PRESENTED TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BY JVLps. Alexander Ppoudfit. f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 V MAP lo iUiiHii.i!<- ISLAM THE MOHAMMEDAN MISSIONARY PROBLEM. BY THE Rev. HENRY H. JESSUP, D.D., Fob Twenty-four Years Missionary in Syp.ia. PHILADELPHIA : PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, No. 1331 CHESTNUT STREET. Copyright, 1879, by THE TRUSTEES OP THE PRESBYTERIAN BOAED OF PUBLICATION. Westcott & Thomson, Stereotypers and Electrotypers, Philada . INTRODUCTORY NOTE. A discourse on “ The Mohammedan Mis- sionary Problem,” delivered before the Gen- eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, meeting at Saratoga Springs May 18, 1879, by the Moderator, the Rev. Henry H. Jessup, D. D., of Beirut, Syria, attracted general attention, and awakened a desire on the part of many to have it in print. In compliance with this demand, and at the request of the Presbyterian Board of Publication, Dr. Jessup has rewritten and enlarged the dis- course, and the result is here given to the jiublic. PREFACE. This little treatise does not profess to be an exhaustive statement of the relations of Islam and Christianity. It is a mere out- line. It is published in deference to the earnest request of friends who have thought it worth preserving in a permanent form. The map accompanying this volume is taken from that printed in Stobart’s Islam, published by the Christian Knowledge So- ciety. The green shading has been ex- tended over parts of China not marked in the original, to indicate the existence of four millions of Moslems in that empire. This is the only correction made in this map, for which I would express very great obligations to Principal Stobart. 6 PREFACE. The Arabic pronunciation of the name of the founder of Islam requires that the English word be written Muhammad, but I have followed the ordinary spelling, Mo- hammed. It is unfortunate that Stobart, following Irving, should have adopted a form of the name so utterly wrong as “ Mahomet,” The number of Mohammedans in the world is given in this work as one hun- dred and seventy-five millions. Mr. Keith Johnston estimates it as follows : In Europe 5,974,000 In Africa 50,416,000 In Asia 112,739,000 Total ..169,129,000 It does not probably vary far from one hundred and seventy or one hundred and seventy-five millions. Inquiry is often made for the best books on Mohammedanism. The following is a list of the more important : PREFACE. 7 1. Introductory Essay of Sale’s Koran: Lippincott. 2. The Preface and Notes of Rodwell’s Koran: Williams & Norgate, London. 3. Sir William Muir’s Life of Mohammed : London. 4. Stobart’s Islam and its Founder: Chris- tian Knowledge Society. 5. Dr. Sprenger’s Life of Mohammed: Allahabad, 1851. 6. Dr. Pfander’s Mezan el Hoc : Church Missionary Society, London. 7. Irving’s Life of Mahomet. 8. Lane’s Modern Egyptians. 9. P. Boswortli Smith’s Mohammed and Mohammedanism : Harpers. 10. Rev. T. P. Hughes’s Notes on Mo- hammedanism. 11. Osborn’s Islam under the Arabs: Longmans, Green & Co. 12. The Coran, Sir William Muir : Chris- tian Knowledge Society. PREFACE. 13. Dr. Hamlin’s Among the Turks : Robert Carter & Brother. 14. Burton's Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Mecca : Putnam & Co. 15. Clark’s The Arabs and the Turks: Dockl & Mead. 16. Rev. T. Milner’s Turkish Empire : Religious Tract Society, London. 17. Report of Conference on Foreign Mis- sions, , Mildmay, 1878. J. F. Sliaw & Co., London. 18. The Trident, the Crescent and the Cross, Vaughan. Longmans, London. 19. Islam and Christianity, J. M. Arnold. Longmans. 20. Christianity and Islam, Stephens. See also the list of authorities in the preface to Boswortli Smith’s Mohammed. The works of Syed Ahmed Khan Balm- dor and Syed Ameer Ali are an attempt at a refutation of Sir William Muir’s indict- ment of Mohammedanism, written by Mos- lems. There is a great assumption of learn- PREFACE. 9 ing and a sophistical defence of the Koranic teachings with regard to slavery, polygamy, divorce and the degradation of woman. The multiplication of books on this sub- ject shows its growing importance. It is our earnest hope and prayer that this revival of interest in the historical, theolog- ical and ethical bearings of Islamism may result in a new practical interest in the spir- itual welfare of the Mohammedan nations. It is high time for the Christian Church to ask seriously the question whether the last command of Christ, “ Preach the gos- pel to every creature,” concerns the one hundred and seventy-five millions of the Mohammedan world. HENRY H. JESSUP. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. A. D. 570. Birth of Mohammed, at Mecca. 590. Gregory I. becomes bishop of Borne. 597. Mission to the Saxons in Britain. 609. Mohammed proclaims his pretensions. 622. The Hejra, or flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina. 632. Death of Mohammed. 632. Abu Bekir, first caliph or successor of Mohammed. 636. Capture of Jerusalem by the caliph Omar. 640. Capture of Alexandria by Omar. 711. Tharyk crosses the straits from Africa to Europe, and calls the mountain Jebel Tharyk (Gibraltar). 732. Battle of Tours ; Abd-er-Bahman defeated by Charles Martel ; Western Europe saved from becoming Mos- lem. 786. Haroun er-Bashid, caliph of Baghdad. 1063. Alp Arslan, Seljukian Turkish prince. I oil!? Beign of Othman, founder of the Ottoman dynasty. 1326. ° ’ J J 1452. Perfection of art of printing in Mentz by Guttenburg, Faust and Schceffer. 10 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 11 1453. Capture of Constantinople by Mohammed II. ; exodus of Greek scholars to Southern Europe. 1492. Discovery of America by Columbus. 1492, July 2. Boabdil (or Abou Abdallah) defeated by Fer- dinand at Granada ; end of Moslem rule in Spain. 1517. Ottoman sultan Selim I. conquers Egypt, wrests the caliphate from the Arab line of Koreish through Motawekkel Billah, and transfers it to the Ottoman sultans ; Ottoman caliphate never acknowledged by Persian or Moorish Moslems. 1683. Final check of Turks at gates of Vienna by John Sobieski, king of Poland, Sept. 12; Eastern Europe saved from Moslem rule. 1856. End of Crimean War; Treaty of Paris; European agreement not to interfere in domestic affairs of Turkey. 1878. Treaty of Berlin; independence of Bulgaria secured; Anglo-Turkish Treaty ; England occupies Cyprus — agrees to defend the frontier of Asiatic Turkey against Russia, on condition that the sultan exe- cute fundamental reforms in Asiatic Turkey. CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM COMPARED The Aggressive Command. The Motto. The Treatment of Enemies. “ Go ye into all tlie world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark xvi. 15. “Fight thou against them until they pay tribute by right of subjection, and they he reduced low.” Koran, chap. ix. 29. “ There is one God and one Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Tim. ii. 5. “ There is no God hut God, and Mo- _ hammed is his apostle.” “ Love your enemies.” Matt. v. 44. “ O Lord of all creatures ! O Allah ! destroy the infidels and polytheists, thine enemies, the enemies of the religion! Give them and their families, their women, their children, etc., as booty to the Moslems, O Lord of all creatures!” _ — Mohammedan Missionary Prayer. 12 THE MOHAMMEDAN MISSIONARY PROBLEM. T tlie beginning of tlie seventh century there occurred two events of momentous importance. Though geographically remote from each other, and not often associated in the mind of the Christian student, they were providentially related in the most intimate manner, as bearing upon the welfare of the race and the future development of Christ’s kingdom in the world. One was the rise of the Mohammedan re- lio-ion — the other the Christianization of the o Saxon race in Britain. It is the purpose of the writer in the following pages to show the evident plan and providence of God in the past, present and 13 14 THE MOHAMMEDAN future relations of the Anglo-Saxon Chris- tian race to the Mohammedan world. God has been preparing Christianity for Islam ; he is now preparing Islam for Christianity. The Roman power and the Greek language prepared the way for the coming of Christ and the giving of the gos- pel to the world. Anglo-Saxon power and the Arabic language, the sacred language of the Koran, are preparing the way for giving the word of Christ, and Christ the Word, to the millions of the Mohammedan world. The Mohammedan religion arose, in the providence of God, as a scourge to the idol- atrous Christianity and the pagan systems of Asia and Africa — a protest against poly- theism, and a preparation for the future con- version to a pure Christianity of the multi- tude who have fallen under its extraordinary power. The religion of Islam has been styled the “ quarantine of the nations,” and in the ap- prehension of Christian faith it must be re- MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 15 garded as a step in advance of all pagan systems, and yet falling far short of the morality and spirituality of the gospel, and destitute of any provision for human re- demption. When Gibbon declared that the Islamic motto, “ There is no God but God, and Mo- hammed is his apostle,” asserts an “eternal truth and an eternal lie,” he truly expressed its duplex and inconsistent character. Mohammed unfurled his standard in 622 a. d., when he fled from Mecca to El Medina (“the city”). This Hejra, or “flight,” is the beginning of the Mohammedan era. The religion of Islam spread rapidly over Arabia, and thence northward over Palestine and Syria. Ivhaled, the “ Sword of God,” captured the cities and towns of Syria ; ten thousand Christian churches were either destroyed or converted into Mohammedan mosques. The cities of Syria and Palestine to-day are filled with mosques whose archi- tecture betrays their Christian origin. The 16 THE MOHAMMEDAN splendid mosque of Amweli, in Damascus, was the church of St. John the Baptist ; the mosque of Aksa in Jerusalem was the church of J ustinian ; and the world-re- nowned mosque of Constantinople was the church of Agia Sophia. Sweeping into Africa, the scimitar of the Moslems carried the Koran into Egypt, far up the Nile, across Northern Africa to Tunis, Algiers and Morocco ; and in 711 a. d. the Mohammedan general Tliaryk crossed the Straits into Europe, and called the great rock on the northern side, from his own name, Jebel Tliaryk, “mountain of Tliaryk,” now called, by a corruption of the Arabic words, Gibraltar. In twenty-one years the Moslems had subjugated Spain, but in 732 their progress into France was checked by Charles Martel, who in the battle of Poictiers defeated the invading army and saved Western Europe from becoming a Mohammedan province. The history of the Arabs in Spain is too MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 17 familiar to need more than a mere allusion, but it is a significant coincidence in history that in the year 1492 — the very year in which Columbus discovered America, and thus opened a new field for the growth and development of that christianized Anglo-Sax- on race which w T as destined to wield so mighty an influence upon the future of the Mo- hammedan nations — Ferdinand overthrew the last Spanish Mohammedan army at the gates of Granada, and the Moslems were driven back into Africa. In the following century it was a common proverb in Spain, “As hard to find as Mohammed in Spain,” showing that the Moslem occupation of more than seven hundred years in Spain was at an end for ever. Turning northward from Arabia, the political and literary power of Islam reached its highest glory in Baghdad under the Caliphs. This was the golden age of Arabic literature. The Caliphs used their wealth and power in translating into Arabic the best classics of Greece. Translations of 2 18 THE MOHAMMEDAN Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates and Euclid and other authors into Arabic found their way down the Mediterranean iuto Spain and France; and there are in the University Library of Paris more ancient Arabic manuscripts than can be found in the whole Turkish empire. The armies of the Prophet by rapid con- quests subdued in turn Persia and Afghan- istan, aud overran a large part of India. Thence they moved on through Central Asia into China ; and to-day there are four millions of Moslems in China, of whom two hundred thousand live in Peking, the capital of the Flowery Kingdom. A new factor now appeared in history. The Tartar Turks, a pagan race from Cen- tral Asia, conquered the empire of the Arab caliphs, and were conquered by its religion ; they became Mohammedans. Then began the struggle between the rising Ottoman power and the tottering empire of the Greeks. Step by step, the Turks pushed MISSIONAB Y PR OB LEM. 19 the Greeks to the westward, and in the year 1453, Mohammed II. unfurled the standard of the Prophet on the towers of Constantino- ple. In the previous year (1452) the art of printing was perfected by Guttenburg, Faust and Schoeffer, preparing the way for the re- vival of letters. The capture of Constanti- nople in 1453 threw the Greek scholars of the East into a panic at the advance of the infidel host, and not a few of them fled to Southern Europe, bearing with them the Greek language, Greek literature and the Greek New Testament. Many were appoint- ed professors in the universities of Italy and Southern Europe, and thus awakened an in- terest in the study of the Greek and prepared the way for the development of Bible study and the translation of the New Testament into the languages of Europe in the time of the Reformation. The Mohammedan Turkish power now attempted the conquest of Europe from the East, as the Mohammedan Moorish power 20 THE MOHAMMEDAN had tried it from the West. It was not un- til the year 1683 that the Turks were finally defeated on the 12th of September at the gates of Vienna by Sobieski, and the Mos- lems were driven back across the Danube. In the year 1878, by the terms of the Treaty of Berlin, and as the result of the Busso-Turkish war, the Turkish territory in Europe was narrowed down to a mere belt extending across from the Black Sea to the Adriatic, including East Boumelia (or Southern Bulgaria), Macedonia, Thessaly and Albania. The caliphate, or succession of Moham- med, belongs legally to the Arab family of Koreish, the family of the Prophet. In 1517 the Turkish sultan, Selim I., conquered Syria and Egypt, and brought with him to Constantinople Motawekkel Billah, the last titular caliph of the family of Abbas. From this descendant of Daliir Billah, the thirty- fifth caliph of Baghdad, Selim “procured the cession of his claims, and obtained the right MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 21 to deem himself the shadow of God upon earth. Since then the Ottoman padishah has been held to inherit the rights of Omar and Haroun, and to be the legitimate com- mander of the Faithful, and, as such, pos- sessed of plenary temporal and spiritual au- thority over the followers of Mohammed.”* The Persians and Moors, however, reject this claim, and at the close of the Russian war not a few even of the Arab muftis de- clared that the caliphate had been forfeited by the inglorious defeat of the Turks, and should now return to the Arab family of Koreish. The above is a brief epitome of the rise and geographical extension of the religion of Islam. It now extends from the Pacific Ocean at Peking to the Atlantic in Sierra Leone, over one hundred and twenty de- grees of longitude, embracing one hundred and seventy-five millions of followers. Its * Freeman : The Saracens, p. 158. 