HE NEW LIFE p^. ^ ^ *»-* B «>> ►h ^ t (^ ^ 1-3 ^^i^ ^ k O H ^ ^ ^i^ <•*■ * ^ O t^ H ^ P. P o P^- ^ <^ ^ p^ M i en H . t^ rH O^ 1 1 00 tH «. CD in cd d '^ ^ }^ 0) > ^^ PQ S H -/ / / THe( n'OV 10 1961 NEW LIFET IDorts of (Bob for goung IDisnpks of d^riat BY y Rev. ANDREW MURRAY, AUTHOR OF " ABIDE IN CHRIST," " LIKE CHRIST," ETC " They go from strength to strength: Every one of them appear eth before God in ZionJ*^ NEW YORK HURST & COMPANY PUBLISHERS. TRANSLATOR'S NOTE. A GLANCE at the pages of this little work will show that it is more elementary than the other writings of its honored author. The reason is that it is specially designed for young disciples who have but recently chosen the better part, and consequently need nothing so much as just to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear His word. Every minister of a congrega- tion in which young people have been brought to the Lord, will remember the keen feeling of anxiety that swept over his heart as he contemplated their entrance on the duties ana responsibilities of a public Christian confession. The supreme question at such a time is ; How shall these young converts be built up in the knowledge of the truth ? How shall they be best taught the real nature of the new life they have re- ceived, the dangers by which it is beset, and the di- rections in which its energy may safely go forth ? The desire to give a fitting answer to these ques- tions has given rise to many excellent manuals. In connection with every time of revival, especially, new books for this circle of readers always make their appearance. As Mr. Murray indicates in the Preface, it was in the midst of such a happy period that the following chapters were written. The volume came under my notice whilst I was recently travelling in Holland. A brief inspection showed me that it was one of the most simple, comprehensive, and suggest- ive of its class. It is now translated into English 3 Translator's Note. from the latest Dutch edition, that the many thousands who have profited by Mr. Murray's other admirable works may have a suitable book to give or recommend to those who are setting their faces towards an earnest and fruitful Christian life. That it will be very helpful to this end I cannot doubt ; especially if the directions the author himself has given are faithfully adhered to. It will be noticed that the chapters are comparatively short ; but every one of them has a considerable number of Biblical references. Let no reader be content to read what is written here without turning up and examining the texts marked. This practice, if persistently carried out, cannot fail to yield much recompense. There are just as many chapters in the book as Sabbaths in the year. What an additional blessing it would bring, if the members of a family who have had access to the book during the week, were to hear a chapter read aloud every Sabbath evening, and were encouraged to quote the texts in each that may have struck them most. I have only to add that the volume is now translated and issued with Mr. Murray's cordial sanction. It has been to me a very pleasant task to put it into an Eng- lish dress for my younger brethren throughout the country. Beyond this point, of course, my responsi- bility does not go. Should the book prove useful in guiding the feet of those who have come to the Lord yet further into the way of peace and holiness, it will be, both for author and translator, the answer to many a fervent prayer. J. P. L. Arbroath, September ^ 1891. 4 PREFACE, IN intercourse with young converts, I have very frequently longed for a suitable book in which the most important truths that they have need of for the New Life should be briefly and simply set forth. I could not find anything that entirely corresponded to what I desired. During the services in which, since Whitsuntide, 1884, 1 have been permitted to take part, and in which I have been enabled to speak with so many who professed to have found the Lord, and who were, nevertheless, still very weak in knowledge and faith, this want was felt by me still more keenly. In the course of my journey, I felt myself pressed to take the pen in hand. Under a vivid impression of the infirmities and the perverted thoughts concerning the New Life, with which, as was manifest to me from conversations I had with them, almost all young Christians have to wrestle, I wished, in some words of instruction and encouragement, to let them see what a glorious life of power and joy is prepared for them in their Lord Jesus, and how simple the way is to enjoy all this blessing. 5 Pre face. I have confined myself in these reflections to some of the most important topics. The first is the Word of God as the glorious and sure guide, even for the simplest souls that will only surrender themselves to it. Then, as the chief element in the word, there is the Son, the giftoftht Father, to do all for us. There- upon follows what the Scriptures teach concerning Sin, as the only thing that we have to bring to Jesus, as that which we must give to Him, and from which He will set us free. Further, there is Faith, the great word in which is expressed our inability to bring or to do anything, and that teaches us that all our salva- tion must be received every day of our life as a gift from above. With the Holy Spirit also must the young Christian make acquaintance, as the Person through whom the word and Jesus, with all His work, and faith in Him, can become power and truth. Then there is the Holy Life of obedience and of f ruitf ulness, in which the Spirit teaches us to walk. It is to these six leading thoughts of the New Life that I have con- fined myself, with the ceaseless prayer that God may use what I have written to make His young children understand what a glorious and mighty life it is that they have received from their Father. It was often very unwillingly that I took leave of the young con- verts who had to go back to lonely places, where they Preface. could have little counsel or help, and seldom mingle in the preaching of the word. It is my sure and con- fident expectation that what the Lord has given me to write shall prove a blessing to many of these young confessors. [I have, in some instances, attached the names of the places where the diflferent portions of this manual were written ; in others, the names of the towns where the substance of them was spoken, as a remembrance to the friends with whom I had intercourse.] While writing this book, I have had a second wish abiding with me. I have thought what I could possi- bly do to secure that my little book should not draw away attention from the word of God, but rather help to make the word more precious. I resolved to fur- nish the work with notes, so that, on every point that was treated of, the reader might be stirred up still to listen to the Word itself, to God Himself. I am hopeful that this arrangement will yield a double benefit. Many a one does not know, and has nobody to teach him, how to examine the Scriptures properly. This book may help him in his loneliness. If he will only meditate on one and another point, and then look up the texts that are quoted, he will get into the way of consulting God's word itself on that which he wishes to understand. But it may j ust as readily be of service 7 Preface. in prayer-meetings or social gatherings for the study df the word. Let each one read the portion fixed on at home and review those texts that seem to him the most important. Let the president of the meeting read the portion aloud once. Let him then request that each one who pleases should announce one and another text on that point which has struck him most. We have found in my congregation that the benefit of such meetings for bringing and reading aloud texts on a point previously announced, is very great. This practice leads to the searching of God's word, as even preaching does not. It stirs up the members of the congregation, especially the young people, to inde- pendent dealing with the word. It leads to a more living fellowship amongst the members of Christ's body, and helps also their upbuilding in love. It pre- pares the way for a social recognition of the word as the living communication of the thoughts of God, which with Divine power shall work in us what is pleasing to God. I am persuaded that there is many a believing man and woman that asks what they can accomplish for the Lord, who along this pathway could become the channels of great blessing. Let them once a week bring together some of their neigh- bors or friends (sometimes two or three households live on one farm) to hear read out texts for which all 8 Preface. have been previously searching : the Lord shall' cer- taiiily give His blessing there. With respect to the use of this book in retirement, I would fain request one thing more. I hope that no one will think it strange. Let every portion be read over at least three times. The great bane of all our converse with Divine things is superficiality. When ■we read anything and understand it somewhat, we think that this is enough. No : we must give time^ that it may make an impression and wield its own in- 'fluence upon us. Read every portion the first time with consideration, to understand the good that is in it, and then see if you receive benefit from the thoughts that are there expressed. Read it the secotid time to see if it is really in accordance with God's word : take some, if not all, of the texts that are adduced on each point, and ponder them in order to come under the full force of what God has said on the point. Let your God, through His word, teach you what you must think and believe concerning Him and His will. Read it then the third time to find out the correspond- ing places, not in the Bible, but in your own life, in order to know if your life has been in harmony with the New Life, and to direct your life for the future entirely according to God's word. I am fully per- suaded that the time and pains spent on such converse 9 Preface. with the word of God under the teaching of this or some book that helps you in deahng with it, will be rewarded tenfold. I conclude with a cordial brotherly greeting to all with whom I have been permitted to mingle during the past year, in speaking about the precious Saviour and His glorious salvation ; also to all in other con- gregations, who in this last season have learned to know the beloved Lord Jesus as their Redeemer. With a heart full of peace and love, I think of you all, and I pray that the Lord may confirm His work in you. I have not become weary of crying to you : the blessedness and the power of the New Life that is in you are greater than you know, are wonderfully great ; only learn to know aright and trust in Jesus, the gift of God and the Scriptures, the word of God. Only give Him time to hold converse with you and to work in you, and your heart shall overflow with the blessed- ness of God. Now to Him who is able to do more than exceed- ingly above all that we can ask or think, to Him be glory in the Church to all eternity. Andrew Murray* Wkluxgton, /2/A ^«!f «»/, iBBs. ID CONTENTS. PAGE I. THE NEW LIFE I3 II. THE MILK OF THE WORD 17 IIL god's word in our heart 22 IV. FAITH 26 V. THE power of GOD'S WORD .... 3I VL god's GIFT OF HIS SON 36 VII. JESUS' SURRENDER OF HIMSELF ... 40 VIIL CHILDREN OF GOD 44 IX. OUR SURRENDER TO JESUS 48 X. A SAVIOUR FROM SIN 52 XI. THE CONFESSION OF SIN 5^ XII. THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS 60 XIII. THE CLEANSING OF SIN 64 XIV. HOLINESS 68 XV. RIGHTEOUSNESS 73 XVI. LOVE 77 XVII. HUMILITY 82 XVIII. STUMBLINGS 87 XIX. JESUS THE KEEPER 9^ XX. POWER IN WEAKNESS 95 XXI. THE LIFE OF FEELING 99 XXII. THE HOLV GHOST IO3 XXIII. THE LEADING OF THE SPIRIT .... I08 II Contents. CHAPTER PAGE XXIV. GRIEVING THE SPIRIT II3 XXV. FLESH AND SPIRIT I18 XXVI. THE LIFE OF FAITH I24 XXVII. THE MIGHT OF SATAN I28 XXVIII. THE CONFLICT OF THE CHRISTIAN . . I33 XXIX. BE A BLESSING I38 XXX. PERSONAL WORK 142 XXXI. MISSIONARY WORK 147 XXXII. LIGHT AND JOYFULNESS I53 XXXIII. CHASTISEMENT I57 XXXIV. PRAYER 162 XXXV. THE PRAYER-MEETING 167 XXXVI. THE FEAR OF THE LORD 172 XXXVII UNDIVIDED CONSECRATION 176 XXXVIII. ASSURANCE OF FAITH ,...».... 181 XXXIX. CONFORMITY TO JESUS 185 XL. CONFORMITY TO THE WORLD .... I9C XLI. THE lord's DAY I95 XLII. HOLY BAPTISM 20I XLIII. THE lord's SUPPER 2o6 XLIV. OBEDIENCE 211 XLV. THE WILL OF GOD 215 XLVI. SELF-DENIAL 220 XLVII. DISCRETION 226 XLVIII. MONEY 231 XLIX. THE FREEDOM OF THE CHRISTIAN . . 236 L. GROWTH 241 LI. SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES 246 LII. THE LORD THE PERFECTER 252 12 1. THE NEW LIFE. " For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but lia.ve eternal life.'' — John iii. i6. " For ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Christ is our h/e.'' — Col. iii. 3, 4. " We declare unto you the life, the eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us. God gave uuto us eternal life ; and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath the life." — i John i. 2, v. ii, 12. HOW glorious, then, is the blessing which every- one receives that believes in the Lord Jesus. Not only does there come a change in his disposition and manner of life ; he also receives from God out of heaven an entirely new life. He is born anew, bom of God : he has passed from death into life.^ This new life is nothing less than Eternal Life.' This does not mean, as many suppose, that our life shall now no more die, but shall endure into eternity. No : eternal life is nothing else than the very life of God, the life that He has had in Himself from eter- nity and that has been visibly revealed in Christ. This life is now the portion of every child of God.^ 1 John i. 12, 13, iii. 5, 7, v. 24 ; i John iii. 14, v i. 2 John iii. 15, 16, 36, vi. 40, 51, xi. 25, 26 ; Rom. vi. 11, 23, wii. 2; I John V. 12, 13. 3i John i. 3, iii. i, v. 11. '' 13 The New Life. This life is a life of inconceivable power. When- ever God gives life to a young plant or animal, that life has in itself the power of growth, whereby the plant or animal as of itself becomes large. Life is power. In the new life, that is, in your heart, there is the power of eternity.^ More certain than the healthful growth of any tree or animal is the growth and increase of the child of God, who in reality surrenders himself to the working of the new life. What hinders this power and the reception of the new spiritual life is chiefly two things. The one is ignorance of its nature, its laws and workings. Man, even the Christian, has of himself not the least con- ception of the new life that comes from God : it sur- passes all his thoughts. His own perverted thoughts of the way to serve and to please God, namely, by what he does and is, are so deeply rooted in him, that, although he thinks that he understands and receives God's word, he yet thinks humanly and carnally on Divine things.^ Not only must God give salvation and life ; He must also give the Spirit to make us know what He gives. Not only must He point out the land of Canaan, and the way thither; we must also, like the blind, be led every day by Himself. The young Christian must try to cherish a deep con- viction of his ignorance concerning the new life, and of his inability to form right thoughts about it. This will bring him to the meekness and to the child-like 1 John X. 10, 28 ; Heb. vii. 16, 29, xi. 25, 26 ; 2 Cor. xii. 9, xiii, 4 ; Col. iii. 3, 4 ; Phil. iv. 13. * Jos. iii. 4 ; Isa. Iv. 8, 9 ; Matt. xvi. 23. 14 The New Life. spirit of docility, to which the Lord shall make His secret known, i There is a second hindrance in the way of faith. In the life of every plant and every animal and every child there lies sufficient power by which it can be- come big. In the new life, God has made the most glorious provision of a sufficient power whereby His child can grow and become all that he must be. Christ Himself is his life and his power of life.^ Yet, because this mighty life is not visible or cannot be felt, but works in the midst of human weakness, the young Christian often becomes of doubtful mind. He then fails to believe that he shall grow with Divine power and certainty. He does not understand that the believing life is a life of faith whereby he reckons on the life that is in Christ for him, although he neither sees, feels, nor experiences anything.' Let every one, then, that has received this new life, cultivate this great conviction : it is eternal life that works in me : it works with Divine power : I can and afid shall become what God will have me be : Christ Himself is my life : I have to receive Him every day as my life given by God to me, and He shall be my life in full power. O my Father, who hast given me Thy Son that I may have life in Him, I thank Thee for the glorious 1 Ps. XXV. 5, 8, 9, cxliii. 8 ; Isa. xlii. i6, Ixiv. 4 ; Matt. xi. 25 ; i. Cor. i, 18, 19, ii. 7, 10, 12 ; Heb. xi. 8. 'Ps. xviii. 2, xxvii. i, xxxviii. 3, Ixxxiv. 8 ; John xiv. 19 ; Gal. ii. 20 ; Col. iii. 3, 4. »Hab. ii. 4; Matt. vi. 27 ; Rom. i. 17; Gal. iii. 11 ; Heb. x. 38. 15 The New Life. new life that is now in me. I pr? / Thee, teach me to know aright this new life. I wih acknowledge my ignorance and the perverte' joughts which are in in me, concerning thy service. I will believe in the heavenly power of the new life that is in me : I will believe that my lyord Jesus, who Himself is my life, will by His Spirit teach me to know how I can walk in that life. Amen. ' Try now to apprehend and appropriate the following lessons, in your heart : — 1. It is eternal life, the very life of God, that you have now re- ceived through faith. 2. This new life is in Christ, and the Holy Spirit is in you to bring over to you all that is in Christ. Christ lives in you through the Holy Spirit. 3. This ife is a life of wonderful power. However weak you may feel, you must believe in the Divine power of the life that is in you. 4. This life has need of time to grow in you and to take poS' session of you. Give it time : it shall surely increase. 5. Forget not that all the laws and rules of this new life are in conflict with all human thoughts of the way to please God. Be very much in dread of your own thoughts, and let Christ, who is your life and also your wisdom, teach you all things. 16 II. THE MILK OF THE WORD. " As new-bom babes, long for the spiritual milk that is with- out guile, that ye may grow thereby unto salvation." — i Pet. ii. 2. BELOVED young Christians, hear what your Father has to say in this word. You have just re- cently given yourself to the Lord, and have believed that He has received you. You have thus received the new life from God, You are now as new-born infants: He would teach you in this word what is necessary that you may grow and wax strong. The first point is : you must know that you are GocTs' children. Hear how distinctly Peter says this to those just converted : ^ " You have been born again, ' ' ' ''you are new-born infants," "you are now con- verted" "you are now the people of God." A Chris- tian, however young and weak he is, must know that he is God's child. Then only can he have the cour- age to believe that he shall make progress, and the boldness to use the food of the children provided in the word. All Scripture teaches us that we must know and can know that we are children of God.'^ ' I Pet. i. 23, ii. 2, 10. 25. 2 Rom. viii. 16 ; i Cor. iii. 1, 16 ; Gal. iv. 6, 7 ; i John iii. 2, 14, 24, iv. I j, V. 10, 13. 2 17 The New Life. The assurance of faith is indispensable to a healthy, powerful growth in the Lord.i The second point which this word teaches you is : you are still very weak— weak, as new-born children. The joy and the love which a young convert some- times experiences do indeed make him think that he is very strong. He runs the risk of exalting himself, and of trusting in what he experiences. He must nevertheless learn much of how he must become strong in his I,ord Jesus. Endeavor to feel deeply that you are still young and weak.'^ Out of this sense of weakness comes the humility which has nothing* in itself, and therefore expects all from its Lord.* The third lesson is : l/ie young- Christian 7nust not reniaift weak; he must grow and increase in grace; he must make progress and become strong. God lays it upon us as a command. His word gives Tis, concerning this point, the most glorious promises. It lies in the nature of the thing : a child of God must and can make progress. The new life is a life that is healthy and strong : when a disciple surrenders him- self to it, the growth certainly comes.* The fourth and principal lesson — the lesson which young disciples of Christ have most need of— is : it is through the milk of the word that God's 7iew-born in- fants can grow. The new life from the Spirit of God lEph. V. 8 ; Col. ii. 6 ; i Pet. i. 14, 19. 'i Cor. iii. i, 13 ; Heb. v. 13, 14. 'Matt. V. 3 ; Rom. xii. 3, 10 ; Eph. iv. 2 ; Phil. ii. 3, 4 ; Col. iii. 12. *Matt. viii. 8, 15, 27, 28. * Judg. V. 31 ; Ps. Ixxxiv. 8, xcii. 13, 14 ; Prov. iv. 18 ; Isa. xl 31 ; Epli. iv. 14 ; I Thess. iv. i ; 2 Pet iii. 18. *i8 The Milk of the Word. can be sustained only by the word from the mouth of God. Your life, my young brother, will largely de- pend on whether you learn to deal wisely and well with God's word, or whether you learn to use the word from the beginning as your milk.^ See what a charming parable the Lord has given us here in the mother's milk. Out of her own life does the mother yield food and life to her child. The feeding of the child is the work of the tenderest love, in which the child is pressed to the breast, and is held in the closest fellowship with the mother. And the milk is just what the weak child requires — food gen- tle and yet strong. Even so is there in the word of God the very life and power of God.^ His tender love will, through the word, receive us into the gentlest and most inti- mate fellowship with Himself.^ His love will give us out of the word what is, like warm, soft milk, just fitted for our weakness. Let no one suppose that the word is too high or too hard for him. For the disci- ple who receives the word, and trustfully relies on Jesus to teach him by the Spirit, the word of God shall practically prove to be gentle, sweet milk for new-born infants.* Dear young Christians, would you continue stand- ing, would you become strong, would you always live for the Lord ? Then hear this day the voice of your 1 Ps. xix. 8, II, cxix. 97, loo ; Isa. Iv. 2 3 ; i Cor. xii. n. 2 John vi. 63 ; i Thess. ii. 13 ; Heb. iv. 12. 3 John X. 4. *Ps. cxix. 18 ; John xiv. 26 ; Kph. i. 17, iG. 19 The New Life. Father: "As new-born babes, long for the spiritual milk that is without guile." Receive this word into your heart and hold it fast as the voice of your Father : on your use of the word of God will your spiritual life depend. Let the word of God be precious to you above everything.^ Above all forget not this: the word is the milk; the sucking or drinking on the part of the little child is the inner, living, blessed fellowship with the mother's love. Through the Holy Spirit your use of the milk of the word can become warm, living fellow- ship with the Living Love of your God. O long then very eagerly for the milk. Do not take the word as something that is hard and troublesome to under- stand : in that way you lose all delight in it. Receive it with trust in the love of the living God. With a tender, motherly love will the Spirit of God teach and help you in your weakness. Believe always that the Spirit will make the word in you life and joy, a blessed fellowship with your God. Precious Saviour, Thou hast taught me to believe Thy word, and Thou hast made me by that faith a child of God. Through that word, as the milk of the new-born babes, wilt Thou also feed me. Lord, for this milk shall I be very eager : every day will I long after it. Teach me, through the Holy Spirit and the word, to walk and hold converse every day in living fellowship with the love of the Father. Teach me 1 Ps. cxix. 14, 47, 48, III, 127. 20 The Milk of the Word. always to believe that the Spirit has been given me with the word. Amen. 1. What texts do you consider the best for proving that the Scriptures teach us that we must know we are children of God ? 2. What are the three points in which the sucking child is to us a type of the young child in Christ in his dealing with the word? 3. What must a young Christian do when he has little bless- ing in the reading of God's word ? He must set himself through faith in fellowship with Jesus Himself: he must reckon that Jesus will teach him through the Spirit, and so trustfully con- tinue in the reading. 4. One verse chosen to meet our needs, read ten times and and then laid up in the heart, is better than ten verses read once. Only so much of the word as I actually receive and in- wardly appropriate for myself, is food for my soul. 5. Choose out for yourselves what you consider one of the most glorious promises about making progress and becoming strong ; learn it by heart, and repeat it continually as the lan- guage of your positive expectation. 6. Have you learned well to understand what the great means for growth in grace is ? 21 III. GOD'S WORD IN OUR HEART. " Therefore shall ye lay up these My words in your heart and in your soul."— Deut. xi. i8. " Son of man, all My words that I shall speak unto thee, receive in thine heart."— Ezek. iii. lo. " Thy word have I laid up iu mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee."— Ps. cxix. ii. LONG for the milk that ye may grow thereby. This charming word taught every young Chris- tian that, if he would grow, he must receive the word as milk, as the living participation of the life and the love of God. On this account is it of so great im- portance to know well how we must deal with the word. The Lord says that we must receive it and lay it up in our heart. ^ The word must possess and fill the heart. What does that mean ? The heart is the temple of God. In the temple there was an outer court and an inner sanctuary. So also is it in the heart. The gate of the court is the understanding; what I do not understand cannot enter into the heart. Through the outer gate of the understanding, the word comes into the court.' 