Wa.\io Selc^eM Pva^tt TOW rS835 FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF XMvfaicm Sectloaj 8061 'l2-NVr'iVd •soig paoiABO :iHi THE fl/iRTroRD ^Ef^iN^R^ Record ISSUED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE FACULTY l^artforD Cl^eologtcal Seminary PUBLISHED QUARTERLY Vol. XXI. No. 4. — October, 1911 CONTEWTS Editorials .... Contributed Articles The Beginning of the Peace Movement Hindu Asceticism, and Modem Prof. C. M. Geer Prof. W. S. Pratt PAGE 221 227 T Studies Among Recent Hymn Books .... In the Book World ^ ' "'^" Davis, Dictionary of the ^\h\Q— Jordan, Deuteronomy — A^'np- Early Religious Poetry of the Hebrews — i5rtr/^«, ^oh — Cumont Oriental Religions — Ct7^;)^'r, The Bible in Modern Life — 6^r^x/ Historic Christ in the Faith of Todid^y — Brown, History of the English Bible — Forsyth, The Person and Place of Jesus Christ — From the Rabbis to ^\ix\sX — Evjen, Luthem Germany— (J/c^- den. The Labor Question — ^ar>^^r, Cash and Credit — ^^'jri7«^t, The Pedagogics of Preaching— i^'^^^r/- son. The Glorv of the Ministry — ^V/Zr, The Gospel in Both Worlds — /«^a/A, The Church and Her Prophets— 6>^ 525-567 ; C, 659 ; D, 411; E, 488. The average size, then, is only 535, as against 755 in the previous series — a proportion of about two to three. Taken together, the five books contain about 1,275 different hymns and translations, of which nearly 300 were not included in the sixteen earlier books. This means that 1,900 of the hymns presented before 1900 are not perpetuated by these newer books. In all, there are 441 known authors represented, of which 301 are English and 140 apparently American — without reckoning some 57 " anonymous " hymns. About 950 hymns * As in the former study, in order to avoid complications, no statistics are included regarding hymnals specificallv belonging to other denomina- tions, although, of course, several important books suggest themselves. Thus, in the period before 1900 appeared the official "Hymnal" of the Protestant Episcopal Church (1892), and the Baptist "Sursum Corda" (1808); and, in the recent period falls " The Methodist Hymnal " (1905). Although these, too, have been studied in detail, the statistics here given do ot include them. Recent Hymn-Books 267 (75 P^^ cent.) appear to be of English origin, and about 325 of American. The proportion of the latter, therefore, is slightly larger than in the previous period. About half of the new entries (not in the earlier books) are American. The proportion of hymns from before 1800 is now only about 18 per cent., as against about 33 per cent, in the earlier books. This means that about 715 of the hymns now omitted are those of the 18th century or earlier, while only about a dozen of these early hymns are now added to the list. If we ask, How many hymns are repeated from book to book in this recent series, and how many are more or less peculiar to one or two books? we find the following figures: — In all five books, 130 In four books, 94 In three books, 153 In two books, 293 In but one book, 598 (A, 193 ; B, 78 ; C, 157 ; D, 71 ; E, 99) It is noticeable that B and C have no less than 400 hymns in common. The other pairs of books average but 245 in common. A question somewhat related to the foregoing is as to the number and proportion of the hymns in these books when graded according to their commonness or rarity in the earlier series of books. The following table gives a hint of the trend of editorial opinion as compared with that of the previous period : — A B C D £ In 13-16 earlier books, 121 (22%) 198 (35^) 204 (31%) 122(30$) 124(2550 In 9-12 do., 76 (14^) 152 (27?) 