictdiftionbcof fotee. but null, except iibc fo Regiftiat. Ja. fi. p. 7. c. u 9. Inhibitions and lotcrdiftions againft l etfons dwelling within Stewartiici andBaillutiesinRegalicyorRoyaUy.becxecuicaithchcid Suigh, and Regl- MtatintheBookstlieicof, otherwife the EiecuiionsandRcgifttaiions arc null J#.6. par. 1 }. c. 2(54. r **^*1“^ RegillMiions be made judicially, ot before 1 Notat and font Wiiner- le». befide the Clerk: And if SlicrifT, ‘‘lewart, ot B.iillic telnfe , and be ilieic- upon Inftrumenced, the Letters may be Kcgiftiat by the next Shcrift", Stewart, or Balihe, oiby the CletkRegiller and iiisDepuiei, I'W.c. 26$. But iliai part of this Aft Te<]uiiing Notat and Witnefles Kcfcinded, ami 1' cgilliations niaiic*^ by the SheiifT, Stewart, andBailhe Clerk, orbytheCleikRegilleiMidliisDciiutcsJc- claicdfufficient, la. e.p. i«. c. 13- SUPER 1NQ_UIRENDIS. That the Secretary and his Deputes pafs no Letters charging men to compear 5i«- ptrbiefU'Tendu, otto enter tlicir Perlons in W litd, oriodoany other deed, uiidtt the pain ofTreafon and Rebellion ; and Incalcol fatleic, toaeiioniicc, iioiwitli- ftandingiheSubfcription of hisHighnefs, or any two, or more ol his Council, unlefs tTicy bcfubictibed byrhc chief Officers of State, at Icall lout ot them, Wheteofthe Chancellor. Tliefiurcr, ot, who (hall anfwcr that the Lettersatc foiTrcafon. ot matters of tlic higlieft impoitance, lanj. 6. pat. 10. ejp. 13- instrument. See Notar and VNit- nejfes. INTERRUPTION. See Freferi^tion. IRELeANT). That no man pafsto/vr/tfudwlthont licence, la. 1. p, i.c di, And that fiicli as come horn /rc/jnd have a Certificatoi tliecaulcofilieu coming, ibid.c. da And that they be examined before their landing, ibid.c- 6], And tnat it be declared that thisisiiocdone to breakold fnendftiip with Injh’j but (9 prevent cone- rpondencewith the Kings Rebels there, and Enihjh Spies: And that (he pain of contraveening, be efeheatof Goods, and Body in the Kings will, ibid. cap. oi. and 64. Impofitionof imported I roni/vr/anJi but when Meal and Barley here exceed liihrptundi ilie flull. the Council iainipuwei- cdtoreniitihislmpofition. Car. a. p. 1. SefT 3. c, 1 4. Another Aft moft ftriftly piohibliing the Impoctaiioii ot Viftual fioni JreUnd, oriotel^l the fame, under pain of Contifcation ot Vcftcl and Goods, and iwilxit hundredpoitnds upon the Ueiecots , and Magifliais of Burghs within the Shires, named In the Aft, in cafctliey,ortl!eitTcnncnis,or Inh.ibi tan tsrv/pci'/fvr import 01 refet the fame : .ind that they give Bond for tins effeft: but the Council wmen Meal and Bear arc at. or exceed eif^ht pounds, and Wheat at ten pmindi ur above, iltay allow importation. Car. 2. p. 2. SefT, 3.c. 3. andputthemto Work, or Service, or i, 1: 1 p:3 cap:66‘ Scefif^- ISLES. See Fligh-lands. That Inftices and SheriSsbe appointed for (he North ,md South ifles, Ii. 4. p. 6. cap. 59. JUDGES or OFFICIARS. ^eeSherif. TliatOfficUrsandMiniftcrsofthcLawbe appointed, that can hold the I.nvto the Commons, and that have fofficicntly ot their own, wherein they may he pii- nilhed il they trclpafs: And thacfncli asire infeft In Offices, and not lufficient, ordain Deputes, torwhom they ihallbeanfwetjblc, ja.i.p. That all Judges do full Law.and luftice.aswcll topoorastlch.hutfnudorguilc, and appoint Advocats for poor folk at the Kings dircftion, who Ilioiild be payed by the other Fatty, if found in the wrong; and lodges rctullng lo do the Lswevcnlybcrigorouflypuniiltcd, li.i. p.2.c.45' Tliacjuu men that kens the Law be made [uftices and other Officiars, lam. z. p. ^ Al^ Officiaiswilfully ttcrpiffingin their Office, tines tJic fame for year lud day. ^^'That Officials or Sheriffs. flee, fiultifc ot nepllgent,if Heretablc.iinctheirOffice fot ayear, and if not, for all the time they liavc it, andbothcobcfiitlicrpunillied atthcKingswill, Ja.2.p.i4.c.76. , , . r , ThatallParticshillpafstotlicir Judge Oidiojryandputlue Jufticc, and if he F letulc, t_y^n Abridgement of the i;Si;£ife ::';5:siss,%M^^ S-S-SSsSfe^sisr; ‘••fS‘nsh..iffi .»d od.„ T.^pord Aflions upon hicccn dayes pertrnfrorie, CllC he mdl be punifie’d in fembleSle tnenner, providing ihii Spmmil men be “iSi'd,%Vpu7='SiytTud^^^^^ “' ®‘'"‘' beioicthciordsoJScflioD, or ihc luaiccs, ibid. c. 93 See it in "HfUerj and 'AatihcIafliceClerk, orhiaDeputes, within fix diycsaftcrihc return of Cri¬ minal Lettcis, delivcrthenarocsofthcpetrons dMOunced, with a note of the caufcstotheThcfaurerorhisCleik; asairoiheAftof Adjournal, with the Pre¬ cept thereon, todenounccpetfonsfindinefoverty and not compcaiand, Fugitive within the like Tpace after they be dcccmed, that tlw efeheau may be taken up, h’ Who fti^es or hurts any pctfoii before the Lord luftlce ox his Deputes fifing in Tudgement, incunsthepainofdeath, D. «.p; u-c i7i- concerning the Regulation of the lufticcCouK. fuppicfiiiig the lufticeDe- putes, and adding five LoidsofSelUon to the lutltfc General and lufiice Clctk and appointing foul of the whole number to be a quorum, except in Cucuits, with lulesancntthe proceedings of the ^ua. Car. i.p. 2. Sefl.j. c. 16. fliitintiracoWacanccoftheSeflion, three ofthc faid Commifiioncis are de¬ clared a andappointed,romcctat£i//nii.rg/;in July yearly, ^ai.z.p.j. cap. 22. aiid^t lhatday proceed fiimmitly , ir JUSTICES of PEACE. isthelurfuer, Ja. 6.p. 6. c.84- fiting in Judgement , incurrs the pain of death, 13C.173. JUDICIAL proceedings. Thc^dl(i.lp.o«^din^soodp. tho £»sKJ, Ufoipbis R..M albeit thp Au- ihoiitytvesunljifid. in nunnei fel do»n in the AS. ''Jl?/' , ,i. AaccnccrningthcRegulation ofthc Judicatories. Car.2.p. x.SeU.3> • JURISDICTIONS. All ludcementund Tuiirdiflions eilhci Spiritu.l oiTempoial, nM Jppiovcn by (hoiicy, Ja.6- p- 8.c. 131 • JUSTICE AIR, COURT, and CLERK. Altuineysinihe JufliceAiilhoiildbe honeft rnfficient perfons, ]ini. i. par. j. after the old ^aws> once on the Com. ^hatthe lufticcpaft through the Couutrey twice In tjie ycar, 3 a.2.p 3.C j.p.d c. 12. p. 14 c. 70- once or. ehc Grafs, and p B.c-j.p. ^’fha^l’julii'ceirnownets, and oiheis making coutrelhiongh the Lind . ride in 'TSSMiVe^Si^ltmL^Aa™ no, lianDale any Aftion nlher- wayesthenwasgivenhim, butforthebeiterm the King, nor change "^cs one foranothcr. not putany out ofthe Rolls withoutcommand of King and Coun- cUl, underpain oTtinfcll of his Office, and his Honour and Goods to be at the ^'jliSAirfn«dnWbecoiitinued, butconurme of ihemfclvcs until diOblved by the luftice, Ja, }. p. f.cap. jp. , . j • u .»■ AllperlonsArtcfiedio theJufticcAu, that may be aoprehendedintheTown thetimeofthc Air, fliall be taken and delivered to the Juftices for to be juftified, ^’■•rluttMafticein his Air in the head Burgh of the Shite may give anAffife to all Inhabitants ofothet Burrows of their own Nighbouri, and tailzieing of them of ihefc of thclaid head Burgh, Ji. 4.p. i.c. J • j 1 n -r j That fufticc Aitsbe held twice in the year, as above, and that all rife and come to fortifie thejuflicc. astheylhallbebyhimchitged. under the pain to be pu- niftedasArtandPartvvithihctrefpaflbuis, Ja.4.p.3.c.25. .... That the Juflice Clctk take forth all Statutes having pain of Dictay in the end, ana take up Dittay thereupon, ]a. 4. p. 4- C.4J- , t l > That Juflice Airs be kept fot Dawnrt, Glenttvjtrt, Mtvjmiirr,LochAbir.,,Ar- fi/< and Sure, as in the Aw, la.4. p. d. c. do. That therrocefsotlufticc Airs or Courts be petcmpior at the fecond Alt or Court, lb that Fugitives not then compearand , fliall be denounced , and their Goodscfchcar, la. J.P.4 C.33. , T he lufiice General may fet pamculat Ibflice Courts upon any manner of Crimes. IS recent Slaughter. Mutilation, Fire, Ravilhing, 8rc. And for Depredations, Reiffs, andSpuilzies. ihatpaiticularDietsbcfctatthcdircietionofthe Lords of Scllion, rhcmattcrbeingfirftCivillydecidcd, rW. C.34- ^ . j,. l Thatno Precept for Continuation of any lufticc Court be admitted by the lufiice orhisDeputes, la. d.p. ii.c. 79. ... Thatlufiicc Airs beholden twice every year, over all the Shires, m ^pnl and OOeberi And that the Jufitcc General, or his Majcfiy under the Quarter Seal, makceightDcpuiesofihc Lotdsof Seffion, orexperimented Advocats, two for each Quaner oVt|ie Realm, witli a Depute from the Thefautet, and another from tlic lulticc Clerk; And that Stcwattrics and Bailliatiescomc to the hcadSuirows M their Shires : That thefe lufiices be received at their entry in the Shire, by the Slie- riffPrincipal, or his fufficicnt Depute, and all the Free- holders warned by Procla¬ mation foithateffcft, wiio fliall convoy, attend, and accompany them till they be received by the next ShetiR. Thatthe faidslufliccsupon the mom after their coming to the head Suigh Fence the Air, call the Suits, and try OfTcnders, Prifo- rers by an Aflifc, theieafrcrcalll’ledgesand Cautioners. And thirdly, the Per- fonsncwly Indited and Atrelied, that they diiedi Precepts for Summonding Afli- fets, each perlbnundcrthcpainof/aMi'fy fatindi : and thatthe Ait being ended, they give aiubfcribcd ExtiadltliercottorheThefaurcis Depute, for up-taking and compiing for the Sums therein contained ; in the fitft end whereof the charges of [he iufiices and Clerks arc to be allowed, as they fliall be modified by the Fxclie- oJict. ThattopiepaicfotthcrclufticcCouits, the Kiiie with the advice of the Chancellor, Tnclautcr, and lufticc Clctk,givc Commiflionto Honourable Land¬ ed men in each Shire, in number fet down in the Aft, withfourof ihcCouncilof eacliBurgh within it felt, who fhall be tlie Kings Juftices, audhavc power to take up Dittay by thcmfclvcs. ora fwouilntiucft, or Iwoiii men, of greater Crimes, and cKhertoappieheiid the pet Tons dilated, or deliver them in poituous totheCrown- cr every monetli, that lie may lecuic them to the next Air, and lot IcfTcr Crimes to do lufticc thcmfclvcs ; and lorthatcnd to mcctfont timesin rheycar. firft of dx^oi Novtmber, aud firft of ttbru^rj : As alfo to direft their ItcceptstolhcCtownets, and to Shcrifis, or Officials of Arms for bum- monding Aflifes, each peilonundctpainof /t'lpawHrft , and that they fend their (xtsafts to the Thefaurei, andhavetheii Expcncesallowed, asabovc; and thefe Tuftices of both foitstoeadure for a year, and fartliet during tlic Kings will , la. 6. p. it. c. 81. That hisMajefty appoint yearly in every Shire fufficicnt Gentlemen living with¬ in thefame, tobelutticcsandCommiffionersfotkeeping the Peace, who flioukl oteveiitandfupprersdifordcts, as in tlic Aft: As alfo, they are ordained ro give true advertifementto the Loidjof Council, luttice General, and others whom is effeirs of the namesofthcbeft'Wiineflcsand Aflifours to be Summoned in ali dimes that fliall happen to fall out m the Shires, ihatfuchas ate unable to uavel, oiignorant. may not be vexed, la. ^p. 2°. c. 7. u u- «« • n Ratification ofthe Articles and inftiuftions given byhiiMajeftv to thcluftices ofreaceandihcirConftablcs, I. 6. p. 22. c. 8. ( Sec them as renewed i6<*ffl4>i. ThattheNominatioiuoPtclacies, vaiking, pettainsto the King,andthepio- vifton to the Pope. la. 5 . p. 7. c. 125. Sec Aftotdaining all Signatures, and Gilts, granted by King7a»»itt jth, before htsdeceafe, tobe exped throw the Seals, and petfefted. noiwithftanding hU Deceafe. andthcchangeof Seals, Providing they be prefented betwixt andacet- tainday, Q. M.p. i.c, t. Declaration of the Queens pctfeflage, tohe at Twenty ane years compleat. Q. M. p 10 c. 87. The fame Declaration made foiKing7'’'”« thc6tli,and hisSucceftbls, lam- 6. p. t I.c. 22. Asallb after the running of the iwni urt/ei King J.tmei his petfetl age of Twenty five years compleat is alfo mentioned , lam. 6. par. 12. cap, 159. That all Kings , and Princes, or Magifttait, whitfoevct holding tlicit place, that lhall happen toreigne , or bear rule over this Rc.lra . at the time ot their Coronation , snd receipt ofthcitPrincely auihonty , I'wcai to (erve God . accord¬ ing to his woid , and according to the fame word to maintaining the true Religion, the pleaching of the word, ana right Minifttarion of the Sacraments now received, and (0 abolilh , and gain Hand all falfs Religion . contrary ilieicio , to rule the people according to O'ods word, and the Laws of the Land , and to procure peace to all Chiiftian people , to piefetve , and keep the Rtglits aod Rents of the Crown, tofqtbid, andieptcfs all oppteftion, and wrong, and to ptocnie luftice. and equity to all Creatures , and mac they lhall toot out of their Lands, all Hcceticks, andencmtestochcctueKiikofGod. la.e.p. i . c. 8. ..d»n»is67. Katilicadonofall things done inKing?**”!" the Sixth his name, and formain- tenanceof Iiisaulhotity by his Regents, andOcheis, fince lus Coronation, and annulling all things afted by any other authority , fince clut time , lam. 6. p. 3 . cap. 50. Ad Ratifying the Royal power, and authority over all Eftates , afwell Spiritual, as Temporal, mthePetfonofthcKing, liisAirs, and Succeftbis , and tliacthey and their Councils . are judges competent to all Peifons, ihcit lubjeds, ind in aUmaterswheteinchey Iballbe fummoned, or charged to anfwei luch things «• fliallbeinquiredofthem, and that none decline the King, or his Council in the ptemiftes, under the pain of Treafon, la. rt, p. 8.c. 119. NoCouncil. Convention. otAftemblie. rotreat. oidcccrnVifie in matcerof State , Civil ,01 Ecclcfiiftick , (except the ordinary ludicatutes) can be held with¬ out his Majeftiesfpecial command , and licence, undci the pain of unlawful Con¬ vocation. ii/d. cap 131. ft'ivt'iri*".) This Ad revived, andtatified, aodco cxplaineir, foasnottoextendtoCoua- cils, andConventionskcepiforprefcrvaiionofthe King, Religion, and Lawi, orforthcgudcofiheKitk, or Kingdome, isdeclaredto be falfe, and difloyal. Car. i.p. 1. Sefli i,c,4. . ^ r Ad for cftiblifhing a Horfe Guard totlie King of Fouriic Peifons, with mo Hundred pounds yearly the man, andihatfot that end, the King have the fitft years fruits of aU Benefices, (iaick Pattonagcscxcepied) with all the Fruits du- ringthcVaccancy, asalfo the fifth pan of the Rents of all Benefices yeatly, bc- Cde the thirds , that his Highnefs hath tight to , and may introniet with all Monks, and Nuns portions deceafed , or who ftiill deceafe , that the I tcfentacion. Gift, and DifpoGiion, ofallPielicLespcnainestoiheKiDg, by right ofhu Crown, Jam. 6. ^’n^Lmwcs, otBands. maybcmadearaongftthcLeigcs, wlrhouc the Rings privity, and confent, undetthcpainof^dition, Ja.6. p. 10. cap. 11. SeeL«i»«. Revivedand Ratified with the lame tcicdion of the fallcglofs put upon the Ad, la 6.0. 8.C. UT.above, Car a.p. i.Sefi. i.cap.4- , ■ • u ■> _, ^ . ..LI- _ _ hi« Hnufe . and that who iDttotticts there- who refufiDg fliall be pnnijhcd by the Jufttccs-^ They fliall arteft all wearers of Guns , notbeing licenced, and carry them to the next JulUcc. Theyfliouldredafrayes, andcalltheictoihcAlIiftance of the Nighboors, and iftheygetskaith, thejufticesarctopunilhthedocrsofit. . „ . A Conftable may follow a Perfon , thathathmade a fray , to the Houfe he flies to, and require open Doors to be made, and upon jefufal take Wit- ***^*^ficlhpcrfuitheinayfollowwithout hU bounds, and requite Nighbontito '^^cConftablesflvculd execut the JufticcsofPeacetheirOtdets. Upon complamtrhc Conftablc may apprehend aThrcatner , and came hun with tkeothcrtoalufliccofPeace, andifhciefufemaylmprifcnhim. That the Conftables . and Clerks of the Peace > >« for theu labours . out of the fines, or otheiwife if they fall (holt, at thcfight of the Loidsof Exchequer- LiftUethewholeptemiires ate declared to be withonc prciudice of any mans . . . . Right. orPtiviledgcoflurifdiaonwhitfocvei ; Andlhcicfoie the luftices mav Kings piopeity fulfam his Houfe , and 1 not cite any Party until the expiring ot Fifteen dayes afwr the Fad, andthcnif ^ ^ fumifli the expences of the Houfe, m teady money. Jam, 6- ochersneglcft,«.i. ft38- pm.cap.fiy. , . ,lj ^ c ■ - * ' ^ The Kings Cafualities , fliould not be given away m great. Ibid. c. 69. See it m R King, see Annexation , Difblution , and Revocation. Th.t the KiDe csifc m.kc trial by ioqueft. »h.t Lands betaged Co his rcde'c'l'- ro.T.“ndhSyS.nmondhisTe!inen.s to ttc. che.v Ch>n«s, and E,. dents, ‘’■nf king ha'ch tight ,0 all mines of Gold and Silver if half pennies of K iheie Ctoismed itpnn the Twen,/ of i/ertC, , .A..n. t«r. lam. a. pat. t. ''*ihi’Kingspecfeftageis. at twenty ane yea. complect , Hid, cap. a. and lam., gridethrowthe Realm for the pumlhmg^^^^^^^^^ That it lhall - bcfoiehira. atihisempleafance , asitwas See _ _ of any mater that comes wonttobeofbefoic, la. 3- p-S* c. a?. Th«itetlngpterenr.oEeneScesbelongioE.oBilhopricta .he Bilhop. feige ”ahi”om^nVmi:hVlefrnm3.™.C^^^^^^ cap. 38. To Rrii'le , hurt , or Bay-any perfon, within the Ktngs Inner-Chamber, Cabinet, ot Chamber of Peaces The King being for the ttmc wuliln the Palace, or witlil. iheSs Council Houfe, the Cooneii feting , or cn the Kmgs ptefence , where eret hl be, is Treafon, and if it he done wilh.n the Innee-gaieol the Kings Palace , where His Highnefs teCdes , for the time , it is Dcaiii , lam. e. p. 1 1. “ThiKi'nssofthis Re.lm being free Princes , ofaSoveiiign powei, havingals great Pterolative as any other King . ot Porentat , Thetelote , the, onghc to ha.c tHelikeCuLmesof all gnde. imported , “ '''' ra,dsCnflomesptoe=ed,.HnLp^U.c^^ mdg«Sot H®s Mijcllie , but may be fnpplied by leu Sncccfloit, iniheit Oflicei. ”'SnTman^Stt^°p”;few‘an'’^ • 1?" fmth^time or refort within his Palace, orPlacc of refidencc, atm'cd' with Jack, otCotflec,’ under the painof wailding tut yeat and day , and lil wlill mdndt impnngue . hott . or in, paite the fame , and never to come “ The "metil R«■t£e§Lnd^he Fietngalive alTeited. in favnultof King rtar/,,- ‘tJ'etetrS'nriWto ” Jutifdidiondotli, toprefctibciliclubitcs of Ma- ^ ThcVarlianicntiefetiothcKingsappomt^^^^^^^ infcidt Juilt-cs, and gidtals, '"‘‘^.TvJkten 'and in what mannel, and at what ttol- t” Lawyers, *"** °* *'* ^ , J", ,1’ a V ) and the fame power app.a«l of k&-mcD ,'isdecliicd to remain with King O. i.p, t c-3. to ilie ail'd bis Succcflot>> 14 An t_Abr 'idgement of the ThcIndiftionofGenetjI AfRmbliesoflheKJilt, bclonssioihc King, by venue “^TbeSme rf tbe’cominVlIjoJerv foi Tcinds , end for ihe luivey felted lothc King, byibc I’atliimcnr, and d*ctcfore th^v give 'vaiMnd to the CicVk. eoinfcfthi’sMjjcfties Nominations, in the Commillions then given in ^"^irKingi^lbfencco/thc'Lotd ChanccHour, Nominals tvlio ftall rarliamcms. andothcrpublickjudicatoties, in his place, Car.a. par.i- -en.i- ’ '^Thl’King by rierogaiive ofhls Ciowii , h,uh the foie ^ State, and I’rivyCouiifcHcrs , and the Nomination ot the £.ords of the Seflion. asprccecdingtlieycar iCj?- <-ir. i.p- i.SelT. i,c 2. , . nxi^in^r.rllaments Asalfcthcpowerof calling, holding, and Conventions of Eftates, doeth folly refidc m the King , ■ j "tS of U)e!ls uptit prtteiieeofT^iform.mon, or uponanj othtr^ fnaj enter tnto LtagHts, and Covennaiits , or taki up ^rnts agaiiijithe Kji'g , orihas freitndin(hisatethoriiy, » Ixehtgiter) cap: 63. ('" Cbamherlane) captyp. (mSheti^s) pat: 14: Cap: 230. (m ChtmberUm) and p.- 1 5: c: 262. (m Highlands , andifits.) In lb fai as the fame may be extended to the payment of his Majcflics Rents, and ordaining Chambet- •laiiis, Fewers. Shciifis; Stewarts, Baillies of Regalities, and Bufghs, and others lyable therein, to^find cautioaconfoiin thereto , and that the Thefauter, and his Depnr, charge them to doc the fame at the Mercat-crolsof £d;n6M»xfj,and incafe otoifobcdien«,den6uncethemthcrc, and tegifttat the Horning in the Thefau- leis Rcgiflcr, which ate all dcclaied tobc fuflicient as to all eSefts cf Caption, Ef- cheat and Liferent. That Sheriffs, Stewarts, and Baillies of Regalities take and apprcliendiiicKingsFeweis denounced fornot payment of their duties, poynd theif goods; anddoexaft diligence for gciing payment within uvency dayes, withcertificatjon that they and theii Cautioners fliall be charged ks make pay¬ ment thcicol tbemlelves , uudei the pain of Rebellion , Car. z. par. i . Seff 3 • cap, 15, Humble tender to his Majcfly of twenty thoufandFootand two thoufand Hoife forhisMajeftiesibrvicc, Car- z.p. 1 Sell. 3.c 26. Sec it in-Milica. Itbclongsto his Majcftyby vettue of his I’reiogativc, to order and difpofe of TradewitliFornignNations, andtolay lellraints and inipolicions on Forraign impoited Commodities, andall Afts and Statuts in the contrary are icicinded, Ihd.c-iy. Aft afleiting hisMajeftics Supremacy overall rcifons, and in all CaufcsEccle. {iaflick, andihitby vertuetliereofthcorderingand difpofal ot the cxtcmal Go- vanmenc and policy ofltlie Church doili belong to him and his Siicciiluts, as .in inlieient right to the Crown ; and that licmay enaft and cmitliic.i Cnnilitutious, Afts. ind Orders concerning the Adminiflration ot the faid Covernmcni, and Tetfonslmployed in thefame, and concerning all Chutch- meetings , anil tcisiobepropofcd anddeietmined iheiein, as hefballthinklit, ana all Laws and Ciifloms in the contrary ate tefeinded, Car. 2. p. 2. Sefl. i.c. i. - The Kings Succeflion, orthe SucceflionioiheCiownaflcitcd, Car. 2. p. 3. c. 1. SeeitiiidHc«//7e». Aft dcclating that in refpeft his Majefly is the Fountain of all Jurifdiftioq.thcrcy foie, notwithfianding of thcOlSiccsconfcrrcd upoiiiny, yet he may by hinilclf, oranyCommiflIonatbyhim, takecognizanccanddccifionofanycafes ui caufes hepleafes, Car. 2. p. 3. c- is- KIPPER. Jee Salmoud. KIRK. See Mmijes , Teinds. and C^iinifters , and That the Holy Kitkand its Minifters brook theit Freedoms, and none let them tofcttiieirLands-imlTeinds, jj. i.p. t.c. 1. Holy Kitkbekept in freedom, and no man vex Kiik-riKn in their perfons and goods, undcrallhiglieflcharge, Ja. z.u. 3. c.4. Thai the liberty and lionov-'f Holy Kirkuc obferved, js. i.p- i.c. i. and p. j. c. 26. ]a- 4' pir. 2. C.7. Ja, 5. par, i.c- 1. and par. 7. c. i2j. asjd Ja. 6. par. 1 1. Thir general ProcefsandCuilingbe made againft the breakers of the liberty of Holy Kirk,and that no notoiii Invaloiirs of the Kirk. nor cutfed Perfons bclrcccivcd in the Kings Palace, ricrcnce,Couticil,orPatliameiit,iiyt he aid in any Caufci till they make amends, Aflkhthefarty, and obtain abfolution, Ja.z p.4.c 7 c Cnr/i’igandExeoinmuiiiration, ' Icrturbcisofthe Kirk in time of Divine Service or Preaching, incur tlie oii following; Tlie I lelat 01 Aord s»i, and the pirns of Uw-bonows there fc ^^^ThiKlft^rsof Law.borwl^ granted againft Complices in general , and dra^Caut°onbcfoundlothe]uliiccCl«k^ that they (hall be duly '*TShJp«lonihargcMWL«te^sSfLaw-botrowsbcIy^ iravemion, albcithebc dcuounccdfoi not finding Cmtion, and that m cafe of Caution found. bothheaudhisCautionerbclyabTe, la.d.p.ij.c.atfp. LAWS. Sec Parliament That all the Kings Lciges live and be governed by the Kings Laws, and under nopaiiiculiiLaws, noiLawsof other Councicys, Je.i.p. 3.C. 48, And this 1$ *^TnffifeAfl?RftifiS,*andlil%ti^^ Pai- **’SmmS“o*«vifing an^iJending^the Books of Law, that isHigiam Majf- examining the Kings laws andothetAfts, andBooks. la. 3P- 14.C. tii. Andl,.«.p.. leagues and BANDS. ThitroLeaguesnorB.ndibcmideimongftthcKliigsLtiges, Jnd ih.t fuch m.deinBmio»s, to tlit liindci- lJSfth°U»®ti'>t«commiiidotthi;hc.dOffici;i. undttthcp.molConfirc.- iKf Good? ‘'Th' “llL.leuc'midSn^mebygoi^imong the Subjefts be tiuU. .nd tint „„Ie be Ide time cominytndmhe ofw.ttdmg deling the Queen, pie,- !nd dSiteine ,ny tobe m,de in time comtng »ithout his Highnef, r;;;,y"onS3eftS:'p,^ "^°,“md\l;Wcl;,”dd.moexpl.intM^ jod Bmdsmsde for pteremng the King, Religion ,nd L..., fo, the good of Kitk and Kingdom, isfilfcanddilloyal, Cat.- aip; i-Seff. i.c. 4, The Kings Authority and true Religion to be maintained igainft *11 enemicr, fpecially thole of the holy League bouud to execute ihedecices ot Tr*ni, U: o; p: 3:e;47. Sec it in Thattht League eallcdTtf5»/fmnL<4;u#>1 ’'ir'' "si,, ,h,.irTi,;ilies toconveen. andtrv Offenders, within the Town ot Ainr^/cAer, !nd Lcilcts of Homing on Sk djyc! , uc otdiined to bt dneft on dim Sentences, Cat. t.p. I c. ap. loosing of ARRESTMENT . See Arreftment. LOW - COUNTRIES, See Confer- vatot. Thii tn Incotpontion be of the S<.t, , in the Ww-Connme, . end tbeit Ptiviledees otdiining the Stm teftding tbete , ind ptetending to the fiids Pn- tiiviieagcs. Kine. and his Laws, as it they Abridgement of the Ratified, abrogating an Aa of the Town ofErffl/WfA, i (S4« , whereby Malt-men, andflrewerswcremadeoacoftheuTrades, and they aredifcharged all meetings, otcorrelpondenccin any Sureh , undcrihepam of Ftvt Hundred merKs the man, letiti, tjmriei, half to the Intormei, and what fanher Pei. Tonal palus the Privy Council Ciall pleafe inflift , Car. i. par. 2. Seff j. cap. If. MAN-RENT. TharnoShiopaflandiotnei.ort-\.uuMMi«.a. .-..---a — ---'o--- - ... ■wrr. or the ordinary fiaple, and thatnoPerfongoonLand, ot out ofthe Ship, uotillbisatrival llicie , under the pain of ry Knights and BarionsTen merkj , andby every other Perlon beating Arms, Fivtmerki, andwhoufes Armes otherwife, to be lyable In the pains ofthe faid former Aft , the Lyon , and his Brcthicn, arc likewayes de- elsfedludgci. astoihc malvetradonofMcflcngers, andioluvcall oilieiPnvi- ledges DclongiDg to ilicii offices. Car. a. p. z. Sell. }.c. 21. M A D E-W O R K. , ^ xhatnoTradrmanlmponmade-workbelonglngtohisTrade.Ofvend the (ante, or any fuchWire brought home by Merchants, in their Shops, or other- wife, undctlhepinof Confifeation, halfto the King . Iiaifto tlicAppreliendcr, indPafewer, Cat. 2.p. i. Seff. i.c.47- SteCrap.tadTrade. MAIRES, SetCMeJfiigers. M A C E R S. That Macersbe fwom , to be faithful , and fecret . and the price of their labours, Tvjf/iiUinit, Ja. j.p. j.cap. da.andfij. SeeiiiniSr/?»M. MALT-MEN. Thit allMdt-mikeis prefcni theitMaltto the Merest, and fellnone till nine houres. undetlhcpain of efchcat ofthe Malt, and that they take no more then an Boll ofthe Beir , foi making the chalder of Malt, under the pain of Oppreffion, That Mait-maker$takeonlyTtw»/iifl/B|r more for the Boll of Malt, then the foil of Beil is (bid for, under the pain of efeheaeof the Malt, and of Oppieffion, I*. 5- p. 4- *9. . , That Malt-meu have no Deacons, not be repute a Craft fo( ever, la.d. par.T. All flandsofMan rent, ormaintcnance , alicadic given, dechired null, ex¬ cept hctctablebandseivenofbcfore, ot given for the Aftitliment of Slaughtetin time bygone , and all fueh bands ate clifchargcd foi the futuic , and that all deeds done , or given therefore , return to the Givcis , and that the Givets , or Tak¬ ers of fueh bands in time coming, be puniQicd by waiiding, Q. M. par. 6, cap. 4J. MANSE, and GLEIB. That no Parfon, Vicar , or Other Kiik-man, fet in Few, or long Tacks, theitManfes, orGleibs, withoutihe Queens Licence. That the Miniftcrfcrvlng the Cure . have the principal Minfeof the Patfonoi Vicar, or fomuch of it» mayflaickhim, whether the Glcib be let of before , 01 not , or that a rca- fonableHoufcbcbuilthim, by tUcPaifon, orVicar, or their Fewets, otTickf- mcn . and fomuch Land thereto annexed, as flwll be appointed thereafter, Q. M. ^ Andforexplanationof ihUAft, itis appointed, that the Parfon, or Vicars Manfc. mofteweftiotheKitk, with four aikets , or lomuch as there is of the GleibrnoftcwcfttothcManfc. ftiall pertain to the Minifter, or Readerferving at chcKitk, tobc dcligncd by the Pilliop , with advice of two honeft men ofthe Paroch, and that on the BilhopsTeftimoiiial, and the parties Bill , Letters be di- leftonTcn dayes, charging the Poflcflbars to remove, that their Manfes, and Gleibes be notannailzied . or fet In Few . or Tack , in picjudicc of the Suc- ceflbr. ThatiftheFewcr.orTackfman, have madefumptuoiu diggings, or be un¬ willing toremovc, then the Uifliop agree the tnattcr, by geting me Minifter ano¬ ther Manfc, as good as the Manfc fet was the timcol the feting, with certain aikers of Landlaojacent thereto, or otherwayes, that the Fewer, or TacW^-mank temovtfinplicitery butthe Fewer, or Taekl-manremovcd , is to have a deduc¬ tion of his Mail!, and alfo of ius enuics Silver, Secnnditm rdtAm, p.3, cap. 48. ThefcAfts extended to all Abbacies, and Cathedral Kirks, where no other Parfon, or Vicars Man(e was of before, fotbatthe Minifter fctvlng the Cute* is to have a fufficient Manfc within the prccinft, (ot els the Abbot, or fewer is to give him one alseweft. and commodious) together with four aikers ofthebeft, and moft commodious Land lying contiguc , and moft eweft to thcManfc^ ^ which pertained to the ^bacic , 01 any Member thereof, Ja. «. p 12. cap. j!«. That where of old there hes been no Glcib, ox the Gleib lefsthen the four aikers. thatthedefignatton be made ofthe Parfon, Vicar, Abbot, or PriorefsLand^ andfailzicingthcreof.outofthcBifliopsLands, FricisLands. orany other Kiik LandswithintheParochi Andthai Gleibsbedcfigncd , withfrecdomc ofFog- gage, Fewel, Faill, Device, loaning, free ifeh, and entry, and other Fnviledgee accordingtouIcandwoncTa.d p.ij. cap. 161. ThattheFcwcrs, Poncftbis.andTackT-men , outofwhofe Lands as moft eweft rathe Kirk, Manfes and Gleibs are deligned, have relcif of the oihei Feweis. Poflcflbrs, and Tackf-mcn, within the fame Paroch , pro rata. Jam. 6. p.14, ‘*^ha^i^here there is no airable Land adjacent to the Kirk, fourfoums gtafs ofthe beft, aQdmoftcommodioiisPafturageof Kirk-lands, within the Paroch, bedc« figned , in manner forefaid) foe each ofthe faids four aikers , Ja. e, P. is. ^^d as Gleibs are Teind frees Ja.d: p: s- c. da. (inGleibs,) fo ate thu'foums Grafs, Ja.6 p:2j- cap: 10. SteCleibi. That all Bilhops.aDd other Ecclefiaftick Perfbns. build, and repalie their Manfes^ andif tlicyluffcr them todecay , that their Executors be iVable to their Suc- ceflburs, as alfo that their Succeflburs be oblidged to give fatisfaftion totbcic Executors for the expcuces of xepitatiOD they fballmake, atthe fight of twoot three Bifliops , not exceeding a Thoufand pound) , if they be PicJats . and Five H«ndr Thoufnnd pounds , not under F/ve Hundredmerks value, and whete competent Manfes ate already , that the Hcretours relieve the Minifter , or his Executors of thcexpences of repairing the fame, and thefe things beingonce done, theManfetobe upheld by the In¬ cumbent, dating his time, andDythcHeietoursintimcotVacancy, out ofthe leadieft vacand Stipends, and that Minifters have Fewel, Foggage, Faill, and Diviois , according to the Aft, Ja: 6. p: ij- cap: i£i. (above) And that Mini- fteis (except Miniftersin Bu^hs . that have no right to Gleibs) have Grafs for one Horfe, anatwoKyetobedeugned. and with celeif, as above , and if there be no Kitk-laad near the Manfc, ot the fame be ariablc , that then the Heretois pay the Minifter Twrntyp^Mndi yearly for bis Giafs, andbe teleived .as laid is. That no Incorpoiat aikers in Village, otTowa, whete the Hcieroi hath Houfes , and Gar¬ dens, be deligiiedfot Gleibs, and this Aft ia dtawobaek to the fourteenth of Mafth 1^49. Car: 2. p. 1 SefT-j cap:zx. manufactorie. AftfoteteftingofManufaftoiIes, granting feveral Powers, Immunities, and Priviledges, in tneii behalf , as in the Aft, and particularly that all matenals ufeful for Manufaftoties , that fhall be Imported , be free of Cuftom , Excife . and other publick dues, and thacnoNative, or Stranger export any materials ufe- ful for Manufaftoties , until made in work or put to the beft avail, under the pain ofthe value , half to the King , halfto the Informer, andPuifuer, andluch tatthei punifhmcnt, as the Exchequer fliall appoint, Caraz p: i. Seffi i. cap: 40. And Lint feed, Hemp feed, and Steel Imported, are Declared to be exempted from Publick Dues, as matctialsurcful for Manufaftoties. conformwthc pro- • vifion contained fn the faid Aft, Car: 2. p:i. Seffis. cap: 20. Aft fot crefting Companies for profecuting the faids Manufaftorfes . with feveral Powers , and Priviledges , In the Aft, andgenerally with all Priviledges granced.or that (hall be graated,to the Societies ofFiOieis,Cai:z. p- 1. Scfl: i.c.42. ThatMaftcisof Manufaftoties may fclie , and implw Vagabonds, and idle Poor Peifons in their Works, for Ten years, in manner (ct down in the Aft , Car: 3. p. r. Sell: j. cap. i«. Secit in Poer. Ratification ofallAfts for encouraging of Manufaftoties. asfnthe Aft, fpcci- aUy,the Aft Car: 2. p: i. Seffi i. cap: 4}. :(Seeit in L«Bnen) and Cat: i. p: i. SelH X. cap: 46. (Sc€itin/9r*iddrnGaffd»)C«: 2. p: 3. cap: 12. MARRIAGE, That who Marries two Wives, or two Husbands, both living , andivotced, bepuniCied as perjured , by efchcat of moveables, wairding year, and day, and Infamy . Q: M: p: j. cap. xp: lyiSx of Tarliament , &c. ThatMaiiiagebeasfiecasGodswoid aJIowes, andthu fecoDdsia degrees of Con(aoguinity , and Affinity, and all one with thofe contained in Godswoid, might have Mutied lawfully iincethc eight of March t J58. And may dofoin tiinecoming, lam:d, p: i. cap: i j. ThcManorwifewilmUiedivening, bythefpaceof four years, may be cited andrentenced coadhete, and thereon charged, and denounced, and after Ptivy Admonitions diteft by the Silhop . thcMinilierofthePatocIi by the Bilhops order jhall adtnonllh himpublickly , an^toceed to Excommunication , in which Cafe, the Parties obiHnacie lhall be an fumcientcaufe of divorce , andtheOficndeilhail line thcTocher , otGoaiKiotty^roftcr NMftiaSj c. 55. That who cvetManies in a Chndeftine, uooideily way , or by Fetfous not authorized bv the Kiik, Ihall be Imprifoned for three Monechs, and beiide Ihall pay . theNooleman a Thoufandeoands , the Gentleman and Butgefs five Nrtn- dredptHndi , and each other Petlon a Hundred merks . and that they remain in Pri- fon . while they pay , and the Fines to be applied to pious ules of the Patoch where they dwell, thatihe Cslebrator be Banilbed, notto return undecthepain ofDeath, thatnoneofthePanieswherebothreGde in Scotland, get themfelves Married in En^Lmd , or Ireland , without Proclamation of bannes , in Seetland , and againd tlieotder ofthis Kiik, under the pains, a Noble*man , o Thoufand pounds , a Lauded Gentle-man a Thoufand merks , a Butgefs , Five Hundred pounds, each other fubftantiousPerfon Five Hundred merk^ , a Yeaman, a Hiendndpoundi, indeichlafeuoiTeitoaa Hundredmerks , halfiothe King , half to the Patoch. and thatthe King, 01 Kirks Advocat perfew the contraveeners of this A£l. and tint luchasaie unable to pay , be punilhed nith Slocks, and lions, and all with- outpicjudiceoftheKitkcenfures. Car:i. p.i. Seff 1. cap. 34. It isfatchet Siatut, that who Matties any Perion not lawfully Ordained, or Auhorl- zed theteto He, and She amit their jiti Mariri. and jut T^rliHa, Cat. :■ p z. Sefl-j- cap. 9. *^6 cxpences of Maiiiages tegulac , Cst. z- p- 3 . cap. 1 4. MARRIAGE Cafualicy. Thatin Serviceof Aiisholding Lands waird , Tax, or Few, cum Mnriia^lo, thelnqueilieiourtlie Taxt, fortheManiage, and of the Fen cum Mdr(r.ig(o , thacitmaybeinfettinchePiecept, Car.z, p.z, ScQi3.cap.14 Raufied lam s. par. 1 9. cap. i . and all ihu AAs Ritifed . and Extended, to allHeaten, andSayetsof Mels, without any exception, ot tellti&ion. lam t. ■* T hat none prefume to hear, ot fay Mefs, under the pabs contained in the Ads of Patliamtnt.Cat. z.p. i.Sefl. i.c. 8. MESSENGER, or Officiar of Arms, See Lyon. ThitMiittis. oiStti.ndsin RoTilly. Rcs.lity, indBoiio»ti. hive »indi. and Homs, in manner fet down in the A^.b. i.p. e.c. 100. »dminedbyfficShetl0. and thatthe SheriftschufeMairs. where needful , and chat in Summonds, and Attachments, the Matte (hall only (hew his Precept, and Watrand, hm. i, pat. 9. cap. 11 a. That there be only two Hundred Officials of Atms malld'fat/anJ.beatand. ind weatand out Sovet.iign Lords Aims . in which number , the Lyon , and his Btc* thientheHeiaulds, fcventcentnall , ate included . andthc tclUobc divided a- mqngftthcShiies, by thcpiopoitionsfet downluthcAft. And ifthe Lyonad- mitaiw more, that he not only incuire the Kings Indignation, butthc Perms ad¬ mitted, toberejefted, and their Executions to be null, that the Officiats to be continued , and fo in all time coming have the Lyons TeUimonial and Decent Blizonsin Silver, and that they find gude Sovetty , to keep thcli iiijunAions , un¬ der the pain off If* , jod to pay the Coils, andSkitthsof Patties, lani. 6. p. I I.c. 46, See Ljon. Thatthe Officials Soveitybe bound, that he (hall be furnilhed with i fufficieni ■ndieadieHoife, andfoiailthc damage, and intetell of Patties, that the Offi- Clares wages be 4 merit, ptrdum, Summei. andWincet, UiJ.c.yz. That Officials ot Arms convifi of f allhood, 01 OppielTion. in Execution of ihelt Office, be punifhed'id.c. 83. That Officiats of Aims, lenewthcii Soveilics when dead, ot become Infolveot, under the pain of deprivation, lam. 6. p. 1 4. c. zol. METTS. measures, and WEIGHTS. S H I R E of Meirns. That the Court place thereof, be lemoved fiom K'/'cardm , to , Jt.d. p. Id. cap.zy. Ratified , and that the faid Burgh of Sronehyve , and Meicat Ctofs thereof, be the head Burgh . and place of all Executions. tndPoblicaiions, within the Shite, ]a.«. p. 19. cap. 7. M E R C A T , See Burghs, Coequet , Low- countries, and Ships. Towns, andPatoches. which had Mercats on the Sabbath, whicharenowpio- hibic may choife any other day m the Weeke foi holding the fame , if it be not the the Metcatday of the next Town, ]a, 6. p. 12. cap. iiz- That no Royal BurghkeepMercat on Mouflday,oiSamiday.uiiderthe pain of anHundred m*ri^, butihatthey change thefamecootheidayes. But Flelhersin thefe Burghs , may keep Flelh-metcacs on thefe dayes, Car. z- p. i. SefC 3. cap. 19. MERCHANT. ThatnoMerchantpafsovettheSeaioMcrchandicei unlefshchive ofhlsomi 01 under his Government, at lead three Serplaiths , or Two Hundred Twenty four Stone ofWool,orthc value, undetthepainofTen pounds , and this to be tried byanelnqucft . Ja.i. p.z. cap.38. Ja z. p. 14- cap 67. or having m his own half.aLaftofGudcs, orfomuchinStcerage, and Governance, Ja.s.p.z. cap. il.andp. 14. cap.xod. Ja.4. p. 2. cap. 14. and Ja. j. p. 4. cap. Z4. In which laft the pain U made Tisenty pounds , and the Execuuon very That Sailers in Mcichandicc. be Ftce-men,lndwellct$ of Burghs. Ja. 2. p.14, cap. €7. This Aft is faid to be made by the Clergy , and Bartons, and the fame is Statute ]3.3- p-2. cap.ii. andpat. 14. captoS, ^ , That no Mattel Craft ufe nor fail in Meichandice.unlefs he renounce his Ctifr, Ja; 3. p. z. cap. iz. undetthepainof Efchcatof the Meiehindice, Ja. 3. P. 14 cap. 107 Stc Ships. , . ,s r, . Thainogudesbefcnttothe Swyn.ot Slmfe. the Dam, or Bruges, lam. 3. p 2 cap. 16. But that Merchants fa lie to Soisrdeaux, France . and Nor. mandie, and that ftaplegudcsrcmainlnftaple, andpafs to no Mercat under the pain of Fsvepounds, Ibid cap. J7‘ . . . . . ThatnoShipbcfraughlcd, or Mcrchintfailetherem . withgudes toF/4»dtri, buttwifeititheyeat, thatistoniy, wPifch Mercat, and Rude Mcrcat, unJerthc painof TuiMfiV /'oundatotheKingjla- 5.p.4- c- 31. , ... That every Merchant failing with, orfcndingfonhalaftofgudcs, bring home nvQ Hagbuts , or Meital for making the fame , according lo his pack, with Powder, "Thacno'un-frccmaieTM^^ fpecially in the ^w-countries . under the pain ofefcheatofall their moveables, two thirds, lothcIOng, and a third to the Confcrvator,la.6.p.6.c.97. andp.i9.c.«. (SecipnCur^s.) That all Merchants, and Skippers, attheiccciving of their Coequets, fwcar, thattbeyhavenoforbiddengudes, noroihcrlawfulgudes. exccptwhatisin their coequets. norfli.illtikeinothcrgudesallthatvoyagc, ochcrwayeslheSliip.and Gudcs.atlcaftthegudcsof the Refufer to fwcar, fliall be Aitcfted, and Con- SeeLou)-.f«Hnfr»«. .... , zr ThaiMetcliantsimploy Qor Aliens asPaftois beyond Seas, Car. 2. par. i. Sefl. i. **?iftKgulafi^ Trade, and Mcrchandice , betwixt the Royal Burghs, and oihers. Cat. 2. p. 2. Selifs. c. s. Seeitin Bssr^hs. mess, SeeTapifl, and Religion. Thatnonefay . hear, otbeprefent at Mefs, under the pain ofConfifcationof illthcir gudes moveable, and immoveable, and theirPcrlbns to be in will, for the fitft fault, Banilhmcntforthefccond, and death for the third , and that all judges be i.c. 3. That all Sayers , and Hearers of Mefs . and Profaners of the Sacraments , in- currthetinfclloffimple, and Life-rent cfchcat, la. tf. p. ii.c. 24. The Saying of Mels, infers the ciime, and pain of Trealon, lam. 6. par. tz. ^^Tke*Saying ofMefsforthcfirft fault, infcis the fimplc'efcheat , for the fe- cond , the Life-rent cfchcat, and for the tliiid the pain of Tteafon, and Fore- faultour, lam. d p. 13. c. izo. , That all wilful Hearersof Mefs, andConccalcrsofiiie fame . beexecut to the death, andtheirgudesefeheat, they being therefore found guilty, 01 dcclaicd fugitive, befoiethejufticc, oti’iivyConncil,Ji. tf.p. 14. c. 193. k That a Stone be made for weighing of fifteen Tr«i» pounds. 8< divided in fexteen JfM/pounds, andtlutaccoidinglytlichalf Stone, Quartet, Pound, and other lefs Weights , be made, and only ufed, li.i.p. 3.C, 57. And this Aft renewed, and the Trail pound , to contain fexteen ounces, la. i.p.4. c. 69.1a.4.p. 3. c- 33. and la. i.p. 7. c. 1 14. Thatthe Wattcf Mets that now ate be obferved, andin eachTawn,i fwora Metfietappoyntedfoiallgudes Tellable bythe WattetMet, alswellCoals, 01 0- theis, and that the Seller nor noncelfcmedlewiihiheMetting, U. i.p.s.c. j8. That the Ell contain thinie (even Inches, h. i.p.4.c- 68. That the Boll be divided in four Firlots , and contain iwcniie nine Inches wiihia theBooids, and above twentie (even and an naif Inch, even over and within the Boords fexteen Inches, andin deepnefsninelnchcs, thatthe Fiilot contain two Gallons, anda Pint, andthePint lowcighof the Water of T.ij fouftie one ounces, 01 two poundsn'ine ounces, foilie Gallon weighs twentie pounds, eight ounces, the Fiilot fouiiK one pounds, and the Boll eight fcote four pounds, and thefe Meafuiesaie compared in the Aft, with the old Meafutes, in King David the firilsctme, lam. t.p. 4.C. 70. That a geneial Met be obferved according tothePiDi formerly given tothe Burgh of Sterling, foianunivetfal Standait .wheieofeachFitlot to contaiu eigh¬ teen Pints . and of this Pbt , Quart , and Firlot , three Standaics to be made, and given to .Aberdeen, Penh, iod Edinburgh, appointed to be Heeds for the red of IheRealm , and that none ufeanoffieiMeafuic, undeithepam of the double of the Chamberlanes unlaw, but preiudice to Madcn as to their Mcafuresoftheil Feints, to be proportioned aftei his new Meafuie, la. z.p. 14. c. 73. Thatthe Chambeihne and Siieiifisput this Aft in Execution, la. 3. p. 4. cap. 23. andla.4.p.3.c.33. ThatulersoffalfeMetfuiesand Weighll be mdyted as FalTeti, lam. 4-p>l.4 cap. 47, That all J^eafiites and Weights, Pint, Peck, £11, and Stone, be ofone quan¬ tity , to be ordained in and that old A/eis be proportionat theteto , and ifanyufe another Afcafurcot Weight, that it be a point ot dittay, Jam, 4. pat. 6. cap. 96. That the Stone be fexteen pound'.aiid the pound fexteen ounces Tr«ij. the riot of Brbuyandfellwitb,h.6.p.z3.c.»d. The fotcfiid Deteiminaiiou finding the Linlithgow Standart of the Fitlot , to be trae and to contain twentie anc Pints , and a A/utclikin Sierlmg, that three Hraiked for two heaped A/eafurcs. doc exceed and arc not juft, and that tliereloie there Ihould be a new Fitlot for A/ah, Bear, and Oats In place of the heap, containing thinieoncrintsB«r/inf Jug, (hat the Weightbe the frrmBTroK Stone, containing fexteen Trcji ounces, difchaigingthc old Trone Weivht lot ever, that the Eh contain thUtic feven Inches, andthatthcVinl weigh thtcc pounds feven ounces Tratioftheiunningwatcr, ofthcwaicrof Leith, and that the Siaiidaitsbckcept. twoFitlotsby Linliihrow, the Stone Weight by Lanarlu the Ellby and the Pint by S»r/i'i^ , asof old , and thatthefebe the luiiveifal Meafuies , See it al¬ ter la 6 P. 12. hisdated 19. t®* 8- , . , ... , A ne« Comminion fonvijuning Afc.fiiits , ind Weigh.., .nd .tdutin^g them to .nunlfotmiiy . .nd rh.t i,./ii/is.u;Mc.fuiebc the Umvetf.l AZeifu.c, C. p. i. Coal Aftalhie fo. piymeni ofCuflom, and Dullion, be the Childet ol ^“ThilfhVta Meffme\‘e'oYT«elve of thefe Inche. , wheteof the III contiinl ihiitlJ feven , and that the St.ndjtt of it be made and keept by £d..l“r|4 . and that I'l Wright., Glaaeis, Mafonj, and otiict Wotk-men..otk,by thia Me.futo .Uinetly./ttd.cil, G i MILI. An t^ridgement of the militia, SkHoJI, and IVeitfon-Jhawing. u..mKlroircf to his Malcfty of Twenty Thoufand Foot, and Two Thoufand Atincd. and futniflicd with Fouity daycs provifion . proportioned upon S?Shifcs.« in the Aft.iobc in readinefs as they /hall be called t«.by his Maielly ^ r« mirehi'o aiiv P iit of his Dominions, igainft Forraign InvaQon, or Inteftinc mfui- ifAi on oi for anv ©'her Service wheun his Afajeflics Honour, Authon^.or Great. n^« mav be cohccrncd, intreatms his Afajeftv to nominat the Officiars, to R,nc’-mal?etsi«/«At'^ and to givedircftion to the Parlianicntlnipowcisfotthc Ordering, and manaeing of this whole Affair , un¬ der his Maicfty and the Parliament declares , that if his Maiefty have farther ufe, thYsKlngdomwillbeali readv.betwixt Sextyand Se«cen, Foitli^f . at his Maicftics call , for prcfttvaiion of his Petfon , and Authority . ^ AftRadfyhfg the cSnftfration and Model of the Mfliiia, as cftablilhcd by fhe ftiicd indcxeinpiftomoihtilcucs. during th,t ftrricc, rhit the Officiirs be S .flifled to ReliEion . md the Government of the C tutch.s notv cHiblllhed, l^dthttVhev Md Jlthedouldieist.ket^ Oithof Allegiuice, undei the pun of Imit fonment , .nd , that the Officials attend punSna ly , and none ofthc^mdefett, otdtmit, withem a caufefirft allowed by the Conned , under the nainseonnincti In the Aft, nndel which they ate alfo oblldged to accept theu Liatees when named thereto, as alfo they ate to be lined as m the Afl.foi aWence ftomKendeevons, and the fines of. bfeiiee , and deficiency , here .and foimetly annointed .leotdaincdtobe doubled In time ofWat, l.iatthe Militiamen be &. 5 lefide within the bounds, and neilliet defett . noiyetbechangedbnt as m iheAft. that the Leader of every Ho.fe, uphold him. nif his Fuinnnre lot feven Iclis, and then that a new Hoife be provided by him , and Ins tiacfions , at the Lie of r.n patav* Sicrihr, that befide die dayo of Rcntev.ius already ap- oointed .ndlobeobrctveaintlmeofPeace, indtetimc of Wat there he mo lendcnvousof thcRegimcnts of Foot , two dayes each dtvesof Rendezvous of the Compinics. witli an exception of ^rgiU , B«ie , ind DlmbAttMtS^iKSt becaufeoftheit diftanee, and all forrner orders about the Militia, areappiovcn, except info far as by this Aft they arc itmovat, Car. 2. p.a*. Sell'. ).cap. 1. M I L N E S , and Multers. ThiinoMulteis be taken ofFIoui, coming forth of other Linds, to Seapoiu, cap. 82. mines, of Gold , and Silver, MlnesofGoldandSilvet, belong to the King, ifihtechalf pennies of Silver fniy be lined out of the pound of Lead, lam. i.p. i. cap. 12. ministers, and Readers, See7ir/r^J',and rJManfes. That the thiids of all DeneSees be payed to the Minincrs , and they being payed cfihcir ftipeods outrhereof, the fupciplus to be applied to the Kings ufc, Jam. 6. o I . car), r o. Sec Thittls of Senejicesu . ra i. j*r“ ^ That all Benefices not exceeding thrtihundrtdmerkt of yearly Rent, be OU- ooned 10 qualified Miniflers, lam. 6.p. j. cap. 52. ^ That Minifters Ihould fubfetibe the Confelfion of Faith, lam. 6. par. j . cap, 46. ^^That'everv ^ato^ , or bounds competent tobc a Paroch , have tlieir own hUni- fter, with a fufficient Stipend as the place may bear, and that Kuks annexed to Prelacies, be provided ofMinifters with competent livings. lam. 6. p.y.c. 100. ^^That a^l Benefices of Cure, under Prelacies , be piefcnted hy the King, and hick fjtions. in f.wour$ of able Minifters, and all Gifts, otherwifc inadc, are dec ared null, /W.cip.102. AndiU Gifts, and Dirpofitionsihctcof, Cncehis H»g '"ch Coronation , not made to Petfons in the funftion of die Miniftty , are declared null , from the beginning , excepting Benefices difponed to Lords of SelTion, and which arc laick Patronages, they being provided toqualificdPerfons, conform to the Aft of Parliament thetcanent, (which appears tobc. lam. 6. p. 1 1. c. J2, ncrc fubiovned) lam. 6. p. 1 2. c. 121. . « , . rf a. j t That all Minifters, or Others hiving Benefices under Prelacies, fiirpettcd cul- oablc ofHetcfic. Papiftrie, EroneousDofttinc. common Bhfpliemie . Porni- cition, common Druakennefs, noneiefidcnce, (thitistofay ^ttcfidingwithm thePaiocli, butabfcntthcrcfta, and from the Kirk . and Ins Office , for lout Sab¬ baths in the year , without leave of hisOidinary ) Plurality of Benefices having cure. Simonle, and Dclapidation, being found guihy by^c Bifl)op of the Diocy.or the Kings Coramiftioiicis in EcclcfiaftickCaufcs, fliall be deprived , from both Office, and Benefice, thatin the cafe of rluraliiy ofBcDcnccs, the accepta¬ tion of the laft. be fufficient caufe of Deprivation from the rcinaDcnt, arid a Minifter being convift of a Capital Crime, and therefore alfo orderly deprived, his Benefice vi^,la.«.p. 8. c.!3 2. (See in Cri»« ) aiid'thirCaulcs of Deprivation, ate extended to I’erfons provided ifwellto Prelacies . as to Inferior Benehces. lam. 6. p. 1 1 .cap. 28. But the claufc of none icfidcncc . comprehends notMembersofCounciJ.MembeisofSeinon. orPeilonsibfent by his Highnels Licence, on hisneccflary fervice . nor is rhe Aft to be extended to Benches of laiclt Patronage provided before the Aft. only all tliir Perlons are aftiiftcd to fuftaiu qualified Miiiiftersatihcir Kirks, but he that icccives anv Benefice, on condition to ferve and teCdc , is declared to be fubjeft lothe faidAft, lam. 6. ^ Tha^ta^l MiniftetiwaitfaithfullyontheitChatges . and thatnone of them ac¬ cept. orufitanyplaccof Judicatory, Civil, otCiiminal, orbe Clerks, or Nc^ lais. (except in making olTeftamcnts,) underthe pain o/Dcpth'ation, from both Office, andBoncficf,la.6.p.8-cap.m. « „ r > That Benefices under Prelacies, whetcimro Readers or Mmifteisa«uiUy lerving ateprovided. beficcofiiic fiift years Fruits, and of the fifth pennie, Jam. 6. ^ They who invades, or putsviolent hands inanyA/iiiiftet, lliall be punifticd by Tinfclofmeveablcs , for (he violence allanerly, the one half to die King, the other to the Party offcndcd.aiid that Letters be thereon direft,ac ihc inftance of the A/ini- Itet . the King , or Kirks Advocat , or .any Other rerfon . Jam, 6. par. ii . c. 2^ Ratified, andcxtciidedagainftallwhoinvade, or put violent hands, or opr violence to Minifters, by iliemfeivcs.ilicir raen.Tcnnents.or Servants, or my otlict ofthcirlninding out, or allowance, for whaifoevct ciufc j Or Cclike to Arch- bifliops. Bilhops. and Minifters whatfoever. having lawful watrand to preach, and Minifter the Sacraments, and iliac Land-lotas. Heictots, and Cheif of Clanns, where the Invaders dwell . orhaunt, beholden upon complaint of the fatty, to exhibit them, and if after legal Iniimation made to the I'aids Laud-lords, 6cc. The faidsDelinquents be found within their bounds ,h3uming openly for tea dayes, that they be lioldcnas Connivcis , andoblidged to exhibit tlicm, under the like punilhment , Car.i. pan. cap.7, and both thefc Afts Ratified, Car. 2. p. 2. Seffi I. cap. 5. AH rations . and Vicars , provided fince King jAtnei the Sexth liis Coronation, and not havingvotc in Parliament, Council, and Scflioit, deprived by the Kirk tdiOficio, arelecluded, alio a Bt'neficio and the famcn vaiks, but pre)udicc of Tacks lawfully fet by them of before, la. 6. p. 1 2. c. 1 1 j . ThatMiniftets, andRcadcrs, paynoTeindsforthclrGleibs, Jam.d. p.5.cap. 62. See Gleibi. That there Stipends be free from all Tacks, Penfions, Taxations, or Impofiti- ons whatfoever, notwithftanping ofany Gift, or Difpofition in the contrary, la, 6. p. tj. cap. 162. Tliat all Gifts, and Provifionsmade to Minifters fcrving the Cute of ParfonagcB, and Vicarages, andKiiksthercof, be tothem validc , and fufficient Titles} not- wichftanding of any Aft or Conftituiion in the contrary, but prejudice to the rights of ptivat Parties . and of the Queens Kirks of Dumftrmhng. ibid. And HisdccLited, that any Aft of Parliament made hereafter, in favours of- anyparticuhrPetfon , in prejudice of Minifters piovilions, fliall bcnull, c.xccpt ihcMiniftcisbe called, andlhc famcreduccdmhaillotin part beforcthe Judge Ordinary. /i’/B.cip. i6j. . That all Minifters it the receiving of their AHignations , give up a true and pat- ticular accompt , how much they have of the Temporaliry difponed to them, ja, 6. ^ ThaYMint^ers at tlieir Admiffion , fwear theOath of allegiance , and obedience to their Ordinary, in all things lawful. Jam. 6.p. 21. cap. 1. AMinifterabrencwithoutjuftCaufe from the BifliobsVifitation. or Diocefiao Aflembly. maybefufpended, andiflieamcudnot, deprived, /i;d. cap. i. AllMiniftctsentetingin, or, fince the year, 1649- At which rime Patronages were uujuftly aboliftied, arc declared to have no right to Benefice, Stipend, Manfe, or Glcib for this year, 1 662. or licieaftcr, but their Kirks to be vacand, unlcfs they be duly prefented and Collated betwixt and the 24. of Sei>umber next, Car. 2'. par. 1 Sefl. 2.C. 3, Anno 1662. . That Minifters keep and obferve the Bifliops Vifitation and Diocefian Aflcmbly, indconcurr with the Bifliop (asrequited) forthe exctcifc of Difeipline, under th^ainof Sufpenfion for tW firft, and Deprivation for the fccond fault from both Office and Benefice, Car. 2. p. I. Seff. 2. c. 4. , ... . And both thefe Afts Ratified : And that Minifters who continue m the cxercife of their Miniftry iu contempt thereof, be punifticd by the Privy Council as fediti- ouspcifons, andcontcmnersoftheRoyal Authority, ibid. Sefl.3.c i. Minifters poyndingfortheir Stipends, need not carry the Goods to Mcrcat Ctoflcs, but may Comprifle them by honeft and fworn men on the Ground where the Goodsire, Car. 2.p. I. Sefl. 3.C. 21. j . . Aft Ratifying two Proclamations ofCouncil charging Herctors and others ha¬ ving icall intercftjtolicurcthePcrfons.FamilicsandGoods of their Minifters. in tlieitHoufes and elfe-whcre within thePaioch, from all injuries and affronts, or otheiwife if they prefent not the Aftors, that they be lyablc forthe Minifters repa- lationandimeicftatthe Councils fight: And that until his Majcfty in his next ParliamencgivcfartherOrdcrsthctein: Andbntpre|udiccoffoimci Aftsagaiuft Invadersof Minifters, Cat. 2. p. 2. SefT i.c. j. J e • e r a Aft anent Sufpenfionsof Charges for Minifters Stipends.See in SHfpmfion. Ib.c.6. That fuch as fhall be found guilty in aflaultlag the lives of M'mftcrs, or robbing their Houfes. or aftually attempting the fame, bcpunifliedby death, andefeheat of moveables: Andthetcis^vWi«r,Br«d wrrJy of reward appointed to the Difco- vcicrandfeafer, or two hundred merki, to the Difeoveicr. and thru hundrti r»»r;^«tothcApprchcnderofthe forefaid Criminals, to be payed out of hisMi- jeftiesThcfauiy, Car. z.p.a. Seffi2.c.4. MINORS. See Curators and T" utors. The privilcdgcs of Minors, as to Compiiffings and Adjudications. See in thefe "^^^ThatnoOathsbc exafted ofMinors for Confirmation of anyofthcirdecds.and where theyareexafted. thatthc ConUaft be void, andihe Exaftor infamous, and any perfonrclated to the Minor may obtain the Writ to be declared void.Ca. molestation. ^ ^ ^ Thatall Aftionsof MoleftationconfiflinginthePoflefror, be lemitled to the Sherifl. Baillic, or other ludgc ordinary where the Lands ly. and that Letters ot Cognition bedircftiothemat the inftance of Parties foi that ^cft. That the luefte ordinary proceed upon Precepts on fifteen dayes, and the Commuations to be from eight dayes tocight dayes, and no longer. And firft, Defences be difeufled in the place of Judgement, aud then les robe put to the knowledge of a condign inqueft. of a fufficient number , mou partLandedmen, having atlcaftfourPloughs, or rfimft«iidr*dmr^iycarly ir¬ redeemable, and the reft fubftaniious Yeomen living m the Paroch where oie Landsly, ot failzieing thereof, inthencxtParocheS} and the Inqueft may vihl the Ground, and take all other tryal, and fhall return thcit anfwcr in faceof Judg^ ment. and in cafe of enout may be punillicd panA temerojitrAMtnsmftipcr If there be Rcconvcntion in the cafcbeforc Liiifcontcftatlon, the Judge fhall pro¬ ceed in both Aftion^nri pafu. and fliall remit the matters of ^ knowledge of the AlTifc, where the Caufcscannot be divided : And either halt ot the AffiletobetakcnofthcpcrfonsfummonedbycuhcrParty. and the odd man tobc chofenby Cavlll. If the judge oidinaiy be alledgcd fufipeft. or ter calling the other Party, andcognition taken, the Lords fhall appo nt unffifci^ Tudgesby their Aft, orunderthc Quarter Seal, who fhall inakc taiih, hav« theiV xccorapcncc modified by the Lords, and payed before the gimg o“ Decreet by the obtaincr of the Commiffion, to be repaved by the otlict Party, if it bcfonniquodtemerelitigaverit: And where the Laiidscontrovertcdly in ftve^ jal Jutifdiftions. the Lords fhall grant Comttuffion as laid is. And this, Aft, sde clarcdtobcwithontprejudicetorlie Members of the Collcdgc of Jufticc to put fte thcit Aftions as formerly, la: 6: p: 1 1 : c: 42. MONEY. See Bullion, Gold, and Siher , and Tayment. Thatthc King gat mend hismoney to the fame weight, and fineuefs. as m * Thre in mln^havc mine, out of the Realm, but he pay y.»tt, f em,/tt ofOiltome, underihepainoftinlclofthcmoney. andanunlawol „n p,mi, to '*'Th« none hafeimofdt.t/.nd Gold, Silver, ot Jewels, lied, undcitirepainofefchcat, Ja. i.p. i j.e. i«- The one half to the King. Uic ocher to the Apprclicndct, Ja, 2- p. 8.c. 34. .jjjjt of Tarliammit , fic. That SeMchcrs be ra»de at all Ports, andonthcfloidcts, fottoreftrain the ha- vingout of mooef- And that falfe Strikers of Gold or Silver, oroffalfe ■ loats or Pennies, bepunllhed asLaw will : And chat none (liike any indmecoming, without licence under cheGreat Seal, la: a. c. 28. and la. j.p. 8.c. That money be not had out of the P.eilni, under the pain of rmpiond', and the valueofwhatisexpoited. ButCleiks ate hetefore made accomptable to their Ordinaries, as Seculars are to the King, la.j-p. i. c. 8. Ratified, la. 3. P-4.c. 24. That no Stiangci Merchant have money out of the Realm, under the pain of efcheacing of the money, and ol his other goods, la, 4 p. 4. c. 41. And that Search' ersbeappointed, andcohave the fourth of the money found for their pains: and iMs to be point of Dittay, la. 4. p. 6. c. 69. And allthefe Aftsancntthe having forth of money. Ratified, la. 5.*. and Q.' M.p. 9.C.