I jigffi«g:UHE GENERAL CONVENTION OF i8 CATHEMAUFyALTER/ . THE PSALMS OF DAV TOGETHER WITH THE CANTICLES, PROPER PSALMS, SELECTIONS OF PSAL POINTED FOR CHANTING AND SET TO APPROPRIATE CHANTS ADAPTED TO THE USE OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH ALFRED FOX (of Cleveland, Ohio); D. E. HERVEY (OF Newark, New Jersey) AND HENRY KING (of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, England) NEW YORK 6^ LONDON NOVELLO, EWER AND CO. and JAMES POTT AND CO. NEW YORK. COPYRIGHT (A. D. 1890) BY NOVELLO, EWER & CO. X\ PUBLISHED BY PERMISSION OF CHARLES L. HUTCHINS, SECRETARY OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION. PREFACE. The Chants in this Collection have been arranged with the following main principles in view : — (i) That single or double Chants should be used according to the character and construction of each Psalm. See Psalms xv. (single); xxiv. (double). (2) That the construction of each Psalm should as far as possible govern the antiphonal arrangement ; e.g., if the parallel or antithesis occurs between the two halves of one verse, each half should be assigned to Cantoris and Decani respectively. See Psalms xv. xix. 1. xc. (3) That the variations of subject or sentiment in each Psalm should be marked by a change of Chant. See Psalms xviii. Ixxviii. Should there be any difficulty in following the antiphonal marks {Dec. and Can.) as they stand, they can be simplified under the direction of the Choirmaster without mjury to the general arrangement of the Chants. 1. The Words, from the commencement of each verse and half-verse up to the accented syllable, are called the Recitation. 2. On reaching the accented syllable, and beginning with it, the music of the chant commences, in strict time {a tempo), the upright strokes corresponding to the bars. The Recitation must therefore be considered as outside the chant, and may be of any length. The note on which the Recitation is made is called the Recitingj note. 3. If there is no syllable after that which is accented, the accented syllable must be held for one whole bar or measure,* e.g. — L Recit. a tempo. ^ =1^:^ O come, let us ^:t If other syllables follow the one accented, the first measure or initial bar of the chant will have to be divided into pavts of a semibreve. 4. The following general rules will help to explain this, the accented syllable being called the accent. If one syllable follows the accent, the first bar is divided into a dotted minim and a crotchet, e.g. — Recit. a tempo. — ( — ''J • "J I 1^ l^ :*:4t In His hand are all the c6r Recit. a tempo. ners | of 5«t The Lord shall I have them I in The melody of the following chant has been used throughout in the examples : Sir John Goss. IV PREFACE. Somclimes, when only one syllable follows the accent, the first bar is divided into two minims, e.g. — n u Rectt. a tempc. HWC 3S '^. As for Recit. our God I He is a tempo. -JsC ^m ^ 1^ And the flint-stone | in - to ■ a |spring-ing | well. 5. If two syllables follow the accent, the first bar is generally divided into a minim and two crotchets, e.g. — Recit. a tempo. i|± 3«t: let us heartily re • joice in the | strtngth of or into two crotchets and one minim, e.g. — a tempo. Recit. :!^ =^ 2^ and shew our-selves | glad in | Him with | psalntis. 6. If three syllables follow the accent, the first bar is generally divided into four equal parts, or their equivalent value, e.g. — ,. u. It Recit. a tempo. - < ^ • aT J — J - 'I =R=tt: -«=^ i Why do the heathen so fu - ri-ous - ly | rage to- Recit. a tempo. -gether: Htsci I^ZI K O ye sons of men, how long will ye bias- | -pheme mine | honour: 7. In the rare cases in which four syllables follow the accent, the bar will be without difficulty divided into the equivalent of four crotchets, e.g. — ■ Recit. a tempo. m itt^ i^ The Lord hath chast-en-ed and cor- | -rect - ed | me: 8. Study and experience will show that the most natural rendering of the words will in many instances call for other divisions of the bar, a ievj of which are here given, e.g. — a tempo. m $ -.^^=>t ^^3^ O deliver not the soul of thy turtle-dove unto the mul-ii- tude | of the | enemy Recit. a tempo. ~ J J J ^ 1 "^ i#E :wt ^ The snares of death Oil ^"''" com-pass-ed me a tempo. round a • 1 - bout: •J ... . . . ^~ — - -^ ' 1 Who turned the hard rock in - to a { stand - ing | Recit. a tempo. *ft =Wt --^ 1 Let us come before His pre-sence with | thanks - | - giving: So let the ungodly p^- rish | at the | presence of | God. PREFACE. g. All stops in this Psalter must be observed as in good reading; those which experience has proved to be unnecessary or detrimental to chanting have been intentionally omitted by the Editors. An asterisk (*) is a direction to take breath. ID. It is of the utmost importance that no break' or pause should occur between the Recitation and Accent. The words should be deliberately recited ; but the reciting note must not be held any longer than is absolutely necessar}' for this. Hence in some verses the reciting note will be only equal to a very short musical note, e.g. — i Lord I thy I word : tf: ^t ^m Be - hold now | praise the | Lord: II. When a verse or half-verse commences with an accent, it is evident that there is no recitation ; the rhythmical music therefore begins at once, e.g. — $ ^3 :^ ^m=^ 22=:^ -t- L6rd re-|-mem-ber| David: and | all . . | his . . | trouble. As the accent holds the position of the first beat of the first bar, it is unnecessary to sing it louder than any of the words recited : its position, musically, will give it quite enough emphasis. 12. A dot is placed between words or syllables belonging to the second bar of the music, when their division would otherwise be doubtful, e.g. — $ ¥e^ rai - ment . of ^^ I needlework : rai -ment of ./,¥ J ^ i '-> a ab-sent . from | us for | ever. ab - sent from 13. Lines placed horizontally show that the preceding syllable must be continued for the space indicated, e.g. — 14. F. signifies Full, that is, to be sung by both sides of the choir ; / signifies forte, loud ; />, piano, soft ; mf, mezzo-forte, moderately loud ; znd part, directs the choir to repeat the second half of a double chant at the verse to which it is prefixed. The thanks of the Editors are due to those professional and amateur musicians who have contributed original compositions to this work ; also to those who have granted permission for the insertion of such Chants as have appeared before, or of which they hold the copyright. The Editors likewise offer their apologies for any infringement of copyright of which they may have been unintentionally guilty. CONTENTS. rAOB PREFACE iii TABLE OF PROPER PSALMS vii TABLE OF SELECTIONS OF PSALMS vii THE CANTICLES:— Venite, ExuLTEMus Domino .. .. .. .. .. viii Te Deum LAUDAMUS .. .. .. -. .. .. .. xiii Benedicite, OMNIA OPERA .. .. .. .. .. .. xviii BeNEDICTUS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. XX Jubilate Deo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xxi Magnificat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xxii Cantate Domino .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xxiii BoNUM EST confiteri .. . .. .. .. .. xxiv Nunc DiMiTTis . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xxv Deus misereatur .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xxvi Benedic, anima MEA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xxvii THE PSALMS i PROPER PSALMS FOR First Sunday IN Advent .. .. .. Morning 114 Evening 116 Christmas Day .. .. .. .. .. 118 .. 120 Circumcision .. .. .. .. .. .. 123 .. 125 Epiphany .. .. .. .. .. .. 126 .. 128 Purification .. .. .. .. .. .. 130 .. 131 Ash Wednesday .. .. .. .. .. 133 .. 134 Annunciation., .. .. •, .. .. 136 .. 139 Good Friday .. .. .. .. .. .. 140 .. 143 Easter Even . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 . . 147 Easter Day .. .. .. .. .. .. 149 .. 151 Ascension Day .. .. .. .. .. 153 .. 154 Whitsunday .. .. .. .. .. .. 156 .. 158 Trinity Sunday .. .. .. .. .. 160 .. 161 Transfiguration .. ., .. .. .. 162 .. 164 St. Michael AND All Angels .. .. .. 165 .. r66 All Saints' Day . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . 169 Burial of THE Dead. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 170 Churching of Women .. .. .. .. .. .. 171 Thanksgiving Day .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 172 Consecration of Churches .. .. .. .. .. 172 Institution of Ministers .. .. .. .. .. .. 174 SELECTIONS OF PSALMS:— First .. .. .. .. .. .. 179 Second .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. eSo Third .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. 182 Fourth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 184 Fifth .. .. .. .. .. 185 Sixth . . . . . . - . , . . . . . . . . . 1S6 Seventh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 188 Eighth.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. igo Ninth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 191 Tenth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Eleventh .. .. .. .. ,. 193 Twelfth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Thirteenth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 195 Fourteenth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 197 Fifteenth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 198 Sixteenth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. aoo Seventeenth .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. 201 Eighteenth .. .. ..« .. .. .. .. .. 202 Nineteenth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 204 Twentieth . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 205 1 TABLE OF PROPER PSALMS ON CERTAIN DAYS MORNINO. First Sunday IN Advent 8,50 Christmas Day 19,45,85 Circumcision . . . . . . 40, 90 Epiphany .. .. .. .. .. ..46,47,48 Purification . . . . . . . . . . .. 20, 86, 87 Ash Wednesday 6,32,38 Annunciation .... .. .. .. .. 89 Good Friday .. .. .. .. .. .. 22,40,54 Easter Even .. 4,16,17 Easter Day 2,57,111 Ascension Day .. 8,15,21 Whitsunday .. .. .. .. .. .. 48,68 Trinity Sunday .. .. .. .. .. 29,33 Transfiguration .. .. 27,61,93 St. Michael AND All Angels 91,103 All Saints' Day .. 1,15,146 EVBNINC. 96, 97 89, no, 132 65, 103 72. 117. 135 84, 113, 134 102, 130, 143 131, 132, 138 69, 88 30, 31 113, 114, 118 24, 47, 108 104, 145 93. 97. 150 84. 99. 133 34. 148 112, 121, 149 TABLE OF SELECTIONS OF PSALMS. PSALUS. First 1,15,91 Second .. .. .. .. .. .. ,, .. 4,31^^.7,91,134 Third .. ..19,24,103 Fourth 23,34,65 Fifth 26,43,141 Sixth 32,130,121 Seventh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ••37 Eighth 51,42 Ninth 72,96 Tenth .. .. .. ., .. .. ,. .. .. .. ••77 Eleventh 80,81 Twelfth 84,122,134 Thirteenth j 85,93,97 Fourteenth .. ., ,, .. ., ., .. ,. .. .. 102 Fifteenth .. .. 107 Sixteenth .. ,. ,. .. ., ,. ., ., .. .. ng Seventeenth 123, 124, 125 Eighteenth i3g_ i^^ Nineteenth 147 Twentieth 148,149,150 viii VENITE, EXULTEMUS DOMINO. Dr. P. Hayes. W. Russell. i ^^=^ \ ) g i r: g ^ ITTTTTU Dec. I I A. ^E^ ^3 ^ Ca». J ■ J I 52- ^ A^ A. .J. :^=& Dec. R. Farrant ^S J Can. -^ -J J. -J. ^ ^ 1 1- W. Lee. DAY XI. Dr. S. Elvey Dec. ^ ^ r ■^ ^ :^ "t— -r 4—4- =^ ^ ^^=^ Dec. ^ T l^ DAY V. R. H. Stanley Caw. g - J , J J ^ 1 — r DAY XII. BURROWES. i ^ * ):yaa r .i^ ^ Can. .35- -r H i ^ ' I '^ q. gj g; DAY VI. Dr. J. AiiCOCK. J. TURLE. P 'laUjVliJUJ | g p^'glp ; .^' S Ca». I ^ ^,) go 4^ Dec. I I Can. s 124 rp =t==t S£=: ^ Pf^ ^ Fgg=£: :S=fl DAY VII. Dr. S. Elvey. Dec, rr DAY XIV. Dr. J. Alcock I I ^=*=^=Jf^ m I I I ^^ i- t^L^H ^ ^ri VENITE, EXULTEMUS DOMIiNO {continued). IX Dr. Stainer. w ^ ^^1 j-j Dr. W. Turner 'j^ ^ r^3!S- ^W^ ^s i r=^ s T. Kempton. ,--1 -J I r Can. I rj I i I -g-^ P J. Barnby. •.:^ a'):|j i fe ij ^ ^ J DAY XVII. Dr. W. Crotch. I r=;^ ^ DAY XXII. ^ S ^ "F" fe I S g* .J. 1 — r ^- J , J J t^ DAY XVIII. Rev. W. Tucker. P DAY XXIII. Sir G. A. Macparren. g: T^ ^^ VENITE, EXULTEMUS DOMINO. F./O COME, let us .sing I unto . the I Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the I strength of I our sal- I -vation. F. 2 Let us come before his presence with I thanks- I -giving : and show our- selves I glad in I him with I psalms. 3 For the L5rd is a I great I God : and a great I King a- I -hove all I gods. 4 In his hand are all the corners I of the I earth : and the strength of the I hills is I his I also. 5 The sea is his I and he I made it : and his hands pre- I -pared . the I dry 1 land. mf 6 O come, let us worship and I fall I down : and knSel be- ' -fore the I Lord our 1 Maker. 7 For he is the I Lord our I God : and we are the people of his pasture * and the I sheep of I his I hand. Ps. xcv. i — 7, 8 O worship the Lord in the i beauty . of I holiness : let the whole earth I stand in I awe of I him. 9 For he cometh, for he cometh to I judge the I earth : and with righteousness to judge the w6rld and the I people I with his I truth. Ps. xcvi. 9, 13. F. f Glory be to the Father, 1 and . to the I Son : and I to the I Holy 1 Ghost; F. As it was in the begin uing ^ is n6w, and I ever I shall be : w6rld without I lend. I A- I -men. VHNITE, EXULTEMUS DOMINO {continued). DAY XXIV. V. NOVELLO. 'H ^4 i ^M DAY XXXI. SirG.A.MACFAKREN DAY XXV. Rev. Sir F. Ouseley. FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Dr. J. Alcock ^ -1 \- "P"' ^ tf ■ g. Can. I I r ^. m ^ ^ii p^-p I 1 rw-^ mm z^ -fs— : -«, '^'^-. '^^=^- 2^=26: I I T -^-T=r m p^fe=Ep VENITE, EXULTEMUS DOMINO (continued). THE ANNUNCIATION. W. Savage. WHITSUNDAY. R. GOODSON. GOOD FRIDAY. 1 — r Old Melody ^ S) g J 1 — r ii F== I I TRINITY SUNDAY. Rev. Sir F. Ouseley. ASCENSION DAY. Rev. R. Bacon. ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. Dr. S. Elvey. ALL SAINTS' DAY. J. Battishill. ? ^-r -I -4- ^^ ^=3^ ^ J^ r :^ c- g ? I ^r: ^ g ■ '^- ieir=2z VENITE, EXULTEMUS DOMINO. F.fO COME, let us sing I unto . the I Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the I strength of I our sal- I -vation. F. 2 Let "s come before his presence with I thanks- I -giving : and show our- selves I glad in I him with I psalms. 3 For the Lord is a I great I God : and a great I King a- I -hove all I gods. 4 In his hand are all the corners I of the I earth : and the strength of the I hills is I his I also. 5 The sea is his I and he I made it : and his hands pre- t -pared . the I dry I land. m/ 6 O come, let us worship and i fall I down : and kndel be- I -fore the I Lord our I Maker. 7 For he is the i Lord our I God : and we are the people of his pasture * and the I sheep of I his I hand. Ps. xcv. i — 7. 8 O worship the Lord in the I beauty . of I holiness : let the whole earth I stand in I awe of I him. 9 For he cometh, for he cometh to I judge the I earth : and with righteousness to judge the world and the I people I with his I truth. Ps. xcvi. 9, 13. F. f Glory be to the Father, I and . to the I Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost; F. As it was in the beginning n is now, and I ever I shall be : world without \ end. I A- I -men. *** For Easter Day and Thanksgiving Day see Proper Psalms, pp. 149 and 17a. XI 1 VENITE, EXULTEMUS DOMINO {continued). -Alternative Chants. Dr. S. Arnold. DAY XIII. DAY III. Rev. C. A. Wickes. 0ji (T^ F^^ — -J J J '=^ if — =-^ Dec. -^' -^- g^ J J -sl- J ^ 1 1 U 1| 1 1,^-1 1 g? " i 1^ ^ DAY XX. Dr. E. AvRTON. '= ' ri. I Dec. f ^¥i=^ .J. =^ ^ ^ ^ ^ DAY VIII. Sir George Elvey. ^ d=^ J- P DAY XXII. Rev. Sir F. Ouseley. F#=^ prj^ — n — p — 7^ — n — n Can. ' 1 J ^ I'll -1 f , i- — 1 — P P^ ^1 1 1 1 U ^ L, 1 u^_ll i ^ W. Russell -^^^J 1 ^^==2:::^=^ Dec. ^ J. I 1 ^ II. P=^ DAY XXII Ezs: i_ F J. TURLE. t,s» — 1 w Can. 1 -r -(S>- ^-4 — n L=^ — Z.^ *= P bb: -1 tiU VENITE, EXULTEMUS DOMINO. F./ O COME, let us sing I unto . the I Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the I strsngth of I our sal- I -vation. F. 2 Let us come before his presence with I thanks- I -giving : and show our- selves I glad in I him with I psalms. 3 For the Lord is a I great I God : and a great I King a- I -hove all I gods. 4 In his hand are all the corners I of the I earth : and the strength of the I hills is I his I also. 5 The sea is his I and he I made it : and his hands pre- I -pared . the I dry I land. w/ 6 O come, let us w6rship and I fall I down : and kn^el be- I -fore the I Lord our I Maker. 7 For he is the I Lord our I God : and we are the people of his pasture * and the I sheep of I his I hand. Ps. xcv. i — 7. 8 O worship the Lord in the I beauty . of I holiness : let the whole earth I stand in I awe of I him. 9 For he cometh, for he c6meth to I judge the I earth : and with righteousness to judge the w6rld and the I people I with his I truth. Ps. xcvi. 9, 13. ¥ . f Glory be to the Father, I and . to the I Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost; F. As it was in the beginning » is n6w, and I ever I shall be : w6rld without I end. I A- I -men. TE DEUM LAUDAMUS. Verses i (o 13. Dr. R. Woodward. F. /WE praise I thee O I God : we acknowledge I thee to I be the I Lord. F. 2 All the earth doth I worship I thee : the I Father I ever- I -lasting. 3 To thee all A'ngels I cry a- I -loud : the Heavens, and I all the I Powers there- I -in. 4 To thee Cherubin and I Seraph- I in : con- 1 tinual- I -ly do I cry, 5 Holy I Holy 1 Holy : Lord I God of I Saba- I -oth ; 6 Heaven and earth are full of the I Majes- I -ty : of I thy I Glo- I -ry. 7 The glorious company I of • the A- 1 -postles : praise I — I — I thee. 8 The goodly fellowship I of the I Prophets : praise I — I — I thee. p^. 9 The noble I army • of I Martyrs : praise I — I — I thee. 10 The holy Church throughout I all the I world : doth ac- 1 -know- 1 -ledge I thee; 11 The I Fa- I -ther : of an I infinite I Majes- I -ty ; 12 Thine a- I -dorable I true : and I on- I ly I Son ; 13 A'lso the I Holy I Ghost : the I Com- I -fort- I -er. TT^ — ^ — — 1 — h Ve -^. h rses 14 to 25. -^^ 1 — ! ^ Hlnry Smart. ^-^-^ •0- 1 1 1 --rJ g^ 1 H= 1-, — W 14 Thou art the I King of I Glory : O* I — I — I Christ. 15 Thou art the ever- I -lasting I Son : of I — the I Fa- I -ther. inf 16 When thou tookest upon thee to de- I -liver I man : thou didst humble thyself to be I born I of a I Virgin. 17 When thou hadst overcome the I sharpness • of I death : thou didst open the Kingdom of I Heaven to I all be- 1 -Uevers. 18 Thou sittest at the right I hand of I God : in the I Glory I of the I Father. 19 We believe that I thou shalt I come : to I be I our I Judge. 20 We therefore pray thee I help thy I servants : whom thou hast redeemed I with thy ! precious I blood. 21 Make them to be numbered I with thy I Saints : in I glory I ever- 1 -last- ing. 22 O Lord I save thy I people : and I bless thine 1 herit- I -age. • 23 Gov- I — -ern I them : and I lift them I up for I ever. F./24 Day I by I day : we I magni- I -fy I thee ; F. 25 A'nd we I worship • thy I Name : ever I world with- I -out I end. Verse 26 to end. J. TURLE mf 26 Vouch- I -safe O I Lord : to keep us this I day with- I -out I sin. 27 O Lord have 1 mercy • up- 1 -on us : Kfive I mer- I -cy up- I -on us. 28 O Lord let thy mercy I be up- ; -on us : as our I trust I is in 1 thee. 29 O Lord in thee I have I I trusted '■ I let me I never I be con- I -founded. TE DEUM LA U DAM US {continued). ilternative Chants {First Set). Verses i to 13. Dr. W. Haves. R^=^ [^J-Ti-T -n - r— » 1-1 — :^ — 'rr- \ u — "5 — ;g— i_^H ! 1 1 1 1 — s" — H 1 — "^ — n sS- ■^ — >-<& — ^' ^^^ m. 1 I ^ m P A e^ i ^m- ^ ^ BONUM EST CONFITERI.— Psfl/m xcii. 1—4. F. / IT is a good thing to give thanks I unto • the I Lord ; and to sing praises (into thy I Name I O most I Highest ; F. 2 To tell of thy loving-kindness early I j in the I morning : and of thy truth I in the I night- I -season ; 3 Upon an instrument of ten strings # and up- I -on the I lute : upon a loud in- strument I and up- I -on the I harp. j 4 For thou, Lord, hast made me glad I through thy I works : and I will rejoice in giving praise, for the 6per- I ations I of thy I hands. /•'./ Glory be to the Father, I and • to the I Son : and 1 to the I Holy I Ghost; F. As it was in the beginning » is n6w, and I ever I shall be : w6rld without I end. I A- I -men. NUNC DIMITTIS. Dr. E. G. Monk. l^f=f w e I I ^^ ^ :^ Rev. W. Felton. ^ P^^ :s= g l ^r-K ■r-rn" ^ A J. .^ 1^ ^I^J J^.- „ ^^^ " i^r i" 1 ^ 'i^^ f-'r r' ^" i tjt i Dr. S. S. Wesley, ^^ ? FF0 = f^ l ^-j ^ ft'^^ I f^ I A. T' ^ i g? — &- t f I ' " ^ i M. J. Foster. a^ ^ "Ti r ^^ ^z^ ■r^ — ^ NUNC DIMITTIS.— S<. Lw/te ii. 29. F.m/ LORD, now lettest thou thy servant 4 To be a light to I lighten . the I de- I -part in I peace : ac- I -cording I to Gentiles : and to be the glory I of thy thy I word. : people I Israel. F. f Glory be to the Father, I and • to the Son : and 1 to the I Holy I Ghost; F. As it was in the beginning * is now, 3 Which thou I hast pre- I -pared : and I ever I shall be : world without I ead. bef6re the 1 face of I all I people ; A- I -men. 2 For mine I eyes have I seen : thy I sal- I -va- I -tion, DEUS Ml SERE AT UK. E. J. HoPKiHB ^ ■& T-^g? I I r - j § : Hi'^iHr- ^^ ^±p=P=t^ 25=?=: :#= j^ I I I I I -,"5 1-< ■ r I ' r ~r I I Rev. W. H. Haveroal i tt s ist i Sir J. Goss. ^S=^ ^ ;^ II g, . I p £= ^ T^P ^ zsr ro' fV = ^ -: ^ :^. ^ =F=F= A. H. Littleton. ^?f a n o , izg; ^ i ^" r^ ^— f-g r-^ y I *"" ' ^ J J- ^ ^ ^ ^ J.' :=& "5 g^ 1 — r- DEUS MISEREATUR.— Psa/m Ixvii. I'.mf GOD be merciful unto I us and I bless us : and show us the light of his counten- ance * and be ! merciful I unto i us ; F. 2 That thy way may be known up- I on 1 earth : thy saving I health a- 1 -mong all i nations. F. 3 Let the people praise I thee O I God : yea let I all the I people I praise thee. 4 O let the nations rejoice I and be I glad : for thou shalt judge the tolk right- eously * and g6vern the I nations • up- 1 on I earth. F. 5 Let the people praise I thee O ! God : yea let I all the I people I praise thee. 6 Then shall the earth bring 1 forth her I increase : and God, even our own God, shall I give I us his I blessing. p;',;l 7 God I shall I bless us : and all the ends of the I world shall I fear I him. F.f Glory be to the Father, I and • to the I Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost ; ¥ . As it was in the beginning * is n6w, and I ever 1 shall be : w6rld without I end. I A- 1 -men. BENEDIC. ANIMA MEA. Rev. Sir F. Ousblst. R H St AM LET. ^=^^"M=^ J. Foster. 4jJiJ^Jj-JI -p p— -s^pr-g.— ^S= 1 dr^-J-^^ ^ ^ Lbmoh r^z^z -^^>--^ +=F ^ ^* ■EST- iJ — ^5' s J^ i ^^ ^ BENEDIC, ANIMA MEA.— Ps^/w ciii. 1—4, 20—22. F./ PRAISE the Lord I O my I soul: and all that is within me I praise his I holy I Name. F. 2 Praise the L6rd I O my 1 soul : and for- I -get not I all his I benefits ; 3 Who forgiveth I all thy I sin : and hSaleth I all I thine in- 1 -firmities ; 4 Who saveth thy life I from de- I struction : and crowneth thee with I mercy • and I loving- I -kindness ; 5 O praise the Lord, ye angels of his * ye that ex- I -eel in I strength : ye that fulfil his commandment * and hearken flnto the I voice I of his I word. 6 O praise the Lord, all I ye his I hosts : ye servants of I his that I do his I pleasure. ^t 7 O speak good of the Lord, all ye works of his * in all places of I his do- I minion : praise thou the I Lord I O my I soul. F./ Glory be to the Father, I and . to the I Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost ; F. As it was in the beginning » is ofiw, and I ever i shall be : w6rld without 1 end. I A- I -men. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. DAY I. MORNING. PSALM I. — Beatus vir, qui non abiit. mf BLESSED is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly * nor stood in the I way of I sinners : and hath not sat in the I seat I of the I scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law I of the I Lord : and in his law will he exercise him- I -self I day and I night. 3 And he shall be hke a tree planted by the I water I side : that will bring forth his I fruit in I due I season. 4 His leaf also I shall not I wither : and look,whatsoever heldoethlitshalllprosper. 5 As for the ungodly, it is n6t I so with I them : but they are like the chaff* which the wind scattereth away from the ' face I of the I earth. 6 Therefore the ungodly shall not be able to stand I in the I judgement : neither the sinners in the congre- I -gation I of the I righteous. p^ 7 But the Lord knoweth the way 1 of the I righteous : and the way of the un- I godly I shall I perish. J. TURLB. PSALM \l.—Quare f WHY do the heathen so furiously I rage to- 1 -gether : and why do the people im- I -agine • a I vain I thing ? 2 The kings of the earth stand up * and the rulers take I counsel ■ to- I -gether : against the Lord and a- I -gainst I his A- I nointed. 3 Letusbreak their I bonds a- 1 -sunder: and cast a- I -way their I cords I from us. 4 He that dwelleth in heaven shall I laugh them • to I scorn : the Lord shall I have them I in de- I -rision. 5 Then shall he speak unto them I in his I wrath : and vex them I in his I sore dis- i -pleasure. 6 Yet have I I set my I King : upon my I holy I hill of I 3ion. 7 I will preach the law * whereof the Lord hath said I unto I me : Thou art my fremuerunt gentes? Son « this day have I I be- I -gotten I thee. 8 Desire of me « and I shall give thee the heathen for I thine in- I -heii- tance : and the utmost parts of the I earth for I thy pos- I -session. 9 Thou shalt bruise them with a I rod of I iron : and break them in pieces I like a I potter's I vessel. 10 Be wise now therefore I O ye I kings : be learned, ye that are I judges I of the I earth. 11 Serve the I Lord in I fear : and re- joice I unto I him with I reverence. 12 Kiss the Son lest he be angry, and so ye perish from the I right I way : if his wrath be kindled (yea but a little), » blessed are all they that I put their I trust in I him. DAY 1. MORNING (continued). PSALM lU.—Dotni nip LORD, how are they increased that I trouble I me : many are I they that I rise a- I -gainst me. 2 Many one there be that say I of my I soul : There is no help I for him I in his I God. 3 But thou, O L6rd art I my de- I fender • thou art my worship « and the lifter I p of I my I head. 4 1 did call upon the L6rd I with my I voice : and he heard me I out of • his I holy I hUl !— r ng, quid multiplicati ! 5 I laid me down and slept * and rose I up a- I -gain : for the I Lord sus- I tained I me. 6 I will not be afraid for ten thou- sands I of the I people : that have set them- selves a- I -gainst me I round a- 1 -bout. / 7 Up, Lord, and help me I O my I God : for thou smitest all mine enemies upon the cheekbone * thou hast broken the I teeth of I the un- I -godly. 8 Salvation belongeth I unto • the I Lord : and thy blessing I is up- I -on thy I people. PSALM IV. — Ctim itivocarein. mj HEAR me when I call, O G6d I of] mune with your own heart* and fn your my I righteousness : thou hast set me at liberty when I was in trouble * have mercy upon m6, and I hearken I unto • my 1 prayer. 2 O ye sons of men fk how 16ng will ye bias- I -pheme mine I honour : and have such pleasure in vanity and I seek I after I falsehood ? 3 Know this also » that the Lord hath chosen to himself the man I that is I godly : when I call upon the I Lord I he will I hear me. 4 Stand in I awe and I sin not : com- chamber I and be I still. 5 Offer the sacri- I -fice of I righteous- ness : and put your I trust I in the I Lord. 6 There be I many • that I say : Wh6 will I shew us I any I good ? 7 Lord I lift thou I up : the light of thy I counte- I -nance up- I -on us. 8 Thou hast put gladness I in my I heart : since the time that their corn and i wine and I oil in- I -creased. 9 I will lay me down in peace, and i take my I rest : for it is thou, Lord, 6nly that I makest • me 1 dwell in I safety. Anon. mf PONDER my I words O I Lord : 56n- 1 -sider • my I medi- I -tation. 2 O hearken thou unto the voice PSALM V. — Verba mea auribus. of my calling « my King I and my I God : for unto th£e I will I I make my I prayer. .^ DAY I. MORNING {continued). 3 My voice shalt thou hear be- 1 -times O I Lord : early in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee I and will I look I up. 4 For thou art the God that hast no I pleasure . in 1 wickedness : neither shall any I evil I dwell with I thee. 5 Such as be foolish shall not stand I in thy I sight : for thou hatest all I them that I work I vanity. 6 Thou shalt destroy them that I speak I lies : the Lord will abhor both the bl6odthirsty I and de- I -ceitful I man. 7 But as for me, I will come into thine house » even upon the multitude I of thy I mercy : and in thy fear will I w6rship I toward • thy I holy I temple. 8 Lead me O Lord in thy righteous- ness * because I of mine i enemies : make thy way I plain be- I -fore my I face. 9 For there is no faithfulness I in his I mouth : their inward 1 parts are 1 very , wickedness. 10 Their thr5at is an I open I sepulchre ; they I flatter I with their I tongue. 11 Destroy thou them O God * let them perish through their ownim- 1 -agin-1 ations : cast them out in the multitude of their ungodliness * for they I have re- I belled • a- I -gainst thee. / 12 And let all them that put their trust in I thee re- I -joice : they shall ever be giving of thanks because thou defendest them * they that love thy Name I shall be I joyful • m I thee. p^A 13 For thou Lord wilt give thy blessingi unto • the I righteous : and with thy favour- able kindness wilt th6u de- I -fend him 1 as • with a I shield. DAY I. EVENING. Henry Purcell. ^^PS 3ta:=2: Dec. T~r ^ ^ J- PSALM VI. — Dotnine, ne in furore. F.mpO LORD rebuke me not in thine I indig- I -nation : neither chasten I me in I thy dis- I -pleasure. F. 2 Have mercy upon me O Lord, for I I am I weak : O Lord heal me I for my I bones are I vexed. 3 My soul also is I sore I troubled : but Lord, how long I wilt thou I punish I me ? 4 Turn thee O Lord and de- I -liver • my I soul : O save me I for thy I mercy's I sake. 5 For in death no man re- I -mem- bereth I thee : and who will give thee I thanks I in the I pit ? 6 I am weary of my groaning * every night wash I I my I bed : and water my I couch I with my I tears. 7 My beauty is gone for I very I trouble : and worn away be- 1 -cause of I all mine I enemies. 8 Away from me, all ye that I work I vanity : for the Lord hath heard the I voice I of my I weeping. 9 The Lord hath heard I my pe- I tition : the Lord I will re-l-ceivemyl prayer. 10 All mine enemies shall be con- founded and I sore I vexed : they shall be turned back, and I put to I shame I sud- denly. Dr. Cooke. PSALM VIL — Dotnhie, Dens mens. mf O LORD my God, in thee have I I put my I tru.st : save me from all them that persecute me I and de- I -liver I me: 2 Lest he devour my soul like a lion and I tear it . in I pieces : while I there is ' none to I help. DAY 1. EVENING {continued). Dr. CooKB 3 O Lord my God * if I have done I any • such I thing : or if there be any I wickedness I in my I hands ; 4 If I have rewarded evil unto him that dealt I friendly • with I me : yea, I have delivered him that without any I cause I is mine I enemy ; 5 Then let mine enemy persecute my I soul and I take me : yea, let him tread my life down upon the earth ¥: and lay mine I honour I in the I dust. 6 Stand up O Lord in thy wrath, and lift up thyself » because of the indigna- tion I of mine I enemies : arise up for me in the judgement I that thou I hast com- I manded. 7 And so shall the congregation of the people I come a- 1 -bout thee : for their sakes therefore, lift I up thy- I -self a- I gain. 8 The Lord shall judge the people * give sentence with 1 me O I Lord : ac- cording to my righteousness * and accord- ing to the innocency I that is I in I me. 9 Oletthe wickedness of the ung6dly I come . to an I end : but I guide I thou the I just. 10 For the I righteous I God : trieth the I very I hearts and I reins. / II My help I cometh • of I God : who preserveth them I that are I true of I heart. 12 God is a righteous Judge I strong and I patient : and God is pro- I -voked I every i day. 13 If a man will not turn he will I whet his I sword : he hath bent his I bow and I made it I ready. 14 He hath prepared for him the instru- I -ments of I death : he ordaineth his arrows a- I -gainst the I perse- I cutors. 15 Behold he travail- I -eth with I mis- chief : he hath conceived sorrow and I brought I forth un- I -godliness. 16 He hath gi'aven and digged 1 up a I pit : and is fallen himself into the des- truction I that he I made for I other. 17 For his travail shall come up6n his I own I head : and his wickedness shall fall I on his I own I pate. 18 I will give thanks unto the Lord according I to his I righteousness : and I will praise the Name I of the I Lord most • High. Rev. W. Tucker. ^ ^ i - ^ n — .-^ — I— Can. ^ PSALM VIII. — Domine, Dominus noster. f O LORD our Governour * how excel- lent is thy Name in I all the I world : thou that hast set thy I glory • a-l-bove the I heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength * because 1 of thine I enemies : that thou mightest still the I enemy I and • the a- I -venger. 3 For I will consider thy neavens * even the works I of thy I fingers : the moon and the stars I which thou I hast or- I -dained. 4 What is man, that thfiu art ! mind- ful . of 1 him : and the son of man I that thou I visitest I him ? 5 Thou madest him lower I than the I angels : to crown I him with I glory- and I worship. 6 Thou makest him to have dominion of the w6rks I of thy I hands : and thou hast put all things in sub- I -jectioD I under • his I feet ; 7 A*ll I sheep and I oxen : yea and the I beasts I of the I field ; 8 The fowls of the air, and the fishes I of the 1 sea : and whatsoever walketh through the I paths I of the i seas. 9 O' I Lord our I Governour : how excellent Is thy I Name in I all the I world ! DAY II. MORNING. Sir H. S. Oakelbt. .Alternative Chant. Sir J. Goss. PSALM IX.—Confitehor tibi. tnfl WILL give thanks unto thee O Lord, with my I whole I heart : I will speak of I all thy I marvellous I works. 2 I will be glad and re- I -joice in 1 thee : yea, my songs will I make of thy I Name O I thou most I Highest. 3 While mine enemies are I driven I back : they shall fall and I perish I at thy I presence. 4 For thou hast maintained my right I and my I cause : thou art set in the I throne that I judgest I right. 5 Thou hast rebuked the heathen * and destroyed I the un- I -godly : thou hast put out their I name for I ever • and I ever. 6 O thou enemy, destructions are come to a per- I -petual I end : even as the cities which thou hast destroyed * their me- I -morial • is I perished I with them. 7 But the Lord shall en- I -dure for I ever : he hath also pre- I -pared • his I seat for I judgement. 8 For he shall judge the I world in I righteousness : and minister true I judge- ment I unto . the I people. 9 The Lord also will be a defence I for • the op- I -pressed : even a refuge in I due I time of I trouble. lo And they that know thy Name will put their I trust in I thee : for thou, Lord, hast never i failed I them that | seek thee. 11 O praise the Lord which I dwell- eth . in I Sion : shew the I people I of his I doings. 12 For when he maketh inquisition for blood, he re- I -membereth I them : and forgetteth not the com- I -plaint I of the I poor. 13 Have mercy upon me O Lord * consider the trouble which I suffer of I them that I hate me : thou that liftest me up I from the I gates of i death. 14 That I may shew all thy praises within the ports of the I daughter • of I Sion : I' will re- I -joice in I thy sal- I -va- tion. 15 The heathen are sunk down in the pit I that they I made : in the same net which they hid privily I is their I foot I taken. 16 The Lord is known to I execute I judgement : the ungodly is trapped in the work I of his I own I hands. 17 The wicked shall be turned I into I hell : and all the people I that for- I -get I God. 18 For the poor shall not alway I be for- I -gotten : the patient abiding of the meek I shall not I perish • for I ever. 19 Up, Lord, and let not man have the I upper I hand : let the heathen be I judged I in thy I sight. 20 Put them in I fear O I Lord : that the heathen may know them- 1 -selves to 1 be but 1 men. c DAY II. MORNING ^continued). Rev. K. A. J. Hervev PSALM X.— C7/ quid, Domine? mp WHY standest thou so far I off O I Lord : and hidest thy face in the I need- ful I time of I trouble ? 2 The ungodly for his own lust doth perse- I -cute the I poor: let them be taken in the crafty wiliness I that they I have im- I -agined. 3 For the ungodly hath made boast of his own I heart's de- I -sire : and speak- eth good of the covetous I whom I God ab- I -horreth. 4 The ungodly is so proud, that he careth I not for I God : neither is I God in I all his I thoughts. 5 His ways are I alway I grievous : thy judgements are far above out of his sight * and therefore de- I -fieth • he I all his I enemies. 6 For he hath said in his heart * Tush, I shall never be I cast I down : there shall no harm I happen I unto I me. 7 His mouth is full of cursing, de- I ceit and I fraud : under his tongue is un- I -godli- I -ness and I vanity. 8 He sitteth lurking in the thievish c6mers I of the I streets : and privily in his lurking dens doth he murder the inno- cent * his eyes are I set a- I -gainst the I poor. g For he lieth waiting secretly * even as a lion lurketh he I in his I den : that I he may I ravish • the I poor. L Dr. Stainer. 1 ^— "^ ^ when 10 He doth I ravish • the I poor he 1 getteth • him I into • his I net. 11 He falleth down, and I humbleth • him- I -self : that the congregation of the poor may fall into the I hands I of his I captains. 12 He hath said in h?3 heart * Tush, G5d I hath for- I -gotten : he hideth away his face, and i he will I never I see it. 13 Arise, O Lord God * and lift up I thine I hand : for- I -get I not the I poor. 14 Wherefore should the wicked bias- I pheme I God : while he doth say in his heart *Tush I thou God I carest • not I for it. 15 Surely I thou hast I seen it : for thou beholdest un- I -godli- I -ness and I wrong. 16 That thou mayesttake the matter I into • thine I hand : the poor committeth himself unto thee * for thou art the I helper I of the I friendless. 17 Break thou the power of the un- godly I and ma- I -licious : take away his ungodliness and I thou shalt I find I none. 18 The Lord is King for I ever . and I ever : and the heathen are I perished I out • of the I land. 19 Lord thou hast heard the desire I of the I poor: thou preparest their heart * and thine ear I hearkeneth I there- I -to ; 20 To help the fatherless and poor I unto • their I right : that the man of the earth be no I more ex- 1 -alted • a- I -gainst them. J. Battishill PSALM XL — In Domino confide. mf IN the Lord put I I my I trust : how sav ye then to my soui * that she should flee as a I bird I unto • the I hill? 2 For lo, the ungodly bend their bow* and make ready their arrows with- I -in the I quiver : that they may privily shoot at thfim I which are I true of I heart. DAY II. MORNING {continued). 3 For the foundations will be 1 cast I ,dowD : and what I hath the I righteous I ;done ? 4 The Lord is in his t holy I temple : 'the Lord's I seat I is in i heaven. 5 His eyes con- I -sider • the I poor : and his eyelids I try the I children • of I men. 6 The Lord al- I -loweth • the I righteous : but the ungodly and him that delighteth in wickedness I doth his i soul ab- I -hor. 7 Upon the ungodly he shall rain snares » fire and brimstone, I storm and I tempest : this shall I be their I portion . to 1 drink. 8 For the righteous Lord I loveth I righteousness : his countenance will be- hold the I thing I that is i just. DAY II. EVENING. J. TURLE. PSALM XU.—Salvnm me fac. F. ;»/HELP me, Lord » for there is not one I godly • man 1 le:t : f< r the faithful are minished from a- ' -mong the I chil- dren • of I men. F . 2 They talk of vanity every one 1 with his I neighbour : they do but flatter with their lips * and dissemble i in their I double I heart. 3 The Lord shall root out all de- I ceitful I lips : and the tongue that I speaketh I proud I things; 4 Which have said * With our tongue will I we pre- I -vail : we are they that ought to speak, who is I lord I over I us ? 5 Now for the comfortless troubles' sake I of the I needy : and because of the deep I sighing I of the I poor, 6 I will up 1 saith the I Lord : and will help every one from him that swelleth against him I and will I set him • at I rest. 7 The words of the Lord are I pure I words : even as the silver * which from the earth is tried, and purified I seven • times I in the I fire. 8 Thou shalt keep I them O I Lord : thou shalt preserve him from this I gener- I ation • for I ever. pan. 9 The ungodly walk on i every I side : when they are exalted, the children of I men are I put ■ to re- I -buke. PSALM XIII. — Usque quo, Domine ? tnp HOW long wilt thou forget me O I ; 4 Lest mine enemy say * I' have Lord for I ever : how long wilt thou I hide i pre- I -vailed ■ a- I -gainst him : for if I be thy 1 face I from me ? | cast down * they that trouble me I will 2 How long shall I seek counsel in , re- I -joice I at it. my soul * and be so vexed I in my I heart : I / 5 But my trust is I in thy I mercy : how long shall mine enemies I triumph I \ and my heart is I joyful -in I thy sal- 1 -vation. over I me ? i 6 I will sing of the Lord * because 3 Consider, and hear me O I Lord 1 he hath dealt so I lovingly I with me : yea, my I God : lighten mine eyes that 1 1 sleep I I will praise the Name I of the I Lord not in I death. ' most I Highest. DAY II. EVENING {continued). Rev. L. Flintoft. PSALM XIV.- w/THE fool hath said I in his I heart : There I is I no I God. 2 They are corrupt, and become ab6minable I in their I doings : there is none that doeth I good I no not I one. 3 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the I children • of I men : to see if there were any that would understand, and I seek I after I God. 4 But they are all gone, out of the way » they are altogether be- 1 -come a- I bominable : there is none that doeth I good I no not I one. 5 Their throat is an open sepulchre ^^ withtheirtongueshave I theyde- I -ceived: the poison of I asps is 1 under • their 1 lips. 6 Their mouth is full of I cursing • and I bitterness : their feet are 1 swift to I shed I blood. ■Dixit insipiens. p"ru 7 Destruction and unhappiness is ir tlieir ways * and the way of peace have I they not I known : there is no fear of I God be- I -fore their I eyes. 8 Hav€ they no knowledge, that they are all such I workers • of I mischief : eating up my people as it were bread, and I call • not up- I -on the I Lord ? 9 There were they brought in great fear * even where I no fear i was : for God is in the gener- I -ation I of the I righteous. ID As for you * ye have made a mock at the counsel I of the I poor : because he putteth his I ti'ust I in the I Lord. II Who shall give salvation unto Israel out of Sion ? * When the Loi^d turneth the captivity I of his I people : then shall Jacob rejoice, and I Israel I shall be I glad. DAY III. MORNING. T. Kelway. $ m Dec. m "Ft -"--r ^ r m =£r m r PSALM XV. — Domine, quis habitabit ? II. 1 r A R. IlEIN AGLK. Dec. 1 1 ■^- Can. W 1 1 ^:^ ife' tji S " -'^— ^i^-,^-^ ^ 1^^"^ V- 1 — ' bsnd L— J — \ — M — r^ ;«/LORD, who shall dwell in thy I taber- I nacle : or who shall rest up- I -on thy I holy I hill ? 2 Even he that leadeth an I uncor- rupt I life : and doeth the thing which is right* and speaketh the I truth I from his I heart. 3 He that hath used no deceit in his tongue * nor done evil I to his I neigh- bour : and I hath not I slandered • his I neighbour 4 He that setteth not by himself * but is lowly in his I own I eyes : and mak- eth much of 1 them that I fear the I Lord. 5 He that sweareth unto his neigh- bour * and disap- I -pointeth • him I not : th6ugh it I were ■ to his I o\v n I hindrance. 6 He that hath not given his money up- I -on I usury : nor taken re- I -ward a- I -gainst the I innocent. 7 Wh6so I doeth • these I things : shall I nev- I -er I fall. DAY III. MORNING {continued). 9 PSALM XVI. — CuHserva me, Domme- mf PRESERVE I me O I God : for in thee 1 have I I put my I trust. 2 O my soul, thou hast said 1 unto • the I Lord : Thou art my Gcd * my goods are I nothing I unto I thee. 3 All my delight is upon the saints that are I in the I earth : and upon I such as • ex- I -eel in I virtue. 4 But they that run after an- I -other I god : shall ! have I great I trouble. 5 Their drink-otferings of bl5od will I I not I offer : neither make mention of their I names with- I -in my I lips. 6 The Lord himself is the portion of mine inheritance and 1 of m}' I cup : thou I shalt main- I -tain my I lot. 7 The lot is fallen unto me in a I fair 1 ground : yea I I have a I goodly I heritage. 8 I will thank the Lord for I giving • me I warning : my reins also chasten me 1 in the I night- I -season. 9 I have set God I always • be- I -fore me : for he is on my right hand i there- fore . I I shall not I fall. 10 Wherefore my heart was glad and my I glory . re- I -joiced : my flesh I also ■ shall I rest in I hope. 11 For why * thou shalt not leave my i soul in I hell : neither shalt thou suffer thy Holy I One to ' see cor- I -rup- tion. 12 Thou shalt shew me the path of life * in thy presence is the I fulness • of I joy : and at thy right hand there is I plea- sure • for I ever- I -more. I. i w m fcS: ^ ^ r ^ r - J ^' II. A . H. Littleton. 1 r ¥-- •^ f^ f^ r r-r "a?- ^t^^ ^-^ -\r^ P ' ^" r'. ' e> *' PSALM XWU.—Exaudl, Domme. mp HEAR the right O Lord * consider I my com- I -plaint ; and hearken unto my prayer * that goeth not I oat of I feigned I lips. 2 Let my sentence come forth I from thy I presence : and let thine eyes look upon the I thing I that is I equal. 3 Thou hast proved and visited mine heart in the night-season * thou hast tried me, and shalt find no I wickedness I in me : for I am utterly purposed that my I mouth shall I not of- I -fend. 4 Because of men's works that are done against the words I of thy I lips : I have kept me from the I ways of I the de- I -stroyer. 5 O hold thou up my goings I in thy I paths : that my I footsteps I sHp I not. 6 I have called upon thee O God, for I thou shalt 1 hear me : incline thine ear to me, and I hearken I unto • my I words. w/7 Shew thy marvellous loving-kind- ness * thou that art the Saviour of them which put their I trust in I thee : from sfich as re- I -sist thy I right I hand. 8 Keep me as the apple I of an I eye : hide me under the I shadow I of thy I wings. 9 From the ungodly that I trouble I me : mine enemies compass me round about to 1 take a- I -way my I soul. 10 They are enclosed in their I own I fat : and their mouth I speaketh I proud I things. 11 They lie waiting in our way on I every I side : turning their eyes I down I to the I ground ; 12 Like as a lion that is greedy I of his I prey : and as it were a lion's whelp I lurking • in I secret I places. 13 Up, Lord, disappoint him and I cast him I down : deliver my soul from the ungodly which I is a I sword of I thine ; 14 From the men of thy hand, O Lord * from the men I say, and from the I evil I world : which have their portion in this life ♦ whose bellies thou f illest I with thy I hid I treasure. 15 They have children at I their de- I sire : and leave the rest of their I sub- stance I for their I babes. 16 But as for me * I will beh61d thy I presence . in I righteousness : and when I awake up after thy likeness * I' shall be J satis- I -tied I with it. 10 DAY III. EVENING. Verses y to 15. Dl RlMBAUL^. i ?"• II ^_J s Verses 25 «■ and in his I pleasure • is I life : heaviness may endure for a night * but joy I Cometh I in the I morning. 6 And in my prosperity I said * I shall never I be re- I -moved : thou, Lord, of thy goodness hast I made my I hill so I strong. p 7 Thou didst turn thy I face I from me : and I I I was I troubled. 8 Then cried I unto I thee O I Lord : and gat me I to my I Lord right I humbly, 9 What profit is there I in my I blood : when I go I down I to the I pit ? 10 Shall the dust give thanks I unto I thee : or shall I it de- I -clare thy I truth ? 11 Hear, O Lord and have I mercy • up- I -on me : Lord be I thou I my I helper. mf 12 Thou hast turned my heaviness I into I joy : thou hast put off my sackcloth and I girded I me with I gladness. 13 Therefore shall every good man sing of thy praise with- I -out I ceasing : O my God, I will give thanks I unto I thee for I ever. S. Matthews. PSALM XXXI.— /« mf I N thee O Lord have 1 1 put my I trust : let me never be put to confusion, de- I iiver - me I in thy I righteousness, 2 Bow down thine I ear to I me : make haste I to de- I -liver I me. 3 And be thou my strong rock, and h6use i of de- I -fence : that I thou>mayest I save I me. 4 For thou art my strong rock I and my I castle : be thou also my guide * and 16ad me I for thy I Name's I sake. 5 Draw me out of the net that they have laid I privily I for me : f6r I thou I art my I strength. te, Domine, speravi. 6 Into thy hands I com- I -mend my ! spirit : for thou hast redeemed me ^ O' I Lord thou I God of I truth. 7 I have hated them that hold of super- I -stitious 1 vanities : and my trust hath I been I in the I Lord. 8 I will be glad and rejoice I in thy I mercy : for thou hast considered my trouble * and hast known my I soul I in ad- I -versities. j!^l 9 Thou hast not shut me up into the hand ! of the I enemy : but hast set my feet I in a I large I room. 80 DAY VI. MORNING {continued). S. MATTHBWa p 10 Have mercy upon me O L6rd, for I I am • in I trouble : and mine eye is con- sumed for very heaviness * yea my I soul I and my I body. 11 For my life is waxen I old with I heaviness : and my I years 1 with I mourning. 12 My strength faileth me, because of I mine in- I -iquity : and my I bones I are con- I -sumed. 13 I became a reprcof among all mine enemies * but especially a- I -mong my I neighbours : and they of mine acquaint- ance were afraid of me * and they that did see me without con- I -vej'ed them- I selves I from me. 14 I am clean forgotten, as a dead man I out of I mind : I am become I like a I broken I vessel. 15 For I have heard the blasphemy I of the I multitude : and fear is on every side * while they conspire together against me * and take their counsel to I take a- I way my I life. 16 But my hope hath been in I thee O I Lord : I have said I Thou art I my I God. 17 My time is in thy hand * deliver me from the hand I of mine I enemies : and from I them that I persecute I me. 18 Shew thy servant the light 1 of thy I countenance ; and save me I for thy I mercy's I sake. 19 Let me not be confounded OLord* for r have I called . up- i -on thee : let the ungodly be put to confusion ^t and be put to I silence I in the I grave. ^'',. 20 Let the lying lips be I put to I silence : which cruelly, disdainfully, and despitefuUy I speak a- I -gainst the I righteous. /21 O how plentiful is thy goodness* which thou hast laid up for i them that I fear thee : and that thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in thee * even be- I fore the I sons of I men ! 22 Thou ihalt hide them privily by thine own presence * from the provoking of I all I men : thou shalt keep them secretly in thy tabernacle I from the 1 strife of I tongues. 23 Thanks be I to the I Lord : for he hath shewed me marvellous great kind- ness I in a I strong I city, 24 And when I made I haste I I said ; I am cast 6ut of the I sight 1 of thine I eyes. 25 Nevertheless, thou heardest the voice I of my I prayer : when I I cried I unto I thee. 26 O love the L6rd all I ye his I saints : for the Lord preserveth them that are faithful * and plenteously re- I -wardeth ■ the I proud I doer. j^rt. 27 Be strong, and he shall es- I tablish • your I heart : all ye that put your I trust I in the I Lord. DAY VI. EVEiNING. Sir George Elvey. II. PSALM XXXII F.^z/jBLESSED is he whose unrighteous- ness I is for- I -given : and whose I sin 1 is I covered. F. 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the L6rd im- I -puteth . no I sin : and In whose I spirit • there I is no I guile. ^ 2^^ :^=^ J. TURLE. A_A WP = W=\ J 1 — t- — Beati, quorum. 3 For whilst I I held my I tongue : my bones consumed away I through my I daily • com- I -plaining. 4 For thy hand is heavy upon me 1 day and I night : and my moisture is i like the I drought in I summer. DAY VI. EVENING {continued). 21 5 I will acknowledge my sin I unto I thee : and mine unrighteousness I have ;i I not I hid. I 6 I said, I will confess my sins I unto • ithe I Lord : and so thou forgavest the I wickedness I of my I sin. 7 For this shall every one that is 'godly make his prayer unto thee * in a time when thou I maj'est • be I found : but in the great water-floods I they shall I not come I nigh him. 8 Thou art a place to hide me in * !thou shalt preserve I me from I trouble : thou shalt compass me about with I songs I lofde- I -liverance. 9 I will inform thee, and teach thee in the way wherein I thou shalt I go : and r will I guide thee I with mine I eye. 10 Be ye not like to horse and mule ^ which have no I under- 1 -standing : whose mouths must be held with bit and bridle I lest they I fall up- 1 -on thee. 11 Great plagues remain I for .. the un- 1 -godly : but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord * mercy embraceth I him on I every I side. 12 Be glad O ye righteous * and re- j5ice I in the I Lord : and be joyful all ye I that are I true of I heart. I. Dr. W. Crotch. 11. Thomas Tallis. r-ai , , ... 1 1 \ — ^-1 n Dec. 1 Can. ^- jJ-^ 1 J J J ^1^^— rTp7Tr7"^ '^^=^ — I 1-,- -n 1 1 1 1 1 ! , Dec. I Can. tS rj. 1 ," V 1 II ' r f^ii-^i-1^ PSALM '^y^YAlL—Exnltate, jiisti. w/ REJOICE in the Lord 1 O ye 1 ighteous : for it becometh well the I just I ito be I thankful. 2 Praise the I Lord with I harp : sing praises unto him with the lute * and instru- I -ment of I ten I strings. 3 Sing unto the Lord a I new I song : ising praises lustily unto him I with a I jgood 1 courage. 4 For the word of the J Lord is I true : and I all his I works are I faithful. 5 He loveth righteous- I -ness and I (judgement : the earth is full of the I good- pess I of the I Lord. I 6 By the word of the Lord were the 1 heavens I made : and all the hosts of ithem by the I breath I of his I mouth. I 7 He gathereth the waters of the sea Itogether * as it were up- I -on an I heap : jand layeth up the I deep as 1 in a I treasure- house. 8 Let all ttie earth I fear the I Lord : stand in awe of him * all ye that I dwell I in the I world. I 9 For he spake, and I it was I done : ide commanded, I and it I stood I fast. j to The Lord bringeth the counsel of •the I heathen • to I nought : and maketh the devices of the people to be of none affect « and casteth I out the I counsels • pf I princes. I II The counsel of the Lord shall en- I liure for I ever : and the thoughts of his heart from gener- I -ation • to I gener- I lition. 12 Blessed are the people, whose God is the I Lord Je- I -hovah : and blessed are the folk that he hath chosen to hiin to I be I his in- I -heritance. 13 The Lord looked down from heaven * and beheld all the I children • of I men : from the habitation of his dwelling * he considereth all them that 1 dwell I on the I earth. 14 He fashioneth all the I hearts of 1 them : and under- I -standeth I all their I works, 15 There is no king that can be saved by the multitude I of an I host : neither is any mighty man de- I -livered • by I much I strength. 16 A horse is counted but a vain thing to I save a 1 man : neither shall he deliver any man 1 by his I great i strength. 17 Behold the eye of the Lord is upon I them that I fear him : and upon them that put their I trust I in his I mercy. 18 To deliver their I soul from I death : and to feed them I in the I time of I dearth. 19 Our soul hath patiently tarried I for the I Lord : for he is our I help I and our I shield. 20 For our heart shall re- I -joice in I him : because we have hoped I in his I holy I Name. 21 Let thy merciful kindness O L6rd i be up- I -on us : like as we do I put our I trust in I thee. D 22 DAY VI. EVENING (continued). Dr. RlUBAULT. mf I WILL alway give thanks I unto • the i Lord : his praise shall I ever • be I in my I mouth. 2 My soul shall make her boast I in the I Lord : the humble shall hear there- I of I and be I glad. 3 O praise the I Lord with I me : and let us magni- 1 -f}' his I Name to- I -gether. 4 I soughttheLordlandhelheaidme : yea, he delivered me I out of I all my I fear. 5 They had an eye unto him I and were I lightened : and their I faces • were I not a- I -shamed. 6 Lo the poor crieth, and the L6rd I heareth i him : yea, and saveth him 1 out of I all his I troubles. 7 The angel of the Lord tarrieth round about I them that I fear him : and I — de- I -livereth I them. 8 O taste and see how gracious the I Lord I is : blessed is the 1 man that I trusteth • in I him. 9 O fear the Lord, ye that I are his I saints : forthey thatlfearhimllacklnothing. 