1 Deut. XXX. 14 ; Ps. i. 2, cxix. 34, 36 ; Is. li. 7 ; John v. 38, viiL 31, XV. 7 ; Rom. x. 8, 9 ; Col. iii. 16. > Ps. cxix. 34 ; Matt. xiii. 19 ; Acts viii; 30. . 22 God's Word in Our Heart. There it is kept by memory and reflection.^ Still it is not yet properly in ^he heart. From the court there is an entrance into the innermost sanctuary; the entrance of the door is faith. "What I believe that I receive into my heart ^ Here it then becomes held fast in love and in the surrender of the will. Where this takes place, there the heart becomes the sanctuary of God. His law is there, as in the ark, and the soul cries out: "Thy law is within my heart."' Young Christian, God has asked your heart, your love, your whole self. You have given yourself to Him. He has received you, and would have you and your heart entirely for Himself. He will make that heart full of His word. What is in the heart one holds dear, becaus*^ one thinks continually on that which gives joy. God would have the word in the heart. Where His word is, there is He Himself and His might. He considers Himself bound to fulfil His word ; when you have the word, you have God Himself to work in you.* He wills that you should receive and lay up His words in your heart : then will He greatly bless you.^ How I wish that I could bring all young Christians to receive simply that word of their Father, " Lay up My words in your heart," and to give their whole 1 Ps. cxix. 15, 16. 2 John V. 38 ; Acts viii. 37 ; Rom. x. 10, 17. '^x. XXV. 16 ; Ps. xxxvii. 31, xl. 9 ; Col. iii. 16. < Gen. xxi. i ; Josh, xxiii. 14. 6 Deut. xi. 10, xxviii. 1, 2 ; Ps. i. 2, 3, cxix. 14, 45, 98, 165 ; John xvii. 6, 8, 17. 23 The New Life. heart to become full of God's word. Resolve then to do this. Take pains to understand what you read. When you understand it, take then always one or another word to keep in remembrance and ponder. Learn words of God by heart ; repeat them to your- self in the course of the day. The word is seed ; the seed must have time, must be kept in the ground : so must the word be carried in the heart. Gi\ns the best powers of your heart, your love, your desire, the willing and joyful activity of your will, to Gods word. "Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord ; and in His law doth he meditate day and night. ' ' Let the heart be a temple, not for the world and its thoughts, but for God and His thoughts.' He that, every day, faithfully opens his heart to God's voice to hear what God says, and keeps and carries about that word, shall see how faithfully God also shall open His heart to our voice, to hear what we say to Him in prayer. Dear Christian, pray read yet once again the words at the head of this section. Receive them as God's word to you — the word of the Father who has re- ceived you as a child, of Jesus who has made you God's child. God asks of you, as His child, that you give your heart to become filled with His word. Will you do this ? What say you ? The Lord Jesus would complete His holy work in you with power along this way.'^ Let your answer be distinct and continu- ous : " I have hid Thy word in my heart ; " " How * Ps. cxix. 69 ; John xv. 3, 7, x^-ii. 6, 8, 17. ' John xiv. 21, 23 ; i John ii. 14, 24 ; Rev. iii. 8, xo, 24 God's Word in Our Heart. love I Thy law: it is my meditation all the day." Even if it appears difficult for you to understand the word, read it only the more. The Father has prom- ised to make it a blessing in your heart. But you must first take it into your heart. Believe then that God will by the Holy Spirit make it living and pow- erful in you. O my Father, who hast said to me : "My son, give Me thine heart," I have given Thee mine heart. Now that Thou chargest me to lay up and to keep Thy word in that heart, I answer: " I keep Thy com- mands with my whole heart." Father, teach me every day so to receive Thy word in my heart that it can exercise there its blessed influence. Strengthen me in the deep conviction that even though I do not actually apprehend its meaning and power, I can still reckon on Thee to make the word living and power- ful in me. Amen. 1. What is the difference between the reading of the word to increase knowledge and the receiving of it in faith ? 2. The word is as a seed. Seed requires time ere it springs up. During this time it must be kept silently and constantly in the earth. I must not only read God's word, but ponder it and re- flect upon it : then shall it work in me. The word must be in me the whole day, must abide in me, must dwell in me. 3. What are the reasons that the word of God sometimes has so little power in those that read it and really long for blessing ? One of the principal reasons is surely that they do not give the seed time to grow, that they do not keep it and reflect upon it, in the believing assurance that the word itself shall have its working. 4. What is the token of His disciples that Jesus mentions first in the high-priestly prayer? (John xvii.) 5. What are the blessings of a heart filled with the word of God ? 25 IV. FAITH. " Blessed is she that believed ; for there shall be a fulfilment of the things which have been spoken to her from the lyOrd."— IvUKK i. 45. "I believe God, that it shall be even so as it hath been spoken unto me." — Acts xxvii. 25. " Abraham waxed strong through faith, being fully assured that what He had promised, he was able also to perform."— Rom. iv. 21. GOD has asked you to take and lay up His words in your heart. P'aith is the proper avenue whereby the word is taken and received into the innermost depths of the heart. Let the young Chris- tian then take pains always to understand better what faith is : he will thereby gain an insight into the rea- sons why such great things arc bound up with faith. He will yield his perfect assent to the view that full salvation is made every day dependent on faith .^ Let me now ask my reader to read over once again the three texts which stand above, and to find out what is the principal thought that they teach about faith. Pray, read nothing actually beyond them, but read first these words of God, and ask yourself what they teach you about faith. They make us see that faith always attaches itself 1 1 Chron. xx. 20 ; Mark. ix. 23 ; Heb. xi. 33, 35 ; i John v. 4, 5. 26 Faith. to what God has said or promised. Wheu an honor- able man says anything, he also does it : on the back of the saying follows the doing. So also is it with God : when He would do anything, He says so first through His word. When the man of God becomes possessed with this conviction and established in it, God always does for Him what He has said. With God, speaking and doing always go together: the deed follows the word : " Shall He say it and not do it?" 1 When I have a word of God in which He promises to do something, I can always remain sure that He will do it. I have simply to take and hold fast the word, and therewith wait upon God : God will take care that He fulfils His word to me. Before I ever feel or experience anything, I hold fast the promise, and I know by faith that God will make it good to me.* What, now, is faith? Nothing other than the cer- titude that what God says is true. When God says that something subsists or is, then does faith rejoice, although it sees nothing of it.' When God says that He has given me something, that something in heaven is mine, I know by faith with entire certitude that it is mine.* When God says that something shall come to pass, or that He will do something for me, this is 1 Gen. xxi. i, xxxii. 12 ; Num. xiv. 17, 18, 20, xxiii. 19 ; Josh. xxi. 45, xxiii. 14 ; 2 Sam. vii. 25, 29 ; i Chron. viii. 15, 24 ; Ps. odx. 49. 2 lyuke i. 38, 45 ; John iii. 33, iv. 50, xi. 40, xx. 29 ; Heb. a. XX. x8. 3 Rom. L 17, iv. 5, V. I ; Gal. iii. 27; Eph. i. 19, iii. 17. * John iiL 16, 17, 36 ; i John v. 12, 13. 27 The New Life. for faith just as good as if I had seen it.i Things that are, but that I have not seen, and things that are not yet, but shall come, are for faith entirely sure. * ' Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the proving of things not seen." ^ Faith always asks only for what God has said, and then relies on His faithfulness and power to fulfil His word. Let us now review again the words of Scripture. Of Mary we read : " Blessed is she that believed ; for there shall be a fulfilment of the things which have been spoken to her from the Lord." All things that have been spoken in the word shall be fulfilled for me : so I believe them. Of Abraham it is reported that he was fully assured that that which had been promised, God was also able to fulfil. This is assurance of faith : to be assured that God will do what He has promised. Exactly thus is it in the word of Paul : " I believe God that it shall be even so as it hath been spoken unto me." It stood fixed with him that God would do what He had spoken. Young disciples in Christ, the new, the eternal life that is in you is a life of faith. And do you not see how simple and how blessed that life of faith is ? I go every day to the word and hear there what God has said that He has done and will do.^ I take time to lodge in my heart the word in which God says that, and I hold it fast, entirely assured that what 1 Rom. viii. 38 ; PhU. iii. 21 ; i Thess. v. 24 ; i Pet. i. 4, 5. s Heb. xi. I. « Gal. ii. 20, iii. 2, 5, v. 5, 6 ; Heb. x. 35 ; i Pet. i. 8. Faith. God has promised, He is able to perform. And then in a childlike spirit I await the fulfilment of all the glorious promises of His word. And my soul experi- ences : Blessed is she that believed ; for the things that have been spoken to her from the Lord shall be fulfilled. God promises — I believe — God fulfils: that is the secret of the new life. O my Father, Thy child thanks Thee for this blessed life of faith in which we have to walk. I can do nothing, but Thou canst do all. All that Thou canst do hast Thou spoken in Thy word. And every word that I take and trustfully bring to Thee, Thou fulfiUest. Father, in this life of faith, so simple, so glorious, will I walk with Thee. Amen. 1. The Christian must read and search the Scriptures to in- crease his knowledge. For this purpose he daily reads one or more principal portions. But he reads the Scriptures also to strengthen his faith. And to this end he must take one or two verses to make them the subject of special reflection, and to appropriate them trustfully for himself [The Prayer and Bible Union has been established in order to be a help towards the regular reading of the Bible. Kvery year is issued an Almanac with a chapter from the Old Testament for the morning, and half a chapter out of the New for the evening. And for the morning there is also given a verse for reflection. Make application to your minister or to the secre- tary, Dr. J. J. Maquard, of Bethulie.] 2. Pray, do not suffer yourselves to be led astray by those who speak as if faith were something great and unintelligfible. Faith is nothiiig other than the certitude that God speaks truth. Take some promises of God and say to Him : I know for certain that this promise is truth, and that Thou wilt fulfil it. He will do it. 3. Never mourn over unbelief as if it were only a weakness 29 The New Life. which you cannot help. As God's child, however weak yotl may be, you have the power to believe, for the Spirit of God is in you. You have only to keep in mind this : no one apprehends anji^hing before that he has the power to believe ; he must simply begrin and continue with saying to the I^ord that he js sure that His word is truth. He must hold fast the promise and rely upon God for the fulfilment. 30 V. THE POWER OF GOD'S WORD. " Faith Cometh of hearing, and hearing by the the word of Christ."— Rom. x. 17. " Receive with meekness the im^planted word, which is able to save your souls." — J as. i. 21. " We also thank God without ceasing, that, when ye received from us the word of the message, even the word of God, ye ac- cepted it not as the word of men, but, as it is in truth, the word of God, which also worketh in you that believe."— 1 Thess. ii. 13. " For the word of God is living and active."— Heb. iv. 12. THE new life of a child of God depends so much on the right use of God's word, 4liat--i~shall-" once again speak of it with tny-yx>»»g' brothers and Ms^^rft-in the Lord. It is a great thing when the Christian discerns that he can receive and accomplish all only through faith. He has only to believe ; God will look to the fulfill- ing of what is promised. He has every morning to trust in Jesus, and the new life as given in Jesus and working in himself; Jesus will see to it that the new life works in him. But now he runs the risk of another error. He thinks that the faith that does such great things must be something great, and that he must have a gfreat power in order to exercise such a great taith.^ 1 Ivuke XA'ii. 5, 6 ; Rom. x. 6, 7, 8. 31 The New Life. And, because he does not feel this power, he thinks that he cannot believe as he ought. This error may- prove a loss to him his life long. Come and hear, then, how perverted this thought is. You must not bring this mighty faith to get the word fulfilled, but the word comes and brings you this faith which you must have. "The word is living and powerful." The word works faith in you. The Scripture says, " Faith is by the word." ^ Think on what we have said of the heart as a tem- ple, and of its two divisions. There is the outer court, with the understanding as its gate or entrance. There is the innermost sanctuary, with the faith of the heart as its entrance. There is a natural faith ■ the historic faith - which every man has ; with this must I first receive the word into my keeping and consideration. I must say to myself, " The word of God is certainly true. I can make a stand upon it." Thus I bring the word into the outer court, and from within the heart desire reaches out to it, seeking to receive it into the heart. The word now exercises its divine power of life ; it begins to grow and shoot out roots. As a seed which I place in the earth sends forth roots and presses still deeper into the soil, the word presses inwardly into the holy place. The word thus works true saving faith. ^ Young Christian, pray understand this. The word is living and powerful ; through the word you are bom again. The word works faith in you; through *Rom. X. 17; Heb. iv. 12. 'x Thess. ii. 13 ; Jas. i. 21 ; i Pet. i. 23. 3a The Power of God's Word. the word comes faith. Receive the word simply with the thought that it will work in you. Keep yourselves occupied with the word, and give it time. The word has a divine life in i^^self ; carry it in your inmost parts, and it will work life in you. It will work in you a faith strong and able for anything. O be resolved then, pray, never to say, I cannot believe. You can believe. You have the Spirit of God in you. Even the natural man can say, This word of God is certainly true or certainly not true. And when he with a desire of the soul says, "It is true; I will believe it," the living Spirit, through whom the word is living and powerful, works this living faith. Besides, the Spirit is not only in the word, but also in you. Although you do not feel as if you were believing, know for certain you can be- lieve.^ Begin actually to receive the word; it will work a mighty faith in you. Rely upon it, that when you have to do with God's word, you have to do with a word that can be surely trusted that it of itself works faith in you. And not only the promises, but a' so the commands have this living power. When I first receive a com- mand from God, it is as if I felt no power to accom- plish it. But if I then simply receive the word as God's word, which works in those that believe, — if I trust in the word to have its working, and in the living God which g^ves it its operation, — that com- mandment will work in me the desire and the power for obedience. When I weigh and hold fast the com- 1 Deut. zxxii. 46, 47 ; Josh. i. 7, 9. 3 33 The New Life. mand, it works the desire and the will to obey; it urges me strongly towards the conviction that I can certainly do what my Father says. The word works both faith and obedience. The obedience of the Christian is the obedience of faith. I must believe that through the Spirit I have the power to do what God wills, for in the word the power of God works in me. The word, as the command of the living God who loves me, is my power.' pTherefore, young disciples in Christ, learn to receive hod's word trustfully. Although you do not at first /understand it, continue to meditate upon it. It has fa living power in it ; it will glorify itself. Although you feel no power to believe or to obey, the word is .living and powerful. Take it, and hold it fast; it i will accomplish its work with divine power. The t word rouses and strengthens for faith and obedience. Lord God, I begin to conceive how Thou art in Thy word with Thy life and Thy power, and how that word itself works faith and obedience in the heart that receives and keeps it. Lord, teach me to carry Thy every word as a living seed in my heart, in the assurance that it shall work in me all Thy good pleasure. I. Forget not that it is one and the same to believe in the word, or in the person that speaks the word, or in the thing which is promised in the word. The very same faith that re- , ceives the promises receives also the Father who promises, and 1 Rom. i. 3, xvi. 6 ; Gal. vi, 6 ; i Thess. i. 3 ; Jas. i. 21. 34 The Power of God's Word. the Son with the salvation which is given in the promises. Pray see to it that you never separate the word and the living God from each other. 2. See to it also that you apprehend thoroughly the distinction betwixt the reception of the word " as the word of man " and " as the word of God, which works in you that believe." 3. I think that you now know what is necessary to become strong in faith. Exercise as much faith as you have. Take a promise of God. Say to yourself that it is certainl}' true. Go to God and say to Him that you rely on Him for the fulfilment. Ponder the promise, and cleave to it in converse with God. Rely upon Him to do for you what He says. He will surely do it. 4. The Spirit and the word always go together. I can be sure concerning all of which the word says that I must do it, that I also can do it through the Spirit. I must receive the word and also the command in the confidence that it is the living word of the living God which also works in us who believe. 35 VI. GOD'S GIFT OF HIS SON. " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever beUeveth on Him should not perish, but have eternal life."— John iii. i6. " Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift."— 2 Cor. ix. 15. THUS dear did God hold the world. How dear? That He gave His only-begotten Son for every one in the world who will trust in Him. And how did He give? He gave Him, in His birth as man, in order to be for ever one with us. He gave Him, in His death on the cross as Surety, in order to take our sin and curse upon Himself. He gave Him on the throne of heaven, in order to arrange for our welfare, as our Representative and Intercessor over all the powers of heaven. He gave Him in the outpouring of the Spirit, in order to dwell in us, to be entirely and altogether our own.i Yes; that is the love of God, that He gave His Son to us, for us, in us. Nothing less than His Son Himself. This is the love of God ; not that He give us something, but that He gives us some one — a living person — not one or another blessing, but Him in whom is all life and blessing— Jesus Himself. Not simply forgiveness, or 1 John i. 14. 16, xiv. 23 ; Rom. v. 8, viii. 32, 34 ; ^ph. i. 22, iii. 17; Col. ii. 9, 10 ; Heb. vii. 24, 26 ; i John iv. 9, 10. 36 God's Gift of His Son. revival, or sanctification, or glory does He give us; but Jesus, His own Son. The Lord Jesus is the be- loved, the equal, the bosom-friend, the eternal blessed- ness of the Father. And it is the will of the Father that we should have Jesus as ours, even as He has Him.^ For this end He gave Him to us. The whole of salvation consists in this : to have, to possess, to enjoy Jesus. God has given His Son, given Him wholly to become ours.^ What have we, then, to do? To take Him, to receive and to appropriate to ourselves the gift, to enjoy Jesus as our own. This is eternal life. ** He that hath the Son hath life." ^ How I do wish, then, that all young Christians may understand this. The one great work of God's love for us is, He gives us His Son. In Him we have all. Hence the one great work of our heart must be to receive this Jesus who has been given to us, to consider Him and use Him as ours. I must begin every day anew with the thought, I have Jesus to do all for me.* In all weakness or darkness or danger, in the case of every desire or need, let your first thought always be, I have Jesus to make everything right for me, for God has given Him to me. Whether your need be forgiveness or consolation or confirma- tion, whether you have fallen, or are tempted to fall, into danger, whether you know not what the will of iMatt. xi. 27 ; John xvii. 23, 25 ; Rom. viii. 38, 39 ; Heb. ii. 11. 2 Ps. Ixxiii. 25, cxlii. 6 ; John xx. 28 ; Heb. iii. 14. 3 John i. 12 ; 2 Cor. iii. 13, 5 ; Col. ii. 6 ; John v. 12. * John XV. 5 ; Rom. viii. 37 ; i Cor. i. 30 ; Eph. i. 3, ii. 10 ; Phil, iv. 13 ; 2 Tim. i. 12. 37 The New Life. God is in one or another matter, or know that you have not the courage and the strength to do this will, let this always be your first thought, the Father has given me Jesus to care for me. For this purpose, reckon upon this gift of God every day as yours. It has been presented to you in the word. Appropriate the Son in faith on the word. Take Him anew every day. Through faith you have the Son.^ The love of God has given the Son. Take Him, and hold Him fast in the love of your heart.* It is to bring life, eternal life, to you that God has given Jesus. Take Him up into your life ; let heart and tongue and whole walk be under the might and guidance of Jesus.^ Young Christian, so weak and so sinful, listen, pray, to that word. God has given you Jesus. He is yours. Taking is noth- ing else but the fruit of faith. The gift is for me. He will do all for you. O my Lord Jesus, to-day anew, and every day, I take Thee. In all Thy fulness, in all Thy relations, without ceasing, I take Thee for myself. Thee, who art my Wisdom, my Light, my Leader, I take as my Prophet. Thee, who dost perfectly reconcile me, and bring me near to God, who dost purify and sanc- tify me and pray for me, I take as my Priest. Thee, who dost guide and keep and bless me, I take as my 1 John i. 12 ; 1 John v. 9, 13. 2 1 John iv. 4, 19. 3 2 Cor. V. IS ; PhU. iii. 8. 38 God^sGiftofHis Son. King. Thou, Lord, art All, and Thou art wholly mine. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift. • Amen. 1. Ponder much the word Give. God gives in a wonderful way : from the heart, completely for nothing, to the unworthy. And He gives effectually. What He gives He will really make entirely our possession, and inwardly appropriate for us. Be- lieve this, and you shall have the certitude that Jesus will, to the full, come into your possession, with all that He brings. 2. Ponder much also that other word Take. To take Jesus, and to hold Him fast and use Him when received, is our great work. And that taking is nothing but trusting. He is mine with all that He has. Take Jesus— the full Jesus— every day as yours. This is the secret of the life of faith. 3. Then weigh well also the word Have. " He that hath the Son hath light." What I have is mine, for my use aud service. I can dispose of it, and can have the full enjoyment of it. " He that hath the Son hath life.'' 4. Mark especially that what God gives, and what you take, and what you now have, is nothing less than the living Son of God. Do you receive this? 39 VII. JESUS' SURRENDER OF HIMSEI.F. " Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself up for it ; that He might sanctify it ; that He might present the Church to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle ; but that it should be holy and without blemish."— E)ph. v. 25-27. SO great and wonderful was the work that Jesus had to do for the sinner, that nothing less was necessary than that He should give Himself to do that work. So great and wonderful was the love of Jesus towards us, that He actually gave Himself for us and to us. So great and wonderful is the sur- render of Jesus, that all that same thing for which He gave Himself can actually and completely come to pass in us. For Jesus, the Holy, the Almighty, has taken it upon Himself to do it : He gave Him- self for us.i And now the one thing that is neces- sary is that we should rightly understand and firmly believe this His surrender for us. To what end, then, was it that He gave Himself for the Church? Hear what God says. In order that He might sanctify it, in order that it might be with- out blemish.' This is the aim of Jesus. This His aim He will reach in the soul according as the soul 1 Gal. i. 4, ii. 20 ; Eph. v. 2, 25 ; i Tim. ii. 6 ; Titus ii. 14. * Eph. i 4, v. 27 ; Col. i. 22 ; i Thess. ii. 10, iii. 13, v. 23, 24. 40 Jesus' Surrender of Himself. falls in with it so as to make this also its highest por- tion, and then relies upon Jesus' surrender of Him- self to do it. Hear still a word of God : ' * Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a people for His own possession, zealous of good works." ^ Yes: it is to prepare for Himself a /»z^r\ II- acxi. 7 ,- 2 Sam. xxiv. 10, 17 ; Isa. lix. 12, 13 ; I^uke kxUi. 41 ; Acis xix. 18, 19, xxii. 19, 20 ; i Tim. i. 13, 15. ■'Prove »xviiL ^3 Lev. xzvi. 40, 41 ; Jer. xxxi. 18, 19. 