LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, N.J. The George L Finney Collection of Shaker Literature Given in Memory of His Uncle The Rev. John Clark Finney Class of 1907 y/ "Thfi. civine. took oA Vioki <7^ncL e-herncA! wi 5 aom^ ire v£C7^Hn<$' nr\ou,+V^ goe+h c\ 6)ic\rp Sword. YYn-Hen "bMT^wlinc*. "-Bor^ss CKt WeK+ervlie-i-, H -Y.l^^liVneAU-the. Uni+ed 5oc»fiTj caliej 5ViovKe,rS. Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library PREFACE. V Jews of old, to irretrievable delusion, and bring upon themselves swift de- struction without a remedy. 14. Let any candid pcojjie, endowud with a common share of discernment, seriously examine the signs of the times, and view the many wonderful events and extraordinary changes that are constantly taking place in the mor- al, religious and political world, as well as in the natural elements, through the operations of Providence, and they cannot but consider the present age as commencing the most extraordinary and momentous era that ever took place on earth. 15. These remarkable events evidently forebode a most important revolu- tion ; — a revolution which, in its progress, will overturn and break in pieces all the systems of man's invention, which are founded in the corrupt and ty- rannical principles of heatlien and antichristian darkness, though never so highly sanctioned by age and the authority of great and splendid names. 16. Perhaps this will be granted by many, who will yet cling to certain theological tenets, which have been established for many ages, as the funda- mental principles of the christian religion, by nearly all its professors. But we would ask. What evidence have they that these principles did not origi- nate in antichristian or heathen darkness .-" And have they any assurance of safety in the revolution which divine Providence has begun in the world ? Or that it will not finally break in pieces and scatter all such religious plnn- ciples to the winds, so that no place can be found for them .'' (See Dan. ii. 35.) 17. Many things contained in this book, will doubtless appear new and strange, and at variance with the general opinions of mankind. But is that any proof that they are not important and unchangeable truths.'' Can any reasonable man believe that God has already revealed Himself in his full- ness.'' Dare any mortal beings attempt to limit the holy One, and declare that He never will and never can make any further revelation of his mind and will to his rational creatures than what is contained in the Bible.'' Who can be so presumptuous .'' 18. Whence arises the opinion that there is no further revelation from God ever to be looked for .'' Surely not from the sacred scriptures, nor from sound reason : for these declare that the works of the Great First Cause are con- tinually increasing. Do not all the elements of nature, with all their pow- ers, and the physical and intellectual powers and faculties of man, continue to be more and more developed and brought to light.' And shall the spirit- ual powers and light of divine truth alone remain stationary, and no further increase of knowledge be given on these subjects, in comparison of which all natural and earthly things sink into insignificance .' Who cannot see the absurdity of such an idea.' 19. The scriptures declare that. In the last days, God will pour out his spir- it upon all flesh ; and great signs and wonders and increasing light shall fol- low. (See Joel ii. 28 to 32, and Acts ii. 17.) Although this prophecy was applied, by the apostle Peter, to the events which took place at the day of Pentecost; yet it was evidently but in part fulfilled ; for it was declared, ev- en in the days of Christ's first appearing, that they knew but in part, and prophesied in part; and that there would be a more perfect work in his sec- VI PREFACE. Olid coming. Also that the earth should be "full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." And of Christ, the Prince"of Peace it is said, "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, to order and establish it with judgment and justice." (Isa. ix. 7.) 20. How can these scriptures be fulfilled, unless a further revelation of divine power, wisdom and light be manifested to tlie human race .'' Surely these prophecies must take place on earth, and divine judgment must and will bring them to pass, and divine justice be' established throughout the world. 21. Let no one imagine that the matters contained in the following pages, are cunningly devised fables, or the inventions of man or woman. We have not only been eye and ear witnesses, but even feeling witnesses of the spirit of these divine communications, and well know that neither the inspired writer of the Book, nor the inspired writers of the witnesses thereof, were capable of framing or devising these things of themselves, and that nothing short of the spiritual anointing of heavenly power and wisdom could enable them to bring forth these sacred writings now to be revealed to the world. 22. Therefore they will, most^surely, yet be found by all the'race of man, to be weighty and solemn realities, of eternal importance to all souls; and well will it be for all such as make a wise use thereof. 23. That all, into whose hands this sacred Book may come, may^be induced to read without prejudice, judge with candor, and conscientiously decido in such a manner as they can answer to the Eternal Judge of all, and as will be for their own best good here, and their immortal welfare through an end- less eternity, is the sincere desire and fervent prayer of the true friends and well wishers to all mankind. Seth Y. Wells. ") p ,. Calvin Green. ) CONTENTS. Page. Introdiirtory Address by the holy Angel of God .... xvii A Roll from the Eternal Two in One . .... xviii PART I. The Call of God to the inspired writer. He instructeth his chosen peo- ple in their duty toward the children of men, &c. . . . . 1 Continuation of the word of God. He declareth his judgments upon the inhabitants of the earth, and showeth that they are for a merci- ful purpose. He warneth his people against the spirit of enmity 5 The judgments of God declared upon Arabia and other parts of the earth. He showeth the justice and equality of his ways . . 8 Judgments denounced upon the ships ot the sea, and upon those engag- ed in unrighteous traffic. The blood shed by warring nations recom- pensed upon themselves. The humble and penitent shall find blessing and mercy ........... 1.5 Declaration and confirmation of the holy Angel of prophetic Light, to the subject of the preceding chapter respecting war ... 