» :«, x%. ,c/: ,'-*/' /''■ /;^-^^j LTBK.A^KY Theolo OF THE gieal Seminary, PRmCETON, N. J. Case, ^ '^5--^^Ll-r>- ^'-'/■.A2>^/.^Smi,nZr ^OOA;, ^ No. "m ''J/u^€rC(^^i^ / WOODWARD'S FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. ORIENTAL CUSTOMS. •PHILADELPHIA, APRIL, 1804. -i:» -ORIENTAL CUSTOMS: OR AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES, BY AN EXPLANATORY APPLICATION ~ OF THE CUSTOMS AND MANNERS OF THE EASTERN NATIONS, AND ESPECIALLY THE JEWS, THEPEIN ALLUDED TO. TOGETHER WITH OBSERVATIONS ON MANY ' DIFFICULT AND OBSCURE TEXTS, COLLECTED FROM THE MOST CELEBRATED TRAVELLERS, AND THE MOST EMINENT CRITICS. . SAMUEL ''BURDLR. I An obsolete cus^om, or some forgotten circumstance, opportunely adverted to, \% ill some- times restore its true- perspicuity and credit to a very incric.ite passive. . BISHOP LOWTH. PiiiiaDcIpljia rnlNTEU AND PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM W. WOODWARD, No. 52, CORNEii OF SECO^ID AND CHESNUT STREETS, ISO-i. PREFACE. OUR estimation of the holy scriptures should be proportionable to their importance and excellence. That ignorance of spiritual things, which is so natural to all men, demonstrates their necessity ; and the happy influence which they have upon the mind in seasons of adversity and distress, proves their value and utility. They are admirably adapted to our circumstances, as they present us with a complete system of truth and a perfe6l rule of condu6l, and thus make those who properly understand them nvise unto sal- 'V at ion. But whatever relates either to faith or to prac- tice, was delivered in ages very distant from the present, in places very remote from the spot which we inhabit, and by persons of habits and manners materially different from those with which we are familiar. General and permanently established usages, to which persons conformed themselves from earlv infancv, must have had a strons: hold of the mind, and would greatly influence the turn VI PREFACE. of thought and the mode of expression. By these circumstances we must suppose the penman of the scriptures to have been affecled ; nor can we expe6l that a revelation comingfrom God, through themediumofmenoflikepassions with ourselves, should be divested of such peculiarities. This consideration, so far from disparaging divine re- velation, on the principle that it is more local than universal, in somemeasure serves to authenticate it; for though upon a superficial view of the sub- je6l, this circumstance may appear to give it such an aspe61, yet upon mature examination it will be found that if it contain those branches and ar- ticles of truth, which are of general application, and which are produ6l:ive of similar effecSls in distant ages and places, whatever local peculi- arities it may possess, remainconvincingand per- petual evidences of its credibility, while those cir- cumstances are known to have existed, or are in any measure retained by the eastern nations. If the credibility of the Bible be in any degree connedted with the customs which are therein recorded or alluded to, it is certainly very mate- rial to observe, that in the East the usages and habits of the people are invariable; many of those which are particularly observable in the scrip- tures continue to this day unaltered ; and doubt- less, manv things which are noticed as singu- larities of more recent establishment, may be traced back into ages now almost forgotten, the PREFACE. Vll distance of time and the remoteness of situation, being the only circumstances which obscure the connexion between the past and the present state of things. Thus many things shall revive which have fallen into decay ; multa renascentiu- qu(S jam cecidere. Horace. That the eastern customs remain unchanged is a fa6t that admits of no dojibt ; it is so incontestable, that the Baron de Montesquieu, in his Spirit of Laws, (b.xiv.c. 4.) has endeavoured to assign a natural cause for it. Sir John Chardin, from whose travels and manu- script papers many articles have been sele6led for the following work, adverting to his col- lections for the' illustration of the Bible, says, *' the language of that divine book (especially of the Old Testament) being oriental, and very often figurative and hyperbolical, those parts of scrip- ture which are written in verse, and in the pro- phecies, are full of figures and hyperboles, which, as it is manifest, cannot be well understood with- out a knowledge of the things from whence such figures are taken, which are natural properties smd particular manners of the countries to which they refer : I discerned this in my first voyage to, the Indies ; for I gradually found a greater sense and beauty in divers passages of scripture than I had before, by having in my view the things, either natural or moral, w hich explained them to me : and in perusing the different translations, which the greatest part of the translators of the Bible had made, I observed that every one of VUl PREFACE. them, (to render the expositions as they thought more intelligible) used such expressions aswould accommodate the phrase to the places where they wrote, which did not only many times per- vert the text, but often rendered the sense ob- scure, and sometimes absurd also. In fine, con- sulting the commentators