^.s- .\i ^ PRINCETON, N. J. *<^ Presented by A,G. Conm e-ro-n , rn ■ U . B5425 .C955 I8G7 Division Section \ I t i A COMPLETE CONCORDANCE §i0hj ^cvi\)tnxt^ OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT. r. r'i';j.wii tVom I,f fp "b^- .} . Frv. A]LM'KikM]DE]ii CMXfBiEm, Mi. A i,o\*n'tN . wrrTAM" TKf^r. A COMPLETE ■C>^ ^f= IF tr.i m^ COICORDi [* . APR 5 1911 A. HOLY SCRIPTURES ifo Hii^ Eeto CestHmmt; DICTIONARY AND ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE BIBLE VKRY 'J3!iFnL TO ALL OHKIiTIASS WTIO SEUI'tUSLY KK \1> .\NT> STUDV THE INSPIHBD WltrriXOS. IN TWO PARTS CONTAINING I T\\e Appellative or Co3imon Woi-as in so full and large ft man- ner that any Verse may be readily found by looking Tor any material Word in it In this part the various Significations of the principal Words are given ; by which the tme lleaning of many Passages of Scripture is shewn: An Account of several Jetctsh Customs and Ceremonies is also added, which may seive to illustrate many parts of Scripture. II. The Proper Names in the Scriptures. To this Part la prefixed a Table, containing the SignificcUions of the Words in the Original Languages from which they are derived. TO WHICH IS ADDED, g^ (S;0ttC0»ok to private Ciiristians who search the Scriptures, and to be very necessary for all tlie Preachers of the Gosivel : Tiierefore to whom can this new Edition be more properly olfered than to your Majesty, now in the begin- ning of your reign, having already manifested a great regard to religion, and an earnest concern for pro- moting it among your subjects? All otlier books are of little or no importance in comparison of tlie holy Scriptures, which are a revela- tion from (tOD, and are given as the only rule of faith and practice. If the kings of Israel were required not only " to read the law of Moses all the days of their life, but also to write out a copy of it with their " own hand, that tiiey might learn to fear the Lord tiieir &0D, and keep all the words of his law ;" it may be reasonably expected that Christian Princes should make the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Saviouu Jesus Christ their daily study, that it may become their constant guide and rule for thegovernment of their people, as well as for tiieir own salvation. It hath been often observed, that the most effectual way to a general external reformation is " to make " Religion a step to preferment, and Irreligiona bar to it;" because example has a more powerful influence over the minds of men than precept, or even than punishment. The early declarations and strong resolu- tions your Majesty was pleased to make at your coming to tiic throne, " That you would encourage those " who are religious, and discourage those that are otherwise," rejoiced the hearts of all who earnestly de- sire the revival of vital and praciical religion, and to sec your Majesty's subjects a holy and happy people. True piety has been in all ages accounted the truest honour ; for Religion diffuses the greatest glory around a human character, and sweetens and embalms the memory of Princes. A pious Prince, who hath shewn a hearty concern for the eternal happiness of his people, as well as for their present protection, will be remembered with great esteem and honour ; for the Scripture says, that " the memory of the just is " blessed." When they are spoken of, it is \vith praise and commendation by all good men. All other accom|)lishments, without true grace and real religion, cannot make the children of men happy, who must all die and rise again, " and appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, to receive according to what they " have done in the body, whetiier good or bad." The memory of Ilezekiah, the religions King of Jiidah, is precious : he hath been celebrated in all ages of the Church for his pious zeal in the reformation of liis people at the beginning of his reign ; for "God honours those that honour him, and they who despise him shall be Ughtly esteemed." It is said of that pious King, that " he trusted in the Lord God of Israel, so that after him there was none like him " among all the Kings of Jndah, nor any that were before him : for he clave to the Lord, and departed not " from following him, but kept his commandments, which the Lord commanded 3Ioses." Hezekiah. like your Majesty, began his reign in his youth, yet his zeal for tiie worship of God, and for promoting Religion among his subjects, carried him through the great difficulties of reforming a people, who had so much de- generated into gross idolatry. May tjie great God be the guide of your life, and direct and prosper you, that it may be said by the present and future ages, that King George the Third hath been an Hezekiah to our British Israel. I doubt not but your IMajesty will pardon my forbearing to enter upon your valuable personal accom- plishments : I shall only add that, when it pleased God, the sovereign Lord of life and death, to deprive us of the blessing of your Royai Grandfather King George the Second, the Protector of our Religion and Liberties for many years, it was esteemed a national blessing that God had favoured Great Britain with a Prince born and educated among us, who makes the hap|)iness of his People the rule of his government : and without Religion there can be no real happiness for Prince or People. When your Majesty came to the throne, the loyal and affectionate addresses from your subjects in all parts of the British dominions, shewed their great hopes and strong expectations of being happy under your Majesty's government. We of the British nation have reason thankfully to remember the appear- ances of Divine Providence in the preservation of our Religion and Liberties, particularly in settling and establishing the Protestant Succession, and in disappointing from time to time all the contrivances and attempts of its enemies, whether secret or open ; and in your Majesty's coming to the throne with the hearts of all your subjects united to you as the heart of one man. May it please God to bestow his choicest gifts upon your Majesty, upon your Royal Mother the Princess Dowager of Wales, and all the Royal Family, and upon your numerous and powerful People. May you be blessed, and made a real blessing, and may your reign be long and prosperous ; and after you have been enabled to serve God faitlifully here upon earth, may you reign for ever with him in heaven through Jesis Christ. This is the sincere and earnest prayer of him who is, with great humility and profouud respect. Mat/ it please your Majesty, Your Majesty's 7nost dutifnl, And must obedient subject and servant, 7««"ir."i7Ul. Alexander Cruuen TO THE QUEEN. MADAM, THIS CONCORDANCE, the work of several years, was begun with a design to promote the study of tiie holy Scriptures ; and, in pursuance thereof, is now published with many improvements beyond any book of this kind in the Englis/i language. Long before this Work was ready for the press, I designed humbly to offer it to your Majesty, and to beg leave to )>ublish it under ytur royal protection. Your Majesty's illustrious qualities and example in the great scenes of your valuable life, encourage me humbly to beg your countenance to a well-meant aflempt for promoting the knowledge of our holy Religion. The beauty of your person, and the fine accomplishments of your mind, were so celebrated in your father's court, that there was no Prince in the Empire, wlio had room for such an alliance, that was not am- bitious of gaining a Princess of such noble virtues into his Family, either as a Daughter, or as a Consort. And though the lieir to all the dominions of the house of Austria was desirous of your alliance, yet you generously declined the prospect of a Crown that was inconsistent with the enjoyment of your Religion. The great Disposer of all things, however, kept in store a reward for such exalted virtue, and by the secret methods of his wisdom hath brought your Majesty to a Crown, as famous for defending and supporting the Protestant Religion, as it is conspicuous for its glory and splendor ; which is such a return of Divine Provi- dence as is to be admired with great thankfulness, though without the least surprise, since He whose king- dritn rnlelh over all hath declared, that sitcli as honour Him, He will honour. It was the fame of this heroic constancy that determined his Majesty to desire in marriage a Princess tvho was now more celebrated for her Christian magnanimity, than for the beauty of her person, which had been so universally admired. We of the British nation have reason to rejoice that such a proposal was made and accepted, and that your Majesty, with regard to these two successive treaties, shewed as much prudence in your compliance with the one, as piety in your refusal of the other. You no sooner arrived at Hanover than you improved the lustre of that court, which was before reckoned among the politest in Eu- rope, and increased the happmessof a people, who were before looked upon as the happiest in the Empire. kwA you immediately became the darhng of the Princess Sophia, a Princess, justly acknowledged to be one of the most accomplished women of the age in which she lived, who was much pleased with the con- versation of one, in whom she saw so lively .-in image of her own youth. We daily discover those admirable qualities for which your INlajesty vvas famed in other countries, and rejoice to see them exerted in our Island, where we ourselves are made happy by their influence. We be- hold tlie ihrone of these kingdoms surrounded by your Majesty's royal and numerous Progeny, and hear with jileasure of the great care your Majesty takes to instil early into their minds the principles of Religion, Virtue, and Honour. Your Majesty is possessed of all those talents which make conversation either delightful or improving. Your fine taste in tlie elegant arts, and skOi in several modern languages, is such, tliat your discourse is not confined to the ordinary subjects of conversation, but is adapted, with an uncommon grace, to every occasion, and entertains the politest persons of different nations. That agreeable turn which appears in your sentiments upon the most ordinary affairs of life, which is so suitable to the delicacy of your sex, the politeness of your education, and the splendor of your quality, is observed by every one that has the honour to approach you. But the great regard your Majesty has shewn to Religion, which diffuses the greatest glory around a human character, encourages me to hope that this Work will meet with your favourable acceiitanee. May it, therefore, please your Majesty to take into your royal protection this Concokdance, the design of which is to render the study of the Scriptures more ea.sy. Whatever may be wanting either in the Work or Author, is abundantly sujiplied by the dignity of the subject ; which consideration chiefly encouraged me to presume to offer it to your Majesty, whom God hath exalted to the most eminent station, and blessed with extraordinary endowments of mind, and with a benevolent and beneficent disposition : To whom then can 1 more properly offer this Work than to your Majesty, who is celebrated botli for your inclination and capacity to do good ? May (he great God continue to multiply his blessings upon the King, your Majesty, and every branch of your Royal Family : May your life be long continued to serve God faithfully on earth, and may you reigu for ever with Him in heaven, through Jesus ('hkist our Lord. Amen. These are the sincere prayers of him who is, »vith the most profoinnl respect, Mai/ it please your Majesty, Your ftlAJESTY'S Most dutiful, anil Most obedient servant O^'^ZtTi^I ALEXANDEn CkUDEN. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION A CONCORDANCE is a Dictionary, or an Index to the BIBLE, wherein all the words nsed througli ■'■*■ the inspired writings are ranged alphabetically, and the various places where they occur are rcferrt'il to, to assist us in finding out passages, and comparing the several significations of the same word. A work of this kind, which tends so much to render the study of the holy Scriptures more easy to all Christians, must be acknowledged to be very useful ; for if a good Index to any other book is to be valued, much more ought one to the Bible, which is a revelation from Goo, given as the only rule of our faith and practice, and to discover to us the way to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. I DO not here propose to treat of the incomparable excellencies of that divine book, which is above all commendation, and ^vill be in the highest esteem by all the true members of the church of God, wliose faith, hope, and comfort are built upon these divine Oracles. What 1 shall further do in this Preface, shall be to present the Reader with a short historical account of Concordances, which will tend to display their great usefulness; and then acquaint him with the method 1 have followed in this. Hugo de S. Charo, a preaching Friar of the Dominican order, whr. was afterwards a Cardinal, ^yas the first who compiled a Concordance to the holy Scriptures : he died in the year 1262. He had studied the Bible very closely, and for carrying on this great and laborious work the more successfully, vye are told he employed five hundred IMonks of his order to assist him. He framed an Index of all the declinable words, and referred to the places where they were to l)e found. This Latin Concordance has been frequently printed with improvements ; and since that time works of this sort have been brought to much greater perfection than formerly. At first it was thought sufficient to specify the chapter wherein tlie word occurred, with these letters «, 6, c, d, as marks to point out the begin- ning, the middle, or the end of the chapter. But after Robert Stephens, in the year I54.J, had divided the chapters of the Bible into versos, the verses likewise began to be numbered, and the letters in the editions of the Concordances to be suppressed. And in 1555 this eminent Printer published his fine Concordance, wherein the chapters and verses are exactly distinguished. It could not be thought that when so useful a work as Cardinal Hugo's came to be known, men, who carefully studied the Scriptures, would be satisfied that such assistance should be confined only to those who understood Latin: Accordingly several have been published in various languages, particulary Rabbi Mordecai Nathan, otherwise called Isaac Nathan, composed an Hebrew Concordance in imitation ol Cardmal Hugo's. He began it in the year 1438, and completed it in 1448, being no less than ten years in finishing it ; and besides, as he himself says, he was obliged to employ a great many writers in this work. After printing was invented, it was printed several times : first at Venice by Daniel Bomherg in the year 1.523, under the title of Meir Netib, that is to say. Which giveth light in the way ; at Basil by Frobenius in 1581, and at Rome in 162J. This was the foundation of that noble work published by John Buxtorf, the son, being assisted by his father's papers, at Basil in 1C32. As to the Greek text of the New Testament, a Concordance was published by Henry Stephens at Geneva in 1.599, and republished in 1624 : But a more accurate one was conipUed by Erasimcs Schmidius and published at Wittemberg in 1638, which was republished more correctly at Leipsic in 1716, and is reckoned a very complete jierformance. A Greek Concordance to the Septuagint Version of the Old, Testament, must be owned to be very useful to such as are for comparing the expressions used in it with those of the New Testament, and to those who read the Fathers. Conrad Kircher of Augsbow-g is celebrated for his Greek Concordance of the Old Testament, printed at Francfort in 1602. This author has inserted the Hebrew words in an alphebetical order, and placed under them the Greek words to which they answer. But since that time, an excellent Concordance to the Old Testament has been published at Amsterdam in 1718, by the aged end worthy Minister of Groningen, M. Abraham Troinmius, who instead of following the Hebrew alpha- bet witli Kircher, has chosen rather to observe the order of the Greek al))habet. There have been Concordances likewise pubhshed in various modern languages ; in French by M. Grauelin ; in High-dutch and Low-dutch by several ; the most complete one in Low-dutch is that begun by M. Martinitz. and finished by M. Trommivs bel'ore-mentioned. In English we have had nisiny. The first was publi.shed by Mr. Marbeck in 1550, which is dedicated to the pious King Edward VI. but this referred only to chapters, not verses: Then M-r. Cotton published a pretty large Concordance, Miich has been often printed: Afterwards Mr. A'ewj/ifm published one more complete ; and lastly, we have had one published luider the title of the Cambridge Concordance. There have been several abstracts or small C'o)ivhich they proceed place them above ■all reasonable objection,) then the value of such a work as " Ckuden's Concordance to the Holy Scriptures," affording such facility to the study of the Sacred Volume, will be readily admitted. The peculiar claims of the present edition remain to be noticed. The first and most important point to be regarded in such a work, is the general correctness of the various references to Scripture Texts. To secure this, the utmost pains have been employed ; every passage has been carefully compared with the last edition published under the eye of the Author, in 1769, and collated with subsequent editions ; and where any difference appeared, the passage was traced out, and corrected from the Scriptures. This extraordinary care will, it is confidently hoped, obtain for this Edition the high recommendation of being the most correct edition of Cruden's Concordance EVER PUBLISHED. The Octavo form in which the Concordance now appears, so much more portable than a i)ondcrous Quarto, enables the Publishers to offer it at a considerably reduced price; \\hiie tlie clearness and beauty of its type render it a specimen of that high degree of excellence the art of Stereotype Printing has attained in this country. A Memoir of Mr. Cruden, on an extended scale, containing some scarce and interesting particulars of his life, and several characteristic and authentic Anecdotes, has been compiled by the Editor, with great care expressly for this Edition. Olo Street Roau, London, ciMrjnT i>t i /' i- iiti a \t October, is2a. SAMUEL BLACkBURN. • Nine S.rin..iis, pp. 221—228. t Vol. U. p. 552. M E M (> I II MR. ALEXANDEH CRUDEM. ^T^HE fiicilities afforded by the following Work,, to -*- llie Minister of the Gospel, the Biblical student, and the more ])rivate Christian, wiien seaiciiing tlie Scriptures, whetiier for the instruction of others, or their own individual benefit, have embalmed the name of Cruden in tlieir grateful jrfTections; and cannot tail to attach a more than ordinary interest to the events of his life, so large a portion of which was laboriously employed for their benefit. Mr. Alexander Cruden was born at Aberdeen on tiie 31st of May, 1701. His father, Mr. William Cruden, was a merchant of some eminence ; and possessed the esteem and confidence of his fellow- citizens sufficiently to procure his election as one of their Baillies, or chief magistrates. In both public and private lite his integrity and uprightness were exemplary ; and the terms of veneration in which his son Alexander was accustomed to speak of him, were doubtless dictated by truth no less than by strong filial affection. Few particulars of Mr. Cruden's early years have been preserved. The acknowledged piety of his parents, and the commendable attention paid in Scotland to the religious instruction of youth, doubt- less conferred on him great moral' advantages ; and led him, even from childhood, to revere the sacred volume. It is more than probable that the habits thus early formed had considerable influence on his subsequent life and studies. A higher motive than mere secular advantage led him 10 make choice of the Christian ministry, as the business of his future life. He had previously received a good elementary education in the grammar school of his native city ; and, as an introduction to the clerical profession, and in order to secure the advantages of that respectable seat of learning, he entered himself a student of Mareschal College, and diligently attended tlie lectures of the several pro- fessors. Here he made considerable proficiency in the learned languages, and m general literature ; the degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him ; and he was on the point of being proposed as a licentiate, when circumstances, which are in a great measure enveloped in mystery, caused a total change ji his destination. Though posterity is left in igno- rance of the precise nature of these circumstances, there is abundant evidence that tlie purity of his moral character remained unsullied, and that his love for theological studies had experienced no abate- ment. Possibly some symptoms of that aberration of mind which more strongly discovered itself at a subsequent period of his life, rendereJ the abandon ment of a profession so replete with mental anxiety and laoour, when its duties are properly performed, highly iirudential, if not essentially necessary. As the malady from which he so severely suffered was not hereditary, it has been referred to various causes. Some have attributed it to the bite of a ma J dog ; but the peculiar symptoms of hj'drophobia furnish no confirmation of such an opinion. Others, with more consistency, ascribe it to a disappointment in love, which he experienced about this period; but it is doubtful whether this operated as a cause or a consequence. If the rejection of his addresses, in terms, as would appear, not the most gentle, did not originally excite the malady, the effect produced by the disappuintment,on a mind pre-disposed to insanity, caused hiin frequently to use such unseasonable and sometimes outrageous attempts to obtain an interview with the object of his affections, as to oblige his friends to send him to a place of confinement.* On his release from confinement, he resolved to leave the scene of his early and bitter sorrows. In the year 1722 he arrived in London ; and was employed at Ware, in Hertfordshire, as classical tutor to some yonng persons. Several following years were spent in the Isle of Man, in similar occupations. In 1732 he finally settled in London, and engaged as corrector of the press ; blending with this occupa- tion the trade of a bookseller, which he carried on in a shop under the Royal Exchange. Here his literary attainments, indefatigable industry, and strict inte- grity, procured for him the esteem, not only of those who availed themselves of his professional labours, but of several persons eminent for their wealth and influence. To the strong recommendations of the Lord Mayor, and several of the Aldermen, and otht» distinguished Citizens of London, who were well known to Sir Robert Walpole, then Prime Mini.-/ ter, he was indebted for the appouitmentofBooksellir • Tlie young lady above referred to was the daughter of a clergyman of Aberdeen. Shortly after Mr. Cbuben was placed uude: restraint, it wa."? discovered that a criminal intercourse had subsisted between her and her o\\ u brother, by whom she was actually jreguant. About ten or eleven years afterwards, Mr. Cruden, then resident in London, was taken by Mr. Ciulmers, a Printer of Aberdeen, to the house of a merchant near tlie Royal Exchange, who was deemed likely to assist him in his busine.s9. The door was opened by the nnwoithy object of Mr. Cruden's tenderest regards ; w ho, ujion leaving Aberdeen, had, unknown to Mr. Ckuden or bis iiieud, there ibund a refuge, far from the scene of her guilt and niin. Mr. Cruden started back ; with the utmost intensity oi leeling he grasped tne hand of Mr. Chalmers, and exclaimed, " Ah ! she has still her fine black eyes '." No inducement could jjrevail on mm to lia^e any co munication with the owner of the house, who was a younger brother of the lady. As to tlie vretch< '] ivoman herself, he ne^er Oieutioi; ed her name but widi the bitterest grief, and most lender compassioi: MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. to the Queen, vacant by the death of" Mr. Matthews ; Jilt, though eventually successful, his patience was severely tried by the tardy measures of the Minister. About a year or two before he received this distinc- tion, he determined to begin that great work upon which he had long deliberated, A Complete C'oncor- (hmce of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. If the merit of labonr alone be given to this work of Mr. Cruden, it must be acknowledged that it required labour the most intense, and persever- Rnce which knew no interval. He was well qualified for such an undertaking ; for habits of industry were familiar to him ; and his conviction of the high utility of such a work led him both to form and to execute the plan ])reviously to his receiving any encouragement from the public. The first edition was published in 1737 : the preface to which explains his plan, and the motives which led to its publication. He had the honour of presenting a cojiy of the work to Queen Caroline, consort of George II. a short time prior to its publication ; when her Majesty " smiled upon the Author, and assured him, she was highly obliged to him." A dedication to his Royal Patroness, couched in most eulogistic terms, was prefixed ; and the Author's expectations of receiving some solid proof of royal munificence were very sanguine. The uncertain nature of all earthly de- pendencies was, however, strikingly manifested by the sudden death of the Queen, only sixteen days after the presentation of the work;* and "her declared intention of remembering the Author 7iever took place." As Mr. Cruden had undertaken tlie work on his own responsibilityj the expenses necessarily attendant on its publication had nearly exhausted his limited resources ; and the time it occupied had possibly diverted his attention from the duties of his shop. His embarrassments obliged him to dispose of his stock in trade, and to abandon his shop ; and his dis- appointed hopes depressed his mind, which had possibly suffered from the intensity of apj)lication to which it had been subjected while ))reparing the work. His malady returning with increased violence, his friends deemed his confinement necessary, and he was sent to a i)rivate asylum for lunatics at Bethnal Green ; from which he, however, contrived to escape, though he was chained to the bedstead on which he lay. In March, 1739, Mr. Cruden published a journal of his sufferings while confined at Bethnal Green, entitled : The London Citizen exceedingly injured; giving an account of his severe caul long campaign at Bethnal Green, for nine tceelcs and six days ; the Citizen being sent there in March, 1738, by Robert Wightman, a notori- onsly conceited, rvhimsical man ; where he was chained, handcuffed, strait-icaistcoated, and ini- priso)ied ; with a history of Wiglitnian's Blind Bench ; a sort of Court that met at ^Vightman's room, and iinaccoiintably proceeded to pass de- crees in relation to the London Citizen, ike. &c. Not content with bringing (he parties by whom he supposed himself aggrieved to the bar of public opinion, he in.stituted legal proceedings against Wightman, the proprietor of the asylum, and Dr. Monro, the Physician. Mr. Cruden pleaded his own CHii.se, and furnished sufficient proof of the deranged slale of his intellect. A verdict was, of course, found for the defendants. When the verdict was returned, Mr. Cruden betrayed no agitation; but oi hearing it said, " I trust in God." The Judge replied " I wish you had trusted more in God, and had not come hither." The trials, with remarks, were subse- quently published by Mr. Cruden, with a dedication (o King George II. The former employers of BIr. Cruden did not deem him disqualified for resuming his labours as corrector of the jjiess. After his release, he was employed for a considerable number of years, in those services which Printers and Publishers constantly need from men of education and learning. Under his inspection several editions of the Greek and Roman Classics were published with great accuracy. His manners were invariably simi)le and inolfensive ; he was always to be (rusted, and performed his engagements with the strictest fidelity. Fifteen years had passed away in this laborious and useful cmi)loyment, without any alarming indications of men(al incapaci(y ; when Ins relatives, induced by reasons which charity would hope justified them in having recourse to such ex- treme measures, placed him a third time in conliiie- meiit, which was but of short duration ; being from the l"2th to the "iMi of September, 1753. No proot was ever adduced of a mischievous propensity ; his madness was sui generis: we find nothing like it in the annals of medicine ; nor can it be accounted lor on any known principles of physiology. It is more than probable that the restraint to which he was sub- jected, and the discipline employed by those under whose care he was placed, irritated his mind, and in- creased his melancholy disorder. Upon his liberation, he all'orded some rather ludi- crous jjroofs of the light in which he regarded those who had procured his recent confinement. As his sis- ter, Mrs. Wild, being his nearest relative, had sanc- tioned that jjroceeding, he required from her a repara- tion of the injury. In a letter, addressed to a friend of Mrs. Wild, he makes what he calls '' proposals of reconciliation ;" and begs her good offices to induce Mrs. Wild to accede to them. These proposals were, that Mrs. Wild would " volunlarily submit to coiiline- nient in the prison of Newgate for forty-eight hours, and pay to Mr. Cuuden the sum of ten i)Ouiuls." On its being intimated that a confinement in Newgale might prove prejudicial to her health, as the jail (lis temper was then jiievalent in that prison, Mr. Cruden offered to commute the imprisonment in Newgate for one of twice forty-eight hours in the Tower, and a sum of fifteen pounds. These "reconciling proposals" were, however, not agreed to by Mrs. W ild, though her guardian, and other friends were urged to em- ploy their persuasions. Mr. Cruden was much sur- prised at the failure of these overtures ; and observed, " It is a little comical, that there should be so much trouble in getting this woman confined for forty-eight hours, who by a word of her mouth confined the Cor- rector for seventeen days." At length, despairing of a pacific termination of the busincs.s, he brought au action against lii.s sister, and three other persons, which was tried in Westminster Hall, February 20, 175-1. The damages were laid at ten thousand pounds, and a verdict was returned for the defendants. At the commencement of the fi)llowingterin,Mr.CRUDEN moved the Court in person for a new trial, which was refused. He then published his case, entitled. The Adventures of Alexander the Corrector ; tliree parts of which successively ai)i)eaicd. It is not easjr • TIlc «urk «as pre«n(eil Nov. 3,1737, and Her Majesty died on the 20th of the same month. MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. to convey an idea of tlie contents of these publications. Tliey are evidently the production of a mind in which reason tottered, if she were not entirely dethroned. Various, whimsical, serious, and jocose, they form a fair specimen of the publications which he, from time to time, presented to the public relative to himself His insanity now discovered itself in a variety of whimsical, and occasionally extravagant actions; the narration of wliich, though it might gratify curiosity, would answer no valuable purpose ; only a few in- stances shall be adduced. Fully persuaded that he was intended by Divine Providence to accomplish a great national benelit, he assumed the title of, " Ale.\- ANDER THE CORRECTOR ;" and gave out that he was commissioned by Heaven to reform the maiuiers of the age ; particularly to restore the due observance of the sabbath. To convince the public of the validity of his claims to the high prerogatives he exercised, he printed and circulated detaclied sentences from the sermons and writings of eminent ministers and others ; all anonymous, or with the initials onl3' of the authors' names. The substance of tliese predictions was, " That Mr. Crudes was to be a second Joseph, to be a great man at Court, and to perform great things for the spiritual Israel in Egypt." Furnished with these credentials, he went to 0.\lbrd, and other places, and exhorted the people whom he found m the public walks on the sabbath, to go home, and keep the sab- bath-day holy ; generally enforcing hi.s admonition with denunciations of eternal wrath in case of non- compliance. Mr. Cruden's mind seems to have cherished with no ordinary enthusiasm the scheme of reformation we have described ; and that his power might be co-cxtensive with his aims, he urged the necessity of a formal recognition of his authority by the King in Council ; and even, should it be found necessary, that an Act of the Legislature should constitute him " Corrector of the People." To obtain these, the aid of persons high in office was solicited ; and the influ- ence of the ladies of London was diligently sought. He drew up a testimonial of his integrity, and zeal for the public good ; and obtained the signatiu'es of the Lady Mayoress, and some other females of rank; who appear to have considered his ambition of so harmless a character, that it was better to indidge liim by a seeming acquiescence with his pretensions, than to irritate his malady by unnecessary opposition. About the same time he made a formal application to His Majesty for the honour of Knighthood ; to wliich distinction he aspired, not from fondness for the title, but from a persuasion that it would introduce hirn to greater usefulness : " for thinking men," he observed, " ought to seek after titles rather to please others than themselves." The account he gave of his attendances at Court on this business, and of his in- terviews with the Lords in Waiting, the Secretaries of State, and other persons of rank, is highly amusing. His eccentricities seem to have become familiar with the attendants ; and his acknowledged reputation for uprightness and worth appears to have preserved him from the treatment generally met with by impertment intruders. He complains, however, that his applica- uons were not attended to ; but exempts Earl Paulett from the censures which he applies to others. That nobleman, he says, " spoke civilly to him ; for, being goutish in his feet, he could not run Bwav from the Corrector, as others were apt to do." Wearied by his unsuccessful solicitations for court listinction^ he next aspired to parliamentary ho- nours. At the general election m 17.54, he offered him self as a candidate for representing the City of London in parliament ' The endeavours of his friends to dis- suade him from this wild enterprise were ineffectual. To the suggestion of some, that he was too late in hi.s application, he replied, " that he was not to look backward, but forward." He obtained an interview with one of the Bishops, who treated him with hu- mane attention ; commended his Concordance ; but intimated his opinion that he ms not likely to obtain his election, unless Providence specially appeared for him. " This," s-ays Cruden, in his account of the interview, " the Corrector readily acknowledged." Indeed, he appears confidently to have anticipated some extraordinary interposition in his favour ; and even hoped that the other candidates, in considera- tion of the nncommun motives by which he was actuated in applying for the honour, would decline all opposition. To the London ministers he sent circu- lar letters ; stating, that if Christian directions were given to the people by their reverend pastors, it might cause the Electors to act with caution and con- science;— and that wicked men are not fit to be chosen senators, and entrusted with the religion and liberties of the nation. His various addresses to the Livery, through the medium of the public press, were equally singular in style and sentiment. The fol- lowing is a fair specimen of both : " To the worthy Livery of the City of London." " London, April 30, 1754. " Gentlemen " Your votes and interest are humbly requested for Alexander Cruden, the Correc- tor, Citizen and Stationer, and author of the New Concordance to the Bible, a work in much esteem, to be one of the Representatives in Parhament for this City. " It is thought that God in his providence signally favours the Corrector. And in order to fulfil the prophecies concerning him, he earnestly requests, that the Sheriffs, Candidates, and Liverymen, may seriously, as in the sight of God, consider the Ap- pendix to Alexander the Corrector's Adventures, and his letters and advertisements published for some days past ; which it is hoped will have a good effect on the candidates themselves, and all persons con- cerned for the honour of God, and of true religion. " If there is just ground to think that God will be pleased to make the Corrector an instrument to re- form the nation, and particularly to promote the re- formation, the peace, and the j.rosperity of this great city, and to bring them into a more religious temper and conduct, no good man, in such an ex- traordinary case, will deny him his vote. And the Corrector's election is believed to be the means of paving the way to his being a Joseph, and an useful, prosperous man. " The Corrector's earnest prayers are put up from time to time for your happiness in this world, and the world to come, through Jesus Christ. " I am, very respectfully, " Gentlemen, "*Your most obedient and affectionate Humble servant, " Alexander Cruden." It is needless to say, that Mr. Cruden was not more successful at the hustings than at Court. Bu'. he bore this new disappointment with the most en- MEMOIR OF MR lire resignation ; "-onsoling liimself with the reflection, " that lie had the hearts of the people, though their hands had been promised away." The Corrector, he adds, " was very clieerful and contei\ted ; and not at all afTected at the loss of his election. God's time is the best time." Shortly after the election, Mr. Cruden published a statement of the motives which induced him to aspire to the dignity and duties of a senator ; interspersed with some shrewd obser- vations on the injurious influence of faction on the morals and happiness of a people. While Mr. Cruden was aspiring to the honours of Knighthood, and a seat in Parliament, he appears to have been brought under the powerful mfluence of love; and with an ardour suited to the importance of the pursuit, he sought the hand of Mrs. Elizabeth Abney, the daughter of Sir Thomas Abney, who filled the ofiTice of Lord Mayor of London towards the close of the reign of William III. The object of his affec- tion is described by him in his Love Adventures, as " a woman of good understanding, of good princi- ples, and of amiable temper, with a liberal educa- tion, and acceptable person." Whether these valu- able qualities would have been sufficient to captivate his heart, unaccompanied by, what he terms, " the greatest revenues of any lady of the puritanical deno- mination," which he also states her to have possessed, is doubtful. That his riding passion, even in this afl'air, was the desire of promoting the public good, may be easily conceived. He sujiposed that the large fortune, which was at the lady's own disposal, would put him in possession of the influence essential to the success of his benevolent schemes. As Mrs. Abney peremptorily refused to see him, he urged his suit for months, by letters, memorials, and remonstrances innumerable, of which he published some laughable specimens. As milder measures had failed of pro- ducnig a favourable termination, he at length sent to her a paper of great length, formally signed and sealed, which he styled a Declaration of War. In this he rehearsed his grievances; stated the means he had hitherto adopted to reduce Mrs. Abney to a compli- ance with his reasonable requests ; and that he was now reduced to the necessity of employing other measures. Being an extraordinary man, he would thenceforth carry on the war in an extraordinary manner, " by shooting off great numbers of biUlets from his camp ; namely, by earnest prayer to heaven, day and night, that her mind may be enlightened, and her heart softened." He also had recourse to another stratagem, which, though highly ludicrous, could not, from its public nature, have been altogether pleasant, to the lady herself. In 1754, Mrs. Abney, being in the west of England, her eccentric lover evinced his affectionate concern for her welfare, by causing " praying bills" to be delivered every sab- bath at several places of worship, requesting the praj ers of the minister and congregation for the pre- servation of herself and attendants. And on her return he sent similar bills, desiring that thanksgiv- ings might be addressed to Almighty God for her safe arrival. In an epistle he subsequently addressed to her, he urges these exertions in her behalf as a powerful argument in his favour, and a jiroof that he was "more thoughtful about her thauall her friends." Notwithstanding these multifarious and persevering aKemjits to produce a favourable impression on her lieart, Mrs. Abney remained obdurate ; and even his Ictter.s, he states, " were quickly tossed back." It is even said, that tlie discipline of tlie blanket ALEXANDER CRUDEN. was at length tried by the servants, to cure his trou- blesome attempts to obtain a personal interview. Justice however compels ns to state, that Mr. Cru DEN makes no allusion in \\\s Adventures to any sucli occcurrence. At the close of the year 1754, Mr. Cruden was en gaged by Mr. Woodfall, senior, as corrrector of the press to the Pnhlic Advertiser, a popular daily journal, in which the well known Letters of JiiniiK first appeared. The close application required b^ the regular routine of business at Mr. Woodfall's office, doubtless did much towards diverting him from his quixotic love enterprize. Preparations for a new edition of his Concordance became shortly after necessary; and the requisite corrections and additions furnished liim with ample employment. The business of the printing-office was rarely over before one o'clock in the morning. Mr. Cruden seldom allotted more than four or five hours to rest; and before six in the morning might be found turning over the leaves of his Bible, and adding to, amending, and im- proving his Concordance with most scrupulous atten- tion. At this he laboured till the evening, when he repaired to the printing-office. These habits were well calculated to counteract the mental disease under which he had so long laboured ; and the reader will learn with benevolent satisfaction, that his mind was restored to a degree of calm regularity to which he had been long a stranger. From 1758, to the close of his life, he was mercifully preserved, in a very con- siderable degree, from those distressing visitations which had painfully characterised the earlier periods of his history. In 1762, a circumstance occurred in Mr. Cruden 's history, which, while it illustrates the charity of his disposition, will tend to show that the eccentric enthu- siast in benevolence is sometimes neither a ridiculous nor an useless being. One Richard Potter, was tried and capitally convicted at the Old Bailey, of forging, or rather uttering with a guilty knowledge of its being a forgery, aseaman'swill,acrinievery rarely pardoned. Mr. Cruden was in court during the trial ; and was so fully convinced that Potter was a poor illiterate creature, the tool of another, and ignorant of the nature of the crime he committed, that he determined to exert himself to obtain for him the royal clemency He visited him after his trial; prayed with him, exliorted him, taught him the principles of religion, and, under the divine blessing produced in him a due sense of the wickedness of his past life ; and directed his inquiring mind to him " whose blood cleanseth from all sin." - With the activity of enlightened zeal lie represented the case of this poor man to the Earl of Halifax, then principal Secretary of State ; and the result of his unwearied applications was successful. The original sentence was commuted for transporta- tion ; and Mr. Cruden tasted " tlie god-like luxury" of delivering a fellow-creature from the jaws of death, and of instrument-illy saving his soul from " the death that never dies." Mr. Cruden accompanied his aijplicatioii to the Earl of Halifax in the behalf of the above unfortunate man with a copy of the second edition of his Concordance, to which vt^as prefixed an elegant Latin dedication to his Lordship. The success which had attended his benevolent ex ertions to instruct and reform Richard Potter, in- duced Mr. Cruden to continue his visits to Newgate, in the hope that among the numerous prisoners some might, possibly, derive benefit from his labours. He visited them every day ; furnished them with copies MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. of the NewTestiiment, Catechisms, &c. •. catechised them himself; and bestowed small pecuniary rewards on the most attentive. His efforts were, however, productive of little apparent good in a place where, from want of proper attention to the classification of the prisoners, the vicious of every age, and of every degree in vice, were permitted to associate indiscrimi- nately, and to harden each other. The books distri- buted among them by Mr. Cruden were sold, and tlie money spent in spirituous liquors. At length, dis- couraged by the unpropitious effects of his well- meant efforts, he discontinued his visits. Though disappointed, Mr. Cruden's zeal for the present and future welfare of his fellow-creatures suffered no abatement. The ardour of his mind sometimes carried him beyond the boundaries of pru- dence ; and he often appeared obtrusive, when he only meant to he kind. When successful in rescuing any poor creature from the .barbarity of ignorance, or the open practice of wickedness, his joy knew no bounds. Another instance of his success is upon record, and well authenticated. Returning on a Sun- day evening from a place of worship, Mr. Cruden observed a man whose countenance was expressive of the deepest melancholy, if not of absolute despair. To behold nllsery in any of its diversified forms, and to attempt its removal, or mitigation, were necessarily connected hi Mr. Cruden's philanthropic mind. He immediately accosted this man ; and drew from him a confession, that the privations to whicli himself and family vpere reduced from his extreme poverty, with other causes, had induced him to determine on com- mitting the desperate act of suicide. Mr. Cruden expostulated -s^-ith him; unfolded the wickedness of his intention ; and administered such seasonable in- stniction and consolation, with present pecuniary assistance, and a promise of future support, that the poor man became cheerfid, resigned, and hopeful. The following instance, though not so generally known, is inserted on the testimony of a gentleman whose character for veracity is a sufficient security for its truth. Mr. Cruden was one evening accosted by one of those daughters of infamy, who nightly prowl through the streets of the metropolis ; and who laid hold of his arm, with the familiarity of her wretched profession. He made no reply, but allowed her to walk mth him, till he arrived at his own door, when he told her he must leave her ; but could not do so, without expressing his sorrow at tinding her en- gaged in so sinful and ruinous a course ; and earnestly exhorted her to abandon it. The poor girl told him with tears, she had no alternative : that she would willingly quit her present mode of life, but knew not where to go. Mr. Cruden observed, it was too late that night, to enter into the particulars of her situa- tion ; but, if she continued in the same mind the next day, she might call at his house, and he would be- friend her. She came accordingly ; and expressed her willingness to engage in any situation, however menial and laborious, rather than continue her pursuits of infamy. Mr. Cruden told her, that he knew of no situation suitable for her; but offered her an asylum in his house, as an assistant to his servant, till a situation could be procured for her. She gratefully accepted his proposal ; and immediately entered upon the duties of her new office. She con- tinued in Mr. Cruden's service till his death; and conducted herself with such modesty and propriety, as proved tliat her reformation was complete, and uer penitenci genuine. Such actions shed on the memory of Mr. Cruden a glory more pure and last ing than that obtained by the conqueror of nations His record is on high ; and though his eccentricities occasionally obscured the benevolent motives bywhich he was influenced, the great Searcher of Hearts will, in the day of his coming, reward him openly. Loyalty was a prominent feature in Mr. Cruden's character. He was of opinion that a bad man can- not make a good patriot. In the political struggle between Mr. Wilkes and the administration of the country, which threvv the whole nation into a violent fennent, Mr. Cruden took a decided part against that political demagogue, whose name he could never endure to hear mentioned. He wrote a small pamphlet against him ; and also testified his aversion to him, in a way peculiar to himself, by effacing " No. 4'>," wherever he found it chalked on doors or window-shutters. His instrument was a large piece of spunge, which he carried in his pocket, partly for this purpose, and partly for the purpose of destroy- ing those inscriptions offensive to decency and good morals, which so frequently disgrace the walls of the metropolis. This employment occasionally made his walks very tedious. Neither time nor circumstances can wholly dissolve, though they may suspend, those powerful attachments to the place of his birth, and the scenes of his child- hood and youth, which liave a place in the breast of every man of sensibility. When Mr. Cruden was enabled to detach himself from those laborious occu- pations which had engrossed so large a portion of his life, he yielded to the force of these feelings ; and ni the year 1769, visited Aberdeen, his native city. Here he also endeavoured to serve the cause of reli- gion and public morals. He applied for, and obtain- ed permission to deliver a lecture in one of the Public Halls of that city, on his favourite topic, the necessity of a reformatiuu of manners. He printed tlie Fourth Commandment in the form of a hand-bill, and distributed several thousands among his fellow- citizens, especially on the Lord's day. His pockets were always well stored with Catechisms and other religious tracts, on which he expended considerable sums ; and these he bestowed freely on young persons, and others who promised to read them. Mr. Chalm- ers records witli a grateful feeling, which does credit to his head and his heart, his recollection of the ten- der regard and winning manners by which he endea- voured to aUure children to read their Bibles, Catechisms, &c. By the inhabitants at large he was received with considerable respect ; and the occasion- al singularities of his conduct were readily excused in consideration of the general excellence of his character. Mr. Cruden measured the qualifications and conduct of ministers of the gospel, by no ordinary standard ; and wherever he discovereil any marked inconsistency between the office and the man, he never failed to express his disapprobation by some word or action too unequivocal to be misunderstood. On one occasion, during this visit, he happened to meet with a young clergyman, whose spruce and conceited manners excited his disgust. With great solemnity he presented him with a child's catechism, well known in Scotland, entitled. The Mother's Catechism, dedicated to the Young and Ignorant. Mr. Cruden continued at Aberdeen about twelve months ; and then returned to London, where he closed his days, and was called to rest from his labours. He died at his lodgings in Camden Street, Islington, November 1st, 1770. The circumBlaiicts MEMOIR OP WR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. attending his dissolution were sufficiently remarkable to warrant a particular insertion in a Memoir of his life. His health had undergone no visible change. He had, indeed, complained for some days of a slight asth- matic affection, but the evening before his decease he retired to rest, as usual. In the morning the maid rang the bell, to summon him to breakfast. Receiving no answer, she went into his bed-room, but he was not there. She then entered his closet; where she found him kneeling against a chair, his hands supported by its back ; but he was quite dead ! As he never married, he bequeathed his moderate savings to his relations; except a certain sum to his native city, to be employed in the purchase of religious books, for the use of the poor ; and he founded an exhibition of five pounds per annum, to assist in educating a stu- dent at Mareschal College. This exhibition was to be obtained on certain terms mentioned in his will; one of which was a perfect acquaintance with Vincent's Catechism. Mr. Cruden's religious sentiments were decidedly Calvinistic, as the definitions of various terms in his Concordance sufficiently testify. But he was no bigot; and often censured with much severity the principles and practices of narrow-minded men. He was evidently warmly attached to that cause in which all true Christians, of whatever denomuiation, must agree ; the cause of practical religion. His zeal for the reformation of manners, among all ranks of men could proceed only from a mind deeply alfected with the evil of sin ; and though his exertions in promoting the cause of righteousness, were marked with a cer- tain degree of eccentricity, arising from occasional mental infirmity, yet they entitle him to the warmest approbation of all who wish well to the best interests of mankind. His Concordance is a lasting monu- ment of his supreme regard for the Sacred Writings. None but a person who possessed the highest esteem and veneration for the Scriptures, would have under- gone the immense toil wliich tliis work must have cost h'm. A conscientious regard for the public institutions of religion, and an habitual respect to the duties of private devotion, shewed the genuineness of Mr. Cruden's piety towards God. Nor did lie attempt to separate communion with God, from communion with the church of God ; but having first given him- self to the Lord, he made an open and decided pro- fession of serious godliness, by closely uniting himself with the Independent Church, which assembled in Great St. Helen's, under the care of Dr. Guyse, whom he termed, his " faithful and beloved pastor." About 1762, when age and infirmities obUged Dr. GuYSE to resign the pastoral office, Mr. Cruden was induced to attend the ministry of Dr. Conder, in Moorfields ; and, subsequently, that of Mr.CRuicK- SHANK, in Swallow Street. He, however, never wholly sepa.dted from the church atGreatSt. Helen's, but attended the first Sunday in every months when the Lord's Supper was administered. In private life Mr. Cruden was courteous and affable; pi one to give his opinions, and firm in his, religious views. To the i)oor he was as liberal of his moiif'y as of his advice ; he seldom.indeed, separated the one from the other. His concern for tiiem must have been sincere, for interest he could have none ; and his generosity must have been pure, for he often gave more than he retained for his own use. To such young men as were recommended to his notice, especially from his native city, he behaved with the kindness of an affectionate and judicious friend; affording them pecuniary aid, when needed ; and in- variably cautioning them against the temptations which assail youth in the great metropolis. Though Mr. Cruden may not obtain a niche in the temple of genius, his name will stand high on the records of utility. Besides the works already refer- red to, he wrote an Account of the History and Excellency of the Holy Scriptures, prefixed to a Compendium of the Uoly Bible. He also pub- lished the History nf Richard Potter ; the poor man who was rescued from an ignominious death by his exertions. A Scripture Dictionary, was com- piled by him, and published in t^vo octavo volumes at Aberdeen shortly after his decease. He also com- piled the very elaborate verbal index which belongs to Bishop Newton's edition of Milton's Works; an undertaking inferior only to that of his Concord- ance, and which he undertook at the request of Audi- tor Benson. But his great work was his Concor- dance, to the revision and improvement of which he devoted all his leisure in the later periods of his life: a second edition was published in 1761, dedicated to his late Majesty, George the Third, who had newly succeeded to the throne ; and who during his reign, the longest in the annals of the British Empire, fully maintained the truly honourable character ascribed to him in that dedication, of " having manifested a high regard for religion, and an earnest concern for pro- moting it among his subjects." This edition was well received, and a Third was required, which appeared in 1769, with the Author's last corrections. These two editions reimbursed Mr. Cruden for the losses he sustained by the first. For his second edition he received five hundred pounds ; and when the third was published, the Booksellers made him a further present of three hundred pounds, besides twenty copies of the work on fine paper. These sums, with the product of some other literary labours, placed him in easy and comfortable circum- stances during the last years of his life ; and enabled him to indulge the benevolence of his heart, in re- lieving the necessities of others. Such are the brief Memoirs we have been able, after considerable research, to collect of Alexander Cruden ; to whom the religious world lies under very great obligations : " whose character," to use the words of Mr. Chalmers, " notwithstanding his men tal infirmities, we caimot but venerate ; whom neither infirmity nor neglect could debase ; who sought con- solation where only it could be foinid ; whose sorrows served to instruct him in the distresses of others ; and who employed his prosperity to relieve those who, in every sense, were ready to perish." A roivirLETE CONCORDANCE TO TlIK HOLY* SCIIXPTVB.£S ; OR, SI Oictionari) am aipfjiafiftical Inlifx to tt)t Uifilf. Note— The Tablf of Troper Names, nml (he Concordance thereof, with the Concordance to the Apocrypha, arr placed separately at the Ktnl j in Alphabetical Order, A. ABASE. JOB 40. 1 1 . benold every one proud, and a . him La. 31. 4. as the Hon will not a. himself F.^ek. CI. £6. and a. him that ii high Uau. 4. 37. that walk in prid«, is able to a. ABASED. La. 32. t 19- and the city shall be utterly «. Mat 23 12. and whosoever shall exalt hiniscll shall be fl. \\Lule 14. 11. H 18. 14 Phil 4 12 1 know how to be fl. and how to abound ABASING. S Cor 11 7 have I comniiited an offeace in a. ABAn:D. myself Gen.e.3. after 150 days the waters were a. 8.11. l^v. 27. 18. it shall be a. from thy estimation Deiti. .14. 7. nor was Moses' natural forre a. lutis. 8. 3. then thtir ancer was a. toward him ABBA. Mark 14.36. a. Father.all things are possible to thi-e KxTti. 8. 15. the Spirit, whereby we cry, a. Father GaL 4. C. sent Spirit into your hearts crying «. ABllOU. Fatlier Signifies [1] To loaih or detest, Deut. .3-2. 1^. Job 42. O. [2] to despise or nt:gial, Psal. 28.24. Amosti. 8. [3] To lejecl or cast v£ , Psal. 89. 38. I^v. 26. 11. and my soul shall not a. you 15. or if your soul a. my judgments 30. I will destrov, and my aoul shall a. yoo 44. nor will I a. 'them, to destroy them utterly Dfut. 7.26. thou shalt utterly a. it, a cursed thmg 23. 7. shalt not fl. an Edomite.not a. an Eg^-pnan 1 Sam. 27, 12. he hath made his people to a. him. Ji 19. 19- all my inward friends 33. 20. so that his life a, bread, and his soul Piol. 10. 3. blesseth the covetous,whom the Lord a. 36.4. he aeviseth mischief on his bed, he a. iiot evil JU7. 18. their soul a, all manner of meat /*-(. -ty 7. to him whom the n.itioii a, to a sear or endure. Jer. 10. 10. Joel 2. 11. [4] 7b he, Gen. 44. 33. [5] To continue, Eccl. 8. 15. John 14. 16. [6] To vail for. Acts 20. 23. [7] To rest, Prov. ly. 23. "[8] To lire, Phil. 1. 24. [9] To stand firm, i^sal. II9. 90. 125. 1. [10} To ntle or govern, Psal. 61. 7. Gen. 19. 2. but we will a. in the street all night 22. 5. a. you here with the ass, and I and the lad 24. 55. let the damsel a. with us a few days 29. 19. it is better I give her to thee, a. with me 44. 33. let thy servant a. instead of the lad End. 16, 29, a. ye every man in his place Ia:v. 8. 35. tJierefore a. at the door of the tabernacle ig.l3. the wages of him hired shall not a. with ihee Num. 35. 25. shall a. to the death of the high-priest Ruth 2. 8. but a. here fast by my maidens 1 Sam. 1.22. appear before the Lord, and a. forever 5. 7. the ark of God of Israel shall not a. with es 22. 23. a. thou with me, fear not, for he that seeks .30. 21. whom they had made to a. at brook Besor 2 Sam. 16. 18. his will 1 be, and with him will I «. Joh 24.13,they rebel, nor a. in the paths of the light 38. 40. and a. in the covert to lie in wait .39. 9. will the unicorn be willing to a. by thy crib Piiil. 15. I. Lord, who shall a. in thy tabernacle ? 61. 4. I will a. in thy tabernacle for ever 7. he shall a. before God for ever 91. 1. shall a, under the shadow of the Almighty Prov. 7. 11. she is loud, her feet a. not in her house 19. 23. and he that hath it shall a. satisfied lUcl. 8. 15. for that shall a. with him of his labour Jer. 10. 10, nations not able to a. his indignation Jcr. 42. 10. if ye a. in this land I will build you 49. 18. no man shall a. there, 33. | 50. 40. lios. 3. 3. thou shalt a. for me many dajs 11. 6. and the sword shaJl a. on his cities Jotl 2. 11. the day is terrible, who can a. it? Mic. 5. 4. they shall a. for now shall he be great .Va/(. 1.6. who can a. in the fierceness of his anger r Mai. 3. 2. but who may a. the day of his coming ? Mat. 10. 11. there u. Mark 6. 10. Luke 9. 4. Luke 19. 5. for to-day 1 must a. at thy house 24, 29, a. with us, for it is towards evening John 12, 46, believes on me, should not a. in dark- 14, 16. give another comforter thai he may a. 15, 4. a. in me and 1 in you, except yea, in me, 7. 6. if a man a. not in me, he is cast forth 10. ye shall a. in ii y love, and a. in his love Alts 15. 34. it pleased'Silas to a. there still 16, 15. come into my house and a. there 20. 23. saying, that bonds and afflictions a. me 27. 31. except these a. in ship, ye cannot be saved 1 Cor. 3. 14. if any man's work a. he shall receive 7, 8, it is good for them if they a. even as I 20. let every man a. in the same calling '10, she is happier if she so a after my judgment Phil. 1, 24, to a, in the flesh is more needful for you 25. I know that I shall a, with you all 1 Tim. 1. 3. I besought thee to a. at Ephesus 1 Johu2. 24. let that a. in you which ye have heard 27 ye shall a, in him || 28. children a. in him ABIDETH. 2 Sam . 16. 3, Zita said . behold he a. at Jerusalem I't tl 49. 12. man being in honour a not. he is B ABL Psiil. 55. 19. God shall hear, even he that a. of oIj 1 19, 90. thou hast established the earth, and it a. 125. 1. shall be as mount Zion. which a. for evei Prov. 15. 31. heareth reproof, a. among the wise Ecci. 1. 4, another cometh, but the earth a. for evtr JtT. 21. 9. he thata. inthisciiy slialldieby swcrd John 3. 36, but the wrath of (Jod a, on him 8. 35. the servaut a. not, but the son a, for evei 12. 24. exc pi a corn of wheal die, it a. alone 34. we have heard (hat Christ a. for ever 15. 5. he that a. in me bringeth forth much fruit 1 Cor. 13, 13. now a. faith, hope, charity 2 Tim. 2. 13. if we believe not, yet he a. faithful lie//. 7. 3. JMelchizedec a. a priest continually 1 J^ec. 1. 23. by the word of God which a. forevtt 1 Jo/in^. 6. he that saithhea. in him ought to walk 10. he that loveth his brother a. in the light 14. ye are strong, and the word of Ciod a. in yov 17, hut he that doth the will of God a. for evei 27. the anointing a. in you and teacheth you 3, 6. whosoever a, in him sinneth not 1 John 3. 14. that loveth not his brother a. in death 24. and hereby we know that he a. in us 2 J('AM9.whosoa. not in the doctrine of Christ hat n not God, he that a, hath the Father and the Son ABIDING. X:(m. 24. 2. Balaam saw Israel a. in his tents 1 S^m. Cfi.lQ.froma. in the inheritance of the Lorti 1 Chroii. 29. 15. days as a shadow, there is none a. Luke 2. 8. there were shepherds a. in the field Joh7i 5. 38. and ye have not his word a. in yot, 1 John 3.15. no murderer hath eternal life a. in him ABJFCTS. Psal. 35. 15. the a. gathered together against me ABILITY. />eii. 27.8. to his a. that vowed, priest shall vain f^ Kzra 2. 69. they gave after their a. to the work Xeh. 5. 8, we after our a. redeemed our brethrtr. Dan. 1. 4, as had a, to stand in the king's palace Mat. 25. 15. he gave to each according to his a. Acts 11. 29. according to his a. determined to send I Pet. 4. 11. let him do it as of the a.Godgiveth ABLE, Exod. 18, 21, provide out of all the people a. men fd-v. 14. 22. two pigeons, such as he is a. to get, 31. Ah/». 1. 3. all that are a. to go towar, 2U, 22.24, 26, 28, 30, 32, .34, 36, 38. 4t), 42, 45. 1 26. 2. 13. 30, go up for we are well a. to overcome il Deut. 16. 17. even,' man shall give as he is a. J(>.t/(,23,9.noman bath been a. to stand before you I .iaOT.6,20.who is a.to stand before this holy Gcd 1 h'tfigs 3. 9. who is a. to judge so gnat a people 2 Chroit. 2. 6. but w ho is a. to build him an house 20. 6 so that none is a. to withstand thee 25. 9 the Lord is a. to give thee much more J- If 41, 10. who then is a. to stand before me .' Prov. 2". 4. but who is a. to stand before envy ? £ze*. 46.11. the ofi'eringshallbeasheisa. togive 7 'an, 3. 17. our God whom we ser\-e isrz, to delivei G, 20, thy God is a. to deliver thee from the lionfc Mat. 3. 9. God is a. of these stones to raise u, children to Abraham, LmJce 3. 8 9. 28. believe ye that I am a. to do this ? JO. 28. fear him a. to destroy snul and body in h< M 19. 12, he that is a. to receive it, let him receiv C0.22.areyea.todrinkofthecupl .M all drink on- 22 46. no man was a. to answer hi u a word Mark 4. 33, spake he, as they were a. to hear it John 10, 29. no man is a. to pluck them out of ni Acts 15. 10. a yoke our fathers nar w a. it beui A HO /iri\ 20, 32. worclofhisgracp, a. to build you Ih. 5. which among you are a. po'down wiihnie ? fiiim,4. 21. he had promised, he was a. to perform 11 23. for God is a. to graff them in again 14. 4. for God is a to make him stand 15. 14. ye are a. also to admonish one another 1 Cor. 3. 2. ye were not a. nor yet now are ye a. 10.l3.not suffertobe tempted above that ye are a. ZCor. 3. 6. who hath made usn. miiiisiers of newt. 9.8. God is a. to make all grace abound towards you LpJi. 3. 20. to him that is a. to do abundantly above P/iil. 3. 21. he is a. to subdue all things to himself Tim. 1. 12. he is «. to keep that I have committed 3. 7. never a. to come to the kno-^'ledge of truth 15.' holy scriptures a. to make wise to salvation //f 4.2.18.he is a. to succour them that are tempted 5. 7. to him that was a. to save him from death 7. 25. he is fl. to save to the uttermost all that come 11.19. accounting that God was a. to raise him up Jain. 1 . 21 . the word which is a. to save your souls 3. 2. is a. also to bridle the whole body 4. 12. there is cue lawgiver o.to save and to destroy Jude 24. to him thai is a. to keep you from falling itev. 5. 3. no man was a. to open the book nor look 1.1. 4. who is a. to make war with the beast ' 15 B no man was a. to enter into the temple. Be ABLE. Lev. 25. 26. and himself A£ a. to redeem it DeH(.7.24.there shall no man Atf a. to stand, 11. 25. Jox/t. 1. 5. not any man bs a. to stand before thee 14.12. if the Lord be with me I shall be a. to drive I Sam. 17.9. if he be a. to fight with me and kill me 1 C/jro7i.29,14.that we should he a. 10 offer willingly S CArOTi.32.14.that yourGod should Ae a. to deliver Jsa. 47. 12. if so be thoa shalt be a. to profit Ezek. 33. 12. nor shall tlie riffhteous be a. to live Luke. 14. 31. whether he he a. with 10,000 to meet Horn. 8. .39. be a. to separate us from love of God 1 Cor. 10. 13. that ye may be a. to bear it Eph. 3.18. may be a. to comprehend with all saints 6. 11 . that ye may be a. to stand against the devil 16. faitli, wherewith ye shall be a. to quench 2 Tim. 2. 2. who shall be a. to teach others also ViV. 1. 9. niay be a. by sound doctrine to exhort 8 Pet. 1 . 15. that ye may be a. after my decease Eev.6 17. wrath is come, andwho shall A^a.to stind Not be ABLE. 2 Kiuz^ 18. 29. not be a. to deliver you, I^a. 36.14. Pial. 36. 12. cast down, and shall not be a. to rise F.crl. 8. 17. yet shall he 7iot be a. to find it La. 47. 11. thou shalt not be a. to put it off Jer. 11. 11. not be a. to escape || 49- 10. not be a. tn hide Ezek. 7. 19. gold shall not be a. to deliver them Luke 13. 24. seek, ni't be a. \\ 21. 15. not bea. to gaiiisav Not ABLE. Lev. 5. 7. and if he be not a. to bring a lamb Num. 13.31.webe wo/ a. to go up against the people 14. 16. because the Lord was not a. Dent. 9. C8. 'I Chron. 20. 37. ships were not a. to go to Tarshish ^zfa 10. 13. we are not a. to stsuid without Well. 4. 10. so that we are Jiot a. to build the wall Vsal. 18. 38. wounded that they were not a. to rise 21. 11. device which they are ywt a. to perform 40. 12. hold on mc, so that 1 am not a. to look up Anwsl. 10. the land ysnot a. to bear all his words Lnke 12. £6. if ye be not a. to do the thing is least 14. 29. laid foundation, and is not a. to finish J>liu 21 , 6. they were twt a. to draw it for the fishes J(7j ti JO. and they were not a. to resist the wistlom ABOARD. .^cts 21 . 2. a ship sailing, we went a. and set forth ABODE, Substantive. 2 Kings 19. 27. but I know thy a. ha. .37. 28. Lira 9. + 8. to give us a surew. in his holy place iolm 14.23. we will come and make our a with him ABODK. yerb. Gen. 29.14. Jacob a. with him the space of a month ¥). 24. but his bow a. in strength, and the arms l-Sod. 24. 16. the glory of the Lord a. on Sinai iWvm. g. 17. where cloud a. Israel pitched, 18. 21 20. they a. in their tents, and journeyed. 22. 1 1. 35. tie peopV journeyed, and a. at Hazerolh 20. 1. the people a. in Kadesh, Jndg. 11. 17. 22.8. the princes of Moab, a. with Balaam Dent. 1. 46. so ye a. in Kadesh many days .<(. 29. we a. in the valley || 9- 9- 1 <*• *" ^^^ mount Josh 5.H.they a. in their places till they were whole 8. 9. they a. between Bi-tliel and Ai, but .loshua ^tilc- S- i7.Gilead a. beyond Jordan, Asher con- tinued on the sea-shore, and a in his breaches 19. 4. the Levite a. with him three days 20. 47. and a. in the rack Itimmon four months Sam. 1. 23. the woman a. and gave lier son suck 7. 2. while the ark a. in Kirjath-jearim, time long 13. 16. Saul and Jonathan a. in Gibeah 22. 6. Saul a. II 23. 14. David a. 25. | 26. 3. 23.18.navida. in wood ![ 2 Sam. 1.1. a. at ;^iklag *lSiim. 11 12. Uriah u. in Jerusalem that day 2 ABO iSiim. 15.8. servant vowed while 1 a, at Geshur 1 Kings 17.19. he carried him to a loft where he a. Jer. 38. 28. Jereuiiah a. in the court of the prison Mot. 17.22.andwhiletheya. in Galilee, Jesus said Luke 1 . 56. Mary a. with her about three months 8. 27, nor a. in any bouse, but in ihe tombs John 1. 32. I saw the Spirit, and it a. upon him 39. they came and a. with him that day 7. g, when he said these words he a, in Galilee H. 44. he was a murderer, and a. not in the truth ll.fi.hea. two days still in the place where he was Alt) 1. 13. an upper room where fl. Peter and James 14. 3. longtime a. they speaking boldly in the IH. 3. Paul a. with thtm and wrought 21. 7. we came and a. with the brethren one day 8. we entered the house of I'hilip and a. with him Cal. 1. 18. I went and a. with Peter fifteen days ABODE there, or there ABODE. Dent. 1. 46. according to the days that ye a. t/iete Josh, 2. 22. came to mountain, and a. there 3 days Jiidg. 21. C. the people a. there till even before God Ezra 8. 15. and there a. we in tents thiee days 32. we came to Jerusalem and a. there three days John 4. 40. and Jesns a. there two days 10. 40. where John at first baptized, and there a. Acts 12. 19. Herod went to Cesarca, and there a. 14. 28. there they a. long time with the disciples 17 14. Silas and Timotheus a. there still A BOD EST. Jiid" 5. 16. why a. thou among the sheepfolds ? ABOLISH. Signifies [1] I'o do auau, or make void, £ Cor. 3. 13. Eph. 2. 15. [2] j;. destroy, Isa. 2. 18. 2 Tim. 1. 10. La. 2. 18. and the idols he shall utterly a ABOLISHED. La. 51. 6. and my righteousness shall not be a. Ezek. 6. 6. and your works may be a. 2 Cor. 3. 13. not look to the end of that which isa. Ejih. 2. 15. having a. in his flesh the eim ity 2 Tim. 1. 10. Jesus Christ, who halb a. death ABOMINABLE. Lev. 7. 21. that shall touch any a. unclean thing 11. 43. ye shall not make yourselves a. with any 38. 30. commit not any of these a. customs 19, 7. if it be eaten on the third day, it is a. 20. 25. ye shall not make your souls a. by beast Deut. 14. 3. thou shall not eat any a. thirg 1 Chron. 21. 6- for the king's word wa.s a. to Joab 2 C7/ro7j.l5.8.Asaput away th« a. idols from J u da h Job 15. 16. how much more a and filthy is man P.ial. 14. 1 . are corrupt, they have done a. works 51. 1. corrupt are they, and have done a. iniquity isa. 14, 19. thou art cast out like an a. branch 63. 4. and broth of o. things is in their vessels Jer. 16. IB. filled with carcases of their a. things 44. 4. O, do not this a. thing that I hate Eztk. 4. 14. nor came n. flesh into my mouth 8. 10. I saw and behold a. beasts and idols 16. 52. thy sins committed more a. than they Mic. 6. 10. and the scant measure that is a. N,ih. 3. 6. and I will cast a. filth on thee Til. 1. 16. but in works deny him. being a. 1 I'et. 4. 3. when we walked in a. idolatries A'ti'. 21. 8. fearful, and unbelieving, and the a. ABOMINABLY. 1 A"(H£j2l.26. Ahabdid verya. in following idols ABOMINATION. Signifies, [1] A thing hateful and detestable. Gen. 43 32. Prov. 2Q. 27. t2] Sin in general, Isa. 66. 3. Ezek. 16. 50. [3] An idol. 2 Kings £3. 13. Isa. 44. 19- t"*! ^'''^ lioman army that destroyed the temple and Jewish polity, hiat. 24.15. [5] Eiil doetrines and j>raetiees. Rev. 17. 4. den. 43. 32. for that is an a. to the Egyptians 46. .34. every shepherd is an a. to the Egj-ptians /.'r<((/.8.26.for we shall sacrifice tlie a.of Egyptians f.cv. 7. 18. it shall be an a. 11. 41, 42 11. 10. they shall be an a. to you, 12, 20. 23. lit. 22. a.s with womankind it is a, 20. 13. Dent. 7. 25. it is a. to the Lord thy God, I7. 1- 26. nor shalt thou bring an a. into thy house 12. 31. every a. they have ilone tn their gods i;>. 14. that such a. is wrought among you, 17. 4. 18. 12. all that do these things are an a. 22. 5. 23.18. both these are an a. to the Lord thy God 24. 4. for that is an a. before the Lord C.'i. 16. all that do unrighteously are an a. toGod 27. 15. cursed be the man that maketh a. to the 1 S'im. 13. 4. Israel was had in a. with Philistines 1 Kings 11. 5. Milcom the a. of Ammoniles. 7- 7. an high place for Chemosh the a. of Moab 2 Kings 2^. 13. Ashtaroth the a. of the Zidonians Psal. 88. 8. thou hast made me an a. to them I'rov. 3. 32. the froward is an a. to the Lord 6. 16. yea seven things are an a. to him 8. 7. speak truth wickedness is an a. to my lips 11. 1. a false halarice is an a. to the Lord 20. thev of a frow^ro heart are an a. to the I^rd AK(t Prov. 12. 22. lying lips arc- «. to the Luni 13. li,). it IS an a, to fools to depart from evil 15. 8. the sacrifice of the wicked i> an./. 21. 27 9. ihe way of the wicked is an a. 10 the Lor. 26. thoughts of the wicked are ar. «. to the Lore 16. 5. every one that is proud in heart is an a 12. it is an a. to kings to coiumit wickednes« 17. 15. they both are an a. to the Lord 20. 10. both of them are alike a. to the Lord 23. divers weights are an a. to the Lord 24. 9. and the scorner is an «. to men Prov. 28. g. even his prayer shall be a, CO. 27. an unjust man is an a. to the just, anc he that is upright in the way, is a. to the wicki o La. 1. 13. incense is an a. to me, the new-mootii 41. 24. an a, is he that cbooseth you •14. 19. shall I make the residue thereof an a .-' 66. 17. eating swine's flesh, and the a. and mous Jer. C. 7. ye entered, ye made my heritage an a 6. 15. ashamed when they committed a. 8. 12. 32. 35. that they should qo thisa. to cause Judali Ezek. 16. 50. they were haughty and committed «. 18. 12. lifted up his eyes to idols and committed a 22. 11. committed a. with his neighbour's wife 33. 26. ye stand on your sword and ye work a Dan. U. 31. sh.iU place the a. that maketh desolate 12. 11. and the a. that maketh desolate set up Mai. 2-11. and a. is committed in Israel and Jerus. Mat. 24. 15. ye see (7. of desolation, Mark 13.14. Luke 16. 15. esteemed among men is a. with God iiev. 21. £7. shall in no wise enter that worketh a ABOMINATIONS. Dent. 18. 9. not learn to do after the a. of nations 32. ifi. with a. provoked they him to anger 1 Kings 14. 24. did according to all a. of nations 2 Kings l6,3.thro' fire according to a. 2 Chr. 28.3 £1. 2. Manasseh did ev.i in the sight of the Lord after the a. of the heathen, 2 Chrovi. 3.3. \ £3.24.a.spieddid Josiahput away.2 C7(;,34. 33 £ Chron. 36. 8. acts of Jehoiakim and his a. he din 14. people transgressed after all a. of theheathetj Prov. 26. 25. for there are seven a. in his heart Jer. 44. 22. the Lord could not bear for the a. A:e*. 6.11. alas for all thee-vila. of house of Israel 8.6. seest thou the great a. of Israel, but turn tlie.' yet again, and thou shalt see greater a. IS, 15. 9. behold the wicked a. that they do here 17. is it a light thing to commit a. here .' 9. 4. that sigh and cry for all the a. tliat be don^s 11. 18. take away all the a. thereof from thenc* 14. 6. turn away your faces from all your a. 16. 2. son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her a. 18.24. when the righteous doth according to all a. 20. 4. cause them to know the a. of their fathers 7. cast ye away every man the a. of his eyes 8. they did not cast away the a, of their eyes £2. 2. yea thou shalt shew htr all her a. 36. 31. and shall loathe yourselves for all your a 44. 6. O Israel, let it suffice you of all your a 7. they have broken my covenant for all your a Dan. g. 27. and for the overspreading of a. Zfch. 9.7. will take his a. from between his teeth l\'ev. 17. 4. a golden cup in her hand full of a. 5. the mother of harlots and a. of the earth Their ABOMINATIONS. Dejit. £0. 18. teach you not to do after all their a 29. 17. and ye have seen their a. and their idol> Ezrag. I. the people doing according to ^/ifir a. 11. with their a. which have filled the land La. 66. 3. and their soul delighteth in their a. JtT.7.30.have set their a. in the house called 32.34. F.zek. 6. 9. for the evils committed in all Ihctr a, 7. £0. but they made the im.iges of their a. 11. 21. whose heart walketh after ^Ar/r a. 12. 16. that they may declare all thei) a. 16. 47, yet hast thou not done after their a. 20, 30. and commit ye whoredom after their a 21. 36. yea, declare to them their a. 33. 29. the land desolate because of all their a. 43. H. they have defiled my holy name by their a. 44. 13. they shall bear their stiame and their a IIos. 9. 10. thei'- a. were according as they loved These ABOMINATIONS. I^v. 18. £6. ye shall not commit any of these a £7. all these a. have the men of the land done 29. whosoever shall commit any of //'t-.(f a. Z>«r.lB.]2.bccauseof/Awf a.the Lord hath dri\en 2 Kings 21. 11. Manasseh hath dune these a. Ezra g, 14. join in aflinily with people oi these a. Jer. 7. 10. we are delivered to do all these a. i;r«A-.18.13.he hath done all //(..«• a. shall surely dit Thine OTthy ABOJ\T IN ATION S. /er. 4. 1. ifthou wiltputaway MiMf a.out ofsighi 13. 27. I have seen thine a. on the hills E.:ek. 5. 9, do what I have not.bccauseof /Aiwf a. n. thou hast defiled my sanctuary with thy c 7.3. I will recompense on thee all thine o. 4. 8,p 16. 22. all fAiwf a. thou hast not remembered 36. with all the idols of thine a. and by the bloo^ 4;J. not commit thi« lewdness above all thine a ABO Sir*. 16. 51. liiist multiplied i/iine a. moreihaii they I 5il. thou bait Dome :fthie a. saith tlie Lord j ABOVi:. Signifies, [I] .•J/o/^Aig/),Geii.6. I6. Prov. 8. CH. \i\ The ditiuiiv or eict/ifticv of a person or (/ii«i;,rsal. 11S.'4. Mau 10. 24. [3J Bev.md, e Cor. 1. 8. E-*J -^'""' '^"^"' ^'*"- ■'*■ ^•*- 1 ■*"■ 22 [5] Upnano. Exoil. .10. U. Lev. 2?. 7- [6] Ah /lig/ier state or jank, Num. l6. 3. [7] L'htef tn authottty and poit'fi; Deut. 28. 1.1. [8] llraieu, or the fitghest place. Job 3. 4. Kom. 10. 6. [y] Heavenly and ijiirilual. Gal. 4. 2(5. [10] Things that relate to heavni, (Jal.4. i;6. Col. 3. 1. [11] God, Jam. 1. 17. (fen. 1. 7. from the waters a. thefiiTuameiit 20. and fowl that may Hy a. the eailh 3. 14. the serpent cursed a, all cattle, a. beast 6. Uj. in a cubit sbalt thou finish the ark a. 7. 17. and the ark was lifted up a. the earth •m. 22. given thee one portion a. thy brethren •ly. 2(1. prevailed a. the blessings of my progenitors ii'id. 25.22.1 will commune fromw. the mercy-seal £H. 27. a. the curious girdle of the ephod, £8. 30.14. are numbered from twenty years old and a. Lev. 11. 21. which have legs a tneir leet to leap 27. 7. and if it be from sixty years old and a. Na». 16. .1. lifl up yourselves a. the coogregation jJettt. 17.20. hean be not lifted up /i, them ; see him, me, Tniini. ABOUND. Prov. £8. 20. the faithful man shall a. with blessings La. 2. f 6. they a, with the children of strangers Mat. 24. 12. because iniquity shall a. love of many Horn. 5. 20. the law entered that the offence might a. (5. 1. shall we continue in sin, that grace may a.? 15. 13. that ye may a. in hope thro' the power 2 Cor. 1. 5. as sufterings a. so consolation abounds 8. 7. as ye a. in every thing, see that ye a. y. 8. God is able to make all grace a. to you Phil. 1. y. 1 pray that your love may a. more 4. 12. 1 know how to a. both to a. and suffer 17- but 1 desire fruit that tnay a. to your account 18. but 1 have all and a. I am full 1 Thess. 3. 12. Lord make you to a. in love one 4. 1. so, ye would a. more and more 2 Pel. 1. 8. for if these things be in you and a. ABOU"NDED, EIH, 1^G. Prov. 8. 24. when no fountains a. with water 2y. 22. and a furious man a. in transgression Pom. 3. 7. for if the truth of God hath more a. 5. 15. grace by Jesus Christ hath a. to many 20. but where sin a. grace did much more a. 1 Cor. 15. 58. always a. in the work of the Lord 2 Ct;r.8.2. deep poverty a. to the riches of liberality Lph. 1. 8. wherein he hath a. toward us in wisdom Col. 2. 7. a, therein with thanksgiving 2 T/iesi. 1. 3. the charity towards each oihur a. ABOUT. Gen. .38. 24. a. three months after was told Judah 41. 25, God shewed I'haraoh what be is a. to do 42. 24. he turned himself a from them and wept 46. 34. thy servant's trade hath been a. cattle Lj:od. 11. 4. a. midnight will I go out into Egypt 13. 18. God led the people a, thro" the way 19. 23. set bounds a. the mount, and sanctify it .32. 28. there fell that day a. 3000 men Ler. 6. 5. all that a. which he hath sworn falsely ,\um. It). 24. from a. the tabernacle of Korah JJeut. 32. 10. he led him a. and instructed him Jo.\h. 10. 13. sun hasteii not to go down s. a day J'idg. 17. i. the silver a. which thou cursedst Piifh 2. 17. and it was a. an ephah of barley 1 -S^m. 1, 20. when the time was come a. Hannah 5. 8. let the ark of God be carried a. to Gath 9. 26. it came to pass, a. the spring of the day 21 . 5. women have been kept from us a. three days 2 Ham. 14. 20. to fetch a. this form of speech 1 KhissS. 15. the kingdom is turned a. and become 22. 3d. a. going down of the sun, 2 Chroyi. 18. 34 2 Kings 4. I6. a. this season according to the time 2 Chion. S. 9, the house which I am a, to build Ezra 10. 15. were employed a, this matter Joh 20. 23. when he is a.' to fill his belly Prov. 3. 3, bind them a. thy neck, 6. 21. 20. ly. he that go^th a. as a tale-bearer Cant. 7. 2. like a heap of wheat set a. with lilies ha. 5, + 2. built a tower, and made a wall a, it 50. 11. that compass yourselves a. with sparks Jtr. 2. 36. why gaddesl thou a. so much to change 31. 22. how long wilt thou go a. O thou 41. 14. all the people cast a. and returned Hos. 7. 2. now their own doings have beset them a. Mat. 20. 3. he went out a, the third hour Mali 2. *.:. no not so mucli as a. the door B 3 ABU Mari 12. 1. set an hedge a. it, a^id digged a place LtiJct 2. 49. I must be a. my Father's business 3. 23. Jesus began to be a, thirty years of age 12. 35, let your loins be girded a. and lights John 3. 25. there arose a que-stmna. purifying 7. ly. why go ye a. to kill me f h-ts 4. 4. the number of the men was a. 5000 18. 14. and when Paul was a. io open his mouU 27 . 30. as they were a. to flee out of the ship Pom. 4. 19. when he was a. 100 years old 10. 3. going a. to establish their own righteousness 1 Co;. 9. 5. have we not power to lead a. a sifter 2 Coj. 4. 10. always bearing a. 'n the body the dyiu;^ Eph. 6. 14. having your loins girt a. with truth 1 Tim. 5. 13. wandering a. from house to house Ilf^. 8. 5. when he was a. to make the taberuiulo Pev. 8. 1. silence a. the space of half an hour 10. 4. I was a. to write, and I heard a voice See Gone, him, me, thee, Tiitw, kound, siot'ii THIS, TIME, went. ABROAD. Exod. 12. 46. shall not carry ought of the flesh a- Lev. 13. 12. and if a leprosy break out a. in' the ski- 18. g. whether she be born at home or a. Devt. 23. 10. then shall he go a. out of the cam, 13. when thou wilt ease thyself a. shalt dig Jtidg, 12. 9. took daughters from a. for his sons 2 A ;?i^j4.3.go, borrow thee vessels a. of neighbour 2 Chron. 2g. I6. Levites took it to carrj' it out a. 31. 5, as soon as the comm.-uidment came a. E'.th. 1. 17. this deed of the queen shall cornea Job 15. 23. he wandereth a. for bread, saying Psal. 41. 6. when he goeth a. he telleth it Prov. 5. 16. let thy fountains be dispersed a. La. 44. 24. that spreadeth a. the earth by myse. Jer. 6. 11. I will pour it out on the children a. Lam. 1. 20. a. the sword beieaveth, at home deall Nark 1. 45. he began to blaze a. the matter 4. 22. nor kept secret, but that it should come a. Luke 1. Q5. these sayings were noised a. through out all the hill-country of JudeM 2. 17. made known a. the saying about this child Aits 2. d. when this was noised a. the multitude Pom. 5.5. the love of God is shed a. in our heart 16. 19. for your obedience is come a. to ail men Ste Cast, spuead, stand, scatikr, went. ABSENCE. Liiie 22. a. to betray him in a of the multitude Phil. 2. 12. but now much more in my a. work out ABSENT. Gen, 31. 49. when we are a. one from another 1 Cor. 5. 3. for I verily as a. in body, but present ir 2 Cor. 5. 6. at home in body are a. from the Lord 8. willing rather to be a. from the body, present 2 Cor. 5.9. whether present or a. may be acceptet/ 10. 1. but being a. am bold toward you 11. as we are by letierswhenwearea, such will 13. 2. and being a. now T write to them, 10. Phil. 1. 27. whether I come, or else he a. Col. 2. 5. for tho' 1 be a. in the flesh, yet an: I with ABSTAIM. Acts 15. 20. that they a. from pollutions of idols 20. that ye a. from meats offered to idols 1 Thess.. 4.'3. that ye should a. from fornication 5. 22. a. from all appearance of evil 1 Tim. 4. 3. commanding to a. from meats 1 Pet. 2. 11. a. from fleshly lusts which waragaint ABSTINENCE. Acts 27.21. after long a. Paul stood forth in midst ABUNDANCE. Dent. 28. 47. thou servedstnot God for the a. of all 33. 19. they shall suck of the a. of the seas 1 Sam. 1. 16. out of the a. of my complaint 1 Kings 10. 10. came no more such a. of spices 27. as the sycamore-trees for a. 2 r'/iri>7j. 1. 15. 18, 41. for there is a sound of a. of rain 2 Chroji. 9, 9. she gave the king, of voices creat a. Jod 22. H. and a. of waters cover thee. 38. 3fc Psal. 72. 7. in his days shall be a. of peace Eccl. 5. 10. nor he that loveth a. with increase 12. the a. of the rich will not suffer him to slv*j) Lsa. 7. 22. for a. of milk he shall eat butter 15. 7. therefore the a. they liavr gotten 47. 9. for the great a. of thy inchantments fio. 5. the a. of the sea shall" be converted to thee (56. 11. he delighted with the a. of her glory Jer. 33. 6. I will reveal to them a. of peai e Ezek.l6.4g. a. of idleness was in her and daughter^ 26. 10. by reason of the a. of his horses Zech. 14. 14. gold, silver, ajid apparel in great a. Mat. 12. 34. out of the a. of the heart, Luke 6. 45. 13. 12. and he shall have more a. 25. 29. Tl/ar* 12. 44. they cast in of their a. Lukj-il. 4. Pom. 5. 17. more they which receive a. of grace 2 CV.8.2. the a. of their joy abounded to the richi's 14. your a. a supply, their a. a supply for want 12. 7. be exalted thro' the a. of tb« revelations Pev. 18. 3. waxed rich thro' the a. of herdelicacie. In ABUNDANCE. '2 Sam 12.30 David brought spoil of the city i« a ACC 1 A'in^j 1. ig. Aiionijah hafh slain oxen in a, S5. 1 i'hiim. 22. 3. David prepared brass in a. 14. ♦. also cedar-lrees in a. marble tn a. 29- 2, 15. there are workmen with thee in a. hewers 2y. 21. they offered sacrifices in a. for all Israel 8 C/iron. 2. 9. even to prepare me limber in a, 4. 18. Solomon made all these vessels i« great a, ^. 1. Oueen of Sheba brought gold in a. II. 23. Rehoboam gave his sons victuals in a. 14, 15. Asa carried away shrep and camels in a. 10. y. for they fell to Asa out of Israel in a. 17. 5. all Judah brought presents to Jehoshapbat, and he had riches and honour in a, ]H, 1. 18. 2 Ahab killed sheep for .leboshapbat in n. 20. 25. Jehoshaphat found spoil in a. 24. 11. thus they gathered money tn a, 29. 35 and also the burnt-oflerings were in n, 31, 5. children of Israel brought in a. first-fruits 32. 5. Hezekiah made darts and shields in a. 29. he provided him cities and possessions in a. i*eli. 9.25.they took ■tineyiirds and fi'uit-trces in a. Esffi. 1. 7. they gave them royal wine in a. Jo&36. 31. he giveth meat in a. Psal, 37. 11. delight themselves in a. of peace 52. 7. but trusted in the a. of his riches lu5. 30. the land brought forth frogs in a. Luke 12. 15. raaji's life consisteth not in a, 2 Cot. 8. SO. that no man blame us in this a, ABUNDANT. Ertfrf. 34. 6. Txird God a. in goodness and truth Prov. 12. +26. the righteous more a. than neighbour ha. 56. 12. shall be as this day, and much more a. JtT. 51. 13. O thou Babylon, a, in treasures 1 Cur. 12. 23. on these we bestow more a. honour 24. ha%'ing given more a. honour to that part 2 CVr. 4. 15. that the a. grace might redound 7. 15. his inward affection is more a. toward you 9. 12. for the administration is a. by many ] 1.23. in labours more, a. in stripes above measure Phil. ] . 26. that your rejoicing may be more a. I Tim. 1.14. the grace of our Lord was exceeding n. Pet, 1.3. according to his a. mercy hath begotten ABUNDANTLY. Oen, 1. 20. let the waters bring forth a. 21. 8. 17. that they may breed a. in the earth 9. 7. multiply, bring forth a. in the earth i^od. 1. 7. the children of Israel increased a. 8. 3. the river shall bring forth frogs a. A'n/n.20.11. Moses smote and the water came out rt. 1 Chron. 12. 40. brought oil, oxen, and sheep a. £2. 5. so David prepared a, before his death 8. thou hast shed blood a. and made great wars t Vhron. 31.5. tithe of all things brought they m a. Job 12. 6. into whose hand God bringeth a. 36. 28. the clouds drop, and distil upon man a. Paai. 36. 8. they shall be a. satisfied with fatness 65. 10. thou walerest the ridges thereof a. 132. 15. I will a. bless her provision 145. 7. shall a. utter the memory of thy goodness Cant. 5. 1. O friends drink, yea drink a. O beloved iva. 15. 3. every one shall howl, weeping a. 35. 2. it shall blossom a. and rejoice with joy 43 + 24. nor hast thou a. moistened with the fat 35. 7- and to our God, for he will a. pardon J.i/in 10. K). that they might have life more a. 1 Cor. 15. 10, I laboured more a. than they all 2 Cor. 1,12. conversation, and more a. to you-wards 2. 4. might know the love I have more a. to you 10. 15. shall he enlarged according to our rule a. 12. 15. tho' the more a. I love you, the less I'.p/i. 3. 20. to liim that is able to doexcecding a. 1 'r/iess.ZA"! ■ endeavoured moreo. to see your face 'J'il. 3. 6. whiffh he shed on us a. thro' Jesus Christ Iteb. 6,17. God willing more a. to shew to the heirs ?/■'«. 1.11. for so an entrance be ministered to you fl, ABUSE, ED. Lev. 19. + 20. who lieth with a bond-maid a. by any Judg. 19. 25. and a. her all the night till morning 1 &i/n. 31.4.1est uncircumcisedfl.me, 1 C^r. 10. 4. 1 Cor. 9- IB. that I a. not my power in the gospel ABUSERS, ING. 1 Cor. C. 9. nor a. of themselves with mankind 7.31. and they that use this world as not a. it ACCEl'T. Signifies, [1] To receive favourahh, Mai. 1. 10, 13. 2 Cor. 11.4. [2] To take pleasnre in, Ezek. 20. 40. [3] ToJ'orgive, Gen. 4.7. Job42.9. [4] To respect partial/v. Job 13. 10. ] 32. 21. Pr . 18. 5. [5] To he regarded cr valued, 2 Cor. 8. 12. [6] To be beloved or lii-^/ily esteemed, Luke 4.24. [7] Tube received into grace and favour. Acts 10. 35. Eph. 1. 6. Cen. 32. 20. peradvcnture he will a. of me Erod. 22. 11. and the owner shall a. thereof f^ev. 26. 41, and they o. of the punishment, 43, Vent. 33. 11. bless and a. the work of his hands y-Sam. 26. 19. let him a. an offering Sam. 24.23. Araunah said, the L. thy God a. thee JA 13. H. will ye a. his person ? will ye contend in. will reprove, if je do secretly a. persons ACC 32. 21. let me not a. any man's person 42, R. Job shall pray for you, for him will I a. Ptal. 20. 3. and a. thy bumt-sacrifice 82. 2. and a. the persons of the wicked 119. 108. a, I beseech thee the free-will-offering? Prov. 6. t 35. not a. the face of any ransom 18. 5. not good to a. the person of the wicked Jer. 14. 10. therefore the Lord doth not a. them 12. when offer, I will not a. them, Amos b. 22. Bzek. 20. 40. there will I a. them, and require 41. I will a. you with your sweet savour 43. 27. and 1 will a. you, saith the I,ord Mai. 1. 8. will he be pleased, or a. thy person? 10. nor will I a. an offering at your hand 13. should I a. this of your hands'' Aits 24. 3. we a. it always, and in all places ACCEPTABLE. I^v. 22. 20. for it shall not be a. for you Dent. 33. 24. let Asher be a. to his brethren Psal. 19. 14. let the meditation of my heart be a. 69. 13. my prayer is to thee, O I^ord, in ana. time Prov. 10. 32. lips of the righteous know what is a. 21. 3. to do justice and judgment is more a. Eccl. 12. 10. the preacher sought out a. words Isa. 49. 8. in an a. time have I heard thee 58. 5. wilt thnu call this an a. day to the Lord f 61. 2. to proclaim the a. year of the Lord Jer. 6. 20. your burnt -offerings are not a.' Dan. 4. 27. O king, let my counsel be a. to thee Luke 4. 19. to preach the a. year of the I^rd Horn, 12. 1. bodies a living sacrifice, holy, a. to God 2. what is that pood and a. will of Clod 14. 18. is a. to God and approved of men 15. 16. offering up of the Gentiles might be a. Ppli. 5. 10. proving what is a. unto the Lord Plnl. 4. 18. a sacrifice a. well-pleasing to God 1 Tun. 2. 3. for this is a. in the sight of God 5. 4, for that is good and a. before Gnd 1 Pet. 2. 5. sacrifices a. to God by Jesus Christ 20. if ye take it patiently, this is a. with God ACCEPTABLY. Ileh. 12. 28. whereby we may ser\-e God a. AC'CEPJANCE. Isa. 60, 7. they shall come up with a. on mine altar ACCEPTATION. 1 Tim. 1.15. this is a saying worthy of aJl a. 4. 9- ACCEPTED. Oen. 4. 7. if thou dost well, shall thou not be a. 19. 21. see, 1 have a. thee concerning this j:xod. 28. 3H. that they may be a. before the Lord I*v. 1. 4. the offering shall be a. forhim, 22. 27. 7. 18. it shall not be a. I9. 7- I 22. 2.3, 25. 10. 19. should it have been a. in sight of the Lord 22. 21. an offering shall be perfect, to be a. 23. 11. he shall wave the sheaf to be a. 1 Sam. 18. 5. he was a. in the sight of all the people 25.35. l^avid said, see 1 have a. thy person 2 Kiu^s 5. t 1. Naaman was a. with his master Estb. 10. 3.0. of the multitude of his bre'.bren Job. 22. t 8. the a. for countenance dwelt in it 42. g, the Lord also a. Job ha. 56. 7. their sacrifice shall be a. on mine altar Jer. 37. 20. let my supplication ben. before thee 42, 2. let our supplication be a. before tliee Mai. 2. t 9. but ye have a. faces in the hntr Luke. 1. + 28. hailtliou that art gracioush a. 4. 24. no prophet is a. in his own country Acts 10, 35. he that worketh righteousness is a. Pom. 15. 31. my service may be a. of the saints 2 Cor, 5. 9- labour, absent or present, we may be a. 6. 2. heard thee in a time a. now is the a. time 8. 12. it is a. according to that a man hath 17. for indeed he a. the exhortation 11, 4. or another gospel which ye have not a. Pph. 1. 6. he hath made us a. in the beloved ACCEPTEST. Lnke 20. 21. neither a. ihou the person of any ACCEPTETH. Job 34. 19, to him that a. not persons of princes Feci. 9. 7, eat with joy, for God now a. thy works IIos. 8. 13. they sacrifice, but the Lord a. them njt (jal. 2. 6. God a. no man's person Accepting. See Deliverance. ACCESS. Pi'ni. 5. 2, by whom also we have a. by faith Epfi.'Z. 18. thro* him we both have a. to the Father 3. 12. in whom we have boldness and a. by faith Accompany. See Salvation. ACCOMPANIED. Alts 10. 23. certain brethren from Joppa a. him 11, 12. moreover these six brethren a. me 20. 4. Sopater of Berea a. T'aul Into Asia 38. and they a. him to the ship Accompanying. See Ark of God. ACCOMPLISH. Signifies, [1] To perform, finish, or ftilfil, Jer. 44. 25. Dan. 9. 2. Luke 2. 6. Acts 21.5. [2] To vield or condescend to, iK'w^s 5. 9, [3] Obtained or broue/it to pass, Vtov.\3.1!^. Lev. 22. 21. offt-reii a sacrifice toa. his vow ACC 1 A'injj 5. 9- shall a, my desire id giving food Job. 14. 6, till he shall a, as an hireling hu daj Psal. 04. 6. they a. a diligent search ha. 55. 11. but it shall a. that which I pleas' .Ter. 44. 56. ye will surely a. your vows Ezek. 6. 12. thus will I a. my fury upon then. 7, fl. now will I a. mine anger upon thee 13, 15. thus will I a. my wrath upon the wall 20. 8. 1 will pour out my fury to a. my anger, 21 Van. 9. 2. that he would a. seventy years Luke 9- 31. which he should (f. at Jerusalem ACCOMPLISHED. 2 Chron. 36. 22. the word by Jeremiah might be «. Estli. 2. 12. days of purification were fl. L'ike2. i.'2 Job 15. 32. it shall be a. before his lime Prov. 13. 19. the desire a. is sweet to the soul J^a. 40. 2. cry unto her, that her warfare is a Jer. 25. 12. wlien seventy years are a. 2y. 10 .34. for the days of your dispersions area. 39. 16. my words shall be a. before thet Lam. 4. 11. the Lord hath a his fury 22. the punishment of thine iniquity is a. Ezek. 4. 6. when hast a. them. He on thy right side 5. 13. thus shall mine anger be a. Dan. 11. 36. shall prosper, till the indignation be o, 12, 7. a. to scatter the power of the holypeopla Lnke 1. 23. the days of his ministration were a. 2.6. the days were a. that she should be delivered 21. when eight days were a. for circumcising 12. 50. and how am I straitened till it be a. 18. 31. concerning the Son of man, shall be a 22. 37. thai is written, must yet be a. in me Ju/iM ig, 28. knowing that all things were now a. .-i- ts 21. 5. when we had a, those days, we departed 1 Pet. 5. 9. same afflictions are a. in your brethren Accomplishing. See Sbrvicb. ACCO.MPLISHMENT, Acts 21. 26. to signify the c. of days of purificatigii ACCORD. Lev. 25. 5. groweth of its own a, shall not reap Jo.\h. 9. 2. to fight with Israel with one a. .lets 1.14. these all continued with one a. in prayer 2, 1, they were all with one a. in one place 46. they continuing daily with one a. in lempla 4,24. they lifted up their voice to God with one a, 5. 12. were all with one a. in Solomon's porch 7- 57. and ran upon Stephen with one a. 8. 6. people with one a. gave heed to these thinps 12. 10. the gate opened to them of his own a, 20. but they came with one a, to him 15. 25. being jissembled with one a. to send 18, 12. the Jews with one a. made insurrection 19. 29, ihcy rushed with one a. into the theatre 2 Cor. 8 17. but being more fonvard of his own n Phil.Z. 2. being of one a. of one mind ACC-ORDIKG. Oen. 27. 19- I have done a. as thou badest me 41, 54, dearth began to come a. as Joseph saiJ Erod. 12, 25. the Lord will give a. as he promised Xnm. 14. i7.be great, a. as ihou has spoken Dent. 10. 9- his inheritance a, as God promised 16. 10. a. as the Lord thy God hath blessed lJi"-j I Ki?igs 3. 6. a. as he walked before thee in truth Job, ,34. 11. and cause every man to find a, to hn ways, Jer. 17- 10. | 21. 14. | 32. }tj. 42, g. went and did a. as the Lord commanded Pial. 7. 8. judge me. O God, a. to my righteousness 17. I will praise the Lord a. to his righteousness 25. 7. a. to thy mercv remember thou me, 51, 1 . | l'o6, 45. 1 109. 26. I 119, 1C4. 28. 4. give them a. to their deeds, and a. to the 33, 22, let mercy be on us a. as we hope in thee 35. 24. judge me, O God, a. to thy righteousness 48. 10. a. to thy nan!e, so is thy praise 62. 12. for thou renderest to every man a. to Lis work, Prov. 24. 12, 29- 79- 11- ". to the greatness of thy power 90. 11. a. to thy fear, so is thy wrath 103. 10. nor rewarded us a. to our iniqnitie.t 119. 25. a. to thy word, 20.41. 58. 65,76, J07, 116, 154, 169, 170. 159- quicken me a. to thy kindness, ha. 63. 7 150. 2. praise him a. to his excellent grealnes.s ha. 8. 2o. if they speak not a. to this word g. 3. they joy a. to the joy in harvest 6.3.7. a. to all that the Lord has bestowed on us Jer. 50. 29. recompense her a. to her work Dan. II. 3. that shall rule, and do a. to his will IL's. 3. 1. a. to the love of tlie Lord toward Israel 12. 2, the Lord will punish Jacob a. to his ways Mic.7.15. a. to the days of thy coming out of Egypt Mat. g. 29. a. to your faith be it unto you 16. 27. he will reward every mano. to hisworVi Jtom. 2. 6, 2 Tim. 4. 14. H^v. 2. 23 Lnke 12. 47. nor did a. to his will, shall be beater. John 7. 24. judge not a, to the appear.-uice ^icts4. 35. made to every man a. as he had need Rom. 1. .1. made of. the seed of David a, to the ('""h 8. 28. who are the called a. to his purpose 12. 6. gifts differing a. to the grace given to us ACC njnt,l!>. 5. I" be like-niiinled a. to Christ Jcsiis 1 C^r. 15. 3. Christ died a. to the scriptures, 4. 3 tor .9-7 .every uian«. as he purposeih in his heart II. Ij. w' be euil shuU be «. to their works hii. I. 4. \sflo gave himself a. to the will of God 3. cy. Abraham's seed, aud heirs a. to the promise f-^j'/i. 1. 4. «. ashe hathchoseiius ill him, before 5. a. toi;.)od pleasure \\7.ti. to riches of his grace U. being predestinated ij. to the purpose of hini 3, 20. a. to the power that worketh in us /7/iV. 3. 21. a. to the working whereby he is able 4. 19. God shall supply our need a. to his riches Z /j/«. 1. 9. who haih called us not (7. to our works Til.3.5. but a. to his mercy he saved us by washing Ht/t. 8. 9. not a. to the covenant that I made with PcY. 1. 3. a. to his mercy hath bei^ottea us agaiu 4. 6. but live a. to God in the Spirit I'et. I. 3. a. as his divine power hath given us 3 13. we a. to his promise look for new lieaviriis l{t.v, 20. 12. dead were jud'^ed n. to their works, 13. 22. 13. 1 come to give a. as his work shall be ACUORUING to alt. StC ALL. ACCORDING to that. (Jf 71. 27. 8. obey my voice a. to that I command }uii%, 11. :\Q. do to me a to that which proceeded 2 Kiu^i 14. 6. slew not a. to that which is written 2 Chiifn. 35. 2(5. a. to that which was written EzrnQ. 13. latnai did a. /o Mar Darius had sent /uwi. 4.18. a. to that which was spoken, thy seed be 2Ct>r.5. 10. a. tc that hehalhdone, good or bad Q.l'H.a.io f/ir/r araan hath, not a.ru //ta^ he hath not Accordingly. See Uei'av. ACCOUNT. EroiK 12. 4. shall make your a. for the lamb 2 Kings 12. 4. of every one that passeth the « 1 CActf«. 27. 24. nor was the numberput in the^. i Chron. 26. 11. according to the number of their a. M3^. 1 i. for he giveth not a. of his matters I'ldi, 144. 3. or the son of man that thou makest a. Ecii. 7- 27. counting one by one to find out the a. Dan. 6. 2. that the princes might give a. to them Mut. 12. 36. give a. thereof in the day of judgment 18. 23. which would take a. of his servants Luke 16. 2. give an a. of thy stewardship /Ids 19. 40. whereby we may give an a. of this Hoiri. I), t 28. he will fiu'sh the a. 1 i. 12. every one shall give a. of himself to God I'htL-i. 17. desire fruit that may abound loyoura. I'hilim. 18. if he oweth thee, puc that on mine a. llth. 13. 17. they watch as they that must give a. I Pet. 4.5. who shall give a. to him that judgeih ACCOUNT, ED. Oatt. 2. 11. which also were a. giants 20. that also was a. aland of giants I Kings 1. 21. I and Solomon shall be a. offenders 10. 21. silver was nothing a. of, 2 Chron. 9- 20. P'ol. 22. 30. be a. to the Lord for a generatit^n bii. 2. 22. for wherein is he to be a. of? SJark 10. 42. which are a. to rule overGenliles C'iXfCO. 35. be a. worthy to obtain that world 22. 24. which of them should be a. ttie greati-st Horn. 8. 36. we are a. as sheep for the slaughier L Cor. 4. 1. let a man so a. of us as ministers Oal. 3. 6. it was a. to him for righteousness 8 Pet. 3. 15. a. that the long-suffering of the Lord ACCOUN HNG. lleb. 11. 19. a. that God was able to raise him up ACCURSblD. Signifies, [1] Devoted to destruction^ .Tosh. 6. 17. [2] Separated from ths church, Rom p. 3. [3] Cursed eternally from God, 1 Cor, I6. 22. Gal. 1. 8, 9. Vent. 21. 23. he that is hanged, is a. of God Jnh. 6. 17. the city shall be a. it and all therein 18. any wise keep from the a. thing •. 1. trespass in the a. thing ; Achan tooV of a. 11. for they have even taken of the a. thing 12. turned their backs, because they were a. except ye destroy the a. from among you 13. there is an a. thing in the midst of thee 15. he that is taken with the a. thing 22. 20. did not Achan commit trespass in a. thing 1 Sam. 3. 1 13. his sons made themselves a. 1 Chron. 2. 7. who transgressed in the thing a, ha. 65. 20. the sinner an 100 years old shall be a. Rom. 9. 3. for I could wish myself a. from Chribt 1 CiT. 12.3. no man by the Spi it, calleth Jesus a. (/"a/. 1. 8. preach anv other gospel, let him bea.g. ACCUSATION. Etra 4. 6. wrote ihey to him an a. against Judah Mat. 27. 37. set over his head his a. Marfi 15. 26. Luke 6. 7. that they might find an a. against him 19. 8. if I have taken any thing by false a. ^ohn 18. 29. wh:it a. bring ye against this man ? dels. 25. 18. they brought no a. a.s 1 supposed Tim. 5. 19. against an elder receive not an a. Prt. 2. 11. brini; not a railing a. against them JiiJt 9. Michael durst not bring ariijlin£;a. ACC US R. Prov. SO. 10. a. not a servant to his laastw 5 i ACR Mat. 12. 10, that they might a. him. Mar. 3. 2. Luke 11. ^. LnU 3. 14. nor a. any lalsely. and be content 23. 2. and they began to a, him, saying li. touching those things whereof yea. him John 5. 45. that I will a. you to the Father 8. 6. that they might have 'o a. him .iii 1 Sam. 12. 19. we have a. to all oui- sins this evil J-'r. 36. 32. there were a. besides many like words 45. 3, the Lord hath a. grief to my sorrow Dujt. 4.36. and excellent majesty w;is a. to me .'V;«/, fi. 33. all these shall be a. to you, Lnke 12. 31. Luke 3. 20. Herod a. yet this above all, he shut up 19. 11. as they heard, he a. and spake aparable Acts 2. 41. the same day there were a. .3000 soul* 47. and the Lord a. to the church daily guch 5. 14. believers were the more a. to the Lord 1 1. 24. and much people was a. to the Lord iou saidst, what a. will it be to thee Luke 9. 25. what is a man a. if he gain the world Rom. 3. 1. what a. then hath the Jew, or what 1 Coi . 15. 32. what a. it me if the dead rise not ? 2 Cor. 2. 11. lest Satan should get ana. of us Jude 16. men's persons in admiration, because of a. ADVENTURE. ED. Dent. 28. 66. not a. to set the sole of her foot Judg. 9. 17. my father sought and a. his life far Ads 19. 31. that he would not a. into the theatre ADVERSARY. Erod. 23. 22. I will be an a. to thine adversaries Num. 22. 22. the angel stood for an a. anainst Balaam + 32 behold. I went out to be an a. to thee 1 Sam. 1. 6. and her a. also provoked her sore C9. 4. lest in the battle he be an a. to us 1 Kings 5. 4. there is neither a. nor e\nl occurrent 11. 14. the Lord stirred up ana. to Solomon, 23. Q5. was an a. to Israel all the days of Solomon Etth .7. 6. the a. and enemy is this wicked Haman Job 1. ) 6. and the a. came also among them 31. 35. and that my a. had written a book Psal. 74. 10. how long shall the a. reproach ? 109. + 6. let an a. stand at his right hand Isa. 50. 8. who is mine a. let him come near to me Lam. 1. 10. the a. hath sjiread out his hand 2. 4. he stood with his rip.ht hand as an a. 4. 12. that the a. should have entered the gates Amos 3, 11 . an a. shall be round about the land ^ech. 3. + 1. shewed me an a. standing to be his a. AJat. 5. 25. agree with thine a. quickly. \est at any- time the a. deliver thee to the judge Luie 12. 58. when thou goest with thine a. 18. 3. a widoAv, saying, avenge me of mine a. 1 Tim. 5. 14. give no occasion to the a, to speak I Pet. 5. 8. your a. the devil as a roaring lion ADVERSARIES. Dent. 32. 2?. lest their a. should behave strangely 43. he will render vengeance to his a. Josh. 5. 13. art thou for us, or for our a. ? 1 Sam. 2. 10. the a. of the Lord shall be broken 2 Sam. 19. 22. that ye should this day be a. to me £zra4. 1. when a. of Judah and Benjamin heard iVtVi, 4. 11. our a. said, they shall not know Vsal. 38. 20. that render evil for good, are my a. &9. 19. mine a. are all before thee 71. 13. be confounded that area, to my soul 81. 