FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 9«tl«l ^5 / ^f &nta te Domino CanticuTYouwii ?sab [ y-95 v£** THE MAY ft l&C WHOLE BtoK,^ O F PSALMS: W IT H The ufual Hymns and Spiritual Songs 5 together with all the ancient and proper Tunes fung in Churches, with fotneof later life. ComposM in THREE PARTS, CJNTUS y MET>IUS y 8c avic\,whofe zeal for Gods glory (before theHoufeof God was built) fet himfelf to compofe divers Pfalms for that fervice, as we read I Chron. I 6. 6, 7. and chap. 25. 6, 7. and to chufe out men skilful in Song t9 perform the fame to the praife of Almighty Godi V/hen his Sen Solomon had. fnifhed the Temple, *X the Dedicathn thereof you r*iy read 2 Chron. 5. 12, A 13. The Prefaced 13, 14. howthe praifes of the Lord were founded forth with yokes and Injfru* raents , and aJfo how acceptable it was to the Lord. This being eftablifhed , the Trie ft 'sand Lev 'ites continued this folemn Worfhip duringthe time of the Fir ft and SecondTemple , even' 'till the Deftrudion thereof, foretold by our bleffed Saviour, who [aw the Glory thereof , and frequented that place, as he acknowledged, Luke 22. 53. I was daily with you in the Temple. And as a Learned Divine cbferves , it is not credible , that our bleffed Saviour, whofo often quoted David's Pfalms for the Confirmation of hisDocbine, would neglecl that part of worfiip then in force , and who did bimjelf jay , that it became him to fulfill all righ- teoufnefs ; which he further teftified, when together with his Difciples befuttg a Pfalm or Hymn at the end of the Celebration of his loft Supper. After hi* Afcenfion , his Difciples gave teftimony of their Approbation , Afts 2. 46. They were daily with one accord in the Temple prailing God , &c. And the Verfe following mentions, That Peter and John went up into the Temple at the hour of prayer, (that was the fet time for the Celebration of Public^ Worfhip.) Alfo Afts 1 6. 25 . we read that Paul and Silas being in prifon at mid- night fung Pfalms , and in fo audible and chearful voices that the reft of the prifoners heard them. And St. Paul in his Epiftle to the Epheiians , chap. 5. verf. 19. and Col. 3. 16. exhorts to the public^ finging of Pfalms, and Hymn;, and Spiritual Songs, which words, as one learnedly objerves, are in the Original the very Titles of David'* Pfalms : Now what reafon had the Apojile to direft in in our finging to the very Titles of David'* Pfalms , if it were not his meaning we jhould fing them ? The fame Author obferves , that holy David in the 95th Pfalm hath prophetically fet down the PublickWorfhipof theChriftian Sabbath, as it cofififts of Thanksgiving, Prayer, and Preaching: Thanksgiving* verf. 1 . O come let us fing unto the Lord , S5c Prayer , verf. 6. O come let us worfhip , and fall down , and kneel before the Lord, &c. Attention on the Word preached, verf. 8- To day if ye will hear his voice, CSV. The Vfe of fingirg Pfalms and Hymns was continued with great reverence and devotion among the Primitive Chriitians : Thofe who confult the Writings of the Pri- mitive Fathers fbattfcarce meet with one that makes not mention thereof. An Account hereof 1 find learnedly difcourfed by Dr. Cave, in his Primitive Chri- itianity, Parti, pag. 276, 277. where peaking of the reading the appointed Xejfons, he hath thefe words : About this part of the Service it was that they fung Hymns and Pfalms , a confiderable part of the Divine Worlhip , (as it had ever been accounted both amongft Jews and Gentiles) and more immediately ferviceable for celebrating the Honour of God, and lifting up the Minds of Men to Divine and Heavenly Raptures. Alfo pag. 3$ I . Jetting down the Cuftom of the Adminiftration of the Bleffed Sacrament of the Lord'* Supper in thofe times, he writes, During the time of Adminiftration, which in populous Congregations was no little time, they fang Hymns and Pfalms. This he confirms by teftimonies out of the Writings of the Fathers , there mentioned. Thus far my Author : From whom alfo I have received this farther Account , that this wot the Practice not only of the Eaitern but the Weltern Church. That fuch was ths Cuftom of finging Hymns and Pfalms at their Reli- ine l^rerace. To God the Father, laud and praife , and to his blefled Son , And to the Holy Sp'rit of Grace, co-equal, three in one. And pray we that our only Lord n would pleafe his Spirit to fend On all that Ihall profefs his Name , from hence to the wofWs end. Cantiu & Baffni, Te Deim. Or to London newTme* W i^m^^^mmm E praife thee, God, we knowledge thee, the only Lord to be : And as Eternal Father, all the Earth doth worlhip thee. mwmimmmmmmmmm To thee all Angels cry, theHeav'ns, and all the Pow'rs therein IliiiiiiliiipiiSPIIIl^^iiliii To thee Cherub and Seraphin, to cry they do not lin. Ipliillieiilii^iiliiiiiiilM Te Deum, Mcdim. A.^.Voc. ipiiiilillliiiiilPliilli WE praife thee, God, we knowledge thee, the only Lord to be : And as Eternal Father, all the Earth doth worflup thee. to/in- 1 x i- 1 tffert ge To thee all Angels cry, the Heav'ns, and all the pow'rs therein : S5-* m===z=z. H33 To the? Cherub and Seraphin , to cry they do not lin, 7V Dt ml We praife thee, God, we knowledge thee, the only Lord to be; mug And as Eternal Father, all the Earth doth worfhip thee. p3pS|i^^^|i To thee all Angels cry, the Heav'ns, and all the pow'rs therein: im^fHIiilil To thee Cherub and Seraghm, to cry they do not lia. O holy, holy, holy Lord , Of Sabbotb, Lord, the God : Through heav'n and earth thy praife and glory all abroad, (is fpread, The Apoftles glorious company , yield praifes unto thee : The Prophets goodly fellowfhip, praife thee continually. The noble and victorious hoft of Martyrs found thy praife: The holy church throu-out the world doth knowledge thee always. Father of endlefs Majefty , we do acknowledge thte : ThyChrift, thine honourable, true, and only Son to be. The Holy Ghoft, the comforter, of Glory thou art King , O Chrift , and of the Father art thefoneverlafting. When fmful' mans decay, in hand thou tookeft to reftore : To be inclos'd in Virgins womb,, thou. di&ieJk noi. abhor. When thou hadft overcome of death the lharpand cruel might: Thou Heavens kingdom didft fet ope, to each believing wight. In glory of the Father thou doftfiton Gods right hand: We truft that thou (halt come our ourcaufetounderftand. ('Judge Lord help thy fervats whom thou haft bought with thy precious blood ; And in eternal glory let them with thy Saints fo good. O Lord do thou thy people fave , blefs thine inheritance : Lord govern them, and Lord do thou for ever them advance* We magnifie thee day by day, and world without an end Adore thy holy Name : O Lord vouchfafe us to defend Fromfin this day : have mercy, Lord, have mercy on us all. And on us as we truft in thee, Lord let thy mercy fall. O Lord I- have repofed all my confidence in thee: Put to confounding fhame therefore. Lord let me never be. ( 6 ) To Father, Son, and Holy Gbcji , Immortal. -Glory be: As tvat , it novo , andjball beftill to all Eternitie. Cantm & Bajfus. Beneditius. . Or to the Martyrs Tune. He only Lord of Ifrael be praifed evermore: ^mmwmmmnmmi For through his vi~ii~ta--ti-on , and mercy kept in ftore, mmmmmmmmmmmm His people now he hath redeem VI, that long have been in thrall, s=r=o- 55P mmmmi :*=«=:=£=:: And fpread abroad his faving health upon his fervants all. x — Benedittus. Media*. A. 3 . Voc. Uf p)p?qCTBffiF 8jp IHe' on-ly Lord of If— ra—el , be praifed evermore: - For through his vi-fi--ta--ti--on , and mercy kept in ftore , IgLliiliii^Iiiir^iiiil^ His people now he hath redeem'd, that long have been in thrall, mwmmmmMWIMmm And fpread abroad his faving health upon his fervants all. <7> Bentdifttu. ■ Bajftu. A.^Voc. ^iiillfiliill-Sl^iiSiig THe on--ly Lord of If--ra--el , be praifed evermore: mwmmmmmmmm For through his vi-fi-ta-ti~on , and mercy kept in ftore, Ijllilllliili His people now he hath redeem'd, that long have been in thrall, liiHHiiiBiiilllii^iiil !i== And fpread abroad his faving health upon his fervants all. In Davids houfe his fervants all , according to his mind , And alfo his anointed King, as we in Scripture find. As by his Holy Prophets all , oft-times he did declare , The which were fince the world be- his ways for to prepare, (gan, That we might be delivered from thofe that make debate , Our enemies , and from the hands of all that do us hate. The mercy which he promifed our fathers to fulfil : And think upon his cov'nant made , according to his will. And alfo to perform the oath, which he before had fworn To Abraham our father dear , for us that were forlorn. That he would give himfelf for us , And us from bondage bring, Out of the hands of all our foes , to ferve our heavenly King. And that without all manner fear, and eke in righteoufnefs : And alfo for to lead our lives in ftedfaft holinefs. And thou (O Child) which now art and of the Lord ele6t, (born, Shalt be the Prophet of the higheft, his ways for to direct. For thou fhalt go before his face for to prepare his ways : And alfo for to teach his will, and pleafure , all thy days. To give them knowledge how that Salvation is near : (then: And that remiflion of their fins , is through his mercy meer. Whereby the day fpring from on is come us for to vifit : (high And thofe for to illuminate , which do in darknefs fit. To lighten thofe that fhadowed be with death , and eke oppreii: : And alfo for to guide our feet, the way to peace and refc. Magni- (8 ) Cantfti & Baffiu. iJMagnificat. Or to St. Davids Ttme\ 5: M Y Soul doth magnifie the Lord, my Sp'rit eke evermore , Rejoyceth in the Lord my God, which is my Sa-vi-Our. And why becaufe he did regard , and gave refpect unto, ^^iiHiHiSilfiUlIilti ^I^ilglli: So bafe eftate of his Handmaid , and let the Mighty go. rpfc 'JMdgnificat. Medhu. A.i.Voc. ii^lE^felH My Soul doth magnifie the Lord , my Sp'rit eke evermore : Rejoyceth in the Lord my God, which is my Sa-vi-our. And why becaufe he did regard , and gave refpecl unto , So bafe eftate of his Handmaid, and let the Mighty go. My k 9 ) * Magnificat. Baflkt. A.^.Voc* M Y Soul doth magnifie the Lord , my Sp'rit eke evermore , iiiillilBiiSiliiiliiiili^lIli Rejoyceth in the Lord my God, which is my Sa-vi-our. And why becaufe he did regard , and gave refpecl unto , So bafe eitate of his Handmaid , and let the Mighty go. For now behold all Nations , and Generations all , From this time forth for evermore, (hall me right blefled call : Becaufe he hath me magnifi'd , which is the Lord of might ; Whofe Name be ever fan&ifi'd , and praifed day and night. For with his mercy and his grace , all men he doth inflame : Throughout all Generations , to fuch as fear his'Name. (arm,'' He (hewed firength with his great ,j and made the proud to Hart , With all imaginations , - that they bear in their heart. He hath put down the mighty ones, from their fupernal feat : And did exalt the meek in heart > as he hath thought it meet. The hungry he replenifhed , with all things that were good : And through his pow'r he made the oft-times to want their food, (rich And calling to remembrance His mercy every deal, Hath holpen up afliftantly His fervant Ifrael. According to his promife made To Abraham before , And to his fee g fuccellively , To Hand lor evermore. Nunc, Wo) Cant tit & Baffin. Nunc Dimittis. Or to Winchefler Tune, ■ I Lord becaufe my hearts defire hath wifhed long to fee, IPiilliMfiiilllflll^Pflli My on— ly Lord and Sa— vi— our, thy Son before I dye: f flT* T|U tj g mmmmmmimwmmm The joy and health of all* Mankind, de--li--red long before, WMmmmMmmmmwmm Which now is come into the world, of mercy bringing (lore. ^iiiiiiiiSSPlii^ili^ Nunc Dimittis. Medius. A.^.Voc. O Lord, becaufe my hearts defire hath wifhed long to fee : My on— ly Lord and Sa— vi— our, thy Son before I dye: The joy and health of all Mankind, de-fi--red long before, ^^iiIiiH^=iEiii^ilii^lli=liil== Which now is come into the world, of mercy bringing (tore. Nunc Dimittif. (II) Baffin. A^.Voc. O Lord, becaufe my hearts defire hath wilhed long to fee, My on— ly Lord and Sa— vi— our, thy Son before I dye: IlilSl^iiliilPiiiPillliii The joy and health of all Mankind , de-fi-red long before, Which now is come into the world, of mercy bringing ftore. Thou fuffereft thy fervant now In peace for to depart : According to thy holy Word , Which lighteneth my heart. Becaufe mine eyes which thou haft To give my body light, (made Have now beheld thy faving health, Which is the Lord of might , Whom thou mercifully haft fet, Of thine abundant grace , In open fight , and vifible , Before all peoples face. The Gentiles to illuminate, And Satan overquell : And eke to be the glory of Thy people Ifrael. Cantos & Baffus. The Lords Prayer. A. 3 . Voc. Og-!iiIiir^|iiiiiiiiiiii Ur Father web in heaven art!thy nae be hallow'd by each hart: li^iiiiipiigSiliiiiliii PJlfe^riiiiiSiilliii-lilSeii Thy kingdom come,thy will be done in earth,as 'tis in heav'n thy throne. Give us this day our daily bread , that fouls and bodies may be fed. C 2 Our The Lords Prayer. (ii) Medim. A.%.Voc. Our Father which in heaven art ! thy name be hallow'd by each heart : Thy kingdom come,thy will be done in earth as 'tis in heav'n thy throne : Give ns this day our daily bread , that fouls and bodies may be fed. The Lords Trzycr. Baffus. A. 3 . Voc. Our Father which in heav'n art ! thy name be hallow'd by each heart : iiiaiiliiillieiHiiillllilll Thy kingdom come.thy will he done in earth, as 'tis in heaven thy throne. 3E=t Give us this day our daily bread , that fouls and bodies may be fed. Forgive our trefpaffes , as we Forgiv thenv,where we trefpafs'd be: To no temptation lead our will : Bat us deliver from all ill: For thine the kingdom and the pow'r And glory is for evermore. Catit'w & Bajfm. The Creed. St. Afarfs Time. -<~ lipfHlfEIHISeili T S N God the Father moft of might I do believe aright AipiiiiiiBilljl^filSi^Ili Maker of heaven and of earth, with all that there have birth. In (13) The Creed. Mcdius. A. 3 . Vac* |^i|^|^||{li=|=l=iEi5iilE^ii§EiE^iEii=iEi^ In God the Father moil of might I do believe aright, ^lii^liHIIIISiiiiliipie Maker of heaven and of earth, with all that there have birth. The Creed. Baffin. A. 5 . Voc. In God the Father moil of might I do believe aright, * Maker of heaven and of earth, with all that there have birth. And Jefus Chriil his only Son , Whofe pure conception Did by the Holy Spirit come . Born in the Virgins womb. He under Pilate crucifi'd , Suffer'd for us and di'd , Was buri'd, went to hell beneath The third day rofe from death ; He into heaven did afcend , And fits at God's right hand : From thence he fhal come down with To judge both quick & dead : (dread I in the Holy Ghoft believe : The Catholick Church receive , The Saints in one communion join'd : That fins forgivenefs find : That thefe our bodies from the grave A Refurrection have : And ftiall enjoy a life of blifs , Which everlaiting is. Canttn & Baflks. The Ten Commandements. Or to 1 00 Tf.Tttne* i Od fpak thef words,I am the Lord who thee to liberty reitor'd iiiiiiiaiiiliiiiiSI And did from itgypts bondage free : 1 Thou (halt adore no God but me, iii^iiii^iiilliiill^^il God The TenConmandements. (H) Media*. A.^.Voc. -z& ;£iii=fi m (JOd fpake thefe words , I am the Lord who thee to liberty reftor'd, r..if ^mm^^g. And did from #gypts bondage free : i Ttfou (halt adore no God but me. The TenCornmandernents. Baffin. A. 3 . Voc. CjOd fpake thefe words, I am the Lord who thee to liberty reftor'd, And did from 2Egypts bondage free : 1 Thou {halt adore no God but me. 2 Thou (halt no graven Image make, Nor any other likenefs take , In heav'n, or earth, or feas below, To web thou maift fall down & bow. For jealous of mine honour , I Unto the fourth pofterity Vifit the Children for the fin ,Which hath by Fathers acted been. Yet I my mercies heap in ftore For thoufand generations more Of them that love me, whofe intents ,Walk after my commandements. 3Thou fhalt by fwearing not profane Nor take thy Makers Name in vain ; For God will nomanguiltlefsdeem, >Vho doth his facred name blafphem. 4 Remember that to reft and pray Thou holy keep the Sabbath day : Six days thou labour fhalt, but this The Lord thy Gods high Sabbath is : No kind of work fiiall then be done, By thee, thy daughter, orthyfon, Nor fervants, cattle, nor the late Admitted ftranger to thy gate. For God in fix days all things made And retting on the feventh ftaid : The Sabbath day he therefore bleft, Appointing it a Day of Reft. 5 Honour thy Parents , and obey What juft commands fo-e're they lay, That in the land thou long maift live, Web God doth for thy dwelling give. 6 From bloody adls andMurther fly. 7 Commit no foul Adultery, (wh^re § Thou {halt not (teal. 9 Nor any Falfe witnefs 'gainft thy neibor bear : (ftrife, I o Thou fhalt not, mov'd by luft or Covet thy Neighbors houfe or wife, Nor man, nor maid, nor oxe of his. Nor what to him belonging is. O Lord have tnercy , and. incline Our minds to keep thefe Laws of thine : Write thy Commandments in our hem, That mfrom tbm may nz'rc depaxt. The (15) The Psalms of David in Meeter. Cantns & BaifUs. Pfalm I . Or to Tork^Tune. Tmmmmmwm^M He man is bleit that hath not bent, to wijcked read his ear : ipillilliilllli^i^ii iliii^iiiffiiiiiiiiii^^^ Nor led his life as finners do , nor fat in (corners chair. wm^^mmmi^mmm But in the law of God the Lord, doth fet his whole delight : gi^l^lliiliiiiiiiii^liiiliiSii^ And in that law doth exercife himfelf both day and night. 3E Pfalm i Medius. A, 3. Voc. lHe man is bleft that hath not bent, to wicked read his ear : iHilili^iPi^iiPilllliEil Nor led his life as finners do, nor fat in fcorners chair. iil^^irElliiiiiPIiiiiiiiiii But in the law of God the Lord, doth fet his whole delight : And in that law doth exercife himfelf both day and night. 1 6 Pfalm IL Tfafoil. Baffin. A.%.Voc. f X' Heman * s bleft that hath not beat, to kicked read his ear : Nor led his life as finners do, nor fat in fcorners chair. But in the law of God the Lord, doth fet his whole delight : And in that law doth exercife himfelf both day and night. 3 He fliall be like the tree that grows fall by the rivers fide , Which bringeth forth mod pleafant in her due time and tide. (fruit "VVhofe leaf (hall never fade nor fall, but flourifh ftill and ftand : Ev'n fo all things fhall profper well, that this man takes in hand. 4 So fhall not the ungodly men , they fhall be nothing fo : But as the dult which from the earth the wind drives to and fro. «5 Therefore fhall not the wicked men in judgment ftand upright : Nor yet the finners with the juft fhall come in place or fight. 6 For why ? the way of godly men unto the Lord is known : Ann eke the way of wicked men fhall quite be overthrown. To Father , Son , and. Holy Ghoft , all glory be therefore : As in beginning rxw , U novo , axdjhail be evermore. Cantns dr Baffm. Pfalm Cambridge Tone. Hy did the Gentils tumults raife? what rage was in their brain? Iliiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiii Why did the Jewifh people mule, feeing all is but vain ? mwmmmmmmmmm Why Pfalm II. 17 Tfalm 2. Me Mm. A. $. Voc. WHy did the Gentiles tumults raife 1 what rage was in their brain 1 Why did the Jewifli people mufe , feeing all is but vain ? Tfalm 2. • Bajfm. A.^.Vocl IIIliSKiilllPliiiiii?iiiilli W Hy did the Gentiles tumults raife ? what rage was in their brain ? Why did the Jewifh people mufe , feeing all is but vain 1 2 The Kings and Rulers of the earth confpire , and are all bent Againft the Lord and Chrilthis Son, which he among us fent. 3 Shall we be bound to them/ay they? let all their bonds be broke : And of their doctrine and their law let us reject the yoke. 4 But he that in the heaven dwells, their doings will deride : And make them all as mocking frocks throughout the world fo wide. 5 For in his wrath the Lord will fay to them" upon a day : And in his fury trouble them , and then the Lord will fay : 6 1 have anointed him my King , upon my holy hill: I will therefcre(Lord)preach thy law 2nd eke declare thy will. 7 For in this wife the Lord himfelf did fay to me I wot , Thou art my dear and only Son , to day I thee beget. 8 All people I will give to thee, as heirs at thy requeft : The ends and coaf ts of all the earth, by thee fhall be porTeit. 9 And thou (halt break them migh- as with an iron rod : (tily, And as a Potters veffel thou fhalt dafh them all abroad, io Now ye O Kings and Rulers all, be wife therefore and learn'd , By whom the matters of the world be judged and difcern'd. 1 1 See that ye ferve the Lord above in trembling and in fear : See that with reverence ye rejoyce . to him in like manner. D 12 See 18 Pfalm III. 1 2 See that ye kifs and eke embrace his blefled Son, I fay , Lett in his wrath ye fuddenly perifh in the mid-way. 13 If once his wrath never fo fmall, fhall kindle in his bread : O then all they that trull in Chrilt, fhall happy be and bleft. Cantvu & 'Baffin \ lE?i~z±E:: Tfalm 3* Or to Weflmwjler Tune. Lord how are my foes increait,which vex me more and more : limmWmmfmmmwm Thev kill mv heart when as they fay , God can him not reftore. IpFJiii^^lliliiiiiiiifiii Bnt thou, OLord, art my defence, when I am hardbeftead: My worlhip and mine honour both, and thou hold'ft up my head. Tfalm 3. Medius. A.^.Voc. rrrmTfi ■•" .11 *« ' itHg^g liifpil O Lord, how are my foes increaft, which vex me more and more : V yi Mf 1 jj && M£EM They kill my heart when as they fay, God can him not rellore, i^j^lliii^ililiiliilliliiill But thou, O Lord, art my defence , when I am hard beftead : ^E=EEEzEg±EE|=z|E-iEl^BCr: Sl\ .^ EEJEiEJEEfcgEii h^z My worfliip and mine honour both, and thou hold'it up my head. Pfalm IV. ip Tfahn 3 . Bafftts. A. 3 . Voc. Ipiillliiliiiilili^iliiilli O Lord, how are my foes increaft, which vex me more and more : They kill my heart when as they fay, God can him not reitore. But thou, O Lord, art my defence , when I am hard beitead : iMiilllSllIPllSi^iiiiiliill My worfhip and mine honour both , and thou hold'll up my head. 4 Then with my voice upon the Lord I did both call and cry : And he out of his holy hill did hear me fpeedily. 5 1 laid me down , and quietly I ilept , and rofe again : For why , I know affuredly the Lord will me fuftain. 6 If ten thoufand had hem'd me in, I could not be afraid : For thou art Kill my Lord and God, my Saviour and mine aid. 7 Rife up therefore/a ve me,my God, for now to thee I call : For thou halt brok the cheeks & teeth of thefe wicked men all. 8 Salvation r only doth belong to thee , O Lord , above : Thou dolt bellow upon thy folk thy blefling and thy love. To Father, Son, and Hoi) Ghofi , all glory be therefore : As in beginning was , it novo , andjball be evermore. God that art my righteoufnefs, Lord, hear me when I call : Cant us & Baffin. Pfalm 4. Oxford Tune] /^^\liili^iilE^iiiSiiliiHi§I Thou hall fet me at liberty , when I was bound and thrall. mmwmmwmmmmwmm D 2 OGod zo x iaiuj y • Medi MS. iliiiiSilii^-fiiliiiiailll O God that art my righteoufnefs, Lord, hear me when I call: Iliilfiliiillli^IiiillliSiii Thou hall fet me at liberty , when I was bound and thrall. Baffm. A.^Voc. =^=f^*=S=35^^S£^^?^i2* =t*=a= Tfalm^. IliiiiiPiliiilliiiL O God that art my righteoufnefs , Lord, hear me when I call : Thou halt fet me at liberty, when I was bound and thrall. 2 Have mercy,Lord,therefore on me, and grant me my requeil : For unto thee unceffantly to cry I will not reft. 3 O mortal men, how long will ye my glory thus defpife ? ,Why wander ye in vanity , and follow after lies ? 4 Know ye that good and godly men the Lord doth take and chufe : And when to him I make my plaint, he doth me not refufe. 5 Sin not, but ftand in awe therefore, examine well your heart : And in your chamber quietly , fee you your felves convert. 6 Offer to God the facrifice of righteoufnefs I fay : And look tha£ in the living Lord you put your trait alway. 7 The greater fort crave worldly and riches do embrace : (goods, But,Lord, grant us thy countenance, thy favour and thy grace. 8 For thou thereby (halt make my more joyful and more glad, ("heart Than they that of their corn & wine full great encreafe have had. 9 In peace therefore lye down will I, taking my reft and fleep : For thou only wilt me, O Lord, alone in fafety keep. Cantus&Bafcu. ' Pfalrn 5. London Tune. ^iiiliilillllllliiiiiili Ncline thine ears unto my words , OLord, mv plaint confider : 21 PfilmV. lHIIii^^IiiiiiiillliffilSI And hear my voice , my King, my God, to thee I make my pray Y. IS^iaiiiillllliiililiilil Tfalm 5 . Medius. A. 3 . Voc. ^ligiilliiiliiPillilii^^ jNcline thine ears unto my words, GLord, my plaint confider : And hear my voice, my King, my God, to thee I make my pray'r. Pfalm$. Baffin. A^.Voc. iNcline thine ears unto my words , O Lord, my plaint confider : e^iiaiiiiiililliiiiililil And hear my voice, my King, my God, to thee I make my pray'r. 2 Hear me betime, Lord, tarry not, for I will have refpect My prayer early in the morn to thee for to direct 3 And I will truft through patience in thee my God alone : Thou art not pleas'd with witkednefs and ill with thee dwells none. 4 And in thy fight (hall never itand thefe cruel men, OLord : Vain workers of iniquity thou haft always abhorr'd. % The lyars and the flatterers , thou (halt deftroy them than : And God will hate the blood-thirfty, ." and the deceitful man. 6 Therefore will I come to thine trulling upon thy grace : (houfe, And reverently will worfiiip thee, toward thine holy place. 7 1 ord, lead me in thy righteoufnefs, for to confound my foes : And eke the way that I fliall walk, before my face difclofe. 8 For in their mouths there is no their heart is foul and vain : (truth Their throat an open fepulcher, their tongues do glofe and fain. 9 Deftroy their falfeconfpiracies, that they may come to nought : Subvert them in their heaps of fin, . which have rebellion wrought. 10 But 22 piaim vi- loBut thofe that put their truft in let them be glad always: (thee, And render thanks Worthy defence, and give thy name the praife. 1 1 For thou with favour wilt increafe the juftand righteous Hill : And with thy grace, as with a fhleld, defend him from all ill. Cartas & Baffm. Pfatm 6. BriflolTune. LOrd, in thy wrath reprove me not, though I deferve thine ire : Ne yet correct me in thy rage, O Lord, I thee defire. Illiiiiiiiliplilflliliiliilll If aim 6. Me dim. A.^.Voc. i^iiiliiiiiiii^liiili^liii Lord, in thy wrath reprove me not, though I deferve thine ire : Ne yet correct me in thy rage , O Lord , I thee defire. Tfalm6. Baffks. A.i.Voc. Lord, in thy wrath reprove me not, though I deferve thine ire : liifi^il^liii^ilMiiiilii Ne yet correct me in thy rage , O Lord , I thee defire. 2 For I am weak, therefore, OLord, But, Lord, how long wilt thou delay of mercy me forbear , (know'fl And heal me Lord, for why? thou my bones do quake for fear. 3 My foul is troubled very fore , and vexed vehemently , to cure my mifery J 4 Lord, turn thee to thy wonted my filly foul up take , (grace. O fave me , not for my deferts , but for thy mercies fake. 5 For Pfalm VIL 23 For why ? no man among the dead remembreth thee one whit , )r who fliall worlhip thee, O Lord, in the infernal pit? 8 But now away from me , all ye that work iniquity, For why ? the Lord hath heard the of my complaint and cry. (voice So grievous is my plaint and moan , 9 He heard not only the requeft that I wax wondrous faint , dl the night long I wafh my bed with tears of my complaint. ' My fight is dim and waxeth old with anguifli of my heart , or fear of thofe that be my foes, And would my foul fubvert. and prayer of my heart , But it received at my hands , and took it in good part. 10 And now my, foes that vexed me the Lord will foon defame , And fuddenly confound them al?, to their rebuke and ihame. lantiu & Bajfus. Pfalm 7. Worcefler Tune. OLord, my God, I put my truft and confidence in thee : ipliiiSgilliliiipIilll Save me from them that me purfue, and eke deliver me. Vfalm 7. Msdim, A. 3 . Voc. O Lord, my God, I put my truft and confidence in thee: gillili^i^^iilillliiiiiliii Save me from them that me purfue , and eke de liver me . Ffalm 7. Baffin. A.-^.Voc. O Lord , my God , I put my truft and confidence in thee : S== Save me from them that me purfue, and eke deliver me. 24 Fialm Vll. 2 Left like a Lion he me tear , and rend in pieces fmall : While there is none to fuccour me, and rid me out of thrall. 3 O Lord, my God, if I have done the thing that is not right ; Or elfe if I be found in fault , or guilty in thy fight j 4 Or to my friend rewarded ill j or left him in diltrefs , ,Which me purfu'd moll cruelly , and hated me caufelefs : 5 Then let my foes purfue my foul , and eke my life down thrufl; Unto the earth , and alfo lay mine honour in the dull. 6 Start up,0 Lord,now in thy wrath, and put my foes to pain : Perform the kingdom promifed to me, which wrong fuftain. 7 Then fiiall great nations come to and know thee by this thing, (thee If thou declare for love of them , thy felf as Lord and King. 8 And as thou art of all men Judge, O Lord, now judge thou me , According to my righteoufnefs , and mine integrity. Thefccond part. 9 Lord,ceafe the hate of wicked men, and be the juft mans guide : 10 By whom the fecrets of all hearts are fearched anddefcriU 1 1 1 take my help to come of God, in all my pain and fmart , That doth preferve all thofe that be of pure and perfect heart. 1 2 The juft man and the wicked both; God judgeth by his powV : So that he feels his mighty hand, even every day and hour. 13 Except he change his mind, I dye : for even as he fhould finite , He whets his fword,his bow he bends, aiming where he may hit i 1 4 And doth prepare his mortal darts his arrows keen and fharp , For them who do me perfecute , while he doth mifchief warp. 1 5 But lo ! though he in travel be of his dev'Iifli forecaft , And of his mifchief once conceiv'd ; yet brings forth nought at laft, 16 He digs a ditch,and delves it deep, in hope to hurt his brother : But he (hall fall into the pit , that he digg'd up for other. 17 Thus wrong returneth to the hurt of him in whom it bred : And all the mifchief that he wrought fhall fall upon his head. iSjCwill give thanks to God there- that judgeth righteoufly: (fore, And with my fong will praife the of him that is molt high, (name JPfalm Canttu & Baffin. PfalmVIH. ffalm 8. St.MitrfsTme. mmmmm Whofe fame furmounts in dignity above the heavens clear/ Pfalm 8. Medim. A. ? . Voc\ O God our Lord , how wonderful are thy works every where : Whofe fame furmounts in dignity above the heavens clear, Tfalm 8. Baffin. A.-$ . Voc. IpHIiiiilimilifii! O God our Lord, how wonderful are thy works everywhere: ^BIiiiiiii;iliiiii Whofe fame furmounts in dignity above the heavens clear. llv'n by the mouths of fucking babes thou wilt confound thy foes : For in thofe babes thy might is feen, thy graces they difclofe. 3 And when I fee the heavens high , the works of thine own hand : The Sun, the Moon,and all the Stars, in order as they (land: (then, 4 What thing is man, Lord, think I that thou dolt him remember ? Or what is. man's pofierity, that thou doll itconfider? 5 For thou hafi: made him little lefs than Angels in degree : And thou hail crowned him alfo, with glory and dignity. 6 Thou haft preferr'd him to be Lord of all thy works of wonder : And at his feet hall fet all things , that he Ihould keep them under. E 7AS 16 Pfalm IX. 7 As fheep & neat, and all beafts elfe, 1 9 Therefore muft I fay once again , that in the fields do feed 8 Fowls of the air, fifli in the fea, with all that therein breed. O God that art our Lord : How famous and how wonderful. • are thy works through the world! Cantm & Baffus. Pfalm 9. Gloucefler Tmg. Ith heart and mouth unto the Lord will I fing laud and praife : mwwmmmmmmmmm And fpeak of all his wondrous works , and them declare always. Pfalm 9. Medint. A. 3 . Voc. iiffliiiliii»iiSifiil^a With heart and mouth unto the Lord will I fing laud and praife ; And fpeak of all his wondrous works, and them declare always*. Pfalm gl Baffin. A.^Voc. With heart and mouth unto the Lord will I fing laud and praife: ifiilieifll And fpeak of all his wondrous works, and them declare always. S I will be glad, and much re Joyce in thee , O God molt high : And make my fongsextoll thy Name above theilarryskie. 3 For that my foes are driven back , and turned into flight : They fall down flat and are deftroy'd by thy great pow'r and might. 4 Thou haft revenged all my wrong, my grief, and all my grudge : Thou dolt with juftice hear my caufe, molt like a righteous Judge. 5 Thou i j mm ix. 27 5 Thou doft rebuke the heathen folk, and wicked fo confound : That afterward the memory of them cannot be found. (patch, 6 My foes thou haft made good dif- and all their towns deftroy'd Thou hail their fame with them de- throu' all the world fo wide, (fac'd 7 Know thou, that he that is above, for evermore fhall reign : And in the feat of equity true judgment will maintain. 8 With juftice he will keep & guide the world and every wight : And fo will yield with equity to every man his right. 9 He is protector of the poor, what time they be oppreft : He is in all adverfity their refuge and their reft. 10 All they that know thy holy name therefore ihall truft in thee : For thou forfakeft not their fuit in their neceflity. Thefaoni fan. 1 1 Sing Pfalms therefore unto the that dwells in Sion hill : (Lord, Publifli among all Nations his noble adts and will. 1 2 For he is mindful of the blood of thofe that be oppreft : Forgetting not th' afflicted heart, that feeks to him for reft. 1 3Have mercy Id on me poor wretch whofe enemies ftill remain : Which from the gates of death are ■ to raife me up again. (wont 1 4 In Sion that I might fet forth thy praife with heart and voice : And that in thy falvation , Lord , my foul might itill rejoyce. 15 The heathen lick faft in the pit, that they themfelves prepar'd : And in the net that they did fet , their own feet faft are fnar'd. 16 God fhews his judgments which for every man to mark:(were good When as ye fee the wicked man lye trapt in his own war k. 17 The wicked and deceitful men go down to hell for ever : And all the people of the world that will not God remember. 1 8 But fure the Lord will not forget the poor man's grief and pain : The patient people never look for help of God in vain, 19 O Lord, arife, left men prevail that be of worldly might : And let the heathen folk receive their judgment in thy fight. 20 Lord, ftrike fuch terror, fear, and into the hearts of them : (dread That they may know affuredty, they be but mortal men. E 2 Ffal# i8 Pfalm X. : Cmtiu&'Baftu'. Pfalm 10. Camhriigttune. Wlfll^^^iSlilllilgll Hat is the caufe that thou,0 Lord,art now fo far from thine : ^i^^^^lillii^fiilliillii And keepeft clofe thy countenance from us this troublous time ? WmmmmmmmMmwm Ffalttt io. Medius* A.^.Voc^ l^ll^fi^lli^isliiiHil^II WHat is the caufe that thou, O Lord, art now fo far from thine : And keepeft clofe thy countenance from us this troublous time 1 Tfaltn io. Baffin. A.^.Voc. Vv Hat is the caufe that thou, O Lord , art now fo far from thine : lililiiii^ili^ fcto*==te«C=fcl=: And keepeit clofe thy countenance from us this troublous time ? 2 The poor do perifh by the proud and wicked mens defire : Let them be taken in the crafr , that they themfelves confpire. 3 For in the luft of his own heart the ungodly doth delight : So doth the wicked praife himfelf , and doth the Lord defpight. 4 He is fo proud, that right & wrong he fetteth all apart: Nay, nay, there is no God faith he, for thus he thinks in heart- $ Becaufehis ways do profper ltill a he doth thy laws negleft : And with a blaft doth pufFagainft fuch as would him correct. 6 Tu(h,tufh,fa[th he,I have no dread left mine eftate fhould change : And why? for all adverfity to him is very ftrange. 7 His Pfalm XL 2P 7 His mouth is fiill of curfednefs, of fraud, deceit, and guile: Under his tongue doth mifchief fit, and travel all the while. § He lyeth hid in ways and holes, to flay the innocent: Again! i: the poor that pafs him by his cruel eyes are bent. 9 And like a Lion privily, lyes lurking in his den : If he may fnare them in his net , to fpoil poor fimple men. I o And for the nonce full craftily, he croucheth down, I fay : (made I I So are great heaps of poor men by his ftrong pow'r his prey. The fecotid part. 1 2 Tufli,God forgetteth this/aith he therefore I may be bold : His countenance is caftafide, he doth it not behold. 1 3 Arife, O Lord, O God, in whom the poor mans hope doth reft : Lift up thy hand, forget not, Lord, the poor that be oppreit. 4. What blafphemy is this to thee. Lord, doilthou not abhor it: to hear the wicked in their heart fay, tuth, thou car'tt not for it » 15 But thou feeft all their wickedness and well do'lt underftand , l6Thatfriendlefs & poor fatherlefs are left into thy hand. 17 Of wicked and malicious men then break the pow'r for ev'r : That they, with their iniquity, may perifli all together. 1 8The Lord fhall reign for evermore as King and God alone : And he will chafe the heathen folk out of the land each one. (plaint, 1 9 Thou hear'fr,0 Lrf, the poor mens their prayers and request : Their hearts thou wilt confirm, until thine ears tohearbeprelt. 20 To judge the poor and fatherlefs, and help them to their right: That they may be no more opprell by men of worldly might. Cantus & Bafllts. T faint 1 1 . Glaftenbury Tmic. Trufl in God , how dare ye then fay thus my foul until : ^^^liiiiiil^lliililill Fly hence as fall as any fowl , and hide you in your hill ? I trull 3 b PfalmXH. Tfdmii'. Medim. A.%.Voc. ^HIiiiiliiiPilIg#JiiiSl I Trull in God, how dare ye then fay thus my foul until: Fly hence as fait as any fowl, and hide you in your hill? Tfalmn. Baffks. A.i.Voc. m^Mmmmiwmmmm I Trull in God, how dare ye then fay thus my foul until: Fly hence as fall as any fowl, and hide you in your hill? 2 Behold the wicked bend their bows and make their arrows prefl : To ftioot in fecret , and to hurt the found and harmlefs brefl. (ffirunk, 3 Of wordly hope all flays were & clearly brought to nought : Alas, the Jul! and righteous man , what evil hath he wrought ? 