158(24%) 82 (20$) 94(i9«) In 5-8 do., 71 (13%) 107 (19^) 150(23%) 83 (20%) fb(iS5t) In 1-4 do., 100(18$) 72(i3$«) 108 (16^) 80 (19%) lOI (2\%) In none of them, 178(33%) 38 ( 1%) 39 ( 6%) 44 (11%) 83(17%) (The percentages in each case are derived from the total size of the book in question.) Decidedly interesting is the distribution by date of the hymns now presented for use, since here it appears that there is a marked tendency to change the balance from that which obtained in the previous period. A summary of the statistics runs thus: — ABODE From before 1700, 9(1.6%) 9(1.6%) 11(1.7%) 15(3.6%) 16(3.3%) From 1700-29, 18(3.3%) 46(8.1$) 46(7.0%) 11(2.7%) 18(3-7%) From 1730-59. 24(4.4%) 46(8.1%) 54(8.2%) 24(5.8%) 26(5.3$) From 1760-99, 23(4.2%) 50(8.8$) 55(8.3%) 23(5.6%) 28(5.7$) From 1 8c 0-29, 39 (7.1%) 66(11.6%) 86(13.0%) 42(10.2%) 41(8.3$) From 1830-59, 171(31.3%) )76(3i.o%) 213(322%) 133(323%) 160(32.8%) From 1860-89. 2 [6 (39.6$) 153 (26 9%) 183 (27 7$) 143 (35 0$) 173 (35.5%) From 1890- . 46(8.4$) 21(3.7$) 11(1.7%) 20(4.9%) 26(5.3$) 268 Hartford Seminary Record For comijarison, the averages of the previous series of sixteen books are subjoined : From before 1700, From 1700-34, From 1738-63, From 1764-99, From 1800-29, From 1830-59, From i860- , 18 ( 2.5^) 81 (ii.i^) 77 (10.4^) 74 ( 9-9^) 112 (14.9^) 237 (31-3^) 155 (19 9%) Any comparison between the number of hymns taken by the two series of books from individual hymnists is apt to be mis- leading, because in so many cases the older collections were much larger than these recent ones. Still, for what they may suggest, the data are here given regarding the more prominent writers (arranged approximately in chronological order) : — In 5 New Books In x6 Old Books Lowest and highest A B C D E Aver. • number Aver. Watts 13 38 41 7 15 23 44 to 129 75 Wesley, J. 2 I 5 2 3 3 I ♦• 6 5 Wesley, C. 13 25 27 14 12 18 22 " 41 3a Doddridge 8 II 12 5 9 9 13 " 31 18 Steele 2 3 5 2 2 3 I " 21 10 Newton 4 II II 3 7 7 9 •• 30 14 Cowper 3 7 6 5 6 5 7 " II 9 Montgomery 8 16 25 10 II 14 19 •' 34 36 Kelly I 5 8 8 3 5 5 " 25 11 Heber 8 7 9 8 8 8 7 " 15 10 Elliott, C. 4 5 10 5 3 5 3 ** 14 7 Bowring 3 4 5 I 2 3 " 8 5 Lyte 6 6 II 3 7 7 7 " 17 II Keble 6 3 3 3 3 4 2 " 7 4 Monsell 8 9 7 4 10 8 " 18 7 Neale 8 18 21 19 10 15 5 " 35 20 Bonar 14 16 21 13 9 15 9 " 30 19 Alexander, C. F. 3 6 6 5 6 5 " 8 5 Faber 8 11 8 5 9 8 5 *' 16 9 Bickersteth 3 5 4 3 4 4 •• 7 3 Caswall 7 4 6 3 5 5 2 •• 16 9 How 10 6 8 9 14 9 I " 15 8 Baker I 3 4 5 2 3 I " II 6 Winkworth 6 6 8 7 9 7 2 *• 37 13 Ellerton 7 5 9 8 12 8 *• 13 6 Thring 5 4 8 9 7 7 " 12 5 Wordsworth 4 7 9 7 5 6 I " 13 7 Havergal 5 II 12 10 7 9 •• 14 5 Bryant 2 3 a 3 3 3 *' 6 3 Hastings — 4 3 — 2 2 2 '• 14 6 Palmer 6 6 4 3 7 5 4 " 27 11 Whittier 15 — 2 2 6 6 •• 8 3 As shedding light upon the trend of editorial opinion at the present time, as compared with that of a decade or so earlier, it will be of interest to give a list of the hymns that are found in dl Recent Hymn-Books 269 the recent books with the number of books in which they appeared in the previous series. The full list is as follows : — Abide with me ; fast falls the eventide All hail the power of Jesus' name All praise to Thee, my God, this night Art thou weary, art thou languid Brightest and best of the sons of the