14. have turned my hand against their i. 89. 42. thou hast set up the right hand of his a. 109. 4. for my love they are my a. but I prayer 20. let this be the reward of my a. from lx)rd 29. let my a. be clothed with shame Isa. 1. 24. saith the Lord. I will ease me of my a. 9. 11. the Lord shall set up th-e a. of Rezin 11. 13. and the a, of Judah shall he cut off 59. 18. he will repay fury to his a. 63. 18. our a. have trodden down thy sanctuary 64. 2. to make thy name known to thine a. Jer. 30. 16. all thine a. shatl go into captivity 46. 10. that he may avenge him of his a. 50. 7. and their a. said, we offend not Lam. 1. 5. her a. are the chief, her enemies prosper 7. the a. .rd rejected Israel ami a. them foh 6, 14. to him that is a. pity should be shewed 30. 11. he hath loosed my cord, and a, me 34. 28. and he heareth the cry of the a. ^tal. 9. -t 12. he forgettpih not the a. 10. t 12. arise, O Lord, forget not the a. iB. £7. for thou wilt save the a. peoote 7 Al'K Psal, 22. 24. nor abhormd the affliction of the a. 25. id. have mercy on me, tor I am desolate and a. 82. ,3. do justice to the a. and needy 88 7. thou hast a. me with all thy waves 15. I am a. and ready to die from my youth yO. 15. according to days wherein thou hast a. us 1U7. 17. fools, because of their iniquities, are a. 1 id. 10. I w;is iireatly a. \\ 1 19. 67- before I was n. 119. 71. it is good for me that I have been a. 75. and that thou in faithfulness hait a. me 107, I am a. very much, quicken me, O Lord 129. 1. many time have they a. me from youth, 2. 140. 12. Lord will maintain the cause of the «. Prov. 15. 15. all the days of the a. are evil 22. 22. neither oppress ihe a. in the gate 2d. 28. a lying tongiie haieth those that arc «. 31. 5. lest they pervert the judgment of the a. lia. 9. 1. when at first he lightly a. the landof Zeb. 49. 13. the Lord will have mercy on his a. 51. 21. hear now this, thou a. and drunken 53. 4. did esteem him smitten of God and a. 7. he was oppressed, and was a. yet he opened not 54.11.0 thou a. tossedwith tempest, not comforted 58. 3. wherefore have we a. our souls? 10. and if thou satisfy the a. soul, thy light fii), 14. the sons of them that a. thee shall come dJ. 9. in all their aifliction he was a. aiKl an^^el Lam. 1. 4. her priests sigh, her virgins are a. 5. enemies prosper, for the Lord hath a. her 12. my sorrow wherewith the Lord hath a. me Nic. 4. 6. and I will gather her that I have a. Nah. 1. 12, tho' I have a. 1 will afflict no more Zeph. 3, 12. I will leave in thee an a. people Mat. 34. 9. they shall deliver you up to be a. 2 Cor, 1. d. whether we be a. it is for consolation 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she have relieved the a. ihb. 11. 37. being destitute, a. and tormented Jam. 4. 9. be a. and mourn, and weep 5. 13. is any among you a. t let him pray AFFLICTION Signifies, [1] Adversily, trouble, or distress. Job 5. 6. [2] Oittu-ard oppression, Exod. 3. 7. | 4. 31. [3] Persecution for religion, fliark 4. 17 Heb. 10. 32. [4] Correct ion from God, Jonah 2.2 Gen. id. 11. because the Lord hath heard thy a 29. 32. surely the Lord hath looked upon mv a. 31. 42. God hatli seen mine a. and labour 41.52. caused me to be fruitful in the land of a. Etod.3.7.l have seen the a.ofmypeople, Wr/i 7.34. 17. I will bring you out of the a, of Egypt 4. 31. and that he had looked on their a. Dent \6. 3. thou shalt eat even the bread of a. 1 Kirigs 22. 27 2. C/iron. 18. Cd. C6. /. the Lord heard and looked on our a. 1 Sam. 1. 11. if thou wilt indeed look on my a. 2, f 32. thou shalt see the a. of the tabernacle 2 Sn/n.ld.l'Z.n maybe the Lord will look on my a. 2 Kings 14. 2d. the Lord saw the a. of Israel 2 Chron. 20. g. cry to thee in our a. thou wilt hear 33. 12. IVIanasseh was in a. and sought the Lord Neh. 1, 3. the remnant are in great a. and reproach 9. 9. and didst see the a. of our fathers in Egypt Ji'b 5. d. tho' a. Cometh not forth of the dust 10. 15. I am full of confusion, see thou mine a. 30. 16. the days of a. have taken hold on ms 27. the days of a. prevented me Z^. 8. and if they be holden in cords of a. 15. he deliverelh the poor in his a. 21. for this hast thou chosen rather than a. Psal. 25. 18. look upon my a. and pain, forgive 44, 24. and forgettest our a. aiid oppression dd. 11. thou laidst a. upon our loins 78. t 42. day when he delivered them from a. 68. 9- niinc eye mourneth by reason of a. lod. 44. he regarded their a. when he heard 107. lo. sit in darkness, being bound in a. and iron 39. they are brought low thro* a. and sorrow 41. yet setteth he the poor on high from a. 119. 50. this is my comfort in my a. thy word 92. I should then have perished in mine a. 133. consider mine a.and deliver me, for I do not Isa. 30. 20. though the Lord give you water of a. 48, 10. I have chosen thee in the furnace of a. d3. 9. in all their a. he was afflicted, and the angel Jer. 4. 15. publishetha. from mount Ephraim 15. 11. to intreat thee well in the time of a. id. 19- O Lord, ray refuge in the day of a, 30. 15. why criest thou for thine a. / thy sorrow 48.l6,Moab's calamity is near, and a. hasteth fast Lam.1.3. Judah is gone into captivity because of a 7. Jerusalem remembered in the days of her a. 9. had no comforter, O Lord, behold mine a. 3. 1. I am the man that hath seen a. by the rod 19. remembering my a. and my misery IIus. 5. 15. in their a. they will seek me early Amos 6. d. they are not grieved for the a. of Joseph Ohad.l3. thou shouldest not have looked on their a. Jonih 2. 2. I cried by reason of my a. to the Lord Aa/i. 1. 9. a. shall not hse up the second time Hub. ,1. 7. T saw the tents of Cushau in a Zi'vh. I. 15. and they helped forward fne a 8. 10. that went out, of came in. because of a 10. 1 1. and he shall pass through the sea with Miiik 4. 17. when a, ariseth for the word's sake 13. 19- for in those days shall be a. such as Act.s 7. 11. there came a dearth, and great a. 2 Cor. 2. 4. for out of much a. 1 wrote to you 4. 17. our light a. which is but for a moment 8. 2. how that in a great trial of a. Pliil. I. id. supposing to add a. to my bonds 4. 14. that ye communicate with me in my a. 1 Thess. 1. d. having received the word in much o 3, 7. we Were comforted over you in all our a. Ilcb. 11. 25. choosing ratheriosutfera. with peopl Jam. X. 27. to visit the fatherless in their a. 5. 10. for an example of suffering a. andof patienc AFFLICnONS. Psal. 34. 19. many are the a. of the righteous 132. 1. Lord, remember David, and all his a. Ads 7. 10. and delivered him out of all bis a. 20. 23. saying, that bonds and a. abide me 2 Cor. d. 4. approving in much patience, in a. Col. 1. 24. fill up what is behind of the a. of Chris 1 Thess. 3. 3. no man should be moved by these a. 2 Tim. 1. 8. be partakers of the a. of the gospel 3. 11. known the a. which came to me at ^Xntiuch 4, 5. but watch in all things, endure a. lltb. 10- 32. ye endured a great fight of a. 33. whilst ye were made a gazing-stock by a. 1 Pet. 5. 9. the same a. accomplished in brethre/ AFFORDING. Pj«/.144.13 our garners full, a. all manner of store AFFRIGHT. ED. DeJtt. 7. SI. thou shalt not be a. at them 2 Chro^i. 32. 18. they cried with a loud voice to a Job 18. 20. as they that went before were a ^'i^. 22. he mocketh at fear, and is not a. Isa. 21. 4. my heart panted, fearfulncss a. me Jer. 51. 32. reeds are burnt, and men of war a. Mark id. 5. and they were a. Luke 24. .37. d. he saith, be not a. ye seek Jesus crucified Rev. 11. 13. and the renmant were a. gave glon- AFOOr. Mark d. 33. many ran a. thither out of all cities Acts 20. 13. Paul minding himself to go a. AFORE. 2 Kings 20. 4. a. Isaiah was gone out into the court Psal. 129- d. which withereth a. it groweth up lia. 18. 5. a. the harvest when the bud is perfect Erek. 33, 22. a. he that was escaped came iidw.l.S.vfhich be had promised a. by his prophet 9- 23. which he had a. prepared unto glory Eph. 3. 3. the mystery, as I wrote a. in few word* AFOREHAND. Mark 14. B. she is come a. to anoint my body AFOREIIME. Job 17. 6. me a by-word, and a. I was as a tabret /va. 52. 4. my people went doivn a. into Egypt Jer. 30. 20. their children also shall be m a. Dan. d. 10. he prayed before his God, as he did a John 9. 13. they brought him that a. was blind Rom. 15. 4. for whatsoever things were written a AFRAID. Gen. 42. 35. saw bundles of money, they were a. Exod. 34. 3U, and they were a. to come nigh him Lev. 2(3. d. and none shall make you a. Job 11. I9 Num, 12. 8. why not a, to speak against Moses ? Dent.l .VJ. do to all the people of whom thou art a, Jndg. 7. 3. proclaim whosoever is fearful and a 1 Sam. 4. 7- the Philistines were a. for tbey saio 18. 29. Saul was yet the more a. of David 2 Sam. 1. 14. how wast thou not a. to destroy 14. 15. because the people have made me a, 17. 2. I will come on him, and make him a. 22. 5. ungodly men made me a. Psal. 18. 4. AV/i,d.9.for they all made us a. saying, their hand^ Job 9. 28. I am a. of all my sorrows, 1 know that ll.ig.shalt lie down, and none shall make thee a 13. 11. shall not his excellency make you a.? 21. and let not thy dread make me a. 15. 24. trouble and anguish shall make him a. 18. 11. terrors shall make him a. on every side 21.d.even when I remember, I am a. and tremble 23. 15. when I consider, I am a. of him 33. 7. behold, my terror shall not make thee a. .Sy. 20. canst thou make him a. as a grasshopper . 41 . 25. he raisetb up himself, the mighty are a. Pial. 56. 3. what time I am a. I will trust in .-.nefl d5. 8. they that dwell are a at thy tokens 77- id. the waters saw thee, and they were a, 83. 15. and make them a. with thy storm 119- 120. and I am a. of thy judgments La. 17. 2. and none shall make them a. Ezek. 34 28. Mic, 4.4. Zeph. 3. 13 33. 14. the sinners in Zion area, fearfulness hath 41. 5. the ends of the earth were a. and came 57. 11. and of whom hast thou been a. or feared Jer. 30, 10. be quiet, and none shall make him n. .■id. 24. yet they were net a. nor rent garments I 38. 19. Zedekiah said, I •im a. of the Jewa AFT Jer. 3*> 17. not Riven to men, of whom thoa art a. *Cxt k. 3y. 26. and none made them a. Nah, 2.11. DiiH. 4. 5. I saw a dream, which made me a. Jonah 1. 5. (hen the mariners were a. 10. Uab. 2. 17. made them a. because of men's blood ^ark 5. 15. in his right mind, were a. Luke 8. .35. 9. .12. they understood not, aJid were a. to ask him 10, .12. and as they followed, they were a. Ifj. B, nor said they any thing, for they were a. L"ke 8, i;5. and they being a. wondered, saying :hti!. 9. 21). but they wer« all a. of Saul 22. 9- they with me saw the lignt, and were a. Gal, -4. 11. I am a. of you, lest I have bestowed Heh. 11. 2.'1. not a. of the king's commandnitiit I Pet. 3. 6. and are not a. with any amazement ■? /'tY.2,lO. they are not a. to speak evil of dignities Be AFRAID. Dent. 1. 29. dread not, neither ie a. of them,. 11. 6. 1 ^am. 23. 3. behold we he a. here in Judah 2 Sam.'ZIA^. be a. out of close places, Psal. 18. 45, Neh. 6. 13. was he hired that I should be a. Job 5. 21. nor shalt thou be a. of destruction 19- 29- be ye «. of the sword, for wrath bringetb Pja/.27.1-L. is my strength, of whom shall 1 be a.? Isa. 8. 12. nor fear ye their fear, nor he a. 4-1. 8. 19- 17. that maketh mention, shall he a, in himself 51 , 12. thou, that thou shouldeal be a. of a man lioin. 1.3. 4. if thou do that which is evil, be a. Not be AFRAID. Dent. 1 . 17 . you shall jwt be a. of the face of man 7. 18. thou .shall ji.tr be a. of them. 18. 22. Mifl/, 3.fi. I will nut be a. often thousands of people 5!). 11. I will nor Ada. what man can do to me 9] . 5. thou shall twt be a. for the terror by night 112. 7- he shall not be a. of evil tiding*;, bis heart 8. his heart is established, he shall not he a. Prov. 3. 24. when thou liesl down, shalt not be a. fjM. 12. 2. God my salvation, I will trust and »«j/ Ae a. 31. 4. he will jwt he a. of their voice, nor abase Ai/int 3.6. a trumpet be blo^vn, and people not be u. Horn. 13. 3. wilt thou then nor it' fl. of the power' Be not AFRAID. Dcut. ZQ.l.hettot a. of them, Josh. 11. 6. Neh. 4. 14. Jer. 10. 5. Ezek. 2. 6. Luke 12. 4. 1 Sum 28. 13. Saul said, be not a. what sawest thou 2 Kings 1. 15. angel said, go down, Ag not a. of him Psal. 49- 1(3- be iut a. but speak, and hold not thy peace 1 /'fr.3.14. be 7uit a. of their terror, nor be troubled &>re AFRAID. G! a. and hid thy talent in the earth John 19. 8. when Pilate heard, he was the more a. Acts 10. 4. when Cornelius looked, he was a. AFRESH. ,V'.'A.fi.G.they crucify the Son of God a. and put him A ITER. Gen. 18. VZ. saying, a. I am waxed old, shall I 38. 24. about three months a. it was told Judah V«wi. 15. .3n. that ye seek not a. your own heart lieiit 6. 14. ye shall not go a. other gods Jo^h 10. 14. no day like that before it, or a. it I Sa^iU 15, 31. S..iuu.:l turned again a. .Saul A(iA 1 5flw.24.14. a. whom is the king comeont ?o. a dog 1 Kinss 17. 13. and a. make for (hee and thy son Xeh. 13. 19. not l>e opened till a. the sabbath Job 10, 6. that thou inquirest a. mine iniquity .30. 5. they cried a. them, cis a, a thief Psal. 28. 4. give them a. the work of their hands Eccl. 1. 11. with those that shall come a. /ci, 11. 3. he shall not judge a. the sight of eyes Ezek. 46. 17. a. it shall return to the prince Hii^. 11. 10. they shall walk a. the Lord Mat. 2(). 32. a. 1 am risen again, I will go before Mark 16. 14. which had seen him a. he was risen 19. so then a. the Lord had spoken to them Luke 6. 1. on the second sabbath a. the first 22. 58. and a. a little while another saw him .59. about the space of an hour a. another 23. C6. that he might bear it a. Jesus Jolm 13. 27. a. the sop Satan entered into him Arts 5. 7. about the space of three hours a. i'-nl. 3. 17. the law which was 430 years a. 2 Pet 2. 6. to those that a. should live ungodly AFIFR that. Exod. 3. 20. and, a. that he will let you go Vent. 24. 4. shall not take her a. that she is defiled Jk(/j.15.7.I will be avenged, and a. that Iwill cease 2iaOT.21.14; a. rAa( God wasintreated for the land Joh 21. .3. a. that 1 have spoken, mock on Ere/. 9. 3. and a. that they go to the dead Jer. 31. 19. a. that I was turned, I repeuU'd Luke 12. 4, a. that have no more that they can do 13. 9. then a. that thou shalt cut it down 15. 4. a. that which is lost, until he find it Act.Ki .1 . a. that shall they come forth and serve me 1 Cor.lS. 6. a. that be was seen of above 500 at once Hev. 20. 3. and a. that he must be loosed a little AFPKR this. Gen. 23. 19. a. this Abraliam buried Saran his wife 2 Sam. 2. 1. a. this David enquired of tbe Ixtrd Acts 15. 16. a. this I will return, and build again AFIFRNOON. Judg. 19. 8. thev tarried till a, and did eat Ai-TERWARD, S. Exod, 11. 1. a. he will let you go hence Num. 31. 2. a. shalt thou be gathered to thy people Judg. 7. 11. a. shall thy hands be stren^theniil 1 Sam. 9. 13. he blessed the sacrifice, a. they eat 24. 5. a, David's heart smote him Job. 18. 2. mark, and a. we will speak Psal. 73. 24. guide me, and a. receive nie to glory Prov. 20. 17. bread of deceit is sweet, but a. 24. 27. prepare thy work, and a. build thy house 28. 23. a. shall find more favour than he that 29. 11. but a wise man keepeth it in till a. Hos. 3. 5. a. shall the children of Israel return Joel 2. 28. a. I will pour out my Spirit upon all Mat. 4. 2. fasted, he was a. an hungered, Luke 4. 2. 21. 32. ye when ye had seen it, repented not a. John 5. 14. a. Jcsus findeih him in the temple 13. 36. but thou shalt follow me a. 1 Cor. 15.23. a.they that are Christ's at his coming Gul. 3. 23. the faith that should a. be revealed Ileb. 4. 8. would not a. have spoken of another day 12. II. a. it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of right. 17. a. when he would have inherited the blessing Jude 5. a. destroyed them that believed not AGAIN. Gen. 8. 21. I vnW not a. cur^e, nor a. smite 15. 16. but they shall come hither a. 30. 31. I will a. feed and keep thy flock 38. 26. Judah knew her a. no more Exod. 10. 29, said, I will see a. thy face r.o more 14, 13. ye shall see them a. no more for ever 23. 4. thou shalt surely bring it back to him «. J\'>/w).32.15.will yet a. leave them in the wilderness J.'sh. 5. 2. and circumcise a. the children of Israel 2 Sam. 16. 19. and a. whom should I serv'e 1 Kings i7.22.the soul ofihe child came into him n. 2 Ki?igs 19. 30. shall yet a. take root downward Elzra 9. 14. should wea. break thy commandments Nth. 13. 21. if ye do so a. I will lay hands on you Joh 14. 14. if « man die, shall he live a. .'' Psal. 85, 6. wilt thou not revive us a. that ihy 107. 39. a. they are minished and brought low 140. 10. into deep pits, that they rise not up «. P/vv. 2. 19. none that goto her return a. 19. 19. if thou deliver him, thou nmst do it a. F^el. 8. 14. a. there be wicked men to whom Ezek. 26. 21. yet shalt thou never be found a. Amos 7. 8. I will not a. pass by them, 8. 2. 8. 14. they shall fall, and never ri^e up a. Zech. 2. 12. the Lord shall choose Jerusalem a. John 4. 13. driuketh of this water shall thirst a. Rom.Q. 15. not received spirit of bondage a. to fear 9. + 20. who art thou that answercst a. .' Phil. 4. 4. rejoice io the Lord, a. I say, rejoice tleb. 1 . 5. a. I will he to him a Father, and he ihall 2. 13. and a. I will put my trust in liim 1 Pet. 1. 3. hath begotten us a. to a lively li"pe See PoitN, TURING, BkOUOBT, COMt, THUN, AtVK AGAINST Gen. 16. 12. his hand will be a. every man Eaod. 7. 15. stand by the river's briaka. he com ' /,.«'. 20. 3. I'll set my face a. that man, Deut.^^.i 2 A"i«?»l6.11.so Urijah made it a. king Ahazcain- 19. £2. a. whom hast thou exalted tliy voice ^ Isa. 40. 1 10. the Lord will come a. the strong hat.rt Jer, 25. 13. which I have pronounced a. it Ezek. 13. 20. behold, 1 fun a. your pillows Mat. 10. 35. to set a man a. his father, Lnke 12 5.' 12. 30. he that is not with me, is a. me Luke 2. 34. for a sign which shall be spoken a 14. 31. that Cometh a. him with S0,0t)0 to Acts 19. .36. these things cannot be spoken a. 28. 22. this sect is every where spoken a. See AnOI HER.GOD, Him, j£Rl'SALEM,lSRAKl LoRu, -Me, Over, Thee, The.m, Us, Vni AGATE, S. Exod. 28. 19. third row, an a. an amethyst, 39. V: ha. 54. 12. I will make thy windows of a. Ezek. 27. 16. Syria occupied in thy fairs with a AGE Signifies, Tl] The nhole continuance of a man' ttfe^ Gen. 47. 28. [2] Times past, presaii, >' to come, Eph. 2. 7. I 3. 5. [3] d time ajtl ju conception, Ileb. 11. 11. Gen. 47. 28. the whole a, of Jacob was 147 years 48. 10. the eyes 01 Israel were dim for a. Num. 8. 25. from the a. of 50 years cease waitii^ 1 Sam. 2. 33 shall die in the flower of their a. 1 Kings 14.4.Ahijah's eyes were set by reason of a 1 ChroH. 23. 3. Levites numbered from the a. of .'J*-' 24. from the a, of twenty years and upward 2 Chron. 36. 17. or on him that stooped for a. Job 5. 26. shalt come to thy grave in a full a. 8. 8. enquire, I pray thee, of the former a. 11. 17. thy a. shall be clearer than noon-day Psal, .39. 5. my a. is as nothing before thee ha. 38. 12. my a. is departed and removed Ztih. a. 4. every man with his staff for a. ilYar* 5.42. she was of the a. of 12 years. Lk*^ 8.42 Luke 2, 36. Anna a prophetess was of & great « t 52. Jesus increased in wisdom and a. 3. 23. Jesus began to be about 30 years of o, John 9. 21. he is of a. ask him, 23. Wt-rj 13. + 36. David had inhisown a. ser%*edGod 1 Cor. 7. 36. if she pass the flower of her a. 14. t £0. in understanding be of a ripe a. Eph. 4. f 13. till we come to a. of fulness of Christ Ilt'b. 5. 11, strong meat belonRS to them of fullu 11, 11. Sarah was delivered when she was past a Sec Old, Stricken. AGES. I'sal. 145. t 13. thy kingdom a kingdom of all a. ha. 26. t 4- in the Ixjrd Jehovah is the rock of a. Eph. 2. 7. that in the a. to come he might shew 3. 5. which in other a. was not made known 21. to him be glory in the church through all o Col, 1. 26. mystery which hath been hid from a AGED. 2 Sam. ig. 32. Barzillai was a very a. man Jfb 12. 20. be taketh away the understanding ol a 15. 10. the grey-headed and very a. men 29,8. and the a. arose and stood up 32. 9. neither do the a. understand judgment Jer. 6. 11, the a. with him that is full of d.ivs 'J I.'. 2. 2. that the a. men be sober, grave, sound 3. the a. women, that they be iu behaviour Philem. Q. being such an one as Paul the a. AGO. 1 Sam. 9. 20, the asses that were lost tljr^e days n 2 hint;s I9. 25, thou not heard long a. ha. .37. J(\ E^ra. 5. 11. house that was huilded many years n Jsa. 22. 11. respect to him that fashioned it longn il/a/.11.21.would have repented long a. Z,«i(-e 10.1 i Mark 9. 21. how long a. since this came to him -Icrj 10. 30. 4 days a. I was fasting until this hour 15. 17. ye know how that a good while a. 2 Cor. 8. 10. but also to he forward a year a. 9. 2. that Achaia was ready a year a. 12. 2. I knew a man above fourtean \ear« a. AGONE. 1 .Sam. 30. 13. because three days a. I fell sick AGOMY. Luke 22.44.being in an o. he prayed more c.irnestl AGREE Signifies, [1] To bargain uith, Mat. 20. 2,13 [2] To approve, or give co7tsent to. Acts 5. 4tJ [31 'Jo be like, Mai-k 14. 7D. [4] To compirt, or rcsohe, John. 9. 22- AGIU:E, ED, ETH. Amos 3, 3. can two M-.alk together exci pi they be a. Mat. 5. 25. a. with thine adversary quickly 18. 19. if two of you shall a. on earth, touchiii : 20. 2. when he h.id a. with labourers for a pennv 13. didst thou not a. with me f(»ra penny.' Mark 14. 56 their witness a. not together, 69. 70, art a (Jalilean, and thy speech a. thereto J^ukc 5. 36. taken out of the new, a. not with old John 9. 22 llie Jews had a. already if auy roai icts 5. 9- how is it that ye have a. to tempt ■iO. aii»l to him thty «, aiid when they liad calli'ti 15. 13. and to this a, the words of the prophet 23. 2U. the Jews have a. to desire thee to bring CIS. ^5. when they a. not among themselves 1 Jo/iu 5. 8. spirit, water, blood, these a in one liev. 17. 17. o. lo ^ive their kingdom to the beast AGREEMENT. 2 /v'ni^jlB.Sl. make ana. by a present, Isa. 36.16. /.-a. 2tJ. 13. ye have said, wiih hell aru we at a. 18. and yo'ira. with hell shall not stand Dun. 11.6. to the king of the north, to make ana. ZCur,6. l6. what a. hath the teraple of God with AGROUND. Ac:s 27. -11, two seas met, they ran the ship a. AGUE. Lev.£6.l6. I will appoint terror and the burning a. All. Psal. 35. 25. nor say, a. so would we havt' it /jf«. 1.4.13. sinful nation, apeople laden with iniquity 2*. r a. fitsl-bom Vcut.'2ii.5. for a. that do so are abomination, 2o.l6. 31.18. hide my face in that day /or a. the evils Psal. 10.5. as /"(-/• a. his enemies, he puffeth at them 78. SZ.for a. this they sinned still, believed not 116. 12. what render to the Lord/«r a. his benefits Ecci. 5. g. the profit of the earth is for a. n. 9. for a. these God will bring thee to judgment Isa. 40. 2. she hath received double for a. her sins Ezei:. 6. 11. alas^I-ra. the evil abominations 2i).43.:ijid ye shall loathe yourselves/or a. the evils /M/i.4.21. fruit was much, and in it was meat /ii*- a. LjtAe 3. ig.for a. the evils II*-rod had done 20. 38. God of the living, /ti; a. live unto him Horn. 3. 23. for a. have siimed and come short of 2 Cor. 5. 14, if one died for a. then were all dead /VjiV. 2.21. for a. seek their own, not the things 1 'J'im. 2. o. who g.T'-e himself a ransom /^'; a. llcb. 8. 11. /(T a. shall know me, from the least 10. 10. offering of the body of Christ once for a. From ALL. (icn. 48. 16. angel who redeemed m& from a. evil f-.ev. 16. 30. that ye may be c\ez.p from a. your sins t'sal. 34. 4. and delivered me from a. my fears Ter. 16. 15. from a. lands whither he had driven Dan. 7-7.it was diverse ^rc/?! a. the beasts before it //f A.4.4. God rested the seventh day />«/« a. works In ALL. Gen. 21. 12. in a. that Sarah hatb said, hearken 22. God is with thee in a. that thou dost Deiif. 29. 9- that ye may prosper in a. that ye do Josh. 22. 2. and have obeyed my voice in a. that 2 •Sam. 23. 3y. mighty men, thirty and seven m a. 1 Kinss 2. 3. thou niayest prosper in a. thou dost 26. afflicted in a. my father was afflicted I Chron. 2. 6. sons of /erah, five of them in a. Neh.g.S'i.thoM art just in a. that is brought on us Psai. 10. 4. God is not in a. his thoughts 111 ALL Prov. 3. 6, iM a. thy ways acknowledge him Isa. 39. 2. nothing m «. his dominion shewed iwi G3. 9. in a. their afflictions he was afflicted Jer. 38. 9- have done evil m a, they have done Ezek. 21. 24. )« a. your doings your sins appear Hos. 12. 8. »« a. my labours shall find no iniquity Acts 27. 37. we were in a. in the ship 276 souls Rom. 8. 57. in a. these more than conquerors 1 Cor. 12. 6. the same God worketh all in a. 15. 28. put all under, that God may be all in a. Eph, 1. 23. the fulness of him that hlleih all iii a. Cot. 3. 11. but Christ is all and i« a. 2 Thess. 1. 10. to be admired iti a. them that believe Hcb. 13. 4. marriage is honourable in a. 2 Pel. 3. 16. as also in a. his epistles, speaking All Night ; see NlGHT. q/" ALL. Gen. 6, 2. took them wives of a. which they cho6e 14. 20, he gave him tithes of a. Ileb. 7. 2. 28. 22. of a. thou shalt give me, I will give tenth Exod. 9- 4. nothing die oj' a. is children's of Israel JoihM.35. not aword of a, which Moses command. Judg. 13. 13. of a. \ said to the woman, beware 2 ^«m.l6. 21. shall hands of a. with thee be strong 2 hings 9. 5. and Jehu said, to which if a. us EstU. 6. 10. let nothing fail of a. thou hast spoken Jobs. 13, so are the paths oJ' a. that forget God Ecct. 6. 2. he wanteth nothing of a. he desireth £zt'*.41.11.if they be ashamed o/a. they havedone Wwj(j,v3.2,you only have 1 known »/"«. the families MarA 9. 35. the same shall be servant of a, 10. 4t. Johtt 6. 39. of a. which hath given me, lose nothing Acts 10. 36. peace by Jesus Christ, he is Lord of a. 1 Cor. 14. 24. he is convinced of a. judged if a. Gal. 4. 1. now I say, the heir, though he be 1. of a. Eph. 4. 6. God who is Father of a. above all //eA. 12. 23. and to God the Judge (}/'a. and to spirits Jam. 2. 10. offend in one point, he is guilty 7/,29.12,and thou reignest orf : a. in thy hand P.\al. 103. 19. his kingdom ruleth over a. Mat. 24. 47. make him ruler ore; a. Luke 12. 44. John 1-7. 2. as thou hast given him power over a. Rom. 9. 5. who is over a. God blessed for evU 10, 12. the same Lord over a. is rich to all ALL these. Ge?i. 15. 10. he took to him a. thete and divided 42. 36. Jacob said, «. these things are against me 49, 2H. a. these are the twelve tribes of Israel Exod. 20. 1. God spake a, these words, saying Job 12. 9. who knoweth not that in a. these Jer.g. 26. for a. these nations are uncircumcised Hah. 2. 6. shall not a. thete take up a parable Mat. 6. -AS. a. these shall be added to you, L;(^-el2.31. 24. 8. a. these are the beginning of sorrows Mark 7. 23. a. these evil things come from within Acts 2. 7- are not a. these which speak Galileans * 1 Cor. 12, 11. a. these worketh that self-same .Spirit Coi. 3, 8. but now you put off 0. these, anger, wTalh Heb. 11. 13. a. these died in faith, not having rn- ALL this. [ceived Gen. 41. 39. as God halh shewed thee a. this Dent. 32. 27. and the Lord hath not done a, this Judg. 6. 13. why then is a. this befallen us? 1 .Sam. 22. 15. thy servant knew nothing of a, this 2 ^am. 14. 19. is not the hand of J oab in a. this f 1 Chr on. ^.^t.ig. a. //n>the Lord made me understand 2 Chron. 21. 18. after a. this the Lord smote him 29. 28. a. this continued till the bumt-offpring Ezra 8. 35. a. this was a burnt-offering to the Lord Neh. 9. 38, because of a. this we make a(;,ovenant Esfh. 5. 13. yet a. this availeth me nothing Job 1. 22. in a. this Job sinned not, 2. 10. 13. 1, lo, mine eye hath seen a. this Psal. 44. 17. a. this is come upon us, yet not forgot 78. 32. for a. this they sinned still £cf/. 7. 23, a. this have I proved by wisdom 8. 9. a, this have 1 seen, and applied my heart to 9. 1. «. this 1 considered in my heart, to declare {a. this Jsa^S.QS, for a. r/iij his anger is not turned away 9. 12, 17> SI, I 10. 4. 48, 6. thou hast hoard, see a. this i>a«.4. 26. a. this came upon Nebuchadnezzar 5. 22, hast not humbled, tho" thou Wnewcst a. this 7. 16. I came and asked him the truth of a. thit IJos. 7. 10. do not return, nor seek him for a, this Mtc. 1. 5. for the iransgi'essvim of Jacob is a. this | Mat.l. 22. a. tk's was done that th*" prophets might . be fulfilled. 21. 4. I 26. 56. Luke 16. 26. besides a. thii there is a gulpli fixed I ALM /,»'(:£ 24. 21. besides a. this to-day is the third da. ALL that he hud. Gen. 12. 20. Pharaoh sent hitn and a. that he had 13.1. A I ram went out of Egypt, and a. that he ha 25. 5. and Abraham gave a. that he had to Isaac 31. £1. Jacob fled with a. that he had, and rose up 3'-i. 4. a. that he had he putiUio Joseph's hand, 5. 5. the blessing of the Lord was on a. that he hnJ jVacl8.25.be sold, a. that he had, payment be madt .VarX-5.20.she spent a.tliat she had, nothing bettered 12.44.ofher want cast in a. that she hadX.\i\.tZl.^ To or Unto ALL. Psal. 145. 9. the IjotA is good to a. and his mercies ii>f/.2.14. one event happeneth to a. them. 9. 3, 11. 9. 2. ail things come alike to a. one event to right. ha. 36. 6. so is Pharaoh to a. that trust in him Mark 13.37. what 1 say to you, 1 say unto a. watcli Luke 12.41.siieake5t thou this to us, or even /« n. .' Acts 2. 39. the promise is to a. that are afar off 4. 16. manifest to a. that dwell in Jerusalem Vi/iw(.l0.12.the Lord isrich Hwroa. that callon hini 13. 7. render therefore to a. their dues 1 Cor. 9. 19. 1 made myself a servant unto a. ^ 1 Tim, 4. 15. that thy profiting may appear to a, filth ALL. Num. 16. 30. nith a. that appertain to them Dent. 6. 5. thou shalt love the Lord uith a. thy heart, uirh a. thy soul, 11. 13. Mat. 22. 37. 2 Chion. 25. 7. zi'ith a. the children of Lphraim Prov. 4. T .Tilth a. thy getting, get uridcrstandiug j-ir/jl0.2.lhat feared God u-ith a. his house, 16. 34, 1 Cor. 1.2. with a. that in every place call on Josui Phi/. 1.95. I shall altide and continue »!//* you a i. 17. if offered, 1 joy and rejoice u'l'M you a. ALL the -^hile. 1 Satn. 22. 4. a. the tchilc David was in the hold 25-7 nothing missinga. the white they were in Car. 27.11. so will be his manner a. the u>/iile he dwell Job 27. 3. a. the while my breath is iu me fetn A LL ye. La. 48. 14, a. ye a-ssemble yourselves, and hear 50. 11, behold a. i/e that kindle a fire, that compa."iS 66. 10. be glad with her, a. ye that love her Jer. 29. 20. hear the word, a. y* of the captivity L/im.1.12. is it nothing to you, a. ye that pass by r Mat. 11. 28. come to me. a. ye that labour and are 23, 8, one is your master ; and a. yc are brethn-n 26. 31. a. yc" shall be offended, Mark 14, 27. Acts 2. 14. a. ye th;t dwell at Jerusalem, liear iiee farther other tisital Substantives: Cunghe- GATioN, Day, Earth, Israel, Men, Pto PLE, Things. Ac. ALLEGING. Ads 17. 3. a. Christ must needs have suffered ALLEGORY. Gai. 4. 24. which things are an a. for these ar© ALLELUIAH. /fti.19.1, I heard a great voice, saying, a. 3, 4,6 ALLIED. Neh. 13. 4. Kliashib the priest was a. to Tobiah ALLOW. Luke 11. 48. 'hat ye a. the deeds of your fathers --iri'j24. 15. which they themselves also a. that the rt Kom. 7. 15. for that which I do, I a. not ALLOWED, ETH. Rom. 14. 22, himself in that thing wh'ch he a. 1 Thess. 2. 4. but as we were a. of God to be put ALLOWANCE. 2 hings 25. 30. his a. was a continual a. given hiir Prov. 30. f 8. feed me with food of my a. Luke 3. 1 14. be content with your a. ALLURE. Hos. 2. 14, I'll a. and bring her into the wildemes* 2 Pet. 2. 18. they a. through the lusts of the liesh ALMS. Mat. 6. 1. that ye do not your a. before men 2. therefore when thou dost thine a. do not souno 4. that thine a. may be in secict, and thy I'ather Luke II, 41. give a. of such things as you have 12. 33. sell that ye have, and give a, provide bagi Acts 3, 2. they laid, to ask a. of them that entorcJ 3. who seeing Peter and John, asked an a. 10, they knew that it was he which sat for a. 10, 2. Cornelius gave ninrh a. to the people 4. thine a. are come up for a memorial, 31. 24.17. I came to bring a, to my nation and ofler. ALMS-DEED.S. Acts 9. 36. Dorcas full of a.-diedi which she did ALMlGlirV. Gen. 17. 1. T am the a. God, walk before me 28, 3, God a. bless thee, and make thee fruitful 35. 11. I am God a. be fruitful and multiply 43. 14. God a. give you mercy before the man 48. 3. God a appeared. to me at Luz in (';inaan 40.'J5.by the a. who shall bless thee with blcssinp^ Exoi.B.3. T appeared to Abram by the name God •* Num. 24. 4. which saw the vision of the a. l6_. Ruth 1. 20. forthea. hath dealt bitterly with w 21, seeing the a, hath afflicted me Jan. 11. + 38. for the a. God he shall honour /I'c/ 1. 15. as destruc-tion from the a. shall it come 2 Cor. 6. 18. shall be my sons, saith the I.^ird a. I'ev. 1. 8. whi'jh is. was, and is to come, the a. 4. 8. the Lord God a. which was, and is, 11. 17. 1 j. 3, Lord a. just and true are thy ways, ifi. 7- 16. 14. the battle of that great day of God a. ip. 15. treadeth wine-press of wrath of the a. God 21. 22. God a. and the Lamb are the temple of it ALMOND, S. Cten. 43. 11. carry spices, myrrh, nuts, and a. r^od, Q5. .33. made like to a' 34. | .37. 19, 20. Num. 17.8. the rod of Aaron for Levi yielded a. Eccl. IC. 5. when the a. tree shall flourish Jer. 1. 11. and I said, I see a rod of an a. tree ALMOST. Eicd. 17. 4. they he a. ready to stone me Psal. 73. 2. as for me, my feet were a. gone 9+- 17- niy soul had u. dwelt in silence 119- 87- they had a. consumed me upon earth ProT.5.\i. I was a. in all evil in themidstof congre- Acts 13.44. carac a. the whole city together [gat ion 19. 26. only at Ephesus. but o. through all Asia 21. 27. and when the seven days were a. ended £0. 28. a. thou persuadest me to he a Christian Cy. were both a. and altogether such as I am Hei. 9. 2S. a. all things by the law are purged ALMUG-TREES. 1 Kiri^s 10.11. brought from Ophir plenty of fl.-^/-tf« 12. made of a../r.p:llars,there came no such a.-tr. ALOES. Pia/. 45. 8. thy garments smell of n. and cassia Proi'. 7. 17. [ have perfumed my bed with a. Cinc. 4. 14. myrrh, a. \vith all the chief spices Jo/in 19, 39. Kicodemus brought a mixture of n. ALorr. Prov. 18. t 10. the righteous runneth and is set /i. ALONE Signifies, [11 (hie soliiaru, er by himself. Lev. 13. 41). Psal. 102 7. [3] Oi/v. Dan. 10.7. IMat. 4. 4, [3] To cease from, Exod. 14. 12. Gen. 2. 18. it is not good that man should be a. Ejcod. 18. 18. art not able to perform it thyself a. 24. 2. Moses a. shall come near the Lord l-€v 13. 46. the leper dwell a. without the camp Kum. 11. 14. I am not able to bear all this peo- ple a. Beut. 1. 9, 12. 17. that thou bear it not thyself a. CS. 9- lo, the people sh 15. 19. to whom a. the earth wm given 31. 17. or have I eaten my morsel myself a. f Psal, 83. 18. thou whose name a. is Jehovah 102 .7 . 1 watch and am as a sparrow a . on the house- 1?6. 4. to him who a. do'h great wonders [top '48. 13. for his name a is excellent 11 Ercl. 4. n. there is onp a. and there is not a second 10. I'ut wij to him that is a. when he falleth T\a. 2.11. Lord a. shall he exalted in that day, 17. 14. 31. none .shall be a. in his appointed times 51. 2. for I called him a. and blessed him 63. 3. I have trodden the wine-press a. Lam. 3. C8. he sitteth a. and keepeth silence Dan. 10. 7. and I Daniel a. saw the vision Hos. 8. 9. gone to Assyria, a wild ass a. by himself liJitt. 4. 4. man shall not live by bread a. Ltt^e 4. 4. 14. 23, evening was come, he was a. Lnie 9. 18. 18. 15. tell his fault between thee Eind nim a. Ulur/c 4. 34. when they were a. he expounded C. 47. ship was in midst of sea, and he a. on the land Lille 5 21. who can forgive sins but God a,? 6. 4. not lawful to eat, but for the priests a. 9. 18. it came to pass, as Jesus was a. praying 36. when the voice was past, Jesus was found a. 10. 40. that my sister hath left me to serve a. Jo/inQ. 15. he departed into a mountain a. 22. but that his disciples were gone away a. 8. 16. for I am not a. but I and the Father, l(i, 32. 17- 20. neither pray I for these a. but for them Acts 19. 2f». ye see and hear that not a. at Ephesus Horn. 4. 23. it was Avritten for his sake a. Otil. 6. 4. he shall have rejoicing in himself a. Hed. 9. 7, went the high-priest a. once every year Jam.2.1'i. faithif it hath not works is dead, being a. Left ALONE. Gen. 32. 24. Jacob left a. and there TiTestled a man 42. 38. his brother is dead, and he is left a. 44. 20. 7ja.49.21. I waslefl a. these where haQ they been ? Da2i. 10. 8. I was left a. aixl saw this great vision Jvhn 8. 9- and Jesus was !eft a. and the woman 29. the Father hath not lej'i me a. for 1 do always liom. 11. 3. I am left a. and (hey seek my life Let ALONE. Krod- 14. 12. fet us a. that we may serve Egyptians 32. 10. let me a. that my wrath may wax hot Dent. 9. 14. let me a. that I may destroy them Jndg. 1 1. 37- let me a. iwo months, that I may go 2 Sam.lO.W .leihim a, let him curse, L, has bidden £ Kings 4. 27. let her a. her soul is vexed in her Ezia 6. 7- let the work of this house of God a. Joh 10. 20. and let me a. that 1 may take comfort 13. 13. hold your peace let me a. that I may speak i/('.c4. 17. Ephraini is joined to idols, /f( him a. Mai. 15. 14. let them a. they be blind, leaders Mark 1. 24. let us a. what have we lo do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth ? Luke 4. 34. 1 4. 6. Jesus said, let her a. why trouble ye her ? 15.36. let a. let us see whether Elias will come Luke 13. 8. Lord, let it a. this year also, till I dig Johi il. 48, if we let him a. all men will believe 12. 1. lethev a. against the day of my burying Acts 5. 38. refrain from these men, let them a. ALONG. Num. 21. 22. we will go a. by the king's highway 1 Sam. 6. 12. the kine went a. the highway, lowing 28.20. then fiaul fell all a. on the earth 2 Sam. 3,16. herhusband went withhera weeping 16. 13. Shimei wenta. cursing, and threw stones J^r.41.6. Ishmael went, weeping jJl a. as he went ALOOF. Psal. 38. 11. my friends stand a. from my sore Aloud; see Cry, Cried, Sing. ALPHA. Rev. 1.8.1 ama.andOmega.il. f 21.6. I 22. 13. ALREADY. I'lrod. 1. 5. for Joseph was in Egj-pt a. Eccl. 1 . 10. it hath been a. of old time, before us Mai. 2.2.your blessings, yea, I have cursed them a. .Mat. 17. 12. I say unto you, Elias is come a. John 3, 18. he that believeth not is condemned a. 1 Cor. 5. 3. but present in spirit, have judged a. Phil. 3. 16. whereto we have a. attained 1 Tim. 5. 15. some are a.turned aside after Satan Rev. 2. 25. hut that which ye have a. hold fast ALSO. Cen. 6. 3. strive with man, for that he a. is flesh Xum. iG. 10. and seek ye the priesthood a..^ 1 Sam. 14. 44. Saul answered, God do so and more a. 2 Sarn. 3. 35. ] ig. 13. 2 Kins? 7- 4. and if we sit still here, we die a. Psal. 68. 18. gifts, yea, for the rebellions a. lia. 7. 13- but will ye weary my God a./ Zec/i. 8. 21. to seek the Lord of hosts I will go a. Mat. 6. 21. there will your heart be a. Luke 12. 34. 26. 73. surely thou art a. one of them Mark 1. 38. that I may preach there a. 2. 28. Son of man is Lord a. of sabbath, Luke 6.5. Luke 11.45. thus sayma;, thou reproachest us a. John 5. 19. what he doth, these a. doth the Son 12. 26. where I am, there shall a. my ser\-ant be 14. 3. that where 1 am, there ve may he a. Acts 12. 3. he proceeded to take Peter a. Rom. 16. 2. succourer of many, and of myself a. 1 Cor. 9- 8. or saith not the law the same a. 15. 8. and last of all, he was seen of me a. 2 Tim. 1. 5 I am persuaded that in thee a. ALT J^im. 2. 26. faith witliout -.Yorks 11 dead. n. 1 JMn 4. 21. thatUiveth God, love his hrothtr A L J A R Signifies, [1] A material altar, on which sarri/icci aiere offered, 1 Kings 13. 1, 2. ] 18. 30. [Sj Vraist. aha ts the oiUy Christian ullar, to whom we bring all our sacrifices and .services, Ilcb. 13. 10. Gen. 8. 20. Noah builded an a. to the Lord 12.7. there Abraham built an a. to the Lord. 22-9 35. I.Jacob, go to Helh-el, and make there an a 3. up to Beth-el, 1 vnll make there ana. to God Exod. 17. 15. Moses built .in a. Jehovah-nissi 20. 24. an a. of earth shalt thou make to me 21. 14. shalt take him from mine a. that he die 29. 37. sanctify it, it shall he an a. most holy 4t. I will sanctify the tabernacle and a. 30. 27. a. of incense ||40. 10. a. of bumt-off"erin5 Z^!'. 6. g. the fire of the a. shall be burning in it A'Hai. 7- 84. this was the dedication of the a. 18. 3. they shall not come nigh the a. Jt'jA. 22. 34. the children of Gad called the a. Ed J7idg. 6. 25. throi' down the a. of Baal, ami grove 31, because one hath cast down his a. 1 Sam 2. 33. whom 1 shall not cut off" frci!) mir^e a 2 Sam. 24. 18. go up, rear an a. to the Loid 1 Kings 13. 2. he cried against the a. O. a, a. 18. 30. Elijah repaired the a. of the Lord 35. and the water ran about the a. 2 A';7igj 18-22. shall worship before this*?. Isa."G.7 Psal. 26. 6. so will I compass thine a. O Lnvrt 43.4.then will I go to the a. of God, to God my joy ha. ig. 19. an a. to the Lord in the midst of Egypt 27. 9. tlie stones of the a. as chalk-stones 56. 7. their sacrifices be accepted on mine a. Lam. 2. 7. the Lord hath cast off his a. Lzek. 8. 16. between the porch and a. 25 men Joel 1. 13. lament, howl, ye ministers of ttie a. 2. 17. the priests weep between the porch and a. Amos 2. 8. upon clothes laid to pledge ly every a. Mai. 1. 7. ye offer polluted bread on mine a 10. nor do kindle fire on mine a. for nought 2. 13. covering the a. of the Lord with tears Mat. 5. 23. if thou bring thy gift to the tt. 23. 18. whoso shall swear by the a. it is iiothing 35. ye slew bet^veen the temple and a. Z-j/^te 11.51. Acts 17. 23. I found an a. with this inscription 1 Cor. 9. 13. wait at the a. partakers with a. 10. 18. He6. 7. 13. of which none gave attendance at the a. 13. 10. we have aa a. whereof they have no right Rev, 6. 9- 1 saw under the a. the souls of them slaiu 8. 3. should offer it with prayers on the golden a. 9. 13. heard a voice from horns of the golden a. Set Built. ALTARS. ETorf..34.13. shall destroy theira. De7it.7.5. \ 12.3. Niun. 23. 1. Balaam said, build here seven a. 1 Kings 19. 10. Israelhave thrown down thine a. 14. 2 Chion. 34. 5. burnt the bones of priests on the a. Psal. 84. 3. even thine a. O Lord of hosts, my kiny Isa. 17.8 and he shall not look to the a. the wor'i Jer. 17. 1. sin of Judah graven on horns of the a. 2. whilst their children remember their a. Ezek. 6. 4. and your a. shall he desolate, images bo Hos. 8. 11. made a. to sin, a. shall be lo him to sin 10. 8. thorn and thistle shall come on their a. 12. 11. their a. are as heaps in the fuiTOws Amos 3. 14. I will also visit the a. of Eeth-el Rom. 11.3. Lord, they have digged down thine a. ALTER. Lev. 27. 10. he shall not a. It, a good for a bad Etrat. 11. that whosoever shall a. this word 12. destroy all that put their hand to a. this Psal. 89. 34. not a. the thing gone out of my lips Prov. 31. t 5. lest they a. the juilgment of afflicted ALTERED. E^th. \. 19. be not a. that Vashti come no more LukeQ. 29. the fashion of his countenance was a. ALTERETH. Dan. 6. 8. according to the law which a. not, li ALTERING. Xum. 14. f 34. ye shall know my a. of pnrjiose ALTHOVGH. Exod. 13. 17. a. that waj near, for God said 2 Sam. 23. 5. a. my house be not so with God Job 2. 3. a. thou movedst me against him Jer. 31. 32. a. I was an husband unto them Ezek. 11. 16. a. I have caat them far off Hab. 3. 17- a. the fig-tiee shall not blossnm Mark 14. 29- a. all shall be offended, yet will not I Ual. 6. t 1. a. a man he overtaken in a fault ALTOGETHER. AVm. 16. 13. make thyself a. a prince over us Dent. 16. 20. which is a. just shalt thou follow Psal. 14. 3. they are a. become filthy, Psal. 53, 3 19. 9. judgments of the Lord are righteous a. 39- 5. everj- man at his best state is a. vanity 50. 21. that I was a. such a one as thyself 139. 4. but lo, O Lord, thou knowest it a. Cawr. 5.16. his mouth is sweet, yea, he is a. love John g. 34. thou wast a. born in sins, dost thou A MB 'Serf S5. 29. were almost and a. such as \ am Cur. 5. 10. jet not a. with the fornicators y. 10. or sailh he it a. for our sakes :* I Cur. -i, 1 8. perplexed, but not a. without help ALWAV, ALWAYS, Signifies, [1] Coniinuelly, John 8. CQ. [2] J/3. 7. am /God, to kill and to make alive ? 18.25. am /come up without the Lord, Isa.'^6. 10. .'er. 23. 23. am la. God at hand, saith the Lord Mat. 18. 20. there am I in the midst of them Jo/in 7, 33. yet a little while am i with you 1 Cor. 9. 1. am I not an aposile ? am J not free .' S Cor. 12. 10. when I am weak, then am I strong Her€ A.M I, or Here I A.M. See HuK£. AMAZED. Jnifg. 20. 41. the men of ISenjaniin were a. Ji'& 32. 15. they were a. they answered no more ha. Vi. 8. they shall be a. one at another Ezek. 32. 10. 1 will make many people a, at thee Mat. 19- 25. the disciples were exceedingly a. Mark 2. 12. were all a. and glorifiedGod, Luke 5.26. 14. 33. he began lo be sore a. and verj' heavy Luke 4. 36. all a. and spake among themselves 9. 43. were all a. at l\\e mighty power of God Acts 9- 21. but all that heard Saul were a. AMAZEMLNT. Acts 3. 10. filled wiih a. at what had happened 1 Pet. 3. 6. and are not afraid with any a. AMIiASSADOR. Proo. 13. 17. but a faithful a. is health Jer. 49. 14. an a. sent to the heathen, Odad. 1. Ej/h. 6. 20. for which I am an a. in bouds AMBASSADORS. Josh. 9. 4. went and made as if they had been a. 2 C/iiott. 32. 31. the business of the a. of Babylon 35. 21. he sent a. what have I to do with thee ? La. 18. 2. that sendetb a. by the sea in vessels 30. 4. princes at Zoan, his a. came to Ilanes 33. 7. the a. of peace shall weep bitterly Eiek. 17. 15. be rebelled in sending a. to Egypt S C^r. 5. 20. now then we are a. for Christ A.MBASSAGE. Luke 14. 32. sendtih an a. and desireth conditions AiiUKR ; see Colour. A.MBUSH, RS. Josh.^. 2. lay thee an a £nr the city behind it 12 ANC Jer. 51. 12. set up the watchmen, prepare the a. AMBUSHM£1ST, S. 2 Chntn. 13. 13. Jeroboam caused an a. the a. was 20. 22. the Lord set a. against Ammon AMLN Signifies, m Ilehrew, true^jaithjul, certain^ Jt is made use of likenme to affirm a}iy tilings and uat an affirmation used often f>tf oni Saiiour, uhich is rendeied in our tran-slativn, verily, verily ; amen, amen, I say nutu you, John 3.3,5. Ailthejiro' misesof God are anien tn Chiist ; (hat is, certain andfrfn,i Cor. 1.20. Christ himself , the fatth- ful yrofihet aud teacher of ha Church, is called the *Amen, Kev. 3. 14. In Isa. Co. \Q. shall bless him- self in the God vf truth, and suear hy the God of truth ; lihich in the ilehrew is, the God amen. And It is used tn the end uf prayer in testimony of an earnest uiih, dt»iie, or uanrance 10 ie heard; amen, so be it, so shall it be. The leord amen is itsrd in many lun^uages. Sum. 5- 22. and the woman shall say a. a. Ih-ht. 27. 15. all the peoj^le shall say a. to the end 1 Kiugi 1.3t),I'.eiiaiah answered a. the Lord say so 1 Chron. lti.3t). people said a. and praised the Lord Pjfl/.41.13.from everlasting to everlasting ; fi.anda. 72. ly. eai'th filled wiih his glory ; a. and a. 8y. 52. blessed be the Lord lor evermore, a. 106. 48. ajid let all the people say a. [and a. Jer. 28. 6. even the prophet Jeremiah said a. Mat. 6. 13. the power and the glory for ever, a. 1 Cor. 14. 16. the room of the unlearned, say a. 2 Cor. 1. 20. the promises in him are yeaand «. liev. 1. 18. behold, [ am alive for evermore, a. 3. 14. write these thii.gs, saith the a. the faithful 5. 14. and the four beasts said a. ly. 4. 22. 20. surely I come tjuickly, a, e\ en so, come AMEND. [Lord Je^is Jer. 7. 3. a. ways, and doings, 5. | 20. 13. ( 35. 15. John-i. 52. the hour when he began to a. AMENDMENl. Mat. 3. t 8. bring fruits ans\verable to a. of life AMENDS. Lev. 5. 16. he shall make a. for the harm do..e AMERCE. Dent. 22. 19. they shall a. him in an luO shekels AM£1Hv.st; see Acate and JACi.Mjt. AMIABLE. Psal. 64. 1. how a. are ihy tabernacles, O Lord AMISS. 2 Chron. 6. 37. we have sinned, we have done a. Dan. 3. £9. speak any thing a. against the God Luke 23. 41. but this man hath done nottiiiiL; a. Jam. 4. 3. ask and receive not, because je iuk. a, AMONG. Xum. 14. 14. heard that thou, Lord, art a. tlien: Ezra 10. 18. a. the suns of the priests were found Aei. 13. 2t). yet a, many nations was no king Juli 33. 23. if an interpreter, one a. a thousand 36. 14. and their life isa. the unclean Eicl. 6. 1. there is an evil common a. men 7. 28. one a l,UOO, but a woman a. all those Cant. 5. 10. the chiefest a, ten thousand Jer. 5. 26. a. my people are found wicked men Mic. 7. 2. and there is none upright a. men Luke 1. 28. blessed art thou a. women 10. 3. I Send you forth as lambs a. wolves Juhn 6. 9. but what are they a. so many • Col. 1. i 18. a. all he might have the pre-eminence ANAlllEMA. 1 Cor. 16. 22.1ethim be a. maran-atha ANCESIOKS. Lei. 26.45. reuieuiber the covenant ol their a. ANCHOR. Acts 27. 30. as though they would have cast a. lieO. 6. 19. which hope we have as an a. of the soul ANCIENT Signifies, [1] Old, of former lime, 1 Chron. 4. 22. [2] f^eryi'ld men,. Job 12. IQ. [3] Men of former times, 1 Sam. 24. 13, [4j Oovemors, political and ectlesiiiAticfil, Isa. 3.14. Jer, ly. 1, Deut.S^.15. for the chief things of the a. mountains Judg. 5. 21. that a. river, the river Kishon 2 Emgs ly. 25. of a. times, 1 formed it, Isa. 37. 26. 1 Chron. 4. 22. and these are a. things Ezra 3. 12. were a, men, and had seen the first house J06 12. 12. with the a. is wisdom, and in days Prov. 22. 28. remove not the a. land-mark /ii. 3. 2. prudtnl and a. the Lord doth Uke away 9. 15. the a. and honourable, he is the Lead ly. 11. how say ye, 1 am the sou of a. kings t 23. 7- whose antiquity is of a. days 44. 7- since 1 appointed the a. people 47. 6. upon the a. hast thou laid thy yoke 51. y. awake, O arm of the Lord, as in the a. days Jef. 18. 15. caused them to stumlde from a. paths Ezek. y. 6. then they began at tlie a. men Dan. 7. 9. the a. of days did sii, whose garment 13. one like the .Son of man came to a. of days 22. till the a. of days came, aud judgment [tiven ANG ANCIENTS. 1 Sam, 24. 13. as sailh the proverb of thu a. P.^al. 119. 100. I understand more than tlie a. I^a. 3.1 f. Lord will enter into judumeni with the a 24. 23. the Lord shall reign before his a. Jer. ly. 1. take of a. of the people and a. of priess Eiek. 1. 26. counsel shall perish from the a. 8. 12. son of man, hast thou seen wnal the a. do 27. 9. the a. of Gebal were in thee thy calkers ANCLl-HONES. Alts 3. 7. his a.-hoiicy r. eeived strengto ANCLl.S. 2 5a//;.22.+ 37. that my a. did not slip, Pja/.]8. t3^ L.ek. 47. 3. the waters were to the a ANGEL Signifies, A messenger, 01 bringer if tidings, and la applied [1] To those inteUedualaud iminateria beings, uhom God makes u\e of as his ministers to erecnte the orders of providence, Pev. 22.8. [2] To Chiist, who iu/iif Midiator and Head of the church, Zecb. 1. 12. Kev. 10. 1. [3] To ti-r- nisiers of the gO!-p. there appeared an a. strengthening him John 5. 4. an a. went down at a certain season 12. 29. others said, an a. spake to him Acts 6. 15. as it had been the face of an a. 7 . 35. by haJids of the a . that appeared in the bush 38. in (be wilderness with the a. which spake 10. 7. when the a. which spake to Cornelius £2. was warned from God by an holy a. to send 11. 13. how he had seen an a. iu his house 12. 8. the a. said lo I'eter, bind on thy sandals y. that it was true which was done by the a. 10. and forlhwilh the a. depai'ted from him 11. the Lord hath sent bis a. aud delivered me 15. Khoda atlirmed, then said they, it ib his a 23, 8. the Sadduces say, neither a. nor spirit 9. if a spirit or an a. hath spoken to him 2 CW. 11. 14. is traiisfonned into an a. of light f-'ul. 1. 8. though we or an a. from heaven pre;.c 1 l\et. 1. 1. and he sigiiifiud it by his a. to John 2.1.unlotliea.oflliechurch,8.12, 18. I 3. 1.7, 1-4 5.2. 1 saw a strong a. proclaiming with loud voice 7. 2. 1 saw another a. ascending from the east 8. 3. and another a. came and stood at the altat" 4. ascended before tiod out of the a. bajid 5. the a. look the censer, and filled it with lire 7. the firsta. sounded | 8. second a. I 10. third u 12. fourth a. 1 y, 1. lilih a. I 13. sixth a. soundf^l 8. 13. i heard an a. (lying thro' midst of heaven 9. 11. which is the a. of the bottomless pit 14. saying to the sixth a. loose the four a. 10. 1. I saw auoihev a. comedown, 18. 1. | 20. 1 5. and the a. which 1 saw stand on the sea J. but in the days uf the voice of the seventh a, 8. go and take the book in the hand of the a. lU.l took ihe bookllll. 1. and the a. stood, sajinp 11. 15. seventh a. sounded, and tnere were voictb Eei, 14. 6. 1 saw another a. fly in midst of htav*D ANtJ ff :'. 1 1. 8. anothrr a. followed, saying. Babylon is y. third a loUovPedjl 15. another a. came, 17. 18. 1;^. aiiii tQe a. thrust in his sickle id the earth 16. 2. a. poured out his vial, 3, 4. 8. 10, IS, 17- 5 and 1 heard the a. of the waters say 17. 7. the a. said. ^^-Iierefore didst tbou marv<"l * 18. 21 . and mit;hty a. took up a stone like a great ly. 17. and 1 saw an a. standing in the sun £1. 17. the measure of a man, that is of the a. 2'-. 8. fell down to worship before the feet of a. ifi. I Jesus have sent mine a. to testify to you ANGEL 0/ God. Exod. 14. 19. a. of God who went before removed /(((/§. 13. 6. like die countenance of an a. of God I a^m. 29. 9- art good in my sight, as an a. of God 2.S./WJ. ] 1.17. as an a. of God, so is my lord, IQ. 27. 2l>. wise according to the wisdom of an a. of God .-!( li 27. 2-1. stood by me this night tlie a. of God Gal, 4. 14. but received me as an a. of God ANGEL of the Lord. Gen. 16. 7- o- of the L. found Hagarby a fonntain 9. the a. ot the Lord said to her, 10. 1 1 . | 22. 11 - 22I 32. 35. Jud^. 13. 18. 2 htn^s 1. 3, 15. SCIl a. o*' the L. called to him out of heaven, 15 A'»'/i. 22. 23. ass saw the a. of L. standing. 25. 27. 24. a. of L. stood in a palh^'of the Niiieyards, 20. 31. BaJaani sawa. . t iSliTon.lX.ll.a.of L. destroying throughout coasts 18. a.of the L. commanded Gad to say to David 30. afraid, because of the sword of a. of the Lord Pial.S-i.T . a. of L. cncampeth round them that fear 35. 5. let a. of L. chase them jj 6. persecute them Ztch.l.M. they answered the a. of the L. that stood 12. a. of L. answered, wilt thou not have mercy T.^. a. tf L. stood by Joshua II 6. a.of L. protested 12. 8. house of David as the a. of L. before ihem Mat. 1. 20. a.of L. appeared in a dream, 2. 13, I9. 24. Joseph did as the a.of the L. had bidden him 28. 2. for the a. of the L. descended from heaven Luke 1.11. there appeared to Zacharias an a. of L. 2. 9- a. of L. came upon them, and glorj' of Lord Acts 5. l§.a. of L. by night opened the prison-doors 8. 26. a.of the Lord Spike to Philip, saying, arise 12. 23. a. of L. smote Herod, because he gave not ANGELS. Oen. 19. 1. there came two a. to Sodom at even 15. when the morning arose, the a. hastened Lot M.fl/. 8. 5. a little lower than the a. Heb. 2. 7. 9- (»a. 17. the chariots of God are thousands of a. 78. 25. man did eat a. food, he sent them meat 49- and trouble, by sending evil a. among them Mat. 4. 11. a. came and ministered to, Mark 1. 13. 1.3. 39. end of the world, the reapers are the a. 49. the a. shall come forth and sever the wicked 18. 10. their a. always behold the face of God 24. 36. no man, not the a. in heaven, Mark 13. 32. 25. 31. Son of man. and all the holy a. with him 26 5fi. give me more than twelve legions of a. .l/aT*B.38.when the Son of man cometh in the glory of his Father, with the holy a. Lukeg. 26. i2. 25. nor marry, but are as the a. in heaven Luke 2. 15. as the a. were gone away from them 16. 22. the beggar died, and was carried by the a. 20. 36. nor die, for they are equal ntito the a. 24. 23. that they had also seen a vision of a. /t>/m 20. 12. and seeth two a. in white, sitting 4f«7.5.S.who received the law by disposition of a. tUym. 8. 38. nor life, nor a. able to separate us from 1 Cor. 4. 9-^ spectacle to the world, to a. and men 6. 3. know ye not that we shall judge a. ? ll.lO.to have power on her head, because ofthes. 13. 1. though I speak with tongues of men and o. f'al. 3. 19 it was ordained by a. in the hand "^ot. 2.18. no man beguile you in worshipping of a. Thesi. 1.7. revealed from heaven with mighty a. 'i'im. 3. 16, seen ofa. preached to the Gentiles i>. 21. I charge thee before God and the elect a. Heb, 1. 4. being made so much better than the a. 5. to which of the a. said he at any time, 13. 7- of the a. he saith, who maketh his a. spirits 2. 2. if the word spoken by a. was steadfast 5. to the a. hath he not put in subjection 16. he took not on him the nature of a. but seed 12. 22. and to an innumerable company of a. i%. 2. for some have entertained a. unawares 1 l^et 1 . 12. which things the a. desire to look in'o 13 A NO 1 Per. 3. 22. a. and powers being made subject to him 2 I'ei. 2. 4. if tiod spared not the a. that sinned 11. whereas a. gre.itpr in power and might Jnde 6. the a. who kept not their first estate Uev. 1. 20. seven star*, a. of the seven churches 5. 11. the voice of many a. about the throne 7.1.1 saw four a. standmg on the four corners 2. and he cried with a loud voice to the four a, 11. all the a. stood round about the throne 8. 13. trumpet of the three a. which are yet to sound y.l 1. loose the four a. which are bound in the river 15. the u. were loosed, which were prepared 14. 10. be tormented in presence of the holy a. 21. 12. twelve gates, and at the gates twelve a. ANGELS of God, Oen.^ii.\'2.a.of God ascend, and descend. /c»/i7il. 51, 32. 1. Jacob went his way, and a. of (.rod met him 7Via/.22.30.but as a. (•/' God in tieaveu. Mark 12.25. Liikei2.ii.h\m shall the Son confess before a. of God 9. deniefh me, shall be denied before the a. of God 15. 10. there is joy in the presence of the a. 0/ God Ihh. 1. 6, Itt all the a. u/' t;»'rf worship him lbs ANGELS. J»l)A. 18. and Ins a. he charged with folly /'ia/.gi.ll.give/iii a. charge. MatA.fi. Lide'i.XQ. 103. 20. ye his a. which excel in strength 104. 4. who maketh hts a. spirits, Ileh. 1. 7 . 14«, 2. praise ye him all his a. praise ye him Mat, 13. 41. the Son of man shall send forth his a. 16.27. come in the glory of his Father with his a. 24..31.seiid/ri.ta. with a great sound. Mark 13. 27 25. 41. fire prepared for the devil and his a. Uev. 3. 5. will confess before my Father and A/, a. 12. 7- Michael and his a. the dragon and Am a. 9- the great dragon was cast out, and his a. ANGER, I'erh. Horn. 10. 19. by a foolish nation I wil! a. you ANGER. Geit. 27- 45. till thy brother's a. tnm away 44. 18. and let not thine a. burn against me •J5. f 5. neither let there be a. in your eyes -49. 7- cursed be their a. for it was fierce F.iod. 32. 10. saw the dancing, Moses* a. waxed hot 22. Aaron said, let not the a. of my lord wax hot Dtut. 9. 19. 1 was afraid of the a. and dispie.a.surt' 1-3.17- Lord may turn from the tiercenessuf his a. 29. 24. what meaneth the heat of this great a, .'' Josh. 7 . 1:6. Lord turned from the fierceness of his a. Jnds,. 8. 3. then their a. was abated toward him L^th. 1. 12. Ahasuerus his a. burned in him Jvb 4. + 9- by his a. are they consumed 9. 13- if God will not withdraw his a. the proud Psal. 21 . 9- as a fiery oven in the time of thine a. 30. 5. for his a. endureth but a moment 37- 8. cease from a. and forsaVe wrath, fret not 38. 3. no soundness in my flesh because of thine «. 69. 24. let thy wrathful a. lake hold of them 74. 1. why doth thy a. smoke against the sheep 78. 21. and a. also came up agaio^t Israel 38. many a time turned he his a. away 49. he cast on them the fierceness of his a. 5 ). he made a way to his a. he spared them not 85. 3. hast turned from tlic fierceness of thine u. ■I. and cause thine a. towards us to cease 5. wilt thou draw out thine a. to all generations '. i^'d. 7. for we are consumed by thine a. 11. who knoweth the power of thine a- ? 103. 9. nor will he keep his a. for ever, /^r. 3.5. Prov. 15. 1. but grievous words stir up a. 19. 11. the discretion of a man deferreth his a. 21. 14. a gift in secret pacifieth a. 22. 8. and the rod of his a. shall fail 27. 4. wrath is cruel, and a. is outrageous Eccl. 7. 9- ''• rcsteth in the bosom of fools 11 t 10. therefore remove a. from thy heart Isa. 5. 25. for all this his a. is not turned away, 9- 12, 17. 21. 1 10- 4. 7. 4- fear not, for the a. of Rezin with Syria 10. 5. O Assyrian, the rod of mine a. and si .fF 25. shall cease, and my a. in their destruction 12. 1, though thou wast anjrry, thine a. is turned 13. 9. the day of the Lord cometh with fierce a. 13. and in the day of his fierce a. Lam, 1. 12. 30.27. name of the Lord cometh burning with a. 30. the Lord shall shew the indignation of his a. 42. 25. therefore he poured on him the fury of a, 48. 9. for my name's sake will I defer mine a. ^5. f 5. these are a smoke in mine a. 66. 15. Lord will come to render his a. with fury Jer. 2. 35. surely his a. shall turn from me 3.12. I will not cause mine a. to fall on you, I am merciful, and I will not keep mme a. for ever 4. 26. all the cities were broken down by his a. 7. 20. mine a. shall be poured on this place 18. 23. deal mth them in the time of thine a. 25. 38. the land is desolate because of his a. 32. 31, city hath been as a provocation of mine a. 36. 7- great i . the a. the Lord hath pronounced 42. 18. ao mine a. hath been poured on Jerus.^lem 44. 6. wherefore mine a. was poured forth A NO Jer. 49. 37. t will bring evil on them, my fcrc? a Lar/i.i i.remen.berednol his footstool in the day o 6. Lord hath despised in the indignation of his a 2 1 . thou hast slaiii them in the day of thine a. 22. in the day of the Lord's a, none escaped 3. 13. thou hast covered wiih a. and persecuted u 4. 11. he hath poured out his fierce a. I'-ek. 5. 13. thus snail mine a. be accomplished 7. 3. and I will send mine a. upon thee 8. and accomplish mine a. on ti;ee, 20. 8, 21 25. 14. shall do in Edom, according to mine a 35. 11. I will even do according to thine a, DitH. 9. 16. let thine a. be turned away J Jos. II. 9. will not execute the fierceness of mine a 14. 4. for mine a. is turned away from him Amos 1. 11. his a. did tear perpetually, and kepi Joitah 3, 9. if God will turn from his fierce a. A/iV, 7. 18. ho retained not his a. for ever Aa/j. 1. 6. who can abide the fierceness of his a. i Uai. 3. 8. was thine a. against the rivers.' Zef)h. 3 8- to pour upon them all my fierce a. Mark 3. 5, when he had looked on them with a A>A. 4. 31. let all a. be put away. Vol. 3. 8. ANGER «/ the Li>rd. K'tm. 25. 4. fierce a- of the Lord may be turned 32.1 1. to augment the a. of the L>rd ag-Aiust Isr.iel Dent. 29. 20. the a. of the Lord shaW smoke agaii'st /Hfl'£:.2. 14. a. (iHt//ft/ against Rachel Exod. 4.14. the a. of the Lord was k. against Moses Num. 11. 1. a. oftheL. was*. 10. | 12-9. |22.22 22. 27. Balaam's a. was A. and he smote the ass 24. 10. Balak's a. was kindled against Balaam 25.3. the a. of the Lord was kindled against Israel 32. 13. Josh. 7. 1. 2 5am. 24. 1. 2 Kings 13. 3. 32. 10. the Lord's a. was kindled the same time I>eKr.6.15. leslthea. of the Lord be k. against ihep 7. 4. so will the a. of the Lord be *. against you 29. 27. the a. of the Lord was k. against this land 31. 17. mine a. shall be kindledin that day, Joih [23. 16 32.22. for a fire is kindled in mine a. Jer. 15. 14. Jndg. 9. 30. Zebul's a. was kindled against Oaal 14.19. Samson's a. *. and he went up to his father'i 1 Aaai.11.6. when Saul heard, his a. was k. greatly 17.28.Eliab*sa. was*, against David, and he said 20. 30. Saul's a. was kiiidled against Jonathan iSam.6.7. a. of L. *. against Uzzah, 1 Chr. 13. 10 12. 5. David's a. was kindled against the man 2 A'lijgf 23. 26. the wrath wherewith his a. was / 2 Chron. 25. 10. their a. was kindled against Juda' 15. a. of the Lord was kindled against Amaziah Isa. 5. 25. the a. of the Lord *. against hi."; peoi.lr- Jer. 17. 4, for ye have kindled a fire in mine u Hos. 8. 3. mine a. is kindl. against them, how long Zech.\0,3. mine a. w^xs kindl. against the -iLcpbiTfl ANO Provoke or Provnied-to ANOI-^R. Deiit. 4. 25. to provoie him to a. Q. 18. | 31. cy. Ajwi7s 17. 17. ( ei. a. \ 23. IQ. 2 CVir. 33. 6. .HC. 10. with abominations /Jicwo^erf they him to a. 21. they have /T. me f<> a. I will pr. them /o a, Jiii/^. C. Ifi. ihey hewed to them, and pr. the I-. to a. 1 A ines li.Q. made molten images topr.io a. 15.30. 15. made their groves //r. the Lord to a. It. 7. l-*. H').2.lopr. me to «.wilh their sins, S Kings 17.11. Jer. 11. 17. I 32.29, ^2. Eze/c. 16.26. ^'i. Ahab did more to yr.lhe Lord to a. than all VI. 22. wherewith thou hast provoked me to a. 22. 53 Ahaz //r. fi» a. the Lord God of Israel - Kings 21. 15. tht-y have pruiuked me to a. since the day 2i;. 17, forsaken me, that they might /»ro[o*« me to a. 2 C/jr«?t. 34. 25. Jer. 25. 7. 2 Chron. 28, 25. ; a. siiineth against /f«. 1. *. they have yr. the Holy One of Israel to a. 65. 3. a people that provoke me to a. continually ler.J, 1 I. that they may /^roryif me /o a. [yr.toa. ly. dr they pr. me /oa. || 8. ly. why have tiiey 25. G.p. me not to fl.||32.30. Israel have /v. me to a 4-|., 3. r. pir wickedness to ^ir. niei'wfl. iztf-t. 8. 17. /.'te^.32 fy. i will ;*rwutii(-« ro a. the hearts of many //('•v, 12. 14. Lphraim provoked him to a. bitterly L\'l. 3. 21. fathers, jTovoke uot your children to a. ^iow to ANGER. XeA. g. 17. thou a God ready to pardon, tlowto a Psai. 103. 8. s/ou' to a. plenteous in mercy, 145. 8. Prov. 15.18. he that is iloiv to a. appeaseth strife l6. 32. he that is j/fai to a. better than the mighty Jitel 2. 13. slow to a. of great kindness, Jonah 4. 2. A'aA. 1. 3. the Lord is slom to a. £ieal in power ANGKRED. I SatH. 1. 1 6. and her adversary also a, her sore 7'ju/. 106. 32. they a. him at the waters of strife ANGLE. fsa. ly. 8. and all they that cast a. shall lameat iiab. 1. 15. tl.ey lake up all of them wiih the a. ANtlKY. Gen. 18. 30. let notjlie Lord be a. I'll speak, 32. 45. 5. be not a. with yourselves that ye sold me Lev. 10. l6. and Moses was a. with Eleazar and Veut. 1. 37. the Lord was a. with me for you, 4. 21. 0, 8. Lord was a. with you to have destroyed you 20. the Lord was very a. with Aaron, I prayed Jndg. 18. 25. lest a. fellows run upon thee 8 -bam. ly. 42. wherefore be ye a. for this matter 1 Kings \i.\Q. and thou be «. with them, 2 CA.6. 36. 11. p. and the Lord was a. with Solomon, because 2 hiyigs 17. 18. therefore the L. was «, with Israel Ezra y. 14. wouldst thou not be a. with us till thou Ae//. 5. 6. 1 was very a. when i heard their cry Ptal. 2. 12. kiss the Son, lest he be a. and ye perish 7- H. God is a. with the wicked everj- day 76. 7- who may stand when once thou art a.? 7y. 5. how long will thou be a. ? 80. 4. | 85. 5. Vrov. 14. 17. he that is soon a. dealeth foolishly 21. ly. dwell ill wilderness, than wiih an f2. woman 22. 24. make no friendbhii) with an a. man 25. 23. so doth an a. countenance a backbiting 2y 22. a. man stirrelh up strife, and a furious man Et'f/. 5.6. whiTefore should God be a. at thy voice 7. 9. be not hasty in thy spirit to be a. Cant. 1. 6. my mother's children were a- with me lia. 12.1. though thouwasta. wiih me. thine aiij;er Kzek. iG. 42. I will be quiet, and wil! be no mure «. Dan. 2. 12. for this cause the king was a. Jonah 4. 1, it displeased .lonah, and he was very u. 4. the Lord 5aid, Dost ihou well to bea. .-' \\. y. he said, 1 do well to be a. even unto death Mat 5. 22. whosoever is a. with his broriier Liikt 1 4. 2 1 . the master uf the house being a. '\b. 48. and he was a, and would not go in John 1 . 2.t. are ye a . at uie because 1 have made EffhA.t^.'iie It. and sin not, let not the sun go down Vtt, 1.7- a bishop nmst be blameless, not soon a. tUv. 11. 18. ihe nations were a. thy wrath is come ANGUISH. 'jcn. 42 21. guilty, in that we saw the a. of his soul Eioa. 6. 9- but they hearkened not to Moses for a. Uem. 2. 25. tremble, and be in a. because of thue 1 Sam. 1. y. slay me, for a. is come upon me Jo6 7.11.1 will sjieak in the a. of my spirit 15. 24. trouble and a. shall make him afraid Pio/.lig.l43.iroublt: and a. have taken hold on me Prov 1. 27- when distress and a, come upon you /jfi.8. 22. look to the earth, and behold dimness of a. 3u. 6. into the land of trouble and a . from whence Jer. 4. 31 . the a- as of her that brmgeth forth child 6.24. a. hath taken hold of us, 4y. 24. | 50.43. Jo/in 16.21. she reraembereth no more her a. for joy Kowi. 2,9, tribulation and a. upon every soul of man iCur.2,4. for out of mnch a. of heart 1 wrote to you ANISE. Mat S3. 2^. ye pay tithe of mint, a. act' cummin U ANO ANOINT Signifies,[l] Toj'ouroiltipon,Geiu^n. 18. I 31.13. [2] To cojueerale and set one apart to an ojfice ; anoinling betng generality pmrttied amon^ the Jews on that occufton, to denote the person's heing etidved with the gij'ts and grare\ of the SjitrU, Exod, 28. 41 . [3^ Jo use spiritual means 10 get ioviKg kni'-ii-ledgi', Rev. 3. 18. [4] To smear, or daub. John y. 6. II. [5] One parti- c*ilar/y de.iigued and chosen by Ovd to be the Knig, Pnett, and Prof/u't •'/ his chuich, nameltf, C'hritt Jems, who aasjilied liifh the Holt/ Ohoit in an ejtraordinart/ mannxr, and thei eby cijisecraled and authorised to be the Messiah, I'sal. 2. 2. | 45. 7. Acts 4. 27. [&] W ki7ig. Lam. 4. 20. 'louch not mine anointed. Psal. 105. 15. Hmt not the people consecrated to mt/selj by the gijts and graces of my i>pirit, uoi those especiolly annmg them to ichom 1 J'amiliutly reveal my mtnd and mil, that they mat/ Itach others. J hou anointest my head with oil, Psal. 23. 5. Thou hesloti'e\t I'pim me the coniolatiom oj thy Spii it. ■| he aJiointing, 1 John 2. £7. 'Jhe .^/'^;lr oj illu- mhintion i great knowledge in hemenly things. i-j-.'rf. 28.41. shalta.aud consecrate, 30. .30'. I 40. 15. 2y. 7- take anointing oil and a, him, 40. 13. 36. Ihou shall a. the altar to sanctify it, 40. 10. 31). 26. thou shall a. lli* tabernatle, 40. y. 40. 1 1 . thou shall a. the laver and his foot Lev 16. 32. and the priest whom he shall u. Deut, S8. 40. but thou shall Qol a. ihyselXwith fil Jndt;. 9. 8. the trees Mfiut to a. a Ling over iheui 15. if in truth ye a. me king over you Ruth 3. 3. wash thyself theretore and a. thee 1 iam.y.lfi. shall a. him to be captain over Israel 15. 1. the Lord sent me to a. thee king over Israel 16. 3. ihou shall a. him whom I name unto thee 12. the Lord said, arise, a. him, tliis is he Z-Sarn. 14. 2. a. not thyself with oil, but be as 1 Kittgs 1. 34. let Zadok a. him king over Israel 19 15. a. liazael king l| iC. a. Jehu, a. Elisha Isa. 21. 5. arise ye princps. and a. the shield Vari. 9. 24. seal up the vision, and a, the most Holy 10. 3. neither did 1 a. myself at all, till ueeks Amos 6. 6. a. themselves with the chief ointments Mic.6. 15. shall tread the olives, but not a. thee Mai. 6. 17- when thou fastest a. thine head Mark 14.8. she is come to a. my body to the burj-ing 16. 1. had bought spices that they nii;xht a. him Lvkt: 7- 40. my head with oil thou didst not a. liev. 3. 18. and a. thine eyes with eye-salve ANOINIED. Eiod. 29.29. garm. be Aaron's-sons after him, too. Lev. 4. 3. if the priest that is a. do sin according to 6. 20. the offering of Aaron, when he is a, 7. 36. in ihe day that he a. them, by a statute 8. 10. a. the tabernacle II 11. a. the altar, lS'um.1.\. 12.Woses poured oil on Aaron's head, and a, him A'i(m.3.3.namesof the sous of Aaronwhicli were a. 7. 10. the princes offered after it was a. 84, 88. 1 Auw;. 10.1. Ihe Lord a. thee captain||15.17-a. Saul 16.13. a. David,2*aw;. 2.4.7. |5. 3, 17- I 12.7. 2 Kings g. 3,6, 12. lVhT07i.\\. 3. | 14.8. 2 Sam. 2. 7. the house of Judahhave a. me king 3. .sy. I am this day weak, though a. king, the sons 12. 20. David arose from the earth, and a. himself 23. I. David the a. of the God of Jacob said Psal. 2. 1 6. yet have 1 a. my king on Zion /j«. 61.1. the Lord hath a. me topreadi. Z-wit'4.18. Ezek. C8. 14. thou art the a. cherub that covers Luke 7. 38. she kissed his feet and a, them 46. but this woman hath a. my leel with ointment John 1 . t 41 . we found the Messiah, which is tlie a. y. (). he a. the eyes of the blind man with clay 11. Jesus Biadc clay, and a. mine eyes 11. 2. it was that Mary which a. the Lord 12. 3. then took Mary ointment and a. feel of Jesus Acts 4. 27. holy cnild Jesus, whom thou liast a. 10. 38. how God a. Jesus of Nazareth with holy 2 Cor. 1. 21. he whteh hath a. us is God ANOINTED Ones, Zech. 4. 14. these are the two a. ones which stand His ANOINTED, l5am.2. 10. give strength, and exalt horn of /«/>a. 12. 3. witness against me before the Lord and his a. 5. the Lord and his a. is witness this day 2 Sam. 22. 51. sheweth mercy to his a. Pja/. 18.50. Psal. 2. 2. against the Lord, and against Ins a. 20. 6. now Vnow I that the Lord savelh hn a. 28. 8. and he is the saving strength of his a. La. 45. 1. thus saith the Lord to his a. to Cyrus J^-d's ANOINTED. 1 Slim. 16. 6. surely the Loid's a. is before him 24.6. I should do this to my master, the Lord's a. 10. put my hand against my lord, for he is L. a. 26.9. stretch his hand .igaiuit i,.a.and be guiltless 16, to die. because ye h.we not kept the lord's a. 2 6(»m.l. 14. wast thou nola'"T'aid to destroy the L.af 19. 21. put to death because he cursed the Vs. a. Liim. 4. 20. the a. of Lord was taken in their pils ANS Mine ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 2. 35. he shall walk before niiwe a. forever 1 Vhron. 16. 22. touch not mine a. P»al. 105. l£ Psal. 132. I". 1 have fird;.ined a lamp for mine a ANOINTED uith Oil. Kum. 35. 25. death of high priest a. with holy c 2 Sam. 1. 21, as though he had not been a. n-tih ot. V'j/iy. 45.7 -God a. thee Tilth wi/ of gladness, /i. .1 .9 89. 20. nith my holy oil have 1 a. him 92. 10. my horti exalt. I shall be «, uilh fresh oil ■Jline ANOINILD. 2 Chion. 6.42. O Lord God, turn not away the fac of ihine a. Psal. I:i2. l(i Psal. R4. 9- behold, O God, Kok on f ce oi thine o 8y. .38. thou hast been wroth with ihine a. 51. they have reproached the fools' rpB of rAine a. llab. 3.13. wente»l even for sslvaiion with thine a. ANOINIEDST. Cen. 31. 13. 1 aDi the God of Kelh-el where thou a Piul, 23. 5. a. mv head with oil, my tup ruonelh ANOIN'ilNG. Eiod. 40, 15. iheira. be an everlasting priesihood 7>a. 10.27- yoke shaJl be destroyed becauseof the a 1 Jvhi 2. 27. but the a. which ye have received of him 35 the same a. teacheth you ail thing' ANUlN'l ING Oil. [cense Ejvd. 37- 29. he made the Imly a. oil and pure in- Lev. 8. 12. he poured of ihe a. oil on Aaron's head 10. 7. tor the a. oil of the Lord is upon you 21. 10. on whose head the a. oil was poured A WW. 4. 16. to the office of Eleazar pertaiueth a. cti Jam. 5, 14. q, him with oil iu the uame of the ANON. [Loid Mai. 13. 20. heareth, and a. with joy receiveth ii Mark 1. 3o. mother lay sick, and a. they tell him ANOillER. [of her Gen. 4. 25. appointed me a. seed instead of Abel 30. C4. the Lord shall add to me a. son 43. 7. the man asked us, have ye a. brother ? /:.>»'(/. 22. 9-lost thing, which a. challengeih to be his l>v. 18. t IH. thou shall not lake one wife to a. ^iim. 14. 24. Caleb, because he had a. spirit Jvi/g. 2. 10. a. generation that knew not the Lord 16. 7. then shall I be weak, aud be as a. men 1 Sam. 10. 6. ajid shall be turned into a. man 9- and it was so, that (iod gave liim n. heai't 2 Chron. 20. t 22. aud they smote one n. Lsih. 1. 19. let the king give her royal estate to a. Job 19. 27 . whom mine eyes shall behold and not a Psal. loy. 8. let a. take his office. Acts 1. 20. Prov. 25. 9. aud discover not a secret to a. 27. 2. let a. praise thee, and not thy own mouth Isa. 4C. 8. my glorv will I not give to a. 48. 11. 44. 5. a. shall call himself by the name of Jacob 57. 8. thou hast discovered thyself to a. than me 65. 15. and shall call his servants by a. uame 66. + 17. and purify themselves one after a. Ih's. 3. 3. and thou shall not be for a. man 4- 4. yet let no man strive ntir reprove a. Mat. 11. 3. art thou he, or do we look for a. f Mark 14- 19- began to say. is it I ? a. said, is it 1 ' Lnke^Q.' . then said he to a. how much owest thou 12. if not faithful in that which is a. man's 2 Cor. 11. 4. a. Jesus, a. Spirit, or a. gospel Gal. 1. 7, which is not a. but there be some 6. 4. then have rejoicing in himself, aud not in a 1 'lim. 6.15. gallings one of a. destitute of the trult /yf/.3.13. exhort one a. while callid to day, 10.25 4. 8. he would not have spoken of a. day One A^UTHllR. ■^'(i.7. will call on thee, for thou wilt«. me,38.*15. 102. e. in the day when I call a. me speedily 108. (1. save with thy right hand, and a. me 143. J. O Lord, in thy faiihfuloess a. me Pfor. 15. 28. heart of the righleous studieth to a. 22. 21. that thou mightest a. the words of truth '26. 5. a. a fool according to his folly, lest he be ^..1. 14. 32. what shall one then «. the messengers 50. 2. when I called w ' 7a'i7/ ANS\V£R. /oAI3.22.call. 7tP)V/a. 14. 15. Ps. 9I. 15. Ji;r.33.3. ha. 65. 2i. come to pa5S, before they call 1 trill a. Lzek. 14. 4. /the 'LutAwHI a. him that cometh,7. Not ANSWER. den. 45. 3. Joseph's brethren could not a. bim Eiod. 23. Zech. 1. 1.1. the Lord a. the angel that talked Mat. 20. i;i. he a. one of ihem aud said, friend 25. 26. his lord a. and said, thou wicked servant ANSWERED 7iot. \ Sam. 4. 20. she a. not, iwr did she regard it i\. 37. but he a. him rw/ that day, 28. 6. 2 Sa7n. 22. 42. looked, but a. them not, Ps. 18. 41- 1 Kinsi 18. 21. and the people a. him not a word, 2 hin§s 18. 3(3. ija. 36. 21. Jer. 7. 13. and I called you, but ye a. 7tot, 35. 17- AJat. 15. 23. but he a. her not a word ANSWERED and iaid. Exod. 4. 1. Moses a. ami said, will not believe they 2 A'ln^iJ.tS.one of hi^servants a. ant/ ,y«irf, let some Neh. 2. 20. then a. I them and said unto them J..A3.+2.Jobfl.aHdJ.6.1. I9.L I 12-1 I I6.I- I l^l- i.fa.21.9.hefl. and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen Jer. 11. 5. then a. I and said, so be it, O Lord ANSWEREDST. Pial. 99. 8. thou a. them, O Lord our God, thou 138. 3. in the day when 1 cried thou a. me ANSWEREST. 1 Sam.Qd. 14. David cried, a. thou not, Abner? Job 16. 3. what emboldeneth thee, that thou a. ? Mat. 26. 62. a. thou nothing ? Mark 14. 60. | 15. 4. Jo/tn 18. 22. a. thou the high-priest so? Kom. 9 I 20 who art thou that a. against God ? ANSWERETH. 1 Sam. 28. 15. God is departed and a. me no more 1 Kings 18. 24. let the God that a. by 5re, be God Job 12. 4. who calleth on God, and he a. him Prov. 18. 13. that a. a matter before he heareth 23. the poor intreat, but the rich a. roughly 27. 19. as face a. to face, so the heart of man F.ccl. 5. 20. God a. him in the joy of his heart lO.i9.wine maketh merry, but money a. all things iVfl/.2.tl2.Lord will cut oft him that waketh and a. Gal 4. 25. and a. to Jerusalem that now is ANSWERING. l.nie 23. 40. but the other a. rebuked him Ti:. 2. 9. servants be obedient, not a. again ANT, S. Prov. 6. 6. go to the a. thou sluggard, consider 30. 25. the a. are a people not stronc;, vet prepare ANTIQUITY. Jsa. 23. 7. joyous cilv, whose a. is of ancient davs ANVIL. Jsa. 41. 7. encouraged him that smote the a, ANY. l\rod. 11. 7. against a. of the children of Israel Lev, 4. 2. if a soul shall sin against a. of the com. majidments, 13. 22, 2T. ( 5. 17 6. 3. lieth, in a. of all these that a man doth Dt'H/.32.39. nor a. that can deliver out of my hand 2 Sam. 7.7. spake I a word with a. 1 Chron. 17. 6. 9. 1. is there yet a. left of the bouse of Saul .' 1 Kings 18. 26. was no voice, nor a. that answered Job 33. 27. he looketh, and if a. say. I have sinned Psal. 4. 6. many say, who will shew us a. good ' 5. + 9. no faithfulness in the mouth of a. of them Prov. 30. 30. a lion tunieth not away for a. 7ia.44. 8. there is no God, I know not a. Amos 6. 10. he shall say, is there yet a. with thee ? Mark 8. 26. nor go nor tell it to a. in the town 11. 25. forgive, if ye have ought against a. LiikeQ. 43. had spent all, nor could be healed of a. Acts^. 2. if he founds, of this way. men or women 1 Cyr.6.12. I will not be brought under power of a. Jam. 1. 5. if a. lack wisdom, let him ask of God 1 p£t. 3. 9. not willing that a. should perish 2 JuA/ilO.if therecome a. and bring not this doctrine See FURTHEB,GOD, Man, MORE,THiNO,Tl.ME, Wise. Any mhtle, see Dead. APACE, see Flee, Fled. APART. Exod. l.'i. 12. shalt set a. all that open the matrix i>r. 15. 19 she shall be put a. seven days 18. ly. thou shalt not approach, as long as she is a. Neb. 12. t47- set a. holy things to the Levites Psal. 4. 3. the Lord hath set a. him that is godly Zech. 12. 12. every family a. their wives a. 14 Mat. 14. 13. Jesus departed into a desert place a. C3.he went up into amounlaina. 17-1- Luke 9.28. 17. 19. then came the disciples to Jesus a Mark 6. 31. and he said, come ye yourselves a. Jam. 1. 21. wherefore lay a. all filthiuess ArsLS.see PEACOciis. APIECE. Num. 3. 47. thou shalt take five shekels a. by poll 7. 86. the golden spoons weighing ten shekels a. 17. 6- every one of their princes gave him a rod a. 1 Kings 7. 15. two pillars eighteen cubits high a. Luke g. 3. neither take money, nor have two coats a. John 2. 6. containing two or three firkins a. Apollyon, see Greek.. APOSTLE Signifies, A messenger sent npon any special errand, Rom. 16. 7. 2 Cor. 8. 23. It is applied [1] 71. Christ JeitLs ; who was sent from heaven to at. our nature, and u:orkout ittlvatton, with atuhorittf Al'P to execute Ms prophetical and all his ojfices, and t- send J'vrlh An apostles to publish the ^y,v/ff/,IK-b.3 1. [2] To a minister immediately tent li\i Christ t-. preach the gospel. Mat. 10. 2. Gal. 1. 1. R'jm. 1. 1. Paul called to be an a. 1 Cor. 1. I 11. 13. inasmuch as 1 am the a. of the Gentilt 1 Cor. 9. 1. am I not an a. / am I not free ? 2. 15. 9. that am not meet to be called an a. 2 Cor. 1. 1. Paul an a. of Jesus Christ, E.ph. 1. 1 Cvl. 1. 1. 1 Ttm. 1. 1. 2 Tim. 1. 1. Oal. 1. 1 12. 12. the signs of an a. were wrought among yoi 1 7i«i.2.7.whereto I am ordained an a. 2 7i"j.l H. Tit. 1.1. Paul a ser\ant uf God, and a. of Chris! iieA.S.l.cousider the a. and high-priest of our prof. APOSTLES. Mat. 10. 2. now the names of the 12. a. are theS' Mark6. 30. the a. gathered themselves together Luke 6. 13- he chose twelve, whom he named a. 9. 10. the a. when they were returned, told him 11. 49. I will send ihem prophets and a. 17. 5. the a. said to the Lord, increase our fail!, 22. 14 he sat down, and the twelve a. with bim 24. 10. the women told these things to the a. Acts 1. 26. he was numbered with the eleven a. 2. 43. many signs were done by the a. 5. 12. 4. 35. laid them down at the a. feet, 37. | 5. 2. 5. 18. laid their hands on the a. and put them 8. l.were all scattered abroad, except the a. Rom. 16. 7. who are of note among the a. 1 Cor. 4. g. God hath set forth us the a. last 12. 28. God bath set first a. \\ 29. are all a. 15. y. for I am the least of the a. that am not meet 2 Cor. 11.5. not a whit behind the cbiefesta. 12.11, 13. such are false a. deceitful workers Gal. 1.17. nor went to them that were a . before me 19. but other of the a. saw I none, save James Eph. 3. 5. as it is now revealed to his holy a. 4 11. he pave some a. and some prophets 1 Thess. 2. 6. been burdensome as the a. of Christ 2 Psr. 3. 2. of the commandment of us the a. of Lord Jude 17. the words spoken before of the a. Jiev. 2. 2. them which say they are a. and are no: 18. 20. rejoice over her, ye holy a. and prophe'i APOSTLESIIIP Signifies, The office of the apostles , uhich uas, tc preach the gospel, baptize, work miracles, plznt ana conjirm churches, and ordain miniiterst^la,l.\0. 1. 28. 19. Acts 14. 23. 1 Cor. 3. 6. Acts 1. S5. that he may tAe part of this a. Bom. 1. 5. by whom we have received grace and a 1 Co.'. 9. 2. the seal of mine a. are ye in the Lord Gal. 2.8. wrought effectually in Peter to the a. APOTHECARY. Exod. 30. 25. ointment compounded after art of a. 35. a confection after the art of the a. 37- 2y. Eccl. 10. 1. dead flies cause the ointment of the a. APPARENTLY. Num. 12. 8. with him will I speak even a. and not APPAREL. .f'/dg. 14. 1 19- Samson slew 30 men, and hiok a. 2 Sam. 12. 20. David arose and changed his a. 1 Kings 10. 5. queen of Sheba had seen the attend- ance of his ministers, and their a. 2 Chron. 9. t Jsa. 3. 22. the changeable suits of a. and man'Ies 4.1. we will eat our own bread and wear our own a. 63. 1. who is this that is glorious in bis a. f Zeph. 1. 8. and all such as are clothed in strange a. Acts 1. 10. two men stood by them in white a. 20.33. I have coveted no man's silver or a. lTim.2.9.thatwomen adorn themselves in modesta. Jam. 2. 2. if a man come in goodly a. and a pooi 1 Pet. 3. 3. not of wearing gold, or putting on a ^Vf Royal. APPARELLED. 2 Sam. 13.1Q. the king's daughters, virgins, were, a Luke 7 . 25. behold they which are gorgeously a APPEAL, r.D. [21, Acts 25. 11. no man deliver me, 1 a. unto Cesar, 26. 32. been set at liberty, if he had no., a. to Cesar 28. I9. 1 was constrained :o a. to Cesar APPEAR Signifies, [1] To be in sight. Gen. 1. Q. Heb. 11. 3 [2] To come befoie, Exod. .34.23. Ads 22. 30 [3] To be discovered, or laid open, Jer. 13. 20 [4] Topreseyit one's self as an adiocate,\\e^.^.2i. Gen. 1.9. God said, let the dry land a. and it was so Exod. 23. 15. and none shal"! a. before me empty, ^4. 20. I>eut. 16. 16 17. three times in the year all males shall a 34. 24. desire thy land, when thou shalt go to a. Dtu^31.11.uhen all Israel is come to a. before L Psal. 42. 2. when shall I come and a. before God 90, 16. let thy work a. to ihy servants, and glory Cant. 2. 12. the flowers a. on the earth, the time I 4. 1. thy hair as a flock of goats that a. 6. 5 Isa. 1. 12. when ye come to a. before me Jer. 13. 26. will discover, that thy shame may o Elf*. 21. 24. 50 that in all your doings your sms ilnj. Mat. 6. 16. that they may a. to men tu last 23. 28. even so ye outwardly a. righteous f-jtrt i. M lit. a. 30 Xhen sliall a. the sign of the Son of man L'ife li.4■^. for ye are a-s graves which a. uoi ly. 11. they Ihouglil the kingdom of God should n. .■Ic/s^6. 16. of things in which 1 will a. to thte livm. 7. 13. but sill, that it might a. sin, working C Cor. 5.10. we must all a. before the judgmeut-ieat CfL .1. 4. when Christ who is our lite s'hal! a. then 1 Vim. 4. 15. that thy profiting may a. to all U'6. 9. 24. now to a. in the presence of God for us Cy.to ihcm shall he a. the second time to salvation 1 1. .■(. were not made of things which do a. 1 i'etA.lH. where shall the ungodly and siiinera. ? 5. 4. when the chief Shepherd shall a. shall receive 1 Ji'/t»'J.CB.\vhen he shall n.we niayhave confidence A. 2. it dolh not yet a. what we shall be, l>ut we know that when he shall a. we shall be like him liei'. 3. 18. the shame of thy nakedness do not a. AVVl'.AU, refeireii to fiuu. Lev. 9. 4. for to-day ihe Lord will a. to you, 6. Hi. 2. i will a. in the cloud on the mercy-seat 1 Ham. 2. 27. d.d I plainly a. to the house of thy father £ Chron. 1. 7. that night did God a. to Solomon l'.\al. 102. It), build up Zion, he shall a. in his glory ijvj.lj6.5.but he shall a. to your joy, they ashamed .'icts 20. 16. of those things in the which 1 will a. APPEAUANCK. h'^nm. 9. 15. was on labernacle as the a. of fire. 16. 1 •'Sam. 16. 7- for man lookelh on ihe outward n. /-J'/«.8.15.stood before me as the a. of a man, 10. IB. I0.(). his face as the a. of lightning, his eyea as J,hn 7. 24. jiidse not according to the a. but judi;e 2 Cor. 5. 12. which glorj- in a. and noi in heart 10. ■( 1. who in outward a. am base among you 7- do ye look on things after the outward a. ? 1 'i'hess, 5. 22. abstain Irom all a. of evil APPLAKED. f'f«. 12.7 -the L. a. to Abram and said.lT.l. | 115. 1. 21). 2. the Lord a. to Isaac, and said, go not, 2t. 48. 3. Jacob said, God Alniighiy a. to nie at L,uz Emd. 3.2. ancjel of the Lord a. in midst of the bush 4. I. they will say, the Lord hath not a. to thee ti. 3. I (I. to Abraham byname of God Almighty 14. 27. the sea returned when (he morning a. 2 -Sam. 22. 1(1. and the cliannels of the sea a. 1 Kiii^x 11.9. which had a. to Solomon twice B Kiiie^ 2. 11. behold there a. a chariot of Sre AVA. i. 21. we laboured in the work till the stars a. fer. 31. 3. the Lord halh a. of old to me, saying Mat. 2. 7. Herod inquired what time the star a. 13. 2*3. the blade sprung, then a. 'he tares also 17-3. there a. to them ftlosesand Llias, iliarX9.4. 27-53. and went into the holy city, and a. to many '^JarA 16 9. Jesus a. first to Mai-y Magdalene I2.aflerthat he a. in another form tatwo of them 14. after he a. to the eleven as tliey sat at meat Liiie 1 . 1 1 . there a. to him an angel of the Lord 9. 31. who a. in glorj', and spake of his decease '*2. 43. there a. an angel to him,streiiglhening him 24. 34. the Jjsrd is risen indeed, and a. to Simon Wr/j 2. 3. there a. to them cloven tongues like fire 7. 2. the (.iod of glory a. to our father Abraham y. 17. even Jesus, that a. to thee in the way 2()- 16. I have a. to thee for this purpose 27. 20. and when neither sun nor stars a. Til. 2. 11. the grace of God hath a. to all men 3. 4. after the love of God toward man a. fleb. 9, 26. in the eud hath he a. to put away sin Uev. 12. 1. there a. a great wonder in heaven. 3. APPLAKiVni. I^v. 13.43. as the leprosy a. in the skin of the flesh Ih-itt. 2. 30. that he might deliver him, as a. this Pial. 4(3. t 5. God shall help her, when morning a. &4. ?• every one of them in '/Aon a. before God I'rov. 27. 25. the hay a. and the tender grass ./tT.6.1.1 r evil a. out of the north, and destruction Mai. 3. 2. and who shall stand when he a. ? Jam. 4. 14. your life is even as a vapour that a. APPEARING. J Tim. 6, 14. keep commandment till a. of our L. 2 Tim. 1.10. hut is now made manifest by the a. 4. 1. who shall judge the quick and dead at his a. R. but to all them also that love his a. Tic. 2. 13. looking for glorious a. of the great God 1 Ptt. 1. 7. be found to praise at the a. of Jesus APPEASE. Gen. 32. 20. I will a. him with the present Al'PEASEI), ETIL Esth.Z. 1. Ahasuerus a. he remembered Vashti Prov. 15. 18. he that is slow to anger a. strife Acit 19. 35. when the town-clerk had a. the people APPEKTAIN. A'Hm. 16. 30. earth swallow them, with all that a. Jer. lO.T. who would not fear, foi to thee duth iia, Ute Pki'.tain APPERTAINED. T<.'urn. 16. 32. and all the men that a. to Korah, 33, APPEIM AINETII, ING. Lav. G. 5. and qive it to him to whom it a. Horn. 4. J. Abralisin, our fathti, as a. Im tbe flesh 16 AFH APPElllE. Jc6 38.39.wilt thou fill the a. of the young "ilons .' /V<»i'.23.2.to thy throat, if thou be a man given to a. l^cc/. 6. 7. all labour for mouth, yet a. not tilled J\fi. 29. 8. but he awakcth, and h\% soul hath a. 56. T 11. they are strong of a. not satisfied APPLE of t/ie etie Dent. 32. 10. ne kept hiin as the a. of his ei/e Pxtl. 17. 8. keep me as the a. of the tv;', hide me Prov. 7. 2. keej> my law as the a. of' thiiie eye I^i/i. 2. 18. let not the a. 0/ thine eye ct-ase Zeih. 2. 8. touchcth you, toucheth the a. oj his eye APPLIVIREE. CaH/.2.3.as the a. -tree among the trees of the wood 5.1 raised thee up under the a.-tree, thy mother Joel 1. 12. the palm-tree and a.-tree art withered APPLES. Pnn-. 25. 11. like a. ot gold in pictures of silver Ciiiif. 2. 5. comfort me witii a. for I am sick ol loie 7.b.breastsasclusiers,andsniellof thy uoselikea. APPLV. Pi/it. go. 12. that we may a. our hearts to wisdom l\ov. 2. 2. and n. ihuie heart to understanding 22.17. hear words, a. thine heart to my knowledge 23. 12. a. thine heart to instruction, and thine ears APPLIED. Efil. 7.25. T a. my heart to know and seek wisdom 8. 9- 1 «■ i"y li'^i'-rt^ to every work that is done 16. when I a. mine heart to know wisdom Jioi. 7. t 6. they have a. their heart like an oven APPOINT Signifies, [1] To conttitute 01 orJain, Josh. 20. 9. [2] To assign or allot. Numb. 4. 19. [3] To .\et ui'fr, Gen. 41. 34. Lev. 2(3. 16. [4] i'o dtcree. Acts 17. 31. lleb.9.27. [0] 'Jl pn,j>oseor le- solre. Acts 20. 13. [0] Toprofnise, Luke 22. 29. [7] To notninate or prcfii. Acts 28- 23. [8] To toiumandor order, 2,hdLX\i. 15.15. [9] 'Jo estahli^h or settle, Prov. 8. 2y. [10] To tei, or place, 2 Kinga 10. 24- Neh, 7. 3. [llj Tvliniit, 1 Sam. 13, II. [12j To oiduia or set npciit Jor ail ojfice. Acts 6. .'1 f'V«. 30. 28. a. me thy wages, and I will give it 41. 34. let Pharaoh a. othcers over the land Lev. 2t3. 16. 1 will a. over you terror, consumplioo iVKw.4.19, Aaron andliis sons a. everyone to service 2 .yaw. (3. 21. to a. me ruler over the people of Lord 7. 10. 1 will c. a place for my people Israel, and Jo!) 14. 13. that thou wouldest a. me a set time Isii. 2(i. 1. salvation will God a. for walls and hul- Ol . 3. to ,/. them that mourn in Xion, to give [warks Jer. 15. 3. 1 will a. over them four kinds, sailh L. 49. ly. and who is a chosen man that I may n. over her r" who M'ill a. me the lime .'' 50. 44. 51. 27. will the kingdoms a. a cajitain against lier Lzek. 21. 19. a. these two waysjl 20. a. a way that ii.M. 1. 11. they shall a, themselves one head Milt. 24.51. a. him his portion with the hypocrites Luke 12. 46. II, him his portion with unbelievers 22, 29- I a. youa kingdom, as my Father unto me Aiiid. 3. seven men whom wea. over this business APPUIN lED. ('^M.24. 14. be she that thou hast a. for thy serva;it A'«/».y.2. Israel keep the passover in a. seasons, 3. 7. may not ofler an oflering, but at an a. season 13. because he brought not offering in a season Jim/t. 20. 9. these were the citiea a. for refuge Jhi/;;. 20. 38. there was an a. sign between Israel and 1 H'lm. 13. 11. thou camest not within the days a. iy.20-Sauiuol standing as a. over them, the Spirit 2 .iaw.l7. 14. the Lord had a. to defeat the counsel 1 Ai»^i 1. .35.1 have «. him to he ruler over Israel 20. 42. let go a man whom I had a. to destruciion Af/i. (3. 7. thou hast o. prophets to preach of tliec 9- 17- in their rebellion a. a captain to return, but Jo/i 7. 3. and wearisome nights are a. to me 14. 5. thou hast a. his bounds, that he cannot pass £0. 29. and the heritage a. to hiui bytiod 30. 23. to death, and to the house a. for all living /*w//.44.11.Lhou hast given us like sheep a. for meat 78. 5. a. a law in Israel, which he tommamlcd "9- U. presene thou those thai are a. to die 1U2. 20. to loose those that are a. to death /'/I'i'. 7. 20. he will come home at the day a. 8. 29. when he a. the foundations of the earth 31. 8. in cause of all such as area, to destruction ha. 1. 14. new-moons and your a. feastsmy soul 47- 7. and w'.io, since 1 a. the ancient people Ji r. 5. 2+. he reserveth the a. weeks of the harvest 47. 7. against the sea-shore, there hath he «. it Ezik. 4. 6. I have a. thee each day for a ycLir Mic. 6. 9. hear ye the rod, and who hath a. it .Mat. 27. 10. gave for the poller's field, as the L. a, l.nke 3, 13. exact no more than what is a. you 10. 1. after these tlie Lord a. other seventy 22.29. to you a kingdom, as my I'atherhalh a. mi Alts 1, 23. they a. two, Joseph and iMalthias 17. 31. he hath a. a d.iy in which he will judge 1 C'jr.4,9, God hath set us apostles last, a. todealh 1 T/u'is. ■>. 3. fur you know that we are a. thereto Al'P 1 Then. 5. Q.Goii hath not a. ui to wrath, but otitalt 2 '7(«j.l.l 1. whereuiuo I am a. a preacher, aposiii Tit. 1. 5. and ordain elders in every city, as I a JIc6 3. 2. who was faithful to him that n. hi.n 9. 27 - and as it is a . to men once to die, but after 1 /'tv. 2.8. disobedient, whereunto also they were a APPOIMED time and times. Gen. 18 14. at the lime a. will I retuni to thet T.xod 9.5. the Lord a. a .set tioie, saying, to-morrow 2.(. 15. thou shall eai unUavened bread in limi' /• 1 •Sam. 13. 8. according to the set time Samuel a 20 35. Jonathan went into the field at the /i'«t' h 2 -bam. 20.5.tarried longer than the set lime a. bin. E^th. 9. 27. according to their a. time every yeai Jo/iT. 1. is there not an a. time to man on earth' 14. 14. all the daysof my a. time will 1 wait till Psal. 81. 3. blow up the trumpet in the time a. La. 11. 31. and none sliall be alone in his a. timex -10. t 2. (TV, that her a. ti'ne is accomplished Jer. 8. 7. ihe stork in heaven knoweth her a. tima 46, 17. Pharaoh, he hath passed the time a. Dan. 8. ly. for at the tir/ie a. the end sh.ill be 10. 1. the thing was true, but the time a. w-as Ion-.' 11. 27. for yet the end shall be at the time a. 29, at the time a. shall return, and come south 35. lime of the end, because it is yet for a time .> Halt. 2.3. the vision is y«tt for an a. time, wait for n .his 17 26. God hath determined time\ before a. G«/.4,2.under tutors, until the lime a. of the father Ai'POlM EMI. Psai. 104. 19. he a. the moon for seasons, the sun Dan. 5. 21. he a. over it whomsoever he will APPOIMMEN r. iVifm. 4.27. at tlie a. of Aaron and his sons shall b Josh, 11. 1 5. when kings were assembled by a. Ezra 6. 9. wheat, salt, according to a. of the priest* 2 ■VffH(.13.32.by the a. of Absalom this dctermitin' Job 2. 11. they had made an a. together to come APPIIEUEND Signifies, To ^eiic, or take prisoner. Acts 12. 4. I'hat I may apprehend that for which also I an apprehended of Christ Jesus, PhiL 3. 12. Tha. 1 may oblaf that prize, /or the olitaiuin^ icheieof 2 nils laid hold on by Christ, couteitfj and brought into the uay of' salvation, jihen J 7vas running o7i lo deuiuction. 1 hings 18. HO. a. the prophelsof liaal, and let none 2 Cor. 11. 32. with a garrison desirous to a. nic J'/iil. 3. 12. J may a. that for which also 1 am appr. APPREHENDED. JctslQ. 4. when he a. Peter, he put him in priso'l Phil. 3. 12. for which I am a. of Christ .lesua 13. brethren, 1 count not myself to have a, bit APPROACH Signifies, [ll 'To draw nigh, or come near, 2 Sam. 11 20. [2] I'o diaw near lo God in •'lie dutid 0/ In •.iorship, Psal. 65. 4. Isa. 58. 2. [3] 7'.. cm- iratt marriage jctth, Lev. 18, 6. [4j To ha it en. or draw on, Deut. 31. 14. Lev. 18. 6. none of you ^hall a. to any near of kin 21. 17. not a. to ofler the bread of his Gou, lU Deul. 20.3. yea. this day to battle against enemii ^ 31. 11. behold, thy days a. that thou must die Job 40. 19. can make his sword to a. to him Pi. ti5. 4. blessed is the man whom thou causeth to a Jt:r. 30. 21. he shall a. to me, for who is tnis th-ii engaged his heart to a. to me, saith the Lord • 17Vh(.6.iG. dwelling in the lighl no man car. a. uiuu APPROACHED. 2 5am. 11. 20. wherefoi-e a. ye so nigh the city ' 1 Kings 20. i 13. there a. a prophet to Aha'- 2 Kiugx 10. 12. Ihe kinga.tothe altar and ohi-ita Piol. 27. ^ 2. when my enemies a. they stumbled ha. 8. t 3. I a. to the prophetess, she bare a sii. APPROACMEIJI, ING. Isa. 58. 2. they take delight in a. to God /.HXr 12. .33. where nothief a. nor uioiU corruplctli lieb. 10.25. and so much more as ye see the day « APPROVE Signifies, To like or commnid, Psal. 49- 13 /Approved of God, Acts 2. 22. Deinonstrulfii, aur bei/'-nd any contradiction proved, to be the Messia. P>a'l. 49. 13. yet their posterity a. their sayings 1 Cor. It). 3. whom you shall a. by your letters Phil. 1.10. that ye mav a. things that are excellein APPROVED. Acts C. 22. Jesus, a man a. of God among yo Hom. 14. 18. is acceptable to God, and a. of men 16. 10. salute AppcUesa. in t. hrist, salute Arislol 1 C.I/-. II. 19. they that are n. may be made manilest 2 Cor. 7. 11. in all things you liavea. yourscUes 10. 18- not he that comnieiideth himi»clf is a. 13. 7. not that we should appear a. hut that ye 2 Tim. 2. Ij. study to shew thyself a. unto God APPROVES!', EMI. Lam. 3. 36. to subvert a man, the Lord a. not Horn. S. 18. a. the things that are more excellent APl'ROVING. 2 Cor. 6. 4. but in all things « ourselvta as ni 'Ulster ARl APRON, S. Cm. 3 T.t^ty sewed fig-leaves together, and made a. Ituth 3. 1 15. brinq the a. thou hast, and hold it v^rljl9>12.from hi.<« body were brought to the sick a. APT. 2 Kittys 2i. l6. fl. for Wir, king of Cabyloo bronghl l;/iffi.3.2.abishop must be a. to teach, 2 7i/«.3.i;4. ARCHANGEL. 77/«j.4.lC. shall descend with the voice of the a. Jm/eQ. Michael the a. when contending with devil ARCHER, S. 6"i. 21. 20. Ishiuael grew and became an a. 49 23. the a. have sore)y grieved him. and shot 1 Ci, and anoint the shield 26. 19. together with my dead body shall they a. 49- 7. kings shall a. princes shall worship ^. 1 a. shine, for thy light is come, and the glory 2. but the Lord shall a. upon thee, and his glory Jer. 2. 27- in trouble they will say, a. save os a. 4. saith the Ixtrd, shall they fall, and not a..' 31. 6. a. ye, let us go up to Zion to the Lord Lam. 2. I9. a. crj' out in the night, pour out thy Uan. 2. 39. after thee shall a. another kingdom .-i'riott .^. *-> Lord.bywhom shall Jacoba. for he is,5- .Vie. 2. 10. It. ye and depart, this is not your rest 4. 13. a. and thresh, O daughter of Zion, I will 7- 8. U mine enemy, when I fall I shall a. Ilab. 2. ig. wo to him that saith to the dumb stone a. -lV,2/.4.2.youlhat fear shall the Sun of righteousn. a. Mat.g. 5. is it easier to say a. and walk •• Mari^.g. 24.24. for there shall a. false Chrises, false prophets Mark 5. 41- damsel, I say to tliee a. Luke 8. 54. Luke 7. 14- Lord said, young man, I say to thee a. 15. 18. I will a. and go to my father, and say 24. 38. and why do thoughts a. in your hearts? Joh7i 14. 31. even so I do, a. let us go hence Acts t). 40. turning to the body said, Tabiiha. a. 20,30.alsoof your own selves shall menti. speaking 22. Id. why tarriesi thou? a. and be baptized Lp/i. 5. 14. a. from the dead, and Christ shall give 2 Pit. 1. ly. till the day-star a. in your hearts &v Rise. ARISETH. 1 Ki7tgs 18. 44. behold, there a. a little cloud Psal. 112. 4. to the upright a. light in darkness /■•a. 2. 19- when he a. to shake terribly the earth, 21. Mat. 13.21. when persecution a. MarkA. 1", John 7. 52. search, for out of Galilee a. no prophet lieb. t. 15. after the similitude of Melchizedec a. See Sun. ARK Signifies, [1] A che^'t or cofer to keep thingi stae or secret, Exod. 2. 3. [2] The great vessel in ichich Noah and his family viere preserved during the Jiood, in length di"! /eet. Gen. 6. 14. 15. Heb. 11. 7. [3J That chest therein the fu-o tables of the liiti', Aaron's rod, and the pot oj manna zcere kept, Exod. 37- 1. Heb. 9. 4. The ark of thy strength. /'m/. i:J2. 8. The seat of thy powerful and gloT ions presence, from whence thou dost put forth and maJiifisl thy strength in behalf of thy people, wlttJi they desire and need it. Was seen the ajk of his testament, Jiev. 11. I9. Christ (he true Ark of our coveuant, more knori-n, and the jnystertes of religion made more common and familiar than formerly, either under (he Old Ttstament dispensatioti, or during the reign of anli-chiist. Gen. 6. 14. make thee an a. of gopher-wood 7. 18. and the a. went on the face of the waters Exod. 2. 3. she took for him an a. of bulrushes 25. 16. and thou sha't put into the a. the testimony which I shall give thee, 21. | 40. S, 20. 37. 1. Bezaleel made the a. of shittim-wood Num. 3. 31. their charge shall be the a. and tables /(»i/i.4.11.a.of L. 6.12. 16'a77j.4.6. | 6.1. 2iam.0.y. 1 Sam. 6. 19. he smote because they looked into a. 2 Sam. 11. 11. the a. and Israel abide in tents 1 A'iHgj 2. 26. because thou barest the a. of theLord 8. 9- was nothing in the a. save the two tables 1 Chron. 6. 31. after that the a. had rest 13. 3. let us bring again the a. of our God to us 9. Uzza put forth his hand to hold the a. 15. 1. David preptired a place for the a. of God 2 C/(i.6.4l. thou and a. of thy strength, Ps. 132.8. 8.11. places arc holy whereunto the a. hath come Mat. 24. 38. till ^oah. entered the a. Luke 17. 27. i/^A.11.7.by faith Noah waruedof God prep, ana, 1 Pet. 3.2ii. God waited while the a. was preparing Rei'. 11. ly. and there was seen in his temple the a. Before the ARK. ETod.40.5. vhou shalt set altar of gold before the a. J(i,i7/. 4.7. waters of Jordan were cut oK btfore thea. 7. 6. Joshua fell to the earth on his face ^^Mr^r^f a. 1 Sam. 5.3. Dagon was fallen on his f. before tite a. 1 CAr.l6.37.left before the a. Asaph and bis brethr. 2 CAr.5.6.Solom.and congr.assembled before the a. ARK of the Covenant. Num.i0.33.a.of cortTiant of Lord went before them Deut.3i.26. put boot of law inside oia.ofcovetiani JbjA.4.7-thewaterswere cut off before a.of covenant Judg. 20. 27. a. of covenant of God was there in 1 Sam. 4. 3. let us te'.ch the a. of the covenant of 2 .Sa»i.l5.24.Ijevites tearing a. of covenant of God 1 CAr.i7.l- a. of cozen mt remained under curtains Jer. 3. 16- shall say do more, the a. of the covenant //tf4.9.4.taberDaclewh\.Ji had the a. of the covenant ARK of God. 1 Sam. 3. 3. in the temple where the a. of God was 4. 11. the a. of God was taken, 17- 22. I 6. 3. if ye send away the a. o/';o(/. send it not empty 12 Si^m.'Q. 7. there he di«d bnore the a. of God. C ARM 2 Sam. 7. 2. but ihe a. of G id dwellelh wi'.hiu [curtaiDS 15 25. carry back the a. of God into the city 1 i-'hr. 13.12. how shall 1 bring the a.of God home 15. 2. none ought to carry the a.of God but Levites AR.M Signifies, [i] lliat part of the body so called, 2 Sam. 1. 10. [2] Outward strength, find all the instni TtifJits of cnielty and wischtef ustdby the mickid, Psal. lb. 15. [3] God's infinite pouer in creating the world, Jer. 27. 5. | 32. 17. [4] The mighty power of God making the gospel effectual to the conversion of sinners, Isa. 53. I. John 12. 38. Exod. 15. 16. by greatness of thine a. they shall be Deut. 33. 20. he teareth the a. with crown of head 1 Sum. 2.31. behold the days come when I will cut off thy a. aiid the a. of thy father's house 2 Sam. 1. 10. I took the bracelet that was 00 his a. 2 Chron. 32. 8. with him is au a. of flesh, with us Ezra 4. t 23. made them to cease by a. and power Job 2d. 2. savest thou the a. that hath no strength 31. 22. let my a. fall from my shoulder-blade 35. 9. cry out by rcttson of the a. of the mighty 38. 15. and the high u. shall be broken 40. 9. hist thou an a. like God ? or canst thunder Ps'il. 10. 15. break thou the a. of the wicked 44. i. nor did their own a. save theui, but thy a 71. I 18. I have shewed thy a. to this generation 77. 15. thou hast with thy a. redeemed thy people 89. 13. thou hast a mighty a. strong is thy hand 21. mine a. also shall strengthen him 98. 1. his holy a. hath gotten him the victory Cant. 8. 6. set me as a seal on thine a. Is'i. g.20. they shall eat every man the flesh ofhi.sa. 33.2. be thou their a. every morning, our salvation 40. 10. God will come, and his a. shall rule for him 11. he shall gather the lambs with his a. 51. 5. mine a. shall judge the people, the isles shall wait upon me, and on roy a. shall they tnui 9. put on strength, O a. of the Lord, awake 52. 10. the Lord hath made bare his holy a. bi. 1. who hath believed our leport? and to whom is the a. of the Lord revealed ? John 12. 38 59. 16. therefore his a. brought salvation, 63. 5. 62. 8. Lord hath sworn by the a. of his strength 03. 12. that led them with his glorious a. Jer. 17. 5, cursed be he that maketh flesh his a 21. 5. I will fight against you with a strong a. Eiek. 4. 7- and thine a. shall be uncovered 22. t 6. were in tnee to their a. to shed blood 30.21. I have broken a. of Pharaoh king of Egypt 31. 17. they went down into hell that where his a. Dun. 11. d. she shall not retain the power of thea. Zech. 11. 17. sword be on hisa, his a, be dried up Luke 1, 51. he hath shewed strength with his a. Acts 13. 17. with an high a. brought he Uiem ou Stretched-ont ARM. Erod.6.G. I will redeem you with a sfetched-out a. Dent. 4 t4. assayed to take nation with str.-out a. 5. 15. tnc Lord thy God brought thee out thence w'ifha.stretcJted-oul a. 7. 19- j 26. 8. Jer. 32. 21. 11. 2. your children have not seen 'hxsstr.'out a, 2C/ir. d.32. stranger is come for thy stretched-ont a. Psal. 136. 12. with a stretched-ont a. for his mercy Jler.27-5. 1 made earth bymy stretched-out a. 32.17. Eztk. 20.33 with a. stretchtd out a. will 1 rule over 34. I will gather vou with a stretched-ont a. and ARM-HOLES. [fury Jer. 3h. *2. put these rotten rags under thy a.'-h<)les Elzek. 13. 18. wo to them that sew pillows to a.-holet ARMS. Gen. 49. 24. the a. of his hands were made strong Dent. 33. 27. and underneath are the everlasting a. Judg. 16. 12. he brake them from his a. like thread 2 Sam.22. 35. he teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine a. Psal. 18. 34. 2 Kings 9. 24. Jehu smote Jehoram between his a. Job 22. 9. the a. of the fatherless have been broken Psal. 37. 17. the a. of ine wicked shall be broken Prov. 31. 17. she girdeth, and slrengtnenech her a. Isa. 44. 12. and worketh it with strength of bis a 49. 22. they shall bring thy sons in their a. 51. 5. and my a. shall judge the people EitX". 13. 20. 1 will tear them from your «. 30. 22. behold, I will break Pharaoh's a. 24. 24.1 will strengthen the a.of king of Babylon,25. Daw. 2.32. his breast and his a. of silver, his belly 10. 6. his a. and feet like to polished brass 11. 15. the a. of the south shall not withstand 22. with the a. of a flood shall they be overtiown 31, and a. shall stand on this part and shall }Ios. 7. 15. 1 have bound and strengthened their a. 11.3, taught them to go, taking them by their a. Mark 9.36. when he had taken him in his a. he said 10.l6.took them up in his a put his haJids on them Luke 2.28. Simeon took Christ in his e.andblessed ARM, rerb. Is taken. [1 ] Corporallv. to b« furnished with arms for war, G.:n. 14 14. Num. 31. 3. [2] Spiri- tually, to get and eaerci^e those uraces and spiri- AKO tual Tpfapont which are appointed and bestowed by God to defend the soul, 1 Pet. -i. 1. Sum 31. 3. a. some of yourselves to the war and I Pet, 4. 1. fl. yourselves with the same mind [go ARMED. Gtn. 14. 14. Abram a. his trained servants bom in 41. t 40. at thy word shall all my people be a. Num. 31. 5. of tribe, twelve ihoasand a. for war 32. 17. but we ourselves will go ready a. 32. Dcut. 3. 18. ye shall pass over a. Josh. 1. 14. Josh. 4. t 13. about 40,000 a. for war passed over 6. 7- let him thai is a. pass on before the ark i Chron. 28. 14. so the a. men left the captives Job 39. 21. be goeth on tn meet the a. meu t^sal. "8. 9. the children of Ephraim beint; a. Prov. 6. 11. and thy want as an a. man, 24. 34. Luke 11. 21. when a strong mana. kcepeth the house ARMY. Deui. 11. 4. what he did to the a. of the Eg:yptians Jiidg. 8. 6. that we should give bread to thine a. 9. 