-69. with this Addition, ihactheconiravccnets fliall efcheat all (heir moveables, thefounhparttoihcdifcovereii and if he be a Fanner in the money, tobenotonlyftee ofehepam. buetohavethefoicraidtewaid. Andthis Aft to endure for five years, ibid. Q. M.p. p.c. 69. Aft Ratifying all former Afts agaiuft iV Tianfpottcrs of money, ]a ,(5. pat. i j . ^9 The painauemented, and that for the 4ft time it be ftt ftunJi,fox ihe fecond; tfi. and for the third Tiuenijpounii, and fo forth fot each time Tvjintjpomndu Ja. j.psr. 4.cap. 1 1. Ratified. 6. cap. I4. MUJIC K. ThattheyouthbeinfttuaedinMufick, and that Magiftratsof Burghs, andPa- frons, and Ftovoftsof Colledces.wheie Song-fchoolesare founded, letup Scliools withMaftets, as they will anfivet on thcpetiiUof theii Foundations, la-e pat 6 cap. 9*. MUTILATION. Sec DEMEMBRA- TI ON Mutilation rekoned with naughtcr,and firo-riiTing.U. j.p. 7. cap. 1 1 1. and la.d. pat. 6, cap. 7di cap. 249* AraoftftiiftAft againft the tranfporting of money, appointing Merchants. Skippers, Cuftomers, andkeepetsotiheCocquets to fweat beloie theThefau- ler, othisDeputes, noitoexport, noiruft'crtnefametobeexpotted, nociocoa> ceal the exponing thereof- and that no Merchantot SkippctTradc.or make Voy¬ age to any toiiaign olace before they take the faid Oath, and produce Exitafts thereupon, under tne pain of the filth of their Moveables, aud being uncapableof J^erchandizingot Sailing any Ship ; And there is only allowed 10 Pa0enget$jTa.iy htundi for their charges, and all Licences ate difeharged, except to fuch as fliall make faith or give Bond that the money is to be bellowed fot Timber in Norway , o: for Viftualintimeofexctcam dearth, andthatthey Ihall return the fyperpliu. Cat: i- p: t: Self: 3‘C: ii. The adviftment of thethtecEllatestouchingthemaiteroFmoney, and a new Coynof SUvei and Gold then to be (liicken : That the Mallei of the money an- fwerfot all lltlcken under him, whilcthe Warden have taken efley thereof, and put it in hisBuill : And that he maychoofe Servants under him (ouiike, and may puniflathemlftheyuefpars. And baclliickecs (ifpoftibic) benoGoIcL-Smiths, la: 2:p: 8rc:33- Another older about money and cheCuinzle, thactheLotdsofExchetj^ueiex- emine the fiocne^ of the Coyn prefemed them in a Buid by the Warden , ja: 2: p: 13] cap: 58. OidetfotCuiniieingof Copper money /p«r to the penny, and that there be Cuinzicd containind Silver, Ja:3'p:i:c: 9. An Ordinance crying up the money, and that no Black Pennies be (liicken in timecoming, under pain of death, ]a: 3:p: 3: c. is, Another Ordinance to the fame purpolc, Ja:}:p: 4:0:22. ArmiaOrdinanceiheteaneac, made by the Lords of the three Euates depute fliercto, c:i4. . . . , That no Black Money but the Kings own be taken in payment, and that no man bring home ftrange BUck Afoney, 01 counterfeit the Kings money, under the pain of death, Ja: 3:p: 5:c:4i- AnotherorJerabouerhemoney, J4;3:p: 6:0:47. That no Silver or Gold Cuintied be burnt down citherbyCuinzeours ot Gold- imithswithoutthcKingsHccnce, but that it beholden whole topafs among the Leiges, Ja. 3.p. 8.C.66. Andthatuoderthepiinofcfchcatofhalfof the move¬ ables for the firil, and ofthe whole moveables fot the fccond fault, againd the OwnerandMeltet. Ja.‘6:p:i:c.i7. The rates of money Gold and Silver highmed, Ja. 3. p- 8.c. 68. And it may te doubted from this and the foimei Aftswhat reckoning was then made for the fliilling, feeing that the Rofe Noble is edimat to Thirty five (hilling. Order for Cuinzieing of money , that there be ten Gioais in the ounce of Silver, and pafs for fourteen pennies the Groat : And that there be a penny of Gold to pals fot tliitcy of the faids Groits, Ja.3.par.i3.c.93. Ja.4.par. t.c. 2. Andpar.2. piackscryeddown, and the King declares he will receive them in, and give a fourtcenpcnnicGroacforfevcnofthem, Ja.3.p. 131c: 97- ^ . . That Gold or Silver money, of good mectal, 8c jud weight pafs, and be received, albeit with crack 8c flaw ,01 folded, Ja. 4.?: 1. c. 17. B.atified,undct the the Rcfufcr.of lofingthevaluejja. 4.p: 3-c. 37.p-4 C.4p’ andp.6.c. 97- And that falfc money be clipped and broken by the Kings Officials, and fo dcliveied oack rothcOwners, Ja:4:p:4:c:40. rtwi- t. »a That the King appoint an expert man made t of the money, tor loliltmg the Acts madeancntMoncyandBullion, la.4.p.5.c.5C; ... - n- That nothing betaken for Wiflelling of Gold, under the pain of opprcllion : And that DO man wrong Gold of its weight, undcrthepamoffalUDgofmoney, ' ^Ranfication^of all Afts againd the home-bringeis ot faife Cuinzie, or forgers thereof within the Realm, andthcievcalerordaincdtohave the halt ot the ei- cheatofthcContravecncrsLandsandGoods, Q. M.p- 9. c.7p. That the King may caulc Cuinzie Gold and Silver at fuch nnenels as otnet Councreys do, and that no Layed Money be Cuinzied without confent ot Parlia- That in every Burgh able meu be appointed by the Maeidrats to fee all money told, and to clip fallc money.and the payer to lofe it.and the receiver to pay to the ziethendtuckisfaid to extend to two hundred and eleven done and ten pound weight of Silver : And the new Cuinzie is appointed tobe of eleven penny hnc, at fourtyfhillmgscheouncc, I.1.6.P-7.C.106. ^nnotsSi. fK,. Aft Ratifying all former Afts againd the laifcts ofthe price tranfporters thereof 5 and ordaining the ounce ot Silver Cuinzicd at eleven penny fine to dand « fifty killings, and the ounce of Gold oi tweniv two ® ftand at thirty pound, and all forraign Cuinzie of Gold or Silver is difeharged to havceouife, Ia.6.p. 15. c. 249. • MUM-BEER. JfulB.betr lictnndtobciropotttd, ind that ilbtl,, bit, tach Bair.I not tx- ceeding twelve Gallons, inthtrcyfliilUngsofCultomc, and as much lor Excife, Car,2.p.2.Scfr.4-c.2. MUIR-BURN. That no man make Muir-bum after tlic fird of March till all Corns be Aorii . un¬ der the pain of foyrtic /hilling to tlic Lord of the Land of the burner, or if he have it nor, fourtiedaiesimprifonment and if the Lord ncglcft.ihen this to be a point of ” Th« Jo Moi‘cVutn?t m°de ft, the fiill of tUrtI, till Mtixttett.undti the pain °*Thanbe&mm>n£ofMmt-bu[ntobcraadepay/.»m,/J,.V% tothcKing, befide the pain ofthe makcr,Ja.4- pat.4.cap.48. That the UQ-Uw Muir- burn be five peiinH. la 4 par. « ■ cap. 7 1 • N N ATURALIZATION. Aft naturalizing all Frtnth f\\tn, Q: M: p; g; cap: 6$. Sec it in Fr.tncr. AftNicuraliziug all Snangeisofthe rrotedant Religion , who having Edates , (hall bring the fame, and come and dwell in iliis Kingdom, or who (hall fet upnew Works and Manufaftutics. and come and rectleiheicin.pto- milingthemuponPctiiionio liisMajefly die (tec cxcrcife of their Religion in their own Language, providing alwayes that the benefit of this Aft be granted and applyed at the Councils (Ighc, Car. z.p.z.Seil'. t.c. 7. NAVIGATION. AftfoitheencouiigemencofShipping and Navigation, otdaing alt Goods to be imported after a day yet blank in cfic Aft, trom the original aiitf proper places whence they are in ufefiid to be tianfpoticd, and in Scots Ships, or in Ships be¬ longing to thefe places, under the pain of Confifcaiionol Ship and Goods. Thar all Goods Shipped as faid is. not inipoiied by Ships of this Countiey, bclvable in double Cuflome. That all Goods belonging to Aliens, in whatfocveiVeliels. im¬ ported or exported 3 asalfo, all Goods b^atfocvei exponed in FottalgnVeflels, be lyable to double Cuftoms. That Scots Shipsbe N avigaced only by a Scots Ma- fter, and at lealt three parts Scots- men : And the Aftcontiins au order fot ve¬ rifying aShip tobe aScotsShip, andgecing Cemficat thereupon : And that no Cuftomcr allow the benefit of a ScotsSkippet to any Ship.umill the fame be lb veri¬ fied, under the pain of deprivation : Butthis Aft extendsnot toimpott fcom-yf- fia. ^Africa, 01 Amenta, otfiomMufc* ind Italy, untill it (hall be lb declared by Aftof Farliamcnt, Privy Council, or Council ofTrade, noriothe import of Corns from any place, inaMShipiniimcofdeaich. declared to be fuch by Aft of Council, Car. a. p. i . SefT i . c. 44, NOTARS. ThatNoiaisintimecomingbemadebyiheKing, and not by the Emperour, andchatNotaislb made be examined by their Oid^uiariei the Bilhops, arid have theirCertificats, la. 3-p- $.c. 31. That the Bifliopsand Ordinaiiescxamine alt Noiats, and puntih the InfiifficieDt, andfendthefutficienttothcKingtobemadeRcgal, la. 4. p. 6. c. 64. That the Sheriffs examine allNotars £.iicks,ana the Ordinaries all Notars Spiri¬ tual within their bounds. and caufethent book their Signes, and admit them by an Aft, oiheiwayes their Infltumcnis to make no faith, la, {.p, 6. c. 76. That all Infcriour Judges prefeni their CleiksindNotais to the Loidsco be ex¬ amined, without prejudice lochc faids Judges lochange as oft as they pleafe, ibid, cap. 78, j , That all Inftmments be taken in the hands of the Notar of the Coutr, and if the Patty will have another Notar, that the other pafs within the Bitr,iiul Inftrumenti betaken inbocluheir hands, and that thctwoNotirsbe Witiiefl'estoothers.oiher- wife the inftruments to make no faith: That the Notat of Court rctufelnllrumehrs tonone, under the pain of Depiivaiion . and tobe pumlhcd in his pcifoo and goods, la.s.p 6.C.81. , . Addition to the fotefaid Aft, Ii. 5.p. 6. c. 78. Andthat all Notirsbercnt in t» the Lords of Seflion beiwizt and a certain day, tobe by them .admitted, and if any notadmittcdufctheOfficeofNotary, that their Inftruments make no faith, and themfclvesbepuni(hedasfalfets, Q. M. p 3.0.24. That the Lords ot Selfion may charge Notars to compear as faid is, bring¬ ing with them their Piotocals to be marked and numbered, bucthclaids Ptoiocalls , not to be feen ot read, but delivered back without infpcfti- on. That all Notars be admitted by the Lords , and thattheydefign in their Inftruments the Witnefles they rec|uiic, by theitdwelling.orfome evident token (SeeWitnefiii) ThatfalfeNotars, and Notars not admitted as faid rs. and the ciufets of their faKhoods, be punilhed by efeheatof moveables, cutting ofToftheU right hands, andbanilhment; and farther by the tinfel) of their life, ifthceaufe fotequire, atthcdifcrelionofthcludge, (i.M.p.6.c.43. The day appointed for commencing of thb laft Aftpiorogattothc Bsnof/darelt ij6J. Andthc AftihencefonhRaiified, QtMipiptc:?*- ThatallNotarsbemadcbytheQueensLetters. and ffieteaftet exarnlned and admitted by the Lordsof Seflion, who Diould take their Oaths, nnd Regtfttat iheit right Signs! and who docs in thcconitary, In making Notars, or ufing the Office, tobe punilhed by death, and their InflrumcntstobenuJI, it.d. e.79. Aft^ufpending the Admilfion of any mote Notars for five years, and that none be admittcdthercafterbutfuch as underftand congruous Liune, and have ferved a Lord ofthe Seflion, Writer, ot Clerk, the ffiacc of feven years .and ^“1.* their Tcfliihonial thereof tolhf Lordsof Selfion, who by t^emfelves, ot feme of rhr Cl^kMO the Signet, (hall take full proof of them , by forming fome Evi- Snt That the Ban^sandAftsof Cautioners for Nouns be extended lo^ miiicfuith coming jsaccoids, H, op. 12. {sJULLlTY. 3* nullity 7ki„„„nIloftlicL>i», foby »>y of «“Pl'"«_v;”'Pai “ r/mclnlli”n° e?^i'lKo5'iI«iyts feb nm' “ ci'll Wiitands been perfewed by way ol Aaion, Q. M- p. 6. c. 42. xyln Abridgement of the forethe Juflices, fJundrtd merkt . and for eacli Petfon Aneflcd and n». compearandthefirftjufticc Air , Twentie peundt. Jam. ^ That all PecunialpainJ, andunUwes, contained in the Lawsot thcRcalm be fofcthcfirftofAfrt«/j. 1542. be augmented tenfold, that is an billing, or pound* 10 ten killings, orten pounds, and fo forth, la. 6. p. i j.c. 267. ’ Paidonof penalftatutesfoibygoncs.lame.p. zi.eap.p. ^nnaisiz, the like la. 6.p. 23.C. 2j. the like Cat. 1. p- t.cap. 17. the like Car. a.p. i. Seflii cap ’7 and the like Car. 2.p. i.SeCT. 3. cap. zg. luollofthofc Aas contain a fewE^cep- tionsofccnainCiimcs. ' 5 ifthc Nullity had o B L I V I O N , See Indemnit'). A£kofObIivion,Q. M. p. p.c. 67- . ^ rC.ilT'* CencralAftof Oblivion, containing Icvcral Exceptions, Car. ..par. i.SeU. t. cap. lo. OFFICIARS, S&s Judges. O F F I C I A R S of A R M S, See Mef Jengers. OFFICIARS oftlie CROWN. Oidinj™ Ofliciirs of [h=Cto»n Kckoncd.ihe Thtr.uter.Secimiy, CollcfloMhe Tultlct,IullicoClttk,Adyoc.r,M>ftcrofRcqucns,E.cginet,Diicaoiofrtit Chan- JtlUty, iJidDiitaotofiheRols.Ii.d.p.ii.c.ii. The Aft is rlr. Aj.j. Ti;- vicMion, front wJiKhthiir fets , and ptnfiont art txctpttd. ORCHYEARDS. fiieaking of OtchycardsapointofDittay, la. i.p. 2,c. 3J> SceitlnTAr»/f, and the Afls there following. PLANTING of ORCHYEARDS, See Tlanting. ORDINATION. ThatnooeprcfumetooidainMiniftcrs, butfuclias are authorised thereto by Law, and that none take Ordination fiom any othcr.dcclaring all Ordinations fince thcycati«6i, or hereafter, orhcrwifcmadctobenulU and iheoctfons ordained to be DO Miniftcrs , and that both the pretended Ordainers, and ordained, be feafed by the otdinaryA/agiftrars ,and preicnted to the Council, who arc inipowercd lopu- nifhthcm, byConhfcation.fianiflimcm, or perpetual Imprifoumew, unlcfs rc- leafed by warrand under his Mafeflics hand, Car. a.p. 2. Self. 3.c.p. ORKNET, and ZETLANT). Orkptj.znd Zitlasid annexed to the Crown, Car. 2. p.z.Seir i.cap.T3. See it in OATH. The Oath that the Confervatorfiiould require of all Aferebants and Skippers, Ja, 0.p, if.c. 257, SteitiaConfervAtor. Oaths sf Minors dilchatged. Car. 2. p. 3- c. rp. Sec 'H'vn Minors. OATH of Allegiance, and Subfeription to the Prerogative, TliatallOfficLatsofStatc, Members of Erivy Council . SelTion , or Exchequer Juhice General , Admiral , Shetifls, Cominiflaries, and their Deputes, and CIcfks, andallMagiflrais, and Councils of .Suiglis , fhall at their AdmilHon to their Offices, and before they exerce the lame, take, andlweat, the Oath of All^iance, and alfoaHenundcithcir hand, his Majellies Pierogacive , in man¬ ner fc^c down in the Aft, asalfothatallPcrronsrequiredbyrhc Envy Council, or any havine power from them., (hall be oblidgcd to fwcarihe faid Oath, cetti^- ingtliatwhorcfufesihcfaidOach, ihillnotomybe incapabl of publickTiun, butalfo locked upon asdifaSefted to liisMajefttes Government, and fuch asfliall tefuiirto afleit the Prerogative, lhallfiom thence forth be uncipable ofpublick Truft, Car. 2. p. i.ScH! i. c. ii. Kow theOathof Allcgianceistobc adminiftrat to, and taken by Membersof Farliament, SeeCar. z.p. i. SclT i. cap. i. mParhament. OVER-LORD, See Suferior. OXEN, StzHorfe. P PACKING, and P E I L I N G . J’ee Burghs. PAINS, and Penal Statuts. Thatpecunialpiinsbe taken up in Gold , and Silver, at the avail of ihe money when the Aftsweie made , or els augmented in the money now current , and fo of Compoiitions, la. 6.p. 1 1. cap. 7c. Tliat tW Lords of SelTion . grant 00 fulpenfion upon unlawes of liquid films charged for by the Thefaiircr, without Coniignation , orgoodSovetty. 1 2. cap. 120. The pains of Law-burrows, notrepotting of Letters to the Juflice Clerk, and noccompcaranccbefoictheJudiceafierSovercy found, for Earl, or Lord, Tvjo ThaufutH pounds , great Barron . a TIionfAtid pounds . Freeholder , a ThoufAni Mtrkt , a Fewer Fsvt Hundred merkj, a Gentleman iin-landed . Two hundred merks, a Yeoman a Hundred merks, each Petfon Summoned on an Affile be- PAPIST, See CHefs. and Religion. That all furpccc to be Papifts be wairned by the Bifhop , and Miniftcrs , to recant and give Confeffion of thcit Faith, according to tlic approved form, under the pain of Excomunication. And if thcyfailzie. that they be Excomunicat. that a Roll be made, and Printed, of the Peefons obltinac, or telapfe, who (hall be ipfamous, and incapable to fit, orltand in Judgement, perfew , or beat Office, ortobewiinefs, or Aftiftburs, againftthefeofchc uueReligion : neither caothey makcDcpuics. nor grintPiocurations. and an Exception being hereupon pro¬ poned, and vciificd, by the faid Roll, if repelled, and loitruments thereon taken, (hall bean fufficient ground of Sufpenfion, Jam.0. p. 3.0.4;. That none ufeSuperftitious, Fapiftical rites, lam. 0. par. 7. cap. 104. Stit it in PUfritnnges. Papifts required by Prcsbytrics to fatisfie the Kirk . andnotcompeatand . orre- fufaiid, fhould be charged to produce the PresbytericsTcftimonial, byihcPrivy Cooncil, and in cafe olfailzic denounced, whereby their efeheat, both fimple. and Life-tent vaicks, and who thereafter tefets them, incurr the fame pain, and the I’tesbytcrie, or any Miniftcr thereof negligent , tines the half of lii* Stipend, forthacyeat. lam- 0.P. 14.C. i$4. That Papifts be pre/inted, thattheymay be profccut according to Law, and that Children undctPopilhParcnis, Tutors, or Curators, be taken from them, and committed to the Education of feme well aflefted, and Religious Friend, at the fight , and be the order of the Privy Council, Cat. 2. pat: 1, Sefl'. 1; cap. 8. PARENTS. ThatwhatSonc, or Daughter, abovetheage of Se.'ttecn years , not being dj- ftrafted, (hall beat, orcutfe Father, or Mother, Ihall be put to death, without Mcrcie. And if they be under Sextecn, bucpaftpupillaiity, thatcliey bepunifired at the Judges arbiuement, Car. 2.p. i. Self: 1 ■ cap. 20. P A R I C I D E. ^Vho flayes his Father , or Mother , Gudihir , or Guddame , He , and all Us pofteiiiy , (hall in lineA reda be dilherilhed from theirHetetagesfozevet, and the next Collateral , fliallfuccecdthccein, la. 6. p. 14. c. 220. PARKS. See Forrejls. The Piiviledges of the Kings Parks , See lam. 6. par. 14. cap. zie Iii K'^S- PARLIAMEN T. ThatBteaketsof AftsofFailiameat, bepanilhed as they ordain, Jam.i.p.i^ cap . 29. That all Prelats, Earls, Barrens, and Frce-holdets, feeing they are boldento givcpiefenceinParliameDCS, and General Councils, from thenceforth , compear m Perfon, and not by a Fiocuratour, unlefs the Procurator alledge a lawful cauro of abfeDce,Iam. i. p. 3. c. 52, Thatthc Aftsotthis, and the two ptcceedmg Parliaments, be Rcglftrit, and Exttafts given to the Sheiiffs, whoarctopnblilli them, and alfoto ^vc Extrafe to Prelats, Bartons, andBunows, on the Demandets expences. under pain of Dcprivaiion, lam. i . p. 3 • cap. 67 . That Sheriffs , Commiffioners of Burrows, and Bartons, getCoppiesofihe AftsofPatliament , and gaiprocIaimthem,andthe KingisprayediobediligenttoExccutthcm, Jam. 2. pat; 14. cap. 89. That the Clerk Regiftercaufe Imprint luch Afts of Parliament as concern the Common wealth , and that he chule the Printer, providing the faid Printer have alfo the Rings Licence . and that none unlicenccd prefumc to Print them , for Sex years, un¬ der the pain of Confifeation of the Books, la. ; . p. 7 c. 1 27. That the AftsofPailiamentbe Imprinted. laiQ.0.p. i. cap. 32, thcAft relate to this Parliament only. That the Laws of RJiiom MajeflAtem , and other Laws be Imprinted by the then Clerk Regiller Skene, lam: 6: p: 19. the 31- ®f the unpiinted Afts. The old unlaw of uncxcufcd abfcncc from the Pwliamcnt , Ten pounds , lam. i . in the Titles of the Parliaments 0,7, and 8. That all to be chofen in any Parliament hereafter , for deciding of caufes, and complaints, fwcartodoethelamcfaithfully, and lawfully, according to the"ir skill, lam.' 1: p: 0: cap: 83. Small Bartons , or Ftee-holders . need not come to Parliaments, or general Councils, but of each Shire there may befent two, ormore, as it Is of larg- nefs, out-tancC/4cV»flnnrtn, and Kiisrofs , (of eithcrof which ane) ebofenatthe head Court, and thele Commiffioners, (hall chufe an wife man, to be the common Speaker of the Parliament, topiopone all needs, and caufes, pertaining to the Commons. Andthii Commimoners (ball have power of the reft, under the Sherifli Seal, and the Seal of divetfe Bartons, to hear, treat, and finally determine, all Caufes proponed in Council . or Parliament, and fliall have coftage offtheir Con- ftiiuents, andtheirRents, each pounds another fellow, all Bifhops, Abbots, Priors, Dukes, Earls, LordsofParliament, and Bantents, which tne King will have fiimmoned by his fpccial precept, (here the Afts flops imperfcftly, but I think it wants the words Are excepted,) lam. i.p. y.c. roi. ThatnoFree-holder, holding under Twenty pounds, beconfttained fo come to Parliament, or general CouncUastopielence , unlefshebc a Barron, or fpe- cially wairned by writ. lam. 2. p. 14. cap. 75. ThatnoFree-holderwithinriii hundred merky, of the extent that now is. be compelled to come Petfonally to Parliament , if he fend hisriocutatorfothim. unlels he be fpecially called by the Kings writ, but all above this extent (houid come, Iain. 4. p, 0. c. 78. .Antso 1^03. Aft Ratlfyingthe Aftjia. I. p 0.C. loi. (above) about the Commiffioners of fmall Bartons , to have votein Eailiamenc, oidaiuing them to be Elefted yearly, bvtlieFiec-holdeis, (whichbytheprefacc of the Aft fhould be under the degree of Lords of Farliament, having a jourty /bitting Land , and Aftnally refiding within the Shire) at the firft head Court, after MseliAetmefs , or when the faid Free¬ holders pleafe, or the King fhall require them- AiidthatthcirNames benotified by the Commiffioners of the precceding the Direftor of the ChancellariCjCO the efTeft they maybe wanned by precepts to Parliaments , or general Conven- rions. astheocher Eflates, tliatthcFrcc-hoidcrsbcT.'.xcd, and Charged forchc expcnccsof their Commiffioners , and that they havine Com millions fcaled, and fubferibed by (ex at icaft , of the Parrons , and Prec-noldcrs , (hall be equal in number wicli the Burrows, upon the Articles, and have voce in Parliament, and Atts of Parliament, &c. lilsMajeftiesmiffiveftjUbedirca toccifainof them . before Pstlijments as to the Burrows, and that Lettersbcdireaycsily by the Lords of Sertion, at the iii- rtanceoftheCommiflioners. for conveening and taxing the Fice-lioldets for their cxpcnces. Jam. 6. p. it.cap.nj. *^41 thefeCommidionetsbe not admitted . unlefsthey bring Rifficienr Coni- mltfions granted to them . in a hill Convention of the Bartons of the Shite, fub- ic tibed by a great number of the Bartons ptefent , and by the Cle tk ot the Conven¬ tion. and theClerkRegiBcrisdifchaigcd to receive any Commifiiounot indue form. ]a. 6.p. ij.c. 271. Att torclcaring Ele&ions from Shires, that bcndefuch as hold 1 Fable,to clett, sc be defied, to Farliamems,Noble-men,&il)eit Vafl'eUex- cepted.That every ruchCommillionershivc^i/rp9«n.h. per dirro, including the firft ic Ultdayes of the rarliament,and eight dayes forcoming,aod as many for going, from, and to tile fattheft Shires of Cudt,cliisMj|e!ty astothc Afisof Kcvocalion inent the bupctiornici of Ltvfii- on^ anent Regalitiesof Erefiivns, and aueiit his Maieftlej annexed I’topeny, not but the ra.ti« aic 'nthcitl'etlons. befoiethc making of he faids partlculat Ato. And tliis is declared to be the tnic nie inine of all Afis ^'‘ereatefomeexccptionsnudcmthisAfi, Cat.i.p t c.ii. That ihc LotdChinccUot lor the time.ot in his ablcncc he who ih .11 be nomin it bythe King luthriehttol’rclide mallPailisments. and otlicr I'ublick ludicato- xics where they fhall happen tobe ptefent ; and that « the fiift down-litiine of Pat- lameiii they adminifitai to all Its Membeis ihc Oath of Alleciance, .nd O.nh of lailiament, asmthcAfi: Aiidall Afisas tothc rielideni. 01 Oathoflarlunicnt coniraty hereunto, arc Rcfcindcd, Car: 2: p; i; Seffi i: c, i . The Patliameiitsand Commictes after the Engagement,! 64s. Reminded Cat 2. p. I. Sell i.c. j. The Parliaments, 1640. 3641. 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48. Rcfcindcd. ihj c. 15. Sce J(e/r»/.ry. - A&SdlvoJure, /4xd,cap.63. The l.kc, Sefli iic: n. The like Afi, bmex- cepemg the Ratification of the Duke and Dutches ul Buttleuth, iheit Contufi of MartugepaftinthatSedionofrariument. Sell; 3. c- 30 The like. Car a p. a.Sefl.i.c.21. Ti.ehke, yMiSefi'::: c:ia The like. -l-i. Sefi: 3: c: n, And th<:likc,excepiingfromitthctwencylouuhAft of tliis 1 *ili*niem courcininc pubhekDebts, Car. i p, 3. c 28. " Afi concerning the clefilon and conftimtion of the Lords of the Anicics, wlieic choolc eight of ihe Nobility, the Nobility e ght ot tlic Cletgy , n.d thclclixtccneleftcd. or fiich ot ilieni as ptcfcnt, eight Barons, .uid cittlu linr- gciles, lowhoiuhisMaieBicsCnnimiilionec ads the Ofiicets of State, andtiie Lord Chancellor to Ptclidc : Which Lords of Articles ate to prepare Laws, Afis, and Overtures, and order all tliingsiemiucdio them bv tl c . arlijuicnt , Ci, i. p. I. Sefl. 3.C- 1. AftdifchatgingvotingbyBillets, Cu.a.p. J, Sefl. '. ..leAfiis, .All i{_f. Jt)ndin^ two .Ad), Sic. placed aftci the Index of uupimted t\iis,9Aiepiii»bir i ocij. PASSE. That no man break the Kings fife Conduft, underthe p.iiii of death, la. 3. p. J2.cap. 88. PASSING FORTH OF THE REALM, That Clerks or Laicks palling forth of the Realm, nuke their t xclungcof mo¬ ney with Exchangers within the Countiey, andthatCletkilignihc this jiid their going to the Chancellor, and Laicks to chc Cliambetlain, underthe piin ot 1 wrn- lypDtnd) CO the King, I1. i. p. 6. c, 84. That no man Spiritual or Temporal pafs forth of chc Realm without licence , or being abroad, do any thing againlt then licence: And chat they have out no mu- ney, under the pain of ricTctipcioii and Rebellion , and cube demeaned asTrai- tois. The Afipioccedsuponaliefaccol abufes commuted at chc Couit of 'l(9me, la,4.p. j.c. S3- Thatpetfons going out of the Kingdom for firtliec knowledge of Lettets. have the Kings licence, and m what terms. p. 6.C.71. lu R^h^ion. Afis a- Dcntchc Youth going abroad. See icluTeitr/i. patron. ThacFacions piefenc a qualified peifun within fix monetlis after they haveknow- edec of the Vacancy to the Superintendent, ot ot the Riik, qihet- wilc the Kirk maydifpone upon the Bcneticc, incalc the Patron and Snpeiinien- dent differ, the Appeal tobe made to the Siipeiiatendent, and MiniUcu ut that fiovince, and from them to the Gcneial Alfembly , who decide finally in me matter, la.d.p. i. c. 7. -• That Patrons of Piovofttics, Prebendaries, Altetapes, and Cluplamncs may piefencthe fame tofiiiirarsin Colledgesatthciiplealutcs, -iiJ ifiey ate icquedcd to do the fame. h.6. p.i.c 12. Amply Ratified, amt the King witli advice of the Eltaicscxpi Jly declares , that itwasnevcrliismindtoprejudgc the faids Patrons, as to the iai'ls Itcnclitcs, but that the Burfars and l iiulars thereto provided , may fully and liecly htuik the fame, conform to the old foundations, noiwiihftanding any .ippliciiioii nude thereof the time ot Popery, or any difpofiiion made thereon by his Mateliy . la. 6. ^ Both Ratffied: And it isfaither declared, that the entry of the Vafials of the faids Benefices lhall belong tothc laids Patrons, as Supeiiors, in place ot tlic liiulats. without necclTiiy of the Tiiulats or any others conlent; referving alwiyes to the Titulars the Fruits and Piofites of rlie faid Benefices : And where Burghs and their Magiflritswetc before Patrons, iliey arenowalfo declaicd 10 be Superiors, Cat. z.p. I. SefT. I.c. 54. . . ThatLaickPationshavciighctotlieFiuits of their Dcncficcs vaiking, mlinuat by Attli.e.p. 8.C 137-p- 12.C. 1 14. »ndp.i3.c. 172- . LaickPationsInfctt 111 the riglitof Patronage cannot be luiit by any long pollcl- fionofany Ecclefiafiick rerfongering the poflellion, and pretending nglu to the Benefice while the Lands were Wodlet : But the Laickl'attun redeem. ng, returns toliistightofrrclcniation, la.e.p. ii.c.6t. nr c- A Icnteiice of deprivation bcingiutimai to the Patron, he malt prelent withm fixmoncths. othetwife histiglitforchattitncdcvolvcstoclicltcsbytciy, U 6. p- All Infeftmcnts granted, or to be granted by hisMa|efty , containing the Gift of any Patronage wliicli pertained before to liim, and whereof the Titul-t is alive, and not confeuting to tlic Gift, the famine is dcclated null by way of exception or reply, as to the faid Patronage, unlcIstheBeneficcdPcifonsconfcnimaUbe thctc- altei obtained, la. 6. p. 13. c. 172. NoBencficcdmauunderariclatcmay fet longeiTacks of Teinds, or others belonging tohisBcnetke, withoutconfent of the Patron, then tor the fpacc ot tliiccycars. la. 6. p. 14. c. 200. SeeB0 the Temdi. thee they before ihe m*ing of thi> Ail. ‘^flmSnVatfoSofKK, ot BeneEeer of Cute be it-irnfei -)nd Dciceablc men , whoftialinkc* and fubictibethe Oatli or AUeJiance before a Judge Ordinary, before the granting, ^himefenration otherwife ifa I’erfoiitbatliatli not taken cheOath, /hallbcpte- ftnted She prelinration /hall not only be void', but the vacanev /hall belong to the King, and the Patron be repute difaffeacd to liisMa SicsGoIcrnmcnc.and a COnTemncr of Ws Authoiity, far. 2. prt. 1. Seffi- cap.jC. PAYMENT. Set Mon^. dVfltWioallbygoncfontraas, be underftood as the money went before it Ihid. cap. 24. P E A C E , See Teede. That Peace be keept , and hclden through the Realmc , and that no man move weir aeainft another, under thepainof Law, lara- up, »-c-2. . Tha® the King nuke Peace and unity, among hisgteat Lords. , and chatriiey, and the Tufticcs make unity among fmiller Pcrlons, Jam. j P- ‘^vcap. sa- That the King for Peace, make all Parties, and Perfons, tobe at frcindlhip, and «ncoid ®nd punilh the Party obftinatly refufing . Jam. 4. P». 2. cap. t. peck to tile Boll. ThitinBirgiinsfolVifhiil . hoeck, oiaddition, ofioy 'IJ*"*)' except upon payment for the fame price , as is conditioned tor the fitll Boll , and ihatundctthcpamof/»V/inxj to be payed by the Receiver , fot«vcry .Boll otherwife received , (befide the price) the half to the King , the other half to the Delator, Jam. 6. par. 23. cap. 17- PEDAGOGUE, See . ThitBcdreoguesftmbyNohlemen, and Othtrs, with thcii Sons out oflhe Counciey , favlthe ^ilhoraTcffinlonial of h.s ■he pain/, to the Eai!! ofe,T/,™/ii.dp.».dt . to the Lord of f™. p,„% , and to the Batten of Th,„Th,i.f«dM,k! . ‘-P; 'A, , That oone be admitted Pedagogues otthoot Lieence of the Otdinaty , Cat. a. ''ThH”pe*dag^MS tahe the Tett , Caoe.pat.j.eap.ti. SeeitioTeyf. pension. Thatno peolioo be pttrehafed of any Benefice »ithotlt canreot of the PolTcirout. ^‘hc who pietmdttightto any PenConpuieharcdaftei the dateof this Afl. ftould ptoduce the ptineiparGift , and the fame being tmpioven , oi nficadon, Coniitmation, Dccieet, oi Lctteis theieupon faU ■» c.e/t,it,i.t.e»>, “ "A'a in the Aft of Annettitions , i J !7 . about Penfions a„d that all Penfions out of Prelacies . whether Spinraaluy,_or Temporality thereof, notauthotiiedbydeciect, or Pofleffionm thcPtclais life, and before the ACtot Annexation, benull, and of noncavail,Jam.«.p. u-cap. 137. PERAMBULATION. ThatinPefambulattont; thePerfonsof inqueft be honeft, fubflantious men| tierctours within the Shire, iftheymay be had, ot next Shires , that beft knows the meiths of the Lands , unlefs the breivcs be proven by a bounding evident , or Aurhentick writ, lam. 6. p. 6. cap. 7?. PESTILENCE. ThatHoufesbeclofcdupthe time of the ?eftilencc, stif the Inhabitants be unwilling to be clofed lip. putoutofTowns, and that no man burn, (that is Imgc for clcanfing) an others Houfc , but gif « may be done without his NighbourSskaith, la.2 p.i3-cap*57* PEWTER. pointed to begin the tenth of 1 «2z, and to enduie for year, and day, J3. g. ^ AaRMifyingthe AftofCoramiffionofSuttcndcts.twentiefexthofynn,, finding eight Chalder of Viftual, ot Proportional in Silver, and Vi£Vial, lobe the lowcftmaintcuance for any Kirk, exccpipamculartcafonsoccur. Winch arc bv tliisAftrcferrcdiobcconridcredbytlicCommiflioncrsforrhntation . &e. And all Afls, and Decreets of Modification , already made by the faid CommiOion, atcRaiih'ed, and Letters ordained tobedireft thctcon, Car. i. p. i. cap. 8. Commiflion for Valuation of Tcinds , and Plantation of Kiiks, Car. i.p. i.c. J1nn» 1633. . I L ..A -/r r , All Decreets , and Sentences , given by the Commillionslor plamuion of Kirks an the years 1 649, and r6 50, arc declared tp be validc, albeit the authority of thele CommilTionsbe declared void , except in fo far as the lame upon complaint, iliall be found to iiave been uii|ullly pronounced by the Commiflion , to be given in thi« Parliament, Car. i. p. i. Scffi i. cap.p. The Att is , approving the Eugage- ihrnf, I648,fitc. , Commiflion for Plantaiion of Kirks, and Valuation ot Tcinds, R«ifying 3I1 A£fs, andDecrcetsofforinerCommiflions granted fince the year , 1640. aI- beitallParliamenislincc that time be refeinded. this Aft gives power to value , butnottofellTcinds. even w.'heic Mjiiiftersarcin pofleflion by leading, as alfo allows Hcrctois to buy , any rime within three years a ttci; Valuation, Car. a . par. j . Seff. 1 cap.,Nimeapoohis»c>tk. ABdth.titbe PLEDGES. SCC Htth-latlds. r;,.. .1,1,, he Rofc ill undtrihcpiinofcrcheit thereof, •J s »odfotth.sendth.t ttoe be Sey-m.- (letsippointed.indlhilPe.ieieisukebetwwlthepoundofoldTm , ot lewtei milked «iih the Rofe IS fiid is. indthepoiindof newcifleii by them. Tvi. flil- /«nfj«llancrlie, under the pains fotefaid , Car. 2.p. t. Sell. 3. cap. 8. That broken Pewter be not exported, Cat.2.p.i. Sell, i.cap.49. Sec in/tfrt'/a- dengudes. PILGRIMAGE. Thatnone go in Pilgirroage to Kitks, Chapels, CrofTes, , or the like, keep $a1ntsdaycs, fing Caitales, ot obferve any other Supcrllitious Papiftical rite. undettheRainof/wi the Landcdman » anHundred merkj theun- landednian, and/aurrif powndr the Ycaman . and the offender not icrponlil, to Beimprifonedforthcfirftfault. andfotthcfccond that thcoffendersbcpuni/hcd by Death, asldolitcrs. Ja, fi.p.y.cap. 104. PLANTATION of Kirks. Commiflion forPUntationofKirks. themcaneft Stipend, wherethe frulti ef the Bcucfice may afoord it , Five Hundred /nerkj , ot Five Chalder of ViHual , the hishe^enTboufand merk, , otTen Chalder , and power given to iccompenccFa- rtoiis. Tackfmen*, and Sub-tackfmen , byTacks, Prorogations, and otherwife, asthcCommiflionersflialUhlnkfit. Declaring that where this Commiflion /hall takceffeftby Decreet, the perfons having right to the Tcinds fliall not be farther quarellcd, andthisCommiflioniocndure, until thefiillof ^ugufl i6it. Ja. 6* pjr.22.cap,. 3. I617' , , « • , t- AnothctCoinmiflionfoiriaatati-n of Kirks / almoft m the fame /erms, ap- That no Nobleman, ot Baron, (being burdened therewith.) refufe to accept of High-land, ot fiordet Pledges, butthat they receive them, and be anfweiable tot them, under the pain of itv« thoufand pornd, for each Pledge, lam. 6. pat. , c.ip. 28. P L E Y. ThilnoLoid of ScHidn. Oidiniy , oi tdttsoldmity, Advocitp Cltiks, Wli- ters. tlieir Servants, otiny oihetMcmbctsoi theConedgeof lufticc , lofcriout Judgement, bethcmfelvcs. oiotheis, toiheiibehooie, buy any Lindi Tcinds. An«ms. nt mneOious. depending in pley . undecided, unde 1.0 pain of lining tlieii places . and all Bilviledges iheicof , Jam. d. pat. Id cap. 2i6, PLOUGH, See Labouring, ind Sowing. POINDING. ThalBomdingfol mains and Adnual-tenis , !>' "'‘'“‘V the folerane dayes of Whitfunday , oi Mii.mmes, Ja. i. p 1. cap. is- see ^^ThiiHoife' Oven, oi olhei Goods peililning to the rlougli, and Libout, beM.pdndedt"crimeoflabnnt,..he,e*o.hetGulde..nt Lands, ma, be had lo may wibc as .0 by-goncs by .heV>tU aVen. . nnlcls be have an nc^cd tylBs of Tarliameut , &c. r^ry cjufe of abfcnce : And that Minors lefcd by their abfcncc , have aaion of aimagesagainfttheitTulors, and Cutatois allanetly. But if the Minor have none , that he be reltored 6. par. j.cap. j. Albeitthis Aabedc- claritivc^aod was made to comprehend all caufes then dcpcnding.aiid undecided. yctitisattcraardrcftrictedtoreduaionsofruchDecrccts, asweie obtained alter the making thereof aUanetly, Jam. 6. par. lo.cap. 19, Ratlficationofthc Aft, ianj.6. par. is.cap. 10. In Horning, and that Letters of Poindmc be in like manner Duefted upon Sheriffs, Commin‘ars, and other Inferior judges DecKcts, mentioned in the faid Aft . and this Aft drawn back lOthcTwellth of ?Hnf, le+s.Car. i.p. i.Sefl- 1. cap. 19. Thatpoinding be not ufed upon Bands, or Decreets, for Petfonal Debts, until theChargebe givenandexpired, under the pain of Spuilzie : But prejudice of Matters Decreets agatnft thcirTennents, in tneii own Courts, and Superiors poind¬ ing forfcw-dewties, asfotmerly, Car. i.p. a. Seff. i. cap. 4. a PREROGATIVE, See King , and Oath of yyillcgmnce . PREJ-BYTERY, %itK\rk. prescription, and INTERRUp. TION, POOR, See Beggers. ForprcventingtheencreafcofBeggers, his MajeftiesLeiges at tight of /*to- vcft> Biillics within Burgh, orof KitkSelTions . cither to flutgh, or Land- wart . may receive the Children of Indigent Parents , withconfent of their Pa¬ rents. if they any have, and ifehey be under fifteen years, and with their own confent if above , and breed them cither in theirHoufes.ot at Callings ; and upon aTcftimonial hereof, thclaidsChildten lhallbeaftriftcd to their latdsMaflets, their Airs, and Aflignes, in all manner of Service , and be under all manner of pifciplinc, (life and torture excepted) until they be paftthiitie yeaisofage, and all their gainoy their travel Oiill be their Matters, and they fliall be bound to tc- found his damage for their abfcncc, and who keeps them from him after Requi- iition for rcdeliveticuponTwclvehours, Ihallbelyablcin Ttn/JnUin^i.per di(in, bcfide the tedelivetic, Jam, 6. p. zz. cip. r o. Ratified, with this Addition . thatallMaftersof Manufaftoiies, may with ad- viccof the Magitttatsof the place , feize Vagabonds, and idle Poor retrons,and jmploythcmincheirwoik, andexaftoffthePatocheswherethey were born, or if not known, the Parocheswheie they have haunted for three years before , itoa [Jiillinzi , ptrdiem , for the next thiee years, in manner pteferibed in tlie Aft. And tnereaftet may retain them feven years in their feivicc, for Meat and Cloaths, Car. z.p. i.SeiT. a.cap.iS. The overfight of the Poor committed to the Juttices of Peace . who are Im- poweiedtoappolnttwo, or mote OveiGers , in every Paioch, and take accompt of them as m the Aft . far. 1. par. i. Scfli i. cap. j8. See it in JuHicts of ?taee. Ocdeifot appointing, and entcilaining one , oimoie, ineachPaioch, onthe Heietoisexpenccs, coteachpoot Children, Vagabonds, andidleis, to fine and jni.'te Wool, fpuiWortted. and work Stockings, cap. 42. Aft for ettablilhingCotie(^on Houles, for Idle Beggets, and Vagabonds, in the Burghs, upon the allowance, aud in way ,and manner fully fee down In the Aft. ^ar. a-p- a* Seff- J-cap. 18. POPE, Aft Ratifying the AA of PatKament. n^utufi, 15^0. abolilhing the Popes lutifdiftion. and Authoiicy . within this Klngmiin . lam. 6. p: i: cap. 2. That all Bulles, Provifions, Cbnfirmations. and Gifts of Benefices, granted fcy the Pope, or (iueen Mother , to the King, be pioduced before GommifliO- ne'rs to be appointed by his Majefly , and in cafe the fame be found true , and law¬ fully puichalcd . before the Twentie fourth xs6o. that they be ILcgifttat, and marked, otherwayes, that they be declated null, Jam. 6. pat. 3. cap. jt. P O Y S O N. Tliatno Man. nor Woman, labtlng any kind of poyfon, through whichlMan or Woman may take Bodily harm, into theKealm, for anymannet ofuTe, Un- derthc pain ofTreaftn, lam: 2: pan 7: cap: 30. And mis Aft extended againit Suangas, Hid. cap. 3 1. preaching. Thar none be permitted to Pieacli without Licence of the Ordinary', Tar.z. pa. i: Sell. 2. cap. 4. PRECEPT. That Precepts upon tetours pals as before to theSheriffs . and othet Judges, with the claufc copitndiftcHniattm, without urging Parties to picfent payment , Jam. fi. p. 1 2. cap. 1 24. That no P.ccepts of faifine be thcrcaftet written, to. or under the Quarter Scal^buc that they be ingiofl'cd in the end of the Charter, Car. 2. p. 2. Scfi.3- cap. 7. PRELAT, and PRELACIE. When Prelacies, that is Biihopiicks, and Abbacies vaik, the nomination theteofpcitainstothcKing. andche provifion to the Pope, and that none take their Places. Cattles, Sticngths.or Abbacies, withoutihe Kings Authority, or ihe(onventsconrcni, the Xlibacle valcking, under rhe pamot highTreafon, Jam: s:p.' 7. cap; 125. Tharall Gifts, and Difpofitions of Prelacies, Abbacies. Priories, and, Nun- tics, madeby the King upon the Refignation of the Ponettbrs, referving their Life-tents, arc null. andthatnoGift of any Prelacy bevalide in time coming, cxceptitvaicUbe deceafe, Fote-faiiltutc , otfimple Dimiffion, Jam. 5. p.p.c. i. But this Aft cortefted , anddcclatcdtobc offeree only , and Gifts madeaftcrthcdatcthereof,Um.6:p: i3:capt And fotobviatingofFtauds astoantedates, allGiftsnot paftwithall Solemnities, and fpccially not exped through the great Seal, before the making of the faid Aft , Jam. fi. p.p- c.i. are excepted, and declared nhU, Jam: 5: p. 1 1 - cap. 174. That I’relats be free of warrandice except from faft and deed, intefpeft of the Annexation, t J87. Jam. 6.p. t i.eap. ii 0. See it in KA^nexnritn, TlntPiclats, and Othet bencficedPctfons, have rclcifofXaxations Upon their Vafl'als , Penfioners, andTackfmen, Ja <5. p. 14- cap: 228. That allMiniftets provided to the title of an Biihop, Abbot, or other Pre¬ late. have vote in Parliament, ficlikeas Prehts had of old, par. ij. **Thamo part of the Spirituality unafrumedofaUPrelacicsvaieking, and Rents, and ptDfitsthercof,Ad«vacrtflrr, appertain to the King, and may not be dif- poned by Pcafion , Gift, otothcrwile, /W. cap. 242. timaftion, or to reduce the fakl Error h-a- n- , 't»'l never be hcatdm rj:lltin.d.o.heM=mb.;rsoll,.,mll, I'i u tlucc years tor Eiror. -ulioutpic/udicc tothc panic lefcd lopctlcw fot red.ittiQ.i ofietouics . lobe exped ini.nie eomioe. ea,, o! teeo.e.yoll„s„ght. atlet , ihe Ld Afliojof VedLa “ , buttl.js Aftp.eiodBes not fo.l. as have already ..cqoiiedV'. S, fiomPeifons belore ihe dale iheieof , Is; « • p- a- V ‘ ? AediOBiofSpoilale, E|eaio,.s.,.ndolhersotihat otiu.e pielii.l.e if po.T,' rewed»iihinth,eeye..s atiescommltlingofthedeeds. mlefs.l.e pa‘i“ IrVi JaralrpVy’it^n ,r "■‘f AflLons of lemosiiig psefciibejn like manner, if noipeifmcd pitliin three Compts.indothcrs the like Debts, not founded on writ, pielcnbe, if not net- k.ho™ ”yfSc“nV, hisClainby Wli, , o, Noneceflity to produce Procutatotics.and Inftruments of Refignation Pre¬ cepts of Clare or any other precepcoffufin, norfliallthe want thereof be anccaufc of rcduftion after tourty years polTefiion, by the Party, and h's Au- ihots, bcvertucoftheitlnfcftments, andwhercthc Chaiiei nuking mention of WhetcaChailorandSaifin, orwhercthereisnoChmet . Inftrumcnis of Siifin one or more, continued and (landing proceeding on tetouis, or pre- cepts of elare cer,ffat_»e produced . and ibe Patw and his Authors by themfeivs or other* having th^r rightbyvettue thereof, infourricycars peaceable, and un- iiiteruptcd poireffion of the Lands , and othet Hetetages therein contained . the lamenafc declared to be good, and unqneftlonablc tights, upon any etound whatfoever , except falfliood, that all aftions upon bands, ot any otlict ground wliatfoever, beperfewedwithin fouttie years, aftetthedste thereof unlefs the ground of the aftion be a leverGon . m the body of the Defenders ligj’t , or duely Kegtttiat, in whichcafetlie Aftion isdeclated to be perpetual. Aftions of ivji- lanaicepiefciibenotiiom the date of the Obligation . but liomthe date of the dlftiers; Uuciheyeaisoftheminotiiteofthe Barty againtt whom prcfctJption is objefted , ate not counted to make up the fourtie years Couifc thereof, and thit- ten years allowed 10 fiich , againtt whom founie years I’relcription was run before the making of this Aft, in which (pace, they may intend their Aftions for intct- nipcion, and yet they ate not compelliblcto intift on the firft Summonds, uh- lefs the fecond Summonds be alio given , Jam. d. pit- 22. cap. 1:, zs./mie 1617. Aft Ratifying his Majetties Letter, dated r a. Nov, 1629. and Afts of Settion. and Secre Council following thereon, and Publication of the fame, for interruption ofthePteferiprionof the thteneenyeais. infavoursof his Majettie, according to the preceeding Aft, Car. i . par. i.eap. 1 1. Thar Aneftments on Decreets , as alio on depending Aftions , not petfewed within five years after Sentence, (hall after that time prcfctibc, Mmifters Stipends, and Multurs, notperfewed within five years after tliey arc due, and Mails and Dewtiesnotprefewed within fiveyearsafteitheTCnnents removing, doe thete- aftetpterciibe, unlels they be proven to be leftLng by writ, ot Oath of Patty, aJl bargains of Moveables, or fumsof money ptobablcbywitnelTes, ptelcribe asco thatmanncrofptobation, afterfive years, all Aftions on Wairnings . Spuilzies, Bjeftions. Actettments, Minitteis Stipends, and others fotefiTds. preferibe within ten years, unlefs wakned every five years, but prejudice of fltotcer picfctip- tionsofany of the faid Aftions, appointed by former Afts, and Holognph mtb- nycLellers, and Holograph Bands, fubl'ctiptionsin Compi-books without wic- ned'es preferibe after rwcncic years , milcfs the vettcic thereof be oflcied to be pro¬ ven by Oath of Patty , but none'bf chc(c picrctipcLons run againtt Minors . .Gar. 2. pat. 2. Sett. i. cap. 9. ThatalllntcrruptionsistotightsofLahdsby Citations, be theieiftci made byMeflengcrsPctronally, or at the Patties dwelling houle, and at the ratocli Church, at, otaftci Divine Service, and tharall Citations for Inccituption. be renewed every feven years , ot elfe preferibe . except the Patties be Minors , Ibid. cap. 10. Asilfothatthe Execution be made before witueftes prefent, at thedoing, andiubfcrlbingcothe Execution, Cat. 2.p. 3. cap. ;. PRICES. That Barrens, Ptovefts, and Baillies, fet pticesupon Bread, Ale, and all othetucceiratic things, wrought, andbought, and that they appoint Prieven, Examinators, Ja. 4. p- i. cap. s6. Ratified, ana that they appoiiuStamtesin the premOles, and punilhthc break¬ ers. indifcheyfaiUichciein, thatthey incuit the piinot Hundred p»»n.t ^^Thanhe King give CommilUoii fotfetting ptlccson Ctaftf-mcns work, and Stutt', Viftual , and Salt , witli power to puuilh the Trinfgtcirouis. la. j. p.4. ^^Ti)4%iovcfts Baillies, and Council ofBurghs. fee prices on WinC . Silt. and Timber, as they arrive at any Pon: And that the King . and his Lords, and Gentle¬ men, be htft ferved la. j.p.T.cap: 100. Ratified , and that the prices fet., be Proclaimed, and none of the faidsGudes fold fot four dayes thereafter , that thefaidsPetfonsmaybeadvenfed. Q: M: p:6.cap.57.. Prices fet on wild 1 andtamcFoul, andthaithc Buyer, orSellet. that bre.iks the fame, diieallhisgitdcsasefthcat. artdhisPcifon tobcin will : And 111 this AftthcblackOockisbutd'MpwiiM. and the tame Henis»^/M//j, Q M.p. ^’TifatKafonablepricesbefeton Craftf-mens wotk.andall Viftuals, to Butgh, andLandwart, bytheMagiftrats, andShenfts./W.cip.u. . Tim no Merchant, Home-btioger. orPomoiictorWinc, and Timber, be a feiterofPriceson the fame, during hisoffice , burthat nvoSarrons, or Landed- men be named at the head Court , tn each Shite, and other mo bv the King , andhisConncJl, all dwelling within Burgh, or Scxmilesthereor. aiiJwhhthcmfouttobcchofcnbytUc Burgh, and that thefe eight oc the only 34 xAn AkUgement of the be chofcn from Pikers of Wine. andTimber. ferrharyear, and fb forth - vear. to year, and if the tour to be named by the Shue , and the King, be either not named, oi doc notconcuric when required on foutiie eight houis, that then the other four may by thcmfcli'sfet the faids pricey Jam. 6. par. 1 1. cap si- I'liccsofBils, and Letters, to be taken by the Cletks of the Signet. Jam. j. ^^Pjkes of Writs, and Seals, to be taken by Writters, Cletks, and Keepers, liift appointed by the LoidsofScfllon , and then ordained by the Council in the veat and now Ratified, and Commanded to bcoblcrvcdintimecoming, and that Writters, and Clerks, writon thebackofall W’rits given om bv them, llie juft price they receive, andfubferibe the lame , under pain of Deprivation, ^ Thcr/isalfoa^atthcr regulation of the faid piices, and fees, Car.s. par. 2. PRINCE. A ttntl.I , »nd .mill, R.tiBt.iion m faraurs of a»l„ , Frince . >»/ S''"/"* of tori.. J. excepting Ihetefta the AdignMion to the Cjltle of t4un. untU foinc Otlier provifion be made miteu thereof. Jam. tf- par- 23- cap. 4. PRINCIPALITY. The frecTcnnentsoftheptincipality, givefute, andprefence.inPirliaments, and Jufticc Airs, when there is no Prince. Jam.4 par.2. cap. 16. Sec it m ParliAmtor. PRINTER. That no Printer print any thing without Licence, under the pain of Confiftad- •n, andSanifliment, Q- Al.p. J.cip. 27. P R I O R I E. ThatallFewcrs. otVafTals of Priors, c*Prioicflcs, orFtiers, orNunsplaccS, after the decay ofthcitfaid Superiors, holdofthe King, as they held of them, Jam.d.p. 2-cap.3*- PRIiyON-HOUSE. That fufficient Prifon-houfesbe built within three years in all Burghs by the Ma- eiftrats and Council thereof on then Common gude , or otherwife on the CharccUf the Burgh, for keeping their own, andallochcr Pnfoners thatfliaU be piefentcd to them, but the Pnfoners to be keept on theit own expence, par. ij.cap.y73 ferHaers are declared lyablc for the Debt as Cautioners , and Pioteftions ate or deted to be recorded, and that the Extraft make Faith, and the fotelald liberty of Sofpending Exccuiiox, is limited to a moncth . and the Party citing any perfo* thatneedsaProteftlon, muft firftmakcFaith that lie is a material Witnefs^ and alfo the Proteftionmuft bear the caufc: And Proteflions granted contrary to this Law. donotonlyhindcrpcifonalcxccution, butitanyMaeiftrat, or Meftenect do therefore refufe to concutt.hc is dcclarcd.Iyablc for the debt : As alfo, thely' onjiDCalcheicfufctodcpofcihcMcflcngcr, xetufing to concurr, asi^id is. Car. 2. par. 3. cap. 9. PURPRISION. NoVaflalunderthcPaionhathpowctto hold Courts, orcognofee on FiirpiiQ, on, la. 3.p. to- c. 80. Who labours, Inclofcs, orapptopriatsany partof his Majeftics common Muirs or Commont ics , commits Purptifion, and Biould be punlfbed according to the old Law and Confiietude, la. 6. p- 16- c. j. Q a TheovSVof the conditioD of P.ffon.houre, recommended to .he Joliicer ehoofer a ^meil for the„ of he. efl.i.s, which nominaion „ • Peace in thcii inftiuaion , Car. 2. p. 1. ScB. i. cap. j8. Jee it in jH/tices UARTERING, AllfrccQuartetingofSouldierSjTtanficntotLocal. difeharged, Cat- a.p-3-c-3. Q^U E E N. ThacthePrcIatsandBaronsmakethelike Oath toilie Queen ( TIic Oath is not fpecified, but it feems to be the like Oath that they make to the King) la. i.p. g, **AU the Lords of Parliament, both Ecclefiafticks and Seculars, and theCom- miffionersofBurghs, piomife Lettetsof fidelity to the Queen, lam. i. par. 12. *^ThV^tdofthe Kings Rents of Aflife, that is of Lands and Cuftoms, Ihould be affigned to the Queen for her Dowry and Terccallincrly, and no fanher, ]a. ^’^nfitmaiion of Queen w-^BBe’jContraftofMarrlage, whereby the Eaiidome oiFtfe, LoidaipofLin/irAMw. andthiidof the property of the Crown were appomtedtohetm Joyntureduringherlife, befide her Morning Gift from the King of the Abbacy of Dumftrmltnt. And the Queen with advice of die Kin^ of Peace in their inliiuftion */ VtMt. PROBATION. An exception being admitted to probadon, the Lords fiionld declare how much ofitistobe ptovcnby Writ, and the Wtitfhould be produced /Bfrmin* . otdili- eence for it.Wrwifc that the term be circnmduccd : and if the Wnt be f reduc¬ ed. the other party may obieaagainft It. Q.M.p.7.c.d3. See Pre/cnpri.n, as to the fevcral manners of piotidon by WimcOcs, Writ, orOatli. PROCESS. TheFormofFrocePsin spiritual Courts, towit, thatafier pereraptoiyCitatioa of the Clergy-man. ihewingthecaule, and under the pain of Excommunication.' Litircontelfationbcraadc: and if the thing be confefled, that the Defender be charged topaywithinfifteendayes, under the laid pain, butif denied, that aday be alhencd to the Putfuer to produce all his proofs netemptorly , and that this day bcine'come. another day be alligncd to the Defender to produce all his excepti¬ ons pcicmptoily . and then a day alDgned for fentence , fo as Procefs be ended within fouriydayes: Andthattneluagenotobfervingthe fame, be coaderaned by his Ordinary » fatisfic the Complainer, la. t . p. 6. c. 87. That for facility of Procefs, thclamebcgivcn to the Putfuer on his cxpcnces, paying four pennies for each Aft thereof ailanetly, la. 4, p. 6.c. 67. ThatnoProceftbegrintcdbeforelnfctiotludges on the fitft Summonds, but upon Libelled Precepts, and citation of fiftcendayes, conform to the Aft of Par¬ liament, la. 6.p. 23.c- IP- . . , AftforrcgulationofFtocefsbcforetheLordsof Scllion, Car.2.pai.2. SclLs. cap. 16. PRODUCTION of WRITS. That all petfons may be charged in general or fpccial. under the pain of Rebel¬ lion, toproducebeforeComminioQcistobcappointcdby hisMajefty, all Rcn- talsofwhatfpevcrBcneficcs, orHofpitals, or things pertaining thereto, with all infeftments. Tacks, orotherRightsraade tothcraofany Kirlc Lands, Tcrojie Lands, tcinds, or other Kirk Rents, thattheymaybe uifpcfted, and to deliver authcotick Copies thereof, la. 6. p. 1 2. c. 1 3 1 . That all Fewets of the Temporality produce their Infeftments and Titles betwixt andthefitdof7.yw*4ry, ijpS. under the pain of nullity, p. i j. c. 24J. PROFANENES S. aiA„k„, 13- Ratification of Queen ^nne*o Infieftmcnt of the Lordlhip of Dumfermlint to hetand the Aitsofherbodybetwixther and the King, whichfailziclng, to King Jamts his Airs and Succeflbrs fuccceding to the Crown of Scotland : As alib, of aU deeds made and granted, or to be made and granted by her, with advice of her Husband and Council. ofthefaidLordfliip, oranypitt theieof. in manner fet downin the Aft, la.6. p. 21.C. 10. , , pjtificatiQn ofa Supplement offourraade by Queen .Anne of her Council, £n place of fo many of the former nomination dcceafed, andconfoim to. and in the Ktros of the faio Aft, Ia:6: p: 22,- c: ii. ittDHmfcrmhne. quots of testaments. That no Quots of Teftamentsconfirmed fincctheCxteenofA/avemt/r, 1541. or to be confirmed in time coroing.bc exafted.Car. a. p. i . Sell i.c. 28. But tliis Aft repelled infavouisofBilliops, ibtd. Sefl: zic. i. Thatthet^iotbeonlypayedforthefrceGeirinTeftanJcnts, and that for in- ftrufting the Debts, Creditors may be called, and alfotheit, and the Executors Oath taken, asto the reality of the Debt. Tbat£.xccutoisCieditotspay noQuot, in fo far as efTeiis to their Debt : And ficlike of Relifts confirming for their piovill- ODs. in fo far as extends to five years purchafe of the Liferents confiimcd for . that poor people not worth /vnr/ypaMnd/. their Confirmations be free of Qiiot.and foe fees of Court that they pay only t-we pounds f;gArv. 2. c. ij. And ^'‘o In hcd.Comfoir, Counfil, or Maintenance, fuch as lhall be jufttfi- ed for the laiO Cumcs.tra theCiitnc be notour, or the ttcfpaflout coravift, that he be punilhedasthe principal. e.14. This Aft in the old Copy is a pair of thefet- niet: And itisevidcnt that thcTitlc prefixed to it in Copy, x-it. of thtm Vjho ftckirtvtw fortT^ng-oHr, jujli/lod, isfonaignand improper, and hath been prefixed by a miHakc. Tliat Sheii^.BailliM, and others, doall diligence to appiehend all Rebels at the Horn lorCtimcs Capital, andthatnomanwiiiinglyterct, maintain, fupply, defend, otdothcnifavour, undetthc pain of death, and efeheat of Moveables, la. 5. p: 7 C.S7. Pctronsdcnounced Rebels fhouldbe repelled akattnia, la fi.p f c tj All Afts againft die tefet of Traitors and Rebells Ratified, and that none’fiipply or Intcrcommunc with them, or give themany relief , or comioit, but that all do their uttermoft to apprehend oiexpell ihem, under the pains due to the Rebells, la.d.p. 1 1- c. 144., fraudful Difpolitions, orfimulat Gifts of Efeheat exclude not ilicThefautet from inttomeiting witli the Efcheais of Rebells forodious Crimes, the Goods be¬ ing Hill in the polTcnion of the Rebel, his Wife, Bairns, ot Fricnds.on the Ground, or m the Houle pofleffed by him before he was Rebel, or In the Houfe where he batlifincc been tefet ; and the Tiiefauter fhould caufe detain and keep their Houf- cs on the rcadieft of the Efeheat Goods, Ibid. c. 1 4 j . Sec Efeheat and Tttafan. R E D-F I S H. ScQ Salmond. REDEMPTION, lyee Reverjion. Decreets ofRedemption upon kwlul premunition and citation of the lawfull Coniiadiftor, and whowasalfoSummonedfor FroduQion and Impiobaiion of all Writs thatmightptejudge the Revetfion, and produced none, but for obedi- giftnt, Cit. 2 p- i.SefT. encchathrenoimcedthcLandsandoiheisin the Decreet, cannotbe again quar- Aft appointing how iheRcgiftcts of Hornings, Inhibiiions, Inierdiftions.Sei. r . . ordiiningthemto be given no. And madr b® h‘ Regifters Office, and is to be madeb/htm, andlusDeputcs. *uhin foutty eight hounaftet the recept of the Knl ri the Clerk of his Place, and Office of year. andleafofthcRegiUfation. andtakconly fix /b>Umaf Lht p,nmet as the price of ilk leaf, and the faids Regiftets to be maikcd by the Clctk Rcg.Hcr, or his Deputes, with a note ot t he number of leaves, and that when filled up . they beteiuincdtotheCleikRegiftcrto be patent, and Exttafts thereof given , la I p.:a:c:i6. .Anna 1617. ® . ThatIntttumenisofRcfignation, <»< under the pretence of Religious cxer- cifcsaredifchargcd.Car. 2.p. i. ScIC a.cap. 4. Ratification of all Afts tor letling andlecuiing the Liberty of the true Kirk, and Proreftant Religion prcfentiyprotelJcd within this Realm, all Afts agaiuftPopc- ry. Car. 2.p. j. cap. t. . « j Art requiring all Judges. andOificiars, to put the Laws againlt Popery, and Papifts, and againft Fanatical Separacitts, andall Fanatick dilotdets, iofull,and vigorous Execution , and that every Miniftei give up yearly in OefHer , Lifts of all fuch in their P.nroch, to tne difliops , and that the Biffiops tranfmit a double thereof for Execution to the Judges Ordinary , whoatccogivc an accomptof their dili¬ gence to the Council yearly in December, and another double thereof to the Clerks of Council, whereupon the faid Diligence may be Examined > and Controlled, Car. z. p. 3- cap. 6. REMISSION, and RESPITE. Where Remiflions, are given with condition to afsyth the Patty. yetthe cafe of Hi<^hIaDd men is excepted , and Alodification of mends appointed to be made in theit cafe, asinihe Aft, lim. i. p. 2. cap. 46. He who takes him to his Remiftion tot Theift , or Reift, Ibould find fickec Burrows, to content the Patty within fourty dayes, lam. 2. par. 14. c.74. That no Relpits be granted, andchat they are more agaiiaftlulUce then plain Remiflions, lam. 3. p- 13. cap. 94. That Remiftions expieem, and declare the gieatell Crime, otherwiie Ihall DOtfavefioma gieatei Crime, then the fpecialCnme expiellcd. lam.4. par.6. cap. 62. That no Remiftion be given for (laughter, on fore-thought feIlonie,ic this ftatui tDenduietilllpeciallyrevockedbyhisMajc(ty,/ii(d.c.63. Whutikcs him to the KingsRemiftion, orRerpice, for an)i aftion , excepcOaughter, and mutilation, and finds Soveicy toaftiththc Party , the Soreiticsmay be called before the Lords or Scillon , and cheaftion isPiiviledged asin recentSpuileiesasfoiflaughcer, and tnutilaiion , that the oidci of the tormer Aft bekeepe, lani, j.p. 3- cap. 7. What Aft is meantbyihis former Aft is not expiefs, itmay be the tormer Aft forbid¬ ding Remiftions. General ReniiftlonofTrearon granted be King the Fifth, hm.;- par.d. cap. 92. ThoKingattliedefue of the States, clofos his hands from the granting of Re- millions, orRefpits, foittuee years; ThactheRemiftionsbear the Farcy to be aftithed, andif the contrary be tound. theRemilllonto be null, lam-d. par. S. cap. I3d Tlie Kii^ at the lequeift of the Eftates, ptomifes to clofe his hands from grant¬ ing any relpitc, oiremifllon. for any odious Crime ihall be committed lor five years thereafter, except upon a fufficient Lettet of Slayns ihewn : And if any Re¬ million Ihall be otliciwifc granted, iris declared null, and the Aft provides tot AftithmentSas to Crimes palt, lam.6 p.ia.c.ijy. .../Suns 1592. RauHed, fpecially as to the Letter ot Slayns, aiidtliacno Refpite. orRcmifli- onbeadmiiced, except compounded , and lubfetibedby chcTliefauici, at leaft padinhisRcgifter, la. 6. p. 1 3. cap 169. ThatnoRemilllon. oiRclpice. be granted to any Rcrfon, at the horn, for Theift, ReifT, Slaughter, Burning, ocHeitfuip while the I'ariy skaichedbe fa- tiified, otherwifethatthefame beimll, unlcfs itbc granted for pacifying the broken Countries, and borders, /^iit'.c. 174. That if his Majefty grant his l ardon ioi any of the Crimes contained in this Aft the Patty fhall be reltored to all intents, as if he had never been perfewed. Car. 2. p. I. Self. 2. cap.2. The Aft contains Crimes of Treafon, and Sedi¬ tion. Set Indemniij , Oblivion, andpcnal Staiuiei, Au \^Abridgement of the RENTALS. aURcntalsofiheKingsptopertynotbelngfewedtomen, and their Ait+ ily theefteftof naked Life- rents, la. e. p. 1 i.cap. 6i. ^ REPLEGIATION. That all R have only REMOVING, St&IV 'lirning. Where Replegiation is lawfully made , the Procefsled in the contrary is of none avail. lam. 6. p. I I.cap. 19. Stt'Kiiflitj. RESCiSSORIE ACTS. Aft refeinding the Committees , and Parliaments, that fat after the Patliamem 1648. and all theit Afts . excepting fuch aswercp.ifl in meetingsof PaiHament’ Cr Committee , authorized by his Mayefticsprerence, and not Inconfiftcnc with this Aft, and aI(o Indemnifying all ihofc chat Aftedmall the faids Committees end Parliaments, or be vertue thereof, except as robe thereafter excepicd in this Parliament, Car. 2; p. 1. SefT. i.cap. 9. AftrcfcindingihcEatiismcntsi($4o. 41,44, 4?, 46, 47 , and rfi+S, andallthcir Afts, butlndcmnifyingthorcthatAftcdin or by vctmcthcreof, ''except as to be excepTciiinthisParliamcnt) and alfo dechuing , .all Afts, Rights, and Seciui- tics, part in thefe meetings , orbe vertue thcfcol. in favoursof any pariiciiUr Per- ibn, for their Civil, and I'tivat interefts, toftandgude, uutillconfidcred, and determined in thisPatUamciic. iW.cap. 1 R ESIGNATION. FrociiratoticsbfReiignnion4ilr4»j having courlc for the time, of the fame weight, value , and &ae(s, /i;i^.cap,37> revocation, Sec Kyimiexation , and ‘Dijfoiution. Revocation of all AlicnationsofLands, and Gudes, thafwercin King Jamtt (heFiifihisPofteftion, the time ofhis deccafe. made without confenc of the three ElVaccs , and chat an loventai be made of the Kings Gudes , and none ofhis Lands Annaileied, without confentof ihethiee Eftates. imclll he be ofthe age of Twentieane years complete, otherwUe (he (aid Alienation to be null . Jam. z. par. I - cap. z. Revocation by King James the Third, of Alienations prejudicial to hit Airs and Crown. Convetfionsof Waitd-holdingsunloBlanch, making of Tailzies, as be¬ ing againft Confcience, or gifts of keeping of Cafttes luiigei then during will, la. 3.p. 9.C. 71 . Revocation by KingJtfWf/thc Fourth, of all deeds done by King James the Thud, afterrliefecondofFvl'fKdrj, 1488- As granted for the aftilfaoce of the perverfe Council . thatwereagainftthc common good of the T^caJm, and caufe ofhis Daughter, la.