morning Come,Thou almij^hty King Father, whate'er of earihly bliss From Greenland's icy mountains Glorious things of thee are spoken Guide me, O I'hou great Jehovah Hark ! the herald-ancels smg Holy, holy, holy ! Lord God Almighty How firm a foiindation, ye saints of the Lord I heard the voice of Jesus say •I love Thy kin>jdoin, Lord Jerusalem the golden 1e8u», 1 my cross have taken Jesus, Lovc-r of my soul Jesus shall reign where'er the sun ♦Jesus, these eyes have never seen •Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts Joy to the world ! the Lord is come Just as I am, without one plea Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom Love divine, all loves excelling ♦My faith looks up to Thee My God and Father, while I stray Nearer, my (iod, to Thee O day of rest and gladness ♦O where are kin^s and empires now O worship the King O God, our Help in ages past Rock of ages, cleft for me Saviour, breathe an evening blessing ♦Softly now the light of day Sun of my soul. Thou Saviour dear Ten thousand times ten thousand The Church's one foundation The Son of God goes forth to war Thy wav, not mine, O LfTd When all Thy mercies, O my God When I survey the wondrous Cross Awake, my soul, and with the sun Blest be the tie that binds Come, ye thankful people, come Father, I know that all my life Hail to the Lord's Anointed Hark, hark ! my soul ; angelic songs are swelling How gentle God's commands In heavenly love abiding ♦My country, 'tis of thee New every morning is the love O for a closer walk with God ♦O God, beneath Thy guiding hand O Jesus, Thou art standing Onward, Christian soldiers Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed Saviour, again to Thy dear name •Stand up, stand up for Jesus Crown Him with many crowns For all Thy saints who from their labors rest Go, labor on, spend and be spent In the Cross of Christ I glory •It came upon the midnight clear ♦Lord of all being, throned afar My God, how wonderful Thou art Now thank we all our God Now the day is over O mother dear Jerusalem Werusalem, my happy home ord of God Incarnate Lytc 1847 In 16 books Perronet 1780 before 1900 Ken 1688 Neale 1862 Heber 1811 ? '75- Steele 1760 Heber 1823 Newton 1779 Williams 177a Wesley «7?9 Heber .827 ) 1787 Bonar 1846 Dwight 1800 tr. Neale .8s> Lyte Wesley 1824 1740 Watts 1719 Palmer 1858 tr. Palmer 1858 Watts 1719 Elliott 1836 Newman 1834 Wesley «747 Palmer 1831 Elliott 1834 Adams 1841 Wordsworth 1862 Coxe 1839 Grant '833 Watts 1719 Toplady 1776 Edmeston 1820 Doane 1824 Keble i8«7 Alford 1867 Stone i86t Heber 1827 Bonar 1857 Addison 1712 Watts 1707 Ken 1695 In 15 books Fawcelt 1782 Alford 1844 Waring 1850 Montgomery 1822 Faber 1854 Doddridge I7S5 Waring 1850 Smith 1843 Keble 1827 Cowper 177a Bacon 1845 How 1867 Baring-Gould 1865 Auber 1829 EUerton 1868 Duffield 1858 Bridges 185 1 In 14 book How 1864 Bonar 1843 Bowring 1825 Sears 1850 Holmes 1848? Faber 1848 tr. Winkworth 1858 Baring-Gould 1865 F. B. P. 1700 How 1867 ( American hymns are marked with an asterisk. ) 270 Hartford Seminary Record Our day of praise is done The day is past and over The day of Resurrection •The morning light is breaking Lord, when we bend before Thy throne O come, all ye faithful O God, the Rock of A^es Rejoice, the Lord is Kmg Ride on, ride on in majesty Soldiers of Christ, arise Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go All people that on earth do dwell Angels from the realms of glory As with gladness men of