10 The lions do lack and I suffer I hunger : but they who seek the Lord, shall want no manner of I thing I that is I good. 11 Come, ye children, and hearken I unto I me : I will teach you the I fear I of the I Lord. PSALM XXXlV.—Benedicam Domino. i2^What man is he that I lusteth • to I live : and would I fain I see good I days ? 13 Keep thy I tongue from I evil : and thy lips I that they I speak no I guile. 14 Eschew evil and I do I good : s6ek I peace I and en- I -sue it. 15 The eyes of the L6rd are I over . the I righteous : and his ears are I open I unto . their I prayers. 16 The countenance of the Lord is against them that I do I evil : to root out the remembrance I of them I from the I earth. 17 The righteous cry, and the Lord I heareth I them : and delivereth them I out of I all their I troubles. 18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a I contrite I heart : and will save such as I be • of an I humble I spirit. 19 Great are the troubles I of the I righteous : but the L6rd de- I -livereth . him I out of I all. 20 He keepeth I all his I bones : so that not I one of I them is I broken. 21 But misfortune shall slaj' I the un- I godly : and they that hate the I righteous I shall be I desolate. 22 The Lord delivereth the souls ! cf his I servants : and all they that put their trust in I him shall I not be I de- stitute. DAY VII. MORNING. ^^M Verses i to i6. " Langdon's Collection.' gR-xi: r ^ ' " ' r I ' i I Verse 17 to end. Rev. P. Hbnlbv. m * =2=:=^:^^ i ^ r^^ r ^&^w^ <^-A^ rf *L^ 4>4^ m ■^ m 3= i=t ^^ ^ I gj (g >- PSALM XXyM.—Judica, Dotnine. mf PLEAD thou my cause O Lord, with th6m that I strive with I me : and fight thou against them that I fight a- 1 -gainst I me. 2 Lay hand up6n the I shield and I buckler : and I stand I up to I help me. DAY VII. MORNING {continued). 29 3 Bring forth the spear * and stop the way against them that I persecute I me : sav unto my soul I I am I thy sal- I -vation. 4 Let them be confounded, and put to shame ¥ that seek I after • my I soul : let them be turned back and brought to con- fusion* that im- I -agine I mischief I forme. 5 Let them be as the dust be- I -fore the I wind : and the angel of the I Lord I scattering I them. 6 Let their way be I dark and I slippery : and let the angel of the I Lord I persecute I them. 7 For they have privily laid their net to destroy me with- I -out a I cause : yea, even without a cause, have they made a I pit I for my I soul. 8 Let a sudden destruction come upon him unawares ■» and his net, that he hath laid privily I catch him- I -self : that he may fall I into • his I own I mischief. 9 And my soul be joyful I in the I Lord ; it shall re- 1 -joice in I his sal- 1 -vation. 10 All my bones shall say. Lord, who is like unto thee * vvho deliverest the poor from him that is too I strong for I him : yea, the poor, and him that is in misery from I him that I spoileth I him ? p II False witnesses did I rise I up : they laid to my charge I things I that 1 1 knew not. 12 They rewarded me I evil • for I good : to the great dis- I -comfort I of my I soul. 13 Nevertheless, when they were sick, I put on sackcloth * and humbled my I soul with I fasting : and my prayer shall turn I into • mine | own | bosom. 14 I behaved myself as though it had been my friend 1 or my I brother : I went heavily * as one that I mourneth I for his I mother. 15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced * and gathered them- I -selves to- I -gether : yea, the very abjects came together against me unawares * making mouths at I me and I ceased I not. 16 With the flatterers were I busy I mockers : who gnashed up- 1 -on me I with their I teeth. 17 Lord, how long wilt thou I look up • on I this : O deliver my soul from the calamities which they bring on me * and my I darling I from the I lions. 18 So will I give thee thanks in the great I congre- I -gation : I will praise I thee a- I -mong much I people. 19 O let not them that are mine enemies triumph over I me un- I -godly : neither let themi wink with their eyes that I hate • me with- I -out a I cause. 20 And why * their communing is I not for Ipeace : but they imagine deceitful words against them that are I quiet I in the I land. 21 They gaped upon me with their I mouths and i said : Fie on thee, fie on thee, we I saw it I with our I eyes. 22 This thou hast I seen O I Lord : hold not thy tongue then * go not I far from I me O I Lord. Ill/ 23 Awake, and stand up to I judge my I quarrel : avenge thou my cause my I God I and my I Lord. 24 Judge me O Lord my God, accord- ing I to thy I righteousness : and let them not I triumph I over I me. 25 Le^ them not say in their hearts * There, there I so • would we I have it : neither let them say I We • have de- ! voured I him. 26 Let them be put to confusion and shame together * that rejoice I at my I trouble : let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonour that I boast them- I -selves a- I -gainst me. 27 Let them be glad and rejoice, that favour my I righteous 1 dealing : yea, let them say alway * Blessed be the Lord, who hath pleasure in the pros- I -perity I of his I servant. 28 And as for my tongue, it shall be talking 1 of thy I righteousness : and of thy praise I all the I day I long. PSALM XXXVI 7np MY heart sheweth me the wickedness I of • the un- I -godly : that there is no fear of I God be- I -fore his I eyes. 2 For he flattereth himself in his I own I sight : until his abominable I sin be I found I out. 3 The words of his mouth are unright- eous and ! full ■ of de- I -ceit : he hath left off to behave himself wisely I and to I do I good. — Dixit injiLstus. 4 Heimaginethmischiefuponhisbed* and hath set himself in I no good I way: nei- ther doth he abhor I any . thing I that is I evil. / 5 Thy mercy O Lord, reacheth I unto • the I heavens : and thy I faith- fulness I unto . the I clouds. 6 Thy righteousness standeth like the I strong I mountains : thy jfldgements are I like the I great 1 deep. 24 DAY VI I. MORNING (continued). Trbmt 7 Thou Lord shalt save both man | lo O continue forth thy loving-kiiid- and beast * how excellent Is tny I mercy O I God : and the children of men shall put their trust * under the I shadow I of thy I wings. 8 They shall be satisfied with the plenteousness I of thy I house : and thou shalt give them drink of thy pleasures as I out I of the 1 river. 9 For with thee is the I well of I hfe : and in thy light I shall we I see I light. ness unto I them that I know thee : and thy righteousness unto them I that are I true ol I heart. 11 O let not the foot of pride I come a- I -gainst me : and let not the hand of the un- I -godly I cast me I down. 12 There are they fallen, dll that I work I wickedness : they are cast down and shall I not be I able • to I stand. DAY VII. EVENING. ~S= f-f^\—F Can. I ' Dec. Sir J. Goss. Can. f, p^ PSALM XXXVI I. -AT.;// amnhiri. F.m/FR^T not thyself because of I the un- I -godly : neither be thou envious a- I fninst the I evil- I -doers. /'". 2 For they shall soon be cut down I like the I grass : and be withered i even as the I green I herb. DAY VII. EVENING {continued). 25 3 Put thou thy trust in the Lord and be I doing I good : dwell in the land, and I verily • thou I shalt be I fed. 4 Delight thou I in the I Lord : and he shall give I thee thy I heart's de- I -sire. 5 Commit thy way unto the Lord •»♦ and put thy I trust in I him : and I he shall I bring it • to I pass. 6 He shall make thy righteousness as clear I as the I light : and thy just I deal- ing I as the I noonday. 7 Hold thee still in the Lord * and abide patient- 1 -ly up- I -on him : but grieve not thyself at him whose way doth prosper ■* against the man that doeth I after I evil I counsels. 8 Leave off from wrath and let I go dis- I -pleasure : fret not thyself * else shalt thou be I moved • to I do I evil. 9 Wicked doers shall be I rooted I out : and they that patiently abide the Lord I those • shall in- I -herit • the I land. 10 Yet a little while * and the ungodly shall be I clean I gone : thou shalt look after his place, and I he shall I be a- I -way. 11 But the meek-spirited shall pos- i sess the I earth : and shall be refreshed in the I multi- I -tude of I peace. 12 The ungodly seeketh counsel a- I gainst the I just : and gnasheth up- I -on him I with his I teeth. 13 The Lord shall laugh I him to I scorn : for he hath seen I that his I day is I coming. 14 The ungodly have drawn out the sword and have I bent their I bow ; to cast down the poor and needy * and to slay such as are of a I right I conver-l-sation. 15 Their sword shall go through their I own I heart : and their I bow I shall be I broken. 16 A small thing that the I righteous i hath : is better than great I riches • of I the un- I -godly. 17 For the arms of the ungodly I shall be I broken : and the I Lord up- I -hold- eth • the I righteous. 18 The Lord knoweth the days I of the I godly : and their inheritance I shall en- 1 -dure for I ever. 19 They shall not be confounded in the 1 perilous I time : and in the days of dearth I they shall I have e- I -nough. 20 As for the ungodly they shall perish * and the enemies of the Lord shall consume as the I fat of I lambs : yea, even as the sm6ke shall I they con- I -sume a- I -way. 21 The ungodly borroweth, and pay- eth I not a- I -gain : but the righteous is I merci- ' ful and I liberal. [ 22 Such as are blessed of God shall ' pos- I -sess the I land : and they that are j cursed of him I shall be I rooted 1 out. 23 The Lord ordereth a I good man's I j going : and maketh his way ac- 1 -ceptable i j to him- I -self. I 24 Though he fall * he shall not be I j cast a- I -way : for the Lord up- I -holdeth • him I with his I hand. 25 I have been young, and I now am I old : and yet saw I never the righteous forsaken * nor his I seed I begging • their I bread. 26 The righteous is ever m6rci- I -ful and I lendeth : and his I seed I is I blessed. 27 Flee from evil * and do the thing I that is I good : and I dwell for I ever- 1 -more. 28 For the Lord loveth the thing I that is I right : he forsaketh not his that be godly but I they are • pre- I -served • for I ever. 29 The unrighteous I shall be I pun- ished : as for the seed of the ung6dly, 1 it. shall be I rooted I out. 30 The righteous shall in- I -herit • the I land : and I dwell there- I -in for I ever. 31 The mouth of the righteous is exer- I -cised • in I wisdom : and his tongue I will be i talking of I judgement. 32 The law of his God is I in his I heart : and his I goings I shall not I slide. 2,^ The ungodly I seeth • the I right- eous : and I seeketh • oc- I -casion • to I slay him. 34 The Lord will not leave him I in his ! hand : nor con- I -demn him I when • he is I judged. 35 Hope thou in the Lord, and keep his way * and he shall promote thee that thou shalt pos- I -sess the 1 land : when the ungodly shall I perish I thou shalt I see it. 36 I myself have seen the ungodly in i great I power : and flourishing I like a i green I bay-tree. 37 I went by, and 16 I he was i gone ; I sought him, but his place could I no- I where be I found. 38 Keep innocency * and take heed unto the thing I that is I right : for that shall bring a man I peace I at the I last. 39 As for the transgressors, they shall l perish • to- I -gether : and the end of the ungodly is * they shall be rooted I out I at the I last. 40 But the salvation of the righteous Cometh I of the I Lord : who is also their strength I in the 1 time of I trouble. p2i 41 And the Lord shall stand by I them and I save them : he shall deliver them from the ungodly * and shall save them, because they I put their I trust in I him. DAY VIII. MORNING J. Barnby. ^ PSALM XXXVIII.— p PUT me not to rebuke, O Lord I in thine 1 anger : neither chasten me I in thy I heavy • dis- I -pleasure. 2 For thine arrows stick I fast in I me : and thy I hand I presseth • me I sore. 3 There is no heahh in my flesh * because of I thy dis- I -pleasure : neither is there any rest in my bones, by I reason I of my I sin. 4 For my wickednesses are gone 1 over • my I head : and are like a sore bur- den too I heavy • for I me to I bear. 5 My wounds stink and I are cor- I rupt : through I my 1 foolish- I -ness. 6 I am brought into so great I trouble • and I misery : that I go mourn- ing I all the I day I long. 7 For my loins are filled with a I sore dis- I -ease : and there is no I whole part I in my I body. 8 I am feeble and 1 sore 1 smitten : I have roared for the very dis- 1 -quietness I of my I heart. 9 Lord, thou knowest alllmy de- l-sire : and my groaning I is not I hid from ! thee. 10 My heart panteth, my strength hath I failed I me : and the sight of mine I eyes is I gone I from me. 11 My lovers and my neighbours, did stand looking up- I -on my I trouble : and my kinsmen I stood a- I -far I off. Domine, ne in furore. 12 They also that sought after my life laid I snares for I me : and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickedness * and imagined deceit I all the I day I long. 13 As for me, I was like a deaf I man and I heard not : and as one that is dumb, who I doth not I open • his I mouth. 14 I became even as a man that 1 heareth I not : and in whose I mouth are i no re- I -proofs. 15 For in thee, O L6rd have I I put my i trust : thou shalt answer for I me O I Lord my I God. 16 I have required that they, even mine enemies * should not triumph I over I me : for when my foot slipped * they re- i -joiced I greatly • a- I -gainst me. 17 And I truly am set I in the I plague : and my heaviness is I ever I in my I sight. 18 For I' will con- I -fess my I wicked- ness : and be I sorry 1 for my I sin. 19 But mine enemies live I and are I mighty : and they that hate me wr6ng- fuUy I are I many • in I number. 20 They also that reward evil for g6od I are a- I -gainst me : because I follow the I thing that I good I is. 21 Forsake me not O i Lord my I God : be not I thou I far i from me. 22 Haste I thee to I help me : O Lrtrd I God of I my sal- I -vation. PSALM XXXIX.— D/>!, custodiam. p I SAID, I will take heed I to my I ways : that I' of- 1 -fend not I in my 1 tongue. 2 I will keep my mouth as it were I with a I bridle : while the un- I -godly • is 1 in my I sight. 3 I held my tongue and I spake i no- thing : I kept silence, yea, even from good words * but it was I pain and I grief to I me. 4 My heart was hot within me * and while I was thus musing the "I fire I kindled : and at the last I I spake I with my I tongue : 5 Lord, let me know mine end * and the number I of my I days : that I may be certified how I long I I have to I live. 6 Behold, thou hast made my days as it were a I span I long : and mine age is even as nothing in respect of thee * and verily, every man living is I alto- I gether I vanity. 7 For man walketh in a vain shadow « and disquieteth him- I -self in I vain : he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell I who shall I gather I them. DAY VIII. MORNING {continued). 27 8 And now, L6rd what I is my I hope : truly my I hope is I even • in 1 thee. 9 Deliver me from all I mine of- I fences '• a^id make me not a re- I -buke I unto . the I foolish. 10 I became dumb, and opened I not my I mouth : for I it was I thy I doing. 11 Take thy plague a- I -way I from me : I am even consumed by the means 1 of thy I heavy I hand. 12 When thou with rebukes dost chasten man for sin * thou makest his J. beauty to consume away * like as it were a moth I fretting • a I garment : every man I therefore I is but I vanity. 13 Hear my prayer OLord *and with thine ears con- I -sider • my I calling hold not thy I peace I at my I tears. 14 For I' am a I stranger, with I thee : and a sojourner, as I all my I fathers 1 were. ^"4 15 O spare me a little * that I may re- I -cover .. my I strength : before I go hence, and I be np I more I seen. J. Barnby. PSALM XL. — Expectans expectavi. mf I WAITED patiently I for the I Lord : in the great I congre- I -gation : lo, I will and he inclined unto I me and 1 heard not refrain my lips O I Lord and I that my I calling. I 2 He brought me also out of the hor- rible pit * out of the I mire and I clay : 1 and set my feet upon the rock, and I \ ordered I my I goings. 3 And he hath put a new song I in my I mouth : even a thanks- I -giving I unto • our I Gcd. 4 Many shall I see it • and I fear : and shall put their I trust I in the i Lord. 5 Blessed is the man that hath set his thou I knowest. 12 I have not hid thy righteousness with- I -in my I heart : my talk hath been of thy truth I and of I thy sal- I -vation. ^t. 13 I have not kept back thy loving I mercy • and I truth : from the I great I congre- I -gation. mp 14 Withdraw not thou thy mercy fromi me O I Lord : let thy loving-kindness and thy truth I al- I -way pre- I -serve me. 15 For innumerable troubles are come hope I in the I Lord : and turned not unto j about me * my sins have taken such hold the proud « and to such as I go a- I -bout ' upon me * that I am not able to 1 look I with I lies. j up : yea they are more in number than 6 O Lord my God, great are the the hairs of my head •» and my I heart wondrous works which thou hast done * like as be also thy thoughts which I are to I us- ward : and yet there is no man that 6rdereth I them I unto I thee. hath I failed l me. 16 O Lord, letit be thy pleasure to de- 1 liverlme : make I haste O I Lord tolhelp me. 17 Let them be ashamed and confound- 7 If I should declare them and I [ edtogether*thatseekaftermy soulltode-l speak of I them : they should be more than I' am I able I to ex- I -press. 8 Sacrifice and meat-offering thou I wouldest I not : but mine I ears 1 hast thou I opened. 9 Burnt-offerings and sacrifice for sin * hast thou I not re- -quired : then I said I I Lo I I come. 10 In the volume of the book it is written of me » that I should fulfil thy will I O my I God : I am content to do it * yea thy law I is with- I -in my I heart. Ill have declared thy righteousness stroy it : let them be driven backward * and put to re- I -buke that I wish me I evil. 18 Let them be desolate, and re- I warded . with I shame : that say unto me. Fie up- I -on thee I fie up- I -on thee. 19 Let all those that seek thee be joy- ful and I glad in I thee : and let such as love thy salvation say alway The I Lord ' be I praised. 20 As for me I am I poor and I needy ; but the I Lord I careth I for me. 21 Thou art my helper ! and re- 1 deemer : make no lougitanyingiOmylGod. » DAY VIII. EVENING. Dr. J. Narks. PSALM XLl.—Beatus qui intelligit. F.?':/ BLESSED is he that considereth 7 All mine enemies whisper to- I the I poor and 1 needy : the Lord shall , gether • a- I -gainst me : even against m6 deliver him I in the i time of 1 trouble. do 1 they im- ! -agine • this I evil. F. 2 The Lord preserve iiim, and keep him alive « that he may be blessed up- I on I earth : and deliver not thou him mto the I will I of his I enemies. 3 The Lord comfort him, when he 8 Let the sentence of guiltiness pro- i ceed a- i -gainst him : and now that he Ifeth, I let him • rise I up no I more. 9 Yea. even mine own familiar friend I whom I I trusted : who did also eat of lieth sick up- I -on his 1 bed : make thou my bread, hath I laid great I wait for I me. all his ! bed i in his ' sickness 4 I said, Lord, be merciful I unto me : heal my s6ul, for i I have I sinned a- I -gainst thee. 5 Mine enemies sp6ak I evil 1 of me When shall he die I and his I name perish ? 6 And if he come to see me he speaketh 1 vanity : and his heart con- ' be- ceiveth falsehood within himself « and ' *^ when he cometh I forth he I telleth 1 it. 10 But be thou merciful unto 1 me O Lord : raise thou me up again 1 and I I shall re- I -ward them. 11 By this I know thou I favourest I me : that mine enemy I doth not I triumph • a- I -gainst me. 12 And when I am in my health * th6u up- I -boldest I me : and shalt s6t me -fore thy I face for 1 ever. Blessed be the Lord I God of I pan. 13 Israel : world without I end. I A- 1 -men Dr. Stainek. PSALM XLIL- mf LIKE as the hart de- I -sireth • the I water-brooks : so longeth my soul I after I thee O I God. 2 My soul is athirst for God * yea, 6ven for the I hving I God : when shall I come to appear be- I -fore the presence • of 1 God ? 3 My tears have been my meat i day and 1 night : while they daily say unto me I Where is I now thy I God ? — Qucm iidmodum . 4 Now when I think thereupon * I pour out my heart 1 by my- I -self : for I went with the multitude « and brought 1 them f6rth I into • the I house of i I God ; ! 5 In the voice of praise and I thanks- I ! giving : among I such as ! keep I holyday. j 6 Why art thou so full of hC-aviness I O my i soul : and why art thou so dis- ' quiet- I -ed with- 1 -in me ? DAY VIII. EVENING {contitmed). 29 7 Put thy I tra5t in i God : for I will >-et give him thinks for the I help • of his I countenance. S My God, my s6ul is I vexed • with- I in me : therefore will I remember thee concerning the land of Jordan * and the ! Uttle I hill of I Hermon. 9 One deep calleth another « because of the noise I of the : water-pipes : all thy waves and storrris are gone ! over ! me. lo The Lord hath granted his loving- idndness i in the I day-time : and in the night-season did I sing of him « and made my prayer unto the ; God I of my = my life. 11 I mil say unto the God of my strength * Why hast thou for- ' -gotten I me : why go I thus heavily « whfle the I I ene • my op- i -presseth ! me ? 12 My bones are smitten asiinder I as • with a 1 sword : while mine enemies that trouble me I cast me i in the ! ; teeth ; j 13 Namely, while they say daily I ! unto 1 me : Where I — is i now thy ! God ? 1 14 Why art thou so vexed > O my I j soul : and why art thou so dis- I ; quiet- ; -ed with - 1 -in me ? 15 O put thy ! trust in God : for I will yet thank him « which is the help of my , countenance 1 and my . God. JACssitm. -Alternative Chant. II. PSALM XLIII. -Judica me, Deus. mf GIVE sentence with me O God » and defend my cause against the un- 1 -godly I people : O deUver me from the de- 1 ceitful . and 1 «-icked i man. 2 For thou art the God of my ^-.rength « why hast thou i put me I from thee : and why go I so hea\ily » while the I ene • my op- 1 -presseth i me ? 3 O send out thy Ught and thy truth, that I they may 1 lead me : and bring me onto thy holy 1 hill and I to thy , dwelling. 4 And that I may go unto the altar of God » even unto the God of my ! joy and I gladness : and upon the harp wUl I give thanks unto thee O i God I my i God. 5 Why art thou so heavy I O my I soul : and why art thou so dis- 1 -quiet- 1 -ed with- -in me ? 6 O put thy i trust in ■ God : for I will yet give him thanks « which is the help of my I countenance ' and my ! God. DAY IX. MORNING. Dr. W. Crotch. PSALM XLIV.— Dfws, auribus. mf WE have heard with our ears O God, our I fathers • have I told us : what thou hast done I in their I time of I old ; 2 How thou hast driven out the heathen with thy hand * and planted I them I in : how thou hast destroyed the I nations • and I cast them I out. 3 For they gat not the land in pos- session * thr6ugh their I own I sword : neither was it their own I arm that I helped I them ; 4 But thy right hand and thine arm * and the light I of thy I countenance : because thou hadst a I favour I unto I them. 5 Th6u art my I King O I God : send I help I unto 1 Jacob. 6 Through thee will we over- I -throw uur I enemies : and in thy Name will we tread them under that I rise I up a- I gainst ns. 7 For I will not trust I in my i dow : it is not my 1 sword 1 that shall I help me ; 8 But it is thou that savest us I from our 1 enemies ; and puttest them I to con- I -fusion • ihat I hate us. ii!iT' 9 ^^^ make our boast of God I all day 1 long : and will I praise thy ' Name for I ever. p \o But now thou art far off » and puttest us I to con- I -fusion : and goest not I forth 1 with our I armies. 11 Thou makest us to turn our backs up- I -on our I enemies : so that they which I hate us I spoil our I goods. 12 Thou lettest us be eaten I up like | sheep : and hast scattered I us a- I -mong the I heathen. 13 Thou sellest thy I people • for I nought : and I takest • no I money I for them. 14 Thou makest us -to be rebuked 1 of our I neighbours : to be laughed to scorn * and had in derision of them I that are 1 round a- I -bout us. 15 Thou makest us to be a by- word a- I -mone the I heathen : and that the people I shake their I heads I at us. I'j My confusion is I daily • be- I -fore me : and the shame of my I face hath I covered I me. 17 For the voice of the slanderer I and bias- I -phcmer : f6r the I enemy 1 and a- I venger. DAY IX. MORNING (continued). 31 i8 And though all this be come upon us * y£t do we I not for- I -get thee : nor behave ourselves I frowardly I in thy I covenant. 19 Our heart is not I turned I back : neither our I steps gone I out of ■ thy I way ; 20 No, not when thou hast smitten us Into the I place of I dragons : and covered us I with the I shadow • of I death. 21 If we have forgotten the Name of our God * and holden up our hands to any I strange I god : shall not God search it out * for he knoweth the very I secrets I of the I heart. I. Versa i to 10 Kev. W, H. Havergal. - g-rV - — . ^ J J . n — , : [ 22 For thy sake also are we killed I all the • day I long : and are counted as sheep ap- I -pointed I to be I slain. fnf 23 Up, L6rd, why i sleepest I thou : awake, and be not I absent • from I us for I ever. 24 Wherefore hidest I thou thy I face : and forgettest our I mise- 1 -ry and I trouble ? 25 For our soul is brought low even I unto • the I dust : our belly I cleaveth I unto . the I ground. p,lrl26 Arise I and I help us : and deliver us I for thy I mercy's I sake. L Verse 11 to end. Dr. H. Hilbs. r-r m ^-*r-^- J- ^ J. ^=t i T ^ t^ 1 — r ^ ^ ^ ^ Ad ^ ■ 5 I r^ ^ I g3 M r r r ^ II. i i«=F^ Verses 1 to 10. Alternative Dr. G. A. Macfarren. 'Chants. - ^ II. Verse 11 to end. J. TUKLE. i I I ^^ A ^ -S 7— r r ^ m ^ ^^ ^ ! A. ^ ^Sl PSALM XLV. — Eructavit cor nieiim. mf MY heart is inditing of a I good I I honour- I -able I women : upon thy right matter : I speak of the things which I' | hand did stand the queen in a vesture of have I made 1 unto • the I King. I gold * wr5ught a- 1 -bout with I divers I 2 My tongue I is the I pen : of I — all colours. ready I writer. ii Hearken, O daughter, and con- 3 Thou art fairer than the I children • 1 sider, in- I -cline thine I ear : forget alsa of I men : full of grace are thy lips * be- j thine own people I a*nd thy 1 father's! house. cause G6d hath I blessed I thee for I ever. 12 So shall the King have pleasure I 4 Gird thee with thy sword upon thy i in thy I beauty : for he is thy Lord God, thigh O I thou most I Mighty : according and I worship I thou I him. to thy I worship I and re- I -nown, 5 Good luck have thou I with thine I honour : ride on because of the word of truth * of meekness and righteousness * and thy right hand shall I teach thee I terrible I things. 13 And the daughter of Tyre shall be there I with a I gift : like as the rich also among the people * shall make their I suppli- I -cation • be- I -fore thee. 14 The King's daughter is all glori- I ous with- I -in : her clothing I is of I ht I gold. 6 Thy arrows are very sharp * and the j wrou people shall be subdued I unto I thee : even j 15 She shall be brought unto the King in the midst a-l-mongthe I King's I enemies. | in I raiment • of I needlework : the virgins 7 Thy seat, O G6d en- I -dureth • j that be her fellows shall bear her com- for 1 ever : the sceptre of thy kingdom I ; pany * and shall he I brought I unto i thee. right I sceptre. 8 Thou hast loved righteousness and I hated • in- I -iquity : wherefore God, even thy God * hath anointed thee with the 611 of I gladness • a- i -bove thy I fellows. 9 All thy garments smell of myrrh I aloes . and I cassia : out of the ivory palaces * whereby I they have I made thee I glad. 10 King's daughters were among thy 16 With joy and gladness shall I they be I brought : and shall enter I into • the I King's I palace. 17 Instead of thy fathers thou I shalt have I children : whom thou mayest make I princes • in 1 all I lands. 18 I will remember thy Name from one generation I to an- I -other : there- fore shall the people give thanks unto thee I world with- I -out I end. 32 DAY IX. MORNING {continued). J. Jones. PSALM XLVI. — Deus noster refugium. / GOD is our I hope and I strength : a very I present I help in I trouble. 2 Therefore will we not fear, though the I earth be I moved : and though the hills be carried into the I midst I of the I sea. 3 Though the waters thereof I rage and I swell : and though the mountains shake at the I tempest I of the I same. 4 The rivers of the flood thereof, shall make glad the I city • of I God : the holy place of the tabernacle I of the I most 1 Highest. 5 God is in the midst of her * there- fore shall she not I be re- I -moved : God shall I help her • and I that right I early, 6 The heathen make much ado and the I kingdoms • are I moved : but God hath shewed his v6ice and the I earth shall I melt a- I -way. 7 The L6rd of I hosts is I with us : the God of I Jacob I is our I refuge. 8 O come hither, and behold the w6rks I of the I Lord : what destruction he hath I brought up- I -on the I earth. 9 He maketh wars to c£ase in I all the I world : he breaketh the bow, and knappeth the spear in sunder * and burnetii the I chariots I in the 1 fire. 10 Be still then, and know that I I am I God : I will be exalted among the heathen » and I' will be ex- I -alted I in the I earth. 11 The L6rd of I hosts is I with us : the G6d of I Jacob I is our I refuge. DAY IX. EVENING. J. Davy. .Alternative Chant. Massey. ^SP^^^^l Dec. -rrS-*- Lh?szr. M T f-T 1-^. 'm^i r^ m PSALM XLYll.—Omnes gentes, plaudite. F.fO CLAP j^our hands together I all ye I people : O sing unto God I with the I voice of I melody. F. 2 For the Lord is high and I to be I feared : he is the great King up- I -on I all the I earth. 3 He shall subdue the pdople I under I us : and the I nations I under • our I feet. 4 He shall choose 6ut an I heritage I for us : even the worship of I Jacob I whom he I loved. 5 God is gone up with a I merry I noise : and the L6rd with the i sound I of the I trump 6 O sing praises, sing praises I unto • our I God : O sing praises, sing I praises I unto • our I King. 7 For God is the King of I all the 1 earth : sing ye I praises • with I under- I standing. 8 God reigneth I over • the I hea- then : God sitteth up- I -on his I holy I seat. p^oi 9 The princes of the people * are joined unto the people of the I God of I Abraham : for God which is very high exalted # doth defend the earth as it I were I with a I shield. DAY IX. EVENING [coniinued). p^V 1 ' '\i PVMAR. , ^ V^-A h „ ' S' '

fc. Can. . .. (=- «! d ^ (^'-J J '^- -s' J ^ ^)Ht f^ P -^ ^ET^-^* p^' ^ SJZ^ -=■ 1 1 'w-b gj i — 1 ^^— T — "^^ r 1 — «^ Kifse 16 (o end. Dr. E. G. Monk. ^ ■ ei e? I gj ? . *' I 1 ^ I I I I uec. i^an. , PSALM L.— / THE Lord, even the most mighty I God hath I spoken : and called the world, from the rising up of the sun * unto the I going I down there- I -of. 2 Out of Sion hath I God ap- I peared : in I per- I -feet I beauty. 3 Our God shall come and shall I not keep I silence : there shall go before him a consuming fire * and a mighty tempest shall be I stirred ■ up I round a- I -bout him . 4 He shall call the heaven I from a- I -bove : and the earth, that I he may I judge his I people. 5 Gather my saints together 1 unto I me : those that have made a cove- I -nant with I me with I sacrifice. 6 And the heavens shall de- I -clare his I righteousness : for I God is I judge him- I -self. 7 Hear, O my people and I I will I speak : I myself will testify against thee O Israel * for I am God I even I thy I God. 8 I will not reprove thee because of thy sacrifices * or for thy I burnt- I -offer- ings : because they I were not I alway • be- I -fore me. 9 I will take no bullock I out of • thine I house : nor I he-goat I out of • thy I folds. 10 For all the beasts of the I forest • are I mine : and so are the cattle up- I -on a I thousand I hills. Ill know all the fowls up- I -on the 1 mountains : and the wild beasts of the I field are I in my I sight. 12 If I be hungry, I' will I not tell I thee : for the whole world is mine, and I all that I is there- I -in. Deus deorum. 13 Thinkest thou that I will I eat bulls' I flesh : and I drink the I blood of I goats ? 14 Offer unto God I thanks- I -giving : and pay thy vows I unto • the I most I Highest. 15 And call upon me in the I time of I trouble : so will I hear thee and I thou shalt I praise I me. 16 But unto the ungodly I said ! God : Why dost thou preach my laws n and takest my I covenant I in thy I mouth ; 17 Whereas thou hatest to I be re- I formed : and hast I cast my I words be- I hind thee ? 18 When thou sawest a thief * thou consentedst I unto I him : and hast been par- 1 -taker I with • the a- I dulterers. 19 Thou hast let thy I mouth speak I wickedness : and with thy tongue thou hast I set I forth de- I -ceit. 20 Thou satest, and spakest a- I -gainst thy I brother : yea, and hast slandered thine I own I mother's I son. 21 These things hast thou done, and I held my tongue ^ and thou thoughtest wickedly that I am even such a one i as thy- I -self : but I will reprove thee * and set before thee the I things that I thou hast I done. 22 O consider this, ye that for- I -get I God : lest I pluck you away * and there be none I to de- I -liver I you. 23 Whoso offereth me thanks and praise he I honoureth I me : and to him that ordereth his conversation right will I I shew the • sal- I -vation • of I God. DAY X. MORNING {continued). Rev. W. Kelton. P HAVE mercy upon me O God * after thy I great I goodness : according to the multitude of thy mercies, do a- I -way I mine of- I -fences. 2 Wash me throughly I from my 1 wickedness : and I cleanse me I from my I sin. 3 For r ac- i -knowledge • my I faults : and my 1 sin is I ever • be- I -fore me. 4 Against thee only have I sinned * and done this evil I in thy I sight : that thou mightest be justified in thy saying and I clear when I thou art I judged. 5 Behold I was I shapen • in I wicked- ness : and in sin hath my I mother ■ con- I ceived 1 me. 6 But lo, thou requirest truth in the I it ward I parts : and shalt make me to finder- I -stand 1 wisdom I secretly. 7 Thou shalt purge me with hyssop * and I I shall be I clean : thou shalt wash me* and I I shall be I whiter • than I snow. 8 Thou shalt make me hear of I joy and I gladness : that the bones which thou hast I broken I may re- I -joice. 9 Turn thy face I from my I sins : and put out I all I my mis- I -deeds. lo Make me a clean I heart O I God : and re- 1 -new a • right 1 spirit • with- 1 -in me. PSALM LI. — Miserere tnei, Dens. 11 Cast me not away I from thy I presence : and take not thy I holy I Spirit I from me. 12 O give me the comfort of thy I help a- I -gain : and stablish me I with thy I free I Spirit. 13 Then shall I teach thy ways I unto • the I wicked : and sinners shall be con- I verted I unto 1 thee. 14 Deliver me from blood-guiltiness O God * thou that art the G5d I of my I health : and my tongue shall I sing I of thy I righteousness. 15 Thou shalt open my I lips O I Lord : and my I mouth shall I shew thy I praise. 16 For thou desirest no sacrifice * else would I I give it I thee : but thou de- lightest I not in I burnt- I -offerings. 17 The sacrifice of God is a I troubled I spirit : a broken and contrite heart, O God I shalt thou I not de- I -spise. 18 O be favourable and gracious I unto I Sion : build thou the I walls I of Je- I -rusalem. 19 Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness * with the burnt-offerings I and ob- 1 -lations : then shall they offer young I bullocks • up- I -on thine I altar. rt It , 1 Sir George L L Elvey. J « 1 1 m 1 -J 1 1 1 ^^ ^ ^&- K" — '^ — t^ h^=H — s>— tnf WHY boastest thou thy- I -self thou I tyrant : that I thou canst I do I mischief; 2 Whereas the I goodness • of I God : en- I -dureth I yet I daily ? 3 Thy tongue im- I -agineth I wicked- ness : and with lies thou cuttest I like a I sharp I razor. 4 Thou hast loved unrighteousness I more than I goodness : and to talk of i lies I more than I righteousness. 5 Thou hast loved to speak all words that I may do I hurt : O' 1 — thou I false I tongue. 6 Therefore shall God destroy I thee for I ever : he shall take thee, and pluck PSALM Lll.—Quld gloriaris? thee out of thy dwelling * and root thee out of the 1 land I of the I living. 7 The righteous also shall see I this and I fear : and shall i laugh I him to I scorn, 8 Lo, this is the man that took not God I for his i strength : but trusted unto the multitude of his riches * and strengthened him- I -self I in his I wickedness. 9 As for me, I am like a green olive- tree in the 1 house of I God : my trust is in the tender mercy of I God for 1 ever • and I ever. 10 I will always give thanks unto thee for that I thou hast I done : and I will hope in thy Name, for thy I saints I like it I well. 86 DAY X. EVENING. Sir J. Goss PSALM hUl. —Dixit insipiens. /".w/>THE foolish body hath said I in his I ing that I work I wickedness : eating up heart : There I is I no I God. , my people as if they would eat bread * F. 2 Corrupt are they * and become they have not I called • up- I -on I God. ab6minable I in their I wickedness : there ■ 6 They were afraid where I no fear I is I none that 1 doeth I good. was : for God hath broken the bones of 3 God looked down from heaven upon the I children of 1 men : to see if there were any that would understand, and I seek 1 after I God. 4 But they are all gone out of the way * they are altogether be- I -come a- I bominable : there is also none that doeth I good I no not 1 one. 5 Are not they without understdnd- him that besieged thee * thou hast put them to confusion * because G6d I hath de- I -spised I **~"m. / 7 Oh, thai Llie salvation were given unto I'srael I out of I Sion : Oh, that the Lord would deliver his I people I out of. cap- I -tivity ! 8 Then should I Jacob • re- I -joice : and I'srael 1 should be I right I glad. Rev. C. A. WiCKES. PSALM LIW.— Dens, in Nomine, mp SAVE me O God for thy I Name's I Lord is with them I that up- I -hold my I sake : and a- I -venge me 1 in thy 1 soul. strength. 5 He shall reward evil I unto • mine I 2 Hear my I prayer O I God : and enemies : destroy thou I them I in thyltruth. hearken unto the I words I of my I mouth, 3 For strangers are risen I up a- I gainst me : and tyrants, which have not God before their eyes I seek I after • my 1 soul. 4 Behold, G6d I is my I helper : the 6 An offering of a free heart will I give thee * and praise thy I Name O 1 Lord : be- I -cause it I is so I comfortable. 7 For he hath delivered me out of ! all my I trouble : and mine eye hath seen his de- I - sire up- I -on mine I enemies. Dr. W. Croft. PSALM LV.—Exaudi, Deits. p HEAR my i prayer O I God : and hide not thy- I -self from I mype- I -tition. 2 Take heed unto 1 me and I hear me : how I mourn in my 1 prayer I and am I vexed. 3 The enemy crieth so » and the un- godly Cometh I on so I fast : for they are minded to do me some mischief * so maliciously I are they I set a- I -gainst me. 4 My heart is disquiet- I -ed with- I in me : and the fear of I death is I fallen • up- I -on mo 5 Fearfulness and trembling are I come up- I -on me : and an horrible dr6ad hath I over- 1 -whelmed 1 me. 6 And I said, O that I had wings I like a I dove : for then would I flee a- I way and I be at I rest. 7 Lo, then would I get me a- I -way far I off" : and re- 1 -main I in the I wilder- ness. 8 I would malce haste I to es- I -cape : because of the I stormy I wind and I tenj- pest. DAY X. EVENING {continued). 37 Verses g to id. Dr. W. Crotch. Verse 17 to end. Rev. G. HeaThcotb. 9 Destroy their tongues OL6rd I and di- I -vide them : for I have spied un- rfghteousness and I strife I in the I cit}'. 10 Day and night they go about with- in the i walls there- I -of : mischief also jand sorrow are I in the I midst of I it. I II Wickedness I is there- I -in : deceit 'and guile I go not I out of • their I streets. ' 12 For it is not an open enemy that hath done me I this dis- I -honour : for I then I I could have I borne it. 13 Neither was it mine adversary * that did magnify him- I -self a- I -gainst iDfie : for then, peradventure, I' would |have I hid my- I -self I from him. 14 But it was even thou I my com- 1 ipanion : my guide and mine I own fa- I ^miliar I friend. 15 We took sweet I counsel • to- I igether : and walked in the I house of I 'God as I friends. 16 Let death come hastily upon them* and let them go down quick I into I hell : ifor wickedness is in their I dwellings I and a- I -mong them. mf 17 As forme I will I call up • on I God : 'and the I Lord I shall I save me. iJ-^s 1 — \ — 1- r^ r-^ ^^ -rS>— 1 1 ^ h — r A L_ 18 In the evening and morning * and at noonday will I pray, and I that 1 in- stantly : and I he shall I hear my I voice. 19 It is he that hath delivered my soul in peace * from the battle that I was a- I gainst me : for I there were I many I with me. 20 Yea, even God that eadureth for ever * shall hear me and I bring them I down : for they will not I tumnorlfearlGod. 21 He laid his hands upon such as be at I peace with I him : and he I brake I his I covenant. 22 The words of his mouth were softer than butter * having war I in his I heart : his words were smoother than oil » and yet I be they i very 1 swords. 23 O cast thy burden upon the Lord * and he shall I nourish I thee ; and shall not suffer the I righteous • to I fall for I ever. ^ 24 And I as for I them : thou, O God, shalt bring them into the 1 pit 1 of de- I struction. 25 The blood-thirsty and deceitful men * shall not live out I half their I days : nevertheless, my trust shall I be in I thee O I Lord. DAY XI. MORNING. J. TURLB. PSALM LVl.— Miserere met, Deus. mp BE merciful unto me, O God » for jman goeth about I to de- I -vour me : he |is daily I fighting • and I troubling I me. 2 Mine enemies are daily in hand to I Iswallow • me I up : for they be many that iflght against I me O 1 thou most I Highest. 3 Nevertheless, though I am I some- jtime . a- 1 -fraid : yet put I I my I trust in I thee. 4 I will praise God, because I of his 1 word : I have put my trust in God * and will not fear what I flesh can I do . unto I me. 5 They daily mis- I -take my I words : all that they imagine I is to I do me I evil. 6 They hold all together and I keep them • selves 1 close : and mark my steps * when they lay I wait I for my I soul 88 DAY XL MORNING {continued). 7 Shall they escape I for their I wickedness : thou O G6d in thy dis- I pleasure • shalt I cast them I down. 8 Thoutellest iiiy\vanderinf;s*put my tSars I into • thy I bottle : are not thSse things I noted I in thy I book ? 9 Whensoever I call upon thee » then shall mine enemies be I put to I flight : this I know, for I God is I on my I side. lo In God's w6rd will I I re- I -joice : in the Lord's word I will I I comfort I me. 11 Yea, in G6d have I I put my I trust : I will not be afraid what I man can I do • unto I me. 12 Unto thee, O God will I I pay my I vows : unto thee I will I I give I thanks. ^ 13 For thou hast delivered my soul from death and my I feet from I falling : that I may walk before G6d in the I light I of the I living. Dr. G. A. Macfarren. |^^ul> — 1- 1 H .. r^ =H=^ 1 ^ II Dec. ¥= ■^ g 1 7^ .» r^?- <=5 1 (TJ 1 Can. H g 1^ ^ ^ II 1 J- ^ PSALM LVII. — Miserere mei, Detis. tnp BE merciful unto me O God * be merciful unto me, for my s6ul I trusteth • in I thee : and under the shadow of thy wings shall be my refuge * until this I tyranny • be I over- I -past. 2 I will call unto the I most hign 1 God : even unto the God that shall per- form the cause I which I I have in I hand. 3 He shall I send from I heaven : and save me from the reproof of him I that would I eat me I up. 4 God shall send fdrth his I mercy • and I truth : my soul I is a- I -mong I lions. 5 And I lie even among the children of men that are I set on I fire : whose teeth are spears and arrows * and their I tongue a I sharp I sword. 6 Set up thyself, O G6d a- I -bove the I heavens : and thy glory a- I -bove I all the I earth. 7 They have laid a net for my feet * and pressed I down my I soul : they have digged a pit before me » and are fallen into the I midst of I it them- I -selves. 8 My heart is fixed O God my I heart is I fixed : I' will I sing and I give I praise. mf 9 Awake up my,i,'lory«awakelluteandl harp : I myself I will a- I -wake right ! early. 10 I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord a- I -mong the I people : and I will sing unto i thee a- I -mong the I nations. 11 For the greatness of thy mercy, reacheth I unto ■ the 1 heavens : dnd thy I truth I unto • the I clouds. 12 Set up thyself, O God a- 1 -bove the I heavens : and thy gl6ry a- I -bove I all the I earth. PSALM LVIIL— Si vere utique. mf ARE your minds set upon righteous- ness » C ye I congre- I -gation : and do ye judge the thing that is right I O ye I sons of I men ? 2 Yea, ye imagine mischief in yonr hfiart up- I -on the I earth : and your I hands I deal with I wicked- ness. 3 The ungodly are froward * even fr6m their I mother's I womb : as soon as they are born * they g6 a- I -stray and I speak I lies. DAY XI. MORNING {continued). 39 4 They are as venomous as the p6ison I of a I serpent : even Uke the d6af I adder • that I stoppeth • her I ears ; 5 Which refuseth to hear the voice I of the I charmer : charm he I never I so I wisely. 6 Break their teeth O God in their mouths * smite the jaw-bones of the I lions • O I Lord : let them fall away like water that runneth apace * and when they shoot their arrows I let them • be I rooted I out. 7 Let them consume away like a snail » and be like the untimely fruit I of a I woman : and I let them • not 1 see the I sun. 8 Or ever your pots be made I hot with I thorns : so let indignation vex him* even as a I thing I that is I raw. 9 The righteous shall rej6ice when he I seeth . the I vengeance : he shall wash his footsteps, in the I blood of I the un- 1 -godly. lo So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward I for the I righteous ; doubtless, there is a I God that I judgeth . the I earth. DAY XI. EVENING. J. TuRLE, from Purcell. -Alternative Chant. II. FF=; ^ I I J. Barnby. ^ ^ ^^■ r=r^ ^^=T St '='^ \ (C. C. ^gg^g ^P^r^-p^r-^pfe^ Dec. ^ I J r rp->- =F F.jn/iDELIVER me from mine enemies O I God : defend me from them that I rise I up a- I -gainst me. F. 2 O dehver me, from the I wicked I doers : and save me I from the I blood- thirsty I men. 3 For lo, they lie waiting I for my I soul : the mighty men are gathered against me * without any offence or I fault of I me O I Lord. 4 They run and prepare themselves with- I -out my I fault : arise thou there- fore to I help me I and be- I -hold. 5 Stand up, O Lord God of hosts, thou God of Israel * to visit I all the I heathen : and be not merciful unto them that offend I of ma- I -licious I wickedness. 6 They go to and fro I in the I even- ing : they grin like a dog, and go a- I bout I through the i city. 7 Behold they speak with their mouth * and swords are I in their I lips : for I who I doth I hear ? 8 But thou, O Lord, shalt have them I in de- I -rision : and thou shalt laugh I all the I heathen • to I scorn. 9 My strength will I ascribe I unto I thee : for thou art the I God I of my I refuge. PSALM LIX. — Eripe me de inimicis. ID God sheweth me his I goodness I plenteously : and God shall let me see my de- I -sire up- I -on mine I enemies. 11 Slay them not, lest my I people • for- I -get it : but scatter them abroad among the people » and put them down O I Lord I our de- I -fence. 12 For the sin of their mouth, and for the words of their lips * they shall be taken I in their I pride : and why * their preaching i is of I cursing • and I lies. 13 Consume them in thy wrath » con- sume them that I they maj' I perish : and know that it is God that ruleth in Jacob* and unto the I ends I of the I world. 14 And in the evening they 1 will re- I turn : grin like a dog and will i go a- I bout the 1 city. 15 They will run here and I there for I meat : and grudge I if they I be not I satisfied. 16 As for me, I will sing of thy power * and will praise thy mercy betimes I in the I morning : for thou hast been my defence and refuge * in the I day I of my I trouble. ^ 17 Unto thee, O my strength I will I I sing : for thou, O God, art my refuge I and my I merciful I God. 40 DAY XI. EVENING {continued). Right Rev. Bishop Turton. II. T. AVX,WARI> ^s ^^^^ ^t n^ J-' Can. ffP m :?=: ^ T" PSALM LX. — Detts, repulisti nos. mp O GOD, thou hast cast us out * and scattered us a- I -broad : thou hast also been displeased * O turn thee I unto I us a- I -gain. 2 Thou hast moved the land and di- I vided I it : heal the sores there- I -of I for it t shaketh. 3 Thou hast shewed thy people I heavy I things : thou hast given us a I drink of I deadly I wine. 4 Thou hast given a t6ken for I such as I fear thee : that they may triumph be- I -cause I of the I truth. 5 Therefore were thy be- 1 -loved • de- I -livered : help me with I thy right I hand and I hear me. 6 God hath spoken in his holiness » I will rejoice and di- I -vide I Sichem : and mete I out the I valley • of I Suc- coth. 7 Gilead is mine and Ma- I -nasses • is I mine : Ephraim also is the strength of my head I Judah I is my I lawgiver ; 8 Moab is my wash-pot * over Edom will I cast I out my I shoe : Philistia I be thou I glad of I me. 9 Who will lead me into the I strong I city : who will I bring me I into I Edom ? 10 Hast not thou cast us I out O I God : wilt not thou, O God go I out I with our I hosts ? 11 O be thou our I help in I trouble : for vain 1 is the I help of I man. 12 Through God will we I do great 1 acts : for it is he that shall 1 tread I down our I enemies. J. TURLE. Alternative Chant. PSALM LXl.—Exaudi, Dens. mf HEAR my I crying • O I God : gfve I ear I unto • my I prayer. 2 From the ends of the earth will I I call up . on I thee : wh6n my I heart I is in I heaviness. 3 O set me up upon the rock that is I higher . than I I : for thou hast been my hope » and a strong tower for i me a- I gainst the 1 enemy. 4 I will dwell in thy taber- I -nacle • for I ever : and my trust shall be under the I covering I of thy I wings. 5 For thou O Lord, hast heard I my de- I -sires : and hast given an heritage unto I those that I fear thy I Name. 6 Thou shalt grant the King a I long I life : that his years may endure through- out I all I gener- I -ations. 7 He shall dwell beforelGod foriever : O prepare thy loving mercy and faithful- ness I that they I may pre- I -serve him. 8 So will I alway sing praise I unto . thy I Name : that 1' may I daily per- ' form my 1 vows. DAY XII. MORNING. 41 J. Jones. PSALM LXll.—Nonne Deo ? mf MY soul truly waiteth I still up . on I God : for of him I cometh I my sal- I vation. 2 He verily is my strength and I my sal- i -vation : he is my defence, so that I I shall not I greatly I fall. 3 How long will ye imagine mischief against I every 1 man : ye shall be slain all the sort of you * yea as a tottering wall shall ye be, and I like a I broken I hedge. 4 Their device is only how to put him out whom God I will ex- i -alt : their delight is in lies * they give good words with their mouth, but I curse I with their I heart. 5 Nevertheless my soul * wait thou I still up • on I God : for my I hope I is in I him. 6 He truly is my strength and I my sal- I -vation : he is my defence I so that • I I shall not I fall. 7 In God is my health I and my I "glory : the rock of my might n and in I God I is my I trust. 8 O put your trust in him I alway • ye I people : pour out your hearts before him for I God 1 is our I hope. 9 As for the children of men I they are • but I vanity : the children of men are deceitful upon the weights * they are altogether lighter than I vani- I -ty it- I self. 10 O trust not in wrong and robbery «■ give not yourselves I unto I vanity : if riches increase, set I not your I heart up- 1 on them. 11 God spake once, and twice I have also I heard the I same : that power be- I longeth I unto I God ; 12 And that thou I Lord art I merci- ful : for thou rewardest every man ac- I cording I to his I work. Dr. Camidge. PSALM LXlIl.—Deus, Deus mens. mf O g6d thou art I my I God : early I will I I seek I thee. 2 My soul thirsteth for thee * my flesh also longeth I after I thee : in a barren and dry land 1 where no 1 water I is. 3 Thus have I looked for I thee in I holiness : that I might be- I -hold thy 1 power and I glory. 4 For thy loving-kindness is better than the I life it- I -self : my I lips I shall I praise thee. 5 As long as 1 live will I magnify thee I in this I manner : and lift up my I hands in I thy I Name. 6 My soul shall be satisfied * even as it were with I marrow • and i fatness : when my mouth praiseth I thee with I joyful I lips. 7 Have I not remembered thee I in my I bed : and thought upon I thee when I I was I waking ? 8 Because thou hast I been my I helper : therefore under the shadow of thy I wings will I I re- I -joice. 9 My soul 1 hangeth • up- I -on thee : thy right hand I hath up- I -holden I me. 10 These also that seek the hurt I of my I soul : they shall I go ! under • the I earth. 11 Let them fall upon the edge I of the I sword : that they may I be a I por- tion • for I foxes. 12 But the King shall rejoice in God * all they also that swear by him shall I be com- I -mended : for the mouth of them that speak I lies I shall be 1 stopped- 42 DAY XII. MORNING (continued). Matthew Camidcb, PSALM LXIV. mp HEAR my voice, O G6d I in my I prayer : preserve my life from I fear I of the I enemy. 2 Hide me from the gathering to- gether I of the I froward : and from the Jnsur- I rection • of I wicked I doers ; 3 Who have whet their t6ngue I Hke a I sword : and shoot out their arrows, I even I bitter I words ; 4 That they may privily shoot at him I that is I perfect : suddenly d6 they I hit him I and I fear not. 5 They encourage them- 1 -selves in I mischief : and commune among them- selves, how they may lay snares * and say that I no I man shall I see them. —Exaudi, Deus. 6 They imagine wickedness and I practise I it : that they keep secret among themselves * every man In the I deep I of his I heart. 7 But God shall suddenly shoot at them with a I swift I arrow : that I they I shall be I wounded. 8 Yea, their own tongues shall I make them 1 fall : insomuch that whoso seeth them shall I laugh I them to I scorn. 9 And all men that see it shall say, This hath I God I done : for they shall perceive that I it is I his I work. TO The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord wand pGt his I trust in I him : and all they that are true of I heart I shall be I glad. DAY XII. EVENING. Dr. Garret 1 PSALM LXV.— F.m/THOU, O God art I praised • in I Sion : and unto thee shall the vow be per- I -formed I in Je- I -rusalem. F. 2 Thou that I hearest • the I prayer : unto I thee shall 1 all flesh I come. 3 My misdeeds pre- I -vail a- I -gainst me : O' be thou I merciful I unto • our I sins. 4 Blessed is the man, whom thou choosest, and receivest I unto I thee : he shall dwell in thy court * and shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thy house * even I of thy 1 holy I temple. 5 Thou shalt shew us wonderful things in thy righteousness * O God of I our sal- 1 -vation : thou that art the hope of all the ends of the earth w and. of them that remain I in the I broad I sea, 6 Who in his strength setteth I fast the I mountains : and is I girded • a- I bout with I power. 7 Who stilleth the raging 1 of the I sea : and the noise of his waves and the I madness I of the I people. Te decet hymnus. 8 They also that dwell in the utter- most parts of the earth * shall be afraid I at thy I tokens : thou that makest the out- goings of the m6rning and I evening • to I praise I thee. 9 Thou visitest the earth and I blessest I it : th6u I makest • it I very I plenteous. 10 The river of G6d is I full of I water : thou preparest their corn * for s6 thou pro- I -videst I for the I earth. 1 1 Thou waterest her furrows * thou sendest rain into the little I valleys • there- I -of : thou makest it soft with the drops of rain and I blessest • the I in- crease I of it. 12 Thou crownest the y6ar I with thy I goodness : and thy I clouds I drop I fatness. 13 They shall drop upon the dwellings I of the I wilderness : and the little hills shall re- I -joice on I every I side. 14 The folds shall be I full of I sheep : the valleys also shall stand so thick with corn that I they shall I laugh and I sing. DAY XII. EVENING (continued). 48 From ToMLlNSON. Frt=" — 1 r 1 II 1 J ^' 1 1 Dec. ^^ " ^ ' i — H ^ ''A A A 1-^ ^-7^ ^ ff ° u^ -^ r-i M ' r ' " / O BE joyful in G6d I all ye I lands : sing praises unto the honour of his Name * make his I praise I to be I glorious. 