: : ' .:.. v - '//- 4 . Tub? Jan^l,ZS23, by M7Gibbs, Grove Lane, Camberwell . / iJON'S MfMWS T 1 ■ 33 ' COMPOSED B\£ ■'/ JOSEPH IRONS, FOR THE USE OF THE CHURCH AND CONGREGATION, ASSEMBLING IN GROVE CHAPEJL, CAMBERWELL. FIFTH EDITION. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD AT HIS HOUSE; ALSO BY R. BAYNES, PATERNOSTER ROW; AND WHARTON, WALWORTH. 1827. , <&ntmtr at Jfctattotttrjs' f|alU tKISCOE, frinwr^AJ", White CroM itreet, L«ndt'f! JPMEF*4CE TO THE FIFTH EDITION OF ZION'S HYMNS. " Let the saints be joyful in glory ; let them sing aloud upon their beds: let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hand !! Singing is one of the most delightful exercises in which the saints of God can be engaged, and forms an interest- ing feature of public worship, inasmuch as it is intended to stir up the sacred emotions of the soul, by giving ex- pression to the grace which is in the heart, and making melody unto the Lord. When ransomed souls are taught and enabled to rejoice in the Lord, it is truly pleasant to hear them unite in ex- pressing their joy in songs of praise; and when the lan- guage of their song is such as they are agreed in, while simplicity and godly sincerity characterizes their singing, the sacred harmony — the holy delight — the believing triumph of their souls afford a delightful foretaste of heaven; then indeed is the voice of rejoicing and salvation in the tabernacles of the righteous, and the congregation resembles that which surrounded the King of Israel, who all stood up to bless the Lord God of Israel, in the de- dication of the temple ; or tliat holy throng which John saw, who stood before the throne, singing u salvation to our God. The joy of faith is proclaimed — The fervour of love is expressed, and the assurance of hope is cherished among the heaven bori race, whose singing is really an art of worship. How different is this, from thai solemn mockery in which unregenerate persons are entertained with music, and profane the most hallowed language to display hu- man pride, or to obtain filthy lucre, until the high praises of God are changed into theatrical amusement, and the God-insulting practice impiously cloaked with the epi- thet sacred 11! Zion's songs should be held sacred for the use of Z ion's sons and daughters, who only have just cause to sing, and who on 7 y are capable of praising God in their song; and I trust this little volume of Hymns will never become the mere word book of the devotee to music, but be honored to yet greater extent to the assisting of the Lord's people in the expressions of their love and grati- tude to their covenant God: for this purpose it was writ- ten, and the blessing which has accompanied the former editions encourages the Author to hope and pray that many more of the household of faith may receive comfort in the use of this, and that the blood-bought church of Jesus may daily "increase her joy in the Lord." No alteration is made in this edition, except typogra- phical errors being corrected: it is simply a re-print of the truths in Rhyme, which the Author hopes ever to hold dear; and he prays that whenever they are sung or read, the Holy Ghost may condescend to make use of them, to exalt the triune God of Israel in the hearts of his hidden ones, and in the assemblies of his saints. Camberwell, January \, 1827, SIGN'S HYMJVS. GOD. HYMN 1. P. M. ASPIRE my soul to yonder throne, Where sits the infinite unknown, The self-existent God ; Whose being", no beginning" knows, While matchless splendor round him flows, And all things wait his nod. Tis his to fill immensity ; No object can escape his eye, Nor thought his mind elude ; All things were by his wisdom plann'd ; x\ll are supported by his hand ; And all at once are view'd. Justice and mercy, truth and love, Shine from his glorious throne above, As Israel's covenant God ; In persons three — In essence one — He is the sov'reign Lord alone, And be his name ador'd. With him is no futurity ; He stands enwrapt in purity ; Unchangeably the same : The great first cause of all events, He gives decrees, and ne'er repents ; And Holy is his name. A3 GOD. HYMN 2. C. M . Creator. 1 WHEN I survey the clouds and sky, And earth with all her store, Lost in astonishment, I try Their maker to adore. 2 Huge mountains, climbing lofty height, And insects, small and weak, The rolling floods, and orbs of light, Jehovah's praises speak. 3 A world, an atom, are alike His workmanship and care ; And both with vengeance he can strike, Or both in mercy spare. 4 He dwells in his own entity, And earth is but his span ; Himself, a vast immensity, Which creatures cannot scan. HYMN 3. C. M. Lofty One. Isaiah lvii. 15. 1 MY soul, contemplate and adore "The high and lofty one ;" Whose eyes survey the nations o'er, Who sits on heaven's high throne. 2 Justice, and mercy are his hands ; Omniscient is his eye; His truth like marble pillars stands, When worlds in ruins lie. 3 Majestic glory, is his dress ; Eternal are his days ; His \ery name is holiness ; And wisdom marks his ways. GOD. 4 High o'er all worlds, in sphereless space, Where summit is unknown, — Jehovah has his dwelling* place, Immensity his throne. HYMN 4. C. M. Condescending. Isaiah lvii. 15. 1 AMAZING, condescending grace ! Pity, and love combin'd ! The God of heav'n will dwell, he says, 11 In ev'ry contrite mind." 2 He views all worlds, and fills all space ; Binds winds, and measures storms ; Yet stoops, and makes his dwelling place, In hearts of humble worms. 3 His contrite ones he will revive, Nor let his mourners faint ; For he has grace, and strength, to give To ev'ry drooping saint. 4 Say, which perfections shine most bright, Ye angels, if ye know, — - Those glories, of a topless height, Or those that stoop so low ! HYMN 5. C. M. The same. Exodus xx. 24. 1 AND will Jehovah condescend To dwell with man below 1 Will he to our complaints attend, And, blessings here bestow ? 2 " Yes," saith the Lord, ye saints, proclaim The promise far and near, " Where I record my gracious name, " I'll come and ble-s you there." GOD. 3 li The grandest temple, humblest cot, " The prison, wood, or cave, " Where'er I cast my children's lot, "There I will come and save." 4 Fulfil thy promise, gracious Lord, O, come and bless us here, Let pow'r divine attend thy word, And let thy work appear. HYMN 6. L. M. Unchangeable. Mal. iii. 6. 1 YE sons of Jacob, chosen race, Your God's a God of sov'reign grace , Who perfects wfiat he has design'd, And will not, cannot change his mind. 2 Tho' rocks dissolve, and hills remove, And heat melt elements above ; Tho' thrones, and empires lie forgot, God is the same, and changes not. 3 Men's covenants, are often broke ; He -ne'er retracts the word he spoke ; And tho' his saints unfaithful prove, He loves them with unchanging love. 4 Their comfort often ebbs and flows, Their God no variation knows ; Their moon-light joys still wax and wane ; His glories like the sun remain. 5 This sacred truth my heart shall cheer, Till sun and moon shall disappear ; And when the plains of bliss I range, I'll praise my God, who cannot change. GOD. HYMN 7. S. M. Divine Sovereignty. THE God of heav'n maintains His universal throne ; In heav'n, and earth, and hell, he reigns, And makes his wonders known. His counsels, and decrees, Firmer than mountains stand ; He will perform whate'er he please, And none can stay his hand. All worlds, his will controuls, And his eternal mind Fixes the destiny of souls ; Takes this, leaves that behind. Jacob by grace he sav'd, Nor gives a reason why ; But Esau's heart he left deprav'd ; — And who shall dare reply 1 What, if the potter takes, Part of a lump of clay, And for himself a vessel makes, And casts the rest away 1 Who shall resist his will ? Or say, " what doest thou !" Jehovah is a sov'reign still, And all must to him bow. My soul shall still adore My God in all his ways ; His sov'reignty I can't explore. But I will trust his grace. GOD, HYMN 8. C. M. The same. 1 WHO shall dispute Jehovah's right To universal sway ? Sure all his children must delight Their Father's will t' obey ! 2 Rejoice my soul, thy Father reigns ; Heav'n, earth, and hell, shall know That what his sov'reign will ordains, No pow'r can overthrow. 3 All worlds obey my Father's nod, And his decrees fulfil ; The arm of Israel's cov'nant God, Performs his sov'reign will. 4 Then all is well, tho' man complains, Through ignorance and pride ; Since God my Father ever reigns, I'll in his love confide. HYMN 9. C. M. Wailing to be gracious. 1 SO great the love, so rich the grace Of Zion's cov'nant God, He waits to save a ruin'd race, With efficacious blood. 2 He waits, while they his grace defy, Until th' appointed hour, Fix'd in the council held on high, To manifest his pow'r. 3 He waits t' exalt his gracious name, And make his mercy known : He waits, his wand'rers to reclaim, And gather in his own. GOD. 4 My God, and didst thou wait for me ! To manifest thy love ! Henceforth my soul shall wait for thee, To see thy face above. 5 Thou waitest to be gracious still, Though clouds may hide thy face : I'll wait the wonders of thy will, And sing thy matchless grace. HYMN 10. C. M. Divine faithfulness. 1 MY God, how faithful are his ways To all his chosen race, Ye heav'n-born sinners shout his praise, And triumph in his grace. 2 Faithful to his decrees of love, His cov'nant and his Son ; Faithful to perfect that above, Which grace hath here begun. 3 Faithful to ev'ry promise giv'n, Though we unfaithful prove : We'll sing, when we arrive in heav'n, His faithfulness and love. 4 Faithful amidst ten thousand woes, To comfort and defend ; Faithful to vanquish all our foes, And faithful to the end. HYMN 11. C. M. Jehovah Jireh. 1 NO more, my soul, let unbelief Thy joy and peace devour ; Jehovah-jireh sends relief, For ev'ry trying hour. GOD. 2 Dangers stand thick through all my way, And foes on ev'ry side ; Yet all is well — I'll watch and pray, Jehovah will provide. 3 My strength may fail — my wants increase, While sorrow swells its tide ; But God, my God will never cease To love me, and provide, 4 He saw me ruin'd, lost, and dead, And did for me provide A Lamb, to suffer in my stead ; I'm spar'd, for Jesus died. 5 All grace in Christ for iVbr'ham's seed, And endless bliss beside, Jehovah-jireh has decreed, For ever to provide. ■ HYMN 12. S. M, Divine Complacency. 1 JEHOVAH is our God, Our portion and our friend : Let christians sound his praise abroad, And trust him to the end. 2 The LORD delights in saints, And claims them for his own ; Receives, and answers their complaints, And marks down ev'ry groan. 3 Their feelings and desires Are pleasant in his sight ; 4^d when their hope to him aspires, He views it with delight. GOD. 4 He calls them sons belov'd, With them delights to dwell ; His kindness they have often prov'd, And of his love they tell. 5 Rejoice, ye favor'd throng-, For God delights in you ! Let love, and mercy be your song, And heav'nly joys pursue. HYMN 13. L. M. My Father. 1 WHAT various names Jehovah bears ! What various forms his kindness wears, But none so much my heart expands, As when he as my Father stands. 2 Is God my Father 1 he'll instruct, And all my child-like steps conduct ; And when I sin I must expect, He'll with a Father's hand correct. 3 Is God my Father ? all my care I'll bring to him, and leave it there ; His wisdom, and his love I'll trust, In sorrows, and in straits the worst. 4 Is God my Father ? then his love Is fix'd on me, nor can remove ; And, since he owns me as his child, I can't be from his face exil'd. 5 God, as my Father, does engage, To give me heav'n, when I'm of age ; To this, my portion, I shall come : My Father's dwelling is my home. B GOD. HYMN 14. L. M. " God is Love" 1 John iv. 8. 1 THE King" of Kings, who reigns above, The self-existent, " God is love ;" His essence, attributes, and name, Boundless, unchanging love proclaim. 2 A depth unfathom'd, height unknown, A breadth unmeasur'd, like his throne, A length, no finite mind can reach, A sum, that angels cannot teach. 3 This theme shall angel tongues employ ; Here sinners find a source of joy, While thro' the Saviour's blood they prove This sacred truth, that " God is love." s HYMN 15. CM. Of him, through him, and to him are all things. Ro M.xi .36, 1 ARISE my soul, in songs to own Thy faithful cov'nant God ; Of him, thro' him, to him alone Salvation now record. 2 Of God the Father's Sov'reign choice, Of God the Saviour's grace — Of God the Spirit's quick'ning voice, Lives all the chosen race. 3 Through God the Father's faithfulness, Through God the Spirit's might — Through God the Saviour's righteousness, We gain the realms of light. 4 To God the Father praise belongs — To God the Son we'll sing — To God the Holy Ghost the throng Of Saints, shall glory bring. GOD. HYMN 16. C. M. The same. 1 OF Israel's cov'nant God I boast, As part of Israel's stock, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost r Are my eternal rock. 2 Of him belov'd before the fall — Through him salvation came — To him I owe my life, my all, — All glory to his name. 3 Of him I gain a right to heav'n — Through him I'm justified — To him my helpless soul is giv'n ; And with him glorified. 4 Of him I love to speak and sing — Through him I've joy and peace — To him my guilt and shame 1 bring, And triumph in his grace. 5 Of mm I daily grace receive — Through him my joys abound — To him 1 bow, in him believe, — With him I shall be crown'd. 6 My Father's everlasting love — My Saviour's precious name — My Teacher's unction from above, Let all the Church proclaim. -=a;<#*^~ b2 CHRIST. HYMN 17. L. M. Alpha and Omega, 1 WHEN I aspire to heav'n above, Or through creation's limits rove ; 'Midst worlds, and spheres, and regions vast, My Jesus is the first and last. 2 His name with sweet delight I view, Tis Alpha and Omega too ; He drew creation's wondrous plan, And finish'd what he first began. 3 When o'er his word my eye is cast, There Jesus is the first and last, And all the blessings there made known, Their Alpha and Omega own. 4 The work of grace within my heart, The comforts means of grace impart, From first to last his glories show, And lay free-will, and reason low. 5 Thus when the toils of life are past, Jesus shall be the first and last, And when I bow before the King, I'll Alpha and Omega sing. HYMN 18. L. M. The Deity of Christ. 1 ON yonder high eternal throne, Where dwells the infinite Three-one, Jehovah Jesus holds his seat, And worlds lie prostrate at his feet. CHRIST. 2 His radiant glories, all divine, Upon the heav'nly armies shine, Each waits the orders of his word, And by them all, he stands ador'd. 3 His Father's will, and his are one ; And heav'n's vast kingdom is his own ; He rules the nations, as he please, And all things rest on his decrees. 4 Whatever his Father hath, he claims : His honors, attributes, and names; He spread the starry skies abroad, And heav'n, and earth, proclaim him God. HYMN 19. P. M. Birth of Christ. 1 ARISE, my soul, and take thy flight, On yonder town attentive light, Where strangers crowd the inn : Into that humble stable peep, And, if thou canst forbear to weep, Some rapt'rous song begin. 2 There view the Infant long foretold ; In his sweet countenance, behold What radiant glories shine : He, the great King of heav'n and earth, Is God by nature, Man by birth, Both human, and divine. 3 This Child, descending from the skies, Was born to be a sacrifice For guilty souls like mine : His wondrous birth, and life, and death, For ever shall employ my breath, When I in glory shine. b 3 CHRIST. HYMN 20. P. M. The same. 1 LO ! the son of God, assuming Human nature, stoops to earth ; Heav'nly hosts proclaim his coming, And a Virgin gives him birth. Angels tell us, Christ is born in Bethlehem. 2 Now the promise is fulfilling, Jesus Christ, " the woman's seed," To redeem our souls, is willing To perform what he decreed : And the shepherds Worship Christ in Bethlehem. 3 All the prophets to him pointed ; Types, and sacrifices said, That on Christ, the Lord's anointed, Our offences should be laid ; To fulfil them, Christ is born in Bethlehem, 4 Satan trembles, tho' he rages, Bruis'd by Zion's mighty King ; Saints shall, thro' eternal ages, This triumphant anthem sing : " Hallelujah, " Christ was born in Bethlehem." HYMN 21. P. M. The same. 1 WHAT heav'nly vision now appears ? What sound salutes the wond'ring ears Of humble eastern swains ? What news is this that angels bring ? What sacred theme is this they sing, In sweet seraphic strains ? CHRIST. 2 " Glory to God," their voices sound, And heav'n reflects it to the ground, To gladden fallen man. Lo ! heavVs eternal King assumes Our ruin'd nature, and becomes An Infant of a span. 3 O, Bethlehem ! thou favor'd town, Hast thou no room when Christ comes down, And angels round him shout ! Shall angels witness such a scene, Vile worms admitted to the inn, And Jesus Christ shut out I 4 Thus, when to my sin-crowded heart, The Saviour came, I said " depart, " I have no room for thee ;" But O ! how kind is his reply ! " I'll go, and in a manger lie : " For I must ransom thee." HYMN 22. C. M. The same. Luke ii. 32. 1 YE Gentile lands, far off from God, Who dwell in nature's night, See Beth'lem's Infant sheds abroad Beams of celestial light. 2 Like heav'n's bright orb, his rays dispel The clouds that veil the skies : Sin has made earth a gloomy cell, Christ makes it Paradise. 3 Hail, happy day, illustrious morn ! Let saints, and angels sing: " Israel's almighty King is born, Whose sceptre peace shall bring." CHRIST. 4 Jesus, our Glory, and our Light, Foundation, Treas'ry, Head, Tby beams of grace divinely bright, On all thy churches shed. 5 From north to south, from east to west, ►Send forth thy light, and love : O ! let thy presence make earth blest, Which makes a heav'n above. HYMN 23. P. M. Ark of the Covenant. 1 THE ark of the Lord, With cherubims high, Did Israel afford, Both glory and joy : Thus Jesus is giv'n, An ark to the saints, Who carries to heav'n, Their songs and complaints. 2 In seasons, most dark, To him they resort ; By Jesus their ark, New lessons they're taught ; Thro' his mediation, They draw nigh to God, Obtaining salvation, Thro' sprinkling of blood. 3 This ark does contain, The cov'nant of grace ; And bliss in its train, It surely conveys, To those whom he teaches, With God to commune ; Till each safely reaches, To Canaan soon. CHRIST. 4 This ark shall destroy, The dagons of sin ; And train us for joy, Whose names are therein ; It long- since has rested, No more to remove ; And makes heav'n blessed, With treasures of love. HYMN 24. C. M. Ark of Refuge. Gen. vii. 1. 1 WHEN wrath divine pour'd forth the flood, God sav'd the chosen race, Within an ark of gopher wood ; An act of sov'reign grace. 2 Herein was Jesus typified, The Ark Jehovah gave ; In whom believers must abide, Secure from ev'ry wave. 3 No flood, nor deluge, can destroy The church in Jesus found, Salvation, with eternal joy, Shall compass them around. 4 Brought in by sweet constraining grace, Shut in by covenant love, Sav'd from the wreck of Adam's race, They gain the joys above. 5 There, when the waters are assuag'd, God's family shall sing ; Through all eternity engag'd, With Christ their God and Kins:. CHRIST. HYMN 25. S. M. Advocate* 1 John ii. 1. IN heaven's imperial court, Where justice reigns and shines, Truth makes a constant, strict report, Of all the sinner's crimes. But there's an Advocate, Whom all the saints employ, Who pleads their cause, secures their state, And thus affords them joy. Oft as their sins appear, Before their Father's eyes, Jesus, their Advocate draws near, And pleads his sacrifice. Their guilt has often stood Like mountains to oppose ; But that blest ocean, Jesus' blood, All mountains overflows. The law its sentence reads, And conscience owns it true ; Our Advocate his merit pleads, And brings his clients through. HYMN 26. L.M. The same. THE sinner's cause is often lost, With all his labour, pain, and cost, While he regrets, alas ! too late, That he employ'd no advocate. 