FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF FRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY §;iu5 dtopl Iterjjjr, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library the g£P 23 1936 Gospel Liturgy ^m&wk CHURCHES, CONGREGATIONS, AXD FAMILIES. Prepared by direction of THE GENERAL CONVENTION OF UNIVERSALISTS. PHILADELPHIA: G. COLLINS, AllCII AND SIXTH STS. FOR SALE BY Abb. Tompkins and J. M. Usher, Boston, and at the Publication Offices of all Universalist Periodicals. 1857. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1857, by ABEL C. THOMAS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Printed by T. X. & P. G. Collins. STEREOTYPED BY L. JOIIN30N & CO. PHILADELPHIA. Orvplaiutonr preface. Liturgies, or formulas of worship, -were in use in the Jewish Church lung before the Christian era. We learn in the New Testament that John the Bap- tist taught his disciples to pray ; and no follower of the Saviour, however averse he may be to repetition, would be willing to abandon the Lord's Prayer. In the Christian Church, in the age of the apostles, the People responded Amen " at the giving of thanks," but the existence of a Liturgy cannot be affirmed. The gifts of the day of Pentecost may have set aside all other helps, for the time being ; yet forms of worship were introduced at an early date, and gradually passed into universal authority. Marked changes, in doctrine and in ritual, were ef- fected by the Reformation ; but Liturgies, prepared and adopted by the Reformers, are still in use, with some modifications ; and they seem to be increasing in favor. Reason and Value of a Liturgy. Hymns and music are arranged beforehand fur united worship : Why should the like preparation be denied to prayers? Shall the Congregation submit all praising to the Choir, and all praying to the Minister ? If congregational singing be approved, (with or with- out the aid of a choir,) a large variety of tunes would seem to be undesirable. Why should not the same hymns be sung, and in the same melodies or harmonies, frum generation to generation ? And why should not the reason of the case be equally applicable to prayers ? Sermons are addressed to the People, and cannot be too widely instructive. Prayers and praises are ad- dressed to the Supreme Being. The mercies of the good Father, though always new, are the same yester- day, to-day, and for ever. The needs, sympathies, 1* 5 EXPLANATORY PREFACE. and obligations of His children, continually suggest the same "supplications, intercessions, and giving of thanks." There is little variety in extemporaneous prayer, even with persons who are said to be " gifted" in that way. Only by preparatory study can sameness be avoided, and variety will still be rather in the language than in the sentiment. The value of a Liturgy is not in novelty, but in familiarity. The words of a prayer, if fitly chosen — a prayerful "form of sound words" — may in some sort be the ark of the covenant, containing the hidden manna and the budding rod. It is indeed the spirit that quickeneth ; yet formulas of worship, though cold and dead when considered only in the letter, may awaken the soul into the life of devotion. There was power in the bones of a prophet, 2 Kings xiii. 20, 21. Order of Public Worship. There are eight formulas in this Book. If the first four be regarded as the Order of Morning Prayer, the last four may be accepted as the Order of Evening Prayer : Yet there is nothing in any one of the series which should restrict it to morning or evening. In the first four, certain passages (printed in italic) are set forth as responses by the Congregation. These are in sufficient number, perhaps, to secure attention, and to promote a feeling of common interest. To ac- commodate such (if there be any) as object to responses, the last four formulas are without this provision, except- ing in the introduction. It may also be observed, that the passages printed in italic are parts of the general prayer, and should not be omitted by the Minister. In responding, (if so it may be called,) the People simply join him in the passages referred to. — All responses, including Amen, should be uttered in a distinct, audible, yet subdued voice. EXPLANATORY PREFACE. Intent of this Liturgy. These formulas are merely helps — and helps to such persons only as may be inclined to use them, in whole or in part, statedly or occasionally. Many Christian people do not observe the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. As in relation to these rites, so in relation to all forms of prayer, " let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind," and regard the lesson of Romans xiv. The Minister may shorten the Order of "Worship by omitting the introductory service ; also the sentences or paragraphs [enclosed in brackets.] Nor is extem- poraneous prayer excluded : He may omit the general prayer and substitute one of his own. Excepting for Anniversaries, and for Schools and Families, Scripture Lessons are not noted. Selections from the Bible are at the discretion of the Minister. The instructions printed in connection with all the forms are so clear, that only a little attention is needed to make every thing perfectly plain. Blessed be the name of the Lord, for the strength, and time, and patience, required in the preparation of this Gospel Liturgy. Would it were more worthy the heavenly aims of devotion and love ! The prayers and the praises herein presented, will be the prayers and the praises of all who shall find in them an expression of their own meditations and feel- ings : The book itself being reverently dedicated to the worship of God our Father, and held forth in memory of our Lord Jesus Christ. a. c. t. $nh£ at Cjonttnts, Beginning of the Year 70 Day of Fasting 71 John the Baptist 72 Thanksgiving Day 73 Treaty of Peace 75 Landing of the Pilgrims.... 7 6 Ending of the Year 77 Explanatory Preface Pages 5 to 7 Silent Prayers on entering a Church 13, 14 Order of Public Worship, No. I. to No. VIII. 15 to 59 Prayers after Sermon 60 to 62 Anniversaries, Formulas for 63 to 77 Christmas Day 63 Advent Sunday 64 Transfiguration Co Good Friday 06 Easter Sunday 07 Ascension Sunday 68 Whitsunday 69 National Festivals : February 22 78 | Fourth of July 79 Selections of Psalms, and Miscellaneous 82 Sunday-Schools and Families 128 Meetings of Sunday-School Teachers 136 Associations and Conventions, &c 138 Morning Family Worship 141 Occasional Collects 146 | At the Table 149 Evening Family Prayers 151 Special Prayers at Sea 159 Ceremonial of Marriage 162 Dedication of Children 164 Christian Fellowship 166 Order of the Communion Service 170 First Formula 170 | Second Formula 176 Dedication of a Church 180 Ordination and Installation 184 Prayers for the Sick 188 Prayers by the Sick 191 Burial of the Dead 200 Service at the House 200 | At the Grave 209 Dedication of a Cemetery 211 Hymns of Christian Devotion 215 8 ORDER OF ANNIVERSARIES. TABLE OF EASTER. Easter-Day is always the first Sunday after the full moon which hap- pens on, or next after, the twenty-first day of March ; and if the full moon happen on a Sunday, Easter-Day is the Sunday after. 1857 April 12 1865 April 16 1873 April 13 1858 " 4 1866 « 1 1874 « 5 1859 " 24 1867 " 21 1875 March 28 1S60 " 8 1868 " 12 1876 April 16 1861 March 31 1869 March 28 1877 " 1 1862 April 20 1870 Aprill7 1878 " 21 1863 " 5 1871 " 9 1879 " 13 1864 March 27 1872 March 31 1880 March 28 Ascension Sunday is the sixth Sunday after Easter, and Whitsunday (or Pentecost) is the seventh. Advent Sunday, as generally noted, is also a movable Feast. If a day certain be preferred, let it be the first Sun- day in December. In all Anniversaries, it is rather the event than the time, wo seek to commemorate. For which reason, several of the following, if falling upon a weekday, may be observed on the Sunday before or after. No. 10 is set down for the first Sunday in September; and No. 12 for the second Sunday in November. If a Day of Thanksgiving be not ap- pointed by the civil authority, let it be observed on the third Thursday in November. ORDER OF THE 1 Beginning of the Year 70 2 February Twenty-second 78 3 Day of Fasting 71 4 Good Friday 66 5 Easter Sunday 67 6 Ascension Sunday 68 7 "Whitsunday 69 8 John Baptist, June 24 72 ANNIVERSARIES. 