THE BENSON LIBRARY OF HYMNOLOGY Endowed by the Reverend Louis Fitzgerald Benson, d.d. % LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Calvin College A CHOICE COLLECTION OF mg^^ZB^' ADAPTED TO THE WANTS OF SzrisrnjL t Schools, ^itJu:sEj\£E:ETi2^as, '^TiieHomb CmcLJEJ, PIIUSIID BY Se BllIIllB'S SOIS, CLllELim §. e- ■e ©- 46010 (Copyright, 1877, by S. Brainard's Sons.) PUBLISHERS PREFACE. Five years ago, "Pure Diamonds" was issued by this House. It was followed two years ago by "Joyful Songs," both of which have been received with marked favor by Sunday School workers through- out t'he land. Hundreds of thousands of these two works have been sold, and the demand for them is still very great. This fact demonstrates the confidence of our great army of Sunday School workers in this house. In presenting ^^ HEAVENWARD'''' we confidently claim that we have produced a collection of Songs for the Sunday School that has never been surpassed, and one that will strengthen the confidence shown our efforts in the department of Sunday School Song. Mr. James R. Murray's reputation as a writer of pure and soul-stirring hymns of praise to God, is fully sustained in his latest efforts, to be found in these pages. P. P. Bliss, who was an intimate friend and musical companion of Mr. Murray for many years, is represented in *^ HEAVENWARD'^ by many of his best and most popular sacred songs. While nearly everything in this book is new, having been prepared expressly for it, we have thought it best to insert several song-gems which are always wanted and will never wear out. Among them we would mention "Hold the Fort," "What shall the Harvest be?" "Almost Persuaded," " Your Mission," "Only an Armour Bearer," "Sweet By and By," and others, which have become universal favorites in the Sunday School and Home Circle. Particular attention is called to the this book. ^Responsive Service,''^ a new and desirable feature to be found in Among the many excellent writers who have contributed to '■^HEAVENWARD''' may be found the following : — James R. Murray, P. P. Bliss, H. R. Palmer, James G. Clark; S. M. Grannis S, W. Straub. H. E, Kimball, F. G, Spencek., J. P. Webster, Rev. J. B. Atchinson, Rev. R. R. Chope, Rev. Edward Seymour, Rev. a. a. Graley Wm. T. Rogers, Geo. F, Root, N. Coe Stewart, W. F. Heath, W. W. Bentley, Karl Reden, J. H. Tenney, Rev. E. a. Hoffman, Robert S. Lindsay, T. H. Kurzenknabe, Dr. T. B. Herbert. Frank M. Davis, Miss S. C. Harvey, Mary E. Kail, J. H. Leslie, John C. Ward, T. W. White, a. W. Haa'ens. D. F. E. Auber, fl^-K O OM wU \ al/'ia\y«cl to {cifit «c pubue^ ibaj> of the Hymns or liuk&s in t^^is oook, '«vitnout the wnurn 'permission - ■ ■ th«>itbiiihrra. sion of \0 ©■ ^ Joyfully. Words and Music by J. E. M. te^ _^.._. "Sl- -•-7 S •- -5 — I 1. Heav - eu-ward! Heav-en - ward ! Let us sing as we are go - ing, 2. Heav - eu-ward! Heav-en - ward ! To the pas-tures ev - er ver - nal, '^im^^ ^^—ft- Heav - en - ward ! Heav - en-ward ! Where the heal - ing streams are flow - ing. Heav - en - ward ! Heav - en-ward ! To the home that is e - ter - nal. iig! Heavenward ! Heavenward ! End and aim of all endeavor, Heavenward ! Heavenward ! Peace, and Love, and Joy, for-ever ! |] ^ 3 Heavenward ! Heavenward ! Wliere our loved, (the King beholding) Heavenward ! Heavenward ! Wait anain our arms' enfolding. ^ e- Eaimestly JESUS, OUR FRIEND. ■e Dr. GEO. F. KOOT. by per. 0. DITSUN & CO. -m — — ^ p», — ^ — ?_i — I. -#■ • t^ L I ' All thro' our earth-ly days, Thy wond'rous works and ways, Je That Thou hast pow'r to heal, And, oli, Thy - self re - veal, Je May we our ills en - dure, Trust-ing Thy prom - ise sure, Je Through-out e - ter - nal days, Thy wond'rous works and ways, Je ^i^Kir- e- « — — — p-*-i — — — J — HOLD THE FORT. ^ "That which ye have, hold fast till I come."— fiEV. 2: 25, P. P. BLISS. ^ — N- 1. Hoi my com-rades, see the sig - ual Wav - ing in the sky, 2. See the migh - ty hosts ad-yanc-ing, Sa - tan lead - ing on; 3. See the glo - rious ban - uers wav - ing, Hear the bu - gle blow, 4. Fierce and long the bat - tie ra - ges, But our Help is near ; -^•Jt.^ _ _ _ ^ -ft. ' ^ ^ I Re - in-force-ments Migh - ty men a - In our Lead - er's On - wanl comes our It- '^ ~i~ m 1^^ Sr-i i- Is —i- K-l 1 H i 1 « — — ^— ! ^ « ri • y — • ^—^-*~. — * — * #— ^J now ap- pear -ing, Vic - to - ry is nigh, round us fall - ing, Cou-r - age al - most gone, name we'll tn - umph O - ver ev - ery foe. Great Com-man-der, Cheer, my com - rades, cheer! "Hold the fort, for Je - sus sig - nals still. ©- Wave the an-swer back to Heav - en, "By Thy grace we will." •#- A ^ ^ ^\ tl 4t-' 1 1 1 W 1 — - — si-i-l -V — y — ^- ■® 6 GIVE ME JESUS. Earnedly. §i^^^"ii3E|i' me Je - sua and His love, all oth - er joys de-part, you have Him, friend of mine, •-+-1- ■e J. E. :MURRAY. By Per. V" I shall noth - ing want be ■ I shall hap - py, hap - py Have his love, his heav'n, his side; be; home?- With With hiin his :fc REFRAIN. , — N Kt— !■ #-l — # — »- .—%-^-G *• —tV^ — * — #- 1— 5-i-p — ic ^^=i near where'er I rove, Nothing ill can me be-tide. love with - in my heart, What can harm or hin - der me ? cept this Friend Di-vine, "Who - so - ev - er will'' may come! Give me Je - sus Give me :gi==ip:z=:c==-i}:^i=:TtraztL= —0 0-.-~0-^r-%- \ K :ii^e3;p^gp^ e- Je -sus, On the sea or on the shore, Qivo me Je-sus,Give me Je-sus, I shall want for nothing more. r p i^ ^/ ' ' ■® ©■ i\i.MOST PERSUADED. .uiost Tliou persuaUest nw to be a Christian.' ■e P p. BLIS3. By per. ^iS=:i "Go, Spir - it, go Thy way, Soins more "con-ven - ient day On Thee I'll call." An - gels are lingering near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear: wand-erer, come. "Al - most" is but to fail! Sad, sad, that bit - ter wail — "Al - most — but lost. e- - I I ^ liij r-— ^— H J -e e 5 HALLELUJAH ! ■e I JUj il ^^J: ^i=l J. K. MUEKAY :-N r- I a SEfc 5ES£H=i — N- — -TPf-r- il-d- ^fF*f. Hal - le-lu- jah! Hal - le-lu- jah! Hal - le-lu- jah! -#— 5 — »— fn • •— ^ Hal -le-lu- jah! Hal -le-lu- jah! Hal -le - lu-jah! ^ 0- Fin-ished is the bat - tie Af - ter death that him be ■ On the third morn He a - now, fell. The crown is Je - BUS Brisrht with ►_i — « — ^1 lEJ --k I --^'—t- =^ =H The on the vie - tor's brow, Christ hath con - quer'd hell, vie - fry o'er his foes, ■ ^* V crown Je - Brisht IS ou sus Christ with vie • the hath fry vie - tor's brow ; con - quer'd hell ; o'er his foes ; Hence Earth Sing with is we sad sin^ laud ness, ing Sing witl. Heav'n is And ap glad - ness, ring - hig, plaud - ing, Hal Hal Hal §£i -t^- - k - le - le lu lu lu jah! jah ! jah! Hal Hal llal . le lu lu lu jah 1 jah! jah! -^- -d- a e 4 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ^ 5 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! He hath closed hell's brazen door, ' By Thy wounds we call on Thee, ||: And Heaven is open evermore ! :|| [|:Froni sin and death to set us free, :|| Hence with sadness ! Sing with gladness, Hallelujah ! Tiiat our living, be thanksgiving ! Hallelujah i -e ®- HOME, SWEET HOME. ■e Dn. Geo. F. ROOT. 9 I — I — m — « — I — 1 — — I ^ — •-- '-,j — « — ^--L-# ■J^ ■*• •# f ■^ -ah -^ If 1. Tar-ry-ing here with ma - ny af- flic - tions, Tar - ry - ing here for tri - als to come; 2. Jour-ney-ing yet on life's troubled o-cean, Where sin's wild bil - lows round us do foam, 3. Sor-row-ing now and bit-ter- ly weeping, Far from our heavenly rest do we roam ; -H , \—\ « 1 ^^^ 1 — , * 1 1— J ' -N-r— I — , ^-.-1— ^-^ 1 L ,^ il4=l^ •y ■# that jihis is but train-ing, Do we all know we're soon go-ing onr eyes with joy - ful e - ino- tion, See we a - far our beau- ti - ful cur l''ath - er all our steps keep-ing, Still is our Fath - er lead-ing us - # P_^_* ^ ^_^^ ^ •— T— 5 = --T-^ ^.- . • I : " Do we all feel Ijift we Siill is home, home, home. ilzt :i=:: e- -^ — «?- _i -• 5-'-«- Home, liome.Sweet, sweet liome, There's no place like home, There's no place like home. I :^=zlzzM^ .ff_« »_^ .|2- &- S ft b— 1 t : -f2-___^ 0-. 1= 4=: iE=i^ii^ ■e e- w Joyf^dly. ABLE TO SAVE. ^^=3: R. MUUKAV. 15y Ter. l-^^-*L -O—i -N— N- ^-. _,-^ !5^##^^ A - ble to save! yes, a-ble to save; n * f-^ — f- ~\ y Ps 1 N — 0\ — N ^ ^-5 •.- — ^^ — I— -9 ^ » ' -O— i t-* * *»—0 . -#— * * • k/ i7 1/ • Save to tlio ut-ter-raost, Save to the ut-t'T-most, - I - ^ u — I -7- - » — » — • — » — f — *~ t~LP — ? — !> — \) — i> '> 1 P — — ^ — I 1 1 — " -I- — — I — 9 — » [ 0- L . ,_ A - Lie to save, )fes. Save to the ut - ter-most, all who will come. m - '^ -#-=- -y — t'- ^r'" -^H-y- V— « 9 ^ 1. Come to tlie Migh-ty One, trust in His power. He is a re - fuge, a For-tress, a Tower, 2. Sink-ing m sin as in waves of tlie sea, Bound in the toils of it though we may be, 1' — -^ ^ - y — 1 '-f — f — t^ — f — '^ — *"^ — -j^^. ■e ABLE TO SAVE.-Concluded. 11 ^ Deep tho' your guilt may be, Deep-er His love for thee, Stronger than sin is the arm of the Lord. There is a Help-er nigh, 0, to that Help-er fly, All ye who call np-oa Him shall be saved. h ^ ^ ^ i: * ■#• H«- ^ ^f ^ — p— f- -H « J ! 1— ^ — N 1 1 > 1-^^ — p 1-^ ■ ^-i « W- + \^ P ^ •-:; *— « A - ble to save ! yes, a - ble to save; Save io the ut-ter-most, Save to the ut-ter-most ■^ -0- ~l i ^ ■ : -=ff — tz — H — ^- — ,'^*,_I:S — y — w — y — t -J-, ;^- ..-l,^-. :g=^^:j!s=:i;^z:q=qziii_ ^ — ^ j r — ^_ ^ ^— zzt^znj! \ =1 #-j — «-v-|— -^ — • 0— — — —\-^ ^ i^.—^ S- ^ ^___,___Ci ,__^_„__^ CJ J p 0_± 1 *_ A - ble to save, yes, a - ble to save, fcfc»rrr ®- P — W — p: Save to the ut - ter-most, all who will come. -rT-r-ZTczzTTiiz -^ — J — ^ — y- T^ — [ - T. -■^ — t?- ^ f^ WILLING WORKERS. E. A. W. P. P. BLISS. 1. Be up and do-ing!for the work A-round thee thickly stands; And fe 2. Be up and do - ing ! think of men Who're dy-ing day by day, — Dy-ini t -^—ff- few the in # 0- earn-est sin and -N+-,. _# « «-^ — z^r^-m — * P #-'--#=d=># 0-^—0- work - ers are, And tuw tlie will-ing hands. Be up wretch-ed - ness : Oh 1 help them while you may. Be up Nr-^ -^-, and do -ing! think of souls Who and do -ing! soon thy toil Shall 3=q-:l: per - ish all a - round, That thro' thy earn-est help-ful - ness Some'iost" ones may be "found." have a full ro - ward, And all his faith- ful la-bor-ers Be "ev - er with the Lord." e- i^EE •^ _*ll •*• — © ^ I CANNOT TELL. "lu such ail hour as ye think not. the Sou of Man Cometh. ^ ' ^n K the day nor hour, When God will send for how soon these hands So bu - sy now — may how soon the blood Within my veins may the day nor hour, When God my soul will me; rest chill, call, If years or on With cold, cold* fin ■ And li|)S that now To stand he - fore ■^_ >- ly gers are the ■^-si — — F=^— 5-.— # — *- -N-i 9' days will pass Be - fore His face i - dly clasped Up - on my qui red with life, In death be pale judgment seat *And hear its sen E==ut:3=tzz:^=g. ~* — ^ will keep my way-ward heart From will teach them help - ful deeds And will let no un - kind tones, From pure and true, Wj_th i=p lov work lips Je - mg earth too well, And bid my wand'ring thoughts each day On Christ and Heav'n to dwell. of Christian love; Nor hold them em - pty un - to God " When I am called a - bove. of mine be heard, But keep them bright with tender smiles And sweet with lov - ing words, sus' lov - ing aid, Then when I see His mes-sen- gers I shall not be a - fraid. ©■ u GOME YE SSNNERS, POOR AND NEEDY. Music Composed by KAEL EEDEN, for the Sweet Singer, IRA D. SANKEY. Moderato. Soprano Solo, or Semi Chorus. ^srr-— - — -I -^-1 — JT K r :r2-3=z^;zii^^z:f==^rz==q2==q^=pz===q=zz====:;;^pr:5;zz:=r! ? — :t — 5 — ii#^_[:_^ — !i, — L_, g €,__L_^ ^_ 1. Come, ye sin - ners, poor and need - y, Weak and wound-ed, sick 2. Now, ye need - y, come and wel - come, God's free boun - ty glo 3. Come, ye wea - ry, heav - y la - den. Bruised and man-gled by JN ft ^ — ^-^ f: •- and ri the l^] sore, fy: fall. Je - sus read - y True be - lief and If you tar • stands to save you, Full of true re - pent - ance, Ev - erj^ till you're bet - ter, You will pi - ty, love, grace that biings nev - er come you at power; uii'h, all; 4 -^ p^-f =^ ^^^ — ^ • ^ i L 1 J 1 He is With-out Not the a - mon right r^ ble, He is a - ble, &y^ With - out mon - ey, eous, not the right - eous, He is Come to Sin - ners will - ing, doubt Je - sus Christ Je - sus came no more, and buy, to call. GOME YE SINNERS, POOR AND NEEDY.-Conduded. 15 ■e ^ittz— ■ii—m— -0 — 1 ■ /'7^ I rit. — w — + — U 0- -0 *#-! — 0- He is With-out Not the N N a - ble, He is a - ble, He is' mon - ey, AVitli - out men - ey, Come to right - eous, Not the right - eous, Sin -_ ners H^ 4^ will - ing doubt no Je - sus Christ and Jo - sus came to more, tuy. call. CHORUS. ! 0— Come, 3'e sin - ners, ■•^ -»- #• #■ poor an'.l need - y, ^ i$^j^S^ |=^'=f=M Weak and wound-ed, sick and sore -« S0 e 3=» a -&- — ^ ' ^ Repeat, pp read - y stands to 4^ — .^ ^-fe^i — -r '*— ^ ^ ^ ^— f — y 5— -I ^ ' ■ =^ : 0- 16 WHAT SHALL THE HARVEST BE ? p. r. BLISS. 1 Sowini' the seed by the Uayliglit fair, Sowing the seed by the noou-day glare. Sowing the seed by the fa -ding light, 2" «!owine the seed by the wayside high. Sowing the seed on the rock to die, Sowing the seed where the thorns will spoil, 3 Sowin^ the seed of a ling'rlng pain. Sowing tlie seed of a madden 'd brlan. Sowing the seed of a tarnished name, 4- Sowing the seed with an ach-ing heart, Sowing the seed while the teardrops start^owing in hope till the reap-ers come, Kvv:^ir_j_u,J m — II — #-t-^«-#— ^-•-# h — -1 — *, frJLzXLiui. 2_- 1^ suit! 2 J 2-t~*~5^:5~ij #-T '-T 1^ I ^^^^mm^ -f-^ Sowing the seed in the sol-emn night; Oh, what shall the har-vest be? Oh, what shall the har-vest be?. Sowing the seed in the far - tile soil ; Oh, what shall the har-vest be? Oh, what shall the har-vest be?. Sowing the seed in e - ter- nal shame ; Oh,what shall the har-vest be ? Oh, what shall the har-vest be ?, Glad-ly to gath-er the har-vest home ; Oh.what shall the har-vest be? Oh, what shall the har-vest be?. S— ?- z #-J-*- 1 ■e WHAT SHALL THE HARVEST BE?-Concluded. ■® ■^ U U U ^^' U > U V Sown in the dark-ness or sown in the light, ' : ' ' ' ^^ U U U U Sown in the darkness or sown in the light, t=T 9t -; 1-^ 1- 1 1 Sown in our weak ness or sown in our might §fcg ... jur weaknt .„ ..„ ^..^ -J— •;— ^— #— .-r^— ^— J— J- ^ f y y ?■ i Sown in our weakness or sown in our might \ S S N fs N S W— J— •;— ^— #— .-r^— ^; ^ ^ ^ '^ J c u u r r i ^1 Sown in our weakness or sown m our might, N h s ,N ^ s ,s ^ [s N Gathered in time or e - ter - ni - ty, sure, ah, sure will the har vest be Gathered in time or e - ter ni - ty, Sure, ah, sure will the har ^ \^ jfcjt.^- SE -^-^(*- •»-!-f- — F har II u n ■ pj.lW!MWW'«tMJtg WB|WWPW PWUJi_. vMt Ji^ e- 18 LORD OF OUR LIFE. T. W. \VmTE. 1. Lord of our life, and God of our pal - va - tion Star of our night, and 2. See round Thy ark the hun - gry bil - lows curl - ing, See how Thy foes their -^ ^ — P ^ u u m a — * — — — *0 J- — I m #- g T0- X -fa^=g=;=^^ as hope of ev - ery na - tion, Hear and re - ceive Thy children's sup - pli - ca - tion, ban-ners are un-fnrl - ing, Lord while their darts en - venomed they are hurl - ing, ^^-|?— ^— H— ^: m. ^ us. . Lord, Tiiou canst help when earthly armour faileth, Lord, Thou canst save when deathly sin assaileth, Lord, o'er Thy rock, nor death, ner hell prevail'eth. Grant us Thy peace. Lord. © ■* It ^' Lord God al - migh Thou canst pre - serve — m, i -n i i i •■ I ^ . - J 4. Grant us Thy help till foes are backward driven, p^' .1^ ■ "* ' ' ^ ^ " * — ~ ^it ""T"~^>j~^ i " 1 1 Grant them Thy truth, that they may be forgiven, ^^sziirrJ ~.; L Si I 4- -g^ — [1 Grant peace on earth, and after we have striven, '^^ 1^ r Peace in Thy heaven. e Miss PROCTOR _# , DO THY DUTY, GOD WILL KEEP THEE. J. R. THOMAS. W ■e 1. One by one the sands are flowing, One by one the mo - ments fall ; Some arecoming.some are go - ing 2. One by one bright cifts from heaven, Joys are sent thee here be-low, TaJje them read-i - ly when giv-en, If: ■^ — ^ — »- — »• 1 i I p - :t:=P | pE^=£p g=g :t=t i Pt r- • ' II "I •■ \ y " Do not strive to grasp them all. One by one thy du-ties call thee, Let thy whole strength go to each; E.eady too to let them go. Do not look at life long sor-row,See how small each mo-ment's pain ; is — F F •-^ — • — Ti • ] ' — I 1 — M-r-!. E? -rU-t— r-*-i fr=^ Let not future dreams elate thee, Learn thou first what these can teach, Learn thou first what these can teach. God will keep thee for to - mor - row,So each day be-gin a-gain ; So each day be- gin a^ain. f- ■»- ^.^ • ' I #. -(t t-SiM^ ^ e- 20 THE LAND OF LIGHT AND LOVE. « ALDINE S. KIE5FER. !S1 ±-it-^. =? ::t S- tl -^- ^^ 'P3 1. There's a laud of light and love far a - way, Where the long severed friends meet a - gain;Where the 2. _To that gold-en shore some dear ones have gone, And we trust we shall meet them a-gain,When that •- -^ liz: -w— b-' =^=^=^ y — b'- -b'- SE ^ 45: ^ =t g — *— ;Ee3E5 E^=^4=i long dark night and toil-wear-ing day, Nev-er tar - nish the bright gold-en plain ; Where the glo-rious morn in Ins - tre shall dawn, And we stand on the bright gold-en plain ; By the 9^ ElE V — b^ ■-©--- •^ . *- -^^ :q=U — I — =U=t —I 1 1 1 :=t _i — a — i — * — ,_izj:iz^ — J — ^ -J • ~ : 9E3^ rude win-ter blasts nev-er ehill with their breath, Nor the cold darkling storm glooms the sky, Where the riv - er of Life in the Ci - ty of Light, We shall roam with the lov'd ones a - bove ; And with !^:e^E£ t?t ^=^ # — , -i^ — b' — I ^ THE LAND OF LIGHT AND LOVE-Conduded, 21 e §! sou) is freed from sor - row and death, And the tear nev - er - more dims the eye. an - gels bright through time's ceaseless flight, We shall sing of a dear Sav - iors love ' - - ' -^ - - - f ft_\. ^^ '— y- ifc i^ -V- -* — u — t — t- — -ta — B-fctzzzza REFRAIN. -tN— N— N— N- JM^t-h'U^MM- it—w— S S S 4 —^- There's a laud of light and love, There's a land of light and love.Tliere's a land ot lleht and love, far 1^ a - way. JiU 1 \ -|-|/( ^ Far a-way, -V— /- Far a-way. e 22 REVIVE US AGAIN. Eev. "Wm. PATON MACKEY, 18G6. "O Lord, revive Thy work."- Heb. 3- 2, §3= i3 r -K-i =}: Englisli Melody. -^r-J J 1- -?y 1. We praise Thee 2. We praise Thee 3. All glo - ry 4. All glo - ry 5. Re - vive us 9~ God! for the Son of Thy love, For Je - sus who O God! for Thy Spir - it of light, Who has sliowu us our and praise to the Lamb that was slain. Who has home all our and praise to the God of all grace Who has bought us ; a - gain; fill each heart with Thy love; May each soul be re - .