20 The great day of the Lord foretold. He reproveth infidelity, and the hypocrisy of carnal professors, and declareth his judgments against them. Christ hath come in his glory, as a refiner, to sit in judgment and purify his people ......... 23 Proclamation of the salvation of God by the holy Archangel. He de- clareth the overthrow of the antichristian power. The Son of God declareth the manner of his second coming. He reproveth the sloth- fulness and darkness of the professors of Christianity. God will judge the great whore of Babylon, &,c. ....... 30 Vain are the labors of man to comprehend the mysteries of God by nat- ural wisdom. God will reveal his hidden mysteries to none but the simple and innocent babes of Zion : He reproves the many sins and secret abominations of the world. A promise of mercy to the humble and penitent ........... 34 The inhabitants of the earth reb-uked for their sins and abominations. The judgment seat of Christ proclaimed, where all souls shall be judged ............ 38 Man, in a state of nature, is like wild uncultivated land, whidh must be subdued before it is fit to receive good seed : so must the heart of man be subdu(!d by confession and repentance, before the seed of the gospel can be planted and profitably cultivated in it ., .. 41 VIII CONTENTS. The standing word of God for present and future generations. The standard of obedience, according to divine appointment, the only means of access to God. Tlie full of Lucifer (now called Satan) was by his disobedience .......... 45 The prophet Isaiah's address. The law of God shall go forth from Zi- on to all nations, and all shall be judged thereby. The Lord will de- stroy the wickedness of man from oft' the earth, and cause the right- eous to flourish .......... 50 God will reward the workers of iniquity according to their deeds. Sal- vation can only be obtained through Christ, in the order of his second coming in his glory. The only door of entrance into Christ's kingdoin made manifest ........... 54 The true doctrines of the gospel cannot be mistaken : All must be for- saken and given up for Christ; the carnal life of sin, &c. The man- ner of Christ's coming ; He cannot be seen by the world of mankind 60 All the works of God are progressive. The New Creation shall be beautiful and glorious; and as the old creation was brought to maturi- ty-by progressive degrees; so with the new; it shall be gradually peopled from spiritual Parents . . . . . . . .66 A solemn warning from the Almighty to his people, to treasure up stores of spiritual gifts, to support themselves and others in time of famine 70 God reproveth the murmurings of his people respecting the dispensa- tion of his gifts. He hath given them in wisdom and justice, and re- quireth a faithful improvement thereof, and each one shall be rewarded according to his works ......... 73 The natural man, by his own wisdom, is unable to judge the work of God. Reproof of the haughty and self-exalted for their oppression of their fellow men, and the poor, and those whom they consider as their inferiors. Equal justice shall be measured to all souls . . .75 A declaration of God's wrath and judgments against the inhabitants of the earth for their wickedness. His warning to the children of Zion to come out from the world and look not back, lest they fall under judgment ............ 81 The words of Solomon the son of David. The true meaning of the work he was called to do, declared. All will be spiritually fulfilled in the kingdom of Christ, established in the present dispensation . 84 Solomon declares the uprightness of his youth, and tlie manifestations of Wisdom to him : That the peace and glory of his kingdom were typical of the beauty, honor and glory of the everlasting kingdom of righteousness and peace, revealed by Christ, the Son of God, in this latter day 88 * Famines predicted. Election and reprobation explained. Of regene- ation 94 PAIIT II. The Lord reproves his people for unbelief and unfaithfulness, their dis- obedience and disorderly conduct : He warns them to repent and be examples to the world, of love and union, peace and harmony . 99 The earth shall be renewed, the deserts and waste places shall be re- plenished and made fruitful. Judgments declared against o(ipression and slavery. The state of the oppr(;ssor and oppressed shall be re- versed hereafter ....... 105 A chapter inspired by the holy Angel of prophetic Light, in confirma- tion of the preceding one ...... 110 ♦ This chapter should have been the iiintli instead of the twenty second. Eds. CONTENTS. IX A severe reproof of tlir, oppressors of God's people, and of tlie ricli and haughty, vvlio oppress tlie poor and needy. The pride and haugtiness of man shall be brought low, and the meek exalted . . 113 The judgments of God declared against the abominations of the wicked. Mankind called to fee! tiieir dependence on God for all their enjoy- ments. God will destroy the inventions of man from the earth, and bring the cliildreii of men to righteousness and purity, and to a one- ness of feeling in all things ........ 118 The high and exalted ideas of the Jews concerning the first appearing of Christ, was the cause of their unbelief and opposition ; so in his second coming, will the expectations of mankind be disappointed, and great will be their opposition ....... 122 God's love for all souls. His mercy to the repenting prodigal, while the self-righteous find no favor. All are invited to seek the favor of God, to be stript of the filthy garments of sin, and be clothed with right- eousness .-.•.•.•.•. 129 Tlie word of God will stand forever. His way is plainly marked out for all who walk in it. Wo to those who reject it. Judgments against opposers .•.-.•.•.■. 135 Declaration of the work of God to his people. Why no man can see the face of God and live. They who die to sin, shall see the face of God and hear his voice. God is one, and the head and members of his body are one. All souls must become one with his body, or never find redemption from all sin. ........ 137 The natural body a figure of the spiritual. The members of the one body of Christ must be mutually useful to each other ; like as tiie mem- bers of the natural body mutually assist and support each other . 142 An exhortation to gather up and save every word and gift of God, to feed andnourish hungry souls. The natural and spiritual elements of man. The final state of all souls must be decided in this dispensation . 