2 Say unto God, O how wonderful art thou I in thy I works : through the greatness of thy power * shall thine enemies be found I liars I unto I thee. 3 For all the world shall I worship I thee : sing of I thee and I praise thy I Name. 4 O come hither, and behold the I works of I God : how wonderful he is in his doing I toward • the I children • of I men. 5 He turned the sea into I dry I land : so that they went through the water on foot * there did 1 we re- I -joice there- 1 of. 6 He ruleth with his power for ever* his eyes be- I -hold the I people : and such as will not believe, shall not be able 1 to ex- I -alt them- I -selves. 7 O praise our I God ye i people : and make the voice of his I praise I to be I heard ; 8 Who holdeth our I soul in I life : and suffereth I not our I feet to I slip. 9 For thou O God hast I proved I us : thou also hast tried us I like as I silver • is I tried. PSALM 'Ly.Vl.— Jubilate Deo. i ro Thou broughtest us I into • the I snare : and laidest I trouble • up- I -on our I loins. 11 Thou sufferedst men to ride I over» our I heads : we went through fire and water * and thou broughtest us out I into . a I wealthy I place. 12 I will go into thine h6use with I burnt- 1 -offerings : and will pay thee my vows * which I promised with my lips, and spake with my m6uth 1 when I I was in I trouble. 13 I will offer unto thee fat burnt- sacrifices * with the I incense • of I rams : r will I offer ! bullocks • and I goats. 14 O come hither, and hearken * all ye that I fear I God : and I will tell you what he hath I done I for my I soul. 15 I called unto him I with my I mouth : and gave him I praises I with my I tongue. 16 If I incline unto wickedness I with mine I heart : the I Lord I will not I hear me. 17 But I God hath I heard me : and considered the I voice I of my I prayer. 18 Praised be God, who hath n6t cast I out my I prayer : n6r I turned • his ' mercy I from me. S. Weslei PSALM L,XVll.—Deus misereatur. mf GOD be merciful unto I us and I bless us : and shew us the light of his counten- ance » and be I merciful I unto I us ; 2 That thy way may be known up- 1 on I earth : thy saving I health a- I -mong all 1 nations. F, 3 Let the people praise I thee O I God : yea let 1 all the I people I praise thee. 4 O let the nations rejoice I and be I glad : for thou shalt judge the folk right- eously * and govern the I nations . up- I on I earth. F- 5 Let the people praise I thee O I God : yea let 1 all the I people I praise thee. 6 Then shall the earth bring I forth her i increase : and God, even our own God, shall I give 1 us his I blessing. ^ 7 God I shall I bless us : and all the Snds of the 1 world shall I fear I him. 44 DAY XIII. MORNING. Verses i to 23. Dr. R. Woodward. .Alternative Chants. Verses i to 23. Dr. W. Crotch. TY^rr II. Verse 24 to end. 3t ^ ^^^=;$ S ig= ■p'— p' ^^ Dec. I I Can. ^ -p-f^ ^=^ PSALM 'LXWlU.—Exnrgat Dens. f LET God arise, and let his ene- I mies be I scattered : let them also that I hate him I flee be- I -fore him. 2 Like as the smoke vanisheth, * so shalt thou drive I them a- I -way : and like as wax melteth at the fire » so let the ungodly perish I at the I presence ■ of I God. 3 But let the righteous be glad and re- I -joice be • fore I God : 16t them I also • be I merry • and I joyful. 4 O sing unto God, and sing praises I unto ■ his I Name : magnify him that rideth upon the heavens as it were upon an horse « praise him in his Name JA'H I and re- I -joice be- I -fore him. 5 He is a Father of the fatherless * and defendeth the cause I of the I widows : even G6d in his I holy I habit- I ation. 6 He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in an house * and bringeth the prisoners I out of • cap- I -tivity : but letteth the runagates con- I -tinue I in I scarceness. 7 O God when thou wentest f6rth be- I -fore the I people : when thou I wentest I through the I wilderness, 8 The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at the I presence • of I God : even as Sinai also was moved at the presence of G6d, who 1 is the I God of I Israel. DAY XIII. MORNING {continued). 46 9 Thou, O God, sentest a gracious rdin upon I thine in- I -heritance : and re- frSshedst I it when I it was I weary. ID Thy congregation shall I dwell there- i -in : for thou, O God, hast of thy g6odness pre- I -pared I for the I poor. 11 The Lord I gave the I word : great was the I company 1 of the 1 preachers. 12 Kings with their armies did flee and I were dis- 1 -comfited : and they of the I household • di- I -vided • the I spoil. 13 Though ye have lain among the pots * yet shall ye be as the wings I of a I dove : that is covered with silver wings I and her I feathers . like I gold. 14 When the Almighty scattered kings I for their I sake : then were they as I white as I snow in I Salmon. 15 As the hill of Basan, so is I God's I hill : even an high hill I as the I hill of 1 Basan. 16 Why hop ye so ye high hills * this is God's hill, in the which it pleaseth I him to I dwell: yea the Lord will a- I -bide in I it fcr I ever. 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand * even I thousands • of I angels : and the Lord is among them * as in the I holy I place of I Sinai. 18 Thou art gone up on high * thou hast led captivity captive, and received I gifts for I men : yea, even for thine enemies » that the Lord I God might I dwell a- I -mongthem. 19 Praised be the I Lord I daily : even the God who helpeth us, and poureth his I bene- I -fits up- I -on us, 20 He is our God ^ even the God of whom I cometh • sal- I -vation : God is the Lord by I whom • we es- I -cape I death. 21 God shall wound the head I of his I enemies : and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on I still I in his I wicked- ness. 22 The Lord hath said * I will bring my people again as I I did from I Basan : mine own will I bring again # as I did sometime trom the I deep of the I sea. ^ 23 That thy foot may be dipped in the blood 1 of thine I enemies : and that the tongue of thy dogs may be I red I through the I same. 24 It IS well seen O God I how thou I goest : how thou, my God and King I goest I in the I sanctuary. 25 The singers go before * the min strels I follow I after : in the midst are the damsels I playing I with the I tim- brels. 26 Give thanks O Israel, unto God the Lord in the I congre- ! -gations : fr6m the I ground I of the I keart. 27 Thereis little Benjamin their ruler it and the princes of I Judah • their 1 coun- sel : the princes of Zabulon I and the I princes • of ! Nephthali. 28 Thy God hath sent forth I strength for I thee : stablish the thing, O God that I thou hast I wrought in I us, 29 For thy temple's sake I at Je- I rusalem : so shall kings bring I presents I unto I thee. 30 When the company of the spear- men, and multitude of the mighty * are scattered abroad among the beasts of the people * so that they humbly bring I pieces • of I silver : and when he hath scattered the people I that de- I -light in I war; 31 Then shall the princes come I out of I Egypt : the Morians' land shall soon stretch out her I hands I unto I God. ff 32 Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms I of the I earth : O' sing I praises I unto • the I Lord ; 33 Who sitteth in the heavens over all I from • the be- I -ginning : lo, he doth send out his voice * yea and I that a I mighty I voice. 34 Ascribe ye the power to G6d I over I Israel : his worship and 1 strength is I in the I clouds. 35 O God, wonderful art th6u in thy 1 holy I places : even the God of Israel ^k he will give strength and power unto his people, I blessed. I be I God. 46 DAY XIII. EVENING. Verses i to 12. 4- J. Barnbt. Verses 13 to 22. J. TURLE. ^F^ :^ ^ PE^^ i^ ±=t ^ :^^^ ^F=r Verses 23 JV,^^,#J„^. W:^ Sr ^ ^=^ -m-1^- 1 — r £; Kfrse 31 ^ ^ ^ ■d--^ ^J. r ■^s^ 3^:^33: I p; !^ .■^ >r? s r -f5 — 5^—' qp T=r SI DAY XIII. EVENING (continued)- 47 PSALM LXIX.- F.^pSAVE I me O I God : for the waters are come in I even I unto ■ my I soul. F. 2 I stick fast in the deep mire » where no I ground I is : I am come into deep waters * so that the I floods run I over I me. 3 I am weary of crying; my I throat is I dry : my sight faileth me for waiting so I long up- I -on my I God. 4 They that hate me without a cause, are more than the hairs I of my I head : they that are mine enemies, and would de- I -stroy me I guiltless • are I mighty. 5 I paid them the things that I I never I took : God, thou knowest my simpleness * and my faults I are not I hid from I thee. 6 Let not them that trust in thee, O Lord God of hosts * be ashamed for I my I cause : let not those that seek thee * be confounded through m6 O I Lord I God of I Israel. 7 And why « for thy sake have I I suffered • re- I -proof : shame hath I covered I my I face. 8 I am become a stranger I unto • my I brethren : even an alien I unto • my I mother's I children. 9 For the zeal of thine house hath even I eaten I me : and the rebukes of them that rebuked I thee are 1 fallen • up- I on me. 10 I wept, and chastened my- I -self with I fasting : and that was I turned • to I my re- I -proof. 11 I put on i sackcloth I also : and they I jested • up- I -on I me. 12 They that sit in the gate I speak a- I gainst me : and the I drunkards • make I songs up- I -on me. 13 But, Lord, I make my prayer I unto I thee : in I an ac- I -ceptable I time. 14 Hear me, O God, in the multitude I of thy I mercy : even in the I truth of I thy sal- I -vation. 15 Take me out of the mire I that I I sink not : O let me be delivered from them that hate me * and I out • of the I deep I waters. 16 Let not the water-flood drown me * neither let the deep I swallow . me I up : and let not the pit I shut her 1 mouth up- I on me. 17 Hear me O Lord, for thy loving- I kindness • is I comfortable : turn thee unto me according to the I multitude I of thy I mercies. 18 And hide not thy face from thy servant for I I am • in I trouble : O* I haste I thee and I hear me. -Salvum me fac. 19 Draw nigh unto my I soul and I save it : O deliver me be- I -cause of I mine I enemies. 20 Thou hast known my reproof, my shame and I my dis- I -honour : mine adversaries are I all in I thy I sight. 21 Thy rebuke hath broken my heart* r am I full of I heaviness : I looked for some to have pity on me, but there was no man * neither found I I any • to I com- fort I me. 22 They gave me I gall to I eat : and when I was thirsty they gave me 1 vine- I gar to I drink. 23 Let their table be made a snare tc take them- I -selves with- I -al : and le' the things that should have been for theii wealth * be unto them I an oc- I -casion • of I falling. 24 Let their eyes be blinded, I that they I see not : and ever I bow thou I down their I backs. 25 Pour out thine indig- I -nation . up- I -on them : and let thy wrathful dis- I pleasure • take I hold of I them. 26 Let their habit- i -ation . be I void : and no man to I dwell I in their I tents. 27 For they persecute him whom I thou hast I smitten : and they talk how they may vex I them whom I thou hast I wounded. 28 Let them fall from one wickedness I to an- I -other : and I not come I into . thy I righteousness. 29 Let them be wiped out of the book I of the I living : and not be I written » a- I -mong the I righteous. 30 As for me, when I am poor I and in I heaviness : thy help O I God shall I lift me I up. / 31 I will praise the Name of G6d I with a I song : and magni- I -fy it • with i thanks- I -giving. 32 This also shall I please the I Lord : better than a bullock 1 that hath I horns and I hoofs. 33 The humble shall consider this I and be I glad : seek ye after God I and your I soul shall I live. 34 For the Lord I heareth • the I poor : and de- I -spiseth 1 not his I prisoners. 35 Let heaven and I earth I praise him : the sea, and I all that I moveth . there- I -in. 36 For God will save Sion ik and build the I cities • of I Judah : that men may dwell there, and I have it I in pos- 1 -session. ^ 37 The posterity also of his servants shall in- I -herit I it : and they that 16ve his I Name shall I dwell there- I -in. 48 DAY XIII. EVENING {continued). W. Beale. -Alternative Chant. 11., fe^ -i ^^ g I r - ^ r^ =p ^ 1%-ST! ^i^T ^4 A J ^ rv ^^mi -^—^ ^EEf ^ J -.^. s PSALM /) HASTE thee O G6d to de- I -liver I me ; make haste to I help I me O I Lord. 2 Let them be ashamed and con- founded, that seek I after • my I soul : let them be turned backward * and put to con- I -fusion • that I wish me I evil. 3 Let them for their reward be soon I brought to I shame : that cry I over • me I There I there. LXX. — De^is in adjiitorium. 4 But let all those that seek thee be joyful and I glad in I thee : and let all such as delight in thy salvation say alway, The I Lord I be I praised. 5 As for me, I am poor I and in I misery : haste thee I unto I me O I God. 6 Thou art my helper and I my re- I deemer : O Lord I make no 1 long I tarrying. DAY XIV. MORNING. ^. Verses I to 14. Jd^=^^z^=S^^ J. Robinson. ^ r^ A ,r^- J. r r--f ^ S j-t-Jy ^^=fP- ^^ ^ i ^ i A=:a Verse i$to end. -U4 Dr. B. Cooke. a^^ ^ -•'-d- '^- w I I ^ iS: A. JA \ . V ^^ EU- te., Domine, speravi. that took me out of my mother's womb » my praise I shall be I always • of I thee. 6 I am become as it were a m6nster I unto I many : but my sure I trust I is in I thee. 7 O let my mouth be filled I with thy I praise : that I may sing of thy glory and h6nour I all the I day I long. 8 Cast me not away in the I time of I age : forsake me not when my I strength ' faileth I me. 9 For mine enemies speak against me * and they that lay wait for my soul take their counsel to- I -gether I saying : God hath forsaken him # persecute him and take him « for there is n6ne I to de- 1 liver I him. PSALM LXXL— 7« tnp IN thee C) Lord, have I put my trust » 1 let me never be put I to con-! -fusion: but rid | me and deliver me in thy righteousness * incline thine ear I unto I me and I save me. 2 Be thou my stronghold * where- unto I may I alway • re- I -sort : thou hast promised to help me * for thou art my house of de- I -fence 1 and my I castle. 3 Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of I the un- 1 -godly : out of the hand of the un- I -righteous • and 1 cruel ( man. 4 For thou, O Lord God art the thing I that I I long for : thou art my h6pe I even I from my I youth. 5 Through thee have I been holden up ever since I I was I born : thou art he DAY XIV. MORNING (continued). 4& 10 Go nut far from 1 me O I God : my G6d I haste I thee to I help me. 11 Let them be confounded and perish that are a- I -gainst my i soul : let them be covered with shame and dishonour that I seek to I do me I evil. 12 As for me, I will patiently a- I bide I alway : and will I praise thee I more and I more. / 13 My mouth shall daily speak of thy righteousness I and sal- I -vation : for I know no I end there- I -of. 14 I will go forth in the strength of the I Lord ! God : and will make men- tion I of thy I righteousness I only. w/15 Thou, O God, hast taught me from my youth up I until I now : therefore will I tell 1 of thy I wondrous I works. 16 Forsake me not O God in mine old age * when I am I gray- I -headed : until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation ¥: and thy power to all them that are I yet I for to I come. 17 Thy righteousness OGod is I very I high : and great things are they that thou hast done * O G6d I who is I like • unto thee ? 18 O what great troubles and adver- sities hast thou shewed me * and yet didst thou turn I and re- I -fresh me : yea, and broughtest me from the deep I of the I earth a- I -gain. 19 Thou hast brought me to I great I honour : and comforted I me onleverylside. 20 Therefore will I praise thee and thy faithfulness O God •>» playing upon an lustru- I -ment of I musick : unto thee will I sing upon the harp * O* thou I Holy I One of I Israel. 21 My lips will be fain when I sing I unto I thee : and so will my soul I whom thou I hast de- I -livered. 22 My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness I all the • day I long : for they are confounded and brought unto shame that I seek to I do me I evil. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. PSALM LXXII. / GIVE the King thy I judgments • O I God : and thy righteousness 1 unto • the I King's I son. 2 Then shall he judge thy people according I unto I right : and de- I -fend I the I poor. 3 The mountains also shall I bring I peace : and the little hills I righteousness I unto • the I people. 4 He shall keep the simple folk I by their I right : defend the children of the poor, and I punish • the I wrong I doer. 5 They shall fear thee, as long as the sun and I moon en- I -dureth : from one gener- I -ation I to an- I -other. 6 He shall come down like the rain into a I fleece of I wool : even as the I drops that 1 water • the I earth. 7 In his time shall the I righteous I flourish : yea, and abundance of peace, so I long • as the I moon en- I dureth. 8 His dominion shall be also from the one sea I to the I other : and from the fl6od I unto • the I world's I end. 9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall I kneel be- I -fore him : his ene- I mies shall I lick the I dust. 10 The kings of Tharsis and of the Isles shall I give I presents : the kings of Arabia and I Saba I shall bring I gifts. — Deus, judicium. 11 All kings shall fall I down be- 1 -fore him : all I nations • shall I do him I service. 12 For he shall deliver the poor 1 when he I crieth : the needy also and I him that I hath no I helper. 13 He shall be favourable to the I simple • and I needy : and shall preserve the I souls I of the I poor. 14 He shall deliver their souls from 1 falsehood • and I wrong : and dear shall their I blood be I in his I sight. 15 He shall live * and unto him shall be given of the gold I of A- I -rabia : prayer shall be made ever unto him, and I daily • shall I he be I praised. 16 There shall bean heap of corn in the earth* high up- 1 -on the I hills: his fruit shall shake like Libanus * and shall be green in the city like I grass up- I -on the I earth. 17 His Name shall endure for ever * his Name shall remain under the sun a- I mongstthe -pos- i-terities : which shall be blessed through him, and I all the I heathen • shall I praise him. 18 Blessed be the Lord God ^ even the I God of I Israel : which only I doeth I wondrous I things ; 19 And blessed be the Name of his Majes- 1 -ty for i ever: and all the earth shall, be filled with his Majesty. IAmen.lA-l-men» «0 DAY XIV. EVENING. Hknrv Smart. PSALM hXXlU.—Quam bonus Israel ! F.»f/)TRULY God is loving I unto I Israel : even unto such as I are • of a I clean I heart. F. 2 Nevertheless, my feet were I al- most I gone : my I treadings • had I well- nigh I slipt. 3 And why * I was grieved I at the I ■wicked : I do also see the un- I -godly • in I such pros- I -perity. 4 For they are in no I peril • of I death : but are I lusty I and I strong. 5 They come in no misfortune like I other I folk : neither are they I plagued • like 1 other I men. 6 And this is the cause that they are so 1 holden ■ with I pride : and I over- I whelmed ■ with I cruelty. 7 Their eyes I swell with 1 fatness : and they do I even I what they I lust. 8 They corrupt other * and speak of I wicked I blasphemy : their talking is a- I gainst the I most I High. 9 For they stretch forth their mouth I unto . the I heaven : and their tongue I goeth I through the I world. 10 Therefore fall the people I unto I them : and thereout suck I they no I small ad- I -vantage. 11 Tush, say they « h5w should I God per- I -ceive it : is there knowledge I in the I most I High ? 12 Lo, these are the ungodly, these prosper in the world * and these have riches I in pos- 1 -session : and I said. Then have I cleansed my heart in vain, and I washed • mine I hands in I innocency. 13 All the day long have I I been I punished : and I chastened I every I morning. 14 Yea, and I had almost said 1 even • as I they : but lo, then I should have con- demned the gdner- I -ation I of thy I children. 15 Then thought I to under- I -stand I this : but it I was too I hard for I me, 16 Until I went into the sanctu- 1 -ary • of I God : then underst6od I the I end of I these I men ; 17 Namely, how thou dost set them in I slippery I places : and castest them down I and de- I -stroyest I them. 18 Oh, how suddenly do I they con- I sume : perish and I come • to a I fearful I end. 19 Yea, even like as a dream I when • one a- I -waketh : so shalt thou make their image to I vanish I out • of the 1 city. 20 Thus my I heart was I grieved and it went I even I through my I reins. p^. 21 So foolish was I I and I ignorant : even as it I were a I beast be- I -fore thee. w/22 Nevertheless I am t alway • by thee : for thou hast h61den me I by my right I hand. 23 Thou shalt guide me I with thy counsel : and after that re- I -ceive i me with I glory. 24 Whom have I in I heaven • but I thee : and there is none upon earth that I desire in com- I -pari- I -son of I thee. 25 My flesh and my I heart I faileth ' but God is the strength of my h6art I and my I portion • for I ever. 26 For lo, they that forsake I thee shall I perish : thou hast destroyed all them that commit I fomi- I -cation • a- I gainst thee. 27 But it is good for me to hold me fast by God * to put my trust in the I Lord I God : and to speak of all thy works in the gdtes I of the I daughter • of I Sion. DAY XIV. EVENING {continued). 51 Verses i to 12. Henry Purcell, J I I , i [ Verses 13 to 18. Rev. W. Felton. i Verse 19 to end. t-^ G. Woodward. :i=t ^=^ g " dL J g g^ rT ::^ ^ ^ g PSALM LXXIV.— C/< quid, Deus ? mf O GOD, wherefore art thou absent from I us so I long : why is thy wrath so hot against the I sheep of I thy I pasture ? 2 O think upon thy I congre-l-gation : whom thou hast purchased I and re- I deemed • of I old. 3 Think upon the tribe of I thine in- I heritance : and Mount Sion where- I -in I thou hast I dwelt. 4 Lift up thy feet * that thou inayest utterly destr6y I every I enemy : which hath done I evil I in thy I sanctuary. 5 Thine adversaries roar in the midst of thy I congre- I -gations : and set I up their I banners • for 1 tokens. 6 He that hewed timber afore, out of the I thick 1 trees : was known to bring it I to an I excellent I work. mp 7 But now they break down all the carved I work there- I -of : with I axes 1 and I hammers. 8 They have set fire upon thy I holy I places : and have defiled the dwelling- place of thy Name I even I unto • the I ground. 9 Yea, they said in their hearts » Let us make havock of them I alto- I -gether : thus have they burnt up all the h6uses of I God i in the I land. lo We see not our tokens * there is not one '■ prophet I more : no, not one is there among us * that under- I -standeth I any I more. mf II O God, how long shall the adver- sary do I this dis- I -honour : how long shall the enemy bias- I -pheme thy I Name for I ever ? 12 Why withdrawest I thou thy I hand : why pluckest thou not thy right hand out of thy bosom I to con- I -same the I enemy ? 13 For G6d is my I King of I old : the help that is done upon earth he ! doeth I it him- I -self. 14 Thou didst divide the s6a I through thy I power : thou brakest the heads of the I dragons I in the I waters. 15 Thou smotest the heads of Levia- ! than in I pieces : and gavest him to be meat for the I people I in the I wilderness. 16 Thou broughtest out fountains and waters, out of the I hard I rocks : thou I driedst • up I mighty I waters. 17 The day is thine and the I night is I thine : thou hast prepared the I light i and the I sun. 18 Thou hast set all the borders I of the I earth : thou hast I made I summer • and I winter ig Remember this, O Lord * how the enemy I hath re- I -buked : and how the foolish people I hath bias- I -phemed • thy I Name. 20 O deliver not the soul of thy turtle-dove * unto the multitude I of the I enemies : and forget not the congrega- tion I of the I poor for I ever. 21 Look up- I -on the I covenant : for all the earth is full of darkness and I cruel \ habit- I -ations. 22 O let not the simple go a- I -way a- I -shamed : but let the poor and needy give I praise I unto • thy I Name. 23 Arise, O God, maintain thine I own I cause : remember how the fool- ish man bias- I -phemeth I thee I daily. 24 Forget not the voice I of thine I enemies : the presumption of them that hate thee, incrlaseth I ever I more and I more. 52 DAY XV. MORNING. ^ 1 ^ ffl> '- R ^ pj — h H — " ^ C-' I-J R. COOKK. ^ ■ « c -^^-s^ -5» — — H — ]-»*- ^^' 1 '^ H ' -S. .£2. -iS>- -:^ p& 1 1 r^ — "^n r^-* CL:. '- — t— '- 11 ^ 1 1 _^_^| — 'i — t-i— h — f— -^ g> ' PSALM LXXV — m/UNTO thee, O G6d do I we give I thanks : yda unto I thee do I we give I thanks. 2 Thy Name also I is so I nigh : and that do thy i wondrous I works de- I dare. 3 When I receive the I congre- I -ga- tion : I shall judge ac- I -cording I unto 1 right. 4 The earth is weak « and all the inhabit- i -ers there- 1 -of : I' bear I up the i pillars I of it 5 I said unto the fools, Deal I not so I madly : and to the ung6dly, I Set not I up your ! horn. 6 Set not up your I horn on I high : and speak not I with a I stiff j neck. Confitebimur tibi. 7 For promotion cometh neither from the east nor I from the I west : n6r I yet from the I south. 8 And why ? I God • is the I Judge ; he putteth down 6ne, and I setteth I up an- I -other. 9 For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup and the I wine is I red : it is full mixt « and he p6ureth I out I of the I same. lo Xs for the I dregs there- I -of : all the ungodly of the earth shall 1 drink • them and I suck them I out. /ii But I will talk of the I God of I Jacob : and 1 praise 1 him for 1 ever. 12 All the horns of the ungodly also 1 will I I break : and the horns of the 1 righteous • shall I be ex- . -alted. G. Woodward. -1 -H-^ -^r- "T^ ' -ry qi Dec. i fe 1 1 1 — ^ Can. II 5^ 1 1 — 1&- 1 ^ PSALM LXXVL— iVofus in 7udcra. w/ IN Jewn.- is I God I known : his I Name is l great in I Israel. 2 At Salem is his I taber- I -nacle : and his I dwelling I in I Sion. 3 There brake he the arrows I of the I bow : the shield the I sword I and the 1 battle. 4 Thou art of m6re I honour • and I i might : than the I hills I of the I robbers. 5 The proud are robbed, they have I slept their I sleep : and all the men whose i hands were i mighty • have I found I i nothing. 6 At thy rebuke O I God of I Jacob : b6th the i chariot • and I horse are I i fallen. | 7 Thou, even thou art 1 to be I feared : and who may stand in thy I sight when I thou art I angry ? 8 Thou didst cause thy judgement to be I heard from i heaven : the earth I trembled I and was I still. 9 When God a- I -rose to I judge- ment : and to help I all the I meek up • on 1 earth. 10 The fierceness of man shall tflm I to thy i praise : and the fierceness of I them shalt 1 thou re- I -train. 11 Promise unto the Lord your God « and keep it all ye that are I roimd a- I bout him : bring presents unto him that f ought I to be I feared. 12 He shall refrain the I spirit • of princes : and is wonderful am6ng the kings I of the 1 earth. BAY XV. MORNING {continued). 5d rf 1 — ) h n 1 i- Dr. T. S. DcPDis. Dec. 1 J Can. 1 r- r r ^ PSALM LXXVII. —Foc« m^a ad Dominum. mp I WILL cry unto God I with my I voice : even unto God will I cry with my foice ♦ and he shall I hearken I unto ! me. 2 In the time of my trouble I ! sought the I Lord : my sore ran, and ceased not in the nightseason * my I soul re- 1 -fused I comfort. 3 \\Tien I am in heaviness ♦ I' will I think up • on I God : when ray heart is I vexed • I 1 will com- 1 plain. 4 Thou holdest mine I eyes I waking : I am so feeble I that I I cannot I speak. 5 I have considered the I days of I old : and the I years I that are I past. 6 I caU to re- I -membrance • my I song : and in the night I commune with mine own heart, and I search I out my I spirits. 7 Will the Lord absent him- I -self for I ever : and will he I be no I more in- I treated ? 8 Is his mercy clean I gone for I ever : and is his promise come utterly to an I end for I ever- I -more ? 9 Hath God forgotten I to be I gracious : and will he shut up his loving- I kindness I in dis- I -pleasure ? lo And I said, It is mine I own in- I firmity : but I will remember the years of the right band I of the I most I Highest. /ill will remember the w6rks I of the Lord : and call to mind thy I wonders of I old I time. of I all thy I shall I be of I holy our 12 I will think also works : and my talking thy I doings. 13 Thy way O 1 God is who is so great a I God as God? 14 Thou art the God that I doett I wonders : and hast declared thy I power a- I -mong the I people. 15 Thou hast mightily de- l -livered • thy I people : 6ven the 1 sons of i Jacob and i Joseph. 16 The waters saw thee O God * the waters saw thee and I were a- I -fraid : the depths I also I were I troubled. 17 The clouds poured out water the I air I thundered : and thine I arrows I went a- I -broad. iS The voice of thy thunder was heard ! round a- I -bout": the lightnings shone upon the ground » the earth was I moved • and I shook with- I -al. 19 Thy way is in the sea » and thy paths in the I great I waters : and thy I footsteps I are not I known. 20 Thou leddest thy I people • like I sheep : by the I hand of I Moses and . Aaron. 54 DAY XV. EVENING Verses i to 17. Anon. I. Versei 18 to ai Dr. W. Crotch. Verses 22 to 30. Rev. G. Heathcote. I. i§'\j\d^ i >'Jf-^ ^if± Verses 31 to 37. Dr. E. G. Mon ^ -^ -^ A ^ ^ ^%t^ Ferses 38 31 But while the meat was yet in their mouths * the heavy wrath of God came upon them, and slew the I wealthiest I of them : yea, and smote down the chosen I men that I were in I Israel. 32 But for all this they I sinned • yet I more : and believed I not his I wondrous I works. 33 Therefore their days did he con- I sumeinlvanity : and their I years I in I trouble. 34 When he slew I them they I sought him : and turned them early ^ and en- I quired I after I God. 35 And they remembered that God I was their I strength : and that the high I God was I their Re- I -deemer. 36 Nevertheless, they did but flatter him I with their i mouth : and dissembled I with him I in their I tongue. 37 For their heart was not I whole with I him : neither continued they I stedfast I in his 1 covenant. 66 DAY XV. EVENING (continued). Verses i to 17 Verses 18 to 21. Dr. W. Crotch. Verses 38 \ r-^ " '' ' ^S-i -J^ .Alternative Chant.. n. ( Quadruple.) r/ie /as< (73>'rf) Verse here. Sir H. S. Oakelev. rry ^J I g-fa-l :-* J ^ ^^=5: 3==*^ -.d-i-d-r^- l r F^^ r^e Gloria here. Verses i to 4, 13 to 16, ei to 28, 45 to 52, 73, anrl the Gloria, to be chanted in unison, and full. Verses 5 to 12, 17 to 20, 29 to 44, 53 to 72, in harmony, and antiphonally ; verses 53 to 56 soft (without organ); verses 66 and 67 toud. If used for the Te Deum. vef^es 12 and 13 of that Hymn must be chanted as if one verse. DAY XV. EVENING {continued). 67 . 38 But he was so merciful ^ that he forgave I their mis- I -deeds : and de- I stroyed I them I not. 39 Yea, many a time turned he his I wrath a- I -way : and would not suiTer his whole dis- I -pleasure ! to a- I -rise. 40 For he considered that they I were but I flesh : and that they were even a wind that passeth away, and I cometh I not a- I -gain. 41 Many a time did they provoke him 1 in the I wilderness : and I grieved • him I in the I desert. 42 They turned back, and I tempted I God : and moved the I Holy I One in I IsraeJ. 43 They thought not I of his I hand : i and of the day when he delivered them \ from the I hand I of the I enemy ; 44 How he had wrought his I miracles • in I Egypt : and his wonders I in the I field of I Zoan. 45 He turned their waters I into I { blood : so that they might not I drink I of the I rivers. 46 He sent lice among them * and de- I -voured • them I up : and I frogs I to de- I -stroy them. 47 He gave their fruit I unto • the caterpillar : and their I labour I unto . the grasshopper. 48 He destroyed their I vines with hailstones : and their mulberry- I -trees with the I frost. 49 He smote their cattle I also • with hailstones : and their I flocks with I hot thunderbolts. 50 He cast tipon them the furiousness of his wrath * anger, dis- I -pleasure and I trouble : and sent I evil I angels a- I -mong them. 51 He made a way to his indignation * and spared not their I soul from I death but gave their life I over I to the I pesti lence ; 52 And sm5te all the 1 first-born • in Egypt : the most principal and mightiest in the I dwellings • of I Ham. vif 53 But as for his own people * he led them ! forth like I sheep : and carried them in the I wilderness I like a I flock. 54 He brought them out safely * that they I should not I fear : and overwhelmed their I enemies I with the i sea. '55 And brought them within the bor- ders I of his I sanctuary : even to his mountain which he purchased 1 with his I right 1 hand. 56 He cast out the heathen I also . be- I -fore them : caused their land to be divided among them for an heritage * and made the tribes of I'srael to I dwell in I their I tents. vip 57 So they tempted and displeased the I most high I God : and I kept I not his I testimonies ; 58 But turned their backs, and fell away I like their I forefathers : starting aside I like a I broken I bow. 59 For they grieved him with their I hill- I -altars : and provoked him to dis- I pleasure I- with their I images. 60 When God heard this I he was I wroth : and took I sore dis- I -pleasure • at I Israel. 61 So that he forsook the taber- I nacle • in I Silo : even the tent that he had I pitched • a- I -mong I men. 62 He delivered their power I into cap- I -tivity : and their beauty I into • the I enemy's I hand. 63 He gave his people over also I unto • the I sword : and was 1 wroth with I his in- 1 -heritance. 64 The fire consumed their I young I men : and their maidens 1 were not I given . to I marriage. pm. 65 Their priests were slain I with the 1 sword : and there were no widows to I make I lamen- I -tation. jf 66 So the Lord awaked as one I out of I sleep : and like a I giant • re- I freshed • with 1 wine. 67 He smote his enemies in the I hinder I parts : and put them I to a • per- i petual I shame. 68 He refused the taber- I -nacle • of I Joseph : and chose i not the I tribe of I Ephraim ; 69 But chose the I tribe of I Judah : even the hill of I Sion I which he I loved. 70 And there he built his I temple • on I high : and laid the foundation of it * like the ground which' I he hath I made con- I -tinually. 71 He chose David i also • his I ser- vant : and took him a- 1 -way I from the I sheepfolds. 72 As he was following the ewes great with I young ones • he I took him : that he might feed Jacob his people and I Israel I his in- I -heritance. 73 So he fed them with a faithful and I true I heart : and ruled them prudent- I -ly with 1 all his I power. 68 DAY XVI. MORNING. J. Weldok. PSALM LXXlX.—Deus, venerimt. P O GOD, the heathen are c6me into I thine in- I -heritance : thy holy temple have they defiled « and made Jerusa- I lem an I heap of I stones. 2 The dead bodies of thy servants * have they given to be meat unto the fowls I of the I air : and the flesh of thy saints unto the I beasts I of the I land. 3 Their blood have they shed like water on every side I of Je- I -rusalem : and there was no I man to I bury I them. 4 We are become an open shame I to our I enemies : a very scorn and derision unto them I that are I round a- I -bout us. ;»/ 5 Lord, how long wilt I thou be I angry : shall thy jealousy I burn like 1 fire for I ever ? 6 Pour out thine indignation upon the hfiathen that I have not ! known thee : and upon the kingdoms that have not I called • up- I -on thy I Name. 7 For they have de- I -voured I Jacob : and I laid I waste his I dwelling- place. p 8 O remember not our old sins * but have mercy up6n us and I that I soon : for we are I come to I great I misery. 9 Help us, O God of our salvation « for the gl6ry I of thy I Name : O deliver us * and be merciful unto our sins I for thy I Name's I sake. 10 Wherefore do the I heathen I say : Where I — is I now their I God ? 11 O let the vengeance of thy ser- vants' blood I that is I shed : be openly shewed upon the I heathen I in our I sight. 12 O let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners I come be- I -fore thee : accord- ing to the greatness of thy power * pre- serve thou those that I are ap- ! -pointed- to I die. mf 13 And for the blasphemy wherewith our neighbours have bias- I -phemed I thee : reward thou them O Lord I seven- fold I into . their I bosom. / 14 So we that are thy people and sheep of thy pasture * shall give thee I thanks for I ever : and will alway be shew- ing forth thy praise * from gener- I -ation • to I gener- I -ation. ^^ Dr. RiMBAULT. :??: ^^ -r r Dec. Can. r ^ ^ ^, s ii^ ^ PSALM LXXX.—Qui regis Israel. mf HEAR, O thou Shepherd of Israel » thou that leadest Joseph I like a I sheep : shew thyself also * thou that I sittest • up- ! -on the I cherubims. 2 Before Ephraim, Benjamin I and Ma- I -nasses : stir up thy I strength and I come and I help us. 3 Turn us a- I -gain O I God : shew the light of thy countenance I and we I shall be I whole. 4 O L6rd I God of I hosts : how long wilt thou be angry I with thy 1 people • that I prayeth ? 5 Thou feedest them with the I bread of ; tears : ana givest them plenteous- I ness of I tears to I drink. 6 Thou hast made us a very strife I unto . our I neigiibours : and our enemies I laugh I us to I scorn. 7 Turn us again thou I God of I hosts : shew the light of thy countenance I and we I shall be I whole. DAY XVI. MORNING [continued). 59 8 Thou hast brought a vine I out of I Egypt : thou hast cast 6ut the I heathen • and I planted I it. 9 Thou madest I room for I it : and when it had taken I root it I filled • the I land. ID The hills were covered with the I shadow I of it : and the boughs thereof were I like the I goodly I cedar-trees. II She stretched out her branches I unto • the I sea : and her I boughs I unto • tke I river. p 12 Why hast thou then broken I down her I hedge : that all they that go 1 by pluck I off her I grapes ? 13 The wild boar out of the wood doth I root it I up : and the wild beasts I of the I field de- I -vour it. 14 Turn thee again, thou God of hosts, look I down from I heaven : beh61d and I visit I this I vine ; 15 And the place of the vineyard that thy right I hand hath I planted : and the branch that thou madest so I strong 1 for thy- I -self. 16 It is burnt with fire and I cut I down : and they shall perish at the re- I buke I of thy I countenance. 17 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy I right I hand : and upon the son of man * whom thou madest so strong I for thine I own I self. 18 And so will not we go 1 back from I thee : O let us live * and we shall i call up- I -on thy I Name. mfig Turn us again, O Lord I God of I hosts : shew the hght of thy countenance I and we I shall be I whole. i ^ Verses i to ii. Dr. H. HiLEs. gj l ^ i O ■ ^^=^ ^ m ^ ^ Dec. ^tF ^^ Verse 12 to end. ^^ T. Kelway. 1 — r ^ - ^y" ^ ^ 'V e» <'•' ^ PSALM LXXXL— £^«Zte<^ Deo. f SING we merrily unto I God our I strength : make a cheerful noise I unto • the I God of I Jacob. 2 Take the psalm, bring I hither • the I tabret : the merry I harp I with the I lute. 3 Blow up the trumpet in the I new I moon : even in the time appointed » and up- 1 -on our I solemn I feast-day. 4 For this was made a I statute • for I Israel : and a law I of the I God of I Jacob. 5 This he ordained in Joseph I for a I testimony : when he came out of the land of Egypt * and had I heard a I strange I language. 6 I eased his shoulder I from the I burden : and his hands were de- I -livered • from I making • the I pots. 7 Thou calledst upon me in troubles * and r de- I -livered I thee : and heard thee what time as the j storm I fell up- I on thee. 8 r I proved • thee I also : at the I waters I of I strife. 9 Hear, O my people * and I will assure i thee O I Israel : if thou wilt I hearken I unto I me. 10 There shall no strange god I be in I thee : neither shalt thou worship I any I other I god. Ill am the Lord thy God * who brought thee out of the I land of I Egypt : open thy mouth I wide and I I shall I fill it. ;n/i2 But my people would not I hear my I voice : and I'srael I would I not o- I -bey me. 13 So I gave them up unto their own I hearts' I lusts : and let them follow their I own im- I -agin- I -ations. OT/14 O that my people would have hearkened I unto I me : for if I'srael had I walked I in /ny I ways, 15 I should soon have put I down their I enemies : and turned my I hand a- I -gainst their I adversaries. 16 The haters of the Lord should have been I found I liars : but their time I should have • en- I -dured • for I ever. 17 He should have fed them also with the I finest I wheat-flour : and with honey out of the stony r6ck should I I have I satisfied I thee. 60 DAY XVI. EVENING. J. TURLE. PSALM LXXXll.—Deus stetit. F.w/GOD standeth in the c6ngre- I -ga- tion • of I princes : he is a I J udge a- 1 -mong I gods. F. 2 How 16ng will ye 1 give wrong I judgement : and accept the I persons I of • tne un- I -godly ? 3 Defend the I poor and I fatherless : see that such as are in nSed and ne- I cessity I have I right. 4 Deliver the I outcast • and I poor : save them from the I hand of I the un- I godly. 5 They will not be learned nor under- stand * but walk on I still in I darkness . all the foundations of the I earth are I out of I course. 6 I have said I Ye are I gods : and ye are all the children I of the I most I Highest. 7 But ye shall I die like I men : and I fall like I one • of the i princes. 8 Arise O God, and judge I thou the I earth : for thou shalt take all I heathen • to I thine in- I -heritance. i m ^^ m r^ s s^ ^ :^ Dec. J. S ^4a ^ PSALM LXXXIIL— D^HS, qnis similis ? lo Who perished )«/HOLD not thy tongue O God * k6ep I not still I silence : refrain I not thy- I -self O I God. 2 For lo, thine enemies I make a 1 murmuring : and they that hate thee have I lift I up their I head. 3 They have imagined craftily a- I gainst thy I people : and taken counsel a- 1 -gainst thy I secret 1 ones. 4 They have said, Come and let us root them out * that they be no I more a I people : and that the name of Israel may d6 no I more I in re- I -membrance. 5 For they have cast their heads together with I one con- I -sent : and are con- I -feder- I -ate a- I -gainst thee. 6 The tabernacles of the E'domites I and the I Ismaelites : the I Moab- I -ites and 1 Hagarenes ; 7 Gebal and I Ammon • and I Amalek : the Philistines with I them that I dwell at I Tyre. 8 Assur also is find have I holpen Lot. 9 But do thou to thSm as I unto • the I Madianites : unto Sisera, and unto Jfibin I at the I brook of I Kison ; joined I with them : the I children • of I I at I Endor : and became as the I dung I of the l earth. 11 Make them and their princes like I Oreb • and I Zeb : yea, make all their princes like as I Zeba I and Sal- I mana ; 12 Who say, Let us take I to our- I selves : the houses of I God I in pos- I session. 13 O my God, make them like I unto • a I wheel : and as the I stubble • be- I -fore the I wind ; 14 Like as the fire that burneth I up the I wood : and as the flame I that con- ) sumeth . the ! mountains. 15 Persecute them even s6 I with thy 1 tempest : and make them a- I -fraid I with thy I storm. 16 Make their faces a- I -shamed • O I Lord : that I they may I seek thy I Name. 17 Let them be confounded and vfixed ever I more and I more : l£t them be I put to I shame and I perish. / 18 And they shall know that thou, whose Name I is Je- I -hovah : art only the most Highest ' over I all the I earth. DAY XVI. EVENING {continue^. 61 PSALM LXXXIV mf O HOW amiable I are thy I dwellings : thou I Lord I of I hosts ! 2 My soul hath a desire and longing * to enter into the courts I of the I Lord : my heart and my flesh rejoice I in the I living I God. 3 Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house * and the swallow a nest, where she may I lay her I young : even thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my I King I and my I God. 4 Blessed are they that dwell I in thy I house : they will be I alway I prais- ing I thee. 5 Blessed is the man whose strength I is in I thee : in whose I heart I are thy I ways. 6 Who going through the vale of misery use it I for a I well : and the I pools are I filled • with I water. . — Quant dilecta t 7 They will go from I strength to I strength : and unto the God of gods ap- peareth every I one of I them in I Sion. 8 O Lord God of hosts I hear my I prayer : hearken I O 1 God of I Jacob. 9 Behold, O God I our de- I -fender : and look upon the I face of 1 thine A- I nointed. lo For one day I in thy I courts : is I better 1 than a I thousand. Ill had rather be a door-keeper in the house I of my I God : than to dwell in the I tents I of un- I -godliness. 12 For the Lord God is a light I and de- I -fence : the Lord will give grace and worship * and no good thing shall he withhold from them that I live a I godly I life. 13 O Lord I God of I hosts : blessed is the man that I putteth • his I trust in I thee. i fer ^ ^m. T--r E. J. Hopkins. -I- * T-rr' PSALM L.XXXV.—Benedixisti, Domine. mp LORD, thou art become gracious I unto . thy I land : thou hast turned away the cap- I -tivi- I -ty of I Jacob. 2 Thou hast forgiven the offence I of thy I people : and 1 covered 1 all their I sins. 3 Thou hast taken away all I thy dis- ! -pleasure : and turned thyself from thy I wrathful I indig- I nation. 4 Turn us then O I God our I Saviour : and let thine I anger I cease I from us. 5 Wilt thou be displeased at I us for I ever : and wilt thou stretch out thy wrath ■^om 6ne gener- I -ation I to an- I -other ? 6 Wilt thou not turn again, and I quicken I us : that thy people I may re- I joice in I thee ? 7 Shew us thy I mercy • O I Lord : and I grant us I thy sal. I -vation. 8 I will hearken what the Lord God will say con- I -cerning I me : for he shaU speak peace unto his people and to his saints * that they I turn I not a- I gain. 9 For his salvation is nigh i them that I fear him : that glory may I dwell I in our I land. 10 Mercy and truth are i met to- I gether : righteousness and I peace have I kissed • each T other. 11 Truth shall flourish I out • of the I earth : and righteousness hath I looked I down from I heaven. 12 Yea, the Lord shall shew I loving- I kindness : and our I land shall I give her I increase. 13 Righteousness shall I go be- I -fore him : and he shall direct his I going I in the ! way. 62 DAY XVll. MORiNING. J. S. Smith. PSALM LXXXVI, mp BOW down thine ear O I Lord and hear me : for I' am I poor I and in misery. 2 Preserve thou my soul, for I I am holy : my God, save thy servant that putteth • his I trust in ! thee. 3 Be merciful unto I me O I Lord for r will I call I daily up- I -on thee. 4 Comfort the soul I of thy I servant for unto thee O Lord do I I lift I up mylsoul 5 For thou. Lord art i good and gracious : and of great mercy unto all them that I call up- I -on thee 6 Give ear, Lord i unto • my I prayer and ponder the voice I of my I humble de- I -sires. 7 In the time of my trouble I' will call up • on I thee : for I thou I hearest me. 8 Among the gods there is none like unto I thee O I Lord : there is not one that can I do as I thou I doest. 9 All nations whom thou hast made * shall come and worship I thee O I Lord : and shall I glori- I -fy thy I Name. lo For thou art great, and doest I wondrous I things : th6u I — art I God a- I -lone. — Inclina, Domine. 11 Teach me thy way O Lord * and I will walk I in thy I truth : O knit my heart unto thee, that I I may I fear thy I Name. 12 I will thank tlu-e O Lord my God with ! all my ! heart : and will praise thy I Name for I ever- I -more. 13 For great is thy I mercy I toward me : and thou hast delivered my soul I from the I nethermost I hell. 14 O God, the pr5ud are I risen • a- I gainst me : and the congregations of naughty men have sought after my soul * and have not set I thee be- I -fore their I eyes. 15 But thou O Lord God, art full of com- I -passion • and I mercy : long- suffering I plenteous • in I goodness • and I truth. 16 O turn thee then unto me and have I mercy • up- I -on me : give thy strength unto thy servant * and help the I son I of thine I handmaid. pa^ 17 Shew some token upon me for good * that they who hate me may see it and I be a- I -shamed : because thou Lord hast holpen I me and I comforted I me. $ W. V. Wallace. m i^ SE ^ e^i, - 1 r r J. jS_ ^ J. Jl _^ ^ =F= PSALM LXXXVIL mp HER foundations are upon the I holy I hills : the Lord loveth the gates of Sion, in6re than 1 all the I dwellingt^ • of I Jacob. 2 Very excellent things are I spoken • of I thee : thou I city I of I God. 3 I will think upon I Rahab • and I Babylon : with i them that I know 1 me. 4 Behold ye the i Philistines 1 also : and they of Tyre with the Morians * 16 I there I was he I bom. —Fiindamenta ejus. 5 And of Sion it shall be reported that he was I born in I her : and the most I High shall I stablish ( her. 6 The Lord shall rehearse it when he writeth I up the I people : tliat 1 he was I born I there. 7 The singers also and trumpeters shall I he re- I -hearse I A'U my fresh I springs shall I be in I thee. DAY XVII. MORNING {continued). e» Dr. RiMBAULT. PSALM LXXXVlU.—Domine Dens. mp O LORD God of my salvation * I have cried day and I ni^ht be- I -fore thee : O let my prayer enter into thy presence * incline thine I ear I unto • my I calling. 2 For my soul is I full of I trouble : and my life draweth I nigh I unto I hell. 3 I am counted as one of them that go down I into • the I pit : and I have been even as a 1 man that I hath no I strength, 4 Free among the dead * like unto them that are wounded and lie I in the I grave : who are out of remembrance ¥: and are cut a- I -way I from thy I hand. 5 Thou hast laid me in the I lowest I pit : in a place of I darkness • and I in the I deep. 6 Thine indignation lieth i hard up- I on me : and thou hast vexed I me with I all thy I storms. 7 Thou hast put away mine acquaint- ance I far I from me : and made me to I be ab- I -horred I of them. 8 r am so I fast in cannot I get I forth. 9 My sight faileth for I very I trouble : Lord, I have called daily upon thee * I have stretched forth my I hands I unto I thee. prison : that I I ID Dost thou shew wonders a- 1 -mong the I dead : or shall the dead rise I up a- I -gain and I praise thee ? 11 Shall thy loving - kindness be shewed I in the I grave : or thy I faithful- ness I in de- I -structiou ? 12 Shall thy wondrous works be known I in the I dark : and thy righteous- ness in the land where I all things I are for- 1 -gotten ? 13 Unto thee have I I cried O I Lord : and early shall my I prayer I come be- I fore thee. 14 Lord, why abhorrest I thou my I soul : and hidest I thou thy 1 face I from me ? 15 I am in misery * and like unto him that is at the I point to I die : even from my youth up, thy terrors have I suffered I with a I troubled I mind. 16 Thy wrathful displeasure goeth I over I me : and the fear of I thee i hath un- I -done me. 17 They came round about me I daily. Uke I water : and compassed me to- I gether • on I every I side. 18 My lovers and friends hast thou put a- I -way I from me : and hid mine ac- I -quaintance I out of • my I sight. 64 DAY XVII. EVENING. Versa i to ig. Henry Smart. I. Verses 20 to 36 7^*t — hrirf ^-^^-^ T. Kblw&t ^ ^ 1 7^^^" 1 ^ J^. ^1 ^ j=» i rj ^4- ^' r' " Kene 37 to end. Sir W. Sterndale Bennett. ^B^i^^^tfeg^^ r Alternative Chants. II. :^ ^ Ffi-Sfs I to 19. Dr. P. Hayes. II. Verses 20 /o 36. G. Woodward. m -J , d ^ ^-^ g ^ ^ r rU'{' 7^ c=zt=tq 1 [ =^ 1 F^i-P -77T| §= ^ -^ 1 1 J A — ^ — 1 1 1 AA >w- J=&: -1 — 1 -1 — ' — -^ II. F«rsf 37 io £«d. Dr. E. G. Monk. i ^ ffS ■■ < p • ^ ^ g =P=i: m ^ I 1 SE» ^ ^ PSALM LXXXIX.— F.mfMY song shall be alway of the loving- kindness I of the I Lord : with my mouth will I ever be shewing thy truth * from 6ne gener- I -ation I to an- I -other. F. 2 For I have said, Mercy shall be set I up for I ever : thy truth shalt thou I stablish I in the I heavens. 3 I have made a covenant I with my 1 chosen : i have sw6ru I unto I David • my I servant ; 4 Thy seed will I I stablish • for I ever : and set up thy throne from one gener- I -ation 1 to an- I -other. 5 O Lord, the very heavens shall praise thy I wondrous I works : and thy truth in the c6ngre- I -gation I of the I saints. 6 For who is he a- 1 -mong the I clouds : that shall be com- I -pared I unto • the I Lord ? 7 And what is he a- I -mong the 1 gods : that shall be I like I unto • the I Lord? Misericordias Domini. 8 God is very greatly to be feared in the c6uncil I of the I saints : and to be had in reverence of all them I that are I round a- I -bout him. 9 O Lord God of hosts * wh6 is I like . unto I thee : thy truth, most mighty L6rd I is on I every I side. ID Thou rulest the raging I of the I sea : thou stillest the waves there- I -of when I they a- I -rise. 11 Thou hast subdued Egypt ^ dnd de- I -stroyed I it : thou hast scattered thine enemies abroad I with thy I mighty I arm. 12 The heavens are thine, the earth I also . is 1 thine : thou hast laid the foun- dation of the round world, and I all that I therem 1 is. 13 Thou hast made the north I and the I south : Tabor and Hermon shall re- I -joice I in thy I Name. 14 Thou hast a I mighty I arm ; strong is thy hand, and I high is I thy right I hajid. DAY XVI I. EVENING {continued). 6& 15 Righteousness and equity are the habitation I of thy I seat : mercy and truth shall I go be- I -fore thy I face. 16 Blessed is the people OLord*that can re- I -joice in I thee : they shall walk in the I light I of thy I countenance. 17 Their delight shall be daily I in thy I Name : and in thy righteousness I shall they I make their I boast. 18 For thou art the gl5ry 1 of their I strength : and in thy loving-kindness, thou shalt I lift I up our I horns. 19 For the Lord is I our de- I -fence : the Holy One of I Israel I is our I King. 20 Thou spakest sometime in visions unto thy I saints and I saidst : I have laid help upon one that is mighty * I have ex- alted one I chosen I out • of the I people. 21 I have found I David • my 1 servant : with my holy oil have I I a- I -nointed I him. 22 My hand shall I hold him I fast : and my I arm shall I strengthen I him. 23 The enemy shall not be able to I do him I violence : the son of 1 wickedness I shall not I hurt him. 24 I will smite down his foes be- I -fore his I face : and I plague I them that I hate him. 25 My truth also and my mercy I shall be I with him : and in my Name shall his I horn I be ex- I -alted. 26 I will set his dominion also 1 in the I sea : and his I right hand I in the I floods. 27 He shall call me, Thou I art my I Father : my God I and my I strong sal- I vation. 28 And I will make I him my I first- born : higher than the I kings I of the I earth. 29 My mercy will I keep for him for I ever- I -more : and my covenant shall 1 stand I fast I with him. 30 His seed also will I make to en- I dure for I ever : and his throne I as the I days of 1 heaven. m/31 But if his children for- 1 -sake my I law : and I walk not I in my I judgements ; 32 If they break my statutes * and keep not I my com- I -mandments : I will visit their offences with the rod I and their I sin with I scourges. 33 Nevertheless, my loving-kindness will I not utterly I take I from him : nor I suffer • my I truth to I fail. 34 My covenant will I net break * nor alter the thing that is gone I out of • my I lips : I have sworn once by my holiness « that I* I will not I fail I David. 35 His seed shall en- I -dure for I ever: and his seat is I like • as the I sun be- I fore me. 36 He shall stand fast for evermdre I as the I moon : and as the I faithful I wit- ness • in I heaven. p 37 But thou hast abhorred and for- saken I thine A- I -nointed : and I art dis- 1 pleased I at him. 38 Thou hast broken the covenant I of thy I servant : and cast his I crown I to the I ground. 39 Thou hast overthrown I all his I hedges : and 1 broken I down his I strong- holds. 40 All they that go I by I spoil him : and he is become a re- I -proach I to his I neighbours. 41 Thou hast set up the right hand I of his I enemies : and made all his I ad- versaries I to re- I -joice. 42 Thou hast taken away the edge I of his I sword ; and givest him not I victory I in the I battle. 43 Th5u hast put I out his I glory : and cast his I throne I down • to the I ground. 44 The days of his youth 1 hast thou 1 shortened : and I covered • him I with dis- I -honour. 45 Lord, how long wilt thou hide thy- I self for I ever : and shall thy I wrath I burn like I fire ? 46 O remember how short my I time I is : wherefore hast thou made I all I men for I nought ? 47 What man is he that liveth and shall I not see I death : and shall he de- liver his soul I from the I hand of ,' hell? 48 Lord, where are thy old I loving- I kindnesses : which thou swarest unto I David I in thy I truth ? 