and CO Oder n i m^:mmm:mm^ m m. mm mmm Wm^. NOV I"? 1992 T ^ A '• > t-t-^L^' ►!< ^raper0 ^ Ancient anti ^^otiern i^electcb anb '?Crran0cti foe ©aJI)o Bcabin0 (Slittor of "©ailg ^trfugUj for IDailn T^tt'Ds'" **3oQ anU cctrcngtf) for tljc pilgrim's ©as," ttc. & NOV 17 1992 ISBomn . Itttle, Brotmt ano viTompan?? . . 1914 COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY MARY WI'.DER TILESTOA) prfntera 8. J. PARKniLi, .fe Co., Boston, U.S.A. preface his collection of prayeiS for daily use has been gathered from many sources, ancient and mod- ern. It has historical interest, and the literary quality has been carefully considered, but the primary object is to nourish the soiritual life. As the design is to provide a brief selection for every day, in many cases a portion only of a long prayer is given, or it is condensed by omission, but alterations have been made as sparingly as possible. Fourteen centuries of prayer, aspiration, and praise unite here in one harmony of devotion. A large number of these prayers date from the fifth and sixth centuries, taken from the Leonine, Gela- sian, and Gregorian Sacramentaries, from which the collects in the Book of Com- mon Prayer are in great measure derived. JBrrface The earnest and impassioned prayers of St. Augustine belong to the same period. Many of the prayers attributed to him, however, are of later origin and doubtful authorship, some of them, probably, being by St. Anselm and St. Bernard. There are some striking and fervent col- lects from the Mozarabic Sacramentary, which was in use in Spain before A. D. 700. In the Middle Ages, St. Anselm, Thomas a Kempis, and others contribute devout prayers, and the age of the Re- formation in England and Germany is very rich in devotional treasures. In the succeeding centuries, Bishop Andrewes, Jeremy Taylor, Bishop Wilson, Dr. John- son, and many others, continue the golden chain down to the present cen- tury. The names of Christina G. Ros- setti, George Dawson, Rowland Wil- liams, and E. B. Pusey are enough to show that the spirit of prayer still burns with a steady flame. I acknowledge, with gratitude, my in- debtedness to "Ancient Collects," by Rev. William Bright; Bunsen's **Collec- VI preface tion of Prayers"; " Annus Domini," and "The Face of the Deep, " by Miss Ros- setti; *' Prayers," by George Dawson; ** Private Prayers," by Rev. E. B. Pusey; ''Psalms and Litanies," by Rev. Row- land Williams; "Home Prayers," by Rev. James Martineau; "Moments on the Mount," and "Voices of the Spirit," by Rev. George Matheson; "Prayers," by Rev. Rufus Ellis, and others too numerous to mention. I am indebted to Rev. J. R. Miller for a prayer con- tributed by him to this book. I must also express my thanks to the publishers who have kindly given me permis- sion to use copyrighted material; to Messrs. Armstrong & Son, for prayers from the works of Dr. Matheson, above mentioned ; and to Mr. Charles Baxter for the prayers by Robert Louis Stevenson. vu ®6e ILorD's^ prater ur jfat^cr M)k\) art in l)fabm, Hallowed be Thy name. Th> kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into tempta- tion, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever — Amen. gintley of ^ubjectjs Adversity or Danger — 78, 84, 109, 118, 151, 230, 278, 284, 288, 34', 351, 358. Affliction and Suffering — 30, ^i, 79,96,98, 14=;, 146, 158, 167, 170, 223, 24s, 250, 258, 263, 264, 269, 273, 308, 315, 316, 327, 331, }}8, 345, 3S0, 352, 364. Aspiration — 4, 8, 40, 64, 65, 100, lo"?, 108, 1 10, 1 16, 122, 125, 127, 134, 144, 147, 148, 154, 162, ib8, 179, 181, 189, 197,199,220,240,261,265,266, 270, 281, 290, 296, 302, 308, 320, 328, 329, 346, 360. Conformity to the Will of God — 3, 15, 21, 23, 29, 34, 49, 66, 74, 84, 92, loi, 131, 135, 172, 184, 190, 200, 257, 288, 301, 305, 322, 329, 339, 342. i^ourage. Cheerfulness, Strength — \, 10, 18, 33, 88, 95, >02, 133, 142, 145, 151, 176, 177, 170, IQI, 205, 230, 237, 246, 247, 27s, 280, 285, 31 1, 319, 323, 324, 349, 354- X 31nDfr of ^ubfectfif Confession and Penitence — 13, 23, 32, 57, 61, 63, 67, 69, 75, 77,81,83,87, 106, 112, 113, 115, >i7, 130, >33, '37, 140, 157, 160, 175, 188,208, 224, 254, 268, 300, 304, 330. Consecration and Holiness — 19, ^^^ 40, 42, 60, 82, 86, 109, 122, 165,201,206, 226,238, 242,244, 266, 272, 275, 300, 310, 322, 330, 336, 337, 340, 347, 353, 361. Communion of Saints — 3, 25, 50, 100, 139, 150, 168, 186, 192, 306, 307, 3S9- Duty— 1, 7,22,24,31,34, 30, 4s, 46, 58,86, 91,93, 95, 99, 13Q, '42, 146, 173, 177, 1 8s, 194, 213, 214, 24Q, 253, 274, 282, 283, 287, 289, 300, 303, 309,314,322,328,339. Faith and Fervor — 8, 16, 25, ^ 351: 357- 3|nDrr of ^ubfccts? xi Love of God— 1 6, 17, 37, 52, 54, 66, 67, 73, 90, 95, 97,104, 105, 108, 120, 141, 153, 176, 178, 182, 192,195, 218, 222, 232, 234, 235, 267, 287, 297, 298, 305, 313, 3 « 5, 3 '7, 332, 363- Obedience to God — q, 7, 16, 20, 26, 55, 60, 91, 97, 109, 123, 13s, 140, 143, 178, 182,202,221,-33, 241,248, 125, 329. Peace and Rest in God — 8, 10, 14, 18, 21, 25, 43, 52,54, 59, 72, 96, 104, 126, 136, 143, 171, 195, 201, 223, 240, 255, 260, 284, 314, 318, 362. Purity and Truth — 26,47, 83,99, 103, iii, 123, 147, 15^ '<^4, 207, 234, 243, 262, 289, 330. Submission and Resignation — 36, 41, 58, 71, 89, 96, 102, 132, 164, 170, 210,219,236,241,252,276, 202, 304, 334, 318, 363. Temptation and Trial — 90, 133, 137, 166, 235, 265, 268. Thanksgiving and Praise — 9, n, 12, 27, 48, 50, ^6, 68,94, 124, 141, 150, 152, 156,' 163, 174, 211, 228,231, 238, 256,280,281,294,295, 301,321, 326, 366 Trust in Goa— 2, 28, 41, 46, 53, 92, 94, 114, 128, 161, 186, 187, 198, 202, 209, 218, 219, 228, 229, 236,247,252,259, 270, 271, 277,293, 299,321, 333, 34>, 343, 348, 355, 356, 358, 365. Aitken, Rev. William Hay Hunter, b. J841 — 336 Albrecht, Rev. Bernhard (1569-1636) — 162 Aicuinus, Albinus Flaccus (735-804) — 13 Alford, Rev. Henry (1810-1871) — 26, 54, 60, 90, 135, 159, 185. Altar at Home, The 1862 — 277. Ambrose, St. (340-397) — 287. Ancient Collect — 3s i . Andrewes, Bishop Lancelot (1555-1626) — 112, is6, 198, 220, 204, 290. Anselm, St. (1033- 1 109)— 17, '20, 354. Aquinas, St. Thomas (122 5?- 12 74) — 42. Arndt, Rev. Johann (1555-1621) — 37, 87, 134, 212. Arnold, Rev. Gottfried (1665-1 7 14) — 154. Arnold, Rev. Thomas (1795-1842) — 7, 86, 127. Augustine, St. (354-430)— 2, 52, 57, 61, 75, 108, 1 16, 138, 160, 182, 196, 222, 256, 278, 312. 330, 344. 3InDe]i: of Slutljora; ^i" Basil, St. (329-379)— 55- Becon, Rev. Thomas (151 1-1570) — 24, 50. Bersier, Rev. Eugene (1831-1889) — 133, 263, 285, 33«- Besson, Rev. Charles Jean Baptiste (18 16-1 861) — 241. Book of Christian Prayers, A 1578 — 66j 126. Book of Common Prayer, 1549 — 321. Book of Common Prayer, 1626 — 296. Book of Hours, 1865 — 144, 178, 183, 285. Book of Prayers, 1851 — 262, 3159. Bright, Rev. William, b, 1824 — 15, 46, 62, 107. Bunsen's Collection — 48, 67. Carpenter, Mary, (1807-1877) — 43. Channing, Rev. William Ellery (1780- 1842) — 323. Collyer, Rev. Robert, b. 1823 — 187, 228, 229. Coptic Liturgy of St. Cyril — 1 19, 147. Dawson, Rev. George (i 821 -1876) — i, 8,28, 41, 51, 59,84,91,97, 117,123, 129, 143, 149, 155, 161, 167, 189,205,213,223,233,247,259,271, 283, 293, 299, 3 '9, 33}, 341- Doddridge, Rev. Philip (1702-1 751) — 238. Donne, Rev. John (1573-1031) — 250. xiv 31nt)e)t: of 3iut\)ot& Ellis, Rev. Rufus (i 819- 18815) — 56, 150, 203, 307. Embden, Rev. Joachim (1595-1650) — 59. Erasmus, Desiderius (1467- 1536) — 180. Fenelon, Archbishop Fran9ois de la Mothe (1651- 1715)— 29, 132. Foote, Rev. Henry Wilder (1838-1889)— 65, 101, '97,273, 295,325,345,358. Galilean Sacramentary, A. D. 800 — 60, 263. Gelasian Sacramentary, A.D. 492 or 494 — 10, 85, 91, 1 14, 140, 1 01, 203, 262, 284, 287, 300, 304, 323^ 3}h 341, 350, 355, 3,57- Gothic Missal — 25. Goulburn's Family Prayers — 137. Greek Church — 68, 106, 124, 240. Gregorian Sacramentary, A.D. 590 — 6, 84, 99, 217, 289,312, 314. Grey, Lady Jane (153 7- 15 54) — 118. Habermann, Johann (15 16-1 590) — 352. Hare, Mrs. Maria (1798- 18 70) — 20,67, 173,201,261 Henry, Rev. Matthew (1662-1 7 14) — 282. Henry VllTs Primer, 1 S4S — 27, 04. Hickes' Devotions, 1700 — 216, 284, 322. 3InDc)t: of 9iutl)or0 xv How, Charles (i 661-1745) — 82, 135, 153, 298, 329, 366. Hunter's Devotional Services, 1892 — 270, 297. Jacobite Liturgy of St. Dionysius — 104. Jenks, Rev. Benjamin (1646-1714) — 121, 179, 288, 3'4, 324,337, 357- Jerome, St. (345?-42o) — 224. Johnson, Samuel (i 709-1 784) — 22, 77, 146, 208, 248, 302. Kempis, Thomas ^(1379-1471) — 14, 21, 34, 41, 64, 73, 92, 130, 158, 166, 188, 210, 230, 254, 208, 280, 292, 304,308, 320, 330, 338, 350, 356. Kepler, Johann (i 571-1630) — 231. King's Chapel Liturgy, 1831 — 137, 237. Leighton, Archbishop Robert (161 1-1684) — 353. Leonine Sacramentary, A. D. 440 — 31, 109, 165, 19I1 243, 286, 315, 3^2. Liturgy of St. James (2d century ? ) — 19. Liturgy of St. Mark C 175-2 54) — 81, 98, 152, 223. Martineau, Rev. James, b. 1805 — 12, 39, 69, 83, 93, 155, 139, 181, 180,209,249, 275, 303, 356. xvi 31ntiei: of aiutl)or0 Martineau's Common Prayer for Christian Worship — 45- Martyn, Rev. Henry (178 1-18 12) — 31. Matheson, Rev. George, b. 1842 — 3, 72, 131, 215, 257, 349- Mayer, Rev. Christoph, 1578 — 242. Melancthon, Rev. Philip (1497-1560) — 168. Miller, Rev. James Russell, b. 1840— 311. Monsell, Rev. John Samuel Bewley (181 1-1875) — 25. Mozarabic Sacramentary, before A.D. 700 — 1,22, 24, 62, 80, 102, 136, 171, 190, 269, 328, 354, 363. Nelson, Robert (1056-1 71 5) — 102, New Church Book of Worship, 1876 — 194, 225, 252. Newman, Cardinal John (1801-1890) — 35, 80, 109 165, 211, 219, 255, 334, 343. Osgood, Rev. Samuel (1812-1880) — 360. Oxen den. Bishop Ashton (1808-1892) — 163, 227, 251. 279, 313. Palma, Ludovicus — 244. Paradise for the Chiisuan Soul- 11 1 , 176, 200, 338. 3|nUr]t: of Sint\)ots> mi Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662) — 89, Patrick, Bishop Simon (1626-1707) — 11, 206, 342, 361. Penitent Pilgrim, The, 1641 — 362. Pocket Manual of Prayers, i860 — 234, 328, Priest's Prayer Book — 1870, 123, 337. Private Devotions, 1560 — 32, 234, 266, 306, 344. Pusey, Rev. Edward Bouverie (1800-1882) — 10, 18, 36, 49, 74, 88, 97, los, 108, 141, 147, 155, 170, 175, 183, 190, 217, 235, 239,267,270, 281, 296, 301, 313, 317,332. Quirsfeld, Rev. Johann ( 1 64 1 - 1 686) — }}^. Reinhard, Rev. V. R. (1753-1812) — 110. Ridley, Bishop Nicholas (1500?- 15 55) — 151, 246. Ritter, Melchior, 1689 — 260. Roman Breviary — 2, 7, 8, 18, 23, 32, 46, 88, 90, ^6, 115, 122, 142, 145, 177, 185, 194,202,218, 247, 253, 266, 288, 297, 346. Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1895) — 5, 16, 23, 28, 34, 36, 40, 48, 55, 58, 63, 66, 70, 81, 89, 92,94,99, in, "9, 125, 128, 133, 142, 146, 151, 159, 164, 168, 169, 171, 177, 182, 184, 191, 195,207,218,225, 231,237,240, 246,253, xviii 3^Xt>tX of ^nt\)Ot^ Rossetti, Christina Georgina( 1830- 1895) — Continued 269,281,289, 305, 309, 315, 321, 329,340, 345, 35", 355, 363- Sailer, Rev. Michael (175 1-1832) — 174, 272. Sarum Breviary, 1085 — 6, 26, 44, 54, 63, 71, 95, 106, >32, 143, 153, '7^ 207, 213, 218, 224, 230, 232, 268, 275, 280, 300, 308, 320, 330, 347- Scheretz, Rev. S. (i 584-1 639) — 364. Shaftesbury, Antony Ashley Cooper, Earl of (1801- »885)-335. Sidney, Sir Philip (1SS4-1 586) — 30. Skinner, Rev. James (1818-1882) — 12s, 309, 339. Stark, J. F. (1680-17SO) — 76, 316. Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894) — 4, 95, Stone, Rev. Thomas Treadwell (1801-189S) — 193. Syrian Clementine Liturgy — 195. Taylor, Bishop Jeremy (1613-1667) — 9, 16, 38, 58, 79, 85, 107, 114, 128, 140, 178, 202, 214, 274, 294, 3»o, 320, 340, 348. Tersteegen, Gerhard (1697-1769) — 33, 100. 148, 192, 226. Theresa, St. (1515-1583) — 15. 31ntje]i: of 0ut^ors: xix Treasury of Devotion, 1869—44, 103, 122, 144, 204, 232,235, 252, 258, 301, 347. Vives, Ludovicus, 1578—239, 249, 286. Way of Eternal Life, The— 172, 318. Weiss, Rev. S. (i 738-1805)— 236,276. Williams, Rev. Rowland (1818-1870) — 5,40, 47, 70, 78, 103, 1 13, 14% IS7, '79, ^99, 221, 243, 248, 265, 291, 300, 30s, 327, 346. Wilson, Bishop Thomas (1663-1 7ss) — 53, 7', 96, 104, 136, 14Q, 164, 170, 184, 267, 322, 326. Woolman, John (1720-1772) — 24^. Zschokke, Johann Heinrich (1771-1848) — ^365. Imtgljt^ (&ot>, liate mtu^ upon us, who, when troubled with the things that are past, lose faith, and life, and courage, and hope. So have mercy upon us, and uphold us, that we, being sustained by a true f^iith that Thou art merciful and forgiving, may go on in the life of the future to keep Thy commandments, to rejoice in Thy bounty, to trust in Thy mercy, and to hope in the eternal life. Grant unto all of us, whatsoever may betide us, to remember ever that it is all of Thy guid- ance, under Thy care, by Thy will ; that so, in darkest days, beholding Thee we may have courage to go on, faith to en- dure, patience to bear, and hopefulness to hold out, even unto the end — Amen. ♦^ tKl^ott, tDtio art ebrr tt)e sfame* grant us so to pass through the ^Jl coming year with faithful hearts, that we may be able in all things to please Thy loving eyes — Amen. ^03arabic, 700 3C. ©. 2 + ^4. + ^ + + 31anuar^ t\)t ^rconu tlori3 our ^oti, uuDrr t\)t shadow of Thy wings let us hope. Thou wilt support us, both when little, and even to gray hairs. When our strength is of Thee, it is strength ; but, when our own, it is feebleness. We return unto Thee, O Lord, that from their weariness our souls may rise towards Thee, leaning on the things which Thou hast created, and passing on to Thyself, who hast wonder- fully made them ; for withThee is refresh- ment and true strength — Amen. ^u 3tu0u?tine. ^oUt let tlje 0igl)mg of t\)t prisoner come before Thee, and '^M mercifully grant unto us that we may be delivered by Thine al- mighty power from all bonds and chains of sin whether in our bodies or in our souls, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. fSB^^ jfatljer^ \)t\p me as? a foUotoer of Christ to say, " Thy will be done." Thou wouldest not have me accept Thy will be- cause I must, but because I may. Thou wouldest have me take it, not with resig- nation, but with joy, not with the ab- sence of murmur, but with the song of praise. How shall I reach this goal ? I shall only reach it by feeling what the Psalmist felt — that Thy will comes from a *'good Spirit," and goes towards a 'Mand of uprightness." Teach me that Thy will is love ; teach me that Thy love is wise. Guide me not blindfola, but with open eyes. Grant me the power to look both behind and before — behind to " Thy good Spirit," before to *' the land of uprightness." Give me the blessedness of the man whose delight is in Thy law, who can tell of Thy statutes rejoicing the heart. I shall obey Thy will in perfect freedom when I can say, ** Thy Spirit is good " — Amen. 4+4--f + «i- + -f- Jlnnuarv^ tljc iFourtt) e brsfcccf) ^\)tti ilorOt to brljolD us with favor, folk of many families and nations gathered together in the peace of this roof, weak men and women subsisting under the covert of Thy patience. Be patient still ; suffer us yet a while longer — with our broken purposes of good, with our idle endeavors against evil, suffer us a while longer to endure and (if it may be) help us to do better. Bless to us our ex- traordinary mercies ; if the day come when these must be taken, brace us to play the man under affliction. Be with our friends, be with ourselves. Go with each of us to rest ; if any awake, temper to them the dark hours of watching ; and when the day returns, return to us, our sun and comforter, and call us up with morning faces and with morning hearts — eager to labor — eager to be happy, if happiness shall be our portion — and if the day be marked for sorrow, strong to endure it — Amen. jflanuar^ tljc ififtl; +'i. + + + + + +5 <5oDi t\)t €n\i^\)tmtt of men, who of all graces givest the most abundant blessing upon heavenly love ; we beseech Thee to cleanse us from selfishness, and grant us, for Thy love, so to love our brethren that we may be Thy children upon earth ; and thereby, walking in Thy truth, attain to Thy unspeakable joy, who art the Giver of life to all who truly love Thee. Grant this prayer, O Lord^ Amen. ^afee xi& of quick anu tenner conscience, O Lord ; that under- standing we may obey every word of Thine, and discerning may follow every suggestion of Thine in- dwelling Spirit. Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth— Amen. \t ht$ctt\) ^Ijcc, tloit, let our hearts be graciously enlight- ^ ened by Thy holy radiance, that we may serve Thee without fear in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life ; that so we may escape the darkness of this world, and by Thy guidance attain the land of eternal bright- ness ; through Thy mercy, O blessed Lord, Who dost live and govern all things, world without end — Amen. ;|)arum '^rcliiarj?, n. 55. 1085. Iltttig^t^ anU eberlasfting ^oD, the Brightness of faithful souls, fill the world with Thy glory, we pray Thee, and show Thy- self, by the radiance of Thy light, to all the nations of the world, through Jesus Christ, our Lord — Amen. oDt gibe to tE^lj^ servant a meek and gentle spirit, 1^ that 1 maybe slow to anger, and easy to mercy and forgiveness. Give me a wise and constant heart, that I may never be moved to an intemperate anger for any injury that is done or of- fered. Lord, let me ever be courteous, and easy to be entreated ; let me never fall into a peevish or contentious spirit, but follow peace with all men ; offering forgiveness, inviting them by courtesies, ready to confess my own errors, apt to make amends, and desirous to be recon- ciled. Let no sickness or cross accident, no employment or weariness, make me angry or ungentle and discontented, or unthankful, or uneasy to them that min- ister to me; but in all things make me like unto the holy Jesus — Amen. \tt^tt\yt us; blarnclf60, ^ ilord* in our goings out and comings in this day. Fill us with the simplicity of a divine purpose, that we may be inwardly at one with Thy holy will, and lifted above vain wishes of our own. Set free from every detaining desire or reluctance, may we heartily surrender all our powers to the work which Thou hast given us to do ; rejoicing in any toil, and fainting under no hardness that may befall us as good soldiers of Jesus Christ; and counting it as our crown of blessing if we may join the company of the faithful who have kept Thy Name and witnessed to Thy Kingdom in every age. Prepare us to seek our rest, not in outward ease, but in inward devotedness : only fulfil to us the word of the Chief of Saints ; leave us His peace, while we remain here; and then receive us unto Thyself, to mingle with the mighty company of our fore- runners — Amen, Slamej^ JUaartineau. 40 + 4''i. + -f- + + jffbruarv tlir 0nt\) [ tain of Life, give us all, we en- ^ treat Thee, grace and good will to follow the leadings of Thy most Holy Spirit. Let the dew of Thy grace descend and abide upon us, re- freshing that which droops, reviving that which is ready to perish ; until the day when all Thy faithful people shall drink of the river of Thy pleasures — Amen. Cl)rJ5tina »IB. 0o??ctti. breath of power makest us a new creation for Thyself, we beseech Thee to preserve what Thou hast created, and consecrate what Thou hast cleansed ; that by Thy grace we may be found in that form, the thought of which ever dwells with Thee, and which Thou wiliest fulfilled in man — Amen. II^ottJlanD UDiniam?. ^e ^Ijou ptt&tnt kJitl; me, ^D Lord, in every time and place. Let this be my consolation, to be cheerfully willing to do with- out all human comfort. And, if Thy consolation be wanting, let Thy will and just trial of me be unto me as the great- est comfort — Amen. (^Cbomas a ftempi^. S^lmigt)t^ ^ou, t\)t Krfuge of all H M that are distressed, grant unto us ^\M that, in all trouble of this our mortal life, we may flee to the knowledge of Thy lovingkindness and tender mercy ; that so, sheltering our- selves therein, the storms of life may pass over us, and not shake the peace of God that is within us. Whatsoever this life may bring us, grant that it may never take from us the full faith that Thou art our Father. Grant us Thy light, that we may have life, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. (©Eorge 5BatDg(m. 42 -f -f -I- -f 4- -f iFebmar^ t\)t (II;lebcntt) rant mc, 3I ht^tttl) tKtjre, al- mighty and most Merciful God, fervently to desire, wisely to searcii out, and perfectly to ful- fil, all that is well-pleasing unto Thee. Order Thou my worldly condition to the glory of Thy name ; and, of all that Thou requirest me to do, grant me the knowledge, the desire, and the ability, that I may so fulfil it as I ought, and may my path to Thee, 1 pray, be safe, straightforward, and perfect to the end. Give me, O Lord, a steadfast heart, which no unworthy affection may drag downwards ; give me an unconquered heart, which no tribulation can wear out ; give me an upright heart, which no unworthy purpose may tempt aside. Bestow upon me also, O Lord my God, understanding to know Thee, diligence to seek Thee, wisdom to find Thee, and a faithfulness that may finally embrace Thee — Amen. ^t. ^^jomajS 5Cqiunaj* (1225-1274). iFebruar^ tl)t ^mUt\) -f + -^ ♦ * <» 43 ifattjer^ calm t\)t turbulence of our passions ; quiet the throb- bing of our hopes ; repress the waywardness of our wills ; di- rect the motions of our affections ; and sanctify the varieties of our lot. Be Thou all in all to us ; and may all things earthly, while we bend them to our growth in grace, and to the work of blessing, dwell lightly in our hearts, so that we may readily, or even joyfully, give up whatever Thou dost ask for. May we seek first Thy kingdom and righteousness ; resting assured that then all things needful shall be added unto us. Father, pardon our past ingratitude and disobedience ; and purify us, whether by Thy gentler or Thy sterner dealings, till we have done Thy will on earth, and Thou removest us to Thine own presence with the redeemed in heaven — Amen. JlHar? Carpenter. 44 + + -^ -^ Jrrbmar^ t\)t ^ijivttmti) CDtcmal Mli0i)om, grant me t\)t light of Thy Holy Spirit, that 1 may know what Thou wouldest have me do; I offer myself en- tirely to Thee, do with me what seemeth good in Thy sight; not my will, but Thine, be done. Correct whatsoever Thou seest amiss in me, strengthen my weak resolutions, restrain my wayward desires; remove all hindrances to the ful- filment of Thy will, and give me grace so to follow the leadings of Thy Provi- dence, that my life may be spent to Thy honor and glory, in whatsoever way it pleases Thee — Amen. (SCrcasucp of 5^etiotion. Imtgljt^ <^oU, m intjoke ^\)tti the Fountain of everlasting Light; and entreat Thee to send forth Thy truth into our hearts, and to pour upon us the glory of Thy brightness, through Christ our Lord — Amen. .^amm "^Brctoiarp, 2t. 5B. 1085. jfebmar^ tljc iFourtenttf) -i- 4- 4. + 45 ^ ^oD, OTt)o t)agt commanDeD t^at no man should be idle, give us ^ grace to employ all our talents and faculties in the service ap- pointed for us; that, whatsoever our hand fmdeth to do, we may do it with our might. Cheerfully may we go on in the road which Thou hast marked out, not desiring too earnestly that it should be either more smooth or more wide; but, daily seeking our way by Thy light, may we trust ourselves and the issue of our journey, to Thee the Fountain of Joy, and sing songs of praise as we go along. Then, O Lord, receive us at the gate of life which Thou hast opened for us in Christ Jesus — Amen. JlBattincau'j^ Common draper for Ct)ri?tian |]^or^i)tp. j,^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^thnmt^ t\)e ififtciutl; ILorU^ toe ht&ttt\) W^tt tl)at Thy people may grow ever in love toward Thee, their Father Who art in heaven, and may so be schooled by holy works, that ever, as Thou dost pour Thy gifts upon them, they may walk before Thee in all such things as be well-pleasing in the sight of Thy Divine Majesty — Amen. ll\oman ^retJiarp, ^os?t lotting JTatl^ei', OTl)o \xsi\h est us to g\wt thanks for all things, to dread nothing but the loss of Thee, and to cast all our care on Thee Who carest for us ; preserve us from faithless fears and worldly anxi- eties, and grant that no clouds of this mortal life may hide from us the light of that Love which is immortal, and which Thou hast manifested unto us in Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. iFebruar^ t\)t ^imtntl) -h ^ ^ ^ ^ J^J Imigljt^ ^ou^ MU)0 alone gabesft us the breath of life, and alone canst keep alive in us the breath- ing of holy desires, we beseech Thee for Thy compassions' sake to sanc- tify all our thoughts and endeavors, that we may neither begin any action with- out a pure intention, nor continue it without Thy blessing; and grant that, having the eyes of our understanding purged to behold things invisible and un- seen, we may in heart be inspired with Thy wisdom, and in work be upheld by Thy strength, and in the end be accepted of Thee, as Thy faithful servants, having done all things to Thy glory, and thereby to our endless peace. Grant this prayer, O Lord — Amen. BotoKanD U^iniam^, 48+ -f -f -f iFebmar^ t\)t ^etirnterntf) llorD, Wl)oni all ^\)^ goou creatures bless and praise ac- ^^^ cording to Thy gift unto each of them, grant, we pray Thee, that we on whom Thou hast bestowed rea- son and speech may ever bless Thee with heart and lips, and may of Thine infinite mercy inherit a blessing, even the eternal blessedness of heaven — Amen. Imigljt^ anti (^brrlasting i3mfaJ)en (1595-1650). io fill lis toitt) C^^ Spirit, ^oD, t\)t ^\)tp\)ttt\ of all ®l)^ ^ ,^^^ ,n people, deliver the same from all k^&ki sins which do assail them, that so they may ever be pleasing in Thy sight, and safe under Thy shelter; for Christ's sake — Amen. 90ntt^ t\)t ^\3ytnty^Axint\) •!• * •j- -f 89 ^l;ou tu^o ctjastmcsft toljoin Thou lovest, grant us grace, we k^^^^ pray Thee, to discern Thy love in whatever suffering Thou sendest us. Support us in patient thank- fulness under pain, anxiety, or loss, and move us with pity and tenderness for our afflicted neighbors — Amen. tloro, let me not t)encefortl> desire health or life, except to spend them for Thee, with Thee, and in Thee. Thou alone know- est what is good for me; do, therefore, what seemeth Thee best. Give to me, or take from me; conform my will to Thine; and grant that, with humble and perfect submission, and in holy confi- dence, I may receive the orders of Thine eternal Providence; and may equally adore all that comes to me from Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. •SB^aise p>ascal (i 623-1 662). QO ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^arcl) t\)t ^\)ittitt\) llortit succor, toe ht&ttt\) ®l;ee, us who are tempted. May noth- ing induce us to distrust Thy care over us, nor to use Thy gifts to the denial of Thee, their Giver. May we never presume upon Thy pro- tection when we are forsaking Thy paths, and tempting Thee. May we never, for the sake of any supposed gain or ad- vancement, quench the testimony of Thy Spirit, or prove disloyal to Thy ser- vice. Do Thou so support us in all temptations that, when we have been tried, we may receive the crown of life, which Thou hast prepared for them that love Thee — Amen. ^oti, tl)e aiuttior of peace anu Lover of concord, grant unto us to be so firmly established in the love of Thyself, that no trials whatsoever may be able to part us from Thee — Amen. Jtloman '25retoiarp. ©arc!) t^e ^^tt^Mtst -f -f ♦ •!• -i- -i- 91 t hc&ttc^ €^l)fc, (^ JlorD, make us subject unto Thee with a ready will, and evermore stir up our wills to make supplication unto Thee — Amen. <15rtai5ian, ?C. 3B. 492. H ^ and earth, Giver of light and life. l^-j^l^ so teach us those things which belong to the heavenly king- dom, and those duties which are of the earth, that we, stirred by the light and life of the peace of God, may be enabled faithfully to do the things committed to us, looking ever unto Thee for light and life, that, being lifted above our- selves, the life of God in the soul of man may be ours, and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, may then keep our hearts and minds, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. 92 4'«i'4'4'*4'*^^ ^ptil t\^t iFtoc help us, I pray Thee, always to trust in Thy goodness: th.'t walking with Thee and follow- ing Thee in all simplicity, we may pos- sess quiet and contented minds; and may cast all our care on Thee, for Thou carest for us — Amen. iloitit if on\^ m^ taill ma^ re^ main right and firm towards Thee, do with me whatsoever it shall please Thee. For it can- not be anything but good, whatsoever Thou shalt do with me. If it be Thy will I should be in darkness, be Thou blessed ; and if it be Thy will I should be in light, be Thou again blessed. If Thou vouchsafe to comfort me, be Thou blessed ; and, if Thou wilt have me afflicted, be Thou ever equally blessed — Amen. (3Ct)oma? a liempijtf. 3ipril tl)e ^econu 4'4''i''i»'^-i'-i-93 temal ^ou^ tolio contmittesft to us the swift and solemn trust of life; since we know not what a day may bring forth, but only that the hour for serving Thee is always present, may we wake to the instant claims of Thy holy will; not waiting for to-morrow, but yielding to-day. Lay to rest, by the persuasion of Thy Spirit, the resistance of our passion, indolence or fear. Consecrate with Thy presence the way our feet may go ; and the humblest work will shine, and the roughest places be made plain. Lift us above unright- eous anger and mistrust into faith and hope and charity by a simple and stead- fast reliance on Thy sure will. In all things draw us to the mind of Christ, that Thy lost image may be traced again, and Thou mayest own us as at one with Him and Thee — Amen. Slame^ IBartincau. 4. ^ 4- ^ ♦ •!