145 The children of men, in this day, being more wicked than those de- stroyed by the deluge, cannot escape the judgments of God, who will destroy the old earth by the divine fire which is already kindled, and people the new earth in his own likeness ..... 150 The mysteries of God revealed to babes. The natural creation of male and female, a figure of the spiritual. The spiritual Parentage reveal- ed in its true order .......... 153 The miracles of Christ's first appearing, typical of those to be wrought in his second advent, in healing all manner of spiritual infirmities, giving spiritual life, &c. ........ 156 The gospel shall be published to all nations; the time hath come and the work hath commenced. The mysteries of God cannot be known till the appointed times, and blessed are the wise who wail God's time, for they only shall understand ...... 158 The old creation a figure or shadow of the new and spiritual creation 161 As the natural earth is improved and beautified by cultivation; so shall the new earth be brought to perfection by the cultivator. God re- quires all to earn their food, both natural and spiritual. None but the willing and obedient shall inherit the blessing of God . . . 163 The selfish nature of man debars him from the union of the body of Christ. The whole family of Christ is one. All must be given up to become of his family ......... 168 The nature of man shall be beaten in pieces by the judgments of God, until there remains no power of resistance against his will. The hy- pocrisy of professing to own Christ as their king; yet serving his en- CONTENTS. einy. God will have but one kingdom and one king to rule over the earth, &c. ........... 171 Concerning the true nature of the Lord's supper .... 174 Concerning washing feet. The hire of the laborer, and the beast of Antichrist 176 PART III. Preliminarj' note by the Editors . . . , . . . 181 Introduction by the luily Angel ....... 182 Interpretation of the vision of the souls of them that were slain for the word of God «fcc. None are true martyrs of Christ who are not slain, as to the life of fallen nature and the spirit of the world &c. . 183 A communication from the holy Angel of prophetic Light, giving further illustration of the wonder seen in heaven by Saint John, concerning the woman clothed with the sun, and of her offspring, «&c. . . 188 Address of the holy Angel, and of the apostle John to the inspired writ- er. The voice of God to the inhabitants of the earth. The time of his judgments near. The true sign of the coming of Christ in his glory, and the two witnesses explained ...... 196 Address to the worldly minded, who boast of their pleasures; yet trust in the merits of Clirist for salvation. God by his judgments, will sub- due all these things and bring in everlasting righteousness . . 203 The Lord hath no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Those who will not be reformed by judgments, shall not inherit the kingdom of God. His judgments on Babylon. Man must overcome the world in himself, or he cannot be accepted of God ....... 209 Binding of the dragon explained. False doctrines of Satan among the followers of Christ cast out by the manifestation of divine light, whereby Satan hath been bound ; but will again be loosed by the spir- it of apostacy, &c. .......... 212 Souls must be cut off from the carnal life of nature, before they can be prepared for the living building of God. The order and glory of the New Jerusalem. The true work of judgment declared, which God is able and will accomplish ........ 218 The figurative import of the twelve tribes of Israel explained. The spiritual meaning of (urcumcision. The true work of judgment in the witnesses of God ; here all souls must be judged in righteousness . 222 Some explanation of John's vision of the bottomless pit, locusts, scorpi- ons, »fcc. ............ 226 Explanation of the mystery of the little book which the Angel gave to the beloved apostle to eat, and concerning the mystery of godliness 230 The mystery of the holy City, New Jerusalem explained. Man nmst come out of his fallen nature and be purified before he can dwell there- in, &c. ............ 237 Explanation of the work of the four Angels of judgment, «fcc. . . 243 Some explanations of the seven vials of the wrath of God, «fcc. . 251 The apostle's address to the writer, with instructions, and some further explanations of the subject of the preceding chapter, «fcc. . . 258 Supplement to the preceding chapter by tlie editors .... 265 CONTENTS. XI No power is able to rob God of his glory- He created man for his own honor and glory, and will accomplish his purpose. The manifesta- tion of the love of God to his creatures ..... 267 Man must abase himself to glurify God : The great mistake of souls who think to honor God by exalting themselves. Concluding address of the apostle John ....... 271 PAET IV. Introduction by the hcly Angel . . . ■ • 275 God declareth his creative power and its order : The creation of man, male and female, in the image of God, a figure of the spiritual Parents of the new creation .....-• 277 The figurative import of the types and offerings under the law, must be fulfilled in the gospel, by the confession of sin, and bv a pure and ho- ly life ■ . . 234 The day is hastening when God will dispense his righteous judgments to all souls, according to their works. A full sacrifice is required to find God's acceptance. He will reject those who flinch at a full cross. All must have a free choice . . . ■ ■ 289 The sacred book of the Ancient of days revealed. The Angel en- courages and instructs the inspired writer. The creation and order of the new heavens and earth, &;c. ..... 297 The judgments of Gud declared, w-hich in all ages have followed those who slight ills solemn warnings, and especially upon persecutors. Witness the days ol Noah, and of Pharaoh king of Egypt . 303 Great signs and wonders are not designed to compel souls to obedience ; for all must be tried and found faithful ere they can enter the promis- ed rest. God's work was never intended to exalt the lofty and aspir- ing sense of man ........ 309 The first work of souls in the gospel, is honestly to confess their sins; &c. The types in the figurative dispensation prefigure the various stages of the work of this latter day and final dispensation of God to fallen man ........ 316 An illustration of the true order of confessing sin, which is declared in the preceding chapter to be the first w'ork of the soul in the gospel, supported by scripture and figurative representation . . 