49 Remember Lord, the rebuke that thy I servants I have : and how I do bear in my bosom the re- I -bukes of I many I people ; 50 Wherewith thine enemies have blasphemed thee * and slandered the footsteps of I thine A- I -nointed : Praised be the Lord for evermore. I A- • -men and I A- I -men. 66 DAY XVIII. MORNING. Versts I to 12. J. Bahnby. -J. Can -^ =sqF? J AjM ^ Dec. I I Can. - -g^ ..- g- , gL.t ^Fg. ^ -r PSALM XC. — Doniine, refughim. p LORD thou hast I been our I refuge from one gener- I -ation I to an- 1 -other. 2 Before the mountains were brought forth * or ever the earth and the I world were I made : thou art God from ever- lasting and I world with- I -out I end. 3 Thou turnest man I to de- I -struc- tion : again thou sayest, Come a- I -gain ye I children • of I men^ 4 For a thousand years in thy sight I are but • as I yesterday : seeing that is past as a I watch I in the I night. 5 As soon as thou scatterest them * they are even I as a I sleep : and fade away I suddenly I like the I grass. 6 In the morning it is green and I groweth I up : but in the evening it is cut down I dried I up and I withered. 7 For we consume away in I thy dis- I pleasure : and are afrdid at thy I wrath- ful I indig- I -nation. 8 Thou hast set our mis- I -deeds be- I fore thee : and our secret sins in the I light I of thy I countenance. 9 For when thou art angry, all our I days are I gone : we bring our years to an end * as it were a I tale I that is I told. 10 The days of our age are three-score years and ten * and though men be so strong that they come to I four-score I years : yet is their strength then but labour and sorrow * so soon passeth it a- I way and I we are I gone. 11 But who regardeth the power I of thy I wrath : for even thereafter as a man feareth I so is I thy dis- I -pleasure. 12 So teach us to I number • our I days : that we may apply our I hearts I unto I wisdom. 13 Turn thee again, O Lord 1 at the I last : and be I gracious I unto • thy I servants. 14 O satisfy us with thy mercy and I that I soon : so shall we rejoice and be glad all the I days I of our I life. 15 Comfort us again «■ now after the time that thou hast I plagued 1 us : and for the years wherein I we have I suffered • ad- I -versity. 16 Shew thy I servants • thy I work : and their I children I thy I glory. ^17 And the glorious Majesty of the Lord our God 1 be up- I -on us : prosper thou the work of our hands upon us * O prosper I thou our I handy- i -work. Rev W. Felton PSALM XCl.—Qui habitat. mf WHOSO dwelleth under the defence ot the I most I High : shall abide under the I shadow . of I the Al- I -mighty. 2 I will say unto the Lord * Thou art my h6pe I and my I stronghold : my G6d, in I him I will I I trust. DAY XVI 11. MORNING (continued). 67 3 For he shall deliver thee from the snare I of the I hunter : and I from the I Ihoisome I pestilence. I 4 He shall defend thee under his j I wings * and thou shalt be safe I under • his I feathers : his faithfulness and truth jishall I be thy I shield and I buckler. ' 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for any I I terror • by I night : nor for the I arrow • i that I flieth • by I day ; I 6 For the pestilence that I walketh • in I darkness : nor for the sickness that 'de- I -stroyeth I in the I noonday. |i 7 A thousand shall fall beside thee * and ten thousand at I thy right I hand : ibut it shall I not come I nigh I thee. ' 8 Yea, with thine eyes shalt I thou :be- I -hold : and see the re- I -ward of I the un- I -godly. ' 9 For thou, Lord I art my I hope : |thou hast set thine house of de- I fence I very I high. ID There shall no evil happen I unto I thee : neither shall any I plague come I nigh thy I dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge I over I thee : to keep I thee in I all thy I ways. 12 They shall bear thee I in their I hands : that thou hurt not thy I foot a- I gainst a I stone. 13 Thou shalt go upon the I lion and I adder : the young lion and the dragon shalt thou I tread I under • thy I feet. 14 Because he hath set his love upon me * therefore will I' de- I -liver I him : I will set him up * because I he hath I known my I Name. 15 He shall call upon mS, and I I will I hear him : yea, I am with him in trouble * I will deliver him and I bring I him to I honour. 16 With long life will I I satisfy I him : and I shew him I my sal- I -vation. Right Hon. G. C. Bentinck. PSALM XCIL — Bonunt est confiteri. / IT is a good thing to give thanks I 'unto • the I Lord : and to sing praises {unto thy I Name I O most I Highest; 2 To tell of thy loving-kindness early I in the I morning : and of thy truth I in the I night- I -season ; 3 Upon an instrument of ten strings * and up- I -on the I lute : upon a loud in- strument I and up- I -on the I harp. 4 For thou, Lord, hast made me glad I through thy 1 works : and I will rejoice in giving praise, for the oper- 1 jations I of thy I hands. j 5 O Lord, how glorious I are thy I works : thy I thoughts are I very I deep. '] 6 An unwise man doth not well con- I jsider I this : and a fool I doth not I lander- I -stand it. i 7 When the ungodly are green as the Igrass * and when all the workers of wicked- I -ness do I flourish : then shall they be destroyed for ever * but thou, Lord, art the most I Highest • for I ever- I more. 8 For lo, thine enemies O Lord » lo, thine ene- I -mies shall I perish : and all the workers of wicked- I -ness shall I be de- I -stroyed. 9 But mine horn shall be exalted like the horn I of an I unicorn : for I' am a- i nointed • with I fresh I oil. 10 Mine eye also shall see his lust I of mine I enemies : and mine ear shall hear his desire of the wicked that a- I -rise 1 up a- I -gainst me. 11 The righteous shall flourish I like a I palm-tree : and shall spread abr6ad I like a I cedar • in I Libanus. 12 Such as are planted in the house I of the I Lord : shall flourish in the courts of the ! house of I our I God. 13 They also shall bring forth more fruit I in their I age : and shall be I fat and I well- I -liking. 14 That they may shew how true the Lord my I strength I is : and that there is no un- I -righteous- I -ness in I him. 68 DAY XVIII. EVENING. PSALM XCIII.- F./THE Lord is King * and hath put on glori- I -ous ap- I -parel : the Lord hath put on his apparel and t girded • him- I -self with 1 strength. F. 2 He hath made the round I world so I sure : that it I cannot I be I moved. 3 Ever since the world began hath thy seat I been pre- I -pared : thou I art from I ever- I -lasting. Dominus regnavit. 4 The floods are risen O Lord » the fl6ods have lift I up their I voice : th6 I floods lift I up their I waves. 5 The waves of the sea are mighty and I rage I horribly : but yet the Lord who I dwelleth ■ on I high is I mightier. 6 Thy testimonies U Lord are I very I sure : holiness be- I -cometh • thine I house for I ever. Henry Smart. ^ =FS ^a r-^ ^ ^^ -^i-j- A m -3z II. i i^ i -Alternative Chant. ¥^ ^ p^ ^-a4-^ g^ Rev. J. Troutbeck. T^ I A A A PSALM XCIV.— DfHS ultionum. mf O LORD G6d to whom I vengeance • be- I -longeth : thou God, to whom vengeance be- I -longeth I shew thy- I self. 2 Arise thou Judge I of the I world : and reward the pr5ud i after I their de- I serving. 3 Lord, how long I shall • the un- I godly : how long I shall • the un- I -godly I triumph ? 4 How long shall all wicked doers speak I so dis- I -dainfuUy : and I make such 1 proud I l)oasting ? 5 They smite down thy I people • O I Lord : and i trouble I thine I heritage. 6 They murder the widow I and the I stranger : and put the I father- I -less to I death. ■^ 7 And yet they say, Tush, the L6rd i shall not I see : neither shall the I God of I Jacob . re- I -gard it. 8 Take heed ye unwise a- I -mong the I people : O ye f6ols I when • will ye I under- I -stand ? 9 He that planted the ear, shall I he not 1 hear : or he that made the I eye shall i he not I see ? lo Or he that nurtur- I -eth the I heathen : it is he that teacheth man kn6wledge, I shall not I he I punish ? DAY XVIII. EVENING {continued). 69 11 The Lord kndweth the I thoughts of I man : that I they I are but I vain. 12 Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest I O I Lord : and I teachest • him I in thy I law ; 13 That thou mayest give him patience in time I of ad- I -versity : until the pit be digged I up for I the un- I -godly. 14 For the Lord will not I fail his I people : neither will he for- I -sake I his in- I -heritance ; 15 Until righteousness turn again I unto I judgement : all such as are true in I heart shall I follow I it. 16 Who will rise up with me a- 1 -gainst the I wicked : or who will take my part a- I -gainst the I evil- I -doers ? 17 If the Lord had not I helped I me : it had not failed but my soul \ had been I put to I silence. 18 But when I said My I foot hath I slipt : thy mercy O I Lord I held me I up. 19 In the multitude of the sorrows that I had I in my I heart : thy c5mtorts I have re- I -freshed • my I soul. 20 Wilt thou have anything to do with the I stool of 1 wickedness : which imagineth I mischief I as a I law ? 21 They gather them together against the soul I of the 1 righteous : and con- I demn the I innocent I blood. 22 But the Lord I is my I refuge : and my God is the I strength I of mylconfidence. 23 He shall recompense them their wickedness * and destroy them in their I own I malice : yea, the Lord our I God I shall de- I -stroy them. DAY XIX. MORNING. Dr. W. Hayes. IL F^ f4= -:=t II gy 1 1 1- — K^ — h Dec. 1 1 -Si Can. r ^ p (=- 1 i cT3 Old Melody. 1—1 Dec. I I £3. j=i.. A. W ^ J.J P f' PSALM XCV. — Vemte, exultenms Domino. F.fO COME, let us sing I unto • the I Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the I strength of I our sal- ! -vation. F. 2 Let us come before his presence with I thanks- I -giving : and shew our- selves I glad in I him with I psalms. 3 For the Lord is a I great I God : and a great I King a- I -bove all I gods. 4 In his hand are all the corners I of the I earth : and the strength of the I hills is I his I also. 5 The sea is his I and he I made it : and his hands pre- I -pared • the I dry I land. m/ 6 O come, let us worship and I fall I down : and kn6el be- I -fore the I Lord our I Maker 7 For he is the I Lord our I God : and we are the people of his pasture » and the I sheep of I his I hand. 8 To-day if ye will hear his voice » harden I not your I hearts : as in the pro- vocation * and as in the day of tempt- I ation I in the I wilderness ; 9 When your fathers I tempted I me : proved 1 me and I saw my I works. 10 Forty years long was I grieved with this gener- I -ation and I said : It is a people that do err in their hearts * for they I have not I known my I ways ; 11 Unto whom I sware I in my I wrath : that they should not I enter ! into • my I rest. G DAY XIX. MORNING (continued). W. ROSSELL. PSALM XCVI.- / O SING unto the Lord a I new song : sing unto the L6rd I all the whole I earth. 2 Sing unto the L6rd and I praise his I Name : be telling of his sal- I -vation • from I day to I day. 3 Declare his honour I unto • the heathen : and his w6Qders I unto I all people. 4 For the Lord is great * and cannot worthi- I -ly be I praised : he is more to be feared • than I all I gods. 5 As for all the gods of the heathen, they are • but I idols : but it is the I Lord that I made the I heavens. 6 Glory and worship I are be- I fore him : p6wer and I honour • are I in his I sanctuary. 7 Ascribe unto the Lord * O ye kindreds 1 of the I people : ascribe unto the L6rd I worship I and 1 power. Dr. G. A. Macfarren. ■Cantate Domino. 8 Ascribe unto the Lord the honour due I unto • his I Name : bring presents and I come I into • his I courts. 9 O worship the Lord in the I beauty • of I holiness : let the whole earth I stand in I awe of I him. 10 Tell it out among the heathen that the I Lord is I King : and that it is he who hath made the round world so fast * that it cannot be moved * and how that h6 shall I judge the I people I righteously. 11 Let the heavens rejoice and let the I earth be I glad : let the sea make a noise, and I all that I therein I is. 12 Let the field be joyful and I all that • is I in it : then shall all the trees of the wood re- I -joice be- I -fore the I Lord. ^"l! 13 For he cometh, for he cometh to I judge the I earth : and with righteousness to judge the world and the i people I with his I truth. Charles Kino. m J--J- 4^ A. J. ^ ^^ g » ^ PSALM XCVIL- / THE Lord is King * the earth may be I glad there- I -of : yea, the multitude of the isles I may be I glad there- I -of. 2 Clouds and darkness are I round a- 1 -bout him : righteousness and judge- ment are the habit- 1 -ation I of his I seat. 3 There shall g6 a I fire be- I -fore aim : and burn up his I ene • mies on I every I side. 4 His lightnings gave shine I unto • ■Dominus regnavit. the I world : the earth I saw it • and I was a- I -fraid. 5 The hills melted hke wax * at the presence I of the I Lord : at the presence of the L6rd I of the I whole I earth. 6 The heavens have de- I -clared • his I righteousness : and all the I people • have I seen his I glory. 7 Confounded be all they that wor- ship carved images « and that delight in I vain I gods : worship I him I all ye I gods. DAY XIX. MORNING (continued). 71 8 Sion heard of it I and re- I -joiced : i Lord preserveth the souls of his saints H and the daughters of Judah were glad * | he shall deliver them from the I hand of I because of thy I judgements I O I ' the un- I -godly. Lord. I 1 1 There is sprung up a light I for the I 9 For thou Lord, art higher than all ' righteous : and joyful gladness for I such that are I in the I earth : thou art exalted I ! as I are true- I -hearted. far a- I -hove all I gods. 12 Rejoice in the I Lord ye I righteous: 10 O ye that love the Lord * see that and give thanks * for a re- I -membrance I ye hate the thing I which is I evil : the i of his I holiness. DAY XIX. EVENING. Henry Smart. l^t^lJ Jl I ^ 1 J ^ — r — ,^ ^ -ti ^. r -(.r ^ f^ ^ \-r- \ P p' 1 1_^_ 1 L, 1 ]_^_U PSALM XCVIII.- F fO SING unto the Lord a I new I song : for he hath I done I marvellous I things. F. 2 With his own right hand * and with his I holy I arm : hath he I gotten • him- I self the I victory. 3 The Lord declared 1 his sal- I -va- tion : his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the I sight I of the I heathen. 4 He hath remembered his mercy and truth toward the I house of I Israel : and all the ends of the world have seen the sal- I -vation I of our I God. 5 Shew yourselves joyful unto the Lord I all ye I lands : sing, re- I -joice and I give I thanks. -Cantate Dot)iino . 6 Praise the Lord up- I -on the I harp : sing to the harp with a I psalm of I thanks- I giving. 7 With trumpets 1 also and I shawms : O shew yourselves joyful be- I -fore the i Lord the I King. 8 Let the sea make a noise, * and all that I therein I is : the round world, and I they that I dwell there- I -in. 9 Let the floods clap their hands, *. and let the hills be joyful together be- I fore the I Lord : for he is I come to I judge the I earth. 10 With righteousness shall he I judge the I world : and the t people I with I equity. I. J. Battishill. II. i Se s J- A 1 ^ Henry Smart. ^m rr J J is I I % ^ PSALM XCIX.— . / THE Lord is King * be the people nSver I so im- I -patient : he sitteth be- tween the cherubims * be the earth I never I so un- I -quiet. 2 The Lord is I great in I Sion : and I high a- I -bove all I people. 3 They shall give thanks I unto . thy I Name : which is great I wonder- I -ful and I holy. 4 The king's power loveth j udgement * th6u hast pre- I -pared I equity : thou hast executed judgement and I righteous- 1 -ness in I Jacob. 5 O magnify the I Lord our I God : and fall down before his footstool, I for I he is I holy. -t- Dominus regnavit. 6 Moses and Aaron amonghis priests* and Samuel among such as call up- I -on his I Name : these called upon the I Lord I and he I heard them. 7 He spake unto them out of the I cloudy I pillar : for they kept his testi- monies * and the I law I that he i gave them. 8 Thou heardest them O I Lord our I God : thou forgavest them O God * and punish- 1 -edst their I own in- I ventions. 9 O magnify the Lord our God » and worship him up6n his I holy I hill : for the I Lord our I God is I holy. 72 DAY XIX. EVENING {continued). riiiNRY Smakt< PSALM C— / O BE joyful in the Lord I all ye I lands : serve the Lord with gladness « and come bef6re his I presence I with a I song. 2 Be ye sure that the Lord I he is I God : it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves # we are his people, and the I sheep of I his I pasture. Jubilate Deo. 3 O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving * and into his I courts with I praise : be thankful unto him, and I speak good I of his I Name. mf 4 For the Lord is gracious * his mercy is I ever- I -lasting : and his truth endureth from gener- I -ation • to I gener- I ation. NOVELLO. PSALM CL — Misericordiain et judicium. 'mf MY song shall be of 1 mercy ■ and I judgement : unto thee O I Lord I will 1 1 sing. 2 O let me have I under- 1 -standing : in the 1 way of t godli- I -ness. 3 When wilt thou come I unto I me : I will walk in my h6use I with a I perfect I heart. 4 I will take no wicked thing in hand * I hate the sins I of un- I -faithfulness : there shall no such I cleave I unto I me. 5 A froward heart shall de- I -part from I me : I will not I know a I wicked I person. 6 Whoso privily slander- I -eth his I neighbour : him I — will I I de- I -stroy. 7 Whoso hath also a proud look and i high I stomach : V I will not I suffer I him. 8 Mine eyes look upon such as are faithful I in the I land : that I they may I dwell with 1 me. 9 Whoso leadeth a I godly I life : he I — shall I be my I servant. 10 There shall no deceitful person dwell I in my I house : he that telleth lies, shall not I tarry I in my I sight. 11 I shall soon destroy all the ungodly that are I in the I land : that I may root out all wicked doers, from the I city I of the I Lord. DAY XX. MORNING. Dr. S. S. Wesley. ^ ^ -ripr^Jks \^i <-^\ rM \r j^ PSALM CIL- 7".;;;/)HEAR my I prayer O 1 Lord : and let my crying I come I unto I thee. F. 2 Hide not thy face from me in the time I of my I trouble : incline thine ear unto me when I call « O hear 1 me and I that right I soon. IL Dr. W. Haves. ^ 3=;^ ^^^ F" ^ m ^- J- fe 1=^ UUJ*J 1^ I ta ll Doniine, exaudi. 3 For my days are consumed a- 1 -way like I smoke : and my bones are burnt up I as it I were a I firebrand. 4 My heart is smitten down and I withered ■ like I grass : so that 1' for- I get to I eat my I bread. DAY XX. MORNING {continued). 73 5 For the v6ice 1 of my I groaning ; my bones will scarce I cleave I to my I aesh. 6 I am become like a pelican I in the I wilderness : and like an owl I that is 1 in the I desert, 7 I have watched * and am even as it I were a I sparro w : that sitteth a- 1 -lone up- I -on the I house-top. 8 Mine enemies revile me I all the • day I long : and they that are mad upon me are I sworn to- I -gether • a- I -gainst me. 9 For I have eaten ashes I as it • were I bread : and I mingled • my I drink with I weeping ; 10 And that because of thine indig- I nation. and I wrath : for thou hast taken me I up and I cast me I down. 11 My daj's are gone-l like a 1 shadow : and r am I withered I like I grass. 12 But thou, O Lord shalt en- I -dure for I ever : and thy remembrance through- out I all I gener- I -ations. 13 Thou shalt arise, and have mercy up- I -on 1 Sion : for it is time that thou have mercy Upon her, I yea the I time is I come. 14 And why * thy servants think up- I on her I stones : and it pitieth them to I see her I in the I dust. 15 The heathen shall fear thy I Name O I Lord : and all the kings I of the I earth thy I Majesty ; 16 When the Lord shall I build up I Sion : and when his 1 glory I shall ap- 1 -pear; 17 When he turneth him unto the I. m ^ J. Foster AA S :^ -PnP- prayer of the I poor I destitute : and de- I spiseth . not I their de- I -sire. 1 8 This shall be written for those that I come I after : and the people which shall be I born shall I praise the I Lord. 19 For he hath looked down I from his I sanctuary : out of the heaven did the I Lord be- I -hold the I earth ; 20 That he might hear the mourning of such as are I in cap- I -tivity : and deliver the children ap- I -pointed I unto I death ; 21 That they may declare the Name of the I Lord in 1 Sion : and his I wor- ship I at Je- I -rusalem ; 22 When the people are I gathered • to- I -gether : and the kingdoms I also • to I serve the I Lord. 23 He brought down my strength I in my I journey : and I shortened I my I days. 24 But I said * O my God, take me not away in the midst I of mine I age : as for thy years, they endure throughout I all I gener- I -ations. ;;f/25 Thou, Lord, in the beginning* hast laid the foundation I of the I earth : and the heavens are the I work of I thy I hands. 26 They shall perish, but thou i shalt en- I -dure : they all shall wax I old as I doth a I garment ; 27 And as a vesture shalt thou change them * and they I shall be I changed : but thou art the same, and thy I years I shall not I fail. 28 The children of thy servants I shall con- I -tinue : and their seed shall stand I fast 1 in thy I sight. Rev. Sir Fred. A. G. Ouseley. / PRAISE the Lord I O my 1 soul : and all that is within ine i praise his I holy I Name. 2 Praise the Lord i O my I soul : and for- I -get not I all his I benefits ; 3 Who forg'veth I all thy I sin : and healeth I all I thine in- I -firmities ; 4 Who saveth thy life I from de- I struction : and crowneth 'thee with I mercy • and I loving- I -kindness ; 5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with I good I things : making thee young and I lusty ! as an 1 eagle. 6 The Lord executeth righteous- I ness and I judgement : for all them that 1 are op- I -pressed • with 1 wrong. I PSALM cm. — Benedic, anima viea. 7 He shewed his ways I unto I Moses : his works I unto • the I children .of I Israel. 8 The Lord is full of com- I passion • and I mercy : long-suffering, I and of i great I goodness. 9 He will not I alway ■ be I chiding ; neither keepeth I he his I anger • for I ever. 10 He hath not dealt with us I after • our I sins : nor rewarded us ac- i -cording i to our I wickednesses. 11 For look how high the heaven is in comparison I of the I earth : so great is his mercy also 1 toward I them that I fear him. 12 Look how wide also the east -is I from the I west : so far hath he I set our I sins I from us. 74 DAY XX. MORNING {continued). J. Foster Rev. Sir Fred. A. G. Ouseley, 13 Yea, like as a father pTtieth his I own I children : even so is the Lord mer- ciful I unto I them that I fear him. 14 For he knoweth whereof I we are I made : he remembereth I that we I are but I dust. w/) 15 The days of man are I but as I grass : for he flourisheth as a I flower I of the I field. 16 For as soon as the wind goeth over it I it is I gone : and the place thereof shall I know it I no I more. mf 17 But the merciful goodness of the Lord * endureth for ever and ever upon I them that I fear him : and his righteousness up- I -on I children's I children ; 18 Even upon such as I keep his I covenant : and think upon i his com- I mandments • to I do them. / ig The Lord hath prepared his I seat in I heaven : and his kingdom I ruleth I over I all. 20 O praise the Lord, ye angels of his * ye that ex: I -eel in I strength : ye that fulfil his commandment -x- and hearken unto the I voice I of his I word. 21 O praise the Lord, all I ye his I hosts : ye servants of I his that I do his I pleasure. 22 O speak good of the Lord, all ye works of his ^ in all places of 1 his do- i minion : praise thou the I Lord I O my I soul. DAY XX. EVENING. i f^erses i to 13. Henry Smart. 1=2=;^ s A. A. ^S=^ r ' T^T I. .. Verges 14 to 23. Right Rev. Bishop Turton. Verses 24 to 26. Henry Smart. I. Verses 27 to 30. E. J. Hopkins. I. Verse St to end. Henry Smart DAY XX EVENING {continuea). 75 -Alternative Chants. II. m ^ J^-A Verses I to 23. Old Melodj. P=F m T |-^ ^ ^ ^ S ie= _^ ?2=22 1 — r m PSALM CIV. — Beiiedic, anima mea. F. f PRAISE the L6rd I O my I soul : O j i8 The high hills are a refuge for the I Lord my God, thou art become exceed- j wild I goats : and so are the stony I rocks I ing gloHous n thou art clothed with I ! for the I conies. majes- I -ty and I honour. 19 He appointed the moon for I cer- F. 2 Thou deckest thyself with light as : tain I seasons : and the sun I knoweth • it were I with a I garment : and spreadest \ his I going I down. out the I heavens I like a I curtain. 20 Thou makest darkness * that it I 3 Who layeth the beams of his cham- may be I nigljt : wherein all the beasts I bars I in the I waters : and maketh the clouds his chariot * and walketh upon the I wings I of the I wind. 4 He maketh his I angels I spirits : and his minis- I -ters a I flaming I fire. 5 He laid the foundations I of the I earth : that it never should I move at I any I time. 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep, like as I with a I garment : the waters I stand I in the I hills. 7 At thy re- I -buke they I flee : at the voice of thy I thunder . they I are a- 1 -fraid. 8 They go up as high as the hills * 'and down to the I valleys . be- I -neath : even unto the place which I thou • hast ap- I -pointed I for them. 9 Thou hast set them their bounds which they I shall not I pass : neither turn a- I -gain to I cover • the I earth. 10 He sendeth the springs I into • the I rivers : which I run a- I -mong the I hills. 11 All beasts of the field I drink there- I -of : and the wild I asses I quench their 1 thirst. 12 Beside them shall the fowls of the dir have their \ habit- I -ation : and I sing a- I -raong the I branches. 13 He watereth the hills I from a- I bove : the earth is filled with the I fruit I of thy I works. 14 He bringeth forth grass I for the I cattle : and green herb 1 for the I service • of I men ; 15 That he may bring food out of the earth * and wine that maketh glad the I heart of I man : an.d oil to make him a cheerful countenance * and bread to I strengthen I man's I heart. 16 The trees of the Lord also are I full of I sap : even the cedars of Liban- I us which I he hath I planted ; 17 Wherein the birds I make their I nests : and the fir-trees are a I dwelling 1 for the I stork. of the I forest • do 1 move. 21 The lions roaring I after • their I prey : do I seek their I meat from I God. 22 The sun ariseth * and they get them a- I -way to- I -gether : and lay them I down I in their I dens. 23 Man goeth forth to his work and I jo his I labour : un- I -til the I even- I -ing. wff^^ O Lord, how manifold I are thy I works : in wisdom hast thou made them all * the eaith is I full I of thy I riches. 25 So is the great and I wide sea I also : wherein are things creeping innu- merable * both I small and I great I beasts. / 26 There go the ships * and there is I that Le- I -viathan : whom thou hast made to I take his I pastime • there- I -in. 27 These wait I all up- • -on I thee : that thou mayest give them I meat in I due I season. 28 When thou givest it them they I gather I it : and when thou openest thy hand I they are I filled • with I good. mp 29 When thou hidest thy face I they are I troubled : when thou takest away their breath they die ^ and are turned a- 1 -gain I to their I dust. OT/30 When thou lettest thy breath go f5rth they I shall be I made : and thou shalt renew the I face I of the 1 earth. /31 The glorious Majesty of the Lord shall en- I -dure for I ever : the Lord shall re- I -joice I in his I works. 32 The earth shall tremble at the I look of I him : if he do but t6uch the I hills I they shall I smoke. ^■3, I will sing unto the Lord as I long as • I I live : I will praise my God I while I I have my I being. 34 And so shall my I words I please him : my joy shall I be I in the I Lord. 35 As for sinners, they shall be con- sumed out of the earth * and the ungodly shall I come • to an I end : praise thou the Lord, O my soul, I praise I — the t Lord, 76 DAY XXI. MORNING. fc_Uziiu iP SS Verses i to i6. Hbnbv Smart. Verses 17 to 40. K.J. Pye, r ~r r- r^ Verse 41 to end. Henry Smast. PSALM CV. — Confitemini Domino. mf O GIVE thanks unto the Lord * and call up- I -on his I Name : tell the people what I things I he hath I done. 2 O let your songs be of I him and I praise him : and let your talking be of I all his 1 wondrous 1 works. 3 Rejoice in his I holy I Name : let the heart of them re- I -joice that I seek the I Lord. 4 Seek the Lord I and his I strength : s6ek his I face I ever- I -more. 5 Remember the marvellous works that I he hath I done : his wonders, and the I judgements I of his I mouth. 6 O ye seed of A'bra- I -ham his I servant : ye I children • of I Jacob • his 1 chosen. 7 He is the I Lord our I God : his judgements I are in I all the I world. 8 He hath been alway mindful of his c5ve- I -nant and I promise : that he made to a I thousand I gener- I atioDs : g Even the covenant that he made with I Abra- I -ham : and the 6ath that he I sware I unto I Isaac; 10 And appointed the same unto Jacob I for a I law : and to Israel f6r an I ever- I -lasting I testament ; 11 Saying, Unto thee will I give the I land of I Canaan : the I lot of I your in- I heritance ; 12 When there were yet but a I few of I them : and they I strangers I in the I land ; 13 What time as they went from one nation I to an- I -other : from one king- dom I to an- I -other I people ; I 14 He suffered n6 man to I do them I I wrong : but reproved even I kings for I their I sakes ; 15 Touch not I mine A- I -nointed : and I do my I prophets • no I harm. 16 Moreover, he called for a dearth up- I -on the I land : and destroyed I all the • pro- I -vision • of I bread. DAY XXI. MORNING (continued). 77 17 But he had sent a I man be- I -fore them : even Joseph, who was sold to I be a I bond- I -servant; 18 Whose feet they hurt I in the I stocks : the fron I entered I into ■ his I soul; 19 Until the time came that his I cause was I known : the word I of the 1 Lord I tried him. 20 The king s6nt, and de- I -livered I him : the prince of the people I let him I go I free. 21 He made him lord also I of his I house : and I ruler • of I all his I sub- stance ; 22 That he rriight inform his princes I after • his I will : and I teach his I senators 1 wisdom. 23 Israel also came I into I Egypt : and Jacob was a stranger I in the 1 land of I Ham. 24 And he increased his I people • ex- I ceedingly : and made them I stronger I than their 1 enemies ; 25 Whose heart turned so that they I hated • his I people : and dealt uu- 1 -truly I with his I servants. Moses • his I ser- whom I he had I 26 Then sent he vant : and I Aaron chosen. 27 And these shewed his I tokens • a- I mong them : and wonders 1 in the I land of I Ham. 28 He sent darkness, and dark : and they were not o- I unto • his I word. 29 He turned their waters blood : and I slew I their i fish. 30 Their land I brought forth I frogs yea, 6veD I in their I kings' i chambers. it was 1 -bedient I mto 31 He spake the word * and there came all I manner ■ of I flies : and I lice in I all their I quarters. 32 He gave them hail- I -stones for I rain : and flames of I fire I in their I land. 33 He smote their vines I also • and I fig-trees : and destroyed the trees I that were I in their i coasts. 34 He spake the word, and the grass- hoppers came * and cater- I -pillars ■ in- I numerable : and did eat up all the grass in their land * and devoured the I fruit I of their I ground. 35 He smote all the first-born I in their I land : even the I chief of I all their I strength. 36 He brought them forth also with I silver • and I gold : there was not 6ne feeble I person • a- I -mong their I tribes. 37 Egypt was glad at I their de- I -part- ing : for they i were a- I -fraid of I them. 38 He spread out a cloud to I be a I covering : and fire to give light I in the I night- I -season. 39 At their desire he I brought I quails : and he filled them I with the 1 bread of I heaven. 40 He opened the rock of stone * and the waters I flowed I out : so that rivers ran I in the I dry I places. 41 For why, he remembered his I holy I promise : and I Abra- I -ham his I servant. 42 And he brought forth his I people ■ with I joy : and his I chosen I with 1 glad- ness ; 43 And gave them the lands i of the I heathen : and they took the labours of the I people I in pes- I -session ; 44 That they might I keep his I statutes ; and ob- I -serve I his I laws. 78 DAY XXI. EVENING. i^^ luetics I to 12. R. GOODSON. :2£zl 22=^ r > r- i=t r-r P^ --"^^H? ^ F =T^ I. Fffsts zS /o 42. Dr. G. A. Macfarren. ^^Sl Verse 43 t^o fnd. Dr. Bexfield. Verses 1 to 27 .^ Itcrnative Chants. II. I Feyse 28 ^^=g *^E^ d-J l ^llOJ 1^ J J . g ^ g? P Verses i - 1 1 ■s>- J- A <^ ■ t 1 1 -^ — 1 ^&- -s^-l _:=_ WHEREWITHAL shall a young man I cleanse his I way : even by ruling him- i -self I after • thy 1 word. TO With my whole heart I have I 1 sought thee : O let me not go wrong I out of I thy com- I -mandments. 11 Thy words have I hid with- I -in my I heart : that I I should not I sin a- I gainst thee. 12 Blessed art I thou O I Lord : O' 1 teach I me thy I statutes. In quo corriget ? 13 With my lips have I I been I telling : of all the I judgements I of thy ( mouth. 14 I have had as great delight in the way I of thy I testimonies : as in I all I manner • of I riches. 15 I will talk of I thy com- 1 -mand- ments : and have re- I -spect I unto • thy I ways. 16 My dehght shall be I in thy I statutes : andl' will I not for- 1 -get thy I word Verses 17 to 24. Dr. RiMBAULT. Retribue servo tiio. O DO well I unto • thy 1 servant : that I' may 1 live and I keep thy I word. i8 O'pen I thou mine I eyes : that I may see the wondrous I things I of thy I law. 19 I am a stranger up- I -on I earth : O hide not I thy com- 1 -mandments I from me. 20 My soul breaketh out for the very I fervent • de- I -sire : that it hath I alway I unto • thy 1 judgements. 21 Thou hast re- I -buked ■ the i proud : and cursed are they that do I err from I thy com- I -mandments. 22 O turn from me shame I and re- I buke : for I I have 1 kept thy I testimonies 23 Princes also did sit and I speak a- I -gainst me : but thy servant is I occu- pied i in thy I statutes. 24 For thy testimonies are I my de- 1 light : and I — I my I counsellors. 1 1 Verses 23 to 3: 1 HiNDLE. '^^ ^)~ =D— -z= — ^ hr^— ^ Dec. a Can. 1 ! 1 ' i &^^ -4^ 1=^ s* — 'r^—^ -^■... 0dh^- LI UJ MY soul clSaveth I to the I dust : O quicken thou m6 ac- I -cording I to thy I word. 26 I have acknowledged my ways and thou I heardest I me : O* I teach i me thy 1 statutes. 27 Make me to understand the way of I thy com- I -mandments : and so shall I talk I of thy I wondrous I works. 28 My soul melteth away for I very I heaviness : comfort thou me ac- I -cord- ing I unto ■ thy I word. AdhcEsit pavimento. 29 Take from me the I way of 1 lying : and cause thou me to make I much I of thy I law. 30 I have chosen the I way of I truth : and thy judgements I have I I laid be- I fore me. 31 I have stuck I unto monies : O' I Lord con- I not. 32 I will run the way of I thy com- I mandments : wh6n thou hast I set my I heart at 1 liberty. • thy I testi- -found me I flO DAY XXV. MORNING. Verses 33 to 40. J J0NE8. PSALM CXIX, m/'lEACH me O Lord, the way I of thy I statutes : and I* shall I keep it I unto • the i end. 34 Give me understanding, and I' shall I keep thy I law : yea I shall keep it I with my I whole I heart. 35 Make me to go in the path of I thy com- I -mandments : for there- I -in is I my de- I -sire. 36 Incline my heart I unto • thy I testimonies : and I not to I covetous- 1 -ness. , — Legem pone. 37 O turn away mine eyes * 16st they be- I hold I vanity : and quicken thou I me in I thy I way. 38 O stablish thy w6rd I in thy 1 ser- vant : that I I may I fear I thee, 39 Take away the rebuke that 1 I am ■ a- I -fraid of : for thy I judgements I are I good. 40 Behold, my delight is in I thy com- I mandments : O* I quicken • me I in thy I righteousness. Verses 41 to 56. Lemon. Et veniat LET thy loving mercy come also finto I me O I Lord : even thy salvation, ac- i -cording I unto • thy I word. 42 So shall I make answer unto I my bias- I -phemers : for my I trust is I in thy I word. 43 O take not the word of thy truth utterly I out of • my I mouth : for my I hope is I in thy I judgements. 44 So shall I alway I keep thy I law : y6a, for I ever I and I ever. super me. 45 And r will I walk at I liberty : ffir I I seek I thy com- I -mandments. 46 I will speak of thy testimonies also * even be- I -fore 1 kings : and I will not I be a- I -shamed. 47 And my delight shall be in I thy com- I -mandments : which I I I have 1 loved. 48 My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments which I I have I loved : and my study shall I be in I thy I statutes Memor esto servi tut. O THINK upon thy servant, as con- I ceriiiag . thy I word : wherein thou hast caused I me to I put my 1 trust. 5c The same is my comfort I in my I trouble : for thyl word hath I quickened Ime. 51 The proud have had me exceed- ingly I in de- I -rision : yet have I not I shrinked I from thy I law. 52 For I remembered thine everlast- mg 1 judgements • O I Lord : and I — re- I ceived I comfort. 53 I am h6rri- I -bly a- I -fraid : for the ungodly I that for- I -sake thy I law. 54 Thy statutes have I been my I songs : jn the I house I of my I pil- grimage. 55 I have thought upon thy Name, O Lord, in the I night- I -season : and have I kept I thy I law. 56 This I I I had-: because I I kept I thy com- I -mandments. DAY XXV. MORNING {continued). 91 ^ .i. J i-! Ji-i Venet 57 to 64. ^ Dr. T. S. Dupuis. W^^^- s n^ ^^ Can. Dfc. i ^- J- .^ ^ sfcsa: =^t=«: ^ 1^:32 r- THOU art my I portion • O I Lord : I have pr6mised to I keep I thy ! law. 58 I made my humble petition in thy presence * with my I whole I heart : O be merciful unto me, ac- 1 -cording] to thy I word. 59 I called mine own ways I to re- I membrance : and turned my I feet I unto . thy I testimonies. 60 I made haste, and prolonged 1 not the I time : to I keeplthy com-1-mandments. Portio mea, Domine. 61 The congregations of the ungodly have I robbed I me : but I' have i not for- I -gotten • thy I law. 62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks I unto I thee : because I of thy i righteous I judgements. 63 I am a companion of all I them that I fear thee : and I keepi thy com- 1 -mandments. 64 The earth, O Lord, is full I of thy I mercy : O' I teach I me thy I statutes. Verses 63 to 72. Charles King. O LORD, thou hast dealt graciously I with thy I servant : ac- I -cording I unto • thy I word. 66 O learn me true under- I -standing* and I knowledge : for 1' have be- I -lieved I thy com- I -mandments. 67 Before I was troubled, I I went I wrong : but now I have I I kept thy I word. 68 Thou art I good and I gracious : O' I teach I me thy 1 statutes. Boiiitatem fecisti. 69 The proud have imagined a I lie a- I gainst me : but I will keep thy command- ments I with my I whole I heart. 70 Their, heart is as I fat as I brawn : but my delight hath I been in I thy I law. 71 It is good for me that I* have 1 been inltrouble : thatll may I learn thylstatutes. 72 The law of thy mouth is dearer I unto I me : than I thousands • of I gold and I silver. DAY XXV. EVENING. Verses 73 to 80. D. PURCELL. i w '--A — ■©)— r H M £ J_^- 1^=^: F.w/THY hands have made me and I fash ioned i me : O give me understanding * that I' may I learn I thy com- I -mandments. F. 74 They that fear thee will be glad I when they I see me : because I have put my I trust I in thy I word. 75 I know, O Lord, that thy I judge- ments • are I right : and that thou of very faithfulness hast I caused • me I to be I troubled. 76 O let thy merciful kindness I be my I comfort : according to thy I word I unto . thy I servant. Manus tuce fecerunt me 'j'j O let thy loving mercies come unto me, that I I may I live : for thy I law is I my de- i -light. 78 Let the proud be confounded * for they go wickedly ab6ut I to de- I -stroy me : but I will be occu- I -pied in I thy com- I -mandments. 79 Let such as fear thee * and have i known thy I testimonies : be I turned I unto I me. 80 O let my heart be sound I in thy I statutes : that I I be I not a- I shamed. 5)2 DAY XXV. EVENING {continued). ^^ ^ Verses 8i (o 88. Dr. Garrbtt. Dec. =rt Can. -J- B=F=E= ^ r PSALM CXIX.— D^/^«7 anima mea. i MY soul hath 16nged for I thy sal- I vation : and I have a good hope be- 1 cause of I thy I word. 82 Mine eyes long sore I for thy I word : saying, O when I wilt thou I comfort I me ? 83 For I am become like a bottle I in the I smoke : yet do I I not for- I -get thy I statutes. 84 How niaiu' are the days 1 of thy I servant : when wilt thou be avenged of I them that I persecute I me ? 85 The proud have digged I pits for I me : which I are not I after • thy I law. 86 A'll thy com- I -mandments • are I true : they persecute me falsely, I O be I thou my I help. 87 They had almost made an end of me up- I -on i earth : but I' for- I -sock not I thy com- I -mandments. 88 O quicken me after thy I loving- I kindness : and so shall I keep the I testi- monies I of thv I mouth. Verses 89 to 96. Dr. T. A. Walmisley. Dec. 5^ AA^ 1 — ' In aternn O l6rD I thy I word : en- I -dureth . for I ever • in I heaven. go Thy truth also remaineth from one generation I to an- 1 -other : thou hast laid the foundationof the I earth and I it a-l-bideth. 91 They continue this day according I to thine I ordinance : for I all things I serve I thee. 92 If my delight had not been I in thy I law : I' should have I perished I in my I trouble. ^i^ w, Dotnine. j 93 I will never forget I thy com- I I mandments : for with them I thou hast I quickened I me. 94 I' am I thine O I save me : for I* have I sought I thy com- I -mandments. 95 The ungodly laid wait for me I to de- I -stro}' me : but I' will con- I -sider I thy I testimonies. 96 I see that all things I come • to an I end : but thy commandment 1 is ex- I ceeding I broad. Verses 97 to 104. ^^P J. TURLB. ^ Dec. ^ =^=^ ^ J i Quomodo dilexi ! LORD, what love have I I unto • thy I law : all the day long I is my I study 1 in it. 98 Thou through thy commandments* hast made me wiser I than mine I enemies : for I they are I ever I with me. 99 I have more understanding I than my I teachers : f6r thy I testimonies I are my I study. 100 1 am wiser I than the I aged : because I I keep I thy com- I -mandments. loi I have refrained my feet from fivery I evil I way : that I I may I keep thy I word. 102 I have not shrunk I from thy I judgements : for I thou I teachest I me. 103 O how sweet are thy words I unto : my I throat : yea sweeter than I honey I unto . my I mouth. 104 Through thy commandments I g6t I under- I -standing : therefore I I hate ail I evil I ways. DAY XXVI. MORNING. 93 Verses 105 to 112. H. Haki:k. w/THY word is a lantern I unto • my I feet : and a I light I unto • my I paths. 106 I have sworn, and am I stedfastly i purposed : to I keep thy f righteous I judgements. 107 I am troubled a- I -bove I measure : quicken me, O Lord, ac- I -cording I to thy I word. 108 Let the free-will-offerings of my mouth please I thee O I Lord : and I teach I me thy I judgements. Lucerna pedibus meis. 109 My soul is alway I in my I band : y€t do I I not for- I -get thy I law. no The ungodly have laid a I snare for I me : but yet I swerved I not from I thy com- I -mandments. 111 Thy testimonies have I claimed as mine herit- I -age for I ever : and why ? they are the very I joy I of my I heart. 112 I have applied my heart to fulfil thy I statutes I alway : even I un- I -to i the I end. Verses 113 to 120. Dr. Armes. I HATE them that imagine I evn 1 things : but thy I law I do I I love. 114 Thou art my de- I -fence and I shield : and my I trust is I in thy I word. 115 Away from I me ye I wicked : I will kSep the com- I -mandments I of my I God. 116 O stablish me according to thy word, that I I may i live : and let me not be disap- I -pointed I of my I hope. 117 Hold thou me up, and I I shall be I Iniqiios odio kabui. ever I in Verses 121 to laS. safe : yea, my delight shall be thy I statutes. 118 Thou hast trodden down all them that depart I from thy I statutes : for they im- I -agine I but de- I -ceit. 119 Thou puttest away all the ungodly of the 1 earth like I dross : therefore I I love I thy I testimonies. 120 My flesh trembleth for I fear of I thee : and I' am a- I -fraid of I thy I judgements. Dr. Greene. I DEAL with the thing that is I lawful and I right : O give me not over I unto I mine op- 1 -pressors. 122 Make thou thy servant to delight in I that which ■ is I good : that the proud I do me I no 1 wrong. 123 Mine eyes are wasted away with i6oking I for thy I health : and for the I word I of thy I righteousness. 124 O deal with thy servant according unto thy I loving I mercy : and I teach I me thy I statutes. Feci judicium. 125 I am thy servant, O grant me I under- I -standing : that I I may I know thy I testimonies. 126 It is time for thee Lord to lay 1 to thine I hand : for they I have de- 1 -stroyed • thy 1 law. 127 For I love I thy com- I -mand- ments ; above I gold and I precious I stone. 128 Therefore hold I straight all I thy com- I -mandments : and all false ways I I utter- I -ly ab- I -hor. #4 DAY XXVI. MORNING {continued). Verses 129 to 144. Rev. T. Helmori Can. ^ ^ ^ PSALM CXIX.— Mirafci7/n. m 1 THY testimonies I are I wonderful : therefore I doth my I soul I keep them. 130 When thy word I goeth I forth : it giveth light and under- I -standing I unto • the I simple. 131 I opened my mouth, and drew I in my I breath : for my delight I was in I thy com- I -mandments. 132 O look thou upon me # and be merciful I unto I me : as thou usest to do unto I those that I love thy 1 Name. 133 Order my steps I in thy I word i and so shall no wickedness have do- 1 minion I over I me. 134 O deliver ine from the wrongful I dealings . of I men : and so shall I I keep I thy com- I -mandments. 135 Shew the light of thy countenance up- I -on thy I servant : and 1 teach I me thy I statutes. 136 Mine eyes gush I out with I water : because men I keep I not thy I law. yustus es, Do'mine. RIGHTEOUS art I thou O I Lord : tation : yet do I not for- I and I true I is thy I judgement. 138 The testimonies that thou I hast com- I -manded : are ex- I -ceeding I righteous • and I true. 139 My zeal hath even con- I -sumed I me : because mine enemies I have for- I gotten • thy I words. 140 Thy word is tried I to the I utter- most : and thy I servant I loveth I it. T41 I am small, and of no I repu- I ^et I thy com- I mandments. 142 Thy righteousness is an ever- I lasting I righteousness : and thy I law I is the I truth. 143 Trouble and heaviness have taken I hold up- I -on me : yet is my de- I -light in I thy com- I -mandments. 144 The righteousness of thy testi- monies is i ever- I -lasting : O grant me under- 1 -standing • and I I shall I live. Clamavi in toto corde meo. 1' .mfl CALL with my I whole I heart : hear me, O L5rd I I will I keep thy I statutes. F. 146 Yea, even unto thee I do I I call : hSlp me, and I I shall I keep thy I testi- monies. 147 Early in the morning do I cry I unto I thee : for in thy I word I is my I trust. 148 Mine eyes pxevSnt the I night- I watches : that I might be I occupied I in thy I words. 149 Hear my voice, O Lord * accord- ing unto thy I loving- I -kindness : quicken me ac- I -cording • as I thou art I wont. 150 They draw nigh that of malice I persecute I me : and are I far I from thy I law. 151 Be thou nigh at I hand O I Lord : for all I thy com- I -mandments • are I true. 152 As concerning thy testimonies » I' have I known long I since : that th6u hast I grounded I them for I ever. DAY XXVI. EVENING {contimtcd). i w s Verses ija to i6o. A. H. Littleton Verses 153 to 160. y. Baknbv, J-^ ^ ^ -^J-^-Jj 1 — r Vide humilitatem. O CONSIDER mine adversity « and de- I -liver I me : for I' do I not for- I -get thy I law. 154 Avenge thou my cause, and de- I liver I me : quicken me, ac- I -cording I to thy I word. 155 Health is far from I the un- 1 -godly : for they re- I -gard I not thy I statutes. 156 Great is thy I mercy • O I Lord : quicken I me as I thou art I wont. 157 Many there are that trouble me, and t persecute I me : yet do I* not I swerve I from thy I testimonies. 158 It grieveth me when I I see the • trans- I -gressors : because they I keep I not thy I law. 159 Consider O Lord, how I love I thy com- I -mandments : O quicken me, according I to thy I loving- I -kindness. 160 Thy word is true from I ever- 1 -last- ing : all the judgements of thy righteous- ness 'Ik en- I -dure for I ever- I -more. I. Verses 161 to 168. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. IL Verses i5i to i63. S Dec. a. ^ :^ izS: ^ -^1 ^ J f^ g i J. Barney. ^^ n^"-^ 22=it m Dec. t% ^ 1 — r PRINCES have persecuted me with- I out a I cause : but my heart standeth in I awe I of thy i word. 162 I am as glad I of thy I word : as 6ne that I findeth I great I spoils. 163 As for lies, I hate I and ab- I -hor them : but thy I law I do I I love. 164 Seven times a day do I I praise I thee : because I of thy I righteous 1 judge- ments. 165 Great is the peace that they have Verse 169 to end. Principes persecuti sunt. and they are I not who I love thy I law of- I -fended I at it. 166 Lord, I have looked for thj' I saving I health : and done I after I thy com- I -mandments. 167 My soul hath I kept thy I testi- monies : and i loved I them ex- I -ceed- ingly. 168 I have kept thy com- I -mand- ments . and I testimonies : for all my I ways I are be- I -fore thee. II. Verse 169 to end. J. Barnby. Dec. , , Can. , ' ' AA ^ H-^^KJ- j Appropinque LET my complaint come before I thee O t Lord : give me understanding, ac- I cording I to thy I word. 170 Let my supplication I come be- I fore thee . deliver me, ac- I -cording I to thy I word. 171 My lips shall speak I of thy I praise : when thou hast I taught I me thy I statutes. 172 Yea, my tongue shall sing 1 of thy I word : for all thy com- I -mandments ■ are I righteous. t deprecatio. 173 Let thine I hand I help me : for I* have I chosen I thy com- I -mandments. 174 I have longed for thy saving ! health O I Lord : and in thy 1 law is I my de- I -light. 175 O let my soul live, and I it shall I praise thee : and thy I judgements 1 shalll help me. 176 I have gone astray like a sheep I that is I lost : O seek thy servant * for I do not for- I -get I thy com- I -mandments. 96 DAY XXVII. MORNING. Rev. E. J. Beckwith. I PSALM CXX, '/»/> WHEN I was in trouble I called up- I on the I Lord : and I — he I heard I me. 2 Deliver my soul, O Lord, from I lying I lips : and I from • a de- I -ceitful I tongue. 3 What reward shall be given or done unto thee, thou I false I tongue : even mighty and sharp arrows, with I hot I burning I coals. ~Ad Dominitm. 4 Woe is me, that I am constrained to I dvve'l with I Mesech : and to have my habitation a- I -mong the ! tents of I Kedar. 5 My soul hath long I dwelt a • mong I them : that are I enemies I unto I peace. 6 I labour for peace » but when I speak unto I them there- I -of : they I make them I ready • to I battle. J. TURLE, PSALM CXXl.—Levavi oculos. mf I WILL lift up mine eyes I unto the I hills : from I whence I cometh ■ my help. 2 My help cometh even I from the Lord : who hath I made I heaven and earth. 3 He will not suffer thy foot I to be moved : and he that I keepeth . thee will not I sleep. 4 Behold, he that I keepeth I Israel shall I neither I slumber • nor I sleep. 5 The Lord himself I is thy I keeper : the Lord is thy defence up- I -on thy I right I hand ; 6 So that the sun shall not bum i thee by I day : neither the I moon I by I night. 7 The Lord shall preserve thee from I all I evil : yea, it is even he I that shall 1 keep thy I soul. 8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out * and thy I coming I in : from this time I forth for I ever- I -more. From Beethoven. PSALM CXXII mf I WAS glad when they said I unto I i me : We will go into the I house I of the I Lord, j 2 Our feet shall stand I in thy I j gates : O' I — Je- I -rusa- I -lem. 3 Jerusalem is built I as a I city : that Is at I unity I in it- I -self. 4 For thither the tribes go up * even the tiibes 1 of the I Lord : to testify unto Israel » to give thanks unto the I Name I of the 1 Lord. 5 For there is the I seat of I judge- ment : even the s6at I of the I house of] David. . — Latatus stint. 6 O pray for the peace I of Je- I rusalem : they shall I prosper • that I love I thee. 7 Peace be with- I -in thy I walls : and plenteous- I -ness with- i -in thy I palaces. 8 For my brethren and com- I panions' I sakes : I' will I wish I thee pros- I -perity, ^ 9 Yea, because of the h6use of the 1 Lord our I God : I' will I seek to I do thee I good. DAY XXVII. MORNING (continued). 97 Ur. Garrett. mp UNTO thee lift I I up mine I eyes : O th6u that I dvvellest I in the I heavens. 2 Behold, even as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters * and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand I of her 1 mistress : even so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God * until I he have I mercy • up- I -on us. PSALM CXXIII. — Ad te levavi octilos meos. 3 Have mercy upon us, O L6rd, have I mercy • up- I -on us : for w6 are I utter- I -ly de- I -spised. 4 Our soul is filled with the scorn- ful reproof I of the I wealthy : and with the de- I -spiteful • ness 1 of th© proud. PSALM CXXIV.- mp IF the Lord himself had not been on our side * now may I Israel I say : If the Lord himself had not been on our side, when 1 men rose I up a- I gainst us ; 2 They had swallowed I us up I quick : when they were so wrathful- I -ly dis- I -pleased I at us. 3 Yea, the waters had I drowned i us : and the stream had I gone I over • our I soul. Nisi quia Dotninus. 4 The deep waters i of the 1 proud r had gone I even I over • our I soul. nif 5 But praised I be the I Lord : who hath not given us over f6r a I prey I unto • their I teeth. 6 Our soul is escaped * even as a bird out of the snare I of the I fowler : the snare is broken, I and we I are de- 1 -livered. the I Lord and I earth. who hath I made I heaven :=Ld: Rev. J. Troutbeck. ^sm SE =F W Can. J- 1 PSALM CXXV, w/THEY that put their trust in the Lord shall be even as the I mount I Sion : which may not be removed, but I standeth I fast for I ever. 2 The hills stand a- I -bout Je- I rusalem ; even so standeth the Lord round about his people * from this time I forth for I ever- I -more. 3 For the rod of the ungodly cometh — Qui conjidunt. not into the lot I of the I righteous : lest the righteous put their I hand I unto I wickedness. 4 Do I well O I Lord : unto those that are I good and I true of 1 heart. 5 As for such as turn back unto their i own I wickedness : the Lord shall lead them forth with the evil-doers * but peace shall I be up- I -on I Israel. 98 DAY XXVII. EVENING. J. TURLB. PSALM CXXVI.— /« convertendo. F.;;//WHEN the Lord turned again the captivi- I -ty of i Sion : then were we like I unto I them that 1 dream. F. 2 Then was our m6uth I filled • with I laughter : and our I tongue I with I joy. 3 Then said they a- I -mong the I heathen : The Lord hath I done great I things for I them. 4 Yea, the Lord hath done great things for I us al- I -ready : where- I -of I we re- I -joice. 5 Turn our captivity I O I Lord : ass the I rivers I in the I south. 6 Thfey that I sow in I tears : shall I reap I in I joy. ^ 7 He that now goeth on his way weeping * and beareth I forth good I seed : shall doubtless come again with joy, and I bring his I sheaves I with him. Sir J. Goss. PSALM CXXVIL— Ms* Dominus. mf EXCEPT the L6rd I build the I house : their labour I is but I lost that I build it. 2 Except the L6rd I keep the I city : the watchman I waketh I but in I vain. 3 It is but lost labour that ye haste to rise up early » and so late take rest, and 6at the I bread of I carefulness : for so he giveth I his be- I -loved I sleep. 4 Lo, children and the frGit I of the I womb : are an heritage and gift that 1 cometh I of the I Lord. 5 Like as the arrows in the hand I of the I giant : even so I are the I young I children. 6 Happy is the man that hath his quiver I full of I them : they shall not be ashamed when they speak with their I enemies I in the 1 gate. PSALM CXXVIIL— Bea<; omtus. m/ BLESSED are all they that I fear the I Lord : and I walk I in his I ways. 2 For thou shalt eat the labours I of thine I hands : O well is thee, and I happy I shalt thou I be. 3 Thy wife shall bg as the I fruitful I long vine : up6n the I walls I of thine I house. 4 Thy children like the I olive- I branches : r6und I — a- 1 -bout thy I table. 5 Lo, thus shall the I man be i blessed : that I fear- I -eth the I Lord. 6 The Lord from out of Sion shall I so I bless thee : that thou shalt see Jerusalem in prosperity I all thy I life I ^ 7 Yea, that thou shalt s5e thy I children's I children : and I peace up- I on I Israel. DAY XXVII. EVENING (continued). 