KINGDOM SONGS I T LET THE PEOPLE PRAISE THEE, €0D; LET ALL THE PEOPLE PRAISE THEE i^ '^oeicAi %i^^ Division e — "^^ y^ ^M--''^ KINGDOM SONGS FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL. PRAYER MEETING CHRISTIAN WORKERS' SOCIETIES and ALL SEASONS OF PRAISE Published by Authority of THE GENERAL MISSION BOARD JUN 8 1921 SINGLE COPIES, postpaid. 35 cents PER DOZEN, prepaid - $3.50 PER HUNDRED, not prepaid . $25.00 Seventy-seventh Thousand IRETHREN PUBLISHING HOUSE tlgin. Illiaoii 1915 Exhortation to Praise GOD SHOULD BE PRAISED: By All Peoples. "All the earth shall worship thee, and shall si^ig unto thee; they ■shall sing unto thy name" (Psa. 66: 4). "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord" (Psa. 150: 6). With Mind and Heart. " Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name" (Psa. 103: 1). "I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart. ... I will sing oraise to thy name, O thou most High" (Psa. 9: 1, 2). In Prayer and Song. " O come, let us sing unto the Lord. . . . For the Lord is a great God. . . . O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker" (Psa. 95: 1-6). "Be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord" (Eph. 5: 18, 19). At All Times. " I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth" (Psa. 34: 1). "I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: 1 will sing praise to my God while I have my being" (Psa. 104: 33). Under All Circumstances. Though in prison, "At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God " (Acts 16: 25). "Although the fig tree shall not blossom. . . . and the fields shall yield no meat. . . . yet I will rejoice in the Lord" (Hab. 3: 16, 17). "Praise is comely for the upright " (Psa. 33: 1). DEDICATION. To every one who is willing to " serve the Lord with gladness " and to " come before his presence with singing," to every Sunday- school scholar and worker, and to everv Christian Worker is thi-^ book of KINGDOM SONGS faithfully dedicated. THE COMMITTEE. Copyrighted, 1911. Kingbom Songs. No. 1. R. Qrant. Worship the Kin^. F. J. Haydn. 1. wor-ship the King all glo - rious a - bove, 2. tell of His might and sing of His grace, 3. Thy boun - ti - ful care what tongue can re - cite? 4. Frail chil-dren of dust, and fee - ble as frail, I And grate- ful - ly Whose robe is the It breathes in the In Thee do we won - der - ful can - op - y sing His light, whose air, it shines in trust, nor find Thee the to -^ I I love; Our Shield and De - fend - er, the space; His char - iots of wrath the deep light. It streams from the hills, it de- fail; Thy mer - cies how ten - der! how FTJ T"" ■ mr us- f=W=f^^ r 1 — I — r— t p ^mt w^-*^*^- ^ ^ '<''•*■ -0— 4=^ -ti— ^i 3^=i=i An - cient of Days, Pa - vil - ioned in splen- dor and gird - ed with praise, thun-der-clouds form, And dark is His path on the wings of the storm, scends to the plain. And sweet-ly dis - tills in the dew and the rain, firm to the endl Our Mak-er, De - fend - er, Re-deem - er and Friend. rtzi: ^mm No. 2. Mrs.C.H. M. Songs of the Kingdom. COPYRIGHT, 1008, BY J. M. HARRIS. Mrs. C. H. Morris. ^^ 1. On - ly a pil - grim here and a stranger, Seek-ing a cit - y 2. Sing of His blood which purchased our par -don, Sing of His mer-cy, 3. Sing of that won-drous cit - y of man - sions, Je - sus Him - self its 4. Keep your harp tuned, child of the Kingdom, Washed and redeemed,thro' build-ed on high, boundless and free; glo - ry and light; Je - sus an heir; -A- -A- U Sl^H^i Sing me the songs of Christ and His glo - ry, Sing of His love which flows as a riv - er, Sing of the rest God's peo - pie a - wait - ing, Soon, with our life-work done, we shall join them, ^' ^ -^ , ■^- - . =C=rt:: U ^ 1/ Chorus. w v These, on - ly these my heart sat-is - fy. Sing of His grace which saves e-ven me. Walk-ing with Him in gar-raents of white. In the glad glo - ry - song o-ver there. -It-' -A- -It- -A- -^-Tnt-. Beau-ti-ful, beau - - ti - ful Beaa - ti-ful, beao-ti - fal. -t-Jt- ic=)i: i^=i^ =t fl zuc ^ ^ songs of the King - dom, Tell-mg of Christ songs of the Eing-dom of hf.&y - en. Tell - in? of Christ and His and His ^=t: !^ ^ -•fr— -T- i- -r i r - r iM V=^ ^ — *-s-^ W^ rJ -^-W- ^ won-der-ful love; won-der- ful, won- der - ful love; ^_4-_^. ^ >- ^- >- Beau -ti-ful. beau Beau-ti-ful, beaa ti-ful . ti . ful ■^- '^^=^- t=t==t^ S^ f==B-f-f-fz:t ^ ^ ^ V V ^ ^±^ 5on*s of the Kingdom. ^-4^-^- ^m Bongs of the King - dom, Lift-ing our souls to glo-ries a - bove. eongs of the Eingdom of besT • en, No. 3. J. M.S. More Like Jesus. COPYRIGHT, 187R, BY J. M. BTILUMAN. COPYRIGHT, 1696, Bt E. O. EXCELL. J. M. StIIIman. 1. I want to be more like Je - sus, And fol-low Him day by day; 2. I want to be kind and gen - tie, To those ^ho are in dis- tress; 3. I want to be meek and low - ly, Like Je - sus, our Friend and king; 4. I want to be pure and ho- - ly, As pure as the crys - tal snow; t±=t=i a t- m E^^ ^ r — r $ mttf^im^=i^k4^=^^ mi I want to be true and faith -ful, And ev - 'ry com-mand o - bey. To corn-fort the bro-ken heart -ed, With sweet words of ten - der - ness. I want to be strong and ear -nest, And souls to the Sav - ior bring. I want to love Je - sus dear - ly. For Je - sus loves me, I know. ^^ V=^=^ hi- k- ^ -P^=P^ h P V V Retrain^ -Ml -2r mf^^^i^m^ s Mttt^ More and more like Je-sus, I would ev-er be; . . . My Savior who died for me, I . * . ey-er would be; \ )^ \ V ]r-^r^-r-p- No. 4, Speed the Kingdom. W. L. T. COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY WILL L. THOMPSON, EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO. Will L. Thompson. mm ^ 5=^: r 1. Let ev - 'ry one who feels the call, Of Je - sus in his soul, 2. Lord now with -in my heart be - gin, To make Thy kingdom known; 3. Thy king-dom come, Thy will be done. On earth as now on high; 4. Help speed the time when sin and crime, Shall be on earth no more; 5. Let ev - 'ry heart His love im - part, Till sin's dark pow'r be gone, C. His name and teach-ings shall a - bound, As on the a - ges roll; I mi^ -i — \ — t E^E :^^=^i=:i id: ^ — ^-\ 1 — fc-i " -4 ^—^~ ;3^ •Q ^-Jp^- -^- Help spread His king - dom o - ver all, Come in His cause en - roll. Give me to feel with fer - vent zeal, The cause of Christ my own. Lord ev - 'ry - where this is our pray'r, bring Thy king-dom nigh. When truth and love from heav'n a-bove, Shall o'er all na - tions soar. Theu all the earth shall know His worth, And speed His kingdom on. His king-dom gird the earth a-round, And reign from pole to pole, come i^pg^ Chords. - — «i- ^-4^- i^. :13 ^ 1 Speed the king-dom, speed the king-dom, Speed the king-dom on; Speed the king:- l^giipSi^ligfl A - round the world,His flag un - furled,We'll speed the king-dom on. .r- f- fL P— r-# p. ^ A r-^ 4 A— g g-^- m^ mp^^-m^ m^^^^^W dom on; Bpced the kin; - dom on. No. 5. All the Earth Shall Worship Thee. E. E. Hewitt. COPYRIGHT, 1«O0, BY E. O. EXCELL. WOR06 AND MUSIC. Jno. R. Sweney. t^-^:t^ P-A 1 1 1 — -t- i±^t^: ^P 1. All the earth shall wor - ship Thee, WTiile an - gels cry a - loud, 2. All the earth shall wor - ship Thee, The spring-time blos-soms fair, 3. All the earth shall wor - ship Thee, The peo - pie far a - way, 4. All the earth shall wor - ship Thee, E - ter - nal Lord and King; A >-• h -^ J I — I 1 m — ri # A 1- m "J -♦- -♦- S ■m-i — V — « — •- :=t i^^ng: -^- And meek - ly their bright fac - es veil. In a - do - ra - tion bowed. The sum - mer fruits, the win - try snow, Thy gra-cious hand de - elare. Shall see the Star of Bethlehem rise, And hail the gos - pel day. Our lips re - peat the bless - ed sung That heav'n-!y chor - als sing. m^ ~^-h-]i=pS I i 1 v~i — r Cbobus. ^— •— I — 1 V r— r J=i ^ ■Tj m ^r -^ — s ' 1 All the earth shall wor-ship Thee, And sing un - to Thy name; Thy name; m _^T_8__tL. 4. imm ^^^k^m ^- ^=^^ Thy won-drous works, Thy might-y pow'r, Thy sav - ing love pro - claim. I I ^•^ — r— I — 1 , - M ^ ti ^=^^^ No. 6. Fanny Crosby, Praise Ye the Lord. COPVRIQHT, t903, BY E. 0. EXCELL. WORDS AND MU6IC. KJ h I John R, Sweney. 1. Praise ye the Lord, the God of our sal-va-tion, Lift up your hearts and 2. Praise ye the Lord whose truth a - bid-eth ev-er, Trust in His word who 3. Praise Him, ye stars, the arch of night a-dom-ing, Ye who be - held the 4. Strike, strike your harps, ye sainted ones in glory. Ye who have pass'd with- f-t r, h W^ Kf^ '^^ r\j^ --l^-^-»^l--^ ^'^-|M--g ::--_, ^^^^mm mag - ni - fy His name;. Praise ye the Lord with ho - ly a - do - ra-tion, marks the spar-rows' fall; Hope in His love whose mercy fail-eth nev-er, new ere - a-tion's worth; Ye who re-joiced to ush - er in the morumg, in the gates of light; Shout, shout a-loud redemption's hallowed story. Choeus. gb l, J | - jhfir::^=j^[:^ z=J:zzj =| ,_4— ^J- | _| ^^ q rqr Tell of His pow'r His mighty works proclaim. Look un - to Him who watcheth o - ver all. Praise ye the Lord, ye an-gels Bright with the smile that hail'd Messiah's birth. tiie i^ord. While with the King ye walk in spot-less white. >.. .^ .^ _ _ f; ^ .A.. _ . -A- ism ^=P=P: ^V=X=^ -A-'-fA-A. I \ choirs adore Him, Cherubim and seraphim cast your crowns before Him; Proph- Praise Ye the Lord. eta and mart}TS swell the joyful song, Honor and majesty to Him be-long. Sgjfjg i=i=t -> 4 \ k \k ^ i^ ** SSES m ^m No. 7. 6weet Praise. USED BY PER. OF MR6. 6ALLIE K. HOLSINGER. Mrs. Frank A. Breck. copyright, iwo, by geo. b. holsinger Geo. B. Holsingrer. i^ t--^ u ^m^^^ ^ — ^ — ~ 1. Praise Mr great Redeemer, praise Him, praise Him! Tell His righteousness shout and sing; 2. Christ hath bro't us gladness, highest gladness! Tell His blessedness, praise Hisnamc; 3. Shout,Ofloodsofocean,prai3eHim,praiseDim!Mouiltains;smg of Hira,vales and hills; Tell His lov-ing-kind-ness, praise Him, praise Him!Praise our Re-deem-er-King. Great His love and mer-cy, ev - er-last-ing! Let us His love pro-claim. Men and fair-est angels,praise Him, praise Him! Till high - est heav-en thrills. ?=t=t ii rrt'^rr- ^^f^ Sing His prais - es, Praise His name; Sing ye His praises, Joy-f ul - ly praise Him, Sing ye His praises, praise ye His name ; • — r-» F-S-l»-r 1 Praise the bless-ed Sav-ior, praise Him I praise Him! Sing un-to Him sweet praise. No. 8. D. R. Van Sickle. S:ee^^ All Mail, Immanuel! COPYRIGHT, 1910, BYE. O. EXCELL. WOaDS AND MUSIC. Chas. H. Qabrlel. ^^ ^^W^' i— ^ i^-t— ft^ rr 1. All hail to Thee, Im-man - u - el, We cast...... our crowns be- 2. All hail to Thee, Im-man - u - el, The ran - - somed hosts sur- 3. All hail to Thee, Im-man - u - el. Our ris - - en King and , mmmw^ i^ fore Thee; Let ev - 'ry heart o - bey Thy will. And ev - - 'ry voice a- round Thee; And carth-Iy monarchs clamor forth Their Sov - 'reign,King to- Sav - iorl Thy foes are vanquished, and Thou art Om - nip - - o - tent for ■m- -m- -m- -w^ :pzi±: ]?=:3tzt=t ^^ ti:t t=S^ -r-f dore Thee. In praise to Thee, our Sav - ior. King, The vi-brant chords of c^o^vn Thee. While those redeemed in a - ges gone, As-semb-led round the ev - er. Death, sin and hell no Ion - ger reign. And Sa-tan's pow'r is mm^M^'^^ >— A- ^g ^ heav - en ring, And ech - o back great white throne, Break forth in - to burst in twain; E - ter - nal glo might - y strain: All mor - tal song: All to Thy Name: All 1^ ^ ^^^j^= ^Ai^j^ d^ " j^^p— ^— U - ^ T^' Si^a 5- hani aU haill AU bail, all All bail! >11 haill g^3; f^^ hail. Im - man - u - ell :t* -i^-*- ■^ i^ i CH0ED3. ^" "^''' Immanuel! Hail, Ini-man-u-el, Im-man-u-ell Hail r ,r H&il to the King we lore so veW, a AAA A ■ A A • Hail. Hail! . Im . maa-u-till ] lail to the Kine we lore so well, A-r N ^>.. u^ \. r \ m ' M ■ rr :5_^_l^^b-g-^S-B-- f> f ■ r r F 1 »»i M> 1^ 1a m>-;4-^U-i^-m^h4-^H- — A — — A^it-^^^ 4^^i^_t/ ^-^t?-V - k^^i^ ^^ ^^ 1 -r- - y P ^-^ - u - el, Im-man-u-ell ^3 3 ,. ' j^' — _• ^ -^ ' ■* — * — - — f — J p -^^-^ — ^ — -* Im-man - u - el, Im-man - u - ell I r Hail. Im Hail!. ... Jr. man - u • el! ^J^. GIo-17 andhon-or and maj-es-ty, Glo - > ry and maj - 63 • ty. f" 3 U Wis-dom and pow-er be un - to Thee, Now and ev - er - mo rel ^ Wis • dom be un - to Thee, | .'^ 7**''^ L__J_J_ ^ ^ f lr-^ — p—r fci=i= :t=tz Hail, Im-man-u-el, Im-man-u-ell Hail, ^-^-^ .-= ^' EaQ to the Kin^ we loTC SO well. Hail, Im - man-a-ell Hail to tiie Eiag we lovo so well, Hail! - >^A_ A.AA. - ^^^^^^^^ ^ » • -'? 14 lA-A-A— J— 1_ 3- _- '^ ^ / P'^~P '9' Im-man-u-el, Im-man-u-el I -A A-^A— A r — ^-rv -^ Bail. Im - Dui-o-eU Euigof kingsandLorduf lords.AU hail,Im-maQ-u-el! M-' ~J* ^ t -k- ^^ ^-^-FTF^ p ^^^ R- :pd No. 9. Faith's Prayer. COPYRIGHT 1903, BY R. H. WILLIS. Emma Graves Dietrick. transferred to w. l. Thompson, 1904. R. Hayes Willis. 1. Lead me, dear Lord, by Thine own hand, Wher-e'er the path may go; 2. Teach me, dear Lord, in Thine own way, "Waat-e'er I ought to be; 3. Guide me, dear Lord, by Thine own eye, In ev - 'ry step I take; ;-4 1 4 - - 14 * 14 --^14 1 4 Lk — 14 i b i • 14- ^ ^ I V =^- t * f- i if -; % t-1- EaE$E?iEj i^ai3i^~i ^ i^^ 3r i^ It may be fair or des - ert land, I do not need to know. The les - sons may be hard to say, The path too dark to see. So shall I feel Thee al-ways nigh. And live for Thy dear sake. — !r_H^. — p 1 1 ^^_ — ^ ■>-•- ^ — r ^ — p^-; — , 1 k^ 1 t=-i=:e=ifc=:fcFd: 3^ :^2:; t i^ ^ I on - ly need to trust Thy care, To know Thy love is sure. But hold - ing fast Thy pierc-ed hand, I can - not go a - miss; And look - ing up to Thee, my Guide, Thro' dark-ness or thro' light, ^l^PI To let Thee all my bur - dens bear. And in Thy strength en- dure. Un - til 1 reach the Un - seen Land By faith I'll walk in this. May I in trust - ful faith a - bide Till faith is lost in sight. mmm^ yt=tA ^^ No. 10. The Answering Time Will Come. ilary B. Wlngate. COPYRIGHT, 1fl08, BY JAMEB M. BLACK. U8bD 6Y PER. James fl. Black. 1=t ^-^ ^-- ■d=i =3-5=3Fi r iP3=t^ s- Ask what thou wilt, be - liev-ing heart, The an-swer-ing time will come; Ask in the name of Christ thy Lord, The an-swer-ing time will God^s Word is sure, it can - not fail. The an-swer-ing time will God will not mock be - liev-mg pray'r, The an-swer-mg time will come; come; come; u i m - I — I — r- j r~r r-r ^s.- Pray and be-lieve— that is thy part, The an-swer-ing time will come. Rest on the prom-ise of His word, The an-swer-ing time will come. The pray'r of faith shall yet pre - vail, The an-swer-mg time will come. He knows the bur-den thou dost bear, The an-swer-ing time will come. ^ :is=?: I I I ^ 5 f=F = :^ ■iSf- ^^ I I I Chorus. i^T ^^ i^—r 3=^ -«^— The aii-swering time will come. The an - swer-ing time will come, will come, will come, -k- -^ fit m :s=t ^=?- ^^^^B The* dark the way, still trust and pray, The an-swer-ing time will come. No. 11. Leaning On the Lverlasting Arms. Rev. E. A. Hoffman. COPYRIGHT BY A. J. 6H0WALTER. UaeO UY PER. A.J. Showalter. 1. What a lei - low-ship, what a joy di - vine, Lean-ing on the ev - er- 2. Oh, how sweet to walk in thia pil - grim way, Lean-ing on the ev - er- 3. What have 1 to dread, what have 1 to fear, Lean-ing on the ev - er- -A-^ fcfei ^ P I m z=:C=e±rC: -| — r ^^=^=r=rfn rs ^-- ~^^=±4=^ t=^- m last - ing arms; What a bless - ed - ness, what a peace is mine, last - ing arms; Oh, how bright the path grows from day to day, last - ing arms; I have bless - ed peace with my Lord so near, m i- t=t e— e — c r=rr p=^ Refrain. :i|:^=^=n 1==t ^i :^ r^-- 5 Lean - ing on the ev • er • last - ing arms. Lean - ing, Lean • in? on Je • sas, -f^— T-A B \^ rU ^-i— ^-J J- i s^ t:. &EgEE3 f i lean - - ing, lean - ing on Je • sas. w^mm Safe and se-cure from aJ' a - larms; J—. i 1 Lean • ing, lean - ing, Lean-ing on the ev-er-last-ing arms. Leaa-ing on Je - bus, lean • ing on Je - bus, Bf yanalsaioa. ^o. 12. Rer. W. R. FlUh. He Knoweth the Way. OOPYRWHT, 1908, BY CHA8. H. ttABRIEL. K, O, eXCELL, OWNER, Chas. H. aabrtel. ^S M=i= iE ■^—i-^iil—t- ^ i=^- ^ ^ ^ :A- 1. I know Dot the field where the Mas-ter to - day Would have me to 2. A prayer, or a tear, or a glance of the eye. May sof - ten a 3. I can • not quite tell where to - day Ue will lead, Or say on what h h h glean, and the sheaves gath-er in; But this I do know. He will heart that is care-less or cold; The Spir • it will help me, if er - rand lie '11 ask me to go; And yet I am sure that what- t .^ .^ ^ / / i gr^f=p=f- '0 V V V J. n=f y —y-y r^ ^^^ ^ *=fc -^ t-^v -A=t-- ■<* — V i=^45^^ show me the way To gar-ner the souls I am striv-ing to win. on - ly I try To lead a lost sin - ner back in - to the fold, ev - er my need, Hiswis-dom and grace He will f ree - ly be • stow. u/ 1/ u I He knoweth the way, His fie knoweth thewiy, h h ^ will I o-bey....... What- Eis will I o • bey. --r — i^ • ^ — ^ — ^ — r_~^ — »— F-s — pP-i « «■ rff=f i l^^^^^i^^B ev-er be-fall, I can trust Him for all; He knoweth. He knoweth the way. -4i— M—m— A * i ,A — r^ A f fc A A , A A-i-A ^ — A F-pA— A * ^ / f ^ / m i No. 13 All the Way My Savior Leads Me. Fanny J. Crosby. COPYRIGHT, 10O0, BY MARY RUNYON LOWRY. RENEWAL. USED BY PER. Rcv; Robeft Lowiy. ^^P=^=^ t tr :^=:^=3^ t:^- 1. All the way ray Sav-ior leads me; What have I to ask be - side? 2. All the way my Sav-ior leads me, Cheers each wind-ing path I tread, 3. All the way my Sav-ior leads me, the ful - ness of His love! i^k^ -*-^ J:— t:=t S rrrfrrf ^~r^^ "gT \ ^ii^^^^^SJ Can I doubt His ten-der mer-cy, Who throMife has been my Guide? Gives me grace for ev-'ry tri - al, Feeds me with the liv - ing bread; Per-fect rest to me is prom-ised In my Fa-ther's house a-bov«: ^_.U_J^- ^fe ^^ 1 1 -^ =^^^ 1^ %=^^-- f-r-n ^ \ ■m — m- y-v-^ fcfe: i=t ^^m^^^ t— t^^ ,-J^-4^ 5^ ^S ^- S. '^ Hear'nly peace, di - Tin • est corn-tort, Here by faith in Him to dwelll Tho' my wea - ry eteps may fal - ter, And my soul a-thirst may be. When my spir - it,cIothed im-mor - tal, Wings its fliglit to realms of day, EE" A-S- gj#^^ r 1 1 tTn m ^^g^^g ^^S^g i eggs For I know, what-e'er be - fall me, Je - sus do - eth all things well; Gush-ingfrom the Rock be -fore me, Lo! a spring of joy 1 see; This my song thro' end-less a - ges, Je - sus led me all the way; J —'a — r"fc A m * — I A ^k ik A A A ^ i uJ — E t=p m j^ I All the Way My Savior Leads Me, ^*^ fc=4r 3E5.Ei giU fes For I know, what-e'er be - fall me, Je - sus do - eth all things well. Gush-mg from the Rock be - fore me, Lo! a spring of joy I see. This ray song thro' end-less a - ges, Je - sus led me all the way. *^-^ — * — t — --'I I — i^— ]^— r^— tr~t — i:~Tt- ±1 ^=JK Mo. 14, a. F. R. Alon§ the River of Time. USED BY PERMISSION OF THE JOHN CHURCH CO. OWNERS OF COPYRIGHT. George F. Root. ^^ 1. A - long the Riv-cr of Time weglidc, A-long the riv-er, a-long the riv-er, 2. A -long the K!v-er of Time we glide, A-long the riv-er, a-long the riv-er; 3. A - long the Riv-er of Time we glide, A-long the riv-er, a-long the riv-cr; m: hi h h h h A->-A= T,^^=^i^^-- Wi ■^-v ^f^— fe p '^^^^^^m The swift -ly flow-mg,re-sist-less tide, The swift-ly flow-ing,the swift-ly flow-ing, thousand dangers its currents hide, A thousand dangers, a thousand dangers, Our Sav-ior on-ly our bark can guide, Our Sav-ior on - ly, our Sav-ior on-ly, hi h h h h 1 s 1.-^ 1^ ^1— I y -^-g^ : >— A— A- I k V ti h ^ ^^' T — r Hbs; -■ i^ And soon, ah, soon the end we'll see: Yes, soon 'twill come, and we will be And near our course the rocks we see: dread - ful tho't! a wreck to b'', But with Him we se - cure may be: No fear, no doubt, but joy to b<^ •^ -dkt- -A- -^ -A- -A- -^ -^ -^ -^ -^ -A- -▲- -^ -A- -A- Y T r XX X -X-X-X:. g=j 5zfc ii ^=t^=^ ■t:X V=X>- S 1 "■'■ Repeal pp pi^^^i^^^^igl Float-ing, fcf^ float-ing Out on the sea of e - ter - nl - ty! i |i— r- ^,: ^^E|±3E^Hi itini: 1 H-H^f-^ May I be Faithful. COPYRIGHT, ISOe, BY CHA8. H. GABRIEL* E. O. EXCELL, OWNER. Chas. H. Ottbriel. ^ ^ 1. The Mas-ter ha8 gone to a dis-tant country And left me a charge to keep, 2. There's labor for me that no oth -er can do, A place I a -lone can fill; 3. Shall oth-ers go forth to the field of harvest While I with the i-dlers stand? 4. The day that shall break for my Lord's appearing, He hath not revealed to me, -1- r*":f^-"* '-tr^ir»-^i^=^!F^Z^- A work in His vineyard, a field for reaping, A shepherd to guard His sheep. Then why should I not be among the chosen, Re - joic-ing to do His will? The ta! - ent He gave me, shall I not use it. In f ol-low-ing His com-mand? Yet if He but find me a faith-ful serv-ant A glo - ri - ous day 'twill be, Chorus. ^ ^==^ r^ =p=^ '^ b ^ ^ u May I be faith-ful un - to the trust He as-signed me; Con - stant in Con-stank in heart and in ^- A ' A A I A— -A — A — A— Al — A *-r«-; r* — • — * — ." — • — • — rm~^ — — r •" — • — — ■■ — m — i trqq±i^:^: Sitrtg senrice, Earnest ia all that I do; Hay I be faith-full Out ia the e: HS^ ?J2 tiCZ{i=t£ field may He find me. When He re - tum-eth, pa-tient and loy-al and truel ^sp^i^^P^^^ No. 16, c. H. a. I Will Not Porget Thee. COPYRIGHT, 18B9, BY E. O. CXCELL. WQTtDS AND MUSIC. Chas. H. aabrlel. sg^^^^^^^^ 1. Sweet is the prom-ise "I will not for-get thee," Nothing can mo-lest or 2. Trust-ing the prom-ise "I will not for-get thee," Onward will I go with 3. When at the gold -en por-tals I am stand-mg. All my trib-u-la-tions, e-S^i 1 T mrrr V V V V ^ te±: m ii=i-- turn my E^oul a - way; E'en tbo' the night be dark with-in the val - ley, 60Dg3 c{ joy and love, Tbo' earth de-spise me, tho' my friends forsake me, all my sor-rons past. How sweet to heal the bless-ed proc-la-ma- tioo, Z^^-W- £-g^EE3=FP^ > K k BE£ i=: K I .1^ Chords. ±a ^ Just be-yond is shin-ing an e - ter-nal day. I Bhall be re-mem-bered in my home a-bove. I will not for* "En - ter faith-ful servant, welcome home at last." i win not for-eot thee: -MS-t- 4 — h^-st- ^ :a^Oi -t^ .^^ =:^^tr«=i tr get thee or leavethee.In my hands I'll holdthee,in my arms m fold thee, I I will ae?-€r leave thee, ^_ I will not tor- ?;rx ^•^^ ier; ^^^mm s rsrrr? ¥ V ¥ ¥ ^ > !=» ^ . . . will nut forget thee or leave thee; I am thy Redeemer, 1 will care for thee. get thee, for -gel No. 17. Alfred H. Ackley Legato. Somebody Knows. COPYRIGHT, 1008 AND 1B09, BY F. 0. FISCHER. WORDS AND MueiC, E. O. EXCELL, OWNER. B. D. Ackley. 1. Failing in strength when opprestby my foes, Somebody knows, Somebody knows; 2. Why should I fear when the care-billows roll?Somebody knows, Somebody knows; 3. Wounded and helpless and sick withdi8tress,Somebody know8,Somebody knows; KS t=t m m ^ -li—d- ■^ i^-^ I i- ^ J » 12^ -©-s— ^ EE _^_^ feS^EEEEtel;§ifJ^ ^'^^F^^^ gl Waiting for some one to ban-ishmy woes, Somebody knows, 'tis J e - bus. When the deep shadows sweep over my soul, Somebody knows, His Je - sua. Long-ing for home and a mother's ca-ress, Somebody knows, 'tis Je - sus. W^^. 4=1 I^ ^E ^*-^-, i^ j^^_j^^_^j^^ -■4 — 5J-S — '—d— 4 • «- •*■ -St- !i--F- i* Chobcs. 1^^ m r Somebody knows. Somebody knows. When I am tempted and tried by my foes; rit. gt^^^^ ^^JJE^l fejE^^ fe^ i t He is the One who will keep me— Some-bod-; knows, 'tis Je • sus. >■ >- .,^' f?. -A- ■ -nrr—r-t ; ^ ^£ No. 18. E. K. LatU. If We're Only Faithful. COPyRIQMT, U«9, BY J. HENRY 8H0WALTEH. J. M. 5howalter. m^=m^^m^^^ 1. We shall reach the shore, some day, 2. We shall see the Lord, some day, 3. We shall wear a crown, some day, 4. By the jas - per sea, some day, I If we're on - ly faith - ful If we're on - ly faith - ful If we're on - ly faith - ful If we're on - ly faith - ful ISiIi 2 Jk A-r- :ti==li: I ^ V f=t=^ . Q 1. L H f^— > K- — H 1 kl , r-f -h ! (V-r 1 1 rb^-j=^-^ -^'^ E2= --^-^^'--V^fF=ir=^--r' -M Where the crys And a - bide That'shall nev • We shaU go -i '■ -tal wa- with Him • er fade no more ters play. If we're on - ly faith for aye. If we're on - ly faith a - way. If we're on - ly faith a - stray. If we're on - ly faith -&■ J -ful. -ful. -ful. -ful. S>r r±-5=i- -M^ 5 3^b^^T^t -z^czs^ P^b- 1 i^ V "^ =lS F^t^ 1 i^ i 1 Refrain. :hJU-fc^ ^ We shall gam the shm - ing sands, Where the ho - ly cit - y stands, ^=t=^=t=?=t^ ^ i 1/ 1/ — f— P — V I -^—^ P— P p-^1 ■ ^^ And shall join the hap - py bands, 11 we're on - ly faith - ful. j:: — ^ V I- k W— J \r± — f m No. 19. S. M. 1. Henry. My Father Knows. COPYRIGHT, 1H9;, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUEIC. E. O. Bxcell. ^^^^m. 1. I know my heav'nly Fa-ther knows The storms that would my way oppose; 2. I know my heav'nly Fa-ther knows The balm I need to soothe my woes, 3. I know my heav'nly Father knows How frail I am to meet my foes, 4. I know my heav'nly Fa-ther knows The hour my journey here will close. Ifc^ P&^ 4-F— -n lit lA-i — 1^ ¥=^=f But He can drive the clouds a- way, And turn my darkness in - to day, And with His touch of love di- vine, Heheals this wounded soul of mine. But He my cause will e'er de-fend, Up - hold and keep me to the end. And may that hour, faith-ful Guide Find me safe shel-tered by Thy side, t^ ■A- -A- ^t=t? ^ ^^=^:^-^- -^d^—i. I El m^ -pr I And turn my dark - ness in - to day. He heals this wound - ed soul of mine. Up - hold and keep me to the end. Find me safe shel-tered by Thy side. Refrain. 'i~r r f^- He knows. He My Fa - tber knuws. P U M fcfei::^ W- fTrf ^r=X ^^If i knows The storms that would my way op - pose; He I'm sure He knows that would my way op - pose; - - - -A-' lg=f? -K->-^- n — g i g' J — p ■p-^ r 5 u My Father Knows. I '7 ^ -It t^lIZT^ f^^ntlr i^^^^^-'' -s^. knows, He knows, And tempers ev-'ry wind that blows. My Fa-ther knows. I'm sure lie kuows, the wind that blows. ' p # iiiUpMt U^^t/ppt/U No. 20. Be Thou Our Guide. fe* USED BY PERMISSION OF MRS. SALLIE K. HOLSINGER Albert Cassel Wieand. copyright, ibos, by geo. b. holsinqer. Geo. B. Ilolsinger. J ^t 1—3: -* — -t-— 5- ^ mm 1. On the ra-diant thresh - old Of this dawn 2. Lo! the Fa - ther bids us Come to seek I - - ing day, His aid; 3. Keep us from temp - ta - tion, Bless in ev - - - 'ry need; Of tbia dawn - ing day, In the sa - cred still - ness, We will pause Prof - fers help and guid - ance, To the eve Lead us, gen - tie Shep - herd, WTiere Thy flocks ^ ^ h r and pray. ning's shade. do feed. We will pause and pray. -A A A- j^— k^r- r Chorus. ^ i i ^ ^ 4- id- In the mom - ing, noon and eve - ning, We would seek Thy side; In the morn-ing. noon and ere-ning, We would seek Thy side; # » #- do Thou, dear Lord, be-friend us, be Thou our guide. be Thou our gnide. ^^ k ^^ ■t- — ^ y-ff- T" No. 21. James Rowe. How Sweet is His Love. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. E. O. Excell. irt * ^ i E iT=%^: ^ 1. When troub-Ied my soul and when peace I would find, How sweet is the 2. When faint - ing and help - less I fall in despair, How sweet is the 3. When dark is the night and when sore - ly distressed, How sweet is the m^^^^^m g^ V ^mmmmm^^^^^ love of Je - susi When lone - ly I feel, and when friends are un-kind, love of Je - sus! When suf-f'ring with pain, and when sor - row I bear, love of Je - susl When long -ing my soul for His com -fort and rest, How sweet is His love "^t-r^ to met . . . . ho how sweet, .... how how Bweet, how sweet is His love, how sweet is His love, How sweet is His love to me! sweet, how sweet is His love, When »i f | f - | f^FEf :p=t: Ui\ \\li ^ ^ ¥^ Pi^ me! n t ^-^-3 ^F^F^ friends all have gone, and I suf - fer alone. How sweet is His love to S^^^^PPI 1/ f u t t±t No. 22. James Rowe. It is Wonderful Love to Me. PROPERTY OF PERRY BROS. MUSIC CO* S. C. Arnold. 1. won-der-ful is Je - susMovel It is bright-en-ing all the way, 2. It brought me from the vales of sin, Where the sorrows of life in-crease, 3. Tho'oft-en dis-tant seems the goal, I shall nev-er de-spair or roam, 4. While here I dwell my song shall be Full of praise for my King a - bove, ^^ a ^E^^g#^^p|p to^ i^^^^SlSii S—r •o* And, wheth-er blue or cloud a-bove, Giv-mg joy to my soul each day. And placed me, pure and sweet with-in, On the beau - ti - ful plains of peace. For Je - sus' love will draw my soul Ev - er on- ward towards its home. Aud yon-der for e - ter - ni - ty I will sing of His pre-cious love. i Refrain. :fe=t ^S w *ta- -A-T- Won - der-ful iove, won - der-ful love, Won - der - ful love won - der - ful love, Ft--=fc:i^ 1 Ev-er bound-less and sweet and free; Won-der-ful love, WoD-der-fn love ^^^^P won - der-fullove, It is won-der-ful love to me won - der - ful love. . . lo me. No. 23. The Beautiful Banner ot Love, Harriet E. Jones. COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY JAME6 D. VAUQHAN. James D. Vaughan. =^^^^^^m^m 9~p-p- 1.0 beau-ti-ful ban-ner for mor-tals un-furled, A ref - uge of safe - ty for 2. It waves for the weary,the sin-sick and sad, While marching beneath it the 3. ban-ner of crim-son, the ho - ly and blest, Be-neath it is safe - ty and 4. shel - ter of beau-ty till cross is laid down, So sweet-ly up-lift - ing to -A- -A- -^ -▲- -A- -A- -^ -^ ^_(i_g_#-,^_^_- r r r r -4:--rJ»-#-^ r- r r E^^^=^ all the wide world, The cov - er for mill-ions now hap-py a - bove, This heart is made glad; Sweet songs are a-ris - ing as on-ward we move, Be- in - fi - nite rest; Through-out our life jour- ney a blessing to prove, This mansion and crown; To all that is wait - ing in glo - ry a - bove, rTN -A- -A- -A- -A- -A- :p-f— tr_t-__4: Is: F»^ [ r& ^Eg k I k — i^ — k -V— k :^s=t5: ^=¥: Chords. won - der - ful ban - ner, the ban - ner of love, neath the bright ban - ner, the ban - ner of love, beau - ti - ful ban - ner, the ban - ner of love, beau - ti - ful ban - ner, the ban - ner of love. beau-ti-ful ban-ner of beau - ti - ful, beau-ti • ful ^^^^^FF=^ ==k=-k_^-E ^-^ I FH k =P P^ -=^ love, beau-ti-ful ban-ner of love; For all it ban - ner of love, beau • ti • ful, beau-ti • ful baa • ner of love; -A- -A- -A- -A- -A- -i t=^-± ■^^^^^^ ^^^^=i ^t ^ :i^i = ::: f P^g^ wav-mg, its thousands is savuig, beau-ti-ful, beau-ti-ful ban - ner of love. -A- -A- -A- -A- -A- _ ^ 4r_tr_1r-:[r_^ f .» T- »- No. 24. Whom Having Not Seen, I Love. riaad Frazer. b^srt: COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY CHA8. H. GABRIEL. COPYRIGHT, 1009, BY E. O. EXCELL. A— h Chas. H. Qabrlel. 1. A Fripnd have I who standeth near, To com-fort me and still each fear, 2. In vain may fan - cy strive to trace My Savior's beauty and His grace; 3. The pre clous hope I have each day II - lu-mines all my earth-ly way; 4. With that fair mansion e'er in view, My pil-grim jour-ney I pur-sue; ^^^ m^^ ^^ b=t: It is my Lord and Sav - ior dear, Whom, having not seen, I love. More fair than I can dream, His face, Whom, having not seen, I love. That He will take me home to stay, Whom, having not seen, I love. And try my Sav - ior' s will to do, W'hom, having not seen, I love. m J3: t:- f^=? -m& Chorus. t^ P Jl-M^ J^-(^ :^ K=P^=^=p^=^ t^-t^ -K-^-* — (♦ — 1^ — I f v^ And He is pre-par-ing a place For me in His home a - bove; And He ia pre-par-ing a place, For me in His home a -bove; -Ar- -^- • • . - -A- -A- -A- -r^ '^ ]J=1»=t£ I I 1/ I f^ ^=t: t=t ^i ^^ ^^ Where I shall be-hold His face, Whom,having not seen, I love. Where I shall be - hold His face. S jr_ ^ t?: •W-^ I .^s: t=:# 1^— u X- - ,r r r ^-:as ^=f-4 No. 25. What a Blessing Is His Love! Junes Rowe. WORDS AND MUaiC COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY E. O. EXCELL. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT BECURED. Ira B. Wilton. PPf t: t=t--i—t ■t=i=i=i=*=tz=:9z =S t=t^ ^1 U 1/ 1/ b 1. When the storms of life are rag-ing, And the wind and waves pre-vail, 2. When mis-for-tune o - ver -takes me, And when health and strength depart, 3. When the tempt-er would al - lure me From the straight andnar-row way, m ^^ ^ # — « — •_ -k— k k k g -l-k— k— ki:i b==^j V=^- I h^pM^:^ IrJE^-rS^TTg-^-; t=i ^=:£=:^rt-ih^ i ^4: t=ii=a^-- What a bless-ing is my Sav-ior's love! Whon my bur-dens seem too heav-y, What a bless-ing is my Sav-ior's lovel When the world,with all its pleasures, What a bless-ing is my Sav-ior's lovel When my worn and wea-ry spir - it -i^-f-r r r- r r r ^ , ^-A And my strength and courage fail, What a bless-ing is my Sav-ior's love! Brings no com-fort to my heart, What a bless-ing is my Sav-ior's lovel Longs to see the light of day. What a biess-ing is my Sav-ior's lovel fc^ -h b K \— V ^^—V v=^ f -^-v Chorus. a i m E^ ^-=^=1^-- ffn^ V-^-l ' 1^- What a bless - ing, what a bless - ing,What a blessing is my Savior's What a blessing, what a blessing: is His lore. U.S. ^ >— ^ r g r ^ ^ ^^^^T^-^ lovel When the rag-ing waters roll O'er my fainting, troubled soul, what a bless-ine, i-.^^i^ ^^^ -t4^ ^^^S No. 26. Hope Enters Within the Vail. i. HENRY 8HOWALTER. OWNER. J. Henry Showalter. PPPifl zl;^s=s;;=fe==tv=ifczz± f=^ ^ ^=t=-^=^ V u T-P- m 1. My bark is on a troubled sea, (a troub-led sea;) 2. My hope must have Christ's righteousness, (Christ's righteousness,) 3. WTien-e'er I quit this changing scene, (this chang-ing scene,) H -^- ^^ ^. v-^-v-v—v- 1 — r— r '^ i V i> ^ i=t-i-i- i=r -5-; IN ^ ^^?^=^^ i ^ The wmds and waves may ad-verse be, (may ad - verse be;) For it can rest on noth - ing less, (on noth - ing less;) May I de - part in hope se - rene, (in hope se - rene;) ^ >- ^. A " ^ ^- ^ :^^zzK=^zr^z=|^: t='-^tr_Ji-_V— V— f— ^ •y— ^=^=t^-=fi: :H=r t^rp^^t^p= i U ^ 1/ U U l=r=r=^ ^^ But hope my anch - - or's firm-ly cast, ( is finn - ly cast,) With -in the vail is still my pray'r, ( is still my pray'r.) And find, when heart and flesh shau fail, (this flesh shall fail,) f f f f =f-- £ y^ 1=3=S: l;=t^ 1^=P=P With - in the vail, for - ev - er fast, (tor - ev • er fast.) 01 may my anch - - or en - ter there, (now en - ler there.) My anch-or's cast with-m the vail, (with - in the vail.) • • »~0 # f=f^ m^ w ^ u S3E^ ^ No. 27. e. o. B. A Little Bit of Love. To vnj Friend, Marion Lawrance. COPYRIGHT, ie04, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT StCUHED. E. O. Bxcell. t^^l^^^Ml^*^! 1. Do you know tha world is dy-ing For a lit - tie bit of love? 2. From the poor of ev - 'ry cifc - y, For a lit - tie bit of love, 3. Down be - fore their i - dols fall-ing, For a lit - tie bit of love, 4. While the souls of men are dy-ing For a Ht-tle bit of love, . r /V I , A-!-- A — pA-S A A-*— A — pA A-? K -, H ^- F— r r i -, :^^.^-T:t ifeprtsrr Psi^^^^^^i Ev - 'ry-where we hear the sigh-ing For a lit -tie bit of love; Hands are reach - ing out in pit - y For a lit - tie bit of love; Ma - ny souls in vain are call -ing For a lit -tie bit of love; While the chil - dren too are cry - ing For a lit - tie bit of love; m^ :p=t: f-!^- --^=^ -K' ^- ^=^^=fi=^ -r — I f-iL-i 1 Edrnji^z^ :p: b f :^=fe=t _^_i_ U k P ^m r- ■f=fe ^=fF-- For the love that rights a wrong, Fills the heart with hope and song; Some have bur - dens hard to bear. Some have sorrows v.e should share; If they die in sin and shame. Some-one sure - ly is to blame Stand no long - er i - dly by. You can help thera if you try; ite^^ s ^1JSL*L$ ^ S m ^. 1 tep^^^ ^ -d-s—it They have wait-ed, oh, so long. For a lit -tie bit of love. Shall they fal - ter and de - spair For a lit - tie bit of love. For not go -ing in His name, With a lit -tie bit of love. Go, then, say-ing," Here am I," With a lit-tle bit of love. _|4_! 14- j ^i^^^^^^ ?3 £ •r>- A Little Bit of Love. Refrain. N 1 T^ fcrto cF^ — -, — J— For a P i Ut • tie 1 St 3it of love. For a 3-S lit - tie bit ot bve, For a lit . tie 1 ait of love, For a lit - tie bit of love. With a lit - tie bit of love, With a lit • tie bit of love, With a lit - tie bit of love, With a lit - tie bit of love. 1 1 ^ j-._4_^ ,, ^^ . ^ ._ 4 4. ^\ te^^=^ -5—5 M^ P^ - 1 -^ ^ -J-»^ \ ^ y >j-/ " ^^^^i^i^ -^- They have wait-ed, oh, so long, For a Shall they fal - ter and de - spair For a For not go - ing, in His name. With a Go, then, say-ing,"Here am 1" With a fi\ -f- -f- h -N f^ P ^ f '-N Ut - tie lit • tie lit - tie lit - tie ^^ ^=1 bit of love, bit of love, bit of love, bit of love. SS=^J ^ 1 1 f_ 1^ :t=? m r Where He Leads Me. COPYRIGHT, 1690, BY J. 6. NORRI8. UScD BY PER. -£3- f- i No. 28. e. W. Blandly. J. 5. Norrls. t=X. ff^=g=2 T3r4r ^~rt ^— H^ £^^ -^- 1. I can hear my Sav - ior call-ing, I canhearmy Sav-ior call -ing, 2. I'll go with Him thro' the gar-den, I'll go with Him thro' the gar-den, 3. I'll go with Him thro' the judgment, I' 11 go with Him thro' the judgment, 4. He will give me grace and glo -ry, He will give me grace and glo - ry, ^^m fc^ t 5^ :t=g=: will fol-low, Where He leads me I D.C.'Wkere He leads me I m ad lib. ^^^ will fol - low, D.C. ^^=^=i=-^ii^^=^^=^ ^^P I canhearmy Sav-ior call ing, "Take thy cross and follow, fol -low me." I'll go with Him thro' the gar-den, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. I'll go with Him thro' the judgment, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. He will give me grace and glo ry. And go with me, with me all the way. iig t± t=T^=s=; -tr-tr-^- ^r^- Where He leads me I will fol-low, Fll go with Him, with Him all the way. No. 29. James Rowe. It Is Love. PROPERTY OF f ERRY BROS. MUSIC CO. R. Edwin Perry, a ^m^^^mm. 1. There is something in my soul which keeps the shadows all away; It is 2. When the tempter tries to win me something keeps me true and strong; 3. When misfortune overtakes me something calms my troubled breast; 4. Soul astray and bowed in sorrow, something waits for you to day; a— — ^ — ^— — 14-H — -■^=P=^=P t t=P- r- fe H rr '^ ^^ ^: -^%' ^ '^m Something light-ens ev-*ry love my Savior's love! Something makes my life a Something draws my soul to It is love, mySav-ior'a lovel It would give you peace aud .1^ »p m I±:8^?±:zpz_-J ':-^z^z=t ^=^^v^^^=^7=ffT m^^ ^ -:^-=^ 3 i^^^3=^ ^-r ^ '^=f- burden, gives me gladness day by day, 1 blessing to the need-y in the throng; heaven, that sweet land of peace and rest; comfort, make your burden roll a-way; m- ^^m mi^ . 1 is love my Savior's It is love, ^1 _-g±{---g±^-±^ Refrain love my Savior's love. O the pre - - - cious love of Je - sus, the boundless, precious love of Je-sus, love of Je-sus, p 1^ 1/ " H' How it thrills my ransomed soul! More and more I'll llow it tLrills my happy soul, my ransomed soul! More and more with joy, ^:gE ^EME^^ ^ ^ =¥= ^^ f^ It is Love. ^^* 8-5::^^ m m sing its prais - es While the hap - py a - ges roll sine its praises While the happy a - ged roll, fur-ev-er roll. .'Lfc.^^. 