4 But he that in his Temple is molt holy and moll high : And in the heavens hath his feat of Royal Majeily : The poor and fimple manseltate, confidereth in his mind : And fearcheth out full narrowly the manners of mankind." 5 And with a chearful countenance the righteous man will ufe : But in his heart he doth abhor all fuch as mifchief mufe. 6 And on the finners calleth fnares, as thick as any rain: Fire and brim(lone,and whirlwinds appointed for their pain, (thick, 7 Ye fee then how a righteous God doth righteoufnefs embrace : And to the juft and upright men (hews forth his pleafant face. Cantiu & Bo/fas. Tfalm 1 2. Canterbury Tune. Elp Lord , for good and godly men do perifh and decay : .|pi^illlil^ji|i:||^|illi And Pfalm XII. 3r And faith and truth from worldly men is parted clean away. FJ aim 12. Me dim. A.^.Voc. t=S 33=±= riElp Lord, for good and godly men do perilh and decay: And faith and truth from worldly men is parted clean away. Pfalm 12. Soffits. A.^Voc. HElp Lord, for good and godly men do perifh and decay: And faith and truth from worldly men is parted clean away. 2 Whofo doth with his neighbor talk his talk is all but vain : For every man bethinketh how- to flatter , lye , and rain. 3 Rut flattering and deceitful lips , & tongues that be fo ftout, (brags To fpeak proud words,& make great the Lord foon cuts them out. 4 For they fay ftill we will prevail , our tongues (hall us extoll : (fpeak, Our tongues are ours, we ought to what Lord {hall us controll ? $ But for the great complaint & cry, of poor and men oppred ; Arife will 1 now, faith the Lord, and them reitore to reft. 6 Gofc word is like to filver pure, that from the earth is tri'd : And hath no lefs than feven times in fire been purifi'd. 7 Now fith thy promife is to help, Lord, keep thy promife then : And fave us now, and evermore, from this ill kind of men. 8 For now the wicked world is full of mifchiefs manifold: When vanity with mortal men fo highly isextoli'd. Pfalm 3 2 Pfalm XIII. Cantus&Bajfus. Pfalm ij. Rocheftcr Tune'. Ow long wilt thou forget meLord,{hall I ne're be remembred? illlPliiilMiSii^lIiiiiill How long wilt thou thy vifage hide, as though thou wert offended? Pfalm 1 3. Medins. A. 3 . Voc. ^si=ii|3=iiliEp=l=ii=i^iI How long wilt thou forget me Lord, fhall I ne're be remembred ? How long wilt thou thy vifage hide, as though thou wert offended? Pfalm 13. Baffns. A.i>.Voc. wmmmmmiimtmnmmm 2 In heart and mind how long fhall I with care tormented be? How long eke (hall my deadly foe thus triumph over me ? 3 Behold me now my Lord my God, and hear me foreopprelt : Lighten mine eyes , left that I fleep as one by death poffell. 4 Left that mine enemy fay to me, behold I do prevail : 5 But from thy mercy and goodnefs, my hope fhall never rtart : In thy relief and faving health, j right glad ihall be my heart. 6 1 will give thanks unto f he Lord, \ and praifes to him fing : Becaufe he hath heard my requell, and granted my wifhing. Pfalm 33 Torf^ Tune 9 Pfalm XIV. Cantm & Baffm. Pfalm 14. Here is no God, as fooliffimen affirm and do conclude: Their drifts are all corrupt and vain , not one of them cloth good. mmMWmmmmmmWim Pfalm 14.. Me dins. A. $.Voc. 1 Here is no God , as fooliih men affirm and do conclude : j:x$ =mm&mmm Their drifts are all corrupt and vain, not one of them doth good* Pfalm 14. Baffus. A. 3. Voc. lHere is no God, as foolifli men affirm an 1 do conclude: mm&Mwmmmmmwmm Their drifts are all corrupt and vain , not one of them doth good 2 The Lord beheld from heaven high the whole race of mankind : ; And faw not one that fought indeed , the living God to find* 3 They went all wide,& were corrupt and truly there was none i That in the world did any good , I fay there was not one. 4. Is all their judgment fo far loll > , that all work mifchief {till , Eating my people even as bread, not one to feek Gods will ? 5 When they thus rage.then fuddenly great fear on them fhall fall : For God doth love the righteous men and will maintain them all. 6 Ye mock the doings of tfce poor> to their reproach and (Iiame : Becaufe they put their trult in God, and call upon his Name. F 7 But 34 Pfalm XV. 7 But who thai! give thy people S Even when thou (halt reftore again and when wilt thou fa lfil (health Thy promiie made to Ifrael from out of Sionhill? fuch as were captive led Then Jacob fhall therein rejoyce and Ifrael ihall be glad. Gtnttu&Baffiu. Pfalm 15. Martyrs Time. Lord, within thy Tabernacle , who (hall inhabit itill? f »iij ti^ Or whom wilt thou receive to dwell in thy mod holy hill? ?falmi$. ilfllll MedtHS. A. 3 . rbc. iSlitillsiEfiffl O lord, within thy Tabernacle, who ihall in-ha-bit lull? Or whom wilt thou receive to dwell in thy moll holy hill ? TfMm 15. £*0»*. ^4. 3. Voc. O Lord, within thy Tabernacle, who fhall in-ha-bit frill? :=: t Or whom wilt thou receive to dwell in thy moft holy hill? 2 The man whole life is uncorrupt, j Nor willingly doth move falfe tales, which might impair the fame. e works ure jufl and itraight : Whole haij doth think the very truth whofe tongue fpeaks no deceit. 3 Nor to his neighbour doth sone ill i* body , goods, or name : 4. That in his heart regardeth not malicious wicked men : But thofe that love and fear the Lord, he maketh much of them. 5 His Halm XVI. 35 5 His oath, and all his promifes , that keepeth faithfully: Although he make his covenant fo that he doth lofe thereby. 6 That putteth not to ufury his monev and his coin : Ne for to hurt the innocent doth bribe, or elfe purloin. 7 Whofo doth all things as you fee , that here is to be done , Shall never periih in this world , nor in the world to come. Cantiu & Bajfus. Pfi.lm 1 6. London Tune. LiliiiiliililllBiiill Ord, keep me, forltrulHn thee, and do confefs indeed, IliiilSEilllliilillliiiISi Thou art my God, and of my goods , C Lord, thou hall no need. IliiliiiilllliiililiailliPlii Tfalm 1 6. Medim. A. 3 . Voc, Lord, keep me, fori truft in thee, and do confefs indeed, IfiUPiiliililliiHIiiilliil Thou art my God , and of my goods, O Lord, thou hall no need. T film 16. Soffits. A.^Voc. Lord, keep me, for I truft in thee , and do confefs indeed, HiiilliiilliiiiiHlIiliillll Thou art my God , and of my goods , O Lord, thou haft no need. 2 I give my goods unto the Saints that in the world do dwell : And namely to the faithful flock , in virtue that excell. Their forrows {hall be multipli'd , that vex themfelves in vain : And to make hafte to other Gods, in blind zeal take srreat pa in. F 2 4 As 3* Pfalm XVII. 4 As for their bloody facrifice, and offerings of that fort , I will not touch , nor yet thereof my lips {hall make report. 5 For why ? the Lord the portion is of mine inheritance : And thou art he that doft maintain my rent, my lot, my chance. 6 The place wherein my lot did fall. in beauty did excell : Mine heritage aflign'd to me , doth pleafe me wondrous well. 7 1 thank the Lord, that caufed me to underltand the right : For by his means my fecret thoughts do teach me every night. 8 1 fet the Lord Kill in my fight , and truii him over all : For he doth (land on my right hand, therefore I {hall not fall. 9 Wherefore my heart & tongue alfo do both rejoyce together : My flefti and body reft in hope , when I this thing confider. (grave, I o Thou wilt not leave my foul in for, Lord, thou loveft me : " Nor yet wilt give thy holy one corruption for to fee. I I But wilt me teach.the way to life ; for all treafure and ftore Of perfect joy, are in thy face and power for evermore. GmtPts&'BaffUf. Pfalmiy. Winder Tune. w Lord, give ear to my juft caufe, attend when I complain : And hear the prayer that I put forth with lips that do not feign. Tfalmij. Me dins. A.^.Voc. O Lord, give ear to my juft caufe , attend when I complain : And hear the prayer that I put forth with lips that do not feign. CLpr^ PfalmXVII. 37. Pfalm 17. Baffin. A.%.Voc wz*-i:r\i r r tf * \ \ v rtr* ggp O Lord, give ear to my jult caufe , attend when I complain : And hear the prayer that I put forth with lips that do not feign. 3 And let the judgment of my caufe proceed always from thee : And let thine eyes behold and clear this my fimplicity. 3 Thou haft well try'd me in the night and yet could'ft nothing iind , That I have fpoken with my tongue, that was not in my mind. 4 As for the works of wicked men and paths perverfe and ill : For love of thy molt holy name I have refrained Hill. • 5Then in thy paths that be moft pure ftay me ('Lord) and preferve That from the way wherein I walk, my Heps may never fwerve. 6 For I do call to thee, O Lord, furely thou w i It me aid : (well Then hear my pray'r, & weigh right the words that I have faid. 7 O thou the Sav iour of all them that put their trult in thee , Declare thy ltrength on them that againft thy Ma jelly, (kick 8 O keep me as thou wouldeft keep the apple of thine eye : .^jid under covert of thy wings defend me fecretly, The fecond part. 9 From wicked men that trouble me and daily me annoy , And from ray foes that go about my foul for to deftroy : 10 Which wallow in their worldly fo full and eke fb fat : (wealth, That in their pride they do not fpare to fpeak they care not what. 1 1 They lie in wait where I fhould with craft me to confound : (pafs, And muling mifchief in their minds to call me to the ground. 1 2 Much like a Lion greedily that would his prey embrace: Or lurking like a Lions whelp, within fome fecret place. 13 Up Lord in halte, prevent my foe, and call him at thy feet : Save thou my foul from the ill man, and with the fword him fmite. 14 Deliver me (Lord) bythypow'r, out of thefe tyrants hands : Which now fo long time reigned and kept us in their bands, (have, 1 51 mean from worldly men,towhom all worldly goods are rife : That have no hope nor part of joy, but in this prefent life. 16 Thou 3* Pfalm XVIII. I'^Thou of thy flore their bellies fiU'ft with pleafure to their mind : Their Children have enough, and to thei rs the reft behind, (lea ve 17 But I fhall with pure confcience behold thy gracious face : So when I wake , I fhall be full of thine image and grace. CdMHS&Baffns. Pfalm 18. Or to Windfor Tune. OIlliiiiBliiilliii^ii God, my ftrength and fortitude, of force I muft love thee : ^i^iiiiiiilliiSlililiiili Thou art my cattle and de-fence, in my ne~- cef— fi— ty. mmmmmwmmwmmm iiiiaillilliiillliiiiiiil My God, my rock, in whom I truft, the worker of my wealth: mmmmmmmmmmmimm My refuge, buckler, and my fhield , preferver of my health. ^iiiiiiiiiyaiiBiiisiii Tfalm 1 8. Mediw. A. 3 . Fee. O God, my ftrength and fortitude, of force I muft love thee: Thou art my caftle and de--fence, in my ne~cef~- fi~ty. mmmmmwmmm My God, my rock, in whom I truft, the worker of my wealth : My refuge, buckler, and my fhield, preferver of my health Pfalm XVIII. 39 Pfalm 1 8. Baffits. A. 3 . Voc. O God , my itrength and fortitude , of force I mult love thee 3 lilillillilliii^ipiliiliiiii Thou art my caille and de--fence, in my ne— cef— fi— ty. wmmmmmmmmwmmm My God, my rock, in whom Itruft, the worker of my wealth: wmmmmmmmmmmm My refuge, buckler, and my {hield , preferver of my health. 3 When I fing laud unto the Lord , moit worthy to beferved: Then from my foes I am right fure that I Iriall be preferred, q. The pangs of death did compafs me and bound me every where : The flowing waves of wickednefs did put me in- great fear. 5 The fly and fubtle fnares of hell, were round about me fet : And for my death there was prepar'd a deadly trapping net. 5 1 thus befet with pain and grief, did pray to God for grace: And he forthwith did hear my plaint out of his holy place. 7 Such is his pow'r, that in his wrath he made the Earth to quake : *"ea the foundation of the mount of Bafan for to (hake. $ And from his noftrils came a fmoke, when kindled was- his ire: \nd from his mouth came kindled of hot confuming fire. (coals 9 The Lord defcended from above , and bow'd the heavens high : And underneath his feet hecaft the darknefs of the sky. 10 On Cherubs and on Cherubins full royally he rode : And on the wings of all the winds came flying all abroad. The feceni part. 1 1 And like a den molt dark he made his hid and fecret place: With waters black and airy clouds, environed he was. 1 2 But when the pre fence of his face in brightnefs fhall appear : Then clouds confume,& in their ftead come hail and coals of fire. 13 The fiery darts aud thunderbolts, difperfc them here and there : And with his often lightening? , he puts them in great %r. 14 thy wrath & Chreatcnings and at thy chiding chear, The fprings and the foundations of all the world appear. I $ And 4° Pfalm XVIII. 25 And to the loving and elect , thy love thou wilt refer ve : And thou wilt ufe the wicked men , as wicked men deferve. 26 For thou dolt fave the fimple folk, in trouble when they lie : And dolt bringdown the countenance of them that look full hie. 27 The Lord will light my candle fo, that it fhall fhine full bright : The Lord my God will make alfo my darknefs to be light. 28 For by thy help an hoaft of men difcomiit , Lord , I fhall : By thee I fcale and over-leap the ftrengthof any wall. 29 Unfpotted are the ways of God,, his word is purely tri'd : He is a fure defence to fuch , as in his faith abide. ^o For who is God except the Lord ? for other there is none : Or elfe who is omnipotent, faving our God alone?- The fourth part. 31 The God that girdeth me with is lie that I do mean : (ftrength > That all the ways wherein I walk , did evermore keep clean. 32 That made my feet like to the in fwiftnefs of my pace : harts, And for my furety brought me forth into an open place. 33 He did in order put my hands , to battel and to fight: To break in funder bars of brafs , appearing in his fight. ' he gave mine arms the might. 24 For, L™ d, with him that holy is, 1 34 Thou teachelt me thy faving helth 15 And from above the Lord fent to fetch me from below : (down Andpluckt me out of waters great, that would me overflow. 16 And me deliver'd from my foes, that would have made me thrall : Yea from fuch foes as were too ftrong forme to deal withall. 1 7 They did prevent me to opprefs in time of my great grief: But yet the Lord was my defence , my fuccour and relief. l8He brought me forth in open place whereas I might be free : And kept me fafe , becaufe he had a favour unto me. 19 And as I was an innocent , fo did he me regard: And to the cleannefs of my hands, he gave me my reward. 20 For that I walked in his ways, and in his paths have trod : And have not waver'd wickedly againft my Lord my God. The third part. 21 But evermore I have refpect to his law and decree : His ftatutes and commandements I cait not out from me. 22 But pure, & clean, & uncorrupt, appear 'd before his face : And did refrain from wickednefs and fin in any cafe. 23 The Lord therefore will me re- as I have done aright : (ward, And to the cleannefs of my hands, wilt thou be holy too: And with the good & virtuous men, right virtuoufly wilt do. thy right hand is my tow'r : Thy love and familiarity, doth Itill increafe my pow'r. 35 And Pfalm XVIfl. 4i 3$ And under me thou makeft plain the way enlarg'd by. thee : So 1 go fafely , and my feet are kept from Hiding free. 36 And fiercely I purfue and take my foes that me annoy'd : And from the field do not return 'till they be all deUroy'd. 37 Sol fupprefs and wonnd my foes, that they can rife no more : For at my feet they fall down flat, I ttrike them all fo fore. $8 For thou dolt gird me with thy to war in fuch a wife : ( Tength That they be all fcatter'd abroad, that up againft me rife. 39 lord ,thou haft put into my hands, my mortal enemies yoke : And all my foes thou do'* divide in funder with thy {broke. 40 They call'd for help,bnt none gave nor holp them with relief : (ear, Yea, to the Lord they call'd for help, yet heard he not their grief. The fifth fan. 4.1 And ftill like duft before the wind I drive them under feet : And fwe^p them out like filthy clay, that ftinketh in the ftreet. 42 Thou keep'lt me from feditious that ftill in flrife are lead: (folk, And thou dolt of the heathen folk appoint me to be head. 43 A people ftrange,to me unknown, and yet they ihall me ferve : And at'the firlt obey my word , whereas mine own will fwerve. 44 1 fhall be irkfom to mine own , they will not fee my light : But wander wide out of the way , and hide them out of fight. 45 But blefled be the living Lord , moll worthy of all praife- That is my rock and faving health, praifed be he always. 46 For God it is that gave me pow'r revenged for to be : Ana with his holy word fubdu'd the people unto me. 47 And from my foes deliver'd me * and fet me higher than thofe : That cruel and ungodly were , and up again ■■ merofe 48 And for this canfe,0 Lord my God to thee give thanks I fhall : And fing out praifes to thy Name among the Gentiles all. 49 Thou gavel* great profperity unto the King, Tfay. To David thine anointed King , and to his feed for aye. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghojl , all glory be therefore : As in beginning vox , is now > i andjhall be evermore. Pfafot 4 a Pfalm XIX. Otnttu & Bafm. Pfalm 19. TorkTmu. He heavens and the firmament do wondrouflv declare rrt. lif'.rr'i-M* t T|i i ^ The glory of God om-ni-po-tent, his works, and what they are. Tfalmjg. Me dux. A. i.Voc. 1 He heavens and the firmament do won J roufiy declare lii^^ili^i^^illiii^lIiSli The glory of God om-ni-po-tent , his works, and what they are, Tfalmig. Baffin. A.^.Voc. IHe heavens an.! the firmament do wondrouflv declare The glor^' of God om-ni-po-tent, his works, and what they are. ■ft-** — Who like a bridegroom ready trim'd doth from his chamber come. 2The wondror.s works of God appear by every days fuccefs : The nights likewife which their race the felf-fame thing exprefs. (run ' 5 And as_ a valiant Champion , (fpeech 3 There is no language, tongue, or where their found is not heard : In all the earth and coafts thereof,- their knowledge is conferr'd. who for to get a prize With ioy doth hafte to take in hand fome noble enterprife. 6 And all the Sky from end to end he compafTeth about : 4 In them the Lord made for the Sun Nothing can hide it from his heat, a place of great renown : | but he will find it out. 7 How Plalm XX. 43 7 How perfect is the law of God , how is his cov'nant fure , Con\ erting fouls, and making wife the fimple and obfcure ! 8 Juft are the Lords comandements, and glad both heart and mind : His precepts pure , and giveth light to eyes that be full blind. p The fear of God is excellent, and doth endure for ever : The judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. Io And more to be embrac'd alway than fined gold , I fay : Thehony, and the hony comb , are not fo fweet as they. 1 1 By them thy fervant is forewarned to have God in regard : And in performance of the lame , there (hall be great reward, 12 But, Lord,what earthly man doth the errors of his life ? t (know Then deanfe me from my fecret fins, which are in me moll rife. 13 And keep me that prefumptuous prevail not over me : (fins And fo fhall I be innocent , and great ounces fiie. 14 Accept my mouth,& eke my heart my words and thoughts each one : For my redeemer and my ftrength , OLord, thou art alone. Cant us & Bajfus. Tfalm 20. Hereford Tune. I i mmmmwmmmmmm N trouble and ad— ver— fi— ty, the Lord God hear thee (till: S5P lIliilllifiiElliEisii^ii^IlIi gii^Piiiliiiiiiliiliiliiiiii^illi The Ma— je— fry of Ja-cobs God defend thee from all ill. Tfalm 20. Medius. A.^.Voc* £3N-t irrrrti»h * ihiflyg p In trouble and ad— ver— fi— ty , the Lord God hear thee frill: r 1 ' mm hi 1 1 1 1 in mm The Ma— je— fry of Ja-cobs God defend thee from all iH. G 2 & 44 Pfalm XXL Tfrlm 20. Baffus. A. 3. Voc. i^iSli^iiiiii^liiiiiilpli I NT trouble ani ad— ver— fi — ty , the Lord God hear thee ilill : he Ma— je~-fty of Ja--cobs God defend thee from all ill. The 2 And fend thee from his holy place his help at every need r And fo in Sion ftabliih thee , and make thee llrong indeed. 3 Remembring well the facrifice, that now to him is done : . And fo receive right thankfully thy burnt offerings each one. 4 According to thy hearts defire , the Lord grant unto thee : And all thy counfel and device, full well perform may he. 5We fliall rejoice when thou us fav'it and our banners difplay Unto the Lord , which thy requefts fulfilled hath alway. 6 The Lord will his annointed fave, I know well by his grace : And fend him help by his right hand out of his holy plaGe. 7 In chariots fome put confidence , and fome in horfes trull : But we remember God our Lord , that keepeth promife jutt. 8 They fall down flat,but we do rife, and ftand up fleadfaftly : 9 Now fave & help us, Lord & King, on thee when we do cry. Camus & Bdjfni. Tfalm 21. Or to St. Davids Tune. Oiiiiiiiiiiiiii^iiiiiiii Lord , how joyful is the King in thy ftrength & thy pow'r? How vehemently doth he re--joice in thee his Sa— vi— our ? i^iliiiiliiilliliiiiliil^li For Pfalm XXL 45 For thou ha(t given un— to him his gocl-ly hearts defire : mmmnwmmiWmmmmM^ To him nothing thou had deny'd, of that he did require. g^ig^lifglHl^ PlEisH^ijliipiJfgi Pfalm z 1 . Me dim. A. 3 . Voc* I^iiipllliiPiiilliilillliiSi O Lord, how joyful is the King in thy ttrength and thy pow'r? How vehemently doth he rejoyce in thee his Sa~- vi— our? For thou halt given un— to him his god-ly hearts defire: To him nothing thouhaii deny'd, of that he did require. Pfalm 2 1 . JBaffks. A. 3 . Voc. O Lord, how joyful is the King in thy ftrength and thy pow'r? How vehemently doth he rejoyce in thee his Sa— vi—our? For thou hart given un — to him his god— -ly hearts defire: Tq him nothing thou halt c.eiy'd, of that h^ did require. 3 Thou 4^ Pfalm XXII. 3 Thou didft prevent him with thy and bleffings manifold : (gifts And thou halt fet upon his head a crown of perfedt gold. 4 And when he asked life of thee , thereof thou mad'lt him fure : To have long life , yeafuchalife as ever (hall endure. 5 Great is his glory by thy help , thy benefit and aid : Great worfhip and great honor both, thou had upon him laid. 6 Thou wilt give him felicity that never ihall decay : And with thy cheerful countenance wilt comfort him alway. 7 For why ? the King doth ftrongly in God for to prevail: _ (truft Wherefore his goodnefs & his grace will not that he (hall fail. 8 But let thy enemies feel thy force, and thofe that thee withftand : Find out thy foes, and let them feel the pow'r of thy right hand. 9 And like an oven burn them, Lord, in fiery flame and fume : Thine anger (hall defrroy them all, and fire fhall them confume. (earth loAnd thou (halt root out of the their fruit that ffiould increafe : And from the number of thy folk, their feed (hall end and ceafe. 1 1 For why ? much mlfchief did they againlt thy holy Name : (mufe Yet did they fail, and had no pow'r for to perform the fame. 1 2 But as a mark thou (halt them fet in a mort open place : And charge thy bow-firings readily againft thine enemies face. 13 Be thou exalted Lord therefore , in thy ftrength every hour : So fhall we fing right folemnly , praifing thy might and pow'r. To Father > Son , and Holy Gbofi , Immortal Glory be: As root , it now, and Jball bejiiU \ To all Eternitie. Cant m & Bajfus. Pfalm 22. Salisbury Tune. w I God, my God, wherefore do'it thou forfake me utterly: ^* Wimmmmmwmm* And helpeft not when I do make my great complaint and cry ? iilliiiiillliili^iiil^S OGod, PfalmXXIL 4 7 Tfalm 22 . Me dins. A. 3 . Vac. O God, my God, wherefore do'ft thou forfake me ut— tcr — ly : And helpeil not when I do make my great complaint and cry ? Vfalm 22. Baffin. A. 3. Voc. mmmmmmmmmmmm O God, my God, wherefore do'ft thou forfake me ut — ter — ly: MmmmwmMwmmmm Andhelpeft not when I do make my great complaint and cry ? a To thee, my God, even all day long I do both cry and call : I ceafe not all the night, and yet thou heareft not all. 3 Even thou that in thy Sancluary and holy place do'ft dwell : Thou art the comfort and the joy and glory of Ifrael. 4 And he in whom our fathers old, had all their hope for ever : And when they put their truft in thee thou did'ft them aye deliver. 5 They were delivered ever when they called on thy Name : And for the faith they had in thee, they were not put to fhame. 6 But I am now become a worm , more like than any man : An out-caft, whom the peopleTcorn, with all the fpite they can. 7 All men defpife, as they behold me walking on the way : They ffioot the Iip,& ftiake the head, and on this wife they fay : 8 This man did glory in the Lord , his favour and his love : Let him redeem and help him now , his pow'r if he will prove. 9 But Lord,out of my mothers womb I came by thy beheft : Thou did'ft preferve me ftill in hope, while I did fuck her breaft. [ o I was committed from my birth, with thecfto have abode: Since I was in my mothers womb, thou haft been ere my God. Tbefscond pan. 1 1 Then, Lord, depart not now from in this my' prefent grief : (me Since I have none to be my help , myTu'ccour and relief. 12 So 4 8 Pfalm XXII. 1 2 So many bulls do compafs me , tftatbefullitrorig of head: Yea bulls Co fat , as though they had in Bafan field been fed. 13 They gape upon me greedily ; as though they would me flay : Much like a Lion roaring out, and ramping for his prey. 14 But I dropdown like water flied, my joynts in funder break : My heart doth in my body melt like wax againlt the heat. (frrength, 1$ And like a potfheard dry'th my my tongue it cleaveth faf£ Unto myjaws , and I am brought to dull of death at laft. 1 6 And many dogs do compafs me , and wicked counfel eke Confpire againlt me curfedly , they pierce my hands and feet. * 17I was tormented, fothatl might all my bones have told : Yet ftill upon methey-do look, and (till they me behold. , 1 8 My garments they divided eke • in parts among them all : And for my coat they did call Iots> to whom it might befall. x 9 Therefore, I pray thee, be not far from me at my great need: But rather, fith thou art my itrength, to help me, Lord, make fpeed. foul, 20 And from the fword,Lord,fave my by thy might and thy pow'r : And keep my foul thy darling dear, from dogs that would devour. 2i And from the Lions mouth, that me all in funder fhiver : (would And from the horns of Unicorns, Lord, fafely me deliver. 22 Then (nail I to my brethren all thy Maje'ty record : And in thy Church Iball praife the of the? the living Lord. (Name The third part. 23 All ye that fear him praife the thou Jacob honour him: (Lord, And all ye feed of Ifrael, fall down and worihip him. 24 For he defpifeth not the poor , he turneth not awry His countenance, when they do call, butgranteth to their cry. 25 Among the folk that fear the Lord I will therefore proclame Thy praife, and keep my promife for fetting forth thy Name, (made 26 The poor {hall eat and be fuffie'd, & thofe that do their devor (name, To know the Lord, lhall praife his their hearts (hall live forever. (the Lord, 27 All coafts of th' earth (hall praife and turn to him for grace : The heathen folk (hall worihip him before his blefled face. » 28 The kingdom of the heathen folk the Lord lTiall have therefore : And he lhall be their Governour and King for evermore. 20 The rich man of his godly gifts fhall feed and tafte alfo : And in his prefence worfhip him, and bow their knees full low. 30 And Pfalm XXIII. 49 30 And all that fhall go down to dull [ 3 1 My feed fhall plainly (hew to them of life by him fhall tafre: | that (hall be born hereafter, My feed fhall ferve & praife the Lord His juftice and his righteoufnefs , while any world fhall lad. | and all his works of wonder. Cantm & Baffm. Pfalm 2 3 . Canterbury Tune. TiiilSiiilliilllliliiii He Lord is only my fupport, and he that doth me feed : ! ipiliiil^illiliiilSi Kow can I then lack any thing , whereof I ftand in need ? Tfalm 2 3 . Medius. A. 3 . Vod il=liSi|iiIIIIIIlllPp|!i!liiiBl iHe Lord is only my flip— port, and he that doth me feed : Ii5il^iliiliiil=illiliyiliiiiilil How can I then lack a--ny thing, whereof I ftand in need? Pfalm 2 3 . Baffks. A. 3 . Voc* i^lllllijlllililiiigifiiiii^iiii 1 He Lord is only my fup— port , and he that doth me feed ; How can I tben lack a-ny thing, whereof I fraud in need? 2 He doth me fold in cotes moll fafe, ■ Conducting me in his right paths , the tenderer a Is faftbv : And after drives me to the dreams, winch run moll pleafantly . ev'n for his own Names fake. Cdoor, 4 And though I were ev'n at deaths yet would I fear none ill : 3 And when I feel my feif near loft, For with thy rod & fhepherds crook then doth he me home take : I am comforted Hill* 5 Thou 50 5 Thou haft my table richly deckt in defpite of my foe : Thou hall my head with balm re- Pfalm XXIV. 6 And finally, while breath doihlaft, thy grace (hall me defend : And in the houfe of God will I my cup doth overflow. (freilit, my life for ever fpend Pfalm 23.* By another Author. Or to London Tune. Y fhepherd is the living Lord, ' Thy rod, thy ftaff, doth comfort me, JVJ. nothing therefore I need : In padres fair, with waters calm, he fets me for to feed. 2 He did convert and glad my foul , and brought my mind in frame : To walk in paths of righteoufnefs, for his moil holy Name. Yea though I walk in vale of death, yet will I fear none ill : and thou art with me Hill : 4 And in the prefence of my fo-s , my table thou ftialt fpread 1 Thou flialt (O I ord) fill full my cup, and eke annoint my head. 5 Through all my life thy favoui is fo frankly fbew'd to me : That in thy houfe for evermore my dwelling place lhall be. Cant us & Baffin. Pfalm 24. Rochefler "1 'unc. iliilifilllflilili He Earth is all the Lords, with all her {lore and furniture : JL r Yea his is all the world, and all that therein doth endure. Tfalrn 24. Mcdius. A. 3 . Voc. llllSIiiiffiiiilSiiH^IiiiH lHe Earth is all the Lords, with all her flore and fur-ni-ture : immmmmmmmmmmm Yea his is all the world, and all that therein doth endure. The PfalmXXV. 51 Pfalmi^.. Baffin. A.^.Voc. THe Earth is all the Lords, with all her ftore and fur-ni--ture : Yea his is all the world, and all that therein doth endure. 2 For he hath fa% founded it, above the Tea to "ftand : And laid alow the liquid floods , to flow beneath the land. 3 For who is he (O Lord) that fhall afce*H into thv hill? Or pafs into thv hoJv place , there to continue (till i (heart 4Whofe hand's are harmlefs,& whofe no fpot there doth defile : His foul not fet on vanity , who hath not fworn to gui/e. 5 Him that is fuch a one, the Lord fhall place inblifsful plight: AndGo^, his God, and Saviour, fhall yield to him his right. 6 This is the brood of travellers , in feeking of his grace : As Jacob did the Ifraelite , in that time of his race. 7YePrinces ope vour gates,ftand ope the everlafting gate : For there fhall enter in thereby , the King of glorious ftate. 8 Who is the King of glorious Hate ? the ftrong and mighty Lord : The mighty Lor H , in battel float j and trial of thefword. oYePrinces ope your gates,(tand ope the everla^ing gate : For there fhall enter in thereby, the King of glorious irate. I o Who is the King of glorious Mate? the Lord of hoHsitis: The kingdom and the royalty of glorious Hate is his. CemtHS & Baffin. Pfalm 2 5 . Southvcel Tune ImmmmMmmsmMMmm Lift my heart to thee , my God and guide molt juft : Now differ me to take no ihame, for in thee do I truft. 5* Pfalm 25. Pfaim XXV. Medita. A^.Voc. I Lift my heart to thee, my God and guide moft juft: Now fuaer me to take no fhame, for in thee do I truth Tfalm2$. Bajfm. A.i>.Voc. ^iiililiiiiliiyilililiiiii I Lift my heart to thee, my God and guide moft juft: lalliiiiilli^iiliiliii^ili Now fuffer me to take no fhame, for in thee do I truft. 2 Let not my foes re Joyce , nor make a fcom of me : And let them not be overthrown, that put their truft in thee. 3 But fhame fhall them befall , which harm them wrongfully : Therefore thy paths and thy right unto me Lord defcry. (ways, 4 Direct me in thy truth , and teach me I thee pray : Thou art my God and Saviour, on thee I wait alway. 5 Thy mercies manifold , I pray thee Lord remember : And eke thy pity plentiful , for they have been for ever, 6 Remember not the faults and frailty of my youth : '.Remember not how ignorant I have been of thy truth. Nor after my deferts let me thy mercy find : But of thine own benignity, Lord, have me in thy mind. 7 His mercy is full fweet , his truth a perfect guide : Therefore the Lord will miners and fuch as go afide. (teach, 8 The humble he will teach , his precepts for to keep : He will direct in all his ways the lowly and the meek. For all the ways of God are truth ?nd mercy both: To them that keep his teftament , thewitnefs of his troth. The fscend pan: lo Now for thy holy Name , O Lord , I thee intreat , To grant me pardon for my fin, for it is wondrous great. 1 1 WhQ Pfalm XXVI. 53 11 Who fo doth fear the Lord, the Lord will him direct , To lead his life in fuch away , as he doth beft accept. 1 2 His foul fhall evermore ingoodnefs dwell and Hand : His feed and his pofterity , inherit {hall the land. 13 All thofe that fear the Lord, know his fecret intent : And unto them he doth declare his will and teftament. 14 Mine eyes and eke my heart to him I will advance , That pluckt my feet out of the fnare of fin and ignorance. 1 5 With mercy me behold , to thee I make my moan : For I am poor, and de folate , and comfortlefs alone. 16 The troubles of my heart, are multipli'd indeed ; Bring me out of this mifery , neceffity, and need. 1 7 Behold my poverty , mine anguifh and my pain : Remit my fin and mine offence , and make me clean again. 18O Lord , behold my foes, how they do (till increafe : Purfuing me with deadly hate , that fain would live in peace, 1 9 Preferve and keep my fou! , and eke deliver me : And let me not be overthrown , becaufe I truft in thee. 20 Let my fimple purenefs , me from mine enemies fhend : Becaufe I look as one of thine , that thou fhould'it me defend. 21 Deliver, Lord, thy folk, and fend them fome relief: I mean thy chofen Ifrael, from all their pain and grief. Canttu & 'Bajftu. Tjalm 2 6. Windfor Tunc. Ord, be mv judge, & thou (halt fee my paths be right & plain : l-^^iiiiillSiil&lilSi I truft in God, and hope that he will ftrength me to remain. Lord, '54 Pfalm XXVI. Pfalm26. Medim. A.i,.Voe. iillfiiiifiiliill^iliililil Lord be my judge, and thou (halt fee my paths be right and plain : I truft: in God, and hope that he will ftrength me to remain. Pfalm 26. Baffin. A.^.Voc. ifliiiiliiiiiliijiif^i^iiyiili Lord, be my judge, and thou {halt fee my paths be right and plain : I truft in God, and hope that he will ftrength me to remain. 2 Prove me my God, I thee defire, my ways to fearch and try : As men do prove their gold with fire, my reins and heart efpy. 3 Thy goodnefs laid before my face, I do behold always : For of thy truth I tread the path , and will do all my days. 4 I do not luft to haunt or ufe with men whofe deeds are vain : To come in houfe I do refufe with the deceitful train. 5 I much abhor the wicked fort , : their deeds I do defpife : I do not once to them refort that wicked works devife. 6 My hands I waft), and do proceed in works to walk upright : Then to thine Altar I make fpeed , to offer there in fight : (praife, 7 That I may fpeak and preach the ' that doth belong to thee: And fo declare how wondrous ways thou halt been good to me. 80 God, thy houfe I love moft dear, to me it doth excell : I have delight , and would be near whereas thy grace doth dwell. 9 O fhut not up my foul with them, in fin that take their fill : Nor yet my life among thofe men, that feek much blood to fpill. Whofe hands & heart is full of craft, much mifchief there is found : Corrupting Juilice in its courfe, in bribes they do abound. I I But I in righteoufnefs intend my time and days to ferve : Have mercy, Lord, and me defend, fo that I do not fwerve. 1 2 My foot is Maid for all aflfays, itftandethwellan ' right: Wherefore to God will I give praife, in all the peoples fight. Tfaim Cant m 0- Baffin. Pfalmzy, NorwichTune. TiliillllilipliiSlilll He Lord is both my health & light,{hall man make me difmaid? mmmimmmmmmM L1J.HT7 Sith God doth give me ftrength and might, why fhould I be afraid ? mmmmwmmmmmwm IP f aim 27. Me dim. A. 3 . Voc u THe Lord is both mv health & light, fhall man make me difmaid ? illliiliilliiiiil^iiiii^^ Sith God doth give me ftrength and might, why fhould I be afraid? Tfalmij. Bafts. A.i.Vn. THe Lord is both my health & light, fhall man make me difmaid ? lilpiiiliiliiiiiiiiiil Sith God doth give me ftrength and might , why fhould I be afraid ? 2 While that my foes with all their came on me to devour: (ttrength, And thought to eat me up at length, they fell with all their pow'r. 3 Though they in camp againft me lye my heart is not afraid : In battel %ong i f thev will -try , ItrultinGodforaid. 4 One thing of God I do require , that he will not deny : : For which I pray, and will defire, 'till he to me apply : M That I within his holy place, my life throughout mav dwelh To fee the beauty of his face , and view his Temple well. 6 In time of dread he fhall me hide within his place moft pure : And keep me fecret by his fide , as onarockmoftfure. 7 At 5* Pfalm XXVIII. 7 At length I know the L. good grace {hall make me ftrong an 1 frout : My foes to foil and clean deface , that compafs me about. 8 Therefore within his houfe will I give facrifice of praife : With Pfalms and Songs I will apply to laud the Lord always. Thefecond pm. $ Iord,hear the voice of my requeft, for which to thee I call : Have mercy, Lord, on me oppreft , and fend me help withall. io My heart doth knowledge unto I fue to have thy grace : (thee, Then feek my face, fayeft thou to me, Lord, I will feek thy face. 1 1 In wrath turn not thy face away, nor furfer me to Hide : Thou art my help ftUl to this day , be fliJl my God and guide. 