- ^ ■«•■♦■- -' "- - ^ - §m s * — ^ - 1=1- CHORUS. ■-^- died, and is now gone a - bove. Sav - ior. and scat - tared our night, •ins, ' and cleansed ev - ery etam. and sought us, and guided our ways. kind - led with fire from a - bove. ^ - , A it ^t .^ :}|;Ef-4:=fElEf^f^^F3^a=f=f=zd .lC=^_jj_3-.| 1 ^_1_^ ^ 1— p— ^ Hal-le- lu - jah! Thine the glo - ry, Hal - le -^•--^- ^f' "^E :^=q :U=P=q J \ ^r-H J^ ^T-J ' ^ — Nt i h \-cl *'. 0- f-0 • 0-l-S-\-0 I m^= lu - jahl a - men. Hal - le - lu - jah! Thine the glo - rv, -0— 0—L-\ L it; m ~p- ^:E e- ■© ©■ Spirited. v. J N WONDROUS LOVE. "Behold, what luannor of love the Fatlicr hath bestowed on us." -^ ^ 4- 23 e r-l- J. R. M. -#-+ _#- • — -_ — 1 — 1. Sing rny soul, His won-d'rous love, Who from yon bright throne a - bove, Ev - er ^v^tch-fuI 2. Heav'n and earth by Him were made, All is by his Fcep-tre sway 'd.What are we thac 3. God, the mer - ci - ful and good, Bought us with the Savior's blood ; Ami to make our Z JL^ ^ Z. U- I REFRAIN. i)-—^ Still o'er our race, ^still to man ex - tends His grace. Heyhouldshow So much love to us be - low? safe - ty sure, Guides us by His Spir - it pure. bing my sou -^- Mng my soul, -^ I l-r-J 1 U-i-T-^-T-, I i -T-n \ -• ^ H Sing my soul his wond'rous love. Praise him, till he calls thee home, Trust his love for all to some. l£z L i I L- i- ^- >^_* -t-- -»— •— r ^ e- 24 TRUSTING SWEETLY IN JESUS. Inscribed to G. W. Aebuckle ■® Words and Music by \ ^> J __ __>. , 1 H. E. PALMER, by per, ^ ^ 1*^ K 1 V tTr> ii J ^ J - • * m i " J — . J ^ '>L" i» J J • * ■^ 1 1 rm ' U - sus; Oh, trust in his ■^* ^ #. -ft H«- -f— t^— t^ Trusting com-plete-ly and sweetly in him;Trust him all ye who are weary ef sin; Come unto him, -^- i- ^ pa prom - ise •#• it. -^ #. Come to his lov ig breast, He'll car - ry your burdens, ■P-"^^. . JK- -^ Jt -ff -P 1— #-^ 1 \ 1 r— 5-^ Com© with your sin. bit: Come to his lov - ing breast, He'll car - ry your bur-dens -s=Jt^- >— I^-^ All ye heav-y la - den Come ye who are wea - ry ; Come and he'll giva you rest. P 4t- ^ ^ ^ m /7^ e- t _ 1_*_^_^-^ ■* 1 i — 1^ "^ — — ■e s- 26 ANNIE CUMMINGS, ■- — — — — # — #-- — *-^ — THE GOLDEN HARVEST. "Go work to-day lii my viiu'yanl '^ — 'S\Mi. xxl. 28. Wm. "W. BENTLEY. by per. 5 1. Waiting is the gold-ea har-vestjWait-ing is the gold-ea grain, 2. Tru - ly is the har-vest plenteons.But the la- bor - ers are few. 3. Will the Mas - ter hold us guilt-les?, If the work be left un-done ? 4. Haste.oh.has - ten, wiU-ing workers Swift-ly S2>eed tlie hours a - way; — — « — 0-' 1 While tlie Mas - ter Pr.'iy ye tliat tlie If for lack of Hark - en to the X-- ;a^=^ -#-- — calls for reati-ers From the hill-siile and the plain? Lord of har-vest Sead forth workmen tried and true, la - bor per-ish Pre-cious souls we might have won. Mas-ter's w.nrning,"Work ve while 'tis called to-day. ♦ •#- -^ ° •' -P- '-K Who is will-ing ? who is read - y ? -^— 1«- :iiS^g^ii^ii Who will go and work to day ? See the gold-en harvest waiting, Who will bear the sheaves away ? f 0—0- ! p- e ^ THE SHINING SHORE. 21 ® Moderato. Dr. GEO, F. BOOT. ; :-_tzz=Sz=!(=^: d3=3Eb::Azii=z^=:«(i 1. My days are glid - ing swift-ly by, And I, a pil-grim stranger, Would not do - tain them 2. We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear, Our dis - tant home dis-cern-ing ; Our ab - sent Lord has 3. Let sor-row's rud - est tera-pest blow, Each cord on earth to sev - er, Our Kiui' says "Come" and 3«fe j^. -r-i*-' ^ ±-^ 1 L_H » r- :p n#_^__ ^ . Fr- /-J tl F=t= —\ — REFRAIN. _«_ .__ ^,__^ 1 as they fly, Thes( left us word, Let there's our home, For 41. ^ 4t- ^ 3 hours of toil and dan - ev - ery lamp be burn ev - er, oh, for ev - •«■: -^ -^ m ■»■ ger. -ing. er. s 0— -» 9 « c i_^_ 1 For now we stand — • — on ••- — k — Jor-daa's strand, Our S i -=>L : — 1 1 # I>L!^^_,_' [— -J >— y y- tiUri 1 ^ [^ > ! ■ ' —^ — U — p ^ -ff — i ^- ^-. friends are passing ov - er; And just be-fore, the shin-ing shore We may al - most dis-cov- er. ®- 28 WAITING FOR A BLESSING. ^ R. S. LINDSAY. J. R. M. !Jti4— 1 iw-l-^-1 -^ — \ — =1=^ — 1 « — #— =^ -j — ^_J — ^. -_j ^_^ ^ — 1. Sav - ior now we 2. Take un - ho - ly 3. Lord may we be ^ : i^— ^- • -^ — • — ^— -5 1 g — L ^ hum - bly come, iho'ts a - way, ev - er found, 1 *• ^ p ir ^ , 9 : w ^ Wait-ing for Wait-ing for Wait-ing for - r • • a a a -tr--] bless - ing. bless - ing, bless - iug, -#-^ — « — « » — ^^ -. « » ^ ^ At the cross there On Thee, all our In Thee, stead-fast -^ • 1 ^ # q \>\% p ? s — r- - U ' i — •— s- — » * — "1 u 1 — • — 1 -1 1 L±—T—^i=:fL z\ u 1 ' 1 \J 1 w 1 still is room, Wait - iug for sins we lay, Wait - ing for firm and sound, Wait - ing for ■ft.' bless - ing, bless - ing, bless - ing, J— f-— e_. 9«^=f n ICI Room for all who will be - lieve, Ev - ery bur - dea ev - ery care, Then, what-ey - er may be - tide. And Thy precious word re - ceive. Let us not thy spir - it grieve, Wait-ing for a bless-ing. All the grief we have to bear. Leave us, when v/e are ia prayer, Wait-ing for a bless-ing. Tho' our friends may us de - ride. If we but in Thee a - bide, "We'll re-cieve a bless-ing. ■^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I I j#.^a.#.» ^^ ©■ Tl ■e B- HIS L0VIN6 ARMS AROUND ME. 2& © Words and Music by JAMES R. MURRAY 4—11-77. "The ever-lastiug arms." Gratefully. — h — 7. — f^'i — ! ^^ — ' l~i — I 1^ n ~T — _ ^ — I ^-r-i Pi — I " sg^ In want, and woe, iu sin and shame, The bless-ed Sav-ior found me, He raised me up and He whispered gentle prec-ions words, He burst tlie bands that bound me, He brought me to my I walk no more a wea - ry way, Since my good Shepherd found me, How can I faint or [t*- •#••♦•■#- \ -0- -^ [-0- .^ ' .^ ^ *^^r^ — f-p—^-r-'-'—*—m — •-T-*-r— «-^ — ^-T ^ ' ~ t -_Vj:^^1r — p^—^ , --t t- ±1 3= :zzr- V: :zi~:r gent - ly put His iov - ing arms a - round me. Fath-er's house, His Iov - ing arms a - round me. fall, or fear, His Iov - ing arms a - round me. His Iov - ing arms, His help - ful arms, The prec-iouR arms that found me, The mighty arms that shield from harm, His loving arms a- round ' me . ±£ £ e t £ .. . . I §Sifc, fac SES: -GH — I 1 — T-F-i- P |3; -?: S= I ^ — e a- 80 ONLY AN ARMOUR-BEARER. "Now It came to pass upon a day. tliat Jonathan the son of Saul said unto the young man that bare his annonr. Come, and let us po over to the Pliilistines' frari ison that is on the other side: it may be tliat the Loud will work tor us; for there is no restraint to tlie Loud to save hy many or by few. And his armour-bearer said unto him, Do all that is in thine heart: turn thee; behold. I am w itli thee acconliufc to tliine heart. And Jonathan climbed upon his hands and upon his feet, and his armour- bean r alter him: and they fill before Jonathan; and his armour-bearer slew after him. So the Loud saved Israel that day ami tlie battle passed over unto Beth-aven."— SAM. 14: 1, 6, 7, 13, 23. P. P. BLISS. By Per. 1. On - ly an armour-bearer, proud-ly Island, Wait-ing to fol-low at the King's command; 2. On - ly an armour-bearer, now in the field, Guarding a shin-ing hel-met sword and shield, 3. On - ly an armour-bearer, yet may I share Glo - ry im-mor-tal and a bright crown wear : ■e 9i^^l==3^5=}= ^P-4-» March-ing if "onward" shall the or-der be, Stand-ing by my Cap Wait-ing to hear the thnll-ing bat-tie - cry, Kead-y then to an - If, in the bat-tie, to my trust I'm true, Mine shall be the hon - tain, serv-ing faith - ful - ly. swer, "Mas-ter, here am I. - ors in the Grand Review. :|= —M- 40- ^ P^^fe ^ *^3^ ■^i ONLY AN ARMOUR-BEARER.-Conciuded. CHORUS ..w-A- -i^i— C — P 1 ^=g -y- -0 — - 3!:t ^=p 5t Hear ye the bat-tie cry ! "Forward," tlie call! See! see the faltering ones ! backward they fall c^^-^, — *-^! — 0-^—0 — — • — • — ^-l -i — I — o — — 0-^ — — • — — #rrc-p:iiiitiiiT 5/ § -^ &>— i^ id- Sure - ly the Captain may de - pend on me, Though but an ar-mour-bear-cr I may be, *— # ^- .^_ Birl2=t=zr:3=[::=t=n=:c: :it i j^^b f *-^— * •^— # • 0- > ^ ^5 i i 1 — 5 J i-l—^ 1- ^ ^ - - . - '---0 w Jj- Sure - ly the Captain may de - pend on me, Though but an ar-mour-bear-er I may be. 32 Rev. E. a. HOFFMAN. WHY NOT BE SAVED TO-DAY. ■e J. H. TENNEY. 9^ 1. The Sa\ - ior stands waiting at mer- cy's gate To take all thy sins a - way, 2. Thy sins, like a bur-den, are press -ing thy soul ; Now heav - y thy sor - rows weigh! 3. The Spir - it is call-ing in gen - tie voice, To woo thee from sin's dark way ; 4. The light of the mor-row may nev - er shine Up - on thy sin - dark- ened way ; ^ jt. -tL ^ _ \ 4L ^ r* 1—^ I -^-.-f-f- t:^t:=t: — 1!-£3 y J-y y- ±=: y- '--b'- If thou wonld'st be saved, then why longer wait? Oh why If thou would'st be freed from their long control. Oh why If Je-6u9Ehall ev - er be made thy choice, Oh why To-mor-row per-haps may no more be thine, Then why ^^^^^^^^ I ^ ^ d**-rl \ 1 1 \ \ r-| • d -p — r- r not not not nob be be be saved saved saved saved to to to to day? day ? day ? day? — G WHY NOT BE SAVED TO-DAY.-Continued. - -W J ^ — Ji-^ ^ — tf* ^ ^ al ■ — * — • ^ -J « L- gife A -^ -^ -«-■*«• -^ -I -bH -^ L rzjt 33 1 To - day is the day of sal - va - tion and grace, why not be saved to - day ? :it: ONWARD GO. ^--h^ — ^ 12: RICHARD REDHEAD. ' J rj -^-^ 1. Oft in dan-ger, oft in woe, On-ward,Christians,on-ward go ; Bear the toil, main-tain the strife 2. Let not sor-row dim your eyes, Soon shall ev-ery tear be dry : Let not foes your course im-pede, •«»• -f^^ ■*• 1^ gpEE H li lEE •fa -j^M^ n --f= p s 9> Strengthened with the Great your strength if 32: £l^ Bread of Life, great your need. 'SZ ^.-(2- 3 Let your drooping hearts be glad, March in heavenly armoor-clad; Fight nor think the battle long. Soon shall victory wake your song. 4 Onward then to glory move ; More than conquerors ye shall prove; Though oppresed by many a foe, Christian Soldiers onward go ! e e 34 IF 60D APPROVES, WHAT MATTER P ^ J. K. M. ' T — t — P"*— i ^T— I— -^— 1 T t-t: — I — ^ 7 — i^-> ^T-^''^— N— I ^-i What mat-ter, frieKd, if you and I May sow and oth-ers gath-ci? We build ami oth - ers oc - cu -py. Each What niat-ter tho' we bow in tears, And crops fall at the reap-ing? What tho' the fruits of pa-tlent years, Hare What mat-ter tho' the cas -tie fall, And dis - ap-pear while building ?Tho"'strangc handwriting on the wall," Flame 4— 4— -^ 4— 4— M;^ S ,N 'jr TH-^— ^=^ la-b'ring for each oth-er; What tho' we toil from sun to sun. And men for- get to flat-ter, The no-bl'^st work our per-ished in ourkeep-ing? Up - on our hoarded treasures, floods A -rise and tem-pestsscat-tcr. If faith be-holds be- out a - mid the gild -ing; Tho' ev - 'ry i - dol of the heart, The hand of death may scatter, Tho' hopes de-cay and ^ , -^^ 1-^ "r— ^T— -w- ^r- ^ ^ ^- m~ ^^p3^P^^^^Eii^^gi|i^i hands have done, If God ap-proves, what matter ? What mat-ter? What mat-ter? - yoBd the clouds, A clear-er sky, what matter ? What mat-ter ? What mat-ter ? friemds de-part, If HeaT'mbeours, what matter ? What mat-ter? What mat-ter? ©■ If God ap-proves, what mat-ter? A clear -er sky, what mat-ter? If Hsiiv'nbo ours, what mat-ter? :*_^_#Ifv_y_: —'^-]-^ :^H ^i^tiiMi OH ! HOW HE LOVES ! "There is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother." 85 e JOHN C. WARD. M B^^ 1. One there is a - 2. 'Tis e - ter - nal 3. Thi'o' his name we :?==— p: -0 0- Love life are I all oth - ers, Oh ! to know Him, Oh ! for - giv - en, Oh ! ■0- -0- -0- ■» ^1 — -F S£^ loves ! +-#^y — g — » ^ His is love be - Think, Oh I think how Back-ward shall our ?=^=r= £EEE=3 4 u n: yond a broth-er's, Oh ! much we owe Him, Oh ! foes be driv - en Oh ! ^- is X- :t how how how -o- ^- ^^ m He loves ! Earth - ly friends may fail or leave us, He loves ! With His prec - ious blood He bought us, He loves! Best of bless -ing He'll pro - vide us, J •#■•#• •#• F • 1-— EEETS feS SE^ Z-- a g m =-i^=i±azi One day soothe, the next day grieve us, But this Friend will never leave us, Oh! how He loves. In tne wil - der-ness He sought us, To His fold he safe-ly brought us. Oh! how He loves. Nought but good shall e'er be-tide us, Safe to glo - ry He will guide us, Oh! how He loves. §-©: J- M -t- -t- •*■ "^ -^ . ^. © ©- 86 AFTER THE HARVEST, GOLDEN SHEAVES. ^ MBS. MARY E. KAIL. — 1 ^- 1 — N 1 [S^ ^ =?=^- K N- \. R. MURRAY. p-1 f-==^ 1. Af - ter the 2. Af - ter the 3. Af- ter the 4. Af - ter the 5. Af - ter the Rvirfr— t — t — L- ^ — i^ bar - vest, bar - vest, har - vest, har - vest, har - vest. gold gold gold gold gold J —r — 1 1 _- ^..^ ■ en sheaves - en sheaves - en sheaves - en sheaves - en sheaves ; 4 • 1 -f * 5 5_ And when, the bar - Gathered a-round ; Ye, who are sow - Though the toil - ers Then let us work h ■(«■#- ^ ..t=^ ft 1= ves - ter's work at the Mas - ing your seed for Heav-en while the days n is done, ter's feet, in tears, be few, are long, ' ^^'—\^ — t^ — y- _;^_^J ■1 ._*— r... . -V— — V — -u r- b^ ^^^ ~v— P— b- — 1 :S- -g — Mg- Joy, and glo - ry, and per - feet peace, — Mid sweet songs of tri - umph - ant praise. For the fruit of the work you do Hands that are will-ing can al-ways find, When the Lord of the har - vest comes, I m In the new life, Mak - ing our joy Wait - ing for ma Plen - ty of work Join in the reap ..N _JS ^S ¥ — -* fcz— *: be - gun. com - plete. ny years. to do. sont m^ This shall the song of the reap -, er be, ^ ^ ^ 4L ^ ^ 4L -H 1 K 1 hr ::ti: Rest, at clos-ing of day t ay for me : -0 1 r-|— e- 5-5^5- AFTER THE HARVEST, GOLDEN SHEAVES.-Conduded. 37 e — N- _v /rs 1© Then, on the bless - ed Re - deem - er's breast, i is i^ bi U -W- ^ *— .? -# i I shall I'le down to :K= bliss - ful rest. -•— ^' i PRAYER FOR PURITY. "Blessed are the pure In hearl, iorthey shall see God.' Words furnished by Misa M. F. K. from a poem by LUCY LARCOM. J. R. M. 4-1&-1877 ieg^s: 1. Heaven-ly Fath - er, I would wear An - gel gar-ments, white and fair; 2. Take the rai - menfc soiled a - way, That I wear with shame to - day; 3. Let ma wear the white robes here E'en on earth, my Fath - er dear; S?g^==E r- -*^^- f^ :zp: -J- s 115= t -s<- =^ :=^ An - gel ves - ture, un - de - filed. Give my an - gel robes to me, Hold - ing fast thy hand, and so -(2- TTT-T : — © •-T-'5> 1 — -f-l 1 — Wilt thou give un - to thy child ? White with Heav - en's own pur - ity. Through the world un - spot - ted go, _J frA ^}^ -|2- *: ^ ■e ®- 38 m 4-^ TRUSTING JESUS. '•In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust. J. K. :^r, 1. Sim - ply trust - ing ev - 'ry day, Trust-ing thro' a storm - y way ; Ev - en when my 2. Trust-ing as the moments fly, Trust-ing as the days go by; Trust-ing Him what- 3. Trust-ing Him while life shall last, Trust-ing Him till earth is past; Till with-in the 4-^J— iJ^t f " 7 J" faith is small, Trust - ing Je - sus, that is all. Trust - ing, trust-ing, trust - ing, Trust-ing, ere be fall. Trust - ing Je - sus. that is all. Jas - per wall. Trust - ing Je - sus, that is all. ^^ Zfc t^-- r4=:*;*r ^ t Trust-ing Him what-ere befall ; Tru3ting,trusting,trusting,all, I'm trusting Je - sus, that is all. ^. I ^ ^— ^ 5 -,-• 1 rx- * •-T-^ e- v- -#— *- EE VJ/ GO WORK FOR THE HARVEST IS NEAR. 39 •e MARY E. KAIL. Wm. W. BENTLEY. by Per. - gS -f — H -1^ ^^-5 ,-5 fS s ^—. » N IS ^ ^1 1-^ 1 W ' — \ — r-^^ I 1 Go work for the har-vest is near, 2. The poor and the need - y may come, 3 Bright beau-ti - ful palms we shall bear, ^"-^if — f — r * — f^^* — r^^i* — f' I ^^ I tw w 5=hj U G Go work, for the lab'rers are few; The larne.and the halt and the blind, With loved ones who've passed on be-fore; ■y — y- V /TN .^_]s__N_4N,.4=-I- t iT7-»Ti 1^ kTi — N N N S c: T — ^ ^ 1-^ — i S ^ r — S ■ ^- '- f*i '^ Soon Je - sus our Mas-ter, in joy will ap-pear. With his fol - low - ers faith-ful and And all who are seek-ing a heav - ea - ly home. The pearl of sal - va - tion may And crowns of re -joic-ing we ev - er shall wear, On the beau-ti - ful, beau-ti - ful true, find, shore. r^. .^ #. #. •#. #• -^ -p— p- ■^ #. -r. 1 1 1 r REFRAIN. (1st time. ) (2c? time. ^ -fi — M — rr*-~i — • — • — «- -^— i — ^ ^ — S — f"" — N — P — i-— ^ — *--d—i — I — 1\ — N N — h — \ 1 H — i— — i -^1 — 2 — 5-h#-|^# -•- -5-4 — 2 — # — ^-— t — i — J — « — S — •- -5-v-^ — il — ' — -i — ^ — • — ^ 1-|— +=-t— - — ' -0- -0- ' ^^' •#■-•■• •^#' ^-I'F sif We shall rest. We shall rest, We shall rest on that beautiful shore, shall rest, shall rest. H t=t =r-f '^ u u • 1^ U rest on that beautiful shore. - P f P i t P ^ ^ 1. "He lead eth me!" Oh, bless-ed thought, Oh words with heav'n-ly com - fort fraught What- 2. Some-times 'mid scenes of deep-est gloom, Some-times where E- den's bow - ers bloom, By 3. Lord I would clasp thy hand in mine, Nor ev - er mur-mur nor re - pine, Con- 4. And when my task on earth is done, When by thy grace, the vic-tory's won, E'en e'er I do, where - 'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that wa - ters still o'er trou - bled sea. Still 'tis his hand that tent what - ev - er lot I see. Since 'tis my God that death's cold wave I will not flee, Since God through Jor - dan iPS ^ir-r- JX^ *_ w \ -\— - L - -I F. ■- 1 hr lead - eth me I lead - eth me! lead - eth me! lead - eth me ! n V- e CHRIST ENTREATING. Softly throughout. J. R. M. 41 p -*T 53 r ^— i 1. In the si - lent mid-night watch-es, 2. Death comes down with reck-less foot-steps 3. Then 'tis time to stand en - treat-ing gg t-F:^f-f -j= List To Christ £ thy the to bo-sem's hall and let thee -e — door! How it kuocketh hut; Think you death will in ; At the gate of r - — u — 1==] m m m — J «^ I knock-eth, knock-eth, knock - eth, ev - er-more! tar - ry knock-ing, when the door is shut! heav - en beat - ing, wail - ing for thy sin ! Say Je • Nay! not 'tis thy pul - ses beat -ing; sus wait -eth, wait -eth, wait-eth: a - las thou guil - ty crea - ture ^ ±1 W- L, .^.a=B 1 — T — ri ~i— ^-1— i- -i — M ^y. 'Tis thy heart of But the door is Hast thou then for - sin; fast; ( got? — 1 \2 1 u_ ^-4 : ^ 4 r 'Tis thy Sav-ior k Jriev'd a - way the Je - sus wait-ed ^•— ^ ^ nocks, and cri - eth "Fuse and let me Sav - ior go - eth. Death breaks in at long to know thee, Now he knows thee in!" last not. \ -f^^^-^zi J \ 1 L l—0~^ O 1 1 '.^ 1 1 -±——\ \ 1 ^-0-' 1 U 1 1 1 ^ :-T=±^ ^ e- 42 W ordB by P. S. PENNELL. OH GLORIOUS HOPE! ■e Music by J. P. WEBSTER. 