1 No sinner's cause is worse than mine, But Christ, my Advocate divine, Appears before the throne of God, And pleads the merit of his blood. CHRIST. 3 The plea my Advocate can use, Is such as justice can't refuse ; For while he pleads my soul shall live, And all the praise to him I'll give. 4 Not all that unbelief can say, Shall fright my trembling- soul away ; I'll tell my Advocate my case, And trust the riches of his grace. HYMN 27. S. M. Anointed. 1 SEE God's anointed Son, A Prophet, Priest, and King ; Exalted on his great white throne, Where saints and angels sing. 2 Anointed, as the Head, Of all the chosen race ; On them he ever deigns to shed, The unction of his grace. 3 Anointed to atone, For all his people's guilt ; Now he's a Priest upon his throne, My soul ask what thou wilt. 4 Anointed for my sake, To office, work, and name ; His solemn oath he'll never break, Nor put my soul to shame. HYMN 28. L. M. Altogether Love-y. Cant. v. 16. 1 LET Zion hear while I proclaim, My precious Saviour's matchless name, He's wise and holy, just and true, And altogether lovely too. CHRIST. 2 He's lovely from his head to feet, His heart is love — his mouth most sweet Angels and saints delight to sing-, Their altogether lovely King. 3 Essential deity he claims — Reveals himself in lovely names — He lives, and dies, and reigns for us — He's altogether lovely thus. 4 His loveliness has won my heart, Dear Jesus let us never part ; I'll sound thy lovely name abroad, My altogether lovely Lord. 5 Up to his throne, I soon shall go, More of his loveliness to know ; While ransom'd millions shall declare, He's altogether lovely there. HYMN 29. CM. My Beloved. Cant. v. 16. 1 JESUS, the glories of thy face, My songs of praise record ; I sing the overflowing grace Of my beloved Lord. 2 Thou art the Father's chief delight ; Thy beauty angels view — Thou art all fair in Zion's sight, And my beloved too. 3 Of thee, the ancient prophets wrote — Of thee let Israel sing — And heav'n's vast choir, in ev'ry note, Praise my beloved King. CHRIST. 4 Thy precious name shall joy impart, To all that are thy own — In life and death, O may my heart Be my beloved's throne. HYMN 30. P. M. The same. 1 1 WAS once a ruin'd debtor, Sunk in guilt and misery ; And when bound with chain and fetter, Jesus saw and pitied me : My beloved Paid my debts and set me free. 2 I was once to God a stranger, Prodigal — inclin'd to rove — Jesus rescu'd me from danger, And reveal'd his Father's love : My beloved Waits to dwell with me above. 3 I was once quite self deceived, Dead in trespasses and sins ; Jesus sav'd me — I believed — Now my heav'nly life begins : My beloved Will complete his grand designs. HYMN 31. L. M. Bread of Life. John vi. 48. 1 YE starving souls, who try to feed On husks, which can't supply your need, Behold ! the gospel table spread, And Jesus is the living bread. c CHRIST. 2 This bread, which money can't obtain, Will life impart and life maintain ; It fills the hungry with delight, And never cloys the appetite. 3 This bread of life comes down from heav'n, By sov'reign grace, 'tis freely giv'n ; 'Tis food and med'cine to the saints, And oft revives the soul that faints. 4 No carnal mind this bread can taste, But heav'n-born souls upon it feast ; They much receive, yet crave still more, And eat, and live for evermore. HYMN 32. P. M. Bridegroom. Cant. ii. 8. 1 HARK ! the voice of my beloved, Skipping o'er the hills of guilt, With divine compassion moved ; Lo ! he comes whose blood was spilt ; 'Tis my Bridegroom, All my hopes on him are built. 2 From eternity he lov'd me, Took my nature to his own, And when he has tried and prov'd me, He will take me to his throne ; With my Bridegroom I shall share in joys unknown. 3 I am now with him united, By the living faith he gave ; With his presence I'm delighted, And, he has engag'd to save, For my Bridegroom Lov'd me when I was a slave. CHRIST. 4 For me, he has undertaken, To me, all his wealth he gives, Yea, his love remains unshaken ; I shall live because he lives, Heav'nly Bridegroom, How thy name my soul revives ! HYMN 33. L. M. Brightness of the Father's Glory. Heb. i. 3. 1 THERE'S not a ray of glory known, Around the great Jehovah's throne, Which my Redeemer does not wear, Proclaiming* his own Godhead there. 2 The Father's glories, all divine, In Jesus meet — in Jesus shine — Expressly like — and truly one, Is God the Father, and the Son. 3 All pow'r and wisdom, love, and grace, Are seen in our Immanuel's face ; All glorious in the Father's view, The brightness of his glory too. 4 The fulness of the Godhead dwells In Jesus — and heav'n's chorus swells, With hallelujahs to the Lamb, While saints on earth adore his name. HYMN 34, L. M. Brazen Serpent. John iii. 14. 1 UPLIFTED at the Lord's command, Behold the brazen serpent stand, That Israel's tribes may look and live, And glory to Jehovah give, c 2 CHRIST. 2 Thus Christ was preach'd to Jacob's race, Thus gentile sinners taste his grace : One look at Jesus crucified, Will make the pangs of guilt subside. 3 Ye heralds lift him up on high — Tell sinners they can never die Who look by faith to Christ alone : He loves them now he's on his throne. 4 Oft as I feel the serpent's bite, A bleeding Saviour kept in sight, Shall heal my wounds, remove the smart, And life, and health, and peace impart. HYMN 35. CM. Christ of God. Luke ix. 20. 1 THE church triumphant round the throne, Redeem'd with precious blood ; In scenes of glory here unknown, Adore the Christ of God. 2 The church on earth, renewed by grace, Confide in Jesus name ; And as they run the heav'nly race, The Christ of God proclaim. 3 My soul shall gaze upon his face, In whom all glories shine ; This precious truth just suits my case, The Christ of God is mine. 4 Soon I shall join the heav'nly throng, And in their pleasures share ; Shouting in one eternal song, The Christ of God is there. CHRIST. HYMN 36. P.M. Consolation of Israel. Luke ii. 25. 1 SINNERS sunk in degradation, Ruin'd in yourselves, and vile, What can give you consolation Till the Saviour deigns to smile ? None but Jesus Man to God can reconcile. 2 Read your awful condemnation, In the broken law of God ; Then go seek for consolation, In the Saviour's precious blood : None but Jesus Can do guilty sinners good. 3 He has brought in full salvation, For the objects of his love : He is Israel's consolation, This in all distress we prove : None but Jesus Can the load of guilt remove. 4 He shall have our adoration, Heav'n shall with his praise resound, Everlasting consolation, In our precious Christ is found : None but Jesus By the ransom'd throng is crown'd. HYMN 37, CM. Corner Stone. Eph. ii. 20. 1 THUS saith the Lord, " behold I lay " A tried foundation stone " In Zion, that my children may " Build all their hopes thereon. c 3 CHRIST. 2 " Elect and precious, firm and sure, "On this my church shall rest ; " And everlastingly endure, " With peace and safety blest." 3 This corner stone supports the whole Grand temple of the Lord : Here then I'll trust my precious soul, And sovereign grace record. 4 This precious corner stone has prov'd Unshaken, though much tried, 'Twill never, never be remov'd — Here then I must confide. 5 This precious cornerstone, unites The building all in one — God in the edifice delights, And there erects his throne. HYMN 38. L. M. Captain. Heb. ii. 10. 1 WHEN souls are freed from Satan's hand, And join Emmanuel's sacred band, A long, but certain war begins, With mighty foes, and mightier sins. 2 Jesus, their Captain, leads the way, And bids them fight and win the day : He gives them armour for the war ; His presence strikes their foes with awe. 3 In Zion's camp, the trumpet 's blown ; 'Tis there our Captain's pow'r is known ; There Jesus gives his sov'reign word, And conquests great attend his sword. CHRIST. 4 On Calvary our Captain stood, And gain'd the vict'ry with his blood, He fought, he bled, he fell, he rose, And triumph'd o'er our num'rous foes. 5 Now, tho' the soldiers of the cross Must fight, yet they sustain no loss : Their Captain leads them to the field ; And ev'ry enemy must yield. 6 Ye saints, your conquer 'd foes pursue : Your Captain's honor keep in view ; Your mightiest foes he'll trample down, Then place on you the conqu'ror's crown. HYMN 39. CM. Conqueror. Rev. xix. 13. 1 ZION, behold your conqu'ring Lord, With his triumphant train, Clad in a vesture, dipt in blood, That flow'd when he was slain. 2 Exalted on his great white throne, His blood-stain'd vest he shows ; He gave his life for you t' atone, And conquer all your foes. 3 Deck'd in his robe of crimson hue, And grac'd with numVous crowns, He stands, and intercedes for you, And God no longer frowns. 4 The blood that stain'd his garment thus, Wash'd all our sins away ; Obtain'd eternal life for us, And crowns in perfect clay. CHRIST. 5 His vesture marks the conquest won, And vict'ries yet to gain ; All, who his sceptre will not own, Shall by his sword be slain. HYMN 40. CM. Christ Crucified. 1 Cor. ii. 2. 1 WHERE Satan holds his cruel seat, And guilt still swells its tide ; To trembling souls, what news so sweet, As Jesus crucified ! 2 Angels adore with sweet surprise, The Friend that lov'd and died ; Justice beholds a sacrifice, In Jesus crucified. 3 Ye heralds, go ; his death proclaim, And know no theme beside ; Invite the poor, the blind, the lame, To Jesus crucified. 4 My soul survey that precious flood, Which cleanses when applied : And let thy trust be in the blood Of Jesus crucified. 5 Let saints below, and saints above, Behold his wounded side ; And heav'n, and earth proclaim the love Of Jesus crucified. HYMN 41. CM. The same. 1 FEAR not ; ye trembling souls, who seek For Jesus crucified ; He knows your faith is low and weak, But he has lov'd and died. CHRIST. 2 Fear not, for you are in the hand Of Jesus crucified ; When sin, and hell, and earth, withstand, You may in him confide. 3 Fear not, for you are known and lov'd By Jesus crucified ; Thousands his pow'r and grace have prov'd, And shelter'd in his side. 4 Fear not, your precious souls are one With Jesus crucified ; In ev'ry state he knows his own, And well protects his bride. 5 Fear not, for all that sought have found, In Jesus crucified ; Salvation free, a Saviour crown'd, And sinners glorified. HYMN 42. t L.M. The same. 1 ALL glory to his precious name, Who bore his people's guilt and shame ; Who for them liv'd, and for them died, The name of Jesus crucified. 2 Mercy and justice in him meet, In him salvation is complete ; The law is fully satisfied, By Jesus Christ the crucified. 3 Herein we see eternal love, And gain all blessings from above ; A sight of Jesus crucified, Exalts free grace, and humbles pride. CHRIST. 4 Here then my trembling- soul shall rest ; And hope to be for ever blest ; For ever sav'd, and glorified, With Jesus Christ the crucified. HYMN 43. CM. Christ lifted up. John xii. 32. 1 COME ransom'd souls unite with me, Exalt our glorious Lord ; Tell of his death upon the tree, And sound his praise abroad. 2 High over all he lives and reigns, The everlasting God ; Yet he endured toils and pains, To save his church with blood, 3 To bear our curse he's lifted high, And higher still to bless — Ye heralds, lift him up, and cry, "The Lord our righteousness. " 4 Higher and higher — higher still, Lift up the sinner's Friend, Till all whom God the Father will, Shall to his sceptre bend. 5 Exalted Saviour, draw my heart, And after thee I'll run, Till time, and heav'n, and earth depart, Then take me to thy throne. HYMN 44. L.M. Christ in You. Col. i. 27. 1 THIS is that glorious better part, Most dear to each believer's heart ; Christ Jesus dwelling in the soul, The sov'reign monarch of the whole. CHRIST. 2 Pursuant to eternal love, He comes in mercy from above, And enters by all-conqu'ring grace, The hearts of all his chosen race. 3 There he subdues the pow'r of sin, Brings all his Spirit's graces in ; Renews, transforms, and stores it well, And there he shall for ever dwell. 4 And does the Saviour dwell in me ? Then I shall endless glory see : He is my hope, in him I rest, In Christ I am for ever blest. 5 The hope of glory ! O, how bright, The realms of unbeclouded light ; The full fruition of my God 1 Reveal'd and promised in his word. HYMN 45. C. M. Days-Man. Job. ix. 33. 1 CHRIST as my Days-man deigns to stand, Between my soul and God ; Upon both parties lays his hand, Presenting precious blood. 2 He drew salvation's wondrous plan, — He did his work alone ; He, therefore, must be God and man, This all his saints will own. 3 This is the Days-man God approves, In whom he's satisfied — Whom evYy ransom'd sinner loves, E'en Jesus crucified. CHRIST. God trusts his honor in his hand, And there I trust my soul ; For both, responsible he stands, To guard and save the whole. HYMN 46. S. M. Deliverer. 1 Cor, i. 10. THUS saith Jehovah's law : " The soul that sins, shall die ;" Soon as our infant breath we draw, Beneath the curse we lie. No human pow'r, nor price, Can rescue Satan's slaves ; But Jesus, by his sacrifice, Delivers, heals, and saves. On wings of heav'nly love. The great Deliv'rer came ; He left the throne he held above, To bear the sinner's shame. He, storms of wrath endur'd, And broke sin's cruel chains ; DehVrance for his church secur'd, And now for ever reigns. Immutable his grace, He hath, he doth, he will Deliver all his chosen race, And they shall praise him still. My soul on him relies, Deliv 'ranee to obtain : The soul that trusts him never dies, But shall the vict'ry gain. CHRIST. HYMN 47. C. M. Deliverer. 1 HAIL ! great Deliverer of souls, Whose mighty potent hand The pow'r of earth and hell controuls, And nothing" can withstand. 2 Tis thine to break the fowler's snare, And captive souls release ; The legal bond asunder tear, And freedom crown with peace. 3 Ten thousand saints around thy throne, Who in thy glories share, With joy their great Deliv'rer own, For thou hast brought them there. 4 Ten thousand times ten thousand more Are travelling to the skies : I'll follow my Deliv'rer too, And press toward the prize. HYMN 48. L. M. Door. John x. 9. 1 HO ! ye, whose longing souls would fain To paradise admittance gain, Hear Jesus saying, " I'm the Door;" Come enter in, and stray no more. 2 No humble sinner is denied, Such are receiv'd, and none beside ; The blind, the maimed, sick and poor May enter in by Christ the Door, 3 No other entrance can be found, To Canaan's safe and happy ground ; All, who the fields of bliss explore, Must enter in, by Christ the Door. D CHRIST. 4 'Tis narrow, but expands its leaves, And ev'ry coming" soul receives ; Ye trembling 1 souls, approach this Door, And enter, to go out no more. HYMN 49. 7s. Emmanuel. Mat. i. 23. 1 GOD with us ! O glorious theme ! Substance of the gospel scheme ! Prophets of this wonder spake ; Sinners now the grace partake. 2 God with us ! believers sing* ; This is Zion's gracious King" ; Claiming heavVs eternal throne, Stooping, flesh and blood to own. 3 God with us ! mysterious fact, He shall cov'nant work transact, Conquer Satan, guilt remove, And the sinner melt with love. 4 God with us, all worlds shall see, From him earth and skies shall flee, All who hate him he'll destroy, All who love him crown with joy. HYMN 50. CM. Express Image of the Father. Heb. i. 3. 1 IN Jesus' person, clear and bright, The Father's glories shine ; My faith beholds him with delight, And sings, this God is mine. 2 Divine perfections are his own, He is ador'd above, He sits upon the Father's throne, Proclaimed the God of love. CHRIST. 3 He built the world, he conquer'd hell, He ransonrd me with blood ; He rules and governs all thing's well, He is the eternal God. 4 The Father's image, quite express, — All glories are his own ; His Godhead all the saints confess, And bow before his throne. HYMN 51. S. M. Friend. 1 JESUS the sinner's Friend, Demands my highest praise ; His grace and love my steps attend, His goodness crowns my days. 2 He found me mean and poor, Among the sons of need ; He bade me knock at mercy's door, And on his fulness feed. 3 As often as I send My sore complaints on high, Constant and faithful is my Friend, A helper ever nigh. 4 All hail thou gracious Lord, Unchanging Friend indeed ; My song shall thy rich grace record, With all thy chosen seed. 5 When near the throne I dwell, And drink full draughts of love ; Thy friendship I'll for ever tell, Among the saints above, D 2 CHRIST. HYMN 52. CM. Forerunner. Heb. vi. 20. 1 FORERUNNER of thy ransom'd few, With joy thy steps we trace ; Still keeping thee and heav'n in view, Supported by thy grace. 2 The path thy sacred feet have trod, We fain would travel now, Till we appear before our God, And in thy presence bow. 3 Though 'tis a rough and thorny way, Since thou hast run before, We'll follow on without dismay, Gaze on thee, and adore. 4 Still pressing on to reach the prize, Our great Forerunner holds For us, beyond the azure skies, Where endless joy unfolds. HYMN 53. P.M. Fountain. Zech. xiii. 1. 1 FROM Calvary's brow Where Jesus expired, The Fountain flows now, Which sinners required, All sin and uncleanness, And guilt to remove, To raise them from meanness, And fill them with love. CHRIST. 2 This Fountain arose In Jesus' dear breast, It constantly flows To 1 make sinners blest ; Its streams without ceasing*, Their virtue impart, With comforts, increasing", To each broken heart. 3 This Fountain, supplied From Jesus' deep wound, Has often been tried, By sinners around; And never yet failed To pardon and melt, But always prevailed As soon as 'twas felt. 4 Come sinners, draw near, Diseas'd, and impure, You need not despair, For Jesus will cure, Tho' guilt like a mountain Before you has stood, Tis lost in this Fountain, The Lamb's precious blood. HYMN 54. P. M. Foundation. Isai. xxviii. 13. 1 ROCK of ag-es, strong* Foundation, By Jehovah's purpose laid ; Built on thee for my salvation, I shall never be afraid ; Corner stone, elect, and precious, By revolving 1 ag*es prov'd, All beside must be falacious, Thou canst never be remov'd. d 3 CHRIST. 2 To destroy this grand Foundation, Earth and hell with rage assail, But, (O, source of consolation,) Earth and hell shall not prevail. I'll no longer be prevented Building- my eternal ail On this Rock, by grace cemented : Thence my soul can never fall. 3 Foolish builders, this Foundation Proudly, fatally refuse ; To their endless condemnation, Wood, and hay, and stubble use. Jesus, thou art my Foundation, On thee, only, I rely ; Grant me an eternal station, In thy temple, built on high. HYMN 55. L. M, Faithful, Rev. xix. 11. 1 JESUS, my soul adores thy name, Thy faithfulness I must proclaim : The man that on thy word can rest, Is truly safe, and truly blest. 2 Thine honor, and thy people's good, Thy cov'nant bond, and precious blood, Upon thy faithfulness depend ; Thou wilt maintain it to the end. 3 Faithful in all thou didst engage, Though creatures change, and devils rage, Faithful to save, and bring to heaven, All that of God to thee are given. CHRIST. 4 My faithless heart I cannot trust, But thou, dear Lord, art true and just ; I'll on thy faithfulness rely, Both while I live, and when I die. HYMN 58. L. M. Gift of God. 1 AMAZING love ! beyond degree ! Eternal, sov'reign, rich, and free, Jehovah gave his only Son, For rebels, ruin'd and undone. 2 My soul, hast thou this gift receiv'd 1 Hast thou in Jesus Christ believ'd ? Then trace it up to love divine, And claim eternal life as thine. 3 This pledge of love, this precious gift, Above all fear my soul shall lift ; I cannot perish, but shall prove The joys of everlasting love. HYMN 57. L.M. The same* John iv. 16. 1 O, LOVE divine! thy pow'r how great, What songs can reach thy topless height 1 No finite creature's mind can scan Thy lengths, and breadths to fallen man. 2 Jehovah's bosom is thy throne : The gospel plan is all thy own ; To thee, the voice of praise we lift, For Jesus is thy sov'reign gift. 3 A gift unparallel'd in worth ; Heav'n's treas'ry drain'd, enriching earth ; Wisdom and pow'r by love corabin'd, Bestow a Saviour on mankind. CHRIST. 