321 The wilderness of America was discovered by the Providence of God, to be the field for the manifestation of Christ in the female, &c. 330 A solemn warning not to be found fighting against God, whose work is out of sight of human wisdom. A reproof of unclean souls who seek God in hypocrisy. He will reward all souls with a just recompense 33.5 The reasonableness and importance of the office of the Mother, in the spiritual regeneration declared. The effects of the testimony con- cerning the Parentage of the new creation . . . 338 Remarks of the inspired writer, introductory to the following spiritual communication ....... 344 The word of the holy Angel ..... 345 Words of the holy Angel concerning the necessity of the following communication ....... 346 The creation of God designed for his own honor and the happiness of his creatures. The formation and progressive operations of natural and divine light. Christ the divine light and sun of eternal bright- XII CONTENTS. ness. i\Ian fell from his first rectitude by violating tlie law of obedi- ence ........ 347 The integrity and obedience of Jesus Christ in temptations. The work of regeneration established oy the obedience of the second Adam and Eve. The true liglit of day is now manifested . . . 353 Additional exphuiiition of the vision of St. John, recorded in his reve- lations; referred to in the preceding chapter of tJiis book . . 360 The way of God is plain and easy, but unalterable, and cannot be scan- ned by the high and lofty. The state of souls not altered by leaving the body. The way of God is fair and equal . . . 364 Closing of the present address of the God of heaven to the nations of the earth. God declareth his great mercy in revealing this his word, and the solemn responsibility of souls who hear it, &c. . . 370 PART V. Introduction ........ 377 The Savior declareth himself to be one with the Father, and the only- way to God. He showetli tlie impossibility of being his followers, and at the same time, following the corrupt principles of the world, and bringing forth the fruits of sin . . . .... 377 The Savior declareth that the time is come for the mysteries of godliness to be clearly revealed. All must become like little ciiildren. The heavenly Parentage clearly revealed. The true character and work of their children described ...... 383 As the order of the old creation was not completed until the woman was brought forth and set in her order; so also the new creation was not completed until the female spirit was brought forth and placed in her order, in Christ, as the second Eve ..... 38ri Tlie work of the Savior is to purify souls. His compassionate prayer for a lost world. He exhorteth all to repentance. He warns them against idohiiry ........ 394 All souls, after hearing the gospel, are left to their own free choice. The nature of the resurrection declared. The harvest of the world. Souls coming to the Savior, must be purified from all iniquity . 398 The kingdom of heaven cometh not by observation. Those who wil- lingly embrace the cross, shall be kings and priests unto God. A sol- emn warning to all to beware how they treat the simple work of God 404 An Angel of heaven is now flying through the earth, with the everlast- ing gospel, to be preached to all nations. Those who disbelieve in this day, will be far more guilty than the Jews who rejected Christ in his first appearing .......... 410 Introduction by the Angel. The apostle P(;ter's address. He showetli the attainments and deficicnces in the dispensation of Christ's first appearance, and the superior attainments of his second appearance 418 The apostle's warning to hasten and fulfill the requirements of God. The strong enemy of souls is not conquered by great and mighty displays, but by simple obedience. His fervent exhortation. Witness of the Angei 424 The word and testimony of the beloved apostle James. Introduction by the Angel. The apostle shows the nature and certainty of t lie work of God, in this great day of divine light and power, and warns all to be- ware how they treat it ........ . 427 CONTENTS. Xtll Testimony of the beloved tipostle Pan!. The apostle declares his expe- rience and attainments on earth, in tlie dispensation of the first ap- pearing of Christ tiie Savior ........ 431 TJie apostle siiows his state and experience in the spiritual world, and aivcs his testiinonv of the manner and work of the coming of Christ in and with the Bride 434 A witness from the Anjiel of prophetic Light respecting the apostles . 44(1 The testimony of Simon called Zelotes. A witness of the work of God in the first and second appearing of Christ. His solemn warning and exhortation to works of faith and humility ..... 441 Testimony of the beloved apostle Jiide. The apostle declares that a sure foundation is laid in the spiritual Parentage, for all souls to build upon, and that the work of this dispensation shall never be overthrown. The blessed effects of the work of God in this day, &c. .... 446 Testimony of the apostle James surnamed the Just. The apostle's faith and confidence in the present work of God. The liberty of the soul is freedom from the bondage of sin. Importance of order and obedi- ence. Natural and earthly accomplishments do not fit souls for the kingdom of heaven ......... .4.51 Concerning the profitable use and great abuse of letter learning. Pa- rents responsible for the moral cultivation of their offspring . . 456 The gospel of Christ's second coming, according to St. Matthew. His testimony of the work of the first and second appearing of Christ . 462 The testimony of St. Mark. He declares that the present work of Christ's second appearing is the only way whereby souls can find acceptance with God. He exhorts souls to embrace the cross in humility and childlike simplicity, &c. ........ .467 Testimony of St. Luke the Evangelist : Luke solemnly warns all against denying the Deity. He declares their awful slate in eternity, and ex- horts them to repentance ........ .471 Testimony of St. Bartholomew the apostle. The apostle warns all souls not to be like the rebellious Jews, and reject the work of God in this day, to their destruction. All will be judged according to their works 473 Testimony of the apostle Philip. The apostle decl.-ires his full confi- dence in the perfect work of Christ's second appearing, and boldly ex- horts all immediately to set about the work of subduing the man of sin . . . ' 478 Testimony of the apostle Andrew. Tlie apostle expresses his own hu- mility, and shows that the work of Christ's first appearing was humil- iating to the lofty sense of man ; and that none need expect it to be any less so in his second appearing ...... 