1. Be - yond the clouds that o'er us form, Be-yond ail earth-ly bliss, Hope paints a bow so 2. Thougli torrents roar, and mountains frowu, While Oceans roll be - tween, Though tempests pour their ^* -0 — 1-0 — ^ -0 — — — — # • a — #r-« — S 1 — *— ' — #; — ^4 — ! — ^^#j— * v^t=^ iifs bright, no storm Will ev - er reach from this ; So glo - rious and di - vine - ly fair. Its fu - ry down, To veil the gold - en sheen ; With crys - tal touch each polished beam Shot ■^ ■#- ■^ -^ -^ — !•- £E tJ:r^ blended hues ap - pear, We know that God hath ]ilaced it there, And dwells for-ev - er near, from thy ra - di-ant bows. Like twi-light stars doth brighter gleam, As night the dark-er grows, iEfi ©■ ir^.. -0 •- =t==f:: i — #- -^r- •e OH GLORIOUS HOPE !-Conciuded. 43 ■e ^^ -ti:* £^3=t Oh glorious Hope, Oh un - seen shore On which the dear one * — ^^ — i- — ^rir r^"* — * — '^^ wait-ing stands And {=t ^ beck S for - ev A. =S iz*: With gen =Fi le, gen - tie wav - ing hands. ^^ I ©■ 3 Oh ! matchless Hope that buoys me np. Through life's dark, gloomy halls, Whose footsteps have yon river crossed. Where mortal never falls; Of golden sands the unseen shore, On which ye waiting stand. And beckon me forever moie. With gentle waving hand. 4 Our vision may not pierce the gloom, That darkens o'er the tide, And hides from view the roses bloom, Upon the shining side; But there's a bliss we often catch, In fragrance from the gale. Which seems its sweetness to have catched As nearer to her waving hand. From flowers beyond the veil. Each day our anchor cast. 5 We mourn not for the long by gones. That died in mortal strife. But rather rend these dusty bands, Which chain the crystal life; While hope beams brighter on the strand. And shadows lengthen fast. ■e ©■ 44 Rev. E. A. HOFFMAN. WE SING THE PRECIOUS STORY. "■Who loved us and gave Himself for us." =&i i=^=i J. R. M. P ^ 3^£ ->^^ =r? p^ -*r^-#- 7 1. We sing the precious tidings. That Je - sua from a - bove Came down to of - fer free - ly The 2. How great the love that led him To leave the home a - bove. To die for ruin-ed sinners, And §S -• — » — »■ H P -1- -y h y ^ — ^ ' ' i; ' — y- ^^^■ t m^ ' 'J A^ i 1 ^' -T-K- — ^ ^— J=? — U Ps — -4 1— -t-^j^— blessings of his bless them with hi ove; With heart of warm af s love. For such a pure af - fee - tion He gave him - self to - fee - tion My grate - ful spir - it die. That yearns, To CVJl^r— J f ^ !-# ir- :='^— • — r — 1 — (— -•-^ ^ —»—, »■■' ■-■ff' > J W 1 ' — 1 f • 1 f ' 1 ' ^ L [ r i=:S^ -^ - i- •^ ■#• ■#■ ■ffn^-'- -^ — U — y. we should nev-er per-ish, But'live with him on high, ren - der back to Je - sus My warmest love re - turns. precious, precious sto - ry, The SepI^ee^Iee -/ ■#. *- ^■ f— 5-f n >-_^ ^ ip y_l g WE SING THE PRECIOUS STORY -Concluded. 45 e It 1 — -j 1 1 is Lord brought down from Glo-ry, Brought to us from yon Heav-en The bless-inj^s ot liis love. A _^ J > . . . -^ i#- -^ ■#- .#. . . ^ ^ #. J \ ^ 1-^ — 1-; \- — y-i- y — \ ^1-0-^—0^-^ -n — p- — p- I u I MY FATHER AND MY GOD. WM. T. ROGERS. 1. My Fa - ther and my God, O set this spir - it free, I'll glad-ly kiss the 2- Sweet is the bit - ter'st sweet. That, with the bend - ed knee, Bows down this bro - ken 3. The tears we shed for sin, When Heav'n alone can see Leave tru - er peace with- 4. Then give me a - ny lot, I'll bless thy just de - cree, So thou art not for- =^17^ ■^5 :1=t:: f-— r :t mi. mi ES ^^?=S=t:g=4 X- :^ —t^ rod That drove my trembling soul to thee And made it thine e - ter - nal - ly. heart, For who, my Sa-vior who would be A suf- f'rer long, that flees to thee! in, Than world-ly smiles — which cannot be Lit up, my God, with smiles from thee, got — And I may ne'er de-pend-ant be On a - ny friend, my God, but thee ! m Ef -**—- t: =^- ©■ ■® ©■ 46 CHRIST'S LITTLE SOLDIERS. JULIA A, MATHEWS ^-- 1. We are sold-iers of the ijord, 'Neath His flag we're called to fight; Sin and e - vil are our 2. Strong and subtle is our foe, But our Lord is strong-er still He will guide us as we 3. Though we falter on the road, He will nev - er chide nor frown, For He knew how weak we 4. All He asks is loy - al love, Earnest ef - fort for the right; For the bat-tie is his ^— N- foes. We are battling for the right. Comeand join our little band, conie and join our little band, We are go. He'll de-fend us from all ill were When He chose us for his own. own, We shall win it by His might. ,|g_|*_T-^ f t p P p p 4- 4- 4- ^ -g-f- t: t^ sure to win the day .We have uau^lit to dread or fear.We have naught lO dread or fear,For our Savior, blessed Savior leads the way. g^f eK ®- \j ^ 1/ ^ ^ '/ \ 'W=w: -na^i t^ yt ^ \^ V \f y -r - r-r . ^ ^ ■m, HEAR OUR SONGS OF PRAISE. 47 e Words furnished by Miss M. F. K. Music by FKEDK G. SPENCER. "m^ 1. Now, tbe Sab-bath e've de-clin - ing,Sheds around a hallowed light, And the sil - ver 2. May the words of in - spi - ra-tion, Which our ears have heard today, Wake a ho - ly 3— fc-T - !s S \ *- -^-i-rXi '% -#— - -^-W - -N ^ -^ 0--.—0 H H-i— I wm^ stars are shin-ing, With a radiance pure and bright. Soft and gen -tie be the numbers Which our con - tem-pla-tion,Call our souls from eartii away. While with hearts and voices blending, Up to ±=:t: ^m^^^^^ -v--^ f. grate-ful spir - its raise, God a-bove, while na - ture slumbers, Hear, Oh hear our songs of praise, heav'n our thoughts we raise. Thou to mor-tal vows at - tending, Hear, Oh hear our songs of praise. ^ HHfei?:^ iiSigSgSSm ^rn-'-J^i '^m^ ■e e- 48 ALL IS LIGHT. "Words furnished by M. Y. K. ■^ip^Si i -N- ■w-i-j 1 y- * ' -0- -0- -N- -4:^ ^--^-i— ^•■ ■i^-T—-^ J. R. THOMAS. Arr. for this work. -• 1 — jf- -i — •— ^ — I- -6^— *- :::t ,__,-_^_ 1. What tho' storm clouds darkly gather, Hov'ring darkly o'er my way ; "While I see the cross of 2. E'en the' death's deep vale before me, Seem o'er spread with thickest gloom, While I see a heaven - ly -& — : — m . -■#- u ^ r ■A- t :i:Sr- -b>- T=i^ L= f-^r-rT=H^-^ fm'^ i^ — « — ^ — * — ^-i — J^+--l — -•- — ^ — • ^ — '^^ — ^-^ — f- tH — -I 1— J — t ^z — — if — 9 i-i~r^-.y—^ — S — •^~^"^: * ' *' q*^* — •-=—#■ ±=^- Cal-v'ry Beaming with ce - les - tial ray, What tho' all my fu - ture path-way. Be from radiance Bursting from be-yond the tomb, What tho' storm clouds darkly gath-er, Hov'ring ife -» A -^ ^^^1^ -^-^^ 3ti=t 45: rr- i «l ^-^^-^^ ^ . ^ ^ ;^-I-»-^ As it lies to faith revealed. S m6r - tal sight concealed ? With the love of Je - sus glow-ing dark - ly o'er my way ? While I see the cross of Cal-v'ry Beaming with ce-les - tial ray p ' p — ft — ^ ■ o ' » : 0-h» — * — 0-^—0-T-p — p . F' p I p' p m ©■ r e£ -V- :i=± ^ -f^ ALL IS LIGHT.-Concluded. 49 e REFRAIN. #-=-#-'-5^ 5 — 0-^-0-* O » :=ti::=aT: - o - J- o — — ^--g- All is light! All is light? All is light! Allia light! all is light! -•-i-#-r«- Ail light. E. A. HOFFMAN. Slowly. REST IN JESUS. J. K. COLE. ■#■•♦■* -^-^ ^^0- r 3^ =t: 3: -• m 3 #- -n^ 1. Is there rest in Je - sus ? Rest for me? Can He from my heart pain Set me free? 2. Will He ;ff ash my spir - it From its stain ? Will He make His home there, There remain ? 3. Will He cease my eigh - ing For re - lief? Will He stay my cry-ing And my grief? REFRAIN. ^ Yes.there'srest in Je - sus, Sweet, sweet rest ; He will heal the sor - row In * r> J •*• — ■<— * 4— +- 4— +^ -^ thy breast. rF :^--^ l-^^P=P— f ^ THE GREAT SURRENDER HAS BEEN MADE. 1. Tlie great sur-ren-der has beea made, We 2. We own H is power whose Idvo un-ivnown Hate 3. Henceforth, re -joic - iiig, Christ we owa As are the Ijords, con-quered hate; Lotd ami Guide; And Heav'n.that owns the Our hearts, our lives, to The lov - ing, pure and §$^ ran - som paid Him a - lore changeless One, 12_ The We The vow con - Cru - re - cords, se - crate ; ci - fied ; His own Trust- ing The "reat liis own, 0, the prom-isa Eur-ren - der ■won-drnus grace That of His word Wo has been made, We -c>~ We see the Sun of Right- eoup-ness Earth's lights The grace of our as - ceu - ded Lord sluillnev And Heav'n, that owns the ran - som paid The vow glow dim. er fail, re - cords. 1 AM WAITING FOR THE DAWNING. TREVOR FRANCIS. ^— 1 K r-, :^~-i>> ^ W. F. HEATH. 5/ ^m^ 1. I am wait-ing 2. I am look-ing 3. 1 am wait-iner for at for the dawn-ing Of the bright and blessed day the brightness, (See, it sliin-eth from a - far,) the com- ing, Of the Lord who died for me: ^-^^&^ i=,^: =F=EE ^ *.-*^- e 1 — — F-r# * * i^-a- — r I r 1 — \'J——^- — ~e-(9-0 > When the darksome night of Of the clear and jo}'- ous 0!',hi.i words have thriU'd my 1 & # * 0-'—W- sor - row Shall have vanished fir beam - ppir - a - way Wiien for - ev - F\'. — ^ — ing. Of the "Bright and Morn-ing Star," Through the dark gray it, "I will come a -gain for iheo," I can al - most ii with the Sav - ior, mist of morn - ing ear his foot - fall, Far Do On be- I the -* ■«■■•-■«- ^ ^=P= :f=^ 1 ^^5 1 ^-1 1 r 1\ ^r-' 1 ^^--f* i-r-J N— N s;, '■ \ !- r*»-| T-n — ^-— ^ — ^ — *— F -g — ^^-:-*-F * - * * * :1 P^ g — ^^"g"t > — * — ^— f^^-FsT^I 1 III yond this vale of tears, see its glo-rious light; thres - hold of the door, -^ ^ - 5EI^E I shall swell the song of Then a-way with ev - ery And my heart, my heart is --J—J \— wor - ship, Through the ev-er-last - ing years, shad - ow Of this sad and wea - ry night, long - ing To be his for - ev - er - more. H 4 e- 52 MAKT E. C, "WTETH. TRUSTING THEE. "In Tbee, O liord, do I put my trust." ^ J. R. M. N N- 1. I am trust-ing, Lord, in Thee ; Though the night is cold and dark. And the rag - ing, storm-y 2. Long the jour-ney,rough the main, Still the bar - bor far a - way — And I toil in numbing 3. Though Thy pur-poses seem dark, Thou art faith - ful to per-form. And Thou bid'st me to em - 4. So, o-bey - iug Thy com-maud, I am trusting Lord, in Tbee. I am wea - ry, far from ■#■•#-•#.#.•#••(2 ♦■♦■ 3 1 u/ 1 J._| 1 1— ■>— ^ V-j i ■^ -0- * #■ -^ --f2- -y- REFRAIN. sea Threatens to en - gulf my barque, pain, Through the bil - lows' i - cy spray, bark. And cross ov - er in the storm, land. But sal - va - tion I shall see. ^ ■•-■»■ #-■#■♦. o ^ ^ I ' I am trust - ing, Lord in Th ■^ *. 4s— ^ m\ :55 =^ — N- I i i trust - ing, Lord, in Thee, Trust-ing Thee, Trust-ing Thee, I am trust - ing all to Thee. THY WILL, NOT MINE. 53 e Andante. ^F$ ^- ^ U \ — ^ '=pr\ -^- 1 — ~r~i — 1- p. — -j — p. BLISS. 1. Just as 2. Just as — #— Thou Thou # — • — wilt- wilt— — — * r * no more I can - f I not — »— — ?-^- pray, see #— •— That The — « — 1 — 0.— Thou path ••- — 1= would'st Thy h take this love marks •*- 1 ^ . 1^-4 — 1 l=t:= — L_ -A ■A — d.— — E — - b^— — ^ — ^— 1 — — ^ — 1 -f F — ' &fcS^ -1 r \— —•SI i -^-1 r- 1 — 1 — -1 — r — 1 — 1 cross a - out for way; me; — ^p#- I Re-sij ••- on - ly ^ned, I — 4 — « — ask leave •0- ■#- 1 for g the c race Toice ^ L. 1 to to say, Thee- — ^ Thy -Thy — ^— will, will, not not mine, be mine, be "T ^ 1 done, done. 1 ^ l—\- —r- f 1 -• — —0- 1 — ^ ::li=ii — r — ^— — ^ — ^— 4-\ — t— -f— 1 -f- — 1 V- "- 1 tr~ -1 r^ ©• 3, Just as Thou wilt — full well I know Thy hand in mercy deals the blow ; Then, though my clierished hopes lie low, Thy will, not mine, be done. 4. Just as Thou wilt — though called to part With dearest friends, until my heart Quivers beneath Thy piercing dart — Thy will, not mine, be done. 5. Just aa Thou wilt — Lamb divine. What grief can be compared to Thine! Then let thy prayer henceforth be mine, Thy will, not mine, be done. 6. Just as Thou wilt — till life be past ; Then, safe beyond earth's stormy blast, My soul shall sing with joy at last. Thy will and mine be done. ■e © 54 BRING THE CHILDREN HOME. '•Suffer little children to come unto me." Words arranged from a poem by MAKY B. SLEIGHT. J. R. M. ^sS£: I — h'^ — =Nf i — A 1-3-1-- i [ — =r J-- — • w 1 ! 1 — -\ — 1 1 J- -A=::5Z 1. Bring the child-ren home, bring the chilJ-ren liome, To Je - sus bring tbem home; While their 2. Bring the child-ren home, bring tlie child-ren liome, To Je - sus bring them home; Sliould they -S- * — ^ — r-U 12 W I y\1 * * •"= = ^= ' ' — ^ '" VV- 'K W ^ h^ Pt- -' — 0-\-0 1 ' ' a 1=- ^ SP3: --N- -itJ- -A 1 W\ wond'ring eyes, greet the morn - ing fkies, Bring the lit go a - stray in - to sins dark way, Bring the lit tie tie child - ren home, child - reu home. -Mlt-IC With a To th -u=r -* Bring them home. :^.t* bring them home. :=5=:g=zt:: -*-•—* ^ . , • . . . . lov-ing hand tiiro' the sun-lit land, bring them home.bring them home, bring the children home, When the pastures green, silvery streams between, bring them home.bring them home, bring the children home, When ttie pi e- •I — y- -t- ^\ € BRING THE CHILDREN HOME.- Concluded. * * * • — *-f i : * — *■ 55 ® young hearts bear bit - ter grief and care, Bring the yrec twi - light falls and the Mas - ter calls, Bring the prec F r ious child - ren home, ions cliild - ren home. Bring them hoine, REFRAIN. bring them home, 'Tis the Mas-ter bids them comr -' #-- 4-# •-i— *#--• # 0- 0-.- 0-\-0 • 0- — p — '^-- 1 ; p — ^^1 \ 1 -'-r— 1 — I Bring them -^^- -^- mm Briiit^ the child-ren home, bring the clnld-ren home, 'Tis the Mas-ter bids them come, Bring the I h ^^ - 0, -0- #- ^ ^ ^- -^^^;^^- ^' ^ Bring them lioine. :«=: bring them home, #- .- # — |— #^ <7\ illEEt; 11. ^si/ d - ren home, bring them liome, To •Te - sus --i A- To them liome, N-T- ^ -^ 5^- O— ^ Je - sus bring them home. ^=1 h- ^ ©■ 56 MARIA STRADB. I WILL COME TO YOU. \^mM -^-^ — s W. STRAUB. /o prec-ions promise, promise pweet, prom - ise ev - er true, "l will not leave you com-fort-less, I'll come again to you ;" j prec-ious promise, promise sweet, prom - ise ev - er dear, ';} "■ \ That Drinks us while on earth we roam Tlie Lord and Sa-vior near o / O com-tort precious, comfort sweet, When Jesus comes to cheer, '(^ ■ \ To fill thti soul with love di-vine, To scat - ter sorrowing ones there's The lov - ing Sa-vior "I will not leave vou m 13^13 ery fear :c:: i :S s -<5^ i^i so - lace nigh, To comes to bless Each com-fort - less, I'll sor-row bid a - dieu, heart that gives him room come a - gain to you," I The Oh will not leave you trust-ing soul may prom-ise prec-ious com - fort-less, The feel the hand That prom-ise sweet, We •#-■#■■♦•■•- ^EEE^a -s ^— • — - 1: -#-T • • •- Sa - vior says to you. guides it through the gloom, know and feel it true. CHORUS f^.-S •==J=i=:tt ^ -^J— ^ "I will not leave you cora-fort-less, I'll come a - gain to e- I WILL COME TO YOU.-Conciuded. 57 ■^ fl -1 r^ . fe=^- --J — \ — ^ — \ \ i \ 1 ,_ — ^ ^ « ^ M — H N- -^— d- \ you -1*-* came the S 8 ■ ^ — S 3 J will - ing heart to bless, I'll ■0- ■0- #. ^ ^ ^ glad • • — #— comt' to I you.' O* 1 '.^ L L ' F , , ^ • 1 "■f'U.-L gr; — ' h F F- — F 1 F 1 — _l — !i s— — r-^ — ^-"■-"^ -i — ' LJ y ■ 1 1 ■ ' ' ' ' H L_| ^ H — r- 1 1. YONDER! Dr. BONAR. J. K. M. i i= a :^ :I^- ^8l 1. No shadows yonder ! 2. No weeping yonder ! 3. No parting yonder ! All light and song ; Each day * wot»-aa^ All fled a - way ! While here I wan-der, Time and space ne'er Shall a - gain sun-der M- -w- -(^ U- ^J — y. ig^lii v — ■>- E iincx st»y, YiuW long Each wea - ry day, Hearts blended there Shall time me Sigh-ing, I Dear - er sun - der pon-der ami fon-der From that bright throng My long, long stay, Hands clasp for aye ^- ^T l^^^z iq: i Shall time me sun-der Sigh-ing, I pon-der Dear - er and fon-der From that bright thront My long, long stay. Hands clasp for aj'e. 'Us ®- H^ I ^ I I -^ -^ -F- - -^ I ■ ^ © 58 IN THE PLEASANT LAND OF HEAVEN. ■e ROBERT V. MURRAY. JAMES R. MURRAY. 1. In the jileas.ant land of Heaven, From all earth'.ssad doubts and i'ears, Where tliere never comes asorrowi 2. In the pleasant laml of Jleayen, All our thought shall be in love; Ev-'ry good af- fee- tion guide us, 3. In the pleasant land of Heaven, Oh, what raptures wait us there; By the life stream ev - er flowing, rb— ''^H^i-j — I — I n-1 ^ ^T-J ' ' ^-^ \ f^ — Sn ' ^r-^ ^^-^n Thro' the glad eternal years; Where the dear ones, bright and blessed, Walk the quiet waters nigh. In the In our happj' home above; All our way shall end in brightness, Tlierc is no o'tr-clouded sky; In the Thro' the citj^ wond'rous fair; Sweet the happy an - gel voi-ces, Glad, the strain they raiseon high, In the ZTzpzzp: :ili'-f: r ^SE #-- £ rf±:«-^2r- d2=1= :^- -J ^^^ >if-^ 1 1 t-f- — 1-^ 1— ^ — <-{-M ^ M J-T-S 1 TT "ft • ^^ pleas-ant land of Heav - en. Will you meet me by and by ? pleas-ant land of Heav - en. Will you meet me by and by? pleas-ant land of Heav - ?n, Will you meet me by and by ? the pleas-ant land ; the ©■ IN THE PLEASANT LAND OF HEAVEN.-Conduded. — I' — •- 69 ^ ■^ — « — • — *i-^#- \-P — m — ^ — ^- h-^d-i-^T— i— - — I — ^ — m — «-rM 1 — « — • — *-^«-+-J 1 — -1 — ■0 #— #— #-T •-^-*— J— • *— L-!S!Lj-«-^#-l_,— J— * •^m-i-0 ^-_.,_I_J_^ 0_. ■I&-7- - peaceful Ian J, Land beyond earth's clouded sky; In that goodly land, in that blessed land, Will you meet me by andby? AFTER THE STORWI A CALM. 'ill laith, nothing duubting." BELLE. Af - ter the storm a calm, Bloom is the heir of blight, Truth seem-eth oft to sleep, Nev - er - the - less, I know Af - ter the bruise a Dawn is the child of Blessings so low to Out of the dark must Tfc i9%S Sfe: ss balm, Dight, reap, grow For the And the Till the Surely 5=^ ill sooth • hours sooner 'r-^^-0 brjngs good, in the Lords- own time And the sigh be - comes the psalm, ing change of the bus - y world, Bids the wrong jneld back the right, of wait -ing' are hard to bear, And the hope is hard to keep! or la - ter whate're is fair, Since the heav'ns have will'd it so. ■^ ^ ■*• !?* « J > fei t==±: e- *-i — * — >, Tl ■e e- 60 Joyfully. OUR SOULS ARE IN HIS MIGHTY HAND BELLE. :S ^ IZI n 1. Our souls are in His might-y hand, We're precious in His sight; 2. Him e3'^e to eye we then shall see, Our face like His shall shine; 3. When we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, And you and I shall Oh, what a glo-nous We've no less days to n ^ s r^ -^rrr FT f=F sure - ly stand, With Him in com-pa-ny, When saints and an-gels join sing God's praise.Then when we first be - gun glo - ry bright. We're go - ing home; we're go -gels ing home; Its m^ s -Pn- m glo - ries hast-en on, We're go ■ mg home; we're going home; Where Christ our Lord has gone tz-^ iS£ e- f- ■e AROUND THE THRONE. f Joyfully 61 ^ CHARLES L. WALKER. ES? l,^ 0—0- ill — 4-4- — I ] — ^ — « — y — - 1 p— + -0'\- i — * ^ -i-0 *— g — ^ '4^^i=^==: A - round the throne of God in heav'n Thousands of children stand, What brought them to that world a-bove-That heav'n so bright and fair. Ifkil - dren whose sins Where all is peace are and =:^=Tit=r=i=fzT=^; =f==t: CHORUS. all for— giv - en, Ho - ly hap - py band, joy and love ? How came those chil-aren there ? Sing - ing GTo Glo - ry, Glo - ry, e- 3 Because the Savior shed Hia blood To wash away their sin : Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean, Singing, Glory, glory, glory, &c. On earth they sought the Savior's grace, On earth they loved His name ; So now they see His blessed face, And stand before the Lamb, Singing, Glory, glory, glory, &c. ^ e 62 DARK BELOW, BUT LIGHT ABOVE. ■e HopcfuUy. — N" ! r -r — . 