J72 o '^^-^t-r from f3e £i6rart of (pxofcBBox ^c^mud (UtifTer in (JUcmorp of 3ubgc ^amucf (Utiffer (grecfttnrib^e (preecnfcb 6p ^amuef (miffer (grcclltnnbge Eong to f3e feifirarp of (prtnceton tgeofogtcaf ^eminarj / 35 / A CRITICAL HISTORY ' OF THE <^M^^^. Athanasian Creed. Representing the OPINIONSof ANTIENTS AND MODERNS CONCERNING IT: IP'kh an Account of the Manuscripts, Versions, and Comments, and fuch other particulars as are of moment for the determining the Age, and Author, and Value oj ity and the Time of its Reception in the Chrijiian Churches. By D A N I E L WATERLAND. D. D. Chancellor of the Church of YORK, mdchdpUin iu ordinary to His MAJESTY. CAMBRIDGE, Printed at the University Press for Corn. Crown- field, Printer to the University: And are to be fold by J.Knapton, R. Knaplock, W. andT.lNNYS Bookfellers in LONDON. 1724. . .N^>i^y>f -4 .■ ^'v To His GRACE, The lord ARCHBISHOP O F YORK, Primate of ENGLAND and Metropolitan. My Lord, ^^^^g|AM dellrous of fending thefe Pa- pers abroad under your Grace's Name, in confidence you will be a Patron to Them, as you have been to the Author. I would g'jg ^^-Q^js^^m^i^ make their way Ihort and eafy to the pnhlick Efteem? by introducing them firft into your ^ G R A c e's The Dedication. Grace's Acquaintance, and good Opinion: Which if they have once the Honour to ob • tain, I may then be allured that they will be both ufeful to the World, and acceptable with ^Xgood Men\ the Height of my Ambition. THE SuhjeB-i my Lord, is the Athanafian Creeds the moft accurate Syftem of the /Itha- nafiam that is, the Chri/lian Faith : Of which your G R A c E is, by your Station and Chara- d:er, by Duty and Office, and, what is more, by Inclination and Principle, and real Servi- ces, the watchiul Guardian^ and Preferver. THE K^ppy Fruits of it are vifible in the How and inconfiderable Progrefs that th^Nevj Hercfy has been able to make within your Pro- 'Vince; where it died, in a manner, as it firft arofe, and no fooner began to lift up its Head, but funk down again in Shame and Coiifu- Hoii: As if the Plenty of good Seed fowh had left The Dedication. left no room for Tares^ or They could take no root in a Soil fo well Cultivated, WHILE your G r A c e is promoting the Honour and Jnterefts of our Holy Faith,, in the Eminent Way? by the Wifdom of your Counfelsy the Authority of your Precepts:^ and the Brightnels of your High Example ; I am endeavouring, in fuch a way as I can? to con- tribute fomething to the fame Common Caufey tho' it be but {light and fmall? tho' it be only reviewing the Fences^ and furveying the Outvjorkr^ which is the moft I pretend to in the Htfimry h/^xc prefentad. WHAT Advantage Others may reap from the Public ation-iWiW remain in fufpence: But I am fure of .Qi^€ to my Je/f(^nd I lay hold of it with a great deal of pleafure) The Opportunity I thereby have of returning my puhlick Thanks to ypur Cjjiacp. for your puhlick Favors. Thor The Dedication. Tho' This, my Lord^ is but a fcanty Expreffion for them, and far fliort, where the engaging Manner and CircumJlanceS', known but to Fevj^ and not to be underftood by Many^ make fb confiderable an Addition in the whole, and almoft double the Obligation upon My LOR'D. Tour G R A C E V pioji obl'tgedy tnoft dutiful. and tnoft obedient Humble Servant, Daniel ^atbrland. THE PREFACE WHAT I here frefent the Reader n}jithy nxiJl not require much Preface. 7he Introdudion intimatep the Dcfign, and Ufe, and Partition of the Work, 7he Appendix, nji)hich is an additional Inlargement heyond my firfi Dejigfiy gives account of it felf. I fuhjoin Two Indexes, for the Eafe and Convenience offuch Perfons as may he difpofed, not only to read thefe Sheet Sy hut to Jludy the SuhjeB, I Jhould fcarce iave thought of making Indexes to fo /mail a Treatife, had I not found the like in Tentzelius, ufon the fame SuhjeBy and to a /mailer TraB than This is. His 80, or 5j?o, I /hall not dif- pute it nrith Him, nor doth any thing very material depend upon it : But if any good reafon can be given for taking fome other year rather than 570, i Jljall iwtnediately acquiefce in it, > I {hall The PREFACE. i fhall mention one Inffance more, ^-ajhere the Compafs of Time is not near fo ^ide. In fixi7ig the Date of one of the Pieces of Ratram, 'vjhich 1 refer to in page 21, 1 guide my Jelf by the PoTitifcate of Pope Nicholas /. ^who fat in the See from 858 to 867 : And fo I place Ratram /;2 ^<5 4i v.pon prohahle prefumption^^o^hich may fuffice. But if it he certain that Pope NichoLisV Letter to the Gallican Bijhops lore date fo loio as S6y (nvhich I have fince found reafon to believe) then Ratram ought to he placed rather in 8