481 Testimony of the apostle Thomas. All are invited to come and prove the truth of Christ's doctrine for themselves. The great stumbling block and rock of offence to the unbelieving world is Mother . . 483 Testimony of the apostle Matthias. No other foundation will ever be laid for salvation than that which is already laid, through Christ's first and second appearing ......... 486 Testimony of Nicodemus. Acknowledgement of his error. He de- clares his faith. Warns all against erring in like manner as he did 487 A communication from the Virgin Mary. Her character, though pure and spotless, was greatly slandered by the wicked. She testifies her faith, and in a special manner, acknowledges the Bride, the Mother of the new creation .......... 489 A communication concerning Ananias and Sapphira. The death of Ananias and Sapphira by the judgment of God, was designed for a XIV CONTENTS. solemn vvnrniiig to all who pretend to give up all ; yet deceitriilly keep back a part ........... 4J)3 Witness of Ananias ...... ... 49.5 Witness of Sapphira .-......,, 497 PART VI. Holy Mother Wisdom declares herself to be, in nature and essence, One with Eternal Power. She shows the origin of her distinct order, and her union with the great first Cause, and warns all to beware how they treat these sacred things 501 The work of the regeneration is to be the means by which the .seed of the woman will bruise the serpent's head, through the children of the second Eve. The words of Solomon respecting Wisdom, applied to the Eternal Mother 508 Holy Wisdom declares the law and order of nature given of God in the beginning, and sliows it to be the only means by which man could ev- er obtain the blessing and protection of God, in the natural state . 512 The subject continued, with particular instructions to females . . 516 Reasons for the indulgences permitted under the law of Moses, which were not consistent witii the original law of nature, and which are wholly inadmissible at the present day, &c 519 Unnatural lust and licentious debauchery were the primary causes of the destruction of the old world, and the overthrow of Sodom and Go- morrah, and the cutting off of the ancient inhabitants of the laud of Canaan by the hand of Israel ....... 524 Christ, the perfect pattern of righteousness, hath opened the way of sal- vation for all souls that will leceive it. What it is to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of man, according to Christ's saying. The character of the followers of the Lamb ...... 532 The existence of Deity both in the order of male and female, is shown by the general instinct of adoration in man. Mankind must be redeem- ed by the manifestation of Christ, in the line of both male and female 537 Additional illustration of the moral law, and the order of nature and the law of grace, declared by Holy Wisdom in the preceding chapters; showing their true place and order. Inspired by the holy Angel of prophetic Light. Origin of the moral law of nature. The operation of witnesses thereof until Christ's first appearing .... 543 Christ establishes the law of grace for his followers; but arraigns man- kind to judgment by the laws of nature which God first gave to man 548 The Church established in the perfect gospel, which admits of none who do not travel in regeneration. But the world of mankind are arraign- ed and calhid to judgment by the declaration of the moral law and or- der of nature 552 The word of Motlicr Ann to the lost inhaliitants of the earth. Mother declares her experience from her childhood, until she united with James and Jane Wardley. The heavenly gifts she received, and in what manner she was led to discover tiie fallen state of niankind through the lust of the flesh .....-•• 556 Mother Ann's experience and travel in the preparatory work, until she found bur redemption from a fallen nature. Her sulVerings in England 563. CONTENTS. XV The perilous voj'age of Mother Ann across tlie ocean to America. Her labors, toils and sufferings, with her little band, until the gospel was established in this land ......... 570 The great labor and trying scenes, opposition and bitter persecution which attended the establishment of the gospel. The untiring zeal and undaunted perseverance of M(Hlier and her companions . . 576 Mother's revelations of the future work of God, and of the order and laws of Zion. Her faithful instructions to all ; with special warnings to persecutors ........... 579 Testimony of Father Josepli Meacham. Introductory words of the holy Angel to the inspired writer. Father Joseph declares his experience from liis childhood, iiis convictions of sin, and the divine light which he received ; also the preparatory work which opened the way for the second appearing of Christ ........ 587 Father Joseph testifies that the establishment of the Church, and the or- ders, laws and regulations for the government and protection thereof, were not the inventions of man, but wore revealed by Divine Wisdom ; He ends svith a solemn warning ....... 593 Testimony of Mother Lucy Wright. She declares her experience in the work of God, and bears witness to the book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom 596 PART VII. Testimony of the first man Adam. He declares the primitive state of the first earthly parents, and the cause, manner and effects of their fall 601 Adam shows the manner in which he found justification in the natural state, and wherein the sin of natural man consists. He exhorts all men to obey the laws of God, as revealed to them, according to their state ............ 605 The work of the second Adam could not be perfected without the sec- ond Eve. Adam declares the work of the regeneration, and warns all souls to obey the laws of God, as far as they are and may be revealed to them 610 Testimony of the first woman Eve. Eve declares the nature of the fall of man, through the influence of the first woman ; and the final resto- ration of the fallen race through the second Eve .... 615 Eve declares her fervent desire for the salvation of all souls. The like temptations will befall souls in the work of the gospel, as befell the first natural parents ; and they must be saved by obedience to the re- vealed will of God 619 Word of the holy Archangel in the name of the Lord. Concerning the apostles and patriarchs. Encouragement to the inspired v/riter . 622 Testimony of the Patriarch Noah ....... 623 Testimony of Abraham, father of the faithful 625 Testimony of the Patriarch Isaac ....... 