1 2 My parents both their fon forfook, and call me off at large: And then the Lord himfeJf yet took of me the care and charge. 13 Teach me ,6 Lord,the way to thee, and lead me on forth right : For fear of fuch as watch for me, to trap me if they might. 1 4 Do not betake me to the will of them that be my foes : For they furmife agamft me Mill , falfe witnefs todepofe. 1 5 My heart would faint, but that in this hope is fixed fall: (me The Lord Gods good grace faall I fee in life that aye flialllaft. (thou art, 1 6 Tru ft frill in God, whofe whole his will abide thou mull: : And he (hall eafe and Irrength thy if thou in him do trutt. (heart, €antm & Soffits. TfalmzK. TorkTune. Hou art,6 Lord,my ftrength & (tay,the fuccour which I crave: ^liiiiiiillillliiiiliSI Neglect me not , left: I be like to them that go to grave. WmmmmmWMWmmmm Thou Pfalm XXVIII. 57 Pfiikt 28. Meditu. A. 3 . Foe. Thou art, O Lord, my ftrength & Ihv, the fuccour which I crave : is s$: Negleft me not, left I be like to them that go to grave. P/afo 2 8. £*$ as clouds buritout their voice : The floods of evil that do fall, run over me with noife. 8 Yet I by day felt thv gooduefs and help at all alTaies : Likewife by night I did notceafb the living God to praife. 9 1 am perfwaded thus to fay to him with pure pretence : Lord, thou art my guide and ftay, my rock and fure defence. Why do I then in penfivenefs, hanging the head thus walk : While that mine enemies me opprefs and vex me with their talk ? 1 o For why ? they pierce my inward with pangs to be abhorr'd : (parts When they cry out with ftubborn where is thy God, thy Ld 1 (hearts 1 1 So foon why dolt thou faint & quail my foul with pain oppreft ? With thoughts why doftthy felf af- fo fore within my brealt ? (fail 1 2 Trull in the Lord thy God always, and thou the time (halt fee, To give him thanks with laud and for healrh reftor'd to thee, (praife Mz Pfalm 84 Pfalm XLI1I. Coitus & Bajfui. Pfalm 43 . St. David's Tune. J Ucige and revenge my caufe, O Lord, from them that evil be : w:i tit-i.;>i. < 4 j MhH i"^ B IBiiiil^iiiiiiliilliiiHeiii^ From wicked and deceitful men , O Lord, de-U-ver me. Pfalm 4 3 . Medins. A. 3 . Voc. Judge and revenge my caufe, O Lord, from them that evil be: liiiliiliipgiillii-lliililil From wicked and deceitful men, O Lord, de-li-ver me. Pfalm 43. Baffin. A.^-Voc. Tlldge and rerenge my caufe, O Lord, from them that evil be: PlIPiillilipiBliilliieiill From wicked and deceitful men , O Lord , de--li--ver me. 2 For of mv ftrength thou art the why put! 1 thou me i t fro ? (God, And why walk I fo heavily, opprefled with my foe ? 3 Send out thy light, & eke thy truth, and lead me with thy grace : "Which may conducl me to thy hill, and, to thy dwelling place.' 4 Then fhall I to the altar go of God my joy and chear : And on my harp give thanks to thee, God, my God molt dear. 5 Why art thou then fo fad my foul, and frett'lt thus in my breaft? Still trull in God, for h im to praife 1 hold it always bell. 6 By him I have deliverance againft all pain and grief: He is my God, which doth always at need fend me relief. Pfalm P&Im XLIV. 85 Cantut&Bajftu. Pfalm^. Peterborough Time. Ommmmmwmmmm Ur ears have heard our Fathers tell, and rev'rently record, iiiiiliiSiipiilllllilil The wondrous works that thou hall done in older time, O Lord. Tfalm^. Mediw. A,^.Voc. Our ears have heard our Fathers tell, and re-v'rent-ly record, liilllilillfiiliiilPIliiliiiiil The wondrous works that thou haft done in older time, OLord. P faint 444 Bajftts. Jl.^.Voc. Our ears have heard our Fathers tell, and re--v , rent--ly record, The wondrous works that thou halt done in older time, O Lord. 2 How thou didft caft the Gentils out, & ftroy'dtt them with ftrong hand: Planting our Fathers in their place, and gav'il to them their land, 3 They conquer'd not by fword nor the land of thy beheft : (ilrength But by thy hand, thy arm, and grace, becaufe thou lov'dft them beft. 4 Thou art my K ing,0 God.that holp Jacob in fundry wife : 5Led wi£h thy pow'r we threw down as did againll us rife, (fuch 6 1 trailed not in bow nor fword, they could not fave me found : 7 Thou keptft us from our enemies thou didlt our foes confound, (rage § And Mill we boaft of thee our God, and praife thy holy Name : 9 Yet now thou go'it not with our but leavell us to fhame. (holt, 1 Thou mad'ft us fly before our foes, and fo were overtrod : (goods, Our enemies fpoil'd and robbM our when we were fpers'd a' road. II Thou 26 Pfalm XLV. 1 1 Thou haft us given to our foes, as (heep for to be flain : Amongft the heathen every where fcatter'd we do remain. 1 2 Thy people thou haft fold like and as a thing of nought : (flaves For profit none thou hadft thereby, no gain at all was fought. 13 And to our neighbours thou haft of us a laughing ftock : (made And thofe that round about us dwell at us do feoff and mock. The feconi pm. 14 Thus we ferve for none other ufe, but for a common talk : ("heads They mock,they fcorn,they nod their where ere they go or walk. 15 1 am afham'd continually to hear thefe wicked men : Yea fo I blufh, that all my face with red is cover'd then. 1 6 For whv ? we hear fuch flandrous fuch falfe reports & lyes : (words. That death it is to fee their wrongs, their threatnings and their cryes. 17 For all this we forgot not thee, noryetthycov'nant brake: l8We turn not back our hearts from nor yet thy paths fbrfake. (thee , 19 Yet thou haft trod us down to duft where dens of Dragons be : And cover'd us with lhade of death, and great adverfity. 2oIf we had our Gods Name forgot, and help of Idols fought, (out, 21 Would not Gd then have tri'd this for he doth know our thought. 22 Nay, nay, for thy Names fake, O always are we flain thus: (Lord, As fheep unto the fh ambles fent, right fo they deal with us. 23 UpLord,why ileepeft thou?awake and leave us not for all : 24 Why hideft thou thv countenance and doft forget our thrall. 25 For down to duft our foul is and we now at laft caft : (brought, Our belly, like as it were glew'd, unto the ground cleaves fa ft. 26 Rife up therefore for our defence, and help us, L®rd, at need : We thee befeech for thy goodnefs to refcue ns with fpeed. Cmtui & Baffin. sEggtgcgggft — * — " Pfalm 45 . St. Peters Tnne. =y= A/1 1 I % / 1 Y heart doth take in hand, fome godly fong to fing : % Y -^Hiitflili ill liliiiiliil The praife that I fhall fhew therein , pertaineth to the King. My Pialm XLV. 87 Pfaltntfl Me dim. A.^.Voc. My heart doth take in hand, fome godly fong to fmg: iiliiiiSi^HIiiiiilililill The praife that I fiiall fhew therein, pertaineth to the King. Tfalm^. B affix. A.^.Voc. iiiii^lfiiiilllplllliillliliili M^ heart doth take in hand fome godly fong to fmg: The praife that I fliallihew therein, pertaineth to the King. 2 My tongue lhall be asqnick, his honour to indite : As is the pen of any fcribe, that ufeth fait to write. 3 Ofaireftof all men, thv fpeech is pleafant pure : For God hath bleffed thee with gifts, for ever to endure. 4 About thee gird thy fword, O Prince of might elect : With honour, glory, and renown, thy perfon pure is deckt. $ Go forth with godiv fpeed, with meeknefs, truth, and right : And thy right hand fhall thee inltrucl in works of dreadful might. 6 Thine arrows fharp and keen their hearts fo fore fliall iting, That folk (hall fall and kneel to the*, yea, all thy foes, O King. 7 Thy royal feat, O Lord, for ever (hall remain : Becaufe the Scepter of thv Realm dothrighteoufnefs maintain. 8 Becaufe thou lovll the right, and doit the ill detelt : God,ev'n thy God,hath 'nointed thee with joy above the reft. 9 With Myrrh and favours fweet, thy cloaths are all befpread : When thou dolt from thy Palace pafs therein to make thee glad. 1 K ings daughters do attend in fine and rich array : At thy right hand the Queen doth in gold and garments gay. (Itand The fecond pan. I r O daughter, take good heed, inclineand give good ear : Thou mult forget thy kindred all, and fathers houfe molt dear. 1 2 Then (hall the King defire thy beauty fair and trim: For why ? he is the Lord thy God, and thou mull vvorihip him. 13 The daughters then of Tyre, with gifts full rich to fee : And all the wealthy of the land fhall make their fuit to theei 14 The 88 Pfalm XLVI. 14 The daughter of the King is glorious to behold : Within her dofet (he roth fit, all deckt in beaten gold. 1 5 In robes well wroughtwith needle and many a pleafant thing : With Virgins fair on her to wait, {he cometh to the King. 16 Thus are they brought with joy, and mirth on every fide, Into the Palace of the King, and there they do abide. 1 7 In Head of Parents lefr, O Queen, the chance fo ltands, Thou ^alt have fons whom thou as Princes in all lands, (maiitfet 1 8 Whe: -fore thy holy Name all ages fhall record : The people ihall give thanks to thee fbrcermore, OLord, Camus & Btfm. 46. Or to Canterbury Time. He Lord is our defence and aid, the ftrength whereby we Rand: When we with woe are much difmaid, he is our help at hand. fc —o *t iiiiiiiiiiiiiii§iiiiiiiiii Tho th' earth remove we will not fear, tho hills fo high and fteep =iliiimniil!|;iiliiiiflifl Be thruft and hurled here and there, within the fea Co ceep. Milll J * '/FTP ll*+7li Pfalm 4.6. Me dux. A.^.Voc. T^e Lord is our defence and aid, the itreng th whereby we Hand : When Pfalm XLVI. 84 Pfalm L. \6 But God will furely preferve nie from death and endlefs pain : Becaufe he will of his good grate ■ my foul receive again. 1 7 If any man wax wondrous rich , fear not I fay therefore : Although the glory of his houfe increafeth more and more. 1 8 For when he dyes, of all thefe nothing (hall he receive : (things His glory will not follow him, his pomp will take her leave. 19 Yet in this life he takes himfelf the happieft under Sun : And others likewife flatter him, faying, all is well done. 20 And prefuppofe he live as long, as did his fathers old : Yet mult he needs at length giv place and be brought to deaths fold. (brought, ?,l Thus man to hcnour God hath who doth not in him truft : But like brute beafts, fo doth he live, which turned are to dud. CantHS&BaJfns. Pfiilm 50. Proper Tune. He mighty God,th' Eternal | and all the woftd he will call hath thus fpoke , | and provoke : :$=< ifIiIII!!ifi!H!lf Ev'n from the eart and fo forth I from towards Sion, which place to the weir, he liketh bell : iiillillHiillHIilll^iiii mmmmumwmmwmmi God will appear in beauty moir I Our God will come before that excellent: long time be fpeat. Pfalm 50. Medius. A.^.Voc. illlliPIiilililillii^IiiiiiJi THe mighty God, th' Eternal I and all the world he will call hath thus fpoke, | and provoke : Ev'n. Pfalm L. 95 immmmmmmMMim Ev'n from the eaft and fo forth I from towards Sion, which place to the weft, | he liketh belt : illlillllliiissliiiiiiiiliil God will appear in beauty molt excellent : Our God will come before that long time be fpent. rill^ilillplill and all the world he will call and provoke: Pfiiim 50. mm THe mighty God, th' Eternal hath thus fpoke, wmmmmmimmm Ev'n from the ealt and fo forth I from towards Sion , which place to the welt, J he liketh belt: si^iillliiiilililiiiliiiil God will appear in beauty moit I Our God will come before that excellent : 1 long time be fpent. 3 Devouring fire ffiall go before his face : A great temped lhall round about him trace. 4 Then fhall he call the earth and heavens bright, To judge his folk with equity and right : $ Saying, goto, and now my Saints aflemble : My padt they keep, their gifts do no{ diflemble. 6 The heavens (hall declare his righteoufnefs : For God is Judge of all things more and lefs. 7 Hear my people, for I will now reveal: Lilt Ifrael , I will thee nought conceal : Thy God, thy God am I, and will not blame thee* 8 For giving not all manner offerings to me. 9 I have no need to take of thee at all, Goats of thy fold, or Calf out of thy flail, 10 For all the beafts are mine within the woods : On thoufand hills cattel are mine own goods. I [ I know for mine all birds that are on mountains : All beafls are mine, which haunt the fields 3c fountains- n Hungry 9* Pfalm L. 12 Hungryif Iwere, I would not thee it tell : For all is mine that in the world doth dwell. 13 Eat I theflefh of great bulls or bullocks ? Or drink the blood of goats and of the flocks ? 15 Offer to God praife and hearty thankfgiving, And pay thy vows unto God ever living. 15 Call upon me, when troubled thou (halt be : Then will I help, and thou fhalt honour me. 1 6 To the wicked thus faith th' Eternal God i Why doft thou preach my laws and hefts abroad : 17 Seeing thou haft them with thy mouth abu fed, And hat'ft to be by difcipline reformed ? My words I fay thou doft reject and ha*e. 18 If that thou fee a thief, as with thy mate, Thou runn'ft with him, and fo your prey do feek : Cantpu & Baffks. And art all one with bands of Belial eke. 19 Thou giv'ft thy felf to backbite and to (lander : And how thy tongue deceives, it is a wonder. 20 Thou fitt'ft mufing thy brother how to blame : And how to put thy mothers fon to {name. 21 Thefe things thou didft ; and whilft I held my tongue. Thou didft me judge, becaufe I ftaid fo long, Like to thy felf: yet though I keep long filence, Once (halt thou feel of thy wrongs juft recompence. 22 Confider this ye that forget the Lord, And fear not when he threatneth with his word : Left without help I fpoil you as a prey. 23 But he that thanks offereth, praifeth me aye, Saith the Lord God : and he that walketh this trace, I will him teach Gods faying health to embrace. A Second Metre . Southwell Tune. He God of gods, the Lord hath call'd the earth bv name, From whence the Sun doth rife unto the fetting of the fame. The HiHiiiiUfiiiiiiii Pfidnt 50. P&Im L, 57 Medium. A. 7,. Voc. lillilflllliillll THe' God of gods , the Lord , hath call'd the earth by name : From whence the Sun doth rife, unto the fetting of the fame. THe God of gods, the Lord, hath call'd the earth by name : I^^IIIIlIIiiiliilllliiilill From whence the Sun doth rife unto the fetting of the fame. 1 2 From Sion his fair place, his gfory bright and clear : The perfect beauty of his grace, from thence it did appear. 3 Our God fhall come in hafte, to fpeak he foall not doubt ; Before him fball the lire waite,' and tern pelt round about. ; 4 The heavens from on high, the earth below likewife ; He will call forth to judge and try : his folk he doth devife. 5 Bring forth my Saints, faith he, my faithful flock fo dear : Which are in band & league with me my law to love and fear. 6 And when thefe things are try'd, the heavens fhall record : That God is julr, and all raal'r bide the judgment of the Lord* 7 My people, O give heed ) Ifrael, to thee I cry: tarn thy God, thy help at need, thou can 'lit not den v. 8 I do ncefay to thee, thy facrifi ce is flack : Tl ouo ? ereit daily unto me much more than I do lack. 9 Think'fr thou that I do need thy Cattei young or old ? Or elfe fo much defire to feed oh Goats out of thy fold ? 10 Nay, all the beafrs are mine, in woods that eat their fills : And thoufands more of neat & kine> that run w i Id on the hills. The fecvnd part. 1 1 Thebirds that build on high, in hills and out of fight: And beaits that in the fields do lye, are fubjecl to my might. 1 2 Then though I hungred fore, what need I ought of thine : Sith that the earth with her great and all therein is mine. ((lore, 1 3 To bulls flefli have I mind to eat it dolt thou think ? Or fuch a fweetnefs do I find the blood of goats to drink ? O 14 Give ?8 Pfalm LI. 14 Give to the Lord his praife, with thanks to him apply : And fee thou pay thy vows always unto the God moft high. 15 Thenfeek and c?Jl to me, when ought would work thee blame And I will fure deliver thee, that thou maiit praife my Name. 1 6 But to the wicked train, which talk of God each day : And yet their works are foul & vain, to 'them the Lord will fay , 17 With what a face da r 'ft thou my word once fpeak or name ? Why doth thy talk my law allow, thy deeds deny the fame ? 18 Whereas for to amend thy life thou art fo flack : My word the which thou doll pretend is cad behind thy back. The third part. 19 When thou a thief doft fee, by theft to live in wealth : With him thou runn'ft and doft agree likewife to thrive by Health. 20 When thou doft them behold that wives and maids defile : Thou lik'ft it well, and waxeft bold to ufe that life moft vile. 21 Thy lips thou doft apply to flander and defame : Thy tongue is taught to craft and lye and ftill doth ufe the fame. 22 Thou ftudieft to revile thy friends, to thee fo near : With flanier thou would'ft needs de- thy mothers fons molt dear, (file 23 Hereat while I do wink, as though I did not fee : Thou goeft on ftill, and fo doft think that I am like to thee. 24 But fure, I will not let to ftrike when I begin : Thy faults in order I will fet, and open all thy fin. 25 Mark this I you require, that have not Gcd in mind: Left when I plague you in mine ire, your help be far to find. 26 He that doth give to me, the facrificeof praife : Doth pleafe me well, and he fliall fee to walk in godly ways. Canttu & Bafftu. HSi Pfalm 51, Proper Tune, Lord confider my diftrefs,& now with fpeed fome pity take: fpeiiiififijiif^ gmmw^mmmimBn My fins dcface,my faults redrefs,good L^for thy great mercies fake. ^IliiiiliiiPiii^il^^Pii Wafti Pfalm LI. 99 Wafhme,oLord,and make me clean from this unjutt and finful att: And purifie yet once again my hainous crime and bloody fa&. Pfalm 5 1 . Me dim, A. 3 . Voc. iliiillBlliiiliiliiiiiiiiil O Lord confider my dpiefs, & now with fpeedfome pity take; liiiliii My fins deface, my faults redrefs,good Ld,for thy great mercies fake. Wafh me,6 Lord>and make me clean from this unjuftand finful a&: And purifie yet once again my hainous crime and bloody fail. Ffalm 5 t . Baffks. A. 3 . Voc. O Lord confider my diftrefs, & now with fpeed fome pity take : My fins deface,my faults redrefs,good Lord,for thy great mercies fake, Wafhme,6 Lord, and make me clean from this unjuft and finful aft: And purifie yet once again my hainous crime and bloody fair. Oa 3 Re* ioo Pfalm LI. 3 Remorfe and forrow do con [train me to acknowledge mint excefs : My fin alas doth Hill remain before my face without releafe. -, 4 For thee alone I have o fFended, committing evil in thy fight : And if 1 were therefore condemned, yet were thy judgments juft & right. 5 It is too manifeft alas, that firfl I was conceiv'd in fin : Yea of my mother fo born was, & yet" vile wretch remain therein. 6 Alfo behold Lord, thou doit love the inward truth of a pure heart : Therefore thy wifdom from above thou haft reveal'd, me to convert. 7 If thou with hyfop purge this blot, I (hall be cleaner than theglafs : And if thou wafh away my fpot, the fnow in whitenefs (hall I pafs. 8 Therefore ,6 Lord,fuch joy me fend, that inwardly I may rind grace : & that my itrength may now amend, which thou haft fwag'd for my (trefpafs. 9 Turn back thy face Ik frowning ire, for I have felt enough thy hand : And purge my fins, I thee dejlre, . which do in number pafs the fand. 10 Make new my heart within my & frame it to thy holy will : (breft, Thy conftant fpirit in me let reft, wch may thefe raging enemies kill. The fecond fart. 1 1 Caft me not Ld out from thy face, but fpeedily my torments end : Take not from me thy fpirit of grace v:cb may from dangers me defend. 1 1 2 Reftore me to thofe joys again, which I was wont in thee to find : And let me thy free fpirit retain, which unto thee may ftir my mind, know, 1 3 Thus when I fhall thy mercies I fhall inttrucl others therein : & men that are likewife brought low by mine example (hall fly fin. 14 O God,that of my health art Lord forgive me this my bloody vice: My hart and tongue fhall then accord to fing thy mercies and juitice. (untie, 15 Touch thou my lips, my tongue Lord, which. art the only key : And then my mouth fhall teltifie thy wondrous works & praif alway. 1 6 And as for outward facrifice, 1 would have offered many a one : But thou efleem'ft them of no price, & therein pleafure tak'ft thou none. 1 7 The heavy heart,the mind oppreft O Lord, thou never doft reject : j And to fpeak truth, it is the belt, ! and of all.facrifice th' effect. 18 Lord, unto Sion turn thy face, j pour out thy mercies on thy hill, And on Jemfalem thy grace/ build up the walls, and love it Mill, (off'rings 1 19 Thou (halt accept then our I of peace and righteoufnefs, I fay : Yea calves and many other things, upon thine Altar will we lay. To Father , Son, and Holy Gbo/l, j all praife and glory be therefore : As in beginning wm, it now, and ftalibe ever more. Amen. Have Pfalm LI. 1 01 Cant pu & Baffin. A Second Metre. Cambridge Tme. Ave mercy on me, Lord, after thy great abounding grace : §ii|ii;i=i|ilEEl!l|iii|ig After thy mer-cies mul— ti— tude do thou my fins deface. Pfalm 5 1 . Me dim. A. 3 . Voc. HAve mercy on me, lord, after thy great abounding grace: After thy mer--cies mul-ti^tude do thou my fins deface. Pfalm 5 1 . Baffm. A. 3 . Voc. gi=iiiliiililli?I=i|ISiS|ili HAve mercv on me, Lord, after thy great abounding grace: liPill^llieiillliiiliiiiiiii After thy mer-cies mul--ti--tude do thou my fins deface. * 2 Yea wafh me more from mine of- And eke in judging, that the doom &cleanfe me from my fin: (fence, may pa fs upon thy fide. For I do know my faults, and dill my fin is in mine eyne. 3 A§ain(t thee, thee alone, I have offended in this cafe : And evil have I done before the pre fence of thy face. 4 That in the tilings that thou haft ! And "fecrets of thy wifdora thou upright thou mafit be try'd. (done j revea led haft to me. 5 Behold, in wickednefs my kind and lliape I did receive : And loe my finful mother eke in fin did me conceive. 6 But loe, the truth in inward part* is plea fant unto thee 7 Witk loa Pfalm LIL (me 7 With hyfop, Lord, befprinkle I {hall be cleanfed fo : Yea wafli thou me, and fo I fhall be whiter than the fnow. 8 Of joy and gladnefs make thou me to hear the pleafant voice : That fo the bruifed bones which thou haft broken, may rejoice. 9 From the beholding of my fins, Lord, turn away thy face : And all my deeds of wickednefs do utterly deface. I o O God, create in me a heart unfpotted in thy fight : And eke within my bowels, Lord, renew a liable fpirit. 1 1 Ne caft me from thy fight, nor thy holy Spirit away : (take The comfort of thy faving health give me again I pray. 1 2 With thy free fpirit eftablifn me and I will teach therefore Sinners thy ways, and wicked fhall be turned to thy lore. The feconi pan. 13 O God,that art God of my health, from blood deliver me : Thatpraifes of thyrighteoufnefs, my tongue may fing to thee. 14 My lips that yet fart clofed be, do thou, O Lord, unloofe : The praifes of thy Majefty, my mouth fhall fo difclofe. 15I would have o.^fer'd facrifice, if that had pleafed thee : But pleafed with burnt offerings I know thou wilt not be. 1 6 A troubled fpirit is facrifice, delightful in Gods ey^s : A broken and an humble heart, God, thou wilt not defpife. 1 7 In thy good will-deal gently , Lord, toSion, andwithall Grant, that of thy Jernfalem " uprear'd may be the wall. 18 Burnt offer ings,gifts,and facrifice of juftice , in that day Thou fha It accept, and calves they upon thy altar lay. (fhall Cantus & Baffks. Pfalm 5 2 . Litchfield Tune. yt If Hy doll thou tyrant boaft abroad, thy wicked works to praife? liiiiiiiliiiiiiS^iiiiLliiH Doft thou uot know there is a God, whofe mercies laft" always. R" g|^;jiig|gf^}E£pEi^gJ^;p| Why Pfalm LIII. 103 Pfalm 52. Medius. A. 3 . Voe. WHy doft thou tyrant boalt abroad, thy wicked works topraife? Dolt thou not know there is a God, whofe mercies Jail always ? Pfalm 5 2 . Bajftu, A. 3 . Voc. i^Hiliililil^l=IIiIiliili WHy doll thou tyrant boall abroad, thy wicked works to praife? Doft thou not know there is a God, whofe mercies Iaft always ? 2 Thy tongue fpeaks mifchief which devifeth wickedly: (thine heart And like unto a raforfharp, it works deceitfully. 3 On mifchief why fett'ft thou thy & wilt not walk upright? (mind, Thou halt more lull falfe tales to find, than bring the truth to light. 4 Thou dolt delight in fraud & guile, in mifchief, blood, and wrong : Thy lips have learn'd the flattering O falfe deceitful tongue ! (Mile, (found, 5 Therefore fhall God for aye con- and pluck thee from thy place : Thy feed root out from off the ground and fo fhall thee deface. 6 Thejufl when they behold thy fall, with fear will praife the Lord ; And in reproach of thee withajl, cry out with one accord. 7Behold the man that would not take the Lord for his defence : But of his goods his God did make, and trull his corrupt fenfe. 8 But I as Olive frefli and green, fhall fpring and fpread abroad : For why?my trull all times hath beea upon the living God. 9 For this therefore will I give praife to thee with heart and voice : I will fet forth thy Name always, wherein thy Saints rejoice. Camus & Bajfus. Pfalm p. YorkTune Ti^iiiiilliiiljilliillfiill He fooliih man in that which he within his heart hath faid : That i©4 PfalmLIlI. That there is any God at all, hath ut—ter— ly de--naid. Pfalm 5 3 . Medius. A. 3 . Voc. THe foolifh man in that which he within his heart hath faid: That there is any God at all , hath ut— ter— ly denaid. JPfalm 5 3 . Bajfm. A. 3 . Voc. mmwmimmmt^mmm lHe fooliLh man in that which he within his heart hath faid : That there is any God at all, hath ut— ter— ly de--naid. 2 They are corrupt, and they alfo a hainous work have wrought : Among them all there is not one, of good that worketh ought. 3 The Lord lookt down on fonsof from heaven all abroad : (men To fee if any were , that would be wife and feek for God. 4 They are all gone out of the way, they are corrupted all : There is not one doth any good, there is not one at all/ " 5 Do not all wicked workers know, that they do feed upon My people, as they feed on bread ? the Lord they call not on. 6 Even there they were afraid, and with trembling all difmaid : (flood Whereas there was no caufe at all, why they ihould be afraid. 5 For God his bones that thee befiegd hath fcatter'd all abroad : Thou hart confounded them, for they rejected are of God. 8 O Li give thou thy poople health> and thou, O Lord, fulfill Thy promife made to Ifrael from out of Sion hill. 9 When God his people fhall reftorc that erlt were captive led : Then Jacob fhall therein rejoice, and Ifrael lhall be glad. Pfaln Pfalm LIV. s "ioj 'GantUi & Baflks ; Pfalm 5 4. Glafttnbury Tune. SAve me, O God, by thy gi eat Name, and for thy goodnefs fake : 1 312 lISIiHIil lliiSiiiillliiliiifeiliiili Unto theftrength, Lord, of the fame I do my caufe betake. IliiiiliililllSIIIlIIPillliilllii^ Pfalm 54. Meditts. A. 3 . Voc. SAve me, O God, by thy great Name, and for thygoodneTs fake: Unto the itrength, Lord, of the fame I do my caufe betake. Pfalm 54. Baffin. A.^.Voc. SAve me, O God, by thy great Name, and for thy goodnefs fake : Unto the itrength, Lord, of the fame I do my caufe betake. 2 Regard, O Lord, and give an ear to me when I do pray : Bow down thy felf to me, and hear the words that I do fay. 3 For Grangers up againit me rife, and tyrants vex me fti II, "Which have not God before their they feck my foul to fpill. (eyes, 4 Biit lo, my God doth give me aid , the Lord is itraigbt at hand : With them by whom my foul is ftaid, the Lord doth ever itand. $ With plagues repay again ail thofe for me that lye in wait : And in thy truth deitroy my foes with their own fnare and bait. 6 An offering of free heai t an:l w ill, then I to thee ihali make : And praife thy Name,for therein frill great comfort I do take. 7 O Lord, at length do Cet me free from them that craft confpire ; And now mine eye with joy doth fee [ on them mv hearts defire. P Pfald 106 Ctmtm & Bajfut. IfPPS Pralm LV. Pfalm 55. g|r;» i»i»fp BB Manchefler Tune, God give ear, and do apply to hear me when I pray : =2=fc3fclfaSj And when to thee I call and cry, hHe not thy felf away. ^llilililllHiii^iiliipSil Pfatm$$. Media* . A.^.Voc. O |.| t nil \ ^ m Kefighrerhwirh me car bv day, an 2 / Mmeenen r.rerprife, .sal'o-.vme outrig jrrife, O . . .:: :. ;: )'... .:. (fraid, 5 T ,V..:r. :>.tv.Tcu!-" rr.= -:err.e rroiri- i.v thee: dole T!:ev > ihleth me each hour. rherdid or fpake, t them at their will: counfel that they take, : ■,--■.- - r - - iff : :h boafts and brags of pride : I truft in thee alone For aid, thee I will abide. 4 Gods promife I do mind and praife, 7 Shall they thus feape on mifchief fet C . on them wilt f: Forir. e doth not let to throw whole kingdoms do^-n. Plalm LVII. i op 8 Thou feell how oft they made me and on my tears dolt look : (flee, Referve them in a glafs by thee, and write them in thy book. 9 When I do call upon thy Name, my foes away dojlart : I well perceive it by the fame, that God doth take my part. io I glory in the word of Go;!, topraifeitlaccord: With joy I will declare abroad the promifeof the Lord. 1 1 1 truft in God, and yet I fay, as I before bsgan : The Lord he is my help and flay, I do not care for ma a . 1 2 1 will perform, with heart fo free, to God my vows always : And I, O Lord, all times to thee will offer thanks and praife. 13 My foul from death thou doit de- & keeprt my feet upright : (fend, That I before thee roav afcend, with fucli as live in light. Cantus&Baffns. T } faint 57. London Time. Tiiilliiilliii;i!^ilili Al?e pity for thy promife fake, have mercy, Lord, on me : liiliiillSiiiiliiiiPlili^SIl For why? my foul doth her betake un— to the help of thee. Pfalm^j. Me dim. A. 3. Foe. liplltilllipiillilliilllfil 1 Ake pity for thy promife fake, have mercy, Lord, on me: For why? my foul doth her betake un— to the help of thee. PfJm 57. Bajfm. A^.Voc. Illillliiiiillilillliliiieiiti 'X'Ake pity for thy promife fake, have mercy, Lord, on me: wmmmimmmmmmmm For why? my foul doth her betake un— to the help of thee.- 2 Within no 2 Within the fhadow of thy wings, I fet my felf full fart: Tillmifchief, malice, and like things, be gone and overpaft. 3 I call upon the God moft high, to whom I fticfc and !!and : I mean the God that will Hand by the caufe I have in hand. 4 From heaven he hath fent his aid, to fave me from their fpight That to devour me have afTaid, his mercy, truth, and might. 5 I lead my life with Lions fell, all fct on wrath and ire : And with fuch wicked men I dwell, that fret like flames of fire, (long, 6 Their teeth are fpears and arrows as (harp as I have feen : (tongue They wound and cut with their quick like fwords and weapons keen. 7 Set up and fnew thy felf, O God, above the heavens bright : Exalt thy praife on earth abroad, thy Majelry and Might. Pfalm LVIIL 8 They lay their nets and do prepare a privy cave and pit : Wherein they think my foul to fnare, but they are fain in it. 9 My heart is fet to laud the Lord, in him I joy always : My heart I fay doth well accord to fing his laud and praife. I o Awake my joy, awake I fay, ray lute, my harp, and firing : For I my felf before the day, will rife, rejoyce, and fing. I I Among the people I will tell the goodnefs of my God : And (hew his praife that doth excell in heathen lands abroad. 1 2 His mercy doth extend as far, as heavens all are high : His truth as high as any liar, that fhineth in the skie. I $ Set forth and (hew thy felf,6 God, above the heavens bright : Extol thy praife on earth abroad, thy Majefty and Might. Canttu & Bajfm. Tfalm 58. NormchTune. E Rulers that are put in truft, to judge of wrong & right : Be all your judgments true and julr, not knowing meed or might. Ye Pfalm $2. Pfalm LVIII. XXX A.^Voc. Ye Rulers that are put in truft, to judge of wrong and right : liiiilliliiilPiilSiiiiiliiililiii Be all your judgments true and juft, not knowing meed or might. Pfalm 5 8. Baffin. A. 3 . Voc. liiilii^P^ililiiiiiiiilpli Ye Rulers that are put in truft, to judge of wrong and might: Be all your judgments true and juft, not knowing meed or might. 2 Nay, in your hearts ye mark & mufe in mifchief to content : And where ye ihould true juftice ufe, your hands to bribes are bent. 3 The wicked fort from their birth- have erred on this wife : (day And from their mothers womb alway have ufed craft and lyes. 4 In them the poyfon and the breath of Serpents do appear : Yea like the Adder that is deaf, and raft doth Hop her ear. 5 Becaufe fhe will not hear the voice of one that charmeth well : No tho he were the chief of choice and did therein excel. (mouth, 6 Their teeth, OGod, within their break them in pieces fmall : Break the great teeth alfo, O Lord, of thefe young Lions all. 7 Let them confume away and wafte, as water runs forthright : The fhafts that they do ihoot in hafte let them be broke in flight : 8 As fnails do walle within the fliell, and unto (lime do run: As one before his time that fell, and never faw the Sun. 9 Before the thorns that now are to bulhes big (hall grow : (young, The ftorms of anger waxing ftrong, fhall take them ere they know. I oThe juft fhal joy,it doth them good that God doth vengeance take : And they {hall wafh their feet in of them that him forfake. (blood I I Then fhall the world fhew forth & that good men have reward : (tell And that a God on earth doth dwell, that juHice doth regard. Tfih Pfalm LIX. S Exeter Tune. End aid and fare me from my foes, O Lord, I pray to thee : mmmmmwmimMwmM mmmmmtmmmmmmm Defend and keep me from all thofe,that rife and ftrive with me. Pfalm 59. Medim. A. 3. Voc. SEnd aid and fave me from my foes, O Lord , I pray to thee : Defend and keep me from all thofe, that rife and drive with me. Tfalm^g. Baffas. ij/«f, SEnd aid and fave me from my foes, O Lord, I pray to thee: Defend and keep me from all thofe, that rife and flrive with me. 2 O Ld, preferve me from thofe men, whofe doings are not good : And fet me fure and fafe from them, that itillthirft after blood. 3 for lo, they wait my foul to take, they rage againft me frill : Yea for no fault that I did make, I never did them ill. 4 They run & do themfelves prepare, when I no whit offend : Arife and fave me from their fnare, L and fee what they intend. 5 O Lord of hoallsof Ifrael, arife and frrike all lands : And pity none that do rebel, and in their mifchiefs frands. 6 At night they ftir and feek about, as hounds they houl and grin : And all the City clean throughout, from place to place they run. 7 They fpeak of me wtb mouth alway but in their lips are fwords : (fay, They 'greed my death, & then would what ? none doth hear our words. 8 But Pfalm LX. ii? 8 But Li thou haft their ways efpi'd, and laugh'd thereat apace : The heathen folk thou doft deride, and mock them to their face. (withftand, 9 The ftrength that doth our foes O Lord, doth come from thee : My God he is my help at hand, a fort of fence to me. io The Ld to me doth (hew his grace in great abundance ftill : That I may fee my foes in cafe, fuch as my heart doth will. The fecond part. 1 1 Deftroy them not at once, 6 Lord, left it from mind do fall : But with thv ftrength drive them a- and fo confume them all. (broad, 1 2 For their ill words and truthlefs confound them in their pride: (tung Their wickedoaths with lies and let all the world deride, (wrong 13 Confume them in thy wrath,6 Ld, that nought of them remain: (world That men may know throughout the that Jacobs God doth raign. 14 At evening they return apace, as dogs they grin and cry : Throughout the ftreets in every they run about and fpy. (place 15 They feek about for meat, I fay, but let them not be fed : Nor find a houfe wherein they may be bold to put their head. 16 But I will fhew thy ftrength a- thy goodnefs I will praife : (broad For thou art my defence and God, at need in all allays. 17 Thou art my ftrength, thou haft O Lord, I fing to thee : (me ftaid, Thou art my fort, my ftrength, and a loving God to me. (aid Canttu & Bajfpu. Pfalm 60. Brifiol Tune. M I Lord, thou didftus clean for fake, and fcatterd'ft us abroad : Such great difpleafure thou di ft take : return to us, OGol. Pfalm 60. Me dim. A. 3 . Vac O Lord, thou didft us dean forfake, and fcatterd'ft Ss abroad : <^ Such ii4 Pfalm LX. Such great difpleafure thou didft take: return to us, O God. Tfalr»6o. Baffin. jt^.Foc, O Lord, thou didft us clean forfake, and fcatterd'il us abroad : Such great difpleafure thou didft take : return to us, O God. 2 Thy might did move the earth fo that it in funder brake : (fore, The hurt thereof, O Lord, reftore, for it doth bow and quake. 3 With heavy chance thou plagueft the people that are thine : (thus And thou haft given unto us a drink of deadly wine. 4 But yet tofuch as fear thy Name a token (hall enfue : That they may triumph in the fame, becaufethy word is true. 5 So that thy might may keep & fave thy folk that favour thee : That they thy help at hand may have O Lord, grant this to me. (place 6 The Lord did fpeak from his own this was his joyful tale : (place, I will divide Sichem by pace, and mete out Succotlis vale. 7 Gilead is given to mine hand. Mauafle* mine befide ; Ephraim the ftrength of all my land, my Law doth Judah guide. 8 InMoabI will wafh my feet, over Edom throw my fhooe : And thou Pakftine ought'ft to feek for favour me unto. 9 But who will bring me at this tide unto the City ftrong? Or who to Edom will me guide, fo that I go not wrong ? (forfake io Wilt thou not God, which didft thy folk, their land, and coafts? Our wars in hand thou wouldft not nor walk among our hoafts. (take, 1 1 Give aid, O Lord, and us relieve from them that us difdain : The help that hoafts of men can give, it is but all in vain. (might 1 2 But through our God we fhal have to take great things in hand : He will tread down and put to flight all thofe that us withftand. Ifdm PfalmLXI, Hi Camus & BaflUs. Tfalm 6 1 . Or to Martyrs Tune. wT^i Egard, O Lord, for I complain, and make my fuit to thee : * ^lllilllliiililliiilliii Let not my words return in vain, but give an ear to me. liii From out the coafts and utmoft parts of all the earth abroad : In grief and anguifih of my heart, I cry to thee, s O God. Pfiilm 6 1 . , Aicdius, A. 3 . Voc, Regard , O Lord , for I complain , and make my fuit to thee : lliilllilillliilliil'iliillPiliSi Let not my words return in vain, but give an ear to me. ^iiillliiiiiliiilllHIIll rom out the coaits and utmoft parts of all the earth abroad: La grief and anguilh of my heart , I cry to thee , O God. q,. 