♦ 2iptil t\)t ®l)irD ^o0t Dear auD ttnut jfattjcr, our Defender and Nourisher; endue us with Thy grace, that we may cast off the great blind- ness of our minds, and carefulness of worldly things, and may put our whole study and care in keeping of Thy holy law ; and that we may labor and travail for our necessities in this life, like the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, without care. For Thou hast promised to be careful for us; and hast commanded that upon Thee we should cast our care, who livest and reignest, world without end — Amen. i^enrp H^^^T.^ primer, 1 545. JLorD, fill n^i iJDC br^eccl; ^^ee^ with adoring gratitude to Thee for all Thou art for us, to us, and in us; fill us with love, joy, peace, and all the fruits of the Spirit — Amen. ^^^ l^e Da^ returns; and brings; u0 tl)e petty round of irritating con- cerns and duties. Help us to play the man, help us to per- form them with laughter and kind faces, let cheerfulness abound with industry. Give us to go blithely on our business all this day, bring us to our resting beds weary and content and undishonored, and grant us in the end the gift of sleep — Amen. ^otit M)o tljrougl; t\)t grace of Thy Holy Spirit, dost pour ^M the gift of love into the hearts of Thy faithful people, grant unto us health, both of mind and body, that we may love Thee with our whole strength, and with entire satisfaction may perform those things which are pleasing unto Thee, through Christ our Lord — Amen. i^arum <25retiiarp, 3C. ©. 1 085. \tmxt, giacious^ ifnt^tt, ttiat 3| may never dispute the reason- ableness of Thy will, but ever close with it, as the best that can happen. Prepare me always for what Thy Providence shall bring forth. Let me never murmur, be dejected, or impatient, under any of the troubles of this life, but ever find rest and comfort in this, THIS IS THE WILL OF MY FATHER, AND OF MY God: grant this for Jesus Christ's sake — Amen. ^arboma^ Il^ili^on (1663-1755). ^oD, tlje Consolation of all such as be sorrowful, and the ^-^Sj^^ Salvation of all them that put their trust in Thee, grant unto us, in this dying life, that peace for which we humbly pray, and hereafter to attain unto everlasting joy in Thy presence, through our Lord Jesus Christ — Amen. laoman '25rEtoiarp. 3pnl t\)t ^ix'ti) ♦^•l••^♦^•^^^^^97 tlorD, make us; to lobe XE^^tt, and each other in Thee, and to meet before Thee to dwell in Thine everlasting love — Amen. rant unto us?, j^lntigljti^ ^on, the knowledge of Thy way, and the spirit of obedience thereunto, that, being conformed in thought and words unto Thy way, Thy peace may rule in our hearts. Help us to cast out all those things which are contrary to Thy peace, or that are not according to Thy will, that so ours may be the quiet life of trust, and faith, and obedience, living lowly, longing for Thy truth, and walking in the light thereof, that Thy blessing may be upon us, and the light of Thy countenance our perpetual de- light. Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ne?t'3^ ]praper "^^ooft. Ittitgljt^ ^oD, tofjo art ober all things. Life of all life, — stir in our souls, that we, being moved by Thy Spirit, may see those things which are fairest and truest in life, and clinging thereunto, be enabled to get the victory over that which is mean and base ; that so at last, all evil passion and unholy desire, all self-will and con- trariness to Thee, may be overcome, and we come at last to that sublime state of willing obedience, when Thy will shall be in us supreme. Of Thy mercy hear us, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. oli, gte me a Ijeart to thank Thee; lift up my heart above myself, to Thee and Thine eternal throne; let it not linger here among the toils and turmoils of this lower world; let it not be oppressed by any earth-born clouds of care or anxiety or fear or suspicion; but bind it wholly to Thee and to Thy love; give me eyes to see Thy love in all things, and Thy grace in all around me; make me to thank Thee for Thy love and Thy grace to all and in all; give me wings of love, that I may soar up to Thee, and cling to Thee, and adore Thee, and praise Thee more and more, until I be fitted to enter into the joys of Thine everlasting love, everlastingly to love Thee and Thy grace, whereby Thou didst make me such as Thou couldest love, such as could love Thee, O God, my God — Amen. i?aitl)ful llorD, grant to u0t 3| pray Thee, faithful hearts "de- ^ voted to Thee, and to the ser- vice of all men for Thy sake. Fill us with pure love of Thee, keep us steadfast in this love, give us faith that worketh by love, and preserve us faith- ful unto death — Amen. of t\)t 0l)cep, UdIjc didst promise to carry the lambs in Thine arms, and to lead us by the still waters, help us to know the peace which passeth under- standing. Give us to drink that heav- enly draught which is life, the calm patience which is content to bear what God giveth. Have mercy upon us, and hear our prayers. Lead us gently when we pass through the valley of the shadow of death. Guide us, till at last, in the assembly of Thy saints, we may find rest forevermore — Amen. (3o^i of s?urpa00ing gooDne^s?, whom the round world with one voice doth praise for Thy sweet benignity; we pray Thee to remove from us all error, that so we may perform Thy will ; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ^arum %xc\}m^y 2C. ^, 1085. 144 -f -f ^ + -f spa^ t\)t ^Inrnt^.tl^irU l^ol^ ^pitiu totiOi in all agesi hast comforted and strengthened martyrs and confessors; who hast ever been the sustaining comfort and sweet refreshment of the sorrowful and the suffering; who shed- dest abroad love, joy, and peace, in the hearts of the faithful and obedient follow- ers of Christ; grant that we may be filled with all the fulness of Thy gifts of grace; that, by Thy holy inspiration, we may think those things that be good, and, by Thy merciful guiding, may perform the same — Amen. (€vea;^urp of 55ctiotion, 1869. J^cabenl^ ^ing, tE^ljoti Com^ forter and Spirit of truth, who art in every place, and fillest the whole world with the treasures of Thy goodness; O Life-giver, come into our hearts and dwell there, and save our souls alive, and unto Thee be g\oYy now and evermore — Amen . 93ooJi of i^ourjj, 1865. 0^ai? tl)t ^UDcnti' fourtlj 4- * -i- -i- •^ 145 ^oD, to3l)o maUcst cljccrfulncs^s; the companion of strength, but SJj apt to take wings in time of sor- row, we humbly beseech Thee that if, in Thy sovereign wisdom, Thou sendest weakness, yet for Thy mercy's sake deny us not the comfort of patience. Lay not more upon us, O heavenly Father, than Thou wilt enable us to bear; and, since the fretfulness of our spirits is more hurtful than the heaviness of our burden, grant us that heavenly calmness which comes of owning Thy hand in all things, and patience in the trust that Thou doest all things well— Amen. rantt toe ht&ttcl) ^ijct^ 3il mightv God, that we, who in our tribulation are yet of good cheer because of Thy loving- kindness, may find Thee mighty to save from all dangers, through Jesus Christ— Amen. Iftoman '^Btetoiatp. X46 * ^ ^ ♦ ^ ^a^ t\)t ^tDcntv^ fiftt) ^tng of i3\ot^i bring u0 all I pray Thee, by grace (si ^^^'"^' k^^^ unto glory. Let our light afflic- tion which is but for a moment work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory — Amen. (Sto^i U)l)o l)afi?t oi'DaineD tljat whatever is to be desired, ^JM should be sought by labor, and who, by Thy blessing, bringest honest labor to good effect; look with mercy upon my studies and endeavors. Grant me, O Lord, to design only what is lawful and right; and afford me calm- ness of mind, and steadiness of purpose, that I may so do Thy will in this short life, as to obtain happiness in the world to come, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. Samuel fobnj^on ( 1 709- 1 784). I, out* ^oD, greats etemal» i wonderful in glory, who keep- J est covenant and promises for those that love Thee with their whole heart; who art the Life of all, the Help of those that flee unto Thee, the Hope of those who cry unto Thee; cleanse us from our sins, secret and open, and from every thought displeas- ing to Thy goodness, — cleanse our bod- ies and souls, our hearts and consciences, that with a pure heart and a clear soul, with perfect love and calm hope, we may venture confidently and fearlessly to pray unto Thee — Amen. Coptic Hitiiro^ of .^t. %ml. ^orD, keep me ebei* near to W^\)tt* Let nothing separate me from ^ Thee, let nothing keep me back from Thee. If I fall, bring me back quickly to Thee, and make me hope in Thee, trust in Thee, love Thee ever- lastingly — Amen. 148 f -f- -i^ 4. arum ^rebiat5,?t. 55. 1085. 154 -^ ^ ^ ^ 4- •!♦ -f -f 31unctl)e^rconti aao0t ntf rciful ^oti anu j?atl)eri we commend ourselves and all 1^ that we have to Thine Almighty hands, and pray Thee to pre- serve us by Thy good Spirit from all sin, misfortune, and grief of heart. Give us the Spirit of grace and prayer, that we may have a consoling trust in Thy love, and that our sighs and petitions may be ac- ceptable in Thy sight. Give us the Spirit of faith to kindle a bright flame of true and blessed faith in our hearts, that we may have a living knowledge of salvation, and our whole life may be a thank-offer- ing for the mercies we have received. Give us the Spirit of love, that we may experience the sweetness of Thy love toward us, and also love Thee in return ; and render our obedience not from con- straint like slaves, but with the willing and joyful hearts of children — Amen. <©ottfrJetJ "Arnold, 1 697. 31une tlje ^t)irD -f-f-f-f-f-f-f-i-ISS rantt llortit tljat 31 ma^ nott for one moment, admit willingly into my soul any thought con- trary to Thy love — Amen. S^lmigljt^ ^oD, grant tljat h^ c^jr ™ H faithful practice of the things ^L^ that we know to be true, ouf hearts may be purged of all evii thoughts and desires, and we be brought back again to something of the pureness of spirit by which alone Thou mayest be served. Forgive all our wanderings from the light. Grant that we may es- cape this great condemnation — that light having come into the world, we have chosen darkness rather than light. Show us the light, and cause us to live in it, and by it to pass through the shadow of death with safety, and to abide with it for evermore. Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. *lBearge 5BattJ|^on. 156 + + -^-^'i' + -i-+ 31unf tl)f jTourtl) iLorD m^ (3ot>, for life auD reason, nurture, preservation, guidance, ^ education ; for Thy gifts of grace and nature, for Thy calling, recalling, manitbld recalling me again and again. For Thy forbearance, long-suftering, and long long-suffering toward me, even un- til now; for all from whom I have re- ceived any good or help; for the use of Thy present good things ; for Thy prom- ise, and my hope, of good things to come. For all these things, and for all other, which I know, which I know not, mani- fest or secret, remembered or forgotten by me, 1 praise Thee, I bless Thee, I give Thee thanks; and I will praise, and bless, and give Thee thanks, all the days of my life. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits to me ? Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power — Amen. Hancciot '?Cnbrctt)etf (1555-1626). 31une t\)t ififtl) ^^^^^^^^-i^^i' 157 |orUt tDljo knoturs^t all t\)in^&, and lovest all men better than Thou knowest, Thine is might and wisdom and love to save us. As our fathers called unto Thee, and were holpen, and were led along the ways Thou seest good ; so, in all time of need, from all evil, the evil of our time and of our hearts, deliver us, good Lord. From all perplexity of mind ; from loneliness of thought, and discontented brooding; from wondering what Thou wouldst have us do, deliver us, Lord. Especially from whatever sin besets us, save and deliver us with might, O Lord. From all bereavement, sorrow, and de- sertion ; from all things that separate us from each other and from our God ; from all evils we have prayed against, and from all we have not thought of, deliver, O Lord, Thy servants, whose hope is in Thy goodness for ever — Amen. Botalanti JBitliams. \5& ^^^^^'hn-'i' 31une tlje ^ixt\) ^n ®l)ect ^ iloru (Sod, 31 place S my whole hope and refuge; on 3 Thee I rest all my tribulation and anguish ; for I fmd all to be weak and inconstant, whatsoever I be- hold out of Thee. For many friends can- not profit, nor strong helpers assist, nor the books of the learned afford comfort, nor any place, however retired and lovely, give shelter, unless Thou Thy- self dost assist, strengthen, console, in- struct, and guard us. For all things that seem to belong to the attainment of peace and felicity, without Thee, are nothing, and do bring in truth no felic- ity at all. Thou therefore art the Foun- tain of all that is good ; and to hope in Thee above all things, is the strongest comfort of Thy servants. To Thee, therefore, do I lift up mine eyes; in Thee, my God, the Father of mercies, do 1 put my trust — Amen. ilordt gitie u0 mote t\)utit^, more self-denial, more likeness to Thee. Teach us to sacrifice our comforts to others, and our likings for the sake of doing good. Make us kindly in thought, gentle in word, generous in deed. Teach us that it is better to give than to receive; better to forget ourselves than to put ourselves forward ; better to minister than to be ministered unto. And unto Thee, the God of Love, be glory and praise for ever — Amen. ilorUt mote 110 b^ Wi^int tv^ ample to show kindness and do '^ good. Grant us such patience and forbearance with all suffer- ers gracious or ungracious, grateful or ungrateful ; that in our stumbling walk and scant measure they may yet discern a vestige of Thee, and give Thee the glory — Amen. Cbristina acrametarp, ?C, 5^. 