4 Astonish'd angels chaunt the theme, And conquer'd devils hate the scheme ; But men, (O vile degen'rate race !) Refuse, neglect, despise the grace. 5 Was e'er such love, and mercy shewn J Or such ungrateful conduct known \ No more, my God, may I oppose, But take the gift thy love bestows. HYMN 58. CM. The same. 1 WHAT wond'rous mercy, love and grace, In Jesus meet and shine ; Bestow'd on all the chosen race : O, may this gift be mine. 2 Tis rich and free, and suited well For all to whom 'tis given ; It saves the soul from sin and hell, And safely brings to heaven. 3 This gift the token of his love, He'll never take away ; It will enrich us here, and prove Enough through endless day. 4 Have I this gift? I can't be poor, The pearl of price is mine : Lord, give me Christ, I ask no more, And glory shall be thine. HYxMN 59. C. M. Head of the Church, Col. i. 18. I EXALTED on his glorious throne, Dwells Zion's covenant Head ; And sends his choicest blessings down, For all the chosen seed. CHRIST. 2 He is our ruling^ Head, alone, In heav'n and earth he reigns; 'Tis his authority we own, Whose blood removes our stains. 3 He is our living Head, in whom His members ever live ; From him the special blessings come, Jehovah deigns to give. 4 He is out everlasting Head, For us exalted high : Because he lives, he has once said, That we shall never die. HYMN 60. P. M. Hiding Place. 1 ARISE my soul, dismiss thy fear, To Christ thy Hiding Place draw near, Take shelter in his side; In him thou shalt securely dwell, Amidst the rage of earth and hell, And in his love confide. 2 Ten thousand monuments of grace, Brought into Christ their Hiding Place, By his constraining love ; 'Midst storms and tempests safe abide, Thither my soul shall flee to hide, And his protection prove. 3 Then let the floods of sorrow roll, And foes, or fiends attack my soul, Here I securely rest* In Jesus Christ my Hiding Place, I'm holy — happy — sav'd by grace, And with him ever blest CHRIST. HYMN 61. L. M. The same. Isai. xxxii. 2. 1 THIS world's a weary barren land, A rugged path o'er scorching 1 sand ; But thro' this desert we must haste, Before the joys of heav'n we taste. 2 To fright this trembling soul of mine, Sinai and conscience, both combine : The frowns of justice cloud the sky, And raise the furious tempest high. 3 But lo ! on Calv'ry's summit, stands The Man, who, with extended hands Invites me to his op'ning side, And says, " come in, and safely hide." 4 Weary, and faint, with want, and heat, My soul shall fly to this retreat : This rock, defends from scorching beams, And from it flows salubrious streams. 5 Within a Hiding-Place so good, 111 fear no storms, Til dread no flood ; But smiling at the winds, and waves, I'll bless his name, who loves and saves. HYMN 62. CM. Husband, Isaiah liv. 5. 1 LET heav'n-born souls in Christ rejoice, And take him at his word ; He says, O, listen to his voice, " Thy Husband is the Lord." 2 Thy maker and thy Husband too, Omnipotence and love, Have stoop'd to take such worms as you Up to his throne above. CHRIST. 3 Tho' poor, and helpless, mean, and vile, Your Husband knows it well; See, how he meets you with a smile, And says he'll with you dwell. 4 Tho' sin's enormous debt you see, And feel your dreadful thrall, Your marriage union sets you free, Your Husband pays it all. 5 Soon he will take your spirit home, The marriage supper give ; You shall no more from Jesus roam, But with your Husband live. HYMN 63, L. M. Intercessor. Heb. vii. 25", 1 " FATHER, Iicill," the Saviour cries, And gives himself a sacrifice, " That where I am thy saints may be, ■" In union with myself and thee." 2 " Father, i" will" the Lord demands, And spreads his interceding hands, " / ivill, that all for whom I died, " Be with me ever glorified.' 1 3 On this, I will, I safely rest, My Jesus pleads — I must be blest ; Soon shall my soul his glory see, For still he lives and pleads for me. HYMN 64. 7s. The same. 1 PRAYING soul dismiss thy fear, Joy and peace will soon appear ; To the throne of grace draw nigh, Jesus intercedes on high. CHRIST. 2 Come before thy Father's throne, Make thy wants and sorrows known, Never, never, doubt his love, Jesus intercedes above. 3 Let the world and Satan frown, This should never cast thee down ; All is working 1 for thy good, Jesus intercedes with blood. 4 Do corruptions rise and rage 1 Learn from God's inspir'd page, Reigning grace shall sin subdue, Jesus intercedes for you. 5 He has made thy cause his own — He is priest upon his throne : Thou shalt gain eternal bliss, Jesus intercedes for this. HYMN 65. L.M. Jesus. 1 JESUS, the name ador'd above, The name that saints supremely love, The name which devils most abhor, The name whence sinners comfoTt draw. 2 JESUS, no name is half so sweet : It makes angelic joys complete ; Revives the trembling, contrite souls ; And sins, and fears, and foes controuls. 3 JESUS, thy name is my delight, My food, my med'cine, strength, and light ; The armour, I would ever wear, My pledge of heav'n, my glory there. CHRIST. HYMN 66. CM. King. Rev. xix. 16. 1 HAIL I King of kings, eternal God, Monarch of earth and heaven ; The kingdom purchased by thy blood, Into thy hand is given. 2 Hail ! Prince of Peace ! thy sov 'reign grace Shall rule, with peaceful sway, While all thy chosen, new-born race, With joy thy word obey. 3 Thy laws are just, thy statutes pure, No crown with thine can vie ; Thy throne, for ever shall endure, Thy subjects never die. 4 Jesus, my King, to thee I bow, O 1 rule this heart of mine ; Lay each rebellious passion low, And make me wholly thine. HYMN 67. Tfs. Kiny of Saints. Rbv. xv. 3. 1 COME, my soul, thy tribute bring, Jesus reigns as Zion's King, He shall conquer ev'ry foe, And eternal peace bestow. 2 Jesus reigns, o'er earth and hell, Governs all creation well, Making all things work for good, To the purchase of his blood. 3 Jesus reigns, in ransom'd souls, All their raging sin controuls, Plants his laws within their hearts, And from thence he ne'er departs. E CHRIST. 4 Jesus reigns, in heav'n above, Rests in his unchanging 1 love — Scatters blessings from his throne, Conquers — keeps — and saves his own. HYMN 68. L. M. The same. 1 COME, heav'n-born souls, unite to tell The glories which in Jesus dwell ; His everlasting God-head sing, And triumph in him as your King. 2 The heav'nly hosts adore his name, Who bore his people's guilt and shame ; All sacred beauties in him meet, Come, bow and worship at his feet. 3 He's lovely in the realms above — His loveliness believers prove — He's lovely both in life and death, O, let his praise employ your breath. 4 He reigns, and shall for ever reign, No more let ransom'd souls complain; But touch the sceptre of his love, And wait to reign with him above. HYMN 69. P.M. Life. Col. iii. 4. 1 OF all the themes which tongues employ, Or sources of sublimest joy, Which men or angels know, Christ, the believer's Life, is found, The sweetest, most harmonious sound, That to the ear can flow. CHRIST. 2 Tis he gives life to gospel news, And he alone can life infuse To such dead souls as mine ; All that is precious here below, And all that glory can bestow, In Christ, our Life, combine. 3 Christ is my Life ; my soul still lives, By virtue of the life he gives, Which he can well supply; This source of life can never fail, Tho' all the pow'rs of hell assail, My soul can never die, 4 Roll swiftly on, my days and years, Till " Christ, who is our Life appears/' With bright angelic train ; Then, shall I see him as he is, Be introduced to hearnly bliss, And never sigh again. HYMN 70. C. M. Morning Star. 1 WHEN midnight darkness long prevails, To force the traveler's stay, The Morning Star, with joy he hails, To light him on his way. 2 Just so, when nightly seasons mar The comfort of the saints, Jesus, the bright and Morning Star, Dispels their sad complaints. 3 When first his sparkling form appears, Sweet harbinger of day, The drooping pilgrim's heart he cheers, And drives his fears away. E 2 CHRIST. Cold as his nightly feelings are, While light and darkness strive, Soon as he sees the Morning Star, His trembling hopes revive. He girds his loins, and trims his lamp, And upward speeds his way ; Through legal fears, and sensual damp, He reaches perfect day. HYMN 71. P. M. Master. Mat. xxiii. 3. A Servant of sin, By Satan enslav'd, Alas ! I have been, All over deprav'd : But Jesus forgave me, My prison-door broke, And promis'd to save me, To wear his bless'd yoke. No master so kind On earth can be found, His service, I find, With honor is crown'd ; His work is most pleasant, His servants all own, When Jesus is present: They can't work alone. My Master is great, His vineyard is large ; He'll servants create, But never discharge ; His bounty engages For life yet to come, To give them their wages, And find them a home. CHRIST. 4 I love him so well, I will not go free, For ever 111 tell He first loved me ; When standing* before him To gaze on his face, My soul shall adore him For glory and grace. HYMN 72. CM. Owned, 1 BEHOLD, Jehovah's equal Son From heav'n to earth descend ; Sinner, survey what he has done, And own him as your Friend. 2 Ye saints, who know and feel his love, Come sound his praise abroad, Begin the chorus sung above, And own him as your God. 8 Zion, rejoice, for Jesus reigns, Your noblest tribute bring ; Hail him, whose blood removes your stains, And own him as your King. 4 My soul shall Jesu's grace record, Which rais'd me from the fall, Call him my Brother, Saviour, God, And own him all in all. HYMN 73. C. M. Priest. 1 ORDAIIN'D of God, ere time began, Jesus in office stood ; The great High Priest for sinful man, Presenting precious blood. E 3 CHRIST. 2 Upon his sacred breast, he wears The names of all his saints ; For them within the veil appears, Presenting 1 their complaints. 3 In outer courts he deigns to meet The subjects of his grace, And brings them to the mercy seat, To see Jehovah's face. 4 See ! O, my soul, his merits rise, Like incense to the throne ; And his atoning sacrifice, Brings full salvation down. HYMN 74. S. M. Peace of the Saints. 1 YE saints, belov'd of God, The objects of his choice, Proclaim your Saviour's grace abroad, And in his name rejoice. 2 Though once, with God you strove, Jesus has brought your peace, Receives you in the arms of love, And bids your terrors cease. 3 'Tis Jesus reconciles Offending man to God, 'Tis through him God the Father smiles, And seals my peace with blood. 4 A peace that cheers my heart, Lifts me above the earth, Bids all my doubts and fears depart, And proves my heav'nly birth. CHRIST. This peace, by Jesus given, Is felt by saints alone ; The prelude, and the pledge of heaven, Where all his charms are known. HYMN 75. S.M. Physician. AFFLICTED souls who feel Sin's painful, fatal wound: Come, try " the good Physician's" skill, For he can make you sound. Cases most obstinate, This " good Physician" cures ; Come, seek his lace, 'tis not too late, While life itself endures. Though you have oft deny'd His love, with hearts perverse ; " Physicians of no value" try'd, x\nd still grew worse, and worse ; Yet hear the Saviour say, " Come hither, helpless soul, " Though you have nothing left to pay, " I'll freely make you whole." The poor, the lame, the blind, The deaf, the dumb, the dead, In Christ, " the good Physician/' find A balm for ev'ry need. All that apply, are sure His healing pow'r to gain ; His blood alone, sin's wound can cure, And life and health maintain. CHRIST. HYMN 76. L. M. Plant of Renown . Ezekiel xxxiv.29. 1 ERE earth was form'd, or time began, Or God had made the creature man, Eternal purposes had sown In heav'n, the plant of high renown. 2 It gain'd deep root in Paradise ; It weathers all the storms that rise ; In Zion, rears its stately head ; And through the church its branches spread. 3 Its virtues thousands can proclaim ; Nations, and princes, own its fame ; With choicest fruit its boughs abound ; In heav'n, and earth it lives renown'd. 4 Its sacred form, unfading stands ; Its spring-like verdure still expands ; When time and death, have run their round, 'Twill stand eternally renown'd. 5 Ingrafted in its sacred side, Thousands of sinners safe abide : O ! that my soul, may there be found, And prove how justly 'tis renown'd. HYMN 77. P. M. Christ Precious. 1 Pet. ii. 7. I TO speak my Saviour's name, And set his glory forth, To sound abroad his fame, And estimate his worth ; Would well employ th' angelic throng, And shall engage my thankful tongue. CHRIST. 2 His person, grace, and might, His offices, and love, Are sources of delight To ransom'd souls above ; In their loud songs 111 bear a part, For Christ is precious to my heart. 3 My Brother,, Surety, Friend ; My Prophet, Priest, and King : Faith's author, object, end : Around his cross I'll cling ; His precious blood redeemed my soul, He found me maim'd, and made me whole, 4 In comfort, and distress, In freedom, and in thrall, 'Tis he alone can bless, For he is all in all : In life and death, O, may I find My Jesus precious to my mind. HYMN 78. L. M. The same. 1 YES, thou art precious to my heart, My Lord, my life, my better part ; All covenant blessings in thee shine, And 1 believe they all are mine. 2 How precious in thine acts of love — How precious all its token's prove — Still precious while I live or die — Most precious when I reign on high ! 3 What precious things thy doctrines bring,, Thy preciousness my soul shall sing : 'Tis precious to believe and love ? Till with my precious Christ above. CHRIST. HYMN 79. L. M. Root. 1 IN all the names my Saviour wears, In all the characters he bears, His everlasting- glories shine, And faith exclaims this God is mine. 2 He is the Root, the vital source, Whence cov'nant blessings take their course, And flow in veins of quick'ning grace, Through all th* engrafted chosen race. 3 He is the Root, conceal'd from view, On which a full salvation grew, With all the fruits of cov'nant love, Of grace below, and bliss above. 4 He is the Root, despis'd of men, As without comeliness, and mean ; But precious to his ransom'd throng, Their hidden life, their daily song. 5 O, may my soul in him be found, Then shall my fruitfulness abound ; And since my Root can never die, I shall for ever live on high. HYMN 80. L. M. Rose of Sharon. Cant. ii. 1. 1 IN Sharon's fields, where flocks are seen, And pastures grow in living green, With heav'nly form, perennial blows, Th' immortal efficacious Rose. 2 Beauty unrivall'd it assumes : Its fragrance, all the air perfumes : When this our drooping souls inhale, Vigour, delight, and health prevail. CHRIST. " The Rose of Sharon" bears no thorns, And Zion's garden well adorns ; And heav'n itself, no fragrance knows. But such as Jesus Christ bestows. No bosom is so highly grac'd, As that in which this Rose is plae'd ; And without Jesu.s in ray arms, E'en Paradise would have no charms. May but this heav'nly Rose be mine, I'll part with all the flow'rs of time ; And thro' eternity, I'll crave No other boon, if Christ I have. HYMN 81. P. M. Receiver of Sinners. JBSUS the man whom men despise, Exalted reigns above the skies ; The God, in whom we live : This Man, this God displays his love, And stoops in mercy from above, The sinner to receive. I Unmindful of their outward state : The high, the low, the small, the great, His loving heart invites: Without upbraiding, he receives Each sinner that in him believes : In mercy he delights. ! Come, trembling soul, with guilt opprest, On Jesus' word of promise rest, And banish ev'ry doubt ; Come needy — guilty — as you are, And hear the Son of God declare, He will not cast you out. CHRIST. 4 Thousands of sinners, vile as you, He has receiv'd, and form'd anew, And all their sins forgiven : He still is willing* to embrace, All those who trust his sov'reign grace, And own them heirs of heaven. HYMN 82. C. M. The same. Luke xv. 2. 1 JESUS, the God who built the skies, The realms of glory leaves, Becomes a man, for sinners dies, And sinners now receives. 2 Though sin's dark stain defile them much, And guilt their souls oppress ; Yet Jesus Christ receiveth such, To purify and bless. 3 The Pharisees may proudly start, But Jesus still receives Repenting sinners to his heart, And every woe relieves. 4 Come, then, ye outcasts, vile and poor, This sacred truth believe ; Since God invites you, doubt no more, For Jesus will receive. 5 This Man, this God, now reigns on high, And has this promise given ; That all who on his grace rely, He will receive to heaven. CHRIST. HYMN 83. C. M. Rock of Ages. 1 CHRIST is the M Rock of Ages," high, Where all ray hope is fix'd ; The smitten Rock, which yields supply Of living streams unmix'd. 2 Christ is the Rock, from whence I see Both friends and foes aright ; Thither my soul would daily flee, And thence maintain the fight. 3 Christ is my Rock, on him I build, My life, my hope, my all ; His promises shall be fulfill'd ; He will not let me fall. 4 Christ is my Rock, he firm endures, And all my burthen bears : The soul that trusts him, he secures, From sins, and foes, and snares. 5 Christ is my Rock, where lies my store, Of grace, and glory vast ; Since Christ is mine, I can't be poor. But shall have heav'n at last. HYMN 84. S. M. 'Refuge. Isaiah xxv. 4. 1 YE trembling souls, who bow Beneath a load of sin, A Refuge wide, stands open now, Come freely enter in. 2 Depraved and vile indeed, Justly deserving hell ; But Christ your Refuge deign'd to bleed, That you in him might dwell. CHRIST, The grace by which you know, Your danger, guilt and shame, Bids you to this dear Refuge go, And trust in Jesus' name. See! Justice ready stands, To aim the dreadful blow ; But Christ, your Refuge, spreads his hands, To shield your souls from woe. This Refuge is secure, And its foundation strong; Time's fiercest storms it will endure, And save the shelter 'd throng. All who take Refuge there, Are safe from every ill, In cov'nant mercy largely share, And find protection still. HYMN 85. P. M. Refuge. A HELPLESS, guilty race, Expos'd to death and hell, But sav'd by sov'reign grace, With Jacob's God to dwell ; Let heav'n and earth this truth record, Our Refuge is in Jacob's God. \ Jehovah's cov'nant love, And Jesus' wounded side, A glorious Refuge prove, In which our souls shall hide ; Begone ye doubts ! away ye fears, Our Refuge Jacob's God appears. CHRIST. 3 In vain do foes assail, Or sin and Satan roar, They never can prevail, We're safe for evermore : For Jacob's God a Refuge proves, To all the helpless souls he loves. HYMN 86 9 CM. Righteousness. 1 YE souls condemned by Sinai's law, And sunk in deep distress, To Calvary look, and comfort draw From " Christ our Righteousness." 2 This is the name by which he's known, The name his saints confess : Gaze on him, humble soul, and own " The Lord our Righteousness." 3 A title just, a pardon seal'd, A spotless wedding dress ; Yea, grace and glory are reveal 'd In " Christ our Righteousness." 4 O, that my faith could Jesus claim, No more should doubts depress : Fain would I triumph in this name, " The Lord our Righteousness." HYMN 87. CM. Surety. Heb. vii. 22. 1 SWEET truth, Christ gave himself for me, To bear my load of guilt ; All I can want in him I see, Who says, " ask what thou wilt." F2 CHRIST. 2 He gave himself, then I may take His person as my own j His covenant he will never break, But take me to his throne. 3 He gave himself, and took my sins, O ! blest exchange for me ; My heav'n in this blest truth begins, And 1 shall glory see. HYMN 88. C. M. The same. 1 A DEBTOR to tehovah's law, My soul by nature stood : And Justice was about draw His sword, to shed my blood. 