57 The New Life. deliver up the sinful deed to be laid aside. By it deliver up the sinful feeling with a view to trusting in God. Confession implies renunciation, the put- ting off of sin. Give up sin to God, to forgive it to you, and to cleanse you from it. Do not confess, if you are not prepared, if you do not heartily desire to to be freed from it. Confession has value only as it is a giving up of sin to God. Let the confession be trustful.^ Reckon firmly upon God actually to forgive you, and also to cleanse you from sin. Continue in confession, in casting the sin of which you desire to be rid into the fire of God's holiness until your soul has the firm confidence that God takes it on His own account to forgive and to cleanse away. It is this faith that really overcomes the world and sin : the faith that God in Jesus really emancipates from sin. ^ Brother, do you understand it now? "What must you do with sin — with every sin ? To bring it in con- fession to God, to give it to God ; God alone takes away sin. Lord God, what thanks shall I express for this unspeakable blessing, that I may come to Thee with sin ? It is known to Thee, Lord, how sin before Thy holiness causes terror and flight. It is known to Thee how it is our deepest thought, first to have sin covered, and then to come to Thee with our desire and endeavor for good. Lord, teach me to come to 1 2 Sam. xii. 13 ; Ps. xxxii. 5 ; Isa. Iv. 7. 2 1 John V. 5, ii. 12. 58 The Confession of Sin. Thee with sin, every sin, and in confession to lay it down before Thee and give it up to Thee. Amen. 1. What is the distinction betwixt the covering of sin by God and by man ? How does man do it ? How does God do it? 2. What are the great hindrances in the way of the confession, of sin? Ignorance about sin. Fear to come with sin to the holy God. The endeavor to come to God with something good. Unbelief in the power of the blood and in the riches of grace. 3. Must I immediately confess an oath or a lie or a wrong word, or wait until my feeling has first cooled and become rightly disposed ? O pray confess it immediately ; come in full sinfulness to God, without first desiring to make it less ! 4. Is it also necessary or good to confess before man ? It is indispensable, if our sfn has been against man. And, besides, it is often good ; it is often easier to acknowledge before God than before man that I have done something. (Jas. v. 16.) 59 XII. THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS. *' Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." — Ps. xxxii. i. " Bless the lyord, O my soul .... who forgiveth all thine iniquities." — Ps. ciii. 2, 3. IN connection with surrender to the Lord, it was said that the first great blessing of the grace of God was this — the free, complete, everlasting for- giveness of all your sins. For the young Christian it is of great moment that he should stand fast in this forgiveness of his sins, and always carry the cer- titude of it about with him. To this end, he must especially consider the following truths. The forgiveness of our sin is a complete forgive- ness.' God does not forgive by halves. Even with man, we reckon a half forgiveness no true forgiveness. The love of God is so great, and the atonement in the blood of Jesus so complete and powerful, that God always forgives completely. Take time with God's word to come under the full impression that your guilt has been blotted out wholly and altogether. God thinks absolutely no more of your sins. "I ^ Ps. ciii. 12 ; Isa. xxxviii. 17, Iv. 7 ; Micah vii. 18, 19 ; Heb. x. 16-18. 60 The Forgiveness of Sins. will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I re- member no more." ^ The forgiveness of our sin restores us entirely again to the love of God.^ Not only does God not impute sin any more, — that is but one-half, — but He reckons to us the righteovsness of Jesus also, so that for His sake we are as dear to God as He is. Not only is wrath turned away from us but the fulness of love now rests upon us. "I will love them freely, for Mine anger is turned away from him. ' ' Forgiveness is access to all the love of God. On this account forgiveness is also introduction to all the other blessings of redemption. Live in the full assurance of forgiveness, and let the Spirit fill your heart with the certitude and the blessedness of it, and you shall have great confidence in expecting all from God. Ivcarn from the word of God, through the Spirit, to know God aright, and to trust Him as the ever-forgiving God. That is His name and His glory. To one to whom much, yea, all is forgiven, He will also give much. He will give all.^ Let it therefore be every day your joyful thanksgiving. " Bless the Lord, O my soul, who for- giveth all mine iniquities." Then forgiveness be- comes the power of a new life : " He who is forgiven much loves much. ' ' The forgiveness of sins, received anew in living faith every day, is a bond that binds anew to Jesus and His service.* ^ Jer. xxxi. 34 ; Heb. viii. 12, x. 17. 2Hos. xiv. 5 ; lyuke xv. 22 ; Acts xxvi. 18 ; Rom. v. i, 5. 'Ps. ciii. 3 ; Isa. xii. i, 3 ; Rom. v. 10, viii. 32; Eph. i. 7, iii. 5. * John xiii. 14, 15 ; Rom. xii. i ; i Cor. vi. 20 ; Eph. v. 2$, 26 ; Tit. a, 14 ; I Pet. i. 17, 18. 61 The New I^ife. Then tlie forgiveness of former sins always gives courage to go immediately anew with every new sin and trustfully to take forgiveness.^ l/ook, however, to one thing: the certitude of forgiveness must not be a matter of memory or understanding, but the fruit of life — living converse with the forgiving Father, with Jesus in whom we have forgiveness.^ It is not enough to know that I once received for- giveness : my life in the love of God, my living intercourse with Jesus by faith — this makes the for- giveness of sin again always new and powerful — the joy and the life of my soul. Lord God, this is the wonder of Thy grace, that Thou art a forgiving God. Teach me every day to know in this anew the glory of Thy love. I^et the Holy Spirit every day seal forgiveness to me as a blessing, everlasting, ever-fresh, living and powerful. And let my life be as a song of thanksgiving. " Bless the Ivord, O my soul, who forgiveth all thine iniquities." Amen. 1. At bottom, forgiveness is one with justification. Forgive- ness is the word that looks more to the relation of God as Father. Justification looks more to His acquittal as Judge. Forgiveness is a word that is more easily understood by the young Christian. But he must also endeavor to understand the word justification, and to obtain part in all that the Scripture teaches about it. 1 Fx. xxxiv. 6, 7 ; Matt, xviii. 21 ; I^uke i. 77, 78. 2Fph. ii. 13, 18 ; Phil. iii. 9 ; Col. i. 21, 22. 62 The Forgiveness of Sins. ». About justification we must understand — That man in himself is wholly unrighteous. That he cannot be justified by works — that is, pro- nounced righteous before the judgment-seat of God. That Jesus Christ has brought in a righteousness in our place. His obedience in our righteousness. That we through faith receive Him, are united with Him, and then are pronounced righteous before God. That we through faith have the certitude of this, and, as justified, draw near before God. That union with Jesus is a life by which we are not only pronounced righteous, but are really righteous and act righteously. 3. I^et the certitude of your part in justification, in the full forgiveness of your sins, and in full restoration to the love of God, be every day your confidence in drawing near to God. 63 XIII. THE CI.KANSING OF SIN. " If we walk in the light, t-ae blood of Jesus His Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and right- eous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unright- eousness." — I John i. 7, 9. THE same God that forgives sin also cleanses from it. Not less than forgiveness is cleansing a promise of God, and therefore a matter of faith. As it is indispensable, as it is impossible for man, so is cleansing as well as forgiveness certain to be obtained from God. And what now is this cleansing ? The word comes from the Old Testament. While forgiveness was a sentence of acquittal passed on the sinner, cleansing was something that happened to him and in him. Forgiveness came to him through the word : in the case of cleansing, something was done to him that he could experience.^ Consequently with us also cleansing is the inner revelation of the power of God whereby we are liberated from unrighteousness, from the pollution and the working of sin. Through cleansing we obtain the blessing of a pure heart ; a 1 lyCv. xiii. 13, xiv. 7, 8 ; Num. xix. 12, xxxi. 23, 24 ; 2 Sam xxii. 21, 25 ; 2 Chron. v. 10 ; Neh. xiii. 30, xviii. 21, 25 ; Ps. xxL 4 ; MaL iii. 3- 64 The Cleansing of Sin. heart in -which the Spirit can complete His opera* tions with a view to sanctifying us, and revealing God within us.^ Cleansing is through the blood. Forgiveness and cleansing are both through the blood. The blood breaks the power that sin has in heaven to condemn ns. The blood thereby also breaks the power of sin in the heart to hold us captive. The blood has a ceaseless operation in heaven from moment to mo- ment. The blood has likewise a ceaseless operation in our heart, to purify, to keep pure the heart into which sin always seeks to penetrate from the flesh. The blood cleanses the conscience from dead works, to serve the living God. The marvelous power that the blood has in heaven, it has also in the heart.' Cleansing is also through the word, for the word testifies of the blood and of the power of God.' Hence also cleansing is through faith. It is a divine and effectual cleansing, but it must also be received in faith ere it can be experienced and felt. I believe that I am cleansed with a divine cleansing, even while I still perceive sin in the flesh ; through faith in this blessing, cleansing itself shall be my daily experience. Cleansing is ascribed sometimes to God or the I/ord Jesus; sometimes to man.* That is because 1 Ps. li. 12, Ixxiii. 1 ; Matt. v. 8 ; i Tim. i. 5 ; 2 Tim. ii. 22 ; 1 Pet. i. 22. 3 John xiii. 10, 11 ; Heb. ix. 14, x. 22 ; i John i. 7. 8 John xiv. 3. * Ps. li. 3 ; Ezek. xxx. 25 ; John xiii. 2 ; 2 Cor. vii. i ; i Tim. v. •a ; 2 Tim. ii. 21 ; Jas. iv. 8 ; i John iii. 3. 5 65 The New Life. God cleanses us by making us active in our own cleansing. Through the blood the lust that leads to sin is mortified, the certitude of power against it is awakened, and the desire and the will are thus made alive. Happy is he that understands this. He is protected against useless endeavors after self-purifi- cation in his own strength, for he knows God alone can do it. He is protected against discouragement, for he knows God will certainly do it. What we have now accordingly to lay the chief stress upon is found in two things, the desire and the reception of cleansing. The desire must be strong for a real purification. Forgiveness must be only the gateway or beginning of a holy life. I have several times remarked that the secret of progress in the service of God is a strong yearning to become free from every sin, a hunger and thirst after right- eousness.^ Blessed are such as thus yearn. They shall understand and receive the promise of a cleans- ing through God. They learn also what it is to do this in faith. Through faith they know that an unseen, spiritual, heavenly, but very real cleansing through the blood is wrought in them by God Himself. Beloved child of God, you remember how we have seen that it was to cleanse us that Jesus gave Him- self.* Let Him, let God the Lord, cleanse you. Having these promises of a divine cleansing, cleanse yourselves. Believe that every sin, when it is fo«:- 1 Ps. xix. 13 ; Matt. v. 6. 2 Eph. V. 26 ; Tit. ii. 14. 66 The Cleansing of Sin. given you, is also cleansed away. It sliall be to you according to your faith. Let your faith in God, in the word, in the blood, in your Jesus increase con- tinually: "God is faithful and righteous to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Lord God, I thank Thee for these promises. Thou givest not only forgiveness, but also cleansing. As surely as forgiveness comes first, does cleansing fol- low for every one that desires it and believes. Lord, let Thy word penetrate my heart, and let a divine cleansing from every sin that is forgiven me be the stable expectation of my soul. Beloved Saviour, let the glorious, ceaseless cleans- ing of Thy blood through Thy Spirit in me be made known to me and shared by me every moment. Amen. 1. What is the connection between cleansing by God and cleansing by man himself? 2. What, according to i John i. 9, are the two things that must precede cleansing ? 3. Is cleansing, as well as forgiveness, the work of God in us? If this is the case, of what inexpressible importance is it to trust God for it. To believe that God gives me a divine cleansing iu the blood when He forgives me, is the way to become partaker of it. 4. What, according to Scripture, are the evidences of a pure heart? 5. What are "clean hands?" (Ps. xxiv.) 67 XIV. HOLINESS. ** I native but to do righteousness. O Lord, who hast said, ' ' There is no God else be- side Me : a just God and a Saviour," Thou art my God. It is as a righteous God that Thou art my Saviour, and hast redeemed me in Thy Son. As a righteous God Thou makest me also righteous, and sayest to me that the righteous shall live by faith. O Lord, let the new life in me be the life of faith, the life of a righteous man. Amen. 1. Observe the connection between the doing of righteousness and sanctification in Rom. vi. 19, 22 : " Present yourmembers as servants to righteousness unto sanctification." "Having be- come servants to God, ye have your fruit unto sanctification." The doing of righteousness — righteousness in conduct and ac- tion — is the way to holiness. Obedience is the way to become filled with the Holy Ghost. And the indwelling of God through the Spirit — this is holiness. 2. " Suffer it now : for thus it becometh us to fulfill all right- eousness." It was when the I^ord Jesus had spoken that word that He was baptized with the Spirit. Let us set aside every temptation not to walk in full obedience towards God, even as He did, and we too shall be filled with the Spirit. " Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness." 3. Take pains to set before yourselves the image of a man whoso walks that the name of "righteous" is involuntarily given to him. Think of his uprightness, his conscientious care to cause no one to suffer the least injury, his holy fear and care- fulness to transgress none of the commands of the I,ord— right- eous, and walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the I^ord blameless ; and then say to the Lord that you should so live. 4- You understand now the great word, " The righteous shall live by faith. By faith the godless is justified, and becomes a righteous man ; by faith he lives as a righteous man. 76 XVI. LOVE. ** A new commandment I give unto you. That ye love one another ; even as I have loved you, that ye also love one an- other. By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another." — John xiii. 34, 35. "Loveworketh no ill to his neighbor: love therefore is the fulfillingof the law." — Rom. xiii. 10. " Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one an- other. If we love one another, God abideth in us, and His love is perfected in us." — i John iv. 11, 12. IN the word of Micah, in the previous section, righteousness was the first thing, to love mercy the second, that God demands. Righteousness stood more in the foreground in the Old Testament : it is in the New Testament that it is first seen that love is supreme. Utterances to this effect are not difficult to find. It is in the advent of Jesus that the love of God is first revealed ; that the new, the eternal life, is first given ; that we become children of the Father, and brethren of one another. On this ground the Lord can then, for the first time, speak of the New Commandment — the commandment of brotherly love. Righteousness is required not less in the New Testa- ment than in the Old.^ Yet the burden of the New 1 Matt. V. 6, 17, 20, vi. 33. 77 The New Life. Testament is, that power has been given us for a love that in early days was impossible." ^ Let every Christian take it deeply to heart, that in the first and the great commandment, the new com- mandment given by Jesus at His departure, the pecu- liar characteristic of a disciple of Jesus is brotherly ( iove. And let him with his whole heart yield him- self to Him, to obey that command. For the right exercise of this brotherly love, one must take heed to more than one thing. / Love to the brethren arises from the love of the Father. By the Holy Spirit, the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, the wonderful love of the Father is unveiled to us, so that His love becomes the life and the joy of our soul. Out of this foun- tain of the love of God to us springs our love to Him.' And our love to Him works naturally love to the brethren.' Do not attempt, then, to fulfill the com- mandment of brotherly love of yourselves : you are not in a position to do this. But believe that the ; Holy Spirit, who is in you to make known the love of God to you, also ceilainly enables you to yield this love. Never say : I feel no love ; I do not feel as if I can forgive this man. Feeling is not the rule of your duty but the command, and the faith that God gives power to obey the command. In obedience to the Father, with the choice of your will, and in faith that the Holy Spirit gives you power, begin to say : 1 Rom. V 5 ; Gal. v. 22 ; i Thess. iv. 9 ; i John iv. 11, xiii. 34. 2 Rom. V. 5 ; I John iv. 19. 3 Eph. iv. 2, 6, V. I, 2 ; i John iii. i, iv. 7, 20, v. x. 78 Love. I will love him ; I do love him. The feeling will follow the faith. Grace gives power for all that the Father asks of you.* Brotherly love has its measure and rule in the love of Jesus. " This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you." ' The eternal life that works in us is the life of Jesus ; it knows no ■other law than what we see in Him ; it works with power in us what it wrought in Him. • Jesus Himself lives in us and loves in and through us : we must be- lieve in the power of this love in us, and in that faith love as He loved. O, do believe that this is true sal- vation, to love even as Jesus loves. Brotherly love must be in deed and in truth,' It is not mere feeling : faith working by love is what has power in Christ. It manifests itself in all the dispositions that are enumerated in the word of God. Contemplate its glorious image in i Cor. xiii. 4-7. Mark all the glorious encouragements to gentleness, to long-suffering, to mercy.* In all your conduct, let it be seen that the love of Christ dwells in you. Let your love be a helpful, self-sacrificing love, like that of Jesus. Hold all children of God, however sinful or perverse they may be, fervently dear. Let love to them teach you to love all men.^ Let your household * Matt. V. 44, 45 ; Gal. ii. 20; i Thess, iii. 12, 13, v. 24 ; Phil, iv. 13; I Pet i. 22. ^Luke xxii. 26, 27 ; John xiii. 14, 15, 34; Col. ii. 13. 3 Matt, xii, 50, XXV. 40 ; Rom. xiii. 10; 1 Cor. vii. 19 ; Gal. v. 6; Jas. ii. 15, 16 ; i John iii. 16, 17, 18. *Gal. V, 22 ; Eph, iv. 2, 32 ; Phil, ii. *, 3 ; Col. iii. 12 ; 2 Thess. i. 3. ^I^uke vi. 32, 35 ; I Pet. i. 23; 2 Pet. i. 7. 79 The New Life. and the Church, and the world, see in you one with whom * ' love is greatest ; ' ' one in whom the love of God has a full dwelling, a free working. / Christian, God is love. Jesus is the gift of this love, to bring love to you, to transplant you into that life of God-like love. ( Live in that faith, and you shall not complain that you have no power to love : the love of the Spirit shall be your power and your life. Beloved Saviour, I discern more clearly that the whole of the new life is a life in love. Thou Thyself art the Son of God's love, the gift of His love, come to introduce us into His love, and give us a dwelling there. And the Holy Spirit is given to shed abroad the love of God in our hearts, to open a spring out of which shall stream love to Thee, and to the brethren, and to all mankind. Lord, here am I, one redeemed by love, to live for it, and in its might to love all. Amen. 1. Those who reject the word of God sometimes say that it is of no moment what we believe, if we but have love, and so they are lor making love the one condition of salvation. In their zeal against this view, the orthodox party have sometimes presented faith in justification, as if love were not of so much importance. This is likely to be very dangerous. God is love. His Son is the gift, the bringer, of His love to us. The Spirit sheds abroad the love of God in the heart. The New I,ife is a life in love. Love is the greatest thing. I^et it be the chief element in our life : true love, that, namely, which is known in the keeping of God's commandments. (See i John iii. lo, 23, 24, v. 2) 2. Do not wonder that I have said to you that you must love, although you do not feel the least love. Not the feeling, but the twill is your jMiwer : it is not in your feeling, but in faith, that 80 Love. the Spirit in you is the power of your will to work in you all that the Father bids you, Therefore, although you feel abso- lutely no love to your enemy, say in the obedience of faith : Father, I love him ; in faith in the hidden working of the Spirit in my heart, I do love him. 3. Pray, think not that this is love, if you wish no evil to any one, or if you should be willing to help, if he were in need. No: love is much more : love is love. Love is the disposition with which God addressed you when you were His enemy, and after- wards ran to you with tender longing to bless you. 6 Si XVII. HUMIUTY. •• And what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"— MiCAH vi. 8. " Learn of me that * I am meek and lowly in heart : and ye shall find rest unto your souls." — Matt. xi. 29. ONE of the most dangerous enemies against which the young Christian must watch, is pride or self-exaltation. There is no sin that works more cunningly and more hiddenly. It knows how to penetrate into everything, even into our service for God, our prayers — yea, even into our humility : there is nothing so small in the earthly life, nothing so holy in the spiritual life, that self-exaltation does not know to extract its nutriment out of.^ The Christian must therefore be on his guard against it, must listen to what Scripture teaches about it, and about the lowliness whereby it is driven out. Man was created to have part in the glory of God. He obtains this by surrendering himself to the glori- fication of God. The more he seeks that the glory of God only shall be seen in him, the more does this 1 2 Chron. xxvi. 5, 16, xxxii. 26, 31 ; Isa. Ixv. 5 ; Jer. vii. 4 ; 2 Cor. xii. 7. * So the Dutch version here renders the particle (otc), which with us is translated " because " or " for." — Tr. 82 Humility. glory rest upon himself.* The more he forgets and loses himself, desiring to be nothing, that God may be all and be alone glorified, the more happy shall he be. By sin this design has been thwarted ; man seeks himself and his own will.^ Grace has come to restore what sin has corrupted, and to bring man to glory by the pathway of dying unto himself and living solely for the glory of God. This is the humility or lowli- ness of which Jesus is the exemplar : He took no thought for Himself, He gave Himself over wholly to glorify the Father.^ He who would be freed from self-exaltation must not think to obtain this by striving against its mere workings. No : pride must be driven out and kept out by humility. The Spirit of life in Christ, the Spirit of His lowliness, will work in us true lowliness.* The means that He will chiefly use for this end is the word. It is by the word that we are cleansed from sin ; it is by the word that we are sanctified and filled with the love of God. Observe what the word says about this point. It speaks of God's aversion to pride, and the punish- ment that comes upon it.^ It gives the most glorious promises to the lowly.* In well-nigh every Epistle, 1 Isa. xliii. 7, 21 ; John xii. 28, xiii. 31, 32, xvii. i, 4> 5 5 1 Cor. x. 31 ; 2 Thess. i. 11, 12. 2 Rora. i. 21, 23. 3 John viii. 50 ; Phil. ii. 7. * Rom. viii. 2 ; Phil. ii. 5. 5 Ps. xxxi. 24 ; Prov. xvi. 5 ; Matt, xxiii. 12 ; I^uke i. 51 ; Jas. iv. 6 ; I Pet. v. 5. 6 Ps. xxxiv. 19 ; Prov. xi. 2.; Isa. Ivii. 15 ; I^uke ix. 48, xiv. 11, xviiL 14, 83 The New lyife. tumility is commended to Christians as one of the first virtues. 1 It is the feature in the image of Jesus which He seeks chiefly to impress on His disciples. His whole incarnation and redemption has its roots in His humiliation.^ Take singly some of these words of God from time to time and lay them up in your heart. The tree of life yields many different kinds of seed — the seed also of the heavenly plant, lowliness. The seeds are the words of God. Carry them in your heart : they shall shoot up and yield fruit. ^ Consider, moreover, how lovely, how becoming, how well-pleasing to God, lowliness is. As man, created for the honor of God, you find it befitting you.* As a sinner, deeply unworthy, you have noth- ing more to urge against it.^ As a redeemed soul, who knows that only through the death of the natural / does the way to the new life lie, you find it indis- pensable."' As a child of the Father, overwhelmed with His love, you must consider it above all else.'^ But here, as everywhere in the life of grace, let faith be the chief thing. Believe in the power of the eternal life that works in you. Believe in the power of Jesus, who is your life. Believe in the power of 1 Rom. xii. 3, i6 ; i Cor. xiii. 4 ; Gal. v. 22, 26 ; Kph. iv. 2 ; Phil, ii. 3 ; Col. ii. 13. 2 Matt. XX. 26, 28 ; I,uke xxii. 27 ; John xiii. 14, 15 ; Phil. ii. 7, 8. 3 I Thess. ii. 13 ; Heb. iv. 12 ; Jas. i. 21. * Gen. i. 27 ; 1 Cor. xi. 7. 5 Job. xi. 6 ; Isa. vi. 5 ; Luke v. 8. « Rom. vii. 18 ; i Cor. xv. 9, 10 ; Gal. II. 20. 7 Gen. xxxii. 10 ; 2 Sam. vii. 18 ; i Pet v. 11. 