2y. he said, increase thine a. and come out 1 Sam. 4,12. there ran a man of Benjamin out of «. 17. 21. and the Philistines had put a. against a. 1 h'iii^i 20. 25. number thee an a. like the a. lost 2 C'/ir(i«.20.21.that they should praise before the a. 25. 7- O king, let not the a. of Israel ro with thee AWi. 4. 2. he spake before his brethren, and the a. Joh 29. 25. sat chief, I dwelt as a king in the a. Psai. fiH. + 11- great was the a. that published it Cant. 6. 4. terrible as an a. with banners, 10. Jer. 37. 11. was broken up for fear of Pharaoh's a. Ezek. 29. 18. caused his a. to serve a great service 37. 10. there stood up an exceeding great a. Z->£/7i. 4. 35. according to his will in the a. of heaven Joel 2. 11. Lord shall utter his voice before his a. 23. locust, my great a. which I sent among you Zech. 4. + 6. saying, not by a. nor by power y. 8. will encamp about my house.because of the a, 4cts 23. 27. then came [ with an a. and rescued Iif.v. 9. 16. the number of the a. of horsemen 19. 19. against him that sat on horse and his a. See Chaldeans. ARMIES. £rO(f.7.4.Iay hand on Egj-pt, and bring forth my a. 12. 17. same day I brought your a. out of Egypt Num. 33. 1. went forth with their a. under IVloses Detit. 20. 9. they shall make captains of then, to [lead 1 Sam. 17. 10. said, I defy the a. of Israel this day 26. that he should defy the a. of the living God 45. come in the name of the God of the a. of Israel Jo& 25. 3. is there any number of his a. ? Psal. 44. 9. thou goest not forth with our a. 68. 12. kings of a. did Hee apace, she that tarried Cant. 6. 13. as it were the company of two a. Tsa. 34. 2. and his fury upon all their a. Dan. 9- + 27. with abominable a. make desolate Mat. 22. 7- he sent forth his a. and destroyed LiiAe 21. 20. ye see Jerusalem compassed v;ith a, lied. 11. 34.who turned tofUp,ht thea. of the aliens I'ev. 19. 14. and the a. in heaven followed him 19. the kings of the earth and their a. gathered ARMOUR Signifie3,[l] Weapons or instruments of war, \ Sam. 17.54. [2] The strong and powerful lusts of sin, ignorance, error, and profaneness, zchich are the arntjnr. wherehj/ the devil keeps up hit power and dominion tn the hearts of men, Luke 11. 22. [3] Spoil, 2 Sam. 2. t 21 . [4] Such graces and spiritual weapons as are for the defence of the soul, and wherebii we may be enabled to combat with our spiritual enemies, Rom. 13. 12. Eph. 6. 11. [5] A good conscience, which being always attended with uprightness of life, is a defence against all temptations, either from prosperity or adversity, 2 Cor. 6. 7- Sam, 17. 54. David put Goliath's a. in his tent 2 Sam. 2. 21. turn thee aside and take thee his a. 1 Kings 2^. 38. they washed his a. according to 1 Kings 3. 21. they gathered all able to put on a. 10. 2. seeing ye have a fenced city also and a. 20. 13. Ilezckiah shewed his precious things, silver and gold, the house of his a. Isa. 39. 2. fob 39. t 21. he g'leth on to meet the a. tsa. 22. B. didst look in that day to a. of the house Luke 11. '22. he taketh his a. wherein he trusted Rom. 13. 12. and let us put on the a. of light 2 Cor. 6. 7. approving by the a. of righteousness t^ph. 6. 11. put on the a. of God to stand ag. devil 13. take to you the whole a. of God to withstand ARMOUR-BEARER. Judg. 9. 54. Abimelech called his a.-bearer, saying 1 Sam. 14. 7. a.-b. said, do all that is in thine heart 16. 21. Saul loved David, and he became his a.-b. 31. 6. Saul died, his three sons, and his a.-bearer ARMOURY. Cant. 4.4. like the tower of David builded for an a. Jer. 50. 25. the Lord hath opened his a. AROSE. Gen. 10. 3S. he perceiv«d not when she «. 35. J8 AUU Gen. 37. 7- and io my sheaf a. and stood upright Esod. 1 . 8. now there ^ . up a new king over Eg^-pt who knew not Joseph, Acts!. 18. Judg. 2. 10. a. a generation thai knew not the Lord 5. 7. till I Deborah a. till 1 a, a mother in Israel 20. 8. all the people a. as one man, saying 1 Sam. 9. 26. and they a. early, Isa. 37. 36. 17- 35. when he a. against me, i slew him 2 Kijigs 23. 25. neither after him a. there any like 2 Chron. 36. I6. till the wrath of the Lord a. Job 29. 8. young meu hid, aged a. and stood up Psal. 76. 9- when God a. to judgment, to save the Eccl. 1. 3. the 9un hasteth to his place where he a. Dan. 6. 19. the king a early and went to the den Mat. 2. 14. he a. and took the young child, 21. 8. 13. she a. and ministered to them, Luke 4. 39. 2d. he a. and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there wasagreatcalm, il/nrX 4. 39. i»*tc8.24. 9.0. and he a. and followed him, I9. Mark^. 14. 25. he took her by the hand, and the maid a. 27. 52. and many bodies of saints which slept a. Mark 9. 27- but Jesus lifted him up, and he a. Luke 6. 48. when the flood a. the stream beat 15. 2i). he a. and came to his father, he kissed him Avtsll. 19 the persecution which a. about Stephen 19- 23. there a. no small stir about that way 23. 7. when he so said there a. a dissension, 10. See Rose. AROSE and went. 1 5nm.3.6. Samuel fl.a«(/a'e7iMo Eli, and said, here £3 16. Jonathan a. and went to David into the wood 25. 1. David a. ««m. 10. 6. 135. 7. he causeth vapours toa.JtT. 10.13. | 51.16. 139. 8. if I a. up iuto heaven, thou art there Jia. 14.13. thou hast said, I will a. to heaveu, 14. t.iek. 38. 9. thou shall a. and come like a storm John 6. {)2. i' ye shall see the bon of mail a. up 20.17. 1 a. to my I'alher, and your Father, my God \iev. 17. 8. beast shall a. out of the bolionjless pic ASCENDKD. Jndg 13. 20. the angel of the Lord a. in the fiame Psal. 68. 18. thou hast a. up on high, thou hast led Prov. 30. 4. who halh a. up into heaven, or descend. Jo/m 3. 13. no man hath a. to heaven, but he that 20. 17. touch me not, 1 am not yet a. to my Father Acts 2. 34. David is not yet a. into the heavens Ei'A ,4.8. when he a. up on high, he led captivity cap. '9. now that he a. || 10. is the same also that a. Uev. 8. 4. the smoke of the incense a. before God 11.12. they a. up to heaven in a cloud, and enemies ASCENDETH. Rev. 11.7. the beast that a. out of the bottomless pit 14. 11. the smoke of their torment a. for ever ASCENDING. Gen. 28. 12. the angels of God a. and descending 1 6a//t. 28. 13. said, I saw gods a. out of the earth I.uke 19. 28. he went before, a. up to Jerusalem John l.Sl.aiigelsof Goda.and descending on the Son Rev. 7. 2. I saw another angel a. from the east ASCENT. 2 Sam. 15. 30. David went up hj the a. of Olivet 1 A'iMg*10.5.andhisa. by which he went, 2 C/*r. 9-4. ASCRIBE. DfH/. 32.3. a. ye greatness to our God, he is the J»b 3ti. 3. I will a. righteousness to my Maker Psal. 68. 34. a. ye streni,'th to God, his excellency ASCRIBED. 15a//). IB 8. a. to David 10,000, tome «. but 1000 ASH. ha. 44. 14. he planteth an a. the rain doth nourish it ASHAMED. Gen. 2. 25. naked, the niaji and his wife were not a. Jud§. 3. 25. and they tarried till they were a. iSttm. 10. 5. the men * ere greatly a. 1 C/tron. 19.5. 19. 3. as people being 4. steal away when they tiee Z Kings 'Z. IT . and when tney urged him till he wasa. 8. 11. he settled his countenance lill he was a. 2 Chron. 30. 15. the priests and the I,evites werea. Ezia 8. 22. I was a. to require of the king a baud 9.6. 1 am a. and blush to lift up my face to thee Jod t\. 20. they came thither, and were a, 11. 3. when thou mockest, shall no man make a. .? 19. 3. ye are not a. to make yourselves strange to me J'ja/.34.5.were lightened, and their faces were noto. 74. 21. O let not the oppressed return a. let poor Prov. 12. 4. she that maketh a. i« as rottenness Isa. 20. 5. shall be a. of Ethiopia, their expectatiou 24.23. the sun shall be a. when the Lord shall reign 30. 5. all a. of a people that could not profit them 33. 9. earth mourns. Lebanon is a. and hewn down Jer. 2. 26. as the thief is a. when he is found, so is 6. 15. were they a. i they were not at all a. 8. 12. 8. 9. the wise men are a. they are dismayed 14. 4. plowmen were a. they covered their heads 48.13 Moabshallbea.ofCliemosh.aslsrael wasa. Ezek. 1(5.27. the dauchtera of the Philistines are a. 32. 30. with terror they are a. of their might LatkelS.n .a\\ his adversaries were a. and the people 16, 3. what shall I do ? 1 cannot dig, to beg I am n, Horn. 1. 16, 1 am not a. of the gospel of Christ 5. 5. hope maketh not a, because the love of God is o. 21. what fruit in things whereof ye are now a. '• 2 C'or.T. 14. if 1 have boasted any thing, I am not a, 2 Tim. 1. 12. I suffer, nevertheless 1 am not a. 16. Onesiphorus was not a. of my chain HcA. 2. 11. he is not d. to call them brethren it. 16. God is not a. to be called their God ASUA.MEU and confounded ; jee CoNl'OUNL'ED. iv/ASHAMED Gen. 38. 23. let her take it to her, lest we he a. Psal. 6. 10. let all my enemies be a. and sore vexed 25. 3. yea, let none that wait on thee be a. let thi be a. who transgress without cause 31. 1. in thee do I put my trust, let me never be a. 17. let me not be a. let the wicked be a. 35.26. 69. 6. let not them that wait be a. for my sake 8t>. 17. they which hale ine, may see it and be a. \09. 28. when the^ arise, let them 64 a. but l^t 19 ASK Pja/. 1 19.78. let proud be a. for tlievdeall perversely ha. 1. 29, for they shall be a. of the oaks which ye 23. 4. be thou a. O Zidon, the sea hath spoken 2(5. 11. they shall see and be a. for their envy 42. 17. they shall Af greatly a. that trust in images 44. 9. they see not uor know, that they may be a. 11. all his fellows shall be a. shall be a. togethe. 45.24. all that arc incensed against him shall bea, tJ5. 13. my servants rejoice, but ye shall be a. 6(5.5. shall appear to your joy, and they shall be a. Jer.^. 36. thou shalt^tf a. of Egypt, as a. of Assyria 3. 3. and hadst a whore's forehead, rofusedsl to be a. 12. 13. and they shall be a. of your revenues 17- 13. O Lord, all that forsake thee shall be a. 20. 11. my persecutors shall stumble and be a. 48. 13. Moabshall A^a. of Chemosh.as Israel was 50. 12. your mother that bare you shall be a. Ezek. 16. 61. shalt remember thy ways, and bea. 43. 10. shew Israel, they may de a .of their iniquities 11. and if they be a. of all that they have done Hos. 4.19-they shall bea. because of their sacrifices 10. 6. and Israel shall be a. of his own counsel Joel \.\\. bb yea.O ye husbandmen, howl for wheat 2. 26. and my people shall never be a. 27 Zech. g. f). for her expectation shall be a. 13.4. the prophets every one (itf a. of his vision Mark 8.38.bhaU ifi a.of me and mj"woids. Luke^J.I^. 2 Cor. 9. 4. we (that we say not, you) should be a. Phil. 1, 20. that in nothing 1 shall be a. hut with 2 7)^e.u.3.14.nocompany withhim.thalhe mayi*t«. Til. C. 8. he that is on the contrary part may be a. 1 Pel. 3. 16. may ^^a. that falsely accuse your good Not be, or Be not, ASHAMED. Num. 12. 14. should she not be a. seven days ;" /'ia/.25.2.0 my God, I trust in thee, let me not be a. 31. 17. let me ?n>l bhen compared with his Creator, Gen. 18. 2?. [2] Deep humiliation, Esth. 4. 1. Jonah 3. 6. Oen. 18. 27- to speak, which am but dust and a. Lei'. 6. 10. and the priest shall take up the a. 11. and carry forth the a. without the canip Njim. 19. 9- a man that is clean shall gather the a. 2 Sam. 13. 19- Tamar put a. on her head, and rent 1 Nin^s 13. 3. altar shall be rent, and a. poured out 20. 38. the prophet disguised himself with a, E^ih.4. 1. Mordecai put on sackcloth with a. 3. and many lay in sackcloth and a. Job 2. 8. Job sat dowD among the a. 13. 12. your remembrances are like to a. your 30. 19. into mire, 1 am become like dust and a. 42. 6. 1 abhor myself, and repent in dust and a. Psal. 20. t 3. and turn to a. thy burnt-sacrifice 102.9. t^Jf I have eaten a. like bread, and mingled 147. 16. he scallerelh the hoar-frost like a. iia.44, 20. he feedethona. a deceived heart turned 58. 5. and to spread sackcloth and a. under him 61. 3. to give them beauty for a. the oil of joy Jer. 6. 26. O daughter, wallow thyself in a. I^m. 3. 16. he hath covered me with a. Ezek. 28. 18. I will bring thee to a. on the earth Dan. 9. 3. I set my face to seek in sackcloth and a. Jt»'9 18 |22.23.Sadduce€S«.him,J5..1/ar.9,U. j 10.2 | 12.18 I ASS LmJls 18. 40. wten come near he a. what wilt thou JoAii4, 10. thou wouldest have a. of him Id. 24. hiilierlo have ye a. imlhiitg in my name Kt/ffi. 10. 20. made manifest to them that a. not JiulS. 13. 18. why a. thou thus afier my name : Ji>/m 4. i). a, drink of me, a woman uf Samaria 18. 21. why a. thou me, ask them which heard ASKKTil. Eiod. 1.1. 14. thy son u. thee in time, Derit. 6. 20. RUc. 7- 3. prince a. and the judge a. for a reward liJaf. 5. 42. give to him thai a. thee, LiUe 6. 30. 7. 8- every one that a. receiveth, Luf.e 11. lu. John 16. 5. none of you a. me whither goest thou ^ /*»7. 3. 15. to every one that a. you a reason of hope ASKING. I Sam. 12. 17. may see your wickedness in a. a king 1 C/ir. 10. 13. Saul died for a. counsel of a familiar I'sal. 78. 18. templed God by a. meat for their lust lAiAe 2. 46. hearing them, and a. them questions Jo/tn 8. 7- they continued a. he lifted up himself 1 Cor. 10. 23. a. no question for couscience, 27- ASLEKP Signifies, [1] To take rest in iUep, Jonah 1. 5. Mat. 26. 40. [2] 'Jj (/iV, Acts7. (JO. 2 Pet. 3. 4. Jndg. 4. 21. for &isera was fast a. and weary Cant. 7- 9- the hp3 of those that are a. to speak Jonah 1. 3. but Jonah lay, and was fast a. Mat. 8. 24. arose astorm,l>ut he was a. A^a/'A4.38. 26.40. he findeth the disciples a. Mark 14. 40. Atls 7- ^'^. when Stephen had said this, he fell a. 1 Cor. 13. 6. part remain, but some are fallen a. 18. then they which are fallen a. in Christ 1 'i'Atis. 4. 13. ignorant concerning them that area. 13. we alive shall not prevent them that are a. 2 Pet. 3.4. for since the fathers fell a. all things ASF, S. Pfut. 32. 33. their wine is the cruel venom of a. Joi 20. 14. his meat is the gall of a. within him l6.he shall suck the poison of a, the viper's tongue fsa. 11.8. the child shall play on the hole of the a. Horn. 3. 13. the poison of a. is under their lips ASSAULT, 1:D. Est/i.B. 11. to cause to perish all that would a. them .•icf4l4.3. when there was an a. made of the Gentiles 17. 3. they a. the house of Jason, and sought to ASSAY. ED, ING. DtiU. 4. 31. hath God a. to go and take a nation I -Saw, 17. .iy. David a. logo, for he had not proved Ji'i 4. 2. if we a, to coniniune with thee, wilt thou ActsQ. 26. Saul a. to join himself to the disciples 16. 7. they a. to go to Biihynia, but the Spirit Jlei. 11. 29. the Egyptians a. to do, were drowned ASS. Gf».S2. 3. Abraham rose up early,and saddled his a. 5. abide you here with the a. and I and the lad 49. 14. l^baYha^ is a strong a. couching between l^od. 13. 13. everj' fir-^tling of an a. redeem with 23. 4. if thou meet thine enemy's a. going astray 12. shaltrest; that thine ox andthmea. mayrest Num. 16. 15. I have not taken one a. from them 22. 2.'J, tha a. saw the angel standing. 23. 27. 28. the Lord opened the mouth of the a. .10. the a. said to iJalaam, am not I thine a..' Dent. 22. 10. not plow with an ox and a. together J.'ih 15. lii.a.nd Achsali lighted off hero. Caleb said, what wilt thou i Juiig. 1 . 14. 1 Sam. 23. 23. Judo. 13, 16. with the jaw-bone of an a. heaps 1 Kings 13. 28. the lion had not torn the a. 2 hings 6. 23. until an a. head sold for 80 pieces Ji'/i 24. 3. they drive away the a. of the fatherless I'foi'. 26. 3. a bridle for the a. and a rod for fool's !■>". 1. 3. ox his owner, and the a. his master's crib 32. 20. that send forth the feel of the ox and a. Jtr, 22. 19. shall be buried with the burial of an a. Ztch. g. y. thy king comelh lowly, riding ou an a. aud on a coll the foal of an a. Mar. 21. 5. 14. 13. and so shall be ihe plague of the a. iJlat. 21. 2, ye shall find au a. tied, and a colt Luke 13. 15. doth not each loose his a. on sabbath 14. 5. which of you shall have an a. fallen into pit John 12. 14. when he had found a young a. sat 8 Pel. 2. 16. the dumb a. speaking, forbad madness Ute S.\ui)LE, ASS'S CULT. Gen. 49. 11. binding his a. coU to the choice vine Jub 11. 12. though man be born like awild a, colt John 12. J.S. thy king cometh sitting on an a. colt lV,ld ASS Job 6. 5. doth the wild a. bray when he hath grass 3y. 5. who halh sent out the utld a. free? Jtr 2.24. a Hilda, used to tho wilderness snufTeth Uji. 8. 9. they are gone, a '.iild a. alone by himself ASSES. Gen. 12.16. Abramhad he-a. aadshe-a. and camels 30. 43. Jacob had much cattle, camels, and a. 36. 24. as he fed the a. of /ibeon his futher 47- 17. Joseph gave bread in exchange for a Judg. 5. 10. speak, ye that ride on white a 1 gam. t. 16. he will take your a. to work SO ASS iSam. 9. 3. the a. of Kish, Saursfather,werelo3t 20. thy II. that were lost, they are found, 10. 2. 2 ■Sum. 16. 2. the a. be for the king's household Chrun. 27. 30. and over the a. was Jehdeiah 2 Chron. 28. 13. carried tlie feeble of them upon a. Etra 2. 67. a. that went up to Jerusalem, 6720. A>/i. 7. 69- Job 42. 12. for Job had sheep, and a thousand she-a. Ija. 21. 7- he saw a chariot of a. and of camels Lzek. 23. 20. whose Hesh is as the flesh of a. mid ASSES. Ji'b 24. 5. as wild a. in the desert go they fc-rth I'sal. 104. 11. the uild a. quench their thirst Jta. 32. V4. the forts shall be a joy of wild a. Jtr. 14. 6. u?ild a. snufi'ed up the wind like dragons i^a;i. 5. 21. Mebuchadnezzar's dwell, was with ui. a. i\'V'ig ASSES. Jsa. 30, 6. they will carry their riches on young a. 24. y. a. that ear the. ground shall eat provender ASftEMiiLK. Num. 10. 3. when they blow, the assembly shall a. ' 6am. 20. 4. a. me the nienof Judah, and be here ha. 11, 12. he shall a. the outcasts of Israel 45. 20. rt, yourselves, and come, draw neartogether 48. 14. all ye a. yourselves and hear Jer. 4. 5. a. yourselves, and let us go into the cities 8. 14, why do we sit siill ? a. yours*ilves, let us E^ek. 11, 17. J \vill a. you out of the countries 39.17. a. yourselves, gather to my sacrifice iios. 7. 14. they a, themselves for corn and wine Joel 2. 16. a. the elders, gather the children 3. 11. a. yourselves and come, all ye heathen imoi 3. 9. a. yourselves on the mount of Samaria Mic. 2. 12. i will surely a. O Jacob, all of thee 4. 6. saiih the Lord 1 will a. her that halteth Zeph. 3. 8. I'll a. the kingdoms to pour indignation ASSEMBLED. Exod. 38. 8. women which a. at the doorofthetaher. 1 'Sam. 2. 22. they lay with the women that a. 1 Chron. 13. 4. Daviil a. the children of Aaron Chron. 30. 13. a. much people to keep the feast Ezra 9. 4. then a. to me every one that trembled 10. 1. when Ezra had jirayed, there a. to him JSeh. 9, 1. the children of Israel a. with fastmg Psal. 48. 4. lo the kings were a. they passed by ha. 43. 9. let the people be a. who can declare this Jer . b.1 . a. themselves by troops in harlots' houses Dan. 6. 11. these men a. and found Daniel praying Mat. 28. 12. when they a. they gave large money John'Zii. 19. the disciples a. for fear of the Jews Act!, 1 . 4. being a. commanded tliem not to depart 4. 31. [he place was shaken where they were a. 11. 26. a whole year they a, with the church 13. 25. it seemed good to us a. with one accord ASSEMBLING. lltb. 10.25. forsake not the fl. yourselves together ASSEMBLY. Gin. 28. t 3. that thou mayest be ana. of people 49- 6. to their a. n-.ine honour be not thou united Ejod 12. 6. the whole a. shall kill it in the even 16. 3. to kill this whole a. wilh hunger Lev. 4. 13. the thing be hid from the eyes of the a. iSnm. 10, 2. and make 2 trumpets for calling the a. 20. 6. Moses and Aaron went from presence ot a. Ueui. 9 10. spake in the mount out of the midst of [he fire, in the day of your a. 10. 4. j 18. 16 Jnilg. 21. 8. none Irum Jabesh-Gilead to the a. 1 Siiin. 17. 47. all this a. shall know the Lord save 2 Chio/i. 30. 23. the whole a. took counsel to keep Ne/i. 5. 7. I set a great a. against them Piol. C2. 16. the a. of the wicked have inclosed me 89. 7. God is lobe feared in the a. of the saints ]U(. 32. praise him in the a. of the elders HI. 1. I will praise him in the a. of the upright Pioi. 5. 14. 1 was in all evil in the midst of the a Jei . 6. 11, 1 will pour it on the a. of young men 9. 2. for they be an a. of treacherous men 15. 17. I sat not in the a. of the mockers Lam. 2. 6. he hath destroyed the places of the a Ezek. 13.9. they shall not be in the a. of my people 23. 24. shall come against Aholibah with an a. Aits 19, 32. the a. was confused, and part knew not 39. It shall be determined in a lawful a. 41. he had thus spoken, he dismissed the a. Ihb. 12. 23. to the general a. of the first born Jam. 2. 2. if there come to your a. a mtiD Solemn A.SSEMHLY. l^v.23.36. on the eighth day iiisa^solertina. Num. 29. 35. Nth. 8. 18. Dt'itM6.8.on the seventh day a ioiemna.io the Lord 2 A'iHi,'jl0.20,Jehusaid,pr(iclaima ji'/fc-RiHa.forBaal 2 Chi on T. 9. in ihe eighth day they at aiie b. solemn a. Joell. 14. sanctify a fast, call a solemn a. 2. 13, Z^ph. 3.18. themthatare sorrowful for the ii»/N1KD. Ezra 9. 3. plucked off the hair, and sat down a. Job 17. 8. upright men shall be a. at this 18. £0. they that come after him .■Jiall be a. Ezek. 4. 17. that they may be a. one with another L'flH. 3. 24. Nebuchadnezzar was a. and rose in baste 4. ly. then Daniel was a. for one hour 5. 9- liis countenance was changed, his lords c. ASTONISHED. I^v. £6. 32. and your enemies shall be a. 1 Kiitgi y. 8. everj- one that passeih by shall be a Jtv. j'8. in. I 19.8. I 49. 17- |5u. 13. Jid, what 10, 45. of the circumcisionwhich believed, were a 12. Id. had opened door and saw reter.tlieywereo 13. 12. the deputy when he saw, believed, beings ASrONISIIMKNT. Deut. 28. 28. the Lord shall smite thee with a. 37. thou shalt become an a. and a proverb 2 Chr. 7. 21. this house shall be an a. lo every one 29. 8, he halh delivered them to a. and hissing l'.\al. (k). 3. hast made us to drink the wine of a. Jer. 3. f 30. a. is committed in the land 8. 21. 1 am black, a. hath taken hold on me 23. 9. I will make them an a. and a hissing, 18. 1 J. this whole l,\iid shall be a desol,-\lion and o 29. 18. I'll deliver ihcm to be a curse and an c 42, 18. ye shall be an execration and an a. 44. 12, ATT Jir. W. C5. therefore is your land an a. and a curse M. 37. Babylon sball become heaps aiid an a. Exek. 4. 16. 50U of maa, behold, they shall drink waWr by measure, and with a. 12. 19. 5. 1.5. it shall be an a. to the uatioiis about thee C3. 33. thou shalt be filled with ihe cup of a. Zich. 12. 4. I will smite everj- horse with a. Astray ; see Wunt, Go, Gone. ASillOLUGLRS. Isa. 47. 13. let now the a. th« star-gazers, stand Dtni. 1. Co. he fouud them ten times better than a. i.l'i. the secret cannot the a, shew to the king 4. 7. then t-ame iu (he magicians and the a. 6. 7. the king cried aloud, to bring in the a. Asunuek; iee Cleave, Cut, Divide, Put. AS WELL. Lev. C4. XQ.as icell the stranger, as he that is bom in SC.onelaw.di ■::t7/for thesiranger.as for your own Deiu. 20. 8. lest his brethr^ns' heart faint, as well as 2 ^m. 11. 25. the sword devours one us well as [another I C/ir. 25. 8. they cast lots, a.ra'£// the small as great SCAr. 31. 15. to give o.» a*// to the great as the small Job 12. 3. but I have understanding as well as you Ps. 87. 7. ai Tvell the singers as the players shall be Acts 10, 47. who received the Moly Ghost aj i^// as 1 CV'i-.tj.S.toleadaboutasisterai uellas other apos. Heb.i.'Z. to us the gospel preached ^^9'^"- [2] To roiise up out of s,pt ritual sleep, by a visorout eitTcise of grace, by leaving off all sinful courses, and setting about the performance of duties re- quired, Rom. 13. 11. Eph. 5. 14. [3] To raise from the dead. Job 14. 12. John 11. 11. [4] To giitS present help after it hath lung been kept from us, as though God hadforgoiien us, Fsal. 7.6. Isa. 51.9. Awake not my love till he please, Catit. 2. 7- Give my beloved Saviour no occasion ofojence ur departure ; neither interrupt thai peace 1 enjoy in him, so long as he is pleased to continue it. Judg. 5. 12. a. a, Deborah, a. a. ultei a song, arise Job 8. 6, surely now he would a. for thee 14. 12. till heavens be no more, they shall not a 19. t 26. I shall a. thoufih this body be destroyed Psal. 7. 6. a. for me to the judgment, 35. 23. 17.15, be satisfied when I a. with thy likeness 44.23. a. why sleepest thou, O Lord ? arise 57. 8. a. my glorj', I myself will a. early, 108. 2 59. 4, they, prepare, a. to help me, and behold 5. O Lord God, a. to visit all the heathen Prov. 23. 35. when shall I a, I will seek it yet again C'a«/,2.7,not a. my love till he please, 3. 5. | 8.4 4. 16. a. O north wind, and come thou south ha. 26. 19. a. and sing ye that dwell in the dust 51. 9. a. a. put on strength, O arm of the Lord, a, as in the ancient days, 52. 1, 17. a.a,standup,0 Jerusalem, which hast drunk Jer. 51. 57. sleep a perpetual sleep, and not a. Dan. 12. 2. many that sleep in the dust shall a Joel 1,5. a, ye drunkards, weep and howl all je Hub. 2, 7. shall they not a. that shall vex thee 19- woe to him that saith to the wood, a. Zech. 13.7 . a, O sword, against my Shepherd, smite Mark 4. 38. he was asleep, and th<--y a. him JjiJce 9. 32, when they were a. they saw his glory John 11, 11. I go that I may a. him out of sleep Rom. 13. 11. it is high time to a. out of sleep 1 Cor. 15. 34. a, to righteousness, and sin not Eph.5,\4.a. thou that sleepest, and arise from dead 2 Ttm. 2. t26. may a, themselves out of the snaie AWAhED. Gen. 28. 16. Jacob a. out of his sleep, and said JMt/g. 16.14. Samson a. and went away with the pin 1 Sain. 26. 12. no man saw it nor knew it, neither a 1 Kings 18. 27. he sleepelh and must be a. 1 Kings 4. 'i\. Gebazitold him, the child is not*. Psal. 3. 5. 1 a. for the Lord .sustained me BAT. jal. 78. 65 then the Lord a. as one out of sleep Jer. 31 2(). upon this I a. and beheld, and my sleep AV/AKESr. Pffl/. 7^. 20. when thou a. s&aitdespise their image Proo. 6. 22. whi-'n thou a. it shall talk with thee AWAKEXH. ING. "tfl/. 73. 20. as a dream when one a. so, O Lord /K1.29.B. hen. and his soul is empty, a. and is faint Acts 16. 27. the keeper of the prison a. out of sleep AWARE. Cant. 6. 12. or ever ! was a. my soul made me like /tfr.30.24. art taken, O Babylon, and thou art not a. Luke H. 44. men that walk over them, are not a. AWAY. Oen. 15. 11. when fowls came Abrah. drove thoma. Exod. 8. '^8, only y^ shall not go very far a. 19. 24. the Lord said to him, a. get thee down S Chron. ."15. 2:(. have me a. for I am wounded Isa. 1. 13. calling of assemblies 1 cannot, a. with Luke 4. t34. a. what have we to do with thee •^S. 18. a. with this man, televise to us Barabhai John ly. 15. a. withnim, a. with him, Acts 11. .36. 4r/j 22. 22. a. with such a fellow from the earth AWE, ETH. PsaL 4. 4. Stand in a. and sin not, commune vnth 33.8. inhabitantsof the worldstandina. of him 119. 161. my heart standeih in a. of thy word Prov. 17. t JO, a reproof a. more a wise man AWL. £rorf. 21.6. hismastershallborehisearwithana. Deut. 15. 17. thou shah take an a. aud thrust it AWOKE. Gen. 9.24 Noah a. from his wine, aud knew what 41. 4. eat up the fat kine, so Pharaoh a. 7- 21. Judq. 1(5. 20. Samson a. out of his sleep and said 1 Kin^i 3.15. Solomon a. and behold it was a dream A/a/.B.25.hi3disciplescameaDda.hira, iu*68.24. AX Signifies, [1] A carpenter's tool, Judg. 9. 48 [2] A human inftnimcnl, the Aing of Assyria, Isa. 10. 15. [3] God's vengeance and judgment vpon barren and i7icoryie,if>le sinners. Mat. 3. 10. Dtitc. 19. 5. his band fetched a stroke with the ax CO. 19, nor destroy the trees by forcing an ax Judg. 9. 48. Abimelech took anarin his hand 1 Sam. 13. 20. Israel went down to sharpen his ax 1 KtngsQ. 7. neither hammernoraj: was heard 2 Kings 6. 5. the ar-head fell into the water Isa. 10. 15. shall the ax boast itself against him Jer. 10. 3. for one cuts a tree with the ax 51. 20. thou art my battle-az and weapons Mat. 3. 10. the ax is laid to root of trees, Luke 3. 9, AXES. Sam. 13. 21. yet they had a file for the a. ZSam. 12. 31. he put them under saws and a. of iron, and made them pass through, 1 Chr. 20.3 Psal. 74. 5. a man was famous as he lifted up a. 6- they break down the can'ed work with a. Jer. 46. 22. and come against her with a. as hewers Ezek. 26. 9. with a. he shall break down thy tower aalp:-tkees. 1 Kint^sJ. 32. thea.-r. of the wheel join to the base 33. a.-trees, naves, and felloes, were all molten B\« li.AL. Num. 24. 1 1 -the Lord bath kept thee /■. from honour Jer. 24. 2. the figs could not be eaten, they were so 6 JuiA.8. 26. Joshua drew not his hand A. till he had Mat. 13.48. gathered the good but cast the A. awa^ Hut/i 2. 6. the Moabitish damsel that came b. 1 22. 10. good and b. and the wedding was turniihi J Sam. 15. 20. rerurn. and take 6. thy brethren 2 Cor. 5. 10. that he hath done, whether good or 6 B. BABBLER. Eccl. 10. li serpent will bite, and a A. is no better Acts 17. 18 and some said, what will this b. say ? BABBLING, S. Prov. 23. 2'J. who hath contentions ? who hath b. ? 1 Tim. 6. 20. avoiding profane and vain *. 2 Tim. 2, ]6. but shun profane and vain b. they BABE Signifies, [1] An infant jr child, Exod. 2. 6. L. Cor. 3. 1. as to carnal, even as unto b. in Christ Pet. 2. 2. as new-born A. desire ihe sincere milk of BACK. Exod. 18. 2. /ipporah, after he had sent her b. 23. 4. or ass giing astray, thou shalt bring it i S'un.^^. 34 if itploase thee.I will get [D£ A 19. 10. why speak ye not of bringing the king A 1 Kings 13. 22. but earnest b. and hast eaten bread 22. 2o. and carry him b. to Anion the governor 2 Chron. 13. 14. when Judah looked b. behold 25. 13. but the soldiers that Amaziah sent b. Job 26. 9- he holdeth h. the face of his throne Jer. 46. 5. thoy are tied apace, aud look not b. Hos.4. 16. Israel slideth A. as a backsliding heifer A'ah. 2. 8. stand, shall they cry, none shall look b. Mat. 24. 18. nor let him that is in field return b. 28. 2. angel rolled b. the stone from the door Luke 8. 37 . went into the ship, and returned b . again 9. 62. put his hand to plough, and looking b. not 17- .'il. let him likewise not return b. See Draw, Go, Bring, Keep, Kept, Turn, Wfc.NT. BACK, Substantive. I Sam. 10. 9. he turned his b. to go fron Samuel 1 Kmigs 14.9.hast cast me behind thy A. £=tl.23.35. Psal. 21. 12. thou shalt make them turn their b. 129. 3. the plowers plowed on my b. made furrows Prav. 10. 13. a rod for the A. of him, 19. 29. | 26.3. Isa. 38. 17. thou hast cast my sins behind thy b. 50. 6. I gave my b. to the smiters. and my cheeks Jer. 2. 27. they have turned their b. to thee 18. 17. I will shew them the 4. and not the face 32. 33. they have turned to me the b. and not face 48. 39. how hath iMoab turned the b. with shame Dan. 7. 6. which had on the b. of it four wings iii'm. 11. 10. not see, and bow down their A. alway BACK-BONE. Lev. 3.9. themmpshallhetakeoflThardby the A.-A. BACK.PAKTS. £jt'rf.23.23.awaymyhand, thou shalt see my A.-;j. BACKS. iVt-A. g. 26. they cast thy law behind their A. Ezek. 8. id. men with their A. towards the temple 10. 12. their whole body and A. full of eyes See TuRNEi;. BACKBITERS*. Kom. 1. 30. A. haters of God, despiteful, proud BACKBITETH. Psal. 15. 3. he that A. not with his tongue BACKBITING. Prov. 25. 23. so aii angry countenance, a A. tongue 2 Cor. 12. 20. lest there he debates, strifes, A. BACKSIDE. Exod. 3. 1. Moses led the Hock to the A. of the desert 26. 12. the half-curtaiti shall hang over the A. Kev. 5. 1. on the A. sealed with seven seals BACKSLIDER. Prov. 14. 14. A. in heart be filled with his ways BACKSLIDING, S. Jer. 2. 19. and thy A. shall reprove thee 3. 6. hast thou seen what A. Israel hath done? 8. causes whereby A. Israel comniilted adultery Jer. 3. ; I. the A. Israel hath justified herself more 12. return thou A. Israel, suith the Lord 14. return O A. children, saith the Lord, 22. 5. tj. because their transgressions and A, increased 8. 5. this people slidden back by a perpetual A. 14,7. for our A. are many, we sinned against thee 31. 22. how long go about, O A. daughter. 4y. 4. Hos. 4. 16. Israel sluleth back, as a A. heifer 11. 7. my people are bent to A. from me 14. 4. 1 will heal their A. I will love theoi freely Zec/i. 7. f 11. they gave a A. shoulder and stopped BACKWARD. Gen. 9. 23. went A. and their faces were A. 49. 17. Dan a serpent, so that his rider shall fall A. l^V/m.4. 18. Elifellfromofftheseat A.bythegale 2 KingsiO. 10. let the shadow return A. Isa. 38. 8. Job 23. B. and A. but I cannot perceive him P.^al. 40. 14. let them be driven A. that wish me evil 70. 2. let them be tunied A. that desire my hurt Isa. 1. 4. they provoked, and are gone away A. 28. 13. that they might go and fall A. be broken 44. 25. that tumeth wise men A. and maketh their 59. 14. judgment is turned away A. and justice Jer. 7. 24. but ihey went A. and not forward 15. 6. th.ou art gone A. therefore 1 will destroy Lam. 1. 8. .Jerusalem sigheth and turneth A. John 18. (5. they went A. and fell to the grooiid BAD. Gen. 24. 50. we cannot sp^ak to thee A. or good 31. 24. speak not to Jacob good or A. 29. Lev. 27. 10. a good for a A. or a A, for a good 12. the priest value it, whether it be good or A. 14. estimate the house, whether it be good or A. 33. he shall not search whether it be good or A. Num. 13. 19. the land they dwell in, if good or A. 24. 13. to do either good or A. of my own mind 2 Sam. 13. 22. Absalom spake neither good nor A. 14. 17 . so is my lord the king to discern good or A. i Kingi 3 9. a heart that I may discern gw 35. 7. rams" skins dyed red, A. -jX-. and shittim wood 23.with whom were found skins of rams.and A. -j*. 30. 19- aud he made a covering of A. -jA- above thai Num. 4. 10. put it within a covering of b.-skiru Ezek. 16. 10. and I shod thee with b.-skinx BAG ^\%n\f\e\ A sack or pouch, Deut. 25.13.lSam.17 40 Bags which wax not old, Luke 12. 33. lieavenlf treasures K/tich perish not, as earthly things do. Earneth wages to put into a bag with holes. Hag. 1. 6. lihat he gets or labours fc-, does him no manner of' service, but a secret curse conntmei it. Dent. 25. 13. not have in thy A. divers weights 1 Sim. 17. 40. smooth stones, and put them in a A. Job 14. 17. my transgression is sealed up in a A. Prov. 7. 20. he hath taken a A. of money with him Prov. 16. 11. all the weights of the A. axe his work /j«. 46. 6. they lavish gold out of the A. and weigh Mu. 6. 11. and with the A. of deceitful weights tiag. 1. 6. he earneth wages to put in a A. with holes John 12 . 6. because he was a thief, and had the A. 13, 29 some thought, because Judas hod the A. BAGS. 2 Kings5. 23. and he bound two talents in two A. 12. 10. they put up in A. and told the money Luke 12. 33. provide yourselves A. that wax not old BA K E. Gen. 19. 3. Lot did A. unleavened bread, they eat Exod. 16. 23. A. that which you will A. lo-day Lev. 24.5. take flour and A. twelve cakes thereof 26. 26. ten women shall A. your bread in one oveu . 28.24. woman at Enaor did A. unltav. bread 2 Sim. 13. 8. Tamar took flour and did A. cakes Ezek. 4. 12. thou shalt A. it with man's dung 46. 20. the place where they shall A. meat-ofieriiig BAKED. Exod. 12. 39. they A, unleavened cakes of dough Num. 1 1. 8, and A. it in pans, and made cakes of it 1 Chion, 23. 29. and for that which is A. in the pan BAKE-MEATS. Oen. 40. I7. all manner of b.-mcats for Pharaoh B.AKEN. Lfv. 2. 4. meat-offering A. in the oven, 5.7. I 7.9- 6. 17 . it shall not be A. with leaven, it is most holy 23. 17. two wave-loaves shall be A. with leavejt 1 hnigi 1}). 6. behold, a cake was A. on the coals BAKER. Gen. 40. 1. the butler and b. had offended the kinp 20. lifted up the head of the chief butler and A 22. he hanged the A. as Jobeph interpreted 41. 10, and put in ward both me and the chief A iios. 7.4. they are as an oven heated by the A 6. their A. sleepeth all the night, it bumeth BAKERS. Gen. 40. 2. was wroth against the chief of the A. 1 Sam. 8. 13. he will taKe your daughters to be A Jer. 37. 21. gave Jeremiah bread out of A. street BAKLIH. Isa. 44. 15. he A. bread, yea, he maketh a god BALD. Lev. 13. 40. he is A. yet is he clean. 4t 2 hniqs 2.23. go up thou A. head, go up thou A.hea< Jt:r. lo. 6. nor make themselves A. for them 48 37. every head shall he A, ana beard dipt Etck. 27.31, they shall make themselves utterly A. 29.18.ever\' head was made A, and shoulder peeleeit/. 14. 1. nor make any ». between your eyes La. 3. 84. and instead of well-set hair, 6. 15. 2. on all tlieir heads 6. and every beard cut 22. 12. the Lord diJ call to weeping and to i. Jer. 47. 5. d. is come npon Gaza. Ashkeloa cut off £af*. 7. 18. and A. on all t/ieir heads, A/nosR. 10. il/if. 1. l6. poll thee, enlarge thy d. as the ejigle BALANCE. Jo5 31 . 6. let me be weighed in an even i. Psai.6^.Q. laid in the 6. are altogether vanity Prov. 11. 1. a false &. is abomination, 20. 23. 16. 11. a just weight, and 6. are the Lord's Isa. 40. 12. who weighed the hills in a i. .' 15. nations counted as the sma!! dust of the b. 46.6. lavish gold, and weigh silver in the 6. BALANCES. Lev. 19. ."(S. just 6. a just cphah, Ezefr. 45. 10. Jod 6. 2. and my calamity laid in the A. together 'er. 32. 10. I weighed him the money in the d. Ezek. 5. 1. take b. to weigh, and divide the hair Dan. 6. 27. thou art weighed in the b. and wanting Hos. 12. 7. the b. of deceit are in his hand Amos 8. 5. and falsifying the b. by deceit Mic.f^. 11. shall 1 count them pure with wicked i. ? lUv. 6. 5. he that sat on them, had a pair of b. BALANCINGS. Job 37. 16, dost thou know the b. of the clouds? BALL, S. Jsa. 3. 1 19. the Lord will take away their sweet b. S2. 18. he will surely turn and toss thee like a b. BAL^L Gen. 37. 25. Ishmaelites bearing b. and myrrh 43. 11. take in your vessels a little b. and honey Jer. 8. 22. is there no b. in Gilead ? is there no physician ? 46. 11. go up to Gilead, and take b. O virgin 51. 8. howl for her, take h. for her pain Kzek. 27. 17- Judah traded in honey, and oil, audi. BAND, 8 Signifies, [I] A company of soldiers. Acts 10. 1, [2] Material chains, Luke 8. CQ, " Acts ID. 26. \3.] ArgJiments or iji^lances of lovt^ 7vfiicli might drazi' and enc.a?£ persons to their duty, Hos. 11. 4. [4] Government and lans, -dfhich, like fetters, re- ttiain men from nicked practices, Psal. 2. 3. Zech. 11. 7, 14. [5] Faith and love, ivhich at- tract the soul to Christy C'ol. 2. I9. Eied. 39. 23. a b. round that it should not rend Lev. 26. 13. 1 have broken the b. of your yoke Juiig. 15. 14- and his b. loosed from off his bands S hingi 23. 33. I'haraoh put Jehoahaz in b. Job 38. 9- I n'.ade darkness a swaddling b. for it 31. canst bind the Pleiades.orloose the i. of Orion? 39. 5. or who hath loosed the b. of the wild a^s ? 10. canst thou bind the unicorn with his b. f Pia/,2.3.1et us break their b, jLsnnder.and cast away 73. 4. for there are no b. in their death 107. 14. and he brake their b. in sunder Led. 7. 26. womEin whose heart snares, hands as b. La. 28. 22. be not mockers, lest b. be made strong 52. 2. loose thyself from the b. of thy neck 58.6. this the tast, to loose the b. of wickedness Jer. 2. 20. I have broken thy yoke, burst thy b. Lzek. 3. 25. son of maji, they shall put b. on thee 4. 8. and behold I will lay b. upon thee 34. 27- when I have broken the b. of their youth Van 4. 15. even with a b. of iron and brass, 2.*{. Hns. \. 4. 1 drew them with b. of love, and I was Zech. M. 7. I took me two staves, beauty and b. 14. then I cut asunder mine other staff, even h. Luke&. 29. he brake b. and was driven of the devil Acts 16. 26. and every one's b. were loosed 22. 30. the centurion loosed Paul from his b. Col. 2. 19. the head, from which all the body by b. See Bonds. BAND. S. Gen. 32. 7- Jacob divided the camels into two b. 10. I passed over, and now I am become two b. 1 Sam. 10. 26. and there went with him a b. of men 2 Sam. 4. 2. Saul's son had two men, captains of h. t Kings 6. 23. so the b. of Syria came no more 13. 26. and the A. of the Moabites invaded the land 21. as they were burying a man, they spied a b. 24.2. the Lord sent against him 5. of Chaldeans, ^, 1 C'hr(m.7. 4. with them were b. of soldiers for war 12. 18. David made them captains of the b. 21. they helped David against the b. of the rovers EzraS. 22. I was ashamed to require of the king a. ft. Job 1. 17. the Chaldeans made out three b. and fell Vsnl. 119. 61. the b. of the wicked have robbed me Prop. 30. 27. the locusts go forth all of them by b. Er**.12.14. I will scatter all his 4. and draw sword 38. 6. Gomer and all his b. Togannah his b. 22. I will rain upon him and upon his b. 39. 4. fall on mountain-s of Israel thou and thy b ft/ar. 27- 27- gathered to him whole 3. MaTk\f>.\'Q. John 18- 3. Judas having received a b. of men 12, the b. and captain and officers took JesuS Acts 10. 1. a centurion of the A. called the Italian*, tl. 31. tidings came to tlia chief captain of the b 23 BAP Acts 27. 1. to Julias a centurion of Augustus BANDED. Acts 23. 12. certain of the Jews b. together BANK Signifies, [1] The side, or brink of a river. Gen. 41. 17. [2] A mount, or heap of earth raised to cover besiegers, uhtle they hatter the Kails of a city, or shoot at those aha defend them, 2 Sam. 20. 15. [3] A place uhere there is a great sum of money taken in, and let out to Mse, Luke 19- 23. Gen.W. 17. behold I stood on the b. of the river Dent. 4. 48. from Aroer which is by the b. of the river Anion, Josh. 12. 2. \ 13. 9, 16. 2 Sam.9.Q. 15. they cast up a J. against the city 2 Kings 2. 13, Elisha stood by the b. of Jordan 19. .32. the king of Assyria not cast a A. iia. 37.33. Ezek. 47. 7. at the b. of the river were many trees Dan. 12. 5. one on this side of the b. of the river, the other on that side of the b. of the river Liike 19. 23. gavest not thou my money into the b. ? BANKS. Josh. 3. 15. Jordan overtioweth all his b. 4. 18. 1 Chion. 12. 15. Jordan had overflowed his b. ha. 8.7. the king of Assyria shall go over all his A. Dan. 8. I6. I heard a man's voice between the b. BANNER Signifies. A standard, or ensign, Isa, 13,2. Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, Psal. 60. 4. An army of mejt united under one banner, wit/t ability to defend therraelves and C07i- qner their etiemies ; a banner being a sign of victory, as well as 0/" battle and union. His banner over me was love. Cant. 2. 4. The love of Christ displayed, like a banner, in the gospel, conducted, encouraged, and engaged me to come to him. Exod. 17^ t 15. called the altar, the Lord my A. Psal. 60. 4. ha.st given a b. to them that fear thee Cmtt. 2.4. to banquet, and his b. over me was love Isa. 13. 2. lift ye up a b, on the high mountain BANNERS, Psal. CO. 5. in the name of our God we set up our i. Cant. 6. 4. thou art terrible as an army with b. BANISHED, 2 Sam. 14. 13. the king doth not fetch home his i. 14, he doth devise means that his A, be not expelled BANISHMENT. Ezra 7. 26. whether it be to death or to b. Lam. 2. 14. have seen false burdens and causes of *, BANOL'ET. [5,8. F.sth. 5. 4. let the king and Haman come to the b. 6. the king said to Esther at the b. of wine, 7.2. Job 41. 6. shall the companions make a b. of him i Amos 6. 7. the b. of them that stretched themselves BANQUET-HOUSE. Dan. 5. K>. now the queen came into the i. -house BANQUETING, S. Cant. 2. 4. he brought me into the A.-house 1 Pet. 4. 3. we walked in lusts, fevellings, b. BAPTISM Signifies, [1] The outuard ordinance, or sacramerit, wherein the washing with water represents the cleansi7ig of the soul from sin bt/ the blood of Christ, Luke 7- 29. 1 Pet. 3. 21. [2] Lrward spiritual washing, whereby the gij'ts and graces, of the Spii it. Signified by the outward sign, are really and actna/ly bestowed. Mat. 3. 11. [3J The sufferings of Christ, whereby he was coTtsecrated and prepared for his entrance upon his kingly office. Mat. 20. 22. Luke 12. 50. [4] So much of the gospel as John the Baptist taught his disciples 'chen he baptized them. Acts 18. 25. Mat. 3. 7.when he saw the Pharisees come to his A. 20. 22. and to be baptized with the A. Mark 10. 38. 21. 25, the b. of John, whence was it, fromheaven orof men ? iViar*ll. 30. Luke9.Q.\. Mark 1.4. John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the b. of repentance, Luke 3. 3. Luke 7- 29. publicans baptized with the b. of John J2..50. 1 have z.b. to be baptized with, and how am Acts 1. 22. beginning from the*, of John to that day lO.37.lhat word, after the A. which John preached 13.24. John preached the b. of repentance to Isratl 18. 25. Apollos knowing only the b. of John 19- 3. were ye baptized ? they said unto John's b. 4. John baptized with the b. of repentance Horn. 6. 4, we are buried wnth him by b. into death Eph. 4. 5, there is one Lord, one faith, one b. Col. 2, 12. buried with him in b, ye are risen with Ileb. 6. 2. of doctrine of b. and laying on of hands 1 Pet. 3. 21 . the like figure whereunto, even b. doth BAPTIST. Mat. 3. 1. in those days came John b. preaching 11. 11. among them bom of women there hath not risen a greater than John the b. Luiel. 28. 11. 12. from the days of John the b. till now 14, 2- this 15 John the b. he is risen from the dead 8. said, give me John the b. head in a charger 16.14 somel»y,thouart John the*. Mar*8 28. BAR Mat. 17-13. understood that he spake of John (he* Mark 6. 14. John the *, was risen from the deaa 25. give me in a charger the head of John ihe Luke 7. 20. John the *. hath sent us to thee, saying 33. John the *. came neither eating nor drinking 9. 19. they answering said, John the *. BAPTIZE. Mat. 3. 11. I3.you with water, he shall*, you with the H. Cihost, Mark 18. Luke3A6. John 1.26. Mark 1.4. John did*, in the wilderness, and preach John 1. 33. he that sent me to *. said unto me 1 Cor. 1.17. Christ sent me not to *. but to prrach BAPTIZED. Mat. 3. 6. were*, of him in Jordan, Mark I . 5. 13. then cometh Jesus to John to be *. of him 14. I have need to be b. of thee, and comest thou 16. Jesus, when he was *. went up out uf water Mark I. 9- Jesus was *, of John in Jordan 10. 39- the baptism 1 am *, wthal, shall ye be * 16, 16. he that believeth and is *. shall be saved Luke 3. 7, said to the multitude that came to be * 12. then came the publicans to be *. 7- 29. 21. Jesus being*, and praying, heaven was opened 7 . 30. Pharisees and lawyers, being not *. of bin> John 3, 22, there he tarried with them and *, 23. much water there, and they came and were* 4. 1. Jesus made and b. more disciples than John 2. though Jesus himself*, nut, but his disciples 10. 40. into the place where John at first *. Acts 1. 5. for John truly *. with water, but ye shall be *. with the Holy Ghost, 11. l(V 2. 38. repent, be *. every one of you in the name of Jesus 41. they that gladly received his word were * 8.12. they were *. both men and women 13. Simon believed also, and when be was *, 16. only they were *. in the name of Jesus 36, here is water, what doth hinder me to be *. f 38. went down Philip and eunuch, and he *. hiq 9. 18. Saul received sight, and arose and was *. 10.47. can any forbid, that these should not be *. 48. Peter commanded ihem to be *. 16. 15. Lydia when she was*, and her household 33. jailer was *. and all his straightway 18. 8. many of the Corinth, believed, and were 4 19- 3. he said to them, to what then were ye *. .' 5. when they heard this they were *. 22. 16. arise, and be *. and wash away thy sins Horn. 6. 3. were *. into Jesus, were b. into his death 1 Cor. 1. 13. were ye *. in the name of Paul;* 14. thank God that I *. none of you, but Crispus 16. I *. household of Stephanas, not *. any other 10. 2. and were all *. to Moses in the cloud 12.13. for by one Spirit are we all *. into one body 15. 29. else what shall they do who are *. for the dead, why are they *. for the dead f Gal. 3. 27. as many as have been *, into Christ BAPTIZEST, John 1 . 25. why *, thou, if thou be not the Christ ? BAPTIZETH, John 1. 33. the same is he who *. with the H. Ghost 3. 26. behold, the same *. all men come to him BAPTIZING, Mat. 28. 19. go ye and teach all nations, *. them John 1. 28. done beyond Jordan, where John was * 31. therefore am 1 come *. with water 3. 23. and John was also *. in Enon, nearto Salim BAR, RED. Neh. 7. 3. let them shut the doors, and *. them Ca}tt. 4. t 12, a garden *. is my sister, my spouse BAR, Sub.Mantive. Exod. 26, 28. the middle 6. in midst of the boards 36- 33. he made the middle *. to shoot through Num. 4. 10. and they shall put it upon a *. 12. Judg. 16. 3, took doors of the city, posts, *. and all Amos 1. 5. I will break also the *, of Damascus BARS Signify, [1] That by which doors and gates ar made fast, Neh. 3. 3, 6. [2] That which is made as a rafter fo fasten boards unto, Exod, 26. 26. [Z]' Rocks in the sea, Jonah 2. 6. [4] The boundary of the reaves of the sea, Job. 38, 10. Exod. 26. 26. thou shalt make b. of shittim-wooA for the boards of the tabernacle, 36. 31 Num. 3. 56 under the charge of thesonsof Merari, shall be the boards and*, of the tabernacle ,4.31 Dent. 3. 5. all these cities were fenced with gates and *. 1 Kings 4. 13. 2 Chron. 8. 5. | 14-7. 1 Sam. 23 entering into a town that hath *. Neh. 3. 3. set up locks thereof and*. 6,13, 14, 15. Job. 17. J6. they shall godouTi to the*, of the (lit 18. + 13. it shall devour the *. of his skin 38. 10. and set /-. and doors for the sea 40. 18. Behemoth, hia bones are like *. of iron Psal. 107. 16. and cut*, of iron in sunder, iia.45.2 147- 13, he hath strengthened the *. of thy gates Prov. 18. 19, contentions are like the *. of a castU La. 43. t 14. I ha%'e brought down all their 4. Jer 49- 3i.natioi. ■*hicXi haveneit BAR Ur. 50. t 36. a sward upon her b. shall be dismayed 51 . "0. they have Babylon, her A. are broken t^m. 2. 9. he hath destroyed and broken her b. Lzek. 38. H. and having neither gales nor b. Jona/t £ d. the earth with her b. was about me 'Vah. 3. 13. gates open, the fire shall devour thy b. BARBARIAN. 1 Cur. 14.11. shall be to him a A. and he a A. to me Coi. 3. 11. where the e is neither Greek uor Jew, b. BARBARIANS. Acts 2fl. 4. when the b. saw the venomous beast Rom.l.H. I am a debtor both to the Greeks and b. BARBAROUS. Acts 28. C, the i. people shewed no little kindness BARBED. Jo& 11. 7. canst thou fill his skin with b. irons? liARBLR. Ezei. 5. 1. son of man, take thee a b. rasor BARE. Gen .".17. b. the ark, ZWr.31.9.23. Jos/,. 3.15. 4.10. I 8.33. 2 5flm.6.13. 1 C/iron. 15. I5fi6,27 . 31. 39. that torn by beasts, 1 b. the loss of it Eiod. 19. 4. and how I &. you on eagles' wings Dent. 1. 31. thy God 6. thee as a man doth bear J"{/^. 3. 18. sent the people that b. the present 1 6a;rt. 14. 1. Jonathan said to the young man that b. his armour, 6. *J Sum. 18. 15. 1 h'in^s 5. 15. that b. burdens 70,000, Ne/i. 4. I7. lC/iro?i. 12.24. ofJudah that A. shield, 2 C/o. 14.8. yj«.53.12.he b. the sin of many, made intercession 63. 9. he b. them all the days of old Ezel-. 12. 7. the stuff 1 b. upon my shoulder Mat. 8. 17. saying, himself b. our sicknesses lMX:e 7- 14. and they that b. him stood siill Ji'fui 2. 8. the water made wine, and they b. it 12. 6. had the bag, and b. what was put therein 1 Pel. 2. 24. his own self A. our sins on the tree BARE. Get. 25. 26. Isaac was 60 years, when she 6. them 31. 8. then all the cattle b speckled 31. 5. and he was at Chezib, when she b. him 41. 27. ye know that my wife b. me two sons AT(j(f.6.20.JochebedA. to AmramMosesand Aaron Ji(d^. 13. G. Manoah's wife was barren, and b. not 2 Sam. 12. 15. struck the child that Uriah's wife b. I Kings 1. 6, his mother b. him after Absalom 1 Chnm. 4. 9. Jabez, because 1 b. him with sorrow Prov. 17. 25. and bitterness to her that 6. him 23. C5. and she that b. thee shall rejoice Cant. 6, 9- ^he is the choice one of her that b. her 8. 5. there she brought thre forth that 1^. thee Jsa. 51. 2. and look unto Sarah that b. you Tcr. 16. 3. concerning their mother that b. them £0. 14. let not the day wherein my mother b. me 22. 26. cast thee out, and thy mother that b. thee 50. 12. she that b. you shall be ashamed Luke 11. 27. blessed is the womb that b. thee 23. 29. blessed are the wombs that never b. BARE/ri/jV. Luke 8. 8. other sprang up. and b.f. an hundred-fold l\ev. 22.2, the tree of life A. twelve manner of//-Kirj BARE Tide. X /i'i»?j 9- 23. the chief officers that i. rTz/eoverthe people that wrought in the work, 2 Chro7iM.\0. Neh. 5. 15. their ser^'ants b. rule over the people BAP.E Tiititess, and record. ^farirl■^. Sfi.n. any A. false aiaiess against him, 57. Lii/ce 4.22. all b. him witness, and wondered Jo/m 1,15. John b. witness of hiEi, 32, 34. 5. 33. John A. uitness to the tru^h 12. 17. the people that was with him b. record 19-35. he that saw it b. record, and his record is true Acts 15. 8. knoweth the hearts, A. them niiness Rev. 1.2. who A. record of *he word of God BAREST. 1 A'lMjT 2. 2fi. because thou A. the ark of the Lord Isa. 63. 19. thou never b. rule over them Jo/m 3. 26. he to whom thou A. witness, baptizeth BARE. Adjective Signifies, [1] Naked, or uncovered. Lev. 13. 45. Isa. 32. 11. f2] Plain,or real, 1 Cor. 15. 37. [3] Dcpitied oj oumard comj'orts, Jer. 49- 10. [4] Violetilly taken away, Jer. 13. i 22. Made bare his holy arm, Isa. 52. 10. Hath dis- covered and pnt forth nis great power, which for a long time seemed to he hid aJtd unempl.'ved. Lev. 13-45. his clothes be rent and his head b. 55. whrJier it be A. within or without Psal. 137. t 7. make A. make A. to the foundation Ita. 32. 11. strip ye, make ye A. and gird sack- [cloth 47- 2. make A. the leg. uncover the thigh, pass 52. 10. tlie Lord hath made A. his holy arm Jer. 13.22. for thine iniquity are thy heels made A. 49- 10. I have made Ksau A. 1 have uncovered his £.cck, Ifi. 7. whereas thou wast naked and A. 22. when thou wast naked, and A. and polluted 39. they shall leave thee naked and A. 23. 29, Jccl 1.7- my lig irce hr halh made it clean and . Cor 15.37. nut that Ijodythat shall be. but A. gruu 24 BAS BAREFOOT. 2 Sam. 15. 30. he went A. and the people with him ha. 20. 2. Isaiah did so, walking naked and b. 3. 4. led the Egyptians prisoners, naked and b. BARK. La. 56. 10. they are dumb dogs, they caimol A. BARKED. Joell. 7. laid my vine waste, and A. the fig-tree BARLEY. Esod. 9. 31. the A. was smitten, for b. was in the ear Leu. 27. 16. an homer of A. seed shall be valued .\um. 5. 15. the tenth part of an ephah of A. meal £>««(. 8. 8. a land of wheat, and A. vines, and fig-trees Jiidg.l. IS.loacake of b. bread tumbled into the linth 1. 22. came in the beginning of A. harvest 2. 17- she had gleaned about an ephah of A. 23. so he kept fast to the end of b. hairest 3. 2. behold Boaz winuoweth A. to-night 15. he measured six measures of A. and laid it 2 Snrn. 14. 30. Joab's field is near, he hath A. there 17. 28. BarziUai brought beds, A. and flour 21. 9. Saul's sons were hanged in b, hardest 1 Kings 4. 28. A. also and straw for the horses 2 Kings 4. 42. brought the man of God CO loaves [of A. 7. 1. two measures of A. for a shekel, 16, 18. 1 ChroJi. 11. 13. a parcel of ground full of A. 2C/tion. 2. 10. I will give 20,000 measures of b. 15. wheat, and b. the oil. and wine, let him send 27. 5. Amnion gave 10,000 measures of A. Job 31. 40. and let cockle grow instead of b. Isa. 28. 25. the principal wheat, and appointed A. Jfr. 41. 8. we have treasures of wheat and A. Ezek. 4. 9- take to thee wheat, and A. and beans 12. thou shalt eat it as A. cakes, and bake it 13. 19. will ye pollute me for handfuls of A. 45. 13. sixth part of an ephah of an homer of b. IIos. 3. 2. bought her for an homer of b. and half Joel 1. 11. O husbandmen, howl for wheat andA. John 6. 9. a lad here which halh five A. loaves ti. 13. with the fragments of the five A. loaves Rev. 6.6. a voice say, 3 measures of A. for a penny BARN Signifies, [1] A repository for ant/ sort of grain, Luke 12. 24. [2] Heaven, Mat. 13. 30. 2 KingsG. 27. shall I help thee out of the A. floor? Job 39. 12. and gather thy seed into the A. Hag. 2. 19. is seed yet in A. vine not brought forth Ma/. 13. 30. but gather the wheat into my b. Luke 12. 24. which have no store-house nor A. BARNS. Deut, 28. f 8. the Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy A. and in all thou dost Prov. 3. 10. so shall thy A. be filled with plenty Joei 1. 17. the A. are broken down, and withered Mat. 6. 26. the fowls sow not, nor gather into A. Luke IS. 18. I will pull down my A. and build BARREL, S. 1 Kings 17. 12. but a handful of meal in a A. and oil 11. the A. of meal shall not waste, nor oil fail 18. 33. fill four A. with water, and pour it on BARREN. Gen. 11. 30. but Sarai was A. she had no child 25. 21. Rebekah was A. || 29. 31. Rachel was b. Exod. C3. 26. nothing shall cast young nor be A. Deut. 7- 14. there shall not be male or female b. Jitdg. 13. 2. Manoah's wife was A. and bare not, 3, 1 ■^V/wi. 2. 5. so that the A. hath born seven 2 Kuigtl. 19. the water is naught, and the ground A. 21. shall not be from thence death, or A. land Job'Z^. 21. he e^ il entreatelh tlie b. that bear not 39. 6. I have made the A. land his dwellings Psal. 113. 9. he raaketh the A. woman to keep house Prov. 30. 16. the grave and A. womb not satisfied Cant. 4. 2. and none is A. among them, 6. 6. Isa. 54. 1. sing, O A. thou that didst not bear Joel 2. 20. and I will drive him into a land A. LnkeX.'J. had no child, because Elisabeth was A. 36, the sixth month with her, who was called b. 23,29.they shall say, blessed are the A. and wombs Gal. 4. 27. for it is written, rejoice thou A. 2 Pet. 1. 8. that ye be neither A. nor unfruitful BARRENNESS. Psal. 107. 34. he tunielh a fruitful land into A. BASE, S. 1 Kings 7. 27. ten b. four cubits the length of one A 2 King'' 25. 13. the A. Solomon made, brake tliey,l6 Esra 3. 3. and they set the altar upon his A. P.^al. UU. t 6. founded the earth on her A. Zech. 5. 11. it shall be set tbere upon hcrownA. BASE, Adjective. 2 Sam. fi. 22. and will be A. in mine own sight Job 30, 8. yea, they were children of A. men Isa. 3. 5. and the A. acaiiist the honourable Eiek. 17. 14. that the kingdom might be A. 29. 14. and they shall be there a A, kingdom Mai. 2. 9. therefore I have made you A, Acts 17.fl8 some said what will ihis A. fellow say 1 Cor. 1. 28. J. ihingsof this world God hath chosen 2 Car. 10. 1. 1, Paul, who in presence am A. among BAT BASER. Acts 17. 5. Jews took lewd fellows of the fi.sor, BASES'J', Ezek. 29, 15. Pathros shall be the A. of kingdom; Dan. 4. 17- anil setteth up over it the A. of men BASKET. Gen. 40. 17- in the A. all manner of ba-Ve-meats Exod. 29. 23. out of the A. of the unleavened bread Lee. 8. 2, 20, Num. 6. 15, 17. Lev. 8. 31. the bread in the A. of consecrations Dent. 26. 4. priest shall take the A. out of thy hand 28. 5. blessed shall be iLy A. and thy store 17. cursed shall be thy A. and thy store Jndg. 6. 19. and Gideon put the flesh in a A, Jer. 24. 2, one A. had very good figs, the other A. Amos 8. 1. and behnld a A. of summer fruit, 2. -4c/f 9.25. the disciples took Saul, and let him down by the wall in a A. 2 Cor. 11. 33, BASKETS. Gen. 40. I6. I had three white A. on my head 18. Joseph said, ihe three b. are three days 2 hnigs 10. 7- slew 70, and put their heads in A, Jer. 6. 9. turn hand as a grape-gatherer into the A. 24. 1. behold, two A. of figs before the temple iliflf. 14. 20. andthey took up twelve A. full, MarJk 6 43. Luke 9. 17. John 6. .3. 15. 37. they did all eat, and look of bniken meat seven A. full, Mark 8 8 16. 9- do ye not remember the five loaves, and how many A. ye took up? 10. Mark 8, 19, 20. BASON. Exod. 12. 22. dip it in the blood that is In the A. 1 Chron. 28. 17- gave gold by weight for every b. John 13. 5. after that he pourelh water into a t, BASONS. Exod. 2 J. 6. Moses put half of the blood in A. 2 Sam. 17. 28. Rarzillai brought beds and A. 1 Kings 7. 40. Hiram made the lavers and th« shovels and the A. 45. | 2 Chion. 4. 8, 11. Jer. 5^. 19. A. and fire-pans the captain took away BASTARD, S. Z)eHf.23.2. a A. shall not enter into the congregation Zech. 9. 6. and a A. shall dwell in Ashdod, cut nff Heb. 12.8. ifyebe without chastisemeut, then are A. BATH IVas a measure used among the Hebrews, of the same bignfs.\ with the Ephah, whiih con'tainca 60 wine pints, and almost an half' ; or seien gallons and an half. /ifl.5.10.yea,ten acres of vineyard shall yield one b Ezek. 45. 10. ye shall have a just ephah. a just 4 11. the ephah and A. shall be of one measure 14. ye shall offer the tenth part of a A. BATHE. Lev. 15. 5. shall A. himself in water, 8,11, 13,21. 22,27. I 16. 26, 28. j 17. 15. ^um. 19.7,8,19. 17. 16. but if he wash them not, nor A. his flesh BAT.riED. Tsa. 34. 5. my sword shall be A. in heaven, behold it BA'l IIS. 1 K^ings 7. 26. molten sea contained 2000 A. 38. one laver containing 40. A. every laver 2 Chron. 2. 10. give thv servants 20,000 A. of wine 4. 5. the sea received and held 300O A. £zra 7. 22. loan hundred A. of wine, ltX)A. ofoil Exek.io. 14. an homerof ten A. ten A. are an homer BA'f.S. /.tfu. 11, 19. lapwing andA. are unclean, Df«r.l4.18. 7ta. 2. 20. shall cost his idols to the moles atid A. BATTLE Signifies, [1] A general fsht, Deut. 20. 3. [2 I'ictorti, Eccl. 9. 11. [1] liar. 1 .Sam. I7. 13 Gen. 14."8.theyjomedA. 1 .^m.4.2. 1 /v'i«5,t20. 29 Num. 32. S7- will pass over before the Lord. to b Deut. 2. 24. rise up, contend with Sihon in A. 20. 3. O Israel, you approach this day to A. 5. let him return, lest he die in the A. 6, 7. .Tosk. 11. IQ. of Gibeon, all other they took in A Jiidg. 20. 28. shall I yet again go out to A./ 42. they turned, but the A. overtook them 1 Sam. 14. 22. followed hard after Philistines in A, 17. 20. he came, as the host shouted for the b. 28. for thou art come down to see the A. 47- for the A. is the Lord's, 2 Chron. 20. 15. 26. 10. he shall descend IbIo the b. antl perish 28. 1. know that tliou shalt go out with me to A 29. 4. lest in the A. he be an adversary to us 2 .^m.11.1 . when kings go forth to A, 1 C'Ari'«.20. 1 15. set Uriah in the forefront of the hottest A. 19. 10. Absalom whom we anointed is dead in A. lAi/i^j 8.44. if thy people go out to A. against enemy 20. 39. thy servant went out into m.dst of the *. 22. 4. wilt thou go with me to A. / 2 Kings 3. 7. 1 CJiron. 5. 20. for they cried to God in the A. 12. 8. of the Gadites, men of war fit for the A. 19. 17. David came upon them, and set A. in arraj against the Syriaiis, 2 Chr»n. 13. 3. ) 14. 10. 2 Chron. 25. 8. if thou wilt go, do it, be strong for > Job 15. 24. shall prevail, as a king ri-atW to the b 39. 25. and he smelleth the A afar off BE Jnh 41. 8. remember the 1. do do more /**i/. 18. 39. ihou hajt girded me witJ. strensth to h. 24. 8; the King of plory. the Lord mighty in 6. S5. 18. he hath delivered my soul from the b. 76. .-J. he brake the shield, the sword, and the f> B9. 43. and hast act nt;ide him to stand in the b. F.C€i.^.X\ . race not to the swift, nor b. to the stroii;i i'a. 9. 5. every b. of the warrior is with noise 13.4. the Lord mustereth the host of the b. 22. 2, ihy slain men are not dead in b. 27. 4. who set briars and thorns against me in b. 28 . 6. strength to them that turn the b. to the gate 42. C5. he hath poured on him the strength of the *i Jrr. 8. 6. t'lmed as the horse rusheth into the b. 18.21. let their young meu be slain i>y sword in b. 46. 3. order butkler and shield, draw near to b. 49. 14. come against her, and rise up to the b. Jer, 50. 82. a sound of A. is in land, and destruction 42. put in array, like a man to b. against thee t^ek. ". 14. have blown, but none goeth to the b. 13. 5. to stand m the b. in the day of the Lord Hos. 1. 7. I will not save them by bow nor by b. 2, 18. I will break the bow and b. out of the earth 10. 9, b. iu Gibeah ; did not overtake them Joel 2, 5. as a strong people set in b. array }bad. 1. let us rise up against Edom in b. Zeeh. 10. 8. made them as his goodly horse in the b. 5, which tread down their enemies in the b. 14. 2. gather all nations against Jerusalem 10 b. I Cor. 14. 8. who shall prepare himself to the b. ? Hev. 9.7.shapes of locusts like horses prepared \.ob. 9. sound of chariots of many horses running to A. Iti. 14.to gather them to the A.nf the great day ,20. 8. Dau of BAT TLE. 1 Sam. 13 22. so it came to pass in the day of b. that Job ."38. 23. I reser\-ed against the day of b. and war PsaL "8. 9. Lphraim turned back in the daij of b 14. 7. thou hast covered my head in the dau vf b. f rop.Sl .31 .the horse is prepared against the^f/iy ofb. Hflj.10.14. Shalman sp. Etra 6. 6. be ye far from thence, let the work alone Job 10. 15. if 1 Ae wicked, wo to me ; if 1 4^ righteous 19.4. and A# it indeed that 1 have erred.niine error I'sal. 139. 24. see if there Ag any wicked way in me Vani. v.. 9. if she be a wall, if she be a door Isa. 8.13. let him Af your fear.let him iff your dread 41 . 2C let them shew former things what they be Jer. 36. 19. go hide,and let none know where you be 47. 6. hf»w long will it be ere thou he quiet ? /)oH. 12. 13. but go thou thy way till the end be Z/of .8.5.how long will it be ere they attain to innoc. ? iV/. and if the son of peace A^ there, your John 3.9.Kicodemus said, how can these things Ae.'' lets It). 2. not heard whether there be any ILGhost 24. 21. except ilbe for this one voice, that 1 cried Uvm. 4.17. who caiJetli those things which Af not as 8. 31. if God be for us, who can be against us * 14. 9. that he might be Lord of the dead and living 1 Cor. 15. 28. under him, that God may be all in all 16. 22. love not, let him be anathema maran-atha ; Cor. 5. 1 17. if iii Christ let him be a new creature 8. 12. if there be first a Willmg mind, it is ac<:epted Gal. 3. g. they which be of faith are blessed wuh 4,12. I beseech yo\x,be as i am, for I am as ye are o. 10. shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be Phtl. 2. 5. let this mind be m you that was in Christ Heh. 12. 8. but if ye be without chastisement 1 P^^2.3. ifsoAeyehave tasted that L. is gracious 3. 17. for it is better, if the will ofGoditf so liev. IH. 22. craftsman, of whatsoever craft he A* 22. II. he that is wijust, let him be unjust still ; he who is lilthy. let him be filthy still If It BE. Gen. 23. 8. if it be your mind that I bury my dead 25. 22. and she said, if it be so, why am 1 thus .' £jrt(/.l.l6. if it be a son kill him, if tt be a daughter 2A'i«gjl0.l'o. if it be, giveme thy hand.aJid hegave Ztc/t.S.6. if it be mar\'elUius in the eyes of remnant Mat. 14. 28. if it be thou, bid me come on the water Act.\ 5. 39. if it be of God. ye cannot overthrow it 18. J 5. hniij it A^ a question of words and names Gfl/.3.4.bave ye suffered in \ ain ? if it be yet in vain Alay Be, see Mav. Peace Be, see Peace. Not BE. BE not. Gen. £1. 12. let it not be grievous in thy sight 24. 5. if the woman will tiol be willing to follow 3a. 9. Onan knew tliat the seed should not be his 44. 30. 1 come to my father, and the lad be not with f^t-. 26. 13. that ye should not be their bond-men Num. 12. 12. let her not be as one dead, of whom l(i. 40. that he be not 3ls Korah and his company JoJi. 7. 12. neither will 1 be with you any more Hjtrb 3. 18. the man will jioi be in rest till finished 2/v'iMgi20.fl9. shall there ;ioi*e peace in my days? 2 Chron. 30. 7. be not like your fathers Zech. 1. 4. i^jfl/. 22.19. Aff not thou far away, 35.22. \ 38.21. | /»a. 28. 22. As ye 7tw/ mockers, lest bands [71. 12. Zec/i.Q.ll. I will not be to the residue of this people Ltike 13. 33. for it can not be that a prophet perish 14. 26. hate his life, he can ttoi be my disciple, 33. Jo/m I. 25. if thou be not that Christ, nor Llias }iom. 12. 16. be not wise in your own conceits 1 CW/-.2.1 5. your failli not be in the wisdom of men 9. 2. if 1 be not an apostle unto others, yet to you 14. 20. be not children in understanding, but iu 2 Cor. 0. 14. be not uoRqually yoked together Gal. 1. 10. 1 should not be the ser\-ant of Christ Eph. 5. 7. be not therefore partakers with them 17. be ye not unwise, but understanding what Tit. 3. 14. good works, that they be not unfruitful Philem. 14. thy benefit should not be of necessity lleb. 8. 4. if he were on earth, should not be a priest 1 i^£/.3.3.1el it Tiot Aff that out^vard adorning of hair Let there BE. Gen.l.^.let there be\'\^\. | (i./tf/ //<^i"fiA« a firmament 13. 8. let there be no strife between me and thee 2(j. 28. let there be now an oath betwixt us and thee Ljcod. 5. 9. let there be more work laid on the men Ezra 5. 17. let there itf search made in king's treas. Psal. (y^. t 25. let there be no dweller in their tents Shall Bi:, or shult BE. Gen. 2. 24. to his wife, and they shall be one flesh 4.7 . to thee shall be his desire and thou shalt rule 9. 25. a servant shall ne be to his brethren 26. God of Shem, and C-Ani.\i\ shall be his servant 12. 2. 1 will bless thee, and thoxi .r/irt/f be a blessing 15.5.hesai!ltoh:m,so shall ihy seed Af, Jfo;/».4.18 17. Itj. Sarah shall be a mother of nations 27. 33. I have blessed him, and he sh.ill be Blessed 28. 21. so I come again, then shall L. be my CJod 35.I0.but Israel j/(fl//Ae thy name, 1 Aih^j^ 18.31. 48. 21. but God shall be with you and bring you 49. 10. to him shall the gathering of the people he £j-t)(/.4.1 9. the viAiKT shall A^ blood on the A.vy land 16. thou shalt be to him instead of God 19. 5. ye shall be a peculiar treasure to me 21.36. pay ox for ox, and the dead j-^i// be his own Lev. 13.46. without the camp i/tn// his habitation Ag 20. 26. ye shall he holy to nie, ye shall be mine Dent. 28. 4-i. he shall be head, and thou shalt be tail 32. 20. hide my face, I see wliat their end shall be 1 Sam. 17. 36. this imcircuracised Phil, shall be as 1 A'(no>20.40.the king said, so shall thy judgment be 2 Chron. ig. 11. the Lord shall be with the good Job 20. 22. in fulness he shall be in straits 22. 25. yea. the Almighty shall be thy defence Pjfl/.128.'c. happy iAa/r thou Ae, it shall be ^--eW with 141. 5. my prayer also j/ia// be in their calamities E(cl. 1. 9. that hath been, is that which shall be 10. 14. a man cannot tell what shall be BEA Ecel. 11.3. where the tree falleth. there it shall be __. 6. 13. so the holy seed shall be the subsiaiice 58. 8. the glory of the Lord shall be thy rere-ward yfr.l3.27.notbr made clean, when shall it once be/ 15. ly. thou shall be as my mouth, let them return 32. 5. and there shall he be till I visit him 33. 9. it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise Ezek. 16. 16. like shall not come, neither shall be so 18. 20. wickedness of the wicked shall be on him 27 .36.tiio\ishalt be a terror.and never shalt be mure Dati. 2. 28. what shall be in the latter days 8.19. a the time appointed the tul shall be, 11.57- IIos^S. g. Live I Diade known that which shall he Amos 5. 14. so the God of hosts shall be with you i^e^(7i.8.13.sowill I save you, and ye jAa// As abless. 12. 8. shall be as David^ house of D av id j Aa// Ae a* Mai. 3. 12. for ye shall be a delightsome la;id il/«r.24.21.thistime,no,norever jArt//A«,A7a)Xl3.19 Mark^. I9. how long»Au//I A^ with you, Lw^ir y. 41. John 14. 17. he dwelleth with you, and shall be Id 19. 24. but cast lots for it, whose it shall be ■lets 27. 25. that it shall be even as it wai told me 1 Cor. 15. 37. thou sowest not that body that shall be 1 John 3. 2. it doth not yet appear what we shall be Hev. 16.5. O Lord which art, and wast, and shall be 2. 12. to give every man as his work shall be Shall not, or shalt not BE. Gen. 15. 4. saying, this shall not be thine heJr Eiod. C2. 25. thou shalt not be to him as an usurer Detit.lH.X^. be above only.thouj/jo// not be beneath 2 hings 2. 10. if thou see me not, it ihall not be so y<'A7,21.sh£Jtseekme in morning, but 1 shall not be 8. f 22. thedwellingplaceofthe wicked jAa//;wf A* Pj.37.lO.it 5/(.7J.Af,J.;^.48.30.I'a«.11.29./J«.7.3,6 Bos. 3. 3. thou shah not be for another man Mat. 16.21 .be it far from thee.this shall not be to thee 20.26.j/i.7i.Ae so among you, A/flr. 10.43. Xw*.22. 26. To BE. Gen. 17. 7. to be a God to thee and thy seed after 39. 10. he hearkened not to her to be with her Lev. 22. 33. brought you out to be your God, 25, 38 I'rov. 24. 1. '.either desire to be with them Eccl. 3. 15. that which is to be hath already been Ltike 15 14.when he spent aU,he began to be in want 1 Cor. 7. 26. 1 say it is good for a man so to he 2 Cor. 12. 6. above that which he sceth me to b4 Phil. 1. 23. having a desire to be wifh Clirist Jam. 3. 10. these things ought not so to be 2 J*et. 3. 11. what manner of persons ought ye to ti lli/l BE. Gen.l6.l2. Ishmael :vill be a wild man,his hand will be against every man, and every man's ag. him 17.8. I liiY/AetheirGod, i-jorf. 2y.45. J^r. 24- 7. I 32. 38. 2 Cor. 6. It). 26.3. I Tdill be with thee, and will bless thee, 31. 3. Eiod. -i. 12. Judg. 6. 16. 1 Kings 11. 38. 28. 20. if God thiU be with me, and will keep me 34. 15. if ye 711II be as we be, circumcised i\eh. 4. 12. from all places they laillbc upon you Psal. 48. 14. he will be our guide, even unto death ^^^.7.23.obey my voice, I jcill be your God, .10.22. Ezek. 11. 16. I -aitl be to them as a little sanctuary 20. 32. that ye say, we u-ill be as the heathen iios. 13. 14. 1 will redeem them ; O death. I asiU be ihy plagues, O grave, I will be thy destruction 14. 5. 1 !eill be as the dew to Israel, he shall grow Joels. ]6. the Lord will be the hope of his people Zech. 2. 5. I the Lord will be toher a wall of fire round about, 1 will be the ghiry in the midst of her Mat. 6. 21. where treasure, there willyo\iT heart A< 2 Cor. 6. 18. I uill he a i'athtr to you, and ye my 10. 11. such will we be also indeed, when present 1 Tim.d.Q.they that will be rich fall into temptuiions lleh. 1. 5. 1 will be to him a Father, he to me a son 8. 10. I will be to them a God, they to me a people Jam. 4. 4. whosoever jetll he a friend of the world Rev. 21.7. 1 wi7/ighisGod,andheshallbemysoD Been, see after Bee. BEACON. La. 30. i7.be lef^asa A. on the top of a mountain BEAM. Judg. 16. 14. he went away with the pin of the A. 1 Sam. 17.7. and the stafl of his spear was line a weaver's 6. 1 Chio7i. 11. 23. | 20. 5. 2 /Ci«§i6.2.Iot us go to Jordan, and take thence a A. 5. as one was felling a b. ax-head fell into water IJab.^. 11. the A. out of the timber shall answer Mat. 7.3. but considerest not the b. iuieS. 41,42. 4. and behold, a A. is in thine own eye 5. thou hypocrite, first cast out the 6. Luke 6. 42. BEAMS. 2 Chron. 3.7. he overlaid the b. the posts, and walll Xeh. 2. 8. that he may give timber to make i. Psal. 104. 3. who laye'th the h. iu the waters Ca7i/. 1.17. the 6. of our house are cedar and rafteri BEAKS. 2 50171.17.28. Barzillai brought i.lcntiles to David Ezek. 4. 9. take unto thee wheat, A. lenul»;s,mill*» BEAR Signifies, [1] T> carrjf, Jer. 17. 21. JUaI. ST- ■M- BEA [2] Tos'.ijf«r,oT endure. QCoT. \\. I. Rev. S. 2. [3] Ti> &ringfort/i, Gea. IQ. \3. [4] To produce, tfr yield. Jam. 3. 12. [5] To uphold, or support, Psal. 75. .3. I 91. 12. [b] To be punished /or. Num. 14. 33. [7] To undergo the care and fatigue of ruling a people, Deut I. 12. [8] Tu speak ^if/. 1.9. 14. 27. how Ions shall 1 li. with this congregation ' 33.childreu shall A. your whoredoms, £:c*. 23.35. Deut. 1. 31. God bare thee as a man dolhd. his son 2 -Sam. 18. I9. let me run and b. the king tidings 2 h'ing.i 18. 14. which thou puttest on me, I will b. Psal. 75. 3. I b. up the pillars of the earth 89. 50. how I do b. in my bosom the reproach 91. 12. they shall b. thee up, Mat.i.6. Luke 4. 11. 144. + 14. that our oxen be able to b. burdens Prov. 9. 12. if thou scornest, thou alone shalt b. it 18. 14. but a wounded spirit who can b. ? 30. 2i. and for four which it cannct h. ha. 1, 14. your feasts, 1 .am weary to b. them 46. 4. 1 have made and I will b. you, even carry 7. they b. him upon the shoulder, they carry biui 52. 11. be ye clean that A. the vessels of the Lord Ser. 10. ly. truly this is a grief, and I must b. it 17.21. A. no burden on the sabbath-day, 27. 31. ly. because I did 4. the reproach of my youth 44. 22. so that the Lord could no longer h. L-im. 3. 27. it is good to b. the yoke in his youth Ezei. 12. 6. in their sight shalt thou b. on shoulders 12.lhe prince shall A.upon his shoulder in twilight 14. 10. they shall b. punishment of their iniquity 16. 52. b. thou thine own shame for thy sins, 54. 32.30. and A. their shame «ith them, 36.7. | 44.13. £itf>t.34.29.norA.thesbanieof the heathen, 36. 15. An/OS 7. 10. the laild is not able to b. his words Mic. 6. 16. ye shall b. the reproach of my people 7. 9- I will b.the indignation of the Lord, I sinned Hag. 2. 12. if one b. holy fiesh in the skirt of his Zech.5. 10. whither do these b. the ephah? 6. 13. he shall A. glory, and shall rule on his throne Mat. 3. 11. whose shoes I am not worthy to b. 27. 32, they found Simon, they compelled him to b. his cross. Marklb. 21. i:7^t'23. 26. Luke 14. 27. and whosoever doth not b. his cross 18. 7- avenge his elect, iho' he b. long with them ? John 16. 12. mftnythings, but ye cannot b. them now Alts 9. 15. he i« a choien vessel to b. my name 15. 10. a yoke, oar fathers nor we were able to b. 18. 14. O Jews, reason would I should b. with you R-'tn. 15. 1. we ought to b. infirmities of the weak 1 Cor. 3. 2. hitherto ye were not able to b. it, nor 10. 13. a way to escape, that ye may be able to b. it 15. 49. we shall also h. the image of the heavenly 2 Cor. 11. 1. would to God ye could b. with me 4. have not accepted, ye might well b. with him Gal. 6. 2. b. one another's burdens and so fulfil 5. for every man shall b. his own burden 17- I A. in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Heb. 5.^2. who can reasonably b. with the ignorant Jam. Z. 19,. can the fig-tree i. olive-berries? Kev. 2. 2. thou canst not b. ihem that are evil Bk\r fruit, see Fruit. HEAR iniquity. Exf'd. 58. 38. Aaron may b. iniquity of holy things 43. Aaron and his sons, that they b. not iniipiiti/ £e».5.1.heshalU.hisi7iij«tVv,17. | 7-18. | 17. 16'. I 19. 8. I 20. 17. 10.17. halh given to you to b. iniquity of tne cong. 16.22. the goat snail b. upon him all their inirpiitii 20. ly. they shall *. their iniguirv. Num. 18. 23 Ezei. 44. 10, 12. 82.16. or suffer them to i tni^wiVy of their trespass Num. 5. 31. this woman shall b. her ini/piilv 14. 34. ye shall b. your iniquity even forty years 18. 1. Aaron and hi.s sons A. iniquity uf sanctuary 30. 15. after he heard, then he shall b.her iniqititv J*a. 53. 11. my right. servant shall b. their inimiiiv £eeit.4.4.nuniberofdays.thou shalt i. their ini^-.S,)!. IB. 19. why doth not sun b. iniquity of the father ? SO. the son sb&ll not b. the iniquity of the father BKA BEAR judgment. flsrael Fxod.^R. 30. Aaron shall b. judg. of children of Gal. 5. 10. he that troublelh you shall b. hisjudg. Bear record, see Record. BKAR rule. Esth. 1. 22. every man shor 2. 19. out of the ground God formed every A. 20. Adam gave names to every A. of the field 3. 14. thou art cursed above evcri/b. of the field 7. 2. of every clean A. take to thee by sevens. 8 14. they and evervb. after bis kind, and cattle 8.19. every A. after their kinds went out of the ark 20. of every clean A. and clean fowl he offered 9 2. dreadof youiihall be on*[rr(^ A- oftheeanl: BEA BEA C3f«.9.5. your bloods-ill 1 require at hand off i'cri/«. 10. with erert/&. of earth I establish my covtiiaiit 34. 33. shall 'uiit tierv b. of theirs be ours ? Itv.M. eti. tJie carcase's of (Jfcrj/ b. which divideth the hoof, nor cheweth tbe cud, Dent. 14. 6. Pm/. 50. 10. for every b. of the forest is mine 10*. 11. they give driiik to every b. of the field Ezek. 34. 8. my tlock became meat to everjf b. 'iQ. 17 . son of man, speak to eierjf b. of the field BEASl, joined with Man. GeitS. 7. Lord said. I will destroy both man and b. £xi>ii.8A7. smote dust, it became Uce in rnau and b. g.g. boil breaking with blains upon man nnd b.lO. ly. hail shall come down on man aJid A. 22, 25. 11.7. not a dog move his tongue against man orb. I'Z. VZ. and will smite all the first-born in Egypt, both of Tnan and A. 13. }5. P.W. 135. 8. 13. 2. first-born o{ man and A. is mine. Num. 8. 17 19. 13. whether man or b. it shall not live Lev- 27. 28. no devoted thing of widn or A. shall be yK/H.3.13.1 hallowed to me first-born of/nn.1.3ti. Ezek. 29. 5. I have givL-n thee for meat to the b. of the lield, and to the fowls, 34. 5. | 39. 4. 31. 6. under his branches A. of the fieldhT\n% forth 13. all the b. of the lield shall be on his branches 38.20. the b. of' the jield shall shake at my presence Dan. 4. 12. the A. of the ^eW had shadow under it 25. thy dwelling shall be with A. of the field, 32. IIos. 2.18. make a covenant for them with A. of field 4. 3. therefore shall the land mourn with b. offic^d Jofll. 20. A. of fielders also to thee, for the rivers 2. 22.be not aVraid, ye'b.of field, the pastures spring mid BtASTS. Lev. 26. 22. I wtll also send aild b. among you 1 Sam. 17.46. gave carcases of Philistines to li/W &. Psal. 50. 11. and the a-iW b. of the field are mine hn. 13. 21. but uildb. of the desert shall lie there 22. and the uild h. of the islands shall cry 34 14. the ivild A. of the desert shall also meet with wild A. of the island, Jer. 50. 39, Mark 1.13. Christ was there with the tcild A. and Acts 10. 12. sheet, whert'n were all wild b. 11. 6 BEAT. Signifies, [1] To smite, or strike, Deul. 25. 3. Mat. 21.35. [2] To bruise, or bray, Exod. 30. 36. Num. 11.8. [3J To batter, '^r demolish, )\iA^.\i. 17. 2 Kings 3. 25. [4] To get the better cf, or overcome, 2 Kings 13. 25. [5] To thresh, Kuth 2. 17. Isa. 28. 27. [6] To turn, or convert one thing i}tto another, Isa. 2. 4. Joel 3. 10. Exod. 30. .36. some of the spices shalt A. very small 39. 3. they did A.the gold into thin plates \um. 11. 8. the people A. the manna in a mortar Dt'n/.25. 3. lest if he exceed and b. him above these Jndg. 8. 17- he A down the tower of Penuel 9j 45. Abimelech A. down the city, and sowed it 19. 22. certain sons of Belial A. at the door Ri'ith 1. 17. she *. out that she had gleaned 2 &//rt.22T43.then did I b. them small, Psal. 18. 42 Kings 3. 25. the Israelites A. do«Ti the cities 13. 25. three times did Joash A. Ben-hadad 23. 12. the altars did the king A. down, and brake P\a/. 52. +5. God shall likewise A. thee down 89. 23. I will A. down his foes before his face Prov. 23. 14. thou shalt A. him with the rod and /V0.2.4.A. their swords into plow-shares, Mic. 4. 3 3. 15. what mean ye, that ye b. my people 27. 12. the Lord shall A. off from the channel 41. 15. thresh the mountains, A. them small Jot/ 3. 10. A. your plow-shares into swords, and your Jonah 4. 8. the sun b. on the head of Jonah ^]ic. 4. 13. thou shalt A. in pieces many people Mat. 7.25. and A. on that house, 27. I^nke 6. 48,49. 21 35. Uie husbandmen took his servants, and b. one, Mark 12. 3. J^nJce 20. 10, 11, Mark 4. 37. waves A. into the ship, it was now full Luke 12. 45. and shall begin to A. the men-servants Acts 16. 22. the magistrates commanded to b. them 18. 17. the Greeks took Sosthenes and A. him 22. 19. I imprisoned and b. in every synagogue 27.114. there A. a wind called Euroclydon BKAIEN. Exod. 5. 14. the officers of Israel were A. I6. 25. 18. cherub, of A. work. 37. 17, 22. A'nwi.8.4. 37. 7. made two cherubims A. out of one piece Lev. 2. 14. shalt offer com A. out of full ears Deui. 25. 2. if the wicked man be worthy to be A. Josh.6.15. all Israel made as if wrre A. before them 2.Sa;n.2.17.and Abncrwas A. and the men of Israel 2 ChroJi. 15. +6. nation was b. in pieces of nation 34. 7. when he had 6. graven images to powder BEA J,ib 4. +20. they are J. in pieces from morning Prov. 10.18. but a prating fool shall be i. 23. as. they have b. me, and I felt it not Isa. 28. 27. fitches are A. out with a staff 30. 31. thro' voice of Lord the Assyrian shall be A Jer. 46. 5. and their mighty ones are b. down .\Jic. 1. 7. the graven images shall be A. to pieces Mark 13. 9. in the synagogue ye shall be A. £.»X-el2.47.ser\'aiit who knew and did not shall be b Aits 5. 40. when they called the apostles and A. tnem i6. 37. they have A. us openly uncoiidemned 2 Cor. 11. 25. thrice was I b. with rods, once stoned BEATEN Gold. A'»m.8.4.this work of the candlestick was of A. gold 1 hings 10. 16. made two hundred targets of A, goW 17. made three bund. shields of *.gD/t/,2 Chro.g.\6. Chro.g. 15. six hundred shekels *. ^-oW toa targtt BEATEN Uil. Exod. 27. 20. pure oilb. for the light. Lev. 24. 2. 9.40. fourth part of anhin of 4. otl, Nnm, 12. 5. BEATEST. Deui. 24. 20. when thou b. thy olive tree, shalt not Prov. 23. 13. for if thou A. him with rod, shail not BEATETH. 1 Cor. 9. 26. so fight I, not as one that A. the air BEATING. . Sam. 14. 16. they went on i. down one another Mark 12. 5. many others, b. some, and killing some BEAUTY Signifies, [1] Comeliness, or handsomeness, 2 Sam 14. 25. [C] A chief person, or city, 2 Sam. 1 I9. Isa. 13. 19. Lam. 2. 1. [3] -Splendor, glory, or dignity, Lam. 1. 6. Zech. 11. 7- [■*] Jt>y mid gladness, Isa. 6I. 3. [5] The excellent order of a government, the prosptrity, riches, and peace of a countn/, together with the holiness, pnrily, and truth of their religion, nhich were their ornament and slorv. Ezek 16. 14. Exod.9.S.l'. holy garment lor Aaron, for glory and S. 1-Sam. 1. 19. the b. of Israel is slain on high places 14. 25. none so much praised as Absalom for b. 1 C'Aru. 16.29. worship the Lord in the b. of holiness Psal. 29. 2. 1 96. 9. 2 Chro. 20. 21. that should praise the A. of holiness E^th . 1 . 11. to shew the people and princes her A Job 40. 10. and array thyself ^vith glory and A. Psal.17. i. to behold the A. of the Lord, and inqolre 39. 11. thou makest his b. to consume away 45. 11. so shall the king greatly desire thy 5. 49. 14. their A. shall consume in the grave 50. 2. out of Zion the perfection of A. God shined 90. 17. let the b. of the Lord our God be on us yt). 6. strength and A. are in his sanctuaij Prov. 6. 25. lust not after her A. in thy heart 20. 29- the A. of old men is the gray-head 3i. .30. favour is deceitful, and A. is vain La. 3. 24 there shall be burning instead of A. /j«.4.+2. branch of the Lord shall beA. and glory 13. 19. Babylon the A. of the Chaldees" excellency 28. 1 . whose glorious b. is a fading Hower, 4. 5. the Lord will be for a diadem of A. to residue 33. 17. thine eyes shall see the King in his i. 4J.. 13. he maketh it according to the A. of a man 53. 2. there is no A. that we should desire him 61. 3. to give to them that mourn b. for ashes Lam. 1. 6.^ from Zion all her b. is departed 2. 1. and cast down from heaven the A. of Israel 15. is this the city men call the perfection of b. .' Ezek. 7. 20. as for the A. of his ornament he set It 16. 14 thy renown went among the heathen for A 15. but thou didst trust in thine own A. 25. thou hast made thy A. to be abhorred 27.3. thou hast said I am of perfect A. 28. 12. 4. thy builders have perfected thy A. 11. 28.7 .shall draw swords against the A. of thy wisdom 17 . thine heart was lifted up because of thy A. 31.8. no tree was like the Assyrian in his A. 32. 19. Egypt, whom dost thou pass in A. ? IIos. 10 + 11. I passed over on the A. of her neck 14.6. Israel's A. shallbeasihe olive-tree, his smell Zech. 9. 17. how great is his goodness and his A. 11.7. 1 took two staves, one I called A. 10. BEAUTIES. Psal ilO.3. inlheA.ofholiness, from the womb of BEAUTIFY. Esrfl. 7.27. put in the king's heart to A. Lord'shousa Psal. 149. 4. he will A. the meek with salvation La. 60. i3. to A. the place of my sanctuary BEAUTIFUL. Gen. 29. 17. Rachel was b. and well-favoured Dertr. 21. U. seest among the captives a A. woman 1 Sam. 16. 12. David was of a A. countenance 2.1. 3. Abigail was ot a A. countenance 2 Sam. 11. 2. Eath-sheba was very b. to look upon 14. + 25. in Israel was not a A. man as Absalom 7jM. 2. 7. Esther was fair and A. Mordccai took fot Psal. 48. 2. A. for situation is mount Ziou IatcI. 3. 11. hath made every thing A. in bis time Cant. 6. 4. thou art A. O my love, as Tirzah 7. 1. how A. are thy feftt with shoes. O pnncos I BED Jsa, 4, 5 iu that day shall the hraricvi of Lord be i. £2. 1. O Zinn put on thy d. gaiiuents 7- how A. the feet of tlieui that bring, i^ti/n. 10. 15. 6*. 1 1 . our holy and i. house is burnt up /er. 13. 20. where is the flock, thy A. flock ? 48. 17 • how is the staff brokeu, and the ^. rod Ezei-. l6. 12. I put a &. crown upon thine head 13. thou wast exceeding 6. and didst prosper 23. 42. the Sabeans put i. crowns on their heads Mat 23. 27. whited sepulchres, which appear 6. Aets 3. 2. at the gate of the temple called b. 10. BECAME. Gtfn.2.7- the breath of life, and man b. alivinp-.soul jp. 26. Lot's wife looked back and h. a pillar of sail •ly. 15. Issaehar A. a servant to tribute Exod. 4. 3. it A. a. serpent II 4. It. a rod in his hand .36. 13. he coupled it. so it b, one tabernacle 1 Sam. 25. 37 . N abal's heart died, he ii. as a stone 1 Kings 12. 30. and this thing b. a sin, 13. 34. Dan. 2. 35. the stone b. a great mountain, and filled 1 Crtr.g. 20. to the Jews I b. a Jew, to gain the Jews lUb. 7. 26. such an High Priest b. us, who is holy 10. 33. whilst ye b. companions of them so used Rev. 16. 3. the sea b. as the blood ot a dead man Bi'XAiMESr. 1 Chro7i. 17. 22. and ihou, Lord, b. th^ir God ExeA. 16. 8. 1 sware unto thee, and thou b. mine BECAUSE. Gen. 3 1 1- *. God hath said, ye shall not eat 14. said to the serpent, b. thou hast done this Lev. 26. 43. b. even b. they despised my judgmvints Veut. 7.t 12. b. ye hearken to these jud^^menls 2 Satn. 12. 6. b. he did this, b. be had no pity Prov. 1. 24. b. 1 have called, and ye refused La. 7. -t 9. do ye not believe, b. ye are not stable Ezek. 13. 10. b. even b. they seduced my people 36. + 3. b. for h. they have made you desolate Mat. 26. 31. all ye shall be offended b- of me Mark. 9 41. give you water. A. ye be'ong to Christ John 6. 26. ye seek me, not b. ye saw the miracles, hut b. ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled 8. 43. even b. ye cannot hear my word 10. 13. the hireling fleeth, h. he is an hireling 14. 19. but ye see me, b. I live, ye shall live also Rom. 8. 10. the Spirit is life b. of righteousness + 11. quicken your mortal bodies i. of his tpiril Eph. 5. 6. b. of these cometh the wrath of Oud lieb. 4.+2. not profit, b. not united by faith to them 5.13. A. he could swear by no greater, he sware by 1 John 3.1-i, from death to life, b. we love brethren 4. 19. we love him b. he first loved us BECKONED. Luke 1. 22. Zecharias b. and remained speechless 5. 7 ■ they b. to their partners in the other ship John 13. 34. Peter *. to him that he should ask Acts 19. 33. Alexander b. with his hand, and would 21. 40. Paul stood on stairs, and *. with the hand 24. 10. Paul, after the governor had b. answered BECKONING. Acts 12. 17. Peter b. unto them with the hand 13. 10. Paul stood up, and b. with his hand, said BECOME. Gen. 3. 22. man \sb. as one of us, to know good and 17. 1 16. I will bless her, and she shall b. nations 37. 20. we will see what will b. of his dreams 38. + 23. let her take it, lest we b. a contempt Eiod. 15. 2. the Lord is my strength, and is 1^. my salvation, Pi'al. 118. 14. ha. 12. 2. 32. 1. for as for this Moses that brought us up, we wot not what is A, of him. 23. Ads 7 . 40. Deut. 27. 9. O Israel, thou art b. the people of God J Slim. 28. 16. seeing the Lord is b. thine enemy Jonah ■X. 5. he might see what would A, of the city JiJat. 21. 42. the same is b. the head of the comer, Mark 12. 10. LjtAt 20. I7. Acts 4. 11. John 1. 13, he gave power to b. the sons of God 2 Cor. 5. 17. in Christ, behold, all things are b. new 2{ev. U. 15. are b. the kingdoms of our Lord BECOMETII, Psal. 93. 5. holiness b. thy house, O Lord, for ever Pruv.lO.i. he (4. poor that dealeth with a slack hand 17.7. excellent speech (i. not a fool, much less do 18. a man void of understanding b. surety Ecci. 4. li. he that is bom in his kingdom A. poor Mat. 3. IX thus it b. us to fulfil all righteousness 13. 22. the deceitfulness of riches choketh the word, and he b. unfruitful, Marf: 4, 19. 32. greatest among herbs,and i. a tree, Mark-i.3'i. /?om. 16.2 .that ye receivePhebe our sister as i. saints i:./iA.5.3 covetousness not be once named, as b. saints Phil. 1. 27. let your conversation be as b. the gospel I Tim. 2. 10. 2is b. women professing godliness Ttt. 2, 3. aged women be in behaviour as b. holiness BED Signifies. [\] That uht:reon persons sleep in the night, 1 Sam. 19- 13. (2] A conch to rest on in the dot,, 2 Sam. 4. 5. [3] Pain, torment, fir fnbuiaiion, Kev. 2. 22. [4] The grave, ithich ii at a sleeping htntse far the righteoia, Isa. 57. 2. [5] The laiefui use of wedlock Ileb, 13. 4. U8 Ou my bed, Cant. 3. 1. zi'hUe I tvai in a secure or slothjul frame. Our bed is green. Cant 1. )G. The ordinances and nttans of grace, uheie 1 enjoif saeet lello, ship and communion n'ith thee, are not on/y pie sant and delightful, but also fruitful ; a?id, bu (lie Spirit's accompanying them, they are made ef J'eilual for the converting of many. (ien. 47. .31. bowed himseli on the b. 1 Kings 1. 47 49. 4. wentesl up to thy father's b. 1 Chron. 5. 1. Eiud. 21. 18. and he die not, but keepeth his b. Lev. 15. 4. every b. whereon he lieth is unclean, 24. 1 ■^'(im.l9-13.Michal took an image and laid it iu b. 2 Sam. 3. t 31. king David himself followed the b. 4. 5. Ish-bosheth who lay on a b. at noon 11. 2. in an evening-tide David arose from his b. 2 Ktngs l.i. shall not come down from that b. 6. 16. 4. 10. let us set there for him a b. and a table Job 7. 13. when I say, my b. shall comfort me 17. 13. I have made my b. m the darkness 33. 15. God speakelh in slumberings upon the 6. P.^al 4.4. commune with your own heart on your b. 3fj. 4. he deviseth mischief on his b. -11. 3. thou wilt make all his b. in his sickness t)3. 6. when I remember thee upon my b. and Psal. 132. 3. nor go up into my b. till 1 find a place 13g. 8. if 1 make my b. in hell, thou art there P'ov. 7. ItJ. 1 have decked my b. with tapestry, 17. 22. 27. why should he take thy b. from underthee r 26. 14. on hinges, so doth the slothful on his b. Cant. 1. 16. fair, yea pleasant, also our i. is green 3.1. by night on my b 1 sought him whom my soul 7- behold, his b, which is ^lolomon's, valiajit men + 9- Solomon made himself a b. wood of Lebanon Tsa. 28. 20. the b. is shorter than a man can stretch 57. 7. on a lofty mountain hast thou set thy b. .irnos 3. 12. Israel taken out in the corner of a i. Mat. 9- 6- Jesus suith, take up thy b. and walk. Mari^.g, 11. John 5. 11, 12. Mark 4. 21. a candle to be put under a b. Luke 8.16, Luke 11.7. my children are with me in 3. I cannot 17- 34. two men in one b. one taken, the other left Kev. 2. 22. behold 1 will cast her into a b. BED of lot e. £ifi*.2.3. 17. Babylonians came lo her in the b.oflove BED of sjnces. Crt7(^5. 13. his cheeks are as a b.of spices, as flowers 6. 2. my beloved is gone down to the b. of spices BED undeliled. f/e?i.l3.4-marriage is honorable and the b.vndejiled BED-CHAMBER. Exod. 8. 3. frogs came into thy b.-c. and on thy bed 2 ^■ hath b. his counsellor? B£F nave BEEN. 1 Sajn. 4. 9- 00^ Servants to Hebrews as they Anrf >. 1 Chr. 17.8. /larei. with thee whitherthou walitdst Ezra 9. 7. since the days of our fathers haveve b. Job 10. 19. 1 should have b. as if 1 had not*. Psal. 25. 6. thy tender mercies have b. ever of old 37.25./(df^i.young,and now old, yet have notseei 42. 3. my tears have b, my meal day and night i'ra.l.9>should /luir^-asSodomyiaie^astiomorrafa 2(i. 17. 30 have we b. in thy sight, O Lord 18. have b. with child, have b. m pain, as it were fKJ. 2. all those things have b. saith the Lord Jer.'Z.M. have I b. a wilderness to Israel ? 28. 8. the prophets thai have b. before me Hos. 5. 2. though f have b. a rebuker of them all Mai. 2. y. but have b. partial in the law Mark 8.2. they have b. with me three days Luke 1. 70. which have b. since the world began John 14.9- ^"^'^ 1 b- so long time with you.' 15. 27. because ye hare b. with me from the begin Acts 'Jo. 18. after what manner 1 have b. with yon 2 Cor. 11. 25. a night and day have I b. in the deep Gal. 3. 21. righttousiiess should have b. by the la^ Sot BEEN. Ejod. 9. 18. to rain hail such as hath7(of A. in Egypt 1 htngs 3. f 13. not b. among the kings like thee 14. 8. yet haat tiot b. as my se^v■^lnt David Job 3. 16. as an hidden untimely birth I had not b. 10. ig. I should have been as tho' I had Jtot b, Psal. 124.1. if it had tiot 6. the Ixird ou our side.fi, Eccl. 4. 3. better than both is he that hath }tot b. Ubad. 16. they shall be, as though they had not b. Mat. 26. 24. good for that man h.-; had not b. bom Lnke Iti. 11. it therefore ye have not b. faithful, 12 BEEl L"E. I-^v. 11. 22. these of them ye may eat, the b. BEEVES. Lev. 22.19. offer at your own will of the b. of sheej 21. whosoever ofters a free-will-ofiering in b. Num. 31. 28. levy a tribute to the Lord of the *. 38. the Lord'stributeof 1^. threescore and twelve BEEAL. Gen. 42. 4. lest peradventure mischief h. him 38. it mischief b. him by the way then, 44. 29- 49. 1. that 1 may tell you what shall b. you in the last day5,'ZJaJ^ 31. 2^). Dan. 10. 14. Deut. 31. 17. many evils and troubles shall b. them Psal. 91. 10. there shall no evil b. ihee, nor plague Acts 20. 22. not knowing things that shall b. me BEFALLEN. Lev. 10. 19. and such things have b. me Sum. 20.14. thou knowestall travail that hath i.us Dent. 31. 21. when many troubles are b. them Judg. d. 13, if Lord be with us, why is all this*, us' 1 Sam. 20. 2t)- he thought something had b. him Eslh.Q. 13. Haman told everj- thing that had b. Mat. 8.33. and what was i. to the possessed of devils BEFALLETH. Eccl. 3. 19- for that which b. the sons of men, b. beasts, even oue thing b. them BEFEL. 2 Sam. 19. 7- ''ill be worse than all that b. thee Mark 5.1(i. told how it b. to him that was possessed Acts 20. ly. b. me by the lying in wait of the Jews BEFORE Signifies, [1] In sight of, Geo. 43. 14. [2] Bather than, 2 Sam. 6. 21. {3] Free to one's vtcw nud choice. Gen. 20 15. [4] At, Rev. 3. 9. (5] AW being sent, or commissioned Ay, John 10. 8. [6] first. [1} In order of time, Isa. 43. 13. [2] In order of' place. Josh', e. 10. Luke 22. 47. [3j /;( order of dignity, John 1. 15,27. Gen. 20. 15. behold my land is b. thee, dwell where 24. 45. b. I had done speaking in my heart 31. 2. his countenance was not toward him as A 43, 14. the Lord give you mercy b. the man 48. 20. and he set Ephraim b. Manasseh Exod. 16. 34. Aaron laid it up b. the testimony Sum. 6. 12. but the days that were b. shall be losl Josh. 4. 18. Jordan flowed over his hanks as b. 10. 14. there was no day like that b. it, or after it Judg. 3. 2. at least such as b. knew nothing thereol 16. 20. said, 1 will go as b. and shake myself 2 O^mm. 6.21. chose nreA. thy father, and*, his house 10. 9. Joab saw the battle was against him b. and behind, 1 Chron. I9. 10. 22, +25. according to my cleanness b. his eyes 1 Kings 13. 6. the king's hand became as it was a 2 Chron. 13. 14 the battle was b. and behind 33. 19. Manasseh his trespass i. he was humbled Job 3. 24. for my sighing cometh b. 1 eat 10, 21. b. I go, whence I shall not return 42. 10. Lord gave Job twice as much as he had Psal. 31, 22. I am cut off from b, thine eyes 39. 13. spare me b. I go hence and be no more 80. 9. thou preparedsl room *. it, and didst cause 119. 67. b. I was afflicted 1 went astray, but now 139. 5. thou hast beset me behind and b. and laid IacI. 7.17. why shouldesi thou die b. thy lime ? Isa. 9. 1^- Syrians b. and the PluUstiuos behind BEG Ji». 17. 14, and behold, b. the morning he is not 45. \%. b. the day was, I am be, and there is Doue G5. 24. that b. ihey call I will answer and hear j£r. I. 5. *. 1 formed thee iu the belly, I knew thee Eitk. 4*. 12. they miiiistered to them b. their idols 22. they shall take a widow that had a priest b. JIos. 7. 2. their own doings, they are b. my face Jlnios 4. 3. every cow at that which is b. her Mai. 2.5. he feared me. and was afraid b. ray name 4. 5. I will send Elijah the prophet b. the coming AJat. 1 .18. b. they came Logether.she was with child 6. 8. knoweth what things ye need b. ye ask 8 29. art thou come to torment us b. the time .•' 24. 25. behold, I have told you b. Lukel. 26. not see death b. he had seen the Lord 23. 12. for b. they were at enmity between thems. John 6. 62. see the Son of man asce. where he was b. 7 . 51 . doth our law judge any man b. it hear him .' 13. 19. now 1 tell you b. it come, It. 29. Acts S.Sl.he seeing this i. spake of the resurrection 4. 28. to do thy counsel determined b. to be done 10.41. but to witnesses chosen b. of God to us e Coi\ 8. 10. who have bee:un b. not only to do Gal. 5. 21. of which 1 tell you *. as 1 told you Kph. 3. t3. as 1 wTOle a little b. Phil. 3.13. reachiui; forth to those things that are*. Ci^l. 1. 5. whereof ye heard b. in the word of truth 1 Thess'Z. 2. but even after that we had suffered b. 3.4. when we were with you, we told you b. 1 Tim. 1.13. who was A. a blasphemer, a persecutor U^b. 7. 18. disannulling of the command going 10.15. for after that he had said b. this is covenant 2 Pel. 3. 2. mindful of words spoken b. by prophets 17. seeing ye know these things b. beware Rev. 3. 9, make them to worship b. thy feet 4. 6. were four beasts, full of eyes b. and behind Come BEFORE. Erod. 22. 9. both parties shall come b. the judge Pidl. 100.2. come b. his presence with thanksgiving Mic. fi. 6. wherewithal shall I come b. the Lord ? 2 Tim. 4. 21. do thy diligence to come b. winter BEFORE the people. G«».23. 12. Abraham bowed b.the yenple of the land Eiod. 13. 22. nor the pillar of fire from b. ike people 17.5. the Lord said to Moses, goon i. thepeople 34. 10. b. all tky people I will do marvels Joi/*.8.10.Joshua and elders went b.the pe&ple to A\ 1 Sam. 18.13. he went out, and came in b. thepeople Mark 8. 6. gave disciples, did set them b. the people Luke 20.20. not take hold of his words, b. thepeople Rev. 10. 11. thou must prophesy b. many peoples BEFORE whom. Ge;i. 24.40. Lord b. ichom I walk will send his angel 48. 15. God b. whom my fathers did walk 1 KtJi^t 17.1. Elijah said to Ahab, as the Lord God of Israel liveth, b. -xhom 1 stand, 18. 15 2 Kings 3. 14. | 5. I6. £jM.6.13.Mordecai b.whorn thou hast begun to fall Da7t. 7.8.3.Ei'Ao»jtliere were three of the firstborns 20. and b. vhom three fell, even of that horn Acts £6. 26. the king, b. u-hom also 1 speak freely See further. All, Ark, God, ^Iim, Lord, We, RiuuNT, Stand, Stood, Thee, Them, As, WEhx, You. BEFOREHAND. Mark 13. 11. take no thought b. what to speak 8 Cor. 9. 5. go and make up b. your bounty 1 Tim. 5. 24. some men's sins are open b. 25. the good woiks of some are manifest b. I Pet. 1. 11. testified b. the sufferings of Christ BEFORETIME. Josh. 20. 5. because he hated him not *. 1 Sam. 9.9. b. in Israel, when a man went ; he who is called a prophet was b. called a seer 2 S.im. 7. 10. nor afflict them any more as b. 2 /w>(i;j 13.5. Israel dwelt in their tents as b. Xeh. 2. 1. I had not been b. sad in his presence Isa. 41. 26. who hath declared b. that we may say Acts 8. 9. called Simon which b. used sorcery BEGAN. Gen.i. 26. then b. men to call on the name of Lord Num. 25. 1. the people i. to commit whoredom with Judg. ^0.31. they b. to smite Israel as at other time.s I Sam. 14. +35. that aiiar he b. to build to the Lord £ Kin^s 10. 32. the Lord b. to cut Israel short fi Chron. 20. 22. when they b. to sing, the Lord set 31. 7. m the third month they b. to lay the heaps 34. 3. while young .losiah b. to seek after God Ezek. 9. 6. then they b. at the ancient men Mat.i.ll. from that lime Jesus b. to preach and say Mark 14. + 72. he b. to weep when he thought Luke 1. 70. which have been since the world b. 14. 30. this man b. to build and was not able John4. 52. enquired thehour whenhe A. to amend 9 32. since the worldA. Acts 3. 21. Rom. I6. 25. Acts 12. + 1. Herod b. to vex certain of the church 2 Tim. l.g. in Christ before the worlds. Tit.l. 2. £/«A.2.3.salvatioc at first b to be spoken by the Lord BEGAT. ProD. 23 22. hearkeo to thy faiher that b. thee 2'J BEO Jer. 16. 3. concerning their fathers that b. ihera Dun. 11. b. she shall be given up, and he that b. her Zei-h. 13. 3. his father and mother that b. him Jam. 1. 18. of his own will b. he us with the word 1 John 5 I. every one that loveth him that b. loveth BEVtEI'. Gen. 17. 20. twelve prmces shall he *. I will make VciU. 4. 25. when tffou shalt b. chfldren, children's 28. 41 . thou shalt b. sons, but shalt not enjoy them 2 Ktngs 20. 18. of thy sons which thou shalt b. shall they lake and make eunuchs, Jsa. 3y. 7. Eccl. 6. 3. if a man b. 100 children, and live many Jer. 29. 6. take wives, and b. sons and daughters Esek. 18. 10. if he *. a son that is a robber 14. if he b. a son that seeth all his father's sins BEGE'riEST. Gen. 48. 6. issue which thou b. shall be thine Jsa. 45. 10. that saith to his father, what b. thou ? BEGEriE'llI. Prov. 17.21. hethat A.dlonl.doeth it to his sorrow 23. 24. he that b. a wise child shall have joy Eccl. 5. 14. he b. a son, and nothing in his hand BEG. Psal. 109. 10. let his children be vagabonds and b Prov.^OA therefore shall the sluggard ii. iu harvest Luke 1(5. 3. I cannot dig, to A. 1 am ashamed BEGGED. Mat. 27. 58. and b. the body of Jesus, Luke 23. 52. John 9. 8. is not this he that sat and b. / BEGGAR. 1 Sam. 2. 8. he lifleth the b. from the dunghill Luke 16. 20. pud there was a b. named Lazarus 22. the b. died, and was carried by the angels BEGGARLY. Gal. 4. 9. how turn ye again to the b. elements BEGGING. Psal. 37. 25. I have not seen his seed A. bread Mark 10. 46. Bartimeus sat b. Luke 18. 35. BEGIN. Gen. 11. 6. this they b. to do, and now nothing Deut. 2. 25. this day I b. to put the dread of you Josh. 3. 7. this day will I b. to ma-inify thee 1 Sam. 3. 12. when I A. I will also make an end 22. 15. did I then b. to inquire of God for him ? AVA. 11. 17. RIattaiiiah to b. the thanksgiving Jer. 25. 29. 1 b. to bring evil on the city called £:ei.9.6.slay old and yonng,and i.at my sanctuary Hos. 8. + 10. they shall b. a little for the burden Luke 3. 8. and b. not to say within yourselves 13. 26. th<>n shall he b. to say, we have eaten 14. 29. all that behold it, b. to mock him 21. 28. when these things b. to come to pass 2 Car. 3. 1. do we b. again to commend ourselves ? 1 Pet. 4. 17. the time is come, that judgment must b. at the house of God, and if it first b. at us BEGINNER. Heh. 12. 1 2. Jesus the b. and finisher of our faith BEGINNING. Signifies, [1] That which is thejirst, Exod. 12. 2 [2] The ,Teatio7i, Gen. 1. 1. [3] Ai thejirst, Prov. £0. 21. Isa. 1. 26. [4] That which chief, or most excelleiit. Prov. 1. 7- | 9- 10. 1 am the beginning and ending, Rev. 1. 8. I am the eternal God, and gave all things a being and begiiiiiing. Gen. 49. 3. Reuben, thou art the b. of my strength Exod. 12. 2. this month shall be the b. of months Deuc. 21. 17- he is the b. of his strength, the right JubQ. 7. tho' thy i. was small, yet thy end increase 42. 12. blessed the latter end of Job more than*. Pjfl/.lll.lO.tearof Lard A. of wisdom, Prov. 9- 10. Prov. 1.7. fear of the Lord is the *. of knowledge 17. 14. b. of strife, as when one letteth out water Eccl. 7 . 8. better is the end of a thing than the b. 10. 13. the b. of words of his mouth is foolishness ha. 64. 4. since A. of the world, men have not heard Mic. 1. 13. is the b. of sm to the daughter of Zion A/flr.24. 8. all these are the A.of sorrows.il/arX- 13.8. tribulation, such as was not since the b. Mark 1. 1. the b. of the gospel of Jesus Christ John 2. 11. this b. of miracles did Jesus in Cana Col. 1.18. who is the A. the first-born from the dead Heb. 3. 14. if we hold the b. of our confidence 6. 1 1. leaving the word of the b. of Christ 7. 3. having neither b. of days, nor end of life 2 Pet. 2. 20. the latter end is worse than the b. Rev. 1.8. I am the A. and the ending, 21.6. | 22.13. 3 14. these things saith the b. of creation of God At the BEGINNING. jRTiM3.10.more kindness at latter end.than at the b. 1 C'Aron.l7.9.norchild. of wickedness waste asa^A. Prov. 20. CI. an inheritance gotten hastily ar the b. La. 1.26. I will restore thy counsellors as at the b. Dan.g.'23.at the A.of thysupplications the command Mat. 19.4. which madethem.ar A. made them male John 16. 4. these ihings I said not to you at the b. Acts 11 15 II. Ghost fell on them as onus aUAe b. From the BEGINNING. Deiil. II. 12. eyes of L. are on it/^om c/je A.of year 32. 4,2. from the b. of revenges on the enemy BEH Psal. 119. 160. word is tniG from the b. and eve rj /^ro^.8.23.l was set n^from ^.or ever the earth wi-i .^■t7.3.11.nomancaD find workGod maketh/^^)m^. Isa. 18. 2. go to a people terrible _/>-y"i the b. "J - 40.21. hath it not been told you /rem the b. f 41. 26. who bath declared /r«/n the b. f 46. 10. declaring the endfrom b. and ancient timps 48. 16. I have not spoken in secret from the A. Jer. 17. 12. a glorious high throne/rom the b. Mat. 19. 8. \>MtJrom the b. it was not so Lxike 1.2.uoto us, wbich/zwn A.were eye-witntsses John 6. 64. Jesus knew/ro/n the b. who believed not 8. 25, Jesus saith, even same 1 said to you from b. 44. was a murderer^row* b. and abode not in truth 15. 27. because ye have been wi'h mej'ro/n the b. Eph. 3. 9. v/hich from b. of the world hath been hid 2 Thess. 2. 13. God ha-th from b. chosen you to salv 2 Pet. 3. 4, all continue as they were from the b. 1 John 2. 7 .word which ye have \iea.rA from i.3,11 13. because ye have known him that isfrom b 3.8.isof the devil, for the devil sinaeth. from the b 2 John 5. but that which we had from the b. In the BEGINNING. Ge7t.l.l. in rAe A. God created the heaven and earth 2 Sam. 20.+ 18. they plainly spake in b. ask at Abel Prov.S. 22. the L. possessed me iu the b. of his way John 1.1. in b. was the Word, Word was with God 2. the same was in the b. with God Phil. 4. 15. ye know that in the b. of the gospel Heb.l.XQ. thou Lord iw the b. hast laid foundation BEGINNING. Mat. 14. 30. b. to sink he cried. Lord, save me 20. 8. give their hire, b. from the last to the first Z,7(>tt; 24. 47. among all nations,*, at Jerusalem John 8. 9. went out, b. at the eldest even to the last Acts 1 22. b. from the baptism of John to that day BEGINNINGS. Num. 10. 10. also in the b. of your months, 28. 11. Eiek. 36. 11. 1 will do better than at your b. BEGINNEST. Deut. 16. 9. time thou b. to put the sickle to corn BEGOTTEN Is taken, [1] Properly and naturally, Judg. 8. 30 [2] Supernaturally, thus Isaac was begotten of the dead body avd womb ii/" Abraham and Sarah, Heb. 11. 17. [3] Spiritually, thus Christians are said to be begotten by such ministers as were instruments of their conversion, 1 Cor. 4. 