628 Testimony of the Patriarch Jacob ....... 632 Testimony of Reuben, the first-born son of Jacob. Introduced by the Angel 635 Testimony of the Patriarch Simeon ....... 636 Testimony of the Patriarch Levi ......... 638 Testimony of the Patriarch Judah ....... 639 Testimonies of the Patriarchs Dan, Naphiali, Gad and Asher . . 640 XVI CONTENTS. Testimonies of Issachar, Zebuiun, Joseph and Benjamin . . . 641 Remarks of tlie Holy Angel, together with a communication in the name of the holy Angel of everlasting love ..... 643 Testimony of David, the ancient king of Israel. David's Introduction; his wars against his outward enemies typified the spiritual warfare, through Ciirist, against the enemies of the souls of men. . . 645 Souls can never come into the resurrection of eternal life, without fol- lowing the example of Jesus Christ, in very deed, and subduing all the vile passions of a corrupt nature, which are tiie inbred enemies of the soul. David's explanation of Divine Worship . . . 649 David urges the importance of being duly prepared to worship God in simplicity. ........... 653 Testimony of the inspired writer of this Book . . . 655 APPENDIX. The several testimonies of heavenly witnesses in confirmation of the divine word contained in the sacred pages of this Book were receiv- ed at Holy Mount. Introduction of the inspired writer 659 The words of Holy Wisdom contained in the Roll . 661 The word of Holy and Eternal Wisdom to the mortal writer of the fol- lowing pages, containing the words of the seven Witnesses of the eternal truth of the savings of Divine Wisdom to the many nations of the earth . ' . . . .663 Witness and seal of the holy and divine Savior Jesus Christ . 664 Witness and seal of blessed Mother Ann Lee . . . 666 Witness and seal of the faithful Father William Lee . . 670 Witness and seal of the beloved Father James Whittaker . . 673 Witness and seal of king Solomon, the son of David . . 675 Witness and seal of the holy Archangel of Love, who had been present at the writing of the words of the five preceding witnesses . 679 The last and decisive word of Holy and Divine Wisdom, the Eternal Mother, sealed by the Almighty Power, concerning their most holy and divine word, which they, unitedly, have declared to be sent forth to the nations of the earth ...... 680 Testimony of Rebecca Landon ..... 681 Testimony of Maria Stewart ..... 684 A Roll of Holy Wisdom's Word, illustrating the order of Deity . 636 Testimony of the Elders of the Second Family, Wisdom's Valley 691 INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS BY THE HOLY ANGEL. XVII Introductory Address of the holy Angel of God. He declares his order and office : His call and instruction to the inspired writer, with her reply to his question. 1. I am a holy Angel, clothed with might and power ; and thus have I de- scended from the throne of Almighty God, as one of the proclaiming Angels, to proclaim the word of God, and make known his mind and will unto man. 2. And thus saith the holy proclaiming Angel of God to the writer; How long art thou willing to lengthen out the days of thy tribulation to do the will of thy Heavenly Father, and sound his word in his most holy name? 3. Thus replies the writer; So long, O Heavenly Father, as thou hast any pleasure in me, or seest aught in me that is worthy of such a notice as to sound forth thy word in thy most holy name, or as long as I am worthy to be intrusted with the durable riches which flow from thy Almighty hand; so long, O my God, am I willing to lengthen out the days of my tribulation, only as I can know that I do thy will, and err not in the communications which I make unto this people in thy most holy name. 4. Arise then, O daughter of Zion, and hearken to the word of thy God. Have I not chosen thee, saith the Lord, to be a prophetess unto Me, to sound forth and to write my holy and eternal words unto man, in this great day of my mighty power to mortals ? 5. O thou child, how little didst thou know of the dealings of thy God, with thee ! Hardly didst thou know, many times, that the Lord thy God had knowledge of thee, or was in any wise mindful of thee. But know thou, O thou little one, in whom I am well pleased, thy ways have been continually before my eyes. 6. Yea, I the Lord thy God, have caused thee to walk in desolate paths and in solitary windings, drinking the waters of affliction, until thy cup, many times, seemed full to running over; yet was the hand of the Lord thy Gcd in this, to prove the integrity of thy heart, that thou mightest know in whom thou didst believe, and whom thou hadst the greatest desire to serve. 7. And now, O thou chosen of the Most High, hear my words, and fear not to believe them to be the words of the Holy God of Israel, sounded unto thee by my holy proclaiming Angel. 8. I, the Holy and Eternal One, the Beginning and the Ending, do with my own voice, utter forth and declare that the words which this my chosen in- strument shall receive and write in my most holy name, are the words of a Holy and Eternal God, sent forth from his holy and Eternal Throne, through his Eternal Brightness, to be handed down to mortals, that they may know that I the Lord, have descended in my mighty power and wisdom, to reveal ray hidden mysteries, and to bring about my acts, my strange acts, that no flesh may be able to stand before Me, or glory in their own strength. XVIIl PRELIMINARY INTRODUCTION. 0. And now, saith the holy Angel to the writer, fear not to write the word of God, thou chosen one, and whenever I, tlie holy Angel, do call thee to arise and come forth to meet me and hear the word of God, fear not to come foith; for I will never fail to meet thee according to the notice whicii I shall give thee, and scruple not to write what shall be given thee. 10. And, saith the Angel, I will be like a wall of protection around thee, that thou canst not err so long as thou wilt walk in perfect obedience : for no dissembler can enter between me and thee, so long as thou art called to write the word of God, and dost walk in perfect obedience and keep thy mind stayed on Him and on his divine power for tliy support. And this I speak unto thee, that thou sufter no unnecessary butfelings or scruples concerning that which thou art called to write. 