^p. i.c. 5. And that the receivers of tlieie Gifts and Deeds bring in tlic fame withm fourty dayes, to be dcHroycd, Ja. 4. p. 2. c. 22, ‘Kpvocation of all Gifts and Deeas granted by King James the Fourth, fince his Coronation. la. 4. p. 2. c. 1 o. 7(cvocaiion of all Gilts given by Kingjupiv/ the Third, after (he (ccond of Sep¬ tember, 1 487. As alfo of all '^fignations received by him, and Infefitncnts there¬ on, after the faid day, in prejudice of the righteous Airs, as being granted by the King, mlDcd by ill Counlcl. and the fame arc declared to be void and null. la. 4. p. 4.C. 50. '^vocation by King James the Fourth at his pcjfeft age, aftci tlie priviledge of common Law, whereby upon the ground of Lefion and hia Cmunaiion Oath, he revokes, i. All Alienations made Dyhimfelf, oihisPiedeccfiois, of Lands, and oiheis annexed to the Crown, or to the Principality. 2. All Gifts and Grants made in his non-age, as alfo gifts of Offices for Terms, and Tacks of long Terms. 3. All Tailzies from Airs General to Airs M.ile. 4. AlIFoncIfions periainingto him or his Ptedecefiors. 5. All change of Huldings,fiom Waitd to Blanch. 6. All T^galitics and Offices given in Heiecage againft (lie Afts of Pailiaincnr. 7. All ^trsofBaftaidiics, ocothei Cafualitiesgivcnby him inhisMinoiity. 8. AllE- leftions and Unions of Lands in baronies, and difeharges of Services and Suits. 9. All Creations of Baronies in Lands annexed. 10. All Gifts or I'atronagc.s. II. All things that the common Law allows to be rcvockcd. Andlaftly, All (hingsdoneinliuicofhisConfciencc or Crown, ptotcftingtiiathis A/ajefties tol- leiance ihall nut prejudge his right. As alio, he revocks all Confirmations where Lands, onhe gieateftpatiof them weicannailzicd ot before, and the lame not known to his Majelty, excepting from this Revocation the Lands given rothe Earl of Eorhwel, tni SitJohnUeji, la. 4. p. 4. C. 5 t. ‘i^evocation by King74nj. General Revocation by King Charlutht Second, Car. 2. p. r- Sell. 1. c. 1. RIDING. See Somers. That no man ride or gang with moc men nor may fiiffice, and for whom he will make payment, la. i . p. i , c. $ • RISING in ARMS. See Rebellioii. Thatnomantaifeany Bands in Arms fpr Wages, without liccoceofthcQueerl, onderiliepainof death, bothto theRaifers. andRifets, Q. M.p.9.c. 7S- This Aft, with dime Extenfions , applved to Burghs, ll/id. cap. 83. See m SHr^hi. ROBBERY, or REIF, See Sfuilzie. ThatnomanreiveanothcrsGoodsotPrifonerinEnihyJEiid, or in Setts, un¬ der the pain of Death, la. z.p. i2.c. 53- ROBIN HOOT>. See T/ayes. ROME. See Benefices, and Clergy-man. All Caufes depending at Rowe, otbefote itsCouns, or Dclegats, Ihould be tiyed and decided before the Judge Ordinary within the Kingdom, and Appella- tionsmade to Rowe fliould be determined by the Lords of Seffioni And this AW to have effeft from 15 Co- d.c. 117. RUICK.S. ThitS.mck!benoiruaiitdiobigmTrtts, indwliceitbe l.imtd, ihil ihcj bie and the Birds flown, and the Nefts found at Btlean, that the Trees be fore- famtcdtocheKing, with^ve/Zai/hn^i unlaw, la. t.p. i,c. 15. ABs of T arliament , &c. 37 SACRAMENT. See Baftijin Com- lm, aswcUby InhabiunisasFremmed lerlbns, Ja.r.p.j.c 76. That no Salmondbefold or bartered with any man that hath it out of the Realm, except for £ngh/Ii Money fonhc one lialf, and Ca/coigBie Wine, oigoodpcony- woiihsforthe'oclier, la. i Thatwho flayesSalmondinl'oibidden time, pay for the fitll fault /ouny/liL Ungs, for theiecond foKrpiundi, and for the third lhall tine his Office tor evetj and this extended to Aitand latr, 1.1 2.9 j.c.s. Thatno man (lay Red-Filh in forbidden time, under the pain of and lharfor thcthiidci'me hebuy hislife,Ja.2. p. 14. c. 85. And Ja. 4. p. 2.c ij. Aud ihatfoTchethitdtimecheCcmmiiiertinehislife,la.4.p.6.c-73- Thar the Afts made upon them that (ItyesRed-Fifli, Sniolrs, and Salmon^ . ui time forbidden, be put to (harp execution, ja. 5.p.4.c. 16. That no man in Smoh rime Tetany Enginetoliinderthcm to go lotheSc-'-i."" r the pain of tin founds, Ja. 2,9.14.0. 80. And for the third fault tinfell 01 ' , and that the Sheriff deliroy all Tuch Engines. Ja. 3.9. 5. c.3 8.Ja.4.p. z.c. 1 5- The Aftsanentthe (laughter of Black- Fifli and Smolts Ratified, and thatCiJiu , be held yearly, atPnd whue FiOi Bind, Nine CiUoDS of die Sirmlag tint, ind be maktd b; the Co. f er, un- dci the pirns inthefojmerLiws. Ii:6-- p:4:c: 57- e .ft. mb. Thit iheie be 1 ioa Slindiid mide foi Silmood, eonfoim to ehe 0 d Attl, tone keptit,,etted„,n,ke, tots f« planting of Schoores, and chfe BifliopOf the Dioceficisimpowetcd with cemfent otthc Hcic tots andmoftpan’ofihcParochiners, onfthcHerctorstcfufe, with confentof moftoartoftheParocbiDcts . to lay a ftent on every plough > for mamtcnancc of thefafds School'cs , and Letters are ordained to be dircftat the School-maftets in- ■ftance, &CC. Andiftherebc any complaint, the Lords of Council areto heat, ""Thatnonebe admitted toteaclF any publick School, without Licence of the Ordinary, Car. 2. p. i . ^elT 2. cap. 4- SCOTIA NOFiA, or NOVA SCO¬ TIA. Ratification of the Charters, andlnfeftmenls, granted totheVifeount of Jtrr- /,nf, his Airs, and Alligncycs, and ot the River , and Gulf of , and Bounds and Priviledges therein contained , fpecially thefe Chaners following, one oftliedatcthetenthof5rpr*m6fr,i62i. Another the twelfth of 7«/y, 1623. An- othetthethitdof A%, 1627. Another the fccond of Tibruarj, ifiaS. with an Signatour dated the 24- 3. Asalfo of the Aft of Convention Che lesth of Jw/y, 1630. Approving, and confirming, the dignity , anil order ot Knights Baaonet , and all following thereon, Car. i . p. J • cap. 28. SEAL, and SEALING, See Subferipion. That the Great, and Privy Seals, be appended to Chatters, and other Writs written Book wayes , as well as Biood-wayes, and that upon an Tyc. or Band, going through all the Leaves in the Maigine, Car. 2. par. 2. Sell. cap. 7- S E A S I N G. Thit all StiGngs upon pteetpis forth of tht ChatlctUaiy, b t giacn by the ShetilT Clerk, andothtrsealings by tailtous Notars, lam. !.p.«. cap. 77. But this Aft dirpenfed tviih foibygoites, in tejcaofthetioubles, and tattlied So, theieafter, vdtUhisaddition, ihattheShetti-. Stewart. ot Satllieof Regality , or Royalty ottheii Deputes, be requited to give the ftids SeaCngs. Which if theyte- fufe. the Party may make another BailUc, Q: M: par. 6. cap. 34- Buticisagaindifpenfed with for bygones, and until the foil of March, Q..- M:p.9.c. 80. And boththefeAfts ate thereafterreftrifted to precepts on re- lours, andSeafingstheieupon,la: 6: p: iS.cap. is. That all Seafings not given on precepts forth of the Chanccllatic , be within year and day prelencedtotheShetitfCletk, and the lame or abiieviat thereof infercin his Books, for which the Clerk fliould get two/liUingt^ and that the Cletk bring yearly to the Exchequer, the Books of me laids Sealings, and leave a double there¬ of, fignedbyhitn, with the double of this Protocol, toremain in the Regiftcr, Q: M: p. 6. cap. 46. Renewed lam. 6- p. ii.cap. 64. That no Sealmg be given within Buign, but by one of the Baiilics , and the fora- moun Clerk , otherwilc to be null. lam. S.p. t . c^. 27. OneKotar, with afutticient number or honelt wicnettes, fufHcicnt inlnttru- ment of Sailing, la. <: p: 5: cap. 4. See Witneffes. That Inftrumentsof Sailing be Rcgifttat within fcxiic dayes, lam. 6. p. 22. c. i«, Seeicin ‘^egijhatien. SEPARATION. Thatfuchasordinarly abfcntthcmrelvsfrom their Paroch Kirks on the Lords day, incuirethepainsfollowing, cachKoble-man, Gentleman, andHcieror, thelofsof a fourth of each years rent, in which they fliall beconvifted ; and each Yco-manorTcnnent, the lofsoffuch a pait of their Moveables, as the Lords of Councillhallmodifie, not exceeding a lourth . and every Burgefi! his Liberty, and the fourth of his Moveables: And the Council istoexecutthis Aft .againtt all, whoafter Admonition ofthe Miniftcr, beforeewo fufificient witnefles, and by himfoatiefted, lhallhc given up tothem , with power tochom to inflift fatthcr corpora! pains, as they Ihall judge neccllary) and to doe every other thing for procuring obedienceiothisAft, and for the executing thereof. Car. 2. p.i.SelT. 3. cap. 2. This Aft contains alfo a Ratification ofthe fitft, third , and fourth Afts of the fccond SclTion of this Parliament. That all his Majefties fubjefts of the reformed Religion , attend the WoMhip in their own Churches, and that who lhallwith draw for three Lords day together, withoutjuftcxcuft, be fined as in the Aft. Wliich Aft the Sheriffs, Stewarts, Lords ofT^egslity , and Magifttstsof Burgh , are to exccut . and are allowed to have formcmlelvsallthc fines, except thefe of Hcietots, for which they arc to be eomptabictothe Thefaury : And if an Hetetor, Life-renter , or Wodfettev, fined, thereafter obftinatly with draw for a year, tlie Council upon the Inferior Judge his Delation , may put them to fignea band not to rife in Arms, fiec. Wliich ifthcy lefufe , thcyaictobcfeciircd by Banillimenr . or otherwilc they amit to ihe King then fimple, andLife-rentercheat, and this Aft is appointed toconii- puc for three years , unlefs his Majetty continue it longer , and that it be without prejudice of the Churchs Cenfuies. Car. 2. par. 2. Seffa cap. 7. This Aft continued for thrccyearsafcer the expiration of the fitft three years, and longer as his Majetty Ihall be plcafcd to appoint: And that Magittratsof Burghs exccut the fame upon their Butgefles; And that they and the other Judges named in the former Aft , be Diligent . and givc-iccompt oftheii Diligence year¬ ly . the fitft Thurfdayof^x/^. to the Privy Council . uiuleichepaia of KiKelwn- artnmtrki. Cat. z. p.z. Seff s.cap. 17, SESSION. ThcChancellourand certain Perfons ofthe three Eftates. lobe King, appointed forthe Sefiion , and toficthree times in the year, Ihall plcale, for all Caufes . pioper for the King, and hisCounci cap.£3. The Lords of Sclfion appointed at this time, by Commillion of rarlii- ment, given toagude Number of the three Eftates, arc impoivcred to know onall Civil aftions, not conccinitigfes . otKerctage, and ordained to Caule the Patty in the wrong , pay to the other his e.xpcnce . hm. s. pjr cap. SI. ■ **• Aft feting down the manner of bringing Gaufes before the faids Lords and thatthc othcrcaufestheitmcntioncd , be utterly decided by them, without rc- mced of Appellation to King, or r.irliamcnt, cap. 62. ThattholcLordsbcartheirownCoft. their Charge not being great, and that the better to help, they have the Kings unlaw of their Court, which is FoHTtie /billing/ , to be devided betwixt them , and the Clerk Regiftcr it/rf cap. S3. * ThatinplaceoftheLoidsofScfflon , the Kingchoofea Council to fit conti- nuallyin Edinburgh, or where the Kingpleafes todecide in all Civil Maters Jam. 4. p.s. cap. 58. The Infliiution ofthe Collcdgcofjuflicc, commonly called the Seflion, for doing Juttice in all Civil Maters, and that it confift of fouttcen. half Spiritual half Temporal, with a Piefidcnt , and they arc authorized, todecide upon alj Aftions, Civil , andnone oclieis to have vote with them, lam. 3. par. 3. cap }S Thatthcy begin lofxtuEdinburgh, and at what times, Ibid. cap. j?. TiTacthey be fworn to Minifter Juttice equally , Ibid: cap. 38. That their Dcciccts have the fame force, thattlic Decreets of the Lordsof Sclfion had before , /i/d. cap.3p. Providing the Lord Chancellor being ptclcnt, have a vote, and be principal, and tliat ailb three , or four more of the Kings great Council to be named by him ' ha7evotewiththem>/iii'd.cap.4o. ’ Thatthc fifteen Lords, then nominat, fubfcilbe all Deliverances, and none others, /l'/d.cap.4i. That the Cliancclloui , orPrefidenf, receive the Oathsof the Lords, and in tlie abfenceof the Prefident, the King is to name a Vice- prefident, /&>//. cap. 42. Command is given to the Lords, to conclude upon Rules , and Statutes, to be kcept in then order of proceeding, which the King promifes to Ratifie, Ibid, cap. 43 ■ Follows the RulesandOidersthenfetdown, and fitft the dlvifion ofthe Re¬ alm in Quarters, /i/d.cap.44. Friviledged Summonds. Recent Spuilzies, cal¬ ling of Letters, redeeming of Lands, Aftsof Adioutnal, Superiors toheatthem decerned to tine their Superiorities, Rcduftionorinordinat I'tocefs before She¬ riffs, and Baiilics, aqd retreating, and transferring of Decreets, and that Let¬ ters that concern Horning haveProcelsatall times,7l"d.cap.43. That all oihei Maters be called by the order ofthe Table, alldayes ofthe week, except Fiyday affigncdfortheKing, Queen, and Strangers Maters, /t/d.cap 43. That A^ be called at the dayes alfigncd , for expedition of witneffes , ana efeheWing of e.x- pences, /li/d. cap. 4S. Thatit bceeked to all deliverances to Sheriffs, that they admitFaicicstotheirdefences. and Miniftcr Jufticccqoally, Ibid or¬ der for Table and Seats , Ibid. cap. 48. That the Lords eqtei the Houfe at eight hours dayly, and lit until ellcven. Ibid. cap. 49. That after the cntric of the Lords, the Houfe be ilched, and that an Maifer ftand at the Door, cap. 30. Thatnomanenterinpley, except the Patties contained in the Summonds, and their Piocuiatours.if they any have, c. 31 . That Bilsbc firft read, then Afts called, and then iheTableproceedeu in , and that allPaiciesdelivertlieit £ils. and Afts, totheCh.inccllout , or Prefident, before they enter, or incontinent thereafter, byaMailTcr.cap. 32. Tliat three Lordsbcdcputwcckly . as they arc placed in Older, to cxamincwitncflcs: And thatthcy conveendaylyattwo afternoon, in the Houfe, wiihaCIerk, oranoflilsWriticrs, fworn bytbc Lords forthateffeft, cap. 33. That all Matters be called by the order of the Table, as is above Stalut. c.ip.34. That the Lords being let, Silence be keept, and that none Ipeajc, or round with liis marrow , and that noocher interrupt the fivo , that Ihall be com¬ manded by theChancellour,otFfcfidcnc, to argunne any Matter, but'when they h.ivcdone, others ma. fpeak upon leave asked, cap. 33. That the debate being ended, the Chancellor, oc Prefident, requirethe votes of the Lords in order, and thatthc Clerk read their names,3nd that none argunne another in voting, c. 36. That in advifing , or giving Sentences , ^Iicic be ten at Icaft with the Prefident , 01 Chancellor, (but the Aft, lam. 6. par. r i . cap. 44. Infinuats nine ordinary Lords toheitjiterum.) Thatthc Lords ablciit not . but upon Licence ofthe Chancellor, given, in fT*fenti,t, That all Publkaiionof witnefles, and othcrEx.unlnati- onofFrocefs, hcnuddupriifentiif, c.ip. 37. That the Lords Dcctcetsbe Exo- cur by Sheriffs , Purfevants, orMaillers, forthe fie appointed by Aftof ParlW' mcnt,(Sc£itinF'e, Jam. 4. p. 3. cap. 30.) cap. 38. That all Clciksofthe Signer be fworn 10 be faithful , and not reveal what they writ, or doc for their Imployen cap. 3P. That the Clerks ofthe Signet take only eitht ptnme/ for writing a Bit. andtiyMf»#p«nn»>afotLccter$onanDccrcet, and mr other Letters as loimcrl’. under the pain of tinlel of Office, cap- So. That Writers mark their Bils with thiir names, tnarnonefruftratanother of tlicit Labours, and that all Dclivcrancesic written by Clcrksofthc Sclfion, cap.Si. That Maiflers be Iwotnto befaithiil, and that they be fccret , and take no more for their Labours then ivjo /J/iliiiigi,)a- der the pain ol Deprivation , and infamy, cap.Sz. ands3. That there be ten Advocats appointed to be genctal Procurators of the Coutci!. andtIiatthcY fcive all men for their wages, and that they be Iwoin tobe faiilfuU cap. S4, aiidS3. That Advocats remove with the Panics , and enter again with thcm,3rt!ic gving of Incer-loquutors, cap.SS. That an Dilator, being repelled, allthcorhcrDila- tors be proponed at once, and that no Advocat, except the Kings Advocat pley within the Bar, cap. S7. Follows the Kingsgude mind anent theLotds, Wieic- in he ratifiesrhc foregoing Statutes , andpiomifes nottochaige.ordefiiithcni to doc ocliijtwife in any Matter, then as Juflice requires, and to matniaii, and defend their Fetlbns, Lands, and Guues, front all wrong, and bcc.aifc the faids Lords prefents his MajcftiesPerfon , and bears his Autliotiy , theKngpro- inifes to give no Credence to any that Murmurcs diem, bucncfttocal them, andiffound culpable, topuniihthcm, and Ifnoctopunillithe Gomplaiier, with allrigoi, and farther execins them from all Taxes and Burdens, aiidlom bear¬ ing all Offices . except they pleale , with power to them to punilh fitch is lightly them, with Imprifonment , in any of the Kings Cattles, and if the Injuric be great, thatthc King be advertifed , t.iathe may gar the fame be piinilhcd. and this Ratification the King Signes, and Ordains, to be Rcgiftratthe Tenth of7«n' chofen by the _wlicrctlic King 1, Jam. I. j of jMni the ninetectt ycir of his Reigne cap. et). Kaiificatitm of the College of Juftice, and oi the Popes Approbation, and Con- firmationthereof, wiclipowet to the Lords. tomakeAfts, and Statures, for or¬ dering of Piocers, andhaifticcjtpeditioaof Jufticc.andrhatinthcabfcnccofihc rrehdcnt.andVice-prefidcnt.thecldcftScnatout «n (order picfidc for the time Jam.5p.7'Cap.j»3. Ratification of the Iiiftimtion of the College of Jufticc . and that Letters be di- reuagairtlttheFrelats, forgciingin the Contribunon money due to the Lords of Sellion , Q. M.p. 2. cap. 2. The Lords of Seflion arc declared to be Judges competent, to the RedufH- on of Infetimenis , albeit confirmed in rarliament , pat. i cap- 18 Upon acomplaintby the Lotdsof ScBion.ofPrivy Charges ditea to them, by the, King and his forebear, ftay or remit Procels to the Parliament, or to ftop EKCCUtioR , its declared , and ordained, that the Lords proceed in all Civil Caufes intended before them, and caufe Execuc their Decreets, nonvithflanriing any ptivatwtiting, orcommand, at thcinftanceofany Party inthoconuary. lam fi p. fi. cap. ccepting the Scfl'l^c Ifeeembtr until the fiift of ^ar.„arJ, Cj t. 3. SHERIFF. See Judges. hearingthe KingsHotn, or iheteto warned, rile and follow the Sheiiff in putfuicof Fugitives, the Gentleman under (he pjit. SoUTtj fl, tilings, and tlicYcomiu underthe pain of Jam. i.par, par, 6. Thatthc Sheriff rcceivepetlbnsancfled by tlicCrowncr, and keep them in fir- niance to chc Jufticc Air, upon the Parries own cxpcnccs , or if they have ic not, upon the Kings, ^tthreepennitspeT ixtm, and if the Shetifftailzie, that he be Iv- ablcasifioreh, Ja.j.p 14.C.101- Thatthc Sheriff BtCrowncrfliould thole an Aflifc thclaft day ofthc Juftice Ait, c. 103. See fremufr. The Sheiiffdifchatging unlawful Convocation ofthc Lieges, and difobcyed, ^*y“**^'hcCourttlucday, andcomphinot the difobeyers to ihc King, ibid. Sheriffs, Stewards, and Baillies, and other Officials, Ihould execute all De¬ creets, and their Fees appointed tobc/tu hat thcMifler ot the dhip lhall futnilh to the Merchant, that in cafe ot debate betwixt them, they uiiderly thejutifdiftionof the fiurghwheretotheOhip is Ftaughted; TliatGoodsbcnotlpiltbyiU ftolline, ThatnoGoodsbclhom, ot ftnckeiiiip *• That the Mallei lurcno Goods on his Over-loft, 01 if he do, tlrefe Goods piv no Fraught, not do the Goods beneath O'cat or Lot with them, in cale they be calten.- That cveiy d'hip exceeding five Lall of Goods, pay to the Chaplain of the Nation a ,Vack Fraught, and if within five Lall, tlic halt of it. underthe pam cii five pounds-. And that no Diiiik-filvct be taken by the Mailer and his Doers, under the fame pain: And homcwaid .1 Tun Frauglittothe Kirk Work of ihcTown that drey arc ^^Th^is Afta’iiificd,^ andthatnoGeodsbefuredonthc Over-loft, nor the Mer¬ chants Goods ftrickcu up, notfpaked.nortieven, underthe pam ot luieniipeuna, to tire Kmc, la. 5 p. 14.0. 109. the time prohibit ii . be fent f orth in the time foiclaid in i'liips thalbting n Jilt, or Wine, la. $. p. 4- iVarnoJhipspafsfotthofthcRealmwithounheKingsCocquer, la, 6 p.a c. 40. AecCitijuit. O'hips reckoned amongft Goods moveable. /-c. That all dhipsbe Viftuailed within Free Butghs and 1 oits,ac the fight of chcMa giflrats, andCuftomersthcce, Kidmaikcdbytlrem, audit anymore be louiid. thatitbecoiififcar, p- s.c.67- SHOOTING. An lyiln-idgement of the 40 XhscJpearsbefifecrnsa’hdanhilfinlcneth, la. j: p. n.c.Ji; SHOOTING, See G««^. SPUILZIE. SIGNATURE. That in open artdpublick Rcifls and Spuilzies, the Slieriffciure the Spuilzietsoi j -,fe,Vr,itHrcciT,o,,idbcfiIlcdupwiththehandsofihcThcfaurer.(^l- Refetters make reftituiion, and anefl both them and the Coodstotlic Law, andit TncdateofSiEnatuKSftoildbcni p ^ Secretary, or ihcit theydifobev. Denounce them, and ifthc dherifficlufc, ihatlicbcdemanded by Jeftor, Comptroller. Thclaorct 0 g of the Rccifltaiion, and ficlike .i-e LicutennCnt, as the ipuilzier lliouldhavc been, la. a.p. 5. c.9. principal the Prify Seal, IhouM be mark- ^nd this AA to be fulfilled by the Lordsof Regalities alfo, with aniftancc of the - — mrfa Lord oftheRyall, if ncedbe, ■ d it the Lords of Regality tail, the dltcrifi may fulfill it within the Regalities, . J.c. 10. TheSpuilzie beingproven, .thcrtlieJpuizier compear or not, the Spoil ziedfliouldbcreftored, his -xpcnces payed, and alfo the Kings unUw. la.i.p.s cap. 1 9 'icirumconfigned. in foffielene maintainaitce ai.rweiabie tothe Hate of the f'Xdnes inXimanc T Ii be Simoniacah And the Lords of ScUion ate appomteti Judges in tins maltci. la. d.p. 2I-C. r. SecPdtfjM. SINGING. See CMu(ick. SKIN and BIRN. That Oeef. Mimon and the like be piefcnted to the Metcattvlth Hide.Skin.ind Bin), undcrthcpaiiiofcllhcatthcrcdf, (i: M.- p. p.c. 8j. SLAUGHTER. where e»et Sliughtet tseoramitted in Royalty. Regality, Jf liinhouldpuiroe the niyeiivhllchcbc taken, oiputoutof the, md in this eafeadaetfiretheneasiteiilF. or Lord of Regality, or htsfi.dl.e. uho lhall do n,e likedUigcnce, and To forth, untill thenayetbetalien, or pnl out of d,c Realm . Aod that the llayenvlien taken, be fentbaekto be tiycd “ deedwasdone, and if the deed be found to be fotc-thouglit Fcllony, rbenayet ftilldiefotit. Incafe the htH Jhetilfapptebendthenayec, that he put b™ in lickcl falJnefs, and thcLauto be done ivlthin foutty diyesatthc Ijllhelt , and it itbcredchand, withinthat^un, ]a, r .p. fi.c.90. i, . The lame renewed , and extended to Deracrubration as well as lliughter, la. 4. ^’Afld'incafe ofefcapc, that thcrcfpeai?e^hcriflsdcDOunccthc flayct Fugitive, and fotbid his haiboiuy, refet, orhclp, imdctthepainoflifc and goods, la. i. ^'AndtUefeAfts, la. i. 90, aodjr. Ratified, and that the Sheriffs negli¬ gent be in the Kings will, andrcraovedfotthiecycars, la. 3.p. 5.C.J6. anaia. $ min be Hairt in the Barony, thatthellayei bc arrefted , and the 4*" by the Aaron, if he have power, othcrwjfc he fliall fend him to die ^henfl > b« « hccfcapeunarrcftcd through lloth, otfavour of the Baron, the Baton IhaU pay t-wtmj founds., or he and his Officer impriToacd, and at the King swill, la.i. p. ‘S the Officials in Burgharreft the roan-naycr m like manner, IfthcTS'heriffi orMmiftcroftheRcgahty, MimftcrsnettheLaw, and this may be proven by an Affife. or Witneffing of worthy and true men, three, fom, or inoe thatthenhebe imprifoned foury' dayes, and pay//if.c.95- . Where the cominittci of flaugiiict flees to Girth: See la. j. p. 5.C. 3«. m wirr/#. See alfo ■ , j i. Tlvacifrhcmaii-nayctbcputtothcp.artics horn, he Ihall be teuxeO , or nave Dilators offourty dayes, but upon futhcicni Caution, and if he then failzie to com¬ pear. that he be put tothe Kings Horn, and his Goods cfchcat. la* 3- P;. ‘t-L Thatthcinan-llaycrchargadbythcO’hctiflfperronally, orathis dwelling houle, andatthcMcrcatCrolsof the Head Burgh of the ATiiie where the flaughtcr is committed, upon fix dayestofind Caution, and difobeying be denounced, and his Goods efchcated, and intimation made to thenext sheriff, la.s-p- i4-c.ioO' •I'cc %tlaxfi:ion. SOAP, and ,5’OAP WORKS. Oyl, rot Alhes, and all othciMatcrials for Joap Works, and iSoap making, and all 6’oap made within the Countrey declared free of Cuftomc and txcife. and othcrpublickorprivatdueswhatfoever: Asalfo, all iSoapfo made and exported, to be free for nineteen ve-irs after the fetring up ofthefaids Works, and after the diteofthis Aft, foifuchasaicalrcadyfetup, Car. a.p, i. i’cfl, i.c. 48. SORNERS. That no man ride not gang with moe raennormayfuffiec, and for whom he will imke payment. la. r. p. i.c.5, . Xiiatno Companies pifs in the Countrey, and ly on the Kings Lieges, oiThig, or A’ojoutn Hoile on them, under the pain of Allltliing, the King and Party com¬ plaining. il’id.c.7- „ „ Tliaclnquifitionbcmidc by all ludges againft Corners, Malternu Beggers, Bards, and madcFools, to be punilhedby Iniprifonmcutfolong asthey have of theitown toliveupon. and fra they have not, by nailing their Lugg , cutting on their Eats, and BaniCimcnt, and if they be found again, that they be hanged , la. a.p. 6- c. II. Thatii'ornetsbepuniflicd forthwiihbythelulhces, as Thieves, or Reivers, la. 3. p. 1 1. C.4}- Ratified, la. 3- p. 10. c. 78, That in all luftice Airs Inquiiition be taken of Somers, Datds, and feignicd Fools, la.i. p. 14* c. 79- SPEARS. lummonds of Recent Jpuilzic, ■ 1:4: p: 6s- See it in Summaodi. That for Depredations, Reift's, .id Spuilzies, particular luftice Courts may be fctatthcdifcrctlon of thcLotdsof iSeflion, the macterbcingfirlt civilly decided, Inc^afe^of Thicft and Reiffby broken Borderers, or High-landers, the Pany miv puifue for his skaidis. to be modii.. - ''v his own Oath, citlierbcforc ihe Lords of O'eflion, or the lufticcs, wheie*ii -n Execution lliall pafs againft both the Triuci- pals and their Sovcuics, la;6:p. .;c:93. SecCUm,indHigh.UnUt. STALKER. See ^ilde Beafts. Stalkers' flayers of Deere fhall pay fauny /liillings to the King, and their Hold- etiun^aundh andthisiobepolntofUittay, la; i: p: i: c; 36. STANCK. Thatnonc take Fifhoutof Others 5tanks, under the pain of Dittay andThicft, la.s D 7 c 61 *e it with the Afts following in TWyr. •That Lords and Lairds make Paiks, ^tancks, Cunningaus, Dowcats, and Orch- yaiids, la; 4; p: 7:0:74. 5eeitmPI-inf/ng, andPahry. STEALING. ?:eTbkfi. STEWARD. fudge, and Sherif. STRANGER. Tint iiianners felling Metclunitee (01 money »ithin the Realm, eithelWiii tlieii money o- ;>ennv-t;otihs. oipay thcCunomeof/.i.r/yftm,.«, ferf.rnj.b. ‘'st'tmgms'''Metcl.ants -oming in theRealmt.ithViaual.andothetleiffnlMei- chandiee, Ihould be honouiably and fayoulably t.eated and not uonblcd tvttl, A.reftments. and iftet entty made, the King Ihould be Etft femed, and then the Lords of his Council, according to the puce agieed »ilh the Metchints and .lie reft fold freely, la. 3.p. io.c.73. Ratified and enlarged } and that the King aod hisLoidsbenrftfirrvcdfotgood and thankful piymcnt, la. 3.p. M-c- “4* STUDENTS’, See Vniverjity. STUDES, and STUDE-PLA CESs ThatStudes, andStude-pUccsbefuxniihedwjthMcits, and Stallions, ]amv),' p.4.cap. 19: SUBSCRIPTION. That Writs under Seal , without the Subfcriptlon of the Paw, and Witnelles, or an Notai for the Tarty, if he cannot wilt, make no Faith, lam. j. pat. 7. *^*Tlia7all Writs of Hcrctage, otof importance , be fubferibed , and Sealed by theParty, orif liecannot writ, bytwotaraous Notars, before four famous Wit- nefles , well defigned , and piclent at the time , oihcrwife the faids Writs to make °°B^uSsAftaswSng! hdeclarcdnCT uiiderftoodofWiits bearing Rc- giflration . a confent to the Regiftration being a greater Solemnity , and the due fubfcribing thereof fufficient : And notwithftaiiding of the faid Aft , one Notac withanfifficicntnumbcrofhoneftWimeflw, isdeclarcd to be fufficient m in- ftrumcntsofSciCng, lam.e.p. 9'Cap. 4. -r:,!., ,„ei Noblc-mcn, and Uilhops, only ate allowed to fubfenbe by fheirTitles, and all others Ihould fubferibe by.their Names , and Sui-names, and may if they pleale .djeatheltDeligmuion OF, tire. ,'>''1; "'X' P, I" • ihcd by the Council upon Information of theLyon, andhls Bretiuen, Cat.i. p. I. Scfll 3. cap, zi. SUCCESSION. Sc^TeJiament, Aft aflciting the right of Succeffion to the Crown of ScatU^ , mediatly according to the proximity of blood, and that no dmeicnee of Religion, or Law .made, ortobemade, canaltci, otdiveitthc faid right, not flop, or hinder. dieSucCefforjinthcfull, free, and AftualAdmiiiiftration,accordingto thcLawsoftheKingdom. andthatitishighTteafoa, by Writing, Speakm|.oi any other manner of way, locndcavourthc Alteration, Surpenlion, of the faid right , oi to dcbait the Lawful Succeflot , from the mimcdiat, Aitu^, full, and free Admmiftration of the Government, conform tothe Laws or ttic Kingdom, Car. 2. p. 3. cap. 2. SWEARING. reiticul.rp.insordiinedjgsinftrtofaneSweaiets, t»ith gtadual Augmetuilt- ons, and ending in Banilhment, Qt Ml P*u 5- capi ‘‘“"f"*; "XXi mentation of th? pains, and that .MagiOiats , to Butgli .and Landuait , feorouis in publieltMeteats..ind Fairs , »ith power to e.eaa the liuds pains, Houfe-lioldcrs , delate Oflenders within theu Houfcs.uiidet the pain to be efteem ed as Offendetsthemfelvsjlam. 6.p.7. cap, 103. , _ j thaf Ratification of all Afts made againft Swearing , and C^rfing . who Ihall Blifphemcs Swears or Cutfe , fliall paj, Hie ^ j- f, toH»dj, the Barron, Tiveniicmarbj , the Gentleman , Hcrctoi, f merkj , the Tea-man . Fanny /hillinga the Serrant , anaun , and the Minifter the fifth part of hts Stipend .to be V anent Jufticesof Peace , and theinfolvcnt , to be pumlhcd in tlicu C”' ; par.i. Scfi:i. cap.19. Ratified. Car.2.pai:2. Scfl.3. cap. 21. See u lu }dn„ef,. M’ h A R S U M M O N D S. ThitallSpcatsbcfixclnsinlengthjUnderthcpainofcrcIieatofthe Spears, and The Summontfer may make his *®^**”^® Kimeffts"ofdi- thc maker or homc-bringet to be in the Kings will, Ja.s.p. 6.C.4J, kccpingtlicIcxteirasofSuramonds, aadhc mufthavc ptf the SummonJi, ].m. i. ThcoiacrofSummondlng Petfons, Continuations, and their fines with rhe ciife^^TdeDe^/o.ur' ’ ."'f “^mbersof In^ueS told jppeji Teifon.lly, be- "?l’l ,i Se . 1 ,M,- ; p ? cep « '5;' SS" “°'”'"® ’ not,[a,_ thcPiocefs goeson agatnfthim, asiHic were not fonhof kfi!'ftomiiKt°''S',i'M ”‘^'“‘"'‘''"?P''"- ottfhehesnone, ot hes not ietcaPiociujtor . .utheMcrcai-cioce of the head «urRh of the Shite where he M ' ’“i" h“»' pl«c in CivU A^iions only, but not tgainft WitncHcSjQ.M.p.e.cap.ji, Sec ExtcHt' hare been lie dme /,e“ r ■ ’ "i"'" ‘5‘"' ®“P'‘i°'» ■ ‘“c ''•"■la lire tiitie , except in Clinics of Tieafon, and l,f,-My,J}j , Jam. j. pat. 4. /lets of Parliament, &c. OoSo„e.“f-“ a 1. Sett; '.capt' “ ““ T Tack, and tacksman, Scc Tm- nent. irehl'?,tTk‘'“'’''"?''"“h>hontcrs, theTakets Ihalhcmain therewith unto the .he L°;fo;r.’£V.7Ve'‘’e"^^ o,iit|nn'ng. unlefs ihcy be let lot the very Mad, 01 theteby, tint. c^p. I,! ?n??™,s3feS:'s;e'urr,i;ff,r^^^^^^^ “'"'hc'c. Tallow. par" “3 °?'n ''•'P’'" ■’I'cPcheat ofit. lam. t. pat.i cap.ji AndfattherotalltheOiMicisMoveables, asatfoof the Mnv,-, T A V E R N E. niJJ‘'""nT"e"i3‘"P'' ’ he found inTarernot Alc-houre, after the llraihe of nine, and the Bell tinging, under ilie pain otwaiidme, and ihe Aldein ,,, .,?d p Ch.-nibeil,feinH/,,yl„4.“];™;. 1 taxation. S^&SupJ>ly. Superiorities of Kirk-iands , Kirk-lands. SUPERSEDERE. See or Licences, granted by the King to Petfons at the Horn, lOibidden, auddecIarednuU, and void, lam. 6. pa ii. cap. 46. tSUP ERSTITION , See Vilgrimage , and Religion. SUPPLY ROYAL; Jee i^nnuity. 40000. pounds Sterling, Aft of Convention for a Supply to his Majeftie of rw Hundred Thiufand merkj, fobcraifedm five years, by way of Taxation, Aft of Convention, 4. of ^h- Aft of Convention for a Supply to his Majeftyofa Twelve Moncth'S Cefs, being ^vtntytyjo Thoufandpound, per Menfern , in all Eight Hundred and jlxej four ThauJ^d pounds. Aft of Convention zj.oijanitarjy 16/I7. * “Supply toliisMajefty of Three Hundred and fixiy Then find pounds \ohc raifcd by way ot Aflcftmcnt , actlietemisintheyeaifpecified in the Aft, Car. 2. p. 2. Sell. 2. cap. 3. Aft for a Supply to his Majefty of Eight Hundridy and firij faur Thaufand pounds, to be railed byway of Allcfsmcnt , and payed at four terms , Lambas . 1672. CandleiTses , and Lanibas . 1673. and Caiidlemei , I674. And that no man thieeJatestothe Embaflidour to® hisMariagrT.m.Ti h' >he An Taxation ot Two Hundred Thaufand merh , erantel ro fh^' v- a portioned thus, thclumof^-. Hundred Thau^d^s^X ht he ^heiamot/ex, yfexThaufandCcxHundred, and fe.xtj pel'll,,,, by the Billon, .andFiceholdeis. andihefur,oirfoW,f,V,tT"'L> ihreeHundred rhsrtie threemtrk, Tour PssllsnMs 1 u 1 * ~ theBatron, p.t, as here Hated is ,,x,,o f.Lf./a.J.'j, , nm.n ib'e ' “ dT’id*" f Another Taxation grained to hisMaieliy of Thm.jhU.e,, the nomd r „d wf -»l.e^ni,o. ^.Iftee rt3ne"'°w‘''c'ap'^°“''*'"®’ ‘"b""Sing ol this Taxation, and Releif, tn the pound Land of old rieU,‘,”",‘4c3p^°“'‘*'"® ‘"h"”S‘”S 'his Taxation , and for the leleif of Snppiy.oi,isMa'iemesofT,«/lnxJ,,dr/,,«f,.d™,E,,,obetairedinfiv=vcaIs. byway of Taxation. Aft of Conventioii4. ..iMgK/f, t<5^ v'Njtp.;;. ^ ^ TEIND, andTEINDING. fa T'"”' ""'’T ''5l|"''!'es liter d, eating of the forns , as the lame are tc-die , orotlicfwayes the Labourers requiring them opcolv in the Pa- rocliKiik, three Sabbaths in thetore-noon. aftertheihearing, Ly^at riie fight ot two honell nlghbont, , Jwotn befote witnelfes . fcpciTlie Hock l,o3. fhe Temoupontheground, which helbould kcepfromBcaUs, until the fiillofV>- nitmber , lam. 6. p. d. cap. 73. int thefe time Sabbiil.s ite leJueed to two , ptoaiding there be footteen dives ally intenecred . betwi.vttheHavotf ti» ii...itt;i;r . . . : _ x ., k ui-aj j t-nmoas . 1673. ana tandlemes , I674. And that no man •ntrtibet , lam. 6. p. d. cap. 73. bcoblidgcdtoproduccdifc^igesthcreof after the lecond ot Btbruary, 1681. fiuttliefc three Sabbaths ucrediiccdtoovo, previdinffther<-hd*fo,irre.And,uAer AndRetcniion isgtantcdof a Sexth paitof Anuual-ientsfrom A/hr/.mo , 1672- fully incerjefted , benvi.KtthcdayoftlreH.eqiiiiictoii and^thedavot I'.f r^n t:n»* loMarumes, 1673. for cafe of the Hcrctors , and Land-rent, Car. 2 .p.,2. Sefl' 3 . Iain: 6: p: 1 1: cap: 48. . ot lue Tending, ^ Aft of Convention for a Supply tolus MaieftvofTtventie five Monpths Cef. thJbc^TrtbeSld’.'^ fcup. 4. Aft of Convention for a Supply to his Majefty ofTwentie five Moneths Cefs. being HundredThoufsndpoundnohe railed infive years, five moncrlis yearly , beginning the fitft term at Af,irt/w«, 1678. Aft ot Convention 28. Jt*ty, 1678. Aftand Offerofa new .Supply to his Majefty, by continuation of the fiids five Moneths Cefs , per annum , tor other five years, after the term of Marnmes, 16S5. tiHlujivi, and tiiat none beoblidgcd to produce difeharges of this Supply , after the Tenth of7«Me, idpt. And that Hetetorsfortheir relief , may taxttliclnhabi- UntsuponHieirground, asinche Aft, and the older ot uphfdng, and quaiteiing for this Cefs, is let down in the Aft, Car. 2. p. 3. cap. 3 . SUSPENcyiON. ThatnoSufpenfionbepaftagainftBi/hop, Miniftct, ot Maftcr of Univcrfiiyx or^Uedge , ofanyChatgeforthciiduesonrpeciil Decreets, except upon pto- duftionofdifcliaiges, ot upon Confignaiion , and if the Rent cliatgcd for be Viftual, otrt W«/jrfrrdff»frlLite^.cd, and the wolds of the appointment. c- netved in other tetms, and the not obfetseis oidainedtobc fined, and other wayes punilhcdbytheCouneil, andorhetjodgesoiduiaiy, according to their cond.ti- on and eftate. Car. 2. p, z. Sett: 3 1 ci i z. T H I E F r. That Dittay be taken of them that ftcalsgtecn Wood.or peels the Bark offTrees, and that ihcy be pumftied in fonriy jhiUing, to the King,and Attith the Patty ; And ficiike of breakers of Orchyaids, ftcalos of Fruit, dettroyers of Cunningaiics, andDowc.its, la; i.-p.z.c:33. nj jro- Thar the ftealct of Wood in another Lords Land, be toete atteUca , and luttcr luftice in his Court, and in none other, lin'd, c. 34. ^ ThatnoLordofRegaluyundetthepamoftinfcllof Ins Rcg.ility, nor Sheriff, lufticc and Baron, underthe pain of tinfelof litc and goods, Icll any Thief, or FincwiihhimofThicftdorac, and this Statute to endure during the Kings will, ^*iamcc'ihouldbVdonc on Thieves, asfoonas may be, without abiding fourty dayes. Hid. c.i4z. Andwhciethejufticecannotholdjufticcof Mifterfiil-mcn, that he ccrtific the King who lhaii provide remedy, mi^lhafte, Jam. z, par. 6. cap. z6. vctthcmtothcjudgctobefcouigcd, Ja.4,p.6 C.69. And ihat the WicUidAfts be extended 10 ftcaling of Fruit-Trees, Barking of Treesin Woods, and Fowlctswith Nets, Q..M. p.d.c.sS. Thefc AftsRatified,wiihpainsPecunial of rfn,iiur»iiy,«nd/<(HnypaKnrfj,or pains corporal ofFiifon and Stocks, and even to death, inclufivt, lor die fiift, fecond, andthird fault, la- 6. p. 6. c. 83. All Ratified, and chat who breaks down Woods, Parks. Dikes, Fences, or Cloditcs, orFattuics, otcutsDtoom. orGtafs within the fame , or breaks Dow- cacs or ftcals Bees, or ftcals Fifti out of other mens Stancks, 01 Lochs, may be coii- vecned before the Secret Council, or any Inferioui lodge, huctlicpainw theju- tticc Court nor to exceed /ourfypoMHdj ; and before the Council, as the Council Ihall think fit to appoint, without prejudice to the execution of former Afts, Jam. ^^wMatteror holder of a Thief, ifrcquired by the Party, fliould exhibite him belore the judge, or deliver him to ihcPatcy, underthe pain of Ait andPart,and making ofreftitution j and that no man attaching a Thief, concord wttji him, and takcThicft-boot, and put him from Law, under the pain of being accufed as the principal Thief: And tlic wrongous Accufci ot another for Thicit, payeshim f« pflunii fottheflander, la. j.p i.e.z. ThatRcfcttersor AfliftcisofThjcvcs, orlntercommuncrswith them for that efleft niay be puifucd either before the Jufticcs, as Art and Part, 01 called Ci¬ villy before the Loidsonfificcn dayes, wKhoutDietorTable : And that all She¬ riffs Bailiies, &c. putihcfaidsmaitcrstoinquifiiion, byan Attifc of the Coun- tiey. and make repoteto the luftices within fiftccQ dayes thereafter. That no Thief take any i'cofa man, unacrthepainofTicafon, and that Icill men fo taken, benotlioldcnioentcrtothem, buttheiiBandsandSovcrtics therefore given ate difchaieed, and if any of the faid Thieves Charge on the faid Bands, that they in¬ cut the uain of Treafon j That kill men taking Thieves commuting Thieft , ot ia going to 01 coming from ir. if they have not power ofthemfelvcs to juftifie them rodeath, prefencthem to the lufticcwitliin fifteen dayes. That none take 01 fir underthe afluranccofThievcs, or pay them Black main, or give thern meat, drink, refet, maintenance, or fupply in thcuThiefiuous deeds, under the pain ofdcath, andcfcheatofthcitmovcables. Thitall men rile and raife the fray, and follow after Thieves, and help to take them, or to recover the Goods, under the pain ofbeingholdenforpartakcxs, and thatihe lufticc execute the Law wuh rigour, withoutfayour or delay, la.e.f. i.c- z*. Death imimattobc the pain of Tlicft, la.« p.6.c.7i. S-i-.ttlieenii. Aud mom pl.mly, p.y.c, It2. p.ti. C.82.P. 18. C.5. andelfcwhere. ^ , ... Whokeepsany Jews or £«/«/» ThiefinhisCompany. openly or ptivaU?, m the Kings Comt; ot inthe iiighof Oi.llbenputc imd punifltcj .s , favourer and maintainct of Thieves and Thieft, Ja.S p. 1 1 . c, tot. That they that IcU the Goods of Thieves of Clann5,ihatdate not some to Meieat in the Low-Lands themlclvcs incuirbanlilimcnt,aDdcfchcat of Moveables, half to thcKing, theotherhalftotheApprchendcr, rW.c.109. ^ . RaiiucatioD ofthc whole Laws and Afts anenr Then t-boot, refet of Thteft, and theEntenainetsof, audlntetcommuDerswuhThicves, oidauung them to be put tocxccucloo, k. 6- p. 13.C. 174. . „ r- .l o-i.. e r That the perfon from whom Goods ate ftollca, putfmng the Thief lyjxr ai Aiirenr/fiTu, fliall have his own Goods again, whcreeyeitheycanbe had. or the value, with the cxpence, outofthercaaicftoftheThicvcsGoods. without prcju- dicetothcSheriffsaandotlictMagiftiats, and takers ofthc Tluef, oftheircxpcnf- fes in taking and executing him, Car. z.p. 1. Sefl. i.c. z6. THIRDS ot benefices. That the Thiidsof all Benefices be payed totheMiniflels, ^ they being pay¬ ed of theii Stipends, the to be applied to the Kings ole. lam. s. pat. i. ‘*Aa°declatingibat.heTliiidsof Benefices, Common Kiilts, Frieis Lands and Rents being only deftinattothefc two uks, might be no othcrwuc given, not im- ploycd; and therefore all Penfions, Life- tents, or Tacks of the of the faids Thirds, or of any Common Kirk tor longer then a pear, or whereby th^e faids Thitds/aperp/wthcreof, firft and beft Rental of Common Kirks, EiieoXands, and Rents thereof hath been diminifhed, oraltctcd Cnee the UftAfluroption, are declared to be null; but prejudice alvyayes of whatfoever Intcftmcnis granted by the King in diminution ol the faids Thirds, la. 6- p. 1 2. c. i zi . Ratifaed, andallcxceptionsmadcthctefra, m the Aftitfelf, ototherwife, art declared null, excepting only that ancmlnfeftmcnts, and but prejudice of the Collcdge of lufticc, and Loidsihcicof, as to their puvilCdgcs. ia. 6. p, 13,0.241. ^“^^dKWof Cure . being Laick Pauonages piovided toMinifters fervingand icfidin|acthcKitksthcrco^ arc freed ofThirds, and the fame declared 10 be ^^AUTa'cSinSuanm^onoftheV^ andPenfionsoutofihcThirds, ate de¬ clared null 5 and thatit is not leafome to the King tqdifponc the fame any maimct ofway, la.d.p.i5.c. 240. TIN. See Vewter, tobacco. Aft difehatging anew ImpofitiojiUid upon Tobacco, In i fiyi. And allowing the Import thereof free of all other Impofiuons. except theorduia^ Cu- ftomand Excife, Car.2.p. 2. Jcir4.c. +. T R A D E- Aft Regulating the Liberty of Trades betwixt tlie Royal Burghs and others, Cat. 2 D. 2. Self 3. c. 3. Scet!icAftinfl«rg/;/. That none Import into this Kingdom auyTluced Lace. wh/rf. k Buttons ofGold and Silver Thrced, or any liiuffs, or Ribbons in which there 1$ any Gold or Silver Thrced, ot Philagram of Gold ot Silver tube 'vorn Appac , or any of their Counterfeits, oranyFlowicdSmpt, Figured, Checkered ,laint- cd. or Printed Silk Stuffs, orRibbons (watered. « Changing floured Stuffs or Ribbons not included ) or any Imbmidcting of SUk on wearing Cloaths, with cct tification the thing Ihall be btiiiic ot dcftioyed , and the of fined in the value, and the wearing of any clung of the piemiflcs af cr Jk firft 0 ,April, 1682. ispiohibite, under the pain of Confifcattcn ofthc Cloaths, and> hundred merts of fine,for»« except that fuch as are of ihcKings Fp^cs have allowance iwoyear$aftctWoz-t«.i68i.iowearoui 'JjCir Cloaths upon which theic is any Gold or Silver. That none Import to this Kingdom any Fornign Holland, Lin neS. Cambrick, Lawn., Han^^ madcofLinnen. orCououn, Wool, or Lint ( Fknncn. Arras Hangings , pets, made Bedsof Silk, orDamaskHangings, Chairs and any ForiaignSUkorWooIcaStockmgs, Laces of Silk, Giipp, or Thrced, J i^6ts of ’Parliament , &c. Liccs. otFoinfofanyfortotcoloutj any Foniign made Gloves, Shooes, Boors, orSUpper^i aodaDyueaTiiie Cloaths made abroad, for Men, V/omen, or Chil¬ dren ( exceptwhatpeifonshaveurcd, and bring home from abroad with them ) with Certification, thatthe thing Imported conciaiy hereto, {hallbebumt, ordc- {Icoyed, and the ImpottetsorRefettetsfined inthevalue ; And the Aft contains nion drift Orders to Cudomersand Seaicheis, and appoints Informers and Judg¬ es for execution- And itis declared to be iu place of any former d'umptuary Law anent Apparel, Car- a.p.j.c. iz. TREASON. See Rebels. That no man openly rebc^aind the Kin^PerfoD, under the painof foiefaul- tour of Life and Goods, Ja. i . p. i . c • 3 - if any when requited by the King dilbbey to enforce him againd notour Rebel- Icrsagaindhisrctfon, tliey Ihall be challenged as favourers of fucU Rcbelleis, Ibid. c. 4- He who pafles in England, and refidcs there againd rhe Kings nill, (hall be hol- den asaTraitor, Ja. I. p. p. c. 128. Toiakeaduranccof£n^/iy7/-m«n isfotbidden, underthe pain ofTteafon, Ja. j . p. r3 . c. i4t. And Ja. 2. p. r z, c. j i . WhocommitsTreafon againdtlie KingsPetfon, or Majedy, rifes in feir of War againd hi m, layes hands on his Peifon violently, of whatfoevet age he be, le- feitsorfiipplios them that have committed Treafon, and holds them againd the King. or dufrslioufesofthcicown.infutthcrinceofRcbe]s,orthat aflai'.ziesCadIcs. or places where the Kings Peifon fhall be. without confent of the tiucc Elbtes, Ihall bepuniftiedasTraitors, la. z.p. 6.c. 24. To bring home Poyfon is Treafon. SeePoyfon, la.z-p.?- c.30, andjr. PctlbnsfufpeftofTrcaibntobeputin firmance, and ilicir Goods under fure Burrows, untill they tholte an Affife, la. 2. p. 1 2. c. 4p. Th¥°o man pafs into Enj/doithetimeofWarwithoutleave, underthe pain of Tieafon, la. 2. p. iz.c. 50. That none fupply Bir-witksit'^xhMTgh , or pals away with GoodstakeninRaids untill they be parted, uaderthepain ofTrealon, Ibid. ^^^anymaniaifcafiaymtheHoftwilfullywichoutCaufe, he fhall be accufed ofTteafon. And tiuttliele Afts be iniimai by the Heads-men , when Raids are made in la.z.p. I2.c.54* SctBnzlatid. ApiomileandOatlimadcbythe three Edates, that none of them fliall matn- tain, Qcfend, be Advocatsfor, orftandatcheBsrwith manifedTcaitors ■ com¬ mon Men flayers, Thieves, Reivers > and the like, except with their Kin and Friends, infoberwife, in defence of them in honed aftions ■, but that they Ihall aflid the King in doing ludice, and who fallzies herein to be pupilhcd after the old Lawsof the.Mfljr//y, andotherLaws, la. 3.p. I4-C- p8. Wilfull Fire- raifing declared to be Treafon, and Crime of Lefe-2Jajtliy, la.j. p, 3.C. 8. Seef and manitctt Rebellion againft his Majcfty, and his Authority . the Petfons guilty, upon the Councils older, maybe Profecute, and Sentenced bctoie the Juftices. albeit abfent, as Ifpicfcnc, Car.ztpiziSeffMtcaptii. , r c x. ■ c It is liieh Tteafon to endeavour the Alteiation, 01 Sufpenfion , of the right of Sacceflion to the Ciown, as fctled by Aft , Car. 2- par. s.cap- 2. Sec it in *^’r^nation, and the afleiting the Lawfulnefs thereof, declared to beTreafon, /iiVi.cap. 14. Sceitin^/<»i/w‘‘'»('«. THESAURER, Exchequer. TRENT DECREETS, See Religion. TRESPASS, See Crime. T R E W E S. That the dayes of TtcWeswiih Engl.vid be keept. Jam. 4- P- ”• TUTORS, and CURATORS. TlieneatcftAgnuoftweniyfivcyeatsofage, tobcTutoiofLaw, albeit there be one neater uudei age, lam. 3 -pat. y.cap. sz. _ Commiffion for treating anent the Union of Scttland, and England, terecvingFandamcnial Laws, Rights, Offices, Dignities, and Liberties, Jam. 6. p. 17. cap. I. Aft anent the Union of the two Realms, macked fig: z. in the Lift of the Im¬ printed Afts, Ism. d. par. 1 9. Aftauthotizingeertain Commiffionersof the Kingdom of StttUnd, to treat with the CommimonetsofEn^/and, about a faiiiict Union of both Kingdoms, Cat. z.p. 2. Self 2. cap. I. wdnnv 1670. UNIVERSITY, and COLLEDGE. Aft impoweting the Magifttats of Frcc-buigUs, in cafe they find Students, Bur- fates. and Maftetsof Colledgesvagine, by night, orbyday, within their Towns with Arms, totaketlieit Armsftomthem, la.d.p. i4.cap. 223. ThitnoMaftcts. Fiincipals, Regents, orriotclTois. beadniitted,orconiinu- ed. in any Univoifity , otCoIIedge. unlefsiheybepious , Loyal, and Peaceable, fubmittingto, and owning Epifcopal Government, asnowfciled, and tint they fwearthe Oath of Allegiance, and rcpoita Cettificattheieupon. as in the Car. z.p. 1. Self 2.cap.4. AftlorbetctProvifionoftlieUnivcrGtics, ordaining upon the Offer made by theClergie fiftie pcHiidi out of cveiy Ttmufaiid merkj of Bilhops Rents, - and Faitrtieptunii , ot Stx fercint, out of every Tbeufiindmerltj of Miniftets Rents, tobepiycd yearly lor five years, after the yeai 1664. inclnfivb, for theufeof the faidsUnivetfities. inmaonetfMcifiedLntlicAftj asalfotheVic.ini Stipends for feven years, after tlieSexthoffiirHjrjr, 1664. ate appointed for the fame ufc, andthcFiftytwo Aft, SefT I. of thisPatliament . is in fo fur fufpeoded. Cat. 1. p. I. Self. 3.eap. 24. . , . , Aft anent SufpenfioDS of Charges by Maftersol Univeiuties for their dues , Can z.p.i.SeCi.cap.d. See It in SiaJpeByr*"- Aftafligning Vacant Stipends, for the better ptoviOon of the Ptofeflors. and Maftcisof theUnivetfities. according tothedivifion therein fpecified , and that for feven years , from the year 1 67 2. mtlnfivt, with the burden alwayes of uphold¬ ing the Manfes , and the former Aft. Cat. 2. p. i • Sell 3. cap. 24. is declared void. Car 2 u 2. Self. 3. cap 20. Haifa Moneths Cefsimpofed, and appoinied for ihe Univerfity of St. .Anirtmi, irbetetine thcii ftock, to be uplifted in the years 1682. audifii3. Cat- 2. forbeieting thcLi ftock. to p. 3. cap. 23. U S U R I E. ThitTakers, otMakersofBargaiits, forgteatet inteteft, or profite. for the loanofmoncy, thenatlher3tcotT^n;po»;iheAnnu.|. rem ,;fyhe“mre;tnt Jrh 1 provifion Mhir .he Cred,^^ chchaxaldofthcEtnits, andRcnis, Car. i.p. r. Scii. i.cap.ei. L ^ VACANT. 44 V An x^hridgement of the VACANT STIPENDS. rliafallVacantsStipcnds, anJntticficcs, be imploycd for the fuppb% and reparation of the Idles of fiich in the Miniftry . ot Univcriiiies , as were thrult out, and fiiffercd for their Loyally, in the late confufions, and ot their Wiv«, and Bairns, and that it tire figiitof the Council , without prejudice to theRelKt. and Executors of Miniftets , of theit dues after the Minifters dccenfe , and this Aft CO endure for reven years , and longer , as Ills Afa)clly Jhall think fit, Cat. a. p.i.Sefl’ I. cap. 52. SccAfan/r;. VAGABONDS, Beggars , , and Somers. Tiutallmen certifie concerning Vagabonds, and fiifpeft Peefons, that they may be apprehended, under the pains due to theic Vagabonds, lam. 6. par. 12. Aft^r eft.ibliflilng forteftion Houfes m the burghs, and in manner mentioned inthcAft, foiidlcBeggcn. and Vagabonds, Car.2.p.2. Sefl. j.cap. is. valentines. e.\penees of Mclioraiioos, and lofles wliatfocver, being firft difeounted which Dcduftions, the Lords ate to take any reafonablc probation with the Or a* tors Oath in Supplement, and that where he is in natural poflcllion witli Goods, he be duly wairned and removed: And it is declared that after this fL'’"'* thelikelhaIlnotbcgranicdhereafccr,astoliwfulpropct\Vodfcts, Car 2 Sell’. I . c. d2. ' ■ Pst-i. WARDEN of the BORDERS. That the Warden choofe fuch Deputes as he will ftand for. and thatrh^ v: fill him and his Officiars. Ii- 2.p-6. c. 15. “"cxingaf. That there be no Wardens ot the Borders made inFce, and that they judre ofTieafon, or points of Dlttay, faving what is needful for coiifervation of ih* Trews, Ia-2.p. 11.C.42. ThacnomangoawavwirliGoodstaken in the Wardens Raids before ihev bi* parted, under pain ofTrcalbn, la. i.p. 12, c. jz. ^ c The Warden may continue his Courts for three dayes, orlhotter. laro. j p n cap. 87. WARDEN of the C U I N Z I E. See Money. Thattherebca Warden for eflaying the Cuinzie, lam. 3. p. 13. c. 53. And his Office more fully fee down, la. 4. p. 1. c. 2. WAIRD-HOLDING, and WARDATAR. TheKingsclofe ordets to Land-lords, and Chifiainsot Clanns, to produce nonblc Limmeis, whiclilliould beobeyed, Jam.d. par.ii. cap. 103. Sec it in HighUndt. VICTUAL. Tint buyers of Viftual , and holders thereof to a dearth be repute as Ockcrcts, andfopunilhed, and the Viftual efchcat to the King, Jam. 2. p. «. '^That none that buy Viftual to fell again , hold more then will fuftain them , and theitmcinzic , till new Corn, under thepainof efchcat of the Viftual, and that all have power to buy, and fell Viftml , and that none hold old Hacks in their Yeaids, longer then Zx/t , under the pains of efchcat of the Stacks, Ibid. ^^OrdcrforchtclliingoutofComs, then unthrclhen, lani.2.p:9:c:37- TiiatnomanholdViftuaUnGirnels, bucallanctly fothisownulc , and finally wnuXtilichaelmti thennext, /td.cap.sS* That no man hold more then will ferve him , and his Houfe for a quaicer, and thattheieftbeprefentedin Mctcat, /l>id.cap 39. Theic three Afts leemto have been made for a ptclTing dearth. • n , b- That inbringers of Viftual be faveurably treated , and no new Cultom taken on them* Tam: 2: p: to: cap: 40. Allmen arc free lo bring, and fell Viftual, all the dayes of the week, aswcllas ontheMercatday, Jam:4; p:4:cip:44. , . , . r , .r- • , That none cartic Viftual forth oftnc Realm, under the pun of cichcat of it, with the reft of the Owners Moveables } as alfo of the Skippers Moveables , who recclv- edit. Q. .M: p: 6: cap: 40. Another Aft againft the tranfpoiting of I^iftual , and Gudes, ( See BtHial) either by Land , or by Sea, and for flaying the tranfpott of Viftual by Sea .that the Sliip, and whole gudes of the Mailer, ana Clerk ihereofbeefcheat, in cafe of Contra¬ vention , .and theit I’crfons imprifoned .it the Kings will , and that Searchers be appointed bytlicBucgh. tofcarchwith the Kings Searchers, and the one half of theViftnal tound.tobecfcheattotheKiiig, and the other to the Burgh, lam. for half .Main, or thereby, not lobekcept . but theylliouidbe let fox the true Main, lam. 2. p. 6. cap. 18. Sec it in Tacky. . Thatincafeof ptoper Wodletsgrantcdfince theyear, 1649. whete the Rent c.