15. [4] Eternally, sitch only is Christ the oniy be- gotten of the' Lather, John 1. 14. Num. 11.' 12. have I conceived, have I b. them ? Dent. 23. 8. the children b. of them shall enter Judg. 8. 30. Gideon had 70 sous of his body b Job 38. 26. or who hath b. the drops of dew ? Psal.l.l . thou art my Son, this day have 1 b. thee, Acts 13. 33. iieb. 1. 5. | 5. 5. Isa. 49. 21. thou shalt say, who hath b. me these ? Jer. 2. + 27. saying to a stone, thou hast b. me Ho3. 5. 7. for they have b. strange children John 1 . 14. the glory as of the only b. of the Father 18. the only b. Son, he hath declared him 3. 16. God so loved, that he gave his only b. Son 18. not believed in the name of the only b. Son 1 Cor. 4. 15. for I have b. you through the gospel Philem. 10. Onesimus, whom I have b. in my bonds Heb. ll.n.i^braham by faith offered up only A. son 1 Pet. 1. 3. who hath b. us again to a lively hope 1 John 4. 9. sent his only b. Son, that we might live 5. 1. that begat, loveth him also that is b. of him 18. he that is b. of God keep th himself FIRST-BEGOTTZN. Heb. 1. 6. when he bringetb in frst-b. into world Rev. 1.5. from Jesus, who is the ji>jr-A. of the dead BEGUILE. Col. 2. 4. lest any man b. you with enticing words 18. let no man b. you of your reward BEGUILED, ING. Gen. 3.13. woman said, serpent b. me, and I did eat 29. 25. wherefore then hast thou *. ine ? Num. 25. 18. they have b. you in the matter of Peor Josh. 9. 22. saying, wherefore have ye b. us? 2 Cor. 11. 3. but 1 fear lest as the serpent b. Eve 3 Pet. 2. 14. cannot cease from sin, b. unstable souls BEGUN. Num. 16. 46. the plague is b. 1147. tlie plague was &. Deut. 3. 24. thou hast b. to shew thy greatness Eslh. 6. 13. before whom thou hast b. to fall 9. 23. the Jews undertook to do as they had b. Mat. 18. 24. and when he had b. to reckon 2 Cor. 8. 6. as he had b. so he would also finish 10. this is expedient for you who have b. before Gal. 3. 3. are ye so foolish, having b. in the Spirit Phil. 1. 6. he which hath b. a good work in you 1 Tim 5. 11. when they have b. to wax wanton BEHALF. Eiod. 27.21. a statute on b. of the children of Israel 2 Sam. 3. 12. Abner sent to David on his *. 2 Chron. 16. 9. shew himself strong in b. of them Job 36. 2. shew that I have yet to speak on God'a i Dan. 11. 18. but a prince for his owni. shall cause BEH Fom. l6. 19. I am giad therefore on joav b. 1 Cor. 1. 4. I thank my God silways OD your b, iCor. l.ll.thaiiks may be given by rnaoy onyouri. 5. 12. but give you occd^iori to glory ou our 6. Phil. 1.29- to you it is given in i. of Christ, not only I Pet. 4. 16. let mm glorify God on this b. BEHAVE. i>eirf.32.'27. lest adversaries 6. themselves strangely 1 C/iron. IQ. 13. let us b. ourselves valiantly Job 41. t 3S. who &. themselves without fear Psai. 101. 2. I will b. wisely m a perfect way A^i.23.35. A't7(. 4. It), the ruifrs were b. the house of Judah y.26.tbey rebelled and cast thy law b. their backs Cant. 2. 9. behold, he standeth b. our wall, looketh /..a. ;i8. 17. thou hast cast all my sins b. thy back Amoi 7. 1 15. the Lord took me from b. the Hock Mark 5. 27. she came in the press b. and touched L'iAe 2. 43. the child Jesus tarried b. in Jerusalem 1 Cpr.1.7. so that ye come b. in no gift, waiting for 2 CW.11.3. I was not a whit b. the chiefesi, 12.11. Fhil. 3. 13. forgetting those things which are b. Col. 1. 24. fill up what is b. of afflictions of Christ ■b'«/u/-//itif, BtFORE, Him, We, 1 hee,Theii,Us. BEHOLD Signifies, [1] Admiration, Isa. 7- 14. [2] Joi/ and gladness, Mat. 21. 5. [3] Obedience,! bate 22. t 12. Isa. 6. t 8. [4] Asseveration, Gen. 28. 15. [5] Exhortation to a provident cere, John ly. 27. [Oj Co?isidt7ation, or observation, Lnke '^4. 39. John 1. 29. [7] Suddenness, or ujteTycciedness, Rev. 16. 15. ] 22. 7. [Hj Cer- tainty, Mat. 23. 38. Luke I. 20. Geyt. 28. 15. b. 1 am with thee, and will keep thee 31. 51. b. this heap, b. this pillar 1 have cast 40.6. Joseph luoked on them, and b. they were sad 48. l.b. thy father is sick II £1. Israel said, A. 1 die Erad. S. 2. and b. the bush burned with fire ;6. 4. b. I will rain bread from heaven for you 23. CO. b. 1 send an angel Irefore thet' to keep thee 24. B. Moses said, b. the blood of the covenant Vwm. 20. 16. b. we are in Kadesh in the utmost Sam. 12. 13. b. the king whom ye have chosen Sam. 9. 6. and he answered, b, thy servant i<*ngsVi.%. i. child shall be born to house of Dav, 3u 2 Kings 13. 21. tha*. b. they spied a band of men £2. lb. b. \ will bring evil upon this place and the inhabitanis thereof, 2 Chron, 34. 24. 2 Chron. 20. 11. b. 1 say, how they reward us Job 1. 12. b. all that he hath is in thy power 28. 28. b. the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom 33. 12. b. in this thou art uoi just, 1 will answer 3d. 3. b. Gild IS mighty, and despiseth not any, 26, 40. 4. b. 1 am vile, what shall 1 answer thee .' Psal. 33.18. b. eye of the Lord is on them that fear 51, 5. b. I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did 73. 12. i. these are the ungodly who prosper 10 world Psal. 78.20. i.he smote the rock, the waters gushed I'-i^. 8. if 1 make my bed in hell, b. thou an there Cant. 1. 15. b. thou art fair, my love, b. I6. | 4. 1. ha. 7. 14. b. a virgin shall conceive, Mai. 1. 23, 8. 18. A. J and the childreuwhom theLord,£/ti.2.13. 22. they shall look to the earth, and b. trouble 12. 2, b. God is my salvation, 1 will trust, and not 29. 8. a hungi-y man dreameth, and b. he ealeth 40. y. say to the cities of Judah, b. your God 41. 27. the first shall say to Zion, b. b. thtm 42. 1. i. my servant «hom 1 uphold, mine elect 43. ig. b. 1 will do a new thing, it shall spring 48. 7. lest thou shouldest say, 6. 1 knew them 05.1. I said, b. me, b. me, to a nation not called by •/^^. 8. 13. we looked fur peace, and i. trouble, 14. ly, 26. 14. i. 1 am in your bauds, do with me as seems Lnm.l.li.b and see if any sorrow be like my sorrow i-itfX. 3d. y. i. 1 am for you, and will turn to you Zech. 3. 8. b. I will bring my servant the Branch 0. 12. b. the man whose name is '.he Branch y. 9. b. thy Kiiigcometh, AJat. 21.3. John 12. 13, AJal. 3.1. b. 1 will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way, 4. 3. Mat. 11. 10. Mark 1.2. ■Mat. 'J. 4. and b. a beam is in thine own eye 24. 26. b. he is in the desert, b. he is in the secret Mark 10. C. is risen,* place where they laid him Lnke 24. 3y. b. my ha and my feet, that it is 1 49. b. I send tLe promise of my Father upon you John 1. 2y. b. the Lamb of God, which taketh, :i6. 47. i. an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile ly. 3. Filate sailh unto Ihem.i. the man ■'lets 9.11. Saul of Tarsus, for b. he ju-ayeth 2 Cor. 6. y. as dying, and b. we live, as chastened 1 John 3. l.b. what maimer of love the Father Key. 3. 20. b. I stand at the door and knock 10. 15. b. I come as a thief, blessed is he that 22.7.^. I come quickly,blessed is he that keeps,12 BEHULD ti is. Gen. 16. 14. b. it is between Kadesh and Bered 34. 21 . for the land, b. it is large enough for them Exud. 32. 9. and b. tt is a stifi-necked people Josh. 9. 12. but now b. it is dry, it is mouldy Judg. 18. 9. 1 have seen the land, b. it ts very good ija.52.6.kuow that I am he that doth speak.A.u ts 1 Lzek.T .10. b. the day, b. ti is come.morniug is gone 3y. 8. b. It is come, and it is done, saith the Lord Nou> BEHOLD, or BEHOLD now. 1 Sam. 12.2 now 6. the king walketh before you 2 /ii/i^'i 18,21. noui b. thou trustest on stafl of Egypt Job 10. ig. also noii! b. my witness is in heaven Jtr. 40. 4. nou b. 1 loose thee this day from chains Mat. '26. 65. now b. ye have heard his blasphemy .■ills 13. 11. /low b. the hajidof the Lord is on thee 20. 22. ?iow b. 1 go bound in the .spirit to Jerusalem 2 Cor. 6. 2.b. now is the accepted time, b. now is day Behold it was, Beholo there was, see Was BEHOLD, rerb. Signifies, [1] To look on a thing uitk our eyes. Gen. 31. 51, [2] To think over a thuig in our minds. Lam. 1. 12. Itom. 11. 22. A'n//(.l2.8.and the similitude of the Lord shall he b 23. 9. 1 see him, and from the hills 1 b. h BEL 24.17.seehim,but not uow,sliall A.bim,but notuigU Deut. 3. 27. b. It with thine eyes, thou shall not go 1 6am. £2. f 12. b. me, Isa. 6. \ 8. JwAiy. 27. mine eyes shall b. and not another 20. 9, nor shall his place any more b. him 23. 9. where be doth work, but 1 cannot b. him 34. 29. when he hideth his face, who caii b. .■' 36. 24. that thou magnify his work, which men b. Psal. 11.4. his eyes b. his* eye-lids try the children 7. his countenance doth b, the upright 17. 2. let thine t-yes b. the things that are equal 15. I will b. thy face in rigbteousness 27. 4. to A. the beauty of the Lord and enquire 37. 37. mzurk the perfect man, b. the upright 46. a. come. b. the works of the Lord 3y. 4. they prepare, awake lo help me, and b. 00. 7. he ruletb for ever, his eyes b. the nations 80. 14. look down from heaven, b. and visit gi. 8. only with thine eyes shall thou b. and see 102. 19. from heaven did the Lord b. the eailh 113. 6. he humbleth himself to b. the things 119. 18. open tbou mine eyes, that 1 may * Piov. 23. 33. thine eyes shall b. strange women l-ccl. 11.7. and a pleasant thing it is to b. the suu isa. 2d. 10 he will not b. the majesty of the Lord 38. in said,l shall 4. man no more with ihe itihab. Jni.41.23.do good orevil, that we may*, it together 63. 15. b. from the habitation of thy holintsA Jer. 20. 4. and tliine eyes shall b. tliy terror 2y. 32. nor b. the good I will do for my peoplr 32. 4. and his eyes shall b. his eyes, 34. 3. 42. 2. we ai"e leit but a few, ai thine eyes do b. us Lam. 1. 18. hear all people, and b. my sorrow 3. 50. till the Lord look down and b. from heaveo 5. 1. O Lord, consider and b. our reproach Lzek. 8. y. b. the wicked abominations they do 28. 17. lay thee before kings that they may b. 18. bring thee to ashes in sight of all that b. 40. 4. son of man, b. with thm« eyes, 44. 5 Dan. y. 18. open thine eyes, and b. our desolation Obad. t 12. do not b. the day of thy brother iVir.7.y.me to light, and I shall d. his righteousness 1 0. she that is my enemy, mine eyes shall b her Hub. 1. 3.why doallhou cause me lob. grievances? 13. thou art of purer eyes than to b. evil, cmisl yii«/. 18.10. tueirange'f juway A.face of my Father Luke 14. 2y. all that J. it begin to mock him 21.6. as for these things which ye b. the days will John 17. 24. be with me, that they may b. my glorT Acts 7. 31, as he drew near to i. it the voice came* 32. then Moses trembled, and durst not b. 2 Cor. 3. 7. Israel could not b. the face of Moses 1 Pel. 2. 12. your good works which ihey shall *. 3.2. while ihey b. your chaste conversation Rev. 17. 8. when they b. the beast that was, is not BEHOLDERS. Job 34. + 26. God sirdteth them in the place of b, BLHOLDEST. Psal. 10. 14. thou b. all mischief to requite it Mat. 7. 3. why 4. thou the mole .' LiiAe 6. 41, Luke 6. 42. b. not the beam that is in thine own eyf BEHOLDETH. Job 24, 18. he b. not the way of the vineyards Psal. 33. 13. the Lord b. all the sons of men Jam. 1. 24. for he b. himself and goeth his way BEHOLDING. Pial. 119. 37. turn away mine eyes from b. vanity Prou. 15. 3. Lord m every place, 4, the evil and good Ecel. 5.11. saving the b. of them with their eyes /Uaf.27.53.many women were there,4. Lnke ■23. -tQ. Maik 10. 21. Jesus b. him, loved him, and said Luke 23. 35. people stood b. and rulers derided him 4«. 4. things done, smote their brtasts and relumed Acts 4. 14. and 4. man which was hejled could say 23. 1. and Paul earnestly 4, the council, said 2 Cor. 3. 18. with open face 4. as in a glass the glory Col. 2.5. with you in spirit, joying, and 4. your order Jam. 1. 23. a man b. his natural face in a glass BEHOVED. f^ukc 24. 46. and thus it 4. Christ to sufl'er and rise /it.4. 2, 17. b. him to be made like to his brethren BEING. Gf«.24.C7- 1 b. in the way, the Lord led me lo house I'.xod. 22. 14. the owner thereof not 4. wjth it Lev. 21.4. he shall not defile himself, b. acMef man Ahwj. 30. 3. vow a vow b. in her father's house, ]6, Dtut. 32. 31. our enemies themselves b. judges Josh.g. 23. none of you be freed from 4. bond-men 1 Stim. 15. 23. halh rejected thee from 4. king, 20. 1 Kings 13. 13. Mauchah his mother, even her he removed from 4. queen, 2 Chron. 13. I6. It). 7. in provoking, in 4. like house of Jeroboam lSeh.6. 11. who is there that 4. as 1 am would fiee ? Psal. 49. 12, man 4. in honour, abideth uot, is like 83.4. come, and let us cut them off" from 4. a nation Jtr. 34. 9. b. an Hebrew or Hebrewess go free Mat. 1. 19. Joseph her husband 4. a just man Lnke 13. JO. this womau4. adaughter of Abrahain Id. 23. in hell he lift up his eyes b. in torments 18. t. 9- trusted in themselves as 4. righteous 20. 3d. 4. the children of the resurrection 22. 44. 4. in an agony, he prayed more earnestly yt»A«3. 13. Jesus conveyed — mulutude4.in that jyface IC. 33. ihat thou 4. a man, makest ihyself God Cor. 12. 12. all the members 4. many are one body Eyh. 2. 20. Jesus Christ b. the chief corner-stone 4. t 15. 4. sincere in love may grow up into him Phil. 2. 6. who 4. ill the form of God, tliought it not Ikb. 13. 3. as 4, yourselves also in the body liev. 12. 2. she 4. with child, cried, travailmg BEING. Psai. 104. 33. I will sing to the I^id. I will sing praise to my God while 1 have my 4. 146. 2. Acts 17. 28. in hiiu we live, move, \nd have our 4. BELCM. EIH. Psitl. 59. 7- behold, they 4. out with their mouth Piov. 15. t 2. the mouth of fools 4. out foolishness BELIEF. 2 Thets.2.\3. sanclification of Spirit, and 4. of truth BELIEVE Signifies, [1] To giie credit to any thint;. Gen. 43. 26. [2] To ameni bareJy lo gospel Hut hs, Acts 8. 13, [3] To receive, depend, and rely uivn Christ /or li/e and saltation, lohn 1. 12. [ 3 15, Id. Horn. 9. 33. | 10. 4. f4j To be Jniii yersuaded, Johu 6. 6<^. [5} 'lo expect, or 'lojie BEL Psal. 27. 13. i^] To yut confidenee in, 2 Chron. «y. SO. (7) VuXnow, Johu'l7-21. Jam. 2. 19- £>(>(/.■*. 5. that they may b. ihe Lord hath appeared ly. y. that they may hear and A- thee for ever iViioi. 14. 11. how loug will it be ere they A. me ? Chr. 20. 2U. A. in the Lord God, b. his prophets ha. 43. 10. that ye may know and b. me iiat. 9. iB. 4. ye that I ani able to do this ? lb. 6. but whoso shall oflend od« of these little ones which b. in me. Mark 9- 4'2. SI .32. repented nol afterward that ye might*, him 27. 42. let him come down, and we will b. him Mark 1. 15. repent ye, and b. the gospel 5. 3d. he sailh, be not alraid, only b. Luke 8. 50. 9. 23. if thou canst b. all things are possible 24. Lord, I b. help mine unbelief, Jolm 9. 38. ■l.'J3.but shall b. those things he saith shaTl come 24. b. ye receive them, and ye shall have them 15. 32. let him descend, that we may see and b. 16. 17. these sigiii .shall follow them which b. Zuke^A'i. devil takelh away the word, lest they b. \i. these have no root, which for a while b. 2 k. 25. O fools, and slow of heart to b. all that Ji)ha 1. 7. that all men through him might b. 12. sonsof Ciod, even to them that 4. on his name 3.12.how5hall ye i. if I tell you of heavenly things - 4. 21. woman, 6. me, the hour comelh when ve [shall 42. and said, now we b. not because of thy saying 5. 44, how can ye b, which receive honour one of 47. if not his writings, how shall ye b. my words ' 6. 29. work of God, that ye b. on him he hath sent 7. 5. for neither did his brethren b. in him 39. Spirit, which theythat i.onhira should receive 9. ib, dost thou b. on the Son of God ? SG.hesaid.whoishe, Lord, that I might i. on him 10. 38. ft. the works, that ye may know and b. 11. 15. I was not there, to the intent ye may b. 27. 1. b. that thou art the Christ, the Son ot God 40. said I not to thee, if wouldsC b. thou shouldst 42. that they may b that thou hast sent me 48. if we let him aloLe, all men will b. on him 12. 36. while ye have light, b. in the light 13. 19. when it'is come to pass, ye may ft. I am he 14. I. not troubled, ye ft. in God, A. also in me 11. ft. I am in the Father, or ft. for the work'ssake 29. that when it is come to pass ye might ft. I6..'i0.by this we A. thou earnest forth from God 31. Jesus answered them, do ye now ft ? 17. 20. 1 pray for them also which shall ft. on me 21. that the world may ft. thou hast sent me 19. 35. he knows tliat he saith true, that ye might ft. CO. 31. these are written that ye might b. Acts 8. 37. I ft- that Jesus Chi-ist is the Son of God 13.39.byhimallthatft. are justified from all things 41. 1 work a work which you shall in nowise b 15. 7. that the Gentiles by me should hear and ft, 11. we b. thro' grace we shall he saved, as they 16.31. ft.on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved 19.4. should ft. on him that should come after him CI .20. thou seest how many Jews there are which ft 25. as touching the Gentiles which ft. have vrvii. 27. 25. I ft. God that it shall be as it weis told me /i<»ffi. 3. 22. righteousness of God on all them that ft. 4.11. he might be father of all them thatft. 24. to whom it shall be imputed, if we ft. on him 6. 8. if dead, we ft. that we shall also live with him 10.9. and shall ft. in thy heart that God raised him 14. how shall they A. in him of whom not heard r « Cor. 1. 21. by preaching to save them that ft. 11. 18. I hear there be divisions, and I partly ft. it 14. 22. tonguts are for a sign, not to them that A. but prophesying serveih for them which ft. 2 Cor. 4. 13. we aJso ft. and theiefore speak Gal. 3. 22. promise might he given to them that ft. Epfi. 1. 19. the greatness of his power to us who ft. PAjV. 1.29. to us It is given not only to A. on him 1 TheM. 1. 7. ensamples to all that ft. in Macedonia 2. 10 we behaved ourselves among you that ft. 13. word which effectually workelh ki you that ft, 4, 14. if we A. that Jesus died and rose again 3 'I'hess. 1. 10. come to be admired in all those that A 2. 11. send delusion that they should A. a lie 1 Tim. 1. 16. for a pattern to them that should A 4. 3. received with thanksgiving of them that ft 10. Saviour of all men, especially of those that A //eft. 10. 39, but of them that ft. to saving of soul 11. (). he that cometh to God must A. that he is Jam. 2. 19- the devils also A. and tremble 1 Fee. 1.21. who by him do ft. in God that raised him 2. 7- to you therefore which ft. he is precious XJohn 3. 23. is his commandment that we should ft 5. 13, I have written lo you that A. that ye may ft BELIEVE ytot, or not BELIEVE. Etod. 4. 1, behold, they will not A. me, nor hearken B. it shall come to pass, if they will iioi A. thee, 9 Jicut. 1. 3(2. yel in this ye did not ft. the Lord 2 Kin:;s 17- 1 1- like their fathers did not ft. in Lord Jub 9. 16. yet would I not ft. that he had hearkened Pt99. SG. 25. when ht> speakelh fair, A. him not 31 BKL IsA.T.9. if ye w»ll /tot ft. ye shall not bo established Jer. 12. 6. ft. 7wt them, tho' the y speak fair words Ilab. 1.5. which ye will Jtot ft. though it be told you iU«^. 21.25. why then did ye w. 40. 14. but Gedaliah ft, them not Lam. 4'- 12. inhabitants of world would iu>l have ft Mat. 21.32. John tame miio you, and ye ft. him not Mark id. ll.when theyhad heard he was alive ft. rjuf 14. he upbrajded them because they ft. )iot Luke 20. 5. he will say, why then ft. ye him not f 24.41. while they A. iiot for joy and wondered JyA7i 3, 18. condemned already .because he hath not ft. d. d4. Jesus knew who they were that ft. not 10. 25. Jesus answered, 1 told you and ye A, not 12. 37. had done so many miracles, yet they A. not Acts y. 2d. afraid, and A. 7tot that he was a disciple 17. 5. the Jews which ft. ?U't moved with envy ly. y. but when divers were hardened and A, not ,/u'm. 10. 14. how call on him mwhom theyhave not b. 11. 30. for as you m times past have not ft. God 31. even so have the?e also now not A. Tken. 2. 12. they all might be damned who ft. not lieb. 3. 18. not enter into his rest, that ft, not 11. 31. Rahab perished not with them that ft. nut Jude 5. Lord afterward destroyed them that A. not BELIEVERS. Acts 5. 14. ft. were the more added to the Lord 1 Ttm. 4. 12. 'jut be thou ao example of the ft. BELIEVEST- Litke 1 . 20. be dumb became thou ft. not my words John 1. 50. I saw thee under th^ fig-tree, A. thou ^ 11. 2d. believeth in me, never die, ft. thou this? 14. 10. ft. tnou not that I am in the Father .^cli 8. 37. if thou ft. with all thine heart, thou 2d. 27. ft. thou the prophets? I know thou ft. Jam. 2. 19. thou ft. that there is one God, thou dost BELIEVETH. Job 15. 22. he ft. not that he shall return out of Prov. 14. 15. the simple ft. every word, but the lio. 28. Id. he that A. shall not make haste Mark 9. 23. all things are possible lo him that ft. Id. Id. he that A. and is baptized shall be saved, but he that ft. not shall be damned John 3, 15, whoso ft. in him should not perish. Id. 18. he that A. on him is not condemned, but he that ft. not is coiidenmed already 3d. he that ft. hath everlasting life, d. 47- 5. 24. ft. on him that sent me hath everlasting life d. 35. he that A. on me shall never thirst 40. he that seeth the Son and A. on him hath life 7. 38. he that ft. on me, out of his belly shaU tio»v 11. 25. he thatft. thoughheweredead yet shall live 2d. whosoever liveth and ft. in me shall never die 12. 44. he that ft. on me, A. not on me, but on him 4d. whoso A. on me, should not abide in darkness 14. 12. he that ft, on me, the works that I do lets 10. 43. who ft, in him receive remission of sins Jiom.l. Id. it is the power of God to every one that ft. 3. 2d. and the justifier of him that A. on Jesus 4. 5. but to him that workeih not, but A. on him y.33. whosoft.onhimshallnot be ashamed, 10.11. 10. 4. Christ is the end of law to every one that ft. 10. for with the heart man A. to righteousness 14, 2. for one ft. that he may eat all things 1 Cor. 7. 12. if any brother hath a wife that ft, not 13. 7. love 4. all things, hopeth all things, endureth 14. 24. and there come in one that ft. not 2 Cor. d. 15. what part hath he that ft. with infidel 1 Ttm. 5. id. if any man that ft. have widows 1 Pel. 2. ti. he that ft. shall not be confounded I John 5. 1, whoso A. Jesus is the Christ, is of God 5, who is he that overcometh, but he that A. 10. he that ft. on the Son of God ; he that ft. not God, because he A. not the record BELIEVING. Mat. 21. 22. ask in prayer, ft. ye shall receive John 20. 27 . said to Thomas, be not faithless but ft. 31. that ft. ye might have life through his name Act.t Id. .a. rejoiced, A. in God with all his house 24. 14. ft. all things which are written in the law Horn. 15. 13. fill you with all joy and peace in A 1 'Tim. d- 2. they that have A. masters, not despist + but rather do them ser\'ice because Ihcy are A. 1 Pet. 1. 8. yet ft. ye rejoice with joy unspeakable BELL, S. £j-(((/. 28.33. ft. of gold betw, pomegranates, 3y. 25 34. a golden ft. and a pomegranate, 3y. Sd, Zech. 14. 20, upon the ft. of horses, holiness to Lord Bellow, see Buli.s. BELLOWS. Jer. 6. 29. the ft. are btirnt, the lead is consumed BELLY Signifies, [Ij That p^t of tkg ftuJtf uhtch coutaty, RHL lA£ hcii-eh. Mat. 15 17. [2] The ttomb, Jer. 1. 5. [3J ihe entrails, lifv. 10. 9, 10. [4] The heart. John 7- 38. [5] The uhote man, 'V'W. 1. 12. [d] Varjial pleasure, Rom. It), la. Oen. S. 14. on thy b. shall thou go, and dust eal Lev. 11. 4C. goeth on the b. be an abooiination hium. 5. 21. tby thi'^h to rot, and thy i>. to swell ' 25. 8. thrust man of Israel and woman thro' the b. Veul. 28. + 11. plenteous in the fruit of thy b. i 53. aud thou shall eat the fruit of thy 4. Ju^g. 3. 21. the dagger, and thrust it in his b. I A/Kgi- 7.20. had pomegranates over-against the b. Job 3. 11. give up ghost when 1 came out of the b. 15. 2. and fill his b. with the east-wind 35. bring vanity, and iheir b. prepareth deceit Job 19. 1 17 . intreated for childrens* sake of my b. 20. 15. God shall cast them out of his b. 20. surely he shall not feel quietness in his b. 23. when about to till his 6. God shall cast fury 32. + IB. the spirit of my d. constraiueth me 19. behold my 6, is as wine which hath no vent Psal. 17. 1-i. whose i. thou fillest with thy hid treas. 22. 10. thou art my God from my mother's b. 44', 25. soul bowed down, our b. cleaveth to earth 58. t 3. they go astray from the 6. 132. 1 11. of the fruit of thy b. I will set on Prov. 13. 25. but the b. of the wicked shall want 18. 8. go into innermost parts of the 6. 2tJ. 22, 20. a man's 6. shall be satisfied with fruit 20. 27. searching all the inward parts of the b. 30. so do stripes the inward parts of the b. 22. + 10. is a pleasant thing, if keep them in thy b. Clint. 5. 14. his b. is as bright ivory overlaid with 7. 2. thy b. is like an heap of wheat set about with Ita. 40. 3. which are born bj' me from the b. Jer. I. 5. before 1 formed thee in the*. I knew thee 51. 34. he hath filled bis b. with my delicales Lzsk. 3. 3. he said, son of man, cause thy b. to eat Dan. 2. 32. tliis image's b. and his thighs of brass Tanak 1. 17. .lonah wasinA. of the fish, Mat. 12.40. 2.2. out of the b. of hell cried I, Eind thou heardst Mic. 6, + 7. fruit of my b. for the sin of ray soul hab. 3. iC. when I heard, my b. trembled, my lips Mat. 15, 17. whatsoever enterelh in at the moufh goeth into the b. and is cast out, MarkT. ly, Luke 15. 16. fain have filled his b. with the husks John 7. 38. out of his h. shall How rivers of water /fwm. 16.18. they serve not our Lord but their own b. 1 Cor. ti. 13. meats for the b. and the b. for meats P/(i7.3.19. whose God is their i. andglory in shame Jter. 10. 9. eat it up, and it shall make thy b. bitter 10. as soon as I had eaten it, my b. was bitter BELLIES. Tit. 1. 12. the Cretians are always liars, slow i. BELONG, Gen. 40. 8, do not interpretations b. to God? J^ev. 27. 24. in jubilee return to whom it did b. Dent. 29- 29. secret things b. to God, revealed b. Pxal. 47. g. for the shields of the earth b. to God 68. 20. to our God b. the issues from death Prov. 24. 23. these things also b. to the wise £:**. 21,tl3. shall they not b. to the despising rod? Dan.Q. 9. to the Lord our God b. mercies Mari 9- 41. in my name, because ye b. to Christ J.HAe 19. 42. the things which b. to thy peace 1 Cor. 7. 32. careth for things that b. to the Lord BELONGED. EST. 1 Sam. 30. 13. to whom b. thou, whence art thou ' Kings 1.8. andlhemighty men, which A. to David Kings 7. 1 2. a lord which b. to the king answered LitkeiS.T. as he knew he 6. to Herod's jurisdiction BELONGETIL Deut. 32. 35. to me b. vengeance and recompense, Psal. 94. 1. Htb. 10. 30. Jud^. 19. 14. Gibeah which b. to Benjamin, 20. 4. Ezra 10, 4. arise, for this matter b. to thee Pfal. 3. 8. salvation b. unto the Lord 62. 11. twice have 1 heard, power b. unto God 12. also unto thee, O Lord, b. mercy Daji. 9. 7. O Lord, righteousness *. to thee 8. to us b. confusion of face, to our kings Heb. 5. 14. strong meat b. to them of full age BELONGING. V7(77i. 7. 9. the service of the sanctuary b. to them RiithQ.. 3. to light on a part of a fielii b. to Boaz Prov. 26. 17. meddleih with strife *. not to him Liike\). 10. he went into a desert A. to Dethsaida BELOVED /a applied, [1] To Christ, Mat. 3. 17- Mark 1. n, |9. 7. [2] To the Church, Jer. Jl. 15. Rom. 9. 25. [3] To pnrticular saints, Neh. 13. 26. Dan. 9. 23. [4] To wife and children, Deut. 21. 15. Hos. 9. 16. [5] To the Aew Jerusalem, Rev. 20, 9. Dnu. 21. 15. two wives, the one b. the other hated 33. 12. the b. of the Lord shall dwell in safety Sam 12. f 25. Jedidiah, that is b. of the Lord f>^eh. 13. 26. Solomon, who was 6. of his God I'tnl. do. 5. that thy />. may be delivered, 108. 6, 187 ?■ for so he givelh his b. sleep 33 Prop. 4. 3. and only b. in the sight of my mother Ca7ir. 5. 1. eal, O friends, drink abundantly, O b. 9. what is thy b. more than another b. t 6, 1. whither is thy b. gone, O thou fairest? 8. 5. who is this that cometh leaning on her b. ? Dan. 9. 23. for thou art greatly b. 10, 11, 19. Hos. 3. 1. go yet, love a woman b. of her friend 9. 16. I will slay the b. fruit of their womb A< ts 15-25- chosen men with b. Barnabas and Paul Rom. 1. 7. to all that are in Rome, b. of God 9. 25. I will call her b. which was not b. 11. 28. they are b. for the Father's sake 16, 12.salule A. Persis who laboured much in Lord Efih. 1.6. he hath made us accepted in the b. 6. 21. 'I'ychicus a i, brother and minister. Col. 4.1. Col. 3. 12. put on as the elect of God, holy and b. 4. 9- with Onesimus, a faithful and b. brother 14- Luke the b. physician and Demas greet you t Thess. 1. 4. knowing b. your election of God 1 Tim. 6- 2, do them service, because they are b. Philem. 16. but above a servant, a brother b. llch. 6. 9. b. \i'e are persuaded better things of you 2 Pet. 3. 8. b. be not ignorant of this one thing 15. even as our b. brother Paul hath written 1 John 3. 2. b. now we are the sons of God, it doth 21. b. if our heart condemn us not, then have 4. 1. b. believe not every spirit, but try the spirits 7. b. let us love one another, for lo\^ is of God 11. b. if God so loved us, we ought also to love Z John 11. b. follow not that which is evil, but [good Jude 20. but ye b. building np yourselves in faith Rev. 20. 9. and they compassed the b. city Dearly Beloved, see Dearly. Mu BELOVED. Cant. 1. 14, myb. is to me a cluster of camphire 16. behold thou art fair, my b, yea pleasant 2. 3. as the apple-tree, so is my b. among the sons 9- my b. is like a roe or a young hart 16, my b. is mine, and I am his, he feedeth, 6. 3. 17. turn my b. and be thou like a roe or a hart 4- 16. let mii b. come into his garden and eat 5. 2. it is the voice of my b, that knocketh, 2. 8. 5. I rose up to open to my 4,||6. I opened to my b. 10. my b. is white and ruddy 1| 16. this is mv b. 6. 2. myb. isgone||3. 1 ammy i. and my b. mine, [7. 10. 7. 13. which I have laid np for thee, O my b. ha. 5. 1. a song of my b. touching his vineyard Jer. 11. 15. what hath 7ny b. to do in my house Mat. 3. 17- this is my b. Son, 17. 5. MarA 1. 11. 1 9. 7. Luke 3. 22. j 9. 35. 2 I-'et. 1. 17- 12. 18. behold mi/ b, in whom my soul is pleased Luke 20. 13.1 will send my b. son, it may be they Rom. 16. 8. greet Amplias rny b. in the Lord 1 Cor. 4. 14. but as my b. sons I warn you 17- I sent Timothy my b. son, 2 Tim. 1. 2. Jam, 1. 16. do not err, mu b. brethren BELIE, BELIED. Prov. 30. t 9. lest I be full and *. thee Jer. 5. 12. they have b. the Lord, and said, it is not BEMOAN, ED, ING. Job 42. 11. they b. Job, and comforted him Jer. 15. 5. who shall b. thee, O Jerusalem? 16. 5. neither go to lament, nor b. them 22. 10. weep ye not for the dead, nor b. him 31. 18. I have surely heard Ephraim b. himself 48. 17. all ye that are about him b. him Nah. 3. 7. Nineveh is laid waste, who will b. her? BENCHES. Etek. 27. 6. the Ashurites made thy b. of ivory BEND. Psal. 11. 2, for lo, the wicked b. their bow 64. 3. who b. their bows to shoot their arrows Jer. 9. 3. they b. their tongue like a bow for lies 46. 9. the Lydians, that handle and b. the bow 50. 14. all ye that b. the how shoot at her 29, 51. 3. against him that beiidelh, let the archer b. Ezek. 17. 7. behold, this vine did b. her roots BENDETH, ING. Psal. 58. 7. when he b. his how to shoot arrows Isa. do. 14. that afflicted thee shall come b. to thee Jer. 51. 3. against him that b. let the archer bend BENEATH. Exod. 20. 4. or that is in the earth b. Dent. S. 8. 32. 19- he brake the tables b. the mount Detit. 4. 39. on the earth b. there is none else 28. 13, thou shall be above only, and not be b. 33. 13. blessed, for the deep that coucbelh b. Ezra 9. f 13. hast withheld b. our iniquities Job 18. 16. bis roots shall be dried up b. Prov. 15. 24, that ye may depart from hell b Isa. 14. 9- tell from b. is moved for thee 51, 6. lift up your eyes, look on the earth b. Jer. 31, 37, if foundaiions can be searched b. John 8. 23. ye are from b. I am from above BENEFACIORS. Luke 22.25. they that exercise auihorityare called b. BENEFir. Jer. 18. 10. repent of good wherewith I b. them BKS BENEFIT, S. SlE^ifies, flj The gifts and favours of God le men 2 Chron. 32. 25. ' Psal. 68. 19- [2] Thejavou of God to others, 2 Cor, 1. 15. Philem. 4 [3] God's righteous acts, 1 Sam. 12. f 7 [4] Salvation, \ 'lim. 6. 2. [5j Tavour, grate, cr spiritual blessings, Psal, 103. 2. [6] Topnjii. or do good, Jer. 18. 10. 1 ^ev. 10.6. b. the burning the Lord hath kindled l>eiil. 21. 13. and A. her father and mother a month Jttt/g. IJ . 37. that 1 may go and b. my virginity, 3ti. I^a. 16. y. I will b. wiiji the weeping of Jazer 2 C'oi , 12. 21 ■ that I shall b. many who have sinned liev. 18. y. shall b. her, when^hey see the smoke BEWAILED. ElU. Jer. 4. 31. the daughter of Zion that b. herself L«ke 8.32. and all wept and b. her, but he said 23. 27. of womeu also who b. and lamented bim BEWAUE Signifies, [1] To take care, Prov. IQ. 25. [2] To have a singular and syeciahegard to, Exod.23.21. We must beware [1] Of forgetting Ood, Dcut. 6. 12. 1 8. 11. [2] of evil thoughts, Deut. 15. 9. [3] Of things forbidden, Judg. 13. 4. 13. [4] Of dangersfortlold,^\\\ug%6.g. Job 3S. 18. [5] t)/ God's wrath, Ac\s VS. ■iO. [6] Of false teachers, lMat.7.15. i 16.6,11. [7] 0/me«, Mat. 10.17. [8] Of evil uorkers, Phil. 3. 2. [9] Of the erro, of the wicked, 2 Pet. 3. I7. [10] OfcovetousnesA, Luke 12. 15. | 20. 46. Oc7t. 24. 6. b. thatlliou bring not my son thither UxoJ. 23. 21. A. of him and obey his voice Deut. 6. 12. then b. lest thou forget tlie Lord, 8. 11. 15. 0. b. there be not a wicked thought in thy heart Jiidg. 13.4. b. 1 pray thee, and drink no wine, 13. 2 Hitrn. 18. 12. b. that none touch the young man 2 Kinsi 6.y.saying4.thatthou pass not such aplace Jcb 36. 18. b. iesl he take thee away with his stroke Prov. ly. 25, smite a scorner, and the simple will b. La. 36. 18. b. lest llezekiah persuade you, saying Mat. "J. 13. b. o\ false prophets || 10. 17. b. of men 16. d. take heed and b. of the leaven of the Phari- sees,]!. MariQ. 15. Ljiiei2.1. Hark 12. 33. b. of the scribes. Luke 20. 46. l.uk£ 12. 15. take heed and A. of covetousnes3 ^'icls 13. 40. b. lest that come which is spoken PhtL^.2. A. of dogs. A. of evil workers, A. of coucision Col. 2. 8. b. lest any man spoil you thro' philosoiihy 2 Pet. 3. 17. b. lest ye also, being led away with BEWITCHEU. [error Acts 8. 9. Simon A. the people of Samaria, 11. Ual. 3. 1. U foolish Galatians, who hath A. you? BEWKAY. /ffl.l6.3.hide the outcasls.A.not him that wandereth BEWRAVEri]. Prov. £7. 16. the ointment o( his right hand b. itself 29. 24. he heareth cursing, and b. it not Mat, 26. 73. thou art one of thorn, thy speech b. thee BEYOND. Num. 22. 18. Balaam said, I cannot go b. the word of the Lord my God, to do less or more, '^4. 13. Deut. 30. 13. nor is it b. the sea, that shouldest say 1 Hutn. 20. 22. the arrows A. thee, 36. 37. t Sam. 10. \Q- A. the river, 1 Kin^s 14. 15. 1 Chron. 19. 16. Ezra^. 17,20. I 6. 6,8. | 7.21,23. AeA.2.7,9- i.»a. 7. 20. | 18.1. Zef>h.3. 10. 2 Chr. 20. 2. multitude from A. the sea, Jer. 25. 22, Mark. 6. 31. they were amazed b. measure, 7. 37. 2 Cor. 8. 3. and A. their power they were willing 10. 11. f r we stretch not A. our measure Oal. 1. 13. A. measure 1 persecuted the church of G. 1 'Diess.-i.G that no man go A. and defraud his brother BeVONU Jordan. See JORDAN. BiBB£n. See Wine. BID fignihea, ll] To invite. Mat. 22. 9. Luke 14. 12. [«J To command. Mat. 14. 28. [3] To uish, t John 10. |_4j 'lotaHC: .11.33 e%"€ry eariheu vessel unclean ye shall* 20. 19. Kwill b. the pride of your power A'i'w. 24. 8. Israel shall b. their bones, pierce them 3u. 2. if a man vow, he shall not b. his word 32. ( 7. wherefore b. ye the heart of Israel ? Vei'c. 12.3. ye shall i. their pillars, and burn groves i Sitm. 25. 10. b. away^verj' man from his master Kings 15.19. *.tliy league wnhBaasha,2CAr. 16. 3. Ezra. 9. 14. should we again b. ihy commandments Jt}h \'^. 25. wilt thou b. a leaf driven to and fro? 39. 15. forgetteth that the wild beast may b. them \'nil. 2. 3. let us b. their bands asunder U. thou shalt b. them with a rod of iron 10 15. b. ihou the arm of the wicked 47 Psal. »i. 0. b. their teeth, O God, in their mouth 74. t 8. they said lii their hearts let us b. them 80.31 . if tUty b. my statutes and keep not my com. 104. t 11. the wild asses b. their thirst 141. 5. shall be an oil whicb shall not b. my head Cant. 2.17. until day A. and sbadowsfiee away. 4.6. Isa. 14. 25. i will b. the Assyrians in my land 28,24. b. the clods ||28. not b. it with awheel 31), 14. b. it as the breaking of a poller's vessel 38, 13. as a lion so will he *. all my bones 42. .1, a bruised reed will hf not b. Mat. 12. 20. 58. 6. is not this the fast, tl>at ye b. every yoke ' Jer. 15. 12. shall iron b. theO'>nhem iron and steel : It), t*. neither shall men *. bread for tliem 17. 1 18. b. them with a d'-uble breach 1 9. 10. *. the bottle, so wil I I b. this people, 1 1 . 2K. 4 I will b. yoke ofkin^ Babylon. 11, | 3il. B, 54. 1 3 )ic shall*, the images of Beth-shemesh 48. 12. I will send Wiuiierers and *. Moab's liottles 49. 35. saith the L*>rd, 1 will b. the bow of Elam £;*e*.4.l6. I wilU,thestafrofbread,5,lfi. 1 14.13. 16. 38. judge thee as women that b. wedlock 23. 34. thou shalt b. the shreds thereof 2l*, 7. when they took hold of thee thou didst b. 30. 18. when 1 shall b. the yokes of Ecj-pt 22, and 1 will b. Vharaoh's arms, 24. IJos. 1. 5. 1 will b. the bow of Israel in Jezreel £. J8. I will b. the bow, the sword and battle 1 0. 1 1 .J udah shall plow, and Jacob shall A. his clods Joel 2. 7. they shall marcli and not *, their ranks Jmvsl.b. 1 will b. the bar of Damascus .UiV. 3. 3. who flay their skin, and b. their bones Xah. 1, 13 now will 1 b. his yoke from n(f thee Ztch. 11, 14, that I might b. the brotherhood A/a/. 5. 19. b. one of these least commandments 9. 17, else the bottles b. and the \vine runneth .-icts 20, 7. the discijiles came together to b. bread 21. 13. what mean ye to weep and to b. my heart .' 1 Cor. 10. 16. the bread which we b. is it not BREAK cotenant. Z,f;p.2G.l5.hutthatye*.my c. || 44.1 will not b.myc. Deut.31. 16. this people will b. my cov. I made, 20. Judg. 2. 1. 1 said, I will never*, my cov. with you Psal. 89. 34. my c. will 1 not *. nor alter the thing Jer. 14. 21. remember, *. not thy covenant with us 33. 20. if you can *, my cov. of the day and night L^^k. 17. 15. shall he b. covenant and be delivered ' aech. 11, 10. that 1 might *. my c<;i'. which 1 made BREAK do-u.'n. Exod. 25. 24. quite J. doun their images, Deui. 7. 5. Lev. 14. 45. and he shall *. doiin house, the stones De7tt 12, i 3. ye shall *. domn their altars Judg. 8. 9. when I come again, I will *. down tower Neh. 4. 3. if a fox go up, he shall *, dou'n stone wall Pial.li. 6. now they b. d^iun the carved work Eccl. 3. 3. a time to *. douu and a time to build iia. 5. 5. 1 will *. dojni the wall of the vineyard Jer. 31, 28. as ] have watched over them to *. doi^n 45. 4. that which I have built will I *. down Ezek. 13. 14. so will 1 *. doivn wall ye have daubed 16. 39. they shall *. down thy high places 26. 4. they shall b. down the towers of I'j-rus 12. and they shall *. down thy walls Hos. 10. 2. he shall *. down their altars, and spoil BUEAK/<7rr/(. Exod. 19. 22. lest the Lord "*. forth upon them, 24, 7ia,14.7.they*/.intosing.44.23, [49.13. | 54,1. 52.lJ.b.forth into joy .sing together, ye waste p!aces 54, 3. for thou shalt b.J'orih on the right hand 55. 12, hills shall b. forth before you into singing 58. 8. then shall thy light b. forth as the morning Jer. 1. 14. out of the north an evil shall b. forth Gal. A. 27, b.J'ouh and cry, thou that travailest not BREAK off. Gen. 27. 40, thou shall *. his yoke off thy neck Exod. 32. 2. *. i7j?'the golden ear-rings, 24. Uan. 4. 27. O king, *, offlhy sins by righteousness BREAK ot>t. Exod. 22. 6. if fire b.ou4{\ i.«r.l3.12.ifleprosy *.oh/ I^v. 14. 43. if the plague come again and 4. ottt Pial. 58. 6. b. out the great teeth of the young lion Jsa. 35. 6. in the wilderness shall waters b. out Jlui. 4. 2. they b. out, and blood toucheth blood, 4 Amoi 5. 6. lest he 4. owr like fire in the house of Joseph BREAK in pieces. 2 Ai7io\25. 13. Chaldeans*. )«/'i>f«j pillars of brass J.'b 19. 2. how long wil. ye *.me inpieces wiihword: 34.24 shall b.inpieces mighty men without number Ptal. 72. 4. he shall *. tnpteces the oppressor 94. 5- they *- in pieces thy people, O Lord ha. 45. 2. I will *. in pieces the gates of brass Jer. 1. + 17. lest I *. ihee in pieces before them 51. 20. with thee will I b. tn pieces the nations 21 . with thee *, in pieces horse and rider, chariot 22. with th»e *. m p. man, woman, old and young l>an.2.40.shall it *. tn p. and bruise kingdoms, 44. 7 .i:3. the fourth beast shall *, in pieces whole earth BREAK thronch. Exod. 19. 21. lest they *. thro' to the Loni to gaze 24. let not the priests and people * through BKE 2 A"iJi?(.1. 26. to *. thro' to the kmg of I'.doi.. Mat. 6. ly. thieves*. M/^u'||20. thieves .V, imx thi.t BREAK up. £ Chron. 32, i 1. Sennacherib thought to A, ihem ii(» Jer. 4. 3. *. up your fallow grouud, Hos.. 10. 12. BREAKER. Ezek. 18, + 10, if he beget a son, a *. up of a hous? Mtc. 2. 13. *. is come up |1 iiowj. 2, 25. if u*. of liw BREAKERS. J\om. 1. 31. without understanding, covenanl-d. BREAK EST. Psal. 48. 7 ■ thou *. ships of Tarshish wiih ea5t-wind BREAKElll, Ge7i. 32. £6. he said, let me go, for the day *. Job 9. 17. for he b. me with tempest and multiplis3 12. 14. hf t. down, and it cannot be built agaij 16. 14. he *. me with breach upon breach 26, 4, the blood *. out from the inhabitants Psal. 10. + 10. he *. himself, that the poor may fall 29. 5. *, the cedars |i 46. 9. he *, the bow liy. 20. my soul *. for the longing that it halh Prov. 25. 15. and a soft tongue *. the bone Eccl. 10. 8. whoso *. an edge, a serpent shall bite Jsa. 59. 5, which is crushed *. out into a viper J^er.iy.li.as one*. a potter's vessel, notmade whole "".29. is not my word like hammer that i. rock r Lam. 4. 4. children ask bread, and no man *. it Dan. 2. 40. forasmuch a > iron *. in pieces all these BREAKING. Gen. 32. 24. there wrestled aman till the *. of day Exod. 9. y. shall be a bovl *. forth with blaius, 10. 22. 2. if a thief be found *. up, and be smitten Jad". 7.'f 15. Gideonheardthe dream, and*. thereof hingi 11.+ 6- keep the watch of the house from*. up 1 C/uon. 14. 11. on enemies, like*, forth of waters Job 30.14. come upon me as a wide *. in of waters 41. 25. by reason of*, they purify themselves Psal. 144. 14. that there be no *. in nor going onr Isa. 22. 5. *. down v,-alls, and of crying to mount 30. 13. whose *. cometh suddenly at an instant 14. shall break it as the *. of the potter's vessel £at?<.l6.59. despised the oath in i. covenant, 17. 18 1. 6. sigh, son of man, with *, of thy loins JJos. 13. 13. not stay long in place of*, forth of chil. Luke 24. 35. he was known of them in *. of bread John 7. ■( 23. without *. the law of INIoses ..:if/.t2.42. they continued mi. of bread and prayers 4S. in the temple, *. bread from house to house Horn. 2. 23. llirough *. the law, tlishooourest God BREAST. Exod. 29.26. take the *. of the ram of consecration 27- shall sanctify the *. of the v.'ave offering Lev. 7. 30. *, ma} be waved, the fat with the *. 31. but the *. shall be Aaron's and his sons' 34. the wave-*, and heave-shoulder have I taken 8. 20. Moses took the*, and waved it for an offering 10. 14. the wave-*, shall ye eat in a clean place ISitm. 6. 20. is holy to the priest, with the wave-*. 18. 18. as wave-*, and right shoulder are thine Job 24. 9- they pluck the fatherless from the *. ha. Co. 16. thou shalt suck the *. of kings Lam. 4. 3, even the sea monsters draw out the *. Dan. 2. 3?. head of gold, his *. and bis arms 01 Luke 18. 13. the publican smote upon his *. saying John 13. 25. he then lyingou Jesus'*, saith, 21. 20, BREAS'IS. Gcjt. 49. 25. bless with blessings of the*, and womb I^ev. 9. 20. put fat on the *. || 21. *. Aaron waved Job 3. 12. or why the *. that 1 should suck 21. 24. his *, full of milk, and his bones moistened I'sal. 22.9. make me hope when I was on mother's *. Prov. 5. 19. let her*, satisfy thee at all times Cant. 1 . 13. he shall lie all night betwixt my *. 4. 5. thy two *. are like two young roes, 7. S. 7. 7. 'hy *. are like two clusters of grapes 8 thy *. shall be as clusters of the vine 8. 1 . my brother that sucked the *. of my mother 8. we ha-ye a little sister, and she halh no *. 10. 1 am a wall and my *. like towers Isa. 28. 9- are weaned from the milk drawn from h 66. 11. he satisfied with the *. of her consolatiims Ezek. 16. 7- thy *. are fashioned, and hair groM-n 23 .3. there were their *. pressed, there they bruiseo 8. and they bruised the *. of her virginity 34. and thou shalt pluck off thine own *. Hos. 2. 2. putaway her adulteries from betw. her * 9. 14. give them a miscarrying womb and dry *. Joel 2. 16. and gather those that suck the *. Nah. 2,7. as wilh voice of doves tabring 00 their ^, Luke 23. 48. the people smote their * and returned liev. 15.6. having therr *. girded M-iih golden girdles BREAST-PLATE Was a piece of e/nbroidery of about ten inches Sf/uare, of very rich work, uhich the Itigh-prie3^ of the Jews wore upon his breast, and which wa^ set with four rows of precious slonei, upon e-jery one of which was engravnt the name if one ■>/ the tribes of Israel : Jf was double, or maJu l/ two pieces folded one upon the oi/iti , h/c^ a kind tf purse, or bag, that it might the better rup^mr' BllE he prtcioHS itotts, and that it might receive the Oilin ami Tliutiiniin, Lev. iJ. 8. It rons called •fie liffast-pUite of judgment. Exod. 2H. 15. be- came from thence the Israelites nere to expect tifid recene their jitdgment, and the mind of' Olid in ail thote weighty atid moinentotts mailers oj war and peace, wherein ihei/ cousnlted Cod for directions. Breast-plate tr liketeise a piece of defensive ar- moiiT, Rev. y. y. In which sense, fnilh and love are called Breast-plates; 1 Thcss. 5. 8. Faith w a dej'ensive grace ; not only as it assents to the doctrine of the gospel as inie, bnt also as it doth d'peiid upon God'i Jaithfnhiess and all-suffi- ciency to perform his promises, and apply them to our ionls for our support ^nd comfort. Love. liihtfn tt wrieth, nill defend agnim* the per- secHtioJit, ajfiictions, ond temptations of the world. Cant. B. 7- Ulavish fear Kill overcome TW, if we want love to defend agaiiut it, -.rhen irve religion is under disgrace, and persecuted tn the ivoild, 1 John 4. 18. Love jvill defend agai/nl apostacy, and so help us to persevere ti- the coming of Christ ; and love, being seated I7t the heart, is Jidy compared to a Breast-plate that encompasseih the heart. Eiod. '25. 7. and stones to be set in the 6. 35. Q. 28. 4. shall make a b. and ephod, 15. [ 3y. a. 22. thou shall make upon the b. chains at the end 2;i.put rings on two ends of the b. Cd. j 39. I6. 2H. they shall bind the b. by the rings, 3y. 21. 2y. Aaron sliall bear the names of Israel in i. no. put in b. of judgment the Urim, Lev. 8. 8. 1 Kings. 22. + 34-. smote Ahab between joints and 6 ha. 59. 17. he put on righteousness as a i. Eph. 6. H. having on the b. of riRhteousness 1 'I'heis. 5. 8. putlnig ou the b. of faith and love HeiK y. y. ihty had b. as it were b. of iron 17. having &, of fire, of jacinth and brimstone BKLAfll Signifies, [1] The air received and discharged btf our bodice, bv the dilatation and compression of the lungs. Job Q. 18. [2] The life, I'sal. 1+6. 4. Dan. 5. C.T. [3] C'od's p":rerfiti word, Psal. :«. t>. Isa. 11. 4. [4] Ihs 'anger. Job 4. y. Isa. 30. 33. Cf«.2.7.(iod breathed into his nostrils the 5. of life 6. 17. to destroy all flesh wherein is the i. of life 7. 15 enteredtwo and two wherein is the3. oflife 22. all in whose nostrils was &. of life died Josh. 11. + 11. he destroyed, there was not any 5. 8A'i77«.22.l6. found at ions of the world discovered, at the blast of the b. of his nostrils, Psal. 18. 15. \ Kings 17.17- and there was no b. left in him Job 4. y. by theb. of his nostrils are they consumed 9. 18. he will not suffer me to take my b. 11. i 20. their hope shall be a puiF of b, 12. 10. in whose hand is the b. of all mankind 15. 30. by the b. of his mouth shall he go away 17. 1. my b. is corrupt, my days are extinct ly. 17- my A. is strange to my wife.tho' I entre.ited 27. 3. all the while my 5. is in me, and Sp. of God 33. 4. the b.oi the Almighty hath given me life 34. 14. if he gather to himself his Spirit and i 37. 10. by the 4. of God frost is given 41. 21. nis A. kindleth coals, and a Hame goeth P.frt/. 33 6. all of them made by the i. of his moutli 104. 2y. thou takest awjy their b. they die 135. 17. nor is there any 6. in their mouths 146. 4. his b. goeth forth, he relurneth to earth IS'"'.*), let every thing that hath b. praise the Lord I.C1I. 3. ly. j-ea, they have all one b. all is vanity Isa 2.22. cease from man, whose li. is in his nostrils 1 " 4. with b. of his lips will he slay the wicked no. 28. and his b. as an overflowing stream reach 33. b of the Lord like a stream of brimstone .13. 11. your b. as fire shall devour you 42.5. he that givelh b. to the people upon it Jer. 10. 14. and there is no b. in them, 51. I7. f,nm.4. 2U. the A. of our nostrils, the anointed of L. £.'(■*. 37 5. [ willcauseA. toenterintoyou,shall live 6. i will cover you with skin and put b. in you Ij. there was no b. in them !l y. and say. come. 6 b. 10. and the A. came into them and they lived lJ:in. 5. 23, the God in whose hand thy b. is 10. 17. no strength, neither is there b. left in me Hiib.^.\}. (here is no b. at all in midst of thpimay,e ilcts 17> 25. seeing ht> giveth to all life and b. hm. 2. 1 26. the body without b. is dead liev. 13. t 15. he had power to give 6 to tlie image iiuiiA'nn-: Signifies, [1] To draw b/ealh vattiralli/, as man and beast do, .Posh. 10. 40. [2] 'Lit' infuse the I stnti into the body. Gen. 2. 7. [3] 'fo live, breathing or ie\piratii>n being a sign of life. Josh. 11. II. [4] To inspire with the gifts and graces 0/ the Holy dhost, John 20. 22. Jo.-fi. 11. U. there was not any left to A. 14. Job 31. ♦59. caused soul of the owners to b. out cLiTA-i witnesses risen,aiid such asi.outcrueU7 4» Cfl«(.4.+f). till the day*, aim shadows flee away Ltek. ^* y. come. (J breath, and b. on these slain iiKKAiaL:o. Gen.i.7. God b. into mans nostrils the*, of life Josh, 10. 40. but uttpily destroyed all that 6. 1 Kings 15. Cy. he left not to Jeioboam any that 6. Jolm 20. 22. he b. on them, and saith, receive ye HREA 1111:111, ING. Dent. 20. 16. thou shall save alive nothing that b. Lam. '.^. 5(i. hide not thine ear at my b. at my cry Acts *^. v. Saul yet 5. out threatenings and slaughter bRLU. Exud. 16. 20. some left, and it b. worms and stank liREliClIES. Exod. 28. 42. thou shah make them linen b. 39. 28. Lev. 6. 10. the priest shall put ou his linen b. 16. 4. he shall have the linen b. ou hi.s flesh Ltek. 4 k 18. they shall have linen b. on thuir loins BRELD. 0>«.8.17. thatthey may A. abundantly on the earth BREED. Dent. 32. 14. rams of the b. of Eashan and goats BREEDING. '/.eph.1.^. as Sodom, even h. of nettles and salt-pits (i BRETHREN. Men are so called, [1] Liy being the sons of one jatJur and moi/inr, or oj either of them. Gen. 42. 13 [2] By community of nature, or habitation. Gen. ly. 7- [3] Hy natural affinity, or by being kinsmen, Geu. 13. 8. [4] By regeneration, and a profession of the same fuith and religion. Col. I. 2." [5] By adoption, John 20. 17- [6] By office, 1 Chron. 25. y. 2 Cor. 8. 23. (.'en. 13. 8. let there be uo strife, for we be b. ly. 7. Lot said, 1 pray you b. do not so wickedly 24.27. Lord led me to the house of my master's b. 34. II. Shechem said to her father and to her A. 25. Dinah's b. took each man his sword and slew 42. 3. Joseph's ten b. went down to buy corn 6. b. came and boweil |1 13. we are twelve b. 32. 45. 16. Joseph's b. are come H4y. 5. are b. of cruelty 50. 15. Joseph's b. saw their lather was dead Sum. 27. 4. give us a possession among the b. 7. give us a possession among our father's b. 10. if he have no b. give it to his father's b, II. if his father have no A. ye shall give to kinsmen Dent. lb. 5. if i. dwell together and one of them die Jo.\h. (5.23. Rahab brought out her father and i. 17. 4. he gave them an inheritance among the b. Jitdg. y. 1. vVbimelech went to his mother's b. 3. his mother's b. spake of him to men of Shechem 2 Kings 10. 13. they answered, we are A. of Ahaziali 1 L'hrvn, 12. 2. there came to David of Saul's b. 2tJ. 7- sons of Shemaiah, whose b. were strong men 27. 18. of Judah, Elihu. one of the b. of David 2 C'/iiuH. 21. 2. he had b. the sons of Jehoshaphat 22. 8. when Jehu found the b. of Ahaziali I'sal. 133.1. pleasant fori, to dwell together in unity I'rov. 6. ly. and him that soweih discord among b. 17. 2. shall have part of the inheritance among b, ly. 7- all the b. of the poor do hate him Amos 1. ■♦ 9- remembered not the covenant of b. Mai. 4. 18. Jesus saw two A. ||21. saw other two b. 19- 2y. every one that hath fors;iken houses, b. 20. 24. were moved with indignation against two b. 22. 25. there were with us seven b. Mark 12. 20. 23. 8. one is your Master, even Christ, all ye are A. Mark 10. 20. no man hath left house or b. father, mother, wife orchildren, for my sake, i,f(i(-t' 18. 2y. 30. shall receive an hundred-fold, houses, b. Lnke 14. 26. if any come, and hate not children, b Id. 28. fori have five A. that he may testify to them 21. 16. ye shall be betrayed by parents and b. John 21. 23. tliia saying went abroad among the b. Acts 3. 17. b. 1 wot that through ignorance ye did it ti. 3. wherefore b, look out among you seven men 7.26. sirs, yearei.JI y. 30. which when the A. knew 10. 23. certain b. from Joppa accompanied him 11. 12, moreover ihese six b. accompanied me 2y. they deHTuiined to send relief to the b. 12. 17. go shew these things to James and to the b. 14.2. made their minds evjl-aft'ected against the b. 15. 1. certain men from Judea taught the b. 3. and they caused great joy to all the b. 15. 22. Barsabas and .Silas chief among the b, 23. apostles and elders and b. send greeting to the b. which are of the Gentiles in Antioch 32.cxhortedthe A.withmany wonis.l 'I'hess.b.W. 33. were let go in peace from the b. to apostles 4i>. being recommended by the A. to grace of (rod 1(5. 2. limotheus as well reported of by the b. 40. when they had seen the b. they comforted 17. 6. they drew .Jason and certain b, to tlie rulers 10. the b. immediaipiy sent away Paul. 14. 18. IB. I'aiil then took his leave of the b. 27. the b. wrote exhorting to receive Apollos 20, 32. nowd. 1 commendyoutoGodandhis grace 21.7. we came to Btolemais and saluted the b. 17, werccomcio Jerusalem, A. received us gladly 22. 5. from whom also 1 received letters to the b. BKK Ads 23. 5. 1 wist not 0. that he was th" hi'ch-prirst 28.14. where we lo':iid b. and were desired to tar. y 15. when the b. heard of us, they came to meeti.s 2 1 .nor any of the o. that came spake harai of iLee Rom. 1. 13. now i would no( have you ignorant *. !1. 25. 1 Cor. 10. 1. I 12. 1, 1 Vness.4. L3. 7-1. know ye not b. that tlie law hath dominion 8. 12. b. we are debtors, not to the flesh, to li^f 2y. that he might be the first-born among many b 10. \. b. my prayer totJod for isr.is.may be saved 12. 1. i beseech you therefore b. tiy the mercies of Goa, 15. .30. I 1(5. 17. 1 Ct-r. I. 10. | 16. la Hal. 4. 12. ileb. 13.22. f 10. be kindly afl'ectioned ia love of the b. iti. 14. salute the A.which are witn them. CW, 4.15 1 Cor. 1. 26. for ye see your callii.t; b. how tliar 2. 1. and I b. when 1 came to you, came not witt- 3. 1. 1 b. could not speak to you as to spiritiia 4. 6- these things A. 1 have in a figure irtuisferred 7. 29. but this 1 say b. the tioie is short, 15. 50. 8.12. when ye sin so against the A. ye sin against Chr. y.5. and as the b, of the Lor. (5. brought to Aij A. a Midianitish woman 27. 9. then shall ye give his inheritance to Uit A. Dent. 10. y. Levi hath no part with his b. 17. -0. that his heart be not lifted up above A/j' A, 18. 7- he shall minister as all his A. tlie I-evftes do 20. 8. lest his A. heart faint as well as his heart 21- 7. if a man be found stealing any of Am A. 33. y. nor did he acknowledge hts b. nor knew 24. let Asher be blessed and acceptable to Ai/ A Judg. 9. 5. Abiiuelech slew his A. being 70 persons 2b. Gaal came with his A. and went to Shechein 36. which he aid to his father in slaying his 71 b 1 1, 3. Jephthah fled from An A. and dwelt in lob Knth 4. 10. name of the dead be not cut off from /ju A 1 -SVim. 1(5. 13. Samuel anointed him in midst of /tii A 22. I. when his A. and father's house heard it 2 Kings 9. 2. make him rise up from among his A. 1 Chron. 4. 9- -labez more honourable than hts A, 5. 2. for Judah prevailed above his b. 7.22.l'.phraim mourned, /ji> A. came to comfort him 25. y. with his A. and sons were twelve [■So to the end of the chapt. r. 2 CAa-iiji.21.4. Jehoramslew all Au A. with the swru! K\th. 10. 3. Mordecai the Jew was accepted of Au ii Hos. 13. 15. though he be fruitful among Ai* A. Ezek. 11 . 15. thu f>. even thy b. men of thy kindred Mat. 12. 47. behold, thy mother and thif &. stand Zec/t. 14. -t 20. on the ,UtV.5.3.the remnant of ArT fl. shall reriirn to Israel 1 1 S^m. UT. 20. retnrti. taKc back thy h. with thee Mat. IC.4^. hisnioiherand/.i^A. stoodwUhout,(le-,2 CArow.21. 13. hast slain r^v ^. belter Uian thyself amng to speak with him, Mark 3. .SI . Luke 8. ly. Jer. 12.ti. thy b. have dealt Lreacheroiisly wiih thee JohiL 7. 5. for neither did Ins b. believe in him Acts 7- 13. Joseph was made known to Am b. 23. it came into Moses' heart to visit hu b. 25. for he snpposed Im b. would have understood Cor. 6. 5. uo not one able to judge between hix b. Ueh. 2. 17. it behoved him to be made like to /tisb. JUen and BRLIHREN. Bets 1 . 16. me7i and b. this scripture must be fulfilled e. 2y. menand b. let me freely speak to you of D. 37. toP€terandrest,mf«a«rf<*. whatshall wedor f . 2. and he said, men, b. and fathers, hearken .3.15.WIWI ««t/A.ifye have any word of exhortation Sf). men and b. children of the stock of Abraham .18. be it known to you. men and b. thro' this man 15.7. niejtand i. ye know Cr. made choice among us 13. James answered, men and b. hearken unto me 22. 1. men, b. and fathers, hear my defence Z:\.\.7nen and b. 1 have lived in all good conscience Q.menand b.\ am a Pharlsee.thesonof a Pharisee 28. 17. men and b. tho' 1 haire committed uoiliiug My BRETHREN. fien. 29. 4. Jacob said to them, my b. whence be ye ? 31. 37. set it here before »i_v b. and thy brethren 37. 16. 1 seek mt/ b. tell me where they feed flocks 46.31 .wejil. 15.7. if a poor man of /Ay b. be within gates 17. 15. from among thy b. shalt thou set king over 18.15. 1 will raise up a prophet of thy b. like tome 2'>. 14. not oppress the poor of thy b. or stranger ] lib 2. 18. thou shalt bring thy b. home unto thee J.ui«. 14. 3. no woman among daughters of thyb. I Sjm. 17. 17. take for thy b. run to camp to thy b. I 13. look how thy b. fiirs, auQ take tbeir ide'dge 49 BRT Psal. 32.9. wnose mouth must be held in v ill. & 3.9 S9. 1. I will keep luy mouth with a A. Prov. 26. 3. a b. for the ass, a rod for the fuol'sbsck /.Trt. 30. 28. there shall be a b. injawsof the pecplr wi[hout,'7lV«r>i- 3. 32. Luke a. 20, Luke 14. 12. call not thy b. lest they bid thee agai-ii 22. 32. when thou art converted strengthen thy b. }i£v. 19. 10. see thou doit not, 1 am oi r/iy b. 22.9. Your BREIMREM. Gen, -12. Ip. let one of yflitr b. be bound in prison 33. leave one of t/mir b. here with me Lev. 10. 4. carry i/our b. from before the sanctuary 6. let yaiir b. bewail the bui-ningthe Lord kindled 25. 46. over vour b. ye shall uot rule with rigour Awm. 18.6. beKold 1 have taken your*, the Levites 32. 6. shall yi>Hy b. go to war and shall ye eit heret' Dent. 1, 16. hear the causes between your i. 3, 18. pass over armed before ypur A. J?/r A. 2 CAf.^1.4. 2 Vhioa. 19. 10. what cause shall come to you of i/our A. and so wrath come upon you a.i'iyour b. 28. 11. deliver c.iptives ye have taken ot your A. 30. 7. be ye not like your A. which trespassed 9. if ye turn,yc«r A. shall find compassion i\eh. 4.14. and fight for your b. your sons and wives 5.8. will you even sell your A. or shall they be soldr l^a. fi6. 5. your A. that hated j-ou, that cast you out 20. they shall bring yowr AJor an otiering to Lord Jer.t.Xb. cast yon out as I have cast out aWyour i. JJos.^.l. say to your A. Ammi, to sisters, Ruhamah ilV«^.5.47.if ye salute i/(wr A. only, what do you more ^•^f/j3.22. a prophet shall Lordraiseofytf»r A.7.37. 1 Cor. 6. 8. ye do wrong and defraud and thatyin/r A. 1 Pet. 5. 9. same afflictions accomplished inyi^^;- A. BRIBE, S. 1 ^avj.S.S.Samuel's sons took b. and perverted judg. 12.3. of whose hand have I received any A. .■' Psa/. 26. 10. and their right hand is full of A. ha. 33. 15. that shaketh his hands from holding b. Arnos 5. 12. they take a A. and turn aside the poor BRIBERY. Job 15. 34. fire shall consume the lal emacles of A. BRICK. Gen. 11. 3. let us make A. they had A. for stone Biod. 1. 14. they made their'lives bitter in A. 5. 7. no more give the people straw to make A. 16. La. 65. 3 and burneth inceflse on altars of A. BRICKS. ETod. 5. 8. the tale of A. yon shall lay upon them 18. yet shall ye deliver the tale of A. I9. La. 9. 10. the A.' are fallen down, but we will build BRICK-KILN. 2 Sam. 12. 31, and made them pass through the A. Jer. 43. 9. hide great stones in the clay in the A. A'a/j. 3. 14. tread the mortar, make strong the A. BRIDE. Isa. 49, 18. and bind them on thee, as a A. doth 61, 10. as a A. adorneth herself with jewels 62. 5. as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the A. Jer. 2. 32. or can a A. forget her attire ? 7.34. cause tocease the voice of theA. 16.9. 1 25.10. 33. 11. shall be heard in this place voice of the A. Joel-Z. 16. and let the A. go out of her closet John 3. 29. he that hath the b. is the bridegroom Pev. 18.23. voice of the A. heard no more in thee 21. 2. prepared as a A. adorned for her husband 9. 1 will shew thee the A. the Lamb's wife 22. 17. and the Spirit and the A. say, Come BRID&CHAMBER. Mat. y. 15. can the children of the A. mourn? Mark 2. ly. can the children of A. fast? Luke 5. 31 BRIDEGROOM. Psal. 19. 5. as a A. coming out of his chamber Isa. 61. 10. as a A. decketh himself with ornauirnts 62.5. as A. rejoiceth over bride, so God over ihee. Mat. 9. 15. can children of bride-chamber mrurn while A. is with them -' jUar<-2.iy. -/,»if5.3+. 25. 1. ten virgins went forth to meet the A. 5. while the A. tarried |1 6. cry made. A. cometh, 10. John 2. y. ihe governor o: the fe;ist called ihe A. 3. 2y he that hath the bride is the A. bm the friend of the A. rejoiceth gr. atly btcause of tl e A. voice See Bride. BRIDLE. Is taien, [1] Properly, /it the reins or bit whereby hor.ses, mules, &:c. are kept tn, and made to go which pace and iJnch xvay thetr riders please, Psal, 32. y. L-] Figuratively, (1) tor those re- straints of law, intmanily, or modesty, whereby people are kept in a:ce, j'ob 30. 11. and (2) tor holiness to the Lord ./«m. 1,26. if any seem religious and A. not his tongas 3. 2. and able also to A. the whole body Hei'. 14.20, blood came out of wine-press to horseA BRIEFLY. Rom. 13. y. it is A. comprehended in this saying 1 P^^5.12.by Sylvanus a brother I have written i. BRIER Is a prickly hurtful tort of plant, Isa. 5. 6. To which are compared, [1] An enemy, the Assy, rian armu, that molesttd the children of Israel Isa. lo. 17. [2] Mischi-eious and hurtful per- sons, Ezek. 28. 24. [3] 61ns, lusts, aiid corn.p tioHs, which spring jrom a sto7iy and unregene- rated heart, iiet>. t). 8. Isa. 55.13. instead of he A. come upthemyrtle-tree Lsek. 28.24. shall be no more a pricking A. to Is.uel Mtc. 7. 4. the best of them is as a A. BRIERS. Judi^. 8. 7. then I will tear your flesh with h» 16. he took the elders of the city and A. hii. 5. 6. there shall come up A. and thorns 7. 23. it shall even be for A. aJid thorns 24. because ail land shall become A. and thorns 25. not come thither the fear of A. and thorns 9. 18. wickedness shall devour the A. and thorns 10.17. it shall devour his A. and thorns in one day 27. 4. would set A. and thorns against me in battle 32. 13. on the laud shall come up 6. and thorns Ezek. 2.6. son of man, tho' A. and thorns be with thee lleb.6.Q. that which beareth A. and thorns is rejected BRIGANDINE. Jer. -16. 4. furbish the spears and put on the A. 51. 3. against him that lifteth up himself in his A. BRIGHT. i^p. 13.2. when a man shall have a A. spot, 24, ."^a. 4. if the A. spot be white in the skin of his tiesh 23. if A. spot stay in his place and spread not,2H 14. 56. this is the law for a scab and for a A. spot 1 KiytgsT. 45. all the vessels Hiram made for the house of the Lord were of A. brass, 2 67j/^07j.4.l6. Job 37. 11. he scattered his A. cloud 21. now men see not the 'A. light in the clou^Js C««^5.14.bellyis as A.ivoryoverlaid with sapphires Jer. 51. U. make A. the arrows, gather the sliields Ezek. 1.13. thefir&was A. and out of fire lighiniig 21. 15. the swotd is made A. it is wrapt up 21. for the king of Babylon made his arrows A. 27. 19. A. iron and cassia were in thy market 32, 8. A. lights I will make dark over thee Ao/i. 3. 3. the horseman lifteth up the A. sword iLech. 10. 1. so the Lord shall make A. clouds Mat. 17.5. behold a A. cloud overshadowed them LnkeW. 36. as when the A. shining of a candle Acts 10. .30. a man stood before me in A. clothing liev. 22. 16. I am the A. and morning star BRIGHTNESS Signifies, [1] Light, or luctdness, Isa. 59. 9- Amos 5. 20. [2] hatural form and beauty, Dan. •!», 36. [3] Royal dignity, glory, and splendoitrf Ezek. 28. 7.' 2 Sam. 22. 13. through the A. before him were coals of fire kindled, Psal. 18. 12. Job 3L 26. or beheld, the moon walking iu A. Psal. 89. +-14. thou madest his A, to cease lui. 59. 9. we wait for A. but we walk in darkness 60. 3. jund kings shall come to the A. of thy rising 19. nor for A. shall the moon give light to thee 6Q. 1. till the righteousness thereof go forth as A. 60. -f 11. be delighted with the A. of her glory Ezek. 1.4. and a fire and a A. was about it, 27- 2H. so was the appearance of A. round about 11 2. as the appearance of A. as the colour of anilrer 10. 4. the court was full of A. of ihe Lord's glory 28. 7. behold, strangers shall defile thy A. 17, th(>u hast corrupted by reason of thy A. Dan. 2.31. this great image, whose A. was excellent 4. 36. my honour and A. returned unto me 5. t 6. then the king's A. was changed, + 9- 12.3. the wse shall shine as the A. of the firmament ^wi(j.i5.80. diy of Lord shall be very dark and no A. HA3o''. ll.ihey have let loose the A. before roe | Ptal. U 6. upou wicked he shall rain snare j, fire 41. 13, who can come to him with his double A. E Ptal. U 6. . and A and an horrible temper, £^i.3B. 2S n I BRI IS(i. 30. SJ br«atb of (he Lord like a stream of b. 3-*. 9. ana :he dust thereof turned into b. liev. y. 17. ->ut of thtir oiouths issued fire and b. 18. the lliird pan of men was kitled by the b. 14. lu. he shall be tormented with fire and b. ly. 20. cast into a lake of fire, burning with i. CO. 10. tlev. 21. B. whoremongers, and all liars, shall ha^ l- their part in lake which burneth with fire and b. BRING. Gen. 6. 17. I do *. a Hood of waters on the earth ly. two of every sort slialt thou b. into the ark y. 14. when I A. a cloud over earth, the bow seen 18. 16. Abraham did b. them on their way ly. Lord may A. ou Abraham what he hath spoken '11. 4. and b. it to me that I may eat, 25. 5. b. me veoison |j 12. 1 shall b. a curse on me 42. 20. b. your youngest brother to me, 34. 37- if 1 b. him not to thee, 4.3. 9. [ 44. 32. 43. 16. b. these men home, slay and make ready 45. ly. lake wagons and b. your father, and come 48. y. b. them 1 pray to me, and I will ble.ss them Exvd. 10. 4. else to-morrow I will b. the locusts 11. 1. yet will I b. one plague more on Pharaoh 13. 5. it shall be when tlie Lord shall b. thee, 11. 18. 19- that thou mayest b. the causes to God 21. 6. his master shall b. him to the judges v;2. 13. if it be torn in pieces, i. it for witness 23. 4. thou shalt surely b. it back to him again 19. first uf first-fruits of thy land shalt A. 34. 2t). 20. I will send an Angel to b. thee into the place 35.5. whoso is of a willing heart, let him b. 36. 5. the people b. much more than enough Lev. 5. 7. if he be not able to b. a lamb, 11. | 12. 8. 8. and he shall b. them to the priest, 12. 16. 12. shall b. fire and incense wilhiu the vail 17. 5. that Israel may b. their sacrifices to the L. Num. 8. 9- and thou shall b. the Levites, 10. 14. 8. if the Lord delight in us, then he will b. us 16. because the L. was not able to A, Dent. 9. 28. 24. myservant Caleb, him will 1 b. into the land iG. 17. b. before the Lord every man his censer 20. 12. ye shall not b. this congregation into land ■32. 5. give tliis laud, and b. us not over Jordan Dent. 1. 17- the cause too hard for you, b. it to me 7. 1. when the Lord shall b. thee into the land 21. 12. then thou shalt b. her home to thy house 22. 2. then thou shalt b. it unto thine own house 30. 12. b. it to us, that we may hear and do, 13. 33. 7. hear, Lord, and b. Judahto his people 1 ^am. 1.22. till child be weaned, then 1 will b. him 9- 7. then said Saul, what shall we b. the man i 23. b. the portion 1 gave thee, of which I said U. 12. b. the men. that we may put them to deatl: 20. 8. for why shouldest thou b. me to thy father: V iiam. 3.12. my hand with thee, to A. Israel to thee 13. except thou b. Michal when thou comest 14.10. whosoever saith aught to thee, b. him to me ly. 11. why are ye last to b. the king back ? 1 Kings 3. 24. and the king said, b. me a sword 8. 32. the wicked, to b. his way on his head t47. if A. back to their heart, 2 Chion.Q. t37. 13. 18. b. him back with thee to thine bouse 17. 11. *. me a morsel of bread in thine hand CO. 33. then he said, go ye b. him £ Kings 2. 20. b. me a new cruse, and put salt 4. 6. *. yet a vessel |( 41. b. meal and cast it ti. l^. 1 will //. you to the man whom ye seek I Chron. 13. + 3. let us b. about the ark of our God 16. 29. b. an offering and come before him 21. 2. the number of them to me, that I may I Cfiion, 31.10. since the people began to /'. offerings iVe/t. 13. 18. did not our God b. tUJ evil on us? Jobti.^2. did I say i. unto me, or give a reward 10. 9. wilt thou b. me into the dust again ? 14. 4. who can b. a clean thing out of an unclean? 18. 14. it shall b. him to the king of terrors 30. 23. for I karnv thou wilt b. me to deatn 33. 30. to b. back his soul from the pit J^tal. 43, 3. let them b. nie to thy holy hiW bu. 9. who will b. me into strong city ? 108. 10. 72. 3. the mountains shall b. peace to the people 94. 23. he shall A. on them their own iniquity Prov. 29. 8. scornful men b. a city into a snare Ecci. 3. 22. who shall b. him to see what shall be ? 11. 9. know that God will b. thee into judgment 12. 14. God shall b. every work into judgment Caul. 8. 2. 1 would b. thee into my mother's house Jia. 7. 17. Lord shall b. on thee and my people 1 i. 2. the people shall b. them to their place 15. 9. for I will A. more upon Himon, lions on him 16. t 3. A. counsel, execute judgment, make thy 25. 12. shall he S. to the ground, even to the 45. 21. tell ye aiul b. them near, let them take 40. 13. I *. near my righteousness, it not be far off 50. 7. even them will i b. to my holy mouutain 5*i. 7- atid that thou 4. the poor to thy house TiO. 17. for hrais I will b. gold, for iron b. silver 66. 4. 1 will b. their fear upon them /#r. ?.. U. I will take vou and b. you to Zion lU. Vi. not in anger, lest thou b. iue to nothing 50 BRI Jer.ll. 8.1 will b. on tuem all the words olthiscov. 17. 18. b. upon llieui, day ot evil and destroy them 31. 8. 1 will b. them from the north country 32. 42. so 1 will i. on them all the good promised 33. 6. behold 1 w^U b. il health and cure 11. them that shall A. sacrifice of praise into house 49. 5. behold, 1 will b. a fear upon thee La/n. 1. 1 16. that should b. back my soul is far Ezti. 6. 3. L even 1, will b. a sword upon you 11.9. 1 will b. you out of the midst thereof 2U. 15. that I would not b. them into the land 21. 29. I will b. on the necks of them that are slain 23. £2. i will b. them against thee on every side 34. 13. 1 will A. them to their land,36. 24. | 3*7-21. d8. 17. that 1 would A. thee against them lios. 2. 14. 1 will allure and A. her to wilderness Amos 4. 1. A. and let us drink || 4. A. your sacrifices jlVjf. 1. 15. yet will 1 b. an heir to thee Zec/t. 8.8. 1 will A. them, and they shall dwell JUaL 1. i 7. ye A. polluted bread to mine altar 3. 10. A. all the tithes into the store-house JiJat. 2. 13. be thou there till 1 A. thee word 5. 23. therefore if thou b. thy gift tc the altar 17^il7. b. him hither to me, lUarA 9. 19. 21. 2. ye shall find an ass and acolt, loose them and A. them tome, .\Jark 11. 2. Luke ly. 30. Mali 7. 32. and tliey A. to him one that was deaf LukeQ.. 10. for J A. you good tidings of great jo;, 8. 14 choked with tares, and A. no fruit to perfect. 12. 11. when they A. you into the synagogues Jvhn 10. It), other sheep, them also ] must A. 14. 2ti. and A. all things to your remembrance 18. 29. Filate said, what actusatioo .V your 21. 10. A. of the fish which ye have now caught. Acts 5. 28. ye intend to A. this man's blopd on us 7. 5. that they should A. them into bondage 9- 2. he might A. them bound to Jerusalem. 21. 22. 5. 1 went to Damascus to A. them bound 23. 10. commanded to A. l*aul into the castle 17. b. this young man to the chief captain 1 Cur. 1. 19. I will A. to nothing the understanding 28. things that are not, A. to nought things that are 4. 17. shall A. you into remembrance of my wavs 9- 27. keep under my body, 1 A. it into subjection Id.d. that ye may A. me on my journey whither 1 go 2 Cor. 11.20. ye suffer, if a man A. you into bondagt Gal. 3. 24. our school-master to A. us to Christ 1 'I'/iesi. 4. 14. them that sleep will God A. with bin 2 I'im. 4. 11. take Mark and A. him with thee 1 Pef. 3. 18. suffered that he might A. us to God IJohii 10. if any come and b. not this doctrine 3 John ti. whom if thou A. forward on their journey Rev. 21. 24. and kings do A. their glory to it 2(j. they shall A. the glory of nations into it See lio.Mi;, Hitukr. BRING a^ain. Gen. 24. 5. must I A. thy son a^ain to the land ' 6. beware thou, that thou A. not my son a^ain, 8. 28. 15. 1 will A. i\\iie again into this land, 48. 21. 37. 14. if well with brethren, and A. word again 42. 37. deliver him, and I'll A, him to thee again Eroti. 23. 4. shalt surely A. it back to him again ^'um. 17. 10. Av Aaron's rod again before tesiimony 22. 8. lodge this night, and I'll A. you word agani Dent. 1. 22. A. us word again wh^X way we must go 22. 1. in any case A. them again to thy brother 28. 68. the Lord shall A. thee into Egypt again Jiidg. 11.9. if ye A. me home again to fight 19- 3. her husband arose, and went to A. herng«i« 2 .b«»i. 12. 23. can I A. him again, 1 shall go to him 14. 21. A. the young man Absalom again 15. 8. if the Lord shall A. me again to Jerusalem 25. he will A. me again and shew me it [6. 25. 1 A iiigs 8. 34. forgive and b. them again, 2 Cfiroii. 12. 21. he assembled J udali against Isr. to A. king- dom again to Kehoboam, 2 Citron. 11. 1. 1 Chron. 13. 3. let us A. again the ark of our God 21. 12. advise what word 1 shall A. again to him 2 Chron. 24. I9. he sent prophets to A. them again Keh. 9. 29. that mightcst A. them again to thy law P*a/.68.22.Lord said, 1 will A. agani from Bashan, 1 will A. again my people from the depths of sea P/of. 19.24. not so much as A. it to his mouth again 26. 15 grieveth him to A. it again to his mouth Ea. 38. 8. 1 will A. again the shadow of the degrees 46. 8. A. it again to mind, O ye trausgressors 49. 5. saith the I>ord, to A. .Jacob again to him 52. 8. shall see when the Lord shall A. again Zioii Jer. 12. 15. 1 will return and A. them ogwiH.So. 19, 15.19. if thou wilt return, tlitn will 1. A. theeai."/t)( lt).15. 1 willA.thema5^.toTheirland,24.(>. | 32.37. 23. 3. I will A. them again into their folds 28. 3. in two years I will b. again the vessels 4. 1 will A. again to this place Jcconiah, (i. 30.3.1 wWXb.ugatn captivity of my people Isr. nd Judah. 18. 1 31. 23. E'.ek. 3y. 25. Anios 9. U. 48, 47. yet vill I A. again the captivity of Moab 49.().A^afrt(H thecaptivityof Aramon ||39. of Elam Z:.;*!. 16.53, when I A. «?. their captivity, I willA.rtj;. 29. 11. I will b again the captivity of Egypt BRI £:t'i.34. it*. I will A. again that which was drivvi Zeph. 3. 2». at that time I will A. you agam Zech. 10. C. I will A. them ogam to place them 10. 1 will A. them again out of land of Egypt !^ut. 2. 8. A. me word again that I may worship 6(e CAfTivrrv. BRING dovn. Gen. 42. 38. A. down my grey hairs, 44. 2y, 31. 4:1. 7 he would say, A. your brother dv:i>n, 44. 21. 45. 13. ye shall haste and A. do:in my father Deal 9.3. he shall A. them dov^n before thy fac* Juilg.1. 4, A. them doun to the water and I will try 1 ^am. 30. 15. canst A. me i/oji/i, I will A. thee doim 2 Sam. 22. 28. eyes on the haughty to A. them dou:n 1 kings 1. 33. Solomon A. him down to Gihou 2. 9. his hoary head b. thou down with blood Psal. 18. 27. wilt save afflicted, b. down high looks 55. 23. shalt A. them down to pit of destruction Isa. 25. 5 thou shalt A. down the noise of strangers 11 .he shall b.down their pride together M'itli spoils 12. the high fort of thy walls shall he b. dv^n 63. 6. I will A. doicn their strength to the earth /^/■.4y.l6. 1 will A. thee down from theuce, UAaiV. 4. 51, 40. 1 will A. them(/i>ri7i like lambs to slaugliltr Ezek, 26. 20. when 1 shall A. thee down with them ?8. 8. they shall h. thee doitn to pit, and shalt die iios. 7.12. I will A. them down as fowls of heavuii Joel 3.2. A- them down to the valley of .lehoshaphat t 11. the Lord shall A. doun thy mighty ones Amos 3. 11. he shall A. dou n thy strength from thee 9.2. tho' climb to heaven, thence will A. themfl'<-:iyi Obad. 3, saith iu his heart, who shall A. xaedown { Acts 23. 15. that he A. him do-m to you to-morrow 20. the Jews desire thou wouldst A. down I'aul Rom, lu. ti. that is to A. Christ down from above See Evil. BRING forth. Gen. 1.11. let earth A. /orM, 24. H 20. waters A/orM 3. 16. in sorrow thou shalt b. forth children 18. thorn* r/A food t'sai.'25. i 15. he shall b. forth my feet out of the net 37. 6. he shall A. /o/Y/i thy righteousness as light y2. 14. they shall still b. forth fruit in old age KM.. 14. that he may b.fo'nh fuod out of the earth 144. 13. that our sheep may A. forth thousands Prot. 8.t 35. whoso findeth me shall b. forth favour 27. 1. thou knowest not what a day ma,y b. forth Isa. 5. 2. he looked that it should b. forth grapes, 4. 23. 4. saying, I travail not, iwrb. forth children 33.11. ye shall conceive chaff, and b. forth stubble 41. 21. b. forth your strong reasons, saith the King 22. let them b. forth and shew what shall hap))cii 42. 1. he shall b. forth judgment to the Gentiles 3. he shall b. forth judgment unto truth 43.8. A._/«rrA blind people that have eyes, and deaf 9- let them b. forth their wituesses that ihey may 45.8. let earth open, and let them A. forth salvation 55. 10. wateretii the earth, and maketh it b. forth 59-4. they conceive mischief, and b. forth iniquity 65. 9. and I will A. forth a seed out of Jacob 23. not labour iu vain, nor b. forth for trouble 66.8.5hall the earth be made to .forth in one day ? g. shall I bring to birth, and notcause to A. ^ti;-f/j/ Jcr. 12.2. they grow, yea they b. forth fruit 51 .44. I'll b. forth out of mouth what he swallowed Ezek. 12. 4. thou shalt b. forth thy stutl by day 17. 23. and It shall b. forth boughs and bear fruit 20, 6. to f>. ihfivn forth of the land of ICgypt 38. I will A, akem forth out of the country 28. 18. therefore will 1 b. forth a fire in the midsl o( 38. 4. I will b. thee forth thy army and horsenu-a 47.12. shall b.foith new fruii according to mouibsi BKI tiur y. I^. but Epliraim shall li. fvrih his children I Iti.tho' thej- b. forth, jet will 1 ilay beloved fniit ^tv.\. 10. be in paiu aiiil labour to b. fvr-th, O Zitu 7. y. he will i. m^ forth to the light Z*/>/j. 2, G. before the decree A. forth, the day pass i^f.Vi. 3. 8. I will b. forth Diy serviiiii the Branch 4. 7. shall b. forth the head-slone with shoutings 5. 4. A. forth a curse, and it shall enter tlie house Mfit, 1.23 behold, a virgin shall h. forth a son. 21. 3. 8. b. forth fruit nieel tor repentance, Luke '^. IS. "■IH.good trte cainiot i./ur//* evil fruit, LuXe 6.4.J. ^/tfrX- 4. 'JO. b. forth fruit, some 30 fold, some sixty Litke 1.31, b. f. a son, and shalt call his name Jesus a. 15. having heard word, keep it, and b.fcrthivml 15. 22. b. forth the best robe and put it on hiui John 15. 2, purgeth, tha^it may b. forth more fiuit l6. I ordained you, that you should b. forth fruii 19- 4. 1 b. him forth to you that ye mav know Acts 12.4. after Easter to b. h'lmforth to the people Hum. 7. 4. that we should b. forth fruit unto God 5. the motions of sin to h. forth fi-uit unto death BIUKG i«. Exod. fi 8. r will h. you mlo the land T did swear li. 17 shall b. in and plant them ni the momiluin 16. 5, on the sixth day prsnare that they /;. in C3 23. my Angel shall go before and b. thee i« Sum. 14. 31. your little ones, them will I A. ih 2 Chron. 24. (). they made proclamation to b. in to the Lord the collection Moses laid on Israel 28. 13. ye shall not b. tn the captives hither Jer 17- 24. b. in no burden on the sabbath-day Dan. 2. 24. b. me in before the king,-and I will shew 5.7- the king cried to b. in the astroloi;ers y. 24. to b. ill everlasting righteousness /iflg. 1. 6. ye have sown uiuch and b. in little Luie 5. 18. sought means lo b. hin; m and lay him 14. 21. b. tn hither the poor, ttie maimed, and halt £ Ptit. 2. 1. who pnvilv b. tn damnable heresies KIlf^G Mtt. Gen. 19-5. b. themcri.* t'l us that we may know, 8.12 40. 14. make mention, and b. me out of this house. 5i). 24. God will visit and b. you out of this land hiod. ti. d. 1 will A. you pHf from under the burden 13. gave them achari;e lob. the children of Israel 0M/of:Egypt.26 27. I 7.5. I 12.51. Jfr. .11.32. 32. 12. for mischiefdidhe A. thfui out to slay them Dent. 21. 19. lay hold and b. him ont to the elders 22.21. b. out the damsel II 24. b. both ck/ to the gate 24. 11. shall b. out the pledge abroad unto thee Joih. 6. 22. b. out thence Uahab and all she hath 10. 22. b. out those five kings out of the rave Judg. G. 30. b. out thy son that he may die 19. 24. them I will A. ok/, and humble ye them P.ial. 25. 17- O b. thou me out of my distresses 142. 7. b. my soul mu of prison, that I may praise 143. 11. O Lurd, b. my soul otii of trouble ha. 42. 7. to A. out the prisoners from the prison Jer. 8. 1. shall b. out the bones of the kings of J ud ah 38.23.A.o"f all thy wives and children tot'hatdeans Etek. 11.7- but 1 will b. you forth out of midst of it £0. 34. 1 wili b. you out from the people, 34. 13. 41. accept you, when I b. you out from the people 24. ti. b. it out piece by piece, let no lot fail Amos 6. 10. that hurneth him to b. vnt the bones Acli n. 5. sougli' to b. them mtf to the pwople BRING tc ptixs. 6>M. 41.32. the dreaui, God will shortly b. it fopfji.\ dO.'iO.tob.topass as at this day ,to save people alive J'ial. 37. 5. ti-ust in nim, and he shall b. it fo pan ha. 28. 21. and h. to pass his act, his strange act 4(j U. 1 have spoken, 1 will also A. it to pass BRING vp. Cat. 46. 4. and 1 will also surely A. thee vji again htod. ^. 8. and to A. them irp out of that land 17. I have said. I will A. you 7ip out of affliction 33. 12. see, thou savest tome. b. up this people Kum. 14. 37. men that A. up evil report on the land 20. 25. b. up Aaron and liis son to mount Hor J>eut. 22. 14. A. up an evil name on her, and say Judg. 6. 13. did not the Lord A. us up from Egypt ' 1 -Sam. 19. 15. A. him upin the bed, that 1 may slay 28. 11. whom shall I A. up, he said A. me i(y/. Samuel 8 ^it'n. 2. 3. his men did David A. vp every man ti. 2. to A. up from thence the ark of God, 1 A'i«?; 8. 1.4. 1 Chron. i:i. 6. \ 15. 3,12,14,25. 2 Vhron. 5.2,5. 1 Chron. 17. 5. since 1 did A. vp Israel to this day ilzra 1. 11. did Sheshbazzar A. up with them J.'e/i. 10. .'U*.. shall A. up tithes to the house of God Lm. 10, hph. 6. 4. , to A. up Chri.st agam (Voni the deid ] .Vw//i. l(i. 39. make A. platesforlhe coverhig .»(altaj . them up in the nurture of the Lord I *^ tA. 3. 8. L zziel and liaiianiah repaired, and thej BKINGKRS. 2 A'iWffi 10.5. the A. up of childreu sent to Jehu BiUNGKSr. Job 14. 3. and A. me iuto judgment with thee Isa. 40. 9. O Jerus. that A. good thiiig6,Uft up voice Acts 17. Qu. for thou A. strange things to our ears BIUNGLIH. /■'xi'rf. 6. 7. who A. you out from under the burden Lfv. 11. 45. \ am the Lord tha'. A. you out of L-gypl 17. 4. A. It not to the door of the tabernacle, 9. Dent. 8. 7. the Lord A. thee into a good land 1 'Sam. 2.6. he A. down to the grave, and A. up 7. Lord makelh poor, he A. low, andlifteth up 2 ^m. 22. 4it. that A. down the people under me 49, and that A. me forth from mine enemies J^ib 12. 6. into whose hand God A. abundantly 22. he A. out to light the shadow of death 19. 29. wrath b. the punishments of the sword 28. 11. the thing that is hid A. he forth to light P.va/. 1. 3. that b. forth his fruit in his season 14. 7. when the Lord A. back the captivity, 53. (). 3.{. 10. Ld. A. the counsel ufthe heathen to nought .'17. 7. the man who A. wicked devices to pass 08. 6. he A. out them that are bound with chains Psai. 107. 28. and A. them out of their distresses 'iO, so he A. them to their desired haven 135.7. A. wind out of treasuries, Jer. 10. 13. I 51. 16. Prov. 10. 31. the mouth of the just A. forth wisdom 16. 30. moving his lips he A. evil to pass 18. 16. a man's gift A. him before great men 19.26. isason that causethshame,and A. reproach 20. 26. a wise king A. the wheel over them 21. 27. much more when he A. it with a wicked 2y. 15. hut a child left, A. his mother to shame 21 .he that delicately A. up his servant from a child 25. the fear of man A. a snare, but whoso trusts 30. 33. A. forth butter. A. blood. A. fortli strife 31. 14. like ships, she A. her food irom afar I'crl. 2. ti. to «-ater the wood that A. forth trees ha. 8. 7. Lord A. on them the waters of the ri\er 26. 5. A. down them that dwell on high, A. to dust 40. 2.J. that A. the i»rinres to noUiiJig, he makes 26. that A. out their host by number 43. 17. which A. forth the chariot and horse 54. Ifi. the smith that A. forth an instrument til. 11. fur as (he earth A. forth her hud /tT. 4. 31. anguish of her that A. forth her first child I'.ceA. 29. 10. which A. iniquity lo remembrance Uos. 10. 1. Israel A. forth fruit to himself Hag. 1. U. drought on '.hat which ground A. forth AJat.S. 10. every tree ihatA. not forth good fruit i; hewn down, aisd cast into fire, 7. 19. Luie'.i.g. 7. 17. even so every good tree, A. forth good fruit 12. 35. agood man out ofheart A. forth good things and an evil man A. forth evil things, Luke 6. 45 13. 23, A, forth some an hundred fold, some sixt^ 52. who A. out of his treasure things new and old 17. 1. Jesus A. them up into an high mountain Mark 4. 28. the earth A. forth fruit of herself Luac ti. 43, a good tree A. not forth cornipt fruit John 12. 24. if it die, it A. forth much fruit, 15. Coi. 1 . ti. gospel A, forth fruit, as It doth also in y 'Jit. 2. 11, the grace of CJod that A. salvation //eA. 1.6. A. in the first-htgoiten into the world 6. 7. the earth A. forili herbs meet for them JuM. 1. 15. lust A. forth sin, and sin A. forth death i'ftf TlLlMJS. BRINGING. Erod. 12. 42. to be much observed for A. them out 3^,6. so the people were restrained from A, \um. 5.15. an offering A. iniquity to remenibrauce 14. 30. by A. up a slander upon the land 2 Sai/i. 19. 10. speak ye not of A. the king back, 43. 1 A'iHg.Tlo.22. navy A. gold and silver, 2 CA;y)(. 9.21. 2 hiugs^l. 12. I am A. such evil on Jerusalem AV/i. 13. 15, some on the sabbath A. in sheaves Psal. 126. ti. rejoicing. A, his sheaves with him Jer. 17. 2ti. A. burnt-offerings. A. sacrifices of praise Ezei. 20. 9- 1 n.ade myself known in A, theui om Dan.g. 12. his word by A. upon us great evil HJui. 21. 43. to a nation A. forth the fruit thereof ^Jark 2. 3. A, (ine sick ot the palsy borne of four L7ike~4. 1. A. the spices which they prepared Acts 5. 16. a multitude A. forth sick folks Rom. 7. 23. A. me into captivity to the law of sin 2 Cur. 10. 5. and A. into captivity every thought lleb. 2. 10, in A, many sons unto glory to make Capt 7. 19- but the A. in of a better hope did 2 Ptit. 2. 5. A. in the Hood on the world of ungodly BRINK. Gen. 41. 3. stood by the other kine on the A. of river Eiod. 2, 3. laid the ark in Hags by the river's A. 7. 15. shalt stand by the river's A. when he comi 29. 4. will A. thee up out of the midst of thy rivers Deut. 2. 36. from Aroer by the A. of the 32, 3. a company shall A. thee up in my net 37. ti. I will A. up fiesh on you, and cover you Hos.\} 12. though they A. up children, I will bereave Amot 6. 10. 1 will b. up sackcloth upon all loius b\ Jos/i. 3, 8. when ye are come to the A. of Jordan Ezek.i'i.G. he caused me leturn tothe A. of the river BUUAD Atun. 16. 38. malte censers, A. plates for covering £ Z fortified Jerusi-iem to the A. wall, 12, 3ii 7-14. the city was A. in spaces, the people fi-w Job 3(). Iti. removed out of the strait into a A. place PstiL 1 19. 96. thy commandment is exceediiig A. Vdtit. 3. 2. and in the A. ways 1 will seek him I.\a. 33. 21. the Lord will Le a place of A. riven Jer. 5. 1. know and seek in the A. places thereof 51.58. the A. waJls of Babylon shall be broken .N«A.2.4. the chariots shall justle in the A. w.iys .!/(//. 7.1;;. A. is the way that Itadelh to destructioi; 23. 5. they make A. their phvhicteries aiiO eularga BKOADLK. Job 11.0. the measure thereof is A. than the sea BKOIDLKLD. Kiod. 28.4, make a robe, a A. coat, a mitre, a girdle E:ei. 16. 10. 1 clothed thee also with A. work 13. and thy raiment was of silk and A. work 18. tookest thy A. garments and coveredsi the^ni 26. Iti. the princes shall put ofl" their A. garments 27. 7. linen with A. work from Kgypt lo be thy saiJ iti. they occupied in thy fairs with A. work 2i. thy merchants in blue clothes and A. work 1 'Jim. 2, 9- that women adorn, not wilh A, hair BROILED. Luke 24. 42. they gave him a piece of a A, fish BJtOKEN. Oen. 17. 14. he hath A. my covenant, PsaL 55. 20 ha. 24, 5. I .33, H. Jer. 11. 10. [■ei'.G.'ZQ. earthen vessel wherein sodden, shall be A. 15. 12. the ves.sel that he touched shall be A. 21. 19- or a man that is A. fooled, or A. handed 20. that hath his stones A. let him not ofier 22, 22, blind, d. ormaimed, ye shall not offer, 24. 2ti. 13. and 1 have A. the bands of your yoke 2ti. when I have A. the staff of your bread A'/(wi. 15. 31 . because he hath A. his commandment J'(f/^.5.22.tiien were the horse-hoofs A. by prancings 16. 9. he brake the withs, as a thread of tow is A. 1 -iuw/. 2. 4. the bows of the mighty men are A. 2 Sai/i. 22.35. that a bow of steel is A. Psai. 18, 34 1 /vi«^'i 22. 48, the ships were A. at I'^zion-gebtr 1 Chron. 14. 11. God hath A. in upon uiine eneniii-s 2 Chiuu. 20.37. Lord hath A. thy works, ships A. 32. 5. also he budt up all the wall that was A. Job 4. 10, the teeth of the young lions are 6, 7. 5. my skin is A. and become loathsome 10. 12. 1 was at ease, but he hath A. me asunder 22. 9. the arms of the fatherless have been A. 24. 20. and wicKetlness shall be A. as a tree 31. 22. and let mine arm be A. from the bone 38. 15. and the high arm shall be A. Psul. 3. 7. thou hast A. the teeth of the ungodly 31. 12. I am forgotten, 1 am like a A. vessel 34. 18. the Lord is nigh ihein of a A. heart, 51. 17. 20, he keepeth his bones, not one of thom i.i 6. 37.15. their bows shall be A. || 17. arms shall be A 38. 8. 1 am feeble and sore A. 1 have roared 4\. 19. tho' thou hast A. us 111 the place of dragons 51.8. that the bones thou hast A. may rejoice 17. the sacrifices of God are a A, spirit, a coniritc Go. + 1. thou hast cast us off. ihou hast u. us 2. hast made the earth lo tremble, thou hast / . it 69. 20. reproach hath A. my heart, and 1 am full H)7. iti. for he hath A. the gates of brass and bars 109. 10. that he might even slay the A. In heart 124. 7. the snare is A. and we are escaped 147.3, he healeth the A. in heart, and biudeth up Prov. 6.15. suddenly shall he be A. without i-emedj ll.|15.ihat issurety for a stranger, shall be sore A, i3. 1 21). a companion of fools shall be A. 15. 13. but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is A. 17. 22. but a A. spirit drietli the bones 25. 19. is like a A. tooth and a foot out of joint Lici. 4. 12. and a threefold cord is not quickly A. 12. 6, or the golden bowl be A. or pitcher be A. 7.w( . 5. 27 . nor the lalchet of their shoes be A. 7. 8. within sixty-five years shall Ephraim be A 8, 15. many among tliem shall fall and be A, 9- 4. for thou hast A. the yoke of his burden 14. 5. the Lord hath A. the staff of the wicked Cy. because the rod of him that smote thee is A. 19. 10. they shall beA. in the purposes thereof 21.9- lill graven images he hath b. to the ground 28. 13. that they might fall backward and be A. 3.1.8. he hath A. the covenant, he regardeth no m&n 20 nor shall anj' of the cords thereof be A. 30. ti. lo. thou trustest in the staff of this A. reed 42. 1 4. he shall not fail nor be A. till he have set Jer. 2. 13. hewed out A. cistvrns that hold no waii-r 16, the children have A. the crown of thy head 20, of old I have A. thy yoke, and burst bands 5. 5. these have A. thy yoke, and burst thy bonds 10. £0. all my cords are A. mj children gone 11. 16. kindled a fire, and the branches of it are A 14. 17. for the virgin daughter of my people is i. 22. 28. is this man Coniah a despi.sed A. idoW 23, 9. mine heart is A. because of the prophtu 28. 2. 1 bive A *be voke of the king of B&ttyUn » BRO Jtr. CB. i3. I'ananiah, thou nast h. the yokes if 33.?l.then may also my covenant l«<; A.wiih David 43. 17. how is the strong staft'i. and beamifiil rod 25. the arm of Moab is b. saith the Lord 38. for I have b. Moab like a vessel, wherein is no 50.17. this Nebuchadnezzar hath A. IsraeKsbones 2S. the hammer of w hole earth cut asunder and*, 51. SH, Babylon, every one of their bows is b. 58. the broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly A Lam. 2. 9- he h;i(li destroyed and b. her bars T.4. he hath b. my bones|| Iti. he hath A. my teeth f:f(t,fi.4.your altars.and your iDiapes shall be b. tj 9. because 1 am b. with their whorish heart 17. 19. and my covenant that he halh b. 19- J 2. her strong rods were A. and withered 2t).C. aha, she is b. that was the gates of the peopU 27. Cfi. the east-wind haih b. thee in the seas ^^\. the time when thou slialt be b. by the seas 30.21. 1 have A. the arm of I'haraoh king of Kgj-pt 12. I will break the strong and that which was b. 51. \1. his boughs are b. by all the rivers of land 32. CH. be b. in the midst of the uncircumrised 3t. 4. nor have ye bound tip that which was ^. I(). and I will bind up that which was b. 27. when I have b. the bands of their yoke 44. 7- and they have h. my covenant Dan. G. 42. so kingdom par;ly strong, and panly A. 8. 8. when he was strong;, the great horn was h. 22. now thai beinc^ b. whereas four stood up for it 25. but he shall be b, without hand 11.4. his kingdom sh.tll bo b. and shall be divided 22. with the arms of a liond be overHown and b. Hjs. 5.11. Ephraiin is oppressed and A. in judgment Jimtih 1.4. so that the ship was Kke tf^ be f>. Zech. 11. 11, and it was A. in that day, ard sn poor 16. a shepherd shall not heal that wlii'h is b. l\lfit. 15. M. took up of the b. meat, AJnri 8. 8. 21.44. fall on this stone, shall be A. Luke ^O. 18. Luie 12. .1'). not have suffered his house to be b. J.-hit 5. 18. bt'caii&e he had not only b. the sabbath 7. 2.1. that the law of Moses should not be b. 10.35. word of God came, and scripture cannot be b. 19- 3i. .lews besought Pilate their legs might be b. 36, scripture fulfilled, a bone of him shall not be b. 21. 11. for all so many, yet was not the net b. Acts^O. 11. had b. bread and talked a long while 27. 35. gave thanks, when he had b. it he bcgaii to 41. but the hinder part was b. with the waves 1 Cor. 11. '.'4. this is my body which is b. for you liev. 2. 27. as vtssels of a potter shall they be b. BROKEN domi. Lev.l 1.35. oven or ranges A. rf. for they arc unclean hmgs 18.30. repaired altar of Lord that was b. d. 2 h'ings 11.6. keep the watch, that it be not b. d. iChnm. 33. 3, built high placis Ilezekiah had b. d. 34.7- Josiah had b. down the altars and groves ^>/J. 1. 3. the wall of Jerusalem is &. d. gates burnt 2. 13. and I viewed the walls which were b. d. /V(T/.ao.l'_'. why hast thou then 6. down her hedges' 89, 40. thou hast b. down all his hedges Piov. 24. 11. the stone-wall thereof was b. down 25.28. halh no rule over his spirit, like a city b. d. If/j. 16. 8. have A. dovnthe principal plants thereof 22. 10. the houses have ye b. d. to fortify the wall 21. 10. city of confusion is b. d. every house shut 19. the earth is utterly b. down, it is dissolved Jcr 4. 2(>. cities were h. d.K 18. 20. Moab A. d. 39. 1 xek. 30. 4. and her foundations shall be h. down Ji"-l 1. 17. the barns are A. dorm, the corn withered /'fA.2.14. Christ hath A, d middle wall between us BROKEN /rtJ7A. "•en. 30. 1 .30. and it is now A. forifi to a multitude 18. 29 how hast thou A. fon'/i ? breach be on thee fSam. 5. 20. the Lord hath b. forth on mine enemies BROKEN 171. \Chroii. It. 11. God hath A, m on mine enemies BROKEN of. Job 17. 11 . my days are past, my purposes are A. off Un. 27. 11. wlien boughs are withered, shall A. of Horn. 11. 17. and if some of the branches be A. off 20. because of unheliefthey were A. off, 19. BROKEN out. U-v. 13.20. plagiieof h'prosy A. flftrof the boyl,25. BROKEN in, or to pieres. ? S/im. 2. 10. adversaries of Lord shall be A,i7i piece: 2 C7i;p?i.25.12.ca,st them from rock, were A. in piece. f'jfl/.89.10. thou hast A.RahabiH/)(>f«asone slain /.((I. 8.9. associate ye people, yc shall be A. iw pieces 30. 14. break it as apotler's vesselthatisA-iH/iitv^.i Jer.H).1. Merndachis A. iH/Jitffci.her images b.tnp. V,m. 2. 35. brass, silver, g()ld, A. ri;'if«j together Ih;. H.fi. but the ralfoi'.Samaria shall be A. inpiecex AJirk 5. 4. had been bound, and fetters bren A. i'?i p. BROKEN up. Gen. 7. 11. all the fountains of the great deep A. v/> 2 A'lM^i 25.4. city Iprnsalem A.7/;(.ftT. 30.2. j ,'i2.7. ?Ci'iroM.24.7-sonsof AthaliahhadA.H/ihouseofCiod Prov. 3. 20. by his knowledce the depths are />. up Jtr. '7. 1 1. when the army of Chaldeans was A. up idit 2. 13. ihey havtt. i/yj and passed the gate 5« ^frf. 2*. 43. not have suffered h'.s house to be A. up .Urt/i2. 4.Mhen they had A. root 7ip they let ilowu Acts 13. 43. when the congresation wa-) A. up BROKEN-IIEARTHO. La. 6l. 1. L-ord sent me to bind up the b.hearted Luke A. IH.lohealA.-Apf/r^^i/, to preach deliverance BROOD. Luke 13.34, as a hen gathers her A. under her wings BROOK. Gen. .32. 23, he took them and sent them over the A i.€v. 23. 4t). take willows of the A. and rejoice L\'nm. 1:1. 23, came to A. Eslicol and cut a branch 24. called, A. Eshcol because of cluster of grapes Dew/. 2. 13. get over the A. Zered, went over A. 14 9-21. and cast the dust thereof into the A. 1 ')^am. 17.40, those live smooth stones out of the A, 30. 9. David and ()00 men came 'o the A. Besor 2 '"^um. 15. 2.1. the king passed over the A. Kidron 17. 20. they be gone over the A oi water \ hnigi 2. .17. be on the day ihoii pa,sstst over the A. 15. 13. idol burnt by the A. Kidron. 2 CA;. 15. I6. 17- 3. get hence, hide thyself by the A. Cherith 5. 6. the ravens brought bread, he drank of the A. 18. 40. Elijah brought them to the A. Kishoii 2 A ings 23. 6. he burnt the grove at the A. kidron 12, cast dust into the A. Kidion.2 Chum. 10. 14. 2 C/iron. 20. Lfi. ye shall find them at end of the A. 29. It), the Levites carried it to the A. Kidron 32. 4. much people gathered and stopt the A. Ne/i. 2. 15. went up by the A and viewed the wall J<'b 6. 15. my brethren dealt deceitfully as a A, 40. 22. the willows of the A. couipass him about Psa/. 83.9. do to them as to Jabin at the A. Kison 1 10. 7*-he shall drink of the A. in the way, therefore Prov. 18. 4. well-spring of wisdom as a liowitig A. 30. i 17. the ravens of the A. shall pick it out Lrt. 15. 7- shall carry away to the A. of the willows Jcr. 31. -10. all fields to A. Kidron be holy to Lord Ju/iH 18, 1 . went with his disciples over A. Cedron BROOKS. AVw.2i.i4.what he did in Red-sea and A.of Arnon 15. and at the stream of the A. that goelh to Ar Deut. 8. 7. to a land of A. of water and fountains 2 S.itn. 23. 30. of the A. of Gaash. 1 Cbron. 1 1. 32. 1 King.t 18, 3. Ahab said, go unto all A. of water Job 6. 15. and as the stream of A. they pass away 20. 17. he shall not see the A. of honey aiid butter 22, 24. fheu shall lay up gold as stones of the A. Psfi/. 42. 1. as the hart panieih after the water-A. /jn.19.6. A. of defence shall be emptied and dried up 7. the paper-reeds by the A. by the mouth of the A. and everything sown by the A. shall wither 8. all they that cast angle into the A. shall lament BROTH. Jnd^. 6. 19. Gideon put the A. in a pot, brought it 20. the angtd said, pour out the A. and he did so ha. (55. 4. A. of abominable things isin their vessels BUOTHER. See Signification on Brethren. f?f«.9-5.athandof every roan's A. will I require life 24. 29. Hebekah had a A. whose name was Labaii 53. gave also to her A. and mother precious, thiiiys 29. 12. .lacobtold Rachel he was her father's A. 43.(5. why dealt you so ill with me, as to tell ye had a A. the man asked, have ye another A. .i* 4^. I9. Deut . 25. 5. her husband's A. shall go in to her Jtid^. 9. 24. iheir blood laid on Abimelech their A. 21. G. Israel repented them for Benjamin their A. Job 1 . 13. were eating in their elder A. house, 18. 10. 29. I am a A. to dragons, a companion to owls Proi>. 17. 17. and a A. is born for adversity 18. 9. he that is slothful is A. to him that is a waster 19, a A. offended is harder to be won than a city 24. there is a friend that sticketh closer than a A. 27. 10. better a neighbour near ihan a A, far ofl Eccl. 4.8. yea he hath neither child nor A. Jier.9.4.trust not in any A. for every A. will supplant Ezek. 41. 25. for A. they may defile themselves Ulal. 1.2. was not Esau Jacob's A. ? saith the Lord Mat. 10. 21. A. shall deliver up the A. iV/«r*13.I2. Mark 12. 19. if a man's A. die and leave, £.7/Xc 20.28. Jo/in 11.2. Mary, whose A. Lazarus was sick 19. .lews came to comfort them concern, their A. Acit 9. 17. A, .Saul, rec-ive thy sight, 22. 13. 12 2. he killed James the A. of John with the sword 21.20. thou seest, A. how many thousands believe /1'1'm. 16, 21. and Quartus a A. saluteth you 1 Cor. 5. 11. if any man called a A. be a fornicator 6. 6, A. goeth to law with A, before unbelievers 7. 12. if any A. hath a wife thai believeth not 15.a A.or sister is not under bondage in such case? 8.11. tliro' thy knowledge shall the weak A. perish 2 Cor. 8. 18. and we have sent with him the A. 2 T/ie.rs. 3. 6. that ye withdraw from every A. 15, count not an enemy, but admonish him asa A. Pbtlem. 7. bowels of saints are refreshed by thee, A 16. but above a sen*am. a 6. beloved to me //u BROTHER. Gen 25. 2fi. and after that came his A. out 38 9. lest that he should give seed to his A. BUO Cf7i.42.18. A/jA. isdead,andheislcftalot:p,-W.CO. KruU. 32. 27. slay every man fus A. i>ii A. Mark 12.19. i»^e 2l'. If. 25. having no issue, left his wife lo his b. John 1. 41. he findeth Au A. Simon, and saith toLim Ixoni. 14. 13. or an occasion to fall in his A. way 1 7!/(fi-.T.4 0. that no man defraud Ai' A. in any ni.-itter Jnm. 4. 11. speakethevil of Au A. and judgetli Au A. 1 John 2. 9. in the light, and ha;eth his A. U. 10. he that loveth hts A. abidelh in the light 3. 10. neither he that loveth not his A. 14. 12. not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slewA/j A. because A/j- A. works were righteous 15. whoso hateth his A. is a murderer, 4. 20. 1 John 4. 21. he who loveth God, love hts A. alsu 5. It), if any see h\s A. sin a sin not to death My BUOTHER. Gen. 4. 9. Cain said. 1 know not, am I my b. keeper' 20. 5, herself said, he is my b. 13. J Kings iO. 32. 27. 41. Esau said, then will I slay my A. Jacob 29.15. Laban said to Jacob.because thou art my A. Jndg. 20. 23. to battle against Benjamin my A. 28. 2 Sam. 1. 26. distressed for thee, wy A, Jonathan 13, 12. nay my b. do not force me, do not this 1 Kings 13. 30. they mourned, saying, alas my b. Psal. .15.14, 1 behaved as though he had been myb. Cant. 8.1.0 that thou wert as my A. that sucked Jer. 22. 18. they shall not lament, saying, ah my A. Mat. 12. 50. same is my b. and sister, Mark 3. 35. 18. 21. Lord, how oft shall my A. sin against me •' Luke 12. 13. speak to my A. that he divide inherit. John 11. 21. if hadst been here, my A. had not died 1 f'or.a.ll.if meat make 77;yA. to offend, eat no flesli 2 Cof. 2. 13. be* ause I foui.d not Titus my A. ihir BROTHER. Gen. 37. 26. what profit is it if we slay wr A. f 27. for he is onr b. and our llesh. Judg. 9, 3. 42. 21. we are verily guilty concerning i7i/r A. 43. 4. if thou wilt send onr b. with us, we will go 2 Cor. 8. 22. and we have sent with them c?/7- A. Philem. Z.. and Timothy ovr A. to Rhilemon Thu BROniEK. Gni. 4. 9. I-/>rd said to Cain, where is Abel thy A. ^ 10. the voice of thu b. blond crieth unto me 27. 40. live by thy sword, and shalt serve fhyb. 18 8. go in to thy A, wife and rai>e up seed lo (hy b, I'.Ti'd. ■*. 14, is not Aaron the Leviie thy b. t 28. '.. take to thee Aaron thy A. and his sons Let. 19. 17. thou shalt not hate rAv A, in thine heart 25. 1(). fear thy God that thy A. may live with thee A'«7M.27.13.asAaronMy*.wasgathered,/Jfw/.32.50 Deut. 13. 6. if thy A. entice thee secretly, saying 15. 1 1. open thy hand wide to ihy b. to thv poor 12. if ^Ay A. an Helrew be sold to thee and servo 22, 1. in any case bring them again to rAv A, 3. in like manner with all lost things of thy A, 23, 7. not abhor an E-domite, for he is thy A. 19- thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy h. 2 Sam. 2. 22. Imw hold up my face to Joab thy b. 13.20. hold thy peace, my sister, he is thy A. 1 A'i7(;;.tC0, 33. and they said, thy A. Benhadad Job'Z'ZSt. hast taken a pledge from thy b. fornongU Psal.50. 20. thou fittest and speakesl against thy b Piov. 27. 10. nor go into ihy A. house in calaniitj Obad. 10. for thy violence against tht/ b. Jacob 12. shoiildst not have looked on the dav of thu b A/rtr.5.23.remembtr<'St that /AvA.hathout-ht (iift J/rf/.7.S.l>ehuld. mote in rAv A.p3-p,5.Z.i(Xc6.4U2. 18.la.if /Af/^'trp'^P^i^.hasT gd^ined l/ii/ & . LnAe 11 .3. John 11. i!3. Jesus saith, thy b. .shall rise asai'i Aj/«. 1-t.lO. but why dost thou judge /V'i. / or why dost thou set at nought thy b.f Your iMurmr.R. ")en. 4C.S4. bring y""!" b. so will 1 deliver you y. 4, 43. 3. not see my face, except y«ur b. be with you 1 %. take V'"*'' A- arise, and go again unto the niau 4i.4. 1 am Joseph tfi>»r A. whom ye soldi nt« Egypt Judg. 9. 18. Abiuielech king, because he is yt'"'* l>- Rev. 1.9. John, who also am uea^i^n 14. 3. wherefore hath the Lord b. us to this land • 16. 10. and he hath b. thee near to him 27. 5. Moses b. their cause before the Lord 31. 30. we have iherefuve b. an oblation for Lord 32. 17. till we have b. them to their places Otnl. 5. 15. the Lord thy God 6. thee out iheoce 2tJ. 10. I have b. the first-fruits of the land 13. I have b. away the hallowed things Jfls/t. 7. 14. in the n.orning ye shall be b. •*3. they took and b. them to Joshua 2t. they b. them to the valley of Achor 21. 7. Lord A. the sea upon them and covered them Jiiiig. 2. 1. I have b. you unto the land I sware ifi. 18. the Philistines b. money in their hand la. 3. who b. thee hither? and what makest ihou t -Saw. 1. 24. she b. Samuel to the house of the Ld 25. they slew a bullock and b. the child to Eli 10. 27- they despised him, and b. him no presents 21 . 14. wherefore ihenhave ye b. him to me ? 25. 35. David received what Abigail had b. him 30. 11. they found and b. an Egyptian to David ZSiim, 1. 10. crown and bracelet, ^. them to my lord 7. 18. who am I, O LordGod ? what is my house, that Lhnuhast 4. me hitherto? 1 C/ir.m. 17. I6. , .K'»ii:j9.9.Lordi. on them this evil, 2 Chum.l .2^. lO. 25. they b. each his pre.sent, C Chron. Q. 24. 17. 20. hast thon also b. evil upon the widow ? 22. 37. so the king died, and was b. to Samaria 2A'i«gj5-20.spared Naaman.innot receiv.whatheA. 17.4. Iloshea b. no presents to the king of Assyria 27. carry thither the priest ye b. from thence 20. 11. he b. the shadow ten degrees backward 24. 16. craftsmen the king b. captive to Eabylon IC/iii'h. 11. 19. withjeopardy of lives they A. it 14. 17. the Lord b. fear of him on all nations 2 Chr. 13. 18. the children of Israel were b. imdcr 17. 5. all Judah b. to Jehoshaphat presents 22.9. b. Ahaziah to Jehu, and when had slain 28. 5. the king of Syria b. Israel to Damascus 15. *. captives to Jericho to their brethren 32. 23. many 6. gifts to the Lord to Jerusalem Ezra 8. 18. they b. us a man of understanding 10. 1 10. ye have b. back strange wives N(/i.4. 15. God had b. their counsel to nought il. It), the people b. them and made them booths ).33. thou art just in all that is b. upon us iJi. 12 Judah b. tithe of corn and new wine i'.>t/i. 6. 8. let the royal apparel be b. the king useth 911. number of slain in Shushan b. to the king i)b 4. 12. now a thing was secretly b. to me £1. 32. yet shall he he b. to the grave and tomb s(i/. 35. 4. let them be b. to confusion, 2fi. 45. 15. witli gladness and joy shall they be b. "1.24. they are b tJ .-hame that seek my hurt Prci'. 6. 26. a man is />, to a piece ol bread Cant. 2. 4. he b. me to the banqueting-house Jtn 15. 1. Ar. b. Kir of Moab is b. to silence 23. J3. b. the lantl of the Chaldeans to ruin 29. 20. for the terrible one is b. to nought 43. 23. thou hast not b. small cattle to me, 24. 48. 15. yea, I have called him, I have b. him f)3. 7. he is A. ^ a lamb to the slaughter 53 BKO ha. 50- 16. therefore his arm b. salvation. 63. 5 fiO. 11. and that iheir kings may be b. &2. 9. they that b it shall drink it iu thu oourls Jer. 11. 