84 Humility. the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. Attempt not to hide your pride, or to forget it, or to root it out your self. Confess this sin, with every working of it that you trace, in the sure confidence that the blood cleanses, that the Spirit sanctifies. Learn of Jesus that He is meek and lowly in heart. Consider that He is your life, with all that He has. Believe that He gives His humility to you. The word : " Do it to the Ivord Jesus, ' ' means, ' ' Be clothed with the Lord Jesus." Be clothed with humility, in order that you may be clothed with Jesus. It is Christ in you that shall fill you with humility. Blessed Lord Jesus, there never was any one amongst the children of men so high, so holy, so glorious as Thou. And never was there any one who was so lowly and ready to deny himself as the servant of all. O Lord, when shall we learn that lowliness is the grace by which man can be most closely confirmed to the divine glory ? O teach me this. Amen. I. Take heed that you do nothing to feed pride on the part of others. Take heed that you do not sufifer others to feed your pride. Take heed, above all, that you do nothing yourself to feed your pride. Let God alone always and in all things obtain the honor. Endeavor to observe all that is good in His chil- dren, and to thank Him heartily for it. Thank Him for all that helps you to hold yourself in small esteem, whether it be sent through friend or foe. Resolve, especially, never on any account to be eagerly bent on your own honor, when this is not accorded to you as it ought to be. Commit this to the Father : take heed only to His honor. 3. By no means suppose that faint-heartedness or doubting is 8S The New Ufe. lowliness. Deep humility and strong faith go together. The centurion who said : " I am not worthy that Thou shouldst come under my roof," and the woman who said: "Yea, Lord, yet even the dogs eat of the crumbs "—these two were the most humble and the most trustful that the Lord found (see Matt, viii. lo, XV. 28). The reason is this : the nearer we are to God, the less we are in ourselves, but the stronger we are in Him. The more I see of God, the less I become, the deeper is my con* fidence in Him. To become lowly, let God fill eye and heart. Where God is all, there is no time or place for man. 86 XVIII. STUMBI^INGS. •• In many things we all stumble."— J as. iiL a. THIS word of God by James is the description of what man is, even the Christian, when he is not kept by grace. It serves to take away from us all hope in ourselves.* " Now unto Him that is able to guard you from stumbling ... be glory, maj- esty, dominion and power . . . for evermore" (Jude 24, 25). This word of God by Jude points to Him who can keep from falling, and stirs up the soul to ascribe to Him the honor and the power. It serves to confirm our hope in God.^ " Brethren, give the more diligence to make your calling and election sure : for if ye do these things, ye shall never stum- ble" (2 Pet. i. 10), This word of God by Peter teaches us the way in which we can become partakers of the keeping of the Almighty : the confirmation of our election by God in a godlike walk (see vers. 4, 8, II ). It serves to lead us into diligence and conscien- tious watchfulness.' For the young Christian, it is often a diflScult ques- tion what he ought to think of his stumblings. On 1 Rom. vii. 14, 23; GaL vi x. 3 3 Cor. i. 9 ; X Thess. v. 24 ; a Thess. ii. x6, 17, iii 3. ' Matt xzvi 41 ; I«uke xiL 35 ; x Pet. L X3, v. &-10. 87 The New Life. this point, he ought especially to be on his guard against two errors. Some become dispirited when they stumble: they think that their surrender was not sincere, and lose their confidence towards God.i Others again take it too lightly. They think that it cannot be otherwise : they concern themselves little with stumblings, and continue to live in them.^ Let us take these words of God to teach us what we ought to think of our stumblings. There are three lessons. Let not stumblings discourage you. You are called to perfectness : yet this comes not at once : time and patience are needful for it. Therefore James says : * ' Let patience have its perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire."^* Think not that your sur- render was not sincere ; acknowledge only how weak you still are. Think not also that you must only con- tinue stumbling : acknowledge only how strong your Saviour is. Let stumbling rouse you to faith in the tnighty keeper. It is because you have not relied on Him ^ith a sufficient faith that you have stumbled.* Let stumbling drive you to Him. The first thing that you must do with a stumbling is : go with it to your Jesus. Tell it out to Him.^ Confess it, and receive forgiveness. Confess it, and commit yourself with * Heb. iii. 6, 14, x. 35. 2 Rom. vi. I ; Gal ii. 18, iii. 3. ^ Matt. V. 48 ; 2 Tim. iii. 17 ; Heb. xiii. 20, 21 ; Jas. i. 4 ; i Pet. v. 10. < Matt. xiv. 31, xvii. 20. * Ps. xxxviii. 18, Ixix. 6 ; i John i. 9, ii. 1. * The Dutch version has it : " Let endurance have a perfect work, that ye may be perfect and wholly sincere."— Tr. 88 Stumblings. your weakness to Him, and reckon on Him to keep you. Sing continually the song : "To Him that is mighty to keep you, be the glory." And then, let stumbling make you very prudent?- By faith you shall strive and overcome. In the power of your keeper and the joy and security of His help, you shall have courage to watch. The firmer you make your election, the stronger the certitude that He has chosen you, and will not let you go, the more conscientious shall you become, to live in all things only for Him, in Him, through Him.^ Doing this, the word of God says, you shall never stumble. I/ord Jesus, a sinner who is ready to stumble every moment would give honor to Thee, who art mighty to keep from stumbling : Thine is the might and the power : I take Thee as my keeper. I look to Thy love which has chosen me, and wait for the fulfilment of Thy word : *' Ye shall never stumble." Amen. 1. Let your thoughts about what the grace of God can do for you, be taken only from the word of God. Our natural expec- tations—that we must just always be stumbling— are wrong. They are strengthened by more than one thing. There is secret unwillingness to surrender everything. There is the example of so many sluggish Christians. There is the unbelief that can- not quite understand that God will really keep us. There is the experience of so many disappointments, when we have striven in our own power. 2. Let no stumbling be tolerated, for the reason that it is tri- fling. 1 Prov. xxviii. 14 ; Phil. ii. 12 ; i Pet. i. 17, i8. ' 2 Chron. xx. 15 ; Ps. xviii. 30, 37, xliv. 5, 9 ; John v. 4, 5 ; Rom. xi. 20 ; 2 Cor. i. 24 ; i Phil. ii. 13. 89 XIX JESUS THE KEEPER. ** The Lord is Thy keeper : . . . The Lord shall keep thee from all evil ; ... He shall keep thy soul."— Ps. cxxi. 4, 7. "I know Him whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to guard that which I have committed unto Him* against that day."— 2 Tim. i. 12. FOR young disciples of Christ who are still weak, there is no lesson that is more necessary than this, that the Lord has not only received them, but that He will also keep them.^ The lovely name, **the Lord Thy keeper," must for this end be carried in the heart, until the assurance of an Almighty keeping becomes as strong with us as it was with Paul, when he spake that glorious word: **I know Him in whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to guard that which I have committed unto Him against that day." Come and learn this lesson from him. Learn from him to deposit your pledge with Jesus. Patil had surrendered himself, body and soul, to the Lord Jesus : that was His pledge which he had de- 1 Gen. xxviii. 15 ; Deut. vii. 9, xxxii. 10; Ps. xvii. 8, Ixxxix. 33, 34 ; Rom. xi. 2, 29. * The Dutch version has, ' ' My pledge, which I deposited with Him."— Tr. 90 Jesus the Keeper. posited with the Lord. You also surrendered your- selves to the Lord, but perhaps not with the clear understanding that it is in order to be kept every- day. Do this now daily. Deposit your soul with Jesus as a costly pledge that He will keep secure. Do this same thing with every part of your life. Is there something that you cannot rightly hold — your heart, because it is too worldly;^ your tongue, be- cause it is too idle ; "^ your temper, because it is too passionate ; ' your calling to confess the Lord, because you are too weak ? * Learn, then, to deposit it as a pledge for keeping with Jesus, in order that He may fulfill in you the promise of God about it. You often pray and strive too much in vain against a sin : it is because, although this is done with God's help, you would be the person who would overcome. No : en- trust the matter wholly to Jesus : " the battle is not yours, but God's." ^ Leave it in His hands : believe in Him to do it for you : " This is the victory that hath overcome the world, even your faith."* But you must first place it wholly out of your hands in His. Learn from Paul to set your confidence only on the power of Jesus. I am persuaded that He is able to keep my pledge. You have an almighty Jesus to 1 Ps. xxxi, 6 ; Jer. xxxi. 33. * Ps. li. 17, cxli. 3. » Ps. cxix. 165 ; Jer. xxvi. 3, 4 ; John xiv. 27 ; Phil. £▼. 6, 7 ; » Thess. iii. 16. *Isa. 1. 7 ; Jer. i. 9 ; Matt. x. 19, 20 ; Luke xxvi. 15. 6 Ex. xiv. 14; Deut. iii. 22, xx. 4 ; 2 Chroa. xx. 15. *Matt ix. 23 ; i John v. 3, 4. 91 The New Life. keep you. Faith keeps itself occupied only with His omnipotence.^ Let your faith especially be strength- ened in what God is able to do for you.^ Expect with certainty from Him that He will do for you great and glorious things, entirely above your own strength. See in the Holy Scriptures how constantly the power of God was the ground of the trust of His people. Take these words and hide them in your heart. Let the power of Jesus fill your soul. Ask only : ** What is my Jesus able to do? " What you really trust Him with, He is able to keep.' And learn also from Paul where he obtained the assurance that this power would keep his pledge : it was in his knowledge of Jesus. '* I know Him whom I have believed : " therefore I am assured.* You can trust the power of Jesus, if you know that He is yours, if you hold converse with Him as your friend. Then you can say : ' * I know whom I have believed : I know that he holds me very dear : I know and am assured that He is able to keep my pledge." So runs the way to the full assurance of faith : Deposit your pledge with Jesus ; give yourselves wholly, give everything, into His hands ; think much on His might, and reckon upon Him ; and live with Him so that you may always know who He is in whom you have believed. Young disciples of Christ, pray, receive this word : 1 Gen. xvii. i, xviii. 14 ; Jer. xxxii. 17, 27 ; Matt. viii. 27, xxviii. l8 ; I,uke i. 37, 49, xviii. 27 ; Rom. iv. 21 ; Heb. xi. 18. 2 Rom. iv. 21, xiv. 4 ; 2 Cor. ix. 8 ; 2 Tim^. i. 12. 3 John xiii. i ; i Cor. i. 8, 9. < John X. 14, 28 ; Gal. ii. 20 ; 2 Tim. iv. 18 ; i John ii. 13, 14. 92 Jesus the Keeper. " The Lord is thy keeper.'' For every weakness, every temptation, learn to deposit your soul with Him as a pledge. You can reckon upon it, you can shout joyfully over it: "The Lord shall keep you from all evil." ^ Holy Jesus, I take Thee as my keeper. Let Thy name, " The Lord thy keeper," sound as a song in my heart the whole day. Teach me in every need to deposit my case as a pledge with Thee, and to be assured that Thou art able to keep it. Amen. 1. There was once a woman who for years long, and with much prayer, had striven against her temper, but could not obtain the victory. On a certain day she resolved not to come out of her room until by earnest prayer she had the power to overcome. She went out in the opinion that she should succeed. Scarcely had she been in the household, when something gave her offence and caused her to be angry. She was deeply ashamed, burst into tears, and hastened back to her room. A daughter, who understood the way of faith better than she, went to her and said, "Mother, I have observed your conflict: may I tell you what I think the hindrance is?" "Yes, my child." " Mother, you struggle against temper, and pray that the I,ord may help you to overcome. This is wrong. The Lord must do it alone. You must give temper wholly iuto His hands : then He takes it wholly, and He keeps you." The mother could not at first understand this, but later it was made plain to her. And she enjoyed the blessedness of the life in which Jesus keeps us, and we by faith have the victory. Do you un- derstand this? 2. " The Lord must help me to overcome sin : " the expression is altogether outside of the New Testament. The grace of God 1 Josh. i. 9 ; Ps. xxiii. 4 ; Rom. viii. 3s, 39. 93 The New Life. in the soul does not become a help to us. He will do everjrthing : •* The Spirit has made me free from the law of sin." 3. When you surrender anything to the Lord for keeping, take heed to two things : that you give it wholly into His hands ; and that you have it there. Let Him have it wholly : He will carry out your case gloriously. 94 XX. POWER AND WEAKNESS. " He hath said unto me, My power is made perfect in weak- ness. Therefore will I glory in my weaknesses, that the strength of Christ may rest upon me. Wherefore I take pleasure in weaknesses : for when I am weak, then am I strong." — 2 Cor. xii. 9, 10. THERE is almost no word that is so imperfectly- understood in the Christian life as the word weakness. Sin and shortcoming, sluggishness and disobedience, are set to the account of our weakness. With this appeal to weakness, the true feeling of guilt and the sincere endeavor after progress are im- possible. How, pray, can I be guilty, when I do not do what it is not in my power to do ? The Father cannot demand of His child what He can certainly do independently. That, indeed, was done by the law under the Old Covenant ; but that the Father, under the New Covenant, does not do. He requires of us nothing more than what He has prepared for us power to do in His Holy Spirit. The new life is a life in the power of Christ through the Spirit. The error of this mode of thinking is that people estimate their weakness, not too highly, but too meanly. They would still do something by the ex- ercise of all their powers, and with the help of God. 95 The New Life. They know not that they must be nothing before God.^ You think that you have still a little strength, and that the Father must help you by adding some- thing of His own power to your feeble energ}\ This thought is wrong. Your weakness appears in the fact that you can do nothing. It is better to speak of utter inability — that is what the Scriptures under- stand by the word "weakness. " "Apart from me ye can do nothing," ** In us is no power." "^ Whenever the young Christian acknowledges and assents to this his weakness, then he learns to under- stand the secret of the power of Jesus. He then sees that he is not to wait and pray to become stronger, to feel stronger. No : in his inability, he is to have the power of Jesus. By faith he is to receive it ; he is to reckon that it is for him, and that Jesus Himself will work in and by him.^ It then becomes clear to him what the Lord means when He says, ** My power is made perfect in your weakness." He knows to return the answer, " When I am weak, then am I — yea, then am I — strong." Yea, the weaker I am, the stronger I become. And he learns to sing with Paul, " I shall glory in my weakneaees." " I take pleasure in weaknesses." "We rejoice when we are weak." * It is wonderful how glorious that life of faith be- comes for him who is content to have nothing, or feel nothing, in himself, and always to live on the power 1 Rom. iv. 4, 5, xi. 6 ; i Cor. i. 27, 28. 22 Chron. xvi 9, xx. 12 ; John v. 19, xv. 5 ; 2 Cor. i. 9. 8 John XV. 5 ; 1 Cor. i. 24, xv. 10; Eph. i. 18, 19 ; Col i. 11. *2 Cor. xi. 30, xii. 9, 11, xiii 4, 9. Power and Weakness. of His Lord. He leains to understand what a joyful thing it is to know God as his strength. "The Lord is my strength and song."^ He lives in what the Psalms so often express: " I love Thee, O Lord, my strength ; " "I will sing of Thy strength : unto Thee, O my strength, will I sing praises.'"* He under- stands what is meant when a psalm says, " Give strength to the Lord : the Lord will give strength to His people; " and when another says, ' ' Give strength to God : the God of Israel, He giveth strength and power to His people. ' * ' When we give or ascribe all the power to God, then He gives it to us again. " I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the Evil One. ' ' The Christian is strong in his Lord : * not sometimes strong and some- times weak, but always weak, and therefore always strong. He has merely to know and use his strength trustfully. To be strong is a command, a behest that must be obeyed. On obedience there comes more strength. '' Be strong. . . and He shall strengthen thine heart." In faith the Christian must simply obey the command, ' * Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. " * The God of the Lord Jesus, the Father of glory, give unto us the spirit of wisdom and of revelation 1 Ps. Ixxxix. i8, cxviii. 14 ; Jer. xii. 2. 2Ps. xviii. 2, xxviii. 7, 8, xxxi. 5, xliii. 2, xlvi. 2, lix. 17, 18, Ixii. 8, Ixxxi. 2. * Ps. xxix. I, II, Ixviii, 35, 36. * Ps. Ixxi. 16 ; i John ii. 14. ' Ps. xxvii. 14, xxxi. 25 ; Isa. xl. 31 ; Eph. vi. 10. 7 97 The New Life. in the knowledge of Jesus, that we may know what is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe. Amen. 1. So long as the Christian thinks of the service of God or of sanctification as something that is hard and difficult, he will make no progress in it. He must see that this very thing is for him impossible. Then he will cease still endeavoring to do something ; he will surrender himself that Christ may work all in him. See these thoughts set forth in detail in Professor Hof- meyr'sbook, Out of Darkness into Light : a Course of Instruction on Conversion, the Surrender of Faith, and Sanctification * (J. H. Rose, Cape Town), chapter third and following of the third part. 2. The complaint about weakness is often nothing else than an apology for our idleness. There is power to be obtained in Christ for those who will take the pains to have it. 3. " Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." Mind that. I must abide in the Lord and in the power of His might, then I become strong. To have His power I must have Himself The strength is His, and continues His ; the weakness continues mine. He, the Strong, works in me, the weak ; I, the weak, abide by faith in Him, the Strong ; so that I, in the self-same moment, know myself to be weak and strong. 4. Strength is for work. He who would be strong simply to be pious, will not be so. He who in his weakness begins to work for the Lord, shall become strong. * Professor N. J. Hofmeyr is senior professor of the Theologi- cal College of the Dutch Reformed Church, Stellenbosch, Cape Colony. The volume referred to has been recently published in English under the title, The Blessed Life : How to Find and Live It (J. Nisbet fit Co.).— Tr. 98 XXI. THE LIFE OF FEELING. * We walk by faith, not by sight." — 2 Cor. v. 7. " Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.'* —John xi. 29. " Said I not unto thee, that, if thou believedst, thou shouldest see the glory of God ? "— John xi. 40. IN connection with your conversion there was no greater hindrance in your way than feeling. You thought, perhaps for years, that you must experience something, must feel and perceive something in your- selves. It was to you as if it were too hazardous thus simply, and without some feeling, to believe in the word, and be sure that God had received you, and that your sins were forgiven. But at last you have had to acknowledge that the way of faith, without feeling, was the way of the word of God. And it has been to you the way of salvation. Through faith alone have you been saved, and your soul has found rest and peace. ^ In the further life of the Christian there is no temptation that is more persistent and more danger- ous than this same feeling. The word " feeling " we do not find in Scripture, but what we call ' * feeling ' * the Scripture calls " seeing." And it tells us without 1 John iii. 36 ; Rom. \ii. 28, iv. 5, 16, v. x. 99 The New Life. ceasing that not seeing, but believing, that believing right in opposition to what we see, gives salvation. "Abraham, not being weak in faith, considered not his own body." * Faith adheres simply to what God says. The unbelief that would see shall not see ; the faith that will not see, but has enough in God, shall see the glory of God.^ The man who seeks for feel- ing, and mourns about it, shall not find it ; the man who cares not for it shall have it overflowing. ' ' Who- soever would save his life shall lose it, and who- soever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it." Faith in the word becomes later on sealed with true feeling by the Holy Spirit.^ Child of God, learn to live by faith. Let it be fixed with you that faith is God's way to a blessed life. When there is no feeling of liveliness in prayer, when you feel cold and dull in the inner chamber, live by faith. Let your faith look upon Jesus as near, upon His power and faithfulness, and though you have nothing to bring to Him, believe that He will give you all. Feeling always seeks something in itself; faith keeps itself occupied with what Jesus is.^ When you read the word, and have no feeling of interest or blessing, read it yet again in faith. The 1 2 Chron. vii. 2 ; Ps. xxvii. 13 ; Isa. vii. 9 ; Matt. xiv. 30, 31 ; IvUke V. 5. 2 John xii. 25 ; Gal. iii. 2, 14 ; Eph. i. 13. 8 Rom. iv. 20, 21 ; 2 Tim. i. 12 ; Heb. ix. 5,6 ; Jas. iii. 16, vi. 16. *The Dutch version here renders as our Authorized. The R. V. has— "Without being weakened in faith, he considered his own body," etc.; but the same victory of faith over sight is implied.— Tr. 100 The Life of Feeling. word will work and bring blessing; **the word worketh in those that believe." When you feel no love, believe in the love of Jesus, and say in faith that He knows that you still love Him. When you have no feeling of gladness, believe in the inexpressi- ble joy that there is in Jesus for you. Faith is blessedness, and will give joy to those who are not concerned about the self-sufficiency that springs from joy, but about the glorification of God that springs from faith, ^ Jesus will surely fulfill His word: " Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." * * Said I not unto thee, that, if thou be- lievedst, thou shouldest see the glory of God ? " Betwixt the life of feeling and the life of faith the Christian has to choose every day. Happy is he who, once for all, has made the firm choice, and every morning renews the choice, not to seek or listen for feeling, but only to walk by faith, according to the will of God. The faith that keeps itself occupied with the word, with what God has said, and, through the word, with God Himself and Jesus His Son, shall taste the blessedness of a life in God above. Feeling seeks and aims at itself; faith honors God, and shall be honored by Him. Faith pleases God, and shall receive from Him the witness in the heart of the be- liever that he is acceptable to God. Lord God, the one, the only, thing that Thou desirest of Thy children is that they should trust 1 Rom. XV. 13 ; Gal. ii. 20 ; i Pet. L 5, 7, 8. lOI The New Life. Thee, and that they should always hold converse with Thee in that faith. Lord, let it be the one thing in which I seek my happiness, to honor and to please Thee by a faith that firmly holds Thee, the In- visible, and trusts Thee in all things. Amen. 1. There is indeed something marvelous in the new life. It is difficult to make it clear to the young Christian. The Spirit of God teaches him to understand it after he perseveres in grace. Jesus has laid the foundation of that life in the first word of the Sermon on the Mount : " Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven ; " a feeling of deep poverty and of royal riches, of utter weakness and of kingly might exist together in the soul. To have nothing in itself, to have all in Christ — that is the secret of faith. And the true secret of faith is to bring this into exercise, and, in hours of barrenness and emptiness, still to know that we have all in Christ. 2. Forget not that the faith, of which God's word speaks so much, stands not only in opposition to works, but also in oppo- sition to feeling, and therefore that for a pure life of faith you must cease to seek your salvation, not only in works, but also in faith. Therefore let faith always speak against feeling. When feeling says, " In myself, I am sinful ; I am dark ; I am weak ; I am poor ; I am sad ; " let faith say, " In Christ, I am holy ; I am light ; I am strong ; I am rich ; I am joyful." I02 XXII. THE HOI.Y GHOST. •'And because ye are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father."— Gal. iv. 6. THE great gift of the Father, through whom He obtained salvation and brought it near to us, is the Son. On the other hand, the great gift of the Son, whom He sends to us from the Father, to apply to us an inner and effectual salvation, is the Holy Spirit.^ As the Son reveals and glorifies the Father, so the Spirit reveals and glorifies the Son.^ The Spirit is in us to transfer to us the life and the salva- tion that are prepared in Jesus, and to make them wholly ours.^ Jesus who is in heaven is made present in us, dwells in us, by the Spirit. We have seen that in order to become partaker of Jesus there are always two things necessary : the knowledge of the sin that is in us, and of the redemption that is in Him. It is the Holy Spirit who continually promotes this double work in believers. He reproves and comforts. He convinces of sin and He glorifies Christ.* The Spirit convinces of sin. He is the light and J John vii. 38, xiv. 16, 26 ; Acts i. 4, ii. 33 ; 1 Cor. iii. 16. 2 John XV. 26, xvi. 14, 15 ; i Cor. ii. 8, 12, xii. 3. 