2 Regard, %%€ PfalmLXIL Tfalnt 61. Baffin. J, j y oC% r^Ililiiiiiiiiiiilliiiifiiiiii REgard, O Lord, for I complain, and make my fuit to thee : Let not my words return in vain , but give an ear to me. From out the coafts and utmort parts of all the earth abroad : In grief and anguith of my heart, I cry to thee, O God. 3 Upon the rock of thy great power, my woful mind repofe : Thou art my hope, my fort & tower, my fence againll my foes. 4 WithinThytentlluiltodweH, forever to endure: Under thy wings I know right well I iliall be fafe and fure. 5 The Lord doth my defire regard, and doth fulfil the fame : "\Vith goodly gifts will he reward all thofe that fear his Name. 6 The King (hall he in health main- and fo prolong his days : (tain, That he from age to age fhall raign, for evermore always. 7 That he may have a dwelling place, before the Lord for aye : O let thy mercy, truth, and grace, defend him from decay. 8 Then (hall I ling for ever frill, with praife unto thy Name : That all my vows I may fulfill, and daily pay the fame. CantH4& Baffin. P faint 62. Cambridge Tnne. %/ j i Y foul to God (hall give good heed, and him alone attend : JL t ^igii;iiiiiii:iii|j|iifiiiij|| For why ? my health & hope to fpeed, doth whole on him depend. My PfalmLXII. n 7 Tfalm 62. Medim. A. 3 . Vcc. My foul to God fhall give good heed , and him alone at--tend : mwmmmmmmmmmm For why ? my health and hope to fpeed, doth whole on him depend. Tfalm 62. Bajfm, A.^.Voc My foul to God fhall give good heed, and him alone at-tend: mmmMmEmmmmmm For why ? my health and hope to fpeed, doth whole on him depend. 2 For he alone is my defence, my rock, my health, and aid : He is my flay, that no pretence fhall make me much difmaid. 3 O wicked folk, how long will ye ufe craft ? fure ye mufl fall : For as a rotten hedge ye be, and like a tottering wall. 4 Whom God doth love, ye feek al- to put b i m to the wor fe : (ways Ye love to lye •, with mouth ye praife, and yet your heart doth curfe, 5 Yet (till my foul doth whole depend on God mv chief defire: From all falfe feats me to defend, none but him I require. J 6 He is my rock, my fort, and tower, my health is of his grace : He doth (upport me, that no power can move me out of place. 7 God is my glory and my health, my fouls defire and Iuit ; My fort, myftrength, myftay, my God is my only trutt. (wealth* 8 O have your truft in him alway, ye folk with one accord : Pour out your hearts to him, and fay, our trull is in the Lord. 9 The fonsof men deceitful are, on ballance but a Height: With things moll vain do them com- for they can keep no weight, (pare I o Trult not in wrong, robbery, nor let vain delights be gone : (ftealth, Tho goods well got flow in vtth welth fet not your hearts thereon. I I The Lord long fince one thing did which here to mind I tall : (tell. He fpake it oft, I heard it well, that God alone doth all: 12 And that thou Lord art goo 1 and thy mercy doth exceed : ( kind, So that all forts with thee fhall find according to their deed. rfalm Gmtiu & Baffin. PSlmLXIII. Pfalm6i. Sl:J:i^~i. : for:jE~:tl: Martyrs Tune. God, my God, I watch betime, to come to thee in hafte : iliililliilliiiliiigill For why? my foul and body both , doththirftof theetotafte. Tfalm 6 3 . Medius. A. 3 . Voc. O God , my God , I watch betime , to come to thee in hafte : For why? my foul and body both, doththirftof theetotafte. Tfalm 6$. Baffns. A.$.Voc. fliiiiil^iiili O God, my God, I watch betime , to come to thee in hafte: pillliiililliliiiiiiiiyiiiiP For why? my foul and body both, doth thirftof thee to tafte. And in this barren wildernefs, where waters there are none : My flefli is parchtfor thought of thee for thee I wilri alone. 3 That I might fee yet once again, thy glory, ftrength* and might ; As I was wont it to behold, within thy Temple bright. 3 For why"? thy mercies far furmount My mouth therefore (hail ling fuch this life and wretched days : / as are for thee molt meet, (fongs My lips therefore ffiall give to thee due honour, laud, and praife. 4 And whilftUive, I will not fail to worlhip thee alway : And in thy Name I fhall lift up my hands when I do pray. 5 My foul is fill'd as with marrow, which is both fat and ftveet ; 6 Wnen Pialm LXIV. 6 When as in bed I think on thee, and eke all the night tide : 7 For under covert of thy wings, thou art my joyful guide. 8 My foul doth furely itick to thee, thy right hand is my power : 9 And thofe that feek my foul to'ftroy them death (hall foon devour. HP I o The fword fliall them devour each their carkafles ihall feed (one, The hungry foxes, which do run their prey to feek at need. I I The King and all men fhall rejoice that do profefs Gods word : For lyars mouths fhall then be ftopt, which have the truth diilurb'd. Cantns & Baflks. Pfalm 64. Salisbury Tune. /^ILliiiiiiiggSirilliiii Lord, unto my voice give ear, with plaint when I do pray wmmmmmmwm And rid my life and foul from fear of foes that threat to flay. Pfalm 64. Medim. A. 3 . Voc. O Lord, unto my voyce give ear, with plaint when I do pray: And rid my life and foul from fear of foes that threat to flay. Pfalm 64. Bajfus. A.^Voc* IliillllBlililliilliliSli^ii O Lord, unto my voyce give ear, with plaint when I do pray: SiliiiiiiPilliiiPliiiPpliP And rid my life and foul from fear of foes that threat to flay. 2 Defend me from that fort of men, which in deceit do lurk: And from the frowning face of them, that all ill feats do work. 3 Who whet their tongues as we have men whet & fliarp their fwordsr'Teen They llioot abroad their arrows keen I mean molt bitter words. 4 With xao PfalmLXV. 4 With privy flights ftioot they their the upright man to hit: (fhaft The juft unwares to ftrike by craft, they pafs or care no whit. 5 A wicked work they have decreed, in counfel thus they cry : To ufe deceit let us not dread, what? whocanitefpy? tfWhat way to hurt they talk & mufe all times within their heart : They all confult what feats to ufe, each doth invent his part. 7 But yet all this fhall not prevail ; when they think leaft upon, God with his dart fhall fure aflaif, & wound them every one. (withal! 8 Their crafts, and their ill tongues fhall work themfelves fuch blame : That they vtcb then behold their fall, fhall wonder at the fame. (well 9 Then all that fee (hall know right that God the thing hath wrought : And praife his mighty works,and tell what he to pafs hath brought. io Yet (hall the juft in God rejoyce, ftill trufting in his might : So (hall they joy with mind & voyce, whofe hearts are pure and right. Cantm & Baffks. -Jt T Tfalm 65. YerkTune. Hy praife alone, O Lord,doth raign, in Sion thine own hill : Their vows to thee they do maintain, and their ofPrings fulfill. Tjalm6^. Medim. A. l-Voc. IHy praife alone, O Lord, doth raign, in Sion thine own hill: Their vows to thee they do maintain, and their off'rings fulfill. Tfalm 6 5 . Baffks. A. 3 . Voc. TKv praife alone, O Lord, doth raign, in Sion thine own hill: Their Piaim LXVi. 121 Their vows to thee they do maintain, and their offerings fulfill. 2 For that thou dolt their prayers and doft thereto agree : (hear, The people all both far and near, with trull fhall come to thee. 3 Our wicked life (b far exceeds, that we (hall fall therein : But Lord,forgive our great mifdeeds and purge us from our fin. 4 The man is bleft whom thou doft within thy courts to dwell : (chufe Thy houfe and Temple he fhall life, with pleafures that exceli. 5 Of thy great juftice hear us God, our health of thee doth rife : The hope of all the eartli abroad, and the Sea-coafts likewife. 6 With ftrength thou art befet about and compaft with thy power : Thou mak'ft the mountains ftrong & to ftand in every fhower. (flout, 7 The fwelling feas thou doft aftwage and make their ftreams full dill : Thou doft reftrain the peoples rage, and rule them at thy will. 8 The folk that dwell full far on earth fhall dread thy figns to fee : Which morn and even in great mirth do pafs with praife to thee. p When that the earth is chapt & dry and thirtieth more and more : Then with thy drops thou doft: apply and much increafe her ttore. 10 The flood of God doth overflow and fo doth caufe to fpring The feed and corn which men do fow, for he doth guide the thing. 1 1 With wet thou doft her furrows whereby her clods do fall : (fill, Thy drops on her thou do't diftill, and blefs her fruit withall. 1 2 Thou deck'ft the earth of thv good with fair &pleafant crop: (grace Thy clouds diftill their dew apace, great plenty they do drop. 13 Whereby the defart fhall begin, full great increafe to bring : The little hills (hall joy therein, much fruit in them ihall fpring. i^In places plain the flocks fhal feed and cover all the earth : The vales with corn fhall fo exceed, that men fhall fmg for mirth. Cantus & Bdffits. Ffalm 66. London Tune. YE men on earth,in God rejoyce,with praife fet forth his name: Extoll HI PfalmLXVI. . Extol his might with heart &voyce, give glory to the fame. Pfalm 66. Medim. A. 3 . Voc. H^lili^ipilS^iiili^iliSI Ye men on earth, in God rejoyce, with praife fet forth his Name : Extol his might with heart &voyce, give glory to the fame. Tfalm 66. Bajfm. A. 3 . Voc. Ye men on earth, in God rejoyce, with praife fet forth his Name: Extol his might with heart &voyee, give glory to the fame. 2 How wonderful, O Lord, fay ye, in all thy works thou art ? Thy foes for fear fliall feek to thee, full fore againft their heart. (throughout, 3 All men that dwell the earth fliall praife the Name of God: The land thereof the world about is fhew'd and fet abroad. 4 All folk come forth, behold and fee ' what things the Li hath wrought : Mark well the wondrous works that for man to pafs hath brought, (he 5 He laid the fea like heaps on high, therein a way they had On foot to pafs, both fair and dry, whereof their hearts were glad. 6 His might doth rule the world al- his eyes all things behold : (way. All fuch as would him difobey, by him fliall be controll'd. 7 Ye people, give unto pur God due laud and thanks always : With joyful voyce declare abroad, and fing unto his praife : 8 Which doth endue our foul with life and it preferve withall : He flays our feet, fo that no ftrife can make us flip or fall. (with fpe, 9 The Lord doth prove our deeds if that they will abide : As workmen do, when they deftre to have their metals try'd. *9 *h Pfalm LXVII I o Although thou fuffer us fo long iriprifontobecaih And there with chains and fetters to lye in bondage Fair, (ftrong The feceni pM. I I Although I fay thou fuffer men, on us to ride and raign : Though we through fire and water of very grief and pain. (run 12 Yet Uire thou dolrof thy good difpofe it to the belt : (grace And bringft us out into a place> to live in wealth and reft. 123 Yea this my facrifice fhall be, of Bullocks, Goats, and Lambs. 16 Come forth and hearken here full all ye that fear the Lord : (foon What he for my poor foul hath done, to you I will record. 1 7 Full oft I call to mind his grace, this mouth to hira doth cry : And thou my tongue make fpeed a- to praife him fpeedily. (pace 18 But if I feel my heart within in wicked works rejoyce : Or if I have delight to fin, God will not hear my voyce. 13 Untothyhouferefortwilll, to offer and to pray : And there will I my felf apply, ' 19 But furely God my voice hath my vows to thee to pay. (fpake and what I do require : (heard 14 The vows that with my mouth I My prayer he doth well regard, in all my grief and fmart : and granteth my defire. The vows,! fay, which I did make ; 20 AH praife to him that hath not put in anguilli of my heart. nor cad me out of mind : I Nor yet his mercy from me (hut, 1 5 Burnt offerings I will give to thee which I do ever find. of Oxen fat arid Ratris : I Cantus & Baflks. Pfalm 67. Southwell Thm. HiBlSilMiilPiiilBill Ave mercy on us , Lord , and grant to us thy grace : To {hew to us do thou accord,- the brightnefs of thy face. lilililii^eiilillliiiillililliii Tfalmtj. Medim. A. 3 . Voc. H\?e mercy en us, Lord, and grant to us thy grace: R 2 to H4 SHHH Pfalm LXVIIL flliiilflliilil To fhew to us do thou accord, the brightnefs of thy face. Tfalm6y. Baffin. A.^.Voc. JHJAve mercy on us, Lor3, and grant to us thy grace: To fhew to us do thou accord, the brightnefsof thy face. 2 That all the earth may know, the way to godly wealth : And all the Nations on a row, may fee thy faving health. 3 Let all the world, O God, give praife unto thy Name : O let the people all abroad, extoll and laud the fame. 4 Throughout the world fo wide, let all rejoyce with mirth : "For thou with truth and right doft the Nations of the earth, (guide ay and help, therefore made fpeed and be not flack. Camus & Baffm. Tfalm 71. Or to Windsor Tune. \j B Y Lord,my God,in all diihrefs, my hope is whole in thee : 1 Y ^IPlilliililllliliilll Then let no fhamc my foul opprefs , nor once take hold on me. Asthouartjult, defend me, Lord, and rid me out of dread: iiillliilililillilliSiiliili s 2 Give *j* Pfalm LXXI. I=li^iipliiil01illil^i!i Give ear, and to my fuit: accord , and fend me help at need. Pfaltn 7 1 . Medim. A. 3 . Voc. M Y Lord, my God, in all diilrefs , my hope is whole in thee : Then let no fhame my foul opprefs, nor once take hold on me. As thou art juft, defend me, Lord, and rid me out of dread: Give ear , and to my fuit accord , and fend me help at need. Tfalmji. Baffpu. A.^.Voc. illliliiiliiiliiliiiiiiiiliill MY Lord, my God, in alldiftrefs, my hope is whole in thee: Then let no {Lame my foul opprefs , nor once take hold on me. Pfiilliipiililllliiillillillii As thou art juft, defend me, Lord* and rid me out of dread : Give ear , and to my fuit accord , and fend me help at need. 3 Be thou my rock, to whom I may for aid all times refort : Thy promife is to help alway thou art my fence and fort. 4 Save me mv God from wicked men, and from their llrength & pow'r : From men unjuir, an i eke from them that cruelly devour. 5 Thou Pfalm LXXI. $ Thou art the ftay wherein I truft, thou Lord of hoafls art he : Yea from my youth I had delight ftill to depend on thee. (birth, 6 Thou haft me kept even from my and I through thee was born : "Wherefore I will thee praife with both evening and at morn, (mirth 7 As to a monfter feldom feen, much folk about me throng : But thou art now, and Hill hail been my fence and aid fo ffrong. 8 Wherefore my mouth no time fhall thy glory and thy praife : (lack And eke my tongue fhall not be flack to honour thee always. 9 Refufe me not (O Lord) I fay, when age my limbs doth ,ake : And when my ftrength doth wafte a- donotmyfoulforfake. (way, i-o Among themfeks my foes inquire to take me through deceit : And they againvt me do confpire, that for my foul laid wait. The fecond fart. 1 1 Lay hand and take him now they for God from him is gone : (faid, Difpatch him quite, for to his aid (I wis) there cometh none. 1 2 Do not abfent thy felf away, O Lord, when need fhall be": But that in time of grief thou may in hafte give help to me. IK 15 My mouth thy jufh'ce (hall record, that daily help doth fend : But of thy benefits, O Lord, I know no count nor end. 1 6 Yet will I go and feek forth one, with thy good help, O God : The faving health bf thee alone, to fhew and fet abroad. 1 7 For of my youth thou took'ft the and doll inftrucl" me ftill : (care, Therefore thy won 'ers to declare, I have great mind and will. 1 1 8 And as in yonth from wanton rage thou didft me keep and Hay : Forfake me not unto mine age, and 'till my head be gray. The third part. 1 9 That I thy itrength & might may to them that now be here : ( fiio w And that our feed thy pow'r may hereafter many a year. (know 20 OLord, thy J uftice doth exceed, thy doings all may fee : Thy works are wonderful indeed, oh who is like to thee! 21 Thou mad'ft me feel affliction fore and yet thou didft me fave : Yea, thou didft help and me reftore, and took'ft me from the grave. 22 And thou mine honour dolt increaf my dignity maintain: Yea, thou doft make all grief to ceafe and comfort' 11 me again. 13 With flhame confound & overthro all thofe that feek my life : Opprefs them with rebuke alfo, that fain would work me ftrife. 14 Butlwill patiently abide thy help at all aftays : Still more & more, each time & tide, I will fet forth thy praife. 23 Therefore thy faithfulnefto praife I will with Viol fing: My harp dial found thy praife always Olfraels holy King. 24. My mouth will joy with pleafant when I lhall fing to thee: (voice And eke my foul will much rejoice, for thou haft made me free. 25 My jj2 Efalm LXXI. Give ear, and to my fuit accord , and fend me help at nesd. Pfalm 7 1 . Medim. A. 3 . Voc. "MY Lord, my God, in all diilrefs , my hope is whole in thee : Then let no fhame my foul opprefs, nor once take hold on me. mmmWEWmmmmmmm As thou art juft, defend me, Lord, and rid me out of dread: Give ear , and to my fuit accord , and fend me help at need. Ffalrtt 7 1 . Baffks. A. .3 . Voc. My Lord, my God, in alldiftrefs, my hope is whole in thee: Then let no fhame my foul opprefs, nor once take hold on me. As thou art juft, defend me, Lord? and rid me out of dread : Give ear , and to my fuit accord , and fend me help at need. 3 Be thou my rock, to whom I may for aid all times refort : Thy proinifeistohelpahvay thou art my fence and fort. 4 Save me mv God from wicked men, and from their ilrength & pow'r : From men unjair, an 1 eke from them that cruelly devour. 5 Thou % Thou art the flay wherein I truft, thou Lord of hoafts art he : Yea from my youth I had delight ftill to depend on thee. (birth, 6 Thou halt me kept even from my and I through thee was born : "Wherefore I will thee praife with both evening and at morn, (mirth 7 As to a monfter feldom feen, much folk about me throng : But thou art now, and frill halt been my fence and aid Co ftrong. 8 Wherefore my mouth no time fhall thy glory and thy praife : (lack And eke my tongue ihall not be flack to honour thee always. 9 Refufe me not (O Lord) I fay, when age my limbs doth :ake : And when my ftrength doth wafte a- do not my foul forfake. (way, I-o Among themfehs my foes inquire to take me through deceit : And they again!! me do confpire, that for my foul laid wait. The fecond part. 1 1 Lay hand and take him now they for God from him is gone : (faid, Difpatch him quite, for to his aid (I wis) there cometh none. 1 2 Do not abfent thy felf away, Lord, when need ihall be': But that in time of grief thou may inhalregivehelptome. 13 With fhame confound & overthro all thofe that feek my life : Opprefs them with rebuke alfo, that fain would work me ftrife. 14 But I will patiently abide thy help at all affays : Still more & more, each time & tide, 1 will let forth thy praife. 1 LXXI. 133 15 My mouth thy juftice fhall record, that dailv help doth fend : But of thy benefits, O Lord, I know no count nor end. 1 6 Yet will I go and feek forth one, with thy good help, O God : The fa ving health bf thee alone, to fiiew and fet abroad. 1 7 For of my youth thou took'ft the and doit inftrucT - me ftill : (care, Therefore thy won ! ers to declare, I have great mind and will. 1 8 And as in yonth from wanton rage thou didft me keep and ftay : Forfake me not unto mine age, and 'till my head be gray. The third part. 19 That I thy Itrength & might may to them that now be here: ({how And that our feed thypow'rmay hereafter many a year. (know 20 OLord, thy Juftice doth exceed, thy doings all may fee : Thy works are wonderful indeed, oh who is like to thee ! 21 Thou mad'ft me feel affliction fore and yet thou did ft me fave : Yea, thou didlt help and me reftore, and took'ft me from the grave. 22 And thou mine honour doft increaf my dignity maintain: Yea, thou doft make all grief to ceafe and comfort'il me again. 23 Therefore thy faithfulnefto praife I will with Viol ling : My harp flial found thy praife always Olfraels holy King. 24. My mouth will joy with pleafant " when I ihall fmg to thee: (yoke And eke my foul will much rejoice, for thou haft made me free. 25 My 134 Pfalm LXXII. 25 My tongue thy uprightnefs fhall and fpeak it daily 'Mil : (found, For grief & flume do them confound that feek to work me ill. To Father , Son , and Holy Ghojl all glory be therefore : As in beginning root , U now , andjhall be evermore. Cantos & Baffin. Pfalm 7 2 . Exe ter Tune, LOrd, give thy judgments to the King,therein inftrutt him well : IliillliiliiaiiiillillliJiiiillll *=H=*==±= :»=tif And with his Son that Princely thing, Lord let thy jultice dwell. Pfalm 7 2. Me dim. A.^.Voc. Lord, give thy judgments to the King,therein intrucT: him well : And with his Son that Princely thing, Lord let thy jultice dwell. Pfalm 72. Baffm. ii^illilili 1 -^ 'mmi Lord, give thy judgments to the King, therein initruft him well : And with his Son that Princely thing, Lord let thy juftice dwell. a That he may govern uprightly, an1 rule thy folk aright: And fo defend through equity, the poor that have no might. 3 And let the mountains that are high unto thy folk give peace : And eke let little hills apply, in ju^ice to increafe. 4 That he may help the weak & poor with aid, and make them ftrong ; And eke deftroy for evermore, all thofe that do them wrong, 5 And Pialm LXXIII 5 And then from age to age (hall they regard and fear thy might : So long as Sun doth (hine by day, or elfe the Moon by night. 6 Lord, make the King unto the jutt, like rain to fields new mown : Aa I like to drops that lay the dull, andfrelh the land new fown. 7 The jult fhall flour i(h in his time, and all (hall be at peace: Until the Moon (hall leave to prime, wane, change, and to increafe. 8 He fliall be Lord of fea and land, from fhore to fhore throughout : And from the floods within the land, through all the earth about. 9 The people that in defarts dwell, fhall kneel to him full thick: And all his enemies that rebell, the earth and dult Hiall lick. iaThe Lords of all the Ifles thereby, great gifts to him fhall bring : The Kings of Saba and Arabie, give many a coitly thing. The fecond part. 11 All Kings (hall feek with one ac- in his good grace to Hand: (cord, And all the people of the world ihall ferve him at his hand. 12 For he the needy fort doth fave, that unto him do call: And eke the fimple folk that have no help of man at all, 13J 1 3 Ke taketh pity on the poor, that are with need oppreft: He doth preferve them evermore, and bring their fouls toreih(dread 14 He (hall redeem their lives from from fraud/rom wrong,from might: And eke the blood that they fhall is precious in his fight. (bleed I 5 But he fhall live, and they fhall to him of Sabaes gold : (bring He fhall be honoured as a King, and daily be extoll'd. 16 The mighty mountains of his land of corn ihall bearfuch throng : That it like Cedar trees fhall itand, in Libanus full long. 1 7 Their Cities eke full well fhall the fruits thereof fhall pafs: (fpeed In plenty it fhall far exceed, and fpring as green as grafs. 18 For ever they Ihall praif his name while that the Sun is light : And think them happy thro the fame, all folk ihall blefs his might. [oPraife ye the Lord of hotfs, & ffng to Ifrae'ls God each one : For he doth every wondrous thing, yea, he himfelf alone. ?.o And bleflfed be his holy Name, all times eternally : That all theearth may praife the Amen, Amen, fay I. (fame, Omtiu & B a/fits. Pfalm 7 3 . GLucefier Tunc* HlgBIllillllPJIiiiai 1 Oweveritbe, vet God is good, and kind to If--ra--el: Ard 136 Ffclm LXXIII. And to all fuch as fafely keep their confcience pure & well. Tfdmyi. Medius. A.^.Vot. J-JOwever it be, yet God is good, and kind to If— ra— el : i 1 « f irafedJ=£J3 ^ And to all fuch as fafely keep their confcience pure & well. Tfalm 7 3 . Bafftu. A. 3 . Voc. However it be, yet God is good, and kind to If— ra— el: And to all fuch as fafely keep their confcience pure & well. 1 Yet like a fool I almoft flipt, my feet began to Aide : And ere I wilt, even at a pinch, my fteps awry did glide. 3 Forwhenlfawfuchfooliflimen, I grudg'd and did difdain : That wicked men all things fhould without turmoil or pain. (have 4 They never fuffer pangs nor grief, as if death fhould them fmite : Their bodies are both flout & ftrong, and ever in good plight. 5 And free from all adverfity, when other men be fhent : And with the reft they take no part* of plague or punilhment. 6 Therefore prefumption doth era- their necks as doth a chain (brace And are even wrapt as in a robe, with rapine and difdain. 7 They are fo fed, that even for fat their eyes oft-times out ftart : And as for worldly goods, they have more than can wilh their heart. 8 Their life is moft licentious, boallingmuchof the wrong Which they have done to fimple men and ever pry'd among. . 9 The Pfalm LXXIII. m p The heavens and the living Lord, they fpare not to blafpheme : An i prate they do on worldly things, no wight they do efteem. (back, 10 The people of God oft-times turn to fee their profperous irate : And almoft drink the felf fame cup, and follow the fame rate. The fecund part. 1 1 How can it be that God, fay they, fliouldknow orunderftand Thele worldly things, flnce wicked be Lords of fea and land ? (men 12 For we may fee how wicked men in riches Rill increafe : Rewarded well with worldly goods, and live in reft and peace. 1 3 Then why do I from wickednefs my fa ntafie refrain: And waih mv hands with innocents, and cleanfe my heart in vain ? 14 And Puffer fcourges every day, as Pubjeft to all blame: And every morning from my youth, fuftain rebuke and fhame ? 1 5 And I had almort faid as they, millikingminee'tate : But that 1 ihould thy children judge, as folk unfortunate. 1 6 Then I bethought me how I might this matter underftand : But yet the labour was too great, for me to take in hand. 17 Until the time I went unto thine holv place •, and then I underftood right perfectly the end of all thefe men. 1 8 And namely how thou fetteft them upon a flippery place . And at thy pleafure and thy will thou doit them all deface. 19 Then all men iriufe at that ftrange to fee how Puddcnly (#ght, They are deirroy'd, diPpatch'd, con- aii.i dead Po horribly. (fum'd, 20 Much like a dream, when one a- Po ihall their wealth decay: (wakes Their famous names in all mens fight that ebb and pafs away. The third, part. 2 j: Yet thus my heart was grieved my mind was much oppreft : (then 22 So.fbndwas I and ignorant, and in this point a beaft. 23 Yet neverthelefs,by my right hand thou hold'ft me always fail : 24 And with thy counfel dolt me guid to glory at the Jail (wiOi, 25 What thing is there that I can but thee in heaven above? And in the earth there is no thing like thee, that I can love. 26 My flelri & eke my heart doth fail, but God doth fail me never : For of my health God is the ftrength, my portion eke for ever. 27 And lo, all fuch as thee forfake, thou (halt deirroy each one : And thofe that truft in any thing, Paving in thee alone. 28Therefore I w ill draw near to Goi and ever with him dwell r In God alone I put my truft, hiswonv.erslwillwll. TJJm 138 Pfalm LXXIV. Cantus & "Baffin. Pfalm 74. Wmdfor Tune. Wmmmmmmmmmmmi Hy art thou,Lord,fo long from us,in all thefe dangers deep? iraiiiiiSIiiiriiSli s^s— Why doth thine anger kindle thus, at thine own palhire ffieep? mmwmmmimmmmm Pfalm 74. Medium. A. 3 . Voc, WHy art thou,Lord,fo long from us, in all thefe dangers deep? Why doth thine anger kindle thus, at thine own pailure fheep ? Tfalmy^. Baffm. A.1.V0C WHyartthou,Lord,fol$ngfromus, in all thefe dangers deep? Why doll thine anger kindle thus, at thine own palture flieep ? 2lord,call the people to thy thought which have been thine fo long : The wch thou hail redeemd & broght from bondage fore and ftrong. 5 Have mind therefore,& think upon remember it full well : Thy pleafant place, thy mount Sion, where thou wall wont to dwell. 4 Lift up thy foot, and come in hafle, and all thy foes deface : Which now at pleafure rob & wafle, within thy holy place. 5 Amid thy congregations all, thine enemies roar, O God : They fet as figns on every wall, their banners fplaid abroad. 6 As men with axes hew down trees, that on the hills do grow : So fhine the bills and fwords of thefe within thy temple now. 7 The Pfalm LXXIV 7The cieling fawd,the carved boards the goodly graven flones, With axes, hammers, bills & fwords they beat them down at once. $ Thy places they confume with and eke in all this toil: (flame The houfe appointed to thy Name, tney rafe down to the foil. pAnd thus they fay w*i&in their hearts difpatch them out of hand : Then burnt they up in every part Gods houfes through the land. I o Yet thou no fign of help doll fend our Prophets all are gone : To tell when this our plague fhal end among us there is none. (this (hame, I I When wilt thou, Lord, once end and ceafe thine enemies ftrong ? Shall they always blafphem thy name and rail on thee fo long ? 1 2 Why doll thou draw thy handa- and hide it in thy lap ? (back, Oh pluck it out, and be not flack togivethyfoesarap. The fecond part. 13O God,thou art our King & Lord, and evermore hair been : (world. Yea, thy good grace throughout the for our good help hath feen. 14. The feas that are fo deep and dead thy might did make them dry : And thou didft break the Serpents that he therein did dye. (head 1 5 Yea,thou didft break the heads fo of Whales that are fo fell : (great And gav'ft them to the folk to eat, that in the defarts dwell. 139 16 Thou mad'lt a fpring with frreams from rock both hard & hie : (to rife And eke thy hand hath made likewife deep rivers to bedrie. 1 7Both day & eke the night are thine by thee they were begun : Thou fetft to ferv us with their fliine the Moon and eke the Sun. 18 Thou didft appoint the ends and of all the earth about : (coafts Both fummer heats and winter frofts, thy hand hath found them out. 1 9 Think on, O Lord, no time forget thy foes that thee defame : And how the foolifh folk are kt t to rail upon thy Name. 20 O let no cruel beaft devour the Turtle that is true : Forget not always in thy power the poor that much do rue. 21 Regard thy covenant,and behold, thy foes pofTefs the land : All fad and dark, forworn and old, our Realm as now doth ftand. 22 Let not the fimple go away, nor yet return with lhame : But let the poor and needy aye, give praife unto thy Name. 23 Rife, Ld, let be by thee maintain'd the caufe that is thine own : Remember how that thou blafphem'd art by the foolifh one. 24. The voice forget not of thy foes, for the prefumptionhigh, Is more and more increaf t of thofe, that hate thee fpitefully. i: Pfalm 140 Pfalm LXXV. Ctmtui & Buffm. Pfelm 7 5 . Wercefler Tuns. UliiilieiililSillill^iii Nto thee God will we give thanks.we will give thanks to thee* ^lilliiiiPilii^iiiiil mwmmmm Sith thy Name is fo near, declare thy wondrous works will we. Pfalm 75. Me dim. A.^.Voc. ^fE||lslilli|||||l|||||^'i|l|}l|El|sig||i|||pJf U,Nto thee God will we give thanks, we will give thanks to thee : Sith thy Name is fo near, declare thy wondrous works will we. Tfalm 75. Bajfm. Ai^.Voc. ipiiliiiill^iE?Ilfiiifli!=ilill U.Nto thee God will we give thanks, we will give thanks to thee : Sith thy Name is fonear, declare thy wondrous works will we. 2 I w ill uprightly judge* when get convenient time I may : The earth is weak, and all therein, but I her pillars fl ay. 3 I did to the mad people fay, deal not fo furioufly : And unto the ungodly ones, fet not your horns on high. 4. I faid unto them, fet not up your raifed horns en high : And fee that you do with (tiff rieck, not fpea-k prefumptuoufly. 5 For neither from the Eaftern part, nor from the Wel^ern fide : Nor from forfaken wildernefs, protection doth proceed. 6 For why ? the Lord our God he is the righteous judge alone : He putteth down the one, and fets another in the throne. 7 For Pialm LXXVL 7 For why? a cup of mighty wine I is in the hand of God. And all the mighty wkie therein, himfelf doth pour abroad- 8 As for the lees and filthy dregs, that do remain of it: The wicked of the earth (hall drink, and fuck them every whit. 9 But I will talk of God, I fay, of Jacobs God therefore : I 4 I And will not ceafe £0 celebrate his praifefor evermore, iolnfunderbreak thehornsfof all- ungodly men will I: But then the horns of righteous men, lliall be exalted high. Gloria Patri. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft t all glory be therefore : As in beginning was , is now , andjhall be evermore. Cmui & Baffin. Ffalm j6. Weftminfter Tune. T* ^IllilililillSlIiiiSi O all that now injury dwell, the Lord is clearly known* igliliiBiilpllIiP^ii^ His Name is great in If— ra— el , a peo — pie of his own. P falm y 6. Mcclim. A.^.Voc. To all that now in Jury dwell, the Lord is clearly known: :x$: His Name is great in If--ra--el , a pio— p!e ef his own. Pfalm 7 6. Baffin. A. 3 . Vcc . IO all that now in Jury dwell, the Lord is clearly known: His Name is great in If— ra— el , a peOr**ple of 'his own. 2 At -144 Pfalm LXXVIL 3 When I to think of God intend, my trouble then is more : I fpake, but could not make an end, my breath was Itopt fo fore. 5 Thou heldft mine eyes always from that I therewith drd wake : ( reft, With fear I amfo foreoppreft, my fpeech doth me forfake. $ The days of old in mind I caft, and oft did think upon, The times and ages that are paft, full many years agon. 6 By night my fongs I call to mind, once made thy praife to fhow : And with my heart much talk I find, my fpirits do fearch to know. 7 Will God, faidl, at once for all, calt off his people thus : So that henceforth no time he fhall be friendly unto us? 8 What ? is his goodnefs clean decaid for ever and a day: Or is his promife now delaid, and doth his truth decay ? 9 And will the Lord our God forget his mercies manifold ? Or fhall his wrath increafe fo hot, his mercy to with-hold ? io At Iait, I faid, my weaknefs is the caufe of this diftruft : Gods mighty hand can help all this, and change it when he lull. The fecond. f&n. II I will regard and think upon the working of the Lord : Of all his wonders paft and gone, I gladly will record. 1 2 Yea, all his works I will declare, and what he did devife : To tell his facts I will not fpare, and eke his counfel wife. 13 Thy works,0 Ld,are all upright, and holy all abroad: What one hath 1 trength to match the of thee O Lord our God. (might 14 Thou art a God that doft forth thy goo dnefs every hour : ( fhow And fo do it make the people know thy virtue and thv power. (fend, 1$ And thine own folk thou dolt de- with itrength and ftretched arm : The fons of J acob that defcend, and Jofephs feed from harm. 16 The waters,Lord,perceived thee, the waters faw thee well : And they for fear away did dee, the depths on trembling fell. (and black, 1 7 The clouds that were both thick did rain full plenteoufly: The thunder in the air did crack, thy fhafts abroad did fly. [8 Thv thunder in the air was heard, thy light'nings from above, With flaihes great made men afrai d, the earth did quake and move. 1 9 Thy ways within the fea do lye, thy paths in waters deep : Yet none can there thy fteps efpy, nor know thy paths to keep. 20 Thou ledil thy folk upon the land, as iheep on every fide : (hand, Through Mofes and through Aarons thou didli them fafely guiJe. Pfalm Pfalm LXXVIII. CmttH & Bajfus. PfdmjZ. 145 T»rkTntie. 55EEP5 mm Ttend my people to my Law, and to my words incline : My mouth fhall fpeak Grange parables, and fentences divine. , ii^^liiliiliiilliiiiiiiil^pgl Pfalm 78. Meditu. ji.^.Voc* ^Hliiiliiiliiillliiiiiiilii ATtend my people to my Law, and to my words incline: My mouth fhall fpeak ftrange parables, and fentences divine. ?falmj%. Baffin. . A.^Voq. ATtend my people to my Law , and to my words incline : ii^liriliiiIllSiSili*lll My mouth fhall fpeak ftrange parables, and fentences divine. 3 Which we our felves have heard & I Willing our fathers fhould the fame ev'n of our fathers old : (learn'd And which for our induction, our fathers have us told. 4 Becaufe we fhould not keep itdofe \ from them that fhould come after: W fi ° fhouldGods pow'r to their race and all his works of wonder (praife 5 To Jacob lie commandment gave, how Ifrael fhould live ; unto their children give. 6 That they and their pofterity that were not fprung up tho, ' Should have the knowledg of the law and teach their feed alfo: 7 That they might have the better in God that is above : (hope And not forget to keep his laws, and his precepts in love. V 8 Not 146 8 Noticing as their fathers were, rebelling in Gods fight : And would not frame their wicked to know their Go:l aright, (hearts 9 How went the people of Ephraim, their neighbors for to fpoil : Shooting their darts the day- of war, and yet they took the foil ? I o Far why ? they did not keep with the cov'nant that was made: (God Nor yet would walk or lead their according to his trade. (lives IT But put into oblivion his counfel and his w ill : And all his works mod magnifick, which he declared (till. The 'feconi pan. 1 2 What wonders to our forefathers did he himfelf difclofe In Egypt land, within the field that call'disThaneos? 13 He did divide and cut the fea, 1 that they might pafs at once : And made the waters ftand as full, as doth an heap of flones. Pfalm LXXVUL 18 They tempted God within their like people of miltruft : (hearts Requiring iuch a kindaf meat, asfervedtotheirlutr. 19 Saying with murmuration in-their unfaithfulnefs : What ? can this God prepare for us afeairinwildernefs? 20 Behold he ftrake the ftony rock, and floods forthwith did flow : But can he flow give to his folk both bread an I flefh alfo ? 