22 THE MOHAMMEDAN votaries are diverse in language, nationality and customs, embracing the more civilized inhabitants of Cairo, Damascus and Con- stantinople, as well as the wild nomad tribes of Arabia, Turkestan and the Sahara. The evangelization of these vast, organ- ized, fanatical and widely-extended masses of men is one of the grandest and most inspiring problems ever brought before the Church of Christ on earth. It is a work of surpassing difficulty, which will require a new baptism of apostolic wisdom and energy, faith and love. But He who sitteth on the throne, and with whom “ a thousand years are as one day,” will prepare the way in his own wise and gracious time. lie is already prepar- ing the way ; and it is our purpose to notice the remarkable interposition of the divine providence in raising up in the two great branches of the Anglo-Saxon Christian fam- ily, in Great Britain and the United States of America, the political, religious and ed- MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 23 ucational means and appliances which are tending to bring the Mohammedan world to Christ. We shall thus see how the Christianization of the Saxon race in Britain just at the time when the Mohammedan religion arose in the East was a divine plan, the remedy provided for the growing moral disorder, the “ rod blossoming” for future displays of the di- vine power as well as the divine love to man. This great Mohammedan problem lying before the Church of Christ in the imme- diate future, connected with its fulfillment of the great missionary commission of its divine Head for the world’s salvation, will tax the intellect, the faith, the wisdom, the zeal and the self-denial of the whole Church in every land. How are we to reach the one hundred and seventy-five millions of Mohammedans spread over one hundred and twenty degrees of longitude, from the Pacific in China to 24 THE MOHAMMEDAN the Atlantic in Sierra Leone, embracing vast nations speaking thirty different languages, with diverse climates, customs and traditions, yet unified and compacted by a common faith which has survived the shocks and conflicts of twelve hundred years? This problem is even now pressing itself as never before upon the attention of Chris- tian scholars and divines, and within a few years the literature of the subject has grown from a few standard and well-known books to a vast number of treatises, essays, papers and stately volumes, written in Germany, France, England, India and the United States, while the observations and testi- mony of missionaries and travelers have thrown a flood of light upon the moral, religious and theological, as well as the civil and political, status of this mighty system. It is our purpose in these pages to present a mere outline of the relations of Islam to Christianity as illustrated by those features MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 25 in Islam as a system and in the state of the Eastern World, which are unfavorable to the acceptance of Christianity, together with those which are favorable. It is not possible to treat the subject in an exhaustive manner within the present limits, but we may hope to gather together the salient points, that we may the better estimate the nature of the contest be- fore us. CHAPTER I. THE UNFAVORABLE FEATURES. § I. The first difficulty lies in the union between the temporal and spiritual power in Islam. It is a politico-religious system. The sul- tan is the caliph of Mohammed — i. e. his successor. He is the prophet and priest and king of the Mohammedan world. The laws of the empire are based on the Koran, the decisions of the imams and Mohammedan tradition. The scimitar was the precursor and supporter of the Koran when Moham- med and his successors first propagated the new faith. In the fifteenth century the Crescent ruled from Burmah on the east to Mogadore on the Atlantic, and all Europe trembled at the name of Islam. In the Turkish em- 20 MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 27 pire the imperial army is a religious army, the great national festivals are religious fes- tivals, testimony is a religious act, and Mo- hammedanism is thus entrenched in the very political and civil organization of the empire. Apostasy from the Mohammedan religion is thus in Turkey treason to the Mohammedan state. A convert to Christianity from Islam is arrested as a renegade from the conscrip- tion. The military authorities will insist that they care nothing for the man’s religion, but he must be arrested as a traitor. This polit- ico-religious alliance in the Turkish empire is in accordance with the letter and the spirit of Mohammedan law, and is the great ob- stacle to the evangelization of the Moham- medans. § II. The second feature in Islam unfavor- able to missionary success is the divorce be- tween morality and religion. The Koran is not wanting in moral pre- cepts, nor are the V edas or the writings of Confucius. Yet it can be said that what- 28 THE MOHAMMEDAN ever in the Koran is true was taken from the Bible, and what is not from the Bible is either false or frivolous. Islam is an intensely formal and ritual system, a religion of works — outward works, not affecting the heart or requiring trans- formation of the life. Fasting, the pilgrim- age to Mecca, praying five times a day, tes- tifying “ There is no God but God, and Mohammed is his apostle,” almsgivings, ablutions, genuflections, circumcision and repeating the one hundred names of God, are some of the rites and acts by which the believer purchases Paradise. One who fulfills this ritual, in whole or in part, is a good Muslim, even though not to be believed under oath. Dr. Eli Smith of Beirut was said by an Arab to be a very holy man But, poor man ! he had no religion that is, no observance of an outward ritual. The good works of Islam are of the lips, the hand and the outward bodily act, having no connection with holiness of Jife, honesty, MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 29 veracity and integrity. An Arab highway- robber and murderer was once brought for trial before a Mohammedan pasha, when the pasha stepped down and kissed his hand, as the culprit was a dervish or holy man who had been on several pilgrimages to Mecca, and had been known to repeat the name of God (Allah) more times in a day than any other man. As their whole idea of deen, or religion, re- fers to the outward and ceremonial, they have lost all conception of the spiritual nature of religion, and language itself is so perverted that when spiritual ideas are meant to be conveyed, or attempted to be conveyed, to them, they apprehend only the outer husk, the very shell, while the inner spiritual meaning is lost. “ The minutest change of posture in prayer, the displacement of a single genuflection, would call for much heavier censure than outward profligacy or absolute neglect.”* * Stobart, p. 237. 30 THE MOHAMMEDAN § III. The third unfavorable feature in Islam is its Ishmaelitic intolerance. There is no precept in the Koran enjoin- ing love to enemies. It teaches kindness, charity and forgiveness of injuries, but only to Mohammedans. It knows nothing of universal benevolence. Islam is an Arab, an Ishmaelitic, faith — “its hand against every man.” Mohamme- dans glory in the name Ismailee. They are the people; all else are kafirs, infidels. Mo- hammed offered to men their choice of three things — Islam, slavery or death. All who do not accept Islam are looked upon as the legit- imate servants of the true believers, and must pay them tribute. The Circassians, lately de- ported by the sultan from Bulgaria to Syria, stated on their arrival that “ they had killed off the little kafirs in Bulgaria, and were now fleeing from the ‘ Big Kafir,’ the Muskobe, and that if the Russian kafir came as far south as Syria they should massacre the Christians of Syria, and then flee a second time.” MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 31 In the great Mohammedan missionary university in the mosque of Azliar in Cairo, Egypt, where ten thousand students are assembled from all parts of the Mo- hammedan world, studying the Koran and preparing to teach it throughout Asia and Africa, a missionary prayer is offered every evening in which the whole ten thousand unite. The following is a literal transla- tion of it : “I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed! In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful ! O Lord of all creatures, O Allah ! destroy the in- fidels and polytheists, thine enemies, the enemies of the religion ! O Allah ! make their children orphans and defile their abodes ! Cause their feet to slip ; give them and their families, their households and their women, their children and their relations by marriage, their brothers and their friends, their possessions and their race, their wealth and their lands, as booty to the Moslems, O Lord of all creatures !” oo oZ THE MOHAMMEDAN In the eighth Sura of the Koran, verse 40, are these words: “Fight thou against them, till strife he at an end and the religion be all of it God’s.” So also in Sura ix. 29 : “ Fight thou against them [i. e. the Chris- tians and Jews] until they pay tribute by right of subjection, and they be reduced low ” (i. e. utterly humiliated). On a recent public occasion in Beirut, after the official reading of a firman of the sultan Abd-ul-Hamid guaranteeing absolute equality and liberty to all the sects of the empire, and granting to the Christians the right of military service and office, the pasha, an enlightened and liberal man, asked an old Mohammedan sheikh of the orthodox school to close the ceremony with prayer. All the company arose, when the sheikh, a venerable, white-bearded dignitary, stepped forward and prayed as follows : “ O Allah, grant the victory to His Imperial Majesty the sultan Abd-ul-Hamid Khan. Destroy all his enemies, destroy the Rus- MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 33 sians; O Allah, destroy the infidels. Tear them in tatters, grind them in powder, rend them in fragments, because they are the enemies of the Mohammedans.” He was then about to proceed when the mufti, or chief interpreter of the Koranic law, stepped forward, stopped him and whispered in his ear, when he proceeded : “ O Allah, destroy the enemies of the Mohammedans, because they are also the enemies of the Christians and of the Jews. Amen.” This was an orthodox Mohammedan prayer, such as the orthodox constantly use, and this venerable sheikh was unable to grasp the idea that Christians and Jews have any other right but the right of serving the faithful and being cut off in answer to their prayers. This spirit of intolerance has engendered a haughty, overbearing feeling and deport- ment toward all others, which is intensified in proportion to their own ignorance. Mo- hammedan arrogance is encouraged hy the assurance of the Koran (Sura iii. 106) : “Ye 34 THE MOHAMMEDAN are the best nation that hath been raised up unto mankind.” What more is needed to prove that they are superior to all others? They know little or nothing of geography, science or European civilization. Their ex- clusive spirit appears in a striking manner in the Turkish imperial law forbidding Christians from entering the army, as the army is composed of the “ faithful,” whose business is to fight for the faith. This law has occasioned the greatest political and ma- terial loss to the sultan, who has thus alien- ated and embittered millions of his Christian subjects. Whenever Islam holds the sword it uses it for the oppression and humiliation of all infidels, but when it loses the military con- trol it submits with fatalistic sullenness. § IV. The fourth unfavorable feature in Islam is its destruction of the family through polygamy and concubinage. One has said ( Stobart , p. 229) that “an evil code of ethics, enjoined by the national MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 35 faith and accepted, by its appeal to a divine origin, as the final and irrevocable standard of morality, presents an insuperable barrier to the regeneration and progress of a na- tion.” — “ Yet such is the position which the Koran has taken.” Mohammed distinctly sanctioned polyg- amy, allowing each Muslim to take four legal wives (Sura iv. 3), and in addition to these, as concubines, the slave-girls “ which their right hands possess” (Sura Ixx. 30) — that is, purchased or captured in war. “ In reality, the number of wives is practically unlimited, as divorce and exchange are al- lowed with little or no restraint.” “ The husband may divorce his wives without any assigned reason and without warning, may rebuke, imprison and scourge them, and the dishonored wife has almost no means of redress.” “ The husband may twice divorce and twice take back the same woman, but if he a third time divorce her, she cannot again become his wife till 36 THE MOHAMMEDAN she have married (cohabited with) and been divorced from some other man ” (Sura ii. 230). Ordinarily, the poorer Mohammedans content themselves with one wife, but what peace and domestic happiness can there be where the wife may at any moment be turned away by the caprice of her hus- band? “Some Mohammedans make a habit of continually changing their wives.” One author speaks of “ young men who have had twenty and thirty wives, a new one every three months and there is nothing in the Koran to prevent such a brutal course of action. The Koranic doc- trine of polygamy utterly destroys the sanctity and purity of the family, brutal- izes the man and degrades the woman. It has been gravely claimed that polyg- amy lessens sensuality, and is an advance on the morality of civilized Christian na- tions. The contrary is true. It has made sensuality in its most beastly forms the MISSION A II I" PR OBLEM. 37 rule, and not the exception. It uproots the family economy, order and discipline, and fosters unrestrained passion and lust. No intelligent Mohammedan defends it on the ground that it promotes domestic vir- tue, happiness or family discipline : it is defended on the ground of its divine in- stitution in the Koran. It is the opinion of Sir William Muir that woman “ possessed more freedom, and exer- cised a healthier and more legitimate influ- ence, under the pagan institutions of Arabia before the time of Mohammed than under the influence of Islam.” Stobart quotes the language of Sallust with regard to the prac- tice of polygamy among the ancient Moors and Numidians: “No one marries a woman for a companion — pariter omnes viles sunt;” and the same may be said of Mohammedan women to-day. Polygamy is a mighty ob- stacle to Christianity in all lands, Moham- medan or pagan, and nowhere is it more firmly entrenched than among those who 38 THE MOHAMMEDAN defend it on the ground of a positive divine ordinance. There naturally results from polygamy — § V. Fifthly, the degradation of woman. The Moslems say that “women are only superior in craft and cunning.” “ There are three classes of persons who have no religion — Bedawin Arabs, muleteers and women.” Mohammed declared that when he looked down into hell, he found the greater part of the wretches confined there to be women. The whole Mohammedan treatment of women rests on the assump- tion that woman cannot be trusted. Wo- men are not allowed to eat with their hus- bands, to enter the floor of the mosques nor to read the Koran, except in very rare cases. Should a woman be allowed to learn the Koran, she is placed in one room with her female attendants, while the teacher, a blind sheikh, sits in the adjoin- ing room and teaches her orally through the half-opened door. The very meanest MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 39 Muslim will have in Paradise eighty thou- sand servants, seventy-two houris, or girls of Paradise, besides the wives he had in this world, though it is the general opinion that the wives of this world will be ex- cluded from the society of their husbands in Paradise, and go into a separate place of happiness. The Koran does distinctly affirm that “ God will bring the believing men and the believing women into gardens ’neatli whose trees the rivers flow ” (Sura xlviii. 