<- ceeds tlic Annual-rent . and yet the Creditor is exprefly freed of the hazard of cheliiiits, andRcnts. thatthefame be rcftiiftcd to the ordinary Annual-rent, and the Superplus Rent compted for and imputed to the payment of the principal fum , and that all fuch Wodlets in time coming be juged ufiirarie ; and where the Crcdiiorbe.irs!hc faid hazard , yet it there be any Claufes Irritant in the faids Wodfets, ihefamcarefufpcndcd forfive ycmai'KiWhitfundaj, 1661. As alfo the Dcbitorisallowcd to reduce, ztanyWhsifundaj , otM.xr smes hepleafes, al¬ beit by the tight, the 'Bedemprion befurpended , but where the Creditor, and Cramer of the Wodfee, have ttanfafted for an Iriedimable right, the laid Tranf- aftions me declared vaiidcatwhat time Ibevcr ihe faid Wodlcts were granted ; And farther becaufe of the difficulties of former times. It is ordained that in cafe of any proper Wodfet already granted , die Creditor in time coming during the not Rcquilitioii, or Redemption , upon offer made by the Debitor of lulficient fecu- rity, forhis Annual-rent, Ihall beholden to rciounce hisPoflelTion . at lead (if this he rather pleafc) to teftrift the fame to his ordinary Annual-rent, and be comprablc ionhtSuperpUt . Providing alwayes chat the Creditor hath got com- pleac payment of his Annual-icius > for all years prcceeding , all publick burdens. That the Watdatar required by the ShcrifTfind fovetty not to deftroy the Lands buttokccptlicminficlikekindaslicfiudsthem. andthata reafoiiablc Living be given to the Air. if he have no other Lands, la. 4. p. 3.C. 25. RatHied, and tJieSheiifiand other Officijrsfttiftiycnjoyncd to put it in executi¬ on, with power to charge for the faidfoverty, la: j: p: 4: c: 15. Tlie perfeftageof an Air Male ift Waird-Linds laid to be twenty one years, and of an Air female fourteen years compleat, Q. M.par. 3. c. j. And lam. 6. par. 2. cap. 42 Thatfuchashold Lands WairdoiFcw, cum maritagio of the King, or of the Prince, ccmponingthcieforc, and getting the fame changed to Few, fliallbcfrce of the marriage, astoall other Supcnouisof whom they may hold other Lands Waird. ficHkeasif they hadcontinncd to hold ofihc King, or Prince, as former¬ ly : But it they Annailzic their Lands lo changed, then the Alienator and his Airs to have no longer the benefit of this Aft, Car, 2. p. i.SclC 1. c. jg. W A I R N I N G. See Removing. That Wairning be made to Tennents fourty daves before Whitpendiy any time within the year, cithcrperfimally, ot at their dwelling placer, and on the Ground ofthc Lands, and a Copy delivered to Wile or Servants, or failzieing thereof affixed on the Gatcofihcdwellingplaceof the faids Lands, if any be, and there¬ after the rrecept to be read in the I’aroch Kirk where the Lands ly, upon a Sabbath before noon, the rime of I reaching, otirayers, anda Copy affixed on the Kiik door fourty dayes before the Term, Q: M. p: 6:c: j?. WAI ER-METT. See Metts, zndMeafures. WAVES. Wayes to Mctfat Towns fliouldbe twenty Footbroad at Icift, and where larger, keptfo, Car. 2.p. I. Selt i.c. 3g. Seejulhtet of Peace. Power and Rules giver, to the Sheriffs aitd Juftices of ovetCee and mend High-wayes, Bridges, and Ferries, and the Heretots in each Shire required t9 ftentihemfclvcs, ifneedful, forthateffeft, not exceed ingtrn/biiin^r on the drrd pounds per annum, and if the Juftices ncglcft, the charge b committed to tlie Council : As alfo, Lettersof Horoingand Poyndmg arc ordained to be direft by the Council upon this Aft, Car;2:p: z.Sefl.i.- c:id. Aft corrcfting the former as to the ternisof mending therein fpecified , and re¬ ferring it to the Juftices at what time to call the Counttey to mend the Wayes, ^c. Seed-time and Haiieft excepted ; and to take money, as in the Aft. from fuch as by icafbnof their diftance cannot attend, /fr)d.SclI: 2: c: 9. W E A P O N-S H A W 1 N G. See CMilitia. That Weapon ftiawitgsbc made milk Shire four times in theyear, Ja. i.p. 2, c 44. AndliclikeinBuirows, andihatall men be fufficiently Hatnilhcd and Aim¬ ed, Ta: i:p:3:c:6o. Asalfo, that they be hclden by Lords and Barons Spiritual and Temporal, tour times in the year 3 and that the Foot-ball and Golffbc ciycd down, arid Bow-marks made in each f atoch, and all betwixt twelve years and fif- ty ufc fliooting, Ja: 2; p; 14: c: 64: And la; 3: p: d' c;45* . , , That all the Leigesbe ready, wcllabuilzied tor Wat upon eight dayes warning to come to the King, orhisLieutennent, for defence of the Realm, fiitniftied with Viftual and Expences lor twenty dayes after theit coming .■ And that Sherini, and alfoBaillics of Regalities and Baroiinies.hold the faids Weapon- ftiavings, and aracrciatthcmthataieabfcnt, ornotwcllabuilticd. as in the tormciAft, la; 3. ^ That the faid Weapon-fliawingsbe jnatle as faid is, in all places convenient wi th¬ in the Shiic, and that men be anarmed , as is pteferibed in the Aft, and at the dif- cretion of the Sheriff, otthc Kings Commillioner m that parr, Ia.-4.p: 3. c.ip. 3t. And that neither Foot-ball, or Golff, nor unprofitable fpott for the delcnce of the Realm be ufed , but Ihooting and Bow-niatks, as is before appointed. Ibid. *^*ThaVforkcepingof Armour and Harnefs in time of peace, all Scotland make Wcapon-lliawuigsonr/;«ryd.i;'inW'/;;r/kn-week, Ia.4.p.6.c.7S. That WcapoD-ftiawingsbe made Nvicein theyear, in the moncths 01 June ana Offober, at fuch dayes and place as lliall pleafc the Shetiffand BailUes to Burgh arid to Land; And thatthe Muftcisbc takcu by them, orthc Kings Commiffioneim thatpart, la. j. p. 6- c. 8j. , ThemanncrofHarnelsand Weapon-fliawmgsappointcd, Ibtd. c. 87, aM 88. And that ail coming to Wcapon-lhawings be iiirolled. with the manner of rneii Arms yearly. Ibid. c. 89. And warnings to Wcapon-lhawings to be on nventy days. Ibid. c. 90. And that C.iptain$ one ormoebccliolcn in ilkl’atoch, by the Shenft, andBaillic, with the Kings CommiflioBcr in thatpatc. by the adviccof the molt able in the Shire, to Mufter their Companies twice each moiict h tor M/y'- 7’*'’*' and 7«(y, andothctmonctiisalfoifthcymay, atwhat dayes they fliall tlimk fit on Holy dayes before noon. Jbiel.c.91. Scchl'htid. WEAVER. Thitno WeavetmakeanySeiigeundctthcbrcadthof.anEin and a Nail, ret- petuanacs under three Quarters and an half, and WollenCloith under an Elnand ao Half, under the pai.T of luiemy pounds, and rhe Cioath or Stuff to be contilcat, halftohisMajefty, Wftothedifcovcrcr, Car.z.p, i.Scffi i • C..42. x^Cls of Tarllament ^ &c. That they make LmnenCloith of f<»yZuam^j/>«rEln,or Inchcsbroad, under ihc pain oUmprifonracDt, and tvjtniy pomtdi Sint, Ibid c. Aj. See u in * > * • 4y WEIGHTS. See Metis, and Meafires. ThitBitad, and.ll Buichct-FltllibereijiUd by weight, and nootbtmife, un- hundred pQHnJi titles (jH»rits, Car. 2. p. j.c 24 WIFE. That in Pecunial pains. Wives be weighed and confidered conform to the Blood and State of theit Husbands. la. 6. p. 7.C. 104. ThatWivesbelyablcinthcirHusbandsPines, andthat their Husbands pay the lame tor them ; This Staiutc in the cafeof Swearing. Car. 2. par. i. Seff. i.e.js. Bmii? thccalcof Convcniicling, the wife’s Fine is but the half of het Husbands . andheislyable foric. Cat. 2. p. 2- Sell'. 2. c. j. See itio Canvanrie/rj. WILDE beasts, and FOWL. That no Wilde Fowl bcralten from the beginning of Ltnfron until , by no manner of lofttument, under the pain ol/9»*rf_yy/p;///nfi, la. i.p. f,c. 109. ThatWildcFowlfor mansufeberefetved. butFowlsotit.cifr,asEitns,Gie'dds. AsilfoRuiks and Crows be deployed. la. 2. p. i4,c. S4. That no man flay Kae, nor Deere in time of florm, or their Kids while they be an year old. undetthc pain of ttnpouxds, la. j.p.y. c. fit . And Q.M, p.C.c.yS. And the pain augmented to an bnndTtdpatinds , Ja. 6, par. 14, cap. 21c. And all former Afts thctcancnt Ratified, Iain 6.par.2j. cap.32. Sec Stalkers and Thieft. ' That no man Ihoot at Deere, Wilde Seaft, ®t Wilde Fowl , with any fort of Gun, under the paoi of death, and efchcat of moveables, andtlut their Moveables be giventoriewardiotheir Apptehenders, Q.M.P.4.C.9. Andp.6,c.ji. Renewed againllfuchaslhootwiih Guns, otUows. atDac, Rae, Hinde.Hare, Cunning, Dove, Heron, or Fowl of River, underthe pain of efeheat of Move¬ ables, and if the offendetbe Vagabond, having no Goods, to be puniihed bylm- prilonmcnt lourty dayes for the fitft, and cutting oil his tight hand for the fecond fault, la.ti. p. i,c. Id. Ratified, and that the ludge Ordinal put the fame to execution, under the pain offln/j««dr«rf/>«»nd;forthcfirftfault,audtobe ftilldoublcd for each failzie there¬ after; and that Heictors, when required , preient the Offender living upon his Ground, underthe pain to be exafted offlum by the ludge Ordinary, c. X2J. And both thitAfts Ratified, andihc Ctimcoidainedtobc puuilhcd as the Crime of Thieft, la. 6, p. i i.c. sp. That who flayes Han, or any Wilde Fowl at any time, with Gun or Girn.or Ihoots at Duck 01 Drake, or other WildeFowl with au Hagbut, incuiis the pain of an hitndrtdpauiids, otto bc puoiflied in their peifons, la. 6. p. 14. c. 210. See this Aft in Farrejls. And rhefe Afts Ratified , with power to Sheriffs, Stewards, Baillies, and Barons, toflayalllyingDogsufedby Fowlers, andputtheFowletsiuihe Stocks for ufing them, thefpace of fourty eight hours, lam. d.par. 15. cap. 26S. And par. id.c. 23. And that none fell or buy any Deere, Hares, orWildc Fowl commonly chaffed byHaulks, under the painofxn as well thebuyet asfellcr, halt to the King, halftoche Apptehender; andincafeof Inability, die Offender to ba fcoutged ; And all fudges to Burgh or Land, and Batons, are hereto made Ju- fUces: And tlMcnonellay or eat Muir- Pouts before the third of Fh/j, nor Fei- uidge-Peutsbefote the eightof September, but Cunnings, Wooo-cock, ricvcr, aud WLld-Goofe are excepted from this Aft, ffiid.p. 16. c. 23. Thatnonebuyorfell any WildeFowl, that is Pouts, Pettridges, Muii-Fowl, Slack Cocks, Gray Hens, Teimigaots, Quaillies, Capercaillies, i;c. underthe painot dn/iM/idrrdpannifj to the buyer 01 feller, la. 6. p. as.c. 30. See Htiming and JJastJk'n^.. WINE. That none buy Wines from F/rmtngJ of thcDxm, underthe pain of efeheat, la. 1,0.14. c. 147. That none bring home corrupt or mixt Wine, and that none buy ot (ell it after it is declared tobefuch, and that no peifon mix Wine or Beer, all under the pain of death, la. 3 . p. 1 2 . c. 89. That Wines brought in by the Eaft and Nonh Seas be fold , the Rurdeaux Wine foiiutwrypuHndi iheTun, and f9np«nn/t tlieTennems,(nll, I,, i. p.,. eip. d,v’^''s‘n ^b'rilf.nd Btilie hum the Woolfthtice in the yest , bettvtmst. A/nrh, i?e.p ,7 “‘‘lb” 'be Counttie life «ith them foithit end, u.e.p. WOOL. be tMnfpotled out ofthe Kingdom, underthe painof Confifcjti- Andth.r t‘"'^ WboleKemanent Goods of theOnnetsand Ttanfpotteti ^rms themot^ htem ,'i ™nliaiy to thi, Aft , but that the Puteh.lL, and Uicrstneieof. mcurrethcfamepains. la.e.p. y.c. 113 This Ptoltibition is fubjoyned 10 the Regulation then made of mens Apparel. l.JvL y ? benottranrponedto£n|/4nd, nor fold to any m Scot, n’? '“n‘poV‘f'heftmctoEn^/4..^, under the pain of Efeheat focicof, and of all the moveables of the aftualTranfpoitcrs. As aVo, of ilic Cau- fets and Sellers thereof robe ttanfportcd, half to the King, and halfto the Apore tender, and Wattding for fix Moneths, andothetwife afihe Kingsivill, anful- *''*K2l‘Ltccncescithergrjntcdortobc granted, h.6.p.i2.c 149. There Afts Ratified, and alt Licences in the conttaty difeharged ■ and the Kint proimfts, TograntnofuchLiccnccsforhetcaftet, 15Y. 250 * That no Native or Stranger export Wool, nor Skins with wool upon them untill made in work, ot put to the beft avail, under the pain ofthe juft value theieoV half to the King, andliaU to the Informer and Profccutor, and fuchfarthcrpunilbmcnt as thcExchcquer lhal appoint.That none fore-ftalc the McrcatofWool.nor keep up the fame toa dearth, under the palnsagainft Regraters and Fore-ftallers.ffee^rr. flalltrs ) andthatforcrclicwing the deceit of putting Hones ot the like ftuffthete- in. No Wool be wrapt up in the Fleece, under the pain ot Confifeation, halfto King, and halfto the dilcoveretandpuifuer, DcclatlDgalwaycs, that thcExche- quermayLicensethccxpottofWoolandikins, Oii. 2. p. i. .feff t.c.40. V/R ITERS. SeeSe/JioH. ThatCleiksofthe Signetbcfwointobc faithful and fecrer. la. t. p.j. c. 59. Ffrw, whatpticestheylhouldtakc./6jrf.c. 60. Andthatthey marktiicir BUIswiiU theit names, ibid. c. 6 1 . Sec the Afts in Sef/ton. That Writers to the Signet Frame no Signature or Letter, to be paft His Ma'ie- yfiVihand. with any Novelty or Informality againft the accuftomed Stile, under thcpainofDiprivation. And that they write their Names on the back of the Sig¬ nature, as allowed by them, as theywillanfwerat theit higheft peiiil, la. d.p. lo. cap. 13- I’llces appointed for Writers, Clerks, and Keepers, and their Wills and Seals, la. 6. p. 2.3. c. 19. -See Prices. WRITS. Tliatall Original Writs and Evidentsiobemade after the firft ofNav^mJ. 1593. contain the Writers Name and Defignation , fpecially infeitinthc end before the infcitingoftheWitncffes , oilierwife that the fame make no faitli , la. 5. p. 13. cap. 175. That all Writs Subfciibed hereafter wherein the writer and Wicnefles are notde- flgnedbenull,andnot Suppliableby aCondefceudcnccon the Writer and ‘Witnef- fes their Defignations, Car. 2.p. 3. c. 5. .^nn« i6oi'iervfifcthcr8mctobcnviU, Car.s.p.j-C, s- Z ETLAND, See Orhiej. ' ■ finis A TABLE OF ALL THE KINGS OF SCOTLAND, Declaring what zeit of the warld and ofChrift they began to reign, how lang they reigned , and quhat qualities they \Tete of; Verie neceflar for the manifeftation of the dates of all Charters and Evidentes. fcERGUS, the fitClKingofScotland, the fonne of ferquhard, aPrinceof Ireland, began to reignein thezeireofthe warld, 3641. before the cumming I ofour Saviour jefus Chrift, 350- zcirs» In the firll: I zeircohheii2.01ympiadc:andinthc42L zeircof [ the building of Rome: About the beginning of the 3 • Monarchic of thcGiccians,when«^/ex inthezrirofthe warld 3894. Inthc zcir before the cumming of Chnft 77. AgudandcivillKing. Hcdied inpe.iccin thcfcvcntenezcn of his "‘"xV Ederitf, DochammConnc, DurflmCoimc, beganto ve-ignin the zeir of the warld 39tt- InthczcivbcforcthecummingofChrift6o. A wife, valiant and gud Prince. He died in the 48. zer of h'S Tuccecdcd to his father m the z u the warld. three thoufand, nine hundred 59- the ' in^.of Chrift 1 2. A luxurious and covetou s wicked King. He was ta- ken be his nobles, and ImpriToned, and died in piiTon, in the Tevemh zcir ol his reign. 01 ms reign. XKII Mfte//4n«;,£der«fbroihersTonnc,bcgan,torcigninthczcir of thcwarld 3966. Four ycircs before Chrifts Incarnation. A very modeft 5v _ _ _ _ ; _ inc wdiiu ruui ycim uciurc 1 iiea gud King. He died in the 39. ycir ofhis reign. xnU Carallacus, CadalUnus^inA Eropeia MeieUanus CiiicrsConne, be¬ gan to rc’^n in the yeircotihe warld 4005. In the ycir of Chrift35.Hc was a wife and a valiant King, and reigned 20. ycircs. XIX Corbredus 1. fuccccded to his brother CaraHaciis, Inthc zeirof ihe warld 4025. Inthcycirof Chrift 55. AwifcKing.andagudjuftitiar.Hc died in peace in the 18. ycir ofhis reign. XX DardtfnHKf, Nephew to Mete/fawitr, began to reign, In the ycir of the warld 4042. In the ycir ofChrift 7 2. A cruel tyrant. Hewas taken in battell, and beheaded be his own TubjeftS) in the fourth ycir of his reign. XXI Corbredus 2 Tur-named Galdus, Corbfedus Tonne, began to reign in the 5’dre of ihe warld 4046- Inthc ycir ofChrift 76. A valiant and wor¬ thy King, for he had many warres with the Romaines, and was oft vifto* riousover them. Hcdrcd in peace in the 3 J- ycir ofhis reign. XXII Lugthacus, fuccccded to his father Corbredus 2. in the ycirc of the warld 4080. Inthcycircof Chrift 1 10. A lecherous bloodif tyrant, He was flaine be his Nobles in the 3 • ycir of his reign. XXIII CorirrdKr 2- Tiftcrs fonne. Hcbcgantorcigninthc ycir of the warld 4o83lnthcyeirofChriftii5.Agud King and viftnrU ous, in the beginning of his reign : but in the end ot hislife, became inclin¬ ed to tyrannic, lechcric and covccouTncfs, and was flaine be his Nobles in the 36 ycir ofhis reign. XXIIII Cowtfrw, fuccccded to his father in ycir of thcwarld 4119. Inthcycirof Chrift 149. Alccherourtyranc. Hewasimprifoned be hisNobles, anddied in prifon the !♦. yeiroihis reign*. and.^i'sjdufa Noble man was made governnur. XXVEihodius 1. Mogallus fifters Tonne, began to reign in the ycirc of the warld 41 3 3- In the ycir of Chrift 163. He was a gud Prince. He was flaine be anc Harper, in the 3 3* ycir of his reign. . r. XXn^jjrMeff, Tuccecdcd to his brother ftiooiKr i.Intheyen'of the warld 4 1 6 5, In the yelr of Chrift 195.-^ cruel tyrant. He was flain be his own Courteours, in the 4- ycir ofhis reign. XXVn Donald 1, thcfiiftChnftiimKingofScotland.fuccccdcdtohis brother Satra 'ell in the ycir ofthe warld 4169- In the ycir ofChrift 199. a gud and a rcligiousKingihc was the fiift of the Kings of^cotland that tun- ziedmonyofgoldand hlver.Hcdicdin the 18. ycir of his reign. Xn^'lll Ethoiius 2. Ethodius 1. fonne began to reign in the ycir of the warld 4186. Inthc yeirof Chrift 216. ..^nunwifeand bafe minded King, governed be his Nobles. He was flaine be his own guard in the 16. ycir of XXlX^tAiVro Tuccecdcd to his fathcrH(/iodiH5 z.inthc zeire of th? warii 42oi.lDthczcircofChrift23i. A valiant prince in the bcgimiing. but he dcaencratcdandbccamcvitious.and being hardly pcrfcwcdbchisNo- bles for his wicAedlife, flcwcbimfclfc in the 1 2. zeire of bis reigne. XXX brother Tonne. asfomcWnt, toAtWco, rci»nc in the zeire ofthe warld 42 12. In the zeire ofChrift 242. A cmcll tyrant, flaine be his Nobles, and caft away into a pnvic, m the 1 1, zcir ot XXX J Findocus, ^thireo his Tonne, began to rcignC In the zcigtic ofthe warld 4223. in the zeire ofChrift 2 53. A gud King and a valiant Slaine be feinzied Hunters, at the inftigation of Donald, Losde ofthe lies his bro¬ ther, inthc 1 1. zeircofhisrcigne. . fL XXXII Donald 2. Tuccecdcd to hvsbrothcr Ftndocus, in the zeire ot the warld 4aJ4ln.hczcu-cof Chrift 264. agud prince, He waswoundedm battell and being overcome, died ofdiTpleaTurcin the fiift?civcof his ^^'xXXlir Tyonaldi- Lord ofthe lies, brother to Fjndoc«f, began to rciancin ihczcirc ofthcwarld423 5 /n the zeire ofChrift; 265. AcrucU tyrant flaine be Crathilinihus his Tucceflor, in the ta. zeire of his 'xiCXIIII Craihilintbus, f/wdorwr Tonne, began to reigne in the zeire ol the warld 4247. In the zeire of Chrift 277. A valiant and a godly king he nursed the land from the Idolatrous liipcrftiiion ot the Druvdcs.and plnn- fed fhc Tynccrc Chriftiaji religion. Hcdicd in peace in the 24. zcirc of hi XVXV Fimcmachu!. fithcrbrolhcrfotinc to began h!s ,ci,„,in .he zclr o( ibe warld 427 ..I" 'he 3° * g»‘‘ V and valiant.Hc was a woi-thy promover of the kingdomc ofClnift in Scot- land Hedied inpMccinthc47- zci» ofhisi'cigne. XXX VI. Ro;»Hr broihcislbnnc toCratmliHtf>ut,hcginto reigne i ,he zeh of the %vz,U 43 . 8. 1" the zehe of arift 348. A c.aell be bis Nobles, and bis head ftriicn off. in the third zc.te of his Ceat/iifiiitAarbtothersfonne, fucceededto Ao- 0MtWiinthezeiteofthcwarld432i. In thezeite of Cbrift 3 5'- gn^l King, flaine in batlell be .he Piffes. in .he 3. zeive of his te.gne. XXXVIIZ feihelmachus, another brothers fonne of he bcoan to reigne iiuhezcirofthc warld43 24-In the zejof Chnft 354. H “was a valiant King, for he overcame tbcmcs, and ncwcthcitKing. He was betrayed to thePiftes beane Harper, and flame bcthcmmhis ownechalmetinthes. zcircofhisreigne. X.'CIIXEiipe.itHt 1. Fmmmthus fonne. began to reiEnein the zc.r of .he watlde 4327. In the zeire ofChrifte 3 37- A valiant, juff .and gnd King. Hewasnainein bat.ell be the Piftesand Rontaines... the 3. ze.rofh.s teione. And the whole Seottilh nation was utterly expelled the He be *e Piftes and Romaines.and remained in exile.about the fpace of44.K.res. XL PereBtz.Erlixrfonne, fonne to PlSaAtit. £..geOT«sthe fitfte h.s brother, returning into Scotland, with the help of the Danes and Gotthes andhisowne cuntrie-tnen who were gathered to himom ofall cuntries wheretheywete difperfed, eonquetetThiskingdome ofSeotland againe out of the Romaines and Piftes handes- He began h.s reigne. In the zeire of .he warld 4374. In the zeire of Chrift 404. He was a wife, va¬ liant and gud King, He was Ilainc be ihe Romaines in the i6.zeicccth.s ^LI EuFtnittt 2. Ftfstt! 2. Ibnne, Iliccecded to his [athcr. In the zeic t,fthewacld439o.In the zeir of Chrift 42°. He was a valiant and a md prince. He fubdewed the Btittones, and died in the twa zeire ot h.s "^'xLII Vonpardtts fitccccdcdto his brother Ettgtnm 2. In the zcir of thcw.irldc442i.In t.hc zeire ofChrift4ii. A godly, wifeanda valiant prince.Hc diedin thcs.zcireofhisveigne. , , , . c XLllI ConfUntine i. fucceededto his brother Doxgardwr, In the zeire of the warld 4427. In the zeire of Chrift 4 J7. A wicked prince. He was (lainc be a noble man in the lies, whofe daughter he had defiled, in the z2. zcitc ofhis reigne. . . t. • a, XLIIII CottgallHSi.DoffgardMConnc, began to reigne, lU thfzcirc of the warld 4449- In the zeirofChrift479- A gud and quiet prince. He dicdinpcaceinthczz.zcirofhisrcignc. . XLV Cowms, or ConMww, fuccccdcd his brother CommWms I. In the zeire of the warld 4471 .In the zeire of Chrift 501 .A gud and a wife prince, he died in the 34. zeire ofhis reigne. . XLvI BHienius 3. Congdlus fonne fuccceded to his father : In the zeire of the warld 4505. In thezeireof Chrift 53 5- A wife King, and a gud luftitiar.Hcdlcdintlicz3. zcu-cufliis reigne. XLvII Congallut i- or Convallus, fuccccdcd to his brother Bugtnm 3. intbezeireof thewarld4528- In the zeircofChrift 558. Avcricgud prince. He died in peace the 1 1. zeire of hisireiOTc- XLvIIlXi»K4r/7/HS fucceeded to his brother Congdltts z.mthczcirc of the warld, 4539. In the zeire of Chrift 569. Agud Prince. Hcdicdiii thcfirftzcir ofhisrcignc. , . tl XLIX ^idauHi ConratiHS Sonne, began to reigne, inthczeirot the warld454o. In the zcir of Chrift 570.AGodlic and gud Prince. Hcdicd inthe35*z«hcofhisrcignc. „ „ , ... L Kemethus 1 . fur-named Keif, CsngMlas 2. fonne, began to veigne m the zeir of the warld 457 5- I" ofChrift 60 5. A peaceable prince. Hcdicdinthe i.zcircofhisreignc. LI Eugetiius 4. u4id,tnui fonne, began to veipnc in the zeire of the warld 4576- In the zeire ofChrift 606. A valiant and a gud King. He died in the 16. zeire of his reigne. . . , . r • Lll Ferqubard 1. fuccccdcd tohisfathcr£«ge«mj4. In the zeire of the W3vld459i. In the zeire ofChriftOzi.abluidictyraot. He flew himfclfc inprifoninthciz- yeircofhisrcignc. , . r l LlII. Vonald 4. fuccccdcd to bis brother FefquhitTd 1 . in the zeire ot the war!d46o2.1nthczeircofChrift632. Hewasagud and religious King, he was drowned in the water of Tay, quhill he was a fifhing in the 14. zeire of his reigne. ^ . • Z.11II Ftrqtihardi. fuccceded to his brother vonald 4. in the zcir of the warld 4616- in the ycirofChvift646. Avcricwickcdman. He wasbittenby a wolfc in hunting, of the quhilkiiifcwcd a fever whereof he died inthe iS.ycereofhisrcignc. Lv Maldtiine DoHrfM 4. his 5on began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4654. In the zeire ofChrift 664- a gud princc.ftrangled be his wife who fu. fpefted him of Adulteric, in the 20. zeire ofhis reigne. ^Lvl Engenitis $. M4WHiHehisbrothcrsfonnc, began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 46 54. In the zeire of Chrift 684. ^ lalfe prince, flaync by thcPiftesinbattcll inthefouvthzcircofhisrcigne, ^ Lvll Eugenius 6. Ferquhard 2. his fonne began to reigne inthe zeire of the warld 4658.10 the zeire ofChrift 688. -^gud prince, hcc died in peace inthe 10. ycrc of his reigne. LVlIl ^mbirhlethus Findams fonne, Eugemuii. fonne, began to veigne in the zeire ofthc warld 46^7- In the zeire of Chrift 697. He was flaincbethcfhotofaiie arrow, by quhom it was fhotitis unknawin,(a - viciousprmce)inthefccondzeircofhisrcigne. . LIX EHgtniusT- fuccccdcd to his brother ../^miirse/eiflHr, m the ycic of the wavld4669.1nthc zeive ofChrift 699. Hcc died in peace in the jy. ycirc ofhis reigne. a gud prince. The Kings of Scotland. LX Mord4CMfw^wiA/rI.e/ei&wfonnebcgantoreigncinthczcirc of the warld4685. In the ycirc ofChrift 7 1 5, ^ gud prince. Hcdicdinthe 16 zeire ofhis reigne. LXI EtfnusEugeniusy. his fonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the ..-U jmryn In w/.|ii» nff' 111 rift a O. Hi* in in .k 1.A1 ctpnus cugenius 7. nisionnc, ucgaiicorcigncmtneyei warld 4700. In the ycirc ofChrift 730. He died in peace inthe si.ycir of his reigne. LXII £HgeH/«r 8. MorMCKt fonne, began to reigne inthe ycirc of the warld475»- In 'he ycirc of Chrift 761. agud prince in the beginning of his reigne, and thereafter degenerating from his gud life, he is flainc by his Nobles in the 3 • ycirc of his reigne. LXIIl Fergus 3. Etfnus fonne, began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4734. In the yeire ofChrift 764. ^ lecherous princc,poyroncd by his wife in the 3 . ycirc of his reigne. LXini Solvathiiis Engenius 8. fonne, began to reigne in the ycirc of the warld 4737. Inthe ydic of Chrift 767. ^ good prince, he died in peace in the 20. yeire of his reigne. LXV ^chains, £rjf«HS fonne began to reigne in the yeire of the warld fourc thoufand 7 57. Inthe yeire of Chrift 7S7. A peaceable, gud and god- lie prince. He maid a league with Charles le maigne Emperour and King of France, quhilk remained in-violable keiped to this day. He died in the 3 2 zeire ofhis reigne. LX VI Congailus OT Convallus, ^chains fathers brothers fonne began to reigne inthcycircofthe warld 4789. In the zeire ofChrift 819. gud princc,lie diedinthe 5. ycirc ofhis reigne. LXVII Dongallus. Solvatkiits fonne fuccccdcd in the zeire of the warld 4794. la the ycirc of Chrift 8 24 ^ valiant and gud prince, hc was drow¬ ned camming over the riverofSpe>towaragainftthc Piftes, inthcfc- venth zeire of his reigne. LXVIII ^IphtHS ^chains fon, began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4S01. in the zeire ofChrift 8 3 1 • A gud prince. Hc was taken in battel and beheaded be the Piftes in the 3. ycirc of his reigne. LXIX XeMMCi/i 2. furnamed the Great, fuccceded to hisfether-.#/fti>ni«e 2. his fonne, luccceacd to hisfethcrin the yeire of the world 4844.ln thezcircofChtift874. Avi. tious prince, he was imprifoned be his Nobles, where hcdicd in the a. zeire of his reigne. „ , , LXXXJI Gregofis furnamed theGrear,DoMg<*««f fonne, z.began to reigne in the ycirc ofthcwarld 4846. In the zeire ofChrift 876. ^ volant, yifto- riousand r«‘nnwiicdprinr(‘ throw the warld in his time: hcdicd in pcacc inthe i8‘ yeire ofhis reigne. ... LXXI III Donald 6. Conjlanttne the 2. his fonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld 4863 -in the yeire of Chrift 893. a valiant prince. Hc died In peace beingloved ofliisfubjeftsin the ii. yeire ofhisrcignc. LXXVConjlantine i.Ethus stipes fonne, began to rcignain the ycirc of the warld 4874. In the ycirc ofChrift 904. Hc was a valiant King, yet he profpered not in his wavres againft England, and therefore being wcarieof hislife, hc became a Monkc, anddiedafter hehad rcigned4o. ycirsas Maltolme 1. DottnWfi-His fonne, began to reigne in the ycirc ofthcwarld 4913. Inthe yeireof Chrift943- a valiantpvinccanda gude jufticiar: Hc was flainc in Murraj by a confpiracic ofhis awin fubjcftcs,m the 9>y«irc ofhis reigne. . . , LXXVII. Indulfiis Conflantine 3- hisfonne, began to reigne m the yearc of the warld, 4922. In the yeire of Chrift, 9 52- a valiant and a gudPrince. He had manic battclles with the DuHcr, quhom hc overcame, but in the chdchc was flainc by themina ftcatogcmcofwcire,in the 9- ycirc ofhis LXXVIII. Duff us, the firft his fonne, began to reigne in the veh'cofthc wavld,493»- In the ycirc ofChrift, 961- gud prince and a fcverciuftitiar. Hcwasflainc beoncDowrtWat Forres m Murraic, and was buried fccvctly under the Brig of a river befide Kinloflc, but the mat« was revealed, andthcmurthcrcr and his wife, that confented thereto Ic- verelypunifhed- He reigned 5. ycirc. . . . • c .1 . LXXIX Culenus, Indulfits Sonne, bcgantorcignciniheyeircor tbc warld, 4936.1n thcycivc ofChrift 966. An vicious Sc an effeminate pnnea. HecwasflaincatMef/i'iienbyR'""’Wold.ora!E.,l ot ...h.CcjeofAlo»ik Walter , Made great Stewaide of SeotUnd by itialeolmt the maiden. Heniicriince of Scotland— - Adatni diughiet to William Bad Waiieo. Emcrgitda the Earl of — WILLIAM MALCOLMS 4 Seaumonts daughter I the Lyon theMaydcn SS= *12- !S?i--*w?es . , - - - - ^ Garioch I EatTof Chefter. Mane daughter to In - ALEXANDER. 2. - Jcanc daughter to - I 1 edyoung. dyed without lowav. th<>d>M..ft mnA " V Alane, famous fot his valiancy in the Wars of the Holy.landc - «... . . (as they call it) h**t6*tet,daughtet to*- ALEXANDER 3.-'Joleti,daughcetfotheEarlofDicujCj Kent . i King of Eng- I his feeond wife, land Edwatdi.Lang- I flunks niler. I coad daughter, ings.ofwhom fuccefTion. daughter. j thiEatlsofHu „ atecomc the Earls of Huntlngd. Alexander, he builded thcAb* bay ofPafley. „ >• Robert Bruce competi- Domagiila,wife tor with John Baliol (olohnBal- the lbn,forthe Crown UoU. Alexander the Prince, David Margaret'* who marled the Earl j of Flanders daughter. | ■> Eiicui,oiHtnganonusKiogofNorway. Matgatete, called theMay- denofNorway. Inherthe ...L.t. _•/!. _ ! _ _t V. _ John Cummin — 1 Marjorie JOHN Balliol King of Scotland. I Robert flruce, who married Manl« , the CoutsteiTe of Canid, andbegate upon her. whole poftcuty of King John,furnamed the red Cummin,,^ - - William faileth, andthe flain by Robert Bruce King , in Edward Balliol down of Scotland returns theKarkof Drumfrife K-ofScodand. to the poftetityof David Earl of Hunting Sc Gatio. ir.bcl, dmrttei to— ROBERT dmgbKrlo ^Robert his biotbet, of whoia are delcended the Sails of Lennox. Alesandeia. 1 Johne I Walter 3. the great Steward of Scotland .Who maaed King Robert Btuce his daughter- his firR wife. Scotland, - Mijory Bruce Ha merusdeBure Eatl of Hulfler in Ireland his feeond wife. Elieabeth Mute, daughter to Sit Adam Mute - Knight, his feeond nife- ROBERTS, the— EufemehtsfiiR wife, firft of the Stuards j daughter to Hugh 1 EatiofRofle. Anabel Drummond, daughtei to— the Laiid of Stobhall. >John Eatle of RobertEatl Eufemewife DavidEarlof WaltcrEari Alexander Carrie there* of Fife and toJamcsEatl Strathune ofAthole EatlofBii. sfcerKing,by Menieeth ofDouglas ehanScL. the name of ( of Bade* ROBERT D. Mmdo. Boch. the 3. I Walter DAVIDfecond, Margaret, Maude Bruvfe, he matted Countesof firit leane, daugh* Sutherland ter to Edward 2. ofCaciiaiuan King of EngUnd,'and after her death Maigatet dau^teitoSitJoho Logic Knight. Marie Wife to George David Duk*ofRoihefay,&c. and Prince JAMESi.- EatiofAngus ofSeotland. He died of famine in pri- Ibn at Falkland. - Jeine, daughter to John. Duke of Somerret,8t Marques Dorfet.fon to John of Ghendr,3. Ton to Edwaidthethiid.tneviftoriousKcsgofEQgland. By her he had many children. Margaretwifeto Elieabeth, JeaneCountes Hclenor, Maiywifcto Anabel J A M E S i. — Maty daughter to Arnold Duke of Geldte, (ilictidaughtcrsto Charles, fur* Lewis I i.Klngof dutchesof of Huntley, dutches of the Lord of | named AudaxtheUR DukcofBuigiuidy,naio by Renaius, Dukeof Loiayn, Fiance. Britain. AuRtta. Camp-veer. { and the Zwitzers. Margarctdaught«toChfiftiatiusi.KingofDenmatk,SwcdenandNotway— -J AMES3. JohnEailofMat Alexander Duke of Albany MitiewifctoThomasBoyd.Eulof I I Atian, and thereafter or James ■ — KamiliounofCadeou. John Duke of Albany Governoutinjameas. minotitie- NOlWaT-— J Al* Margaret, cldelt daughter to Henry 7 . King of England_ . — JAMES 4* M,.(l.lMe.V'xn the zclrcof Clnift 1543. aPrincefs veitcouflic inclined She married firft Francef 2. Daulphin , thereafter Kingot f ranee, ihen afl terhisdeath, returning hamcco Scotland, fhemanied Hewne JieBwJ •Duke of^lbanie. See. lord Darlej. lonnc to Mathew Eric of lenHox, ( a comclic Prince, TronepHOy to feline 7. King ol England ) to whomc fhe barc.T4W«tbc6. Shcwai pktcb dcatUin £flg/dHd 8- /eir.isge. alter '18. zcircscaptiviiic. , . .. • - ■ CKIil J4««r6. A guad, Godlie and learned Prince, fuccccdcd tohis Mother, inthczeircotthcwarldc 5537* in thczcircpfChrift 1 567. He married ^nna Daughter to fredevick the Second King of Denmark, And5o;Af4 U/r/f«i the Duke of Meckelhurgh his D.-nighicr, quhahes borne umo him alrcadic Wewi iefredmc^t the Prince, the 19. Feir. 1593. 'aadElixaheih,i9.^hgufl-i$96’^rim*«H,30.Ju«Barj, 1649. _ CX King chatUs the fccond, a great, wife, moft mcrcitull.and Magnani. mous Prince fucceeded to bis Father, in the year of the world 56 19. in the wear of Chrift,3649. He was Crown’d King of Sfot/4«4, at Scoonc, i. Jrf- Mkry, 16 S I. and after nine years exile, by a tebcliious. prevaknt party in *»ci4iid,wasinthcyeat 1660. miraculouDy, and wonderfully teftored Dcaceablv, totheRoyanThtoneofhisAnceftouts, and to the CrownsoE LMtBrLiiiandIre;4»d,andwasCtoWn'datK'eilmm/!er,23.^friI.i66i. He married Kathatina Infanta of Vmagal. Daughter to loiit King of Ttmial, and Venna Lada. Daughter to theDuke of Med, naSdm, a. He isnowprefentlyKingofGrM'PriMiB and Ireiund, whom God Almigh- ty blcfs . and long preferve. and may the Dmeaft Succeflton of that ^y all Family funder whofc happy Government this Kingdom hath flourifttci thcfeaoiz.ycars, inanun-intcrupted Line) esnunuebya }uft/ aaa Li¬ neal Dcfccnt while the Sun and Moon endure. finis. De verborum /tgnificaiione, THE EXPOSITION OF THE TERMES AND DIFFICILL WORDES. CONTEINED IN THE FOURE BUIKES OF REGIAM MAJESTA7EM. and uthets, in the Afts of Parliament, Infeftments, and ufed in ptadtique oi this Realme, with divetfe rules, and common places, or principalles of the Lawes. aimed aud E>:fmd be CM. JOHN SKENE, Cletke of out Lordis Regifter, Councell and Rolles. ET) I N BV RG H, Printed by DAVID LINDSAY. i.A»no D- C. LXXXI- TO THE READER. IHavt rather opened and fchawen ane occajion to the gud Keader , to perform this warke, then exfoned, or declared the famin-, being an matter nocht pkafand in it felf, uor treated be uthers of before: Gif I have freafed to do well, or attempted that, quhilk uthers may aceomplijh and make perfite, the profit e and commodity redounds to thee, quha at thy pleaf ere, may big upon this little ground and fundament. Gif utherwaies be errour or ig- norance, I have nocht fatisfied thy defire and expeBation, Sic errand medicina confeffio. For ane abfiolute memorie, and perfite knawledge , in na thing erroneous , is proper to God, and not competent to man. ^hat ever I have done, I did it not to offend thee, or dijpleafe any man, but to provoke uthers to do better, alwaies for thine awin well, be warre to repre¬ hend my doings, flowemd from ane benevolent, and gude mind-, except thou be affUred to be reprehended of na man, quha cumis after thee and fall cenfure thy doings. I am affrayed of all Readers, for ilk man hes his awin Judgement and opinion, quhaircf their is als mony contrarieties, as diverfities of per fins. eAdvifi therefore, and or thou do any thing rajhly, gif thou may, tranfaSi and agree with all the poHeritie , that albeit thmi doe afwel as Ho- met in his Toefie-. nane of them be unto thee, fiucceffor or imitatour of Zoilus: fi great is the vdrietie of ingmes , and inclinations , that nane can be fiure fra reprehenfion. Reade there- fore, and make thy profite of gud thinges. Correli modeBly al err our s , quhilks are igno¬ rant, and nocht wilfull. Eik all neceffaries omitted. Cut away al fiuperfluities adfeBed. /Ind whatever thou do, ejieeme of me , as I do of thee and f al , to quhais knawledge, this my little labour fhall happen to cum. And fwa. Vive, Vale: fi quid norviHi reBius ifiis, Candidas imperti: ft non, his utere mecum. THE EXPOSITION Of the diflScil words and tetmes, conteined in the four Buikes of REGIAM MAJESEATEM, Anduthers: Inthe AflsofParliameiit, Infefcmenrs, and ufed in the prafflicque of this Realms, with divers Rules, and commoun places, or principall grounds of the Lawes. I CTILIA, Armour, Weapons, HarnifEing, : Sta.2.RobertiBrnyfe, c.ordiitiitHimj. Iliihaif itis ftamte that ilk man havandTcn pounds I worth of gudes fall have for the defence of his ‘ body and Rcalme, anc fufficLcnt Afton.and baf- net, with aluifes of plait, anfpeir, anefword; ! and;f, ut eft citaiio, in jusvocatio, monitio, ediSum, de^KnCMfio. conventio, aliudquodin vulgari noftrodicimut,adjurnamentum...^d)ourHal is the Iufticcairc,asanc A^oi.i'ddjournal, fo called, bccaufe it is maid in the, Tufticc air. vid. Her. ADVOCATid Ecclefta, Isthericht of, Avii thelccund 6, Novem. 13 57. quhair it isftatutc 5cordan:d,rhatallahds> rents, and pofficftloncs, quhilkis of auld pcrtcined torhc crown,-or the Ktngis domainc and propcrtic, fuld all and hail, and pcrpctuallie remainc in the hands and pofleftion of the King, for his fuftentaiion fic living, with- out ony alienation theirof. Andflk.likc27. Septem. i367-'Vitbconrent ©fthcthrccEftaitcs,itwasftatutcforrhcKingis better fuftentation, and living, that all rents, femics, kanes, cuftomes, forrefts, offices, and uthcr emofumentes quhat-fom-cver And alfo all landcs, alfwcil the pr^ pertie, and uthers, inpoftcffionquhairofKingRoAo'r i. ^father toKing Dtyid the fccond.dcccafcdasof^fic^and that all pofTcffions, 5c landcs quhilkis pcrtcined to the richt and propcrtic of the Crown , the time 01 the faid King RoAcr/, or ofKing ..^/exandei* the third, or of the faid King Vavii ihefccond, fuldreturnc all and hail! to the crown, with all advocations of Kirkes , andallfcrvicepcrtciningthcirto; To remainc perpctuallic with the Crown, nocht-withftanding onic alienation theirof, maid to onic perfon, and that na difpofition theirof be maid thereafter, without confcnrol the three Eftatis. And gif onic perfon had onic ofthc faidcS landcs laboured with his awin pleach: Itwasordaincdthathcfuldpaic alfmciklcfcrmcand dcwtiethcreforc, asthefamin micht gudlicpay, or asonic uthcr landsasgud, andalsmeikle* ufcdtopay.Anafiklikcallthe great and fmall cuftomes, and burrow maillcsofthe Rcalmc.arcordancd to abide and remainc with the King, till his living, be anc act maid be la. 1. Par), i. c. 8 . Ofthc fccond forme of Annexation quhairby landcs, poflcflioncsand uthcrs.per expreffum, arc annexed, united, and in¬ corporate diverfe and findric examples ate extant in the aflcs of Parlia¬ ment of King Irfmer the 2. !i.Prfr.4-^«^-c-4i- 5c of uthers maid tbeiraf- ter. Laodcs,. and uthers dcwtics, or pofleinonsquliatfuni ever annexed to the crown, being annalied ordifponed, nalaiichful din’olutionmaid theirof, it is Icfumctothc King, nocht-withftanding the faid allicRarion to put his hand to the faidcs landcs, and take tham back again to the Crown, hrevimdnu. without onic ordour or pvoccsof law. And as con¬ cerning the proffites theirof, quhilkis arc extant , pendeiiies e?* nondum confumpti, thctimc ofthefaid inrromiffion, theking.orhiscomptrollar maicintromet their-with, in the famin mancr, ashcmaicintrometwith the landcs, lure foli, quia fruflus pendentes , extantes cenfentur pArs foli. And tuitching the fruftes, and proffites ofthc landcs quhilkis arc fpended, andconfumed; Thc'King'andhiscomptrollar, aucht5cfuldrcpectethc famin fra the pofteftourcs, anduptakers ofthc laidis fruftes, of all zelrcs of their introiniffioutherc-with. bcwaicofaftion, bccaufcihcyarcon. fumed and fpended. Rj-ihilk deed coniiftand in JaRo, fuld acceflavlie be provenbe ordinarwaicofaftion. To the quhilk hail proffites thcKing hes gud riefit, in refpeft that ofthc Law, malafidei pojftffbr, can never ac¬ quire and conqueis to himfclfe, onic fruftes or proffites, athcr extant orconfumed. Andtrcwiristhatal thay, quharcccivisonyinfcftmcnror unlaucbful difpofition ofthc Kings annexed property, ar males fidei pof^ ftPfoYcs: they receiving the famin againftthc manifcftlawofthis Realm, the ignorance quhairof cxcufis na inhabitant of the famin. Andmair- over, trewit is that the forefaid forme of intromiffion wiihihc Kingis annexed landcs. and repetition of the proffites theirof, hes bcncinufc and praftik fen the making of the aftes of Parliament theuanent : Likeas in the bcgiiiniiigofthc reign ofKingirtwjfsthcFourth 18. Ian. J48?. the landcs and Lord-ihip of Bre(j&eff,aud were taken fra PdvidEarleof craspfurd. and anc tcrmcafllgned to prooveagainfthim, thcavaiUof the maillcsanddewtiesofthe faidcs Landes with the pertinences, intro- mcttcdwirhbe him, fen thetimeof the gift thereof. Item the King may imromet with his annexed propcrtic, and proffites theirof, qijiid! derhebe Vrtjoror minor, ForgiftheirbcnalaucKlulldjflblutLon of the famin, hcisaycasitwercmiuoranent his faid propcrtic. Al annexations arperpetuall, andinduriscontinuallic, ay and quhill anelauchfiilldiilb- iution be maid be onic King: Induring the time of the quhilk diftbluti- on, the anncxacioo ceafis, and fleepis, and the diflolution being ended be dcceaft of the maker theirof, the faid annexation beginns to quicken ey ^nolXAt,'^H quafsrevivifeere ■, In fik forfthat the King quha fucccidis to the maker of 'j the faid dilfolutionmay fetnafewes of his annexed propcrtie,bcvcrtcw ofthc difiolutlon made be his predicefibur , bot mon make anc new diflolution to the cflTeft forefaid. Quhilk fault and vice, I findc in divers and findriciofcftmcntcs of the propcrtic: and fpccially in the minori- tic of King lamer rite Fifth, quhilkis arc wrangcoufly given he vertew of tbedifolution maidbc KinglamcrthcFourth^hisFathcr.vid.Diflb- lution. A N N U E L L anc word ufed in the praftik of this Realme, for an xeirclic revenue, or dewty, payed at ccrtainc termes, athcr legal, quhilks arc cajlcd termini legalts vel legitimi, preferived andappoynttd be the lawof’thisRealm, fik asMartiivmesSc Whit-fonday^ Or conventional as plcafis the parties till agree and appoynt, bcpaftionandconti betwixt Zuii and f<*«d/-mffr, or onie uthcr time. In the Aftes otParlia- memmaid be Queenc Mrfrie 4. Parlia. 29. Maij,c. 10. mention is maid ofgroundannucll, few annucll, and top annuel), quhairof 1 havered na- thing in onic uthcr place i aiidamincercainquhat they do fignific: bot GrehndAiu. referris the famin to the judecmcnc and opinion of the Reader. ..^Iwaics ^utU. ground annucll is cftcemcd to be quhen the ground and propcrtic of onic landbiggcdorunbiggcd, is difponed and annalied for ane annuel! to be payed to thcannalicrthcirof, or to ane uthcr perfon, fik as onic Chaip- T^aukuiI^ lainc orPrieft. Topannucllisanecctfalncdewtic, givenand difponed furthofonicbiggedtcncmenr, or land, of tlie quhilk tenement the prd- _ _ perfie remains with tire difponcr, and he is onUcoWifticd to pay the faid \ annuell. Fewansiucll, is athcr quhen the few mail), or dcwtic ii dif¬ poned asancyeirlic annuel. Or quhen the land, or tenement is fette in tcw-fermchcretablie for anc certaine annucll to be payed nomine feudi- , firma. The annucll of Norwaic ciuhairofmcntion ismaid in the aftes of ■' Parliament oi King James the thnd.and in the Rcgifter of this Rcalm,wa6 aneannucllofthcfummccifanhuntlrcdmarkes, Itcrlingmoney, quhilk thcKiMsofthisRcalmcwasoblifficd copay yeirlic to the King of Nor¬ waic, for the caufe after fpccificd. BccaufeDo«rt/dBrf»»e,brothcrtoKing UaUolme Ceunmoir, wrangcouflic after the deceafe of his brother ufurped ttcricbrofthcCrownagainfthisbrothcrfoncs, Edgar, .Alixander, Va- vU, and uthers. -^nd for help, andfupplic, gave all the lies of 5cw/flad! to the King of Norway, quhairthrow, and for uthcr occafioncs, monic bluidieandcrucllbattallcsfollowcd, umill the battcll of Larges guP, 1 263. In the time of King ./flexAnder the third, -.^nd ^cbo King ofNorway: C.uhathereafrcrinthcfaminzeirc22. Januatic departed in Orknay. ./^nd the Scorcis bcand viftorlous, WagnHjthc fourihofthac namc,King of Norway ,fonnc to the faid .yfcho.mzid peace and concordc, with the faid King ./dlexander in anno, 1266. and rcnunccd, quitc-clamcd, and difeharged all richt, or title, quhilk he or his fucccflbrs had, or micht* Iwe, or pretend to the lies of 5‘fo//^l'ay, the fifth of than name, and Roierf the firft, Kingofi'ctir/rfHd, in anno 1312 Botatrhe- laft thefaid annucll, with all the arricragps, and by-iunnes thereof, wa^ difeharged, and renunced fimpliciter, in the contraft of marriage bctui.\c King .James the thiid,and Margaret, onlic daughter to Cbripidnus the firft. King ofNorway, Denmark, and Sweden, S. Sepremb. 1468. ft.uhilk difi. charge is nocht onclic ratified, bot alfo renewed thereafter be the faid ChripUnM 12. Maii. 1469. And like-wife ihc faid King .Turner the thirdw . 24. Fe. 1483 commanded hisAmbafladours fend to (he Poip, todefirc confirmation of the faid pcrpetuall rcnunciatioD, and difeharge of the contribuiinn of the lies. ARAGE, utherwaics Average, from ftuhilk fignificj-ane bcaft, as faibc hereafter exponed ; Abdfwaconfequentlic Average, fig- nificsfcrvice, quhilkihetenncntauchttohismaifter, behorfe, or carU ai’cofhorfe 18. Jan. i $o\.'Johtt Stewart contrin William Blair. In the aft oTparliamcntJa. 4.p. i.c. lo.ItisjprmeB-^ntfra^e.Andlikcwifc, in the indenture at ferth pen. Mart. 1371. betwixt Kohert Sietrard Earl of Me«- tefi/i upon the anc part, andDamciyitWfCountcsofAr/e, on the uther ttttfEifcy part,it is plainly written, f«w .^varagiis ^ Cariagiis. In the ^hilkindcn- mre,thcfaidl/f.• <<- versa is called animal : The quhilk place is de namaiione aiiimalium, that is of poynding of cattclK , AVUNCULUS properly is the mother-brother, bor fumtime con¬ form to the French mancr offpeach, it is taken for the (athcr-brotha, in patruus,li.2.c. fiquis liberum 24. r. dr/?cir»!fiAKj 34, dejudie. c. Item Hota i $. In quibus lot is jus fucceffionis dkim ptriintre ad dviiHfiJiiWJ ejuf- qiie liberos quod non e(l confentaneum juri nofro civili, ft avunculus proprii 4ccip'atnr' pro fratrematris, quia cognatorum, h.c. conftnguineorum, ex fartemirkd^udnosnullaefifuccef/io, h.c.cognatinonfuccedunialiis. fvjaftrmis •MlfOa have done wrang agarnft > « J ,1,^; ,3 ,,e„gd. albeit and fowlc of the crime. -In B „,mi{(.fot he being anis quite, be is wtangoufly , cannot be be accufed of tlieir wrang- SVer quite for f ,ti,c great affife fold be of a s. pec- pnsdeliyerancc. I.3.p.8.t.?‘>-N c J upon the fitft fons. Nobill and efteemed, balden and tepute as dale of ,Iuni|. 1 S’ V'*" “I L, fal happen to be fommond upon.fik an ibem uponqubaisaffifetheyf^^^^^^^ «j«,n,is_accnred,ffledorconvia^^^^^^ B 39. The Pape in the time of K. James the foil'd, fend in ibis Rcalniq ane catdinall and legat.callcd Bajiiiioni, Buha did make an taxation of all the I'cntalles of the bencRccs, that the famin miebt be knawin to ilic Pape. To the cffeft.that quhen onic perfon came tokoiwe fcikaiid bulks or riche to onie benefice fra him, he micht conforme to the faid tcntall as he plcaf. ed. fell the famin foifamcikle Silver, . ot Goldc, as he thocht maift pro¬ fitable., i)3ihilktaxationis"roundeduponibcCanon Law, m the tx- travaganl. fufctpu rigimitm, lib. 6, BAIRMAN. l-iJ.njiPOBr. . , , • BALLIVUS, an French word, Bitrrliy , ..fnc baillic ot |udee, (t. t,c. 10 c 5r qulia hes anc ordinar power and jurifdiftion. VambaUitiusfat Maxmapc,cSlattiarbi,<.a. nallia.m Latin proii/,i(i.r, anrbaillc- aalim Ballivas h Baal/, h.c. daiiiiOT, J«ia balkv, doiiiriiaiirrir/lot/aidrlrr, malitam wagiflri cfdmi«i,Rrb,ij)as hi a«llit.rcg,as,Hcfmint.txccat. tm si r ..yndinihcChcckctcompK.rhcBaiUicsoflJiirrowcsaicprn. netiic ‘ailed ial/ini. ilpha be the Lawes of this Rcalme, makiscompt Lillie in the Checkec.ofthcit burrow mailles,as ane part olt ie Kmgis an¬ nexed pi'opertie. and alfo of their comnioiingude, quhilk fud be imployy cd in the nLelfar affaires ofthc bnvgh..^nd likewaies ,n the cheker.compt is maid ofthc Kingispropertie, befikasarcca ledBallraiR<{ir, andin- , trometcis with his rents: quhaiscomptsatccalled coiiipiira Ba/lrooriiiir ad ax, ra Sail. Extra Bargon .^nd ar impropctlie ca l td Bal/rpr being upy,.,,. Chalmerianesin.pnt. andom-pnt be che Comptroller, for qnhomhe aXtatra. fold be anfwerable. Mait^ivet. in the Checker compt maid per malts, is quhentheComprer is charged inhis compt, conforme to ane former compt, rolled of before: .Mnd ccwfalim extra rorafot, is quhen he • i,.,r<^i..3;nhUoneration. be ony precept dircft bc himfclrc, S Son'm:S'lSof.hei^4sreL hcfore.hc mak- fnV of his compt, or with onie dewrie filyer, ot nthtr thingptt- '»!•>• tcrninyeotheKingcxttaordinatlie, and not zeirlie, as anc pat.eol his ^ KANRENT ES. Baaerelr. J.t.i.far7.'.rc"- Inihtqiihllk plate, it is n.anifcft,that Ban-rtnt is ane kiiide ofeftaite, greater and niair hono- reblethenBKrones: FortheBarrontsareptmiirrtdiothufe thcitCom. ntffion "s, tobefentfotthemtoCouncellandPatliament, ,0 propone a and litidticnccdesand caufes. peticiningto the comtnoimcs, ,n the all and imn Counccll : Bot the Ban.ienits fold be warned t _ — ...r-vsn-Uii, in rlaa, Parlianiftnr I/ra.9.c.Ir'M doi»i'B«iai;C.I‘e»':«' "''J“.”^"jj"jj;'^i„gs'^ to Vompeit perfonallic in rhe Patliament 11, m quid mil- V ^In fik maner. asBifhoppes, Earles, Lords, .abbots, Pti. KUrsffice.Sfdi.z.Ro.Br.c.c.tiowirtMJ*^ • „ j .i,^j.ii„-ranrcni Dioba- ov Cottnccll • . j Tijjsv/oidc iscommoolicufcdintheEng- ores, uusto ® JJn , . i ’ Feud. Tit. ^'^d7!m}d,l,‘ali,firma. Bums in dtcifitars Bardtgalcnfis, Trail. bis officc.SM.2.R®*2’’* pi'oba- m i>ux. tmtu Murch'u. Ctviti Kothm. SpHr'mt. T)e 'uerbortmfignificatime. }JorWdftd.l. 5. f. 2. Zafius de Ftud. Tit, qui Fendim dare popufit. Some callisBanremsthcmquhahcsBanci- renr, and divided in fundric partes. Uthers callis them quha hes the rent or zcirlicdcwtic of an Bar- tonne. And fik-like, Tome undcvftandis them quha bcavis the Kingi* Banei'inhisboiftandamiic: quhilk office and honour, pcrtcins hcre- tablic, andallanerlie, to the Conftablc of the Kings Bancr man. But all men when they arc belted and maid Earles, arc called Barronne Banrenr, and Lordc of our Soveraine Lordis Parliament ; Quhairby it is manifeft, that the faiddignitic is common to manic, and nocht proper to anc man ; And therefore feeing Zapus in the place forefaid.writis, that Ban-rent is ane dignitic concerning weir-fare ; I think in my opinion, that Banrents arc called Chevaliers of armes, or Knichtes, quha fur obteinine of great honourcs, dignities or riches, hespower, or priviledgegrantea to them be the King, toraifcandjiftiipanBancr, withancomp-inic of mcnofwcirc, cither horfe-men, orfntemcn, quhilk is nocht lefum to ony Earl or Barronne, without the Kingis fpcciall licence, asked and ob¬ tained to that effeft: As Heinierafquier^dvocat. l\b.2.desre cerhesde lafrance. provisbcmoncyand fundric argumentes of the Hiftoric of Arrfnce. AndDoCeowr Thomas Smith, anc learned man, in hisbuike, anentthc commounwcillof£«g/a«d. Lib.i.c.xj. SayeththatKnightes, Banrentes, armaid in the ficldc, with the ccrc- monicofeuttingofthepoyntof theirftanderd, and making of it as it were anc Banner, they ocing before Bachclcrs, arc now of anc greater degree, allowed to difplay tneir Armes in anc Banner, in the Kingis hoift and armic. BANNITUS, Banlfhcdforoniccrimcor uthcr caufe. Banmm, fignifiesanctrumpet,inlatinii(6/t,aswritis-M0rti>,and are called Barraioures. Be qohome Barrairie is committcd,and quhatischcpainctheirof, it is manifeft be the aftes of Parliament. It is anc Italian word,and be the J/d/irfHe interpretours ofthc civil! Law, Sar- rataria, is quhen ane Judge corrupted be buddes (fikasgoldandfilvcr) judgiswrangcouflie, FeirusdeRaven.fiitgula.isG. andiwa doingfcllis Juf^icc for mcid and profite, and makis his office readie to be boucht be him,quha will give maiftthcirforc. ..dngel. de Syndicatu.'i^u. 4- For the quhilk crime he mav bedcprivcd,and fbarpclie punifhed. Bartol. t.l.Ma. 3 .SeH. I- nu.2. de. annu.Ugat.And likewaics Barrattoursin the Laws of £«g/4HJ,fuld nocht be fuffered to make fute, or to give judgementes or pronunce fcnfcncc or domcs,anno 3. Edrvavd x. c. 3 2. BASTARDUS, in French anbarneunlauchfulliegotten outwiih the band of Marriage. Quhilk word is barbarous, and (aslfup- ponc) narcafonccanbegivcnquhairforeitisfo called. Bot GabrielFa- taotus, inhisbuikrfewotAw, fpuriifquefiliis. c. j8. allcagis it to cum fra Bafiaris-, quhilkfignificsanchuirc,otcommonwoman: Bereafonthat baftards are commonlic gotten and procrcat with fik wcemen, in Grecke he is called Morj&Kr, for tanotha fignifics tharpaitofthe fathersgudcsfic gcarc, quhilk be the hw ofthc .Atnenians Icafumlic micht be given be thfc Father to his baftard fonne, extending to the fumme of drachma, and thcivforc Norj^e«was called all that was not tvcvv orlauchfull, as writes Bu- daiis in FandeHM.And fwaNorAoscums fra noo.prhativa particula.c^thei.. en.h.e.divinitm.tefieSitida. Bccaufc hewantis that quhilk is godlieand lauchfull, that isanehoneft and lauchfull bii'th,or parentage. Andfwa mihos £fic«Hr^ja Mo«yf>/egiri»w«rjtotbcquhiIkihcir is na proper Latinc word correrpondcnt,asll«i«ti7/ tarn ratione tognationts, quam agnationis, the King be rcafon of his Crown, is univer- E/i/fird»$rri fa!lfocccflbrtohim!nhislands,gudsandgcare,as uliimus hares. peufl, Fourthly, an baftard being Ugitimat, or not legitmat,vnay in his Hec pou- gutmiihr fty 4nd induring his lifetime, annalic and difpone his landcs, gudes .and *Arumd»mU gcare moveable, and unmoveable, toquhomhe pleafis, in tne famine forme and manneras onie pcrfongotteoinlauchfull bed may do be the Law. FiftHc, all gudes moveable and unraovcablc of ane perfon borne baf- Fiftas fmei tard and deceafand baftard. without lauchfull atres gotten ofhis bodic, and djtitft*rd*, nadifpofitiontheirofmaidinhistime, perteinis as cfchcitc to the King, bcrcafonoftherichtofhisCrowh. lib.2.c. quariautm. ii.Ug.fortft, C.fibnftardus. judic.c.fibaftardus. 54. Sextlic, Anc baftard being naturalized or be the Kingundcr Bafisrdmste^ thegreatfoal, bctheprafticquc now ufed and obfcrvcd, hes allancrlie power to make teftament, difponchis moveable gudes and gcare, and nominate executors, conformc to the Law ofthis Rcalmc : be the quhilk Law, na man lauchfullic, or unlauchfullic gotten or borne, may make onie difpofition in his teftament, bot of his moveable gudes allancr- lie. For na man upon his death-bed, or in his latter-will, without con- fent of his aire, may difpone ony part of his hcrctage. Lib. 2. cap. Foicft 21. cap. Cum quis, 36. Seventhlie, gif ane baftard Icgltimat and rehabled in his life-time, makis anc teftament lauchfullic: The King thereby is excluded fra all richt and intromiffion with his moveable gudes : Bot gif he makes, ane teftament, quhilk is null and unlawfuU : Orgif he makisnateftament: Tejhuntntn TheKingbcrcafonofbaftardrie, fuccccdistohimin all his moveables, illtgitiwuf*- andunmovcablcs. For in this cafe, theeffeftand power of the Icgiti- marion cealis, and hes na operation. Auchtlic, quhenancBaftarddcceafiswithoutonylauchfoll teftament maid be him, or not havand aires lauchfullic gotten ofhis bodie: The ^*^’^**ir* King, behisThefaurer, oronyuther havand gift and power fra him, may intromet with all the moveable gudes quhatfumever, perteining to thcBaftard, the time ofhis dcccafc, and not difponed bcTiim in his life¬ time, as cfchclt pcrtcining to his Hicnefle, be rcafon ofhis crown and Kinglic power. Ninthlie, Sick-likcalllandesandtencments pertaining to the faid Baf- tard, the time ofhis deceafe, andhalden immcdiatlic of our Soveraine ^,7,4/).//. Lordjnchicfc, aftcrhisdcceafepertcinis totheKing, and the propcrtic thereof, be deceafe of the Baftard, and be rcafon of efeheit of Baftard- feruniHT. rie, belangand to the Crown, is confolidat with the fuperiority in the Kingis perfon 5 in fik forme and mancr, as gif the Baftard in his life-time, had maid refignation thereof, in the Kingis handes. /n aliathtnit Tcnrhiic, Conccrninglandesand hcrctage, pcrtcining to anc Baftard, • nothaIdcnoftheKing,botofancurhorfopcriour,Spirimal,orTcmpoi-alj thcKinghesrichtofprefcntation: Bcthcqiihilk, after thcdeceafcofthc * Baftard , he may prefect ony perfon quhom he plcafes , as herctablc teancnc verbornm figmfic at me. fetineiir to thtf Baftardes immediat fuperlour, be his letter, under the Quartet feale, bearand: Thatfor-rt-mciklc, as R borne Biftard, and dc- ceafeandBaftard, without ony aires, lauchfulliegottcnofhisbodic.and nalauchful difpofition maid be him in his life-time, hadthclandcs cal¬ led B.pcrtcinin^ to him, in heritage, halden immcdiatlic oF thclijid foperiour ; And his Hieneflc being willing not to prc'iudgc the fuperiunr, . auenthisfuperioritic: Thcrcrorc prefentisto him, fik anc man.charg- ingthc fuperiour to receive him, and give him fik infcftmciu ofthc lanies, as the umqnhilc Baftard had ofhim of before. BE 11 T H I N S E K, Or BcthcLawofBirdinfek, na man fuld die, orbe hangcdlorthcmicft'ofancfchccpe.ancveale: Or for fii-mciklc mcate as he may bcarc upon his back in .'ine feekt Botall fik thieves, fuld pay ancfchccpe.or anccow.tohiminquhaislandc hec is taken: And mair-over, fuld be feurged. De riiirpaHJrt/fM. 14. qwiniam attach, t.pcr cottfhtutionem.^^ Rtg. Da.t.x. Infint. Stat.M- tx. c. de Btrthinfek. 1 9. lljihilk is contbrmc to the Civil, and Cannon law. J^am omnia dc/iSit cr maltficia afiimnntur voUntate, c?* propofito delin. queitiis.L.tjM injuria. I» ritHperiatc eoaffsif.rem alienam non adcp bcrcafon of their nativitic and birth, as borne men within the land, (iMafiafctiptmj gleba. That is depute, dcftinatc. or ordained be theirmaftcr, todwcl and rcmainc upon thcland,forkcipingand labou¬ ring thereof. Lib. z.c. P/«rjAKr 1 4 And therefore uthcrwaics ar eallcd Ti/. F^/4ni‘/. bercafonof their office; in fa farasthey have thccure ofVill^cs, and lar.dwarrhusbandric committed to them. Bondagiuntper anteriorts gindagiam (fines capitit. quoniam attach, e. debrevibur. 31- quhen ony free man, ftr rcnuncishislibcrtic, and makishimfcUc anebond, orflavc toanegteatc rtierinti. manin hisCourtc.andmakis tradition, &dclivcringofhim-fclfe, begi- vin® anegrip ofthehaircof hisforchcadttothecffcft he maybe main- tein'edand defended be him thereafter. The ftithilk bond-men, gihhcy rcclatmc to their libertic, or happen to be fugitive fra their maiftcr.may be drawcnbackagainc be the Nofe, to fervitude: Fra the quhilkthc faying cummis, quhen aneboaftisand mcnacistotakancurhcr be thcNofc. And it is Icafum to ony man to fell his libertic i bot gif hec dois, he may never recover the famin. .Mpif. Reg. Da.c.QjtUibet 12. moniam attach, c. quUibet, 56. To this the Civil Law isconforme. N<»m his qui adpreciunt partieidandum fevanundari papifunt,ad libertatem pro- clamarenonlieet.L. i.f.quib.adlib. Tetrus^ 1 .^sdverfariorum, makif mention of anc kind ofadoptlon.per comam jfveeapiUos, quhen ony cerfon tuikcanceripof anc uthermannishairc,anddidcutit ; Qjihairby the ane, became the Father adoptive, and the uther, the Sonne adop¬ tive. BO RCH, anc Cautioner, pledge, orfovertic, lam.sPar. 14.C. 99. In T-atine.Fide-jwJIor. wdeFrcc Borgh. vid. Tlegius. Borgh ofHam-hald. deMaritag. t. Sciendum. 17. Ane Caution or fovertie ufed in bycing and felling, quhilkthc feller findis to the bycr, tomakcthcgudesfurth- cummana,ashisawinpropergudcs, arid to warrand the famin to him. For it is Statute, that na man fall bye ony gearc, except the feller thereof findc him anclauchftiU pledge : quhilk is called Borgh of Ham-haldc. And eif it W1 happen the gudes fauld and be challenged bee anc uther, and the faidc pledge cannot findc him, for quhome he is pledge, to re¬ lieve him ofthe fald challenge ; He fall pay to the Challenger, the triple of the thin^J challenged ; AndauchtKyctothcKing.asancuit-law. AndM he quhalaundc the faid pledge, rclicvis him not from the faid damnage, he hcfilibcbaniftjcd thcrcalme.iffe.i .c .Statuit etiam 19. mit etiam 1 3 .For gcncrallythc Cautioner hes gud aftion.conirair the prin¬ cipal!, for his relict. Lih.i .ca. 1 , Tn f?