1^ i No. 30. Jennie Wilson. Count It All Joy. OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY F. N. BROWN. GRANDVIEW, TEXAS. F. N. Brown. 1. Count it all joy while working for Jesus Hard tho' your task may be; Labor in 2. Count it all joy what-ev-erbe-f alls you Doing the will of God; Jesus has 3. Count it all jay if oth-ers re-vile you, Witness for Christ al - way; You will re- ^T-T-r i=t :^^z^i=|c±ji3:ltz|ii:]i: l< U P I I k U L/ ^ te^: ^ 4-. 1=1: Refrain u mB -»—0- T 33 =8:E55S: ti? o'-'H^-'-^. faith, tho' never in earth-life You the reward may see. left a ho - ly ex-am-ple, Walk in the way He trod. Count it all joy joice in heaven for-ev- er. After this Ufe's brief day. Couot it all joy, ^t--Ji 1^ m ..— .-^-J :^^- 3ili^ ^±E^.%t:^fe5S?p K count it all joy, Be faith-ful what-ev-er your loss; Count it all joy, count it all joy. Count it all ■i^ -♦-6^- ^ t^. p^ »^^ ig^ i^:^ i ^-M^ fcBaE53 , . . to fol-low the Sav - ior, Who suffered for us on the cross. )uy to fol-low the Sarior. m * >- lEZtC No. 31. Breathe Upon Us, Holy Spirit. Rev. E. A. Hoffman, copyright, isis, by j. henry showalter. J* Henry 5howalter. -I- l^g^^. ^ 5^^ is: £^3 i 1. Breathe up- on U8, Ho - ly Spir - it, As a - dor - ing - ly we bow, 2. Thou art pure and Thou art ho - 1^, Je - sus, make us more like Thee; 3. Now re-ceiveu9 as re -pent-ant. To Thy heart of love we fly; 4. Here shall love like sac -red in-cense, Up- ward mount to Thy great throne, ^—t-- i^ i -io- p K '■^ f* pBiga m ^'=3-- i -^- — ' At these al - tars, pure and sac - red. Pay - ing Thee our sol - emn vow; Thoa art meek and Thou art low - ly. So may we Thy chil - dren be; Par -don all our sin and fol - ly, Blot it from Thy book on high; From the cleans-ed heart and conscience Of a peo - pie all Thine own; ^_j!-_tipi ■— - - * ••- ^- " u ^ Dt:£ ^ S fc=jt ^ r— t- ^m^ j^^E^JE^EfedsJ El All our fee - ble grac - es quick-en With the streams of Thy sweet grace, Shed a -broad Thy love with - in us. Fill our souls with light di - vine; these hearts need Thy re - fin - ing. And the cleans-ing of Thy blood! Hum-ble are the gifts we bring Thee, And up - on Thine al - tar lay. w t=t — i— f-— f^^fl i t:- a g^i^fej^ rr ^ F^ And make glorious with Thy pres-ence Ho - ly Spir -it, seal, a-noint us. Con - se-crate and make us ho - ly, Yet be gra-cious to Thy chil-dren Ss -HA- 4:1 i This Thy ho - ly dwell -nng place. And our earth-li - ness re - fine. Thro* re-demp-tion*s crira-son flood. As they wor-ship Thee to - day. I: ^ No. 32. Higher Ground. COPYRIGHT, 18S8, BY J. HOWARD ENTWISLE. Rer. Johnson Oatraan. Jr. john j. hood, owniw. I — t^ tfe s^F f Chis; n. Qtbrlcl. jmm ^ m^^^m ^ 1. I'm press-mg on the up-ward way, New heights I'm gaining cv-'ry day; 2. My heart has no de-sire to stay Where doubts arise and fears dis-may; 3.1 want to live a - bove the world, Tho' Satan's darts at me are hurl'd; 4. I want to scale the utmost height,And catch a gleam of glo - ry bright; ^ rrrnwr^f^ I; '^ |4 k 1/ U P i=^ i=t^ Ei^3E ^^^ :*=it ^ ^-^i-' ^r^ *— :^. Still pray-ing as I onward bound, "Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground. ' ' Tho' some may dwell where these abound, My pray'r, my aim is high-er ground. For faith has caught the joy-ful sound, The song of saints on high-er ground. But still I'll pray till heav'n I've found, "Lord, lead me on to high-er ground. ^ m ^ 1e=)E i^=tc ^ Cbosus. %. ] ^ K V E t rrrt fe t=t Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on heav-en's ta-ble-land; ^^^^^^m N h ^ N best of it all, it is dai-ly Growing sweet-er and sweeter to me. height and the depth of His mercy. And the breadth of His in - fi-nite love, tho' I be tried in the fur-nace, I can say "Lord, Thy will be it done." know that His love,now so precious,WiU for-ev - er grow sweeter to me. m p gir*-g^r^-r^ Sweet • er and sweeter to me, Sweet-er to me, grow - ing sweeter to me. ?^^rRT =rt: Dear • er and Dear-er each day, -A- -A- -A- -A- -A-' ^A-* ISA- -A- -A- -A-» f :\^^ f V=¥- m I'll ^ r-r i ife fc=CT= ^^^3eI.Me:5 n=t^^TrM^ ♦ — ti -t pp^j dear grow S E er each day, dear-( ing dear - er each dav. Oh, ^ Oh, won - der-ful love of my won-der-£ul love, love of my £ i ^^ ^^ pf- ?= , 1 i ih — ? — rf — :^^ "i -^^=#^-d h-^n H-fl 8i j: i_? — A — L?U — av-ior, Grow-mg IV - ioT. Grow -ing ^-^-" — ^ — ^ — dear dear-er »nd di -A- -A- -A- - er each step of ar- er each step of A- ^ ^ [^ 1 — J — 1 my 1 my 1 iray. bz: — ^— V 1/ • / }/ u ... — — , — __^ — 5;jj No. 39. Glinting Close to His hand. COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY E. O. EXCELL. Lizzie DeArmond. words and music. Samuel W. Beazley. 1. As 2. If 3. I w 1j I I will cling to the hand of mj Lord each day, cling to His hand when the way grows dim, cling to the hand whose nail-prints I see. What a What is And will mm^ i^. ■f-i 1 m glad-ness is mine in the heav'n-ward way I there I need fear, since I trust in Him? rest in the love that is full and free; Bless-ed fel-low-ship ours For His love lights the way, Cling-ing ev - er to Him, w fff r all the way a-long, As my glad • ness voic-es it-self in song. that my feet must tread, And Faith's day-star brightens the path a-head. of His giace I jing, Christ, my Sav - ior, my Re-decmer,my King. t^-l^i^ gg ^gEl^^ '■EEEP ^g.^ Chorus. ^ n ^ n k Cling-ing, cling-ing by faith to my Sav-ior's hand; Cling-ing, cling-ing to t r-^. k k ii=^— ii=g; jgp^^^fe^ =5^P3^ t mi Him who my way hath planned; Clinging, clingmg to Je-sus, my Clinging Close to His Hand. Hope, ray All; Cling-ing, cling-ing, cling-ing, I can-not fall. No. 40. London Hymn Book. d: ^Bi^L I Love Him. USED BY PERMISSION. --fc t:ri t=i ^j: $=:S S. C. Foster. ^i:^Et 1. Gone from my heart the world with all its charm; Gone are my sins and 2. Once I was lost up - on the plains of sin; Once was a slave to 3. Once I was bound, but now I am set free; Once I was blind, but -A- H^ ^ H^ A >• -f=--e t±=e: all that would a - larm; Gone ev - er-more, and by His grace I know The doubts and fears with-in; Once was a - fraid to tmst a lov - ing God, But now the light I see; Once I was dead, but now in Christ I live, To -A- ^=^^S l^=p p==^ t^=f^ -bk-^-IA- =t^=^r==P :^:=:)i=^^^^=p: i^=t^: ^-J^ ^-^ Chorus. m^^ ^T\ /TN /TS ^^Sl 3=3=q pre-cious blood of Je-sus cleans-es white as snow. now my guilt b washed a-way in Je-sus' blood. I love Him, I love Him, tell the world the peace that He a-lone can give. !^.^ h H^ ^ ^- I ^ -A- H*- -^' r K-(¥- r ^ -i^- -^ -^- t=f<=t=t ?=P -"t V- m 'm^^^^^^m Be-cause He first loved me, And purchased my sal-va-tion On Calv'ry's tree. mrp^- -^=^ No. 41. For He Careth for You. L. C. Hosfeldt. J HENRY SHOWALTER, OWNER. Hilry N. Caraway. 7V I i> 1. bliss -ful state (Obhss -ful state,) when we re-pose, (when we re-pose.) 2. The great-est love, (the grreatest love.) God has for all, (God has for all.) 3. Our ways He knows, (our way He knows,) and He will guide, (and He will guide,) fc^^lEi^ r\ 1 V N K " ^ h lyu' b 15 ^ ^ 1 ■" ^ r t •^^ J. J.I )j^-\! f A^-[ [^ ».-_^ ••->:£■_ ' -^ W.J Up - on His breast, ( up-on His breast,) who all things knows, (who all things knows,) He e - ven loves, (He e - ven loves.) us though we fall, (us though we fall,) If we but keep (if we but keep.) close by His side, (close by His side.) ^ If • ^ I* • r r 1*1 ll">, P h) "^ ^ *i • p ^ • k F • *i >« •1 • p* L 1 ix^"^. ^ ^ A ' F 1 ^ 1 H •^ y ] * . V <^ 1 I^P b ^ p ^ p ^ k p 1 K ^ ^ *,ti%% S ±=:fe: JT:? God's mighty arms, (God's mighty arms.) en-cir-cling us, (en-cir - cling us,) The sparrows He, (the sparrows He,) doth e - ven see, (doth e - ven see.) In health and Strength,(in health and strength, )or death's dark hour, (or death's dark hour.) m^-^ t-V- ^-T =^=^ ?=p^ All ^ ^ r "" h V . 1 W. 7 K -^ t^ !^ k' '^'' 1 "1 W^T^:^-^- -^ *^ ~sl~«^~^n "7S[~ -Jh The arms that Yet car-eth r Our God doth ^ ^-- hold, (the arms that hold.) nore (ye* car - eth more.) save, (our God doth save,) the u - ni-v for you and n us by His po r r- ^ erse, le, w'r, (the u - ni-vtrse.) (for you and me.) (us by His pow'r.) LY 1. 1 ^ tt r r L C L 1 A l7 b H '*• •1 . ■ w » \B b . » V . » -I ^ ,y q •». 'Pi V 1 -^ •' - 1 wp ^ -I p ^ P k ? i" ? 4\ A 1 i ^ _ -i Refbiin. For He Garelh for You. -^ T t-v P- ^- 't-r^-t' -# — »- Cast - ing all your care up - on Him, Cksk • ing all, cast - ins all your care up - oa Him, your care up - on Him, ite fc*: t=t=t: * — *-=-- *r— ^ l^-^-r^—'P-'l^- rrr :«i: ^czfi3: a: P ^ l^ P k b p U 1/ 1/ -t^— 1^-^ ri^n;-r- Cast - ing all your care up - on Him, Cask - ioi; all, cast - iof; all your care up - on Him, your care up • oa Him .pk.. ^ >.. -F— A- =#=#= > A . -A-A^ -{?— p-tr ^«^ rin rr Cast - ing all your care up - on Him, Cast - Iqs all. cast - in^ all your care up - on Him, yourlcare up - oq Him, B^^^=^ ,,^_ii^^_4i_;gi^X^^^^2^^ '^=r^ ^'M — A A A i-A-2 — A A Ik A A * 1 1 "^ t:^ 2i r"^TT ^ It For He car - eth. He car - eth for you For He car - etb, He car - eth for you, Helcar-eth for you. ^^^^^mM^^m r No. 42. Take Jesus for Your Priend Today. edffar M. HoHer. J. HENRV 8HOWALTER, OWNER. J. M. Moore. ian^^^Hig^i^ 1. Tak« Je - sus for your Friend to-day, As you are go-ing on your way, 2. Take Je - sus for your King to-day, And fol-low Him a - long the way, 3. Take Je - sus for your Guide to-day. For man - y storms are on your way. u -i^ ^E^ EEEj; ^^i^^^^^ S— J-yn; For He will guide you ev - 'ry day. Let Him with-in you shed a ray. For you are go - ing home to stay, To live with Him e - ter - nal-ly. When night is o'er then comes sweet day. Take Je-sus for your Light and Stay -r^ A— A A— r* *— A a-tJ P—F— -^-if— -"f^T—n SE=B Refrain. S HSS ^^i -^—0—p ^—f *■ &E^i ¥^=^=4 #-s- h^ Take Je - sus for your friend to-day, Take Je - sus for your frieud to-day, your friead to-day. ii$eEfei^3ii^^lp& -^ ^ =j n^ 1 ;^. ^ . ^ . I " 1 1/ [J M For He will guide you all the way, For lie will fuide you all the way, a - long the way, ^ ^ ^MJ^^^ f^ g^^if^ Take Jesus for Your Friend Today. r r F r r r- With - out His grace you can not live, With-out Hit gnc9 yoa on ^ not lire, yoa can not live, §j^.^*1 Ef± -* 1* 1^ — Uk A — i-A 14— h /I :s=f= S ^ -A — A A— A- -k — k- r—p-r -k— k- 1 X- With - out His love va^-f no joy re-ceive. With-oul His love no toy re-ceive. no icy re-cei?e. No. 43. Mary C. Stooer. The Best Gift. i. HENRY 8HOWALTER, OWNER. J. Henry 5howalt|pr. fe ff ^ i -t:-t V :^= #-i ^ '-J 1 1 1 — ±:E^: 1. Do you know sweet peace, my brother, Do you know re-demp-tion's song? 2. Did the message borne from heav-en," Peace, on earth, good will to men," 3. Do you know what gift to bring Him, As be -fore His shrine you bow? 4. Lay up - on His ho - ly al - tar All the pow'rs of love and will; fc^ ^-J^ i ^b=^ m Have you heard with-in your bo- som, Voic-es of the an - gel throng? Bring your heart in lov-ing serv-ice, To the Babe of Beth- le - hem? Bring your heart in full sur - ren-der, Bring your gift, and bring it now. Give to Him your heart's af-fec-tion, With His love your soul He'll fill. ^ *- > • ^ -> t^M t=^=t \f i No. 44. God, to Thee I Pray. J. HENRY 6H0WALTER, OV^NER. Words and music by iladle Vice. ^ Aj A B :=l ite 1 ;? 1. God, to Thee 2. God, to Thee 3. God, do grant God, to Thee ^— # P- I pray to - day, I pray to - day. That I a life. pray to - day. -S- :^=^=^: [zztzzi4^=t^=ir^ fc=i=: i^ ste: 5^5^ 1 *^i: :^ n l^^iT While here I Help me to Of serv-ice guide, . . . ^ k 1^ ^ ^ ^ roam, be Thou my walk the nar-row way, . may de - vote to Thee, While here I roam. ^ be Thoa my guide, t: i i fc^frri: And when this ■f^- "^ V V V i^ life , shall have an And gen - tly lead souls day by And when this life shall close in And when this life # « m P U b ^ end, day, death, shall have an end, nt^ — k — k — V ■ May an - gels bear me o'er the tide, (the roil - ing tide.) To the blest realms of end -less day, (of end - less day.) May I with Thee for - ev - er be, (for • ev - er be.) May an - gels bear fet^-r=t I^IZ* ^ — g -S- fc=k=p: V— k- God, to Thee I Pray. Chorus. P b=± i i==it ■J\=!t ^-5- ^iE^ U J ^^41 1 Then shall my soul find rest, sweet rest, Then shill my soul find rest, sweet rest ^s^^ms ^ mEM^mE^Ef ^ 1 From toil and care be ev - er free, From toil and care be er - er free, h ^ h h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;? ^^^^^: ^—d—4. m t=t=^=t ^- ^'— b:=i=£ p=r= Refrain. -A — ^ -fe- t. ^=S=s- :^t i. K-i —A- :i= ;=j=2=f: gTg3 =4=: Fly for the tempest is com - ing, Sweep-ing the fields of sin; ^ A #^ A i^-L:^=i:uzi^ t=^^t^=« '^i^^^m^^m Knock at the por-tals of mer - cy, f ■ Je - sua will let you in. No. 49. L. C. Hosfeldt. 1 ^_^_«_ The Blood. J. HENRY SHOWALTER, OWNER. J. T. Carpenter. 1. the blood of the Lamb that was slain, To re-deem us from sin and the grave; 2. We can all o-ver-come by the blood, If we trust in the Lord ev - 'ry day, 3. By the blood of the Lamb we can sing.. As we en - ter at last in - to rest, '^ ^^m We are now Jas-ti - fied and at peace. By the blood and the life that He gave. When we're faithful to Him, He will help, And He's promised to lead all the way. All our joy and our hope it did bring. And we're safe on the shores of the blest. 1^* t ^=^ ./^ ¥ ?=t- t^ r Refrain. ^—^-^- m — ■ — ■ — ■ — a- ^ b 1/ 1^ r 0, the blood 0, the blood, the pre - cious blood of the Lamb That was of the 'Lamb, the blood of the Lamb, ^ IP: A- A A- A ^ :5: #.. ^ v--i-- : ^—t-p—^-r- t=^)i^- t=t=f -^-V- ^ P b M shed for you and me, 0, the blood, the shed, that was shed for you and me, for yoo and me, 0, the blood, 0, the blood, the Mf ^ ^ v~v f ^^ The Blood. ^■^T"rrr" precious blood, That was shed on Cal-va - ry precioas blood, tho blood of the Lamb, That was shed on Cal-va ry, for yoa and for me. a • A -k-'-k- -^ -^ -^ -k- Jlw . - y-^-v k P I — \r-i ii I ^L h fc h .-^ h I 1i=qsit2pi iH: * — ^ I 1^ =^1 Look and Live. J. HENRY 6H0WALTER, OWNER. John A. 5howalter. S^^^l and live! Come to me, I and live! I will be thy and live! I will heal thy 1. Hear the voice of Je - sus say: "Look 2. "In the tur-moil and the strife. Look 3. "Lift thine eyes, be-hold the light, Look Look, oh, look and live! am the way. Look stay— thy life. Look blind-ed sight, Look and live! Lay a - side all doubt and fear, I will and live! When in danger's threat'ning hour, I will and live! Keep thy life from sin-ning free, Trust thy- Look, oh, look and live! I^g^: A. t— t— t A A E A -^ r 1s=ts=-^= w^mr^ -lA '£^ i =S- 1 wipe a - way each tear, Thy pe - ti - tions I will hear. Look and live!'* be thy strength, thy tow'r, And will save thee by my pow'r. Look and live!" self and all to me, And my glo - ry thou shalt see. Look and live!" "Look, oh, look and live!" i:^ \ \' \ I n P~9- m 1^ No. 51. He Knows It All WORDS AND MUSIC COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY E. O. EXCELL. Mrs, Ophelia Adams. international copyright secured. C. M. Davis. ;^rKNf- »=:t^ t-f-^ ^P=^^ I gfgs^aifE^ijji^jpg 1. I love to think my Father knows Why I have missed the path I chose, 2. I love to think my Father knows The thorns I pluck with ev-'ry rose, 3. I love to think my Father knows The strength or weakness of my foes. m^^ 5 t*^-y ■^1-S- ^ fl'T r^T? tit= fevf-^g- ^ ^^^^^^^s ^ ^^3 ^ And that I Thedai-ly And that I The way He led was best for me. soon shall clearly see griefs I seek to hide From the dear souls I walkbe-side need but stand and see Each conflict end in vic-to - ry. % K ITS -^i^ i — u^3 ' ' — j^ -^^- Reprain. y£j .^ir^ h — ^ f: He knows it all, ... . He knows it He knows it all. ^^^sEfefet^i all .... My Fa-ther He knows it all, I :i: 'p-r i s t^t-j: =:t^ m "^-^ — ^-ii — "^ knows . . . He knows it all; . . . Thy bit-ter tears . , . how My Fa - ther knows. He knows it all; Thy bit - ter tears. ^^m ^ m -p r-p—f^ al ii A|- ^^ t=f=i w -m ^ ■^ :j— ^ fast they fall! how fast they fall!— He knows, My Fa - ther knows it all. m No. 52. W.M. LlKhthall. A Sinner Made Whole. COPYRIGHT, 1806, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. COPYRIGHT, 1M>7, BY E. O. EXCELL Chas. H. Oabrlcl. E^^^ P33 r-r :i=i: K=f mt t=^-t= 1. There's a song in my heart that my lips can-not sing, 'Tis praise in the 2. I shall stand one day faultless and pure by His throne, Transformed from my 3. All the mu - sic of heav en, so perfect and sweet, Will blend with my z^3j=|i^^j high - est to Jesus, my King; Its mu-sic each moment is thrilling my soul, ini - age, conformed to His own;Then I shall find words for the song of my soul, song and will make it complete;Thro' a - ges un-end - ing the ech- oes will roll, ^m. I w: — w 2^ :g±4=l==4±fat-pg± -g-^^ ^- gi =: ^TN ^ Chorus. t-T-i~>T i n^ =^ # — # # For I was a sin- ner, but Christ made me whole. A sin-ner made whole! a ?±:f-f=5=ts: -0L ^ ^ :^=V~P~U- t=t=P m A A- f- *- *- r;^=f ainnerinade whole! The Savior hath bought me and ransomed mjsouH My heart it is H^A. h . ^_. _ _ _ _ „ „ „-^r-t- *-#-*- singing, the anthem is ringing, For I was a sinner, but Christ made me whole. t-^^tf-f* h >- . I L K h 1< h; h- -h K — h — K h ggn tzzz^zd^zz:^ it^ r-^-p-^ ntr No. 53. W. C. Martin. -i=i: Salvation is Mine. COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY A. J. 8H0WALTER. A. J. Showalter. ^E5E :?.— -J — y P¥^ 1. Sal - va - tion is mine, how sweet is the thot', That Je - sus has 2. Sal - va - tion is mine as the gift of His love, As - sur-ance of 3. Sal - va - tion is mine, and the shad-ows are gone; With Je - sus came 4. Sal - va - tion is mine, as the friend of the King, To Him and Him giv-en what can-not be bought; Sal-va-tion from sin. And glo-ry with-m, par-don and peace from a-bove; My heart is so light. My fu-ture so bright, all the fair beau-ty of dawn; He casts a-way fear, A - bides ev-er near, on - ly I ev - er will cling; He grants me to know His grace here be-low, & 1^13: t=^ :2J»_J_, ^^. ^ '- l 1 ^g^ Refrain. --^ And all that my soul had so earn-est - ly sought. My soul mounts a-Ioft up-on wings as a dove. Sal-va - - tion is Prepares the white robes that I some day shall don. Sal - va-tion, a glo-rioua sal« Sal - va - tion is mine and I can - not but sing. r^r-, ^— r^t — J — A A — ▲ — a — r= — > y ^j=iti ^i,^ g— ,- p?-.- ^-J- Tpgv g :=i zia ^--^- mine, And pow - - er di-vine, The gift of His va - tion is mine, And pow-er, God's won-der-ful pow-er di - vine, ■"-p— . :fc^ ^=^^mm ^Z^^EEEai --i=i^i 0J ^ ^^-,0^1^--^ -^^^..,-y. grace, His won-der-ful grace; I'm saved to the uttermost. Saved by His grace. No. 54. Rev. J. Oatman. Jr. Saved By the Blood. COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Daniel W. Milan. E^|f 7fff^^ iii Sfeaiife^,%^p 1. I'm saved by the blood of the Crn-ci-fied One, That flow'd from His side as He 2. I'm saved by the blood of the Cru-ci-fied One, All glo - ry to Je - sus for 3. Im saved by the blood of the Cru-ci-fied One, I know He is with me by 4. I'm saved by the blood of the Cru-ci-fied One, I'm saved to serve Je-sus the -»^* -•- h .„ fc hung on the tree; He suf-fered and died there from sin to save me, cleans - ing my soul; His mer - cy is bound-less. His touch made me whole, night and by day; He keeps me from fall - ing, from go - ing a - stray, rest of my days; And when I reach Heav-en this song I will raise. .55=3 trnt±=it=t Egsa ett ICZl ^ ■y — ^g I— ^ — ^^=£^ Tf-t^— r ^-Ji-J!^. Chorus. isi r^-^ I'm saved by the blood of the Cm - ci-fied One. Saved by the Saved by (he blood. r — I 1 ^— — Ml — 14- r-t -lA— 1^ )4-i ^ r ^ ■-Mi-, i E blood, Saved by the blood, I'm saved by the SsTsd by Ihe blood, Saved by the blood. Saved by Ihe blood, U • - ■ l a— l a L . f- rx-rx-uit % y-Tv CZZI— £=1 ^— |g ^ | — P-|F^=1^= r— p-r-r ^m E *=t blood of the Cru - ci-fied One, I'm saved by the blood of the Lamb! ^E|E^ ^l^^S No. 55. Mm. C. D. Martin. What a Change! COPYRIGHT, leO«, BY CHA8. M. GABRIEL. COPYRIQHT, 1B07, Bi E. O. EXCELL. ChaA. H. Qabrlel. t=^ =f:^ -<5l- i±i ^ 13 1. what a change I From the darkness of night In • to the noon -tide of 2. what a change 1 From my hunger for bread In - to tht place where His 3. what a change 1 From my bur-den of care In - to the rest He in- Ht-I-A- f^ir^ii- f#M^J ■A^-A- f^ ^=eit T±j ^- 1 \^Pn P—P- y—v^\ 3^='^?— t^ i^^^^g^i^^ 4£ 1^ -•-. -m- God's shin - ing light; Out of my weak - ness to strength in His might, chil - dren are fed, In - to the bless - ing of life from the dead, Tites me to share, In - to His joy from the sor - row I bear, J -A- -^-^-r- — ^ : — It- ■A- A- fe ii &^^ t=t ^ Itn^lc r-^- -)aL -v—t Chorus. -T^ f- t^ ^ E ^r a fe^i 3 |=gr^=d^^rd^^=q=_-^ ?^-5- ^ itHJt what a change I what a change I what a 'change in my ^EEE^a \ -O- ■-. A- :p: irn-M 1 — ^—v :.S== -A E 1 f^-t- "t^-^ A- F=i S^ heart there has been I what a change I what a change! what a t A- fe -A- !ap± 12?- mt t -A— ir A- ■P-^ m £3 m sm 3=* Tti*t*=ip change, since the Say - ior came in I what a change I what a change I ^ fct -A- -^-A-T-A- ^=^=^ A-r-A^-rA- 1^ m^m :^ f 1 No, 56. Peace through the Blood. E. E. Hewitt. COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY A. J. 8H0WALTER. A. J. Showalter. S- m 1. Come while God is call-ing, hear His word to-day, Peace thro' the 2. Sink the past for - ev - er 'neath the cleans-ing tide, Peace thro' the 3. Bless-ing free and bound-less flow - ing from a - bove. Peace thro' the 4. Tell the joy - ful sto - ry ev - 'ry-where you go. Peace thro' the :g; ■^: -T — -?■-»—>- E^ m^^^m^m I — I — i- blood of the cross; Take the gift He of-fers, come with-out de - lay, bloo^ of the cross, Let the Ho - ly Spir - it in your heart a - bide, blood of the cross; Ev - er - last - ing mer - cy, ev - er - last - ing love, blood of the cross; Till, the wide world o-ver, ransomed souls shall know. 1 k fg-}^— sfas ■0; 5^ Chorus. \ 'J II Peace thro' the blood of the cross. l^-f- f «^ ^^ d--^ 1 — r 1/ u Peace! won-der-ful Peace! won-der-ful peace! I u b 1/ I peace! ^• ^rrr -s^- . ^- I u Peace! won-der-ful peace! Peacel won-derful peace! Peace! won-der-ful peace! Peace! won-der-ful peace! »- -P- Peace thro' the blood of the cross; Peace thro' the blood of the cross. No. 57. Since I Have Been Redeemed. B.O.B. COPYRIGHT 1RB4, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. B. O. Excell. i^ '^ ^^ a t^ -fe=t ^ r Frt . I have a song I love to sing, Since 1 have been re- deem 'd; I have • a Christ that sat - is - fies, Since I have been re - deem'd; . I have a wit - ness bright and clear, Since I have been re -deem'd; I have a home pre-pared for me, Since I have been re -deem'd; ^ ^ =:t=rf±:^t=jt 1 :ti=t A -#- -#- 4 t=x ^ ^ V ^=^ 'i^=lF^F^i Of my Re - deem- er, Sav-ior, King, Since I have been re-deem'd. To do His will my high -est prize, Since I have been re-deem 'd. Dis - pell - ing ev - 'ry doubt and fear. Since I have been re-deem'd. Where I shall dwell e - ter - nal - ly. Since I have been re-deem'd. -Is- ■%± -^ ^^ ^i=^- %± ^ ^^f=^ Chorus. g Mi^i##p^# ^^ Since I . . , , have been re-deem'd. Since I have been redeem'd, Since I have been re-deem'd, Since I have been re-deem'd, • ^ ^ M. M-t :t^=U: ^.p m A -^ A -^ #_ 1^=t: y-^*- 1^=P=t I M m -d "-*- '-' J J li w »— "-S-i—" t ^ ^ — jt — m — ^ "^^ ^ — ■ — W — li — r I will glo - ry in His name; I- will glo - ry in my Sav-ior's name. V ^- A -f- f- -f- f- -fc^ ^ -V ^. gS 1:^-^ i=S pu H ii-\ — r No. 58. Llziie DeArmond. In the Cleft of the Rock. COPYRIGHT, l»00, DY F. O. EXCELL. WOHba ANO MUSIC. fe^^ *t P K ^ 1 1 i J. 5. Pearlf. r y 1. High as the mountain thro' the bil-lows roll, In Je - sus' keep-ing 2.0 soul, be faith-ful; to the end en - dure, Trust-ing His prom- is- 3. When thro' the Jor-dan I must take my way, His staff will com-fort -^ ^ ^— ^ A ^-rA s f^ rff— J: ' "■" S^^^S^ I will trust my soul; He can the rag-iag seas and wind con-trol, 68 for - ev - er sure; Kept in the fort-ress of His love se-cure, me and be my stay; - ver the ri? - er there is end - less day, In the cleft of the Rock He will hide me. Hide me, safe-ly Hide me, safe-ly bide. m ^m "^ p i::-z: hide me, bid« . ■ . . ^ ^:^ Hide. », Bafe-ly bide. ^ jr me, safe-ly hide me, iid«- • . . m me, safd-h ^^nxxv^^^^^^j. » ^ V ^ ^ V \ bide me in tbe Rock, hide me, safe-ly hide, Hide me,8afely hide, Hid e me from all dan-ger. In the Rock that was cleft for me. "' -1^:^ A A . A A A- u^M. t I :E± i Bide me from all daB-ger, from all dan - ger, No, 59. The Sure Foundation. USED BY PER. OF T. C. O'KANE, OWNER OF COPYRIGHT. T. C.O'Kane. 5E*33 mm^^mm 1. There stands a Rock, on shores of time, That rears to heav'n its 2. That Rock's a cross, its arms out-spread, Ce - les - tial glo - ry 3. That Rock's a tow'r, whose loft - y height, II - liuned with heav'n's un- P^P^i J^ feq PF lA-^ ^ ^ £=:,^-: ^m^^ r -^=J- Xiead sub - lime; That Rock is cleft, and they are blest Who bathes its head; To its firm base my all I bring, And cloud - ed light, Swings wide its gates be - neath the dome Where ipp^i^ t=p- ^ I ^^mmi Refrain. ^^•t ^^^ a rest. l^F find with - in the cleft to the cross of a - ges cling. Some build their hopes on the saints find rest with Christ at home. ^ =S=N^^ r n ev - er - drift-mg sand, Some on their fame, or their treas-ure, or their land; ip^-i^M^^^ Mine's on a Rock that for - ev - er will stand, Je - sus, the "Rock of A-ges.'* t: W -v^p- itiy f- No. 60. You May Have the Joybells. J. Edw. Ruark. COPYRIGHT, 1te9. BY WM. J. KIRKPATRICK. Wm.J.Klrkpatrlck. p^^^^^g^ 1. You may have the joy-bells 2. Love of Je - sus in its 3. You will meet with tri - als 4. Let your life. speak well of ring-ing in your heart, And a peace that ful -ness you may know, And this love to as you jour-ncy home, Grace suf - fi - cient Je - sus ev - 'ry day, Own His right to rr tix±=!t m^ U f I ^=^=^^=P t ^ l^^^^^^l^g^^ from you nev - er will de-part; Walk the straight and narrow way , Live for those a-round you sweet-ly show; Words of kindness al-ways say, Deeds of He will give to o - ver-come; Tho' un-seen by mor-tal eye. He is ev - 'ry serv-ice you can pay; Sin-ners you can help to win If your 4^- mmm^mi^m$m Je - sus ev - 'ry day, He will keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart, raer - cy do each day, Then He'll keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart, with you ev - er nigh. And He'll keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart, life is pure and clean. And you keep the joy -bells ringing in your heart. ?=l=tM=P^^: p— p V t '^ ■$=^. Mm- t=^ t^= t t=ii t m Chorus. D. S. — He will keep thejoy-belU ringing in your heart. -^- -.fc=t^4!^ziift: 4- lip '^^ ^ IP Joy - bells ring-ing in your heart, Joy - bells ring-ing Riag-'mg in yoar heart, You m^y have the joy lou m^y nave tne V ( V f- t^ ^^^s ti -p-r J^^-^. ^1 ^ f -l^-t! 1^ ^- D.S. ^m ID your heart; Take the Savior here below. With you ev-'ry-where you go, v—t No. 61. The Hope of the World is the Gross. Rev. J. Oatman, Jr. COPYRIGHT. 1909, BY HAMP SEWtLL. Haoip Sewell. fep|=^^^ tj 4Ti m. 1. As the life-boat may go to the sink -ing bark, On the sea tho' the 2. Men may teach and may preach that a mor-al life Will pre-vent our e- 3. All our creeds and our deeds have no sav-ing pow'r,Without Christ they're as 4. Let us cling to the cross while the years may roll, I^et the world bring us m^^=i -A-L-A—^- f±=f^- ,s=^=Q=^pM^ v—^- v—p- ^^^m^^^^ bil-lows toss; So the Lord sent us help when the way was dark, And the ter - nal loss; But we'll still look to Christ in the world's mad strife, For the worthless dross; But to Cal - v'ry we'll turn ev-'ry day, and hour, For the gain or loss; For naught else but the blood can re-deem a soul, And the ^M •A-»- ifzizp: -£-^ — bk— L \k- ^t=^ t=i^=f. I v-^- v—p- ■p—p- :t=t: Chorus. E=5^ iipil^ i^ ^ ^? i i2i hope of the world is the cross. For the hope of the world is the cross, J I I is the crosst H^ ^^^ Yes, the hope of the world is the cross; It must nev-er suf-fer loss, is the cross, -P—P- 9 - ^- — bk- -lA — 14 1 1 P-^-^ r-r ■j^- -p— f- i^ XI. czt^=t==fc?: -kk — I* — lA ■p-fr-t i2=i=^ t=^=^t—. ^^^^^^ '=33: And we'll count all else but dross, For the hope of the world is the cross. t: ^—\^—\ ^- No. 62. The Way of the Cross Leads Home, COPVRIG>4T, 1906, BY CHA8. H. GAPRIEU Jc55le Brown Pounds. copyright, iwt, by e. o. excell. fcS i^=* ^ Clias. H. aabrlel. 4 f i^E at 3=* ^=*-J^—J - -I ^ 1 J-i 1- 1. I must needs go home by the way of the cross, There's 2. I must needs go on in the blood - sprink- led way, The 3. Then I bid fare • well to the way of the world, To ^£ -^-^ A—, 1— A A-! A A-5 1^ nil _# r f # :r=gzi ~r I p — r j. no oth - er way but this; I shall ne'er get sight of the Gates of Light, path that the Sav - ior trod, If I ev - er climb to the heights sub-lime, walk in it nev - er more; For my Lord says "Come," and I seek my home, >. -K-' >- m -k kr 4^ -^-i — ad *■ l±:# J-^U- ¥=^ mm. Chorus i .-..ii: ^— fc-i 3t3t -# . # u^ r r If the way of the cross I miss. Where the soul is at home- with God. The way of the cross leads Where He waits at the o - pen door. Ertrr ^ES a^~^=^ n ■ A A • -A— ^ h I I k M I i 2* 5*: 3 -f—w: 4- i -I— L 93^ ^ rrr home, The way of the cross leads home; It b sweet to leads borne, leads home; J_J_J_, 1- -l-r-tl- t- ■♦-■*■ -^ ^ ^ ^1^5: ^ ES3^^53 ^ =P5 i ^ ("V-J^ 1 ^^^=3: T^ ^ know, as I on - ward go. The way of the cross leads home. No. 63. The Conquering Lion of Judah. W. C. Martin. COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY A. J. 8H0WALTER. USED BY PERMieeiON. M. L. McPhall. uS4-iH-d — »^ SiS ^-fc- 5: 1. The Li - on of Ju-dah goes forth in His might, To vanquish the wrong 2. The Li - on of Ju-dah shall con-quer the world, The slay - er of souls 3. The Li - on of Ju-dah shall reign - ver all, And low at His feet ^^ mm^^ ^ m^ and es-tab - lish the right; To shatter the chains of the poor and oppress'd, from his throne shall be hurPd;The pow-ers of dark-ness shall ut-ter-ly fail, ev - 'ry creature shall fall; His glo - ry shall saints and archangels proclaim, ^gj^a^^ il -^: V=^- ^1^ I D. S.— /ree to the breez- es with bold-nes8 we fling , Fine. Refrain. (5- And millions from Sa-tan's do-min-ion to wrest. For wo r- thy and a - ble is Christ to pre - vail. The glo-ri-ous ban-ner ho - ly, thrice ho-ly His won-der - ful name. The ban-ner of Ju-dah' sall-con-quer-ing King, D.S, of Christ is unfurled, The Li - on of Ju-dah shall con-quer the world; So No. 64. Grace, Enough for Me. E.O.E. WORM AND MU8I0 COPYRIGHT, 1906, BV E. O. EXCELL. INTERNATIONAL COPVRIOHT SECURED. E. O. Bxcen. ite P f5E5 ^-tr i^H 1. In look - iDg thro' my tears one day, I found Mount Cal - va-ry, 2. While stand -ing there, my trembling heart, Once full of ag - o-ny, 3. When I be - held my ey - 'ry sin Nailed to the cm - el tree, 4. When I am safe with -in the veil, My por - tion there will be, ^ W ^=*T=P= I$E=^±^-^ k k ( m V ^ Beneath the cross there flowed a stream Of grace, enough for me. Could scarce be-lieve the sight I saw Of grace, enough for me. (enough forme.) I felt a flood go thro' my soul Of grace, enough for me. To sing thro' all the years to come Of grace, enough for me. Choehs. ^ 1 ^■^ : r Grace is flowing from Cal-ya-ry, Grace as fathomless as the sea, Grace is flow-ing from Cal-va-ry, for me, Grace as fath-om-less as the roll-ing sea -■t; i^-n EB^ ^ ^A ■*— »T 1 ! \ ,\ 1 M — I.-I. '- 3r=pc:« M HI T t^ r i^HttE hi ^ -I-. r Cr r'r t t u fcfe g ^3 Grace for time and e-ter-ni-ty, .... Grace, . enough for me. Grace for time and e-ter-ni-ty, A-ban-dant grace I see, e-noagh for me. r- tr l=ite n No. 65. Rev. J. Oatman, Jr. Count Your Blessings. COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. e. O. Excell. 1. When up - on lifers bil-lows you are tem - pest-tossed, When you are dis- 2. Are you ev - er burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem 3. When you look at oth - ers with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has 4. So, a - mid thecon-flict, wheth-er great or small. Do not be dis- S^- ^ tt=it ^ P^HV^ &=*: ^" fcpizrit: m -(5\- ^^ S:=:i=i=i i=t- cour - aged, thinking all is lost. Count your man-y blessings, name them heav - y you are called to bear? Count your man-y blessings, ev - 'ry prom-ised you His wealth un-told; Count your man-y blessings, mon- ey couraged, God is o - ver all; Count your man-y blessings, an - gels -te^ 1^=:t t=i^ fe^ :^=t j^^^^-^ H ^^^ r one by one. And it will sur-prise you, what the Lord hath done, doubt will fly, And you will be sing - ing as the days go by. can - not buy Your re - ward in heav - en, nor your home on high, will at - tend. Help and com -fort give you to your jour - ney's end. Chorus. Count Count your man-y your blessings. Name them one by one. Count your i-ings, Name them one by one, Count your man-y P 1/ 1/ ^ P-P^ Count Your Blessings. i ^^ pTJT bless-ings, See what God hath done; Count your blessmga, bless -ineii, Se« what God hsth dune; Count your ms - ny bIpsS' ^ Tit, ;^=^ oss-ings pi A- -A-. J^ I PPP^ a ?=A- -!♦— »^ ^ i^lE Name them one by one, Count your many blessbgs, See what God hath done ^i^ ^^tjE l^ij^^ No. 66. Somebody, WORDS AND MUSIC COPYRIGHT, 1801, BY W. John R. Clements, e. o. excell, owner. W. S. Weeden. 1. Some-body did a gold-ea deed, Pro v-ing him-self a friend in need; 2. Some-body tho't 'tis sweet to live, Will-ing - ly said, ''I'm glad to give;*' 3. Some-body i - died all the houi-s, Care-less-ly crush'd life's falr-est flow'rs, 4. Some-body fill 'd the day with light, Con-stant-ly chased a -way the night; ^ ■i^=h t^t=f fc=*=^eT=)=j=3^i^sk J"^— ^t' Some-body sang a cheer-ful song, Bright 'ning the skies the whole day long,— Some-body fought a val-iant fight, Bravely he lived to shield the right,— Some-body made life loss, not gain,Tho't less-ly seemed to live in vain,— Some-body's work bore joy and peace, Sure-ly his life shall nev-er cease,— ^ >. >. JL. >.. >. h^-Ol.>. .A- ^ >.. -A.. " "^"^ gs^^^gggigl^g^ ^1 is: Was that some • bod - y you? f-^ Was that some - bod - y you? No. 67. Welcome Rest. rirs. F. A. F. Wood- White, copyrighted, used by per. iSlowly. m Alfred Belrly. Mu5. Doc. fe^l^^^lg^ ;/ u ^ 1/ -z±-j=-jr3r j6: ;f n -m- -0- -»- -0- ' ^ . ^ 1/ u u 1. I lean my head on Jesus' breast— . .'..'...' ach - ing I lean my head on Je-sus' breast— 2. I lay me down to sweet re - pose, Which here on I lay me down to sweet re-poBSt 3. I fold my hands up - on my breast, No more by 1 fold my hand up -on my breast, W^ a- It t t i — ^ — 5- V-W ^PP: 1^ brow! bless-ed rest! And there I wait ach-ing browl bless-ed rest! And there I wail earth no wak-ing knows— Sure that my God Which here on earlh ^ no wak-ing knows— Sure that my God sin or grief op-pressed; Sure that His voice No more by sin or ^rief oppressed; Sure that His voice r-f p= ■^■^ 1^=W^ 1^ u ^ k --^-j;-. ^^-q-s' -A— S — A- ■S" — a— Jr-.i?^^^^^^ *rpr the dawn-ing day, .... When earthly shades shall flee a - way. the dawning day. When earthly shades His child will wake, And ev - er bless for Je - sus' sake. His child will wake, and ev-er bless will bid me rise To end-less life be-yond the skies. will bid me rise to end-less life ^ ^i^^$i ■:t t I Si gold - en day! wel-come rest! I lean my head on Je-sus' breast. hap - py home! un - ion sweet! When we at His right hand shall meet. calm re -pose! dreamless sleep! From which none ev-er wake to weep. ^^S^3 No. 68. Oh, Thou That Hearest Prayer. Burton. Arr if Sli^^li^ A. J. Showalter. by per. =1: — *1: .^ 1. Oh, Thou that hear - est prayer! At - tend our hum - ble cry; 2. If earth - ly par - ents hear Their chil - dren when they cry; 3. Oiu: heav'n - ly Fa - ther Thou, We chil - dren of Thy grace, 4. Oh, send Thy Spir - it down On all the na - tions. Lord, ^ig^^^i^i 1^1 i r=5: 1=1 i ^ And let Thy serv - ants share Thy bless - ing from on high. If they with love sin - cere, Their chil - dren's wants sup - ply. Oh, let Thy pres - ence now De - sccnd and fill the place. With great sue - cess to crown The teach - ing of Thy word. gpf 1= -^— ist ill I Refrain. from a - bove, And fill us with Thy love from Thy heav'n - ly courts a - bove, ^^^ ^ ^ :^ g : ^ :f: * ^ ^ S ^ ^ No. 69. Songs in the Night. Nellie A. Montgomery. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY E. O. EXCELL, WORDS AND MUSIC. J. 5. Pearls. ^' ^^^^^^1 J-iJ^JnJr^^ 1 . When the clouds of af-flic-tion have gathered, And hidden each star from my sight, 2. Oh, how dear are those mes-sa-ges to me! No need then to cry in af-fright; 3. And when morn breaks atlast in its splendor, And sor-rowischang'dto de-light, S^ii; ?-fe m I know if I turn to my Fa - ther, I know if I turn to my Fa- My heart groweth strong as 1 list - en, My heart groweth strong as I list- Ob, still would I ev - er re- mem-ber, Oh, still would I ev - er re-mem- ^±.aj±r^£ -^ n -h—M-M ig t* :*=:=i-^ V J pal ther, Sweetest songs, sweetest songs, sweetest songs He will give in the night, en To the songs, to the songs, to the songs He doth send in the night, ber All the songs, all the songs, all the songs that were sent in the night. in the night, in the night, J: ^-fL^^ ___• ^ 1 - ^ Songs in the night. songs in the night, Songs inthenight! Oh, how precious the songs m the night. Songs in the night. songs in the night, in the nifhl. Son^s in the Night. ^ ^ My heart runneth o - ver, For the songs He doth send in the night. My heart ran - neth o - ver, runs o • vor. A Clt. .-^ ... » 15 V No. 70. Draw Me Nearer. Fannie J. Crosby, copyright, ibc3, by w. h doane, renewal. William H. Doane. iS^^ll^igi J ^ 1. I am Thine, Lord,I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me; 2. Con-se-crate me now to Thy serv- ice, Lord, By the pow'r of grace di- vine; 3.0 the pure de-light of a sm - gle hour That be-fore Thy throne I spend, 4. There are depths of love that I cannot know Till I cross the nar - row sea; ^^ 4.' ^ ^ But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be clos-er drawn to Thee. Let my soul look up with a stead-fast hope. And my will be lost in Thme. WhenI kneelmpray'r, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend There are heights of joy that I may not reach, Till I rest in peace with Thee. Refrain. ii=p -r— > ^— P~M ^ ^ ^ ^^~ m :W=K ^ 1^ ^ i-!-^ 1^^ -f^ Draw me near - er, nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died, . N ne*r-er. Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,To Thy precious, bleeding side. I u -1/ — if- :fe3fc -I^ w No. 71. c. H. a. The Grand Old Bible. COPYRIGHT, 1807, BY CHA8. H. GABRIEL. E. O .EXCELL , OWNER. N N g. Chas. H. Qabrlel. §S= 5S; ^ ?