21 When Go:' he - r 1 this, he waxed with Jacob an.i his feed : (wroth So did his indignation on Ifrael proceed. The rbird part. 22 Becaufe they did not faithfully brlieve, and hope that he Could always help and fuccour them, in their neceility. (clouds, 23 Wherefore he 'did command the forthwith they brake in funder : 24 And rain'd down Manna for them a food of mickle wonder, (to eat, 1 4 He led them fecret in a cloud 2$ When earthly men with Angels by day when it wa s bright : were fed at thei r requeft : (food And in the night when dark ir was, 1 26 He bade the eaft wind blow away, witl 1 fire he gave them light. and brought in the fouth-wef t : 1 5 He brake the rocks in wildernefs, ' 27 And rain'd down flefh as thick as and gave the people drink, and fowl as thick as fand : (daft, As plentiful as when the deeps do Mow up to the brink. 1 6 He drew out rivers out of rocks, ■ tliat were both dry and hard, Of filch abundance, that no fioods to them might be compar'd. 17 Yet for all this, againft the Lord their fin they did increafe : And ltirred him that is moft high, » t© v.rathinwil'Jernefs, 28 Which he did caft amid the place where all their tents did Hand. 29 Then did they eat exceedingly, and all men had their fills ; Yet more and more they did defire, to ferve their lufts and wills. 30 But as the meat was in their his wrath upon them fell : (mouths 3 1 And flue the flower of all their and choice of Ifrael. (youth, J 2 Yet Pfalm LXXVIIL 147 5?. Yet fell Chey to their wonted fin, j 42 Not thinking of his hand & povv'r and It ill they did him grieve: j nor of the day when he For all the wonders that he wrought ', Deli ver'd them out of the hands they would him not bslieve. of their fierce enemies. 33 Their days therefore he fhortened ' 43 Nor how he wrought his miracles and made their honour vain : Their years did wear and pafs away, with terror and with pain. 34 But ever when he plagued them, they fought him by & by: (ttrength 35 Rememfering that he was their their help & God molt hie. (glofe 36 Tho in their mouths they did but and flatter with the Lord : And with their tongues, and in their diflembled every word, (hearts The fourth part. 37For why?their harts were nothing tohimmortohistrade: (bent Nor yet to keep, or to perform the covenant that was made. 38 Yet was he Hill fo merciful, when they defer v'd to dye : That he forgave them their mifdeeds and would not them deirroy. (as they themfelves beheld) In Egypt, and the wonders that he did in Zoan field. 44 Nor how he turned by his power their waters into bloo 1 : That no man might receive his drink at river or at flood. (flies, 45 Nor how he fent them fwarms of which did them fore annoy : And fill'd their countrey full of frogs, which did their land deltroy. The fifth part. 46 Nor how he did commit their unto the Caterpiller : (fruits And all the labour of their hands he gave to theGraihopper. 47\Vith hail-ftones he deftroy'd their fo that they were all loit : (vines, And not fo much as wild fig-trees, but he confum'd with froft. Yea, many a time he turn'd his wrath 48 And yet wth hail-ftones once again and did himfelf advife And would not fuffer all his whole difpleafure toarife. 39 Confidering that they were but and even as a wind : ' (flefh, That pafleth away, and cannot well return by his own kind. 40 How oftentimes in wildernefs did they the Lord provoke ? How did they move and ftif the Lord, to plague 'them with his ftroke ? 41 Yet did they turn again to fin, and tempted God eft-foon : Prefcribiug to the holy Lord, what things they would lja\ e done. the Lord their, cattel fmote : And all their flocks & herds likewife, with thunderbolts full hot. 49 He call upon them in his ire and in his fury ftrong, Difpleafure, wrath, and evil fpiri-ts, to trouble them among. 50 Then to his wrath he made a way, and (pared not. the lea It : But gave unto the peltilence, I the man and eke the beaft. 1 5 r He ftrake alfo the fir It-born all, that u p in Egypt came : i And all the chief of men and beads. within the tents of Ham. V [2 But 14* Pfalm LXXVIII. 52 But as for all his own dear folf, he did preferve and keep : And carried them through wildernes ' even like a flock of {heep. 53 Wthout all fear,both fafe & found he brought them out of thrall : Whereas their foes with rage of feas were overwhelmed all. 54 And brought them out into the of his own holy land: (coaft Even to the mount which he had got, by his rtrong arm and hand. 5<5 And there cart out the hethen folk and did their land divide : * And in their tents he fet the Tribes of Ifrael to abide. (high $6 Yet for all this their God mort they ftirr'd and tempted ftill : And would not keep his teftament, nor yet obey his will. 57 But as their fathers turned back, even fo they wtnt aftray : Much like a bow that would not bend but flip and ftart away. The pxtb part. 58And griv'd him wrfctheir hil-altars with offrings and with fire : And with their idols vehemently provoked him to ire. 59 Therewith his wrath began again to kindle in his breaft : Thenaughtinefsof Ifrael, he did fo much detett. 60 Then he forfook the Tabernacle of Shilo, where he was Right converfant with earthly men, even as his dwelling place. 6iTh;n fufferd he his might & pow'r in bondage for to ftand : And gave the honour of his Ark into his enemies hand. 62And did commit them to the fword wroth with his heritage : 63 Their young men were devour'd maids had no marriage, (wrMre, 64 And with the fwords the Prierts did perifh every one: (alfo And not a widow left alive their death for to bemone. 65 And then the Lord began to wake like one that flept a Time : And like a valiant man of war, refrefhed after wine. 66 With Emrods in the hinder parts he ftrake his enemies all : And put them then unto a ihame, that was perpetual!. 67 Then he the tents and Tabernacle of Jofeph did refufe : As for the Tribe of Ephraim, he would in no wife chufe. 68 But chofe the Tribe of Jehuda, whereas he thought to dwell ; Even the noble Mount Sion, which he did love fo weH. 69 Whereas he did his Temple build both fumptuoufly and fure : Like as the earth which he hath made for ever to endure. 70 Then chofe he David him to ferve, his people for to keep : Whom he took up and brought away . even from the folds of fheep. (young, 71 As he did follow th' Ewes w 7 ith ' the Lord did him advance : To feed his people Ifrael, and his inheritance. 72 Then David with a faithful heart*, his flock and charge did feed : And prudently with all his power did govern them indeed. Pfuln PfalmLXXIX. 14^ CAttttu & Buffo. Ffalmjg. Salisbury Tune. OGod, the Gentiles do invade thine heritage to fpoil : Je-ru-fa-lem an heap is made , thy i empls they defile. Tfalmj^. Medins. A.^.Voc, O G°^» the Gentiles do invade, thine heritage to fpcii: iiliilBlliiiliilliiSi Je~ru-fa--lem an heap is made, thy Temple they defile. Tfulmjg. Baffin. A.\.Voc. O God, the Gentiles do invade, thine heritage to fpoil: Je-ru-fa-lem an heap is made, thy Temple they defile. 2 The bodies of thy Saints moft dear, abroad to birds they cart : The flefh of them that do thee fear, the beaits devour and wafte. 3 Their blood throughout Jerufalem as -water fpilt they have: So that there is not one of them, to lay their dead in grave. 4 Thus are we made a Iaughing-'bck almoft the world throughout : The enemies at us jell and mock, which dwell our coafts about. 5 WiJt thou.O Lord,thus in thine ire again!! us ever fume: And Iriew thy wrath as hot as fire, thy folk for to confume ? 6 Upon thofe people pour the fame, which did thee never know : All Reims which call not on thyName confume and overthrow. 7 For I JO Pfalm LXXX. 7 For they have got the upper hand, and Jacobs feed deftroy'd : His habitation and his land they have left wade and void. 8 Bear not in mind our former faults, with fpeed fome pity (how : And aid us, Lord, in all aflaults, for we are weak and tow. The feeond part. 9 O God, that giv'd all health and on us declare the fame : (grace, "Weigh not our works,our fins deface for honour of thy Name. 10 Why (hall the wicked (till alway, to us as people dumb, In thy reproach, rejoice and fay, where is their God become ? Require, © Lord, as thou feed good, before our eyes in fight, Of all thefe folk thy fervantfrblood, which they fpilt in defpight. 1 1 Receive into thy fight in hade the clamours, grief, and wrong* Of fuch as are in prifon cad, futtaining Irons ftrong. Thy force and drength to celebrate, Lord, fet them out of band, Which unto death are dedinate, and in their enemies hand. 12 The Nations which have been fo as to blafpheme thy Name, (bold Into their laps with feven fold repay again the fame. 1 3 So we thy flock and padure (heep will praife thee evermore : And teach all Nations for to keep, for thee like praife in (tore. Camm & Bajfus. Pfalm 8o. Cambridge Tune. TlliiiiilliililiilJlOiEliiEilS Hou Shepherd that Ifr'el dofi keep,giv ear & take good heed: IIi|li=l^ifilili!iElPi=lliI Which leaded Jofeph like a fheep, and dod him watch and feed. IlliiiiiOliilililii^liyiiiil Pfalm $o. ■ Me dim. A.^.Voc. lllipiljililllllllllEiiiiiiiiiieilllliiliiii r rHou Shepherd that Ifr'el doit keep,giveear & take good heed : Which leaded Jofeph like a fheep, and do'.t him watch and feed. Thou Pialm LXXX. i 5l fptbn 80. Baffits. A, 3 > Voc. XHou Shepherd thatlfr'el dolt keep,giveear & take good heed : Which leadeft Jofeph like a fheep, and doll him watch and feed. 2 Thou, Lord, I fay, whofe feat is fet on Cherubims moft bright : Shew forth thy felf, and do not let, fend down thy beams of light. 3 Before Ephraim and Benjamin, Manafles eke likewife : To fhew thy power do thou begin, come help us, Lord, arife. 4. Direct our hearts unto thy grace, convert us, Lord, to thee : Shew us the brightnefs of thy face, and then full fafe are we. 5 Lord God of hoafts of Ifrael, how long wilt thou , I fay, Againll thy folk in anger fwell, and wilt not hear them pray? (deep 6 Thou dolt them feed with forrows their bread with tears they eat : and drink the tears that they do weep in meafure full and great. 7 Thou hafte us made a very ftrife, tothofethat dwell about : And that our foes do love alife, they laugh and jeft it out. 8 O take us, Lord, unto thy grace, convert our hearts to thee : Shew forth to us thy joyful face, and we full hfe {hail be. 9From Egypt where it grew not well thou brought'ft a vine full deer : The heathen folk thou didft expel, and thou didft plant it there. 1 Thou didft prepare for it a place, and fet her roots full fait : That it did grow and fpring apace, andfiirdthelandatlaft. The fecend fart. 1 1 The hils were coverd round about with ihade that from it came : And eke the Cedars ftrong an J flout, with branches of the fame, (ftroy? 12 Why then didft thou her walls de- her hedge pluckt up thou haft : That all the folk that pafs thereby, thy vine may fpoil and waffe. 13 The boar out of the wood fo wild, doth dig and root it out: The furious beads out of the field, devour it all about. 14 O Lord of hoafts return again, from heaven look betime : Behold and with thy help fuftain this poor vineyard of thine. 15 Thy plant, I fay, thine Ifrael, whom thy right hand hath fet : The fame which thou didft lov fo well O Lord do not forget. 16 They lop ani cut it down apace, they burn it eke with fire i And through the frowning of thy face we periih in thine ire, (now 17 Let thy right hand be wfth them whom thou halt kept fo long : And with the fon of man whcm thou to thee haft made fo ft rong. , 18 And 15* 1 8 And fo when thou haft fet us free, and faved us from fhame : Then will we never fall from thee, but call upon thy Name. 1'iailll .L..A..A.A.N 19 O Lord of hofts,throughthy good convert us unto thee: (grace, Behold us with a pleafant face, and then full fafe are we. Cantns & Bajfa. Pfalm 81. Or to London new Tune. E light and glad, in God rejoice,which is our ftrength & ftay : *®f\Yl*\\* i.MHUMHH :sc Be joyful and lift up your voice to Ja — cobs God, I fay. siilipiiiriiiiiiiii^iipliisl 32 Prepare your Inftruments moft meet, fome joyful Pfalm to ling: liilPrilillili^^i-^Si Strike up with harp & lute fo fweet, on every pleafant firing. TfalmSi. Meditts. 'A.^Voc, Be light and glad in God rejoice, which is our ftrength and ftay : Be joyful and lift up your voice to Ja — cobs God,. I fay. Prepare your Inftruments moft meet, fome joyful Pfalm to fing: Strike Pfalm LXXXI. 155 Strike up with harp and lute fo fweet , on every pleafant' irring. Pfalm 81 . Bafftu. A, 3. Kocl Be ^ght and glad, in God rejoice, which is our itrength and Hay : iiI!SIHiiiiIi?illiIPIiiiiSI Be joyful and lift up your voice to Ja — cobs God, I fay. l^SailiiillSiiiiilliilfl Prepare your Infiruments moll meet, forne joyful Pfalm to fing: Ili^fPiiPlIlillilliii^ipIlI Strike up with harp & lute fo fweet, on every pleafant firing. 3 Blow as it were in the new Moon, with trumpets of the bell : . As it is ufed to be done at any folemn fealt. 4 For this is unto Ifrael a ftatute and a trade : A law that mull be kept full well, * which Jacobs God hath made. 5 This clauf with Jofeph was decreed when he from Egypt came : That as a witnefs all his feed, Ihould (lill obferve the fame. 6 When God I fay had fo prepar'd, to bring him from that land : "Wheras the fpeech \sch he had heard be did not understand. 7 1 from his ftioulders took, faith he, the burthen clean away : And from the furnace quit him free, from burning brick of clay. 8 When thou in grief didft cry & call Iholptheeby and by: And I did anfwer thee withall, in thunder fecretly. 9 Yea, at the waters of difcord I did thee tempt and prove : Whereas the goodnefs of the Lord with muttering thou didll move. 1 Hear O my folk, O Ifrael, - and I allure it thee : Regard and mark my words full well if thou wilt cleave to me. The fecond part. 1 1 Thou fhalt no God in thee referve of any land abroad : Nor in no wife bow to or ferve a llrange or foreign God. 1 2 I am the Lord thy God, and I from Egypt fet thee free : Then ask of me abundantly, and I will give it thee; ' 13 And m 1 3 And yet my people would not hear my voice when that I fpake : And.Ifrael would not obey, but did me th laft, in heart rejoice fhall we. 16 As thou haft plagued us before, now alfo make us glad : And for the years wherein full fore affliction we have had. 17 O let thy work and power appear and on thy fervants light : And ihew unto thy children dear thy glory and thy might. 18 Lord let thy grace and glory Hand on us thy fervants thus : Confirm the works we take in hand, Lord profper them to us. Cantus dr Baffin. Pfalm 91. St. Mary's Tme. H L\rti|.n f|ti» , ',riii \m E that within the fecret place of God moft high doth dwell : In fliadow of the mightieft grace, at reft fhall keer) him well. Pfalm 9 1 . Medim. A. 3 . Voc. He that within the fecret place of God moft high doth dwell : ^ ^ t-r fe h'fUir:' * fm In fhadowof the mightieft grace, at reft fhall keep him well. He Tfalm 9 1 Pfalm XCI. 171 Baffin. A.i.Voc, ^iiiiiieilliiiilfiliiiliiilli J-jE that within the fecret place, of God molt high dotfi dwell: IpHiiliiillilliliiiPpliiiillifli In fhadow of the mightieft grace, at reft fhall keep him well. 2 Thou art my hope & my flrong hold I to the Lord will fay : My God is he, in him will I my whole affiance itay. 3 He fhall defend thee from the fnare the which the hunter laid : And from the deadly plague and care whereof thou art afraid. 4 And with his wings fhall cover thee and keep thee fafely there : His faith and truth thy fence fhall be, as fure as fhield and fpear. 5 So that thou {halt not need, I fay, to fear or beafright Of all the fliafts that flye by day, nor terrors of the night. 6 Nor of the plague, that privily doth walk in dark fo.fall : Nor yet of that which doth deftroy, and at noon-days doth wafte, 7 Yea, at thy fide as thou doll fland, a thoufand dead (hall be : Tenthoufandekeat thy right hand, and yet thou ihalt be free. 8 But thou (halt fee it for thy part, thine eyes fhall well regard : That even like to their defert, the wicked have regard. 9 "For why, O Lord, I only lull, to itay my hope on thee: And in the higheltl put my trull, my fure defence is he. I oThou ihalt not need none il to fear with thee it fhall be well : Nor yet the plagu fhal once com near the houfe where thou dolt dwell. I I For why, unto his Angels all, with charge commanded he : That Hill in all thy ways they fhall preferve and pirofper thee. 1 2 And in their hands fhall bear thee {till waiting thee upon: (up, So that thy foot fhall never chance to fpurn at any Hone. 13 Upon the Lion thou {halt go, the Adder fell and long : And tread upon the Lions young, with Dragons flout and flrong. 14 Forhethattrulteth unto me, I will difpatch him quite: And him defend^ becaule that he doth know my Name aright. 1 5When he for health to me doth cry an anfwer I will give : And from his grief take him will I, A glorv for to live. 16 Wi " ith length of years, and days of I will fulfil his time : (wealth, The goodnefs of my faving health, I will declare to him. Z: Pfalm 172 Pfalm XCII. Canttu&Baffm. Pfalm 92. Martyrs Tun:. IiililiirEiipilll^Liiiili T is a thing both good and meet, topraifethehigheftLord: ^iiiii^iiliilii^Pi^li mwmmmmmmfim^ And to thy Name, Othou moll High, to fing with one accord. Pfalm 92. Me dim. A.l.Voc. IT is a thing both good and meet, to praife the higheft Lord: giiiaiiiiiiilSliPPillii::! And to thy Name, O thou moft High, to fing with one accord Pfalm 9; * It Baffu A.^.Voc. -— v Ljifft ... .. > i-ft-i .y,^ r . v. 11 v. ry • »•.* » — w And to thy Name, Othou moft High, to fing with one accord. ■ 2 To (hew the goodnefs of the Lord betimee're day be light: And eke declare his truth abroad, when it doth draw to night. ^ |g 3 Upon ten firinged Inftruments, on lute and harp fo fweet : With all the mirth you can invent of Inftruments moft meet. 4 For thou haft made me to rejoice in things fo wrought by thee : And I have joy in heart and voice, thine handy works tP fee. 5 O Ld how glorious and how great, are all thy works throughout ? So deeply are thy counfels fet, that none can find them out. 6 The man unw ife hath not the wit, this work to pafs to bring : And all fuch fools are nothing fit to underftand this thing. 7 When Pfalm XCIII. 173 7 When Co the wicked at their will, as grafs do fpring full fait : They when they flouriih in their illy for ever (hall be watte. 8 But thou art mighty Ld molt high, yea thou doit reign therefore, In every time eternally, both now and evermore. The fecond part. 9 For why? O Lord, behold and fee, behold thy foes I fay : How all that work iniquity, fhall perifh and decay. I o But thou like as an Unicorn, ihall lift my horn on high : With fredi and new prepared oyl, thine ointed King am I. I I And of my foes before mine eyes fhall fee the fall and fhame, Of all that up againit me rife, mine ears (hall hear the fame. 1 2 The juft ihall flouriih up on high, as Date trees bud and blow : And as the Cedars multiply in Libanus that grow. 13 For they are planted in the place* and dwelling of our God : Within his Courts they fpring apace and flourifli all abroad. 14. And in their age m«ch fruit fhall both fat and well befeen : (bring And pleafantly both bud and fpring, with boughs and branches green. 1 5 To fhew that God is good and jull and upright in his will : He is my rock, my hope, and truft, in him there is noneill. Cantns & Baffns. Pfalm 9 3 . London new Tme 9 . He Lord as King aloft doth reign, in Majcity niofl bright : liiiliiiiiiiiililiiiiliiiiiiili And he to (hew his ftrength & pow'r hath girt himfelf with might. Tfalm 9 3 . Medlm. A. X.Voc, THe Lord as King aloft doth reign, in Majelty moft bright: And he to fhew his ilrength and pow'r hath girt himfelf with might. The i 7 4 PfalmXClV. Pfaltngs. Baffin. A^.Voc. I'He Lord as King aloft doth reign , in Majefty moft bright : And he to fhew his ftrength and pow'r hath girt himfelf with might. 2 The Lord likewife the earth hath and ihaped it fo fore, (made, No might can make it move or fade, at flay it doth endure. (wrought 3 Ere that the world was made or thy feat was fet before : Beyond all time that can be thought, *ou haft been evermore. 4 The floods O Lord,the floods arife, they roar and make a noife : The floods (I fay) didenterprife and lifted up their voice. 5 Yea, tho the ftorms arife in fight, though feas do rage and fwell : The Lord is rtrong and more of might for he on high doth dwell. 6 And look what promife he doth his houfhold to defend : (make For juft and true they fhall it take, all times without an end. Cantm & Baffus. Tfalm 94. Peterborough Tune Lord thou dolt revenge all wrong,that office 'longs to thee : Sith vengeance doth to thee belong, declare that aU may fee. Pfalm^g. Medius. A. 3. Voc, O Lord thou doft revenge all wrong, that office 'longs to thee : Sith vengeance doth to thee belongs declare tfeat all may fee- O Pfalm XCIV. !=i=l!i!iifii!i O Lord thou doit revenge all wrong, that office 'longs to thee: li^eililliiiliiiiiiiii^ii Sith vengeance doth to thee belong, declare that all may fee. 2 Set forth thy felf, for thou of right the earth dolt judge and guide : Reward the proud and men of might according to their pride. . (fway 3 How long (hall wicked men bear with lifting up their voice ? How long {hall wicked men I fay thus triumph and rejoice ? (out, 4 How long fhal they wth brags burlt and proudly prate their fill ? Shall they rejoice that be fo Itout, whofe works are ever ill ? 5 Thy flock, O Lord, thine heritage they fpoil and vex full fore : Againft thy people they do rage ltill daily more and more. 6 The widows which are comfortlefs, and ftrangers they deftrov : They flay the children fatherlefs, and none doth them put by. (hand, 7 And when they take thefe things in this talk they have of thee : Can Jacobs God this underitand ? turn, no, he cannot fee. 8 O folk unwife, and people rude, fome knowledge now difcern : Ye fools among the multitude, at length begin to learn. 9 The Lord wch made the ear of man he needs of right muft hear : He made the eye, all things muft that before his light appear, io The Ld doth ail the world correct, and make them underftartd : Shall he not then your deeds detect ? how can you fcape his hand ? The fecond part. 1 1 The Ld doth know the thoughts of his heart he fees full plain : (man The Lord I fay mans thoughts doth and findeth them but vain, (fcart 12 But Lord that man is happy fore, whom thou dof t keep in awe : And through correction dolt procure to teach him in thy Law. 13 Whereby he {hall in quiet reft, in time of trouble fit: When wicked men fliall be fopprefr, and fall into the pit. 1 4 For fure the Lord will not refufe his people for to take : His heritage whom he did chufe, he will no time for fake. 15 Until that judgment be decreed, to jultice to covert: That all may follow her with fpeed, that are of upright heart. 16 But who upon my heart ihall fland againitthecurfed train? Or who {ball rid rae from their hand that wicked works maintain? 17 Except ij6 Pi'alm XCV. 17 Except the Id had been mine aid, mine enemies to repell : My foul and life had now been laid almoftaslowashell. 18 When I did fay my foot did Aide, I am now like to fall: Thy goodnefs, Lord, didfo provide, to flay me upwithall. 1 9 When with my felf I mufed much and could no comfort find : Then Lord thy goodnefs did me touch and that did eafe my mind. 2oW ilt thou have fellowftiip & draw with wicked men to fit : Which with pretence in ftead of law much mifchief do commit. 2 r For they confult againft the life of righteous men and good : And in their counfels they are rife to (bed the guiltlefs blood. 22 But yet the Lord he is to me a ftrong defence or lock : He is my God to whom I flee, lie is my ftrength and rock. 23 And he fhall caufe the mifchief all themfelves for to annoy : And in their malice they fhall fall, our God ihall themdeltroy. Camus & Baffin. Tfalm 95. St. Marfs Tune o Come let us lift np our voice , and fing unto the Lord : In him our rock of health re}oice let us with one accord. wmmmmmmwmwmm Tfalm 95. Me dim. A.^.Voc O Come let us lift up our voice, and fing unto the Lord : =^i=il#!=IHiiiEiE 5l=iili= In him our rock of health rejoice let us with one accord. Pfalm XCVI. Tftdm 95; Baffm. mmiwuwmm^ 177 A. 3, Voc. O Come let us lift up our voice, and ling unto the Lord In him our rock of health rejoice let us with one accord. 2 Yea, let us come before his face, to give him thanks and praife : In ilnging Pfalms unto his grace, let us be glad always. 3 For why ? the Lord he is no doubt, a great and mighty God : A King above all Gods throughout, in all the world abroad. 4 The fecrets of the earth fo deep, and comers of the land : The tops of hills that are To fteep, he hath them in his hand. 5 The fea and waters all are his, for he the fame hath wrought : The earth and all that therein is, his hand hath made of nought. 6 Come let us bow and praife the Li, before him let us fall : And kneel to him with one accord, the which hath made us all. f For why ? he is the Lord our God 7 for us he doth provide : We are his flock, he doth us fc^d, his flieep, and he our guide. 8 To day if ye his voice will hear, then harden not your heart : As ye with grutching many a year provok'd me in defart. 9 Whereas your fathers tempted me my power for to prove : ( fee My wondrous works when they did yet Hill they did me move. I o Twice twenty years they did me and I to them did fay:' (grieve They err in heart, and not believe, they have not known my way. . (wrath I I Wherefore I fware when that my was kindled in my breaft : That they fhould never tred the path to enter in my reft. Cantns & Baffus. \ T[dmg6. WinchefterThve. S^iiriiiiiiiiliiiMlliilil Ingye with praife unto the Lord new fongs with jov & mirth : . iy?iillgipiiiglil^|ii§i|lll Sing unto him with one accord all people on the earth. A a Sins 1 7$ PfalmXCVL Pfa!mg6. Medim. A.%.Vgc wmwmBmwmmmmmwmi Sing ye with praife unto the Lord new fongs with joy and mirth : Sing unto him with one accord all people on the earth. Pfalmg6. Baflks. A.^.Voc. mEmmmmmwmlmmm Sing ye with praife unto the Lord new fongs with joy and mirth : Sing unto him with oae accord all people on the earth. 2 Yea, fing unto the Lord I fay, praife ye his holy Name : Declare and (hew from day to day falvation by the fame. 3 Among the people eke declare his honour round about : To fhew his wonders do not fpare in all the world throughout. 4 For why ? the Id is much of might, and worthy praife alway : And he is to be dread of right, above all Gods I fay. 5 For all the Gods of heathen folk, are Idols that will fade : But yet our God he is the Lord, that hath the heavens made. 6 All praife and honour eke do dwell for aye before his face : Both power and might likewife excel within his holy place. 7 Aferibe unto the Lord alway ye people of the world, All might and worfhipeke I fay aferibe unto the Lord. 8 Aferibe unto the Lord alfo, the glory of his Name : And eke unto his Courts do go with gifts unto the fame. The fecond fart. 9 Fall down and worfliip ye the Lord, within his Temple bright : Let all the people of the world be fearful in his fight. io Tell all the world, benotagafi, the Lord doth reign above : Yea, he hath fet the earth fo fair, that it can never move. in And that it is the Lord alone, that rules with Princely might To judge the Nations every one, with equity and right. 1 2The heavens (hall great joy begin, the earth eke (hall rejoice : The fea and all that is therein, {hall fhout and make a noife. 13 Th? Plalm XCVII. 179 13 The field (hall joy,and every thing : 14 Before the preftnee of the Lord, that fpringeth on the earth ; and coming of his might : The wood, and every tree, fhall fing j When he lhall juftly judge the world, with gladnefs and with mirth. and rule his folk with right. Cant us & Bafts. P falm 97. Weftminfier Tune, npglSiiiiiltliifliil 1 He Ld doth reign, whereat the earth may joy wth plefant voice And eke the Ifles with joyful mirth may triumph and rejoice. m&m Tfalm 97. Medius. XHe Ld doth reign, whereat the earth mav jov with pleafant voice : mmmmmmmmmmmm And eke the Ifles with joyful mirth, may triumph and rejoice. Tfalm 97. Bagkt. A.^.Voc. 1 He Li doth reign, w hereat the earth may joy with pleafant voice : And eke the Ifles with joyful mirth, may triumph and rejoice. 2Both clouds & darknefs eke do fwell and round about him beat : Yea, right and juttice ever dwell and bide about his feat. 3 Yea, fire and heat at once do run, and go before his face : Which ffhall his foes& enemies burn abroad in every place. (blaze 4. His lightnings eke foli bright did and to the world appear . Whereat the earth did look and gaze with dread and deadly fear. A a 2 5 The i So Pfalm XCVIII. «; The hiHs like wax did melt in fight and prefence of the Lord : : They fled before that Rulers might, which guideth all the world. 6 The heavens eke declare and fliow his juttice all abroad, That all the world may fee and know the glory of our God. 7 Confufion fure will come to fuch as worfhip Idols vain : And eke to thofe that glory much dumb pictures to maintain. 8 For aH the Idols of the world, which they as Gods do call : Shall feel the power of the Lord, and down to him fliall fall. 9 With joy (hall Sionhear this thing, and Juda fhall rejoice : For at thy judgments they fliall fing, and make a pleafant noife. I o That thou, Lord,art fet on hie, in all the earth abroad : And art exalted wondroufly above each other God. I I AH ye that love the Lord do this, hate all things that are ill : For he doth keep the fouls of his, from fuch as would them fpill. 1 2And light doth fpring up to the juft with pleafure for his part : Great joy with gladnefs, mirth, and, to them of upright heart. (lutf, 13 Ye righteous in the Lord rejoice, his holinefs proclame : Be thankful eke with heart and voice and mindful of the fame. Camus & Bajfa. Tfalm 9 8. Or to London new -Tune, Sing ye now unto the Lord a new & pleafant fong : ililiiiilliilililliiiiiiL^gll For he hath wrought throughout the world his wonders great & ftrong. l^lj^liiiiliiiiiiliiilll^liiSI With his right hand moft worthily he doth his foes devour : And PfalmXCVItl. 181 3=2: r^_[_«zti:^=: And get himfelf the vi— fto— ry with his own arm and cpw'r. P/^//m 98. Medim. A. 3 . J^ unto thee: And wifely do in perfect: way, until thou come to me. Pfalm io i. Baffin " ;EEi=ii= I Mercy will and judgment fmg , Lord God , unto thee : And wifely do in perfect way, until thou come to me. And in the midlt of my houfe walk, in purensfs of my fprite : 3 And I no kind of wi»ked thing will fet before my fight. 4 1 hate their works that fall away, it (hall not cleave to me : From me fhall part the froward hart none evil will I fee. 5 Him will I ltroy that flandereth his neighbour privily : The lofty heart. I cannot bear, Iior him that looketh high. 6 Mine eyes (hall be on them, within the land that faithful be : In perfect way who walketh fhall be fervant unto me. 7 I will no guileful perfon have within my houfe to dwell : And in my prefence he fhall not* remain that lyes doth tell. 8 Betimes I will deftroy even all the wicked of the land : That I may from Gods City cut the wicked workers hand. Cantns & Bajfpts. Pfalm 1 02 . Manchefler Tune. M m Hear mv prayer, Lord, and let my cry come unto thee: mm Bb In 1 86 PfalmCII. In time of trouble do not hide thy face away from me. Pfalm 102. Medius. A.7,.Voc. 72. O Hear my prayer, Lord, and let my cry come unto thee : In time of trouble do not hide thy face away from me. Pfalm 102. Baffns. A.^.Voc. O Hear my prayer, Lord , and let my cry come unto thee : wmmmmmwMmmmwm In time of trouble do not hide thy face away from me. Incline thine ears to me, make hafte to hear me when I call : 3 For as the fmoke doth fade, fo do my days confume and fall. 4 And as a hearth my bones are burnt my heart is fmitten dead : And withers like the grafs, that I forget to eat my bread. «5 By reafon of my groaning voice, my bones cleave to my skin : 6 As Pelican in wildernefs, fuch cafe now am I in. 7 And as an Owl in defart is, lo, I am fuch a one : I watch, and as a Sparrow on the houfe top am alone. 8 Lo, daily in reproachful wife, mine enemies do me fcorn : And they that do againft me rage, againft me they have fworn. 9 Surely with aflies as with bread my hunger I have fill'd i And mingled hav my drink wtb tears, that frommine eyes have ftilTd. to Becaufeof thydifpleafure, Lord, thy wrath and thy difdain : For thou haft lifted me aloft, and call me down again. 1 1 The days wherein I pafs my life, are like the fleeting fhade : And I am withered like the graft, that foon away doth fade. 1 2 But Pfalm CIL 187 1 2 But thou, O Lord, for ever doll remain in iteddy place : And thy remembrance ever doth abide from race to race. The fecond park. 13 Thou wilt arife, and mercy thou to Sion wilt extend: The time of mercy, now the time forefet is come to end. 14 For even in the f tones thereof thy fervants do delight : And on the dull thereof they have companion in their fpirit. 1 5Then fhall the heathen people fear the Lords molt holy Name : And all the Kings on earth fhal dread thy glory and thy fame. 1 6Then when the id the mighty God again (hall Sion rear : And then when he moft nobly in % his glory (hall appear. 17 To prayer of the defolate when he himfelf doth bend : When he doth not difdain unto their prayers to attend. 18 This fhall be written for the age that after fhall fucceed : The people yet uncreated the Lords renown fhall fprcad. 19 For he from his high fancluary hath looked down below : And out of heaven hath the Lord beheld the earth alfo. 20 That of the mourning captive he might hear the woful cry ; And that he might deliver thofe that fentene'd are to dye. 21 That they in Sion may declare the Lords molt holy Name : And in Jerufalem fet forth the praifesof the fame. 22 Then when the people of the lands and kingdoms with accord : Shall be aflembled for to do their fervice to the Lord. The third pan. 23 My former force of itrength he abated in the way : (hath And Ihorter he did cut my days, thus I therefore did lay ; 24 My God in midlt of all my days now take me not away : Thy years endure eternally, from age to age I fay. (earth 25 Thou the foundations of the before all times had laid : And Lord the heavens are the work, which thine own hands have made. 26 Yea, they (hall periih and decay, but thou ihalt tarry ftill : And they {hall all in time wax old, even as a garment will. (change, 27 Thou as a garment {halt them and changed they fhall be :" But thou dolt dill abide the fame, thy years do never flee. 28 The children of thy/ervants (hall continually endure: And in thy fight their happy feed, for ever fhall Hand fure. Bb ?f>ilm 1 88 Pialm CM. Cantus & Baffm. T faint 103. Or to Canterbury Tune. immmmwmmmmwm Y foul give laud unto the Lord, my fp'rit fhal do the fame : im=illiillllpllililliiil^il And all the fecrets of my heart praife ye his holy Name. P^iliPililllijili^IIilliilll fwmrmwmmwmmmmm Give thanks to God for all his gifts, fhew not thy felf unkind : iiilliililiiiiiiiiliiiiil&^li And fuffer not his be — ne — fits to flip out of thy mind. Pfalm 103. Mediui. A, 3. Voc. My foul give laud unto the Lord, my fp'rit fhall do the fame : Ililiiiil^ilililliaiiSill And all the fecrets of my heart, praife ye his holy Name. Give thanks to God for all his gifts, fhew not thy felf unkind : ■'- And fuffer not his be— -ne — fits to flip out of thy mind. My Pfalm CIII. 189 Pfalmjoi. Baflks. A.%.Voc. ^PHIpiiiiiiilg^fliiiilSi My foul give laud unto the Lord, my fp'rit fhall do the fame : i^iiiiilHiiiliiilUliiHii? 3 * ♦-R — And all the fecrets of my heart, praife ye his holy Name. iiiiliiiiPliliiiiliiirii^ii Give thanks to God for all his gifts, fhew not thy felf unkind. liiiiiiipiilSiSililiiiiiliii And fuflfer not his be— ne— fits to flip out of thy mind. 3 That gave thee pardon for thy falts and thee reltor'd again : For all thy weak and frail difeafe, and heal'd thee of thy pain. 4That did redeem thy life from death from which thou could ft not flee : His mercy and companion both he did extend to thee. 5 That fill'd with goodnefs thy defire, and did prolong thy youth : Like as the Eagle calls her bill, whereby her age renew'th. 6 The Lord with juttice doth repay all fuch as be oppreil : So that their fufferings and their are turned to the bed. (wrongs 7 His ways and his commandements to Mofes he did ihow : His counfels and his valiant adls the Ifraelites did know. 8' THe Lord is kind and merciful, when finners-do him grieve : The floweft to conceive a wrath, and readiett to forgive. 9 He chides not us continuaHy, though we be full of Itrife : Nor keeps our faults in memory, for all our finful life. 10 Nor yet according to our fins, the Lord doth us regard : Nor after our iniquities he doth not us reward. 1 1 But as the fpace is wondrous great 'twixt earth and heaven above : So is his goodnefs much more large to them that do him love. 1 2 God doth remove our fins from us, and our offences all: As far as is the Sun-rifing full dirtant from his fall. The fecond part, 13 And look what pity parents dear unto their children bear : Like pity beareth God to furh asworfhiphiminfear. ((nape £4 The Lord that made us knows our our mould and fafhion juft : How weak and frail our nature is, and how we are but dull. 1$ And ipo Pfalm CIV. 15 And how the time of mortal men ' 1 9 The heavens high are made the is like the withering hay Or like the flower right fair in field, that fades full foon away. 1 6 Whofe glofs and beauty ftormy do utterly difgrace : (winds And make that after their aflfaults fuch bloflbms have no place. 17 But yet the goodnefs of the Lord with his (hall ever ftand : Their childrens children do receive his righteoufnefs at hand. l8l mean which keep his covenant with all their whole defire : And not forget to do the thing that he doth them require. and footdool of the Lord : (feat And by his power Imperial he governs all the world. 20 Ye Angels wr£ are great in power praifeye and blefs the Lord : Which to obey and do his will immediately accord. 