492. linigljt^ ^oD, ilorO of t\)t 0torm and of the calm, the vexed sea and the quiet haven, of day and of night, of life and of death, — grant unto us so to have our hearts stayed upon Thy faithfulness. Thine un- changingness and love, that, whatsoever betide us, however black the cloud or dark the night, with quiet faith trusting in Thee, we may look upon Thee with untroubled eye, and walking in lowliness towards Thee, and in lovingness towards one another, abide all storms and troubles of this mortal life, beseeching Thee that they may turn to the soul's true good. We ask it for Thy mercy's sake, shown in Jesus Christ our Lord — ^Amen. t©Eor0e 5^a\»son. X62•^•^•^♦^•^•^•^•^ 31une t\)t ®mtl) ^t)ou <^oD of |3racr, unite our hearts by Thy bond of peace, that we may live with one an- other continually in gentleness and humility, in peace and unity. O Thou God of Patience, give us patience in the time of trial, and steadfastness to endure to the end. O Thou Spirit of prayer, awaken our hearts, that we may lift up holy hands to God, and cry unto Him in all our distresses. O Thou gen- tle Wind, cool and refresh our hearts in all heat and anguish. Be our Defence and Shade in the time of need, our Help in trial, our Consolation when all things are against us. Come, O Thou eternal Light, Salvation, and Comfort, be our Light in darkness, our Salvation in life, our Comfort in death ; and lead us in the straight way to everlasting life, that we may praise Thee, forever — Amen. fi$ixt^ ^orUt t)o ®l;ou turn tne all into love, and all my love into obedi- ence, and let my obedience be without interruption; and then I hope Thou wilt accept such a return as I can make. Make me to be something that Thou delightest in, and Thou shalt have all that I am or have from Thee, even whatsoever Thou makest fit for Thyself — Amen. 3lctcm)a ^aplor(i 613-1667). ^^Imigljt^ anD cberlasfting ^ou^ (^ i from whom cometh every good '^IM ^nd perfect gift, mercifully grant that the frequent meditation of Thine infinite goodness may make us to love Thee above all things; that we may here steadfastly believe what we do' not see, and, hereafter, in the blessed vision of Thy glory, see what we now cannot comprehend ; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. <23ooft of ilfour;^, 1865. 3|une t\)t tn^tornt^ >0rbcntf) ♦ -f -f 179 (3otii t\)t HcDcciucr of our s^ouls^t and the Comforter of them that IM mourn, whose will is our peace, and to whom obedience is true freedom ; grant me so to be led by Thy Holy Spirit, that I may be free from vain hopes and repinings, and from all wrong desires; but may I through patience have experience, and through experience hope, and not be ashamed of hoping in Thee, our Father and our Friend, whose holy will be done now and for ever — Amen. tloit), rrnrlJD our &pint$ anD draw our hearts unto Thyself ^-^^#1 that our work may not be to us a burden, but a delight; and give us such a mighty love to Thee as may sweeten all our obedience. Oh, let us not serve Thee with the spirit of bond- age as slaves, but with the cheerfulness and gladness of children, delighting our- selves in Thee and rejoicing in Thy work —Amen. •^^enjamm fcnft?^ (1646-1724). 180 ♦ ♦ ♦ * 31une tlje ®tDntt^.fisi)tft W'^M t!I^l)ou, tDl)o art tlje true &nn fi^g)| of the world, evermore rising, |yS^ and never going down; who, by Thy most wholesome ap- pearing and sight dost nourish, and make joyful all things, as well that are in heaven, as also that are on earth ; we beseech Thee mercifully and favorably to shine into our hearts, that the night and darkness of sin, and the mists of error on every side, being driven away, Thou brightly shining within our hearts, we may all our life long go without any stumbling or offence, and may walk as in the day-time, being pure and clean from the works of darkness, and abound- ing in all good works which Thou har/' prepared for us to walk in— Amen. ^cajjmujsi (1467- 1536). iflune tl)t ^tDent^mintt) -f + 4- + 181 ^otit tE^ljoti onl^ Hefuge of Thy children ! who remainest li^-^fe^ true though all else should fail, and livest though all things die, cover us now when we fly to Thee. Rebuke within us all immoderate desires, all unquiet temper, all presumptuous ex- pectations, all ignoble self-indulgence: and feeling on us the embrace of Thy Fatherly hand, may we meekly and with courage go into the darkest ways of our pilgrimage; anxious not to change Thy perfect will, but only to do and bear it worthily. May we spend all our days as in Thy presence, and meet our death in the strength of Thy promise, and pass hence into the nearer light of Thy knowledge and Thy love — Amen. %ame0 Jlt^artineau* 182•^♦^•^•^'^•^ 31unr t\)t ^\}ivtitt\) rant mct cticn nte> mv' Ocarcst Lord, to know Thee, and love Thee, and rejoice in Thee. And, if I cannot do these perfectly in this life, let me at least advance to higher degrees every day, till I can come to do them in perfection. Let the knowledge of Thee increase in me here, that it may be full hereafter. Let the love of Thee grow every day more and more here, that it may be perfect hereafter; that my joy may be great in itself, and full in Thee. I know, O God, that Thou art a God of truth, O make good Thy gra- cious promises to me, that my joy may be full — Amen. ^t. %UQi\^t\nt (354-430). llorUt gitie us? all grace^ byf ton^ stant obedience to offer up our ^ wills and hearts an acceptable sacrifice unto Thee — Amen. Ct)ri?t!na «©. 0o??ctti. iloit), iJDljo Ijast brougt)t us^ through the darkness of night to %M the light of the morning, and who by Thy Holy Spirit dost illumine the darkness of ignorance and sin; we beseech Thee, of Thy loving- kindness, to pour Thy holy light into our souls, that we may ever be devoted to Thee by whose wisdom we were created, by whose mercy we were re- deemed, and by whose Providence we are governed — Amen. '^ooh of ]l^ourjtf, 1865. ^otJ, j?ountam of lobe, pout ^ I; Thy love into our souls, that ^Jl we may love those whom Thou lovest, with the love Thou giv- est us, and think and speak of them tenderly, meekly, lovingly; and so lov- ing our brethren and sisters for Thy sake, may grow in Thy love, and dwell- ing in love may dwell in Thee; for Jesus Christ's sake — Amen. X84 * 4- •^ -f -I -i- .f 3|ul^ ttje ^ecoitD l^eatjcnli? jfu\)tt, ^ubHue in me whatever is contrary to Thy holy will. Grant that 1 may ever study to know Thy will, that I may know how to please Thee. Grant, O God, that I may never run into those temptations, which in my prayers I desire to avoid. Lord, never permit my trials to be above my strength — ^Amen. (Cbomas JBil^tfon (1663- 175 5). S^ ^^^^^ ^^^ tirligt)tc0t in rnerc^, i^g! I preserve us, v^e beseech Thee, ^-^S-^ from the sin of harboring in our hearts hard thoughts of Thee. Conform us wholly to Thy mer- ciful will ; that whether we live we may live unto Thee, or whether we die we may die unto Thee. While we live, give us grace to show mercy: when we die, of Thy grace show us mercy — Amen. 3|ul^ tlje ®l)irU ^^f^^^^^^- \S5 ^oDt tDt)o liast gttoi unto us; Thy Son to be an example and a help to our weakness in fol- lowing the path that leadeth unto life, grant us so to be His disciples that we may tread in His footsteps — Amen. 0oman %xe\im^» 3 ^oUt grant unto tis? tl;at toe be not unwise, but understanding ^ Thy will : not slothful, but dili- gent in Thy work : that we run not as uncertainly, nor fight Thy battles as those that beat the air. Whatsoever our hand fmdeth to do, may we do it with our might: that when Thou shalt call Thy laborers to give them their re- ward, we may so have run that we may obtain ; so have fought the good fight, as to receive the crown of eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. H^enrp 2Clfori)» 186 ^♦^'♦♦i-'f'f'f 3|ulv' tl)e jfourt^ ^oD, toljo art^ anu toast, and art to come, before whose fiice the generations rise and pas's away; age after age the living seelt Thee, and find that of Thy faithful- ness there is no end. Our fathers in their pilgrimage walked by Thy guid- ance, and rested on Thy compassion: still to their children be Thou the cloud by day, the fire by night. In our mani- fold temptations. Thou alone knowest and art ever nigh : in sorrow, Thy pity revives the fainting soul: in our prosper- ity and ease, it is Thy Spirit only that can wean us from our pride and keep us low. O Thou sole Source of peace and righteousness! take now the veil from every heart; and join us in one com- munion with Thy prophets and saints who have trusted in Thee, and were not ashamed. Not of our worthiness, but of Thy tender mercy, hear our prayer— Amen. 3Iamej^ Haartineau. 31ul^ t^e ifift^ •^•^•^•f + + 4. + 187 ^oD out iFacljer, Ijrlp u0 to a deeper trust in the life everlast- ing. May we feel that this love which is now, ever shall be; this robe of the flesh is Thy gift to Thy child, and, when it is worn out, Thou wilt clothe him again; this work of life is the work Thou hast given us to do, and, when it is done, Thou wilt give us more; this love, that makes all our life so glad, flows from Thee, for Thou art Love, and we shall love forever. Help us to feel how, day by day, we see some dim shadow of the eternal day that will break upon us at the last. May the Gospel of Thy Son, the whisper of Thy Spirit, unite to make our faith in the life to come, strong and clear; then shall we be glad when Thou shalt call us, and enter into Thy glory in Jesus Christ— Amen. I^oliert Coltper. 188 ^.*^*4'4♦♦^•^ ^n\^ t\)t ^ixtl) me with a clear shining inward light, and remove away all dark- ness from the habitation of my heart. Repress Thou my many wander- ing thoughts, and break in pieces those temptations which violently assault me. Fight Thou for me, and vanquish the evil beasts ; that so peace may be obtained by Thy power, and that Thine abundant praise may resound in Thy holy court, that is, in a pure conscience. Send out Thy light and Thy truth, that they may shine upon the earth ; for, until Thou en- lighten me, I am but as earth without form and void. Lift Thou up my mind which is pressed down by a load of sins, for no created thing can give full comfort and rest to my desires. Join Thou me to Thyself with an inseparable band of love; for Thou even alone dost satisfy him that loveth Thee — Amen. 3(lul^ t\)t ^t\}mt\) •^*'i''f'i» + 'fl89 Lord, and Giver of every good and perfect gift, — bestow upon us at this time those things that are Thine, even joy and gladness, for Thou art ever-blessed. Pity and pardon us that we are so little able to be like Thee in these things; for upon us are the stains of sin and the dust of earth, the signs of strife and the marks of passion. Look upon us of Thy love, that these things may be taken away, and that we who have been sick in soul, and oft- times faint in faith, may through the gift of Thine exceeding gladness rise to Thy joy. Forgive our sins, and so take away the sting of death. Grant us Thy love here as the earnest of the Spirit, that we, receiving of Thine in this mortal state, may hope to receive of Thine in the world which is to come — Amen. 190 4'*•^•*^•^•^♦^•^ 31ul^ t\}t Ctgljtlj le ®lj0U) # ^orD, our protect tion, who art our redemption; direct our minds by Thy gracious presence, and watch over our paths with guiding love; that, among the snares which lie hidden in this path wherein we walk, we may so pass on- ward with hearts fixed on Thee, that by the track of faith we may come to be where Thou wouldest have us — Amen. jUaosarabic before K, ^, 700. iloiti, mafec xm lotie eber^ token of Thy will, for love of Thee, and make me cheerful under every cross; take from me all which displeases Thee, or hinders Thy love in me, that I may deeply love Thee. Melt me with Thy love, that I may be all love, and with my whole being love Thee — Amen. 31ul^ t\)t Jpintlj ^^^♦♦♦•f'f 191 jrantt ^ ilortj, ttiat toe ma^ care^ fully watch over our tempers and every unholy feeling; re- move whatever in us may be a stumbling-block in another's way; that, by conforming to Thy will in small things, we may hope by Thy protection and help to pass safely through the greater dangers and trials to which we may be exposed — Amen. CbruJtina *©. If^ossctti. t bt&ml) W^i)tt, ^.$ixt\^ ILorOt in ii3l)06fc tiantis; are life and death, by whose power 1 am sustained, and by whose mercy I am spared, look down upon me with pity. Forgive me that I have until now so much neglected the duty which Thou hast assigned to me, and suffered the days and hours of which I must give account to pass away with- out any endeavor to accomplish Thy will. Make me to remember, O God, that every day is Thy gift, and ought to be used according to Thy command. Grant me, therefore, so to repent of my negligence, that I may obtain mercy from Thee, and pass the time which Thou shalt yet allow me in diligent per- formance of Thy commands, through Jesus Christ — Amen. .i^amuel ^jotjnjSon (1709-1784). 31ul^ tilt ^\i}mt^^^t^tnt\) + -f + 209 tKliou external, in toliosfe ap.^ pointment our life standeth ! Thou hast committed our work to us, and we would commit our cares to Thee. May we feel that we are not our own, and that Thou wilt heed our wants, while we are intent upon Thy will. May we never dwell carelessly or say in our hearts, "I am here, and there is none over me"; nor anxiously, as though our path were hid ; but with a mind simply fixed upon our trust, and choosing nothing but the dis- positions of Thy Providence. More and more fill us with that pity for others' troubles which comes from forgetfulness of our own; and the glad hope of the children of eternity. And unto Thee, the Beginning and the End, Lord of the living. Refuge of the dying, be thanks and praise for ever! — Amen. %amz^ iHaattineau. 210 •^ ♦ 4» •!• 31ul^ tt)e ®tDmt^.eigt)t^ JorDt toljat 10 m^ confitjence which 1 have in this life ? Is it not Thou, O Lord, my God, whose mercies are without number ? Where hath it ever been well with me without Thee, or where could it be ill with me, when Thou wert pres- ent ? I rather choose to be a pilgrim on earth, than without Thee to possess heaven. Where Thou art, there is heaven; and where Thou art not, there is death and hell. There is none that can help me in my necessities, but only Thou, my God ; Thou art my Hope, Thou my Confidence. Although Thou exposest me to divers temptations and adversities, yet Thou orderest all this to my advan- tage; in which trial of me Thou oughtest no less to be loved and praised, than if Thou didst fill me full of heavenly con- solations — Amen. 31ttls t\)t ^\x)mt^Axint\) + 4. + 4- 2U 9^ ^oti^ m^ iDt)ole life ^a0 htm a course of mercies and bless- ings shown to one who has been most unworthy of them. Year after year Thou hast carried me on, re- moved dangers from my path, refreshed me, borne with me, directed me, sus- tained me. O forsake me not, when my strength faileth me. And Thou never wilt forsake me. 1 may securely repose upon Thee. While I am true to Thee, Thou wilt still, and to the end, be super- abundantly good to me. I may rest upon Thy arm; I may go to sleep in Thy bosom. Only give me, and increase in me, that true loyalty to Thee, which is the bond of the covenant between Thee and me, and the pledge in my own heart and conscience that Thou, the Supreme God, wilt not forsake me — Amen. 2X2 ♦ ♦ ^ ^ ♦ * * 3|ui^ tl)e ®l)utictlj ®ijcu lobing auD tmDer i?atl;er in heaven, 1 confess before Thee, in deep sorrow, how hard and Linsympathizing is my heart; how often 1 have sinned against my neighbor by want of compassion and tenderness; how often I have felt no true pity for his trials and sorrows, and have neglected to comfort, help, and visit him. O Father, forgive this heavy sin, and lay it not to my charge. Give me grace ever to alleviate the crosses and difificulties of those around me, and never to add to them ; teach me to be a consoler in sor- row, to take thought for the stranger, the widow, and the orphan; let my charity show itself not in words only but in deed and truth. Teach me to judge, as Thou dost, with forbearance, with much pity and indulgence; and help me to avoid all unloving judgment of others — Amen. 3lof)ann ?trnbt ( 1=555-1 621). 