=F ^ 1/ r i=i: ^9:~r f- 1. Hold up the grand old Bi - ble to the peo - pie! De - ny it or neg- 2. Hold up the grand old Bi - ble and pro - claim it The word of God by 3. Hold up the grand old Bi - ble of our fa - thers, And send it un - to 4. Hold up the grand old Bi - ble, proud-ly own it, Be-lieve, and search its ^^^^PPfff^ -"r^ ^^. t 11=3=2: ^ M==r=: J u 1/ ' ' ' lect it nev - er! Un - fail - ing it has stood the test of a - ges, proph-ets spok - en; His seal im- print -ed glows up -on its pag - es, ev - 'ry na - tion; It is the cloud by day, the fire in dark-ness, sa - cred pag - es; There you may find the way of life e - ter - aal— mi Ei Tf ^ j^-^ =i^=^ F^=P=? :t P Chords. S And it shall stand unchanged for - ev - eri And not a pre-cept can be bro - ken. bless -ed book, That lights the way un - to sal - va - tion. Im - mor-tal life thro 'end -less a - ges. o bleas-ed book, m i=:5zz^ ^ t t=^=;^ I, r r , ■ ' ^^ ^ i, l tbeoo-Iy book The pow'rs of earth can change it neverl The test of Ibe on - ly book, ^^j fr FW^ ^ *WiUi his permission this son? is gratefully inscribed to Dr. R. A. TOBBEY. in appreciation of his steadfast loyalty to the grand old book— the BIBLE. I The Grand Old Bible. — »— * ^ — I — r-v — ^^ ^ — ^r^-*=° fire and flood thro' a-ges it hath stood, And it shall stand unchanged for - ev - er. f^^m^^^^ I ^ I No. 72. Jessie B. PttondJ. Beautiful Isle. COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY E. O. EXCELL^ WORO0 AND MUSIC. -h 1^ J. S. Pearto. I :&;: ^ ^ ~,^ - -9- ^ 1. Somewhere the sun is 2. Somewhere the day is 3. Somewhere the load is i^ song-birds dwell; task is done; • pen gate; shin - ing, Somewhere the long - er, Somewhere the lift - ed, Close by an m r=rrr=f ^ m fe-^ i f-^-T f w pin - ing, God lives and strong-er, Somewhere the rift - ed. Somewhere the Hush, then, thy sad re Somewhere the heart is Somewhere the clouds are all is well. guer-doQ won. an - gels wait. i m m Chorus. ^^ il 33 ^^^^ Some • where. Some • where. Beau- ti- ful Som»-wher8, betu-ti • ful, beaa • ti - ful Isl*. ^ - . . it-U- *=^ i t t isle of Some- where I fe a^ J=¥=J ^^ 5=p ;;=t: i^=t=^ I ^ i=l^ m h=^=^h^^ 5^ jIsIi ^ 1^ Land of the true where we live a-new,— Bean - ti - ful Isle of Somewhere? h h h r~p ~^" ^^m I No. 73. Alice L. Criss. The Qoldeii Shore. COPYRIGHTED. U8E0 BY PERMISSION. Alfred Blerly, Mus. Doc. 1. I am di-ifting down the stream of time~. . . Gently drifting tow'rd the gold-en 2. I am drifting down the stream of time, Gently drifting far-ther on each 5. I am drifting down the stream of tiine^. . . Gently nearmg now the gold-en =t:i: itt iSHE ^ shore,... But I do not heed the bil-lows, For the Sav-ior guides my oar, day, .... But I do not dread my voyage, For my Sav-ior points the way, gate,. . . I am near-er to the por-tal. Where de - part-ed loved ones waits, H: g=P=P=^=t^=t^==^=^ t=t: ir-V Chorus. \=4 m ^ As I'm drift-ing tow'rd the gold - en shore. As I'm drift-mgfar - ther on each day. There to en - ter thro' the gold - en gate. ?^^=qi^ b b I am drift-ing, gen-tly I am drift- ingt goD - tly t^ 1 — I— r r=r- drift-ing, I am drifting tow'rd the golden shore, But I do not heed the drift - we on, eoldeo shore, iE -^ ^ 14 14 — 14- -l4 14 14 14 — F lA- '<$t=:i=t=^-^ :t;=P=t=t f- ^^if^i^^Sl billows, For the Savior guides my oar. As I'm drifting tow'rd the golden shore. -14 14 — 14 — H* K- t-i — r No. 74. That Beautiful Land. Mrs. P. A.'F. Wood-White. copyriqhteo. used by per. Alfred Beirly, Mus. Doc. ^<&h Et--i= -I — *|-U3— ' ll-bS='ij.-^.-tiJ 1. I have heard of a land On a far-a-way strand^p the Bi - ble tho 2. There are ever-green trees That bend low in the breeze, ^nd their fruitage 1-3 3. There's a home in that land At the Fathers right hand; There are mansions whose Ht^- Iv [v~n -— r '-h..-#-^ z^^-^d ^^^^^^^^ a sto - ry is told,— Where no cares ev-er come, Nev-er darkness nor gloom, bright-er than gold; There are harps for our hands In that fair-est of lands, joys are un-told; There the ransomed will sing Round the throne of their King, :bzii=fc=t i :ls=)C i=^ -■»- -■»- -^r- -mr -.l^ i?=P=(=t :t^=t^ ^ t=t ^ Refrain. I ' ' I And noth-ing shall ev-er grow old. And noth-ing shall ev - er grow old. And noth-ing shall ev - er grow old. -M 19 i In that beau-ti - ful land, On that ii^^gi^lp^iaigi^ ir^/k-Ai-^ far-a-way strand, There a-wait us a pahn and a crown; The sto -ry so S5 ^ ^d2=^ X: «= ^ ^ Ji=|i::|:t; fe^ "-y J H ^ _._ =^: old Will new glo - ry un - fold. And the sun-light will nev-er go down. ^^ feiil^i^^i^i^i^ No. 75. Birdie Bell. Tell the Blessed Story. COPYRIGHT, 1808, BY A. M. PACE. A. M. Pace. 1. Tell what Je - sus does for you, Nev - er was a friend so true, 2. Tell what Je - sus does to - day, Helps each pil-grira on the way, 3. Tell the sto - ry here be - low, For 'twill ev - er sweet-er grow, >. -A- t-=x ?=:bs=f=?z£E=E: HH ^ \ \^ =^—^— ^-^ V^v m ^=^- -i^. -^'—V - ^- *—i-^7Vii—^-^ ^ O ' feCS t^ ^^^ 0th - ers long to know Him too, Tell the bless-ed Tell the blcss-ed sto - ry. Guides the feet that weak-ly stray, Tell the lov - ing Tell the lov - ing sto - ry. Tin in heav'n each heart will know All the wondrous All the won-drous eto - ry. ^ ^ rt=^ ' ^^-=s^ J33 ~ ^ ^' U U k k b^i=fS arM f=t J- sto - ry; Tell a - bout His matchless love, How He Tell the bless - ed sto - ry; sto - ry; 0th - ers need His guid-ing hand. As they Tell the lov - ing sto - ry; Sto - ry; There all voic - es join the strain, Wor-thy All the wondrous sto - ry; ^F^- t=t:^ i^- b-tr-g-i;? =^ ^l.— V— V =t-J- i . i ^— ^ — f -A It:: =P=P= t^ i=t t — f ^ --^^=i=i =t ._jS__J^_^__J. 5=5: ^ P=w left His home a - bove, Seeks to save the souls who rove, seek the Fa - ther - land. In His strength they too shall stand, is the Lamb once slain, Now in glo - ry Christ doth reign, A -A- H^ hA- -A- -A- &A. .^ -^ y ^^ *;^:itc HV -^- =Zl>~^^^^= Tell the Blessed Story. Tell the gi a-cious sto - ry . . . . Tell the srra-cious sto - ry, yes. Tell the firra - cioua sto - ry. Tell the pre-cious sto - ry Tell the pre - cious sto - ry, yes. Tell the pre - cious sto - ry. Nev - - - er end - ing sto - ry Nev - er end - ing sto - ry, yes, Nev - er end - ing sto - ry. ^1??^==l=t=t= i^-t- W t^ 1 — r- r r— r— f— 1 CHORUS. l?*i=t^=^ pi • * | i € ^./^-^ V— P P 1- -^~^ Sto - - ry of re-deera-ing love, Sto - ry of re - deem - ing love, Sto - ry of re - deem - ing love. ^ HA 14- y \j L Iv I u k k Sing it till we meet a - bove; Sing it till we meet a - bove. Sing it till we meet a - bove; -.- — c— L-T^— ^ — ^ — '■ — p— — -I — " — ^s_s_i-_> — ^ — 3 ^S^^^E^ ^-fc ^_=itrri-r±rr Matchless sto k — k — s^ — k — k- p ry end-les8 sto - ry, Matchless sto - ry, end - less sto - ry. Matchless sto - ry, end -less sto - ry. f=^i:=^-=:i^.—'t.=^- ■■.z=i=iiz- m T^j-r- t=f=«=-f=i' m 1/ U 1/ Tell of Je - - - 8U3 and His love. Tell of Je - BUS and His love. Tell of Je - sus and His love. c=t^-E=B tt=«^t No. 76. c. H. a. The Wonderful Story, COPYRIGHT, 18S7, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Chss. H. Gabriel. \^4J=ii ¥i Ei^ -^^^-^ 1. sweet is thesto-ry of Je-sus, The won-der-ful Sav-iorof men, 2. He came from the brightest of glo - ry; His blood as a ran-som He gave, 3. His mer - cy flows on like a riv - er; His love is unmeasured and free; -A . -A -A -A- -A. -A- -A- .A--^. _-_. ^„ « . A >--A* liife^^^^p Who suf-fered and died for the sin-ner— I'll tell it a - gain and a -gaini To pur-chase e - ter - nal redemption, And, He is might -y to savel His grace is for - ev - er suf - fi - cient,It reach-es and pu - ri - fies me. i ^ U* V 1/ u ^ irrife ?*-?*-^ f- 1*=^=PE p ii-^ J-J-A- ^ V \f \ i^^ won - - der -ful, wonder -fulsto - ry, The dear - est that ■won-der-fiil sto - - ry, won-der-ful sto- ry.The dearest that ev -- - 1 ^ . __ -A--A--A-A^ B^^EEi^ ry, ine aearesi mai ev - - - ■-p-v-f- s*li^ h h f^l=^^^=^^^^^^^=W=f=.^-^^=^ ev - er was told; . that ev - er was told; -^ ■ -!»- i»- i^ -g- ^ . I'll re -peat it in glo - - ry, The wonderful I'll re - peat it in plo - ry, The ^ -A ^ — Uk — kk — W — lA — 14 — 14— ^ sto - - ry, Where I . . . shall His beauty be-hold. . . won-der-ful sto - ry. Where I shall His beau - - ty. His beau -ty be-hold. ^ g^S "£ -rrT~rf ;^*=^t: f^^^ i .Mo. 77. Let the Song Rin$ Out. Maud Frazer. COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY WILL L. THOMPSON. Will L. Thompson. -5 ^^f=^~^--cf^n==f==^^^-. :i— S— -— 1. 'Neath the King's command let us march a long, With a cheer - ful step 2. Now with gladsome hearts lot us serve our King; As we do His will, 3. Let the song ring out, and be not dis-mayed, Tho' the hosts of sin 4. Oh, re-joice, re-joice, let us grate -ful be For sal-va-tion of- A-^-A— tA A A . A 5 — A A-!-A— rA A ^ 4 — iib-=— 14 — HA — I ^k — 14-^-yk — MA \tk tj K 1 1 1 and a cour-age strong; God has filled our hearts with a sweet,'new song; ev - er praise and sing; For our song may souls to the Sav - ior bring, are in might ar-rayed; God's our strength and Shield, He will give us aid; fered so full, so free; There is life e - ter - nal, for you, for me,— -n» m ff A-^-A— r> A — A ■ — ; A m — A- ^ Chorus. 3-^- I^ Let the song ring out to - day. Let the song ring Let the sons: g?=t ^?- t=^ '■^m: jA- -4=: ;±zS: £E? l^iH =fe— :6: fj-^ — = -^1 ft P=t - ~^^ out, ring oat, An - gels hov - er roi An - gels hov - c 1 — s^-^-f— md r a-1 r ^ ^ r DOUt, round a - bout, lfe^= ,^ •^ 1, f 1 '— N^-r-^ -P^^ H j.^3 ^ 3^3iB^ 54=^ ^- I Re - joice, re-joice and praise the Lord; Let the joy - ful song ring out. ri ^ I A" A— A A - r>— b^ T A^-^-f-A -y-i- Oh, it is Wonderful! Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. I stand all a-mazed at the love Je - sus of - fers me, Con-fused at the 2. I mar-vel that He would de-scend from His throne di-vme, To res - cue a 3. I think of His hands,pierced and bleeding to pay the debtl Such mer-cy, such -4-S- — S- I pll^li^^^^^^ m -sir - grace that so ful - ly He prof-fers me; I trem-ble to know that for Soul so re - bel-lious and proud as mine; That He should ex-tend His great love and de - vo - tion can I for-get? No, no, I will praise and a- i -^^ ^=i rit Pl^^^^a^ ±^- me He was cru - ci-fied, That for me, a sui-ner, He suf-fered,He bled and died, love un-to such as I, Suf - fi-cient to own, to re-deem and to jus - ti - fy. dore at the mercy-seat, Un - til at the glo-ri - fled throne 1 kneel at His feet. > t f=^ Chorus. Oh, it 13 won der-ful that He should care for me, E-nough to Won - der- ful! I ^ yk 14 L,4_. ,4 ^. W- ■5- igpipi^^^i^i^ii die for me! Won • der-ful! Oh, it won - der-ful, won-der-ful to mel |lp?ippiilip 53 -A— r tl~ i No. 79. The Savior's Smile. COrVRtOHT, 1907, tY E. O. EXCELU WORM AND MUSIC. Jno. R. Sweacy. i 1- S3^ ^^ 1 . As the sunlight breaks thro' the clouds o'er head, When the storm has passed, 2. In the time of sor - row, and pain and grief,When I pray to Je - 3. \Yhenthe morning beams with a joy - ful light, Or when dark and drear 4. So it mat -teri not what the years may bring, Whether win -ter's froata, ^m ^ 3E3; :f=^ ^ ^ m m^ and the' winds have fled, So In hours of dark-ness, and fear and trial. BUS, He sends re - lief, When temp-tations sore would my soul be-guile. fall the shades of night. As we're nearing home with each wea-ry mile, or the flowers of spring, If in faith I pray to Him all the while. ^^ 1p=t m rn d^ 1^ £j^-r=i ^^ Fine. Chorus. t J J -^ ^ ^ There is noth - ing so sweet as the Sav-ior's smile. There b ^^^?E^S , P F- A f t- W , A R^rT^nyp noth - ing «± y — K- D. S. — There u nothing to tweet at the Sav-ioft tmile. te r P i fe t=* T=Xi :;^=^ ^— N— ^ ?±i=i^ 80 sweet, there is noth-mg so sweet, As the smile He gives, when we trrg-p-g— P^ r »• « I I I 1 1 1 t n t=t V K p ^^.*-JH=#fp|=-^^^r^N' i ^ :^=? ^ kneel at His feet. In the boor of grief, in the boor F=r=r *!«*: i of trial, No. 80. c. H.a. Galling the Prodigal. COPYRIGHT, 1889, BV E, O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Chas. H. Qabriel. mm^^^^^l^ 1. God is call-ing the prod-i-gal,come with-out de-lay, Hear,Ohear Him calling, 2. Pa-tient, lov-ing and ten-der-ly still the Fa-ther pleads, Hear,0 hear Him calling, 3. Come,theres bread m the house of thy Father.andto spare,Hear,0 hear Him calling. ■lA— lA— A — 14 — 14- -r\ — rr^ST r^rS~S~S~S~S ' S"^ tj=±: calling now for thee; Tho' you've wandered so far from His presence, come to-day, calling now for thee; Oh! re-turn while the Spir-it in mer - cy in -ter-cedes, callmg now for thee; Lol the ta-ble is spread and the feast is waiting there, for thee; ^/p — 14 — 14—14 — 14—14 14-14 -r-p-r-^'t-pr -14 — 14 Chorus. ^^^^^ir^l Hear His lovmg voice callmg still Call - - ing now for thee, , call-ing still: Calling now for tbee, Callingr now for thee. wear - - I U 1/ U' u i y prod-i-gal, come;'. .'..',.., Call - ing now for Weary prod-i-gal, come, weary prod-i-gal, come; Calling now for thee. m: Sig! ais P=l -A-A-A-A-A-A^ 14—14-14 14 I4-I4- TP"\rp- tE^^ -14—14-1 4 1 4 14- 'Tf^-^tT'- thee, wear - - - y prod-i-gal, come Calling now for thee, Wear-y prod-i - gal, come, wear-y prod-i-g«l, come. miMm^^im ES 14 — 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 - iH Draw Nigh to God. 1. If you would be set free from sin, "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God;" 2. If you would do His will di-vine, "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God;'* 3. If you a ho - ly life would live, "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God;" 4. If you will win the heav'nly prize, "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God;" 5. If you His glo - ry would be-hold; "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God;" i-z^^in^-X^ 1^1 If you would have His peace with-in, "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God." Up - on your way His light will shine, "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God." He will the Ho - ly Spir-itgive, "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God." Up -on the good now fix your eyes, "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God." In heav'n be - yond the gates of gold, "Draw nigh, draw nigh to God." -A- -♦- -♦-• -i»- _ ^ ^ ^ sf - f- ,r - r -r— ^-- C- -g- fe « • ^- - ssg^F i=^ *=«±t ?^; -*— Refrain. "Draw nigh to God, draw nigh to God," -bey His will, be - lieve His word; Wi^i^^^^Mim •tr-y— r h r^ ^ , J K-^ m i J M —\-m ■ »~r ^^^^iSiip^pi Thou 'It find His pre - cious prom - ise true, He will draw nigh to thee. I I I i^^i^^l^^ No. 82. Gome Unto Me! Rev. E. A. Hoffman. Duet, Alto and Tenor. Homer F. Morris, by per. ♦ #> 3 r^ * 1 ^ 3 — L^_!_-^ ^Z—Sl ijidtp: if 1. Come un-to me I come un-to mel Come with thy ginlt oppressed,Come all ye 2. Come un-to me! come un-to mel No Ion - ger from me stray, If ye be 3. Come un-to mel come un-to me! Why Ion - ger thirst - y go? The fountain h .1 J :^- x^ -. ^ ^_ I f^J^J: ^ I jA. kX ' 1* 1 — Eg • g C "i » 00 # ^ M^ S=^=?=^ -^ — ^ — f—^^ — fi — ^— Ff — ^- t t-Lr "b tLr ^ Ifr ffi -ir B^ *^ « — 3 — l:#-= — ♦ — ♦^ J^^J W^^^^^^ ^ wea-ry, weak and faint, Come find a place of rest; Come un-to me, come un-to hun-gry, sick and faint. Come to the feast to - day; Come un-to me, come un-to flow - eth now for thee, Its full-ness come and know; Come un-to me, come un-to I mm ^^f- -♦ — ♦^ ^^^ me. And I thy Com - for me, Wa - ter of life I me, And I will cure thy I ^ h h J h ^ ^ A-e- - ter will be; wea-ry soul with bur-dens free - ly give, Come, all ^e thirst - y, parched with ev -'ry ill, Thy life with peace and joy will I N .^ J" ^. ^ h ^ h h -i, u^— 1=^ ■f-^ ur^ — trr -.f^-n- trrt tr Refrain, i f^4- rrt— 4:- i ±^ -l^ i pressed, Come, I will give you neat. And my rich grace re - fill To all e - ter - ni J. . h^J,^i --PH- rest, I U y \ ceive. come un-to me! ' ty. Com* an-tomel come an 'to mel I fcj±l= pf i ^- ^^rrrr come un-to Come un-to me! rtr i 5±3-t me! "^ "^ ' And I will thy com-fort-er come un - to mel V=^=t i*— ^— lf-# t- -A-* -A- -A- -*-• -A- ti 1— ^- S it=t=t: ^=P^ Gome Unto Me. -^-T- be: 7^1 ^M: r=|-F poor, "'oor. bur-dened soul, -A- -A* -A- -A- — ? r"^ burdened soul, "^ "^ by poor, bur-dened soul, *=I±J: No. 83. Supplication. Eld. J. H. Lonifenecker. owned by j. henry showalter. J. Henry Showalter. 1. As - sera-bled, Lord, in Thy great name, We meet in Coun - oil, here; 2. Now may Thy wait-ing peo - pie feel An unc-tion full and free; 3. bless-ed Lord, come cleanse and purge All leav-en from the heart; 4. Fill us with wis-dora from a - bove,Give strength as is our day; 5. May our de - lib - er - a - tions.Lord, Be pleas -ing in Thy sight; 6. And when our Christian race is run, And earth s fond ties are riv'n, may pen-te ry samt ap - pear. Thy liv - ing pres-ence, Lord, re-veal That mafces us one in Thee. Come, sanc-ti-fy Thy blood-bought Church, New life and strength im-part. All strife and dis-cord far re-move. Grant peace and love, we pray. May all Thy saints, with sweet ac-cord. In Christ, their Lord, u - nite. Lord, our God, thensay, "Welldone," And crown us heirs in heav'n. No. 84. F. S. H. Jesus is Galling. COPYRIGHT, 1896, B' E. O. EXCbLL, WORDS AND MUSIC. F. S. Shepard. teE^^P^^^^^ 1. Je - su§, the Sav - ior, is call - ing for thee, "Come,heav-y U - den one, 2. Ye who are wander -ing now far a - way, Heed the blest message, why 3. Je - sus still seeks thee a -far from the fold. Out on the mountain so #-■ m u m s p=^ iii*Uf i j=f=f- ?cztz: t=f^ i ^ come un - to me; I will thy soul from its bur - dens set free"— Je - sua long - er de - lay? Why from His pres ence so long wilt thou stay? Je - sus dark and so cold; Turn to Him now— in His arms He'll en - fold— Je - sus 15 4. u U 1/ ■^ i m t=f=f^ t=^t=^ Refrain. ^^t3r^^=P t=:t -• — ^ -^ — ti TTn — ? mj ♦ g is call - ing for thee! Je - sus is call - - ing, ten - der - ly Call - i:i^ for tiiee. t=fc=M: ^ ^U- i^-zz^ all 11 - ing foi U 1/ u call - - ing, Je - sus is call-ing, call-ing for thee; Je - sus is call - - - call - ing for time, Call - ing for /UL * ^-^ — A — A A — A — A— r^-^A — A — A- ^±1 k k k #^ Rii. ^^^ ^^ -# #■ fe^ES^^ U b k ' ^ ing, ten-der-ly call - - ing, Je - sus is call - ing, call - ing for thee. thee, call - iug fur thee, ^M^: i/ 1/ ^ w 4nrj.: Sfe^ I No. 85. Rev. J. B. Atchin5on. Let him In. COPYRIGHT, 1881 , BV JOHN J. HOOD. E. O EXCELL, OWNER. E. O. Exccll. W^ 1. There's a Strang-er at the door, Let *J. - pen now to Hira your heart, Let 3. Hear you now His lov - ing voice? Let 4. Now ad - iiiit the heav'n-ly Guest Let J^ . Let the Sav-ior in, ffT^ ^Tfff Him Him Hira Him m; in; in; in; Let the StT-ior in; \^ y V y \ He has been there oft be - fore, H you wait He will de - part. Now, oh, now make Him your choice, He will make for you a feast, hr^-^^¥ '£=e- ^-1^ fcs 13 Let Let Let Let Let the Sav :f-f— Him Him Him Him m; in; in; in; Let the Sav - ior in; ♦=^^- ^ A— A 1 4 1 4 A ii:^^- U ^ b P rrrp lr^=*=ti: n-t-i- ^^ P^2Z 4 — \ — ^- r-t~i-^ m Let Him in, ere He is gone, Let Him in, the Ho - ly One, Let Him in. He is your friend, He your soul will sure de - fend, He is stand-ing at your door, Joy to you He will re - store. He will speak your sins for - givn, And when earth ties all are riv'n. ^ t=t -s=e^ pbi . i > -I [> II Je - sus Christ, the Fa-ther*s Son, He will keep you to the end. And His name you will a - dore. He will take you home to heav'n, ^S :W=H4-H4— l— Let Let Let Let Let the Sav - ior in, ^-# ^-sr- Him Him Him Him m. in. in. in. Let the Sav - ior in. US '/ P k U I :tfe No. 86. You Ought lo Know My Jesus. Elizabeth B. Miller. BRETHREN PUB. HOUSE, OWNER. J. E. Delmarter. m ^ ^-^5§i -4— :jr irz:?^ ^=i=H 1. You ought to know my Je - sus, He's ev - 'ry thing to me; 2. You ought to know my Je - sus, He do - eth all things well; 3. You ought to know my Je - sus, For He a - lone hath pow'r; 4. You ought to know my Je - sus. So gen - tie, true and kind; m — p—'i V P^f¥?- fe^ii^iipp^Pi He'll prove the same to you, friend, 0, come and taste and see. He nev - er, nev - er fails me, His praise how can I tell! To heal the soul's dis - eas - es, And keep thee pure each hour. No friend like Christ, my Sav - iour, In all the world you'll find. 83 f-r-5^- |3?±^EE^ n- ^Bi^^^m -P=^ f^ Refrain. d r^ 33* ^F3td You ought to know my Je - sus, With Him none can com - pare; A- -A- -A- -A- -P^» -^ ^ irrT#zz3?— f±:rzz:t=t:=ir U—i^=z p—f ^ I— V hzT^ h . i^. I ^zii^ial: i >- ^-i — ♦ He's chief a-mong ten thou -sand, Of all the host most fair. F- -A- -A-' -A- >• > No. 87. Loyalty to Christ. Dr.B.T.Ctfsel. 894, ISM, BV E. O. EXCELL. WORD6 AND MUSIC. Flora H. CaiMl. A- 1. From - ver hill and plain There comes the signal strain, 'Tis loy-al-ty,!oy-al-ty, 2. hear, ye brave, the sound That moves the earth aronnd, *Tis loy-al-ty,loy-al-ty, 3. Come, join our loy-althrong,We'll root the gi-ant wrong, 'Tis loy-al-ty,loy-al-ty, 4. The strength of youth we lay At Je-sus' feet to-day, 'Tis loy-al-ty,loy-al-tT, r . 1^ ^^ ^^ m loy-al-ty to Christ; Its mu- sic rolls a -long. The hills take up the song, loy-al-ty to Christ; A - rise to dare and do, Ring out the watchword true, loy-al-ty to Christ; Where Sa-tan's banners float We'll send the bu-gle note, loy-al-ty to Christ; His gos-pel we'll pro-claim Thro'-out the world'sdo-mam. N A ' A A r-^-j^ .r ^ I h 1 ^ ^ Chorus. ^^^^^pS^S m Of loy-al-ty, loy-al-ty, Yes, loy-al-ty to Christ. "On to vic-to-ry! On to V=^^=^^i=^ i aci^i ^'\ r+F ^E r—r^-r a v-f-y-v- j^ ij j LL^i^^ ^g^l^j ▼ic-to-ry! "Cries our great Commander; "On!" We'll move at His command ^eat Commander:"On'* tiii^J^ mmm ^^m r We'll soon pos-sess the land,Thro* loy-al-ty, loy-al-ty, Yes, loy-al-ty to Christ (No. 88. Where He Leads Me I Will Go. Nora E. Ber!J- A-A- ^t=r4^ A— A- :t=fe ^ r~t~t^ m ■A — n Na 93. Stand Fast In His Love, S. Houston Profflt. JAMES 0. VAUGMAN, OWNER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED «fe=^^: James D. Vau8:han. 4 m 1. Stand fast, serv-ants of our King, His blood has made us free, 2. Stand fast, someday with Him we'll reign, Let love a-bound with - in, 3. Stand fast, sol - diers of the cross. The Sav-iour's love pro - claim, 4. Stand fast, Chris-tians for the right, And to your Lord be true, » 1 ' 1— f-fr-' — 1 r— I — ^—p—9 Ift^^ ^=^E^Ei^ -1 — 1 F^=H-" i — F^ And En - Bid Go 1 now with joy - ful hearts we tan - gle not our-selves a - sin - ful men come un-to forth and la - bor with your i 1 A_r__A — A-^-A — 1 ■f — r 1 — t-'T t — sing, And ?ain, In I aim, s] might. There r-A-^ A 1 -| 1 i—i—J— tell of vie - 1 )ond-age mi - d iread a - broad ] s much for you ^ — - ei His to f — ry. sin. name. do. P^ — Lf-M-Fk-H Lr— H t-r 1 ^r— ' ^ Chorus. Stand fast, stand fast, Stand fast in the love of God; He SUnd fast in His lore, sUDd fast in His love, will «^ i=t: NP-^ ^ V— f^- fr9 j 1 ; " M Af— -I \— J M ! 1 V- -M ^ * n H- -a^-!- bless us ev'ry day, As we journey on our way.Stand fast m the love of God. ^ N IS N ■ *° '^* '''^® °' 7-. A A aI a I |« I a a, I*- I* I * I * A A|A |*-A A-»L»^^iLj God. No. 94. Is He Satisfied With Me? Hattie Y. Qilbert. j. henry showalter, owner. J. Henry 5howalter. ^—^<— !-'=?—<'— '<—^—»i—«i * ^—^—1 ^ . ^Fl^^ — *=^ 1. I am sat - is-fied with Je- sus, For His death has made me free,Ev-'ry 2. In this world of sin and sor-row, Full of hate, de-ceit and strife, If I 3. When my earthly race is end-ed. And the Fa-therbids me come; Tho'my '/ V >~p~)/—c ir~iJ~u f- m^mM^^^m t=fi v=^- day His presence cheer-eth,When by faith His face I see; Yes, I'm sat - is- may but look to Je-sus, He will sane- ti-fy my life; How He fills my ef-forts may seem failures, As I count no vict'ries won; I'll be hap-py h h ♦ ♦ ffi lii >_A— A- -J 1 i. -t^p- -^- -^=h t-=^- 3d2t -J^: tcrs ^E^^ESEiES -M M d t i d i^^ fied with Je - sus, Yet one troub-ling question be: When I'm lost in love and soul with goodness, And His prora-is-es to me Drive a - way all cares and in that hour When my friends no help can be. If I hear my Sav-iour . h h h h t— ^ p-v Refrain. ^^- -j^-[^^'- ^^4^'^ 1^=^^-- -^— ->«— * m¥ mer-cies. Is He sat-is - fied with me? shad-ows, Bids all dis-con-tent-ment flee! Is He sat-is -fied with me? whis-per, "I am sat-is - fied with thee." mi^s Is He vSatisfied With Me? *^^^^^^^ Is He sat- is- fied with me? In my thoughts the ques-tion In my thoughts the ques-tion lin - gers, In my For last verse. May I hear His gen - tie May I hear His gen -tie whis-per. May I i ±z,^M=^ t:;f_T:,h;^q^ t^t!-k-p-rr l^-lv b If I t; i, ^ If I lingers, Is He sat-is - - fied with me? thoughts the question lingers. Is He sat - is - fied with me? Is He sat-is - fied with me? whisper, "Child, I'm sat-is - - fied ^vith thee!" hear His gen-tle whisper, "Child I'm sat-is - fied with thee, Child, I'm sat-is-fied with thee!' ^i=fc*=p: ^^MM^^^^^ No. 95. nary C. Stooer. Abidin.^ Presence. J. HENRY 8H0WALTER. OWNER. n^-k-i5^'r- J. Henry Showaiter. ft-- - II 1. Thou a-bid-eth ev - er with me, Blessed Lord. . I feel thy love, (i feel thy love.) 2. Tho' I take the wings of morning.Or my heart be bowed with care, (be bowed a ith care.) 3. Yea, the darkness cannot hide me, For it shin - eth as the day, (shines as the day,) ^■ ^—K :^-tt=t -A— ^- :i=t ^ ^=t=^ -m-A—m- ^4^ ■>-A-A^»^- U y l^ 1/ IT- I I l^ Angels hover near my pathway, Point me to . . the home above. (the home above.) Yea, behold Thy Spirit leadeth. And my Savior Thou art near. (Thou'rt ever near.) Ev-er will Thy Spir-it lead me. Thou dost guide me all the way. (yes, all the way.) ^7-r --!»-g-r3b in^IEIi ^-E-grg_g-gF- No. 96. The Kind's Business. Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman's Simultaneous Campaign Hymn. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY E. O. EXCELL. Dr. B. T. CM5el. words and music. Flora H. 1«l ^m^^: 1. I am a strang-er here, with - in a for - eign land, My home is 2. This is the King's command, that all men ey - 'ry- where, Re -pent and 3. My home is bright - er far than Shar-on's ros - y plain, E - ter - nal rg-fe-g-h^^ *: k g I *^ *=(= ' — * ^ • — 9 — V — V Hr-^-H^ :&r± t=:fc rt=t- 5E^ rt a4=j=a=s far a -way, np - on a gold-en strand; Am - bas-sa - dor to be of turn a -way, from sin's se - due tive snare; That all who will o - bey, with life and joy thro' - out its vast do - mam; My Sov'reign bids me tell how realms be - yond the sea, I'm here on business for my King. Him shall reign for'aye. And that's my business for my King. This is the mor-tals there may dwell, And that's my business for my King. £=t t^^=N F — *-rJ«— *^ 'W^ I V^iT-V- ^s ^ J ! Si ^ES^agig ^^ t:it=t:t mes- sage that I bring, A mes-sage angels fain would sing; "Oh, be ye I i ^=^ ^^ m s*^!*-* — * r^-v U. m=t -x\ t : $ ■I i'iifctt p i ^^^^m ti la ^ra-f-g --r ^Sl reconciled" Thus saith my Lord and King, "Oh, be ye reconciled to God." ** mm — L-ur I j k gig No. 97. Rev. R. J.Craiff. The Li^ht of the World. J. D. BRUNK, OWNER. USED BY PER. 1. Ye are the light of the world, Driv-ing the dark-ness a - way, 2. Ye are the light of the world, Caus-ing the clouds to de - part, 3. Ye are the light of the world; Thro' you the true light must shine, -A- -A^ m m^m ^^ ^m 1/ 1/ U V u t=^^- ^-^—t^ t? VJ— J— J =^- ^^m^m 2^ Shed-ding your beams on the lost, Chang-ing their night in - to day. Throw-ing the sun-shme of peace Down on the pour, bur-dened heart. Call - ing the lost sons of men Home to the Fa - ther di - vine. J3 ^g^i^^ig^gi^^ r- pa^i^ai^j^^^^^gl^ -^■ Then let your light ev - er shine, Show-ing the right way to go; Then let your light ev - er shine, Loved ones are pant-ing for rest; Then let your light ev - er shine, Hal - low the name that is love; S^ h h h ^ -#. - — ^ — 0- >. HT. t=4: ?^ -f¥- -A-' ^^^^^^^3^ E^ k U U P Glad-ly the lost ones will see— God's boundless love they will know. Sun - shine their souls will re - vive, Lift - ing them up to the blest. You will each shine as a star, Fixed in the or - bit a - bove. ^ J ! — P-g-t £ '-A- ^. ^ -^ ^ -^-^ V— ^— P £ P 1^ U i No. 99. Send Out the News. H. F. M. H. F. MORRIS, OWNER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Homer F. Morris. J \j ]^ '^ ^ y y ye gos-pel her-alds, go proclaiming (go pro-claiming), With hearts agio wand 2. Send the news to ev'ry land and nation ( land and nation) i Tell all a-bout His 3. Tell the news till ev'ry creature bringing(aii are bringing ) , A tri-bute to His 4. Ma - ny, ma-ny «ouls are dai - ly dying ( dai-iy dy - ing ) /'Come o'er and help ns'* L I. L L L L I I * ^ r 1/ b P 1^ k b 1 -^ 3=52 I ^ -^ re w ^ f r ^ lights a-flam-ing( lights a-flam-ing), Till up - on the earth are none re- great sal-va-tion( great sal- va-tion); AH the kin-dred tribes of His cre- good-ness singing ( giad-iy sing-ing), Till u - nit - ed heav'n and earth are they are crying ( they are crying) , Earthly pleas-ures to our-selves de- m^^ t *=§==^^ klL/kkb ^^U H"^ maining (none remaining ) , Who have not heard the Savior's name ( His bless-ed name) • a - tion ( His cre-a-tion) Should of His loving kindness know( His kindness know). ring-ing( loudly ringing) With His exultant, worthy praise ( His worthy praise) . ny - ing( are de-ny-ing), let US Spread a-broad His fame ( His^ no-ble fame). v-=^- :t^=f: Refrain. ^Si -t^-i^ :n=^: &^ J=K ^ Send out the news, send out the news, From shore to shore, Send out the news, send out the news. From shore to J-A-A-A- ^— ^ =^K; k-k- k k^k-i :^^P v^ Send Out the News. m^^mm^^^ from pole to pole; Send out the news, send out the shoret from pole to pole, from pole to pole; Send out the news If: f: If: !•?: 3?- -?: ^ tes^^g 5^=?^ -^-^ -^4 X ^= tEn-3 P^.l'^f b^ ^ *=1: m ?d2' f^r^-> 1^=5: ;jai 5^-fW^^' news, Till all the earth of Him is told. send out the aevrs, Till all the earth, till all the earth of Him is told. m^ A— A — A — A — A- i2zzt rT-p~l^t^ fc— s- ^ ^ ^ k k- ; '"^"^^i^^^ No. 100. I Need Thee Every Hour. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY MARY RUNYON LOWRY. Mrj. Annie S, Hawks. renewal, used by per. Rev. Robert. Lowry. ^1 -¥- a:- ±; -^ ^- I V 1. 1 need Thee ev-'ry hour, Most gra - cious Lord; No ten - der voice Uke 2. I need Thee ev-'ry hour, Stay Thou near by; Temp-ta-tions lose their 3. I need Thee ev-'ry hour, In joy or pain; Come quick-Iy and a- 4. I need Thee ev-'ry hour, Most Ho - ly One; make me Thine in- ^ Thine Can peace af - ford. pow'r When, Thou art nigh. I need Thee, I need Thee; Ev-'ry hour I bide, Or life is vain. deed. Thou bless-ed Son! r- ^£^=F=t=? ^ t=t r ^f=i=UT need Thee! bless me now, my Sav - ior, I come to Thee! i^i ppg^^r.3^^g^ ^ No. 101. Charlotte O. Homer. The Son^ of Triumph. COPYRIGHT, 18B7, BY F. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Chas. H. Qabrlel. P p "^ — i # d — J ^' ■-^ ? I-- D. CVl. We are march - kig un - der the ban - ner vie - to - rious; 2. God is with us, strong to sup - port and de - liv - er; 3. On-ward, on - ward I an - swer the call of the Lead - er; S ^— i ^ SB3 -p-^ r^ I t=t 15=4=:45 ^^ 1^1=1^^ l^-^^^ir^ ^^^ Leav - ing all at the call of the Com-man-der we love; In His might day and night stead -i - ly on - ward we move; For the right we will fight, fear - less - ly en - ter the fray, -i=zt±E^ ■t -m — m- ■i±i=it SJ m Uf I 1/ t^m r-jt-T^F^ — 1p — ' — * — * t==i tr-iT-"^^ 3=^^ ZZIZl ?rH^^ m t^=-t= t Trampl^amp! Sa - tan's bat - tie - ments trem-ble be - fore us. Where He leads, thro' val - ley, o'er mount-ain or riv - er. Brave - ly, tru - ly heed - ing the sum-mons to serv - ice, ^^^^ -4I-. Ai-^ n# 1 N \ N Fine. « y? ^ ■ J_ -J -t- 4^ J... 1 -- ^ - 4 — ~^ ^ w^ F~ -^— Mk-; — H u . H^- i~ -2 i_fi -^-ib=i=^ v ^ — r -tt — ^^^^ — ^— "Vic ■ • to - ry! Vic - to - ry!" ech - the courts a - bove! We will go for we know in - fi - nite is His love. Val- iant - ly, loy - al - y bat - tie for Christ to - da^. t' ^ ^ «.. A M. ^ ^ t" *T^* __!? — — u — 1 L • L ■ t— t— _i ^ — -ris w!L.|k — -f— ^--^ — 9 t= L , — t ~fc — ' A * i-H^ V k r The Song of Triumph. Chorus. t 1 — ^ — r — V Strong to meet the foe, On to the field we brave - ly go, A .1 A. J^ } ^ 1 ^A ^ A-1 ^S -A— Strong faith we brave - ly EO, With i » t "T" Tramp! tramp I I I tramp! March! march! i<--J. . A. A. march! ^P^^^S^ ^-r -' '^ > V ■ I 1/ ' 1/ riehteousnesa girded, witb sword and shield, We bat -tie with sin on the o- pen field; We Ti^ k. 1 fc. 1 k. N ^ ' ^ 1 N ■ Vf u : ^ ^ ^ r J \/~t \ J 'J J J •^ ^ J 1 ^ - ^ J - J ^ J J "I g\^d d # # «. • ^.-9 ^ • Q m ' ' lU * * i 1 1*1^ ♦ ^ * • r 1 J 1 l^ 1 ^ Loy - al to com - mand, Shoul - der to shoul - der we A A: A I: A. J: ^ > \ ^ A wUl 1 stand, A^A , 7-4* A • - - A 1 m^^^ p^ F^ 1 _^_! ^_!_ -^-^= — ^^ ^-? -■ \ 1 m-, 1 -\ 1 1 1 — ' ' r ' shoul der close to shoal der stand. And ±:ri * ^ i£ m^^ 'Vic - to - ry! J n. VIC to -ry!" A .N.. our cry! 'Vie - to - ry! tic - to - ry!" is our cry, and "vie - to - ry" is our cry! Chorus, D. C. \st verte. ^=t ^ Be^ -■i ^^^r i Glo - ry to Je - sus, We'll tri - umph by and by, I #±=f=t No. 102. Gathering Beautiful Sheaves. James Rowr. With aniinudon. COPYRIGHT, 1610, BY JAME6 D. VAUCHAN. James D. Vaughan. 3 ^m^m^^m^^^m 1/ -#- ''!-■--# 1. Gath - er - ing sheaves for Je-sus, our e - ter - nal King, Work-ing for 2. Gath - er - ing sheaves for Je-sus, mak-ing oth - ers glad, Send-ing His 3. Gath - er - ing sheaves for Je-sus, we will trust His grace, Sing of His 3 - - Xr_^_^^^ f»— e — *— rf — •— -F— ^- ^— -f — r* h s ^ ^ ^— 1 y—^- P^l^^^i^^Pflig -^—^- V ^ V -^ Him who has saved us by His love; Lov - ing His bless - ed serv - ice, light in - to val-leys deep and drear; Tell - ing the joy - ful ti - dings love, till this earth-Iy life is o'er; Then, in our home e - ter - nal, -A- -A-* -A- -A-. a -A-. - t' ^' r — t— tf— f-^-/i— r-fg^-^ k— J r-^ ^— t — ^- >— ^— ^: :^=t^=f: «>-*- g? 5_;_^=qi==^z^ *— 2-J 1- — 1^ 2-5— -^-i3==i hap - py praise we sing, Faith-ful-ly try - ing to win the crown a - bove. to the lone and sad, Help-ing the lost ones to trust our Sav-iour dear, we shall see His face. And with the saints praise His love for ev - er - more, -A- -A-* -A- -A-. fc Chorus.. fc=trrt 25C mi Gath- er- ing sheaves, win-ning the crown, Beaa • ti - ful sheaves, g\o - ri • oos crown, J^ J^ Jfi. -^-. ♦ 2 -■- - V- n- U"^^ ?-\^--t=t= f ^^ iSi \ Gath-er - ing sheaves for the *' Harvest Home'* a-bove; for the "Har - vest Home" a - bove; =t=ilrt Gatherin* Beautiful Sheaves, K a :at m I y Trust-ing His grace, ^ Won - der - ful grnce, la - bor - ing on, rr-l^TT ^ -S- H ^ 1» - bor - in? on, * 2 * . ^F^B Ijrfc I '^-B •" :^^^ 1i=S: *=^ *=*: ■^-v— t'- f k I ^=^ fe^5^^ T 7 r iT Work-ing for Him who has saved us by His love, r \j k. meas • are - less love. M 9. *— rU !«^— k — ^ — r k-^-^ r J ^ aj ^ b:fc=lc:r^=tiiidi <|— Tl Just a Little Nearer, 103. F. M. EamesVy. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Homer P. Morris. %w^m 1. Heav'nly Fa-ther, let me be Just a lit - tie near - er; let me 2. I de - sire each day to live, Just a lit - tie' near - er; In jeys the 3. Do not leave me here a - lone, Just a lit - tie near - er; I long to 4. Bless - ed Sav-ieur, come and stay Just a lit - tie near - er; Close to Thy ^^ now Thy glo - ry see, Just a lit - tie near - er. world can nev - er give. Just a lit - tie near - er. Near - er, near - eij know that I'm Thine own, Just a lit - tie near - er. child each night and day, Just a lit - tie near - er. -^ p_ Cg:2^ D. S. — Just a lit - tie near-er. g=i=34^^ i Sri^ f ±ifebiiS^:4 D.S. ZTrit would I be, Near-er, near-er, still my plea. Draw me near-er Lord, to Thee, -.5-1 — !»- i fct m PSL §11 No. 104. Walking In the King's Highway. "And an highway ehall be there, of holiness.' • ■ and it shall be called the way ■ISA. 35: 8. 1. We're bound for glo - ry- land on high, Walk-ing in the King's high-way; 2. This is the way ourfa-thers trod, Walk-ing in the King's high-way; 3. The lame shall leap, the dumb shall sing, Walk-ing in the King's high-way; 4. No un-clean thing may pass this road, Walk-ing in the King's high-way; 5. No li - ons here, nor rag-ing beasts, Walk-ing in the King's high-way; 6. We sing glad songs of joy and peace, Walk-ing in the King's high-way; ^ We'll reach its mansions by and by, Walk-ing in the King's high-way. The way that leads to heav'n and God, Walk-ing in the Kmg's high-way. In des - ert lands shall burst a spring, Walk-ing in the King's high-way. But burdened souls may here un - load, Walk-ing in the King's high-way. But ransomed souls as kings and priests, Walk-ing in the King's high-way. From doubt and fear we've found release, Walk-ing in the King's high-way. t=t=pg±-^a^p=F" I3^E^ t Refrain. ^ Walking in the King's high-way. Walking in the Kmg's high-way; Walking, Yes, walking in His way, Walking, Yes, walking in His way; ^ ^-.-F-^ S^: t\fr -*=w- ^ atzzzSzqizz^ ^ And life is grand and glo - ri - ous, Walk-mg in the King's high-way. r- 'f' "f * — ^ — ♦— r -i^ — ► ♦ r-^-^-i^^-^ No. 105. Standing Fast. COPVRIQMT, HOB, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Jno. R. 5weney, m^m^^mm^M 1. Stand-ing fast in Je - su8, Bless-ed lib - er - tyl In His pow'r re-joic-ing, 2. Stand-ing fast in Jo - sus, By His grace a-lonc; 'Tis His word we're trusting, 3. Stand-ing fast in Je - sus, In His roy - al might, Walking in theSpir-it, I I -K -K ■^- I I — r— tz t3[ P=t=P=^ r "* — » — i:- *=fc^= si u u Pow'r that makes us free. Tak-ing His sal - va - tion, Guid-ed by His hand, Nev - er-more our own. He will work vrith-in us All His ho - ly will, Chil - dren of the Light. Fearwillquick-ly van- ish. Doubt will flee a -way. -e>^ SEB^iE^tE^: toEt Dai-ly strength re-new - ing, On-ly thus we stand. Love's en-nobl-ing serv - ice Helping us ful - fill. Stand-ingI standing fast in Faith and hope grow brighter Till the * * perfect day. ' * 4i — S — K- =t=P- g^^EE F-^ ^ t=t K k K" r I -.e- -V -K -^- •aAjj l£3 H 1 A IW^ Je - SUS, Stand-ing fast in Je - bus, Bless-ed lib - er - ty! Stand-ing! J-t- f=n ■-^=^ ^^ T^&=r^-^ ^ ^^^i^^iig;^ stand-ing fast in Je - sus; In His pow'r re-joicing, Powrthat makes us free. -J H 1 A — A — aI M — T-* I: 3t >. ¥=t= -^ — k- rt-W. tr=r>-|--i^ No. 106, a. n. Bills. Follow Me. COPYRIGHT, 1809, ftV E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. M. L. McPhall. 