'Job xiv. 17, 21 ; Rom. viii. 2 ; Kph. iii. 17, 19. < John xvi. 9, 14. 103 The New Life. the fire of God, through whom sin is unveiled and consumed. He is "the Spirit of judgment and of burning," by whom God purifies His people.^ To the anxious soul who complains that he does not feel his sin deeply enough, we must often say that there is no limit as to how deep his repentance must be. He must come daily just as he is ; the deepest convic- tion oftentimes comes after conversion. To the young convert we have simply to say : let the Spirit who is in you convince you always of sin. Sin, which formerly you knew but by name, He will make you hate. Sin, which you had not seen in the hidden depths of your heart, He will make you know, and with shame confess. Sin, of which you fancied that it was not with you, and which you had judged severely in others, He will point out to you in yourself^ And He will teach you with repentance and self-condemnation to cast yourself upon grace as entirely sinful, in order to be thereby redeemed and purified from it. Beloved brother, the Holy Spirit is in you as the light and fire of God to unveil and to consume sin. The temple of God is holy, and this temple you are. Let the Holy Spirit in you have full mastery to point out and expel sin.' After He makes you know sin, He will at every turn make you know Jesus as your life and your sanctification. 1 Isa. iv. 4 ; Zech. xii. lo, ii ; Matt. iii. ii, la. 2ps. cxxxix. 7, 23 ; Isa. x. 17 ; Matt. vii. 5 ; Rom. xiv. 4 ; i Cor. U. 10, xiv. 34, 35. •Ps. xix. 13, cxxxix. 33 ; Mic. iii. 8 ; i Cor. iii. 17 ; a Cor. iii. 17, Vii6. 104 The Holy Ghost. And then shall the Spirit who rebukes also comfort. He will glorify Jesus in you, will take what is in Jesus and make it known to you. He will give you knowledge concerning the power of Jesus' blood to cleanse,' and the power of Jesus' indwelling to keep.^ He will make you see how literally, how completely, how certainly Jesus is with you every moment, to do Himself all his own Jesus-work in you. Yea, in the Holy Spirit, the living, almighty, and ever-present Jesus shall be your portion ; you shall also know this, and have the full enjoyment of it. The Holy Spirit will teach you to bring all your sin and sinful- ness to Jesus, and to know Jesus with His complete redemption from sin as your own. As the Spirit of sanctification, He will drive out sin in order that He may cause Jesus to dwell in you.' Beloved young Christian, take time to understand and to become filled with the truth : the Holy Spirit is in you. Review all the assurances of God's word that this is so.* Pray, think not for a moment of living as a Christian without the indwelling of the Spirit. Take pains to have your heart filled with the faith that the Spirit dwells in you, and will do His mighty work, for through faith the Spirit comes and works ^ Have a great reverence for the work of the Spirit in you. Seek Him every day to believe, to 1 I John i. 7, V. 8. * John xiv. ai, 23 ; Eph. iii. 17 ; i John iii. 24, iv. 13. 3 Rom. i. 4, V. 5, viii. a, 13 ; i Pet. i. 2. ♦ Rom. viii. 14, 16 ; i Cor. vi. 19 ; a Cor. i. aa, vi. x6 ; Sph. ii3. 6 Gal. iii. 2, 5, 14, v. 5. los The New Life. obey, to trust, and He will take and make known to you all that there is in Jesus. He will make Jesus very glorious to you and in you. O my Father, I thank thee for this gift which Jesus sent me from Thee, the Father. I thank Thee that I am now the temple of Thy Spirit, and that He dwells in me. Lord, teach me to believe this with the whole heart, and to live in the world as one who knows that the Spirit of God is in him to lead him. Teach me to think with deep reverence and filial awe on this, that God is in me. Lord, in that faith I have the power to be holy. Holy Spirit, reveal to me all that sin is in me. Holy Spirit, reveal to me all that Jesus is in me. Amen. 1. The knowledge of the person and the work of the Holy Spirit is for us of just as much importance as the knowledge of the person and the work of Christ. 2. Concerning the Holy Spirit, we must endeavor especially to hold fast the truth that He is given as the fruit of the work of Jesus for us, that he is the power of the life of Jesus in us, and that through Him, Jesus Himself, with his full salvation, dwells in us. 3. In order to enjoy all this, we must be filled with the Spirit. This simply means, emptied of all else and full of Jesns. To deny ourselves, to take up the cross, to follow Jesus : this is the way to be filled with the Spirit of Jesus. Or rather, this is the way in which the Spirit leads us to His fulness. No one has the power to enter fully into the death of Jesus but he who is led by the Spirit. But He takes him that desires this by the hand and brings him. 4. As the whole of salvation, the whole of the new life is by fidth, so is this also true of the gift and the working of the Holy 106 The Holy Ghost. Spirit. By faith, not by works— not in feeling, do I receive Him, am I led by Him, am I filled with Him. 5. As clear and definite as my faith is in the work that Jesus only and alone finished for me, so clear and definite must faith be in the work that the Holy Spirit accomplishes in me, to work in me the willing and the performing of all that is necessary for my salvation. 107 XXIII. THE LEADING OF THE SPIRIT. " As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are children of God." — Rom. viii. 14. 16. IT is the very same Spirit that leads us as children who also assures us that we are children. With- out His leading there can be no assurance of our fili- ation. True, full assurance of faith is enjoyed by him who surrenders himself entirely to the leading of the Spirit. In what does this leading consist? Chiefly in this, that our whole hidden inner life is guided by Him to what it ought to be. This we must firmly believe. Our growth and increase, our development and pro- gress, is not our work, but His : we are to trust Him for this. As a tree or animal grows and becomes large by the spirit of life which God has given to it, so also does the Christian by the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.^ We have to cherish the joyal assur- ance that the Spirit whom the Father gives to us does with divine wisdom and power guide our hidden life, and bring it where God will have it. Then there are also special directions of this lead- 1 Hos. xiv. 6, 7 ; Matt. vi. 28 ; Mark iv. 26, 28 ; I,uke ii. 40 . Rom. viii. 2. 108 The Leading of the Spirit. ing. " He will lead you into all the truth." When we read the word of God, we are to wait upon Him, to make us experience the truth, the essential power of what God says. He makes the word living and powerful. He leads us into a life corresponding to the word.i When you pray you can reckon upon His leading : "The Spirit helpeth our infirmities." He leads us to what we must desire. He leads us into the way in which we are to pray, trustfully, persistently, mightily.* In the way of sanctification it is He that will lead : He leads us in the path of righteousness. He leads us into all the will of God.^ In our speaking and working for the Ivord, He will lead. Every child has the Spirit: every child has need of Him to know and to do the work of the Father. Without him no child can please or serve the Father. The leading of the Spirit is the blessed privilege, the sure token, the only power of a child of God.* And how then can you fully enjoy this leading? The first thing that is necessary for this is faith. You must take time, young Christian, to have your heart filled with the deep and living consciousness that the Spirit is in you. Read all the glorious decla- rations of your Father in His word concerning what the Spirit is in you and for you, until the conviction 1 John vi. 63, xiv. 26, xvi. 13 ; i Cor. ii. 10, 14 ; i Thess. ii. 13. ^Zech. xii. 10 ; Rom. viii. 26, 27 ; Jude 12, 30. ^i Cor vi. 19, 30 ; i Pet. i. 2, 15. 4 Mact. X. 20 ; Acts i. 8 ; Rom. viii. 9, 13 ; Gal. iv. 6 ; Eph. i- 13. 109 The New Ufe. •wholly fills you that you are really a temple of the Spirit. Ignorance or unbelief on this point makes it impossible for the Spirit to speak in you and to lead you. Cherish an ever-abiding assurance that the Spirit of God dwells in you.^ Then the second thing that is necessary is this : you are to hold yourself still, to attend to the voice of the Spirit. As the Lord Jesus acts, so does also the Spirit : " He shall not cry nor lift up His voice. ' ' He whispers gently and quietly : only the soul that sets itself very silently towards God can perceive His voice and guidance. When we become to a needless extent engrossed with the world, with its business, its cares, its enjoyments, its literature, its politics, the Spirit cannot lead us. When our service of God is a bustling and working in our own wisdom and strength, the Spirit cannot be heard in us. It is the weak, the simple, who are willing to have themselves taught in humility, that receive the leading of the Spirit. Sit down every morning, sit down often in the day, to say : Lord Jesus, I know nothing, I will be silent : let the Spirit lead me.' And then : be obedient. Listen to the inner voice, and do what it says to you. Fill your heart every day with the word, and when the Spirit puts you in mind of what the word says, betake yourself to the doing of it. So you become capable of further teach- 1 Acts xix. a ; Rom. v. 5 ; i Cor. iii. 16 ; 2 Cor. v. 5 ; Gal. iii. 5, 14- * I Chron. xix. 12 ; Ps. Ixii. 2, 6, cxxxL i ; Isa. xlii. 2 ; Hab. ii, 20 ; Zech. iv. 6 ; Acts i. 4. 1 10 The Leading of the Spirit, ing : it is to the obedient that the full blessing of the Spirit is promised.^ Young Christian, know that you are a temple of the Spirit, and that it is only through the daily leading of the Spirit that you can walk as a child of God, with the witness that you are pleasing the Father. Precious Saviour, imprint this lesson deeply on my mind. The Holy Spirit is in me. His leading is every day and everywhere indispensable for me. I cannot hear His voice in the word when I do not wait silently upon Him. lyord, let a holy circumspectness keep watch over me, that I may always walk as a pupil of the Spirit. Amen. 1. It is often asked: How do I know that I shall continue standing, that I shall be kept, that I shall increase ? The ques- tion dishonors the Holy Spirit— is the token that you do not know Him or do not trust Him. The question indicates that you are seeking the secret of strength for perseverance in your- self, and not in the Holy Spirit, your heavenly Guide. 2. As God sees to it, that every moment there is air for me to "breathe, so shall the Holy Spirit unceasingly maintain life in the hidden depths of my soul. He will not break off His own w^ork. 3. From the time that we receive the Holy Spirit, we have nothing to do but to honor His work : to keep our hands ofi from it, and to trust Him, and to let Him work. 4. The beginning and the end of the work of the Spirit is to reveal Jesus to me, and to cause me to abide in Him. As soon as I would fain look after the work of the Spirit in me, I hinder Him : He cannot work when I am not willing to look upon Jesus. J John xiv. 15, i6 ; Acts v. 32. Ill The New Life. 5. The voice of the Father, the voice of the good Shepherd, the voice of the Holy Spirit is very gentle. We must learn to become deaf to other voices, to the world and its news of friends and their thoughts, to our own Ego and its desires : then shall we distinguish the voice of the Spirit. Let us often set ourselves silent in prayer, entirely silent, to oflfer up our will and our thoughts, and, with our eye upon Jesus to keep ear and heart open for the voice of the Spirit. 112 XXIV. GRIEVING THE SPIRIT. " Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed onto the day of redemption." — Eph. iv. jo. IT is by the Holy Spirit that the child of God is sealed : separated and stamped and marked as the possession of God. This sealing is not a dead or external action that is finished once for all. It is a living process, which has power in the soul, and gives firm assurance of faith, only when it is experi- enced through the life of the Spirit in us. On this account we are to take great care not to grieve the Spirit : in Him alone can you have every day the joyful certitude and the full blessing of your child- ship.* It is the very same Spirit that leads us who witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God. And how can any one grieve the Spirit? Above all by yielding to sin. He is the Holy Spirit, given ta sanctify us, and for every sin from which the blood cleanses us, to fill us with the holy life of God, with God, Sin grieves Him.^ For this reason the word ^ Isa. liii. 10 ; Acts vii. 51 ; Heb. x. 29. * Kindschap—a. word coined by the writer to express the rela- tion of a child. Our childhood expresses rather the state or stage of child-life.— Tr. 8 "3 The New Life. ^f God presently states by name the sins against which above all we are to be on our guard. Mark £^nly the four great sins that Paul mentions in con- nection with our text. There is first lying. There is no single sin that in the Bible is so brought into connection with the devil as lying. Lying is from hell, and it goes on to hell. God is the God of truth. And the Holy Spirit can- not possibly carry forward His blessed working in a man or woman that lies, that is insincere, that does injury to the truth. Young Christian, review with care what the word of God says about lying and liars, and pray God that you may never speak anything but the literal truth. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God.i Then there is anger. ''Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil-speaking, be put away from you." Hastiness, proneness to anger, sin of temper is, along with lying, the most common sin by which the Christian is kept back from increase in grace.' Christian, let all passionateness be put away from you : this follows on the command not to grieve the Spirit. Believe that the Holy Spirit, the great power of God, is in you. Surrender yourself every day to His indwelling, in faith that Jesus can keep you by Him : He will make and keep you gentle. Yea, believe, I pray you, in the power of God, and of IPs, V. 7; Prov. xii. 2a, xxi. 28 ; John viii. 44; Rev. xxi. 8, 27 xxii. 15. 'Matt V. 92, 46, 47; I Cor. i. 10, 11, iii. 3, xiii 1,3;. Gal. v. 5, xv ■I, 26 ; Col. iii. 8, 12 ; i Thess. v. 15; Jas. iii. 14. 114 Grieving the Spirit. Jesus and of the Holy Spirit to overcome temper.* Confess the sin : God shall cleanse you from it. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. Then there is stealing : all sin against the property or possession of my neighbor : all deception and dis- honesty in trade, whereby I do wrong to my neigh- bor, and seek my own advantage at his cost. The law of Christ is love whereby I seek the advantage of my neighbor as well as my own. O the love of money and property, which is inseparable from self-seeking — it is incompatible with the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Christian must be a man who is known as honest to the back-bone, righteous, and loving his neighbor as himself.'* Then says the apostle: " «(? corrupt speech — but such as is good for edifying as the case maybe." Even the tongue of God's child belongs to his Lord, He must be known by his mode of speech. By his speaking, he can grieve or please the Spirit. The sanctified tongue is a blessing not only to his neigh- bors, but to the speaker himself. Foul talk, idle words, foolish jests — they grieve the Holy Spirit. They make it impossible for the Spirit to sanctify and to comfort and to fill the heart with the love of God.3 Young Christian, I pray you, grieve not the Holy Spirit of God by these or other sins. If you have ^Matt. xi. 29; I Cor. vi. 19, 20; Gal. vi. 1 ; Epb. ii. 16, 17 ; Col. i. 8 ; 2 Tim. i. 12. 2 Luke vi. 31 ; Rom. xiii. 10 ; i Thess. iv. 6. 3 Prov. X. 19, 20, 21, 31, xviii. 20 ; Eccles. v. i, 2 ; Matt. xii. 36 ,- Bph. V. 4 ; Jas. iii. 9, iq. The New Life. committed such sins, confess them, and God will cleanse you from them. By the Holy Spirit you are sealed : if you would walk in the stability and joy of faith, listen to the word : " Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God." Lord God, my Father in heaven, do, I pray thee, cause me to understand what marvelous grace Thou art manifesting to me, in that Thou hast given to me Thy Holy Spirit in my heart. Lord, let this faith be the argument and the power for cleansing me from every sin. Holy Jesus, sanctify me, that in my thinking, speaking, acting — in all things, Thine image may appear. Amen. I. The thought of the Christian about this word, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit" is a touchstone as to whether he understands the life of faith. For some it is a word of terror and fear. A father once brought a child to the train to go on a journey with the new governess, with whom she was to remain. Before her departure he said : " I hear that she is very sensitive and takes things much amiss : take care that you do nothing to grieve her." The poor child had no pleasant journey : it appeared to her very grievous to be in anxious fear of one who was so prone to take anything wrong This is the view of the Holy Spirit which many have : a Being whom it is difficult to satisfy, who thinks little of our weakness, and who, even though we take pains, is discontented when our work is not perfect. 2. Another father also brought his daughter to the train to go on a journey, and to be a time from home: but in company with her mother, whom she loved very dearly. " You are to be a good child," said the father, "and do everything to please your mamma; otherwise you shall grieve her and me." "Oh,cer ii6 Grieving the Spirit. tainly, papa ! " was the joyful answer of the child. For she felt so happy to be with her mother, and was willing to do her utmost to be agreeable to her. There are children of God to whom the Holy Spirit is so well known in His tender, helpful love, and the Comforter and the Good Spirit, that the word, " Grieve not the Spirit of God " has for them a gentle, encou:aging power. May our fear to grieve Him always be the tender childlike fear of trustful love. 117 XXV. FLESH AND SPIRIT. "And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, as unto babes in Christ."— i Cor. iii. i •' I am carnal, sold under sin : to will is present with me, but to do that which is good is not. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death. Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you." — Rom. vii. 14, 18, viii. 2, 9. " Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now perfected in the flesh? If ye are led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law. If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk."— Gal. iii. 3, V. 18. 25. IT is of great importance for the young Christian to understand that there are in him two natures, which strive against one another.^ If we weigh the texts noted above, we shall see that the word of God teaches us the following truths on this point. Sin comes from the flesh : the reason why the Christian still does sin is that he yields to the flesh and does not walk by the Spirit. Every Christian has the Spirit and lives by the Spirit, but every Christian does not walk by the Spirit. If he walks by the Spirit, he will not fulfill the desires of the flesh.' 1 Gal. V. 17, 24, 25, vi. 8 ; Eph. iv. 22, 24 ; Col. iii. 9, 10 ; i Pet iv. 2. 'Rom. viii. 7 ; i Cor. iii. i, 3 ; Gal. v. 16, 25. 118 Flesh and Spirit. So long as there are still in the Christian strife and envy, the word of God calls him carnal. He would indeed do good, but he cannot : he does what he would not, because he still strives in his own strength and not in the power of the Spirit. ^ The flesh remains under the law, and seeks to obey the law. But through the flesh the law is powerless, and the endeavor to do good is vain. Its language is : "I am carnal, sold under sin : to will is present with me, but to do that which is good is not. " ' This is not the condition in which God would have his child remain. The word says : *' It is God that worketh in you, both to will and to work."* The Christian must not only live by the Spirit, but also walk by the Spirit. He must be a spiritual man, and abide entirely under the leading of the Spirit.' If he thus walks, he will no longer do what he would not. He will no longer remain in the condition of Romans vii., as a new-born babe, still seeking to fulfill the law, but in Romans viii., as one who through the Spirit is made free from the law with its command- ment, "do this," which gives no power, but brings death, and who walks, not in the oldness of the let- ter, but in the newness of the Spirit.* There are Christians that begin with the Spirit, but end with the flesh. They are converted, born again 1 Rom. vii. i8 ; i Cor. iii. 3 ; Gal. v. 15, 26. 2 Rom. iv. 14, 15, vii. 4, 6, viii. 3, 8 ; Gal. v. 18, vi. 12, 13 ; Heb. vii. 18, viii. 9, 13. 8 Rom. viii. 14; i Cor. ii. 15, iii. i ; Gal. vi. i. * Rom. vii. 6, viii. 2, 13. ♦The Dutch version has — " and to accomplish." — Tr. 119 The Nev7 Life. through the Spirit, but fall unconsciously into a life in which they endeavor to overcome sin and be holy through their own exertion, through doing their best. They ask God to help them in these their endeavors, and think that this is faith. They do not understand what it is to say : '' In me, that is, in my flesh, dwell- eth no good thing," and that therefore they are to cease from their own endeavors, in order to do God's will, wholly and only through the Spirit.^ Child of God, pray, learn what it is to say of your- self, just as you are, even after the new birth : "I am carnal, sold under sin." Endeavor no longer to be doing your best, and to be praying to God, and to be trusting Him to help you. No : learn to say : "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death." Let your work every day be to have the Spirit work in you, to walk by the Spirit, and you shall be redeemed from the life of complaining, ** the good that I would 1 do not," into a life of faith, in which it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do. Lord God, teach me to acknowledge with all my heart that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth nothing good. Teach me also to cease from every thought, as if I could, with my own endeavors, serve or please Thee. Teach me to understand that the Spirit is the Comforter, who frees me from all anxiety and fear about my own powerlessness, in order that He may work the strength of Christ in me. Amen. 1 Rom. vii. i8 ; Gal. iii. 3, iv. 9, v. 4, 7. X20 Flesh and Spirit. 1. In order to understand the conflict betwixt flesh and Spirit, we must especially seek to have a clear insight into the connec- tion between Rom. vii. and viii. In Rom. vii. 6, Paul had spoken of the twofold way of serving God, the one in the old- ness of the letter, the other in the newness of the Spirit In Rom. vii. 14-16 he describes the first, in Rom. viii. 1- 16 the second. This appears clearly when we observe that in ch. vii. he mentions the Spirit but once, the law more than twenty times ; in Rom. viii. 1-16, the Spirit sixteen times. In Rom. vii. We see the regenerate soul, just as he is in himself with his new nature, desirous, but powerless, to fulfill the law, mourning as one who "is captive under the law of sin." In Rom. viii. we hear him say, " The law of the Spirit of life in Christ made me free from the law of sin." Rom. vii. describes the ever-abiding condition of the Christian, contemplated as renewed, but not experiencing by faith the power of the Holy Spirit : Rom. viii. his life in the freedom which the Spirit of God really gives from the power of sin. 2. It is of very great importance to understand that the con- flict between grace and works, between faith and one's own power, between the Holy Spirit and confidence in ourselves and the flesh, always continues to go on, not only in connection w^ith conversion and the reception of the righteousness of God, but even further, into a walk in this righteousness. On this account the Christian has to watch very carefully against the deep inclination of his heart still to work in his own behalf, when he sees in himself anything wrong or when he would fol- low after holiness, instead of always and only trusting in Jesus Christ and so serving God in the Spirit. 3. In order to make clear the opposition between the two methods of serving God, let me adduce consecutively in their entirety the passages in which they are expressed with special distinctness. Compare them with care. Pray God for the Spirit in order to make you understand them. Take deeply to heart the lesson as to how you are to serve God well, and how not. The circumcision of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter. (Rom. ii. 29.) To him that worketh not, but believeth, his faith is reckoned for righteousness. (Rom. iv. 5.) 121 The New Life. Ye are not under the law, but under grace. (Rom. vi. 14.) We have been discharged from the law, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in the oldnessof the letter. (Rom. viL 6.) We know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. (Rom. vii. 14.) The ordinance of the law is fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Rom. viii. 4.) Ye received not the Spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye re- ceived the Spirit of adoption. (Rom. viii. 15.) The righteousness which is of the law is : " The man that doeth these things shall live by them. But the righteousness which is of faith saith thus, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend? Who shall desceud? But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart." (Rom. x. 5-8.) If it is by grace it is no more of works. (Rom. xi. 6.) I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto car- nal, as unto babes in Christ, (i Cor. iii. i.) I live ; and yet no longer I, but Christ liveth in me. (GaL ii. ao.) The righteous shall live by faith ; yet the law is not of faith: but the man that doeth these things shall live by them. (Gal. iii II, 12.) If the inheritance is of the law, it is no more of promise. (GaL iii. 18.) So that thou art no longer a bondservant, but a son. (Gal. iv. 7.) Wherefore, brethren, we are not children of a handmaid, but of the free-woman. (Gal. iv. 31.) Walk by the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. (Gal. V. 16.) If ye are led by the Spirit ye are not under the law. (Gat V. 18.) Who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ JesDS> and hav« no confidence in the flesh. (Phil. iii. 3.) Another priest who hath been made not after the law of a car- nal commandment, but after the power of an endless life. (Heb. viii. 16.) 