21 Ye noble Hoafts and Minifters ceafe not to laud him (till : Which ready are to execute his pleafure and his will. 22 Yea, all his works in every place praife ye his holy Name : My heart, my mind, and eke my foul, praife ye alfo the fame. Cant us & Baffits. Pfalm 104. Ikiili&iiiiiisll Proper Tune. A/I \J j Y foul praife the Lord, fpeak good of his Name : 1 V Agiiii^={ig;iig g; j ;|gtgEj E=g5ggpp jg* — ;. ■ p^ ._J=2&e; =*=fcai=dE* ^ O Lord , our great God , how doH: thou ap — pear : He _„.*— sL iliilllliillliiilSiiii-lillil So paf—fing in glo ry, that great is thy fame? Honour and Majefry in thee fhine molt clear. My Pfalm CIV. ; 191 Pfalm 104.. Medius. A.^.Voc. l=liii!iiiI=i5ipEsilliEliiiillIl My foul praife the Lord , fpeak good of his Name : O Lord, our great God, how doll thou ap — pear? ^a*l\~*~ztz So paf— fing in glo ry, that great is thy fame: l=JSIii^i=iiiiiIiiiiiiillliIii Honour and Majelty in thee thine molt clear. Pfalm 104. Baffin . A. 3. Voc. MY foul praife the Lord , fpeak gcod of his Name : SliililillillliilliillSIlii O Lord, our great God, how dofr thou ap — pear? lliilfji=iiIliiiigilIiiiE%¥^ So paf- fing in glo ry, that great is thy fame: #=s3=Zz=z rfr- j — ;"-.r" t -■ ♦"| r n *Tr_ Honour and Majefty in thee flune molt clear. «E±==fii=== t With light as a robe thou hail thee be-clad : "Whereby all the earth thy greatnefs may fee. The heavens in fuch fort thou alfo halt fpread, That it to a curtain compared maybe. 3 His chamber beams lye in the clouds full fare, Which as his chariot are made him to bear : And there with much fwiftnefs his courfe doth endure, Upon the wings ridiftg of winds in the air. 4 He maketh his Spirits as Heralds to go, And lightnings to ferve we fee alio pre ft: Hiswilltoaccomplilh they run to and fro, To fave :or confume thi asfeeraethhimbeii. • 5 He 5 He groundeth the earth fo firmly and fair, That it once to move none fhall have fuch power. 6 The deep a fair covering for it made thou haft : Which by his own nature the hills would devour. 7 But at thy rebuke the waters do flye, And fo give due place thy word to obey : At thy voice of thunder fo fearful they be, That in their great raging they hafte foon away. 8 The mountains full high they then up afcend, If thou do ft but fpeak thy word they fulfill : So likewife the valleys moft quickly defcend. Where thou them appointed'lt remain they do frill. 9 Their bounds thou haft fet how far they (hall run, So that in their rage not pafs that they can : For God hath appointed they fhall not return, The earth to deftroymore, which made was for man. Thefecondpxrt. io He fendeth the fprings to ftrong ftreams or lakes, Which run do full fwift among the huge hills : 1 1 Where both the wild AfTes their thirft oft-times flakes, And beafts of the mountains thereof (Irink their fills. Pfalm CIV. 1 2 By thefe pleafant fprings of fountains full fair, The fowls of the air abide fhall and dwell : Who moved by nature to hop here and there, Among the green branches their fongs fhall excell. 13 The mountains to moift the clouds he doth ufe, The earth with his works is wholly replete : 14 Soasthebrutecattel hedothnotrerafe, But grafs doth provide them, and herb for mans meat. 1 5 Yea bread, wine, and oyl, he made for mans fake, His face to refrefh, and heart to make ftrong. 16 The Cedars of Liban this great Lord did make : Which trees he doth nourifn, tbat grow up fo long. 17 In thefe may birds build, and make there their neft : In firr trees the Storks remain and abide. 18 The high hills arefuccour for wild Goats to reft : And eke the rock ftony for conies to hide. 19 The Moon then is fet herfeafontorun, The days from the nights thereby to difcern: And by the defcending alfo of the Sun, The cold from heat alway thereby we do learn. 2o Whefi Pfalm CIV. 193 20 When darknefs doth come by Gods will and power, Then creep forth do all the bealts of the wood : 21 The Lions range roaring their prey to devour, But it is thou, Lord, which giveft them food. 22 As feon as the Sun is up they retire, To couch in their dens then are they full fain : 23 That man to his work may as right doth require, Till night come and call him to take reft again. The third: part. 24 How fundry , O Lord ,. are all thy works found ? With wifdom full great they are indeed wrought : So that the whole world of thy praife doth found, And as for thy riches they pafs all mens thought. 2$ So is the great fea, which large is and broad, Where things that creep fwarm, and beads of each fort : 26 There both mighty (hips fail, and fome lye at road ; The Whale huge and monftrous there alfo doth fport. 27 All things on thee wait, thou doft them relieve, And thou in due time full well doft them feed ■ 28 Now when it doth pleafe thee the fame for to give, They gather full gladly thoie things which they need. Thou openeft thy hand, • and they find fuch grace, That they, with good things are filled- we fee: 29 But forearm they troubled if thou turn thy face, Sor if thou their breath take vile dud then they be. 30. Again, when thy Spirit from thee dpth proceed, All things to appoint, and? what fball enfue : Then arethey created as thou haft decreed, And doft by thy goodnefs the dry earth renew. 3 1 The pr a i fe of the Lord for ever iriall laft, Who may in his works by r i gut well rejoice : 3 2 His looks can the earth make to tremble full fair, And likewife the mountain^ to fmoke at his voice. 33 To this Lord and God fing will I always, So long as I live my God praife will I: 34 Then am I moft certain my words fhall him pleafe/ I will rejoice in him, to him will I cry. 35 The fmners, O Lord, confume in thine ire, And eke the perverfe, them root out with (hame *. But as for my foul now, letitftilldefire, And fay with the faithful, praife ye the Lords Name. Cc JV«tf» ip4 Pblm CV. ' Canttu & jBajffu. Tfalm i o ? . Canterbury Tune ' Giliif iiitiiiillilliiai Ive praifes unto God the Lord, and call upon his Name : Among the people eke declare his works to fpread his fame. Tfalm 10$. mm Medius. l=3ft=3*=l A.^Voc. ilill G^ ve praifes unto God the Lord , and call upon his Name : Among the people eke declare his works to fpread his fame. Tfalm 1O5. Baffm. A. 3 . /^c. [iilieiilfPliili Give praifes unto God the Lord, and call upon his Name: Among the people eke declare his works to fpread his fame. 2 Sing ye unto the Lord, I fay, and fing unto his praife : And talk of all his wondrous works, that he hath wrought always. 3 In honour of his holy Name, rejoice with one accord : And let the heart alfo rejoice of them that leek the Lord. 4 Seek ve the Ld, & feek the ftrength of his eternal might: And feek his face continually, andprefenceof his fight. (done 5 The wondrous works that he hath keep frill in mindful heart : Ne let the judgments of his mouth out of your mind depart. 6 Ye that of faithful Abraham his fervants are the feed : Ye hiselecl, the children that of Jacob do proceed 7 For Pfalm CV. W' 7 For he, he only is I fay, the mighty Lord our God : And his moit rightful judgments are through all the earth abroad. 8 His promife and his covenant, yrtiich he hath made to his, He hath remembred evermore to thoufands of degrees. The fecond pttrt. 9 The covenant which he hath made with Abraham long ago : And faithful oath which he had fworn to Ifaac alfo. I o Anddid confirm the fame for law, that Jacob fhould obey : And for eternal covenant; to Ifrael for aye. I I When thus Ire (aid, lo, I to you all Canaan land will give : The lot of your inheritance, wherein your feed fball live. 1 2 Although the number at that time did very fmall appear : Yea, very fmall, and in the land they then but Grangers were. The third part. 17 Even Jofeph vtck had once bin fold to live a Have in woe : Whofe feet they hurt in itocks,whofc the Irons pierc'd alfo. (fouj i8Until the time came when his caufe was known apparently : The mighty word of God the Lord his faultlefs truth did try. 19 The King fent and delivered him from pr i foil where he wa s : 20 The ruler of the people then did freely let him pafs. 21 And over all his houfe he made him Lord to bear the fway : And of his fubitance mad him have the rule and all the ltay. 22 That he might tohiswillinftruS: the Princes of the land: Aitf wifdoms lore his ancient men might caufe to underhand. 23 Then into the Egyptian land came Ifrael alfo. And Jacob in the landof Ham did live a itr.anger tho. 1 3 While yet they walk'd from land without a fure abode : (to land And vvhil from fandry kingdoms they did wander all abroad. 14 And wrong at no oppreflbrs hand he fuffered them to take : But even the great and mighty Kings reproved for their fake. 1 5 And thus he faid,touch ye not thof that mine anointed be : Ne do the Prophets any harm that do pertain to me. 1 6 He call'd a dearth upon the land of bread he ftroy'd tfee {lore : But he againtf the time of need had f*nt a man before. 24. His people he exceedingly in number made to flow.: And over all their enemies injftrerigth he made them grow. 25 Whof hart he turnd ,that they,wi& his .people did intreat : (Hate And did his.fervants wrongfully abufe with faife deceit. The fourth part. 26 His faithful fervantMofesthen, and Aaron whom he chofe : He did command to go to them, his meflage to difclofe. 27 The wondrous meflage of his flgnt among them he did (how : And wonders in the lancl of Ham then did thev work alfo. G'e 2 28Darku*fs 196 Pfalm-CVI. 28 Darknefs he fent, & made it dark in lteadof brighter day : And unto his commiflion they did not difbbey. 29 He turn'd their waters into blood, he did their fillies flay : (the place 30 Their land brought frogs ev'n in where their King Pharaoh lay. 3 1 He fpak,& at his voice there came .great fwarms of noifom flies : And aH the quarters of the land were fill'd with crawling lice. 32 He gave them cold and Irony hail, in ftead of milder rain : And fiery flames within their land he fent unto their pain, . . (trees 33 He fmote their vines and all their whereon their figs did grow : And all their trees within their coafts down did he overthrow. , 34 He fpake, then caterpillars did and graflioppers abound : 35 Wch eat the grafs in all their land and fruit of all tliei r ground. The fifth part. I 36 The firft begotten in their land eke deadly he did finite { Yea, the beginning and firlr fruit* of all their force and might. That I the great felicity of thine elecl: may fee. % And with the peoples joy I may a joyful mind poflfefs: And may with thine inheritance a glorying heart exprefs- 6 Both we, and eke our Fathers all, have finned every one : We have committed wickednefs, and lewdly we have done. 7 The wonders great web thou, 6" Id, haft done in Egypt land, Our Fathers, tho they faw them all, yet did not under f tend. Nor yet thy mercies multitude did keep in thankful mind : But at the fea, yea the red fea, ' rebelled molt unkind. 8 Nevertheless he faved them for honour of his Name : That he might mak his power known andfpread abroad his fame. 9 The red fea then did he rebuke, and forthwith it was dry'd : And as in-wil lernefs , fo through the deep he did them guide. I o He fav'd them from the cruel hand of their defpiteful foe : And from the enemies hand he did deliver themalfo. 1 1 The i£>S Malm CVL Tbefecond pift. 1 1 The waters their opprefTors not one was left alive : (whehn'd , 12 Then they believ'd his words and in fong they did him give, (praife 13 Butbyandbyunthankfully his works they clean forgat : And for his coimfel and his will they did neglect to wait. 14. But Iufted in the wildernefs with fond and greedy luft : And in the defart tempted God, the ftay of all their truft. 1 5 And then their wanton minds de- he fiirferM them to have : (fire But wafting Ieannefs therewithall into their fouls he gave. (tents 16 Then when they lodged in their atMofes they did grutch : Aaron the holy of the Lord, fo did they envy much. \j Therefor the earth did open wide and Dathan did devour : And all Abirams company, did cover in that hour. 18 In their afTembly kindled was the hot confuming fire ■ And waiting flames did then burn up the wicked in his ire. 19 Upon the hill of Horeb they an Idol Calf did frame : And there the molten Image they did worlhip of the fame. 20 Into the likenefs of a Calf, thatfeedethonthe grafs : Thus they their glory turn'd, andaU their honour did deface. 21 Aud God their only Saviour, unkindly they forgot : Which many great & mighty things in Egypt Jand had wrought. The third part. 22 And in the land of Ham for them, molt wondrous works had done : And by the red fea dreadful things- performed long agone. 23 Therefore for their fo (hewing forgetful and unkind : (them To bring deftruclion on them all he purpos'd in his mind. Had not his chofen Mofes flood before him in the break : To turn his wrath, left he on them with flaughter fhould him wreak. 24 They did defpife the pleafant land that he behight to give : Yea and the words that he had fpoke, they did no whit believe. (heart 25 But in their tents with grudging they wickedly repin'd : Nor to the voice of God the Lord, they gave an heark'ning mind. 26 Therefore againtt them lifted he his ftrong revenging hand : Them to deffroy in wildernefs, ere they fhould fee the land. 27 And to deftroy their feed among the nations with his rod : And throu the countries of the world to fcatter them abroad. 28 To Baal Peor then they did •adjoin themfelves alfo : And eat the offerings of the dead, fo they forfook him tho. 29 Thus with their own inventions, his wrath they did provoke : And in his fore enkindled wrath the plague upon them broke. 30 But Phinets flood Ujftvith zeal, the finners vile to flay : And judgment he did execute, and then the plague did flay. 31 It PfalmCVL 199 The fourth pari. 31 It was imputed unto him for righteoufnefs that day : And from thenceforth fo counted is from race to race I fay. 32 At waters eke of Meribah they did him angry make : Yea , fo fa r for th that Mofes was then puniih'd for their fake. 33 Becaufe they vext his fpirit fo fore that in impatjent heat, His lips fpake unadvifedly, his fervour was fo great. 34 Nor as the Lord commanded them they flue the people tho : 35 But were among the heathen mixt and learn'd their works alio. 36 And did their Idols ferv,wd& were their ruin and decay : 37 To fiends their fons and daughters did offer up and flay. (they 58 Yea wth unkindly murthring knif the guiltlefs blood they fpilt : Yea their own fons & daughters blud without all caUfe of guilt. "Whom they to Canaan Idols then oflf'red with wicked hand : And fo with blood of innocents defiled was the land. (works 39 Thus were they flamed with the of their ownfflthyway : And with their own inventions a whoring they did flray. 40 Therefore againft his people was the Lords wrath kindled fore : And even his own inheritance therefore he did abhor. 41 Into the hands of heathen men he gave them for a prey : And made their fo's their lords whom were forced to obey. (they Th >a fifth part. 42 Yea, and their hateful enemies oppreftthem in their land: And they were humbly made to floop asfubjefts to their hand. 43 Full oftentimes from thrall had he delivered them before : But with their counfels they to wrath provok'd him evermore. Therefore they by their wickednefs were brought full low to lye : 44 Yet when he faw them in diftrefs- he heark'ned to their cry. 45 He call'd to mind his covenant which he to them had fwore : And by his mercies multitude repented him therefore. 46 And favour he made them to find, before the fight of thofe, That led them captiv from their laa-i when erfl they were their foes- 47 Save us,6 lord, that art our God, fave us, O Lord, we pray : And from among the heathen folk. Lord, gather us away. (praile 48 That we may fpread the noble of thy molt holy Name : That we may glory in thy praile, and founding of thy fame. 49 The Lord the God of Ifrael be bleft for evermore : Let all the people fay, Amen ; praife ye the Lord therefore. Pfidm 300 PfalmCVII. Cant m-& Baffin. Pfalmioj. WiHchefterTwtt'. f^ iiiiiiiHIilli^ii Ive thanks unto the Lord our God, for gracious is he: 111=111 And that his mercy hath no end all mortal men may fee. lii^llliiiiiliiiliiilfflpiii Tptm 107. Me dim. A. 3. Voc* ll!iailliiiiiii!li^iliiiiSI Give thanks unto the Lord our God, for gra — ci — oms is he: And that his mercy hath no end all mortal men may fee. Pfafouoj. Baffits. A.^.Voc. IIfil1lii§Ilil=flIillllllli Give thanks unto the Lord our God , for gra— ci— ous is he: And that his mercy hath no end all mortal men may fee. 2 Such as the Lord redeemed hath, with thanks {hall praife his Name: &: fhew how they from foes wer freed and how he wrought the fame. $ He gather'd them forth of the lan^s that lay fo far about : ( South From Eaft to We!', from North to his hand did find them out. 4 Thev wandred in the wildern^, and Graved from the way : And found no City where to dwell, that ferve might for their itay. % Whof third & hunger was fo great in thefe defarts fo void : That faintnefs did them fore alfault, and eke their fouls annoy'd. 6 Then did they cry in their diltrefs nnto the Lord for aid : Who did remov their troublous fiate according as they pray'd. 7 And Pfalm CVII. ioi *?And by that way wch was mofl right he led them like a guide: That they might to a City go, and there alfo abide. 8 Let men therefore before the Lord confefs his goodnefs then : And Ihew the wonders that he doth before the fons of men. 9 For he the empty foul fuftain'd, whom thirlt had made to faint : The hungry foul with goodnefs fed and did them eke acquaint. 1 Such as do dwell in darknefs deep, where they on death do wait : Faft bound to tafte fuch troublous as Iron chains do threat, (itorms Tkefccond fart. 11 For that againtt the Lords own they fought fo to rebell : (words Efteeming light his counfels high, which do fo far excell. . I2But when he humbled them ful low they then fell down with grief: And none was found fo much to help, whereby to get relief. 13 Then did they cry in their diftrefs unto the Lord for aid : Who did remov their troublous Hate according as they pray'd. (brought 14 For he from darknefs out them and from deaths dreadful fhade : Burfting with force the Iron bands which them before did lade. I $Let men therefore before the Lord confefs his kindnefs then : And fliew the wonders that he doth before the fons of men. (brafs 1 6 For he threw down the gates of and brake them with ltrong hand : The iron bars he fmote in two, nothing could him withftand. 17 The foolifh folk great plagues do & canrtot from them wend : (feel But heap on more to thofe they have becaufe they do offend. (meat 1 8 Their foul fo much did loath all that none they could abide : Whereby death had them almdft as they full truly try'd. (caught, 1 9 Then did they cry in their diftrefs unto the Lord for aid : Who did remov their troublous Mate according as they pray'd. 20 For then he fent to them his word which health did foon reftore : And brought them from thof dangers wherein they were before, (deep The third part. 21 Let men therefore before the L4 confefs his kindnefs then : And ihew the wonders that he doth before the fons of men. 22 And let them offer facrifice with thanks and alfo fear : And fpeak of all his wondrous works with glad and joyful chear. 23 t Such as in fliips and brittle barks into the feas defcend : Their merchandife through fearful to compafs and to end. (floods 24 Thofe men are forced to behold the Lords works what they be : And in the dangers deep, the fame moll marvellous they fee. 25 For at his word the ftormy wind arifeth in a rage : And ltirreth up the furges fo as nought can them aflwage. 26 Then are they lifted up fo high, the clouds they feem to gain : And plunging down the depth until 1 their fouls confume with pain. t>a 2? An Pfalm CVIL 202 27 And like a drunkard to and fro, now here, now there they reel : As men with fear of wit bereft, or had of fenfe no feel. 28 Then did they cry in their diftrefs unto the Lord for aid : "Who did remov their troublous ftate according as they pray'd. (make 29 For at his word the Lord doth the fturdy ftorm to ceafe : So that the great waves from their are brought to reft & peace, (rage 30 Then are men glad when reft is web they fo much did crave : (come And are by him in haven brought, which they fo fain would have. The fourth part. 3 1 Let men therfore before the Lord confefs his kindnefs then : Andfhew the wonders that he doth before the fons of men. 32 Let them in prefence of the folk, with praife extoll his Name : And where the Elders do convent, there let them do the fame. 33 For running floods to dry defarts he doth oft change and turn : And dryeth up as it were dull the fpringing well and bourn. 34A fruitful land wtb pleafures deckt full barren doth he make : When on their fins web dwel therein he doth juft vengeance take. 35 Again the wildernefs full wide he maketh frni t to bear : With pleafant fprings of water dea** though none before were there. 36 Wherein fuch hungry fouls arefet as he doth freely chufe : That they a City may them build to dwell in for their ufe. (land 37 That they may fow their pleafant and vineyards alfo plant : To yield them fruit of fuch increafe as none may feem to want. 38 They multiply exceedingly, the Lord doth blefs them fo : Who doth alfo their brute beafts mak by numbers great to grow. (brought 39 But when the faithful are low by the oppreffors flout : And rninilh do through many plagues that compafs them about, (fliame 40 Then dpth he Princes bring to which did them fore opprefs : And likewife caufed them to err within the wildernefs. 41 But yet the poor he raifeth up, out of his troubles deep : (ment And oft-times doth their train aug- much like a flock of fbeep. 42- The righteous {hall behold this and alfo much rejoice : (fight, Whereas the wicked and perrerfe with grief {hall ftop their voice. 43 But who is wife that now full weH he may thefe things record ? For certainly fuch fball perceive the kindnefs of the Lord. Pfalm naim ^vin. 203 Cantus & Baffm, Pfa/nt 1 08. Martyrs Tune. I m God my heart prepared is, and eke my tongue is Co : ^s ipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iji iliiiill^li^iilillllliiiiipifl I will advance my voice in fong , in gi--ving praife al--fo. Il^pIi^iil^llllSiiiiill PfalmioS. Medhu. A. i-Voc. lililliepliilillll^lISiliii O God my heart prepared is, and eke my tongue is fo: illlBiSiiiiiiliiiSlIlPilll I will advance my voice in fong , in gi— ving praife al--fo. Tfalm 108. Baffks. A. 3. Voc^ God my heart prepared is , and eke my tongue is fo : 1 will advance my voice in fong, in giving praife al— -fo. 2 Awake my Viol and my Harp, fweet melody to make : And in the morning I my felf right early will awake. 3 By me among the people, Lord, ilill praifed fhalt thou be : And I among the heathen folk will fing O Lord to thee. *\ Becaufe thy mercy Lord is great above the heavens high ; I And eke thy truth doth reach the within the lofty Skie. (clouds $ Above the ftarrv heavens high exalt thy felf, 6 God: And Lord difplay upon the earth thy glory all abroad. 6 That thy dearly beloved may be fet at liberty : Help O my God with thy right hand, and hearken unto me. Dd 2 7 God 304 Pfalm CIX. 7 God in his holinefs hath fpoke, wherefore my joys abound : Sichem I fhall divide, and mete • the vale of Succoth ground. 8 And Gilead (hall be mine own, ManafTes mine (hall be : My head ftrength Ephraim, and law (hall Juda give for me. 9 Moab my wafhpot, and my fhoe on Edom will I throw : Upon the land of Paleltine in triumph will I go. io Who fhall into the Cityflrong be guide to conduct me? Or how by whom to Edom land conveyed fhall I be? 11 Is it not thou, O Lord, which late had'ft us forfaken quite ? And thou,Q Lord,wci& with our hofts didft not go forth to figet ? 1 2 Give us O Lord thy faving aid when troubles do affail : For all the help of man is vain, and can no whit avail. 13 Through God we fhall do valiant and worthy of renown : (acts He fhall fubdue our enemies, yea he fhall tread them down. Canttu & Baffin. Pfalm 1 09. Norwich Tune. I w»* Iff 11 .'tea* i iUcj^ N conftant filence do not hold, O God, thy tongue always : O God, even thou I fay that art the God of all my praife. ft Pfalm 109. Me dim. A."*,.Voc. IN conftant filence do not hold , O God, thy tongue always : O God , even thou I fay that art the God of all my praife. Pfalm 1 09. Baffin. A. 3. Foe — — •»— •-♦— —»——-, — ' v—k— o* |N conltant filence do not hold, O God, thy tongue always: 2 The Pfalm CIX, 205 O God , even thou I fay that art the God of all my praife. 2 The wicked and the guileful mouth onmedifclofedbe: And they with falfe and lying tongue have fpoken unto me. 3 They did befet me round about, with words of hateful fpite : Without all caufeof mydefert againir me did they fight. 4 For my good will they were my foes but then gan I to pray : 5 My good with ill, my friendlinefs with hate they did repay. 6 Set thou the wicked over him, to have the upper hand : At his right hand eke fuffer thou his hateful foe to ftand. 7 When he is judged, let him then condemned be therein : And let the prayer that he makes be turned into fin. 8 Few be his days, his charge alfo let thou another take : 9 His Children let be fatherlefs, his Wife a Widow make. 10 Let his oft-fpring be vagabonds, to beg and feek their bread : Wandring out of the wafted place, - where erit they have been fed. 1 1 Let covetous extortioners catch all his goods and 'ttore : And let the Grangers fpoil the fruits of all his toil before. 12 Let there be none to pity him, let there be none at all : That on his children fatherlefs will let their mercy fall The fecond pan. 1 3 And fo let his pofterity for ever be deitroy'd : Their name out-blotted in the age that after fhall fucceed. 14 Let not his fathers wickednefs from Gods remembrance fall : And let thou not his mothers fin be done away at all. 1$ But in the prefenceof the Lord, let them remain for aye : That from the earth their memory he may cut clean away. 16 Sith mercy he forgat to fhew, butdidpurfue with fpite The troubled man, and fought to flay the worul hearted wight. 17 Ashe did curling love, it (hall betide unto him fo: And as he did not bleffing love, it fhall be far him fro. 1 8 As he with curfing clad himfelf, fo it like water fhall Into his bowels, and like oyl into his bones befall. 19 As garment let it be to him, to cover him for aye. And as a girdle wherewith he fhall girded be alway. 20 Lo, let the fame be from the Lord^ the guerdon of my foe : Yea, and of thofethat evil fpeak again(l my foul alfo. 21 But thou,0 Lord,that art my God deal thou I fay with me : After thy Name, deliver me, for good thy mercies be. 22 Becaufe io6 Pfalm CX. 22 Becaufe in depth of great diftrefs, I needy am and poor : And eke within my pained breaft, my heart is wounded fore. The third fm. 23 Even fo do I depart away, as doth declining fhade : And as the Grafhopper fo am I fhaken off, and fade. 24 With farting long from needful infeebled are my knees : (food And all my fatnefs hath my flefh enforced been to leefe. 25 And I alfo a vile reproach to them was made to be : And they that did upon me look, did fhake their heads at me. 26 But thou O Lord that art my God my aid and fuccour be : According to thy mercy, Lord, fave and deliver me. ' 27 And they fhall know thereby that Lord is thy mighty hand : (this, And that thou haft done it, O Lord, fo l"hall they underlfand. (thou 28 Altho they curfe with fpite, yet fhalt blefiwith loving voice : They fhall arife and come to fname, thy fervant fhall rejoice. (fhame 29 Let them be cloathed all with that enemies are to me « And with confufion as a" cloak eke covered let them be. But greatly I will with my mouth give thanks unto the Lord : And I among the multitude his praifes will record. 30 For he with help at his right hand will Hand the poor man by : To fave him from the men that would condemn his foul to dye. .rum us I CantusGr Baffin. Pfalm no. LondonTunc. He Lord did fay unto my Lord, fit thou on my right hand : IllilliiiiiiiSlliiii^Ii Till I have made thy foes a flool, whereon thy feet fhall fland. Pfalm no. Medim. A. 3 . Voc. liliiiillllpiilii^lil^ii T^Hq Lord did fay unto my Lord, lit thou on my right hand: Till I have made thv foes a ftool, whereon thy feet (hall Hand. The Pfalm CXI. 207 Pfalmiio. Baffits. A^Vot. S^iiililiiilisaiiilliiii TfHe Lord did fay unto my lord, fit thou on my right hand: ii^iiill^SllIiiSiiiiillii Till I have made thy foes a ltool, whereon thy feet fhall ftand. 2 The Lord fhall out of Sion fend the Scepter of his might : Amid thy mortal foes be thou the ruler in their fight. And in the day on which thy reign and power they fhall fee : 3Then hereby freewill offerings fhall j thy people offer thee : Yea, with an holy worshipping then fhall they offer all : Thy births dew is the dew that doth from womb of morning fall. 4 The Lord hath fworn & never will repent what he doth fay : By the order of Melchifedecli thou art a Prief* for aye. 5 The Ld thy God on thy right hand, that ftandeth for thy fiay : Shall wound for thee the fiatelyKings upon his wrathful day. 6 The heathen he fhall judge and fill the place with bodies dead : And over divers countries fhall in funder finite the head. 7 And he fhall drink out of the brook that runneth in the way : Therefore he ihall lift up on high his royal head that day. Camm & Baffin. Tfalm 1 1 1 . Or to 1 20 Tfalm Tune. WmmmmwmMWMWBM Ith heart I do accord, to praife and laud the Lord, Iliiliillllliiiiiliillillll In pre— fence of the jult: For great his works are found, To fearch them fuch are bound, as him do love and trull. ~YVitli io8 Pfalm CXI. T faint 1 1 1 4 - Me dim. A. 3. Voc. ^Jv Ith heart I do ac — cord , to praife and laud the Lord : In pre— fence of the juit : For great his works are found, Tofearchthemfuch are bound, as him do love and truft. Pfalm 1 1 T ; Baffin. A. 3. Voc. l^^liijillliiiEiiliiiilil^ W Ith heart I do ac—cord, to praife and laud the Lord: ^l^illiiiiilSipiliiai^il In pre — fence of the juft: For great his works are found, Tofearchthemfuch are bound, as him do love and trult. 3 His works are glorious, Alfohis righteoufnefs it doth endure for ever. 4 His wondrous works he would "We Mill remember fhould, his mercy faileth never. *y Such as to him love bear, A portion full fair he hath up for them laid : For this they fhall well find, He will them have in mind, and keep them as Ik faid. 6 For he did not difdain, His works to fhew them plain, by lightning and by thunders : When he the heathens land, Did give into their hand, where they beheld his wonders. 7 Of all his works enfueth, Both judgment, right and truth, whereto his itatutes tend \ 8 They are decreed fure, For ever to endure, which equity doth end. Redemption he gave His people for to fave : 9 And hath alfo required, His promife not to fail, BUt always to prevail : his holy Name be feared. I© Whofo with heart full fain True wifdom would obtain, the Lord fear and obey : Such as his laws do keep, Shall knowledge have full deep : bis pra i fe fhall laft for aye Pfalm Pfalm CXI. 2op 'Cant tu & Baffki. A Second Metre. St, David's Tune. m-^r J{aife ye the lord, with my whole heart I will Gods praift declare : Where the AJfemblies of the $u/i , and Con~gre—ga-tions aye. Pfalm in. Medim. A. 3 . Voc. "P^ifeye the Lord, with my whole hem J will Gods praife declare: Where the AJfemblies of the fujl , and Congregations are. Tfalm 1 r i . Baffin. A, 3 . Foe, P *%aife ye the Lord ', with my whole heart J will Gods praife declare: Where the AJfemblies of the Jujt , and Congregations are. 2 The whole wcrkj of the Lord our God are great above all meafure : Sought out they are of every one, that do therein take pledfure. 3 Hi* works are all mcfi powerful, moji glorious and pure : And his untainted rigbtepufnefs for ever doth endure. 4 His great and mighty workj, he hath made to bethought upon : the Lor d is gracious; and he it full of companion. 5 Hegiveth meat unto antbofe that truly do him fear : And evermore his Covenant he in bis mind doth bear. 6 He did the power of his worlds unto hh people Jhow : When he the heathen heritage upon them did beflow. 7 His handy -workj are truth and right, all his commands are fun ; 8 And done in truth and uprightr.efs, they evermore endure. Ee 9 H* tio Pfalm CXII. 9 Hefentredeynpthntohisfol^, his covenant for aye He did command, holy his Name, and reverend is alroay. I o Wifdoms beginning is gods fear, good under/hnding [hey Have all, that his commands fulfil ; his frai[e endures for aye. Cantm & Baffin. Pfalm 112. 1 Proper Tune. He man is bleft that Gidoth fear,&that his law doth lov indeed His feed on earth God will uprear, and blefs fuch as from him proceed : *:£:=? Hishoufe with good he will fulfill, his righteoufnefs endure fhall ilill. ^iHlii^Iiiililiilipii XT Pfalm 11 2. Me dins. A.^.Voc* 'X'He man is bleft that God doth fear, and that his law doth love indeed : iillllllliilitiii^iiEiil^iiill His feedon-earth God will uprear, and blefs fuch as from him proceed. His houfe with good he will fulfill, his righteoufnefs endure (hall i till. Pfalm 112. Baffin. A. 3. Voc. piilli!iIpIpii§iPiiiiliE4iigII X i le man is bleft that God doth fear,.and that his law doth love indeed ; His Pfalm CXIII. an liiiiiiiliMiili His feed on earth God will uprear, and blefs fuch as from him proceed. iiiiiiliiliiilip^Siiililll His houfe with good he will fulfill, his nghteoufnefs endure {hall Hill. 4 Unto the righteous doth arife, in trouble ]oy, in darknefs light : Companion is in his eyes, and mercy always in his fight. 5 Yea pity raoveth fuch to lend, H« doth by judgment things expend. 6 And furely fuch fhall never fail, for in remembrance had is he : 7 No tidings ill fhall make him quail, who in the Lord fure hope doth fee. 8 His heart is firm, his fear is pair, For he fhall fee his foes down cafr. g He did well for the poor provide, • his righteoufhefs fhall 11 i 11 remain: And his eftate with praife abide, tho that the w icked man difdain. 10 Yea, gnafh bis teeth thereat fhall And fo confume his ffate to fee. (he CantusQr Baffin. Tfdm 113. Proper Tune. ^U E children web do ferve the Ld,praifye his name w4 one accord: ■I iiiliiiliilililillliilllll Yea, blefied be always his Name, who from the rifing of the Sun, gliaiiiiiiisiiili!liilliiil Till it return where it begun , is to be praifed with great fame. liiiiiilii^lliiiiiliilil The Lord all people doth furmount, as for his glory we may count, £e 2 Above til pfaimcxrn: Above the heavens high to be : With Go J the Ld who may compare, Whofe dwellings in the heavens are ? of fuch great pow'r & force is he. Tfalm 113. Me dim. A. 3 . Voc. SPiililiisiiiliiliiilliPipl Ye children wch do ferve the Lord, praife yea his Name wt£ one accord : Yea, blefled be always his Name, who from the rifingof the Sun, TiLl it return where it begun, is to be praifed with great fame. The Lord all people doth furmount, as for his glory we may count, Above the heavens high to be : With God the Ld who may compare, illilliiillillgllilliaiilll Whofe dwelling? in the heavens are ? of fuch great pow'r & force is he. Tfalm 113. Raffia. A. 3 . Voc. Ye children which do ferve the Lord,praife ye his Name vnb one accord ; Yea, blefled be always his Name, who from the rifing of the Sun, Till Pfalm CXIV. 213 iiiiiillllliipiillilliillll Till it return where it begun , is to be praifed with great fame. The Lord all people doth furmount, as for his glory we may count, 5 TLiX i JJU Ufe E 2fegrffiW l Above the heavens high to be : W ith God the Ld who may compare, Whofe dwellings^ the heavens are ? of fuch great pow'r & force is he. 6 He doth abafe himfelf we know, Things to behold, both here below, and alfo in the heaven above : 7 The needy out of dult to draw, And eke the'poor web help none faw, his only mercy did him move. 8 And fo him fet on high degree, With Princes of great dignity, that rule his people with great fame. 9 The barren he doth make to bear. And with great joy her fruit to rear, therefore praife ye his holy Name. Cantvu&'Baffus. Pfalm 114. WorcefterTune. WlwmmWMmmmmmm Henlfrael by Gods addrefs from Pharaohs land was bent: ipiiiipillliiiiiliiiiilil And Jacobs houfe the Grangers left, and in the fame train went. Pfalm 114. Me dim, A. 3. Voc. liSiiiiliSiiiiljI^iiiillliililiiiliiiiliil-l WHen If-ra-el by Gods addrefs from Pharaohs land was bent: And Jacobs houfe the Grangers left, and in the fame train went. When 314 * Pfalm CXV. Tfalm 114. Baffm. &%.¥& ^Hen If-ra-el by Gods addrefs, from Pharaohs land was bent : And Jacobs houfe the Grangers left, and in the fame train went. 2 In Juda God his glory fhew'd, his holinefs molt bright : So did the Ifraelites declare his kingdom, power, and might. 3 The fea it faw, and fuddenly as all amaz'd did fly: The roaring rtreams of Jordans flood recoiled backward ly. 4 As rams afraid the mountains skipt their itrength did them forfake : And as the filly trembling lambs, their tops did feeat and fhake. 5 What aiPd thee, Sea, all amaz'd fo fuddenly to fly? Ye rolling waves of Jordans flood why ran ye backwardly? 6 Why (hook ye hills as rams afraid 1 why did your hrength fo ftiake ? Why did your tops as trembling lams for fear quiver and quake ? 7 O earth confefs thy fovereign Lord and dread his mighty hand : Before the face of Jacobs God, fear yea both fea and land . (rocks 8 I mean the God which from hard dothcaufe main floods appear : And from the ftony flint doth caufc gufh out the fountains clear,' GtntHS & Baffus. N: Pfalm 1 T 5. Weftminfter Tune. Ot unto us, Lord, not to us, but to thy Name give praife : Both for thy mercy and thy truth , that are in thee always. Not Pfidm CXV. 215 Pfiflm 1 1 y . Medins. A. 3 . Voc. IP^iiiiiilliiPiliiiifiBiiriSi J»46t unto us , Lord , not to us , but to thy Name give praife : IP^igliiiiiillPSiiiHliiirilli Both for thy mercy and thy truth , that are in thee always. Tfalm 115. Baffui. A. 3 . Voc. Not unto us, Lord, not to us, but to thy Name "give praife : Both for thy mercy and thy truth , that are in thee always. 2 Why fhall the heathen fcorners fay where is their God become ? 