5 fcrj^r t-l'— r ^^35=^=5=1=5 * ^i^E 1. Like a chime of sil- ver bells In the darkness ring-ing, Conaes a voice that 2. Lost one,will you close your ears To the mag-ic sto-ry, That can charm a 3. Lo! the tempter doth de-ceive,Lur-ing you to 8ad-ness,Then he mocks you ■ ■■■■■ -w—m—w- ■F—W- fei3 mi TH t=1i=ti=:tc --\ t—p—p- :?t=1c :k-^ k V B^ k=iz|r=t:|c=lizz^czkii I I u b lTTT l^^i^^P^g^HPfi ev - er tells Of the Shepherd's care; To the wand'rer from the fold,Love is MfSLj your fears When earth's joys depart?Shall the spell of e - vil hide From your while you grieve, Pointing to de-spair; From his fet-ters break a -way, Seek the J" h * * !» ev - er briig-ing, Ti-dings from the gates of gold, Of a wel-come there, eyes the glo - ry, That for - ev - er will a - bide, With the pure in heart? path of glad-ness, Spurn the pleasures that de - cay. Of their sting bo - ware, p — . A A—, A h W — r^— P Chorus. r=f b b b r^^ d: r^=i^ =t V- r^^ *'Fol -low me," Oh hear the Shepherd say-ing, "Seek the "Fol-low, fol-low, fol-low me," "Seek the door lo ^ l2=|ci:li=jtzrts=^: I, ^ b b b b l£=lt=js=t S=%-f=$ b b k b ^ ^ j^ x ^^_fej^ ^: p r door to pas-tures ev - er fair," Heed, heed thy paa-turea fair, to Heed. heed thy SaT-ior'B voice, ^53EOEi3B^^ =t=;^=tz=;^ :t^=^ b b U b U m m Follow Me. Sav-ior's tender pleading; Fol - low Him m^ i-:i- m heeds Bis 1/ l^ u u p and find a welcome there Fol-low in Bis foot-steps. Find a bless-ed wel-come there. '1^ i :H T ~l '■^-H-^-^K ^ b ^ ^ No. 107. Jennie Wilson. ■A P — r A — A — A — A — A — A — A — r-r ' ^ — * — • — -^ r i r In the Judgment Day. COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY A. J. SHOWALTER. A. J. 5howalter. d-^-U-^^ife: r^-fe- 1=i=P ^EfEfj^ii$EeJ3a^= 1. We all must stand in the judgment day, At the bar of e - ter - ni - ty; 2. Up - on your soul m the judgment time Will transgression's dark blot remain, 3. Re-pent, and trust m the Ho - ly One, W^ho a-lone can re-deem from sin, S? r-r— r— r Is^^tzzjiiirji: I I U P ^=F p m ^ ^m 3 ^j 5i -:|5=d=i ^ -*- -♦-.-♦'- -^ -¥- -m- ^ m m When earthly scenes have all passed a-way,How sol - emn that hour will be. Or will you lose ev-'ry taint of crime, And the cleansing of Calv'ry gain? Then when your life in this world is done You will heav-en - ly rap-ture win. I I I f=rm I r=^^ xr-r ~~\r wm Refrain. 'hi^^^a Md -M f2=^ -A^^ t^r ^^ ^ WfS 14:* ^ b ^1^ ) 1 I In the judgment day, m the judgment day, what will your In the jadcrment day, in the juderment day, K.Hg I- P^g- -r-p ir;^ T-^ record 8how?Will the Savior's blood take your guilt away, And leave jou as white as snow? ^^^^ No. 108. Mrs. PrankA. Breck. Help Somebody To-day, COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. COPYRIGHT, 1008, BY E. O. EXCELL. Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. Look all a-ronndyon, find some one in need, Help some-bod-y to - day! 2. Ma - ny are wait-ing a kind lov-ing word, Help sorae-bod-y to - dayl 3. Ma - ny have bur-dens too heav - y to bear, Help some-bod-y to - dayl 4. Some are dis-couraged and wea - ry in heart, Help some-bod-y to - dayl h ^ SiS33=* m % 1 i—^— t=^ t i •t-^-t- \t-'-M^ $ 'i=fc t^: t^ Tho' it be lit -tie— a neigh-bor-ly deed— Help some-bod-y to-day! Thou hast a mes-sage, let it be heard, Help some-bod-y to - day! Grief is the por - tion of some ev-'ry-where, Help some-bod-y to-day! Some one the jour-ney to heav-en should start, Help some-bod-y to - day! ^ h h h h ., . _ _ _. _ ui $ Chorus. -J IV- Js^i ^^ibi: U l a — L l a *— iT P-P-P- ■u Help some-bod-y to - day Some-bod-y a - long life's way; Let to - day, homeward way; -| — r V^:^^=^ p-^-p- ?^ = k-l-^i ^-- sorrow be end-ed, The friendless befriended. Oh, help some-bod-y to - dayl A # # # A # ^- ^- ^ • * :|az:k7fA-t=:^ -\Lr^-p=z^-.z^^ A -^- A -F- -k- -F- -fcr aOa No. 109. Mary C. Stoncr. Nappy Praises. J. HENRY SHOULTER, OWNER. J. Henry Showalter. itrrifcirjb-?-: ^^^^E^^l^a 1. Prais - es, prais-es, bap - py prais-es, Swell the song of Ju - bi - Ice, 2. Hearts aiid voic-es join tbe anthem, Ring-ing through e - ter - nal years, 3. They shall wor-ship free from lim-its Of the sin - ful bonds of clay. When the Sav-iour of the na-tions Comes to set His peo - pie free. Sing - ing praise of free re-demp-tion, Bless - ed tri-umph from our fears. In a - dor-ing ho - ly rev'rence Bow in love through endless day. Je - sus Christ, our on - ly ref-uge. Bless - ed shel - ter for the soul, Through the a-ges, on the a - ges, In one nev - er end - ing song, Bless-ing, glo - ry, hon - or, prais-es. To the Lamb for sin-ners slain, g lgjifcg ^jiEg; E±ii~p=; m^^mm -p-t' Hide and keep Thy trust-ing chil-dren Till the bil - lows cease to roll. Shall the prais-es of the ransomed Fill with joy the heav'nly throng. Ho - ly, ho - ly, sing the ransomed. Ho - ly, ho - ly is Thy name. -M _ . . . ,.0-t tf— ^f 0i .0-S^-0 0- No. 110. We Will Follow Thee. Johnson Oatman, Jr. PROPERTY OF K. C. ROBINSON. K. C. Robinson. mm^^^m^^^^^ 1. Once the voice of Christ the Savior, (Christ the Savior,) Floated out 2. - ver ev - - 'ry hill and val-ley, (hill and vai-iey.) - ver riv - - 3. If our way is lost m darkness, dost in darkness ) And the path..., 4. When we tread ... the vale of sorrows, (vale of sorrows,) Je - sus calls. . . . 5. When at last we walk death's valley, (walk death's valley,) Jesus still m ^^=1 > k k- #_t- r- r r :4=: »— ^— » b— b- fc7— L L : . - r^-^- ^ r^ -- r-t- % &=*: ■^^ s^ o'er Gal-i - lee. When He called., the low-ly fish-ers, (lowly fish-ers.) er, lake and sea, Je - sus still. ... is sweet -ly call-ing, (sweetly calling.) we can-not see. Comes the voice . . from out the shadows, (from the shadows,) in sym-pa-thy, I have passed., this way be-fore thee, (way before thee.) our Guide will be, We'll not fear. . . . while He is call-ing, (He is caU-ing.) ■A- -A- -A- -pr , k — k — k-rF- fe«^ i=£^S :^=tc D. S. — While we hear Thy sweet voice calling f While we hear gen-tly call-ing, Refrain. Fine ^ 'Fol-low me, fol-low me." We will fol - - low Thee, dear Fol - low me. We will fol • low -A- ii^^=i^S=£ Follow me, Fol - low vie, ■^- fol-low me," -» — m- 1 — p— r :^^— ,— t t -I D.S. :t *=^ ?^E^J^= Sav - ior, Tho' Thy face.. we may not see, Thee, dear Sav - lor, Tho' Thy face t- ^-i r r r — H^— rL^— p— g— fi-rF— n No. 111. Can the Lord Depend On You? J.D. V. COPYRIGHT 1904, BY JAMES VAUOHAN. LAWRENCEBURG, TENN. James D. Vaughan. E.i:E^ ^^^^=^^ ^^^ There is work on ev - 'ry hand That the Mas-ter bids you do; See, the har-vest-fields are white, And the la - bor - ers are few; Will you loi - ter time a - way, When there's so much work to do? If you tru - ly love the Lord, You will be a work - er true, -^ A #- -#- -k- ^. -^ ^ A -^- * -^ ^ '^^^r^^m rA 1 fs II.. i? N ^-=1—1 J J 3 h-i r-H ^ ±-^ M— -1 Will you Swift - ly Man- y And - heed His plain cora-mand? Can the Lord de - pend on you? com - eth on the night; Can the Lord de - pend on you? souls are lost each day; Can the Lord de - pend on you? bey His pre - cious word; Can the Lord de - pend on you? rg— j I J lA- A-r-rf-f— 1" f i^^-i i^H- i^ i 1 * 1 - ^-^^^ -to '• h9 # — 1 — r ~i — 1 — T — 1 1 V V t-=ii-=i^ a^ V— t^- k i^ r Lord de - pend on you? Caa the Lord de • pend on you. de • pend on yooT Can the &=t: 5^=E j y— t^— IT t=fe No. 112. Make Me Wise. W. C. Martin. copyright, isob, by a. j. showaltcr Duet. Soprano and Tenor A, J. 5howalter. Duet. Soprano and Tenor. . i ^ -t 1 ^. ■♦ V 4 • ^ V ' ♦ tt-^ '^. 1. Lord, make me wise that I may speak To wea-ry hearts of Thy great love; 2. Lord, make me wise that I may show Thy balm to ev - 'ry breaking heart; 3. Lord, make me wise to ev - er stand Up - on the rock of Cal - va - ry; 4. L'brd, make me wise in Thy pure Word, Its sav-ing grace to clear-ly know; ' ' ' ■ J^ h ^ I -q— g- ^mm^^0^m •* -J- 4 -•■. ^ -t ± ^ ^ ^ -t ' ■*■ -^ i« make me wise that I may seek And lead lost souls to heav'n a-bove. make me wise that I may know The gos-pel sto - ry I im - part. make me wise to reach a hand To those who sink in life's dark sea. And fill me with Thy full-ness, Lord, Un - til my heart shall o - ver-flow. IJ ^ i. ^ i h L I ^ > ^'J:j^i ^ ,-1 a \. =4 . -^—s- US :t= -1—5" tpt *^.t ^ Chorus. r^- f^r -^ ^ ^ N I- ^Z ^ i-^^-^in:-rc^ ^p g g ^ Thy grace I prize, since I would ris Thy grace I prize, since I would rise, since I would rise. tJ^— -C^-T— ?:-* ^ h t=i=t=t=- i^rifeintz^fenrp: E^E h ^ h - i e=i^ t: U 1/ U P ^*- ^ U U ^ U To serv - ice loft - - - y as the skies; To serv - ice loft • y as the skies, the loft - y skies -ft r t=t-=i: V=S^ P ^ 5^ £=:£: 1*=^- My ^=TT=^t- ^ ■ '1/ U U k ' ^ ea - ger soul for wis-dom cries; My ea - ger soul for wis • dom cries, for wis-dom cries; rjr:rr-t Sb=n: ^-i ^ — ^- fc=:k=t^: Make Me Wise. 1/ 1/ p b 1/ 1/ 1/ make me wise make me wise make me wise, make me wise. 0^ make me wise. JL ^ e^ ' I \, \,- v- No. 113. W. C. Martin. :t^ir3EB I Remember Calvary. COPYRIGHT, 1000, BY J. M. BLACK. U8ED BY PER. J. M. Black. t::!: ra ^^^^g -a 11=^3^2 iH 1. Where He may lead me I will go, For I have learned to trust Him so, 2. I de - light iii His command. Love to be led by His dear Hand, 3. On - ward I go, nor doubt nor fear. Hap - py with Christ, my Sav-iour near, a -A* -A- -.£jr -A- -*- -A- -*- - - ' iL- . r r , r V -^-r- ^^ f =i*^==fe= ^^=P=t^ ^=t f«i^ t=fc si^^^ =r- And I re-mem -ber 'twas for me. That He was slain on Cal-va-ry. His di - vine will is sweet to me,Hallowedby blood-stamed Cal- va - ry. Trusting some day that I shall see, Je - sus, my Friend of Cal- va - ry. a -A-* -A- -j^ a ^ • • ,^ ^ t~ — {^l-p P "^ • k ,^ ff k - iQztz: 1^— gH i; t=4 :t^ J4-l8— ^ -v-v-v - wm r=^=^ Refrain -M 9 -\^ - L ^ ^— M-j—M — ^£i 2 U M—^-M M ^ ^ — LC — 3 Je-sus shall lead me night and day, Je - sus shall lead me all the way; a ail ]/ ^ ^ - ^ ^ He is the tru - est Friend to me. For I re - mem-ber Cal - va-ry. h r h a W^^^- No. 114. James Rowe. In the Light of His Love. PROPERTY OF PERRY BROS. MUSIC CO. Chas. E. Adams. --i=^ I— J- -1- n 1. We are marching on from day to day, In the light of our Saviour's love; 2. We are not a - fraid the foe to meet, For our Sav-iour will shield our souls; 3. We are trust-ing wholly on His grace. Which is dai - ly sur-round-ing all; 4. He has promised us that by and by, If we faith-ful - ly wage the strife, m ^^m^^^ ^ ^F^t^t: Sing - ing songs of praise a-long the way. We are bound for our home a-bove. He will al-ways keep us pure and sweet. For His won-der-ful love con-trols. He will cheer us on with His smiling face, And will lift us when-e'er we fall. We shall share His glo - ry in the sky. And be crowned with the crown of life. ^r -lA Mk 14 Af n r I u ^: t=^ :t3=fe A-rA-^^-A-^^ ^^ V=^ Refrain. 'sm^^^^sm^ 111 r I r~*' Marching on, ... . ev - er on, . . . . True to Je - sus our King a - bove; March-ing oq and on, ev • er oa and on, m§sm^^^i A — A- *-r-J^ u^^=r-^- I 3^: ^.^^^^a^^^ Marching on, ev - er on, In the light of His precious love. Marcb-ing OQ and on, ev - er on and on. pmm^immm No. 115. Gould I Tell It. Ina Duley Ogdon. copyright, leoi, by p. p. bilhorn. used by per, P. P. Bilhorn. 1. If I could tell of Je - siis as I know Him, My Re-deem -er 2. If I could on - ly tell you how He loves you, And if we could 3. If I could tell how sweet will be His wel - come In that home whose 4. But I can nev - er tell Him as I know Him, Hu-man tongue can m who has brightened all my way, thro' the lone - ly gar - den go; wondrous beau-ty ne'er was told, nev - er tell of love di - vine; A— -A A-: r— A- ^=^f^ $ If I could tell how pre-cious is His If I could tell His dy - ing pain and And tell you how He waits and longs to I on - ly can en-treat you to ac- _ jk — ^_« — A- r fc=lE - k k--K- P 1/ P 1/ P O ^-^-=^-=fc Fine. E * :i=i==i- t^- 'i^=i=^^- m pres - ence, par - don, save you, cept Him; m 'F=^- I am sure that you would make Him yours to - day. You would wor - ship at His w^ound-ed feet I know. You would seek Him, and a - bide with - in His fold. Come and know the joy and peace for - ev - er mine. m i=^- ^ D. S. — sure that you would make Him yours to - day* Could I tell Coald I tell WfT it, could I tell it, yes, I would, could I tell u wv it, How the sunshine of His I should. presence lights my way, I would tell it, I would tell v^=^ it. And I'm I would tell joQ. yea, I would, I wpuld tell you if I could. No. 116. What Shall It Profit Thee? I M. P. Pergrason. COPYRIGHT, 1890, BY E. O. EXCELl. W. A O^den.. P ^^^mmm t=^=!t '^-^=^^=i 1. Oh, what shall it prof - it thee, broth-er, Hous - es and a - cres so broad? 2. Oh, what shall it prof - it thee, broth-er, Friendships to share and to make? 3. Oh, what shall it prof - it thee, broth-er, Earth - ly am -bi-tion and fame? #^i^Pii^ta ii4^ -»- -k- . — m^ t=t^ ±::jr No ti - tie to man - sions of glo - ry e - ter - nal, And know not the friend - ship of Je - sus, the Sav - ior. If Christ in the life - book of glo - ry e • ter - nal, ^_ ^. ^ ^ ^_ -^ ^ ^. And none Of Je- Had nev - to the sus who er re- - 4- X -^ -Jr^ u ^ ~ cit - y of God died for thy sake? cord - ed thy name? What shall it prof - it thee, then?. I ji.. ^ ^ ^ ^ # j^_. prof - it thee. thenT V^ ^^^=^ ^ Tho' the whole world be thine own, When the death-an-gel has the whole worl d be thine own. *-•*-*--$-*-*- r. %m s ^t- ^ A A A 1^ — A — A (^ ^ 3 — ^^ ^^^=^ I* b P b i t^=:i:^=t^=^=i: l-T -r 4 ^ r^ called for thy spir - it, And mer - cy for - ev - er has flown. k-« Hk- Hk- -k- .,^_A__>. isk I ^^ m No. 117. I Love to Go to the 5unday=SGhool. C. E. p. Lively. Learn to fear the Lord. -Duet. 13: 13. COPYRIOHT, 1906, BV BRETHREN PUB. HOUSE. Cha». EdW. PollOCk. y y 1. I love to go t.0 the Sunday-school, Each re- turn-ing Sab-bath day; 2. I love to go to the Sunday-school, 'Tis a pleasant place to be, 3. I love to go to the Sunday-school, There to join the songs of praise, 4. I love to go to the Sunday-school, There to hear the Bi - ble read; m^^^^m r=f 5=p ^ i±. I i ^iP^ "1 ^ fei h h K p ■< p • • -*— *- ^=f=^- ^=^- AZ^ w ^-=^-- m. It is there I learn of my Sav-ior dear. And am taught to sing and pray. Where the children gather from lane and street, Their young hearts so glad and free. And with glad ac-claimtotheSav-ior'sname, Our glad voic-es loud we raise. Precious book of truth, guide to early youth, By its pre-cepts I'll be led. Refrain. ^'-^^ I love to go to the Sunday-school, That precious place, the Sunday-school, I love to go to the Sun -day-school. That bless-ed Sun - day-school. -i i — >— 1 4- 1^— K— {^- 1^^ i No. 118 c. H. a. More Like the Master. OOPYRIQHT, 1008, BV CHA6. H. GABRIEL. E. O. EXCELL, OWNER. Chas. H. aabrlel. ^^mi^mt^^m 1. More like the Mas-ter 2. More like the Mas-ter 3. More like the Mas-ter >.. -A. ^ >.. I would ev - er be, More of His is my dai - ly pray*r, More strength to I would live and grow, More ^ SSft 0* meekness, more hu-mil - i - ty; More zeal to la - bor, more cour-age car - ry cross - es I must bear; More eam-est ef - fort to bring His love to oth - ers I would show; More self - de - ni - al, like His in -*^- ==¥=^ "^ k|i=t ^® rt :JJ4:53da= =^ :* »W S -|--Ji-t-HV-h:: to be true, More con-se -cra-tion for work He bids me do king-domin, More of His Spir-it, the wan-der-er to mn. Gal-i - lee, More like the Mas-ter I long to ev-er be^ ^ m fc&- Chorus. 1 — p-r-p- ^^;=i=^ ^ i 4- m f=^' ^^j -j- - ^-— «i— ^ u 'r~^r I -*— Take Thou my heart. . I would be Thine a-lone;. . . Take Thon my Take my heart, take my heart, I would be Thine a>lone; Take my heart, S^^ ■ f—f- t: t J E=t: i m—p-r-\r ^ t=« fete=t^ b^ rrff^^r rrr^ h=i^E= ^ i heart.... and make it all Thine own;. . Purge me from sin;.... lake my heart and make it all Thine own;' Parge Thoa me from ev-'ry ein, ^^M h-»-- •*-• B More Like the Master, ^ ^^^ ^?2^S^S^^ Lord I now im-plore, Wash me and keep me Thine for-ev-er-more. now implore W&sh and keep me Thine forevermore. Lord I now implore Wash and keep me Thine forevermore. T No. 119. More Like Thee. Frank M. Davis. J. Henry Showalter. J. HENRY SHOWALTER, OWNER. 1. More like Thee, Sav-ior, let me be, More like Thee from day to day; 2. More like Thee, Sav-ior, let me be, Pure with-out, and pure with-in; 3. Mure like Thee, Sav-ior, let me be, All my pil-gmn journey thro'; A — L i-i— lA— 14 — Uk — [ \- r^d^^^^^ Nev - er let me from Thy footsteps stray, Keep me in the nar-row way. Keep me ev - er from the ways of sin, I the crown of life would win. Meek and low - ly, ev - er kind and true. Like Thy-self in all I do. ^±1 / 1— r' ■F~p—r-\ — rr S^ -fW ] Refrain. -r.'-s-h More like Thee, more like Thee, More and more,0 Christ,like Thee, More like Thee, yes* more like Thee, More like Thee, yes, more like Thee; No. 120. When. Love Shines In. COPYRIGHT, 1902 BY WM. J. KIRKPATRICK. Mrs. Frank A. Breck. usto by permission. Wm. J. Kirkpatrtck. i 1. Je-8U8 comes with pow'r to gladden, When love shines in; Ev - 'ry life that 2. How the world will glow with beauty, When love shines in; And the heart re- 3. Dark - est sorrow will grow brighter, When love shines in; And the heav-iest 4. We may have un-fad-ing splendor, When love shines in; And a friend-ship -A- -A- -A- IN ^^^^ *± t^^^ :t^=t^=^q i3Z?: ai^ipp n woe can sadden. When love shmes joice in du-ty, When love shines bur - den lighter, When love shines true and tender, When love shines in; in: Love will teach us how to pray, Tri - als may be sane - ti - fied, 'Tis the glo - ry that will throw When earth-vict'ries shall be won. ^-^- iilii ■J T Ik'""- ' " ' " I U Love will drive the gloom a-way,Turn our darkness into day. When love shines in. And the soul in peace a-bide. Life will all be glo-rl-fied, When love shines in. Light to show us where to go; 0, the heart shall blessing know, When love shines in. And our life in heav'n begun. There will be no need of sun. When love shines in. I hJ ^ _ ! f kHpF- zj-'^-zpzzfzrfczf: g 4-4^- =t=t f-r^-^l t^ ^S Chorus. Hzt- -— iirzrit: When love shines in, When love shines in, When love sbiaes ia How the heart is wnen love saiaes m Wbeo love shines io. When love shines in, When love shines in. When Love Shines In. F± it-t: ^:f: t:^3|C3t f* ==Ft^:^—-is rf CT ® =r1-=r F^F ^ tuned to sing-ing,, When love shines in; When lovo shines in, When When loTB shines in; . . . When love shines in, . . m — It — If- l^tt^:p=pr-^- f^^ P^^gBrrpE^EF P=ti=t ^^m^^^m When love shinee in. When love shines in. :4?F love shmes in, Joy and peace to others bringing, When love shines in. When love, when luve shines iot ejFst"^?^^ ti lis I ^ J t?^--p-^:-p- J./J ^ When love shines in. No. 121. Prepare Thy God to Meet, H.A.N. COPYRIGHT, 1B07, BY E. O. EXCELL. H. H. Mcaranahaa. ?=fc ^ :J«t ^±EE JT3): -Al-^ 1. On ev - *ry side a voice I hear That loud-er speak-eth year by year, 2. The fall - ing leaf, the fad - iog flow'r. The sink-ing sun at evening's hour, 3. The funeral train, the toll- ing bell, The grave where, dying, I must dwell, 4. Wher-e'er I turn, what-e'er 1 do, This warning message thrills me thro*, ^: ;s=1s: ] / ^ P -ff"H=f fF"1 tMk H» — »- :t=t tit ^F tt=5^ :^ A voice I dare not light-ly treat, "Prepare, prepare thy God to meet." All ev - er-more to me re - peat, "Prepare, prepare thy God to meet." Myachingheart speaks with each beat,"Prepare, prepare thy God to meet." In si - lent hall, or nois - y street, "Prepare, prepare thy God to meet." m M *-*^ v-=ti^ __|tutb|r . *j^^_4{- -t-_ „ No. 122. Christmas Carol J.O. Barnhart. J. HFNRY aHOWALTER, OWNER. J. Henry Showalter. 1. The Christ-mas time has come a -gain, "Be joy - fill all the earth," 2. Sweet peace on earth, good will to men I Oh, ti - dings of great joy! 3. May songs of cheer and deeds of love. En - gage each heart and hand; 4. Let ev - 'ry pil - grim o'er life's road. Up - on this Christ-mas day. iiSiip^^^l^^i The an - gels sang o'er Ju - dah's plain, To hail Im - man - uel's birth. Come, let us wake the song a - gain. Which did their tongues em - ploy. Let rich and poor its bless - ing prove. And join our hap - py band. At Je - sus' feet lay down his load. And bear a song a - way. :(* ^ I t^i g±3: ^K n^ Chorus. m^ $^ ^ *iE P=t=[:=t^ m I f i- i-- 3z=t:; We come, we come, To tell the won - drous sto - ry; We come with plad • some song a • eain. t::-^ brrtcKC^^i^rrt ^m m .-- 1^--^ m s We come, .... we come, .... We come with song a - gain. We come the sto I- ry sow to tell, We come with joy • oua soafir a - giin. h I — ^— il- -7^ -A- -4- -A- -A- I ^ 1 INo. 123. The Man of Galilee. John R. Clements. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. H. P. Dankf. m^^ t^^- 5^^ :t^=i^: 3^-M:-i 1. I met a Stranger fair to see, 2. And when that Stranger spake to me, 3. I love that Stranger since the hour r -i-j-3- BJ^ As walk'd I down life's rugged way; My heart threw off its guilt-y load; He talk'd to me in ten - der tone; -lA — ift — ^ — \-^- — 1^ — p — 1« — 14-^ He spoke so sweet, so ten-der - ly, I felt at once that I was free; A joy is mine, I feel its pow'r; He won mo to Hira-self that day. I left my bur-dens by the road. And Him as Lord I'm glad to own. -^ ^ -A- -^ h I feel its pow'r; And Him as Lord I'm glad to t ^«^ m Chorus. i=fc=ifc i S ; f^=? of Gal - i - lee, of Gal Who whisper'd lee. ^—% — & — lA — 1^ i 1 1 h- -^— S- -^->- fct: HA — lA- words of joy to me; Thy ma-ny sins be all for- Who whisper'd words of joy to me; Thy ma-ny sins ^ -A. ^^^ -^-s- f=^f^ 1 i^ t li t i^ — ^ ■*-1^ fc 1 4 ^ ^-y-y-y- ±=±. ^ ^^ZH.iN^ ^pi rS=:X giv - en thee, Thy sins be for - g'lv • en thee. Thy sins be all. for-giv - en thee. m ^=^^=^=^ : "1 u \i^y--^9—y i all for - gir • en thee. t '^ ^Fr^t ^ No. 124. Turn a New Leaf for Me. E. E. Hewitt. 'ztezr^-zz, COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY WM. J. KIRKPATRICK, Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. 1. Turn a new leaf for me, Fa - ther, I pray, This one is 2. Turn a new leaf for me, spot - less and white. Hold Thou my 3. Turn a new leaf for me; then, line by line, Help me to 4. Turn a new leaf for me, Fa - ther a - bove, Place there new blot - ted, take it a - way; Cleanse all its stains in the hand as Thy bid - ding I write; Teach me with pa - tience that cop - y the Pat - tern di - vine; that thine eye some re- proofs of Thy mer - cy and love; Then shall this page of my r 1/ u u 1/ '' ^ 53? P— ±=^: ^T:^t^=t-^-- «--•— ^*-^— ^-4— ^ blood of the cross. Let me in Je - sus find gain for my loss, nev - er shall tire. Let Thine own Spir - it the rec - ord in - spire, semblance might see To the sweet les - sons in-scribed there for me. life - book be bright. Judged by the test of e - ter - ni - ty's light. Tjf-r-rf—f' — i^ — ^ ^ — r^- — ^ — i ^ Turn a new leaf for me, Fa - ther, ^ ^-, — W F P—m A nP- ^^-P p-^ k ^ ^ pray, Turn a new :(i=ti: ■^r=ti: t ^=^=^^±: t^±: ^=9^ IH rr^r leaf in my life - book to - day; Par - don me gra-cious-ly, Pi f i^ > Turn a New Leaf for Me. deal vrith me won-drous-ly, Turn a new leaf in my life - book to - day. :t^=t^ ;^=F=p^ ^ m No. 125. W.J.K; Lord, I'm Gomin* Home. COPYRIGHT, 1892, BY W. J. KIRKPaTRICK. Wm. J Kirkpatrick. ^1 1. I've wan-dered far a - way from God, Now I'm com-ing home; 2. I've wast - ed ma - ny pre -cious years, Now I'm com-ing home; 3. I've tired of sin and stray -ing, Lord, Now I'm com-ing home; 4. My soul is sick, my heart is sore. Now I'm com-ing home; J I A -^ A A — r-A-5 ▲ ^- , M — J-^ I f £ V r=r^ ?^ s^ ^^E^ Fine. r '^' ^^ -♦-. ■♦^ -^ ^ -^. The paths of sin too long I've trod, Lord, I'm com-ing home. I now re-pent with bit - ter tears, Lord, I'm com-ing home. I'll trust Thy love, be - lieve Thy word, Lord, I'm com-ing home. My strength re - new, my hope re - store, Lord, I'm com-ing home. ^ f^- a EIE P D. S.-0 Chorus. pen wide Thine arms oj love^ i Lord, Fm com-ing home. , , D.S. 3^=^ ¥=iT ■^-, — ^ Com - ing home, com - ing home, Nev - er - more to f k-= — ^E- rrT^ roam, 5 My only hope, my only plea, Now I'm coming home; That Jesus died, and died for me, Lord, I'm coming home. 6 I need His cleansing blood, I know, Now I'm coming home; wash me whiter than the snow Lord, I'm coming home. No. 126. C.H.Q. The Slighted Stranger, W0RD8 AND MUSIC COPYRIQHT, 1908. BY CHA8. H. GABRIEL E. O. EXCELL, OWNER. uU M i Chas. H. Qabrlel. ^ — h ^ 1. A Stran-ger stands out - side the door, And longs Thy guest to be; 2. From lonc-ly, dark Geth-sem - a - ne, Thro' Pi-late's hall of shame; 3. Yet still He waits and calls to thee, Al - tho* ye scarce can hear He knows thy name, for o'er and o'er He soft - ly calls to theel Up - ver cru - el Cal - va - ry To. thee in love, He came! The plead-ing Toice so oft - en has It fal - len on your ear; t=t m :i 5 ijT^rr;: ^ His hands are pierc'd, His brow is torn. His face is sad, but sweet — De - spis'dl re-ject - edi cru - ci - fiedl love grace un-known, soul a - rise and let Him in. Lest from thy bolt-ed door , , ^ I , i i d: ■ ■ '^9=W- 1 J- J J J 4 ^ m It is the Lord of Par - a-disel A - rise thySav-ior greet. That He should still re-mem-ber thee. And claim thee for His own! In sor-row He should turn a-way, To call for thee no more. J J. K J. I i. .^J. J ;. /; J rrrni m ^ f ^- .__^ Chorus. He was wounded for thy trans-gre8-sions;He was bniis-ed for thy sin; m td= f=f: 1 — r f^=)^=^=^F=r=P=f ?— SOX m^^m^ The Slighted Stranger. ±^ ^ ^ -f "^ F^=^=r ^ Tet He standsat tbybeart'sdoorpleading, Why, why not let Him in? ■*-= ^ Z Z ^-T-A A A A tA A *-!-l»- ~ t=:e: ^=t ^^^=i ■p—t'- Ft No. 127. Wm. H. Gardner. Something for Thee. COPYRIGHT, 1892, BY E. 0. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. E. H. Packard. ^r h R h- ^b^=-^t-j ^^^^^^i^=^=^=^i-rr:y^^ 1. My tal-ents are few, dear-estMas-ter, Yet I long of some use to be; 2. I can - not with fier - y warn-ings, Make the wicked their guilt to see, 3. No rich - es, a - las! can I give Thee, For they nev - er have come to me, /> ^ it I ^.t=4=:± y—if [> \, t: :-^:^^t^-^- *=^M ♦-r^-i-K— K- ^ 1^ ' ^ ( ^ i m ^ Fine ^ -^IH i i: ^ -^^ -^ — ^ ^=5- i^m m grf Then tell me, I pray Thee, dear Je-sus, How may I do something for Thee? Yet sure - ly some path-way is o - pen. Where I may do something for Thee? But free - ly I lay on Thine al - tar, My life, to do something for Thee? ■ r- ^ D. S- — How may I do some-thing for Thee? Chorus. S «5 ^^||i ^E&. s^^iJ^^SSEt Somethmg for Thee,., .something for Thee,. . Oh,tellme,I pray Thee, dear Master, Something for Thee, Bomething for Thee, b g^ijfe^j ^ t^-v- -I*— »fc- -i — A- ^B No. 128. The Government Shall be Upon His Shoulder. Julia H. Johnston. Isaiah 9: 6. BRETHREN PUB. HOUSE, OWMER. J. E. Delmarter. **^ sp|=S?^^§i^^^ ff 1. The gov-ern-raent shall be up - on His shoulder, My King and Lord of all; 2. Cre - a- tor of the world, and its pre-ser-ver; How mar - vel-ous His might! 3. The gov-ern-ment shall be up - on His shoulder, I lay my bur-den there; 4. All wis-dom and all pow'r are His for-ev-er. Let Je-sus take con-trol, ^^-4-HA — Fl4 14 ^ 1 ^^^?-=J ^-=^-=^ W=-^^i^^^=^=^=^=^ ^^^m To Him my life and love I would sur-ren-der, - be-dient to His call. But let Hira by the claim of Cross and Passion, As-sume His roy-al right. My load of sin and care, my pain and sorrow, I bring to Hira to bear. And He who guides the stars in shin-ing splendor, Will keep the trust-ing soul. 1^: t=L=t A — 14 — A — 14 — r — I — H- — I — -A— A- p — I h — I -\— k=± -A- Refrain. The gov-ern-ment shall be up - on His shoulder. Whose right to rule it is, ,^ ,7-ljA *j!^ £E6^^8E«E^E^^EE^E^ n ^^-r-^ 1 — r^ Pi^p^g^^^^ My life and all I own, my Lord shall guide a-lone. The Kingdom shall be His. No. 129, The Half Was Never Told. p. p. B. COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. P. P. Bliss. I I 1^ mi ;S5 r :i=t: 3± mm I 1. Re - peat the sto-ry o'er and o'er, Of grace so full and free; 2. Of peace I on - ly knew the name, Nor found my soul its rest, 3. My high - est place is ly - ing low At my Re-deem-er's feet; 4. And oh, what rap-ture will it be, With all the host a - bove, -A- >-• -^ -A-* SE t=P=p=t=i^ K I love Un - til No re - To sing H to hear it more and more, Since grace has res-cued me. the sweet-voiced an-gel came To soothe my wear- y breast. al joy in life I know But in His serv-ice sweet, thro' all e - ter - ni - ty The won-ders of His love. 1^ 1/ P k Chorus. The half was nev-er told, j-r- f^ h . -V- III I i^:5E^S^ -^: PH :-3Ei£^a J The half was nev - er told, The half nev-er told, M^^ ^N: ' ^T I I was nev-er told, nev-er told. -t-- ;SEl The half was nev-er told. Of grace di-^ine, Of peace di-vine. Of joy di-vine. Of love di-vine, so won-der-ful, so won-der-ful, so won-der-ful, so won-der-ful, I i I r Tyr- The half was nev-er The half was nev-er The half was nev-er The half was nev-er told. ^ told, told, told. nev - er told. ^o. 130. Hallelujah, We 6hall Rise: But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen. — 1 Cor, 15: 18. J. E. Thomas. COPYRIGHT, 1904, BV J. E. THOMAS. USED BY PER. ^ * - »— i— »— »— q^:;— ^-E i— r— # ^ % - J- 3 1. In the res - ur - rec - tion mom-ing, When the trump of God shall sound, 2. In the res - ur - rec - tion mom-ing, What a meet - ing it will be, 3. In the res - ur - rec - tion mom-ing, Bless - ed tho't it is to me, ^ ^ A -f»- -I* :^: ♦^ . . . ^ :^: ^ y — p~^— p ■p—^ ^^-A ^^ i=t-t-:^±= M — A — ^ — ^ — M — 4--J We shall rise, we shall rise! Thtn the saints will come re- joic- ing, "When our fa - thers and our moth-ers, I shall see my bless-ed Sav - ior. Hal-le-lu-iah! -k- -k- ^ ==F=^±i^=^^i^- ^^. :fcu=fc '^=^- r— tr £=^M ^^-J^- m mm t - 9 — w t=t- ■^^t=^ -^'--^'^='- And no tears will e'er be found, We shall rise, ' we shall rise! And our loved ones we shall see. Who so free - ly died for me, Hal-le-lu-jah! - - -/- — ¥■ 1 ^ \^ ga,-i 1 Hal - le - lu - jah! A - men! We shall rise! We shall rise, we shall rise! H»l - le - la-j»hl m h -'L^ -A ■^=^ ^f^r^ In the res - ur - rec - tion morning, When death's pris-on bars are bro-ken, A_^_r-^ ^ = ^ ^ ■_ r> A- 1^ ■S— L - l. Hi^ ^—V—V- ^=^- A A A — A—, b= \ i I J p—p—p—p—V-v I Hallelujah. We Shall Rise.' r^=t— j^-1 pir — ^ — ■! =3- -T, We shall ] if^-^ rise, we Hal - le - lu-jah. In shaU the . u ? f 1 risel morn - ing we shall risel -Tl P^ -^ '-^-^—^—l i i^ -i> — '^1 rJJ No. 131. Sweeter Than All. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY J. H. ENTWI8LE. Johnson Oatman, Jr. j. j. hooo. owner. J< Howard Entwisle. ^^^mm^^^^^m 1. Christ will me His aid af-ford, Nev - er to fall, nev - er to fall; 2. I will fol - low all the way, Hear-ing Him call, hear-ing Him call; 3. Though a ves - sel I may be, Bro-ken and small, bro-ken and small; 4. When I reach the crys-tal sea, Voic - es will call, voic - es will call; -1r- While I find my pre-cious Lord, Sweet-er than all, sweet-er than all. Find-ing Him, from day to day, Sweet-er than all, sweet-er than all. Yet His bless-ings fall on me, Sweet-er than all, sweet-er than all. But my Sav-ior's voice will be Sweet-er than all, sweet-er than all. -A- -A- -A- _a 1 c k k 1 — Refrain. ^ ^—M S— ^ J-l-i— A— *—*-?— L-A — A — « — A — A-L ^ M — J-^ — • Je-sus is now and ev - er will be Sweet-er than all the world to me. ^'-^ Since I heard His lov- ing call, Sweet-er than all, sweet-er than a I." M — m — # — 0-^ — No. 132. When the Curtains are Lifted. USED BY PER. OF WM. J. KIRKPATRICK. Mm. Annie Wittenmyer. owner of copyright. Wm. J. KIrkpatrick. ^ 1. When the curtains are lift - ed, what shall 1 see? Will my Lord with His 2. Will the heav-en-ly cit - y Burst full on the sight, And the throne of His 3. Now thefu-ture is hid-den, 1 see but a pace, Yet it may be I'm 4. When his glo-ri-fied pres-ence Shall gladden mine eyes, I'll be changed and be f-f:=e=f: pppl an - gels Be wait - ing for me? Will He wel-come my com - ing, And glo - ry That giv-eth it light? Will the feet torn and wea - ry Reach near-ing The end of the race; It will mat - ter but lit - tie What like Him, And with Him a - rise; And the hands hard with la - bor A ■ ^ -A- -A- &t^ ^-4^ ^^- ^=F= f=^ rn— r- 1 ;^:^ ■t=x. i i— i 1^3 ^=f£=* :s; crown me His o\nti, With the saints of all a - ges That cir - cle His throne? pavements of gold. And the eyes red with weeping The Sav-ior be - hold? changes may come. If my Lord with His an-gels Shall welcome me home, victor's pahn raise, Aud the lips tuned to sor-row Sing an-thems of praise. Chorus. * tri hi senpm V tr^E^Ig^iE^r^ 'trff^ r^:^-^- 1 ,2.3, When the curtains are lifted, what shall I see?"Will my Lord and His angels be waiting for 4. When the curtains are lifted, this shalllsee, That my Lord aud His anj^els are waiting for ^ ^fe^^^SEp^liziii:l^S^ ^^^^^^ppt^ad , ^. wait - ing, be wait - ing.Will my Lord and His angels be waiting for me? me, Are wait - ing, are wait - ing. That my Lord and His angels are waiting for me! wuitin? for me! waitini; for me! '^-ff- ^>-^ -A- >_A- ^. -A- -A-A-A- -A- -A^-A- ^-A-A- ,?=t-^' -_■ ^ No. 133. There Is Pardon At the Gross. Fanny J. Crosby. COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY W. H. DOANE. W, H. Doane. c^ 1. There is par -don at the cross Where my Sav-ior died; I will go, 2. There is par-donthro' the blood That was shed for all; I will go, 3. There is mer-cy at the cross. There is joy and peace; I will go. will go, p-hv— g :fcit=R==5- ^feSE^ fci^-^=4 ♦T t~ ^ ~^"^^ I will go: To re-claim the sin-ners lost He was cru-ci-fied; I will go; There's a balm in ev-'ry drop For the wounded soul; I will go; There my faith will make me whole, And my fear will cease; will sro; -^» A- -A* -A- -A- -A-* -A- -A- /TN Chorus. ^y±tt^f-p^^l±^:^^fJ I will go, I will go. Pardon sweet, - par-don free, I will go. and pardon free, and for me, -F=P-^= P?j|# p:^:p^3j£2fg g :t=±r:^:Sd= 1] At the cross there for me; In the blessed, blessed cross, la par-don free, there for me; -A-*-A- -A- -A--A-.-A-*- -A- -A- -A-» -A- -A- '^^m^m^mm^^ I Shall my glo - ry ev - er be, There is par-don there for me, par-don free. t-r^-f- 4=-4 No. 134. When the Roll is Galled Up Yonder. J. M. BLACK OWNER OF COPVRIOMT. B. M, J. USED BY PER. Ji M. Black. pi^^^^^^^^P 1. When the trum-pet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, 2. On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise, 3. Let us la - bor for the Mas - ter from the dawn till set-ting sun, ii t^ rf And And *=|s: g^ ;j:zEir:zitzJz:iizil=z:il=J±333±^ i==«=iq^±=3=;j :^ te the morn-ing breaks, e - ter-nal, bright and fair; When the saved of the glo - ry of His res - ur-rcc - tion share; When His chos-en Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care; JThen when all of -Ai-j — M—% -* — F — r-^y-, ^^- — ^ — r*-^ — A — t---- rrrt- X- P u P earth shall gath-er o - ver on the oth - er shore, And the roll is ones shall gath-er to their home be- yond the skies. And the roll is life is - ver, and our work on earth is done, And the roll is KEB: ^ ^m T^ — f t± T^-=r =if-^ Chorus. r 1i:i:=lc m w^^ms^^m called up yon-der, I'll called up yon-der, I'll called up yon-der, I'll be there. When the be there, be there. I^iig roll is called up When the roll is called up la-*— lA— (A -* — 14 — W- — W 1 3^ i5=HiS ©-=: m yon - der, When the roll . . . is called up yon - der, When the yuu-der, I'll be there, When the roll id called up yun-der, I'll be there, When the Roll is Galled. m^m^ ^mm^mm roll is cali'd up yon-der,When the roll is call'd up yonder I'll be there. When the roll ^F No. 135. I Gave My Life for Thee. Frances R. Havergal. copyright, ibo2, by the john church co. P. M. Bliss. .-=4=+ mmms^m t 1. I gave my life for thee, 2. My Fa - ther's house of light, 3. I suf - fered much for thee, 4. And I have brought to thee, I— :^-3 t-i 4=i: My pre - cious blood I shed. My glo - ry cir- cled throne More than thy tongue can tell, Down from my home a - bove, JF^ -I— -J- ^ ' - w1 J i -=4==- ^=t ^ ._\_ ^-1: That thou might 'st ran-somed be, I left, for earth - ly night, Of bit - t'rest ag - o - ny, Sal - va - tion full and free. And quick - ened from the dead; For wan-d'rings sad and lone; To res - cue thee from hell; My par - don and my love; Sl- ■^-^ :t^=:t: 1tZ=^- ■^-J^-N^ 1 gave, I gave my life I left, I left it all I've borne, Tve borne it all I bring, I bring rich gifts for thee, What hast thou giv'n for me? for thee. Hast thou left aught for me? for thee. What hast thou borne for me? to thee, What hast thou brought to me? :t3=ti :t: -p. ^ t=di: k— k — ^-t ^ i No. 136. c. H. a. That Will Be Glory. eOPvmOHT, 1900, BY E. O. EXCEU. WORDS AND MUSIC. m ^ Chas. H. Gabriel. i -:t~ ^:li^ -J_^_ -:t—^ pm^ -^—4 1. When all my la - bors and tn-als are o'er, And I am safe on that 2. When, by the gift of His in - fin-ite grace, I am ac - cord-ed in 3. Friends will be there I have loved long a - go; Joy like a riv - er a - ^^ t=i: n^=n^^^ $=f=f=f- t=*=t t=t m i* ^ES --I — '-j T=^=l ^ ^^=^-- 1i=i #=§: S-- fj - -•- - -e<-: beau - ti - ful shore, Just to be near the dear Lord I a - dore, heav - en a place, Just to be there and to look on Ills face, round me will flow; Yet, just a smile from my Sav - ior, I know, ^-. — . -« F F F- i£i* ^ ^^^^^^M :^2^ f— I — r rit. It- m Chorus. Will thro' the a - ges be glo - ry for me. ... that will be ... . that will i W— ^ F F F F - ui -A A B^- 4=i ^- r-r— t— r i^.^ J I -Ui_-I— I -r i=j=^. J— I- ne; When glo - ry for me; m glo - ry for me, Glo - ry for me, glo - ry for me; When by Hisgrace be glo - ry for me, Glo - ijjor me, t-tt ^E fcff^ Ef ^^^nSzt I shall look on His face, That will be glo - ry, be glo - ry for me. X4 ^^^^^g^^^^ No. 137. I Mope to Meet You There Some Day. Rer. J. Oatinan, Jr, COPYRIGHT! 1907 BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. R. D. Burleson. 1. When I have reach'd the souls bright land, I hope to meet you there some day; 2. When I shall walk the gold - en street, I hope to meet you there some day; 3. Where sin can harm our souls no more, I hope to meet you there some day; 4. Where tears no more will dim the eye, I hope to meet you there some day; h I I =Urf 1 \- ^^^^^m ^ _ ^ Fine. ^ When I be- fore the throne shall stand, 1 hope to meet you there some day, A - mong the friends that I shall greet, I hope to meet you there some day. Up - on the bright e - ter - nal shore, I hope to meet yon there some day. Where we will nev - er say "Good bye, "I hope to meet you there some day. ■4=A-- ■ i-J \ -~w p^:-^^ -M ^ M- 1 — r -M~ V V g ■a2s)-T D. S.