99 J. TURLB. mp MANY a time have they fought against me from my I youth I up : may I Israel I now I say. 2 Yea, many a time have they vexed me fr6m my I youth I up : but they have I not pre- I -vailed • a- I -gainst me. 3 The plowers pl6wed up- I -on my I back : and I made I long I furrows. 4 But the I righteous I Lord : hath hewn the snares of the un- I -godly I in I pieces. 5 Let them be confSunded and I PSALM CXXlX.—Sape expugnaverunt. turned I backward evil I will at I Sion. as many as have I 6 Let them be even as the grass growing up- I -on the I house-tops : which withereth afore I it be I plucked I up. 7 Whereof the mower filleth I not his I hand : neither he that bindeth I up the I sheaves his I bosom. 8 So that they who go by * say not so much as, The Lord I prosper i you : we wish you good luck in the I Name I of the I Lord. J. TuRLE, from PURCELL. PSALM CXXX.— D^ profundis. p OUT of the deep have I called unto I thee, O I Lord : Lord I hear I my I voice. 2 O let thine 6ars con- I -sider I well : thS I voice of I my com- I -plaint. 3 If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is I done a- i -miss : O Lord I who I may a- I -bide it ? 4 For there is I mercy • with I thee : therefore I shalt I thou be I feared. 5 I look for the Lord ; my s6ul doth I fn his 1 word i is my I wait for I him trust. 6 My soul fleeth I unto . the I Lord : before the morning watch, I say, be I fore the I morning I watch. 7 O Israel, trust in the Lord * for with the Lord I there is I mercy : and with I him is I plenteous • re- I -demption. 8 And he shall re- I -deem I Israel : firfim I ail I his I sins. PSALM CXXXl.—Domine, non est. p LORD, I am I not high- I -minded : I' have I no I proud I looks. 2 I do not exercise myself in I great I matters : which I are too i high for I me. 3 But I refrain my soul, and keep it low * like as a child that is weaned I from his I mother : yea, my soul is 6ven I as a I weaned I child. 4 O Israel, trust I in the I Lord : from this time I forth for I ever- I -more. 100 DAY XXVIII. MORNING VerifS I toy. Dr W. B. Gilbert. PSALM CXXXII. mf LORD, re- I -member I David : and I all I his I trouble ; 2 How he sware 1 unto • the I Lord : and vowed a vow unto tlie Al- I -mighty I God of I Jacob ; 3 1 will not come within the taber- nacle I of mine I house : nor I climb up I into • my I bed ; 4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, nor mine I eye-lids • to I slumber : neither the temples of my head to I take I any I rest; 5 Until I find out a place for the temple I of the I Lord : an habitation for the I mighty I God of I Jacob. 6 Lo, we heard of the I same at I Ephrata : and I found it I in the I wood. 7 We will go into his I taber- I -nacle : and fall low on our I knees be- I -fore his I footstool. 8 Arise, O L6rd I into . thy I resting- place : thou and the I ark I of thy I strength. 9 Let thy priests be I clothed • with I righteousness : and let thy I saints I sing with I joyfulness. ID For thy servant I David's I sake : turn not away the I presence • of I thine A- I -nointed. -Memento, Domine. 11 The Lord hath made a faithful 6ath I unto I David : and he I shall not I shrink I from it. 12 Of the fruit I of thy I body : shall I I set up- I -on thy I seat. 13 If thy children will keep my cove- nant * and my testimonies that I I shall I learn them : their children also shall sit upon thy I seat for I ever- I -more. 14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an habitation I for him- 1 -self : h6 hath I longed I for I her. 15 This shall be my 1 rest for I ever : here will I dwell * for I I have • a de- I light there- I -in. 16 I will bless her I victuals • with I increase : and will satis- I -fy her I poor with I bread. 17 I will deck her I priests with I health : and her saints I shall re- I -joice and I sing. 18 There shall I make the horn of I David • to I flourish : I have ordained a \ lantern • for I mine A- I -nointed. 19 As for his enemies » I shall cl6the 1 them with I shame : but upon hims61f 1 shall his I crown I flourish. Dr. R. Woodward. PSALM CXXXIIL— iicc^-, quam bonum ! mf BEHOLD, how good and joyful a I I and went down to the I skirts I of his • thing it I is : brethren, to I dwell to- I clothing. gether • in I unity ! 3 Like as the I dew of I Hermon ^, 2 It is like the precious ointment | which fell up- I -on the I hill of I Sion. ■ upon the head * that ran down I unto • j 4 For there the Lord I promised • the I beard : even unto Aaron's beard « i his I blessing : and I life for I ever- I -more. -Eccc nunc. 3 Lift up your hands I in the PSALM CXXXIV. »»/ BEHOLD, now I praise the I Lord : 3 Lift up your hands I in the I sane- fill ye I servants I of the I Lord ; tuary : and I praise I — the I Lord. 2 Ye that by night stand in the | 4 The Lord that made I heaven h6use I of the I Lord : even in the c6uj'ts ! and I earth : give thee I blessing I out of of the I house of I our ' God. ! Sion. DAY XXVIII. MORNING {continued). 101 Lord MORNINOTON. PSALM CXXXY.—Laudate Nomen f O PRAISE the Lord * laud ye the Name I of the I Lord : praise it, O' ye I servants 1 of the I Lord ; 2 Ye that stand in the house I of the I Lord : in the courts of the I house of i our I God. 3 O praise the Lord, for the I Lord is I gracious : O sing praises unto his I Name for I it is I lovely. 4 For v/hy ? the Lord hath chosen Jacob I unto • him- I -self : and I'srael I for his I own pos- I -session. 5 For I know that the I Lord is 1 great : and that our Lord I is a- I -hove all I gods. 6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased * that did he in heaven I and in I earth : and in the sea I and in 1 all deep I places. 7 He bringeth forth the clouds from the €nds I of the I world : and sendeth forth lightnings with the rain * bringing the I winds I out of • his I treasures. 8 He smote the 1 first-born • of I Egypt : both of I man I and I beast. 9 He hath sent tokens and wonders into the midst of thee, O* thou I land of I Egypt : upon I Pharaoh • and I all his I servants. lo He smote I divers I nations : and I slew I mighty I kings; 11 Sehon king of the Amorites * and O'g the I king of I Basan : and I all the I kingdoms ■ of I Canaan. 12 And gave their land to I be an t heritage : even an heritage finto I Isra- I el his I people. 13 Thy Name, O L6rd, en- I -duretli for I ever : so doth thy memorial, O Lord * from one gener- I -ation I to an- 1 -other. 14 For the Lord will a- I -venge his ! people : and be I gracious I unto • his I servants. 15 As for the images of the heathen « they are but I silver • and I gold : th6 I work of I men's I hands. 16 They have I mouths and I speak not : eyes I har«*they I but they I see not. 17 They have ears, and 1 yet they I hear not : neither is there any I breath I in their I mouths. 18 The)' that make them are like I unto I them : and so are all th6y that I put their I trust in I them. ig Praise the Lord, ye I house of I Israel : praise the 1 Lord ye I house of I Aaron. 20 Praise the Lord, ye I house of I Levi : ye that fear the 1 Lord I praise the I Lord. lart. 21 Praised be the L6rd I out of I Sion : wh6 I dwelleth I at Je- 1 -rusalera. 102 DAY XXVIII. EVENING. T. PURCELL. II. ^te ^ P S :^ ^ ^ J. TURL» Dec. 9r- a4 Can. m^ I'.fO GIVE thanks unto the L6rd, for I he is I gracious : and his I mercy • en- I -dureth • for I ever.* F 2 O give thanks unto the G6d of I all I gods :f6r his I mercy -en- 1 -dureth .for I ever. 3 O thank the Lord of I all I lords : f6r his I mercy • en- I -dureth • for I ever. 4 Who only I doeth • great I wonders : f6r his I mercy • en- I -dureth • for i ever. 5 Who by his excellent wisdom I made the I heavens : for his I mercy • en- I dureth • for I ever. 6 Who laid out the earth a- I -bove the I waters : f6r his I mercy • en- I -dureth • for I ever. 7 Who hath made I great I lights : f6r his I mercy . en- I -dureth . for I ever. 8 The sun to I rule the I day : for his I mercy • en- I dureth • for I ever. 9 The moon and the stars to govern • the I night : for his I mercy en- I -dureth • for I ever. 10 Who smote E'gypt I with theirl first born : for his I mercy • en- 1 -dureth- for I ever, 11 And brought out I'srael I from a- I -mong them : for his I mercy • en- dureth • for I ever. 12 With a mighty hand, and I stretch ed-out I arm : for his I mercy . en- dureth . for I ever. 13 Who divided the Red Sea in I two parts : for hislmercy • en-ldureth -forlever 14 And made Israel to go through the midst of I it : for his I mercy • en- dureth • for I ever. r PSALM CXXXYl.—Co7tfitemiHi. ^ f6r f6r for 15 But as for Pharaoh and his host * he overthrew them in the I Red I Sea : f6r his I mercy . en- I -dureth . for I ever. 16 Who led his people I through the I wilderness : for his I mercy • en- 1 -dureth- for I ever. 17 Who smote I great I kings : his I mercy • en- I -dureth • for I ever- 18 Yea, and slew I mighty I kings his I mercy • en- I -dureth • for I ever 19 Sehon king I of the I Amorites his I mercy • en- I -dureth - for I ever ; 20 And O'g the I king of I Basan : f6r his I mercy • en- I -dureth • for I ever *,; 21 And gave away their land I for an ii heritage : for his I mercy • en- I dureth -j for I ever. ; 22 Even for an heritage unto I'sra- 1 -el! his I servant : for his I mercj' - en- I -dureth •< for 1 ever. 23 Who remembered us when we I were in I trouble : for his I mercy • en dureth - for I ever- 24 And hath delivered us I from our li enemies : for his I mercy • en- I -dureth for i ever. 25 Who giveth f6od to I all I flesh for his I mercy - en- I -dureth • for I ever 26 O give thanks unto the I God of i heaven : for his 1 mercy - en- I -dureth for I ever. 27 O give thanks unto the I Lord of lords : for his I mercy - en- I -dureth • for ever. The second part of each verse to be sung full. T. PURCELL. II. fff^ _u ■■ I -^ — 1- =?^ — T A r 1 1 c? tF- 1 #J -^ , r — ' it= -4=^ 1 g> " ^m =u J. TURLB F i r^qp ^ j.a4 AJ. ^ ^ PSALM CXXXVl p BY the waters of Babylon we sat I down and 1 wept : wh6n we re- 1 -membered I thee O I Sion. 2 As for our harps, we I hanged • them I up : up6n the I trees that I are there- I -in. 3 For they that led us away captive 'tk requireo of us then a song and melody I L — Huper Jiumina. in our I heaviness : Sfng us I one • of the songs of I Sion. 4 How shall we sing the I Lord's song : in I — a I strange I land ? 5 If I forget th6e I O Je- I -rusalem 16t my right I hand for- I -get her cunning. ' DAY XXVIII. EVENING (continued). 103 Dongue cleave to the r6of 1 ■-lea, if I prefer not Je- I -r 6 If I do not remember thee * let my of my I mouth rusalem I in my I ^irth, j 7 Remember the children of Edom, O |,ord * in the day I of Je- I -rusalem : how 'ley said, Down with it, down with it I jven I to the I ground. » T 1. T. PURCELL. 8 O daughter of Babylon I wasted • with I misery : yea, happy shall he be that rewardeth thee, as I thou hast I served I us. 9 Blessed shall he be that I taketh • thy I children : and thr6weth I them a- I -gainst the I stones. II. \^^ J. TURLE. m A m t f r ^ s s ^ ^^ m S It ^^ J- r \ PSALM CXXXVI \mf \ WILL give thanks unto thee O ,,6rd, with my I whole I "efore the gods will I sing I heart praise even unto I 2 I will worship toward thy holy Smple, and praise thy Name * because f thy loving- I -kindness • and I truth : for iiou hast magnified thy Name, and thy I jVord a- I -bove I all things. ' 3 When I called upon thee, thou I leardest I me : and enduedst my I soul vith I much I strength. 4 All the kings of the earth shall raise I thee O I Lord : for they have j,6ard the I words I of thy I mouth. 5 Yea, they shall sing in the ways I -r II. — Conjitehor tibi. of the I Lord : that great is the I glory I of the I Lord. 6 For though the Lord be high * yet hath he respect I unto • the I lowly : as for the proud, he beh61deth I them a- I far I off. 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble » yet shalt I thou re- I -fresh me : thou shalt stretch forth thy hand upon the furiousness of mine enemies » and thy I right I hand shall i save me. 8 The Lord shall make good his loving-kindness I toward I me : yea, thy mercy, O Lord endureth for ever * despise not then the works I of thine I own I hands. DAY XXIX. MORNING. m ^ Right Rev. Bishop Turton. m r-r :=z==S= \f 1^=2= PSALM CXXXIX. mf O LORD, thou hast searched me I ut and I known me : thou knowest my own-sitting and mine uprising * thou Jmderstandest my I thoughts 1 long be- 1 -fore. 2 Thou art about my path, and a- I )out my i bed : and I spiest • out I all ny I ways. 3 For lo, there is not a word I in my i ongue : but thou, O Lord I knowest it I to- I -gether. 4 Thou hast fashioned me behind I ind be- 1 -fore : and I laid thine I hand .p. I -on me. 5 Such knowledge is too w6nderful — Domine, probasti. and I excellent I ior me : I cannot at- I tain I unto I it. 6 Whither shall I go then I from thy I Spirit : or whither shall I I go then 1 from thy I presence ? 7 If I climb up into heaven I thou art I there : if I go down to hell I thou art I there I also. 5 If I take the wings I of the I morning : and remain in the uttermost 1 parts I of the I sea ; 9 Even there also shall I thy banc} I lead me : and I thy right I hand shall I hold me. 104 DAY XXIX. MORNliNG (continued). Right Rev. Bishop Turton. 10 If I say, Peradventure the dark- ness shall I cover I me : then shall my I night be i turned • to 1 day. 11 Yea, the darkness is no darkness with thee « but the night is as clear I as the I day : the darkness and light to I thee are I both a- I -like. 12 For my I reins are I thine : thou- hast covered me I in my I mother's I womb. 13 I will give thanks unto thee * for I am fearfully and wonder- I -fully I made : marvellous are thy works * and that my I soul I knoweth • right I well. 14 My bones are not I hid from I thee : though I be made secretly # and fashioned be- I -neath I in the I earth. 15 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet I being • im- I perfect : and in thy D6ok were I all my I members I written ; 16 Which day by I day were I fash- ioned : when as yet I there was I none of I them. 17 How dear are thy counsels unto me O I God : O how great I is the I sun; of I them ! 18 If I tell them * they are more ic number I than the I sand : when I wak«i up I I am I present • with I thee. 19 Wilt thou not slay the I wicked O I God : depart from me, ye I blood- thirsty I men. 20 For they speak unrighteous- I -Ij a- I -gainst thee : and thine enemies take thy I Name in I vain. 21 Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate I thee : and am not I grieved witt those that I rise I up a- I -gainst thee ? 22 Yea, I hate I them right I sore : evec as I though they I were mine I enemies. 23 Try me O God, and seek th< ground I of my I heart : prove me, I anc ex- I -amine • my I thoughts. 24 Look well if there be any way of wickedness I in me : and lead me in the way I ever- I -lasting. J. Barnbv PSALM CXL.- mp DELIVER me O Lord, from the I evil I man : and preserve me I from the I wicked ! man. 2 Who imagine mischief I in their I hearts : and stir up strife I all the 1 day I long. 3 They have sharpened their tongues 1 like a I serpent : adder's I poison • is I under • their I lips. 4 Keep me C) Lord, from the hands of I the un- I -godly : preserve me from the wicked men * who are purposed to I over- I -throw my I goings. 5 The proud have laid a snare for me * and spread a net a- I -broad with I cords : yea, and set I traps I in my I way. e I said unto the Lord, Th6u I art my I God : hear the voice I of my I prayers O 1 Lord. 7 O Lord God, thou strength I of my 1 health : thou hast covered my head I Ir. the I day of I battle. Eripe me, Dominc. i ] 8 Let not the ungodly have his de- 1 I sire O I Lord : let not his mischievoiii imagination prosper, I lest they I be too proud. 9 Let the mischief of their own lip fall upon the I head of I them : that compass I me a- I -bout. 10 Let hot burning coals I fall up- on them : let them be cast into the fir(? and into the pit * that they never I rise up a- I -gain. 11 A man full of words shall na prosper up- I -on the I earth : evil sha hunt the wicked I person • to I over- throw him. 12 Sure I am that the L6rd will a- venge the I poor : and maintain the cause I of the I helpless. ^13 The righteous also shall giv; thanks I unto • thy I Name : and the jfia shall con- I -tinue I in thy I sight. '^ DAY XXIX. EVENING. 106 p. FUSSELL. ' 11- rj rJim^ Dr. E. G. Monk.. I I -^- J. r 3Si ^ &i m -^ ^ m PSALM CXLI. — Domine, clarnavi. I.ot/iLORD, I call upon thee » haste theel nto I me : and consider my voice when I I cry 1 unto 1 thee. F. 2 Let my prayer be set forth in thy I'ght I as the I incense : and let the lifting ip of my hands I be an I evening 1 sacri- I'ce. 3 Set a watch, O Lord, be- I -fore |iy I mouth : and keep the I door I of my I ps. 4 O let not mine heart be inclined to ijny I evil I thing : let me not be occupied 1 ungodly works with the men that work I'ickedness » lest I eat of such I things s I please I them. 5 Let the righteous rather I smite |ie I friendly : and I — re- I -prove I oe. 6 But let not their precious balms I break my I head : yea, I will pray I yet a- I -gainst their I wickedness. 7 Let their judges be overthrown in I stony I places : that they may hear my I words for I they are I sweet. 8 Our bones lie scattered be- I -fore the I pit : like as when one breaketh and heweth 1 wood up- I -on the I earth. 9 But mine e5'es look unto thee, O i Lord I God : in thee is my trust, O I casi not I out my I soul. 10 Keep me from the snare that they have I laid for I me : and from the traps I of the I wicked I doers. 11 Let the ungodly fall into their own t nets to- I -gether : and let I me I ever • es- I -cape them. I. Dr. RiMBAULT ^-^ ^n - J- te: ^ J. Foster. PSALM CXLII. — Voce men ad Dominum. \nf I CRIED unto the Lord I with my I j'oice : yea, even unto the Lord did I I 'inake my I suppli- I -cation. 2 I poured out my com- I -plaints ',)e- I -fore him : and I shewed • him I of my I trouble. I 3 When my spirit was in heaviness Ihou I knewest • my I path : in the way vherein I walked have they privily 1 laid \ I snare for I me. 4 1 looked also upon my I right ! land : and saw there was I no man 1 that vould I know me. 5 I had no place to I flee I unto : and no man 1 cared I for my I soul. 6 I cried unto thee, O I Lord and [ said : Thou art my hope * and my portion in the I land I of the I living. 7 Consider I my com- I -plaint : for I* am I brought I very I low. 8 O deliver me I from my I perse- cutors : for they I are too I strong for I me. 9 Bring my soul out of prison * that I may give thanks 1 unto • thy I Name : which thing if thou wilt grant me * then shall the righteous re- I -sort I unto • my ! company. 106 I. DAY XXIX. EVENING (continued) PSALM CXLIII. mp HEAR my prayer O Lord * and con- sider I my de- I -sire : hearken unto me for thy I truth and I righteousness' I sake. 2 And enter not into judgement I with thy I servant : for in thy sight shall I no man I living • be I justified. 3 For the enemy hath persecuted my soul * he hath smitten my life i down • to the I ground : he hath laid me in the dark- ness, « as the men that I have been I long I dead. 4 Therefore is my spirit I vexed • with- I -in me : and my I heart with- I -in me . is I desolate. 5 Yet do I remember the time past « I muse upon I all thy i works : yea, I exer- cise myself in the I works I of thy I hands. 6 I stretch forth my hands I unto I thee : my soul gaspeth unto thee I as a I thirsty I land. 7 Hear me O Lord, and that soon # — Domine, exatidi. for my spirit I waxeth I faint : hide not thvi face from me * lest I be like unto them,- that go I down ! into • the I pit. 8 O let me hear thy loving-kindness betimes in the morning * for in thee I \\ my I trust : shew thou me the way that Ij should walk in » for I lift up my I soul unto I thee. 9 Deliver me, O Lord I from mine enemies : for I flee I unto I thee to I hide me. 10 Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee » for thou I art my I God let thy loving Spirit lead me f5rth I into the I land of I righteousness. 11 Quicken me O Lord, for thy I Name's I sake : and for thy righteousnessi sake bring my I soul I out of I trouble. 12 And of thy goodness I slay mine enemies : and destroy all them that vej my soul, for I I am 1 thy 1 servant DAY XXX. MORNING. Dr. R. Woodward mf BLESSED be strength : who teacheth my hands to war I and my I fingers • to I fight ; 2 My hope and my fortress, my castle and deliverer * my defender in I whom I I trust : who subdueth my people I that is I under I me. PSALM CXl.\V .—Benedictus Dominus. the I Lord my I 3 Lord, what is man * that thou has such respect I unto I him : or the son o man * that thou I so re- I -gardest I him 4 Man is like a I thing of I nought his time passeth a- I -way I like a shadow. DAY XXX. MOKNING {continued). 107 5 Bow thy heavens O Lord, and I come I down : touch the I mountains • and I they shall I smoke. 6 Cast forth thy I lightning • and 1 tear them : shoot out thine I arrows I and con- I -sume them. 7 Send down thine hand I from a- I hove : deliver me, and take me out of the great waters * from the I hand of I strange I children ; 8 Whose mouth I talketh • of I vanity : and their right hand is a I right 1 hand of I wickedness. 9 I will sing a new song unto I thee O I God : and sing praises unto thee upon a I ten- I -stringed I lute. lo Thou hast given victory I unto I kings : and hast delivered David thy ser- vant from the I peril I of the I sword. 11 Save me, and deliver me from the hand of I strange I children : whose mouth talketh of vanity * and their right hand is a I right I hand • of in- I -iquity. 12 That our sons may grow up as the I young I plants : and that our daughters may be as the polished I corners I of the I temple. 13 That our garners may be full and plenteous with all I manner • of I store : that our sheep may bring forth thou- sands * and ten I thousands I in ourlstreets. 14 That our oxen may be strong to labour * that there be I no de- I -cay : no leading into captivity * and no com- 1 plaining I in our I streets. ^rt 15 Happy are the people that are in I such a I case : yea, blessed are the people who have the I Lord I for their I God. Dr. W. Crotch. PSALM CXLV. —Exaltabo fe, Deus. iiif I WILL magnify thee O I God my I King : and I will praise thy I Name for I ever • and I ever. 2 Every day will I give thanks I unto I thee : and praise thy I Name for I ever • and I ever. 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous » v\orthy I to be I praised : there is no I end I of his I greatness. 4 One generation shall praise thy w5rks I unto • an- I -other : and de- I clare I thy I power. 5 As for me, I will be talking I of thy I worship : thy glory, thy I praise and 1 wondrous I works ; 6 So that men shall speak of the might of thy I marvellous I acts : and I will also I tell I of thy I greatness. 7 The memorial of thine abundant kindness I shall be I shewed : and men shall I sing I of thy I righteousness. 8 The Lord is \ gracious • and I merciful : long-suffering, I and of I great I goodness. 9 The Lord is loving unto I every I man : and his mercy is I over I all hislworks. 10 All thy works praise I thee O I Lord : and thy saints give I thanks I unto I thee. 11 They shew the glory I of thy I kingdom : and I talk I of thy i power; 12 That thy power, thy glory, and mightiness I of thy I kingdom : might be I known I unto I men. 13 Thy kingdom is an Sver- I -lasting I kingdom : and thy dominion en- 1 -dureth • through- I -out all I ages. 14 The Lord upholdeth all I such as I fall : and lifteth up all I those I that are I down. 15 The eyes of all wait upon I thee O I Lord : and thou givest them their I meat in I due I season. 16 Thou openest I thine I hand : and fiUest I all things I living • with I plente- ousness. 17 The Lord is righteous in I all his I ways : and I holy • in I all his I works. 18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that I call up- I -on him : yea all such as I call up- I -on him I faithfully. 19 He will fulfil the desire of I them that I fear him : he also will hear their I cry I and will I help tnem. 20 The Lord preserveth all 1 them that I love him : but scattereth a- I -broad I all ■ the un- 1 -godly. ^rt. 21 My mouth shall speak the praise I of the I Lord : and let all flesh give thanks unto his holy I Name for I ever • and I ever. 108 DAY XXX. MORNING {continued). A Dr. R. Woodward. Dec. 1 I Can. 1 J I , i g^ ga^E ^^ ^^aj PSALM CXLVI.-- «/ PRAISE the Lord, O my soul * while I live will I I praise the I Lord : yea, as long as I have any being * I will sing I praises I unto • my I God. 2 O put not your trust in princes » nor in any I child of 1 man : f6r there is I no I help in I them. 3 For when the breath of man goeth forth * he shall turn again I to his I earth : and then I all his I thoughts I perish. 4 Blessed is he that hath the God of Jficob I for his I help : and whose h6pe is I in the I Lord his I God ; 5 Who made heaven and earth * the sea, and all that I therein I is : wh6 I keepeth • his 1 promise • for I ever ; Latida, anima mea. 6 Who helpeth them to right that I suffer I wrong : wh6 I feed- I -eth the I hungry. 7 The Lord looseth men I out of I prison : the L6rd giveth I sight I to the I blind. 8 The Lord helpeth them I that are I fallen : the L6rd I careth I for the righteous. 9 The Lord careth for the strangers n he defendeth the father- I -less and widow : as for the way of the ungodly, he I turneth • it I upside I down. lo The Lord thy God O Sion, shall be King for I ever- I -more : and through- out I all I gener- I -ations. DAY XXX. EVENING. -i-gj— g-- id= m Dec. T J. Battishill =i A 4 A. m -^^p^ PSALM CXLVIL F./O PRAISE the Lord * for it is a good thing to sing praises I unto • our God : yea, a joyful and pleasant thing it is to I be I thankful. F. 2 The Lord doth build I up Je- rusalem : and gather together the I out- casts of I Israel. 3 He healeth those that are I broken in I heart : and giveth I medicine • to heal their I sickness. 4 He telleth the number I of the stars : and calleth them i all I by their names. 5 Great is our Lord * and great I is his I power : yea, and his I wisdom I is i infinite. 6 The Lord setteth I up the I meek : and bringeth the ung6dly I down I to the I ground. 7 O sing unto the L6rd with I thanks- 1 giving : sing praises up6n the I harp 1 unto • our I God. 1 — r ■Laiidate Dominum. 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds * and prepareth rain I for the I earth : and maketh the grass to grow upon the mountains * and herb I for the I use of I men. 9 Who giveth fodder I unto ■ the ' cattle : and feedeth the y6ung I ravens . that I call up- I -on him. 10 He hath no pleasure in tb.e strength I of an I horse : neither delighteth I he in I any • man's I legs. 11 But the Lord's delight is in I them that I fear him : and put their I trust I in his I mercy. 12 Praise the Lord I O Je- I -rusalem : praise thy I God I O I Sion. 13 For he hath made fast the bars I of thy I gates : and hath I blessed • thy I children • with- I -in thee. 14 He maketh peace I in thy I borders : and flUeth thee 1 with the I flour of ' wheat. DAY XXX. EVENING {continued). 109 15 He sendeth forth his command- ment up- I -on I earth : and his word I runneth I very I swiftly. 16 He giveth I snow like I wool : and scattereth the I hoar- I -frost like I ashes. 17 He casteth forth his I ice like I morsels : who is able I to a- I -bide his I frost? 18 He sendeth out his word, and I melteth I them : he bloweth with his wind I and the I waters I flow. 19 He sheweth his word I unto I Jacob : his statutes and ordinances I unto ' Isra- I -el. 20 He hath not dealt so with I any I nation : neither have the heathen I knowledge I of his I laws. ). Battishill. PSALM CXLVIII.- O PRXiSE the I Lord of I heaven : praise I — him I in the I height. 2 Praise him, all ye I angels • of I his : praise I — him I all his I host. 3 Praise him, I sun and I moon : praise him, I all ye I stars and 1 light. 4 Praise him, I all ye I heavens : and ye waters that I are a- 1 -hove the 1 heavens. 5 Let them praise the Name I of the I Lord : for he spake the word, and they were made * he commanded, i and they I were ere- I -ated. 6 He hath made them fast for I ever • and 1 ever : he hath given them a law I which shall 1 not be I broken. 7 Praise the Lord up- i -on I earth : ye I dragons • and 1 all I deeps ; -Laiidate Dominiim. 8 Fire and hail I snow and I vapours : wind and I storm ful- I -filling- his I word; 9 Mountains and I all ! hills : fruitful I trees and I all I cedars ; 10 Beasts and 1 all 1 cattle : worms I — and I feathered I fowls ; 11 Kings of the earth and I all I people : princes and all I judges I of the I world ; 12 Young men and maidens, old men and children * praise the Name I of the I Lord : for his Name only is excellent * and his praise a- I -bove I heaven and I earth. 13 He shall exalt the horn of his people * all his I saints shall I praise him I even the children of Israel » even the I people • that I serveth I him. J. TURLE. PSALM CXLIX. / O SING unto the Lord a I new I song : let the congre- I -gation ■ of I saints I praise him. 2 Let Israel rejoice in I him that I made him : and let the children of Sion be I joyful I in their I King. 3 Let them praise his Name I in the I dance : let them sing praises unto I him •vith i tabret . and I harp. 4 For the Lord hath pleasure I in his 1 people : and I helpeth • the i meek- I hearted. — Cantate Domino. 5 Let the saints be I joyful • with I glory : let them re- I -joice I in their ! beds. 6 Let the praises of God be I in their I mouth : and a two-edged I sword I in their I hands ; 7 To be avenged I of the I heathen • and i to re- I -buke the I people; 8 To bind their 1 kings in I chains : and their I nobles • with I links of I iron. 9 That they may be avenged of them I as it • is I written : Such I honour • have ' all his I saints no DAY XXX. EVENING {continued). F^^=^ p— 1- 1 /-J V-TZf- — u —7r>~- \ !- J. Barnbt. ^=^ ^ L_=_ — -r— r -1 1 Dec. C.i«. 1 1 ■GEh % ^- 1 -^= n — "^ — 1 - — 7r^ — ^ J^.. — K -4— -1 — ~ — '- -s — ^ PSALM CL. — Laudate Doininmn ffO PRAISE G6d I in his 1 holiness : praise him in the I firmament I of his 1 power. 2 Praise him in his I noble I acts : praise him according I to his I excellent I greatness. 3 Praise him in the sound I of the I trumpet : praise him up- I -on the I lute and I harp. 4 Praise him in the I cymbals • and I dances : praise him up- I -on the I strings and I pipe. 5 Praise him upon the well- I -tuned I cymbals : praise him up- I -on the I loud i cymbals. F. 6 Let every thing I that hath I breath' praise I I — the I Lord. DAY XXXI. MORNING. Dr. BoYOE. w/ BLESSED be the I Lord my I strength : who teacheth my hands to war I and my I fingers . to I fight ; 2 My hope and my fortress, my castle and deliverer * my defender in I whom I I trust : who subdueth my people I that is I under I me. 3 Lord, what is man « that thou hast such respect I unto I him : or the son of man * that thou I so re- I -gardest I him ? 4 Man is like a I thing of I nought : his time passeth a- 1 -way I like a I shadow. 5 Bow thy heavens O Lord, and I come I down : touch the I mountains • and I they shall I smoke. 6 Cast f6rth thy I lightning • and I tear them : shoot out thine I arrows I and con- I -sume them. 7 Send down thine hand I from a- I bove : deliver me, and take me out of the great waters * fr6m the I hand of I strange I children ; 8 Whose mouth I talketh • of I vanity : and their right hSnd is a 1 right I hand of I wickedness. PSALM QXl^W.—Bencdictus Dumintis. 9 I will sing new song unto I thee O I God : and sing praises unto thee upon a I ten- I -stringed I lute. 10 Thou hast given victory I unto i kings : and hast delivered David thy ser- vant from the 1 peril I of the I sword. 11 Save me, and deliver me from the hand of I strange I children : whose mcuth talketh of vanity » and their right hand is a I right I hand • of in- I -iquity. 12 That our sons may grow up as the I young I plants : and that our daughters may be as the polished I corners I of the I temple. 13 That our garners may be full and plenteous with all I manner • of I store : that our sheep may bring forth thou- sands * and ten I thousands I in our I streets. 14 That our oxen may be strong to labour * that there be I no de- I -cay : no leading into captivity * and n6 com- I plaining I in our I streets. *rt. 15 Happy are the people that are in 1 such a I case : yea, blessed are the people who have the I Lord ! for their I God. DAY XXXI. MORNING {continued). J. Battishill. in w/I WILL magnify thee O I God my I King : and I will praise thy I Name for I ever • and I ever. 2 Every day will I give thanks I unto I thee : and praise thy I Name for 1 ever . and t ever. 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous * worthy i to be I praised : there is no I end I of his I greatness. 4 One generation shall praise thy works I unto • an- I -other : and de- 1 clare 1 thy I power. 5 As for me, I will be talking I of thy I worship : thy glory, thy I praise and I wondrous I works ; 6 So that men shall speak of the might of thy I marvellous I acts : and I will also I tell I of thy I greatness. 7 The memorial of thine abundant kindness I shall be 1 shewed : and m6n shall 1 sing I of thy 1 righteousness. 8 The Lord is I gracious • and I mer- ciful : long-suffering, I and of I great I goodness. 9 The Lord is loving unto I every I man : and his mercy is I over I all his I works. ID All thy works praise I thee O I Lord : and thy saints give I thanks I unto I thee. II They shew the glory I of thy I kingdom : and 1 talk I of thy ! power; PSALM CXLV. —Exaliabo te, Deus. i ^ ^ ^ 12 That thy power, thy glory, and mightiness I of thy I kingdom : might be I known i unto I men. 13 Thy kingdom is an ever- I -lasting I kingdom : and thy dominion en- I -dureth. through- I -out all I ages. 14 The Lord upholdeth all I such as I fall : and hfteth up all I those 1 that are I down. 15 The eyes of all wait upon I thee O I Lord : and thou givest them their I meat in I due I season. 16 Thou openest I thine I hand : and fillest I all things I living . with I plente ousness. 17 The Lord is righteous in I all his I ways : and I holy • in I all his I works. 18 The Lord is nigh unto all th€m that I call up- I -on him : yea all such as I call up- I -on him I faithfully. ig He will fulfil the desire of I them that I fear him : he also will hear their I cry I and will I help them. 20 The Lord preserveth all 1 them that I love him : but scattereth a- 1 -broad I all • the un- I -godly. 21 My mouth shall speak the praise I of the I Lord : and let all flesh give thanks unto his holy I Name for I ever • and 1 ever. Dr. W. Turner. Can. rff^ A. =^ i=^ PSALM CXLVI mj PRAISE the Lord, O my soul * while I live will I I praise the I Lord : yea, as long as I have any being * I will sing I praises I unto • my I God. 2 O put not your trust in princes * nor in any I child of I man : for there is I no I help in I them. 3 For when the breath of man goeth forth * he shall turn again I to his I earth : and then I all his I thoughts I perish. 4 Blessed is he that hath the God of Jacob I for his I help : and whose hope is I in the I Lord his I God ; 5 Who made heaven and earth * the sea, and all that I therein I is : wh6 I keepeth • his I promise • for I ever ; — Lmida, anima niea. 6 Who helpeth them to right that I suffer I wrong : wh6 I feed- I -eth the I hungry, 7 The Lord looseth m6n I out of I prison : the Lord giveth I sight I to the I blind. 8 The Lord helpeth th6m I that are 1 fallen : the Lord I careth I for the I righteous. 9 The Lord careth for the strangers * he defendeth the father- I -less and I widow : as for the way of the ung6dly, he I turneth • it I upside I down. 10 The Lord thy God O .Sion, shall be King for I ever- ! -more : and through- out I all I gener- I -ations. 112 DAY XXXI. EVENING. Right Rev. Bishop Tortom. PSALM CXhVll.—Laudate Dominum. F./O PRAISE the Lord * for it is a good thing to sing praises I unto • our I God : yea, a joyful and pleasant thing it I is to I be I thankful. F. 2 The Lord doth build I up Je- I rusalem : and gather together the I out- I casts of I Israel. 3 He healeth those that are I broken • in I heart : and giveth I medicine • to I heal their I sickness. 4 He telleth the number I of the I stars : and calleth them I all I by their I names. 5 Great is our Lord « and gr6at I is his 1 power : yea, and his I wisdom I is I infinite. 6 The Lord setteth I up the I meek : and bringeth the ungodly I down I to the I ground. 7 O sing unto the Lord with I thanks- I -giving : sing praises upon the I harp I unto • our I God. 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds * and prepareth rain I for the I earth : and maketh the grass to grow upon the mountains » and herb I for the I use of I men. 9 Who giveth fodder I unto • the I cattle : and feedeth the young I ravens • that I call up- 1 -on him. 10 He hath no pleasure in the strdagth I of an I horse : neither delighteth I he in I any • man's I legs. 11 But the Lord's delight is in I them that I fear him : and put their I trust I in his I mercy. 12 Praise the Lord I O Je- I -rusalem : praise thy I God I O I Sion. 13 For he hath made fast the bars I of thy I gates : and hath I blessed • thy I children • with- I -in thee. 14 He maketh peace I in thy I borders : and filleth thee I with the I flour of I wheat. 15 He sendeth forth his command- ment up- I -on I earth : and his word I runneth I very I swiftly. 16 He giveth I snow like I wool : and scattereth the I hoar- I -frost like I ashes. 17 He casteth forth his I ice like I morsels : who is able I to a- I -bide liis I frost ? 18 He sendeth out his word, and I melteth 1 them : he bloweth with his wind I and the I waters I flow. ig He sheweth his word I unto I Jacob : his statutes and ordinances I unto I Isra- I -el. 20 He hath not dealt so with I any I nation : neither have the heathen I know- ledge I of his I laws. J. TORLB. PSALM CXLVin. /O PRilSE the I Lord of 1 heaven : praise I — him I in the I height. 2 Praise him, all ye I angels • of I his : praise I — him I all his I host. 3 Praise him, i sun and I moon : prSise him, I all ye I stars and I light. 4 Praise him, I all ye 1 heavens : and ye waters that I are a- I -hove the I heavens. -Laudate Dominum. 5 Let them praise the Name I of the I Lord : for he spake the word, and they were made * he commanded, I and they I were ere- I -ated. 6 He hath made them fast for I ever* and I ever : he hath given them a law I which shall i not be I broken. 7 Praise the L6rd up- I -on I eartll : y£ 1 dragons • and I all I deeps ; DAY XXXI. EVENING (continued). 113 8 Fire and hail I snow and I vapours : wind and I storm ful- I -filling • his I word ; 9 Mountains and I all I hills : fruitful I trees and I all I cedars ; ID Beasts and ; all I cattle : w6rms I — and I feathered 1 fowls ; II Kings of the earth and I all I people : princes and all I judges I of the I world ; 12 Young men and maidens, old men and children * praise the Name I of the I Lord : for his Name only is excellent » and his praise a- I -bove I heaven and 1 i earth, pj;^ 13 He shall exalt the horn of his people * all his I saints shall I praise him : even the children of Israel * even the ) people . that I serveth I him. rfl=Pr- 1 — \- -^ g? -^ — , — 1 — u -^ — :-i- Dr. RiMBAULT. 1 — ^ — tn — ' v\) — ^ — Dec. H — A "1 — p?2- Can. -^ — 1 -- ^1 ^ II »ts ^ -1 -1 — ' L=^ r r 1 II PSALM CXhlX.—Cantate Domtno. /O SING unto the Lord a I new I song : let the congre- I -gation • of I saints I praise him. 2 Let Israel rejoice in I him that i made him : and let the children of Sion be 1 joyful I in their I King. 3 Let them praise his Name I in the I dance : let them sing praises unto I him with I tabret • and I harp. 4 For the Lord hath pleasure I in his I people : and I helpeth . the I meek- I hearted. 5 Let the saints be I joyful • with I glory : let them re- 1 -joice I in their I beds» 6 Let the praises of God be I in their I mouth : and a two-edged I sword I in their I hands ; 7 To be avenged I of the I heathen : and I to re- I -buke the I people ; 8 To bind their I kings in I chains : and their I nobles • with I links of I iron. 9 That they may be avenged of them I as it • is I written : Such I honour • have I all his I saints. p. Humphreys. PSALM CL. — Laudate Dominum. ffO PRAISE God I in his I holiness : praise him in the I firmament I of his I power. 2 Praise him in his I noble I acts : praise him according I to his I excellent I greatness. 3 Praise him in the s6und I of the I trumpet : praise him up- I -on the I lute and I harp. 4 Praise him in the I cymbals . and I dances : praise him up- I -on the I strings and I pipe. 5 Praise him upon the well- 1 -tuned I cymbals : praise him up- I -on the I loud I cymbals. F. 6 Let every thing I that hath I breath t praise I I — the I Lord. PROPER PSALMS ON CERTAIN DAYS. FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. MORNING. ¥^ Rev. W. Tucker. -r^-- g ^ ^ r- ^ Can. -^-T-^'-^- PSALM VIII. — Doinine. Dominus noster. f O LORD our Governour * how excel- lentis thy Name inlallthelvvorld : thou that hast set thy I glory • a- 1 -hove the I heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and suckhngs hast thou ordained strength * because I of thine I enemies : that thou mightest still the I enemy" I and ■ the a- i -venger. 3 For I will consider thy heavens * even the wfirks I of thy I fingers : the moon and the stars I which thou I hast or- I -dained 4 What is man, that th6u art I mind- ful • of I him : and the s6n of man I that thou I visitest I him ? 5 Thou madest him 16wer I than the I angels : to crown I him with I glory • and I worship. 6 Thou makest him to have dominion of the works I of thy I hands : and thou hast put all things In sub- ! -jection I under • his I feet ; 7 A'll I sheep and I oxen : yea and the I beasts I of the I field; 8 The fowls of the air, and the fishes I of the I sea : and whatsoever walketh ihroueh the I paths I of the I seas, 9 O' I Lord our I Governour : how excellent is thy I Name in I all the I world ! FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. MORNING {continued). 115 y\ gg Kersa i to 6. Rev. C. A. Wickes. ^ ^~5 ;j ^ 1 1 Verses 7 to 15. Sir George Eivbt. Dec. 1^ .-J 1 o ll-^-Ls ^§^ IJp^lgji I' £)«c. Can. ^i? ^ L — \ — y — jj — Li — _i^i ^w^-^ ^ — 1 [-^ r r ^ y i P^'ers^ 16 to end. ^ Dr. E. G. Monk. X=P ^ ^ J I -i "^i Can. Dec. ^^ S 1 — r PSALM L. — Deiis deorutn. /THE Lord, even the most mighty I God hath I spoken : and called the world, from the rising up of the sun * unto the I going I down there- I -of. 2 Out of Sion hath I God ap- I peared : in 1 per- I -feet I beauty. 3 Our God shall come and shall I not keep I silence : there shall go before him a consuming fire * and a mighty tempest shall be I stirred • up I round a- I -bout him. 4 He shall call the heaven I from a- I -bove : and the earth, that I he may I judge his I people, 5 Gather my saints together I unto I me : those that have made a cove- I -nant with I me with I sacrifice. 6 And the heavens shall de- I -clare his I righteousness : for I God is I judge him- I -self. 7 Hear, O my people and I I will I speak : I myself will testify against thee O Israel » for I am God I even I thy I God. 8 I will not reprove thee because of thy sacrifices * or for thy I burnt- I -offer- ings : because they I were not \ alway • be- I -fore me. 9 I will take no bullock I out of- thine I house : n6r I he-goat i out of • thy I folds. 10 For all the beasts of the I forest • are I mine : and so are the cattle up- I -on a I thousand I hills, III know all the fowls up- I -on the I mountains : and the wild beasts of the I field are I in my I sight. 12 If I be hungry, I' will I not tell I thee : for the whole world is mine, and I all that I is there- I -in. 13 Thinkest thou that I will I eat bulls' I flesh : and I drink the I blood of I goats ? 14 Offer unto God 1 thanks- I -giving : and pay thy vows I unto • the I most I Highest. 15 And call upon me in the 1 time of I trouble : so will I hear thee and I thou shalt I praise I me. 16 But unto the ungodly I said I God : Why dost thou preach my laws * and takest my I covenant i in thy I mouth ; 17 Whereas thou hatest to I be re- I formed : and hast I cast my I words be- I hind thee ? 18 When thou sawest a thief * thou consentedst I unto I him : and hast been par- I -taker I with • the a- I -dulterers. 19 Thou hast let thy I mouth speak I wickedness : and with thy tongue thou hast 1 set I forth de- I -ceit. 20 Thou satest, and spakest a- I -gainst thy I brother : j'ea, and hast slandered thine I own i mother's I son. 21 These things hast thou done, and I held my tongue * and thou thoughtest wickedly that I am even such a one I as thy- I -self : but I will reprove thee * and set before thee the I things that I thou hast I done, 22 O consider this, ye that for- I -get I God : lest I pluck you away » and there be none I to de- I -liver I you. 23 Whoso oflfereth me thanks and praise he I honoureth I me : and to him that ordereth his conversation right will I I shew the • sal- I -vation • of I God. IIG FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. EVENING. W, Russell. .Alternative Chant. Henry Lawbs. ^=^^^=d ^ a:^=tg ^ =??: J- 'd- ■f - rs* ^ 3==t r- PSALM XCVI.— Canfafc Domino. f O SING unto the L6rd a I new I song : sing unto the L6rd I all the 1 whole I earth. 2 Sing unto the L6rd and I praise his I Name : be telling of his sal- 1 -vation • from I day to I day. 3 Declare his honour I unto • the i heathen : and his wonders I unto I all I people. 4 For the Lord is great * and cannot w6rthi- I -ly be I praised : he is m6re to be I feared • than I all I gods. 5 As for all the gods of the heathen, I they are • but I idols : but it is the I Lord that I made the I heavens. 6 Glory and worship I are be- I -fore him : power and I honour • are I in his I sanctuary. 7 Ascribe unto the Lord * O ye kindreds I of the I people : ascribe unto the L6rd 1 worship I and I power. 8 Ascribe unto the Lord the honour due I unto • his I Name : bring presents and I come I into . his I courts. 9 O worship the Lord in the 1 beauty • of I holiness : let the whole earth I stand in I awe of I him. 10 Tell it out among the heathen that the I Lord is I King : and that it is he wha hath made the round world so fast » that it cannot be moved ♦ and how that h6 shall I judge the I people I righteously. 11 Let the heavens rejoice and let the I earth be I glad : let the sea make a noise, and I all that I therein I is. 12 Let the field be joyful and I all that • is I in it : then shall all the trees of the wood re- I -joice be- I -fore the I Lord. ^ 13 For he cometh, for he cometh to I judge the I earth : and with righteousness to judge the w6rld and the I people I with his I truth. FIRST SUM DAY IN ADVENT. EVENING {continued). 117 Sir G. A. Macfarren. Chakles Kmoi PSALM XCVIl.—Dominus regnavit. / THE Lord is King * the earth may be I glad there- I -of: yea, the multitude of the isles i may be I glad there- I -of. 2 Clouds and darkness are I round a- I -bout nim : righteousness and judge- ment are the habit- I -ation I of his I seat. 3 There shall gt a I fire be- I -fore him : and bum up his 1 ene • mies on I every I side. 4 His lightnings gave shine I unto ♦ the I world : the Sarth I saw it . and I was a- I -fraid. 5 The hills melted like wax * at the presence I of the I Lord : at the presence of the Lord I of the I whole I earth. 6 The heavens have de- I -clared • his I righteousness : and all the I people • have I seen his I glory. 7 Confounded be all they that wor- ship carved images * and that delight in I vain I gods : worship I him I all ye I gods. 8 Sion heard of it I and re- I -joiced : and the daughters of Judah were glad * because of thy I judgements I O ) Lord. 9 For thou Lord, art higher than alj that are I in the I earth : thou art exalted I far a- I -bove all I gods. 10 O ye that love the Lord « see that ye hate the thing I which is I evil: the Lord preserveth the souls of his saints ¥k he shall deliver them fr6m the I hand of I the un- I -godly. 11 There is sprung up a light I for the I righteous : and joyful gladness for I such as 1 are true- I -hearted. 12 Rejoice in the I Lord ye I righteous : and give thanks * f6r a re- I -membrance ! of his I holiness. lis CHRISTMAS DAY. MORNING Dr. E. G. MoNB.. PSALM XlX.—Cceli enarrant. THE heavens declare the I glory . of I God : and the firmament" I sheweth • his I handy- I -work. 2 One day I telleth • an- I -other : and one night I certi- I -fieth • an- I -other. 3 There is neither I speech nor I language : but their I voices • are I heard a- I -mong them. 4 Their sound is gone 6ut into I all I lands : and their words into the I ends I of the I world. 5 In them hath he set a tabernacle I for the I sun : which cometh forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber * and re- joiceth as a I giant • to I run his I course. 6 It goeth forth from the uttermost part of the heaven » and runneth about unto the end of I it a- I -gain : and there is nothing hid I from the I heat there- I of. 7 The law of the Lord is an un defiled law, con- I -verting • the I soul : the testi- mony of the Lord is sure * and giveth I wisdom I unto • the I simple. 8 The statutes of the Lord are right and re- 1 -joice the I heart : the command- ment of the Lord "is pure » and giveth I light I unto . the I eyes. 9 The fear of the Lord is clean and en- I -dureth • for I ever : the judgements of the Lord are true, and I righteous I alto- I -gether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold * yea than I much fine I gold : sweeter also than I honey I and the I honey- comb. 11 Moreover, by them is thy I servant I taught : and in keeping of them I there is I great re- I -ward. mp 12 Who can tell how I oft • he of- I fendeth : O cleanse thou me I from my I secret I faults. 13 Keep thy servant also from pre- sumptuous sins * lest they get the do minion I over I me : so shall I be unde- filed, and innocent I from the I great of- I fence. 14 Let the words of my mouth « and the meditation I of my I heart : be alway ac- I ceptable I in thy I sight, 15 O'l — I Lord : my I strength and I my re- I -deemer. Vtrses I to to. Rev. Sir F. Ouseley. i 1 ^f==^ Vers ; 11 tc end. Sir G. I V MACPyi i 1 RREN. .£2. 'J 1 1 rfi ^ r ^ PSALM XLV. — Eructavit cor tneutn. mf MY heart is inditing of a I good I matter : I speak of the things which I' have 1 made I unto • the I King. 2 My tongue I is the I pen : 6f I — a I ready I writer. 3 Thou art fairer thSu the I children • of I men : ful* of grace are thy lips * be- cause G6d hath I blessed I thee for I ever. 4 Gird thee with thy sword upon thy thieh O I thou most I Mighty : acc6rding to thy I worsnip I and re- I -nown. 5 Good luck have thou I with thine I honour : ride on, because of the word of truth » of meekness and righteousness « and thy right hand shall I teach thee I terrible I things. CHRISTMAS DAY. MORNING (continued). 119 6 Thy arrows are very sharp ^* and the people shall be subdued I unto I thee : even m the midst a-l-mong the I King's I enemies. 7 Thy seat, O God en- I -dureth • for 1 ever : the sceptre of thy kingdom I is a I right I sceptre. 8 Thou hast loved righteousness and I hated • in- I -iquity : wherefore God, even thy God * hath anointed thee with the oil of I gladness ■ a- I, -bove thy I fellows. q All thy garments smell of myrrh I aloes • and I cassia : out of the ivory palaces * whereby I they have I made thee I glad. 10 Kings' daughters were among thy honour- I -able I women : upon thy right hand did stand the queen in a vesture of gold * wrought a- I -bout with I divers I colours. 11 Hearken, O daughter, and con- sider, in- I -cline thine I ear : forget also thine own people I and thy I father's I house. 12 So shall the King have pleasure I in thy \ beauty : for he is thy Lord God, and I worship I thou I him. 13 And the daughter of Tyre shall be there I with a I gift : like as the rich also among the people * shall make their I suppli- I -cation • be- 1 -fore thee. 14 The King's daughter is all glori- I ous with- I -in : her clothing I is of I wrought I gold. 15 She shall be brought unto the King in I raiment • of I needlework : the virgins that be her fellows shall bear her com- pany * and shall be I brought I unto I thee. 16 With joy and gladness shall I they be I brought : and shall enter I into • the I King's I palace. 17 Instead of thy fathers thou I shalt have I children : whom thou mayest make I princes • in I all I lands. 18 I will remember thy Name from one generation I to an- I -other : there- fore shall the people give thanks unto thee I world with- I -out I end. ^ ^ J. TURLE. :^ tfe r^ ^ i:^ r PSALM LXXXV.—Benedixisti, Domine. mp LORD, thou art become gracious I unto • thy I land : thou hast turned away the cap- I -tivi- I -ty of I Jacob. 2 Thou hast forgiven the offence I of thy I people : and I covered I all their I sins. 3 Thou hast taken away all I thy dis- I -pleasure : and turned thyself from thy I wrathful I indig- I -nation. 4 Turn us then O I God our I Saviour : and let thine I anger I cease I from us. 5 Wilt thou be displeased at I us for I ever : and wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one gener- I -ation I to an- I -other ? 6 Wilt thou not turn again, and I quicken I us : that thy people I may re- 1 joice in I thee ? 7 Shew us thy I mercy • O I Lord : and I grant us I thy sal- I -vation. 8 I will hearken what the Lord God will say con- I -cerning I me : for he shall speak peace unto his people and to his saints * that they I turn I not a- I gain. 9 For his salvation is nigh I them that I fear him : that glory may I dwell I in our I land. 10 Mercy and truth are I met to- I gether : righteousness and I peace have I kissed • each I other. 11 Truth shall flourish I out • of the 1 earth : and righteousness hath I looked I down from I heaven. 12 Yea, the Lord shall shew I loving- I kindness : and our I land shall I give her I increase. 13 Righteousness shall I go be- I -fore him : and he shall direct his 1 go'ng I in the I way. 120 CHRISTMAS DAY. EVENING. Verses i to 19. Dr. P. Haybs. Q , . .i_ ^enei 20 fo '!■. 1 G. Woodward. , 1 1 «) .g =i^S c? —G' — f^ (S< — S- m tM^ ^ 1 1 r^ pfe 1 \ 1 1 1 1 ■ : -IS>- -P- 1 Verse 37 to end. Dr. E. G. MOKK 4-^ R^-;HfHH- 1 J -^l^^^i^ «j m=^ \^^-\^-' ir Mr^t^ PSALM LXXXIX.— Miimcor^f/as Domini. F.iiif MY song shall be alway of the loving- kindness I of the I Lord : with my mouth will I ever be shewing thy truth # from 6ne gener- I -ation I to an- I -other. F. 2 For I have said, Mercy shall be s6t I up for I ever : thy truth shalt thou I stablish I in the I heavens. 3 I have made a covenant I with my I chosen : I have sworn I unto I David • my I servant ; 4 Thy seed will I ! stablish • for I ever : and set up thy throne from one gener- I -ation I to an- I -other. 5 O Lord, the very heavens shall praise thy 1 wondrous I works : and thy truth in the c6ngre- I -gation I of the I saints. 6 For who is he a- I -mong the I clouds : that shall be com- I -pared I unto • the I Lord ? 7 And what is h6 a- I -mong the I gods : that shall be I like I unto • the I Lord? 8 God is very greatly to be feared in the c6uncil I of the I saints : and to be had in reverence of all them I that are I round a- I -bout him. 9 O Lord God of hosts ♦ who is I like • unto I thee : thy truth, most mighty L6rd I is on I every I side. 10 Thou rulest the raging I of the 1 sea : thou stillest the waves there- I -of when I they a- I -rise. 11 Thou hast subdued Egypt « and de- I -stroyed I it : thou hast scattered thine enemies abroad I with thy I mighty I arm. 12 The heavens are thine, the earth I also • is I thine : thou hast laid the foun- dation of the round world, and I all that I therein I is. 13 Thou hast made the n6rtb I and the I south : Tabor and Hermon shall re- I -joice I in thy I Name. mighty I arm : strong high is I thy right I 14 Thou hast a is thy hand, and hand. 15 Righteousness and equity are the habitation I of thy I seat : mercy and truth shall I go be- I -fore thy I face. 16 Blessed is the people O Lord * that can re- I -joice in I thee : they shall walk in the I light I of thy I countenance. 17 Their delight shall be daily I in thy I Name : and in thy righteousness I shall they I make their I boast. 18 For thou art the glory I of their I strength : and in thy loving-kindness, thou shalt I lift I up our I horns. 19 For the Lord is I our de- I -fence : the Holy One of I Israel I is our I King. 20 Thou spakest sometime in visions unto thy I saints and I saidst : I have laid help upon one that is mighty * I have ex- alted one I chosen I out • of the I people. 