1 N — K r -v--^^- *7'-r^ ;J-^ 1. Thro' tho TJiiBts of shad-ows iliea - ry, O'er the dark and storni-y sea. Came a voice of heav'n-ly iim - eic, Float-ing 2. Of - ten wliiii life's shadows <_Mtli -er Kound my woa - ry troubled soul, Conies that voice of an - gel niu-sic,Whisp'ring 3.' Soon I'll near those gol-den por - tal3, Soon I'll cross life's troubled sea, Whence that voice of luu-sic tloat-iug, Came and ^-A -Z5>— thro' the gloom to me ; 1 am near the goal. whis-p'red hope to me. 'Twas a voice of ^vondrou8 sweetness, Bringing words of liope and love, Whisp'ring to my troubled Tell-ing me in softened murmurs, Bringing words of hope and love, Say-ing tu my doubting Tlien in Heav'n's own light for-ey-er, In thi' sun-light of God's love, Shall I lind that say-ing ^ *. -(SL I ^ P J^ 1 # 1 f-l , V- ^i --; — I » — I f — -a; -t^zzgr I ^ H e- spir - it, Darkbe-low, butlighta spir - it, Darkbe-low, butliglita truth-ful, Darkbe-low, but light a ^ il fi -s-^— r-*--* — » — #---•■ bove. Whisp'ring to my troubled spir - it, Darkbe-low, but light a- bove. hove. Say-ing to my doubting spir- it. Dark bo - low, but light a- bove. bove. Shall I find that say-ing truth-ful, Darkbe-low, but light a - bove, ■^ +- ••• -h2- © ALL IS WELL. 63 ■e Words and !Music by Lfllt _^^_-h-^^ Rev. A. A. GRALEY. By Per. 1. All is well. .Til is well. For my Sa-vior is my frieud; How He loves.liow HelDves And will love lue to tlie end; 2. Cares may coiiie.carcs may come Rut in V.'wn. I find re-lie!-. Tears may fall, tears may fall.lJut He dries the flowing grief: 3. From 11 is side, from His side. If my wand rin;.; .steps dipart. He restores. He restores, When the tears of sorrow start; 4. When 1 lie. when I li , I'antin;^ on the b ?d of death Ten-dir-Iy, ten-der-ly. Will He watch the failing breatli; -# — 9 — #--T -» — • — #-T-» — ' — * — ' -r» — O — • - r -- — s — s-T-a — a — m-^-m — ^ — ^ — »-r»- U^ In His fold in His fold. I'eace and pleasantness abound There my soul, there my soul, '^o^ s may frown, foes may frown Fiery darts n;ay piercu my soul Wounded sore wounded sore. All my sins, all my sins. Frce-ly ful ■ ly, he for-gives And His child. And His child, Lf>v-ing wori.:s, loving words Will my gloomy fears al - lay. On His breast. On his breast, -0 — * — — r - • — * — • — r-' — » — * — •- T ' • — * — • — r - •— * — • — r - • — • — • — i — » '' '^ I- — ^"' t — I ri Blessed rest has found. Je-sus makes me whole. To His fold re-ceives. I shall pass a - way. ^ h ^ -trT. yf -^ 'i/ ■/ y > CHORUS. r g—0 1-^ — » — »-i_, — — #*_,-i-, 1 — L_. _^_ I ^^_j.i_,_,_cz5_i_zi — ziJ All is well, all well, Hap-py hours with Him I spend. All is well, all is well, Je-siis Is my friend III M ma ^ m ^ ■'"" "^ '^ J I •9- a •0- "TT^^r^. e- 64 Quartet. -&^^^- =1= GO FORWARD; N. B. SAEGENT. ^.-# t=i H.-^«- ^ ^=? -•-^ -^Tt-^ 1. Go for-waril, go for-ward. In tlie path of rijrlit. Toil up- ward, toil up-ward, To realms of peace and light: 2. Go for-ward, go for-ward, Tho' the way seem drear: l>utfiar not, O, fear not, Thy Sav-ior's ev-er near, Pii^:M ±Elzt2^£Et *—^—n-r-^ =t==c — U-U — u— u- i I ^^^ —^-^x~'~K \^ ' — ^ , Tenor or Soprano Solo. fe -7-^ -y — ^ O, leave the groveling world behnid. His faith • ful hand will guide a- right, :e ^ "With all VlU love its fleet i3 ev -N Joys; true. And Tho' '-4^-" ^ ^ ^ u. ' ~l-|- *? X^ */ |g^II,^_JT^— ^ — I — ; — d:*^-- 1— ^-^7— TTI]- ' — * — *-^ — • \-\ — ' — l-#—f— ^ — ^-^-d — ■ — d — d mX -d~d-J-^—d-d-d- " :;j^ ^ *** "^§5:5 ^^^ Hi 1-# — ^ 9 — S — 9 S — 9 — 9- • — • — • — •- '^ gi^^ =?=l=^P^— l l^^ fel^ E ^ ^ ^ l ^- a s«asc*9Bn(cs9n)B I -0 GO FORWARD :-Concluded. ® Go for-ward, go for-ward, In the path of ri?ht. Toll up-ward, toil up-ward, To realms of peace and light. Go for-ward, go I'or-ward, Tho'the way seem drear: But fear not, O, fear not. Thy Sav-ior's ev-er near. TRUST, REST, WAIT. Trio for Female Voices, I f», N ■Words and Stustc by N. B. SAEGENT. — ] S N-, -N-- 1. Trust, trust, 2. Rest, rest, 3. Wait, wait, ;i trust fear - less - ly trust, Tho' rest, peace - ful - ly rest, Tho* wait pa - tient-ly wait. Soon dark and drea - ry the way seem to thee, tho wild Btorm thy frail bark drive at will, will the etoria and the night pass a - way, w ^f:z=|::— I iz^ i^^ ■^-- -fs- ^ •# «• :;? -^ ?5i=il=3 Je - BUS thy Guide and thy Help - er will he. Je - BUS can calm with His sweet "Peace be still. And on thee dawn in full glo - ry the day. Trust, Rest. Wait, trust, rest, wait, trust rest, wait. fear - less - ly trust. peace- ful -ly rest. pa-tient-ly wait. l=El-^^ -^ N-- ^ ^ ^ z^ ^ :$. ^ i^.gr •*• -^ ;s ^ e- 66 LORD, TARRY NOT, BUT COME. € Dr. BONAR J. R. MURRAY. I Bliiill be Sduil ■ I • -*■ f' r ^ . •*■ } T f T ill -^^ ,' 1. Be-yorid the sn;il-ing and the weeping, 2. Be-yoiid the blooming and the lading, shall be, shall be, — f »- .,11 shall be soon : Beyond the waking shall be soon ; Beyond the shiuing ami tlie sleeping, Beyond tlie sowin and the shading, Bevoiid the ho|iing .sliall be soon, shall be soon. REFRAIN. I^iliiiiejl^fji ^1 I i i.l_ I — jj Si- - -6 *-'-" ". N fc^£^=^: e=r^='.i|5S pfe'5 '^EEEg^^Eipg^^SI growing, Where awaits a robe and crown. Tiien we'll sing at the crystal tide for-ev-er, Where we'll growing; Singing prais-es ev - er - more, nev-er, Je-sus lights those heav'nly bow'rs. • -• — •- ,— V i ^ ^^ ; ^^ ^ 1^ ^ 2 , ¥:i-^ :^S V- ^i^^E^^i^E^ _==^=FF= Then we'll sing at the cry - stal tide forever, Where we'll I- *» ^__L_(g_ 0.- 0J. — '. . 1 — 5 *_: 0-i. — «_L^ 1 J — L-H .J J lay life's burden down ; Then we'll meet the blessed Sav-ior, And receive the heav'nly crown ©■ ,t>ii^^ i>-p=p^H^ ::t -M • * — I — • •-; — - ■»■ • — 0-r0 -- — • m a — r- O . - ^ e- S. LINDSAY. 5V--N--N— N--N--N- — K — N — r P ^-^— P 1 -^ +, 1 -* — •-'-a — S — S — S — • — 9 — — 9 SEEK THE SAVIOR. "They that seek me early shall fiud me." -,-- N— ^— N— N— N~Nr-N e J. K, MURRAY. ^—^ ■0 — — f^ — — Sti^*—i -^^*—0 — * — * — ' 1. Seek the Savior, in thy childhoodFor His precious word. ami kind Halli declared that those who early Seek shall find, Seek shall find 2. Seek the Savior, He'll enfold thee lu His arms from care and fear,Sefk Hiiuno time like the present. While He's near, While He's near ^*— »-; h-"-! V^V V •> \/ '^t — yi- f-i 1 1 1 -H — H — • — I — I — I- — 1- — -. — h — • — --H y— y — — -| — y— V- KQi: 1-^— i-h*i — ^ — — — • — ^ — i-^*i-M 1 ' ' 1 ' — M-r* — M — M — • — ' ' n Seek theSavior,While He's waiting; Thy good slii'pherd he will be.O remember He has plv'n His Life for thee, life for thee. Seek the Savior, for His nier-cy Is for all.botli rich and poor. Seek Hiiu now, and He will leave thee Nevermore, nevermore. REFRAIN. Seek the Sav-lor -N— Is— N— N- jszi— ; i ■-*— ^— #— *- Seek the Sav-lor, seek him now, Seek the precious Savior now, He is will-ing, I,o is waiting at the door, at the door, e- ^ SEEK THE SAVIOR.-Conciuded. 69 ■e I Seek the Sar-ior, -0— Seek the Sav-lor, =1=1= N^N S=^= -N— N X H 1 w 1 « ^ J • zx- Seek the Savior seek him uow, Seek the Savior, seek him now, Thou shalt find Ilini ami He'll leave thee Ne v - er - more. 1 — I — r !/;//• * — f-Tzht. -g p p —^ — p—p- W— t'-H/— V'- -b^ — U' — b^- LORD THY WORD ABIDETH. Sm HENBY W. BAKER. I^P^-P Rev. R. B. CHope, 3 2. Lord, Thy Word a - bid - eth, And our foot-step guid - eth, Who in truth be - liev - eth, ig§* ^«= :E r- -(2- -p—~G^ r- ^ ^ ^ r -X- =f=: l3 2:r=F 3a=f: Light and joy ©■ ~5' — eth. i i 2. When the storms are o'er us, And dark clouds before us, Then its light directeth, And our way protecteth. 3. Who can tell the pleasure, Who recount the treasure, By Thy word imparted To the simple hearted. ■e e 10 RING OUT GLAD BELLS FOR CHRIST IS BORN. w. s. Dtiel CAULDWELL. . 4- CHESTER G. ALLEN. By Per. 1. The song long since by 2. No Ion - }r<-'i' now in 3. Oil, liap - py lid-inps, 4. Not long the la - va - an - gels suns.Falls };ent-ly on our thi-ob-i)ing t'cnr.An an - gry Judge we burdon d licai t.U'ith iiain.or sin. or tide of war Shall des - o - late the ITf cars a-gain, As once thro' star-lit realms it rung, di-cad to face; Look up! the King's own son is here, ni'.'f op-prcst! He blunts the tempter's poisoned dart, smil-lng heart, Not long t!ie booming can-non's roar I ,' Par up a - bovo the homes of men* To take the Co i-<|uir'd re - bel's i)lace! Ho gives the wea - ry bo - som rest; Shallstill the voice of child-ish mirth; And Par The The slill it bids our hearts rejoice. As when it fell from au-gel's voice, doii and love the her-ald's sound And men as "sons of God" are crowned. Lurde: -be:;rer comes to lake The load which else lliy heart would break! bat - tie-storm is yet to cease Be-neath thy rays,Oh Sun ofl'eacel *:•—*-* T-*f-*—^—#'-T-«-*—»— ^ r -t-J — « — Oirls ^p_g:_^zq-^!!5z[zH-_iiz£H — :1^— I- --^^— i-E | i --i — lzI^Zs— i— lE3=' i^ -j *_,_J_^ZL_. L^ «_*- j_LJ ^ L, — . — — W-^0 • — F-L # Boys. Full Chorus. Peace, pt ace ou earth • Peace,peaceou earth! Biightday of peace.wehail thy morn! T?in2 out glad bells for Christ is born. U-»— i — 0- -*— — Fg _ -a f- »-- -g — i 2Z — j;z; — I zi — Pi9 ^ — p. — 0.- -. — * — Earner^thi. GO FORTH, BRAVE HEART — 1-^ J-* • — ^--i — ^ — M S — — • ' — ^d- 77 e nS: 3^Ba 1 Go forth, bi-.i.velwart, with piir-jio^eliigli, The world has need of la - bor, Go wi|>o the tear from 2 Go forth, hra\iiie:i;-t, be strong and boll], Ami no - hly do thy du - ty, So shall thine eyes at •#- ■#- I -#■■♦- ^^■#- -#- ■»• I -3--^ ■♦■ -^ — ^ — i ■, — — I— ^ p 1 1 — I— I 1 Go T — r- furth. ,^ » * -M -M ' > 1 1 F :t=i: go forth sor-riiw's eye, And hf'lp an'l bless thj' la>t bo-holil, The ICinif in ail His iiE^ _3— pi _N _N > noigli - biir, bi'-att - IV, Go Gn forth, brave heart, go forth, brave heart, Go forth, braveheart, i^o forth, braveheart.Go iW Go wipe So shall m — —w-r^-r I i^ the tea r from sor-row's eye, thine eyes at lastbe-hold, r^J-r3nd=:d ~\ 1 \^—^.- \- — Vt — I 1 1 — I ^ 1 — S-1 — S — :: K— '-^ — ^^n — i 1 ^ gJ \'^^ 1 forth the world has need of la -bor, Go wi]:ie the tear from sor forth and uo-blv do thy du - ty, So shall thine eyes at last J S'l ■#- ■» - -0- -p- -0- -0- - 0- . \-0- 1 ■#- -0- ! 1 ^ -■ •- €. 1 — 1 1 ; ^ ©■ >w's eye. And help and bless thy neighbor lie - hold The King in all II is beau-ty ■•■ ■0- ■^ ©■ 12 A HOME OF PEACE AND LOVE. FRANK M. DAVIS. =q= -iN ^^__,- zi. — r-* -"":t£ =S 1. I have a home, a home a - hove, I have a God, a God of love; I have a Sav - ior 2. There through e-ter - ni - ty I'll sing, The praises of my Heav'nly King, A -loud my new-born 3 Soon an - gels bright with music sweet, Will greet my weary wand'ring feet, And those from here who've 4. I have a place a- bove to rest. Safe fold-ed to my Savior's breast ; To dwell for - ev - er mm -y- -i w-J-1— y-^-j — ^r tp::^!!: CHORUS. f-^^. -^_± , ^ — a-{ — 1-- — I 1 — ]\ — j-# U 0. m in the sky, Who bids me come to hira on high, voice I'll raise To shout my dear Re-deem-ers praise, gone be - fore I'll meet up - on that an-gel shore. in his love, Safe in ray home, my home a - bove. X ■(«- JL #- • ^ I h I I /^ A home :E -j 1 hi h' i-t — I •—■ fl • — bove. #. •#• .fr H*. Where ^ ^ A home a-bove, a home a - bove, Where -H \- a - bove Where all is joy and love. -«-#■#• A -X .^ I I ----- s>~- ^-» • « »-r-&~ n I-ji — p 1 r^z^^-iziz: ©■ is joy and peace and love, A home a-bove, a home a-bove, Where all is joy and love. ^- ■e 8- JENNIE A, BISBEE >> N LIVE FOR SOMETHING. ALFRED WICKER. 78 ® '-I N ^ s— >>-^ ■ri ' f^ — i^ — ^ — I — 1. Live for something, be not i - die, 2. Scat - ter blessings in thy pathway, 3. Hearts that are oppressed and wea-ry y "^' ^ UT ^ W Look a - bout thee for em-ploy; Sit notdown totiseleps Gen - tie words and cheering smiles. Better are than gold and Drop the tear of sym-pa-thy. Whisper words of hope and dreaming, sil - ver, com-fort. f- La - bor and the sweets en-joy. With their grief dis-pell-ing wiles. Give, and thy re-ward shall be -#• ■♦•-•■•♦•J--*- -^ -rt*- Fold - ed hands are ev - er wea - ry, As the pleas-ant sun-shine fall - eth Joy un - to thy soul re - turn - ing L| i , , . , i._l Ui 1 . ■ 1 1 1 Selfish hearts are never gay ; Life for thee liath ma - ny du-ties, Active be then while you may. Ev - er on the grateful earth. So let sj'm - pa- thy and kindness Gladden well the darkened heart. From this perfect fountain head, Free-ly as thoufree-ly giv-etli .Shall the gratofiillight be shed. «-T— • • • < ■iB -^ ^ J ^' ^ -y--^ .0.'^^- -»--—•- —Li u- 1 I — , — . >-L' IJ r V V g> \—€J-' ^ WAITING ON THE SHORE.Conciuded, rit e Jim. — tB 76 3 — ^-^-^-T f-^-0 # •--■—• — =-I-r 5 ?__: — »_t. --X been so long and sore, And now I see the Riv-er and the bet - ter land be - fore. its trials will be o'er, And soon I'll share the blessings of tlie bet - ter land be -fore. dark- ly on be - fore, Wlien Je - sus gives the sig-nal they will bear me safe - ly o'er. fh:^=^- -J- ♦ -*• -5- -# T^ -^ -0^ -0- ly 16^ znz- ys^^ ^l^i REFRAIN. \y- — •- 3=1:? q=== ^^^^3 And I'm wait - ing, , — ?J2 — ^5_=[;i_t_ ^ ^ ©■ '6 ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIER! In March time J. R. M. n marcn time. i _i,^ 5=1=s= t OnwarcJ Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Je - sus go - ing on be - fore, Like a miglity arm - y Moves the church of God, Brothers we are treading Where the saints have trod Crowns and thronesmayperish, Kingdom rise and wane, But the church of Jesus, Constant will re-main. Onward then ye peo - pie, Join the happy throng, Blend with ours your voices, In the triumph son^ Christ the royal m"as - ter leads against the foe, Forward in-to bat - tie see his nannors go. We are not di - vid - ed, All one bo-dy we. One in hope and doc - trine One in Cliar-i - ty. Gates of hell can nev - er 'Gainst that church prevail, We have Christ's own promise, Which can never fail. Glo-ry,praise,and hon-or, Men and angels sing, Through the countless ages. Unto Christ their King. REFRAIN. :r!2= \"l — Nn- "^tn Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war, A. :*i .•_^_,_,2. -W-^ tum i z^z=i With the cross of Je - sus going on be-fore. J ©■ ■ei ©■ PAULINA. THERE'S A MANSION O'ER THE RIVER. (May be sung as a Solo ami Chorus.) n ^ 1. There's a man-sion o'er the riv-er, Which the eye of Faith can see, In the Land 2. There are pear - ly gates that o-pen, Where a crys - tal riy - er flows; Sliall we seek 3. There's a rush of joy- ous pinions, Yv'lien the worn and wearj' come: May we prove 4. We have shared each other's gladness-We have mingled sighs and tears; I would lose of the For - those li - lied tlie wondrous thj' love-clasp V-i k^- :8=:1=: CHORUS. ■i= -■t- -J^v-i *-^ ^' r -^ ev - er, Will you seek wat-ers. In that realm rapture Of a spir - nev-er, In those bright f'/of- that liome with me ? of dear re - pose ? it's wel-come home, e - ter - nal vears. I • In the is atai* ?=-£ Land of the For-ev-er, la a iS T~B -h- -y- man-sion o'er the riv -er, Where the loved are part-ed nev-er, I will dwell for aye with thee. -y- i: --=t ^-'-0-'f~0-^-0 — 0-^0 — — r-i~0- i-'-f- . -^-— -'-' L| [ [ ^-L, U 1- 1 L,_! — ^_:_JJ ■e e- 78 ANNIE HERBERT BY THE BEAUTIFUL GATE THEY WATCH AND WAIT. or When the dear ones gather at Home. JAMES MURRAY. By Per, 1. We speak, we speak of the loved and lost, Who have gone to tlie land a - 2. The voice of their nicl- o - dy wan-ders free Tliro' the wail ofourbro-ken 3. We speak when the work of the day is do!;e, Of the dawn - ing by and t^!-- -(i — # — •-!■-• 5—^-* — » — *-T-i ^ — -• — I r— l-p- bove, And the song; And the by, And I — ?.^| p — , — #-•--* # - ^:I:es: \^—-. m ^^ mists of the riv - er of death gleam of tlieir snow - y robes nam - ber our treasures, one are crossed. By the we see, Wiien the by one, la our rain-bow of earth grows dark Fath-er's house their with on love, wrong, high, Sad We And -) F < zE — J- -*=•= hearts are yearning in hall and cot, To pillow some dream - less head But we feel the touch of a van- ished hand, That thrilled in the days of yore And oft we think when our rest shall come,Of the meet - ing there will be When the ■•-■#■ ••-■♦• ■•■■#- -0- -^ -0- ^ ^7^^ — ^ — p=^ -ai !©■ BY THE BEAUTIFUL GATE THEY WATCH AND WAIT.-Conduded. 79 ® l,i=l 5= a^i^ know the beau - ti - fnl chang - es not, And our dar - lings are not leadu us on to the sum- mer land, Where tliey live for - ev - er good and beau - ti - ful all go liome. To ' the city be - yood the ---*** t 1— t • •-.-^ ^ ^ .- dead. more. sea. Z±L -U- ;:zz:: _y_X CHORUS. H^.-^- By the beau - ti - ful gate, They watch and th^ ■'■ '^■" — r.^L ^ ^^ . . . M. ^ M. X -^ - [?♦ ■*■ -0 - ■»- 4- •>— -I — 4 — A — -J - ff t^f g- 0-V-0 0-i -K ^ H -^P— g — g-T -u — u — y — F y- ] By the beau - ti - ful gate, They watch and they wait, Till our feet shall cease to roam And o - ver the nv-er, that sings for - cv - er, The dear ones gath - er at lionie ^ t'l'^'y gath - er at home * '# o— »- ©- u.. « .„. . » »»-! ( .i. llB L. Iii>ll . . fzizzj^fzzbi? fc=±~J: ©■ 80 Can yon sing it tmtliraUr ? JESUS, I LOVE TKEE. ^ Words and Mueic by JAMES K. MDRRAT, ^-^- -zt -*——*- i ^^^ :2gi -2^^ :^t 1^ 1. 2. 3. Je - f>uf!, I love Thee \^^ Bet - ter than tongue can tell ; There is no thing of earth I I I ^ pt=^T=^=:^=^ if 4= Fine. 3 -F=^ love well. For thy love so lull and free, For the love that For thy mer - cies ev - er new, For thy friend -ship For the hope of bet - ter things, For the joy thy ^^^..^ #.#..ffl. t: t: ':^ ^ '-^ m^^ r- D.C t=T=± 3=i ■^■» r first loved me, Love that lov - eth to the end, 0, ev - er true, For thy pres - ence ev - er near, 0, gos - pel brings, For the home with thee at last, This :t Sa Sa earth vior, vior, ■ life Friead. dear, past. -(2.-. -N ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -i-v- Sad Home IS our to the "Pil - •Beau-ti grim -ful Band." Land." ^^^ ^■0- •#• ■#•-: ■^■#- e Glad are the "Heav-en-ly *Welcome,Oh, welcome, Oh -^ 1^- Heav-en - ly Choirs," welcome" they sing, 3ad Home IS our to the ' "Pil - Beau-ti ' i^ grim -ful Band," Land," HE'S GONE.-Continued. 