-/ hope to meet you there some day. Chorus. it ^ ^ t ~ -f-r^-f-T, -=t: ^*-=— k — U — I* — I* *- r=v I hope to meet joq there my broth - er, my sis - ter, And stand with the t±±:4±ifc^ i^ m *E*l^ D.S. ^^ s t=^= •±-t t^ *=* saints in white a - ray; When I have reach'd my Fa-ther's home in heav-en, r=i=r±=I^S? No. 138. Gel You Ready for the Coming of the Gall. A J.S. COPYRIGHT, 180B, BY A. J. 6H0WALTER. A. J. 5howalter. m^m 1. E - ter-ni - ty is draw-ing near -er, broth- er, Get you read-y 2. do not stay a - way from Je - sus long - er, Get you read-y 3. The Sav-ior's pre-cious blood for you was giv - en, Get you read-y 4. bler.s-ed is the hope of life e - ter - nal, Get you read-y — t—lf—f—p—p—^—p- ijc ■i^=t v-t?-- ^^ ii 1 ^ t^ fc ^ h fc -*^ 5 ^-^-^^fE^--f= ^^ ^ A A A A 1^ ^ ff ff t ff A J ^ y 9 ' 9 # • • * * -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •* , \^ L^ -f — ^ — ^ — k — k — V — k — for the com-ing of the call; The Lord en - treats you: ''From me for the com-ing of the call; Act on the faith you have and for the com-ing' of the call; And He will lead you home at for the com-ing of the call; In that fair land, that E - don ^ ± j:j_-fc-^ . , , . n . -. . . _ ♦M-t7-f^-g— f-^t^-f^-f- -^ — -r'-'^- -g — f — f — f — f — r — »^r> J Y, Yi 1 1 • F tl ^ r 1/ • L/ 1 . L M !■ 1 1 1 1 1 '■ ^ "^ ^/ 1 1 V V V ^ V V wm: r=t- V i^E* -fc-t^—- t^-^-fe ^. ^ — li- t=t-^t^i-i= i:r=.l:^i m^ go no far-ther," Get you read 'twill grow stron-ger, Get you read last to heav - en, Get j'ou read bright and ver - nal, Get you read i^^^SlPi^^ y for the com-ing of y for the com-ing of y for the com-ing of y for the com-ing of •4^ — ^.---fc-4--^— A the call, the call, the call, the call. Refrain. f— p=if=p ^- 5^i i^ )r±z=:k *=r=np=s= I^^P: Get you read Get - y, get you read-y, g^iis^ you read - - y, get you read-y, ^=-y Get you t=t 1 i._ g ^_gL - k_^- ^ A-S — A A A- -A lA read-y for the com-ing of A-H^- l±:ft= :±=t^^ gto:=t:==t iw^JZ-j 1 \ XL— the call; t; P "^ Get you read - - y, Get you read • y. r -A— A -A-S — Get You Ready for the Coming of the Gall. After last verier repeat pp. Get you read - y, Get you read-y for the com-ing of the call. Get yoa read-y, „ , A-^/^.-^^A— A-c(»-A^ —M — fe-fi— ^— fe-rJ No. 139. I Surrender All. ^ii COPYRIGHT, 1896, BY WEEDEN A VAN DE VENTER. J. W. Van De Venter. used by per. p. B. BILHORN. OWNER. W. S. Weeden. lE^g^^ :s=d: :1: i=^-= to Je - sus to Je - sus to Je - sus to Je - sus sur-ren-der, sur-ren-der, . sur-ren-der, sur-ren-der, h I I zs All to Him I free - ly give; Hum - bly at His fee*- I bow; Make me, Sav-ior, whol - ly Thine; Now I feel the sa - cred flame; 8 8 8 III 8 E=i: :1: ^I I will ev - er love and trust Him, In His pres-ence dai - ly live. World-ly pleasures all for - sak - en. Take me, Je - sus, take me now. Let me feel the Ho - ly Spur - it, Tni - ly know that Thou art mine. the joy of full sal - va - tion, Glo - ry, glo - ry to His name. rn E^ h - 1-* I I Chorus 1=^ ^m -^- ^ m I sur-ren-der all. ^^ I sur-ren -der all I sur - ren-der all; 1 Bur-rea-der all: All to Thee, my bless - ed Sav - ior, sur - ren - der all :g± m No. 140. W. C. Martin. Land of the Unsetling Sun. COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY CHA8. H. QABHIEL. COPYRIGHT, J»09, BY E. O. EXCELL. Clnt5. H. Gabriel. ig ^=4=3 -^^—^srX --^-■5--^ ?:*: ^4=i= ■r 1. Some sweet day I shall en- ter a place, When the work of my life shall be 2. Yes, the bur -dens of life can be borne. When I think of the prize to be 3. I can peace-ful- ly wel-come the night When the hours of my life shall be 4. what joy! mor-tal tongue cannot tell, With e - ter - ni - ty on - ly be- ^ i: ^^ 5EE ■g-p-k ?=^ f=^ ^^i done; won; run; gun; A place that is filled with His mar- vel-ous grace, In the Of the beau - ti - f ul robe and the crown to be worn, In the It will bring me no grief, but su - per - nal de - light, In the Onean-oth-er to meet, with the Sav-ior to dwell. In the fSi^jNy^aM gEiEAE-fE^^ -^^M t=t u u x_ P=P: ±=±=z± Chords. ^m ^ I P-P- land of the Un - set -ting Sun. I shall dwell in the land of de- fight When my journey on earth has been run; In the land where there of (le - lig:ht jour • nev oq earth has been run; mmmm com - eth no sor- row, no night. In the land of the Un - set - ting Sun. ^^m ^ ■p—p- -^iv.-^:? K — t— ^f= — V- V ' P=-V^«a^ No. 141. Dont You Want to Go? COPYRIGHT, 1004, BY J. VAUOHAN. USED BY PER. #=S James D. Vaughan. to that hap-py home on high? Where the good shall en while you 1 . Don't you want to go 2. Think how ma-ny pray'rs have been offered up for you, Oft 3. Time is swift-ly pass-ing, and soon will close the gate, Then your soul must 4. Could you stand in judginent, if you should die to-day? All that you have meet, yes, meet to part no more, slept dear mother's tears did flow: m^m^ And shall live and reign far a Turn and seek sal-va - tion, bove the to her sink in ev - or - last - ing woe: Give your heart to Je-sus, for soon 'twill writ - ten you must face, you know: Je - sus now is pleading, He'll wash your m^ -14 - b-?--^t— -• r^- — ^— A-J ^- — A — r^- — A— S: 1^=1? Refrain. star-ry sky. In that sun - ny clime up -on the gold-en shore. love be tnie, While your friends are waiting don't you want to go? Don't jouwantto be too late, Moth-er now is wait-ing, don't you wa .t tD go? sms a - way, To that home in glo-ry, don't you want to go? 1^ h fc I —M — M-^ — M—M- E:g^=5^|£EElEE is -^-3 J-.^-^- / . j^^^i^ jL. J. h h 4-^5- JU I^E^H But [ fruit and tares ma-ture - ly grown Will all be gath-er'd then. Will rise be - fore me . in a throng, Clear as the light of morn. Will ei - ther wel - come or dis - own Me for e - ter - ni - ty. I^p r ^i. ^ I -1 1. ^ .^ ^ A m] Chorus. n=^ i ■^ te^^ -F-^ A A ' F P W V V ^'i^ V V i' V V \^ \^ V ?=P=JE±pZJiZMj k u p rp I Some day — I can-not tell Just when, but, Lord, I pray. Some day— but 0, I can -not tell, I can aottellJust when 'twill be, but this, Lord, I pray •_«_^_^- f^^-^F £E^ ^ipp ■eE :;^=p^ :R=i;^t^ :«c Si: ■^ -V=^ That I may go to dwell With Thee some hap-py day. That I may ifo, may go to dwell with Thee, With Thee aome happy, hap-py. hap-py day. No. 143. The Neavenly Home Above. O. L. T. PROPERTY OF O. L. THARP, CHATTANOOGA, TENH. O. L. Tharp. 1. To a bright heav'n-ly home far be -yond death's sea, Trav-el - ing 2. I am press - ing a - long in the King's high-way, 3. I am worn, but my jour - ney will soon be o'er, y-n, ^-- ^—TM ^- s — ^ "t- -^-— r ^ ^ *- -4^- f-b—^^ f-r- -^ — ^ ^i — a ^^5^ ^m=if='' -A-^ on. trav-el - ing on; and on, I b There with Je - sns and Trust - ing Je - sus my to my home; Soon my Spir - it will -*- * • -»- l=r 1: fe U^E:^=?=t=^ i:=F l»=:tc=lii- ^ B-^i 41=i=il==:i== -A A I I =m: g loved ones I soon shall be, I am trav - Sav - lour, for strength each day, rest on the oth - er shore, i am trav-'iin&, -A-* -A- - 'ling on. trav-'ling on. *^:=t f f='r=^ m i Refrain. 5=^ I I ■M , M- ^mim =t3=J= -M-^-A m^^ Won't you come and go with me To that hap-py home a-boTe? There where s? m^ f±=^ii=^ I sor - row and sad-ness can nev-er come, But where all But where all is -A- -^* -^ -A-* A- ^ 1 ^— r^ — ^ — « ^— -*- is love peace and love T— r ^ i No. 144. We Shall Stand Before the King, E.O.B. COPYRIGHT, 1884, BY E. O. EXCEU. WORDS AND MUolC. E. O. Excell. m^m^m^^^^$m 1. We shall stand be-fore the King, With the angels we shall sing, By and by, 2. Ring, ye bells of heaven, ring, We shall stand before the King.By and by, 3. Wake,my soul, thy tribute bringjhoushalt stand before the King,By and by, J by and by by and by; Walk the bright,the golden shore, Praising Hira forevermore, by and by; There our sorrows will be o'er, There His name we will adore, by and by; Lay thy trophies at His feet, In His likeness stand conaplete, by snd by; _ I j A-^A- A A • — A-rA-^—^k — A-^-A— 4 4-^-A-r-A-*— A — 4-^—4 — M- F By and by, by and by. We shall stand . . . before the King., . . . By and by, by and by. We shall stand, before the Kin?, ^^^^lisi tr-tTf: -ti-^ ^ 8=5^ P PI ^^^-1 *=*:J v—p- With the an-gels we shall sing, Glo-ry, glo - ry to our King, Hal- le- '^ eI V ( l ^^pp r^-^P^^^ lu - jah, hal-lo - lu - jab, We shall stand be-fore the King. Hal-le - lu - jah; bal • le - lu - jah; we shall stand. No. 145. Will There be Any Stars in My Grown? B. E. Hewitt. COPYRIGHT, 18S7, BY JNO. R. 8WENEY. USED BY PER. N S ^ ^"v^-^ftr-t Jno. R. 5w-j^ i ^=^-j^=$^ 3S^ -♦-^— ♦- I ^^■- ' M-j—M- The boy that was once my joy and light, The child of my love and prayer? No face was so bright, no heart more true. And none wr.s so sweet as he. When prattle and smile made home a joy, And life was a mer-ry chime! But bring him to me with all his blight. And tell him I love him still. ^-iR— ^=^=33^ >^ 4: 4 ? 5^ j-r * * 1-4} -^=n. Ei J-. ■t 1^^ I V. V. Chorus. Not too fast. where is my boy to - night? where is my boy to - night? 23^=^^^; ^^-^t t==t=t: -14 -^-14- r^=±'Efe v-^— ^=^- n /7\ /TN gz — em: n— #-•-?— ji =^-= — *- 1^— ^— i^-'^i'^ptD My heart o'er-flows, for I love hira he knows; where is my boy to - night? No. 151. Softly and Tenderly. »V PtR. WlU t. THOMPSON A CO , E. LIVERPOOt, O', AND THE THOMPSON MUSIC CO , CHICAGO, ILU W. L. T. PP Very slow. PP Will L. Thompsoa. ^^^^^pglS 1. Soft - ly and ten-der-ly Je-sus is call-ing, Call-ing for you and for me; 2. Why should we tar-ry when Je-sus is plead-ing, Pleading for you and for me? 3. Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing, Passing from you and from me; 4. Oh! for the wonderful love He has promised, Promised for you and for me; ^ F=f^ I ^mi± v=^=^ gs l^° l *.- k- ^i=i^ f V ^ W .yvLM'l ^^E^ fc=t^ ^^^ feM^-*r^ 3 11 t^=^ ^ ^=4^ n 3(=4 See on the portals He's waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me. Why should we linger and heed not His mercies, Mercies for you and for me? Shadows are gathering, death beds are com-ing, Com-ing for you and for me. The' we have sinn'd, He has mercy and pardon, Pardon for you and for me. -^ — A — ^k- L I I - fc^ t v=^ f^ y-v Chorus. — ^ I trts. ^^f-y V r^ I crca, . ^Tn ^TN rr\ f-^^ Come home, come home, Ye who are wea-ry, come home, Come home, come bomb, ^^ ^£^^ trt r~r: ^ § £ ■y — ^ ^'^^ :;^=t: PPP ^^ Kl-A i ? ^ r^ -i~i digest ^ — #-^ Ear-nest -ly, ten-der-ly," Je-sus is call-ing, Call-ing, sin-ner, come home! rc-T A • A A — A T--^ A — A — A i-A — A-^-A — A — A-r- m r ^ '?^— Tl No. 152. M. B.a t Galilee. u*RQ. B. QARRETT, owNsR. Margucrlte Bixler Qarrett. iFt^-. 1* "^^ ^~'^ ^ in, beau-ti - ful, blao Giil - i - Ice, What mu - sic thou bring-est dh, beau-ti - ful, blao Giil - i - Ice, 'Twas here, if in pal - ace or cot, 'Twashere.when he said, "Follow me. Oh, beau-ti - ful, blue Gal - i - lee, ^ -k- \Vhat rim - sic thou bring-est to me, This man a-mong men, fal-tered not, That fish-ers of men you may be. Sweet mu - sic thou bringest to me. w^^^^^^mm While now up - on thy qui - et shore, I read once a - gain the sweet love- To show the beau-t^, pow'r and love, Ke-vealed from the Fa-ther a-bove — Go, cast your net m life's deep sea. Go, gath-er, and bring all to me" — While now, up - on thy qui - et shore, I hear thy love message once more,— fe 5=£F fe^^se^^ 1^4^ i Refrain. t4- tfe«=5=3 Of Je - sus of Gal - i - leeT Oh, sa - cred is Gal - i - lee. To Je - sus of Gal - i - lee. From Je - sua of Gal - i - lee. il=:^ ^i^zi::: i^=^—r— -p—v ^7^=^ Ob, won - der - ful, won - der - ful n *SSSfe =^. v^ t^=:i here Je - sus my Lord used to be; Oh, . ^ used to be; sea; Where Je - sus my Lord used to be; . won - der - fu sea ^ ^ used it^ '-N=ligt ^- ^T ^^ip^ip^pi how I love to fol- low Thee— Great Pi -lot of Gal i - lee^ Kl No. 153, S. J. Perry. Hear Him Galling. PROPERTr OF T. P. BERRt, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. T. P. Berry. 31^ 1= -Al 1 r=l- — Hf- ?:1=SE^E^ ^r Shk r 1 ^ - I I - - 1 1. Hear the Sav-iour's call, wea-ry pil-grims all, Come home, come home; 2. Leaving sin's dread snares and life's bus-y cares, Come home, come home; 3. Where the blood-washed throng sing a glad new song, .-%-% J — I— j^ -♦ — J!: -■ ^- V- JpSppi .-(* ^ ^ -1 \ ^ S-; r— 1 — f^ bP>-f ^— ^ =*-V=^^-H^=F=^^ ^===^-^ A Faith-ful You shaU Heaven's 4" toil - in^- walk no arch - es band in life's des - ert land, Come home, come more on time's drear-y shore, Come home, ring with the praise they bring, 1 h ^ 1 ^.-^-^ —rjA -jj-j 15-, ~. nrt . i hr , lome. ^^ P 1 — i" "1 t—i t=M-^ ^•=P-^z=1^ 1 _' ^- ^ \ L^_^ 1 1 ] : 1 1 L^^J Refrain. New Je - ru - sa-lera come;" Hear Him call- ing, gen - tly a - way, , ^ ^ ^^_j^ ^ ^. ^ -k- ■#- ^ _ ^ h h *: ^^^^^^^m m ^=~, *^i:=t: m call - mg, ^ h niti to - day tit^^b: ^zi=| Call - ing the wea - ry £ r pil - griras home. n , t £ i£^ iii No. 154. Shepherds Abiding In the fields. J. HENRY 6H0WALTER, OWNER. J. Henry Showalter. ii±j^r~i=3i— ZtZT i=t|^ f^-T 1. While shepherds watched their flocks by night,. .. All seat- ed on the ground, their flocks by night. 2. "To you, in David's town, this day, Is bom of Dav-id's line, to you this day, 3. Thus spake the seraph; and forth-with, Ap-peared a shin-ing throng ^^ and then forthwith, t^d^=t: 4 — Ii_^ pi^^^i S5E3 J— 4- — .—. — tv-i— 1 "wrK i^g f ^ ^ ^ -^ If' 1/ '> 1/ I The an - gel of the Lord came down, And glo - ry shown a-round; fe to earth came down. "The Sav - ior, who is Christ the Lord, And this shall be the sign: your gracious Lord, Of an - gels praising God on high, ..... And thus addressed their song: our God on high, -«>- -lA — hk — lA — I* — r,i "-^ — ■ — ^-» — ■- t=t M P -N-4^- -i(=^ -a|--il— a i: I "Fear not," said he, for mighty dread, Had seized their troubled mind, for mighty dread, "The heav'nly babe you there shall find To hu - man view dis-played, you there shall find, "All glo- ry be to God on high, And to the earth be peace: to God on high, ■•- L L iv u I •-#--«»- 'Good ti-dings of great joy I bring, To you and all man-kind. great joy I bring, "All mean-ly vNTapped in swathing bands, And in a man-ger laid.'* in swathing bands, "Good will henceforth from heav'n to men, Be - gin and nev - er cease." _ from heav'n to men, Shepherds Abiding In the Fields. Refrain. ^^aiipi^^i^^ipi All glo - ry be to God on high, And to the earth be peace; to God on high. -(t- -A- -A- -A- -A- -»- -i»- -A- ^^ -f-' -f- -^ t- f ' •[-- -T'T"!^" !"" ^ f f^^ — j— l- U-^ — Mb — ^14— 14— )A— Lii ^^^JHA-yr^H— [-— 14— li t^-^-\rV' -p-y- ^ l^ f^ U I I I Good will henceforth from heav'n to men, Be - gin and nev - er cease. from heav'n to men. No. 155. Behold, He Gomes! J. HENRY 8H0WALTER, OWNER. J. Henry Sho waiter. ^ i * r^A A-A-A-^ ^^ ' *i_g tq=A=A=A=A=«=to-J 1. Hark, joyful news, . . 2. On Him the Spir - 3. He comes the pris - 4. He comes the bro 5. Our glad ho - san - . ... the Savior comes, The Savior prom - it largely poured, Exerts His sa - -'ners to re - lease, In Satan's bond ken heart to bind, The bleeding soul. . nas, Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall . h .14-I4 hr-1 P- ■^^-^ ised long; - cred fire; age held; . ... to cure, . . . proclaim; v^ gm Let ev-'ry heart prepare a throne. And ev'ry voice a song. Wisdom and might, and zeal, and love. His ho-ly breast. . ... in - spire. The gates of brass be-fore Him burst. The i-ron fet - - ters ' yield. And with the treas - ure of His grace, T 'en-rich the hum - ble poor. And heav'n 'so- ter - nal arch-es ring, With thy be-lov - - ed name. No. 156. Childhood, home and Mother. nrs. J. M. Hunter. J. HENRY 8H0WAITER, OWNER. W. S. Tidwell, r^^i^. 1. how oft' my fan - cy strays. To the glad and gold - en days, 2. Pleasures pure our hearts did greet. Love's bright ck-cle was cora-plete, 3. When I vis - it now the place, How I miss my moth-er's face, 4. Scattered from our child-hood's home, To and fro our foot-steps roam, SgJgEEB ^^^ 1^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \ r^jk . — s — k "^ . N J ± JS K_- b^L^ -^---t^ ^~t.-4=i\ _g g-MM _£U-1' g J. ^^ ^ — P^^- -*,^ — Al AH= S P-^ -P— yk-^iiAl- -r?-^ — ^-^?— hS4-a— U -f-: A -*!-• -3- *• ? f ^ > When I was a hap - py child at moth - er's knee; I de - light to But the dear - est link in all the chain is gone; Mother sleeps be- How I long once more her wel - come smile to seel Sav-iour, help me But we for ■ ward look to that e - ter - nal shore,Where at last we h fc h i V t ^- ^ ^. ^ A A- A F^^-f= -^^ --^-^-i—'r^ -?— N^-F- -i^— S^p-^h-"-^ jrr ^ P "U C ^ 15 1. K r - K" P? » k r i> 5 bl : — : : — '^ ? — ^^ ^ l — <^ — u 1 — ^|__f^_ — tf-l -f- ~:t=] i> ■~:fc~:^ ^ — Krrt— ip- &=2q= !>■ in -N p N 1 r _p J n -M -Ai— -M — i=r _^ ^ aU H -?U— J pict - neath e'er hope J it J- ure o'er Those the sod. Her be true. Till to stand As -^—% 1^ be - sweet be-] a g La— lov - spir ■ ^ond lad. — ■ — m~ ed days • it is the vault un-brok - of yore, Though 1 with God, And w of blue, I si en band. And t -(—f — f^- 0~ [ ith- lall he J- ^. know they out her join dear sad good- l^^_ > =1=^ — b — ^ -hj^-^- U -U R ne'er a - gam can come to me. we * are left to jour - ney on. Child-hood days, sweet childhood days, moth - er safe at home with Thee. bye can touch our lips no more. ^~ — (♦— *P 1 1 ^ pg-^ nthr— ^- rf-; — [i— |t- K^^i^i^ii rtrt- r Childhood, He ^ and Mother. Dear old home of long a - go! Till I leave the scenes of time, And the ?s-n^3ii±zlc -a=---a^5-^ — •--•-S3- — ]/—p-p—tf s-^§.^ Stairs of heav-en climb, I shall not for-get those pre-cious days gone by. No. 157. Anon. Care for Me. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Homer F. Morris. mm l=:t: J^x:z^:r=J|=3 1. Sav - iour, bless a lit - tie child, Teach my heart the way to Thee; 2. I am young but Thou hast said All who will may come to Thee; 3. Je - sus, keep me, I am weak, Let me put my trust in Thee; 4. All my days be Thou my guide. Light and strength and joy to me; Sfe r Make me gen - tie, meek and mild, Lov - ing Sav - iour, care for me. Feed my soul with liv - ing bread, Lov - ing Sav - iour, care for me. Teach me how and what to speak, Lov - ing Sav - iour, care for me. And when life is end - ed here, Let me find myheav'n with Thee. -A- -A- ^_^ — ^^^-^ — ^ ^. J!-- 1^ — j- ^ E^£ ^m^ D. S.—Lov - ing Sav - iour, care for me. Chorus D. S. Care for me, care for me,Loving Saviour,care for me, Care for me, care for me, -A- -A-* -A- -A-* -A- I J -A- -A-" r'E: iM^i^l^Ji INo. 158. C. M. D. Sunshine Bearer. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY E. O. EXCELL. WOR08 AND MUSIC. m^n 1. Dark the way and drear - y, Sad the heart and wea - ry, Toil - ing all a- 2. Earth is filled with sad-ness, We should make it glad-ness, And our lives like 3. Speaking words for Je - sus, Foll'wing paths that lead us In - to plac-e8 ^^m^^^^^^^ long life's bus -y, rays of sun-shine where His name is rug - ged way; But kind words and fac - es Bright-en ev - er be; On the road we're joum'ying, There is nev - er heard; Guid-ing those who wan-der, To the l^^^^iS r m^=t^ f=n P & ^^Effi rE£^^^ F^ ^ '^4^-^=-^^^ 3 gloom-y plac - es, no re-turn - ing, home up yon-der, -I L M And the heart is gladdened by a cheer-ful ray. Let us not neg-lect an op - por -tu - ni - ty. Teach-ing them the bless-ed sun-shine of His love. >- A A ik f Speak-ing lov t-Giv - ing sun ^f-i- 1/ ^' ing words, ny smiles cheer - ful as the short- 'ning length-y birds, miles, m ?3E *: ta^g^fi^^ Lift - ing heav - y Mak-ing oth-ers bur-dens from a wea-ry heart; ^ hap-py, 'Tis a Chris- {Omit . . .) i tian's part. I^^E^iii^^ii^p No. 159. LanU WIlMO Snith Scatter Sunshihe. COPVRIGHT, 1892, BY E. O. EXCELL. WOROa AND MUSIC. A ^-^--. E. O. Ezcell. i^^^^m^mm 1. In a world where sor-row Ev - er will be kno^vn, Where are found the 2. Slightest ac-tions oft - en Meet the sor-cst needs, Forthe world wants 3. When the days are gloom-y Singsome hap- py song, Meet the world's re - need - y, And the sad and lone; How much joy and com - fort dai - ly Lit - tie kind - ly deeds; Oh, what care and sor - row pin - ing with a cour - age strong; Go with faith un - daunt - ed B^^ ^^^^^''^AT-rt- 1/ 1/ — _ You can all be -stow, If you scat-ter sun-shine Ev-'ry-where you go. You may help re-move, With your songs and courage, Sym-pa-thy and love. Thro' the ills of life; Scat-ter smiles and sun-snine O'er its toil and strife. Scat - - ter sun-shine all a- long your way, . . Cheer and bless and Scatter the Biniles and sun-sbiue o - ver tho way, — I — I — I--I 1 — ( 1— -I — J — '-I. -t |_ '4 — p^ — ^ bright - en Ev - *ry pass - ing day; Ev - 'ry pass - ing day. f"^f^ rTT~g No, 160. Walkm.^ In the Sunshine. Robt. H. Walton. BY PER. OF MRS GEO. W. LYON. a. W. Lyoo. mmm^^^^ :t=-$.zt=3E2 EiE^ Xi=^ I 1. Walk-ing in the sunshine of the Sav-ior's love, Walk-ing in the sun-shine 2. Walk-ing in the sunshine, bless-ed is the light, I will fear no foe, while 3. Walk-ing in the sunshine, 'tis a joy di-vine, I will praise ray Savior, v^'^'- ?.=^-^^ ^^J=g- ^^- to a home a-bove; Je - sus has redeemed me, at His will I bow, working for the right; Trusting in my Sav-ior, at His will I bow, praise Him all the time; All my sins for-giv'n, no care is on my brow, '-p—p-^—p- I . . I C horus . m=$=i *-'^pi I'm walk-ing in the sun-shine now I'm walk-ing ii the sun-shine now. I'm walk-ing in the sun-shine I'm walk-ing ii the sun-shine now. ■i.=^Em^t^^:t=i i^=i^f=p=$: if now, I'm walk-ing in the sun-shine now, Keep-ing close to just uow, just now. s ►-A — A-f-s— /- -^ ^-! 14- 13 V P k — 1^- EEEfetEE^E^^^H^ Je-sus, at His will I bow, I'm walk-ing in the sun-shine now. just now. I -^ II Sfi/ I No. 161. Lead Me Gently Home, Father. Br PER, OF WILL L. TMOMPBON A CO., OWNEW OF COPYRIGHT. W. L.T. Solo or Duet, ad lib W. L. Thompson. m^^^^sm 1. Lead me gen-tly home, Father, Lead me gen- tly home, When life's toils are 2. Lead me gen-tly home, Father, Lead me gen -tly home. In life'sdark-est U a: r-r- p pj ^i^^rrnri^ end - ed, And parting days have come. Sin no more shall tempt me, Ne'er from hours, Father, When life's troubles come. Keep my feet from wand'ring. Lest from M ^^£=£ »— ^ 1ii=t: :«^ t^::^ n t==i rit. P ^^ -s^^^i-E ^i -♦ — *- Thee I'll roam. If Thou'lt on - ly lead me. Father, Lead me gen-tly home. Thee I roam. Lest I fall up - on the wayside, Lead me gen-tly home. ^ |7 r— r— r j0^-^ :^-1i-r 1 — p-ft ^ii -t£*-« Refrain. t=^. ^T^i^f=i :&=-t ^T=3-3—i— Lead me gen-tly home, Fa-ther Lead me gen -tly, Lead me (ren - tly home. Fa - ther. Lead me gen - tly home. Fa - ther, "'2. /i V Fa - ther. Lead me gen - tly home. ^ ? '=MeL ^=^ m 4^j r I - m 1^ s- ^^Ei^ V Lest I fall up - on the way- side, Lead me gen - tly home. gen - tly home. " -t: It'bs. ^ ^ t^ jm- J :ir -^^^=^- 'wm E3 t^=,kM=^- i No. 162, E. B. Hewitt. On to the Land of Glory. OOPYRIQHT, 1908, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Jno. R. Sweney. t i t«=8=S: •—-«—-' -J=3t r Wide it spreads be -fore us, Bright the sky is o'er us; In the Ma - ny stand com-plain-ing, I - die still re-main-ing, Loit'ring Kouse ye, then, sleep-ers, Join the hap-py reap-ers; To the m^^3^ £ lz=fe: I 1^ -K-^ ^m s $=5=5=^^ i= i-r-3-j - U^^^' Bun-Iight, gold-en gleaming, Hea?-ing like the rest-less main, "Reapers are in the dust-y highways, Hear-ing not the Mas-ter say: "Reapers are yjind your sorrows flinging, Pa-tient - ly the sick - le wield: "Reapers a: ^— >- \tieapers are U M I tat E S% 1^ f=r r-]r-p- V — V — f — i/ — t^- ■p-r i fc*=;|: ^ i Chorus. itit,^ ■a=^ need-ed," re-sounds o'er hill and plain. need-ed, who will work to-day?" Rouse ye then and to the fields a- need-ed, A-wake, and to the fieldl to the m^ I -f^- t=t V"^ i 4^ ." ^ .N i t ^^^i Nrfr^^^^^^i^ way, Go, la-borfor the Master while you may, Lo! He is calling, field a-vay, Mas - ter while you may, * -JLI^ Si^^fe t-v-t^ <=??: A^-g ,1 ^-f e^ F#afe Narvest Son^. I ^ ^ ' ^ 1 ^ ^ p L« ■ « ^ ^ n-^ , ^ ' night is fall-ing, Hast-en to o - bey, For reap-ers are need-ed to - day. ■**^ ^ ^ a^ tj '^=^- SES^E^f ill No. 165, Christ Arose! R. L Slow. CHPVRIGHT, 1902, BY MARY RUNYON LOWRY. RENEWAL. USED BY PERMISSION, Robert Lowry. i^S «=f- 1. Low in tbe grave He lay, Je-sus, my Sav - ior! Wait-ing the com-ing day, 2. Vainly they watch His bed, Je-sus, my Sav - ior! Vain-ly they seal the dead, 3. Death cannot keep his prey, Je-sus, my Sav - ior! He tore the bars a-way, f ESEEEEE — c-p=[:F-F= P Chorus. Faster i=^ :^ J^-JJ ^— y Je-sus, my Lordl Up from the grave He a-rose; With a mighty triumph o'er His He a-rose; foes; He a-rose a vic-tor from the dark do-main, And He lives for-ev-er He a-rose: -*-*-•-*-*- hfci I ^fc^t-Ar-A--A- -A-'-A- -^ -A- -A-. w__i4-J4_5_tit:;^ r-7-pt Y.~~ — K- — ' — — b-g " '==P-^- with His saints to reign; He a-rose! He a - rose! Hal-le-lu-jah! Christ a-rose 1 He a-rose. He a-rose; ^ji= ^-Bigj ESES; ?t^^-i r -r-r-r m No. 166. To the Work. Fanny J. Crosby, COPYRIGHT, 1890, BY W. H. OOANE. W. H. Doane. rOrr--^—^-] r4— -^- 1^ ' _- K K — — — ~s N— 1 4- i^ _j_g :^-^- -f 1 1^ — 1 — =:?-ir= M 1 I A ' M A =5— i-J ■4- V 1. To the work! to the work! we aie serv - ants ot God Let OS 2. To the work! to the work! let the hun - gry be fed; To the 3. To the work! to the work! there is la - bor for all; For the 4. To the work! to the work! in the strength of the Lord, And a r* r -f- T' ■rr ♦^■rr'rr "f" "P"— -, 1^4—1 y — H —14-=- — \ — 14-^14 14 14 14 -I4-* — 14 —14 _ u, 1 , 1 1 _^ 1 — I 1 t^M-i' — f H — -k- — ^ — \ ^ — ^ — -1 k — ^— 1 — -> — ^ — rrt 1?=3: J±E^=3^I ^^^0 fol - low the path that our Maa - ter has trod; With the fount - ain king - dom robe and of life let the of dark - ness and a crown shall our ^E£: wear - y be led; In the er - ror shall fall; And the la - bor re - ward; When the H4-^ mM ^-^- l^^±i ^=t: 1^---^ i^is^^EM K=|5:M=iH±=jz= ^-^- • — •- balm of His coun - sal our strength to re - new, Let us do with our cross and its ban - ner our glo - ry shall be, While we her - aid the name of Je - ho - vah ex - alt - ed shall be, In the ioud-swell-ing home of the faith - ful our dwell - ing shall be. And we shout with the Chorus. pl^s^^ iiEi might what our hands find to do. ti - dings, "Sal-va - tion is free!" Toil-ing on, toil - ing cho - rus, "Sal- va - tion is free!" Toil-in? on, ransomed, "Sal - va - tion is free!" :Sz^zr 14—14 14-— PEE3- ill ^ ^ To the Work. m= ^ *r=± ^2^ on, Toil-ing on, toil-ing on; Let U8 toil - inf on. Toil • ia^ on. toil-ing: on; No. 167. Faith of Our Frederick W. Faber. Fathers. Adapted by J. 0. Walton. ^ 333 Fi^^: fe ^□tj: Si^^^^|iS= 1. Faith of our fa - there! liv - ing still 2. Our fa-there,chained in pris - ons dark, 3. Faith of our fa - there! we will love In spite of dun-geon, fire and sword; Were still in heart and conscience free; Both friend and foe in all our strife; -^-^-X-t- r^ —^ —A — K — r1*» -1^ S=)K E :tzz P=t -^ A- Si 11. 'i * O how our hearts beat high with joy When-e'er we hear that glo-rious word: How sweet would be their children's fate. If they, like them, could die for thee! And preach thee, too, as love knows how, By kind-ly words and vir- tuous life: i^-"? t=t :^rC^ -A— r^ *^ — ^ — h' >^ f=t ■t^ s±^ p iieii mm 3*: n=t Faith of our fa-there! ho - ly faith! We will be true to thee till death! I A ■» *; f: :&: * A. ^ ^. ^ ± f=« No. 168. White Harvest Fields. Eleanor W. Long. ^^ COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. E. O. EXCELL, OWNER. Chas. H. Qabrlel. m ^=3 — 1: 35 1. The fields are white to har-vest, but the lab - or-ers are few, 2. The fields are white to har-vest, but the lab - or-ers are few, 3. The fields are white to har-vest, but the lab ■ or-ers are few, -A n^ A— A —^ tA A , ^_hA_^_,4_^ Do not i - die, do notloi-ter by -the way; Lo, the Mas-ter calls for See, the sun is in the zenith— haste a- way! There are sheaves which must be Shadows lengthen, soon will come the close of day; If the Sav-ior's blessing A A A— A- ^ 1 L-I =E reap-ers and the Mas-ter calls for you, "Go la-bor in my har-vest garnered, there is work for all to do, Go -la-bor in the har-vest you would win when tasks and toils are thro' Go la - bor in the har-vest -ijA A— r^-^ A ,A ^^^^M t-- t=^ -:p: t.t^^^ r Chorus. field to-day." field to - day. field to - day. To the har-vest field a bar - vest -A—H^ A- wayl There is dan-ger in de- field a -way! dan - ger A-A A A-A— 1-A r^ lay! Day soon is past,- in de - lay, for night falls so fast— To the ig^^^g^^S I — \ — r S=b: -♦- -P- 1 — r * -^ • *=^ 4^=^ While Harvest-Fields. -at- s-5 VS I J 4- lip field a- way, To the har - vest-field, to the harvest-field, a - way I field a - way, To the harvest-field. a-way! No. 169. Take the Name of Jesus With You. W.H.Doane. Mrs. Lydia Baxter, copyright, ibsq, by w. h. doane. renewal. S3 « — , — #-i — J — I — - — L_, — ^ — LM — 5 — #-: ^ * -g — l-^_L — 1. Take the name of Je - sus with you. Child of sor - row and of woe; 2. Take the name of Je - sus ev - er As a shield from ev-'ry snare; 3. the pre-cious name of Je - sus! How it thrills our souls with joy, 4. At the name of Je - sus bow - ing, Fall - ing pros-trate at His feet, m^ $ Pl7~j: H -V- ^i i±=t ^- I I -J y %-v ^ 7^: ■^=^. A- ^^- ^^=^ 9=23=5 It will joy and comfort give you. Take it then,wher-e'er you go. If temp-ta-tions round you gath - er. Breathe that ho-ly name in prayer. When His lov - ing arms re - ceive us, And His songs our tongues em-ploy, King of kings in heav'n we'll cro\vn Him, When our jour-ney is com-plete. y23ir Chorus. ^i=^ jEtjnxr I 1 Pliiiil Pre-cious name, how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n; Pre-cioas name, how sweet! §5^ '^^ - AAA A-A-A- «t:ts: -A- '^ j rf ,g-, UUl k^ ^: re^-Q^-: fefel^ 3=5: wm Pre-cious name, how sweet! . . Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. Pre-cious name, how sweet, bow sweet! 2?-s==-s 3t:ts: U 1/ n'^ 'i^^-^-- k — k — k- *=E5=I: a No. 170. What Shall the Harvest Be? COPYRIGHT, 1002, BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. Mrs. Emily 5. Oakley. used by permission. P. P. Bliss. -^M- 1. Sowing the seed by the day-light fair, Sow-ing the seed by the noon-day glare, 2. Sowing the seed by the way-side high, fejw-ing the seed on the rocks to die, 3. Sowing the seed of a ling'ring pain, Sow-ing the seed of a maddened brain, 4. Sowing the seed with an aching heart, Sow-ing the seed while the tear-drops start, ^^ -H— - -^--^ ^-^ ■.i=i^i^^-i=tz -m— — I — ^—M- ^- -i- -i- m Sow-ing the seed by the fad - ing light, Sow-ing the seed in the sol-emn night; Sow-ing the seed where the thorns will spoil, Sow-ing the seed in the fer - tile soil Sow-ing the seed of a tarnished name, Sow-ing the seed of e - ter-nal shame; Sow-ing in hope till the reap-ers come Glad-ly to gath-er the harvest home; iE Oh, what shall the har-vest be?. . . . 4- ■t ¥ inn Oh, what shall the har-vest be?. . — I W—m \»—w- — ri — P»- m — ^ ■ — ^^^ 1 Chorus. Sown in the dark - ness or sown in the light, Sown ia the darkness or sown in the light, Sown in the dark-ness or sown in the light. j7Zt:-t::t-^-P^i= — ^v-b-y-tz-t^-tr r-i--^--- ^T^* ^T ^-^- :^rk=^=|czMr_:_ p-if-^-p- -j^ -A- -A- -A- -A ^p-p-p-p-p What Shall the Harvest Be? l> y u ^ Sown in our weak - ness or sown in our might, Gath - ered in Sown in our weakness or sown in our might.Sown in our weakness or sown in our might, Gathered in i ^lJ: ' ij.Ji.hJ ^5^ a^l- u f ' ^ ^ I r r I k h-t-F-*-^ij-; — il. time or e - ter - ni - ty, Sure, ah, sure will the bar - vest be ... . lime or e • ter -111 - ty. Sure, ah, sure will the har • Test, har-vest be. No. 171. R. E. Hudson. ril Live For 111m. COPYRIGHT, 1883, B'' R. E. HUDSON. USED BY PER. C. R. Dunbar. ^^^^^^^^^^m r r IT * " 1. My life, my love I give to Thee, Thou Lamb of God, who died for me; 2. I now be-Iieve Thou dost re-ceive, For Thou hast died that Imightlive, 3. Thou who died on Cal-va-ry To save my soul and make me free; m: ■»■• -»■ -0-. v=^'- ■f^^-^-f:^. ^- 14 lA - V=^^ l=t * — ^ — s*- Jtzdc m Ceo.— I'll live for Him who died for me, How hap-py then my life shall be! Chorus D. C. m t^ ■j^i^T ± :ES fcrls — i-j — K — j-j 1 I Oh, may I ev - er faith - ful be. My Sav-ior and And now hence-forth I'll trust in Thee, My Sav-ior and I'll con - &e-crate my life to Thee, My Sav-ior and I my God! my Godl my Godl I'll live for Him who died for me, My V V f- Sav • ior and *E my God! No. 172. Master, the Tempest is Raging. USED BY PER. OF H. R. PALMER, OWNER OF COPYRIGHT. H. R. Palmer. i mmm^ i- 1. Mas-ter, the tem-pest is rag - ing! The bil-lows are toss - ing high! 2. Mas-ter, with an-guish of spir - it I bow in my grief to - day; 3. Mas-ter, the ter-ror is o - ver, The el - e-raents sweet -ly rest; ^- -P. ^ -F. ^ , ^ —p — 9—p—y—p—p- Z± 5S3?E5 § i-9 ^^^td= ^ iE^ ■.:t=i:--=t^ ^3 The sky is o'er-shadowed with black-ness, No shel-ter or help is nigh; The depths of my sad heart are troub-led— Oh, wak - en and save, I pray! Earth's sun in the calm lake is mir-rored. And heav-en's with-in my breast; -A- -A- -A- -A- Car - est Thou not that we per - ish? How canst Thou lie a - sleep, Tor-rents of sin and of an - guish Sweep o'er my sink - ing soul; Lin - ger, bless-ed Re - deem - er! Leave me a - lone no more; M m •^: y When each moment so mad-ly is threat'ning A grave ui the an - gry deep? And I per-ish! 1 pcr-ish! dear Mas - ter— Oh, hasten, and take con - trol. And with joy I shall make the best har-bor, And rest on the bliss- ful shore. mm The winds and the waves shall o-bey Thy will, B- Peace, . . Peace, be still! I h I still!.... peace, be still! Master, the Tempest is Racing. ' -^ -^ -^ -^ -a- -M- -M- -M- -ii- -M' Wheth-er the wrath of the storm-tossed sea, Or de-mons or men, or what- ii^ppn^^^iiig eres. :t=fczz=&=:t=ir|^=it= 4— ^-^ m ev - er it be. No wa - ters can swal - low the ship where lies The -P- -P- -W- -^ -^- A- -A- ■A- -^■ Ji- -P- -PL ^^=^- ^_^_>- -^zz:^ :t=E: -^_^— f^— j^-- ^— ^. f ^^ >-- ^ tut^r ;=8^i Mas-ter of o-cean, and earth, and skies; They all shall sweet -ly o- I h I K -A- -A- . -A- P -A- -A- -A- -A- -A- i^L^^: t=^ t— t'— P— V )» 3 i; t4^ 3^^ -^ ^ bey Thy will, Peace, be still! Peace be still! They all shall g^ trzr ::dr 1=1 PP t: r mm ^-T— It 8weet-ly o - bey Thy will. Peace, peace, be still! di^:=: 3^ -»-=- f=f=-r IH No. 173. A Sinner, Saved by Grace. Matcifie B. Gregory. COPYRIGHT, 1807, BY WM. J. KIRKPATRICK. Chas. H. Gabriel. P3E|^^feaiap;=f^SE 1. Weak and un-wor-thy tho' I be, Yet Christ the Sav-ior died for me; 2. Wear - y of sin, to Him I came, And asked for par-don in His i:ame; 3. Tho' fierce temptations press me sore, I'll leave my Sav-ior nev-er-more; t CtT- J^-=- ^^^ -^-, And I shall see His bless-ed face, For I'm a sin-ner saved by grace. He heard, and now in His em - brace I live, a sin-ner saved by grace. In heav'n He has pre-pared a place For me, a sm-ner saved by grace. iSt=FPi^ Chorus. V V 'y ^ ^ Bg^gf^g i 1t=^: ■^-^ =¥^e :t^^=:5^=:j^: m 4^4^—^- i: 1/ 1/ '^ l^ i r- ^ =5^ ? U b In glo - - - - ry I shall see His face. In glo - ry I shall see His face, His bless-ed face d»=»=a»=fzq»; 5=t=t=F :^ His I sball ^ ^ lA 14 14 14- tt=t=t=E'- -!♦ »- i- -.-f!^-N P f U b I bless-ed face; *_*_*__j»z*: 1/ b U p In glo bless-ed face, His bless-ed face; In glo - - - ry I shall see His bless-ed face, I sball see His bless-ed face; In glo • ry I shall see His -It- hnf- Ht--(t--ft--(t--A-^-A--A->--f- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fe»- ^iZ^rEBEE^ cfcfcpa? 1/ k I b 1/ firpirfi^zt: -14— 14-14— 14- ^ see His face, For I'm a sm - ner, saved by grace, face, His bless • ed face, * p P P— e -P- -#- P- 1 i^^B^ ^^ti a *ll4a the small notes after last verse, or when preferred. No. 174, Rev. C. McKibbin. Thy Kingdom Come! COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY CHA8. H. GABRIEL. Chas. H. aabrlel. *m^^m^ 1. Thy kingdom come land shall not each one sing it, On land and8ea,wher-e'erHi8 2. Thy kingdom cornel haste to tell the message, The world is dy-ing for the 3. Thy kingdom comelHe waits to bless the nations,'Tis ours to bring them quickly EfeP^: banner goes?Thy kingdom coraelshall we not strive to bring it, The grace that word of God; Send out the light, that Christ may see the fruitage, The world re- to His feet, Make this the time to trample sin's foundations, And lead the ±q;t=tz»?i ■*-*T-v— *- ^^ 3E5 T Chorus, ^^-^ ^=t: P i^-h- S^ saves the world from human woes? deemed that His own feet have trod. Thy kingdom come ! the glo-rious tri-umph err - mg to the mer - cy seat. E=f=fr ^ t 4t=:: :|z=t *-^^S ^ ir-p-i/~V >-^^^=: t; ha8t-en,When peoples all shall crown Him King of kings; Saints shall re- Bhall crown Him King of kings, m^^^^^M^^mi joice, and angels stop to listen, While earth His ev-er-last-mg glo-ry sings. p — I* l--! 1--— ^-t — I — )(mA- l* - xm -^— — C fegl^^ii^p^^fLfp No. 175. The Whole Wide World for Jesus. COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY WILL L. THOMPSON, EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO. Will L. Thompson. 1. The whole wide world for 2. The whole wide world for 3. The whole wide world for Je - bus! Once more, be - fore we part, Je - susl From out the Gold-en Gate, Je - bus! Its hearts, and homes, and thrones; ^=fe i=fi. m s =1-^ t=t: Ring out the joy - ful watch-word From ev - 'ry grate-ful heart; The Thro' all the South Sea Is - lands, To Chi-na's prince-ly state; From Ring out a - gain the watch-word In loud and joy - ous tones: The ^t- t=t:' rr— r-i-n- : E3 ^^1 -^^^fe^^- i lE^ ^^ ^32^3 whole wide world for Je-susI Be In-dia's vales and mountains. Thro' whole wide world for Je-susI With A -^ e^±: ^=^: this our bat-tie cry; The Per-sia's land of bloom,.. To prayer the song we'll wing, And 4-_#_^_f- : m^. it=lt The whole wide world for Je • bus! From In - dia's vales and moant-ains, The whole wide world for Je • bus! Be this oar bat - tie Thro' Per - sia's land of With prayer the song we'll Chorus. £^ Cru - ci-fied shall con-quer. And vie sto-ried Pal-es - ti - na, And Af- speed the prayer with labor, Till earth * ^ ^ J, J x^ rt-^- - to - ry is nigh. ric's des-ert gloom. This whole wide worid shall crown Him King. _J I L -fer ^ ^ ^. :*=rK 4= t=t X: ery:... bloom. shall con-qaer. Pal - es • li • na. with la - bor, The Whole Wide World for Jesus • -J m 3^ ^ i.. FF=t^==i-^-pq= i=n-t-S-i pn T For Je - sus! for Je-susl This whole wide world For Jesus Christ, our Lordl -^ # # » g » J=Jt: l^^= t: -^^^ A ^ A-k- No. 176. Fanny J. Crosby. Just a Word for Jesus. COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY W. H. DOANE. RENEWAU USED BY PERMISSION. J. W. ri. Doane. ipiipisiifeppiippip 7 1. Now just a word for Je - sus, Your dearest Friend so true; Come, cheer our 2. Now jdst a word for Je - sus; You feel your sins for-giv'n. And by His 3. Now just a word for Je - sus; A cross it can - not be To say, "I 4. Now just a word for Je - sus; Let not the time be lost; The heart's neg- 5. Now just a word for Je - sus; And if your faith be dim, A - rise in ^rt -t=it- :^=K Refbain. r - *-»•:?