3 Our God in heaven is, and what he will, that hath he done. 4 Their Idols diver are and gold, works of mens hands they be : 5 They have a mouth & do not fpeak and eyes and do not fee. (heads 6 And they have ears join'd to their I and do not hear at all: And nofes eke they formed have, and do not fmell withall. 7 And hands they have & handle not, and feet and do not go : A throat they hav,yet throu the fame they make no found to blow. 8 Thofe that make them are like to & thofe whofe truit they be : (them 9 O Ifrael truft in the Lord, their help and ihield is he. 10 O Aarons houfe trull in the Lord, their help and ihield is he : 11 Truft ye the Li that fear the Id, their help and fhield is he. 1 2 The Lord hath mindful been of us, and will us blefs alfo : On Ifrael and on Aarons houfe, his bleffmg he will fhow. 13 Them that be fearers of the Lord the Lord will blefs them all : Even he will blefs them every one, the great and eke the fmall. 14 To you, 1 fay, the living Lord will multiply his grace . To you and to the children that fhall follow of your race. I <5 Ye are the blelfed of the Lord, even of the Lord, I fay : Which both the heaven & the earth hath made, and fet in Hay. 1 6 The heavens, yea the heavens hie, belong unto the Lord : The earth unto the fons of men, he save of free accord. 216 Pfilm CXVI. i7They that be dead do not wth praif fet forth the Lords renown : Nor any that into the place of filence do go down. 18 But we will praif the Li our God, from henceforth and for aye : Sound ye the praifes of the Lord, praifeye the Lord, I fay. Cantm & Baffm. Pfalm 1 1 6. Or to Windfor Tune. Love the Lord, becaufe my voice and prayer heard hath he : mmMmmwm£mmmm mmmm ~S=5=3=H3 When in my days I call'donnim, he bow'd his ear to me. . eiiiiiilliiillllilllliiililli Even when the fnares of cruel death about be — fet me round: When pains of hell me caught, & when I wo and forrow found. Pfalm 1 1 6. Me dim. A. 3. Voc. I Love the Lord, becaufe my voice and prayer heard hath he: When in my days I call'd oa him , he bow'd his ear to me. IlliliiiliiiliilllSilppi E\'tn when the fnares of cruel death about be— fet me round : When PfalmCXVL 217 When pains of hell me caught, and when Two and forrow found* Tfalm 1 1 6. Baflks. A. 3 . Voc. iililliiiiliiiiiiilliiiliiliPIl I Love the Lord , bccaufe my voice and prayer heard hath he: When in my days I call'donhim, he bovv'd his ear to me. Even when the fnares of cruel death about be-— fet me round: When pains of hell me caught, & when I wo and forrow found. 4 Upon the Name of God my Lord, then did I call and fay: Deliver thou my foul, O Lord, I do thee humbly pray. 5 The Lord is very merciful, andjuilheisalfo: And in our God companion doth plentifully flow. 6 The Lord in fafety doth preferve all thofe that ftmple be : I was in woful mifery, and he delivered me. 7 And now my foul, fith thou art fafe ; return unto thy reft : Tor largely, lo, the Lord to thee, his bounty hath exprelt. 8 Becaufe thou halt delivered . my foul from deadly thrall : Mymoiit'nedeyes from mournful siy Hiding feet from fall, (tears; 9 Before the Lord I in the land of life will walk therefore: 10 I did believe, therefore I fpake, for I was troubled fore. The fecend pan. Ill faid in my diftrefs and fear, that all men lyars be : 1 2 What fhall I pay the Lord for all his benefits to me? 13 The wholfom cup of faving health I thankfully will take : And on the Lords Name I will call when I my prayers make. 14 I to the Lord will pay the vows that I to him benight: Yea, even at this prefent time, in all his peoples fight. (fight 15 Right dear and precious in his the Lord doth aye elleem, The death of all his holy ones, what ever men do deem. Ff l6Th 218 Pfalm CXVII. 1 6 Thy fertant, Lord, thy fervant lo Idomyfelf confefs: Son of thy handmaid, thou haft broke the bonds of my diftrefs. 1 7 And I will offer up to thee, afacrificeof praife: And I will call upon the Name of God the Lord always. 18 I to the Lord will pay the vows, that I have him behight : Yea, even at this prefent time, in all his peoples fight. 1 9 Yea in the courts of Gods own and in the midft of thee (houfe, O thou Jerufalem, I fay, wherefore the Lord praife ye. Cantm&Baffm, Pfalm 117. Cambridge Tune, All ye Nations of the world, praife ye the Lord always : And all ye people every where fet forth his noble praife. Pfalm 117. Med\ ins. A.^.Voc. IS: :==l=8=: 5^iippi|iEpp|E?EE|EEpEp|I|j O All ye Nations of the world, praife ye the Lord always : Il^iilliPliHiiSii^Piiiil^ And all ye people every where fet forth his noble praife. Pfalm it 7. Bajfus. A. 3. Voc. pl^il;f;E gg| ij ;i! §gpp p gg=gg i j;gigEg O All ye Nations of the world, praife ye the Lord always : And all ye people every where fet forth his noble praife. 2 For great hwkindnefe is ftwV, truth endure* for aye: Wherefore praife ye the Id our Goo praife ye the Lord I fay. Pfalm iriaiui v^^v v in. *iy Cantui & Baffin. PfalmuS. Martyrs Tune. OlililiHiiipIilillilll Give ye thanks unto the Lord, for gracious is he: lpiililiilli!;illi!iili Becaufe his mercy doth endure for ever towards thee. IplililiiililiiiliilSHiill Pfalm 1 1 8. Meditu. A. 3 . Voc. IlilliaillillllilPiiiiiiiiil O Give ye thanks unto the Lord, for gra— -ci— -ous is he: lEliiPiiiiiiiiiliiliiiippili Becaufe his mercy doth endure for ever towards thee. Tfalm 1 1 8. Baffin. J. 3 . Voc. \J Give ye thanks unto the Lord, for gra— ci— ous is he: Becaufe his mercy doth endure for ever towards thee. 2 Let Ifraelconfefs, and fay, his mercy dures for ave : 3 Now let the houfe of Aaron fay, his mercy dures for aye. 4 Let them that fear the Ld our God; even now confefs and fay : The mercy of the Lord our God endureth ft ill for aye. 5 In trouble and in heavinefs untotheLordlcry'd; Which lovingly heard me at large, my fuit was not deny'd. 6 The Lord himfelf is on my fide, I will not ftand in doubt : Nor fear what man can do to me,. whenGo.l (lands me about. 7 The Lord doth take my part with. that help to fuccour me : (them I Therefore I iliall fee my deflre } upon mine enemy. Ef 2 g Better 220 riaim ^aviii. 8 Better It is to truft in God than in mans mortal feed : 9 Or to put confidence in Kings, or Princes in our need. 10 All Nations have inclofed me, and compafled me round : But in the. Name of God fliall I mine enemies confound. 1 1 They kept me in on every fide, they kept me in I fay : But throu the Lds rnof t mighty name I fhall work theh - decay. 1 2 They came about me all like Bees, but yet in the Lords Name, I quencht their thorns that were on and will deftroy the fame. (lire The fecond part. 1 3 Thou haft with force thruft fore at 1 that I indeed might fall : (me But through the Lord I find fuch help that they were vanquiflit all. $4The Lord is my defence & ftrength my joy, my mirth, and fong : He is become to me indeed a Saviour molt ftrong. 1 "> The right hand of the Li our God doth bring to pafs great things : He caufeth voice of joy and health in righteous mens dwellings. 1 6 The right hand of the Lord doth moll mighty things to pafs : (bring, His hand hath the preheminence, his force is as it was. 17 I will not dye but ever live, to utter and declare, (pow'r The Lord his might and wondrous his works and what they are. 18 The Lord himfelf hathchaftened and hath corrected me : But hath not given* me over yet to death, as you may fee. 1 9 Set open unto me the gates of truth and righteoufnefs.: That I may enter into them, the Lords praife to confefs. 20 This is the gate even of the Lord, which (hall not be fo iriut : But good and righteous men alway fhall enter into it. The third part. 21 1 will give thanks to thee O Lord, becaufe thou halt heard me : And art become molt lovingly a Saviour unto me. 22The ftone web ere this time among the builders was refufed : Is now become the corner ftone, and chiefly to be ufed, 23 This was the mighty work of God ' this was the Lords own fact : And it is marvellous to behold with eyes that noble act. 24 This the joyful day indeed which God himfelf hath wrought : Let us be glad and joy therein,, in heart, in mind, and thought. 25 Now help us Lord and profper us, we wilh with one accord : 26 BlefTed be he that comes to us in the Name of the L ord. 27 God is the Lord that fheweth us bind ye therefore with cord (light Your facrifice to the Altar, and give thanks to the Lord. 28 Thou art my God I will confefs, and render thanks to thee : Thou art my God, and I will praife thy mercy towards me. 29 6 give ye thanks unto the Lord, for gracious is he: Becaufe his mercy doth endure for ever towards thee. TfaJm FfalmCXIX. 221 Cantos & Baffin. Tfalm 119. Proper Time. Biiiiiiliililliliiiilipil Leffed are they that perfeft are, and pure in mind & heart : ipiiiiiiliillilliiiiil Whofe lives and con-ver-fa-ti-ons from Gods laws never Hart. Blefled are they that give themfelves his fratutes to obferve: ipiiililii!|iilii|iSlilIiipii Seeking the Lord with all their heart, and never from him fwerve. JPfalrn 119. Me dim. A. ^.Vac, BLeffed are they that perfect are , and pure in mind and-heart : iEliillijllliilllil'llllliilEi^lEi Whofe lives and con--ver--fa--ti--ons from Gods laws never ftart. Blefled are they that give themfelves his ftatutes to obferve: Seeking the Lord with all their heart, and sever from him fwerve. Blefled 222 riaim v^aia. Tfalm t 1 9 , -Ri/Jw. ^. 3 . jp^f , DLefled are they that perfeft are, and pure in mind and heart : Whofe lives and con--ver--fa--ti-ons from Gods laws never dart. BlefTed are they that give themfelves his ftatutes to obferve : Seeking the Lord with all their heart, and never from him fwerve*. 3 Doubtlefs fuch men go not aftray, nor do no wicked thing : Which ftedfaftly walk in his way, without any wandring. 4 It is thy will and commandment, that with attentive heed : Thy noble and divine precepts we learn and keep .indeed. 5 O would to God It might thee pleaf my ways Co to addrefs BETH, The fecond pan. 9 By what means may a young man h i s 1 i fe lea rn to amend ? (belt If that he mark and keep thy word, and therein his time fpend. 10 Unfeignedly I have thee fought^ and thus feeking abide : Oh never furTer me, O Lord, from thy precepts to Hide. 1 1 Within my hart & fecret thoughts might both in heart and voice thy words I have hid itijl : I That I might not at any time offend thy godly will. thy laws keep and confefs. 6 So ihould no. ihame my life attaint, whillt I thus let mine eyes : And bend my mind always to mufe on thy facred decrees. 7 Then will I praif with upright hart i and magnifie thy Name : When I Oial learn thy judgments juft and likewife prove the izm?. £ An^i wholly will I give my felf to keep thy laws mod right : For fake me not for ever Lord, b\it (hew thy grace and might. 1 2 We magnifie thy Name, O Lord, and praife thee evermore : Thylbtutesof mo ft worthy fame, O Lord, teach me therefore. 13 My lips have never ceaft to preach and pnbliJh day and night, The judgments all which did proceed from thv mouth full of might. 14 Thyteitimonies and thy ways, pleafe me no lefs indeed , Than all thetreafures of the earth, which worldlings make their meed. 15 Of Pfalm CXIX. 15 Of thy precepts I will ftillmufe and thereto frame my talk : As at a mark fo will I aim, thy ways how I may walk. 16 My only joy fhall be fo fixt, and on thy laws fo fet : That nothing can me fo far blind, that I thy words forget. C1MEL. The third pan. 17 Grant to thy fervant now fuch as may my life prolong : (grace Thy holy word then will I keep both in my heart and tongue. 1 8 Mine eyes v/cb were dim &ihut up fo open and make bright: That of thy law & marvellous works I may have the clear fight. 19 I am a ftranger in this earth, wandring now here, now there : Thy word therefore to me difclofe, my footfteps for to clear. 20 My foul is raviflit with defire, and never is at reft : But feeks to know thy judgments hie, and what may pleafe thee heft. 21 The proud men and malicious, thou haft deftroy'd each one : And curfed are filch as do not thy hefts attend upon. 22 Id turn from me rebuke & lliame which wicked men confpire : For I have kept thy covenants with zeal as hot as fire. 23 The Princes great in connfel fate, and did againft me fpeak : But then thy fervant thought how he thy ftatutes might not break. 24 For why thy covenants are my joy and my hearts great folace : They ferve in ftead of counfeHors, my matters for to paft. 223 DAL ETH. Th fourth part. 2^ I am alafs as brought to grave, and almoft turn'd to duft : Reftore therefore my life again, as thy promife is juft. 26 My ways when I acknowledged, with mercy thou didft hear : Hear now eft-foons and me inftruct thy laws to love and fear. (know 27 Teach me once throughly for to thy precepts and the lore : Thy works then will I meditate, and lay them u p in ftore. 28 My foul I feel fo fore oppreft, that it melteth for grief: According to thy word therefore, halle Lord to fend relief. 29 From lying and deceitful lips, let thy grace me defend : And that I may Irarn thee to love,. thy holy law me fend. (fure 30 The way of truth both ftraight & I have chofen and found : I fet thy judgments me before, which keep me fafe and found. 3 1 Since then O Lord I forc'd my fdf thy covenants to embrace : Let me therefore rebuke, nor check in any cafe. 32 Then will I run with joyful chear, where thy word doth me call, When thou haft fet my heart at large and rid me out of thrall. HE. The fifth part. 33 Inftruct meLord in the right Lra. J .e of thy ftatutes divine : And it to keep even to the end, my heart will I incline. 34 Grant me the knowledge of thy and I {ball it obey : ( law With heart & mind & all irr might, I will it keep I lay. ;0 ** 224 3$ In the right paths of thy precepts guide me, Lord, I require : None other pleafure do I wii"h, nor greater thing defire. 36 Incline my heart thy laws to keep, and covenants to embrace : And from all filthy avarice, Lord ihield me with thy grace. 37 From vain defires & worldly lufts turn back mine eyes and fight : Give me the fpirit of life and power to walk thy ways aright. 38 Confirm thy gracious promife Ld } which thou halt made to me : Which am thy fervant, and do love and fear nothing but thee. 3 9 Reproach and fhairie wd& I fo fear from me, O Lord, expell : For thou dolt judge with equity, and therein dolt excell. 40 Behold my hearts defire is bent, thy laws to keep for aye : Lord flrengthen me fo with thy grace that it perform I may. VAV. Thefxth pxrt. 41 Thy mercies great and manifold let ms obtain, O Lord : Thy faving health let me enjoy, " according to thy word. 42 So fhal I ftop the flandrous mouths of lewd men and unjult : For in thy faithful promifes itands my comfort and tru't. (mouth 43 The word of truth within my let ever itill be preit: For in thy judgments wonderful my hope doth Hand and relt. 44 And whilft that breath within my doth natural life preferve : (breft Yea, till the world 'hall be difTofv'd thy law will I obferve, Plalm CXIX. 45 So walk will I as fet at large, and made free from all dread: Becaufe I fought how for to keep thy precepts and thy read. 46 Thy noble adts will I defcribe, as things of molt great fame. Even before Kings I will them blaze, and fhrink no whit for fhame. 47 I will rejoice then to obey thy worthy hefts and will : Which evermore I have lov*d beff, and fo will love them itill. 48 My hands I will lift to thy laws which I have dearly fought : And practice thy comma ndements, in will, in deed, in thought. ZA1N. The feventh fart. 49 Thy promif xvch thou mad'ft to m© thy fervant Lord remember : ' For therein do I put my truft and confidence for ever. 50 It is my comfort and my joy, when troubles meaflfail : For were my life not by thy word, my life would foon me fail. 5 1 The proud & fuch as God contemn itill made of me a fcorn : Yet would I not thy law forfake, as he that were forlorn, (works 52 But call'd to mind,Lord, thy great fhew'd to our fathers old : Whereby I felt my joy furmount my grief an hundred fold. <53 But yet alas for fear I quake, feeing how wicked men Thy law forfook, and did procure thy judgments, who knows when ? 54 And as for me, I fram'd my fongs thy Itatutes to exalt, When I among the ftrangers dwelt, and thoughts 'gan me afiault. Pialm CXIX. 225 5$ I thought upon thy Name, 6 Lord, by night, when others fleep : As for thy law alio I kept, and ever will it keep. 56 This grace I did obtain, beeaufe thy covenants fweet and dear I did embrace, and alfo keep with reverence and with fear. HI TH, The eighth part, 37 O God which art my part and lot, my comfort and my itay : I have decreed and promifed thy law to keep alway. 58 Mine earneft heart did humbly fue in prefence of thy face : As thou therefore haft promifed, Lord, grant me of thy grace. 59 My life 1 have examined, and try'd my fecret heart : Which to thy ifatutes caufed me my feet ftraight to convert. 60 1 did not ftty nor linger long, as thev that flothful are : Buthaflilythy laws to keep I did my-felf prepare* 61 The cruel hands of wicked men, have made of me their prey: Yet would I not thy law forget, nor from thee go aitray. (me 62 Thy righteous judgments towards fo great are and fo high : • That even at midnight will I rife thy Name to magnifie. 63 Companion am I to all them which fear thee in their heart : And never will for love nor dread from thy commandments Hart. 64 Thy mercies \A moil plenteoufly ; do all the world fulfill : O teach me how I may obey thy fUtutes and thy Will TETH* The ninth p art, 65 According to thy promife, Lord, fo halt thou with me dealt : For of thy grace in fundry forts, have I thy fervant felt. 66 Teach me to judge always aright, and give me knowledge fure : For certainly believe I do, that thy precepts arc pure. 67 Ere thou didft touch me with thy Ierr'd and went aitray: (rod, But now I keep thy holy word, and make it all my flay. 68 Thou art both good and gracious, and giveil molt liberally . Thine ordinances how to keep, therefore Q Lord teach me. (forg'd 69 The proud and wicked men have againitmemanyalie: Yet thy commandments Itillobferve with all my heart will I. (wealth 7oTheir hearts are fwoln wtb worldy as greafe fo are they fat : But in thy law do I delight, and nothing feek but that. 71 O happy time may I well fay, when thou diditme correct : For as a guide to learn thy laws, thy rod did me direct. ' 7?. So that to me thy word and law is dearer manifold, than thoufands great of filver & gold or ought that cart be told. JOD. The tenth part. 73 Seeing thy hands have made fne, to be thy creature : ( Lord, Grant knowledge iikewife how to to put thy laws in ure. (learn 74 So they that fear thee ihall rejoice whenever they me fee : Beeaufe I have learn'd by thy word to put rnv trull in thee. Q g 75 When zi6 Plalm CXIX. 75 When with thy rod the world is I know the caufe is juf t : ( plagu'd So when thou dolt cor reft me, Lord, the caufe juft needs be mult. 76 Now of thy goodnefs I thee pray fome comfort to me fend : As thou to me thy fervant haft, fo from all ill me fhend. 77 Thy tender mercies pour on me, andlfhallfurelylive: For joy and confolation both, thy law to me doth give (pretence 78 Confound the proud, whofefalfe is me for to deftroy : But as for me, thy hells to know, Iwillmyfelf imploy. (fear 79 Who fo with reverence do thee to me let them retire : And fuch as do thy covenants know, and them alone defire. 80 My heart without all wavering, let on thy laws be bent : That no confufion come to me, whereby I fhoulri be fhent. CAPH. The eleventh pdrt. 81 My foul doth faint,and ceafeth not thy faving health to crave : And for thy words fake ftill I trult, my hearts defire to have. 82 Mine eyes do fail with looking for thy word, and thus I fay : Oh when wilt thou me comfort,Lord why doft thou thus delay ? 83 As a skin-bottle in the fmoke, fo am I parch'd and dry'd : Yet will I not out of my heart let thy commandments Hide. 84 Alas how long fliall I yet live, before I fee the hour, That on my foes, which me torment, thy vengeance thou wilt pour ? 85 Prefumptuous men have digged thinking to make me fure: (pits Thus contrary againlt thy Law my hurt they do procure. 86 But thy commandments are all and cauflefs they me grieve : (true To thee therefore I do complain, that thou mightft me relieve. 87AImoft they had me clean deftroy d and brought me quite to ground': Yet by thy itatutes I abode, and therein fuccour found. 88 Reftore me, Lord, again to life, for thy mercies excell : And fo (hall I thy covenants keep, till death my life expell. LAMED. The twelfth part. 89 In heaven Id wher thou doft dwel thy word is f tablifht fure : And ihall for all eternity faft graven there endure. 90 From age to age thy truth abides, as doth the earth witnefs : . Wh°fe ground-work thou haft laid fo as no tongue can exprefs. (fure 91 Even to this day we may well fee, how all things perfevere, According to thine ordinance, for all things thee revere. 92 Had it not been that in thy Law my foul had comfort fought : Long time ere now in my diftrefs, 1 had been brought to nought. 93 Therefore will I thy precepts aye in memory keep faft : By them thou haft my life reftor'd when I was at laft caft. 94 No wight to me can title make, fori am only thine: Save me therefore, for to thy laws mine ears and heart incline. # The jfiaim \~aia. 217 9$ The wicked men do feek my bane and thereto lie in wait : But I the while conlidered thy noble works and great. 96 I fee nothing in this wide world, at length which hath not end: But thy commandments & thy word beyond all end extend. MEM. The thirteenth part. 97 What great defire & fervent love do I bear to thy law ! All the day long my whole device, is only on thy law. (pafs 98 Thy word hath taught me far to my foes in policy : For 1H11 1 hold it as a thing of moll excellency. gg My teachers which did me inftrucl in knowledge I excell : Becaufe I do thy covenants keep, and them to others tell. 100 In wifdom I do pafs alfo the ancient men indeed : And all becaufe to keep thy laws I held it aye belt reed. 1 01 My feet I have refrained eke from every evil way : Becaufe that I continually thy word might keep I fay. 1 02 1 have not fwervd from thy judg- nor yet (hrunk any dell : (ment For why thou haft me taught thereby to live godly and well. 1 03 O Lord,how fweet unto my taite find I thy words alway : Doubtlefs no hony in my mouth feel ought fo fweet I may. 1 04 Thy Laws have me fuch wifdom that utterly I hate (learn'd, All wicked and ungodly ways, in every kind or rate. NVN, The fourteenth part. 1 o^ Even as a lanthorn to my feet, fo doth thy word Ihine bright : And to my paths where ever I go, it is a flaming light. 106 I hav both fworn & will perform molt certainly doubtlefs, That I will keep thy judgments juft, and them in life exprefs. 1 07 Affliction hath me fore oppreft, and brought me to deaths door : O Lord, as thou halt promifed, fo me to life reltore. (voice 108 The offerings wch with heart & molt frankly I thee give, Accept, and teach me how I may after thy judgments live. 1 09 My foul is aye fo in my hand, that dangers me aflail : Yet do I not thy law forget, nor it to keep will fail. Mo Altho the wicked laid their nets to catch me at a bay : Yet did I not from thy precepts, once fwerve or go altray. 1 1 1 Thy law I have fo claim'd alway, as mine own heritage : And why ? for therein I delight, and fet my whoje courage. 1 1 2 For evermore I have been bent thy ftatutes to fulfill: Even fo likewife unto the end I will continue Itill. SAMECH. The fifteenth part, 113 The crafty thoughts and double I do always deteft : (hearts But as for thy law and precepts, I love them ever belt. 1 1 4 Thou art my hid and fecret place my fhield of ftrong defence : Therefore have I thy promifes lookt for with patience. Cg 2 115 Go 32S Pialm CXIX. 1 15 Go to therefore ye wicked men, depart from me anon : For the commandments will I keep of God my Lord a lone. 1 1 6 As thou haft promis'd fo perform that death me not afTail : Nor let my hope abufe me fo, that through diftruft I quail. 117 Uphold me, and I (hall be fafe for ought they do or fay : And in thy ftatutes pleafure take will I both night and day. (feet 118 Thou haft trod fuch under thy as do thy ftatutes break : For nought avails their fubtilty, their counfe! is but weak. (out I 19 Like drofs thou cafts the wicked where ever they go or dwell : Therefore can I as thy ftatutes love nothing half fo well. 1 20 My flefh alas is ftruck with fear, as though it were benumb'd : For when I fee thy judgments , ftrait I am as one afton'd. AIN. The/txteemh part. 1 21 I do the thing that lawful is, and give to all men right : Refign me not to them that tvould opprefs me with their might. 122 But for thy fervant furety be, in that thing that is good : That proud men give me not the foil with rage as they were wood. (blind, 1 23 Mine eyes with waiting are now thy health fo much I crave : And eke thy righteous promife Lord, whereby thou wilt me fave. 1 24 Tntreat thy fervant lovingly, and favour to him (how : Thy ftatutes of moft excellency teach me alfo t» know. 125 Thy humble fervant Lord lam,, grant me to underftand : How by thy ftatutes I may know, belt what to take in hand. 1 26 It is now time Lord to begin, for truth is quite decaid : Thy law likewife they hav tranfgrcft and none againft themfaid. 1 27 This is the caufe wherfore I love thy laws better than gold : Or Jewels fine which are efteem'd moft coftly to be fold. (juft, 128 I thought thy precepts all moft and fo them laid in ftore : All crafty and malicious ways I do abhor therefore. V E . The feventeentb pan. 1 29 Thy covenants are moft wonder- and full of things profound : (ful My foul therfore doth keep them fure when they are try'd and found. 130 When men fir ft enter into thy they find a light moft clear : (word And very ideots underftand, when they it read or hear. (breath'd 1 3 r For joy I have both gap'd and to know thy commandment : That I might guide my life thereby, I fought what thing it ment. 132 With mercy and companion Ld, behold me fromabove : As thou art wont to behold fuch, as thy Name fear and love. 133 Direct my footfteps by thy wor J that I thy will fiiay know : And never let iniquity thy fervant overthrow. Charms i34Fromftandrous tongues &• del iy preferve and keep me fure : Thy precepts then will I obferve, and put them eke in ure. 131 Thy Plalm CXIX. 229 l3^Thy countenance which doth fur- the fun in his bright hue, (mount Letiriineon me, and by thy law teach me what to efchew. (out 1 3 60ut of mine eys great finds guftit of dreary tears and fell : When I behold how wicked men thy laws keep never a dell. ZADE. The eighteenth fart. 137 In every point lord thou art juft, the wicked though they grudge : And when thou dolt fentence pro- thou art a righteous judge, (nounce 138 To render right & fly from guile are two chief points mo ft high : And fuch as thou halt in thy law commanded us itraightly. (fum'd, 139 With zeal and wrath lam con- and even pin'd away 1 To fee my foes thy word forget for ought that I do may. 140 So pure and perfect is thy word as any heart can deem : And I thy fervant nothing more do love or yet efteem. 141 And though I be nothing fet by, as one of bafe degree : Yet do I not thy laws forget, nor fhrink away from thee. 142 Thy righteoufnefs Ld is moft juft for ever to endure : Alfo thy law is truth it felf, molt conltant and molt pure. (me 143 Trouble and grief have feiz'd on and brought me wondrous low : Yet do I ftill of thy precepts, delight to hear and know. 144 The righteoufnefs of thy judg- doth laft for evermore : (ments Then teach them me , for even in my life lies up in ltore. (them %OPff. The nineteenth part. 145 Wth fervent hart I call'd & cry'd now anfwer me, O Lord : That thy commandments to obferve I may fully accord. 146 To thee my God I make my fuit, with molt humble requeft : Save me therefore, and I will keep thy precepts and thy hefts. 147 To thee I cry even in the morn, before the day wax light : Becaufe that I have in thy word my confidence whole plight. 148 Mine eyes prevent the watch by and ere they call I wake : (night. That by deviling on thy word * * I might fome comfort take. (voice, 149 Incline thine ears to hear my and pity on me take : As thou waft wont fo judge me Lord, left life fhould me forfake. I <5 o My foes draw near, and do pro- my death malicioufly : (cure Which from thy law are far gon back and ftray'd from it lewdly. 1 5 1 Therfore O Lord approach thou for need doth fo require : (near For all thy precepts, true they are, then help I thee defire. (leam'd 152 But thy commandments have I not now but long ago : That they remain for evermore, thou haft them grounded fo. I{ESH. The twentieth pm> 1 53 My trouble and affliction confider and behold : Deliver me, for of thy law, I ever take fait hold. (canfe, I $4 Defend my good and righteous with fpeed fome fuccour fend : From death as thou halt promifed, Lord, keep me and defend. 155 As IT 141 Ul V^^Vl^Vt 1 65 Great peace and reft ffial all fach as do thy ftatutes love : (have No danger (hall their quiet ftate empair or once remove. l66My only health and comfort Lord I look for at thy hand : And therefore hav I done thof things which thou didit me command. 167 Thy laws have been my exercife which my foul molt defired : So much to them my love was bent, that nought elfe I required. 1 68 Thy itatutes & commandements I kept thou knowelt aright : I For all the things that I have done are prefent in thy fight. TA V. The two and twentieth part. t6g Lord let my complaint & cry before thy face appear : And as thou hair me promife made, fo teach me thee to fear. 170 Mine humble fupplication toward thee let find accefs : And grant me Lord deliverance, for fo is thy promife. (fpeak 171 Then fliall my lips thy praifes after moll ample fort : (taught When thou thy ftatutes haft me wherein ftands my comfort. 172 My toung fhall fing &, preach thy and in this wife fay fhall : (word Gods famous acts and noble laws, are juft and perfect all. 173 Stretch out thy hand, I thee be- ancl fpeedily me fave : (feech, For thy commandments to obferve, chofen, O Lord, I have. 164 Seven times a day I praif the Li 174 Of thee alone Id I crave health I $$ As for the wicked, far they are from having health and grace : "Whereby they might thy itatutes they enter not the trace. ( know 1 56 Great are thy mercies Ld I grant what tongue can them attain ? And as thou haft mejudg'dere now, fo let me life obtain. 157 Tho many men did trouble me, and perfecute me fore : Yet from thy laws I never fhrunk, nor went awry therefore. 158 And truth it is for grief I dye, when I thefe traitors fee : Becaufe they keep no whit thy word, nor yet feek to know thee. 159 Behold ! for I do love thy laws with heart moft glad and fain : As thou art good and gracious, Lord, reftore my life again. l6©What thy word doth decree muft and fo it hath been ever : (be Thy righteous judgments are alfo moft true, and decay never. SCHUST. The one and twentieth part. 16 [ Princes have fought by cruelty, caufelefs to make me crouch : But all in vain, for of thy word the fear did my heart touch. 162 And certainly even of thy word I was more merry and glad : Than he that of rich fpoils and prey great Itore and plenty had. 163 As for all lies and faliities I hate moft and deteft : For why ? thy holy law do I above all things love belt. finging with heart and voice Thy righteous acts and wonderful, fo caufe me to rejoice. for other I know none And in ihy law and nothing elfe I do delight alone. 17} Grant Pfalm CXX. 231 175 Grant me therefore long days to thy Name to magnifie : (live And of thy judgments merciful, let me the favour try. 1 76 For I was loft and went aftray, much like a wandring fheep : Oh feek me, for I have not fail'd, thy commandments to keep. Cantm & Baffm. Pfalm 120. Proper Tune. mmmmmmimmmmm 1 N trouble and in thrall , un — to the Lord I call , liilHIiiiiiliillilPi^ii And he doth me comfort : De — li — ver me I fay , ililiilliSEilliSIiiiliiiiiliili From Lyars lips alway , and tongues of falfe report. Pfalm 120. Mediw. A.$.Foc. ll^Iililiilliliiliiiiiiilili IN trouble and in thrall, un to the Lord I call, g=E5lg^=ji p f gE|ll JllE|EsI§lipEEl;gisS=g And he doth me comfort: De — li-— ver me I fay, From Lyars lips alway , and tongues of falfe report. Pfalm 120. Baffm. A.^J r oc. IN trouble and in thrall, uri to the Lord I call, And he doth me comfort : De— li— ver me I lav, Ani Pfalm CXXI. From Lyars lips ahvay, and tongues of falfe report. 3 What vantage or what thing, Getfft thou thus for to fling, Thou falfe and flattering lyar ? 4 Thy tongue doth hurt I ween, No lefs than arrows keen, Or hot confuming fire. 5 Alas too long I flack Within thefe tents fo black, Which Kedars are by name. By whom the flock eledt, And all of Ifaac's feet Areputtoopenftame. 6 With them that peace did hate, I came a peace to make , And fet a quiet life. 7 But when my tale w^is told, Caufelefs I was controll'd, By them that would have ftrife. Camhs & Baffns. Pfalm 121. Proper Tunei Lift mine eyes to Sion hill , from whence I do attend, ^iliiiiiiilBililiiil^ii^ That fuccour God me fend. The mighty God i»e fuccour will, iiliiiPliililieiiiiiiiiiiliSI Wch heaven and earth hath framed , and ev'rv thing therein named. Pfalm i 2 1 . Me dim. A, 3 . Voc* mummmmmmmmmM I Lift mine eyes to Si— on hill, from whence I do attend, That fuccour God me fend. The mighty God me fuccour will , Which Pfalm CXXI. 233 liliiiliHliilSl^illiEiliili YJck heaven & earth hath framed, and ev'ry thing therein named. Pfalm 121. Baffin. A.?,. Fee, liilliiiillllliiSiiPIii^Iiii I Lift mint eyes to Si— on hill, from whence I do attend, ^iiiiiliilllliiiilisllliliili That fuccour God me fend. The mighty God me fuccour will t liiiiiBiiililipiiigilllilli Web heaven and earth hath framed , and ev'ry thing therein named. . 3 Thy foot from flip he will prefcrve, And will thee fafely keep, For he will never deep. 4 Lo he that doth Ifrael conferve, No fleep at all can catch, But his eyes {hall ever watch. 5 The Lbrd is thy warrant alway, The Lord eke doth thee cover, As at thy right hand ever. 6 The Sun fhall not thee parch by day Nor the Moon not half fo bright ' Shall with cold thee hurt by night. 7 The Ld will keep theefrom dilrrefs And will thy life fare fa ve : And thou fhalt alfo have 8 Tn all thy bufinefs good fuccefs : Where ever thou goeft in or out God will thy things bring about. Cantm cjr Bdjfits. A Second Metre. 1 00 Tfal. Tune, Ui^liilllliSlliillliiiil V to the hills J lift mine eyes, from whence my help 13 comfort rife : My fafety from the Lord doth firing, roho made the world 15~ ev'ry thing. Hh Vf s 34 Pralm CXXII. Pfalmill'. Medim. A.%.yot, Up to the hills I lift mine eyes, from whence my help & comfort rife ; Myfafetyfrom the lord doth ping, vobo made the world & ev'ry thing. Tfaltn 121. Baffin. J. 3. Voc. W? to the bills I lift mine eyes y from whence my kelp & comfort rife: Myfafetyfrom the lord doth $ring, who made the world £5" ev'ry thing. 3 Thy foot from falling he protects, Uorflumbers he, nor thee neglects : 4 Behold, that lord who Jfrael keeps VnwemedUi and never fleeps. $ God it thy peeper, Ji^eajhade Which on thy right hand it diftlay'd : 6 The Sunby day thee fnaUnotfmite, Nor vapours of the Moon by night* 7 The lordJhaU thee prefervefrom barm. Thy foul again fi temptations arm : 8 Thy going out and coming in For evermore hit care hath been. To Father , Son , and Holy Ghofl , dU praije and glory be therefore 1 As in beginning was , it now , andjball be evermore* Amen* Cant m & Baffin. Tfalm ill. Proper Tune. I Did in heart re — joice, to hear the peoples voice, PJiiiiHiilllllPSiiiiillilifl In of— fe— ring fo wil — ling — ly : For let us up fay they , And gliIIiii§iiiiIlSiiiiIilIiiiiili^Ii And in the Lords houfe pray: Thus fpake the people lovingly. Our feet that wander wide fhall in thy gates abide, IlilliiiiiiillElililiiillll O thou Je-ru-fa-lem moll fair, which art fo fcemly fet, Much like a City neat , the like whereof is not elfrwhere. rfalm 122. Me dim. A, f,Vbc. Il^iiiiiiillllliillgiiiMiilfll I Did in heart re— joice, to hear the peoples voice, In of— fe— ring fo wil— ling— ly: For let us up fay they, iiii^liillipiliPI^IiPiPili And in the Lords houfe pray: Thus fpake the people lovingly. lliilliiiiiliSiiliiiPilliil Our feet that wandred wide fhall in thy gates abide, O thou Jerufalem. molt fair, which art fo fcemly fet, Hh 2 Much 2j But as for fuch as go afide by crooked Ways -web they out fought the Lord will ftfrely bring to nought: With workers vile they iball abide. But peace with Ifrael, For evermore fhail dwell. Cantns & Baffus. Another of the fame. Or to ico Pfalm "tune. TiliiiiiPilililiiliSliiiii Hofe that do put their confidence, upon the Ld our God only, i Ii Ana M* Pialm CXXV. itiillilil^liii^iilH And fly to him for their defence, in all their need and mifery Pfalm 125. Mcdius. A. 3. Foe. ^3=feiz«^Ef=L^^^^*=- r f Hofe- that do put their confidence, upon the Lord our God only, i^piijiiiipiSiSiiiiiiinEi And fly to him for their defence, in all their need and mifery : Pfalm J25. Baffin. A. 3. Voc. 1 Hofe that do put their confidence, upon the Lord our God onlv, And fly to him for their- defence, in all their need and mifery. Their faith is fure ftill to endure, Grounded on Chrift the corner itone: Mov'd with non? ill, but ftandeth itill, Stedfait like to the Mount Sion. And as about Jerufalera, The mighty hills do itcompafs, So that no enemies come to them, To hurt that Town in any cafe ; So God indeed in every need, His faithful people doth defend, Standing them by affuredly, (end. From this time forth world without Right wife and good is our Lord God And will not fnfter certain! y, The miners and ungodlies rod, To tarry.upon his family: Lelt they alio from God fbouldgo. Falling, to fin and wickednefs": [ling O Lord defend world without end Thy chriflian flock thro thy goodnes- O Lord do good to Chriflians ail, That ftedfait in thy word abide : Such as willingly from God fail, And to falfe doftrin: daily Hide, Such will the Lord fcatter abroad, With hypocrites thrown down to he! God will them fend pains wr/jout end: But Lord grant peace to Ifrael. Glory to God the father of might, And to the Son our Saviour, And to the Holy Ghoft, whofe light Shine in our hearts, and us fuccour : That the right way from day to day We may walk, and him gloriEe. With hearts defire, all that are here Worfhip the Lord, and fay, Amen. Pfalm wi'jy )* Tfalm 1 3 6. Baffa. A. 3 . For. PRaife ye the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures for ever. Givethanks unto the God of gods, for his mercy endures for ever. 3 Give thanks unto the Lord of lords for his mercy endures for ever. 4 Which only doth great wondrous for his mercy endures, &c. (works 5W^ by his wifdom made the hev'ns for his mercy endures for ever. 6Wch on the waters ltretcht the erth for his mercy endures for ever. 7 Which made great lights to fliine for his mercy endures,&c. (abroad 8 A* Sun to rule the lightfom day, for his mercy endures for ever. 9 The Moon & ftars to guid the night for his mercy endures for ever. IoWhich fraot Egypt with their firlt for his mercy endures, &c. (born, 1 1 And Ifrael broght out from thence for his mercy endures for ever. i 2Wtb mighty hand & ftretched arm for his mercy endures for ever. J3 Which cut the red fea in two parts for his mercy endures for ever. 14 And Ifrael made pafs there throu, for his mercy endures for ever. 1$ And drowned Pharaoh & his hoft for his mercy endures for ever. 16 Throu wildernefs his people led, for his mercy endures for ever. 17 He which did fmite great noble for his mercy endures,&c. (Kings, 18 And which hath flain the mighty for his mercy endures, &c (Kings, 19 As Sehcn King of Amorites, for his mercy endures for ever. 20 And Og the King of Bafan land, for his mercy endures for ever. 21 And gave their land for heritage, for his mercy endures for ever. 22 Even to his fervant Ifrael, for his mercy endures for ever, 23 Remembringusinbareetfate, for his mercy endures for ever. 24 And from opprefTors refcu'd us, for his mercy endures for ever.' 25 Which giveth food unto all fiefri, for his mercy endures for ever. 26 Praife ye the Lord of heav'n abov for his mercy endures for ever. 27 Giv thanks unto the Lord of lords for his mercy endures for ever. All that hath breath praife ye the Ld f for his mercy endures for ever. LI 2 Amht* *6o Pfalm CXXXVL Camus & Baffin. Another of the fame. Tr»per Turn. Laud the Lord benign, whofe mercies laft for aye : l ±4 -■* I 14, mrrwnf* Great thanks and praifes fing to God of gods I fay : For certainly, mm His mercies dure both firm and fure eternally. A.