5) ; also, “ Male and female believ- ers shall enter Paradise, nor shall they be wronged the skin of a date-stone.” But even on the supposition that the Koran allows women a reunion with their husbands, what a monstrous perversion of all a woman’s ideas of virtue, honor and self-respect, to be told that she is to be but the secondary character in a celestial hareem of seventy-two houris of transcen- dent beauty and attractiveness ! Ali Bey says (1807) : “As the Prophet 40 THE MOHAMMEDAN lias not assigned any place for women in his Paradise, the Mohammedans give them no places in the mosques, and have exempted them from the obligation of frequenting the public prayers.” The Moslem women are not instructed in religion. Woman is a mere toy and pander to man. She is kept closely veiled, threatened with dire judgments if she allows a man to see her face, beaten, despised, kept in degradation. No Mohammedan will allude to a woman in the presence of other men without beg- ging pardon of those present for mention- ing so vile a subject, just as he would do if alluding to a dog, a hog or a donkey. I know of nothing which so stirs the indig- nation of a Christian civilized man as to find himself in the company of men call- ing themselves decent members of society, and yet unable even to mention the name of his own revered mother without begging pardon of those present for introducing so vile a subject. I am happy to say that I MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 41 have never degraded myself by yielding to so repulsive and abominable a custom. If a Mohammedan finds himself obliged to mention his wife, mother or daughter in the presence of other men, he will speak of her in the masculine gender, as, “ he is sick ” or “ he is absent,” etc. AY omen are kept in seclusion and subjec- tion. I was once present in the study of Dr. Van Dyck in Beirut when the Moham- medan mufti, or supreme judge of the city, called. After the usual formal salutations he informed Dr. Y 7 an Dyck that there was a sick man at his house who needed im- mediate care. Said he, “ He has fever, headache and great pain. AVill you come and see him at three o’clock?” Dr. Van Dyck replied, “ Yes, I will call and see her'' The mufti was speaking of his wife, or one of his wives, and yet he would not speak of her in the feminine gender, but called her “a sick man.” The Moslems by degrading woman have 42 THE MOHAMMEDAN degraded themselves. In a recent book* on woman in Turkey, which exposes many of the vices and abominations of the polyga- mous liareem-system of the Moslems, the author represents one of the diplomatic corps of Constantinople as saying to his colleagues, “ Enlightened men do not hesi- tate to avow that polygamy is like a cancer, eating into and destroying our social system. To rid us of such a scourge is the special work of a patriot. It should be the heart- felt wish of every Mussulman to undertake and accomplish it; for the advantages — we may say the blessings — which result from monogamy are immense, and we know how to appreciate them. For my own part, I could heartily wish that a radical reform were set on foot in our social system, and that the emancipation of woman could lead to the abolition of polygamy. No doubt the day will come when women will walk * Les Femmes en Turquie. Par Osman Beg, Major Vladimir Andyovich. Paris : Caiman Levy. MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 43 unveiled through the streets, and go into society as they do in Europe ; hut, alas ! I am old, and shall never live to see that happy day.” In speaking of mixed marriages the same author says, “ The Koran permits a Mussulman to marry a Christian — forbids that Moslem women should be joined to Christian husbands.” “This law bears the seal of its Semitic origin in the sense of lowering woman, who is regarded in her- self as but a little cipher. Woman, in her husband’s view, is but a field ; and in this way a Moslem may possess himself of the object without worrying himself as to its produce. As a field can have neither faith nor intellect nor will of its own, it would be absurd for a man to occupy himself about what a woman believes, thinks or wishes : she is absolutely nothing but her master’s domain.” The Koran says (Sura ii. 223) : “ Your wives are your field and, as Osman Beg 44 THE MOHAMMEDAN so clearly shows, they are treated as having no more rights or honor or respect than a field. Sura iv. 38 says : “ Men are superior to women, on account of the qualities with which God hath gifted the one above the other.” “ Virtuous women are obedient, . . . but chide those for whose refractor- iness ye have cause to fear, and scourge them.” Whatever other injunction of the Koran is disobeyed, this one is well kept by the Moslems. Wife-beating, that most repulsive and degrading practice, being en- joined in the Koran, is so common as to be thought not even worthy of remark. Osman Beg, in describing hareem-life in the seraglio of the sultan in Constantinople, observes : “ Discipline is maintained in the seraglio by repressive measures and corporal punishments. The first consist in a refusal of permission to go out, being locked in, etc. Corporal punishments are designated by the verb to abandje, which signifies the basti- nado on the soles of the feet. In the pres- MISSION AH Y I'll OB LEM. 45 ent century the reforming spirit lias pene- trated everywhere, and the bastinado has undergone a sensible diminution, at least for the person of the sufferer. The prac- tice of striking young girls upon the soles of their feet, with the risk of laming them, has been quite abandoned. Blows are given elsewhere : it would be hard to say with precision on what part of the person. It is well understood that rods are substituted for the stick.” It is asserted that the liareem of the sul- tan Abd-ul-Medjid numbered not less than one thousand women and girls, who were, as all Moslem women are, uneducated, profane, slanderous, capricious, never trained to con- trol their tempers or their tongues for a moment. One can imagine the moral and social condition of woman in such a home, or such a caricature of a home. The rod, the scourge, is the only instrument of dis- cipline. Women are treated like animals, and behave like animals. 46 THE MOHAMMEDAN It is the testimony of history that the Mohammedans are responsible for the whole zenana - system of India, and that previous to the irruption of the Moslem Moguls (Mongols) the Hindoo women enjoyed vastly greater liberty than since that time. It is the Moslem theory that woman can never, in any time, place or circumstances, be trusted ; they must be watched, veiled, suspected, secluded. Ali Beg says: “I have often seen the people of Morocco present the sultan with their daughters “ he has married two of his own sisters “ decorum requires that Mohammedans never speak of women.” Girls and women are not counted in taking the census. A man having daughters, and no sons, regards himself as childless. It is fair to judge any religious system by its fruits in the domestic family-life, by its treatment of woman ; and, tried by this test, Mohammedanism is a failure. What worse condemnation of Islam can be found than MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 47 the Koranic precept which enjoins the “ scourging of disobedient women ” ? Alas for the eighty-five millions of Mo- hammedan women living without consola- tion and dying without hope ! § VI. As a natural result of their treat- ment of woman, we find in Islam, sixthly, gross immorality. The Rev. J. Vaughan, for nineteen years a missionary in India, says: “However the phenomenon may be accounted for, we, after mixing with Hindoos and Mussul- mans for nineteen years back, have no hesitation in saying that the latter are, as a whole, some degrees lower in the social and moral scale than the former.” In these days, when so much has been written about the high ethical tone of Islam, we shall speak plainly on this subject, unpleasant as it is. We would reiterate the position already taken, that polygamy has not diminished licentiousness among the Mohammedans. The sin of 48 TIIE MOHAMMEDAN sodomy is so common among them as to make them in many places objects of dread to their neighbors. The burning denunciations of the apostle Paul in the first chapter of Romans, verses 24 and 27, are applicable to tens of thousands in Mo- hammedan lands to-day: “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness ; . . . men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their errors which was meet,” In the city of Hamath, in Northern Syria, the Christian population even to this day are afraid to allow their boys from ten to fourteen years of age to appear in the streets after sunset, lest they be carried off by the Moslems as victims of the horrible practice of sodomy. Mohammedan pashas surround themselves with fair -faced boys, nominally as scribes and pages, when in reality their object is of entirely another character. A young English lord, travel- ing in Syria some years since, entered the MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 49 Turkish baths in the city of Tripoli, when he was set upon by a number of Moslems, as the men of Sodom attempted to assail the angelic guests of the righteous Lot, and only with the greatest difficulty did he effect his escape from their brutal hands. They were arrested, bastinadoed and sent to the Acre penitentiary. A crime so abominable, unspeakable and in- credible, instead of being checked by Mo- hammedanism, is fostered by it, and it is one of the scourges of Mohammedan so- ciety. § VII. Another of the untoward features of Islam is untruthfulness, or, in plain lan- guage, lying. It is often asserted that the Moslems as a class are truthful — more so than their Greek, Armenian and Maronite neighbors in Turkey. There can be no question that the nominal Christian populations are far enough from the scriptural standard — “ Truth is fallen in the streets, and equity 50 THE MOHAMMEDAN cannot enter” — but there is little to choose between the different sects in this respect. I have known men among the Moslems comparatively truthful, but as a rule truth- telling is one of the “ lost arts.” It is rare even to find a man who can be believed under oath, although the Orientals have a superstitious fear of an oath. Perjury is too common to be noticed, and even the kadis, or judges of the Koranic law, are notoriously corrupt and venal. According to their law, none but Mohammedans can testify in courts of law, and scores ot false witnesses can be found in any large Moslem town or city, although testimony is regard- ed as a religious act offered in the presence and to the very “ face of God.” Although the Koran enjoins care for the poor and the orphan, no poor man can se- cure his rights in a Moslem court, where everything is done by bribery. There seems to be an utter collapse of restraining power on the conscience where personal interest is MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 51 involved, and the spectacle of a man always telling the truth on principle was something unknown in the East before the revival of evangelical Christianity. Their highest and most solemn oath is “ by the beard of Mohammed.” But in these latter days they have found an oath of even greater binding force, and now in important cases they swear “by the ivord of an Englishman .” § VIII. Another obstacle in Islam is the Koranic misrepresentation and perversions of the person and teachings of Christ. In Mohammed’s day (Sura v. 116) Jesus is asked whether he said to men, “Receive me and my mother as two Gods besides God.” Also, “ They are certainly infidels who say God is the third of three.” Mo- hammed saw the pseudo-Gospels full of prayers and hymns of praise to Mary, the “theotokos” (mother of God), and the Trinity was in those days converted into a positive tritheism, regarding the Father, THE MOHAMMEDAN 52 the Son and the Spirit as three distinct Gods. There is reason to suppose that Mohammed inferred from the Mariolatry prevalent in his time that the Trinity consisted of the Father, the Son and the Virgin Mary ! Whether we believe that he saw the New Testament, and wilfully gave it a Jewish interpretation, or that he only heard of it through Jewish and Arian sources, it is equally true that the Koran greatly mis- represents the character ol Christ. It calls him “ Christ the Word of God,” and yet denounces those who call him God, and “ repudiates all the leading dogmas of the Christian faith.” “It attacks his divine nature, denies his death, and utterly ig- nores the redemption purchased by his sufferings and death on Calvary. feura xliii. 59 asserts that “ Christ is none other than a servant whom God favored with the gift of prophecy.” Yet there is a plain contradiction in the Koran with regard to the death of Christ. MISSION A R Y PR OB LEM. 53 Sura iv. 156 asserts that “ the Jews did not really kill him,” while Sura iii. 47, 48 as- serts that God said, “ O Jesus, verily I will cause thee to die, and I will take thee up unto me.” The Moslem doctors, in order to explain away the latter verse, claim that the death of Jesus is still future, and that at his second coming into the world before the Last Day he will die ; and in the city of Medina, in the “ Hujrali,” or chamber where Mohammed is buried, a vacant tomb is left for “ Saiyidna Iesa ibn Mariam ” (our Lord Jesus, the son of Mary), where at his second coming, on the fulfillment of his mission, he is to be buried. — Stobart, p. 145. § IX. Another obstacle is the aggressive spirit still vital in Islam. While it is true that Mohammedans do not distribute the Koran, nor even sell it to an unbeliever, there still exists not a little of the old Crescentade spirit of the seventh century. We have already alluded 54 TIIE MOHAMMEDAN to the great Mohammedan missionary uni- versity in Cairo, Egypt, with its ten thou- sand pupils and three hundred Moham- medan sheikhs as teachers. The central and fundamental study is the Koran and the Koranic literature, such as Arabic grammar, prosody, logic, rhetoric, with Mohammedan history and laws. These young men live in ascetic simplicity, studying, eating and sleeping on the floor, and boarding them- selves at a cost of not far from four cents a day. They are trained in the Koran, and fitted to go forth throughout the Mo- hammedan world as teachers and interpre- ters of the Koran. They are a real power in Asia and Africa, and Christian mission- aries find the graduates of the Azhar their ablest and most formidable adversaries in these great dark continents. When Stanley’s letter from Uganda was published in England, mentioning his prop- osition to King Mtesa to abandon his newly- embraced Islam ism and accept Christianity, MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 55 and appealing to Christendom to send mis- sionaries to this great African kingdom, the letter was translated and published in the Turkish and Arabic journals, which took up the subject with great fervor. A Mos- lem missionary society was formed in Con- stantinople, and subscriptions raised in the capital and Syria, for sending Arab Mo- hammedan missionaries at once to confirm King Mtesa in the faith. The outbreak of the Russian war at the time interrupted their plans, but it must be borne in mind that the Mohammedan world is not wholly asleep on the subject of the Christian