2 " Sinner, stand forth/' he sternly cried, " And pay me what you owe : " 'Tis done," said Jesus, " for I died ; " Loose him, and let him go." 3 " I am his Surety, I, the Lord : " Behold my wounded side/' He spake, and Justice dropt his sword, And said: " I'm satisfied." 4 When first I heard my Surety's voice, Engaging for my sake ; It made my fainting heart rejoice, And bade my songs awake. 5 Dear Surety, deign to take the praise Of grace and love so vast : Be thou my Surety, all my days, And clear my soul at last. CHRIST. HYMN 89. S. M. Sin Offering. Heb. x. 14. 1 ALL hail 1 atoning" Lamb, Who^e offering- once for all, Appointed by the great I am, Redeem'd us from the fall. 2 Thy efficacious blood, By power divine applied, Makes perfect all the Church of God, — All that are sanctified, 3 No condemnation now, Against the chosen race, Perfect, for ever, Lord we bow, And triumph in thy grace. 4 Here then my soul shall rest, With Jesus' blood applied : I'm ever perfect, ever blest, And ever satisfied. 5 Yea more, I'll make my boast In Jesus crucified, And perfect with the heav'nly host, I shall be glorified. HYMN 90. C. M. Servant. Isaiah xiii. 1. 1 JESUS, in condescending- love, Thus makes his grace appear ; He left the shining- realms above, To be a Servant here. 2 Though Lord of heav'n, he stoops to earth. To do his Father's will ; Poor, and despised, from his birth, Yet Lord of glory still. F 3 CHRIST. 3 Fatigue, and suffering, toil and pain, He, as a Servant bore, That all his church might live and reign, With him for evermore. 4 He did the work none else could do, Then he resum'd his throne ; Still keeping his designs in view, And gath'ring in his own. HYMN 91. S. M. Shepherd. John x. 11. 1 HARK ! the good Shepherd's voice ; Calls to his trembling sheep : He bids them constantly rejoice, For he his flock will keep. 2 When justice with a frown, Pursued them while astray ; The Shepherd his own life laid down, The ransom price to pay. 3 He brings them to his folds, And bids them stray no more ; In his own hand, the lambs he holds, And feeds them from his store. 4 Christ, the good Shepherd, knows, And calls his sheep by name ; He leads them forth, before them goes, And puts their foes to shame. 5 The lost he'll seek, and save, And gather them in love ; One fold they'll make, one Shepherd have, In pastures green above. CHRIST. HYMN 92. CM. The same. Psalm xxiii. 1 GOD is my Shepherd, O ! my soul, Dismiss thy doubts and fears ; His hand shall all thy foes controul, And wipe away thy tears. 2 God is my Shepherd, why so faint 1 Since he has rich supplies, For all the wants of ev'ry saint, That on his love relies ! 3 God is my Shepherd, all around Shall see my table spread : In pastures green, my soul is found, And grace anoints my head. 4 God is my Shepherd, he'll restore, The wand'rings of his sheep ; Dangers, and wants, I'll fear no more, Since he my soul will keep. 5 God is my Shepherd, I'll rejoice, Nor dread the vale of death ; Stay'd by his rod, cheer'd by his voice, I'll yield to him my breath. HYMN 93. 7s. Man of Sorr oics. 1 HARK ! a voice from Calvary Calls the w r and'rer passing by ; " Say, was ever grief like mine ?" Asks the SufFrer all divine. 2 Hear the dying Saviour's cries ; Fiercest anger on him lies ; Justice payment full requires ; Jesus suffers, groans, expires. CHRIST. 8 Angels wonder at the sight ; Heav'n's bright orb, withholds his light : Earth, and hell, astonish'd view : — Sinner, is it nought to you \ 4 Ne'er did sorrows equal his, But they purchased heavenly bliss ; Vanquish'd Satan, sin overthrew : — Is this nothing, saints, to you 1 5 Yes, our thankful souls reply, We behold on Calvary, Pardon purchas'd, peace procur'd, Grace hestow'd> and heav'n secur'd. HYMN 94. C. M. Sufferer Triumphant, 1 WHAT voice salutes my wond'ring ear, From Calv'ry's rugged tree; Which rends the rocks, beclouds the air, And bids the day -light flee ? 2 " Tis finished," O, transporting word ! And can the news be true ? " Yes," says my Saviour, " by my blood, " I've finished all for you." 3 All law demands, and justice claims, He answer'd with this word : And on his heart he bears the names Of all the sons of God. 4 Finish'd ! my heart leaps at the sound, And on the truth relies : The theme shall reach creation's bound. And pierce the vaulted skies. CHRIST. 5 Finished ! then I have nought to do, But to believe, and love ; This word the tempter's throne o'erthrew, And tunes the harps above. HYMN 95. S. M. Sower, Mat. xiii. 3. 1 BEHOLD, the Sower goes, And scatters precious seed ; Anon, it rises up and grows, And outlives ev'ry weed. 2 His skilful hand imparts Vitality around ; And though he sows on rocky hearts, He makes the fruit abound. 3 The seed his hand has cast, Lies buried in the fields ; Though hidden long, it springs at last, And a rich harvest yields. 4 By storms, or birds of prey, It cannot be destroyed ; " His word/' I hear the sower say, tc Returns not to him void." 5 Jesus, my heart behold ; Sow it with seed divine ; Bid it bring forth " an hundred-fold/ ' The glory shall be thine. CHRIST. HYMN 96. P. M. Sim of Righteousness. 1 THE glories that adorn the sky, When mid-day Sun is beaming* high, Without a cloudy frown, Are faint and few, compar'd with thine, O, Sun of righteousness divine! Whose glories ne'er go down. 2 When on th' horizon of my soul, Where darkness reign VI from pole to pole, And wrapt up all in night, Thy heavenly glories deign to rise, Away the gloom of midnight flies, And yields the sphere to light. 3 Majestic orb ! thy rays can dart Their influ'nce to the darkest heart, And melt the frozen mind ; Can drive drear winter's form away, Bring spring-like morn, and summer's day, And send forth fruits refin'd. 4 Great source of light and life divine, Arise, and let this heart of mine Nov/ feel a quick'ning ray : Now fertilize this barren ground ; Make fruits of holiness abound, And shine to endless day. HYMN 97. L. M. Shield, Gen. xv. 1, 1 THUS Jesus speaks, and charms my ear, "I am thy Shield, dismiss thy fear, " Let all your doubts be banish'd hence, " And take me as your sure defence." CHRIST. 2 " Let Satan's fiery darts be hurl'd, 11 And flames consume the solid world ; " Let Sinai's forked lightnings dart, " I am thy Shield to guard thy heart." 3 O, that my faith could firmly hold This heav'nly Shield, with ardour bold, I then could every foe repel, Invincible to earth and hell. 4 With sins, and fears, and fiends 111 fight, My Shield shall put them all to flight ; The conquest gain'd, I'll quit the field, And triumph in my glorious Shield. HYMN 98. C. M. Sou of David. Mat. xxii. 45. 1 O, SON of David, David's Lord, Thy glorious names we sing ; Thine everlasting love record, And own thee as our King. 2 We sing the birth of David's Son, With all our feeble pow'rs ; His heav'nly majesty we own, As David's Lord and our's. 3 As David's Lord his Godhead shone, With lustre all divine : He wears our nature on his throne : In David's Son we shine. HYMN 99. C. M. Samaritan. Luke x, 33, 1 NEAR Jericho a victim lay Despoil'd, and left half dead ; A priest and levite pass, but they No blessing on him shed. CHRIST. 2 A good Samaritan came there, With love and pity mov'd ; He heal'd, and sav'd with special care, A friend and neighbour prov'd. 3 Thus Adam's race unpitied lie, The law no mercy shows ; But Jesus, full of grace, draws nigh, And life divine bestows, 4 All hail ! Samaritan divine, By whom alone we live ; Thy precious blood, like oil and wine, Both health, and comfort give. 5 The priest and levite shall not share In our loud songs of praise ; We'll sing thy love, and constant care, Thro* everlasting days. HYMN 100. S. M. Treasure. Matthew xiii. 44. 1 HOW can my soul be poor ! The pearl of price is mine ; In Jesus all I want, and more, Is stor'd by love divine. 2 His merit, grace, and love, — His righteousness, and blood, Enrich me now, my treasure prove, And pay my way to God. 3 All heav'n itself contains, Is treasur'd up in Christ ; And, ev'ry ransom'd sinner gains His bliss in new supplies. CHRIST. 4 Jesus is full of grace, A treasure all divine ; * I'll lay my wants before his face, And call his riches mine. 5 I woucd no more complain, With treasure such as this, I've grace bestow 'd, and soon shall gain, The stores of endless bliss. HYMN 101. P. M. Treasure. 1 RISE, my soul, and take thy pleasure, As an heir of endless bliss : Christ has now become thy Treasure, Triumph evermore in this, J esus* fulness Is thy wealth — thy cares are his. 2 He gives blessings, in full measure, To the objects of his love; Out of his exhaustless Treasure, Grace for grace we daily prove, Jesus' fulness Gladdens all the saints above. 3 What though death shall make his seizure, Pulling down my house of clay, He can never touch my Treasure, That is safe through endless day ; Jesus' fulness Can't be plunder'd — can't decay. HYMN 102 S. M. Tree of Life. Rev. xxii. 2. 1 IN heav'nly pastures green, Where living water flows ; Jesus, " the Tree of Life/' is seen. And in full vigour grows. G CHRIST. 2 Majestic is its form; Eternal is its root, It braves the rage of every storm, And yields abundant fruit. 3 This Tree for ever lives, And every month abounds In fruit, by which the sinner lives, And leaves that heal his wounds. 4 All heav'n is well supplied, From Christ the living Tree; Nor is its sacred fruit denied To such a worm as me. 5 O ! that my faith could stretch Her wither'd hand on high, From Christ, " the Tree of life," to fetch A constant, rich supply. HYMN 103. C. M. The same. 1 JESUS, " the Tree of Life," contains Within his leaves a cure, Which, when the dying sinner gains, Eternal life is sure. 2 The deepest wounds that mortals feel, Or woes our souls deplore ; This "Tree of Life" has leaves to heal, And soundness to restore. 3 And if sin's malady remov'd, Returns with threat'ning rage ; These healing leaves may yet be prov'd, And will its power assuage. CHRIST. 4 Here my sin- wounded, fainting heart, Some secret help receives ; Here I will stay and ne'er depart, And trust these healing leaves. HYMN 104. L. M. The Apple Tree. Cant. ii. 3. 1 AMIDST all nature's wood below, Where brambles, oaks, and cedars grow, No plants are like the Apple Tree ; Such my beloved is to me. 2 More beauteous far than all the rest ; His nature, and his fruit the best ; Deep-rooted, lofty, spreading wide, Affording shade on every side. 3 O, the delight my soul receives, When sitting down beneath his leaves ; The Spirit like some heav'nly wind, Brings down the fruit to cheer my mind. 4 Beneath his shadow I would stay, To taste his fruit from day to day ; Till to the topmost bough I climb, And pluck the fruit of bliss sublime. HYMN 105. C. M. Vine. John xv. 1. 1 IN Zion's garden stands a Vine, The glory of the place ; Its fruitful boughs, which verdant shine, Are grafted in by grace. 2 If, like some trembling twig, I grow On Christ the living Vine, Up from the root his grace shall flow, To give me life divine. G 2 CHRIST. 3 O, may my soul her union prove To Christ, the heav'nly Vine ; For since the root can ne'er remove, Each branch in heav'n shall shine. HYMN 106. C. M. Way. John xiv. 6. 1 ENQUIRING souls, far off, astray, And lost from wisdom's road, Behold, in Jesus Christ the Way, To happiness and God. 2 This Way, prepared by sov'reign grace, Is mark'd with precious blood ; The Way which prophets lov'd to trace, And holy martyrs trod. 3 'Tis narrow, ancient, safe, and clean, By every christian found, But, none who love the world and sin, Can tread the heav'nly ground. 4 Christ is the Way that God approves, The only Way from hell ; In which he brings the souls he loves, With him on high to dwell. 5 Lord, I adore thy matchless grace, By which 1 found this Way ; O, help me now to mend my pace, To realms of endless day. HYMN 107. C. M. His Word was with Power. Luke iv. 32. 1 JESUS, my God, my Friend, my King^ Whom heav'n and earth adore ; The wonders of thy word I sing, But never can explore. CHRIST. 2 Thy tvord in cov'nant undertook To bring salvation in : Thy word upon mount Calv'ry shook The gates of hell and sin. 3 Thy pow'rful word can intercede, And grace divine impart ; Can change the soul, supply its need, And sanctify the heart. 4 Thy so v 'reign word knows no controul : Its, conquests none can tell : Its triumphs reach from pole to pole, To heav'n, to earth, and hell. 5 Summon'd by thee, all worlds shall come, From seas and tombs shall start ; Thy tvord shall welcome christians home, And bid thy foes depart. HYMN 108. L. M. Wonderful. 1 WHAT wonders in my Saviour meet ! His head — his hands — his side — his feet Present to my astonish'd view, Eternal glories, ever new. 2 Poor and despis'd — yet rich and lov'd — Humble to death — his throne unmov'd-* A servant — and a sovereign Lord — Revil'd, and murder'd — yet ador'd. 3 Pardon and life are his to give — He died that all his church might live — Became a curse, yet deigns to bless ; He is the Lord our Righteousness. G 3 CHRIST. s He had not where to lay his head, Although the worlds were by him made ; He hunger'd — though he thousands fed— Sinless — and yet for sin he bled. 5 The Father's co-eternal Son— The Friend of sinners (though undone) The portion all believers crave — He's Man to suffer — God to save ! HYMN 109. L. M. Water of Life. 1 COME, thirsty souls, — and be supplied, From Jesus' smitten bleeding side, Whence living waters daily flow, Through all this desert land below. 2 All Israel here shall drink and live, Joy, peace, and bliss these waters give ; All that partake of Jesus' grace, Are his peculiar chosen race. 3 Blest rock, in Jesus Christ I see, The living waters flow for ih£ ; A never failing rich supply, That 1 may drink and never die. HYMN 110. C. M. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Heb. xin. 3. 1 ERE time began, my SaSiour stood Responsible for me — The same when call'd to shed his blood, Upon th' accursed tree. CHRIST. 2 My everlasting 1 cov'nant Head, Who was, and is the same, Before all time — when time was fled— All glory to his name. 3 My Head and Husband, when I lay Deep sunk in guilt and shame- He changes not through endless day, For ever he's the same. 4 On me he set eternal love— For me he shed his blood — In me by grace— -for me above, He is th ? unchanging God. HYMN 111. P. M. "Behold the Man." John xix. 5. 1 " BEHOLD the Man," from heav'n descend, The Man on whom all worlds depend^ Wearing a crown of thorn : Behold the God in manhood cloth'd, To sinners kind, by sinners loath'd, The object of their scorn. 2 " Behold the Man/' O, christian, see The Man that groan'd, and died for thee : Behold him, and admire :j With rev'rence for his sacred name, With lo\ r e enkindled to a flame, Let all our souls aspire. 3 " Behold the Man," ye sons of men, Who, soon on clouds will come again, And worlds shall him surround. — Approach the wounds,~your sins have made, And pardon seek, from him whose head, Once, with rude thorns was crown'd. HOLY SPIRIT. 4 The Man who bore your sins and mine, In whom all excellences shine, Holds pardon in his hand : He wears no thorns, nor mock-robe now : Heav'n, earth, and hell before him bow, And wait his dread command. HOLY SPIRIT. HYMN 112. C. M. Creator. 1 CREATION'S charms, and each delight, That nature's form has gain'd, Sprang- from the dark chaotic night, Where wild confusion reign'd. 2 The Spirit mov'd upon the face Of water, earth, and air ; Assigning* each its work and place, And they his power declare. 3 He bid the solid earth appear, And bound the swelling 1 wave ; Enkindled fire, and breath'd the air, And life to nature gave. 4 The midnight shades his hand withdrew, And fix'd the hours of night ; Then bade the mid- day sun break through, With radiant beams of light. 5 Thus, in my dark chaotic soul, He mov'd with power divine, Its jarring passions to controul, And with new light to shine. HOLY SPIRIT. HYMN 113. C. M. The same. 1 WHAT mighty acts of God-like power Are seen in nature's frame ; Earth's massy hills, and heav'n's high tower; Omnipotence proclaim. 2 But nobler work demands my praise, Where greater power 's displayed ; Jehovah hath, by sov'reign grace, A new creation made. 3 From Adam's ruin he selects The stones which in him fell ; And temples for himself erects, In which he deigns to dwelL 4 The work begun he'll ne'er forsake, Though earth and hell oppose ; His name and honor are at stake, To save the men he chose. 5 This thought shall cheer my darkest hour; My God will not forsake ; He new creates me by his power, And he'll to glory take. HYMN 114. L. M. The same. 1 MY thoughts, Jehovah's works survey In heav'n, in earth, in seas, and say Which of his wonders best proclaim, The power and wisdom of his name. 2 Mark well that penetrating grace, That quickens all the chosen race, Subdues the vile, imparts the good,— This work is worth v of a God. HOLY SPIRIT. 3 To new create such souls as mine, Demands both skill and power divine ; None but a God can sin controul, None but a God convert a soul. 4 Where'er he has the work begun, He never leaves it till 'tis done ; Though sin and Satan raise their storms, The Holy Ghost his work performs. 5 Ye saints, awake your loudest songs ; To you this confidence belongs : God has to you his Spirit given, And he will bring you safe to heaven. HYMN 115. C. M. Preceptor. John xiv. 26. 1 WHEN God, the Spirit, comes to men, To sanctify and teach, He finds them stubborn, dull, and vain, And destitute of speech. 2 But by his power, he soon imparts, Perception to the mind ; Opens their ears, and melts their hearts, And gives a taste refined. 3 He takes them to the lowest seat, And shows them what they are ; Then brings them to the Saviour's feet, To learn new lessons there. 4 He bids them Sinai's law attend, And all its curses read ; Then Calv'ry's rugged hill ascend, And see the Saviour bleed. HOLY SPIRIT. 5 Tis he, who does to profit teach ; Makes babes and idiots wise ; And all that learn of him shall reach A throne above the skies. HYMN 116. 7s. Remembrancer . John xiv. 26. 1 KIND Remembrancer of Christ, Who his precious blood appliest, — Now thy promis'd work fulfil, To reveal the Saviour's will. 2 Jesus paid our dreadful debt, Yet his love we oft forget : Come thou Spirit of the Lord, Send thine influence abroad. 3 Let his love and grace be brought To each mind, and fill each thought ; Let its sweet remembrance stay In our hearts, from day to day. 4 While we tarry here below, More of Jesus make us know ; Testify of him we love, Till we see his face above. HYMN 117. CM. Comforter. John xii. 26. 1 WHEN Zion's sons in sorrow mourn, And foes and fears oppress ; Their cries Jehovah will not scorn, Nor leave them comfortless. 2 He sends his Spirit to impart A sense of pardoning love, Drives doubts and darkness from the heart, And hills of guilt remove. HOLY SPIRIT. 3 The saints in every trying hour. Shall by his power receive Some cheering ray, some vital power, Their sorrows to relieve. 4 He stoops to earth and comfort brings ; Tells of a Saviour's love ; Then points us to eternal things, And lifts our hearts above. HYMN 118. S. M. Th& SCL?)l€* 1 THE God of Israel knows, The sorrows of his saints ; And as their Comforter bestows A balm for their complaints. 2 He breaks the heart of stone, And wakes the dead in sin : ? Tis he that makes the Saviour known ? And heals the wounds within. 3 He comforts drooping souls, And living water gives, Innate depravity controuls, And tempted saints relieves. 4 In contrite hearts he dwells, However mean th* abode ; Of thrones, and harps, and glory tells, And cheers them on the road. HYMN 119. S. M. The Spirit's Sealing. 1 IT is the Lord reveals To sinners, what they are, And all the souls his Spirit seals. Who in his mercy share. HOLY SPIRIT. 2 When he this work performs, He melts the sinner's heart ; Then stamps his likeness on us worms, Which never shall depart. 3 This sacred seal is wrought In Jesus' precious blood ; The sealed shall to heav'n be brought, For they are own'd of God. 4 Lord set thy seal on me — Let me thy image bear, That when thy saints thy glory see, I may be with them there. HYMN 120. P. M. Witness. Rom, viii. 16. 