^.Voc. O Laud the Lord be — nign, whofe mercies laft for aye: Great thanks and praifes fmg to God of gods I fay: ^Pi^^Illliili^lpliiillil For certainly, his mercies dure both firm and fure eternally. Pfalm 136. Baffits. A.^.Voc^ O Laud the Lord be--— nign , whofe mercies laft for aye: Great thanks and praifes fmg to God of gods I fay: For certainly, his merqes dure both firm and fure eternally. 3 The 53 Pfalm CXXXVL 261 3 The Lord of lords praife ye, whofe mercies aye do dure : 4 Great wonders only he doth work by his great power. For certainly, &c. 5 Which God omnipotent, by his great wifdom high : The heavenly firmament did frame, as we fee. For certainly, &c. 6 Yea, he the heavy charge of all the earth did ftretch : And on the waters large the fame he did out-reach. For certainly, &c. 7 Great lights he made to be: for why? his love is aye: S Such as the Sun we fee, to rule the lightfom day. For certainly, &c. 9 And eke the Moon fo clear, which fhineth in our fight : And liars that do appear, to guide the darkfom night. For certainly, &c. 10 With grievous plagues and fore, all Egypt Jmote he than : Thefirlt-bornlefs and more, he flew of bealh and man. For certainly, &c. 1 1 And from amidft their land, his Ifrael forth brought : 12 Which he withmighty hand and ftretched arm hath wrought. £or certainly, &c. 1 3 The Sea he cut in two, which Hood up like a wall : 14 And made thorough it to go, his chofen children all. Forcertainly,&c. 1 5 But there he whelmed then, the proud King Pharaoh, With his huge holt of men, and chariots eke alfo. For certainly, &c. 16 Who led through wildernefs, his people fafe and found : And for his love endlefs, 17 great kings he brought to ground. For certainly, &c. 1 8 And flew with puiflant hand, Kings mighty and of fame : 19 As of Amorites land Sehon the King by name. For certainly, &c. 20 And Og (the Giant large) of Bafan King alfo: 21 Whofe land for heritage, he gave his people tho. For certainly, &c. 22 Even unto Ifrael, his fervant dear, I fay : He gave the fame to dwell, and there abide for aye. For certainly, &c. 23 To mind he did us call, in our moft bafe degree : 24 And from oppreflbrs all, in fafety fetus free. For certainly, &c. 25 All flelh in earth abroad, with food he doth full fill : 26 Wherefore of heaven the God, to lasd be it your will. For certainly, &c. rfalm s6» Pfajm CXXXVII. Cantus & Butjfui. PjAlm i$j. Or to London Turn. Hen as we fate in Babylon, the rivers round about : ^iiiililiiPiiPSIilliiiiiieii And in remembrance of Sion, the tears for grief burft out. ^^iiliMl^iiliiiiiiiiiilli iSiililiil^ilSi^giii^iSI We hang'd our harps and inftrumcnts the willow trees upcn: ^iiiiiiiliiiilPiiliiir^iiill For in that place men for their ufe had planted many a one. Pfalm 137. Media*. A. 3 . Voc. WHen as we fate in Babylon the rivers round about: HH5 -5±r=9=R*: And in remembrance of Sion, the tears for grief burft out mmmmmmmmm, We hang'd our harps and inftruments the willow trees upon : For in that place men for their ufe had planted many a one. When Vfalmiu Pfalm CXXXVIH. Bajfos. \j(7Hen as we fate in Babylon , the rivers round about ; ^^PiilLmiiliiiiilSiiii And in remembrance of Sion, the tears for grief burft out. w=m m «::= We hang'd our harps and inftruments the willow trees upon: For in that place men for their ufe had planted many a one. 3 Then they to whom we prifoners faid to us tauntingly: (were Now let us hear your Hebrew fongs, and pleafant melody. 4 Alas, faid we, who can once frame his.forrowful heart to fing, Thepraifesof our loving God, thus under a ftrange King 1 5 But yet if I Jerufalem out of my heart let Hide : Then let my fingers quite forget, the warbling Harp to guide. 6 And let my tongue v/tb'm my mouth be ty'd for ever fait : If that I joy before I fee thy full deliverance paft. 7 Therefore O Lord, remember now the curfed noife and cry, That Edoms fons againftusmade, when they raz'd our City. Remember Lord their cruel words, when as with one accord : They ciry'd,on,fack & rafe their wals in defpite of the Lord. 8 Even fo {halt thou O Babylon, at length to dull be brought : And happy (ball that man be call'd, that our revenge hath wrought. p Yeablefled fhall that man be call'd that takes thy children young, To dafti their bones againlthard that lie the ilreets among. (Hones Cantm&Bajfm. Pfalm 138. Martyrs Tune. Tiiiilipiiiipiii^iriiiii Hee will I praife wth my whole heart, my Li my God always : Eve?. z6* Pftlm CXXXVIII. Even in the prefence of the gods I will advance thy praife. Meditu, Pfalmitf. A.i.Vw. ^Hee will I praife with my whole heart,my Lord my God always — -r-t -: r-t ft -sx-B-T-1 : f ttr mwmmm Even in the prefence of the gods I will advance thy praife Pfalmitf. Baffin. A. i.Voc. ?S*=± ylri;rfl» *\hU-f -«,^g l IHee will I praife with mv whole heart,my Lord my God always : y. ■ fl» '- * *u ' Tin . r. iv i" 1 - Even in the prefence of the gods I will advance thy praife. 2 Toward thy holy Temple I will look and w'orfhip thee : And praifed in my thankful mouth thy holy Name fhall be. Even for thy loving kindnefs fake, and for thy truth withall : For thou thy Name halt by thy word advanced over all. 3 When I did call thou heardeft nie, and thou haft made alfo : The power of increafed frrength> within my foulto grow. 4 Yea all the Kings on earth they (hal give praife to thee, O Lord : For they of thy molt holy mouth have heard the mighty word. 5 They of the ways of God the Lord in finging fhall intreat : Bccaufe the glory of the Lord, it is exceeding great : 6 The Lord is high, and yet he doth behold the lowly fprite : But he (contemning) knows a far the proud and lofty wight. 7 Although in midft of trouble I | do walk, yet (hall I ftend, | Renewed by thee, O my Lord, thou wilt frretch out thy hand. Upon the wrath of all my foes, andfavedfhaU.Ibe: By thy right hand,the Lord God will perform his work to me. 8. Thy mercy Lord endures for aye, Lord do me not forfake : j Forfake me not, that am the work which thine own hand did make* - Pfitr Pfalm CXXXIX. 265 CdtltHi & Baffin. • ffdmi^g. RccheJierTttne. I S Lord thou haft me tryM&known,my fitting thou dolt know, And rifing eke ; my thoughts afar thou undedtand'ft alfo. Ffalmiig. Me dim. A.^.Voc. iililiiliiilEliiriiiliiiiliili O Lord thou halt me try'd and known, my fitting thou dolt know And rifing eke; my thoughts afar thou underitand'lt alfo. Pfalm 1 39. O Lord thou halt me try'd and known, my fitting thou dolt know, And rifing eke •, my thoughts afar thou underitand'lt alfo. 3 My paths, yea and my lying down thou compafTelt always : And by familiar cuitom art acquainted with my ways. 4, No word is in my tongue, O Lord, but known it is to thee : 5 Thou me behind holdft, and before thou layit thine hand on me. 6 Too wonderful above mv reach, Lord is thy cunning skill : It is fojiigh, that I the fame vahriot attain until, 7 From fight of thy all-feeing Spirit, Lord whither (hall I go ? Or wbfther ihall I fly away, thy prefence to fcape fro ? 8 To heaven if I mount aloft, lo thou art prefent there : In hell if I lye down below, even there thou dolt appea r. 9 Yea let me take the morning wings and let me go and hide, (parts E\ en there where are the farthelt where flowing Sea doth Hide. Mm 10 tea ZQU 1 liiUU V»/V.l-«» 10 Yea even thither alfo fhall thy reaching hand me guide : And thy right hand fhall hold me faft and make me to abide. 1 1 Yea, if I fay, the darknefs (hall yet flhrowd me from thy fight : Lo even alfo the darkelt night about me (hall be light. 1 2 Yea darknefs hideth not from thee but night doth fhine as day : To thee the darknefs and the light are both alike alway. The feconi part. 13 For thou poflefTed halt my reins, and thou halt covered me, When I within my mothers womb enclofed was by thee. 14 Thee will I praife, made Fearfully and wondroufly I am : Thy works are marvellous,right well my foul doth know the fame. 15 My bones they are not hid from although in fecret place (thee, I have been made, and in the earth beneath I fhaped was. 16 When I was formlefs, then thine faw me, for in thy book (eye Were written all, nought was before that after fafhion took. 17 The thoughts therefore of thee O how dear are they to me: (God And of them all how paffing great the endlefs number be. 18 If I fhould count them, Io their more than the fand I fee : (fum And whenfoeverl awake, yet am I ftill with thee. 1 9 The wicked and the bloody men, O that thou wouldeft flay : Even thofe, O God,to whom,depart, depart from me I fay. 20 Even thofe of thee, O Lrfmy God, that fpeak fuH wickedly : Thofe that are lifted up in vain, being enemies to thee. 21 Hate I not them that hate the« Id and that in earneft wife ? Contend I not againft them all againlt thee that arife 1 22 1 hate them with unfeigned hate, even as my utter foes. 23 Try me 6 God and know my heart my thoughts prove and difclofe. 24 Confider Lord if wickednefs in me there any be: And in thy way (O God my guide) for ever lead thou me. Ffalm 140. G hue efier Tune. Ord fave me from the evil man, and from the cruel wight And from all thofe that evil do imagine in their fprite. Pfalm CXL. 267 T faint 1 40 1 Me dins. j4.$. Voc. mmmwmmmiwmmm Lord fave me from the evil man, and from the cruel wight: IHPiiMiiBiiliSIiiiiliilii And from all thofe that evil do imagine in their iprite. Pfalm 140. Baffm. 'A, 7,. Voc. iiHiiiiiiillljiiaiiiliilSgl LOrd fave me from the evil man, and from the cruel wight : And from all thofe that evil do imagine in their fprite. 2 Which make on me continual war, their tongues lo they have whet 3 Like ferpents,underneath their lips is adders poyfonfet. 4 Keep me O Ld from wicked hands, preferve me to abide Free from the cruel man, that means to caufe my Heps to Aide. 5 The proud have laid a fnare for me and they have fpread a net With cords in my path way,and gins for me eke have they fet. 6 Therefore I fa id unto the Lord, Thorn art my God alone : Hear me, O Lord, O hear the voice wherewith I pray and mone. 7 O Lord my God, thou only art the ftrength that faveth me : My head in day of battel hath been covered ftill by thee. 8 Let not O Lord the wicked have the end of his defire ; Perform not his ill thoughts, left he with pride be fet on fire. 9 Of them that compafs me about, the chiefelr of them all : Lord let the mifchief of their lips upon themfelves befall. I o Let coals fall on them,let him call them in confuming flame, And in deep pits, fo as they may not rife out of the fame. I r For no backbiter fhall on earth be fet in liable plight : And evil to deftruclion ftill (hall haunt the cruel wight. 1 2 I know the Lord, th' afflicted will revenge and judge the poor : 13 The juft (hall praife thy Name,juft dwell with thee evermore, ({hall Mm 2 Pfahn 263 Pfalm CXLL Cant us & Bajfta. PJalm 141. Or to Windfor Tune. f! B Lord upon thee do I call, Lord hafte thee unto me : And hearken Lord unto my voice , when I do cry to thee : As incenfe let my prayers be directed in thine eyes: And the up-lifting of my hands as ev'ning fa--cri--fice. IIIii^illliillliiiMiiliillil Pfa/m 14 t. Mcdiws. A. 3. Voc. O Lord upon thee do I call , Lord halte thee unto me : And hearken Lord unto my voice, when I do cry to thee. As incenfe let my prayers be directed in thine eyes : And the up-lifting of my hands as ev'ning fa-cri-fice. OLord Pfdm 141 Pfalm CXLII. Baffks. 269 A. %.Voc. O Lord upon thee do I call , Lord hafte thee unto me : ' And hearken Lord unto my voice, when I do cry to thee. iipIiiiliiiilBiiiiliiilliiBf^ As incenfe let my prayers be directed in thine eyes : ^Jiiiii^liiligpiigE|igE;!i[iglEipgp And the up- lifting of my hands as ev'ning fa-cri-fice. 3 My Lord, for guiding of my mouth fet thou a watch before : Andalfo of my moving lips, O Lord, keep thou the door. 4 That I fhould wicked works corn- incline thou not my heart : (mit With ill men of their delicates, Lord, let me eat no part. $ "But let the righteous finite me, Ld, for that is good for me : Let him reprove me, and the fame a precious oyl fhall be. Such fmiting fhall not break my head the time fh all fhortly fall, When I fhall in their mifery make prayers for them all. 6 Then when in {tony places down their Judges fhall be caft : Then fhall they hear thy words, for they have a pleafant talte. (then 7 Our bones about the graves mouth lo fcattered are they found : As he that h-.weth wood, or he thatdiggethupthe ground. 8 But O my Lord my God, mine eves do look up unto thee: In thee is all my truft, let not my foul for fa ken be. pWhich'they have laid to catch me in Lord keep me from the fnare : And from the mifchiefs of them all that wicked workers are. 10 The wicked into their own nets together let them fall : While I do by thy help efcape the danger of them all. To Father, Son, and Holy Gkoft , Glory be: As wm , is now , and jhall be fill , To all Ewnitie. Camus & Batfus. Pfalm 1 4 2. St. Marfs Tune. BiiliEiiiPiH|iiiii;iiiiP|i Efore the Lord God, with my voice I did fend out my cry : 270 Pfalm CXLIII. a. 1. roc. And with my (trained voice unto the Lord God prayed I. Pfalm 142. Mediiu. DEforc the Lord God, with my voice I did fend out my cry : And with my ilrained voice unto the Lord God prayed I. Pfalm 142. Baffin. A. 3. roc. BEfore the Lord God, with my voice I did fend oat my cry: *-P~ And with my (trained voice unto the Lord God prayed I. 2 My meditation in his fight, to pour I did not fpare : And in the prefence of the Lord, my trouble did declare. 3 Although perplexed was my fpirit, my path was known to thee : In way where I did walk, a mare they flily laid for me. 4 1 lookt & view'd on my right hand, but none there would me know : All refuge failed me, and for my foul none cared tho. 5 Then cry'd I Lord to thee, and faid, my hope thou only art : Thou in the land of living art my portion and my part. 6 Hark to my cry, for I am brought full low •, deliver me From them that do me perfecute, for me too f trong they be. (foul 7 That I may praife thy Name, my from prifon Lord bring out : When thou art good to me, the juft fhall prefs me round about. m Cantns & Baffut. Pfalm 143. Manchefter Tnne, J lillilPiiiilElllilileiii' Ord hear my prayer, hark the plaint that I do make thee: PiiiiBiliiiililli^ii Lord Lord in thy native truth , and in thy jultice anfwer me. iil^llliliililllliililii^iilp Pfalmutf. Me dim. A.^.Voc. iHlSliliiilllllii^iiiiiiii Lord hear my prayer, hark the plaint that I do make to thee: mmmmmmmmmmwmm Lord in thy native truth , and in thy jultice anfwer me. Pfalnn^i. Bdflks. A.-t,.Voc. LOrdhear my prayer, hark the plaint that I do make to thee: Iiiiii|Iiiliilipiliiillii^ll!ii Lord in thy native truth , and in thy juftice. aafwer me. 2 In judgment with thy fervant, Ld oh enter not at all : For juftified be in thy fight not one that liveth Ihall- 3 The eneimjhath purfu'd my foul, my life to ground hath thrown : And laid me in the dark like them, that dead are long a gone. 4 Within me in perplexity was my accombred fprite : And in me was my troubled heart amazed and afright. 5 Yet I record time part, in all thy works I meditate : Yea in thy works I meditate, that thy hands have create. 6 To thee, O Lord my God, Io I do ftretch my craving hands : My foul defireth after thee, j as do the thirfty lands. i ', 7 Hear me with fpeed, my fp'rit doth. j hide not thy face me fro : (fail j Elfe lriall I be like them that down into the pit do go. 8 Let me thy loving kindnefs in the morning hear and know : For in thee is my truft, fhew me the way where I ihall go. 9 For I lift up my foul to thee. O Lord deliver me From all mine enemies : for I have hidden me with thee. io Teach me to do thy will/or thou, thou art my God, I fay : Let thy good fpirit unto the land of mercy me convey. ii For 272 1 1 For thy Names fake wth quickning alive do thou me make : (grace And out Of trouble bring my foul, even for thy Juftice fake. Pfalm CXLIW 1 2 And for thy mercy flay my foes, O Lord, ddfroy them all, That do opprefs my foul, for I thy fervant am, and fhall. Canttu &Ba]fm. Pfilm 144. TorkjTune. BiHSBSIfSillSfiliHi! i Left be the Ld my itrength,that doth inftruft my hands to fight IIiiiiifliiiilliiiiiiillMI; : II The Lord that doth my fingers frame to battel by his might. Tfalm'14.4.. Me dim, A.^.Voc. milinnimiinifiiiiiii! "Qldl be the Lord my ftrength,that doth inftrucl my hands to fight : The Lord that doth my fingers frame to battel by his might. Tfalm 144. Baffus. A.$.V'oc. B Left be the Lord my ftrength,that doth in(truct my hands to fight : The Lord that doth my fingers frame to battel by his might. 2 He is my goodnefs, fort, and tow'r, deliverer and fliield : In him I trull, my people he fubdues, to me to yield. 3 O Li, what thing is man, that him thou holdeit fo in prife ? Or fon of man , that upon hiiri thou thinkelt in fuch wife ? 4 Man is but like to vanitie, fo pafs his days to end, 5 As fleeting (hade : bowdown,6 jj s the heavens and defcerid. 6 The Pfalm CXLV. 273 6 The mountains touch, & theyfhall call forth thy lightning flame(fmoke, And fcatter themjthine arrows (hoot confume them with the fame. 7 Send down thy hand ev'n from abov O Lord deliver me : Take me from waters grftt, from of llrangers fet me free. ( hand 8 Whofe fubtil mouth, of vanity and fondnefs doth in treat : And their right hand is a right hand of fallhood and deceit. 9 A new fong will I fing, O God, andfmgingwilllbe On Viol and on Inftrument ten itringed unto thee. 10 Even he it is, that only gives deliverance to Kings: Unto his fervant David help from hurtful fword he brings. 1 1 From llrangers hand me fave and whofe mouth talks vanity : (fhield And their right hand is a right hand of guile and fubtilty. 1 2 That our fons may be as the plants whom growing youth doth rear : Our daughters as carvd corner Hones like to a Palace fair. 13 Our garners full, and plenty may with ftmdry forts be found : Our fheep bring thoufands, in our ten thoufands may abound, (ttreets 14 Our Oxen be to labour ftrong, that none do us invade : There be no goings out, nor crys within our itreets be made. 15 The people bleffed are, that with fuch blelfings are fo llor'd : Yea, bleffed all the people are, whofe God is God the Lord. Cantm & Baffin. Pfalm 145. Or to Martyrs Tune, TSl^lillillilllllipii Hee will I laud my God, my King, & blefs thy Name for aye : Forever will I praife thy Name, and blefs thee day by dav. ilii^iiiiiiliiliifiiiBflii ^ElliliililllSiiSliiBII Great is the Lord, moll worth praife, his greatnefs none can reach : Nn From 274 Pfalm CXLV. From race to race they fhall thy works praife and thy power preach. IPIillliiliilliiSiiiiiiiiiyii Pfalm 145. Meditu. A.^.Voc. ^Hee will I laud my God, my King, and blefs thy Name for aye : Forever will -I praife thy Name, and blefs thee day by day. mmmmmwmmmmmm Great is the Lord,moft worthy praife,his greatnefs none can reach : Cxi i\i 1 j^mrmrm From race to race they fhall thy works praife and thy power preach. Pfalm 145. Baffus. A^.Voc. T^ee will I laud my God, my King, and blefs thy Name for aye : lipiiilillilliiliiiiliii^Si Forever will I praife thy Name, and blefs thee day by day. Great is the Lord,moft worthy praife,his greatnefs none can reach : Hiill^iiiililiiilglsiiliiil From race to race they fhall thy works praife and thy power preach. 5 I of thy glorious Maje'ty the beauty will record, And meditate upon thy works molt wonderful, O Lord. 6 And they fhall of thy power,and of thy fearful acts declare : And I to publilh all abroad thy greatnefs will not fpare. 7 And Pialm CXLVI. 275 7 And they into the mention fhall break of thy goo^nefs great : And I aloud thy righteoufnefs in finging fhall repeat. 8 The Lord our God is gracious, and merciful alfo: Of great abounding mercy, and to anger, he is flow. 9 Yea good to all, and all his works, his mercy doth exceed : 1 Lo,all thy works do praife thee Ld aud do thy honour fpread. 1 1 Thy faints do blefs thee,& they do thy Kingdoms glory fhow : 1 2 And blaze thy pow'r,to caufe the of men his pow'r to know, (fons The fecond part. 13 And of his mighty kingdom eke to fpread the glorious praife : Thy kingdom, Lord, a kingdom is that doth endure always. And thy dominion through each age endures without decay. i4.The Lord upholdeth them that fall their Hiding he doth Itay. 1 5 The eyes of all do wait on thee, thou dolt them all relieve : And thou to each futficing food, in feafon due dolt give. 16 Thou opened thy plenteous hand, and bounreoufly dolt fill All things whatfoever do live, with gifts of thy good will. 17 The Lord is juft in all his ways, his works are holy all. 18 Near all he is that call on him, in truth that on him call. 19 He the delires that they require thatfearhim will fulfill": And he will hear them when they cry and fave them all he will. 20 The Id preferves all thofe, to him that bear a loving heart : But he them all that wicked are will utterly fubvert. 21 My thankful mouth fhall gladly the praifes of the Lord : (fpeak All flefh to praife his holy Name for ever (hall accord. Cantvu&Baffm, Pfalm 146. Canterbury Tune, Miiiiiiiilililllliilliiii Y foul praife thou the Lord always, my God I will confefs : !iplilillillifll;iiiilliill iiililiiiiiliiiiiliiSiliiiiil While breath and life prolong my davs,my tongue no time (hall ceafe. gpiiilliiliiiilSiilllllllilSl Nn 2 My 2 7 6 Pfalm CXLVII. 146. Me dim. A.^.Voc. :iililEliiiiIiiiiIr==^li^iiiii M Y foul praife thou the Lord always , my God I will confefs : While breath and life prolong my days,my tongue no time {hall ceafe. Ffalm 146. Baffin. A. 3. Voc. My foul praife thou the Lord always, my God I will confefs : AVhile breath and life prolong my days,my tongue no time- (hall ceafe. 3 Truft not in worldly Princes then, though they abound in wealth : Nor in the fons of worldly men, in whom there is no health. 4 For u hy, their breath doth foon de- to earth anon they fall : (part, And then thecounfels of their hearts decay and per ifh all. 5. O happy is that man I fey, whom Jacobs God doth aid : And he whofe hope doth not decay, but on the Lord is {laid. 6 SVck made the earth & waters deep the heavens high withall : W*4 doth his word and promife keep in truth, and ever fnall. 7With right always doth he proceed for fuch as fuffer wrong : The poor and hungry he doth feed, and loofe the fetters Wrong. 8 The Lord doth fend the blind their the lame to limbs refto re; (fight The Lord I fay doth love the right and jult man evermore. 9 He doth defend the fatherlefs and Granger fad in heart : And quit the widow from diftrefs, and ill mens ways fubvert. 10 Thy Lord and God eternallv, O Sion, Hill lhall reign : In time of all pofferity, for ever to remain. Cantw & Baffin. Pfalm 147. St. David's Time. Raife ye tre Lord , for it is good unto our God to fing : For Pfalm CXLVII. 277 i^iliiiieiliilialilllilll For it is pleafant , and to praife it is a come--ly thing. Tfalm 14.7. Medim. A.^.Voc. pRaife ye the Lord, for it is good unto our God to flng: i^^iliiiiBllSiiillliiiilill For it is pleafant , and to praife it is a comely thing. Pfalm 147. Bajfa. A*i.Voc« ^il^iilillPiiilliiliilililEilEi PRaife ye the Lord, for it is good unto our God to fihg: li^iiiilii^iiaiiiliilili For it is pleafant , and to praife it is a comely thing. 2 The Lord his own Jerufalem, hebuildethupalone: And the difperft of Ifrael, doth gather into one. 3 He heals the broken in their heart, their fores up doth he bind : 4 He counts the number of the ftars, and names them in their kind. 5Great is the Lord,great is his pow'r his wifdom infinite. (throws 6 The Lord relieves the meek, and to ground the wicked wight. 7 Sing nnto God the Lord,w/J& praife unto the Lord rejoice : And unto God upon the harp advance your finging voice. 8 He covers heaven with clouds, and the earth prepareth rain : (for And on the mountains he doth make the grafs to grow again. 9 He gives to beads their food.and to young Ravens when they cry : I c His plefure not in Itrength of horr nor in mans legs doth lye. I I But in all thofe that fear the Lord the Lord hath his delight : And fuch as do attend upon his mercies fhining light. The [econi fan. 12 O praife the Lord Jerufalem, thy God, O Sion, praife : 13 For he the bars hath forged ftrong wherewith thy gates he ltays. 14 Thy 2 7 B Pfalm CXLVIIL and in thy borders he Doth fettle peace,and with the flowr of wheat he filleth thee. 14 Thy children he hath bleft in thee, J 1 8 He fendeth forth his mighty word and melteth them again : His wind he makes to blow, and then the waters flow amain. 19 The doctrine of his holy word, to Jacob he doth fliow : His ftatutes and his judgments he gives Ifrael to know. 20 With every Nation hath he not fo dealt , nor have they known 15 And his commandement upon the earth he fendeth out : And eke his word with fjpeedy courle doth fwiftly run about. 16 Hegivethfnow like wool, hoar like allies he doth fpread : (froft 17 Like morfels calls his ice, thereof. His fecret judgments, ye therefore the cold who can abide. J praife ye the Lord alone. Camus & Bajftts. Pfalm 148. Proper Tune f^ Vi a Hit j> « U[ L4 ^G Ive laud unto the Lord, from heav'n that is fo high : ft*-:f-flY l r »p B as Praife him in deed & word, above the ftarry sky : And al — fo ye , MwmiUmmmmmmmm His Angels all , Armies royal, praife him with glee. Pfalm 148. Med\ tus. A. 3. Voc. Give laud «n—to the Lord , from heav'n that is fo high : liiiiiieiiiyillSIPiliili Praife him in deed & word, above the ftarry sky: And al--fo ye, His Angels all, Armies royal/praife him with glee. Plalm UXLV1IL 2J9 Tfalm 1 48. Baffm. . A. 3 . Voc. Give laud un— to the Lord , from heav'n thet is fo high : ^^piiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiijiii^iiiiijiisii. Praife him in deed & word, above the itarry sky: And al— fo ye, His Angels all, Armies royal, praife him with glee. 3 Praife him both Moon and Sun, which are fo clear and bright : The fame of you be done, ye gliftring liars of light. 4 And eke no lefs, Ye heavens fair, 5 And clouds of th'air* His laud exprefs. 6 For at his word they were all formed as we fee: At his voice did appear, all things in their degree : ■ .Which he fet fall, To them he made A law and trade, For aye to lath 7 Extol and praife Gods Name, on earth ye Dragons fell : All deeps do ye the fame, for it becomes you well. 8 Him magnifie, Fire, Hail, Ice, Snow, And Storms that blow, At his decree. 9 The hills and mountains all, and trees that fruitful are, The Cedars great and tall, his worthy praife declare. 10 Beads and cattel, Yea birds flying, And worms creeping, That on earth dwell. 1 1 All Kings both more and lefs, with all their pompous train : Princes and all Judges, that in the world remain. Exalt his Name, 1 2 Young men and maids, Old men and babes, Do ye the fame. r3 ForhisName fliall we prove to be molt excellent : Whofe praife is far above the earth and firmament* [4 For fure he fliall Exalt with blifs The horn of his, And help them all. 15 His Saints all (hall forth tell his praife and worthinefs, The Children of Ifrael, each one both more and lefs 3 16 And alfo they, That with good will His words fulfill, And him obey. Pfito 2 8o Pfalm CXLIX. Cantm&Baffui. __ JJ^ m I49 ;_ 'liiiipHiii^Sl Martyrs Tune. Ing ye unto the Lord our God a new rejoicing fong : i ^liiiilijliiiil^^lill And let the praife of him be heard, his holy Saints among. mmmmm ==»=«= a. i. roc. *r^£E*Er< Pfalm 149. Medim. mmwmmwMmm Sing ye unto the Lord our God a new rejoicing fong : And let the praife of him be heard, his holy Saints among. Tfalm 149. Baffin. A. 3. roc. ^iiiiliiiliiHSliilPpili Sing ye unto the Lord our God a new rejoicing fong : a And let the praife of him be heard, his holy Saints among 2 Letlfrael rejoice in him, that made him of nothing : And let the feed of Si on eke, be joyful in their King. 3 Let them found praife with voice of unto his holy Name: (Flute And with the Timbrel and the Harp, fing praifes of the fame. 4 For why ? the Lord his pleafure all hath in his people fet: And by deliverance he will raife the meek to glory great. 5 With glorv and with honour now let all his Saints rejoice: And now aloud upon their beds advance their finging voice. 6 And in their mouths iet be the ads of God the mighty Lord : And in their hands eke let them bear a double edged fword. 7 To plague the heathen and corredi the people with their hands : $To bind their itatelyKings in chains i their Lords in Iron bands. p To execute on them the doom, that written is before : This honour all his Saints (hall have, praife ve the Lord therefore. Pfilm Pialm CL. 281 Cant us & Eaffus. Pfalm 1 50. London new Tune. YiiiePiSiHllIlliiiiiii Ield unto God, the mighty Lord, praife in his fan&uary: And praife him in the rrrmamen t, that fhews his pow'r otfhigh. mtmmmmimmm^im Pfalm 150. Me dim. u4. 3 . Voc. Yield unto God , the mighty Lord , praife in his fancluafy : And praife him in the firmament,that fhews his pow'r on high. jd. 3. Voc. T faint 150. SifipijIIIilipjIiL Yield unto God, the mighty Lord, praife in his fan&uary: ^l^^^a And praife jjim in the firmament, that fhews his power on high. 2 Advance his Name & praife him in his mighty acts always : According to his excellency of greatnefs give him praife. 3 His praifcs with the Princely noife of founding Trumpets blow : Praife him upon the Viol, and upon the Harp alfo. 4. Praife him with Timbrel,and with Organs and Virginals : (Flute $Wth founding Cimbals praif ye him praife him with loud Cimbals. 6 Whatever hath the benefit of breathing, praife the Lord : To praife the Name of God the Lord agree with one accord. The End of the Pfalms of David in Metre. Ths (28l) The Reft of the Solemn Hymns. Proper Tune. GmttM & iafui. Song of the $ Children. O g EJSBC tS K — *f" " T * "" Z !t*^"*"< 5'*^r ' All ye works of God the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, IrfiEE^E :«=zi=; &EB^=S Praife him and magnifie him for e — ver. O All ye works of God the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, Praife him> and magnifie him for e— ver. Henedicitc. Baffin. ^ ji.$. Voc* O All ye works of God the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, Praife him, and magnifie him for e— ver. 2 O ye the Angels of the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, praife him, and magnifie him for ever. 3 O ye the ftarry heavens high, blefs ye the Lord, praife him, and magnifie him for ever. 40 4 O ye the waters above the sky, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 5 O ye the powers of the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 6 O ye the Aiming Sun and Moon, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 7 O ye the glittering ftars of heaven, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 8 O ye the (howres & dropping dew, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 9 O ye the blowing winds of God, blefs ye the Lord, &c. io O ye the fire and warming heat, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 1 1 Ye winter and the fummer tide, * blefs ye the Lord, &c. 12 O ye the dews and binding frolts, blefs ye the Lord, &c 13 O ye frofts and chilling cold, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 14 O ye congealed Ice and Snow, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 15 O ye the nights and lightfom days blefs ye the Lord, &c. 1 6 O ye the darknefs and the light, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 17 O ye the lightnings and the clouds blefs ye the Lord, &c. 18 O let the earth eke blefs the Lord blefs ye the Lord, &c. 19 O ye the mountains and the hills, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 20 O all ye green things on the earth blefs ye the Lord, &c. 21 O ye the ever-fpringing well*, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 22 O ye the feas and eke the floods, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 23 Whales and all that in the waters blefs ye the Lord, &c. (move, 24. all ye flying Fowls of the Air, blefs yethe Lord, &c. 25 O all ye beafts and cattel eke, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 26 O ye children of mankind, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 27 Let Ifrael eke blefs the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 28 O ye the Priefts of God the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 29 O ye the fervants of the Lord,. blefs ye the Lord, &c. 30 Ye fpirits and fouls of righteous blefs ye the Lord, &c. (men, 31 Ye holy,, and ye meek of heart, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 32 O Ananias blefs the Lord, • blefs thou the Lord, &c. 33 O Azarias blefs the Lord, blefs thou the Lord, &c. 34 And Mifael blefs thou the Lord, blefs thou the Lord, praife him,, and magnifie him for ever. Canttu & Baffin. Humble Suit of a Sinner. Or to Windfor Tunt^ Lord of whom I do depend, behold my mournful heart : QQ 2, And ^1=2 (284) And when thy will and pleafure is , releafe me of my (mart. 8 1 Thou feefl my for rows what they are, my grief is known to thee : iillilii^lii^^ill=iifi^ig^li And there is none that can remove, or take the fame from me. A Hymn. Medim. A. 3 . Voc. O.Lord of whom I do depend, behold mv mournful heart : EEEE3E2 =3=53=5=!?==5==S=^ SSPfl And when thy will and pleafure is, releafe me of my fmart. Thou feeftmy forrows what they are, my grief i3 known to thee : And there is none that can remove, or take the fame from me. A Hymn. Baffm . A. 3 . Voc . O Lord of whom I do depend , behold my mournful heart : And when thy will and pleafure is , releafe me of my fmart. Thou feeil my forrows what they are, my grief is known to thee. (!8!) w*mm And there is none that can remove, or take the fame from me. But only thou whofe aid I crave, whofe mercy Hill is preft, To eafe all thofe that come to thee for fuccour and for reft. And fith thou feed my reftlefs eyes, my tears and grievous grone : Attend unto my fuit, O Lord, mark well my plaint and mone. For fin hath fo inclofed m?, and compalt me about : That I am now remedilefs, if mercy help not out. For mortal man cannot releafe, nor mitigate this pain : But ev'n thy Chrift,my Lord and God who for my fins was flain. Whofe bloody wounds are yet to fee, though not with mortal eve : Yet do thy Saints behold them all, and fo I trull ihall I. Though Sin doth hinder me a while, when thou {halt fee it good : I fhall enjoy the fight of him, and fee his wounds and blood. And as thine Angels and thy Saints do now behold the fame : So truft I to poflefs that place, with them to praife thy Name. But whilft I live here in this vale, where finners do frequent : Aflift me ever with thy grace, my fins {till to lament. Left that I tread the finners trace, and give them my confent, To dwell with them in wickednefs, whereto nature is bent- Only thy grace muft be my flay, left that I fall down flat: And being down, then of my felf cannot recover that. Wherefore this is yet once again my fuit and my requeli : To grant me pardon for my fin, that I in thee may reft. Then {hall my heart and tongue alfo be Inftruments of praife : And in thy church and houfe of Saints. fing Pfalms to thee always. Qmttu & Baffin. Lamentation of a Sinner . Or to Martyrs Tune. fl I Lord turn not away thy face from him that lies proftrate, iV-r iililllliEiiil^iEliSlI iillliiilililliSililiilillill Lamenting fore his fin — ful life, before thy mercy gate. Which <*8<0 Which gate thou open'ft wide to thofe that do lament their fin: iwmm^^mmmimm Shut not that gate againft me, Lord, but let me en—ter in. w, r »-||n r