mis- sionary enterprises of our day. They are poor in resources ; they have no great Bible, tract and missionary societies to raise and expend the means and train the men ; but they have men, zealous, hardy, fearless, who would welcome death in the swamps of Africa as the sure passport to Paradise, and who carry their Moslem principles with them wherever they go. 56 THE MOHAMMEDAN In Dutch India, Mohammedanism is ad- vancing steadily. Dev. Dr. Sclireiber ot the Dhenisli Missionary Society stated in the London Missionary Conference in 1878 that “ there are several regions where Mo- hammedanism is steadily winning ground, but perhaps no place can be found where that progress is faster, and at the same time more astonishing and puzzling, than it is in Dutch India, because there it goes on not only in spite of the government of a European Christian nation — nay, it would appear that this government itself serves to foster and forward Mohammedanism as far as its boundaries extend.” He states that this is the work of Moslem Malay officials in the service of the Dutch gov- ernment. He also says : “ There are few proper Mohammedan missionaries in India, but every Moslem, being zealous in fulfill- ing his religious duties and very ardent to propagate his creed, all of them do the work of missionaries, especially the so-call- MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 57 ed hadjis, whose number increases year by year on account of the passage to Mecca by steamer being now very cheap and easy. In 1875 there were no less than five thou- sand six hundred hadjis (pilgrims) from Dutch India.” In the African continent it should be re- membered that the pagan tribes find Islam a much easier creed to accept than Chris- tianity. King Mtesa can retain his hun- dred wives and be a good Moslem still. Christianity comes with its severe moral code — its demand of a full surrender of the world, its insistence upon holiness of life — and the pagan says, “This religion is too narrow and severe for me.” One of the weapons which the Moham- medans are borrowing from Christianity in fighting Christianity is the printed page. The freedom of the press afforded by the British government in India has opened the way for spirited controversy between the Christians and Mohammedans on the 58 MOHAMMEDAN MISSIONARY PROBLEM. claims of Christianity and Islam. Dr. Pfander wrote a book called Mezan el Hoc — “The Balance of Truth ” — defending Christianity and exposing the errors of the Koran. This was replied to in a ponderous volume styled Izhctv el Hoc “Manifestation of the Truth — in which the author defends the Koran and assails the Bible and Christianity, quoting the oft- refuted infidel arguments from the time of Julian down to Voltaire. This book has been translated into Arabic and introduced into Egypt and Syria, although the Turkish government has forbidden the publication of Mezan el Hoc. Under the new Anglo- Turkish treaty we may hope for new liberty of the press and for full permission to reply to Moslem controversial attacks upon Chris- tianity. CHAPTER II. It is now our pleasant task to consider the other side of the picture — the features in Islam as a doctrine and a system which may be called favorable to the future ac- ceptance of Christianity and the Bible by Mohammedans, together with certain provi- dential facts which tend toward the same consummation. § I. The first is their belief in the unity of God. This is certainly a great advance on polytheism and paganism. It is the rock, the citadel, of their strength. “ There is no God but God ” is a sublime expression of faith. The outward reverence of the Moslems for the one God, Allah, is most impressive. The one hundred names or titles of God are written in letters of gold 59 60 THE MOHAMMEDAN around the cornices of the richly-ornament- ed rooms and courts of Damascus, Cairo and other Moslem cities. Among these names are — the Omnipotent, the Eternal, the Infinite, the Exalted, the Hearer, the All-present, the Good, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the King, the Only One, the All-knowing, the Judge, the Kevealer, the Kewarder, the Searcher, the Everlast- ing, etc. In their belief of God’s unity they proclaim eternal hostility to polythe- ism and all association of another with God in acts of worship. It has been asserted by recent writers that holiness is nowhere ascribed to God in the Koran. This is incorrect. In Sura lxii. 1 we read: “All that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth uttereth the praise of God, the King, the Holy, the Mighty, the Wise.” And in Sura lix. 23 : “ He is God, beside whom there is no god : he is the King, the Holy, the Peaceful, the Faithful, the Guardian, the Mighty, the MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 61 Strong, the Most High.” And when we remember the constant identity between passages of the Koran and the Talmudic perversions of scriptural histories and rab- binic moral precepts, and the fact that Mohammed had either seen or heard the Psalms (as is proved from the quotation of Ps. xxxvii. 29 in the Sura xxii. 105 — “And now have we written in the Psalms that my servants the righteous shall inherit the earth”), it would be strange indeed had he entirely omitted the title of holy from among the names of God. Yet it is true that the Mohammedans have no conception of a holy God nor of holiness of life. The moral standard of Mohammed himself was so low that we cannot expect true ideas of holiness among his followers. It is impossible to determine whether Mohammed would not have led his follow- ers directly into Christianity had he under- stood the meaning of the New Testament doctrine of the Trinity and the divinity 62 THE MOHAMMEDAN of Christ. The Moslems do use the name “Word of God” and “Spirit of God,” but are unable to explain what they mean by the terms. The time will come, and has already come to not a few of them, when they will understand their need of a divine Saviour, and cast themselves into the out- stretched arms of Christ. § II. The second favorable feature is their reverence for the Old and New Testament Scriptures. It is an oft-mooted question* whether the Bible was translated into Arabic before Mo- hammed. St. Paul went to Arabia. A ery early there were Christian martyrs and bish- ops in Arabia. The first Arabian council was held in 229, when Beryllus, bishop of Philadelphia, was convicted of entertaining wrong opinions of Christianity. Another, in 247, condemned Arabians who held that the souls of men die, and will come to life * See Biblical Monuments. W. H. Rule, D. D., and J. C. Anderson. London : 1871-73. MISSION All Y PR OB LEM. 63 again with their bodies. It is natural to believe that the Arabian bishops would have insisted on a due regard for the written word of God. They must have had Arabic copies of the Scriptures, or read the Syriac and explained it in Arabic. It is said that during the lifetime of Mohammed, between the years 569 and 632, Warka, the son of Nofel, translated the Bible or some part of it into Arabic, but that the version is no longer to be found. It is unquestionable that Mo- hammed knew of the Pentateuch and the Psalms, which are sometimes written to- gether in Arabic manuscripts, and that he had knowledge of the Gospels. In general terms he speaks of these collec- tively as the Scriptures. Beland published in Arabic, with a Latin translation, a native Arab account (Relandus de ReJig tone Mohammedica Ultrajecti , 1705, pp. 19-25) of the religion of the Moham- 64 THE MOHAMMEDAN medians, wliicli, whatever was its age, coin- cides with the Koran itself in relation to our present subject, and contains an express acknowledgment of divine inspiration in the sacred books of Jews and Christians, as well as in their own. “Concerning the divine books,” it says, “ faith in the books of God consists in our being persuaded in our mind and confessing with our tongue that these glorious books, which he sent down from heaven to his prophets, come from God ; which ‘ sending down ’ from heaven, or inspiration, has taken place without creation, and from eternity without material production. In these books are contained the commands of God, with his prohibitions and decrees, promises and threatenings, and declarations of what is lawful and unlawful, what is of obedience and what is of rebellion, and where he points out retributions both by rewaid and punishment. All these books are the aeiy word of God most high — a word which is MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 65 read with tongues, written down in books, treasured in the minds of men. This word of God is distinct from letters and written words, but these letters and words are call- ed by metaphor the ‘ word of God,’ because that is what they truly indicate. . . . There are one hundred and four of these books, of which the most high God gave to Adam, ten; to Seth, fifty; to Enoch (Idris), thirty; to Abraham, ten ; to Moses, one, which is the Law (Tourah) ; to Jesus, one, which is the Gospel (Enjeel) ; to David, one, wdiicli is the Book of Psalms ; to Mohammed, one, which is the Koran al Furkan, or ‘ Decider.’ “ He who denies these volumes, or doubts any part of them, whether section or sen- tence or word, surely he is an infidel. O God, keep us safe from infidelity !” It would be difficult to doubt that Mo- hammed found both the Old and New Tes- taments in the hands of the Arabs when he gave them his own book, which he pretended to be divine. He may have heard of certain G6 THE MOHAMMEDAN apocryphal Jewish or other books, and at- tributed them to Adam and Seth and Enoch, as did the Sabians. The Koran was not to be translated, nor could it be carefully read by any but be- lievers in Mohammed, who declared himself the last and greatest prophet oi God. About 680 an Arab prince moved John, patriarch of the Jacobites, to translate the four Gospels from Syriac into Arabic. Syriac had lost its ground as a lh ing language. Mariana the historian affirms that Juan, the prelate of Seville m the reign of Favila the Goth, in 737, trans- lated the Bible into the Arabic language with the intention of helping both Chris- tians and Moors. “ There are some copies of this translation,” says Mariana, “which have been preserved even to our time, and are to be seen in some parts of Spain. Mariana, Historia General de Espana, lib. 7, cap. 3. MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 67 “ When Hernando de Talavera, archbish- op of Granada, one of the best of men, had actually prepared an Arabic version of the Bible for the instruction of the Moorish population of the city, newly captured by the army of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492, the cardinal and inquisitor Ximenez, the inquisitor-general Beza, and the pope, Julius II., not only rebuked Hernando for this godly work, but gave him a cruel pen- ance of three years’ imprisonment as an atonement for his sin.” Sir William Muir lias published a list of one hundred and thirty testimonies from the Koran to the divine authority of the Old and New Testaments. Among- them are these (Sura v. 77) : “Oh, ye people of the book (Jews and Christians), ye are not grounded upon anything until ye observe the Tourah (Old Testament) and the En- jeel (New Testament), and that which hath been revealed unto you from your Lord.” Sura xxi. 105 : “ Verily, we have written 68 THE MOHAMMEDAN in the Psalms, after the Law, that my ser- vants the righteous shall inherit the earth.” Sura vi. 90 : “ The Jews and Christians are they to whom we have given the book and wisdom and prophecy.” Sura iii. 2: “God! there is no god but he, the living, the eter- nal. He sent down the Tourali (Old Testa- ment) and the Gospels from before, foi the guidance of mankind.” Sura v. 50: “And we caused Jesus the son of Mary to follow in their (the prophets’) footsteps, attesting the Scripture of the Tourali, which preceded him ; and we gave him the Gospel, wherein is guidance and light, which attests the Tourali that preceded it, and a direction and an admonition to the pious.” Sura ix. 113: “And whether the believers slay or be slain, the promise of God thereupon is true in the Tourali and in the Gospel and in the Koran.” The only serious difficulty in the way of a general reception of the Bible by the Mohammedans is the charge by Moslem MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 69 writers that Christians have corrupted the Bible. If you can convince a Moham- medan that you have the genuine Old and New Testaments mentioned in the Koran, he will press it to his lips and his forehead and read it with reverence ; and thousands of copies of the Bible have already been sold among them. § III. They also reverence Christ as the greatest of all the prophets before Mo- hammed. They always speak of him as Sayidna Aiesa, “our lord Jesus,” as they say “our lord Moses ” and “ our lord Mohammed.” On the great mosque of Amweh in Damas- cus is a beautiful minaret called “the min- aret of Jesus the son of Mary ;” and the Moslems believe that Christ will descend upon this minaret at the Last Day to judge the world. I once knew a Mohammedan pasha to bastinado a Moslem for cursing the name of Christ. § IV. Again, although they regard all 70 THE MOHAMMEDAN but themselves as infidels, they have espe- cial respect for Christians and Jews as the “ people of a hook ” — Ehel Kitab. At the time of the massacre of the Chris- tians in Damascus in 1860 by a fanatical mob of Druses, Moslems, Turkish soldiers and Ivoords, Abd-ul-Kadir, the Algerine emir, a man learned in the Koran and of high personal character, charged down upon the bloodthirsty mob with his faithful body- guard of one hundred Algerines, crying, “ I <3 are the infidels. A\ ill ye massacre the peo- ple of a book, who are paying tribute to our sultan and theirs?” He turned the tide of blood and rescued twelve thousand Christians from a terrible death, and when the news of his noble conduct reached Christian lands he received decorations from all the govern- ments of Europe, and from the United States. § V. It is also a favorable feature that the Mohammedans hate idols and idolatry with perfect hatred. Never was such an iconoclastic uprising MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 71 as that of the followers of Khalecl and Omar in their conquest of Syria and Egypt, and of successive Moslem leaders in Asia and Africa. When the king of Lahore in the year 997 begged the victorious Mahmoud of Ghuzni to spare the temple of Tannas- sar, the most holy place, the very Mecca, of the Hindoos, Mahmoud replied that “the followers of Mohammed were vowed to root out idolatry.” The shrine of the god was pillaged and the image of Juggoom smash- ed into a thousand atoms, which were sent to pave the streets of Ghuzni, Mecca and Baghdad. The old Greek and Roman statues still remaining in Syria, Palestine and Egypt in the time of Mohammed were thrown down, decapitated and defaced. No less than ten thousand Oriental Christian churches filled with pictures and images ■were condemned to the same fate as idol shrines, and either destroyed by being pulled down or purged of idols and con- verted into mosques. THE MOHAMMEDAN 72 The same spirit marks their course to-day in Central Africa, in Dutch India and in China. For ages they believed that all Christians were equally idolatrous in the use of images and pictures as objects of worship, and they hated all alike. It is only within the past half century that they have learned that there is a vast body ot Christians who believe in Christ and hate idolatry as earnestly as themselves. When the time comes for their conversion to Christianity, as it must come, it will not be to Latin or Greek Christianity, but to the simpler and purer form ol the 1 rotest- ant evangelical faith. § VI. Another characteristic of Moham- medans is their reverence for laic. Their laws are religious, embodied in the Koran, the Sunna and the opinions of the imams. They are trained to obedience to law. Many of their laws are good, though better adapted to a primitive pastoral or nomad state of society than to the modern MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 73 state witli its commercial and international relations. Intense as is their adherence to the Koran, yet when the existing govern- ment, whether Mohammedan as in Turkey, or Christian as in India, enacts a law, they are ready to obey, and whenever there is a seeming conflict between the old Koranic law and the modern code, their muftis stand ready with legal opinions to reconcile the apparent or real contradiction, set aside the old and legalize the new. This regard for law makes them readily acquiescent in the existing order of things, whether the ruler be Mohammedan or Christian. § VII. Again, it is greatly in favor of the Mohammedans that as a rule they practice total abstinence from intoxicating drinks. One of the chief reasons which moved Mohammed to prohibit the use of wine was undoubtedly to make them different from Christians, Jews and pagans, all of whom used wine. Abstinence on the part of the Moslems is a part of their ritual. 