4. Beloved Christian, you have received the Holy Spirit from 122 Flesh and Spirit. the Lord Jesus to reveal Him and His life in you, and to mortify the working of the body of sin. Pray much to be filled with the Spirit. Ivive in the joyful faith that the Spirit is in you, as your Comforter and Teacher, and that through Him all will come right. I^eam by heart this text, and let it live in your heart and on your lips: " We are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus, and have no confi> dence in the flesh." XXVI. THE LIFE OF FAITH. " The righteous shall live by his faith." — Hab. ii. 4. *' We have been discharged from the law, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.' ' — Rom. vii. 6. " I live ; and yet no longer I, but Christ liveth in me ; and that life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith which is in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself up for me." — Gal. ii. 20. THE word from Habakkuk is thrice quoted in the New Testament as the Divine representation of salvation in Christ by faith alone.^ But that word is oftentimes very imperfectly understood, as if it ran : Man shall, on his conversion, be justified by faith. The word includes this, but signifies much more. It says that the righteous shall live by faith : the whole life of the righteous, from moment to moment, shall be by faith. '' We all know how sharp is the opposition which God in His word presents betwixt the grace that comes by faith and the law that works — demands. This is generally admitted with reference to justification. But that distinction holds just as much of the whole life of sanctification. The right- >Rom. i. 17; Gal. iii. 11 ; Heb x. 38. >Rom. V. 17, 21, vi. II, viii. 2 ; Gal. ii. 20 ; i John v. 11, 12. 124 The I,ife of Faith. eous shall live by faith alone, that is, shall have power to live according to the will of God. As at his conversion he found it necessary to understand that there was nothing good in him, and that he must receive grace as one that was powerless and godless, so must he as a believer just as clearly understand that in him there is nothing good, and that he must receive his power for good every moment from above. 1 And his work must therefore be every morning and every hour to look up and believe and receive his power from above, out of his Lord in heaven. I am not to do what I can, and hope in the Lord to supply strength. No : as one who has been dead, who is literally able for nothing in himself, and whose life is in his Lord above, I am to reckon by faith on Him who will work in me mightily.'^ Happy the Christian who understands that his greatest danger every day is again to fall under the law, and to be fain to serve God in the flesh with his own strength. Happy when he discerns that he is not under the law which just demands and yet is powerless through the flesh, but is under grace where we have simply to receive what has been given. Happy when he fully appropriates for himself the promise of the Spirit who transfers all that is in Christ to him. Yea, happy when he understands what it is to live by faith, and to serve, not in the oldness of the letter, but in the newness of the Spirit.* 1 Rom. vii. i8, vim. 2, 13 ; Heb. xi. 38. >Rom. iv. 17 ; 2 Cor. i. 9 ; Col. i. 29, ii. 3. 'Rom. vii. 4, 6, xii. s, 6; Gal. v. 18; PhiL iii.3. 125 The New Life. Let us make our own the words of Paul ; tlaey pre- sent to us the true life of faith : " I have been cruci- fied with Christ; yet I live." My flesh, not only my sin, but my flesh, all that is of myself, my own living and willing, my own power and working, have I given up to death. I live no longer — of myself, I cannot. I will not live, or do anything.^ Christ lives in me : He Himself, by His Spirit, is my power, and teaches and strengthens me to live as I ought to do. And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in Him : my great work is to reckon upon Him to work in Him, as well the willing as the accomplishment. Young Christian, let this life of faith be your faith. O my Lord Jesus, Thou art my life : yea, my life. Thou livest in me, and art willing to take my whole life at thine own charges. And my whole life may daily be a joyful trust and experience that Thou art working all in me. Precious Lord, to that life of faith will I surrender myself. Yea, to Thee. I surrender myself, to teach me and to reveal thyself fully in me. Amen. I. Do you discern the error of the expression — if the Lord helpt me — the Lord must help me ? In natural things we speak thus, for we have a certain measure of power, and the l,ord will in- crease it But the New Testament never uses the expression "help" of the grace of God in the soul. We have absolutely no XKJwer— God is not to help us because we are weak : no. He is to give His life and His power in us as entirely impotent. He that discerns this aright will learn to live by faith alone. 1 John XV. 4, 5 ; I Cor. xv. lo ; 2 Cor. xii. lo. 126 The Life of Faith. 2. " Without faith it is impossible to please God ; " " All that is not of faith is sin." Such words of the Spirit of God teach us how really every deed and disposition of our life is to be full of faith. 3. Hence our first work every day is anew to exercise faith in Jesus as our life ; to believe that He dwells in us, and will do all for us and in us. This faith must be the mood of our soul the whole day. This faith cannot be maintained except in the fel- lowship and nearnesss of Jesus Himself. 4. This faith has its p>ower in the mutual surrender of Jesus and the believer to each other. Jesus first gives Himself wholly for us. The believer gives himself wholly in order to be taken into possession and gfuided by Jesus. Then the soul cannot even doubt if He will do all for it. 127 XXVII. THE MIGHT OF SATAN. •• Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked to have you, that he might sift you as wheat : but I made supplication for thee, that thy faith fail not."— I^uke xxii. 31, 32. THERE is nothing that makes an enemy so dan- gerous as the fact that he remains hidden or forgotten. Of the three great enemies of the Chris- tian, the world, the flesh, and the devil, the last is the most dangerous, not only because it is he that, strictly speaking, lends to the others what power they have, but also because he is not seen, and, therefore, little known or feared. The devil has the power of darkness : he darkens the eyes, so that men do not know him. He surrounds himself with dark- ness, so that he is not observed. Yea, he has even the power to appear as an angel of light ' It is by the faith that recognizes things unseen that the Christian is to endeavor to know Satan, even as the Scripture has revealed him. When the Lord Jesus was living upon earth, His great work was to overcome Satan. When at His baptism He was filled with the Spirit, this fulness of the Spirit brought him into contact with Satan as 1 Matt. iv. 6 ; 3 Cor. iv. 4, xi. 14. 128 The Might of Satan. head of the world of evil spirits, to combat him and to overcome him. ^ After that time the eyes of the Lord were always open to the power and working of Satan. In all sin and misery. He saw the revelation of the mighty kingdom of the very same superior, the evil one. Not only in the demoniacs, but also in the sick, He saw the enemy of God and man.^ In the advice of Peter to avoid the cross, and in his de- nial of his Lord, where we should think of the reve- lation of the natural character of Peter, Jesus saw the work of Satan.* In His own sufifering, where we rather speak of the sin of man and the permission of God, Jesus perceives the power of darkness. His whole work in living and in dying was to destroy the works of Satan, as He shall also at His second com- ing utterly bruise Satan himself.* His word to Peter, compared with the personal ex- perience of the Lord, gives us a fearful insight into the work of the enemy. ** Satan hath eagerly desired you," says Jesus. "As a roaring lion, he walketh about, seeking whom he may devour," says Peter himself later on.^ He has no unlimited power, but he is always eager to make use of every weak or un- guarded moment. " That he might sift you as wheat : " what a picture ! This world, yea, even the Church of Christ, is the threshing-floor of Satan. ^Matt. iv. I, 10. •^Matt. xii. 28 ; Mark iv. 15 ; Luke xiii. 16 ; Acts x. 38. 8 Matt. xvi. 23 ; I,uke xxii. 31, 32. ♦lyuke X. t8, xxii. 3, 53 ; John xii. 31, xiv. 30 ; xvi. 11 ; Rom. xvi. 20 ; Col. ii. 15 ; 2 Thess. ii. 8, 9 ; i John iii. 8. 6 1 Cor. vii. 5; 2 Cor. ii. 10; i Pet. v. 8. 9 129 The New Life. The corn belongs to God ; the chaff is his own. He sifts and sifts continually, and all that falls through "with the chaff he endeavors to take for himself. And many a Christian is there who does fall through in a terrible fashion, and who, were it not for the intercession of his Lord, would perish for ever.^ Satan has more than one sieve. The first is gen- erally worldly-mindedness — the love of the world. Many a one is pious in his time of poverty, but when he becomes rich, he again eagerly strives to win the world. Or in the time of conversion and awakening he appears very zealous, but through the care of the world he is led astray.^ A second sieve is self-love and self-seeking. When- ever any one does not give himself undividedly to serve his Lord and his neighbor, and to love his neighbor in the Lord, it soon appears that the prin- cipal token of a disciple is lacking in him. It will be manifest that many a one, with a fair profession of being devoted to the service of God, fails utterly on this point, and must be reckoned with the chaff. Lovelessness is the sure token of the power of Satan.^ Yet another sieve, a very dangerous one, is self- confidence. Under the name of following the Spirit^ one may listen to the thoughts of his own heart. He is zealous for the Lord, but with a carnal zeal, in which the gentleness of the lamb of God is not seen. Without being observed, the movements of the flesh ' I Cor. V. 5 ; i Tim. i. 20. 8 Matt. iv. 9, xiii. 22; i Tim. vi. 9, 10; 8 Tim. iv. 10. 'John viii. 44 ; i John ii. 10, 15, iv. 20. 130 The Might of Satan. mingle with the workings of the Spirit, and while he boasts that he is overcoming Satan, he is being secretly ensnared by him. ^ O it is a serious life here upon the earth, where God gives permission for Satan to set his threshing floor even in the Church. Happy are they who with deep humility, with fear and trembling, distrust themselves. Our only security is in the intercession and guidance of Him who overcame Satan. '^ Far be from us the idea that we know all the depths of Satan, and are a match for all his cunning stratagems. It is in the region of the spirit, in the invisible, that he works and has power, as well as in the visible. Let us fear lest, while we have known and overcome him in the visible, he should prevail over us in the spiritual. May our only security be the conviction of our frailty and weakness, our confidence in Him who certainly keeps the lowly in heart. Lord Jesus, open our eyes to know our enemy and his wiles. Cause us to see him and his realm, that we may dread all that is of him. And open our eyes to see how Thou hast overcome him, and how in Thee we are invincible. O teach us what it is to be in Thee^ to mortify all that is of the mere Ego and the will of the flesh, and to be strong in weakness and lowliness. And teach us to bring into prayer the conflict of faith against every stronghold of Satan, ^ Gal. iii. 3, v. 13. 2 Eph. vi. 10, 12, 16. The New lyife. because we know that Thou wilt bruise him under our feet. Amen. 1. What comfort does the knowledge of the existence of Satan give us? We know then that sin is derived from a foreign power which has thrust itself into our nature, and does not naturally belong to us. We know besides that he has been entirely vanquished by the Lord Jesus, and thus has no power over us so long as we abide trustfully in Christ. 2. The whole of this world, with all that is in it, is under the domination of Satan : therefore there is nothing, even what ap- pears good and fair, that may not be dangerous for us. In all things, even in what is lawful and right, we must be led and sanctified by the Spirit, if we would continue liberated from the power of Satan. 3. Satan is an evil spirit : only by the good Spirit, the Spirit of God, can we offer resistance to him. He works in the invisible : in order to combat him, we have, by prayer, to enter into the invisible. He is a mighty prince : only in the name of One who is mightier and in fellowship with Him can we overcome. 4. What a glorious work is labor for souls, for the lost, for drunkards, for heathen; a conflict to rescue them from the might of Satan. (Acts xx\n. 18.) 5. In the Revelation the victory over Satan is ascribed to the blood of the Lamb. (Rev. xii. 11.) Christians have also testi- fied that there is no power in temptation, because Satan readily retreats when one appeals to the blood, by which one knows that sin has been entirely expiated, and we are thus also wholly freed from his power. 132 XXVIII. THE CONFI.ICT OF THE CHRISTIAN. " strive to enter in by the narrow door." — I,uk:e xiii. 24. " Fight the good fight of the faith."— i Tim. vi. 12. '* I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith."— 2 Tim. iv. 7. THBSB texts speak of a twofold conflict. The first is addressed to the unconverted: ** Strive to enter in by the narrow door." Entrance by a door is the work of a moment : the sinner is not to strive to enter during his whole lifetime ; he is to strive and do it immediately. He is not to sufifer anything to hold him back ; he must enter in.^ Then comes the second, the life-long conflict : by the narrow door I come upon the new way. On the new way there are still always enemies. Of this life- long conflict Paul says: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith." With respect to the continuous conflict, he gives the charge : "Fight the good fight of faith." There is much misunderstanding about this two- fold conflict. Many strive all their life against the Lord and His summons, and, because they are not at rest, but feel an inner conflict, they think that this is the conflict of a Christian. Assuredly not : this is 1 Gen. xix. 22 ; John x. 9 ; 2 Cor. vi. 2 ; Heb. iv. 6. 7. 133 The New Life. the struggle against God of one who is not willing to abandon everything and surrender himself to the Lord.^ This is not the conflict that the Lord would have. What He says is that the conflict is concerned with entering in : but not a conflict for long years. No : He desires that you should break through the enemies that would hold you back, and immediately enter in. Then follows the second conflict, which endures for life. Paul twice calls this the fight of faith. The chief characteristic of it is faith. He who under- stands well that the principal element in the battle is to believe, and acts accordingly, does certainly carry off the palm : just as in another passage Paul says to the Christian combatant : * ' Withal taking up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one." ' And what then does it mean, this " fight of faith ? " That, while I strive, I am to believe that the Lord will help me ? No : it is not so, although it often is so understood. In a conflict it is of supreme importance that I should be in a stronghold or fortress which cannot be taken . With such a stronghold a weak garrison can offer resistance to a powerful enemy. Our conflict as Christians is now no longer concerned with going into the fortress. No : we have gone in, and are now in ; and so long as we remain in it, we are invincible. The stronghold, this stable fort, is Christ.' By faith 1 Acts V. 39 ; i Cor. x. 22. 2 Eph. vi. 16 ; I John iii. 4, 5. 3Ps. xviii. 3, xlvi. 2, Ixii. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, cxliv. a ; Eph. vL 10. The Conflict of the Christian. ■we are in Him : by faith we know that the enemy can make no progress against our fortress. The wiles of Satan all go forth on the line of enticing us out of cur fortress, of engaging us in conflict with him on the open plain. There he always overcomes. But if we only strive in faith, abiding in Christ by faith, then we overcome, because Satan then has to deal with Him, and because He then fights and over- comes. ^ ** This is the victory that hath overcome the world, even our faith." Our first and greatest work is thus to believe. As Paul said before he mentions the warlike equipment of the Christian : ' ' From henceforth be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might." The reason why the victory is only by faith, and why the fight of faith is the good fight, is this : it is the Lord Jesus who purchased the victory, and who therefore alone gives power and dominion over the enemy. If we are, and abide, in Him, and surrender ourselves to live in Him, and by faith appropriate what He is, then the victory is in itself our own. We then understand : ' * The battle is not yours, but God's. The Lord your God shall fight for you, and ye shall be still." Just as we in opposition to God can achieve nothing good of ourselves, but in Christ please Him, so also is it in opposition to Satan : in ourselves we achieve nothing, but in Christ we are more than conquerors. By faith we stand in Him 1 Ex. xiv. 14 ; Josh. v. 14 ; 2 Chron. xxiii. 15 ; John xvi. 33 ; Rom. viii. 37 ; 2 Cor, ii. 14. The New Life. righteous before God, and just so in Him are we strong against our enemies. ^ In this light we can read and take home to our- selves all the noble passages in the Old Testament, especially in the Psalms, where the glorious conflict of God in behalf of His people is spoken of. Fear, or spiritlessness, or uncertainty, makes weak, and cannot overcome : faith in the living God is equal to everything.^ In Christ this truth is now still more real. God has come near. His power works in us who believe ; it is really He that fights for us. Lord Jesus, who art the Prince of the army of the Lord, the Hero, the Victor, teach me to be strong in Thee my stronghold, and in the power of Thy might. Teach me to understand what the good fight of faith is, and how the one thing that I have need of is, always to look to Thee, to Thee, the supreme Guide of faith. And, consequently, in me, too, let this be the victory that overcometh the world, namely, my faith. Amen. I. The conflict of faith is no civil war, in which one half of , the kingdom is divided against the other. This would be insur- rection. This is the one conflict that many Christians know -• the unrest of the conscience, and the powerless wrestling of a will which consents to that which is good, but does not perform it. The Christian has not to overcome himself This his Lord does when he surrenders himself. Then he is free and strong 1 Ps. xliv. 4, 9 ; Isa. xlv. 24. « Deut. XX. 3, 8 ; Josh. vi. 20 ; Judges vii. 3 ; Ps. xviii. 32-40 ; Heb. xi. 23. 136 The Conflict of the Christian. to combat and overcome the enemies of his Lord and of the kingdom. No sooner, however, we are willing that God should have his way with us than we are found striving against God. This also is truly conflict, but it is not the good fight of faith. 2. In Galatians v. reference is made to the inner conflict : for the Galatians had not yet entirely surrendered themselves to the Spirit, to walk after the Spirit. "The connection," says Lange, *' shows that this conflict betwixt the flesh and the Spirit of God is not endless, but that there is expected of the Christian a complete surrender of himself, in order to be led only by the one principle— the Spirit ; and then, further, a refusal to obey the flesh." The believer must not strive against the flesh, to overcome it : this he cannot do. What he is to do is to choose to whom he will subject himself: by the surrender of faith to Christ, to strive in Him through the Spirit, He has a divine power for overcoming. 3. Hence, as we have seen in connection with the beginning of the new life, our one work every day and the whole day is to believe. Out of faith come all blessings and power, also the victory for overcoming. XXIX. BE A BLESSING. " Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and' from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee ; and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee ; and be thou a blessing." — Gen. xii. i, 2. IN these first words that God spake to Abraham, we have the short summary of all that God has to say to him and to us as His children. We see what the goal is to which God calls us, what the power that carries us to that goal, and what the place where the power is found. Be a blessing : that is the goal for which God sepa- rates Abraham and every believing child of His. God would have him and us made to understand that, when He blesses us, this is certainly not simply to make us happy, but that we should still further communicate His blessing.^ God Himself is love, and therefore He blesses. Love seeketh not itself : when the love of God comes to us, it will seek others through us.' The young Christian must from the beginning understand that he has received grace with the definite aim of becoming a blessing to others. Pray, keep not for yourself what the Lord 1 Matt. V. 34, 35, X. 8, xviii. 33. 2lsa. Iviii. 10, 11 ; i Cor. xiii. 5 ; i John iv. 11. 138 Be a Blessing. gives to you for others. Offer yourself expressly and completely to the Lord, to be used by Him for others : that is the way to be blessed overflowingly yourself. ^ The power for this work will be given. " Be a blessing :" "I will bless thee," says Ibe Lord. You are to be personally blessed yourself, personally sanc- tified and filled with the Spirit, and peace, and power of the Lord : then you have power to bless. ^ In Christ God has * ' blessed us with all spiritual things :'' let Jesus fill you with these blessings, and you snail certainly be a blessing : you need not doubt or fear. The blessing of God includes in it the power of life for multiplication, for expansion, for communication. See in the Scriptures how blessing and multiplica- tion go together.' Blessing always includes the power to bless others. Only give the word of the the Almighty God, *' I will bless Thee," time to sink into your spirit. Wait upon God, that He Himself may say to you, "I will bless thee." Let your faith cleave fast to this. God will make it truth to you, above all asking and thinking.* But for this end you must also betake yourself to the place of blessing : the land of promise, the sim- ple life of faith in the promises. * ' Get thee out thy land and thy father's house," says the Lord. De- parture, separation from the life of nature and the 1 Ps. cxii. 5, 9 ; Prov. xi. 24, 25 ; Matt. xxv. 40 ; i Cor. xv. 58 ; 2 Cor. ix. 6 ; Heb. vi. 10. *i,uke xxiv. 49; John vii. 38, xiv. 12. •Gen. i. 22, 28, ix. i, xxii. 17, xxvL 24. *a Cor. ix. 8, II ; Uph. i. 3 ; Heb. vi. 14. The New Ufe. flesh, in -which we were born of our father Adam, is what God would have. The ofiFering up of what is most precious to man is the way to the blessing of God.i "Get thee to a land that I will show thee," says the Lord, out of the old life to a new life, where I alone am your guide ; that is, a life where God can have me wholly for Himself alone, where I walk only on the promises of God — a life of faith. Christian, God will, in a Divine fashion, fulfill to you His promise, "I will bless thee." O go, pray, out of your land and your father* s house, out of the life of nature and the flesh, out of intercourse with the flesh and this world, to the New lyife, the life of the Spirit, the life in fellowship with God to which He will lead you. There you become receptive of His blessing ; there your heart becomes open to full faith in His word, " I will bless thee ;" there He can fulfill that word to you, and make you full of His blessing and power to be a blessing to others. Live with God, separated from the world : then shall you hear the voice of God speak with power : "I will bless thee ; " "Be thou a blessing." O my Father, show me the way to that promised land where Thou bringest Thy people to have them wholly for Thyself. I will abandon everything to follow Thee, to hold converse with Thee alone, in order that Thou mayest fill me with Thy blessing. Lord, let Thy word, *'I will bless Thee," live in my heart as a word of God : then shall I give myself wholly to live for others and to be a blessing. Amen. il,uke xviii. 29, 30; John xii. 24, 25; 2 Cor. vi. 17, 18. 140 Be a Blessing. 1. God is the great, the only Fountain of blessing : as much of God as I have in me, so much blessing can I bring. I can work much for others without blessing. Actually to be a blessing, I must begin with that word, " I will bless thee : " then theother, " Be a blessing ' ' becomes easy. 2. In order to become a blessing, begin on a small scale : yield yourself up for others. I^ive to make others happy. Believe that the love of God dwells in you by the Spirit, and give your- self wholly to be a blessing and a joy to those who are round about you. Pray God to shed abroad His love in you still fur- ther by the Spirit. And believe very firmly that God can make you a greater blessing than you can think, if you surrender yourself to Him for this end. 3. But this surrender must have time in solitary prayer, that God may obtain possession of your spirit. This is for you the departure from your father's house : separate yourself from men that God may speak with you. 4. What think you? Was Abraham ever filled with regret that he placed himself so entirely under the leading of God ? Then do you likewise. 