19. as an ox that is b. to the slaughter 15. 8, I have b. on them a spoiler at noon-day 32. 42. as 1 have b. all this evil on this people 4lt. 3. now Lord hath b. it and done as he said Lzt^i. 1 k 22. be comforted concerning the evil I b. 23. if. nor left she her whoredoms A. from Egypt 29.5. thou shalt not be b. together nor gathered 40. 4. that I might shew theni, art thou &. hither 47. 3. he b. me through the waters to the ancles, 4. Dan. fi. 18. nor instrumenis ()f music b. before him 7. 13. A. him near before the ancient of days 9. 14. Lord watched on the evil, and bit onus 11.6. she be given up, rjid they that b. her Has. 1. 9. when ye b. it home I did blow on it .'\Iji. 1. 13. ye b. what wiis torn, and lame, and sick Altit. 10. 18. ye shall be A. before kings for my sake, for a test, against them, A/«r* 13. 9. Z-wXtfSl. 12. 12. 25. kingdom is A. to desolation, Lnie 11. 17. 11. 11. she b. John Baptist's head to her mother 17. 16- I A.himtothy dibciples, could not cure him 18. 24. one was b. that owed him 10,000 talents 19. 13. wereA.tohim little children, Mar/c 10. 13. Mari 4. 21. a candle b. to be put under a bushel 6. 27. the king commanded his head to be b, 10. 13. the disciples rebuked those that b. them Luike'Z. 22. b. him to Jerusalem to present him 7. 37- a woman b. an alabaster-box ot ointment 10. 31, b. him to an inn and took care of him John 7. 45. they said, why have ye not b him ? Acts 5. 21. and sent to the prison to have them b. 9. 27. Barnabas A. him to the apostles and declared 15. 3. and being i. on their way by the church 16. 16. who b. her masters gain by soothsaying 20. b. them to the magistrates, saying, those men 19. 12. from his body were b. to the sick, aprons 19. A. their books, and burned theui before all men 24. Demetrius b. no small gain to the craftsmen 37. ye b. hither these men, no robbers of churches 20. 12. and they b. the young man alive 21. 5. they all b. us on our way, with wives 25.6. the next day commanded Paul to be b. 27.24. fearnot,Paul,thou must be A. before Ca;sar Horn. 15. 24. to be b. on my way thither by you 1 Cor. ti. 12. 1 will not be A. under the power of any 2 Cor. 1.16, of you to be A. on my way to Judea 2 Titn. 1. 10. hath b. life and immortality to light 1 Pel. 1. 13. for the grace that is to be A. to you 2 Pet. 2. 19. of the same is he A. in bondage BROUGHT a^ain. Gra.l4.l6.AbramA.i7^fli«hisbrother Lot and goods 43. I'J. and the money that was b. figahi in sacks ExoU. 10. 8. Moses and Aaron A. again to Pharaoh 15.10. Lord A. a^atn the waters of the sea on the Oeiii.l.lj. A. us word fl^. and said, it is a good land Joih. 14. 7. I A. him word aa, as it was in my heart PiiiA 1. 21. the Lord hath b. me home ti^. empty 1 ^am. 6. 21. the Philistines b. ag. ark of tlie Lord ISam. 3. 26. b. a^. Abuer from the well of Sirah 2 Kings 22. g. Shaphan the scribe came and A, the king word ag. 20. 1 Kings 20. 9- 2 Chion, 34. 28. 2C7(c. 33.13. Lord A. Manasseh «g«i7i to Jerusalem Neh. 13, 9. thither A. I ag. the vessels of the house Jer. 27. 16. the vessels shall shortly be A. again Ezek. 34. 4. ye have not A. again what was driven 39. 27. when i have A. them ag. from the people Mat. 27. 3. repented aJid b. ag. 30 pieces of silver Heb. 13.20. God of peace that A. ag. from the dead BROUGHT back. Gen. 14. I6. Abram A. boci all the goods and I^ot i\'»w . 13 .2(1. A. bacfc word to them and congregation Ih'ingx 13.23. for the prophet whom he had A. bac^ 2 Chr. 19. 4. Jehoshaphat b. them bac/c to the Lord Psiti. i^.l. thou hast A. bad the captivity of Jacob Ezei. 38. 8. come into land b. back from the sword BROUGHT do-u:n. Gen. 39. 1. and Joseph was A. dou-ii into Egypt Jntig. 7. 5. he A. dojvn the people to the waters It). 21. the Philistines A. fiou-7i Samson to Gaza 1.3'(/j«.30.ld. whenhehad A.Jiimrf.they were spread 1 /vV«2.i 1.53. they b. Adonijah doii:n from the altar 17. 23. Elijah A. the child d. out of the chamber 18. 40. A. them d. to brook Kishon and slew them Psai. 20.8.they areA.(/. and fallen, but we are risen 107. 12. he A. dow7i their heart with labour i.w(. 5. 15. and the mean man shall be A. do-wn 14. 11. thy pomp is A. down to the grave 15. thou shalt be A. doun to hell, to sides of pit 29, 4. thou shalt be A. d. and speak out of ground 43. 14. for your sake I have b. d. all the nobles Lam. 2. 2. he hath A. them do-j.n to the ground Lzek. 17. 24. I the Lord have A. d the high tree 31. 18. shall be A. doivn with the trees of Eden Zttii. 10. 11. the pride of Assyria shall be A. ./fla« Mat. 11. 23. thou Capernaum be A. doiun to hell Acts 'J. 30. the brethren b. him dou-n to Cesarea BROUGHT >rrA. Cen. 1. 12. the earth A. forth grais and herbs ERO Gen. 1.21. waters A./, abundantly afti^r their kind 14. 18. the kmg of Salem O.l'ortn hreaQ anu wii:« 15.5. the Lord A._;brf/i Abramabroaa.and saidl. 19.16. angels A. 'Lot forth, imdsei him without citj 24.5'J. tiie servant A. /'<'/7/i jewels of silver and grid 38. 25. when b. forth, she sent to her father-in-law 41 .47. in plenteous years eartli A./i»;7/* by handfuls Erod. 3. 12. when thou hast b.forih the people id. 3. *^or ye have A. xi-t forth into the wildernes" 29.46. shall know I am the Lord who A. them/br^/j out of the land of Egypt. Lev. 25. 38. [ 26. 13,15. A'u/rt. 17.8. Aaron's rod A. fi'/ /A buds.and bloomed 20. id. sent an angel, and A. \is J'ore/t out of Egypt 24. 8. God A. him Jorch out ot Egypt, he hath strength Detii. 6. 12. lest forget Lord wh*o A. thee /t;j7A,e. 1 1. 8. 15. who b. forth water out of the rock of Hint 9. 12. thy people thou b.f. have^corruptcd thems. 2d. 8. tb« Lord A. usfoit/i with a mighty hand 29. 25. the covenant he made when he b. them /'(•/■/A 33, 14. for precious fruits A. forl/i by the sun Joih. 10. 23. b. forth those fivekings out of the cava Judg. 5.25. she b. forth butter in a lordly dish d. 8. I A. yoMj'orlh out of the house of bondage 1 iium. 12. 8. sent Moses, who b.forih your fathers 2.^W//i.22. 20. A. me/', into large place, f*ja/. 18. ly. L Kings 9. 9. they i'orsook the Lord who b.f. their fathers out of the land of Egypt, 2 Chr. 7. 22. 2 Kings 10. 22. b. forth vestments for worshippers 11.12. b. forth the king's son, and put the crown on Job 10. 18. wherefore hast b. me forth out of womb 21. 30. the. wicked shall be A. forth 0 day of wrath Pia/.7. 14. conceived mischief, and A./, falsehood 90. 2. before the mountains were b.forih, art God 105.30. their land b.forih frogs in abundance 43. he b.forih his people with joy and gladness Prov.ii 24. when there were no depths, I was b.forih 25. before the hills was I b.forih Cam. 8.5. there thy mother b. thee/nr/Vi.she b.forih /.frt.5.2.he looked for grapes, and it A./, wild grapes 20. 18. A,/'jM wind II 45 10. what hast thou A./. .■* 51. 18. to guide her among sons, she hath A. /orM 6d.7. before shetravailed,she b.f. before her pain 8. for as soon as Zion travailed, she A. /'. children Jer. 2. 27. saying to a stone, thou hast 4, me fort Jb 11.4. 1 commanded in the day I A. them/. 34. 13. 17. t ll.gathereth young which he hath not A /or/ A 20. 3. Pashur A. forth Jcremiili out of the stocks 32.21. hai.t b. forth thy people Israel with signs 50.25. Lord A./, the weapons of his indignation 51. 10. the Lord hath b. foith our righteousness Ezek. 12. 7. 1 b.forih my stuff by day in their si-ght 14.22. a remnant b.forih, both sons and daughters 20. 22. the heathen in whose sight I A. them/ur/A Mic. 5.3. till time she which travailelh hath A. /j/A Ilag. 2. 19. and the olive-tree hath not b. forth Mat. 1. C5. till she had b.foitf, her first-born son 13.8. fell in good ground, and A./, fruit, Marki.ti. Lake 1.57. now Elisabeth's time came, she A./, a sun 2. 7. she b. f. her first-born son and wrapped him 12. Id. the ground of a rich manA./urrA plentifully John 19. 13. when Pilate heard that, he b. /. Jesus -■icti 5.19. opened the prison doors and A. ihem forth 12.6. when Herod would have A. him forth 25. 17. I commanded the man to be b.forih Jam. 5. lii. he prayed, and the earth A.^u/r.'j her fruit Peu. 12.5. she b.forih a man-child. \vho was to rule 13. the dragon persecuted the woman which A./. BROUGHT in. Gen. .39. 14. he hath A. in an Hebrew to mock us 47. 7. Joseph A. m Jacob his father, Jacob blessed Lev. 10. 18. blood was not A. in within holy place 16. 27. the bullock and goat, whose blood was A. in A ;f/«. 12. 15. they journeyed not tilLMiriam was A.irt Dent. 9. 4. formy righteousness the Lord A. me in 11. 29. M'hen the Lord hath b. thee in to the land 2 ■'iam. 3. 22. Joab A. im a great spoil with him ^ G. 17. Hmy A. in the ark of the Lord. 1 Kiyigs 8. 6 AVA. 13. 19. no burden A. in on the sabbath-day Psal. 78. 2d. by his power he A. in the south wind Dan. 5. 13. then was Daniel A. im before the king lUnt. U. 11. John's head was A. in in a charger Act:, 7. 45. A. in with Jesus into possession of Gentiles GaL 2. 4. false brethren A. in to spy our liberty Heb. 9. + 16. must be A. (7tthe death of the testator BROUGIM into. Nnm. Id. 14. not A. us mio a land that floweth Ueut. 6. 10. when the Lord hath A. thee iwro, 31.20. 1 6iim. 5.2. A. the ark into Dagon's house and set it 9, 22. A. them inloXXxe parlour, and made them sit 20.8. A. thy servant into a covenant with thee 2 Kings 12 16. sin-money not A. into house of Loid P.\ai. 22. 15. hast A. me into the dust of death Cunt. 1. 4. the king hath A. me i7ito his chambers Jer. 2. 7- 1 A. you into a plentiful country lo eai Lam 3. 2. hath A. me t?ico darkness, but not light £ifX-. 27. 2d. thy rowers have A. thee tnto waters 44.7. ye have A. ijito mv sanctuary strangers Acti 9. 8. they led hira am! A him i?ito Dama&cufl 21. 28. A. Greeks t'nio the '.emple, and polluldl it BRO 1 Tim. 5. 7. for we A. nothing into this world /i«A. 13 11 whose blood is i. niia the sanctuary HlU)L'CUir low. .^udg. 11.35. daufihler, thou ha^t A. me very /^a' iChron. 58. i;!. Lord A. .ludah /ii:jp, because of Ahaz Jo& 14. 21. they are A. low, hni he perceiveth il not 24. 24. wicked are gone andi. hw, they are taken Psal. 79-3- '("t mercies prevent us, for we are A. /tjri' loG.43. and were 6. low for their iniquity 107.39. they are A. /(W, thro' oppression and sorrow 116. 6. I was h. low, and he helped me 142. 6. attend to my cry, for I am b. very hzo Eccl. 12. 4. all daughters of music shall be &. lo:t> Isa.^AQ,. upon every one lifted up. he shall he A. lon' 25.5. the branch of the terrible ones shall be A. luui Luke 3.5. every mountain and hill b. low, ha. 40.4. BROU(;HT out. Gen. 15. 7. that b, thee imi of Ur of the Chaldees 41. 14, they A. him hastily out of the dungeon 43. 23. and he A. Simeon out unto them hxoii. 13. 3. for by strength of hand the Lord b. you fli(; from this place, 9, 14, 16. Ueu/. 6. 21. 20. 2. I am the Lord thy Liod, which b. thee iwif, /.tfp.ig.SG. Num.\5.n. DaU.5.6. i'ja/.Sl.lO. I>i'.e3.43-whenl A.lhem^M^ol Egypt, 1 A'ing(B.21. Deiit. 5. 15. remember that Lord A. thee out thence 9 28. A. them o^tt to slay them in the wilderness Josh. 6.23. young men A. out Kahab and all she had 24. 5. plagued Egypt, and afterward 1 A. you oit4 2 6ffm. 13.18 servant A. her out, and bolted the door 2 Kings 23. G. he A. ojit the grove from house of L, 1 ChroK. 20. 3. he A. cwf the people that were in it 8 C/tron. 23. 11. then they A. crtr the king's son £9. 16. priests A, ok/ all uncleanness they found Psal. 7B- 16- he A. streams also out of the rock 80. 8. thou hast A. a vine out of I'gypt 107. 14. he A. them out of darkness, and brake 136. 11. and A. out Isrnel from among them Jer. 7, 22. in the day I A. them out of F.gypt JJan. 5.13. whom the kinniity father A flT(/«f Jewry fins. 12. 13. by a prophet the Lord A. Israel out Acts 7. 40. this Moses, which A. us out of Egypt 12.17. declared how the Lord A. hina out of prison 13. 17. with an high arm A. them out of Egypt l6.30.A.fl»r, and said, what must I do to be saved Sy.lhey came and besought them, and A. them otu BROUGHT to pass. ? Kings 19. 25. now I have A. it to past, Tsa. 37. 26, Etek. 21. 7. it Cometh, and shall be A. to pass 1 Cor. 15. 54. then shall be b. to puss the saying BROUGHT up. £'j'£'i/.17. 3. wherefore hastthouA.us?(y/ ? A';(«.21.5. 37. 1, as for Moses, the man that A. us vp, 23, 4. these thy gods which A. thee ?/^?,8.1 Kings 12.28. 3'J. 1. thou and the people which thou hast. A. up Num. 13. 32. they A. tip an evil report of the land 16. 13. is it a small thing that thou hast A. iis rip ? 20. 4. why have ye A. up the congregation of Lord ■ Dent, 20. 1 . the Lord is with thee, which A. thee up 22. 19. because he A, vp an evil name on a virgin Josh. 24. 17- he it is that A. 113 up and our fathers 32. bones of Joseph A. vp, they buried in Shechem Judg. 6. 8. I A. you up from Egypt, 1 Sam. 10. 18. 15. 13. A. .Samson vp || I6. 31. A. him up and buried 16. 6. the lords A. vp to her seven green withs 1 ^am. 2. 14. all the Hesh-hook A. w;; the priest took 8. 8. since the day i A. them up, 2 .Sam. 7. 6. 1 Chron. 17. 5. 12. 6. Lord that A. your fathers vp out of Egypt Sam. 6. 12. David went and A. np the ark of Goii, 15. 1 Kings 8. 4. 1 Chr. 15. 28. 2 Chr. 1. 4. 21. 8. b.up for Adriel || 13. b.vp the bones of Saul hings 10.1. to them that A. up Ahab's children, 6. 17. 7- Israel sinned against Lord who A. them up -Tj. the I^rdwho A. you up, him fear and worship 25.6. A. vp Zedekiah to king of Babylon, Jfr,39. 5. 2 t'Ar. 8.11. Solomon A. «/» the daughterof Pharaoh 10. 8. counsel with young men A. vp with him, to, Ezra 1. 11. all these vessels A. up from Babylon 4. 2. Esar-haddon king of Assur A. us vp hiiher J^>A.9.18.thisisthyGod that A.lhee )/;» out of Egypt Esth.2.7 .MovdecAx b.up Esther his uncle's daughter 20. like as when she was b. up with him Job 31. 18. from my youth he was A, up with me Psal. 30. 3. thou hast b. up my soul from the grave 40. 2. he A. me vp out of an horrible pit Proi'.8.30. then I was by him, as one A. h/» with him I.ia. 1. 2. I have nourished and b. vp children 49 21. who hath A. up these ? where had they been ' 51. 18. none to guide her of all the sons she A. vp 63. 11. where is he that A. them vjt ? Jer. 2.6. Jer. 11.7. 1 protested in the day I A. them vp 16.14. the Lord that A.!/;? Israel out of Egypt. 23,7. 15. the Lord that h.vp Israel fromlhe north.23,8. Z-7m.2.22.lhose \ b.up hath my enemy consumed 4. 5. that were A. up in scarlet embrace dunghills /■.r^*.19.3. she A- »(;»oneof her whelps, a young lion 31. + 4. the deep A, him up on high with her rivers 37. 13. when I have A. vou vp nut of vour graves Amof^. 10. 1 A. youu;\*i. I. I y. 7. She. 6. 4. S4 BVC Jonah 2. 6. yet hast A. vp my life from cnrmptloD iWih.^. 7. she shall be A, up, and her maids lead her Liike-\. 16. to Nazareth, where she had been A. up Acts 13. 1. had been A. up with Ilerod the tetrarch 22.3. yet A. up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel 1 Tun. 5. 10. a widow, if she have A. w/* children BKOUGHrE.ST. Eiod. 32. 7- thy people thou A. out have corrupted Num. 14. 13. thou A. up this people in thy might Dent. 9. 2B. lest the laud when«.e thou A. us out say 29. thy inheritance thou b. out, 1 Kings 8. 51* 2 >>am. 5.2. wast he that A. in Israel, 1 Chron. 11,2. 1 Kings ^i.5'^. when thou A. our fathers out of Egypt Neh. 9. 7. A. him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees 15. thou A. forth water for them out of the rock 23. A. them into the land thou hadst promised Psal. 66. II. thou A. us into the net, thou laidst 12. but thou A. us out into a wealthy place BKOW. /.rn.4a.4. thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy A. brass L-^ke 4. 29. they led him to the A. of the hill BROWN. Gen. 30. 32. all A. cattle among 'he sheep. 35. 40. 33.everyonethatisnot A. shall be account, stolen BRUISE, Substanttie. ha. 53. t5. and with his A. we are healed Jer. 6. + 14. they healed the A. of my people slightlj 30. 12. thus saith the Lord, t-hy A. is incureable A'a A. 3. 1 9. there is no healing oftny A. wound griev. BRUISES. ha. 1.6. no soundness, but wounds, and A, and sores Kzek. 47. t 12. the leaf thereof for A. and sores BRUISE Signifies, [1] To crush, tnjitre, or oppress. Gen. 3. 15. Dan. 2. 40. [2] To punish, chastist, ur correct, Isa. 53. 10. It is spoken, (1) Corpo- really, of the body, Luke 9, 39. (2) Spiritually, of douhts and troubles. Mat. 12. 20. (3) Mo- rally, 0/ corruptions, isa. I. 6. (4) Politically, of a u-cak decaying Jtaiion, 2 Kings 18. 21. A bruised reed shall he not break, ha. 42. 3, Christ will not deAl roughly and rigorously uith those that come to him, but will uje all gentle- ness and tenderness to them; pa\sing by their greatest sitis, beanng with their present t\fii ties, cherishing, and encouraging the smallest beginnings of grace, and comforting and healing wounded consciences. To bruise the teats, Esek. 23. 3. 21. To commti bodily whoredom ; or idolatry, johich is spiritual whoredom . Gtf?(.3.15.it shall A. thy head, thou shall A. his hee J.\a. 28. 28. nor will he A. it with his horsemen 53. 10. yet it pleased the Lord to A. him Dan. 2.40. as iron shall it break in pieces and A. Horn, 16. 20. the God of peace shall A.Satan shortly BRUISED. Lev. 22. 24. ye shall not offer to the Lord M-hat is A. 2 Kings 18. 21. irusteth on the staff of this A. reed ha. 42. 3. aA. reed shall he not hri;ak,Mat. 12 53. 5. he was A. for our iniquities.the chastisement Etei. 23. 3. there they A. the teats of their virginity 8. and they A. the breasts of her virginity LtUe4. 18. sent me to set at liberty them that are A. BRUISING. Etelr. 23. 21. in A. thy teats by the Egj-ptians Ljike]). .S9. the spirit A. him, hardly departeth from BRUir. Jer. 10, 22. behold, the noise of the A. is ccme Nah. 3. 19. all that hear the A. of thee, shall clap Brute ; see Beasts. BR'JllSH. P.:al. 49- 10. the fool and the 6. person perish 9 J. 6. a A. man knoweth not, nor a fool understand 9+- 8. understand, ye A. among the people Priv. 12. 1. but he that hateth reproof is A. 3U 2. surely 1 am more A. than any man ha. 19. 1 1 .the prmces of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become A. Jer. 10. 8. they are altogether A. and foolish 14 every man is A. 51. 17- |121, pastors are A. Ezek. 21. 31, deliver thee into the hand of A. men BUCKET, S. Num. 2>. 7- he shall pour the water out of his A. ha, 40.15. the nations are as a drop of a A. and dust BUCKLER Is a piece of defensive armour, 1 Chron. .'>. 18. God is often called the Buckler, or Shield of his people, Psal. 18. 2. Prov. 2.7, lie will protect and save them from that mischief and mm which will befal all wicked men. And tn Cant. 4. 4. the fait fi of the church, or of btlievers, whereiu thrv are united to Christ, is compared to the tower of David, whereon hang a thousand bucklers ; noting, how strong and invincible faith is, which furnishes with weapons out of Christ''s fulness, and abundantly difcuds J'rom all spiritual ene- mies, Eph. 6. ifi. Hiim. 22.31. a A. to all that trust in him. Ps. 18.30. 1 Chron. 5. 18. nien able to bear A and sword Btl \CAronA^ B.Gaditesthalcmild handle shield andf. I^sal. 18. 2. Lord is my Goil, my A. my high towtr 35. 2. take hold of shield and A. stand up for hely 91. 4. his truth shall be thy shield and A. Piov. 2. 7- he is a A. to them that walk uprightly Jer. 46.3. Older ye the A. and shield, and draw near Ezek. 2,1. 24. shall set against the A shield, and 26. 8. he shall lift up the A. against thee [helmtt BUCKLERS. 2 CAr. 23. Q.Jehoiada delivered spears. A. and shieldi Job 15. 26. runneth upon the thick bosses of his A Cant. 4. 4. whereon there hanged a thousand A. Ezek. 38, 4, a great company with A. and shields 39. 9. ihey shall set on fire shields, A. and bows BU D, Substantive. Job 38. 27. cause the A. of the lender herb to spring /.ifl. 18. 5. afore the hanest, when the A, is perfect 61. 11. for as the earth bringeth forth her A. E.zek. 16.7. caused thee to multiply as A. of the field Uos. 8,7. A. shall yield no meal, stranger swallow it BUD. I'erb. Oen. 3, f 18. thistles shall it cause to A. to thee Job 14. 9- y«t through the scent of water il will A. P>aL 132. 17- I will make tlie horn of David to A. Cant. 7. 12. let us see if the pomegranates A. forth /jrt.i" .6. Israel shall blossom andA. and fill theworld 55. lu. maketh the earth to bring forth and A. Ezek. 29. 21. cause the horn of Israel to A. forth BUDS. A'um. 17, 8. Aaron's rod brought forth A. and bloomed BUDDED. [forth Gen,, 40. 10. the \-ii.e was m though it h. and shot Sum. 17. 8. Aaron's rod for the house of Levi A Cant. 6. 11. to see whether the pomegranates A. Ezek. 7. 10. the rod hath blossomed, priile hath A. /if A. 9. 4. the ark wherein was Aaron's rod that A BUFFET. 2 Co'. 12, 7. '.he messenger of Satan to A. me BUFFETED. A/a/. 26.67. spit in his face and A. him. Mark 14.65 1 Cor. \. 11. even to this present hour we are A 1 Pet. 2. 20- if when ve be A. for your faulls B U I LD Signifies, [1] To erect, or make houses, &c. Deut. 28. 30. [2] To strengthen and increa.te krwrc ledge, faith, lore, ami all other graces. Acts 20, 32. [3] To cement and knit together spirilualli/ , fhu.f believers are united to Christ by faith, and among themselves hy love, Kph. 2. 22. [4] To preserve, bless, ajid prosper, Psal. 127. 1- Jer. 24. 6. [5] To settle and establish, 1 Sam. 2. 35. Who did build the house of Israel, Ruth 4. II. ]\'ho did increase his family by a numerous progeny. I will iiuild up thy throne, Psal. 8Q. 4. I will perpetuate the kingdom to thy posterity. Shall build the old wastes, V/.(o. 6I. 4. The Gentiles, who have hfen long destitute of thg true knowledge of God, and like a wilderness oiergrown Jcilh briers and thorns, shall be brought, by the ministry of the word, to know and serve the true God. BUILD referred to God. 1 .Sum. 2, 35. I will raise up a priest, and will A. him a sure house, 2 -Sain. 7. 27. 1 Ain^.( 11. 3u, 1 Chron. 17. 10. that the Lord will A. thee an hou^e 25. hast told that thou wilt A. him an house P,\al. 28. 5. he shall destroy, and not A. them up 51. 18. do good to Sion. A. the walls of Jerusalem 69. 35. for God will A. the cities of Judah 89. 4. and A. up thy throne to all generations 102. 16. when Lord shall A up /ion, will appear 127. 1. except Lord A. house, they labour in vain 147.2. Ixird doth A. up Jerusalem, gal hers outcasts Jer. 18. 9- I speak concerning a nation to A. it 24. 6. I will A. and not pull thorn down, 31. 28. 31. 4. again I will A. thee, O virgin of Israel 33. 7, I will A. Judah and Israel as at the first 42. 10. if ye will abide in this land 1 will A, you Etek. 36,36. that I the Lord A. the ruined places Amos 9. 11. 1 will A. it as in the days of old A]at. ]6. 18. on this rock will 1 A. my church 16,61 . I am able to A. it in three days, A/flrX 14.58. Acts\5. 16 I will A. again the tabernacle of Davia BUILD altars. Exod.^0.Z5. shalt not A. an altar of hewn sf^ne A'«w.23,l. Balaam said.A.me here seven altars, iu. Dent. 27. .5. there thou shalt A. an altar to the Lord 6. thou shall A. altar of the IvOrd of whole stones Josh. 22. 29- God forbid, we rebel and 4. an altar 'See Br.GAN. BUILD joined with house. Deut. 25, 9. man that will not A. his brother's AottM 28.30. shalt A. an house, not dwell in it, jCeph.l.M Kuth 4. 11. which two did A. the home of Israel 2 Sam. 7. 5. shalt thou A. me an house to dwell in 7. spake [, saying.why A. ye not me an A. of ceour? 13. thy seed shall A. an hmuie for mv nanm 1 A'iw?,( 5. 5. 1 8. 19. 1 Chr. 11 . 12. [22. 10. 1 A''i>igx2,36, A. thee an h. irt Jirnsalem, and dwell BUI BUI ;rm;:c5..'J.David could not A. an h. for wars about 5. f purpose to &. an A. to Lord, 2 C'Ar.2.1. [hvAi 8. l6. I chose no city to b. an /lou/e. C Chron. 0. 5. 17. it was in heart of David ray father to b. an /i. foTGodof Israel, 1 C/ir.SB. 2. 2CAr.6. 7- Chr. 1*. 12. he shall b. me anAL»Hje. S CVir. 6. y. C2. 8. shalt not b. an A. because thou shed blood 11. my son, b. the A. of Lord, as he said of thee 28. 6. Solomon shall b. my hoiue and my conrts 2 Chr. 2. 4. behoUl, I A. an Inntse to Lord ray Cod 5. the house I A. is grtAt, for great is our fiod 6. who is able to b. him an house .' that I should b. an hi'VM 36.23.hehath charged me to b. him an h. Ezra 1 . 2 Ezra 1.3. noto.leritsalem and A. the houieoi Lord 5. 3. who hath commanded you to b. this hivue .' 9, 6. 7. let the governor of the Jews b. this hvuse Psai. 127. 1, they labour in vaiu that b. the /wu.^e Prov. 24. 27. prepare, and afterwards b. thy hmixe ha. ti5. 21. they shall b. houses and inhabit them 66. 1. where is the home that ye b. unto me ' Jer.l'i.W. [will A. me a wide A. and large chambers 29. 5. A. hfntses and dwell in them, and plant. -^" 35.7. neither shall ye A. home nor sow seed Ezek. 11. 3. which sav, )t is not near .let us A. fioiises 2H. 26. they shall dwell safely, and shall A. houses }Iag. 1.8. go to the mountain, bring wood, h. home '/.ech. .T. 11. to A. it aJi house in tlie land of Shinar Acts 7 .40. what house will ye A. me, saith the Lord ' BLMLD. Cen, 11.4. go to, let us b. us a city and a tower 8. and they left off to A. the city "Sum. 32. Iti. we will 1*. sheep-folds for our cattle 24- A. cities for your Uttle ones.and folds for sheep "Deut. 20. 20. thou shalt A. bulwarks against the city I A1MT.T9. 19. all the cities of store, and that which Solomon desued to A. in Jerusalem. 2 C'A; . H. 6. 24. Pharaoh's daughter came up, then did A.Millo 11. 7. Solomon did b. an high place for Chemosh lfi.34. inAhab'sdaysHiel the BetheliteA. Jericho 1 Chr. 22. 19. A. ye the sanctuary of the Lord God 2Q. 19. gi^'^ *" Solomon an heart to A. the palace 2 Chron. 14. 7 . let us b. these cities and make walls E'.ra 4. 2 let us A. with you, we seek your God 5 t 4. "'hat are the men that A. this building r* i\V/. 2. 17. let us A. the wall 1| 18. let us rise and A. 20. therefore we his servants will rise and A. 4. 3. which they A. if a fox go up,he shall break down 10. so that we are not able to A. the wall Ecd. 3. .1. atime to break do^ni, and a time to A, up Cant. 8. 9- if she be a wall, we will A. upon her Isa. 9. 10. the bricks are fallen, hut we will A. 45 13. I have raised him up, he shall A. my city Sh! 12! they shall b. the old waste places. 61.4. 60. 10. the sons of strangers shall A. up thy walls ^. 22. they shall not A. and another inhabit Jet. 1.10. havesettheeovernationsto A. andplant £r«>t.4. 2. lay siege, A. a fort against it, 21.22. 3y.t 15. then shall ye A. up a sign by t-Jie bone DaM.9. 25. to restore and A.Jerusalem to Messiah ^wi->j'9. 11. I will A. it as in the days of old 14.1 srael shall A. the waste cities and inhabit them Mie. 3. 10. they A. up Zion ^-ith blood, and Jerus. Zech. 6. 12. he shall A. the temple of the Lord. 13. 15. that are far off shall A. in the temple of Lord 9.3.Tyrus didA. herself a strong hold.heaped silver Mai. 1. 4. they shall A. but I will throw down A/fl/.23.29.ye A. tombsof prophets, Z-wXt' 11. 47.48 l.uke 12.1rt.'lwill pull down my barns and A. greater 14. 28. which of you intending to b. a tower .' 30. this man began to A. and not able to finish .^f/j- 20.32. to the word of his grace, able to A.vou up Horn. 15. 20. lest I A. en another man's foundation 1 Cor. 3. 12. if any A. on this foundation, gold, silver Qal 2 18 if I A. again the things which 1 destroyed BUILDED. Gen. 2. + 22. of the rib the Lord A. a woman t. 17. Cain A. a city, and called it Knoch 8. 20. Noah A. an altar to the Lord, and offered 10. 11. AsherA. Nineveh, Rehoboth, and Caleb 1 1 .5. Ld. came to see the tower children of men A. 12^ 7. Abram A.analtartothe Lord. 13.18. iG, + 2. it may be I may be A. by her, 30. f 3. 26.25. Isaac A. an altar" 1| iTrW. 24. 4. Moses A: Josh. 22. 16. in that ye have A. you an altar /UN2.v8.C7.how much less this house I have A. 43. 15. 22. the stones wherewith Baasha had A. S Kiiiz,s 23. 13. Solomon had A. for Ashlorelh Chron. 22.5. the house to be A. must be niagnifical F.zra^. 1. when the adversaries beard that they A. 13. be it known, that if this city he A. I6. 21. give commandment that this city be not A. 5. 8. we went to the house of great God which is A, i 1 .we build the house that was A. many years ago lo.letthehouseofGodbe A. inhisplace.e. 3. 6. 14. elders of the Jews A. and they prospered NcA .4.18. everyone hadhisswoid girded, and so A. U>b 20. 19. he hath ts,ken away an house he A. not Vsal. 122 3. Jerusalem is b. a city that is compact ^rov."^ 1. Wisdom hath A. her hoQse, hewn out pill. 55 V\i>v. 24. 3. through wisdom is an house A. and fcbtablished V.ccl. 2. 4. I A. me houses, I planted vineyards Cant 4. 4. thy neck like tower of D. A. for armoury Jer. 30. 18. the city shall be A. on her own heap Lam. 3.5. he hath A. against me. and compassed me Ez.ek. .■56. 10. and the waste shall be A. 33. Li(*f 17.28.they bought,they sold,they plant.they A. h'.ph. 2. 22. in whom ye are A. together lor habitat. lUb. 3. 3. he who A. the house hath more honour 4 forevery house is A. bv some man, he that built BUILULST. Dmt. 6. 10. to give thee goodly cities thou A. not BUILDEK, S Is spoken, [1] Of such as erect Mouses, Arc. 2 Kings 22. 6. [2] Of (Jod, the great Architect, who created the heavens and the earth, and all thtng. in them, Heb. 11.10. [3] Of faithful tnintsiers of the §os/>el, ii-ho Me ivise master-builders ought first to lav the foundation, and then buiid upon it ; first to acquaint such as they have the charge of, mth the futida mentals of religion, shewing them that Christ is the ou'lp way to talvatton, and then to make their superstmcture upon this foundntwn, 1 Cor. 3. 10. 1 'Kinss 5. 18. Solomon's and Hiram s A. did hew 2 Kmss 12.11. laid money out to the A. that wrought 22. b. give it to carpenters and A. 2 Chr. 34. 11. Ezra 3. 10. when A. laid foundation of the temple .VeA. 4.5. have provoked thee to auger before the A. Psal 118 22.stonewhichA.refus.become head-stone, A/.3*. I uuu OiziiATA.not sacrifice to LorJ any /*. with bleujisb .13. 17. his gLiry is like the firstling of a 6. JhJg. 6. ','5. take the jouiig 6. the second 6. C6. Kings 18. 23. ami let them choose one A. 25. 33. Klijah cut i. in pieces, and laid him on wood Psal. 50. g. I will lAAV: DO A. out of thine house fi^. 31. better than a 6. that hath horns and hoofs ha. 65. 2j. the lion shall eat straw like the A. ier. 31. lb. as a 6. unaccustomed to the joke liULLOCK with sin-ofering. Exod. 2'J, 3tj. offer every day a A. for a stn-^ffering Lev. 16. 6. shall offer his h. of the stn-offerinz tzek. -45. 22. shall prepare a A. for a itn-ojeririg iee Bldou. Yomtg BULLOCK. Lev.i.li. if priest sin, hriug a vomig 6. Ezek. 43.19. 14. congrec;ation «hall offer a v. A. Num. 15. 24. l6. 3. Aaron come into holy place with a uonng A. ^'iim. 7- 15. one youitg A. one ram, one laob, 21. 27, 33,"3L>. 45. 51, 57, 63, 6g. 75, 81. ZC/iron. 13.9- l** consecrate himself with a-iionnsA. Erek. 45. IH. take a. voun^ A. and cleanse the saiic. 46. 6. in the day of the new moon a young A. BULLOCKS. iVi./n. 29. 23. on the fourth day ten A. two rams 1 C7j*y«.2y.21. they offered a thousand A. for Israel Ezra 6. 17. they offered at the dedication 100 h. Psaf. 51. ig, then shall they offer A. on thy altar 66. 15. I will offer unto thee 6. with goals ha. 1. 11. I deli-iht not in the blood oi A. or lambs 34.7. the A. with the bulla shall come dfrwn Jer. 46. 21. her hired men are like fatted A. 50. 27. slay all her A, let them go down to slaughter Eze^. .39.18. ye shall drink the blood of goats, of i. Uoi. 12. 11. are vanity, they sacrifice A. in Gilgal ■See .': EV EN, BULRUSH, ES. Eiorf. 2.3. she took for him an ark of i. and daubed £vrt.lH.2.send ambassadors by the sea in vessels of (S. SB. 5. is it to bow down his head like a 6. .•• BULWARKS. Dent. 20 20. thou shall build A. against the city •2 C/inm. 26. 15. Uzziah made engines on the 6. Psal. 48. 13. mark well her A. consider her palaces Eccl. 9. 14. a great king came and built h. against it ija.26.1. salvation will G. appoint for walls and b. BUNCH, KS. Exod. 12.22. take a A. of hyssop and dip it in blood 2 Sam. 16. 1. Ziba meet him with 100 A. of raisins lC/ir«>«. 12. 40. Zehulun brought i. of raisins and wine /irt.3l».6.will carry iheirtreiisuresuponi. of camels BUNDLE, S. Veil. 42. 35. every man's A. of money in his sack 1 "Sam. 25. 29- the soul of my lord bound in*, of life VanC. 1. 13. a A. of myrrh is my well-beloved to me Afl. 58. + 6. this is the last, to undo b. of the yoke AmosiJ. t 6. he hath founded his A. in the earth Mm. 13. .30. bind the tares in b. to burn them iJr/j 28. 3. when I'aul had gathered a A. of sticks BURDEN Signifies. [1] A load, or weight of any thhtg, a. »tHc/i as it man, horse, A:c. can ueli cant/ 2 Kings 5. 17. Jer. 17. 27. [2] Labour and servitude. Exod. 2. 11. Psal. 8L 6. [3] A Aitidensome prophecy, a heavy doom, or a prophecv delivered in heavy and thieaiening xoards, Isa. 13. 1. Nah. 1. 1. [4] Ajiietiorn; crosses, cares, or/ears. Psal. 55. 22. [5] Imperfections, fail- ings, and injirmitiei, with which perxons are loaded or grieved, Gil. 6.^. [6] Toil and fatigue, Mat. 20. 12. [7] TriAn/e, or taxes, llos. 8. 10. |8] 'J'/ie office of a mactstrale, Exod. 18. C2. [9] Hiinian traditions, or strict injunctions oier and aAore what the lajo requires. Mat. 23. 4. [10] Sin, lehich ts the greatest slavery and Anr- (/e«. Psal. 38. 4,. Heb. 12. 1. \\\\ ''I'he lading, or cargo of a sli'ip. Acts 21. 3. The doctrine, or commands of Christ are called a burden. Mat. U. 30. Nothing jnakes them so. Ant our corruption, uhich Jloics from the depra- vity of our nature ; to the unrenewed person then are a grievous harden: y.t this harden is light, /\) In comparison tf the service of sin, the cove- 7iant of works, and the ceremonial law. (2) 'Jo ihem thai love Ood, 1 .!ohn 5. 3. (3J To such as are regenerated, *ofar as they are renewed, Rom. 7. 22. Jt is light to siicli, Atcajtse (I) The law ts written in their hearts, Psal. 37- 31. '2) They are endued uilh faith, Mark 9. 23. ( 3) They are strcngiliened, and enabled Ay Christ, Phil. 4.' 13. K/c/MS/J'J. shall lieir the A. with thei;, AW;. 11. 17. 23.5. the aisofliim thwt hateththee lying under i. ^nm. 4. 19. Aaron shall appoint each to his A. 11. 11. thou layest the b. of all this people on me l>'nt. 1. 12. how c;ui 1 myself alone bear your b. I ''l-'ium. 15. 3.3. then thou shalt be a A. to me 19. 35. why should thy servant he aA. tomy lord r Aingi 11. t Ctl. Jeroboam ruler over A. of Jobei»h 2 it.i.iysb. 17. to thv^rvaiit two luulcb' b. of earth] 5ti BUi BUK 2 A'lHfljB.O.Hazael brougut fortycamels'i,.to Llisha' 2/i'i«^.i 9-35. ihey wei.t toft hi^r, hut found only til 2 Chr. 33. 3. it shall not be a A. on your shoulders Psal. 79- 3. and there was nunc to A. them [.scul Seh. 13. 19. no A. be brouRht in on the sabbath Job 7. 20. as a mark, so that I am a b. to myself Psal. 38.4.iiu(iuit. as a A. they are loo heavy forme 5D.'i2. cast thy A. on the Lord, he w'\l sustain thee 81. 0. 1 removed his shoulder from the b. Eccl. 12. 5. and the grassliopper shall be a A. Isa. 9. 4. for thou hast broken the yoke of his A 10. 27. his A. shall be laken from off thy shoulder 14. 25. his A. depart from off their shoulders 30.27. name of the Loid, the A. thereof is heavy 46. ] . your curriages are a b. to the weary beast Jer. 17. 21. bear no b. on the sabhalh-day, 2C 27 Zcph. 3, 18. to whom the reproach of it was a A Mat. 11. 30. my yoke is easy, and my b. is light 20. 12. which have borne the A. and heat of the day -■itVj 15.28. seemed good to lay on you no greater A. 21. 3. for there the ship was to unlade ner A. Rev. 2. 2i. I will put upon you none other b. BURDEN. 2 Kings'^. 25. the Lord laid this A. upon hira Isa. 13. 1 . the A. of Babylon which Isaiah did see 14. 28. the year king Ahaz died, was this 15. 1. the A. of Moabll 17. 1. the A. of Damascus 19. 1. the A. of Egypt || 23. 1. the A. of lyre 21.1. the A. of the desert of the sea, as whirlwinds U. the A. of Dumahy 13. the A. upon Arabi 22. 1. tiie A. of the valley of vision, what aileth 25. the b. lliat was upon it shall be cut off 30. 6. thi- b. of the beast-s of the south 46. 2. they could not deliver the b. are gone into Jer.2.i. 33. what is the A. of the Lord ? what h. / 36. the A. of the Lord shall ye meniion no more 38. but sith ye say, the b. of the Lord Ezek. 12.10. this A. concerneth the prince in Jems. Uo.^.H.lv. sorrow a little for the A. of the king of pr. Afl/j. 1. 1. tlie A. ol Nineveh, the book of the vision iiab. 1. 1. h. which llahakkuk the prophet did see Zef/i.9.1. the*, if the word of the Lord in Hadrach 12. 1, the A. of lie word of the Lord for Israel Mai. 1.1. the b. of the word of the Lord to Israel Oal. G. 5. for eyery man shall bear his own A. BURDEN, ED. Zech. IQ.H. all that*, themselves be cut in pieces ■ Cor. 5. 4. in this tabernacle we groan being b. 8. 13. I mean not that others be eased, and you A. 12. 16. but be it so, 1 did not b. you, caught with BURDENS. Ocn. 49.14. Issachar couching down between two A. Exod. 1. 11. task-masters to artlict them with their (4. 2. 11. Moses went out and looked on their A. o. 4. the king of Egypt said, get you to your A. 5. you make them rest from their b. 6. 6. J will bring you from the b. of Egyptians, 7. iSum. 4.27. ye shall appoinl to them all their//. Aeh. 4. 10. the strength of the bearers of A. decayed 17 -they that barei. with other handheld a weap. 13. 15. all manner of o. brouglit in on the sabbaih La. 58. 6. this IS the fast, 10 undo the heavy b. Lam. 2. 14. the prophets have seen for thee false A. Amoi 5. 11. ye take from the poor b. of wheat AJai. 23. 4. they bind heavy A. Luke 11. 46. tVu/. 6. 2. bear ye one another's A. aud so fultil BURDEN. SOME. Zcch. 12. 3. I will make Jerusalem a b. stone 2 Cor. 11.9. 1 have kept my.ielf from being A. to you 12. 13. except it be that 1 myself was not A. to you 14. the third time 1 come, \ will not he b. to you 1 Thess. 2.6. when we might have been A. as apostles BURIAL. Eccl. 6. 3. and also that he have no b. La. 14. 20. thou shalt not be joined with ihein in A. Jer. 22. 19. he shall he buried with tlie A. of an ;ls5 AJat. 26. 12. poured ointment, she did it for my A. Acts 8. 2. devout men carried Stephen to his 6. B U K V Signifies, To inter a dead Aody, Gen. 23. 4. To be juried with Christ in baptism. Rom. 6. 4. 'Jo have comrnuuioH uith him i» his death and burial. Baptism doth not only represent our mortification and death to sin, by which tee have communion with Christ in his death , but al.\o our progress and persticrance tn morii/icaiiou. Ay which ue hate commnnton with htm in hn burial also ; burial implies a continuing under death, so is mortification a continual dying tosin. Gen. 25. 4. that I may A. my dead out of my sight 6. in choice of our sepulchres /;. thy dead, 11, 15. 47- 29. A. me not, 1 pray thee, in r-gypt,49, 29. 50. 5. let me go and A. my father, 1 will come again 6. go up and A. thy father, as he made thee swear Deut. 21. 23. tliou shalt in any wise b. him that day 1 Kings 2. 31. go and fall upon Joab and b. him 11, 15. when Joab was gone up to b. the slain 13. 29. the old prophet came to mourn and A, him 31. wlieti 1 am dead, h. me in the sepulchre 11-. 13. lsr;iel shall mourn for him and A. him 2 Kings 9. 10. and ther*. shall be none to A Jezebel 31. go see ii"w this cursed woman, and A her J^t. 7. .32. for they shall b. ni Tophet, 19. IJ 14, 1(>. and tliey shall have none to A. them i;g/(-.39.11.thei'e shall theyi. Gog and his mullituQ- 13. yea. all the people of tne land shall A. then' lioi. 9. 6. Egypt gather up, Memphis shall A. theni Mat. 8.21. suffer me to go A. my father, Lnke'^. 5y 22. and let the dead A. their dead, Luke 9. tiO, 27.7. bought the potter's field to b. strangers iu Jolm 19. 40. as the maimer of the Jews is to A. BURIED. [wife Oen. 25. 10. there was Abraham b. and Sarah his 49- 31. there they A, Abraham and Sarah his wife. Isaac and Rebekah his wile, and there 1 A. Leah Num. 11. 34. there they b. the people that lusted 20. 1. Miriam died there, and was b. there 33. 4. for the Egyptians b. all their first-born Deut. 10. 6. there Aaron died, and there he was A. Josh. 24. .12. the bones of Joseph (i. they in Shecheati Ruth l.n.wherediest 1 will die, and there will be A. 2 Sum. 4. 12. they took head of Ish-boshethand A. i( 21. 14. bones of Saul and Jonathan they A. iu Zelah 1 A'tMgi 13.31.bury me wher2 the man of Godis i. Eccl. 8. 10. and so 1 saw the wicked b. [33 Jer. 8. 2. not be gathered nor b. I6. 6. | 20. 6. [ 25 16. 4. they shall not be lamented nor b. 22. 19. be shall be b. with the burial of an ass E-.ek. 39. 15. set up a sign, till buriers have A. it Mai. 14. 12. his disciples took the body and A. it Luke 16. 22. the rich man also died and was b. Acts 2. 29. the patriarch David is both deiid and A. 5. 9. the feet of them which A. thy husband 10, carrying her forth, A. her by her husband Rom. 6. 4. we are b. with him by baptism into death 1 Cor. 15. 4. that he was A. and rose again third diiy Col. 2. 12. 4, with him in baptism, wherein are risen BURIED him. Deut. 31.6. he/<. A/>/iinavalley,]n thelandofMoab 2 Sam. 2. 5. blessed Ls; ye that have A. Saul 1 King-\ 14. 18. they A. hi/n, all Israel mourned him 2 Chi on. 21.^0. they A. Jehoram in thecity of Davit' 24. 16. A. Jehoiada in city of David, among kini;s 25. they A. him not in the sepulchres of the kinp Acts5.C. the young men carried aim out, and* him BURIED in. Gen. 15. 15. and thou shalt be A. in a good old age 1 Kings 2. 10. David was A. in the city of David 34. Joab A. m his own house in the wilderness 2Ai«gj21.18..Manassehwas/v.i«gardeuofhishouse 26. Amon was A. in sepulchre, in garden of Uzzah JoA 27. 15. those that remain shall be A. in death BURIED with hisfai/^ers. I Kings\i.Sl. ltehoboaml|13.24.AsaA.iiiiMAi.t/. 22.50. Jehoshaphatll 'Zhtngs H.24. JoraraA. ai//|V 12.21. Joash A. withf. || U. 20. AmaziahA. withf. 15.7. Azariali 1| 38. Jotbam |1 16.20. Ahaz A. withf. BUKIER.S. Eiek. 39. 15. shall set up a sign till A. have buried BURYING. Gtf«.23.4. apossess.ofa A.place,9. | 49.30. | 50.1^^, Judg. 16. 31. buried Samson in A. place of Manoah 2/ii»gjl3,21.a-sthey Were A.aman,theyspiedabaiiii A::£i.39, 12. seven months shall Israel be A. of them Mark 14. 8. she is come to anoint my body to the A John 12. 7. against day of my A. hath she kept this BURN Signifies, [1] To consume, or de^lioy withfire, .losk 11. 13, [2] I'o Ae iiijlamed with just anger ami indignation. Lam. 2. 3. [3] To Ae perpetually haunted Kith violent, lustful dcsiies, 1 Cor. 7. y. [4] To be filled loiih an hoiy zealjor ihe gloiy of God, and the good oj' others, 2 Cor. 11. 29. Jhe bush burned, and was not consumed, Exod. 3 2, 'This represented the condition if the church and people lylsi-ael, who were then inlhefire 0 ajliiction ; yet so as that God was present with tneM, and that they should not Ae consiuncd tn it, whereoj this vision was a pledge. The spiritof burning, ija. 4, 4. The ILdt/ Sptri of God, who is comjaied toftie. Mat. 3' 11. be- cause he doth burn up and comnme the druss whii\ IS in the church, and in the minds and hearts oJ men, and inj/ames the souls of believers with /ui. to Gud, and zeal for his glory. Gen. 41. 18. Judah said, let not thine auger A. Exod. 27.20. command that they bring pure olive-oil lo cause tlie lump to A. alway. Lev. 24. 2. 29. 13. shalt take caul, liver, and kidneys, tuid A iipnn the ahar, 18, 25. Lev. i. 9, 15. I 2. 2.9, l(i 1 3.5.11,16. [ 5.12. 1 6 15. 19. 17.A'iw/i.5.26 Lev. 4.19. priest shall take fat and A. upon the altar 26.31. I 7.31. I 16.25. I 17.6. A'«»(.18. 17. Num. 19. 5. one shall A. the heifer in his sight Josh.M. 13. save I lazor only, that did Joshua A, 1 Sam. 2. 16. letthem not fail to A. the fat presently 2 Chron. 2. 6. save only to A. sacrifice befoi-e tlici*. 13. 11, and they A. to the Lord every mornim; hn. 1. 31. they shall bf.th A. togelhir, none qiienc-l) 10. 17. it shall A. and devour hi^ iho.'us iuid biieri f BUR If« *7,4.I would Rolhro' thi ji.and A. them tojpthcr ■40. iO. I*banoii is not sufficient to A. nor the beasts 4-t. 15. then shall it be for a man to h. he will take jrr. 7. 20. my fury shall b. and not be queiu-hed 3i. 5. so shall they b. odours fur ihee, and lament ."•.). C5. that the king would not b. the roll t:trA*. !i4. 5. b. also tlie bones under it, make it bnil 11. that the brass of it may be hot and niny A. Sy, i^. ihey shall set on fire and b. the we:ipQns 4j. 21. he shall A. bullock in the appointed place Vah. 2. 13. I will b. herchariots in the smoke \ltl. 4. 1. the day cometh that shall b. as an oven ftAt/. 13. 30. bind the tares in bundles to b. them /-j(^i;3.17.hut chaff he will A, with tire unquenchable 24. 32. they said, did not our heart A, within us ? Coi . 7. 9- ^*^^ it 'S better to marry than to 6, Cor, 11. 29. who is offended, and I b. not .' BURN, joined with /ire. Erorf. 12. lO.that which remaineth of it till mornifip ye shall A. with p/t-, 29. 34. Lev. 8. 32. /#r. 13. 57. b. that wherem the plague is with rt/« i^. 27. b. with lire their skins, flesh, and dung j)£ut.5. 23. for the mountain did b. vithjiie 7- 5. i. their images with ftV^, 2j. 1| 12. 3. b. groves 32. 22. a^ftVtf shall b. to the lowest hell, Jer. 17. 4. Joih. 11. ti. thou shall b. their chariots with fire JuJg. 9. 52. went to the tower to b. it with.S;^ 12. 1. Willi, thine house withy. 11 14. 15. A. thee/. Psal 79- 5. how long shall thy jealousy A. \\Vejiref 89.4t3. how long. Lord, shall thy\vTath A. like tiii' / ha. 47-14. shall he as stubble, Xhejire shalU. thnm jtfr. 4. 4. my fury come forth MVeJire and A. 21. 12. 7. 31. to 4. sons and daughters in tUe/rt?, I9. 5. Kl. 10. Nebuchadnezzar shall b. this city with/. 32.29. I 34. 2, 22. I 37.8, 10." I 38. 18. Ezek. 5. 2. b. v/iih fire a third part in midst of city 16, 41. they *. thine house with_ftr«, 23. 47. 9Jat. 3. 12. he will gather his wheat, but he will b. up the chaftwilh unquenchable ft>f, LnAe 3. 17. Stv. 17. 16. shall eat her tlesh and b. her vfithjire bURN incense. Erfld. 30. 1 . thou shall Diake an altar to b. incertse on 7. Aaron shall A. thereon sweet ihc. every morn. 8. Kini^s 13.1 . .k-roboam stood by the altar to b.inc. 8 htiigs 18. 4. the children of Israel did b. inc. toil Chron. 23. 13. he and his sons for ever to b. inc. Chron. 2. 4. I build an house to b. sweet incense 13. 11. b. every monaing sweet incense to the Lord 26. 16. Uzziaii went into temple to b. ince7i-e, I9. 28. 25. in Judah Ahaz made high places to b. inc. 29. 1 1 . my sons, the Lord hath chosen you to b. inc. 32. 12. worship before one altar, and A. inc. on it Jar. 7.9. will ye steal and 6. incense to Baal f 11.13. 44. 17. we will b. incertse to the queen of heaven Uos. 4.13. they b. nwenj« upon the hills under oaks Uab. 1. 16, therefore they A. i/itf^/je to their drag LiU« I. 9. Zacharias his lot was to i. inc. in temple BURNED. B^od. 3. 2. bush 6. with fire, and was not consumed 3. I will turn and see why the bush is not A. Dent. 9. 15. I cauie down, and mount b. with fire 32. * 22. a fire kindled and hath b. to lowest hell JwA. 7.25. d. them with fire, after they stoned them 8 Chron. 25. 14. .Amaziah b. incense to the gods 34. 25. have forsaken me, and b. incense to gods Ls(h. 1.12. the king was wroth, and anger A. in him Vtal. Ji\). %. while 1 was musing the lire b. /ja, 24.(5. therefore the inhabitants of the earth are b. 42. 25. it b. him, yet he laid it not to heart Lam. 2. 3. he b. against Jacob like a flaming tire Ju/m 15. 6. withered branches are gathered and b. Sets 19- 19- many brought their hooks and b. ihem Bern. 1. 27. b. in their lust one towards another Cor. 13. 3. and though I give my body to be b. licb. 6. a. is rejected, whose end is to be 6. 12. 18. for ye are not come to the mount that b. Htr. 1. 15 his feet like brass, as if A. in a furnace ]6. t 9. ^^^ men were b, wnth great heal BURNETII. Lev. 16. 28. he that b. them shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water, Num. ly. 8. P^al.46.9. he breaketh the bow and b chariot in fire 83. 14. as the fire b. wood, and as the Hame setteth 97. 3. a fire b. up his enemies round about Ita. 9. 18. for wickedness b. as the fire 4l.lt). he b. part thereof in fire, he warms himself 62. 1. the salvation thereof as a lamp that b. 64 2. as when the melting fire 6. the fire causeth 65.5. these are a smoke and fire that b. all the day 66. 3. he that b. incense, as if he blessed an idol Jtr. 4H.35. cause to cease that A. incense to his gods Jl!*i2.3. a fire liefore them, behind them a flame b. Hev. 21.8. shall have part in lake which A. with fire BURNING. ve». 15- 17- a b. lamp p?-ssed between the pieces Iav 6. 9. the fire of the altar shall he A. in it, 12,13. 2fi. iti, I will appoint over you the A, ague D««r. 26.32. Lord shall smite th?e with extreme L. 52.24. they shall be devoured wiih b. heat Joo 5. ♦ 7- is soits of the b. coal lift up to fly liUR Job'W. 19. nf his mouth go A. lamps sparks of fire I'sitt. 11. t (j. on wicked he shall reign a A. tem|iest 140. 10. Ift A. coals fall upon iheni, cast into fire t*ri'v. Iti. 27. in his lips there is as a A. fire 21). 21. as coals are to A. coals, and wood to fire 23. A. lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd Isa. 30.27. name of Lord comtth far, A. with anger 34. y. the land trhereof shall become b. pitch Jar. 20. y. his word was in my heart as a A. fire llzf/c. 1. 13. their appearance was like A. coals 21. t 31. I will deliver into the hand of A. men i>rt«.. 'J. 6. shall be cast into midst of a A. furnace, 11. 17. IS able to deliver us from the A. furnace 20. to cast them into the A. fiery furnace, 21, 23. 2(3. Nebuchadnezzar came near the A. furnace 7-9. his throne like flame, his wheels were as A. fire tiab. 3. 5. and A. coals went forth at his feet Luke 12. 35. let your loins be girded, and lights A. John 5. 35. John was a A. and a shining light iiev. 4. 5. there were seven lamps A. before throne H. 8. and as it were a great mountain A. with fire 10. there fell a great star A, as it were a lamp 19. 20. they both were cast alive into a lake A, BURNING. Geji. 11, t 3. and let us burn the bricks to a A. EroJ. 21.25. A. for A. wound for wound, stripe for Lev. .10. 6. bewail the A. which the Lord kindled 13. 2K. if the spot stay, it is a rising of the A. A'««. 11. t 3. he called the name of the place a A. Deitt . 2y.23. the whole land is brimstone, salt, and A. 2 Chion. 16. 14. they made a very great b. for him 21. 19. people made no A. like tlie A. of his fathers Jsa. 3. 24. there shall be A. instead of beauty 4.4. purged blood of Jerusalem by the spirit of A. y. 5. but this shall be with A. and fuel of fire 10, 111, under his glory, kindle A. like A. of fire 32. t 13. A. shall come upon all houses of joy 33. 12. the people shall be as the A. of lime Amos4. 11. even as a firebrand plucked out of iheA. liev. 18. 9. when they shall see the smoke of her A. BURNINGS. Jos/t. 11. t 8. they chased them to the A. of waters I'a. 33. 14. who shall dwell with everlasting A. .■' Jer. 34. 5. with A. of thy fathers the former kings BURNISHED. Lzek. 1.7. they sparkled like the colour of A. brass BURNT. <"'««. 38.21. Judah said, bring her forth, let her be A. Lep. 2. 12. for tney shall not be A. on the altar 6. S2. meat-offering shall be wholly A. 23. | 8. 21. 10. Iti. Closes sought the goat, and it was A. Num. I'T 10. Lleazar the priest took the brazen censev wherewith they that were A, had offered Deia. 3'.'.24. shall be A. with hunger, and devourt-d 1^'am. 2. 15. before they A. fat, priest's servant came 2 .Sum. 5. 21. David and his men A, their images 1 fiings 13. 2. mens' bon^s shall be A. upon thee 15.13. Asa A. her idol by the brook, 2 C'/ir. 15. Iti. 2 Aingi23. 6. he A. the grove at the brook Kidron 15. she A. the high place, and stampt it small 16. he took bones out of sepulchres and A. them 25. y. A. the house of L. 2 Chr. 36. IQ. Jer. 52. 13. Job 30. 30. and my bones are A. with heat Psal. 102.3. my skin black, bones are A. a^ an hearth Prov. ti. 27. take fire, and his clothes not be A. 28. can one go on coals and his feet not be A..' Jer. 2. 15. his cities are A. ||6. 29. the bellows are A. 30. 28. in the roll which Jehoiakim hath A. 51.25. and I will make thee a A. mountain Esek. 20. 47. aud all faces shall be A. therein 24. 10. kindle the fire, and let the bones be A. Joel l.iy. the flame hath A. all the trees of the field Amoti. 1. because he A. the bones of king of Edom A'flA. 1, 5. and the earth is A. at his presence I Cor. 3. 15. if any man's work be A. shall suffer loss IJeb. 13. 11. those beasts are A, without the camp BURNT, joined wilhfire. Ezod. 32. 20. he A. the calf in the ftV^. Deu . g. 21. Lev. ti. 30. the sin-offering shall be b. in the_fl;tf 7. 17- but tbe remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day shall be A. with lire, ly. 6. 20. 14. if a man lake a wife ana her mother, they shall be A, wilh_ft>f, both he and they 21. 9. if the daughter of any priest profane her- self by playing the whore, she shall be A. vnHitire Num. 11. I. the /ire of the Lord A. among them, 3. bent. 4.11. ye came near, the mountain A. with/r^ 12. 31 . their sons and daughters they A. in thefi/-* Josh 6. 24. they A. Jericho with/r€ and all therein 7.15. it shall be, he that is taken with the accursed thing shall be A. with/r^, he and all he hath 11.9- Joshua A. their chariots wiih/iVtf 11. and he look llazor and A. it with /re Jwrfij. 15. 6. they A. her and her father with/'-* 14. the cords became as flax that was A. withftVtf 18, 27. they came to Laish and A. it VfiXh.fire 1 Sam. .30. 1. the AmalekitesA. Ziklag with /re 2 Sam. 23. 7. they shall be utterly A. with/rg 1 Kinsi 9. Iti. for Pharaoh had A. Gezer wiih/;« 16. 18. Zimri A. the king's house with tl'e BUR 12 Kin^sl.\4 (fre from heaven A. up the two captaiiw I 17. 31. the Sepharviles A. their children with/;* 2.3. H. and A. the chariots of the sun with jir« 25. 9. every great man's house A. he with ,;//« 1 Chrvn. 14. 12. their gods were A. with//* 2 Chron. 28. 3. AhaiZ A. his children in the/;* A..7J. 1. 3. the gates thereof are A. witj/r^, 2. 17 l*.\ai. 80. Iti. it is A. with ^/-tf, it is cut down ha. 1.7. your cities are A. wiih^ir? 43. 2. when walkest thro' Jire thou shalt not be A, 64. 1 1. our holy and beautiful house is A. wiih 7.. d Jer. 38. 17. this city shall not be A. with/rt 23. thou shalt cause this city to be A. withy/V* 4y. 2. and her daughters shall be A. with/r* 51. 32. and the reeds they have A. with//* 58. Babylon's high gates shall be A. with fiie Mic. 1.7. the hires thereof shall be A. with the_/j/< Rev. 18.8. she shall be utterly A. with/re BURNT tncense. Exod. 40. 27. A. sweet tnc. thereon, as commandt^d 1 Kings 3. 3. only Solomon A. inc. in high plaiea 9- 25. Solomon A. inc. upon the altar belore L. 12. 33. Jeroboam offered on the altar and A. i»c 22.43.peopleA.iM<:.2A'i«?,vl2.3. | 14.4. | 15. 4, .15 2A'i?i5.slti.4.AhazA.i«f.inhighplaces,2C'/irJi:ii.3,4 2 Chion. 2y. 7- put out lamps and have not A. mc ha. 65. 7. which have A. inc. on the mountains Jer. 18. 15. my people have A. inc. to vanity 44. 15. men which knew that their wives had A. ine Uus. 2. 13. the days wherein she A. tnc. to them 11.2. they sacrificed and A. inc. to graven imagea BURNT-Ol-FERlN(i. Oen. 22. 7. but where is the lamb for a b. -offering* 8. my son, God will provide a lamb for a b.-off. 13. he offered him for a b.-ojf'enng instead of Isaac Exod. 18. 12. and Jethro took a b.-o^ertng for God 29. 18. the ram is a b. -offering unto the Lord Lev. 1.4. he shall puthis handon head of A.wj/tfri'ng 4. 2y. he shall slay the sin-offering in the place oi the b.-ojten?ti;. 33. | 6. 25. | 7- 2. j 14. 13 6.9. saying, this is the law of the b.-off ertng,' .3T. 7. 8. the priest shall have the skin of the b.-ajfering 9.2. take thee a ram ior a. b.-oJ\ 16. 3,5 I 23. 18. 5. take acalf anda lamb for b.-t-lf'. 12. ti. | 23. 12. A>(m. 7. 15. one lamb of the first year for a A.-ojf. 21,27,33,39,51,57,63,09,75,81. Ezt'k. 45. 15. 23. 3. stand by thy b.-vfeiing and I will go, 15. 28. 10. this is the b.^vjerm^ of every sabbath 13. for a A.-o/. of a sweet savour unto the Lord 14. this is the b.-offermg of every month 2y. ti. beside the meat-ofi'ermg and the daily b.-off. Josh. 22. 2ti. to build us an altar not for a-b.-ojiermg Jndg. 13. 23. not have received a A. -/. and whole b.-off Isa. 40. Iti. nor the beasts thereof for a b.-ojfert»^ til. 8. for I the Lord hate robbery for b.-vjenng Eiek. 44. 11. they shall slay the A.-o/.and sacrifica 45.17.princes shall prepare the b.-off. for Isr. 4ti. 2. the priest shall prepare the prince's b.-off. 13. thou shalt daily prepare a b.-off. to the Lord Continual BURNT-OF EERING. £-(jrf. 2y. 42. a conttniuil b.-offertng, Nitm. 28. 3 6, 10, 15, 24, 31. I 29. 11, 16, 19, 22. Etrm 3. 5. Neh. 10. 33. Ezck. 46. 15. Offer BURNT-OFl-'ERING. Gtf«.22.2.take Isaac b.jid offer him therefor z b.-off. Lev. 9. 7. go to the altar and offer thy b.-opering Num.2Q. 11. in beginnngs of months o/'ur a b.-off 23. ye shall o/er these besides the b. -offering Judg. 11. 31, I will offer it up lor a b.-o^ering 13. 16. if thou offer a b.-off. offer it to the Lord 1 Ham. 6. 14. and offered the kine for a b.'offenng 7- O.Sa.mne\ offered a sucking lamb for 2.b.-//e/- neither A. -t»/ie;'j«g 2fAn»7i.29. 27.ilezekiuh commanded to i/*r A. -o/". Job. 42. 8. and ofitr up for yourselves a b.-off ring Ezek. 4ti.4. b.-'fffrin" the prince shall ojer in sab. BUHM-OFFERINGS. Gen. 8. 20. Noah offered A.-o/tTin^.i on the altar Exod. 10. 25. also give us sacrifices andb.-ojteringt 20. 24. and shall sacrifice thereon thy b.-ojfenniit !\um. 10. 10. blow with trumpets over yourA.-o^', /->tf?i/. 12.6. thither bring your b.-offerings. 11,14,27. Josh. 22. 27. do the service of the Lord with h.-off, 1 Ham. 15. 22. hath Lord as great delight in b.-off. 1 Kings 3. 15. .Solomon stood and oflered A. offering! 8. 64. middle of the court, there he offered A.-oj/". 1 Chron. 29. 21,. they offered b.-vjfertii^s to the Lotd 2 Chron. 2. 4. behold, I build an house for b.-off.^ 7- 7. brazen altar was not atle to receive A. off 29. 7. have not offered b.-iff. in the holy pltw 34. the priest could not sl'v «11 thei.-iij/ertnft nt'S Chon.?A''A5J -evites wpve ashamed.brout'ht A.^/?'. 35. 14. sons of Aaron busied in ofti-ring b.-vJI. Ezra 3. 4 offered the daily A -oj'enngs by number 6. y. thai which they have need oi tor fi.-ojferings Job 1.5. offered A. -oJ/tfriJiiTf according to thp number Psal. 50. 8. 1 wiiinot reprove thee forthj Awj/T. 66. 13. I will go into thy house with b.-offeruigs Isa. I- U. I am full of the h.-offerings ot rEims 4:J. V3. nor brought me small cattle of thy b.-off. 56. 7. their A. -.^". shall be accepted on mine altar Jer. 6. CO. your h.-oJ)'erings are not acceptable 7, 21. put your b.-ojftrtngs to your sacrifices 22. spake not to your fathers concerning b.-off. 17. 26. shall come from the south, bringing b.flf. ly. 5. to burn thei»" sons for b.-ojferings to liaal fit*. 45. 17- be the prince's part to give b.-ojennss Hos. 6- 6. the knowledge of God more than i.-i'Jf. Mic. 6-6. shall I come before him with b.-«fferings f Mitrk 12. .33. to love neighbour is more than h.tiff. Heb. lO.fi.inA.-oJf. for sin thou hast had no pleasure Offer BURNT-OFFKKINGS. I 5dm. 10. 8. I will come down to thee to *i/"er*.-ojf. 2^^.24.24 nor will 1 offer b.-offerings of that which doth cost me nothing, 1 Vhron. 21. 24. 1 Kings 3. 4. a thousand b.-off. did Solomon offer 9. 25. three times a year did Solomon offer b.-off. Ezra 3. 2..)eshua builded the altar to offer b.-ojt. Jer. 33. 18. Leviles not want a man to offer b.-off. Ezek. 43. 18. in the day they make Mio offer b.-off. /I7noj3.22.though veo/irme A.-o^.I will not accept BURNT-SACRlFiCE. £j-(irf.30.9. offer no strance incense, nor A. ^.thereon Lev. 1- 9. the priest shall burn all to be aA.-j. 3. 5. Num. 2.3.6. lo, he stood by his fi.-s. and the princes Dent. 33. 10. shall put whole b.-s. on thine altar 2 A'fi'n. 24. 22. behold, here be oxen for b.-^acrifice I A'i«5Jl8.:58.fire fell and consumed the A. -iac/j>V( IKings 16- 15. on the great altar burn the king's A. -j. Psa(. 20.3. rememberthy offerings, accept thy b.-i BURN T-SACRIFICES. 1 Chron. 23. 31. to offer all b.-s. in the sabbaths 2 Chron. 13. 11. burn niornina; and evening b.-s. Psai. 66. 15. [ will offer to thee b.-s. of fallings BURN r vp. Tiuig. 15. 5. the foxes b. »p the shocks and com 2 Kings 1.14. fire came down, and A.!/;'thetwocapt. fob 1. 16. the fire of God hath b. up the sheep PxnL 74. 8. they have b. vp all the synagogues 106. 18. fire was kindled, Hame b. vp the wicked Isn. 3. t 14. for ye have b. tip the vineyard 64. 11. our holy and beautiful house is b. vp Jer. Q, 10. b. np that none can pass thro' them, 12. Mat. 22. 7. the king sent and A. up their city 2 Pet. 3. 10. earth, an tier. 8.7. they were canton the earth, and the third partnf treeswaa A.j/p.and all green srass was ft. »;» BURST. Job 32. 19. it is ready to A, like new bottles Pfov. 3, 10. thy presses shall be b. with new wine /*r.2.20.1 have A.thy bands. 5.5. | 30.8 A'flA.l.I3. Mark 2. 22. else new wine doth A. bottles. Z.,?;*? 5.37. Acts 1.18. he A. asunder in midst, bowels gushed out BURSTING. Jsa. 30. 14. not be found in the A. of i*: a sherd BUSH, KS. Kiod. 3.2. in a flame nf fire in the A. Actxl. 30. 4. God called to him out of the midst of the A. Dent. 33. 16. the good-will of him that dwelt Job 30. 4. who cut up mallows by the A. for meat 7. among the A. they brayed, under the nettles Ixa. 7, ly. ihev shall come and rest ujion all A. Mark 12. 26. \iow in the A. God spake to him Luke 6.44. nor of a bramble A. gather they grapes 20. 37. thatdead are raised, Moses shewed at the*, Act.al. 1 15. 5. mouths A. speak not ; eyes A. see not 6. have ears A. hear not; noses b. smell not 7. have hands A. handle not ; feet A. walk not J/a/. 24.36. A. of that day and hour knowethnoman 37. A. as the days of Noewere, so shall the coming Mark 5. 28. she said, if 1 may touch A. his clothes 1 Cor. 4. 19. 1 will know not the speech, A. the power 6.11. A. yearewashed||7.10. yet not l.A.the Lord 12. 4. b. the same Spirit || 5. A. the same Lord 6. A. it is the same God which worketh all in all 2 Cor. 2. 5. he hath not grieved me A. in part 4. 17.our light alHiction, which is A. for a moment Gal. 1. 12. A. by the revelation of Jesus Christ But l/ie end. -See Enu. BIMTER. Gen. 18. 8. Abraham took A. and milk, and the calf Dcvt. 32. 14. A. of kine. milk of sheep, fat of lambs Jndg. 5. 25. she brought forth A. in a lordly di'h 2 .5'«wi. 17. 29. Barzillai brought honeyand A.forDav Job 20. 17. shall not see the brooks of honey and b 29. 6. when 1 washed my steps with A. rock poured Psal. 55. 21. words of his mouth smoother than A Prov. 30. 33. churn. ng of milk bringeth forth A. Isa. 7. 15. A. and honey shall he eat, 22. BUJLEH. S. Gen. 40. 1. the A. of the king of Egypt offended 9. the chief A. told his dream to .Inseph 21. he restored his chief A. to his butlership 41. 9. the chief A. said, I remember my faults BUri'OCkS. 2 &j/f.l0.4.cut off garments to their A. 1 CAr. I9.4 Ita. 20. 4. with A. uncovered to the shame of Egjiit BUY Signifies, [1] To procvre any commoditv by price, 2 Sam. 24. 21. [2] To receive, by such uays and means as God has directed, those spiritual bles.iings which are Jreely offered in the gospel, even Christ and a'll his benefits, Isa. 55. 1. Rev. 3. IB. Gen. 42. 1. get you down to Egypt and b. for us 7. said, from land of Canaan to A. food. 43. 20. 47. 19. A. us and our land for bread, we be servants Lrod. 21. 2. if thou A. an Hebrew servant Lev. 22. 11. if the priests A. any soul with money 25. 15. after the jubilee A. of thy neighbour 44. of them shall ye A. bondmen and maids, 45. Deuf. 2. 6. ye shallA. meat of them for money 28. 68. ye shall be sold, and no man shall A. you Ihith 4. 4. A. it before the inhabitants, before elders 5. thou must A. it also of Ruih the Moabitess 2 6tame, (jt^ii. 1. 5. I 5. C. [2] '/I appoim and '/ualtft/ a person for some work and iervice, Exod. 31. 2. Isa. 22. 20. [-3] Ti cause, 6y a puTi'erJ'ul word, those things to exist. tvhich had no being before, Rom. 4. 17- [-•] 'i'o invite, warji, and exhort by the dispensation, of Providence, Uii. 22. 12, [5] To cause to grow, Ezfk. .^6- 29. [fi] To invite sinners tu repentancf, either by the minisrry of the word, by aufni dispensations of providence, 6y the mo- tions of the Hi'ly Spirit, or by their own con- sciences, Prov. 1. 24. Mat. "22. 14. [7] 'i',. bring prrsons, by (he preaching of the word ana efectual operation of the Spirit, to know, beltev and obey the gospel, Rom. 8. 23, 30. [8] To 0:011 and acknowledge, Hel>. 2. 1 ! . [y] To wor ship. Gen. 4. 2d. Aces 9. 14. [10] To pray to. l*sal. .30. 15. Jonah 1. ti. [IlJ 'To appeal to, 2 Cor. 1.23. fl2] Toprcclaim, Joel I. 14. | 2 15. [l.-i] To reckon, or account, Mai. 3. 15. Acts 10. 15. [U] Tobe, Luke I. 32. where n is said of Christ, i hou shalt be called the Son of the Highest; that is, T/wu shall really be, and be acknowledged, the true, eternal, and es- • sential Soft if God. Gen. 2. 19. to Adam, to see what he would c. them £tod. 2 7. c. toihee anurse ot ihe Hebrew women 20. where is he ' c. him that he may eat bread Num. 16. 12. Moses sent to c. Dathan and Abiram S2. 20. if the men c. thee, rise up and go with them Deut. 4. 7. as God is in al! things we c. on him fo 2d. I c. heaven and earth to witness against yoi ihisday, shall not pro. yourdays, 30. ly. | 31,28 Judg.\6."5.c. for .Samson ihat he maymake usspon 21. 13. they sent to c, peaceably nnto ihem } Sam. 3. 6. here am 1, for thou didst c. me, 8 16. 3. c. Je.sseio the sacrifice, and 1 will shew thi 22, 1 1 . ihen king sent to c. Ahimelech the priesi L Sam. 17. 5. then said Absilom, c now Husha Ihings 1.28.tf. Bathsheba|]3C.f'. Zadok and Nathar 8, 52. hearken to them in al'. they c. for unto thee 17. 18. art come tome toe my sin to remembrance? 18.24. and c. ye on the name of your gods, 25. 2 Ainj»i4. 12. Elisha said, c. this Shuuaraite 10. 19. c. unto me all the prophets of Baal Job 5. I.e. now if there be any that will answe 13, 22. then c. thou, and I will answer, 14. 15. PtalA.l. hear when i r .<)(_iod of my righieousness 3. the Lord will hear when I c. unto him 14 4. who eat up niypenple, and c. not upiin Lord 20. g. save, Lord, let the kinphear us when we 49. 11 . they c. their lands after iheir own names 77. b. J c. to remembrance my song in the night 80. 5. and plenteous in mercy to all that c. on thee 99- 6- Samuel among them that c. on his name 102. 2. ID the day when I c. answer me speedily 145-18. the Lord is nigh all them that c. on him ^^71^.8.4. to yon.Omeii.lc.myvoiceisto sons ot men 9 15 to c. passengers who ^o right on their ways 31. 28. her children arise, and c. ht-r blessed /j(i.3.+12. O my people, they who c. thee blessed cause thee to err, and destroy thy paths, 9.+ 16. 5.20. woe to them that c, evil i;0Dd, and good evil 22. 12. in that day did the Lord c. to weeping 45. 3. 1 the Lord which c. thee by thy name 48. 2. tor they c. themselves of the holy city 13. when Ic. to them they stand up together 55 6. c. ye upon him while he is near 58. 5. wilt thou c this a fast to the Lord ? 13, c. the sabbath a delight, holy of the Lord 65. 15. and c. his servants by another name 24. it shall come.tbat before they c. I will answer Jer. 9.17. consider andt-. for the mourning women .33, 3. c. unto me, and I will answer thee Lam. 2.15. is this city men c. perfection of beauty Has. 1. 4, the Lord said, c. his name Jezreel 6. God said unto him, c. her name Lo-ruhamah Q.c. his name Lo-ammi, forye are not my people 7. H. they f. to Kgypt, they go to Assyria Joel 1.14. sanctify a tasf.r .solemn assembly, 2 15 Jonah 1. 6. O sleeper, arise, c. upon thy God Zech, 3. 10, ye shall r. every man his neighbour Mai. 3. 15. now wee. p-oud happy, they that work HJat, 9.13. I am not comt; to c. the righteous, but ninners to repentance, Mark^. 17. Luke 5. 32. 20.8. c. the labourers and give them their hire 22.3. sent his servants to c- them that were bidden 43. bow then doth Uavid in spirit c. him Lord? 23. 9- c. no man your father upon the earth Luke 0.46.whytr. ye me L. and do not things i say : 14.13. when thou makesS a f^ast c. the poor John 4.16. go c- thy husband and come hither 13.1 3, ye c. me Master and Lord, and ye say well ^cts<^. 14. to bind all that c. on thy name 19. 13. to c. over them which had evil spirits ?4. 14. that after the way which they c. heresy Kom.iO 12, same Lord is rich to all that c. on him 1 Cor. I, 23 I c God for a record upon my soul 59 2 Tim. 1.5. when I c. to remembrance the faith CAL /Hsc. Calvary John 1 . 48- before that Philip c. thee 1 saw tbee 4. 25. 1 know Messiah cometh, who is c. Christ 9. 11 .a man c.Jesus made clay and anoint my eyes /icts^.W^o into the street c. Straight,for onet ..Saul 11.2ti. disciples were c. Christians first at Antioch 13.7-whoc.for Barnabas and Saul.desired to hear 9. then Saul,c. Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost 15. 17. all the Gentiles on whom my name is c- 19. 40. to be c. in question for this day's uproar 23. 6. 1 am c. in question by you this day. 24. 21. 18. Paul the prisoner c. and prayed me to bring Eom. I. L I'aul c. to be an apostle, I Cur. 1.1. 6. among whom are ye also the c of Jesus 7. to them that are c. to be saints, 1 Cor. I. 2. 2. 17. thou ai't c. a Jew, and restest in the law 8. 28. who are the c. according to his purpose 1 Cor. I. 9- by whom ye were c. to the fellowship 24. to thera which are c, both Jews ajid Greeks 26. not many mighty, not many noble, are c. 5. 11. if any man c. a brother be a fornicator 7. 18. is any man c. being circumcised ? is any c. 21. art thou c. being a servant ? care not forit 24. let every man wherein he is c. therein abide Cal. 1. 6. so soon removed from him that f. you 5. 13. for, brethren, ye have been c. to liberty Eph.l. 11. who are c. uocircumcisionby that c. 4. I. walk worthy of vocation wherewith ye arp c. 4. even as ye arec. in one hope of your calling Col. 3. 15. to the which ye are c. in one body 4. 1 1. Jesus, which isc. Justus, saluteth you 2 Thess. 2. 4. who exaltethabove all that isc.God i Tim. 6. 12. eternal life, whereto thou art c. 20. avoiding oppositions of science, falsely so c. Hib.3. 13, but exhort daily while it is c. to-day 9. 2. the tabernacle which is c. the sanctuary 15. they that are c. might recfive the promist 11. Ifi. God is not ashamed to be c. their God 24 Moses refused to be r.son of Pharaoh's daunht, Jawi.2.7. blaspheme that name by which ye are c. Pet. 2.9. of him who hath c. you out of darknesi 21.forbereunio were ye r. because Christ suffered 3. 9, knowing that ye are thereunto c. to inherit 2 Pet. 1. 3. that hath c. ns to glory and virtue 1 John 3. I. that we should be c. the sons of Go Jude l.tosanciified.preserved in JesusChrist.amic. Rev.&.H. the name of the .starts c. wormwooa 1 1.8. city which spiritually isc. Sodom and Vf^ypi 1^. 9. thatold serpent f, the Devil, and Satan 17 . 14. they that are with him. are c. and chosen 19. 9. blessed that are c. to the marriage supper CALLED, joined with Gad, or Lord. Gen. 1. 5. God c. light day, darkness he c. night 8. and God c. the firmamrf.3.4.God c. to him out ot ihe midst of the bush | 63. ly. we are inme, they were not c. h thy n. ly. 3. the Lord c. to him out of the mountain | CO. tha Lord c. Moses up to the top of the mount 35. 30. see, the Lord halh c. niy name Bezaleel Sum. 12. 5. and the Lord c. Aaron and Miriam 1 .Sa/«. 3. 4. the Lord c. Samuel, 6, 8, 10. i A'j7i?*.'t.l0.alas,tx)rd, hath r.these three kings, 1.1. 8. 1. for the Lord hath f. for a famine on the laiid /'.'fl/. 50.1. Lord hathf. the earth from rising of sun ha. 41. 2. the Lord raised, andc. him to his foot 42. 6. 1 the Lord have c. thee in righteousness 49. 1. the Lord hath c. me from the womb »'i4. ti. the Lord hath c. tliee as a woman forsaken fer. 11. Id. Lord c. thy name a green olive-tree 20. 3. the Lord hath not c. thy name Pashur Amos 7. 4. the Lord God c. to contend by fire Alts id. 10. patherinp that the Lord had c. us I for. 7. 15. but God hath c. us to peace 17. as the Lord hath r. every one, so let him walk Gat. 1. 15. it pleased God, who c. me by his grace 1 Thess. 2. 12. who c. you to his kingdom and glory 4. 7. for God hath not c. us to imcleanness 2 T/iess. 2. 14. whereuntn God c. you by our gospel I hm. 1. y. who hath c. us with a holy calling litb. 5.4. but he that is c. of God, as was Aaron lO.f .of (Jod an high-prn'st afterorder of Melchis. I Pet. 5. 10. the God of all crace, who hath c. us He CALLED. Gen. 21. 31. wherefore /te c. that place Beer-sheba 26. IH. he c. their names as his father called them 35. 10. thy name is Jacob, he c. his name Israel Eiod. 24. 16. the Lord c. to Moses out of the cloud Juil^. ti. 32. on that day he c. him Jenibbaal e '*iam. 1.7. when he looked he saw me and c. tome 1 3. 17 . then he c. his servant that ministered to him 1 Kings 1.10. but Solom. his brother /iff. not, 19.26. 9. 13. he c. them land of Cabul to this day i Kings 4. 3d. and he c. to Gehazi, so he c. her 18. 4. he brake brazen serpent, hec. it Nehushtan Pial. 105. 16. he c. for a famine on the laud Jer. 42. 8. then c. he Jnlianaii and all the captains Lam. 1. 15. he halh c. an assembly against me F.tek. I). 3. he c. to the man clothed with linen Mat. 10. 1. A^ c. the twelve II 15. 10. Ae r.muUilude Mark 1. 20. siraightway he c. them, and they left Luke i;t. 12. when .lesus saw her. he c. her to him John 10. 35. '\i he c. them Gods, to whom the word Aiti 9. 41. when he had c. the saints and widows 10. 23. then c. he them in, and lodged them 16. 29. then he c. for a light, and sprang in 19. 25. whom he c. togei'.ier with the workmen 23. 23. he c. unto him two centurions, saying Ito/n. 8. 30. them he also c. whom/ie c. he justified 9.24. even us whom Aehath c. not of Jews only 1 J'et. 1. 15. but as he which halh c. you is holy See CaLLEP /he nnme. I CALLED, or, / hare CALLED. A'?. 17. because I have c. to them, but they not Ltim. \A[i. I c. for my lovers, but they deceived uie 3. 55. I c. on thy name out of the low dungeon 57. thou drewest nea*- in the day / c. upon thee //.IT. 11,1. then /f.my Sonout of Egj-pt. ilVrt/.2.15 Ilag. I. 1 1. a-nd Ic. for a drought upon the land Zfch. 11,7. one Ic. Beauty, tlie other I c. Bands J.'hn 15. 15. not ser\-ants, but / have c. you friends Acts 13.2. for the work whereto 7 have c. them 28. 20. for this cause have 3 c. for you to see CALLED Ay my vame. S CAr(m,7 .14. my people who are c. by jiiy Ji.humhle Jsa. 43. 7. bring, even every one that is c. bu my n C5. 1. behold, to a nation that was not c. by my k /cf.7.10.hou5ecAvmvn.n,l4,.30. j 32. i*.] .34".15. 25. 29 to bnng evil on the city which is c. hu i"y n. Atiivi 9.12. remnant ofheathen which are f./'v rriy n. CALLED ht/ thy vame. 1 A'iMgr8.43.housel builded is f.Ay My 7(.2C/j.6.33 //c.4.1.1etU5ber.Av/Avn rotak^awatfourrcproachl ^7.8. was CO Jer. 14. 9. O Lord, we arec. by thy «. leave us not 15. 16. for 1 am c. by thy n. U Lord Ciod of hosts Van. y. 18. and behold the city which is c. by (hy «. 19.defer not, for thy city ard people are e.bi/thy n. CALLED his name. Ceil. 35. 10. ihy name is Jacob, he c. his n Israel 18. she c. ht\ n. Benoni, but his father Benjamin 1 L'hi-n. 4. 9. his mother c. his n. Jabez, saying 7.16. shec. A*j rt.Pereshl|23.and hxchis «.Beriah Mat. 1.25. her first horu son, and he c. his n. Jesus Pev. 19. 13. aiiiAis name is c. the Word of God CALLED the name. Gen. 28. I9. c. the n. of the place Beth-el, 35. 15. Erod. Id. 31. and Israel c. (he it. thereof, manna 17.7. hec. the n. of the place Massahaiid Meribali 15. Moses c. the 71. of the altar J ehov AH-nissi Jndg. 15. 19. Samson c. the n. thereof Eu-hakkore 2 A«w. 5. 20. c. the n. of that place Baal-perazim 1 Kingsl . 21. f. the n. thereof Jachin, 2 Chr. 3.17 Job 42. 12. and he c. the «. of the tirst, Jemima ^ent and CALLED. Gen. 27. 42. she sent and c. Jacob her younger son 31.4. Jacob ««r«H(/f. Kachel and Leah to the field 41. 14. then I'haraoh sent and c. Joseph Josh. 24. 9. Balak sent Lnie 1.36. sixlh month withherwho uat cbarrco 2. 21. his name was c.3 esus, so named of the angiJ JohnO,. 2. Jesus li'flj c. and his disciples to marringc .-i< (J 13. I. iu the church Simeon, that uas c. N ig<.J 24. 2. and when he tvas c. forth. "iertuUus began Acts 28. 1. they knew that the island was e. Melita 1 C'wr,7.20. al'ide iu the calling wherein lie rioj lieb. 11. 8. Abraham when he was c. obeyed Jam. 2. 23. and he was c. the friend of Ciod iiev. 19. 11. he that set on him was c. i'aithful CA LEEDS r.CALLEST. Jvdg.Q. 1. that thou c. us not when thou weniest l*«w/.3.5. and he said, here am I, for thou f. me l^sal. 8 1 . 7 . thou c. in trouble, and I delivered thet Ezek. 23. 21. c. to remembrance lewdness of youth Mat. ly. 7. why c. ihou me good ? there is jiulc good but God, MarklO.Wi. Lide lii. ly. CALLEIH. 1 KingsS. 43. hear thou iu lu-aveo, do according to all that tl\e stranger c. to thee for, 2 Chr. d. 33. Job 12. 4. who c. on God, and he answered him Pial. 42. 7. deep c. uiiio deep at the noise of thy 147. 4 he c. them all by their names, /.m. 40. 20. Prov. 18. 6. a fool's mouth c. for strokes /'5. 21. 11. he c. to me out of Seir, watchman 5y. 4. none c. for justice, nor any pleadeth 64. 7. and there is none that c. on thy name Jlos. 7. 7. there is none among them that c. to me Amos 5. ti. that c. for the waters of the sea, y. 6. Mat. 27. 47. this man c. for Elias, Mark 15, 3j Marks. 13. c. to h.m whom he would, they came 6. 7. c. to him the twelve, and began to send them 8. 1. Jesus c. his disciples, and saith to them 10. 49. be of good comfort, arise, he c. thee 12.37. if David therefore c. him Lord, Lnke 20.44. Lnie 15. 6. hec. together his friends, saying 9. she c. her friends and her neighbours 20.37. when hec. the Lord, the God of Abraham J-hn 10. 3. and he c. his owu sheep by name 11. 2K. the master is come and f . for thee Pom. 4. 17. f. things which be not, as tho* they were 9 -H. purpose of election might stand.of him that c. 1 Cor. 12. 3. no man by the .Spirit c. Jesus accursed Oal. 5. 8. persuasion cometh not of him that c. 5 on l7/(eji-, 5.24. faithful is he that f . you, whowillduit Rev. 2. 20. Jezebel, that c. herself a prophetess CALLING Signifies, [I] Any lawjul emphnjment, or way oj living, 1 Cor. 7. 20.' [2] That ejfeciuat caiitti};, whereby sinners savingly believe, and obey the gospel, Phil, 3. 14. Heb. 3. 1. [3] The state oJ gloiy, and blessc-iness in heaven, to which />*- lievers are called, 2 Thess. I. 11. Num. 10. 2. use trumpets for tlie c. of the assembly ha. 1. 13 the f . of assemblies I cannot away wiili i.zek. 23. ly. in c. to remembrance her youth Rom. 11. 29. the c. of God without repentance 1 Cor. 1. 26. for ye see your c. brethren, noi many 7.20. leteverj- man abide in same c. wherein called Z./'/.. 1. 18. may know what is thehr.peof his e. 4. 4. as ye are called in one hope of your c. I'hil. 3. 14. for the prize of the high c. of (iod 2 Thess. 1.11. that God count you worthy of thisc 2 Tim. 1. g. who hath called us with an holv c. Ileb. 3. 1. partakers of the heavenly c. consider 2 Pet. I. lu. to make \-our c. and eiectum, sure Cv\LL1Sg, Parttnph. Isa. 41. 4. c. the generations from the beginning 4d. 11. f. a ravenous bird from the east Mat. 11, 16. and c. to their fellows, Luke~. .32 Ma.k U. 21. Peter, c. to remeraorance, saitn Acts 7. 59. they stoned Stephen c. upon God Id. wash away thy sins, c. on name of the Loio 1 Pel. 3. 6. Sarah obeyed Abraham, c. hiui Lord CALM. h>sal. 107. 29. he makelh the storm a c. Jonah I. 11. that the sea may be c. unto us 12. cast rae forth, so shall the sea be c. to you Mat. a 2d.therewasagreatc..WarA4.3y./.itXitt.2< CALVE, ED, ETH. Job-21. 10. their cow c. and casteth not her calf 39. 1. canst thou mark when the hinds do c . .' Psal. 29. 9. the voice of the Lord maketh hinds to t Jer. 14. 5. the hind c. in the field, and forsook ir CALVES. I Sam. 6. 7. and bring their c. home from them 1 Kings 12. 28. the king made twi) c. of gold 32. sacrificing to the c. that he had made 2 Kings 10. 29. Jehu departed not from the golden e 2 Chron. 11. 15. he ordained him priests, for the c. 13. 8. and there are with you golden c. I'sal. 68. 30. rebuke the hul'ls with the r, of people Ilos. 10,5. shall fear, because of thee, of Beth-aven 13. 2. let the nu n that sacrifice kiss the c. 14. 2. so will we render the c. of our lips Amos 6. 4. and eat c. out of the mitUt of the stall Mic. 6. 6. shall 1 come wkh c. of a year old ' 1/11/. 4. 2. ye shall prow up as c. of the Wall llfb. y. 12. nor by blood of goats and i-.but own blo'H.* 19. took blood of tf. and sprinkled book and peopl* CAM CAMI'. (7«i.»0.!i ntitofwhomf.niilisUin, 1 C/iron. 1.12. 19.1. iwoajigeUc. to Sodom at even, Lot sal in [-ale 20.3, God c. to Abimeitfh in a dream by iiij,ht 27. .15. brother r, with sul.tilty atid laken Messini; 31. 24. God etc Lal>aii the Syrian ill dream by ni'^ht SC.'i. f ..to thy brother Esau, he cometh to meet tliee jij.lb.she laidup his tramient until his lord f. home Xu/n. 1.3. C7 . c. to the land whither thou seutest us 19. Q. a red heifer, upon which never c. yoke i'2. 9. God c. to Balaam at ni^ht, and said, 20. 24. 2. -Sp. ofGodf.on him. JH(/i:^■J.10. iSam. 10.10. Dent, 1. 19. and we c. to Kadesh-tiarnea 53. 2. the Loni c. from Sinai, and rose up from Seir JmA, 15. la. assher.tohimshe movi-d,Jut!g. 1. 14. Jiidi^. 5. 19. kings c. and fouiiht, kings of Canaan 7 1.3. th»(.-ake of bread f. to a tent and smote it 9. 25. they robbed all that c. along that way by them 57. upon them f. cm'se of Jothamson of .(erubb. 11. 18. but c. not within tlie border of Moab 13. 10. the Dian that c. to uie the other day H. Manoah arose and c. to tho man, and said 19. 22. bring forth the man that c. into thy house 20. 4H. Israel smote Benjamin, all that c . to hand Hut/i 2. 6. it is the Moabitish damsel that c. liack 1 Ht/rn. 2. l.T custom was, the priest's servant, (-.15. 14. so they did to all Israelites that c. thither 27. there c. a man of God to Eli, and said to him 4. 1. andtlie word of Sanmel c. to all Israel 7. 1.3. they c. no more into the coast of Israel 9. 15. Lord told Samuel in his ear before Saul c. 10. 14. when we saw asses no where, c. to Samuel 1.3. 8. but Samuel c. not to Gilgal, people scattered 17. 34. there c. a lion and a bear, and took a lanili 2 *rtm.2. 4. men of.ludahf. and anointed David king 3. 25. thou knowest Abner, thatc. to deceive thee 13. 30. while in the way the tidings c. to David 36. behold, king's sons c. and wept, the king wept 15. 2. when any c. to kin.; for judgment, Absalom Ifi. 15. Absalom and Ahithophel c. to Jerusalem 20. 12. saw every one that c. by him stood still 1 A'i«i^jl.42.whilehe spake, Jonat. sonofAbiath. c. 4. 34. c. of all people to hear wisdom of Solomon 10. 10. there c. no more such spices as these 12. there c. no such alniug-trees to this day 12. 12..Perob. and all the people c. 2 C/uvk. 10. 12. 13. 10. he returned not by the way he r . to Bethel 19. 9. he e. thither to a cave and lodged there 20. 43. the king of Israel c. heavy to Samaria 2 hhi^\ 4. 11, it fell on a day that he c. thiiher 27. when she c. to the man of God to the hill 5. 15. Naaman c. and stood before Elisha 6. 23. the bauds of Syria c. no more into Israel 32. but ere messenger c. to him, he said to elders 8. 14. Hazael departed from F.lisha.f.to his master 9. II, wherefore c. this mad fellow to thee? 10. 12. Jehu arose, departed, and c. to Samaria 21. all worshippers of Baal c. house of Baal full i*. 28. one of the priests c. and dwelt in Beth-el ly. :13. by the way that he c. shall he return 24. 3. at the command of the Lord c. thisonjudah I C'Aa'w. 4. 41. these c. in the days of Ilezekiah 5. 2. Judah prevailed, of him c. the chief ruler 7. 22. Ephraim's brethren c. to comfort him 12.1 . now these are they that c. toDav. day by day 22. there c. to David to help him a great host i Vhion. 11. 14. the Levites left all andc. to Judah 12. 11. the guard c. and fetched the shields 14. 14. for the fear of the Lord c. upon them 22. 1 . the band of men that c. with the Arabians 24. IH.wrathr.onJudah and Jerusalem for trespass 25. 20. Amaziah would not hear, for it c. of God 30. 1 1. divers humbled themselves and r. toJerus. 31. 5. and as soon as couimandm. c. abroad Ezia 2. 2. which c. with Zerulbahel, IMordecai 5, 5. not cause to cease till the matter r. to Darius iVcA.7.73. when seventhmonthc.were in their* ities £f//j.l .n.Vashti to he brought in, but she c.not 2. 13. then thus c. every maiden to the king 4. 2. Mordecai c. even before the king's gate 8. 17. whither the king's decree c. Jews had joy Ji'i) 3. t 25. I feared a fear, and it c. upon me 2(>.lwas not in safety, nor had rest, yet trouble c. 21,). 13. the blessingof him ready to perish r. on him So. 2ti. I looked for good, evil c. darkness c. Paal. 18. 6. my cry c. jietore me, even to his ears 27. 2. when my foes c. upon me they stumbled 78. 31. wrath of God r. upon them, and slew them 105.19. until lime that his word c.word tried them 31, he spake, and there c. divers sorts of flies 34, he spake, and locusts c. and catP-rjiillars £(i7. 5. 15. to go as he f. and take nothing, l(i. /.(/'. 2o. 1 . iu the year that Tartan c. to Ashdofl 30. 4. and his ambassadors c. to Ilanes 41. 5. ends of earth were afraid, drew near and c. Jet. 7. 31. nor <;. it into my mind, IQ. 5. t 32. 35. 8. 15. we looked for peace, but no good c. 4^ 21. incense yoa burnt, c. It not into his mind r £:«■*. 4. 14-norf- there abominable Hesh into mouth n . 3. c. to Lebanon, and took the hijihcst branch Gl CAM /?!C^. 33.22. aloro liettiat ftuwped c. opened mouth .17, 7. the boues c. together, bone to his bone 10. breathe, into them, they lived and stood up 43. 2. the glory of God of Israel c. from the east Dan.liJ.) 2. thoughts r. up into thy mind on thy bed 4. 28. all this con the king Nebuchadnezzar 7. 13. one like Son of Man c. with clouds of heaven 22. till the ancient of days c. and judgment given Amos (). 1. to whom the house of Israel c. Jonah 3. 6. for word c. to the king of Nineveh Uab. 3. 3. Ciod e. from lerman, and the holy One ii'tg. 1. 9. ye looked for much, and lo it c. to little 2. 16. when one c. to the press-fat to draw out Zec/i. 7. 12. f. a great wi'ath from the Lord of hosts 14. 16. of all the nations that c. against Jerusalem Mat. 2.1. there c. wise men from the east to .Icrus. 9. till it came and stood over where the child was 3, l.In those days c. John the Baptist preaching 7 .25. and the rains descended, and the Hoods c. 27 . y. 1. he passed over and c. into his own city 20. a woman c. behind, touched hem of hisgarm. 28. come into the house, the blind men c. to Jesus 20.28. Son of Man c. not to be ministered to 21.28. f. to the first and said, son, go work to day 30. he c. to the second, and said 1-kewise 32. John c. to you in the way of righteousness 25. 10. they went to buy, the bridegroom c. 36. I was in prison, and ye c. to me 26. 4g. forthwith he c. to Jesus and kissed him 60. though false witnesses c. yet found they none 2K. 13. his disciples c. by night, and stole him away Mark 3.8. heard what great things he did. r, to him 9. 21. how long is it ago since this c. to him ? 12. 28. one of the scribes c. and asked him 42. c. a certain poor widow threw two mites Luke 1.57. now Elisabeth's full time c, tobedcliv. 9. 34. there r. a cloud and overshadowed them 35. and there c. a voice out of the cloud, say. 15. 17. when he e. to himself, he said, how majiy 20. and he arose and r. to his father John 1. 7. the same e. to bear witness of the light 11. he c. to his own, and his own receiy. him not 17. but grace and truth e. by Jesus Christ 3. 2. the same c. to Jesus by night, 7.50. | 19. 39. 23. and they c. and were baptized 4. 27. upon this c. his disciples, and marvel, that 10. 35, if he called gods to whom word of God c. 12. .30, the voice c. not bfcause of me, but for you 20. 19. at even c. Jesus, and stood in the midot Acts 8-40. preached in all cities, till he c.to Cesarea 9. 21. f. hither for that intent, to bring them bound 10.45, as many as c. wi'h Peter were astonished 11.5. the vessel descended, and it c. even to me 23. when he c. and had ^^en the grace of God I9. 18. and many that believed c. and confessed 28.2 1 .nor brethren that c. spake any harm of thee Hr Exod. U. 20. the wie c. not near the other all night CAM T-rod. 40. S2 .wben they c.n to the alter.they washed Mun. 31. 48. oiricers and captains c. neur to Moies 36. I. the chief of Joicph c. near beforu Moses D^ttt. l.iiC. y-* c. MCi. and smote Micaiah kr. 42. I. from the least even to the greatest c.near Dan. 3. 8. Chaldeans r. iitarand aceuatd the Jews Cd, Nehuchadn 'zzar c. near to the furnace Acts 9.3. he f. ne/tm. 2. 23. the spear r. wnr behind him,and he fell 6. 80. Michael c. out to meet David and said 11. 23. the men prevailed against us and c. ovt IK. 4. and all the people c. out by hundreds and by 1 KingsH. 9. when the Lord made a covenant wiih Israel when they c, out of Egypt, 2 Chr. 5. 10. 2t' 19. these young men princes of provinces c. out 8 Chron. 20. 10. not Israel invade, waen they c. out 3ob\.*i\. naked c. 1 out of my mother's womb 3. 11. why died I not from the womb ? why did 1 not Rive up the ghost, wh n 1 c. out of the belly * Jtr. 17. J6. that which c. out of my lips was ri^hl Ezfk. 1. 4. a whirlwind c. out of the north, a cloud Jlah. 3, 14. they c. out as a whirlwind to scatter me Zeth, 5.9. c.i>u( two woini'n,and wind in their wings Mat. U. 34. the whole city c. out to meet Jesus 12. 44. return to house whL-ni'e I c. out, Luke 11.24. 27. 32. as they f^ out they found Simon of Cyrent- 51. and c. out of the gravis after his resurrection Mark 1.26.unc!ean spirit had cried, he r. out, 9.26. 6. 34. when he c. out he saw much people 4. 7- a voice c. oru of the cloud, saying, this is my hvke 1.22. when hitc.out he . ould not speak to them 4. 35. and he c, out of him, and hurt him not 15. 28. therefore c. out his father and intreatnd John 16. 27. because ye believed I c. out from God 17.8. they have known that I c. ont from thee 19. 34. his side, forthwith c. out blood and water At I ' 8.7 .for unclean spirits cuwr of many possessed 16. 18. and the spirit c. out the same hour 1 Cor, 14.36. c. word of God out from you, ortnyou Jifd. 3. 16. not all that c. out of I'gypt by Moses lien. 7. 14. these c. out of great tribulation and washed 14. 15. another angel c. out of the temple, I7. la. another angei c. out from the altar 15. 6. the ieven angels c. out of the temple 19. 5. a voice c. out of the throne, praise our G od CAME to pass. Exod.l2. 41. and itr. ro/^uvj at the end of 430 years, even the self-same day it c. to jiass, ;'»! . Detit 'I. j6. so it e. toyois, 1 .S-^m. 13. 22. 2 Kin^s 15. 12. Lsth. 2. 8. Acts 27. 44. Joih. 17. 13 it c. to vass when Israel grew strong £1. 4j. there failed not any thing ; all c. to pass Jud^. 13. 20. for it c. to pass, 1 Kings 11. 4, 15. 15. 1. it c. to pass, Q Kingi 3. 5. A'tfA.2.1. | 4. 1, 7. 6.1. I 7. 1. Jer.So. n. 1 Sum. 1. 20. it c. to pass when the time was come 10. 9. S'ld all those signs c. to pass that day 16. 23. it c. to pass when the evil spirit from God iSam. 2. 1. it c. to pass afler this, 8.v 1. \ 10. 1. 2 Kings 0. 24. 2 Chron. 20. 1. B Kings 8. 15. ana it c. to pass on the morrow, 1 Ch'on. 10. 8. Jrr. 20. 3. Acts 4. 5. Jsa. 48. 3. I did them suddenly, and they f. to pass 5. before it c. to pass 1 shewed it thee I 2'heis 3. 4. even as it c. to pass and ye Vnow G3 CAM Then CAME. Exod. 17. 8. then c. Amalek andfouf^ht with Israel i\'um. 27. 1. then c. the d kughtefs of iieluphehad 1 ^a//j.21.1. then c. David to Ahimelech the priest 2 6"rt/7i.5.1.r/if« c. all the tribes to David to Hebron 24.6. then ihey c . to G ilead, and numbered people ihinsi 18.37.//it«f .Eli.iki[ii andShebiia,ija,3[i.22. 2 Chron. 1. 13. then c- .Solomon from his journey 12. 5. theti c. Sheniaiah the prophet to Itehoboam Ezra 5.16. then c. Sheshbazzar and laid foundation iVf^. 1. 2. theit Ilanani one of my brethren c. 2. 9. then I c. to the governors beyond the river Job 30. 26. when 1 looked for good, thai evil c. Jcr. 19. 14. then c. Jeremiah from Tophet. whither 38. 2? then c. all the princes of Jeremiah Lzei. 14. 1. thine, certain of the elders of Israel 23.39.f/i^M they r .the same day into my sanctuary' iVat. 9. 14. then c. to him the disciples of John "i^.l.then e. to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, saying 12. then c, his disiiples, and said to him, 17. I9. 25. then c. she, and worshipped him, Mark 7. 25. lH.21.//ifH c. I'eterto him, and said, Lord, how oft 20. 20. then c. the mother of Zebedee's children 26. 50. then c. they, and laid hands on Jesus Luke 3. 12. (Acuf. also publicans to be baptized 22. 7. then c. the day of unleavened bread John 7. 43, then c. the officers to the chief priests 12. 28. then there c. a voice from heaven, saying £0.2U.f/r^n r. Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood They CAME, or CAME thet/. Gen. 11. 31. thepc. to Ilaran and dwelt there 12. 5. and into the laud of Canaan, thetj c. 22. 9. they c. to ihe place which God told them of / lod. 16. '35. till thet/ c. to a land inhabited 19.1. same day c. they into the wilderness of Sinai 2 .')i/wi.4.7.when tUey c. he lay on bed,they slew hi, 11 1 A'lJi^j 1.32. Zadoii and Nathan, rAfuc. btfore king 2. 7. so they c. to me, when I Hed from Absalom \3.'Z5.they c. and told it in city,where old prophet 2 Kings 2. 4. I will not leave, so they c. to Jericho 6. 4. when they c. co Jordan, they cut down wood 20.14. these men whence c. they to thee, La. 39-3. 2 Chron. 20. 4. out of all Juda they c. to seek Lord 29. 17, on eighth day c. theyio the porch of Lord Ezra 2. 68. some when they c. offered freely \eh. 13. 21. from (hat ti.iie forth r. they no more Joh 6. £0. they c. thither and were ashamed 30. 14. iheu c. upon me as a wide breaking in Pstil. 88. 17. thetf c. round about me like water Jer. 14. 3. they c. to the pits and found no water 43. 7. thus c. they even to '1 ahpanhes Ezek. 23. 40. a messenger was sent, lo they c. Dan. 2. 2. they c. and stood before the king fi. 24. or ever they c. at the bottom of the den Milt. 1. 18. before they c. together she was found 14. 34. thev c. into the land of Gennesaret 18.:il. thevc- and lold their Lord all, Luke 14.21. 26.73. af'ter a while c. they that stood by Mark 1. 45. thet/ c. to hrm from every quarter 3. 13. he called whom he would, and iheyc. lo him Luke 2. 16. they c. with haste and found Mary 24. 23. they c. saying, that they had seen a vision John 12. 9- /"£. c. to Isaiah, La, .18.4. 1 Chr. 17.3. uordofL.c. to Nathan |i22.8.to David 2C'/(.H.2.ai.o/X.f.toShemaiah,12.7- j lA'i«eJl2.22 Jer.l 2. word oj' the Lord do Jeremiaii,4. ] 2. 1 I 14. 1. j 29.30. I 33. 1,19. Dan.t).- Ezek. 1. 3. wordof L. c. expressly to Ezekiel, 3. 16. Uos. l.l. wordof L. f.to lloscalj Ji;^/ 1. I.e. to.Ioel Jonah 1. 1. w. of L. to Jonah, 3. 1. i Mic. 1. 1. to Micah /:;tf/'/i.l.l.w.o/*/,.c toZeph. [1 //oj. l.l.f.byllaggai Zcch. l.l.toZechariah |(7.4. c. of hosts to me, 8. 1, CAMEL. den 24.64. Kcbekah saw Isaac, lighted of the r. Lev. 11. 14. these ye shall not eat, the c. Deut.\i.T. 1 Sam. 15. 3. but slay infant, ox, and c. and ass Zcch. 14. 15. so shall be the plague of thee, and ass Mat.li).ii. it is easier for a c. to go thro' the eye of a needle, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25. 23. 24. which strain at a crnat and swallow a c. CAMELEON. Ltv. 11. 30. these shall be unclean, thee, the lizard CAM CAMELS Gi:rt.l2.l6 Abram had sheep, ojitu, she-asses, aud.- 21. 19. I will dr.iw water forihy c. alsj. 44- 30. 4J. Jacob had much cattle, asses, and c. 31. 34. Rachel put them in the c. furniture .37. 25. Ish.iiaelites came with their c. bearing Eiod. 9. 3. hand of the Lord on the c. and the ox^n Ju(/g. 6. 5. they and their c. without number, 7. IS 8. 21. took away .^rnanientson their c. necks, 26. 1 Sam. 27. 9. David took away c. and the apparel 30.17. save 400 joung men who rode on c. and Hed 1 A'i«i,-.y 10.2. came to Jerusalem wilhc. 2 C*4i-.9.1. 2 Kings a. 9. llazaeltook a present forty c. harden 1 CA/-c«.5.21.the Keubenites took away off, 5o,00v 11. 40. they of Zebulun brought bread on r, 27, 30. over the c. also was Obi 1 the (shmaelite L:ra 2. 67. their c. were 435. Neh. 7. 69. Ii\th. 8. lu. he sent letters by post on mules, r. 14. J.'3 1. 3, his substance also was three thousand r. 17. the Chaldeans fell on the c. and carried them La. 21. 7. he saw a chariot of asses and of c. 30. 6. will carry their treasures on the bunches off, 60. 6- ihe multitude of f . shall cover thee Jer. 49- 29- they shall take to themselves their f. 32. their f. shall be a booty, and their cattle Ezek. 25. 5. I will make Itabbah a stable for f. Mat. 3. 4. John had raiment of c. hair, Marie 1. 6, CAMESr. Gen. 16. 8. Ilagar, Sarai's maid, whence f . thou ? 24. 5, bring again to the land from whence thou v. 27,33, and 1 have eaten of all before thou f. Lzod. 23. 15. for in it thou c. out from Es;ypt, 34. 18. Num. 22. 37. wherefore c. thou not unto me .' Deut. 2. 37. to the land of Ammou thou c. not 16. 3. remember the day thou f . thou c. in haste 1 Sam. 13. 11. thou c. not within the days appointed 17.28. Eliab said, why c. thou down hiiher? S,im. 11, 10, c. thou not from thy journey ? 15. 20. whereas thim c. but yesterday, should 1 1 Kin^s lJ.9' not return by the way thou c. 17. 14. art thou the man of (iod that c . from Judah • 2 Kings 19, 28. 1 will turn thee back by the way by which thou c. Isa. 37. 29, Neh. 9- 13, thou f. down also on mount Sinai Isa. 64. 3. thou c. down the mountains Mowed Jer. 1. 5. before thou c. forih, 1 sanelified thee E.iek. 32. 2. and thou c. forthwith thy rivers Mat. 22. 12. friend, how c. Ihouin hither not having John 6. 25. they said. Rabbi, wlienf. thou hither? 16. 30. we believe that thou f, fortli from God Acts^. 17. Jesus appeared to thee in way.asthouf. CAMP, Exod. 14. 19- the angel of Lord went before the c. 16. 13. at even the quails came up and covered f . 32. 17. there is a noise of war in the r. 27 - go ihro* the c. and slay every man his brother 36. 6. they caused it to be proclaimed thro" the c. Lev. 17. 3. what man killeth any goat in the c. * 24. 10. they strove together in the f. Kum.l Si, Israel shall pitch every one by his own c. 2. 3, on the east-side shall the c. of Judah pitch 4. 5. when c. setteth forward. Aaron shall come 15. as the sea is to set forward, after that the sons 11.1. consume them in the utmost parts of the f . 2O. Eldad and Midad prophesied in the c. Deut. 23. 10. he shall not come within the f. 14. the Lord walked in the midst of thy c. Josh. 6. 18. and make the f. of Israel a curse Judg. 7-17. when 1 come to the outside of the e. 13. 25. Spirit of God began to move him in the c. 21. 8. there came none to the f. from Jabesh 12. young virgins, they brought them to the f. 1 S{tm. 4. 6. the noise of this great shout in the c. 13. f 23. the standing c. of the Philistines wen: 17- 17- and run to the f. to thy brethren 1 Kings 16. 16. all Israel made Omri king in the e. 2 Kings 6.8. in such and such a place shall be my i 7.7- they left the f. as it was, and fled for lite 8. and when these lepers came to the f. 2 Kings 19. 35. the angel of the Lord smote in the f. of Assyrians 185,000, Jsa. 37. 36. 2C/iniH.22.1. the band came with the Arabians to f, Psa!. 78.28. let it fall in the midst of their c. 106. 16. they envied Moses also in the c. Ezek. 4. 2. lay siege, set the c. also against it Jotl2. 11. for his c. is very gre;it, for he is strong Kev. 20. 9- compassed the r. of the saints about Into the CAMP. Lev. 14,8. after that he shall come into f.lfi. 26,28 Kuni. 11. 30. Moses gat him into c. he and elders i>ef(r.23.H.sun is down, he shall come into cagaJL 1 Sam.4.7. the Philistines said, God is come into c Out of the CAMP. /;T(»(/,ig.l7.Mosesbrought forth people pa? oftht c Lcf. 10.4. come near, larry your brethren out ofe 14.3. the priest shall go forth out of the c. and fook 17. 3. whitman soever killeth a goat out of the e. 24. 23. shimld bring him that had cursed out of c At/'/i. 5.2. command they put every leper our p/"« I 12. 14. let Miriam be shut out of the c. seveo day CAN AVwt i*.44.the ark and Moses departed not oju ofc. Veui 23.10. uncldaD person shallgoabroad«J/fr;/' I 'Sa/n. 1^ 17. spnilers came out of c. of rhilistines £ Ham. 1 2. behold, a mail (aniH out ofc. from Saul 3. lie said to hioi, ant of c. uf Israel am 1 escaped Hound about the CAiMP. A'«w.ll,31. quails fell, spread them round ab. c. 32. Jiii/g. 7. 21. stood tvery man in place lound ab. c. mthout the CAMP. Fjod. 29. 14. the flesh of tlie bullock shaltthou burn without the c. Lev. Q. 17. I 9- H. | 1^. 27. 33.7. pitched tabern. sought Lord, went without c. Lev. 6. 11. and shall carry forth ashes without thee. 13. 46. that hatli the plague shall dwell without c. ft'uni. 5. 3. every leper shall be put oil ii'ithout thee, 15. 35. gatherer of stirks shall be stoned a-i/Auw/ c. 19. 3. bring the red heifer without c. and slay her 31 . 19. and do ye abide without the c. seven days De'tt.illi. 12. thou shall have a place a.\so wit/tout c. Joih. 6. 23. Rahab left her kindred without the c, Ilefi .13.11 .bodies of those beasts are burnt without c. 13. let us go forth to him withont c. bearing his CAMP. ha. 29. 3. I will c. against ihee round about ier. 50. 29. all ye that bend the bow r. against it AflA. 3. 17. which c. in the hedgi^s in the cold day CAMP LI). Exod. ig. 2. and the^-e Israel c. before the mount CAMPS. Ceil. 32. 1 2. he called the name of that place two c. AV/i. 5. 3. leper put out, that they defile not their c. 10. 2. make two trumpets for journeying of the c. Amos 4. 10. 1 have made stink of your c. to come up CAMPIHKE. Cant. 1 . 14. my beloved is to me as a cluster of c. 4.13. thy plants are an orchard of c. with spikenard CAN. Gen.41.38.Phara. said, c.we find such a one as this r UtHt. 31. 2. 1 f. no more go out and come in ^^am. 12. 23. he is dead, c, I bring him back again ■' 19. 35. c. I discern, c. 1 hear voice of singing-men' JobKi. d. e. that which is unsavoury be eaien ' K. 11. c. the rush grow without mire? c. the flag? 22. 2. c. a man be profitable to God ? 13. c. he judge through the dark cloud ? 3ti. 29. c. any understand the spreading of clouds ' PsaL 7b. 19. they said, c. God furnish a table ? 20. c. he give bread also.' c. he provide Hesh .' 89- 6. who c. be compared.' c. be likened to Lord .' Proi. 6. 27. f a man take fire in his bosoui i 2a. c. one go on hot coals and not be burnt .' lia. 4ti. 7. one shall cry, yet c, he not answer 49. 15. c. a woman forget her sucking child ,' Jf/-.2.32.t. a maid forget her ornaments, era bride 23. 24. c. any hide himself in secret places that I ^i->o3.3.c. two walk together except they be agreed' 5. c. a bird fall in a snare where no gin is for him"* 8. Lord God hath spoken, who c. but prophesy Mat.i^J CS.whoc.besavedr MaiklO.'Z6. Lukei^.lij. 27. ti5. go your way. make it as sure as you c. Mark 2. ly. c. the cliUdjeu of bride-chamber fast ■ 9- 29- this kind c. come forth but by prayer 10. .'iK. c. ye drink of the cup that I drink of.' Luke D. 39- spaKe a parable, c. the blind lead blind .'' John 1. 40. f. any good come out of Js'azareth * t>. 60. this is an hard saying, who c. hear it 10. 21, c. a devil open the eyes of the blind ? 15.4. no more c. ye, except ye abide in me Acts 10,47- c. any man forbid water, that these lioni. 8, 7- mind is not subject tol.iw,nor indeed c. be Jam. 2. 14. and have not wnrks, c. faith save him .' 3. 12. (-.the fig-tree bear olive-berries? a vine figs '. How CAN. Dfut. \. 12. how c. 1 alone bear your cumbrance r I 'Sam.}6.'2.Aow c. 1 go, if Saul hear, he will kill me Ksth. 8. 6. how c. I endure to see evil or destruction Job 25. 4. howc. a man be justified with God ? Pros. 20. 24. hazi^ c. a man understand his way? Ecci.i. 11, but how c. one be warm alone ' JcrA~. IJiou'c.'iK be quiet seeing Lord given charge k t /'('"' canst thou be quiet seeing Lord given chargt^ Mat. 12, 34. hot! c. ye being evil speak good things I luhn 3. 4. hoiv c. a man be born when he is old? 9. Kicodemus said. ho:v c. these things be? » 6. 52. how c. this man give us his flesh to eat ? ■ 14.5,1 homas said, Lord, hirw c. we know the way r f /icti 8. 31, how c. 1 except some man guide me ? I CAN NO J. E Tju. I. 13. the calling of assemblies I c. away with r 29- 1 1 ■ read this ; he saith, 1 c. for it is sealed I Jer. 5. 22. yet the waves c. prevail, c. pass over \ 18. 6. c. 1 do with you as this potter, saith Lord ? * Dan. 2,27.secret king demanded.f. astrologers shew Mat. 16. 3, t. ye discern the signs of the times ? X^ukt 13.33. itr.be that a prophet perish outof Jerus. 1(5. 26. which would pass from hence to you c. \ Cot. Il.-t20. ye c. eat the Lord's supper iitb. tj. 5. of which we r. tw)w speak particularly CANST tjwrf. 33. 20. thou c. not dee my fact and live CAN Heta, 28.27. with itch.whereoftliou c. not be healed >/(iA3.'(.5.ifthouc.answer me.set thy words in onler Mat. 8. 2. Lord, if thou wilt, thou c. niiike me clean Mark^M'l. if thou t. do any thing, have compassion Acts 21. 37. chief captain said, c. thou speak Greek '■ CANDLE Is a Ions, roll or ct/linder made of tallow, tear, i$c. for s'l'i'i^ iiiiht, Jer. 25. 10. Luke 15. «. 1*0 which are compared, [1] The reasonuble smil, whuh M as a light set tip in man by God, and as htx dtftntii to observe and Judge our actions, and to inform and direct its, Prov. 20. 27- [2| Mtuis- terSf or the ^tfts and graces which God bestan's on men, which are ?tol »ite?i them only J'or their ojon sakes, but Jar the good of others also ; as when men lii^ht a candle, they are not to hide it under a bushel, but to put it on a candlestick that it may voi'imnntcate its light to all in the house. Mat. 5. 15. [3] The favour and blessing of (Jod, uhuh both direct and comfort (he soul. Job. 29. 3. They need no candle, Eet. 22. 5. Light, i« it.i metaphorical notion, signijtes knowledge, or com- fort : TAe saiuts in heaveti shall have no jieed of any created beings to help them to cither of these; God and Christ shall there Jill then souls with hionledge and joy not to be erprased. Job 18. 6. his c. shaJl be put out with hiui 21. 17. how oft is the c. of the wicked put out ? 29. 3. when his c. shined upon my head /'W.lb.2li.forthouwilt light my f. the Lord my G. Pror. 20. 27 . the spirit of man is the i-. of the Lord 24. 20. the c. of the wicked shall be put out 31. 18, her c. goeth not out by night Jer. 25. 10. and from them the light of the c. Mat. 5. 15. nor do men light ac. and put it under a bubhel, il7fl;*4.\'l. /.j^e 8. I6. | II. .S.^. Luke 11. 3(>. when bright shining of ac. givelh light 15.8. doth not she light a c. and sweep the house Rev. 18. 23, light of a c. shine no more tn thee 22. 5. and they need no c. nor light of the sun CANDLES Zeph. 1. 12. I will search Jerusalem with c. CANDLESITCK. In Exod. 25. 31, 32, &:c, we read of the candle- suck of gold with six branihes, which Moses made by the command of God to be put into the tabernacle: It was of hammered gold, a talent in weight : It had one foot of the same metal, and a stock with the bianchei adorned at equal dis- tances with sir fowers like lilies, with as mani/ bowls and k-nops placed alternately : Upon the stock and six branches of the candlestick were the golden lamps which 7vere immoveable, wherein there was put oil and cotton. 2t was placed on the south side in the holy place, and sened to illumi- nate the altar of peijume, and the table oj shew- bread, which were tn the .\a7ne place. The seven golden candlesticks represent the church. Rev. 1. 2u, enlightened by the Hpirit of Uvd with his sevenfold, or various opoiilictu, Hev. 1.4. And a candlestick Jnay be an emblem of the church, winch has not the light it shews j'rom Itself, but only holds it forth from Christ, Liod.^b. 31. make c.of pure gold, 37,17- A'H/M.a.4. 33. SIX branches that came out of the c. 37. ly. 34. In the c. shall be four bowls, 37.20. 26. 35. thou shalt set thee, over against the table 40. 24. put the c. in the teni of the congregation Lev. 24. 4. he shall order the lamps on the r . Sum. 3 31. their charge shall be the ark and r. 4. 9. shall take a cloth and cover the c. of the light H. 2. the lamps shall give light over against the c. 2 A':«gj4.10.lclussetfor him there abed,atable,ac. 1 Chr. 28. 15, lamps of gold, by weight for every c. 2 Chr. i3, 11. also set they in order the c. of gold Dan. 5. 5. and uToteover against the c. on plaisler 2'tft-/i.4. 2. I looked, and behold a c. all of gold 11. two olive*trees on the right side of flie c. Mat 5. 15, but on a c. and it giveth light to all in the house, Luke 8. 16. | 11. 33. Mark 4. 21. is a candle brought not to be set on ac. .-' Heh. 9, 2. the first, wherein was the c. and the table liev. 2.5. repent, else I will come and remove thy c. CANDLESTICKS. 1 Kings 7. 49- made thee, of pure gold, 2C/jr.4.7. 1 Chron. 28. 15. even the weight for the c. of gold Jer, 52. 19- he took away the c. spoons, and cups Rev. 11.4. the two c. standing before the Lord 6ce Sf-ve.n. CANK. Isa. 43. 24, hast bought me no sweet f. with money Jer. ^. 20. and the sweet c. from a far country CANKER, ED. 2 Tim 2 17 and their word will eat as doth a c. Jam. 5. 3. your gold and silver is c and the rust CANKEK-WOHM. Joel 1. 4. hath c. eaten, and whatf, left, 2. 25. yah. 3. 15. shall eat thee like c. make thyself asc. 16 the c. spoilethf and flieth away CAP CAI'TAIN Is a name applied, [1] To the king, or prince cf a people, 1 S.uii. 9. IG. [2] To a clutf m.nshai. Oen. 37. t 30. [3] To a general, or coinmandei in an army. Gen. 26. 21). 2 Sam. 5. 8. [4] 7i the head of a family, or tribe. Num. 2. 3. [5] To the governor of a province. Hag. 1. t I. [6] To such as have the command of a company, cou- sisttng sometimes if more, sometimes of fewer mm, Dcut. I, 15. Christ Jesus is called the C.iptajn of salvation, Ueb. 2. 10. He is the author and guide, or leader to salvation. He by his sitffering.\ and death merited salvation for his people ; bit hit woid and Hpirit Jits them for it ; he vanf/uishei all opposers of it ; and puts them finally into the acttial possession of it tn heaven. Gen. 37.36. sold Joseph to Potiphar.c. of the guard 40. 4. c. of the guard ch-ir^ed Joseph with them A7£m. 2. 3, Nahshon, c. of the children of Israel 5. Nelhaneel, c. of the children of Issachar 14. 4. let us make a c. and return, JS'eh.g. 17. Josh. 5. 14. but as (7. of the host of the Lord I conie 15, the c. of the Lord's host said to Joshua ./«(i'4'.4.2.<-.of Jabin'sliOBtwasSisera,7. 1 Ham.lQ.g. 11. 