1 HOLY Spirit, heav'nly witness, Whose almighty unction darts, Life to souls once dead, and fitness For the heav'nly state imparts ; Bear thy witness, To thy work in all our hearts. 2 Witness to our souls of Jesus, Let us now his grace record : Thou, and thou alone, canst ease us ; Shed the Saviour's love abroad, And bear witness, That we are the sons of God. 3 Witness every frame and feeling, Every want, and every woe ; And the blood of Christ for healing. On our helpless souls bestow : Holy witness, Let us cov'nant blessings know. H HOLY SPIRIT. 4 Witness in us, for us, by us, With thine agency divine ; Nor in that great day deny us, When the saints in glory shine ; Then bear witness, Of our souls, that they are thine. HYMN 121. C. M. Agency with the Word. 1 O! What unfading- beauties shine Upon the sacred page ! There Jesus' glories, all divine, My wond'ring eyes engage. 2 Within this ocean, God's own word, Lie heav'nly pearls conceal 'd ; And, by the Spirit of the Lord, The treasures are reveal'd. 3 The preacher can but reach the ear ; He penetrates the soul, Deposits covenant blessings there, And new creates the whole. 4 The word 's a letter from above, Seal'd with the Saviour's blood ; Each line contains the Father's love ; The Spirit wrote each word. 5 'Tis by his agency alone, That every saint receives The word, by which the heart of stone Is melted, and believes. HOLY SPIRIT. HYMN 122. L. M. "Have ye received the Holy Ghost." Acts. xix. 1 HO ! ye whose anxious seeking minds, To new pursuits new vigour binds, This question, sure, concerns you most : " Have ye receiv'd the Holy Ghost V 2 He comes, and with a powerful ray, He drives the love of sin away : Those he wounds deepest love him most ; " Have ye receiv'd the Holy Ghost V 3 Where'er he comes, he comes to dwell, And christians like his presence well ; He fits them for the heavenly host ; " Have ye receiv'd the Holy Ghost V y 4 With love of sin, and cursed pride, The Holy Ghost will not abide ; He scorns the Pharisee's vain boast : " Have ye receiv'd the Holy Ghost V* 5 Dear Lord, before thy throne I bow ; Decide this question for me now ; Let me this heav'nly guest receive, And never more thy Spirit grieve. HYMN 123. 7tf. Invoked. 1 HOLY Spirit, heav'nly dove, Breathe upon us from above, And with sweet celestial fire, Zeal inflame, and love inspire. 2 On this congregation pour Heav'nly blessings, like a shower : Streams of grace upon us shed ; Teach the living, raise the dead. H 2 HOLY SPIRIT. Bid each groundless doubt depart ; Bind up every broken heart, Warm the frozen, cheer the faint ; Feed and comfort every saint. Every soul do thou engage ; Every christian's grief assuage ; Be our councellor and guide ; Lead to Jesus crucified. HYMN 124. P. M. The same. NOW may Jesus send his Spirit, With a copious shower of grace, And apply his blood and merit To our souls within this place ; Paul may plant, A polios water, God alone can increase give, May some new-born son or daughter^ Now by grace begin to live. Careless sinners Lord awaken, On the dead new life bestow, And the souls that are mistaken, Undeceive before they go : Give some comfort to the mourners j Take our unbelief away ; While on earth we are sojourners, Strength proportion to our day. May the precious gospel fountain, Life and healing now impart, Let it overflow each mountain, And descend to every heart : Water all thy sacred garden, Nourish every tender vine, Give thy saints a sense of pardon, And the glory shall be thine. HOLY SPIRIT. HYMN 125. CM. The same, 1 BLEST Spirit own this sacred hour ; And warm the preacher's heart : Let every hearer feel thy power, Ere from thy house we part. 2 Direct thine arrows to the souls Of unconverted men ; And, while thy servant truth unfolds, May some be born again. 3 Give to thy saints a foretaste sweet Of thy eternal rest ; Each seeking soul now deign to meet, And make each mourner blest. HYMN 126. L.M. The same. Ezek. xxxvii. 9. 1 ETERNAL Spirit, heav'nly wind, Breathe on thy slain among mankind, Bid the dry scatter'd bones revive, And make the dead in sin alive. 2 Behold how cold and dead we lie, Send quickening unction from on high ; No sinner in this vale can live, Till thou the breath of life shalt give. 3 Like rushing wind thy power controuls, — Thy still small voice can comfort souls : O, breathe upon our souls to-day, And thus thy sov'reignty display. 4 Awake, O, wind, and raise the dead, Blow fragrance from our Cov'nant Head, Refresh the trees of righteousness, And all thv saints with comfort bless. H 3 HOLY SPIRIT. HYMN 127. CM. The same. ETERNAL Spirit now descend, To own thy sacred word ; Now glorify the sinner's Friend, And his rich grace afford. O, testify of Jesus here, To every broken heart ; His righteousness and strength bring near, And bid each fear depart. Come manifest his love to us, His finished work make known ; O ! glorify the Saviour thus, And gather in his own. HYMN 128. L. M. The Sarfie. Isai. xxvi, 19. NOW, Lord, thy Spirit's unction give, And let thy dead begin to live : Be it according to thy word, New life to sinners now afford. Are they not thine, though lost and dead ! Art thou not still their cov'nant Head ? O, quicken thy dead men by grace, Raise up an holy heav'n-born race. Rais'd up in Christ, O, let us prove, The height and depth of cov'nant love \ In heav'nly places sit and sing, The glories of our conquering King. Ere long our sluraVring dust shall rise, To join our souls above the skies ; Then shall our hallelujahs tell, How Jesus vanquish'd death and hell. HOLY SPIRIT. HYMN 129. CM. The same. 1 ETERNAL Spirit, let me know The love of Christ to me ; Its conqu'ring quick'ning power bestow, To set my spirit free. 2 I long* to know its depth and height* To scan its breadth and length ; Drink in its ocean of delight, And triumph in its strength. 3 It is thine office to reveal The Saviour's wondrous love ; O, set upon my heart thy seal, And bless me from above. 4 Thy quick'ning power to me impart • And be my constant guide ; Remove my sorrows — warm my heart, And be thou glorified. HYMN 130. P. M. The same. 1 HOLY Spirit, now deliver All thy saints from slavish fear ; Thou, of comfort, art the giver, Rest upon thy people here : By thine unction, Bring the Saviour's fulness near. 2 Let thy mighty operation, Every contrite heart revive: And reveal that full salvation, By which ruin'd sinners live ; May thine unction Pardon, peace, and comfort give. HOLY SPIRIT. 3 Tis by thy divine anointing:, Ransom'd sinners know the Lord ; Gospel truths, to Jesus pointing", Strength, delight, and joy afford, When thine unction Rests upon the preached word. 4 Come, O come, almighty Teacher, Let thy people feel thy power ; On the hearers, and the preacher, Send a rich refreshing shower, Of thine unction In this consecrated hour. HYMN 131. S. ML. The same. 1 OUR souls adore thee, Lord, For giving means of grace ; Thy written, and thy preached word Within this sacred place. 2 But gospel means alone, Can never satisfy ; O, send thy Holy Spirit down, With blessings from on high. 3 We wait his promised aid, Nor can our souls aspire, To feast on Christ our living Head, V^ithout his holy fire. 4 O, touch the preacher's tongue, As with a living coal ; Enlighten all the ransom'd throng, And bless each heav'n-born soul. HOLY SPIRIT HYMN 132. P. M. The same. 1 AT Zion's blest gates, Where Jesus is known ; Behold, his church waits, And looks to his throne : Jehovah the Spirit, The Saviour reveals, Applying his merit, He wounds and he heals. 2 He raises the dead, Gives sight to the blind, Imparts living bread, And peace to the mind ; The joy of salvation, By him is restor'd, And rich consolation* In Jesus the Lord. 3 Blest Spirit descend, "With unction divine, While we shall attend, This message of thine ; And let it be crowned With mighty success, And thou shalt be owned, As present to bless. HYMN 183. 7s. The same. 1 COME, thou blessed Spirit, come, And conduct thy people home ; As our Teacher, and our Guide, Evermore with us abide. 2 We are in a desert land, Foes appear on every hand ; HOLY SPIRIT. For thy promis'd aid we pray, Strength proportion to our day. 3 Lead us through this vale of tears — Save us from surrounding snares — Make the precious Saviour known, And conduct us to his throne. 4 Conquer every inbred sin — Strengthen us with might within ; Every thought, and step direct, — Prove that we are God's elect. 5 Carry on thy work of grace, Till we see our Father's face — Sprinkle us with precious blood, And we'll praise thee as our God. THE CHURCH. HYMN 134. S. M. God's Building. 1 Cor. iii. 9. 1 LO ! heaven's great architect, Who form'd the earth and skies, A holy temple does erect, Where ruin'd nature lies. 2 Its sacred base is laid On an eternal rock ; Though storms, and floods, and foes invade, It well endures the shock. 3 God takes the meanest sons Of Adam's fallen race": And forms them like well polish'd stones, Cemented by his grace. THE CHURCH. 4 In vain do kings conspire, To cast this building down, It gathers strength, it rises higher ; For 'tis Jehovah's own. 5 Sheltered by cov'nant love, And God's decrees its walls, Unshaken it shall stand above, When earth's huge fabric falls. HYMN 135. CM. Founded on a Rock. 1 A BUILDING fair while Atheists mock, The Church of Christ shall rise ; Its firm foundation is a Rock, Which every wave defies. 2 While some with basis laid in sand, Their tow'ring structures rear, The Church on Christ its Rock shall stand, Nor floods, nor tempests fear. 8 Should all the powers of earth and hell, Against the Church engage, Jesus the Rock, secures it well, From all their power and rage. 4 Then let the earth and skies retire, And nature feel the shock : Let worlds consume, and time expire, Jehovah is our Rock. HYMN 136. S. M. The Tabernacle of God. 1 WHAT condescending love ! Jehovah dwells with man ; Reveals his glories from above, And shews his gospel plan. THE CHURCH. His tabernacle stands, A witness for his name; Here praying* souls lift up their hands, And Jesus' love proclaim. Here will Jehovah dwell, To manifest his grace : Here will he rescue souls from hell, And they shall see his lace. The altar, and the priest, The ofTring' and the fire ; The paschal lamb, the gospel feast, What more can we desire ? Here then may I abide, And meet Jehovah here ; Gaze on my Saviour's wounded side, Adore, and love, and fear. HYMN 137. S. M. God' s Husbandry . 1 Cor. iii. 9. FROM nature's barren land, Beheld a spot inclos'd ; Planted by an Almighty hand; Of fruitful trees compos 'd ; \ This husbandry must thrive. Water'd by heav'nly grace, All that Jehovah plants, shall live. And well adorn their place. \ Tis safely wall'd around, With purposes divine ; Jehovah keeps his chosen ground. He loves his chosen vine. THE CHURCH. 4 The tend'rest weakest saint, Is his peculiar care ; He rains down blessings when they faint, And none can perish there. 5 Here may I verdant stand, And very fruitful prove ; And grow, when prun'd by Jesus' hand, In Paradise above. HYMN 138. S. M. The little Flock. Luke xii. 32. 1 HARK ! 'tis the Shepherd's voice, Who with his flock appears ; He bids the tender lambs rejoice, And banish all their fears. 2 Though little here below, You shall to glory rise : " Fear not," your Father will bestow A kingdom in the skies. 3 " Fear not ye little flock/' Whom Jesus Christ redeems ; 'Tis your's to feed beside that Rock, Which sends forth living streams. 4 " Fear not;" though lions roar, Your Shepherd guards you well ; Soon you shall hear their noise no more But in your kingdom dwell. 5 " Fear not ;" believe his word ; You are to Jesus given ; Tis " the good pleasure " of the Lord To bring you safe to heaven. i THE CHURCH. HYMN 139- P. M. The Burning Bush. Exod. iii. 2. 1 BEHOLD a Bush that burns with fire ; Turn, and the wond'rous sight admire, And sound abroad its fame : Envelop 'd by the vivid blaze, It sends forth heat, and light displays, Yet lives amidst the flame. 2 Thus has the Church, from age to age, Survived amidst satanic rage ; No power her form can crush : Her beauty, and her strength remains, And lustre in the furnace gains ; For God is in the bush. 3 Not Egypt's thrall, nor Bab'lon's flame, Nor tyrants of tremendous name, Caii Zion's strength impair : The furnace may have seven-fold power, But not one saint can it devour, For God is with them there. 4 The humble bush, the christian name, Stands unconsum'd amidst the flame, And Jesus' power displays : Love's holy fire still blazes high ; All other fires it shall outvie, And burn through endless days. HYMN 140. C. M. Inhabitants of the Rock. Isai. xlii. 11. 1 FROM Zion's Rock, I hear a song, Where souls securely dwell ; With joyful notes the heaven-born throng Their Saviour's honors tell. THE CHURCH. 2 This Rock is deep, and firm, and high ; Inhabited by saints, And smitten to afford supply- To every soul that faints. 3 From Zion's Rock, the christian's eye A glorious vision gains ; Explores the realms above the sky, And scorns these sensual plains. 4 This Rock's inhabitants, their doubts And fears may send away ; Their prayers and their triumphant shouts Fill Satan with dismay. 5 Inhabitants of this great Rock, Dear Lord, our souls would be ; Then 'midst earth's final, fatal shock, We'll sing new songs to thee. HYMN 141. C. M. Chosen of God. John xv. 16. 1 ZIOIN survey the wond'rous grace, The God of heav'n displays : He chose us out of Adam's race : Awake, and sing his praise. 2 We did not, w T ould not choose the Lord, Until th' appointed hour, When Jesus shed his love abroad, With sweet constraining power. 3 He chose, because he lov'd to choose, But ah ! my stubborn heart Refus'd him, while 1 could refuse, And often said depart. 12 THE CHURCH. 4 But when his saving 1 grace I knew, I made the Lord my choice r Jesus, created me anew, And I'll in him rejoice. HYMN 142. L. M. The same. 1 AWAKE, ye saints, with cheerful voice ; Jehovah says you are his choice ; In the great council held above, He fix'd on you his boundless love. 2 He still pursues the men he chose, Though they are bent his love V oppose ; Till conquer'd by Almighty grace, They prostrate fall before his face. 3 All he has chosen, he ordains ; They bring forth fruit : their fruit remains ; Whate'er they ask God will bestow ; "Whene'er in Jesus' name they go. 4 He never will revoke his choice; In this blest truth his saints rejoice ; For all he chooses, choose him too, And he will bring them safely throug-h. HYMN 143. L. M. Object of Love. I JEHOVAH'S love, first chose his saints ; Love listens now to their complaints ; Love paid their debt incurr'd by sin ; Love breaks their hearts, and enters in. 1 Thus Father, Son and holy Dove, The Three in One, a God of love, Engag'd in cov'nant for our sake : This three-fold cord can never break. THE CHURCH. 3 Tis held in God our Saviour's hand : Suspended by his own command, It reaches to the gates of hell, And rescues souls, with him to dwell. 4 Nor sin nor Satan can devour The soul that feels its vital power ; It will not, cannot lose its hold : Eternal joys it will unfold. HYMN 144. C. M. The same. 1 WHAT sacred theme is that, inspires In every saint, a song ; And with celestial ardour fires, The bright angelic throng? 2 Jehovah's love swells every note, And sounds from every chord ; Through distant worlds, and lands remote, And echoes back to God. 3 He lov'd his saints ere time began, And gave them to his Son ; Yea, love contriv'd his cov'nant plan, And cov'nant work has done. 4 He lov'd his people when they lay Beneath sin's cruel yoke ; 'Twas love, that stoop'd their debt to pay, And love their fetters broke. Unchanging love, alone, could bear With so5 perverse a race ; It gives them heav'n, it takes them there, And tunes their harps to praise. I 3 THE CHURCH. HYMN 145. C. M. The same. 1 WHAT boundless, and unchanging love, God has bestow'd on saints ; 'Tis this shall tune their harps above, And banish their complaints. 2 Love plac'd their souls in Jesus' hand, Who rescu'd them from hell : By his unchanging* love they stand, And with him hope to dwell. 3 Twas love that brought them to his feet, And melted down each heart : His love shall make their bliss complete ; And ne'er from them depart. 4 The drawings of his love shall bring, Their souls up to his throne : Of his eternal love to sing, With rapture here unknown. HYMN 146. CM. Predestinated. 1 AMAZING love ! transcendant grace ! Redemption's scheme displays ; In God's predestinated race, To his eternal praise. 2 His sons, by him, were all foreknown, And registered above ; Predestinated to a crown, By everlasting love. 3 On this eternal, fix'd decree, All things in time depend ; Salvation, perfect, full, and free, And glory without end. 4 Tis God's predestinating love Transforms the chosen race ; THE CHURCH. Prepares the Church for joys above, And crowns triumphant grace. HYMN 147. P. M. The same. 1 ARE the saints predestinated, By the purposes of grace? They can never be frustrated, God will have his chosen race ; In his kingdom, All his saints shall see his face. 2 Are the saints predestinated, To a kingdom and a crown ! Then they shall be new-created, God will send his Spirit down, To transform them, To the image of his Son. 3 Are the saints predestinated, To their mansions built above ! This rich blessing emanated From Jehovah's sov'reign love ; His affection Never, never shall remove. 4 Yes v we are predestinated ! 'Tis asserted by the King : With this precious truth elated, We will of his mercy sing. Home to glory Jesus will his subjects bring. HYMN 148. L. M. The same. 1 I SING the gracious fix'd decree, Pass'd by the great eternal three, In council held in heav'n above : The Lord's predestinating love. THE CHURCH. 2 All that concerns the chosen race, In nature, providence, and grace ; Where they shall dwell — and when remove* Fix'd by predestinating love. 3 Their calling", growth, and robes they wear, Their conflicts, trials, daily care, Are, for them, well arranged above, By God's predestinating love. 4 In this let Zion's sons rejoice, Their God will not revoke his choice ; JVor sin, nor death, nor hell, can move His firm predestinating love. 5 This is our bulwark of defence, Nor foes, nor fiends shall drive us hence : In life, and death, and realms above, We'll sing predestinating love. HYMN 149. 8s. Covenant Security. Isai. liv. 10. 1 MY soul her rich portion surveys, Which covenant mercy bestows, And labours to speak forth his praise, Whose kindness no fickleness knows. 2 The mountains and hills he will melt ; The sea, and the skies shall depart ; But those who his kindness have felt, He'll never, no never desert. 3 Though earth from its basis must fall, And heaven's arch'd roof shall remove ; His promise he will not recall ; It flows from unchangeable love. THE CHURCH. 4 The armies of Satan below, With earthly alies may combine ; The world and its trifles may go ; I'll glory that Jesus is mine. HYMN 150. L.M. The same. 1 TH' Eternal three a council held, Ere time began, or man rebell'd; And in unchangeable decrees, EnrolPd the covenant of peace. 2 Jesus, the sinner's Friend, stood forth, Engag'd to bear his Father's wrath, His people's mighty debt discharge, And set their captive souls at large. B 'Twas love, this peaceful cov'nant will'd, And Christ its various parts fulfil'd ; In him 'twill stand for ever sure, When hills and mountains are no more. 4 This covenant sweet peace imparts, To humble souls, and broken hearts : Nor can its sacred bonds be broke, Though devils rage, and sins provoke. 5 Its sacred blessings shall extend, From age to age, and never end ; The Church below and Church above, Live on Jehovah's cov'nant love. HYMN 151. L. M. The same. I FIRM as the lofty throne of God, Abides th' unalterable word, Which heaven's eternal counsel gave, Sin to destroy, the Church to save. THE CHURCH. 