5. Do you now know the two words which are the source of all promises and all commands to the children of believing Abraham? The promise is: "I well bless thee." The com- mand is: "Be a blessing." Pray, take them both firmly for yourself. 6. And do you now understand where these two words to Abraham are fulfilled? In separation from his father's house- in the walk in fellowship with God. 141 XXX. PERSONAI, WORK. *• Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation : and uphold me with a free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors Thy ways ; and sinners shall be converted unto Thee." — Ps. li. 12, 13. " I believe, for I vrill speak." — Ps. cxvi. 10. " But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Ghost is come upon you." — Acts i. 8. EVERY redeemed man is called to be a witness for his Lord. Not only by a godly walk, but by personal efifort must I serve and make known my Lord. My tongue, my speech, is one of the principal means of intercourse with others and influence upon them. It is but a half dedication, when I do not also bring the offering of the lips, to speak for the Lord.^ Of this work there is inconceivably great need. There are thousands of Christians who continually enjoy the preaching of the word, and yet do not understand the way of salvation. The Lord Jesus not only preached to the multitudes, but also spoke to individuals according to their needs. 2 Scripture is full of examples of those who told to others what the Lord had done for them, and who thus became a 1 Ps. xl. 10, II, Ixvi. 16, Ixxi. 8, 15, 24 ; Heb. xiii. 15. ' lyuke vii. 40 ; John iii. 3, iv. 7. 142 Personal Work. blessing to them.* The teacher alone cannot do this ^ork of personal speaking : every ransomed soul must co-operate with him. He is in the world as a -witness for his Lord. His own life cannot come to its full healthy increase, if he does not confess his Ivord and work for Him. That witness for the Lord must be a personal wit- ness. We must have the courage to say, " He has redeemed me; He will also redeem you : will you not accept this redemption? Come, let me show you the way." ^ There are hundreds who would be glad if the personal question were put to them, " Are you redeemed ? What keeps you back ? Can I not help you to go to the Lord ? " Parents ought to speak personally with their children, and put the ■question, " My child have you already received the Lord Jesus?" Teachers in Sabbath-schools and in day-schools, when they teach the word of God, ought to bring forward the personal question, whether the children have really received salvation, and ought to seek the opportunity of also putting the question to them separately. Friends must speak with their friends. Yesj before all else should this work be done. Such work must be the work of love. Let souls feel that you love them tenderly. Let the humility and gentleness of love, as this was to be seen in Jesus, be seen also in you. At every turn surrender yourself to Jesus to be filled with His love : not by 1 Ex. xviii. 8, II ; 2 Chron. v. 3. 2 John i. 42, 46, iv. 28, 39 ; Acts xi. 19. The New Life. feeling, but by faith in this love, can you do your work. "Beloved, keep yourselves in the love of God. And on some have mercy who are in doubt ; and some save, snatching them out of the fire ; and on some have mercy v^^ith fear." The flesh often thinks that strength and force do more than love and patience. But that is not so : love achieves everything : it has overcome on the cross.* Such work must be the work of faith, of faith working by love : faith that the Lord desires to use you and will use you. Be not afraid on account of your weakness : learn in the Scriptures what glorious promises God from time to time gave to those who had to speak for Him.'^ Surrender yourself con- tinually to God to be used for the rescue of souls, and take your stand on the fact that He who has redeemed you for this end, will for this end bless you. Although your work is in weakness and fear, although no blessing appears to come, be of good courage: at His time, we shall reap.^ Be filled with faith in the power of God, in His blessing upon you, and in the certainty of the hearing of prayer. * ' If any man see his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask, and God will give him life." Whether it be the most miserable and neglected, or whether it be the decent but indifferent who does not know his sin, take courage, the Lord is mighty to bless : He hears prayer. iHeb. iii. 13, x. 24; Jude ax, 23. 8 Ex. iv. II, 12 ; Josh. i. 9; Isa. 1. 4, 11 ; Jer. i. 6, 7 ; Matt, x 19, 20. 82 Chron. xv. 7 ; Ps. cxxvi. 6, 7 ; Hag. ii. 5 ; Gal. viii. 9 ; 1 John V. 16. 144 Personal Work. But above all — for this is the principal point — carry out this work in fellowship with Jesus. Live closely with Him — live entirely for Him — let Jesus be in all your own life and He will speak and work in you.i Be full of the blessing of the lyord, full of His Spirit and His love, and it cannot be otherwise than that you should be a blessing. You shall be able to tell what He is continually for you. You shall have the love and the courage, with all humil- ity, to put to souls the question, "Is it well with you? Have you indeed the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? " And the Lord will make you experience the rich blessing which is promised to those who live to bless others. Young Christian, be a witness for Jesus. Live as one who is wholly given away to Him to watch and to work for His honor. Blessed Lord, who hast redeemed me to serve the Father in the proclamation of His love, I will with a free spirit ofifer myself to Thee for this end. Fill my heart for this end with love to Him, to Thee, and to souls. Cause me to see what an honor it is to do the work of redeeming love, even as Thou didst do it. Strengthen my confidence that Thou art working with Thy power in my weakness. And let my joy be to help souls to Thee. Amen. I. The question is often asked, " "What can I do to work for the I,ord?" 1 Acts. iv. i8 ; 2 Cor. iii. 5, xiii. 3. 10 145 The New Life. Can you not take a class in the Sabbath school ? Perhaps you live in the country where there are children that have no hour of the Sabbath devoted to them. Perhaps there are heathen children, or even grown-up people of the farms, who do not go to Church. See whether you cannot gather them together in the name of Jesus. Make it a matter of prayer and faith. Although you do this work with trembling, you may be sure that to begin to work will make you strong. Or can you do nothing for the circulation of books and tracts? When you have a book that has been useful to you, order six or twelve copies of it. Speak of it, and ofifer it for sale : you can do great service by this means. So also with tracts : if you are too poor to give them for nothing, have them to sell : you may procure blessing by this method. It will especially help you to speak to others, if you begin with telling what is in a book, 2. But the principal thing is personal speaking. Do not hold back because you feel no freedom. The lyOrd will give 3'ou free- dom in His own time. It is incredible how many are lost through ignorance. No one has ever personally made it clear to them how they can be saved. The thought that a change must first be sought and felt is so deeply rooted that the most faithful preaching is often of no avail against it. By their erroneous ideas, people misunderstand everything. Begin then to speak and to help souls to understand that they are to receive Jesus just as they are, that they can certainly know that He re- ceives them, and that this is the power of a new and holy life. 146 XXXI. MISSIONARY WORK. "And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and con- firming the word by the signs that followed."— Mark xvi. 15, 20. EVERY friend of Jesus is a friend of missions. Where there is a healthy spiritual life, there is a love for the missionary cause. When you consider the reasons of this, you obtain an insight into the glory of missions, and into your calling to embrace this cause as a part of your soul's life. Come and hear how much there is to make missionary work glorious and precious. 1. It is the cause for which Jesus left the throne of heaven. The heathen are His inheritance, given to Him by His Father. It is in heathendom that the power of Satan has been established. Jesus must have Himself vindicated as the conqueror. His glory, the coming and manifestation of His king- dom, depend on missions.^ 2. Missionary work is the principal aim of the church on earth. All the last words of the Lord ' Ps. ii. 8 ; Matt. xidv. 14, xxviii. 18, 28 ; Mark xiii. 10 ; Luke xxi. 24 ; Rom. xi. 25. The New Life. Jesus teach us this.^ The Lord is the head and He has made himself dependent upon His body, upon His members, by whom alone He can do His work.'* As a member of Christ, as a member of the Church, shall I npt give myself to take part in the work, that this goal may be reached ? 3. It is the work for which the Holy Spirit was given. See this in the promise of the Spirit : in the leading of the Spirit vouchsafed to Peter and Barna- bas and Saul.' In the history of the Church we find that times of revival go hand in hand with new zeal for the missionary cause. The Holy Spirit is always a holyjenthusiasm for the extension of the kingdom. 4. Missionary work brings blessing on the Church. It rouses the heroic deeds of faith and self-denial. It has furnished the most glorious instances of the won- drous power of the Lord. It gives heavenly joy over the conversion of sinners to those who watch for it with love and prayer. It cleanses the heart to under- stand God's great plans, and to await the fulfillment of them in supplication. Missionary work is a token of life in a Church, and brings more life.* 5. What a blessing it is for the world ? What would we have been, had not missionaries come to our heathen forefathers in Europe? What a glorious blessing has not missionary work already won in some lands? What help is there for the hundred 1 Mark xvi. 15 ; I^uke xxiv. 47 ; John xvii. 18 ; Acts i. 8. 2 I Cor. xii. 21. 3 Acts i. 8, xi. 12, 23, 24, xiii. 2, 4, xxii. 21. * Acts xiv. 27, XV. 4, 5 ; Rom. xi. 25, 33, xv. 10 ; Eph. iii- 5, 8, 10. 148 Missionary Work. millions of heathen, if not in missions?- Heaven and hell look upon missions as the battlefield where the powers of Satan and of Jesus Christ encounter one another. Alas ! that the conflict should be car- ried on so feebly. 6. There will be a blessing for your own soul in love for missionary work.^ You will be exercised in faith. Missionary work is a cause for faith, where everything goes on slowly, and not according to the fancy of men. You will learn to cleave to God and the word. Love will be awakened. You will learn to go out of yourselves and your little circle, and with an open eye and a large heart to live in the interests of your Lord and King : you will feel how little true love you have, and you will receive more love. You will be drawn into prayer. Your calling and power as an intercessor will become clearer to you, and therewith the blessedness of thus co-operating for the kingdom. You will discern how it is the highest conformity to Him who came to seek the lost, to give up your own ease and rest to fight in love the fight of prayer against Satan in behalf of the heathen. Young Christian, missionary work is more glorious and holy than you suppose. There is more blessing in it than you are aware of. The new life in you depends upon it more than you can as yet understand. Yield yourself up anew in obedience to the word to 1 Isa. xlix. 6, 12, i8, 22, liv. i, 2, Ix. 2 Prov. xi. 24, 25 : l&a.. iviiL 7. 8. 149 The New Life. give missions a large place in your heart ; yes, in your heart. The Lord Himself will further teach and bless you. And if you would know how to have your love for missions, as the work of your Lord, increased, attend to the following hints : — Become acquainted with the missionary cause. Endeavor by writings and books to know what the condition and n«ed of heathendom is ; what, by the blessing of the Lord, has been already done there ; what the work is that is being done now. Speak with others about this cause. Per- haps there could be instituted in your neighborhood a little missionary society. Perhaps one of yt)ur prayer-meetings, say, once a month, could be set apart for prayer in behalf of the missionary cause. Pray also for this in secret. Let the coming of the kingdom have a definite place in your secret prayers. Endeavor to follow the material for prayer in the promises of the word about the heathen, in the whole Scriptures, especially in the prophet Isaiah.^ Give also for missions : not only when you are asked ; not merely what you can spare without feeling it ; but set apart for this cause a portion of what you possess or earn. Let the Lord see that you ere in earnest with His work. If there is missionary work that is being done in your neighborhood, show yourself a friend to it. Although there be much im- perfection in that work, — and where is there work of man that is perfect ? — complain not of the imperfec- tion, but look upon the essence of the cause, the en- 1 Isa. xlix. 6, i8, 21, 22, liv. i, 3, Ix. i, 3, 11, 16, Ixii. 2. 150 Missionary Work. deavor to obey the command of the Lord, and give your prayer and your help. A friend of Jesus is a friend of missions. Love for missionary work is an indispensable element of the new life. Son of God, when Thou didst breathe Thy Spirit upon Thy disciples, saying, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost," Thou didst add: "As the Father hath sent Me, even so send I you." Lord, here am I : send me also. Breathe Thy Spirit into me also, that I may live for Thy kingdom. Amen. 1. " Unknown makes unbeloved," is a word that is specially true of missionary work. He who is acquainted with the won- ders that God has wrought in some lands, will praise and thank God for what the missionary enterprise has achieved, and will be strengthened in his faith that missionary work is really God's own cause. Among the books that help to awaken interest in missions are biographies of missionaries. " The L,ife of Henry Martyn " is one, formerly issued by the Book Society. " Uncle Charles " is the name of a book with an account of missionary work in South Africa. Some books on missions are generally to be found in our Sabbath-school libraries. 2. We should never forget that the missionary cause is an enterprise of faith. It requires faith in the promises of God, in the power of God. It has need of love — love to Jesus, whereby the heart is filled with desire for His honor, and love to souls, that longs for their safety. It is a work of the Spirit of God, "whom the world cannot receive:" therefore the world can approve of missions only when they go forward with the highest prosperity. 3. I,et no friend of missions become discouraged when the work proceeds slowly. Although all baptized black men are not converted, although even amongst the converts there is The New Life. still much perversity, although some fall back after a fair pro fession, amongst the whites also everything is by no means perfect. Among our forefathers in Europe, a whole century was occupied with the introduction of Christianity. Sometimes a nation received Christianity to cast it oflf again after thirty or forty years. It required a thousand years to bring them up to the height at which we now stand. I^et us not expect too much from the heathen at once, but with love and patience and firm, faith, pray and work, and expect the blessing of God- 152 XXXIL LIGHT AND JOYFULNESS. " Blessed Is the people that know the joyful sound : they walk, O lyord, in the light of Thy countenance. In Thy name do they rejoice all the day." — Ps. Ixxxix. 15, 16 " I/ight is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart."— Ps. xcvii. 11, " I am the Light of the worid : he that followeth me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life."— John viii. 12. "I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and j'^our joy no one taketh away from you." — John xvi. 22. *■' As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing."— 2 Cor. vi. lo. A FATHER will always be eager to see his children joyful. He does all that he can to make them happy. Hence God also desires that His children should walk before Him in gladness of heart. He has promised them gladness ; He will give it. * He has commanded it : we must take it and walk in it at all times.'' The reason of this is not difl&cult to find. Gladness is always the token that something really satisfies me and has great value for me. More than anything else is gladness for what I possess a recommendation of it to others. And gladness in God is the strongest 1 Ps Izxxix. 16, 17 ; Isa. xxix. 19 ; John xvi. 2a j i Pet. L 8. ' Ps. xxxii. II ; Isa. xii 5, 6 ; i Thess. v. 16; Phil. Iv. 4. The New Life. proof that I have in God what satisfies and satiates me, that I do not serve Him with dread, or to be kept, but because He is my salvation. Gladness is the token of the truth and the worth of obedience, showing whether I have pleasure in the will of God.^ It is for this reason that joy in God is so acceptable to Him, so strengthening to believers themselves, and to all who are around the most eloquent testi- mony of what we think of God.^ In the Scriptures light and gladness are frequently connected with each other.' It is so in nature. The joyful light of the morning awakens the birds to their song and gladdens the watchers who in the darkness have longed for the day. It is the light of God's countenance that gives the Christian his glad- ness : in fellowship with his Lord, he can, and always will, be happy : the love of the Father shines like the sun upon His children.* When darkness comes over the soul, it is always through one of two things, through sin or through unbelief. Sin is darkness, and makes dark. And unbelief also makes dark, for it turns us from Him, who alone is the light. The question is sometimes put, Can the Christian walk always in the light ? The answer of our Lord is clear, ' ' He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness." It is sin, the turning from behind Jesus to our own way, that makes dark. But at the moment ' Deut. xxviii. 47 ; Ps. xi. 9, cxix. 11. 2Neh. viii. 11 ; Ps. Ixviii. 4 ; Prov. iv. 18. 3Esth. viii. 16 ; Prov. xiii. 9, xv. 30 ; Isa. Ix. 20. *Ex. X. 23 ; 2 Sam. xxiii. 4 ; Ps. xxxvi. 10 ; Isa. Ix. i, 20; i John i. 5, iv. 16. Ligli.t and Joyfulness. we confess sin, and have it cleansed in the blood, we are again in the light. ^ Or it is unbelief that makes dark. We look to ourselves and our strength ; we would seek comfort in our own feeling, or our own works, and all becomes dark. As soon as we look to Jesus, to the fulness, to the perfect provision for our needs that is in Him, all is right. He says, " I am the Light : he that foUoweth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." So long as I believe, I have light and gladness.' Christians, who would walk according to the will of the Ivord, hear what His word says : ** Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord alway : again, I will say, Rejoice." ' In the Lord Jesus there is joy unspeakable, and full of glory : believing in Him, rejoice in this. Live the life of faith : that life is salvation and glorious joy. A heart that gives itself undividedly to follow Jesus, that lives by faith in Him and His love, shall have light and gladness. Therefore, soul, only believe. Do not seek gladness; in that case you will not find it, because you are seeking feeling. But seek Jesus, follow Jesus, believe in Jesus, and gladness shall be added to you. " Not seeing but believing, rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.'* Lord Jesus, Thou art the light of the world, the Effulgence of the unapproachable light, in whom we 1 Josh. vii. 13 ; Is. Iviii. 10, lix. I, 2, 9 ; Matt. xv. I4, 16 ; a Cor. vL 14 ; Eph. V. 8, 14 ; i Thess. V. 5 ; I John ii. 10. * John xii. 36, xi 40 ; Rom. xv. 13 ; i Pet. i. 8. ' PhiL iii. i, iv. 4. The New Life. see the liglit of God. From Thy countenance radi- ates upon us the illumination of the knowledge of the love and glory of God. And Thou art ours, our light and our salvation, O teach us to believe more firmly that with Thee we can never walk in the darkness. Let gladness in Thee be the proof that Thou art all to us, and our strength to do all that Thou wouldst have us do. Amen. 1. The gladness that I have in anything is the measure of its worth m my eyes *. the gladness in a person^ the measure of my pleasure in him : the gladness in a work the measure of my pleasure in it. Gladness .in God and His service is one of the surest tokens of healthy spiritual life. 2. Gladness is hindered by ignorance, when we do not rightly understand God and His love and the blessedness of His service : by unbelief; whom we still seek something in our own strength or feeling: by double-heartedness, when we are not willing to give up and lay aside everything for Jesus. 3. Understand this saying; " He that seeks gladness shall not find it* he that seeks the Lord and His will, shall find gladness unsought." Think over this. He that seeks gladness as a thing of feeling, seeks himself : he would fain be happy ! he will not find it. He that forgets himself to live in the I,ord and His will, shall be taught of himself to rejoice in the I^ord. It is God, God Himself, who is the God of the gladness of our rejoicing: seek God, and you have gladness. You have then simply to take and enjoy it by faith. 4 To thank much for what God is and does, to believe much in what God says and will do, is the way to abiding gladness. 5. " The light of the eyes gladdens the heart." God has not intended that His children should walk in the darkness, Satan is the prince of the darkness ; God is light : Christ is the Light of the world : we are children of the light : let us walk in the light. Let us believe in the promise, *' The Lord shall be to thee an everlasting light. Thy sun shall no more go dowo, for the Lord shall be to thee an everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended." 156 XXXIII. CHASTISEMENT. "Blessed is the man whom Thou chastenest, O IvOrd, and teachest out of Thy law ; that Thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity." — Ps. xciv. 12. " Before I was afflicted, I went astray ; but now I observe Thy word. It is good for me that I have been afflicted ; that I might learn Thy statutes."— Ps. cxix. 67, 71. "He chastens us for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness." — Heb. xii. 10. " Count it all joy, my brethren, when ye fall into manifold temptations ; knowing that the proof of your faith worketh patience. "—J AS. i. 2, 3. EVERY child of God must at one time or another enter the school of trial. What the Scriptures teach us is confirmed by experience. And the Scrip- tures teach us further, that we are to count it a joy- when God takes us into this school. It is a part of our heavenly blessedness to be educated and sancti- fied by the Father through chastisement. Not that trial in itself brings a blessing.^ Just as there is no profit in the ground's being made wet by rain or broken up by the plough, when no seed is cast into it, so there are children of God that enter into trial and have little blessing from it. The heart is softened for a time, but they know not how to ob- 1 Isa. V. 3 ; Hos. viL 14, 15 ; 2 Cor. vii. 10. 157 The New Life. tain an abiding blessing from it. They know not what the Father has in view with them in the school of trial. In a good school there are four things necessary — a definite aim, a good text-book, a capable teacher, a willing pupil. 1. Let the aim of trial be clear to you. Holiness is the highest glory of the Father, and also of the child. He " chastens us for our profit that we may be partakers of His Holiness: ' ^ In trial the Christian would often have only comfort. Or he seeks to be quiet and contented under the special chastisement. This is indeed the beginning ; but the Father desires something else, something higher. He would make him holy, holy, for his whole life. When Job said, " Blessed be the name of the I/ord," this was still but the beginning of his school-time : the Lord had still more to teach him. God would unite our will with His holy will, not only on the one point in which He is trying us, but in everything : God would fill us with His Holy Spirit, with His holiness. This is the aim of God ; this also must be your aim in the school of trial. 2. Let the word of God at this time be your read- ing book. See in our trials how in affliction God would teach us out of His law. The word will reveal to you why the F'ather chastens you, how deeply He loves you in the midst of it, and how rich are the promises of His consolation. Trial will give new 1 Isa. xxvii. 8, 9 ; i Cor. xi. 32 ; Heb. ii. 10, xii. 11. 158 Chastisement. glory to the promises of the Father. In chastisement have recourse to the word.^ 3. Let Jesus be your teacher. He Himself was sanctified by suffering : it was in suffering that He learned full obedience. He has a wonderfully sym- pathetic heart. Have much intercourse with Him. Seek not your comfort from much speaking on the part of men or with men. Give Jesus the opportu- nity of teaching you. Have much converse with Him in solitude.^ The Father has given you the word, the Spirit, the Lord Jesus your sanctification, in order to sanctify you : affliction and chastisement are meant to bring you to the word, to Jesus Himself, in order that He may make you partaker of His holiness. It is in fellowship with Jesus that consolation comes as of itself.' 