21 I have found I David • my I servant : with my holy oil have 1 I a- I -nointed I him. 22 My hand shall I hold him I fast : and my I arm shall I strengthen I him. 23 The enemy shall not be able to I do him I violence : the son of I wickedness I shall not I hurt him. 24 I will smite down his f6es be- I -fore his I face : and I plague I them that I hate him. 25 My truth also and my mercy I shall be I with him : and in my Name shall his I horn I be ex- I -alted. 26 I will set his dominion also I in the I sea : and his I right hand I in the I floods 27 He shall call me. Thou I art my I Father : my G6d I and my I strong sal- I vation. CHRISTMAS DAY. EVENING {continued). 123 28 And I will make I him my I first- bom : higher than the I kings I of thelearth. 29 My mercy will I keep for him for I ever- I -more : and my covenant shall I stand I fast I with him. 30 His seed also will I make to en- I dure for I ever : and his throne I as the I days of I heaven. m/31 But if his children for- I -sake my I law : and I walk not I in my I judgements; 32 If they break my statutes * and keep not I my com- I -mandments : I will visit their offences with the rod I and their I sin with I scourges. 33 Nevertheless, my loving-kindness will I not utterly I take I from him : nor I suffer . my I truth to I fail. 34 My covenant will I not break * nor alter the thing that is gone I out of • my I lips : I have sworn once by my holiness * that r I will not I fail I David. 35 His seed shall en- I -dure for I ever : and his seat is I like • as the I sun be- I fore me. 36 He shall stand fast for evermore I as the 1 moon : and as the I faithful I wit- ness • in I heaven. p 37 But thou hast abhorred and for- saken I thine A- I -nointed : and I art dis- 1 pleased I at him. 38 Thou hast broken the c6venant I of thy I servant : and cast his I crown I to the I ground. 39 Thou hast overthrown I all his I hedges : and 1 broken 1 down his I strong- holds. 40 All they that go I by I spoil him : and he is become a re- I -proach I to his I neighbours. 41 Thou hast set up the right hand I of his I enemies : and made all his I ad- versaries I to re- I -joice. 42 Thou hast taken away the edge I of his I sword : and givest him not ' victory I in the I battle. 43 Thou hast put I out his I glory : and cast his I throne I down • to the I ground. 44 The days of his youth I hast thou I shortened : and I covered • him I with dis- I -honour. 45 Lord, how long wilt thou hide thy- I self for I ever : and shall thy I wrath I burn like I fire ? 46 O remember how short my I time I is : wherefore hast thou made I all I men for I nought ? 47 What man is he that liveth and shall 1 not see I death : and shall he de- liver his soul I from the I hand of '. hell? 48 Lord, where are thy old I loving- ] kindnesses : which thou swarest unto I David I in thy I truth ? 49 Remember Lord, the rebuke that thy I servants I have : and how I do bear in my bosom the re- I -bukes of I many I people ; 50 Wherewith thine enemies have blasphemed thee * and slandered the footsteps of I thine A- I -nointed : Praised be the Lord for evermore. I A- . -men and 1 A- I -men. i ^ -^=^ Rev. Sir F. Ouseley. Se r r^^ ■ 5 ''^ 1 '? ^ ' r^ ^ ■^- -<^- -^ ..^-^J ^ PSALM ex.— Dixit Dominus. w/THE Lord said unto I my I Lord : Sit thou on my right hand » until I make I thine I ene- I -mies thy I foctstoo^ ' 2 The Lord shall send tne roa ot tny 1 p6wer I out of I Sion : be thou ruler * even { in the I midst a- I -mong thine I ene- j mies. I 3 In the day of thy power shall the j people offer thee free-will-offerings » with an I holy I worship : the dew of thy birth \ is 6f the I womb I of the I morning. 4 The Lord sware, and will I not re- 1 pent : Thou art a Priest for ever ♦ after the I order * of Mel- I -chisedech. ■? The L6rd upon I thy right I hand : snail wouna even kings in the I day I of tiis I wrath. 6 He shall judge among the heathen * he shall fill the places with the I dead I bodies : and smite in sunder the heads I over I divers I countries. 7 He shall drink of the br6ok I in the I way : therefore shall he I lift I up his I head. 122 CHRISTMAS DAY. EVENING (continued). Dr. W. B. Gilbert. ' gJ — u__« — I — I — 1 1 — c*^ PSALM CXXXII.— M^m^w^o, Domine. mf LORD, re- I -member I David : and I all I his I trouble ; 2 How he sware I unto • the I Lord : and vowed a vow unto the Al- I -mighty I God of I Jacob; 3 I will not come within the taber- nacle 1 of mine I house : nor I climb up I into • my I bed ; 4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, nor mine I eyelids • to I slumber : neither the temples of my head to I take I any I rest ; 5 Until I find out a place for the temple I of the I Lord : an habitation f6r the I mighty I God of I Jacob. 6 Lo, we heard of the 1 same at I Ephrata : and I found it I in the I wood. 7 We will g6 into his I taber- I -nacle : and fall 16w on our I knees be- I -fore his I iootstool. 8 Arise, O Lord I into • thy 1 resting- place : thou and the I ark I of thy I strength. 9 Let thy priests be I clothed • with I righteousness : and let thy I saints I sing (vith I joy fulness. lo For thy servant I David's I sake ; turn not away the ! presence • of I thine A- I -nointed 11 The Lord hath made a faithful] oath I unto I David : and he I shall not shrink I from it. 12 Of the fruit I of thy I body : shall] I I set up- I -on thy I seat. 13 If thy children will keep my cove- nant * and my testimonies that I I shall I learn them : their children also shall sit upon thy I seat for I ever- I more. 14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an habitation I for him- I -self : h6 hath I longed I for I her. 15 This shall be my I rest for I ever : here will I dwell * for I I have • a de- I hght there- I -in. 16 I will bless her I victuals . with I increase : and will satis- I -fy her I poor with I bread. 17 I will deck her I priests with I health : and her saints I shall re- I -joice and I sing. 18 There shall I make the h6m of I David • to I flourish : I have ordained a I lantern • for I mine A- I -nointed. 19 As for his enemies ik I shall cl6the I them with I shame : but upon himself I shall his I crown I flourish. THE CIRCUMCISION. MORNING. 123 R. CooKB. ^Alternative Chant. J. TURLE. PSALM XL. — Expectans expectavi. mf I WAITED patiently I for the I Lord : and he inclined unto I me and I heard ray I calling. 2 He brought me also out of the hor- rible pit * out of the 1 mire and I clay : and set my feet upon the rock, and I ordered I my I goings. 3 And he hath put a new song I in my I mouth : even a thanks- I -giving I unto • our 1 God. 4 Many shall I see it • and I fear : and shall put their I trust I in the I Lord. 5 Blessed is the man that hath set his hope I in the I Lord : and turned not unto the proud * and to such as I go a- I -bout with I lies. 6 O Lord my God, great are the wondrous works which thou hast done * like as be also thy thoughts which 1 are to I u3-ward : and yet there is no man that 6rdereth I them I unto I thee. 7 If I should declare them and I speak of I them : they should be more than I' am I able I to ex- I -press. 8 Sacrifice and meat-offering thou I wouldest I not : but mine I ears I hast thou I opened. 9 Burnt-offerings and sacrifice for sin * hast thou I not re- I -quired : then I said I I Lo I I come. 10 In the volume of the book it is written of me * that I should fulfil thy win I O my I God : I am content to do it * yea thy law I is with- I -in my I heart. 11 I have declared thy righteousness in the gr6at ! congre- I -gation : lo, I will not refrain my lips O I Lord and I that thou i knowest. 12 I have not hid thy righteousness with- I -in my I heart : my talk hath been of thy truth I and of I thy sal- I -vation. ^ 13 I have not kept back thy loving- I mercy • and I truth : from the I great I congre- I -gation, mp 14 Withdraw not thou thy mSrcyfromI me O I Lord : let thy loving-kindness and thy truth I al- I -way pre- I -serve me. 15 For innumerable troubles are come about me * my sins have taken such hold upon me * that I am not able to I look I up : yea, they are more in number than the hairs of my head ^ and my I heart hath I failed i me. 16 O Lord, let it be thy pleasure tode-l liver 1 me : make ! haste O I Lord to I help me. 17 Let them be ashamed and confound- ed together * that seek after my soul I to de- 1 -stroy it : let them be driven backward « and put to re- I -buke that I wish me I evil. 18 Let them be desolate, and re- I warded • with I shame : that say unto me, Fie up- I -on thee I fie up- I -on thee. 19 Let all those that seek thee be j6y- ful and I glad in I thee : and let such as love thy salvation say alway The I Lord I be I praised. 20 As forme I am , poor and I needy: but the I Lord I careth I for me. 21 Thou art my helper I and re- I deemer : make no long I tarrying I O my I God. 124 THE CIRCUMCISION. MORNING {continued). T. PURCBLL. .Alternative Chant. Rev. F. A. J. Hervbt. PSALM XC. — Dotnine, refugium. P LORD thou hast 1 been our I refuge : from one gener- I -ation I to an- I -other. 2 Before the mountains were brought forth » or ever the earth and the I world were I made : thou art God from ever- lasting and I world with- I -out I end. 3 Thou turnest man I to de- 1 -struc- tion : again thou sayest, Come a- I -gain ye I children • of I men. 4 For a thousand years in thy sight I are but • as I yesterday : seeing that is past as a I watch I in the I night. 5 As soon as thou scatterest them * they are even I as a I sleep : and fade away I suddenly I like the I grass. 6 In the morning it is green and I groweth I up : but in the evening it is cut down I dried I up and I withered. 7 For we consume away in I thy dis- I pleasure : and are afraid at thy I wrath- ful I indig- I -nation. 8 Thou hast set our mis- I -deeds be- I fore thee : and our secret sins in the I light I of thy I countenance. 9 For when thou art angry, all our I days are I gone : we bring our years to an end # as it were a I tale I that is I told. ' ID The days of our age are three-score years and ten * and though men be so strong that they come to I four-score I years : yet is their strength then but labour and sorrow * so soon passeth it a- I -way and I we are I gone. 11 But who regardeth' the power I of thy I wrath : for even thereafter as a man feareth I so is I thy dis- I -pleasure. 12 So teach us to I number • our I days : that we may apply our I hearts I unto I wisdom. 1 3 Turn thee again , O L6rd I at the I last : dnd be 1 gracious I unto • thy I servants. 14 O satisfy us with thy mercy and I that I soon : so shall we rejoice and be glad all the I days I of our I life. 15 Comfort us again » now after the time that thou hast I plagued I us : and for the years wherein I we have I suffered • ad- I -versity. 16 Shew thy I servants • thy I work : and their I children I thy I glory. ^ 17 And the glorious Majesty of the Lord our God I be up- I -on us : prosper thou the work of our hands upon us * O pr6sper 1 thou our I handy- I -work. THE CIRCUMCISION. EVENING. 125 ^S ■^=i=^ i— t- ^--^ S J. TURLB -J 2azi^;r=2 'Ca». ^^=W=^ r r ^ 23=?=: w s ^ ^=^ Dec. Can. ^-i,-J ^^ y PSALM LXV.— rBLESSED is he whose unrighteous- ness I is for- I -given : and whose I sin I is I covered. F. 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord im- I -puteth . no I sin : and in whose I spirit • there I is no I guile. 3 For whilst I I held my I tongue : my bones consumed away I through my I daily • com- I -plaining. 4 For thy hand is heavy upon me I day and I night : and my moisture is I like the I drought in I summer. 5 I will acknowledge my sin I unto I thee : and mine unrighteousness I have I I not I hid. 6 I said T ill confess my sins I unto • the I Lord : and so thou forgavest the I wickedness 1 of my I sin. 7 For this shall every one that is godly make his prayer unto thee * in a time when thou 1 niayest • be I found : but in the great water-floods I they shall I not come I nigh him. 8 Thou art a place to hide me in H thou shalt preserve I me from I trouble : thou shalt compass me about with i songs I of de- I -liverance. 9 I will inform thee, and teach thee in the way wherein I thou shalt I go : and I' will I guide thee I wi^h mine I eye. 10 Be ye not Uke to horse and mule * which have no I under- I -standing : whose mouths must be held with bit and bridle I lest they I fall up- I -on thee. 11 Great plagues remain I for • the un- 1 -godly : but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord * mercy embraceth I him on I every I side. 12 Be glad, O ye righteous * and re- joice I in the I Lord : and be joyful all ye I that are I true of I heart. L 134 ASH WEDNESDAY. MORNING (continued). Rev, C. A. WicKES. t g. _ , 1 , .. , ,-■- ■ ^T^=^==f^= =^=^=^E^^ = ■w,^ -^ . 1 , ..1 1 ' 1 ] F ■■ 1 ■ -«— PSALM XXXVIII.— /> PUT me not to rebuke, O L6rd I in thine I anger : neither chasten me 1 in thy I heavy • dis- I -pleasure. 2 For thine arrows stick ( fast in I me : and thy I hand I presseth • me I sore. 3 There is no health in my flesh * because of I thy dis- I -pleasure : neither is there any rest in my b6nes, by I reason I of my I sin. 4 For my wickednesses are gone I over • my I head : and are like a sore bur- den too I heavy • for I me to I bear. 5 My wounds stink and 1 are cor- I rupt : through I my I foolish- I -ness. 6 I am brought into so great I trouble • and I misery : that I go mourn- ing I all the I day I long. 7 For my loins are filled with a I sore dis- I -ease : and there is no I whole part I in my I body. 8 I am feeble and I sore I smitten : I have roared for the very dis- I -quietness I of my I heart. 9 Lord, thou knowestalllmyde-l-sire: and my gr6aniug I is not I hid from I thee. 10 My heart panteth, my strength hath I failed I me : and the sight of mine I eyes is I gone I from me. 11 My lovers and my neighbours, did stand 16oking up- I -on my I trouble : and my kinsmen I stood a- I -far I off. Domiiie, iie in furore. 12 They also that sought after my ITfe laid I snares for I me : and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickedness * and imagined deceit I all the 1 day I long. 13 As for me, I was like a deaf I man and I heard not : and as one that is dumb, who I doth not I open • his I mouth. 14 I became even as a man that I heareth I not : and in whose I mouth are I no re- I -proofs. 15 For in thee, O Lord have I I put my I trust : thou shalt answer for I me O I Lord my I God. 16 I have required that they, even mine enemies * should not triumph 1 over I me : for when m)' foot slipped i* they re- I -joiced I greatly • a- I -gainst me. 17 And I truly am set I in the I plague : and my heaviness is I ever I in my I sight. 18 For I' will con- I -fess my I wicked- ness : and be I sorry I for my I sin. 19 But mine enemies live I and are i mighty : and they that hate me wr6ng- fully I are I many • in I number. 20 They also that reward evil for g6od I are a- I -gainst me : because I follow the I thing that I good I is. 21 Forsake me not O I Lord my I God : be not I thou I far 1 from me. 22 Haste I thee to I help me : O Lord I God of I my sal- I -vation. ASH WEDNESDAY. EVENING. Dr. S. S. Wesley. $ ir ^ S^^^=^ ^ fr' C I f = - !^ ¥^ ^=W T -si- -^ f^ ^ ": \ \^'^\i.^ \ : '^ '\s ^ t-M — r PSALM CII. — Domine, exaudi. F.inpllEAR my I prayer O I Lord : and 3 For my days are consumed a- I -way let my crying I come I unto I thee. i like I smoke : and my bones are burnt flp I F. 2 Hide not thy face from me in the | as it I were a I fire-brand, time I of my I trouble : incline thine ear' 4 My heart is smitten d6wn^and I unto me when I call * O hear I me and 1 withered • like I grass . so that I' for- I that right I soon. ! get to I eat mv I bread. ASH WEDNESDAY. EVENING [continued). 135 5 For the v6ice I of my i groaning : my bones will scarce 1 cleave I to mv I flesh. 6 I am become hke a pelican I in the I wilderness : and like an owl I that i is I in the I desert. 7 I have watched * and am even as ! it I were a I sparrow : that sitteth a- I ' lone up- I -on the I house-top. S Mine enemies revile me I all the • day I long : and they that are mad upon me are I sworn to- I -gether • a- I -gainst me. 9 For I have eaten ashes I as it • were I bread : and 1 mingled • my 1 drink j with I weeping; | 10 And that because of thine Tndig- I j nation and I wrath : for thou hast taken : nie I up and ! cast me I down. 11 My days are gone i like a I shadow : and I* am I withered I like I grass. 12 But thou, O Lord shalt en- I -dure for i ever : and thj' remembrance through- 'ut ' all I gener- I -ations. 13 Thou shalt arise, and have mercy | up- I -on I Sion : for it is time that thou have merc}' upon her, I j'ea the I time is I come. 14 And wh}' * thy servants think up- 1 on her I stones : and it pitieth them to I see her I in the I dust. 15 The heathen shall fear thy I Name O I Lord : and all the kings I of the I earth thy '. Majesty; 16 When the Lord shall I build up I Sion : and when his I glory I shall ap- I pear; 17 When he turneth him unto the prayer of the I poor I destitute : and de- i spiseth . not I their de- I -sire. 18 This shall be written for those that I come I after : and the people which shall be I born shall I praise the 1 Lord. 19 For he hath looked down I from his I sanctuary : out of the heaven did the I Lord be- I -hold the I earth ; 20 That he might hear the mournings of such as are I in cap- I -tivity ; and de- liver the children ap- 1 -pointed i unto I death ; 21 That the}' may declare the Name of the I Lord in I Sion : and his I worship I at Je- I -rusalem ; 22 When the people are 1 gathered • to- I -gether : and the kingdoms ■ also -to I serve the I Lord. 23 He brought down my strength I in mj' I journey : and I shortened I my i days. 24 But I said * O my God, take me not away in the midst I of mine I age : as for th)' years, thej' endure throughout I all I gener- I -ations. mf 25 Thou, Lord, in the beginning * hast laid the foundation I of the I earth ; and the heavens are the I work of I thy 1 hands. 26 They shall perish, but thou I shalt en- I -dure : they all shall wax I old as I doth a I garment ; 27 And as a vesture shalt thou change them * and they I shall be I changed : but thou art the same, and thy I years 1 shall not I fail. 28 The children of thy servants I shall con- I -tinue : and their seed shall stand I fast I in thy I sight. i ^ J. TURLE from H. PURCELL. ^m ±tt g^ ds ' g p 4-^^^h s 1^^ .^ 11^ W^l ^ y r g ^ PSALM CXXX, p OUT of the deep have I called unto I I thee, O I Lord : Lord I hear I my I voice, j 2 O let thine ears con- I -sider I well : I voice of I my com- I -plaint. 3 If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to ; mark what is I done a- I -miss : O Lord I [who I may a- 1 -bide it ? 4 For there is 1 mercy • with I thee : i [therefore I shalt I thou oe i feared. 5 I look for the Lord ; my soul doth I — De profundis. wait for I him : in his I word 1 is my I trust. 6 My soul fleeth I unto ■ the 1 Lord : before the morning watch, I say, be- I -fore the I morning I watch. 7 O Israel, trust in the Lord * for with the Lord I there is I mercy : and with 1 him is I plenteous • re- I -deinption. 8 And he shall re- I -deem I Israel ; from I all I his I sins. 130 ASH WEDNESDAY. EVENING (contimud). PSALM CXLIII. mp HEAR my prayer O Lord * and con- sider I my de- I -sire : hearken unto me for thy I truth and I righteousness' 1 sake. 2 And enter not into judgement I with thy I servant : for in thy sight shall I no man I living • be I justified. 3 For the enemy hath persecuted my soul * he hath smitten my life I down • to the i ground : he hath laid me in the darkness * as the men that I have been I long I dead. 4 Therefore is my spirit I vexed • with- I -in me : and my I heart with- I -in me • is I desolate. 5 Yet do I remember the time past * I muse upon I all thy I works : yea, I exercise myself in the I works I of thy I hands. 6 I stretch forth my hands I unto I thee : my soul gaspeth unto thee I as a I thirsty I land. 7 Hear me O Lord, and that soon * — Domhie, exaudi. for my spirit I waxeth ! faint : hide not thy face from me * lest I be like unto them that go I down I- into . the i pit. 8 O let me hear thy loving-kindness betimes in the morning * for in thee I is my I trust : shew thou me the way that I should walk in * for I lift up my I soul ' unto I thee. 9 Deliver me, O Lord I from mine 1 enemies : for I flee I unto I thee to I hide me. 10 Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee ♦ for th6u I art my I God ; let thy loving Spirit lead me forth I into . the I land of I righteousness. 11 Quicken me O Lord, for thy I Name's 1 sake : and for thy righteous- ness' sake bring my I soul I out of I trouble. 12 And of thy goodness I slay mine I enemies : and destroy all them that vex my soul, for I I am I thy I servant. THE ANNUNCIATION. MORNING. Verses i to ig. Henry Smart. J I . . . ! r Verses 20 to 36, T. Kelwav Verses 1 to 19, _ Alternative Chants. Dr. P. Hayes. II. Verses 20 to 36. G. Woodward, PSALM l.XXX\X.—Miscricordias Domini. I-'. iii/MY song shall be ahvay of the loving- kuidness 1 of the i Lord : with my mouth will I ever be shewing thy Irutii # from one gener- I -ation I to an- I -other. F. 2 For I have said, Mercy shall be set I up for I ever : thy truth shalt thou I stablish I in the I heavens. 3 I have made a covenant I with my I chosen : I have sworn 1 unto I David • my I servant ; 4 Thy seed will I I stablish • for I ever : and set up thy throne from one gener- I -ation I to an- I -other. 5 O Lord, the very heavens shall THE ANNUNCIATION. MORNING {continued). 337 prSise thy I wondrous 1 works : and thy truth in the c6ngre- I -gation I of the I saints. 6 For who is he a- I -moug the I clouds : that shall be com- I -pared I unto • the 1 Lord ? 7 And what is hS a- I -mong the I gods : that shall be I like I unto • the I Lord? 8 God is very greatly to be feared in the c6uncil I of the I saints : and to be had in reverence of all them I that are 1 round a- I -bout him. 9 O Lord God of hosts * who is I like • unto I thee : thy truth, most mighty L6rd 1 is on I every ! side. 10 Thou rulest the raging I of the I sea : thou stillest the waves there- I -of when I they a- I -rise. 11 Thou hast subdued Eg}-pt * and de- I -stroyed I it : thou hast scattered thine enemies abroad I with thy I mighty I arm. 12 The heavens are thine, the earth I also • is I thine : thou hast laid the foun- dation of the round world, and I all that I therein I is. 13 Thou hast made the north I and the i south : Tabor and Hermon shall re- I -joice I in thy I Name. 14 Thou hast a I mighty I arm : strong is thy hand, and I high is 1 thy right I hand. 15 Righteousness and equity are the habitation I of thy i seat : mercy and truth shall I go be- I -fore thy I face. 16 Blessed is the people O Lord * that can re- I -joice in I thee : they shall walk in the I light I of thy I countenance. 17 Their delight shall be daily I in thy I Name : and in thy righteousness I shall they I make their i boast. iS For thou art the glory I of their I strength : and in thy loving-kindness, thou shalt I hft I up our I horns. 19 For the Lord is I our de- 1 -fence : the H61y One of I Israel I is our I King. 20 Thau spakest sometime in visions (into thy i saints and I saidst : I have laid help upon one that is mighty « I have ex- alted one I chosen I out • of the I people. 21 I have found I David • my 1 servant : with my holy oil have I I a- I -nointed I him. 22 My hand shall I hold him I fast : and my i arm shall I strengthen I him. 23 The enemy shall not be able to I do him I violence : the son of I wickedness I shall not I hurt him. 24 I will smite down his foes be- i -fore his I face : and I plague I them that I hate him. 25 My truth also and my mercy I shall be I with him : and in my Name shall his I horn I be ex- I -alted. 26 I will set his dominion also i in the I sea : and his I right hand I in the 1 floods. 27 He shall call me. Thou 1 art my I Father : my God I and my I strong sal- I vation. 28 And I will make I him my 1 first- born : higher than the I kings I of the I earth. 29 My mercy will I keep for him for I ever- i -more : and my covenant shall I stand I fast I with him. 30 His seed also will I make to en- I dure for I ever : and his throne I as the I days of 1 heaven. mf 31 But if his children for- I -sake my I law : and I walk not I in my I judgements; 32 If they break my statutes » and keep not I my com- I -mandments : I will visit their offences with the rod 1 and their I sin with I scourges. 33 Nevertheless, my loving-kindness will I not utterly I take I from him : nor I suffer . my I truth to I fail. 34 My covenant will I not break * nor alter the thing that is gone I out of • my I lips : I have sworn once by my holiness » that r I will not I fail I David. 35 His seed shall en- I -dure for I ever : and his seat is I like • as the I sun be- I fore me, 36 He shall stand fast for everm6re I as the I moon : and as the I faithful I wit- ness • in I heaven. l>Ji) THE ANWUNCIATION. MORNING (continued). Verse 37 to end. Sir W. Sterndale Bennett. .Alternative Chant. II. $ Verse 37 to end. Dr. E. G. Monk. ^^ ^ 'S^-^ W A. J. -f^— p- ^-^-J- ^ ?=r=^E^ /) 37 But thou hast abhorred and for- saken I thine A- I -nointed : and I art dis- I pleased I at him. 38 Thou hast broken the covenant I of thy I servant : and cast his I crown ! to the I ground. 39 Thou hast overtlirown I all his I hedges: and I broken I down his I strongholds. 40 All they that go I by I spoil him : and he is become a i"e- I -proach I to his I neighbours. 41 Thou hast set up the right hand I of his I enemies : and made all his I ad- versaries I to re- I -joice. 42 Thou hast taken away the edge I of his I sword : and givest him not I victory i in the I battle. 43 Thou hast put I out his I glory : and cast his I throne I down . to the I ground. 44 The days of his yfiuth I hast thou I shortened : and I covered • him I with dis- I -honour. 45 Lord, how long wilt thou hide thy- i self for I ever : and shall thy I wrath I burn like I fire ? 46 O remember how sh6rt my I time I is : wherefore hast thou made 1 all I men for I nought ? 47 What man is he that liveth and shall I not see I death : and shall he de- liver his soul I from the I hand of i hell? 48 Lord, where are thy old I loving- I kindnesses : which thou swarest unto I David I in thy I truth ? 49 Remember Lord, the rebuke that thy ! servants I have : and how I do bear in my bosom the re- I -bukes of I many I people; 50 Wherewith thine enemies have blasphemed thee * and slandered the footsteps of I thine A- I -nointed : Praised be the Lord for evermore, i A- • -men and ' A- I -men. THE ANNUNCIATION. EVENING. 189 i Dr. Staimer. ?^E=B= ^^ ^ 4=^ -^-^- «>— T S>- -f— [^ T f =^ PSALM CXXXI.— Downz^, 7iow «s<. p LORD, I am I not high- I -minded : I' have I no I proud I looks. 2 I do not exercise myself in I great I matters : which I are too I high for I me. 3 But I refrain my soul, and keep it low * like as a child that is w6aned I from his I mother : yea, my soul is even I as a I weaned 1 child. 4 O Israel, trust I in the 1 Lord '. from this time I forth for I ever- I -more. Verses i to 7. Dr. W. B. Gilbert. Verse 8 to end. Sir Robert Stewari . -p-Hrr PSALM Q.XKXU.— Memento, Domine. mf LORD, re- I -member I David : and I all I his I trouble ; 2 How he sware I anto • the 1 Lord : and vowed a vow unto the Al- 1 -mighty I God of I Jacob ; 3 I will not come within the taber- nacle 1 of mine I house : nor I climb up I into • my I bed ; 4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, nor mine I eye-lids • to 1 slumber : neither the temples of my head to i take I any I rest ; 5 Until I find out a place for the temple I of the I Lord : an habitation for the I mighty I God of I Jacob. 6 Lo, we heard of the I same at I Ephrata : and I found it I in the I wood. 7 We will go into his I taber- I -nacle : and fall low on our I knees be- I -fore his I footstool. 8 Arise, O Lord 1 into • thy I resting- place : thou and the I ark I of thy I strength. 9 Let thy priests be 1 clothed • with I righteousness : and let thy I saints i sing with I joyfulness. 10 For thy servant I David's I sake : turn not away the I presence ■ of I thine A- I -nointed. 11 The Lord hath made a faithful oath I unto I David : and he I shall not I shrink I from it. 12 Of the fruit I of thy I body: shall I I set up- I -on th}' I seat. 13 If thy children will keep my cove- nant * and my testimonies that I I shall I learn them : their children also shall sit upon thy i seat for I ever- I -more. 14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an habitation I for him- I -self : he hath I longed I for I her. 15 This shall be my ! rest for here will I dwell * f5r I I have • hght there- I -in. 16 I will bless her I victuals • increase : and will satis- I -fy her with I bread. 17 I will deck her I priests with I health : and her saints 1 shall re- I -joice and i sing. 18 There shall I make the horn of I David . to I flourish : I have ordained a I lantern ■ for I mine A- I -nointed. 19 As for his enemies * I shall clothe I them with I shame . but upon himself . shall his I crown I flourish. I ever : a de- i with I I poor 140 THE ANNUNCIATION. EVENING (continued). J. TURLE. PSALM CXXXVUl.—ConJitebor ttbi. tnf I WILL give thanks unto thee O L6rd, with my I whole I heart : even before the gods will I sing I praise i unto I thee. 2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy Name * because of thy loving- I -kindness- and I truth: for thou hast magnified thy Name, and thy I Word a- 1 -bove I all things. 3 When I called upon thee, thou I heardest I me : and enduedst my I soul with I much I strength. 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise I thee O I Lord : for they have heard the I words I of thy I mouth. 5 Yea, they shall sing in the ways I of the I Lord : that great is the I glory I of the I Lord. 6 For though the Lord be high » yet bath he respect I unto . the I lowly : as for the proud, he beholdeth I them a- 1 far I off. 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble * yet shalt I thou re- I -fresh me : thou shalt stretch forth thy hand upon the furiousness of mine enemies * and thy I right I hand shall I save me. 8 The Lord shall make good his loving-kindness 1 toward I me : yea, thy mercy, O Lord endureth for ever * despise not then the works I of thine I own I hands. GOOD FRIDAY. MORNING. J. Battishill. PSALM XXU.—Deus, Dais mens. F.pMY God, my God, look upon me * why hast thou for- I -saken | me : and art so far from my health » and from the I words of I my com- I -plaint ? F. 2 O my God, I cry in the day-time * but thou I hearest I not : and in the night- season I also . I I take no I rest. 3 And th6u con- I -tinuest I holy : O' I — thou I worship • of I Israel. 4 Our fathers I hoped . in I thee : they trusted in thee and thou I didst de- I liver I them. 5 Tbey called upon thee I and were I holpen : they put their trust in thSe I and were I not con- I -founded. 6 But as for me, I am a worm, and I no ! man : a very scorn of m6n and the I outcast I of the I people. 7 All they that see me * laugh I me to I scorn : they shoot out their lips, and I shake their I heads, I saying, 8 He trusted in God, that he would de- I -liver I him : let him deliver him I if he I will I have him. 9 But thou art he that took me 6ut of my ! mother's I womb : thou wast my hope, when I hanged ySt up I -on my I mother's I breasts. 10 I have been left unto thee ever since I I was I born : thou art my God, even I from my I mother's I womb. 11 O go not from me» for tr6uble is I hard at I hand : and I there is I none to I help me. 12 Many oxen are I come a- I -bout mc : fat bulls of Basan cl6se me I in on I eveiy I side GOOD FRIDAY. MORNING [continued). 141 13 They gape upon me I with their I mouths : as it were a ramping I and a I roaring I lion. 14 I am poured out hke water Ik and all my bones are I out of I joint : my heart also in the midst of my body is I even • like I melting I wax. 15 My strength is dried up like a pot- sherd * and my tongue cleaveth I to my 1 gums : and thou shalt bring me I into • the I dust of I death. 16 For many dogs arc I come a- I bout me : and the council of the wicked I layeth I siege a- I -gainst me. 17 They pierced my hands and my feet ■* I may tell I all my I bones : they stand I staring • and I looking • up- I -on me. 18 They part my I garments • a- I mong them : and cast I lots up- I -on my I vesture. 19 But be not thou far from I me O I Lord : thou art my succour, I haste I thee to ! help me. 20 Deliver my soul I from the I sword : my darling from the I power I of the I dog. 21 Save me from the I lion's I mouth : thou hast heard me also from among the I horns I of the I unicorns. m/22 I will declare thy Name I unto my 1 brethren : in the midst of the congre- I gation I will I I praise thee. /23 O praise the L6rd I ye that I fear him : magnify him all ye of the seed of Jacob* and fear him I all ye I seed of I Israel; 24 For he hath not despised nor ab- horred, the low estate ! of the I poor : he hath not hid his face from him * but when he called I unto I him he I heard him. 25 My praise is of thee in the great I congre- I -gation : my vows will I perfSrm in the I sight of I them that I fear him. 26 The poor shall eat I and be I satis- fied : they that seek after the Lord shall praise him * your I heart shall Hive for I ever. 27 All the ends of the world shall re- member themselves * and be turned I unto • the I Lord : and all the kindreds ot the I nations • shall I worship • be-l-fore him. 28 For the kingdom I is the I Lord's : and he is the Gover- 1 -nour a- I -mong the I people. 29 All such as be I fat up- • -on i earth : have I eaten I and I worshipped. 30 All they that go down into the dust shall I kneel be- I -fore him : and no man hath I quickened • his I own I soul. 31 My I seed shall I serve him : they shall be counted unto the Lord I for a I gener- i -ation. 32 They shall come * and the heavens shall de- I -clare his I righteousness : unto a people that shall be born I whom the I Lord hath I made. Sir J. Goss. g -■i^-J- m ¥r w=^- r gzrn^^»b§J= ^- j-i^ ^ I I ^^ I - - i -J- ^^ ^is- :^^^i^^ ^^^ ifS: mf I WAITED patiently I for the I Lord and he inclined unto I me and I heard my I calling. 2 He brought me also out of the hor- rible pit * out of the I mire and I clay : and set my feet upon the rock, and I ordered I my I goings. 3 And he hath put a new song I in my I mouth : even a thanks- I -giving I unto • our I God. 4 Many shall I see it ■ and I fear: and shall put their I trust I in the I Lord. 5 Blessed is the man that hath set his PSALM XL. — Expectans expectavi. h6pe I in the I Lord : and turnea not unto 1 neart. 7 If I should declare them and I speak of I them : they should be more than r am I able I to ex- I -press. 8 Sacrifice and meat-offering thou I wouldest I not : but mine I ears I hast thou I opened. 9 Burnt-offerings and sacrifice for sin * hast thou I not le- I -quired : then I said I 1 Lo I I conle, 10 In the volume of the book it is written of me * that I should fulfil thy will I O my 1 God : I am content to do it » vea thv ^aw i is with- I -in my I the proud * and to such as I go a- I -bout with I lies. 6 O Lord my God, great are the wondrous works which thou hast done * like as be also thy thoughts which I are to I US-ward : and yet there is no man that ordereth I them I unto I thee. Ill have declared thy righteousness in the ereat I congre- I -gation : lo, I will not refrain my lips O I Lord and I that thou I knowest. 12 I have not hid thy righteousness with- I -in my I heart : my talk hath been of thy truth I and of | thy sal- I -vation. 142 GOOD FRIDAY. MORNING {continued). Sir J. Goss. ^ 13 I have not kept back thy 16ving i mercy • and I truth : fr6m the I great I congre- I -gation. mp 14 Withdraw not thou thy mercy fromi me O I Lord : let thy loving-kindness and thy truth I al- I -way pre- I -serve me. 15 For innumerable troubles are come about me * my sins have taken such hold upon me * that I am not able to I look I up : yea, they are more in number than the hairs of my head » and my I heart hath I failed 1 me. 16 O Lord, let it be thy pleasure to de- I liver I me : make I haste O I Lord to I help me. 17 Let them be ashamed and confound- ed together * that seek after my soul I to de-l-stroyit : let them be driven backward * and put to re- I -buke that I wish me I evil. 18 Let them be desolate, and re- I warded • with I shame : that say unto me, Fie up- I -on thee I fie up- ! -on thee. 19 Let all those that seek thee be j6y- ful and I glad in I thee : and let such as love thy salvation say alway The I Lord I be I praised. 20 As for m€ I am I poor and I needy : but the I Lord I careth I for me. 21 Thou art my helper I and re- ! deemer: makenolongltarryinglOmylGod. $ i =^ ?^^ -^r T Dec. w T V ^ =p= =F PSALM LIV.— D«/<5, in Nomine. mp SAVE me, O God for thy I Name's I sake : and a- I -venge me 1 in thy I strength. 2 Hear my I prayer O I God : and hearken unto the I words 1 of my I mouth. 3 For strangers are risen I up a- I gainst me : and tyrants, which have not God before their eyes I seek I after • my I soul. 4 Behold, G6d 1 is my I helper : tlie Lord is with them I that up- I -hold my I soul. 5 He snail reward evil I unto • mine I enemies : destroy thou I them I in thyltruth. 6 An offering of a free heart will I give thee » and praise thy I Name O Lord : be- I -cause it I is so I comfortable. 7 For he hath delivered me out of i all my I trouble : and mine eye hath s6en his de- I - sire uu- 1 -on mine I cncriues. GOOD FRIDAY. EVENING. 14a Verses i to 12, J. Barnby. Verses 13 to 22. J. TURLE. F. inpSAYK 1 me O I God : for the waters are come in I even I unto • my I soul. F. 2 I stick fast in the deep mire * where no I ground I is : I am come into deep waters * so that the I floods run I over 1 me. 3 I am weary of crying ; my I throat is I dry : my sight faileth me for waiting =0 I long up- I -on my I God. 4 They that hate me without a cause, are more than the hairs I of my I head : they that are mine enemies, and would de- I -stroy me I guiltless . are I mighty. 5 I paid them the things that I I never I took : God, thou knowest my simpleness * and my faults I are not I hid from I thee. 6 Let not them that trust in thee, O Lord God of hosts * be ashamed for I my 1 cause ; let not those that seek thee * be confounded through me O 1 Lord I God of I Israel. 7 And why * for thy sake have I I suffered • re- I -proof : shame hath I covered I my I face. 8 I am become a stranger I unto • my i brethren : even an alien I unto • my I mother's I children. 9 For the zeal of thine house hath even I eaten I me : and the rebukes of them that rebuked I thee are I fallen • up- 1 on me. 10 I wept, and chastened my- I with I fasting : and that was I turned my re- I -proof. 11 I put on I sackcloth I also : they I jested • up- I -on I me. PSALM L,XlX.—Salvtim me fac. 12 They that sit in the gate I speak a- I gainst me : and the I drunkards • make 1 songs up- I -on me. 13 But, Lord, I make my prayer I unto I thee : in I an a c- I -ceptable I time. 14 Hear me, O God, in the multitude I of thy I mercy : even in the I truth of I thy sal- I -vation. 15 Take me out of the mire I that I i sink not : O let me be delivered from them that hate me * and I out • of the I deep I waters. 16 Let not the water-flood drown me ^ neither let the deep I swallow • me I up : and let not the pit I shut her I mouth up- . on me. 17 Hear me O Lord, for thy loving- I kindness • is I comfortable : turn thee unto me according to the I multitude I of thy I mercies. 18 And hide not thy face from thy servant for I I am • in I trouble : O* I haste I thee and I hear me. 19 Draw nigh unto my I soul and I save it : O deliver me be- I -cause of I mine i enemies. 20 Thou hast known my reproof, my shame and I my dis- I -honour : mine adversaries are 1 all in I thy I sight. 21 Thy rebuke hath broken my heart* r am I full of 1 heaviness : I looked for some to have pity on me, but there was no man * neither found I I any • to I com- fort I me. 22 They gave me 1 gall to I eat : and when I was thirsty they gave me I vine- I gar to I drink. -self . to I and 144 GOOD FRIDAY. EVENING (continued). ^^pip^pp Verses 23 to 30. J. TURLE. Kerse 31/0 e«f/. J. TURLB. ^^3^^^=f=t 23 Let their table be made a snare to take them- I -selves with- I -al : and let the things that should have been for their wealth » be unto th6m I an oc- I -casion • of I falling. 24 Let their eyes be blinded, I that they I see not : and ever I bow thou I down their I backs. 25 Pour out thine indig- I -nation • up- I -on them : and let thy wrathful dis- I pleasure • take I hold of I them. 26 Let their habit- I -ation • be 1 void : and n6 man to I dwell I in their I tents. 27 For they persecute him whom I thou hast I smitten : and they talk how they may vex I them whom I thou hast I wounded. 28 Let them fall from one wickedness I to an- I -other : and I not come I into • thy I righteousness. 29 Let them be wiped out of the b6ok I of the I living : and n6t be I written • A- I -mong the I righteous. 30 As for me, when I am poor I and in I heaviness : thy help O I God shall I lift me I up. / 31 I will praise the Name of G6d I with a I song : and magni- I -fy it • with I thanks- I -giving. 32 This also shall I please the I Lord : better than a bullock I that hath I horns and I hoofs. 33 The humble shall consider this I and be I glad : seek ye after G6d I and your I soul shall I live. 34 For the Lord I heareth • the I poor : and de- I -spiseth I not his I prisoners. 35 Let heaven and I earth I praise him : the sea, and I all that 1 moveth ■ there- I -in. 36 For God will save Sion * and build the I cities ■ of I Judah : that men may dwell there, and I have it I in pos- 1 -session, ^rt 37 The posterity also of his servants shall in- I -herit I it : and they that I6ve his 1 Name shall I dwell there- ! -in. i Thomas Tallis. ^. -r^ ^m ^=*^=g .^ PSALM LXXXVIIL— Dowtwe Deus. mp O LORD God of my salvation ^t I have cried day and I night be- I -fore thee : O let my prayer enter into thy presence ♦ incline thine I ear I unto • my I calling. 2 For my s6ul is I full of I trouble : and my life draweth I nigh I unto I hell. 3 I am counted as one of them that go down I into • the I pit : and I have been 6ven as a I man that I hath no I strength. GOOD FRIDAY. EVENING {cuntinned). 145 4 Free among the dead * like unto them that are wounded and lie I in the I grave : who are out of remembrance * and are cut a- i -way I from thy i hand. 5 Thou hast laid me in the I lowest I pit : in a place of I darkness ■ and I in the I deep. 6 Thine indignation lieth I hard up- I on me : and thou hast vexed I me with I all thy I storms. 7 Thou hast put away mine acquaint- ance I far 1 from me : and made me to I be ab- I -horred I of them. 8 r am so I fast in I prison : that I I cannot I get I forth. 9 My sight faileth for I very I trouble : Lord, I have called daily upon thee * I have stretched forth my I hands I unto 1 thee. 10 Dost thou shew wonders a- I -mong the I dead : or shall the dead rise I up a- I -gain and I praise thee ? 11 Shall thy loving - kindness be shewed i in the I grave : 6r thy I faithful- ness I in de- I -struction ? 12 Shall thy wondrous works be known I in the I dark : and thy righteous- ness in the land where I all things I are for- I -gotten ? 13 Unto thee have I I cried O ' Lord : and early shall my I prayer I come be- I fore thee. 14 Lord, why abhorrest I thou my I soul : and h'dest I thou thy I face I from me ? 15 I am in misery * and like unto him that is at the I point to I die : even from my youth up, thy terrors have I suffered I with a I troubled I mind. 16 Thy wrathful displeasure goeth I over 1 me : and the fear of I thee I hath un- I -done me. 17 They came round about me I daily • like I water : and compassed me to- I gether • on I every I side. 18 My lovers and friends hast thou put a- I -way I from me : and hid mine- ac- I -quaintance I out of • my \ sight. EASTER EVEN. MORNING. i ^-^^g Dr. E. G. Monk. W iS: ^ i& .^_!^ ^ ^7^ PSALM IV. — Cum invocarem. jm/HEAR me when I call, O God I of my I righteousness : thou hast set me at liberty when I was in trouble ^ have mercy upon me, and I hearken I unto • my I prayer. 2 O ye sons of men ¥: how long will ye bias- I -pheme mine I honour : and have such pleasure in vanity and I seek I after I falsehood ? 3 Know this also * that the Lord hath chosen to himself the man I that is I godly : when I call upon the I Lord I he ivill I hear me. 4 Stand in I awe and I sin not : com- mune with your own heart ■* and In your I chamber I and be I still. 5 Offer the sacri- I -fice of I righteous- ness : and put your I trust I in the I Lord. 6 There be I many • that I say : Who will I shew us I any I good ? 7 Lord I lift thou I up : the light of thy I counte- I -nance up- I -on us. 8 Thou hast put gladness I in my I heart : since the time that their corn and I wine and I oil in- I -creased. 9 I will lay me down in pSace, and I take my I rest : for it is thou, Lord, 6nly that I makest • me I dwell in 1 safety. 146 EASTER EVEN. MORNING [contmued). A. H. Littleton. PSALM XVl.—Co7iserva me, Domine tnf PRESERVE I me O I God : for in th6e I have I I put my I trust. 2 O my soul, thou hast said I unto • the I Lord : Thou art my God * my goods are I nothing I unto I thee. 3 All my delight is upon the saints that are I in the I earth : and upon I such as • ex- I -eel in I virtue. 4 But they that run after an- I -other I god : shall I have I great I trouble. 5 Their drink-offerings of blood will I I not I ofter : neither make mention of their I names with- I -in my I lips. 6 The Lord himself is the portion of mine inheritance and I of my I cup : thou I shalt main- I -tain my I lot. 7 The lot is fallen unto me in a I fair I ground : yea I I have a I goodly I heritage. 8 I will thank the L6rd for I giving • me I warning : my reins also chasten me I in the I night- I -season. 9 I have set God I always • be- I -fore me : for he is on my right hand 1 there- fore . I I shall not I fall. 10 Wherefore my heart was glad and my I glory • re- I -joiced : my flesh I also • shall I rest in ! hope. 11 For why * thou shalt not leave my I soul in I hell : neither shalt thou suffer thy Holy I One to I see cor- I -rup- tion. 12 Thou shalt shew me the path of life * in thy presence is the I fulness • of I joy : and at thy right hand there is I plea- sure . for I ever- I -more. Sir J. Goss. PSALM XWW.—Fxaudi, Domine. mp HEAR the right O Lord # consider I my com- I -plaint : and hearken unto my prayer * that g6eth not I out of I feigned I lips. 2 Let my sentence come forth I from thy I presence : and let thine eyes look up6n the I thing I that is I equal. 3 Thou hast proved and visited mine heart in the night-season » thou hast tried me, and shall find no I wickedness I in me : for I am utterly purposed that my I mouth shall I not of- I -fend. 4 Because of men's works that are done against the w6rds I of thy I lips : I have kept me from the I ways of I the de- I -stroyer. 5 O hold thou up my g6ings I in thy 1 paths : that my I footsteps I slip I not. EASTER EVEN. MORNING {continued). 147 6 I have called upon thee O God, for I thou shalt I hear me : incline thine ear to me, and I hearken i unto • my I words. mf 'J Shew thy marvellous loving- kmd- ness * thou that art the Saviour of them which put their I trust in I thee : from such as re- I -sist thy I right I hand. 8 Keep me as the apple I of an I eye : hide me under the I shadow I of thy I wings. 9 From the ungodly that I trouble I me : mine enemies compass me round about to I take a- I -way my I soul. ID They are enclosed in their I own ! fat : and their mouth I speaketh I proud I things. II They lie waiting in our way on I every I side : turning their eyes I down I to the I ground ; 12 Like as a lion that is greedy I of his I prey : and as it were a lion's whelp I lurking • in I secret 1 places. 13 Up, Lord, disappoint him and ' cast him I down : deliver my soul fron: the ungSdly which I is a i sword of I thine ; 14 From the men of thy hand, O Lord * from the men I say, and from the 1 evil I world : which have their portion in this life * whose bellies thou fillest I with thy I hid I treasure. 15 They have children at I their de- sire : and leave the rest of their I sub stance I for their I babes. 16 But as for me * I will behold thy I presence • in I righteousness : and when 1 awake up after thy likeness * I' shall be 1 satis- I -fied I with it. EASTER EVEN. EVENING. Verses i to 6. Dr. W. Hayes. P m ^mm .-g=^- PSALM XXX.—Exaltabo te, Domine. mf I WILL magnify thee O Lord * for th6u hast I set me I up : and not made my f6es to I triumph I over I me. 2 O Lord my God, I cried I unto I thee : and I thou hast I healed I me. 3 Thou, Lord, hast brought mys6ul I out of I hell : thou hast kept my life from th€m that go I down I to the I pit. 4 Sing praises unto the L6rd O ye I Baiuts of I his : and give thanks unto him * for a re- i -membrance 1 of his I holi- ness. 5 For his wrath eudureth but the twinkling of an eye * and in his I pleasure . is I life : heaviness may endure for a night * but j6y I cometh I in the i morning. 6 And in my prosperity I said* I shall never I be re- I -moved : thou. Lord, ot thy goodness hast I made my I hill so I strong. 148 EASTER EVEN. EVENING {continued). Verses 7 to 11. Dr. W. Haves. Verse i2 U, end. Dr. W Hayes. ^g«^ F-r ■=S=k ^=1 Pl|t:i-:fH^^g^ p 7 Thou didst turn thy I face I from me : and I I I was I troubled. 8 Then cried I unto I thee O I Lord : and gat me I to my I Lord right I humbly. 9 What profit is there I in my I blood : when I go I down I to the I pit ? ID Shall the dust give thanks I unto I thee : 6r shall I it de- I -clare thy I truth ? f-r II Hear, O L6rd, and have I mercy • up- 1 -on me : Lord be I thou I my I helper. mf 12 Thou hast turned my heaviness I into I joy : thou hast put off my sackcloth and I girded I me with I gladness. 1 3 Therefore shall every good man sing of thy praise with- I -out I ceasing : O my God, I will give thanks I unto I thee for lever. S. Matthews. i^^^S I I ^^ei tp=p= PSALM XXXI.— /h tc, Domine, speravi. mf IN thee O Lord have I I put my I trust : let me never be put to confusion, de- I liver . me I in thy I righteousness. 2 Bow down thine I ear to I me : make haste I to de- I -liver I me. 3 And be thou my strong rock, and house I of de- I -fence : that I thou • mayest I save I me. 4 For thou art my strong rock I and my I castle : be thou also my guide * and lead me I for thy I Name's I sake. 5 Draw me out of the net that they have laid I privily I for me : f6r I thou I art my I strength. 6 Into thy hands I com- I -mend my I spirit : for thou hast redeemed me * O' I Lord thou 1 God of I truth. 7 I have hated them that hold of super- I -stitious I vanities : and my trust hath I been I in the I Lord. 8 I will be glad and rejoice 1 in thy I mercy : for thou hast considered my trouble ^ and hast known my I soul I in ad- I -versities. ■^. 9 Thou hast not shut me up into the hand I of the I enemy : but hast set my feet I in a I large I room. /> 10 Have mercy upon me O Lord, fori I am . in I trouble : and mine eye is con- sumed for very heaviness » yea my I soul I and my I body. 11 For my life is waxen I old with I heaviness : and mylyearslwithl mourning. 12 My strength faileth me, because of I mine in- I -iquity : and my I bones I are con- I -sumed. EASTER EVEN, EVENING {continued). 149 13 I became a reproof among all mine enemies ik but especially a- I -mong my I neighbours : and they of mine acquaint- ance were afraid of me * and they that did see me without con- I -veyed • them- I selves I from me. 14 I am clean forgotten, as a dead man I out of I mind : I am become i like a i broken I vessel. 15 For I have heard the blasphemy I of the I multitude : and fear is on every side * while they conspire together against me * and take their counsel to 1 take a- I way my I life. 16 But my hope hath been in I thee O I Lord : I have said i Thou art I my I God. 17 My time is in thy hand * deliver me from the hand I of mine I enemies : and from I them that i persecute I me. 18 Shew thy servant the light I of thy I countenance : and save me I for thy I mercy's I sake. 19 Let me not be confounded O Lord * for r have I called up- I -on thee : let the ungodly be put to confusion « and be put to I silence I in the I grave. ^20 Let the lying lips be I put to I silence : which cruelly, disdainfully, and despitefuUy I speak a- I -gainst the I righteous. /21 O how plentiful is thy goodness •* which thou hast laid up for I them that I fear thee : and that thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in thee * even be- I -fore the I sons of I men ! 22 Thou shalt hide them privily by thine own presence * from the provoking of I all I men : thou shalt keep theiri secretly in thy tabernacle I from the I strife of I tongues. 23 Thanks be I to the I Lord : for he hath shewed me marvellous great kind- ness I in a I strong I city. 24 And when I made 1 haste I 1 said : 1 am cast out of the 1 sight I of thine I eyes. 25 Nevertheless, thou heardest the voice I of my I prayer : when I 1 cried I unto I thee 26 O love the Lord all I ye his I saints: for the Lord preserveth them that are faithful * and plenteously re- i -wardeth • the I proud I doer. ^27 Be strong, and he shall es- I tablish • your I heart : all ye that put your I trust I in the I Lord. EASTER DAY. MORNING. ANTHEMS TO BE USED INSTEAD OF THE VENITE. —9 1 1 1-.. i P. Humphreys ■ 1 1 / r^ ^ ^zr- ^; ;;:; -T-d — 'Z> ^ J P==fl Dec. 1 1 Can. 'g^ 1 rssn 1 J- 1 /"'./CHRIST our passover is sacri- I ficed . for I us : therefore I let us I keep the I feast. F. 2 Not with the old leaven * nor with the leaven of i malice • and I wickedness : but with the unleavened bread of sin- I -ceri- I -ty and I truth. I Cor. V. 7. 3 Christ being raised from the dead I dieth • no I more : death hath no more do- I -minion I over I him. p 4 For in that he died ¥: he died unto I sin I once : / but in that he liveth he I liveth I unto I God. 5 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed I unto I sin : but alive unto G6d through I Jesus I Christ our I Lord. Rom. vi. 9. 6 Christ is risen I from the I dead : and become the first- I -fruits of I them that I slept. 7 For since by I man came I deatn : b}' man came also the resur- I -rection I of the I dead. p 8 For as in A'dam I all I die : even so in Christ/shall I all be I made a- I -live. I Cor. XV. 20. F. /Glory be to the Father, I and • to the I Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost; F. As it was in the beginning * is n6w, and I ever I shall be : w6rld without I end. I A- 1 -men. 150 EASTER DAY. MORNING (continued). PSALM 11.— Qnare f WHY do the heathen so furiously I rage to- I -gether : and why do the people im- I -agine • a I vain I thing ? 2 The kings of the earth stand up * and the rulers take I counsel ■ to- I -gether : against the L6rd and a- I -gainst I his A- 1 nointed. 3 Let us break their Ibonds a- 1 -sunder : and cast a- I -way their I cords 1 from us. 4 He that dwelleth in heaven shall I laugh them • to I scorn : the Lord shall I have them I in de- I -rision. 5 Then shall he speak unto them I in his I wrath : and v6x them I in his I sore dis- 1 -pleasure. 6 Yet have I I set my I King ; upon my I holy I hill of I Sion. 7 I will preich the law w whereof the Lord hath said I unto I me : Thou art my freniiierunt gentes ? Son * this day have I I be- I -gotten I thee. 8 Desire of me * thee the heathen for I tance : and the utmost parts of the I earth for I thy pos- I -session. 9 Thou shalt bruise them with a I rod of I iron : and break them in pifices I like a i potter's I vessel. ID Be wise now therefore kings : be learned, ye that are I of the I earth. 11 Serve the I Lord in I fear j6ice I unto I him with I reverence. 12 Kiss the Son lest he be angry, and so ye perish from the I right I way : if his wrath be kindled, (yea but a little), n blessed are all they that I put their I trust in I him. and I shall give thine in- I -heri- O ye judges and re- Dr. RiMBAULT. PSALM LVn. — Miserere mei, Deus. mp BE merciful unto me O God * be merciful unto me, for my soul I trusteth • in 1 thee : and under the shadow of thy wings shall be my refuge * until this I tyranny • be I over- 1 -past. 2 I will call unto the I most high I God : even unto the God that shall per- form the cause I which I I have in I hand. 3 He shall I send from I heaven : and save me from the reproof of him I that would I eat me I up. 4 God shall send f6rth his I mercy • and I truth : my soul I is a- I- mong I lions. 5 And I lie even among the children of men that are I set on I fire : whose teeth are spears and arrows * and their I tongue a I sharp I sword. 6 Set up thyself, O G6d a- I -bove the I heavens : and thy gl6ry a- I -bove I all the i earth. 7 They have laid a net for my feet « and pressed I down my I soul : they have digged a pit before me # and are fallen into the i midst of I it them- I -selves. 