11. On the following morning the holy proclaiming Angel called upon the writer saying, Arise, O thou instrument of the Most High, and come forth and meet me in the holy place,* and there will I sound my words to thee, from the rising of the sun to the setting thereof. And fear thou not, for lo, I am with thee, and with my trumpet in my hand, will 1 safely convey unto thee the truths of an Almighty God. 12. And now therefore, O thou instrument, I say, bow down thine ear and listen, and give thy heart unto understanding, that thou mayest understand the things of God aright. Arise therefore, O thou'worm of the dust, and fall upon thy knees, and bow six times with thy face to the floor, and say within thy heart, O Lord, what am I, that thou art mindful of me, that thou shouldst convey unto me thy holy and eternal word .'' And when this thou hast done, bow three times more, repeating these words : 13. Unto thee, O my God, henceforth will I bow my soul and my body, with all my faculties, to serve thee and do thy most holy will, according as it is made known unto me. A Roll from the Eternal Two iu One. Given at Jfu^dom's Valley, May 26, 1845. After the divine communications contained in the folloicing pages were given, the inspired writer received the following from the holy Archangel of ever- lasting Love, which was directed to be placed as a preliminary introduction to the book, to show the real nature and design of this sacred work. 1. Thus saith the holy Archangel ; Bow low thy soul, O thou instiunicnt of mortal clay! and hear thou again, the words that I have to speak unto thee, and write the same in low humiliation, and it shall be well with tliee. The word that I have .to deliver to thee, at this time, is no other than a Roll, received from the Jiand of the Almighty, and to be given in the name of The Etkrnal Two in One. (See G.en. i. 2G.) [Creative Power and If'is- dom : the source of all goodness mid truth.] 2. Thus saith the Almighty, the Beginning and llu' I'.ndiiig : Hear O caitli ! * A place set apart by direction ef tlie holy Angel, for her to retire to, and write tliese di- vine coiuinunicatiuns. Eds. PKFJilMINARY INTRODUCTION. XIX and give ear all ye her inhabitants I for I your God, do speak unto you, and my voice is to all the childron of men. Blessed are they who hearken thereunto, and give ear by yielding obedience to my requirements ; but curs- ed are they who reject tlie same, by turning a deaf ear to the requirements of their God. 3. Ye who believe there is a God who made heaven and earth, the sea and the dry land, and by his Almighty Power, created man, and the souls of men intelligent and responsible beings, having the laws of their Creator for the standard of their justification : I say, ye that believe this, and more than this, that the same Almighty Being, although He waiteth long, and is full of mercy and tender compassion towards the workmanship of his own hands, will in due time, bring every son and daughter of Adam's posterity to strict justice and judgment. Reflect for a moment and consider ! 4. Know ye and understand, that according to the divine statements in the book of prophecies of my ancient prophets, the time is fast hastening and already come, for the work of the latter day to commence, and accord- ing to scripture prophecy, it is a work which will not be believed by natural men (in their own wisdom,) although declared unto them. (See Acts xiii.) And now, if ye will once more hear the voice of your God, and harden not your hearts, I will once more stretch forth my hand in mercy, and declare unto you the latter day. 5. Beliold the day hath come ! the judgment day ! And the judges have I seated upon thrones of judgment ; and "wJiosesoever sins they remit, they are remitted, and whosesoever sins they retain, they are retained." (Jno. xx. 21, 22, 23, also I. Cor. vi. 3.) For the tabernacle of my mercy and justice have I placed among men, and my Anointed do hold the keys of the kingdom, and none can come to the Father but by them : as saith my holy Son ; " He that receiveth whomsoever I send, receiveth me ; and he that receiveth me re- ceiveth Him that sent me." (Jno. xiii. 20.) 6. Ye read of the day of judgment^ and many, at times, fear and tremble in dread thereof But how little do ye understand the nature and power of the judgment ! Ye apprehend it to be a day like unto one of your natural days, when souls will be gathered from the four quarters of the earth and heavens, and receive tlieir final destiny. 7. But I, your God, will make it known to you, in language plain to be understood. Day of judgment signifies dispensation of judgvie.nt, — the har- vest dispensation, — latter dispensation, or day of glory, which day has truly come, and many souls have risen from the dead, and have been judged of the deeds done in the body, and acquitted of the same, by honest confession and true repentance. Such are harvested from the eartli, and do give glory to the God of their salvation. Therefore it is a day of judgment, in which souls are judged of the deeds done in the body, and will finally be rewarded according to their works. 8. It is the day of harvest, spoken of in the vision of my servant John, concerning the harvest of the earth ; in which the good seed shall be gather- ed and saved, and the tares shall be burned. (See Rev. xiv. 15, 16. also Matt. xiii. 30.) Yea, it is the latter day of glory, in which souls do give glory, and are glorified of their Creator. It is the latter ; for there will never beanoth- XX PRELIMINARY INTRODUCTION. er day or dispensation given to man, wherein he may make his peace with his Creator, if he will. 9. The views of man are dark, and the things of God enveloped in mys- tery to mortal sight, and ever will be, until the veil is taken off, then the things of the spirit will no longer remain a mystery; but all souls will see eye to eye, and there will be but one faith, one Lord and one baptism, among those who are called in the name of their God. 10. Again, saith the Lord, I would speak to those who look for the work of the latter day to be performed in a sudden display of power and great ter- ror. Look ye and consider if this be the vi'ay of the working of your God, in the dispensations that are past. Was not the work of your God a pro- gressive work, of small beginning.^ Why then do ye look for such great outward displays of power and might in the commencement of the latter day, seeing it is to be an inward work, performed upon the souls of men.' 11. Was not the work of the Bridegroom brought forth from a small begin- ning, in such obscurity that none but those who were of the poor and des- pised among men, durst believe in it.' (Jno. iii. 29.) Why then look ye for his second coming, the day of final separation, to be performed in such splen- dor, according to your natural views and understanding, seeing that the nat- ural man coniprehendeth not the things of God; for they are foolishness unto him .'' 