74 THE MOHAMMEDAN They are promised rivers of wine in Para- dise, but forbidden its use on earth. The orthodox will hardly cultivate grapes, fear- in g the evil effects of wine. The use of coffee as a universal beverage in the East has had much to do with the temperate habits of the people ; coffee is always offer- ed to guests and transient callers. There are many of the official class, especially among the Osmanli Turks, who drink to excess, but they are the exceptions to the rule. I have known the Mohammedan pashas repeatedly to shut up every grog- shop in the town, and only allow them opened again by the protests of some European consul whose proteges were en- gaged in the traffic. § VIII. It is also an important element in Mohammedan character that they all be- lieve in the need of a religion and in the certainty of future retribution. They have no respect for a man who has no religion. MISSION AR Y PROBLEM. 75 § IX. The doctrine of fate, and of abso- lute surrender to the decree and will of God, are elements of strength in the Mos- lem character. In times of pestilence, when others flee, the Moslems stand at their posts. What- ever may be said of the wisdom of remain- ing in crowded cities during a pestilence when a salubrious mountain-climate is near and accessible, one cannot fail to admire their fearless firmness in the hour of dan- ger. This doctrine of fate may yet play an important part in restraining the fanat- ical passions of the Moslem multitude when great movements toward Christianity begin to take place among them. Were the Arab Moslems to hear to-morrow that the sultan himself had become a Christian, it is not unlikely that the only thought would be, “It is the decree of God;” “It is mukod- dar, kismet “ Let the will of God be done !” ^ X. Another favorable feature in the 76 THE MOHAMMEDAN case is the predominant and growing influ- ence of Christian nations in Mohammedan countries. In the fifteenth century the Crescent ruled from Burmah to Gibraltar and in all Central Asia and Northern Africa. Since then not less than fifty millions of Mohammedans have passed under Christian rule. The Moslem princes of India yield loyal obedience to a Christian queen ; Abd- ul - Ivadir, the emir of Algiers, lives in Damascus on a pension from Christian France ; the emir Abd-er-Raliman of At- cheen in Sumatra has just been exiled, on a pension from the Holland government, to reside in Mecca; and the family of Schamyl, the Circassian chief, are under Russian support and protection — to say nothin 0 ' of the other Central Asian chiefs who are now subjects ol Russia. Of the estimated one hundred and sev- enty-five millions of Mohammedans in the world — MISSION A R Y PR OB LEM. 77 England in India Russia in Central Asia France in Africa rules over 41,000,000 “ 6,000,000 “ 2,000,000 Holland in Java and Celebes “ 1,000,000 Under Christian governments, 50,000,000 It is religiously wrong to pay tribute to infidels, and yet nearly one-third of the Mohammedan world is under infidel rule. It is generally conceded that the political power and unity of Islam is to-day the chief remaining pillar of its strength. When this is broken, and Moslems can no longer col- lect tribute from infidels, wage against them successful wars, replenish their polygamous hareems with slave-girls, and enforce their own politico-religious calendar of fasts, feasts and civil regulations upon others than their own sect, they will be far more accessible to argument and reason. When the scimitar falls their confidence in their own system will fall. A highly-educated Mohammedan Egyptian recently remarked to Rev. T. P. THE MOHAMMEDAN Hughes, an English missionary, “No intel- ligent man believes in the teaching of the Moslem divines, for our religion is not in keeping with the progress of thought.” Islam is losing its vital power in its old seats. Mr. Hughes justly remarks : “ The Arabian prophet over-legislated, and, as we now see in Turkey, it is impossible for civ- ilized Mohammedans to be tied hand and foot by laws and social customs which were intended for Arabian society as it existed twelve hundred years ago ; whilst, on the contrary, Christianity legislates in spirit, and can therefore be adapted to the spir- itual and social necessities of mankind in the various stages of human thought and civilization.” § XI. Another interesting feature in the relations of Islam to Christianity is the fact that, widely extended as is the Mohammed- an religion, it is completely encircled by Anglo-Saxon, Christian political and civil MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 79 England holds Gibraltar, Malta and Cy- prus ; controls the navigation of the Suez Canal and the Red Sea ; holds Aden on the south coast of Arabia ; the whole of India, with three hundred millions of people, of whom forty-one millions are Mohammedans ; Singapore and Hong-Kong ; the island-world of Australia ; New Zealand, Cape Colony, Natal, the Transvaal and Sierra Leone ; and to-day colonies of Anglo-Saxon Chris- tian men are pushing their way inward from the eastern coast of Africa to that great lake-region of Central Africa discov- ered by Burton, Baker and Speke, Living- stone and Stanley. And not only does British power thus encircle Islam, the queen of England ruling over more Mo- hammedans than the sultan and the shah combined, but there is another fact of no less importance which will have a direct bearing on the future of Islam. It is this : that everywhere the Moslems hold the English — the Amdiz — in the highest 80 THE MOHAMMEDAN esteem. At the time of the annual pil- grimage to Mecca, when hundreds of thou- sands of pilgrims often meet together from all parts of Asia and Northern Africa, they compare notes and interchange views with regard to their respective countries. The Mohammedans of India testify to the Mos- lems of the West that they have in India what no other Moslems possess — a just government and an incorruptible judiciary. Say they : “ We have British judges who decide according to the law and the facts, whom no money can bribe, and before whom a Hindoo is as good as an Englishman, and a poor man as good as a rich man.” I have heard Mohammedans in Syria say, “Would that we had British judges here!” This con- fidence in English veracity and integrity is so decided that Lord Macaulay forty years ago stated, in his essay on Lord Clive, that “ the entire history of British India is an illustration of the great truth that the most efficient weapon with which man can en- MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 81 counter falsehood is truth. During a long course of years the English rulers of India, surrounded by allies and enemies whom no engagement could bind, have generally act- ed with sincerity and uprightness ; and the event has proved that sincerity and upright- ness are wisdom. English valor and Eng- lish intelligence have done less to extend and to preserve our Oriental empire than English veracity. No oath which supersti- tion can devise, no hostage however precious, inspires a hundredth part of the confidence which is produced by the ‘Yea, yea’ and ‘Nay, nay’ of a British envoy. The great- est advantage which a government can possess is to be the one trustworthy gov- ernment in the midst of governments which nobody can trust. This advantage we enjoy in Asia.” And this advantage the English enjoy to-day to a tenfold greater degree than in the days of Lord Macaulay. Wherever an Englishman or an American may travel 82 THE MOHAMMEDAN among Mohammedans (for they call both Angliz, as having the same language and religion) he will be received with hospi- tality. Let him journey among the Koords of Armenia, the Shea Moslems ot Persia, the Bedawin Arabs ol the Desert, the moie cultivated Mohammedans of Damascus, Cairo and Baghdad, the semi-savage and fanatical Yezbeks of Asia Minor, the hardy mountain- eers of Albania, or the merciless Circassians now scattered all over the Turkish empire, and his English name will everywhere en- sure him a friendly welcome. At the close of the late Russo- Turkish war, when the victorious legions ot Russia crossed the Balkans, the tens of thousands of Circassians who had been engaged before and during the war in the massacre ot the Bulgarian Christians and the pillage of then- towns and churches fled panicstricken toward Constantinople and the Bosphorus. Nearly three hundred thousand of these wild fanat- ics threatened the peace of the capital, until MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 83 the sultan, at the urgent request of the Euro- pean ambassadors, ordered their removal by steamer to Asiatic Turkey. Fifty thousand were assigned to Syria, and two hundred and fifty thousand to Asia Minor, and, to our dis- may, the Austrian Lloyds steamers began to land them by thousands at the Syrian ports. Twenty-five hundred were landed in Beirut and quartered in the mosques and khans, and afterward sent to Damascus and vicin- ity. Seventeen thousand were landed at Tripoli and sent to the region of Hums and Hamath. I was at the port of Tripoli in March, 1878, when five thousand Circassians were landed from two Austrian steamers, and walked down to the shore with the Amer- ican missionary, Mr. Hardin, to see the strange sight. A crowd of their emirs or chiefs stood by us watching the de- barkation. All of these immigrants were armed ; each one had a sword, dagger, rifle and two Colt’s navy revolvers. I asked 84 THE MOHAMMEDAN one of the chiefs to show me his revolver. He handed me one, and as I returned it lie patted my shoulder and said, “ Angliz ? El Angliz wa es Shirkas sowa-sowa.” He spoke in Turkish, and a native Syrian standing by translated it into Arabic : “ Are you English ? The English and Circassians are all one." I did not feel complimented by the kind declaration, but it was a relief to know that these wild creatures, who hate the Russians with deadly hatred and have little regard for the sultan, do hold the English in the highest esteem. But for this fact they would form an element of the most men- acing character in the population of Syria. When the port of Batoum was ceded to Russia the Mohammedan Lazis of the vi- cinity, to the number oi thousands, refused to evacuate the town, and prepared tor war. The sultan in vain ordered them to leave. At length a word from the British ambas- sador in Constantinople induced them to MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 85 abandon hostilities and return to their homes in peace. They swear by the word of an English- man, and look on the English as their friends. At the opening of the Afghan war the official Mohammedan journal of Constantinople declared that if the Af- ghans fought England they would forfeit the confidence and sympathy of the whole Mohammedan world, as they would be fighting against the friends of the Mo- hammedans. Another fact which has increased the confidence of Mohammedans in Syria in the Angliz has been the residence among them of some representatives of that no- blest style and stamp of man, the British Christian merchant. More potent than the sermons or the tracts of missionaries has been the silent influence of British mer- chants I might name, who, in the tempta- tions of trade, the crookedness, duplicity and corruptness of native merchants and 86 THE MOHAMMEDAN officials, liave maintained their integrity untarnished, until the highest and most sacred oath a Moslem can swear, even above the oatli by the beard of the Prophet, is by the ivord of an English- man ! All honor to those pure-minded and upright Britons who have thus taught the corrupt and immoral Orientals that there are men who will stand to their word even to their own loss, and whose word becomes the synonym of truth, integrity and purity ! I once stood in a Moslem shop in the ancient Hamath and overheard a Moham- medan near by emphasizing his word by the most solemn oath he could command, and he finally clinched his assertion by swearing on the word of Mr. B , the Englishman in Beirut. This extraordinary confidence in the English, taken in connection with the re- cent British protectorate extended over Asiatic Turkey, is an element of the MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 87 greatest importance in the future relations of Christianity to Islam. It is not a mere accident that so many millions of men, or at least the chief nations among them, should have given their confidence to the leading Christian colonizing and civilizing power of the world. § XII. And connected with this is their belief that Protestant Christianity is the • purest form of faith in the world, the nearest in doctrine and worship to their own. Up to a comparatively late period the Moslems looked on all Christians as alike creature - worshipers and idolaters. They have now found out their mistake. They say that a Protestant is a man who tells the truth and worships God and follows the Book. They perceive that Protestants alone are zealous in the distribution of the Scriptures, and that they abhor every trace and vestige of creature-worship. This fact 88 THE MOHAMMEDAN will not be without its weight in the com- ing missionary age of work among the Mohammedans. § XIII. Another important fact in con- nection with the relations ol Islam to Chris- tianity is the confidence beginning to be reposed in American missionaries by the people and the rulers in Mohammedan countries. Forty years since no Mohammedan sheikh would teach the sacred Arabic to a foreigner, yet the leading Arabic Mohammedan scholar in Syria aided Dr. Van Dyck for years in the translation of the Bible into Arabic, and now Mohammedan boys are studying Arabic under Christian teachers in American mis- sion-schools. In the sad battle-summer of 1860, that bloody year of massacre and civil war, Mr. Calhoun of the Syria mission was at his station in Abeili (Ahbay), Mount Lebanon. That town is the home of several noted families of Druse beys and sheikhs. The MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 89 Druses and Maronites were in deadly strife, and the Maronite men had all fled to Beirut, leaving their women and children behind. Before leaving, however, they brought all their treasures to the house of Mr. Calhoun. Bags and bundles of gold coin and jewels, silk raiment and household treasures, were brought and thrown down in the court of