8 My heart is fixed O God my I heart is I fixed : I' will I sing and I give I praise. mf 9 Awake up my glory * awake I lute and I harp : I myself I will a- I -wake right I early. 10 I will give thanks unto thee, O L6rd a- I -mong the I people : and I will sing unto I thee a- I -mong the I nations. 11 For the greatness of thy mercy, reacheth I unto • the I heavens : and thy I truth I unto • the I clouds. 12 Set up thyself, O G6d a- I -bove the I heavens : and thy gl6ry a- I -bove I all the I earth. EASTER DAY. MORNING {continued). 151 1 1 1 1 P. Humphreys. 1 1 y ^ -^ — =J-- , __J _J --ri ^ A\ '-^ —=^ — ^-^ \ g> — -^s> ^=^ ^^*^~ Ij ■=• 1 I ' 1 1 r r r f-S- ^-j r-^ ^-1 1 .^ fl -7^ -^ -^ *^ " 1 . II mf I WILL give thanks unto the Lord with my I whole I heart : secretly among the faithful, and I in the I congre- I -ga- tion. 2 The works of the i Lord are I great : sought out of all them I that have I pleasure • there- I -in. 3 His work is worthy to be praised, and I had in I honour : and his righteous- I ness en- I -dureth • for I ever. 4 The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done his I marvellous I works : that they ought to be I had I in re- I membrance. 5 He hath given meat unto I them that I fear him : he shall ever be I mind- ful I of his I covenant. PSALM CXI.— Conjitebor tibi. 6 He hath shewed his people the power I of his I works : that he may give them the I heritage I of the I heathen. 7 The works of his hands are verity i and I judgement : all I his com- I -mand- ments • are I true. 8 They stand fast for I ever • and 1 ever : and are I done in I truth and I equity. 9 He sent redemption I unto • his I people : he hath commanded his covenant for ever * holy and I reverend I is his I Name. lo The fear of the Lord is the be- I ginning • of I wisdom : a good under- standing have all they that do thereafter « the praise of I it en- I dureth ■ for I ever. EASTER DAY. EVENING. i J. Battishill. ,d .d 3^ :s= r PSALM CXIII. F.f PRAISE the I Lord ye I servants : O praise the I Name I of the I Lord, F. 2 Blessed be the Name I of the I Lord : from this time I forth for i ever- I more. 3 The L6rd's I Name is I praised : from the rising up of the sun, unto the g6ing I down 1 of the I same. 4 The Lord is high a- I -bove all I heathen : and his I glory ■ a- I -bove the I heavens. 5 Who is like unto the Lord our God * — Laudate, pueri. I that hath his 1 dwelling • so I high : and yet humbleth himself to behold the things that I are in I heaven and I earth ? 6 He taketh up the simple I out • of the I dust : and lifteth the I poor I out • of the I mire ; 7 That he may set him I with the I princes : even with the I princes I of his I people. 8 He maketh the barren w6man to I j keep I house : and to b6 a I joyful I I mother • of I children. 152 EASTER DAY. EVENING {continued). Tonus Peregrinus. PSALM CXIV.— /n exihi Israel. F.JiifWHEN Isiael came I out of I Egypt : , thou I fleddest and the house of Jacob fr6m a- I -mong the I strange I people, F. 2 Judah 1 was his I sanctuary : and I Israel I his do- 1 -minion. 3 The sea saw I that, and I fled : Jor- I dan was I driven I back. 4 The moinitains I skipped • like I rams : and the little I hills like I young 1 sheep. 5 What aileth thee, O thou sea I that and thou J6rdan that thou wast I driven I back ? 6 Ye mountains, that ye I skipped like I rams : and ye little I hills like young I sheep ? 7 Tremble thou earth, at the pre sence I of the I Lord : at the presence I o the I God of i Jacob ; S Who turned the hard rock into a standing I water : and the flint-stone into . a I springing I well. Dec. Verses i to 14. Can. R. GOODSON. Verse 15 to end. Dr. T. A. Walmisley. W^V^^^^ t=t ^ 1 I lie IS en- PSALM CXVIII.— / O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for he is I gracious : because his I mercy en- 1 -dureth • for I ever. 2 Let Israel now confess that gracious : and that his I mercy dureth • for I ever. 3 Let the house of Aaron I now con- fess : that his I mercy • en- I -dureth • for ever. 4 Yea, let them now that fear the Lord con- I -fess : that his I mercy • en- dureth • for I ever. w/ 5 I called upon the I Lord in trouble : and the Lord I heard I me at large. 6 The L6rd is I on my I side : I wil not fear what I man • doeth I unto I me. 7 The Lord taketh my part with them that I help me : therefore shall I see my de- I -sire up- I -on mine I enemies. 8 It is better to trust I in the I Lord than to put any I confi- I -dence in I man 9 It is better to trust I in the I Lord than to put any I confi- 1 -dence in I princes. ID All nations c6mpassed me I round a- I -bout : but in the Name of the I Lord wiU I I de- I -stroy them. II They kept me in on every side «^ they kept me in, I say, on I every 1 side : but in the Name of the I Loid will I I de- I Btroy them. Confitemini Domino. . . 12 They came about ine like bees * and are extinct even as the fire a- i -mong the I thorns : for in the Name of the I Lord I I will de- I -stroy them. 13 Thou hast thrust sore at me, that I I might I fall : but the I Lord I was my I help. 14 The Lord is my strength I and my I song : and is be- I -come I my sal- I vation. 15 The voice of joy and health is in the dwellings I of the I righteous : the right hand of the Lord bringeth I mighty I things to 1 pass. 16 The right hand of the Lord I hath • the pre- I -eminence : the right hand of the Lord bringeth I mighty I things to ' pass. 17 I shall not I die but I live ; and declare the I works I of the I Lord. 18 The Lord hath chastened and cor- I rected I me : but he hath not given me I over I unto \ death. 19 Open me the I gates of 1 righteous- ness : that I may go into them # and give I thanks I unto • the 1 Lord. 20 This is the gate I of the I Lord ; the righteous shall I enter I into I it. 21 I will thank thee for 1 thou hast I heard me : and art be- I -come my sal- I vation. EASTER DAY. EVENING {continued). 153 22 The same stone which the I ' builders • re- I -fused : is become the 1 1 head-stone 1 in the I comer. 23 This is the I Lord's I doing : and it is 1 marvellous I in our I eyes. 24 This is the day which the I Lord hath I made : we will rejoice I and be I glad in I it. 25 Help me I now O I Lord : O L6rd I send us I now pros- I -perity. 26 Blessed be he that cometh in the Name I of the I Lord : we have wished you good luck » ye that are of the I house I of the I Lord. 27 God is the Lord who hath I shewed- us I light : bind the sacrifice with cords * yea, even unto the I horns I of the I altar. 28 Thou art my God, anc* i I will I thank thee : thou art my I Gcd, and I I will I praise thee. 29 O give thanks unto the L6rd. for I he is I gracious : and his I mercy • en- I dureth • for I ever. ASCENSION DAY. MORNING. i From ToMLlNSON i-,—i l-r- PSALM Vin. — Domine, Dominus noster. f O LORD our Governour * how excel- lent is thy Name in I all the I world : thou that hast set thy I glory • a-l-bove the I heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength * because I of thine I enemies : that thou mightest still the I enemy I and • the a- I -venger. 3 For I will consider thy heavens * even the works I of thy I fingers : the moon and the stars I which thou I hast or- I -dained. 4 What is man, that thou art ! mind- ful • of I him : and the son of man I that thou I visitest I him ? 5 Thou madest him lower I than the I angels : to crown I him with I glory • and I worship. 6 Thou makest him to have dominion of the works I of thy I hands : and thou hast put all things in sub- I -jection I under • his I feet ; 7 A'U I sheep and I oxen : yea and the I beasts I of the I field; 8 The fowls of the air, and the fishes I of the I sea : and whatsoever walketh through the 1 paths I of the I seas. 9 O' i Lord our I Governour : how excellent is thy I Name in I all the I world ! Rev. W. Tucker. m/LORD, who shall dwell in thy taber- 1 nacle : or who shall rest up- I -on thy I holy I hill ? 2 Even he that leadeth an I uncor- rupt I life : and doeth the thing which is right * and speaketh the I truth I from his i heart. 3 He that hath used no deceit in his tongue » nor done evil I to his I neigh- bour : and I hath not I slandered • his I neighbour. PSALM XV. — Do7nine, quis habitabit 4 He that setteth not by himself * but is lowly in his I own I eyes : and mak- eth much of 1 them that I fear the I Lord. 5 He that sweareth unto his neigh- bour * and disap- I -pointeth . him I not : though it I were . to his I own 1 hindrance. 6 He that hath not given his money up- I -on I usury : nor taken re- I -ward a- I -gainst the I innocent. 7 Whoso I doeth • these I things • shSll I nev- I -er I fall. 154 ASCENSIOiN DAY. MORNING (continued). Dr. R. Woodward. PSALM XXI. — Domine, in virtute tua. mf THE King shall rejoice in thy I strength O I Lord : exceeding glad shall he I be of I thy sal- I -vation. 2 Thou hast given him his I heart's de- I -sire : and hast not denied him the re- I -quest I of his I lips. 3 For thou shalt prevent him with the I blessings • of I goodness : and shalt set a crown of pure I gold up- 1 -on his I head. 4 He asked life of thee * and thou gavest him a I long I life : even for I ever ( and I ever. 5 His honour is great in I thy sal- I -va- tion : glory and great worship 1 shalt thou I lay up- I -on him. 6 For thou shalt give him ever- i lasting • fe- I -licity : and make him glad with the I joy I of thy I countenance. 7 And why ^( because the King putteth his trust i in the I Lord : and in the mercy of the Most Highest I he shall I not mis- I carry. feel thy I find out ! out . of -mong 8 All thine enemies shall I hand : thy right hand shall I them that I hate thee. 9 Thou shalt make them like a fiery oven in time I of thy I wrath : the Lord shall destroy them in his displeasure * and the I fire I shall con- I -sume them. 10 Their fruit shalt thou root the I earth : and their seed from a- the I children • of I men. 11 For they intended I mischief • a- I -gainst thee : and imagined such a device as they are not i able I to per- I form. 12 Therefore shalt thou put i them to I flight : and the strings of thy bow shalt thou make ready a- I -gainst the I face of I them. p^. 13 Be thou exalted, Lord in thine I own I strength : so will we I sing and I praise thy I power. ASCENSION DAY. EVENING. J. Barmby. PSALM XXIV.— Dowz'nj est terra. F./TWE earth is the Lord's * and all that I therein I is : the compass of the w6rld, and I they that I dwell there- I -in. F. 2 For he hath founded it up- 1 -on the I seas : and prepared I it up- 1 -on the I floods. 3 Who shall ascend into the lull I of the I Lord : or who shall rise up 1 in his I holy I place ? 4 Even he that hath clean hands and a I pure I heart : and that hath not lift up his mind unto vanity * nor sworn I to de- i -ceive his I neighbour, 5 He shall receive the blessing I from the I Lord : and righteousness from the I God of 1 his sal- I -vation. 6 This is the generation of I them that I seek him : even of them that I seek thy I face O I Jacob. 7 Lift up your heads O ye gates * and be ye lift up ye ever- I -lasting I doors ; and the King of I glory I shall come I in. 8 Who is the I King of I glory : it is the Lord strong and mighty » even the I Lord 1 mighty • in I battle. 9 Lift up your heads O ye gates * and be ye lift up yeever- I -lasting I doors: and the King of I glory I shall come I in. 10 Who is the I King of I glory : even the Lord of hosts I he • is the I King of I glory. ASCENSION DAY. EVENING (continued). 155 Dr. R. Woodward. PSALM XLVII.— O F.fO CLAP your hands together I all ye I people : O sing unto God I with the. i voice of I melody. F. 2 For the Lord is high and I to be I feared : he is the great King up- I -on I all the I earth. 3 He shall subdue the people I under I us : and the I nations I under ■ our I feet. 4 He shall choose out an ! heritage I for us : even the worship of I Jacob 1 whom he I loved. 5 God is gone up with a I merry I noise : and the Lord with the I sound I of the I trump. limes gentes, plaudite. 6 O sing praises, sing praises I unto • our I God : O sing praises sing I praises 1 unto . our I King. 7 For God is the King of I all the I earth : sing ye I praises • with I under- ! standing. 8 God reigneth I over • the I hea- then ; God sitteth up- I -on his I holy I seat. part. 9 The princes of the people * are joined unto the people of the I God of I Abraham : for God which is very high exalted * doth defend the earth as it I were I with a I shield. W. RUSSBLL. PSALM CVIIL— juf O GOD my heart is ready, my I heart is I ready : I will sing and give praise with the best I member i that I I have. 2 Awake, thou I lute and 1 harp : I myself 1 will a- I -wake right I early. 3 I will give thanks unto thee O Lord, a- I -mong the 1 people : I will sing praises unto I thee a- 1 -mong the I nations. 4 For thy mercy is greater I than the I heavens : and thy truth I reacheth 1 unto • the I clouds. 5 Set up thyself O God, a- i -bove the I heavens : and thy glory a- 1 -bove I all the I earth. 6 That thy beloved may I be de- I livered : let thy right hand save 1 them, and I hear thou I me. 7 God hath spoken I in his I holi- ness : I will rejoice therefore and divide Paraturn cor ineiun. Sichem w and mete I out the i valley • of I Succoth. 8 Gilead is mine, and Ma- I -nasses • is I mine : Ephraim also is the I strength I of my I head. part. 9 Judah is my law-giver, * Moab I is my I wash-pot : over Edom will I cast out my shoe * upon Phi- I -listia I will I i triumph. 10 Who will lead me into the I strong I city : and who will I bring me I into I Edom ? 11 Hast not thou forsaken I us O I God : and wilt not thou, O God, go 1 forth i with our I hosts ? 12 O help us a- I -gainst the I enemy : for vain I is the I help of I man. 13 Through God we shall I do great I acts : and it is he that shall I tread I down our I enemies. 156 WHITSUNDAY. MORNING. Dr. CooKB. PSALM XLVIII.- / GREAT is the Lord, and highly I to be I praised : in the city of our God * even up- I -on his I holy I hill. 2 The hill of Sion is a fair place * and the j6yof thelwholelearth : upon thenorth-side lieth the city of the great King* God is well known in her palaces I as a I sure I refuge. 3 For lo, the kings I of the I earth : are gathered and I gone I by to- I -gether. 4 They marvelled to I see such I things : they were ast6nished and I sudden- • -ly I cast I douTi. 5 Fear came there upon I them and I sorrow : as up6n a I woman I in her I travail. 6 Thou shait break the ships I of the I sea : through I — the I east- I -wind. 7 Like as we have heard « so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts # in the ■Mag-iius Doininus. City 1 of our i God : G6d up-l-holdeth • the I same for I ever. 8 We wait for thy loving- I -kindness • O I God : in the I midst of 1 thy I temple. 9 OGod according to thy Name * so is thy praise unto the I world's I end : thy right I hand is I full of I righteousness. 10 Let the mount Sion rejoice » and the daughter of I Judah • be I glad : b6- 1 -cause of I thy I judgements. 11 Walk about Sion, and g6 I round a- I bout her : and I tell the I towers there- 1 -of. 12 Mark well her bulwarks, set 1 up her I houses : that ye may tell I them that I come I after. 13 For this God is our G6d for I ever • and I ever : he shall be our I guide 1 unto I death Verses i to 23. Dr. W. Crotch. Verse 24 to end. R. Cooke. ^^^ "^^ T :^=22 -v ^=f Dec. ^ A. -pared : th6u I art from I ever- I -lasting. Domimis regnavit. 4 The floods are risen O Lord * the fl6ods have lift I up their I voice : th6 I floods lift I up their I waves. 5 The waves of the sea are mighty and I rage I horribly : but yet the L6rd who I dwelleth • on I high is I mightier. 6 Thy testimonies, O L6rd, are Iveryl sure : holiness be- I -cometh • thine I house for I ever. 161 THE TRANSFIGUKATION. EVENING. PSALM LXXXlV.—Quam uilccta! mf O HOW amiable I are thy I dwellings : thou I Lord I of I hosts ! 2 My soul hath a desire and longing « to enter into the courts i of the I Lord : my heart and my flesh rejoice I in the I living I God. 3 Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house * and the swallow a nest, where she may I lay her I young : even thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my I King I and my I God. 4 Blessed are they that dwell i in thy 1 house : they will be I alway I prais- ing i thee. 5 Blessed is the man whose strength I is in I thee : in whose I heart I ai-e thy I ways. 6 Who going through the vale of misery use it I for a I well : and the I pools are I filled • with I water. ^ 7 They will g6 from I strength to I strength : and unto the God of gods ap peareth every I one of I them in I Sion. 8 O Lord God of hosts I hear my I prayer : hearken I O I God of I Jacob. 9 Behold, O God I our de- I -fender : and look upon the I face of I thine A- I nointed. 10 For one day I in thy I courts : is I better I than a I thousand. 11 I had rather be a door-keeper in the house I of my I God : than to dwell in the I tents I of un- I -godliness. li For the Lord God is a light i and de- I -fence : the Lord will give grace and worship * and no good thing shall he withhold from them that I live a I godly life. 13 O L6rd I God of I hosts : blessed is the man that I putteth • his I trust in I thee. Dec. ^ -(^' p" Can. 1 — r jS_ dA A. R. Reinagle. I PSALM XCIX. — Domintis regnavit. f THE Lord is King * be the people n6ver 1 so im- I -patient : he sitteth be- tween the cherubims* be the earth I never 1 so un- I -quiet. 2 The L6rd is I great in I Sion : and I high a- I -bove all I people. 3 They shall give thanks I unto • thy I Name : which is great I wonder- I -ful and I holy. 4 The king's power loveth judgement * thou hast pre- I -pared I equity : thou hast executed judgement and I righteous- 1 -ness in I Jacob. 5 O magnify the I Lord our I God : and fall down before his f6otstool, I for I he is I holy. 6 Mosesand Aaron amonghis priests* and Samuel among such as call up- I -on his I Name : these called up6nthe I Lord I and he I heard them. 7 He spake unto them 6ut of the t cloudy I pillar : for they kept his testi- monies * and the I law 1 that he I gave them. 8 Thou heardest them O I Lord our I God : then forgavest them O God » and punish- I -edst their I own in- 1 ventions. O magnify the Lord our God * and worship him upon his I holy I hill : f6r the I Lord our I God is I holy. THE TRANSFIGURATION. EVENING {continued). 166 Sir John Goss. stei^ ^8 PSALM CXKXlll.—Ecce, qitam bonum! mf BEHOLD, how good and joyful a I thing it I is : brethren, to I dwell to- I gether • in I unity ! 2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head * that ran down : unto • the I beard : even unto Aaron's beard *: and went down to the I skirts I of his t clothing. 3 Like as the I dew of I Hermon ; which fell up- I -on the 1 hill of I Sion. 4 For there the Lord I promised - his I blessing : and I life for I ever- I -more. ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. MORNING. A J J. --^=^-- PSALM XCl.—Qui habitat. mf WHOSO dwelleth under the defence of the I most I High : shall abide under the 1 shadow • of I the Al- I -mighty. 2 I will say unto the Lord * Thou art my hope I and my I stronghold : my God, in i him I will I I trust. 3 For he shall deliver thee from the snare I of the I hunter : and I from the I noisome I pestilence. 4 He shall defend thee "uder his wings * and thou shalt be safe I under • his I feathers : his faithfulness and truth shall I be thy I shield and I buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for any I terror • by I night : nor for the I arrow . that I flieth • by I day ; 6 For the pSstilence that I walketh . in I darkness : nor for the sickness that de- I -stroyeth I in the I noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall beside thee » and ten thousand at I thy right I hand : but it shall I not come I nigh I thee. 8 Yea, with thine eyes shalt I thou be- I -hold : and see the re- I -ward of I the un- I -godly. 9 For thou, Lord I art my I hope : thou hast set thine house of de- I -fence I very I high. 10 There shall no evil happen I unto I thee : neither shall any I plague come I nigh thy I dwelling. 1 1 For he shall give his angels charge I over I thee : to keep I thee in I all thy I ways. 12 They shall bear thee I in their I hands : that thou hurt not thy I foot a- I gainst a I stone. 13 Thou shalt go upon the I lion and I adder : the young lion and the dragon .shalt thou I tread I under • thy I feet. 14 Because he hath set his love upon ine * therefore will I' de- I -liver I him : I will set him up* because I he hath I known my I Name. 15 He shall call upon m6, and I I will I hear him : yea, I am with him in trouble * I will deliver him and I bring I him to ! honour. 16 With long life will I I satisfy I him : and i shew him I mv sal- I -vation. 166 ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. MORNING {continued). J. S. Smith. /PRAISE the Lord and all that is within me I praise his holy I Name. 2 Praise the Lord I O my I soul : and for- I -get not I all his ! benefits ; 3 Who forgiveth I all thy I sin : and h6aleth I all I thine in- I -firmities; 4 Who saveth thy life I from de- I struction : and crowneth thee with I mercy • and I loving- I -kindness ; 5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with I good I things : making thee young and I lusty I as an I eagle. 6 The Lord executeth righteous- I ness and I judgement : for all them that I are op- I -pressed • with I wrong. 7 He shewed his ways I unto I Moses : his \v6rks I unto • the I children of I Israel. 8 The Lord is full of com- I -passion- and 1 mercy : long-suftering, I and of I great I goodness. 9 He will not I alway • be 1 chiding : neither keepeth I he his I anger • for 1 ever. 10 He hath not dealt with us I after • our I sins : nor rewarded us ac- I -cording I to our I wickednesses. 11 For look how high the heaven is in comparison I of the I earth : so great is his mercy also 1 toward I them that I fear him. 12 Look how wide also the east i? I from the I west : so far hath he I set our I sins I from us. PSALM cm. — Beuedic, o.nima mea. I O my I soul : 13 Yea, like as a father pitieth his I own I children : even so is the Lord m6r- ciful I unto I them that I fear him. 14 For he knoweth where6f I we are I made : he remembereth I that we I are but I dust. mp 15 The days of man are I but as I grass : for he flourisheth as a I flower I of the I field. 16 For as soon as the wind goeth 6ver it I it is I gone : and the place there6f shall I know it I no I more. mf I J But the merciful goodness of the Lord * endureth for ever and ever upon I them that ! fear him : and his up- I children's I keep his I I his com- I righteousness children ; 18 Even upon such as covenant : and think upon mandments • to I do them. / 19 The Lord hath prepared his I seat in I heaven : and his kingdom I ruleth 1 over I all. 20 O praise the Lord, ye angels of his * ye that ex- I -eel in I strength : ye that fulfil his commandment ^ and hearken unto the I voice I of his I word. 21 O praise the L6rd, all I ye his I hosts : ye servants of I his that I do his I pleasure. 22 O speak good of the Lord, all ye works of his * in all places of I his do- I minion : praise thou the I Lord I O my I soul. ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. EVENING. Dr. Dupuis. PSALM XXXlV.—Be7iedicam Domino. mf I WILL alway give thanks I unto • the I Lord : his praise shall I ever • be I in my I mouth. 2 My soul shall make her b6ast I in the I Lord : the humble shall hSar there- I of I and be I glad. 3 O praise the I Lord with I me : and let us magni- I -fy his I Name to- I -gether. 4 I sought the Lord I and he! heard me: yea, he delivered me I out of i all my ! fear. 5 They had an eye unto him I and ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. EVENING (continued). 167 were I lightened : and their I faces • were I not a- I -shamed. 6 Lo the poor crieth, and the L6rd I heareth I him : yea, and saveth him I out of I ail his I troubles. 7 The angel of the Lord tarrieth round about I them that I fear him : and I — de- I -livereth I them. 8 O taste and see how gracious the 1 Lord 1 is : blessed is the I man that I trusteth • in I him. 9 O fear the Lord, ye that I are his I saints : for they that I fear him i lack I nothing. ID The lions do lack and i suffer I hunger : but they who seek the Lord, shall want no manner of I thing I that is I good. 11 Come, ye children, and hearken I unto I me : I will teach you the I fear I of the i Lord. 12 What man is he that I lusteth • to I hve : and would I fain I see good I days ? 13 Keep thy I tongue from I evil : and thy lips I that they I speak no i guile. 14 Eschew evil and I do I good : seek I peace I and en- I -sue it. 15 The eyes of the L6rd are I over • the I righteous : and his ears are I open I unto • their i prayers. 16 The countenance of the Lord is against them that I do I evil : to root out the remembrance I of them I from the I earth. 17 The righteous cry, and the Lord I heareth I them : and delivereth them I out of I all their I troubles. 18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a I contrite I heart : and will save such as I be • of an I humble I spirit. 19 Great are the troubles I of the I righteous : but the Lord de- I -hvereth • him I out of I all. 20 He keepeth I all his I bones : s6 that not i one of I them is I broken. 21 But misfortune shall slay I the un- I godly : and they that hate the I righteous I shall be I desolate. 22 The Lord delivereth the souls I of his I servants : and all they that put their trust in I him shall I not be I de- stitute. E. J. Hopkins. PSALM C'KI.VIW.—Landate Dominum. f O PRAISE the I Lord of I heaven : praise 1 — him I in the I height. 2 Praise him, all ye I angels • of I his : praise I — him I all his i host. 3 Praise him, I sun and I moon : praise him, I all ye I stars and I light. 4 Praise him, I all ye I heavens : and ye waters that I are a- I -bove the I heavens. 5 Let them praise the Name I ot the I Lord : for he sj ake the word, and they were made * he commanded, 1 and they I were ere- I -ated. 6 He hath n ade them fast for I ever • and I ever : he hath given them a law I which shall I not be I broken. 7 Praise the Lord up- I -on I earth : yfi I dragons • and 1 all I deeps ; 8 Fire and hail I snow and I vapours: wind and I storm ful- I -filling • his I word ; 9 Mountains and I all I hills : fruitful trees and I all I cedars ; ID Beasts and I all I cattle : worms 1 — and I feathered I fowls ; 11 Kings of the earth and i all I people : princes and all I judges I of the I world ; 12 Young men and maidens, old men and children * praise the Name I of the 1 Lord: for his Name only is excellent » and his praise a- I -bove I heaven and I earth. plfrL 13 He shall exalt the horn of his people * all his I saints shall I praise him : even the children of Israel ^ even the I people • that I serveth I him. 168 ALL SAINTS' DAY. MORNING. J. Battishill PSALM I. — Beatus vir, qui non abiit. mf BLESSED is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly * nor st6od in the I way of I sinners : and hath not sat in the I seat I of the I scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law I of the i Lord : and in his law will he exercise him- I -self I day and I night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the I water I side : that will bring forth his I fruit in I due I season. 4 His leaf also I shall not I wither : and look, whatsoever he I doeth lit shall I prosper. 5 As for the ungodly, it is not I so with I tiiem : but they are Hke the chaff * which the wind scattereth away from the I face I of the I earth. 6 Therefore the ungodly shall not be able to stand I in the I judgement : neither the sinners in the congre- I -gation I of the I righteous. 7 But the Lord knoweth the way I of the I righteous : and the way of the un- I godly I shall I perish. Dr. E. G. Monk. PSALM XV. — Domine, qiiis habitabit? mf LORD, who shall dwell in thy I taber- I -nacle : or who shall rest up- I -on thy I holy I hill ? 2 Even he that leadeth an I uncor- rupt I life : and doeth the thing which is right* and speaketh the I truth I from his I heart. 3 He that hath used no deceit in his tongue * nor done evil i to his 1 neigh- bour : and I hath not I slandered • his I neighbour. 4 He that setteth not by himself » but is lowly in his I own I eyes : and mak- eth much of I them that 1 fear the I Lord. 5 He that sweareth unto his neigh- bour* and disap- I -pointeth • him I not : though it I were • to his I own I hindrance. 6 He that hath not given his money up- I -on I usury : nor taken re- I -ward a- I -gainst the I innocent. 7 Whoso I doeth • these I things : shall I nev- I -er I fall. J. Coward. PSALM CXLVL- ?»/ PRAISE the Lord, O my soul * while I live will I I praise the I Lord : yea, as long as I have any being * I will sing I praises I unto • my ' God. 2 O put not your trust in princes * nor in any I child of I man : for there is I DO 1 help in I them. \ For when the breath of man goeth Lauda, anima mea. forth * he shall turn again I to his I earth : and then I all his I thoughts I perish. 4 Blessed is he that hath the God of Jacob I for his I help : and whose h6pe is I in the I Lord his I God ; 5 Who made heaven and earth * the sea, and all that I therein I is : wh6 1 keepeth • his I promise ■ for I ever ; ALL SAINTS' DAY. MORNING {continued). 169 6 Who helpeth them to right that i sufferlwrong: who I feed- i -eth the I hungry. 7 The Lord looseth men I out of I prison : the Lord giveth I sight I to the I bhnd. 8 The Lord helpeth them I that are I fallen : the Lord I careth I for the I righteous. 9 The Lord careth for the strangers* he defendeth the father- i -less and I widow : as for the way of the ungodly, he I turneth • it 1 upside I down. lo The Lord thy God O Sion, shall be King for I ever- I -more : and through- out I all I gener- 1 -ations. ALL SAINTS' DAY. EVENING. Jacobs. m/ BLESSED is the man that I feareth . the I Lord : he hath great de- I -light in I his com- I -mandments. 2 His seed shall be mighty up- I -on I earth : the generation of the I faithful I shall be I blessed. 3 Riches and plenteousness shall be I in his I house : and his righteous- I -ness en- I -dureth • for I ever. 4 Unto the godly there ariseth up light I in the I darkness : he is I merciful I loving • and I righteous. 5 A good man is merci- I -ful and I lendeth : and will guide his I words I with dis- I -cretion. 6 For he shall I never • be I moved : PSALM Cyill.—BeaUis vir. and the righteous shall be had in I ever- 1 lasting • re- I -membrance. 7 He will not be afraid of any I evil I tidings : for his heart standeth fast, and be- I -lieveth I in the I Lord. 8 His heart is stablished, and I will not I shrink : until he see his de- I -sire up- I -on his I enemies. 9 He hath dispersed abroad * and given I to the I poor : and his righteous- ness remaineth for ever * his horn shall I be ex- I -alted • with I honour. lo The ungodly shall see it, and I it shall 1 grieve him : he shall gnash with his teeth, and consume away * the desire of the un- I -godly I shall I perish. Dr. G. C. Martin. PSALM CXXl.—Levavi oculos. nifl WILL lift up mine eyes I unto • the I hills : from I whence I cometh . my I help. 2 My help cometh even I from the I Lord : who hath I made ! heaven and 1 earth. 3 He will not suffer thy foot I to be I moved : and he that I keepeth • thee i will not I sleep. 4 Behold, he that I keepeth I Israel : shall I neither ! slumber • nor I sleep. 5 The Lord himself I is thy I keeper: the Lord is thy defence up- I -on thy I right I hand ; 6 So that the sun shall not burn thee byl day : neither the Imoon I by 1 night. 7 The Lord shall preserve thee from I all I evil : yea, it is even he I that shall I keep thy 1 soul. 8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out * and thy I coming I in : from this time I forth for I ever- I -more. 170 ALL SAINTS' DAY. EVENING (continued). Dr. E. G. MoKK. gpg /O SING unto the Lord a I new I song : let the congre- I -gation • of i saints 1 praise him. 2 Let Israel rej6ice in I him that i made him : and let the children of Sion be I joyful I in their I King. 3 Let them praise his Name I in the I dance : let them sing praises unto I him with I tabret • and I harp. 4 For the Lord hath pleasure I in his I people : and I helpeth • the I meek- I hearted. PSALM CXLIX.— Ca«te^^ Domino. 5 Let the saints be I joyful • with I glory : let them re- 1 -joice I in their I beds. 6 Let the praises of God be I in their I mouth : and a tw6-edged I sword I in their I hands ; 7 To be avenged I of the I heathen : and I to re- I -buke the I people; 8 To bind their I kings in I chains : and their I nobles • with I links of I iron. 9 That they may be avenged of th6m I as it • is I written : Such I honour • have I all his I saints. BURIAL OF THE DEAD. Rev. F. A. J. Her-stt. Alternative Chants,^ :^ Rev. W. Felton. —I. III. T. PURCELL. I i ^^^m r ^^ w^ I i From PSALMS p LORD, let me know mine end * and the number I of my I days : that I may be certified how I long I I have to I live. 2 Behold, thou hast made my days as it were a I span I long : and mine age is even as nothing in respect of thee * and verily, every man living is I alto- I -gether I vanity. 3 For man walketh in a vain shadow ik and disquieteth him- I -self in I vain : he hcapeth up riches, and cannot tell I who shall I gather I them. 4 And now, L6rd what I is uiy I hope : truly my I hope is I even • in I thee. XXXIX and XC. 5 Deliver me from all I mine of- ! fences : and make me not a re- I -buke I unto . the I foolish. . 6 When thou with rebukes dost chasten man for sin * thou makest his beauty to consume away * like as it were a moth I fretting • a 1 garment : every man I therefore I is but I vanity. 7 Hear my prayer O Lord * and with thine ears con- i -sider . my I calhng : hold not thy I peace I at my I tears. 8 For I' am a I stranger • with I thee : and a sojourner, as I all my I fathers 1 were. BURIAL OF THE DEAD {continued}. 171 ^ 9 O spare me a little * that I' may re- I -covev • my I strength : before I go h6nce, and I be no I more I seen. Ps. xxxix. 5-9, 12-15. p 10 Lord thou hast I been our I refuge : from one gener- 1 -ation I to an- I -other. 11 Before the mountains were brought forth * or ever the earth and the I world were I made : thou art God from ever- lasting and I world with- 1 -out I end. 12 Thou turnest man I to de- I -struc- tion : again thou sayest, Come a- I -gain ye I children . of I men. 13 For a thousand years in thy sight I are but • as I yesterday : seeing that is past as a I watch I in the I night. 14 As soon as thou scatterest them * they are even I as a I sleep : and fade away I suddenly I like the I grass. 15 In the morning it is green and I groweth I up : but in the evening it is cut d6wn I dried I up and I withered. 16 For we consume away in I thy dis- I pleasure : and are afraid at thy I wrath- ful 1 indig- I -nation. 17 Thou hast set our mis- I -deeds be- I fore thee : and our secret sins in the I light I of thy I countenance. 18 For when thou art angry, all our I days are I gone : we bring our years to an end * as it were a I tale I that is I told. 19 The days of our age are threescore years and ten » and though men be so strong that they come to I fourscore I years : yet is their strength then but labour and sorrow * so soon passeth it a- I -way and I we are I gone. p^t 20 So teach us to I number • our 1 days : that we may apply our I hearts I unto I wisdom. Ps. xc. i-io, 12. F.f Glory be to the Father, I and • to the 1 Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost ; F. As it was in the beginning * is now, and I ever I shall be : world without I end. I A- I -men. CHURCHING OF WOMEN. Dr. Camidge. FrotJt PSALM CXVI. — Dilexi, quoniam. mf r AM 1 well I pleased : that the Lord hath heard the I voice of I my I prayer ; 2 That he hath inclined his ear I unto I me : therefore will I call upon him as i long I as I I live. 3 I found trouble and heaviness ¥: and I called upon the Name I of the I Lord : O Lord, I beseech 1 thee de- ! -liver my I soul. 4 Gracious is the I Lord and I right- eous : yea, our I God is I merci- I -ful. 5 What reward shall I give I unto • the 1 Lord : for all the benefits that he hath I done 1 unto I me ? 6 I will receive the cup I of sal- I vation : and call upon the I Name I of the I Lord. ^ 7 I will pay my vows unto the Lord * in the sight of I all his i people : in the courts of the Lord's house ^ even in the midst of thee O Jerusalem I Praise I — the I Lord. F. f Glory be to the Father, I and • to the I Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost ; F. As it was in the beginning * is n6w, and I ever I shall be : w6rld without I end. I A- I -men. 172 THANKSGIVING DAY. S Instead of O come, let us sing, &c., the following shall be said or sung. Dr. Stainer. W mmmm Dec. ^J J. PSALM CXLVII F. f PRAISE ye the Lord * for it is good to sing praises i unto • our I God : for it is I pleasant • and I praise is I comely. F. 2 The Lord doth build I up Je- I nisalem : he gathereth together the I out- I -casts of I Israel. 3 He healeth those that are I broken • in I heart : and I bindeth I up their I wounds. 4 He covereth the heaven with clouds « and prepareth rain I for the I earth : he maketh the grass to 1 grow up- I on the I mountains. 5 He giveth to the I beast his I food : and to the I young I ravens • which I cry 1-3, 8, 9, 12-14. 6 Praise the Lord I O Je- I -rusalem . praise thy I God I O I Sion. 7 For he hath strengthened the bars I of thy I gates : he hath I blessed • thy I children • with- I -in thee. 8 He maketh peace I in thy I borders : and filleth thee with the I tinest I of the I wheat. F.f Glory be to the Father, I and • to the I Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost ; F. As it was in the beginning «■ is n6w, and I ever I shall be : world without I end. i A- I -men. CONSECRATION OF CHURCHES. Dec. Dr. Crotch. i^r; r^ • r-' I ' ^ "WW^- ^ '■-^n. J. Can. -d 1 I FP^:^?£q PSALM XXIY.— Domini est terra. /THE earth is the Lord's * and all that I therein I is : the compass of the world, and I they that I dwell there- I -in. 2 For he hath iounded it up- I -on the I seas : and prepared I it up- I -on the I floods. 3 Who shall ascend into the h'll I of the I Lord : or who shall rise up I in his I holy I place ? 4 Even he that hath clean hands and a I pure I heart : and that hath not lift up his mind unto vanity » nor sworn I to de- I -ceive his I neighbour. 5 He shall receive the blessing I from the I Lord : and righteousness from the I God of i his sal- 1 -vation. 6 This is the generation of I them that I seek him : even of them that I seek thy I face O I Jacob. 7 Lift up your heads O ye gates # and be ye lift up ye ever- I -lasting ! doors : and the King of I glory I shall come I in. 8 Wh6 is the I King of ! glory : it is the Lord strong and mighty * even the I Lord I mighty • in I battle. 9 Lift up your heads O ye gates * and be ye lift up ye ever- I -lasting I doors: and the King of I glory I shall come ! in. 10 Wh6 is the I King of I glory : even the Lord of hosts 1 he • is the 1 King of I glory. CONSECRATION OF CHURCHES (continued). 178 J. Coward. PSALM LXXXIV.— gj^rt/H dilecta ! F. mfO HOW amiable I are thy I dwellings : thou I Lord I of I hosts ! F. 2 My soul hath a desire and longing * to enter into the courts I of the I Lord : my heart and my flesh rejoice I in the I living I God. 3 Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house M^ and the swallow a nest, where she may I lay her I young : even thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my I King I and my I God. 4 Blessed are they that dwell I in thy I house : they will be I alway I praising I thee. 5 Blessed is the man whose strength ! is in I thee : in whose I heart I are thy I ways. 6 Who going through the vale of misery use it I for a I well : and the I pools are I filled • with I water. ^ 7 They will go from I strength to I strength : and unto the (jod of gods appeareth every I one of I them in I Sion. 8 O Lord God of hosts I hear my I prayer : hearken I O I God of I Jacob. 9 Behold, O God 1 our de- I -fender : and look upon the I face of I thine A- I -nointed. lo For one da}' I in thy I courts : is I better I than a I thousand. Ill had rather be a door-keeper in the house I of my I God : than to dwell in the I tents I of un- I -godliness. 12 For the Lord God is a light I and de- I -fence : the Lord will give grace and worship * and no good thing shall he withhold from them that I live a i godly I life. 13 O Lord I God of I hosts : blessed is the man that I putteth • his I trust in I thee. iiES A. R. Reinagle. m Dec. , I Can. . PSALM CXXU.—Lcztatns sum. rnf I WAS glad when they sdid I unto I me : We will go into the I house I of the i Lord. 2 Our feet shall stand I in thy I gates : O' I — Je- I -rusa- I -leni. 3 Jerusalem is built I as a I city : that Is at I unity I in it- I -self. 4 For thither the tribes go up * even the tribes I of the I Lora : to testify unto Israel * to give thanks unto the I Name I of the I Lord, 5 For there is the 1 seat of I judge- ment : even the seat I ofthe I house of 1 David. 6 O pray for the peace I of Je- I rusalem : they shall I prosper • that I love I thee. 7 P6ace be with- I -in thy I walls : and plenteous- I -ness with- I -in thy I palaces. 8 For my brethren and com- I panions' I sakes : I' will I wish I thee pros- i -perity. 9 Yea, because of the house of the 1 Lord our I God : I' will I seek to I do thee I good. 174 CONSECRATION OF CHURCHES (continued). Dr. S. Elvbt. PSALM CXXXII.- •mf LORD, re- I -member I David : and I all I his I trouble ; 2 How he sware I unto • the I Lord : and vowed a vow unto the Al- 1 -mighty I God of I Jacob ; 3 I will not come within the taber- nacle I of mine I house : nor I climb up I into • my I bed ; 4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sl6ep, nor mine I eye-lids ■ to 1 slumber : neither the temples of my head to I take I any I rest ; 5 Until I find out a place for the temple I of the I Lord : an habitation for the ' mighty I God of I Jacob. 6 Lo, we heard of the I same at I Ephrata : and I found it I in the I wood. 7 We will go into his I taber- I -nacle : and fall low on our I knees be- I -fore his I footstool. 8 Arise, O Lord I into • thy I resting- place : thou and the I ark I of thy I strength. 9 Let thy priests be I clothed • with I righteousness : and let thy I saints I sing with I joyfulness. lo For thy servant I David's i sake : turn not away the I presence . of I thine A- I -nointed. -Memento, Domine. 11 The Lord hath made a faithful oath I unto I David : and he I shall not I shrink I from it. 12 Of the fruit I of thy I body : shall 1 I set up- I -on thy I seat. 13 If thy children will keep my cove- nant * and my testimonies that I I shall I learn them : their children also shall sit upon thy I seat for I ever- I -more. 14 For the Lord hath chosen Siou to be an habitation i for him- I -self : he hath ! longed I for I her. 15 This shall be my I rest for I ever : here will I dwell * f5r I I have • a de- I light there- I -in. 16 I will bless her I victuals • with I increase : and will satis- I -fy her I poor with I bread. 17 I will deck her I priests with I health : and her saints I shall re- I -joice, and ! sing. 18 There shall I make the horn of I David . to I flourish : I have ordained a I lantern • for 1 mine A- I -nointed. ^^ 19 As for his enemies * I shall cl6the 1 them with I shame : but upon himself I shall his 1 crown I flourish. INSTITUTION OF MINISTERS. R. H. Stanley. PSALM CXXU.—Latatus sum. mf I WAS glad when they said I unto I me : We will go intothelhouselof thelLord. 2 Onr feet shall stand I in thy I gates : O' I — Je- I -rusa- I -lem. 3 Jerusalem is built I as a I city : that Is at I unity I in it- I -self; 4 For thither the tribes go up * even the tribes 1 of the I Lord : to testify unto Israel* to give thanks unto the 1 Name 1 of the I Lord. 5 For there is the I seat of 1 judge- ment : even the seati of thelhouse of I David. 6 O pray for the peace I of Je- I rusalem : they shall I prosper • that I love I thee. 7 Peace be with- I -in thy I walls : and plenteous- I -ness with- I -in thy I palaces. 8 For my brethren and com- I panions' i sakes : I' will I wish I thee pros- I -perity. 9 Yea, because of the h-6use of the I Lord our I God : I' will I seek to I do thee I good. INSTITUTION OF MINISTERS (continued). 176 Eh. S. Elvby. PSALM CXXXU.— Memento, Doming. mf LORD, re- I -member i David : and I all I his I trouble ; 2 How he sware 1 unto • the I Lord : and vowed a vow unto the Al- I -mighty I God of 1 Jacob ; 3 I will not come within the taber- nacle I of mine I house : nor I climb up I into • my I bed ; 4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, nor mine I eye-lids • to I slumber : neither the temples of my head to I take I any I rest ; 5 Until I find out a place for the temple I of the I Lord : an habitation for the I mighty I God of 1 Jacob. 6 Lo, we heard of the I same at I Ephrata : and I found it I in the I wood. 7 We will go into his I taber- I -nacle : and fall low on our I knees be- I -fore his I footstool. 8 Arise, O Lord I into • thy 1 resting- place : thou and the I ark I of thy I strength. 9 Let thy priests be I clothed • with I righteousness : and let thy I saints I sing with I joyfulness. lo For thy servant I David's i sake: turn not away the I presence • of I thine A- I -nointed. 11 The Lord hath made a faithful oath I unto I David : and he I shall not I shrink I from it. 12 Of the fruit I of thy I body : shall I I set up- I -on thy I seat. 13 If thy children will keep my cove- nant * and my testimonies that I I shall ! learn them : their children also shall sit upon thy I seat for I ever- I -more. 14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an habitation I for him- I -self : he hath I longed I for 1 her. 15 This shall be my I rest for I ever : here will I dwell * for I 1 have • a de- I light there- I -in. 16 I will bless her 1 victuals • with I increase : and will satis- I -fy her I poor with I bread. 17 I will deck her I priests with I health : and her saints I shall re- I -joice and I sing. 18 There shall I make the horn of I David • to I flourish : I have ordained a I lantern • for I mine A- I -nointed. ^ 19 As for his enemies * I shall clothe I them with I shame : but upon himself I shall his 1 crown I flourish. John Foster. PSALM CXXXlU.—Ecce, qnam bonum J m/ BEHOLD, how good and joyful a I thing it I is : brethren, to I dwell to- I gether • in I unity ! 2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head ¥: that ran down I unto • ♦he I beard : even unto Aaron's beard * and went down to the I skirts 1 of his I clothing. 3 Like as the I dew of I Hermon : which fell up- I -on the I hill of I Sion. 4 For there the Lord I promised • his I blessing : and I life for ' ever- I -more. 176 INSTITUTION OF MINISTERS (continued). (Special Psalm after Institution. J Verses i to 23. Dr. R. Woodward. Alternative Chants. Verses i to 23. Dr. W. Crotch. PSALM LXVUl.—Exurgat Deus. f LET God arise, and let his ene- I mies be I scattered : let them also that I hate him I flee be- 1 -fore him. 2 Like as the smoke vanisheth, » so shalt thou drive I them a- I -way : and hke as wax melteth at the fire * so let the ungodly perish I at the I presence • of I God. 3 But let the righteous be glad and re- I -joice be • fore I God : let them I also • be I merry • and 1 joyful, 4 O sing unto God, and sing praises ! unto • his I Name : magnify him that rideth upon the heavens as_ it were upon an horse ^ praise him in his Name J A'H I and re- I -joice be- I -fore him. 5 He is a Father of the fatherless ^ and defendeth the cause I of the I widows : even God in his I holy I habit- I ation. 6 He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in an house ^ and bringeth the prisoners I out of . cap- I -tivity : but letteth the runagates con- I -tinue I in I scarceness. 7 O God, when thou wentest f6rth be- I -fore the I people : when thou I wentest I through the I wilderness, 8 The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at the I presence • of I God : even as Sinai also was moved at the presence of G6d, who I is the 1 God of I Israel. INSTITUTION OF MINISTERS ^continued). 177 9 Thou, O God, sentest a gracious rain upon I thine in- I -heritance : and re- freshedst I it when I it was I weary. 10 Thy congregation shall I dwell there- I -in : for thou, O God, hast of thy goodness pre- I -pared I for the I poor. 11 The Lord I gave the I word : great was the I company I of the I preachers. 12 Kings with their armies did flee and I were dis- I -comfited : and thSy of the I household • di- I -vided . the I spoil. 13 Though ye have lain among the pots * yet shall ye be as the wings I of a I dove : that is covered with silver wings I and her I feathers . like I gold. 14 When the Almighty scattered kings 1 for their I sake : then were they as I white as I snow in I Salmon. 15 As the hill of Basan, so is I God's I hill : even an high hill I as the I hill of I Basan. 16 Why hop ye so ye high hills » this is God's hill, in the which it pleaseth I him to ! dwell : yea, the Lord will a- 1 -bide in I it for I ever. 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand * even I thousands • of I angels : and the Lord is among them » as in the I holy I place of I Sinai. 18 Thou art gone up on high * thou hast led captivity captive, and received I gifts for I men : yea, even for thine enemies * that the Lord 1 God might ! dwell a- I -mong them. 19 Praised be the I Lord I daily : even the God who helpeth us, and poureth his I bene- I -fits up- I -on us. 20 He is our God * even the God of whom I Cometh • sal- I vation : God is the L6rd by I whom • we es- I -cape I death. 21 God shall wound the head I of his I enemies : and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on I still I in his i wicked- ness. 22 The Lord hath said * I will bring my people again as I I did from I Basan : mine own will I bring again * as I did sometime from the I deep I of the I 6ea. ^23 That thy foot may be dipped in the blood I of thine I enemies : and that the tongue of thy dogs may be I red I through the I same. 24 It is well seen, O God, 1 how thou I goest : how thou, my God and King, I goest I in the I sanctuary. 25 The singers go before * the min- strels I follow I after : in the midst are the damsels I playing I with the I tim- brels. 26 Give thanks O Israel, unto God the Lord in the I congre- I -gations : from the I ground I of the I heart. 27 There is little Benj amin their ruler ■* and the princes of I Judah • their I coun- sel : the princes of Zabulon I and the I princes • of I Nephthali. 28 Thy God hath sent forth I strength for I thee : stablish the thing,OG6d that I thou hast I wrought in I us, 29 For thy temple's sake I at Je- I rusalem : so shall kings bring I presents I unto I thee. 30 When the company of the spear- men, and multitude of the mighty * are scattered abroad among the beasts of the people * so that they humbly bring I pieces • of I silver : and when he hath scattered the people I that de- I -light in I war ; 31 Then shall the princes come I out of I Egypt : the Morians' land shall soon stretch out her I hands I unto I God. ff 32 Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms I of the I earth : O' sing I praises I unto • the I Lord ; 33 Who sitteth in the heavens over all I from • the be- I -ginning : lo, he doth send out his voice * yea and I that a i mighty I voice. 34 Ascribe ye the power to God I over I Israel : his worship and I strength is I in the I clouds. 35 O God, wonderful art th6u in thy I holy I places : even the God of Israel * he will give strength and power unto his people, I blessed I be I God. /F.Glory be to the Father I and • to the I Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost ; F.As it was in the beginning « is now, and I ever I shall be : world without I end.i A I -men. 178 INSTITUTION OF MINISTERS (continued). Or this Psalm A. H. Littleton. Alternative Chant. II J2=::^r= =t:^ h^'iiL^kh-m ^^ ]. Robinson Dec. J J Can. J- m^i^^&^^t^^ ^S3=P- PSALM XXVI.— y ltd ica me, Domine. mp BE thou my Judge O Lord » for I' have I walked I innocently : my trust hath been also in the Lord I therefore I shall I . not I fall. 2 Examine me O I Lord and I prove me : try 6ut my I reins 1 and my I heart. 3 For thy loving-kindness is ever be- I -fore mine I eyes : and I' will I walk I in thy 1 truth. 4 I have not dwelt with I vain I persons ; neither will I have fellowship I with I the de- I -ceitful. 5 I have hated the congregation I of the I wicked : and will not I sit a- I -mong. the un- I -godly. 6 I will wash my hands in Innocency I O I Lord : and s6 will 1 1 go I to thine 1 altar ; 7 That I may shew the v6ice of I thanks- t -giving : and tell of i all thy I wondrous I works. 8 Lord, I have loved the habitation I of thy I house : and the place I where thine I honour I dwelleth. 9 O shut not up my s6ul I with the i sinners : nor my life I with the I blood- I thirsty ; 10 I'n whose I hands is I wickedness ; and their right I hand is I full of I gifts. 11 But as for me ti V will I walk I in nocently : O deliver me, and be I merciful I unto I me. 12 My f6ot I standeth I right : I will praise the L6rd I in the I congre- i -ga- tions. F. f Glory be to the Father, I and • to the I Son : and I to the I Holy I Ghost ; F. As it was in the beginning » is n6w, and ! ever I shall be : w6rld without I end. I A- I -men. 179 SELECTIONS OF PSALMS. SELECTION FIRST. S. Wbslbt. PSALM I, — Heatiis vir, qui non abiit. mf BLESSED is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly * nor stood in the I way of I sinners : and hath not satin the I seat I of the I scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law I of the I Lord : and in his law will he exercise him- i -self I day and I night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the I water i side : that will bring f6rth his I fruit in I due I season. 4 His leaf also I shall not I wither : and look, whatsoever he I d oeth I it shall I prosper. 5 As for the ungodly, it is n6t I so with I them : but they are like the chaff* which the wind scattereth away from the I face I of the I earth. 6 Therefore the ungodly shall not be able to stand I in the I judgement : neither the sinners in the congre- 1 -gation I of the i righteous. p^ 7 But the Lord knoweth the way I of the I righteous : and the way of the un- I godly I shall I perish. Dr. Stainer. PSALM XV. — Domine, quis habitabit ? w/LORD, who shall dwell in thy I taber- I -nacle : or vvho shall rest up- I -on thy I holy I hill ? 2 Even he that ISadeth an I un cor- rupt I life : and doeth the thing which is right * and speaketh the 1 truth I from his I heart. 3 He that hath used no deceit in his tongue * nor done €vil 1 to his I neigh- bour : and I hath not I slandered . his I neighbour. 4 He that setteth not by himself « but is lowly in his I own I eyes : and mak- eth much of I them that I fear the I Lord. 5 He that sweareth unto his neigh- bour * and disap- 1 -pointeth • him I not : th6ugh it I were • to his I own I hindrance. 6 He that hath not given his m6ney up- I -on I usury : nor taken re- I -ward a- I -gainst the I innocent. 7 Wh6so I doeth • these I things ; shall I nev- I -er I fall. 180 SELECTION FIRST {continued). J. TuRLE, boja SpouR .£±\i^. J^U^^-L^^^^. ^ H-^-pd=d eS^^^§^^ PSALM XCI.— (?Mi habitat. mf WHOSO dwelleth under the defence of the I most I High : shall abide under the I shadow . of I the Al- I -mighty. 2 I will say unto the Lord * Thou art my hope I and my I stronghold : my God, in I him I will I I trust. 3 For he shall dtliver thee from the snare I of the I hunter : and I from the I noisome I pestilence. 4 He shall defend thee under his wings * and thou shalt be safe I under • his I feathers : his faithfulness and truth shall I be thy I shield and I buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for any i terror • by I night : nor for the I arrow • that I flieth • by I day ; 6 For the pestilence that I walketh . in I darkness : nor for the sickness that de- I -stroyeth I in the I noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall beside thee * and ten thousand at I thy right I hand : but it shall I not come I nigh I thee. 8 Yea, with thine eyes shalt I thou be- I -hold : and see the re- I -ward of I the un- I -godly. 9 For thou, Lord I art my I hope : thou hast set thine house of de- I -fence I very I high. ID There shall no evil happen I unto I thee : neither shall any i plague come I nigh thy I dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge I over I thee : to keep I thee in I all thy I ways. 12 They shall bear thee I in their I hands : that thou hurt not thy I foot a- I -gainst a I stone. 