88 -e ^ tf # • ■•■ ^-T :^-. i:^- l_-5 nl5: ^=^ Safe on the "Ev - ergreen "Marching a - long" on our h N ,N ^ S S -0 0- -^^ Shor'e," . way, . . . Join-ing tho glad "Ju - bi - lee,''. . . . Pil-grims and strangers we roam ■~. -| • — T s S m W—' T"' ' ' ' ' ' r-| — '-* 1 h/^fe'^r 9 — y — y — y — y — y — y ^ — ' — ^ — ^ 1 ' 1 1 1 1 — — U— . ^-s A i^^P- |7^=^ g y y p' ^ :f — 1^ 1^ ^ I \ -^ — ^ — ^ — ^ — ^ — y— F-f-=^ ^ f H Safe on the "Ev - er-green, Ev - er-green Shore," Join-ing the glad "Ju -bi - lee,"., "Marching a -long" on our way, On our way, Pil-grims and strangers we roam,. 9*Es =g=S=«=«=s=S=±=i "Welcome," the bright angels say, Soon shall we join the glad throng, — -1 1 f- ^ N N -N ^ N-l- — I — I — I — a—— "White Robes are waiting for thee." Soon shall be "Kest-ing at HomeJ' ~tl' V-. -V- 1- — -i_. — 1 1 1 — "Welcome," the bright angels. Bright an-gels say, "White Robes are waiting for thee." Soon shall we join the glad. Join the glad throng, Soon shall be "Rest ing at Home." 1 1 hf-A — N — ^ — s— i|^=ip=p i 4-^=;q g - ^ '-» — L-^ ^« ^ ^ #— : 1 "Welcome" the bright angels Soon shall we join the glad ♦ .h ^ ^ ^ ^ -, W0 — # ^ ■•— :l2 ,^=[;=zU-=l. ^— n say, "White Robes are waiting for thee.'' throng, Soon shall be "Resting at Home. "Welcome" the bright angels, Bright an-gels say Soon shall we join the glad, Join the glad throng, " White Robes are waiting for Soon shall be "Rest-ing at thee." Home." ■® e- 84 Coda. HE'S GONE.-Concluded. 5 »— 1-# 1- J #2 ^-- (9 I-tf--: « • ^ — 3 >—^ i6i=i Love, rest and borne, ^9 0~ Sweet, Bweet home, how sweet it will be m. there to meet — » — The — #— dear all at home, jtp how sweet it will be iE5E^S=^tE^ ig e- there to ■T^i^: Hard. meet 145: The dear all at home. Earnestly. J U OH MIND OF CHRIST, POSSESS ME. "Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus." 85 ^ '■& ^ ^ I "I ^— J ^- JASIES R. MURRAY. — L 1. Oh mind of Christ I possess me, And sway ray in - most soul, Thy graces work with- 2. Oh mind of Christ 1 I hun - gry And thirs - ty, cry to Thee; Oh b-i pure, liv - ing CIt- A * • » *-' — •-+-S — V~\ 1 — \-\ 1 \—0 • •-- — — A r T p I r D. C, Oh mind of Christ! possess me, I i need it ev - ery day, Oh mind of Christ pos Fine. ^ in me, And all my powers con - trol, wa - ter And life and strength to me, Oh mind of Christ ! most ho - ly, Most Oh mind of Christ ! pos - sess me, And 9^ -^ -ft T— (•— r-«-l — sess me, And with me ev - er stay. D. C. -J \ S — *B-h-«-T •- • 4 w-s- -»' -0 — -J — — « beau - ti - ful and sweet, Make me all pure and low - ly, For heavenly ser - vice meet, swaj'' my in - most soul, Thy graces work with - in me And all my powers con - trol. 9- -r \=fi E e- -f-n—r 1 — r ^ — E^ I I I -e ^^ 88 Modcrato. THE LAND THAT IS FAIRER THAN DAY. Companion piece to "The Sweet By and By." A. W. HAVENS. -&^ -^—air ^-i~0 : i-x — \ — 1. :^^- -+-^ — « — m — © > 1— I- — I — — H-4— iH? 1 I I r~1 1. Yes.we know in that land that is fair-er than day, Where the Water of Life flows so fair, Our 2. In that heavenly home when our souls shall have passed Thro' the valley and shadow below We shall ^g^^ V— V- i|=t:: =5 V— >^. frF-f^ -P— »=p: -T -g— - T-i=^= -(2 -:eS^:}-i= e- p|^3pg ■e e- TO HIM WHO DWELLS AND REIGNS ON HIGH. 91 ^ G. ST^VPLES. ■V- t-— r S -dr J. K. Ifc i- / ^m-^ ^---M # L- lO- 1. To Him who dwells and reigns on high, Let anthems now a - rise, On Christ the rock, our 2. Draw nigh, thou God of Hosts.draw nigh, And mabe thy face to shine; Own now the read-ing 3. Whene'er from Zi-ons wall. Thy own An-noin-ted sliali jiro- claim, The price-less val-ue ;'' I [ I / I I ^^ A . \ jL' J: , \ ■0—r-i h -J p i . F #— il— r-€ i ♦ a •— r-©- #- =1: -Sl~r- i-r P faith we build, For Mansions in the skies, With humble, con-trite hearts we raise (Accept our off-'ring, of thy word, By grace and power divine; While here the humble prayer doth rise bend thou from thy of thy Son, O glp - ri - fy thy name; And when on earth our work is done.May we to life di - Lord,) throne, vine. 3ii=i: Our sweet - est note of prayer and praise. And Oh light our path-way to the skies, And A-rise for aye in Heav - en to dwell With J. N mag - ni - fy the Word, crown us then thine own. thee, God, and Thine. -19-^- ^ -a e- WAITING BY THE RIVER. ROGERS. 1. I am wait-ing by the riv - er, And my heart has waited long ; Now I think I hear the cho-rus 2. Far a-way be-yond the shad-ows Of this wea-ry vale of tears, There the tide of bliss is sweeping 3. They ara launching on the riv- er, From the calm and quiet shore.And they soon will bear my spirit #L._*_ -#-:-^ ^ ^ I . U'-'-i 1 h K-"-! lb ''^-^ '- :fc^ y-j-A s Ki — I ! 1-^ Srm W ^^ * 1^ >:•— of the an-gels wel-corae song, Oh,I see the dawn is breaking, On the hill-tops of the blest, Where the Thro' the bright and changless years,Oh,I long to be with Je-sus, In the mansions of the blest,Where the Where the weary sigh no more. For the tide is swift-ly flowing, And I long to greet the blest. Where the ^^ Ifclfc X -y~^- r»- :t=:^f: M—^—, &-i £=^- REFRAIN. :=M -N IS — l-J — Si- K-*-; — J-^ — 1 — -T — 1^^ — h— -s^-h^t — -V— ^ — ^-i 1-f— f — ^i= -^-N- i^rJ- -*-'- :i -Tc-c-rrr-f * m -y^n u u '• '• ^ wicked cease from troubling, And the TBjeary are at rest. Oh, I see the dawn is breaking, On the wicked cease from troubling.And the weary are at rest, wickedceasefrom troubling. And the weary are at rest. ji4.-^---^-^.v^-^-.^-A e- I see the dawn Is break-lng. ^i ©■ WAITING BY THE RIVER.-Continued. 93 ■e U U U 1/ ^ I hill - tops of the blest, Where the wicked cease from troubling, And tliewea-ry aie at rest —0- -^ ^ 0.'-m_ Tlie liUl-top of tUe blest, THE BEAUTIFUL. — S I N-r ^-■^i^=l r^iF=-i- ■» — 0- S^3 -V 1- XXX -^ Jf- m 1. Beau-ti - ful fa - ces they that wear, The light of a fjleas - ant spir - it there, It -^-T- ^— :L/-i=r 1 -U U - — N— N— >;=] — H^t-=U — =F=F-i — i-=-Tl mat - ters not if dark or 1 ~l fair. i^— P — > — 1^ — ]/ » .I_^__' 1 L|I , U ©■ 2. Beautiful hands are they that do The work of the noble, good and true, Busy for them the whole day through, 3. Beautiful they or rich or poor, Who walk in the pathway sweet and pure, Ijeading to mansions strong and sure. ■e e- 94 FAITHFUL AND TRUE. ■e Earnestly, and not too slow. TN--rp;J=r;±zdrpJ==t=jzTi:t -*- FREDEEICK ~l- SPENCER. -a^t-s*- 1. Oh, let us be faitli-ful and true, 2. Re - mem-ber j'our .Savior's command, 3. 0, how can you sloth-ful - ly sit, And la - bor for treasures a-bove, That we may our To work while it yet is called day, For soon will the And i - die hands leis-ure- ly fold, When the harvest in - #-T-#-^ -F -0 — •-r-# — ^^-7r-T-» -^^« CHORUS. O, let be faith-ful and true, The wea ry ones clieer-ing a- long : Tint. And Boon we shall -I hi — ' \-Nn Sav-ior be-hold. And share in His boun- ti - ful love, darkness of night,From your labor com-pell you to stay, deed is so great. And the garner that ci - ty of gold. m. Do some one a kind-ness each day, Help Be earn-est in res- cue ;ing souls, And Too many are they who bavestrayed,From the -»-v— • — »— F reach that fair land. And join in the beau- ti-ful song. #--g- ^^_.. -U.-.-J D. C.for Chorus. those who are burdened along. So when we shall reach thatblestshore,Wemayjoinin the heavenly song. speak of your Savior each chance.Andtluisby your deeds while on earth, The nobles of caus-es ad-vance. path that leads upward today. Go, urge them to turn from their course. And follow thestrait narrow way. ■*■ ■*• ' ^ cres. rit.. •€*■ •0- •»- S- M. ■»■ -0- ■0- ii^=^i^ -—iS— EEES e- B E. A. HOFFMAN. MAKE ME WHOLLY THINE. "In me ye shall have peace. 95 e - — -2— # — v — tf — *# — #—••-# — -N— ^— N- J. R. M. '• > r' 1. O the bur-den I feel with-in! Lord, I am wea-ry and sick of sin! I come, I come to the 2. O the anguish that fills me now ! Low in contrition of heart I bow. May I, my Sav - ior 3. the longings that swell uiy soul! O the deep yearnings that o'er me roll! I come, I come with en- ^t ^ \tl ^ V REFRAIN. _-^..^^jz=z] sj— ;^ — — — - 1 -^ f-^, — r^qi-^ — N — I — r -^.'=#— « • i-f^^ .r N — A p — =^1 — • H-^^^l ^■ .t~T^ -#-^ fountain of blood, To wash in its cleansing flood, be restored, O save me from sin, dear Lord. treaty to thee, pi - ty and save thou me ! !§^-£ J — 4-^ « ^ # #-4-| 1— -0-1- 1 ■ 1 1 h-j— i~i ! — Je - sus to'ard the pro - di - gal move, -^ ^- >- '=tS- '^^^ Op - en thy heart of ten - der love ! Seal me with thy rich blood divine, And make me wholly thine. -M ^ m ^_^_# , .B-r-r-!'^ — 7^—^—* ^T-# J f r^0—0- -t=ti:: ■0 . I ^ i 1 * ^-r-0 — ^—*-r^0 — — ^ — ^0-rm'^F^M-n / — t- — ^ / — ^ — y /-J^-^ — : — p-H -— 1 h— i i— -'-' .^.^^ e- 96 REMEMBERED. p. p. BLISS. - y'^^=p N- — ii r—, — ■ — -v [ — 1— — ^ -^—\-^^ --1- N- — ^ -^- —^-i ^-q a 1. Fad - 2. So 3. So 4. Fad ing let in ing — #- a - my the a - .-^ — way, name, barv way, -\ —li- like and - est, like the my if the : stars place oth - stars > of be ers of the morn-ing, Los - ing for -got -ten, On - ly may gath-er, Sheaves from the morn-ing, So let i . V 4 >— their light my life the fields my name 4 — ^ — « in the race be that in be un - 1 i p=t=^ — *— - ;il= — ^1— — —i \^^-1^ -^ 1 — ^^ — \j * ^ •# ^ ■f ^ «^:H7^-^ _^ H— -i:>— f — ^ 1 1 -h ^- ^ * ~t i_ -^-4—*— -# — ={:- -# '^ ■-' -¥=^- -^-•-?- -0 0-^-^ }- ' ■ ' -~f"^== j ^1-^ N— ^ 1 1— 5—^-4- # 1 *-s N \ ^+= 1 — \ y \/-\-h 1 1 1 — ^ m-d -y y- -0~i — 0- fe: --i=^i ■li: i- ziz — it |: :t m^^ ^=i= \Wi^ r^^=^^^==i — U=i ^ glo - ri - ons sun ; So let me steal a - way, gent-ly and lov - ing - ly, On - ly re - pa - tieut-ly run ; So let me pass a - way, peace-ful - ly, si - lent - ly, On - ly re - spring I have sown.jWho ploughed or sowed mat-ters not to the reap - er, I'm On - ly re - honored, un-known, Here and up yon - der I must be re-membered, On - ly re - ■'I"*!W«f"»w»^W"«|P REMEMBERED.-ConcludMl. 91 ■® ^3- :^=?= ^- -e-.-'n- membered by what I have done, :t On - ly re - membered by what I have done ^irtzT.^ i^zz:: IgEl^s Slow. CHORUS. Ev - er remembered, for - ev er remembered Ev - er remembered while the years ai"e rolling on ; CI -^ '-T-- N icr-ii 1 ^s—N-Hy— ^ _H^ K,-_^_^^ J -H N — 1^^^ — tf ^-.- — N — ' 1-^^ — ! 1 V -m — • — ^ — »-|- K-i— a — ^ 1- -*r^-? — U > L^ i/ > 1^ Evermore remembered ev-ermore remembered, Ev - er remembered while ihe years are rolling on; > ^ Ev - er remembered, for - ev ^ H*-H«- -r- y W "" Ev-ermore re-membered. er remembered, On - ly remembered by what I have done. ritard. -N ^-^ r- — N ^r-N- --N I ^ ■p-\ ^ S ©■ \>) ^ \^ ->— >^- lizz;: 'i/' • '• 1^ I ^ ev-ermore re-membered. On - ly re-membered by what I have done r-F— ^ P f , ^ ^ rP *-J_^r-^— * ^-r -# ^ f'-r-(5^ -»_ .J -: — 9- U»- r- ^-\ Itzz^ "*, ' L I .IJ,I^^1J ^J^?: ■5P" © e- 98 J. B. ATCHXNSON. GO TELL THE JOYFUL STORY. BELLE. i ^4= &. %=3^3 ^ -i.-^ -r^'---*-^- 1. When you have found the Savior, The matchless Son of God; Go tell thejoy-ful sto - ry, Go 2 The Son of man has sought youAnd bought you with his blood;That you might say to others, "Be- 3. Some wand'rer now is wai-ting. Not far outside the gate; For you to go and find him; — And 4. Re - mem-ber, Je-sus calls you To work — yet not a - lone, He is your mighty help - er, And £E a speak his name a - broad; Tell hold the Lamb of God;" Go dare you long - er nev - er leaves his -0—i oth - ers they may find then and seek the err wait? While you are standing i • own! Then straightway tell the sto him- - ing. die - ry - He came to seek and save. And Tell them how Je - sus died That The soul that you might win. May The grace of God proclaim; Stand KEFRAIN, -CT^; — — I — i — \-\- deem them, His precious life He find him, And walk close by his ev - er. In death's un-bro-ken Je - sus, Stand trusting in His :1: that h3 might re they may seek and be fast bound for up, stand up, for t^ i^^^^^fe^^ gave, side, chain, name. • y? . ■ Go tell the joy - ful sto ry; The 60 TELL THE JOYFUL STORY.-Conduded. 99 e I SM^^fS z^:^- -l^-T- t== ^.l ^ ■Jt grace of God pro-claim, Stand up, stand up for J._-, *L^_?__ Je - sus. Stand trusting in His name. ^^- 9tel 4= m A/-i~ FANNY CROSBY. CLOSE TO THEE. 'It is good to draw nigh to God. Wm. W. BENTLY, by per. i^-- N .0 — — — y^0 — 5 — 0- M^ -^r-Mr-M. T^^ 9—W—9-»^»^ It ■•-¥-• 1. Close to Thee, O Lamb of God, May Thy epirit hold me; 'Neath Thy all protecting wings Let Thy mer-cy fold me. 2. Close toThee, when weakand faint, Duty's path pur-su-ing; Let me feel Thy circling arm. All my strength renewing 3. Close to Thee, O Sa-vior mine Near Thy cross a-bi-ding; I can brave the tempest's pow'r.In Thy love con-fi-ding. 4. Close to Thee, when earthly ties One by one are breaking, When my soul to life a - new Glad and pure a - wak-ing. iflfet— tr-t— It -^— #- W ^±1 ^_^_^_ f=P ;±ti B— t ;=t ■x^ -TV -<«—(«- ^1 ^_H«— ^- -P^^' IF; I— M- SigS^ -• — » — i-j-#- — I 1 — «-5-#- • — — #-• — ^=f =S=^ :ii— i i=iirg '»T^- ^=^ d3: •-i-f 5-T^- Close to Thee, Close to Thee, Keep thy child for-ev-er. Anchored firmly on the rock Sin can harm me nev-er. =t-t: ^—p-9f. 1=^=F=^ J » f P P -)*— !«- — *-ir l=f -^-■ p - y - J_fK_^ ? S ■e ©■ 100 WILL YOU MEET ME THERE? Joyfully, hit not too fast. Words and Music by JAMES R. MURRAY. :5=J^=:J^z=^=:i=I:^=^-=^— ?-T- — -A — » — * 1 — ' — ^ — H I ■"M D.c. 1. Ail is ligiit and beaii-ty on tlie oth - er side, 2. All is peace and plen-ty on the oth - er side, 3. Lov-ing voi - ces call us from the oth - er side, the oth the oth the oth ■•--i- _5 er side, er side, er side, -5*-- the oth - er the oth - er the oth - er side, side, side, All is joy and glad-ness, on the oth - er side, Will you meet me, meet me there? Glo - ry, hon - or, bless - ing on tlie oth - er side. Will you meet me, meet me there ? Man - y man - sions wait us on the oth - er side. Will you meet me, meet me there ? iifl — m — I — 0^ — J 0. No sor - row there, no pain, no tears. No brood - ing care, no death, no fears. But No gloom is there, no dark-some night. The Lamb Him - self is Heav'ns own light,"The :iEii= life of pure, un - end . ing love! songs the an - gels smg a - hove! In e- 1 ^ i From "ninrray's Sacred Songs," by permission. ■e ^ WILL YOU MEET WE THERE?-Conciuded. -t- D.C, 101 -4 — * joy thro' all the un-end - ing Wor - thy" walk with Him in God's good time your joys I'll years Of Heaven, my home, sweet home, yes, white, In Heaven, my horoi-, sweet home, yes, prove In Heaven, my home, sweet home, yes. P I^ £ :E :^=;z ^ =^ i AVSnis by F. A. BENSON, 4S- FOR HE CARETH FOR YOU. God's 2. He's 3. What 4. The ten - der care for those he loves Surpass-es all maternal tho't ; His heart with quick com- not a god of wood or stone, Ex-alt- ed high by heathen pow'r; But he is near the tho' af-nict- ed and dispised, I'ho' earth's proud ones dis-dain to nod. This blessed tho't is Lord re-members all his saints, Nor will he suf - fer one to fall ; The sweetest tho't, 'rnid ^ ^ ^* ■#-* ■#-. ^ ^ -f- -f-. , •#-. 4= Et^S iiii^^^g^^ pas-sion moves To res - cue those whom Christ has bought. To res-cue those whom Christ has bought, con-trite one. His hand sup - ports him ev' - ry hour, His hand sup-porta him ev' - ry hour, re - al - ised, We're not for - got - ten by our God, We're not for - got - ten by our God. all our 'plaints Is "that he car - eth for us all," Is, "that he car - eth for us all." §5* jfAJ^i .—.A t: 0^M^-^ Pr X -#^-#^ S jL2y ^ ■e a- 102i WORTHY THE LAMB. KIEPFER. By Per. 1. There's an earnest voice, and it seems to say; "Why will you lin-ger, Oh ! why will you stay, A - 2. 'Tis a lov - ingvoice.and it speaks to thee, Wan - der - er whether on land or on sea; "The 3. En-ter in, dear Gnest.and possess my heart, — Tho'tand af-fec-tion ; Oh ! nev-er depart, Till I way from the rest, And the joys that are best. And a home day will be o'er, When 1 can no more Gent-ly knock hear Thee in love, Calling me from a-bove, To siy beau up in heav- en a-bove?" at tho door of your heart." ti - ful home in the sky. jrsr^ — I • m— — m w m- home above. — ■ — ^'-i^ — I e- Tis a Fa-ther's voice, 'tis a Fa-ther's love, That calls us to our home a-bove, wm bEEt a Fath - er's love, That calls us to our homo JESUS, GENTLE SAVIOR. 1. Je - sus, Sav-lor, pi - lot me, O - ver life's tempest'ous sea; Unknown waves before me roll, Hul-iuji rock and 2. Tlioiisli tlie sea be smooth antl bright SpaiklinR witli the stars of ni;zht And my ship's path be a-blaze, With tlie light of 3. Wlien the darkling heavens frown.Aml tlio wrathful winds come down And tlie fierce waves tossed on high Lasli tliemseives a- 4. When at last I near the shore, And the fear-ful break-ers roar, 'Twixt me and the peace-ful rest, Then while lean-ing 2: £• J^i "^ — I L.-^— #— jS-T-"-*— -] — I — -— h- ' #-5— &-5_3J treach'rous shoal; Chart and Compass came from Thee; Je-sus, Sav-ior, pi - lot me. halcyon days, Still, I know my need of Thee: Je-sus, Sav-ior, pi - lot me, gainst the sky, O - ver life's tempest'ous sea, Jc-sus. Sav-ior, pi - lot me, on Tliy breast. May I hear Thee say to me, "Fear not, I will pi - lot thee! "~ "^ -V& — t-^ — •— ^-• Je-sus, Sav-ior, pi - lot me. Je - sus. Sav-ior, pi - lot me. Je - sus, Sav-ior, pi - lot me. Fear not. I will pi - lot tliee."" ©■ 104 Original koy F. JESUS MY ALL, TO HEAVEN IS GONE. — 1 — ffi — ^^- ■e GEO. F. ROOT. — :s_#i*-L# — — .0 — 0i-'^^0 — — 5 — ••^■ izt I I I 1 I * ■*■ 1. Je - sus, my All, to heav'n lias gone, He whom I fix my hopes np - on ; His track I see, and 2* The way the ho - ly prophet went, The way that leads from banishment. The King's highway of ~" ' ' I long have sought. And mourn'd because I found it not ; Till late 1 heard my 3. This is the way rs .ii^ #T# k fi -m ts ^S—\ m U U m m P# 1 1 S"^— i r5 .*_^_s_^. — \-—^ — I — 1^— - Refrain. H N- ?^ ZX :J^^^ ^*=3=* I'll pur-sue The nar-row way, 'till him I view. Hal - le - lu-jah! Hal-le- lu-jahl ho - li - ness, I'll go, for all his paths are peace. Sa - vior say, "Come hith-er, soul ; I am the way. 4^.4,^ g =^ f^=t f] .■ tt ^ ^^-\y-0-^^ =1= ^ *- -,1-^^-;^ '-X ^ m I I . r II I III ITal-le- lu jah ! Praise the Lord! Hal - le -lu'- jab! Hal-le - lu -jab! Hal-le -lu-jah ! Praise the Lord. IW m » » fj ■»•' -0- ■^ -0- ^1*3 ^ ^ '^ • ^ ^ — i, - | J . » — J m T -i 1 — I 1 — r m . »— ^ * r~* • — ^^ 1 ■\ ^ - g ! u — S 8 g ! u — 2 g-f-; 1 s i: 3_^_ ©■ -I ^ p - — ^1 — •^ r :t: P— Ji^-P--t :^=^ I L/ I I =F^ f*i»w^ 4! JESUS, MY ALL TO HEAVEN IS GONE -Concluded. 4 Lo! glaJ I come; and tliou, blest Lamb! Wilt take me, guilty as I am: Nothing but sin I thee can give ; Nothing but love shall I receive. 