«e. And fiklike within Burgh, the like caution fuld be found in bycing 5c felling ofall merchandice.cxccpt meaie and drinkc, and uther thingesoffma!! confcqucncc. Leg. Fdrejl.e. Mtuf. Btrgb Utm-htUd. ;,'bkgudsandgcar.,.,«arch.M47.«'-H-«t'»^ «Son;™d“bccammi/analur,h.cammandbo,ghrora^ make him furth cummand asanc liaill man, it is fufficicnr, produce him pcrfonallic, hail 6t foundc before the judge, in lauchftill time 5c p ace. Bot oif he be pledge for anc uther, that he falbc will, he man°fatisfie tor him in court .and to the panic, to quhorn he is plcdge.m all thinecs. as the principal! fuld have done. 0.uomisfocallcda PHiiir, bccaufelra- loi in the auldCretA language, fignifies Oven. ofthcqBhilkihcrcwas aboundance and multitude in Ualy, quhilk is confirmed he VaiUht I'anejiridus Ub.z.c 24. liati.t (intjiitO ab Ualo.Siculorum duce.qut eamantt- quiiiis invafiijiveob hoc \ia(ia dicitur.quia magm in ea hoves.h.e. \i.ih ha. bentnr,ab eo namqiie quod epitalus.per dimmitionc.utia liiera adJita, altera immutata,vitulHsappeUatnr.\tem ronnic.Lordfhip, orSchireffdome, as is mzmkd.Ex 99. .A^tf. Refts Vavid : Et Domiimj Poffifw-c, is the lord of the, or ground: 1 .in Libro M.U illielmi Skene, frairif mei, Commi- ffarij San^i.Andrea. p4g. 149.C 79.//fm,It is ftatutc .indm-Jaincd.that the Kingis Mute, that is, the Kingis Court or ilk Bothcnc, that is, ot ilk Schi- reffedome, ftlbc li.ilden within fburtic daies.-4]^Ke£. T>a. ca.f.. in Libr. quondam M. Roie«i Carbrailh. l.C.Doffi^onr. BOTE, Ancauld Saxon worde, fignifies, Compenfation, orSatif- faftion; Asman-botc.thdft-botc ; And in allcxcainbion.orcnfTmg of landes or gearc moveable : The anc part that gettis the better, givis ane Bote, or compenfation to the uilur. Quhairol there is anc cx.imple in ^ 5r familU, Ofpe.ludic.Ct' id § quadama^iones. Infiit. de aflionibns Anc man-boteisafiithmcntforthcHanchicrof ancman. Kin-bote, for the flauclucr of anc Kinfinan. Thicti-bote, Is quhen onv man agrics with Th'ufi.hMtt anc thiefe, & puttishim fra the Law.l, 5.i2.lH/,P<(r.j.«.2. Or quhen ony fcllisanc thiefe* or finis with him, tdr thielt-domc done, oriobccdone. Par. 13.C.137 BOVATA TERR anc oxen-gate of land.Li.4.f. Si quis fede. W<. 2 j. Quhilk in fum buikcs,iswrangeouflic wriacn, Vavata terra. The Lordcsot the ^effion be their dectcctc. 18. lulij. 1 541. Lftecmcd and mo- dified anc Oxen-garcof land, totvventiefhillinges inalldewticszcirly. Bot in thit I findc na certaine rule i For fotne land is mair fertill, and uther raair barren t Alwaics, ane Oxen-gate of’land, fuld conreinc thrcttcnc ac¬ ker i And four Oxen-gate, extendis to anc pound land ofauld extent, con- forme to the dccrccics given be thcLordcsof the Checker, ti. Mar. 1 58 5. Mony.penrty oiPiirig, and uthers, contrair .Adam Bifhop of OrAiwj. Andatthcinftanccot?oA« Criechieiineoi Bruntpoun, contralc John Fentoun. breve, Ane commoun worde in the Lawesand prafticque of this Rcalmc: v-^nd alfoin the Civil Law.Lii.i.C. rrejrfftont. Trifcur. Li’j Quhair.inthcGloITe, it is caWei Schadnta, ane fchort compendious write tLikcaSall brieves ar conceived in few words.anJ aralfwa called T/rwe la. And in R«ir.C. de fcntent.rx peneulo recitand.Altiatus Lib.t.Difpunfl.tap. 21. tt }acohut Cuiaeias, Antonio Contio repugnanie, Lrgitrir ex Breviculo, id eP,ex feripto brevioriforinnU concepte. Becaufc the fcmeiiccs and dccrcercsot Ordinar judges, fuld be rcdandpronounccdinvrrit.Frfe'ftf^irtiiw.isanewriror inftrumentjfubfcrivcd bcanc piiblifkNotartOrbetwaVvitncfles.quha ar called, pitrrrCHWtr, vel curi.e.h-t.Convalfalli : Qiiha baith balds their land of ane fuperiour. Cuiacius Lib.i.^ Lti.z.TrV. j.De feud, in the ailld Lawes of this rcalmc.diverfc and findric Brieves hes bcncufcd and wpntc, ntva quhairofmentionis maid Q.«oh. aiiach.c.debrtvibiisit. Aniin findric muft. uthcrplaces. Botfeven formes of Bricvcsallancrlic, arc nowc com- monlicufcd. The firft, the Brieve ofMonanccftric. Thcfccondc, the Brieve of cutorir. The third the brieve of Idiotry. The fourth the brieve ofTeree. The fifth the brieve ot line, or lincarion ot landes, and tenc- menteswithiuBurghi The fext the brieve of divifion. The feventh, the brieve of perambulation, duhairof the three fi.-ft brieves arc anfwe- red, andrctourcdagainctothe fhancellarie. And the uther lourc rc- ceivis na retoured anfwcr. The caufc of thcdivcrfiric dependisupon the formeof’thcbrievcsdireckfurtholthcChancclIarie. Becaufc the three firft brieves in the end ofilk anc of them conreinis an command to tlia judge, to quhome they arc direft, to fend back againc hisanfwere to ilke point of the brieve. And the remnant tourc brieVes hes na fik command p Andthcirforcrcquirisnaanfwer. , BREVE dediviftsficiendii. Is the brieve or fummonds of cognition, or raoleftation anenr the prnpcrtlc and commontic of Landes, anenr the bounds, mciihcsand marchesrheirof, betuixt Neighbour, and Ne^h- bour. C.uhilkbethenewaftyfParliamcnr, fuldbcdcddedbcancafiife, befovethe Schireffe, and his deputes. Ta. 6. p. ii. c. 42. Itmaicbclikc- waicS called the brieve of divifion, or of perambulation, or onic uther concerning the marches oflandcs, lib.z.x. dicilur.y*. BREVE denovddiffafina, quo.attacb.c.debrevibut.ii. Isthebricve orfiimmondesof ejeftion, orfpuilzie. For ffi/Tkj’ttor, is he quha cje£fis onie man furth ofthe poflclTIon ofhlslandis, without ordour ofthe l.iw, aswritis ,loIi»R<4i‘.'MffleHri.^‘tr/,i8.affirmi«that«ojw dtf- .fafinaM that quhilk in the civil l.iw, is called intcri Hum unde vi. .And co- prehends a\(o interdiHum utipofddetit. And in the Law ol Ninmandy./r. 8.f. 5. \x\scc\\edinteTdiHumTec;p(randapoffefponi<. vid.diljafma. BREVES pleadable, breve placitabile, arc all fik brieves, quhilkis are pcrfcwedanddcfendcdbcane ordinarformc of proces before anc com¬ pete dJ 'icrborum Jignijicatione. ■ctcm ju(Jgc> at the inftance of anc pet fever again ft ane defender . For it is Statute, that na man fall be ejeaedfurthof his land or tcncnicnte, quhairin he allcdgishimtobeveftandfaircd.botbcan brieve pleadable or fum uthcr brieve accordand theirto, 6c that the faid perfon be lawfully fummound,to anfwer upon his heritage, at anc ccrtainc day 6c place. Star. 2. R{>4.Pr.C.Ircm.2 5.quhilkisconformc rothcaftsofParli.Ia.3.P.6.c.4i. B R E V Ede reflo, the brieve of riclu was ufed bciore rhc.Tufticcge- ncralland his deputes indecifionoftheground, richtand properric of lands, and reduftion of infeftments, the quhilk forme of proccs is declared at length, in the firft buike of Re^iam hUjcflaiem^ and in quo. dttach.e. it be the Lords ot counccllandfcfllon is decerned nocht to have bene, nor zit to be thir mony zcircs in ufc, and thcirforc they find thcmfclfc, conform to the inftitution of the Coliedgcof jHftice,3ndiu- rifdiftiongrantcd to them, to be judges competent in all caufes ofherctage, •vU. 542, Tairick M'tomj contrair fortes of Rent. BREVE it morte anieetfforiSjthe brieve o(MorianceprieJ-2 C-gtne^ raUa.zs. Or the brieve of fucccftion, or ofconfanguinitie, it iudicib c.Uet- tura.iji. Ot breve itiquifitiotiU- Siat.Rob 3 f-i-Orthcbricvcofinqucft I. 4. p.6.c,94 Albeit all btieVes aic iiiquifitions, bccaufc'they arc dcccrminat. per inqii/uionem patrid, it iuiicit-c. cim qiiis^ 1 52, or the brieve of recog¬ nition, breve recogniiionif Stai.z.Rob.Br.c Item quia 23. It is the maift nc- ceftar, common and profitable brieve,or inquifirion that is ufed be the lie¬ ges of this Rcalmc,quhairby anc defiris, to be ferv'ed and rctourcd,as nar- reft and lauchfull airc to his father or uthcr prediceflour. This brieve is ra- Tbtftrfiwer fed furthofthc Chanccliaric and perrcwcdbcancappcirandaireof per- 0fthtBriivt. foj. recovering^ of hislanacs, furthof his fuperiours hartdes : to- oidd^r with all the promres and commodities theirof. leg forefl- c. et/thd- yesyi.Thcraifcrofthc brieve at the famin time fuld find caution to per- fcwandfollow the brieve, and his dame conformc theirto- e.gette- Thi Juiit. Yalia.2 5. Be the auld law of this Realmc, the lufticc gcncrall and his dc- putcshavcandjurifdiflion nocht onelic in criminal! caufes, bot alfo in civil aftions,was judge competent to the fervicc of this brieve, qiio.attach. e.debrtvibus. 31. Bot now the famin is fetved before the Schirclfe, Stew¬ art, baillic,oronicufhcrjudgc havand power and jurifdiftion.S/<*r.RoA- 3 c.t. Orbefore judges dclcgat be commidlon, granted be the Lords of PrtcUmAtitit Ccuncel, for the ferving of the faid brieve. la. 5-p.6*c 8 2. The brieve fuld be proclaimed upon fiftecnedayes warning exclufiv^- That ir upon fil- iccnc daics, nocht comptand thcdaic of the fervicc ofthcbiicvc to bee ancofthem, bclikpcrfoncs, ashcspowcrbcthcirofficcor commiftion, to proclaime the famin, in ane lauchfull, publick, and convenient place : That is to fay, in the principall Burgh ofthc SchirefFc-domc, Balliery, or uthcr place quhair the landcs lies ; at the merest crocc theirof, and in mcr- cat time oMaie, before twa witnclTcsat the Icaft, to the cfFcft that the knawlcdge theirof may cum to the audience of all parties, havand or f)rctcndandentrcs thcirintill, and theirafterthe brieve fuld be lauchful- ieexccuteand indorfate, bethe officiar, cxecutortheirof, andftamped ijjg Pjjj] j Qp fignet before the famin be prcfcntcd in judgement. Stan Roi.3.c.i.I.l./».9.c.i27.l.4/-6.C 94 i.ep li c. 6o- Inregiftro 537. It is ncccflar and alfo Icfum to the Schircffc.or onic uthcr ludgc of this brieve, to fummond ccrtainc perfons maift worthy within his jurifdiftion fttromnod. palfcupon thcaffife,and that upon the fpacc of fiftccnc daics, or zit if hepicasisuponanefehorter time, and giftheybe prcfcncinthctol- ukh un-fummoned, iiisleafumtothc Judge to compel! rhemtopafle upon the faid inqueft- Ia-4 p- 6* c 94. And all fik perfoncs fummoneu and nocht compeirand, archargedat thebarreand diftbbeyand, fuld bee decerned in anc unlaw and amerciament of court; The brieve bcand lauchfullie proclaimed, and the perfons of inqueiftl^kc-waicsfummo- ncd,andthc daieofeompeirance being cumtthcpcrrewcrcxhibirisand prefemisthe brieve dewlic execute and indorfate, in judgement to the Judge, and defiris him to caufc the famin be red, andpiittotheknaw* Icdgcofancaffife: Thereafter tbcofficiar; cxccutourofthc faid brieve, VerifitaiUn bc his great aith, fallfwcarcjudiciallic, that he did execute the famin *ftht trine, brieve, conformc to the indorfariontlicrcof inallpoynres, andthewit- neftesinrert thcrc-in.till.fall alfo make faith, that they heard, faw,and by- ftude, quhen the ft id officiar did execute and proclaime the Brieve, in fik manner, as is contained in the indorfation thereof: The brieve and indor- Diftnitr. fation being fwa verified, gif ouy perfon havand entrefle, compeiris to defend and objeftagainft the brieve, he fulde have infpcfHon thereof, tif he defiris the famin ; And gif he proponis ony relevant exception, cclinatour, dilatour, or peremptour : Hec thereby caftis and annullis the Brieve, either until anc new brieve be raifedagaine, oryTm/'/iC/teyinall times camming; uthcrwaics, gifhehes na rcafonablc exception or de¬ fence to flop the bricvc;thc famin fall pafic to the knawlcdge ol anc alfifc, Qkohmjw attach.:, debrevibus. 13. \Ah ajjtfe i$ THEN Certainc lauchfull menne maiftc worthic, and quha ehefio. knawis the veritic, to the number of Thrcttccnc , or fif¬ tccnc, ar chofen in judgemente , in prcfcnccof the perfewer, and defender: Or in prcfcncc of the periewer, and in abfcnce ofthc defender, knawin to have enrcrcfic, and being lauchfullie fum- moncd,and nocht compeirand, to the faid eleftion, to objcfftagajnft fa moiw perfoncs, as he maylcafumlicftop bc the law, to pafic upon theaffife.-For likeasitis ncccfiar, that he beanis fiimmoncd: Swagif hecompeircs nocht, being lauchfullicfummoncd, the bricv^fiild receive procefie, and pafic to the knawlcdge of anc inqueft, at the defire ofthc perfewer, in abfence of the defender. Lib. ^ Outmudiien ej?.44./iA.4.c. Sipetens. 57. flyhilkis perfoncs, nalauchful ef the brine, objcftionmaid againft them, fuld bc received, fwornc, and admitted: And therefore at called jMrdtorrr.'u/d. Bona Pairia. And gif they, or onic ane of them bc fwornc and received , the judge may continue the brieve to anc uthcr dayc, gifhc plcafis, andas ncccfliticrcquirissuther- waies the continuation thereof, is nocht leafum, without the confent ofthe p.trtic, after the claime is given in ; And inqulfitlon ta¬ ken in the caufc, gif the perfoncs of Inqueft, being wcill couufclled, and advifed, delivcris and fervis , in favourcs ofthc defend- "^'‘Uine cr, and findcs the perfewer na waics neareft and lauchfull aircto him quha died lart Vcftc, and faifed in the Landcsacclaimcd ; Inthat cafe """" the defenderdoisbruikand joyisthc poflcfilon ofthc faid lands, and the perfewer is debarred and fccludcd therefi-a. Bot gif the afiifc delivcris and fervis negative, as faid is, or affirmative, in favours ofthc pcifcwer againft ServU, tir thedcicnder.conformetothe claimein all poyntes: This iheiranfwcrc ’''"f've. to alland fundricthcpointcsofthcbricvc.ft'alcdwithallthcirfcalcs, or of the maift part of them, togidder with ihc fcalc of the SchivefFc, or u- thcr judge clofed, andthebrieve inclofcdtliercin(tothccfteftthcftme may bc conferred with thcanfwcr)isfcntback and retoured tothc chan- n.ttonr ccllaric, conformc to the Kingis command, contcinedintheendofthe bricvc.a/rft.Re.s-c.i. Quhilk therefore is called anc rctourc. Anditisto ,f wit, that there is iwa kindcs of rctourcs, or anfwcrcs maid be the perfons of inqueft, tothisbrieve, and reroured to the Chanccliaric: Thcancis gencrall and the uthcr fpcciall : The gcncrall is, quhair na landcs or ic- GenertUT,. nementsar fpeciallic acclamcd or fouchtbc the perfewer of the brieve: *'“*''* onx * JJot onclicit is defired, that hec may befervedand rctoured generalie, neareft and lauchfull aireto his Prcdcccflbur: To the quhilk gcncrall claime, ane gencrall retouc is maid, bc vertue qubairof the faid gcncrall aire, hes gude richt and title to all contraftes, obligationcs, and reverfi- ones, and to the moveable aire-fehipguds, quhilkis pcttcincdcohispre- deceilbur, and were not difeharged, or difboned before his dcceafc, in his liege pouftic; Andfik-like, he mayperiew, and defend quhatfumc- cver aftion competent to him, be dcceafc ofhisfaidcprcdcceflbur, to quhom he is fervedair gcnerall. 8. March. 1540. lames Scot, comrair The fpcciall anfwcrc and retour is, quhen the perfewer SfieUtin of the brieve, claimis fpcciall landcs, and the perfoncs of inqueft givis tenr. * ane particular and fpcciall anfwcr toilkfpeciai poynt ofthc brieve e. pztuit Dom'wus 4 5 ■ The quhilk is direfV and fend to the direftour of the Chanccliaric. to be tryed bc him, gif the famin bc conformeto thedi- reftion and ordourof the brieve in all poyntes. Herds to bc undcr- ftand, that the landcs contcined in the rctour, ar haldcn immcdiailicof ourSovcrainc Lord the King, cr of ony uthcr ruperiour. Gif'the lands be haldcn of the King in chief , the direftour of the Chanccliaric, com- txi’andis hisCIcrkesto direfl anc precept, under the rcftimoniall of the grcatfcalc, called the quarter fealc, in qubirtWalx, tothc SchircfFcof tne Schire, quhair-inthc landcs lyis; commanding him to give faifing to the perfon retoured, or his Aftournay, ofthe landcs contcined in the retour; And to take fccurliie ofthe maiiles aud dewties ofthc landcs, fa langasthey ar retoured, to have bene in the handcs of the King, or his Pxedcccftburcs, bcrcafonofwarde, ornone-entcreftc, quhairofancme- Of Unit n: moriall is made in ane buike ca\]ed,Refpo»de, vid. Refponde. Gifthc lands retoured bc balden of ane uthcr immediate fuperiour then the King-: The direftour of the Chanccliaric, direffis ane precept, chargeing the ^ ^ fuperiour, to give faifing to the perfon retoured, of alland findric the landcs contcined in the retour; He doand to him therefore all quhilk he is obilhed to do bc the Law: Ruhilk precept, gifthc fuperiour diflb- beyis, bcand required perfonallie, or at his dwelling place, to obey the famin; And for verifying thereof, anc autbcotick inftmmcnt repor- Tin fitmi ted tothc Chanccliaric ; Then the fccond precept, called Memittimus, friw/r. isdireft tothc faidcfuperiour,bcarand in efFcfV, that the King remem- brand, that of before he gave command to him to give faifing: quhilk command as zit is nocht obeyed, qiihairofhcmervailis: And therefore zit, as of before, chargis and commandis the faid fuperiour, to give fai¬ fing to the perfon retoured, of the landcs contcined in the rctourc. And gif anc uthcr authcntick inftrument bc reported to the chanccllary for verification of the ruperiouris difobcdicncc the fecond time ; The ^ third precept called Furchee, is direct, commanding him to give the faid faifing, oruthcrwaicsgifhcdifobcy, flicking certifieshim , that he will direft his uther precept to his fehireffe to give the famin. In the ex¬ ecution of althirthrcc precepts, itisnotnecciTare, that the fuperiour fall bc pcrfonally apprehended. Buticisfufficientgifhebefa charged in the The /aunt execution of anvanc oftlicm. The third precept and charge being like- pffffpf f/ rte wayes difobcica, and the ftmin difobcdicncc Lawfully verified, as faid it: anc precept is direft furth ofthe chanccliaric, to the fehirefF and his depu¬ tes of the fehire within the quhilk the landcs reroured lyes. Makand men¬ tion, thatthc King hesgiven command be his uther letters, roN.Barron and his deputes, that he without delay fuld give faifing to the perfon re¬ toured, or his attornay of the landcs contcined in the rctour, quhilk gifhc dots nor, bc commands and chaigis ihc fehireff, to give faifing ofthc faids lands with the pertinents without delay, faifand ilk mans richt. ftiihilk precept being oDcycd bc the fehirefF, and faifing given conform theirto; the fuperiour who was three times charged of before and refufed, bc rea- fon of his difobcdicncc, tynisandforcfaultsthe fuperiority of the lands quhairofhc refufed to give faifing induringhis lyfc-timc. fiuhilkfupc- rioritic. fall pcrtein-io his immediat fuperiour, quhidderthat be the King or ony uthcr. And after his dcccas, his aire being ferved and retoured to the fuperioritic ofthc famin lands, rccoveris die faid fuperioritie quhilk his father did tine throw his difobcdience. And fa bethe laW and prac- ^ ticque of this realmc, anefuperiourmay tyncandforcraulc hisfuperi- critic. Firft, quhen he is entered and faifed in the fuperioritie, and being fuferlaritif- charged bc precepts of the Chanccliaric, refufistorcccavchisvafiall, 6c tcnneiw-, feryed and reroured to the property. In the quhilk caifcbcrca- fonof his contempt and difobcdicncc ofthc Kings precepts and com¬ mand, he tynis the fuperiority , induring his lyfetime, without any de- claratour, ordccreit ofanc judge. Secondly, quhen the fuperfourisHOC enrred nor faifedin the fuperioritie, and ischargedbe the Lordslcttcrs raifed bc his vaiTall , to enter within founic dayis thereto, to ih‘ effeft he may •verbarum Jigmficat me. mlV enter to the pvopertle. Tlic qnVilk fo'.t/ty Jilcs bein;’ by-p.\ft, at the ItiftinrcofthcvalTil, he iu\y be Jcccrncibc Jccrcit ofthe Lords of the Sc^n > have tynt hisfapenority.anl to facisfic the parHc grieved. Irf.j . p.7:C: 57: And in b.iith the caUcs forela'td, the vallal, or tennent, falbc cn- tred an \ bald of the ICing. or the uthcr immediate over-lord, to him qiiha frtetftstf contcmpnandlydifobcyed. Laftofalf, concerning the giving ofCtifing conformctobricvcs ferved and rccchircd before the judges, comraillioncrs c$nfirmeto the formc and ordout of the Chanccilary above written, fuld be keeped finMrti h BURLAW, Fjr/.tfp. LawcsofPHr/rftP arc maid, and determined be confent of nichtboi s,clefted and chofen be common confciu.inihc courts, called the courts. In the quhilk, cognition is taken of complaints betuixt niclubourandnichtbour, /ii.4'C. The quhilk mcnnicholcn, as judger and arbitrators to the effeft forcfaid, are commonly called hyrlav men. It tsan Dutch word, for i/mr or ia/ir/maii in Dutch, \irupicns, And fa burlaw, orbautlaw, /ejetrKfFiforum: Lawes maid be husband-men, concerning nichtbour-heid to be keeped a- Mftangs thcmfclvcs. aniobferved, andgifthclanles rctoured be haldcn irfimcdiatly ofthc King : the precept of faifing fold be dirc£l to the Schireffand his deputes. For the Lords auditors ofthc Chccker.ftatutc and ordained, 8 .Aug. 1528. C thatintimccomming.thcclcvkcofthcChancdlaric, uponthebrievefer- r - r . . vcdbcancommiflion, fall direft the precept offaifing, to the principal f^ADROw, quhairofmcniiomsmaidinthcadof P.pvintcd.r568. rHf,CK/?i(mrty. And canage of wol.or taken for the cuftomc thcirol ,/e. iiavium /0/.171. is li.M. iViUielmi SA:eKe,coiw?«iJ/rfrt; SanBandfex fratrit mtigermanu Spe¬ cially, quhilkisgivcnforthcmcndingandup-halding ofthc liavcii foe fehips. leg. burg. c. nit. in lib. Carbraith. CAMPlONES.anc word commonly ufed in fingular bdttclUForin auld tlmeSjquhcn controvcrfics.and debates culd not be utherwife decided, bot bcfingularbaitcll: the parties did cither fccht in proper perfon, or con¬ duced, andficdfoi-wageuthcrsto fcchtforthcm. Qjiha war called c4W- pionei, bccaufc they faucUt in citm/>o,or in the fields, dejiidic e.gj. Albeit fumtime they did fccht in the K. palace, /ii.4. jS.andfumtimeiii the common ftreits. quo.dtiach.c.apHd Dimfreit, io. pat...dlex. c. apud 28- fromthcquhilkconfuctudccummisthc common (ayingtDor/jOKWe/pf, da thou n>rdng,chtit thou a campion Prang : for thisis the law ofScotland. Be- caufc inall aftions. and quarrels decided be campions in fingular combat s That partie did win the caufc.quhais campion was viftor}ous,& he quhais campion wasvanquifhcdandovcrcum in battel, did tinchiscaufe. t'f. Dueflumgladiatortt, or daellatores, arcfbrbiddcn. /. Hsie. C.degladiato- CATALA, an French word.c/i4«f/,as is commonly taken in thelawcg ofthis realm, for all guds and gcarc moveable, li. e.e.ciim 52.C. ufura- rii, SJ.c.if. ubiresmobilet diciwtur caiallai and likewife in the lawes of NorWiMt^gudes moveable, fignifics all things, as pofTcffionsquhilkismay be removed fra anc place to an uthcr, and commohly arc called cattel, as horfcjclaith.goldjfilvcr.and uthcr fik things, /j.s.c. i./.8.c.j. Likcas/l4re- ^/i^<«,orhcritagc,^lgnificsalllands,6cimmoveablcgudsinthc^aid law of t . ^eind alfo in the lawes ofthis 5 hflat.gtld c. item quod quicunq-, ip.and leg.burg. c./T tontigdl . J04. gifanc burgesdcccas without an teftament, hisaire, andhiscattcll. falbcmthckeipine ofthc kinfmcnofthcmothcrfidc, called co^n<<«. And his heritage m the kcip- himquha u ineofhisi^nfmenofthefathcrsfide, callcdtf^wdfT. t, ^ ‘'"via •>» CATHORIUS, CdtheHus. quhat it fignifics, I cannot wcil dcclair, al- waics it isequiva/ent to the valor of 9.Ky.5f.-^/fx.c.4p«d.2S.^«o.4r.c.4^d 4-^* _ <9*quhair it is ftatute, thdt gif ony perfon bcisconvift in lingular battel. or uchcrw.1ics of breaking ofthc K.protcftion.or peace: he faU give to the K., O' ires cathorios, vel pro quolihet cathono novm vaccas Itistruc, c4B»//fr/ir< in latin, fignifics .in "cldcd horfin fra the quhilk turns the latiri proverb, camherius iufopa, agamtt them quha being unabic.and not qualified.feiks and cravis omccs.quhair- mtheycandonamairfcrviccnorahorfcorhorfmancan do; being m- cloftd within an fowfe: andriklikccml4mV«nif»rM. quhcnanchotft verborum Jignificattone. bcinglcd funli of rhc tlic port, or in ihe beginning ofliis journey, fnappcis or lallis wiib bis inaiftcr; The fiipcrftitiouspcopill efteemed that to be ancevill prefage of the journy. CARR^JCATA itrTt, ^tk Frcnchword, for tharrm, is anc plcuch, cratrum. and contcins alfmciklc an portion, or mcafurc of Land, as may be tilled, and laboured within ycire and dale be anc pleach, lih. i . c. ttrrs. der. 19. Uihcrwaics in (he rainin place it is called hilda tm*rd. t.c. 2. CREFFERA, ot hara porcorum, anc cruife, orancfwincscruif. iurg. e. l^onlitet. 87. quhiltc in fum auld buikes is called anc Styt. C R O, Croy,in the adles of Parliamcnt.Ja. j .p.6. c.9 3 . is ahelatiifac- tionoraflithment for flauchter of ony man, ThequhiUth? judgefuld paietothesarreftof his kin, incafcheminifternocht the Law a; he fuld doc. .Ta.i.p,6.c.89. CULRACH. fumtimesiscalled an furth comand borgh, but mair propcrlyit maybe called an backborgh,or cautioneV,forquhcn ony havand power, or jurifdidtionrcplegisonyman fra an uthef mans court, to hi* awin court,hcfuld Icif behindhim in the court,fra the quhilk the replcgta* tion is maid, an pledge or cautioner quha falbe bundin and obliflicd, that hequhaufisthe replcgiation, fall do jufticewithin zcircanddaicin his awin court, to the particcomplainand, upon the perfon quha is replcgcd. fj^uhilk cautioner left in the court be him, and bciiind him quha ufis the called Culrdch.lib.^.c.f quit in alttrius 20. quo. attach, t. 3. mod, ten, cur. c. ]«djc.c.28. And gif the particcomplainand gettis nareafon in that court, to the quhilk, the defender is borrowed and rc- plcgcd, hefallhavercgrcsagainetothcfirftcourr, fra the ciuhilk the re¬ plcgiation wasmaid, and their fall the mute, andplcybccnacd, andthe Culrach falbe in ane unlaw, gifthc panic pcifcwcd compeirs nochr, and he quha ufed the replcgiation, anddidnocht Jufticc, fall tine his court forzeireanddaie. CHRlA, Anccourte, quhairof fum arefuperiourand fum inferf- our, leg.Jdalc.Mak.t.^. vide .^tnerciamentum. The fupreme court is the Parliament, quhilk hes jurifdiftionof all maters Ecciefiafticall, civill, and criminall. All courtes bv and attour the ordinar pcvfoncs of the judge, the perfewer and the defender fuld have certainc uthcr pet Tones and mem- bers. quhilkisarccallcd cLi'^crc«ri>, the keyes of the court, that isanc lauch/ull official- o* ferjand, quha fuld fummond, attacheand an cift the parties. Ane lauchfull Clcrkc quha fuld informe the affifc,and the demo, ftcr, andhcsthccurcandkeipingofthcproccs. Ane futour quha wardis and pronunccsthe waird,ana iutcrlocutour of the Court. Anedempfter or doomefter quha gives the doomc or fcntencc definitive, conformc to the information ofthc CIcike or Judge. CURIA chripianitatislib. 2. c. d'ebetautem, 37. Ub.t. c.placitum, 17. ]s called the ecciefiafticall jurifdiftion or court . ut hcrwaicsyornw eccltfi. ePicum,lib. t. c.5. Curia Chriflianitatis opponitur laicali feu facularitUb, a.c.tim aliquis 59. Iib.}.c.preterea,23. For unto the ane oertcinisthc ec- elcfiafticall, and to the uthcr rhc temporail or fecular jurimiftion. CURIALITAS, curlalirie, curtefie, from the French C«r/o/y?, civilitic, gentlencfTc, humanitie, for the law of curtefie, isangentilland favorable ordinance or conftitutioB,grantrd and obferved in this Realmc, andnochtuniverfalliekeipcd, or ufed in uthcr cuntrics, And thcreiore it is called C«ri4/»ftfr5cot»>, the curtefie of 6 cof/«fld. And in thclawi o( England lex Anglia, or fhc curtefie of England, within the quhilA twarcalmesandnaneutherthislawisinufe. That is quhen onic man marics lauchfullie anc wife, and rcccivis landc and heritage with her: And it happen that he beget with her ane bairnc, quha being borne, heard cryand betuixt four wallcs o' ane houfc; And thcraiter his wife dcccafisDcforchim, befall bruil: and pofleffe, all the landcs quhiUsper- tcinedtoher, in-duringhislitc-timc, albeit the bairnc live or deccafe Ljb.2.(. enmitaque $8. The bairnc borne,bcingfonne,or daughter, maill. ’Le verborum fignificatione. or fcmaill it Judie.c. Mttritdgium. 1 27 ; Q,iiliilk Uwhes place in landcs and lieretagc, lyand wUhoiu burgh, haldcnofrhcRing or ony uthcr Tupc- rlour: Anialfoin landcs and tcncmcntcs lyand within burghandhaU den in free burgage. Leg. Bwrg. c.fialiquif.^^. This Law isnocht introdu¬ ced inlavouresof the wife or bairnes, botismaidinfaveurcsof the husband allanerlie. Andtherelorcicisnocht ncccHar that hchaveonie faifing, inleftmentc, oruchcr richt, tothclandesquhilkpcrccincdtohis wife ncritablictBot onclic the benefite and priviledge oftbecurtcfie, i^iihilkisvaliableandfufficicntto himinduringhislifc-timc, for brui- kingand poflctring of the landes, and for remooving, out-putting and inputtir^oftennentes, infikmancr asgifhewereproprietare, lyfc-rcn- tar, or rcntallcr. And maire-over, the Lawc ofthc curtefic is extended in favour of the Second hus-band. Andtheireforegif auc manmaries ancheretrix, and after his dcccafc, fhcc marie anc Second hus-band, andbearc to him anc fonne, or anc daughter, and thereafter Ibce deccafes, hir fecond hu<-band aucht and fuldc bvuike and jois the priviledge ofthc curtcfic, in fik manner as gif the firft hus?band micht have done, incafe his wife had dcceaflcd before him. lib. 2. die. cap. 58. de Judic.Cap. 127. As concerning the eftaite and qualitic of the woman that is marled, it is ncccllarthatfhcbcherctablieinfctt and faifedinthe landcs as aire to hir father or uthcr hir predicefTourcs. Hot it isnochtncceflar- lie required, thatfhebcancvirgincand maiden. Bccaufc the curtcfic per- teines tothc fecond Ims-band, quha maricsancwiddowasfaidcis- Al. all (he landcs quhllk hchaldes of thatfuperlour, 5c the propcrticihcir- ofreturnis to the fuperiour,def»iiri»«g.c, Ro. 3. 20. ftyhair the auld forme and manner ofdifclamation is declared. Mairover, difcla- mationisqvihcn thcpcrfcwcrclaimes landcs pcrteinand tohiin.andhal- din ofanlupcriourtandthc defendour affirmisthcfaminiobchaldinof anc uthcr over-lord. lib. i .c. folet. zS.Ub.i.c. tali, 1 8 .To the decifion of the quhilkcontrovcrfic, baiththcfaidsallcadgcdovcr.lordesfuld be called. And he quhafailziesto proove himfelfe fuperiour, fall never be heard to claime the famin afterward, and the vaflall being convift.tynis the land andpropcrticihcirof, quhilk isadjudgedtohim, quha was wrang> ouOie denied ttc thcrupcriour,5cisfoundtohaverichtthcirto, lib.i.c. ^verd aS.Laftthc vafTalltynis 6c forefauhis his landcs, gif he wrangouf- licdcnieshisfew, orthe condition ihcirot, thatis the fervicc aucht their- fore, conformc to the French proverbe quifirfdtniefit, fpert. The rcafon is bccaufc the vafiall denyandhis balding, his maifter or landcs, contemnis and diflronours his maificr. Bot it isncceflarthat the vaffallortcnnenc dcnic fraudfully.that is wittingl)C,ijHftf vaffhlltis ftHdum quod feiensabnega- vit, amittiti igiioranti veri fubvenitur. Quod (idiibittt, dubiianttr refpon- derepottp. CitwriHj. lib^. defend tit, S. CP'.Tit.zy. CP'.Tit.i^.depcrnatie' gantis feudum. DISRATIONARE, from the french word Difreuer. In Latin DuelUre, DKr//o confc»drre,tofccht in fingularbattell, and cummonlie is underftandof the appe.ilcr, or perfewer, quia cum vadtatur duelUtn provocans dai vadium difrationandiyCiZ' defettdens vadium defetidendi.Sam- waiesquhidderthe wife- bewiddow, the time of hir fecond manage: timcrft/rtftfojwi’eismairgcncrallictakcii, lurto tinconiethinginjudge. or virgincand maiden, the time of hir firft marriage, ncccirarlie fhee (uld mentbe forme of proccs, concord oraggricance lib.3.c.<«m itaque. 14 be anc hcretrix, aire, or univcrfall fuccclTour to hir Father, Mother, or to fum uthcr ofhit prcdeccflburs. For gif the wife hcsonlicrichtandtitill to the landcs and herctage, as fingular fucceflbur , be vertue of onie con- trzA,veluti titulo efflptio«/j;Hir husband after hir dcccafc can never dame richt tothc landis, indurlng his life-time, be the curtefic of Scotland. Twenty aucht Tanuar, an thoufand.fivc hundred, nintic five. Robert L«». lib.z.c.periaiilem.67.quoit.alta(h.c.^.Uen\\t fignificsto proove onie thing conformc to the confidcrationc of the Courte be battcll, write, or be anc affife ofthc cuntrie. lib.x. Cap.fivero- 18. Cap. f verb Dominus.z^. liercrf. tHf)*. Cap- apparent. 24. Or be the aith ofthc panic, and certainc conjura- tourcs quhilks are called Sacramentales, i2.uha fum.timc maa, 3nd S/uramento^ lum-time, fewer in number makis faith and fwcarismoniccaufcwitli it'- :contrairRoiei‘rBtf//o«reo{DoDtf«e.Thccurtcfichesnocht anc parcic haveand entrefie in peifutc ordefencc. Cuia,lib. i.df/e«rf. place quhenna bairne Is borne in lauchfuU marriage, for it is ncccfiar And inthcLawes of thisRcalmc, tfieiTHr aliquit Jurareciimteriia, fep- thatanc bairne be borne maill or fcmaill, quick and liveand : And for tima, Duodecima manu. Ruhen three, feaven or iwelfe perfoncs fwcariswith him. Quhilk in the Cannon Lawc is called rHrg4«o Cano- nici. DlSSASlNA , Safina IS Jtno French wordc, and fignifics pof- feffion, to the quhilk is comtave , and fignifics dirpoffcluon, quhair anc perfon bcand in poffcflion of onie Landcs, as maillcr to his maifter, or haveand onie uthcr title theirto in write, is wrangouflic ejefted and put f^ra the famin, without onie warningor ordour of W4re W0Mrr,v«irr fe4or«jarc..-....r5.u..-^..... - - - - Law. Like-wife Diffafina is called fpuiliw, quhen onie perfon isfpuil; ruIdbmikethtSrtcfic after the death ofhiswifc. albeit thebairnc be- zied violemlic aud wrangouflieof moveable gudes and gcarc, pertat- J ins borne auick happento dcccafc immcdiatclic, or Ihortlic after hi$ ningto him, ashisawin proper gudes : and being mhispofletnoun ccr- nadvltic \)ralbcit the bairncand the Mother baiih departe this lifcj taine daicsormoncthes. For cjcaion conccrnis Landcs and gudesm- for fuPDofc the bairne happen to dcccafc before his Mother and movcablei and fpuilzicis of cattcll, and gudes moveable, thereafter or albeit baith the bairncand the Mother the anc and the uthcr is comprehended under af.reg.V>aCap. Jeccaft arlne^ir. oJ ^it gi?thebaime Icvis. and the Mother before 5t4r«nn«>iu^l^uhilkiscoWmetotheEnghft^ the huf-band depart forth of thislife, thchuf-band furvivand after her de Mer»«tf.c.3.and tothe lawcsof France^ Mjil(«4:«ji«/f(/ c«r Tarl.J>ari.u death fall bruikethe priviledge of the curtefic of all ^ndcsquhairin probation theirof, hemonbcheardcryand, for the curtcfic hes place in puero clamante, ( or as it is written in fum buikes) brayand, fquciland, or loudlic cryand. For in Frcnchc brayer, in the latin 'i/agirc.isto eric or ereitewith anc loud voice, l^uhilk word in our language, is alfwa attributtedto Hofc.Hartes.and utherbeaftes. And gifcontraverficarifc anncntthclifcor cryingof the bairne, itis leifum to the Father to pruifc the famin be twalauchmll mcnor wemcn, quha heard the bairne c/a- e,plorai'e,vitgife feu brayare leg.burg.d.cap.^-i. Tlic husband or Father hrmlcerhecurtcficaftcrthe death of his wife, albeit the hair his wife washeretablieinfcftrnin.h oflulii. anc thoufend. fivchuiidicth nintit feaven. Manha andEapirae mckal^mtr, comrar Maidcr lamer WlMm advocate, fwa the fubftantiall hcades of the cuttelic are thir following . quhairof gif onie ane tailzie the cuvtefic cealis. Firftisvcquircdane laucWull mamage hctuixt man and wife. Second. f . 1 8 And be the auld law ofthis rc.ilm, Hi^afim, or committer oflpuil- zieor ejeftion, being convift theirof fuld pay anc unlaw of ten pundis to the King.SMr. And may beactufed criminallic before the Jufticcand hisdeputes. Ia.5.p-4c-33. c l ‘DISPARAGIUM, like as /-tfrage is called cquahtic , Ifom the atin word Sa difprtMeuiw is called incqualitie in bluid, honour. man ana wnc. oc».uuu- latin word Sadi//»rtr«y>/oHe;,inLatine. dutllatores, Spccjallie,fik asar their awin bondmen, or tennentes, quha in bodic 5c gudsar under their maifters prtitcftion & maintenance 5 And rhcreforc fuld hazard and employ the ramininthcdcfcnfcofthcirmai. ' fters honour, and aftiones. Bot husband-mcn, ignoble, .and unlandcd men, fuld fight pcrfonallic» andnocht bc Campmtes..^Jf.rrg.CapStdtu- tumfttit ptrtegtm. 3 z- ; Botallmenthatarcdccrecpcd,lamcd,mutilat, or pafled thc ageof rhiccfcorczcircs, ar cxcufcdfrom fingular battel!, L/i. 4.c.4./f^. Purg. cSihurgtufisz^. Andfiklikc, rcligtouspcrroncs, clerks, Scwccmen may not be compel¬ led to fi”lit.Z;i.4.f i-jlat. -^Ux.c.s.Af. rtg.Bav- cap. jlaiuit domimis 3 8. It is in free will and eleftion ofthedefender, to fight, ortopafTcro thc kiiawicdgeof ane Aflifc. Lib.^. Cap.z. flitid deftndetis debet primo eligere delude vadiare, Gf poftea juritre.Iib 4. ca- lex(latuit 46. The .appealer or prover, fuld fwcarc that his quarrcll is juft, & the de¬ fender fwcarc thc contrair. avoWand the cqif ric ofhis caufe. iter cumr c, Compiireuiibus 29. It is not lecfum to ony pcriou to provck aiie uch'ert battel, or being provoked to f'eglit without liccncc'of the Kiu'i, uthe° • waits, baiih the appealer. Sc thc defender, "uis 5c forcfaltisal their auds moveable, & immoveable dehidic.c 87 Bccaufena Barronchespow • of (ingiilar battcll, or ofprobation bc water, ofhoncj except the Kin^V Schirtff, or his deputes, bc prefent to fee juftice donc.//ar. ...ilex, c.prxicrel 32. Mail-over, gif ony man havand ihcKingslicencc, happenis to be con¬ vict be battell.ovof breaking of thc Kings hcfali pay to thc Kin<» xxij.Kyc.eT* irescaihonos.vtlpro quolibei cathorio, novenivaccas. Stat A- lex.c.apiid. 28.Q.uhilk painc Scunlaw.appcaris to bc ordaincd,to ftay fik iin- godliertrifeSedabate j for the law of fingnlar combat isungodlic, 5e fuld not bc iifcd amang Chi iftianes, albeit the ftmewaspermitted & ufccl be the l.oiigobardcs, in civil and criminal caufes. ^Iciai.defing certam. Cuiac iu Lib Jindorim. Huliilk is conformc to the Canon law. cap.i.z.depurvai vulgar. DYOUR, Dyvour, utherwaies Bair-man, qnha being involved and drowned in debtes, and not able to pay or latifHc the fame: Forcfeliew- ing of prifon and uther paincs. niakis cclIiouanJ afllgnationof all his glides and genre, in favourcs of his clcditourcs: And dois his devour and dcwtictothcm, proclaimand himfellc Bair-man, andindiocnr, and bccummand debt-bound toihem, ofall that he hes, Ze^. i«rg. ctf. Bair- ' man. t44.In Latinc, cedere iojj/j.quhilk Is moft commoulic ufed ainannfl: racrcliandc$,to makcBaKA-ron; Jinukritpi, or Bccaufc the doer tlicrcof,asitwcrcbrcakishisbank,flalliorreate,qiihairlicurcdhis Cedereb trafficque of before, de hidicc.Bairmav ■](>. Bcthccivilllaw, fikccflionof glides andocarc may bemaid judiciallic, or lurtli of judgement, bc him quha isprclcnr, orabfenr, bcwritorcpiftle, or be ane mid perfon, called NunftMS./. ult. deccfflbonor. Bot to thc effeft that debtourcsfuld bc (eared to deceive their crcditoiire.s, and fuld the mairwillinglic paytheir debtes in find lie placcs,diverre Ihamcfull formes of dyvourie,av ufed and obferv- ed : for fum-times the debtour naked, fittis upon anc cauldftane, inpre- fence of the people. ^Iciaius /li, 3. Pdrer^. c. 47. Sumiimcshis hinder pattes, or hippes ar daflied to ane ftanc. Guido ?apx. decif. 343. Orinpublick place, bairhcadcd, hisbeltis cutced , quhairby he Is proclaimed indigent ofgcarc and ci'cdite: And therefore may pafle and repafle niihalr heplcafis, without ony trouble of his Creditoures. ItiXtn illiid Horatii, Epiftola feciwda 28. ibii ed qiid vts.qui ijowrtm perdidit. Confbrme to thc quhilk, in this realme, he is faid to have his belt cutted Zonam ptrdtrt, quha hes na gold, filvcr,guds nor gear. For in auld times, like as it is zit ufed in diverfe p!accs,ilk man caricdliis filvcr and his gold in his belt, cither in anc purfc hangingat thc end thercof,or fewed and inclof- cd withinthefamin. Suetou. in Vitellio. cap. 16. Qjiia ^on the double parteof his fathers glides- GifancmanhaddivcrTcwivcs, quhalrofancis ane heietrix, havand lands pcrtcinand to her hcrctablic } and hes procrcat upon ilk ane of them baii'n'’S. maillor fcmail; the Tonne gotten upon her, Tuccecdisrohcrhc- ritage. /it- 2.C. 51. Fovasgcncrallicthc Tonne Tuccccdis to the father j Swa in this cafe, the Tonne Tuld fuccecd to his mother. Leg. Fortjl. c.Siqtiishabuerftz6 deJudic.c.z^. Cohformc to the comm'oun rule of the law. Vneernapattrnis, materiia maiernU. fi^uhen ony man dcceafls, Icavand anefon, and dauchters ane or maa 5 The Ton allancrlic Tuccccdis to all his fathers hcrctagc.L/.s. c. Maritiis. 32. As gifane man hes procrcat with his, 6i'ft wife, dauchtcr, ane, or maa, hd vil anaaftcr her dcccafe, bcgcttisanc Tonne, upon ane uther wife, the Tonne onclic Tuccccdis to him- Leg. Forefl.c. 61 quisbabiieritz6. BccauTethc Son borne ofthcfirftlTccond, orlaftwiTe, Tuccetdisasunivcrfallairc to hisfethcr, andcxcludisallhisfifters. Dejiidic-c. liemnoia 115; Asicis written in Tome buikcs./o’jw/Mrt non fuccedit cum mafculo. FailaicingTonnesand bairncs, iauclifullic gotten of their bodies, the dauchtcr Tuccccdis- Forgifthcdcfuufthes ane dauchtcr allancrlic, fhcc Tuld Tucccede to all hcr Fathers heritage, in the forme and manner, as the fonne Tuccccdis to his Father. Dejudic, Cap- Item nota. 115. Lib. z. cap. ficerediim. 28. ITEM, Gif ane mandeccafis, Icavand behind him maa dauchters nor ane, gotten uponanctnothcr. his heritage Tuld be divided equallic a- mangil them, inalsraonypavtcsor portiones, as there is dauchters to fucccedc. fiuhilk forme of fucceffion. is called, //iccfJJio in capita, cum fciliceth reHa linea dtfctndcns- 1. z. c. Haredufn. 28. Dintbiteuno Gifony man deccafis.lcavand behind him anc Ne^«oj>iorNf/»«ojff,anc ' vtlplurikHs ormaa, procrcatbchis Tonne alrcadie dcccafed- ( Ex flio pramortuo ) txfilit. they Tuld Tucccede to him in thefamin manner, asisabonefaid, ofthcTuc- ccftion ofTonnes ; That is, gif there be ane Uepuoy allancrlic', he is onclic univcrTall Tucceflbur ; And gif there be maa Kepuoyet, the cldcft allancrlic Tucccedistoall./- 2-c. Poyra. 33' Gifonyr...andcc?afis, Icavand behind him anc , begotten be bis cldcft Sonne, alrcadie dcccarcJ, And .incTccond Tonne, .qifha‘isTatiict brother to the (aid Nfpiioy ; The fecond Tonncisexcludcd Trum all riclit and commoditieulfucccflion to his father. BccauTe the Kepnoy l.uich-, fulfy begotten he the cldcft fonne vcprcTcntis the pciTonc of his Mthcr, .ind ' tbcrclore .litre reprafcntaiionn Tuccccdis in histaihcrsvichi : .indconfc- qiicntlic is onclic airc to his Gud-fehir : hke ashis (.ithcv waulJ have been, git he had not deccafed before him. Lib. z.c- Potto. ;•>. The like is to be undci ftood of anc Neipcc.or Ncipces, ane or maa, be¬ gotten be thccldcftTonncalreadicdcccaTcd.quha Tuld he piclcrrcd to tlicir lather brother, onent the Tucccftiou of their Gud-fehirs heritage: Except ^ TpcciallproviTionoftailzicbcmaidinfavouiesoi the aires maill. G.i(o cafiiharcdts mafciiti fucetdiint, non difpofiiione /iir/., fed ex provifione hominif. ITEM, AncNcipccormaa, of anc Tonne or dauchtcr, Tuccccdis to their Gud-TchirorGuddame, in thefamin mannerasihcirlaihcror mo¬ ther Tuld havcdouc,gifthcywcrczitliving- Lib 2 c.Porro. 5;. And in this c.nfcit isto beobferved, that qiihcn maa Nepccs nor ane, borne of findric mothers Tuccccdis, that the heritage Tuld bedivided raiiont flirpis, inasmony partes, as there is ftockes. of qubom the Taidis Ncipces de- feendisand proceedis ; As for example, gif there be anc Ncipce begotten upon anc dauchtcr, and twaNcipcesbcgocten upon anc uihcr dauchtcr, they all three Tuld Tuccccdc to their Gud-Tchirj bot the heritage Tuld not bedividedinthrccpavtcs. raiionecapiiuin-, but intwa p.>rtes allancrlic, Dentfiduni rrffioHe t Thatis, of the twa fifters qubilkis arc the twa ftockes, lieipin'tbH,. ofquhomchcTaidisNcipccsdcTccndis; And Twa the anc Ncipce. gotten "* upon the anc fiftcr, Tuld have the anc hnllc: and the uther twa, the uther ^ halTe allancrlic oftheheritage; fijihilk i'ormc of fucccHion , is called /Kcefj^oi?i]?irpff, quhen ihcbairncsheingmaain number, Tuccccdis to .nls meiklc allancrlic, as wauld have pertcined to their mother, giTTchoc had been living. ZJtfUiiidi- uerfarum uxtruni. Deflio Dt filia. De filietsu. Succefftc tdpitd. DefSHdbiU divcrfarum tixtriim. Diliiera tureenjinm exdivtrjis nstrit'iu. Dejrctiiida grakn ntpo' turn vel iiep' De linea olliqiid co//dtcr. QnHENthcfucceftionf.iilzicstirhcYicht line dcfccndcnr, then tliey quhaaroflhcfidclinc, or collateral Tuld Tuccccd : as quhen the Dtfr.urilal fonnesand dauchters, andallpcrAncsdeTcendandotthcmlinc.'illie. fail- • zics; Swa that there isnancofthem to Tuccccdc: Then the brother of him quha is deccafed, Tuld Tucccede to him. Lib. 2.c, Defiiitntibus. 54. Jllienim qihnc,tlK aire-Tchip ol the moveable glides, pertcining to the fccond brother, ihc time ofhis dc- ceaTc, defeendis and pertcinis to the younger , and third brother, as lauchTull airc: To quhomc hkcwlfc pertcinis ihc I.■ulcl1full (utoric of hisTaid fccond brothers Tonne, quhen it Tall h.tppcnto f.ftl. Gifthcrcbcmaabi'cthcvnor anc, three, or maa in number, and Defrdir/njti^ thcyoungeftofall happen to dcceafc without ]auc)iluU aircs , gotten tamiaime. ofhisbodie. His imtncdiat elder brochevTuccccdis to him as lauchfull airc: BccauTe conqueft afeendis fra anc degree to ane uther immediat- lic to the firft degree. StatlKohzi.Cap: i: Siat: lyilhelm: Cap: No- tandiim. 24. Failziandthcbrcther, and their aircs, gotten ofihcirbodies.thc fiftcr, orfifters, gifthcrcbemaanoranc, Tuccccdis in to their brother, in thefamin manner, as the dauchters Tuccccdis to their lather. Lib. z- t. deficitPlibusi^.deIudic.cap.Siqiris2i. Gif the brother deccafis without aircs gotten ofhis bodie , his ftill fiftcr Difennim goitcnwithhimbeanefather, and ofanc mother ( quhilk isc.allcd/oror germanaex eodemiitroque parente) fuccccdis to all his heritage, and cxcludis all uther fifters, gif ony be gotten be his father, upon anc uther wife, quhilk in Latinc is called /oror confanguinea, Lib. quart, Capite Si homo qS. ^ After the dcce.ircof the fifters, their bairncsTuccccdis/ti/Jtr^cf, (nthc fhminmaner, as their mothers micht have done, keipand alwaies the diftinftion betuixt the maill and Tcmaill, be thequhilk the fiftcr Tonne ex-, cludis the fiftcr dauchtcr. Lib: z- cap. deficieniibiis 34- de judic. c. Si qutszq. Q.uia {iitdiHumeP) tmlier numqnam cum mafculo partem capit inhareditaiealiqita. F.aiUieingthc fiftcr b.iirncs, and ihe airc? gotten of their bodies, The father brother ^ .^'ounculus, hoc cfl patruus ) And his bairncs defeen- hitrlti fucceedisi Lib: 2: Cap: Deficieniibiis 34. Lie judic. De nepote o" fine. Failzieing the father brother, and the aires lauchfullic gotten of his bodie: Thefathcrfiftcr {Maitriera, hoc ejl .^miia) andUer bairncs Tuld Tuccccdc, conformeto the forefaiddiftiniftion, bciui.xt maill and fe- maill. Lib z.CapiteDeficieniihus.irige^. quart, dt ludicilus- Si quts 24- Bcthc quhilk diftinftion, ihcfathcr Tiftcrsfonnc, cxcludisthc farhcrsfifterd.-mchtCT. Itistobcdiligcntlieobrcrvcd, qubcnmaaperfonsnoranc (fikasmo- ny fifters or ncipces) Tuccccdis, andithappcnonvancofthcmtodcccafc trifuniil without aircsUucliAillicgoticnofthcir awin bodies^ the portion .md D z pave 2)^ vcrhor urn tone. (tufa. t. incite- Cuid.lib.\. dtfeui. Wrlttls that fdlonie is not onclic rebellion: bot alfo perfidic, fraud, oronykindcoflault- perfidia,fra,is, cnlpdy impfohUds- FEODUM, Ftudm, fignifies noclit fas fomc affirtjiis) lifc-rent, in La- t\nc,ufnsfruSuf. Forhethat isfaifed in the lilc-rcnt of landcs, isnocht un- derftand to be faifed infeodo,ot in the fee thereof} For the ane is diffetent fromtheuther- 1561. ThcCoumcflcofCr4n-/i(rd, contrairthe tarltofCuipfurd. ^ndfik-likc, Feodunj fignificsnocht therupcrioritic otlandcs. Forgifonymariedmanhappcnistodeccafc, veftand faifei in the fiipciioritic of landes, his wife fuld not have ane tcrce,or third thereoK BocFeodHWcommonliefignifics. the herciable fee, and propertieof ony thing, and fpcciallieoflands, as is commonlic conteined in brievesand retourcs. CsfW aliqiin dicitur obiiffe fnfim vej}itfts,in ttrrk,M dejeodo, L\bi 3: Cap. Cutnvtrb 28. t.fequzns. i^.Stm:f.ob\r‘Zapui Ofthcquhillc Iandcs,thc juft thrid, and rcaforablc terce, will pertcinc to the wife, fra the time of her husbandes dcceare.induringhcr Wicumc.vid.fluannitntt ^idti. ar. rom;/eod»or/f«fd* : Is called the Lord of the ground, or land: Ih 2: c. Vfurarii 53. fi.uhair/e(jdHW harediiat, ai baithane. O' hartditas dnm^ «ati propstrerimtn, diemv ptrmtreaddcmmmjesdi, taiiquamcfcheta. Jtem.fiquis conAtmnatusJutrit dt fmo, rts tjm mobiles, o cauUa foltnt ‘vicecomiii rematiere : Ttrram auitmp quam htbiierit, dominusfeiidi babe- hit. Lib’. 2: ca: ForiffaUm 5 5. He is called utherwife , DomittHs fundi. Lib.i'C. DefunRo: 69. Etftudum idem ef quod fundus. lib.z.cap.Muiua.ei. And JSiofeudi, is ane aftion or pley of landcs or heretage- Lib. 1 : cap. 2. Feodumsnilitare, fignifics landcs haldcn be fcrvlcc ofwardc, and relief : waroc, - niihilki'cconformc Lib: 2‘.cap‘.Maritagium.i6. FewdHW frffM/e,Islandcspcrtciningto Laicks thehcvcta.e L b.2.c andTemporall mcl W: 2. cap: SS- Asfeodum Ecclefafticum, fignifics. tothc£«£/t/&Lawinh ^ ^ • Annoo Hen 3C la.quhair landespcrteiningto thcKirk.orKirk-mcu. Xii; 5; f4:/fq«K«r SJ. Cum fall give the aire r ' ’ r j, l ^ ' l j „afonablc e^ove- feqq. Swa be the lawcs of this Rcalmc, all gudes and gcaveav moveable, ,lfo id, written, .hnuhctcliftofony man, raJlh,«h,,_rcM ScalkdC^K//.: Or immovtabitt. andar called nan of ibe hcrclagc qul.ilk pertained to the defuna, accrercis to all them that remainison lile,and fild be divided amangis them all. iii. a. e. Ma- riiHS.32.dejudic.Cap. Jtemitoia.tis. . , Laftofall, gifonymangottcnandborncinlauchfullmanagc, ae- ccafiswithoutanclauchmll aire. audit cannot be Anawin, quha fuldc fuccecdetohiin: Or gifitbeinqueftionordoubr, quhais his nchtc- oiis aire : Be the auld law of this rcalmc, the King, or ony uthcr fitpcri. our rctcincd the landcs in his awinhandcs. untill the pley was ended, in favourcs of the juft aire ; Or untill it was knawin, quha was the iauch- fu\\2hc.Lib.2.Cap.Hlt.$3. Bot now,gifthcrc be nalauchfullairc, tocn- tertothchcrirage; the King, 2s ultimas hares, rccognofcis, andrctcmis the faminas efchcittc.tfd perpeiiiam remaneniiam,2a6 may fell and difponc thercHpon, at his pleafure. as his awin proper landcs and heritage, vide J?:t: cum autem 6. quoniam attach, cap.fecus, zi.leg. Tweh.C' Vrohata 87. Exitus jufitiaria. The profitc or commodities of the iufticc aire, ir; i: par; 6: c: 97* Or ony lefle or private crime, asfufpitionofthcifr, or quhatfumever fraud, dcccate.common- lieufedincomraftcs, paftioncs, and uthcr convcctiones. Lib- terra,fundusiienementum- Fee or propcrcic.inlatin.dowiwiwm, cannot per- tcintomaaperfonsnoranc- Q^ia dominur^ unius rei iino eodemque ttw- porenoHpotejlefeinfolidumpenesplares. Andthcrctorc, giftwa ormaa pcifons happenis to be intefr, conjunftlic in ony landes, the propcrtic per- teinistohim in quhais aircs and fucccflburs.thc infeftment rcfolvis. As lor example, The husband and the wife ar infeft in ccrtcinc landes, the langcft liver ofthem twa.and the aircs gotten. or to be gotten-betuixt them, quhilk failzicing to his aircs-: In this cafe the husband is proprictar, and the wife isconjunftfear, orlifcrentar- Bot gif it befaid (ouhilks failzicing to her aircs.) In that cafe the wife is proprictar, and the husband is cbnjunft fearc orlifcrentar. , Feodum, is taken for the fee, wage, or ftipend, given to ane fervand for his in the Laws of K.Mrf/t M«A: c:4-.defeod:offic:dom: regtqubilk uthcrwaics is called Ubtratio, ane livery- vid. Liberatio. Ruhair anent the L. ot fccreit Councel, and checker, made thir ordinances, as followes- x_At Edinburgh the third of June, 1J97. FOr-famclklcas the Lords ofhis Majefticsfccrcit Councel, and checker, accordingto tbcfpccjallpowcrandcommifnon. oiven to them be hishicnefTc.andhiseftaites, quhilRs convecned at Dxwdie, inthemoncth ofMtfiilaftby-pafti Hcsthochtmcctc and convenient, to fet down the prices ofhis Majcftics fignct,privic and great fcalles, of all infcftments.and uthcr fignatutes, ouhilks ordinarlicfuld pafle throw them : And of the "• chalmer fees, qubilkisfall be received hereafter, fra hishicnefle lieges, in manner following .* That is to fay ; That the fignct,according to the aun- cientcuftome, f^bc the rule lo the privic and grcatcfcalcs, in all infeft- ments, and uther fignaturcs, quhilks ordinarlic fuld pafTc throw the bail three: And that the privic fcalc, fall receive namair, nor the double of thcprice, fetdowne hereafter; forthefignet, northcgrcatcfcale, maic nor the quadruple ofthc faid fignettis price, under the paine of deprivati- onofthccontravcencrs, fra the office and fcalc, quhilk he pofleffis. Fricet fetdomnetothefipet, forletievsdnd Mhersmittes, quhilkk pajfis throat na uther f tale. FIrft, forall fortsoffummondes of quhat-fum-cver qualitic. vj fhilliiigcs, viij pennies- For letters contcining, baith inhibition, aiidarrciftmcnt- xjfliillingviijd. For letters of law-borrowes, and uthcr criminal letters ; how mony per- foncs foever be infcrc. vj fhilling viij pen. For minifters letters zeirlic raifed vj fhilling viij pep. For all letters of horning of Quhatfumever qualitic, except letters of law- borrowes, and criminall letters xxj fhilling viij d. For an relaxation vj fhillingcs viij d. Andgifmaanorancbcinfcrt, thelikepricc of cveric perfone to bee relaxed, orcompofitioneforthem, at the difcrction of the keiper ofthc fignet. Trices fetdonne to thefigmt, forfgnatoures pafing the privie and great Jeales. For ane Legitimation v j (hillingcs viij pen. For fignatourcs ofinfeftmentes of landcs, within five murke landeof auld extent vj fhilling. viij pen. For ane remiffion to ane perfon onclie vj billing, viij pen. Andgifitbetomaanorane, als monyhalfe markes, as they ar per- fones, or compofttion therefore, at the difcrction of the keiper of the figntt. . For ane infeftment ofanc.fivemarke land of auld extent xiij fhil. iiijd. And for fa mony maa marke landcs , as the fignatoure contcinis proportionallie ; Providing, that quhat ever be the extent of the landcs. 'J{efttvati«ns. TaibJff- Untficti- 7)e verboriim fignijicatme. ).\iidcs« ilic niiiiin not being ftilcdancbarronnic, in the infeftment the hciclicft price for the fignet, fall not exceed 1 . IhiHings For anc or maa banonnicsoHaiid, contcined in the fignatour,quhilks aie nocht unite inancEarlc-doiT)e> nov Lord-fehip, for the hailc figna- iij poundcs For halfc anc baronnic, fwa ftylcd in the fignatour xxx fhillings For anc Earl-dome, or anc Lord-fehip ofdignitie, having vote in par¬ liament, including never fa monicbaronnics. v| pounds For anc comprifing , quhilke cxcccdis nocht anc thoufand markes. vj fhillings vii) pennies And if the fame exceed that fum , to payc proportionally , providing that the heicheft price exceed nocht 1. fhillinos For anc bifchoprick>abbacic, or prioric,cxcecding an thoufand pounds of zeirly rent to the polIeiTbur vj poundcs Being within ane thoufand poundcs 1, fhillings Naching to be tane for refervations of life-rentes, contcined in the fignatourcs. In refpeft tbc refervation is na newe benefite to the rccca- vcr> except quhairtherefigncrisabaftardc. In the quhilk caife, rerpe- ftinghis Majeflics prejudice be the vellgnation : quha utherwilb micht fuccccdtothclandcsrcfigned, be the prefent pofTcftburs dcccafc, with¬ out lauchfull aires : fik refervations fall pay according to the price before fetdowncforthclandcsrcfigncd, compcandalwaycs, the manandwife to be ane perfon. Nathing to be tane hereafter for omctailzics, except the forefaid price, according to thequantiticofthclanderefigned, in refpeft the Fear may alter his tailzie at hisplcafurc, except quhair the Fear that refignis the lands is baftardc. In quhilke caife, the like price may be tane for every perfone contcined in tne tailzie, asitisfetdowne for the quantiticof the land refigned. For inlcftmcntescontcining patronages of benefices never before dif. poned, norannexedto tliaylandesorncweinfcrtmentcsof heritable of¬ fices: Thclandistopaycaccordingtothcquantitieand rate, before fet down, and the patronage gif it be of anc onclic benefice, the ane halfc ofthcduetieofthclandcs. Gif their bemaa, topaythefaid hail! price of thelandesfor the faidcs patronages, fiphilk price, the keeper of the fignet fall not exceed. Sik-likefornewand heritable offices. ‘Prices fet downeto his HienefsPrivie feale, to he tane hereafter, of fik giftes and uthcr fignatours, quhilk pttffis the faid [(die alUneny. FOr efeheits ofzcemco men, and uthcr mean perfons xx (hillings For efeheits oflandcd gentlcincn and fubftantious burgefles xxx fhil. For efeheits ofBaronnes xl. fhillings For efeheits ofEarles and Lordcs iij pounds For their life-rents, rey^fffiT;^—«—dowblc price- For prefentations to Vicarages xx fhillings ForprefentationstoParfonages 1. fhillings For reffiettes to zcamcn. men, and uthcr meant pcifoncs xxx (hillings For reacts to landed gentlemen, and fubftantious burgefles xlfhi!. For refpettes to Baronnes iij poundcs For rclpettes to Earles and Lordcs v. poundcs And gif there be ma perfons contcined in the fignature, to pay per ca~ pita, according to their rankes- For the waroes and marriages,non-cntrciTcs and relieves oflanded men, under Baronnes, included in anc fignatour iij poundcs For the wardes, manages, non-emrefles, and relieves ofBarons vj pun. For the like ofEarles and Lordcs x. poundcs For the warde allanc of gentlemen xxx fhillings Of Baronnes iij poundcs OfEarles and Lordcs ' v. poundes For the manage allane of fimple gentlemen xxx (hillings Of Barrones iij poundcs Of Earles and Lordcs v. poundcs For the noD-eatrefTesallaneofraeane landed men xx (hillings OfBaronnes xl fhillings OfEarles and Lordcs iij poundes For giftes of prebendaries or chaplanaries xxx (hillings For tutories xxx (hillings For the multitude of denuntiations included in ane fignatour of ef- cheitte, or life-rent, na payment, but for the gift only. Inrefpcflthey can import but ane gift of efeheit allanerly. For prefentations to prelacies, legitimations, fignatorsofinfertments of Baronnies,and uthcr landes,remiffions, and fik uthcr paffis firfi the fignet r The keeper of the privie fcale,fall take for them allancrlie, the double of the price, quhilk ilk ane of them payed to the fignet. In tailzies, refervations, patronages, heritatsle offices, cre^Iions in free Burrowesandfiklike, to take paymenr, accoidingtothcordecandpro- poition of the fignet. ^nent the Chalmer-fiet. IT is ordained,Thatnafignatourcs hereafter, fall pay Chalmcv-fcc. ex- cept refignations, and confirmations, irredemable allanerly : and of fik landcsasarcneUhcrofhisMajefiiespropeity, nor temporality annexed, quhilks arc declared to be free of all fik fees, in time cumniing. VrUesfetdoTPHtto the great feale. THattbckceperofthcsrcatfealc, cxcccdcnot the quadruple of the fignet, or double of the payiefeaic, under the forefaid paine. Thatto^bisclIlfIth«I;c!ncroftll^fignec,. fall upon ihc b-uk-fiJe of theprent ofthc ligner, fee downc the price quhilk he receives lor cverio precept, anilforallutherslctccrsaficrhis name. l.ikc\v.iics the keipet of the pvicvic fcale, his price for precepts, and uthcr letters alter ptrfigna- lurant: that thciibythckcipcr of the greatc fcale, pretend naoccafion of ignorance. Sik-likethatthcfaidkcipcrofthcgrcatcfealc, letdown his price in the forc-facc of everict-ac, quhairunto the faid fealc filbc ap. pended. And that theirafter theirbe na drink filver cxa^Icd Ira the partie, uthcr nor lie will be contente to give at his plc.afiirc and difcrcri- on. And ordains anc herauld, maillcv, oruthcrofficiarofarmcs,topafle to thcmcrcat Cioccofthcfaidbuighof£d«witir^A,and their be open pro¬ clamation mak publication, and intimation ofthcprcmilTcs. to all and fin- driehisHicneslieges, quhainhrownane pretend ignoranccthcirof. As alfwa,to command and charge the keipers of the fignct,privie, and greate fcalcs, IfchcrsofhisHiencschalmcr, andaliuthcrsquhomcitcffciris, to conformc thcmicivcs tothcwillanddircflionof the faidcs commiffio- ners, fignified to them inmannerforefaid: and on nawaies takupon handtoaltcrorcontravencthcfamc inoniepoint hereafter, as they and ilke anc of them willanfwcr to his majcflic, upon tlicir obedience at their uttcrmoftchargcand petrel, and under the pain of deprivation ofthetn fra their offices, ccrtincingiliciTi and they failzie, that they falbc deprived fra their faidcs offices, and uthci waics puniflicd in their perfoncs as cf- feiris. ^pud Edinburgh qitartp 'Juiiij, ^mo 1 597. THc Lords of fccrcit Counccll and Chcckcr.followingthccommiffion given to them be his Hicnes and liis Eflaites , laitlic convccncd at Vundie, anent the ordour taking with the exorbitant prices of all fortsofwritcsand letters, ufuallamangthclicgcs, and likcwaics of the fcalcs, regiftersand chalmcrfic, quhilk a greate number of the fame mon pafle, procuring dayliebaith private grudges and publick exclamations againft the tolerance and with gang, given to fik niamcfull cxtorfion 8c abufe, highlicto hisMajcfticsdifhonouvand offenfe, and to the manifeft undoing ofthepuireanis of this Ibcalmc, conftrayned to have adoc witli the faidcs writes: Haveforrcmcidofthatabufc,‘dcccrncd and ovdaned in time comming, and quhill a mnirpartiailarand folidc ordour maybe taken theirin. That all and quhatfoever Clcrkcsoffcffion, Jufticc, fccrcc Counccll and checker, CIcikcsto quhatfoever Comniiflav, Admirallcs, Schircffis,Stewartes, Baillies of rcgalitic, and royahie, Proveftes and Bail- liesofquhar-fum-cvcrhisHicncsbmrowcs, and of all uthcr courtes oc judgemenres within this Rcalme , all writers to the fignet, privie 8c great fcalcs, allkcipcrsofquhatfocvcrrollcs, Regiftersand vccordes, all pub- licknotarcs, anduthcrswritersquh.ufocvcr, quha fall hcrealrer rcgiftcc and inroll, forme, extraft, writ, or give out for paymenr, toony of hisHicncsIcigcs, ouy fign.itour, contract, obligation, dccrcct, aftoc ordinance of anc courtc or judgemcnc,ch.irtour, (aifing, or uthcr evident,' billcs, letters, orutber writtes quhaifum-everofany importance to the receiver: Sail fiibfcrivcwiihrheirliandcsihcfaid writ, and fubjoync to their names, -the juft and ordinar price } quhilk they receive Ira the panic for their paines. To beareftimonieof their difcrction. m valueing of their triivellcs taken in the faidis writtes, and to give further licht to the faids Lords, quhatconftant prices they may fet upon the like in time to come, under the paine ofdeprivation from their offices, andpuniflimcnc of their perfoncsac his Hicncs Huther plcafure, incaife of (ailzic. And ordainis letters to be dircftc, To make publication of tbcprcmlflcs to all and findrie his Hicncs lieges , quhairthrowc najic pretende ignorance thereof. FERCOSTA, anc kalian wordc: Anekindc of fehippe or little Boatc. In anc priviledge granted to the Burgh o( Dundie, for reparati¬ on and biMing of their Porte and King Jawer the fccond, in the zeir of Gt^, an thoufand four hundred, fifty aucht zetres, and of'his reign, the twende twa zeire : Mention is maid of anc Fercofl, quhilk is inferiouc in birth and quantideto an fchip, becaufe the impofte and taxation laid upon ilke fchip istenfchillings, and upon the ferco/?,twclve pennies, and of cvcric Great, bufeh, barge, and balliugcr, five fchilling, and ilke great boat fix pennies. FERDINGMANNUS, ancDutchword,ancpcnni-maiftcr, orTlic- faurar. Stat.gild.c.