Mr. Calhoun’s house, without a receipt and with scarcely a label ; and there they were safe. The war went on. Day by day vil- lages were burned and the whole country was sickened with dreadful stories of bloody massacre and outrage. Yet every morning and evening the Druse beys and sheikhs called at Mr. Calhoun’s house to assure him that no one should molest him, and that not a house in Abeili should be burned or in- jured. They kept their word. Then the tide turned. All Europe was aroused by the news of Syrian massacres, and a British fleet and a French army of six thousand troops came to Beirut. The French army 90 THE MOHAMMEDAN moved into Lebanon, and with it the refu- gee Maronites returning full of vengeance against the Druses. The Druses now fled to Hauran, east of the Jordan. But before leaving they in turn brought their treasures, their gold and jewels, to the house of Mr. Calhoun for safety. During the late Russo-Turkisli war the town of Eski Zagra fell alternately into the hands of the Russians and the Turks. The American missionaries, Messrs. Bond and Marsh, had conducted themselves with such prudence and kindness toward all parties that when the city was given over to massa- cre, pillage and conflagration the Mohamme- dan neighbors not only protected them from the uplifted sword of a Circassian, but went to the Turkish military head-quarters and obtained a guard oi regular troops, who watched over them during that terrible night of July 31, 1877. An old Moslem had) a (teacher) pleaded with the Circassian robber until the sweat ran down his face, MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 91 and finally bribed him to leave the premises undisturbed. The Turkish governor also treated the missionaries with the greatest kindness, and they escaped, after great pri- vation and suffering, safely to Constanti- nople. At a recent dedication of a Protestant church edifice in a Syrian village, where the workmen had been molested by some of the “ baser sort ” of Mohammedans and a riot had been threatened, twelve of the principal Moslem sheikhs and old men attended the dedication-service, joining in the singing and behaving with the greatest decorum. They had come to show their regard for the mis- sionary and to ensure good order on the occasion. The town of Zeitoon in Asia Minor is a rough mountain-village, inhabited by Arme- nians, all of whom are armed, brave and resolute, and for years not only threatened to kill any missionary or Protestant who should visit them, but defied the Turkish 92 THE MOHAMMEDAN government itself. Years passed. They were subdued by the Turks, and some of them embraced the gospel. At length the exac- tions of the Turkish local rulers became in- tolerable. One hundred men took up arms, refused to pay the money levied upon them, attacked the police, released a multitude of their townsmen unjustly imprisoned, and took refuge in the mountain-fastnesses. The Turkish local governor telegraphed for troops to subdue Zeitoon again. Moslem fanaticism was appealed to, and a massacre was immi- nent. Just at that time Kamil Pasha, one of the most enlightened of Turkish officials, long governor of Beirut, and who has a son in the Beirut College, was waly, or governor- general, of the province of Aleppo, which included Aintab, Marash and Zeitoon. He telegraphed to Rev. Id. Marden, the American missionary in Aintab, requesting him to go to Zeitoon and act as commissioner from the Turkish government to arrange peace with the Zeitoon rebels without a resort to arms. MISS TON A R Y PR OB LEM. 93 Mr. Marden accepted the proposal, and set out for Zeitoon, attended through the robber- fastnesses of the mountains by a Turkish cavalry-guard ; but when they reached the confines of Zeitoon the guard turned back and Mr. M. went on alone. He was kindly received. The wild people of Zeitoon, who had no confidence in the Turkish govern- ment, had perfect confidence in the mis- sionary. The Turkish waly, who had no confidence in the Zeitoonites, trusted im- plicitly in the missionary. After full con- ference with the Zeitoon people by day and with the rebel chiefs by night, peace was settled. The arms and horses captured from the police were given up to Mr. Marden, to be taken back to Marash. All agreed to submit to the government on condition that they be relieved from oppression. Mr. Marden’s report was accepted. The army was recalled, the local governor removed, a Christian governor appointed over the town, and the waly telegraphed his thanks and the 94 THE MOHAMMEDAN thanks of his government for what he had done in the interests of peace and humanity. Quite recently Dr. Barnum, an American missionary in Ivharpoot, Eastern Turkey, lias been appointed by the Turkish govern- ment as a member of the board of education. A volume might be filled with facts and incidents illustrating the same general truth. § XI Y. Again, in the conflict between civilization and barbarism Islam must be the loser. The religion of Mohammed and its legal code are adapted to a simple pastoral or nomad state of society. It is not only not adapted to modern commerce and civiliza- tion, but is in direct conflict with them. Interest, commissions and banks are con- trary to the letter and the spirit of Mo- hammedan law. Quarantines are religious- ly illegal. And yet there are an Imperial Ottoman Bank, a code of new laws regu- lating interest, notes, commissions and com- merce, and a system of rigid quarantine 3IISSI0NAEY PROBLEM. 95 lias been established throughout the Mo- hammedan empire. The sultan and his officers are constantly obliged to obtain new fetwas or legal decisions legalizing what is religiously illegal and contrary to the convictions and belief of the readers of the Koran. The advance of education and popular knowledge will expose the absurdities of many parts of Mohammedan doctrine and practice. It is a sin to sub- ject the sacred name of God to pressure in a printing-press. Geography will teach them that there are quarters of the globe where the observance of the fast of Rama- dan would be impossible, and the growth of Christian political power will convince them that the Jehad, or religious war for the faith, has been fought for the last time. § XV. Another fact which places Islam at a disadvantage is the superior facilities and methods in the hands of Christians , and which are the outgrowth of Christian- 96 THE MOHAMMEDAN ity, for tlie propagation of the Christian religion. The Moslems have no tract or Bible so- cieties, and nothing corresponding to any extent to our modern missionary literature and material and intellectual appliances for enlightening and benefiting the world. The Koran cannot be translated. It may be paraphrased, as in the Urdu, the Javan and Malayan languages, but only when in- terlineated in the Arabic original. There is no attempt to print and distribute the Koran. There are no Koran societies or funds. They will not even sell the book to a known unbeliever. Ordinarily they would scorn the proposition to explain their system to a Christian. Their chief propagandism in our day is among rude and barbarous tribes, as in Africa or the East Indies, where the iconoclastic spirit, carried by force of arms, enables them to force their doctrines upon the people. § XVI. Another favorable fact bearing MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 97 on the future of Islam is the fact that the Bible is now translated into the Arabic, the sacred language of the Koran, and into the Osmanli Turkish, the court language of the sultan, the caliph of Mohammed. More than fifty years ago the first band of American missionaries landed on the then little known and inhospitable shores of Syria. They found themselves con- fronted by the difficult Arabic language, strange customs and the united and des- perate hostility of Christian ecclesiastics and Mohammedan rulers. The Christian population was sunken so low in intel- lectual attainments that hardly a Maronite or Greek could be found capable of giving instruction in the Arabic language ; and such was the fanatical exclusiveness of the Moslem ulema that for years not one of them would teach the Arabic grammar to a European, or even to a native Christian. There were no readers excepting the Mo- hammedans taught in the medrisehs at- 98 THE MOHAMMEDAN taclied to tlie mosques, and no books but Arabic manuscripts ot a religious or scho- lastic character. The missionaries offered to the Mohammedans two things — the Bible and the Christian religion. The Bible was the old Arabic translation made by the Propaganda in Borne and printed in London. The Moslems replied: “This Bible cannot be the word of God ; bad grammar cannot be inspired. And as to o Christianity, we have lived among Chris- tians for twelve hundred years, and we want no such religion. Look at Greeks and Maronites bowing down in their churches to pictures and images, offering incense, burning candles and abjectly kiss- in 0 ’ in idolatrous homage the work of their own hands. There is no God but God !” What were the missionaries to do? Two things were to be done : the one, to translate the Bible anew into the Arabic language; and the other, to found a pure evangelical MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 99 Church in the Turkish empire which would show to the Mohammedans the Christian religion in its purity, in a pure morality, and in worship free from idolatry and creature-worship. These two things have been done. An evangelical Church was formed. It has grown until there are a hundred evangelical churches, with a mem- bership of thousands, all over the empire, and the Armenian, Greek and other Ori- ental churches are agitated with plans and projects for reform brought forward by their young men enlightened and edu- cated in Protestant schools or inspired with the influence of Protestant literature and enterprise. The work of Bible translation was under- taken at an early day, and after twenty years of labor by those distinguished Arabic scholars, Drs. Eli Smith and Van Dyck, the Arabic Bible was completed in 1865. The Bible has also been translated into ten other languages in the empire ; and it is a signifi- 10(3 THE MOHAMMEDAN cant fact in the providence of God that just at the present juncture of political affairs, when, by the Treaty of Berlin, liberty of conscience has been asserted to be the law of the Turkish empire, the revised translation of the Bible into the Osmanli Turkish is printed and ready for the Mohammedan Turks. The preparation of the Bible in the Arabic language and in the various vernacular dia- lects of the Moslem nations gives the Chris- tian a vast advantage in the coming strug- gle with Islam. "We not only have the testi- mony of the Koran to the Scriptures, but the Scriptures themselves in a translation classical and accurate, printed in a cheap and attractive form, electrotyped and printed from duplicate plates in New York, London and Beirut, and ready for the whole Arabic- speaking and Arabic-reading world. And in this appears the providence of God in the wide spread of the Arabic language. Wherever Mohammedanism has extended MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 101 it carried with it the Koran, and the Koran has carried with it the Arabic language. According to the Moslem doctrine of in- spiration, every sentence, word, letter and vowel-point in the Koran was written in heaven by the finger of God and given to the angel Gabriel, by whom it was given to Mohammed. The inspiration thus resting in the very words and letters, the Koran cannot be translated. The Arabic is the sacred lan- guage. If you would ensure the acceptance of the Bible by a Mohammedan, offer it to him in the sacred Arabic. Sixty millions of men speak the Arabic as their vernacular, and one hundred and seventy-five millions read the Koran, if at all, in the Arabic. The new Arabic Bible is looked upon by the Mohammedans with reverence, and many of them regard it as the long-lost Old and New Testaments, now recovered in their original purity. The Bible is now entering the ranks of Islam throughout Africa and Asia. From 102 THE MOHAMMEDAN Peking; in China to Sierra Leone on the Atlantic, throughout one hundred and twenty- degrees of longitude, this living word ot life is being distributed and read. We believe that the day is not far distant when the Bible will be sold in Mecca itself. But it is not a little gained when we can say that there is hardly a Mohammedan in Asia or Africa who, when he reads in the Koran the words already quoted, “ The promise of God is true in the Tourah and in the Gospel,” cannot find that Tourah and Gospel already trans- lated into the sacred Arabic of the Koran, if not in his own vernacular. It is on sale in Arabic in Jerusalem and Damascus, in Alexandria and Cairo, in Constantinople and Aleppo, in Mosul and Baghdad, in Te- heran and Tabriz, in Delhi and Agra, in Calcutta and Bombay, in Shanghai, Canton and Peking, in Zanzibar and Khartoom, in Algiers and Tunis, in Liberia and Sierra Leone. In addition to the work of Bible trans- MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 103 lation and distribution, the missionaries in Syria and other parts of Turkey have pre- pared and published in the language of the people hundreds of volumes of religious, educational and scientific books, have opened hundreds of common schools, besides found- ing five colleges, nearly a dozen female semi- naries, six theological seminaries and a med- ical college. These schools have stimulated other sects and communities to found schools of their own, so that the work of popular education is advancing with great rapidity. There are now in Syria proper, not in- cluding Palestine or Asia Minor, eleven thousand children in evangelical schools, of whom nearly one-half are girls. In the city of Beirut alone are nearly nine thou- sand children in the various schools, of whom thirty-three hundred are under Prot- estant instruction. Tw r enty years ago there were not probably three hundred children at school in that entire city. There are now in Beirut twelve printing-presses, of which five 104 THE M OH A M MED A N belong to Protestants. There are nine news- papers and magazines, of which six are Prot- estant. The number of pages of Arabic printed at the American press in Beirut in the year 1877 was 12,630,000, and the whole number of pages printed from the first has been 172,441,000. In addition to all these statistics, and others which we have not space to mention, it should be borne in mind that there is a gradual leavening process going on in society throughout the East, removing the old prej- udice against Protestant Christianity ; a won- derful awakening of the popular mind in favor of female education ; a desire for books and periodical literature ; a willingness to read the Bible; a relaxation of priestly and ecclesiastical opposition and persecuting power; and, in fine, a widespread prepa- ration for the preaching and teaching of evangelical truth, such as has not been known since the days of the apostles. § XVII. And, lastly, it is the universal MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 105 belief of the Modems that in the latter day there will be a universal apostasy from Islam, when the true faith will cease to exist. The signs of the latter day are various, and among them that the sun will rise in the west, and a cold, odoriferous wind blow from Syria which will sweep away the souls of all believers and the Koran itself. There is no prophecy or expectation that all the world will be converted to Islam. The old doctrine of carrying the Koran by force of arms into all nations is going into disuse. In Christianity the belief that the world belongs to Christ is a