5 Now will I tell to sinners round How dear a Savior I have found : I'll point to thy redeeming blood, And say, "Behold the way to God!' 105 •e WHEN FOR ME THE SILENT OAR. From a poem by LTJCY" LAKCOM. J. R. M. :& ^•: ^^0 0-^-0 — i — i-v---i — s^j^ 1. When for me the si -lent oar Parts the si - lent riv-er, 2- Can the bonds that make us here Know ourselves immor-tal, 3. He who on our earth-ly path Bids us help each oth - er, 4. Therefore dread 1 not to go O'er the si - lent riv - er, -ft — -^ 0r^~ ^ H 9 1 1- ^=^0-^ — ^ — •• >t;:fc*: :t2:S: =F And I stand up - on the shore Drop a-way, like fo-liage sere Wlio his Well-Be -lov -ed hath Death, thy hastening oar I know -^ *— h^— •-- r-^ « P- H«— ]«== -V— ^- 4= ^^^^F=5=F=^ Rit. F # — — ^#— L-# — g^^^ J—S * — f^0-%- -4—*- Of the strange for-ev - er. At life's in-ner per - tal ? Made our El-der Brother, Bear me thou Life-Giv-er, Shall I miss the lov'd and known? Shall I vainly seek mine What is ho-li-est be-low Must fore v - er live and Will but clasp the chain of love Clos-er when we meet a Thro' the wa-ters, to the shore Where mine own have gone be own? grow. bove. - fore. e- '])Iitrray'» Sacred Souga," by periuissiou. ^ ©• 106 THOU HAST REST. -e In Memory of .-- :^ W^- ■i- '-i^ -0- -#■ ^S -N- -#-»■•«■-#■-#■ -^ found the home Whose glo - ry shall for - ev - er shine, Thy sun shall nev - er more go down, No hap - py brow The new name shines with radiance fair. By liv-ing wa-ters, pure and sweet.The wea - ry years And call thee from thy rest to - day? rath - er, may thy gen-tle love, Thy '^ -^ • *__^^_^ p. p -=—— # # _ ^^-» • * '-T • 'u ^ m night shall darken thine abode; No sin shall ev-er dim thy crownSince thou hast walked the shining road, dear Lord leads thee by the han I ^ N ^ \ \ > hearts and hands Within us, and be - side us, When-e'er temptation fierce and strong Allures the hab - it reigns, As-sail it till it per-ish, The eyes bedimmed by bit - ter tears.A lov - ing'word may day to day; Its beauty may restore them.Then plough the field and sow the seed.Whene'er you're called to ^_^_U p_^ '-T- ' ' V *-T-* •'—• •-T-* *— * T-T-* r i I — -. -%h--^. CHORUS. d: ^^- sist it : When falls the right be-fore the wrong.By words at least as-sist it. brighten, The load of grief the mourner bears, A helping hand may lighten. do it, And bless the world by word and deed, While you are passing thro' it ^-. ^l^l^J^l^ --. -« 0-T-0 0—0- ' - - - 0, yes there's work for JU ^ — e WORK FOR ALL.-Conciuded. 109 ■e -^ — t- — h — t- hearts and liands.For wide's the field of la- bor. Then so the work of Christ commands. Nor leave it to your nelgh-bor. ;=;—■«-#— I 1^* — I — -7 — I • — #-r*— « — T— «-r*— *— 4 — t-r* S— •" h' Cj-'gr-H-^ — — i+s-h» 1 ■ b — £— >-- 5-h 1 ^ " ^-r* ^ — i >— -P-H»- Ha Words from "S. S. TUrES." THE HELPING HAND. .0 ^ U^-_L^_i \ ^ \ 0, J 0. * — *Ww- *—' — •— *— J- J^' — •— * — rEt^ N S i H. E. KIMBALL. -*—i- 1. God sets our feet In thorny paths. And hems us in with fear and doubt, Tliat we may ear - ly look to 2. Each day we gird ourselves a - fresh, And with new zeal our way pur - sue; AVhile Satan ev - er strives to 3. O,* moments that are fraufiht with pain, O. days that bring us no re -pose! How could we live ye o'er a- 4. Be with us; Je - sus, ev-'ry hour; For all is dark when Thou'rt not near; And all these dreadflil clouds that V V :j5=fc: -^—^ j^^n^rrN ^t -A 1 1^5 ^_L^ 0, J V_0^ J 0- -^ ^ 0-A ^_ -*.-y-^— ^— •;'^g=^__#i:i:-»I_^_A_-^ r— ^ m S-L^-T ii Him, And trust His care to help us out Of dangers we could ne'er withstand, Did He not lend a help - ing hand, hide The Canaan glo - ries from our view. We ne'er should reach the heavenly land. But for a Sav-lors help - Ing hand, gain And find a so - lace for our woes, Did not a Sav-ior un - der-stand How mucli we need hishelp-ing band, lower, Be-fore Thv pres-ence dis - ap-pear; Oh.give us strength henceforth to stand, Upheld by Thy Al-migh -ty hand. >.--.- . - ^'^^^0^0 \ -0 1 F F-+-F-. - _ti_V- :f=P= H*-#— # ^ • • • 1/ \^-y- \^ -\ih Xit:r ^ e- 110 WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE. "Lo! I am with you always." ^ Frum tlie ENGLISH. ^ 4Ef m T 1. I will nev - er, nev - er leave thee, I -willnev-er thee for-sake; I will guard.and save, and 2. When the storm is rag -ing round thee, Call on me in hum-ble prayer, I will fold my arms a- 3. When the sky a-bove is glow-in", And a-round thee all is bright ; Pleas-ure like a riv - er 4. When the soul is dark and cloud-ed. Filled with doubt.and grief and care; Thro' the mist by which 'tis Tenor slngr the melody. §5fei keep thee, For my name and mercy's sake, Fear no e - vil, fear no e - vil, On-ly all my counsel bout thee. Guard tliee with the tend'rest care, In the tri-al, in the tri - al, I will make thy^ath way flow-ing. All things tending to de-light, I'll be with thee. I'll be with thee, I will guide thy steps a - shrouded, I will make a light ap-pear, And the banners, and the ban-ners Of my love I will up - iS B :E -^5^- 3: i Effi « — ft t^ *— *■ :^b^ take. For I'll never, nev-er leave thee, I will nev-er thee forsake, clear, For I'll never, nev-er leave thee, I will nev-er thee forsake, right, For I'll never, nev-er leave thee, I will nev-er thee forsake, rear. For I'll never,nev-er leave thee, I will nev-er thee forsake. -#— ^ r- -#—(•- :t= :E 3?: ©■ When thy feeble flame is dying. And thy soul about to soar. To that land where pain and sighing Shall be heard and known no more; I will teach thee, I will teach thee. To rejoice that life is o'er. For I'll never, never leave thee, I will never thee forsake. ■© ©■ V- THINE FOREVER. m e M. F. MAITDE. Arr. from BLUMENTHAL. 1. Thine for-ev - er! God of love, Hear us from thy throne a- bove, Thino for- ev - er 2. Thine for-ev - er! Sav-ior, keep, These thy frail and trembling sheep: Safe a - lone be- ffi r— f— '— r^^"^-r ifcziq: ;^-^-5-:- ~^ may we be, Here and in e - ter - ni - ty ! Thine for - ev - er ! oh, how blest ! neath thy care, Let us all thy good-ness share. Thine for-ev - er! thou our Guide, §a, :rl2=— z=l3ut=^ZFJ:7=to :5 :a=3- -= = •— 5-'-* • * i- ^^ i— # — ©_! They who find in thee their rest ! Sav-ior, Guardian,heavenly Friend, de - fend us till the end ! All our wants by thee sup-plied. All our sins by thee for-giv-en,Lead us.Lord from earth to Heaven ! ^. , — * — ^_#_kj±i^ k^-i-itf-^a — ^ — ^_l3^ — f: -/*=v#- EE :E lawMMw jiiMiisipaMiepnwB m m i w i ij i I I :t: * — e — -h*~'~ MMP«;;MWp«^apM««|M;« f -it-\r tn -S=P- :g: If you have not gold and silver Ever ready to command. If you cannot towards the needy, Keach an ever open hand, You can visit the afflicted, O'er the erring you can weep. You can be a true disciple Sitting at the Savior's feet. -—■X%' i. If you cannot in the conflict. Prove yourself a soldier true. If where Are and smoke are thickest, There's no work for you to do ; When the battle-field is silent, You can go with careful tread, You can bear away the wounded, You can cover up the dead. 9 1/ Do not then stand idly waiting For some greater work to do. Fortune is a lazy goddess, She will never come to you. Go and toil in any vineyard. Do not fear to do or dare. If you want a field of labor, You can find it anywhere. 4 e- m THE KING OF LOVE. ^ Sir ir. AT. BAKER. JAMES R. arURRAY. 1. The King of Love iny Sliepheni is,Whose goodness fail-eth nev-er; I nothing lack if 2. Per-verse andfool-ish, oft I strayed, But yet in love Hesoughtme, And oa His shoulder 3. Thou spread'st a ta-ble iu my sight, Thy unction grace be-stow-eth, And 0, the transport of Love my Shep-lierd i Whose good-uess Fine. I am His, And He is mine for - ev - er. gent- ly hiid,And home, re -joic-ing, brought me. of de-light, With which my cup o'er-flow-eth. — LI — ^_x_^_; — ^ — 0—' notli - lug U-A H Where streams of liv - ing In death's dark vale I And so through all J wa-ters flow My fear no ill. With the length of days, Thy -=— • — g -0-^-i-& -J — i-j. — I 1 — « — ■0 #--!-(© ^ ' ransomed soul He Iead-eth,And where the verdant pastures grow With food ce - les-tial feed - eth. The Thee, dear liOrd beside me ; Tiiy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy cross be-fore to guide me. goodness fail-eth nev - er ; Good Shepherd may I sing Thy praise, Within Thy house for-ev - er. iiS ■*■. N H j:5_ 3 :p — »-j-/i -5 J e- ■e e- FOLLOW ME. 777 ^ A little Christian boy of eight years, as he was dying:, said to those about his bed : I've been trying to walk in the footsteps of Jesus." Tliis expression has in it one of the clearest descriptions of relij 1 — I — ' ^-•-T-* — ■0- i9- T-t E ■e a- m HOME! LIGHT! HOME! These were the last words of a poor Newsboy. J. K. M. 5f ^Z IS 5 -N— > -#-^*- -*-i-#- ?3-=3 i=i: Home! light! Home! the light of a cloudless Home! light! Home! a home mid the ransom'd Home! light! Home! all light in the vale of day; band; death; It 1<3 — ; — L . U ^ — Hi' * •- breaks o'er tlie cit - y whose Drink-ing of fountains that All liglit in the soul from the ^ ■ p^ f p ^ _p_^- -\/—V- -N ^- « — #-4-# — # — -0-^-% — %-^-%—%- * : f^^-gy-' ^-# — 0-T-0—0 — . -^-19-^ '^^ ' build-er is God, And nev-er shall fade a - way; No sun, nor moon, nor star O'er the nev - er fail, And led by a Sa - vior's hand; Nev-er to iiung-er or thirst; "Light of the World, "Ail light on the path be - neath; Light that for sin-ners shall shine; As ne •*■ -0-* ■0- "^ -^"^-^ /v. •"T~- ^^-[?-| P^=i|=i=tz:lz|g=:g=:gz:]g: i rt^rr-rr ^ ^ mansions of rest may reign, For the Lamb is the light of that golden land, The light is the Lamb once slain; Nev • er to faint or fear; On - ly to live in the light of His smileWho guided his footsteps here. shout? \n his triumph "come,"And tells of the light of the Lamb once slain And points to his glorious home. H« ^-i-#_^ -«-4-€ .i^*- .T. s -p=^ fe^EE^E^E^ e- i/-^' fit t=£ l^ll. ^ i REFRAIN. Home, Light, HOME! LIGHT! HOWIE -Concluded. Home. Home, Sweet 119 ■® Home. fir t- E ■A- -Z^ ^ '^ J II I J. „ I I > k I I , r r r I Home, hap-py home, so fair, so fair.Sweet liorae, happy home, sweet home, sweet home.For the jt « m m STq— =prz=i» — w — f f_-Tz*=gz=» * =Tzg=:g=g — *— =*: l^lirfcizp ^ — ^ — y ig =| 1 s- =s • — * — » •- ^^^ Lamb is the light of i2=i that Gohi - en Land, The light of our Home, sweet home. — M—. # m ^ — r-# ^»~ • y b#- 1^— r— r 1=^ ^ i h 4-«-.-e ^N-t- — #-•- TENDER SHEPHERD. -h 1. Tender Shepherd,Lead me, Feed me, Or 1 famisli by tbe way; For 1 faint for heavenly manna. And I need it. Day by day. 2. Tender Shepherd, Watch me,Guiile me.Kougn and dark I ftnd the way.And 1 need Thee close beside me,For I \vander,Day by day. 3. Tender Shepherd, Take me, Keep me,When I lay me down to die; For I'm lost unlcs the Shepherd, Takes me to the Fold on high. *.'^*. ^ .#. fL ^ ^ j^ Ai#-.#-^ JL-Htje. ^ fl ^ ^ Hs-rr 1 1 f— i*T| 1 — i 1 U . U U — U-rU — ^i — t- ©■ 120 IF PAPA WERE ONLY READY. ■e P. P. BUSS. p # 1^ K N »_ J fflf ic ^ k. K i'^ 1 1 ^ 1 VT it 1 1 r ■N P ip _^ 1 1 r 1 J — ' J 1 \ 1 ' !^ . Pk 1 * 2 s s S ^ ^, A _/' n ^ 1 i *! ** ##... i 4 w w * * ^ ^^^ J J- J z^ lit - tie sis if we're jrood love to look have to tell 1 should so - tcr Nel - , ( :iud Ilia at Je - the an - be - tore lie. ma SlIS gels, hiiu -0— saTs tliaf told me I shal whan I to that -p ,»- # # # « I must sure - ly just t)ie same be - love liini more and meet him at the world of light and die, And that she and ma - fore,) Th<'y will let us in - more. And I'll gath- er wa door. That he must ex- cuse joy. Then I giiess he'd want 4t .#. ^ ^ .#. #. b III i r ma- lo - ter my to ~l — -then she stopped be- Hcav - en wlieu tliey HI - ies for the pa - pa (cause he come to Heaven to ■ft- — i •— ^— a— 1 9 -^1!= — 1 1 1 — \ — 1 — — •— —0- — 1 — ^L. U L- U ^.. , . - — -r-r- -fzz — •- — 1 — s s ~ — — 1 \ 1 u' — y y -y — y~ y -V- -y- • 0- "y y- -y -y- — y~ -y— i^'- y-J ©■ ■® ©■ IF PAPA WERE ONLY READY.- Concluded 121 _q •-i ^ -L_^ ^ 1_ s-il— ? ^-^i zit cause it made me cry, see us at the door, an - gel at the door, could-'nt leave the store see bis lit - tie boy, ^ ^ ^ ts ^ 1 — r 1 • ! ^ And that she and ma- ma— then she stopped, be -cause it made me cry. Tliey will let us in - to Ileav - en, when they see us at tlie door. And I'll f:ath-er wa-ter III - ies for the an - gels at the door. Tlien he nuist ex - cuse my pa - pa, cause he could -'nt leave the store. Thuu I guess he'd waut to come to Heaven to see his lit - tie boy. ■^^^-ji m • •-; m^ « •— . d^-r-0 , ^ €m i 1^ r—4 » « « ~ ,-| ^ -^—M—d M ^-T— ^ » #-T— ^- t-ji ^, h ^-, ^ ^ ^ ^ \ "^ K M 1 H Spirited. JESUS, SUN AND SHIELD. "BELLE. 1. Je-sus, Snn and Shield art Thou; Sun and Shield for - ev - er! Nev-er canst Thou cease to shine.Cease to ?uard ns, 2. Je-sus, Lnve and Life art Thou; Life and Love for-ev - er! Ne'er to quick-en shall Thou cease. Or to love ns 3. Je-sus, Siou^ and Strength art Thou ; Strength and Song tor-ev - er 1 Strength that never can de-cay. Soug that ceaseth "•••♦■ I Nil! .#-• .0. ,0. .0. ^ Jr~ -^ -0- ■0- I (N, I 1 •#-• ■0- -P- -Ir- — " — — 9 I f ~l'' ' ^ —^1 ' ^"h r ■4- H =:EI iL -U -0 #-T— •- :£ ^z ;tr=!=i(ii=t=:ir:^: £fS^E nev - er nev - er, nev - er, 9- ^-r^ Cheer our steps as on we go. Come be-tween ns and the foe. Come be-tween ns and the foe." All of life and love we need. Is in Thee, In Tliee In - deed. Is in Tlieo, in-Tliee in-detd. Still to us this strength and song Through eternal day pro - loug,Througli e ter-nai day pro-long. TZ ^0 • _ ^ , m ,, ©■ e- 122 BE STRONG IN JEHOVAH. -Tor in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. ■e J. R. M. Spirited. .0 — — — — 0-jj Be strong in Je-ho-vah, though hard be the fight,We'llconquer,we know, in the pow'r of His might; Put Thus singwhilevvemarchthro'themidstof our toes, Who stand all determined our way to oppose; We With loins girt with truth may we stand in the fight, Andrighteousness placed as our breastplate so bright,Our tf mmm on the whole ai-mor of God ev - ery one, For it a - lone shelters till vie - tor-y's won. conquer their legion, our bat-tie song raise ; The Lord is our Captain ; His name ev - er praise, feet shod witli sandals prepared for the war, The gos - pel of peace which our foesshallnot mar. -•- - - - - -^ ^+-+-4-+-.^ ^ ^ •— T— rrf- -u — f- 23^ -b^- ^=e=! t? REFRAIN. ^ i^--^- -A^- N- ^ -PS H r ^ Be strong in Je - ho-vah, be strong in His might.Be strong in Je-ho-vah, tho' hard be ihe fight; Put P^ -p—^ — t^- e- •-t/ — 15— ti^- i :t=rz ■a ©' BE STRONG IN JEHOVAH-Conduded. 123 J ! 1 — ? ^ 1 — (. -J w-^ — \ — * H :| I . * i -^ — ^ — « ^1 s=-# — « — — ^ jT * — ^ — • — ■ — 5-^^—^ — ^=#=i=-#=c«=# — 5^. — " ^ oa the whole ar-mor of God ev - 'ry one, And it shall protect you till warfare is done. -t^ t-rr-rT*^ i WHAT CAN LITTLE HANDS DO ? J. K. M, ^ -- >.- ^- — ft s \- -?_j—L — I % 1 • -#■ -•• •0- .-•■ 1. what can little hands do, To please the King of Heaven ? The little hands some work may try That 2. O what can lit-tle lips do, To please the King of Heaven? The lit-tle hps can praise and pray, And 3- O what can lit-tle eyes do To please the King of Heaven ? The lit-tle eyes can np-ward look. Can 4, what can lit-tle hearts do To please the King of Heaven ?Younrfhearts,if He His Spirit send Can will some siui - pie want sup-ply, Sucli grace gen - tie words of kindness say, Such grace learn to read God's Ho - ly book, Such grace love Him, Ma-ker, Sa-vior, Friend, Such grace .SSI to mine be to mine be to mine be to mine be giv - giv &1 en. en, en, en, Such grace to mine be given. Such grace to mine be given. Such grace to mine be given. Such grace to mine be given. -J- e- 724 BY-AND-BY. ■® H. TENNET. -:±5cit —\ — — * — g-T -g-F*-- 1. By-find-by, fee - tie hearted, By - and-by the storm will cea^e, And the fierce and wrathful 2. By-and-by, why thus dishearten'd 'Neatli thy cross of giief and sia? By -and-by press brave-ly 3. By-aud-by that joy-ful summons, Christshall send to call tliee home; 'Mid life's sorrows sweetly m^ EE CHORUS. ^=ffi=iT *=3'i=i -i i- ^— — I K — -#-T— in- tern -pest Then will be e- ter - nal peace; on-ward, You that glo -rious goal shall win ! sound-ing Piise, my wea - ry child and come. By-aad-by, what bliss, what comfort When life's iii EE -w— P- By-and-by, what bliss what com- fort, i ^_EEE?^ESil2^£sJtSE3EjE^-EfejE;t^|Epe^E^^i] 3 shall dwell *mi pil - grim-age is o'er ; We shall dwell *mid joys su-per- nal, In that blest ©■ 1/ > i/' > > i/ When life's pilgrimage is for-ev-er-more. r We shall dwell 'mid joys su - per - nal. V '\/ '\^ ^ u ^ In that blest for-ev - er-more. 1 e ^ THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD FOR JESUS. H — •l-r-'zir-H^' — I 1 — *l-i — 1 i r — ^— 1 1. The whole wide worH for Je - sus, 2. The wliole wide world for Je - sus, 3. The whole wide world for Je - sus, Once more be - fore we part, From out the Goid-en Gate, Throucfh all its fragrant zones. * — n — ^ — i- Riijg out the joy- Through all Pa - cif King out a - gain watch-word From ev - ery grate - fol heart, is - lands, To Chi - na's prir/ce-ly state; watch-word In loft- iest, glad - est tones, r The whole wide world for Je - sus ! Be From In - dia's vales and moun-tains, Throuf^h The whole wide world for Je - sus I We'lT iz* -Q- :p=;=ri -#- -Af: this our bat- tie cry, The lif - ted cross our stand- ard, I'er-sia's land of bloom, To storied Pal - es - ti - na wing the song with prayer, And link the prayer with la - bor, iTsfc? J* ..-d EE333EtEE ©■ r— r A sign to con - quer by. And Af - ric's des - ert gloom. Till Christ His crown sliall wear. -(2-j. miWm ■e e- 126 GOD HATH PROMISED. Mrs. EDWIN Spirited. WRIGHT. "BELLE. T- 1 ^ — 4- |— g- iifv: of God, dost sea tbe stand-ard al-though,m slow pro - ces - sion ira-plic- it, prompt o - bediance. Lc ' " ord.thy • nous com - ing. Of the ris - en Lord, Cen - tur - ies have passed, From this time we Diing, Speed, Oh, speed the day, I N Marshalled are ye Since He gave His Till Thou mak - esc When all na - tions, EE^ REFRAIN. 