9 Fourth of July 79 10 Transfiguration 65 11 Thanksgiving Day 73 12 Treaty of Peace 75 13 Advent Sunday 64 14 The Pilgrims, Dec. 20 76 15 Christmas Day 63 16 Ending of the Year 77 ORDER OF THE nYMNS. 1 Sabbath "Worship, including general praise. 2 Divine Providence. 3 Trust in the Lord. 4 Holy Scriptures. 5 Gospel of Christ. 6 Aspira- tions and Virtues. 7 Affliction and Consolation. 8 Occasional Hymns. 9 Closing Hymns. Few strictly occasional hymns have been inserted, for the reason that the dedication of a church, for example, is of comparatively rare occur- rence, and numerous hymns of worship are suitable fur such an occa- sion. Nearly all hymns, relating to the ministry of Christ, would bo in place at the Communion; And many which treat of the divine govern- ment, may fitly be used at funerals. into* at % f pits. Acquaint thee, mortal..HrMN 251 Affliction is a stormy deep 201 Affliction's faded form draws.... 200 Again the lord of life and light 6 All hail the power of Jesus' 92 Almighty and immortal King... 80 Almighty Father, gracious Lord 34 Almighty Father, gracious P .... 254 Almighty Maker, God 58 All nature feels attractive 191 Approach not the altar 61 As the sweet flower that 207 Author of good, we rest on 180 Awake, my soul, in joyful 122 Awake, my soul, stretch every . 175 Awake the song that gave to ... 94 Before Jehovah's awful throne . 15 Behold, the grace appears 99 Behold the lofty sky 85 Behold the long-expected Light 133 Behold the morning sun 83 Behold, the Prince of Peace 101 Be thou exalted, O my God 21 Be thou, O God, exalted high... 9 Blest is the man who fears 194 Borne on the ocean's stormy .... 77 Bread of heaven, on thee we.... 228 Bright Star of Hope 74 By faith may Jesus dwell 107 Calm on the bosom of thy 208 Children of the heavenly King. 78 Come, all ye weary, fainting.... 106 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly.... 154 Come in, thou blessed of tho.... 224 Come, let us join our cheerful... Ill Come, sound his praise abroad.. 8 Come, thou fount of every 132 Come, ye who love the Lord 167 Bay by day the manna fell 46 Beem not that they are blessed 202 10 Eat, drink, in memory.... Hymn 227 Eternal life, how sweet the 170 Eternal source of every joy 242 Eternal source of life and light. 258 Eternal source of life and 257 Faith, hope, and charity 182 Far from mortal cares 181 Father, adored in worlds above. 37 Father and Friend, thy light... 39 Father of all, whoso cares 65 Father of Lights, we sing thy... 41 For thee, O God, our constant... 3 From all that dwell below 248 From every stormy wind that... 121 From the holy mount above 108 From tribulation's gloomy vale. 217 Give to the winds thy fears 52 Give us room, that we may 139 God guard the poor 190 God in his temple let us meet... 2 God is Love: his mercy 35 God moves in a mysterious way 38 God of mercy, do thou never ... 245 God of our lives, thy 238 Grace, 'tis a charming sound.... 127 Great God, attend while Zion... 14 Great God, at whose 239 Great God, how infinite art 45 Great God of grace, arise and.... 161 Great God, whose all-pervading 169 Great God, whose universal 143 Great ruler of all nature's 56 Hail to the Sabbath-day 22 Hail, sweetest, dearest tie 233 Happy the heart, where 193 Happy the meek, whose 174 Hark, the glad sound, the 113 Hark, the song of jubilee 147 Hark, 'tis the prophet of the ... 89 Hark, what mean those 88 Hasten, Lord, the glorious 144 INDEX OF HYMNS. 11 Heaven is here. Its Hymn 178 He dies, the Friend of sinners.. 114 High in the heavens, eternal.... 29 Holy, holy, holy Lord 10 How beauteous are their feet ... 130 How blest thy creature is, 0.... 98 How gracious the promise IIS How happy is he born or 170 How precious is the book 87 How rich thy favors, God of..... 47 How sweetly flowed the gospel's 112 Hushed be the battle's fearful .. 185 Imposture shrinks from light... 54 In darkness as in light 42 In God's eternity 138 In the cross of Christ I glory... 198 In the glad morn of life 243 In trouble and in grief, 203 In thy courts, let peace be 28 I sing the gospel day 146 I eing the mighty power of God 59 Jehovah, God, thy gracious 44 Jesus, lover of my 60ul 109 Jesus shall reign where'er 125 Join all the glorious names 102 Joined in a union firm and 23G Joy to the world! the Lord is... 90 Joy to the earth ! the Prince of 91 Lamp of our feet, whose 84 Let deepest silence all around... 155 Let everlasting glories crown... 95 Let every mortal ear attend 126 Let us adore the grace that 232 Life is a span, a fleeting 215 Like morning, when the early.. 166 Like shadows gliding o"er the... 211 Lo, God is here ! let us adore.... 5 Lord, bring me to resign 152 Lord, dismiss us with thy 253 Lord, I believe : Thy power I... 73 Lord in heaven, thy dwelling ... 30 Lord of the worlds above 18 Lord, thou hast searched and... 43 Lord, when thy people Beet 12 Love divine, all love excelling... 17 Love is the strongest tie 163 Lo, what a glorious sight 128 Mark how the swift Hymn 244 Mark the soft-falling snow 137 Mediator, Son of God 105 Mighty God, while angels bless 55 Mighty One, before whose face.. 235 My Father, cheering name 48 My God, the spring of all my... 188 My God, what silken cords are. 131 My Maker and my King 50 My soul, be on thy guard 165 My soul, praise the Lord 66 My spirit longs its rest to 186 Not with terror do we meet 225 Now begin the heavenly theme. 97 Now, Lord, the heavenly seed ... 256 Now may He who from the 222 Now we are met from 234 O all ye people, clap your hands 53 O bless the Lord of Life, who ... 96 O blest are they who feel 140 O come, and adore him, come ... 250 O come, loud anthems let us 23 O for a closer walk with God.... 159 O for a faith that will not 76 O for a thousand tongues to 136 OGod, thou art my God 196 O God, whose presence glows ... 11 O happy is the man who 177 O help us. Lord. Each 197 O may our sympathizing 192 Omniscient God, 'tis thine to.... 168 Once more, O Lord, let 255 On light-beams, breaking 68 O praise ye the Lord, prepare... 62 O sweet as heavenly music 110 O stay thy tears, for they 209 O the delights, the heavenly 134 O thou, at whose almighty 184 O thou, enthroned in worlds 70 O thou to whom all creatures... 27 O thou to whom in ancient 221 O thou who driest the 199 O thou who hast at thy 158 O thou who in mournin 5 119 O thou who on thy chosen 220 thon whose own vast 219 thou whose scales the 172 12 INDEX OF HYMNS. Our heavenly Father Hymn 229 Our life, advancing to its 246 who shall see the glorious 145 Zion, tune thy voice 252 Part in peace! Is day before... 249 Pastor, thou art from us taken. 212 People of the living God 230 Praise the Lord, by whose 261 Praise the Lord, ye heavens 24 Praise to God, immortal praise. 240 Praise to thee, thou great 25 Praise ye the Lord, around 19 Prayer is the soul's sincere 153 Raise your triumphant songs... 123 Remark, my soul, the narrow .. 237 Salvation, the joyful sound ... 142 See how great a flame aspires... 141 Shine forth, eternal source of... 171 Since all the varying scenes 189 Sing to the Lord, ye distant 100 Sister, thou wast mild and 214 Songs of immortal praise 67 Songs of praise the angels sang 60 Spirit, leave thy house of clay.. 216 Supreme and universal light.... 173 Sweet is the friendly voice 187 Swell the anthem, raise the 241 The bird let loose in eastern 150 The glories, Lord, thy works.... 32 The heaven of heavens cannot.. 