upon such kind of pas- sages, I found very strange mistakes inthem; and that they had all along guessed at the sense, and did but grope (as in the dark) in the search of it; and from these refieelions I took a resolution to make my remarks upon many passages of the scripture, persuading myself that they would be equally agreeable and profitable for use. And the learned, to whom I communicated my design, en- couraged me very much (by their commendations) to proceed in it ; and more especially when I informed them, that it is not in Asia as in our Europe, where there are frequent changes, more or less in the form of things, as the habits, build- ings, gardens, and the like. In the East they are constant in all things : the habits are at this day in the same manner as in the precedent ages, so that one may reasonably believe, that in that part of the w^orld the exterior forms of things, (as their manners and customs) are the same now as they were two thousand years since, except in such changes as wlBj have been introduced by religion, which are nevertheless very inconsider- able." f Preface to Travels in Persia^ p. vi.) PREFACE. IX The language of the scriptures is highly figu- rative. It abounds with allusions and metaphors, and from this source obtains many of its beauties. The objefls of nature, and the manners of na- tions, are introduced to diversify and adorn the sacred page ; and many of the boldest and finest images, which are there to be found, are formed upon established customs. Such passages, when first delivered, were easily understood and fully comprehended, and came to the mind with an energy which gave them certain efFe6\. If a simi- lar influence do not accompany them to persons whose residence is in distant climes and ages, it is because they are unacquainted with such cir- cumstances as are therein alluded to, or because they suffer their own habits and manners to pre- possess the mind with disaffetSlion, to every thing discordant from its own particular and favourite modes. If we desire to understand the w^ord of God as it was originally revealed, we must not fail to advert to its peculiarities, and especially those of the description in question. It will be found absolutely impossible to develope the meaning of many passages, without recurring to the customs with which they are conne6led ; and these, when brought forward, will remove the ab- struseness which was supposed to attendthe sub- je6l, and give it a just and clear representation. The accumulated labours of biblical critics have succeeded in clearing up many difficulties ; B X PREFACE. but in some instances they have failed, and have left the inquirer bewildered and perplexed. The reason why they have not done better has been the want of a proper attention to oriental cus- toms. Commentators in general have not suf- ficiently availed themselves of the assistance of travellers into the East. It is but rarely that any materials are drawn from their journals to eluci- date the scriptures. The few instances which occur of this sort, discover how happily they may be explained by this method, and excite our sur- prise and regret at the negle6l of it. A spirit of inquiry and research seems to have animated those persons, who, during the two last centuries, exploredthe regions of the East. Many of them were men of considerable natural talents, acquired learning, and true religion. While they indulged a laudable curiosity in colle6ling infor- mation on general subje6ls, they did not negle6l sacred literature. By their industry the geogra- phy, natural history, religious ceremonies, and miscellaneous customs of the Bible and the eastern nations have been compared and ex- plained, and that essentially to the advantage of the former. But with regard to these writers it must be observed, that many excellent things of the kind here adverted to are only incidentally mentioned. Some observations which they have made are PREFACE. XI capable of an application which did not present itself to their minds; so that in addition to a num- ber of passages which they have professedly ex- plained, sele6l portions of their works may be brought into the same service. To colle6l these scattered fragments, and make a proper use of them, is certainly a laborious work : it has how- ever, been ably executed by the late Mr. Har- mer ; his Observations on divers Passages of Scripture are well known and highly esteemed. It must be acknowledged to his praise, that he led the way in this department of literature, and has contributed as much as any one man to dissemi- nate the true knowledge of many parts of holy writ. But his work is too copious for general uti- lity : it will never fail to be read by the scholar ; but it cannot be expelled that the generality of christians can derive much benefit from that, which from its extent is almost inaccessible to many persons, it must also be admitted that some of the subjects which are there discussed may be dispensed with, as not being of much interest or importance. The style is sometimes prolix, and difficult of conception, and the ar- rangement is certainly capable of improvement. On the whole, the book would be more valuable if it were more sele6l in its subje6ls and com- pressed in its language. This obje