31ul^ t\)t t]J^l)ixt^Mx&t •^•^♦•^-^ + •^213 ^^mt^toii) m)^ ligtit upon n^, (B Lord, so that, being rid of the darkness of our hearts, we may attain unto the true light — Amen, ^arum '^ccUiarp, ?C. 55. 1085. WWW \lmi^\)t^ (f5ot), taljo forgibcst all things to those who cry unto Thee, grant unto us that, what- soever of life there may be re- maining for us, we may give diligent heed at this very hour to Thy call; that, so coming unto Thee, we may fmd work in Thy vineyard, and do it faithfully unto the end ; beseeching Thee to forgive the wasted hours of the past, and of Thy graciousness to see that there be no more. For all time to come grant us to serve Thee diligently and dutifully, that at last we may hear Thy voice saying unto us, "Well done, good and faithful servants: enter ye into the joy of your Lord." So be it unto us all, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. 2X4'<-'i- + + '^-^^ 2iuQn^t t\)t jfitsit \mi%\)t^ ant) eternal ^oD, t\)ttt is no number of Thy days or of Thy mercies: Thou hast sent us into this world to serve Thee, and to live according to Thy laws. O dear Lord, look upon us in mercy and pity : let Thy Holy Spirit lead us through this world with safety and peace, with holiness and religion, with spiritual com- forts and joy in the Holy Ghost; that when we have served Thee in our gen- eration, we may be gathered unto our fathers, having the testimony of a holy conscience, in the confidence of a certain faith, and the comforts of a reasonable, religious, and holy hope, and perfect charity with Thee our God and all the world ; that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other crea- ture, may be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord — Amen. 3Ieremp (Caplor (i 613-1667). lott}, 3 tl)ank ®^re tljat ®^^ love constraineth me. I thank Thee that, in the great labyrinth of life, Thou waitest not for my consent to lead me. I thank Thee that Thou leadest me by a way which I know not, by a way which is above the level of my poor understanding. I thank Thee that Thou art not repelled by my bitter- ness, that Thou art not turned aside by the heat of my spirit. There is no force in this universe so glorious as the force of Thy love; it compels me to come in. divine servitude, O slavery that makes me free, O love that imprisons me only to set my feet in a larger room, enclose me more and more within Thy folds. Protect me from the impetuous desires of my nature — desires as short-lived as they are impetuous. Ask me not where 1 would like to go; tell me where to go; lead me in Thine own way; hold me in Thine own light — Amen. 2I6*•|••^♦^^•^* Jlugu^t t\)t ®l)irtJ (Sou, our l;eat3cnl^ St^t\)tu taljo hast commanded us to love one k-Sr^ another as Thy children, and hast ordained the highest friend- ship in the bond of Thy Spirit, we be- seech Thee to maintain and preserve us always in the same bond, to Thy glory, and our mutual comfort, with all those to whom we are bound by any special tie, either of nature or of choice; that we may be perfected together in that love which is from above, and which never faileth when all other things shall fail. Send down the dew of Thy heavenly grace upon us, that we may have joy in each other that passeth not away; and, having lived together in love here, ac- cording to Thy commandment, may live for ever together with them, being made one in Thee, in Thy glorious kingdom hereafter, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ilficfec;^' 5^ebotion;tf, 1 700. aiugus^t t\)t ifourt!) •^4»♦♦^♦^2t7 ^ ILorD, to^at crosfsf totltot ®l)ou that I should bear this day, for ^ love of Thee? Thou knowest, Lord, that I am all weakness, strengthen me to bear it patiently, hum- bly, lovingly. If I sink under it, look on me and raise me up. Give what Thou commandest, and command what Thou wilt; sanctify my cross to me, and keep me Thine own for ever — Amen. ■^ ^ou, t\)t pi'ottttor of all ttjac 11 trust in Thee, without whom ^ nothing is strong, nothing is holy, increase and multiply upon us Thy mercy; that, Thou being our Ruler and Guide, we may so pass through things temporal that we finally lose not the things eternal. Grant this, O heav- enly Father, for Jesus Christ's sake our Lord — Amen. ^re0orian, 2C. <©. 590, 218 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i- 3lugu0t t\)t ififtl) €>oU of sftrengt^t pa00tns all understanding, who mercifully givest to Thy people mercy and judgment; grant to us, we be- seech Thee, faithfully to love Thee, and to walk in the way of righteousness — Amen. .^arum !23retiiarp, ?C. 55. 1085. ^ ilordt ^Ibielo of our IjrlPt tobo wilt not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able, help us, we entreat Thee, in all our straits and wrestlings, to lift up our eyes unto Thee, and stay our hearts on Thee — Amen. Cbrijtina 45. S\o?j5etti. ^oU, t\)t i?atl)rr of mtttit^, grant unto us ever to hold fast to the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry to Thee, " Father," and are called, and are, Thy sons; through our Lord Jesus Christ — Amen. doman %u\ym^. aiugu0t t\)t ^iuh 4. 4. -f -1. ♦ + + 219 ^^ tlorD^ in ^\)intditm$ 3i am safe; keep me and I have noth- ing to fear; give me up, and I have nothing to hope for. I know nothing about the future, but I rely upon Thee. I pray Thee to give me what is good for me; I pray Thee to take from me whatever may imperil my salva- tion. I leave it all to Thee, because Thou knowest and I do not. If Thou bringest pain or sorrow on me, give me grace to bear it well, keep me from fretfulness and selfishness. If Thou givest me health and strength and success in this world, keep me ever on my guard lest these great gifts carry me away from Thee. Give me to know Thee, to believe on Thee, to love Thee, to serve Thee, to live to and for Thee. Give me to die just at that time and in that way which is most for Thy glory — Amen. 220 + + 4.4'^4. August t\)t ^fbrntlj ^le0^rD art tlTljou, ^ ilorD our God, the God of our fathers, who turnest the shadow of death into the morning; who hast lightened mine eyes, that I sleep not in death. O Lord, blot out as a night-mist mine in- iquities. Scatter my sins as a morning cloud. Grant that 1 may become a child of the light, and of the day. Vouch- safe to keep me this day without sin. Uphold me when 1 am falling, and lift me up when 1 am down. Preserve this day from any evil of mine, and me from the evils of the day. Let this day add some knowledge, or good deed, to yes- terday. Oh, let me hear Thy loving- kindness in the morning, for in Thee is my trust. Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth Thee, for Thou art my God. Let Thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the land of righteousness — Amen. HanceJot ^CnbrEtDCj^ (1555-1626). aiugus^t t\)t €iQl)t\) ♦^•^•f•l••^♦^•f221 ct all cEl)^ ljDorfe0 praise tE\)tt, O Lord, and Thy servants rejoice in thanking Thee. True is Thy word, which counts us worthy of pity, and faithful Thy help for our heart's trust to rest upon. O God, Thy strength is made perfect in those who have not cared for themselves, but sought the eternal; then Thou bringest forth truth to victory. Make known to me Thy ways, O God, and let me walk in Thy truth. Go on, O God, victori- ously, and open me the gate of hope, out of darkness into light. Since Thou hast not taken me away in the midst of my day, but upholden my soul in life, suffer not my feet to slip. Grant me a work of Thy love to do, and prosper it in my hands. Let me not die until I have ful- filled Thy will; and let me enter with joy into rest — Amen. ^flototanb ^©iniami^. \\)tt^ mos?t merciful €^ot>, no 31 now invoke to descend into my soul, which Thou hast prepared for Thy reception by the desire which Thou hast breathed into it. Ere ever I cried to Thee, Thou, most Merci- ful, hadst called and sought me, that I might find Thee, and finding love Thee. Even so I sought and found Thee, Lord, and desire to love Thee. Increase my desire, and grant me what I ask. See, I love Thee, but too little; strengthen my love. When my spirit aspires to Thee, and meditates on Thine unspeakable goodness, the burden of the flesh be- comes less heavy, the tumult of thought is stilled, the weight of mortality is less oppressive. Then fain would my soul find wings, that she might rise in tireless flight ever upwards to Thy glorious throne, and there be filled with the re- freshing solace that belongs to the citi- zens of heaven — Amen. ;^t. 2tugugtine (354-430). ^ugufift t\)t Ol^nUl) •^•|.•^•l••^•^•l•223 |: bless all Thy people, and all ^ Thy flock. Give Thy peace, Thy help, Thy love unto us Thy servants, the sheep of Thy fold, that we may be united in the bond of peace and love, one body and one spirit, in one hope of our calling, in Thy divine and boundless love — Amen. Hiturop of ^t. .SBarh (175-234?). ltttigl)t^ (fi>oti^ hitler of life, grant unto us Thy life, that we may truly live ; Thy love, that we may greatly rejoice ; that we, knowing trouble, and acquainted with grief, may, through the goodly deliver- ance of faith and hope, come to the large joy of the peace that passeth all under- standing. Of Thy loving-kindness hear our supplications, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ^orge 5Battjj^on. 224 •!• •!• ♦!• -J- •^ ^ ;augu0t ttie Cletinul) t)0U) ^l)^ mcrc^ to me, 0^ JlorD, to glad my heart withal. Let me find Thee, for whom I longf. Lo, here the man that was caught of thieves, wounded, and left for half dead, as he was going towards Jericho. Thou kind-hearted Samaritan, take me up. I am the sheep that is gone astray; O good Shepherd, seek me out, and bring me home to Thy fold again. Deal favorably with me according to Thy good pleasure, that I may dwell in Thy house all the days of my life, and praise Thee for ever and ever with them that are there — Amen. ^t. 3lEvomc. (iirransiatcD "^C. 515. 1578. (fi)ot)t t\)t HenclJDrr antj tlotifr of innocency, turn the hearts of all Thy servants to Thyself, that they may be found ever rooted in faith and fruitful in works, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ;t)arum "iJBrcliiarp, 2C. 5^. 1 085. August t\)t (CtDClftlj •^ + •^'^4•'^225 i^oi'D, our J^iDiug place, grant us wisdom, we pray Thee, to seek no hiding-place out of Thee in life or in death. Now hide us in Thine own Presence from the provok- ing of all men, and keep us from the strife of tongues. Make us meek, hum- ble, patient, and teach us to seek peace and ensue it — Amen. Cbristina blr00cD ilorD, |: teach us, we beseech Thee, to I love one another, to exercise forbearance and forgiveness to- wards our enemies; to recompense no man evil for evil, but to be merciful even as Thou, our Father in Heaven, art mer- ciful: that so we may continually follow after Thee in all our doings, and be more and more conformed to Thine image and likeness — Amen. Bt^ €\)Witi) "SBooft of WnxfbiVy 1876. 226•^•^•l•♦^••^ Sugu^t t\)t ^l)ittttm\) tlorD^ toe achnoljDlcDge ^\)^ Do^ minion over us; our life, our death, our soul and body, all belong to Thee. Oh, grant that we may willingly consecrate them all to Thee, and use them in Thy service. Let us walk before Thee in childlike sim- plicity, steadfast in prayer; looking ever unto Thee, that whatsoever we do or ab- stain from we may in all things follow the least indications of Thy will. Become Lord of our hearts and spirits ; that the whole inner man may be brought under Thy rule, and that Thy life of love and righteousness may pervade all our thoughts and energies and the very ground of our souls ; that we may be wholly filled with it. Come, O Lord and King, enter into our hearts, and live and reign there for ever and ever. O f^iithful Lord, teach us to trust Thee for life and death, and to take Thee for our All in All — Amen. 3ugu6t t\)t J?ourtrentl) •f + 'f + 4-227 ^\)ou^ M)0!St name i$ tlobe^ who never turnest away from the cry of Thy needy children, give ear to my prayer this morn- ing. Make this a day of blessing to me, and malvc me a blessing to others. Keep all evil away from me. Preserve me from outward transgression and from secret sin. Help me to control my tem- per. May I check the first risings of anger or sullenness. If I meet with un- kindness or ill-treatment, give me that charity which suffereth long and beareth all things. Make me kind and gentle towards all, loving even those who love me not. Let me live this day as if it were to be my last. O my God, show me the path that Thou wouldest have me to follow. May I take no step that is not ordered by Thee, and go nowhere except Thou, Lord, go with me — Amen. ?C?f)ton <©]cenben. 228•^'^•^•^'^• ♦^ August tl)e iFiftccutl) ^\)on most \)o\yi and cticrlotiins God, we thank Thee once more SiM ^or the quiet rest of the night that has gone by, for the new promise that has come with this fresh morning, and for the hope of this day. While we have slept, the world in which we live has swept on in its awful space, great fires have burned under us, great waters have been all about us, and great storms above us; but Thou hast held them back by Thy strong hand, and we have rested under the shadow of Thy love. The bird sat on the spray out in the darkness, the flower nestled in the grass, we lay down in our home, and all slept in the arms of God. The bird will trust Thee this day to give its morsel of meat, and the flower will trust Thee for its fresh raiment; so may we trust Thee this day for all the needs of the body, the soul, and the spirit. Give us this day our daily bread — Amen. Jlugu0t t\)t ^ixtttntl) ^.^^•f^229 i?atl)ei*, t\)i& Da^ ma^ bring some hard task to our life, or some hard trial to our love. We may grow weary, or sad, or hopeless in our lot. But, Father, our whole life until now has been one great proof of Thy care. Bread has come for our body, thoughts to our mind, love to our heart, and all from Thee. So help us, we implore Thee, while we stand still on this side of all that the day may bring, to resolve that we will trust Thee this day to shine into any gloom of the mind, to stand by us in any trial of our love, and to give us rest in Thy good time as we need. May this day be full of a power that shall bring us near to Thee, and make us more like Thee; and, O God, may we so trust Thee this day, that, when the day is done, our trust shall be firmer than ever. Then, when our last day comes, and our work is done, may we trust Thee in death and forever, in the spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. 