6. they said to Jephthan, come and be our c. 11. the people made him head and c. over them 1 Ham.^. 16. shalt anoint him cover my people, H). 1 . 13. 14. Lord command, him to bee. over his peojile 17-18. carry these ten cheeses to the c. of thousand 22. 2. and David became a c. over them 2 ^a?n. 5. 2. thouBhalt feed, and be ac over Israel 8. he shall he caief and c. 1 Chron. 11. ti. 19. 13. ifthoubenot r. uf host in roomof Joab 23. 19. Abishdi was therefore Uieir c. 1 h'ingsi6.l6. Israel made Oiuri, c. of the host,king 2 Kings 1, y, the king sent a c. with his fifty 11. he sent to him another c. with his fifty, 1.3. 4.13.wouIdest thou be spoken for to the c, of ho.it ? 5. 1. N aanian, c. of the host of the king of Syria 9. 5. he said. I have an errand to thee, O c 15.25. but Pekali.acof his, conspired against him 18.24. will turn away the face of one c. Jsa. 36. 9. 20. 5. and tell llezekiah the c. of my people 25.8, came Nebuzar-adan, c of guard, Je;*. 52.12. 1 19. took away ^cribe ofc. of host, Jer. 62. t 25. iChron. 11.21- more honourable, for he wastheirc 19-18. killed Shophach cof the host, 2.5«m.l0.18. 27. 5. the third c. Benaiah || 7- fourth c. Asahel 8. the fifth c. Shamhuth || 9. the sixth c. Ira 2 Chion. 13. 12. God himself is with us for our c. La. 3. 3. the Lord doth take away the c. of fifty Jer. 37. 13. ac. of the ward Irijah took Jeremiah 40. 2. the c. of the guard took Jeremiah, and said 5. c gave victuals and a reward, and let him go 51. 27. call together, appoint a c. against her Hag. 1. 1 1. word came to Zerubbabel, c. of Judah J)hn 18. 12. then the band and the c. took Jesus .-ids 5. 26. then thee with officers went and brought Ued.^.lQ. to make c of their salvation perfect thro' CAPIAINS. £jcrf.l5.4.1iis chosen calso are drowned in Red-sea Niim. 31.14. Moses was wroth withe of thousands Deut. 1. 15. 1 made wise men c. over thousands 20. 9. shall make c. of the army to lead (he people 1 Sam. 8. 12. he will appoint him c. over thousands 22.7.will sun of Jesse make you all cof thousands? 2 Sam. 18. 5. when the king gave all the c charge 23. 8. that sat in the seat chief among the c. 1 13. the three c. came to the cave of Adullam 1 Kings 2. 5. thou knowest what Joab did tu the c, 9,22. they were his princes, and c. and rulers 20. 24. take kings away, and put c. in their rooms 22. 33. when the c. perceived that he was not the king of Israel, they turned back, 2 Chron. 18. 32. 2 l\ing.\ 11.15. Jehoiada commanded c. of hundreds 1 Chion. 4. 42. having for c. Pelatiah and Neariah 11. 15. now thT'C of the 30 c. went down to David 12. 34. of Naphtali a thousand c and with them 2 Chron. 21. 9. Jehoram smote the Edomices and c. 33. 11. Lord brought on tht-m the c. of the host Neh. 2. 9. the king had sentc. of Uie army with me Job 39. 25. the thunder of the c and the shouting Jer. 13. ei. for thou hast taught them to be c. 51 .23. with thee will 1 break in pieces c. and rulers 57. 1 will make druiik her c, and her rulers Lzek. 21. 22. c to open the mouth in tho slaughter 23.6. c. and rulers all desirable young men. 12,23. Dan. 3. 27. the c saw these men on whose bodies 6. 7. the c. have consulted to establish a statute Nab. 3. 17, and thy c as the great grassl^oppers .1Va)-(ti,2l.lierodon birth-day made supper to hia c, LuAe^'2.4. Judas w^nt and communed with tlie c Rev. ly. 18. may eat th ■ flesh ofc. and mighty men CAPTIVE. Gen. 14. 14. heard that his brother was takea c. 34. 29. their wives took they c. aud spoiled all Exod. 12.29. unto the first-born of the c in dungeon Deut. 21. 10. and thou hast taken them c. 2 Kiiigi 5. 2. aud had brought away c a liule maid CAP CAP t A'i»i?«fi.CC. ^.nite thos thou h^st laken c.with lliy La \*~,.1\.\ am il solate.a f.aud mr.n-.-.iii, to and Iro 2\. or sliall th ■ lawfvil c. b delivered ' 51.14. thee, exile hasteneth.that he may bu loosed 52.2. loose thyself, O c. daughter of Zion Amos 6. 7. they shall go c, with the first that po f . £ Ttm. e. 2h. who are taken c. by him at his will Carry or carried CAPTIVE, or CAPTIVES. (iett. 31. Cti. earned away my daugbtt-rs as c. taken ISiim. 24. ^2. until Ashur shall carru thee away c. 1 A'i»gj 8,46. that they carrtt them away c.SCA.O.IiH. 4". if they bethink themselves in the land whither they were carried c. 2 Vhron. 6. 37. 2 Kin^i 15. 2 30. carried away c. of the lews 745 persons Liim. 4. ( 22. he will carry thee c. for thy sins l-'.te/c. 6. 9. nations, whither tlicy shall be carried c. l*an. 11. 8. and shall also carry c. into Egypt Amos I. 6. because they carried c. the captivity Obad. 11. in the day that strangers carried c. his Carrying CAPTIVE. Jer. 1. 3. to the carruin^ away of .lerusalein c. /.tfW, or"/frf CAPITVE. /wrfg.S.lC./frtrt'triyCitplivity f.thou son of Abinoani 1 /v'i7j5j 8.48. ill laiid of their enemies who led them c. 2 Chnm. 30. 9. compassion before them that lead c. Psal.fiH. 18. thou iiast led captivity c. Eyh. 4. 8. Jer. 22. 12. die in place whither they led liim c. Amos 7. U. Israel shall be /ffrff. out of their land yah.l.T. liuzzab shall be led f .her maids shall lead Luke 21. 24. shall be led away c. into all nations 2 'iVm. 3. d./e«t/<-.silly women laden with sins CAPTIVES. Snm. Sl.O, Israel took all the women of Afidiau c. 12. they Drought the c. \\ I9. pmifj your c. Vetif. 21. 11. scest amoni; the c. a beau'iful woman 32. 42. mine arrows drunk with the blood of the c. 1 Sam. 30. 5. David's two wives were taken r. 2 &'i/i?j 24.14. he carried from .ferusalem lO.OOOf, 8 Chron. 28, 11, hear ma, and deliver the c. again ] 3. and said, ye shall not bring in the c. hither Tsa. 14, 2, ihall take theni r. whoso c. they were 20. 4. lead away the Ethiopians c. young and old 45.13. he shall let go my e. not for price nor reward 49. 25. the c. of the mighty shall be taken away 61. 1. to proclaim liberty to the e. Liike\. 18. hr. 48. 46. thy sons and daughters are taken c. 50. 33. and all that took them c. held them fast t'w*.l.l.as I was among the f. by the river Chebar 16. 53. I will bring again the captiniy of thy c. Dun., 2, 25. 1 have found a man of the c. of Judah CAl'TIVirV. God generally pmiiilied the vices and infidelities of his people l>y different capttvuies or senitvd'ei vhereinio he permitted them to fall. After the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt, there are reckoned sis bondages or eapttiilici during the goverriment of Judges: Tha first under Chu. shan-rishalhaim, ting of Mt'SopoUTiiia, which continued nhont eight yen''s, .ludg. ;i.8. The second under Eglon, king of Moab, from which they toere delivered by Ehud, Judu,. 3. 14, 15. The third under the Philistines, out of which they were rescued 61/ Shanigar, Jiidg, 3. 31. 'J'hr fourth under Jabin, king of llazor, from which ihcy were delivered hy Deborah and Barak, Jnd^.A. 22, 23. The fifth under the Midianiles, fnmi which Gideon freed them, .)ndg. 6. 2, 12. The sixth under the Ammonites and Phihs- tines, during the judicatures of JepUthah, lltzan, Elon, Abdon, Eli, Samson, Samuel. The greatest and most remarkable captivities of the llaiiTKWS, were those w/" Judah and Israel. a'AicA happened under the kings of eac'i of thae kin^- dome. Xiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, in the year of the Tvorld 326t, took several cities belom^iug to ths kingdom w/' Israel, and carried a:va^ a great numhev oj captives, principally from the trihes (/ lU'ubeii, Gad, and the hall tribe o/ Mana.^- G4 seh, 2 Kinzi 15. 29. Next to him Shalmaneser loi'k and destroyed Samaria, after a siege ol three year^. in .3283, and transplanted the tribes which had been spared by Tiglath-pileSer, to the provinces heuo.id the Euphrates, 2 Kings 18. 9, 10, U. And It is generally believed that there was no returnfrom this captivity, and that the fen tribes Jtever came backagatn after theirdispersion. As to the captivities of Judah ; im the Jifth year of Kehoboam, son (»/' Solomon, .Sbishak, king oj Egypt, came ?ip against Jerusalem with a nu- merous arjny, and sacked the city, took away the treasures out of the house of the Lord, and out nj the hotme of the king, 2 Chron. 12. 2. ■Ifterroards, in the rei^n <>; Ilezekiah, SennatH/. 21. 13. he shall put the raiment of c. from her 30.3. Lord will turn thy c. and have compassiou Judg. 18. 30. till the day of the c. of the land 2 Kings 24. 15. those caiTied he into c. to Babylon 25. 27. in thirty seventh year of thee. Jur. 52. 31. 1 Chr. 5- 22. they dwelt in their steads until the c 6.15. lehoadak went intoc. when the I-/ird carried Chron. fi. 37 . if they pray to thee in the land of c. 38. if they return to thee in the land of their c. 29. 9. our sons and our wives are in c. for this Esra 9. 7. have been delivered to c. and to a spoil \eh. 1. 2. the Jews which were left of the c. 4. 4. give tliem for a pi-ey in the land of their c. Bsth. 2. 6. iMordecai carried away with the r. Job 42. 10. and the Lord turned the c. of Job /-'.Trt/.14.7.wbeiithe Lord bringeth back the r. 85.1. 78. (il. and he deliverelh his strength into r. 126.1. when the Ixtrd turned again the c. of Zioii 4. turn again our r. O Lord, as streams in south Isa. 5. 13. therefore my people are gone into c. 20. t 4. so /Assyria shall lead away the c. of Egypt 22. 17 . Lord will carry thee .iway witJi a mighty c. 46. 2. but themselves ,ire gone into e. 4y. t 25. c. of the mighty sh.ill be l;dcen away Jer. 15. 2. such as are for the e. to the c. 43. 11. 24 + 5. as good figs, so will I acknowledge the r. 29. 14. I will turn away your c. sailli the Lord, 30. 3. [32. 44. 1 33. 7. H, 20, CAH Jer 20 20. hear ye, all ve of (. | 28 this e. i' ' i"" 22. shall be taken up a" curse by all thee, of JuJa'l 31 .send to all iheni of the c .saying.thus saith l>orJ 30. in. and thy seed from the landof their c. 46.27 48. 11. Moab ib at ease, nor hath he gone into f. t 46.woetothee,0 Aloab.thy sons are taken into r /,«»(. 13. Judah is gone intoc. because of afflictioc 5. her children are gone into c. before the enemy 2.14. they have not disiovered, to turn away thyc 4. 22. he" will no more carry thee away into t E:ek. 1. 2. was the fifth year of Jehoiachm's r. 3. 11. get to them of the c. and speak to ihcui 15. then I came to them of the c. 11. 24. 11. 25. I spake to them of the c. all things 12. 7. I brought forth my stuff, as stuff for e. 16. 53. when I shall bring again their c. the c. of Sodoiu, and the r. of Samaria, and her dau^h. 25. 3. when thou went into e. thou saidst, Aha 33. 21. in the twelfth year of the c. one escaped 39. 23. that the house of Israel went into e. 40. 1. in the five and tw'enlielh year of our c. Dan. 6. 13, Daniel which is of the c. of Judah U. 33. shall fall by c. and by spoil many day! Hos. 6. 11. when I return the c. of my people Amos 4. 1 10. slain young men with c. of your horses Ubad. 20, the f. of this host, the c. of Jerusalem Mic. 1. 16. for they are gone into c. from thee Nah. 3. 10. No went into e. her children dashed Uad l.l7. from them shall proceed tlie c. of these 9. and they shall gather the c. as the sajid Ziph.i.T. the Lord shall turn away their r. ^3. 20. Zeih. 6. 10. take of them of the c. even of Heldal tiom. 7. 23. and bringing me intoc. to the law of sit 2 Cor. 10. 5. bringing into e. every thought to obtC See Captive. Bring CAPITVITY. Fzra 1. 11. he did bring up with them of the e /'*rt/.53,6, when Ooibriugeth back c. of his peop'u Jer. 30.18. I will bung again the c. of Jacob's tenli 31.23. when I shall bring again their r. 48.47. yet will i bring ag,T,in the c. of Mtiab 49. 6. i will bnng again the c. of Ammon 30. 1 will bring again the c. of Elam, saith tlie T.. Ezt'k. 29. 14. 1 will bring again the c. of I"g%Tt 39. 25, now will 1 bring again the c. of Jacob Joel 3. 1, when 1 biing again the c. of Judah Amji- 9. 14. 1 will bring again thee, of my people CA/Wmi.j/-CAP1'IVITY. F.ira 4.1. heard that chu'dr. ./c.buildedtlie tem|tle 6. 16. the nst of children ofc. kept the dedication 19. the child, of c. kept passover on the 14th day 20. killed passover for children of c. and brethren 10. 7. they made proclamation to i.\ie children of e. 1 6. the children (//V.did so, and all were separated Drt«.5. 13. Daniel which art oichildr. ofc of Judah Go into CAPTIVITY." Dei(/. 28.41. thy sons and daughters shall go intoc. Jer.^o. 6. thou and all in thine house shall §f in. c. 22. 22. eat thy pastors and ihy lovers shall 50 in.r 30. l6.adversaries,every one of them shall go in. 46. 19. O daughter, furnish thyself to go into e 4H.7.Chemoshgu intoc. |[49.3. their kings gy into e Eztk. 12. 4. shalt go forth, as they that go into c 30. 17. and these cities shall go into c. 18. as for Egypt, her daughters shall go into c. Amos 1.5.the people of Syria shall goiw/uc.untohit 15. their king shall go into c. he and his princes 5. 5. forGilgal shall surely go into c. and Beth-el 27. therefore will I cause youtogu intoc. beyond 7. 17. Israel shall surely g« iHroc. forth of his land 9.4. and though they go intoc, before their enemiea 2.cch. 14. 2. and half of the city shall go into e. liev. 13. 10. he that leadeth into c. shall go intoc Out <;/-CAPllVU V. £=rrt 2. 1- now these went up out ofc. NeA. 7.6 tzra 3.8. all that were come uponlofe. AWi.H.17 6.21. the children of Israel which were come agaio out of c. kept the feast with joy 8. 35. were come <*nl if'c. ofleredto God of Israel CARBUNCLE. S. F.Tod. 28. 17. the first row shall be a c. 39. 10. Art. 51. 12. and 1 will make thy gates ofc. Lzek. 28. \:i. the topaz and e. were thy covering CARCASE. f,ev. 5. 2. touch c. of unclean thing, is unclean 7. l2l. fat of the c. may be used, but noi eaitn 1 1. 8. their c. ye shall not touch. Dent. 14. 8. 17. t 15. every soul that cateih a c. shall wash Ihut.'^K. 26. thyc. shall he meat unto fowls of air Josb. 8. 29. that they shouln take his c. down Judg. 14. 8. to see the c. of the Hon, honey in thee. 1 Kings 13.22. thyc. shall not come to the sepulcU'O 24. his c. cast in the wav. a lion stood by the r. 2 Kings 9. 37. the c. of Jezebel shall be as dui p Tsa. U. 19. cast out as a c. trodden under feet Mat. 24. 28. where the c. is, there will the eagles t) CARCASES. Gen. 15. 1 1 . when the fowls came down on the c f.cv. 1 1 . 1 l.ye shall have their r. in abomination, 2C 26. 30. I willcast yourc.on thee, uf youridulo CAR Num. 14. ?9. yf ur f . shall fall in the wildernpss t !. 4. | 19. ?. I6.I8. they have filled mine inheritance with the c. Eztk. 6. 5. I will lay the r. of Israel before idols 43. 7. my name no more defile by c. of their kings y. let thi-m put the r , nf their kin'^s far from me .VflA. 3. 3. and there is n great ■lumber ot e. ?i«A.3.J7.grieved with iheriiwhosec. fell in wild(.Tn. CA K E Is applied, [T] To God, (1) In general, in retpert of his cure for all his creatures. Mat. 6. C(i, tO, 1 Cor. 9- 9- {") ^" particular, in resyfct of the gotfit/, I Pet. 5.7. [II] To men, and is either lawful. (1) when iheu endeaiour to ylease (Jod, to mvttm for their sins, and amend what has Aefyi amiss i*i thetr conduct, 2 Cor. 7- H '-) lVh€n they are concerned and toltcitmu abonx the welfa^n of ol/iiTS, aid the salialiini of thetr sonls, 2 Cor 7. 12 Phil. 2. 20 (.S) llhin /hei, "w- deratetv 'i*«f thought fo' the things of this y e- lent lif€t resigning themsehet at the same time to the tiill and prt-vidence of God, I Pel. 3. 7- (V unla:pfnl, (1) When titer/ are careful about things that are net in any case zcarranluble, a\ to make proriii'm foi the Jiesh. to jnlftl the hunts thereof, Rom. 13. 14. '(,2) When they hare a perplexing dininstful care about things :chich in their otnt 7iature are lawful and warrantable, as for one to be so dihzent tn his par ttctdar culling as to be careless of the worship of God, or to dislnui hifprotidence. Mat, 13. 22. Luke 10. 41. We are not careful to answer th*'e in this m;itter. Pan. 3. iti. The caie is so plain, that it admits nv dfsptitf, or deliberation ; U re/ritres no amner at all, at least in uords. but rather in deeds of c.-nstaiiey and courage on our parts. I ^/a. 10.2. thy father hath iefi ihp r . of the assps S Ai«s,(4.13. hast been careful f^T us with all thisr. .'*•''. 49. 31. ihH nation that dwellcih without c. i'~ek. 4. id. shall eat bread by weight and with c. i\lai. 13. 22. tlie f. of this world chokes the word [.nke 10. 34. he took c. of him, || '.\b. taxe c, of him 1 Cor. 9. 9- doth God take r. for oxen :• 12.25. should have the same c. one for another 2 Vor. 7. 12. but that our c. for you might appear Q. 16. put the same earnest c. 111 litus for you M. 28. besides the c. of all the chuvches I Tim. 3.5. how shall he take r, of the church of God /*«. 5. 7. casting ynnr/-, on h:m, for hecareth for LAKE, ED. S.im. 18. 3. for if we ilee, they will not c. for us Vsal. 142, 4. refuge failed, no man c. for my soul Luke 10, 40, dost thou not c. that my sister left me : Juhit 12. 6, this he snid, not that he c. for the poor Acts IB. 17. and Gallio c. for none of those things I Cor. 7. £1, aft called lieiiio: a sen'ant. c. not for it I'hil. 1. 20. who will naturally c. for your state CAH El-t^L. C fCi'tgs 4. 13 behold ihnu hast bren c. for us with Jer. 17. 8. and shall not bee. in the year of drought Dan. 3. lO. G Mebuch.we are not c. to answerthee Luke 1U.41. Martha, thou art e. about many things 12 t 29. live not ki c. suspense Phil. 4.6. c. for nothing, but by prayer let requests 10 wherein ye were c. h\ii lacked opportunity fit. 3. 8. they mieht be c. to maintain good works CAKEEULLY. iht't. 15. 5. if thou f. hearken unto ihe Lord i Chron. 36. t 15. sending his irn'Ssengers c. .Vic. 1. 12. forthe inhabitant of .Maroth waileth c. I'hil. 2. 28. I sent liim therefore the more c. lleb. 12. 17. though he snught it c. wi h tears CAKEFL'LN KSS. F.tek. 12. 18. drink thy water with trembling and c. 19. they shall eat their bread with c. and drink Cor. 7. 32. but I would have you without c. '^Cor.l.W what f. it wrought in you, what clearing CARELESS. J'ldg. 18. 7. the five men saw how they dwelt c. Ita. 32. 9- hear my voice, ye c. daughters, give ear in. shall be troubled yec. women || 11. ye c. ones £sek. 30. 9. to make the c. Ethi^piaus afraid CARELESSLY. i ha. 47. 8. hear now this thou that dwellest c. t'zek. 39. 6. sena a fire among them that dwell c. Z't'h. 2. 1 5. this is the rejoicing city that dwelt c. CA R ES. ^ \Jtirk 4. 19. the c. of this world choke the word Luie a. 1 4. and they are choked with c. and riches ; 21. .34. lest be overcharged with the c, of this life CAREST, ETII. ING. Petft.W 12. a land which the Lord thy God c. for Sam. 9. 5. lest thy father leave c. for thf asses Mat.ZI. 16. thou art tnie, nor e. thou for any man !Ji»* 4. 3'i. Master, e. thou not that we perish ? CAR ^Ta^k 12.1 L know thou art iruf, and e. for no man John 10. 13, because an hireling e. not forthe sh -ep I Cor. 7. 32. that is unmarried c.fortbi things, :14. 33. that is married, c. tor things of the world, 34. lP«r.5.7.casting your car.- on him, for h- c. for you CARNAL Signifies, Belonging to the jleth, fleshly, or sotsua I. I'his word is applied, [1] To such as are in a na- tural unregenernted state,7chi> are enemies to God, aJid givtnio sensual pleasures, John 3.6. Rom. 8. 7. [2] To one :cho is in pa>-t renewed by the grace of God. yet so oa ih-it there are leviainders of ■••in and corruption, ichtch oppose and ua^ against thi> gracious principle, Rom. 7.14. 6WA a one is carnal, ia part, tn regard of the remainders ot corruption ; and comparatively, in respect oj the purity of the law of Hod. [3] To the cere- monial law, which consisted of snch rite<, cere- montes, and ordinances, as only related to the body OJtd the purifying of the fcsh, but did not reach the soul, lleb. 9- 10. m'io worldly thiuQ* . such as silver and gold, and luher thing' needful forthe sustcntation of the b.'dy, Horn. 15. 27. '1 Cor. 9. 11. Rom. 7. 14. law is spiritual, but I am c. sold under 8. 7- becaust- the c. mind is enmiiy against God 15. 27. duty is to minister to ihem id c. things 1 Cor. 3. 1. but as unto c. even to biibes in Christ 1. for ye are yet c. || 4. are ye not c. ? 9. 1 1. is it a great thing if we reap yourc. things ' 2 Cor. 10, 4. the weapons of our warfare are not c. lleb.T. 16. made not after the law of a c. command. 9.10. which stood in c. ordinances imposed on tliem CARNALLY. £«r.l8 CO. Shalt not lie c.with ihy neighbour's wife 19- 20. whosoever lieth c. with a bond-maid \iun. 5. I >. and a man lie with here, and it be hid Horn. 8.6. forte be e. minded is death, but to be sp. CARPENTER, S. 2 ^am 5.1 1-IIiram sent e. to David,l Chron. 14. 1. 2 Kings 12. 11. they laid it out to r. and builders 2 Cliron. 24.12. they hired c. to repair, i'lra 3. 7. Isa. 41. 7. so the c. encouraged the goldsmith 44. 13. the e.stretcheth out his rule, he markeih Jer. 24. 1. the c. and smiths he carried away, 29.2. 7.ech. 1. 20. 'ind the Lord shewed me four c. Mat. 13. 55. they said, is not this the c. son ? Mark 6. 3. is not this the c. the son of Mary ? CARKlAG-i:, S. Sum. 4. + 24. this is the c. of th° Gershonites Judg. IH. 21. the Danites, and the c. before them 1 ^ni. 17. t 20. David came to the place of the c. 22. David left his c, with the keeper of the c. Jsa. 10. 28. at Micbuiash he hath laid up his r. 46. 1 . your c. were heavy ';«len, they are a burd. Acts 21. 15. we took up our c. went up to Jerusal 01 CARRY Signifies, [1] To bear, or remove, 2 Sam. 15. C9. [2] To protect and k,ep safely, Isa. 46. 3,4. [3] To lead, or drive, (fen. 31 18. [4.] 'I'o make to ride, I Chron. 13. W. Gew.37.25.Ishmaelites going to c. spiceryto Egypt 42. 19. go ye, c. corn for the famine of your houses 43. 11. c. the man a present, a little balm, honey 12. the money brought, c. it again in your hand 44. 1. fill the sacks with as much as rhey cai. c. 45. 27. he saw wagons Joseph sent to c. him, 46.5. 50. 25. ye shall c. up my bones, Exod. 13. ly. i;rorf.33.13. thy presence go not, c. us not up hence [^i\ 10. 4. c. your brethren out of the camp Sum. 11. 12. shou'd say, c. them in thy bosom Dent. 14. 24. so that thou art not able to c. it Josh. 4. 3. c. the twelve stones over with you 1 'Sam. 17. 18. e. these ten cheeses to the captain 20.40. Jonathan said, go, c them to the city 'ZSam. 19. 18. a ferry-boal to r.overkinc's liouse. 1 Kings 18. 12. the Spirit of the Lord shall c. thee C Kings 4. 19. his father said, c. him to his mother 9. 2. and c. Jehu to an inner chamber 17. 27. saying, c. thither one of the priests 1 Chron. 10. 9. sent to the Philistines to c. tidings 15. 2. none oushl to c. the ark but the Levites 23, 26. ihe t^vites shall no more c. the tabernacle 2 Chr.1. 16. thou shah c. the wood upto.lerusalem 36. 6. bound him to c. him to Babyloi.. Jer. 39. 7. Ezra 5, 13. c. these vessels into the temple at Jems. 7.15. c. the siiver and gold freely offered to God of feci. 10. 20. a bird oi the air shall c. the voice A. Gen. 47-30. Jacob said, thou shalt c.meont of Egypt De1^t.^8.'^H. shall c. much seedoj/r, gather little m I Rings 21. 10. then c. him out and stone him 22. 34. he said. c. me out of the host, 2 Chr. 18. 33 C Chron. 29. I6. c. it orit abroad into brook Kidron Ezek. 12. 5. dig through the wall.aml amt thereby Acts 3, 9. the feet at the door, and shall c. thee out 1 Tim. 6. 7. it is certain we can c. nothing oKt CARRIED. Gen. A6. 5. the sons of Israel e. Jacob, 30. 13. Lev. 10. 5. e. them in their coats out of the camj> Josh. 4. 8. they c. the stones over with them Judg. 16. 3. he c. them up to the top of an hill 1 Sam. 5. 8. let the ark of (ind be c. unto (rath 2 Sam. 6. 10. David c. the ark aside, 1 Chr. 13. 13 15. 29. Abiathar c. the ark of God to Jemsalvm 1 Kings 17. 19- h*^ <■- him '"''* a loft and laid him 21. 13. they c. Naboth forth and stoned him 2 King.t 7 . 8. and c. thence silver and gold and hitl \\ y. 28. his servants c. hira in a chariot, 23. 30. 20. 17. that which thy fathers have laid up in store shall be c. to llabylon, Isa. 39. o. 23. 4. c. the ashes of the vessels to Belh-e! 24. 13. he c. out thence all the trea.sure5 23. 7. they honndZedekiah and c. him to Babylon 2 Chron. 24. 1 1 . c. the chest to his place again 28. 15. and c. all the feeble of them upon asses 33. 11. who took and c. ^Ianass"h to Babylon 34. 16. Shaphan c. the book to the king 36. 4. Necho took and c. Jehoahaz to Egypt Job 5. 13. the counsel of tha iroward is c. headlong 10. 19. I should have been c. from the womb Pial. 46. 2, tho" the mountains be c. into the sea /j'«.46.3.remn2nt of Israel which are c. from womb 19- 22. thy daughters shall be c. on thy shoulders 53. 1.. surfly he hath borne our grlefs.e. our sorrows 63. 9. he bare and c. them all the days of old Jer. 27. 22. bee. into Pa'^ylon, 28. 3. | 52. 11. 17. Ezek. 17- 4. he c. twips into a land ot traffic 37. 1. ard c. me out in ihe Spirit of the Lord Dan. 1. 2. which he c. into the land of Shinar hlos.XO 6. it shall be also c.intoAssyria for a present 12. 1. make a covenant, and oil is c, into Egypt JoeT^. 3. and ye have c. into your temples LuieT. 12. behold, there was a dead man c. out 16. 22. and the beggar was c. by the angels 24.31. was parted from them, and c. up into heavf n -■Jf r.v 3, 2. one lame from his mother's womb was c 3. 6, young men c. Ananias out and buried him 7. 16. our fathers were c. over into Sychera 8. 2. devout men c. Stephen to his burial 21. 34. commanded him to be c. into the castle EuhA. 14. and c. about with every wind of doctrin* lleb. 13. 9. be not c. about with divers dortrint's 2 Pet. 2, 17- clouds that are c. with a tempest .fude 12. clouds without water, c. about of windi ^ee Captive. CARRIED away. Gcu. 31. 18. Jacob c. away all his cattle and goods 2d. hathc. aa'rttf my daughters as captives 1 .Sam. 30. 2. slew not any, but c. them auay, 18. 2 Kingsl7.6. c. Israel flfi'd-v into Assyria. 23, 11. heathen whom the Lord c. artwv before them 28. then one of the priests, wiinni they had caway 24. 14. e. away all Jerusalem and all the princes 15. e. flfiffly Jehoiathin to Babylon and his wivfj 23. 21. so Judah wase. away out of their land 1 Chron. 5. 26. lilgalh-pilnttscr c.owa-j Reurienil**, 6.15. when the Lord c, arr.jv Judah and.IerusaWi 9. 1 . who were c. nnay fnrtheir transgression ■iChruH. 12. 9. 8hisliakc ciphij me hhicio* of goM CAS 2rrt.l4.i3.Asaan(iihi'peoplpf.a.innchspoil,21.17. 1^. ility c. tttiay sheep and camels in abumlance - - • , .i._. i,..i !.„«., . _.. ycah T (\ CAS CAS Ttlal 5 55 dfliver thee •ojuOBP, and lieciiilo prison I .Ifn/.lT.CTc-wliooV.andlalceupfishfirjuomelliup f-'.trai. 1. these ih at had been f. arcav, JWA.7-fi 9.4. transf^ression of ihose lliat had ber-n r.d.lO.fi. 10. 0. separated from con^et^ation nf those c.nuay Joi>\. 17. fell upon the camels, and f, them flicnv /fr. 29. 4. whom I have ransed to be c. ff.v«v captive Pan. 2. 35. iron, vjold broken, and winds c. ibeoi a. A'lA. 3. 10. Ko was c. auau Into captivity Mat A.M. about tiire they werer. anavX.o Bahylon Mark 15. 1, r. Jesus a. and delivered him to Pilate 1 Cor. 12.2. were Oentiles r. o. to those dumb idols fVrt/.2. 1.'^. Barnabas was f. army with dissimut tion liev. 12. 15. micht cause her be c. rtiicyof the flood 17. 3. so he f. me away in the Spirit, 21. 10. CARKIKST. Kill, INC.. Gen. 45.1 -3. ten asses r. the good things of Ktjypt I •Sam.lQ.li.onz cthrce kids, r. three loaves of bread J->b 21. 18. are as chaff that the storm c. away 27. 21. the east-wind e. the rich man away P.^al. 78. 9. F-phraini r . hows, lurried l>ack in hatti 90. 5. thou f. llii-m away as with a Hood Mai. 1. IT. till tlie c. into Mal'vlon, from the f . Wf/j5.10,they f. her and buried her by her husband t\tt. 17. 7. the myslcrv of the beast that c. her CA RT. 1 Sam. fi.7. mal^e a n^wr. and tie the kine to the c % Sam. 6. 3. they set the ark on a new r. and brought I C/iron. 13,7. and L'zza and Ahio drave the r . lia. SB. 28. nor break corn with the wheel of the r. Amos^. 13. as ar. is pressed that is full of sheaves CAKT-KOrR. /yo.5.18. woe tolhem that draw sin as with a c.-n);;t' CAUr-WMKKL. ha. 28 27. nor is r. -«-//««/ turned about on cunmiin CARVr,D, INC., INGS. Erod ^1.5. Bezdieel in f . of tind-er, 35. 33. Judi. 18. 18. meL went and fetched the e. imape 1 A'infi*6. 18. tht cedarof the house within was f. 'J9. he c all the walls of house round abotit. 32. 2 "hron. 33. 7- ^^ >?* a c. imatiein the house of God 22. Anion sacrificed to all the r. ima:;es 34 3. .losiah pureed Judah from the c. imapes 4 he cut down the r. iniaf^es, and brake in pieces Pi(;it/.19.4. this is thee, of the slayer who shall flee 22. 1, thou shalt in any r . brine them iigain 24. 13. in any e. thou shalt deliver the pledge Pial. 144. 15. happy that people that is In such a e. Ji'r.'i. i 25. but thou saidst, is the r. desperate? I'.', 1 1. yet let me reason ihr c. with thee Mat. 5. 20. ye shall in no r. enter the kingdom ly. 10. if the f, of the man be so with his wife Ja .)i 5. 6. and had been now long time in that c. I Jor. 7- 15. is not under bondage in such c. CASKMKN'l'.^ Prpv.'J. 6. at the window 1 looked through my c. CASSIA Is a tweet spice, mejidoneti tv Moses ax an ingre- dient in the composition of the holy oi(,v;hich was to be made use of foi anotntiug the sacred vessfls of tit* tabemacie, Kx. 30. 21 . The Hebrew calls It Kl^^A;and the Sepluagini Iris. This aromatic it soid to be the bark of a tree very likecinnamoit, and erovs in the InAicsuiithoiit cultivation. Ei,-d. W.24. take of c. 500 shekels for the oil I'tal. 45. 8. all thy garments smell of aloesandc. Eiek. 27. 19. c. and calamus were in thy market CAST. Luke 22. 41. he wa5 withdrawn about a stone's r. CAST Signifies, [J] ToJling,orthroie,Ti!in.1i.6. [2] To mitcarry, or bring forth before the time. Gen. 31 38. F,xod.23. 26. [3] To melt, make.vr fiame, I'.xoii. 2.'>. 12. They cast him out, John p. 34. They pnt him out vj' the si/nagogve, or eicommvnicaied him. Thou hast" cast me behind thy bark, 1 Kings 14. 9- 'i'hou hast despised, disregarded, and forsaken nie, and tny commands and worship, oi men do lhing.( vhich they cast behind their backs. I.xod. 38. 27. of talents of tlie silver were r, sockets Job 18. 8. for he is e. Hito a net by his own feet Psal. 22. 1(1. I was f . upon thee from the womb 7I: 6. chariot and horse are c. into a dead sleep 140. 10. let him be c. into the fire, into pits Vrov. yf. 33. the lot is e. into the lap, but the lii.^5 7. the faceofthecoverint;/. overall peopl? Jri . 22.28. aref. into a land which ihey know not Jti. 11. and took thence old c. clouts and rags li. put now these old c. clouts under thy arm F.tek. 15. 4. the vine-tree is e. into the fire for fuel Ilan. 3, 6. be c. into the Diidsl of a fiery furnace 3.21 .these were c.into the midst of the furnace fi. 7^ he shall be c. into the den of lions, 1(3. iMiah 1. 4. then I said, I am r. out of thy si^ht Alat-'i. !■-' Jesus liciird ihat Jnhn wi.» «■ into prison mi 29. not that thy whole body be c. into hell. 30, fi. 30. ana to-morrow iscintotlieoven, Lukel'Z.'ZS. 21 .21. say to mountain, he thou r. into the sea .l/^rr/ 9. 42. belter he werer. into the sea, Lulel'.'i. 45. lirtving twceyes, feet, to be c. ItiIo hell, 47- Luke 3. Q. hewn down, c. into the fire, lUat. 3.10. 17.19. 23. 19. and for murder was e. into prison. 25. John 3. 24. for John was not yet c. into prison Aiti 27. 2O. howbeit.we must bt con a certain island liev. 8. 7. hail and (ire were c. on the earth 8. a mountain burning was c into the sea 12. 13. dragon saw that he was c. unto the earth ly. 2i). these both were r. alive into the lake 20. 10. the devil was c. into the lake of (ire 14. death and hell were c. into the lake of fire 15 not found in the book of life, c. into the lake CASr. Gen. 21. 15. llagar r. the child under a shrub 31. 38. thy she-goals have not c. their youug 37. 20. let us slay him, and c. him into some pit 3f|. 7. his master's wife c. her eyes upon Joseph Exod. 1.22. every son ye shrill c. into the river 4. 3. said, c. it, and he c. the rod on the ground 25. Zipporah c. the foreskin at his feel 10. 19, took locusts and c. them into the Red-sea 15. 4. Pharaoh's chariots he c. into the sea 25. when he had c. the tree into th- waters 22. 31. not eat (iesh torn of beasts, r. it to the dogs 23. 2fi. there ihall nolliing c. their young, nor be 25. 12. shallc. fonrringsofi:old,.37.3.'l3. ] 28.5. 32. 19- Moses c. tables out ofhiohand, and brake 24. 1 c. into the fire, there came out this calf A'/'Wf.iy.fi.pri St f. cedar wood into midst of burning 35. 22. c. anything on him wiihoutlaying wail 23. seeing him not, and c. it on him that he die Dent. 29. 28. the I.onl c. them into another land Josh. 8. 29. r. king of Ai at the gate of the city 10. 27. r. them into the cave wherein had bten hid Jiidg. a. 25. c. every one the ear-rings of hi> prey 9. i 17. for my father r. his lite far 53. a woman c.a piece of millstone, 2 Sam. 11.21 1 Sam. 18. 11. Saul c. the javelin, CO. .33. 2 6flm.lfi.6.Shiaieic. stones at David and his serv 13. Shimei cursed, and threw stories and c, dust 18. 17. they r. Absalom into a great pit in the wood 20, 12. Joab's man r. a cloth upon Amasa 1 Kingy 7.46. in plain of Jordan c. them, 2 Cyir.4.17- 14.9. and thou hast c. me behind thy back ly. 19. Klijah f.his mantle upon Elishx 2 A'j«i;i2,l(i.lest the Spirit c. him on some mountain 21. lie went to spring and c. thf salt in there 3. 25, on every good piece of land c. each his stone 4. 41 . then bring meal, and he r. it nito the pot (i. 6. he c. in the stick, and the ii-on swam 9.25. f. him in the portion of field of Naboth, 26. 13. 21. c. the man into the sepulchre of ILlistia 23. neither c. he them from his presence as yet 19. 18. have c. their gods into the fire, ha. 37. ly. 32. nor e. a bank against it. /.ra. 37, 33. A'eA. 9. 26. anil c. thy law behind their backs /JM.3,7. thty f . Pur, that is, the lot .before Ilanian 9. 24. llaman had c. Pur, that is, th^ lot Job 20.23, Ciod shall c. the fury of his wrath on him 27, 22. tiod shall c, upon him, and not spare 2y. i I". 1 c. the spoil out of his teeth 30. 19. he hath e. me into the mire and am become 40. 11. f. abroad the rage of thy wrath P.\n/. 55. 3. they c. iniquity on mo, and hate me 22. f .thy burden on the Lord, he shall sustain thee 74. 7. they hav¥ e. fire into thy sanctuary 78. 49. he c. on them the fierceness of his wrath Pro/'. 1. ii.e. in thy lot among us, let us all have lU cl. 1 i . 1 . c. thy bread on ihe waters, for shalt find /.wi. 2. 20. a man shall c. his idols to the bats 38. 17. thou hast c. all my sins behind thy back ./(•r.2fi.23.r. Urijah's body into (he graves of people 31). 23, c. it into the fire that wa.<; on the earth 38. (>. they f. Jeremiah into the dungeon, 9. 41. 7. Ulimael slew, and c. them into the pit />/m. 3. 53. cut off my life. andc. a stone upon me I'.zek. 7. [9. they shall c. their silver in the streets 1 1 H). allho' I have c. them far off among henthen 23. 35. because thou hast c, me behind thy back 28, 17. I willf. thee to thegrountl. 1 will lay thee Dan. 3. SO. and to c. them into the fiery furnace 24. did not we c. three men bound into the fire ? 6.24. c. them inlo the den of lions, their cJiildren .lonah 2.3. for thou hadsl c. me into the deep Mtc. 4. 7. 1 will make here, off, a strong nation 7. 19. thou wilt c. all their sins into the sea Nsh. 3. 6. ] will c. abominable filth on thee Zech. 5. 8.f. it into the cphah, c. the weight 11. 13. f. 11 10 the potter, c. tiifm to the potter ^}ai. 3. 11. nor vine c. her fruit before lime in field Mat. 3.10. is hewn down and c. inlo the fire, 7. 19 5.29. pluck it out and c. ii from ihec, 30. | 1 C.8.y. 7. 6. nor f. your pearls before swine, lest they 15.26. childrens" brc;*d, andf.it to dogs, A/a»X 7 -27. 18. 30. c. him into prison, till l*e pay the aeltt 22. 13. e. him into outer darkness, 25. 30. 27. 44. the thieves c. the same in his teeth Mark 9. 22, oft-times it hath c. him into the fire 11. 7. f. tlieir garments on him. I.uke 19- 35. 12. 4. another servant, and at him they c. stoiK j 41. r. money into the treasury, l.nkt 21 . 4. 43. this poor widow hath c. more in ihan all. 44 r.nie 12. 5. who hath power to c. intohe'l, fct/. 34. 24. 1 will c. out the nations before thee L€V. 18.24. nations are defiled which I c. otu before you, 20.23. De^tt. 7. 1. l^eni. 9.17. Ic. the two tables o«r of my two hands Josh, 13. 12. these did Moses smite, and c. themonr 2 Sam. 20 22 they c. out Sheba's head to Joab 1 Kings 9. 7. this house will 1 c. out, 2 Ckroii. 7. 20. SI. 26. as did the Amorites. whom the \jotA c. out before the children of Israel, 2 h'ingslO. :i. S Kings 10. 25 the captains c. them out and went 17. 20. till he had c. them out of his sight, 24. 20. S Chion. 13. 9. have ye not c.owr priests of the Lord 20. 11. to come to c. us out of thy possession Neh. 1.9- ifyt> tarn, though they were of you c. out Job 20. 15. God shall c. them out of his beliy .ly^.they bow themselves, they f.uuf their sorrows Psal. 5. 10. c. them out in their trausgressiv-ns IH. 42. i did c. them mtt as the dirt iu the streets 44. 2. how thou didst afflict peopieand c. th^mojd Go. 8. over Edom will I c. out my shoe, 108. 9. 78. 53. he c. out the hrathen before them, UO. 8. J'rov. 22.10. f.outthescorner, and contention go out /»«. 14.19. but thou arte, ow of thy grave, like an lO. 2. as a wandering bird c. out of the nest 2u. 19. and the earth shall c. out the dead 3t.3. their slain shall also bee out and stiukcome 58. 7. that thou bring the poor that are c. out 06. 5. brethren that c. you out for my name's sake Jer. 7 .15.lv/i\\ c. yon out of my sight, as I havec.owr 9. 19 because our dwellings have c. us out 15. 1 e. them out of my sight, 23. 39. ] 52. 3. 1(3. 13. therefore will I c. you out of this land 22.26. I willc. thee our, and thy mother that bare 36. 30. his dead body shall be c. out in the day 51. 34. Nebuchadnezzar hath c. me out Exek. 16. 5. but thou wast c. out in the open field 28. Ifi. willf. thee as profane ct/^ of mount, of God .4rt(.»j' 8. 8. the land shall be c. out and drowned J/ir. 2. 9- the women of my people have ye c. out Zejih. 3. 15. the Lord hath c. out thine enemy Zech. 1. 21. to c. out the horns of the Gentiles 9. 4. the Lord will c. hero7tl, and smite her power Mat. 5. 13. salt unsavoury to be cow, LtJce 14. 35. 7. 5. hypocrite first c. out the beam, Jjuie 6. 42. 22. Lord, have we not in thy name c. ot« devils • *(. 12. the children of the kingdom shall be c. out lO. and he c. out the spirits with his word 31. if thou c, us out, suffer us to go into swine 9. 33. when the devil was c. oui the dumb snake iu.l. gave them power against spirits to e. them out 8. heal the sick, raise the dead, e. out devils 12.24 .not c.tfH/ devils but bvlleelzeb. Lnkell.lH. 26. if Satan c. out .Satan, divided against himself 68. but if I by the Spirit of God f. out devils 15. 17. goeih into belly, and isc. out into draucht 17. 19- why could not we c. him out ? Morili.QH. 21.12. c.tm( ail that sold, Mori 11 A5. Ljike \g.45. 39. fJiimoK/ of vineyard, AlarA i2.8.X.ui«20.15. l/'-y c. out devils Luke 6. 22. c.out your name as evil, for Son of Man 1 1. 20. if I with the fin.:er of God ( out devils 13. .'12. I c. out deviU. and do cures to-day and 20. 12. they wounded him also and c. him out John d. 37. him that cometh I will in no wise c. out y. 34. dost thou teach us? and they c. him out 12.31. now shall the prince of this world be c. out Acts 7. ly. so that they c. out their young children 2l.whenMoses was r.owr I'hkraoh's daughter took 58. they f . Stephen ott/ of the city and stoned him 27 . 19. third day we c. out the tackling of the ship 2y. c. four anchors out Ij 38. c. out wheat into sea C'ai. 4. 30. c. out the bond-woman and her son Hev. !2,y. and the great dragon was c.tww, the devil 15. the Serpent c. out of his mouth waters, 1(3. Lord CAS r out. 1 A.iji^jl4.24. which the Lord c. out before children of Israel. 2 Kings \&. 3. 2 fhron. 28. 3. | 33. 2. 2 Kings 17. 8. the Lord c. out before Israel, 21. 2. Zecli. y. 4. behold, the Lord will c. her out and smite CAST n/j. 2 Sam. 20. 15. they c. tip a bank against the city La. 57. 14. c. ye up, prepare the way, 62. 10. 20. troubled sea, whose watersc up mire anddirt Jcr. 18. 15, to walk iu paths, in a way note, up 50.2IJ. c. her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly Lam. 2. 10. c. up dnsion their heads, Ezek. 27.30. Van. 11, 15 king of the north shall c. up a. mount CASlESr, EIH. J"^ 15.14.yea,thou c.offfearand restrainest prayer 21. U). thy cow calveth and c. not her calf Pial. 50. 17. seeing thou c. my words behind thee 73. IB. thou c. them down into destruction 88. 14. why c. thou off my soul .' why hidest face 147. 6. the Lord c. the wicked down to the ground 17- he c, forth his ice like morsels, who can stand Proi-. 10. 3. he c. away the substance of the wicked iy.l5.slothfulnesSf. into a deep sleep, an idle soul 21 . 22. c. down the strength of the confidence 2(1. 18. as a mad-man f. fire -brands, arrows. and death Jer. 6. 7- as a fountain so she c. out her wickedness Uos. 9. t 14. give them a womb that c. the fruit :Ug the vapour P^al. 50. 10. the c. upon a thousand hills is mine 104. 14. he causeth the grass to grow for the c. 148. 10. beasts and all c. praise the Lord h'ccl.Q.~. hadgreat possessions of great and small f. Ita. 7. 25. and for the trtad ng of lesser c. 43. 23. thou hast not brought me the small c. 4(i. 1. their idols were upon the beasts and the c Jer. 9. 10, nor can men hear the voice of the t. Ezei. 31. 17. I judge between c. and c. SO, 22. Hag. 1 ' 1. I called for a drought upon land and c Zech. 2. ■*. for the multitude of men and c. there:ii 13, 5. meu taught me to keep c. from my youth Luie 17.7 having servant feeding c. will say to him John 4. 12. Jacob, his children drank, ajad his e. Much CATJLE. Gen. 30. 43. Jacob increased and had much c. Eiod. 12. 38. Isr. went out of Egypt with much c Deut. 3. 19. for I know that ye have much c. Josh. 22. 8. return to your tents with very much c. 2 Chron. 26. 10. Uzziah had much c. in the plains Jonahs. 11. spare Nineveh, wherein is much c Our CATTLE. Exod. 10. 2(t. our c. also shall go with us 17-3. to kill us, our children, and our c. with thirst Num. 20.4. that we and oia- c. should die there 32. 16. we will build sheepfolds here for our c. 26. all our c. shall be there in the cities of Gil ad Jo>h. 21. 2. give us cities with suburbs for our t. ^eh. 9.37. have dominion over our bodies and Dftrr 10. 36. to bring also first-born of our sons and ow c Their CATIXE. Gen. 31.23. shall not their c. and substance be oir* A'7(7«.31 .y. slewMidianites,and look spoil of thei- v. 35. 3. the suburbs shall be for their c. Josh. 14. 4 Judg. 6. 5. the Midianites came up with their c. i.S«m.23.5.David fought, and brought away //itrir c 1 Chron. 5. Q. because their c. were multiplied 7. 21, because theycamedowuto take awayrAtfiVc, Psal. 78. 48. he gave up their c. also to the hail 107. 38. he suffered not their c. to decrease Jcr. 4y. 32. their camels a booty, their c. a spoil Thy CAJTLE. Gen. 30. 29. thou knowest how thp c. was with me 31. 41.1 served thee six years for ihi/ c. £.j-wrf.y.3.hand of the Loru is on ihu c. iu the field ly. sena therefore now and gather ihu c. 20. 10, servant nor r^v f. do any work, Deut .5.\%. 31. ly. every firstling among thy c. js mine Lev. Iy.l9- let not thy c. gender with a diverse kirvl 25. 7. sabbath of the laud shall be meat for thv c. Ueut. 11. 16. I will send grass in fields for tku c. 28. 4. ble.'aedshall be thefruit of r/ivc 11. [ 30, 9 51. he shall eat the fruit of thy c. and thy land y^a. 30.23. that day shall thu r.fi-ed in large pj^stures Your CAITLE. Gen. 47, I6. giveyt^iir c. give you bread iotyour r Z,eL.26.22. if ye will not hearken, w-U destroy w. i Uent.3.1<). your c. shall abide ii) ciUt^s, Josh. 1 . 14 7.14. male nor female shall be barren aiiiong ji. r 2 Kings 3. 17 - that ve may drink both ve aud >. i CAUGHT. f'/"i.22 13. behold. tieJuud liiu:*raui( bv horit.i CAU iyfji.39.15.J>hef.hin hy t;arment,sayin»,lie witli mp Krod. 4. I. pui forth his h;inil, and c. the st-rpeiit Kum. M. ^2. rest of the pn-y the men of warh.id c. Jyd^. I. 6. f. Adoni-hezfk, and cut off his thumbs H.li.c.a young man of the men of Succoth.and said 15.4. Samson went and c, three hundred foxL-s SI. 1^. look wives of tliem danced, whom they c. Slim. 17. 35, I c. him by his bfard and slew hmi Sa/ii. 1. 16. and they f. every one his fallow IH. ij. AbsaJoui's head c. hold of the oak Kini^t 1. 50. at d Adonijah c. hold on the altar i. 20. Joab f. hold on the horns of the altar 11. 30. Ahijah c. the new liarmL-nt and rent it 2 Ktn^s-^. 27. the Shunamite r. Klisha by the feet 2 Chr-jn. 22. 9- thej" e. Ahaziah and broufjht him P10V.I. 13. sosh*' c. him, and kisst-d him, and said Jer, 50. 24- O Babylon, thou art found and also c. Mat. 14. 31. Jesus c. Peter, and said luito him 21. 39. the husbandmeo c. him and cast him oui Mark 12. 3. they c. the servant and beat him Luke 8. 29. oftPiuimes it c. hi.ii, and he was bound J)hn 21. 3. they went, and that night c. nothim; Acts 6. 12. they came upon Slepben and c. him 8. .39. the Spirit of the Lord c. away Philip 16. 19. they c. Paul and Sil:is, and drew th^'m 26. 21. for these causes the Jews c. me in the tfnipli- 27. 15. when the ship was r. we let her drive 2Ci>r, 12. 2, I know a man c. uplo the third heaven 4.how he was c. up into paradise, and heard wordi IC. being crafty, I c. you with guile 1 Thess. 4. 17. weshallbef. uptojether M-ith them Uev. 12. 5. her child was f. up to God, to his throne CAUL, S. tLiod. 29. 13. the c. thai is above ihe \iver. 22. L#p. 3.4. 10, 15. i 4.9. I 7.4. |8. 16, 25. I 9- 10, 19. fsa. 3. 18. the Lord will take away their c. and tires lios. 13.8. will rend the c. of their heart and devour CAUSE Signifies, [\] A ground, reaton, or motive, 1 Sam. 17- 29. [2] A Miit, action, or controversif, Lxod. 22. 9. Isa. 1. 23. [3] Hake, or account, 2 Cor. 7.12. Rtod. 2S.g. ther. ofboth shall come before judges 23. 2. nor speak in a c. to decline after m ny 3. norshalt thou countenance a poor man in hisr. 6. nor wrest ihe judgment of the poor in his c Num. 16.11. for which c. thou and all thy company are galluTed together against the Lord 27. 5. Moses brouf^ht their c. before the Lord Vait. 1. 17. the c. that is too hard for you, bring osli. 20. 4. the manslayer shall declare his e. aiim. 17. 29. and David said, is ihere not a r .' 25. 39. I^rd hath )dcaded the c. of my reproach Ham. 13. 16. there is no c. this evil is greater than 15. 4. that hath any suit nr c. might come to me V.n?v8 45.roaintainUieirc.49.5p. 2 CA.'5.35,.39 11. 27. this was the c. that he lift up his hand 12. 15. for the f. was from the Lord, 2 CAr. 10.15. 1 C/(r. 21. 3. why will he be a r. of trespass to Israel ' 2 Chron. 19.1(). what r . shall come of yourbrethren Ezra 4. 15. for which c. this city was destroj-ed Seh. 6. 6. for which e. thou buildest the wall ii-h 5. 8. and unto Clod will I commit my c. 13. 18. behoM O'lw, [ have ordered my c. 83. 4. I would order my c. before him, and fill '9. 16. the f. which I knew not, I searched out ( 1 . 1 3 . if I did despise the c. of my man-ser\'ant Pscil. 9- 4. for thou hast maintained my c. 35. 23. awake to my c. mv CJcd aJid my Lord 27. let them be glad that favour my righteous c, 140, 12. I know that the Lord will maintain the c. Prov. IH.I7. he that is first in his own c. seems just 25. 9. debate thy c. with thy neichbour himself 29.7. the righteous considereth the c, of the poor 31.8. open thy mouth for the dumb in the c. I'ecl. 7. 10. say not thou, what is the c. that ha. 1. 23. nor doth c. of the widow come to them tl. 21. produce vour r. saith the Lord, bring .50. t 8 who is ttie m.Tster of my c. let him come 51. 22. (Jod that pleadelh the c. of his people Jtr. 5. 28. they judge not the c. of the fatherless 11. 20. for to Uiee have I revealed ray c. 20. 12. Lord, unto thee have I opened my c. Jtr. 22. ifi. he judged the e. of the poor and needy (Mm. 3. .36. to subvert in a c. the I>d. approveth not 59. I^trd.thoti hast .seen my wrong, judge my c. h'liah 1. 7. that he may know for whose c. 8. M,if.5. 32. his wife, saving for the c. of fornication 19. 3. for a man to put away his wife for every c. Luke 8. 47. declared for what c. she touched him 23.22. 1 have found no c. of death in him icis Id. 21. what is the e. wlierefor«' ye arc come? 3.28. ihoupb they found no c. of'deitth in him W, 14. Fealus declared Paul's e. lo the king 'M. 18. 1>' cause there was no e. of death in me • for. k. 16. for which c. we faint not, but though i. 13. or whether we be .sober, it is for your c. 7- 12. I illd it not for his c. that had done wrong I'ttil. t. 18. for l)ie sanii- c. aUo dr- ye joy with me CAU 2 Tim. 1. 12. for which c. T sulfer these things Ueh. 2. 11. for which c, he is not ashame'i to call 1 Pet. 2. -f 23. committed his c. to him that judgeth PUad CAUSE. 1 Sam 24. l5. the I^rd be judge, and plend my c . Psal. .30. 1. I 43. 1. I 119. 154. P\al. 74. 22. arise, (> (Jod, plead thine own r. Pror. 22. 23. for the Lord will plead their c. 23. 11, he shall plead their c. with thee 31.9. op«n thy mouth, ;t/«<7(/ thee, of poor, needy Jer. 30. 13. there is none to pUad thy c. 50. 34. the Lord shall thoroughly plead their c 51. 3t), behold, t w'\\\ plead thy c. and take veng. Mic, 7. 9. until lie pl<-ad my c. and execute lor this CAUSE, Fxod. 9. \G. for this c. have I raised up Pharaoh 2CAron.^2.20./or t/iis c. ilezekiahand Isaiah pray. Pan.^.ll./or t/tis f.the king was angry and furious Mat. 19. 5. for this c. shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave to wife, Mark 10.7- Pp/tS.'M. John 12.27. but /flr f/jjjr. came T unto tuis hour 18. 37. and_/i>f this c. came I into the woiM Hum. X.^Q. for this c.G. gave them up to vile effect. 13. 6. for tht.t c. pay ye tribute also 15. g./ort/iise.l will conf. to thee among the gent. 1 CW. il. 30. for t/its c. many are weak and sickly F-p/t. 3. M.for this c. I bow n^y knees to the I'ather 1 'I'lieM. Z. 13. for l/iii c. thank God without ceasing 2 Thexs.^.W for this e.Ct. s\ 11 send strung delusion 1 Tim. l.Ki. howbeit,yor this c. I obtained mercy Iled.^.ldfir this- c. he is the nu'di.^tor of new testa 1 Pet. -i.d. for this e. was the g'lspel pre:ich. lo them llithi'Lt CAUSE. 15ffm.l9 5. wilt thou sin.to slay Daxid wit hr^it ac? Johi 3. thou movedst me to destroy him tiiV/wiM/ ac. 9. 17. he multiptieth my wounds icithout c. Psiii. 7. 4. I dtdivered him that a', c. is my eneray 2.>. 3. let them be ashamed that transgress ui. c. 35-7. w. c. they hid or me a net, digged apit rt-.c. 19. that hate me uithout c. 6^.1. John 15. 25. 109. 3. and they fought against me without a c. 119.78. the proud dealt perversely with me w. a c . Itil. princes have persicuted me uithout c. Prov. 1. 11. let us lurk for the innocent without c. 3. 30. strive not with a man j^^. c. if he have done 23. 29. who hath sorrow, who hath wounds w. c. 24. 28. be not witness against neighbour without c. I\a. 52. 4. the Assyrian oppressed them wttlumt c. ffim. 3, 52. mine enemies chased me sore within,; c. Ezek. 14. 23. have not done w. c. all I have done .Vat. 5. 22. whoso is angry with his brother v. c. CAUSl',. Gen. 7. 4. I will c. it rain on the earth forty days 45. 1. he cried e every man to go out from me pTod. 8. 5. c. frogs to come up on the land of I'gypt 21. 19. and shall c. him lo be thoroughly healed f^ev. 19. 29. thy daughter, to c. her to be a whore 2O. Id. consume the eyes, and c. sorrow of bean A'u.ii. 8. t7' c. a. razor to pass over the Levites 16. 5. who is holy, the Lord will c. him to erne Ueut. 1. 38.encouragehim, for he shall c. Israel to inherit it. 3. 28. | 31.7. Jmh. 1. f 0. 12. 11. God shall choose toe. his name to dwell 24. 4. and thou shalt not c. the land to sin which 28. t'Jl. them will I^rd c. to ascend till destroyed Jiid^. 6, 1 11. Gideon threshed wheat to c. it Hee 2 Sam. 13. 13. whither shall I r. my shame to go ? 1 h'iii^i 8. 31. an oath laid on him to c. him swear 2 A'm.'j 19.7. will c. him to fall by sword, /ja.37.7. Neh. 13. 26. him did outlaiidiot 28. 12. this is the rest yi- may c. the wearj- in rest •iu. 30. the Ix)rd c. his glorious voice to 1h> heard 42. 2. nor c. his voii c lo be heanl in the streets 58. 1*. r will f. thee lo ride upon the high places ()1.1 1. so T/>rd will c. richti-onsn'ss to sprinc forth (ifi. 9. shall 1 bring to birth, and not r. bring forth ^ Jer. 3. 12. I will not c. mine angertofall on you 7. 3. I will e. you to dwell in thisplac, 7. 12. + 9. c. beasts of Ihe field to come and devour 13.16. give glory to the I/jhI before he c. darkness 15. II. 1 will c. the enemy lo entreat ihee well CAU Jer. 23. 27. who think to c. my pt oplc forget 25. t 10. I will c. to perish the voice of mirtn 31. 2. even Israel, when 1 went to c. him to ren 9. I will r. them to walk by the rivers of waters 32. 44, 1 will c. llieir captivity to return, 33. Cfi Liim. 3. 32. tho" he c. grief, yet will he have com. Ezek. 20. 37. 1 will c. you to pass under the rod 24. 8. that it mi'.:ht c. fury to come 10 veni;eanc* 34. 15. I will c. them to lie down, saith the Lnl 36. 12. I M-ill c. men lo walk on you, even Isr;ift Da7t. 8. 25. he shall c. craft to prosper in his hanu 9.17. O ourGod, c. thy fai-e to shine on sanctuaiy + 18. we do not c. to fall our supplication 11. t 32. shall he c. to dissemble by Hattei-ie? Hos. 4. t 9. I will c. to return for their ways Joel 3. 11. thither c. thy mighty ones come down Amos.6. 3. and c. the seat of violence lo come ii.-.tr 8. 9. I will c. sun to go down at noon and darkt.'U 9. t 9. <"■ to move isratl among all nations Xfi'- 2. t 8. stand, but none shall c. thera to turn Ila/> 1.3. why dost thou c. me to behold grievancfi Mat. 6 » 29. if thy right eye c. thee to offend 6. t 2. c. not a trumpet to be sounded 10.21. children rise up against parents and c. thr to be put lo death. Mmk 13. 12. PukeQl. 1. fli'/n.l6.17.mark them who (-.divisions and offeiutS Col. 4.16.C. that it be read in church of Laodiceani Cause to cease. Ste Cease. CAUSED. Gen. 2. 21. God e. a deep sleep to fall on Adam 20. 13. God c. me to wander from my fathers Ezod. 14. 21. the Lord c. the sea to go back .V?(»i. 31. 16. these c. Israel lo commit whoredntr. Deut. 34.4. this is the land, I have e. thee to see il 2 Sam. 7. 11. c. th^-e to rest from thine enemies 22. f 40. hast thou c. to bow, Psal. 18. * 39. 1 Kings H.ig. c.a. seat to be set for the king's mothet 2 Chr. 34. .32. he call present in Jems, lo stand il Ezra 1 .+1 . Cyrus c. a voice to pass thro' his kingdom 6. 12. the God that hath c. his name to dwell AV(.8.7. r^vitesc. people to understand ihe law, 8. Esth. 5. i 10. Ilaman sent and c. his friends lo coma 14. Ilaman c. the gallows to be made Joi 31. 16. if I have c. eyes of the widow to fail Psil. 66.12. thou hast c. men to ride over our heads 78. 13. he divided the sea, and r. them to pass thro' 26, he c. an east-wind to blow in the heaven 119. 49. word on which thou hast c. me to hope Prov. 7. 21. with fair speech she c. him to yield /,>«. 6. t 7. c. it to touch my mouth, anil said to 19. 14. they have c. Egj'pl to err in every worli 43. 23. I have not c. thee to serve with an offering ha. 47. t 10. thy wisdom c. thee lo turn away 63. J4. the Spirit of the Lord c. him to rest Jer. 3. t 18. to the land I c. your fatliers posse.-** 12. 14. whit h I have c. my people Israel to inherit 13. 1 1. 1 have c. to cleave to me house of Israel 29. 31. Shemai;ili c. you to trust in a lie 32. 23. therefore thou l.ast e. all this evil to come 34. 11. after they c. the servants to return, 16. 48. 4. her Utile ones have c. a cry to be heanl Eiek. 16. 7. I have c. thee to multiply as the bud 24. 13. till I have c. my fury to rest on thee 29. 18. N el.uch. c. his army to serve against lyrua .32. 23. which f . termr in the land, 24, 25, 2fi. Dan. 9. 21. (Jabriel being c. to fly sn-iflly, touched ffos. 4. 12. the spirit of whoredoms e. them to err .■imos2.i. and their lies c. ihem toerr, after which 4. 7. I c. rain on one city, I r. not to rain on Zech. 3. 4. I have r . thine iniquity to p.iss from ihet Mul. 2. 8, ye have c, many to stumble at the law Ji'/m 11. 37. have c. this man should not have died .lets 15, 3. they c. great joy to all the lire hren 2 (W. 2. 5, but if any haver. grief, hath crieved part A'( r. 13, 16. call to receive a mark in their right-hand CAUSES. Erod. 18. 19. that thou mayest bring c to God 26. the hard c they brought to Moses Pttit. 1. 16. hear the c beiween your bretliren Je-. 3. 8. all the c whereby backsliding I>rael I^m 2. 14. but have seen for thee r. of banishment 3 . 58. O Lord . thou hast pleaded the c of my soul .7r/* 26.21 .for these c the Jews caught me ictemp'e CAUSEST. Job 30. 22. thou r. me to ride on the wind Psal. 65. 4. blessed is man thou c .approach to th03 CAUSEIM. Xum. 5.18. the water that c the cirse, 19,22,24 97. Je& 12. 2*. he c them to wander in a wildernetis where there is no way, /'.-«/. 107 . 40. 211. 3. the spirit of understanding c. me to answer 37. 13. he c it to come hither for correction f\al. li>4. 14. he c the gra.ss to crow for thf catile 135.7. hecvapours to ascend, ./cr. 10. 13. I 5I.lt) 147. la, c his wind to blow, and the wal»'r> flow Prw. 10.5. isa son that f. shame, 17.2. 1 I9. S6 t 17. he that refuseth reproof c to err 17 . 2. a wise servant shall rule over a son f .sbamr 19. 27 erase to hear the inslruclion that c to err 2». 10 wh "SO c rigliteou.>-to(;o Bslrav in evil W4*^ r CEA 1st Oi. 2. ihe fire c. ihe waters to boil, to make E.t,ek. +1. 18. not gird with any lhii>g that c. sweat OdM. H. t 20. one that r.an exacler of the kingdom \int. 5. 3C. put away wife c. her to commit adultery Cor. 2. 14. thanks bt to God, who c. us to tnviniph y. 11. which f. through us thanksgiving lo God .'i. Israel did hide themselves in c. in rucks 22. 1. David escaped lo the c. of AduIIam 24. 10. Lord delivered thee into my hand in the r. 2 Ham. 2.1. 13. came to David to the c. of AdulUiui 1 hiHgs Hi. 4. the prophfits hid by fifty in a r, 13. ly. 9. Elijali came to a c. and lodged ihere ha. 2. 19- they shall go into c. for fear of the Lord Ez^ei. 33. 27. they shall die that be in the c. John 1 1 .38. th" grave, it was a r , a stone lay upon it Heb. 11. 38. they wandered in dens andr. f)f earth CEASE Signifies, [1] 7b leave off. or give over, I Sam. 7. 8, Isa. 33. I. [21 'Jo be utterly forgotieyi. Deut. 32. 26. [3] To be quiet. JuJg. 15. 7. [4] To be wanting, Deut. 15. 11. [5] To be removed bif death, or otheruiise. Lam. 5. 14. [6] Not to lean to, or dtpend on, I'rov. 23. 4. [7] To abstain from. Psal. 37- 8. Isa. 1. I6. G^^.B. 22. and day and night shall not c. Exod. 9. 29. as 1 am u( ae the thunder shall c 23, ^5. would c. to leave thy business for him Nusn, 8. 25. from the a^e of fifty years shall c. 11. 25. seventy elders prophesied, and did not c. 17. 5. 1 will make to c. ihe murmurings Deut. 15.11. the poor shall never c. out of the lantl 32. 26. 1 would make r»^membrance of them to c. .'ojA.22.25.so make our cbildrtn c. from fearing L. Jndg. 15.7. yet will 1 be avenged, after I will c. 20. 28. shall I yet again go to battle, or shall 1 cj 1 Ham. 7.8. c. not to cry to Lord our God for us 2 Kin°s 23. t 5. caused to c. the idolatrous priests i C,i/-ii«.l6.5. when Baasha heard ii, lethis work c. Ezra 4. 23. made them to c. by force and power ti.tS. that they be not made to c. Xeh. 6. 3. why should the work c. while I come r Job 3. 17. there the wicked c. from troubling 10. 20. my days few, e. then, let me alone 14. 7. that the tender braudi thereof will not c Pi'al. 37.6. c. from anger, and forsake wrath 4(>. 9. tic mak th wai's to c. to tne end of the earth 8y. 44. thou hast made his glory to c. and cast 119. 1 119- i^on caiist-st the wicked to r. Prov. 19. 27. c. to hear instruction that causeth to trr 20. 3. it ii an honour for a man to e. from stnfe 22.10.CAstscorner, yea strife and reproach shall c. 23. 4. labour to be rich, c. from thy wisdom tccl. 12. 3. the grinders c. because they are few jfl. J . 16. c. to do evil |1 2. 22. c . ye from man 10, 25. yet a little while and indij,nation shall c, 16. 10. 1 have made their vintage shouting to c. 17. 3. the fortress also shall c. from Ephraim £1. 2. all the sighing thereof have I made to c. 33. 1. wlien thou shall c. to spoil shall be spoiled Jtr. 14. 17. let tears run down and let them not c. 17. 8. leaf green, nor shall c. froin yielding fruit 'il.36. then the seed of Israel shall c. L-im. 2. 18. let not the apple of thine eye e. Lzii. 6. 6. that your idols may be broken and c, 7. 24. I will make the pomp of the strong to c. i2. 23. saiih the Lord, I will r^.ake this proverb r, 43. 27. thus will I make ihy lewdatiss lo c. 30. 10. I will n.ake the multitude of Egypt to c. 18. the pomp of her strength shall c. 33. 28. Hos.T. +4. raiser will c. from raising J/7wi 7 .5. O Ld.God, c. by whom shall Jacob arise lits 13. 10. Will not c. to perven the right ways <-'or. 13. 6. whether they be tongues, they shall c tf.h. I. 16. I c. not to give thanks for you 'W. 1. y. we do not c. to pray for you to be filled Pit. 2 1*. having eyes that cannot c. from sin 6U Cause to CEASE. /^i'.26.t6. 1 will fflUotr /Of. evil beasts, i:re^. 4.25. Ituth 4. t 14. not earned to c. to thee a kinsman 2 h'nigs'23.i 5. cause to c. the idolatrous priests Ezra 4. 21. cause these men to c. city be not built 5. 5. the eye of their Gud on them, they could not cause them to c. till matter came to Darius Xeh. 4 11. slay them and came the work to c. Pittl. 85. 4. cause thine anger toward us to c. Prov. 18. 18. the lot canesth contentions to c. Isa. 13. 11. 1 will ffliwethe arrogancy of proud roe. 30.11. cause the holy One of Israel to. c. before us Jer. 7. 34. cause mirth to c. from ihecitiesof Judah 36. 29. C'lU^e to c. man and beast, Ilos. 2. 11. 48. 35. I will Kiiuse to c. in iMoab him that offereth Eztlc. 16. 41. cause thee to c. from playing harlot 23.48. thus will 1 cause lewdness to c. 26. 13. I will cause the noise of thy songs to c. 30. 13. I will came their images to c. out of N oph 34. 10. came them to c. from feeding the flock Dan. 9. 27- fae shall cause the oblation to c. 11. 18. caxtse ihe reproach offered by him to c. tios. 1 . 4. will cause to c. kingdom of house of Israel CEASED. Gen. 18. II. it c. to be with Sarai after maimer of Exod. 9. 33. thunders and hail c. and rain was not 31. when Pharaoh saw that the thunders r. Josh. 5. 12. the manna c. on the morrow after Jttdg. 2. 19. they c. not from their own doings 5.7. the inhabitants of villages e. they c. in Israel 1 Sam. 2. 5. and they that were hungry c. 25. 9. they spake in the name of David and r. Exra 4. 21'. then c. the work of the house of God Job 32. 1. so these three men c. to answer Job Psal. 35. 15. they did tear me and c. not 77. 2. my sore ran in the night and c. not Isa. 1 i. 4. how hath the oppressor c. golden city e. Earn. 5. 14. the elders have c. from the gate 15. the joy of our heart is r . out dance is turned Jonah 1. 15. they took up Jonah, sea c. from raging Mat. 14. .32. the wind c. Mark-i. 3y. | 6. 61. Luke 7. 45. this woman hath not c. to kiss my feet H. 1. as he was praying in a place, when he c. Acts 5. 42. they c. not to t&ach and preach Jesu.s 20- 1. after the uproar was c Paul called disciples 31. by space of three years I c. notto warn every 21.14. when he would not be persuaded we c. Gal. 5. 11. then is the offence of the cross c. Heb. 4. 10. he also hath c. from his own works 10. 2. for then they would not have c. to be offer. 1 Pet. 4. I. who suffered in Hesh, hath c. from sic CEASEIU. Pial. 12. 1. help, Lord, for the godly man c. 4y. 8. redempt. of soul precious, and it c. lor ever /^rwD. 26.20. so where there is no tale-bearer strife c. Isa. 16. 4. the extortioner is at an end, the spoiler c. 24. 8. the mirth of tabrets c. joy of the harp c. 33. 8. hiuh-ways lie waste, the way-faring man c. Lam. 3. 49. mine eye trickleth down and c. not Ilos. 7.4. c. from raising after he kneaded dough Acts 6.13. this man c. not speak blasphemous words CEASING. Exod. 21. + 19. he shall pay for the c. of his time 1 Sam. 12.23. I should sin in c. to pray for you ha. 6. +9. hear ye without c. but understani5 not Acts 12. 5. but prayer was made without c. for him Rom. 1. 9. without f. I make mention, 1 Thest. 1 , 3, 1 Thess. 2. 13. for this we thank God without c. 5. 17. pray without c. in every Ining give thanks 2 Tim. 1.3. without c. I have remembrance of thee CEDAR. This tree is much celebrated in ihe scriptures : It shoots out its branches at ten or tu)elve feet from the ground : Iti branches are laree, and at a disiajice from one auoihrr ; its leaves are some- thing like those of rosemury ; it is always green, and distils a kind of gum, to which different effects are attributed : The wood of it is incor- ruptible, beautiful, solid, avA inciining to a brown colour ; tt bears a small apple, like that of the pine. 'They made use of this wood not only f the beams an,d planks which covered edifices, and served /or ceilings to apartments, but they placed them likewise in the iu/tstance of their walls, and so disposed them and the stone together, that thd mere three rows of stote and one of cedar uond, 1 Kings 6. 36. By the cedar of Lebanon, the king of Israel may be understood, 2 Kings 14. 9. Hereunto also the felicity and groL."'* of ihefaith- ful are compared, Psal. 92. 12. 2 Sam. 7. 2. king said, I dwell in an house of c. 7. saying, why build ye not me an house of c. ? 1 Kingf 4. 33. he spake from the c. to the hyssop 5. 8. I will do all thy desire concerning c, 2 A'i>i£;jl4.9- the thistle sent to the c. 2 CAr. 25. 18 Job 4t). 17. Ijeheiuuth moveth his tail like a c. Psal. 92. 12, the righteous shall grow like a c. Cant. 1. 17. the beams of our bouse are e. 8. 9. we will inclose her wiln boards of c. Isa. 41. 19- I w'll plan; in (he wilderness the c. - CEU Jer.ZQ. 14. it iscieled withe, pau.iod with \eiii I 15. because thou closest thyself in c. Ezek. 17. 3. a great eagle took highest branch 01 * 22. I will take of the highest branch of the i. 23. it shall bear fruit and be a goodly e. 27. 24. ciiests made of c. among the merchandisi 31. 3. the Ass\Tian was a e. in Lebanon Zeph. 2. 14. for he shall uncover the c. work Zech. li.2. howl, fir-tree, for the c, is falleu CEDAR-TREES. Num. 24.6. Israel's tabernacles ar« c. beside wateii 2 6rtm.5.11. Hiram sent c. to David andcarpenten Kings 5. 6. that they hew me c. out of Lebanou 10. so Iliran* gave Solomon c. and fir-trees.y. 11 Kings 19. 23. I will cut down the tall c. thereof L C'A/-o«.22. 4. David prepared c. in abundance 2 Chron. 1.15. c. made he as the sycamore, 9. 27 8. send me c. and fir-trees out of Lebanon Ezra 3. 7- gave money to bring c. from Lebanou CEDAK-WOUD. Lev. 14. 4. take c. ajid hyssop. 6, 49. 51. 52. Sum. 19. 6. the priest shall lake c. jjiu hyssof 1 Chion. £2. 4. they brought much c. to David CEDARS. 1 Kings 10. 27. e. made he to be as sycamore-tpces 1 Chr. 17.1. David said, 1 dwell in an house of c 2 Chr. 2, 3. didst send David c. to build an house Psal. 2y. 5. the voice of the Lord breaketh the c 80. 10. the boughs thereof were like goodly c. 148. 9. praise him also c. and fruitful trees Cant. 5. 15. his countenance excellent tis the c. Isa. 9. 10. we will change the sycamores into c. 37. 24. I will cut down the tall c. thereof 44. 14. he heweth him down c. and taketh oak Jer. 22.7- they shall cut down thy choi e c. 23. O Lebanon, that makest thy nest in the c. Ezek. 31. 8. f. in garden of God could not hide him Anu's 2. 9- Amorites height as the height of c. Zech. 11.1. O LebaLnon, that fire may devour thy t-. CEDARS oy Lebanon. Judg.C). 15. fire out of the bramble devour c. of Lea. Psal. 104. 16. the c. of Leb. which he hath planted Isa. 2. 13. day of the Lord upon all the c. of Leb. 14. 8. c. of Leb. rejoice at thee, saying, since thou Ezek. 27. 5. c. from Leb. to make masts for theo CELEBRAJ'E. Lev. 23. 32. from even to even shall c. yoursabbath 41. a statute, ye shall c. it in the seventh month Isa. 38. 18. for the grave cannol,dealh cannot f.thfc CELEsriAL. 1 Coi. 15. 40. are c. bodies, glor^ of the c. is one CELLARS. 1 Chron. 27. 28. and over the c. of oil waa Joasb CENSER. S. Lev. 10. I. sons of Aaron took either of them «,. 16. 12. he shall take a c. full of burning coals Nian. 4. 14. they shall put upon it vessels even c 16. 6. this do, take yer . ||17. every man his c. ly. Eleazar the priest took the brasen c. 1 Kings 7- 50. made c. of puie gold, 2 Chr. 4. 22. 2 Chron. '26. 19. Uzziahhafl a c. iuhishand to buru Ezek. 8. 11. with every man his c. in his hand Heb. 9- 4. the holiest had the golden c. and the ark l^ev. Q. 3. the angel came, having a golden c. 5. the angel took the c- snd filled it with fire CENSURE. 2 Cor. 2. t 6. sufficient to such a man is this c CENTURION, S. Mat. 8. 5. there came unto him a c. beseeching hit.i 8. c. said, Lord, I am not worthy thou shouldst 27. 54. when the c. saw the earthquake [come Luke 7. 2. c. servant, who was dear to htm, was sick 23. 47- now when the c. saw what was done Act.i 10. 1. Cornelius was a c. of the Italian band 22. Cornelius the f . a just man thai fearethGod 21 32. who immedlaiely took c. and ran down 22. 2d. when the c. heard that, he went and tolJ 23. 17. then Paul called one of the c. to him 23. he called to him two c. saying, make ready 24. 23. and he commanded a c. lo keep Paul 27.1. deliver. Paul to Julius a t. of Augustus' biind 11. the c. believed the master more than Paul 43. c. willing to save Paul, k< ptthem from purp. 28. 16. the c. delivered the prisoners to the captaiu CEREMONIES. Num.g.3. shall keep passover according to all the t: Heb. 9'tl. the first covenant had also c, A Certain Man. See Man. CERJAIN. Exod. Ifi. 4. ye shall gather a e, rate every day Num. id. 2. Kor:jh rose with c. of children of Isr. Deut. 13.13. c. men the children of Belial are gone 25. 2. the wicked man be beaten by a c. number 2 Chron 8. 13. after a e. rale every day offering Neh. 1. 2. Ilanani came, he and c. men of Judali. 4. I mourned c. days, and fasted, and prayed II. 23. a r. portion should be for singers every d^y 13. 25. I smotec. of them, and plucked off hair Jer 41.5. there camec. from Shechem. from Shiloh 52, 15. the captaiu carried away;*, ofpooi'pcu.ia CHA L an. 8. C7. 1 Paniel fainted and wns ^ick e. days U. 13. the king of north shall come after c. years Mat. 18. C?. kingd. of heav. likened toe. kini;,CC.C. 50. Co. she and her sons desiring a c. thint; olhini AJarA 12.42. there came a r. poor widow, Luke '21 7. i4, 57- arasec and bare f;ilse witness apaiiist him LuJce 5. 12. it came to pass when ne was in a c. city R. 20. told him by c. thy mother stands to see thee 10. ;i». as he we.'it into a c. village, 17. 12. U. 27. a c. woman lifted up her voice and said ;17. a c. Pharisee besought him to dine with him IB. 9. ibis parable to c. who trusted in theraseWes 23. 19. who for a e. sedition and for murder 24. 22. f .women also made us astonished, who were 24. c. of them with us went to (he sepulchre Joh?i 5. 4. an angel went down at a c. season Actx y. 19. Saul w s c. days wiih the disciples 10. 18. they praved I'eier to tarry c. days 12. 1. Herod ih ■ king to vex c. of the church 15. 24. c. which went from us, have troubled us 17. 28. asf. of your own poets have said, for we Horn. 15. 26. to make a conlribmioii for c. saints at liai. 2. 12. for before that c. came from James Hed. 2.6. but one in ar. place testified, what is man 4. 4. he spake in a c. place of Tlh day on this wise 7, he liniiteth ac. day, saying, in David, to-day 10.27. but ac. fearful looking for of judgment Jude 4. for there are c. men crept in unawares CERTAIN. Deuf. I.S. 14. if it be truth and the thing c. I7. 4. I /\ings'i.:i't. know for f. thou shah surely die, 42. Jcr. 2ti. 15. know for c. if ye put me to death Dan. 2. 45. the dream is r. and interpretation sure Acts 25. 26. I have no c. thing to write to my lord 1 Cor. 4. U. we liave no c. dwelling-place I Tim. 6. 7. it is c. we can carry nothing out C1::RTA1NLY. OcTi. 18. 10. he said, I will c. return to thee 2ri. 28. we saw c. the TmtiI was with thee 4.1. 7. could we c. know he would say, bring your 44. 15. wot ye not such a man as I canr. divine ? 30. 15. will c. requite us all the evil we did to him i-.'.-drf. 3. 12. c. I will be with thee, this be a token 22. 4. if theft be c. found in his hand alive lev. 5. 19. ht hath c. trespassed against the Lord '.'4. ifl. all the congregation shall c. stone him J<-i/i. 9. 24. because it was e. told thy servants Jiifli^. 14. 12. if ye can c. declare thi* riddle to me 1 Sam. 20. .T. ihy father c. knoweth I have found 9. if I knew c. evil were determined by my father 2:i. 10. c. heard that Saul will come to Keilah 25. S3. Lord will c. make my lord a sure house 1 A'i>'|/ 1 . .'10. even so will I c. do this day 2 hiiigs H.lO.go, say to him, thou mayest c. recover 2 C'^;-.1B.27. M icaiah said, if thou f. return in peace t'rov. 23. 5. for riches c. make themselves wings Jer, 8. 8. we are wise, lo, c. in vain made he it 13. 12, do we not c. know every bottle be filled 25. 28. thus saith the Lord, ye shall c. drink 36. 2y. king of Babylon shall c. destroy this land 40. 14. dost thou c. know that Baal is sent? 42. 19. know c. I have admonished you this day 22. c. ye shall die by the sword and by famine 4>. 17. c. do what thing gneth out of our moulh f.'tm. 2. If), c. this is the day that we looked for />«/!. II. 10. one shall r. come and overflow, 13. Zech. 11. I 11. poor c. knew it was word of the L, [,uk« 23. 47. saying, c. this was a righteous man CEKTAINTY. Josh. 23. 13. know for c. Lord will no more drive 1 Sam. 23. 23. come ye again to me with the c. Prov. 22. 21. ni.ike known the c. of words of truth I Ihn 2. R. I know of c. ye would cain the time Lute 1. 4. thou mightest know the c, of those things .■}rts^l. 34. he could not know the c, for tumult 22. 30. because he would have known the c. why CERIII-Y. lED. 2 ^rtm.lS.CR.till there come word from you to c. me F.sia4. 14. therefore have we sent and c. the king l(i. wee. the king, that if this city be built again 5. 10. we asked their names also to c. thee 7. 24. we f . In j-(iu to impose no toll on the Levites /j^/i.2.22.E3lherckingthcreof in Mordecai's name Oal. 1.11. I c. yougospid I preached, not after man CHAIEP. 2&'/i.l7.8. they be c. in their minds as bear robbed CHAI'F Is the refuse of wiiinowed corn, w/iten u barren, li^l't, and apt to he driven to and fro uith the vi'td, I'sal. 1.4. To which are compared, (I) fi//.T(f diicfiine, or men's dreams and inventions, Jer. £3. 28. (2) I'natiest plots and desii'ns, l$a. 33. 11. (3) Ilypocritfx and ungodly per- toju, uho are rile, barren, and niconstani, like tktff. Mat. 3. 12. Job 21. 18. wicked as c. that storm carrieth away /'j(j/. J. 4. like the c. which the wind driveth away 35. 5. let them be as e. before the wind int. 5. 24 as llanie consnmeth the c. so their root 17. 13 the nations shall l>e chased as the e. TO fro. 29.5. terrible ones shall b"' as f .that passetli away 33, 11. ye shall conceive c. and bring forth stubble 41. 15. thresh mountains, and make the hills as r . Jer. 23. 28. what is ihe c. to the wheat ? saith Lord Dun. 2.35. became like the c. of the threshing floor lios. 13.3. astlie r. which is driven with whirlwind /.•-ph. 1.1. before the decree, before day pass as r. Mat. 3.12. will burn up the c. with fire, Lrnke^. 17. CHAIN Signifies, [1] Links of iron, qold, or silver, one Tcithin another, which were (1) Sacred, those made hv t"t command of' God, for the breast- plate Tvorn by the hi^h-priest, Exod. 39. 15, 17. 18. (2) Idolatrous, such as were made for idols, or images, Isa. 40. 19. (3) Commtm, wherewith prisoners were choined. Acts 12. 7- [I'l ^<-"'- dage, or ajliction, I-im. 3. "- IIH] Severe taws for the curbing of all open impiett/, Hev. 20. I. fifu. 41. 42. gold r.abouthis neck, Da7i. 5. 7, I6, 29. P-siil. 73. 6. pride compasseth them about as a c. Cam. 4 9. have ravished me with one c. of thy neck £flOT. 3.7 .hedged me about, hath made my c. heavy £«*. 7.23. make a c. land is full of bloody crimes 16. 11. I put bracelets, and a f. on thy neck Alts 28.20. for hope of Israel 1 am hoiiiul with this c. Eph. 6. t 20. for which i am ambassador in a r. 2 Tim. l.l6.0nesiphoru3 was not ashamed of my r. Rev. 20. 1. an angel and a great c. in his hand CHAIN-WORK. 1 fCmrs 7. 17. wreaths of c. for chapiters of pillars CHAINS. Eiod. 28. 14. fasten the wreathen e. to ouches, 24. 39. 15. they made on breast- plate c. at the endi Aum. 31. 50. for atonement, r, and bracelets, rings Judg. 8. 26. besides the c. about their camels' nocks 1 Kings (). 21. by the c. of gold before the oracle P.\al. 149. 8. 10 bmd their kings with c. and nobles i'rov. 1. 9. instruction shall be c. about thy neck Cant. 1, 10. thy neck comely with r. of gold Tsa. 3. 19. the Lord will take away thy c. 40, 19. goldsmith with gold, and casteth silver c. 45. 14. they shall come after thee in c. come over Jer, 40. 4. I loose thee this day from thy c. Ezek, 19. 4. they brought him with c. into Kcypt 9. they put him in ward in c. and brought him Mark 5. 3. no man could bind him, no not with c. 4. the c. had been oft plucked asunder by him Acts 12. 7. Peter's c. fell ofl" from his hands 2 Pet. 2. 4. to hell, delivered them into c. of darkn, J7((/fi6.he hath reserved in everlasting r. under dark. See Bound. CHALCEDONY. Rev. 21. 19. the third foundation was a r. CHALK-SrONES. Isa. 27. 9. hemaketh all the j^fiwcv of the altar r. CHALLENGEIH. Exod. 22. 9. any lost thing another e. to be his CHAMBER Signifies, [I] An apartment, or room i» a house. Gen. 43. 30. Dan. 6. 10. [2] The clouds. Tsal. 104. 13. [3] An upper room, or tin apati- metit wherein people genemUy tit, where the disciples did eat the passoin, and did partake of the lAird^s supper, and where afterwards they assembled for diitne worship, Acts 1, 13. | 20. «. The chambers of the south, JcA 9- 9- Those stars and coiistellations which are towards the southern pole ; so called, because they ere for the most part hid and shut up, as chamber: commonly are, from these purls of the world, and do not rise or ap- pear to us till the beginning of summer, when they raise wittds and tempests, as astronomers obsen e. The king hath brought me *ato his chambers, Cant. 1.4, Christ the King of his church /la.^ vouchsafed unto me most intimate and f ami Hat fellowship icith himself in his ordinances. Enter thou into thy chambers, Jsa. 26. 20. J'ly to God by faith, prayer, and repentance, for pro tcction, depend upon his protrdence, lay hold •upon his prami.tes, and niaAc-i^si nj ¥iis attrilmte He alludes to the common practice of meji, wh when there are t/ormj or dangers abroad, betake themselves to their own chambers or houses fur safety; or, as some think, to (hat history^ Exnd, 9. 19, 20. or to that command, of not going out of their houses, Kxod. 12. 22. or to the tike charge given to Rahab, Josh I. 19- Gen. 43. :iO. Joseph entered into his c. and wept Judg. 15. 1. I will go in to my wife into the c. 16. g. there were Hers in wait abiding in the c. 12. 2 Sam. 13. 10. bring meat into the c. that I may eat 2 Kings 4.11. Elisha turned into the f. and lay there Neh. 13.5. he prepared for lobiah a great c. R. cast forth all the household sUiff out of the e. Job 37. t 9. out of the c. Cometh the whirlwind Ptal. 19. 5. as a bridegroom comrtli out of his c. Cant. 3. 4. into the e. of her that conceived me Jer. 36. 10. read flic book iu the c. of Oeinariah (HA Jtfr.36.20.1aidupthe roll in cot Elishama tbescriho t.zek. 40. 45. c. whose prospect towards the wut* 46, c. whose prospect toward the north for priest- Dan. f).10. his windows being open in his f. to Jem! Joell. l(i. let the bridegroom go forth of his c. Beu-Chamber; aw Bfiu. GoAHu-CHAMbKn * See Guard. G«?,r/-CHAMBER. A/nr* 14.14. say, where is the snest-c. Luke 22. 11 'inner CHAMBER. lA'iw^.' 20.30. Benhadad fled, and came into fnn^re 22.25. shalt go into inner c. to hide, 2 Chr. 18. IV 2 A"i«gj'9.2.carry Jehu into inner c. and take the box LittU CHAMBER. 2 Kinzs ^. 10. let us make a little e. on the wall Ezek.W. 7. little c. was one reed long and one broad 13. nieasuretl the gate from the roof of one ht. c :^de ciia:\ibeu, S. Ezek. 41. 5. the breadth of every side-c. fourcubn> 6. the stde-c. were ihree, one over another Q. thickness of wall for jtVf-c. without, five cubits (^pper CHAMBER. 2 Kings 1.1. Ahaz fell thro' a lattice in his K;';'fr-f. 23.12. altars in top of the j/;j/icr-f.Josiah beat down Acts 9. 37. washed, and laid Dorcas in an upper-c. .39. brought I'eter, when come into the upper-c 20.8. many lights in npper-c. where vr*re gathered CHAMBERS. Dent. 32. \ 25. sword without, terror from the e. 1 Kings 6. 5. against wall of the house he built c. 1 Chron.g. 2(1. chief porters were over the e. 23.28 2 Chron. 31.11. Ht-zekiah commanded to preparer. Ezra 8, 29. keep them till ye weigh them in the c. Neh. 13. 9. I commanded, and they cleansed the c. Jfbg. 9. which maketh the c. of the south Pj«/.104.3.who layeth hpamsof his c.in the waters 13. he walereth the hills from his f. earth satisfied 105. .30. land brought forth frogs in c. of their king Prov. 7 . 27 . way to hell going down to c. of death 24. 4. by knowledge c. shall be filled with riches Cant. I. 4. Uie king hath brought me into his c. 7.5(1.2(5.20. enter thou into thy c. and shut thy doo^^ Jer.11. 13. woe to him ihatbuildeth his c. by wrong 14. I will build me a wide house, and large c. Jer. 35. 2. bring the Rechabites into one of the c, t'-zek. 8. 12. every man in the c. of his imagery 21. 14. the sword which cntereth into their privy c. 42, 13. they be holy c. where priests shall eat* Mat. 24.26. behold, he is in the secret c. believe not fW-CHAMBERS. 2 Chr. 3. 9. ana he overlaid the vpper-c. with cold Ezek. 42. 5. the upper-c. were shorter for galleries CHAMBERIN(;. Rom. 13. 13. walk not in c. and wantonness CHAMBERLAIN, S. 2 Kims 9. t 32. looked out to Jehu two or three c. 21. II, by the chamber of N athan-melech the c. E'.th. 1. HI. the seven c. thai ser^-ed the king 2. 15. but what Hegai the king's r. ^^ppoinlt-tl 21. two of king's f. were wroth, and simglit to lay Acts 12. 20. Blastus the king's c. their friend Rom. 16. £3. Erastus, c. of the city, saluteth you CHAMOIS. L>eut. 14. 5. these ye shall eat, wild ox and the c. CflAMPAKiN. Deut. n.30. who dwell in the c. over against Gilgal E.zek. 37. ■» £. many bones in the open c. CHAMIMON. 1 Sam. 17.4. there went out a c. out of the oanij- 51. when the I'hilistines saw their c. was dead CHANCE. Dait. 22, 6. if a bird's nest c. to be before thee 1 Cvr. 15. 37. it may c. of wheat or other grain CHANCE, 1 Sam. 6. 9. it was a r. that happened to us 2 Sam. 1. 6. as 1 happened by r. on mount (itlboa Eccl. 9. U. but time and c. happeneth to them a Luke "10. 31. by f. a priest came down that way CHANCEl U. Deut. 23. 10. nncleanness thai c. hitn by night ClIANCEl.LOK. Ezrn4.?i. Rehunif. wrote a letter to Artaxerres % 17. then the king sent answer to Rehum the c. CHANGEABLE. Isa. 3. 22. Lord lake awav the c. suits of apparel CHANGE. S. f.ev. 27. 33. both it and the c. thereof shall be lioly Jndg. 14. 12. I will give j'ou thirty c. of raimeru 13. you shall give me thirty c. of raiment Job 11*. t 10, if he make a c. who can hinder ? 14. 14. all my days will I wail till my c. corm; Prov. 21, 21. meddlr not with thim given lo e. y.ech. 3. 4. I will clothe thee with r. of raiment Iieb.1. 12. there is made of necessity a c of the law CHANGE, I'erb. Gtn. 35. C. be clean and c. your garments Lev. 27. 10. he shall note, it H 33. nor c . ii.i*' he c Job 17. 12. ihey c. the night into day, light n ^hoI» Psal. 102. 26. as a vesture shalt thou r. taam Isa. 9. 10. but we will c. them into cedar* CHA la 40. t Sl.thatw.iit on ilie LorJ shall c. slreiiRih Jer. 2. 36. vi'liy padili.'il ihimso nmcli lo c. thy way : I "1.^3. can Klhiopian c. his skin, or leopard spois r '' 'I. 7- '5- hf shall ihink lo c. times and htws - i.T. 1 will £■. iheir ghiry hiio shame . '. 1. 1 1, tlieii shall his mind c. and pass over . U. sign writing that it be nr.t c. according to law 15. that no decree the king established may be c. 17. that the purpose might not be c. aboul Daniel Mic. 2. 4. he lialh c. tlu* portion of Diy people Alts 28. (^. the harbariatis r. their minds, and said llt'in. 1.23. c. the glory of the uncorruptible Ucd 25. who c. the truth of Ood into a lie 1 Cor. 15. 51. not all sleep, but we shall all be r.52. 2 Cor. 3. 18. c. into same image from glory to glory llib. 7. 12. for prieslliood being c. achange of law CIlANGliSI", ED, lountenance. Job 1 l.CO.thou c.hii connienniue, sendesl liim away Dan. 5. fi. the king's countenance was c. in liim, y. 10. iiorlellhy cdwu^be c. || ' .'^V^.nxy count. c. in me CMANGEllS, Pfiiv.'ZA. t 21. fear Lord and kirig.meddle not withe. AJat.'Zl. 12, Jesus went to temple and overthrew tables of money-f . .l/flr* 11. 15. John'l. U 15 CllANGliS. C«>/i. 45. 22. to each he gave f. to Benjamin fiver. £ Ktn-^s 5. 5. he took with him ten r. of riiiment 22. give them, I pray tliee, two c. of Rarnieni'> 23. boiMid two r. of garments, and laid lliem fob 10. 17. c. and war are agaitist me /-'ifl/. 55. ly. because they have no c. they fear noi ciiAN(;iN{;. UhiH 4. 7. ihis was manner in Israel concerning c CHANNEL, 8. 2 -SWwf. 22. 16. c. of the sea appeared, Psal. 18. 15. y('A31.t22. let my arm be broken from c. bone Jia. 8.7. he shall come up over all his c. and banks 27. 12. the Lord shall beat off from c. of the river CMAIM lEIl. S. EioH. 36. .38. he overlaid their c. with gold. 38. 2B. 38. 17. the overlaying of their r. were silver, ly. A'/«!,'j7.16. made iwoc of brass, 2 Clir.4. 12, 13. 2 Kings 'Z5. 17 . thee, upon it was brass, /?/•. 52. 22. dmo.^ y. 1 1 . smite the c. of the door that posts shake Za. lu. 6. will I give him a c, to take the spoil 1 Tim. 5. 7. these things give in e, that they be (i. 13. I o/r« thee f. in sight of God, who quickeneth CHA KG E. Exod. iy.21. the Lord said, go down, r. the people Sum. 5. ly. the priest shall c. her by an oath Ueut. 3. 28. but c, Joshua and encourage him Seh, 10. 32. to c. Ourselves yearly with third part Eiift. 4. 8. c. Esther that she go in to the king Citnr.1.'^. I f, you, Oye daughters, 3. 5. | 5.8. j 8.4. 5. y, what is thy beloved, that thou dost so r. us ' Mark y. 25. 1 c. tJiee come out and enter no more I 'I'bess.b.Q.'J, I c. you that this epistle be read 1 Tim. 1. 3. r. that they teach no other doctrine 5.21. lr.theeberoreGodandJes.Chrisl,27V//t.4.I. ti.17. f. ihem that are rich in this world, that they CHAKtiEAiJLE. C Snin, 13. 25. let us not all go, lest we be c. to thee AV//. 5. 15. the former governors were c. lo peoplt 2 Cor. 1 1. 9. when with you, 1 was c. lo no man 1 7'/(tf.(j.C.y. because we would not ber.toanyofynu 2 'I'hess. 3. 8. that we might not be c, lo any of yon CUAilGEU. Gen.z6. U. Abimelech c. his people, saying 28. 1. Isaac called Jacob, and c. him, and said 40. 4. captain of the guard f. Joseph wilh them 4y. 2y. Jacob ff. his sons, and said to them, 1 am 50. 1 16. they c. a messenger io Joseph Exod. I. 22. Pharaoh c. all his people, saying Dent. I. Ifi. 1 r. your judges at that time, saying 24.5. nor shall he her. with any business, but free 27. 11. Moses c. the people the same day, saying liWwi. 14.27. Jonathan heard not when Saul c peop. 2 -iWwi. 18. 12. for ill our hearing the king c. thee lAi«^.(2.l. David r, Solomon his son, saying, i go 43. the commandment that I have c. thte with 13. y. so was it c. me by the word of the Lord 2 CA/y«.36.23. Lordr. me to build house. Ezra 1.2. Xe/i. 13. iy. r. they not be opened till after sabbath /:.'i///.2. 1 0.not shewed people, as .Mordecair. her,20. Job I. 22. Job sinned not, nor r. God foolishly 4. 18. and his angels he c. wilh folly Jt-f. 32. 13. 1 c. Baruch before them, saying :'5.8. have obeyed .lonadab in all that he halh r. us lUat. y. 30. .lesus straitly f. thera, saying, see thai DO man know it, il/«rX 5. 43. Lnie y. 21 12. IG. Jesusf. nottomakehimknown, .l/fl;((3. 12 .1i.(r,t7-36.f.nollotell,8.30. | iJ.yi.EuieoAi. | 8.5(i. 10. 48. many c. hiui that he should hold his peace Rom. 3.ty. we have c. Jews and Gentiles under sin I Thess. 2. 1 1. we c. every one of you as a father 1 Tim. 5. 16. and let not church be c. that it may CHAIlGED.Sr, Exod. ly. 23. thou c. us, saying, set bounds about CIIARGEK, S. Sum.'. 13. his offering was one silver c. ip. 25, 31. 37. 43, 4y, 61. 07, 73. 7y. 81. this was ibe dedicaiioa of the aliar. twelve CHA iV«m. 7. 85. each e. of silver weighing noshc-kcla Esra 1. y. this is number of them, one ihuusandr. A/ijf.I4.t>. give John Bapl. head iu a r. .VaiiO.^y CHARGES. 2 Chron, 8. 14. he appointed ihe Levites lo theirr. 31. 17- from 20 years iu iheir r. by courses 35. 2. he set priests in theirr. and encour.igrd theni .lets 21.24. thent take, and be at c, wilh them 1 Cor. y. 7- who goetli a warfare al his own c.f CHAIU;ESr. 2 Sam. 3. U. ihou c. n e lo ttay with a fault CHAllGlNCi. Acts If). 23. c. the jailor to keep them safely 2 Tim. 2. 14. c. that ihey strive nut about words CHAIHOr Signifies, [1] A lort oj ti-^ht coach. Gen. 46. 29. [2] Chariots of isar, out oj' ultich tome of the uniients fou'^ht, they '.cert armed with javelins and H-ythes in severni places, uihich tore every ihin« then met uith to yuces, Exod. 14. 7- Josh. II. 4. [3. J //i»Uj, .If «;v«jfj, Psal. ti8. 17. [4] llnmiin, or uorld/y ihinos, wherein men re- pose their confidence, I'sal. 20. 7. rUijali it Called the chariot of Israel anil horse- men thereof, 2 Kini$ 2. 12. that is, liy his ex- ample, his counsels, hit prayers, and po:i!er with God, he did more for the defence and preserva- tion of Israel, than all their chariots and horjcu and other warlike proti>ions. Solomon made a chariot of the wood of Lebanon, Cant. 3. y. Christ, of xvhom Solomon was a ij/ye, established for the glory of hif grace the ncc co- venant, or the qospel, ahereby belit vers are can ted to heaven; which is of an fieilmiin^ nutme lleb. 13. 20. Rev. U. G. Gen. 41. 43. he made him to ride in the second r. Exod. 14. 25. the LoiiLtonk off their c. wheels 1 Kings 7.33. the wheels like the work of ac. wheel 18. 44, prepare thy c. and gel thee down 20. 25. unmber ihee c. fur c. and we will fight 33. he caused him to come up into the c. 22. 35. the blood ran into the midst of the e, 38. one washed the c. Iu the pool of Samaria 2 Kinsi 2. 11. there appeared a c. of fire and horse* 12. cried, my father, ihe c. of Israel, 13. J4. 5. 21. he lighted from the c. to meet Ciebazi y. I(j. Jehu rode in a c. || 27. smite him iu thee. 28. servants carried him in a c. lo Jerus. 23. 30, 1 Chron. 28. 18. gave gold for the pattern of the r. 2 Chion. 35. 24. his servants took him out of the r. Psal. 40. y. he burneth the c. iu the fire 7ti. G. c. and horse are cast into a dead sleep Cant. 3. y. made a f. of the wood of Lebanon i.ia. 21.7. he saw a c. with horsemen, a c. of asses y. here Cometh a c, of men with horsemen 43. 17. who briiigeth forth the c. and horse Jer. 51. 21. will I break in nieces the c. and rider Mic. 1. l.i. bind the e. to ihe swift beast Zech. 0,2. first f. red horses, second c. black horses y. 10. I will cut off the c. from Ephraim ids ^. 2y.5aid, go near and join thyself to his c. 38. he cumnianded ibe r. to siaud siiU ILis CHARIOT. Gen. 46. 2y. Joseph made ready hii c. and went Exod. 14. G. Pharaoh made ready his c. and took Judg. 4. 15. Sisera lighted off /n*5 c. and fied away 5. 28. why is his c. so long in coming ; why tarry I Kings 12. 1 8. king made speed to A jj f.2 Cbr.XO.i^. 22.34. he Said to the driver o( his c. turn thy hand 35. Ahabwas stayed up \nhisc. and died al even 2 Kings ^.f). Naaman came wilh his c. and stood 2G. when the man turned again from his c. y.21. his c. was made ready.weiit out each iu hts 7. 2V. smote Jehorain, and he sunk down in his c. 10. iG. so tbey made him to ride in ha c. Psal. 104. 3. who makelh the clouds his c, Jer. 4. 13. his c. shall be as a whirlwind Acts 8. 28. sitting in his c. read Esaias the prophet CHARlOl'-CiriES. Chr, 1. 14. horsemen which he placed in c.-ciiies 2C'/i/w/i.B.(J. Solomon built c.-citics, and store cifiet 9- 25. beslowed in the c.-citics and wilh the kmg CHAKIOI-HORSES. 2 -Srtw.8.4. David houghed all c.-hortes, 1 CAr.lU.l 2 KingsT. 14. they took therefore two c.-horset ClIAKlOl'-MAN. 2 Chr. 18. 33. he said 10 ihe c.-man, turn thy hand CHARIOTS. Gen. 50. y, there went up with Josephr.and horse Exod. 14. 7. Pharaoh took 600 c aud all ibe c. 17. I will get honour upou his c. and horsemen 28. the waters covered all the c. and all the host 15. 4. Pharaoh's c. and host hath he cast inua sea 19. for the horse of Pharaoh wenl in wilh his c. Josh. 17.16. have c. of iron, 18. Judg. \. ly. | 4.3. Jiuig. 4 15. Lord discnmfiu'd Sisera and all his e. 5. 28. she cried, why tarry the wheels of his f . 7 1 Sam. 8. 11. the king will appoiul ihiun for his e. 13.5. rhUisiines, to fight against fsrael, .30,t.H>o « 2 Sum.. 1 6. the c.aiid horsemeu followed after Ssul CIIA 2 i>?/j. 10. ij^ n, sluw the men of 700c. of Syriany Ktwjs 10. Liii. Suloiiioii tiad 1-iiMtc. 12,000liorseintj: l6. p. Zimri raptain of half bis c. conspired £2.32. when ihe capl5. of the f. saw Jehoshaphat S h'itigs 13. 7. left but ten c. and titty horsenifn lii.Cl. how put thy trust on Egypt forr. ha. 36. y. Pjiai. (lU. 17. the c. of God are tiventy thousand Cjni. 6. 12. my soul like the c. of Ammi-uadib k.rt.2.7.full ofhorses, nor is any end of their r. 'i'S. m. c. of thy plory be the shame of thy lord ^J . 1 . woe to iliea* that trust in c. because many ^7. 24. by the multitude of my c. am 1 come up 6lj.l5. behold the Lord will come with fire and c. like a whirlwind. Jer. 4. 13. Da«. 11.40. Jer.s into another world, and 11 eserased there, 1 Cor. 13. 1.4, A^e. liom.W. t 15. now walkest thou not according to c. 1 Cor. a. 1, knowledce puffelh up, but c, ^ditieth l:i. 1. speak with tongues, and have not c. 2,3. 4. c. siiffereih long, and is kind, c. envieth not 13. fauh, hope, r. but the greatest of these is c 14. 1. follow after r. and desire spiritual gifta 16. 14. let all your things be done with c. C'd. 3. 14. abnve all these things put on c. 1 r/ieM.3. 6. brought good tidincs of your faith andc. 2 'J'hess. 1. 3. c. towards each other aboundeth I Tun. 1. 5. now the end of the commandment is f . 2. 15 be saved if they continue in faith and c. 4. 12. be an example in c. in spirit, in faith e 'i'i/n.i. 22. follow righteousness ; faith, c. peace 3. 10. hast fully known my doctrine, life, faith, c. I'lt. 2. 2, aged men be sober, sound in faith, in c. t Pet. 4. 8. have fervent c. for c. shall cover sins 5. 14. greet ye one another with a kiss of c. i Pet. 1.7. and to brotherly-kindness c. i.fo/ini\. strangers who have borne witness of thy c. Jude 11. thes6 are spots in your feasts of c. liev. 2. ly. 1 know tliy works, and c. aud sen'ice CHARMED. Jfi". 8. 17. I will send serpents which will not be c. CIIARMKH. S Deul.\S.\\ there shall not be found among you a r . t'sat. 58. 5. not hearken to the voice of c. charming * iiol heai'keu to c. be the c, never so cunning ClIASIi. Lev. 26. "• ye sh.ill c. your enemies, and they fall 8. and five of you shall c. an hundred CA'} and the sound of a shaking leaf shall <-. them /)t-ui 32.30. how should one c. 1000- JyjA. 23. 10. J:aL 35. 5. let the angel of the Lord t. .acm CHASED, ETU, ING 7)tfM. t. 44. and the Amontes c. you as bees uu JuJg y. 40. Abimelech c. him, he tied before him 72 CUE Ju 'g 20. 43- theyiuclosed llenj-nnilcs and c. them I Sam. 17 53. Israel rfturiictll'iiiiiic. the I'hilisiliRB At/*. 13. 28. therefore I e. him from me y.'A 18. 18. he shall be c. out of the world 20. 8. he shall be c. away as a vision of the night Ptov. 19. 26. and he that c. away his mother La. l."!. 14. it shall be as the c. roe, as a sheep that 17. 13. they shall be c. astlie chaft"befoi-e tlie wind Lam. 3. 52. mine enemies c. me sore like a bird 1 Thess. 2. 1 15. killed their prophets, and c. Ui out CilASIE. 2 Cr. 11.2. that I may pr.rseiit you as a c. virgin Tit. 2. 5. that the young women be c. obedient 1 Pet. 3.2. while they behold yourr. couversatioD CHASTEN Signifies, [1] 7^ coireci in love, Psal. 118- 18. Heb. 12. 5, 6. [2] To punnh in Justice, Le\*. td. 28. [3] To humble ones self before God by fasting and prayer, Dau. 10. 12. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, lsa. 53. 5. That piuiishment by -vhich our peace, that is, our reconciltntion to Ood, and salvation or happineis, were to be purchased, was laid upon Christ bii God's JjDtue, unh his own consent. 2 Sam. 7. 14. I wilt r. him with the rod of men Psal. 6- 1. uorr. me in thy hot displeasure, 38. 1. Prov. l^. 18. c. thy son whde th^-re is hope, spore Dan. 10. 12. thou didst c. thyselt before tliy God tUv. 3. ly. as many as I love 1 rebuke and c. CHASIENED. Deut. 21. 18. they haver, him, he ttil! not hearken Job. 33. ly he is c. also with pain on his bfd Psal. G'^. 10. 1 wept, and c. my soul u-ith fasting 73. 14. all dav been plagued, and c. every morning 118. 18. I>ord hath c. me soi-e, he hath not given Hos. 7.t 15. though I have c. they imagine mischief 1 Cor. 1 1. 32. we are c. that we be noi condemned 2 Cor. 6. y. as dying, yet live, as c. aud nut killed Heb. 12. 10. for they verily for a few days c. us ciiAsrENEsr, El'ii, l^G. Deut. 8. 5. as a man c. his son, so the Lord e. thee Job. 5. 17. happy whom God correcteth ; despise nut rhouc. of Almighty, ^A'K. 3. 11. Heb. 12.5. Psal. y4. 12. blessed is the man whom thou c. Proi 13. 24. but he that lovelh him c. betimes ha. 2l).l6. poured out a prayer when f. was on them Heb. 12. ti. for whom the Lortl loveth he c. 7. if ye endure c. what son whom father c. not? 11. no c. for present seems to be joyous,but gricv. CHASTISE. Lev. 2n. 28. 1 will c. you seven limes for your sins Deut. 22. 18. elders shall take the man and r. him 1 Kings 12.11. I will add to your yoke, 1 willr. you with scorpions, 14. 2 Chron. 10. 11. 14. Hos. 7. 12. I will c. them as their congregation heu.rd 10. 10. it is my desire that I should c. them Luie 23. 16. I will c. him, and release hiui, 22. CHASri-SED, ETH. 1 Kings 12. 11. did lade with heavy yoke ; father hath c. you with whips, 14. 2 Chr. 10. 1 1, 14. Ps. (H- in. he that c. heathen, shall not he i oritct ? Jer. 31. 18. hast c. me, and I was c. turn thou me CHA.Si'lSEMEN l'. Dent. 11 . 2. your children who hath not seen the c. Job 34. 31. I have borne c. 1 will not offend more Psal. 73. + 14. my c. was every morning lsa. 53. 5. the c. of our peace was upon him Jer. .30. 14. have woundeil with the c. of a cruel one iffA. 12.8. if without c. then are ye bastards, not suns CHANT, .■lnws6.5. thf.yc. to the sound of the viol and invent CHATTER. lsa. 38. 14. like a crane or swallow, so did I c. CHAWS. Liek. 29. 4. but 1 will put hooka in thy c. 18. 4, CU£ARFUL; see CHlitKl-UL. (TIECK. Job 20. 3. I have heard the c. nf my reproach CHECRER-WORK. 1 KingsT.n. Hiram made nets oi c.-u). and witaths CHEEK. 1 XiHir.(22. 24. Zedekiah smote Micaiah on the c, said, which way Spirit of Lord, 2 Chron. 18. 23 Job 16. 10. have smitten me on the c. reproachfully Lam. 3. 30. he givetli his c. to him that sniiieth him Mic.5. 1. shall smite the Judge with a rod on tli Luie 6.2y.to him sraiteth one c. offer also the other litght CHEEK Mat. 5. 39. smite thee on thy right c. turn the other CHEEK-BONE. Psal. 3.7. hast smitten all mine enemies on c.-in?** CHEEKS. Deut. 18. 3. shall give to priest the twoc. and maw Cant. 1. 10. thy c. are comely with rows of jew*?ls 5. 13. hisc. are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers ha. 50.6. 1 gave my f. to them that plucked off hair Lam. 1. 2. she weepeth, and her tears are on her c. CHEEK-TEETH Joel 1 6. nation cume up, liMUt. -ticlh of agrCAt lionl CHE CHEER. Deut. 24. 5. and shall c. up his wife he hath taken Eccl. 11. 9. let thy heajtc thee indaysofthy \ouiL CHEER. Prov. 17. + 1. than a house full of good c, with strift AJai. y. 2. son, bi; of good c. thy sinj be forgiven th-it 14.27. be of good f .it isl, be notalraid,.\/ii/-*6.5u John 16. 33. be of good c. 1 have overcome world Acts 23. 1 1 . scood by him and said, be of good c. I'. 27- 22 and now I exhort you to be of good c. 25. wherefore sirs, bi; of good c. for 1 believe Gml 36. then were they all of good c. aud took meat CllEERElH. Jndg. 9. 13 leave my wine, which e. God and mai' CHEERFUL. Prov. 17. 13. meny heart maketh a c countenam » Zech. 8. 19. shall be to house of Judah joy andr. I 9. 17. corn shall make young meu c. and new wiin 2 Cor. 9. 7. or of neLcssity, for G. loveth a c. givei CHEERfULNESS. Rom. 12. 8. ne mat shewtih mercy with c. CHEER iULLY. lets 24> 10. 1 do the more c. answer fur myself CHEEbE, S. 1 Sam. 17. 18. carry these ten c. to the captain 17. 2y. Barzillai brought sheep andc. to D. Job 10. lu. host thou not cui-dled lue like c. / CHERISH. 1 Kings 1. 2. let her c. him, and lie in thy bosom CHERISHED. 1 Kings 1 . 4. the damsel weis fair, and c. the king CHEKISHETH. Eph. 5. 29- c. his own flesh, as the Lord the church 1 Thtss. 2.7. were gentle, even as a nurse r.chUdrcO CHERUB. 'This word in the Hebrew signifies fulness of know- ledge ; and angels are so called Jrom their ex qu,-.iie kno-ulcdgc, and were theiefore used for the punishment of man, uho sinned btf a^teciini: divine Knowledge, Gen. 3. 24. There is but an obscure description given us m scripture of there cherubims, which Moses pluced upon the aik vj' the coienant, Exod. 25. 18. as welt at of th<.ne whiih God po-'-led at (he entrance oj ihut delightful garden on, of uhuh he had driven /\daiu uud Eve. But it is probable that both one and the other had a human figure, since it ts said of those which were placed at the etUrance if Paradise, that thty had their station there assigned them, to guard the tntranee lo it, and held ajiumtng sword in their hands. Aud E2ekiel compares the kirig of lyre to the ciierub th.il covered the ark if tht covenant, Ezek. 2B. 14. that is, he was like to this cherub, glittering alt over with gold and glory. Moses soys, that tuo chciubiais coieied the mercy-sCut with then wings ezlended on both tides, and looked one lo another, having their fuces turned toward the meicy-seat which covered the ark. G, d is .uip- posed to sit OH the mercy-seat, whose Jace the angels tn heaven always behidd, and upon whom their eyes are jixt,d to observe and receive hi.\ commands, and towards Christ, the true IVopilia- tory, uhtch mystery they dtnie to look tn: ■. 1 I'et. 1. 12. not tni.yin> mankind their »M,\i» and happy relation to hint, but taking pleuiuit tn Ihe contemplation of It. Moses /»Aftu« cal.s those representation* which ucre made tn tin- bioderics upon the veils of the tabemaclct cUc rubimj ofcuiming work, Liod. 26. 1. Ezod. 25 ly. make one c. on one end, and thi other c. on the oilier end, 37. 8 2 Sam. 22. U. he rode upon a c. Psal. 18. 10. 1 hing.f 6. 25. and the other c. was ten cubita 2d. the height of out: c. ten cubits, so oi' tl.u other Lzek. 9. 3. the glorj of Ood wa^ gnue up from th» c. to the ihrcAhoid of the house, 10. 4. 10. 7. and one c. stretch d forth his hand froni the 14. first face was the face of a c. second of a man 28. 14. thou an the anointed c ibal covereth 16. aud I will destroy thee. O covering e. 41.18. between ac and ac. every c. had two faces CHERUEIMS. Cien. 3. 24. he placed at the east of the garden ( Lrod. 25. 18. thou shall make two c. of gold i6. 1. the tabernacle of c . of cunning work, 31. 37.7. he made two c. of beaten p >ld of one pieci 1 A"i«;'.. d. 23. within the oracle Lc made two c. 25. bcth thef. were of one measure and one si^t 28. and he overlaid the c. with gold 8.7. tlie f . coven'd the ark. 2 CVir. 5. 8. Heb. y. 5 2 Chr. 3. 10. in the most holy place be made two .-. Lick. 10. 5. the sound of the c. wings was heard It), when the e. went, the wheels went by llito ly. c. lift up their wings and mounted, 11. 22. Between lh« CHERUBIMS. tjod. '25. 22. will meet i\u:e from between tht twoc. .VK«i.7.8y. from between the twof. he spake to him 1 Owm. 4.4. the ark of Lord which dwelleth *cW'« (Ace. 2 C)t(-/..6. 2. 2 Am^Wy 13. hu. 37,10 CHI I'^/t 80. I. lh.1t rlwellelhAeri^iTH ffie c. shine Corrh I',). I. he silteth beiueen thee, let earth he mow d Liek. 10. 2. fill with coals of fire from betu'ten the c. 7. haiidfroni fieiu-emc. to fire that wiAdeticc'enc. ClIESNUT-TRCE, S. Oen. 30. 37. and Jacob took hioi rods of c.-tne Ezek. 31. B. the c.-tiees were not like his branches CllKST, S. 2 ffinjil'^.p. Jehoiadatookr. and bored hole in lid fi Chr. 24. 8. at kind's comiiandment they imde c. ll.hiph-priest's officer came, and emiitied the c. Etek. 27. 24. ihy nterchaiits in c. of rich apparel ciir.w. Lcv.W .4. not eat of them that c. the cud, DeHt,\A .' . cnF,wi:n. Awm.!!. 33. ere the flesh w;is r. wrath was kindled CIIKWEIH. L€v. 11.4. because he c. the cud, 5. fi. Vent. 14. 6. 7. yet the swine c. not the cud. Dent. 14. b. CHICKENS. J(/n/. £3.37- gath'^red even as a hen gathereth her c. CHIDE. Eiod. 17. 2. tl\e people did f . Mhy c. you with me ? Jude. 8. 1. the oienof Ephraiiii didc. with Gideon Psal. 1U3. 9. he will not always c. nor keep anger CHIDING. Eiod. 17. 7. called Merihah, because of c. of Israel CHIEF Sl unifies, [l] 714^ principal person of u family , con- gregation, tribe, armv, &:c. Num. 3. 30. Deut. 1. 15. 1 Sam. 14. 38. 2 Sam. 5. 8. [2] The hex:, or most ralnaiie, 1 Sam. 15. 21. [3] 'Jhe higheit, or uppermo'-t. Mat. 23. 6. [4] The deanst, if most f'aitnliar, Prov. I6. 28. [5] T/ie i^reateil, Psal. 1.37. G. [6] Most in esteem and reputation, Luke 14. 1. 2 Cor. 12. 11. [7] Most/omard and actiie, Ezra 9. 2. [8] Most remarkable and XDonderjul, Job 40. 19. Ocn. 37. i 36. they sold Joseph to a c. marshal 4U. 9. the c. butler inid his di-eam to Joseph Ci.he restored thee, butler to his butlership acain 22. but hani^ed the c. baker as Joseph interjireted A'jmi, 3. 32. Eleazar shall be c. over c. of Leviles Jtent. 1. 15. 1 took the c. of yourtrihes, wise men 1 Sam. 15.21. llie people took the c. of the things 8 A.7'«.23.18.Atishai brotherofJoaWc. among three Kings 9- -3. these were the c. of the officers 1 ChroH. 5. 2, for of Judah came llie c. ruler 11. 6. whosoever smiteth the Jebusites first shaM be c. and captain, Joah went first and was c. 18. 17. the sons of David were c. about the king 26. 10. iho' not first-#orn, his father made him c. £'=;lomnn'sfrt;ir. Acts 25.23. whtn Acrippa was entered with (. ff/yr Rev. 6. 15, rich men and c. captains hid themselves CHirF/«M^rf. A'wm.31 .26. thou and the c.J'aikers of congpeijatinn 1 C//f('M.9.31.these c. fathers of Levites wi're chief 24. 31. the c. fathers of the priests and Levites 26. 32. were 2700 c. fathers David made rulers 2 C'Artf«. 26. 12. whole number of c./n/Aerf of mighty Ezra l.S.then rose up the c.of the/fM^rj uf JudaJi A'f/( 7.70.thef.ofthe/.iMtfrj;gave to the work, 71- CHIEF h,mse. Num. 3.24. the c. oi home of Gershonites, Eliasaph 30. the c. nf hinise of the Kohathites, Elizaphan -35. f. of the house of the Merariles, was Muriel 25. 14. Zimri was of a t". hoiL,e among Simeoniles 15. name of woman was Cozbi, of ac. h. in Midiau Josh. 22. 14. out of each c. honse a prince was sent CHIEF »/(T», or men. Lev. 21. 4. not defile himself, being a e. man 1 Chron. 7. 3. the sons of I'zzi, nil of them c. meJi 24. 4. more c. men of Eleaz^ir, than of Ithamar Lira 5. 10. the names of the men that were c. 7- 28. i gathered together c. men to go up with me lia. 41. 9- 1 called thee from the c. men thereof Alt'- 13. 50. but the Jews stirred up the c. men 15. 22. Judas and Silas, c. men among brethren 28. 7. were possessions of the c. man of the island CHIEF prtest. 2 Kin^s 25. 18. the capt. took Seraiah the c. priest 1 C'hion. 27. 5. Benaiah a c. priest was third capt. 29. 22. and anointed iiadok to be c. priest 2C/irt»(i.l9.11.Amariah c. p. is over you in matters 26' 20. and Azariah the c. priest looked on him CHI KF priests. Ezra 8. 24. then 1 separated twelve of c. of priests 10. 5. made the c. pne-ts and all Israel to swear A'e/i. 12. 7. these were c. priests in days of Joshua Mai. 16. 21. and suflfer many things of the c. priests 26. 47, a multitude with staves from the c. priests 27. 12. when he was ^x^cxk^nAoi c. priests, Mark 15.3. 41. c. priests mocking with scribes, Mark 15. 31. Mark\4.l. c. priests soM^hi to take him and put him to death, 55. Mat. 26. 59- Luke 9. 22. | 22. 2. Luke 23. 23. voices of tlieni and c. priests prevailed Ji'hnJ . 32. c. priests seut ofticers to take him, IK. 3 19- 15. f./;fi>jrj answered, we have nokingbutCesar .'icrs 9.14. he hatli authority from c.priests, 26. 10, 22. JO. commaJided the c. p. and council to appear CHIEF prince, or princes, 1 Chron. 5. + 2. and of Judah came the c. prince 7. 40. were children of Asher, c. of the princes Lzek. 38. 2. Oog c. prince of Mesech, 3. ) 3y. 1. Dan. 10. 13. Michael one of the c princes came CHIEF singer, or singers. Neh. 12. 46. in days of David were c. of the singers Ilab. 3. 19. to the c. sins:er on my instruments CHIEF EST. 1 Sam. 2. 29. to make yourselves fat with cofTerings 9. 22. Samuel made them sit in the c. place 21. 7.Doeg an Edomite.c. of the lierd-men to Saul 2 Chr. 32. 33. Hezekiah buried in c. of sepulchres Cant. 5. 10. my beloved is the c among lu.OuO Mark 10. 4i. who will be c. shall be servt. of all 2 Cor. 11. 5. not a whit behind c. of apostles, 12.11. CHIEFLY. Horn. 3. 2. c. because to them were commit. oracles Phil. 4. 22. c. of they that are of Cesar's househ. 2 Pet. 2. 10. but e. them that walk after the Hesh CHILD Signifies, [1] One young in years, 1 Sam. 1. 22. [2] One weuk in knowledge, Isa. 10. 19. 1 Cor. 13. 11, [3] Such as ure yonnt' in grace, 1 John 2. 13. [4] .Such as are humble and docile. Mat. 18. 3,4. [5J H'hatsoeier is dear to a person, Jer. 15.7. CiJiLij, Children, or Sons, are taken differ- ent Kapt in Scripture. 'Jhe descendants of a man, how remote soenr they may be, are called sons, Or children. For example ; the children of Edom, the children of Moab, the children of Israel. These erpressiont, the children of light, the children of darkness, are used to signify those uho folloio light, and those who remain in darkjtess : the children of the king- dom, those vjho belong to the kingdom. Per- sons uho are almost of age, are often called children. For example : Jos ph is called a child, though he uas at least axteen years old, Oen. 37- 30. and Benjamin of the age of above thirty, is still called a little child, Gf7i."44. 20. Like-iiise men of full age have if ten the name ol children given them, ls?