2 What scripture promises record, Must stand ; for God fulfils his word : He'll burn the earth, and dry the seas, But never alter his decrees. 3 Sun, moon, and stars, with all your host Expire ; this word is still my trust ; It has a quick'ning, saving power, And will support my dying hour. 4 Eternal ages, vast abyss ! Shall mark the love and faithfulness, Of him whose covenant and word, Shall everlasting joy afford. HYMN 152. CM. Covenant Love. 1 AWAKE, my soul and join the song, Which swells the choir above ; No theme so well employs the tongue, As Jesus' cov'nant love. 2 When o'er the wond'rous scheme of grace, In Bible truth I rove ; I see the worst of Adam's race, Are sav'd by cov'nant love. 3 My Surety's work, my Father's word, For ever firm shall prove ; The Spirit's graces all afford Sweet proofs of cov'nant love. 4 My life, and strength, and joy, and peace, My hope of bliss above — My union with the Prince of Peace, All flow from cov'nant love. THE CHURCH. 5 Here then 111 sit, and live, and die, Nor once from hence remove : Yea, when I sit with Christ on high, I'll sing* of cov'nant love. HYMN 153. S.M. Owned of God, 1 ZION, belov'd of God, No more to doubts incline : Hear the sweet accents of his word ; 44 Fear not, for thou art mine." 2 " Ere chaos heard my voice, " Or stars began to shine, "Thou wast the object of my choice, " And ever shall be mine." 3 u l bought thee with my blood ; 11 1 save when foes combine; 11 I'll conquer, though thou hast withstood, " And make thee wholly mine." 4 O, that my soul could claim A priv'lege so divine ; I would exult in Jesus' name ; " I'm his, and he is mine." HYMN 154. L. M. Owned, and owning Christ. 1 HARK ! O, my soul, it is the voice Of Jesus, listen and rejoice ! He speaks, the sentence is divine, Fear not, believer, thou art mine. 2 Created, chosen, bought with blood ; Thou dost, thou shalt belong to God ; Lord 'tis enough, I am thy own, And thou wilt take me to thy throne, THE CHURCH. 3 Ere since I fell before thy face, And sought the riches of thy grace ; Thy conquests, blessings, work divine, And my surrender, prove me thine. 4 Now Lord I'll triumph in thy love : All thine shall reign with thee above : In life and death I'll sing of this, Thy saints shall reign with thee in bliss. HYMN 155. L. M. Gathered to Christ, 1 JEHOVAH bids his heralds go— The blessed Gospel Trumpet blow — And Israel's outcasts, dead in sin, By sov'reign grace are gather 'd in. 2 The dear Redeemer knows his own, Views them with pleasure from his throne, And gathers all his chosen band, Of every tribe, from every land. 3 Though lost, and ruin'd, lame and blind, He leaves not one of them behind — They cost no less than precious blood ; And he will bring them home to God. 4 The Father sent him forth to save, All that in covenant he gave : Responsible for every soul, He gathers in, and saves the whole. HYMN 156. CM* They shall come. 1 THE people of Jehovah's choice, Are register'd on high, And they shall hear his sovereign voice, And by his grace draw nigh. THE CHURCH. 2 Far off, deprav'd, and prone to stray, But they shall surely come, For cov'nant love marks out the way, And brings the outcasts home. 3 Yes, they shall come, 'tis heaven's decree, They shall to Jesus bow — This precious shall eome conquer'd me, And gives me comfort now. 4 I wander'd from him while I could, Till shall come stopt my feet ; And now, through Jesus' precious blood, I shall come to his seat. HYMN 15T. L. M. The same. 1 ALL hail, thou great Redeemer, hail ! We know thy promise cannot fail ; Thy ransom'd family shall come, To their prepaid eternal home. 2 Shall come ! this truth demands a song, From all the blest returning throng ; Satan must yield his long held prey, When Jesus bids them come away. 3 Nor sins, nor doubts, nor foes can keep The least of Jesus' ransom'd sheep — They shall come to his sacred fold, Whom he engag'd to save of old. 4 His name, his honor, and his blood, Are pledged to bring them home to God ; And all his church shall come, and prove Jehovah's free unchanging love. K THE CHURCH. HYMN 158. S.M. The same. Is at. xxxv. 10. JESUS redeem'd his saints, From everlasting* woe : And he attends to their complaints, While traveling here below. He paid the ransom price, In his most precious blood ; Thus freed from slavery and vice, They shall return to God. Whatever may oppose, They shall return, and come To Zion, where true pleasure grows, To their eternal home. They shall obtain delight, And everlasting joy — They shall possess the realms of light, And sin no more annoy. Sorrow and sighs shall flee Away from their abode ; And their transported souls shall see Their Saviour, and their God. HYMN 159. S.M. Gospel Provision. Mat. xxii. 4. WHAT sweet melodious voice Is this salutes my ear 1 "All things are ready !" — Man rejoice, And to this feast draw near. No more your substance waste, On vanities and toys : " All things are ready !" come, and taste Of pure and solid joys. THE CHURCH. 3 All God and heaven require, And all that sinners need, — All is prepar'd that saints desire ; — Come, hungry souls, and feed. 4 Millions of souls have shar'd, In this delightful feast ; And yet there is enough prepared, For millions more to taste. HYMN 160. S. M. The Church's Invitation. 1 YE blessed of the Lord, Whose souls hate every sin ; Why should you longer stand abroad \ Since Jesus says, " come in." 2 Your souls have often shar'd In blessings from above : Your Father has his house prepar'd ; 11 Come in," and taste his love. 3 Can you his kindness doubt ! No, you can trust his grace; Then wherefore stand you still without ? u Come in," and see his face. 4 Do many scruples rise I Does Satan bid you stay ? " Come in thou blessed," Jesus cries, Then why should you delay ! 5 Christ and his church invite, And you would glory win ; In heavenly things your souls delight ; 11 Ye bless'd of God, come in." K 2 THE CHURCH. HYMN 161. C. M. The same. Genesis xxiv. 31. " COME in, thou blessed of the Lord, h ' Why standest thou without?" Receive the comforts of his word, And banish every doubt. " Come thou with us," to Christ's abode ; Well take you by the hand ; Christ will support us on the road, And give the promis'd land. We 're glad to hear what God hath done, And glad the change to see : With joy and gladness still go on, Till glory gladdens thee. And when we leave the church below, Made free from every sin, And, to the church triumphant go, Our God will say, " come in." HYMN 162. CM. The same. Num. x. 29. WHEN souls from Satan's bondage freed, To Canaan urge their way ; Inviting all the sons of need : " Come thou with us," they say. 1 "Come thou with us ;" for Israel's God Has spoken good to saints ; He will perform his sacred word, And banish their complaints. \ "Come thou with us :" why shouldst thou stay To feed on husks and toys : Since Jesus condescends to say He'll give substantial joys 1 THE CHURCH. 4 "Come thou with us :" we'll do thee good, While traveling on the road : Our God will daily find us food, And give us his abode. HYMN 163. S. M. We will go with you. 1 YES, we will go with you, In Jesus blest employ ; To prove his loving-kindness true, And his sweet smiles enjoy. 2 Yes, we will go with you, Along the heavenly road ; Till Jesus brings us safely through, Up to his blest abode. 3 Yes, we will go with you, In all the means of grace ; Till our Pwedeemer's face we view, In yon celestial place. 4 Yes, we will go with you, Led on by Jesus' hand, To sing the song that 's ever new, In our Immanuel's land. HYMN 164, C. M. " Yet there is Room." 1 YE trembling souls, with guilt oppress'd, Attend the gospel's sound : In Jesus' arms, and on his breast, There's room for sinners found, 2 Thousands his boundless love can tell, And prove the statement true ; Who, while they in his bosom dwell, Exclaim, " there's room for you/ THE CHURCH, 3 David, Manasseh, Peter, Saul, And Magdalene can shew, How they were sav'd from sin and thrall, And say, " there 's room for you," 4 See Christ invites, and calls you home : Angels stand beck'ning too ; The church with open arms says, " come, " There yet is room for you." HYMN 165. S. M. Zion's Increase. 1 ZION, behold thy sons And daughters, as foretold, In order stand, like polish'd stones, Or jewels set in gold. 2 Zion aloud rejoice, At trophies newly won, While saints proclaim with cheerful voice, What God for them has done. 3 Zion, expand thine arms ; Receive the new-born race ; Attracted by the Saviour's charms, And saved by his grace. 4 Zion, adore thy King, Whose sov'reign grace, alone, New converts from the world can bring, And claim them for his own. 5 Zion, unceasing pray, Till Satan's banners fall ; Till Jesus shall his sceptre sway, And be ador'd by all. THE CHURCH. HYMN 166. L. M. "He must increase. 1 " 1 LET every land a tribute bring", To Jesus our Almighty King ; His power and sov'reignty confess, And trust his finish'd righteousness. 2 His Kingdom form'd of Adam's race ; — His throne, the throne of truth and grace ; His name, his honor and his peace, Extending wide must still increase. 3 " He must increase," for heaven's decree Has made him Lord of earth and sea : 11 He must increase," till at his feet His conquer'd enemies submit. 4 " He must increase," by gath'ring in His ransom'd tribes, from death and sin ; Till thrones and powers, and empires fall, And Jesus shall be all in all. 5 " He must increase," till time expires, Then he will grant his saints' desires ; Burn up the world, and rend the sky, And reign to all eternity. HYMN 167. CM. " Thy Kingdom come." 1 WHEN Jesus Christ his sceptre sways, To bring his wand'rers home ; Each heav'n-born soul with fervour prays, Lord let thy kingdom come. 2 Its righteousness, and peace, and joy, Thou hast bestow'd on some ; And all thy foes thou wilt destroy, Then shall thy kingdom come. THE CHURCH. I Employ thy power, reveal thy grace, And make gainsay ers dumb ; Send forth thy truth to every place, Thus let thy kingdom come. 1 Thy ransom'd throng must be brought nigh, Though far from thee they roam ; Reign, mighty Lord, thy people cry, And let thy kingdom come. In us and for us, Saviour reign, Till we arrive at home ; We hail that day, and cry again, Thy glorious kingdom come. HYMN 168. P. M. Extending. SEE, from Zion's fountain, rises Life's rich stream, whose rolling tide All impediments despises ; Rising high and spreading wide, It dispenses Life from Jesus crucified. Barren sands, and lofty mountains, Open channels for its course ; And all other streams and fountains, Dry away before its force : This is daily Well supplied from Christ its source. Flow ye waves to every nation, Every tribe, and every tongue, Till the blessings of salvation, Visit all the ransom'd throng, And the Saviour's Praises through the earth are sung. THE CHURCH. 4 Jesus, let thy gospel river Spread its blessings all around ; Loudest songs to thee the giver, Shall throughout thy church resound : And for ever Lord of all thou shalt be crown'd. HYMN 169. C. M. Betrothed to Christ. 1 I SING the everlasting love Of Jesus to his bride, The bond of union form'd above, Which none can put aside. 2 He lov'd and chose her for his own, Amazing act of grace ! She loves and bows before his throne, When he reveals his face. 3 Yes, he betroth'd his Church in love, And will not change his mind ; Nor can he once unfaithful prove, He 's ever just and kind. 4 Delightful union ! — happy bride ! Christ and his Church are one ; 'Tis his to cherish and provide, Her life is Christ alone. HYMN 170. L. M. Union with Christ, 1 BLEST union ! form'd by love divine, Christ says I'm his, and he is mine ; His choice he never will revoke, Nor let his cov'nant bond be broke. THE CHURCH. 2 Here 's love ! Til tell it all around ; A God — a worm in union found ! Jesus, the monarch of the skies, Owns me as precious in his eyes. 3 Yes, I'm united to the King-, And of his glories I must sing* ; He takes my guilt, gives me his grace, That I may live in his embrace. 4 Yes, Jesus and my soul are one, I've life and bliss in him alone ; Because he lives, I live to prove, His sovereign everlasting love. HYMN 171. C. M. The same. 1 AND is my soul and Jesus one 1 Is he my cov'nant Head ? Was it for me he left his throne, Obey'd the law, and bled ! 2 And is my soul and Jesus one, In everlasting ties ! O, matchless mercy — grace unknown, And love that never dies 1 3 And is my soul and Jesus one 1 Betroth'd to him in love ! Will he so vile a sinner own, And faithful to me prove ! 4 And is my soul and Jesus one 1 Does he possess my heart 1 Then he will take me to his throne, For we can never part ! THE CHURCH. HYMN 172. 7s. The same. 1 ONE with Christ ! O blissful thought ! We are by his Spirit taught ; On his fulness now we live, Grace for grace we thence receive. 2 One with Christ ! ye saints rejoice, As the objects of his choice ; He will every want supply, "While he lives we cannot die. 3 One with Christ ! for ever one ! Debts are paid, and work is done : Grace and glory both are given, We are on our way to heaven. HYMN 173. C. M* No Separation. Romans viii. 39. 1 BLEST truth! the church and Christ are one, In bonds the most secure : No separation can be known, While endless years endure. 2 No separation ! is proclaim'd, In God's unerring word : Christ is not of his bride asham'd, Then let her own her Lord. 3 No separation ! cheers my heart, xlnd bids my fears subside ; My soul and Jesus cannot part, For me he hVd and died. 4 No separation ! precious thought, Then Christ is with me here ; And home to heaven I must be brought, For Jesus Christ is there. THE CHURCH. 5 No separation ! this decree Of everlasting" love, Is fiVd by the eternal three, And never can remove. HYMN 174, C. M. Precious to Christ. Isaiah xliii. 4. 1 NOW let Jehovah's cov'nant love To saints, employ my breath ; Its constancy shall always prove The same, in life and death. 2 Belov'd and precious in his sight, Before all worlds they stood ; Their souls were always his delight, They cost him precious blood. 3 Yes, they are precious while they live, And precious when they die ; So precious, that to them hell give Most precious crowns on high. 4 So precious, that his grace and power Conspire to make them blest ; So precious at their dying hour, He takes them to his breast. 5 So precious, that he has engrav'd Their names upon his hand ; So precious that they shall be sav'd, And in his presence stand. 6 Hear, O my soul, what Jesus saith, Nor tremble to depart ; For all his saints, in life and death, Are precious to his heart. THE CHURCH. HYMN 175. C. M. Preserved in Christ* 1 HOW safe are all the chosen race, Preserv'd in Christ their Head; Before he calls them by his grace, And after calling led. 2 Preserved in Christ, and taught to love His name, his saints, his word : Preserv'd to gain a throne above, And praise and love the Lord. 3 Preserved, when earth and hell oppose, Preserv'd in life and death, Preserv'd, when wrath destroys their foes, And victory crowns their faith. 4 Preserv'd 'midst Satan's fiery darts, Through all this wilderness : Preserv'd from vile depraved hearts, For everlasting bliss. HYMN 116. C. M. Church Union, 1 GREAT King of saints, before whose face The highest angel bows ; Fix in this church thy dwelling-place, And hear our solemn vows. 2 Let heaven our union record, And God himself approve, And rich supplies of grace afford, To perfect us in love. 3 Like a well-marshall'd troop, may we Engage with Zion's foes ; Each take his part, and all agree, Satan and sin t' oppose. THE CHURCH. 4 As holy brethren may we stand Unblamable in love ; Built up and nourish'd by thy hand, To join the church above. 5 Here let thy word be cloth'd with power To wound, and wounds to heal : And heavenly blessings, like a shower, May saints and sinners feel. 6 Awake, awake, O arm of God : Let Zion's sons increase : Go on to conquer by thy word, Till conquest ends in peace. HYMN 1T7. C. M. The same. 1 LET party names no more be known, Among the ransomed throng ; For Jesus claims them for his own, To him they all belong. 2 One in their cov'nant Head and King, They should be one in heart ; Of one salvation all should sing, Each claiming his own part. 3 One bread, one family, one rock, One building, formed by love, One fold, one Shepherd, yea, one flock, They shall be one above. 4 One city, rul'd by laws divine ; " Peace be within her walls ;" Zion shall in full glory shine, When Satan's empire falls. THE CHURCH. HYMN 178. C. M. Congratulation. 1 HAIL, happy souls, belov'd of God, Before the world began ; Come, sound Jehovah's grace abroad, And tell his love to man. 2 Come, claim your portion, own your King*, Come live upon your God ; Of wealth, and life, and honour sing, And covenant love record. 3 Thrice happy souls, look up and run, With joy the christian's race ; Your happiness is but begun, Go on to Christ's embrace. 4 There, in the fulness of his love, Your happy souls shall rest, Absorb'd in Jesus' charms above, To be for ever blest. HYMN 179. C. M. Communion. 1 HAIL, fellow citizens, all hail ! Come, urge your humble claim To all that heaven's decrees entail, And bless your Sov'reign's name. 2 Strangers, and foreigners we stood, Far off — a rebel race ; But Jesus brought us nigh by blood, And made us free by grace. 3 Now, introduced by Zion's King To his own household, saints, Enjoy your priv'leges and sing, Till songs shall drown complaints. l 2 THE CHURCH. 4 Put on your costly royal dress, On royal bounties live ; Love all that wear Christ's righteousness, And glory to him give. 5 No more estranged, far off, unknown, But organized in love ; Wait, look, and long to gain the throne, And dwell with Christ above. HYMN 180. CM. The same. Mat. iii. 16. 1 THE holy souls who fear the Lord, And love the Saviour's name, Draw comfort from his sacred word, And his rich grace proclaim. 2 They often to each other speak, Of Jesus' dying love ; Each other's special welfare seek, And mutual comfort prove. 3 Christ is to them a theme most sweet, His glory, truth and grace, His life, his death, his work complete, And smilings of his face. 4 Their holy intercourse, imparts New fervour to their souls, Revives their faith, warms all their hearts, And sorrow's flood controuls. 5 Jehovah hears, and well approves, And writes down every thought; Such heaven-aspiring souls he loves, They shall to heaven be brought. THE CHURCH. HYMN 181. P.M. Temple. 1 Cor. iii. 16. 1 SEE, my soul a structure, rising' From the wreck of Adam's race : 'Midst ten thousand foes, despising*, Tis the work of sov'reign grace ; Blessed Temple Here Jehovah shows his face. 2 By eternal love contrived, Built with precious polish'd stones, All its glory is derived From the blood which there atones : In this Temple God himself our worship owns. 3 Here's the ark, the priest, and altar, Incense, bread, and holy fire ; — Sacrifice for each defaulter ; — All that God and heaven require : Sacred Temple God and man thy walls admire. 4 Oh ! my soul art thou united To the Temple of the Lord ? Then he has in thee delighted, And thou shalt his love reGord : In his Temple Be his holy name ador'd. HYMN 182. L, M. City of God. 1 BELOVED City, chosen ground, WalFd with salvation all around : Let all thy gates with praises ring*, JEHOVAH JESUS is thv Kin I pray, Constrain me to press on, To realms of endless day, A mansion and a crown ; Regardless of the worldlings' toys, And reaching forth to endless joys. 3 Abstracted from the world, Kept close to Jesus' side ; Though fiery darts are hurl'd, In safety I abide, And run with joy my heavenly race, Supported by Almighty grace. 4 Advancing every hour, In knowledge, peace, and love ; Kept by my Father's power, Till glorified above. I would be dead to things terrene, And live, aloue, on things unseen. HYMN 314. C. M. The same. 1 LORD, I am thine, by second birth, Redeem'd with precious blood ; Why should my spirit cleave to earth ? And live so far from God 1 2 See how my longing soul aspires, To breathe my native air ; Access to heaven my heart desires, Because my God is there. 