230 * ♦ ♦ * august t\)t ^etirntemtl) jtrengtljm met ^ ^od, hv ttje grace of Thy Holy Spirit. Grant me to be strengthened with might in the inner man, and to empty my heart of all useless care and anguish. O Lord, grant me heavenly wisdom, that I may learn above all things to seek and to find Thee, above all things to relish and to love Thee, and to think of all other things as being, what indeed they are, at the disposal of Thy wisdom — Amen. ^os?t merciful ^ou, tlje j?otm^ dation of our hope and our Ref- f!M uge in trouble, deliver us from the snares of death ; so that, saved from the multitude of troubles which surround us, we may sing praises to Thy holy Name, in purity and inno- cence; through our Lord Jesus Christ — Amen. ;S>arum ^retoiarp, 2C. 5B. 1085. JlorOt toljo sprraDcst out t^ie I heavens like a curtain, give us, we pray Thee, faithful wills and loving hearts, that in all Thy works we may ever discern Thee. O Lord, we humbly bless Thee for what Thou givest, and for what Thou with- holdest; for the knowledge Thou be- stowest, and for the knowledge Thou keepest back — Amen. Cbristina <5. J^os^etti. ®l)ank ^\)tti m^ Crrator auD Lord, that Thou hast given me these joys in Thy creation, this ecstacy over the works of Thy hands. I have made known the glory of Thy works to men as far as my finite spirit was able to comprehend Thy in- finity. If I have said anything wholly unworthy of Thee, or have aspired after my own glory, graciously forgive me — Amen. 3Iobann ^tpXtv (157 1-1630). 232 ^ •f •^ + -f augus^t tljc jl^iuctrentti ilorD, grant to u0 00 to lotie Thee with all our heart, with all our mind, and all our soul, and our neighbor for Thy sake; that the grace of charity and brotherly love may dwell in us, and all envy, harshness, and ill-will may die in us; and fill our hearts with feelings of love, kindness, and compassion, so that, by constantly rejoicing in the happiness and good success of others, by sympathizing with them in their sorrows, and putting away all harsh judgments and envious thoughts, we may follow Thee, who art Thyself the true and perfect Love — Amen. (Cvcaj^urio of ©emotion. our tjpon u0^ llorD^ ttjr spirit of brotherly kindness and peace; so that, sprinkled with the dew of Thy benediction, we may be made glad by Thy glory and grace; through Christ our Lord — Amen. ;^arum 'i25cctiiar9, ?C.5^» 1085. jrant unto u0, aimigtjt^ ^oD, that that glory which filleth earth and heaven may also fill our hearts; that we, being glori- fied by Thy graciousness, made happy by Thy love, made hopeful by Thy prom- ise, may praise and magnify Thy holy Name, until such time as the praising of Thy holy Name shall lead us to the doing of Thy holy will ; that we, becoming perfectly obedient thereunto, may pos- sess the life of God in the days of time, that so, in the eternal years, we may be for ever Thine. Receive our thanksgiv- ings, forgive our sins, strengthen our hope, make deep our fliith; that so, all the days of this our mortal life, we, keep- ing Thy commandments, and leaning ever upon Thy mercy, may pass on our way until we, through the gate of death, enter into the life everlasting. Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ^eoroe <©attj»on. 234 -^ -^ -^ -^ aiugusJt tlje W\iytnt^Mt&t leans?e mt^ (B (3ot^ h^ tljt bright fountain of Thy mercy, and water me with the dew of Thine abundant grace, that, being pur- from my sins, I may grow up in works, truly serving Thee in holi- and righteousness all the days of my ified good ness life — Amen. ]^ritiate 55etotion?, 1560. ^oUt t\)t ^oD of all gooJJttcsffi^ and all grace, who art worthy WM of a greater love than we can either give or understand; fill my heart, I beseech Thee, with such love towards Thee as may cast out all sloth and fear, that nothing may seem too hard for me to do or to suffer in obedience to Thee; and grant that, by thus loving, 1 may become daily more like unto Thee; and finally obtain the crown of life, which Thou hast promised to those that love Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. pocket .JUaanual of prapec^, i860. 3lugu0t tl)e tKtDcnt^ 0cconD -f + +235 |orDt 3! belittje, but iMoulD belirbe more firmly; O Lord, I love, but yet would love more warmly. I offer unto Thee my thoughts, that they may be towards Thee; my deeds, that they may be according to Thee; my sufferings, that they may be for Thee — Amen. (^reatfurp of ©etootion, 1 869. ^e not Ujcar^ of me, gooD l^ori), and let me not be weary of my- self, or of trying to conquer my- self. I am all weakness, but Thou art almighty, and canst put forth Thy strength perfectly in my weakness. Make me truly to hate all which Thou hatest, fervently to love all which Thou lovest; make me truly sorry, for love of Thee, that I have so often offended Thee, and so mightily transform me, through Thy grace, that I may no more offend Thee; through Jesus Christ — Amen. 236 •*• + -i- + 0ugus:t tl^c ^ijucnt^IjirU €)Oli our iloit), the sta^ of all them that put their trust in Thee, wherever Thou leadest we would go, for Thy ways are per- fect wisdom and love. Even when we walk through the dark valley, Thy light can shine into our hearts and guide us safely through the night of sorrow. Be Thou our Friend, and we need ask no more in heaven or earth; for Thou art the Comfort of all who trust in Thee, the Help and Defence of all who hope in Thee. O Lord, we would be Thine; let us never fall away from Thee. We would accept all things without mur- muring from Thy hand, for whatever T^hou dost is right. Blend our wills with Thine, and then we need fear no evil nor death itself, for all things must work to- gether for our good. Lord, keep us in Thy love and truth ; comfort us with Thy light; and guide us by Thy Holy Spirit — Amen. ;$)»i©ei3ef3^ (1 738-1805). !Loru, g)trmgtl) of our life, be Thou, I entreat Thee, our ^ Strength unto life eternal: our Strength when temptation assails us, for Thou art stronger than our strong- est enemy; our Strength when we go down into the valley of the shadow of death, for the last enemy that shall be de- stroyed is death. By Thy Rod and Thy Staff comfort us — Amen. Cbri^tina »5. 1^o0ettu |e ^umbl^ prai^ W\)tt, (B jfattjer in heaven, to guide us through the darkness of this world, to guard us from its perils, to hold us up and strengthen us when we grow weary in our mortal way; and to lead us by Thy chosen paths, through time and through death, to our eternal home in Thy heavenly kingdom; which we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. 5im0'jS Cljapemittir0p, 1831. 238 + ♦ + august tlje tEtomt^fift^ ^\)ou fbci* blr^sfeu ifountain of life, I bless Thee that Thou ^- SSJi hast infused into me Thine o>vn vital breath, so that I am be- come a living soul. It is my earnest de- sire that I may not only live, but grow; grow in grace, and in the knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May I grow in patience and fortitude of soul, in humility and zeal, in spirituality and a heavenly disposition of mind. In a word, as Thou knowest I hunger and thirst after righteousness, make me what- ever Thou wouldest delight to see me. Draw on my soul, by the gentle influ- ences of Thy gracious Spirit, every trace and every feature which Thine eye, O heavenly Father, may survey with pleas- ure, and which Thou mayest acknowl- edge as Thine own image. I ask and hope it through Him of whose fulness we have all received — Amen. J&biiip 51)oDtinb0e (1702-1751). augus^t the W^\x)mtyisiin\) -f + + 239 ^orD, t\\t 3intl)ot anti pcrs?iiat)ci: of peace, love, and good-will, soften our hard and steely hearts, warm our icy and frozen hearts, that we may wish well to one another, and may be the true disciples of Jesus Christ. And give us grace even now to begin to show forth that heavenly life, wherein there is no disagreement nor hatred, but peace and love on all hands, one towards another — Amen. HubotJicuj^ ©itcjf, n. 25. 1578. |i' tljat forgitjing tcnDrrncs^fi?, # Lord, wherewith Thou didst ever wait for me ; by that ten- der love wherewith, whenever I wandered. Thou watchest over me; by Thine infinite love, wherewith Thou wiliest that I should love Thee eternally; give me love like Thine, that I may for- give, compassionate, love like Thee— ^ Amen. §Lorli our ^oD, toljo l)a0t cljas^ro the slumber from our eyes, and once more assembled us to lift up our hands unto Thee, and to praise Thy just judgments, accept our prayers and supplications, and give us faith that maketh not ashamed, confident hope and love unfeigned ; bless our com- ing-in and going-out, our thoughts, words, and works, and let us begin this day with the praise of the unspeakable sweetness of Thy mercy. Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come — Amen. tLorD, ijDljo art as? t^e sfljauoto I of a great rock in a weary land, 2^ who beholdest Thy weak crea- tures, weary of labor, weary of pleasure, weary of hope deferred, weary of self, in Thine abundant compassion and unutterable tenderness, bring us, we pray Thee, unto Thy rest — Amen. Christina fim llorti, forasnmcl) as? all m^ strength is in Thee, grant unto ^ me this grace, that I may allow Thee to do whatsoever Thou wilt ; and that my doing may be to lie still in Thy hand, that Thou mayest do with me that thing only which is most pleasing to Thee. Do Thou adorn me with holy virtues, giving unto me humble- ness of mind, purity of heart, and all those gifts and graces which Thou know- est to be needful for me, and whatso- ever Thou wouldest have to be in me, whether in body or soul*; that so I may be able the better to please Thee, the more worthily and faithfully to serve Thee, and the more perfectly to love Thee. I pray, moreover, that Thou wouldest give me grace to arrive at that degree of perfection which Thou wiliest me to reach, and grant unto me the aids and dispositions needful for its attain- ment — Amen. liuDoUicujE palma. September t\)t jfirst •i- + -f4'«i--{-243 ilorOt \n^ ^oU ! tl)e amazing horrors of darkness were gath- ^-35J1 ered round me, and covered me all over, and I saw no way to go forth ; I felt the depth and extent of the misery of my fellow-creatures separated from the Divine harmony, and it was heavier than I could bear, and I was crushed down under it; I lifted up my hand, I stretched out my arm, but there was none to help me; I looked round about, and was amazed. In the depths of misery, O Lord, I remembered that Thou art omnipotent; that 1 had called Thee Father; and 1 felt that I loved Thee, and I was made quiet in my will, and I waited for deliverance from Thee. Thou hadst pity upon me, when no man could help me; I saw that meekness under suf- fering was showed to us in the most af- fecting example of Thy Son, and Thou taughtest me to follow Him, and I said, •'Thy will, O Father, be done !" 3Iot)n n^oolman (1720-1772). 246 + + + + + g>rpcrmbcr t\)t Second ilord, gibe us grace^ 31 pra^ Thee, so to realize Thine al- mighty succor pledged to us, Thy protecting Presence sur- rounding us, Thine all-seeing eye fixed upon us, Thy Divine heart yearning over us, that we may cease to tremble at man's anger, or shrink from man's ridi- cule; but may with a good courage per- form the work Thou givest us to do, and after we have suffered may enter into rest — Amen. Cbti?tina *IB. ll\05?etti. l^eatjcnli? ifatbctt tl)e 2lutl)or and Fountain of all truth, the bottomless Sea of all understand- ing, send, we beseech Thee, Thy Holy Spirit into our hearts, and lighten our understandings with the beams of Thy heavenly grace. We ask this, O merciful Father, for Thy dear Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ's sake — Amen. I^icfjolai^ laibiep (1500-1555). g>eptetnbci* t\)t ^IjiiU + ♦ + + + 247 jrantt i»e bcsccclj ^l;cc, ^ llorD God, unto all Thy servants, that they may continually enjoy health both of mind and body, may be delivered from present sadness, and enter into the joy of Thine eternal gladness— Amen. jrant unto U5, illmigljtv' ^oH, b^ Thy good Spirit, that we, feel- ing towards Thee as children, and filled full of trust, and hope, and faith, may remain so fixed, that, in the dark, we may trust where we cannot see, and hope where all seems doubtful, ever looking unto Thee as our Father that doeth all things well, our Father that or- dereth all. Thus may we, knowing that all things are in Thy hands, abide Thy time, patiently doing the work Thou hast given us to do — Amen. dbtaxQt 5Da\»j5on, 248 + 4. "f -f + ^rptcmbcr t^t iFourtj jrant, tor bcsrrclj Wljtt, 3ilmi%\)t\] God, that as we are bathed in the new light of Thy everlasting truth, so our clear sight of Thee in heart and mind may become sincere obedience to Thee in word and deed — Amen. lmigl)t^ ^oti, tDljo ait t\)t (Sibcr of all wisdom, enlighten my understanding with knowledge of right, and govern my will by Thy laws, that no deceit may mislead me, nor temptation corrupt me; that I may always endeavor to do good, and to hinder evil. Amidst all the hopes and fears of this world, take not Thy Holy Spirit from me ; but grant that my thoughts may be fixed on Thee, and that I may finally attain everlasting happiness, for Jesus Christ's sake — Amen. Samuel Slo^ni^on ( 1 709-1 784). jtental ^oD, tol^o Ija^t neitljrr dawn nor evening, yet sendest us alternate mercies of the dark- ness and the day; there is no light but Thine, without, within. As Thou liftest the curtain of night from our abodes, take also the veil from all our hearts. Rise with Thy morning upon our souls: quicken all our labor and our prayer: and though all else declines, let the noontide of Thy grace and peace re- main. May we walk, while it is yet day, in the steps of Him who, with few- est hours, finished Thy divinest work — Amen. 3!amcs .iiliattincau. forDt make us? to rcs^nnble cticu here the heavenly kingdom, through mutual love, where all hatred is quite banished, and all is full of love, and, consequently, full of joy and gladness — Amen. Hubobicu;^ ©ibcj^, 1578. trmal anti mos?t glorious ^oti, suffer me not so to undervalue myself as to give away my soul, Thy soul, Thy dear and precious soul, for nothing; and all the world is nothing, if the soul must be given for it. Preserve therefore, my soul, O Lord, be- cause it belongs to Thee, and preserve my body because it belongs to my soul. Thou alone dost steer my boat through all its voyage, but hast a more especial care of it, when it comes to a narrow current, or to a dangerous fall of waters. Thou hast a care of the preservation of my body in all the ways of my life ; but, in the straits of death, open Thine eyes wider, and enlarge Thy Providence to- wards me so fLir that no illness or agony may shake and benumb the soul. Do Thou so make my bed in all my sickness that, being used to Thy hand, I may be content with any bed of Thy making — Amen. ^ahn 5^onne (1 573-1 631) S)epttmbrr tl)c g^rbcntlj •l•♦^•f + +251 ami m^ colD Ijcartt tlorD, 31 ht^ seech Thee. Take away all that hinders me from giving myself to Thee. Mould me ac- cording to Thine own image. Give me grace to obey Thee in all things, and ever to follow Thy gracious leading. Make me this day to be kind to my fel- low-men, to be gentle and unselfish, careful to hurt no one by word or deed, but anxious to do good to all, and to make others happy. O Lord, forgive the sins of my temper. Pardon all my hasty words and unchristian thoughts. Make me watchful, that I offend not with my tongue. Give me a meek and loving spirit, which is in Thy sight of great price. I would not live unto myself, but unto Thee. Keep me from sin this day, and all that may offend Thee ; for Jesus Christ's sake — Amen. 252•^•^•^•^•^ September t\)t (Btgljtlj ooti tloru, toljo alone orderc^t all things well, I cast myself wholly upon Thine infinite mercy; 1 trust Thee with my all, myself, and all whom I love, and all which I de- sire; my present and my future, my hopes and my fears, my time and my eternity, my joys and my sorrows. Deal with me as Thou wiliest, and knowest best, only bind me safe to Thine ever- Amen. (ilrcaj^urp of 55e\JOtion, 1869. lasting love P^^ ilorlJt ®t)ou iFountain of goou.