71 Tbe heavens declare thy glory.. 82 The living waters flow 129 The Lord descended from above 16 The Lord is our Shepherd 64 The Lord our God is clothed 36 The new-born world, immersed 93 The Prince of Peace is come 103 There is a floAver, a holy one .... 75 There is a hope, a blessed hope. 79 There is a land of pure delight. 81 There is a land where 213 There is a pure and peaceful .... 120 There is a Sabbath rest 7 There is a stream, whose. Hymn 157 The Saviour gently calls 231 They who seek the throne 195 Thou art, O God, the life 63 Thou art the Way. To thee .... 104 Thou gavest, and we yield 210 Thou God of Truth, if we 260 Through every age, eternal 204 Thus saith the first and great... 162 Thus saith the Lord, who 135 Thus shalt thou love the 164 Thy goodness, Lord, our 57 Thy gracious aid, O Lord 259 Thy kingdom come! All 149 Thy presence, ever4iving God... 247 Thy ways, O Lord, with wise ... 31 Thy will be done ! In devious.. 151 'Tis by the faith of joys 72 'Tis finished ! So the Saviour... 115 To God our Creator, our 20 Upon the gospel's sacred page... 124 Vital spark of heavenly.., 205 "Wait, O my soul, thy Maker's... 51 We bid thee welcome in the 223 Welcome, sweet day of rest 4 What glory gilds the sacred 86 When all thy mercies, O my .... 40 When as returns this solemn ... 1 When before thy throne we 26 When Christ among the sons of 183 When I can read my title 49 When Jesus, our great Master.. 100 When marshalled on tho 116 Wherefore should man, frail 179 While God my Father's near C9 While thee I seek, protecting... 156 Whilst far and wide thy 33 Who shall toward thy chosen ... 148 Why do we mourn departing... 218 Why should wo weep and 206 With one consent let all tho 13 Ye followers of the Prince 226 Ye servants of Christ 117 %\t (DosjjcI fitegj. The first thought, on entering a place of worship, should be this:— "The Lord is in His holy temple: Let all the earth keep silence before IlrM,"'" Hab. ii. 20. Being seated, it is befitting to bow the head in hum- ble reverence of the High and Holy One. Let every worshipper com- mune with his own heart, and be still. He may also silently read one or more of the following Sentences of Prayer, as an aid to meditation. pOD OYER ALL, blessed for ever: While the VX thought of Thy continual goodness awakens within me the rejoicing of praise, may a sense of my infirmity subdue me into the humility of prayer. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Father of Mercies, in whom is the Fountain of Life and Light : All I have of blessing is the gift of Thy goodness: All I am of goodness is the work of Thy grace. Make me sensible, Lord, that the more I confide in Thee, the more I honor Thee ; and that the greater will be my peace, the closer and more trust- fully I walk by Thy side. Father Almighty, who dost govern all things in heaven and in earth : Let the light of Thy holy word so shine into my thoughts, that my soul may find the peace which passeth all understanding ; and do Thou so move my dull heart by the spirit of devotion, that my life may continually show forth Thy praise. Source and End of all being : May my first thoughts, and my last thoughts, be of Thee; and while I hear Thy word, and rejoice that Thy testimonies are very sure, may I feel and know that holiness becometh Thy people, and Thy house, fur ever. 2 13 14 SILENT PRAYERS. Lord our Saltation, without whom nothing is strong and nothing is holy: Help me to discern how worthy Thou art to be adored, and how greatly I need Thy continual help, that my life may be dedicated to perpetual love and worship. Father of All, who art more glorious than the hea- vens Thou hast made : As in the world, yet not of the world, may I feel the glow of Thy blessed presence, and know that though I be not come unto Thy king- dom, Thy kingdom has come unto me. How amiable are Thy tabernacles, Lord of Hosts ! Through fellowship with visible worshippers, may my heart find invisible communion with Thee. And while my sympathies are awakened in behalf of the souls of others, may I carefully look to the concerns of my own. Merciful Father, who art the Helper of all who truly seek Thee: Give me the hearing ear and the believing heart, that the instructions and devotions of this day, may be a means of strength and guidance to my spirit, keeping me ever in Thy fear and love. Most Holy God, in whom all goodness dwells, and from whom all blessings flow: May Thy people ever dwell together in unity, and all nations flow to the temple of Thy praise, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Lord's Prayer. Our Father who art in Heaven : Hallowed be Thy name : Thy kingdom come : Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen ©tier of |lubltc ffim\i$. FIRST. f After a Hymn, the Congregation -will rise, and join the Minister in the following, in verses alternately. Another Selection may be substituted. ► "TTTIIOSO offercth praise, glorifieth me, saith the ' V Lord ; and to him who ordereth his conversa- tion aright, will I show the salvation of God. We praise Thee, God ; we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship Thee, the Father ever- lasting. To Thee all angels cry aloud; the heavens, and all the powers therein. To Thee, cherubim and seraphim continually do cry, *Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sab-aoth! Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of Thy glory. The glorious company of the Apostles praise Thee. The noble army of Martyrs praise Thee. The holy Church throughout all the world doth acknowledge Thee, the Father of an infinite majesty: Also Thine anointed and honorable Son, and the Holy Ghost the Comforter. God, the King of Glory ! help Thy servants, whom Thou hast redeemed by the hand of Thy mighty power : Make them to be numbered with Thy saints, in glory everlasting. Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thy heritage : Govern them, and lift them up for ever. Day by day we magnify Thee ; and we worship Thy name, ever, world without end. Vouchsafe, Lord, to keep us this day without sin. Let Thy mercy be upon us : All our trust is in Thee. Lord, in Thee have I trusted: Let me never be confounded. lb 16 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [i [let us pray.] FATHER OF SPIRITS, whom truly to know is eter- nal life, whose service is perfect freedom: Grant us Thy heavenly grace, that we may thoughtfully honor the revelation from on high ; and do Thou so quicken us into the inner life of Thy holy word, that our faith may be centred in Thine infinite and everlasting love. % All unite in the Lord's Prayer. <[ Reading the Scriptures. A Hymn. After which, one or more of the following Sentences may introduce the Exhortation. Isaiah lxvi. 1, 2. THUS saith the Lord : The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool : where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all these things my hand hath made, and all these things are mine, saith the Lord : but such an one will I regard, even him that is humble and of a contrite spirit, and that revereth my word. Micah vi. 6-8. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God ? Shall I come before Him with burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old ? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil?. ...He hath shewed thee, man, what is good ; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ? John iv. 23, 24. Thus saith the Lord our Redeemer : The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit, and they who worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Rev. xxi. 3, 4. Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them.. ..And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain ; for the former things are passed away. I] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 17 % The Exhortation. DEARLY BELOVED BRETHREN: Whoso shall draw nigh unto the Lord in the spirit of devo- tion, will feel that all visible things are consecrated by the invisible Presence ; and the true soul will ex- claim, How solemn is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and the gate of heaven ! It is seemly and just that we, who live, and move, and have our being in Him, should adore and worship Him, with lips never silent and heart never dumb ; and especially is it meet so to do, when we assemble, as now, to unite in remembrance of His goodness and mercy. Wherefore I beseech you, as many as are here pre- sent, to accompany me, with an humble and contrite spirit, to the throne of the heavenly grace. [let us pray. J EVEK- LIVING GOD, who art the light of every mind that seeks Thee, the life of every heart that loves Thee : Deepen within us the assurance of Thy loving-kindness, that' we may come unto Thee in the rejoicing of praise : quicken us into a sense of our frailties, that our souls may bow in the humility of prayer. Thou art ever calling us away from passion, and pride, and w^orldliness, into communion with Thee; and solemn thoughts come to us, as ministering spirits, breathing the adoring prophecy, Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name! for Thou only art holy. Let the hand of Thy mercy be upon us, that we may never be deaf to the voice of Thy call- ing, nor hardened against divine aspirations; 2* 18 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [i and do Thou awaken us, in this hour of wor- ship, to remember how often we have forgotten Thee. Thy loving-kindness, filling the heaven of heavens with Thy blessing, has overflowed into all the earth ; yet how little have we done in memory of Thy goodness, and how much of duty have we left undone ! Make us sensible, O our God, how often we turn away from the light, and how far we walk in our own shadow, and how justly every mouth might be stopped, — for all have sinned, and come short of Thy glory. We have sinned against heaven, and in TJiy sight, and are no more worthy to be called Thy children : Yet Thou, O Lord, art ever worthy to be called Our Father. Though Thy children glo- rify Thee not, neither remember Thee, Thou dost ever glorify Thyself by remembering them; and Thine infinite worthiness, making sin ex- ceeding sinful, is both the condemnation and the hope of the world. Though for a small mo- ment Thy face be hidden, everlasting kindness is above the cloud of wrath, and the redemption of the lost is the memorial of Thy praise. the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out ! For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things, to whom be glory for ever. Amen. I ] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 19 Tf Intercession for All. FATHER OF ALL, who art the Father of Mercies : Enable us sincerely and heartily to pray for all : For the President of the United States, and all others in authority, that they may seek the honor which cometh only from Thee: For all sincere worshippers, that they may see Thy glory in the face of the Redeemer, and know him to be the Way, and the Truth, and the Life : For the unbelieving and the heedless, that a living coal from the altar may touch their lips, and refine their souls into glowing love : For the corrupt and the selfish, that the rod of judgment may become the staff of Thy mer- ciful help : For the afflicted and the oppressed, that they may be comforted and redeemed, and come up out of great tribulation with robes whiter than snow : And for all men, everywhere, that they may be brought to that knowledge of Thee which is eternal life, and evermore glorify Thy holy name. Thou art worthy, Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power, for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are, and were created. Grant, we beseech Thee, that the prayers we offer in behalf of others, may be returned into our own bosoms, creating us anew in righteous- ness and true holiness. 20 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [i Forbid that the meditations of this day should disappear as the early dew, leaving us no better than we were; but do Thou give them power, as the early and the latter rain, that our lives may be fruitful in every good work. Let not the inspiring thought of Thy good- ness, and of our exalted destiny, sink down into the dust, to be defiled by base desires; but may it be to us as the burning bush, hal- lowing the ground we tread, and shining along our path as the day-spring from on high. God be merciful unto us, and lead us in the way everlasting. Tf Thanksgiving. FATHEK ALMIGHTY, in whom is fulness of blessing : We magnify Thee for the rea- son that beholds the Creator in the creation, and wisdom in all Thy works; for the faith that sees the Giver in the gift, and goodness in all Thy ways; and for the devotion that cries aloud, Lord our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! But especially do we praise Thee for the gos- pel and ministry, the spirit and power, the life and the victory, of Thine anointed Son. We give Thee hearty thanks that the means of grace are in the hope of glory, and that the humanities of this life, may rejoice in the di- vinity of the life to come. Hope of Israel, our Saviour in the time II ] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 21 of trouble : Why shouldst Thou be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turn- eth aside to tarry for a night ! Evermore abide with us, that we may endure as seeing Him who is invisible; and of Thy great mercy, bring us at last into the light that shall never be dim, in the world that knows no sorrow, to join the universal eulogium, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him who sitteth upon the throne } and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen. ^ Hymn. The Sermon. Prayer. Hymn. Benediction. THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, evermore. Amen. (Dritr at pblic ffanft. SECOND. fl After a Hymn, the Congregation will rise, and join the Minister in the following, in verses alternately. Another Selection may be substituted. ALL the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee : For the kingdom is the Lord's, and He is the Go- vernor among the nations. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth, Lord: let them lead us to Thy holy hill, and to Thy tabernacle, even unto God our exceeding joy. Thou wilt show us the path of life : in Thy presenco 22 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [il is fulness of joy : at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heavens, and Thy faithfulness is above the clouds. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains: Thy judgments are a great deep. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, Goo ! There- fore the children of men put their trust under the sha- dow of Thy wings. They shall be abundantly satisfied with the blessing of Thy house ; and Thou shalt make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life : in Thy light shall we see light. Thy mercy, Lord, endureth for ever, and Thy memorial throughout all generations. We will bless the Lord from this time forth, and for evermore. Whom have we in heaven but Thee f And there is none upon earth that we desire beside Thee. [LET US PRAT.] TMTIIER OF MERCIES, who through Thy Son our _L Redeemer hast shown unto us the path of life : We beseech Thee to direct us by Thy spirit, that we may give earnest heed to Thy holy word ; and grant, blessed Lord, that we may so receive, believe, and keep it, as to find the righteousness, and peace and joy of the king- dom of heaven. fl All unite in the Lord's Prayer. TT Reading- the Scriptures. A Hymn. After which, one or more of the following Sentences may introduce the Exhortation. Gen. iv. 7. Acts x. 34, 35. IF thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted ? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.. ..Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh right- eousness, is accepted with Him. II ] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 23 Jeremiah ix. 23, 24. Thus saith the Lord : Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rieh man glory in his riches : But let him that glorieth, glory in this, that he under- standeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord who doth exercise loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord. Isaiah lv. 7-9. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts ; and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him ; and to our God, for lie will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the hea- vens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 2 Cor. vi. 2. Job xxii. 21, 22. Thus saith the Lord : I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succored thee. Behold, now is the accepted time ; behold, now is the day of salvation. ...Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace : thereby good shall come unto thee. Keceive, I pray thee, the law from His niouth, and lay up His words in thy heart. % The Exhortation. BELOVED IN THE LORD: It becometh all who are conscious of infirmity, to strive fbr the humility which enters the kingdom of heaven through watchful ness and prayer. And though always, in privacy or in silent commu- nion, we should draw nigh unto Him who pardoneth freely and rcwardeth openly, yet also should we openly acknowledge Him who hideth us in the secrecy of His merciful presence. Wherefore I beseech you, as many as are here pre- sent, to accompany me, with an humble and contrite spirit, to the throne of the heavenly grace. 24 ORDER OF AY OR SHIP. [ II [let us pray.] ALL -SEEING GOD, who dwellest in the midst of light, in whose holy presence even the angels are veiled : We praise Thee that the justice which condemns, is magnified by the mercy which redeems, and that all Thy perfections meet and are glorified in Thine in- finite and everlasting love. We praise Thee that Thy law is honored in the earth, by many souls in generous senti- ments, by many lives in noble deeds, and that the Church of the Eedeemer is enlarging the triumph of righteousness and charity. We praise Thee for the prophecy that the kingdoms of this world shall become the king- dom of the Lord and of his Christ ; and most heartily we pray, Thy kingdom come, Lord our God. Look down from heaven, O Lord, and be- hold from the habitation of Thy holiness and of Thy glory : The dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty. Thou lookest for justice — but, behold ! oppression : for righteousness — but, behold ! a cry. We believe in Thee, O Lord, and trust Thou wilt compass us with songs of deliverance. Thou doest all things well, and makest all things work together for good to them that love Thee; yet the voice ever goeth up from Thine altar, How long, O Lord, holy and true ? Thou hast put the times and the seasons in Thine own power, and we know not what we II ] ORDER OF W OR SUIT. should pray for as we ought; but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us, with yearn- ings which cannot be uttered. Bow down Thine ear, Lord, and hearken to our prayer. ft Supplication. OLET the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, and all desires and thoughts which are alien to Christ, perish from the land. From unreasonable and wicked men, and from the throne of iniquity that frame th mis- chief by a law, Good Lord, deliver us. From principalities and powers which are not subject to Thee — from the rulers of the darkness of this world — and from spiritual wickedness in high places, Good Lord, deliver vs. Thy kingdom, O Lord, is established in righteousness : Let Thy deliverance begin in our own hearts, and Thy judgment at the house of God. From doubt or denial of Thy righteous go- vernment — from the carnal mind, which is enmity against Thee — from the delusions of selfishness, from the coldness of indifference, and from a dead faith, Mercifully deliver us, Lord our Redeemer. Revive Thy work in our midst, by awaken- ing us to a sense of religion personal to our- selves. Open Thou our ears, that we may hear the sweet music of Thy voice, for ever sound- 26 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [il ing in all Thy works. Open Thou our eyes into undimmed vision of the beauty of holiness, that our souls may feel its renewing power. Breathe upon oar faith, that it may become a quickening spirit, and upon our hope, that it may become a living trust. May Thy holy word be within us as the ever-burning fire on the altar of old, and our speech continually glow with refining and ennobling thoughts. Help us to honor Thee in all the duties of life. Not slothful in business, may we be fer- vent in spirit, serving the Lord. May our homes be sanctuaries of peace and good-will, opening into the kingdom of heaven, and the angels pass through our hearts in their mission of sympathy and charity. Deliver us, O Lord, from the sin and woe of striving against Thee. Save us, we beseech Thee, from laying up sorrow against a cloudy and bitter day ; and in the darkest night of our experience, and in the dark valley, may we walk in the starlight of Thy presence, and feel our supplication transformed into a psalm of praise. Hear us, Lord, and have mercy upon us: Lord, be Thou our Helper. ^T Thanksgiving. THOU art, O God, the fountain of light and life, and gratitude traces every stream of happiness to its source in Thee. All that memory testifies, of joy experienced or affliction sanctified, and all the mercies set II ] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 27 forth in Thy hopeful and helpful promise, meet in this hour of devotion, to exalt our souls into thankfulness and praise. give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endurethfor ever. Thou hast called upon us to love Thee with all the heart and mind; yet who are we, that Thou shouldst seek to win the regard of all our powers ! and what are we, that Thou shouldst desire or accept our love at all ! We praise Thee for having made every thing beautiful in its time, and for all things bountiful in our time of need. We bless Thee for reason and conscience, for the generosities and joys of social life, for free- dom of worship, and for the liberties of the land. Above all, we adore Thee for the merciful mission of Thy beloved Son, for the means of grace, for light in darkness, for strength in weakness, for comfort in sorrow, and for the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith in the Redeemer's triumph over death and hell. Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. r Hymn. The Sermon. Prayer. Hymn. Benediction. TIIE peace of God, which passeth all under- standing, keep your hearts and minds, through Jesus Christ, for evermore. Amen. ©rte at l»Mk SRonft. THIRD. % After a Hymn, the Congregation will rise, and join the Minister in the following, in verses alternately. Another Selection may be substituted. THE Lord reigneth : let the people tremble : Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. He maketh darkness His secret place: His pavilion round about Iliin is dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. He maketh the clouds His chariot, the winds His messengers, and His ministers a naming fire. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: He heard my voice out of His holy temple, and my cry came before Him. He bowed the heavens also, and came down, and darkness was under His feet. Bless the Lord, my soul ! Lord my God, Thou art exceeding glorious: Thou art clothed with honor and majesty. Thou coverest Thyself with light as with a garment, and spreadest out the heavens like a curtain. To the merciful Thou showest Thyself merciful, and righteous to the upright : To the pure Thou wilt appear pure, and wrathful to the fro ward. Let my sentence come forth from Thy presence, Lord. As for me, I will behold Thy face in righteousness : I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness. Show Thy marvellous loving-kindness, Lord : Guard me as the apple of the eye : Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings. — The Lord reigneth: let the earth rejoice: Let the multitude of isles be glad thereof. Clouds and dark- 28 Ill] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 29 ness are round about Him: Righteousness and judg- ment are the habitation of His throne : Mercy and truth shall go before His face. Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound. They shall walk, Lord, in the light of Thy counte- nance. In Thy name shall they rejoice all the day, and in Thy righteousness shall they be exalted. Alleluia ! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. [let us pray.] "FATHER OF LIGHTS, whose promise of blessing is Jj established in the purpose of Thy grace : Open to our meditations the glory of Thy truth, that our hearts may be opened to the fulness of Thy love ; and grant, we beseech Thee, that all who seek Thy presence in the communion of prayer, may find Thy peace in the fellowship of praise. r All unite in the Lord's Prayer. \ Reading the Scriptures. A Hymn. After -which, one or more of the following Sentences may introduce the Exhortation. Matthew xxii. 37-40. THOU shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Romans xii. 1, 2. I beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, accept- able unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 1 John i. 8, 9. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous. 3* 30 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [in Hebrews viii. 10, 12. This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel, after those days, saith the Lord : I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts. And I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people.... for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. If The Exhortation. BRETHREN, AND CHRISTIAN FRIENDS: An assurance of the presence and mercy of the good Father of All, maketh even the wilderness and solitary places glad, and whoso, though alone, shall silently commune with his own heart, and with the Lord, will find grace to help in time of need ; yet are we admo- nished not to forsake the assembling of ourselves toge- ther, as the manner of some is. And forasmuch as the fellowship of two or three dis- ciples hath the promise of a blessing, I beseech you, as many as are here present, to accompany me, with an humble and contrite spirit, to the throne of the heavenly grace. [let fs PRAV.] FATHEE ALMIGHTY, Thou who dwellest in the high and holy place, with him also who is of an humble and contrite spirit : En- able us to come before Thee in the lowliness of worship, seeking the blessing of Thy merciful presence. Forbid, O Lord, that we should acknowledge unworthiness that we do not feel; yet deliver us, we beseech Thee, from self-delusion, and quicken us into solemn thoughts of what we should be, and of what we are, that we may see how far we have folloAved the devices of our Ill] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 31 own hearts, and how often we have forsaken our own mercy. We have erred and strayed from Thy ways, and offended against Thy holy laws: Yet Thy loving-kindness has followed us in all our wanderings, and memories of Thy good- ness, and of peace of mind, have mourned along our darkened path. Deep calleth unto deep in all Thy works, and awful appeals are in the judgments of Thy hand; but mightier is the still small voice that implores us to call upon Thee: God, make clean our hearts, and renew a right spirit within us. How shall we thank Thee, O our God, for the fountain of cleansing in the gospel of Thy grace ! Thou art Thyself the fountain of living waters, opened to us through the channel of Christ the Eock — opened also in every true and believing heart, — and the well of water, springing up into everlasting life, overflows into the river of salvation, widening into the shoreless ocean of Thy love. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, for a gospel that knows no measuring-reed; yet while we rejoice in the vision of faith, may we deeply and reli- giously feel that it is not a dream. Make us sensible of its sublime realities and redeeming power, that we may worthily adore Thee, in purity of heart and righteousness of life. Let Thy loving-kindness and Thy truth con- tinually preserve us: All our springs are in Thee. 32 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [ill ^[ Intercession for All. EYEE- LIVING FATHEK, who in Thy holy word hast taught us to pray for all men, everywhere : We give Thee hearty thanks for that marvellous mercy which fills the deepest yearning, and exalts it into the highest praise. Thy spirit moves evermore upon the face of tho waters, though the whole groaning creation be veiled in the night of mystery ; and the inspi- ration of prayer for ever rises above all gloom and eclipse, into hopeful intercession for un- clouded day. O Thou that hearest prayer! unto Thee shall all flesh come. We bless Thee, Father of Mercies, that the light of the knowledge of Thy glory has arisen upon the world, and songs of deliverance have welcomed the prophecy of eternal noon. We glorify Thee, Lord Most Holy, that Thy truth and grace shall shine in the serene, un- fading brightness of heaven, until out of the darkest heart shall come the cry, O wretched man that I am ! who shall deliver me from this body of death ! Let Thy blessing rest upon the selfish and the defiled, that they may honor Thee by ab- horring themselves : Upon all who are truly penitent, that they may sin no more : Upon the virtuous, that they may pity the vicious : Upon the strong, that they may bear the in- firmities of the weak : Upon the happy, that they may bring sunshine to the afflicted : Upon Ill ] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 33 the young, that the hoary head may he found in the way of righteousness -. Upon the aged, that they may renew their youth by faith in the Eesurrection and the Lite : And upon all believers in Thy holy word, that they may truly enjoy the peace which the world cannot give; and do Thou plenteously endue them with wisdom from on high, that they may impart unto the world the peace which passeth all understanding. God be merciful unto us, and bless us. Let the light of Thy face shine upon us, and be gracious unto us : That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations. r Thanksgiving. TIIIXE, O Lord, is the kingdom, and the power, and the victory, for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine. All that we have heard of Thee, is but a whisper of Thy greatness. All that we have seen of Thee, is but the dawn of Thy glory. All that we know of Thee, is but a prophecy of Thine ex- ceeding kindness in the ages to come. How shall we utter all Thy praise, since even the power to praise Thee, is among the multitude of Thy mercies ! We bless Thee for the reason which giveth us dominion of Thy works, and for the reve- rence which ascribes all dominion to Thee. For the bounties of Thy providence, and for a sense of Thy goodness; for the sympathies 34 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [ill and charities of life, for friendship and brotherly love, for the fellowship of home, and the com- munion of heaven, We bless and thank Thee, and praise Thy wor- thy name. For the Star that rose over Bethlehem, to become the Sun of Kighteousness in the firma- ment of Thy power : For the Man of Sorrows, crowned with thorns, and crucified when dark- ness was over all the earth : For the Lord of Life, lighting up the depths of death, and crowned with glory and with honor, We praise, and bless, and adore Thee, God the Father Almighty. Blessed and only Potentate ! Thou who dwellest in the midst of light : Thou who dwell- est also in the meek and lowly heart : Let Thy glory break in upon our souls, and make us children of light, and of the day. May our last days be our best days, and our closing hours our brightest hours. The longer we live, may we live the more to Thy praise, and come with thanksgiving into Thy heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. \ Hymn. The Sermon. Prayer. Hymn. Benediction. AND now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an in- heritance among all who are sanctified. To God only wise be glory, through Jesus Christ, for ever. Amen. (Drier jof public Wm$$. FOURTH. f After a Hymn, the Congregation will rise, and join the Minister in the following, in verses alternately. Another Selection may be substituted. /H REAT and marvellous are thy works, Lord God vJ Almighty ! Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of Saints ! Who shall not fear Thee, Lord, and glorify Thy name ! for Thou only art holy. Thou art the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords ; who onty hath immor- tality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: To whom be power and glory everlasting. Blessing, and thanksgiving, and honor, be unto our God, world without end. I will praise Thee with my whole heart : I will wor- ship in Thy holy temple, and praise Thy name for Thy loving-kindness and Thy truth. I will praise Thee, Lord my God, with all my heart ; and I will glorify Thy name for evermore. All nations whom Thou hast made shall come and worship before Thee, and shall glorify Thy name : For Thou art great, and doest wondrous things : Thou art God alone. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things ; and blessed be His glorious name for ever. The Lord bless us, and keep us : The Lord make His face shine upon us, and be gra- cious unto us : The Lord lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace. 35 36 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [iV [let us pray.] FATHER OF ALL, who through Thy holy word hast granted unto us the light of life:" May the Scrip- tures be ever so opened to our thoughts, that our hearts may burn within us ; and when it is toward evening, and the day of time is far spent, may Christ continue to abide with us by faith, that the night may be radiant with the promise of a morning without clouds. f All unite in the Lord's Prayer. f Reading the Scriptures. A Hymn. After which, one or more of th* following Sentences may introduce the Exhortation. Isaiah 1. 10 ; lx. 20. WHO is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of His servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light ? Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God.. ..The Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. Luke i. 78, 79. Isa. lx. 1. Through the tender mercy of our God the day-spring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.... Wherefore He saith unto Zion, Arise, shine ; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. James i. 17. Matt. v. 16. Do not err, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Lights, with whom is no variable- ness, neither shadow of turning.. ..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Habakkuk iii. 17, 18. Although the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls : Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. IV ] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 37 fl The Exhortation. CHRISTIAN FRIENDS AND BRETHREN ; Whoso shall fervently pray without ceasing, -will sincerely rejoice evermore. And though we should at all times feel and acknowledge our need, and celebrate the great goodness and mercy of our Father, yet ought we chiefly so to do when we assemble, as now, to partake the blessing of Christian communion and worship. Wherefore I beseech you, as many as are here pre- sent, to accompany me, with an humble and contrite spirit, to the throne of the heavenly grace. [let us pray.] THOU, Lord, hast set our iniquities before Thee, our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance. Yet Thou knowcst our frame : Thou rememberest that we are dust. Save us, we beseech Thee, from the infirmity which fears that Thou wilt cast off for ever and be favorable no more. Inspire us with a living trust in Thy perpetual goodness; yet do Thou also shine into the hiding-places of memo- ry, that every one of us may sincerely pray, God be merciful to me a sinner. From blindness of mind and hardness of heart, from faithless prayer and prayerless faith, from envy, and from all uncharitable- ness, Good Lord, deliver us. From the tyranny of passion, and the lust of pride j from the adversity that doubts Thee, and the prosperity that denies Thee; from weariness of life, and from the bitterness of death, 4 38 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [IV Good Lord, deliver us. In the day of affliction, when our pilgrimage is under a cloud, — in the night of bereavement, when the voices of loved ones have gone away into silence, — and in the hour of our own de- parture, Mercifully remember us, Lord. In the day of strength, when life is in bloom and the heart is glad, — in the time of sorrow, when our path is dark and hope is weary, — and in the solemn hour of death, Help us, Lord, to remember Thee. \ Supplication and Intercession. OLOKD our heavenly Father, the high and mighty Ruler of the Universe, who dost from Thy throne behold all the dwellers upon the earth : Most heartily w x e beseech Thee with Thy favor to bless the President of the United States, and all others in authority ; and so re- plenish them w T ith heavenly gifts that they may always incline to Thy will, and walk in Thy holy way. Amen. Almighty and everlasting God, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift : Send down upon all ministers of religion, and upon the congregations committed to their charge, the healthful spirit of Thy grace; and that they may truly please Thee, pour upon them the continual dew of Thy blessing. And grant, blessed Lord, that all who pro- fess and call themselves Christians, may be led into the way of truth, and hold the faith in IV ] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 39 unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life. Amen. Father of Mercies, who despisest not the sighing of a contrite heart, nor the desire of such as are sorrowful : Look Thou in helpful pity upon all who are anywise afflicted or dis- tressed, and so deliver them by the hand of Thy power, that sighing and sorrow may flee away. Let the glory of Thy holy word be in all the earth, to give light to them who sit in dark- ness and in the shadow of death, to guide their feet into the way of peace. Awaken the vicious from delusive dreams, that they may repent of hideous realities, and worship before Thee in the beauty of holiness. Shed Thy redeeming spirit upon the erring and the wayward, that their renewed yearn- ings may evermore call them to the temple of Thy praise. Bring the prodigal to himself, that he may come to Thee, willing to be made a hireling, but welcomed as a child. Let all those who seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee, and let such as love Thy salva- tion say continually, The Lord be magnified. The Lord be magnified. r Thanks._'ivinz. rpiIY loving-kindness, Lord, is better than JL life. Open Thou our minds to perceive the orderings of Thy wisdom, that our hearts may believe unto risrhteousi] 40 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [ IV Open Thou our lips, and our mouth shall show forth Thy praise. We give Thee hearty thanks for the good- ness that crowns the year with blessing, and for the mercy that doeth all things well. We praise Thee for the joys of family, and kindred, and religious worship, and for the widening circles of friendship and love. We bless Thee for the day that has dawned upon our souls, in the life and light, the truth and victory, of the Saviour of the world. How shall we thank Thee, O our God, for that grace of Thine which abounds much more than the sin of man — even the grace that comes to the ignorant and those who are out of the way, and reigns through righteousness unto the gift of eternal life. Thy perfection, O Lord, is higher than hea- ven : what can we do to celebrate Thy praise ? It is deeper than hell : what can we know of Thy fathomless love? Yet the light of Thy countenance hath sinned into the depths of judgment, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Thy goodness, Father Almighty, is exalted above all blessing and praise. Let the unutter- able thought be within us a purifying hope, that like the heavens, without voice or lan- guage, we may declare Thy glory. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, Lord } our Strength and our Redeemer. Amen. V] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 41 tf Hymn. The Sermon. Prayer. Ilymn. Benediction. THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, keep you in the knowledge and the love of God, and in the blessing of the Comforter, world without end. Amen. FIFTH. ^ After a Hymn, the Congregation will rise, and join the Minister in the following Psalm, in verses alternately. Another Selection may he substituted. OCOME, let us sing unto the Lord: let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and show ourselves glad in Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In His hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is His also. The sea is His, and He made it: and His hands formed the dry land. come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pas- ture, and the sheep of His hand. [let us PRAY.] FATHER OF MERCIES, who alone canst bring the will and affections of man into harmony with Thine own: Grant unto Thy people that they may love what- ever Thou commandest, and desire whatever Thou dost promise, that so, among the sundry and manifold changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found, through Jesus Christ our Lord. ' At Morning .service, all unite in the Lord's Prayer. 4* 42 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [V ^ Reading the Scripture?. fi Hymn.— One of these Sentences may introduce the Exhortation. Genesis i. 1-3. IN the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void ; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light : and there was light. Isaiah xlii. 16. Tnus saith the Lord: I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not: I will lead them in paths that they have not known : I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them, saith the Lord. % The Exhortation. pHRISTIAN FRIENDS AND BRETHREN: God, V-^ who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined into our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. f The Congregation will rise. Whosoever shall behold in the Saviour the fulness of grace and truth, will know and feel that the Lord hath indeed visited and redeemed His people ; and heart- felt devotion, and world-wide charity, will find expres- sion in the anthem, Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good-will toward men. [let us PRAY.] CEEATOE of all souls, in whom we have our being, and our well-being: We magnify Thee for the inspiration which giveth us un- derstanding, and for the light which is ever- more dawning in the universe of Thy pow T er. Yet would we remember that the world by wisdom knew Thee not, and Religion groped in darkness to the altar of The Unknown. V] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 43 AVe praise Thee for the truth which spring- eth out of the earth, and gratefully welcome its myriad forms of grandeur and utility. We bless Thee for beautiful visions which come to us through generous sentiments and devout emotions; but specially do we adore Thee for the living word of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Only through him have we that know- ledge of Thee which is eternal life; and the sublimest inspiration of the soul is but the prophecy of his quickening spirit. We praise Thee, O Lord our God, for the revelation that Thou art God our Father, and that all we are brethren. We praise Thee that all doubt and wrath are rebuked by the one fatherhood and the one brotherhood, and that all vengeful fires are quenched in the grace and the peace of a Saviour's love. May the reason that seeks Thee in science, and finds Thee in the realm of nature, prayer- fully pass behind the veils in the temple of Thy glory, and bow down and worship Thee at the mercy-seat of the Redeemer. May all who feel the glow of world-wide charity, look to Bethlehem, and behold the day-star that has arisen in their hearts. May the sympathy which pleads and suffers for the reformation of the fallen, look to Calvary, and behold the star for ever shining in the heart of the cm Touch the springs of gratitude, O Lord, that the lepers whom the Saviour has cleansed may 44 ORDER OF WORSHIP. [V return with thanksgiving. Let not the ears he Has unstopped he deaf to his call, nor the tongues he has loosened be dumb in his praise; and forbid, we beseech Thee, that the withered arm which Christ hath healed, should be lifted up against him. Father of All, send the light and the power of Thy merciful justice into all the earth, that all laws, and institutions, and homes, and souls, may breathe the loving spirit of the Son of Man. Let the hand of Thy judgment bring the joy of Thy salvation. Have mercy, O Lord, upon all who have no mercy on themselves. Help the oppressor by redeeming the oppressed. Unveil Thine excellency as the Judge and the Saviour of all; and let the solemn thought be open to all the world, that only the righteous- ness that looketh down from heaven is saluted with the kiss of peace. [ Let the sighing of the prisoner come before Thee, Lord, and, according to the greatness of Thy power, preserve Thou those who are appointed to die. May the maddening cup pass away from the hand of trembling, and the cup of blessing be exalted, that humanity may rejoice in a do- minion which hath fellowship with Thee. Let the cry of the humble enter into Thine ears, O Lord of Sabaoth, and the tears of such as have no comforter come into Thy presence, with an appeal for judgment against the op- pression of man. V] ORDER OF WORSHIP. 45 Let the desolations of war arise in remem- brance before Thee, and do Thou hearken to the wail of stricken homes, imploring the reign of the Prince of Peace.] Father of Lights, whose faithfulness is above the heavens: Shine, we beseech Thee, into the hearts of the penitent and the sorrow- ful, that they may look upward, though it be through tears, and see the bow of promise in the pillar of cloud. In the wilderness of time, may they ever bless Thee for the manna and the rock. May the pillar of fire go before them into the valley, and rest upon the lowly bed of dust. And in all time of affliction, and in the hour of death, do Thou sweeten the bitter waters by a branch of the tree of life. O God most blessed, in whom are all the springs of joy: Grant us Thy continual mercy, that we may pray while we hold up the hands of him that prayeth, even until the going down of the sun; and when we pass into the dark and solemn night, may we hear the hymn of the morning stars, and rejoice with the sons of God in the dawn of eternal day. Unto Thee, our Father, through him who is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, be as- cribed all glory and dominion, for ever. Amen. r Hymn. Sermon. Prayer. Hymn. Benedi