12. Previous to the first coming of the Messiah, and about that time, false christs and false prophets arose and deceived many, as ye may see by the counsel of Gamaliel, wherein he counseled the men of Israel concerning their dealings with the apostles of the Lamb. (See Acts v. 34 to 40.) 13. Although there have been, and may continue to be false christs and false prophets rising up in this, the latter day ; yet this only tends to prove the truth and reality of the coming of the true Messiah : for truth is always met by falsehood ; and wherever God works, his opposite is sure to work ; yet many times under the transfiguration of an Angel of Light. So it was and is, and will continue to be sufl^ered, until Satan has done his permitted work. 14. These things considered, it becomes necessary for souls to beware and take heed to themselves what they intend to do concerning such things : for if the work be of man, it will, in process of time, come to nought; "but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found fighting against God." 15. But tiie honest and sincere seekers after righteousness, whose desires are after God and the things of God, and are willing to make any sacrifice to obtain his favor, the same will be remembered, and their desires granted. For the eye of a merciful God is ever upon such; and they will, in process of time, be led into the way of truth : for there is, in all dispensations, a way for the sincere seekers after good, to become acceptable in the sight of their God, by living up to the best light of that dispensation. 16. And so it is now, in the present time, even while darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness the people ; they whose desires are after good, and who arc willing to forsake all to obtain it, they will, in process of time, sure- ly find that City whose light will yet enlighten all nations. PRELIMINARY INTRODUCTION. XXI 17. And now, let each and every soul who may be favored with tlie hear- ing of this our lioiy and eternal word, out of whose mouth goeth the sword of the testimony, examine futhfuUy its contents, and consider its principles. And then, if ye be so minded as to seek after God, in bis holy and eternal way, give neither peace nor rest to yoXir souls, until ye have found that people who walk in low humiliation of soul, denying themselves of every worldly lust, living soberly, righteously and godly in this present state of existence. 18. Yea, a people who are each one seeking the good of his neighbor, and not exclusively his own, who are living as members of one family, and as the offspring of one Parentage J having all things common; possessing all things, yet claiming nothing. A people who "neither marry nor are given in marriage," who neither defile each other in body nor soul; but each seek- ing to support that union which is pure and undefiled, even as the Angels do in heaven : such are my people. 19. I say, rest not, all ye seekers after righteousness, until ye have found this my holy people : for I declare unto you, and it is none other than the voice of your merciful God, that there is such a people, whom I have plant- ed with the strong hand of my power; a holy seed which shall never be erased. And in these and through these, shall all the nations of the earth be blessed ; yea, they shall be blessed with our holy word, and holy law, and from thence shall they learn righteousness. 20. And this is my word, which I declare unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people ; and although in simple language, easy to be understood, it is no less my holy and eternal icord: for I have declared it through the mouths of my prophets, that I would reason with my creatures, as one man reasoneth with another ; and that I would bring my way to the understanding of the weakest capacity, that the way-faring man, though a fool, need not (igno- rantly) err therein. 21. And for this reason have we chosen the unlearned, through whom to convey this our holy and durable word to mortals, that they might write the same in their own simple language, unembellished with a style above the capacity of common readers, that the meaning might easily be comprehend- ed by all classes of people. And this is wisdom, saith your God: even so let it be. Amen. 22. Thus saith the holy Angel ; I the holy Angel, do witness this word, in the name of the Eternal Two in One, to be faithfully written and brought to mortal view ; to which I feel a mind to add a few words in my own name. 23. Mankind, through the reign of antichristian darkness, have sought to serve their God in worldly splendor, that they might become honorable among men, and be every where spoken well of; but this, )'ou must remem- ber, is in direct opposition to the operation of the spirit of the true Christ; therefore it is antichrist ; and under this reign have souls, for many centuries, sought to worship God. But you will remember that the works of the true Christ are made manifest through great simplicity, and none but the simple and child-like, who are willing to become fools for Christ's sake and the gospel, (See I. Cor. iv. 10.) can ever worship God in an acceptable manner in his sight. XXII PRELIMINARY INTRODUCTION. 24. And j'ou that are looking for the works of the latter day, if ye ever ex- pect to be benefited thereby, you must bring your haughty spirits to be will- ing to receive "the kingdom of heaven as a little child:" for in no other spirit can ye receive it. For as easily might men and women come forth and be born into this world in full stature, as that souls could be born of the Spirit and the Bride, except they first become as little children, for the king- dom of heaven's sake. 25. If ye were told by your fellows, or in any other way, that there had been a book given to mortals, by divine inspiration, in the name of the Lord of hosts, if ye believed it, ye would immediately be led to look for some great and wonderful display of power and might. But 1 tell you not so ; although the word of God is powerful and mighty to every soul that receives and obeys it, to the pulling down of the strong holds of Satan; yet it will appear foolishness to the wise and exalted of this world. (See I. Cor. ii. 14.) 26. Sincerely desiring the prosperity and eternal welfare of all the human fomily, in}' word and witness are thus euded. (Compare the Father's wit- ness. Jno. v. 37,