^- FIDELITIE, maid to fuperiouts, and over-lords. vid^HomagiuM. ■ FINIS, finance, or compofition maid with theeves. Sttttut-2. Kfl- hert Sruyfe. Item 9. In the quhilk place, it is called rachttim, or thift boar. Finif c«Wx,anc compofition quhilk onieman givesin ane court, fik as the jufticcairc, to the King, In regiflro 28- Deff»jifr,ancthoufande,fivc hun¬ dred fourty ane zcirs,thc Thefaurav conrrar the burgh of Perch. Finemfa- cereeumrege'. to finewiththcKing: OrtoBiakcancfinance,and(adsfie him for onytrcfpalTe committed againft him or his lawes. ^^.reg.Va.' (ap- 2. /ii.4. j.c./fwr. 16, or pay an fine or com¬ pofition to the King for anc crime, fik as thift-boat. ^r.z.Ro.Bv.c. item or- dinat.^- Finernfacereeum molendinario de »MH/rHrrf,To agreeand componc with the miliar for thcmultcr. Statu.M'ilh. cap- item fiatuit quod de- tentor. ii- FIRMARIUS, ane mail-paycr,anc mailer, or mail-nilin. leg. burg, c-fc frmarm $6. quo. attach- (•mllut 26. Fitma fignifies the dvitie quhilk the tcnncntpaicstothelandif-lord, quhiddcrii befilvcr-maill, viftiiall, or uthcrductie. Injlamitgild c.48. In the quhilk fignification, Itiscom- monly ufed in the French lawes. FORENSIS, from the French word foM/Bf. In the burrow-lawes of this realmc, fignifies ane un.frcc-man , quha dwcllis not within burgh, orout-dweilandman. Andthcrcforciscallcdrih,txir,derefcript.^ii. ai %ihaii7c) called a pI.Kc quhairin arc included n \lde beaftes andquhair foinc hes libertie ol hunting. Bor quhairtheirisaneflude of water, it is Syha. And beand circled about and environed with watters And inclofcd with dikes or hedginges, parcns-I-^- d. Cap- diltfli. Jnfeodjliis in libtram forefiani, inlcit in free Forreft , lies power ro hunt, halic, and ciitte trees, quhilk we call potepatem venandi, aucr.pandi, cf' ftcatidi. quhilk libertie na perfon maic ufe bot be fpcciall licence gran- tedto h'im.v-draminavid.Vdiifon.vid.lTtrd. FORIiFACTUM, ane unlaw, quhilk uthai-waics is called nwercw- tntntum. lib.t.c.dosaiiiti)} 19 Stat..^lex.c.fiqtiii conqHePus.g hb-^ C;3. (eg- burg.c.foriffaBum^i.'Vid- ^rntrciammum. It is taken for fornication committed beanc woman beingancaircfcmaill within waird, ut cum famina dicim- forif/acerc decorporefuo, toforfair,. rabufchirbodic.'i'/. Tuiazium Item it fignifics quhatfumever fault, rrcrpallc, and crime, and is called rorefaulc in the Aftes of parliament. Iam.2.2. Auguft.c.6. And quhair it is written pro vtioforisfaSo non debet ejje rti/i vnum amemamen- turn. leg. burg.c. de«H0.3. Inanevthcr place itisfaid, pro vno deliBo, non debet effenifivna mifericofdia. ^p.reg.Da. hoc2i. Tharisfor ane fault their fuld be bot ane vnlaw. And in the Englifh Lawcs,We«. 3- *« curni de/are/2, c. 1 5, all outlawcsfor thcKingis forcftcs.fallrcturnetohis peace, and fall find to him fure pledges, rhac they fall nocht do onic fore- fault, or wrang in hisforeftes. ForiJfaBumplenarium regis, may be exten- ded to the deth, as plenaria jufiiiia, quhilk fuld be execute upon him quha ftopsthc fUutbhound, in perfewingof thccvcsandthicfr, lib. 4C, c?*// ems, is. And it isftatutc that nanc fall fiopthc Kingis bmgcircs to bye and fell frcclic throw-out all the partes of the Kesthne-fiiper plenum firif. faBimregis, /cg,iHrg,e,/fiHrge«/er, J4i.tte//K;>er/>ie«tfr/tf)»/om/af?«rrt. /ii,4,c.iMt«fi;»J.38.5rtfr.H'»/A.c. ItemPatuii. ip- confbrmc to the quhilk conftitution, hcquhatroublis or moleftis mcrchandcsdwclling within ufe their frecdomc and priviledges, may be accufed as an oppref- four oftheKingislicgc$.Ia.5 P-4‘C.26. FORISFAMIUARI, forisfamiliat , put furth of his tathers houfe, or maid free, and delivered fuah of thefarhcriic power, the funnels called to be forisfamiliat be thefathcr, quhen he with hisawin confent and gud will, rcccivis from his father oniclandes.-andisputin pofleffion theirof, before his fathers dcccafc. lib, z.c, porro,32 , and is con¬ tent and fatisfied t hdrwith. Swa that he nor his aircs maic nocht clajmc or crave onic mail- ofhis fathers heritage, dejudicibus.apit. Jtemnota, 115. FORESTALLERS, vid, Regraters. FORTALITIUm la,2.p,3.c>3,SMf.2. Roi. rr,c, Jtemorditiatum S. Ane fortalicc, ane Caftcll, and propcrlic ane houfe or Towrc quhilk hcsancbatclmencanbarmckin, or ane fowfic about ir7)Fcb, 1 566. Lord f/ftwingcomrair/rfJwerRo/c. FORTHOCHT fillony ,j»rtcwards,Batllics,qnd uther Officiars.Bot quhat was the fpcciall jurifdiftion bclangand thereto, I knaw nocht : and findis na mention theirofin onie uther pat c of the lawes of this Rcalme, aUvaics as it appearis that they wer haldcn be the ordinar fudges forefaidcs, anentftrife, debates, crimes and u cspafTcs committed betuixt familiar and domeftik pcrfoils, fobjeft ro ane maiftcr, within the jurifdifti.m of the faidcs judges conformc to the lawes of ihc tCwes iii §. 2. defeud. Si miniPeriales alicujusdomin- inter fe Ouerram habuerint : comes five judex, in cujns regimine earn fecerint, peif leges cr" judicia, exraiione profequatur. 2.uhilk jorme. of courtes being particular jufticc CO inc.', wasprcjudicialtothe jurifdift|on‘of thejufticc and his deputes, and grievous to the lieges of this Rcalme, and ihcirforc are difehai ged be King James the third, in the place forefaidtf. GYSARUM, I ane hand axe Xeg forefi. Cap. feiendum efi. 67. quhair it is ftatuteand ordained, that .ill men of the age, betuixt fi’xric, and fex- tccne, fall have armour, conformetothc quanritic, and the valour of their landcs, andmovcablcgudes, that is, he qi\lia hes fificcncpoundc lande, or foiirtie markes in moveables, fall have ane horfc, ane h.ibcrge- on, ane bonnet ofiron, anefwordand ane dagger. And he quha hes fourticfchillingland, orabone, withinanc hundreth fliilling land, fall haveanebow, arrowes. dagger and knife. And hcquhahcslcflerhcn fourtic fhilling lande, fall have quhilk is called ane hand axe, ane bow, and arrowes. And all uthers, quba fuld, or may have armour, fall have ane bow and arrowes HAjkt- BeaUitimy frtedu uriinii flTTM. fioricA, HAIMSOKEN, lih.^.c.rapttn, Q.i>ifne,qao- tttlitcb. c. dt caitro. 48. 5^4/. ivH. f. 9. Anc Dutcli wui J. For flam fignifics an houfeov habitation, quhairancdwcllis, andquluirhc hcs his winnin'’, ryliiig and lying. As wc fay, anc man i>at hamc.or noclu at hamc. In the quhilk fignification Cimitghame, is called the Kingis houfe or hamc.fpeci- allic quhen theKinges ofthis llealmc, qiiha of before did dwell in the llcsj tamctothcmainclandtodwcll, andremainciiiPoiiJidoua/d, and iithcr places. 5«cAei; in the GeruMMC toung, fignifics to fcikc.or fcarch,pcrfew.^ r foUow,asqdhcnancgivcsupkindncs toaiicuthcr, hefayes. Harr, harr, Jehti’ol fuch fuchen.fwn haine-fuchcn.ov hamc-fucken, is quhen onic per- fonviolentlic.withovit licence, and conciair ihcKingcs peace, enters with¬ in an mans hous.or feiks him at the fame, or aflailzics his hous Cas is writ¬ ten in the beftbuikes) quhilk crime ispunifhed- as ravirhing ofwcmcn; eao. attach, c-fiqiiisaliquem. 50, Siat- iVilh- c.Ittniflat. 10. quhilk is e- Acemed an greate crime contrair the common wcilliquictncs,and peace of the cuntrie , quia unici'.iqiit domnt fua ej? tutipimtim refugium : ideoqut de domo fua »tmo dthei extrahi. l.fed CP' {i.zt.ff.fiqutsinjus vocat, quodvt- rum efe in caufa civili, non aiittm in criminali, notafur ingl. ibidem, quid fiidomus. vid I, t. If. deagnofeend. liber. H A W DE RT, there is fburemaners of balding oflandcs outwith Burgh.Sum landcs arc lialdcn be the Kirk nomine pure cleemofyna.Sc paics nothing bot devota ammanm fuffragia , as was ufed in the tiincof blind- nesandpapiftric; uthcrarchalden in few, or (cw-ferme of the King, Kivk,Barrones,oruthers.quhilkispaycsaneccrtaincdcwtic called fciidifir- W(j.few-/crmc : uthcrarc halden blcnchc, be payment of anc pennic, an role, anc paircofguiltfpurrcs, orfumutherdcwtic quhen it is asked, in name of blcnchc, or nomhie albafrjna ; uthcr landcs arc halden be fcrvicc of wardcand relieve, and theaircheirofbeand mzHor.isin thegairde, that is wairdc, cuftodic, and kcipingofhis fuperiour, with all his faides landcs, Untillhebe wiiyorandof perfite'agc. And fiklikt his marriage bcand Ma- jorovminor, andnochemaried before the dcccafc of his predcceflbur, pcrtcinis to his fuperiour, vid. Farda. Landcs halden in this laft forme andmaner, ^iXCcaWcdfeodumde Hauberk, or Haubtrt, or feodum h»/i- Ure, dem.iriiag.c.diverfa.yajf.reg.Va c.fatiitumfuii.iz. Or feodum Hauberiicitni, or feodum loricatum. Bccaufc it is given upon condition, that the vaflail poflcflouvthcivof, fall cum to thchoiftand armic, with Jak, andarmes; for lorica a loro, fignifics anc abulzemcnc maid of cordcs, and HdHAerf, fignificsanckindofarmour, maid of mailzics, or circlcslikc ringes, called an WitHiergiow, conform to the common pro¬ verb, manic mailzics makis an Haubergion, monic littlcs makis an meikle. Of the maner of tenures in the Englifh lawes read Liileton, and in the Xor- rnitad lawe- lib. $■ c- 3- cum feqq. HAIMHALDARE, vindicarey rfS;o?fC rcrt/z repetet' rcpcit 5c fcclcc rcftituiionofpropcrgudesandgearc, and bring the famin hame againc. quo.attach-c.q.K\aMc\\(\i\\andhaimhaldcatte\\ niod-ten-cur. c. 13- and haimhald lint, or haimhaldhcmf, is that quhilk growis at haime, within this rcalmc, 8c is opponed to lim, and hempe quhilk isinbrochc fiirtU of u- thcr cuntrics. hamnaldatio catalloriim, is quhen onic man feikis reftitution to be maid to him ofhisawin guds and gcare. wraiigoufiy taken fra him, quhairof frequent mention is maid in theauld lawes ofthis Realmc. And he quha feikis the faid reftitution,fuld fwcarc in this maner, ane buike bc- De verborum Ji^uiJicatme. that he fall be friend to all his friends, and foe to all bis foes, agaitiA all ac.idlic. Lib. z c Fore^.e.quar.doCiO. Itisthcrcforc cal¬ led Aoni/n/i.Bi, andfuldbciuaidbctbcvafiallb'cingwiinor, or major, to his over-lorde. Lib. z. d. Cap. 60. And the famin being inaidcguienlly, wiib-out exception utany man, is called homagium cumligeantiafaflutn. Vid-Ligeaniia, homagedifFcrrsfromfidclltic, fir{l:bcrc.\fono{ the per- foncsniakciisthcirof, lorweemcnmatisha liomagr, bot onclic fideli- tic. 2 c prxdiRis. 60. Bccaufe hortiagcconccrnis fcrvicc fpccially in weirfaire, to the quhilk weemeu archochtfubjcc^- Andliitcwaicsconfc- cratbifiiops, makisonelicfidcliticfovthcivlandcs, aitdbarronics, lib.z. e.fieri-Ci. Inihisformc, I fall bcicill.mdtrcw, to zow my liege Lord, and fchir N. King ol Scotland, and fall nocht hcarc zourskaith, nor fee it, Firni if jT- but I fill let it at my power, and warnc zoiv theirof, zourCounccllcon- diUtn.^ ccill,and hcill,that zefehaw me: Tire left counfcll that lean to give zow, when zc chargq^mc in vtrbo Vei, and as help nie God, and thchalicEvan- gcll. T^'cfcconddiffcrcnccisbcreafonof the forme and maner, lorhe that makes (caltic, kneilis nocht on his kneis, Bot he that mitkes homage kneilisdown: utherwaies thclormcoMuimagcinaidbcbarrones to the King, andthcrorincoffidcliticniaidbtihfm toihc King, arcnochtfar difFcrcnr, forthc tonneof homage maid be them isih's ; 1 hccomczour Fermtff manmyliegeKinginl.ind. lith, lifcailvUim.wavldhehoiKiur, homage, fcahic and lawtic, againll all that live and dfe. Zour counfell concciland I hat zefehaw me: The beft counfcll fch.lwani, g'd zc charge met zone skaith anddifhonoiir not to hear or fee. bot I falUet itatallmy wdlie power, and wavnc zow theirof. Swa help me God. The forme olndcli- tie maid be the bjrroncs to the Kingis this, I fall be kill and zow my liege lol'd, Sir.N.KLi^ of Scotland 1 fill ricveiTeezour sk.tith,nor hear it, bot I fall let it at my power, and warne zow theirof. Zour counfcll fchawin to me, I fall conccill : the bell counfell I, 1 fall give zow, quhen z< charge me theirwith, ft help mcGod. Fiutu aiiiein Ho., magid de tern's lenementis libeh's lantummodoCP' ferviiits: de reddilibusaf- F»r cjuUt (ignatisindenariis, & aliisrebus, Pro /o/o t>fro dominto, nonfotetferi ‘'"'‘S'‘''*' homagiumexcepio domino principi, lib.z.cfiuHt.66. Jta hiclocus (orrup--’^j^jl‘* ' tusCP' dificilislegi debet. Concerning the expofitiou of the quhilk it is to wit, that all homage is maid to the ovcr-lord and maiftcr, quhairof fum arcmaiftchicfcand pvlncipall, fik as the King, toquhom without onic c.xccption fupremafides, qua ixctpntinem paitlur jure opiimo debeiur. Uthcr ovcr-lordsarc inleriour and fub.iltcrnc, toquhom their vafiallcs arc build and oblifhed, and Ivild make their homage And fwa their is twa kindcS of homage, aut eriim efl hgium, aut non lignitit. vid. Ligeaniia. B.iith the anc and the luber may be maid pro ierTH,ttntnit»tis, rtHHK;;fred./«fjiits ; Bccaufc anc free balder oflandcs, tenements, and an- in latinc herus, dom 'tnust fignifics ane lord, or maifter, and le/Wiscallcdancgift* tribute, ortaxadon, asiniheauldaftcsofparlia. ment maid be King James the fii A, it is written, that anc \eilde wasgad- dered, for the reliefcofhim out ot England. And anc uthcr was collcacd,for rcfiAingthcrcbcllcsinthc Horth. Swa Herrex^elda, is anc gift «ivcn be onie man to his maiftcr and Lord, quhilk fuld be his belt auchTiy. October. 1470. fiuhilkisconformctothcauldclawcs.ft. 2. c. tenentUT quhairilApcrfonmakand his teftament, fuld rccognofc^ and acknawlcdge his maifter with the bed thing he lies Swa it is manifeft that the Herreze/de is given, be veafon ofthc tcnncnis dcccis to his maifte modumdiffizilismediih mllUumquetorft , nequealiter me htne cxirieitre poffum, fedinhacrefuumiinia'iqueliberhmejlofudiciiim. HUESIUM, Wo>eJl«w, anc French word. Oje:j,lnladrictfHd..*1, pocht ccvtainc, bot 1 find thatanecalkdSmja».irfWo«Misioicw»itu w.u.j ,heeivilllawis e.yied .^iexaeder Duke oMttanie. Earle of «eret. Mar and Garri.e ,^^^^^^ Saxon .and Dutch ianeuage Herr.isanc hoift ,arimc, or wentare. Swa (aS of Mnit, brother to King ,I.itnei the third, S . Jiili|. i,8 fumthinkis)Hfrre,(efin, fignifiesthatquhilkisgiventothcI,otd,ormaj- j ^^jj^„,.jj„fCo„„ccllefteemisthe zeirlicmalles.fcrmes,ai,ddc»-ites . fter baffine to thchoift, or be veafon of weirfaire. For fik fmall hiisbanj- St" R,gi(7r». i. Decemb. i St s- And Her./ctafr'#. SftrllftnnHm. Djmiiar.tiicy cftccmeit to J4. bollcs 0. i4.Fcb M44. Aiidaneuthcvhuf- neiptncirniaiici,piiu.iwu.wtM»-,-w.— - - - / . band land to 5- poiinjc- awa i nnuc na ccnaincrulcprefcrivcd ancm the paiScofhim quhaVbeyis not the proclamation maid for vveirfnrc, for of ane husband land- fchuld is debitum or debt, and heribanmm is anc charge or proclamation maid for wciifare. Curiahb. i. defend. ... ^ i HILUA. rcrr.e, -^NEANGTHEFE. fti.i.c-3. ancDutchword. 2)? and back-bcarand,I.ii. 4-f- Si^uis 1 1. Qjioniain atiach.c- iikIIhs 22. Fuifum ma- Quhilkfangin thccivillaw, iscallcd/i(«rtm Bot findry utheis nrftfium. ar in the contrair opinion, affirmand that it is not Icafum to ony man hav- andliberticofout-feng-thief.torcplcdoc or rcducehisawin man, taken without hisawin libertic forthich,tohisawincourt,&thcretodo jull- iccuponhimj Bccaufc all thieves fuldundcrly the law, and be judged be him, within quhais jurifdiftionthc thieftis committed: in fik forme 6c maner, as is ftarute anent flauchter, 6c punition thereof, la. ). p. 2.C.89.A. theinterprctoursofthccivillaw, 1 find the like controverficin this mater. loco rtperim fur cum re furtive, ibipote^ puniri. Veluti ptritm fxciens Ho- tntite, Sireperimiit alia jurifdiHione, veliitiMcdiolam, cumfurto, poiefi i Mediolanenfibus puniri, Qjihais opinion findryDoftourcsfollowis,as wtirsChejfanaucJtt confuetud. Burgund.Kubr..Ve}’b.fimplbUrreciH.m.\s. Albeit findricuthersar in the contrair opinion; allcagand, that the thiefe fuld hepunifhedin the placequhair he commitis the thiel't.Kf inaddi. iionead Bariol. in. d. Conformc to the is ftacutc be the Law of this rcalmc,that anc thief offtoilcnwooddc, taken with thefan^in an uthcr Lords lands.fuld be arreifted with the wood, 6c fall fuffer thelaw in his court, fra quhom the wooddc was ftollcn. la. i.p.2,c. 34* Mair-over. anc thiefe is ordaned to be piinilhed in the place quhair the thieft was com¬ mitted, bccaufc the crimemay be befttryed there, Sttft. z.Rob.Br.c.^. INFENSARE curiam. That is, quhenthe judgeinformis the filters in fik things quhairof they ar innorant. fiiiont. attach.c.vbiabaliqua. lo.Likc as the civil law-Iadex poie'fi fupplere eaqueadvocatis injure defunt. JTER, From Jiinerare.h.e. Iter facere: .As Iter camerarij, The Chalmcr- lane airc, quhairofanc gud forme is written and extant in the bulks, con- Tht ferme of tejngnd the auld lawcsof this rcalmc. Iter the juftice airc, quia ihejufitu luaitidYitu debet \tinerare per re^«HBJ,asitiswrUtcninthcEnglifhlawcs: airt,or€9UTt. j, ^ make courfc throw the realme, forroiniftration of juftice, and vide in competent and cafic number, to efehew grievance, and hur¬ ting of the people. la. 2. p.6.c.2i. The juftice airc fuld be haldcn wifein the zeir-ForKing Vavtd fta- tute 6c ordaned, that the juftice 6c his deputes, fuld hald twa head couns jHllict aire zcirlic../a-cap.flatuit dominus- 18, Quoniam attathx.fiatuitjj. fuidbthaldtn AndtheKingisjufticc, the Lordcs of the regalities, and alfo the Kingis twiftintht jja[Ujcsin his regallcs, fuldhaldthcirjufticcairestwifcinthczfir. lam, a. parlia,3.cap.5. Univerfallic Inallpartes of this Realme, anisonthc grafle, and anis on the comes, lam- e.par. 13. eap'94» lam. 4. par. 3. c* 29. And over all thcSchircsof the Rcalmc,in the Moncths of Aprill.and i.c.8 1. Baith in the io-land, and alfwa in the lies. South andNorth Iam.4.par.6 ca.59- iecaufethc Jlcsand inhabitants thereof, fuld be ruled be the Lawes of this realme. la .4p-6.c.79 • lufticcaircsfuldbchalden, for increafe of juftice and tranquillitie of the realme, for ftanching of combers, fiauchters, riefcs.thicftcs, extor- Tarvshat fioncs, and oppreffion of the Kingis lieges. And to the effeft juftice taufii juflict may ^ univnfallie* throw the haill realme miniftred, for punition of tourtjfuldbe fajj ciimcs, fik authoritic fuld pafle with the juftice, throw all the haldcn, jcalme, to the juftice aircs, that trcfpaflburcs ; fik as mcn-flayers, rievers, thicves.and committers of uthcrcnormltics,in diflbbeying, andlicht- lying ofthc Kingis lawes, may be punifhed without favourcs. lam. 4- par. 3.C.29. lam-s-pat. t3.cap.90. The juftice airc, or court being proclaimed at the Kingis command, to be haldcn fik anc day as hcplcafis.inthchead btughof thcSchirc: The juftice fuld caufcdiitay to be taken up be his clerkcsdiligentlieand ftTalhM faithfuilic. Forthediitayis thcprincipall and cbicffubftanciall poyntof (nnesitmay thc jufticeaifc ^ and the juftice fuld followthc ordour thereof. httakinap. Dittay may betaken up, upon all crimes perteining to the juftice, and I his juriWiftion, asismanifeftbctheaftesofparliamcnr. Read thc word Dittay in die table of the faidis a£tcs, and als upon the crime of Icfe majwic.or treafon: As thc death of thc King, fedition within thc Realme; betraying ofthcKingishoift or atinicj Breaking ofthc Kingis proteftion; fraudfull hiding and conccilling of ane huiru or treafurc; wilful fire, robbery, ravifhing of weemen, murthcr, flauchter, thieft, forc- ftailing, all kindc offalfcdin doing of juftice; in money, afilfcwcichtcs, mcafurcs, writs ; And gencrallic, al uthcr like crimes, quhilk be the law, ar punifhed be death, or cutting of anc membcr> Lib. t. cab. z.Leg. MaUolm.Mak- cap.i..Aff'.Reg.'Dav.c.»Hllus 17. deJudic.c.vlacitortm. 8. Mair-over, thc juftice gencrall, may fee particular juftice Courtes upon ony maner of crimes, quhenneede is, for punifhmcntof partiew- larfaultcsthat occurris^ Sik as recent flauchter, mutilation, ravilhing of weemen- fijjhilkhainous andcapirall crimes, may be firft criminally perfewed before him. And asfor thc depredationes, ejc£liones, fpuilzics. thc famin being firft civilic difcufl'cd before thc civill judge ordinar; Thereafter may be criminallic perfewed before the juftice and his de- putes, at particular diettes, fee and appoynced therefore, or be way of dittay in thcjufticc airc.Ia.5.p.4.c.33. Dittay may be taken up twa maner ofwaies; privailieandpublicklic; 3'itajmajht foe thc jufticc and his deputesmay privilic take up dittay, be privie rak^nufpri- jnQQjfijiQn of malcfectourcs, and their rtcciptcrs, be the aith of three hoaeft, 6c faid.mll men, 5c ofthc prlncipall man; fik as thc Chalmcr- laincor officiarwithin ilk village or town Stat..Alex.c.z. Audmair-oveiv all Lords and hcadcs-mcn ofall panes ofthis realme, fuM give up dittay upon notour trcfpaflbures, without exception of ony ptrfonc, to bee taken and juftified without remiflion. 1. 3.p.i5-c.94. Andfuldcmaktiew relation thcrc-ancnt to thc Clianccllar or juftice, quhen they fhlbc re¬ quired. la. 3.P.14.C.98. Andgiftheybcconvift bcanc aflife inihecon- trair.thcy fali pcrpctuallic tine their all time camming. nf. 2o.i?<*r.fFf/A.c.-^j^.5.Secoiidlie.thc jufticc fuld dircftpublicklic thc brieve of dittay to thc Sehcreffc and his deputes, for taking up of dittay, quhaii- of thetenour followis Wilhelmus&'c.Jlufliiiarius Domini noflri regu generaliier confliiutiis, Vicecomiii C?* Ballivis fttis de. E. faluiem. C^u’rt indiffamcnia Regia, Ifcvtof Deo duce, dccimodiemenfis. ti. proximb fiiiuri. cum continuatione die- rum- apud. F, infra vkecomitatumvef rum levari intendimus, volts prfuld pafle to the habitation and dwelling place of thc perfones, given to him in portuous, and ^ftaehe- thcrcaftcr make proclamation at their Paroch Kirkes, upon fcftuail riunus,ar- daics, and takcfovcrtic of them, fik as he will ftandfor to the King. r„!hntnu And gif the perfones fwa arreifted, be nochr ftrcinzicablc;Thc Crow- nerfall arciftiheir gudes, and put themin Cure kciping,to ihc Kingis ufcrquhill the faidfovertic be founder Or dfe take their perfones, and put themin the Kingis Caftcll, gif ony bee within thc Schirc. And gif there be na Caftcll, hce fulde deliver them to thc SchirefFe to bee Acipcd.Ia.5.p.3-c-5- , , r a- j u And mair-over, becaufcfindvicperfonesinditcd, uiis to nic andab- fcntthcmfcivcs; fwathattheCrowner can nocbtapprchend.them per- fonallic, toarreift them. InthatcafC) it is fufficient that thc Crowncr cum to thc dwelling place ofthc faidis pcrfones.and make them warning, andchargetocompcareinthcjufticcaircnixr following, to anfwcrc to fiA accuwtioncs of crimes, asfalbc im-put unto them. And thereafter upon thc nixi Sabbothdayelollowing the faid charge, thc Crowncr fall makcopenand piiblickincimation of his warning, charge, and premo¬ nition, maid to the faids perfones, be their names, in their Paroch Kirkes. Cphilk charges, prcmonitioncs, .and intimationcs, ftand to them for fufficient arreiftmentes, thefamin being lauchfullic proven, as cfFeirit oftheLaw. Jam. 5 p.4-c. 33. , Andmair-over, gifhccannochtattache onymanpcrfonallic, be reafen of hi«abfi:ucej ncfuldarreiftallhis gudes moveable, and un- moveable. firfinti. ybftrtwmrt f rofr«n‘»n of gffdfimtnts. Thcruunm tJHhA fuld tomptir intfft Tr4etpium itintrit jufii- liari*. ^Aftjfturs tnd eattnftU ItTK T)e verbmm fignificat me. ttnoVcablc, to vcmainc under fijic pledges, andtobcfui tbcummand to the King: In cafe hebe nocht anfwerablcto thclaw . before thejufticc, teg. Male. Mak cap. i. The Crowncifall avveift at all times, alfwci] before the ciyc of the alrc, as after the famin, all them qiiha arc given to him in ponuous, be the ju- fticc C!cike,and naneurhers. James i. Parliament i;.cap. 139. Bot all avreiftmentes, fuldc bee maid before the time of the beginning of the juftice aire and featc ol iufticc,and na-waies after the famin. 58. All perfones charged to compeir, in the juftice air, fuld be attached and fummoned be thcauld law of this Realmcjuponthcfpaccoffouvtie daies at the leaft- afflReg. Da. c. adSiiwmoiiitionef. 19. And albeit na man fuld be attached or aricifted, except ditiay be given up upon him. Stat- ./flex. €. 2. NcvcrthclelTe, inattachcmcntcs, orarreiftmentsofony pcvfon indi. ted, na mention fuld be maid of the catifc or crime, for tlic quhilk he fuld be indited; bot the fame fuld be concealed be the clerkc.and na waics revealed be him, Siat. Wilh, z-fiat»it ttiam 6. leg. Fortfi c. Si aliqiiis 5 2. ^ifoniam attach, c. Si aliquis 49. feg. Da. c. 6. All th'c indwcllcrs within the townc or village, fuld concurre and affift the crowncr, in attachement or arreifting ony maleiaftour to com¬ peir in the juftice airc, to underly the law. Slat. ./flex. c. 2. And fik-!ikc, quhen thccrownerrcceivishisportuous , conteinand thename of ony perfon indited, quha will not obey him, or quhom hedarenot, nor is it ofpower coarreirt ; he fall paflcrothcLordof theBavronnic, quhaivin that perfon dwellis : (Tthcrwaicsgifhcdwellis notwithin ancBarronnie, he fallpafrcrothcSchircfFcofthcSchire, and require them robe borgh andfovcrtic, to enter the faid perfon to the juftice aivej quhilk gif the BarroncorSchircftcrcfuflsj the Crowncr fall require them to fend their officiarcs, and fufficienc number with them, tofortificandfuppliehim, inmaking ofhisarreiftment, takingand keiping of the faid difobedient perfon. quhillhebebrochttothcSchircffe, tobekeiped be him, until) the time of the Juftice aire. Jam. 3. p. 14. c. 99- Mair-over the crowncr (all bring all perfones arreifted be him, quha hes not, or may not find bor- rowcstothcSchirefTcoftheSchire, quha fall veccivchim in furaic, and firmance, upon the Kingis expenfes ; and quhair it f ailzics, on their awin gudes, quhillthcnixt juftice aire, and there prefent them to the juftice. Ja, 3. p 14. c. 102. TheCrowner, or makers of the attachements and arreiftments, fuld Dotintromcr, or carieawaie ony glides or genre, perteining to the per¬ fones attached : Bot the Lord, or olficiar of the townc, fall luftcinc them reafonablic.upun the expenfes ofthcfiide per(«in,bc the fpace of anedav, and ane niche. Siat- .yfUx. c.z. Andgitthefaid perfon cannot be perfon- ally apprehended: The crowncr may rematne in his dwclling-houfc ane dayandancnicht, and fuld be fuftcinedwith twa fcrvandcs, and uther twaaswunefles, and his elerke fuld havctwafchillings, andfamay nocht takeany mair of the gudes and geare, perteining to the faid perfon attach¬ ed, albeit he be abfent. leg. Male. Tvtak. c- 1. Attachements and arreiftments maid be Crowners and fcrjandcs , may bcprovinbcthcmandwitncs. la.i.p.j.c. •.z Thatis, betheaithofthe Crowncr,&ancwirnes, conformc to theaiild conluctudc. I.5.p.4.cap.33. The crowncr fall have for bis tee, for ilk man amcrciat or componand, anecolpindach, or threttic pennies. Forhimthatisclengcd be ane af- fifc, the crowncr fall have na thing. For ane man filed or condemned, the crowncr fall have all the dantoned horfe notfehod. Leg.Mai Mac. c.i. fijihilk is to be undcrftaiid, ofdantoned Horfc,depute to wark, and not to thefadlc; that was never fehod, nor ufed to fchoone. J.3. p, H- cap. 113. The crowncr fuld have all the comes lyand in binges and mowes, ca- ftenand broken, all the in- fight.utcnfilc, and domicile, withintheinner part of the houfe *. That is, within the crui^ hingand upon the fire. And all and findriefeheip within twcntic: And all the Twine andGaites within ten. Leg.Mal Mak e,!. Attachcmemsandarrciftmcntesbcingmaid, or direftedtobemaid; or in the time of the making thcrcot: The juftice general!, direftis ane charge, called praceptunt ititterif lujiitiarU, to the 5chircfFcand his deputes, inmancrand forme following. iVilhelmusJu- flitiarifU domiiii regtf generaliier c'>n(iiiutus, Vicecomni CP' T-allivis fuis de E.falutem. (Luia ordinamm iterjuPitiaria dotnini ttoftri rtgis,Deo dt'.ce,te- tota ballia vefira.abud. E. Decitno die menfis. N. proximb futuri, cum continuatione dittum- Voois pracipimus mandamus, quatevus fummove- etis', fen fummoverifaciatis, legitimi CP coram tepibiis legalibus, omnes Epijeopos, .yfbbates , Tr oves, Comiies , Earoves, ceteros liberb-te- nentes, totiui ballia veft' teqiii fefl.n debent, .yfc eiiam omnes illos, qiii nihil nififuas debent prafentt.u, qui de domino nopro rtgetevent in capite, SluodcompareantcoramnobhfeudeputatisnoPrfs, pliirilusaut uno, difitt die CP loco, cumcontmtationedierum, adperpciendum, fubemdum, CP determinandum, id quod in hac parte, juris ordo poPnlah Pramoneatis esiam, omnes indiHatos, tarn de novo, quamdeveteri, CP fuosplegios, quimndum coram nobis comparuerunt, CP judicium fubierunt, ac etiam illos, qui profequi habeiit, vel defeiiderein diHo itinere, fecundumfirmam juris. Quodcompareant coram nobis, feudepiitatis noPris, pluribiis, aut mo, diHisdteCP loco, cum difla coMff»ifrff«o»e dierum, ad perpeiendum CP (ubeundum, id quod in hac parte juris f>rdo reqiiirii. EtptisvosVice- comes, CP Talliviveflri, ibidem, diflisdie CP loco, cum diSa continiia- sionedievimu haben-vobifcumfummonitionis, ac pramonitionis vepra te- fimomiim, CPhocbreve. pro expenfis noPrisy beiib CP compeienier. Qitasvobis.inveflris primiscompiitis, de exiiibus Juffi- tiaria reddeudis, vobis jaciemus plenius allocari. Et hoc omt/- tatis, fub Omni parita, qua competit in hac parte. Datum fubfigillo noPri ojPiciiJupitiaria. Qiihilk precept and command, is conformc to the I.awes of thisrcalmc .* Becaufc all free-halders, haldand lands in chiefeof tlicKing, within the Schireffdome, quhair the jpfticc aire ishalden, fuld compeir and be prefent all cxcufefct audc> except the fame be ot fiikncs,ihc Kings fervice, or tin- fell of landcs and heritage 5 To ccrtlfic and tnformc the juftice and his de* putes, in fikqucftion and doubles, qiihilkinddcntlicarifis.asemcrgent* and ofbelurc could nocht be fovc-fecnc, nor knawen. ./fff'.reg.Da-c. Pat. 18. qiioviam attach' c. pat. jq. Sik as Bifehops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barones, and uther free tcniicnts, being fummoned and warned to t\y.\ccffei^,quou aiiach.c.adfummonilionesy%.l.q.c.Stal. 19: and they being laiichtully warned and not compcirand,incurris,thc painc of the un¬ law of the court. L1.4, c.patutum' e. 19. And may hepunifhed as favour¬ ers ofthetranfgicflours,andairtandpart withthem. la.^^.p. 3.1. 29. And they and all uihtr ihe Kingis lieges, fuld cum to the juftirc airc, and ro all uther courccs, in fbberand quiet maner ; and fuld not bring with them, maa perfones, then ar dailie in their houfhald and lamilics. And being cum to their Innes and ludgeing, fuld layc their armour and wcaponcs from them, and u(c na weapons, bot their knife. la.a.p.ia^c 83. Mair- over, allLordcs, Spiritual! and Temporal!, Barronesanduthers. cum- mandto the juftice airc, fuld na-waies maintcine, fortific, fupplic, de¬ fend, norbe Advocattes, norftandatthcBar, wiihmaniicfliraitourcs, mcii-flayers, thieves, rievers, noruthcrtrcrpaffourcs, nor perfones per- tcining to thcmfelves, oruthcris: Saifand, it falbc leafum tothem in fo- bcrwaics, to ftandc with their kin, andfvicndcsi indcfenfeof them, in their honeftaflioncs. la-3.p. h-c 98. fiphenihe juftice airc is to be haldcn upon the Bordoures ; The Wairdaints, within their Wairdainrics, and their deputes, with the free-halders of the Schireffdome , being war¬ ned thereto be the Schireffe, be open proclamation, fuldconvoyihcju- fticc and his deputes, to the place appoynted for balding of the Court .* And accompanicthcm, in-during their rcfidencc, and until! they be out of theboundes of their Schireffdome, and received be the nixe Schirefie. la. 6. p. 1 1, c- 81. In the juftice aite, fuld compeir all perfones attached, and arreifted, _ . conformc to the dittay given fie taken up upon themiquhairof, feme were tacltd.'* arreifted of before, tonavccompcircdin the juftice Courtc prccciding, alreadic ended, and expired, and compeired nocht in the famin: quhait names ar given to the Crowncr, to be of new attached, and arreifted, to the airc following, as of before: Gthers arc of new indited, upon quhom nacpoyntofdittaywastakcn up, in ony time by-gane, quhais names ar comprehended in ane Catalogue, called porruous. All the forc- fiidispei-foncs indited, baitb ofauld and of new, fuld be attached and arreifted be the Crowncr, to compeir and underly the law, the time of the juftice aire, as is nianifeft be the precept forefaide, direft be the juftice general), to the Schireffe, All perfons arreifted, that may be apprehended, the time ofthc aire, in thcTolbuith, orinthetown, quhair the juftice is, falbc taken and de¬ livered to the juftice, tobcjuftificdforthcircrimcsand trcfpaffcs. Swa that thcavrciftmcntbcmaid before the time of the bcgimiing of the ju- fticcairc, and feat ol juftice. Jam.^.par.y. cap.57. And quhair landcs lyand in findricSchircffdomcs, ar annexed and united inaneBaironnic: inhailtantt Theinhabitantes thereof, fall anfwcr in the juftice Court, quhair the landcs lyis, and the Lordc, or proprictarof the landcs annexed, givis prerenceorfci-vicc, in the court of the Schireffdome, within the quhilk the barronnic lyis, to the quhilk the landcs ar annexed. Ja. 4 par. 6. c. 93. Forin thiscafe, vcfpcft andconfidderation ishad tothc naturall fituati- onofthe landcs, andtothejurifdiftion, within the quhilk they lye: ra¬ ther nor ro the imaginar, andclvill fonne oflying, of the landcs be annexation. Attour, all inbabitantes offtcwardricsandbaillierics, fall cum to the ^tetuardriti, head burgh of the SchircfHomcs.quhairin they lye: And within the quhilk fir Bailhenu hcadburgh, the Kings juftice aircs arc halden. Ja. 6. par. t i-c. 81. ThejudgcinthcKingisjufticcaitc, is the Kingis juftice gcncrall, or thcKingisbaillie, inhisrcgallcs, havand lauchfull power and commifli- on granted to them. Ja. 2 p-3.c.9. FortheKing.onhciurticegcncrall, may make aiicht deputes , quha with ane depute of thcThcfaurcr, and ane uther ofthc juftice Clcvkc, fuld pafle fcverallie throw the aucht quar¬ ters ofthc rcalmc, and hald juftice Courtes. 1.6. p. it. c 81. The juftice gcncrall, fuld have for his fuftenration, ilke day ofthc aire, fivepound. Like as the juftice Clcrke fuld receive for ilk man cicngcd, Thtjuftich bcancaflifc, and dvawcn forth ofthc rollcs, fourpennies. And forilk man amcrciat, or componand, ij. s- Leg. Mai Muir. c. 2. For ilk Aftorncy and commiflion.twa fnillinges- For ilk man quha producisanc remifiion* twa Ihillingcs. For ilk man that ciimmis in the juftice will, twa fhillingcs. For ilk man convift and filed, twa ftiillingcs. For ilk letter ofwitnefle, fex (hillinges, aucht pennies. The Schireffe fuld be prefent, as he quha is warned be the juftice pre¬ cept, to anfwerc to all the poymes thereof: And touching the cxecuti- neSMrtft, on of his office, togidderwirh the Crowncr, quha fuld anfwcr for his Thi crewmr, attachementes and arreiftmentes, .and verification thereof: 4nd the Schi- i cfFc, whlulic Crowncr, fuld thoill ane aftifc. the laft day of the aire, anent the ufing and execution of their offices, to ciuhome juftice fuld be miniftiar, asthey fallbefoundc innocent, orculpahlc. Jam. 3- pai'lia.i4. The day ofcompcirance being cum, to the quhilk the juftice aire is cryed and proclamcdj The juftice and his deputes, fuld compeir ' with all uther perfones, chai'gcd and commanded to concurre and aflift withthem. Ac the quhilk time, thefutesfuldbcfi.ftcallcd, withtheir Thefuit of Lordcs. Foralbeir the Suiters compeir, nevcnhclene, their Lords ana »«»«'• maiftersar obliflicd hkewifero compeir, and give prefence to the juftice in hisairc: ThcybcinglauchtulliefummoncJ, andchargedto that effeft, be open proclamation, and be the juftice precept abnne written. 2. ThcCommiftionandpowcrgiventothcjuftice. fiild be produced and red: And gif the Commiffioh he given and .-ranred to maa per- fonesnor ancconjunftlie.' They fuld be ail prefent ; uiherwaics it is i>a lauchfull courtc. Botgiftheybe conftituccconjunftlicaud fdveraU i lies lifftnfxi u) onn. Tht dcmpfitr. Thtfutfi. TtjioJT'fr. Thifcrfoni atitebtd. Pltd^ifor tnifti of H- xhtrt! £xfuft for nen-iom- fUTMet. Ofptrfeni ebftnt fli'/i*- Tilt fourth court. Tht ftetiid court. ‘De verbornm Jignificutme. lie: Itisfufiicicntthatanyancofthcmbcprefciir.- And inair-over, the jufticc may nocht make and conftif utc deputes and fubftitutes under him, except he nave fpeciall power in his commilTion, to do thcfainin. Lw. ■ 4. c. //«<>»«;. 27. Thirdly tlic judge fuld begin and fenfe the coiin.conformc totliecommonordou'rand confuctude vfed and obferved. la. 6- par. n.c. 81. CithilkTuldbcdonearcllcvcn houres before noonc. Ja. 6. p. 1 1 . C.86. Fourthlic, the court bcand affirmed, the dempftcrfuld be called and caufed to be fwonic, that he fall leallie and trcwlic, ufe and excrce his offke. Fir(lic,the fuites fuld be called. Ia.6 d. ii.c.8i.zita"aincasofbc- forc ilk man, twifc with their lordsand mailers, and the .ibicnts decerned to have failzied, and therefore fuld be unlawed , and gif baiih the fuitcrandhisMaiftcrbeabfcnt, ilkancofthcmbcthcmfclvcs fuld be a- nicrciar. Sextlie, the aflifouris being fummoned be ane precept direct be the )U- fticcto thateffeft, fuld be called,iik perfone under the paiiicot fourtic punds,nud the jurtice may chcifeaflife ane or maa,ashc pleafis.ofthc beft and inaill Vvorthic oi the cuntrie, before rjuhoin the haill accufitioii, ica- foning; wriiics, witiieflc.and uther probation, and inftruition quhac-fuin- cver of the crime, falbc reafoned and deduced in thar prefence j and alfo In the prcfcnce of the panic accufed, in face of iudgcinent. Ia.6.p. 1 i.c.90. 91. And it is to wit, that he quha givis up dittay upon ane uther, fuld not р. iflcuponhisalfife. la i.p. ?.c. 50* 7. The jurtice fuld prucccdcin his court, and put the ofTcnJers- glfony be alrcadic in prifon, to the knawicdge of ahe aflifc ; and minlftcr jurtice upon tlicm, as they falbc found innocent- or culpable- lam. 6. p. II. cap. Si. 8. He fall cal! thereafter the plcdses,aiiJ cautiohcr.sof pcifonesattach- cd.qulia laund fovcrtic before the jurtice ony rinKpreccedins, at ony par¬ ticular diet, or court, to coiupcir the third day of the hire, or fooncr, upon fifcccncdaicswarning. la. 6. p. ii.c 81. 9. This being done, the clcrkc fall vifit and confidder the hail! roller, andjourncll, and call all them quha arabfent from the aires prccccding. Upon quhais hcades and names is written, prim.t dies.fecitvJd ilits, unit dies : Be the quhilk.hc underftandis, Ira quhnt airc or court they were ab- fent. And that they may be therefore aincrciar, ilk ane of them beihcm- fclrc, bcrcafonoftheirabfcnce. Andgilthcfaidispcifoncs, nocht com- pcirand of before, now compeiris & ar prefent: The clerk fall luik the auld dittaics and rollcs, and accufc them, conformc thereto, in the beft mancr he may gudlic. And gifthcrc be na painicular poynt of dittay, or accufati- 011 } he fall lay comoioun dittay to their charge. 10. Thereafter the jurtice fall call the pcrfoncsncwlicin-ditcd and av- rcifted^ And gifthey or onic uther ofthcarreifted pcrfoncs forefaidis,com- |3cir,’ they fuldbeprefented tothccourt,.andtothcSchircffc, quhafuld flDfwer for them, uncill jurtice be done upon them. 1 1. They quha arattachcd,and compeiris not, may na-waics be accufed for their nocht compcirancc, bot be the Kingis fcrvicc ; quhilk fuld be vc- rificdbcihcKingisictter, produced in court: Orbcrcafouot fcikncflci finbilkbetheauldlaip, wastryedbeancaffife, quhidderitwastrew, or feinzied: Albeit the particwasabfenr.5i4f. 2. Hoi. Br, c.5. Bot now it fuld be proven and verified be the Miniftcr of the Paroch, within the quhilk the perfonexcufeddwellis; And be twawitnes pcrfonallie com- pcirand in judgement. 1. i.p.9.c.'i 14. And concerning perfonesabrent, it is geacrallie ordained, that cvcric barronc and frec*h.ilder, fall anfwere in the jurtice aire, for his awin men. dwellarid upon his awin proper landes, tackes, ftcadinges, cowmes, and baronies, and falbc haldcn to enter themi orclsanfwcretothcKing.forthcirunlawcs. 1.5'.p. 3.c.6. ftjihatis the unlaw in the jurtice airc. vid. ..^mercUmtntium. Bot for the better under, ftanding of the lawcs,concerning fugitives and abfenres : It is to wit, chat be the auld lawes of this rcalmc, gif the panic defender being lauchiltllic warned, compeired not, bot fend ane cftoinzic, or cxcufc ; the famin be¬ ing rcafonablc, was received and admitted to the judge, three findrie dales or courtes: And gifhc compeired afterwarde, and verified not hisclToiu- ziestobelauchfulT, hcw.asairtrcinzicd, and poynded therefore. Botgif he neither came, nor fend ane cxcufc: The panic perfewer compeared atlaitchfnlldayand time of court, and offered him rcddic to perfew, quhilk he did be the fpacc of three dales. And the third courtc beand by- part, the defender was fummoned to compeir the fourth day : The quhilk fourth court was peremprour; bccaufc feuttnee de^nitive was given a- gainftliim, confcrmtothedaimandpctiiioo, git he compeired nochr. Thclikeformeandordcurofproceftc was ob¬ ferved in jurtice courtes. For mention is maid of the firftaire. la. 3. p. 13. с, 94. And of the fccond airc. 1. 5.p.4 c. 3 2. And of the fourth court. 1 . 3 • p. 14.C.ID1. And gifoiiypcrfoninditcd,andlauchfullicattached, compeired nor,thcfaid three courtes, his pledge or law borsh was called and amcrci- at for the firft, fccond, and third court, andat ilic timeafter ilkancof tlic iiidis courtes, the faid pledge was poynded and diftreinzied . and thedi- ftrerteorpoyndwaslcctcnioborgh, andmaid free under caution ; that the faid pcrlon indiftcd.fuld compeir in the nixt airc following, to undcr- lyihelaw. And gif he was ablciu at the fourth court, the peremptour doomc was given againft him,Thatfikanemanwasinancamcrciaincnr, and at the Kingis horn, and Iris landes and all his glides efeheit to the King, except he come within fourtic daics, and did bi^c the l-’.'.v : And ihereaK tcrthccoiirt beingended, the faid pciTon was denunced rebell, and put to the home openlic at the incrcat crocc of the head burgh of the Schire. Ojihilk forme of procerte. wasfalangand prolixt, that in moivv zfircs, parties hurt and grieved, gar na jurtice: And trcfpaflbures and n-iincs parted unpunirtico : quhilk was tlic occafion to mony pcrfoncs to commit crimes, truftingnnhafticpunitionnorcorrcffionto follow. Therefore King lames the Fifth , ftamte and ordained , tliat the proces of jurtice airc, and jurtice courtes, fuld be peremptour at the fccond aire or court, fwa fugiitYCs not compeirand at the fccond airc court, fuld be denunced the Kingis rcbcllcs, and put to Ills home, and antheirguJeshisefrheit. lam.^.Farl. 4.Cap.32. \cpl.fU,- - 1 2 Hereafter the Lordcs of rcgalitic ni.iy delire (heir men to be remit- b, ted to their awin jurtice courtc, andreplege them, fchawandthcircom- ' inilfioncs, power, and payaiid therefore 5 and Icivand ane caution behind them, called Culraeh, quha falbc afted and oblifiicd, in the jurtice Court, that jurtice falbc done and iiiiniftrar, iniliccourtof the regaliiic, to die partic compleinand upon ihc perfon rcplegcd. 13. The jurtice or his Clerkes, falldemandandfpearcatthcBailliesof « . Bunowes. gifdicy be reddic to prefent ilk Burges within their Burgh, in- dited to die kingis jurtice aire; Q.uhilkispcifon«sfulJ all enter perfonal- lic before the juilicc, underthe paine ofaue un-law and amerciament of court: quh.iisnamcsthcfaidsbaillicsfallputinwrjr, anddclivcrthc fa- mintothcjurticc, orhisclcrkes. Andgifthey will borrow or rcpiege their faidi.snichcbourcsi they fallfchawthcirCommiflion,&paythcreroi c; 6c thcrcalter they fall draw, or oblige lhcmfelvcs,rlicirC6miffion,&burgli in pledge : That ihav peribnes quhom they rcpiege, and quhais names ihcy givcin write, falbc I'urth-cummand, and anfwcrablc to the laws, and dial. lenge of the jurtice. At the quhilk time, he and hisdcpuies fall alfignc to them ane cenaine day, to iinderlicihclaw, either iiidiat aire , orilicrc- aftcr quhcii be fall think fpeedfuH. And at the famin rime, it is Icafum to the Kings jurtice , fittaiid in the piiiicipall burgh of the royalric, togiveanealfifeto all tlicfaidis burgellcs. rcnlcdoed of their awin nichtboures , that beft knawis the veritre , tUvcllandin the' lame burghwithtbem. And gif there be nocht ane fufficient number of the faidcoii-burgcflcs: lifalbclcilFulltochoofcancartifcofthc burgertes of ' the faid headlmrgh, quhair the jurtice and his deputes rittis,as he (all think expedient. Ia.4.p. i.c. i. 14. Gif the partic accufed compeirand, alleagistolus rcmiflion or rcfpcc -, he fall produce tlic famin in court, andlall findcUckcrborrowes '^""/gontf, to alfiib and conccncthc partic compleinand, within fourtic daics fol- lowing: Quhair-uponaneadismaidincourt, quhairby hcaiidhiscau- tioncr, aroblirtiedtoartiihand fatisftc the panic, within the (p.icc fore- faid; fl.uhilkis callcdthe aftcof Adjournall. AndgiHiercfufistofindc caution, hefall remainin thcKingisprifon, quhill the faid fourtic daics bcriinnc, aiidthcnhisremilfionfaibccxpired, and of na value. la. 2. pa. 14.C.75. And in this cafc,quhcn ony man takis him to his icaiiflioii,rcrpcc, orcompofition, in the jurtice airc.or jufticccourr, and fiiulis fovcrtic to affiihthepartic: It is leafum to the partic to call the laid fovcrtic before the LordesofCounccll, confonnctothcadtofAdjournall, maid there- aneiir. la.j.p.S.c.y. Aseifonyrnanbccummisfovcnicloranciuher, a- iicntfpuilzic committed DC him; andforreftitutionorfaiisfilion to be maid be him therefore. He as fovcrtic may be called and convccncd foe thcgudcsfpiiilzicd. For tbcviolcnc prices thereof, for the damnage, skairh, and iutcrcftfurtcincd be the perfewer, throw tlic committing of the fiiid fpuilzie. lo. Marti). 1500. William Kthh, contrair thcEarlc of Caithneffe. And the faid fovcrtic being condemned, lies gud adVion a- gainft the pritKipall panic, for his vclietc, be ane fimplc charge, iipoufcx dales warning, without peremptour fnmmoundcs, or ordour of table, 1 1. Jn/i/. 1 545- 15. GiftlKperfonattachcdcompcirisinthcCourtc, and bcandaccu- fed, hesna relevant exception, pr rcafonablc defenfe ; of ncccffitic he fnld parte to the knawicdge of ane artlfc, conibrmerochc Lawes of the Rcalmc. Ac the quhilk rime, the haill aflifoursfuld be called, and the ab- fcntisamcrciar, la. 6. p. 1 1. c. 76. And the pavrir accufed, fiilJ be heard to propone all and findrie, his lauchlull defenfes, againft the haill aflifourcy oi'onvcfihcm, torepcllthem, as he may beft of the law, and ftay them to parte upon his alfife. At this rime the perfon compeirand and accufed, cummisintlicsvillofthcjurticc, orhcisclengedbcanealfifci or he is Perfinet filed and couvief. Git liefubmittis himfcif'c, aiidciinnuisinwiil; It is ct-.mrrwtd m leafum to the jurtice, to draw him lui ili of die rollcs, and to declare liis will, and to charge him to pay ane compofitiuii, or fik ane fumme of filvcr,aslicplcafi.stomodific. after die qii.ilitic of the crime and perfon, forup-r.ikingand in-briagingquhairof, the jurtice airc being ended, ihc . jurtice dii'cftis his precept, called, PrrfCf/'tMW eMrathu iiincris jtiPidit- rit, in thi-sfiiiinc- Wilhelmus ju^itiarius genefttU's , Vicecomiti O’ l}aWv/s fuii de. E. filit-. Thtpr/ctfi of tern. fluiiii/iiiitKytji’^itiariteX>omininoflTiYegis, per nos i\ sent. apud. detimo die men/is. N. .yfnno Domini Oc. Diverfi juermt amer- Citti, Ci'' pro flits dcliclhCOiivifli, Gt' in nofra I'olHntaie po/iti. Qjiaro vobis pr.ettpimiis Cif mandamus, ijiiaicHns de infra feriptis perfoais fub- fcript/i'fnmm.u levari faaatis, pro tifdcm fecundum formant juris di- Jlringatis. Ei prinid de K. fttmmam Oc. Pe quibufejiiidein funtmts johatisprofxpen/iinoftris in diBa iiinere fummam. N. Kefidimm verb 'diBcinim fiimnutrum felvatis cojferarits Domini Uofiri Kegis: Vel c«e vobts afiignabituY infra tempus legitimum, hoc eft infra quadraginia dies primum diem diBi iiineris proximo O imniediaid fequen. £t hoc nitllo modo omiliatis. Terfone- Quhen ony perfon is elenged be ane alfife, the jurtice direftishis Tefti- monitfll, caWed Liserateftimonialisdehomine mundaio per afffam, in manner following. Wilhelmtis juftitiarius generalis, nniverfis o fingulis ad quorum noti- tias prx femes liienc pervtnerint , falut. iioveritis quod comparens coram nobis iiinere juftitiariaD'omini noftri Regis, tent. apud. f.decimo die menfis. N. anno Domini oc- J. ds. B. indiBatus. o per rotulos kegioscalummmuf, dearie parte tales furti, vel satis rapine, vel in- Cfiidij Oc. Qjeamquidem caliimmam diBus. I. in facie judtcij penitus de- fiegavit. Etfuperhocadrecognitionem affifa utiqiie fe fubmift. Rur*- qiiidcmaffifahincindediligenierconfnlta, Etplemiisavifata, diBum. I. h diBes calumniis fibi impofitis, quiitum declaravit, penitus O immunem. Ut hoc omnibus quorum intereftt vel inierefj'e '^oierit, noium facimus per ■J’irfentt fiUi 'tnicnvili- Thtendttf f hi AIT*. ■loy appari- fxnt. ^mpArMU. ■AUiium, PlimAgiHnt Hi, HIT,. Nm Hiium. De 'verborum Jignijicatiom. fVr pritfeiiies. In cuius rei iffiimnium figilUm ojficij nojlri apptndt citruvi. milt. All tliAypcvfonS qiilia cummis in will, and dvawcnfurcU of the voiles, and alfo tlicy quba ar denied be aiic alTirc,caii na waics in ony lime tlicie- after be called ov accufcafonliat crime, lov the quhilkiUey cum in will; for anis quit and clcngcd,ay quit and elenged.Zit ncverthcles,gif'onv per- fon be accitfcd criminallicof life Selim, at the inftance of aneiitha- pri¬ vate manallanerlic, and isclcngcd and maid quite : the Kinoispiftice &his deputes, be rcafun ot their office, may ihercatter tak inquifition anent the faid crime; Sc in thcKingis name accufe the committer thereof, conformc to the Law- Notwithftandingthacofbefore,.hcwas elengedthereof be ancalfifc- Li’i.+.c.ii querela, Becaufe the a£bion or perfutcof anc privy pavtie,,prciudgisnotthe King in his richt or rentes, competent to nim, DC reaibti of his royal power. And therefor the Thefaurar, and the Kings Advocate, may perfew all malcfaftourcs : Albeit the panics defift, or pri- vatlie agree amangft 6, pav.s 1,03.76. fi^hcntrefpafloursanJ malcfaclourcs arconvift, as breakers of thcfla- tuts, and afts contcinand dittay ; they .aucht and fuld bepunifl'ied accord¬ ing to jufticc, and conformc to the cenour and paincs conteiiicd in the afts bipkcnandcontravccncd be them. Ia..4.p.4.c.+ 5-And f.igifthcpainecon- teined in the aft be pccunial, they fuld pay thefamin. And gif it be capital, they fuld undcvly and fuffer thefamin, c.Kcept the King give them remif- fion, and fpcciall grace therc-anent- As for example, landed men, lauch- fullic and ordourlie conviftofeommonthieft, receprofthiefr, ftouth, orriefe, incurris the paine of trearun,and therefore fuld be punifhed be rinfelloflirc, and confifcacionof landesandgudcs. la.C.p.i i.c.50. Al- Waicsthe Ctownqr may not iiitromct with ony gudes or gcarepertei- ningco ony trcfp.aflonr, convift and condemned to the death, asbisawin hand, untill the Scheriffc or his deputes, paflc.orfcnd with him, and vi- ficallthehaill glides; and deliver to the Cvowncrfa-meiklc, ashcfuldc havebereafon, and aspcitcinistohis office, and bring the remanent to our Sovcraiac Lord, and his Thcfaurar-I.s par.14-c.102. The jufticc aire bcand ended; the jufticc fall deliver the extraft thereof, fubferived bchimtothcThcfaurar quha fall caiifc take up the fbumes conteined thcrcincill, and make compt thereof in the nixt Checker, in the quhilk compt falbe allowed thcexpcnfcsand charges of ihcjufticc, & his deputes anaClerkcs, asthefamin falbe modifiedbc chcLordes, Audi- scuresoftheChecker.Ia.iS.p 1 1 c.Si. L Last Ofgudcs,hon' mcikle itcontcinis.-uid.Scrplaith. LET Lands to borgh, diiniuerc terras ad pleg.vid.plegius vide Reeng- LEX .apparent de tKdic. c. 2-v. Lcj. forejl. cap. hern tiipU- cito. 16. fignifics the law concerning lingular battell. And cap. 1 it fignifics ane inquifition, maid, ortakcnbcaneinqucftor.'iffife. And in the Law ofNorwflndie./t.p.c. to. It is called Loj apparifant. And lib.i.c.}. All quarrclles of pofljeffipnes or moveables, quhilkiS are called Chat- tell , or of landcs and immoveable gudes , fuld be decided be commoun and iimplc quarvclles, conformc to ordour of lawe,or be lawes ^pparifantes-, quhilkis ar deierminat, athcr be fingular battell, or be anc inqueftof oftlie euntric, utherwaics called, Lojprecognoijfant- Itislike- waics called, Lfi paribilis,a parium pugna,vel concertttfiottc, h-om the com bat of peeves and Campionis, or lex quhilk law is ungodlic, and not to bcuredamongChrirtianes. Cuiitlib-y. defend LIBERATIO, anc fee given to anc feevand, or official', quhilk is called anc liverie. Leg. M>f/coi»r. MrtcAe/jn«/».r.4. Feodum, or, fee, is com- monlicof filver and money, aniianelivericisofmcate ordciches. Bot this diftinftionor difFcrcncc, isnocht pcipctuall. LlBEKflM Tenemeutiirtt, iscommonlic, and propcrlicc.alled, franck tcncmcnt,orlirc-rcnit lnLatiuc,'i'/ur_/i'KffHr,conlormtothcdailicprafti- cqueof this Rcalmc. And nevcrthclcire, Liberum tenemrnium, fignifics, the propertic, fee or heritage. Do»aiio Ubeti lentmenti. & conceffio hared. ifdtiV.isbaithanc. Lib.z.c. pocep.zx. Te«eOTe«t/i»i Kfgium, is called the Kindis hcrctage. Lib.z.c.Dicititr.p.^. In the quhilk fignification, Minor dicitur effe in tenemento. lib i.c. Ceuerali.t. 24.c- KeiMriiiere 26.£< placiium de reHo cyliberis lenementis per breve doniiiiiRegis de redo debet terminari. Lib. I ,c.6. And King .Alexander gave and diCponcd to Forbeys, te- nemenium de Forbejs. That is, the landes and herccage of Forbejsi quhilk Charter is zit extant, vid. LlGEANTlA, Lib,2.c.Vieri.6i. From the word anc league, band or obligation :asho»>o anc man, quha isoblillicdand bound fra the quhilk cufX\m\s,.Alodiiint,in Ubrisfeudorum, qtiafi poffeffio fi¬ ne heode : Cuius poffejlor iieinnii ejl leodesfive ligius. And Itgeaniia, is the mutuallbandorobligation, bctuixrthcmaificrand the fervand-L/ pluribiiiiib,.i.c-Si^Uhfupei\i6.Vid..yfjfidatio. Item, themutuall band and obligation, betwixt the King and his fubjeftes, quh.iirby wee areal- led hislieges, becaufe we are bound andobliQicd to obey andferve him. And he is called our liege King, becaufe he fuld luaintainc. and defend us. Andthe doftoi'S ofthe law writis; Q^nod imperaior dicttir dopnno toito wini- di, eodem ntodoquo rex regni-l.bene a Zenone.C de quadr.prtefcripi, Huhilk fuld be underftand, concerning the defence and inainti naucc, and not a- nent the propertic. Q.uia reges non fuiit donimi privutarii pof'cpioniim.Claf. in.L. Bitrbarius de Ojjic. pr.etor. honiagium ligiim, vel cum iigeantia faB- tim, Is quheii the vailal!, ablblutiic makis homage to his fuperiour, againft all, and perfoncs, without exception ofonieman. quhilitfuld be done to na ucher, bot to thcKingallaiierlic. hamagium non ligium, vel fine Iigeantia, that quhilk the valfall makis to his Over- Lord, excepringandrefervingthe fiJclitic, quhilk he auchtto the King, or his elder Over-lord, ormailfer. \.ib. z.c. fieri. 