^ Cl^Bl ^^^^' whose tender mercies are ^^^^ over all Thy works, and who hast compassion on them that fear Thee, even as a father pitieth his children; amid the many changes and sorrows of this earthly life, grant us a patient resignation to Thy will, and con- tentment under all the rulings of Thy Providence — Amen. l^eto €\)mch '!23oofe of J©or^bip, 1876. ^rptrmbrr t\)t 0nt\) ^^.^^f-f 253 ^ i.orDt gitir us? gracr^ toe bfs^crclj Thee, to hear and obey Thy ^ voice which saith to every one of us "This is the way, walk ye in it." Nevertheless, let us not hear it behind us saying, This is the way ; but rather before us saying, Follow me. When Thou puttest us forth, go before us ; when the way is too great for us, carry us; in the darkness of death, comfort us; in the day of resurrection, satisfy us — Amen. Sanctifier and the Shepherd of Thy people, that we who are strengthened by Thy help, may, in our daily life, walk with Thee, and in all quietness of spirit serve Thee, through Jesus Christ our Master — Amen. 0oman 'iBrctiiarp. 254 * * * * * ^tpttmhtx tl}t tirnict) y^gorD, 31 offer unto W^tt all m^ sins and offences, which I have committed before Thee, from the day wherein I first could sin even to this hour ; that Thou mayest consume and burn them, one and all, with the fire of Thy love, and do away all the stains of my sins, and cleanse my conscience from all offences, and restore to me Thy grace, fully forgiving me all, and admitting me mercifully to the kiss of peace. I offer up also unto Thee all that is good in me, though it be very small and imperfect, in order that Thou mayest amend and sanctify it, that Thou mayest make it grateful and acceptable unto Thee, and always be perfecting it more and more; and bring me also, slothful and unprofitable poor creature as 1 am, to a good and blessed end — Amen. ^tpitmhtt ti)t Clctottl) -f -f 4. ^ 255 t)ou, ^ \n^ Sot^^ art eber neto^ though Thou art the most an- cient. Thou alone art the food for eternity. I am to live for ever ; not for a time — and I have no power over my being; I must live on, with intellect and consciousness for ever, in spite of myself Without Thee eter- nity would be another name for eternal misery. In Thee alone have I that which can stay me up for ever; Thou alone art the food of my soul. Thou alone art in- exhaustible, and ever offerest to me something new to know, something new to love. And so on for eternity I shall ever be a little child beginning to be taught the rudiments of Thy infinite Divine nature. For Thou art Thyself the seat and centre of all good, and the only substance in this universe of shadows, and the heaven in which blessed spirits live and rejoice — Amen. 256 •^ 4- ^ •^ ^tpttmhtt t\)t ^toclftt) ^otJt our true ilifCt in Ixiljom and by whom all things live, Thoi4 commandest us to seek Thee, and art ready to be found ; Thou biddest us knock, and openest when we do so. To know Thee is life, to serve Thee is freedom, to enjoy Thee is a kingdom, to praise Thee is the joy and happiness of the soul. I praise, and bless, and adore Thee, I worship Thee, I glorify Thee, I give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory. I humbly beseech Thee to abide with me, to reign in me, to make this heart of mine a holy temple, a fit habitation for Thy Divine majesty. O Thou Maker and Preserver of all things, visible and invisible! keep, I beseech Thee, the work of Thine own hands, who trusts in Thy mercy alone for safety and protection. Guard me with the power of Thy grace, here and in all places, now and at all times, forever- more — Amen. ^t. ?tu0ustinc (354-430). ^rptembcr t\)t tZTljirtcnitl; •{• -^ * 257 m^ ^!;ou, tDljo \)R&t taugbt us; to 3 seek first Thy kingdom and its ^M righteousness, teach me to say, *'Thy will be done" before I say, '' give me my daily bread." Teach me to accept Thy will as the foundation of my happiness, and other things as only its superstructure. I am more afraid of the hunger of the body than of the hunger of the spirit. Convince me that it would not profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul. Show me that it is only the possession of my soul that makes the possession of the world any gain. Impress me with the truth that no thing can give me joy, if I myself am not already joyful. Inspire me with the knowledge that the issues of life are not from without but from within. Guide me into the discovery that the pleasures at Thy right hand are the only things that are "pleasures for evermore " — Amen. 258 ♦!♦ -J- •^ g>rptnubfr tljt Jfourtreutlj E^ D, jcmcmbcr, ai> mo^t pitting iFa^ ther, what this frail and feeble work of Thine hands can bear without fainting; nothing, in- deed, of itself, but all things in Thee, if strengthened by Thy grace. Wherefore grant me strength, that I may suffer and endure; patience alone I ask. Lord, give me this, and behold my heart is ready. O God, my heart is ready to receive whatsoever shall be laid upon me. Grant that in my patience I may possess my soul; to that end, may I often look upon the face of Christ Thy Son, that, as He hath suffered such terrible things in the flesh, I may endeavor to be armed with the same mind. Wherefore I commit my strength unto Thee, O Lord; for Thou art my Strength and my Refuge. Keep me, and bring me safely out of this trial when it shall please Thee — Amen. (Crea^urp of 5^etiotion, 1 869. g)rptnnbcr tl;e iPiftcnul) ♦ -i- -f -^ 259 je gibe tZTljce tljanks?, ailmigljtp God, for the bread of the body that perisheth, and we beseech Thee to give us that bread by which man's higher life is fed, that we, laying hold of the life that never dies, may thereby be fitted for the troubles and burdens of this life, and look forward with joy to the higher and better life. So may we live in constant childlike trust in Thee, as to believe, though we behold it not, that the end of all things is divine, and to catch the music to which this world is set by Thee. Lead Thou us from the lower life to the better life, that little things may lose their power to vex us, and in the midst of the troubles of this life, we may have the peace of God thc^t passeth all understanding. Of Thy lov- ing-kindness and tender mercy hear us, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. 260 •^ -f •^ +^rptcmbfr t\)t ^ixttcutl) ^oD» in ®^)ce alone can our wearied spirits find full satisfac- tion and rest, and in Thy love is the highest joy. Lord, if we have Thee we have enough ; and we are happy if Thou wilt but give peace to our con- sciences, and make us know how gra- cious and merciful Thou art. Preserve in our hearts that peace which passeth all understanding; and make us better and holier in time to come. Strengthen those of us who are in any sorrow or perplexity by the inward comfort of Thy Holy Spirit, and bid us know that our light affliction, which is but for a mo- ment, worketh for us a far more exceed- ing and eternal weight of glory. For there will come a time when Thou wilt bring us to the place of perfect rest, where we shall behold Thy face in righteousness, and be satisfied from Thy eternal fulness — Amen. MtUWt fitter, 1689. ^rptrmbrr t\)t ^runurfutl) + -h +261 HDcarcst ILorD, be not locaiT of my slothfulness in serving Thee, %M but help me by the indwelling of Thy Spirit, to struggle on through every hindrance to the perfect day, overcoming as Thou mayest see best every temptation which keeps me apart from Thee, and, in the end, giving me that blessed freedom which is the portion of Thy children, freedom from self and sin, and the enjoyment of that communion with Thee which is the end of all sanctification. Pour down, Lord, the fulness of Thy grace on all I love, shed abroad Thy love into the hearts of those dearest to me, and draw them near unto Thyself, that the full beauty and truth that is in Thee may be revealed to those who know Thee but in part. So shall Thy name be glorified and Thy love perfected in them, and Thy poor servant shall praise Thy mercy forever — Amen. 262 ♦!• + + fe>rptrmbrr t\)t (I];igl)tenttl) Imigljtv' Soti^ \x)\)o Ijast cau^rH the light of eternal life to shine upon the world, we beseech Thee that our hearts may be so kindled with heavenly desires, and Thy love so shed abroad in us by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may continually seek the things which are above; and, abiding in purity of heart and mind, may at length attain unto Thine everlasting kingdom, there to dwell in the glorious light of Thy presence, world without end — Amen. ■^Boofi of praiacr;^, 1 85 1 . ^^M ^^^i toljos^c ncbcr^faiUng ^Broti^- ^ I idence ordereth all things both IM in heaven and earth; we hum- bly beseech Thee to put away from us all hurtful things, and to give us those things which are profitable for us, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ^ela^ian, K, ©. 492. September tl)t j/^imttmtl) •^ •^ -f 263 (!5oS}, since (B^ljou art ILotic, auo he that loveth not Thee and his brethren knoweth Thee not, and abideth in death, deliver us from injustice, envy, hatred, and malice; give us grace to pardon all who have offended us, and to bear with one another, even as Thou, Lord, dost bear with us, in Thy patience and great loving-kindness — Amen. viEugfnc ^ersicr, 1874. ^ ^ou, M)o art tl;r aititljor of lotje. and the Lover of pure peace and Ui affection, let all who are terrified by fears, afflicted by poverty, harassed by tribulation, worn down by illness, be set free by Thine indulgent tenderness, raised up by amendment of life, and cherished by Thy daily com- passion, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. »J3attican .^acramentarp, 2C. ©. 8oo, 264 + -i- -i- September t\)t tE^tDcntictl) J^e ht^ttcl) ^\)tti ^ iloiD, re^ member all for good ; have mercy upon all, O God. Re- member every soul who, being in any affliction, trouble, or agony, stands in need of Thy mercy and help, all who are in necessity or distress; all who love, or hate us. Thou, O Lord, art the Helper of the helpless; the Hope of the hopeless; the Saviour of them who are tossed with tempests; the Haven of them who sail ; be Thou All to all. The glorious majesty of the Lord our God be upon us; pros- per Thou the work of our hands upon us; Oh, prosper Thou our handy-work. Lord, be Thou within me, to strengthen me; without me, to keep me; above me, to protect me; beneath me, to uphold me; before me, to direct me; behind me, to keep me from straying; round about me, to deiend me. Blessed be Thou O Lord, our Father, for ever and ever — Amen. Hancciat ^Cntircttje? (1555-1626). ^tpttmhtt t\)t t!^\x)tnt^Mt$t -i- -^ 265 ^gl)rn toe are atDake^ toe are 0till II 1 1 with Thee, O God most merci- ^MRj ful, and Thy hand is over us for good. Be Thou the Desire of our hearts, and the Ruler of our thoughts. O heavenly Father, we need Thy love and Thy calm breath shed abroad in our souls to be a fountain of strength; we know not without Thee what may befall us this day, either of peril, or of tempta- tion, or of sorrow. But Thou canst put a guard about our path, and canst fence all our senses from temptation by sober- ing them with Thy holy fear. Give us, then, we pray Thee, a right sense of duty, to shield us in all conflict, and guard us against sin and death. Lead us not into temptation; or, when we are tempted, deliver us by humble watchful- ness from all power of evil — Amen. 266 * +^fptrmbrrt!jr^ijDrntivs;cconti \t brsrrclj ®l)cc, ^ iloru, tljat Thou wouldest keep our tongues from evil, and our lips from speaking guile ; that, as Thy holy angels ever sing Thy praises in heaven, so with our tongues may we at all times glorify Thee on earth — Amen. Into ttje Ijanus of tElji? bltss^eti protection and unspeakable mercy, O Lord, I commend this day my soul and my body, with all the faculties, powers, and actions of them both ; beseeching Thee to be ever with me, to direct, sanctify, and govern me in the ways of Thy laws, and in the works of Thy commandments ; that, through Thy most mighty protection, both here and ever, I may be preserved in body and soul, to serve Thee the only true God, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ]pn'Viatc ^T^cliotions, 1560. September t\)t ^tocntp.tljirti 4- + 267 ilorti, of ®b^ tenuer lobe, pre^ pare Thou Thyself a place for Thyself in my heart. Empty my heart of every feeling, thought, emotion, desire, purpose, anx- iety, hope, fear, which may interfere with Thy love. Open my whole heart to receive Thee; let nothing shut Thee out, nothing be shut to Thee. Thou alone canst fit my heart for Thyself; cleanse it wholly by Thy Spirit, that it may wholly love Thee; be wholly filled with Thee; wholly penetrated, enlight- ened, warmed, by Thee; that Thou may- est dwell in it forever, and it may love Thee with Thine own love in it everlast- ingly — Amen. ook upon mc> # iloru, anU pit^ me; make me, and let me be Thine by the choice of my will — Amen. ^i)oma^ Wil^nn ( 1 66}- 1 755). 268 + -J- fe>rptember tljr tKioent^^fourtl) u confiurnce of ^\)^ gooimc00 and great mercy, O Lord, I draw near unto Thee, as a sick person to the Healer, as one hungry and thirsty to the Fountain of life, a creature to the Creator, a desolate soul to my own tender Comforter. Behold, in Thee is all whatsoever I can or ought to desire; Thou art my Salvation and my Redemp- tion, my Hope and my Strength. Rejoice therefore this day the soul of Thy servant ; for unto Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul — Amen. ilorUt M)o Dos^t ijDa^l) out our offences, do Thou comfort us who faithfully call upon Thee; and, we beseech Thee, that Thou wouldest blot out our transgres- sions, and restore us from death to the land of the living, through Christ our Lord — Amen. ;$)arum "^Bretimrp, 2C. 55. 1085. ^ ^oti, tt)l)o of tEl)^ great louc to this world, didst reconcile earth ^-^^&CT to heaven through Thine Only- begotten Son; grant that we who, by the darkness of our sins, are turned aside from brotherly love, may by Thy light shed forth in our souls be filled with Thine own sweetness, and embrace our friends in Thee, and our enemies for Thy sake, in a bond of mu- tual affection — Amen. .JHao3acabic before ?C. 59. 