13 Thou shalt go upon the I lion and adder : the young lion and the dragon snalt thou I tread 1 under . thy I feet. 14 Because he hath set his love upon me * therefore will I* de- I -liver I him : I will set him up * because i he iiath I known my I Name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I I will I hear him : yea, I am with him in trouble * I will deliver him and I bring I him to I honour. 16 With long life will I I satisfy I him : and I shew him I my sal- I -vation. SELECTION SECOND. J. TURLE. PSALM IV.— I in/ HEAR me when I call, O G6d I of my I righteousness : thou hast set me at liberty when I was in trouble * have mercy upon me, and I hearken I unto . my I prayer. 2 O ye sons of men * how long will ye bias- 1 -phemc mine I honour : and have such pleasure in vanity and ' seek I %fter I falsehood ? 3 Know this also * that the Lord hath chosen to himself the man I that is I godly : when I call upon the I Lord I he will I hear me. 4 Stand in I awe and I sin not : com- Cum invocarem. munc with your own heart * and in your I chamber I and be I still. 5 Offer the sacri- I -fice of I righteous- ness : and put your I trust I in the I Lord. 6 There be I many • that I say : Wh6 will I shew us I any I good ? 7 Lord I lift thou I up : the Ifght of thy I counte- I -nance up- I -on us. 8 Thou hast put gladness I in my I lieart : since the time that their c6rn and I wine and I oil in- I -creased. p?.rt. 9 I will lay me down in peace, and I take my I rest : for it is thou, Lord, 6nly that I makest • me I dwell in I .safety. SELECTION SECOND (continued). 181 J. TUKLS PSALM XXXI. — In te, Domine, speravi. mf IN thee, O L6rd, have I I put my I trust : let me never be put to con- fusion, de- I -liver . me I in thy I righteousness. 2 Bow d6wn thine I ear to I me : make haste I to de- I -liver 1 me. 3 And be thou my strong rock, and h6use I of de- I -fence : that I thou . mayest I save i me. 4 For thou art my strong rock I and my 1 castle : be thou also my guide * and lead me I for thy 1 Name's I sake. 5 Draw me out of the net that they have laid 1 privily I for me : for 1 thou I art my I strength. 6 Into thy hands I com- 1 -mend my I spirit : for thou hast redeemed me ^ O'l Lord thou 1 God of I truth. J. TuRLE, from Spohr. P ^ m ^ =*?« ?2=^ Ab^ m 2Z=P5i3 ■^=r-^^ ^ 1 n^ ^^ '?=^~g?' PSALM XCl.— Qui habitat. mf WHOSO dwelleth under the defence of the 1 most I High : shall abide under the I shadow • of I the Al- I -mighty. 2 I will say unto the Lord * Thou art my hope I and my I stronghold : my God, in I him I will I I trust. 3 For he shall deliver thee from the snare I of the I hunter : and I from the I noisome I pestilence. 4 He shall defend thee under his wings * and thou shalt be safe I under • his I feathers : his faithfulness and truth shall I be thy I shield and 1 buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for any I terror • by I night : nor for the I arrow . that I flieth • by I day ; 6 For the pestilence that I walketh • darkness : nor for the sickness that I -stroyeth I in the I noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall beside thee ^ and ten thousand at I thy right I hand : but it shall I not come I nigh I thee. 8 Yea, with thine eyes shalt I thou be- I -hold : and see the re- I -ward of i the un- I -godly. in de 9 For thou, L6rd I art my I hope : thou hast set thine house of de- I -fence I very I high. ID There shall no evil happen I unto I thee : neither shall any I plague come I nigh thy I dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge I over I thee : to keep I thee in I all thy I ways. 12 They shall bear thee I in their I hands : that thou hurt not thy I foot a- I gainst a I stone. 13 Thou shalt go up6n the I lion and I adder : the young lion and the dragon shalt thou I tread I under • thy I feet. 14 Because he hath set his love upon me * therefore will I' de- I -liver I him : I will set him up * because I he hath I known my I Name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I I will I hear him : yea, I am with him in trouble •)( I will deliver him and 1 bring I him to I honour. i5 With long life will I I satisfy I him : and I chew him I my sal- I -vation. 182 SELECTION SECOND {continued). - ^Hdl — I T J. BARrfBY. PSALM CXXXW.—Ecce nunc mf BEHOLD, now I praise the I Lord : all ye I servants I of the 1 Lord ; 2 Ye that by night stand in the 3 Lift up your hands I in the I sanc- tuary : and I praise I — the I Lord, 4 The Lord that made I heaven h6u3e I of the I Lord : even in the c6urts and ! earth : give thee I blessing I out of I (jf the I house of I our i God. ( Sion. SELECTION THIRD. Dr. BoycE. PSALM XIX.- THE heavens declare the 1 glory • of I God : and the firmament I sheweth • his I handy- I -work. 2 One day I telleth • an- I -other : and one night I certi- I -fieth • an- I -other. 3 There is neither I speech nor I language : but their I voices • are I heard a- I -mong them. 4 Their sound is gone out into I all I lands : and their words into the I ends I of the I world. 5 In them hath he set a tabernacle I for the I sun : which cometh forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber * and re- j6iceth as a I giant • to I run his I course. 6 It goeth forth from the uttermost part of the heaven * and runneth about unto the end of I it a- I -gain : and there is nothing hid I from the I heat there- I of. 7 The law of the Lord is an undefiled law con- I -verting . the I soul : the testi- mony of the Lord is sure * and giveth I wisdom I unto • the I simple. 8 The statutes of the Lord are right and re- | -joice the I heart : the command- -Cceli enarraiit. ment of the Lord is pure # and giveth I light I unto • the I eyes. 9 The fear of the Lord is clean and en- I -dureth • for I ever : the judgements of the Lord are true, and I righteous I alto- I -gether. TO More to be desired are they than gold * yea than I much fine I gold : sweeter also than I honey I and the I honey- comb. ^11 Moreover, by thSm is thy I servant I taught : and in keeping of them I there is I great re- I -ward. mp 12 Who can tell how I oft • he of- I fendeth : O cleanse thou mS I from my I secret I faults. 13 Keep thy servant also from pre- sumptuous sins » lest they get the do- minion I over I me : so shall I be unde- filed, and innocent I from the I great of- I fence. 14 Let the words of my mouth * and the meditation I of my I heart : be alway ac- I -ceptable I in thy I sight, 15 O'l — I Lord : my I strength and I my re- I -deemer. Dr. Crotch. ^n; d 4 -g - ^^ Can. FT^ m. S"^^_4p^ H^^j;' 1^=" ^- ^ -^ g ^i PSALM XXIV.- /THE earth is the Lord's it and all that I therein I is : the compass of the w6rld, and I they that I dwell there- I -in. Domini est terra. 2 For he hath f6unded it up- 1 -on the I seas : and prepared I it up- 1 -on the I floods 3 Who shall ascend into the hill I of SELECTION THIRD {continued). 183 the I Lord : or who shall rise up I in his 1 holy I place ? 4 Even he that hath clean hands and a I pure I heart : and that hath not lift up his mind unto vanity * nor sworn I to de- I -ceive his I neighbour. 5 He shall receive the blessing I from the I Lord : and righteousness from the I God of I his sal- I -vation. 6 This is the generation of I them that I seek him : even of them that I seek thy I face O I Jacob. 7 Lift up your heads O ye gates * and be ye lift up ye ever- I -lasting I doors : and the King of I glory I shall come I in. 8 Who is the I King of 1 glory : it is the Lord strong and mighty * even the ' Lord I might}' ■ in I battle. 9 Lift up your heads O ye gates » and be ye lift up ye ever- I -lasting I doers : and the King of I glory I shall come I in. lo Wh5 is the I King of I glory : even the Lord of hosts I he • is the I King of I glory. PSALM cm. — Benedic, nninia mca. f PRAISE the Lord i O my I soul : and all that is within me I praise his I holy I Name. 2 Praise the Lord I O my I soul : and for- I -get not I all his I benefits ; 3 Who forgiveth I all thy I sin : and healeth I all I thine in- i -firmities ; 4 Who saveth thy life I from de- I struction : and crowneth thee with I mercy • and I loving- I -kindness; 5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with I good I things : making thee young and I lusty I as an I eagle. 6 The Lord executeth righteous- I ness and I judgement: for all them that I are op- I -pressed • with I wrong. 7 He shewed his ways I unto I Moses : his works 1 unto • the I children of I Israel. 8 The Lord is full of com- I -passion- and I mercy : long-suffering, I and of I great I goodness. 9 He will not I alway • be I chiding : neither keepeth I he his I anger • for 1 ever. ID He hath not dealt with us I after, our 1 sins : nor rewarded us ac- 1 -cording I to our I wickednesses. 11 For look how high the heaven is in comparison I of the I earth : so great is his mercy also I toward I them that I fear him. 12 Look how wide also the east is ! from the I west : so far hath he i set our I sins I from us. 13 Yea, like as a father pitieth his 1 own I children : even so is the Lord merciful I unto I them that I fear him. 14 For he knoweth whereof I we are I made : he remembereth I that we I are but 1 dust. mp 15 The days of man are I but as I grass : for he flourisheth as a I flower I of the I field. 16 For as soon as the wind goeth over it I it is I gone : and the place there6f shall I know it i no ! more. mf 17 But the merciful goodness of the Lord * endureth for ever and ever upon I them that I fear him : and his righteous- ness up- I -on I children's I children ; 18 Even upon such as 1 keep his I cove- nant : and think upon I his com- I -mand- ments • to I do them. / 19 The Lord hath prepared his I seat in 1 heaven : and his kingdom I ruleth I over I all. 20 O praise the Lord, ye angels of his* ye that ex- 1 -eel in I strength : ye that fulfil his commandment * and hearken flnto the 1 voice I of his I word. 21 O praise the Lord, all I ye his I hosts : ye servants of I his that 1 do his I pleasure. 22 O speak good of the Lord, all ye works of his * in all places of I his do- 1 minion : praise thou the I Lord I O my I soul. 184 SELECTION FOURTH. Dr Crotch. r I I r -^ PSALM XXIII.- mp THE L6rd I is my I shepherd : there- fore I can I I lack I notliing. 2 He shall feed ine in a ! green I pasture : and lead ine f6rth be- I -side the I waters • of I comfort. 3 He shall cun- I -vert my I soul : and bring nic forth in the paths of right- eousness I for his I Name's I sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death * I' will I Doininus regit me. fear no I evil : for thou art with me * thy rod and thy I staff I comfort I me. 5 Thou shalt prepare a table before me * against them that I trouble I me : thou hast anointed my head with oil, and my I cup I shall be ! full. 6 Butthy loving-kindness and mercy « shall follow me all the days I of my I life : and I will dwell in the house I of the I Lord for I ever. J. Battishill. :=^=St I Can. ' -J- A II PSALM Y.Y.Y.V«■ and do the thing I that is I good : and I dwell for I ever- 1 -more. 28 For the Lord loveth the thing i that is I right : he forsaketh not his that be godly but I they are • pre- I served • for I ever. 29 The unrighteous I shall be I pun- ished : as for the seed of the ungodly, I it., shall be I rooted 1 out. 30 The righteous shall in- I -herit • the I land : and I dwell there- 1 -in for I ever. 31 The mouth of the righteous is 6xer- I -cised • in I wisdom : and his tongue I will be ! talking of I judgement. 32 The law of his God is I in his I heart : and his I goings i shall not I slide. 33 The ungodly I seeth-thelrighteous : and I seeketh • oc- I -casion • to I slay him. 34 The Lord will not leave him I in his I hand : nor con- I -demn him I when . he is i judged. 35 Hope thou in the Lord, and keep his way * and he shall promote thee that thou shalt pos- I -sess the I land : when the ungodly shall I pei-ish I thou shalt I see it. 36 I myself have seen the ungodly in I great I power : and flourishing I like a I green 1 bay-tree. 37 I went by, and 15 I he was I gone : I sought him, but his place could I no- I where be I found. 38 Keep innocency * and take heed unto the thing I that is I right : for that shall bring a man I peace I at the I last. 39 As for the transgressors, they shall I perish • to- I -gether : and the end of the ungodly is * they shall be rooted I out I at the I last. 40 But the salvation of the righteous Cometh I of the I Lord : who is also their strength I in the I time of i trouble. p^. 41 And the Lord shall stand by I them and I save them : he shall deliver them from the ungodly * and shall save them, because they I put their I trust in i him. 190 SELECTION EIGHTH. MORLEY p HAVE mercy upon me O God * after thy I great I goodness : according to the multitude of thy mercies, d6 a- I -way I mine of- I -fences. 2 Wash me thr6ughly I from my I wickedness : and I cleanse me I from my I sin. 3 For r ac- I -knowledge • my I faults : and m.y I sin is I ever • be- I -fore me. 4 Against thee only have I sinned * and done this evil I in thy I sight : that thou mightest be justified in thy saying and I clear when I thou art I judged. 5 Behold I was I shapen • in I wicked- ness : and in sin hath my I mother • con- I ceived I me. 6 But lo, thou requirest truth in the I inward I parts : and shalt make me to under- I -stand I wisdom I secretly. 7 Thou shalt purge me with hyssop * and I I shall be 1 clean : thou shalt wash me* and I I shall be I whiter • than I snow. 8 Thou shalt make me hear of I joy and I gladness : that the bones which thou hast I broken I may re- I -joice. 9 Turn thy face I from my I sins : and put out I all I my mis- I -deeds. lo Make me a clean I heart O I God : and re- I -new a • right I spii'it • with- I -in me. PSALM LI. — Miserere mei, Dcus. II Cast I from thy thy I holy me not away presence : and take not Spirit I from me. 12 O give me the c6mfort of thy I help a- I -gain : and stablish me I with thy I free I Spirit. p!^.il Then shall I teach thy ways i unto • the I wicked : and sinners shall be con- ! verted I unto I thee. 14 Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God * thou that art the God I of my I health : and my tongue shall I sing I of thy I righteousness. 15 Thou shalt open my I lips O I Lord : and my I mouth shall I shew thy I praise. 16 P"or thou desirest no sacrifice* else would I i give it I thee : but thou de- lightest I not in I burnt- I -offerings. 17 The sacrifice of God is a I troubled I spirit : a broken and contrite heart, O God, I shalt thou I not de- I -spise. 18 O be favourable and gracious I unto I Sion : build thou the I walls I of Je- I -rusalem. 19 Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness * with the burnt-offerings I and ob- I -lations : then shall they offer young 1 bullocks • up- I -on thine I altar. J. TUKLE. ?#== =^=t U^— u —G> —\-^- -^ u -^tz=> — r- 1 h -^ — ^3 ' ^^ — gU^J \1^ ■ST r-P=q 1 1 ,* 1 1 -G>- (C 1 1 ' i j •atj *£-f|.^ _S5 f?- 1 1 -M— VjiA ^ — r 4 — i- L^^ M ?=-^ T^ F^ L^^J PSALM XLIL- mf LIKE as the hart de- I -sireth • the I water-brooks : so longeth my soul I after I thee O I God. 2 My soul is athirst for God * yea, even for the I living I God : when shall I come to appear be- 1 -fore the I presence • of I God ? 3 My tears have been my meat I day and I night : while they daily say unto me I Where is I now thy I God ? 4 Now when I think thereupon * I pour out my heart I by my- i -self : for I went with the multitude * and brought them forth I into • the I house of I God ; -Quemadniodum. ;^ 5 In the voice of praise and I thanks- I giving : among I such as I keep I holyday. 6 Why art thou so full of heaviness I O my I soul : and why art thou so dis- I quiet- I -ed with- I -in me ? 7 Put thy I trust in I God : for I will yet give him thanks for the I help I of his I countenance. 8 My God, my soul is I vexed • with- I in me : therefore will I remember thee concerning the land of Jordan * and the I little I hill of I Hermon. SELECTION EIGHTH {ccntinued). 191 9 One deep calleth another * because of the noise 1 of the I water-pipes : all thy waves and storms are I gone I over I me. ID The Lord hath granted his loving- kindness I in the I day-time : and in the night-season did I sing of him *and made my prayer unto the 1 God I of my I life. II I will say unto the God of my strength * Why hast thou for- I -gotten I me : why go I thus heavily * while the I ene • my op- I -presseth I me ? 12 My bones are smitten asunder I as . with a I sword : while mine enemies that trouble me I cast me I in the I teeth ; 13 Namely, while they say daily I unto I me : Where I — is I now thy I God ? 14 Why art thou so vexed I O my I soul : and why art thou so dis- I -quiet- I -ed with- I -in me ? 15 O put thy 1 trust in I God : for I will yet thank him * which is the help of my I countenance I and my I God. SELECTION NINTH. ^ -^- I. Battishill. mk -M^ a4a -^^zz^ ^^ PSALM L.XXll.— Dcus, judicium. f GIVE the King thy I judgements • O i God : and thy righteousness I unto • the I King's 1 son. 2 Then shall he judge thy people according I unto I right: and de-l-fend I the I poor. 3 The mountains also shall 1 bring I peace : and the little hills I righteousness I unto • the I people. 4 He shall keep the simple folk I by their I right : defend the children of the poor, and I punish • the I wrong- I -doer. 5 They shall fear thee, as long as the sun and I moon en- I -dureth : from one gener- I -ation I to an- I -other. 6 He shall come down like the rain into a I fleece of I wool : even as the I drops that I water • the i earth. 7 In his time shall the I righteous I flourish : yea, and abundance of peace, so I long . as the I moon en- I -dureth. 8 His dominion shall be also from the 6ne sea I to the I other: and from the flood I unto • the I world's 1 end. 9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall I kneel be- I -fore him : his ene- I mies shall I lick the I dust. 10 The kings of Tharsis and of the Isles shall I give I presents : the kings of Arabia and I Saba I shall bring I gifts. 11 All kings shall fall I down be- I -fore him : all I nations • shall I do him i service. 12 For he shall deliver the poor I when he I crieth : the needy also and I him that I hath no I helper. 13 He shall be favourable to the I simple • and I needy : and shall preserve the I souls I of the I poor. 14 He shall deliver their souls from I falsehood • and I wrong : and d6ar shall their 1 blood be I in his I sight. 15 He shall live * and unto him shall be given of the gold I of A- I -rabia : prayer shall be made ever unto him, and I daily • shall I he be I praised. 16 There shall be an heap of corn in the earth* high up- 1 -on the I hills:his fruit shall shake like Libanus * and shall be green in the city like I grass up- I -on the I earth. 17 His Name shall endure for ever ♦ his Name shall remain under the sun a- I mongst the -pos- 1 -terities : which shall be blessed through him, and I all the I heathen • shall I praise him. 18 Blessed be the Lord God * even the I God of I Israel : which only I doeth I wondrous I things ; ^ 19 And blessed be the Name of his Majes- I -ty fori ever : and all the earth shall be filled with his Majesty. I Amen. I A- ! -men, SELECTION NINTH [continued) W. RussE».t PSALM XCYl.—Cantate Domino. f O SING unto the Lord a I new I song : sing unto the Lord I all the I whole I earth. 2 Sing unto the Lord and I praise his I Name : be telling of his sal- I -vation • from I day to I day. 3 Declare his honour I unto • the I heathen : and his wonders I unto I all I people. 4 For the Loi'd is great * and cannot worthi- I -ly be I praised : he is more to be I feared • than I all I gods. 5 As for all the gods of the heathen, I they are • but I idols : but it is the I Lord that I made the I heavens. 6 Glory and worship I are be- I -fore him : power and I honour ■ are I in his I sanctuary. 7 Ascribe unto the Lord * O ye kindreds I of the I people : ascribe unto the L6rd i worship I and I power. 8 Ascribe unto the Lord the honour due 1 unto • his I Name : briii.^' presents and I come I into • his 1 courts. g O worship the L6rd in the I beauty • of I holiness : let the whole earth I stand in I awe of I him. 10 Tell it out among the heathen that the I Lord is I King : and that it is he who hath made the round world so fast * that it cannot be moved » and how that h6 shall I judge the I people I righteously. 11 Let the heavens rej6ice and let the I earth be I glad : let the sea make a n6ise, and I all that I therein I is. 12 Let the field be j6yful and I all that . is I in it : then shall all the trees oi the wood re- I -joice be- I -fore the I Lord. ^ 13 For he cometh, for he cometh to I judge the I earth : and with righteousness to judge the world and the I people I with his I truth. SELECTION TENTH. J. Foster. PSALM LXXYlL—f/oce mea ad Dominum. mp I WILL cry unto God I with my I voice : even unto God will I cry with my voice * and he shall I hearken I unto I me. 2 In the time of my trouble I I sought the I Lord : my sore ran, and ceased not in the nightseason » my I soul re- 1 -fused I comfort. 3 When I am in heaviness <* I' will I think up • on I God : when my hSart is I vexed • I I will com- I -plain. 4 Thou h61dest mine I e^'es I waking: I am so feeble I that I I cannot I speak. 5 I have considered the I days of i old : and the I years I that are I past. 6 I call to re- I -membrance • my I song : and in the night I conunune with mine own heart, and I search I out my 1 spirits. 7 Will the Lord absent him-l-self for I ever: and will helbe nolmorein-l-treated ? SELECTION TENTH [continued). 198 8 Is his mercy clean I gone for | ever : and is his promise come utterly to an I end for I ever- 1 -more ? 9 Hath God forgotten I to be I gracious : and will he shut up bis loving- 1 kindness I in dis- I -pleasure ? ID And I said, It is mine I own in- I tirmity : but I will remember the years of the right hand I of the I most i Highest. / II I will remember the works I of the I Lord : and call to mind thy I wonders • of I old I time. 12 I will think also of I all thy I works : and my talking shall I be of I thy I doings. 13 Thy way O I God is I hoh* : who is so great a 1 God as I our I God ? ij Thou art the God that 1 doetli I wonders : and hast declared thy I power a- I -mong the I people. 15 Thou hast mightily de- I -livered . thy I people : even the I sous of I Jacob and I Joseph. 16 The waters saw thee O God * the waters saw thee and I were a- I -fraid : the depths I also I were 1 troubled. 17 The clouds poured out water the I air I thundered : and thine I arrows I went a- I -broad. 18 The voice of thy thunder was heard I round a- I -bout : the Ughtnings shone upon the ground * the earth was I moved . and I shook with- I -al. 19 Thy way is in the sea * and thy paths in the I great I waters : and thy 1 footsteps I are not I known. 20 Thou leddest thy I people • like I sheep :'by the 1 hand of 1 Moses and 1 Aaron. SELECTION ELEVENTH. Dr. Dupuis. P 2 — n — ,& — i- £s i g if ^ a-Lg-^^^— uzz^ — i_,s- I2i 7^=m^ g -L^ g? < g ' ^ !i r ^^ i Dec. Can. Can. S: J. ^ _ , I f S ' g i PSALM LXXX. Wit/ HEAR, O thou Shepherd of Israel * thou that leadest Joseph I like a I sheep : shew thyself also » thou that I sittest • up- I -on the I cherubims. 2 Before Ephraim, Benjamin I and Ma- I -nasses : stir up thy i strength and I come and I help us. 3 Turn us a- I -gain O I God : shew the light of thy countenance I and we I shall be I whole. 4 O Lord I God of I hosts : how long wilt thou be angry I with thy I people • that I prayeth ? 5 Thou feedest them with the I bread of I tears : and givest them plenteous- ' ness of I tears to I drink. 6 Thou hast made us a very strife I unto . our I neighbours : and our enemies I laugh I us to 1 scorn. ^ 7 Turn us again thou I God of I hosts : shew the light of thy countenance I and we : shall be I whole. 8 Thou hast brought a vine I out of I Egypt : thou hast cast out the I heathen • and i planted I it. 9 That madest I room for I it : and whenit had takenlrootitlfilled . the ! land. 10 The hills were covered with the I shadow I of it : and the boughs thereof were I like the i goodly I cedar-trees. -Qui regis Israel. II She stretched out her branches I unto • the I sea : and her I boughs I unto the I river. p 12 Why hast thou then broken I down her I hedge : that all they that go I by pluck I off her I grapes ? 13 The wild boar out of the wood doth I root it I up : and the wild beasts of the I field de- I -vour it. 14 Turn thee again, thou God of hosts look I down from I heaven : behold and i visit I this I vine ; 15 And the place of the vineyard that thy right I hand hath I planted : and the branch that thou madest so I strong I for thy- I -self. 16 It is burnt with tire and I cut 1 down : and they shall perish at the re- I buke I of thy I countenance. 17 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy I right I hand : and upon the son of man * whom thou madest so strong I for thine I own 1 self. 18 And so will not we go I back from 1 thee : O let us live * and we shall I call up- I -on thy 1 Name. mf ig Turn us again, O Lord I God of I hosts : shew the light of thy countenance I and we i shall be i whole. 194 SELECTION ELEVENTH {continued). Dr. Crotch PSALM LXXXl /SING we iiicriily unto I God our I strength : make a cheerful n6ise i unto . tlie I God of I Jacob. 2 Take the psahii, bring I hither • tlieltabret : the inerryl harplwith the I hite. 3 Blow up the trumpet in the I new I moon : even in the time appointed * and up- I -on our I solemn I feast-day. 4 For this was made a I statute • for I Israel : and a law I of the I God of I Jacob. ^ 5 This he ordained in Joseph I for a I testimony : when he came out of the land or Egypt * and had I heard a I strange I language. 6 1 eased his shoulder I from the I burden : and his hands were de- I -livered • from I making • the I pots. 7 Thou calledst upon me in troubles* and I' de- I -livered I thee : and heard thee what time as the I storm I fell up- ! on thee. 8 r I proved • thee I also : at the I waters I of I strife. 9 Hear, O my people * and I will assure I thee O I Israel : if thou wilt I hearken I unto I me. . — Exiiltatc Deo. 10 There shall no strange god I be in I thee : neitlier shalt thou worship I any I other ! god. 11 I am the Lord thy God » who brought thee out of the I land of I Egypt : open thv mouth I wide and I I shall I fill it. mf iz But my people w6uld not 1 hear my I voice : and I'srael I would I not o- I -bey ifte. 13 So I gave them up unto their 5wn i hearts' I lusts : and let them follow their! own im- i -agin- I -ations. j«/ 14 O that my people would have hearkened I unto I me : for if I'srael had I walked I in mv I ways, 15 I should soon have put I down their I enemies : and turned m\- hand a- I -gainst their I adversaries. 16 The haters of the Lord should have been I found I liars : but their time I should have • en- I -dured • for I ever. 17 He should have fed them also with the I finest I wheat-flour : and with honey out of the stony rock should I I have I satisfied I thee. SELECTION TWELFTH. PSALM LXXXIV.— (?Mflw dilecta ! mf O HOW amiable I are thy I dweUings : thou I Lord I of I hosts ! 2 My soul hath a desire and longing * to enter into the courts I of the I Lord : my heart and my flesh rejoice 1 in the I living I God. 3 Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house * and the swallow a nest, where she may I lay her I young : even thy altars, O Lord of h6sts, my I King I and my I God. 4 Blessed are they that dwell I in thy I house : thSy will be 1 alway I praising I thee. 5 Blessed is the man whose strength I is in I thee : in whose I heart I are thy I ways. 6 Who going through the vale of misery use it 1 for a I well : and the I pools are I filled • with I watei'. lali. 7 They will go from I strength to I strength : and unto the God of gods appeareth every I one of I them in I Sion. 8 O Lord God of h6sts I hear my I prayer : hearken I O I God of 1 Jacob. 9 Behold, O God I our de- I -fender : and look upon the I face of i thine A-l-nointed. 10 For one day I in thy I courts : Is I better I than a I thousan SELECTION TWELFTH [contumcd). 195 III had rather be a door-keeper in the h6use I of my I God : than to dwell in the I tents I of un- I -godliness. 12 For the Lord God is a light I and de- I -fence : the Lord will give grace and worship * and no good thing shall he withhold from them that I live a I godly I life. 13 O Lord I God of I hosts : blessed is the man that I putteth • his I trust in I thee. Dr. G. C. Martin. PSALM CXXU.— La-tains sum. mf I WAS glad when they said I unto \ . 6 pray for the peace I of Je- I me : Wewill gointo theihouselof thelLord. I rusalem : they shall I prosper • that I 2 Our feet shall stand I in thy I gates : love 1 thee. O* I — Je- I -rusa- I -lem. 7 Peace be with- i -in thy I walls : 3 Jerusalem is built I as a I city : that and plenteous- I -ness with- I -in thy I IS at I unity I in it- I -self. palaces. 4 For thither the tribes go up * even , 8 For mj- brethren and com- I the tribes 1 of the i Lord : to testify unto ! panions' I sakes Israel * to give thanks unto the I Name I i pros- I -perity of the I Lord. 5 For there is the I seat of I judge- ment : even the seat I ofthe I house of I David. I* will ! wish I thee p„,t 9 Yea, because of the house of the I Lord our I God : I' will I seek to I do thee I good. J. Coward. PSALM CXXXIV. mf BEHOLD, now I praise the I Lord : all ye I servants I ofthe I Lord ; 2 Ye that by night stand in the house I of the I Lord : even in the courts of the I house of I our I God. Ecce nunc. 3 Lift up your hands I in the I sanc- tuary : and I praise I — the I Lord. 4 The L ord that made I heaven • and I earth : give thee I blessing i out of I Sion. SELECTION THIRTEENTH. Dr. G. C. Martin. PSALM LXXXV.- mp LORD, thou art become gracious ! unto . thy I land : thou hast turned away the cap- I -tivi- I -ty of 1 Jacob. 2 Thou hast forgiven the offence I of thy I people : and I covered I all their I sins. 3 Thou hast taken away all I thy dis- I -pleasure : and turned thyself from thy I wrathful I indig- I -nation. Benedixisii Dom'me. 4 Turn us then O I God our and let thine I anger I cease Saviour from us. 5 Wilt thou be displeased at I us for I ever : and wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from 6ne gener- I -ation I to an- I -other ? 6 Wilt thou not turn again, and I quicken I us : that thy people I may re- I joice in 1 thee ? 196 SHLECTlOxN THlRTEExNTH (continued). Dr. G. C. Martin ^-1 ^ ^'!i 7 Shew us thy I mercy . O I Lord : ; gether : righteousness and I peace have I and I grant us I thy sal- 1 -vation. i kissed • each I other. 8 I will hearken what the Lord God I 1 1 Truth shall flourish I out • of the will say con- I -cerning 1 me : for he shall earth : and righteousness hath I looked I speak peace unto his people and to his down from I heaven. saints « that tlicy I turn I not a- I 12 Yea, the Lord shall shew I loviug- gain. kindness : and our I land shall i give her 9 F"or his salvation is nigh I them increase. that I fear him : that glory may I dwell I 13 Righteousness shall 1 go be- I -fore in our I land. him : and he shall direct his I going I in 10 Mercy and truth are I met to- I ! the I way. Sir George Elvey. PSALM XCIII.- F. /THE Lord is King* and hath put on glori- I -ous ap- I -parol : the Lord hath put on his apparel and I girded • him- I self with I strength. F. 2 He hath made the round I world so i sure : that it I cannot I be I moved. 3 Ever since the world began hath thy seat I been pre- I -pared : thou I art from I ever- I -lasting. Doininiis regnavit. 4 The floods are risen, O Lord * the floods have lift I up their 1 voice : th^ i floods lift I up their I waves. 5 The waves of the sea are mighty and I rage I horribly : but yet the L5rd who I dwelleth • on I high is I mightier. 6 Thy testimonies, O Lord are I very ! sure : holiness be- I -cometh • thine I house for I ever. Sir G. A. Mali-akren. PSALM XCVII.- /THE Lord is King * the earth may be I glad there- I -of : yea, the multitude of the isles I may be I glad there- I -of. 2 Clouds and darkness are I round a- I -bout him : righteousness and judge- ment are the habit- I -ation I of his I seat. 3 There shall go a I fire be- I -fore him : and burn up his I ene • mies on I every I side. 4 His lightnings gave shine I unto . the I world : the earth I saw it • and I was a- I -fraid. 5 The hills melted like wax * at the presence I of the I Lord : at the presence of the Lord I of the I whole I tarth. -DoHiiniis rcanavit. 6 The heavens have de- I -clared . his I righteousness : and all the I people • have I seen his I glory. 7 Confounded be all they that wor- ship carved images * and that delight in I vain I gods : w6rship I him I all ye I gods. 8 Sion heard of it I and re- ! -joiced : and the daughters of Judah were glad ^ because of thy I judgements I O I Lord. 9 For thou Lord, art higher than k\\ that are I in the i earth : thou art exalted I far a- I -bove all I gods. 10 O ye that love the Lord * see that SELECTION THIRTEENTH {continued). 197 ye hate the thing I which is I evil : the Lord preserveth the souls of his saints » he shall deliver them from the I hand of I the un- I -godly. II There is sprung up a light I for the I i righteous : and joyful gladness for I such as I are true- I -hearted. 13 Rejoice in the I Lord ye I righteous : and give thanks* for a re- I -membrance I of his I holiness. SELECTION FOURTEENTH. 1 c— ^ \ -ri tJ \ '^ \\ ^'-f—-^ l-r--; r^ *!;- --1 — B PSALM CII.- i-". «;/HEAR my I prayer O I Lord : and let my crying i come I unto I thee. F. 2 Hide not thy face from me in the time I of my I trouble : incline thine ear unto me when I call * O hear I me and I that right I soon. 3 For my days are consumed a- 1 -way like I smoke : and my bones are burnt up I as it I were a I firebrand. 4 My heart is smitten down and I withered • like I grass : so that I' for- I get to 1 eat my I bread. 5 For the voice I of my I gToaning : my bones will scarce I cleave I to my I flesh. 6 I am become like a pelican I in the I wilderness : and like an owl I that is I in the I desert. 7 I have watched * and am even as it ! were a I sparrow : that sitteth a- I lone up- I -on the ! house-top. 8 Mine enemies revile me I all the • day I long : and they that are mad upon me are I sworn to- I -gether • a- 1 -gainst me. 9 For I have eaten ashes I as it • were I bread : and I mingled • my I drink with I weeping ; 10 And that because of thine indig- I nation and I wrath : for thou hast taken me I up and I cast me I down. 11 My days are gone I like a I shadow : and I' am I withered I like I grass. 12 But thou, O L6rd,shalt en- I -dure for I ever : and thy remembrance through- out ' all I gener- 1 -ations. 13 Thou shalt arise , and have m ercy up- 1 on I Sion : for it is time that thou have mercy upon her, I yea the I time is I come. 14 And why * thy servants think up- I on her I stones : and it pitieth them to I see her I in the I dust. 15 The heathen shall fear thy I Name O I Lord : and all the kings I of the I earth thy I Majesty ; Domine, exatidi. 16 When the Lord shall I build up I Sion : and when his I glory I shall ap- I pear ; 17 When he tumeth him unto the prayer of the I poor I destitute : and de- I spiseth . not I their de- I -sire. 18 This shall be written for those that I come I after : and the people which shall be I born shall I praise the I Lord. 19 For he hath looked down I from his I sanctuary : out of the heaven did the I Lord be- I -hold the I earth ; 20 That he might hear the mourning of such as are I in cap- I -tivity : and de- liver the children ap- I -pointed I unto I death ; 21 That they may declare the Name of the f Lord in I Sion : and his I worship I at Je- I -rusalem ; 22 When the people are I gathered ■ to- I -gether : and the kingdoms I also- to I serve the I Lord. 23 He brought down my strength I in my I journey : and 1 shortened I my I days. 24 But I said * O my God, take me not away in the midst I of mine I age : as for thy years, they endure throughout I all I gener- I -ations. mf 25 Thou, Lord, in the beginning » hast laid the foundation I of the i earth : and the heavens are the I work of I thy I hands. 26 They shall perish, but thou I shalt en- I -dure : they all shall wax I old as I doth a I garment ; 27 And as a vesture shalt thou change them * and they I shall be ' changed : but thou art the same, and thy 1 years I shall not I fail. 28 The children of thy servants I shall con- I -tinue : and their seed shall stand I fast I in thy I sight. n. Kersw 1-4, 8-9, 15-16, 21-22, 31-43 J .Battishill, Alternative Chants. Versn 5-7, 10-14. Thomas Tallis. mf O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for I he is I gracious : and his I mercy • en- I dureth • for I ever. 2 Let them give thanks whom the L6rd I hath re- I -deemed : and delivered fr6m the 1 hand I of the I enemy ; 3 And gathered them out of the lands * from the £ast and i from the I PSALM CVU.—ConJitemiui Domino. west : fr6m the I north and I from the I south. ^ 7 He led them fdrth by the I right 4 They went astray in the wilder^ ness I out • of the ! way : and i found no I city . to 1 dwell in ; 5 Hungry I and I thirsty : their I soul I fainted 1 in them. 6 So they cried unto the L6rd I in their I trouble : and he delivered them from I their dis- I -tress. SELECTION FIFTEENTH {continued). 199 way : that they might go to the ! city I where they I dwelt. F. 8 O that men would therefore praise the Lord I for his I goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth I for the I chil- dren • of I men ! 9 For he satisfieth the I empty I soul : and fiUeth the i hungry I soul with I goodness. ID Such as sit in darkness » and in the I shadow • of ! death : being fast bound in I mise- I -ry and I iron ; 11 Because they rebelled against the words I of the I Lord : and lightly re- garded the counsel 1 of the I most I Highest ; 12 He also brought d6wn their I heart through I heaviness : they fell down, and I there was I none to I help them. 13 So when they cried unto the L6rd I in their I trouble : he delivered them I out of I their dis- I -tress. p"^ 14 For he brought them out of dark- ness » and out of the I shadow • of I death : and I brake their I bonds in I sunder. F. 15 O that men would therefore praise the L6rd I for his I goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth I for the I chil- dren . of I men ! 16 For he hath brSken the I gates of I brass : and smitten the I bars of I iron . in I sunder. 17 Foolish men are plagued for ! their of- I -fence : and be- I -cause of I their I wickedness. 18 Their soul abhorred all I manner • of I meat : and they were even I hard at I death's I door. 19 So when they cried unto the Lord I in their I trouble : he delivered them I out of I their dis- I -tress. 20 He sent his word, and I healed I them : and they were I saved • from I their de- 1 -struction. F. 21 O that men would therefore praise the Lord I for his I goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth I for the I chil- dren • of I meni 22 That they would offer unto him the sacrifice of I thanks- I -giving : and tell I out his I works with I gladness ! 23 They that go down to the I sea in I ships : and 5ccupy their I business • in I great I waters ; 24 These men see the works I of the I Lord : and his I wonders 1 in the I deep. 25 For at his word the stormy I wind a- I -riseth : which lifteth I up the I waves there- I -of. 26 They are carried up to the heaven * and down again I to the I deep : their soul melteth away be- I -cause I, of the I trouble. 27 They reel to and fro * and stagger like a I drunken I man : and are i at their I wits' I end. 28 So when they cry unto the Lord I in their 1 trouble : he delivereth them 1 out of I their dis- I -tress. 29 For he maketh the I storm to I cease : so that the I waves there- I -of are I still. 30 Then are they glad, because they I are at I rest : and so he bringeth them unto the haven I where they I would I be. F. 31 O that men would therefore praise the L6rd I for his I goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth I for the I chil- dren . of I men ! 32 That they would exalt him also in the congregation I of the I people : and praise him in the I seat I of the I elders ! 33 Who turneth the floods I into • a I wilderness : and I drieth I up the 1 water springs. 34 A fruitful land I maketh • he I barren : for the wickedness of I them that I dwell there- I -in. 35 Again, he maketh the wilderness a I standing I water : and water-springs I of a I dry I ground. 36 And there he I setteth • the I hungry : that they may I build • them a I city . to I dwell in ; 37 That they may sow their land, and I plant I vineyards : to I yield them I fruits of I increase. 38 He blesseth them * so that they multi- I -ply ex- I -ceedingly : and suffereth not their I cattle I to de- I -crease. 39 And again * when they are minished and I brought I low : through oppression, through I any I plague or I trouble ; 40 Though he suffer them to be evil in- 1 treated • through 1 tyrants : and let them wander out of the I way I in the I wilder ness ; 41 Yet helpeth he the poor I out of I misery : and maketh him households I like a I flock of I sheep. 42 The righteous will consider this i and re- I -joice : and the mouth of all [ wickedness I shall be I stopped. things loving- aiid they shall understand the -kindness I of the I Lord. 200 SELECTION SIXTEENTH. Verses i to 14. Verse 15 to end. Travers, PSALM CXVIII.— / O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for he is I gracious : because his I mercy en- I -dureth • for I ever. 2 Let Israel now confess that gracious : and that his I mercy he is en- dureth • for I ever. 3 Let the house of Aaron I now con- fess : that his I mercy • en- I -dureth for I ever. 4 Yea, let them now that fear tlie Lord con- I -fess : t-hat his I mercy • en- dureth • for I ever. Ill/ 5 I called upon the I Lord in trouble : and the Lord I heard I me at large. 6 The Lord is I on my I side : I wil not fear what I man • doeth I unto I me. 7 The Lord taketh my part with them that I help me : therefore shall I see my de- I -sire up- I -on mine 1 enemies. 8 It is better to trust I in the I Lord : than to put any 1 confi- I -dence in I man. 9 It is better to trust I in tlie I Lord : tiian to' put any I confi- I -dence in 1 princes. 10 All nations compassed me I round a- I -bout : but in the Name of the I Lord will I I de- I -stroy them. 1 1 They kept me in on every side * they kept me in I say on I every I side : but in the Name of the I Lord will I I ie- I -stroy them. 12 They came about me like bees * and are extinct even as the fire a- 1 -mong the 1 thorns : for in the Name of the I Lord 1 i will de- I -stroy them. 13 Thou hast thrust sore at me, that I I miglit I fall : but the I Lord I was my 1 help. 14 The Lord is my strength I and my I song : and is be- 1 -come I my sal- I -vation. 15 The voice of joy and health is in the dwellings I of the I righteous : the Conjitentini Domino. right hand of the Lord bringeth I mighty I things to I pass. 16 The right hand of the L6rd I hath • the pre- I -eminence : the right hand of the Lord bringeth I mighty I things to I pass. 17 I shall not I die but I live : and declare the I works I of the I Lord, 18 The Lord hath chastened and cor- 1 rected I me : but he hath not gtven me I over I unto I death. 19 O'pen me the I gates of I righteous- ness : that I may go into them » and give I thanks I unto . the I Lord. 20 This is the gate I of the I Lord : the righteous shall I enter I into I it. 21 I will thank thee, for ! thou hast I heard me : and art be- I -come I my sal- I vation. 22 The same stone which the I builders • re- I -fused : is become the I head-stone I in the I corner. 23 This is the I Lord's I doing: audit is I marvellous I in our i eyes. 24 This is the day which the I Lord hath 1 made: we will rejoice I and be I glad in I it. 25 Help me I now O 1 Lord : O Lord 1 send us I now pros- I -perity. 26 Blessed be he that cometh in tho Name I of the I Lord : we have wished you good luck* ye that are of the I house 1 of the I Lord. 27 God is the Lord who hath I shewed • us I light : bind the sacrifice with cords * yea, even unto the I horns I of the I altar. 28 Thou art my G6d, and I I will thank thee : thou art my I God, and I 1 will I praise thee. 29 O give thanks unto the Lord, lor I he is I gracious : and his I mercy • en- \ dureth • for J ever. SELECTION SEVENTEENTH. 201 Dr. Garrett, PSALM CXXIII. — Ad te h'vavi oculos tneos. mp UNTO thee lift I I up mine I eyes : O thou that I dwellest 1 in the I heavens. 2 Behold, even as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters * and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand I of her 1 mistress : even so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God * until I he have I mercy • up- ! -on us. 3 Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have I mercy • up- I -on us : for we are i utter- I -ly de- i -spised. 4 Our soul is filled with the scorn- ful reproof I of the I wealthy : and with the de- I -spiteful • ness I of the I proud. PSALM CXXIV.— iV/si quia Dominus. mp IF the Lord himself had not been on our side * now may 1 Israel I say : If the Lord himself had not been on Dur side, when 1 men rose I up a- I gainst us ; 2 They had swallowed I us up I quick : when they were so wrathful- I -ly dis- I -pleased I at us. 3 Yea, the waters had I drowned I us : and the stream had I gone I over • our i soul. 4 The deep waters I of the I proud : had gone I even I over • our I soul. mf 5 But praised I be the I Lord : who hath not given us over for a I prey I unto • their 1 teeth. 6 Our soul is escaped « even as a bird out of the snare I of the I fowler : the .snare is broken, 1 and we 1 are de- 1 -livered. ^ 7 Our help standeth in the Name I of the I Lord : who hath I made I heaven and I earth. -4 'J i Rev. J. Troutbeck. / r-^ ■^-^ -^— ^- ===^ ^^ S'^-ks^ _^ ^ ^ Dec. ' 1 T ' Clin. II 1 f^ J- ^. J 1 . C-* ^ = r^ \-^ h 1 ! r H cxxv.— g mf THEY that put their trust in the Lord shall be even as the I mount I Sion : which may not be removed, but I standeth I fast for I ever. 2 The hills stand a- I -bout Je- I rusaJem : even so standeth the Lord round about his people » from this time I forth for I ever- I -more. 3 For the rod of the ungodly cometh m conjidunt. not into the lot I of the I righteous : lest the righteous put their I hand I unto I wickedness. 4 Do ! well O I Lord : unto those that are I good and I true of I heart. 5 As for such as turn back unto their I own I wickedness : the Lord shall lead them forth with the evil-doers » but peace shall I be up- 1 -on I Israel. 202 SELtXTlON EIGHTEENTH. PSALM CXXXlX.—Dominc, probasti. mf O LORD, thou hast searched me I out and I known me : thou knowest my down-sitting and mine uprising « thou understandest mylthoughtsllong be-l-fore. 2 Thou art about my path, and a- i bout my I bed : and I spiest • out I all my I ways. 3 For lo, there is not a word I in my I tongue : but thou, O Lord I knowest it I alto- I -gether. 4 Thou hast fashioned me behind I and be- I -fore : and i laid thine I hand up- I -on me. 5 Such knowledge is too wonderful and I excellent I for me : I cannot at- I tain I unto I it. 6 Whither shall I go then I from thy I Spirit : or whither shall I I go then I from thy I presence ? 7 If I climb up into heaven I thou art I there : if I go down to hell I thou art I there ! also. 8 If I take the wings I of the | morning : and remain in the uttermost I parts I of the I sea; 9 Even there also shall I thy hand I lead me : and I thy right I hand shall i hold me. 10 If I say, Peradventure the dark- ness shall I cover I me : then shall my '. night be I turned • to I day. 11 Yea, the darkness is no darkness with thee * but the night is as clear 1 as the I day : the darkness and light to 1 thee are I both a- I -like. 12 For my I reins are I thine : thou hast covered me I in my I mother's I Momb. 13 I will give thanks unto thee * for I am fearfully and wonder- i -fully I made : marvellous arc tiiy works * and that my I soul I knoweth • right I well. 14 My bones are not I hid from 1 thee : though I be made secretly « and fashioned be- I -neath 1 in the I earth. 15 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet I being • im- I -perfect : and in thy book were I all my 1 members I written ; 16 Which day by I day were 1 fash- ioned : when as yet I there was I none of I them. 17 How dear are thy counsels unto I me O ! God : O how great I is the 1 sum of I them ! iS If I tell them * they are more in number I than the I sand : when I wake up I I am I present • with 1 thee. 19 Wilt thou not slay the I wicked • O I God : depart from m6, ye I blood- t thirsty I men. 20 For they speak unrighteous- I -ly a- I -gainst thee : and thine enemies i take thy I Name in I vain. 21 Do not I hate them, O L6rd. that I hate 1 thee : and am not I grieved with those that I rise I up a- I -gainst thee ? 23 Yea, I hate I them right I sore : even as I though they I were mine I enemies. .23 Try me O God, and seek the ground I of my I heart : pr5ve me, I and ex- I -amine • my I thoughts. 24 Look well if there be any way of I wickedness I in me : and lead me in the I fway I ever- I -lasting. SELECTION EIGHTEENTH [continued). 203 Dr. R. Woodward. 3=^ .\J \ '> J d= i^^ m W^ ^^ ^t==tF- Dec. I , 1^^ ^ ^ ,-^- <^ ^m j-j Can. (^ ,. ^ t=t . -r PSALM CXLV.- mf I WILL magnify thee O I God my I King : and I will praise thy I Name for I ever • and I ever. 2 Every day will I give thanks I unto I thee : and praise thy I Name for I ever • and I ever. 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous* worthy I to be 1 praised : there is no I end 1 of his I greatness. 4 One generation shall praise thy works 1 unto • an- I -other : and de- I clare I thy I power. 5 As for me, I will be talking I of thy I worship : thy glory, thy I praise and I wondrous i works ; 6 So that men shall speak of the might of thy I marvellous I acts : and I will also I tell I of thy I greatness. 7 The memorial of thine abundant kindness I shall be I shewed : and men shall I sing i of thy I righteousness. 8 The Lord is I gracious • and I merciful : long-suffering, I and of I great I goodness. 9 The Lord is loving unto I every I man : and his mercy is I over I all his I works. 10 All thy works praise I thee O I Lord : and thy saints give I thanks I unto I thee. 11 They shew the gl6ry 1 of thy I kingdom : and I talk ! of thy I power; ■Exaltabo te. Dens. 12 That thy power, thy glory, and mightiness I of thy I kingdom : might be I known I unto I men. 13 Thy kingdom is an ever- I -lasting I kingdom : and thy dominion en- I -dureth • through- I -out all I ages. 14 The Lord uph61deth all I such as I fall : and lifteth up all 1 those I that are I down. 15 The eyes of all wait upon I thee O I Lord : and thou givest them their I meat in I due I season. 16 Thou openest I thine I hand : and fillest I all things I Uving • with I plente- ousness. 17 The Lord is righteous in I all his I ways : and I holy • in I all his I works. 18 The Lord is nigh unto all thfim that I call up- 1 - on him : yea,.all such as I call up- I -on him I faithfully. 19 He will fulfil the desire of 1 them that I fear him : he also will hear their I cry I and will I help them. 20- The Lord presfirveth all ! them that I love him : but scattereth a- I -broad I all • the un- I -godly. 1^ 21 My mouth shall speak the praise I of the I Lord : and let all flesh give thanks unto his holy I Name for I ever • and I ever. 204 SELECTION NINETEENTH. E J. HOPKIMS PSALM CXLVII.- F.fO PRAISE the Lord « for it is a good thing to siiig praises I unto • our I God : yea, a joyful and pleasant thing it i is to I be I thankful. F. 2 The Lord doth build I up Je- I rusalem ; and gather together the I out- I casts of I Israel. 3 He healeth those that are I broken • in I heart : and giveth I medicine • to I heal their I sickness. 4 He telleth the number I of the I stars : and calleth them I all I by their I names. 5 Great is our Lord * and great I is his i power : yea, and his I wisdom I is I infinite. 6 The L6rd setteth I up the I meek : and bringeth the ung6dly I down I to the i ground. 7 O sing unto the L6rd with I thanks- I giving : sing praises upon the I harp 1 unto . our I God. 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds n and prepareth rain i for the I earth : and maketh the grass to grow upon the mountains * and herb I for the I •se of I men. 9 Who giveth fSdder I unto • the I cattle : and feedeth the y6ung I ravens • that I call up- I -on him. ■Laudate Dominiim. 10 He hath no pleasure in the strength I of an I horse : neither delighteth I he in I any • man's I legs. 11 But the Lord's delight is in I them that I fear him : and put their I trust I in his I mercy. 12 Praise the L6rd I O Je- I -rusalem : praise thy I GoJ , O I Sion. 13 For he hath made fast the bars I of thy I gates : and hath I blessed • thy I children • with- 1 -in thee. 14 He maketh peace I in thy I borders : and filleth thee I with the I flour of I wheat. 15 He sendeth forth his command- ment up- I -on ! earth : and his word I runneth I very I swiftly. 16 He giveth I snow like I wool : and scattereth the I hoar- I -frost like I ashes. 17 He casteth forth his I ice like I morsels : who is able I to a- I -bide his I frost ? 18 He sendeth out his word, and I melteth I them : he bloweth with his wind I and the I waters I flow. 19 He sheweth his w6rd I unto I Jacob : his statutes and ordinances ' 'into 1 Isra- I -el. 20 He hath not dealt so with I any 1 nation : neither have the heathen 1 know- ledge I of his I laws. SELECTION TWENTIETH. 90ft J. Battishiul. 11. R, GOODSON. r n T--J 1-r-^ h s Dec. , .e- ^s>- -^- __, j_,_^ —^ — V — 1 a_fl PSALM Q.YXN\\l.—Laudate Dominum. O PRAISE the I Lord ot I heaven : praise I — him I in the I height. 2 Praise him, all ye I angels • of I his : praise I — him I all his I host. 3 Praise him, i sun and I moon : praise him, I all ye I stars and I light. 4 Praise him, I all ye I heavens : and ye waters that I are a- I -bove the I heavens. 5 Let them praise the Name I of the I Lord : for he spake the word, and they were made * he commanded, I and they I were ere- I -ated. 6 He hath made them fast for I ever • and ( ever : he hath given them a law I which shall I not be I broken. 7 Praise the L6rd up- I -on I earth : ye I dragons • and I all I deeps ; 8 Fire and hail I snow and I vapours : wind and I storm ful- I -filling • his I word ; 9 Mountains and I all I hills : fruitful I trees and I all I cedars ; ID Beasts and I all 1 cattle : w6rms I — and I feathered I fowls ; 11 Kings of the earth and I all I people : princes and all I judges I of the I world ; 12 Young men and maidens, old men and children * praise the Name I of the I Lord : for his Name only is excellent * and his praise a- I -bove I heaven and I earth. 13 He shall exalt the horn of his people * all his I saints shall I praise him : even the children of Israel * 6ven the I people • that I serveth I him. J. TURLE A. R. Reinagle. I r I -s- I Dec. > Cs*i. t g!=^T^^1 F ^ "J I ^ iS>- < s » 1^ -f^— ^ s^ l=t Can. I I 1 — t- PSALM CXLIX. — Cantate Domino. =?z= /O SING unto the L6rd a 1 new 1 song: 1 Jet the congre- I -gation • of I saints I | praise him. 1 2 Let Israel rejoice ia ' mm tnat 1 1 made him : and let the children at caiozi f be I joyful I in their I King. 3 Let them praise his Name I in the I dance : let them sing praises unto I him with I tabret • and I harp. 4 For the Lord hath pleasure I in nis I people : and I helpeth • the I meek- I hearted 5 Let the saints be I joyful • with I glory : let them re- I -joice I in their i beds. 6 Let the praises of God be I in their I moutn : ana a two-edged I sword I in lueir I uauu^ ■ 7 To be avenged I of the I heathen : and I to re- I -buke the I people ; 8 To bind their I kings in I chains : and their I nobles • with I links of I iron. 9 That they may be avenged of them I as it • is I written : Such I honour . have ' all his I saints. i08 SELECTION TWENTIETH {continMd\ I. P=^ J. Barkbt. — 1— J — ^^ •J - 1 r Dec. Can. 1 1 ^ — -:^ — 2 t=p=^ "^-^=:^ I :=l: 4=;^ Dr. Crotch -U, ! r-r ^ ^+^H <- g- -i-^-^ Dec. I . Ca». -^ d- ^- ?^ __ ^ ^ H ^'- 1 ' ^^^fe^ E^^ PSALM CL. — Latidate Domittum. ff O PRAISE God I in his I holiness : praise him in the I firmament I of his I power. 2 Praise him in his I noble I acts : praise him according I to his I excellent I greatness. 3 Praise him in the sound I of the I trumpet: praise him up- I -on the I lute aod i harp, 4 Praise him in the I cymbals . and I dances : praise him up- I -on the I strings and I pipe. 5 Praise him upon the well- I -tuned I cymbals : praise him up- 1 -on the I loud I cymbals. F. 6 Let 6very thing I that hath J bfSSti ' praise I 1 — the '. Lord r: \ J j J :^ 1 ''^ j 1 ; \* V i '\Vv'' ^•\ ■' . , V ^ ^H *^x. - ^H ^^^■'■^ ^1 /^'y'-' ^1 .,/,- /y"^B /> ^ Uj^l -:<