■ I hearts and tell us What He has done for you. grace are striv-ing To reach a home in heav'n. love my Sav -ior Who gave His life for me." Now just a word for Je-8U8— lect - ed du - ty Brings sor-row to its cost. all your weakness And leave the rest to Hira. mi pf?±?=r :p=f=F ^- tr=F 'Twill help us on our way; One lit-tle word for Jesus, speak, or 8ing,or pray. No. 177. 'k Edgar Page. Beulah Land. BY PERMISSION OF MRS. JNO. R. 6WENEY. Jiio. R. Sweney. ~^^^^: ^ 1. I've reached the land of corn and wine, And all its rich-es free-ly mine; 2. My Savior comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we; 3. A sweet per-fume up - on the breeze Is borne from ev- er - ver - nal trees, 4. The zeph-yrsseem to float to me Sweet sounds of heav-en'smel-o-dy, ^. ^ #. ^ ^. ^.. .#. iigii^iiigilillii^^ Here shines undimmed one blissful day, For all my night has passed a - way. He gen - tly leads me by His hand. For this is heav-en's bor - der-land. And flow 'rs, that nev-er - fad-ing grow Where streams of life for-ev - er flow. As an-gels with the white-robed throng Join in the sweet re-demp-tiou song. ... A- -#- -c- *- Al,^-_j^-_t_fs.^t- Beu - lah Land,sweet Beu-lah Land, As on thy high-est mount I stand, J~f-::^fe£z:t g ~p-r-r BEfq r^-^ pi^ii^^^i^i^^ I look a -way a -cross the sea, Where mansions are pre-pared for me, -f'-^-^- ^^=^ t^^^^^mM^mm And view the shin-ing glo - ry-shore, My heav'n, my home for - ev - er-morel -k* -^ -k- -k- gii^pi^^i^ No. 178. El Nathan. Why Not Now? COPYRIGHT, leel, BY C. C. CASE. USED Bf PER. C. C. Case. i: t^=i=^=i^^ 3E3 Hi^ i^r? 1. While we pray and while we plead, While you see your soul's deep need, 2. You have wandered far a - way; Do not risk an - oth - er day; 3. In the world you've failed to find Aught of peace for troub - led ramd; 4. Come to Christ, con -fes-sion make; Come to Christ, and par - don take; SI3 ^ i Ml "E^Hi^l '" V=^ While our Fa -ther calls you home, Will you not, my- brother, come? Do not turn from God your face. But to - day ac - cept His grace. Come to Christ, on Him be - lieve, Peace and joy you shall re - ceive. Trust in Him from day to day, He will keep you all the way. i ^ rrf Chorus Why not now? . . . why not now? . . Why not come'to Je - sus now? Why not now? why not now? ^^ ^^ 1 — r-r-t ^ ?=^ I j / I ^" : 14_S_l^ t=t=t^ I Why not now? . . why not now? . . Why not come to Je - sus now? Why not now? why not now? i I* ^ t=t ^^ 1^ is No. 179. c.H. a Sunshine and Rain. WORDS AND MUSIC COPYRIGHT, 1S02, BY CHA8. H. GABRIEL. E. O. EXCELL, OWNER.. Chas. H. Qabrlel. m^^sm wmmm j^-4- :^=* ^^^±^ 1. Had we on - ly sun-shine all the year a-round, With-out the bless-ing 2. Had we not a sor - row or a cross to bear, For Him who bore the 3. Can we prize the sun-shine and de-plore the rain, Re - pin - ing when the tel -» — *- t=c tel* r=t t=^ ^ ^^^W^^^im^^^^^ of re-fresh-ing rain, refreshinsr rain bur - den of onr sin, days are dark and drear? Would we scat-ter seed up - on the Would we know the sweet-ness of His Can we hope for pleasures, yet de- Wonld we scat - ter seed fc^l fe?^ i C^tJ' I I I I m ^2 -U—f ^ ( -- r ^ i -»-5- ;J^=* -7^—-^ fal - low ground, And hope to gath - love and care. Or e - ven strive ny the pain, Or share the jqjs er flow - ers, fruit and grain? I - ter - nal joys to win? of life with - out the tear? fc^-C — k — c^=t -sr=x > ^ V -s^ px Chorus, w h, • k Sun-shine and rain, re - fresh-ing, re Sun-shine and rain, to nour-ish the F F^-# . viv - ing rain. Light of faith and grow-ing grain Send us Lord, the »-2--« L K- rr trrj:— ^rz^l r *=|c=|c F ^ rt JElf £=:^ ^m^ r£ ^ iE g t* love, Show - ers from a - bove! I sun - shine and the rain. m ntSs— #^# #=»pt=f 13^ m No. 180. We Have an Anchor. COPYRIGHT, 1882 AND 1910, BY WM. J. KIRKPATRICK. Prlscilla J. Owens. used by permission. Wm. J. Klrkpatrick. ^^^^^E^MMm 1. Will your an - chor hold in the storms of Hfe, When 2. It is safe-ly moored, 'twill the storms with-stand, For 3. It will firm - ly hold in the straits of fear, When 4. It will sure - ly hold in the floods of death, When 5. When our eyes be - hold thro' the gath-'ring night The ^^ ^ 1-1* a ♦ h- the clouds un- 'tis well se- the break-ers the wa-ters cit - y of fold theur wings of strife? When the strong tides lift, and the ca - bies strain, cured by the Sav-ior's hand; And the ca-bles, passed from His heart to mine, have told the reef is near, Tho' the tempest rave and the wild winds blow, cold chill our latest breath, On the ris - ing tide it can nev - er fail, gold, our har-bor bright, We shall an - chor fast by the heav'n-ly shore. Refrain. r 1/ u -^ Will your an - chor drift, or firm re - main? Can de - fy the blast, thro' strength di - vine. Not an an - gry wave shall our bark o'er-flow. While our hopes a - bide with - in the veil. With the storms all past for - ev - er - more. We have an an-chur that K — i #-T- t^. -\ — V^ r— ^ — ^- »=i: f- V X -ir— gt i^^i^^i^ 4^-4^— fc- %^^- keeps the soul Stead-fast and sure while the bil-lows roll. Fastened tc B to the S±:t= •1- Rock which can-not move, Grounded firm and deep in the Sav-ior' s love. /7> No. 181. Sunshine in the i^oul. e. e. Hewitt. COPYRIGHT, t887, BY JNO. R. 6WENEY. U6E0 BY PEM Jno. R. Sweney. a^^^^i^i^iiipip 1. There's sun - shine in my soul to-day, More glo - ri - ous and bright 2. There's mu-sic in my soul to- day, A car - ol to my King, 3. There's springtime in my soul to- day, For when the Lord is near 4. There's glad - ness in my soul to-day, And hope, and praise, and love, ■| Than glows in an - y earth-ly sky. For Je - sus is my light. And Je - sus, list - en - ing can hear The songs I can - not sing. The dove of peace sings in my heart, The flow'rs of grace ap - pear. For bless-ings which He gives me now, For joys laid up a - bove. -^-A TB^— - -P — W- t=t -p-r—t 1 ^-T=- Refrain. mm t^ =t^: -^-a-^- <5a- there's son - - shine, bless -ed sun - - shine, there's sun - shine in the soul, bless • ed sun - shine in the soul. F-!L.__ ■ Jl ^J\ aB-^- i"— A ,-A-^-A— A-^-A -, ^^'^-r^- w 4v_.'i_-^4i. PIM^P^^ .=t ^^— I When the peace -ful, hap - py mo - men ts roll; hap • py mo • ments roll; 1 7-4^- ^^^ ^i^mm m^^m ^^^^- *r^ ^±^^1 ^^=4 --M When Je-su8 shows His smil - ing face There is sun-shine in the soul. .1 I > -K ^ i?^[i i-^3 ±- — jH — rl <»»-< ^^- A — A-T i^ii No. 182. I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go. Mary Brown. copyright, 18»4, by c. e. rounsefell. used by per. Carrie E. Rounsefell. 4 — ^ 1. It may not be on the mountain's height, Or o- ver the storm-y sea; 2. Per - haps to - day there are lov-ing words Which Je-sus would have me speak; 3. There's sure-lj somewhere a low - ly place In earth's harvest-fields so wide, •^ r J 1^4- f ^ ^={^^ m t: trp i :fc=[J=:J: l^i^rl^ 1=j=r^ It may not be at the bat - tie's front My Lord will have need of me; There may be now, in the paths of sin, Somewand'rerwhom I should seek. Where I may la -bor thro' life's short day For Je - sus, the Cm - ci-fied. ^=^=.t=^t^ But if by a still, small voice He calls To paths I do not know, Sav- ior, if Thou wilt be my Guide, Tho' dark the rug - ged way, So, trust-ing my all un - to Thy care, I know Thou lov - est mel ^^ I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine, I'll go where you want me to go. My voice shall ech - o the message sweet, I '11 say what you want me to say. I'll do Thy will with a heart sin-cere, I'll be what you want me to be. ^i^^.^.^l=t sir- i (±iC ■S—:t-^ -p- -•- -^ -•-. I ! i-r- m V.S—rU tay tohat you loant meto say, dear Lord^ I'll be what you want me to be. Refrain. w ^ D.S. I'll go wbere yoa waot me to go, dear Lord, O'er moontain, or plain, or sea; ^^ 3r=t t=t: g i^ i^ i^ > No. 183. P. P. Bliss. My Redeemer. COPrRIGHT 1908 BV MRS. AOOIE McGRANAHAN, RENEWAL CHARLES M. ALEXANOEK. OWNER SiE^:-a=_3EEs Jas McQranahan. I 1. 1 will sing of my Re-deem - er And His won-drous love to me; 2. I will tell the wondrous sto-ry, How my lost es - tate to save, 3. I will praise my dear Re-deem-er, His tri - umph-ant pow'r I'll tell, 4. I will sing of my Re-deem-er, And His heav'n-ly love to me; I h I I I h m=f^ '^g'i ^^i On the cm - el cross He suf-fered, From the curse to set me free. In His boundless love and mer-cy, He the ran - sora free - ly gave. How the vic-to - ry He giv - eth - ver sin, and death, and hell. He from death to life hath bro't me Son, of God, witn Him to be. T-'srrt Chorus. -^- m ^ Sing, oh! sing of my Ke - deem - er, With His Sing, oh! sing: of my Re-deem-er, Sing, ob! sing of my Be-deem>er, ^ TTTT— ; m ■) — r-m — m — m P=t=p; V- i=t=t f^ t=-^-- ^: :fcs=ti: I 1^ I k. ' I r I L I I --— — — -♦- 1 rm - I blood He pur-chased me; On the cross He He purchased me, With His blood He purchased me; fle sealed my pardoa feSS Si t=t=t=t= Repeat pp aft er last verse, r ^m sealed my par - don. Paid the debt and made me free On the cross He sealed my pardon, and made me free. and made me free. fi, and made me fr \f i No. 184. Make Me a Blessing To-day. Ida Scott Taylor. COPYRIGHT, 1880. BY W. H. DOANE. crilzzfc^ '^M^^=^-t^=i=±^^=^^=^r-^—r^l=l=l ^ W. H. Doane. M=n 1. soft - ly the Spir - it is whisp'ring to me, With ten - der com- 2. Some heart may be long-ing for on - ly a word, Whose love by the 3. Some soul may be plunged in the dark-est de - spair, Whose shadows would 4. Come, all ye that la - bor, ye wear - y and worn, Come, ye who in pas-sion, with pit - y - ing plea; I hear His be - seech - ing, and Spir - it is quick-ened and stirred; Now grant, bless-ed Sav - ior, this melt in the sun - light of pray'r; give me, dear Sav - ior, I sor - row or sin - f ul - ness mourn; With me this pe - ti - tion to ^ -^==^ ■^—v- -C—z m ■^-.-1^ ^=i^=i=|: ^ — ^ « ear - nest - ly pray That Je - sus will make me a bless - ing to - day. serv - ice to me, Of speak-ing a com - fort - ing mes-sage for Thee, hum - bly im-plore, The sweet con - so - la - tion that soul to re- store. Je - sus con - vey: make me a bless - ing, dear Sav - ior, to - day. Lord, make me a bless-ing to-day, A bless-ing to some one, I pray; Lord, make me a blessing, I pray: ^-v^-^-^r-^ s^ In all that I do, in all that I say, make me a bless-ing to - day. m^ Ccmperance Son$5» No. 185. Somebody Must. Je58le Brown Pounds, copyright, 1902 and i»io, by henry date. J. S. Perrit. :^=l^=i ^gl^S: ^i=:i- -¥- PP 1. Some one must strug-gle that oth-ers may win; Some one the world's bet-ter 2. Some one must car - ry the weak-er one's load; Some one must blaze thro' the 3. Some one must stand in the thick of the fight; Someonemust strike for the day must bring in; Some one the work that is hard -est must do — for - est a road; Some one must lead o'er the path that is new- truth and the right; Some one must die for the pure and the true— s-^-b -l»=S— 6 —t^^—K — b — b— c p- — p — p— f ' — 1 ? =^ i^± m m m Chorus. P—P- Some-bod-y must, shall it be you? Some-bod-y must! Some-bod-y must! k-^^=^ir.i^:i=^- ^^m^^^m^^^^ =^EzS^^^E^ ty, in God be your trust; Some-bod • y must! ^r:=(i=^=]c P=P=i^- 1»=t»-(^Eti, t m ^^^m^ Some-bod-y must! Live like a he-ro, for some-bod-y must ^d^^SmMkkm^^mm No. 186. Touch Not, Taste Not. Dwight Williams. UtEO BY PERMISaiON. "Maryland. m^^^^^mmmm 1. There's dan-ger in the flow - ing bowl! Touch not, taste not, han-dle n(»t! 2. "Strong drink is rag-ing," God hath said: Touch not, taste not, han-dle not! 3. Come, let us join each heart and hand. Touch not, taste not, han-dle not! 4. Oh, hast-en, then, the hap - py time! Touch not, taste not, han-dlo notl 'Twill ru - in bod - y, ru - in soul! Touch not, taste not, han-dle not! And thousands it hath cap - tive led! Touch not, taste not, han-dle not! To drive the traf - fie from the land; Touch not, taste not, han-dle not! When joy - ful bells the notes will chime; Touch not, taste not, han-dle not! s^ ^m lE^E i=i- i 'Twill rob the pock - et of its cash; 'Twill scourge thee with cru - el lash; It leads the young,and strong, and brave; It leads them to a drunkards grave; We need the strong-est, brav-est hearts To foil the cru - el tempter's arts, Then raise the temp'rance flag on high. And lift your voic - es to the sky — -#- -#: :# -r* -0 - -p-^ -p- -^ ' - 0- -p- ^%=Ei pp V—t-T m. :^ And all the hopes of pleasure dash,— Touch not, taste not, han-dle not! It leads them where no arm can save— Touch not, taste not, han-dle not! And heal his fearful wounds and smarts— Touch not, taste not, han-dle not! Sing, glo - ry be to God on high— Touch not, taste not, han-dle notl l±qt=l: v=t ^ =:?^t 5: ^^m No. 187. The Victory May Depend on You, Qeorge O. Webster. copyright, 1906, by the fillmore bros. co. fc^^ J. H. Fillmore. iT:3: t^-i-t- v-^— ^=tg ^— l^:t i±:r3^i^='ai=l£l±E?3 :*=:t::l5=fe: 1. Thro' the land a call is sound-ing, And it comes to age and youth; 2. See the might-y hosts of e - vil Spreading death thro'-out the land, 3. Lo, a tri - umph day is com-ing, When our arms shall be laid do^vn; -A- A« -A- H r^r-r r - — yk — <^- — 14— -yk-5 — uk — iA-5 — lA— 14 — H 'Tis a sum - Ynons to the con - flict, In the cause of right and truth; Who is there will an - swer quick - ly, And the hosts of sin with-stand; Then each faith - ful, loy - al sol - dier Shall re - ceive a vic-tor's crown; ±4'=ftzt: t=S5r- 3=?= ^^^^^ To the stand-ard of our Cap-tain, Lo, there comes a faith-ful few; Do not fear to join our standard. For our ranks are tried and true, Would you stand a - mong the vic-tors. With the band of faith-ful few; Chorus. But the vic-to-ry, my brother, May de-pend on you. And the vic-to-ry, my brother. May de-pend on you. The vict'ry may de- Then the vic-to-ry, my brother. Must de-pend on you. -14-= — 14 14-= — 14 14-^ — 14 1 — -\ — — I 4- E -l4-=-A— l4-=-l4— V=^r^- 11^ .... pend on you. The vict'ry may depend on you; Dare to stand among the few, on you. on you; L I 11 I L.-A--A...A->. ^ -♦'— a' >■ -A. :t=^: t=«^ The Victory May Depend on You, :p=i -I— J-. 3; With the faith-ful tried and true, For the vic-t'ry may de-pend on you. - t ^— P— tr 53E ISo. 188. Mrs. Ellen H. Gates, :4 Prodigal Child. BY PER. OF W. H. DOANE, OWNER OF COPYRIGHT. W. H. Doane. 1. Come home I come home I You are wear-y at heart, For the way has been 2. Come home! come home I For we watch and we wait, And we stand at the 3. Come home I come home! From the sorrow and blame, From the the sin and the 4. Come home! come home! There is bread and to spare, And a warm welcome I2±t 1i=:A ?^E y=y :?=fc 1 — rt i w^ v-v h=iz dzi ^ ^zj: 5^S ^5 T- - ^ ' - I dark, And so lone - ly and wild; gate. While the shad-ows are piled; shame, And the tempt - er that smiled, there; Then, to friends rec - on - ciled, J~^ J- hi^- mm prod - i -gal child! Come prod - i-gal child! Come prod - i-gal child! Come prod - i-gal child! Come F^-b1 p—p -fe-^-7^ -r-^- ZTis: F p^- ^ ^ "«3i*' ^ ^=*^ 1 i!^ -<«- =^= :4: i r7\ /TV 4: 1^ ' rr home! oh, come home! Come home, come home, Come, oh, come home. come home, come home. Cl^tlbrens Songs No. 189. Nellie Talbot. I II Be a Sunbeam. To my grandson, Edwin 0. Excell, Jr. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BYE O. EXCELL* WORDS AND MUSIC. J -m- E.O. Excell. 1. Je - sus wants me for a sun - beam, To shine for Him each day; 2. Je - sus wants me to be lov - ing, And kind to ail I see; 3. I will ask Je - sus to help me To keep my heart from sin; 4. I'll be a sun-beam for Je - sus; I can if I but try; I In ev - 'ry way try to please Him, At home, at school, at Show-ing how pleas-ant and hap - py His lit - tie one can Ev - er re - fleet- ing !His good- ness. And al - ways shme for Serv-ing Him mo-ment by mo - ment. Then hve with Him on play, be. Hira. high. II Chorus. ^ , v s k sun-beam, a sun-beam. '•^ '•>" m^ No. 190. EbcaE.Rezford. Little Sunbeams, COPYRIGHT, 1902, BV E. O EXCEU. W0R08 ANO MUSIC. Cbas. H. aabriel. ^ i=J^ t±:==± t: i=ts: t: 1. I think God gives the chil-dren, As thro* the land they go, 2. The clouds may hide the sun -shine Of heav-eu from our sight, 3. Then let us live our mis - sion Of sun - beams d;'y by day. te=t^ t ^^ t^n^ The most de - light - ful mis - sioa That an - y one can know; And life have much - f sor - row To mar the heart's de - light; And scat - ter joy and bright - ness A - bout us all the way; ♦■♦■?• -w^ T»- -vr . . . ^ ^^- r r r t 5 He wants us to be sun -beams Of love, and hope, and cheer, But if like faith-ful sun -beams, We chil-dren do our part. Let's chase a - way life's shad o^ : With lov - ing tho't and deed. •J ■ ' ■ ^ To bright - en up the shad - ows That oft - en gath - er here. We'll bring a ray of bright - ness To ev - 'ry shadowed heart. And be the sun - shine-mak - ers Of which the world has need. DJS.-In all life't thad -y pla - ee$ We shine as best we can. Chokus. D.S. ^ I ^ U we are lit - tie sun - beams, Sent down from God to man; No. 191, NealA.McAuley. The Children's Hosanna. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. J. 5. Pearis. I dreamed one night, not long a-go, Of mansions in the 8kies,Where And, as I mused, I heard a voice. In sweet-er tones than all, Di And when from slumber I a - rose, To serve my Lord and King, I p . , those who •rect-ing felt that m O-h \ h I S Ti(-^ ^: f^^ g love the Lord ob-tain A rich and glo - rious prize; I saw a-mongthe Chris- tian work-ers here. In words I now re - call, '•For-bidthemnot,"He I the lit - tie lambs To Christ in love might bring; And then I cried for 3 S^ f^ ^^^ i hap - py throng The children bright and fair; I heard their voicee clear and sweet gen - tly said," The children bring to me. Their por-tion in the World of Light dai - ly grace Their precious souls to cheer. Till they could sing like yonder choir S* d2^ Refrain. Faster. I 1 r I 3^r3=i^ ^ ^. -ir - -r-r - --rjTY With mus - ic fill the air. Redeemed shall e v - er be . * * Ho-san-na 1 Hosanna I Our songs of love we bring, Ho - san-nal bright and clear. 2* ij^=U we briar. ap:^^=il: S .^ — M—^ :q=a: ^^^^^^i^ Ho - san-na! Ho-san-nal To Christ, the children's King; Ho - san-nal Ho-san-na! The Ghildren^s Mosanna, ^a^ ^-i^g^ ^H^^ I ' ' ' ^-^ ' - - ^^ Our songs of love we bring, Ho-san-na! Ho-san-na! to Christ,the children's King. we bring; iiig=:"Frr~£"~»-l i',^-^=Ai^ A I iT~A~^"i~;i=iizs!^3ii ^t? No. 192. Alezcenah Thomas. Brin§ Them In. COPRIQHT, 1886, BY W. A. OGDEN. USED BY PERMISSION. Pi^'^^ . r 1. Hark! 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear Out in the des-ert dark and drear, 2. Who'll go and help this Shepherd kind, Help Hun the wand'ring ones to find? 3. Out in the des - ert hear theu: cry, Out on the mountams wild and high; mn t=t l ij-k k - k k =it: HEf i±JESE£ t^ — ^ ^-4— I- 4=t=t A-L- 1i=ls: I l^ M i t* ^: t3^ ^ Call - ing the sheep who've gone astray Far from the Shepherd's fold a- way. Who'll bring the lost ones to the fold, Where they'll be sheltered from the cold? Hark! 'tis the Master speaks to thee, **Go find my sheep wher-e'er they be." bring them m. Bring them in from the fields of sin; -A- A A-K-*i- — A- f-M^'-r^ Bring them in, bring them in, Bring the wand'ring ones to Je - sus ;r-— A A A pA A — A r-A A A No. 193. Jesus Bids lis Shine. COPRiaHT, ISM, By e. o. exceu. 6. 0. BietlS. m ^ ^^ 4-r-*-^-«- ^ 4 g."^^ fj U U 1/ 1. Je - BUS bids us shine, With a clear, pure light, Like a lit • tie 2. Je - sus bids us shine, First of all for Him; Well He sees and 3. Je - sus bids us shine. Then for all a - round, Ma - ny kinds of 4. Je - BUS bids us shine, As we work for Him, Bring - ing those that h h h h I h_> ^ -o- t=t- m t= v=i^ ^ H^-t-^: 5 -0^- r 4 ^ -J- -^ ^ 4 can • die Bum - ing in the night; In this world of dark - ness, knows it If our light is dim; He looks down from heav- en, dark-ness In this world a - bound. Sin and want and sor - row; wan - der From the paths of sin; He will ey - er help us, h N IS N r^ IS IS |s • - i=U ^ r3_ ■ 1 ^ -^ ' h - r—\ 1 — 1 1 ^- —T^ -1 — 1 -n — ^ — '^ ^i — 1 H— ~\ — :\ H J J -J — \ 4^ — ^-J — i 5— J 4 — -i.^^ II U~ ^--^ *-^-^-^ % t -^ -^ ^ '^ *- -w ' -^ 4 " We must shine. fou in your small cor - ner, And I m mme. Sees us shine, ' fon in your small cor - ner, And I in mine. We must shine, "^ rou in your small cor - ner, And I in mins. If we shine, rou in your small cor - ner, And I in mine. E* -> ▲ ^ pi M—^ s s s ^ ^ ^ — ^— a - g ^ ^^ >^^ 1 — k -1 — \ — L^ M A ^^ ^-^=^ E — 1 ^ LJ No. 194. t Jesus Loves Me. (The faTorite Hymn of Chin*) Wm. B. Bradbury. ±=-t trtrri E t: i t: m n^. ii=S^ t=i- t^ t?— t^ f=t=t 1. Je - BUS loves mel this I know. For the Bi - ble tells me so; Lit - tie 2. Je - SUS loves mel He who died, Heaven's gate to o - pen wide; He wiU 3. Je - SUS loves mel loves me still, Tho' I'm ver - y weak and ill; From Hii 4. Je - sus loves mel lie will stay Close be - side me all the way; If I 2. Je- I 3. Je . I 4. Je - ^^ m Jesus Loves Me. Chorus. ^ ones to Hun be-long, They are weak but He is strong. wash a - way my sin, Let His lit - tie child come in. Yes, Je-sus loves me, ■hining throne on high. Comes to watch me where I lie. love Him when I die, He will take me home on high. .^ .^ .^. i»-1="-4=-'P— . ^ M -• ,P • • rk k • ^ , P k ^ r • m ^1 ±=1: 1=^T t: P=::J=t: y I Yes, Je - BUS loves me, Yes, Je - sus loves me. The Bi - ble tells me so. ^ ^^s tp^m ^ ^^^^m No. 195, riariam E Arnold, ^- ^^^^^ Growing Up For Jesus. COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY CHA8. H. GABRIEL. E. O. I^XCELLi OWNER. ^-3: Chas. H. Gabriel. 3ZEEtEiE3^. ^— ! m 1. Grow-ing up for Je - sus. In His vine-yard fair, Ev-er watched and 2. Keep us free, dear Je - sus, From sin's hurt-ful weeds; Prune us, Lord, and 3. Gen - tie, kind, and lov - ing, Sav - ior, may we be; Thou a-lone canst • ^ •— Sk— r* s r^ — ^ ^ P-r^ r* — P • 1 V V V i ^- \ t Chorus. ^m i^^B^ tend - ed By His lov - ing care. train ns, Care for all our needsl Ten - der lit - tie branch-es, help us Bear "much fruit" for Thee. V %^^-- tv=^-- izrt^ N-^- ^#^t t=x ^-^ fc?^^ ^Ejze=3 ^m Grow-ing up foi Thee; Fruit-ful vines, dear Master, We would like to be. J: f: £EF No. 196. C. E. P. Praise the Lord. (For little children.) USED BY PtR. OF DAVID C. COOK PUB. CO. Chas. Edw. Pollock. ^ v £=^ :?^i^ £^3:1: :8=«: -i^i- t=« 1. Lit - tie chil-dren, praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, 2. Praise Him for His bless - ed Word, Bless - ed Word, bless-ed Word, 3. Praise Him for the Sab -bath day. Sab - bath day, Sab-bath day, 4. Praise Him for the Sun - day-school. Sun-day-school, Sun-day-school, 5. Praise Him for your teach -ers dear, Teach - ers dear, teach-ers dear. tr—P—V—^ i -t^ r-f-r :t=— H: m. t k k k K k— ] ^^ n 1 K ^ K h N 1 i^^ -^^— D— - r PK -J P - --L 1^ ^ — — 1 — ^ w~^~t — -fl — f— —± 4 — J — 5 — — —i^ — ^ -=]— +1 i^y ♦ ▼ ▼ T ■ • .! II L P P P P it - raise raise raise raise tie Him Him Him Him chil - for for for for -A- dren, praise the Lord, Praise His bless - ed Word, Praise the Sab - bath day. Praise the Sun - day-school. Praise the teach-«rs dear, Praise -A- -A- -A- m -t- -h- -h- m ye ye ye ye ye ? 1 the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord. ^-h X Kr Ks- Kr -fi — f* — t — -|i -r- J — -^ H W^iT" — i — F —^ _|4 14 14 -JA — f-— if— -+^— t1 '^ [? L L ^ U 1 J ' t> JL if i^ No. 197. Little Ones Lilie Me. Qeo. B. Holsln^er. ^Md^iikki^m^^iis^j^m^m r 1. Je - BUS, when he left the sky, And for sinners came to die. In His mer-cy 2. Mothers then the Savior sought, In the places where He taught, Un - to Him their 3. Did the Savior say them nay? No, he kindly bade them stay; Suffered none to 4. Children then should love Him now, Strive His hely will to do. Pray to Him, and A^-t^-A A. AA^ -k-A^ -A'AA h—^—\ b — f^— b— b — t= t=t=:t^: r^ K K 1 k N Fine ^F^AIN. ^ ^ N N L D.S. f=^^^ ^^^^^"= M -s-j-^-i- =P'4^ S?1 passed not by, Lit-tle ones like me. chil - dren bro't, Lit-tle ones like me. . Little ones like me, Little ones like me; turn a - way, Lit-tle ones like me. praise Him too, Lit-tle ones like me. , ^^^ It • " ^-u ^ • 5^ f N=^ ^=i :t_;^i=t.^_Cr ^-1 ^ZJ^LZ^^Z f-'-W 3)wotional fjymns. No. 198. Onward, Christian Soldiers, SaMneQouId. First Tune. ^-Pj-g' t j^^ :r=t i Arthur Sulllvaa. i^: K=^F=^ ^ 3t :i«t ^ 1. Onward, Christian sol - diersi Marching as to war, With the cross of Je - sub Go - ing on be - fore; 2. At the sign of tri - umph, Satan's host doth flee; On, then, Christian soldiers, On to vie - to » ryl 3. Like a might-y ar-my Moves the Church of God; Brothers we are treading Where the saints have trod; 4. Onward, then, ye peo - pie, Join our hap-py throng. Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song; g¥i(^-ff# 4^ MM ^ ^ ^ ^=^ 4: ^^'^ I J J ii:L I J J J j J^ [ ^ l i J h ^ Christ the roy-al Mas - ter, Leads against the foe; For-wyd in - to bat - tie, See His ban-ner go! Hell's foua-da-tions quiv - er At the shout of praise, Brothers, lift your voic-es. Loud your anthems raiei We are not di - vid • ed; All one bod • y we, One in hope and doc - trine, One in char - i - ty. Glo - ry, laud and hon - or Un - to Christ, the King, This thro' countless a • ges Men and angels sing. _^ - tt •# -r T^ ?^^r '* * '* J "^ Onward, Christian sol - diersi Marching as to war, 4-4 With the cross of Je • sus Go-ing on be-fore. \m \\\ i crpT fi ? ^ Ix- % -*-r^— f=^ ^ ^ 1 ^ No. 199. Reginald Heber. Holy, tloly, Holy, John B. Dykes. g Bfej ^ H ^ ^^^ ^f^fl ; ' 1 ^ i i:ii=j 1. Ho-ly, ho-Iy, ho 2. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho 3. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho 4. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho ^m. Iy7 Lord God Al-might-y! Ear - ly in the mom-ing our song shall rise to Thee ly, all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the. glassy sea; ly, tho' the darkness hide Thee.Tho' the eye of sin-ful man Thy glory may not see; ly, Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name,inearth,and sky, and sea; m ltd? fafef:^ I 4y xsq2: ^ t-r *=:t t: Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho Cher-u-bini and sera On - ly Thou art ho Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho • ly, raer - ci - ful and might - y, God b Three Persons, bless-ed Trin - i - tyl phira fall - ing down be - fore Thee, Which wert and art, and ev-er-more shalt be. ly, there is none be - side Thee, Per-fect in pow-er, in love, and pu - ri - ty. ly, mer - ci - ful and might - y, God in Three Persons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty. u tv- E:^: No. 200. Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned. Samuel Stennctt. Thomu Hastings. N IN 1. Ma - jea - tic sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Sav-ior's brow; His head with radiant glories crowned 2. No mor-tal can with Him coin-pare, A-mong the sons of men; Fair • er is He than all the fair 3. He saw me plunged in deep dis-tress, And 6ew to my re • lief; For me He bore the shame-ful crose, ^44Uj4ii444^m ^=t a i a^lfffjt if^ jfeH;j[ ia j j His lips with grace o'er-flow, His lips with grace o'er-flow. That fill the beav'nly train, That fill the heav'nly train. And car-ried all my grief. And car-ried all my grief. ^^^^^s^ 4 To Him I owe my life andbraatb, And all the joys I have: He makes me triumph orer death, And saves me from the grave. 5 Since from His bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine. Had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be Thine. No. 201 m. Wm. Hunter. ^ The Great Physician rt Fink J. H. Stockton. m ihgjf ^ D.S. . f The great Phy-si-cian now is near, The sym-pa-thiz-ing Je - sns, | i Sweetest note in ser-aph song, ' I He speaks the drooping heart to cbeer.O hear the voice of Je • sns. i \ Sweetest name on mortal tongue, D. 8.— Sweetest car - ol ev - er sung, »i Je - sua, bless-ed Je - sus. ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^m 2 Your many sins are all forgiven, Ohl bear the voice of Jesus; Go on your way in peace to heaven, And wear a crown with Jesus. 3 All glory to the dymg Lambl I now believe in Jesus; I love the blessed Savior's name, I love the name of Jesus. 4 His name dispels my guilt and fear, No other name but Jesus; Ohl how my soul delights to hear The charming name of Jesua. No. 202. fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy. Mrs. Horatlu5 Bonar. T. E. Perkliu. i^ ^# lJ-^^Ii! jyr^y ^ijj^ 1. Fade, fade, each earthly joy, Je • sus is mine! Break ev • 'ry ten • der tie, Je • sns b mine! 2. Tempt not ray soul a - way, Je - sus is mine! Here would I ev - er stay, Je - sus i« mine! 3. Farewell, ye dreams of night, Je - sus is mine! Lost in this dawn-ing light 4. Fare-well, mor - tal - i - ty, Je • sus is mine! Wei - come e - ter - ni - ty, Je - sus is minel Je • sus is mine! fe ilg±^##ir#fff## fe Dark u the wil - der-ness. Earth has no rest-ing place, Je • sus a • lone can bless, Jo • sns is-minel Per • bh • ing things of clay, Bom for bat one brief day. Pass from my heart a-way, Je • sua is mine! All that my soul has tried Left but a dis • mal void, Je - sua has sat • is - fied, Je • sns is minel Welcome, loved and blest, Welcome,sweet scenes of rest, Savior's breast, Je - bus is mine! ^e ^ ^rtfifff tpim^^ ^ No, 203. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, E. Perronet. Fird Tune. James Ellor. 1. Ill bftil the pow'r of Jesus' name! Letan^ls prostrate fall.Let angels prostrate fall; Bring lortb tb« royal diadem. And rrovn Him, crown Him, crown Hiai,crown Him, And crown Him Lord of Him.And crown Him Lord of all! Andrro wD Him, Crown Him, crown Him; And crown Him. crown Him, crown Him, Crown Him; And crown Him Lord ol alll 2 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Te ransomed from the fall; Hail H'!m who saves you by His grace. And crown Htin Lord of aU. 3 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball. To Him all majesty ascribe. And crown Him Lord of all. 4 that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall. We'll join the everlasting song. And crown Him Lord of all. No. 204. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, Edward Perronet. Second Tunf.. Oliver ilolden. j J j : I J-4-J-j I J- J l a=J ^ :it=J: 1. All hail the pow'r of Je-sus' name, Let an-gels pros-trate fall; Bring forth the roy-al di - a - dem. FF^ttTTtTrx^a^ap ■* — w — w — 9 — 9 — Q-r — ■ — f— ' ^ ■ a> And crown Him Lord of. all; Bringfortb the roy • al di - a -dem, And crown Him Lord of all. i 1 ^ ^ ^^^ ^ i- i^M - E i ^^- -0 #- 3:^=1: No. 205. All Hail the Power. Edward Perronet. Third Tvtu. Wllllani Shrubsole. lii m m 1. All ban the pow'r of Je • bus' name. Let an - g^ls pros-trate fall; Bring forth the roy - aJ -J- di • a - dem. And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, Crown Him Lord of all. No. 206. Glory to His Name. Rev. t. A. tloffman. Rev. J H. Stockton. ^^^m J I Down at the cross where my Savior died, Down where for cleansing from sin I cried, I I There to my heart was the blood applied; / ) sweet - ly f I am so won-drous-ly saved from sin, Je - sus I There at the cross where He took me in; D.C.— There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to His name, sweet - ly a-bidcs with-in, ) i Glory to His name. Glory to His name. ^^^^g^ GIo - ry to His name. >t=^^X- ii:=t GIo - ry to His na me; m p^gj 3 Oh, precious fountain that saves from sin, I am so glad I have entered in; There Jesus saves me and keeps me cleaa; Glory to His name. 4 Come to this fountain so rich and sweet; Cast thy poor soul at the Savior's feet; Plunge in to-day, and be made complete; Glory to His name. No. 207 Wm. McDonald. ^ H Under the Gross, COrvRIGHT. IBS*, ev E. O. EXCEIL ri- m 3=3= t-2- E. O. CxcdI. ^ Zit—^^ i 'J: J f I am com-ing to the cross; I am poor, and weak and bimd; IM. I am counting all but dross; I shall lull sal-va-tion find. Hti- e-lu-jiiil p^ia . »^ s 1 ^ I I 'i 1 ^ I I II ^ ^^^S ™y heart has sighed fc ~ —JL-'^^J ^~^ZSn:i ^ m'T^z: Long has evD reign 'd within I \ \ J~ J \ ^zl "i 1, 1— _JJ Jesus sweetly sneaks to me. I=P^ Under the cross I lay my sins, Under the cross, my cry; cross I'll die. 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee Long has evD reign 'd within r Jesus sweetly speaks to me, "I vrill cleanse you from all sin.** 3 Here I give my all to Thee, Friends.and time, and earthly store, Soul and body Thine to be, Wholly Thine forevermore. No. 208. Blessed Be the Name Charles Wesley, Alt. ^^^^^^ Har. by J. M. Hunt. t-2—: 1 ^-. — '' w . -J ' - — • 6 for a thou-sand tongues to sing, Bless-ed be the name of the Lord! The glo-ries of ray God and King! Bless-ed be the name Je - sus! the name that charms our fears,Ble88-ed be the name of the LordI 'Tis mn - sic in the sin - ner's ears, Bless-ed be the name fof the Lord! (of the Lord! Bless-ed be the name, bless-ed be the name. Bless-ed be tbe-name of the LordI ffl^^H^ppi^ of the LordI fe=e: f 3 He breaks the pow'r of canceled sin. Blessed be etc, 1 4 I never shall forget that day. Blessed be etc, Bis blood can mike the foulest clean. Blessed be etc, I When Jesus washed my sins away, Blessed be etc, No. 209. Love Divine. Charles Wesley. ±-' ' ^ First Tune. John Zundel. I. Love di-vine, all love ei-cell-ing, Joy ol hear'n, to earth come down I Fix in os Thy hum - ble dweU-ing; D. S.— Vis - it us w-ith Thy sal - va - tion, ■^ ^ ♦ 1* ,A 1 ^ I* A r> 1 , = A- AU Thy faith-ful mer-cies crown; Je-sus Thou art all com-pas-sion, Pure un-bound-ed love Thou art; En - tcr ev - 'ry trembling heart! J ,J f- f r . A ^T ^ , .A A J -^^-^ 1^ ^ i \—\ — r-li — d I I I ^t If ; r 1] I r 'I i " 2 Breathe, oh. breathe Thy loving Into every tronblcd breast! [Spirit I>et us all in Thee inherit, L«t us find the promisod rest. Take away the love of sinning; Alpha and Omega be; End of faith, as its beginning, Set oar hearts at liberty! No. 210. riark! the Voice of Jesus Galling. 3 Come, Almighty to deliver. Let us all Thy grace receive; Suddenly return, and never, Never more Thy temple leave: Thee we would be always blessing; Serve Thee as Thy hosts above Pray.and praise Thee without ceas- Glory in Thy perfect loVel [ing, 4 Fmish then Thy new creation: Pure and spotless let us be; Iv€t us see Thy great salvation. Perfectly restored in Thee: Changed from glory into glory. Till in heaven we take our place. Till we cast our crowns before Theo, Lost m wonder, love and praiae. Hark! the Toice of Jesns calling, |2 Who will go and work to-day? Fields are white,the harvest waiting Who win bear the sheaves away! Loud and long, the Master calletb Rich reward He offers free; Who will answer, gladly saying, "Here am I, Lord, send ia«." First or Second T\ine. If yon cannot cross the ocean And the heathen land explore. You can find the heathen nearer. You can help them at your door; If you cannot speak like angeLs, If yon^annot preach like Paiil, You can tell the love of Jesus, Yon can say He died for all. 3 While the souli of men are dying. And the Master calls for you. Let none hear you idly saying, "There is nothing I can do!" Gladly take the task He gives youl Let His work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when He calletb, "Here am I. O Lord, send me." No. 211. Jesus, I My Gross Have Taken. Henry F. Lyte. Second Tune. Mozart. wivary r. t.yic. oecona lune. ^o niMc^ 1. Je - SOS, I my cross have tak-en, All to leave and foi-Iow Thee; Naked, poor, despised, for-sa-ken, D.S.— Yet how rich is my con - di-tjon. ^t 4-« ^- 3-^ "QFF ^^^^^m Five ^g^a^ 2-?: Thou from hence my all shalt be; God and beav'n are still my own. Per • ish ev-'ry fond am-bi-tion,AIl I've 8ougfat,and hoped, and known; 2 Let the world despise, forsake me, j3 They have left my Savior, too; Homan hearts and looks deceive me.l Thou art not, like man, untrue: I And.whQeThou shalt smile upon me.' God of wisdom, love and might, [me Foes may bate.and friends may shunj Show Thy face and all is bright. I Go.then.earhtly fame and treasure! Come, disaster, scorn and pain! In Thy service, pain is pleasure; With Thy favor, loss is gain. I have called Thee."Abba Father," I have stayed my heart on Thee; Stormy clouds may o'er me gather. All must work for good to me. Haste thee on from grace to glory. Led by faith, and winged by prayer Heav'n's etemaJday's before. thee God will safely guide thee -there, Soon shall close thy earthly mission. Swift shall pass thy pilgrim days; Hope shall change to glad fruition. Faith to sight, and pray ;r to praise. No. 212. Gome, Thou Almi^hly King. Charles Wesley. Felice aUrdtnl. g^jfejig^^ig^ ^ffi-tHHTF^IPg 1. Come, Thou Al - might - y King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help ns to praise: Fa • ther all* 2. Come, Thou in - car- natc Word, Gird on Thy might -y sword, Our prayer at- tend; Come, and Thy 3. Come, ho - ly Com - fort - er, Thy sa - cred wit - ness bear In this glad hour; Thou who al- 4. To the great One in Three, The high - est prais - es be Hence, ev-er morel His sov'reign fcfelfefL plo - ri-0U8, O'er all vie - to - ri - ous. Come, and reign o - ver us, An - cient of days! peo - pie bless, And give Thy Word sue - cess: Spir - it of hoi -i-ncss, On us de • scendl might - y art. Now rule in ev - 'ry heart. And ne'er from us de-part, Spir - it 6i pow'r! maj - es - ty May we in glo - ry see. And to e - tcr • ni - ty Love and a • dorc! ^- 4L ^- ^.. ^ * #- A ^. -fc- A * ■#- -fc- No. 213. I am Trusting, Lord, in Thee. Wm. McDonald. o«o .v per«...,oh. W. d. Fischer, Ife^^^i DC. r 1. I am coming to the cross; I am poor, and weak, and blind; I am counting all but dross,! shall full salvation find. Cbo.— I am trusting. Lord, in Thce;BlestLambof Calvary;HumblyatThyeros8lbow,Save me,Je8U8,8avemenow. 