61. Chepanaus. in Con fue- tiid.Burguifd.yHbric.^.^.i.Verh.CSz-homjge.IIii.xo. ciun.feqq.QxihWk vaflall is caWedrvapallus non homo\ogus. Likeas the ucher bvajfallus hmologusAn quhaisaUh ua perfon is excepted. Cuiu, hb.z. defend. hi MACHAMUTm, hiechamiutn. from the auld French wordc quhilk we call, Manzie, hurt, mutilation, demembration, or the lofTc or tinfell of ony member of .anc mannisboihe: Or ilic brcakin-i otanebancjorquhcnancmanaisharn-pan, or ony pave thereof, js cut- ted away. ordungin.Li. 4. c-4. Re; t«>« wj^jihio diciinncj minus fana. Lib. j.c. ex caufa.i . Be the auld Law of this rcalmc, he quha is mainzied, hes anc juft caufc to excufchimfclfc Ira fingular battell, and zit he will bee compelled to purge, elenge, and defend hiinfclfc, Per i^/ieiw aqnam.U. 4.r. y.cap.Si quit pro lairocinio 1 $. Qjipnf.miaitach.c. 6tqu,s s8.Lii.4.{. affift 20. Stat. .Alex.c. quicunque 31. ULuhairofthc power pcucinis not to ony Bavronnc; For na fubjeftmay compcllancuthcrtopingchiuifclfc be fire or water. prattrea 32. This kindc ofpurgation was anc in.ntft feharp and extveam kind of purgation and try all; Likeas we dai- jje ufe in commoun proverb; quhen we fay be way of menacing, 8c boa- fting, that we fall gar ony peiTon pas pet ignem O’ aquam-, Th.u is, to fut- fer and undcrly that kinde of tryall that is maill fevcrc anJcxtrcainc. It is called, judicium Dei, the judgement ofGod.asknawin rohimallanerlv. Jter.Cdmfr.f.CMin/ioe.25. Andwasingreatufeam.ingfttheLowgoiardejr, - KSiscxponcdbe Hotomannusdefeud c.^.^. lnt[u: auld Saxon iv.iing,, and ^ Dt, zit in dutch, it is called Ordeil,ordalinm, from, or,qnhilk they ufe as priva. tiva pariicula, and Del, quhilk fignifics anc part or portion: quhilk OrdAium. word wcufe in the fame fignification : and fwa Ordeil fignifics innocent, quha hes na pare, or isnocparricipaiuof thccriqse, quhairof hcisaccu- led. Purgation be the fire, isquhenony man with bair fcctc, paifis throw the fire, without onyhamicor hunc, or quhen ony man doiscarry and bear in hisbarc hand boat burnand iron, without ony Imre of hishand, quhilk is called ferri candeniis judicium, in the quhilk cafe, he wasdcceA ned to be 0rdei7, ornu waics participantol thecrimc.lItherw3ics,gifhis futc orhand washuve be thefire, orboatcironthc was condemned, as participant and fowlc ofthe crime. And fiklike, pHr^4(fo peraqnam, is quhen ouynian fiifpcft or accufed of anc crime, wascaften in hoaic or cauld water. And gif he paflied to the boitome, without ouv hurt ofhis bo- ‘'I"-'”'- dic:be was decerned ordeil 8ciniiocen(.Butgifhcdid nor falio the ground, botdid fwimme abonc; he wascondcmnc.l as fowlc oftlie crime ; as is written in the auld laws olthcBrittones. Feri Ordiifitnn. AndbeCttiac./f. z.defeud. Vurgatio vulgaris, isdifcliargcd be the Canon, rfi/eff/. extr.depurgationevulgiiri.c.extuaTum.i.dcpurgat. caHOJum: And like- waiesbc the lawes of this rcalmc it is forbidden as uulcafii. .^(f. Reg. Da.s. Slat, eciam. 30. In (ine ubi p*ofojj'am,legeaqnam.M.u. .Alex.c. Statuit Do. niinuse. And be the law of Goil it iseommanded, that nanefuldc fuffer their fonnq or dauchtertogothrowthe MANELETA, Ane kinde of evil and I’ertilcnt herbe, quhilk growes amangft thecorncs, called GKfJ.rfe md/c, c. 7. The law of or of • . thcGuld, wasfirftinftirutebc King Kenneth, quha ordained thatlu; •- quha throw hisfaulc or negligence, fuffcrisfawcn lands to be filed with noyfiimhcrbcsiForthcfivftfault, (all pay anc Oxc; for the fecond fault, ten Oxen ; and forthe third, fault, fall beremooved fra tU: pofleifioii and laboring ofthe land. Weffor BoettKf.L'^*'o- Aud gif ane mailer, or teiincnr, filis the land with guld, 5c will not elenge the famin, he may bcpuniOicdas anc fcduccr, quha bringis, orconvoyisanc avmie within his maifters l.'tnd, to wrack and dcftr«,yir.Le".forf/?.c quhilkis called Haredium. Bot in thr praftlcquc of this rcalmc, it is rather called Gfei/1; Tliaris.anc certaine portion of ar.iblc lande. Inl.a. HdT' Carolus Rex, m this manner ; Vl ntijft noftri, in illorion mi!Jatijs{ tnijptrij nofiri iiiiis locis nd qitos miitiintiir) curam homines nofl- ri, ant altj quilibetyvicinos jnosmajoxes,vcl mir.orcs, tempore tefiatis, qnan- do ad herbam fnos cabailos mitinnt : vel tempore L'yemisi quando Marefcalli ilhs adfodriim dirignnt depradentnr'aHt opprimnt. Be the quhilk it is mani- fcft,that/odrK»j,is a dutch word, jiro jpatibido e^HCiv", quhilk wc call fodder, EedrHro. &»wrcj!»rf/f«Jorwar//c(t//Hr.isa maftci'offtablc.ora fcrvand that hes cure Marfihalliu. ©f thchoi-Tcfor Mrtfth fignificsanc horfc, and 5c/?tf/t in Dutch, isanc fer- vand,dsGod/chtf/it,thefcr\'andofGod. And ...^/c/rf/«r.d.c.52.Affirmis that Trimarchijia troupcs of horfe-mcn, in the armic of BreMHt«,was called Trimarchi/ia, K»rf-marf~ ' bccaufe ilk man had three horfe. Andin the famin fignlfication, wcufe gtali. the word, Horf-marfchcItQuhairhorfcisadjoyned.forintcrri ctation of the word AftfrcAe. Aslikcwaicsin5i7't/erdonH W.' :This word hill, isthc interpretation of the uther word Downe, quhairof the ane, and the uther fi<»nificsancthing.InL3tinc,Mo»r. Swa horfe-mavfchcl, is anc fervand thatkeipisorcuris horfe, as is commonlic ufed within this Realmc ; Qiihilkoppinionfindric Germane writters confirmes, andfpecialliethc Scholiajles of Cnntherus.Ub i ..^nflriados. Swa Icavand to ilk man his awin oppinion and judgement, free to himfelfc : 1 think that Marcheia mulieris, is the raidc of the woman, or the firft carnall copulation and conjunftion with her; quhilk in refpc£t of her vir"initie, is maift eftcemed be men. fiuhilk interpretation is confirmed alfwa htt Cuiac. feudl. MARITAGIHM Haredis, The marriage of ane atre mail! or fc- maill, quhiU js modifiedand liquidatbc the LordsofihcSclTionjto anc Mdrlidilnm certaine fumme of money, after confidcrarion of the rcntall, andvalurc of the lands pcrccining to the airc; quhilk is either lcgall,or conventional!. The mariage Lcgall , is that quhilk be dirpoution of the Law > pcvtcinis to the fiipcriour, and Over -lord. For the mariage of anc airc maill, or femail of landcs halJcn be fervicc of wardc and relieve, be- in" within Icfl'eagc, or being ofperfitc age, and not maried the time of thcdeceafcofliis father, or uther predcccfTour, to quhom he is airc, per- tcinis tohis/mmediat ruperiour; be the comnioiin dirpofiiion of the Thtmariaic law ofthis rcalmc. Andgifthcie bemaa fiipcriouves, the marriageper- firttinu i» teinistothefirft, and cldeft ruperiour, to quhom theprcdeccnbures of thefaidaire, maid firftlcagcance and homage: Or of quhom they have thcfirftinfcftmcntof their landcs. Leg. Forefl.c jialicni.ys. M -over, gif an airhaUhs certain lands be fcrvice of ward of the Kir^ iUicdi- atlie : And certaine uther landcs be the like mancr of h.i'dlng immedi- atlicofanciuhcv fiipcriour, SpirituallorTcmporalhThc Afarriageof the airc, fuldperteineto the Kingallancrlic, withourony refpeft of the quantitic of the landcs, orofthc prioritie, or poftcrioritic of the hading: Bccaufcthe Kinghegnot ancpccrcor companion, far Its ane fuperionr within his rcalmc. Lib.z.c. Rtflituere.c\.4.cAi Maritaginm conventionale. Msriu^ium isthatquhilk cummisnot be difpolTtion of rhelaw, hot beihcconvcnti- tfiiventiena/e onand confcnt of parties ; .As qiihcii ony manhaldishislandesin blench, orin few ferme: Hisawin, or hisaircs mariage, na-waics thereby per- tcinistohislupcriouriBot zitgif liec payisony dewtiefor his landcs »o- minealbafirmx, or nomine fendi-frma, vnacum maritagioharedisetm contigtrif. Gifhe happenis to dcceafe, the mariage ofhis airc, noeht be- in" maricd,pcrtcinistohi?rnpcnour, I’otbethc nature of the balding of his landcs, oor be the convention and provifion contcined in hisin- SintU and feftmciU. Thc availe of anc aii cs mariage, is either finglc or double- For dantif avaiU gifthc fupcriour requires nor ane airc, tomaric, cad the airc marie with out hisconfent: Thc fuperiour fuld obiaincallanerlic forhismai-|agtf be thc cftiination oj the ordinal- judge, fa-mcikleasmay bcanecompe- tcntfbmme, or tocher to ihc faid airc, conformc to his zcirlic rente: Or gif theaire refiihsro maiic, hec cannot be compelled to doc the famin- Qjda mairimonia debent effe libera. Bot quiicn he ciiinmis to pcrfitca"c,hc fall give tohisfuperiour.alsmcikleas he micht have fra ony uthciVcr- fon for the famin marriage, before he receive his landcs out ofthc bands ofhis rupevioiu- qnia mariiagiiim eisis qui infra ataiem ejl,de mero jure per. tinetaddominumfendi.Ug Forejl. c.Siqnis f'G.Thedoiiblcavailcotthcma- vi.igcof ane airc, perreinis to thc faperiour, quha makis anc lauchfull offer of ane partic, to thc'airc in mariage : Providing that thc partic offered, be of equal parage- Forgifthefuperiourdois marie the airc, with ony per- Tone in difpar.ige, as with ane burgefle man, or with anc villainc. Gifthc airc, bee oi thcageoffourtccne zeircs, prmair, and givis his confent to tlic faide mariage; the famin is gude and valiable ofthclaw.Botoifthe airc bcwitliin theageof fouitccnczcircs, qubair-tbrow he may nocht give anc lauchfull Confent to his marriage. In that cafe, gifhiskinfinan compleinis, thc Over-lord fall tine and omit thc wardc j andallcommo- ditie that be may have thereby, untill thc airc be oflauchfuli age of twen- rie ane zeircs; Luhilkfalbc converted and employed, be the fight ofhis friendcs, tohisufe and commoditic. be reafonof thefehame anddifflo. nour done to h'lio. Leg. foref.t. Si qnidomhii 6 ^ fl.uhilk is conformc to thc Lawesof England. jHeu.i.flat. Merton-c.G.c.y.Swi gifthe Maria"c of onyairc,orheretrix,bc fallen in the fiipcriouishandcs; and thc airc bcand iauchfullie required be thc fupcriour, or his donaiar, or be ony cled with their richr, to marie ony agreeable partic without difpara"c olfcreikto iiim,i'cfufis to do thc fame, and marics ony mlierpcifon, with¬ out thc licence and confent of thc fupcriour, or his donatar-, He audit and fuld be reafonof his contempt and difiobcdiencc, pay not only the finglc availe of his manage; bot alfo the double thereof : Thar is, als mci- klcagaine,as thcfingle, bethe modificationofthciudgc.afterthezeir- lie rental, availe, and quantitie ofthe landcs and living> pertciningtoihc aire. And mair-over, in this cafe, be theauld law ofthis Realmc, it islea- fumtotbe fupciiour, tohald andrctcincthc landcs, albcitthcairc be of twentic anczcircsofage, unrill be be compleitlie fatiffied ofthc faide dowble availe. Zfg hxredibus-6.^. And it is to wit. that the faide requifition,fuld be mai(^ in this manner. Thc fupcriour, bis donarar, or.l.= ItfrL. aflignaymaid and conftitutebcrhc Donarar, or ony uther perfon,hav- /uidbirtan' and richt thereto ; aucht.andfuldbc himfclf,orbehisIauchiulprocura. fidi»marie‘ tour, havand fpcciall power in writ, to that efFcft; offer to tbcaire, peifo- nallic apprehended, then being oflauchlull age for mariage, ane agree¬ able partic, expreemand thc faid pciTonis name, and fur-name, without difparagc to him : Sick-Iikc bcand oflauchfuli age, and convenient for mariage, and require the faid airetofolcmnizar, 5c compleit thc band ofmalrimonic, infacc ofhalic Kirki withthc perfonthat isofferred; And for complciting thereof, affigne and affixe ane lauchfull dayc; To wit,therpacc ofthretticdaicsac thelcaftto him to complcir ihcfamin; within ony Kirk, appoynted be the maker of the that effeff. And in thc mcanc time ofihefaid requifition,orbcfofc,orar£crtheramin, the donatar, oronyuthcr affignay, havand richt and title of him, or of thc fuperiour ffor thc fuperiouv himfelfe, needis nocht to mak ony inti¬ mation of his richt & title, be bcand notourlie knawm to be fupcriour) fuld make be himfelfe, 01 be hisprocuratour. intimation ofthe richt, and difpofition maid to him; and fchaw the fame, and mak the famin patent, in prefence ofthe fiidairc; andcaufe thc famin to be read before him, or give or offer him anc copic thereof: To the effcft.tliat he thereafter may not pretend nor allcage ignorance thcrc-ancnt. And ihercaftcr thc faid perfon, vi'\. Thc fupcriour, or ony uther cled with his richt , bee quhom, or in quhais name thc faid requifition and intimation was maid; aitcht and fuld pcrfonallic, or be his procuratour, coinpcir ar the day, and kirk appoynted of before: Bringand with him thc faid partic offered, in proper perfon, reddie and willing to marie, quha was offered in mari¬ age; And there in lauchfull time, before twelve hourcs of the day, offer him reddie to accomplifh and lulfill that quhilk he offered, and requi¬ red to be done of before. And to that effeft, there reniainequhill thc Sermonc, or divine fervicc be done, orquhill ane houre after noonc. And gifthc airc compeii is nocht, or compeiris and refufis tomaric; he fuld take inftrumcnces thereupon, in thc hands of ane rufficicntNotar* of thc refufemaidbe the aire, or ofhis nonc-compearance; and the of¬ fer oftbeagrccablc partic; togidder with the intimation forefaid; quhilk cannot be proven be wicncfic, bot be writ- Pew. Eeb. 1567. The Laird of rrnmlangrig, contriiv Marion Carrutheris-2t. JMwi;.i575. Thc Lairdof Glcnhernic, contrail- thc Laird of Vd^. MARlTAGUlM Tocher gude. Z?i.2.c.dwrtK/cw 19. in fine-c.polef: 21. enm feqq.Vid Vos ‘ MARUb, anc official-, orcxccutourof fiimmondcs.I.i.p 9.c.iii.p, 13 c.r^oVideRceordum. He isuthcrwaics called, Vracoregis.Lib.i.cap. enm autem. 8.G.uhaiv it is faid, Q.itod die dominico vox praconis cejiare debet bccaufs na fummonds fuld be c.xccutc upon anc Sund^'. Thc Kings Maire is of anc greater power and authoritic, nor thc mcflcngcrsorofficiarcs of armes, and fpcciallie in jufticc aires, and punifhing o f -cfpafloures. Boc now thc faid office is "iven in fee and heritage to Maircs of fee, quha knawis nocht their office: Bot are idle perfones, andonclydoisdiligcncc in cakingup ofthcivfecs, from them, toquhomc they doc na gude, nor fervicc to thc King. M A T £ R T £ R A, propcrlie is the Mother fifter, Qjtajt Maitr altera. Bot fiim-timcs improperlicit is taken for thc Father fifter, in Latinc ./imiia- For Lih.i.c.Vefcientibus 34. .^vunctditm.h.e.pair- mm cmfqne libetast Matertera einfque llberi hcihent jns fHCCtjitonir. Aai UMtHT. SirvitiHm nilifMTt. 'De verbarum JigniJicalioue, And be the Law of this RcAlnie,Mie biiriies Jefeendand ofthcmatUci- fi- ftcr, hesnarichtoffucccffion : Qiihilkiiuhcawinplaceand degree, is competent to the baitnesborne of the Father firterj qnhilk is manifel}. pe judicib. c. hiarementtttm,to blaw aneftocknornc, quhilkcommounlieismaaeofTiinmcr , wood, or tree, with circles and girds of the fame, qnhilk is zet ufed in the Hie-Iandcs and lies of this rcalme: qnhairof I have fcenc the like in the Cumrie of Helvetia, inthezeirof God, ane thoufand, five hundreth, fexticancht, amangd the Znit^ers- MER.EMIUM, muremium. The timmcr of ane houfe. Lib.^.c. Si quifiS. IntheEnglifhLawcs, Carta de Forefla- It is called maremtHtw. And ane charter given be Jacobus Senefcalltis Scotix ( king lames the firft, before his Fathers deceafe ) ToT/»ow.« Broipfier, ofthc landcs of 5acer. land, befide Prf/Iiy> 5 now pcrtcininghcretablie to 5»eji»«rd of Sarfeube, contcinis potejlaiem incidendi meremium ■, That is • licence and power to cutte fa mciklc grcenc wooddc in the Kingis Foreft of Raife, as fuld be ncceirarto the faid Thomas, to big houfes to hisawnc ufc. MESE Of Herring, contcinis five imndrcth, forthecommounufe of numeration, and telling of Herring, be reafon of their greate multitude, is ufed be thoufandcs j And therefore ane Mefe, comprehendis five hun¬ dreth, quhilkisthc halfc of anc thoufand. From the Greek word We/ow^ la Latine medium. MESSUAGIUM, Lib- z.c. Dosaiitem 19.C. Si qiiis pliires 30. cumfeqq. Ane principall dwelling place, or houfe within ane Barronnic, quhilk in the laws of England, is called Manouv, ane hall.placc, or court, ludge, or Manour houfe. Albeit Valentine Leigh, \a his bulk offiirveying of lands affirmis meffuagium to be the tenement or lands arable, And thedwclling houfeorplace, or Courte hall thereof, to be called Sir, fromtheLatinc Situs : quhilk wee call the fcate, or on-fette. And it is not Icafum to give the principall mefluage, to the wife within burgh, in life rent. Leg. Burg. s-Hullus. 107. MILITES, Lcg.Malc.Mak.c.z. Andgencrallie in the auldlawesof thisrealm, ar called free-halders, haldand thcirlandsof barons in chief j quha hes na power to hald courts oflife and lim : hot onely of injuries, wran'T, and unlaw. JiotmUitare fervitium, Knkhtesfcrvicc,isthat man- jierofhalding of lands, quhilk is c.Ulcd, fctviccofw.ardandrelicve. Et miles opponhur Soccomaiino, and he quha haldis his landcs. Per miliiare fervitium, lib.z.c SiquisSO. MISERICORDIA, Ane mevcimenr, amerciament or unlaw. leg. Forefi. c. 5. de jtidic. c. 40. Mifericordia domini regis, or the Kingis mcrci- ment iQpurpveftutc. Lib z c tp. diciiur.js. vid-ForisfaSum- vide .A- • merciamentum. MOTE, Mute, pley, aflion, quarrcll. (iuhen King M VitdiiiM,dicitiir pigniis, cuius fruBiis,vel reds- tus perceptifin nullo fe is ane French word,fignificsane deede wed, fik asancccttanerummcoffilvcr, given upon landes inwed-fet, and under reverfion ; quhilk is c.alled ane deede wed j Bccaiifc be the auld law of this realm, the profit thereof; thatis, the annual of the filvcr, is reckoned as ane part of the ftock and principall fiimme. And therefore the faid ftock is dead, without ony profite, as ane barren and dead tree, quhilk producisna fruit. Lib. 3. c.4. e.6. Conciair the commoun forme of alie¬ nation of landes under rcverfion,dailie ufed within this rcalme, called pa- RimderetrtKvendeiido, quhairbctheannuell, is zeirlie payed, untill the redemption of the landes. At the quhilk time, the principall fumme fuld be likcwaicscompleatlic payed. And rwabaichthcannuelI,andthcftock bcingpayed, the proficcs arc not reckoned in the ftock, bot ilk anc of them ar fcvcrallic reckoned, and feverally payed, fa-mcikle for the pro¬ file, and fa-mciklc for the principall fumme. vide Vadium. MULIERATdS Film, isanelauchfullfonnc, gotten with anc laucli- full wife- Lib.z.c. Si autem 22. Ex legitima mulierejeu uxore, quia mulie- •/K appellatione uxor continetur. L. Mulieris- 13- c?* jAi Cl. deverb./Fgnif. MURTHURUM, Lib.i.c. z.lih.-^.c.j. fi^hairoffumis called, privat, that is mannis flauchter. quhairof the author is unkn.iwin : fl.uhairofthe iMquilition perteinis to the crowncr 5 As quhen anc perfon isfouiul flaiiic, or drowned, in ony place or water- Uther is publick committed be forc- thoclit-fcllonie , non debet murthrum adjudicari ubi infortuni¬ um intervenif- ffd locum habeat tnurihrum, in interfikis ptf feloni.tin • An j fwa murthcr Is committed be forc-thocht-Wonlc, and not be fuddaintie, ( h.iiui-mellu, ur iiijoriunium ‘. Thatis, be chjuucc or for¬ tune- Lfg. Mall. Mak. citp_ z And in the lawes of England, ^niio 13 . EdraarJ. z. cap. i. Mnrthcr is quhen ony nun be ane yi opcnfed malice, lyisin w.iicc to flay anc luher man. And according to his malicious in¬ tent, fl.iyishim. Molin-eusinftil. Cur. Parl.part.u cap. 13. Conformcco the law ofNorwjrtHrfie X/i. 1 2. cd]). I. Affiriuis, that nuirihcr is differenc from fimple flaughter. Bccaufc nuirthcr is committed wittinglie.and wil- linglie, bcancquhaofrctpurpofclyisquictly in awaitc lor that effeft. And flau«htcr isconmiitted without ony forc-thoucht-fcllunie, upon anc haiftiefuddaintie, qnhilk in Latine isRixd 3 And in French, Chaud-mel- la, In the quhilk place he writtis, that three crimc.s perteinis to the high jufticc5wil}ullfire,ravi(hingof wecmcn,& murther.Bot be the law of this ^^*7" Rcalme, fourc crimes ar called the fourc pointes of the Crownci wil- full-fire, ravifhiagofwccmcn, murthcr, and robberic or riefe : Bccaufc the jurifdiftion, or cognition thcrcof,pertcinis allancrlic to tlic King, and to nafubjeft Spiritual, nor Tcmpoiall, except the I'amin be fpcciallic granted to him be the King. Lib.\. c- 2. leg. Male. Mak. e- 4. lib. 4. cap. Dieluntg. ti ajf- refl-Vu, c. i. NAMARE, Hamoscapere, totakcane poynJ, orancdiftrcfTc. It is anc auld Saxon word: foslfaman, inlAtincTignorarifive pignus auferre. AndVamatio, fignificsthetakingofanepoynd. Leg.BTttomim. . verb.Vigaoran- In the law aii^ormandie, Ndmi coramounlic fignificsony gudes or gcarc moveable, orun-movcable, takenfor execution of ane decreet- I'lgnor* capta, & bona capta pignori. ut in X a Divo Tio. i de rejndicat. Bethclawsofihtsrealm, na poynd fuld be taken, botforanc confefled or proven debt. w-^ndthcfaminfuldbepublicAlicfchawin, and maid manifeft toall paflengersbethe way, and to all parties following the famin- Xfi.4. cap-Siquis namos 30. cum feqq. Na man may poynde within ane uther mannis boundcs or iiiriCdiftipn,bot for debt auchtand to him, except the Kingis Baillic be prefem. The poynd or diftrcfle, fiild be conforme to the quantitic and v.tluvc of the debt. Na perfon may be poynded, botthedcotour, or his fovcrtic or pledge. The poynd fuld remaine within the famin Batronnic, quhair it is taken, in ane place per- tciningtohim, quha takis the famin, oratthcleaft, in the nixt adjacent barronnie, within the famin Scliircffdomc, and notin Fovtalicesor Ca- ftelles. Slat. z. Rob. Br, cap. item ordinaium. i. Curia de naimvitito j chat is, ofdeforccmcnr, bethcauld Law, pcrtcinisto theking allancrlic. De Maritag. cap-Sciendnm 17. NATIVE, Borne flavcsorlcrvandcs, vide Bondagium. NONE-ENTRES, IsquhcnancvafTall, veftaiidfaifcdintUcfecand propertieofthclandcsdcccafis, leavandbcbindchimancaire, quha bc- andoflauchfullage, may enter to the landcs, betakingof faifing there¬ of, and zic enters nochr. Inthc quliilkcafc, thelandcsarin the handcs and power of the immediate fupcriour, be reafon of nonc-cntrcflc. Prop- 7-^,^ ter negligentiam haredis.jus fuum non profequeutis- Seat. Rob. 3. Cap. No- efmnt-cn- ta.zj. Mair-over, there is twa kinds of None-entres: The anc fimple, trtft. nochcfollowand after ane wardc, in the quhilk, the fupcriour of the Landcs, untill they be declared be dccrcetc of ane ordinar judge, to be in None-entrefie, fuld have allancrlic the retouved maill thcreol’, conforme to the new extent. And after the declaratour, the fupcriour may re¬ move the tennentes, oroccupicthclandcs.asheplcafis.induringthctime oftheNonc-entrefle. The uther kindc of None-entrefle, isthat quhilk followisaftcranc wairdc: As quhen landcs are haldcn be fer\ice of wardc and relieve 5 and the aircis Minor, and may nocht enter: The famin landes pcrtcinisto the (uperiour, be reafon of wardc, and nocht of Nonc- entrefle. For quhair there is wardc, there is na None-entrefle, be reafon the wardc, falong asit indurcs. ftops the none-entrefle. Boc quhen the wardc expyris, togidder with the twa tcvmcs of the relieve ; The Nonc-cntrcflebcginnis , gifthc airc bcand of perfitc age , cntcris nocht to the landcs, and obteinis faifing thereof- The qnhilk None- entrefle, requiris na declaratour, boi is oFthclike nature, with the wardc prcccidand. -.^nd induring the time thereof, the zdrly maillcsand dew- tics of the landes, as they give be tack andafledation, perteinis to the fii- periour; or he may remove the tennentes and poflcflouresthcrefra, and occupiethefaminashepleafe, likcashemicht do, in the time of the wardc. Mair-over, this kindc ofNonc-cntrcflc, beand given and difpon- cdbctheKing, or uther fupcriour, tothcappcarandairchimfclfe, orto ony uther perfon, isfu(Ecicntandv.aliablctochcdonatar, for all zcircs aiidtermespreccidingthcgifcanddifpofition, and three rermes after the perfitc age of the airc allancrlic. .-^ndcndisandccafisaftcr the ifchucSc out-running of the faid three termes- -^nd gif the airc enters nocht with¬ in the faid fpacc : It is Icafum to the King, or uther fupcriour,todirponc ofnew, the faid none-entrefle, toquhoinheplcafis, to be ufed be him, unto the entric of the lanchfull airc ; as was decerned and ordained, be the Lotdes, and .-^uditourcs of the Checker, in the Moncth of Julij. 1 596, And conforme thereto decided be the Lordes of the Seflion 9- lulij- 1 597. The Laird ofCtfpn’«gro«?j, contrair the Laird of //{jf/i/Awa. quhilk is notdifconformctotheXawsofthe fewes, quhair be the airc of the vaf- fal, notdefirandinveftiture, orpofl'cfl'ionfrahis fuperiour, within zca' anddaye, after the deceafe of the vaflal his prcdcceflbur, tines and forc- feltishisfcw. andthcfamln perteinis to his fupcriour. §. 1 Etthi. Gl. qua temp.miles inveftiiur, peteredebtnt.lib.t de fend- iJOVA Dijfafiia, recent fpuilzic or ejeftion. vid- Difjfna. /baklci'. SsahAlex. 1 . . and of ane free. OCHIERN, O’^etharius, Isanenamcofdignitic Jrji he. Fute, £lii. FaU. Tied. falllineull ..ifnf’f- xiall. T{H!d. KyUkfr. Limdirntn, ^grimenfe- rts. Length And treidof ant fM. Tiv* kind} efrmd. andprchtmintncc withthpronor iwghtjrof anc T(„<«<, ha L like twa Kids, or twelve pennies. hU-C- ncsfnci . _ K- n( an Ochterit IS tour ^everbonmjignificatme. , ancaikci- of lande, becaufc foiA'C ofthlrtuidcsmakisanc K«fhc like twa is.ios,oiiwcivvp>.u.M^^ . . j r AnJIikewisc the Cr» of ane Oje of ane Tfcatie, Sc ofan Ochittn is fou Kve W 4.e ‘'4- “''-lawe qiihilk the King may take fra ane rLlie, is fex^ Kye, and fiom ane Oe/oern, fifteene fclieip, of fex ahillmof. '^^RA '^nc' auld’aaxon tvoide. and (ignifles mettall, Hk Andniaieover. in auld timesit wasanc p.eee olennated fflvef or Soldc For ires «rx a/irex, arc the price of ane Cowe.//4.4.e. /"'"d-t™ 3- imnVthscomesthewotdeaiecommonlynfed.rre, asle.dUre- and tn the Garviach Within the SeMreff-dom=oW4erde.e.there.saneh.lleal- led Doiotytitoe,, l»»»i;cii«»i »ie«//f: and the feheep there paftmed. hes their teeth collourcd with zellowc coulour, quhilk is anc taken ofabun- "*^OIUOEl-'ulM. qualhmrigtlhm , ane Habergion, maid of roailnes auhairof the edges are of niailzies of zellow coulor, rcfembland the c^totlr of Rolde or brafTe. S«i a- Kei.B..t. ord.mum ay.quhair tt is cal- cAHabergtlhytT.vid.H/in-bert. OUT-FANG-THlEF,i;/d- Jnfang-ihtef. PANNAGIUM Porfor««», anc French wordc, fignifies the dcut.e ciuhilk is given to the King, for the paftorageot Swine irthis For- reftes LeZ' forep. c. 5 6.8. As it is nianicfcft in the lawes ot England, in the thartouvot Forreftes, quliair P«««4ge, is called ancccrtainerummc of filver, quhilk the awiicr of anc Parke, or of fomc gicac wood, quha.r-m there is srear (lore and abundance of Malic, Aik, Bctche, or mher trees, uiis to take ofhis tennenrs or uthers, forrheir fwinc, that fall feed theic, betuixr Michael.mes and Mariine.met. Hem I'diimmtnt. (ignifics ane pant of thcKingis dcmainc, ovpropenic, given tohis fecond, orutherzoun- scr fonne, or coufing, quhairof cAoptWHr writes, dedomatiio regts Frdttcit iut hereof no mention is inaid in the lawes of this itcalmc- P ARTICATA, -ye/ penicaia /erM.From the French word perc/jf, mci- klcufcd in the Englilhlawes, anevuid oi]snd.leg.bHrg.c \-e.pariic• Itisof venty, that three beavc covnes without tailcs,fct togidder in length, Irakis anc inche Of the quhilk fuldc be taken off the mid ng,an oft the lide of the ri", and anofFthc furrow. Twelve inches makis anefutc ofmea- furc * Tlirccfiite and anc inche, makis anc Elnc; Sex clneslang, makis anc Fall : quhilk is the common lincall mcafure and metre And fexe docs lane, and fex clncs broad, maks an fquair & fupcrhciall fall, of mca- furcdlanl And .t is to be underftand.jhatanc rod, aneraip, ane^ljneal furcdland. And .t is to be underltand, tnatanc roa, ancr^.p, a... ..--, r - fall of mcafure, arc all anc, and figniflcsane thins, for ilk anc of them I • - 99 . . /• .. _i_,. c arse*(lflffe.m' and quhat is the forme and manner of the lamml It isan--n, „„„ rwered There be knawinto expert Mathematiciens. monyand divers wayes to metre land, allagrear.d togidder in ane bo. of the vulgar peo- t„, pie there is bot aneformeof melting ufed andunderftand.towit, be f rod and raip, that is to fay , be ane rod or gade of fex elnes lang; Or be ane firing or coatd, offex clneslang, ftented betwixt twa Haves. The coatde beinlane fclialt Icngtliabotiethe pykes, or nether endes of the Haves. The faid rod or raip, or eillicr of them, is c.illcd anc fall i to Wit, the lincall fall lorefaid.Withthefe fallis, ilkerqtiare piece oflandc. is met over the middis, quhat Mlesand elncsitliesof length, and ihereafta .smetetoec- overthemiddis, quhat fallis and elnes it lies of bredth. Thereafter the ' fallis and clncs of the length on the anc pant, and the fallis and tines of the breadth, on the uthcr pairt, are multiplied togidder, a nd the prodnfle fehawis the number oftheaikers, rnidcs, elnes. quhilk the It'd piece of land contcinis. As for example, gif the piece of land be 5 1 . fa), three elms oflength.and jo.fallis z.elnis of bredth: multiply 51- fall's 3- elms, or 51^ fanistobe10.fallis2.clms: Orbe to) fallis i The produft will amount to <32! fallis : Or 53 2. fallis, 6. clnis i quhairof every aucht.rcorefallis, ar ane aiker. Swa 5 3 2. fallis 6. clnis, arc three aiders and ane quarter, 1 2. tallis.Sc 6. elnisofmetland. ^ . '9ATKlA,w^pift,velreeog»itio (>era(fifaM, Anc Aflifeonnqucft of cuntrie men, quhilkiscallcdrecogm'e*f«^- i-c.cnmaiitm.6.vid ■PEDELLIT5, Le?. Aar^.c. ciV4tio. 109. The ferjand or beddlcof the burah quha fuld exccurcTummondcst make attachemcnces, or take poindcs. 4H0«.4«4cfe-c. n^llus 57. quhairof they havena power, without theirawin jurifdiaion. reg. Va.c. mdlusi 3. Vnuur 4 fitdohoc ejiiftcM/ojbecaufeall rikTcriandcsfuld ufeanc wand,ftan,halbcrt. tall ofmcaiure, arcauanc, itnu ......r, - - - - contfinis fex clncs in length, albeit ancrodis ancflafte.orgadcofrym- mcr, Quhairwith land is meafured, in latinc ^errior. Ane raipismaid of towc, fiil ashempr, or uthcr ftuffc, and fa mcikle lande, as in mcaluring fallcs under the rod, or raip, in length is called anc fall of mearure, or ane lincall fall, becaufc it is the mcafure of the line, and length allancrly. Likeas the fuperficial fal is the mcafure. baith ofthe Icngh, 6c the bredth quia litiea t(l menfwa folius hngitudinnjuyerfidesverd epmenfura longi- l.dinii.ct'latitiidhiis. Item, tcnfallesinlcngrh, and fourc in bredth, makis anc ruid: four ruid makis ane aiker. Andfwa ancdilcrccrandtruc man, may mcafure ilkaikcrof land, langorfch.-iiT, with rod or raip, be the m'cafurc ofthe fall. Swa thathekeepe juft count, and gud remembr¬ ance, that the endes of the rod, or raip, be ricbclv and caven laide, without fraude or ‘^uylc. But it is ncccflarc. thatthemeafurers of land, called landinicr.s.ln latin, agrimenforts, obferve and keep, anc juft relation, bc- tw ixt the length 6c the breadth of the meafurcs.quhilk they ufc in mcafur- inw of lands, quhairanent 1 findc na mention in the lawes 6c rcgillcr of this realme, albeit anc ordinance thercanent be maid be King Edward the firft, Kin» of England, the 33. zeir of hisreigne: and becaufc the knawledgc of this mater is mcafuringof lands, dayly ufed in this rc- almc. I thought gud to propone certaine ciueftions, to lohn Saptr, fear of Merchijloun, anc gentleman of fingular judgement and learning, fpcdally in Mathematicque fcicnccs. The tenour quhairof, and hisanfwcrcs maidc thereto followis. ,,, , ,, ,, f. Firll, be quhat rule fall we ttndcrilande the length and bredth otthe fain It Is anfwered; There Istwa fortes of fallcs, the anc lincall. the u- thcr fupcrficiail: the lincall fall, is ane met- wand, rod.or rai|j, offex elnes lano, quhairijc, length and bredth. arc fcvcrally met. Anc fupcrficiail fall oflandc, is fa mcikle boundrsoflandcs, asfquairly contcinis anc lincall fall of bredth, and anc lincall fall of length, quhairof followis, that be the lincall tall, lande is meafured, and be the fupcrficiail fall, lande is rekned. Nowcquliaivitis inquired be quhat rule the length and bredth of ane fall fall be underftand. 1 anfwcr.That quhen-foever the elnes of bredth being multiplied be die elnes o! length, do produce 36. clncs: the num¬ ber pvoduft, tsahe fiiperficiall fall ; and the faidc bredth and length, are the juft bredth and length that makisanc fall. Swa 36. clneslang, ofanc elne broad, arc ancfall of land. lrem,auchtccnc clnslang.twa clncs broad, arc the like : alfwa, twelve clncs lang» of three elnes broad. Or nine elnes lang of fourc clncs broad, arcanefall.Lallly, fex clncs alwavls, that is to fay, fex clncs lang, and fex elnes broad, makis ane fall. To this tall the lit. tic mid, or ruid of watke, or of buirdcs, or of maifon, or sklait wavkc, is equal, quhilk is maid properly the raid, as after followis. Secondly, how niony kindcsot'ruidsarcinufcl Anfwcr. Twa.quhair- ofthc anc is proper, themher Improper. The ruid properly is anc fiipcr- ficiall fall, and contcinis thrcttic fex fquair clncs: Anc fquair cine, being fhcboundcs ofanc dne in breadth, and anc cine in length, fquavcly in- dufed. The uthcr vUlgarc and improper niidcof land, contcinis fourtic of ihir former ruidcs , or fiiperficiall fallis , and is the quarter of PEDE- buherofus, ane French word.p/W pMWrejiXjduftic-fute.oran vasabound,fpcciallieanc mcrchand.or crcmar.quha hes na ccrtfllnedwd- Pedder. lin|place,quhairthcduftmavbedichtfiahisfect,^^^^ //4«K.9./ei.krg.cAA«tge»/;;Hd^^^ 47 To fuld bcfummaftic miniftred, within three flowinges. and cbb.ngs ofthe fca. Anc pedder, iscallcdancmcrchand, or cremar, quha bcusanc pack, or orcameuponhisbak,quhaarccalIedbeiravcsoftlKpudd.llbcthe5««e/- Mcn in the realme of Polonia. quhairof 1 faw anc great multitude m the towoof Cracovia. anno DoM. I i6S‘ , PENSION ancdewtic, fik as anc annucl-rcnt, forthatquhtlk m the aaofPartemi;nt.Ia.2.p. t t.c. 4t, Is called the pcnfion of t:«^om: In the Checker rolles is called the anoucl.tent of AndHklik m the famin place mention is mad ofthepenfio ofthe fetmemcilofXirtpatrii, quhtlk contelnis five chalder of ait-meill, quhilk the Abbot, and con- ventofPatyJajpayiszeitliefatth of thekirkofK.rt-paMk to theK. as anpairtof his-^an4xedpropertic. as is mantfefl mtbeSch.reHerollesof the Checker of K. Ia.3. HSy.l" Wm/ettd»roM.SoWaK ts an aetrly fue gift & donation, induting the lifetime ofthe oivcr. Sets fwa called, a /olido, jaia donmont confijlit. i- l.jiiiidicaliir marcito, ^LAt^TllM, From the French word. P/aider, pley.contcntion, Hrifc. or debate. Tlatiure.figniflciit (iiijare O' caufts a^ere. Mohmus mpl.ju- ,f,i, prm. im. par. ?art.t.c.6. pan. 2.1. 3. Si debatable lands, beiuixt the L. Sw/.tie»,and the Laird o Cop^almdii, be decteit ofthe lordes, arc Ictiin to borgb to the faid laird.hc findand cauti¬ on that the famin falbe furtb cummand to them, quha recovens the la- min be law. without prejudice of the richt of onte of the parlies theiia- nentin time cummtng. And likeas the over-lord, or ludgeforthecanfcs verborum Jigmficatime. fol'cfaid, Icttislandcstoborgh, to the poflcflbui' thereof, thetennentov pofTelTour, ^ttit lerrai dmittiadpltgium, dcfircs the laods robe Icctcn ' to him toborgh, or under caution. Sim. Rob. POR.TEOIJS, portuis. la.i.p. 13.C. 139.13.3 ■p.i4.c. 99.1a. 5. p. 3.C. 5. dporiando, quhilk fignificstocavie,orbcires inFrench^or/esvow, and fignifiesanecatalogue,conrenand the names oftheperfoncs indited to the jufticc air, quhilk is given and delivered be the jufticc Clerk, to the Crow- ncr,to bcatcachcd,and arreifted bchim,to compeirc, and fik accufationesandedmes, asfalbe impute unto them, and the porteous contcinsihc names of them quha arofnew indited, and the names of them quhawercinditcdofauldandofbefore, and comprired not : Andquhen onic jufficeaivei; cried, or proclaimed, commandisgivcnbcthcjuftice towarneallpcrfones, alf\\^illinditcdofauld,asofnew, to compeirc in the faidaire,to underlie the law. ThcCrownerrcceivis the porteous as faidis, andcariesthefaminwithhim, umill the attachements and av- yciftments be maid, conforme thereto, 4nd report cs the famin againc to the .Tufticc court: Thattheirby hemay bccontrollcd in execution othis office, fa far as concernes the making of attachements and arreiftments or probation thircof. POST-NAT[TS flius, anefecondfonne, narrefl to the firft begotten, conforme to the French word,/30. c.jlaiutt do- Ytttdtdunt. tninusii. UtherWife, it is called, theverdiftorfuith- faying ofancaffife- Bccaufc the affifoursarc fwornc to declare the tructh juritiorei. andveritic, and therefore are called Jaratom- Likeas the affife iscal- ledjHr4/4, or^uratapmria, {iveviciHtii, lib. i.c.dicitur 7-^. And in * the Englifh lawes, ancj«rie PUKPRESTHRE, Vurprifion, anc French word, forancwrangcous ufurpation, taking, or occupation of anc uther mans landcs, quhairof kindi thcrcisthrcekindes,Lti.2,c.dsfifKr. 74.dc;W«/i.c.p«rpr<’]?»r4, 0.138. t/pu^rifion. Thefirftis, quhen any man occupies unjuftlyonypairt of the Kingisdo- ■' mainc, and proper landes. Or quhen onyftoppis, orclofisupthcKingis commonway, palTagcorftrcete: Or rcturnis or divertis rinnand waters frath»edefvey«er, fignificsthcprivilcdgc of fouriic dales, granted to widdowes , after the deceafe of their husbandcs, conforme to the Lawes of England,4fl»o. 20. Henr. 3.C. i. ftuhairii isfta- tute anent widdowes, quha after the death of their husba^s may nocht havethcdowric, without plcy; That quha-foever dcforcis them of thciiTaid dowries, of the landcs quhairin their husbandcs died veft and faifed , and it fall happen the (aid widdowes to recover the famin their- after be plcy or proccs; They quha troubled and molcftcd them, being conviftoffikwrangcousdcforccmcnr, fallzcild and pay the damnages andsLiith,to the famin widdowes. That is to fay, the valour of the haiil dowricbclangingtothem, from the time of the death of their hus- bandes, unto the day that the faidcs widdowes, obteinisdecrcic in judtr- mcntc. And the faiddeforccresncvcrthclcs falbe amcrclat, atthcKin^s plc4furc. In the quhilk place it is plainc, that ll.uarentenaviduarum, cun- tcincsthcfpaccoffourticdaics: duringthc quhilk fpacc, ane widdowe maytavicandrcmaineinthcchicfc dwelling place of her husband, un¬ till her dowric be affigned ro her, and in the meanc time fuld be fufteined upon the proffites of the heritage. As it is likewaics written in magna car¬ ta, anno. 9. henr.3. e. 7. quhilk is conform to the laws ofFrance,.is wvicis J04». P4j>oHinhisartciftcs./ii.i 5, Tit. des dots- c.y. 6c lib. to. lii.Jitbflitu- tiones. c.30. per auihenticam praierea, C.uudevir O' uxor, and in the Burrow lawesof this Re.almc, thcfecond, orthird wife of ony Burges, after the deceafe ofhir husband, may nocht remaine in the hous pertcin¬ ing to hisairc gotten of ane uther wife, bot onclic fourtic dayes. leg.hurg. c. fiburgenfit dum. 2J. QfTHATECnS, anc kindc or forme of bread, quhilk wee call anc fage, or phage, Irom the grcckc word />/f4go, comedo to eate. R RACHETWM aneFrcnchword,R4cj5»4^t,aoeranfon; in fiun biiikcs it \sc2\\cdRechatum,tranjpol{tislueris. Stat.x.Rob.’Br.c. i.iMf. 2. R0b.Pr.c-7. quhairiciscalledthicft-botc: andinfum auld buikes R4- cft4. Robbery is the taking of uther mens gear be force and violence : And the committers tbeirof in latinc arc cal¬ led r4pt8rfs,in French 'uofewrr.or Ro6eHref,5c isdifferent from theft quhilk DifereMctie- is committed quictlie, andprivilie, without violence. Maivoverreife is r»t/v anc greater crime then thieft, bccaufc reife is committed baith in the gudes, andihuft. andinthepcrfonofthepofTcfTourthcirof, and thieftis of the gudes and gearallancrlic. Chef in confuet. Burgund. rub. 1. §. 5. Be the kiwofthis Realme, the complaint ofreife or robbcric fuld be maid be him quha is robbed, and damnified within the like time, asisforefaid, ofthcravilh- ingof wccmcn. quo. attach, c. de catero. 48. lib. 4 t. raptus. 9. RECOGNITION of landcs is commonly ufed in the law, andprac. ticque of this realme. Stem feudumdiciiuraperiri domino: iia terra di* cunturezdtre in commifum t ficutifii inhoc cafu ob culpam vaffalli. O' iit Emphj^ten(i. or fewe landes, ob non folutum canonem feu penfionem. lib. 3. c exioc4fo.n Forthcvaffalltyncs landes halden be him be fcn-icc of warde,bc rcafon of hisawin fault.asfalbc hereafter exponed ; and the pro- prictar of fcw-landes, mav ryne and for-fault the famin for non-payment ofthczeirlydutic. Cogwo/fcreistoknawandundciftand. recognofeere is to knaw again, or at the 2. time to underftand. For gcncrallv, all fuperi- ors. ofqulomlandsarhaldcnlnchief, firfthes bin proprictarsofthefa- minlands : quhilk lands being annalicd,and fauld be them heritably, ro be halden ofthcmfc'.vcsand theiraires. ccafisto bepropertie to them: and becomes rcnncndric immcdiatlv balding of them and their aircs. And gif it happens the vaffall, orpofleffour, toquhomthe landcs arc fauld, to commit anc fault or crime, quhaivby he tynis and forc-fauhis the landcs: the fuperiour hes cnrrcfle and re^rcllc to the propcrtic of the landes, and may rccognofcc the famin . and.isit were the fccond time vindicate to himfcifethcpropertic thereof. Swa the famin landes, quhilk were firft propertie to him, and thereafter tenncndric, be rcafon of the alie¬ nation, nowe bccomcsagainc propcrtic, and rcturnis to ihcir firft na¬ ture and condition, Jureaccrefeenai, feu potius confolidatione propruta* tisiumfuptrioritafe, ob atlpatn vajfali. Recognition properly in the ‘ G 2 pr.afticqu< TIllCiiMftI of rteo^iitiin. Libilluriui contrailm. Sindri* farmei of rect^nihen. Unuftirri- t»nt. tndt>fAii»nt mdicciMof .Mime, is qul,cn ony vafn,ll, m- fee tennent, hsl.1 Lj his I-mJcs be rcivicc of w-iivic and relieve, fell.s andannaliesall knJhaillbis landeswith their pertinents or ll.c witltom l.cenecconrcnt.oreonffrmationot hisovcr.lo.dc. In he quh I. caife, all and haillhis landcs, alfweill nocht annahed, asannahed, and halden as laid is, may be recognofeed and rda.fed in the fupettoute hattdes, and baith the propertie and polTetnon tlie.rot pciietnis to to him to be britiked, or dilponed be him, at his plcafurc ; quha.iof divers and fiiidric pradicques arc extant in the Regifter m of Kin'’ Units the Fourr, of gud memone. The fupci lour undcrftaiidjn the Inn^csro bewrangouflic nnnalicd, as faid is; incontinent rhcirat- tcr may ufe the recognition theivof, & without or 0‘ law, tnay takcfailingot tlicjamin, eonrortneto tiieauld praftikofthis rcalme: necattfethcramin .alienation is done to hisdifhonour and con- lemptbc hisvalTal.quba fttlddorcveience, and Icivtccto hint, de there- lore without his eonfent fold nocht do onie thing to dtlTolve the league and band, quhilkisbeiuixtthcm, Mairovet thevairall, may nocht make the raid alienation, beeaufetheirby, he maybeenmputr. annd unable to do lohisruperiottrfik fetvice, as he fuld do of the law. C«.« W.t. De /■e«d And nocht that the faifingts taken be the rupeciour; ait ■the vafTall otpoircdout tinis nor lotfaitltis tta waics thepropeitieot the faidcs landes, untill zeire and daie be out-run: Swathat he doe diligence within fourtic daics after the faid recognition, and taking of the failing, toCTaveandaskefrahis fuperiouv the faidcs landcs to hiiiitoborgh, that is to rcpledgcthem, findand pledge and caution, that he fall be reddie to doto his fuperiour anent the faidcs landcs, all that cquiticand lawcrc- Quiris Sut. Rob.i.c.2. Thiskindcof recognition is conformc to the laws the fewes, quUfeudum amittitur. fifidelislibelUrio»omnt,nmphus medittdte in findtm dedtrii, ant pro pip,norephs7nedietate obUgaverii. i.auib. mol ftudmi de alienattoneffudi. Et injure Canonico.c.z. exir. defend. Torro libtlUrius contraSits diciur, venditio, qntfitferiptutA imervenienie. ceriopretio, - met 7 3 Je judic-6 5 • And the proffites of the landes of the zeire f orclaid, af- terthc endoftire waird, quhilk fold be given in name ofrclievc, arc underftande to be the retouved mail), of the faidcs landcs, conformc to the new extent thereof. And therefore gif there be bot onclic wairdc> and the airc enter before anc terme run thereafter, the King orucherfuperi- _ r.iJ U-..- >..1;,...- -...'w U mA oAii.s hn'npiiifntp ti hxredl^ , ^ ^ , j r i j • ' L .. Alwives bethe the airc cntcrbcforeanc tcrmcrun thcreattcr, tucMng oriunei mpen- totrailiamcntmaiaijc; £ > J,,.,;., bethr foaccof tamrtllimmit.quMliimtatelittiayramiK c:4(idix.lih.Z' r.tmiim 70. v-ferm, ai-e null J Be .he iuld law and eonfuetude of this Rcalme, the rupetiout nocht ■a zen-es, albeit na paft.on 01 prov.hon be ma.dibeteancntcmtl,e.n ,l,e landes to his vafl.ill. 'SoRDUM RemJa,hI,t.uc. quhait-anent I finde untill he had been firft fatisfied for the telievc : bteaure ■SieXavesmord.c verborum Jignificatione. Sfnliiin. pYofuoreUvio,& fttvitiodefendo fuo, {tbi dthho.U.z.c. Sunt quidam. 71, But now be the common prafticquc, the non-payment of the relieve, is nalauchful cxcufationtothc fuperiour, anent the receiving of his vaflall. But he will be compelled be precepts of thcChanccllaric, to receive bis tennente, orelfchetynis the fupcriovitie,induring his life-time. Andie is Icafum to him to poynde the ground for payment of the relieve. Qj*i quhilkeis thefirft wordcof ilke artickle of the faid bulk- Further in the end of the faidis prcceptcs, it is faid, prafemi- bitf pofl proximum termimtm minimi valiturit- And therefore, gif the obtcincrofthcpreccptfurthoftheChanccHarie, lycout and take nocht faifmguponthefamin , quhill ane termc and maa be by-run after the dait thereof, he fuldc come againc to the Chanccllaric > and raife ane new precept, quhairin is augmented the by-run mailles of the lands, fen the dait ofthc firft precept, andancncwcmcmoriallorRf)JjOHdf, is maide thereof. RETOUR, quhorabcitismaid, andquhyicis fa called, vid.breve de morieantecejfoTK. REGRES, fromRfgrfdieMdo, like as REVERSION, arevertendo: Forlikeasthe buyar of landcs, Icctls themreturnetothefcllcrthcreof, be the reverfion given unto him. E- ven fwa be the vegrefTe of the fuperiour of landcs wed-fet, be his valTall, after the redemption thereof, fuffersthe firft feller of the famin to come back aoain to his awin place, anent thchaldingofthem as he did before the fail alienation. Swa reverfion and regreffe are different, for reverfion is^ivcnbehimquhabuyisthclandc, CumpaBoderttro-vendendo, tothc atfnalicr thereof. In French it is called, Thj reacheptusor reachept- And ane rcnrclfc is given be the fuperiour of !andcs,to the annalicr thereof, quhair- by%e promifis to receive againc him , or his aircs to be his vafTalles , as they were of beforcj quhen it fall happen ony of them to redeem the faids bndcs. 27. November 1 567- George Malyburnton , contrarcthc Laird of fialioun- And gif ony man annalics landcs under reverfion, to be balden of him and his aircs, ane rcgrcfTc is not ncccGar: For they It isgcncr.-illy tobcobfci-ved, thatquhaire anc regreffe is required, anc ncwfaifingisneccflarc. In auldc times, the reverfion was contcined in the chartour, as ismanifefi be divers chartours, zit extant in the rcgiftcr, given in the time of King Vavid ihc fecond; contcinand the tenour of thereverfion alter the claufc> Teneni. ^ habent. and uthers auldc char- tours in the forme after following. OMNIBUS hocfcriptiim vifuris vel audituris. 1. dominus de .A. Salutem in domino. Noveritit me concejiijje, C'' ad immobile vadium dimipjie, hoe prafentiferipto meo confirmafe, nobiliviro. V. de f. Om- nes terras mea$de.A. turn periinentiis, inbaroniade C. infra vitecomita- tumAeB.provigtnti hlarcts ujualis moneta Stotica, mihi per prxdiBum Titvirfitn. V. tempore ctnfeBionis prafentium, ad opus meum valde necejfarium, gra- tantermutuatis, inufusmeosconver/is. tenem. habent. prafuto K haredibus fuis C?" ajpgnaiis h me haredibus meis & afignatis in feoAo C?* hareduate,ctm omnibus commoditaiibus,liberiaiibus, afiamentis ac ju- flts pertinentiis qiiibufeunq\ adeo liberi.C^ quiet6,plenariij ey benh.^inpacf.pcutegovtlpradicejforesmei.prafafas rerr.t# cum pttlinen- tiisjiberius aul qiiieiius pofj'edi, tenuerunt, aut pojicdtrunt, aliquo tempore prateriio. Et ftmperquoufqi fgo pradiBus I. hxredesmti, vel mei afignaii viginti marcas prafaia moiieta.prxdiBo V. haredibus futs, vel fuis uno die inter folisorsum cr occafitm ejufdem,apud A[)itdcac in Ecclefa parochiali ejufdtmifuper magnum altare.fimiil C^fnnel.perfolvero, vel perfolverint fine fraude.FTuBibin,firmis, vel quibuftunq; aliis commodi. tatibth feu emolumemis medio tempore per pradiBum F. hxredes fuos vel af- fignatos, pcrccpiisvel perciptendis, Itvattsvel levandis, indiBa fummavi- g:nii marcarum.aut ejus folutione, nullatenus (ompuiandis. Hiiia dedi, con- iefii,cy afiignavi prxfato V. baredibus fuis,& af/ignatis, omnes prxjatas firmas.fruBiis, ali.u commoditates quafeunque, & emolumtnu de diBis terris cum pertinenlUs, provenieni. toto tempore, quo prxdiBx viginti Mar- ex ( utbTxmittiiur) nonfuerintperfolutx: exmea liberadonatione, e?* puravo(mtate,pro fuisconfiliiSyauxiliis, O- gratitudinibm, mutiipliciier mihiptBis CP' impenfis. In quibuf-quidem terris cum pertinent, prxfato V. tradidifaifnam, Cp' poffefftonem corporalemfibi.hxredibus fuis, O' affigna- tis.juxta tenorem prxfentis feripti remanfuram. Ego verb prxdiBus. J. kx- redesmeicp'affignati, totas terras prxdiBasde .A. cum pertinent, prxjam V. hxredibus fuis O' nffgnaiis , juxta vim, senorem O' tjfeButn, prxfeniis feripti ; In omnibus O' per omnia, contra omnesmortales varran- UT^abimus, acquietabimus. O' defendemus. Intujusreite^imoniumhuic prxfentifcriptomeo, figillummeumappofui, O'^ro|'ifrm<*ypMy/?ii/f/»fr, didinftitutctwapavliamcntcsinPitrw, and rwa Checkers in Ro4», Paulus JEmilius writes, Sc<*ccamim to be as it were, Sea. tarium, quod homines ibiinjure f^antur, vel quod ^t btaiaria O' perennh curia, cum exterx curia effent indiBivx, nec loco, nec temporejlasx. As \fxitcsBHdxusin .Annoiationibus in PaisdeBas. Be rcafon as faid is the Checkcrwasaneccrtaincftablccourtc, andnocht dcambulatourc. or runnand fra time to time , or fra anc place to anc uther; As the Seffion of this Rcalmc was before King James the Fifth. C.tii inflituit Stasariam curiam^ cum anieh ejfet indiBiva : Be rcafon it did fitthrife in the zeire, quhair and quhen it plcafcd the King. Uthers thinkis that 5cacfar/Kw is fo called, h/imilitudlne tudi Scacchorum ; that is, the playc ofthc Chefle: bccaufciTionyperfbncsconvccnisin thcChcckcr to plcyc their caufes, coiurarc uthers, asgifthey wcrcfcchtandin anc arrayed bactcll, quhilk Seats. is the fomte and ordoar of the faid playc. Jiir i^ormand. Lib. 1 5. cap. i . Uthcrsalleadgis, that it cummis fra ane aulJe Saxonwordc, Scata, aswritis D. Thomas Smith: quhilk fignifics treafure, taxation, orimpofte, quhairof, andofuthercafualicics, conipr, and reckoning is maid in the Checker- Quhilke comptc (like as all uther comptes) is maide in fikfoctcand forme, that /rfWrf iSfcepfr, that is, thecharge, and tabulx expenft, thatisthedifeharge, arcquall, andyi'e bccaufctiie comptcrhcsgivcnfurthnamair, nor he hes received; andalfwahes gi¬ ven als mciklc furth as he hes received, ftuhilk is called pariare raiiones, and thiscomptcriscallcdPdrMtor, l.ult. ^.idemquefiitdecondiB. indeb. Parure 1. penult.^. coiidiiBore de jure immunitai- Orclsthe chargeand difeharge titnej. arcinequalK infikmancr, thatthccompccrhesrcccivcJmairnoihchcs expended, andfaatthcfutcofthc compr, he is found reftand awand certainfumsup talccnbchim, and not given furrb, quhilk is reliqiitire rationes, andthiscompteriscallcdrefr'^Kitfor, and is obIifhcdre/iyM4i«- ferreto pay the reft aucluand be him, I, creditor xoz.^. Valerius de H folktion.biis. C^ftnrt T ttnts. Sdtha. «4r(if. foluiionibiit. Or thircily , tabula txpeiifi fi‘lwer I- s t> 6 fk.' Amin aoftinr. dfwlir pxecote nnd illdorssr, Andnltn rn npi Au/ ar for adlTliniftration of lUftlCC, at thc lit • . .p, , thefaminagaine, dcwlic execute and indorsar. Andalfo to perfew .it ancccrtainedaic, conformctothcrenourofthe letters. Andmorcover quhen he accufes ane uther criminallic, before the jufticc and his deputes, he fuld fwcarc the dittay to be trew, qiihaivupon he accufis the defender, botthcKingsadvocar, accufand criminally, oiiy of the Kings lieges, is na waiesobliffied to fwcar in this cafe. SAK. lib- 1. C.3. lnfumauldbuikesitiscalled^/4c//K>» emendate iranfgreffione hominum in curia mftra. IntheItmro;i lawes of King Ed¬ ward it is written Sacha, tflfiquilibet alrquem nominatim de alique calum- n'latusfuerit, c?' iUe nagaverii, forifJaHura prohationis vel negationis {ji tvenerit) fua crit. ftubilk may be railed the unlaw or amerciament paied be him quha denies that thin2,quhilk is proven againft him to be trew, or affirmis that thing quhairoftliecontrar isofveritie. 5A1SINA, ane French word faifing or pofleflion, vid-Viffafnit. SCHAFFA fagittanm, ane fehiefe of arrowes, conreining iwentic fourc. Uiberwaiscallcdgrtrirf. Ancfcheifeoflronc, containesfexteehe gadcs , ane feheife of ftcilc contcines fourrc'CDc gadcs. leg. tiavium , or khip lawes. e. 2. SCHIREFF, ine principal) ruler, or judge ofattc'ccitaihe part of the Realnie. Inht'xnc prafet provincite. ^/Hredurintheconredcianon maid with GHWf^ierHS king of Denmark, divided England in Sairapias, centuri.if, iecutioi, and called Satrapiam ane fehire. That is ane cutting or fefti- on.asiswritten in the auldBr/«o» lawes peri, ceiituria: like as we fay aS zit.fchcire corncs,or feheire graficjor anpair of rchcirs,quhaii-with claith is cutted. And fwa ane fehire, or fchircWomCj isanpartofland, cutted and feparatc be ccrrainc nieithcsand marches from the reft, within the quhilk the fcbirefFc,as judge, dois juftic^, and pronuncisdccrcitcssnd doomes, to all the inhabitantes theirof. Quhilk is called comiiati'.r,provhicia,vel vice- comitaius.lib.3. c.tali autem. 1 %.lib.4.c.{iqm 28. quii in manibus. 42, fehireffs in this rcalme lies their offices given to them be the King in hcrl- tagc.contrair to the aft of z.par. 1 1. Cap. 44. fi^ihilk is the caufc ofgreat enormities and wranges , be reafon the Schireffesbeihg in- feft hcrcrablie, tliinkis thcmfelvcs fare of their office^ and regairdis nocht the execution theirof- And to the cffcft that gude men may maAc con- fciencc oftheir calling, ( quhairof they fall make compr and reckoning to God, of all cvill committed, aiidofall gude omitted ) And that uihcrs for adminiftration of juftic ‘^'Vchireff.ClcrkesfulJbehoneflfamoPsmen, quha be thcmfelvcs and their fuffieient deputes, falbc alwaics rcfideot, within the head burgh of thcrchirc, fbrrcgiftratioiiofletteisofhorning, and better cxccuntm ot their office. I.e.p.G.c.y 5. Be the auld law of this realm, the Schireff Clerk was in-pur, ahd our-put be the King : and had na leaoue nor bandc with rlic Schireff. but wasbound und obunied to the Kiogullanerlie, and was ruftcincdinhishicnesiioure. asoccafionandtimc icquircd, and did all things concernino his office, with the counfell and advice of the king. The Schii eff rletk icccivis for his fee of ilk amerciament or unlaw, twa fhtllings. lev .M«/.M«tc. 1. gifhe fall happen to be found culpable in cxecu. tion oFhis office, and fpccially anenr the regiftration of letters of horning : he fuld be pmiifehed of all his gudes moveable, to be applied to the Kings ufe, andtheSchiteffrallpayforthefaultolhisClerk, ane hundteth poundcstotheKing, andalldamnagcandimereireoftheparttc grieved, Tam. b. p.t i.c.yi. . 1. l Schireffes fuld fend their deputesand Clcrkes, anc or maa zcirlie, at the firft day of November, tothcLordesoftheSefnon, to be examined and cUrKi,. admitted be them j under fik paincs, asthcLordcsfallplcarcto modific, m-cafcoffailzic, tobeimployedtoourSovcraincLotdcsuIe. Ja. 6. p. H.C.80. Ja.6,p. 12.C. 124. , 1 .j Thc Schireffirerjand, or official-, fuld have ane home, ar\d ane rcidc Serj»ni. w.indofthreequaitcrsofancyairdclangatthcleaft, and gifhcc have nocht the faraiu, he fuld be challenged therefore, be the Schirelfc in headcouries, Ja- i.p.Ac.pp. Quhairoftheaneand thcuthcnsncccHav to him in the execution of his office, for with the found or blatt ot the borne, hcdcnuncisrhcdifobedicnrrcbclles: Andalfo pciTcwis malcfa- ftouves , quha arc fugitive fra the Law, and raifes the inhabitantes oftlic cuntric, to concur and aflift in taking and apprehending of them. And with the wand, he relaxes them quha rcturnis to the Kingis ob^cdicncc tm thehorne. andrcccivjsthemtotheKiiigispcace, As ^ in an uther Likewaies all fehireffs, ftewarts, and bailhcs fall caufc the maircs, ferjands and officiarsv have anc fignet contcinand the i . letter oftheir name, quhairwUh all letters, and precepts extant be thcm,and m- T . y .1 1- , J A* _ I f- r r. t- m» Th,* Nrh,- vjoo, oiaiicvnicoimnittca, aiiaoraii gUdc omitcco ; Ana mat uincrs oirnciruduic, t .—-r- - T yQrKJ maybeinftrufted oftheir dewtici andathermooved to docthc famin, dorfations thereof, falbcmarkedaiidftampcd. Ja.5.p.6.c.74- t orclsbc punilhedforneglcftingthcirof: I have colleftcd and gathered refs ferjaad fuld have for his fee of ilk amerciament or unlaw o court, an furthofthclawcsofthisRcalme, anefchortrchearfall.andrummejofdll > • ’ ' --.l,.... .rt. thinges pcrtcining to the office ofanc Schireffe : And firft ofperfones, fik C-t-i.— CC.- J _ T..— _ .jr- A- J_ y II. rr. t M- CUrksj. and as SchircfFes,deputcs, Clerks, and leijands. Sccondlic.of Schireffe courtes. Thirdlic,ofhisofficc,and jurifdiftion, quhilk gcncrallic confifts, in obfer- vation and execution of ail tlicKingcslawcs. Artdparticularlie, inpar¬ ticular aftiones and plcycs.pcrrcining to his jurifdiftion and court. Puhair- offum Sr civill.uthersare criminal^ and laft of the paincs and puniOimcht tofmalirious, or negligent Schireffes. FirftjSchireffsfuld be in all and findrie partes throwout thchaill rcalmt, and fcicciallie in the North partes, and ii’eft partes of the famin, fik as the North lies. And South lies, for the acquictingof the peopill be jufticc : and in RdffeAnd Caithnes, Ia .4-par.6. Cap. 59. Cap.6i. And to theeffeft they tnay the better exerce their office, and do jufticc to every pcrfbn .aScffciris, colpindach, orthrettiepennies. /eg.Mafr.Maci.f.i. Schinffs - • • ■- ’ ncceffar to the Schireffand his deputes , to haldc lent- It is Icfum and ni,vi.r«.ii Lw . . . — ---r . .h y 1 • r.