3 I cannot live on sensual toys, Since thou hast given me grace I thirst for those celestial joys, Which shine in Jesus' face. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 O, draw me neare? — nearer still ! In fellowship with thee, Until I stand on Zion's hill, And all thy glory see. HYMN 315. L, M. At Jesus' Feet* Dkut. xxxiii. 3. 1 O, HAPPY day ! O, solemn hour, When first I felt Jehovah's power ; . Struck by his grace, condemn'd I lay, Till Jesus bid me rise and pray. 2 Encouraged by his word I went, And cried, Lord help me to repent ; I sat enquiring at his feet, Received his word, and found it sweet. 3 Nor was I willing to depart ; His loving-kindness won my heart : Nor will he frown my soul away, Though at his feet I constant stay. 4 There I my numerous wants perceive, There, Jesus does my soul relieve ; And pride, and unbelief retreat, While I am sitting at his feet. 5 Here, then, 111 sit, and still receive His word, and in his name believe ; Nor leave my dear Redeemer's feet, Until he takes me to his seat. HYNN 316. C. M. In Jesus' Hand. 1 THE Saints, whom God the Father lov'd, Are plac'd in Jesus' hand : From thence they cannot be remov'd ; For by his grace they stand. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 2 In Jesus' hand their cause was laid ; He bore their pond'rous load ; Tis by his hand their debts are paid, And every gift bestow'd. 3 In Jesus' hand they dwell secure, And there they often prove, The sweetness of those joys most pure, Which flow from so v 'reign love. 4 In Jesus' hand I'm well preserv'd ; No foe can hurt me there ; And though I have hi& wrath deserv'd, His hand delights to spare. 5 In Jesus' hand ; O, pleasing thought ! Then Jesus is my guide ; With all his saints I shall be brought I To heaven, and there abide. HYMN 81T. L. M. The same. John x. 28. 1 ERE time began, Jehovah saw My ruin, by his righteous law ; His love, a full salvation plann'd, Which plac'd my soul in Jesus' hand. 2 Oft have I wonder d, I was found Secure, with foes and fiends around ; — Now, I the secret understand, I'm in th' almighty Saviour's hand. 3 No sinner ever perish'd there, While clinging fast by faith and prayer ; Fiends may assault, and foes withstand, But none can pluck from Jesus' hand. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 Come, humble, souls assist my praise, We shall not perish, Jesus says ! He'll bring us to the promis'd land, For none can pluck us from his hand. HYMN 318. L. M. Following Christ. 1 JESUS, the heavenly Shepherd's voice, Makes all his timid sheep rejoice ; To pastures green his flock he leads, And with celestial pleasure feeds. 2 They follow him where'er he goes, And take the food his hand bestows ; They hear his voice, — his love record, And follow their incarnate God. 3 They follow him in acts of love, Engaging for their souls above ; They follow where he lives and dies, And own him as their sacrifice. 4 They follow him in means of grace, And there they often see his face ; From him receiving rich supplies, And follow him up to the skies. 5 Then, where celestial glory reigns, They follow Christ o'er blissful plains ; His footsteps trace around the throne, While everlasting years roll on. HYMN 319. S. M. Christ* s Presence. 1 WHEN Jesus deigns to smile On souls oppress'd with grief, Though sorrow's flood prevail awhile; They shall obtain relief CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 2 The shilling's of his face, Beam from his loving heart ; His countenance will darkness chase, And joj and peace impart. 3 One look from that dear Lord, Whose brow compassion wears, Will much of heavenly bliss afford, E'en in this vale of tears. 4 Our Jesus' smiles reflect The glories felt above : The highest bliss 1 here expect Is, feasting- on his love. 5 O, that my soul may live Beneath his smiling face! And from his fulness, still receive Supplies of gospel grace. HYMN 320. 7s. The same. 1 SWEET the moments, when my soul Sits beside the gospel pool ; When my Jesus comes and heals; When my soul his presence feels. 2 When he shows his lovely face, Then I feast upon his grace ; Sacred scenes my soul employ, Near akin to heavenly joy. 3 Now repeat these visits, Lord, Cov'nant blessings now afford ; Conquer, comfort, wound, or heal> Let me but thy presence feel. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 See I wait, and look, and sigh ; Raise my languid soul on high ; Precious Jesus deign to bless, With thy strength and righteousness. HYMN 321. P. M. Glorifying Christ, 1 WHEN truth and grace conspire To bring salvation nigh, The angels all desire Their Lord to glorify ; Amen, the heavenly hosts exclaim, And glory hang on Jesus' name. 2 The Church on earth unite, The Saviour's praise to sing, And ransom'd souls delight Their grateful songs to bring ; Amen they shout, in praise and prayer, Our Jesus shall the glory wear. 3 I too, will take my part, In this divine employ ; Christ dwells within my heart, The pledge of endless joy ; Amen I'll cry, and glory bring To Christ my everlasting King. 4 Amidst the glorious throng, Before Jehovah's throne, Christ is their joy and song, His glorious name they own ; Amen I'll cry, when standing there, And Jesus shall the glory bear, CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 322. L. M. The same. 1 WHEN Christ's ambassadors proclaim The honors of their Master's name, We love to hear the charming* theme, The glory of the gospel scheme. 2 'Tis heavenly music to our ears, It calms our sorrow, quells our fears ; And while his glories they unfold, We cry, " the half has not been told." 3 Each sentence, sprinkled with his blood, Distils like rain, and does us good; His fulness, open'd to the mind, Gives joy and peace the most refin'd. 4 Where .Christ is preach 'd we must abide, Our souls can live on nought beside ; On him we'll feast, and sing, and pray, Till we commence eternal day. 5 Then, near his throne, O may we dwell, And of his loving-kindness tell ; When doubts, and fears shall all be gone, Exchang'd for glories here unknown. HYMN 323. P. M. Glorying in the Cross. 1 LET worldlings count their store, And warriors thirst for fame, The Saviour I adore, And triumph in his name ; 111 glory in the blood-stain'd cross, All else is vanity and dross. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 2 Here hope obtains her birth, — Here faith her vigour gains, To conquer hell and earth, And range yon blissful plains ; Hence I must glory in the cross, This is my gain, all else is loss. 3 Here iove and justice meet, — Mercy expands her wings, — Salvation is complete, In Christ the King of Kings. My soul shall glory in the cross, No longer charm'd with earth's vain gloss. 4 111 visit Calv'ry's hill, To view the blood-stain'd tree ; And bid my fears be still, Since Jesus died for me : The triumphs of his cross will prove, My glory, in the realms above. HYMN 324. L. M. The same. 1 AS on my Saviour's cross I gaze, His precious name I'll try to praise; 'Twas there he paid my dreadful debt, And my poor soul at freedom set. 2 There Jesus shed his precious blood, To bring his wand'rers back to God ; x\nd there he vanquished death and hell, That I might ever with him dwell. 3 The doctrines of the cross I love, Because they all my fears remove : For in a dying Christ I see, Salvation, perfect, full and free. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4The cross may carnal minds offend; I'll glory in it to the end; There pardon, peace and life I gain, And hope with Jesus soon to reign. HYMN 325. C. M. The same. 1 JESUS, thy name, thy love, thy cross, Are precious themes to me ; All else is vanity and dross, When once compar'd with thee. 2 Eternal power and God-head shine, In my Redeemer's face, And through his cross I see him mine, My source of life and grace. S Hard by the cross my soul would dwell, To view my bleeding Lord ; There fight and conquer sin and hell, And eonqu'ring grace record. HYMN 326. C. M. Not ashamed of Christ, 1 I'M not asham'd of Jesus' name, He's my Redeemer, God ; He boTe my guilt, and took my shame, And sav'd me with his blood. 2 Fm not asham'd of gospel news, The records of his grace ; Which saves the Gentiles, and the Jews, And meets my ruin'd case. 3 I'm not asham'd to tell his love, To Adam's fallen race ; He's not asham'd of me above, For there he pleads my case. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 I'm not asham'd to bear the cross, While men and devils rage; Since Christ is mine all else is dross, He lives from age to age. HYMN 327. V. M. Bethel's Pledge. 1 YE saints, who travel Zion's road, Leaning upon your Saviour God, His promises believe : He has engaged our souls to keep, Abroad, at home, awake, asleep, He says "he'll never leave." 2 All he has spoken he'll fulfil, For every want, it is his will To grant us rich supplies ; In floods, and flames and deep distress, Through all this dreary wilderness, " I'll never leave" he cries. 3 "I'll never leave!" O, gracious word! What joy this promise does afford To helpless souls like me : When creature comforts all depart, And sorrows overwhelm my heart, 111 to this promise flee. 4 Be gone, ye doubts, be still ye fears, A voice divine salutes my ears, " Jesus will never leave \" His promise cannot fail I know ; He'll keep me while I'm here below, And then to heaven receive. T 2 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 328. S.M, Adoption, 1 John iii. 1. 1 O! MATCHLESS, boundless love, That makes us sons of God, Let saints on earth and all above Strike ev'ry tuneful chord. 2 O ! matchless, sov'reign grace. That sanctifies us here, And will bestow, in heaven, a place, When Jesus shall appear. 3 O ! soul-transporting* thought, To see him as he is, And, with the sons of God, be brought To taste eternal bliss. 4 O! happy, joyful state, Beneath a father's care, Glory, which Jesus' smiles create, Shall fill each spirit there. HYMN 329. P. M. Adoption. 1 AMAZING grace! a worm of earth Ennobled by a second birth, And own'd Jehovah's child! An object of eternal love — An heir to all the joys above, Who cannot be exiled. 2 Come, heaven-born soul, your sonship view, The grace which forms your heart anew, Calls forth the filial claim ; My Father, doubtless thou art mine, For thou hast given me life divine, And I must own thy name. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE, 3 My Father, O, delightful sound! Fm with paternal kindness crown'd, By God my Father's hand : O, how I long to love him more, Obey him, trust him, and adore, Till near his throne I stand* 4 My Father, draw my heart away, From earth, and sin, and self I pray, Let me thine image bear: Feed, clothe, and teach me every day, Till I arrive at home, and say Thou art my Father there, HYMN 330. L. M. The humble exalted. Psalm cxiii. 7. 1 RICH grace, free grace, my soul adore, Which saves the needy, and the poor; Which lifts the guilty from the dust, And sets them high among the just. 2 He found my soul thus low and base, He sav ? d a dunghill worm by grace; And gave a priestly seat and dress, A throne, and spotless righteousness. 3 Akin to Christ, the Prince of Peace, My joy shall never, never cease; I'll on his grace and lore rely, Until I sit with him on high. 4 Such grace my covenant God bestows, On all the needy souls, he chose ; Such grace in God my Saviour dwells, Which God the Holy Ghost reveals. T 3 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 331. C. M. We love Mm, because he first loved us, 1 John iv. ID. 1 THE love I have to Jesus' name, I know is all his own ; No floods can quench the holy flame, It rises to his throne. 2 I love because he loved me, His love preserves me well, From sin, and self, it sets me free, With Christ my Lord to dwell. 3 He lov'd from all eternity, And made my cause his own ; He shed abroad his love in me, From his exalted throne. 4 Hence I must love his precious name, And publish his free grace ; He will not put my soul to shame. But I shall see his face. HYMN 332. P. M, Jesus loves me. 1 O MY soul ! why art thou grieving"? Why disquiet and cast down ? Why so fretful, unbelieving, Or afraid of mortal's frown ? Jesus loves me, And he will send comforts down. 2 What though waves of sorrow, rolling, Daily threaten to destroy ; Is not this sweet truth consoling, Though ten thousand foes annoy ! Jesus loves me, What should interrupt my joy ? CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 3 Conflicts, trials, and temptation, Are the lot of all the saints; Rut let covenant relation, Ranish all my sad complaints, Jesus loves me, He's a friend that never faints. 4 Hence, be gone, ye doubts and sadness, Here my troubled soul shall rest; Changing* all my grief for gladness, In my dear Redeemer blest ; Jesus loves me, And whate'er he does is best. HYMN 333. C. M. Confidence in the divine Word. 1 ALL glory to the sacred name Of Israel's God and King ; Let us his faithfulness proclaim, His truth and mercy sing. 2 He spoke, in love, ere time began, The purposes of grace, Which form'd the glorious gospel plan, To save his chosen race. 3 He spoke the promises, which shine, Upon th' inspir'd page ; Each promise rests on power divine, Secure from age to age. 4 On this grand truth my soul shall build, Jehovah cannot lie; All he has said shall be fulfill'd, And here I must rely. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 334. L. M. Assurance. Deut. xxxiii. 12. 1 SAFE in thy hand, my cov'nant God, Belov'd, and cleans'd with precious blood* 1 trust thy faithfulness and care, When dangers, foes, and fiends are near. 2 Cover'd with thy Almighty hand, Secure in life and death 1 stand ; And wait to dwell with thee above, Beneath the canopy of love. 3 Under the shadow of thy wing, All the day long I'd sit and sing : And life, and death, and heaven shall prove, I'm cover'd with eternal love. HYMN 335. C. M. The same. 2 Tim. i. 12. 1 JESUS, my God, I know thy name, With thee I trust my all ; Thou wilt not put my soul to shame, Nor ever let me fall. 2 I know thy power to hold that fast, Which faith commits to thee; Presenting all thy saints at last, Before th' eternal Three. 3 I know, by witness from above, In whom I have believ'd ; He loves me with eternal love, I cannot be deceiv'd. 4 Safe in thy hand, O let me live, To make thy glory known ; Grace from thy fulness daily give* And glory near thy throne. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 5 In that great day when thou shalt come, With majesty divine, To fetch thy blood-bought children home, I know I shall be thine. HYMN 386. S. M. Happy People, Deut. xxxiii. 29. 1 THRICE happy souls, who know, And worship Jacob's God : Who pour contempt on things below, And sound his praise abroad. 2 Happy art thou on earth ; Who shall with thee compare ? O, people sav'd, of heavenly birth, Who heavenly blessings share. 3 Happy art thou in death, More than the sons of men ; Fear not that Jordan, Jesus saith, He will be with you then. 4 O, Israel, happy race! To whom the promise given, Secures before Jehovah's face, The happiness of heaven. HYMN 337. S. M. Congratulation. 1 HAIL! favour'd saints of God, Chosen in Christ your Head; His constant care and love record, In all the steps you tread. 2 The Saviour saw you lie, O'erwhelm'd in guilt and sin, Pitied your state, and deign 'd to die, To make you pure and clean. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 3 In him you stood belov'd, Before the world was made — In him your souls shall stand unmov'd, 'Midst worlds in ruin laid. 4 Call'd by his sovereign grace, And blest with life divine, To you belong both grace and peace — You shall in glory shine. 5 Nor time, nor death, can hurt The objects of his love, His arm shall every ill avert, And lead his saints above. HYMN 338. 7s, Christian Soldiers. 1 SOLDIERS of the cross renown'd, Hark! the Gospel Trumpet's sound Calls to arms, the foe is nigh, You must overcome, or die. 2 You must meet a num'rous host, Who their many conquests boast : Take the Spirit's two-edg'd sword, And attend your Captain's word. 3 See, he holds a crown in view ; O, ye conqu'rors, 'tis for you ; All your sins shall soon be slain,. And you shall the vict'ry gain. 4 " Him that overcomes, shall stand " As a pillar at my hand ; " And, with marks of honour grac'd, u In my temple shall be plac'd." CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 339. S. M. The same. 1 YE soldiers of the cross, Whom Jesus deigns to own : Fight on, and conquer in his cause, And take the promis'd crown. 2 Fear not, you will o'ercome Your foes, by blood divine, Then march in holy triumph home, And there in glory shine. 3 Sin, earth, and hell withstand, But Jesus' power alone, Gives vict'ry to his chosen band, And brings them to his throne. 4 With him they shall sit down, Upon his glories gaze, Before him cast each blood-bought crown, And sing his endless praise. HYMN 340. C. M. Warfare. 1 RISE, rise, my soul, pursue thy foes, The victory is won ; Through all thy warfare Jesus shows, The conflict is his own. 2 He, armour, strength, and food provides, For all he calls to fight ; His army in his power confides, And conquers in his might. 3 My soul shall never go to war, At my own charge and cost, 111 from my Captain's fulness draw, And then I can't be lost. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 Let fiends, and foes, and sins assail, And in-bred traitors move ; In Jesus' strength 1 shall prevail, And more than eonqu'ror prove. HYMN 341. C. M. Conqueror, 1 YES, I shall stand, and conquer too, Though earth and hell oppose ; My Captain's arm shall bring me through, And conquer all my foes. 2 Yes, I shall be with vict'ry crown'd, Through Jesus' precious blood ; And make his precious name resound, Before the throne of God. 3 Yes, I shall more than eonqu'ror be, And heavenly glory gain ; Th' Almighty Jesus fights for me, And with him I shall reign. 4 And shall I ever yield to fear'? From conflict e'er withdraw? Forbid it Lord — be ever near, Support me through the war. HYMN 342. CM. The Gospel Trumpet's certain Sound. 1 Cor. xiv. 8. 1 LET Zion's soldiers muster, round The cross, to meet the foe; The trumpet gives a certain sound, Go on to conquer go. 2 The trumpet says the Lord is nigh, Your strength in him is found ; He reigns victorious on high, This is the certain sound. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 3 The trumpet says the victory's won, For all the chosen race, Go on to glory and renown, And shout victorious grace. HYMN 343. C. M. " Faint yet Pursuing." Jun. viii. 4. 1 YE faithful souls, belov'd of God, Chosen by sov'reign grace, CalFd by his Spirit, and his word, Arise your foes to chase. 2 Pursue with vengeance every sin, Jehovah gives command ; The victory is your's to win ; 'Tis in your Captain's hand. 3 Though faint, like Gideon's men, pursue, And trample down your foes, Since Jesus says he will subdue, Whatever may oppose. 4 The conquest gained by the faint, Will yield the more renown ; And Gideon's God is with each saint, With victory to crown. 5 Jesus, your Captain, bids you shout, The triumph of his sword : His potent arm, you need not doubt, Salvation will afford. HYMN 344. CM. "Is it well icith Thee?" 1 JESUS, my God, has stoop'd from heaven, To save my soul from hell; And since he has his Spirit given, With me it must be well. u CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 2 Why then, my soul, art thou cast down ! Why murmur and rebel ? Friends may desert, and foes may frown, But still with saints 'tis well. 3 Though keen temptations oft invade ; And doubts and fears repel ; The cov'nant is so firmly made, It cannot but be well. 4 If in this covenant I share, Where'er I move or dwell, Though crosses, foes, and fiends be there., I'm sure it must be well. 5 In joy and sorrow, life and death, This sacred truth I'll tell; And when my Lord demands my breath, I'll answer " it is well." 6 And when I reach yon blissful shore, The heavenly choir I'll swell, With this sweet theme for evermore, All things with me are well. HYMN 345. L. M. Resignation. 