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee Long has evil- reigned within; Jesus sweetly speaks to me,— "I will cleanse yo« from all sin." No. 214. 3 Here I give my all to Thee, Friends, and time.and earthly store; Soul and body Thine to be, Wholly Thine forevermore. Look and Live. 4 In the promises I trust Now I feel the blood .ipplied; 1 am prostrate in the dust, I with Christ am crucified. W. A. O. IS8T kV e. O- exOElL. 1 ] — I- W.A.Ogde«.p,^., r ■^i=f=t *^—xi « I I've a mes-sage from the Lord, Hal *• » 'Ti» re - cord - ed in His Word, Hal - 2 j I've a mes-sage full of love, Hal - ■ } 'Tis a mes-sage from a - bove, Hal - ■^ f»- f m ^ ^ 9 9 g d 'g;. ' ■* le - lu - jahl The mes-sage un - to you I'll give; \ le - lu - lahl It is on - ly that you ""look and Uve," I jahl le-lu-jah! A le-lu-jahl Je mes-sage, mv friend, for you; > sus said it, and I know 'tis true. / l» (• ^ (» ■ 'iL — ,^-»- ^3 t' U L I? I U p. C— 'Tis re- cord -ed in His Word, Hal Chorus. lu-jah! It is on • ly that you "look and live. UlJuJ ^ DC. "Look and live" my broth-er, Bf broth - .r. live, live, live. Look to Je - i >. "Look ftad liT*." now and live. 3 Life is offered unto yon, HallelnjabI Eternal hfe thy soul shall have; If you'll only look to Him. Hallelujah! Look to Jesus who alooe cao save. 4 I will tell you how I came, Halielujabl To Jesus when He made me whole: 'Twas believing on His name, Hallelajahl I trosted and He saved mj sool.. No. 215. Heaven Is My Home, Thomas R. Taylor. Pint Tune. Sir Arthur SuIIIvm. 1. I'm but a strang-€r here, Heav'n is my home; fearth is a des - ert drear, Heav'n is my home; 2. What tho' the t^-mpest rage, Heav'n is ray home; Short is my pil - grim - age, Heav'n is ray home; 3. There at my Sav-ior's side, Heav'n is my home; I shall be glo - ri - fied, Heav'n is ray home; 4. There-lore I mur - mur not, Heav'n is ray home; What-e'er my earth - ly lot, Heav'n is my home; Em =s=ziE m tfei^* -uESL ^ ^4: -r-r 1 — r ^^^^m^^i ifefeS Dan • ger and sor-row stand Round me on ev • 'ry hand Heav'n' is my fath-er-land, Heav'n is my home. And time's wild wintry blast Soon shall be o - ver-past, I shall reach home at last, Heav'n is my home. There are the good and blest, Those I love most and best; And there I too shall rest, Heav'n is my home. And I shall sore-ly stand There at my Lord's right hand; Heav'h is my fatherland, Ueay'o is my home. ^^H^^^ p^-n^tf rHn^^ ^^ No. 216. Nearer, My God. to Thee, r\rs. Sarah F. Adams. Second Tuut. |— i \—2 Fink . D.S. { Nearer my God to Thee.Nearer to Thee, I E'en tho' it be a cross, (Omit.) That raiseth me, Still all my song shall God to Thee, D.S.— Nearer, my God, to Thee, (Omit.) Near - er to Thee. 2 Though like a wanderer. The sun gone down. Darkness be over me, My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee; Nearer to Thee! No. 217' S. D. Phelps. There let the way appear Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendest me. In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee; Nearer to Thee I 4 Or if, on joyfuJ wing. Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly. Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Something for Jesus. Third Tune. 1^^^^ Lowell Mason. 1 1 I J 14^ :p# ^5^ 5=f s> s> — 9 — w^ »' a ^ — V — • — c — 1. Sav - ior! Thy dy - ing love Thou gav-est me. Nor should I aught with-hold, Dear Lord,from Thee; 2. At the blest mer - cy-seat. Plead - ing for me. My fee - ble faith looks up, Je - sus, to Thee: 3. Give me a faith-ful heart— Like-ness to Thee— That each de - part - ing day Hence-forth may see 4. All that I am and have— Thy gifts so tree— In joy, in grief, thro' life, Dear Lord, lor Theel efr^ ^' F r if^ : i " if f fifl tfT^tmi^^m m I I I * f In love my soul would bow. My heart ful - fill its vow. Some off'ring bring Thf^e now. Some-thing for Thee. Help me the cross to bear. Thy wondrous love declarej Some song to raise, or pray'r. Some-thing for Thee. Some work of love be-gun. Some deed of kindness done. Some wand'rer sought and won, Some-thing for Thee. And when Thy face I tee, My ransom'd soul shall be. Thro' all e • ter • oi - ty, Some-thing for Thee. i^^ fe* :5, ^Sk g=ifffrn No. 218. Sweet By-and-By. 5. Fillmore Bennett. Jos. P. Webster. '^m^^^^^m 1. There's a land that is fair-er than day, And by faith we can see it a - far; For the Fa-ther waits 2. We shall sing on that beau-ti-ful shore The. me - lo - di - ous songs of the blest, And our spir-its shall 3. To our boun - ti - ful Fa - ther a - bove, We will of - fer our trib - ute of praise, For the glo - ri - ous E^ n^-r $ ^m '^ 5t±i *fc=fcl » CH0RD3. ^m ^ - ver the way, To pre - pare us a dwelling place. there. 8or - row no niafe. Not a sigh for the bless-ing of rest. In the sweet by-and-by. We shall gift of His love, And the blessings that hallow our days. la the sweet h 1^ I by-«nd-b; ^^^^^^m^mm i^^g^i^^m^^mm - I- ^ ^ •< We shall meet on that beautiful shore. meet on that beautiful shore; In the sweet by-and-by, by-and-liy; Jn the sweet bT-aod-by, ^ f- f- -^ *- f- f- ^* ^ *jfljf- *- -^-^ -k- i^m t=t w ^ — s i ^:=)ai^ :ii:=t ^BlfeB ^p-n—rv-t-p-'^ No. 219, The Gate Ajar S. J. Vail. 1. There is a gate that stands a-jar, And, thro' its portals gleam-ing; A radiance from the Cross a -far 2. That gate a - jar stands free for all Who seek thro' it sal - va -tion; The rich and poor,the great aad small, Refrain. §§i^ja-iLMi^m^ u i ii \ i;i \ The Sav-ior's love re - veal - ing. depths of mer-cyl can it be That gate was left a - jar for me? Of ev • 'ry tribe and na - tion. ^ 1^^ 3 Press onward, then, tho' foes may frown, While mercy's gate is open. Accept the cross, and win the crown. Love's everiaating token. 4 Beyond the river's brink we'll lay The cross that here is given, And bear the crown of life away, Aod love Ehn more in heaveo. No. 220. George Duf field. Stand Up tor Jesus. IP Fir it Tune. a. J. Webb. 1. Stand up, stand up for Je - sus, Ye sold-iere of the cross; Lift high His roy - al ban - ner, D. S.— Till ev - 'ry foe is vanquished 2 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this His glorious day, "Ye that are men, now serve Him," Against unnumbered foes; Your courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. 3 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you; Ye dare not trust your own, Put on the gospel armor. Each piece put on with prayer; Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there. 4 Stand up, stand np for Jesus, The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, The next the victor's song; To Him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be; He with the King of glory Shall reign eternally. No. 221. The Morning Li^ht is Breaking. The morning light is breaking, The darkness disappears, The sons of earth are waking, To penitential tears; Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar, Of nations in commotion. Prepared for Zion's war. First or Second Tune. See heathen nations bending Before the God of love, And thousand hearts ascending In gratitude above; While sinners now confessing. The gospel's call obey, And seek a Savior's blessing, A nation in a day. 3 Blest river of salvation. Pursue thy onward way; Flow thou to every nation. Nor in thy richness stay; Stay not till all the lowly. Triumphant, reach their home; Stay not till all the holy Proclaim, "The Lord is come. No, 222. Jesus, Thou Art Standing. William W. How. Second Tune. Justin H. Knecht. ^ Sfait,?^jJj j#^ ^pp^p^^ r V- r - -- ^: ^ ^ f- " - - ^ * f ^T Je-sas,Tbou art staodiog Out-side the fast-closed doorjn lowly patience waiting To pass the threshold o'er R^i^r i i I i i h i -Rr-T sp^^^^^sifi We bear the oame of Cbristians.His name and sign we bear; shame.thrice shame upon us.To keep Him standing tberel t 1 Jesns, Thoa art standing Outside the fast-closed door. In lowly patience waiting To pass the threshold o'er: We bear the name of Christians, His name and sign we bear; shame, thrice sLame upon ua, To keep Llim standing there 1 Jesus, Thou art knocking; And lo! that hand is scarred, And thoma Thy brow encircle, And tears Thy face have marred: love that passeth knowlegc, So patiently to wait! sin that hath no equal So fast to bar the gate I 3 Jesus Thou art pleading In accents meek and low, "I died for you, my children, And will ye treat me so?" Lord, with shame and sorrow We open now the door; Dear Savior, enter, enter. And leave us never more) No. 223, Abide With Me. H. F. Lyte. Wm. H. Monk. LA- bide with mel Fast falls the e - ven - tide. The dark-ness deep-ens— Lord, with me a-bide! 2. Swift to its close ebbs out life's lit - tic day; Earth's joys grow dim, its glo-ries pass a • way; 3. I need Thy pres - ence ev - 'ry paas-ing hour. What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's pow'r? 4. Hold Thou Thy cross be-fore my clos - ing eyes; Shine thro' the gloom, and point me to the skies; -^ — ¥- When oth - er help - ers fail, and com-forts flee. Help of the help-less, oh, a - bide with mel Change and de • cay in all a - round I see; Thou who changest not, a - bide with mel Who, like Thy - self, my guide and stay can be? Thro' cloud and sunshine, oh, a - bide with mel Heav'n'smomingbreaksandearth'svainshadowsflee! In life, in death, Lord, a - bide with mel No. 224. John Kepler. Sun of My Soul Henry Monk. l^a yj ^ ^ ^ Uii^^^ t=t ■^ -0- -m- .p- Sun of my soul. Thou Sav - ior dear. When the soft dews of kind - ly sleep ^m r-i-^4. It is not night if Thou My wea-ried eye - lids gen • J be near; may no tly steep, Be my last htmidm ^m i^ earth-l iioi I FTT"^ -bom cloud a - rise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eye. thought, how Bweet to rest For-ev-er on my Sav-ior's breast. i m^ No. 225. Ray Palmer. S— »-j — p — I — L^ 1 "- j ^ — j— '-' " 1 lose myseU i y Faith Looks Up to Thee. Abide with me from mom till eve, For with-out Thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. Be near to bless me when I wake. Ere thro' the world my way I take,' Abide with me till in Thy love I lose myself in heaven above. Lowell Mason. ^^-^^^fe m-i-^^U J ^ St L My fy faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Cal - va - ry, Sav - ior di - vine; Now hear me 2. May Thy rich grace im - part Strength to my faint-ing heart, My zeal in - spire; As Thou hast 3. While life's dark maze I tread. And griefs a-round me spread, Be Thou my Guide; Bid dark-nesa 4. When ends life's transient dream. When death's cold sul-len stream Shall o'er me roll; Blest Sav - ior while died turn then, 1^ I pray, Take all my sins a - way,, for me, may my love to Thee, to day, Wipe sor-rows tears a - way, in love, Fear and dis - trust re-move; let me from this day Be whol - ly Thine I Puce, warm, and changeless be, A liv • ing fire I Nor let me ev - er stray From Thee a - side. bear me safe u - bove,— A ran - somed soul. X- -t:- m t i ut ^i-4 :i^=:t ti^ I I I P3 No. 226 Samuel Medley. Gould I Speak. Lowell riason. 1. could I speak the match-lees worth, could I sound the glories forth, Which b my Sav-ior shine. ['d soar and touch the heav'nly strings, > And vie with Gabriel while he sings, i In notes al-most di • vine. In notes al - most 2 I'd sing the precious blood He spilt My ransom from the dreadful guilt Of sin, and wrath divine; I'd sing His glorious righteousness, In which all-perfect, heavenly dress My soul shall ever shine. 3 I'd sing the characters He bears, And all the forms of love He wears, Exalted on His throne; In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would to everlasting days Make all His glories known. 4 Well, the delightful day will come When my dear Lord will bring ro« And I shall see His face; [home, Then with my Savior, Brother, A blest eternity I'll spend, [Frien(^ Triumphant b His grace. No. 227. There's a Wideness. Frederick W. Faber. Lizzie S. Tourjee. m ^^^^r^^rawpt^i^^^ trS'T 1. There's a wide-ness in God's mer-cy, Like the wide-ness of the sea, There's a kind-ness 2. There is wel-come for the ein - ner, And more grac-es for the good; There is mer - cy ^ 4H^-F 1 tf 3 For the love of God is broader Than the measure of man's mind; And the heart of the Eternal, Is most wonderfully kind. 4 If our love were but more simple, We should take Him at His word; And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord. In the Gross, John Bow ring. Ithamar Conkey. m 1. In the cross of Christ I glo - ry, Tow'ring o'er the wrecks of time; All the light ol 2. When the woes of life o'er-take me, Hopes de-ceive, and fears an • noy, Nev • er shall the t^^\^ I — r m sa • cred sto - ry croM for • sake me: Gathers round its head sub-lime. Lol it glows with peace and joy. -?^ i .r, i rr i ]^ ^ ^ U |4 g r-r 1 — r ^m 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way. From the cross the radiance streaming Adds more luster to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. No. 229. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me, Edward Hopper. Firtt Tune. J. E. Oould. t-i — T^-or. 1. Je - s«s, Sav-ior, pi - lot me, 0-vcr life's tempestuous sea: • Un-known waves before me roll, i D.C.— Chart and compass come from Thee, Jesus, Savior,pi-lot me. ( Hiding rocks and treach'rous ( shoal; spp^^iitt^SE^iipfii 1 Jesus, Savior, pilot me, Over life's tempestuous sea: Unknown waves before me roll, Hiding rocks and treach'rous shoal Chart and compass come kom Thee Jesus, Savior, pilot me. 2 .\s a mother stills her child. Thou canst hush the ocean wild; Boisterous waves, obey Thy will When Thou sayst to them" Be still ! Wondrous Sovereign of the sea, Jesus, Savior, pilot me. 3 When at last I near the shore, And the fearful breakers roar 'Twixt me and the peaceful rest. Then, while leamng on Thy breast, May I hear Thee say to me, "Fear not, I will pilot thee." No. 230. Rock of Ages. A. M. Toplady. Second Tune. 1 Thofna5 Hastings, ^ ^ r». III. ivi^iaijjr. oecona lune. FiVK • iiumoo iiooiiiiks, q ^ 1. Rock of A - gcs, cleft for me, Let me hide my-self in Thee; D. C— Be of sin the doub-Ie cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. Let the wa - ter and the blood , FromThy wounded side which flow'd m^m^f^ m i=^ EE 1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood. From thy wounded side which flowd Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. 2 Could my tears forever flow, Could my zeal no languor know, These for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and Thou alone: In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown. And behold Thee on Thy throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for mc, Let me hide myself in Thee. No. 231. Safely Through Another Week. John Newton. Third Tune. Arr. by LoweU Mason. ^ 3^t±J4i^.^tea iE ^iia|3^ . I Safe - ly fhro' an-otb-er week, God has brought us on our way; 1 I Let us now a blcss-ing seek, J Wait-ing in His courts to - day; hm^^^i^^^^^^^^ Day of all the. week the best, Em - blem of e - ter - nal rest; 4S- ^:^k MsM=m ^ M e - ter - nal rest. fc=ifc=H^ t ^Vhile we pray for pard'ning grace, Thro' the dear Redeemer's name. Show thy reconciled face. Take away our sin and shame; From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in Tbee. 3 Here we come Thy name to praise; Let us feel Thy pesencc near; May Thy glory meet our eye». While we in Thy house appear; Here afford us, Lord, a taste 01 our everlasting feast. 4 May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints; Make the fruits of grace abound. Bring relief to all complaints; Thus may all our Sabbaths prof«. Till we join the church above. 232, Schmolke. My Jesus, as Thou Wilt Weber. lE^i^E^ilS 1. M'ijTe-sus, as Thou wilt! Oh, may Thy will be mine; In - to Thy hand of love I would my all re- - sign; 2. My Je-sus, as Thou wilt! Tho'seen thro'niany a tear.Let not my star of hope Grow dim or dis-ap-pear; 3. My Je-sus, as Thou wilt! All shall be well for me; Each changing fu-ture scene I glad-rly trust with Thee; f *■ ^piS^% T Thro' 9or - row, or thro' joy.Conduct me as Thine own.And help me still to say,"My Lord.Thy will be done." Since Thou on earth hastwept.And sorrowed oft alone, If I must weep with Thee,"My Lord.Thy will be done." Straight to my home a-bove I trav - el calra-ly on, And sing, in life or death, ''My Lord.Thy will be done." mm :T=:t No. ^x-,: — ^-pa »— ■- 233. H. Newman. ^ ^^m ^ ^^ Lead, Kindly Li^ht John B. Dykes. l ^^l^^n^^^^P^ Lead, kindly Light.amid th'encircling gloom Lead Thou me on;The night is dark, and I am far from home; I was not ever thus.nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on;I loved to choose and see my path;butnow So long Thy pow'r hath blest me, sure it still will lead me on O'er moor arid fen, o'er crag and torrent, till m^^m ^^ it- Lead Thou me on: Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene,— one step enough for me. Lead Thou me on; I loved the garish day.andspite of fears.Pride ruled my wilhRemember not past years. The night is gone;And with the mom those angel-faces smije, Which I have loved long since.and lost awhile. Break Thou the Bread of Life, Mary Ann Lathbury. William F. Sherwln. ^^H: 1. Break Thou the bread of life, Dear Lord, to me, 2. Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, To me, to me, 3. Teach me to live, dear Lord, On - ly for Thee, -A- -A- -ii- r ^ - v & As Thou didst break the loaves Be-side the sea. As Thou didst bless the bread By Gal - i - lee; As Thy dis - ci - pies lived In Gal • i - lee; Si m fe^ S=i&: r^r c=c M ^^ m^ m i ^^=^ m Be - yond the sa - cred page I seek Thee, Lord; My spir - it panta for Thee, Liv - ing Word! Then shall all bon-dage cease. All fet - ters fall, And I shall find my peace. My All in All. Tnen, all my strug-giea o'er. Then, vic-t'ry won, I shall be-hold Thee, Lord.The Liv • ing One. j^-(^ « ^ ^^ I f=F t=c F=F= No. 235. Samuel Medley. Loving Kindness. Samuel Medley. Pint Tune. Anort. n 1 1 ^ waketey bouJ in joy-ful lays And sing my great Redeemer's praise, He justly claims a song from me, 2. He saw me ru - bed in the fall, Yet loved me not-with-stand-ing aU; He saved me from my lost estate, 3. Tho' numerous hosts of mighty foe8,Tho' earth and hell my way op-pose, He safely leads my soul a-long, 4. Whentrouble.hke agloomycloud,Ha8gathered thick and thundered loud. He nearm^soolhas always stood, jm CT^T TyyTj I £^^ Aj ^ t'-i — I — t-w- ^ ,4 ~W^^3£EEej3 | ^^j^#^ ^^^^^4^^ ^ 1 -it-0-0^ His lov-ing kindness, oh, how free! Loving kindness, loving kind-neas, Hisloving kindness, oh, how freel His lov-ing kindness, oh, how great! Loving kindness, loving kind-ness. His loving kindness, oh, how great! His lov-ing kindness, oh, how strong! Loving kindness, lovidg kind-ness. His loving kindness,oh,howstrongl His lov-ing kindness, oh,how good! Loving kindness, loving kind-ness, His loving kindness, oh, how goodi m I No. 236., When I Survey the Wondrous Gross. Isaac Watt5. Second Tune. Isaac Baker Woodbury. 1. When I sur-vey the won-drous cross On which the Prince of glo - ry died. My ricb-est gain I 2. For-bid it. Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God; All the vain things that ^i^S m e^^ -£i ^m i^ ■ e—r-r 5g 2-1 I I 1| \ I 1 I count but loss. And pour con • tempt on all my pride, charm me most, I sac • ri • fice them to His blood. ii ^,[.£ i F-'riwr^raLn I 3 See, from His head, His hands. His feet. Sorrow and love flow mingled down: Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine. That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine,. Demands my soul, my life,^ my all. No. 237. Jesus Shall Reign, Isaac WatU. Thiri Tune. John Hatton. 1. Je - sus shall reign wher-e'er the sun Does His suc-ces-sive jour-neys run; His kingdom spread from 2. From north to south the princ-ea meet, To pay their hom-age at His feet: While western em-pires lore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. own their Lord, And sav-age tribes at- tend His word. 3 To Him shall endless prayer be made. And endless praises crown His head; His name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice. 4 People and reahns of every tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song. And infant voices shall prMiaim Their early blessings on His name. No. 238. Jesus,Lover of My Soul. Charies We*Iey. Pint Tunt. J. P. Molbrook. 1, Je - BUS, Lot - er o( my soul. Let me to Thy bo - som fly, While the near - er wa-tera 2. 0th - er re( - ugc have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, oh, leave me not a- :<. Thou, Christ, art all I want; More than all in Thee I find; Raise the (al - len, cheer the 4. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cov - er all my sin; Let the heal - ing 8tream« »• roll. While the tern - pest still is high, lone, Still sup - port and corn-fort me. faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind, bound; Make and keep me pure with-in. Hide me, 0, All my trust Just and ho Thou of life ^^-f^^ g ^t^-C 'Jf-ff ^ my Sav - ior hide, on Thee is stayed, ly is Thy name, the fount-ain art. Till the All ray I am -Free - ly i^m^ ^ 5fc=fc I =f^ =t ^3=^ storm of life is past; help from Thee I bring; all un-right-eous-ness; let me Uke of Thee; Safe in - to the ha - ven guide, Cov - er my de - fense - less head Vile and full of sin I am, Spring Thou up with - in my heart. ^m re - ceive my soul at last! With the shad - ow of Thy wing. Thou are full of truth and grace. Rise to all e - ter - ni • ty. ^ ^^s^ ^ ^^ ^^^m No. 239. Jesus, Lover of My SouL Second Tune. S. B. Marsh. ^eeona lune. p^j^.g a. o. inarsn D.C. I ( Je-sus, Lov-er of myjoul. Let me to Thy bo - som fly, ■ I While the nearer watelrs roll, \Vhile the tempest still is high. D. C— Safe in-to the ha-ven guide, re-ceive my soul at last! Hide me, 0, ray Sav-ior hide Till the storra of life is past ;} No. 240. Gome, Ye Disconsolate. Thomas Moore. Samuel Webbe. 1. Come, ye dis-con - so - late, wher-e'er you Ian - guish; Come to the mer • cy seat, fer-vent-Iy kneel; 2. Joy of the com • fort -less, light of the stray - ing, Hope of the pen - i - tent, fade-less and pure; 3. Hcrfc see the Bread of Life, see wa-ters flow - ing Forth from the throne of God, pure from a-bove; Here bring your wounded hearts here tell your anguish; Earth has no sor-row that heav'n can-not heal. Here speaks the Com-fort-er, ten - der - ly say - ing, "Earth has no sor-row that heav'n can-not cure." Come to thejeast of love, come, ev - er know - ing Earth has no sor-row but heav'n can re-move. No. 241. My Jesus I Love Thee, English. Firtt Tune. A, J. aordon. 1. My Je - 8118 I k)ve Thee, I know Thou art mine; For Thee all the fol - Bes of 2. I lore Thee be - cause Thou hast first lov-ed me, And purchased my par-don on Cal - va - ry's tree; 3. I'll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in ieath, And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath, 4. In man-eions of glo - ry and end - less de-light, I'll ev - er a - dore Thee in heav-en so bright; m I r r- My gra-cious Re - deem - er, my Sav -,ior art Thou; If ev - er I loved Thee, My Je • sus, 'tis now. I love Thee for wear - ing the thorns on Thy brow; If ev - er I loved Thee. My Je - sus, 'tis now. And say when the death-dew lies cold on my brow; "If ev - er I loved Thee, My Je - sus, 'tis now.' I'll sing with the glit - ter - ing crown on my brow; "If ev - er I loved Thee, My Je - sus, 'tis now.' =bJ=^:^U5J^=di.'=ip^ ^^i hi ♦ fS ^ No. 242 Turn Ye. First or Second Tunei 1 turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die, When God in great mercy is coming so nigh? Now Jesus invites you, the Spirit says, "Come," And angels are waiting to welcome you home. 2 And now Christ is ready your souls to receive, how can you question, if you will believe? If sin is your burden, why will you not come? 'Tis you He bids welcome; He bids you come home. 3 In riches, in pleasures, what can yoU obtain, To soothe your affliction, or banish your pain? To bear up your spirit when summoned to die, Or waft you to mansions of glory on high? 4 Why will you be starving, and feeding on air? There's mercy in Jesus, enough and to spare; If still you are doubting, make trial and see. And prove that His mercy is boundless and free. No. 243. Look to Jesus. Firtt oY Second Tune- 1 eyes that are weary, and hearts that are sore, Look off unto Jesus, now sorrow no more; The light of His countenance shineth so bright. That here, as in Heaven, there need be no night. 2 While looking to Jesus, my heart cannot fear, I tremble no more when I see Jesus near, I know that His presence my safe-guard will be. For, "Why are ye troubled?" He saith unto me. 3 Still looking to Jesus, oh, may I be found, Wben Jordan's dark waters encompass me round; They bear me away in His presence to be I see Him still nearer whom always I see. 4 Then, then shall I know the full beauty and grace Of Jesus, my Lord, when I stand face to face Shall know how His love went before me each day, And wonder that ever my eyes turned away. Expostulation. J05tah Hopkins. Second Tune. Koschat. leo Ood in great mercy is coming so nigh? Now Jmus inri torn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die, When Ood in great mercy is coming so nigh? Now Jmus invites yon. I^^^^^^^i^i^^^p the Spirit sayt "come,"ADd angels are waiting to welcome you bome.ADd angels are waiting to welcome yoa ^t#^^^%pf[ft^-^T7ni No. 244. L. H. I Am Coming, Lord, Rev. L. Hartsough. m^kii^^^AiS^i ^i iP^im^isfifi^ I b«ar Tby welcome Lord,t« Tbee.For cleanBioff io Thy predons blood That flowed oo Calraxy. Chords, v ^ i k /*^ m ^s ^p ^=^ 3± ^^ ^ ^ w, - . I am comiD^, Lord, Com-ing oow to Thee: Wash me/rleanse me in the blood That flowed on Cal-ra- rj. -A- -A- -*- ■ * ■ ~ rrr L^ I! t 1 1 r ' I (t : S:~f fernnH ^ Ir-Ir i- U. U- 2 Tho' coming weak and vile Thou dost my strength assure; Thou dost my vileness fully ckauise, Till ipodess all. and pm*. No. 245. 3'Ti8 Jesus calls me on, To perfect faith and love, To perfect hope, and peace, and trust For earth and heav'n above. Just As I Am. Chariotte Elliott. 4 And He assurance gives To loyal hearts and true, That ev'ry promise is fulfilled To those who bear and do. Wm. B. Bradbtiry. 1. Just as I am! with - out one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidd's 1 fust as I am! with - out one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me. And that Thou bidd'st me 2. Just aa I am! and wait - ing not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee, whose blood can 3. Just as I am! tho' toss'd a-bout With many a conflict many a doubt, Fighting and fears with- V f=^ f' .^ T r? — -T^.fg — 0—d. ftrtr -ir ' f i f-^i'-fttrPn-^ Zfir ^ =F=F i !■. I . TJ tr-i— f m ^'1 1 — . come to Thee, Lamb cleanse eac-h spot, Lamb m, with • out, Lamb s^ ^^ of God! I come! I of God! I come! I of God! I come! I come! come! cornel A 2±: t=t M-OL^^JSt^, se 4 Just as I am! poor, wretched, blind* Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need in Thee to find, Lamb of God, I come! I cornel 5 Just as I am— thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, reliew; Because thy promise I believe, Lamb of God, I come! I come! No. 246. Jesus Paid it All. Airs. H. M. Hall. John T. Qrape. ^ ^s S ^jt -v-t- i f stren^h indeed is smallK^bild of and pray.Find in me thine all fn aU." 1^ I hear the Savior 8ay,"Tby %•% li A .0 \ — ' — ' F I " W 3 Arm me with jealous care, And in Thy sight to Uve; And oh. Thy servant. Lord, prepare, A strict account to give. To serve the present age. My callmg to fulfill, Oh, may it all my pow'rs engage To do my Master's will. 4 Help me to watch and prs7» And on Thyself rely. Assured, if I my trust betr^« I shall forever die. No. 250. Sing of His Mighty Love. FranV Bottome. Wm. B. Bndbory. I Oh, bliss of the pur • i • fied, bliss of the free, 1 O'er sin and un-clean-ness ex - ult - ing I stand, I Oh, bliss of the pur - i - fiecl, Je - sus is mine, i In con - scions saf-va - tion I sing of His grace, plunge in the crim-«on tide o-pen'd for me; ) And pomt to the print of the nails m His hand, i No long - er in dread-con-dem-na-tion I pine; I Who hit - eth up • on me the light of His face. / -A- I Oh. Btng of His might-y love, Sing of His might-y love. Sing of His might-y love, Might-y to save. n , r P » 3 Oh, Miss of the purified^ bliss of the purel No wound hath the sod that His blood cannot cure; No iOTTOw-bowed head but may sweetly find rest, ' No tean bot may dry them on Jesus' breast. « 4 Jesus the crucified I Thee will I sing, My blessed Redeemer, my God and my King; My soul, filled with rapture, shall shout o'er the grave. And triumph in death in the "Mighty to Save." No. 251. Home, Sweet Home. John Howard Payne. h. R. BUhop. MS' Mid' pleas-ares and pal • a • ces though we may roam, i ( A charm from the skies seems to it ev - er, so hura-ble, there's no place like i home; \Which»eek thro' the world, is ne'er 1^ ^^^m r-t — r 2 I Chords ^^^If^^ hat - low us there, met with else- - f where. Home,home,sweet,sweet home,Be it ever so humble.there's no place lika hotne. I ^^^ P^^ ^ - ft H m m No. 252 W. Cowper, m t=c:| r There is a Tountain. Second Tune. Lowell A1a5oa. I There is a fountain filled wdtb blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins, ' And sinners, plung'd beneath that Hood, D.S.And sinners.plung'd beneath that flood, Lose all tbeir Lose all their guDty stains; Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains; guilty stains; &A 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in hia day; And there may I, tho' vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3 Thou dying Lamb, Thy precious Shall never lose its power, [blood Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved, to sin no more 4 E'er since by faith I saw the Thy flowing wounds supply [stream Redeeming love has been my theme. And shall be till I die. 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, ni sing Thy power to save, When this poor lisping.stanimering Lies silent in the grave. [tongue No. 253. Glorious Pountain. Third Tune. -N — t-^ J ) There i* • (ount-am filled with blood, filled with blood, filled with blood. There is a lountaio filled with blood. Drawn ' ' Aud iiooers.pluag'd beneath that flood, beneath that flood, beneath that flood, A rid sinners plung'd beneath that flood, Losa r-^.. 1=3— r h i — t ^ r 4= t- i — u ^ i ^^m from ImmaDuer* veloB all tbeir guilty stains Ob. glorious (onntain! flere^ill Tstay, And ia thee •? - er Was5 my tins a - way. ffp^^^^^^q^ytf^^P^^^ No. 254. Knowle5 Shaw. Drmging in ine Sheaves. Qeorge A. Minor. I Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness.Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eves; 1 ■ \ Wait-ing (or the harvest, and the time of reaping, We shall J come re-joic-ing bringing in the sheave8.Bringmg in the sheaves,Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing.bringing in the ikuTM. D.S. — Second time. 2. 2 Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows. Fearing neither clouds nor winter's chilling breeze; By and by the harvest and the labor ended, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. 3 Go then, ever weeping, sowing for the Master, Though the loss sustained our spirit often grieves; When our weeping's over. He will bid us welcome, We shall come rejoicmg, bringing in the sheaves. No. 255. Savior, Like a Shepherd. Dorothy A. Thrupp. _ William B. Bradbury. Sav - ior, like a shep-herd lead us. In Thy pleas-ant past-ures feed us, Much we need Thy tend'rest care: For our use Thy folds pre - pare: Bless - ed Je ^^^ S4[ t=t :^ r r g ^1 t--4=^ ^-5- :ts=qi: :t=iz: t^-S:- B m 4=^ ^m s: m Bless-ed Je-sus, Thou hast bought us. Thine we are; -^— ^ i Je-sus, _Thou ha^t bought us, Thine we are. ^^ E &j-g- ^ 2 We aie Thine; do Thou befriend us, Be the Guardian of our way; Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us. Seek us when we go astray: Blessed Jesus, Hear, oh, hear us when we pray. No. 256. Annie L. Walker. Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and pow"r to free Blessed Jesus, We m\\ early turn to Thee. 4 Early let us seek Thy favor, Early let us do Thy will; Blessed Lord and only Savior, With Thy love our bQsoma fiU: . Blessed Jesus, Thou bast loved as, love us still. Work, for the Ni*hl is Coming, „ , . . I '","•• ri 1-2 — F,»F. p^f^frt ?^^- n=?=; J I 1 r l=^ L. na5on. Work for the night is com-ing. Work thro' the morning hours; Work while the dew is sparkling, Work 'raid springing flow'rs.Work when the day grows 1. D.C— Work for the night is coming, When man's work is done. ig fel -• — ♦ : i» i> — I rT r 2 Work, for the night is coming. Work through the sunny noon Fill brightest hours with labor, Jiest comes sure and soon. Give every fljing minute, Something to keep in store; Work, for the night is coming, Wiieu uiau work« do mure. Work, for the night is coming, Under the sunset sky; While'the bright tints are glowing, Work, for daylight fliA. Work till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more. Work while the night is darkening, When mania work is u'ec m t^=i^^ brighter, Work in the glowing sun, No. 257, The Solid Rock. Rev. Edward Mote. •T na. Of THC itoiotx ^^^^^^m Wm. B. Bradbury. f , \ My hope it built on noth-ing less Than Je-sus' blood and right-€oa3-ness; ) q Christ the S 1-id ' ] I daxf not trust the sweet-est frame, But whol-Iy lean on Je-sus' name. ) t-f-t ^ ^ ^ :!=£= 4^ ^i=r: 1 — T ^ ^ ^ ^ Rock, I stand: All oth - er ground b t I -*- ^ -^ sink • ing sand. g r n^T oth • er ground is sink - ing sand, All Jl i S 4=^ ^m ^ --^ 2 When darkness veils His lovely face 3 His oath, His covenant, His blood !4 When He shall («■* Rith tnapet i*u4 I rest on His unchanging grace; I Support me in the whelming flood;' may I then in Him be found. In every high and stormy gale, | When all around my soul gives way. I Drest in His righteousness alone, My anchor holds within the vail. | He then is all my hope and stay, f Faultless to stand beforu thd tbrwtw. No. 258. In Evil Long I Took Delight. Joha Newton. English Air. I. lo e - vil long I took delight, Un-awed by shame or fear. Till a new ob-ject struck my sight, Rkf.— I do be-Ueve, I now be-lieve. That Je-sus died for me; And thro' His blood, His precious blood: »,ffrr - ^ ^^^ ^ And stopped my wild ca-reer. 1 shall from sin be free. Tr-y y-TT 2 I saw One hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood. Who fixed His languid eyes on me, As near His cross I stood. 3 Sure never till my latest breath Can I forget that look: Bit seemed to charge me with His Tho' not a word He spoke. [death, 4 My conscience felt and owned It plunged me in despair; [the guilt; I saw my sins His blood had spilt. And helped to nail Him there. 3 A second look He gave, which said "I freely all forgive; This blood is for Thy ransom paid; I die that thou mays; live." No. 259 Oh, How I Love Jesus. 2 It tells m« of a Savior's love. Who died to set me free; It tdb me of His precious Uood; The Moaer 's perfect plea. 3 It tells me what my Father hath In store for every day. And tho' I tread a darksome path, Tieldi sonshijia aO the way. I l-vh \ cause He first loved me. 4 It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel my deepest woe. Who in each sorrow bears a part. That none can bear below. No. 260. for a Thousand Tongues, Pirtt Tune. Jeremiah logalU. 1. for a thousand tongues, to sing My great Re-deem-er's praise; The glo-ries of, the gfo - ries •^ (A^B.jTbeglo-rieBol my God tDd of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace, (T.) The glo-rios of my God az }od aud King, ^i J. J. A A A The tri .) Tbe glo-rios of my Jod and King, King, The glo-ries of my God aud King, His gracel iu^Li^^l No. 261 For a Thousand Tongues. Arr. by Lowell Mason. SeeoTid Tune. ' ^^UjlM^^ ^^ 1. for a thousand tongues, to sing My great Redeemer's praise; 2. My gracious Maa-ter and my God, As '-sist me to pro-claim, -J- ^^ ^ J=5 ^^ 'j'-i'i f ii Will bill The glo - ries of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace! To spread thro' all the earth a-broad,The bon-ors of Thy oame. mW r m^Hi^ffm 3 Jesus! the name that charms our fears. That bids our sorrows cease; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tia life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of canceled He sets the prisoner free; [sin, His blood can make the foulest clean. His blood availed for me. 5 He speaks, and listening to His voice. New life the dead receive; The moumful,broken hearts rejoica The humble poor belitve. No. 262, I. Watts. Gome Holy Spirit. Wuh Tansur. i^^^^^^ ^ irr^ . T — r ly Spir - it, we grov • el we tune our ly Spir • it, •^ J r- ?? w — ^ Heav'n - ly Dove, With all 1. Come, Ho 2. J^ook, how 3. In vain 4. Come, Ho thy quick'n • ing pOw'rs; these earth - ly toys; ^i here be - low, Fond of for • mal songs, In vain we strive to rise; Heav'n - ly Dove, With all thy quick'n - ing pow'rs; .1 1 . .t m ^Lm^u^m ^^ rfff T- Kin • die Our souls. Ho • san Come, shed a flame of sa • cred love In these cold hearts of ours. how heav - i - ly they go, To reach e - ter - nal joys, nas Ian • guish on our tongues, And our de • vo • tion dies, a • broad a Sav • ior's love, And that shall kin • die ours. i j"^ I J. No. 263, Isaac Watts. Am I a Soldier? First Tune. Thos. A. Arne. r- sr Am I ft soldier of the crocs, A follower of the Lamb, And shall I fear to owo His cause.Or blush to speak His n%mt,f 2 Most I be camed to the skies On flowery beds of ease, [prize, While others (ought to win the And sailed thro' bloody seas? i No. 264. John Newton !3 Are there no foes for me to face? Most I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? Amazing Grace, Second Tune. I I. J Il JZs^ ^ ' I 4 Since I must fight if I would reign, Increase my courage. Lord; ru bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word. Arr. by E. O. Excell. leson .Ui 1. Amazin; grace! how rweet the sound. That sared a wretch like me! I once was lost.but now am fosod. Vu bliid.kit ■«« I m. r }D( 5 'Twas grace that taught my heart 3 Thro' many dangers, toils ^d And grace my fears relieved ;[ to How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! have already come; [snares, 'Tifl grace hath bro't me safe thus 4 When we've been there tent hou- Bright shining as the sun, [sand years We've no less days to sing God's And grace will lead noe borne, [iarj Than when we first begun. [praiM No. 265. 