4. Be a willing pupil. Acknowledge your ignor- ance. Think not that you understand the will of God. Ask and expect that the Lord would teach you the lesson that you are to learn in affliction. To the meek there is the promise of teaching and wisdom. Seek to have the ear open, the heart very quiet, and turned towards God. Know that it is the Father that has placed you in the school of trial : yield yourself with all willingness to hear what He says, to learn what He would have you taught. He will bless you greatly in this.* *' Happy is the man whom Thou chastenest, and 1 Ps. cxix. 49, 50 92, 143 ; Isa. xl. i, xliii. 2 ; i Thess. iv. 8. 2lsa. xxvi. 16, Ixi. i, 2 ; Heb. ii. 10, 17, 18, v. 9. 3 2 Cor. i. 3, 4; Heb. xiii. 5, 6. ^ *Ps. XXV. 9, xx.xix. 2, 10 ; Isa. 1. 4, 5. 159 The New lyife. teachest out of Thy law." "Count it all joy when ye fall into manifold temptations," " that ye may be perfect, lacking in nothing." Regard the time of trial as a time of blessing, as a time of close converse with the Father, of being made partaker of His holi- ness, and you shall also rejoicingly say: "It is good for me that I have been afflicted." Father, what thanks shall I express to Thee for the glorious light that Thy word casts upon the dark trials of this life? Thou wilt by this means teach me, and make me partaker of Thy holiness. Hast Thou considered the suffering and the death of Thy beloved Son not too much to bring holiness near to me, and shall I not be willing to endure Thy chas- tisement to be partaker of it? No: Father, thanks be unto Thee for Thy precious work : only fulfill Thy counsel in me. Amen. 1. In chastisement it is first of all necessary that we should be possessed by the thought : This is the will of God. Although the trial comes through our own folly or the perversity of men, we must acknowledge that it is the will of God that we should be in that suffering by means of that folly or perversity. We see this clearly in Joseph and the L,ord Jesus. Nothing will give us rest but the willing acknowledgment : this is the will of God. 2. The second thought is : God wills not only the trial, but also the consolation, the power, and the blessing in it. He who acknowledges the will of God in the chastisement itself is on the way to see and experience the accompaniments also as the will of God. 3. The will of God is as perfect as He Himself: let us not be afraid to surrender ourselves to it : no one suffers loss by deem- ing the will of God unconditionally good, 160 Chastisement. 4. This is holiness : to know and to adore the will of God, to unite one's self wholly with it. 5. Pray, seek not comfort in trial in connection with men. Do not mingle too much with them : see to it rather that you deal with God and His word. The object of trial is just to draw you away from what is earthly, in order that you may turn to God and give Him time to unite your will with His perfect wilL II 161 XXXIV. PRAYER. *' Thou, when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall recompense thee."— Matt. vi. 6. nPHE Spiritual life with its growth depends in i great measure on prayer. According as I pray much or little, pray with pleasure or as a duty, pray according to the word of God or my own inclination, will my life flourish or decay. In the word of Jesus quoted above, we have the leading ideas of true prayer. Alone with God : that is the first thought. The door must be shut, with the world and man outside, because I am to have converse with God undisturbed. When God met with His servants in the olden time, He took them alone.i Let the first thought in your prayer be : here are God and I in the chamber with each other. According to your conviction of the nearness of God will be the power of your prayer. In the presence of your Father : this is the second thought. You come to the inner chamber, because your Father with His love awaits you there. Although you are cold, dark, sinful ; although it is doubtful iGen. xviii. 22, 23, xxii. 5, xxxii. 24 ; Ex. xxxiii. 11. 162 Prayer. whether you can pray at all ; come, because the Father is there, and there looks upon you. Set your- self beneath the light of His eye. Believe in His tender fatherly love, and out of this faith prayer will be born. ^ Count certainly upon aft answer : that is the third point in the word of Jesus. "Your Father will recompense you openly," There is nothing about which the Ivord Jesus has spoken so positively as the certainty of an answer to prayer. Pray, review the promises.^ Observe how constantly in the Psalms, that prayer-book of God's saints, God is called upon as the God who hears prayer and gives answers.^ It may be that there is much in you that prevents the answer. Delay in the answer is a very blessed discipline. It leads to self-searching as to whether we are praying amiss, and whether our life is truly in harmony with our prayer. It rouses to a purer exer- cise of faith.* It conducts to a closer and more per- sistent converse with God. The sure confidence of an answer is the secret of powerful praying. Let this always be with us the chief thing in prayer. When you pray, stop in the midst of your prayer to ask, Do I believe that I am receiving what I pray for? 1 Matt. vi. 8, vii. ii. 9 Matt. V. 1, 7, 8, xi. 24 ; I,uke xviii. 8 ; John xiv. 13, 14, xv. 7, 16, xvi. 23, 24. 3 Ps. iii. 5, iv. 4, vi. 10, x. 17, xvii. 6, 22, 25, xx. 2, 7, 10, xxxiv. 5, 7, 18, xxxviii. 16, xl. 2, Ixv. 3, Ixvi. 19. < Josh. vii. 12 , I Sam. viii. 18, xiv. 37, 38, xxviii. 6, 15 ; Prov, xxi. 13 ; Isa. i. 15 ; Mic. iii. 4 ; Hag. i. 9 ; Jas. i. 6, iv. 3, v. 16. 163 The New Life. Let your faith receive and hold fast the answer as given : it shall turn out according to your faith.^ Beloved young Christians, if there is one thing about which you must be conscientious, it is this : secret converse with God. Your life is hid with Christ in God. Every day must you in prayer ask from above, and by faith receive in prayer what you need for that day. Every day must personal inter- course with the Father and the Lord Jesus be re- newed and strengthened. God is our salvation and our strength : Christ is our life and our holiness : only in personal fellowship with the living God is our blessedness found. Christian, pray much, pray continually, pray with- out ceasing. When you have no desire to pray, go just then to the inkier chamber. Go as one who has nothing to bring to the Father, to set yourself before Him in faith in His love. That coming to the Father, and abiding before Him, is already a prayer that He understands. Be assured that to appear before God, however passively, always brings a blessing. The Father not only hears: He sees in secret, and He will recompense it openly. O my Father, who hast so certainly promised in Thy word to hear the prayer of faith, give to me the Spirit of prayer, that I may know how to offer that prayer. Graciously reveal to me Thy wonderful J Ps. cxlv. 9 ; Isa. xxx. 19 ; Jer. xxxiii. 3 ; Mai. iii. 10 ; Matt. ix. 29, XV. 28 ; 1 John iii. 22, v. 14, 15, 164 Prayer. Fatherly love, the complete blotting out of my sins in Christ, by which every hindrance in this direction is taken away, and the intercession of the Spirit in me, by which my ignorance or weakness cannot de- prive me of the blessing. Teach me with faith in Thee, the Three-One, to pray in fellowship with Thee. And confirm me in the strong living certitude that I receive what I believingly ask. Amen. 1. In prayer the principal thing is faith. The whole of salva- vation, the whole of the new life is by faith, therefore also by prayer. There is all too much prayer that brings nothing, be- cause there is little faith in it. Before I pray, and while I pray, and after I have prayed, I must ask : Do I pray in faith? I must say : I believe with my whole heart. 2. To arrive at this faith we must take time in prayer : time to set ourselves silently and trustfully before God, and to become awake to His presence : time to have our soul sanctified in fel- lowship with God : time for the Holy Spirit to teach us to hold fast and use trustfully the word of promise. No earthly know- ledge, no earthly possessions, no earthly food, no intercourse with friends, can we have without time, sufficient time. I^et us not think to learn how to pray, how to enjoy the power and the blessedness of prayer, if we do not take time with God. 3. And then there must be not only time every day, but per- severance from day to day. Time is required to grow in the certitude that we are acceptable to the Father, and that our prayer has power, in the filial confidence which knows that our prayer is according to His will, and is heard. We must not suppose that we know well enough how to pray, and can but ask, and then it is over. No : prayer is converse and fellowship with God, in which God has time and opportunity to work in us, in which our souls die to their own will and power, and be- come bound up and united with God. 4. For encouragement in persistent prayer, the following in- stance may be of service. In an address delivered at Calcutta, George Miiller recently said that in 1844 five persons were laid i6s The New Life. upon his heart, and that he began to pray for their conversion. :Eighteen months passed by before the first was converted. He prayed five years more, when the second was converted. After twelve years and a half yet another was converted. And now he has already prayed forty years for the other two, without let- ting slip a single day; and still they are not converted. He was, nevertheless, full of courage in the sure confidence that these two also would be given him in answer to his prayer. 5. In the book, "With Christ in the School of Prayer: Thoughts on our Training for the Ministry of Intercession " (Nisbet & Co.), I have endeavored in thirty-one meditations to explain the principal points of the life of prayer. 166 XXXV. THE PRAYER MEETING, " Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them." — Matt, xviii. 19, 20. THE Lord Jesus has told us to go into the inner chamber and hold our personal converse with God by prayer in secret, and not to be seen of men. The very same voice tells us that we are also to pray in fellowship with one another.^ And when He went to heaven, the birth of the Christian Church took place in a prayer meeting which one hundred and twenty men and women held for ten days.^ The Day of Pentecost was the fruit of unanimous persevering prayer. Let every one who would please the Lord Jesus, who desires the gift of the Spirit with power for his congregation or Church, who would have the blessing of fellowship with the children of God, attach himself to a prayer meeting, and prove the Lord whether He will make good His word and bestow upon it a special blessing.' And let him give 1 Matt. vi. 6 ; Luke ix. 18, 28. a Acts i. 14. 82 Chron. xx. 4, 17 ; Neh. ix. 2, 3 ; Joel ii. 16, 17 ; Acts xii. 5. 167 The New Life. help in it, so that the prayer meeting may be such as the Lord presented it to us. For a blessed prayer-meeting, there must be, first of all, agreement concerning the thing which we desire. There must be something that we really de- sire to have from God ; and concerning this we are to be in harmony. There must be inner love and unity amongst the suppliants, — all that is strife, envy, wrath, lovelessness, makes prayer powerless,^ — and then agreement on the definite object that is desired.'^ For this end it is entirely proper that what people are to pray for should be stated in the prayer meeting. Whether it be that one of the members would have his particular needs brought forward, or whether others would bring more general needs to the Lord, such as the conversion of the unconverted, the revival of God's children, the anointing of the teacher, the extension of the kingdom, let the objects be an- nounced beforehand. And let no one then suppose that there is unanimity whenever one is content to join in prayer for these objects. No : we are to take them into our heart and life, bring them continually before the Lord, be inwardly eager that the Lord should give them : then we are on the way to the prayer that has power. The second feature that characterizes a right prayer meeting is the coming together in the name of Jesus and the consciousness of His presence. The Scrip- ture says, **The name of the Lord is a strong tower : 1 Ps. cxxxiii. I, 3 ; Jer. Iviii. 4 ; Matt. v. 23, 24 ; Mark xi. 25. ' Jer. xxxii. 39 ; Acts iv. 24. 168 The Prayer Meeting. the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." ^^ The name is the expression of the person. When they come together, believers are to enter into the name of Jesus, to betake themselves within this name as their fortress and abode. In this name they mingle with one another before the Father, and out of this name they pray : this name makes them also truly one with each other. And when they are thus in this name, the living Lord Himself is in their midst : and He says that this is the reason why the Father certainly hears them.^ They are in Him, and He is in them, and out of Him they pray, and their prayer comes before the Father in His power. O let the name of Jesus be really the point of union, the meeting-place, in our prayer meetings, and we shall be conscious that He is in our midst. Then there is the third feature of united prayer of which the Lord has told us : our request shall cer- tainly be done of the Heavenly Father. The prayer shall certainly be answered. O we may well cry out in these days, ''Where is the God of Elijah?" for He was a God that answered. ♦' The God that shall answer, He shall be God," said Elijah to the people. And he said to God, "Answer me. Lord ; answer me; that this people may acknowledge that Thou, O Lord, art God." ' When we are content with much pray- ing, with continuous praying, without answer, then 1 Prov. xviii. lo. * John xiv. 13, 14, XV. 7, 16, xvi. 2^, 24. 3 1 Chron. xviii. 24, 37 ; Jas. v. 16. * The Dutch version has — " and is set in a high room.'*— Ta. 169 The New Life. there will be little answer given. But when we un- derstand that the answer as the token of God's pleas- ure in our prayer is the principal thing, and are not willing to be content without it, we shall discover what is lacking in our prayer, and shall set ourselves so to pray that an answer may come. And this surely we may firmly believe : the Lord takes delight in answering. It is a joy to Him when His people so enter into the name of Jesus, and pray out of it, that He can give what they desire.^ Children of God, however young and weak you may still be, here is one of the institutions prepared for you by the Lord Jesus Himself to supply you with help in prayer. Let every one make use of the prayer meeting. Let every one go in a praying and believ- ing frame of mind, seeking the name and the pres- ence of the Lord. Let every one seek to live and pray with His brethren and sisters. And let every one expect surely to see glorious answers to prayer. Blessed Lord Jesus, who hast given us command- ment to pray, as well in the solitary inner chamber as in public fellowship with one another, let the one habit always make the other more precious as com- plement and confirmation. Let the inner chamber prepare us, and awaken the need for union with Thy people in prayer. Let Thy presence there be our blessedness. And let fellowship with Thy people strengthen us surely to expect and receive answers. Amen. 1 Acts xii. 5 ; 2 Cor. i. u ; Jas. iv 3, v. 16, 17. 170 The Prayer Meeting. 1. There are many places of our country where prayer meet« Xigs might be a great blessing. A pious man or woman who should once a week or on Sabbath at mid-day gather together the inhabitants on a farm-place or the neighbors of two or three places that are not far from one another, might be able to obtain great blessing. L,et every believing reader of this portion in- quire if there does not exist in his neighborhood some such need, and let him. make a beginning in the name of the Lord. Let me therefore earnestly put the question to every reader ; Is there a prayer-meeting in your district ? Do you faithfully take part in it ? Do you know what it is to come together with the chil- dren of God in the name of Jesus, to experience His presence and His hearing of prayer ? 2. There is a book, " The Hour of Prayer " with suitable por- tions for reading out in such gatherings. Or let this book, "The New Life/' be taken, a portion read, and some of the texts reviewed and spoken upon : this will give material for prayer. 3. Will the prayer meeting do no harm to the inner chamber? is a question son^etimes asked. My experience is just the re- verse of this result. The prayer meeting is a school of prayer. The weak learn from more advanced petitioners. Material for prayer is g^ven : opportunity for self-searching ; encouragement to more prayer. 4. Would that it were more general in prayer meetings for people to speak of definite objects for which to pray ; things in which one can definitely and trustfully look out for an answer, and concerning which one can know when an answer comes. Such announcements would greatly further unanimity and be- lieving expectation. 171 XXXVI. THE FEAR OF THE LORD. " Blessed is the man that feareth the L,ord. He shall not be afraid of exdl tidings. His heart is established, he shall not be afraid."— Ps. cxii. i, 7, 8. " So the Church, walking in the fear of the I^ord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, was multiplied."— Acts ix. 31. THE Scriptures use the word " fear " in a twofold way. In some places it speaks of "fear" as something wrong and sinful, and in the strongest terms it forbids us to "fear."i jjj well-nigh one hundred places occurs the word : " Fear not." In many- other places, on the contrary, fear is praised as one of the surest tokens of true godliness, acceptable to the Lord, and fruitful of blessing to us.'^ The people of God bear the name : those that fear the Lord. The distinction betwixt these two lies in this simple fact : the one is unbelieving fear, the other is believing. Where fear is found connected with lack of trust in God, there it is sinful and very hurtful.' The fear, on the other hand, that is coupled with trust and hope in God, is for the spiritual life entirely indispensable. The fear that has man and what is temporal for its 1 Gen. XV. 1 , Isa. viii. 13 ; Jer. xxxii. 40; Rom. xaii. 15; i Pet. iii. 14 ; 1 John iv. 18. 2Ps. xxii 24, 26, xxxiii. 18, cxii. i, cxv. 13 ; Prov. xxviiL 14. 'Matt. viii. 26 ; Rev. xxi. 9. 172 The Fear of the Lord. object, is condemned. The fear that with childlike confidence and love honors the Father, is com- manded.i It is the believing, not slavish, but filial, fear of the Lord that is presented by the Scriptures as a source of blessing and power. He that fears the Lord will fear nothing else. The fear of the Lord will be the beginning of all wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the sure way to the enjoyment of God's favor and protection.'^ There are some Christians who by their upbringing are led into the fear of the Lord, even before they come to faith. This is a very great blessing : parents can give a child no greater blessing than to bring him up in the fear of the Lord. When those who are thus brought up are brought to faith, they have a great advantage : they are, as it were, prepared to walk in the joy of the Lord. When, on the con- trary, others that have not this preparation, come to conversion, they have need of special teaching and vigilance, in order to pray for and awaken this holy fear. The elements of which this fear is composed are many and glorious. The principal are the following : There are holy reverence and awe before the glorious majesty of God and before the All Holy. These g^ard against the superficiality that forgets who God is, and that takes no pains to honor Him as God.' ^Ps. xxxiii. i8, cxivii. ii ; t^uke xii. 4, 7 ' Ps. Ivi. 5, 12 ; Prov. %■ 7, ix. lo, x. 27, xix. 33 ; Acts ix. 31 ; 3 Cor. vii. I. 3 Job xlii. 6 ; Ps. v. 8 ; Isa. vi. 2, 5 ; Hab. ii. 20 : Zech. ii. 3. 173 The New Life. There is deep humility that is afraid of itself, and couples deep confidence in God with an entire dis- trust in itself. Conscious weakness that knows the subtlety of its own heart always dreads doing any- thing contrary to the will or honor of God. But just because he fears God, such an one firmly reckons on Him for protection. And this same humility inspires him in all his intercourse with his fellow-men.' There is circumspectness or vigilance. With holy forethought, it seeks to know the right path, to watch against the enemy, and to be guarded against all lightness or hastiness in speech, resolve and con- duct.' And there are also in it holy zeal and courage in Watching and striving. The fear of displeasing the Lord by not conducting one's self in everything as His servant, incites to being faithful in that which is least. The fear of the Lord takes ali other fear away, and gives inconceivable courage in the certitude of victory.' And out of this fear is then bom joy. " Rejoice with trembling : " the fear of the Lord gives joy its depth and stability. Fear is the root, joy the fruit : the deeper the fear, the higher the joy. On this ac- count it is said : " Ye that fear the Lord praise Him ; '* " Ye that fear the Lord, bless the Lord." * Young disciples of Christ, hear the voice of your Father. " Fear the Lord, ye His saints." Let deep 1 Luke xviii 2, 4 ; Rom. xi. 20 ; i Pet. iiL 5. 2Prov. ii. 5, II, viii. 12, 13, xiii. 33, xvi. 6; L,uke i. 74. 3Deut. vi. 2 ; Isa. xii. 2. ♦ Ps. xxii. 24, cxxxv. 20. 174 The Fear of the Lord. fear of the Lord and dread of all that might displease or grieve Him, fill you. Then shall you never have any evil to fear. He that fears the Lord and seeks to do all that pleases Him, for him shall God also do all that he desires. The child-like believing fear of God will lead you into the love and joy of God, while slavish, unbelieving, cowardly fear is utterly cast out. O my God, unite my heart for the fear of Thy name. May I always be amongst those that fear the Lord, that hope in His mercy. Amen. 1. What are some of the blessings of the fear of God? (Ps. xxxi 20, cxv 13, cxxvii. 11, cxlv. 19; Prov. i., vii., viii., xiii.,xiv., xxvii. ; Acts. x. 35.) 2. What are the reasons why we are to fear God? (Deut, x. 17, 20, 21 ; Josh. iv. 24 ; i Sam. xii. 24; Jer. v. 22, x. 6, 7 ; Matt. x. 28 ; Rev. XV. 4.) 3. It is especially the knowledge of God in His greatness, power, and glory that will fill the soul with fear. But for this end, we must set ourselves silent before Him, and take time for our soul to come under the impression of His majesty. 4. " He delivered me from all my fears." Does this apply to every different sort of fear by which you are hindered ? There is the fear of man (Isa. li. 12, 13 ; Heb. xiii. 16) ; the fear of heavy trial (Isa. xl. i, 2) ; the fear of our own weakness (Isa. xli. 10) j fear for the work of God (i Chron. xxviii. 20) ; the fear of death (Ps. xxiii. 4.) 5. Do you now understand the word : " Blessed is the man that fears the Lord. His heart is established, he shall not be afraid?" XXXVII. UNDIVIDED CONSECRATION. "And Ittai answered, As the Lord liveth, surely in wha place my lord the king shall be, whether for death or for life, even there also will thy servant be." — 2 Sam. xv. 21. " Whosoever he be of you that renounceth not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple." — I,uke xiv. 33. " Come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch no unclean thing ; and I will receive you, and will be to you a Father."— 2 Cor. vi. 17, 18. "Yea verily, and I count all things to be loss for Christ Jesus my lyord."— Phil. iii. 8. WB have already said that surrender to the Lord is something that for the Christian always obtains newer and deeper significance. When this takes place, he comes to understand how this sur- render involves nothing less than a complete and undivided consecration to live only, always, wholly for Jesus. As entirely as the temple was dedicated to the service of God alone, so that every one knew that it existed only for that purpose; as entirely as the offering on the altar could be used only according to the command of God, and no one had a right to dis- pose of one portion of it otherwise than God had said : so entirely do you belong to your Lord, and so undivided must your consecration to Him be, God continually reminded Israel that He had redeemed 176 Undivided Consecration. them to be His possession.^ Let us see what this implies. There is personal attachment to JesuSy and inter- course with Him in secret. He will be, He must be, the beloved, the desire, the joy of our souls. It is not, in the first instance, to the service of God, but to Jesus as our Friend and King, our Redeemer and God, that we are to be consecrated.^ It is only the spiritual impulse of a personal cordial love that can set us in a condition for a life of complete conse- cration. Continually did Jesus use the words : " For My sake," " Follow Me," *' My disciple : " He Himself must be the central point. ^ He gave Himself: to desire to have Him, to love, to depend on Him, is the characteristic of a disciple. Then there is public confession. "What has been given to any one, that he will have acknowledged by all as his property. His possessions are his glory. When the Lord Jesus manifests His great grace to a soul in redeeming it. He desires that the world should see and know it : He would be known and honored as its proprietor. He desires that every one that be- longs to Him should confess Him, and that it should come out that Jesus is King.* Apart from this pub- lic confession, the surrender is but a half-hearted one. As a part of this public confession, it is also required that we should join His people and acknow- 1 Ex. xix. 4, 5 ; I^ev. i. 8, 9; Deut. vii. 6 ; Rom. xii. i ; i Cor. HL 16, 17. 'John xiv. 21, XV. 14, 15, xxi. 17 ; Gal. ii. 10. 'Matt. x. 32, 33, 37, 38, 40 ; L,uke xiv. 26, 27, 33, xviii. 23.