1 PEACE, my tumultuous thoughts, be still, For God performs his righteous will ; Though storms and clouds surround his feet, He sits upon a mercy seat. 2 His ways are hid from mortal sight, But all his steps are just and right ; To his decrees all worlds must bow, And none may say," what doest thou !" CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 3 One thing I know, and that's enough, In every path, though dark and rough, Goodness and mercy shall attend My footsteps daily to the end. HYMN 346. Tfs. The same. 1 LORD, I would no more repine, Though thy will should frustrate mine; What thou doest must be right, Though conceal'd from mortal sight. 2 All thy works were planned above, All thy steps are steps of love; Do thy will — it must be best, Let me be with patience blest. 3 Though I cannot understand All the mysteries of thy hand- This shall satisfy my mind, God is faithful, just, and kind. 4 Thou shalt lead me safely on, Through this desert to thy thr6ne ; There I shall for ever dwell, Singing, " Christ did all things well." HYMN 347. C. M. Entering into Rest. Heb. iv. 3. 1 LORD, how thy chosen tribes are blest, When drawn by sovereign love, To enter into gospel rest, The pledge of joys above. 2 Jehovah's purpose, work, and grace, ReveaFd, applied, receiv'd, Afford a glorious resting place, To all who have believ'd. u 2 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 3 Safe in the ark amidst the flood, In peace while war goes on ; Redeem'd and sav'd by precious blood, To rest upon a throne. HYMN 348. P. M. Gratitude. 1 O, MY Lord, how great the wonders Thy rich grace has wrought for me ! On thy love my spirit ponders, Praising, magnifying thee; Hallelujah! To the great eternal three. 2 I was once far off — a stranger — Guilty, helpless, deaf and blind ; Jesus rescued me from danger, And renewed my heart and mind : Precious Saviour! How compassionate and kind. 3 Quicken 'd by his Holy Spirit — Cover'd with his righteousness ; ' He has said I shall inherit Everlasting life and bliss : Blessed Jesus! How my soul exults in this : 4 He has all my sins forgiven, Paid my debt, and set me free — Vanquish'd hell, and open'd heaven, And prepaid a place for me : My Redeemer Lov'd me from eternity. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 5 Yea, be says he'll never leave me. But, when all his will is done, To his bosom he'll receive me, As the partner of his throne ; Then I'll praise him, While eternity rolls on ! ! ! HYMN 349. CM. Rejoicing in God. 1 BLESS, O, my soul, thy Father's name-— Exalt the Son of God — The Holy Spirit's work proclaim, And cov'nant love record. 2 Guilty, deprav'd, and vile I stood, Yea, sunk in deep distress ; But now redeem'd by precious blood, And cloth'd with righteousness. 2 My God prepar'd, reveals, and gives This precious wedding dress ; Hence I shall live, for Jesus lives, The Lord my righteousness. 4 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Unite, the church to bless ; Henceforth my soul shall make her boast, In Christ my righteousness. HYMN 350. CM. Rejoicing in God. I REJOICE, my soul, thou hast a right, Thy Father is a King ; And thou art precious in his sight, Of him, and to him sing, u 3 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 2 Rejoice, my soul, for thou art blest, In Jesus' cov'nant love; And in him, with him, thou shalt rest, In endless bliss above. 3 Rejoice, my soul, in every state, Defying 1 earth and hell ; * Trust cov'nant love, and daily wait, Thou shalt with Jesus dwell. 4 Rejoice, my soul, and prize thy lot, Though trials should abound ; Thy Father's purpose changes not, And he will have thee crown'd. HYMN 351. Ts. V erfect Peace. Isai. xxvi. 3. 1 IS my soul on Jesus stay'd ? Then I'll never be afraid ; Foes and sorrows may increase, But I'm kept in perfect peace. 2 Is my soul on Jesus stay'd ? He of God to me is made, Righteousness, and life divine, Perfect peace shall now be mine. 3 Is my soul on Jesus stay'd? Trusting 1 in his promis'd aid ? Doubts and fears must all subside, I in perfect peace abide. 4 Is my soul on Jesus stay'd? Let the world and flesh upbraid ; While upon my Lord I live, Perfect peace his smiles shall give. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 5 Is my soul on Jesus stayed ? He will do as he hath said; I shall enter when I die, Perfect peace with Christ on high. HYMN 352. L. M. Peace be unto you. 1 PEACE be to every contrite soul, Where floods of Godly sorrow roll ; A peace which only comes from God, Secur'd and seaPd with precious blood. 2 Peace be to humble broken hearts, The peace which cov'nant love imparts ; That holy calm, that sacred rest, Which grace creates within the breast. 3 This peace will slavish fears controul, 'Tis Jesus reigning in the soul, By God hinfself most freely given, Maintained on earth, complete in heaven. HYMN 353- CM. Canaaniies in the Land. Joshua xvii. 12. 1 JEHOVAH'S tribes, redeem'd by might, In cov'nant with him stand, But still the cursed Canaanite Will dwell within their land. 2 In God's own house they dare intrude, And with his saints resort; But in his strength they are subdued, And under tribute brought. 3 What comfort, confidence, delights, Would christians daily share ; But for their in-bred Canaanites, Alas ! they still are there. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 Where'er they turn within the land, They meet the Canaanite ; But still, led on by Jesus' hand, With sin and hell they fight. 5 Almighty Joshua, make me strong, My Canaanites destroy; Give vict'ry, and the victors' song Shall endless years employ. HYMN 354. C. M. Work of Grace, 1 ON us Jehovah's love was set, Before the world began ; In us he works, and none can let, Or interrupt his plan. 2 His work begun by sov'reign grace, Upon the sinner's heart, The powers of hell can ne'er deface, . By malice, nor by art. 3 This work the sinner's heart concerns, It gives him life divine ; And, when creation's fabric burns, 'Twill in perfection shine. 4 The plan was drawn by cov'nant love, The structure cannot fall ; God has enroll'd each saint above, And he will save them all. HYMN 355. CM. Freedom. 1 Pet. ii. 16. I ETERNAL praise to Jesus' name, Who makes a sinner free ; Let saints his sov'reign grace proclaim, To all eternity. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 2 As free from wrath and hell, well sing-, No condemnation now ; As free to love and serve our King", Well to his sceptre bow. 3 As free to walk, and work, and fight, And take what grace bestows ; Well use our freedom with delight, And every sin oppose. HYMN 356. C. M. Justification. Rom. viii. 1. 1 THRICE happy souls, in Jesus found, And freely justified : They shall with endless life be crown'd, By him they crucified. 2 The law on them has no demand, Yet they his precepts love; For, justified by grace they stand, And wait for joys above. 3 No condemnation is proclaim'd, Against this chosen race ; Nor shall they ever be asham'd, Before Jehovah's face. 4 They, by the Holy Spirit taught, Both live and walk by faith ; Till home to glory they are brought, As God's own promise saith. 5 Nor curse, nor wrath, nor death, nor hell, Can their blest souls destroy ; With Christ, their Surety, they shall dwell In everlasting joy. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 357. 7s. Trusting the Promises. 1 HARK! my soul, it is the Lord, Jesus speaks, attend his word; Full of promises divine, Suited to such wants as thine. 2 Precious promises and great, He has giv'n for every state, — Can I doubt his truth and grace? Or dispute what Jesus says! 3 He who promiseth is God, O, what joy should this afford ; Holy Ghost, thy power impart, And apply them to my heart. 4 Not one promise can be broke, Which my dear Redeemer spoke ; I must on his word rely, While I live, and when I die. HYMN 359. CM. Living and dying in faith. 1 O, SACRED life ! to live by faith In him who reigns on high : — O, happy man ! who dies the death Which all believers die. 2 The man that lives by faith beholds Each promise as his own :— He dies in faith, and heaven unfolds The bliss of Jesus' throne. 3 To live by faith is heaven begun, Embracing Christ the Lord: To die in faith is vict'ry won, By Jesus' two-edg'd sword. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 O, may I live by faith each day, While through the earth I roam : Then, die in faith, and wing 1 my way To my eternal home. HYMN 359. C. M. To Uve is Christ — To die is gain. Phil. i. 21. 1 " TO live is Christ," the christian cries, While living high by faith : " To die is gain," his heart replies, For glory follows death. 2 "To live is Christ," believers sing — From him their life must come : 14 To die is gain," for that shall bring The ransom'd spirit home. 3 " To live is Christ"— a life divine, Descending from above : " To die is gain" — then heaven is mine, And stores of cov'nant love. 4 " To live is Christ," when life and breath Are spent in his employ : " To die is gain" — then welcome death, And everlasting joy. HYMN 360. C. M. Sovereign Grace. Titus in. 3 to 5. 1 YE heaven-born souls, look back, behold Our nature all deprav'd — Then let your songs of praise unfold The grace by which we're sav'd. 2 Tis sov'reign — rich — eternal — free, And shines in Jesus' face ; For ever nVd on you and me, With all his chosen race. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 3 We strove — we sinn'd — rebelPd and stray'd : We said to Christ, " depart ;" But after that our God displayed, His grace to change the heart. 4 Sin, earth, and hell, each day conspire, To rob our souls of heaven ; But sov'reign grace and love require, That glory shall be given. 5 No works but bad ones, could we bring Before our cov'nant God : We will of sov'reign mercy sing, And Jesus' precious blood. HYMN 361. CM. Shew me thy glory. Exodus xxxiii. 18. 1 SHEW me thy glory/' dearest Lord, Which shines in Jesus' face ; A view of cov'nant love afford, To subjects of thy grace. 2 " Shew me thy glory," in the plan Which makes salvation free ; " Shew me thy glory," in the man Who liv'd and died for me. 3 Within that rock where thou art seen, Thy glory, Lord, unfold, Until without a cloud between, Thy glory 1 behold. HYMN 362. CM. ee I will declare what he hath done for my Soul. Vs.lxsi, 16. 1 MY soul shall Jesus' love proclaim, To all his chosen race ; I'll sing the Mediator's name, And triumph in his grace. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 2 He kindly interpos'd for me, When I rebell'd and fell ; Obey'd and suffered on the tree, To rescue me from hell. 3 He stopped my wand'rings — broke my heart. And cleans'd my soul with blood ; Yea, he will endless life impart, Before the throne of God. 4 He took my nature — gave me his, We are for ever one ; He daily trains me up for bliss, And he will claim his own. HYMN 363. C. M. Comfort for tried Souls. 1 BELOVED souls, God's own elect, Most precious in his sight ; Fear not, his hand shall well protect His people, day and night. 2 'Midst fiery trials — furious foes — Calamities and snares ; Your deep distresses Jesus knows, On him cast all your cares. 3 'Tis no strange thing, the saints of old Pass'd through the fire to God ; 'Tis the right way, as we are told, The consecrated road. 4 Go on, the prize is just in view, The struggle can't be long; Almighty grace shall bring you through, To join the ransom'd throng. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 364. L. M. The tried soul encouraging himself in God. 1 LORD, when my cruel foes assail, When sorrows rise, and fears prevail. To thee I look, on thee I stay, For safety in the evil day . 2 Thy cov'nant love, thy faithful word, My best encouragement afford ; Earth, hell and sin, in vain combine, Lord, I am safe, because I'm thine. 3 Dangers distresses, grief and care, Call up my faith, and drive to prayer, Then I can wield the conqu'ring sword, Encourag'd by the Lord my God. 4 My God ! this soul-reviving claim, Puts all my slavish fears to shame ; By thee encourag'd I'll go on, To chase my foes, and reach my crown. HYMN 365. L.M. Good Fruit from a good Tree. Mat. vii. 17. 1 O LORD, before thy face I lie, And for thy quickening grace I cry ; Renew my heart, and from above, Send down the treasures of thy love. 2 Within my heaven-born spirit place, The riches of thy sov'reign grace, Th' abundance of thy cov'nant store, Then I am rich, and can't be poor. 3 Then shall I bring forth all good things, To glorify the King of Kings ; Faith, hope, and love, with joy divine, In words and works shall daily shine. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 The Tree made good by thine own hand, Must bring forth fruit at thy command ; O, let thy treasures dwell in me, And 111 give all the praise to thee. HYMN 366. CM. Despondency forbidden. Ps. xl. 2. 1 DESPONDING saint, whose drooping mind, To grief becomes a prey, As in some horrid pit connVd, Or sunk in miry clay. 2 To David's God send up your cry, And wait his promis'd aid : A praying soul can never die : — Then why art thou afraid ! 3 Is light withdrawn, and comfort fled? Does unbelief prevail ! Still credit what thy God hath said : His promise cannot fail. 4 Bid unbelief now blush for shame ; Raise to the Lord thy cry ; Ask what thou wilt in Jesus' name, And he will not deny. HYMN 367. S. M. Job* s Complaint, Job. xxiii. 1 O ! THAT I knew the place, Where I my God could find : Before him I would spread my case, The sorrows of my mind. 2 I'd fill my mouth with words, And thus approach his seat, Using the plea his love affords, While prostrate at his feet, x 2 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 3 But ah ! he hides his face, And darkness veils my mind ; Yet he is, still, a God of grace, And cannot be unkind. 4 The tempter's arts assail, My spirit to affright, While unbelief and fear prevail, And Christ is out of sight. 5 Lord, bid these clouds remove ; Some ray of joy impart : Give me a sense of pard'ning love, To cheer my fainting heart, HYMN 868. C. M. Light in Darkness. 1 A DEEPER gloom than Egypt's night, The sinner's mind o'erspreads, Till Jesus Christ, the source of light, His heavenly influence sheds. 2 The powerful entrance of his word, The darkest shade breaks through ; His sun-like rays, new light afford, And bring new scenes to view. 3 The secret haunts where sin has lain, Are by his light made known : Nor can they undisturb'd remain, Where Christ, our light has shone. 4 Dear Saviour, deign to shine on me, Chase all my doubts away, And in thy light, O ! let me see The light of endless day. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 369. C. M. Believer's Walk. 1 O, HAPPY souls, who have receiv'd The Saviour, Christ the Lord, Who walk as those that have believ'd, Whose faith and works accord. 2 Their life, like Enoch's, is approv'd, Like him they live on high : By Enoch's God they are belov'd, Nor can they ever die. 3 They walk by faith the narrow road; In Christ their souls abide r And till they reach his blest abode, He will for them provide. 4 They walk with cheerful active zeal, In wisdom's narrow ways, Until they reach at Zion's hill, And end their toil in praise. HYMN 370. CM. "Hinder me not,'* 1 AROUS'D from nature's awful sleep, By Jesus' quick'ning 1 grace, From Satan's bond's I fain would leap, And run the christian race. 2 When foes without, and foes within, Their power and malice try To hold me in the arms of sin, 11 Hinder me not," I cry. 3 Heav'n is in view, and Christ invites, 'Tis vain to urge my stay ; In sacred things my soul delights, " Hinder me not," I pray. x 3 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 Should hell alarm, and earth allure, Since Jesus speeds my way, I'll all forego, and all endure, " Hinder me not," Pll say. 5 When call'd to tread death's gloomy way, While friends around me cling-, Still looking forth to realms of day, " Hinder me not," 111 sing". HYNN 871. C. M. David's Men* 1 WHEN David to Adullam's cave Had fled, for fear of Saul, He form'd a band of soldiers brave, Who felt themselves in thrall. 2 Debtors, distress'd, and discontent, O'erwhelm'd with want and shame, To David in the hold they went, Their Captain he became. 3 Thus David's Lord enlists a host, Of debtors, mean and vile ; And even those who owe him most, He welcomes with a smile. 4 Their debt, distress, and discontent, No fatal barriers prove ; He is on their salvation bent, And nothing damps his love. 5 He arms them from his sacred store, Trains them with skilful hand ; Their war with sin shall soon be o'er, And they victorious stand. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 872* L. M. Primitive Examples. Heb. vi. 12. 1 THE saints of old on Christ relied, On him they liv'd, in him they died; They knew his promises were sure, And their inheritance secure. 2 Their faith confided in his blood ; Their patience ran the heavenly road ; Jesus, my God, enable me To follow them who follow 'd thee. 2 Increase my faith, my patience prove, Warm me with everlasting 1 love : — Still foll'wing those whom thou hast blest, With them, with thee, O, may I rest. 4 Destroy my sloth, new vigour give, My faith and patience, Lord, revive ; With holy fervour make me run, To win the prize, and wear the crown. HYMN 373. CM. Confidence. 1 SINCE God protects his feeble sheep, From all surrounding fees ; My soul shall close to Jesus keep, And follow where he goes. 2 For who shall hurt the Saviour's friends, Who lean upon his breast ? To heaven their daily progress tends, And with him they shall rest. 3 There they'll survey the road they trod, And dangers they have pass'd ; Kept by the mighty power of God, And brought to heaven at last. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. HYMN 374. L. M. The same. Zeph. iii. 17. 1 COME, saints, a grateful tribute bring*, To Zion's everlasting 1 King 1 , Who rules below, and reigns above, And rests in his unchanging love. 2 Amidst his saints he loves to dwell, Employs his might their foes to quell; And though they every day offend, He loves them freely to the end. 3 Within the soul adorn 'd with grace, Jehovah has his resting place ; And from the objects of his love, He never, never will remove. 4 " Mighty to save," or to destroy, Saints are the objects of his joy ; To heaven he will his children bring, And o'er them bid his angels sing. HYMN 375. CM. Divine Convoy. Fxonus xxiii. 20. 1 WHEN Israel pass'd the desert o'er, To Canaan's blest abode, Jehovah's angel went before, To mark the winding road. 2 Thus when my soul left Satan's ground, And upwards sped its way, My Jesus stood engag'd, I found, To guide me night and day. 3 O'er hills of guilt, through hosts of foes, I press towards the crown ; No thorns can hurt, for Jesus goes Before, to tread them down. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 4 Not Sinai's height nor Jordan's deeps, My soul shall terrify, " The angel of the cov'nant " keeps His saints, with watchful eye. 5 With such a Convoy, such a Friend, And such a crown in view, Though foes and fiends, the road attend, My journey I'll pursue. 6 Jehovah-Jesus has declar'd Of ail his chosen race, He'll bring them to the place prepar'd, To see his lovely face. HYMN 3?6* CM. The same. 1 ISRAEL, the people of the Lord, Travell'd the desert o'er, And pass'd through Jordan's mighty flood, To Canaan's happy shore. 2 So christians travel through this world, With heavenly joys in view : Though fiery darts are at them hurl'd, Their journey they pursue. 3 Not Bashan's king, nor Am'lek's son, Their march can intercept ; Jehovah will avenge their wrongs, They, by his power are kept. 4 Streams from the rock, and heavenly bread, Their God will still afford ; And all the enemies they dread, Shall fall before his sword. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 5 And while they pass through Jordan's tide, The Ark protects them there ; * Safely they reach to Canaan's side, And all its blessings share. HYMN 3