- 1 rcfic courtes, for execution of his office. Quhilks courts ilk Schncife be the auld law of this rcalme, isoblifticd to baldc after the rpace of ilk four- tic daics- lib.4. cap. Statutum. t9- cap iio.Jam $. par. 6- cap. 72. And gif the iiidwcllm within the Schi- ff-dom and royaldc thereof, compeiris nocht in fuffieient number, or ht their atcournayqs. topaffeuponfervingof in-qucilts or rc- vuiiits , fwa that thereby the Schircft-court is wcakc . and nocht wcill fluffed. The Schireffe may warn the gentlemen of the regalitie, to com- pciveand enforce his Court, but prejudice oftheir regalitie. lam.i.papo; cab 130- Item, all Barroncs.Knightes.frec-haldcrs, and ftewardcsot Bi- fchpppes, of Abbotes. and of Eaiies, fuld beprefent at the Schircff-comt, , undertbe paincofihcKingisun-lawe.I.ii.4-f-,f?‘*'«^''^’ The fchirefffuld have for his fee ofthcefeheittes, ten pundcs. L^-\ial. ad fummonitiofits 19 AllthcfafdispciToncs and uthcr.s, quha comes to Mrk.c.i. ftphilkfccruldbcpaycdtohimofthc cxrraftes and efeheitrts thecourtc, fulde come in fober and quiet mancr, with a!s momc pci- of his awin courre, and nauthcrwifc! but na fee fuld be allowed to him Tones, asthcydaylyefuftcincinhoufe-haldc and lamilic: and bc.inti umill firft he make compt to the Checker of his introtuiffioo. veg. come to their Ipdgcing , they fulde wcarc na wcaponcs, but <‘’Cir Parliament, quhairof the execution is committed to their charge , quhilk Thev fuld caufc be execute without delay. Ia.6.p. 12.C. 124. and fuld not onclic be qualified in judgernent andA:nawlcdge, to mitiifter jufticc, bbt alfo fuld have fiifficicntlic of their awin,in lands, gudes and gear, quhairin theymay bepunifhed, being found culpable in execution oftheir offict. la. I. p. I. c. 6. T)e verborum figmficatkne. and gif onv of them dreadis bodily haiwcof anc urber : thcfchh cffc,2.p,i4.c.83,andit islcafumtothcfchircf ' to charge all perfones to cum tobiscourtinfobcvnidncr, andgiftheyre- fulc to ^aill their gadderinges, and convocation, he may flay or conti¬ nue the court; a nd the pcrfoccsdifobcdicm, fal be punifhed be warding o{ thcirpcrfoncsbethclpaccofane zeite; and be payment of the expen- fisand damnaoe fuftcinedbe the partie, throw dclaieof juflice. la.a.p. 14. c. 104, Anaalbrit all fr’iehaldcrsanduthcrspei foncsfuld cum to court in quiet mancr,, asfaid is. Nevcrthclcs it is Icafum to the fehireffe, ftewart baillyj and uthers the kinges of?icinrs> to ride with greater number, for ex¬ ecution of iudicC) and furth fetting of the Kingis authoritie. la. 5.p.4.c. fhtMnUw ay.ThcunliiwofthcSchircffein hiscourt, fuldnotcxccedethefumme fftturti. fchillingcs. and to his clerk z.fchillinges.and to hisferjand an colpin- dach, or 30. pennies, leg- Male. Mack.:. 2. The jnrifdiftion of the SchircfFc confiftis and ftandis gcncrallic in di- V’‘„aj',irif- vcrfcandfindric pointes. Botfirft of allitis to wit- thatthc fehireffehis ’I'niJtui- depute, and fciiandjhcsnajurifdiftion or power outwith the boundcsof ^iihhiiawin hisawin fchiveft'domc, tofumundor attache ony pcifon, or to poynd or takeancdeftrcsofonicmansgudcsand gcarc: for they fuld make faith tbatthcyfall faithfullie ferve the King, within their awin SchircfFcdom, and falnochc trouble orimolcft onic perfon within the famin, againft lawandreafon-.-f//!rcg.D4.c.wH//«r. li-tjuoattach.c.mdltis. 57. Swaitis manifcft.that the Schireff’hcsonliciurirditlion> within hisawin SchirefFc- Tbi Sehlreff dome. Within the quhilk, he and his deputes fuld c.-iufe thcla\vcs6ca£f$ fnldciafe thi of Parliament CO be publifhed, red, and proclaimed in hiscourtes.andco ‘]^“tdand keiped and obferveefbe all our Soverainel-ordcs lieges, airwcilinthe ‘brtrvtd. courtes of all Prelates, Erics, Barroncs, and uthers haveand power to hald court, as in hisawin fehireffe court, and fuld give to them the copic of the lawcSjthat na man pretend juftUc ignorance thereof, 5t4t. 2- Rob.c. Kobtr. tut 28. And fiklikein all burrowes of this realm, the fchircfffall caufc 12. leil and Uonclf men ofthe burgh, fwcarc and make taith,thacchev fall caufe the Kingis lawesbekeiped and obferved. v/^/ex, c. Ittm in omni. 25. 6c to the effeft the famin may be the better done be him, the aftsofParlia- ment being regiftvat, fuld be delivered be the Clerk ofthe Regifter to him;quhilk befall caufebe pi'oclaimcd oppcnlic, in chiefe place of the fchireffdome, and fuld give copies of them to prelates, barroncs, &: bur¬ rows within bis fchircft’domc upon the expenfesof theasker, 6c fuld caufe all indwellcrs within his fchireffdome baith to land and to burgh, tokeipe and obferve the faid lawes and ffacutes, under the paine of deprivation of Th Sihirtg his office la, i.p. 3 c.67.Ia.2 pr 14-C.90. And likcwaicstothe cffcc'lthc Jiildbtpi fintinai aunt/. HtfuUnn txttu/tir 0- bt] anlaucb. full com- mandts. fehiveff fuld fee jufticclauthfullic done and rainiftred: he fuld beprcfenc in al courts of BiBioppcs, Abbots,Earls, Barroncs, and frichaldcrs to quUo it is not Icafum to l«ld their courtes, except the fchireff or his deputes be prefenr, orfummonedtothatcSeft,//.4.e. die Inna. 14. Stat. .Alex.aspfa. 10. K^.reg. Va.c.x. And fiklikcnabatrone may hald court ofbattcll, wa¬ ter, or jron, except the fehirefor hisdeputes be prefent to fee jufticc done. Stat. .^lex.c.praierea.ii. vid. diidlum. vid, mahamium, And mairover the Tilt Schirijf fchireff and all uchcr judges within the fchireffedomc,fu!d repaire and cum fuld repair t» (q thc King, the firft night he cummis within the fchireffdome, to anfwcr ihtKs’ig. toallcomplaintes maid againft him, ancnttlienochc keipingandobfer- vation of the lawes: and fal nocht departe, nor paffc away without licence asked and obteined, under thc paine and unlaw of aucht kye, ..-dfj'.reg.Da. c.fiatHtm. 20, quo Attach.:- itutjuwm.So. Andalfo fall nocht palfeawaic fra thc King, except he have with him thc Aftes of Parliafnent.and his in- ftniftioncs given to him .Aff.teg.Da.exlibro Sconen(i. Laft conecr- nin'^the execution and obfervation of thc lawes, thc fclureffe, nor na u- ther official- ofthe law, fill onlcwaiesobey, or execute oniecommand direftto them be thc King, under the great fcale, privicffale.orfignct, repugnant or concrariousto lawor rcaffon. Bot gifonicfik precept be prefented to them, they fall receive the famin rcvcrentlic, write upon thc back thereof, and remit tlic famin againc. Kob. 2. 1 37 2. And of his rcigne, thc firft zeire, Thc fehireffe fuld nocht onlic make the publication of the laws, and caufe thc famin to be keeped and obfeeved: Bot alfo fuld concur and affift with uthers to do the fainin,fik as the juftice gcncralc, chalmerlane, & au- ditouvsof our SoveraineLordesChccAier. The Schireffe at command of the jufticegcnerall,fuldfummoundccr' tainc perfoncs to burgh and to land , to give up dittay, to thc jufticc Clcarkcs, and fuld be prefent in proper perfon at thc jufticc airc with thc verification of thefaides fummonds. Hcfuld fufteincandpay theex- penfesof thcjuftice cleavkes, in the time ofthetakingupofthedittay- fiuhilkfuld be allowed to him in his comptcs.hcfuld (conformetothe jufticc prcccptdircfttohim) fummondallBifhops, Abbotes, Erics, Bar¬ roncs, Frcchaldcrs, and al uthers quha aucht prefence in thc jufticc *irc>5c arc immediate vafl'alstothcK. tocompeirin thc jufticc court, to fortifie and affift the juftice. Likewaics he fuld fummound all perfoncs indyted of new, and ofauIde,al pledges oblifhcd for thc cntricofonicmanin the air, all perfoncs quha will perfew, ordefende, in thc faid court, to com- peir, doc, and fulfill that quhilk accordis of the Lawc- Hccfuldcbc prefente inthc courte, with fulficicnt.tcftimonieof the execution of of the faid fummondes. And fulde make provifionc for the juftice and his Clcrkcs, quhilk fulde be allowed to him in his firft compt h' the Checker. He fuld ta/tc up fik fiiramcs of money and gifnccdcbcis poynd therefore as thc juftice modifies to be payed be them quha arc a- mcrciat, or cummis in will.-v'd. Iter, Mairover gif there be onic perfoncs, Cjuhom the Crowncr n«y nocht, nor dare nocht arreift ; He fall deliver tneir names to the fehireffe, quha falbc bccum borgh and cautioner to enter and prefent them in thc jufticc aire.Orfall paffc, or fend fufficicnc number of men, to forti- fic thc Crowner, making ihc avrieftmente, and bringing thc perfoma anieftedto thc .SchircfFc to be keepedbe him. Rvihilk gittheSj^hireffe The Sehirtffi effet in the juflitt airt. Tailzies to doc, he fal pay ten pound to the King. Tames, 3 . par. 14.Cap.99. Becaufe thc fehireffe fuld keip thc pctfuncs arriftedbe thc Crowncr, 6t enter them to the iufticcairc, gif there be oa Caftell perteiningto thc King within thc fchireffdome, quhairin they may be keeped lames. 5. p, 3. Cap.. 5. Mairover, the fehireffe or his deputes fuld paffc, or fend with the Crowner, and vific the gudes, pcrtcining to all peefones convift in the jufticc aire, and deliver to thc Crowncr fa mcikle tliercof, as he fuld have be thc law, andinbringtheremnanctothc Thcraurar. lames. 3. par. 14. Cap. 102. Andthc laft day ofthe 4irc, thc fchireft'fuld ihoill ancalCfc anenc theiuing.utd execution ofhisofficc. lames. 3. par. 14, Cap. 102. Finall'f thc fehireffe or his deputes be their Clcrke, luld inbringcothc ihcfaurar, al! cxtr.aftcs ofthe jufticc airc, and fummes of money contci- ned thcreintill; quhilk gifhcc Tailzies to do, na allowance falbe granted to him in thc Chcikcr of his comptes, albeit bee have the Kingis letter in ihccoiitrarc, granted to him in his favours. ..■//T'. reg.Da-ex Uoto Sconeufi. Ruhcnclie chalmcrliiinc is to hald his airc, within onic burgh, the fehireffe be vcricw ofthe Chalmcrlaincs precept dired to him, fuld atiacU and arreift without delaic, under furc pledges and cautioners, all them quhais names the Proveftand Baillics ofthe burgh fall give to him in writ} To compeirc before thc ch.almcrl.iinc, or his deputes, dav, place 8c time of tlic air, to anfwcr to fik things as fill belaid to their charge. At thc quhilkeoiirt, and aire, the fthircfFan-l hisdeputes fuld be prefent, biing- and with them the faid precept and verification, ortcftiinonic ofthe ex¬ ecution thereof. Iter, caimr. c.z, Allfchircffs fuld be-examincdz’jrclicin ilk checker, how they have kieped thc afts of Parliament, and hoW' they have puniflicd the franfgrcf- foures thereof. For in thc Checker, the fclV'ref, or anc fuft'ieicut depute for Chttk^tr. him, havc.ind fuft'icicnr power, fuld compeire and fwrarctliercancnt, in rtJHWrtffl ei«r;Und?r thc paine often poutri, tinfalloi hisoff'iccac thc Kingis will- .^(l-reg. Da.exhbro Sconeti/i. In .'he quhilk Clieckcr, thc fehireffe fuld make compt, and full payinentc. "’ith the Rolles, (a far as he lies intromccted, or miclu intromet with rh'v Kingis propertic or cafualicics, fik as efeheits and wavdes, under thc paii't: warding of his pcrfonc. lames. 5.par. y.Cap. 96. lames 6., Caj^ 7-1- And fuld bring with him, his court buikes, with the compt of efeheitJ, and uu- lawcs, inrrometted with be him, togidder with thcregiftewof h<.'rnings icgiftratcbchimin his buikes, and of .allfaifinges. Tames. 6. par. 12. Cap, 124. And fuld find cautioners, bulges men within CdiniiTgliiaffciiin thc buikes of Councell, that he fill zcirlic make compt in the Chec- qucr,and payment of all thinges incromcticd with be him. Ja.6 p- ii.c. 80. lames. 6 par. 14. Cap. 230. And gif liebcfoiindrcftand at thefuteof his compt oniefummes of filvcr, tothclCingor his Thefauia-: itislca- film to the Thefaurav, as heplcafis, to poynd thc SchircfFc and his deputes, or thc partie to quhomc faifingisgivcmforthcfaidcsfuramcs, conformeto thebuike of refpondr-li 6 p. 1 i.c- 73. Thc jurifdittion and office ofthe fchireff, confifts alfwain particu- ThtSthirtfft lar civill aftionsand plcyes, anddccifion tlieirofin his Courte, and. like- waicsincxccutionof dccrcitisgivcnbc civilljudges, fik as ihcLordsof Gouncell, and fcffion.The fchireff and hisdeputes is judge competentc to their plcycs and aclioncs after following. That is, the plcy or mute of barroncs betuixe baron and barron. Tlic mute of ancreafonablcTcrcc perteiningto wemen as lauchfull wives, beveafonof thcdeceafc oftheir hflisbandes, complainces tuiching thc breaking of appoyntments, aggre anccs.'and end of plcyes made in court , and not kcipcd.iii. i.c. 4'f • tingit,^ i.lib.z-c, dos.x^. Ti/utcs andplcyesof natives, that is of bondes,8c fcrvandcs fugitive fra their awin maifterss making of Homage: Rccca- ving ofrelives: alfwa a£tionesand plcyes ofdcbtauchtandbeanioanc uthcr, maybe followed before thc fchireff, withuriicraftioncsofwrang 6cunlaw./ii.i.c.4, lib.z.c. confequtnter. 13. Thc brieve of richt. Scfrcc tenements, fuld bedetermined before the fcliireff, in ihcfccondinftancc, . quhair as complaint is maid, that thc court of barroncs lies done wraog theveaneBt, be rcafon wranges done in thc barron comt, war vemedea in thc fchiref court, be the aula law of this Realrac. lib.i.c.pUcitA.6. /1A.3. c.folent. J7,c.advicecemites. 17- Botbe thclaw and praffick nowufed 6c obferved, thcLordcs of Counccll and fcffionareonclic judges competent baith inthc firft inftance, andfccond.toallaaioncsandmattcrstukhing fee and heritage. Siklike all plcycs tuiching Meithes and Marches oflands, betuixt niohtbour and nightbour. fuld be decided and declared be ane af- rifcbcforc*the fchireff,/ii. z.c.vlt. Conform to thc quhilk all adiones of Miltfluant molcftation, in trowblancc ofthe poff'elfion ofpropertie, and commontic and etpitans fuld be decided be the fchiref of thc fehire, or uchcr ordinarjudg, quhaic thc landcslycs, be thc determination of an aflifc, ofthe beft and wor- thieft ofthe cuncrie.leaft fufpcft,andthatbcftknawisthcvcritic.Ia.6.p 11 C.42. Thc fehireffis judge competent to thc remoovingof tenoents fra lands, conformc to thcwaining maid againft them to that effeft, Alar. b 6.C. 59. Thc fehireffis judge to the brieve of inqueft. quhairbcanedc- firistobc fcrvcd.and retomed narteft and lauchfull airc to his prcdiccffbur. lib.i.c. Gentralia. zs.quo. attach.:. TXbrevibut. 3i.Ia.».p.9-e- »27- ^^uhilk brieve fuld be ferved in plainc court, be thc maiftworthic of the fchireff- dome, fummound and called upon thc premonition of 1 5- dayes.^Mt. Roi. 3 I .rid. breve de morte anttcejforis. And na commiflion for ferving of thc faid brieve, or utheriifuld be granted to onic perfon, in prejudice of the fchireff, Stewart, or baillic, untill he be firft warned to hear and fee the famin given, or elfc to allcadgc aiic rcafonablc caufe- quhy thc famin fuld' nocht be granted. lames. j.par.d.Cap. 82. And incafeony fik brieve fa! happen to be ferved and retoured before onie judge, commif- fionar; the precept of faifing fuld be dircftfunli of thc ChanccIIaric, to thc Schirtffe, as is before faid, verbo. breve de morte aHtecejforis. For gc¬ ncrallic allptcccptcs of faifii^ furth of thc Chanccllatic upon reroutes ^ Ha 2)? verborum Jtgnificatme, , , fuld b; Jirca lo the SchitcBV, and wber judges ordinal-, with the claufe, ttPlZ lam.e.p, i e.e. i Z4. And all faifings nalTing upon Ilk 'ihji.lllr,,. pteceprsfuld be given be them, their deputes and Clerkcs. Mat.p. 6.c. 34. Quhairofthey Tuld write thedayand zeirofthegivingcfilkrailiiigi and bring ilielaiiiin, togidderwith alluthet failinges, given be private, Noatars zciily, to chcchccker. Ia.4- c. 89. Ma.p.6.c.47-I'6.p.n.c. 65 ZJtHitntt andfpiiiltJt. Cxuutltnof dnmm. Tojnifng. Silt-like aflioncs of ejeftion and fpuilzc, perteinis to the Schireffe, and his juiirditlrion. And therefore, gilony mams wrangouniec|c«tcd (nrth of his land, or violentlie fpuilzied ol liisgudsand gearetTheSchi- j-cffcTiild take cognition there-anciit. Andthcejeftion orrpiiilizicbc.and proven, fall caiifchim qulia isejefted orfpuilzicd.tobecreftorcdco his Iwin Inndcs, ciidcr and gcaic, with the profites thereof, and daninage and skaiih fufteined be the pattie. 3 1 • Spccia he gd the per- foncs quha ar ejeaed and fpiiilzicd bcicligious men.c ciks, widdowes. agcdpcrron«,oriIkiuhcvs,qiihabe the law,ar cxcufcdfra fingulacbat- Reg. Da.c. flat sS.Siat.Mex-c. Sr.3.c6. And in cjcaioncs, quhen ony man is ejeaed furth of his !_and«, 'ce, or licrctagc; The SchirefTc at command of the Lordcs of Stflion, full funh-wiih gar rcllorcthc ground, without prcjudiceofony panic, and rccognofccthc landcsin tlic Kings handes. untill they be lowfed be the Kin". And in the mean time, /nquifition is taken be the Schirenc, quha waslauchfull poflcfTourofthclandcs: And the famin bcand rctoiircdto the Kin", the landcsar lettento borghetothe faid pciTon.I.a.p. 14. c-62 Andgencrallie, the Schireffe fuld arrcift.and put in the Kingis ward, all maiftcrfull and wrangcous occupiers or uthcr mcnnis landcs, and fall caufc the ground to be maid voydeof them and their gudes la. 2. p. '"’concerning Ipuilzie, the Schirefre fuld compell fpuilziers, and their reccipters (the fpuilzic being proven^ to rcftorc their gudes fpuilzied, and charge them toanfwcr therefore, aslaw will. Andin-cafe they diU obey, he fuld dcnunce them rcbcllcs, and put them to the Kingis horne. fiijhairin, gif he be negligent or partiall, he falbe punifnedasthc P>in- cipall fpuilzier. lam. 2. pavlia' $. cap. 10. The like reftitution fuld be maid be the Lordcs of regalities, quhilk gif they doe not', the Schircfrc fitldcaufe the famin be done within the regalitic. Jam.a p.j.c 11 Lad of all, aftioncs of recent fpuilzic, may be pcrfcwcd before the Lordcs, or the Schireffe, within XY. dales nixt aftcrthecommittingofthc fpuilzic. lam. Execution not onclyof dccrectcs of ejeftion and fpuilzic, as faid is> botalfo of all uthcr decrcctes perteinis to the Schireffe, be reafon of his office and jurifdiction. For anc decreet bcand given againft ony man j let¬ ters arc direft to the Schireff of the 5chirc, fteward.or Baillics to burgh, or to land, chavgeing them to put the faid dccrectc to execution: quhilk fuld be done be ilk anc of them, within their awiniuvifdiftion, and fuld receive for their office and fee xij.d- for ilkli. recovered or concerned in the decreet, to be taken ofhim.againft quhom the dccrcit is given. And wifthc Schireffe or uthcr officiar failzics to do the fame, he fal tine his office for iij. zeirs, gif it be herctable: and perpetually, gif hches it in life-rent, or for ane certainc time; fle fal pay the principal fume recovered, to the panic, with the coaftsand expenfes fuftained be him. I.4,P"3.c. 30.Ia.4.p-6.c.67. Likewaics-allfcntcnccsand decrcctes given bethe Lords ofihefcffion fuld be execute bethe Schireffe ofthc Sch!rc,orhis deputes, quhairtheparty dwellis, ag.tinft quhom the dccrcctcis givcn,OrelsbcHcrauldcs, purfe- vantes, or Maifers: And for execution thereof, nane fall take mair nor is preferibed be the aft of Parliament forefaid; except bcliberalitie ofthc partic, under the painc of deprivation oftheir office. Ja. 5- p. 5.c. 58. For the better and mair rcddic execution ofdecrectes; It is Icafum to the fchireff, to poynd the gudes and gearc pertcining to the debtour, be the brieveof diftres: quhilk brieve perteinis to thcSchircffsjurifdiftion. lib. T.c. VUatut»-7. Q.uha fuld caufe execute the forme ofpoynding, 5c taking of diftres. fi.H0«/4w bnvtbus.i J. Bot the Schireff or uiher judoe may not poynd onytnan, or takeanc diftres, bot within hisawinjurifai- ftionallancrlyi Andgifhc dolsinthccontrair, itisplaincricfeor fpuil- z\t. flat. Rob. ^■c. Item flat- 1 3. And it b not Icafum to the Schireffe, or ony uthcr judge, within his awinjurifeliftion, to poynd oxen, horfe, or uthcr ^ds pertcining to the plcuch, or that labouvis the ground, the time of the labouring thereof} gif there be uthcr ftrcinzicablc glides, quhilk may be loyndcd. And gifony man wil rake anc poynd within the Schireffdom, ;c fall cum to the Schireffe or his deputes, and defire him loconcurr and affiftwith him thcrcintill. And thereafter the Schireffe, or his de¬ putes, fall paffc with him to thehoufc of the debtour, fra quhome the poynd fuld be taken. And gif the debtourconfcffisthcdebr, and prievis payment thereof to bee maid be him, or be uthcrsinhij name : Na poynd fuld be taken. And gif ony istaAcn, the famin fuld be delivered againc; uthcrwaics, gif he grantis the debt, and proovis it not payed; ‘Fhe Schircfffuld take the poynd, and caufe the creditor be payed. Andgifthc debtor denyis the debt, the poynd fall not be r3kcnfrahim,cx-ceptitbc raanifcftjthat the debt is auchtand to the creditor; becaufc na diftres or poynd fuld be taken bot for debt confefled or provea U.^.c.Si qiiis namos. 30- And gif the debtor hes na moveable gudes, or hes not famciklc within thcSchirc.asis equivalent to the debt recovered againft him. And gif it happenisthat he h.ivcfomc moveable gudes within anc uthcr Schireff- domc} The Schireff oftlic uthcrSchirC, within the quhilk the faids mo¬ vable guds lyis, fall caufc the fame to be poynded & comprifed,&: the cre¬ ditor to be payed. And failzieng of move.vblc guds, the fchircfffal c.vufe the lands 6c immoveable guds pertcining to the debtour, to be comprifed conformc to the act ofParliament, and caufc the famin to he fauld andannalicd, tothc avalleofthc debt> a,nd thccreditour. la.2. p.5.c. 36. Divcifc and findritf criminal aftioncs perteinis and bclangis-to the r Schireffe, and his jurifdiftion, oiihairoffomc arcapitalU-uthcrsarpccu.«.,I}7,'pi niall,as after folloWiSi And firftgeneiallic the 5chircffc may follow and perfew al trefpaffoures, in theKit^sname»and caufcliis Makes and fer- landcsarricft them} albeit no partic pcrfcwcr compeir* oraitilt.Ia. i.p. , 39. Like as theThefaurar, and advocac, may pcrfcwflauchter, and uthcr crimes, albeit the parties kcipefilcncc, or uthcrcwaics pvivatlie a-f gree. la,6.p.ii . c.yfii^nd fwa quhen ony complaint ismaid, be ony per- fon to the Generali, or to the Schireffe, or to ony uthcr officiar of law within burgh, or without thefainin. The Schireffe, or uthcr judge, fal! fummond baith the parties. Aitd gif thedcedcbcdoriebc Chaiid- mclic, the partic fall perfew, as effeiris of the law- Bot gif it be done be forc-thouclu-rdlonic, the committer thereof, falbe accufed ofthc brea¬ king of the Kings peace: He fall fatiffie the panic, and beimprifoned in thc\ingis prifon. Bccaufc liis life and gudesar inthcKingis will.I.i.p. 3.C, 51. And "if ony trcfpafIorbefiigitivcforonycrimc,thcfchircffruld perfew and follow him: And ilk Gcntlc-man, not fbllowand the fehowte, or out-hornc, fal pay xU. And ilk xx-s. to the king. l.'i.p.G.c.p.g. The Schireffe, Crowncr, or Proveft within Burgh, fuld caufc burie him quha ismurthcred. Leg- Mai. MaKc.i: The Schcriffc fuld punifh Witches, Sorcerers, Necromancers, and them quha feckis hclpe, rcfponfc , or confultation of them, unto the death, alfwcillthc abulcr, as chcfeckcrof the rcfponfc, or confultation. Mar. p.8-c. 78. The Schireffe, and uthcr ordinal’ judges, fuld fearch, take, and appvc- bend, all them quha not being lauchfullicadmifted, dois miniftcr the Sacramentes. layis Mcffc, or bcaristlic famin, to bcbroclutothcKing to be punifhed conformc tothc Law- la.6.p.i.c.5. The Schireffe fuld take ftraitinquifition, of them quha ftrikis falfc, or forbidden cuinzic, and fuld caufc them tobebrouchctothcKing, cobc punifhed to the death, la. 3.p 3.c. 18. The Schireff beand certified of flauchtcr, committed within hisSchi- sUuchiut reffedome, and royaltic thereof, he fall incontinent raife and followthc flayer, with found of home, and convocation of the Kingis lieges. And gif hebcis apprehended with rcid hand, jufticcfall bedonewithiu that Sunne. w./ndgifhe be taken and apprehended without rcid hand , Hcc falbe put in prifon.and law falbe done upon him. within 40. daies.And gif he cfcaipis, or flyes furth of the Schireffedome, the Schireffe fallccrtific the nixt Schireffe thereof; quh<* fall perfew and follow the flayer in ma- nerforefaid. And confcquciulie, ilk ScbircffcfaU certifieuther, until the trerpaffour be put furth of the Realmc, or clsbrocht to jufticc: The like certification fuld be maid be the Schireffe, tothc Lord of regalitic, quha fuld perfew the malefaftourcs, asthc Schireffe fuld do. lam., Iam-3.par.5.c.35.Iam.4-par.3.c.28. C.uhcn the committer of flauchtcr, cummis to the Girth: The Schireffe fuld advertife the Maifter of the Girthe, and caufe the flayer bee put to the knawlcdgeof anc Affife, quhidder the flauchtcr committed be him, was done upon fuddaintic, orbe forc-thoucht-fellonic. And gifit be found fuddaintic, hcfalbcre- ftored to the liberticof the Girth, and Sanduarie. And gifit befounde fore-thoucht-fcllonie, he 5- p.4.c.22. The Schireffe fuld not only punifh commiters of flauchtcr, as faid is; Law-ht. botalfo fuld after his power, ftay, and ftop the committing thereof; And »’»«'«• therefore, quhen ony man her doubt of his life, either he ony deede, mcnacing.or violent prefumption; and verifies the famin be hisaith, or u- thcrprolwtion. And fW chat caufe, askislaw-fovertietobc given to him bethe Schireffe, that he falbe harmelcsand skaithlcsofhim,of quhom he dreadisthcbodiclichavme.Thc fehireffe fuld grant his petition; Sc gif he refufis the fame, he fal pay 40. pound to the King, 6c affyith the panic. I.. I.p 9.c.i29.l3,2.p.6.c-i5-Ia- 2.p.i4c.83. And gif thclaw-borrowcs happenis to be broken, the paine thereof, fuld be payed to the Schireffe, for the quhilk he falbe comptablc in the Checker. la.3.p- 1 .c. j . Itisleafum to the Schireffe and his deputes, to perfew ony perfone for nitft. theift; Albeit na partic concur and informchim thcre-anenr. Q^ioniam atiach.c. vbi aliquif. 2 }. As likcwaics, he is jud"c competent to thieft and flauchtcr, quhen ony perfon compeirisand inuftis with him, in the per- fute. Boegifthe faids crimes be followed be way ofdittay: the jufticc gc- ncrall is judge thcrcto.lii. i.c.z. And quhen ony thief is condemned before the Schireffe, and execute for thieft.- Al the moveable guds, quhilk per- tcineto him, fuld juftlicpertcine to the Schireffe. /ii. 2 c Forisfaffum 55- deludie.c. Rraterea. HS.Btjt gifony manfindisin ony town,his awin filver ftolicn fra him; It is not Icafum to him to intromcc.there-with: Bot he fuld pur and leave the famin, in the keiping and cuftodic of honeft meq ofthetownc, and fall declare the famin to the Schireffe, quha fall com- pel! the Proveft or ruler of the town, and three men with him, to mak faith, that he knawisna-thingof thatthiefi; ..-fnd thcrcafcerthecomplei- ner proovand the filver to be his avVln, fuld receive the famin to be ufed behim,ashis awin proper gearc. Lih.^. c. Si quis-zi.flat. Akx.C:y/{fifa.20 thieves fuld be punifhed to the death, --^nd it isnot Icafum to the Schi¬ reffe, to fell ony thiefe, or to fine with him lor thieft done, or to be done, under the painc of life and gudes. la. i .p.i 3 . c. 1 3 5* All Sorners, takenand apprehended, fuld be delivered to the Schireff, Semert, that jufticc micht be done upon them, aschievesand ricvcrs‘l3:2.p-i i. cap 45. The Schireffe fuldarrieftand challcnc»c, all fbr- ners, quha lyis and fojournis upon the Kings lieges, and compel them to affyith thcKing.and the partiecomplcinandc-And gifna partic compleinis, he fall inquire at the head courte, anentfik trefpaffoures. And as he ony findis, fuld pimifhthem.. I. i.p. i.c.7. Andmairover, the Schirefle and all uthcr officiates, alfwciU to Burgh, astoland, fallpuniftiforncrs, ovcr-lyai-s, maiftcrfull Beggars, fuillcs, baivdes, vagaboundcs, put theminwavde, and banifh them the Cuutric. Jam. 2.Parli.6.Cap. as. And T)e verbwum fignificatione. Cm‘> And all oppi'clToure; , ftrang vagaBoundes, bcggais wandringathoit the icalmc, upon pretence that they arc Schipbrokenj or banifhed tor ilauch- tcr, orutherodiouscriraes j And diffimulat thieves, andabufevs, cal- cd /Egyptians, la.6.p. 12.C. 124. Sick-like the Schireffe fuld arrciftall idlc-mcn, and put theminrure firmance, untill it be knawin, quhairon they live, and take caution of them: that the inhabiiar.rcsofthc cuntric, (albchamicleflcandskaiih- leHcofthem: And thatthcyfall get maifters, orpallto crafteswithin fourtic daics; quhairin gifthey feilzic ; the SchirefFc fuld inpvifon them, untillthcybepunifhcdattheKingiswill.Ia. i.p.3.c.66. Mair-over, the SchirefFc fuld conipcll idlc-nicn, to pafle and labour for wages within Schippes, maid and prepared for fifhing , ofgreat and finall fifh , under tile painc of banifhmcnt lurth of the Schirctfedomc ; quhairin gif the SchirefFc failzies. he fall pay cwcntic pound to the King, in the Checker zeirlie. la. 4.p.4. c. 49. ^ AllihcyquliaaiTuffcrcdrobcga landwavt, fuld havcaneccrtaineta- kin given to them be the SchirefFc. la. i,p. i.c.25. Under the painc of burning on the cheeke, and baqifhmcnt ofFchccuntric ofthebeggars; andofancunlawotfifticfhillingcsto the King, to be payed be the Schi- reffc, lo-cafchcfailzieinkeipingof thepremifles. la, t. p. 2.c,42. And mair-over, the SchirefFc , Proveft, and Baillics within Burrowes of roy- alcieandreoaliric, fall pay anc mark for ilk beggar that bcis found begg- andexcepthebccruikcd, feck, or wcakc. la. 4. p. 6. c. 70. And mair-over, rhcSchircftc fuld fufFer na beggar to beg within ony Parochin , bpt onlie them quUa ar borne within the fiimin. For ilk beggar fuld be fufteined within his awin Parochin, and fuld have the roarkc thereof, lam. 5. parlia. 4. cap. 21. Andforpunifbmcntofftrangc idle beggars 5 all Schireffesanduthcr judges fuld make prifoncs, ftockes, and inons within Burghes , throw-faire-towncs, and at all Paroch Kivkes. la. 6 p. 12. c. 147. And fuld punifh beggars , conformctothcaftmaidbc King lames the Sext. la. 6. p. 6. c. 74. To the jurifdiftion of the SchirefFc, pertcinis to cognofee and decide of aneneftrife, fpulzies, ftraikes, wounds, and breaking o( the Kings peace. And the SchirefFc fuld take inquifitionanent the breaking of the Kings prote£lion, and compel the breakers thereof to pay ten punds to the King, andandafTyiththepartie. la. r.p. ii.e.134 The SchirefFc fuld deftroy vcfchcllcs, creilics, and uthcr ingincs, quhilk ftoppisSraolcestoipastothcfca 1.2- p. i4.c.87.I.3.[-. 5.C.37. He fuld caufc the mcafurcand quantiticof thccruvcsand zaires to be keiped in waters, quhairthcfcaflowisandebbis: Tothceffeft thefrieof thefifb, mayaf- cendand defeend ; andfuldlikewaicsgiveup dittaytothe jiiflice, inhis aire, upon flayers of Salmond in forbidden time. pcu.^Ux.cap-hacefi ^pifa. z-f. Burg. c. httc eft nj Stat-Rob.z.Br.cap.ltemorii. iiatum. 1 2. The SchircfFfuld deftroy, caft downe,and hald down,all cruves within his bounds, underthcpaincofxx. pundtobc payed to the King, la. 4. pa.2.c. 1 5. Mar. p.8.c,68. For the quhilk caufe,fpeciall commiflion is granted to him.Ia.6.p.6.c. 89.1a. 6. p. 7-c. n i* He fuld execute the aftes maidanentherringand quhite-fifli, and uptake the efeheit ofthccon- travccners thereof , and make compt in the Checker, la. 6. p. 6. c.86. The SchircfFcs fuld huntc and flay the Woolfc, and her Quhclpcs, three times in the zcii'i andalltheinawellersofthe Schire, fuld rife with him, under the paine of ane Wedder. la. 2. p. i4' c 88. The Schireffe fuld caufe bow-mavkes to be maid for Avchcric , in ilkparoch, under the painc of fourtic fhillinges, tobcuptakenbehimto thcKingisufc.Ia.4.p’ 3- c. 32. Tlie SchirefFc fuld punifti all them quhalhuttls atDcare, Rac, or uthcr wildebeaftcs, orwildcfowics, withCulvcringcs , Piftolcttcs, or Gunnes. Ma. p, 4. C.9. Nochtoncly the SchirefFc , bot all judges Ordinar fuldaccufc at particular dietes, all them qubafehuttis withCulvcring, Croce-bow, at Dae, Rac, Hart, Hindc, Cunning, Dowe,HckTon,or fowlc of .e.p.i.c. le.p.y.c. 123. The SchirefFc, andalluther offtciares , baith to burgh and to land, at IiTtftalltri ilk Courte, fall inquire quhat perfoncs byis viftuall , and haldis it to ane dearth i And declare their names to the King, that they may be pu- nifhed as ockcrers , and the viftuall efeheit. lam. z, p. 6,c.23. Mair-over , the Schireffe fuld efeheit all gudesquhilkis av forftalled, coft , or arled be forftallers, and in-bring the iwa parte thereof to the Kingisufe i*2o. And fik-likc the Schireffe fuld punifh , bee confifeation of all their Omill. moveable gudes, all them quhatranfportisNolr, Scheipe, or uthcr Cat- tel furth of the rcalmc. la. 6 p.7.c.i 24. la. 6. p.i2.c. 149* p i- The SchirefFc fuld punifh deftroyers of planting ofwoodes, Fovreftes, " orchardcs , broome , breakers of Dow-catccs , cunningaircs , pavkes, ftankes, zairdcs, flayers ofHaircs, makcrsofMurc-burnc in for-bidden time, and uthcr deftroyers ofhaning and policic. la.6.p.6.c. 84. And likewaics, fuld in-bring to the 'Kinpis ufc , the paincsofthemquha plantis nocht wooddes , 'makis not hedges and hainingc. la. 5.p.4-c.9. The unlaw of fourtic ftillling, fuld be taken up be the Schireffe, fra Faie-ball players at the futc-ball, In-cafcthcLordoftUcland, pretermit to do the Vaniin la. i p- i.c. 17. , . , rr- • i. j fhihenonylandcsfaUis, berefonof wardc mthc Ktngis handcs.or S'r wK of ony uthcr fuperiouv j Or qulrcn to Butgh or to lands lands ar given in con-juiiftfcc . oi lifc-rcnt : The Schireffe or ihe Baillics, Cilcaureihe finde caution not to deftroy the bi™ing« or uthcr pol.cie: And that he fill leave thefantin , alsgud as hec land them; And that he fall fuilcinc the aire , not haveand futficiem blench, or few- fermc landcs. la. A p. 3 c-25.AndgifihcSchircffe,orutheriudgcbc negligent, in requiring c-^ution, being required thereto, bcthchcrcrouvc , orhisfricndcs: He falvefoundandpay tothe hcrctour of the landcs, athispcrfircage, all damnagcandskaithfuftcincdrhro\vhisneglipcncc.Ia.5.p.4.c.i^ a V • The Schireffe fuld tab: inquifition of them quha weans Claith o5 Hunting of S For cfcliet^ing of fik fraud, the Sdweff. Tanijuam bonus P^tor/uld caufc ■ at) inbibitionesand interdidioncs, with thecxccutioncs thereof , to oe rcgiftratcinhis buikes. be his CIcvkc, within fourtic dates, after the pub- licatioiiofthc faiTim. Ia-6.p. 7.C. n8. „ , . . n-- fiJIHAT Isthc jurildidionand officcofane Schircft. rnay be cafclic oftbe fatnn -knawin bc the lawcs and conftitutioncs abone written; quhairofim rie „nik,^Hld-Cambtn,SlVintoMt, Pre«drf-®e//^,and uthck'slyand in Lodoneio, quhilk now lyisin thcMcrs, and Schireffdome of£«rfl’itk. Andinthcaftesof Parliament , iufticesgcnerallar ordained to be, ane, ortwa, on the South fide oi the water oF/'ortA; And ane or twa, on the North fidethereof. la.2,p. 14. ca.97. Quhilk agrieswith thcaftmaid be King iitwcf the Second par. 3-c. 5. lliihairlt isftatutc, that thcjufticcon the South fide of the Scottifhfca, fet their jufticcaircs, and haldc them twifeinthezeir- Andalfoon thcNorth fideofthc Scotifhfea, asauld nfe and cuftomc is. And in the laws of Malcome Mac-Aenneib. ca. 4. Mare Sxoiiie , is taken for the water oi forth. SECTATOF. , Ane foytor incourt , quhais qualities and office. vid. verb. Sok. SEK Ofwool, andfiiiringofgudesbcthcfck, ferplath, andtunne. vid, Serplath. SERfANT£RIiE,SergeM. Lib.i.e. Dicitur autem. In the ejuhilk place, pro %erinnterijs, mendosiltgittir, Suggefloribnf. SertAnter.a i feriando, as miuiflerium h mimjiro , or jervitium dftrvoi Signifies an manner ol balding oflandes, fpeciallie in the lawes of England, quhair £r4nde /erMH/je.isquhenanmanhaldishislandsof thcKing ; For the quhilk he fuld pafic with him in his hoift, or to beare his banner with him inhiswarres', Ortoleadhishoiftorarmic- And hereto belangiswarde, mariage, and relieve, quhilk is anemaift fpcciall Knichtsrervicc.pettt/ej*- iantye , isquhen ane haldis hislandcs olthc King; yecldingtohimanc knile or buckler, ancfclidfcotarrowcs , ane bow, ovuther fik fcrvicc coaformecohisinfefrmenr; Ruhair-untona-waics belangiswarde , mari- a'ge, or relieve; quhiH wc may call,blench-fermc, or 4/64 Read the ftatutc, maid beKing £dw4rd thcFirft, King ol England. 18. zeyeof (lisreignc, anentwavdesand relieves. 5ER1ANT, 'bergeant , anc French wordc. Foilikc asmefTcngers, cummis fra the french wordc Metiers Swa Sergeant likcwaicscunimis fraSergent, Hfneefivoxcompo/iia, deSerrer, quodefiincludere.^gent, ^iiod progente , plebe,velpopulonfarpiitur. Itaqne Seriandui dicitur qid jHffit magiflraiuf, quemhbet de populo renm criminis , in c4rcfre»J conjicit, feuinclndit: That is, hcquha atcommand of thcMagiftratc,incIufis,or lockis in pnfon> guiltic perfoncs dclatedjOrfufpcft of ony crime. Seriandut (urite or ferviens CKrite, the Seriantc ofthc courte, official", executor of Ict- tersorfummundcs, quhabethc intcrprctourcs ofthecivilUaw, iscallcd, JiMtitiiit. vid.Kecordum. SERPLATH. Jam. I. p. 2.C.38. lam. 2.p.i4.c.68..Contcimsfoure. fcoreftoncs. For the Lordcsof CounccI, lu-^jjne, 1527. decerned four fcrplaithcs of packed wooll,to contcine fextecne fcors ftanes ofwooll. y*r« gg ti-afficquc of mcrchandcs now ufed , The mcrehandes ufis to pay barrcilcsfor the Laft thereof. Aud ane Laft of Ryc,isforac.tintcauchtcnc Tjr. Bollcs, andfomctimcsnine-teencbcjlcsin mcafurc. ^ Item, ten fcckcs ofwooll , niakisane Loft ofwooll. Likcwaies, tenhides niakisancdaikcr, andtwentiedaiker, makisan laft; Twelve dowzancofglovcs, or Lcddcr poymes, makisanegrofle; And ane great grofte , conteines twelve finglcgroflc. Ten ftanc ot braffc , makis ane Barrell. Crojfe. ScxBarrcllcsofEnglifhdrinkinglicare, makisanc Tun. BArntl »f Twelve Barrcllcs of Salmondc, areboclubcthc mcrchandcs, forthc Laft: Botin luring of them over the Sea, theskippers countisonclv nine barrcllcs for the Laft. And likcwaies the Sek , albeit it be counted in Flanders to twelve Bar- rcllcs; zittwelvc oftheir barrcllcs, contcinis fcxtcenc commoun Bar- relics. The Fidderoflcad , contcinis nccrc by fexfcorcand audit ftanc. Ane fchip pound, contcinisfcxtccncftancsand anchaltc, ofScottifh Troi.s wcicht. othiffiftunA Scxfcoicofskiniics, is reckoned to thehundreth. Aslikcwaics, fex-frorcclncsuf woollen daith is counted for ane hun- dreth Ia.6.p.7.c.ic8. Quhilkis confornicto the .auld ufc , obferved inthedaies of King DavidtXie Secondc; as is inamfcft bethe cuftomc compt , maid be thcCiiftomer of the Burgh of Striviling, the zeiroJ <3od, ancthoufand, three Imndrcih, fcxtic auchtzeires. ffUt rutStk^ Trmfiant Sikjfwat frauchte for tneir gudes to Flanders, be the Sek; To France, Spaync, and England, bt the Tunne: Andto Danskjne, and theEafter Seas, be the ferplath. As I imdcrftandc, anc Scrplaith of gudes, isonclie counted betuixe , yncrchand and skippers, for filling of gutJes to the Eaftcr Seas , and frathinc hameto this rcalmc. Swa that for cvcric S'erplaith of gudes, fured , orpromifedtobc fured Eaftward j theskipper isoblifhed tofuir hamc to this rcalmc , iwa laft of gudes ; And this Scrplaith ofgudes is of uagrcatcrqu^ntitic, nor the fck of gudes to Flanders. AndilkSck, be the aft of Parliament, 3a.6.p.7.cap.io8Suldcontcinc twentic fourc ftanc of wol: And be thedailie calculation ofmcrchands, fourticTrois ftanc. llkTroisftanc.contcinisfcxtecncpoundTrois. And ilk pound weichc thereof, conteines fextecne ounccTrois. The fck of wooll, iscommounlicfctbethc Skippers, toanc Tunc: Ik Ilk, hundreth wcicht Tun conteinis , Sex hundreth pound Trois wcicht. conteines five feorepounde wcicht; quhilk is fex ftanc, and anc quartet *^Thc wooll, quhen it is bocht be mcrchandcs, isbochtbethe Tronc ftonc, quhilk contdnis commounlic, xix. pound andanc halfc Trois: Alwaies conccrningthc fck of wool; Ifindenafolid or conftant wcicht thcrcoft For fomc fcckcs will be mair, and Ibmc will be Icffc nor fourtic Troisftanc; Bot communlie thefek ofwooll, conteinis fourtic Trois ftanc, as faidis. , , n 11 Anc Laft ofguds fured hame, conteinis commonlic twelve Barrcllcs. And the auld forme of faring of gudes , fra Danskerie to this Rra'me, wasforcvci^ ferplaith, asitiszit, twaLaft. Botfortbis^ft, thcSkip- pcrsfuUishamc, founcenc bavrcllcs. Ilk Barrell being of wcicht, ane fchippound. Andoflichtgudes, fikas lint and hempt, thercisfured for the ferplath, twahft. r, e n Ilk Laft is twa packs: Andilkpakisals great als halfc anc fck ofwooll Skinnes, and contcinis in wcicht threttie fex Sprufle ftanes. Ilk Spruffe ftanc , conteinis twcntieaucht poundTrois wcicht. r-, n' n... Swa the laft cxaftlic weyed, will contcine ofour Troisweicht, fex S/rnff-iftan . Andforanclaft ofwalx.thatisfuredhamcbcftrangcrs, »fw*lx fourteen fchip poundc. And be Scoiifli skippers.twclvc fchip pound. Al o, of Tar, pick, and fiklikc wares , twelve great barrcllcs for the lalt, andfourtcenc fmalUnrcllcs. Thir great bavrcllcs. arcallcdHamburah Pick. trees , and ar in gicatncITe, nochc unlike to our Salmond trees, and fuldc - ^ .... .. 11 _ : _ 1 .1.,. ai- whnf Tunnt, 9inndTith tititht. Trtni fiant _ 3' pcrsfuirishamc: BaTTtli ’ P4t^, conte’inc fourtt£c Gallounes: and the fmall harrellcs. ar foine what tteinreiiei. , nor ouv hcvring trccs. . n < J ** LikcwaicsofRycmdll, fomc times twentic foiirc barrcllcs ar fared forihcLau, fpccialUcbcftrangcrs; and be our awin Skippers, auchtccne Welchtes atidmcajures in Or hi ay. THc malt, mcill, & beare, arc delivered in Orknay, be wccht in this ma- ncr. J>wp«w/»24. marks makisan felting, ltciu6. lettings makis an mcall. Item 24. mealcs makisanc Laft. itemo! mcilleand malt called Coi^ anclaftmakisanScottifh chaldcr: Item anc Laftand ane halfc of beare conteinisjfi mcalcs: 36. mealcs makis anc chaldcr Itcmihc buttcris delivered in barrcllcs, quhair the qiianritie is great, bot quhair the quantity isfmall,itisdclivcrcdinmarkcs,andlcfhpoundcs. Thar istofav., xxiiij. marks, makisanc fetting. asfaidis,and6.fcttingsmjkcsanclcfh pound. Item , anc ftanc and twa pound Scottifh , makis anc Icih pound. Item 1 5. Icfhpoundesmakisancbarrcl. Item, 12. barrclls makis an Laft. Itcmthc flcih is delivered be apprifing- to. mealcs makis anc fufficient Cow, andanfufficicntOxc. Alfo anc gild Oxc is apprifed to 15. mealcs, and ane wedder is four mealcs. Item an Goufe Is twa mcalcs. Item an Capon, is halfane Goufe, vi\. anc mralc. SERVICIvM Miliiare, Knichtes fcrvicc, and fpeciallie concernis warde and relieve. Vide Scrianteria. Vide Hawbert. Vide rvarde. SERPENS Curi*, ferianiHSCurije. Leg. Malt. Mak.tap. 5. Ancfcri- and, orofficiarofCourtc, the exccutour of fummoundes , quhafum- mondis andattachisony peiTonc to compcarc inane court, toanfwcre toancuthcr, conformetolawandreafon. MohnitstiinllttofHpr.cHr.par. i.f.20. Quha is called /fnrfMJ, bccaufche fuldfwcare tofcrvclcallclic and trewlie the King, in execution of his office. Quon.aitach. c. Vullns 57. SETTER-DAYIS flop. pat. ./ilex. cap. hxc 27. Leg, 3urg. cap. hec ep 1 1 3. Jam. i- Parlia. i . 26. Mai), cap. 1 1 . lam 4. Parlia z- cap 1 5. quhilk ftature maid, as is allcaged be King Mexander, is aferived to King David, be King lamer thcFourth, in the place forcfaidci The 5etterdayis flop, is anc fpacc of time , within the quhilk it is nocht Icafum to take 5almonde fifh; thatis, (ra the timeof Evcn-fangaftcc noonconSetterday, untill thcrifing ofthc5unne onMononday. J?4r. z.Rob.cap- Itemordinatum. i2. (lat. t. Rob.Br.cap i.Leg. forep.cap.Om- neraqua. 85. Iter. Camer.c. calumniabuntur. 16. SlMiNELLUS, Te^. f. 122. From the LatincWorde,5/mi7f4, •quhilk fignifics the befte and fmallcft parte of thcQuhcatc , orflowre, quhiicbrcad , ormainebread : Inthccpahilk fignificatiuninthcDutchc toun'nic, it is commounlic called Setnmell. SOK , Lib. I, f. 3. Anc auld wordc ufed in Chartourcs and infeft- mentes, quhilk in findric auld buikes conteinand the municipatl lawes ofthis rcalmc , is called feHa de hominibut fuit, in curia, fecuvdum confue- tudinemRegni. Sw.'tzftctmy opinion, he quhaisintcfcwithSok(quhilk now we call Soyr, from the French wordc btiiie. h> e. fequela ) hes power andlibcrticto hald courtes within his awin Ban'onicorlandcs; Inthc quhilkscourtcs , homineslui, or his vaflallcsfuld givcfoyr, andfcndfoc them, anc quhais called Soytqr, or ^effator, afeqiiendo-, Bccaufchcfuld follow the courte, inthc quhilk he fuld compcarc. This officcwasveric ' profitable, for furthering of jufticc. Andfivft, hcc quhais oblilhcd to oivcSoytctn ihcCouiteofhisOvcr-lorde, fulddothclamin, confbnnc tothctcnoiivofhisinfcftmcnt , and nautherwaics. Leg. forep. c, Andgifheaucht three Soyres bchisinfeftment: he fall compcarc bot at three head Courtes in the zeire, without Sum- "Z mondcs or warning. Mod. ten. cur. c.i.c. 3i* Na judge aucht of law, or of rcafon, toacccpronymanincourrasSoytour. Botgilhccanmakefuf- S$yt»reJuU ficicntandiaUchfullrcporte, ofprocclTc, doomes, judgcmcnce, and in bequal'pei lauchfull forme , give and pronunce doomc of Mures , and plcycs in Court followed and del’cndcd before him in court. Mod ten.ciir. cap.^i. Qiion attach, c. llullM fe^iator. 20. And ilk Soytourbefure he be admitted ^ the Baillic , or judge , fuld be examined in three courtes gif hcc can make rccordcs of the courts.and give fufficientlic anc \vardc,or anc doomc ofwardcs ov doomes ; asked in the court or not. And then quhen he is be hisfcUowcs admitted, he may may not afterward for weakncflcofknaw- Icd^^cbc rejefted. (iuoiiiam. attach, nidlus. 20, Anc Soviour, is oblifhed to make faith, that hcc fall leallclie, and trewlie make recorde of Courte ( that is of the claime , libell and proccs ) and Cil pronounce lauchfu! and new fentcnce, accOrdic^to theknawlcdgc oiven to him be God : And fall after his underftanding, leallclie and ircw- lie ferve, induving the time of liis office. Sm/. Gild. c. 50. The court be.inJ 1 2 fenfed. Tht Sf)t»ur Mn/4'Uirj iliC ittftnili. Falp'S*/ Seccmanilut £dC(M^e, ^ntchArtir tenteinin^ an reverfion.nna fltrlin^ OT9- n>j. T)c verborum Jigtnficatlone. fcDfcd, ilicScri.ind rlicicofCnll cnll die foytcs, and dcfalt the abfentes. thacai-noditlauchfullkellbinzied: Andgavanc 5oytoiu- of the counc, dccmcthciiiiii.inciin-law, withtheconrciuof his Icllowes and Col ic- oes. Mod. Kii.ciir.c. i. Be the auld law of this Realmc.and aftesofFarha- menr. Iam.+.p.0.c.9 5. Doomcsanddecrcctcsgivcn and pronuticed be Soyrourcs, in ancinleriour court, wasfalfificd and reduced in anelupe- riourcourt; asthc piuccllcol brieves wrangcouflic deduced in barren couvtc. wasfilfifiedinanc Schirefle courtc. and doomes given m the Schircffcourc j wasfallilicd in the juftice court. Lib.z- c. Dor rfHoiwf. Jp. And laft ofall.doomcs pronunced in the juftice Couit.was fallified in Pai- liament,bc[orctheLordcs, called ^Kd‘edej.4t. And in Crfi'/rf of England. -^bho. 5i.HeHr.5.C(rp.27. Mention is maid of findricforraesofhalding. rrX*Ffcc-fcrmc, burgage, foccage, and Knicht-fiirvice. Read the ftatute maid be Edward the Firft,, King of England, ihexviij. zclrcof hisreigne. UtherisallcagisthatSoM- ginm, cummis fra Socco,five ^ratro, affirming that Socage, is propciiic, quhenthetennentis bound and oblilhcd, tocurawithhisplcuch to tcill and labour ane parrofcheLordislandcs. Concerning tenures, and divers balding of lands, veade the rreatife written be Littleton. STALLANGIATORES, A flallo, Creamers, or Forraine mer- chandes, quha within Burgh, inthetimeofFaireov mercar, payis ccr- laine dewtic for their ftall or ftandc, in the quhilk place they fell their mcrchandicc: For it is ordained, that ilk ftvangcr fall either agree with the Proveft of the Bvirglijin the beftform ashc may.'orclfcilk mercat dayc, fall p.iyc to him anc halfc-pcnnic. Le^. BHre. cap. Qjdlihet. 39* And in the auldformcof cuftomes , It is called the ftallangcof the mcrcatc. And Leg. Burg. MercenaTiHs.40. It is called 5t4//«m,or Botha in Foro. 5TINGISD1NT, Ug. Burg.c.Scknditm eji. 9. Ane dint or ftraike with anc fting or Barton; In Latinc, Fujiigatio. STERLINGITS, Efigenns ponderis. anckindcofwcichtcpnteining threttie tw.a comes, or graincs of fljjhcate, Vt in Reg.Da. de fondtr'ibus cy menfHris. Andinthc Cannon law, mention is maid offivc fhillinges ftcsling, andofancmarkeftcrling. c.3- de^rbitris.e.Conflitnit. jzde procHratoribiif. And the ftcrlingpennie is fvva callcd^bccaufc it weyis fa mony graincs, as 1 have findrie times proven be experience. And be the Law of England, the pennie, quhilk is called the ftcrling, round, and without clipping, weyis threttie twagr.aincs of Quhcat» without taillcs, quhairoftwencicmakls anc ounce; and twelve ouncesmakis anc pundj andaucht pound, makis anc galloune of wine j and audit gallouncs, makisanc bufchellof London, quhilk isthc aucht part ofanc quarter. .^nno 17. Edward. 2.c. 10. Thequhilk cunzie, was nieiklc ufed within this rcalme ; as is maniefeft be auld Cbarrcrs and evidcntcs. For the fex- teenth daye oT^ngi'P, the zeire of God, 1395. fPiiftfritj Pa- minus de Raljlon, Vicecomes de Perth, impignoravit, Nec«o« notninepig- noris dedii, e?* conceflit l^obili csr‘ potenti Du.Doin. Roberto, Comiti de Ftje Cf* Menteiih, totat/iei integram Baroniam fuam de N- prodacentis y?f>7i»gorHm monete Scotia.ipfipereundem f ntiitiutis, cs^ pra mani- busplenarii perfoluiit.Teaent. c?* habent- ip/iCom ti,cy haredibuspiis, de DominoRegeCP'c- (luoufq] difius ivalterus Senefcalli.aut hjeredesfui.praja- to Domino Comiti, vel fitish<£redibfis, ducentasmercas (lerlingorum mouetie Scotia vnodie, inter folis orium CP" occafttm, itiEcclefia Parochiali, de y. berfolverit. vel perjolverint. Et praterea d fins Valterus omnes firmas, reIieiis,co’}i'>ditai's,CP‘proficita,de dicitBaronia,tnedio tempore provenient. dtdit C7' conce^it, profe C?' haredibi'.s fuk, pradiBo domino Comiti, haredibits fuis,projiio conftUobono, ip^impenfo, impendendo. Faciendo inde annuatim, pradiBus Contes & haredes fui, Domino Regi fervitia iehitac^ confueta. Thequhilk Charter conteinis the reverfion, andalfoane donation of ffieprofites of the lands, quhilki., were wad-fet, conformccothcpraftic- que ufed and obferved unto the time of King James the Third, of gude mcmoric- vid. Regres- , ^ , SUBVASSORES, Siibvaluaghret, bafe haldcrs, or inferioure halders, fpcciallic , they quha haldis their Landes of Knichccs. leg. Male. Mak, f.4. attachiamenta cap Si aliquis 49- Reg- David: c.Statuit. 8. fijjhair it is ordained, that ilk peifbn, quha is accufed cri- minallic, fall bee judged be his Pccrc, orSuperioure incftaccand digni- tie. T. TAYNT, vide Attaynr. TENEMENTUM, Is commonlie taken for the propcrtic of onic landcs, Or immoveable gudes within Burgh, or without the famin. Lib.z.cap.DosduobHS 19, capit. Fieriautem.Oy- Liberum tenementum. And thefupcviourfuldcnothavethe Warde of the tenement pciteining to his vafial being M/Bor: Nor can crave nafevvicc norrdieve fra him, being MiBororMyiltx.cap. S7qi{is^. Cum ftqq. Leg. Mai. Mak-c.^. TOSCHEODERACHE, ancofficcorjurifdiftion, not unlike to an Baillicric, fpcciallicinthcllesand Hiclandcs. For 9. Mart. 1554. Matk-neill, difponed and annalicd to Jitmey WacA-Oiiei//, the Lands of Cjd,and mheris with the Tofchodairach olJCiniyre. Some alleagis to be anc office pertaining to execution of fummonds- Lib. t. ciimautem.S. Qiion. attach, c: Sialiqiiis49- Sikasanequhafummondis, attachis, or arrciftisancuther, to compeir before ony judge. Stat. Dav: c‘.6. Others underftands thcnimctobeancCrowncr.Lii.4. Laft.fummc undevftandis it to be ane fcarchour,and taker of thieves, .ind limmers : For King Evenui did ftatute,th3t in Hndrie SchirefFdoms, there fuld be findric fearchours orthievcs,reivers,& ofthem that lyis in wait in the bic-ftfcctcs, andcommounpaflages. Heitor 'Boetim,Lib.z. Lib.lo. .^berrans {itiquit) Tecta, aut "Domino furum judagatori ( Tochederauch vulgtis appellat ) aut Sacerdotireddito: quod ft tridiium apud te retinuerii .furii reiaeflo: In the Civill Law they ar.e called , Latrunculatores. Leg. Sole}»us,6t:ff: delu- die. TIMBRI^ Tellium, leg'.TutgiCAp:CapiiuUm.\ii. ^ncTtmmcr of skinnest That is , fwamonyas is inclufed within twa broddes of Tim- mer, quhilk commounlie conteinis fourtie skinnes : In the quhilA niancr, merchandsufistobrii^hamcMartrik, Sable, and uthcr coalllie skinnes and furringes. TIMBRELLUS, Dicitur parvus Cetus, anelittic fi.uhaill. le. Forep. c: Si qua cetum. 17. de Iiidic, c: 27. TINNELLUS, Deludic. c: 27: Leg: Foreft.c.Si quit Cetum. 17. The fca-maike,uthcr-waics in Englifh Tjde-mouth. That is, the farrcll parte, quhair the fca tyde flowis. Littiis quo Jcilicei finxus hybernus marts maxi- mus excurrit, hoe efl, quantumeunque mare aliquo tempore plus extenditur inhyemevelaflate, tuntumejilitiusejus.^ flumina. EtibiGl: ter. divif. TRv^JSTIS* Jam- jrpar; i4:cr gp. Signifies ane roll, or Catalogue, conteinand the particulardittay, taken up upon malelaftuures, quhilk with the portuous is delivered be the jufticcClerkc, to the Crowncr, to thcefFe£ltheperfones, quhais names are conccined in the ponuous, may be attached, conforme to the dittay, conteinedin the traiftis. For like as the portuous comprehendis the names of the perfones indited j fwa the traiftis conteinis the kindes of dittay, given up upon them, quhilk is fwa called, bccaufc it is committed to the traift, faith, and crediteof theClerAesand Crowner j quhagiftheybetruftie, and faithful!, fuldnochtrcvcrtlc, dclcctc, change, oralterthefamin. Jam. s. p. 6. c- 28. TRIBULA, Leb. "Burg, cap- Sihomo\6. Ane Flailequhair-with corn isthrefljen, .ydierendo, quodfrumentumterat. LikeasTriiHfHfiscallcd ane thrificll, and Tr/iHfHmancPeftcll, quhair-withfpices, oronyurher thing is brayed inane morter; Barbara magis quam Lalin^ , fecundim nfitatum verfum h pueris in fcholis decantatum : T ribiilus threfiill,la fiaill, ium qiioqite peflell. TUERNAY, Qjiid/tr, valdeambigo, htc aliorum avid^ expeSo ju. In the Burrow lawes- C tocnaflb.aucll, as in the Englifli lawes, be giving of pledges, baith bee the perfewer and defendar, bctorcthc jufticc and his deputes. The perfewerisfaid, vadi- areduellum: fiuhen after leave atked and obtained from the Kingj hcc offeristo proovcin pl.-iinc ficld,al to be trew, qumkhcaffirmis, 5c to that effeft, ofFcrisancwad or pledge: Andthcdcfcnaavisundcrftandt02niit»attitch,c.nbi4lnjti. 'fum bot is fharplic puniflicd with ane grievous fync , or be banifhmcnt orprifon. Ug.forefi. c.9i- Quhilk isconjprme to the lawcsofEngland. ^nno 9 «e»r 2- c- Botbethe difpofition of the Forrcltlawcs.itis leafumtoancErlc, Bifhop, orBarronc, cummand ovreturnand, throw theKinacsFoircft , at his command , to take ane , or twa beaftes, be the fichtofthe forrcsfter.gifhcbe prefent: and uthcrwaics he fall blow ane home, that he appcarc nocht to take the famin thieftcounic.feP0./ref?.c.9o. VERD vert, from the latinewri* ; ane word ufcd in Charters andinfeftmentes, andalfo in the Englifb lawes quhah it is called Grene- hue and fignlHes power to cut grccne trees or wood. And being commit- tedbethemquhabesnocht power todoetbc famine, ispunilhcd bethe forefters or vierders, quha arc called nriiferi;, in the Lawes of Norman- kiridam die and England. Bethe auldlaw ofthisB.e.ilmcallfortcftcicommonly nerteined tithe King! and the right of Forellarie , wasnivenanddlfpo- ned in thir wotdes, i» libiramfircpm. as is exponed m the word Aorejlx. Andancofthepriviledgesor liberties, thatisfole/ixi/etitnili. licence to hew or cutte grccne wood, was granted bcehcKinjbeinfctlcmcnr. and difpofition contcinand Veil a^hilk Wng maygrantewith- in his haill forreft . or onic pan thereof, to onie petfon tor fewell, or yre. bigoing. or for onic uther particular ufc. quhilk perfon may nocht abufe thifaidforreftorwood. afterhisawin appetite and will, botatthefighc . ... . _ n.._ ..J ; nr acmvfiino rn rh^ ?hdikefo;m.isnredinthedailypraflieque,quhenJeiudgeorelerk._^^ *'aSL°frfottrrd"^ the mouthof the “ onhilk forme and manner fet down, and limitace in his infeftemente and gift, as furaiift**. Y'*re hcthagiam.ln latinc,, Bipn/cm. di eccoris, is quhair an tenenthesrightgiven to him o the feiding.giallmo, or paftouringot his cattcl within ane park or onie uther ground inclofcd. VEREDlCTUMxJIf/x.oid.Prefortilx!, vid Varda. VERGELT, an Saxon or Dutch word, from mr, id ijlvitvtl homo.ev all pceuitia five empeufatio, usvetgell fills is 30. kyc. and ane quoyach. lib uuaauuaue. 1 7. Or 3 3.kye. Slal. .ullen.e.dt. loioijM^ac 34. VILLEN AGUIM. a villam, sklavcrie or fervitude- lit. a. c.Coufequen. ^ **V1SNET[JM, fi^m the French word voifiu, nichtbour, quafivoifinetum orVicintliml. frommemaj, ane quha dwcllisnearc unto ane uther, or in the foure Italics about. Iromtbe quhilk cummis the French word, ufed in thcEnglilh lawes vicinage, and in the lawes ot this Realme, afiifa de vi- cineto, is ane affife of nichibours, or of the foure halfcs about, vid. afiija. •WHITSONDAYES fet. la. 2. p-i4-c.OrH’A/yoMdrfjyw making. la. 2. In the fiimin par. c.90. UthcrNvaics called Whitfotdpes ftylcs. Ouhilkii wet ccrcainc conftitutions and ftatutes quhilkisfvechaldcrs, bairh fpirituall and tcmporall , and fpcciallic conventes of AbbayCs , and religious places maid betwixt them 6c their tennentes before WhitfnndateSox^cu vice to be done to them, and better labouring of their landes, and pay. ment oftheir dcwtic. imhA'^. vid.v^mercUmentim vtd 'ToYt. ^ UNCTUM Vorcorum. fwincs fcamc or fames, leg. bnrg.c.fiquisf(temer ns. .alb uiigende, bccaufi: it is profitable for unftionesand fracenng. VOTH fienificsout-lawric,«r/ to the Kinges officiates, and quhair wic e vidTofchcoderach. IntliclawcsofFraocc, it is called quo verborumjlgnificatime. uther then to the king, befall have it 'n matter abouc expremed. And quhafoever dois uthcrwaics, andisattaynt, or convict thereof, hcfalbc imprifoned, andpay anefint arbitralltotheKing, and thedamnageto the partic.SiklikcbcthclawcsofEngland, the King fuld have the wrek or efeheit of the Tea, throwout the Rcalmc, Whailcs, and great fturgeons taken in the fea, or cls-quhair within the Realme. Except in ccrtainc places privilcdgedbethcKing. anno. ij.Edwayd.z. c. ii. UTLAGlUM, velvtlagatiHtn, outlawric, rebellion, difobcdicncc to thclawes, banifhmcnt, or forcfalcour. la. a.p. 6.c. 30. For gifthe King re- ftorcsexgratjtf, an man that is outlawed, or forefaltcd, he thereby reco¬ vers nocht his landes, bot be thegud will ofhir overlord, qniaforiffaSum. et HtUgaiionemil). Rex damnatisfoletremittere: «ecrtf»»eM id the Bruyfe, called King the Second : And infome buikesar called, ^4- tuta DavidRegis. Stat.Rob. i.fatuia Roberii Tertiji Statutes maid be King Robert the Third, Father to King l4»jej the Firft, quhilk as zic remainisiothe Rcgi- ftcrofthis Rcalmc. Leg.forefi. Eegej Ao»’e^4r/im; The. Lawes of Foveftes, quhairof the author is not knowento mcc. Jrer C4>»er'I/.p. for Parliament, and mairover be the number of the Parliament andchaptour. Derreites given bee the Lordcf of the SefGon and Counccll, arc allcad- ged be thedayc, moncth, and zeire of God, in the quhilk they are pronounced , and furatime bee the names of the perfewer and dc. fender. Ruhair onlc thing is written in the expofition ofanc wordc, quhilk may ferve for the declaration of ane uther, for efehewingof unproffitablc repetition, I remitte zow from thewordto ane uthcr.tewrf.ForWe. and fwa fee and read the expofition ofthc ane and the uther; for thereby ..a /XIV... mi!r inlrnl Ard. FINIS. AI r ■