1 Love Thy Kingdom, Lord. Timothy Dwight. Q. F. Handel. 1. 1 lore Thy klDpdom.Lord.The hoose of Thine abode.The Church our blest Redeemer saved With His own precious blood m Hrm^^^TTn^ T ^ ^ fTrarnr - ^ BE -»-r^ e f- -k^ -f-T-f- -k- i t=^ ^m l^±± f I 2 I love Thy Church, God; Her waUs before Thee stand. Dear as the appi? of Thine eye, And graven on Thy haod. 3 For her my tears shall fall; For her my prayers ascend; To her my cares and toils be given. Till toils and cares shall end. 4 Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, [vows, Her sweet communion, solemn Her hymns of love and praise. No. 266. Must Jesus Bear the Gross Alone? Tho*. Shepherd. Fourth Tuiu. Geo, N. Allen ^m 1. MuSl Jesus bear the cross alone.Aod all the world go freeTNo.there's across for ev'rj one And there's a cross for me. ^M -^:^^-A' SFfgg r4 j i r TT^ :^=t t-r 4 UpoB the crystal pavement, down, At Jesus pierced feet. Joyful, I'll cast my golden crown. And His dear name repeat. 2 How happy are the saints above. Who once went sorrowing here! Bat now ther taste unmingled love, And joy >rithout a tear. No. 267. 3 The consecrated cross I'D bear, Till death shall set me free; And then go home my cro'wn to wear, For there's a crown for me. Remember Me. ^ J o ^ . a' I A' ai A' A.' I V ^ ; J ; r^-^H i u^¥^m u-i- r-s=Tft T - ■ p - I I. Mart Jesngh*ar the cromaktne. And aU the world ifo free? No. there's a cross for ev'rT one. And ther»<'s a cross for ma ' V).-Uelp me. dear Satior.Tbee to owo.And STor faithful be; And when Thou sittest oo Thy ihrooo.O Lord, rcciomber me. No. 268 s. Only Trust Mim. J. H. Stockton. 1. Come ev - 'ry ooni by sin opproBs'd, There's mercy with the Lord, And He will surely give yon rest By 2. For Jp - 8U8 shed His precious blood, Rich bless-ings to bestow; Plunge now in-to the crimson flood That 3. Yes, Je - sus is the Truth, the Way, That leads you b-to rest; Be - lieve in Him with-out de-lay, And 4. Come, then, and job this ho - ly band. And on to glo - ry go. To dwell b that ce-les-tial land, Where tnist-ing in His word, wasb-ee white as snow, you are hil - ly blest, joys im-mor-tal flow. » On • ly trust Him, on • ly trust Him, On-!y trust Hud now; I 1 He will save you. He will save you. He will { save yoo now. J^, *■ No. 269. Philip Doddridge. Happy Day, E. Jr. Rimbault. 2 f hap - py day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Sav-ior and my God I ) ' \ Well may this gloVbg. heart re - joice, And tell its rap-tures all a-broad. f 2 f hap - py bond, that seals my vows To Him who mer - its all my love! \ \ Let cheerful an-thems fill His bouse, While to that sacred ehrbe I move. / Hap-py day, bap-py day, Hap-py day, hap-py day, When Jesus washed my sbs away I He taught me how to watch and pray t And live re - joic - bg ev-'ry day; \ No. 270. Wm. P. Mackay. Revive Us Again, 3 'Tis done this great tranMctIoB*t done; I am my Lord's, and He is mio«; He drew me, and I followed on. Charmed to conf eee the voice dj^bft. 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart; Fixed on this blissful centre, rest; Nor ever from Ihy Lord depart. Witl) Him of every good possessed. J. J. HtisbaiM! ^m ijij i j jJFFFfl^tJi^^^J 4=^ r^r-r 1. We praise Thee, God! For the Son of Thy love, For Je - sus who died And is now gone il • bove 2. We praise Thee, God! For Thy Spir - it of light. Who has shown us our Sayior.And scattered our night. 3. All glo • ry and praise To the Lamb that was slab,.Who has borne all our sbs And has cleansed ev'ry stain. 4. Re - vive us a - gab; Fill each heart with Thy love; May each soul be re-kbdled With fire from a-bove ^j ^j ^^n^ fc^ ^mM ^^^t Refbain, ^m ri- t-2- p^ s ^ — It n — -^ — -^ — # Re - vive us a • gab Hal - le - lu - jahl Thbe the glo - ry, Hal - le - lu - jahl A - men! w No. 271. I Love To Tell The Story. Katherine Hankey . vtco av »t«MMioN or w>r. o. riRCHi*. Williain O. Fischer. 1. I love to tell the eto - ry Of un - seen things a-bove, Of Je - sus and His glo - ry 2. I love to tell the sto - ry; More won-der-ful it seems Than all the gold - en fan - eie» 3. I love to tell the sto - ry; 'Tis pleas - ant to re - peat What seems, each time I tell it, 4. I love to tell the sto- ry; For those who know it best Seem hun-ger - ing and thirst-ing ^ Je - sus and His love. I love Of all our gold-en dreams. I love More'won - der - ful - ly sweet. I love To hear it like the rest. And when 7t4 — *— ^k — A 1^. — , to tell the sto - ry, to tell the Bto - ry, to tell the sto - ry, in scenes of glo - ry, S 3d^ E3 Be - cause I know 'tia tnie; It did so much for me; For some have ncv - er heard I sing the. new, new song, -J , t ! > > f r S ff rr , Chorus. ,. It sat - is - fies my long - ings As noth - ing else would do. And that is just the rea • son I tell it now to thee. I love to tell the sto The me« - sage of sal - va - tion From God's own Ho-ly Word. •Twill be the old, old sto' - ry That I have lov'd so long. I^^f^ ^r^ J^-J 1- liz 'TwiU be my theme m glo - ry, To tell the old, old sto - ry Of Je - sus and His love. ^^ M mt m^m f m M i l t Sii: ^ Even Me, Even Me, fr No. 272. Mrs. Elizabeth Codner. Wm. B. Bradbury. Titn s? — » — sr 1. Lord, I hear of show're of bless - ing 2. Pass me not, God, ray Fa - ther 3. Pass me not, gra - cious Sav - ior, 4. Love of God, so pare and change-less, 2? • C^ Thon art scatt'ring full and free; Show'rs, the thirst-y land re- Sin - ful tho' my heart may be; Thou mightst leave me, but the Let me live and cling to Thee; I am long -ing for Thy Blood of Christ, so rich and free; Grace of God, so strong and _ - "-2? 9 _ _ _ fresh-ing; Let some drops how fall on me; rath - er; Let Thy mer - cy light on me; fa-vor; Whilst Thou'rt calling, call me; boundless Mag - ni - fy them all in me; -9 '-S' ■ ' 1- E - ven me, e - ven me, Let some drops now fall on me" E - ven me, e - ven me, Let Thy mer - cy light on me. E - ven me, e - ven me. Whilst Thou'rt calling.O call me. E • ven me, e • ven me, Mag • ni • fy them all in me. No. 273. The Mome Over There. U D. W. C. tluatlngton. T. C. O'KANE, OWNER OF eOI>YltMMT. Tulllus C. O'Kane. f.n+ fiim itft Wti : M l H : f m 1. O" tbink of the home o-ver there, By the eide of the riv - er of light, Where the samts, all im- 2. ttdnk of the friends o-ver there, Who be-fore us the journey have trod, Of the songs that they 3. My Sav - ior is now o-ver there. There my kindreds and friends are at rest. Then a - way from my 4. I'U soon be at home o-ver there. For the end of my jour-ney I see; Ma - ny dear to my itfj ^fe j a tf^ fe fr ftj: j':j h ! 'im nw mor-tal and fair. Are robed in their garments of white. - ver there, o-ver there, think of the breathe on the air, In their home in the palace of God. think of the sor • row and care. Let me 6y to the land of the blest. My Sav-ior is heart, o - ver there. Are watching and waiting for me.OTsrthert. Over there, overthere.I'll soon be at ^. .... •♦^f** t tit I' l ^- ^ ^ -^ &^ home over there, O-ver there, o-ver there, o-ver there, think of the home o-ver there. friends over there, think of the friends o-ver there, now over there. My Sav-ior is now o-ver there, home over there,eT«TUier9. Over there. . I'll soon be at home o-ver there. m AU^ ^^m Pfff r I& ^ CZZE No. 274. On Jordan's Stormy Banks. Rev. Samuel 5tcnnett. i^ T. C. O'KANE, OWNFR OF T. C. O'Kane. t-2-i — :: 1 p ^ p i i^H^zj yH^uud =^^ J— 1 n — - - - I =3 I r , < On Jor - dan's 8torm-y banks I stand, And cast a wish - ful eye, } 1 To Ca - naaa's fair and hap - py land, Where \ my pos - ses - sions lie. f-: . . r , . ^O We will rest m the fair and hap-py land. Just a-cros8 on i#^ the ev - er - green shore, •T - er • fT««n «h«i«. f-f-f- Sing the song of Mos - es and the Lamb, by and by, And dwell with Je ^^MSi ^^ BUS ey - er mora. I^m iE ^ ^ 2 O'er all those wide-pitendedplams, Shines one eternal day; There God the Son forever reigns, Aud scatters night away. 3 When shall I reach that happy place, And be forever blest? When shall I see my Father's face, And in Hia bosom rest? Filled with delight, my raptured soul Woulfi here no longer stay; Tbo' Jordan's waves around me roD, Fearles* I'd launch away. No. 275. The Son of God Goes Forth to War. R. Heber. Firtt Tune. H. 5. Cutler. 1. Tbe Sod oI Ood goes forth to war.A kingly crown to gain:His blood-red banner streams a(ar;Who loUows in His train? ^^ ^^^te ^S ffi ^P I drink his cup of woe, Triumphant over pain, Who patient bears His cross bolow -(•- -9- JLU44 CT ar-HH^F g )ws in His train. fSee JggPP^ ^S *£^V That martyr first, whose eagle eye Could pierce beyond the grave; Who saw His Master in tbe sky; And called on Him to save. Like Him .with pardon on His tongue In midst of mortal pain, [wTong, He pray'd for them that did the Who foUovs ia His train? Jt* -m 1— trt A noble army, men ?nd boys, The matron and tbe maid, Around the Savior's throne rejoice, In robes of light arrayed; They climbed the steep ascent of Thro' peril, toil, and pain, [heav'n, God, to us may grace be giv'n. To follow in their train. 3 A noble band, the chosen few, On whom the Spirit came; [knew Twelve valiant saints,their hope they And mock'd the cross and flame. They met the tyrant's brandish'd The lion's gory mane; [steel, They bowed their heads the stroke Who fallows in their train?[to feel. No. 276. Thy Word is a Lamp. 1 Thy word is to my feet a lamp, And to my path a light, I will perform, as I have sworn, To keep Thy judgments right. I with affliction very sore Ajn ovewhebned, Lord; In mercy raise and quicken me. According to Thy word. Psalm 119. First or Second Tune. 2 The free-vrill oB'ringB of my mouth Accept, I Thee beseech, And unto me, Lord, do Thou Thy judgments clearly teach. Tho' still my soul be in my hand, Thy laws I'U not forget; I erred not from them, tho' for me The wicked snares did set. I of Thy testimonies have Above all things made choice, To be my heritage for aye, For they my heart rejoice. With care I have my heart inclined, That it should still attend Thy statutes always to observe. And keep them to the end. No 277, Joy to the World. I. Watt5. Second Tune. Q. F. Handel. 1. Joj to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth re-ceive her King; Let ev • 'ry heart pre-pare Him 2. Joy to the world! the Sav-ior reigns; Let men then: songs em-ploy; While fields and floods,rocks,hills,and 3. No more let sin and sor- row grow, Nor thorns in-fest tbe ground; He comes to make His bless • iugs '4. He rules the world with truth and grace. And makes the na-tions prove Th^ glo - ries of His right-eous- —-Z rd . -10 ' 1 ^ ^ i r-ir ip=| iHM^-fc fT v^-^ ^^ ^^^^^^S^^ room, And heav'n and nature sing, plains, Repeat the sounding joy, flow Far as tbe curse is found, And heav'n and nature sing. And heav'n, and heav'n and natnre sing. Re-peat the sounding joy, Re - peat, re - peat the sounding joy. Far as tbe curse is found. Far as, far as the curse U foond. ness, And woodeca of His love. And won-ders of His love, And won-ders, won-ders of His love. And kMT'a tad a^ • tiuc iiax, No. 278. Guide Me, Thou Great Jehovah, William WUIiams. FirU TuM. ThonuM Hastiags. I Guide me, Thou great Je-ho-vah, Pilgrim thro' this bar-ten land; VI am weak, but Thou art mighty, Keep me with Thy pow'r-ful hand; /"Bread of heaven. Feed me till J _ r - pen now the crys-tal fountain, Whence the healing wa-ters flow; ■» I Let the fiery, cloud-y pil - lar, Lead me all my journey through: / Strong Deliverer, Be Thou still my f f i f r f:fitf-«=; i P=f ^ r ^ ^^^^^ ^r^^^=fPw^^ M i 'h^\^u^ ^ ^^ m want no more: Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more, strength and shield; Strong Deliverer,Be Thou still my strength and shield. ^^W^ ^ ^^^ ^^ 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan Bid my anxious fears subside; Bear me thro' the swelling correat, Land me safe on Canaan's sida: Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee. No. 279, Good News. First •r Second Tune. 1 On the moontain's top api>earing, Lol the sacred herald stands, Welcome news to Zion bearing, 2iion, long in hostile lands: Mourning captive! God himsslf shall loose thy bands. 2 Has thy night been long and mournful? Have thy friends unfaithful proved? Have thy foes been proud and scornful, By thy sighs and tears unmoved? Cease thy mourning; Zion still is well beloved. 3 God, thy God, will now restore thee; Ee himself appears thy Friend; All thy foes shall flee before thee; Here their boasts and triumphs end: Great deliverance 2ion'6 King will sorely send.. No. 280. Hallelujah! Fir$t or Second Tune. 1 Thou God of my salvation, My Redeemer from aU sin; Moved by Thy divine compassion, Who hast died my heart to win, I will praise Thee; Where shall I Thy praise beginf 2 Though unseen, I love the Savior; He hath brought salvation near; Manifests His pardoning favor; And when Jesus doth appear. Soul and body ShaU His glorious image bear. 3 While the angel choirs are crying, "Glory to the great I AM," I with them wiU still be vying— "Glory! glory to the Lamb! how precious Is the sound of Jesus' name] No. 281. Thomas Kelly. Hark! Ten Thousand, Second Tune. Lowell Mason. Harkl ten-thousand "^^ 1 Je - sus reigns, and D.C.-Hal-le-lu-jah, harps and voices Sound the note of praise above; heav'n rejoices, Je - sus reigns, the God of love, Hal-le-lu- jahl Hal-le-lu- jah, A - men. See, He sits on yonder throne, S««, He sits on 7on-4.r IhtoB.. ^n D.C. 2 Jesus, hail! whose glory brightens, All above, and gives it worth; Lord of life, Thy smile enlightens, Cheers and charms Thy saints on earth; When we think of love like Thine, Lord, we own it love divine: 3 King of glory, reign forever; Thine an everlasting^ crown; Nothing from Thy love shall sever Those whom Thou hast mad* Thine own; Happy objects of Thy grace, Destined to behold Thy face. li Blessin* and Honor. COPYRIGHT, 1B98, BY A. BEIRLY. WitA dignity, yot too/ad. used by per. No. 282 IT Alfred Beirly. Mue. Doc. 1. Bless-ing, and hon - or, and glo - ry, and pow'r,Wis-dom, and rich-es, and 2. Give we the glo - ry and praise to the Lamb, Take we the robe, and the *=^t r l | V — [z ijirr^r I k k I -^^ -/ tnt ^S^S^- j=t ^-t 3cnc ^^ ■p-i- strength, ev-er-more. Give we to Him who our bat - tie hath won, harp, and the palm; Sing we the song of the Lamb that was slain. M- L I .^ i-j / /.-^ -i-.-i^iL-t ^=i ^ -f—^- -A—ir t "^ ^^ i ^ ^ ^fe t=i: :H=i^=:S Whose are the kingdom, and crown, and the throne! Dwelleth the light of the Dy - ing in weakness, but ris - mg to reign. Hon - or and glory, thanks- ^^ ^-F i=i: f— i r ,F A * A — ^ -A— ^ azzi; i V=t^ V f^ ^ trk-t y E±3 te J-4i- fc atsus ^ a=^ ^=:^ f-;-: 1^— rt ^t=5t glo- ry with Him, Light of a glo- ry that can-not grow dim; Light in its giv - ing and praise, Mak-er of all things, to Thee we up-raise; God the Al- fcp 1^ 5^6^ m JcrjE *^=* i 4- h -K 3Cllb3t si-lence, and beao-ty and cahn. Light in its gladness, and brightness and balm, might-y, the Fa-ther and Lord; God by the an-gels o - beyed and a - dored. /.v . . ^ "^ -bf-i L' g b ^ - ^- i t* P -F-^— A.- f^ . f* P ' P -J— n No. 283. Trust Ye In The Mighty God. J. HENRY 6H0WALTER, OWNER. J. Henry 5howalter. i>i Trust ye in the might - y God, the God. . -B- of Ja - cob, i E?f_=SE3HE ^ For in the Lord Je - ho - vah is ev - er - last - ing strength. i^~^i-'^ 44_I__I4 — k 14 h* 1* i P P ^— I PS ;-.-! — .-Q- 1 , -J w • . — t . K * ^ ' T 1 -(, 1'- God is our ref - uge, and God is our _j_h ,_ 1 J- ^ ■-^- i J- r r r ref - uge, our J. . 1. ^ ^:— ^* ^ - • . -^ k 1^ =zd — — _. -. i f-nr mmMmmi ^^ — ref - uge and strength. God is our ref - uge and strength, our God is our strength. ^^ ■F- 1 \^-t b^- fifiPjP=pE-a -^- 'f^m^mm ig r- ref - uge and strength, God is our ref - uge, our ref - uge and strength. ^. ^ ji^ jp. .p. :;♦: ^. .^ I ^1* ■f^ — is^- t=::F=t -^^m ^t^^ Trust Ye In The Mighty God, i^i= .-!=-, r 4 — -I — j ver - y pre - sent help in troub - le, in tune of g^^ m S- ^* troub - le, A ver - y pre - sent help in troub - le, in tuane. of troub - le. There-fore will we nev - er fear. ?= -f^—f'^f- 3 ■r -Its There-fore will we nev - er fear, There-fore will we nev - er ^P=P ? p ? 9 f I' T^-^l tr:^EI^5E fear, but trust in the Lord, our God. ^— — W— ^^^^i=^^ -z^- ;3z:S:; A - - men. i ■^ No. 284. Trust Ye in the Lord. J. HENRY aHOWALTER, OWNER. J. Henry Showalter. --i=t ^^ ^--fc ■-Jf- 3E5 t=^ P^ Ei Trust ye in tlie Lord, in the Lord Je - ho - vah, Trust ye in the A— A — A- ^9-4ha — lA —r,z — ^" r-r i:^: >_>. t=:t: :l2=sJ ^iiupp Lord, in the Lord Je - ho - vah, Trust ye in the Lord, in, the -t3- fcbig: q:±rS ^E=P= ar=r >LJ„ t=t ¥^^=i H^- i .d-d^: mm ^ -h — ^5- -^ « — L^ — ^ — pq. Lord Je - ho - vah, He is the great and might - y J. ^^^^Ef^EI ■^^^m. :p=t: p 3=8=S: i^- FlNR :^-M: CT^ — ^ GodI TT. — jsr i ^^ In the Lord Je - ho - vah. Trust ye in the Lord, Trust ye in the Lord, m^ f — ^ lEf. . — *l '9-r ' ^-' J_J_I -0 #- f^3 In the Lord Je - ho - vah, for - ev - er and for - ev - er. For r—\ — r io- ^r-^:?: mm TrUvSt Ye in the Lord. W&: in the Lord Je - ho - vah is For in the Lord is $±8-8==:: 5^^^teEEEEEE: ev - er - last - ing strength, Is ev - er - last - ing strength, ^-' :g-- :b=i&=ri^ is^^^ :a^: m ev - er - last - ing strength, is ev - er - last - ing strength, For " ^ — 't — r — ^ — p—t -^- in the Lord Je - lio - vah is m±^= ev - er - last - ing strength. 8^-A- t=^-- m rfnfe t=T E^?-^ r^"^ i^^±iE^ t^- Thou will keep him in peace whose mind is stayed on Thee! Thou will keep him in i^ ^-^--l-M: m^ 5E3 m 4=^^ t S Be-cause he trust-eth Thee, be- peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, ^: -A— A- -A- ^--^ Trust Ye in the Lord. f^— t- ^.- .^ '^m^^m ^ i-^- a-dE«Z^=£l ^agj g cause he trust-eth Thee, Thou wilt keep him in peace, whose mind is stayed on gfiiiil ■A- 1=t: ■A- h^hU^ =f ^^=\^= ^-fc ^=r^^^^5- •s =1: :fc=iM=t=^ l=t :it?^=iL Thee, be -cause he trust-eth Thee. Trust ye in the Lord, in the Lord Je- I I ho - vah, Trust ye in the Lord, m the Lord Je - ho - vah. Trust ye in the l^ 'fp^^ ^^ J-J- > — /^ — it-^A t=± tt J^^?=J: ^^ Lord, A- m the jord - ho ' vah. He is the -^ -^^ zfzi^t tp: ^=^=t- great and niight-y God. A - g ■-i- =f- 1^ 42. — ^ mea, A y men. ^p No. 285. Rejoice in the Lord. J. HENRY 8H0WALTER, OWNER. J. Henry 5howalter. ±:^ ,_,_L-1 -t^- :^ J I II \^iA.= ^^^-w j Re - joicc in the Lord, re - joice, Re - joice in the Lord, rc- re-joice, w-^- ^J A :^.-=;^_=z^. joice, Re - joice, re -joice. For it be-com-eth re-joice, Re- joice yi the Lord,re-joice, re-joice, K...K.X A. .^ .J. ^. ^. f: i^ >. _f___f- m^^Mm^^^^ ^ — #- 2teZ^ saints to re-joice. Come in -to His courts, bless-ed courts, Come in - to His courts, with Itt; ^ f-^ — '- — r ' ^ ' -^-^-ri ^i-i — ^ — ^ * 1 A— I l^lLt.— fEEI=3=t=^^F3=*=i^ iJ-rJziS^il :g--j— i :? Come with gladness, with gladness of heart, Re-joice, gJad - - - ness of heart, Re-joice, i.i f^ fe ! .^ fc I IS N I E rc- the ^^,— - liz lyit p:-^ ^l2=jlz=alz=3j =:t=:i: fe3=$^^^E^^= :i*= :5=S: ^ joice, in the Lord, Give praise, give praise ev - er - more. Lord, Give praise ev - er - more. ^ fc I :f ;r i i -^ ^ I ^ 15 I # fe ^- -g .1. i- i .;'■ ji 5- Rejoice In the Lord. ?=fF :^^-^nt^^ Bi speak of His love, speak bound-less love, 'f^ 7T.n * * A-t— A r-A ^-^ A A tell of His tell F P — PLi._p ^ '^ — »' t:==t= — r— F =g=:: ;k=^ yi7-zsl- fc--.^-: ?^ -p-h- ^33 s grace, For He hath re-deem - - - ed thee, hath re-deem-ed wond'rous grace. hath re-deem-ed* I h M r S^fc«=^t p ^ I i^mili: thee, hath redeemed thy soul from death. Re-joice in the Lord, re- ^^^^^^^m ^t^ ^-^- :l^z:iit=|c:a»= e±=!:r ^ -PS=A: F joice, Re-joice in the Lord, re-joice, Re-joice, re- re - joice, ^tS Re - joice in the Lord, re- -k k-^k— fc- t=i^ tr^ ^ >=ti: t/— 1^ t^— 1^- joice. For it be -cora-eth saints to re - joice, Re - joice in the re-joice. .. iL qt If: ^ -f:: -p :^' "^ :p: ^i^gi -C±:S: Rejoice in the Lord. ^m ^^^ ^^ m. mr Lord for ev - er-more. A-men! n*- _ -..e- A-menl A -men! and A men! *=?: 13 t= m No. 286. p. H. Praise Ye the Lord. WORDS COPYHIGHT, 1»00, BY FILLMORE BR08. USED BY PERMISSION. 4=t: -d — ^^^- -^— -^- "rr Arthur S. Sullivan. -^- -•e- -.. -V J.' ing kind-ness. V- :|«=:|s ^ Oh, How Excellent. ^^ 4^^-—- 0=- ^ =f^--t -U i=i There-fore put thy trust in the Lord, There-fore in the Lord, -s-A ^ ^3 a=(c ~=-| — r f=^=1- ¥ E 53; 1/ u ^ 4 ^-^ ^=^=J-- ^=^-- ^—^ ■« — s- put I ?i i:^i thy trust in the Lord, And bless, And in the Lord, His name. ^mm~^^ r 4 t^^-i-^-A 1 =2^=M=^- ^=^=±=1^ 1^ n* L b bless, J- His name, ^^^g E3 And bless His name for - ev - er J 1^ 1/ more; There-fore :i±^i: Pi t->y^:M- put your trust I •-= — # — 0- in the iSvr -*-= • 1 — * Lord .... There-fore in the Lord, S^J m u =!' put fe£ t^ — ^ 1^ thy trust in the Lord, And in the Lord, ^={^ Oh, How Excellent ^iS bless His bless His ho - ly name, and :J=i name, . . -\^-^- And bless His ho - ly name, T— 2- fijrrM: bless His name for - ev - er - more: more. for - ev - er - more. .— p— r— p- zl2.^fezz:t^zz:tzz=tzz=:^ ^ — r — r~ bT^ ^^J ^=4 F-f4 :*ziir ^,^-T Praise Praise ye the Lord, -J- — ^- '=r=^ ^4 the Lord, Oh, Praise ye the Lord, -p w-^ — W w — r ^^^. m praise His name for - ev - er g^F^^^^t^-^^ 'P-l?^ : — •- — • — • — r more, Praise the Lord for- for- " ^ p_ ev ev te? er and ev w -^ F P- er more, er more, for - ev - er - more. m t=t f^ No, 288. Give Thanks Unto the Lord. From 1 Cbronicles 16: 8-11. 28. HENRY 6H0WALTER, OWNER. \l. Henry Showalter. hH i^ -* M Al- ^^^ipi^^iP give thanks un-to the Lord, un-to the Lord, give thanks unto the fe^i^^^P^^i^ Lord, give thanks unto the Lord, And call upon His name, and call up-on His h . ^ h ^ h h name Make known His love a-mong the peo-ple, Sing un-to Sing un-to Hun, ^»-^ -^ ^ ^•L .(ft. ^ m i- -l»-s-»- ;-T 1 k 1^1 *ZIZ 1^ Him Sing I 1/ P I ^ Sing Psalms un - to Him, Sing un-to Him, Sing Psalms unto Him, sing un-to Him, Sing unto Him, W-r^ir^ «=^ :EE& r:ife;^E^zrPz:^H Wrt:^ li^^ u P to Him, Talk ye of all His wond'rous works, Sing un-to Him, wond'rous works. Give Thanks Unto the Lord. ■U Sing un - to Him, K Sing Psalms Sing un - to Him sing sing un - to Him, Sing Psalms unto Him, ^-«^--^^-p--;--g--f- - •' i *=fc I t.- -yd=. -f.-^^-: t=t :ifc=fc 3- a— ic ■^ ■ ■ - ■ u u un - to Him, Sing un - to Him Talk, ye of all His sing un - to Him, ^ ^ -^ mm t±:te!ES k- 1 m- ^ ■s- 1;^=^ -^ ■^ ^*-J: wond'rous good-ness. Glo - ry ye, glo - ry ye, in His ho-ly name. ^3— V — i' — Ff — p JJ-4- ^^5^=1 :?<=* ZJ-I ^j^J^ -^ »— * ♦—♦—♦—♦ ^ J d- iM ^=^ [=3^ — ^^^-- Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord, seek the Lord and His strength, ♦ ^ # tepi^^ F ;. . .u :|=fe ^ Seek His face for-ev - er - more. give thanks un-to the Lord, un- h^ntSi^^^^^i^ ■ptti* 32=?^ ^=t- i^jZa -P=-^ to the Lord, ^ M — « — M- t=i: Give Thanks Unto the Lord. give thanks unto the Lord, give thanks unto the Lord, ^^ M^ gfr?^^^^^ f; -*': -t=t=i^ ^ And call up - on His name, and call up - on His name. Make known His J J a' La:^ a . A 8»- -v- -m- -m- -^ *- -(*- -U ^ W ^^ — r- — ^^m 1/ r I r '-^^--^ love among the peo-ple. t - men, and A - men. rtU^r TT^ No. 289. ^ AUegretlo. Hark! the Song of Jubilee! PROPERTY OF A. J. 8HOWALTER. 7-i^- -¥-^ A. J. Showalter. ^ fi f * ^^i Hark the song! Hark the song! Hark the song of Hark the song! Hark the song! Hark the-song of -^17 h 1^ r^^-% 4—^ r=FF ^ :X k g I -r ^^^^ 4^^3^- — ^— L-o* ■ — « ♦-^ — ^ — *-— — ♦-? ^ f \j ^ \ ^ ^ r- 1/ 1^ I ja - bi - lee! Hark the song! Hark the song! Hark the ju - bi - lee! Hark the song! Hark the song! '^^ tr-f- Hark! the 5on§ of Jubilee: song of ju - bi- lee 1 Hark the song of ju - bi- Hark the song of ju - bi - leel Hark the song of ju - bi- i^g^ ^=0 ■^ P^ -> k-^-k k-= — k (Mr^t: It ♦-i-^* — ♦ 5— ^^^ t: ^^=t-- ^ P rr-r \ ¥ y \ . - V III lee! Loud as might ^ thun - ders roar, Or the lee! Hark the song! Loud as might - y thun - ders, thunders roar, -A- -A-» -A- -A- -it-» I -A- * -P- -A- -A- -A- ~l #= i:p':Eizii=|=ji=z:[^z=t:— pz > k^-k :^=P^ t==t: ^— 1^ full - - ness of the sea, When it breaks up - on the shore. Or the fulhiess of the sea, of the sea, When it breaks up - on the shore. -A-* -A--A-' -A- -A* -A- -A- -A-»-A-A- -A-* I -A- -A- « e^' •5 — c v k • k k • k — k-^-k \ — \ — y- -^^^ ^o=%-. 1— t^ Allegro. i :|«t i- -zsl: y: H*-^ -♦ ♦ (♦- -♦ — ♦- See Je - ho - vah's ban - ners furrd,(Sheath'd His sword, He speaks 'tis done;) He shall reign from pole to pole (With su-preme, un-bound-ed sway; ^ EE=I; ^ # .fe=;^=i=;^ i :^ _! M — # — # # # • — t?^- !^ P P P I Now the king-doms of this world, (Are the king-doms of His Son,) He shall reign, when like a scroll, (Yon-der heav*nshavepast a-way,) ^ ^ t 1^ :^E fef ^ i=^ hark! the Song of Jubilee! A tempo I Are the kingdoms of His Son; Yonder heav'us have past a - way; A tempo. , ^_^ w pn i :^ ^. •aI-* -a- -ah t- -I— -f^- -^, Hark the song of ju-bi- Hark the song of ju-bi- Tfv^ f ■.-\=t: fP ^^m ^^^ ■^"TT . Tp I ' r r p I lee! Loud as might - - - ythun-ders roar, lee! hark, the song I Loud as might-y thun-ders roar, thunders roar, ^ fr-V F|z=f±W p-i'\—: i breaks up - on the shore. Hal - le - lu - jah! Hal - le - lu - jah! i Hal - le-lu - jah! Hark, the song! J -A- -A- « -B^» -A-«-A--A- -A- -A- ;^ gii^l^^^l hri+i-MJz B"^^ Fit l«4=«- h=^— •-♦ f^ la afs^^ S^ Hal - le - lu - jah, A - men, A-men, A-men,A-men, A-men. Hal -le-lu - jah, Hark,the song! • -A-* -A- -^ -A- fJ -A- ^-A-t^-^-A- -s^ .,t^» ■v-i^-n- y-i-~t No. 290. Watts. Andantino. m Sweet is the Work. COPYRIGHT, 1893, BY A. BEIRLV. USED BY PERMISSION. Alfred Belrly , Alus. Doc. psip^p^i^^^ Sweet. is the work, my God, my King! i^j^ S ^^-. m r; 1 — ' — I 1 f— ^ 1 1 ' I ^■' ^ bai^l k ^ ^ ■ To praise Tliy name, give thanks, and To show Thy love, iS^S?^^ ■K^^^\ . . by morn - - ing Ught, t tT -^ — < ^^s And talk of all Thy truth at night. # A A ^ Allegretto, mf ;J±Et± m ^m Sweet is the day of sa - cred rest; No mor - tal cares shall ^ ^ ^-^-^ « rl*-* — ^—55 rf f r ^ P — n -I2z: Sweet is the Work! tr 4^ :5^ :?3[ mm t seize my breast; Oh! may my heart in tune be found, Like ^^^^^^i^^^ I ^^ r** rit ^ ^ f .Brightly. I I U Da - vid's harp of sol - emn soundl f P^^ ^m Then shall I * — A — *- =\=t:: M^^^ P 3^^ fe PEi iii^; ^^=?-S: 2S|: see, and bear, and know All I de • sired or k^ I -;^: fe£s S ES r — r- p=l*= :3; iS wished be - low; And ev - 'ry pow'r find sweet em - ploy In ::^ ^ tz:t=ti:t:=^: i Eztz: ^=^ y Slower. rit ^ «, « rif. r-^=^ ^=j=t tii j= ^d=bj ^ -jh-^j- ^ r ^ -1^' -T=^— i 1 e^ « that e - ter - ual world of joy. A - men, and a^ — - men, r-\ F — I 1 1 — l->«-r* F- ■ ifcit t_tr=— Plpi^i^^i INDEX. Titles in Capitals; First Lines in Roman. A CHARGE TO KEEP 249 A friend have I who ... 24 A LITTLE BIT OF LOVE ... 27 A SINNER M.\DE WHOLE . 52 A SINNER SAVED BY 173 A Stranger stands outside 126 Abide with me 223 Abiding love 91 Abiding presence 95 All hail, immanuel ... 8 All hail the power 203-5 All the earth shall . . 5 All the way my Savior 13 All to Jesus I surrender 139 Along the river of time 14 Amazing grace 264 Am I a soldier? 263 As I cling to the hand of 39 As the life boat may go 61 As the sunlight breaks . . 79 Ask what thou wilt .... 10 Assembled Lord in thy 83 Awake my soul in joyful 235 B Be a blessing Be thou our guide .... Beaulah land Behold, he comes Beautiful isle Blessed be the name .. Blessed Lord, send forth Blessing and honor . . . Blest be the tie that . Break thou the bread . Breathe upon us holy Bright hosts in the worlds Bring them in Bringing in the sheaves 92 20 177 15s 7^ 208 89 282 247 234 31 286 192 254 Calling the prodigal .. Can the Lord depend on Care for me Childhood, home and .. Christ arose Christ will me his aid . . Christmas carol Clinging close to his .. Come every soul by sin Come holy spirit C-omt home, come liumc Come thou almighty ..212 Come to our Father's . . 48 Come unto me 82 Come while God is calling 56 Come ye disconsolate ..240 Could T tetx tt t ? <; Count it all joy 30 Count your blessings . . 65 Dark the way and dreary 158 Departed friends where 147 Don't you want to go 141 Down at the cross where 206 Do you know sweet peace 43 Do you know the world 27 Draw me nearer 70 Draw nigh to God .... 81 Dreams of a land mine 36 Eternity is drawing near 138 Even me 272 Fade, fade, each earthly 202 Failing in strength when 17 Faith of our fathers ..167 Faith's prayer 9 Fill me now 163 Follow me 106 Following Jesus 90 For he careth for you 41 From over hill and plain 87 a Galilee 15^ Gathering beautiful ..102 Gathering to the home 146 Get you ready for the 138 Glorious fountain ....253 Glory to his name ....206 God is calling the prodigal 80 Gone from my heart ... 40 Good news 279 Grace enough for me . 64 Growing dearer each day 38 Growing up for Jesus .195 Guide me oh thou great 278 Had we only sunshine 179 Hallelujah, we shall 130 Happy praises 109 Hark, joyful news, the 135 Hark ten thousand ...281 Hark the song of Jubilee 289 Hark the voice of Jesus 210 Hark 'tis the Shepherd's 19^ Harvest song 164 Hear him calling 153 Hear the voice of Jesus 50 Heavenly Father Let me 103 Heaven is my home ....215 He is so precious to me 37 He knoweth the way . 12 He knows it all 51 Help somebody today ..108 High as the mountain . . 58 Higher ground 32 Holy, holy, holy 199 Hope enters within the 26 Hold up the grand old 76 Hosanna to the Savior's 35 Hover o'er me Holy 163 How sweet is his love 21 How sweet is the love of 38 How sweet the thought 33 1 I am a stranger here ... 96 I am coming Lord 244 I am coming to the 207, 21J I am drifting down the 73 I am happy in him 46 I am satisfied with Jesus 94 I am thine, O Lord .... 70 I am thinking today of 145 I AM trusting Lord in 213 I can hear my Savior . . 28 I dreamed one night not 191 I gave my life for thee 135 I have a song I love to 57 I have heard of a land 74 I hear thy Savior say ..246 I hear thy welcome voice 244 I HOPE TO meet you I37 I know my Heavenly ... 19 I know not the field .... 12 I lean my head on Jesus' 67 I LOVE HIM 40 I LOVE THY kingdom :.26S I LOVE TO GO TO II7 I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY 27I I love to think my Father 51 I met a stranger fair to 123 I must needs go home by 62 I NKED THLt tVLRV HOUR 100 I REMEMBER CALVARY ....IIJ INDEX I SURRENDER ALL i 39 \ 1 Stand all amazed 78 i I think God gives tlie ..190 I want to be more like . . 3 I WILL NOT FORGET THEE 1 6 I will sing of my 183 If I could tell of Jesus 115 If we're only faithful 18 If you would be set free 81 I'll be a sunbeam 189 I'll go where you want 182 I'll live for him 171 I'm but a stranger here 21'? I'm pressing on the .... 32 I'm saved by the blood 54 In a world where sorrow 159 In evil long I took ..258 In the cleft of the .. 58 In the judgment 107 In the cross of Christ 228 In the light of his love 114 In looking through my 64 In the resurrection 13'' Is he satisfied with me 94 It is love 29 It may not be on the ..182 It is wonderful love to 22 I've a message from my 214 I've reached the lar.d of 177 I've wandered far away 125 Jesus bids us shine 193 Jesus comes with power 120 Jesus, I my, Mozart ...211 Jesus I my cross, Richards 9° Jesus is able to save . . 47 Jesus is calling 84 Jesus lover of my ...238-9 Jesus loves me 194 Jesus paid it all 246 Jesus Savior pilot me 229 Jesus shall reign 237 Jesus the Savior is calling 84 Jesus trod the path before 88 Jesus wants me for a ..189 Jesus when he left the 197 Jesus will let you in . . 48 Joy to the world 277 Just a little nearer ..103 Just a word for Jesus 176 Just as I am 245 K Keep the heart singing 34 Land of the unsettinu 140 Lead, kindly light ....233 Lead mc dear Lord by . . 9 Lead me gently home 161 Leaning on the 11 Let every one who feels 4 Let him in 85 Let the song ring out 77 Like a chime of silver ..106 Little children, praise ,.196 Little ones like me ...197 Little sunbeams 190 Lo, in the grave he lay 165 Look all around you 108 Look and live, Showalter 50 Look and live, Haydn 214 Look to Jesus 243 Look the harvest field is 164. Lord I hear of showers 272 Lord, I'm coming home 125 Lord make me wise ....112 Love divine 209 Loving kindness 235 Loyalty to Christ .... 87 M Majestic sweetness ...200 JiIake me a blessing . . . 184 Master, the tempest is 172 May I BE faithful .... 15 More like Jesus 3 More like thee 119 More like the master 118 Must Jesus bear the 266 My bark is on a troubled 26 My faith looks up to 225 My father knows 19 My Jesus as thou wilt 232 My Jesus, I love thee .241 Mv hope is built on ....257 My life, my love I give 171 My redeemer 183 I^Iy soul be on thy ....248 My soul is so happy in 46 My talents are few ....127 Nearer my God to thee 216 Neath the King's 77 Now just a word for ..176 O beautiful banner for . 23 O beautiful, blue Galilee 152 O bliss of the purified ..250 O blissful state when we 41 O could I SPEAK the ..226 O FOR A thousand 2o8, 260-I O GIVE THANKS UNTO ..288 O God TO thee I pray ..44 O happy day 269 O how excellent 2S7 O how I LOVE Jesus ...259 O how oft my fancy ...is6» O IT IS wonderful .... 7S O Jesus thou art 222; O MAKE me WISE 112: O SING OF HIS MIGHTY ..250> O softly the spirit is ...184- O sweet is the story of 76* O THAT WILL BE GLORY .I36 O the blood of the Lamb 49 O think of the home ..273, O THOU God of my ....280- O THOU THAT HEAREST . . 6S O TURN YE, O TURN YE 242: O WELCOME REST 67 O WHAT A CHANGE 55 O wliat shall it profit ..ii6 O wonderful is Jesus' love 2Z O worship the King, . . r O j'c gospel heralds .... 99> On every side a voice I 121 On- Jordan's stormy ...274 On THE MOUNTAIN TOP .279) On the radiant threshold 20 On to the land of glory 162: Once the voice of Christ iio» Only a pilgrim here and 2 Only trust him 26S Onward Chris., Excell 9S Onward Chris., Sullivan 19S Our sainted dead 147 P Peace through the .... 56- Traise the Lord 196- Praise our great Redeemer 7 Praise ye the, Sweeney 6- Praise YE the, Sullivan 286' Praises, praises, happy 1091 Prepare thy God to ..121 Prodigal child 18S Ready for the judoment 33. Rejoice in the Lord ..285. Remember me 267 Repeat the story o'er ..129 Revive us again 270 Rock of ages 230 S Safe 45 Safely through 231 Salvation is 53 Saved by the elood 54 Savior, bless a little cliild 157 Savior, come abide with 91 Savior, like a shepherd 255 Savior, thy dying love . .ai7 Scatter sunshine 159 St.ND FORTH THV WORKERS 89 1 N DK X Send out the news .... get SllEPHERDi? ABIUI.NC IN ..134 Since I have been .... 57 So precious is Jesus .... 37 Softly and tenderly ..151 Some day I will reap ..14.2 Some happy day 142 Some one must struggle 185 Some sweet day I shall 140 Some where the sun is 72 Somebody did a golden ..66 Somebody knows 17 Somebody must 184 Something for Jesus ..217 Something for thee ..127 Songs in the night .... 69 Songs of the kingdom 2 Sowing in the morning 254 Sowing the seed by the 170 Speed the kingdom .... 4 Stand fast in his love 93 Stand up for Jesus ...220 Standing fast in Jesus ..105 Sweet by and by 218 Sweet is the promise . . 16 Sweet is the work ,..290 Sweet praise 7 Sweeter than all ....131 Sun of my soul 224 Sunshine and rain ....179 Sunshine bearer 158 Sunshine in the soul .181 Take Jesus for your . , 42 Take the name of Jesus 169 Tell the blessed story 75 Tell what Jesus does for 75 That beautiful land . . 74 The answering time .. 10 The beautiful banner 23 The best gift 43 The blood 49 The children's hosanna 191 Tlie Christmas time has 122 The conouering lion of 63 The fields are white to 168 The gate ajar 219 The golden shore .... 73 The government shall 128 The grand old P.ibi e .. 71 Tun great physician ..20: The half has never ..129 The heavenly home ...143 The hope of the world 61 The home over there 273 The king's business ... 96 The light of the 97 The man of galilee ...123 The Master has gone to 15 The morning light is 22) The Savior's smile .... 79 The slighted stranger 126 The solid rock 257 The song of triumph ..ioi The sons of God go . . . .275 The sure foundation . . 59 The victory may depend 187 The way of the cross 62 The wiloLE wide world 175 The wonderful story . 76 The wonderful cross .149 There is a fountain .252-3 There is a gate that ....219 There is a name I love 259 There is a wideness in 227 There is a work on . . . 1 1 1 There is pardon at the 133 There is something in my 29 There's a danger in the 186 There's a land that is ..218 There's a song in my .. 52 There's a stranger at the 85 There's sunshine in my 181 There stands a Rock ... 59 Thou abideth ever with 95 Through the shining gate 148 Through the land a call 187 Thy kingdom come ....174 Thy Word is a lamp . .276 To the briglit heavenly 143 To THE work 166 Touch not! taste not 186 Trust ye in the Lord 284 Trust ye in the mighty 2S3 Turn a new leaf fow ..124 Under the cross . . . L'nto Ziun, lovely ci'y 207 35 W Walking in the king's 104 Walking in the 160 Weak and unworthy ....173 We all must stand in ..107 We are going to glory, 146 We are marching on ....114 W'e are marching under loi We have an anchor ..180 We may lighten toil and 34 W^e praise thee O God 270 We shall reach the shore 18 We shall stand before 144 We will follow thee iio We're bound for glory ..104 What a blessing is his 25 AVhat a fellowship, what a 1 1 What shall it profit h6 What shall the harvest 170 When all my labors and 136 When I have reached the 137 When I survey, Woodb'y 236 When I survey, Excell 149 When love shines in ..i_'o When the clouds of .... 69 When the curtains are 132 When the roll is ....134 When the saints are ..148 \\'hen the storms of life 25 When thr trumpet of ..134 When troubled my soul 21 When upon life's billows 65 Where ,£E leads me ... 28 Where he, Showalter 88 Where he leads. Black 113 Where is my boy 150 \Miile shepherds watched 154 While we pray and while 178 White harvest fields i63 Whoever shall open his 47 Whom having not seen 24 Why not now? 178 Will there be any .... 145 Will your anchor hold ..180 Work, for the night is 256 Would you be a sunbeam? 92 Y Ye are the llglit of the 97 You MAY have the .... 6o You OUGHT TO know MY 86