tremendous power, giving life and hope to the Church. The promises of Christ and his command to teach all nations imply that all nations are to be taught. The promise to Moses, given in the darkest hour of Israel’s history and confirmed with the oath of the Almighty, “ As truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord” 106 MOHAMMEDAN MISSIONARY PROBLEM. (Num. xiv. 21), has been ringing through the Church in all ages, and is a pledge that God’s glory and the religion of Christ shall hi] the whole earth. The Mohammedan has no such hope. He is the victim of a pessimist philosophy. He hates idolatry, and will fight against it, and thus clear away the rubbish of paganism and prepare the way in a measure for Christian- ity ; but it is with him a work ot despe- ration. Every new province wrested from Mohammedan sway, every new defeat of Mohammedan arms, every new exhibition of Christian superiority in civilization and in moral, intellectual and material progress, is only a new proof of the rapid approach of the inevitable apostasy. CHAPTER III. § XVIII. Probable effects of the British Protectorate over Asiatic Turkey. We have already alluded to the con- fidence reposed by Mohammedans in the English-speaking races. This great fact involves us, who represent the Anglo-Saxon race among the people of the East, in great responsibility. It throws an immense re- sponsibility upon the churches, the public men and the government of Great Britain in these critical and eventful times. Such confidence, the growth of years, the result of great overruling providences, the key to the hearts and the minds of millions of our race, should be wisely used, and not abused. It is but one step in that great march and progress of events which is to 107 108 THE MOHAMMEDAN lead on to results the most wonderful in the future history of the Church. In the wise providence of God, who causes even the wrath of man to praise him, an Anglo-Saxon Christian queen, al- ready the ruler of forty-one millions of Mohammedans in India, stands up before the world as the protectress of the whole Turkish empire in Asia. As we are not writing from the political standpoint, but only from the position of students of the divine providence, we cannot hut look on with wonder and gratitude to God. The question has already passed from the do- main of mere politics to that of a great and momentous providential fact, to which we do well to take heed. With all these -things in view — the geo- graphical extent of the Mohammedan re- ligion, the work of literary and religious preparation already accomplished, the vast expansion of Anglo-Saxon Christian power and population, and the confidence felt by MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 109 Moslems everywhere in the religious and civil institutions of Protestant Christianity — let us inquire what are some of the beneficial results likely to flow from the new policy of the British government in the Turkish empire. I. One result, for which joyous and grate- ful acclamations will arise from millions of the oppressed, will be the abolition of the exaction and extortion inseparably connect- ed with the system of farming the tithes of the agricultural productions of the empire. It is difficult for an Anglo-Saxon freeman to comprehend what is meant by collecting the tithes in the Turkish empire. The attention of Europe has often been called to the horrors and outrages incident to this relic of barbarism. Many of the most humane and honest of the officers of the sultan have tried in vain to effect its abo- lition. The sultan himself has proposed it, but to no effect. In practical working it is somewhat after this fashion : Some 110 TIIE MOHAMMEDAN wealthy Syrian, desiring to increase liis wealth at the expense of his conscience, attends the annual auction at the head- quarters of the province and bids for the privilege of collecting the tithe, we will suppose, in the Baalbek district. If the tithe of that district is estimated at five thousand pounds, he will bid six thousand pounds for the privilege of collecting five thousand pounds. At harvest -time the wheat and barley of each village are gath- ered on the village threshing-floors. After the tedious labor of threshing and winnow- ing is finished the grain lies in heaps in the open air, awaiting the arrival of the multezim of the tithes. Days pass on and he comes not. The people become desperate. The last year’s supply of wheat is exhausted; there is no bread in the village; the children are hungry. Finally, the old men of the village go as humble petitioners to beg the multezim to come to their relief. He answers that he is busy — ■ MISSIONARY PROBLEM. Ill he cannot come for a month, or at the least a fortnight. They beg and entreat, but all in vain. At length they offer him one- eighth of the crop if he will come. He is inexorable. If the district be remote from the influence of Europeans, they maj be obliged finally to give the merciless extortioner one-fifth, one-fourth, or even one-half, of their crop ; and from his de- cision there is no appeal. He is accom- panied by armed horsemen, and the peo- ple have no way but silent, despairing submission. And this system of extortion falls as heavily on the Moslems as on the Chris- tians. I know of a Mohammedan village not far distant from the city of Tripoli, Syria, in which the entire income of the people was derived from their fruit. The village was surrounded with orchards and gardens of olive, fig, mulberry, quince, apricot, orange, lemon, pomegranate and plum trees, and luxuriant vineyards. For 112 THE MOHAMMEDAN several successive years tlie tax levied on this village exceeded tlie entire income from all its fruit, and the people were obliged to borrow money at thirty per- cent. interest from the Tripoli usurers to pay the tax. Such a state of things could not long; be endured. The men of the village assembled and decided what to do. They cut down every tree in and around that village, and then said to the extor- tioners, “ What are you going to do now?” I rode by that village with my brother the following year, and the sight of that scene of desolation was enough to bring tears from a stone. I thought, “ What will those poor people do?” I would like to be the messenger to go through that oppressed empire and pro- claim to the people that this diabolical sys- tem of tithing is to be abolished for ever. The abolition of this inhuman system will be as life from the dead to the op- pressed subjects of the sultan, and the MISSION A II Y PR OB LEM. 113 word lias already gone out through the towns and villages of that empire that through the intervention of Christian England this dreadful curse is to be for ever removed. Did no other good than this result from the late war, it would seem to be enough. II. A second result will be the curbing of the numerous wild and semi-barbarous tribes which infest large districts of the empire. These are the Ivoords, Yezidees, Turkomans, Nusairiyeh, Ismailiyeh, Bedawin Arabs and Circassians. The destructive and irritating policy of pitting these tribes against one another, on the “ divide et-impera” principle, has kept the peaceably-disposed peasantry in terror and the empire in constant danger of conflagration. That same respect for England and the British people to which we have alluded above will prove a potent aid in keeping these wild, discordant tribes in order. When the Circassians arrived in Syria in 114 TIIE MOHAMMEDAN 1878 the entire Christian population was filled with alarm, lest these wild Mohamme- dan spoilers should see fit to add the Syrian Christians to the list of their victims. When I left Beirut, on the 11th of April, 1878, the most of them had been removed to the in- terior, but the gravest apprehensions were expressed by both Christians and Moslems as to their future behavior. The subject gave me more anxiety than any other one feature in Syrian affairs on my departure for America. But the Anglo-Turkish treaty has dis- pelled these alarms. The British consular a events and other officials throughout the em- pire can calm these turbulent spirits almost by a word. They believe in the Angliz with a tenacity of faith that is amazing. The same fact is true of all the wild Mos- lem and semi-pagan tribes of the empire. The English name is a spell. No other nationality has such power over them ; and, difficult as the task may seem which Britain MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 115 lias undertaken in keeping that empire in order, she can do it with wonderful facility, when any other nation or people might fail. III. A third result will be actual liberty of conscience to Moslem converts to Chris- tianity. Heretofore, this liberty has not existed. Moslem converts have either been secretly put out of the way, officially ban- ished or forcibly thrust into the army and treated with cruelty and injustice. Accord- ing to a well-known fetwa or legal opinion of the Mohammedan muftis, “ all the sects of infidelity are one.” It matters not to them how many Armenians, Greeks, Jews or Maronites become Protestants, as they simply pass over from one infidel sect to another. But when a Mohammedan be- comes a Christian the case is regarded as utterly different. The army of the sultan is the army of the caliph of Mohammed. It is an army of believers. No Christian up to the present year could be admitted to it, for how can 116 THE MOHAMMEDAN an infidel fight the battles of the Prophet? The military conscription being thus con- fined to the one sect of the Mohammedans, it is regarded by them as a grievous and heavy burden which they are all bound to share. Whenever, therefore, a Mohammedan becomes a Christian, he puts himself outside the military population liable to the con- scription. He is a deserter, a renegade from the draft, the enemy of his country, guilty of high treason, and hence punishable with death. The officials who arrest him in such a case would deny that he is punished on account of religion. Not at all ; he is pun- ished for treason. As long as the military system of the empire continues to be ex- clusively a sectarian Mohammedan system, this state of things will continue. The sword thus hangs over the heads of Mos- lem converts to Christianity, although the “death-penalty” is nominally abolished. But when once the late firman of the sultan is executed and Christians are ad- MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 117 mitted to the army, this regime of terror- ism and persecution will cease. No matter how many Mohammedans become Christians, they will still be liable to the conscription, and the one great official ground of perse- cution will have passed away for ever. That the enrollment of Christians in the army will speedily be brought about under the advice and protection of Great Britain I have no question. In India at the present day there is free- dom of oral and printed discussion between Christians and Mohammedans. It does not compromise the government nor endanger the public peace. Moslems have the right to argue against Christianity, and Christians to argue against Islam. It is fair play, and all are satisfied. Up to the present time in Turkey, Mohammedans have printed books against the Bible and the Christian religion, and we have no right or privilege of reply- ing. As we have already stated above, Me- zan el Hoe, a Christian argument against 118 THE MOHAMMEDAN Islam, is a prohibited book, but Izhar el Hoc, a bitter invective against tlie Bible and Christianity, is printed and circulated by Moslems without restraint. All that we ask is fair play and protection to all men in worshiping God according to the dictates of their own consciences. Under the wise and firm and resolute protection of British representatives, the Mohammedans of Turkey will soon learn to respect the re- ligious sentiments of those who rely for the defence of their cause on argument and not on the sword, and Moslems converted to Christianity will be unmolested. IV. There will be new and real liberty of the press. The present restrictions upon the press are a clog and a barrier to the expression of opinion. Criticism of the in- justice and venality of government officials is punished as a crime. Liberty of the press in such a state of society must differ in some respects from what it is in Great Britain and the United States, but there is MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 119 room for reform of the most fundamental character, and there can he no doubt that in this respect a thorough reform will he effected. A respectable and well - known foreign resident in the empire was obliged to bring the certificate of half a dozen chiefs of police that he had never committed a crime in their districts, and finally to bring a certificate that his portrait was not in the “ rogue’s gallery ” of noted scoun- drels of the city, before he could obtain permission to establish a newspaper. An important press in the empire was once threatened with being shut up for six months for having printed a little tract on the duty of telling the truth and the evil of lying. The gravamen of the charge was that the tract was an attack on the government. Until the journals of the empire are al- lowed to publish and expose the ways and crimes of corrupt officials there will be lit- 120 THE MOHAMMEDAN tie hope of reform. Nothing will so surely and rapidly do away with bribery and cor- ruption as a free and protected press; and this we are sure will result from the British protectorate. Y. Another result will be a new devel- opment and extension of the means and appliances of education. We would not withhold credit from those to whom credit is due among the officials of the Ottoman government who have striven to promote education throughout the empire. There are a few who, by word and example, by attending the public examinations of native and foreign schools, and even sending their own children to them for education, have done all in their power to help in the edu- cation of the people. Conspicuous among these is Midhat Pasha, the new governor- general of Syria. But these men are the honorable and honored exceptions. There are vast districts of the empire destitute of schools, and the higher institutions now ex- MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 121 isting are crippled in tlaeir influence by the want of the proper governmental encour- agement. Here is room for immediate, easy and most useful reform, and there is every reason to expect that a new era is about to dawn on the Turkish empire in the multiplication, enlargement and eleva- tion of the existing schools, to the incal- culable benefit of the people and the ad- vancement of light, truth and true religion among them. VI. Another essential reform, of vital necessity, and yet among the most certain to be made, is the reconstruction of the judiciary and the admission of Christian testimony in the courts. What would be said of a law which should make no testimony admissible in the courts of Great Britain and the United States un- less it were offered by members of the Bap- tist or Methodist Church ? Yet this is the state of things iii Turkey. Testimony is a religious act, and the mahkameh, or Mo- 122 THE MOHAMMEDAN hammedan court, is a court of religious law. None, therefore, but reputedly religious per- sons can be allowed to testify; and as all Christians, Jews and Pagans are classed as infidels, it is impossible for them to offer testimony. And such is the case in Tur- key. Firman after firman lias guaranteed to the Christians the right of testifying in the courts, but the right is still withheld. The most respectable Christian in Beirut may enter a court and give evidence, hut it will be recorded that “ Klrowaja So-and- so made a statement as follows.’ But if the lowest and most worthless Moslem donkey- driver is brought into court and gives evi- dence on the other side, it will be recorded that “ His lordship the Say y id Ali testified to the face of God,” etc. Consequently, whoever has a case in court must take good heed to provide himself with Mohammedan witnesses, or he will have no hope of success. The firmans of the past must be executed in fact before there will be the first elements MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 123 of true equality in Turkey. To insist upon this will be the most important and, I be- lieve, the cheerfully -performed, duty of those who represent Great Britain in carrying ont the new Anglo-Turkish treaty. In intimate connection with this stands the question of a -pure judiciary. Often, when hearing of the high, unsullied repu- tation of British judges in India — a repu- tation echoed and proclaimed by Moslems and Hindoos wherever they go — I have longed and prayed for some divine inter- position which would give a British judiciary to the long-wronged and despoiled people of Turkey. And not unfrequently have I heard Mohammedans in Syria give utterance to the same longing with the greatest earn- estness. I have known important cases tried in the enlightened city of Beirut before a judge who could neither read nor write his own language, the Turkish, and who, al- though the trials were conducted in Arabic, could neither speak nor write Arabic. The 124 THE MOHAMMEDAN venality of the kadis or judges is well illus- trated in the popular story constantly told by the Arabs of Syria in their coffee-houses and their homes. It is as follows : The sheikh Omar had a case in court against his neighbor Mohammed. He visited the kadi and placed a small coin in his hand, when the kadi assured him that on the trial the following day the case should be decided in his favor. Meantime, Mohammed, hearing of Omar’s success, went to the kadi’s house at night bearing thirty gold dinars, each having on it the image of an old man leaning on a staff. The porter at the door refused Mohammed admittance until he had given him one of the golden coins. He then ushered him into the presence of the kadi, to whom he gave the twenty-nine pieces. The kadi at once assured him that he had not understood the case before, and the decision should now be in his favor. Omar was astounded the next day in seeing his opponent victorious, and asked the kadi MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 125 for tlie reason. Said the kadi, “ The reason is this : new evidence has appeared. Last night after dark twenty-nine venerable old men, each leaning on the top of a staff, came to my house and testified to the validity of Mohammed’s claim.” — “Yes,” added the porter, “ and one of them was too old and infirm to ascend the stairway, so he remained with me at the door.” This story illustrates the popular idea of the character of their judges; and it is, alas ! too true. The salaries of the highest judges are con- temptibly small, and, as they are obliged to live respectably, they supplement their sala- ries by selling justice to the highest bidder. A thorough reorganization of the judici- ary, with courts of appeal in the hands of British judges, would be a blessing of un- speakable value to millions in Turkey. Let us pray that so great a blessing may not be withheld when it is in the power of Britain so easily to bestow it. 126 THE MOHAMMEDAN VII. The last benefit we shall mention as resulting from the new state of things is the virtual and, we trust, final abandonment of the policy of non-intervention. When the European powers in 1856 bound themselves in solemn treaty not to interfere in the do- mestic concerns of the Turkish empire, they entailed upon the people of Turkey a regime of suffering which none could desire to be restored or perpetuated. It is not necessary for me, nor would it be becoming, to impugn the motives of those who made that agree- ment. It has passed into history. But it is a comfort and a cause of gratitude to think that the woes, the massacres and the disorders suffered to go on in that empire under the non-intervention policy will not now be likely ever to occur again. In the year I860, during the civil war of Lebanon, when the Druses and Turkish soldiers fraternized with the Moslem popu- lace in the plan of massacring and exter- minating the Christian and foreign popula- MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 127 tion of Syria, news reached us in Beirut that about eight hundred Greek, Maronite and Protestant Christians, disarmed and confined in the castle of Hasbeiya, were surrounded by a Druse army who stood ready to massacre them in cold blood, while the Turkish colonel sat at the gate waiting to give them the signal to enter on the work of destruction. Dr. Eddy and Dr. Bliss of the American mission went to the British consul-general, and asked him to furnish them with an armed kawass or janissary from the British consulate to go with them to the rescue of the beleaguer- ed Christians. A kawass of the American consulate would have been of no use, and, owing to the state of the country, it would have been certain death to them to have gone an hour’s ride from the city alone. But a kawass from the British consulate would have given ample protection any- where, and both Druse and Moslem would have respected the presence of two such 128 THE MOHAMMEDAN men accompanied with the representative of the British consulate. They appealed to the consul as the only person in Syria who could have aided them in saving; seven hundred men from massacre. But he felt obliged to decline their request. He said he sympathized with the poor men exposed to danger and death, “ but he ivcis officially forbidden to interfere in the do- mestic affairs of the Turkish empire? He had no option in the matter, and, bound by the principle of non-intervention, felt obliged to leave the poor wretches to their fate. A few days after a crowd of men came running to the door of my house in Beirut. They were leading along a shocking-looking specimen of humanity, covered with matted clots of blood from head to foot. It was Jebran Hoslab, one of the few survivors of the dreadful massacre of Hasbeiya. He said that on a signal from the Turkish colonel the Druses rushed into the castle- MISSION A B Y PB OB LEM. 129 gate and fell like wolves upon tlie unarm- ed Christians. Laying aside their guns to save their ammunition, they hewed their victims in pieces with their swords and battle-axes, striking down Abu Monsoor, the Protestant deacon, while in the act of praying for his murderers. Jebran escaped by throwing himself down and covering himself with dead bodies, and at midnight let himself down from a window in the castle-wall, and escaped across the moun- tains to Tyre, whence he came to Beirut in an Arab schooner. That was the working of the principle of non-intervention. A more humane and noble - hearted body of men could hardly be found than the British consuls in Tur- key as a class, but how often the inflexible principle of non-intervention has compelled them to refrain from doing what their own humane instincts would have prompted them to do, none could speak more eloquently than themselves. 130 THE MOHAMMEDAN Now, thanks be to Him who maketh even the wrath of man to praise him, if I inter- pret aright the new policy of the British government, that feature at least of non- intervention is for ever at an end. There will be no more Syrian massacres, no more holocausts of human victims in Hasbeiya, Heir el Komr and Damascus. Humanity and policy will now concur, in the good providence of God, under the benign sway of a Christian queen, in restraining that “ remainder of wrath ” which has so often burst forth like a pent-up volcano. These and many other incidental benefits, which time will not allow us to mention, will no doubt flow from the new order of things now being inaugurated in the East. Well does it become us to inquire in con- clusion, What are the moral and religious obligations arising from this state of things which rest upon the Christians of Great Britain and America? MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 131 A great work has been initiated by the missionaries, American and British, already on the ground. It will be the duty of the American churches to increase the number of their missionaries, to supply their colleges and seminaries with an able, experienced and devoted corps of instructors ; to push forward the work of missionary itineracy ; to increase the efficiency of the press and the extent of Bible distribution ; to train a native ministry ; and in every way to meet the invitations of Divine Providence, and enter the “ wide and effectual doors ” which are opening on every side, even though there lie “ many adversaries.” It is not an easy task for me to suggest what are the duties of our British brethren and sisters in a crisis like the present in the East. Would that my feeble voice could be heard among all those who love our Lord in sincerity, calling upon them to pray earnestly for the salvation of the perishing in that interesting land ! See 132 THE MOHAMMEDAN to it, Christian men and women, that the present guarantees of religious liberty be carried out in very deed — that converts to Christianity from every sect and nationality in that empire be assured of protection and liberty to read and practice the word of Cfod. Give a cheerful support to your own brethren and sisters who are engaged in various parts of that empire in preaching the gospel and educating the young. You would have rejoiced to see a sight ■which greeted my eyes on the 11th of last April, when I met on the premises of an English lady in Beirut a company of Arab o- his assembled to bid me farewell on my departure for America. Fifteen hundred Arab girls, from the ages of six to sixteen, stood around me, three hundred of them Mohammedan girls. One after another the different schools sang hymns of praise to Christ, and at the close of a brief address to them in Arabic we united together in prayer. Just before that I had received a MISSIONARY PE OB LEM. 133 farewell letter signed by eight hundred and seventy-five Arab Sunday-school children, bidding me an affectionate farewell. Shall not these Christian laborers and enterprises be sustained ? In the new growth of the missionary and educational work in the East new endow- ments, new scholarships and new buildings will be needed. If the demand for schools and books has been great and increasing under the old regime, what may we not anticipate under the new ? The demand for the English language and an English education, already great, will become great- er year by year. Heretofore British Chris- tians have wisely preferred to aid the exist- ing American missions in the Turkish em- pire, instead of complicating the work by establishing separate missions of their own. We rejoice in this proof of fraternal con- fidence and Christian love. Let us work on thus together. Let the two great branches of the christianized Anglo-Saxon race go 134 THE MOHAMMEDAN Land in Land to the great work assigned us in tLe evangelization of the Mohamme- dau world. Let us go on in tLe Spirit of our Lord and Master, wLicL is tLe Spirit of love. We Lave thus sketclied in rapid outline tlie salient points in tlie relations of Islam to Christianity. God Las been preparing Christianity for Islam, and now lie is pre- paring Islam for Christianity. Tlie prob- lem now demanding the attention of the Christian Church and the Christian min- istry everywhere is, How to give greater efficiency to missionary agencies already employed in Mohammedan countries, and Low to bring new forces and appliances to bear upon Islam. TLe Christian Church cannot regard with indifference the welfare of one hundred and seventy-five millions ol our race. Hie moial degradation, the spiritual blindness, the deep religious needs ol so many men, the pitiful MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 135 condition of Moslem women, the want of all that we hold dear and sacred in the Chris- tian home, and the utter lack of anything like a provision for human redemption, — should awaken our deepest sympathies and enkindle new zeal in every Christian breast. We have only begun to work for the Mo- hammedan world. The prospect is cheering. God’s word is ready ; the promises of Christ are ours ; God is overturning among the nations, and every turn in the wheel of providence moves the nations forward, while Mohammedan prestige and power sink rap- idly out of sight. In the Russian war the greatest enemy of the Moslems inflicted one crushing defeat on the political power of Islam, and in the Afghan war England, the greatest friend of Islam, has inflicted another. Christian missions are planted in and around the very citadels of Islam. Converted Moslems in India are ordained ministers of the gospel. Thousands of Moslems in Turkey have purchased the 136 THE MOHAMMEDAN Christian Scriptures. Church - bells from Christian edifices are echoing the very muezzin-cries from the minarets of towns and cities. Mohammedan pashas are send- ing their sons to Christian schools and col- leo-es, and hundreds of Mohammedan ghB are being educated by Christian teachers in the pure morality and the inspiring hopes of the gospel. One thousand Mohammedan girls to-day are receiving instruction m Christian schools in Syria alone. In conclusion, I know of no bettei sum- mary of the crowning, imperative want of the Mohammedan world, and of all the missionaries who are engaged in laboring for its conversion to Christ, than that con- tained in the terse expression of my own beloved instructor in the Union Theological Seminary, the now sainted Henry B. Smith, contained in the synopsis of Ins System of Christian Theology— the belief in “an in- carnation in order to a redemption.” This MISSIONARY PROBLEM. 137 is the great truth which Mohammed utterly failed to grasp, and which his followers for twelve centuries have been groping after in vain. Let every Christian missionary insist upon the great scheme of redemption, the atoning sufferings and death of Jesus the son of Mary ; and when the Mohammedan feels, as many have already felt, that he is a lost sinner and under the righteous displeasure of an offended God, he will gladly and gratefully take refuge in the conviction and the faith that man needs a Saviour from sin, and that Jesus the son of Mary in order to be a Saviour must also be the Son of God. A famous Bedawiu sheikh from the land of Bashan once visited Beirut, and asked permission to see the American steam printing-press. I took him through the various parts of the building and showed him the processes of type-casting, type- setting, electrotyping, lithographing and 138 MOHAMMEDAN MISSIONARY PROBLEM. bookbinding; and at length we entered the press-room. He stood with his Bedawin companions gazing in mute wonder at the steam-press with revolving cylinder rolling out the printed sheets with the greatest ra- pidity and precision. He stood in silence for a time, and at length turned to me and said, “ Khowadja, you Franks have con- quered everything but death. In that re- spect you and the Bedawin stand on a level, for death conquers us all.” I re- plied, “Yes, we are conquered by death, but there is One who has conquered death for you and for me — our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” My brethren, that is the gospel which all men need. That gospel ot salvation through Christ let us preach at home and abroad, until the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord, and he shall reign for ever ! THE END. ■v t