old •Christ for the world we sing Christian, dost thou see them Hark ! the glad sound ! the Saviour comes O Lord of heaven and earth and sea ♦O Love Divine, that stooped to share One there is above all others Souls of men, why will ye scatter There's a wideness in God's mercy Was there ever kindest Shepherd The golden gates are lifted up The eternal gates lift up their heads The King of Love my Shepherd is The sands of time are sinking When morning gilds the skies Eternal Father, strong to save •Immortal Love, for ever full The strife is o'er, the battle done We give Thee but Thine own ♦Fling out the banner ! let it float Lord of our life and God of our salvation O God of Bethel, by whose hand Jesus, I have promised ♦O Master, let me walk with Thee T here is a green hill far away Through the night of doubt and sorrow A.11 glory, laud and honor Come unto Me, ye weary In the hour of trial •A mighty fortress is our God Fatner, again in lesus' name we meet Fight the good fight with all thy might F-r the beauty of the earth Peace, perfect peace Every morning mercies new Reioice, ye pure in heart Spirit of God, descend upon my heart *0 little town of Bethlehem Take my life and let it be When the weary, seeking rest Beneath the Cross of Jesus •Break Thou the bread of life 1 am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus My God, I thank Thee, who hast made Standing at the portal The Lord be with us as we bend Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go Lord, speak to me, that I may speak O Love that will not let me go Ellerton 1869 In 17 books tr. Neale 1853 tr. Neale 1863 Smith X831 Carlyle 1802 In 13 books tr. Oakeley 1852 Bickersteth 1867 Wesley 1746 Milman 1827 Wesley 1749 Faber i85» Kethe 1560 In la books Montgomery 1816 Dix 1861 Wolcott 1872 tr. Neale 1862 Doddridge 1745 Wordsworth 1863 Holmes 1859 Newton 1779 Faber 1854 • Alexander 1858 Baker 1868 Cousin 1857 tr. Caswall 1854 Whiting 1861 In II books Whittier 1856 tr. Pott 1861 How 1864 Doane 1848 ? In 10 books tr. Pusey 1840 Doddridge 1745 Bode 1869 Gladden 1879 Alexander isls tr. Baring-Gould 1867 tr. Neale 1854 111 9 books Dix 1867 Montgomery 1853 tr. Hedge 1852 In 8 books Whitmore 1824 Monsell 1863 Pierpoint 1864 Bickersteth 1876 Phillimore 1863 In 7 books Plumptre 1865 Croly 1854 Brooks 1868 In 6 books Havergal 1878 Bonar 1867 Clephane 1872 In 5 books Lathbury 1884 Havergal 1878 Procter 1858 Havergal 1874 Ellerton 1871 Elliott E. 1870 Wesley 1749 In 4 books Havergal 1874 Matheson 1883 In 3 books To these may well be added a list of those hymns that appear in four out of five of the new hymnals, as follows : — Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve Before Jehovah's awful throne Doddridge Watts 1755 In 16 books 1719 Recent Hymn-Books 271 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds ieiius, the very thought of Thee [y dear Redeemer and my Lord My soul, be on thy Kuard •O Kacred Head, now wounded Rejoice, all ye believers While Thee I seek, protecting Power Come, let us join our cheerful songs God moves in a mysterious way Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Praise to (jod. immortal praise Sleep thy last sleep The Spirit breathes upon the word A glory Kilds the sacred pape While shepherds watched their flocks Bread of the world, in mercy broken Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove Come, ye disconsolate Forward ! be our watchword God is love ! His mercy brightens Hark! my s