_. Q5. 20. The child shall die an hundred years old ; that is, men shall die at the age of an hundred years ; theie shall be no more untimely deaths seen, Chu.UREN, or Sons of God. By this name angeh are somefimei described, as, Jnh\. 6. \ 2. 1, There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, Good mtn, in op- cm position to the wicked, are likewise called by t.\t n-ime ; the children ifSelh'\faniiJv, in oyponifr to the race of Caiu, Oen.G.i. '1 he sons olGoi Saw the daughters of men. Judges and magu irntes aie likeuise termed children of God, Psal H'J, 6. 1 have saicl, you are gods ; and all ol you are the children of the Most High. In the New Te.itamtnt, Believers are common/y called the children of God. by virtue of their adoption, and the prerogatives which Christ pur- chased for them by the merits of hit death and sujferin^i. John 1. 12. He hath given us power to become the sons of God; and eUcuhere ; sea Itom. 8. 14. Gal. 3. 26. Childre.n, or Sons of men. This name is gnen to the men of Cain's family , uho liied before tne deluge; and iJi particular to the giants, thos* violent and corrupt men, who before the deluge had corrupted the-r ways, ana drew down the most ter. } title efiicti of Liod's anger upon the earth. Af tcrwards the impious, the wicked Israelites were catled the sons uf men, Psal. 4. 2. O ye sous of men, how long will ye love vanity ? See Psal. 12. 1. I 57- *. Hut very often, by sons of cien, mankind aie to be understood, '.itthoul any odiout tf'tion, as, I'sal. 8. 4. What is the son of man that thou visitest him ? Psul. 1 1 . 4. | 1 45. 1 2. Gc;j,21.15.Hagarcastthef.un(ler one of the shrul 16. she said, let me not see the deatli of the c. 37. 30. the c. is not, and I, whither shall I go.' 42. 22. spake I not, do not sin against the c. ? Ejod. 2. 8. the maid went, and called the r .mo:h» 22. 22. ye shall not afflict any fatherless c. ■Indg. 11. .34. Jephthah's daughterwas his only c 13. 8. and teach us what we shall do to the c 1 Sam. 1. 25. and they brought the c. to Eli 8. Ell perceived th- Lord had called the ( 2 Sam. 12. 14. the c. that is born to thee shall ait 15. Lord struck the c. that Uriah's wife bare 16. David therefore besought God for the c 19- David perceived that the c. was dead 1 Kings 3. 25. he saiil, divide the livint; c. in tw{ 14.3. he shall tell thee, what shall become of the e. 17- 22. the soul of the c. came into him again 2 KiiigsA. 31. he told hiiu, the c. is not awaked 35. ibe c. neesed, and the c. opened his eyes Piov. 23. 13. withhold not correction from the c. Led. 4. 8. yea, he hath neither c. nor brother 15. with second c. that shall stand up in his stead La. 3. 5. the c. shall behave himself proudly 7- 16. for before the c. shall know to refuse the evil 8. 4. before the c. shall know to cry, my father 11 . 8. the weaned c. put hrs hand on cockatrice den 65. 20. the c. shall die an hundred years old Jer. 4.31. as of her that bringeth forth her first r. 31. 20. is Ephraim my sou .' is he aplea.sant f. .' 44. 7. to cut off from you man, woman, and r. Mat. 10. 21. the father shall JL-liver the c. to death 17. 18. the c. was cured from that verj' hour 23. 15. ye make him twofold more the c. of hell Luke 1.5<). on ei^ihth day they came to circumcise c. 66. saying, what manner of c. shall this be? 76. thou c. shall be called Prophet of the Highest 80. the c. grew, and waxed strong in spirit, 2. 40. 2. 27, when the parents brought in the e. Jesus 9- 38. Master, look on my son, he is my only c. 42. Jesus healed c.aiid delivered him to his father John 4. 49. sir, couie down ere my c. die 16. 21. but as soon as she is delivered of the c Acts 4. 27. of a truth against thy holy c. Jesus 30, that signs may be done by name of ihy c, Jesus 13. 10. Saul said, thou c. of the devil, thou enemy liev. 12. 4. to devour here, as soon as it was born 5. here, was caught up to God and to his throne A CHILD. Gen. 18.13. shall I of a surety bear a r. who am old' 44. 2u. a father, and a c. of his old age, a little out Liod. 2. 2. she saw he was a goodly c. Jleb. 11 '23. 1 Sam. 2.18. Samuel, a c. girdedwilh a linen epiiod 1 hings 3. 17. wast delivered of a ^. with her in house 13.2. a. c. shall be born to house of David, Josiah Job 33. 25. his flesh shall be fresher than a c. P.tal. 131.2. I quieted myself as a c. as a weancdf Prov. 20. 11. even a c. is known by his doings 22. 6. train up a c. in the way he should go 15. foolishness is bound in the heart of a c. 29- 15. but a c. left to himself bringeth to shame 21. he that bringeth up his .servant from a c. Eccl. 4. 13. better is a wise c. than a foolish king 10. 16. woe to ihee, O land, when thy king is a e. Isa. 9. 6. for to us a c. is born, to us a son is given 10. ly. trees shall be few, that ac. may write ihem Jer. 1. 6. behold 1 cannot speak, for I am a c. 7. 20. 15. tidiugg, saying, a man c. is boru to thee Ilos. 11. 1, wh'^n Israel was a c. then I lo\'ed hini MarkQ. 21, how long since this came ? he said of uc. 36. took a c. and set him in the midst, Luke 9. 47 1 Cor. 13. 11. when I was a c. I spake ats a c understood as a f. I thought as a r Gal ^ L I say, theUeir as loog as he Uitf. differs nni CHI 2 7Vit. S. 15. from a e. hast known holy scriptures HtS. 11. 11. Sarah delivered of a c. when past age Rev. 12. 5. she brought forth a man c. who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron Little CHILD. P«H.47- H^. nourish, liis father's house as a /i///? c. l\in%sZ' . am 3.liitlt c. I know not how to go out 11. 17. Hadad fled into Kgypt, heing yet a /iV//*? r. S A'lH^/S. 14. carae attain like the flesh of a/if//tf c. />;,which was told concerning this c. 3-i.tHi!C. is set for fall and rising of many in Isr. 9-48. whoso shall ref>eive //ri'i c.my name, receives li'iiA CHILD. CtfM.lfl.ll.the ani^t? said, Hagar, ihou art uitA c. 19-36. dau^ht. of Lot were mih c. by their fallier 38.24.Tamarthy daughter Is wiVA r. by whoredom 25. by the man whose these are, am I with c. Exod. 21.22. if men strive aTid hurt a woman with c. I ■iVim.4. IQ. his daughter, I'hinehas'wife.was^iiV/i c. £>'im:n. Gen. 3. l6. in sorrow sh.ilt thou bring forth e. l6. 2. it may be that I may olttain c. by her 25. 22. the c. slrucclol logtiher within her 29. t 1. Jacob came into laud of the c. of the east 30. 1. Rachael said to Jacob, give me r.or 1 die 33. 5. the c. which God hath given thy servant 4y. 8. thy father's c. shall bow down before ihi-e /■;rD(/.l2. 37 journeyed about 600,000 meii,besidesf. SO.S.ajealousGod, visiting the iniquity of the fa- thers upon the c. 34.7. AVm.l4.l8. Z)fH/.5.9. 21. 4, the wife and her c. sh.ill be her master'b Sum. l.T. 28. and we saw the c. of Anak ihtre 17_. + 10. for a token against the c. of rebellion 26. 11. notwithstanding the c. of Korah died not Deul. 2. 9, I have given Ar to the r. of Lot, 19. 9. 2. who can stand before the c. of Anak.' 13. 13. the c. of Kelial are gone out from you 14. I. ye are tlie r. of the Lord your God SI. 15. have born h.m c. both beloved and hated 13.0 tbe c. begotten of thcni shall enter into roni;. 24.16. the fathers sli.^ll not be put to death for tbe r. nor the c. fur iht fathers, 2 Chron. 25. 4. JS. SO they axe <■ la whom there is no faith 7* CHI Df«/.33.24.of Asherhe said.let Asher \* I'evedc. Josh. 22. 9. c. of Keuben and Gad, hall tnbe o. Ma- nasseh, returned and built there an altar, 10, 11. Judg. 4. t). take 10.000 men of the c. of Naphtali 8. 18. each one resembled the c. of a kinn 14. 16. thou hast put forth a riddle to c. of people 20, 13. now deliver us the men, the r . of Belial 1 Sam. 2. 5. slie that hath many e. is waxed feeble 111. 27. c of Belial said.howshall this man save us? 2 .S,;;/( :i. t 3i, as a man falieth before c. of iniquity 7.10. neither shall the c. of wickedness afflict ihem any more as before time, 1 Chion. 17. 9- 1 Kings 21. 13. there came in two men, c. of Belial 2 Kings 2. 24- two she-bears came and tare 42 c. 9. 1. Elibha called one of the c. of the prophets 10. 13. to salute the c. of the king, c. of the queen 14. ti. but the c. of murderers he slew not, as Is written in the law of Moses, 2 Chron. 25. 4. 17. 34. nor do as Lord commanded the r. of Jac. ly. 3. for the c, are come to the birtli, Isa. 37. 3, 1 Chron. 2. 30. but Seled died without c. 32. and Jether died without c. 4. 27. but Shimei's brethren had not many e. Id. 13. O ye c. of Jacob his chosen, Piai. Iu5. 6. 2 Chro7t. 13. 7- gathered to Jeroboam c. of Belial 25. 7- the Lord is not with all the c. of Kphraim 11. Amaziah smote of the c. of Seir lO.Ouo Eira 2. 1 . theae are c. of the province, A'e/i. 7. 6- 10. 44. some had wives by whom they had c. AVA. 9.23. the f.mullipliedstthou asstarsof hcav. Jo!) !y. 17. I iiitreated for the c. sake of my body 30. 8. they were r. of fools, yea r. of base men 41. 34. he is a king o\er all the c. of pride Pial. 17. 14, they are full of c. and leave the rest .'54,11. come, ye c. hearken to me, I will teach you (>9. 8. I am become an alien to my mother's c. 72. 4. he shall save the c. of the needy ';;. 6. the f. which should be born might know 82. 6. and all of you are r. of ilie most High 83. 8. they have holpen the c. of Lot. Selah lu2. 28. the c. of thy servants shall continue 11 3. 9. makes the barren to be a joyful mother off. 127. 3. lo c. are an heritage of the Lord 4. as arrows in the hand, so are the r. of youth 137.7. remember, O Lord, the c. of Kdom HH. !2. let old men and c. praise the Lord 14y.2. Itt the c. of Zion be joyful in their king /^..J^4.1.hear,yef. instruction. 5. 7. | 7-24. | 8.32. 17. 6. and the glory of c are their fathers 31. 28. her c. arise up and call her blessed Ecei. 6. 3. if a man beget 100 c. and live years Canl. 1. 6. my mother's c. were ansrry with me I^a. 1. 2. 1 have brought cp c. and they rebelled 4. ah sinful nation, c. that are corrupters 2. 6. thpy please themselves in the c of strangers 3,4. and 1 will give c- to bcthi.'it priuces. and babes 12. as for my people, r. art- their oppressors 8. 18. I and c. whom Lord hath given me,/yfA.2.13. 13. 18. shall have no pity, their eye not spare c. 21. 17. mishty men off. of Kedai- be diminished 23. 4. saying, 1 travail not, nor bring forth c. 30, 1. woe to the rebellous c. saith the Lord 9. lying f. f. that will not hear the law of the L. 38. ly. father lo the c. make known thy truth 47.8. neither shall I know the loss nf c . 9. ( ome in one day the loss of c and widowhood 49. 20. the f. which thou sliall have, shall say 54,1. sing, O barren, for more are c of the deso- late than c. of the married wife, G«/. 4.27. 57.4. are ye not r. of transgression, a seed of falseh. 5. slaying the c. in the valleys under clifis of rocks (13. 8. they are my people, r. that will not lie f)t».8. assoon as Ziontravailed, she bronght forth <-. Jer. 3. 14. turn, O backsliding c. saith the L. 22. 19. I said, how shall I put thte among the c? 4. K1. for my people is foolish, they are sottish r. (). 1 1. 1 will pour it out upon the c. abroad 7- 18. the f. gather wood, tliefalherskindli'lhe fire 9. 21. for death entered to rut offr. fmni without 15.7. I wiH fan ihem, I will bereave iheni of r. 31. 15, Rachel weeping for her c. Mat. 2. 18. Cy, the r. teeth are set on edge, I'.tek. 18. 2. 4tJ. » 45. shall devour the crown of the c. of noise I. mil. 2. 20. shall ihe women cat r. of a span long' 5. 13. young men to grind, c. fell under the wood E.tek.1.-\. for they are impudent c, and stiff-hearltHl 20. 21. the c rebelled against me, they walked 23. t 1". f. of Babel came to her into bed of love 33. .10. tlie c. still are talking against thee by walls 4-1. t7- brought into my sanctuary c. of a stranger 47. 22. to strangers th-t shall be net r.l4.20. be not c. in understanding, in malice, c, 2 Cor. 12, 14. for the e. ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the f Gal. 3. 7- of faith, the same are the c. of Abraham 4. 3. so » e, when we were c. were in bondage 25. .lerusalem, which is in bondage wiih her c. 31. we are not r. of bond-woman, but of the frf-e Lph. 1.5. having predestinated us to adoption oft , 2. 2. the spirit that workelh in c. of disobedience 3. were by nature c. of \\Tath, even as others 4. 14. we be henceforth no more r. losse^l to and fro 5. 1. be ye therefore followers of God as dear r. 6. wrath coniPth on c. of disobedience, Col. 3. (i. 6. 1. c. obey your parents in the Lord, Col. 3. 20. 1 'J'im. 5. 4. but if any widow have c. or nephews 10. if she hath brought up e. if she haih lodged 14. I will that the younger women marry, bear t-. He6. 2. 14. aiihee. arc partakers of flesh and bloo ace -makers shall be called the c. cfG. Lake 20. 30. are tliet-, ofG. being c. of resurrection , John 1 1 . 52. should gather together in one e. cf God Horn. 8, 16. beareth w'tness thai we are the e. o/G. ' 21 . delivered iulo the glorious liberty of c. oj' C-od 9. a, the c. of the flesh, these are not the e. of God 26. there sliall they be railed r . o/"the living God Gal. 3. 2ti, ye are all e. of God by faith in Christ 1 John 3. 10. c. of God n^anifesl, and c. of the dc^i\ 5. 2. by this we know that we love the e. cf God 1 III' CHILDREN. I Gen. 18. 19, T know Abraham will command \\t t 37. 3. <'u-ael loved Joseph more tliau all Ak' c< CHI Dtttt, 17. 20. may prolnnp his days, he and hit c. 3^. 5. cornipted, their spot is not the spot of Ait c. t ihey arc iii»t his c. that is their bint W. y. neither acknowledge, iior knew his own e. Sam. SO. 22. save to every man his wife and hisc. Sam. 14.3. a little ewe-Iamb, itgrewupwilh httc. S A'iTi^j8.19-W?ivehimalway3aIight.and to Aijc. ( Chr. 28. :i. burnt hisc. in fire after the heathen 3:1. fi. he caused AiJ c. to pass thro' the fire Ji>6 5. I. his c. are fir from safety, and are crushed 17. 5. even the eyes of his e. shall fail 20. 10. his c. shall seek to please the poor 21. 19. God layeth up his iniquity for his c. 27. 14. a his c. be multiplied, it is for the sword /'jv7/. H9. .10. if /life, forsake my law, and walk not U)H.l3. like as a father pitieth hit c. so Lord pities log. 9. let his c. be fatherless, his wife a widow 10. let his c.\be vagabonds, and beg bread l'">i'. 14. 20. his c. shall have a place of rpfu!;e -0. 7. tlie just man, his c. are blessed after him ^.f«. 14.21. prepare i.lau;:;hter for his c. for iniquity of 29. 23. when he seelh his c. in the midst of him Ifos. 9. 13. but Kphraini shall bring forth his c. f'hn4. 12. his c, and cattle drank thereof I I'hfss. 2. 11. we charged you as a father doth his c. 1 Vim. 3.4. havinc/(iV. c. of Judah came to Joshua to Gilgal 2 ■SfcOTTi.l.lB. bade teach c. of Jud. the use of the b( 2 Chr. 13.18. c. of J. prevailed, because they relied 25. 12. other lO.OOodid c. of J. carry away captive 28. 10. now ye purpose to teep under the c. of Jud. Jer. 32. 32. because of all the evil of thee, of Judah 50. 4. they and the c. oj' Judah going and weeping .33 Israel and c. of Judah were oppressed together Joel 3. 19. for the violence against the c. of Judah CHILDREN of light, Ijuke 16. 8. f .of this world are wiser than c. of tight John 12. 36. believe, that ye may be thee, of Ugh. Eph. 5. 8. but now are light in Lord, walk zsc. of r 1 Thess.5.5.st are all c.of light . and children of d y Little CHILDREN. Sum. 16.27. /iV//« f. Stood in the door of their tents 4 Kings 2. 23. came forth little c, and mocked him £j/A.3.13.io one day to destroy little c. and women F.tek. 9. 6. slay utterly maids, little c. and women War. 18.3. except converted, and become as little c. 19. 13. then were there brought to him little c. \4.sn€eT Ittile c.toconie,Mari\0.\4. Luie }8.l6 John 13. 33. tittle c. yet a little while I am with you (ial. 4. 19. niy little c. of whom I travail in birtl: 1 John 2. 1. my little c. I write to you, 12, 15. 4.4. ire of God. little c. and have overcome world 5. 21. little e. keep yourselves from idols CHILDREN of men. Gen . 1 1 . 5. to s«e the tower wfiich c. of men built 1 Sam. 26. 19- if they be c. of men, cursed be they i Sam.7 .14.\'\l cnastise him with stripes oi c. of m. I A 171^^8.39. knowest hearts of*. ofm.Z Chr. 6.^0. Psiil.H.4. eyes behnld. his eye-lids try the c. of m. 12. 1 . for the faithful fail from among c. of men 14.2. looked do\vn from hea%'eu upon c. ofm. 53. 2, CHI Psat. 36.7,thetf, ofn(£M put their trust under shadow 45,2.thou art fairer than c. oJ men. grace is poured go. 3. turnest man. and sayest, return ye c. of mrn 107. 8. his wonderful works to c, o^'mffw, 15, 21, 31. 115. 16. the earth hath he given to the c. of men ?Vt>!'.15.11.how much more then hearts of c. of men f.am.3. 33. he doth not afflict, nor grieve r. of men Dan. 2. 38. whereverc. of men dwell hath he given A/fffl-CHILDRF.N. Exod. 1.17. the midwives saved the me«-f. alive. 10. 34. 23. all the men-c. shall appear before the Lord Josh. 17. C. these were the male c. of Manasseh Men, »Witf«. anrf CHILDREN. Dent. 3.6. in Rashan we destroyed /ti. women, and c. 3 1.1 2. gather men, uomen, and e. to hear and learn 1 Sam.'i'i.l'^. smote Nob, m. w. audc. and sucklings Ezra 10. 1, a great congregat. of wi^«, women, and c. Jer. 40, 7- had committed to Gedaliah m. w. end c. Mat. 14. 21. and they that had eaten, were about 5000 men, beside -uomen and c. 15. 38, Mu CHILDREN. Gen. 30. 26. give me my wives and myc. for whom 31.43. these c. are my e. these cattle my cattle 42. 36. Jacob said, me ye have bereaved of mi/c. 43. 14. if I be bereaved of mv c. I am bereaved Exod. 13. 15. but the first born of my c. I redeem 21 . 5.1 love my master, wife, and my c. I'll not go 1 Kinq^s 20.7. he sent to mc for my wives and my c. Job 29. 5. that I were as when my c. were about me /ia.49, 21, seeing I have lost my c. and am desol. Jt' 10. 20. my c. are gone forth of me, and are not Lam. 1 .16. mv c. are desolate, the enemy prevailed Esek. l6. 21. is it small that thou hast slain my c. ? Luke 11.7. trouble me not, my c. are with me in bed 2 Cor. 6. 13. I speak as to my c. be ye enlarged 3 John 4. joy to hear that mv c. walk in the truth No CHILDREN. Gen. 16. 1. now Sarai Abram's wife bare him «t> c. 10. 1 . when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no c. Nttm. 3. 4. N adab and Abihu died, and had no c. 1 Sam. 1. 2. Peninuah had, but Jlannah had7(o c. .Va/.C2.24. if any man die having no e. Mark 12. ig. Luke 20, 31. the seven took her. and left no e. Our CHILDREN. Gen. 31. I6. all the riches are ours and our c. Etod. 17. 3. to kill us, and our c. and our cattle .Vi/771. 14. 3. that our wives and our c. be a prey Dent. 29. 29. belong to us and to our c. for ever Josh. 22.24. your c. might speak to oi^r c. saying 25. your c. make our c. cease from fearing Lord yeh. 5. 5. as the flesh of brethren, our c. as their c. A/af.27.25.and said, his blood be on us and on our c. CHILDREN of promise. 7?('ffi.9.B.hut the c. of prom, are counted for the seed Gal. 4. 28. we, brethren, as Isaac was, are c. of p. Strange CHILDREN. Keh. 0- + 2. Israel separated themsplves from sir. c. P.\al. I4t. 7- rid and deliver nie from strange f. 11. IIos. 5. 7. for they have begotten strange c. Their CHILDREN. Gen. 31. 43. what csin I do to daughters or their c. Dent. 4. 10. and that they may teach their c. 5. 29. that It might be well with their c. for ever 31. 13. that their c. may learn to fear the Lord Josh. 5. 7. and their c. them Joshua circumciscil 1 A'i»t^,t9.21. oi their c. did Solomon levy a tribute 2 h'tngsQ.XQ.. thou wilt dash their c. and rip women 17. 31. burnt their c. in the fire to the gods 41 . their c. served images as did their fa'hers 2 '.■/((on.20.13. before Lord with wives and their c. 25. 4. he slew not their c. but did as it is written AW. 9. 23, their c. thou multipliest as stars of heav. J3. 24. their c. spake half in the speech of Ashdod lob 21. 11. send their little ones, their c. dance 21. 5. the wilderness yieldeth food for their c. Psnl. 78. 4. we will not hide them from their e. 6. should arise and declare them to their c. 90. Ifi. and let thy glory appi-ar to their c. 132. 12. their c. shall sit on thy throne for ever 7x«.13,l6.M*i> c. shall be dashed to pieces before Jer. 17. 2. whilst their c. remember their altars 18. "21. therefore deliv-er up their e. to the famine 30. 20. their c. also shall be as aforetime 32.18. the iniquity of fathers into bosom of rA^iV f. 39. for good of them and oi their c. after them 47.3. the fathers shall not look back to their c. Lim.4. 10. the hands of women have sodden their c. Ezek. 20. 18. I said to their c. in the wilderness 23. 39, when they had slain their c. to idols 37, 25. they and their c. shall dwell therein Dan. 6. 24. cast th^m and their c. into den of lions Hos. g. 12. tho" brios up their c. yet I will bereave Joel 1. 3. letyourc.lell their c. and their c. anothtT Mic.2 .g.from their c. have ye taken away my glory Zerh. 10. 7. yea, their c. shall see it and be glad 9. they shall live with their e. and turn again y]f/.vl3.33,God hath fulfilled the same to us their c. 1 Tim. 3. 12. the deacons rule /AfH/.4.40.go well with thy c. after thee, 12. 25,28 6 7. tb!'. 25. 46. take them as inheritance for t/our c. 26. 22. siiid, wild beasts shall rob you of t/our c. Num. H. 33. your c. shall wander in the wilderness Deut. 1. 39. your c. shall go in thither and posstss 1 i . 2. 1 speak not with your c. who have not known 19. these my words, ye shall teach themyowr c. 21. that days of your c. be multiplied in the land 29. 22, the generation to come oiyour c. shall say 32. 4d. which ye shall command your c. to obsene Joth. 4. 6. when uonr c. ask their fathers, 21. 22. then ye shall \e.iyour c. know, saying, Israel I Kings 9. 6. if your c. turn from following me 1 Chron. 28. 8. for an inherit, to your c. Etra. 9. 12, 2 Chron. 30, 9. your c, shall find compassion before P.ta/.115.14.the Lord shall increase you ^.-qA. yourc, Jer. 2. 30. in vain have I smitten your c. Mat. 7. II. to give good gifts to ytfurc, Luke 11.13, 12. 27. by whom do your c. cast them out? Luke 23. 28, but weep for yourselves and yourc. Acts 2. 39. for the promise is to you and your c. 1 Cyj-.7.l4.else wereyciw c. nncleaxi, but now holy Eph. 6. 4. provoke iioc v""' r. to wrath, Col. 3. 21. Voujig CHILDREN. .I06 19. 18. yea, young c. despised me, they spake Lam. 4. 4. the young c. ask bread, no man breaketh Nah. 3. 10, her young c. were dashed in pieces Mark 10.13. brought y(7»«5 c. to him to touch them .■J((j 7. 19. so that they cast out their young c. CHIMNEY. Hos. 13. 3. they shall be as smoke out of the e. CHODE. Gen. 31, 36. Jacob was wroth, and c. with Laban Num. 20. 3. the people c. with Moses and spal.e CHOICE. Gen. 23, 6. in c. of our sepulchres bury thy dead 49. II. binding his ass's colt to the c. vine Deut. 12.11. thither shall bring all yourc. vowi 1 Sam. 9. 2. Saul a c. young man and a goodly 2 Sam. 10. 9. he chose of c. of IsraeL 1 Chr. 19. 10. 2 Kings 19. 23. cut down thee, fir-trees, /ja. 37.24. 2 Chron. 25. 5. he found them 300.000 c. men Neh. 5. 18. now prepared for me daily six e. sheep Prov. B. 10. and knowledge ra'her thau c. goln 19. and my revenue Is better ihau c. silver 10. 20. the tongue of the just is as c. silver Cant. 6. 9. she is the e. one of her that bare her Jer. 22. 7. they shall cut down thy c. cedars 48. 1 15, the c. of Moab are gone down to slaughter Etek. 23. t 7. committed whored, with c, of Ashet 24.4, set on a pot. fill it with the c. bones 5. take the c. of the flock and burn the bont;? Acts 15. 7. God madec. among us, that the Gentiles CHOICEST. Isa. 5. 2. and planted the vineyard with thee, vine 22. 7. thy c. valley shall be full of chariots CHOKE. Mat. 13. 22. the care of this world and the decei^ fulness of riches c. the word, Mark 4. I9. CHOKED. Mat. 13. 7. thorns c. them. Mark A. 7- Luken. 7 Mark 5. 13. and were e. in the sea, LuitH. 33. Luke 8. 14. go forth and are c. with cares and richer CHOLER. Dan. R. 7. an he-goat moved with e. smote the ram , 11. 11. the king of the soutl shall be iroved witli* CHOP. M.( a. 5. brtak th.-ir l-om-sandc. them in pieces Cn()OSE Sipnifies, [1] To select, or make choice of, Exod. 17.9. Psal. 26. 12. [2] To retieio a choice, or to choose attain, Isa. 14. 1. | 48. 10. [3] TofoUuw, imitiite, or piacfise, Prov. 3, 31. I: is spoken (I) Oj persons, as, [I] Of Christ, leho Rn.t chosen and set apart from eternity by God tht Father f'r the office of HJedialor, Isa. 42. 1. ["] Of such uhom Gvd from all ettntity elected and separated from among the chilriien of men, fo deliver them from sin and lull, and hy his - S/'irit Wiirkins in them to unite them by faith to Christ, the Head of the church, and to sanctify ana saze them by him, Mark 13. 20. Eph. I. 4 CHO Putl. 33. 12. people he hath r. for his i:iheritanct: By. 3. I have made a tovenaiU with my c. Ip. I have exalted one c. out of the people 105. 6. seed of Abraham, ye child, of Jacuh hi.sc. 43, he brought fortli his c. with gladness infi. 5. that I may see the good of thy <■. 2'{. had not Moses his f . stood before him Prov. 16. 16. understand, rather to be f. than silver 22. 1. a good name rather to be c. than riches La. 43.20. to give drink to my people, my c. (i5. 15. shall leave your name a curse to my r. fid. 3. yea, they have c. their own ways Jer. 8. 3. and death shall be c. rather than life 49. 19. who is a c. man that Iui;\y appoint, 50. 4i. Mai. 20. IG. many bt calkd. but few c . 22. 14. Mark 13, 20. for fiia elect's sake whom he hath c. Luke 10. 42. and Mary hath c. llic good part [3] Of the Jews, teho were set apart as Oi . , _ _ peculiar people. Dcut. 7. 6. Psal. 105.6. [4] , Wen 1. 24. shew whether of thfcit Uvo thou ha^t r Of ut;so7is chosen to .#ff, John 6. 70. (I I) Of y. It. go thy way, for he is a c. vessel to me Of pi....^ ,, - things, Isa. 58. 6. (Ill) Of places, 2 Ch: CHOOSE, as an act of God. Kum. l6. 7. the man the Lord doth c. shall be holy 17. 5, the man's rod whom I shall c. shall blossom /J^H/. 7. 7. the Lord did not r . vou because more 12. 5. the place which Lord shall r. 11, 14, 18, 2fi. I 14. 23, 24, 25. | 15. 20. ] ifi. 2. 6, 7. 15. I6. (17.8.10. I 18.6. I 26.2. I 31. 11. Josh. ^. If. 17.15. shall set him king, whom the Lord shall c. 1 Sam. 2. 28, did I c. hini out of all tribes of Israel 2 fiam. 16. 18. whom the Lord and his people c. 21 6. will hang them inGibeah whom Lord did r. 1 hingf 14. 21. the city which the Loid did c. Xeh. 9.7. thou art ihe God who didst c. Abram Vuil'^Zb. 12. him shall he teach in way he sh^-Jlc. 47.4. he shall c. our inheritance for us Isa. 14. 1. for the Lord will yet c. Israel 4:J. 7. the Holy One of Israel, he shall c. thee Rom. 16. 13. salute Kufos, c. in flic Lord Z Cor. 8. 19. who was c. of tVx churches to travel J 7Vm. S.tQ.let uo; a-widow bf r. i.ito the number 2 T://i,2.4.plea3ehini wno hath f. him to be a soldier 1 Pet. 2. 9. ye are a c. generation, a royal pricbili. Rev.X't. 14. thev are called, c. and faithful CHOSEN of God. Luke 23. 35. if he be the Christ, the c. of God Acts ]0. 41. hut to witnesses c. before of God 1 Pet. 2. 4 a living slon^ . c, of God aii3 precious God hath CHOSEN. Dent. 12. 21. Godhathc. to put name there, I6. 11. 21. 5. ihem God hath c. to minister uiUo him 1 VhroH. 2y. 1 . Solomon whom God hath c. is young Acts 22. 14. the Godot our fathers /jof/i c. thee 1 Cor. I. 27. Gvd hath c. foolish thuigs, God hath c. weak things 28.things despised Godhathc. and things that are 66. 4. I also will f. their delusion, and bring fears 2 Thcss. 2. 13. God i'rom the beginning /mM c. you Zech. 1. 17. the Lord will \et c. Jerusalem, 2. 12. CHOOSE. Lxod. 17. 9. f. us out men, and go out, fight with Veiit. 23, 16. he shall dwell in that place he shall r. 30. 19. therefore c life, that thou and seed may live Josh. 24. 15. c. IJ.'S day whom you m ill sen e 1 ^aw.M.H. r. you a man fur you, let him come 2 -Sam. 17. 1, let mec. 12,000 men, and I will pursue 19. 1 38, what thou shall c. that will 1 do for thee 24. 12. I ofler three, c. oneof rhem, 1 C/ir.21. 10. 1 Kiu^s 18. 23. let them c. one bullock, 25. Job 9. 14. c. out my words to reason with him 34. 4. let us c. to us judgment, let us know 33. whether tlion refuse, or whether thou c. Ps. 84. + 10. I would c. ratherto sit at the threshold Viov. 1.3y. and did not c. the fear of the Lord 3.31. tho oppressor, and c. none of his ways Is'i.l . 15. may know to refuse evil, and c. good, 1 6. 5fi. 4, to the euiim:hs that c. things that plea.se me 65. 12. and did c. that wherein 1 delighted not Etek. 21. 19. c. a place, c. it at the head of the way Phil. I. 22. Tet what I shall c. I wot not CliOOSEST, ETH, IKG. Job 7. 15, so that my soul c. strangling and death 15. 5. ajid thou c. the tongue of the ciafty 7'*a/. 65. 4. blessed is the man whom thou c. ha. 40. 20. he c. a tree that will not rut 41.24. an abomination is he that <■ . you lleb. 11. 25. c. rather to suffer aftliction with people CHOSE, Gen.G. 2. they took them wives of all which they c. 13. 11. then Lot c. him all the plain of Jordan I'lxod. 18. 25. Moses f. able men, and made heads Deut. 4. 37. he c. their seed after them, 10. 15. Josh. 8. 3. Joshua c. 30,000 oiighty men of valour Jnde. 5. 8. they r . new gods, then was war in gates 2 Sam. 6. 21. the Lord who c. me before ihy father 1 Aij(i;v3. 16. I f. noi ityoutof all the tribes of Isr to build an house fur n'Y name, 2 Chr.6. 5. 1 Chr. 28. 4. the Lord c. me before all the house of Job 29. 25. I c. out their way and sat chief Pial. 78. 67. and r . not the tribe of Ephraiui ti8. but c. the tribe of Ju-Uih, the mount Zion 70. ho c. David also his servant, and took him Jsa. fifi. 4. and c. that in which I delighted not /-ted. 20. 5. say to Ihem, in the d.iy when I c. Isr. Luke 6. 13. of his disciples he c. twelve apostU-t I I. 7 . wlien he Diarkcd how they r. chief moms Acts 6.5. c. Stephen a uianfull of faith and H. Ghost 13. 17. Ood of this people Israel c. our fathers 15.40. Paul C.Silas and departed, being reconiuieii. CHOSEN. Eiod. 15. 4. his c. criptains are drowned in the sea Num. 16. 5. him whom he hath c. cause to come i-sh. Ul. 22. ye have c. you the Lord to serve him JiiJa. 10. 14. go and cry to the gods ye have c. 1 -^am. 8. 18. because of the king ye have c. 12. 13. 30. 30. I know lh;it thou ha^t<■. the son of Jesse 1 Alt/:;* 3.8. haslf. a i;r«'at penple.caimoi be number. 8. 44. the city thou hast r. 4ti. 2 Chron. 6. 3i, 38. 3 Chron. lb. 13. ye children of .larob his c- ones Jii 36. 21. thi:i hast thou c, rather thao afllictioD 7b Jam. 2. 5. hath not God c. the poor of this world / have CHOSEN. 1 h'in!;s 11. 13, for David's sake and Jerusalem's sake Ihavec.l h'in-;^ 21.7- 1 23.27.2 C/,r. 6.6. 32, the city which 1 have c. out of all the tribes A'lh. I. y. bring them to place / hate c. to set name l\al. 119. 30. Ihaiec. the way oftru-lh, 173. 7jrt, 41.8. Jacob whom Ihaiec tne seed of Abrah. y. / have c. thee, and not cast thee away A:i. 10. my sen'aiit whom 1 have c lilat. 12, 18. 44.1. Israel whom 1 have c. || 2. Jesurun I havec. 40. 10. / have c. thee in the furnace of affliction 58. 5. is not this the fast that 7 have c. ? 6. Hag. 2. 23. 1 have c. thee, sailh the Lord of hosts Joh I 13. 18. speak not of all, 1 know whom 1 havec. 15. Ifi. ye have not r. me, but 1 have c. you 19. but 1 have c. you out of the world, therefore Lord'hath CHOSEN. Deut. 7, 6. Lord hath c. thee a special people, 14.2. 18. 5. the Lord hath c. him out of all the tribes 1 Sam. 10. 24. see him whom Lord hath c. none like 16. 8. atid he said, neither hath the Lord c. this 10. Samuel said the Lord hath not c. these 1 Chr^'n. 15.2. for them the /-wri/Aa/A r. to carry ark 28. 4. i^z-rf/jflMcJudah ruler, and house of falli, b.Lord hath c Solomon to sit to build an house, 10 ^Chron. 29-1 1 . I-^ndhath c .you to stand to serve him I'sol. 105.26. he sent Aaron whom he had c. 132.13. Loid hath c. ZioM||135.4,L«;i//i«r/«f. Jacob Jcr. 33. 24. the two families which the Lord hath c. Zeeh. 3. 2. l^^rd that hath c. Jerusalem rebuke ihee J ph. 1.4. according as he hath c. us in him CHOSEN men. Judg. 20. 16. seven hundred c. men left-handed 1 f\int;s 12.2 1 . of Judah 180.000 e, rncu.QChr.l 1.1. 2 Chion. 13. 3. Abijah set the battle in array willi 400.000 r. men, Jeroboaui with 800,000 c. men Psal. 78.31. wrath smote down the c. men of Israel Ads 15. 22. to send c. men of their company, 25. CHIUST, The anointed of God ; the same with tjte llebrcM- Me.M,oh. Psal. 45. 7- Isii. 6I. 1. The eternal Sim -nd Person of the glorioii. Triiihy, Mat. 28. ly. 1 John 5. 8. In hi. dii iiie itatiue he is ei/uat uilh the lather, and overall, God bleysed for ever : but in his human nature, subordinate and inferior lo the lather, beiug like to men %a all things, iin excepted, lioth natures are united in the person of Christ that he tnight be our yophct. priest, and Ung and the author of a complete, pe'feci, all-snj- /icicnt, and eternal sahation. He evtr liief t< inteiccde for all that come to him, Heb. 7- 23. Jn Christ all the types, prophecies, and promises centre. He ii the mott suitable object for the sinner to look to, trust in, and expect all hii, hopes, joys, and consolations from, as by him alone life and saltation are procured. He is the head of vnnciyalities and youert, the bright- ness of hts lather's glory i aiid the express image of his perMtTt, Heb. 1. 3 the glory of all zcorlds, and the rnjut-^etit luninurt/oj' t\t unneTte, John CHR I. 9. the inezhaustihle foimtaia of all the trea sures of nature, grace, and glory, Jer. 2. 13. 1 a7td the molchlets, incomparable Redeemer of all that come to a.k, John 6. 37. Christ was tk grand subject of all the apostles' ministry. Art* 8. 5. and, indeed, a sermon without Christ is like a cloud with'ut water, or a hadow withou.. subst-anee. One moment's communism with Christ ij of m/* David, that he wat to perform great miracles, that he should restort all things, that be sliould die and 1 isc again, thai Elias sh.'nld be (he forerunner of his appeal auce, that a proof of his coining should be, the cure oJ the lepers, life restored to the dead, and the gospel preached to the poor: that he should not destroy the law, but should perfect and fulul it ; that fu should be a stone flm>r C. they will marry Bt/ cuRisr. _ Cor. 1. 5. so our consolaiion aboundelh 61/ C. Ga/. 2.17. but if while we seek to be justified Av C. Eph. 3 21. to him be glory in church />y C. Jesus tor CHRIS r. 1 Cor. 1. 17. for C. sent me not to baptize, but to 4.l0.we are fools /yr C. sake, but ye are wise in C. 2 Cor. 5.20. now we are ambassadors/or C. we pray 12. 10. I take pleasure in distresses /or C. sake EpA. 4. 32. as God /or C. sake haih forgiven you P/iil. 3. 7. gain to me, those I counted \oss/or C. 2 T/iess. 3. 5. L. din'cl to the patient waiting/ijr C. //fi.ll.t26. esteemuigreproach/flj-Cgreaterrich. Jeua with CHRlbT. ■l/rt/.l.ie.wasboin Jff^j. who is called C.27. 17.22. Jo/m 1. 17. but grace and truth came by Jesus C. 17. 3. know thee, and Jesits C. whom thou sent Acts 2. 38. be baptized in the name oiJesi's C. 3. 6. in the name of Jes^M C. rise up and walk 20. shall send Jesus C. who was preached to you 4.10. by the ncrnie oUcsits C. doth this man stand 5.42. anddaily they ceased not to preach .^-.wj C. 8. 12.when they believed Philip preaching things concerning name of Jesiis C. they were baptized 37. I believe that Jesus C. is the Son of God 9. 34. Eneas, Jesus C. maketh thee whole, arise 10..1fi.preaching peace by J^.ra.f C. he is Lord of a 16. 18. 1 command thee in the nameof J.C.conieout 17. 3. and that this Je\us I preach to you is C, 18. 5. Paul testified to the Jews that Jeji/J was C. 28. she\ving by the scriptures that Jesiis was C, 19.4. that they should believe on C, Jesw Rom. 1. 1. Paul a servant oi Jesiis C. PAi/. 1. 1. .T.crnceriiing his Son Jestis C. our Lord, of seed 6. among wTtom are ye the called of Jesus C. 8. I thank my God through Jtsus C. for you all 2. Iti. shall judge the secrets of men hy Je^ns C, 3. 22. righteousness, which is by faith oi Jesus C. 24. justified through the redemption in Je/;. 1.2. Col. 1 £ 8. 9. for ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus C (ial.6. 14' glory save in the cross of our L.J.C A//A.1.3.blessed'bethe Father of our Lord JesusC 17.Godof our L. J. C. give you Spirit of wisdom I 'Ihe.is. 1. 3. your patience of hope in our L. J. C 2. 19. ye are our joy in presence of our L. J. C. 3. 13. may establish you at coming of our Z,. J. C 5. 23. be preserved unto cnniing of o\ir L. J. C ; T/iess. 2. 1. we beseech you by coming of £. J. C. 16. now our L. J. C. hath given us consolation 1 Tim. 5 21. I charge thee bef L. /. C. 2 Tim. 4.1. 2 Ti/it. 4. 22. the L. J. C. be with thy spirit, amn j 2 Pet. 1.11. an entrance into i:iugdom of L. J. C | 3. 18. grow in grace and in knowledge of Ij.J. C. i In CHRIST. I Acts 24. 24. heard him concerning the faith i« C. Horn. 9. 1. 1 say the truth in C. 1 lie not, my cons. ■ 12.5. so we being many are one body in C. 16. 7. are of note, who also were >n C. before me 9. salute Urbane, our helper in C. and Stachys 10. salute Apelles approved in C. salute Aristo 1 Cor. 3. 1. I speak to you, even as ui:to babes m C. 4. 10. we are fools, but ye are wise in C. 15. tho' ye have 10,000 instruct, in C. not many 15. 18. they that are fallen asleep in C. are perish. 19. if in this life only we have hope in C. 22. even so in C. shall all be made alive 1 2 Cor. 1.21. he which statdisheth us with you i« C. 2. 14. God who causeth us to triumph in C. \ 17. as of God, in the sight of God speak we i« C. 1 3. 14. vail untaken away, vail is done away in C. \ 5. 17. if any man be i« C. he is a new creatura 19. that God was in C. reconciling the world I 20. we pray you in C. stead, be reconciled to G 12.2. 1 knew ainan in C. above fourteen years ago ly. we speak before God, in C. we do all things Oai. 1. 22. unknown to the churches of Judeaiw C. 3. 17. the covenant confirmed before of God im C. 27. as many as have been baptized into C. Eph. 1. 3. blessed us with spiritual blessings in C. 10. he might gather in one all things in C. 12. stiould be to his glory, who first trusted in C 20. which he wrought i?i C. when he raised him 3. 6. partakers of his promise in C. by the gospel PAil. 1. 13. so that my bonds in C. are manifest \» 2. 1. if there be any consolation in C. if comfort Col. 2. 5. beholding stedfastness of your faith in C. 1 Thess. 4. 16. and the dead in C. shall rise firsl 1 Tim. 2. 7- I speak the truth in C. and lie not 1 Pet. 3. 16. accuse your good conversation in C 7/CHRlST. ]l/fl/.24-23. if any say, lo, here is C. Mar/i 13.21. MoiA 12.5. that C. is the son of David, Luke 20.41 Luke 2. 1 1. is born a Saviour who is C. the Lord 23. 2. saying, that he himself is C. a king John 7. 41. others said, this is the C. some said Acts 9. 22. Saul increased, proving this ij very- C. 17. 3. that this Jesus whom I preach you is C. iiom.8. 3i.it is C. that died, yea rather risen agnin 1 Cor. 1. 13. is C. divided ? was Paul crucified for 7. 22. he that is called, being free, is C. servant 11. 3. know that the head of everj'man is C. 12. 12. members being many are one body, so if C 15. 13. if dead rise not, then is C. not risen. If), 20. but now is C. risen from the dead, and first 2 Cor. 10. 7. if any man trust that he is C. Gal. 2. 17. is therefore C. the minister of sin ? 3. 16. but as of one, and to thy seed, which if C. Phil. 1. 21. for me to live is C. but to die is gain Coi. 1. 27. which is C. in you, the hope of glory 0/ CHRIST. .!/«/. 11.2. John hi ard in prison the works of C. 22. 42. what think you of C. ? whose son is he' Horn. 8. 9. if any man have not the Spirit of C. 35. who shall separate us from the love of C. .' 14.10.we shall all stand before judgment seat n/'./ 1 Cor. 1. 17. lest cross <>/" C. be made of none effect 2. 16. but we have tne mind of C. 6. 15. know ye not your bodies are members^C. 10. 16. cup, is it not the communion of blood ofC. the bread, is it not the communion of body of C. 11.1. be ye followers of me, even as t also anifl/C 3. head of woman is man, the head of C. is God 12.27. nowye arc the body o/" C. and members 2 Cor. 1. 5. as the sufferings of C. abound in ne 2. 10. for you forgave it in'the person of C. 15. for we are to God a sweet savour ./ C. 3. 3. ye are the epistles of C. ministered by u? 4.4. lest the light of the glorious gospel o/C. shict 5. 14. for the love ofC. consiraineth us, because 8. 23. or our brethren, they are the glory of (- 10.1. beseech by the meekness and gentleness or C 5. bringing every thought to the obedience -/ C 11. 10. as the truth 0/ C. is in me, none shai: sli> 12- 9. power of C. may rest on me, Hev. 12 lu !3. 3. since ye seek a proof of C. speaking in a Gal. 1.10. ifplexsed men. should not bes^r^ p^C Oat. 2 16. thalwc iniyhtbL- justified bytlietaith o/C 6. 12. leal suffer persecution for tbe cross o/ C. Fph. 2. IS. ye are made nigh by the blood oj C. 3.4. underataiid my kriowled. iu the mystery ofC 8. should preach the unsearchable riches of C. iQ. know the love of C. which passeth knowfedi;e 4. 7. arcnrdiiig to ine measure of the gift of C. a. 5. haih any inheritance in the Itingdom of' C. fi. 6. as servants of C. doing the will of God t'/nt. 1. 10. be without offence till the day of C. 2y. for to you it is given in behalf o/'C to be!ie\e C. 16. that I may rejoice in the day 0/ C. 30. for the work of C. he was nigh to death 3. 18. they are the enemies of tJie cross of C. L'ol, 1 . 24. fill up what is behind of afflictions o/C, 2. 2. mystery of God, and of the Father, and cfC. 17- are a sliadnM- of things, but the body is of C. ■J. It), let the ivord of C. dwell in you richly 4- a. open to lis a door, to speak the mystery o/C. 27'/(^j.t,.'l.t5. Lord direct you into the patience 0/ C. 1 I'tm. e.ig. every one that tiameth the name of C. IJeb.^.li.foT we are made partakers o/'Cif we told y. 14. how mirrh more blood of C. purge conscieu. 1 1 . Cfi, reproa^'h of C. greater riches than treasur. Pel. 1 . 1 1 . what lime the Spirit 0/ C. did signify t^J.ye ai-e redeemed with tht precious blood of C. 4.1 3. as ye are partakers o/'C, sufferings, that when 14. if ye be rcproacheil for the naaie of C. l!ev. CO. 0. ihpy shall be |)riest5 of God and 0/ C. That CHRIST. John 1. 25. if be not that C. nor Elias, nor prophet 6. dy. we are sure thou art that C. the Sou of God TAe CIIIUST. Mat. 16 20. sayiiic, tell no man thathe wasMeO. 2fi. 63. I adjure thee, tell whether thou be l/ie C. Mark 8. 29- Peter saith unto him, thou art the C. 14- fil. art thou t/ie C. the Son of the Blessed ■ J.hfte 3. 13. mused of John, whrthc-r he were the C. y. 2U. Peter said, thou art the C. of God 22, 67. scribes, saying, art thou the C. ? tell as John 1. 20. but he confessed, I am not the C. 41. we have found the Messias, which is the C. 3. 28. I said, I am not t/is C, but sent before him 4.29,seeaman who toM me all, is not this/A^ C. f 42. we know that tiiis is indeed (he C. 7. 26. 7. 41. others said, this is the C. but some said JO. 24, if thou be the C. tell us plainly 11. 27. I believe thou art the C. the Son of God 20. 31. that ye may believe that Jesus is //,£ C. j /o/iH2.e2. but hcthatdenieth that Jesus is M« C. 5. 1 . whoso believeth J esus is the C, is born of G . Jlii/i CHRIST. Jfom. 6. 8 if we be dead uilh C. we shall also live U. 17. if children, then joint htirs nith C. Gal. 2. 20. 1 am micified uuh C. I live. C. liveth J-'jth. 2. 5. God hath quickened us together with C. J'/iil. 1.23. havinc a desire to depart and be with C. Col. 2. 20. if ye be dead ivith C frdm the world 3. 1. if ye bi' risen uith C seek the things above 3. ye are dead, and your life is hid tciih C. in G. Hev.ZO. 4. and thcA- reigned ri-ilh C. ItyOO years cintlsriAN. s. yJf/j 11.2fi. disciples were first called c. at Antioch 26. 28. almost thou persuadest me to be a c. 1 /V/. 4.1(5, yet if any man suffer as a (r.not be asha. CIIUISTS. Mat. 24. 24, there shall arise false c. Mark 13. 22. CIIRONICI.PS. 1 Kivgs 14.iy.restof acts of Jeroboam are in thee. 1 CAron.27.24. nor number putin the account of r. I'.jth. 6. 1 . to bring the book of the records of c. See lioOK. CHKVSOMTE. l\ev. 21.20. sevenih foundation of the city was ac. CIlHVSOPltASCS. tiev. 21. CO. tenth foundation of the city was a c. CIIUKCII Signifies, [1 1 "'^ re/igioiis amemlily selected mid called" out of thj: jfor/d hy (h* doctrine 0/ the gospel, to worship the true (iod in Christ, nccordtiiz to his vord, I Cor. 1.2. Hev. 2. 7. (2] All the elect of (iod, 0/ what nation soever, from the begin- fiiug to the end 0/ the tcorld, kIio make hut one «rfv, vhereo/ JesMS Christ is the Head, Col. 1 IH. [3] 'J'he faith/vl of some one family, to i^elhet with snrh christians as xi-ere icont to as sfmlile uith them for solemn rvorship, Kom. I6. 5. Col. 4. 15. Philem. 2. [4] The /aithful of some one province, 2 'J hcss. 1.1. [5] '//(*• {o- lernors, or representatives of the church, Mat. 18. 17. 'I'ell It to the cliurch ; thnt is, to sitrh rulers, to v/iom the censures of the chnrch do of li^ht belong, that hv them ir may he commtmi- cated to the nhole society, [(i] W niuliitude of people assembled tozethrr, whether good, or bad. Act? 19. .'*7. [7] The congre^atioti 0/ the Jews, vhich nat fWmcrfj' the cJturck and people of God Mcts 7. 38. *ftfr. !ti. IB. and upon this rock I will build my e. >Z 17. 1*^11 it to thee if he neglect 10 hear the'f. CIIU Actx^. 47. Lord ntUedtoc. (liiily such sli.be snvcil 6. 11- and great learcauieon ull'tlic c. tuid as in.iiiy 8. l.wasa great persecution against the c. at Jeru. 11. 26. they asseiubled themselves with the c. 14. 23. when they had ordaiued elders in every c. 27. when they had gathered the c. together 15, 3. beinc; brought on their way by the c. 22. it pleased the elders with the whole c. to send 18. 22. when he had gone up and saluted the c. Horn. iG. 5. greet the c. that is in their house 1 Cor. 4. 17. as 1 teach every whert, in every c. 14. 4. but he that prophesielh edifielh tbe c. 5. except interpret that the c. may receive edify. 23. if the c. be come together into one place I'i. ly. salute you, with c. that is in their house J.j'h. 1. 22. gave him to be hea*! over all to the c. 3. 10. might be known by the c, the wisdom of God 5. 24. as the c. is subject to Christ, so let wives 25. as Christ loved the e, and gave himself for it 5. 27. that he might present to himself a ploriouB c. 2y. but cherisheth it, even as the I^ord the c. .32. but I speak concerning Christ and the c. Phil. 3.6. concerning zeal, persecuting the c. 4, 15. nor. communicated with me, but y^, oiJy Col. 1. 18. and he is the head of the body the e. 24. for his body's sake, which is the c. 4. 15. salute the c. which is in ^ jTiiphas" house 1 Tim. 5. ifi. and let not the f. be charged Philcm. 2. Paul a prisoner, to the r. in thy house Ueb. 12.23. to the c. of the first-born in heaven 1 Pet. 5. 13. the c. at Babylon elected saluteth you 3 Jo/Ui 6. borne witness of thy charity before the r. y. I wrote unto c. but Diotrephes receiveth us not Jn the CUUKCn. .•lets 7.38. this is he that was in the e. in wilderness 13. 1. there M'ere prophets i« the c. at Antioch 1 Cor. f>.4. to judge who are least esteemed iw thee. 11. 18. first of all when ye come togetherm the c. 12. 28. God hath set some in the c. first apostles 14. 19. yet IH the c. I had rather speak five words 28. let him keep silence in thee, and speak to God :i5. it is a shame for women to speitk in the c. Eph. .3. 21. to him be glory in the c. by Christ Jesus Col. 4. 16. cause it to he read i« the c. of Laodicea 0/ the CHURCH. Acts 8. 3. as for .Saul, he made havock of the c. 11. 22. tidings from Antioch came to e&Tsof the c. 12. 1. at that time Herod vexed certain of the c. 5. prayer was made of the c. unto God for Peter 15. 4. they were received 0/ thee, and elders 20. 17. Paul sent and called the elders of the c. Rom. 16. 1. Phcbe our sister, a servant 0/ the c. 23. Gaius mine host and»i/"//j(j whole c. saluteth 1 Cor. 14. 12. may excel to the edifj-ing of the c. Eph. 5. 23. even as Christ is the head 0/ the c. Ihb. 2. 12. in midst r/ the c. I will sini; praise Jam. 5. 14. let him call for the elders of the c. 3 John 10, Diotrephes casleth them out of thee. Pei\ 2. 1. to the angel of the c. of Pphesus, write 8. c. in Smyrna !| 12. Pergamus |I 18. 'J hyatira 3. I.e. of Sardis[| 7. Philadelphia || 14. Laodicea CHURCH .)/ (iod. ActsQO.QS. feed the r . (i/'G,.(/ which he purchased 1 Cor. 1. 2. to the c. of Hod which is at Corinth 10. 32. give none offence to liie c. of dod 1 1 .22. or despise ye the r. 0/ God and sh.inie them 15. 9. because I persecuted r. 0/ Cod, Gal. 1.13. I Tim.^.b. how shall he take care of the c. 0/ God* CHURCHKS. .UlsCt. 31 . then had the r. rest through al' Judea 15. 41. Paul went through Syria confirming the c. 16. 5. so were the r. established in the faith jy. 37. these men who are neither robbers of c. Horn. 16. 4. to whom all e. of Gentiles give thanks lO. salute one another, the r. of Christ salute you 1 Cor. 7. 17. so let him walk, so ordain I in all c. 1 1 .ifi.wehavero such custom, neither r. of Christ 14.33. hut author of peace as in all r. of the saints %\. let your women keep silence in ihe c. Ui.l. as I have given order to r.ofG alalia so do ye ip. c. of Asia salute you ; Aquila and Priscifia 2 C(ir. 8.1. of the grace bestowed on c, of Macedonia 19. but who was chosen of the c. to travel with us 23, brethren, they are the messengers of the c. 11.8. I robbed other c, taking wages of them 28. cometh upon me daily the care of all the c. 12, 13. what is it wherein ye were inferior (O c. f (ittl. 1. 22. wci'e unknown by fare to c. of J\idea 1 'i'hess. 2. 14. ye became followers of the r. of (!od 2 'l'hess.\ . 4. S(t that we ourselves glory in you ii Uev.i. 4. John to the seven c. in Asia, grace to you It. send it to the seven c. which are in Asia 20. the seven stars are the angels of the seven c, and tlie seven candlesticks are the seven c. 2, 7. he that hath an ear, let him hear what Spirit saith unto the ell. 17, 2y, | 3. 6. 13. 22. 23. c. know I am he which searcheth the rein; 22.16. I Jesus sent to testifv these things in the c cwvut.. Isa. 32. 5. Dor shall the c. \t STiid to be bountilul CIR Isa. 32 7- the iiistrumeiils also ol the c. arc evil ClUKI.lSll. 1 6a 171. 2 5. 3. man Kabal was c. and evil iahisdoiii;! CHURNING. Prov. 30. 33. surely the r. of milk bringetb butttt ClI^LEU. 2 Chron. 3. 5. he c. the greater house »-ith fir trtt Jer. 22. 14. it is r , with ciUar and painted wiih vc: Hag. 1,4. is it lime for you tu dwell inyour r.hQuse<^ CltLING. 1 Kings (}. 15. he built walls of the house with c. Lzei. 41. 1 16 over-against the door c. with wooj CINNAMON. pTod. 30. 23. take of sweet c. half so much Prov.1 .17.1 have perfumed mybed with aloes and t CM«r4.14. thy plants are an orch.of cilamusaiid c Hev. 18. 13. no man buvelh her merchandist of c CIHCLi:, Prov. 8. f 27. when he set a e. on face of the depth Ua. 40.22. it is he that sitteth on the c. of the ej.nii CIRCUIT, S. 1 Sam.l.lQ. hewtnt from year to year in f. tolielhel y.iA22. 14. and he walked in the c. of heaven Ps. ly. 6- c. and his c. from the ends of the eartb Eccl. 1.6. wind returneth again according tu his c CIRCUMCISE. O^H. 17. 11. ye shall c . the Hesh of your fore-skins Dt:ta.\0.l6. c. therefore the fore-skin of yoiirheart 30. 6. the Lord thy Ciod will c. thine heart J^*<-, for truth of Ci. Cinl. 2. 7. as the gospel ofc. was committed to Pet. 8. he that wrought in Peter to apostlesh. of thee. Col. 4.11. Marcus and Justus who are of r. sal. you VW.l.lO.forthere many unruly, especially thevo/"i-. CIKCUMSPKCT. /,j-i-(/.C3.t3.in all thiucsthat 1 have said to von^bec. CIRCUMSPECTLY. Eph.5. 15. see that ve walk c. not as fools but as wise CISTEKN Signifies, [1] A i^ssel of lead (o hold U'atfT for house- hold uses, C Kings 18. 31. [2] jhtu thins that persons jmt their trust in besides God, lehethei in idols, potcerfnl neighbours and allte.t, friettds, rradtlioHs, merits, iJjc. which are biu brokeii cis- terns, .ler. C. 13. [3] The left tCMtricie of the heart, Reel. 12. 6. 2 Kinss 18. 31 . drink ye every one waters of his c I'rov. 5. 15. drink waters out of thine own c. feci. 12.fi. or the wheel broken at the c. ha. .36. 16. drink everv one the waters of his own f CISTERNS. 2 ('hron. 26. -t 10. Uzziah cut out many e. Neh. 9. + 25. possessed houses full of goods and c Jei . 2. IS. my people have hewed out e. broken c CITY Sipnifies, [1] A walled tonn for people to dwell in. Josh. 6. 3. (2] The inhabitants of cities, Geii, 35. .5. Isa. 14. 31. Jer. 26. £.' [3] Thechurch ef God upoji earth. Cant. 3. 2, 3. Rev. 11. 2. f4] The church triitwphavt all united in glorv. Rev. 21. 2. I 22. ly. ^5] Heaven, the eieniul iuheritnnee of all Selieiers, Ileb. 11. 10, iG. [6] 'J/iat zeherein a niau puts his tnut and coift- dence, Prov. 10. 15. (•£n. 4. 17. Cain builded a c. and calleil it Enoch 11.4. let us build us a r. and a tower, wh^tse top .'>. Lord came down to see the tower, whose top 8. Ld. scattered them, and they left off to build c. 8- 26. if I find in Sod. fifty righteous wiihin thee C8. wilt thou destr.iy all the c. fur latk of five 24.13. thf daughters of thee, come to draw water 34. 24. hearkened all that went out of the gate of c, 25. came upon the c. boldly, and slew the males ^ ' m. 21 , 28. a flame is gone out from c. of Sihon ,2. i 3,). Balaam came to a c, of streets / >':i{t. -. 3(i. there was not one c. too strong for us ^. 4. there was not one c. we took not from them ]3. 15. shah surelv smite the inhabilants of Ihai c Tl. 3. r. next to slain man shall take a heifer, 6. /"r/i,3. iS, on an heap very far from the c. Adam 6. 3. ye shall compass c. and go round six days,". 24. they burnt the c. with fire and all therein, Dnit. J3. l6. Josh. 8. B.\0-J"d?. l.R. ! 18. 27. 8. 2. lay thee an ambush for the c. behind it 17. they left the c. open, and pursued after Isr, 20. the smoke of the c. ascended up to heaven 11. 19. was not a c. made peace, save theHiviies Jt'.\h. 15 13. to Caleb the c. of Arba, which c. is of 19. 50, th'^y gave Joshua the c. which he asked 20. 4. he shall stand at the entrj- of the gate of c. Indg. 6. 27. because he feared the men of the c. 8. 17. and Gideon slew the men of the c. 9- 45 and beat down the c. and sowed it with salt 51. all they of the c. fled, and shut it to them Co. 40. the flame of the c. ascended up to heaven lii'th 1.19. that all the t. was moved about them 3. 11. for all the.', of my people know that thou ! ■'^'am. 1.3. this man went out of c. yearly to wors. i 13. when the man told it, all the c. cried out ."^ 1 1 . there was a deadly destruction thro'all the f . a. 22. Samuel said to Israel, go ye every man to his f . 1 A'nigj 22.36. /-;=ra2.1. Neh. 7. 6. 28. 3. Israel buried him in Ramah, his own r. 2 .S'(T/n. 12. 1 . two men in one e. one rich, other poor 15.2. then Absalom called, of what c. art thou •• 19. 37. I may die in mine own c. and be buried 20. 19. seekesttodestroy ac and mother in Israel . Kirij^s 1. 45. rejoicing, so that the c. raug again 11. 32. for Jerusalem's sake, r. I have chosen, 36. ? Kijtss 6. 19. neither is this the c. follow me 11. 20, the people rejoiced, and the e. was in qui't 24. 10. the f. Jerus.-ilem was besieqed,25. 2. I Chr. 15.0. was destroyed off forG. did vex them 79 CIT 2 C/ii. 19, 5. and he set judges in the land r. by c. 30. 10. so the posts pfl^sed from c. to e. 32. 18. to trouble them that they might take the c. F.ira 4. 12. the Jews are building ttie rebellious c. Neh. 2. 3. why not sad, when the c. lieth waste, 5. 1 1 .9. J udah son of Senuah was second over the c. Esth. 3. 15. but the c. Shushan w:is perplexed 8, 15. the f. of .Shushan rejoiced and was glad I'iol. 48. 2. the c. of the great King, Mat. 5. 35. 59. 6. and they go round about the c. 14. 72. 16. they of c. shall flourish like grass of earth 107.4. they wandered, they found nor. to dwell in 122. 3. Jerusalem is builded as a f . compact 127. 1. except Lord keep the c. watchmen in vain Prov. 8. 3. Wisdom crieth at the entry of the c. 10. 13. rich man's wealth is his strong r. 18. 11 1 1 . 10. when it goeth well with the righteous, the c. rejoiceth, and shouting when wicked perish 11. by blessing of the upright the c. is exalted l(i. .32, ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh ac. 25.28. is like a r. broken down without walls 29. 8. scornful men bring a c. into a snare F.cci. 9. 14. there was a littlt c. and few men in it 15. and the poor wise man delivered the c. ha. 1. 26. called c. of righteousness, faithful c. 21. 14. 31. howl, O gale, cry, O c. whole Paleslina 1". 1. Damascus is taken away from being a c. 19.2. shall fight, c. against c.kingd. against kingd. 24. 10. the c. of confusion is broken down 25. 2. thou hast made of a c. an heap, to be no r. 33. 20. look on Zton, the c. Qf our solemnities fiO. 14. they shall call thee the c. of the Lord 62. 12. thou shall be called a c. not forsaken Jer. 3. 14. I will take you one of a r. two of a tribe 4. 29. whole c. shall flee from noise of horsemen 19. 12. thus will 1 do, even make this c. asTophet 25 29. to bring evil on the r . called by my name 32. 24. they are come to the c. and the c. is given 39. 2. the f. was broken up, men of war fled, 52. 7. 46. 8, I will destroy the c. and the inhabitants 49- 25. how is the c. of praise not left, the c . of joy L'im.i. 1. how doth f . sit solitary, full of people ! 2.1 5. is thisf. that men called perfection of bi/auty^ Ezek. 4. 1. pourtray on it the c. even Jerusalem 7. 23. make a chain, for the r, is full of violence 9. 1. cause them that have charge over the c. 4. go through the midst off. Jerusalem set a mark 9. land full of blood, the c. is full of pen"erseness 10. 2. and scatter the coals of fire over the c. 27. .32. what c. is Uke'I'yrus in midst of the sea ? 33. 21. on" came to me, saying, the c. is smitten 48. 35. name of the c. shall be, the Lord is there Dayi.Q). 18. behold the c. called by thy name, I9. IIos. 6, 8. Gilead a c. of tliem that work iniquity Amos 4.7. I caused to rain on one c. not on another 5.3.the c. that went out by a thousand shall leav Mic. 6,9. Lord's voice crieth 10 the c. hear the rod //rt(i.e.l2.woe to him that stablishelh a r.by iniqui, /^'■/'A .3. 1 .woe to the filthy and polhued.oppressing f . y.ech. 8. 3. Jenisalem shall be called a c. of truth 5. streets of the c. shall be full of boys and nirls 11. 2. the (-.shall be taken and the houses rifled, the residue of people shall not be cut off from the Mat 5. 14. a r. that is set on a hill cannot be hid 35.norby Jerusalem, for it is the e. of great King 8. 34. behold, the whole c. came nut to meet Jesus 10. 11. into whatsoever f. ye shall enter, inquire 15. than for tliat c. Mark 6. 11. Luke 10. 12. 21 . 10. all the c. was moved, saying, who is this i 22. 7. the king sent and burnt up their c. 23.34. and persecute them from c, to c, Mrrk 1 .33. all the c. was gathered together at door 5. U. they that fed swine, told it in V. /,wX,-8. 34 Luke 2. 3, went to be taxed, every one to his ownr 7. 12. and much people of the c. was with her 19. 41. he beheld the c. and wept over it 23. 51. Joseph was of Arimathea, a c. of the Jews John 4. .39. many of that c. believed on him Acts 8. 8. and there was great joy in that c. 13. 44. came together almost the whole c. to hear 16. 12. we were abiding in that e. certain days 17- 5. and set all the c. in an uproar and tissaulled ly. 29. the whole c. was filled with confusion 21, 30. all the r. was moved, and the people ran " //fA.l 1.10. he looked for a c. that hath foundations 16. for he hath prepared for them a c. 12. 22. ye are come to 'he c. of the living God 13. 14. for here we have no continuing c. but seek Jam. 4. 13. we will go into such a c. buy and .■^ell Her. 20.9. they went and compasseil the beloved e. 21. 14. the wall of the r. had twelve foundations 18. tlie c. was pure gold, like to clear glass 23. tlie e. had no need of the sun nor moon Bloody CITY. A'cC)t.22.2.son of man.will thou judge the hloodu c. ? 24. 6. woetothe A/oflrftf «. to the pot, Q- Nah. 3. 1. Defenced Cl'IY, Isn. 25. 2. thou hast made of a defenced e. a ruin 27. 10. yet the dejeueed e. shall be desolate Jer. 1. 18. I have made ihee this day a defenetdc. CIT CITY of Datid. 2 Sam. 5. 9- railed it the e. oj' David, 1 C'Ar. 11. 6. 10. would not remove the ark into c. of Davti 12. brought up the ark into the c c^ David, ifi. 1 Kin^s 2. 10. David was '.luried in tiie c. of Davi 3. I. Solomon brought her into the c. of Dai id 8. 1 . bring the ark out of c. of David, 2 Chr. 5. 2 11.41. Solomon buried in c.of D. 2 Chr. 9. .^1 14. 31. Rehoboam buned inc. of D. 2 Chr.Xl.ld 15-8. they buried A\>\)a.xn in c. of D . 2 CAr. 14. 1. 22. .'-0. Jehoshaphat buried in c. ofV. 2 Chr. 21. 1 2 A'(«^j8.24.Joram buried inc. 0/0.2 C^r. 21. CC 9. 28. Ahaziah was buried in the c. cf Davtd 12. 21. Jehoash buried inc. of D. 2 Chroji. 24. 23 14. 20. Aniaziah ||15.7- Azariah buried in c.of D 15. 33. Jothan was buried in c.of D. 2Chr. 27. 9 16. 20. Ahaz was buried in the c. of David 2 Chron. 24. I6, they buried J ehoiJa in the t . of D Lra. 22. 9- seen the breaches of the c. of David 29. 1. woe to Ariel, the c. where David dv/eh Luke 2. 4. Joseph also went into the c, of David 11. to you is born in the f. (i/"I>(jfiV a Saviour Elders with CIIY. Deut. 19. 12. the chfers of his e. shall fetch him 21.6. the elders of ihal c. next to the slain man 20. say to the eldtrs of his c. our son is stubbori; 22. 17. spread the cloth before the elders of the c. 25. 8. then the elders of his e. shall call him Josh. 20. 4. declare his cause to the elders of that e. Judg.Q. 16. Gideon took the elders of the c. Iiu(h4.2. Boaz took ten men of the e/rft-rj of the t. Ezra 10, 14. and with them the elders of every c. Every CIIY. Jud;^. 20. 48. smote as well the men of ej>ert/ c. 2 Kings 3. I9. ye shall smite errry fenced c. 2 Chron. 11. 12. in eiery c. Rehoboam put shield;? 28. 25. in every e. of J udah he made high places 31. 19. of sons of Aaron which were in every c. Jer. 4. QQ. every c. shall be forsaken, not a man dwell 48. 8. and the spoiler shall come upon every c. Mai. 12. 25. and every c. divided against itself Luke 10. 1. sent them two and two into eveiy c. Acts 15. 21. hath in everv c. them that preach him 36. let us go and visit our brethren in every c. 20. 23. the Ilolj^ Ghost witnesseth in every c. that 7'ir. 1.5. that thou shouldest ordLiin elders in every c. Fenced Cl'J'Y, 2 Kin^s 10. 2. with you a /eHcerfcalso and armoni 17. 9. from the tower of watchmen to the fenced e. 2 CA;wj.ll.23.he dispersed of all his chiltlreu thro' Judah and Benjamin unto every fenced c. CITY of God. Psal. 46. 4. the streams shall make glad the <-. ofG . 48. 1 . Lord grtatly to be praised in c. of our God 8. the c. of God, God will establish it for cVl'i 87. 3. glorious things spoken of thee, O c. tf God Ihb. 12. 22. ye are come to the c. fi/"the living Gic^ Vu'i'. 3. 12. write on him the name of c, of my God Great CITY. G*'?;. 10,12 Ashur builded Resen.same iso^rc^T/c. Ji'sh. 10. 2. feared, because Gibeou was a great c. .Ve/i.7.4.now the c. was large and great, but people Jer.Q'2. B.why hath Lord done thus to this great c, ? Jonah \. 2. arrse, go to Nineveh, that ereat c. 3.2. 3. 3. now Nineveh was an exceeding great c. 4. 11. should 1 not spare Nineveh that great c. t /I'^r.l 1.8. dead bodies lie in the streets of the create. 14.8.Babylonfallen,thatgrtVT/f.l8.10, 16, 19, 21. 16. 19. the great c. was divided into three parts 17. 18. the woman thou sawest, is that great c. 21. 10. he shewed me that great c. holy Jerusalem Holy CITY. .VfA. 11. Least lots todwell in Jerusalem the holyi 18, all the Levites of the holy c. were 284 ha, 48. 2. they call themselves of the holy c. 52. 1. put on thy beautiful garments, O holy c. LJfltt. 9. 24. seventy weeks detfrmined on thyAijivr. Mat. 4. 5. the devil taketh him up into the holy e. 27.53. went into the Ao/yr.and appeared to many lUv. 11,2. the holv c. shall they tr^ad under foot 21.2.1 John saw the /(o/vc.coniing down from God 22. 19. God shall take his part out of the holy c In, or }nto t!te CITY. Gen. 19. 12. whatsoever thou hast in the c. bring Deut. 20. 14. all that is in the c. take to thyself 28. 3. blessed shall thou be m rAcc. and in the field 16. cursed shall thou be in the c. and in the field Josh. 6. 20. so that the people went into the c. 21 . ihey utterly destrovid all that was in the r 8. 19. they entered into the c. and set it on fire Judg. 1.24. shew us the entrance into the c. 8. 27. Gideon put the ephod in his c. in Ophrah 1 6(i7n.4, 13. when the man came ijiio /A* c.and told 2 Htm. 15. 25. carry back the ark of Godin/o thee 27. return into ihr c. and your sons with you 1 htTigslZ. 25. and Uk y came and told it in t\e c. 14. 11. that dieth of Jeroboam in the c. doR! eat 12. arise, and when thy feet enter into the (■ Ifi 4. that dieth of Baisham Ma r. sbaUdocseat 20.30. c^Xixe into the c into an iuner chfiujlet CIT 1 y/«f/Cl.C4.tliat diethof Ahab.in /A«c. doRS pat 4 hin^s 7. 4. if we say, we will enter into the c. 12. we shall catch ihem, and get into the c. 20. 20. how llezi'kiah brought water %nto the c. 25.3. famine prevailed in Met. there was no bread P*o/.31.21. blessed be the Lord, for he hath shewed nit his man ellous kindness in a strong c. 55. 9. I have seen 1 ir.lcnce and strife in the c. Ptov. 1. 21. in (fit c. Wisdom uttereth her words i.Vr/.7.19' than ten mighty men which are in thee. 8. 10. and the witVi=-d were forqolten in the c. Jsa.l^.ll.inthe c.is left desolation and gate smitten Jer. 14.18. if I enter into the c. then behold sick 38,9. like to die, for there is no more bread in thee. 52. 6. famine was sore in the c, there was hO bread Lam. \, 19. my elders gave up the ghost tn the c. Eiek. 7. 15. in the c. famine shall devour him 9. 7. and th«y went forth and slew in the c Hof. 11.9. and 1 will not enter im((> thee .W/2.9. they shall run to and fro in the c.onthf wall Arnos^.^. shall a trumpet be hlown in thee, shall there be evil in a c. and Lord hath not done it ' 7.17. thy wife shall he an harlot in the c. thy sons Jonah 3. 4. and Josf-ph began to enter into the c. -Vat. 9- 1. he passed over and came itito his own c. 10. 5. iitto any e. of the Samaritans enter not 10. 1 1. and in/D whatsoever f. ye shall enter 26. 18. go 171/0 the e. to such a man, and say tnhim 28. \\, behold, some of the watch came i>it^ the c. Mark 14. 13. he saith, go into the c. Acts 9. 6. Znlte2.3. all went to be taxed, every one ijtto his c. 7. 37. a woman in the e. which was a sinner 18.2. there was in a e. a judge, who feared not G, 3. there was a widow in that r. and she came 22. 10. behold, when ye are entered into the c. 24. 49. but tarry ye in (hec. of Jerusalem John 4. 8. his disciples were gone into the c. Jets 11.5. I was in the c, of Joppa, praying 14.20. howbeit, he rose up and came into the c 21. 29. had seen Trophimus with him in the c. 24. 12. neither in the synagogues nor in the c. '■ C0^.^ 1.26. I have been in perils in the c. in the sea Vtfi'.22.14.and may enter thro' the gates into the c- rrVv of the Lord. Psal. 101. 8. I will destroy the wicked, that T may tut off all the wicked doers froni the c. of the f^rd La. 60. 1 1. they shall call thee the c. of the Lord Out of the CITV. Oen. 44 4. when they were gone out of the c. /rnrf.9. 29. Moses said,aS50onas 1 am gone out ofc. 33. and Moses went out of the c. from Pharaoh Lev. 14. 45. he shall carry them forth ontofthec. .h'\h. R.^2. the other side issued out of the f.H'j:ain5t Jndg. 1. 24. the spies saw a man come ok/ n/'rAf r. 2 Sam. 18. 3, better thou succour us out of the c. 20. Ifi. then cried a wise woman ont of the c. 1 Kings1\. 13. they carried Naholh out of the c. 2 Kittgs 7-12. when they come ont of thee, we shall 9- 15. Jehu said, let none escape out of the e. I Chron. 20. 2. he brought much spoil ont of the e. • 2 Chron. 33. 15. Josiah cast the idols ont of the c. : foA 24, 1 2. men groan from out of the c. the soul Jrr. 39. 4. Zedekiah went out of the c. 52. 7- /■ zeJt. 48.30. these are the eoings out of the c. Mic. 4. 10. now shalt thou go forth ont of the c. Mat. 21. 17. he left them, and went ont of the c. Mark 1 1. 19when even was come, went tnit of the c. fukt 4. 29. they rose and thr 1st him out of the c. 5. 5. when ye go out of that c. shake off ihe dust okn 4. 30. then they went out of the c. and came /ictsl. 58. cast Stephen out of the c. and stoned him 14. 19. having stoned Paul, drew him m/f o/'/Ae c. 16. 13. and on the sabbath we went on/ of the c. 21.5. they brought us, till we were out of the c. CITY of refuge. [^um. 35. 25. .shall restore him to the e. of refuse 26. if come without border of the c. of refuge, 27- 28. he should have remained in the c. of refnge 32 for him that is (led to the c. of refuge Josh. 21. 13. they gave Hebron to be ar. of refnge 21 .Shechem ][ 27 .Golan 1| .32.Kedesh 1| 38.Kamolh . C'lron. 6.57-tosonsnf Aaron. \\fi\>t:on2.c.ofrefuge this cn V. Gen. 19. 14. Lot said, up, for Ld. will destroy this c. 20. behold now, this c. is near to flee unto 21. and he said, I will not overthrow this c. Josh. 6.26. cursed be he that buildeth this f .Jericho Ji'ifg. 19. 11, come, and let us turn in unto this c. 1 Sam. 9.6- thiTe is in this c. a man of God 2 A'im£:j2. 19 thp situation r>{ this c. is pleasant 18. .311. fhif e. shall not be delivered, Isa. 36. 15, 19. 32. shall not conie into this r. 33. ha. .37. 34 U. 1 will defend Ml* f. 20. t). /5«. 37.35. I .38. fi. 23.27-1 will cast oft" //(lif. Jerusalem 1 have chosen ? Chron. r>. 34. they pray to thee toward this e. Etrn 4. 13. that if Miff, be builded again, lO. .•5. know that this e. is a rebellious city iVcA. 13. 18. did not (iod bring evil up on thtsc. T S«r. fi. (>. r/iij is the r. to be visited, is oppression 17 C.l. .lerusaleui, and rAiic shall remain forever CiT Jc 19. B.I will make this c. desolate, and an hissing II. even so will I break this people and this c. 15. t will bring upon thisc. and towns all the evil 20. 5. I will deliver all the strength of this c. 21-9.he that aliideth in f/iiff. shall die by the sword 10. 1 set my face against thit r. for evil an C7. 2-"*. men shall r. hands at him, and hi'tshim Psai. 47. I.e. your bands.aJl ye people, shoui to G. 08. 8. let floods c. their hands, let hills be joyful tsa 55.12. the trees of the field shall c theit hands Lam. Q. 15. all t'.al pass by r. their hands at thee A'aA.S.ip.thatbearfruitofihee shall f.lheii hands CU\?TKV. "Ezek. 25. 6. because thou hast c. thine hands CLAFPKIH. /i'i 3*. 17. he c. his hands amoog us, multip. woihIs CLAPr. S fi'tngs 11 . 12. c. their hands, and said, God save CLAVE. |>in2 Cf'i- 22. S.Abraham e. the wood forbumt-offermg 'Kwn. Ifi. 31. the ground r. asunder under them J«t/i. 10.2iJ. they r. to their brethren, their nobles tUtsJT. 34. cer'uin men c. to Paul and believed CLAWS. Veut. 14.6. beast thatcleaveth the cleft in two c. Pan. 4. 33. his nails were grown like birds' c. Zech. 11. 16. he shall tear their c. in pieces CLAY. Job 4. 19. much less them that dwell in houses of c. 10. y. remember thou ha5t made me as the c. >1. \-t. your bodies are like to bodies of c. 27. Iti. though he prepare raiment as the c. S3. 6- I also am formed out of the c. 38. 14. it is turned as 1-. to the seal, they stand Vial. 40. 2. he brought me up out of the miry c. ha. 29. IG. shall be esteemed as the potter's c. 41.25. on princes, as the potter treadeth the c. 45. 9. shall the c. say to him that fashioneth it ? fU. 8. we are c. thou our potter, work of thy hand Vr. 18, 4. the vessel that he made of r. was marred 6. as c. is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine 43. 9. take preat stones, hide them in the c. Van. 2. 33. his feet part of iron, part of c. 34. 42. 35. then was the c. broken in pieces, 45 41. thou sawestthe feet and toes part of potter's c. \a/i. 3. 14. CO into c. and tread the mortar Hiib. 2. 6. woe to him that ladeth himself with c. Jchn 9. 6. he spat on the ground, made e. of spittle and anointed the eyes of the blind man with c. 15. he put c. on mine eyes, I washed, and do see Hsfn. 9. 21 . hath not the potter power over the c.T CLAV.GKOUND. h'itii-s 7. 4*1. cael vessels in e.-g. 2 Chn>n.4. 17. CLEAN. 7 et'. 23. 22. thou shalt not miJte e. riddance in 6eld t/niA.3.17. the people passed c. over JoTdan,4. 1,11. Psai." .8. is his mercy c. gone for ever? his promise La. 21-. 19. the earth is c. dissolved, is moved 7.W1. 7. he hath made it c. bare, and cast it away Z,r/j.l 1.17. his arm shall ber.dried up.andrighteye 2 /V/.2. 18. were c. escaped them that live in error CLEAN. Adjective, fii/nifies, [l] 'i'hat which is free from filth, or i ceremmiia'ly jtire. Lev. 10. 14. [2] Oiie u-ho \ is free from t/ie g^iili of sin, by the blood ."' Chris), Psal.5i;7. [3] One 'who is deli- 1 t-ed from the power of sin by sanctifying C'ace, John 13. 10. [4]" Ihat tihich may be j lanfiilty used, Luke 11. 41. [5] Guiltless, oi ' innoftnt. Acts 18. 6. [6] Cured, 2 Kings 5, 12. [7] Empty, Prov. 14. 4. The fear of the Lord is clean. Psal. I9. 9- The i"/v laio of Cod. 7vhich works a due fear of God, and teaches mcji how to worship him, is sincere, not adulterated uith any mixture of ranity, falsehood, or vice ; not requiring or allowing any wickedness, but cleajising from it. G'«.7.2.ofevenr f. beast thou shalt take by sevens B. 20 Noah took of every c. beast and c. fowl .15. C. Jacob said, be c. and change your garments Lei . 4. 12. carry the bullock unto ac place, 6.11. 7. 19. the fiesh, all that be .-. shall eat thereof 10 H). that ye may put difference between c. and nrlean. 11. 47- | 20. 25. Ezek. 22. 26. | 44. 23. t the wave-breast eat in a c. place, Num. 19- 9- P,ii. that ye may be c. from yonr sins before L. .4. he shall nol'eat of holy things till he be c. \ / . 19. 12. pu'lfy, on seventh day he shall be c. ly. a r. person shall take hyssop and dip it in water Dfitt.'iZ.lS. unclean and c.may eat thereof, 15. 22. •jA33. 3. my lips shall utter knowledge c. Mat. 7. 5. see c. to pull out the mote, Luk^ 6. 42. Mark 8. 25. was restored, and saw every mau c. Horn. 1. 20. things from creation are c. seen CLEARNESS. Exod. 24. 10. and as the body of heaven in his e. CLEAVE. Lev. 1. 17. he shall <-. it with the wings thereof f'W.74. 15. thou didst c. the fountain and the tlood Ilab. 3. 9. thou didst c. the earth with rivers Zech. 14. 4. the mount shall c. in the midst thereo CLEAVE, l''erb. Gt^i.2.24. aman shalUeave f.ither and motherand shall c. to his wife, Mai. ly. 5. Mark 10. 7 Deut. 4. 4. ye that did c. to the Lord your God 10.20.hiin serve, to him shalt thou c.and swear by his name, 11. 22. | 13.4. 1 30. 20. JwA.22.5. 13. 17. shall f. nought of cursed thing to ihy hand Josh. 23. 8. but c. to the Lord your G.-d ■t if you will c. to the Lord your God _ kings 5. 27. the leprosy of Naaman shall f.tothee Job .38. 38. and the clods c. fast together Psal. 101. 3. I hate the work, it shall not c. to me 102. 5. by my groaning my bones e. to my skin 137. G. let my tongue c. to the roof of my mouth Isa. 14. 1. they shall c to the house of Jacob Jer. 13. 11. so have 1 caused to c. tome Israel 42. -(16. the famine whereof ye were afraid shall c after you in Egvpt, and there ye shall die Ezek. 3. 26. I will make thy tongue c. to the roof Dan. 2. 43. but they shall not c. one to another 11. 34. many shall c. to them with flatteries .lets 11. 23. with purpose of heart c. to the Lord Rom. 12. 9. abhor evil, c. to that which is CLEAVED. 2 Kings 3. 3. Jehoram e, to Jeroboam's sin Job'Z^AO. their tongue c. to the roof of their montl, 31.7. and if any blot have c. to my hands CLEAVETH. Job 19. 20. my bone c. to my skin and to my flesh P,*'rt/.22.15. strength dried up, my tongue c. to jaw? 41. H. an evil disease, say they, c. fast to him 44. C5. our soul boweil down, our belly c. to earth liy. 25, my soul c. to the dust, quicken me Jer. 13. 11. as the girdle c. to the loins of a man Lam. 4.4. the tongue of sucking child e. to the roof 8. their skin c. to their bones, it is withered [jtike 10. 11. the dust of your city which c. on us CLEAVETH. Deut. 14. 6. boast that c.the cleft into two clawi Job iG. 13, he c. my reins asunder, and spareth not Psal. 141.7.when one culteth and c.wood on earth Kt-r/.lO.g.that cwood shall be endangered thereby CI. Err. .l/ic.l .4.the valley shall be e. as wax before the fir* Ueut. 14, 6. that cleaveth the e. iiKo two claws CLErrs. Cant. 2. 14. O my dove, thou art in e. of the rocks Isa. 2. 21. to go'into the c. of the rocks for fear .fer. 49. 16. O thou that dwellest in the e. Obad. 3 Amos^. 11. he will smite the little house wilh c. CLI.MENCY. Acts 24. 4. that thou hear us of thy e. a few word? CLERK. Am V, 35. when town.f . had appeased the peoplb CLirr, s. F.sod. 33. 22. T will put thee in the c. of the mck 2 Chnm. 20 iG. they come up by the r of Zia J-ib 3" 6. to dwell in the c. of the valleys I ha, 57 5. slaying child. Id vallevs under 0 ofrod'i CLIMR, ED, KTTI. ] Snm. 14. 13. Jonathan e. np upon his hands Jer. 4. Co. t\iey shall f. up upon the rocks Joel C. 7. they shall c. the wall like men of war 9. they shall r . up upon the houses, shnll enter ^iiiof y. C. they f. up to heaven, thence bring them JuAe iy.4. Zaccheus c. up into a sycaniort'-iree Jo/m 10. 1. but c tip some other way, is a ihief cLirr. /er. 48. 37. every head be bald, every beard be e. CLODS. Jvd 7. 5. my flpsh is clothed with c. of dust CI. .13. the c. of the valley shall be sweet to him .38. .'18. and the c. cleave fast together Jo)i. J2.9. for the words are c. up and sealed Jonah 2.5. the depth c .me round about, weeds Avrapt Mat. 13. 15. their eyes they have r. Acts 28. 2". Lukt 4. 20. he e. book, and gave it to the minister CLOSER. Pfov. 18. 24. there is a friend that sticketh e. than a brother CLOSEST. Jer. 22. 15. Ihou reign, because r. thyself in cedar CLOSEl', S. JoelQ. 16. let the bridt. go out of her c. Mat. 6. 6. when thou prayest, enter into thy c. Luke 12. 3. what ye have spoken in the ear in c. CLOIIL A'Hm.4.B. they shall spread on them a c. of scarlet 12. take itistl uents and put them in ar. of blue Deui.m. 17. sh Jl spread the c. before the elders 1 Sam. 19. 13. Michal covered the image with a c . CI. 9. the sword of Cnliath, it is wrapt in a c. 2 Sam. 20.12. removed Amasa, and cast ae. on hiui 2 Kings 8. 15. llazael took a thick c. and dipt it Jirt.3tl.22. shall cast them away as amenstruousr. Mai. 9. Ifi. putteth a piece of new c. Mark 2.21. 27. 59. taken the body, he wrapped it in a linen c. Mark 14. 51. having a linen c. about his body CLOllIK. Exod. 40. 14. shalt bring his sons and c. with coals l.iih.4. 4. she sent raiment to c. Mordecai Psal. 132. 16. I will c. her priests with salvation 18. his enemies will I c. with shame, but on hims. Prov. 23. 21. drowsiness shall c. a man with rags 7jfl.2e.21. I will f. him with thy robe and strength. 49. 18. thou shalt surely c. tliee with them all 50.3. I r. the heavens with blackness, and make Etek. 26. 16. shall f. themselves with trembling .34. 3. yc eat the fat, and c. you with the wool //rtf. 1.6. ye e. you, but there is none warm iCec/t.H.Ai. I will r. thee with change of raiment J/a/.fi.30.if G.sof. grass of field, shall he not much nJor« c. you, O ye of little faith ? Luke 12. 28. CLOTHED. C'tn. 3. 21. L. God made coats of skins and c. them l^v.\^.1, Moses f. Aaron with robe, and put ephod JuJu. (j. i 34. the Spirit of the Lord c. Gideon I Sam. 17. + 5. Goliath was c. with a coat of mail t3«. Saul c. David with his clothes S S.jm. 1, 24. weep over Saul who e. you with scar. I Chrori. 12. t 18. then the Spirit e. Amasai ll.lfi. David and Isr, w^o were e. with sackcloth e CL'on. 6. 41. let thy priests be c. with salvation \&. i. the king of Isr. and Judah c. in robes sat t'' 120. the Spirit of God c. Zachariah 58. 15. spoil f. all that were naked among them F.sth. 4. 2. ii'ine enter king's gate c. wi(h sackcloth Job 7 5. my Hesh is c. with worms and clods 10 11. thou hast e. mo with skin and Hesh fy 14. I out on right* ^ousiiess and it e. me ULO Joh 39. 19. hast thou «. his i^erk wttn tW ier? Psal. 35. 26. let them be c. vniY shaniv, in** "t 65. 13. the pastures are e. with flocks, the rv_ei 93. 1. Lord is r. with majesty, Lord is ( wit) 104. 1. thou art c. with honour andmajeL.y 109. 18. ashec.hims. with cursing as with garra. ].'I2. 9. let thy priests be c. with righteousness Prov. 31. 21. for all her househ. arec. with scarlet Isa. Gl . 10. he hath c. me with garm. of salvation Ezek. 16. 10. I c. thee also with broidered work Dan. 5. C9. they r. Daniel with scarlet and a chain Zeph. 1. 8. all such as are c. with strange apparel £ech. 3. 3. Joshua was c. with filthy garments M/it. 11.8. a man e. in soft raiment, Luke 7. C5. 25.36.nak. and ye e. me|| 4.3.nak.and yer. me not Mark 1.6. John was r .with camel's hair and girdle 5. 15. they see him sitting and c. Luke 8. 35. 15. 17. and they r. Jesus with purple, and platted Luke 16.19.R certain rich man r.in purple and linen 2 Cor. 5. 2. desiring to be c. upon with our house 3. if so be that being c .we shall not be found nak. 1 Ptf/.5.5.and be c. wit^ humility, fi. resists proud Rev. 3. 18. white raiment, that thou mayest be f . 10. 1. I sawanothermichiy nngel c. with a cloud 11. 3. the two witnesses shall prophesy e. ins-ickcl. 12. 1. there appeared a woman c. with the sun 19- 13. he was c. with a vesture dipt in hlood CLOTHED with Ihien. Ezek. 9, 2. one man among them was r . with lineti 44. 17. they shall be r. with linen garments Dan. 10. 5. behold a certain man c. with linen 12. fi. one said to the man c. in linen, how long i^er. 15.6. c.inpiire and white /jHf;/. 18.16. | 19.14. Shall be CLOIIIED. JobQ. 22. they that hate thee jA^/ZA^ c. with sham p Ezek."!. 27. the prince shall be e. with desolation Dnn. 5.7. read this writing, shall be r. w'vh scarlet Mai. 6. 31. or wherewithal shall we he c. ? Pev. 3. 5. he that overconieth ihaV. be c. 4.4. CLOTHES. Oen. 49. n. lie washed hisr. in the blood of prapes Eiod. 12.34. their troughs bound up in their c. 35. 19. the r. of service to do service, 39. 1.41. Lev. 10. 6. nor rend your e. lest ye die, 21. 10. Item. 29. 5. your e. are not waxen old, iVe/;. 9-21. Uuth 3. f 4. lift up the c. that are at his feet Sam. 19. 24. Saul stript off his r. and prophesied 1 Ki4igfi 1.1. covered k. David with c. but no heat 2 Kings 2. 12. he took hold of his own c. and rent 2 Chron. 34. 27. thou didst rend thy c. and weep Neh. 4. 23. 1 nor brethren, none of us put off our f. Joh 9. 3] . and my own c. shall abhor me 22. + 6. thou hast stripped the e. off the naked Prov. 6. £7 - take fire, and his e. not be burnt ? r.tek. 16. .39. shall strip thee also of thy c. 23. 26. Mat. 24. 18. nor let him return back to take his e. Mark 5. 28. if I totich but his r. I shall be whole 15. 20. took off purple, and put his own c. on him Luke 2. 7- and wrapped him in swaddling c. 12. 8.27-a man that ware no r. nor abode in any house J9- 36. as he went they spread their c. in the way 24. 12, he beheld the linen c. laid, John 20. 5. John 1 1 .44. came bound hand and foot with grave e. 19-40. took body of Jesus, and woimd it in linen c. 20.7. the napkin not lying with the linen c. Acts 7. 58. witnesses laid down their f .at Saul's feet 2. 23. as they cried out and cast off their c. Pent CLOTHES. Gfw..37.29. Reuben 11 34. Jacob rent his c. 4)-.13. Joseph's brethren r£«/ their c and returned Num. 14. 6. Joshua and Caleb re/it their c, Jo.(/j.7 .6. Joshua 1| Ji(rf^.ll.35. Jephthahrew/hisr. 2 Sam. 3, 31. rejit your r. gird you with satkcloth 1 A'i;/^*j21.27. Ahab jl 2 AiHg.i 5. 8. king of Israel mil his c. fi. 30. 2 A'lw^.Tll.U. Athaliah rr in my house is neither bread nor r. 2.'1. IB. her merchandise shall Im* for durable 1. 59. 17. he pnlon the t^anufnts of vengeance for c. Jer, 10. y. blue and purple is their e. are the work Mat. 7. 15. in sheep's e.\\ 11.8. that wear soft r. Mark 12. 38. the scribes that love to go in long r. Acts 10. 30, a man stood before me in bright r. James 2. 3. respect to him that wearelh the gay c. C LO II D Signifies, [1] A congeries chieOu of icatery pirti cles, dra?iri or sent out of the earth tn vaiuntrit, info the middle region of the air, 2 Sam. 22. 12. [2] The heavens, I'^ial. 36. 5. I 68. .34. [3] A ^reat unmher, Heb. 12. 1. [4] A fog,or mixl, Hos. fi. 4. The scripture represents the clouds as eonservato ries of jcatcr, or rain, tvhich are scattered •'ijmit the earth at God's command, .lob 26. 8, Ha bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds. GnA Confines the waters in the clouds, as in a bottle he scatters them afterwards upon the earth, as it zcere through a tcatering-yot. Job speaking oj the mutter cf the Chaos, which covered the irholt earth at the beginning of the leorld, says, that Ood had hemmed in the sea, or the waters, as it zeere with a cloud, and eoiered it with darknesx, as a child is wtnppcd up in sicaddfing-clothes. Job 38. 9. When the sacred writers speak oj the second coming of Christ, then describe him to us as desceudmg upon the clouds, encompassed with all his mujetty. Mat. 24. 30. Rev. 1. 7. 'J'he pri^het Isaiah, speaking of the conversion oj the Gentiles, compares their Jlocking into the thnrch to the flight or quick motion of a cloud ; rioting that they should come in great multitudi\ and with great speed and eagfne.is, Isa. 60. 8, St. Peter compares ."eduoers to clouds that are carried with a tempest, C Pet. 2. 17. Py Tchich comparison he sets forth bjth the incon- stancy of these seducers, that, like clouds driven with the wind, they are to^ed to and f jo from 07i« doctrine to another ; and like'.vite their de- ceitfulness, that they make a shew of what they have not, as clouds do of rain, and yet are scattered without yielding any. And Salomon compares the infirmities of old age, tvhich arise successively one after another, to clouds relum- ing after rain. Keel. 12. 2. When the Israelites departed out of V.^yi^X, Ood gave them a pillar of cloud to direct ihem in their march. This pillar was commonly in the J'ront of the Israelitish army; but when they were come to the Ped Sea, and the l.gyptiffH army appeared to them, the pillar of cloud which stood before the camp of Israel, placed it selj' be- tiseen that and the camp of the\•-^'ipf\^■\^\^,so that the Egyptians could n-'t come near the Israelites all night, Exod. 14. I9, 20. But in the morn- ing about break of day, seeing the cloud moving on toward the sea, and following the Israelites who had passed through its channel, which was left dry for them in the night time, the l^^ypti- ans, resolved upon punumg them, and were all covered with the rcaters of the Ped Sen, which returned upon them and deitioyd them. This cloud continued always from that time to attend the Israelites in the wtlderntss. h was cleat and bright during the night, in order to givt them light when it grew dark ; and in the day time it was thttk and gloomy, the better to defend them from the excessive htats of the Arabian de- serts, through which they performed their journey. The same chrud by its motions gave likewise th^ signal to the Israelites, either to encamp or ta decamp; so that where thai stayed, the peoj fe stayed till it rose again ; then they broke h^ their camp, and follotced it till it stopped, ii was called a Pillar, 4y reason of its form, which was high and elevated, as it jeere a pile and heap of Jogs. This cloud not only enlightened tha Israelites, but also protected them, and wax a consinual pledge of God's presence, power, aiul protection. 'Jo this the prophet Isaiah alludes, when he says, Ibe Lord will create upor every dwelling-place of mount Zion, and upon he* assemblies, a cloud and smoke l-y day, and th« .s^lining of a Haming fire by night. Pa. 4. 5. thai is. That God would be the director, protectti, and glory of his thnrcfi. GiH. 9. 13. 1 ilo set niv bow in the c. for a token Joel '£. S. a dav . 14. aial the Low shall !-t St-en in the c. iC. AViA. 1. 3. and the r. art- the d^isl of his feel Bxod. !•». £0. it wab f. and darkuess to them id.io.beholj.thegloryof the L. appeared in the c. Id. 9. Ixrd said, lo, 1 come unto thee in a thick c. ?4. 15. Moses went op, and a c. covered the mount 16. and the ^.covered it six days, and ie\ eiilb day God called to Aloses out of the midst of the c. ia. Moses went into the midst of the c. 34. 5. Ihe Lord descended in the r. Num. II. 25. 4i). 34. a r. covered the tent of the congregation 38. the c. of Lord was on the tabeniaclp by day Lev. 16. 2. I will appear in the c. on uierey-seat A'um. 9. IQ. when the c. tarried long on tatt-rnacte 10. 3*. tlie f. of the Lord was upon iheni by day 1 Kinos 8. 10. priests came out of holyplacs.ther. filled house of Lord. C Cl.r.m. 5. 13. Etck. 10. 4. IH. 44. there ariselh a little c, like a man's hand Jolt 3 5. that day be darkness, let a c. dwell upon it 22. 13, how God know ? can he judge thro'dark c.f 30. 15. and my welfare passeth away as a r. *8. 0. when 1 made the c. the garment thi-reof r.ia/, 78. 14. in the day-time he led them with a c. lo3. 39. he spread ac. for a covering, and fire to Vrov. Id. 15. his favour is as a r. of the latter rain ha. 4. 5. Lord will create on her assemblies a c. 18. 4. like a c. of dew in the heat of harvest 19. I. behold, the I-ord ridelh upon a swift c. 44. 22. I have blotted oni as a thick c. thy transgres- sions.aud asar .thy sins, return, I have redeem, thee 60. 8. who are these tliat flee as a c. as the doves .' Latt). 2. 1 . covered the daughter nf /ion with a c. .1. 41. thou hasl covered thyself with a c. Vtek. 1.4. a great c. antl a fire infolding itself 28. as the appearance of the bow that is iu the c. 8. ! I . and a thick r. of incense went up 10. 4. and ilie house was iijled with the c. 3(1.18, as for her, a c. shall cover her.her daughters 32.7. I will cover the sun with a r. and the moon .18. 9. ihou shalt be like a c. to cover the land, 16. JUal.17.5. c. overshadowed. Marki^. 7. /,«-(eg.3+. behold, a voice out of the c. said, Luke y. .So. Lvki 12. 54. when ye see a r . rise out of the west 21. 27. shall see the Son of Man coming iu a c. Jicli 1.9. a f. received him out of their sight 1 Cor. 10. 1. all our fathers were under the c. 2. and were all baptized to flioses in the c. liev. 10. 1. a mighty angel came clothed with a c. 11. 12. they asceniled up to heaveu in a c. 14. 14. white c. and upon the c. one sat, 15. Id. CLOUD a6o>/c. Exod. 40. 35. because the c. adede thereon A«m.9.l7. where r. nbode there pitched their tents 18. as long as c. abode thev rested in the tents Mornins, CLOUD, llos. 6.4. for your goodness is as a nwniine, c. 13. 3. they shall be as the morning c. and early dew Pillar <>/• CLOUD Ex>'d. 13. 21. went before them byday in a/^, ofc. 22. he took not away the/), oj c. by day, nor fire 14. 24. Lord looked on I'.gyptians thro' pillar of r. hum. 12. 5. L. came down in pilla- ofc. and stood iJtrjtr.31.15.L.appearcd in ;<.(!/>. and ;». ofc. stood A>A. 9. 19. the pillar of c. departed not from them CLOUl) taken vp. Eiod. 40. 36. when the c. was taken up. Num. Q.l" 37, if thee, were not taken j*/', they journeyed not I\'mh. 9. 17. c. was taken up (rom tabernacle, 10. II U'/itte CLO'.D. liev. 14. 14. behold a ichiif c. and on the c. one sat CLOUD 0/ Tiiinestes. //f3.1C.l.*e are compassed with so great zcofic. CLOUDS. Dent.4. 11. with darkness, c. and thick' darkness Jtidg. 5. 4. heavens dropped, c. also dropped water 2 Ham. 22. 12. about him thick e. of the skies 23.4. he shall be as a morning without c. 1 h'i?tcs 18. 45. the heaven was black witli c. Joh 20. 6. though his head reach to the c. 22. 14. thick c. are a covering that he seeth not 26. a. he bindeth up ;he waters in his thick r. .id. 29. can any understand the spreadingsofther..^* 37. 16. knowesl thon the balancings of the c? ."8. 37. who can number the c. in wisdom i J'xal. 36. 5. ih> faithfulness reacheih to the c. 57. 10. and thy truth reacheih to the c. 108. 4. 68. 34. and his slrcngth is iu the r. 77. 17 . f ■ poured out water, skies sent nut a sound "K. 23. tho' he had commanded the r . from above 97. 2. f. and darkness are round about him I' 4.3. c. his chariot II 147.8. covers heaven withf. iVir. 3. 20. ami ihf c. liropped down the dew h 28. when be established the c. above 25. 14. is like c. and wind without rain Efci. 11.4. he that ree;ardeih the c. shall not reap 12. 2. nor the c. return after the rain '((7.5. 6. I will command the e. that they rain not 14. 14. I will ascend above the height of ihi CO A of e. *nd darkness, Zep/t. I. 15. NaA. 1. a Zech. 10. 1. so the Lord shall make bright c. il/«/.24.:i0.they shall see the Sou of Man coming in the c. with power, 2d. &4. Mark 13. 26. | 14. (i'J. 1 T/ies.y. 4. 17. shall be caught up with them in c. 2 I'ff. 2. 17. they are c. carried with a tempest Jiide 12. f. they are without water, carried about Itev.l .7. behold he cometh withceverycye shall sec CLOUDV. £x(»rf,33.9.the r. pillar descended, and stood at door 10. alt the people saw the c. pillar stand at door Ne/i.g. 12. thou leddest tJiem in the day by c. pillar Pia/. 9i). 7. he spake to them in the c. pillar Ezfk. 30. 3. the day of the Lord is near, a c. day 34. 12. they have been scattered in the $. day CLOVEN. Lev. 1 1 . 3. whatsoever is r. -footed that shall ye eat 7. tho' the swine be c. -footed he is unclerxn 26. not r. -footed are unclean to you, Uetif.li.T. dcts 2. 3. there appeared 10 them c. tongues CLOUIED. Josh. 9. 5. they took old shoes and c. on their feet CLOUiS. Jer. 38. II. Lbed-melech took old cast c. and rags 12. put these old cast c. under thine arm-holes CLUSJER. Xiim. 13. 23. cut from Eschol a branch with one c. Cant. I. 14. my beloved is as a f. of camphire ha.^5. 8. as new wine is fonnd in the r. so will 1 do -li/V. 7. 1. woe is me, there is no c. to eat CLUSILKS. GtM.40. 10. the r. thereof brought forth ripe grapes DtfK/. 32. 32. grapes are grapes of gall. their r. bitter 1 Sam. 25. 18. Abigail brought 100 r. of raisins 30. 12. thev gave the I'gypiian two c. of raisins Cant. 7-7. thy breasts like two c. of grapes, 8. Rev. 14. 18. gather the c. of the vine of the earth COA L. 2 Sam. 14. ?. so shall quench my f. which is left I\n. d. d. seraphim having a liver, iu his hand 47. 14. there shall not be a c. to warm at Lam. 4. 8. their visage is blacker than a e* COALS. Lev. 16. 12. he shall take a censer full of Imming c. Dent. .32. + 24. shall be devoured with burning c. 1 h'in^s 19. 6. a cake baken on the c. and a cruse JoOW. 21. his breath kindleth c. and a flame goeih Pial. 18. 8. there went fire, c. were kindled by it 12. thick clouds passed, hail-stones and c. 01 fire 120. 4. sharp arrows of mighty with c. of juniper 140, 10. let burning c. fall on them, let them Ptov. d. 28. can one go on hot c. and not be burnt ? 25. 22. thou shalt heap c. of fire, Kom. 12. 20. 26. 21 . as c. are to burning c. and wood to fire Cant. 8, 6. thee, thereof are r. of fire, which hath lia. 44. 12. the smith with tongs worketh in the c. ly, I have baked bread upon the c. thereof 54" 16. 1 created the smith that bloweth the e. Lzek. 1. 13. their appearance was like burning c 10. 2. go iu and fill thine hand with c. of fire 24. 11. then set it empty on the c. thereof Uab. 3. 5. burning c. went forth at his feet John 18. 18. the servants who had made a fire off. 21. 9. they saw a 5re of c. and fish laid thereon COAST. Exod. 10. 4. I will bring the locusts into thy f. Sum. 24. 24. ships shall come from c. of Cliittim Deut. II. 24. to the utlerm05.l sea shall your c. be 1<(. 8. if the Lord thy God eidarge thy c. Josh, 1 . 4. going down of the sun shall be your c. 18. 5. .ludah ^hall abide in theirr. on the south Jndg. 11. 20. Sihou trusted not Israel to pass his r. 1 Sftm. 6. 9. if it go up by the way of his own c. 7. 13. they came no more into the e. of Israel I7.tl.the Philistines pitched iu f. of Damniim 27. 1. to seek me any more in any c of Israel .30. 14. we made an invasion on the c. of .hidah 2 Kin^s 14. 25. Jeroboam restored the c. of Israel 1 Chron. 4.i0.wouldest bless me. and enlarge my c. Zfw/i.2.7. the f. si. all bt for the remnant of Judah Sea C:OASJ'. £:fl.25.l6.I will destroy the remnant of the sea f. Zeph. 2. 5. woe to the inhaliitants of the sea c. C. tlte sea c. sliall be dwellings for the shepheids /l/T' 19. remained not one locust in all the r . of l.cypi Dent. 2. 4. to pass through the c. of your brethren If). 4. no leavened bread be seen in all thy c. ly. 3. thou shall divide the c. of thy land h'ih. 18. 5. .loseph shall abide in their c. on north CUU T ceived us, because of the f . 2 Cor. 11.27, in fastings often, in r. and nakedness AVi. 3. 15. thai thou art neither f. nor hot, Id. COLLAR. S. Jj*rfg.8. 26. golden ear-rings from Midian, beside c. Job 30. 18. my disease bindeth me as r. of my coa COLLECI IQN 2 Chron. 24 6. to bring iu out of Judah the r. 9 1 Vor. Id. !• DOW toncernins the r. for the saints COLLEGE. 2 A'f?iej22. 14. Iluldalidwell hid Chron. 3i.iZ. tOLLOI'S. J..A 15. 27. because he makethf of fat CD His Can«^ COLON V. An iG.12.l'Uilippi,cUicf city of Mactdonm.andc COM COLOUR. Let . } S. M. if tlie pI.^gue nave not chanfred tiis e. S'um. 11.7- the c. thereof as the e. of bdellimo Esth. 1. * C). alabaster and stone of blue c. frov. 23.31. when the wine giveth his c. in the cap Sf^c, I. 4.oat of the midst thereof as the c. of amber 7- sparkled like c. of buniished brass, Dan. 10.6. I. 1(). the wheels like nntoc. of aberyl. 10. 9. 02. the hrmamem was as the c. of the crystal B4V. 17-4. woman was arrayed in purple and scar- COLOURCD. ^ [let c. R«v. 17- 3. I saw a woman sit ouascarletc beast COLOURS. O^n.37.3. .lacobmadeacoat ofroany f. for Joseph Jtid^. 5. 30. to Sisera a prey of divers c. meet for 2 Sam. 13. 18. Tamar had a parment of divers c. 1 Citron. 29. 2. I have prepared stones of divers c. ha. 54. 11. I will lay thy stones with fair c. Etek. 16.16. derkedst thy highplares with diverse. 17. 3. an eagle with divers c. came to Lebanon COLOUR. ^tets^T. SO. underf.astho'ihey would cast anchor COLT, S. Clen. 32.15. thirty milch camels with their c. forty 49. 11. binding his tisses" c. to the choice vine /«fl'f,]0.4. Jairhad30 sons that rnde on 30 ass's c. 12,14.Abdon's sons and nephews rode on 70 asVsc. Jo& 11. 12. thouiih man be born like a wild ass's c. Zech.^.Q. riding upon a e. Mat. 21. 5. JnA«IC. 15, ;W«^2 I.S.Jesus s(uiltwodisciples,sayinp,go,ye shall find ass tied, c. with her, MarkW. 2. Luke 19. sn, 7.brouchl ass and e. and set thereon, Maik 11. 7, il/ar*11.5.wh.Tt do you loosing thee. ? Luke 19.3J, Luke I935, cast garm. on c. and set Jesus thereon COME Signifies, [1] To draw nigh, or approach, Exod. 34. 3. [21 To proceed J'rom. 1 Chroa. 20. 14. [3] To befal, Ezra 9. 13. Job 4. 5. [4] To btlieve, John 5. 4(). | 6. 37. [5] To attain to. Acts 26.7. [6] To jvtn with. Proverbs 1. 11. [7] To touch, Lzek. 44. 25. [8] To be married to. Pan. 11. 6. [9] 7'» lie carnallv uiith. Gen. 38.16. [10] To invade. Gen. 3i. 25. [II] 'Jo arise. Num. 24. 7- Oen. 6. 20. two ofeverj* sort shall c. to keep alive 7. J. f. th()u, aiid all thy house into the ark 8- +9- lie caused ber to c. to him into the ark 19- 32. c. let us miike our fatlier drink wine 26. 27. wherefore c. ye to me, seeing ye hate me ^ 31. 44. c. let us make a covenant, I and tbou 37. 10. c. let us sliiy him, and cast into some pit 41.121. when they had c. to inward parts of them 42.7. he said to them, whence e. ye ? Josh. 9.8. 45. 19- take wagons, bring your father aiid c. 49. 10. sceptre not dei>art from Judah till Shiloh c. Exod. 19 9. lo, I c. to tbee in a thick cloud 20.24. where I record my name I will e. and bless 23. 27. destroy all people to whom thou shalt c. Nitm. 10. 29. c. thou with us we will do thee cood 22. 6. c. I pray thee, curse me this people," 11. 24.i9.oat of Jacob shall c.he that shall have domi- nion,and shalldestroy him that rt-niainethof city Dcut. 18. 6. if a Levite f . and c.with desire of mind 28.2. all these blessings shall c. on thee, overtake 15. all these cursi s c. on thee, overtake thee. 45. Jvd^. 13, 5. no razor e. on his head, 1 Snm. 1. 11. •Sam. 2. 31. that shall e. on thy two sons in one day 9. 13. for the people will not eat till her. because 10. 8. seven days thou shalt tarry, till I c. to thee 17- 45. but I c. to thee in the name of the Lord VO. 21. then e. thou, for there is peace to thee iSam. 6.9-bow shall the ark of the Lord c. to me .' 15. t2. when any c. to the king for judgment 17.2. I will r.on him while he is weary and weak 19. 33. c. thou ov' r with me and I will feed tbee 1 KingsQ. 31. and the oath c. before thine altar 20. 33 observe.if any thing would c. from bim 42. 27. feed this fellow until I c. in peace S Kings 5. 8. let him c. now to me, he shall know 6. 1 19- this is not the way, c. ye after me 18. 32. till I e. and take you away, ha. 36. 17. 1 Chron. 29- 12. both riches and honour c, of thee 14. all tbingsc. of thee, and of thine have we Z Chron. Q. 11. holy, whereto the ark of Lord hath c. £jM. 1.1 2. queen Vashti refused to cat king's com. 5. 1 10. Ilaman caused his friends to e. B. 6. how endure to see evil e. to my people ? h6 3. 7. let no joyful voice e. therein 13. 13. that I may speak, let c. on me what will 14. 14. all my time will I wait till my change c. 2t. his sons c. to honour, and he knoweth it not 37. 13. he caused it toe. for correction on land 38. II. hitherto shalt thou c. but no further Psat. 40. 7. then said I, lo. I c. Heb. 10. 7, 9. 42. 2. when shall I e. and appear before God ? 50. 3. our God shall e. and nnt keep silpuce 65.2. that nearest prayer, unto thee shall all Hesli e 80. 2. stir up thy strength, and c. and save us 86. 9. all nations shall c. and wnrsliip thee yo. tiZ. we may c»us* our heart to c. to w:.iaom 64 COM Pja/.101.2.O when wilt thooe.untome. I will walk 109, 17. as he loved cursing, so let itc. unto him 119. 4L let thy mercies c. unto me, O Lord. 77. Pror. fi. 11. so shall thy poverty f. as one, 24. 34. 10. 24. the fear of the wicked shall e. upon him 2fi. 2. so the curse causeless sh;ill not c. L'ccl.^. 2. all things c. alike to all, there is one event Ca7it. 2. 10. rise up, my love, and r. away, 13. 4.8- e. with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me 16. and c. thou south, blow upon my garden ha. 5. 19. let the counsel of the holyOne of Israel c. 13. 5. they c. from a far country, even the Lord 6. the day of the Lord, it shall c. as destruclion 21, 12. if ye will inf]uire, inquire ye ; return, c. 26. 20, e. my people, enter into thy chambers C7. 6. cause them that f. of Jacob to take root 35. 4, your God will c. with vengeance, he will e 40. 10. the I^rd will c. with a strong hand 41. 25. I have raised up one, and he shall e. 44. 7. I appointed things coming, and shall c. 45. 20. assemble yourselves, and c. draw near 24. even to him shall men e. and all that are 51. 11. the redeemed shall c. with singing to Zion 55, I.e. ye to the waters, c. ye, buy, c. buy wine 3. c. unto me, hear, and your soul shall live 59. 20. and the Redeemer shall c, to Zion f*0. 3. and the Gentiles shall c. to thy light, 5. 66. 15. behold, Lord will c. with fire and chariots Jer. 2. 31. why, say they, we will c. no more to thee 3. 22. behold, we c. to thee, for thou art our God 9. 17. call the mourning women, that they may c. 13. 2J. wherefore e. these things upon me.' 17. 15. where is the word of the Lord ? let it c. 27 .7. shall 5er\'e him till theveryiime of his land c. 31, 9. they shall c. with weeping and with supplic. 38. 25. if the princes hear, and c. to thee, and say 40.4. if it seem good to c. if it seem ill lo c. forbear 46. 18. and as Carmel by the sea, so shall he be c. 49- 4. that trusted, saying, who shall c. unto me ■! Lam. 1. 4. ways of Zinn mourn, none c to solemn 22. let all tbeir wickedness c. before thee [feasts Ezek. 12. 16. declare abominations whither they c 13, 18. will ye save the souls alive that c. to you .■' 21.19.^^voways that the sword may r. 20. | 32.11. 27. shall be no more, till he c. whose right it is 33. 3, when he seeth the sword c. on the land, 6. 31. they c. to thee as the people cometh 33. lo it will c. then shall know that a prophet 36. 8, to my people Israel, they are at hand lo c. .f/oj.6. I.e. let us return to the Lord, for he hath torn 3. and he shall e. to us, as the rain to the earth 10.12. it is time to seek the Lord till he e. and rain /oeM. 15. day of the Lord.as a destruction shall ite. 2. 31. before the terrible day of the Lord e. Jonah 1. 7- e. let us cast lots, that we may know Mic. 4. 8, to thee shall it e. the kingdom shall e. JIab. 2. 3. because it will surely c. and not tarry Z'-ph. 2.2. before the fierce anger of Lord e. on you ZecA. 1. 21 . then said I, what e. these to do ? 14. 5. God shall e. and all the saints with thee Mai. 3. 1, the Lord ye seek shall e. to his temple 4. 6. lest I e. and smite the earth with a curse i1/af. 2, 6. for out of thee shall e . a Governor 5. 24. first be reconciled, then e. and offer thy gift 6.10. thy kingdom e. thy will be done, Luie 11.2. 7 - 15. false prophets e. to you in sheeps' clothing 8. 7. Jesus saith to bim, I will e. and heal him 8.1 am notworthythou shouldest e. under myroof 9. and to another e. and he comeih, Luke 7- 8. 1 1 -many shall e.from east and west, and sit down 11. 3. art thou he that should c? Luke 7. 19, 20. 28. e. all ye that labour and are heavy laden 16 24. if any man will e. after me, let him deny 1710. why say the scribes, Klias must first e..' ll'. 19-21. go, sell that thou hast, and e. Luke 18- 22. il/fl/. 22.4. all things are ready, e. unto the marriage 24. 1 i. gospel shall he preached, then shall end e. 42. ye know not what hour your Lord doth c. 25.3i.e. ve blessed of mv Father, inherit kingdor^ jWar*8.34.ifanywille.aftci me,/.H*fy.23. | 14.27. 10. 14. suffer little children to e. tome. Luke 18. I6. 21. and c, take up the cross, and follow me 12. 7.thisistheheir, e.let us kill h'lm, Lute 20.14. Luke 10.1. every place whither he himself would e. 13.7.ihree years I c. seeking fruit on this fig-tree 14. there are six days, in them e. and be heaJed 17 ■ 20. when the kingdom of God should e. 19- 13. he said untothem, occupy till 1 c. 20. 16. he shall e. and destroy the«e husbandmen 22, 18. fruit of vine, till kingdom of God shall e. John 1. .39. he saith unto them, e. and see S. 26. the i&me baptixf th, and all men e. to him 5. 14. sin no more, lest a worse thing e. to thee 40. ye wi'il not e. to me. that ye micht have life 6. 37. all that the Father giveth me shall e. to me 44. no man can e. to me, except F. draw him, 65. 7. *4. and where I am, thither ye cannot e. .37. if any man thirst, let him c. tome and drink 8. 14. ye cannot tell whence t e. and whither I po 13. 19. now I tell vou before it c. that when it ise COM Jahi 14.18.1 will not le-ive you comfortless.I-nll ^ ! 23. and we will e. unto him. and make our ab((J* 17.11. but these are m the world. I r. to thee. I.'J. 21. 22. if I will he tarry till [e. what lo thee ' 2.3. .■ids l.ll. this J. shall so e.as ye have seen him gij 2.20. before that great and notable day of Lord ; 3. 19. sins blotted \mi, when times of refreshing ' 7. 34. and now e. I will send thee into Ki;ypt 8. 24. pray that none of these things e. upon d« 9. 38. that he would not delay to c. to them 13. 40. lest that e. on you that is spoken in propU 16. 9- saying, c. over into Macedonia, and help ifl 19.4. believe on him that should c. after him 24.23. should forbid no acquaintance toe. to him ' 26.7-to which promise our twelve tribes hope to e ■ 22, no other than proph. and Moses say should e, j Fom. 3. 8. that we say, let us do e\Tl, that good e, j 9. 9. the word of promise, at this time, will i ft I 1 Cor. 4. 5. judge nothing till the Lord e. who will j 11, 26. ye do shew the Lord's death till he e. | 34. the rest will I set in order when I e. 15. 35. the dead, anil with what body do theye.f 16. 2. that there be no gatherings when 1 r. 10. if Timothy c. see he be with you without fecr 12. as to ApoUos. I desired him to c. to you 2 Cr>r. 1. 15. I was minded to c. lo you before 12. 20. for I fear, lest when I c. I shall not findjoc such as I would, and be to you as you would not Gfl/. 2. 21. if richleousnesse. by the law, then is .3.14-theble3sinc of Abraham might e. on GentilQ 19. it was added, till the seed should e. lowhom 2TAejf. 1.10. when he shall e. to be glorified in saints 2. 3. not c. except there e. a falling away first 1 Tim. 4. 8. the life that now is, and of that to e 13. till I e. give anendance to reading, to doctrine 2 Tim. 3. 1. in last days perilous times shall c. 4. 3. lime will c. will not endure sound dot trine Tit. 3. 12. be diligent 10 e. to me to N'icapidif . Heb. 4. 16. let us c. boldly to the throne of grace 7- 25. he isal.le to save them that e. to God by him 10. 37. he that shall e will e. and not tarry J^ani. 4.1. whence e. wars. e. ihey not of your lusts 5. 1- weep for your miseries that shall e. on you 2 Pet. 3. 9. but thai all should e. to repentance lO.day of L. will c. as a thief, Fev. 3.3. | 16.15 1 John 2. 18. as ye have heard, antichrist shall c 3 Johi 10. if I e, I will remember his deeds Hev. 2. 5. repent, or else 1 will e, to thee quickly 25. that which ye have already, hold fast till la 3. 11. behold, I e. quickly, hold that fast, 22. 7, 2a 6.1. one ofthe four bcitsts .saying, c. and see, 3.5,7. 18. 10. for in one hour is thy judgment e. 22. 17. aud let him that is ailiirste. whoeverwiH 1 COME again. Gen. 28. 21. so that 1c. again to my father's house Exod. 14.26. that waters may e. again on Fgj-ptians Ler-. 14. 43. if the plague e. again and break out Jurfg.8.9-when I c. again in peace I will bre.ik dovq 13.8. let man of God c.againXo us, and teach us 1 A'ingf 2.41.Shimei had gone to Gath, and wase.rt. 12. 5. depart for 3 days, and *hen c. a. 2 C'Ar.10.5. 17.21.0 Lord, 1 pray, let this child's soul c. again Ezra 6. 21. children of Israel e, again, Keh. 8. 17- PmI. 126. f he shall e. agatn with reioicing Prt)r.S.2Il.say not to t].y neighbour, go and c.again Jer. 37. 8. the Chaldeans shall e. again and fi'^ht Lam.\. -f 11. given for meal to make their soul c. a. Luke 10. 35. when I e. again 1 will repay thee John 14.3. 1 will e. again and receive you lo myself 28. ye have heard how I said, I go away and r.a. 2 Cor. 2. 1. that I would not e. again in heaviness 12. 21. lest, when 1 e. again, God will humble no 13. 2.. I write, that if I c. again 1 will not spare COME doTi-n. Oen. 45.9. thus saith .loseph, e. d. tome, tarry not Exod. 3. 8. I am e. rf. to deliver and bring them up 19- II- the Lord will e. dorvn on Mount Sinai M/m. 11. 