700. ^ tLorU, s^trcngtljcn anD s^upportt I entreat Thee, all persons un- %M justly accused or underrated. Comfort them by the ever-pres- ent thought that Thou k no west the whole truth, and wilt in Thine own good time make their righteousness as clear as the light. Give them grace to pray for such as do them wrong, and hear and bless them when they pray — Amen. 270 'i* -J- September t\)t t!^\xymt^^$in^ m, fix m^ 0oul on ^bte; J let me not weary myself with ^ cares and anxieties and harass of this life, who hope to live with Thee in Thine everlasting love. Let me not be anxious about anything, save that Thou shouldest love me, and make my soul as Thou iovest and wili- est — Amen. |r ®l)ou^ (^ (Sod, a Hefuge from the storm, and a Shadow from the heat. Even whilst we are lying safely in Thine arms, we are sometimes foolishly timid. Oh, help our unbelief, and, in Thy tenderness, assure us of Thy protection. Thou canst make all things work together for good to them that love Thee. Let not calam- ity injure our souls; let not sorrow cor- rode our hearts — Amen. punter's 5^etootional ^erbi«iS, 1892. September tlje ^Jjocnt^.^ebnttt) + 27X Imig^t^ ^oD, tDt)o art ttie Strength of all who put their trust in Thee, grant unto us in the midst of the troubles of this mortal life, that, being confident in Thy wisdom and goodness, and Thine abid- ing love, we may endure all things in a quiet spirit, seeking ever in the midst of the things of this world to meditate oft- times upon the divine peace, and the heavenly rest of the glorified spirits of light ; and being held up by Thy mercy, may neither faint nor fear, but pass on, doing faithfully the duties of life, and, in our last hour, supported by the Everlast- ing arms, we beseech Thee to guide us into the life everlasting. This we do ask, in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord — Amen. 272 •!• •!♦ September tl)c ^tDcnt^iglitl) earcljer of all \)mtt$y tlTtioti knowest my heart, and how it stands with me. Thou hast made it, Thou knowest whether I love Thee. All 1 am or have that has any goodness in it, 1 am or have alone through Thee, for it is all Thy work in me ; but it must be Thine also by the free surrender of my heart. In Thy service, and fulfilling Thy will, I would fain spend every minute of my life. The thought of Thee shall be the sweetest to me of all thoughts ; to speak of Thee the dearest and best of all I speak or hear; the joy of Thy love shall be the inmost joy of my soul. Gladly would I devote my whole being to Thee ; accept me, then, as a living sacrifice, and give me the mind that was in Christ Jesus, to the glory of God the Father — Amen. Mic\)nti ^ailtt ( 1 75 1-1832). §)eptembrr tlje ^mnt^nintl) -i- «*• 273 ol^ 5fu\)tti ljDl)O0e t\)o&m fcoan of manifesting Thyself to Thy children is by the discipline of trial and pain, we rejoice that we can turn to Thee in the midst of great anxiety, and commit all our troubles to Thy sure help. As Thou art with us in the sunlight, Oh, be Thou with us in the cloud. In the path by which Thou guidest us, though it be through desert and stormy sea, suffer not our faith to fail, but sustain us by Thy near presence, and let the comforts which are in Jesus Christ fill our hearts with peace. And, O God, grant that the fiery trial which trieth us may not be in vain, but may Ijad us to a cheerful courage, and a holy patience; and let patience have her per- fect work, that we may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing, wholly conse- crate to Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ^entp J©. iFoote, 274 -^ + * -^ fe>fpcembrr t\)t ^\)ittitt^ f^^ (Btttml (Soti, tD^o \)n^t creatcD me to do the work of God after ^ the manner of men, and to serve Thee in this generation, and ac- cording to my capacities; give me Thy grace that 1 may be a prudent spender of my time, so as I may best prevent or re- sist all temptation, and be profitable to the Christian commonwealth; and, by discharging all my duty, may glorify Thy name. Take from me all slothfulness, and give me a diligent and an active spirit, and wisdom to choose my em- ployment; that I may do works propor- tionable to my person, and to the dignity of a Christian, and may fill up all the spaces of my time with actions of re- ligion and charity; improving my talent intrusted to me by Thee, my Lord, that I may enter into the joy of the Lord, to partake of Thy eternal felicities, even for Thy mercy's sake — Amen. Slecemp (iCaplor (i 613-1667). (October tl^e iFtot ^ + + ^ + + ^ 275 i^oHi fcDljo lcaDr0t n$ tljrougl) seasons of life to be partakers of Thine eternity; the shadows of our evening hasten on. Quicken us betimes: and spare us that sad word, " The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." Anew we dedicate ourselves to Thee. We would ask nothing, reserve nothing, for ourselves, save only leave to go whither Thou may est guide, to live not far from Thee, and die into Thy nearer light. Content to accept the reproach of truth, we would take upon us the yoke of Christ, whom it behooved to suffer ere He entered into His glory — Amen. fame?^ .iHaartincau. heavenly benediction; so that, rejoicing in Thy strength, and trusting in Thy loving-kindness, we may obtain a blessed immortality — Amen. j^atum ^retiiarp, %. 3^. 1085. 270*'^'^*** October tlje ^ccouD tiou art tlie Comfort of all totio trust Thee, the Help and Shield of all who hope in Thee. O Lord my God, from Thy hand 1 accept all things without a murmur, for whatever Thou dost is right. Is it Thy will that I walk in darkness ? Behold, Thy way is good, and I will praise Thee. Wilt Thou that my path be light and peace ? Again I praise Thee; Thy grace orders all things, and at all times. One thing only be far from me: I entreat Thee, let me not walk in sin and un- righteousiess, nor be counted among them who care not for Thee. Let my will be only Thine, then 1 shall fear nothing, no suffering and no death, and all things must work together for my good. Lord, keep me in Thy love and truth, comfort me with Thy light, and guide me by Thy Spirit — Amen. ^. Wti^ (17^8-1805). (^ttohtt t\)t ^IjirU •^•^♦^•^♦^•^♦^27Z f^^ur ifatljcr, grant us?, tW ^^h t\)t sense of Thy presence to cheer, gj and Thy light to direct us, and give us strength for Thy service. And yet more, Father, give us Thine own help and blessing in our sorrows, our faintness, our failure and sin. Thou knowest that we cannot bear our bur- dens alone. We are only little children, and the world seems very dark to us, and our path very hard, if we are alone. But we are Thy little children ; and so we know we can come to our Father, to ask Thee to help us, and enliven us, and strengthen us, and give us hope. We are not ashamed of our tears, for our Lord has wept with us. We do not ask Thee to take away our sorrow, for He was made perfect through suffering; but we do ask Thee to be with us as Thou wert with Him, our Father, close to Thy little ones, even as He has promised us — Amen. 0)t aitar at i^ome, 1863. 278 + -i- -i- + + + October tjif iFourt^ jle^^eti ate all ^^^ ^m\t$, in^ God and King, who have trav- elled over the tempestuous sea of mortality, and have at last made the desired port of peace and felic- ity. Oh, cast a gracious eye upon us who are still in our dangerous voyage. Remember and succor us in our distress, and think on them that lie exposed to the rough storms of troubles and temp- tations. Strengthen our >A^eakness, that we may do valiantly in this spiritual war; help us against our own negligence and cowardice, and defend us from the treachery of our unfaithful hearts. We are exceeding frail, and indisposed to every virtuous and gallant undertak- ing. Grant, O Lord, that we may bring our vessel safe to shore, unto our de- sired haven — Amen. i§)t. 2Cu0u^tine (354-430). (October t\)t jFiftl; ***^* + * 279 otD^ 31 kuoiJD not tDljat i& before me this day, but Thou knowest. I desire to leave all in Thy hands, and to place myself at Thy dis- posal. Do for me as Thou seest best. Prosper me in all that I undertake. Give me good success, if it be Thy will. But, if Thou seest that crosses and disappoint- ments are better for me, give me grace to accept them as from Thee. Enable me to bear them meekly and cheerfully, and to say. Father, not my will, but Thine, be done. O my God, make me happy this day in Thy service. Keep my conscience void of offence. Let me do nothing, say nothing, desire nothing, which is contrary to Thy will. Give me a thankful spirit. O for a heart to praise Thee for all that Thou hast given me, and for all Thou hast withheld from me —Amen, 280^♦^•^•^•^•^^ (j^Ctobtr tl)e ^ixt\) ^^Sljou }15rigl)tnc00 of ttrrnal glorv^ I Thou Comfort of the pilgrim soul, with Thee is my tongue without voice, and my very silence speaketh unto Thee. Come, Oh, come ; for without Thee 1 shall have no joyful day or hour; for Thou art my joy, and without Thee my table is empty. Praise and glory be unto Thee; let my mouth, my soul, and all creatures to- gether, praise and bless Thee — Amen. Pjout iDljo art ti)t eternal protect tion and salvation of our souls, arm us, we entreat Thee, with the helmet of hope, and the shield of Thy invincible defence; that so, helped by Thee in the straits of our necessities, we may be filled with joy and gladness with those who love Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ;$>arum "^retJiarp, 2C. ^. 1085. m Thou hast made me, redeemed g me, and hast kept me in Thy grace until now. Thy mercy is it, O my God, if I have done any good, or that I have been kept from any evil. Blessed be Thou for every good thought Thou hast put into my heart, and for the grace to obey it; for every blessing with- out and within. With my whole soul, and all its powers, and above its pow- ers, I would praise Thee. Lord, help me Thyself to praise Thee, with the silent praise of thankful love — Amen. f^^pen tDitir t\}t tomtjoljo of our IJ^JI spirits, and fill us full of light; ^-^Sict open wide the door of our hearts, that we may receive and entertain Thee with all our powers of adoration and love — Amen. 282 + '*' + **** (^ttohtt tilt €i^\)t\) tlortit lift up ti\t ligt)t of ®l)p countenance upon us: let Thy peace rule in our hearts; and may it be our strength and our song, in the house of our pilgrimage. We commit ourselves to Thy care and keeping this day; let Thy grace be mighty in us, and sufficient for us, and let it work in us both to will and to do of Thine own good pleasure, and grant us strength for all the duties of the day. Keep us from sin ; give us the rule over our own spirits; and keep us from speak- ing unadvisedly with our lips. May we live together in peace and holy love, and do Thou command Thy blessing upon us, even life for evermore. Prepare us for all the events of the day ; for we know not what a day may bring forth. Give us grace to deny ourselves; to take up our cross daily, and to follow in the steps of our Lord and Master — Amen. iiiaattt)Cto ^enrp (1662-1 714). (October t\)t jl^intl) •f + + ** + ^283 Imig^t^ ^oti, toe btos? anti praise Thee that we have wak- ened to the light of another earthly day; and now we will think of what a day should be. Our days are Thine, let them be spent for Thee. Our days are few, let them be spent with care. There are dark days behind us, forgive their sinfulness; there may be dark days before us, strengthen us for their trials. We pray Thee to shine on this day^— the day which we may call our own. Lord, we go to our daily work ; help us to take pleasure therein. Show us clearly what our duty is; help us to be faithful in doing it. Let all we do be well done, fit for Thine eye to see. Give us strength to do, patience to bear; let our courage never fail. When we cannot love our work, let us think of it as Thy task; and, by our true love to Thee, make unlovely things shine in the light of Thy great love — Amen. 284'^-^*-^ -^-^ ^ttohtt t\)t Wmt^ rant, toe ht^tttl) Wl\tt^ merciful Lord, to thy faithful people par- don and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins, and serve Thee with a quiet mind ; through Jesus Christ our Lord— Amen. iJBclaaian, 2C. 5B. 492, ^oU, tDl)O0e eternal probinence has embarked our souls in the ship of our bodies, not to expect any port of anchorage on the sea of this world, but to steer through it to Thy glorious kingdom, preserve us, O Lord, from the dangers that on all sides assault us, and keep our affections still fitly disposed to receive Thy holy inspirations; that, being carried sweetly and strongly forward by Thy Holy Spirit, we may happily arrive at last in the haven where we would be ; through Jesus Christ our Lord— Amen. ^^icfecs' 5I^ctJotion^, 1 700. (^ttobtx t\)t (Blt\ymt\) ^ 'h 4- ^i- ^ 2S5 ^oD, from tol)om toe Ijatie re^ ceived life and all earthly bless- ings, vouchsafe to give unto us each day what we need ; give unto all of us strength to perform faith- fully our appointed tasks, bless the work of our hands and of our minds. Grant that we may ever serve Thee, in sick- ness and in health, in necessity and in abundance, sanctify our joys and our trials ; and give us grace to seek first Thy kingdom and its righteousness, in the sure and certain faith that all else shall be added unto us — Amen. (BoD^ tojSjo art Lobe^ grant to Thy children to bear one an- other's burdens in perfect good- will, that Thy peace which passeth understanding may keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord — Amen. ^ooh of (^ourjj, 1865. 286+'J-'^ + ^ (October t\)t ^toelftl) often our Ijearts?, ^ llorti, tl)at we may be moved no less at the necessities and griefs of our neighbors, than if they con- cerned ourselves, or the cases that touched us nearest, and let us think them to befall even to our dearest friends. Let us pity them as ourselves, and, in their adversity, let us have compassion upon them, that, as we would have pit- ied ourselves for the like cause, so we may be moved with pity towards those, whom we see oppressed with the same adversities — Amen. HubotJicujI j©i\jeiS, 1578. onfirm, ctobfr ttie ^irtmulj lor^ ht to ^t)ff , ^ llorD ; glor^ be to Thee. That this day, and every day, may come on, per- fect, holy, peaceable, healthful, and without sin, — grant, Lord, we be- seech Thee. What things are good and profitable to our souls, together with peace in this world, grant, Lord, we be- seech Thee. That we may accomplish the rest of our life, in repentance and godly fear, in heahh and peace, grant. Lord, we beseech Thee. Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, what- soever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report, — that we may think on these things to do them, grant. Lord, we beseech Thee. A Christian end of our life, without sin, without shame, and, if Thou thinkest good, without pain; when Thou wilt, and as Thou wilt, grant, Lord, we beseech Thee — Amen. 1lancrtot?tnt)«we^ (1555-1626).