'neath His ban - ner ? ho - ly cov-'nant truth tri - umph- ant tribes and kind - red U His truth thy sword? l>y His oath made fast? And Thy praise we sing. In Christ's name shall pray. •4— 4— -^ God hath prom-ised, God hath promised, e (1 l> 1 1^ 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ^ 1 1 rfrKV — •-; — «' — • 1 — =^-._t- I -fl 4- - J — J « -^ —m — ^- ' •— -J.J -^ ^ M~m Nor His word will Dreak ; Ev - 'ry knee shall _# ft ^_ n — ' \ — 9 * ¥ ^ bow be - fore Him, ' » — T — r t- • . • ^ — 5 Bow for Je - sus tl' ti ^ ^ v—\ •■ \ 1 1 sake. J-)^—i- ^_ k- -^ =^ 1 — * » m — ^ 1 p-^ ._! \ 1_ -ij U— t— I L-=JJ e s ^W:- HOFFMAN THE VERY BEST FOR JESUS. LESLIE. By per. 127 e 1. Give to Christ your best af- fee- tion ! He is wor-thy to re - ceive, Love the pur- est and the 2. Give your choic-est hours to Je - sus, In de - vo - tion pure and blest. Hours most rich in tho't and 3' Give to Christ your no-blest tal-ents ! Use them ia his e vveet em - ploy ; la the us - ing you will J J^ J . J . J. L J > J. - ^ I N PSI warm-est, All yonr trusting heart can e.ive. feel - ing — He deserves the ver - y best. bar - vest, A re-ward of bliss - ful joy. 'dn^ -y- Hi Give the ver - y -U- -0~ — •-— .f^j_/_. -*-.-*-v-;i:r-:^ best. In the giv-ing, In the giv-ing, You will be su-preme-ly I ^ I I ■ I I I h #!-•-.— #-i—# #-T-# • — 0-: — a-r :q= i^zirp: :=zt ' ,_.^,,_1 — i^- ::•=' -u- I — tz m 4 Give your influence to the Savior! Bring no stain upon his name By a heart untrue and faithless, By a life of sin and shame. — Bep. Give your soul, your all to Jesus, As a willing sacrifice ; Your reward shall be a mansion In the shining BaradLse. — Ref. ©■ 128 ALICE GREY. SOME ARE WALKING IN THE SHADOW. "Let not your heart be troubled." -s — ■r--^ -■^--r — I — i --^ -«-• i— •- 1. vSome are walk-ing in the shadow, Some are walk-ing in the light ;Somehav3 eyes all dimm'd with 2. Some are bear - ing heav-y cross-ea, Some are wearing wreaths of flowers ;Some to whom the years pass :i^T=^-: f ^=T=P y f S=I-| :t= m -4-|L f=^^ =^=s m ±--jdr t :^ -5^- ¥^ "*— 'ir l^Ef weeping, 0th - er ej^es with smiles are bright; Some are walk-ing on the mountain, Some are qnick-ly, Some wlio count the wea - ry hours, Some have hearts all gay and gladsome, Some have ^- t- -9 — >- i -?— ^F^= !Ei*E 1 3 ^ 1 — [ £E^ii i 3ee£3}3 ■♦:■*■-#■ • :i-i: walk-ing in the vale, Some are ra - di - ant and hap - py, Some have fa - ces wan and pale, hearts o'er-run with care ;Some are sing- ing songs of glad-ness, Some ar<5 seek-ing help in prayer p i;E \t -W- J/-. s^e: V — \^ :b--i Syo Wffiij ji rigilijTST^ I j i' liW.' ii li lii | l | i> I. J I JUHIII. l | ! IH.M, i JBU"i!r« i r<-» ^ e- ^ SOME ARE WALKING IN THE SHADOW-Conduded. ■e -0 — I • — ^-m -# 0- ^r-4- ^ -■X :#«: St 129 ii±Q^:z Thus we ii-dV - el on life's path - way, Till we reach our home a - hove, There for EEE -& _^_ S. BARING GOULD. NOW THE DAY IS OVER. Rev. EDWARD SEYMOUR. Now the day is o - ver, Night is draw-ing nigh, Shadows of the evening, Steal across the sky. Je - sus give the wea - ry Calm and sweet repose. With thy tend'rest blessing, May our ej^elids close. When the morning wakens,Then may we a - rise, Pure and fresh and blameless In Thy Ho-ly eyes. ©■ ■e e- 130 OVER THE BEAUTIFUL HILLS. LIN A H. BART9N. J. B. HERBERT. 1. O - ver the bean-ti - ful hills, Touched by the fin - ger of God, ... Guard-ing the gates of the east, 2. O - ver the beau-ti - ful hills. -»0- ^■— ^- •^ U U U i I I the beau-ti - ful hills, Touched by the beau-ti - ful hills. Guard - lug u [f u [> r the fin - ger of God, the gates of the east. =f-^- ?z=±: N_N N N N N Comes the first ray of the wakening day. The messenger of our XJod. - ver the brighten - ing Je-sus will come, our Light and our Sun, A conquerer, bringing peace, The mountains shall tremble with ^ ^ N -fr -^ -^ r2* c\:H7--« — J— i — I — I — I — \ -^ — I* — ^ — — — +- • — » — • — — » — I — — i7-i — / ^ -•-; • ^-33E: ^=^ -0 S •-t-»-T— ^ i-r-0 • • ^ ^ — ^- -#-— ,-^=i 1/- lake. Bringing his message of peace. And o - ver the beau-ti - ful pur - pie hills joy, A glow in the won-der - ful light, As o - ver the beau-ti - ful pur - pie hills .^!L_ft /e-T-^ e- OVER THE BEAUTIFUL HILLS.-Conduded. CHORUS. 131 e — F- -==r~^- ^^""t^-tr :fc= V ''^"" u Cometh the sun in the east. Cometh the glo - ry of Christ. Hail! all hail I The beauti-ful day ! Glo - ri - a ti - bi fzt-fa==T=t=t=t: ~ip=piT:r:iipz:t:=r= Dom - 1 i|2: -^=r ne' * .^1 Hail! all hail! the beauti-ful day I Glo-ri - a ti - bi Dom - i-ne! Ai- -pF-i 1— i p«-i— ^ 1 r- 1 1 pF r F 0-^ Tl -h^jT-^-v— l-i^T— te — s-Hi— Is — ^■■■■ L . t-h— b— h— >— F-»- ib — \— _F— ^i v=v-v— >- V — t--j— f^-(^--— , — I— ■«*) — y- -^-i— •— •- i di * Glory be to thee, O God:'"(Glo-rl-a tlb-be Dom-e-nsy.) GUARD AND GUIDE US. rM- ^m t^ :"3=-- -&- 1. Father from whose huaadulh | spring, | Every good and perfect | thing, | For the glftof life we | raise | Songs of gratitude and | praise. 1. Thou hast placed And the precious To exchange this us here ou | earth, | For a high and glorious (birth, | boon hast | giv'n, 1 earth lor I heaveu. 3, Then, O Fount of Cleanse our souls Take Ihem pure every | truth, | Guard and guide us in our | youth. | from every [stain,! to thee a- | gain. 0$ •^ [^1 i ■e e- 132 THE PORTALS OF LIGHT. M. E. SERVOSS. r D, C. And when His voice calls in the luoruing, / • i<< 1/ • k< At uoou-time,perhaps, or at night, With no plea but the one "Thou 1 — ^-- read - y Tor the step that I some-t:nie shall hear. Journey Stands the nian-sion. He went to pre - pare, faithful And do well what He gives me to do. And whether on earth or in heav-en, Down And whether in joy or in sor-i-ow. Through And if Ue should bid me stand 1 - die. Just -p — ?• I shall en - ter the por - tals of light. -^— N- V D. C- for Chorus. -N— N" -*— *- ^-'^S here, or 'mid scenes of the blest val-ley, o'er mountain, or hill, wait-ing in weakness and pain - , „ - ^ I am sure that His love win surround me. And with Ilini I will leave all the rest I will walk in the li,2;ht of His presence. And His love all re -piu-ing shall still I have on-ly to trust, and be failliful. And sometime He'll make it all plain 9=R=S — ^- 0- -0 r-- ©■ -.-.-.- ^^ '— ■•- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ■0- -0- -0- -0- ■0- f^ -^ h» ■^' -^ pp:T:g-p=pipr=^zirz:r=ip:rp/i-pz:p^spip^=i;z=g=^zi#=JJgi p[:5?p: z:^q ■e THE ROCK THAT IS HIGHER THAN I. 133 ■e SOLO. ;:iit: :fc. -^.— *^,- -# J— # — s- ->-^- -^-^^ 1. In sea-suns of grief to my God I'll repair, When my heart is o'erwhelmed with sorrow and care.From the 2. When Sa-tan, my foe, cometh in like a flood. To drive my poor soul from the fountain of God, I will 3. And when I have end-ed my pil-grim-age here, Clad in Je-sus pure righteousness let me appear : In the 1 ^ 4 " I :i: i^nr :i: X^ £ ^yz=£zi=5=t: -t ^ iS^^S^ ends of the earth un - to Thee will I cry, Lead me to the Rock that is high-er than I. pray to my Sav - ior, who for me did die, Lead me to the Rock that is high-er than I. swell-ings of Jor - dan, on Thee I'll re - ly, And look to the Rock that is high-er than I. t ± zt=ziz i M CHORUS. iti*''~* — ^ High-er than I, r^—f- m_^ ©■ ^-J— 1 — •- ! —0 0~ — 0.i- ^0 . -j y — 5 — 'r- high-er than I, N ^ I " F g— — #- -^ ^- -^- Lead me to the Rock that is high - er than I. ■e ©■ 134 E. A. HOFFMAV. THE PRODIGAL SON. J. H. KTTRZENKNABE. By per. ■ I — 1 i-T ^i f^T r— ^ — -1 in 1 P> n Pi «- f-j— *-g-T- 4 — % — *^^ ~T-g-z~g~g t ; — * — * — * — f— 1. A -way from Fath-er's house, There's want.and woe.and pain ; Re - turn, pro - di - gal 2. The Fath-er waits -for you, With ten - der, lov - ing heart; Re - turn, pro - di - gal 3. A robe of snow - y white, The Fath - er will be - stow ; Re - turn, pro - di - gal 4i O come with all your sin, From all your wand'rings vain, Re - turn, pro - di - gal -^x-^ 1 1 ^-Titzr Son, Un - to your home a - gain Son, And nev - er-more de - part. Son, In sin uo farth - er go. Son, To Fath-er's house a - gain. ■ ft- ,-F F F F-T- F- — F ^ :tz=t2=t?: -I 1- _-■- T" le^igl roam, why Ion - ger roam? There's bread enough and to spare, Come home,come home, come home. P ^ , #___i:r> — +r_ t_JpL-* f S-T-J- -- — -T -T— rP ^ • •*-T-^'^— n e- ®- S. LINDSAY. —J ^^-t- HASTE TO THE HARVEST FIELD. "The fields are already white for the harvest." m ■e J. R. M. -•-J— ^ =1= -t&-^ Jtiri: T ^ ^ ^ ^ Hast thou no work to do? Look all a-round and see, Fields are al-read- y white, Wait- Why long-er sit at ease. And waste the precious sun ; Thy work can nev-er end, 'Till Work on 'till death, re - deem T.he precious tin>e you've lost ; Ne'er fal - ter by the way, Nor ^ =1= -tt S ing for 'tis be - gun count the cost, -H K; 1 — I — I E^ — K — N — N — ^ — ^ — , -^ +5 aP ^^ -^ i ' J' « « « « 1 ■S ^ ' i rJ I J % ^V—* — • *— *= ] thee. Haste to the harvest field, Haste,haste a - way ; Haste to the har-vest field, no -(2_ -6>- -^ *-- ^ 4L .#. 1^=^ r — ^r long-er de-lay. Haste to the har-vest field, Haste, haste away. Haste to the har-vest field to - day. ^ ®- ise Poetry by EMMA TUTTLE. THE UNSEEN CITY. ■e Composed by JAMES G. CLAKK. m. * 1 # 0-^-m 0-^ -^ ^-* ^ ^ — -J 1. 1 think of a 2. I think of that 3. That beau-ti-ful cit- y cit - y, cit - y T have not seen Ex-cept in my hours of dream - ing ; for 0, how oft My heart has been wrung at part - ing ; is home to me, My lov'd ones are go - ing thith - er, ■#-■#••♦•■#■ •0- -0- -0- -^ -^ -^ -^ ■•-_ Where the With And ^-#— L-<< 1-^ #-*-'-# — 0- W -#- -»- -#• ■0r , , feet of mor-tals have nev - er been, friends all pale who with foot-fall soft they wlio at-read-y have cross'd the sea T< To it? Are dark-en its soft, soft glfam-ing: air - y heights were start - ing: call - ing, "come hither, hith - er ;" 7 A glim-mer of I see them a The ten - der =EE ■0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -^ - v-v- -y-— y-1 :t =F=F y^ ^ -T-<5> [—# m :q=z: ::t: -s — K — i*^- tZZtl r:l~-^--^■ ¥ pearl, and a glint of gold. And a breath from the souls of ro - ses; And glo - ry and beau - ty gain in their raiment white. In the blue, blue distance dwell - ing; And I hear their prais-es in ej'es that I worship'd here, From the gold-en heights be - hold me; And their songs en-trance my ©■ ^7,ig*«ffits» ■e e- THE UNSEEN CITY.-Conduded. As I dream 137 As I ■® -\ ^T — 1^-r-i N — Kt — 1 ri r rr-^— Ni — ^ ' 1 — I t — S 1 U T'5!u!|tl/[/luriitl/ all un-told, Steal o - ver my calm re - po - ses ; As 1 dream of a cit calm de-light, Come down to the breezes swell-ing ; raptured ear When the wings of slumber fold me; -*-•-#- - i*J-#- •#■■#■■•- y I have not seen, Of a dream ^ V -^-- P=t fA =5: rr-f-'^- As I dream Of a cit - y I have not seen, -T r As I iream T H Clt-V ±1. ^ J. I have not seen, As I dream I I .^ ^ J ■*^ -0- -0- -0- -^ — 1—\ i_i — i_i — i_ij — L_i As I \-v — f— f- . Of a dream . . cit ^ y f=F= - . ^ V \ As I dream of a cit - y « •-T-# 0- r r I have not seen, As I dream . . . . Of a cit-y 1 have not seen — p. ^-t_p^p P=±-^— ^ f- I I . >^ ' -0- •»- -0-' 9i . > '• I 1/ i I > k* . . . have not seen. Of a cit- y I have not seen, Of a cit-y I have not seen. . . *• -0- ^ -^ _^ ' m m . » •♦-•*• ■♦• ■*■ . M J ElEE ©■ As I dream Of a ^^mm cit-y I have not seen. ■e ©■ 138 BEAUTIFUL BELLS. Trio for Female Voices. ^ Bells, (New Year's Sono Bells, Bells, Words and Muslo by N. B, SARGENT. Bells, # ^- t y i/ 1. Beau-ti - ful bells sweetly chiming on the air, Sor-row and joy ye a - like to mortals bear, 2. Beau-ti - ful bells ringing in the glad New Year, Sweetly your mu -sic falls on the list'ning ear, - — ^^ — ^ — • — * — # — ^..1-^ — g— # y — ^^-. •4 f — ^ =^i "s — !« — ' -N-^T-- • w -J- > -^-^- 'S — • — ^ 3^ Beau - ti - ful bells sweetly chiming on the air, Sor - row and joy ye a - like to mortals bear. tfc3EE5Ei ^•— ^. ^^=^- ^3E3 ■W- -^ Itr ^^ e- Bells, Bells, Bells, Beau-ti - ful bells sweetly chiming on the air, Beau-ti - ful bells, sweetly chiming bells ^m ^ e- Tenderly. REST OF THE WEARY, SAVIOR AND FRIEND. "Aiiil 1 will give you rest." 139 ■e -t*- ■m — I — I •— Rest of the wea - ry, Joy of the sad, Pil - low where lying, Love rests its head. When my feet stumble, To Thee I cry, Ev - er con-fess-ing Thee, I will raise Hope of the dreary, Peace of the dy-ing. Crown of the humble, Un - to thee blessing, -*-^ ^-iifr-i Light of the glad Life of the dead Cross of the high Glo - ry and praise, 1 r I I tei JZ ^ _^_5 1 1 • * i • •-i-* #— #- . .- ^^^ Home of the stranger. Strength to the end. Path of the low-ly, Prize at the end. When my steps wander, - ver me bend All my en-deav-or, W^orld without end, ^-#--*' ■^•■#-: ■#-•■#- ■#-■#-•■( Re - fuge from dan Breath of the ho • Tru - er and fond Thine to be ev Sa-vior and Friend. Sa-vior and Friend. Sa-vior and Friend. Sa-vior and Friend. \,j.,±: ^ ± ± p t. 0—0-^0— T-1 -f •— I \ ias 1. Has this year, so near its clos - ing, Brouglit me near-er 2. Has m in - ward life grown pur- er ? Has my dai - ly 3. Have I used my sin - glo tal - ent To draw sin - ners # 1» P- ^— r-- ^ ^ n r— ^ ^ — ^ •- to my God? Do I love my ask-ing been, "Lord, re-new Thy un - to Him ? Can I ev - er V^ :t: ■rxz. -V-- 4=- 1^1 .1 — 1 i — -0 — (»- -• — •- -1 # 1 p i=t:; -,--j- -ir*: ■^ist m\ Sav- ior bet - ter, Trnst more fnl- ly in His word? Have my foot - steps of - ten wandered spir-it in me; Make and keep me pure with-in ?" Have my hands been ev - er read - y claim the plaud - it, "Well done ser-vant, en - ter in?" Soon an-oth - er book will o -pen, - , # $ « • • * • ^ »»*-■•■ 1^. :^=t It ~v- i^::=S — I — V- -m -x P^I^^J=: -x-y-^ In for - bid To per-form His oless-ed will? Let tlie en-tries made each day ^ -^ -^ -^ -^ -f^ sizur5i=:?=^=ziS-_-i=r;=LZ=t:— u - • • 5- Have I tried to hon Have I faith ful - A ' i- — -! •-t-^ — ^ — SI- _* — — J — ^-n s ^ ^ or Je - sus ? Am I an - y more like PHm ? ly en-deav-ored, Ev-ery du - ty to ful-fiU? Be of earn-est, pa-tient ef - fort, For a life more as I pray. IS ©■ -^ — ft — ft — ifc-f-# — — ^ — ^_ ^^_^ — ^ — — ^? -o — . ^^^ x..g,u, ^.^^^ ^^^ "'&", ^..v> .^^v^uui/^m , 3. A- rise young man for you must fis,hl, You must fight, You must fight, A - rise, young '1. Ho, friends of temp'rance firm - ly stand. Firm - Jy stand, Firm-ly stand, Ho.friends of t Sail - ing on, Sail-ing on, The temp'rance ship is Pioll-ing high, Roll-ing high, The mountain waves are g man for temp'rance. i: fm S J J-v i-+-H — 1 ^-v ^— f— ^ ■ N 1 • #-v •-+-S ^ ^ sail - ing on, Iho' au - gry hil - lows roar, roll - ing high, The pi - rate fleet is strong, you must fight, A foe that seems a friend, firm - Iv stand, To meet the dar - ing foe. ^ t ,N ^ To bless the world she's sail - ing on. We call for men to do or die. The well worn way that seem-eth right. For God, for Truth, for Na - tive land ii: Sail - mg on, Do or die, Seemeth right, Na - tive land, e- Sail-ing on, To bless the world she's sail-ing on. To reach a fair - er shore. Do or die, We call for men to do or die, To crush the migh-ty wrong. Seemeth right, The well worn way that seemeth right, A - las in death doth end. Na-tive land. For God, for Truth, for Na-tive land. We dare to strike a blow. ^ -0- -0-. ■* ■ *- . ••- f- . ... J^ ,^i J^ . E -_^. ^SS! e e THE TEMPERANCE SHIP.-Conduded. CHORUS 145 -^: ^ n^i-^^ — « — 9. — * — * — t — 9. — *- 1-0—0—0—0 — — — .1-0 — — — — 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 Oh, ral - ly, free-man, ral - ly, Do you hear the fearful cry? 'Tis the solemn Wail of warn-ing from the -^ — :N — -N — i ^ — 1 :ft J^t-J^ ^ ,j^ J^ I * 5 5-j-£ziip g^rj^~n"i "^ — i — \ Irunkard doomed to die, 'Tis the prayer of wife and mother, 'tis the shriek of an-guish wild, "Will you ' U. U U U U J- W— '--K S Si ft ft ft ft ft— L— 5 — -^ — ^ 1 1 1 ^-4-# m • — m — ^ % — -^ *i--5 ^ ^ c_:p_!Lt jq help a fall-ing broth er, will you save my dar-ling child ? Will yoj save my darl - ing child 1^ ^^-^"^-^ ^—^ \P^ 5. We see the blinded rush along. Rush along, rush along. We see the blinded rush along, The broad and downward way. Then raise at last a prayer or song, Prayer or song, prayer or song, Then raise at last a prayer or song. To save them while we may. ■!!*■ ■e e- 146 AS WAND'RING THRO' THE WOODLAND. Allegretto (TEMPERANCE SONG) Miss S. C. K ■J j As wand-' I I asked stream could o / Oh! shun \ But drink 5— •r-'^A; 5=^5 HARVEY. ^S N '■ \ Oh, it ring thro' the wood-land One love-ly morn I strayed, The a bright-eyed lin - net, That bold-ly ven-tured near, What is -let rip-pled on-ward, And o'er each ver-dant bank Wav'd many a they speak, then sure-ly They like the birds would say, " 'Tis wa - ter, the lempt-ing wine-cup, For want and shame are there; Touch not the the pure, cold wa - ter, That Heav'n so free - ly gives, For health, and mer - ry makes your fra - grant spark - ling drnnk-ards' strength and ^ ^S= -b— I-- R^- L^ — L^^^ -^ ^^f: -v- CHORUS. « — « — « « 9^\-0 — — — — — 0—i song birds,Their sweetest mu-sic made; ) heart so light, What makes your voice so clear ? j blos-som, and gra,ss-es tan and rank; | "Wa-ter, water, water, water, Water, water, water, water," wa - ter That makes us strong and gay." f poi-Bon, Nor once to taste it dare: ]^ beau - ty To ev - 'ry thing that lives. -N--Nt-4 Thro' the for -est rang, "Water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water," So the sweet bird sang. e- THE CHILD'S EVENING HYMN. ■e ;^ -4- nt -f: Music by N, B. SAUGBNT. A— -K K- 147 &^ 1. Ere I lay me down to rest, 2 Let me now thy kind-ness prove, 3. O'er my bed may an - gels keep Je - sus hear a child's re-qnest; What I want is Je- sus' love; Watch,while I in safe-ty sleep, I can on - ly Save thy lit- tie Let me rest up - \:-^- ?4— I » » 1 s =1 1 ■0 — I # — I — y-^ — [- 1 :W=J=z i-i^_ --^ ^ N- -A- lisp my prayer, Ask-ing for thy love and care, I am ver - y young and weak : child from harm, Clasp me in thy lov - ing arm. Ere I sleep up - on my bed, on thy breast, Let my dreams be bright and blest; When I in the morn - iiig wake, Gen- tie Je - sus, hear me speak; See thy child on bend-ed knee — Suf- fer me to come to thee. Lay thy hands up -on my head ; Tljy sweet blessing give to me, Suf- fer me to come to thee. In - to thy pro-tec- tion ti'ke, Till in heav'n thy face I see, Suf- fer me to come to thee. -0-1 0~-r — ^—5 ■ e ©" 148 GOOD NIGHT. Wiitleuby Dr. T. V. CHATTEL. Composed by "WILL "W. BENTLEY. Ky per. -i^d #5 o 1. Once a-gain we come before you, That our good-night may be said, For the hours lia ve hastened o'er you, 2. As these evening honrs of pleasure, Waft us to the niglit's repose, So in filling our lifi>'s measure 3. Let us tlien be up and doing, There's enough for all to do: Knowing in th'; night that's coming |- — ! — I — I — '-^ \-\-0 M W *- :g==^z=|if=jj:ijigiS— g-Ji?=S==:g=tL': With a steady noise-less tread, Now the hum of toil is end-ed, Fad-ed is the day and light, We are drawing to its close, And the lamp of life now burning, Brightly with its ves - tal light. None his calling can pur - sue. Let us then that home be seeking. Where re-pose is pure ile- light, ■♦•■*- - - - - 1st time. 2d time While the twi - light shad - ow dark-ens, Each to God the soul re-turn - ing, Where no fare - well word is spo - ken, 4— 4— 4— 4— 4— +- 4— We will say to Fade in - to a Where we'll never all good night, all good night, long good night, long good night, say good night, say good night. e ■e ©■ EVENING PRAYER. 149 m A., G. RUSSELTi FLEMING. Night's shadows falling, Men to rest are call-ing ; Rest we pos-sessing;Heav'nly peace and blessing; O Savior, hear us: Son of God, be near us; Thine an-gels send us, Let thy love attend us; Be near, re-liev - ing All who now are grieving;Tliy vis - i - ta - tion Be our con-eo-la - tion; Thou ev-er liv - est; Endless life Thou givest; Thou watch art keeping O'er thy faithful sleeping; Lord of Glo - rv, Praise we and a'lore Thee Thee for i\s giv - en, Our true Re.';t from heaven; P# This we im - plore He nothing fear - O hear the sigh In Thy clear shin Rest, peace and bless I^ Thee, Fall-i«g down be - fore eth Whom thy presence cheer ing Of the faint and dy • - ing They are now re - clin - ing We are now pos - sesa H ^ S « -\_ i • 1 y, Thee, Great King of eth. Light his path ing; Lord hear our ing. All care re Glo clear cry sign ing. Thy name con - fess W- J. B. M. He is the Shepherd, we his sheep wlio follow Where'er His blessed feet leads the way before us. In all our wandering His tender love is o,er us Guiding our onward way- THE GOOD SHEPHERD. "I am the good Shepherd." A ry ! eth. ing. ing. ing. i9- :2Z. i Time, "Evening Prayer." ©■ In the green pastures by the peaceful waters. Rest all the happy ones whom the shepherd leadeth; Hears He their faintest cry and never vainly pleadeth Any who follow Him. 3 Many the dear lambs basking in Thy sunshine. Here and in Heav'n above, blessed, blessed Jesus, Loving Shepherd,Thou whose watchful eye e'er sees us, Make us of that blest fold. ■e ©■ 150 A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Written for this work by Miss LINA H. BARTON. Duet. J. B. HERBERT. 1. In tfTe pur - pie deptl) of Heav-eu, hung the ra-dlant host of stars, 2. "Fear not. for be-liold I bring you tirt - ings of the Trince of Peace; 3. Throu;;li and through the world it echoes.— ech - oes still that Christmas sung, 4. Ev - ery Christmas-tide it ech- oes With a clear- er sweet- er sound. — i K 1-. — r ^-.—r — •-i — r 9^* ^=^^ Shin- ing on a group of Un - to you, in Dav - Id's Fliiut-ing round a - bout the Ev - ery Christ-nias-tide we , 1 -sl-i- CIIORUS. shep-herds ci - ly hov - els hear it gath-ered round their sleep-ing herd. is a Sav - ior born to - day. and tlie i)al - ac - es of earth. ring - lug tliro' the pass - ing year. ■I 1 1 -; 1 « 1 J • # ■—'»— — <0~ — « •m—-\ p t; 3^i: When Rings •'Glo In wide o - i)en swung the por - tal, and from tlie an -gel's Christmas mes - sage, tell - ing ■ ry in the Higli-est, glo - ry !" joins the our hearts there ev - er lin - gers ech - oes .a- .C .a. -I ',-Z-A^ ^=z-^5=g^^!te -#— 1«- ^ -'--5r± ■ * t :t= ^— out the gold - en bars. Swept ablaze of heav-'nly glo - ry. Swept the an- gels of the of a world's re - lease, "Glo- ry in the High- est glo - ry! Peace on earth and love for whole an - gel - ic throng; "Peace on earth" the glo-rious greet - ings from the sil - vertrum-pets of that an - gel song, Year-lv, as we near the bav - en, rings the clio-rus near and iia Lord, aye. burst, clear. •0-'. ■»■ ■»- ^ „ •0-. -0^-0- h^«- ■#- L-#- -^ ' -^ 0. -t— +_• A -^^— ^ i9h t=|= ■e e- LOOK UNTO ME AND BE YE SAVED -^-N 151 J. R. iNr. i— -26-71. ' K ,S ,V 1. Look un - to me and be yc sav - ed — Look,men of na-tions all; Look, rich and poor and old and 2. L^ok un - to me and be ye sav - ed — Look from your doubts and fears; Look from your sins of crimson fP^ :g^ ^ REFRAIN. iiP^ ^Ei young, Look, sinners great and small. Looh and live, dye, Look from your prayers and tears. -P-'- —^ — *:^^_^ — ^_^_^_._^,. — a (2. gEgE^lE^JEiE-F^EJS F-lEll -(^ looh and live, Look nor dare no Itl E long - er now de - lay, Look and live, look and live, While 'tis called to - day. P^^ :*: ^_ =J: ^ ■e e- 152 I STAND ON MEMORY'S GOLDEN SHORE. For memorial or other soecial occasions. ■e 1. 1 stand on mem - 'ry's golden shore, 2. thou un - love - ing, dreamy past, 3. I dream, but dream- ing is in vain, ^ ^ ^ .^'^ ^ -^^ -*-T-Si • — # — z — •-r-{5> #- ' -^v - — TT ^ ^ ^ ■ r::;* ^ w a^ -t^-' 1/ And muse and dream, this autumn night. Re - call -ing Give bac^ what I have giv'n to thee- Flow'rs that love's To re - sur - rect the, buried dead, And wak-ing A •#- it 1;4^ -^i?.*. -ft: l2_^I^=t=^ m ' r^ — rVr 1^ i:^ "^t — r i?;E forms that never - more Shall bless on earth my wea-ry sight, I reach in tree abor-tiv© cast, Fairhopes that 'mid thy treasure be! Life's tender but renews my jnain, With mem'ry of the vis-ion fled, In vain I ^ ■#■ "^ ^ -^^ A. ^ -9- JP. 4t- — « — • — — a — *-T-is — • — I \ i — -T-j::- vain buds tread - U V ^- ^—^. U— ==-M— — W 1 -S \-l — >•■ to grasp the that I have on mem'ry's -t^— y— V- hands Tliat beckon from the farther side. Where gleams the shin - ing silver sands Where murmurs kiss'd And water'd with my anxious tears, I see not through the gath'ring mists Of doubt.and shore, And spread with tears for what is gone, The ho - ly past returns no more: I walk the e- STAND ON MEMORY'S GOLDEN SHORE.-Conduded. 158 ^ a^^ soft the oil-ver tide Where gleara the shiii-ing silver sands-Where murmurs soft the silver tide. vain distrust aud fears I see not through the gath'ring mists Of doubt.and vain distrust and fears, shores of life a - lone The ho-ly past returns no more: I walk the shores of life a -lone. - — - s ^ - — - ♦ ♦ h.^^^'^V ' — - ^ ^ ^ -4^^ — #— # — P-#- r.«s — 0—0—0—»-r^ — #— # — ,— #- r ,*g — » i " i - I - pi \-~ fefeEtpS V V frj CHORUS. > > . I h N N ». ». -fi — W-'tz T 1 J 1— ^ tH P '^^ ^ ^i Nt — I ^n 212 IZIJ_I_^_J — — r^_mc0 r' » ^-? — #-■-#-; — • • # ^ ^- ' -s-*tIF-*-~*-^ I stand on mem'ry's gold- en shore, golden shore, I tread life's wea-ry rounds a - lone, a - lone, The K< — i 0-r»-- * 5 # = 0-T S * S — I PxT-i #-r-#— •-— • » f 0-f—0 -j-0 ^:j L ^ r Ifc •I 1 ^ — I 2 — » — Z, . . _u_t-J- ^ ^-— ^ N N _i_i r-^- dear de - part-ed comes no more, nev - er more, Tlie all of life I love is gone, is gone e- ?=srr-i *-\ — • • • a-f — • -T-| ^j ' 1 1 — t , - — i 1 1 1 i — t "I 1 — —^—0 n ^ 154 GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD. (Responsive Service.) (Careftil attention is Invited to the responsive services in tliis bools wliich will amply repay all who use them for the drill nec- essary to render the music efficiently.) Leader, (reads) give thanks unto the Lord ; for He is good. All sing. No,l. -a- --N r-^- f^i — ^ 2zfezf tor — # — y liis c-y -^ :p: _^ dur eth for ^^i^^l Leader. O give thanks unto the God of gods. All sing. I No, 2, r-^- ^^ ^: ->.- For His cy dur eth for -y- --^? ©■ Leader. give thanks unto the Lord of Lords, All chant No. 1. Leader. To Him who alone doeth great wonders. Chant No. 2. Leader. To Him that by wisdom made the heaven. Chant No. 1. Leader. To Him that stretched out the earth above the heayens. Chant No. 2." Leader. To Him that made great lights. Chant No. 1. Leader. The sun to rule by day. Chant No. 2. Leader. The moon and stars to rule by night. Chant No. 1. Leader. give thanks unto the Ijord for He is good. Chant No. 2. ^ I ©■ THE TEN BLESSINGS. 155 •© IiEAI>ER.— And seeing the multitudes. He went up into a mountain ; and when He had eat down. His disciples came unto Him, And He opened His mouth and taught them, saying : ^ I. Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs Is the Kingdom of Heaven. ^ % & The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a | brok ■0- _ ^ m e And saveth such as | be & i^^^lfilili i.i:a]>i:r. n. Blessed are th'^y that mourn ; for they shall be comforted. AIjIj Chant to aboTe IHngic This IS my comfort in |my af|fliction ; |For Thy | Word hath I quickened me] liKADER. in. Blessed are the meek ; for they shall inherit the earth. AU Cbantingr. The meek will He I guide in ] judgment ; | And tlie| meek will He I teach Hislwavl liEADER. IV. Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness ; for they shall be filled. AK.L,. He shall receive the | blessing from the | Lord : | And righteousness from the | God of | His sal|vation | Blessed are the merciful ; for they shall obtain mercy. He that trusteth | in the | Lord ; | Mercy shall | com- pass | him a I bout. I l.EAI>ER. VI. Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God. e- Alilu Create in me a clean | heart, 1 God . | And renew a right I spirit with I m me. I I.KAOGR. Vn. Blessed are the peace makers; for they shall be called the children of God. AI,!,. Behold, how good and how | pleasant it is ; ( for brethern to dwell toleether inlumlty.! I^EADER. '° VIII. Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteous- ness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Al,!.. The salvation of the righteoTis is|of the|Lord ;| He is their I strength in the 1 time ofl trouble, I liEADER. IX. Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake : The angel of the [Lord en Icampeth| around them that fear him,] and de]livereth them.| X. Rejoice and he exceeding glad; for so persecuted they the prophets who were before you : Ble.ssed be the Lord the] God of] Israel;] From everlasting to everjlasting, a]men and a|men.| ■e e- 156 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. This Chant is to he sung by the School after tJie reading of each Commandment. • ^^ ' •#•■#•-#• ^-^ ■-0- Lord have mer-cy up - o -r-+-l 1 h--|-F e- Leader. — And God spake all these words, saying : I. Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me. II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven irrage, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth ; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them ; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. {Response as above.) III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. (Response.) IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day is tlie Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou shalt notdo any work; thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, not tliy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gates ; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day : wherefcre the Lord blessed the Sabbath-day and hallowed it. (Eesj^onse.) v. Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. {Response.) VI. Thou shalt not kill. {Response.) VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery {Response.) VIII. Thou shalt not steal. (Response.) IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. (Response.) X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing which is thy neighbors. (Response.) ■e ©■ THE LAW OF LOVE. (Responsive Service.) 757 ^ Leader. — And Jesus said ; The first of all the commandments is, Hear, Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord; and thou shalt worship the Lord thy God with all thy lieart, and with all thy mind, and with all thy [Strength- All Chant. ^ — s- ,-a- )^-^- 3=?=l= -g^-i -0 — — J — I— 5 — — 1_^ — ^ n With my whole | heart have I sought thee, | Oh, let me not ] wan-der from | Thy com-|mandments. fr^-^ -n t t=^z m f=^ e- KiEADKB. And the second is like unto it ; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets. AXIi. Ciiant as above. Teach me, Lord, the | way of Thy | statutes ; | And I shall | keep it | unto the | end. || ii:r. A new commandment I give unto you ; That ye love one another. By this will all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. AliK,. Search me, God, and j know my | heart. || Try me, and | know . . | my . . | thoughts. || And see if there be any wicked I way in | me ; || And lead me in the] way ever- 1 last- . . | ing. || IiEAD£B. Therefor all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them ; for this is the Law and the Prophets. The law was [ given by | Moses ; || Grace and truth | came by | Jesus | Christ. 1 1 And of His fulness have we 1 all re- | ceived, || And | grace for J grace, a- | men. || ^ e 158 oolsrTEisrTS. Title in Small Caps. First Line in Roman Letters. e ®- ^£^ PAGE. A Christmas Carol 150 A Home of Peace and Love 72 Able to Save 10 After the Harvest, Golden Sheaves 36 After the Storm a Calm 59 All because He loves me so 142 All Healing Fountain. (The) 107 All is Light 48 Almost Persuaded 7 AroundJthe Throne 61 as v^fandering thro' the woodland i46 All is light and beauty loo Away from Father's House 134 Be Strong in Jehovah 122 Be up and Doing 12 Beautiful. (The) 93 Beautiful Bells 138 Bring the Children Home 54 By and By 122 By the Beautiful Gate 78 Beautiful Faces they that wear 93 Beyond the Smiling and the Weeping 66 C Child's Evening Hymn. (The) 147 Christ Entreating 41 Christ's Little Soldiers 46 Close to Thee 99 Come ye Sinners, Poor and Needy 14 Crystal Tide . (The) 67 Child of God doth see the standard 126 Christian, standing by death's river 90 !ID ■_ PAGE. Dark below but Light above 7^"^ 62 Do thy duty, God will keep thee 19 Evening Prayer 149 Ere I lay me down to rest 147 DP Faithful and Trttk 94 Follow Me 117 For He careth for you loi Fading away like the Stars of the 96 Father from whose hand doth spring 131 For thousand, thousand mercies new .....114 a- Gentle Shepherd , 119 Give me Jesus 6 Good Shepherd. (The) 149 Go Forward 64 Go forth brave Heart 71 Go TELL the Joyful Story , 98 Go work for the Harvest is near 39 Good Night 148 God hath Promised 126 Golden Harvest. (The) 26 Great Surrender has been made, (The).... 50 Guard and Guide us 131 Gentle Shepherd, thou hast stilled 143 Give to Christ thy best affections 127 God's tender care for those He loves lox Hallelujah ! 8 Haste to the Harvest Field 135 Heavenward , , 3 Hear our Songs of Praise 47 He leadeth me 40 ^ ©■ CONTENTS. He's Gone. Helping Hand. (The) His loving Arms around me. Hold the Fort Home, light, Home Home, Sweet Home He is the Shepherd Heavenly Father, I would wear. Ho ! my comrades see the signal. PAGE. .. 82 , .109 , . 29 • 5 ,.ii8 • 9 ,.149 • 37 • 5 I am waiting for the dawning I cannot tell I stand on Memory's golden shore. I will come to You I will never leave Thee If God approves, what matter If only I have Thee If Papa were only ready In Memory of P. P. Bliss In the pleasant land of Heaven. . . I am waiting by the river I know not the hour of His coming I should like to die If you cannot on the In mansions bright the glorified In seasons of grief In the purple depth of Heaven In the silent midnight watches Is there rest in Jesus In want and woe and sin and shame B- Jesus, Gentle Savior Jesus, I love Thee Jesus, my all, to Heaven is gone. Jesus our Friend Jesus, Sun and Shield • 51 . 13 .151 • 57 .110 • 34 . 88 .120 . 81 • 58 . 92 .132 , 120 "5 .102 •133 .150 . 41 • 49 . 29 .103 . 80 . 104 • 4 .121 12: King of Love. (The) J59 PAGE. ..1x6 :e Land of Light and Love Land that is fairer than Day, Law of Love. (The) Live for something . . Lord of our Life Lord tarry not, but come Lord thy word abideth Look unto me and be ye saved Looking Heavenward Live for something Make me wholly thine My Father lead me on My Father and my God My days are gliding swiftly by My heart has heard the Savior No Surrender Now the day is over No sorrow yonder Now the Sabbath eve declining Night's shadows falling O O Glorious Hope O give thanks unto the lord O how He loves ! O mind of Christ possess me O WHAT CAN little HaNDS DO Only an Armour-Bearer Onward go Onward Christian Soldiers Our souls are in His mighty hand Over the beautiful Hills O wr'ary heart thy rest has come Of^t in danger, oft in woe (The) . 20 . 86 •157 • 73 . 18 . 66 . 69 .151 • 90 • 73 ■ 95 . 141 • 45 • 27 .117 .112 .129 • 56 . 47 .491 • 42 •154 • 35 ■ 85 ■123 ■ 30 • 33 • 76 . 60 .130 .106 • 33 ■*r -e e 160 CONTENTS. PAGE. One by one '9 One there is above all others 35 Out of the cold and storm 8i IF Portals of Light. (The) 132 Prayer for Purity 37 Precious wokds of Peace 113 Precious Story. (The) 44 Prodigal Son . (The) 134 Questions. Q 140 Ring out glad Bells ^o REMEMBERF.n 9^ Rest in ] esus 49 Rest of the Weary i39 Revive us again 22 Rock that is higher than I. (The) 133 3 Safe-resting i43 Seek the Savior 68 Shining Shore. (The) 27 Some are walking in the Shadow 128 Sweet By and By. (The) 89 Sing my Soul His wondrous Love 23 Sowing the seed by the day light fair 16 Sweet 'tis to sing of Thee 4 T Temperance Ship ., (The) 144 Ten Blessings. (The) 155 Ten Commandments. (The) 156 Thine Forever in There's a Mansion o'er the River 77 Thou hast rest 106 Thy Will, not mine 53 To Him who dwells and reigns on high..., 91 Trust, rest. Wait 65 ^ , PAGE. Trusting Jesus 38 Trusting Thee 52 Trusting sweetly in Jesus 24 Tarrying here with many afflictions q The Savior stands waiting 2,2 There's a land of light and love 20 There's a land that is fairer than day 89 There's an all healing fountain 107 Thro' the mists of shadows dreary 62 To toil and pray in heathen lands 108 Trust, trust, trust 61; Unseen City. (The ) nfi Ver est for f esus. (The) 127 Waiting by the River 92 Waiting on the shore 74 Waiting for a Blessing 28 We bless Thee day by day 114, What shall the Harvest be 16 Whole wide World for Jesus. (The) 125 Why not be saved to Day 32 Will you meet me there 100 Wondrous Love 23 Work for All 108 Worthy is the Lamb 102 Waiting is the golden harvest 26 We praise thee O God 22 We speak of the loved and lost 78 What matter friend if you and 1 34 What tho' storm clouds darkly gather 48 When you have found the Savior 98 Why does Jesus come with mercy 142 ■2" Yonder 56 Your Mission 115 ■e Popular Singing Books for Sabbath and Day Schools. THE WELCOME. By J. M. KiEFFER. An entirely new col- lection of choice Sunday School Music. One hundred and sixty ^ges. Price — bound in boards, 35 cents; $3.60 per dozen; $30 per hundred. This collection of bright and beautifbl Son- day School songs has met with decided suc- cess, and this success is due entirely to the merits of the work. It is a book of unusual excellence, and contains contributions from the best writers of the day. THE PEARL. By T. M. KiEEFEE. A collection of Songs, Hynins, Chants, Anthems and Concert Pieces for the Sunday School. 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