17. I will f. (/ and talk with thee there Deut. 28. 24. from heaven it shall e. dcani on thca Judg.T.H. saying, e. (/oiiji against the Midianitei 15. 12. they said, we are r. down to bind thee 1 iSam. 6. 21 . e. down and fetch the ark up to voq 23.11. will Saul e. d. f the Lord said, he will c. d. j 20. f . dirin, according to the desire of thy so*. | 2 Kings 1.4. thou shalt not c.rf. from that bed,'6.I(j 1 9,thoumanofGod,e.u that we conimaod fire to c. d.? I'J. 5. Jesus said, Zacxheus, make haste aiid c. d. Jvhti 4. 19. sailh, Sir, e. down ere my child die tlcts 14. II. the gods are c. down to us like men i\ev, 12. 12. devil isc. doii:n to you, having wrath 13. 13. makelh fire c. t/oii'M from heaven on earth 20. 1. angel c. d. having ihe key of bottomless pit COME>rM. rJ«i. 15. 4. he that shall e. forth out of thy Imwels Ham. li. 11. Hebrews c. forth out of thuir holes Kii^sl. 30. Benaiah said, thus saith the k. c./. S Kings 10. 25. go in and slay them, let none c. f. J & 23. 10. when tried, I shall c. forth as gold Piai. 17. 2. let my sentence cy. from thy presence B8.8. I am shut up, and I camiot c. forth Ecl/.7- la. that feareth God sh^iH c.f. of them all 2sa. 11. 1. shall c.f. a rod out of the stem of .lesse 4«. 1. and art c. forth out of the waters of Judah Jfr. 4. 4. lest my fury c. forth like fire aiid burn 37. 5. Pharaoh's army was c.f. out of Egypt, 7- 46. 9. let mighty men c. forth, the Ethiopians 48. 45. a fire shall e. forth out of Heshbon Ezei-. 21. 19. both twain shall c.f. out of one land Dan, 3. 20. ye servants of the most high God, c.f. 9. 22. O Daniel, I am c. forth to give thee skill JvetZ.l^. a fountain shall c. forth of house of Lord Mic. 5. 2. out of thee shall c.f. that is to be ruler Zech. 2. 6. c. f. and llee from the land of the north Mill. 13. 49. angels shall c. forth aiid sever wicked 15. Itl. c. forth from the heart, and defile the man JUarit). 29. this kind c./iu:/* by nothing but prayer Lide 12. 37. and will c. forth and serve them Joh7i 5. 29. shall i\ forth, "they that have done good 11.43. he cried with aloud voice, Lazarus, c._/i»rKm. 27. 21. and at his word they shall c. in Ueui. 31. 2. I can no more go out nor c. in Jvsh. 14. 11. so is my strength to go out and c. 23. -t 1. Joshua waxed old, and c. i/tto days 1 Kings 1. 14. I will c. in after thee and confirm 3.7-1 am a cliild, I know not how to go out or 14. 6. he said. c. in thou wife of Jeroboam 15. JT. be might not suffer any to go out or c. in 2 Kin^s-i.i. when c. tn shut the door upon thi;< 11. 9. they took each his men to c. i'm and go out 2 Chron. 1. 10. go out and c. in before this peopl 16. 1. that he might let none go out ore. tn to Asa ^3. 6. none c. into the house of the L. save priest; Neh. 2.7- convey me over, till I t. into Judah il»M. 5. 12. Esther let no man c. m with the king 6. 5. and the king said, let liaman c. in J'ra/. 24. 7. and the King of glory shall c. in, Q. 6u. 1. for the waters are c. in unto my soul yf'i. 8. bring an offering and c. into his courts 109. 18. so let it c. into his bowels like water Vant. 4. l6. let my beloved c. i?ito his garden Jia. 19 1. behold, the Lord bhall c. into Egypt 23. the Ass^j-rian shall c. tnio Egypt, Egyptian 24. 10, every house shut up, that no man c. in 5'}. 19. when theenpmy shall c. in like a flood Jer. 17.19. gates, whereby the kings of Judah c. i 51. 50. and let Jerusalem c. inta your mind 51. for strangers are c. into the sanctuaries Ezek. 11. 5. I know things that c. into your mind 38.10.at the same time shall things c.inro thy mind i/if . 5. 5. when the Assyrian shall c. into our land iHat. 10. 12. wh^n ye c. info an house, salute it 16 27. Sod of Man shall c. in glory of his Father 24. 5. for many shall c. tn my name, saying. I am Christ, and deceive many. Mark 13.6. LuAe^l. 8. 25 31. when the. Son o' Man shall r. in his glory fjvke 1 1 . 33. they which c. in may see tlie light 12. 38. c. in the second watch, ore. m taer.oir(i for h''m 14. 23. go oT^t. and compel them to e. in, that my 16. 28. lest they c. into this place of torment Joh7i5.a. I am e. i'h my Father's name, ye receive me not, if iiiother c. in his own name ye receive 6.14.prophet that should c. inrt* the world, 11. 27- -ic^j It). 15. Lydia, saying, c. inro house, abide there Rom. 11. 25. till the fulness of Gentiles be c, iti 1 Cor. 14. 23. there c. ijt those that are unlearned f there c. in one that believeth not Jam. 2. '2. there c. in also a poor man in vile raiment Rev. 3. 20. I will c. in to him, and sup with him COME near. Gen. 12. 11, Abram was c. n^az-to enter into Egypt 4. but Abimelech had not c. Tiear her Eiod. 12. -18. then let him c. near and keep it 16. 9- say unto Israel, c. near before the Lord 28- 43. or wheu ih^y c. near to the altar, 30. 20. A/(»*. 16.5. and will cause him to c. near to him 40. that no stranger c. near to offer incense JtKhh. 10. 24. c. near, put your feet on the necks 1 Sttm. 10. 20. had caused all the tribes to c. near Psal. 32. 9. be held in, lest they r. near unto thee 119. 169. let my cry c. near before thee ha. 41. 1. let us c. near together to judgment + 21. cause to c. near your cause, saith the L. 48. 16. c. ye near unto me, hear ye this 50. 8. who is mine adversary ? let him c. near m" i'.'ac*. 18.6. nor hath c. near to a menstruous woman 40.46. which c.neur to the Lord toministerto him 44. 15. they shall c. near to me to minister to me l6.lhey shall c. near to my table to minister to me ^'imoi'6.3.which cause the seat of violence to c.near ^fai. 3. 5. and 1 will c. near to you to judgment Lnke 19.41. when he was c. near, he beheld the city -■Jf/j23.15.andwe,orhe c.wear.are readyto kill him COME nigh. Exod. 34. 30. but they were afraid to c. nigh him Lcv.XO.'i. I will be sanctified in all thatc. 7itghu\f: 21.21. no man that hath blemish shall c. nigA,23. ^wm. 18.4. a stranger shall not c. nigh to you /^e")//. 20 2. when you are c.nigh tobaltle, the priest Luke 10. 9.kingdom of God is c. nigh uuto you, 11. COME not. Exod. 19. 15. be ready, c. not at your wives 24. 2. but they shall not c. nigh, nor the people Num. 14. 30. ye shall Jiot c. into the land 1 sware l6.12.DathanandAbiram said.wewill nor cup, 14. Deiit. 23. 10. unclean shall not c. within the camp Joi'h. 3. 4. c. not near unto the ark, that ye may 7. that ye c. not among these nations Judg.l'O. 17 .there hath Jiol c. a razor on mine head ^Sam. 14. 29. Absalom sent for Joab, but he would not c. he sent the second time, he would iwt c. 1 Kings 13. 22. carcase note, to sepulchre of fathers 2 Kings 19. 32. king of Assyria shall not c. into thi: city, nor shoot arrow there, 33. Isa. 37- 33,34 2 Chron. 35. 21. 1 c. not against thee this day £rr«10. 8. whosoever would not c. within three days jVtf/(.13,l.MoabitL' not c. into congregation fur ever J06 3. 6. let it not c. into the number of the months 13, 16. for an hypocrite shall not c. before him Ptai. 32. 6. in (loods they shall not c. nigh to him 69. 27. let them 7tol c. into thy righteousness 91 .7. thousands shall fall.but it shall/wf^. nigh thee 132.3,1 wtll7i£j( c. into the tabernacle of my house Prov. 3. 8. f . not nigh the door of her house Isa. 7. 17. Lord shall bring days that have not c. 25. there shall not e. the fear of briers and thorns 28. 15. the overflowing scourge shall 7iot c. to me 32. 10. vintage shall fail, the gathering shall ruir c. 54.14. far from terror, for it shall not c, near ibee 65. 5. which say, stand by thyself, c. not near me Jer. 37. ig. saying, the king of Babylon shall not c. /;=£*. 16.16. like things shall not c. nor shall it he so 4t. 13. they shall not c. near to me to do office Hos. 4. 15. c. not ye unto Gilgal. nor go to Beth-. 9. 4. their soul shall not c. into house of the Lord Zech. 14. 18. and if the family of Egypt c. not Mitt. 22. 3. sent to call, and they would not c Mark 2.4.they could not c.nigh for press,Z-«*f 8.19. Luke 14. 20. I have married a wife, I cannot c. John 5. 24. and shall not c. into condemnation 40. ye will Jtot c. to me that ye might have life 7.31. where I am thither ye cannot c 36. 11. 56. think ye that he will not c. to the feast ? 15. 22. if I had nut c. they had not had sin 16. 7. if 1 go not away, the Comforter will not c. 1 Cor. 4. 18. as thouch I would not c. to you COME out. [stanct Gen. 15. 14. aftenvards shall c. out with great sub- 17. 6. and kingi shall c. out of thee, 35. 11. 24. 13. the daughters of city c. out to draw water Lev. 16. 17. till hec our and have made atonement Num. IJ. 2C. shall eat till it c. «<( at your nostrils 12. 4. c. out ye three untotatiernacleof congregat. 20. 18. lest I c. out against thee wiih the sword 22.5. there is a people c. out ot Egypt, 11 33. 38. Aaron died fortieth year after Israel c, out COM l>eut. 28. 7. c. oiu one way, ami iKc seven wan Judg. 9.15. if not, let fire c. out of toe bramble 29. he said, increase thine army and c. out 1 Snm. 2. 3. let not arrogancy e. wurof your moulb 11. 3. lo-morrow we will c. out unto thee, 10. 24 14. after whom is the king of Israel c. out t 2 Ham. 16. 7. c. out, c. out, thou bloody man 1 Knigs 6.1. in the 480th year after Isr. were e.out 20. 17. saying, there aM men c. out of Samaria 2 Ktn^^s 5. 11, he wtll c out to me, and lay his hand 18. 31. make an agreement and r, out, Isa. 36. 16. 19- 9' behold, he is c, out to fight against thee Psal. 14. 7. O that salvation were c. out of Zion! 68. 31. princes shall c. out of Egypt, Ethiopia Prov. 12. 13. but the just shall c. out of trouble Isa. 34. 3. their stink shall c. out of their carcasei Nah. 1.11. there is one e. out that imagineth evil Mat. 5. 26. by no means c. out till thou nnst paid £6. 55. are ye c. out as against a thief with swords and staves to take me !* Mark 14.48. Luke 22. 52 Mark 1.25. hold thy peace, c.uurof him,£.uX-e4.35. 5. 8. said, c. out, thou unclean spirit, Luke 8. 29. John 1 . 46. can any good thiug c. ont of N azareth > 7. 41 . some said, shall Christ c. out of Galilee ' Acts 16. 18. in the name of Jesus to c. out of her R"m.\\.'2.Q. there shall c, our of Zion the Deliverer 2 Cvr. 6. 17. wherefore c. out from among them Jitb.1.5. though they c.out of the loins of Abraham iit^r. 16. 13. saw spirits c. out of the mouth of dragon 18. 4. a voice saying, c. out of her, my people COME to pass. £xflrf.4.8.it shall do pass if they will not believe,9. S'um. 11.23. whether uiy word shall c. to pass ornot 17 -5.0. to pais ihe man's rod I choose shall blossom D;;aji, no good thing failed Judg. 13. 12, Manoah said, let thy words c. to pass 17. when thy sayings c. topaiswe may do honour 21. 3. O Lord, why is thisf. topasi in Israel, that 1 Kings 13. 32. the saying shall surely c. to pa*i Isa. 7. 7- it shall not stand, nor shall it c. to past 14. 24. as I have thought, so shall it c. 10 pUiS 42.9- behold, the former things are c. to pass Jer. IT .24. it shall e. to pats it ye diligently hearken 32. 24. what thou hast spoken is c. to pass Etek. 12. 25. the word that 1 speak shall c. to past 24. 14. 1 have spoken, it shall c. to pats. I will do it Dan. 2.29. maketh known to thee what shall c.^o ;;. IIos. 1. 5. c. to pass thdX I will break the bow of Isr. Jotl2. 32. f. to pass that whosoever shall call on L. Amosi^. 9. e. to p. 1 will cause sun go down at noon Zech. 6. 15. this shall c. top. if ye diligently obey 7- 13. therefore it is c. to pass, that as he cried .1/ar.24.6.all these things must c. icpass,Qnd not yet Mark 1 1 . 23. things which he saith shall c. to pass 13.29. when ye shall see these c. to p. lyuke 21. 31. Luke 2. 15. and see this thing which is c. to pasi 21. 7- what sign when these things shall r. to p.^B. 24.12. wondering in himself at what was c. ro/rnj* 18. hast not known the things which are c. to pass John 13.19. when it isr. lop. ye may believe, 14.29- i'ic/j3.23. €. to p. that every soul that will not heat Rev. 1. 1. to shew things must shortly f. top. 22. 6. COME shoit. A'om.3.23.all have sinned and c. jAcr/of glory of G. /f^A. 4.1. lest any of vou should seem tor. short of it COME together. Job 9. 32. and we shou'u c together tn judgment 19. 12. his troops c. r^ijerAer against me and enc;-jnp Jer. 3. 18. shall c. together oui of land of the nortn 50.4. Isr. and J ud. shall c.rogtf/Aer, going and weep Acts 1. 6. when they were c. together, 28. 17. 10. 27. he found many that were c, together 19. 32, knew not wherefore they were c. loi^et/te- 21. 22, the multitude must needs c. together 1 Cor.7.5. c. together again, that Sat. tempt you net 11. 17. your, together, not for belter but foi worse lO.wheuye c. ((jg«r/)erin church, 20. 33. | 14.26 31. that ye c. not together to condemnation 14. 23. if whole church be c. together to one place COME up. £j'orf.l9.l3.trumpel sound they shall c. uyto moutii 24. thou shalt r. up, thou and Aaron with thee 24. 1 2. c. vp to nie into the mount, and be there 33. 5. 1 will c. up into midst of thee in a moment 34. 2. and c. up in the morning to mount Sinai 3. no man shall c. np with thee nor be seen Num. 20. 5. why have ye made us ^ . up out Egypt ? Ji*«rf. 21. saviours shall c. ifp on mount Ziontojudge Jonah I. 2. tlieir wickedness is c. up before me 4. 6. the Lord made a gourd to c. vp over Jonah Ulic. 2. 13. the breaker c. up befoft them ^'/t/l. 2. 1. he that dasheth in pieces is c. up Zech. 14. 17. it shall be, that whoso will not c. up 18. if the family of Egypt go not itp, c. not Actsb. 31. he desired Phil, to cup and sit with him -■JQ. when they were c. up out of the water 10. 4. Cornelius, thy alms are c. tip before God liev.i. I. cup hither, and I will shew thee, 11. 12. COME. Passive. Gen. 6. 13. the end of all flesh is c. before me 18. 5. for therefore are ye c. to your servant 21. according to the cry which is c. to me 42. 21. therefore is this distress c. upon us Exnd. 3. 9. cry of the children of Israel is c. to me 20. 20. fear not. for God is c. to prove you i^uin. 22. 11. there is a people c. out of Egj-pt Vfut. 31.11. when all Isr. is c, to appear before L. Joift. 5. 14. as captain of the host of Lord am I c. Jiid^. 16. 2. it was told, Samson is c. hither 1 •'S.i7n.\.l. for they said, God is c. into the camp y. 16. looked on my peop. because their cry isr.to me 2 .Sfjn. 1. 9. slay me, for anguish is c. upon me 19. 11. the speech of all Israel is c. to the king 2 Kin^s 4. 1. the creditor is c. to take my sons 5. 6. when this Ipttor is c. to thee, I sent Naaman 0. 7. told him, sayint;, the man of God is c. hither Etia<^. 13. and after all that is c. upon us Job 3. 25. the thing I greatly feared is c. 4. 5. I'inl. 44. 17. all this is c. upon us, yet we have not 53.6. O that the salvation of Israel were c 55. 5. fearfulness and trembling are c. npoD me 6y. 2. I am c. into deep waters, floods overflow me 102. 13. time to favour ZioD, yea the set time isf. lia. 10. 28. he is e. to Aiatli,he is passed toMigron 56. 1. for my sal vat. is near to f. and my righteous. Co. 1, arise, shine.forthyliphtisf. and glory of L. fi3.4. and the year of my redeemed is c. Jrr. 40. 3. have sinned, therefore this is c. upon you 47. 5. baldness is c. on Gaza, Ashkelon is cut off 50, 27. woe to them, f'^r their day is c. the time of 31. thy day is c. the time that I will visit thee fil.l3. that dwellesi on many waters, thy end is c. f.am. 4. 18. our days are fulfilled, our end is c. 5. 1. remember, O Lord, what is c. upon us iCsek. 7- C. an end, the end is c. upon the land, ft. 5. thus saith L. an evil, an only evil, behold is c. 7. the morn, is c. upon thee, O thou that dwellest 10. behold the day, behold, it is c. 39. 8. 17. 12. the king of Bab^'lon is e. to Jerusalem 21. 25. thou wicked prince whose day is c. 29. Van. 9. 13. as it is written, all thin evil is c. on ns AmosQ. 2. the end is c. on ray people of Israel fl/;r,l .9.he is f . to gate of my people, to Jerusalem ^Ull. 3. 7. who warned you to flee from wrath toc.j* 12. 28. the kingdom of God is c. unto you 41. when he is c. he findeth it empty, swept 18. 11. Son of Man is c, to save that which was lost Mnrk 1 . 24. art thou c. to destroy us } Luke 4. 34. 4.29. he puts in the sicHe.because the harvest is c. 1 1-. H. she is c. aforehand to a.ioint my body 41. sleep on now, it is enough, the hour is 1:. f.uke 7. 34. the Son of Man isc eating and drink. 1 .'i.27.thybroihpr is c. father hath killed fatted calf 19 0. this day is salvation r. to this house 10. the Son of Man is c. to seek and to save lost ]oh>i 3. 19. thf>t light is c. into the world, men loved 4. 25. when he is c. he will tell us all things II. 2fl. the Master rs c. and calleth for thee 12.23. the hour is f. Son of Man be glorified, 17.1 \5. 26. when the Comforter is e. whom 1 will send Iftjt.wheohe \%c. he wilt reproi-v (ne world of sin 19. when the Spirit of truth is c. h« will guide COM John 16. 21. a woman hath sorrow because hour is t. Ham. 11. n. salvation is c. unto the Gentiles 16. 19. for your obedience is c. abroad among all 1 Cor. 13. 10. when that which is perfect is c. then Gw/. 3.25. but after that faith is c. we are no longer Col 1 6. which gospel is c.to you.aa it is in all world 1 John\. 2. that Jesus Christ is c. in tne flesh 3. every spirit that confcsseth not that Jesus Christ isf. in the flesh is not of God, Q-Johnl. 5 20 we know that the Son of God is c. and given Pev. 6. 17. for the great day of his wrath is c. 11. 18. and thy wrath is c. and time of the dead 12'l0.nowisf.salvat.andstreni:^h, and king. ofG. 14. 7. fear God, for the hour of hia judgment is r. 18. 17. in one hour, so grcEit riches is c. to nought IQ 7 for marriage of the Lamb is r. and his wife ' 7 a>n COME, or am / COME. F.Tod. 18.6. / thv father-'«-law am c. to thee yiim. 22. .38. Balaam said, lo I am c. to thee Dei,t'.26.3. lame, into the country the Lordsware 1 Sam. 16. 2. / am e. to sacrifice to the Lord. 5, 2 &im.l4.15.nowthat lame, to speak of this ihmg 32. to say, wherefore am I c. from Gesbur ? ig. 20. / am c. first to meet my lord the king Ps. 69. 3. / am c. into deep waters where the Honds Eccl. 1. 16, I communed, lo, / am c. to great estate Cant.5.\.. lame, into my gar. my sister, my spouse Dan.<^. 23. and / am c. to shew thee, 10. 14. 10. 12- thv words were heard, I am c. for thy w. Mat. 5. 17! think not / am c. to destroy the law 9. 13. lam not c. to call the righteous but sinners 10. 34. think not that Jam r. to send peace on earth 35.7 am c. to set a man at variance against faiher Luke 12.51. suppose ye that / am c. to give peace John 1.31. therefore am I c. baptizing with water 5.43./amc,inmyFather'sname,ye receive me ni 7. 28. /am not c. of myself, he that sent me is true 9. 39. Jesus said, forjudpm. T amc. into this world lO.lO./amc.thatthey might have life, and abund. 12.46. Jam f. alight into the world,whoso believes 16, 28. J am c. into the world, again 1 leave world COME joined with time. Gfijt.30.33. shall my righteous.answer in time to c. Exod. 13.14. when thy son asketh thee in time to c. saying, what is this ? Dent. 6. 20. Josh. 4. 6, 21 . Joih.1^.-l-^.\n time to c.yourchildr. might speak,28. 1 Sam. 1. 20. tim* was c. after Hannah conceived Psal. 102.13. time to favour Zion, the set time is c. Prov. 31. 25. she shall rejoice in time to c. [tie Cant.Z.\2. time of singingof birds isr. voice of tur- ha. 13.22. her time is near to c. her days shall not 30. 8. note in a book that it may be for time to e. 42. 23. who will hearken and hear for time to c. Ezek. 7. 7. the time is c. the day of trouble is near Ha^.1.2. the time is note, the Lord's house be built l.uke 9.51 . the time was c. he should be received up Gal. 4. 4 but when the fulness of time was c. 13jm.6.19.1ayingup good foundat. against timeioc. 1 Pet. 4. 17. the *ime is c . that judgm. must begin Yet COME. Deut. 12. 9. for ye are not as yet c. to rest L. giveth John 2. 4. Jesus saith, woman, my hour is not yet c. 7. 6. Jesus said to them, my time is not yet c. 8. .30. because his hour was not yet c. 8. 20. 11. 30. Jesus was not yet c. into the town Rev. 17. 10. five are fallen, the other is not vet e. COMELY. 1 Sam. 16. 18. David, a son of Jesse, a c. person Job 41. 12. I will not conceal his c. proportion Psal. 33. 1. praise is e. for the upright, 147. 1- Prov. 30. 29. yea, four are c. in going Eccl. 5. 18. it is c. for one to eat.drijik. and enjoy Cant. 1. 5. I am black but c. O daughters of Jeriis. 10. thy cheeks are c. with rows of jewels 2.14. thy voice is sweet, and thy countenance is c. 4. 3. thy lips are like scarlet, thy speech is c. 6.4. thou art f.O my love, as Jenrsalem, terrible as ha. 4, 2. fruit of the earth shall be excellent and c. Jer. 6. 2. I likened daughter of Zion to a c. woman 1 Cor. 7. 35. but I speak for that which is e. 11. 13. is it f. that awomnnpray to God uncovered? 12. 24. for our c. parts have no need, but God COMELINESS. /f/i,53.2.he hath no form nor f, nor beauty, that Ez.ek. ifi. 14. for it was perfect through my c. 27. 10. they of Persia and Lud set forlfn thy c. Van. 10. R. my r . was turned in me into corruption 1 Cor.l2.23.ouruncomelvpartshave more abund. f COMKKS. Ueh. 10. 1. can never make the c.thercunto perfect COM ES r. Gen. 10. 19. was from Sidon as thou r. to Gerar 13. 10. like the land of Egypt, as thou f. to Zoar 24.41. when thou do my kindred, if they give not Deut. C. 19. thou c. nigh the children of Ammon 20. 10. when thou r . nigh to city to fight against it 28. 6. blvsssed shalt thou be when thou c. in 19. cursed shalt thou be when thou r. in Jndg. 17. 9. Micah said to Lcvite, whence c. thou 19.17. the old man said to Lcvite, whence c tliou COM 1 '?<7m.l6.4.and said, c.thou peaceablyl Kir.gs fi.li. 17. 43, am 1 a do^, thai thou c. to me with staves 45. thou c. to me with a sword and with a spear 2 Sam. 3. 13. bring Michal when thou c. to see me 1 /I'lfjgjlQ.ld.wheD thou r. anoint Ilazael to be king 2 Kings 5.^5. Eliiha said, whence c. thou,Gehazi f /oA 1. 7. whence f. thou:' Satan answen d, fi. 2. Jer. 51.61. when thou c. to Babylon and shalt se« Jonah 1. 8. what thy occupation ? whence e. thou i Alal.S.li.to be baptized of thee, and c. thou lo me . Lrike 23. 42. remeuib. me u hen c. into thy kiDgdois COMEIH. Gen. 37. 19. they said, behold this dreamer e. Lev. 11. 34. on which sm h water c. is unclean Dent. 18. 8. beside what c. of sale of his patrimony 23. 13. turn backward cover that which c. from thee 1 Sam. 4. 3. when ark c. among us, it may save us 9.6. all that th-- man of God saith c. surely to pass 20. 27. wherefore c. not the son of Jesse to meat' 29. therefore he c. not to the king's table 1 Kings 14. 5. for when she c. in will feign htrsell 2 Kings 9. 18. came to them, but he c. not aeain. 20 11. 8. be ye v/ilh the king ashe tree 62. 11. say ye to Zion, behold, thy ia\itiou €. 63. 1 . who is this that c. from Edom, I'-oui Bozra r At. 17. 6. like heathen, he shall not see when good c. H. and .shall not see when heat c. but her leaf 43. 1 1 . when he c. he shall smite the land of Egypt L//m. 3. 37 . who is he that saith, and it c. to pass 5. +4. our water for money, our wood c. for price Eiek. 14. 4. and c. to a prophet to inq I're, 7- 20. 32. that which c. in your mind shall not he 21. 7. for the tidings, because it c. behold it c. 24. 24. when this c- you shall know I am tlie Lord 33. 31. they come to thee tts the people e. and sit 33. when this c. to pass, then shall they know 47. 9. every thing shall live whither the rivers c. Dan. 11. 16. that c. against him shall do exploits 12. 12. blessed is he that c. to the i;i35 days Hos. 7. 1. the thief r. in. and the troop of robbers JoeP^.l.iay of the L. c. Ztch. 14. 1. I Thess. fl. 2 Mic. 5. 6. deliver us from the AssjTian when he c. Mai. 4. 1. the day c. that shall burn, day that r. .l/cf.S.ll.he that c. afterme is micht, than l.whose snoes not worthy to bear, il/a/Al.?. Z.u^*3. 16. 5. 37. whatsoever is more than these f. of evil 8. 9. I say to another, come, and he c. LukeT . 8. 13. 19. then c. the wicked one, and catcheth away 21. 5. behold, thy king c. unto thee, Jrhn 12. 16. 9. blessed is he that c. in name of Lord, hosanna inthehighest, MarkU.Q. LjikelS. 35. | 19.38. 25. 19. after along time lord of those servants c. Mark 6. 48. he c. to them walking on the sea H.,38.be ashamed when he c. in glory of his lather 9. 12. Elias c. first, and rcstorelh all things 14.43.while he yet spake f. Judas one of the twelve LukeG.'VJ. whoso f. to me, and hearethmy sayings 12. 37. the Loi-dwhen he r. shall find watching 40. Son of Man c. at an hour when ye think nol 43. his lord, when he c. shall find so doing 55. ye say, there will be heat, and it c. to pass 17. 20. kingdom of God c. not with observation 18. 8. Son of Mane, shall he find faith on earth ? John 3. 8. but thou canst not tell whence it c. 2tt. nor c. to the light, lest his deeds be reproved 21. he that doth the truth, c. to the light 4.21 woman, believe me, the hour f. 23. j 16. 32 6. 35. he that c. to me shall never hunger, 37. 45. man that hath le.-irned of the Father c. to 'iie 7. 27. when Christ c. no man knoweth, 31. 42. s.iid, that Christ c. of the seed of David p. 4. the night c. when no man can work 14. 6. no man c. to the Father but by me 16. 2. the time c. that whosoever killetb you 25. the time c. I shall no more speak in proverb 32. the hour c. that ye shall be scattered -I./t in. 32. who when he c. shall speak to the# y^'m.4.9.f.thisblessedne'ison the circumcision ouly 10. 17. so then, faith r. by hearing, hearing by won! 1 Cor. 15.24. thou c. the' end when he shall liav« COM Cot. 11.48. besides that wlt.ch c, op die daily E/)*. 5.6. for tiiese tninns c. thf wrath of God upon ihe children tifdisotiedience, Col. 3. 6. 1 TAfts, 5. C. day of the Lord so r.asa ihief iu uight //e^.Il.f). he that c. to God must believe that he is Jude 14. the Lord c. with 10,000 of his saints iffv. l.7.he c. with clouds, every eye shall see him n. 10. when he c. he must continue a short space COMETH doien. Tia. 55. 10. as the rain c. down from heaven JoAn 6. 3.1. bread of God is he which c. douit, 50. James 1. 17. every good and perfect gift c. down Rev. 3.12, new .lerusaleui which c. down from God COM KVil forth. Gen. 24.43, when the virgin c. tort A to draw water Eiod. 4. 14. also behold he c. forth to meet thee 8. 20. before I'haraoh, lo, he c. forth to the water Jud^. 11. 31. whatsoever c. forth of the doors 1 Stim. 11. 7. whosoever c. not forth after Satil Job 5. 6. though affliction c. not forth of the dust 14. 2. he c. forth like a flower, and is cut down ha. S8. 29. this also c. forth from the Lord Ezek. 3S. .10, hear what "words c. forth from Lord Mic. 1.3.behold, the Lord c. forth out of tiis place COMETH ntgh. Ntun. I. 51. Levites set up tabernacle, the strantjer that c.7UgA shall be put to death, 3.10,38. I 18.7. COMETH ma. Erpd.^6. 35. be heard when he c. out, that he die not K'im. 12. 12. flesh is half consumed when he c. oitt Z)cw/.28.57. her eyes evil toward younp that c. ovt \Kings2,. 41. a stranger that c. out of a far country JoS 20. 25. it is drawn, and c. out of the body 37. 22. fair weather c. out of the north, withGod is Cant. 3. 6. who is this that c. out yf the wiUlerness ? Jsa. 26. 21. the Lord c. out of his place to punish 42. 5. spread forth earth, and that which c. n»/of it /er.46.20.destruction cometh, it c. out of the north £if*.4. 12. shall bake it with dung that c. ottt of ma.n Mat. 15. 1 1. but that which c. out of the mouth, this defileth a man. Mark'. 20. 24. 27. for as the licrhtnint; c. out of the east COMEITi up. 1 5'am.28.I4..^ndshe said, an old man c. «;»co%'ered Cant. 8. 5. who is this that c. up from wilderness ? /ja.24. 18. and he that c. up out of midst of the pit Jtr. 46. 7. who is this that c. up as a flood ? 50. 3. out of north there c. up a nation a;:ainst her H«4.3.l6-whenhec. «/» to people, will invade them TtJal. 17. *7. cast ahook, taie up the fish first c. up COMFORT. Substantive Job 6. 10, then should I yet have c. yea, I would 10. 20. let me alone, that I may take c. a little PjTrt/. lig.SO.thisis my f.io my affliction, thy word 76. let thy merciful kindness be for my c. Isa. 57. 6. should I receive c, in these? Etek. 16.54. in that thou art a c. to them Mat. 9. 22. daughter be of good c. Luke 8. 48. Alark 10. 49. be of good c. rise, he calleth thee Arts y. 31 . walking in the c. of the Holy Ghost /fowl, 15.4. through patience and c. of the scriptures 1 Cor. 14. 3. speakelh to men to exhortation and c. S Cor. 1. 3. blessed he God, even the God of all e. 4, by the c. wherewith we are comforted of God 7.4.great is my glorying of you, I am filled withf^. 13, therefore we were comforted in your c, 13. II. brethren, be perfect, be of good c. Phil. 2-1. if there be therefore any c. of love 19. that I may also be of good e. when 1 know Col. 4. 11. these only, which have been a c, to me COMFORT, Verb. G««.5.29.this same shall c. us concerning our work V.S.c.ye your hearts, after that you shall pass on 27.42. Esau as touching thee doth c. himself 37.35. all his sons and daughters rose up tor, him Judc^. IQ. 5. c. thy heart with a morsel of bread, 8. 2 Sam. 10. 2. David sent to c. him, 1 Chron. I9. 2. 1 Chron. 7. 22. and his brethren came to e. him 19- 2. servants of David came to Hanun to c. him AoA2.ll.his friends cimc to mourn with and f.him 7.13. when I say, my bed shall c. me, my couch 9- 27. if I say, I will forget, 1 will c. myself 21. 34. how then r ,ye me in vain, seeing in answers Ptal.23. 4, thy rod and thy staff, they e. me 7 1.21. thou shalt increase and c. me on every side il9-t76, let thy merciful kindtiess c. me 8C. my eyes fail, sayini^, when wilt thou me Cant. 2, 5. c. me with apples, for I am 1.10k of love Jsa. 22. 4. look away from me, labour not to c. me 40. 1. c. ye, c. ye my people, saith your God 51.3.Lonl shall cZion. he will c.her waste places ly.two things are come, by whom shall I c.thee f Cl. 2. he hath sent me to c. all that mourn f)6. 13, so will I c. you, ye shall be in Jerusalem fer.8,18.when I would c .my.sell.heart is faint in me 16. 7. norshall men tear to «. 4y. 13. for God hath c. )iis people, 52. 9. 54. 11. oh, thou afflicted, tossed, and not c. t)tS. 13. and ye shall be c. in Jerusalem y*/-.31.l3. Rachel weeping, refus. to be c. for child, Etek. 5. 13. 1 will cause fury to rest, I will be c, 14. 22. ye shall be c. concerning all the evil 3 1 . 16, all that drink water be c. in parts of earth 32. 31. Pharaoh shall see them, and shall be c. Mat. 2. 18. would not be e. because they were not 5,4. bless, are they that mourn, for they shall be c. l.vke 1(3. 25. now he is c. and thou art tormented John\\.Z\. the Jews which f. her, sawMaryrise Acts 16. 40. when they had seen brethren, c. them 20. 12. brought young man alive, were not a lit.c. Rom. 1. 12. that I may be c. together with you 1 Cor. 14. 31. that all may learn, and all may be c. 2 Cor. 1. 4. the comfort wherewith we are c. of G. 7- 6. God c. us by the coming of Titus 7. the consolation wherewith he was c. in you 13. therefore we were c. in your comfort Col. 2- 2. that their hearts might be c. being knit 1 I'hess. 2.11. ye know how he exhorted and c. you 3. 7> we were c. over you in all our affliction COMFORTEDST. ij(T. 12.1. thine anger is turned away, and thouc. me COMFORTER, S. 2 5(7m.l0.3.that he hath sent c.lo thee, 1 C/^r.lQ.S, Job 16. 2. heard many things, miserable c. are ye all Psal. 69- 20. I looked for c. but found none Eccl. 4, 1. tears of the oppressed, and they had noc. /.nm.1.9. she came down wonderfully, she had noc. 16. c. that should relieve my soul is far from me Nah. 3. 7. whence shall I seek c. of thee i John 14. 16. he shall give you another C. to abide 26. but the C". which is Holy Ghost, shall teach 15. 26. when the C. is come || lti,7.C. will not come COMFORTETH. Job 29. 25. I dwelt, as one that c. the mourners /.t«, 3 1.12. 1 , even I. am he thatc, you, who art thou 66. 13. as one whom mother c. will I comfort you 2 Cor. 1. 4. who c. us in all our tribulations 7. 6. God that c. those that are cast down COMFORTLESS, John 14.18, I will not leave you c.will come to yon COMFOItTS. Psal. 94.19. of my thoughts, thy c. delight my soul /i'l. 57.18. 1 will ■"Ad him . invaded the land at c. in of the year 19,27 I know thy going out and c. in. Isa. 37. 68, Psal. 37. 13. for he sceth th.it hif day is c. 121.8. Lord shall preserve thy going out and tf. in Isa. 14. y. hell is moved for thee to meet thee at r 44, 7. the things that are c. let them shew to them Jer. 8. 7. and swallow obser\'e the time of their c Dan. 4. 23. saw an holy one c. down from heaven Mir. T. 15. accord, to the days of thee, out of Egypt Mai, 3 i who may abide the d&yof his e./ COM Mil. 4. 5. before the c. of the great day w( the Lord M fit. Id. "ZH. till theysee Son of . Mane, in his kingdom 24. 3. tell us what shall be the sign of thy c. .' 27. so shall the c. of the Son of Man be, 37.39. 30. when iheyshall see the Son of Man cm clouds, 26. &i. Mark 13. 26. I W. 62. Luke 21. 27 48. shall say,my Lorddelayeth hisc Luke 12. 4^. 25. 27. at my c have received my ow a, LnkeUJ.'iS Mai k 6. 31. for there were many c. and going Lnkt 9, 42, as he was yet c. the devil tare him 18. 5. lest by her continual c. she weary me John 5. 7. while I am c another steppetli before nx 25. the hour is c.28. || 10. 12. setth the wolf c Aiti 1. t 8. receive the power of the Holy Ghost c 7. 52. shewed before of the c. of the just One 9. 28. he was with them c. iu and going out 10. 25. as Peter was c in Cornelius met hiii. 13. 24. when John had preachi^d before his c, 1 Cor. 1.7. waiting for the c. of our Lord Jesud 15. 23. afterward they that are Christ's at hise. 16.17 I am glad of cof Stephanus and Fortunatus 2 Cor. 7. 6. God comforted us by the c. of 'liius 7. not by his c, only, but by the consolatiou Phil. 1, 26.be more abundant by my c. to you again 1 'I'hess. 2. \^. Ave not ye our rejoicing at our I^'s, c. .1. 13. hearts unblameable at the c of our Lord 4. 15. we who remain to the c of our Lord 5. 2.t, preserved blameless to the c. of our Lcrd 2 'I'hess. 2, 1. we beseech you by the c of our Lord 8, and shall destroy with the brightness of his c. O.even him whose c. is after the working of Satan Jam. 5.7- be patient, brethren, to the c of the Lord 8, for the c. of the Lord draweth nigh 1 Ptt. 2. 4. lo whom c. as unto a living stone 2 Ptt. 1,1 6. make known power and c of our Lord J 3. 4. saying, where is the promise of his c. .' 12. looking and hasting to the c. of the day of God 1 John 2. 28. not be ashamed before him at his r. Rev. 13, 11. lieheld another beast c. up out of earth 21. 2. new Jerusalem c down from God out of hea- COMINGS. [vea Ezek. 43. 11. shew them the coings out and c. in COMMAND. 2 Sam. 23. f 23. David set Benaiah at his c. Job 3y. 27. doth the eagle mount up at thy c. ? COMMAND Is referred (1) To God, whose command eitendeth to the earth, Psal. 33. 9. To the heavens, Psal. 148. 5. To his people, Exod. 34. 11. To the adversaries of the church, Lam. 1, 17. To the clouds, Isaiah 5. 6. To serpents, Amos 9. 3. To unclean spirits, Mark 1. 27. It sigtufies, [1] His authoritt/ and power over his cnaiuies, Psal. 148. 5. [2] His will and readiness to help his own children in their distress, Psal. 42. 8. [3] To require due obedience to his laivs, Deut. 21. 22. [4] To procure, or work, P.sal. 44. 4. [5] To enable and incline^ Job 36. 10. [6] To restrain, Isa, 5. 6. [7] To appoint, or establish frmly, Tsaim HI. 9- [8] 'To stir up by hit providence, Isa. 13. 3. [9] To give, or bestorv. Lev. 25. 21. This word comprehendeth instruc- tion, prediction, exhoi'tation, and consolation. Mat. 11. 1. compared with Mat. 10.^, 17,2fi, 40. (II) To man, as parents commanding their chiU dren. Gen, 19. 19. | 50. I6. Governors their officers, Joshua 1. 10. Kings thei* subjects 2 CLron. 14, 4. Pastors their people, 2 Thess. 3. 4. 6. Gen. IS.iy.Abrah. will c. his child, and household Eiod. 8. 27. we will sacrifice as God shall r, us 18. 23. if thou do this thing, and God c. ihre so Num. 9, 8. I will hear what the Lord will c. 36. 6. this is the thing which the Lord doth c. Z>t'W, 28.8. the Lord shall e. the blesr.irg on thoa 32. 46. ye shall c. your children lo obser\'e to do Josh. 11. 15. so did Moses c Joshua, and so he did Kij/, 42.8. (he Lord will c. his loving-kindocss 44. 4. art my king, O God, c. deliverance for Jacob /jd.45.11. concerning the work of my hands, c me Jer. 27. 4. c them to say to their masters Lam.X. 10. heathen didst c. they should not enter Mai.-i, 3. f , tliese stones be made bread, Luke 4. 3, iy.7.whydid Mosescto give writing of divorcem. 27.64. c. tlierefore that sepulchres be made suro Ma/k 10. 3. he said to them,what did Moses c. you ? Ljiie 8.31. that he would note them to go into deep y.54.wilt thou wee. fire to come down from heaven Acts 5. 28, saying, did not we straitly e. you l.**. 5. and to c. them to keep the taw of Moses 2 Thess.3.4.je both do.and will do things we e.jou 6. we c.you, brethren, in name of our Lord Jesus 12. that are such we c. and exhort by our Ld. J. 1 'Tim. 4. 11. these things e. and teach. I COMMAND. £jorf. 7. 2. shall speak all that /" thep, Jer.1.7,17. 34. 11 observe thou what I c. thee, ^*nt. 12. 2tt. Lev. 25. 21. then /will e. my blessmgtipon ^*' Ueut. 4. fi. vt shall not add lo the word I c. Jrrf c t^sod. 7. (i. Moses and Aaron did as the I^nd c them, 10, 20. \ 12. 2«, 50. Num. 17. U l^.lG. this is the thing Lrf.r. 32. | 35.4. Sum.SO.l 34. as the /.orrf f. Moses, 34. 4. | 39. l,5.7,vVf 40. 19, Jic. Uv. 8. 9- I 9- !"■ £(ri;.8.4.Mosesdidas/..chim,A'Km.20.27. | 27.11. ^'um, .36. 2. Lord c. my lord to give land to Israel Deul. 6. 24. the I^rd c. us to do all these statutes 9.16. had turned aside out of the way I^rd c. you 10. 5. the tables, there ihey he as the tA>rd c. mi I Sam. 13. 14. L. c. him to be captain over peopb iHutn. 17.tl4. L. e. to defeat counsel of Ahithophel 24. 19. "Jid David went up, as the I^rd c. 1 Chi . SI. 27. L. c. the auRel, he put up his sword S4. 19- '^e ordering? as L. God of Israel c. him Ptci. 106. 34. conteniing whom the l^rdc. them 133. 3. for there the Ix-rdc. th« blessing, even lif« V. 19. 5. 1 hldit by EuphruUs as theXo/ac. me COM Lam. 1. 17. the I^rd nait c. conceinuig Jacob j^cu 13.46,47. we turn toOtntiles, so hath the L.c. L-Td or God COMMANDED, imphcitly. I. 3. 11. eaten of the tree I c. not to eat, 17. Fjxod. 23. 15. as 1 e. thee in the lime appointed Lev. 7. 38, in the day he c. the children of Israel 10. 1. offered strange hre which he c. them not Dtrut. 17. 3. hath served other gods, which 1 have not c. 18. 20. Jer. I9. 5. | 23, 32. | 29- 23. Josh.\.<^. have I not c. theef" be strong and of cour. 7- 11. transgressed my lovfuant 1 e. Judg. 2. 20. 13. 6. divide thou it by lot, as I have c. thee 2 A.m. 7 .7. whom I c. to feed my people,! C/(r.l7.6. 11. since the time that I c. judges, 1 Chr. 17. 10. 1 Kiu^a 11. 10. had c. him concerning this thing 17. 4. I have c. the ravens to feed thee there 9. I have c. a widow woman there to sustain thee 1 Chr. 16. 15. be mindful of his covenant, the word which he c. to a thousand generations, P.i. 105.8. 40.thal it is written in the law, which he f. Israel Psat. 7- 6. awake to the judgment that Ibou has: c. 33.9.he spake and itwasdone,he c. and it stood fast 11 1.9. hath c, his coven, forever, holy is his name liy.4.thou hast r .us to keep thypreceiits diligently 138. thy testimonies thou hast c. are righteous 148. 5. for the Lord c. and they were created /i(i.l3 3.1 have c. my sanclified ones, I have called 34. 16. for my mouth it hath c. and his spirit 45. 12. the heavens and all their host have I c. Jer. 7. 23. but this thing c. 1 them, obey my voice 31. which I c. them not. ly. 5. | 32. 35. 11. 8. all words of covenant which I c. them to do 17.22. but hallow the sabbath, as I c. your fathers 5y}. 21. do according to all that I have c. thee Lam. 2. 17. his word that he had c. in days of old Exek. 9. 11. I have done as thou hast c. me 24. 18. I did in the morning as I was c. 37. 10, Zech. 1. 6. my words which I c. did theynottake MaL 4. 4. remember the law which I e. in Horeb Luke 14. 22. Ld. it is done as thou hast r.and room Acts 10. 42, he c. us to preach to the people Moses COMMANDED. Num. 16. 47- Aaron took as Moses had c, and ran Dent. 31.29. 'urn aside from the way I have c. you 33. 4. Moses c. us a law, even the inheritance Josh. 1. 7- observe to do according to all Moses c. 22. 2. ye have kept all that Muses c. you 1 Chr. 15. 15. Moses c. according to word of the L. Mat.Q.4i. offer the gift that Moses c. for a testimonv Mark I. 44. ofTer for thy cleans, those things which Moses c. for a testimony to them, Lvke 5. It. JohnS.O. Af('j«inlawf. that such sb* Mbe stoued COMMANDEDSr Neh. 1.7. which thou c. thy servat oses, 8. 9. 14. thou c. them precepts, staiutea, and laws Jar. 32. 23. they have done nothing that thou c. COMMANDER. Isa. 55. 4. given him for a leader and c. to people CO.MMANDEST. Josh. 1. 16. all that thou e. us we will do 18. whoso will not hearken in all that thou c. Jer. 32. 23. have done nothing of all thou c. them Acts^3. 3. c. me to be smitten contrary to the law COMMA NDETH. A^7/m.32. 25, thy servants will do as my lord c. Job 9.7, God, who c. the sun, and it riseth not 36. 10. he c. that they return from iniquity 32. he covereth the light, and c. it not to shine 37. 12. that they may do whatever he c. them PsaL 107. 23. he c. and raiseth the stormy wind Z.a//j.3.37.whosaith, itconieth, when Ld. c. it not? Amos 6. 11. Lord c. and he will smile great horse Mark \. 27. he c. the unclean spirits, Lukt 4. 36. Luke 8. 25. he c. the winds, and they obey him Ads 17. 30. now c. all men every where to repent COMMANDING. Oen. 49- 33, Jacob made an end of e. his sons Mat. 11. 1. Jesus made an end of c. his disciples Acts 24. 8. c. his accusers to come to thee 1 'Lim. 4. 3. c. to abstain from meats God created COMMANDMENT. Kxod. 34. 32, he gave them in c. all Lord had spoken iVwTH. 15. 31. broken his c. that soul shall be cutoff 23, 20. behold. I have received e. t" bless 27. 14, ye rebelled against my c. in the ilcsert Dent. 30. 11. this c. I command thee this day 1 Ai>igj2,43.whyha5t thou not kept the r.kh.irged 2 Kings 18. 36. king's c. was, ans. not, ha. 36.21. I Chron. 12. 32. all their brethren were at their c, 28. 21. all the people will be wholly at thy c. ZChron.^. 13. offering according to ther. of Moses ■t 14, 50 was the c. of David the man of (iod 19. 10. what cause shall come between law .-uid r. 30, 12. one heart to do the c, of king and princes 31. 5. and as soon as the c. came abroad, Israel Eira 8. I7. I Sent them with c. to Iddo (he chief 10. 3, of those that tremble at the e. ol God A'(7j. 11. £3. It Was the king's c. concerning tliera 13. +5. wine and oil, which was thee, of Levites Lnh. 1. 12. Vashti refused to come at the king's c CuM £j/A.2-20. Esther did thee. of Mcnlecai,like aswbtD 3. 3. why transgresses! thou the king's c. f 9, 1. when king's c. drew nii;h to be put m exectvlio.i Joh Si. 12. nor gone back from the c. ofhislipa PsaL 119. y6. but thy c. is exceeding broad 147. 15. he sendeth forth his c, upon earth Prov. 6. 23. the c. is a lamp, and the law is ligUl 6. 29. that the waters should not pass his c. 13. 13. he that feareth the c. shall be reM-arded 19. 16. he that keepeth the c. keepelh his soul Kcct. 8. 5. wliosokiepetn r. shall feel no evil thing Jer. 35. 14. but they obey their father Jonadab's c. Dan. 3. 22. because the king's c. was urgeul 9. 23. the c. came forth, and i am come to shew JIos. 5. 11. because he willingly walked after the f. MiiL 2. 1. now, O ye priests, this c. is fur you 4. ye shall know that I have sent this c. l<» you Mat. 15. 3. why do ye transgress the c. of God 6. thus have ye made thee, of God of no etlt-cl 22. 36. Mailer, which is the great c. in the law , 38. this is the first and great c. Murk 12. .If. Mark!. a. for laying aside the c, of God, ye hold 9. he said, full well ye reject the c. of Iiod 12. 31. there is no other c. greater than these Luke 15. 29. nor transgressed I at any time thy c. 23. 56. rested the sabbath-day accordii'g to the c. /w/i7* 10. 18. this c. have I received of my Father 12. 49, he gave me a v. what 1 should say 50. I know that his c. is life everlasting 14. 31. as the Father gave me c. even so I do 15.12. my c. that ye love one another, 1 John 3.23 Acts 15. 24. to whom we gave no such c. 17. 15. receiving a c. to Silas to come to him 23. 30. aud pave c. to his accusers also to say 25. 23. at Festus' c. Paul was brought forth Rom. 7. 8. but sin taking occasion by the f . 11. 9. when the c. came, sin revived, and I di.-d 10. c. which was ordained to life, i found tc 'U-ath 12. and the c. is holy, and just, and good 13. that sin bye. might become exceeding sinful 13. 9. if there be any other c. it is briefly in this 16. 26. according to thee, of the everlastiugGnd 1 Cor. 7. 6. I speak this by permission, not of c. 2 Cor. 8. 8. I speak not by c. but by occasion 0* L/'h 6. 2. which is the first c. with promise 1 Tim. 1.1. by the c. of God our Saviour, Tit. 1. 3. 5. the end of the c. is charity, out of a pure hejr» HeS. 7. 16. who is made not after law of a carnal c 18. there is a disannulling of the c. going before 11. 22. Joseph gave c. concerning his bones 23. Hoses hid, they were not afraid of the king's c. 2Pei. 2. 21. to turn from holy c. delivered to them 3. 2. mindful of c. of us the apostles of the Lord 1 John 2. 7- but an old e. which ye have heard 3. f 11. this is thee, ye heard from the beginning 23. this is his e.that we should believe on the naiue 4.21. this e. have we from him, he who lovetli Go 2 John 4. as we have received a c. from the Falhei 6. this is the e.that as ve have heard from begiiin. Gilt OT enen COMMANDMENT. Exod. 25, 22. things which 1 will gii* thee in e. Deut. 1,3. the Lord had giien him in c. unto them Eira 4. 21. gii-e c. to cease till another e. be given Psal. 71. 3. hast eiirn e. to save me, thou my rock tsa. 23. 11. the Lord bath giren c. against the city Nah. 1. 14. the Lord hathgii'^ne. concerning thew John 11.57- given c. if any knew where he were Kvep Co.MMANUM>..NT, see Keep. COMMANDMEN V of the Lord. £:«rf.]7.1. journ. c. of L. Num. 9. 18, 20. j 10.13. ] Awfn.3..19- Moses and Aaron numbered at c. oj' L. ' 24, 13. 1 cannot go beyond the c. oJ' L. to do good \ 33. 38. Aaron went up to Hor at r. i/ /.cidanddied j Joih. 22. 3, ye have kept charge ofe, of L. your God 1 Sam. 12. 14. and not rebel against thu e. of l^ird ► 15. if y<- will not obey, but rebel against r. »/' Lo/rf 13. 13. thou hast not kept the c. of Lord \by (iod 15. 13. Saul said, 1 have performed the e. oJ" Lord 24. I have transgressed the c. of L. aud thy woinl 2 Sam. 12.9. wherefore hast thou despised c. of A. 2 A"mgj24. 3. at the e. rrf came this on Judah 2 Chion. 29. 25. for so was e, of L. by hispn»phets Piat. 19.8, the c. of L. is pure, enlightnuig the eye* 1 Cor. 7. 25. concerning virgins I have no c. of Z. New COMMANDMENT. JiiA»13. 34. a ncri' e. I give unto you, that ye love 1 John 2.1. brethren, I write no new c. uuio yoy 8. an«a'e. 1 write unto you, which is true in him S Ji>hn 5. not as though I wrote a nrv! c. unto thef Veheiled acatfui the COMM AN D.M ENT. Num. 27-14. y-' reheUed ag. my c. in the drs. ofiJIn Deul. 1. 26. but ye rr ie/. og. e. of L. your God, 43 9- 23. then ye rebel, ag. c. of L. and believed not Lam. 1. 18. L. is righteous, I have rebelled ag. uise COMMANDMENTS. Gen. 26. 5. because that Abraham kept n;y c. Exod. 15. 26, and if thou will give ear to his e 34.2K.wp)teontablesthetene. i>*vr. 1 13. ] 10 4. y,^j'.4.13. have done somewhat .ig. ai.y of the r. 'i.l. 5. 1", commit am forbiddttn hv the c. of iiito jjord COftl hee. S7. 3*. thcie are the c. the Lord commanded Awn. lo. 39. reuiemlier all the c. of the Lord lieut.Q.W. in not keeping c. which I command thee ♦1. 13. if you shall hL-arkento c. 28.13. Jiidg. 3.4. 27. if ye will obey the c. of the Lord your God 2B. if ye will not obey the c. of the Lord your G . \^am. 13. 11. Saul hath not performed my c. 1 Kings U. 34. because he hath kept my c. and stat. 14.8. David who kept my c. and followed me 18. 18. in that ye have forsaken the c. of the Lord KtJtgs 17. 16. 'and they left all the c. of the Lord 19. Judah kept not the c. of the Lord their God 18. 6. but kept his c. which he commanded Moses 2 Chiott. 7. ly. If ye forsake my c. I set before you '2t, 20. why transgress ye the c, of the Lord ? 1 zra 9. 10. () our God, for we have forsaken thy e. 14. should we again break ihy c. and join in aifin. Psal. 89.31. if they keep not my c. then will I visit 111.7. his works are verity, all his e. are sure 112. 1. blessed is he that delight. greatly in his c. 119. 10. O let mu not wander from thy c. 19. I am a stranger, hide not thy c from me 35. make me to go in the path of thy c. 47. I will delight ia thy c. which [ have loved 6(1. teach me, for I have believed thy c. 7'.>. give understanding, that I may learn thy c. ttri. all tliv c. are faith. || 151. all thy c. are imth 1)8. thou through thy c. hast made me wiser thaJi 127. I love thy c. \\ 131. I longed for thy c. 143. thy c. are my delights |[ 172. c. righteous. 166. I have done thy c. \\ 17u. not forget ihyc. Prov. 2. 1. if thou wilt hido my c. with thee 7 1. keep my words aud lay up my c. with thee 10. 8. the wise in heart will receive c. Tsa. 48. 18. O that thou hadst hearkened to my c. Mat. 5. 19. whoso shall break one of these least c 15.9-teach. for doctrines the r. of men, AlarAj. 7. 22. 40. onlliese twoc. hang all the law and proph. Mari 10. 19. thou knowest the c. Lnke 18. 20. 12. 29. the first of all the c. is, hear O Isr. the L. Luke 1 , 6. walking in all the c. of the L. blameless John 14. 21. he that hath my c. and keepeth them 15.10. ifkeepmy f. as I have kept my Father's c. 1 CVr. 7. 19- is nothins, but keeping the c. of God 14. 37. things I write you, are the c. of the Lord Coi. 2. 22. after the c, aud doctrines of men I ThessA.2. for ye kn'ow what c. we gave you by L. 1 John 2.4. he that keepeth not his c. is a liar 3. 24. he that keepeth his c. dwelleth in him 2 John 6. this is love, that we walk after his c. Do COMMANDMENTS. Num. 15. 40. do all my c. and be holy to your God Detit. 6.25. obs. to du all c. 15.5. \ 28.1,15. | 30.8. 1 Chron. 28. 7. if he be constant to do my c. /*ja/.103.18. those that remember, his f. to i/^ them 111. 10. understanding have they that do his c. hev. 22. 14. blessed are thev that do his c. Not do COMMAN'DMEMS. Lev. 26. 14. but if ye will not do all these c. 15.sothatyewill7ui(rfnaUmy c. but break coven. AVe;* Commandments, «fi Keep. COMMEND Signifies, [1] To eilol, or praise. Cor. 3. 1. | 5. 12. t2] To commit, or give in charge, Luke 23. 4*5. [3j To render moie Hlmtrioits and commendable, Horn. 3. 5. [4] To make or render one more acceptable, 1 Cor. 8, 8. I.idie 23. 46. Father, into thy hands I c. my spirit /itrj20. 32. and now, brethren, 1 c. you to God 7i'(=7w,3.5.if our unrighlLousness c. righteous, of God 16. 1. I c. unto you I'hebe our sister, a servant 2 Cor. 3. I. do we begin again to c. ourselves ^ 5. 12. for we c. not ourselves again to you 10. 12. or compare ourselves with some that c. COMMENDATION. i. Co/. 3.1. or need we. as some others, epistles of c. ? COMMENDED. Gen. 12. 15. the princes c. Sarai before Pharaoh Prov. 12. 8. aman shall be r. accord, to his wibdoui Eccl. 8. 15. then I c. mirth, because a man hath Luke 16. 8. the Lord c. the unjust steward, because Acts 14.23. c. them to the L. on whom they believed 2 Cor. 12. 11. I ought to have been c. of you COMMENDETH. Rom. 5. 8. but God c. his love towards us, in that 1 Coj . 8. 8. but meat c. us not to God 2 CiT.lO.iB.not he thatf. is approved, but whom L. COMMENDING. 5 Ct. 4. 2. c, ourselves to every man's conscience 6. t 4- in all c. ourselves as the ministers of God COMMISSION, S. L!.iTa 8 Sfi, and they delivered the king's e. Acts 2C. 12. as 1 went with c. from the chief priest COMMIT. Exod.9.0. 14. thou shaltnot c. adultery, Dtw/, 5. 18 Mat. A. 27. I 19. 18. Rom. 13. 9 LiCv. £.17- if sin, and cany of tnese things forbidden 18 t'6. not c. any of these abominations, 30. 29. who shall c. any of these abominations yum 5 6 if a manor wo'uan cany sin thai uten ^ 89 COM Deut. 19- 20. e. no more any such evil among you .Jndg. 13. 1 1. added to f. evil in the sight of tht Lord 2 C/ir. 21. 11. caused Jerusalem to c. forn cation Jo& 5. 8. unto God would 1 c. my cause Psal. 31. 5. into thine hand I c, my spirit 37. 5. c. thy way to the I.,ord, trust also in him Prov. 16.3. i-.thy works unto the Lord, thy thoughts 12. an abomination to kings to c. wickeducss La. 22. 21. 1 will c. thy government iuto his hand Jer. 37. 21. c, Jeremiah to the court of prison 44. 7. why c. ye this great evil against your souls? £.'3^*. 8. 17. c. abominations which they c. here 16. 43. and thou shalt not c. this lewdness 22. 9. in the midst of thee they c. lewdness Ifos. 6. 9- the priests murder, they c. lewdness 7- 1. for they c. falsehood, and the thief cometh Luke 12. 48. and did c. things worthy of stripes 16. 11. who willc. to your trust the true riches? Jc/iji 2. 24. Jesus did not c. himself to them Rom. 1. 32. who c. such things are worthy of death 2. 2. is against them which c. such things 22. that abhorrest idols, dost thou c. sacrilege ? 1 Cor. 10. 8. neither let us c. fornication 1 Tim. 1, 18. this charge I c. to thee, son Timothy 2 Tim, 2. 2. the same c. thou to faithful men Jam. 2. 9. if ye have respect to persons ye c. sin 1 Pet. 4, 19- c. the keeping of their souls to him 1 John 3. 9. whoso is burn of God doth not c. sin Rev. 2. 14. who taught Israel to c. fornication 20. to teach and seduce my servants toe. fcvni- See Adultery. [cation COMMIT inignitn. 2 Sam. 7. 14. if he c. iniquity I will chasten him Ji'b 34. 10. Almighty, that he should c. iniquity Jt-r.Q.5. they wearj' themselves to c. itiigniti/ Etek. 3. 20. turn from righteousn. and c. in. 3'S. 13. COMMIT tiespass. Lev. 5. 15. if a soul c. a /rej'/JAj.s through ignorance iV;jj7(. 5. 12. if aman's wife go aside audr. irf.\pais 31. It*, caused Israel tor. trespass against the Lord Josh. ^2. SO.Achanc. a /rf j;><2.Tf in the accur. thing COMMIT tihvredom, or whoredoms. Lfv. 20. 5. I will cut off that c. ichor, with Molech iVii;«. 25. 1. to tr. tvhor. with the daughters of Moab Lzek. 16. 17- and thou didst c. u^ar. with images 34. whereas none foUoweth thee to c. whoredom 90. 30. c. ye whoredom after their abomiu&tions ? 23. 43. will they c. v>. with her, and she with them Hos. 4. 10. they shall c. whoredoms and not increase 13. tberefore your daughters shall c. whor. 14. COMMUTED. Gen. 39. 8. he hath c. all that he hath to my hand 22. the keeper c. to Joseph all the prisoners Lev. 4. 35. priest make atonement for sin he hath c. 18. 30. these abominable customs which were c. 20. 23. they c. these things, and I abhorred them Kum. 15. 24. if aught be c. by ignorance DttU 17 . 5. bring forth that man or woman that c. 21. 22. if a man have c. a sin worthy of death Jwrfg .20.6. they have c. folly and lewdness in I srael 1 A'i«^i8.47. we have sinned, we have c. wickedn. 14.22. they provoked him with sins, they c. 27.braseii shields c.heto the guard, 2 Chr. 12.10. 1 Chr. 10. 13. Saul died for his transgression he c. Jer. 2. 13. for my people have c. ttt'o evils 5,30. a wonderful and horrible thing is c in land 16. 10. what is our sin that we have c. agaihst Ld. 44.3. which they have c. to provoke to anger, 9. Ezek. 16. 26. tnou hast c. fornication with Egypt 51. nor hath Samaria c. half of thy sins 18. 21. turn from ail his sins he hath c. 22.28. 20. 43. shall lothe yourselves for evils ye have c. 23. 3. they c. whoredoms in Egj-pt in their youth 7. thus she c. whoredoms with them 33. 16. none of the sins he c. shall be mentioned lios. 1. 2. for the land hath c. great whoredom 4. 18. they have c. whoredom continually Mark 15.7. who hadf. murder in the insurrection Luke 12.48. and to whom men havec. much, of him Jo/m 5. 22. P'ather hath c. all judgment to the Son Acts 8.3. haling men and women, c. them to prison 25. 11. if I have c. any thing worthy of death 25. had found he had c. nothing worthy of death 27. 40. they c. themselves to the sea and loosed 28.17. though I have c. nothing against the people A'o//j.3,2.becauseto them were c. the oracles of God 1 C»>;.9. 17. dispensation of gospel ist.to me.7Vr.l.3. 10. 8. nor let us commit fornic. as some of them c. e Cor.5.19. hath c. to us the word of reconciliation 12. 21. and lasciviousness which they have c. Gal. 2. 7. gospel of the uncircumcision was c. tome as gospel of circumcision to Peter, 1 Tim. 1.11. 1 Ttm. 6. 20. O Timothy, keep what is c. lo thee 2 Tim. 1.12. he is able to keep that which 1 c. to him Jam. 5. 15. if he have c. sins, they shall be forciven 1 P«.2.23.f .himselftn him that judgeth righteously JudelS.o! all their ungodlydeeds which theyhave c Rep. 17.2. with whom kings have c. fornication 18. 3, 9. See Abominations. COM COMMITIED iniquity. PjflMOS.fi.wehavec. iniq. we have done wii'xefiiy AV*. 33. 13. for his iniq. he hath c. he shall die, Iti Dan. 9> 5. we bare c. iniquitt/ aud done foolishly COM^U I \1:D' trespass. Lev.S.T.hung for his trt-^paa, he c. two turtle-doves Ji'sh.T. 1. Israel c. a //•(■'/'(«,( in the accursed tiling 22.lfi.what trespass is this ye haver, against Godf 31. because ye have not c. thistre-^pasi against L. Ezei. 15. 8. because they have c. a t/etpass, I will 20.27. in that they c. a trespass against me COMMIiTESr, EIH. ING. Psal. 10.14. the poor c. himself to thee, thou helper Esfk.8.6. the great abomination that Israel c. here 33. 15. walk in slatuteu of life without c. iniquity Hos. 4.2. by lying, killing, stealing, and c. adultery 5. 3. for now, O Ephraim, thou c. whoredom John C. 34. whosoever c. sin is the servant of sin 1 Cor. 6. 18. but he that c. fornic. siuneth against 1 Johji 3. 4. whoso c. sin lrans;;resseth also the law 8. he thai c. sin is ofthedL-vil.forthe devii sinneth COMMODIOUS. Acts 27. 12. the haven was not c. to winter in COMMON. By coumion, is meant that which is ordinary, or usual ; as acomraou death. Num. I6. 29. a com- mon evil, Eccl. 6. 1. Sometimes that which is ceremonially unclean, Acts 11. 9. To eat with common hands, that is, without mashing one's Aunds, Mark 7. 2. Common bread, that is, unhallowed breid, 1 Sam. 21. 4. Jt is said. Acts 2. 44, That such as believed had all things common ; that is, as to use, but uot as tc title. Moses calls a vineyard common, oy pro- fane : What man is he that hath planted 3 vine- yard, and hath not yet made it conmion r Deut. 20. + 6. Ij there be sjich an one, he may return to his house ; because the Jirst-fiuils 0* trees and vines were reckoned unclean, orrathir were consecrated to the Lord, and the owner was not alloued to touch them, till after the/oitith year. Lev. 19- 24, 25. See Profane. Num. 16.29. if these men die the c. death of all men Deut. 20. + 6. planted a vineyard, and not made it c. 28. t 30. shall plant, and uot use it as c. meal 1 Sam. 21. 4. there is no i. bread uiidermy hai4d S.the vessels holy, and the bread is in a manner c. Eccl. 6. 1. there is an evil, and it is c. among men Jer. 31. 5. the planters shall eat them as c. things Esei. 23. 42. men of c. sort were brought Sabeans Mat. 27. 27- the soldiers took Jesus into the i-. hall Mark 7. i 2. the disciples eat bread \vith c. hands Acts 2. 44. believers had all things c. 4. 32. 5. 18. and put the apostles in the e. prison 10. 14.1 have never eattn anything that isc. 11.8, 15. what God hath cleansed call not thou c. U.y 28. that I shouH not call ajiy thing c. or unclean Rom. 14. t !•*- there is nothing c. of it.self ; but to him that esteemeth any thing to be c- 1 Cor. 10. 13- no temptation taken you but c. to men Tit. 1. 4. to Titus my own son, after the e. failh Jude 3. diligence to write to you of the c. salvatioQ COMMON people. Lev. 4.27. if any of the c. people sin thro' ignorance /tfr.26.23.ca5this dead body into the gravesof c . /». Mark 12. 37. and the c. people heard him glauiy COMMON-WEAL ITI. Eph 2. 12. being aliens from the c. wealth of Israel Common Lv; see RproiiTED, COMMOTION, S. 2 CArow. 29.(8. Lord hath delivered them to great c. Jer. 10. 22. a great c. out of the north counlrj- Luke 21. 9. when \e hear of c. be not terrified COMMUNE. Erad. 25. 22. and there I will meet and c. with thee lSam.lQ.22. r.with David secretly,and say, behold 19. 3. and I will c. with my father of thee Job 4. 2. if we essay to c. with thee, will be grieved * Psai.-i.'i. c.wilh your own heart on your bed.be stil 64. 5. they c. of laying snares privily, they say 77. 6. in the night I e. with mine own heart COMMUNED. G£H.23.8.Abrahamc. II 34.6. Hamorc. -with Jac.8. 42. 24. Joseph c. 1| Judg. Q. 1. Abimelech c. 1 ia»(.9.25.Sanmel c.\\ 25.39.David c. witli Abigail 1 Kings 10. 2. the queen ofSheba c.with Solomon ol all that was in her heart, 2 Chrou. 9- 1. 2 Kings 22. 14. they c. with U uldah the prophetess Eccl. 1. 16. 1 c. with mine own heart, saying, lo Dan.l.\9. and king c. with them, none like Daniel Zech. 1. 14. the angel that c. with m>-, said unto me Luke 6. 11. they c. what they might do to Jesus 22. 4. Judas c. to betray Jesus unto them 24. 15. that while they c. Jesus himself drew near Acts 24. SC. Felix s«»nt aud c. the oftener with Paul COM.MUNICATE. Ga/.6.6.let him that is taught r .to him that teacheth Phil. 4. 14. that ye did e. with my affliction 1 Tim. 6. 18. that thev do good, be willing to c. COM JJeb 13. 16. but to do good and to c. forget not COMMUNICATED. Gat. S 2. I e. to mem that gospel which I preach Pill. ♦. 15 no church c. with me bui ye ee- nienf, 2 Cor. 6. 1 1. What communion hath light with darkness ? .Suc/t as are enligltlened by the teord and Spirit of God can have no projituble, af^reeabie, or comjortuhle converse with such as are in darkness or ignorance. Communion is likewise taken J'or a sacrament, or sacred sign of oitr spiritual fellouship ictl/i Christ, 1 Cor. 10, It). The cup of blessing, is it not the com- munion of the blood of Christ * Oiir drinking o/ the wine in the c> p, if a rtligious action, whcrehy and ivherem Christ communicates himself and his grace to us, and u.'e commvntcace our souls to 'tim ; so that Christ, and believers in that ac- tion, have a mutual communion one uith another, liclievers hate communion with Christ by election in him ; by their kindred with his humanity ; and by a participation of his Spirit. They have communion with the Father and the Son, 1 John 1. 3 They partake of all those blessings that ('tod the Father has promised to those that are in covenant uith Aim ; and also of all those privileges which Christ has purchased for h, members ; si/ch as, pardon, reconciliation, adop- tion, sanctif cation, Jjtf. Vhe Communion of saints : That fellowship which the samts have with Christ, and all hts benefits by faith, and among themselves by love, 1 John 1 . 3, This Communion is both atttve and passive , that is, it consists both in doing good to, and re- ceiving good from, one another. There be divers sorts of it, as, (1) I e Hows hip in doctrine, or be- lief, Acts 2. 42. Gal. 2. g. (2) In exhortation Hub. 10. 24. 25. (3) In consolation, Eph. 5. l^, 1 Thess. 4. 18. (4) In humility, or submtssiott, Kom. 12. 10. Eph. 5. 21. (5) In love. Rom. 12. 10. (6) In pity, Rom. 12. l6. (7) In prayer, Eph. 6. 18, ly. (8) In helping and relieving ont another. Acts 4. 32,34,35. I Cor. lu. l6. c. of the blood of Christ, c. of the body of Christ 8 Cor. 6. 14. what e. hath light with darkness ? 13. 14. the c. of the Holy Ghost be with you all COMPACT. Pjal. 122. 3. Jerusalem is a city c. together Ct)WI'ACTED. Eph.^.XQ.ivQm whom whole body fitly joined and c. COM PAN V. Gen. 30. til. Leah called his name Gad, a r. 32 8. if Esau come to the one c. and smite it 21. and himself lodged that night in the c. 35. 11, a c. of nations shall be of thee, kings come Num. l6. 6, take ya censers, Korah and all his c. l6. be thou and all thy c, before the Lord 4U,no stranger offer.thathe be ootasKorah and c. 22. 4. now shall this c. lick up all that are round 26. 9- wbo strove in the c. of Korah, 27. 3. Jndg. 9. 37. another c. come along by the plain 18. 23. what ails thee, thou co'iiest with such ar ..' 1 Sam. 10, 5. thou shalt meet a c. of prophets 19, 20. they saw the c. of prophets prophesying 30. 15. canst thou bring me down to this c? 2 Kings 5. 15. he and all his c. came to Elisha y.17 he spied the c. of .Iphu, and said, I see a c. 2 Chron. 24. 24. the .Syrians came with a small c. Job 16.7. ilmu hast made desolate all my c. 34. 8. uoeth in c. with the worker?, of miquity i'sal. 55. 14. we walked to the house of God in c. 6h. t 27. the princes of Judah with their c. 30,rebuke the c. of spearmen, the bulls, the calves 84. t 7- they go from c. to c. every one in Zion I06. 17. the earth covered the c. of Abiram Iti. ami a lirv was kindled ia their e. I'lov. £4. 1 19, keep not c. with the wicked 29. 3, that keepeih c. with h.irlots, spendeth Cant. 1. 9- to a c. of borsts in ['haraoh's chariots 6. 13. aa it were the c. of two armies i:=ci. 16. 40. they shall bring ip a c. against thee £*. 46. saith the Ix)rd, I will bring up ac. on them S2. 22. Ashur is there and all her c. his graves 38. 7- yrepare for thyself, thou and all thy c. Hos 6. 9 so the c. ot p-itst* murder in the way /.tike. 2. -Vl. supposing him to have been in c. 90 Luie 0.17. he c.tme down the e. of his disciplci and 22. when they separate you from their e. 9. 14. make them sit down by fifties in a r. 38. a man of the c. cried out. saying. Master 24. 22. a woman of our e. made us astonished Acts 4. 23. being let go, they went to their own c. 10. 28. unlawful for a man that is a Jew to keep c. 15. 22. to send chosen men of their c. to Antioch 17 . 5. Jew8 gathered a c. and set city on an uproar 21-8. next d;iv we that were of Paul's c. departed Rom. 15.24. iflirsfrl be somewhat filled with your f. 1 Cor. 5. 11. not to keepc .with a fornicator, a drunk. 2 'i'Atfi.1. 3.14. note that man.aud have no c. with him fleb. 12.22. are come to an innumerable c. ofaiigels Rev. 18. 17 . all c. in ships and sailors stood afar off Great COMPANY. Oen. 50. Q. there went up with Joseph a great c. 2 C/iron.Q.l. the queen of Sheba came with a.gieatc. 20. 12. we have no might against this great c. /-•frt/.fiS.ll. great was the c. of those thai published Jer. 31. 8. a great c. shall return thither Eiek. 17. 17. nor shall Pharaoh with his great c. John 6. 5. saw a great c. come to him, he saith Jets 6. 7. a great c. of priests obedient to the faith COMPANY. I Cor. 5. 9. I wrote not to c. with fornicators COMPANIED. Acts 1. 81. of these men which have c. with us COMPANIES. Jiidg.t. 16, he divided the iOO men into three c. 26. and the three c. blew the trumpets 9. 34. they laid wait against Shechem in four c. 43. the people he divided them into three c, 1 Sam. 11. 11. Saul put the people in three c. 13. 17. the spoilers came out of camp in three c 2 Kings 5. 2, the .Syrians had gone out by c. 11. t 7. two c. of you shall keep the watch Seh. 12. 31. two great c. of iJiem gave thanks. 40. Job 6. 19- 'be c. of Sheba waited for them Isa. 21. 13. O ye travelling r. of Dedanim 37, 13. when thou criest, let thy c. deliver thee A/ar/: t).3y.to make all sit down by con green greiss COMPANION. £j-orf.32,27-Bo thro' camp and slay every man hisc. /?/(/?. 14. 20. Samson*s wife was given to his c. 15. 6. 1 C/(ro7i. 27. 33. Ilushai the Archite was king's c. Job 30. 29. T am a brother to dragons, a c. to owJs Psal. lig. 63. I am ac. to all them that fear thee Prov. 13. 20. but a r. of fools shall be destroyed 28. 7- but a f, of riotous men shameth his father 24. the same is the c. of a destroyer Cajit. I.tl5. thou art fair, my c. thou art fair Mai. 2. 14. yet she is thy c. wife of thy covenant Phil.2.Q5. Epaphroditus my brother and r .in labour Rev.l.Q. I John, your brother and c. in tribulation COMPANIONS. Juffg. 11,38. with her c. and bewailed her virginity 14. 11. they brought thirty f. to be with him Job 35. 4. [ will answer thee and thy r. with thee 41. 6. shall the c. make a banquet of him Psal. 45. 14. her c. shall be brought unto thee 122. 8. for my c. sake, I will say. peace be in thee Cant. 1. 7- that tumeth aside by the flocks of thy c. 8. 13. the f .hearken to thy voice, cause me to hear /jfl.l.23.thv princes arc rebellious and f.of thieves Ezek. 37. lb. write on it for Judah and Israel hisc Dan. 2. 17- he made the thing known to his c. .his 19. 29. having caught I'aul's c. in travel Heb.\0.3.i. ye became c. of them that were so used COMPARABLE. Lam. 4. 2. the precious sons of Zion e. to fine gold ■ COMPARE, ED, ING. Psal. 89. 6. who in heaven can be e. to the Lord ? Prov. 3*^ 15. are not to be c. to wisdom. 8. 11. C'anf. 1.9.1 have c.thee. O my love, to a company /Ta.40, 18. or what likeness M'ill ye r. to hiui i* 46.5.to whom will ye c. me, that we niay be like r' Rom. 8. 18. are not worthy to be c. with the ylorj- 1 Cor. 2. 13. c. spiritual things with spiritual 2 Cor. 10. 12. r. ourselves with some that commend, andc. themselves amongst themselves, are not wise COMPARISON. Judg. 8. 2. what have I done now in e. of you ? 3, //rti,'.2.3.is it not in your eyes in c. of it as nothing ^ Mark 4. 30, or with what c. shall we compare it " COMPASS, Substantirg. Ezod. 27. 5. shall put the net under the e. of altar 38, 4. he made a grate of net-work under the c. 2 Sam. 5. 23. but fetch a e. behind them and come 2 /vVnf 13.9. they fetched a r. of seven days' journey Prov. 8.27- when he set a c. on the face of the earth Isa. 44. 13. he marketh the image out with the c. .■3c/f 28. 13. from thence we fetched a c. to Khegium Ct)MPASS, I'erb. Num. 21 . 4. they journeyed to c. the land of Edom Josh. (i. 3. ye shall e. the city, all ye men of war 4. and the seventh day c. the city seven time.^ 2 Sam. 24. + 2. c. the tribes of Israel and number 2 KtTt^ill.B. c. the king round about, 2 Chr. 23.7 JoA "i.13. his archers <. me romid about he cleav COM Job iO. 22. the willows of the brouk c him ahon! Psal. 5.12. with favour wilt thou c. him as a shield' 7. 7. the congregation of the people c. thee aboul 17. 9- from my deadly enemies who e. me about 26.6. wash my hands, so will 1 c. thine altar, O L. 32. 7. shalt c. me about with songs of deliverance 10. trusiethin the Ld. mercy shall c. him about 49- 5. the iniquity of my heels shall c. me about 140. 9. as lur the head of those that c. me about I42,7.the righteous shall c. me about, for shalt deal Prov. 4. t 9. she shall c. thee with a crown of glory Isa. 50. 11. that c. your>elves about with sparkj Jer. 31, 22, a new thing, a woman shall c. a man liab.lA. for the wicked doth f. about the righteou; Mat. 23. 15. woe to you, for ye c. sea and land Luke 19. 43. thine enemies shall c. thee round COMPASSED. Ge7i. 19. 4. the meu of Sodom c. the house round Deut. 2. 1. and we c. mount Seir many days Joih. 6. 11. so the ark of the Lord c. the city .Ixidg. 11. 18. then they c. land of Edom and Moab 16.2. iheyc. Samson m, and laid wait all night 1 Sam. 23. 26. Saul and his men c. D. and his meu 2 .i'am. 22. 5. waves of death c me,Pj.l8.4. | 116.3. 2 Kijigs6. 13. beheld an host c. the city with horsea 2 C'A;u«-21.9- smote the Edomites which c. him ia Job 19 6. know that God hath c. me with his net 26. 10. he hath c the waters with bounds Psal. 17. 11. they have now c. us in our steps 22. 12. many bulls c. me || 16. for dogs have c. me Eccl. 7. t 25. 1 and my heart c. to know wisdom Lam. 3. 5. he hath c. me with gall and travail Zech. 14. f 10. all the land shall be c. as a plain Luie 21. 20. when ye shall see Jei-us.c. with armies /fti.5.2.for that he'hi-nself also is c. with infirmity COMPASSED about, Deut. 3^. i 10. in howlingwilderness he c.them about 2 Sam. 18. 15. leu young men c. Absalom about 22. 6, the sorrows of hell c. me about, Psal. 18. 5. 2 Kings 6. 14. Syrians came by night and c. city a. 8. 21. Joram smote Edomites which c. him about 2 Chron. 18. 31. they c. about Jehoshaphat to fight Psal. 40. 12. innumerable evils have c. me about 88. 17. thevc.mea. together, 109,3. | 118,11,12. 118. 10. all nations c. me about, but in the name /((«ay*2.3.tloodsf.me«, thy billows passed over me Ueb. 11. 30. walls of Jericho fell, after r. a. 1 days 12. 1, c. about with such a cloud of witnesses Rev. 20. 9- they went up and c. camp of saints about COMPASSEST. ETH. Gen. 2, 11. c. Uavilah I| 13. c. the land of Ethiopia Ps6.13.thouartaG./..y^. 111.4. | 112.4. | 145.8. Have or had COMPASSION. Exod. 2. 6, the babe wept, and she had r. on him /'e.vf.13.17. the Lord may turn and have r.on thee 30. 3. then the Lord thy God will have e. on thee 1 -S^/M. 23.21. blessed be ye of L.forye Aai^f. on me 1 Kings 8. 50. that they may have c. on ihem 2 A'ingj 13.23. Lord was gracious and Aorf con them 2 Chron. 36. 15. because he had c. on his people 17- Chaldees had no c. on young man or maiden /ja.49-13.that she should not have c .ou son of womb Jtr. 12. 15. I will return and have c. on them Lam. 3. 32. yet will he have c. Mic. 7. 19- Mat. 15. 32. I have c. on ihe multitude, Mark 8. 2. 18. 33. also have had c. on thy fellow-servant 20. 3t. so Jes.Artrff.on them and touched their eyes Maik 5. ly. how the Lord hath had c. on thcc 9 22. if thou canst, have c. on u.s, and help us Luke 7. 13. when the Lord saw her.he Aat/c . on hrr 10. 33. the Samaritan saw him, he had c. on him 1 5. 20. father had c. and ran and fell on his neck Rom. 9. 13. I will have c. on whom 1 will hava c. Ihb. 5.2. who can hacec. on the ignorant, EUidthem 10. .34. for ye had c. of me in my bonds Judc'22. of some have c. making a difference COMPASSIONS. /.am. 3. 22. are not consumed, because his e. fail not Zech.T .y. shew mercv and c. every man to brother COMPEL. I-ev. 25, 39. not ir. him to ser\'e as a bond-servant Mat. 3. 41. c. thee to go a mile, go with him twam Afar* 15. 21. they c. one Simon tc bear his crosa Luke 14. 23. go into high-ways, c. Uiem to come in COMPELLED, ESI'. 1 Sam. 28. £3. bis servants with the woman t. Saal CON tCkr^mil. U moreover leiioramcJudah thereto il/rti. ST. 32. Simon, kirn they * to bear his cross dcis^ 11. and ! c.them tobla-'pheme and persecut. 2 Cor. 12. 11. I amafooUnelorif>'iii(;.yehave c.me Gat. 2. S. norXitusaGreeW waac. to becircumci>ed 11 why r. thou the Gentiles to live as the Jews r COMPLAIN, ED, ING. CON Num. 11 1. llic people r. it displeased the Lord ;S. or their brethren came to us to c. y,.A 7. 11. I will c. in the bitterness of mv soul 31. 38. that the furrows likewise thereo Pifif. 77.3. I c and my spirit was overwhelmed 144. 14. that there be no c. in our streets Lftm 3 39. whereforedoth a living man^:..' a man COMPLAIN ERS. AVm.ntl. when people were c. it displeased Lord Jiide 16. these are murmurers, r. walking after lusts COMPLAINT, S. 1 5nm. 1.16. out of abundance of myf. have I spoken Job 7. IS. when I say, my couch shall ease my c. 9.27. if I say, I will forget my r. I will leave ofl" JO. 1. I will leave my c. on myself, I will speak 21.4. as for me, is my c. toman? and if it were 23. 2. even to-day is my c. bitter, my stroke heavier Psaf. 55. 2. I niourn in my c. and make a noise 142. 2. T poured out my c. before him. and trouble Mcts 25.7. laid c.against Paul, they could notprove Cot. 3. 1 13. if a,riy u'a-n have a c. against any COMPLETE. Z.«'.23.l5.yeshall count, seven sabbaths shall be r. Col. 2. 10. ye are c. in him who is the head of all 4 12. that ye mav stand c. in all the will of God C6:\I POSITION. Exod. 30. 32. nor make any like it afterthe c. ^J . COMPOUND. ETII. Emd. 30.25- an ointment c. after art of apothecary 33. whosoever r. anv thing like it, orpuiteth any COMPREHEND. Joi 37. 5. great things doth he which we cannot e. Evh.S.lQ. may be able to c. with saints the breadth COMPREHENDED. /xfl.40.12.hatlif. the dust of the e^rth in a measure Jo/m 1. 5. light shined, and the darkness c. it not /\Vm. 15. 9. is briefly c. in this sayiiic, thou shalt love CONCEAL, ED, ETII. Gen. 37.26. it we slay our brother and c. bjs blood Devt. 13.8. not spare, neither shalt thou r. him Job 0. 10. I have not c. the words of the holy One 27. 11. what is with the Almighty will I not c. 41. 12. I will not c. his parts nor his propnr.ion Psat.40. lO.l have not f. thy loviog-kindn.aud imth rrdi'.U.lS.he that is of a faithful spirit r. the matter 12.23. a prudent man c. knowledge, heart of fools 25. 2. it is the glory of God to c. a thing Jer. 50. 2. de.clare ye, publish a:id c. not CONCEIT, S. Pror.ia.ll.rich man's wealth as an high wall in c. 2O. 5. answer a fool, lest he be wise in his own r. 12.seest thou a man wise in his own c. ? more hope 16. sluggard is wiser in his own c. than seven men 28. II. the rich man is wise in his own c. Horn. 11. 25. lest ye should be wise in your own c, 12. 16. be not wise in your own c. COMCEIVE, ING. C^n. 30. 38. they should c. when they came to drink iVw»7i.5.28. then she shall be free, and shall c. seed y«rfg.l3.3. shake. and bear a son, 5,7- Luke 1, 31, Job I5.*i5. they c. mischief, bring vanity, yja.59,4. P$al. 51. 5. and in sin did my mother c. me Isa. 7. 14. a virgin shall c. and bear a son 33. 11. shall f. chafl 1| 59. 13. c. words of falsehood P.zek. 38.110. thou shalt c. a miscliievous purpose i/eA. 11. 11, Sarah received strength to c- seed CONCEIVED. Gen. 4. I . Eve c. and bare Cain (1 17. Cain's wife c. 16. 4. Hagar f. i|21. 2. Sarah f. and bare Isaac £5. 21. Rebekah his wife c. 1| 29. 32. Leah c. 33. 30. 5. Eilhah c. j| 23. Rachael f . and bare a son 39. the flocks c. 31. 10. || 38. 3. Shuah c. 4. 5. 38. 18. Tamar c. |1 Exvd. 2.2..Tochebed c.and bare Lev. 12. 2. have c. seed, and born a man child A'mct. 11. 12. Moses said, have I c. all this people ''. 1 &i»i. 1.20. Hannah c.and bare a son,Samuel,2 21. 2 Sam. 1 1, 5. Bathsheba c. sent and told David 8 A"iH?f 4.17-Shunamite c, i| /ja. 8. 3. prophetess c. 7(1*3. 3. it was said, there is a man child c. Ptat. 7. 14. c. mischit'l'. brought forth falsehood CVn/. 3. 4. into the chamber of her that c. me /fr. 49. 30. and hath c, a purpose against you Hos. 1. 3. Gomer which e. and bare him 2. 5. she that c. them hath done shamefully Mat. 1.20. thai which ist. in her is of the H.Ghosi Luke 1 . 35. Elizabeth hath c. a son in her old age 2. 21. was so named before be was c. in womb Ai-ts 5. 4. why hast thou r. this thing in thine heart ? Horn. 9. 10. when Rebekah had c. lam. 1. 15. wneo liist hath c. it brings forth sin CONCEPTION. LJm.3.lfi. I mil greatly multiply thy sorrow and c. Uuth 4. 13. the ^rd gave her* and she bare ^ son 91 //df.Q.ll.lheif glorv shall fiee fiom tbtbii»« andc I CONCERN. EPH, Etek. 12. 10. say to them, this burden c. the plaice .'lets IB. 31. teaching things which c. the L.J. C. 2 Cor. 11.30. glory in things which c. my infirmities CONCERNING. Gen. 19. 21. T have accepted thee c. this thing Exod.6.S.c. which I did swear to give, Nwn. 14.30. Lev. 4. 26- priest make atonem. for him c. sin, 5. 0. 6. 3. hath found what was lost, and lieth c. it Num. 10. 29. the Lord hath spoken good c. Israel 1 h'ingi 11. 10. had commanded him c. this thing 2 Kings '20. i l.give charge c.thy house, /ja. 38. t 1. jVM. I. 2. I asked them e. the Jews that escaped Psat. go. 13. repent thee c. thy servants, 135. 14. Eccl. 7. 10. for thou dost not inquire wisely c. this Tsa. 5. t 20. woe to them that»say c. evil, it is good 30.7. shallhclpin vain, thcref. have I criedc.this 45.11. ask me c. my sons, andc. work of my hands Jer. 16. 3. thus saith the Lt-id r. sons, c. daughters born in this place, c. their mothers, c. their fathers 27 . 19. c. the pillars, c. the sea, c. bases, c. vessels Eiek. 14. 22. shall be comforted c. evil, even e. all 21. 28. thus saith the Lord Godc. the Ammonites 47. 14, c. which I have lifted up my hand to give Dan. 2. 18. would desire mereiesof G. c. this secret 6. 17. that purpose might not be changed c. Daniel Mat. 16. II. that I speak it not to you c. bread Marks. 16. they that saw, told also c. the swine Luie 24. 27. he expounded the things c. himself .■Ir/jl3. 34. asc. that he raised him up from dead £8. 22. as f .this sect.we know it is spoken against /\(wi.9.5.of whom as c. flesh Christ came .who is G. 11. 28. as c. the gospel, are enemies for your sake 16. 19. you wise to what is good, and simple e. evil 2 Cor.ll. 21. I speak as c. reproach, as though weak Eph. 5.32. but I speak c. Christ and the church P/iii. 4. 15. as c. giving and receiving, hut ye only 1'1'im. fi.2l. some professing have erred c. the faith 2 Tim. 2. 18. who c. the truth have erred, saying 3. a, men of corrupt minds, reprobates c. the laith 1 Pet. 4. 12. think it not strange c. the fiery trial Set lliii. Me, Ther, Thcm, Us, You CONCISION. Beware of the concision, P/iil. .3, 2. that is, such xaAo under pretence of maiittaming circumcision, mhich is now no longer a seat 0/ God's covenarit, and so is no better than a mere cutting or slash- ing of the Jiesk, do prove destroyers and renders of the church. Joel Z. t 14. multitudes in the valley of c, Phit. 3. 2. beware of dogs, beware of the e. pONCLUDE. i?om. 3.28. we c. a man is justified by faith without CONCLUDED. Acts 21. 25. as touching the Gentiles, we have c. Rom. 11. 32. for God hath c. ihom all in unbeliel Gat. 3. 22. hut the scripture hath c. all under sin CONCLUSION. Eccl. 12. 13. let us hear the c. of the while matter CONCORD. 2 Cor. 6. 15. and what c. hath Christ with Belial ? CONCOURSE. Prov. 1. 21. she crielh m the chief place of c. Acts 19.40. whereby we mav give account of this c. CONCUBINE. This term in scripture tignijies a wife of the se- cond rank, who vat inferior to the matron, or mistress of the hattse. The chief u0 queens and 80. c. and virgins 9. yea. the queens and the c. and they praised her Dan. 5. 3. the king and his c. drank in them, 23. CONCUPISCENCE Signifies, [1] Sinful lusts, the depravity of our nature, or that oJigmal concupiscence which is the J'oun- tain from whence all particular lusts do Jlow, the furnace from zekick all sinful motions, as so many sparks, do continually arise, Hom. "■ t 7- Jam.l. 14. [2] Actual motions and inclinations to sin, springing j'rom this natural concupiicence, Rom. 7. 8. liom.T.iT. I had not known c. except law had said 8. sin wrought in me all manner of c. Col.3.5. mortify members, evil c. and covetousnrss 1 Thess. 4. 5. not in the lust of c. &s the Gentiles CONDEMNATION Signifies, [1] A declaring guilty, or pronouncing the sentence oj' punishment upon any malefactor by some Judge, John 8. 10. [2] That which aggravates one's sin OJtd punishment, or that which IS the reason, the evidence, and great cause of condemnation, John 3. I9. 13] The pziiiish- ment itself, wkerennto one is adjudged and con- demned, I Cor. 11. 32. [4] A censuring other men's persons, purposes, words, or actions, either rashly, unjustly, or michantably, Luke 6. 37. [5J A witnessing against and convicting personj of their wickedness and faults by the good ex- ample and conduct of others; thus the Nine- viies shall condemn the ob»tinate Jtv/f., 'Mat. 12. 41. because the former repented at the preaching ofSoivAs, but the others shewed no signs of repentance, notwithstanding our Saviour preach- ed and did many mighty works among them. God condemned sin in the flesh, Horn. 8. 3. lie adjudged it to destruction, pasted sentence upon it, and accordingly punished it by the sufferings of hit Son in the Jlesh ; and thereby declared openly before all the world, by these sufferings oj his Son, how abominable sin was to him, ajid how contiary to his nature. Christ, being no civil judge or magistrate, did not condemn the woman taken in adultery to a civil punishment : Neither did he acquit her, for that would have been making void the law oj'God: He only performs the office of a minister, and speaks to her as the Mediator and Saviour of men, in calling her to repentance and refor- mation, John 8. 10, 11. The manner of passing sentence upon ptrions, varied in most countries. The Jews by a simple pro- nunciatioH of th* sentence, as Thou A^. an just: Ihou N. art guilty ; both absolved and condemned them. The Romans gave sentence, by casting in tables tnta a certain bot or urn prepared for the purpose. If t/iey absolved any, they wrote the letter A in the table, it being the jirst letter of Absolvo; if they condemned ani/, they uTote the letter C, the fi>st of Condemno. Among the Grecians, Condemnation was signtjicd by giitng a black stone; Absolution by giving a while stone : To this last there seemeth to be op allusion, Kev. 2. 17, To him that ovcTcomettl I will give a white btone : that is, I willabsotic and acquit hint in the day if judgment. Luke 23. 40. seeing tbou art in the same e, Joh-'iS.i^. this is the c. that light is come into worW 5. 24. he that believeih shall not come into c. Rvm. 5. iG. for the judgmeni was by one to c. 18. as by one, judgment came upon all men to 6. 1. there is do c. to them who are in Christ 1 Cor. 11. 34. that ye come not together to c. 2 Cor. 3. 9. if the ministration of c. be glorious 1 Tim. 3. 6. lest he fall into the c. of the devil Jam. 3. 1. knowing we shall receive the greater e 5 12. let your nay be nay, lest yc fall into < Judd. who were of old ordained to this c. CONDEMN. Exod. 22. 9. M'hom the judges shall e. he shall psy Deut 25.1. judges may judge ihem, and c. thf wick CON ohtj, «o. if I justify myself, mj moutti shall c. me 10. a, I will say to G. do not c. me, shew me why M. 17. and wilt thou c. him that is most just ? 40 K. wilt thou c. me, that thou mayest be riL'hte. Vsai. 37.33. not leave him, norc. him when judged Qi.21. and they c. the innocent blood 109. 31. to save him from those that c. his soul Prov. 12.2. a mail of wicked devices will he c. ha. 50.9 L.will help me, who is he that shall c. me ' 54. 17 ■ everj- tongue that shall rise ag. thee shall c. Mat. 12. 41. a»d shall c. it because, Liike 11. 32. 42. queen of the south shall rise up in judgment and c. it, Luke 11. 31 50. 18. they shall c. Kim to death, Mark 10. 33. /f('f n. .'i? '•. not, and ye shall not be condemned Ju'vi 3 17. God ^^ent not his 8on to c. the world 8. II. neither do I c. thee, go and sin no more 2 Cor. 7. 3. 1 spL-ak not this to c. you, for I said 1 J lin 3. '.?0. if our heart c. us, God is greater than 21 . if our heart c. us not, then have we confidence (.CONDEMNED. 2 f'trn. .36. 3. andc the laud in 100 tal<_-nts of silver /' h 30. 3 they fouml no answer, vet had c. Job Ps-il. KHJ. 7. whenhe shall be judged, let him be c. 'Imos '2 H. drink the wiue of c. in house of their god Mat. 12. 7. ye would not have c. the guiltless 3T, and by thy words thou shalt be c. '~T. 3. .Judas, when he saw that he was c. repented Mark 14. 64. they all c. him to be guilty of death Ljike 24. 20. how the rulers delivered him to be c. if/m 3. 18. he that betieveth on him is notr. but he that believeth not is c. already, because not believed B. 10. Jesus said, woman, hath no man c. thee ^ l'i>m. 8. S. sending his Son, for c. sin in the flesh 1 Cor. 11. 32. we should not be c. with the world Tit. 2. 8. sincerity, sound speech that cannot be c. 3. 11. sinneih, being c. of himself is subverted Ifei. 11.7. an ark, by the which he e. the world Jam. 5. 6. ye have c. and killed just, not resist you 9. judge not one another, brethren, lest ye be c. f Pel. 2. fi. Grid c, them with an overthrow CO^DEMNES^. ETH, IKG. A'jrtgj- 8. 32. and judge thy servants c. the wicked Jot 15. 6. thine own mouth c. thee, and not I Prov. 17-15. he that c. the just, is abomination to Ld. dels 13. 27. they have fulfilled them in c. him Horn. 2. 1. wherein judgest another thou c. thyself 8. 34. it is God that justifieth, who is he that r. .' 14.22. that c. not himself in that thing he alloweih COJJDESCEND. Rom. 12 IG. not high things, but c. to men of low GONDII ION, S. •Sa^n.ll.C.on thisr. I will make a coven, with you Daw. 11. + 17. set his face to enter with equal c. Lukt 14. 32. he sendeth and desireth c. of peace CONDUCT, LD. »S'«m.l9-l5.Judahcame to f. king over Jordan, 31. 40. all the people of Judah c. the king and Israel Acts 17. 15. they that f.l'aul brought him to Athens ■* Cwr.lG.ll.but c. him forth in peace to come to me t'ONDUIT. S A'iMgx 18. 17. they came and stood by c. ha. 36.2. 20. 20. Ilezekiah, how he made a pool and a c. Tsa. 7. 3. go forth to meet Ahaz at the end of the c. Etak. 31. t 4. sent out her c. to the trees of the field CONFECTION. £rorf.30.35. shalt make a c. after art of apothecarj- CONEECTIONARIES. I Sam. 8. 13. he will take your daughters to be c, CONFEDERACY. Isa 8. 1£. say ye not, a c. to whom people say a c. Oiad.7.aU men of thy c. brought thee to the border CONFEDERATE. Oen. 14. 13. and those were c. with Abram f*ja/.83. 5. have consalted, they are c. against thee ha. 7. 2. it was told. Syria is c. with Ephraim CONFER EN Ci:. Gal. 2. 6. for they in c. added uothing to me CONFEKRED. ] Kings!. 1. Adonijah r. with Joab and Abiathar ^■1r/j4.15.they c. amon" ihoiii what do to these men 25. 12. Festus, when he lud c. with the counsel (/a/.l.l6. immediately I c. not wiih llesh ajad blood CONFLUSS gnifies, [1] PubUcly to o:on and achiou^Udze as his ovni: Thus Christ uiil confess the fait/i- fui in the day 0/ Judgment, Luke "l2. 8, [2] To ''u-n and pro/ess the truths of Christ, end to Jidty Ms commandments, and that in spile of nil opposition and danger from tnemies. Mat. 10. 32. Whosoever shall confess me before men, (3] To utter, or speak forth ilie praises of God, or to £iie him thanks, lleb. 13. i 15. Offer to God the fruit of your lips, confessing his name ; that is, acknowledge his benefits, aud give him thanks for thioi. [4l 'I'o own, and lav open our sins and ojencei, ruher vnto God in priiate, or public con/'esston.' ; or to our neiiihtmir whom we have wrtm^ed : or to some godly persons, at whose Ueinds rfi; look to nceiie comtJjl and spiritual il2 CON^ I in-truclton ; er to the •.nhote cou'^regatton, rt'hen , cm fault ispublic, Psal. 32.5. Mat. 3. 6. Jam 5. Iti. I John I. 9. {5] 'I'o ack'io'oledge a crime before a judge. Josh. 7- 19- L*^J 2*' *•""• •'"'^ •iiofess the gospel of Chiist, and pay obedience to it, Luke 12. 8. We are to make confession (1) To God, whom we haie offended, who knows our tins, can pardon ns, or else -will puntsh iis if we 'efuse to confess, Fsal. 32. 5. I'rov. 28. 13. (2) I'o our neighbour hurt by us, uho oiherrvise complaining to God, shall have him to revenge his quan el ; and thus man lan and ought to for giic so much of' the offence as is done agatnst him, if his adversary lepent and confers, and seek pardon. Mat. 5. 23, 24. Luke 17. 4. (3) To the minister of God, or to some §odly person, that pitying the sinner's case, can and will give him spiritual advice against his sm, and pray for him. Job 33. 23. Confession to God is made by a man for himself, I'sal. 32. 5. A father J'or his children. Job 1. 5. A magistrate f'i'T those under his autho- rity, Neh. 1. t). And must be with know- ledge of sin, Jer. 2. 23. Consideration of that whiih is done, Jer. 8. 6. Ilumi/iatioji, 2 Chron. 7. 14. Accepting if punishment for sin, Lev. 26. 41. A particularizing of sins. Lev. 5. 5. 1 Sam. 12. ly. Prayer, Exod. 32. 32. And forsaking if sin, I'rov. 28. M. Lev. 5.0. he shall r. that he hath sinned in tha' thing 1'>.21. Aaron shall c. overlive goat all tlie iniquii. 26. 40. if they shall c. their iniquity and fathers' Num. 5. 7- they shall c. their sins diey have done 1 Kings 8.33.Isr.f.thy name and pray, 2 Chr. 6.24. 35. c. thy naii.e and turn from sin, 2 Chron. 6. 26. Lan. y.t2. hathc. his words which he spake ag. u> Acts 15. 32. exhorted the brethren and c. them 1 Cor. 1. 6. the testimony of Christ was c. in you Gal. 3. 15. yet if it be c. no man disaziDulleth it 17. the covenant that was e. before of God CON fffh. 5. 3. waa r. to us by them that hfsrd him 0. 17. immutAbt'litv of counsel, he c. it by an oath coNF"iH:\iF;ni. inc.. Sum. 30. 14. bonds which are on her. he c. them Veuf. 27. C6. cursed be he that c. not all the words ha, 14. 56. that r. the word of his 5er\-ant Mart Ifi.CO. preached, r.word with signs following ^(■/j14.22. c. souls of the diM^iples, exhortinc ihem 15.41 .went thro' Svria and t'ilici:\ c. the churches CONl-lSCAllON. Efj-a 7. Cfi.letjudgm. be executed to c. or imprison. CON'FLICT. rjrt/.-ig.tlO.I am consumed by the c. of thine hand Phi/. 1. 1\o. haviiit; ihe same c. which ve saw in me f'o/.C. 1. that ye knew what great f. ihaveforyou CONFORMABLR. /V/i/.3.10.raav know him, being made c.to his death CONFORMED. Itom. 8. eg. predestinate to be c. to imape of his Son IS.Q.be nul c.to this world, but be ye transformed CONMOUNl) Sipnifics. [1] To disorder, mingle, or jumble toge- ther, (Jenesis 11.7. L'^] 'i'o hnffie, or confute. Acts p. 22. [.1] To be aahamed dy reason of some dt\apyointment. Job 6. 20. [4] lo destroy, or break in pieces, Jerem. 1. 17. ^ech. 10.5. [5] Til be nmated, astonished, or t'oubledin mind. Acts 2. rt. /r ij jciV. 1 Pet. 2. 6, He that believeih shall not be confounded; that u, he iha/i not 6e dtsnp. pointed of his expectation of salvation ; the scrif'tiire referred to by the ayosllf ir. Isa. Cfl.lfi, lie that believeth shall not make haste: that is, he shall not hastily and greedily catch ai any way of escaping his danger, whether it le ri^ht or wrong .' but shall patieittl:/ wait upon Ood for delivernnie and \alialion in his way. Gen. 11. 7- let tis go down and r. their language, p. /«r. 1.1 7. be not dismayed, lest I c. thee before them 1 Co--. 1. 27. tor. the wise, lor. lhiut;s that are mighty CON FOUND lib. 2 Kings 19. 26. the inlialiilants were c. Isa. SJ. 27. Job 6. 20. they were c. because they had hoped Psal. 33. 4. let them be c. that seek afier my soul 60. fi. let not those that seek thee be c. for my sake 7 1.13. let them be f. that are adversaries to my soul 24. for they are c. that seek my hurt 83. 17. let ihem be c. and troubled for ever y7- 7- c. be all they that serve graven images I2a.5. It't them all be c. turned back thalhareZion /((i.l.cy. shall l)ec. f^r gardens that ye have chosen 19. 9- they that weave net-works shall be c. 37. 27. their inh;ibilants were dismayed and c, Jer. 9- 19. greatly c. because we have forsaken land 10. 14. every founder is f. by graven image, 51. 17. 17. IH. let them be c. that persecute me, let not me 40.24. daughter of Rgj-ptc. || 48. 20. Moab is c . 49.2.1. Ilamath is c. 1150.2. Babylon taken. Bel r. 50. 12. your mother shall be sore c. be ashamed 51. 4T. Babylon, her whole land shall bee. 51. we are c. because we have heard reproach £:f*. 10.52. be thou r. and bear thy shame, 5i. f>3. Mic.'i . 1(5. nation* shall see and bee. at their might Utih. 10. 5. and the riders on horses shall be c. .'lets 2. 6. the multitude came tO'jelher and were c. 9. 22. Saul (. the Jews who dwelt at Damascus Ashamed and CONFOUNDFD. Psal AQ.W.asha. and c.\.\\?iX seek after my soul,70.2. Isa. 24. 23. the moon shall ber. and the sun ashahied 41. H. incensed against thee shall be a^hnm.and c. 45.16. idol-makers shall be asha.ajidc. all of tbem 51. 4. Ihou shalt not be as/iamed,ne'\l\ier be thou r. Jer. 14. 3. nobles and little ones were asham.and c. 15.9. that hath born seven hath been asham.and c. 22. 22. surely then shalt thou be ashamed and c. 31. ly. I vmsasham yea (in*/ c. because I did bear Ktek. 36. 32. be ashamed and c. for your own ways fl/iV.3.7.lhen shall seershe ashamed and diviuers c. Not CONFOUNDED. Psal 22. 5. our fathers trusted, and were not c. Isa. 45. 17. not ashamed nor e. world without end 50. 7- Ood will help, therefore shall 1 not be c. I I'el. 2. 6. he ihat believeih on him shall not be e. CONFU.SLD. /wi. 9. 5. for every battle of warrior is withe, noise Acts 19. 32. some cried, for the assembly wa» c. CONFUSION. Gen. 11. t 9- therefore is the name of it called c. Lev. 18. 23. a beast to lie down thereto, it is e. 20,12. surely be put to death.they have wrought c. t Sam. 20. 30. hast chosen David to thy c. and to c. EzraQ.7. been delivered to e. of face, as at this day Job 10. 15. I am full off. therefore see mine afflict. Ps. ^5. 4. let them be brought to c. devise my hurt 44. 15. my c. is continually before me and shame 70. 2. let them be put to c. that desire my hurt 71. 1. O Ix)rd, let me never be put to c. 109.29. let them cover thems. with their own r, Isa. a. 10. the city of c. is broken down 10,3. and the trost in the shadow of Egypt yourc, 93 CON Isa. 34. n. he shall stretch out upon it the line off, 41. 29. their molten images are wind and c 45. 16. makers of idols shall go to e. together fil. 7- for c. they shall rejoice in their portion Jer. 3. 25. we lie in shame and our c. coverelh us 7.19. do they not provoke thems. tof. ofiheirfaces 2tl.ll. their everlasting c. shall never be forgotten I Dan. 9. 7. but to us belongeth e. of face, 8. 'Wf/iig. cy. the whole city was filled with c. 1 Cor. 14. 33. for God is not author cfc. but peace Jam.3.16. for where envviiig and strife is, there isc. CONGEALED. Exod. 15. 8. the depths were c. in heart of the sea CONGRAIULATE. 1 Chron. 18. 10. to inqiiire of his welfare and c. him C()NC;ilK(rAT10N. Lev. 4. 21. it is a sin-offering for the c. 10. 17. God hath given it you to bear iniquity of r. 16.33. he shall make an atonement for all the c. N7im. 1. 16. these were the renowned of the c. 10. 7. but when c. is to be gathered you shall blow 14. 27. how long shall I bear with this evil c. ? 15. 15. one ordinance shall be fore, and stranger Ifi, 21. separate yourselves from c. that I may cons. 45. get you up from amont; thisr.that I may cons. 47. Aaron took and ran iril'i the midit of ihe r, '\<). 20. that soul shall be cut off from among the r . 27. 16. let the Lord st-t a man over the c. .35. 12. cities of refuse that niaiii^layer die not, till he stand before the c. for judgment, Josh. 20.6. Josh. 9. 27. made them drawers of water for the e. Judg.•■lK^,\X^\^ f. was gathered as one man from Dan 21. 5. that came not up with the c. to the Lord 1 A ings 12. 20. they sent and called Jerob. to the c. 2 Qhr. 30.24. llezekiah did give to c. 1000 bullocks Exra 10. 8. and himself separated from the c. A eh. 13.1. the Moabile should not come into the c. Job 15.34. for the c. ofhypncrites shall be desolate 30. 28. I stood up and cried in the c. Psal. 1. 5. nor sinners in the c. of the righteous 22. 22. in the midst of the c. will 1 praise thee 26. 5. 1 have hated the c. of evil doers 58. 1. do ye indeed speak righteousness, O c? 74. 2. remember thy c. thou hast purchased of old 19. forget not the c. of thy poor for ever 75. 2. when I receive the c. I will judge uprightly 82. 1. God standeth in the c. of the mighty 89. 5. thy faithfulness also in the c. of the saints 107- 32. let them exalt him also inc. of the people 111. 1. 1 will praise the Ld. in the assemtily and c. Prov. 5. It. I was almost in all evil in midst of r. 21 . 16. the men shall remain in the c. of the dead Jsa. 14. 13. I will sit upon the mount of the c. Jer. 6. 18. and know, O c. what is among them 30. 20. their c. shall be established before me Lam. 1. 10. that they should not enter into thy c. Itos .7.12.1 will chastise them as their chath heard Joel 2. 16. gather the people, sanctify the r. Acts 13. 43. now when the c, was broken up All the CONGREGAIION. /.CI'. 8. 3. gather all the c. together to door of labem, 16. 17, make atonement fori// the c. of Israel 24. 14. let all the c. stone him, I6. Num. 15. 35. Num. 14. 10. all the e. bade s»one them with stones !fi. 3. seeing all the c. are holy, every one of them 22. shall one sin, wilt ihou be wroth with all e. ? 20. 27. they went up in sii;hl of all the c. 25 6. 27. 19. set him before Eleazar and all the c. 22. Josh. 8. 35. which Joshua read not before all the c. 9- 18. alj^the c. murmured against the princes 22. 20. wrath fell on all the c. of Israel 1 Kings 8. 14. the king blessed all the c. of [sr. 55. 1 C/iron. 29.20. all thee, blessed the Lord (iod 2 CA/-(7«.23.3. fl// /^^-c. made acovenant with thek. 2y. 28. a// //(^ c. worshipped and the singers sang Nch. 5.13. all the c. said, amen, and praised the L. 8. 17. all the c. that were come again made booths Elders of the CONOR EG A 11 0 N . f^ev. 4. 15. elders of the c. shall lay their hands Judg.'Z\.\f).eld.ofc. said.how shall we do for wives' Great CONGREGATION. 1 Kings 8.65. at that time Solomon held a feast, all Israel with him, 3l great e. 2 Chron. 7.8, | 3U.13. Ltra 10. 1. assembled to him out of Israel & great c. Psal.l'Z.lb.mw praise shall be of thee in the great c, .35. 18. I will give ihvt thanks in the great c. 40.9. I have preached righteousness in the great e. 10, I have not concealed thy imih from great c. CONGREGATION of Israel. Erod.\2. 6. c. of' Israel shaW kill it in the evening ig. that soul shall be cut off from the r. of Israel 47. all the c. of Israel shall keep the passover Ltv.4- 13.if wholec. of Israel sin through ignorance A't(J7j.16.9- I-ordhaih separated you from c. of }■ SC^ron. 5.6. Solom. and c. i;/" /jro?/ sacrificed slict-p 24.6. according to thecommanamentofe. of hrael CONGREGATION of the Lord. A'i/»7i.l6.3,why lift you yourselves above c.ofthe L, 27. 17. c.xfL. not assheeptnai have no shepherd 31.l6.waa a plague amongf. oj' the L. /mA. 22,17. CON T)eut. 23. 1. shall not enter into Kktte.o^ tKe L.1l,9 1 Chron. 28. 8. in sight of r. of L. keep Vomraandtti .Vjc2.5. that shall cast a cord bv lot in the e. oj t Tabernacle of the CONGREGATION. Exod. 29. 10. bullock brought before the tab. of c 44. I will sanctify /. of' e. |1 30. 26. anoint *. of e .33. 7. called it the /. of c. went out to the t. of r. Z?r.3.8.kill itbef. /.tf/'f.l3. |14.5. bring ittc (. 0/ c, 10. 7. ye shall not go out from the door of t. of e 9. drink no wine when ye go into the tab. of e, 16. 16. so do for/, of c. 1133. atonement for t of c. Num.4. 3. work of the /. ofc. 23,25, 30, 35. .!y,"43 8. 9. thou shalt bring the Levites before tab. of e, 12. 4. Lord spake, come out ye three to tub. of <■ . 14. 10, glory of the Lord appeared in the tab. of c, 17.4. lay up in t.ofc \\ IK.4. keep charge of /.p/"!?. 25. 6. I srael weeping before the door of tab. of e. Ueut. 31. 14. present yourselves in tabern. of thee. Josh. 18. 1. at Shiloh, and set up the tub. of'c. there Kings 8. 4. they brought up /ai. of c. I'Chr. 5. 5. 2 C/irvTt. 1. 3. for there was the tah. of c. of Goii See Door. Tent (/the CONGREGATION. Exod, 39. 32. /. of c. finished || 40. 2. set up t. of c 40. 22. table in t. ofc. || 24. candlestick in t. of e. 2fi. and he put the golden altar in the tent of c 34. then a cloud covered the tent of c. 35. Moses was not able to enter into the tent of e. IV/wle CONGREGAl ION, Exod. iG. 2. the whi'le c. of Israel murmured Num. 3. 7, they shall keep the charge of the .r, c. Josh. 22. 18. to-morrow he will be wroth with w. e. Judg. 21. 13. the whole c. sent to speak to Benjamic 2 Chron. 0. 3. the king blessed the whole c. of Israe' Ezra 2. 64. the whole e. was 42,360, Neh. 7. 6f Prov. 26. 26. wickedness be shewed before whole t CONGREGAilONS. J'sal. 26. 12. in the c. will I bless the Lord 68. 26. bless ye God in the c. even the Lord 74. 4. thine enemies roar in the midst of thy e CONQUER. Rev. 6. 2. he went forth conquering and to e. CONQUERORS. Horn. 8. 37- in all these things we are more than r , CONSCIENCE Is the testimony and secret judgmtnt of the soul, which gives its approbudim to actions that it thinks good, or reproaches iiselj' with those which it believes to be evil : Or, it ii a particular hu>w- ledge 7chich we have with us of our own deeds, good or evil, arising out of the general knvia ledge of the mind, which iheTVS t/j what is goal, or evil : and Conscience tells tis when we hare done the one, or the other, Rom. 2. 15. It ij either (1) Ctood, 1 Tim. I. 5. And this ij called. [I] A conscience void of offence toward God and men ; which does not accuse a person Jor any wilful offence, either against (rod, or men. Acts 24. 16. [2j A conscience bearing a person witness in the Holy CJhost, that is, l,^ the conduct and guidance of the IJolv Oho\t, who cannot lie, Rom. 9. 1. [3] Pure and good, oeing jmrifed by the hlo.'d of Christ, llcb. 9. 14. 1 lim. 3. 9. [4] Purged from dead works . that is, freed from that sentence of death whuh it receives by reason of sin, llcb. 9. 14. [5] A conscience not troubled with a sense of guilt Heb. 10. 2. [6J A consciiJice checking and condemning persons, when they have gone against their light, and approving and justifying fhem^ when thev have conformed to tt, Rom. 2. 15. (V, (llj'Evil, lleb". 10. 22. when it is defiled with vicioiu habits, so that it does Jiot perform ilnoffict aright. It ts called, [Ij A conscietice seared with a hot iron ; that is, quite extinct and cut off, or utterly hardintd, which has lost all iense and feeling, I 'Jim. 4. 2. [2] A de- filed conscience ; whenit is blinded and pervert- ed, so that it cannot judge of its own actions. Tit. 1, lo. 1'his evil conscience is sometinns quiet, sometimes stirring and troubled : Jt av cuseth when it should excuse, and excuseth xohen it should acciLse. The conscience aU. even of the best, is now and then erroatoia and doubtful. The apostle Paul permits the faithful to go and ea at the houses of the Gentiles, tf thev were invited thither, and to partake of every thing which uias served up at their luhles, without making parff- cular inquiries out of any scrupulosity of eon science ; a^k ing no questions for conscience' sak^ 1 Cor. lO. 27, &C. But if any one says to them, t/ii.-. has been sncrificed to idols ; do not eat of it, says hCt for his Sale who gave you this informa- tion ; and like7ii\e lest ye wound not youi vwn, but another's con uunre .• Conscience, 1 sav, not thine own, but of the other's. If he who -.igt yon this notice is a Christian, and nottcithstaid- inn the information so sticn yon J'orbeat no! tO eat: ht uill condemn yot in 4ij heart, ttr =J CON Oct of it after ytmr example against hit ifivn conscience', and io the guiU of ^" *'^ »'''' *« tmmited to you If he u an Heatht^n, nho thus adveritjes you, and he sees you eat of it, he u^ill conceive a contempt for you and yo^tr religion. In another place the same Apostle requires Christians to be sithmissiie to secular power, not only for wrath, but a'.3o for conscience' sake, Horn, 11.5. that is, not only for fear of jnminh- ment from the magistrate, but more especially out of conscience of duty, both to God, \cho is the ordainer of him to that special ministry, under himself; and to the magistrate, whose due 1/ 15, .-ft respect of his ojHce. Ecrl, lO-tStl- curse not the king, no, not io thy c. John 8. 9. being convicted by their ownc went out ^cts 23. 1. Paul said, 1 have lived in all good e. 2-1. Id.to have a c.void of offence toward God and toward men /?o»i.2.l5-theirc.also bearing witness, and thoughts 9. 1 . my c. bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost 13. 5. ye must be subject also for c. sake I Cor. S. 7. for some with c. of the idol to this hour eat it, and their c. being weak is defiled 10. shall not the weak c. be emboldened ta eat ' 12. but when ye wound their weak e. ye sin against Christ 10 ?5. that eat, asking no question forr. sake, 27 SR.eat not, for his sake that shewed it, for c. sake eg. f. I say, not thine own. but of the others S C-'or.I.lg.our rejoicing is this, testimony of our c. 4. '2. commending yourselves to every man's c. 1 Tim. 1. 5. out of a pure heart, and of a good c. 19' war a warfare, holding faith and a good c, 3. 9. holding the mystery of faith in a pure c. 4. 2. having their c. seared with a hot iron 2 Tim. 1.3.1 thank God, whom 1 snr^'e with c. Tit. 1, 15. but even their mind and c. is defiled Ileb. 9. 9. make perfect, as pertaining to the c. 14. purge c. from dead works to serve living God lO.C.worshippf rs should have had no more r .of sins 22. having our hearts sprinkled from an evil c. 13. 18. we trust we have a good c. in all things 1 Pet.^.A'^. if a man for c. toward God endure grief 3 . 16. having a good c. as thev speak evil of you SI. but the answei of a good c. towards God coNSCIfc:^CEs. S Cor, 5. J 1. 1 trust also are made manifest in yourc. CONSECRAIE. To consecrate, i.r to offer, or devote any thing to God's worship and .\ervice. In the Old Testa- ment, God ordained that all the first-born, both of man and beast, should be consecrated, Exod, 13. 2, 12, 15. He consecrated the whole raca of Israel particularly to his worship, Exod. I9. 0. And likewise he devoted the tribe of Levi, and the family of Aaron, in a more especial manner to his service. Num. 1. 49. | 3. 12. Besides these consecratton^, which God thus or- dained by his own absolute and sovereign autho- rity, there were others which depended on the good will of men, who consecrated themselves, or the things belonging to them, or the persons de- pending on them, to the service of God, for ever, or for a time only. Hannah, Samuel's mother, offered her Son to the Lord, to serve all his itfe-tima in the tabernacle, 1 Sam. 1. H, 22. Home of the Nazarites consecrated them- selves to the Lord only for a certain time. Num. fi. 13. And the Hebrews tometimet devoted their fields, or cattle to the Lord ; after which they were no longer %n their power, Lev. 27. £8. In the New Testament all the faithful are consecrated to the Lord ; they are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation. a peculiar people, 1 /*e/. 2. y. £jorf.28.3. C.Aaron ||41. anttint and c. Aaron s sons 29. 9- thou shalt c. Aaron and his sons, 30. 30. 35. seven days shalt thou c. them, Lev. 8. 33. 32.29- Mosessaid.f. yourselves tins day to the L. Num. 6.12. shall c. to L. the days of his separ.aion 1 Chron. 29.5. to c. his sen-ice this day to the Lord iCliTon. 13. 9- to*"- himself with a young bullock /.'rtjt.4.'l. 26. purge altar.anu they shall f. themselves Mic. 4. 13. 1 will f . their gain to L. and substance CONSECUATED. iVu/.'i.S.S.the sons of Aaron, wli'im he « . tominister /'jA.6.19. vessels of brass and iron, are c. to the L, Jtidg.lT .5. Micahr. one of his sons for his priest, 12, 1 hings 13.33. whosoever would, Jeroboam f. him 2 Chr. 29. 31 . now ye have c. yourselves to th*^ L. 31.6. the tithe of holy things which were c. to L, Lsra 3. 5. of all the set feasts of Lord that were c. Ileb. 7- 28. makeih the Son, who is c. for evermore 10. fiA by a new and living wav which he hath c CONSECUATED. g Chr. 29- 3?. e. things were &)0 oxen, 3000 sheep CONSECRATION, S. F.tod. 29. 22. shalt take of ram, for it is a ram ote. S4. if ought of the flesh of the e. remain 94 CON Lev. 7. 37. this is the law of the e. and sacrifice 8. 28. they were c. lor a sweet savour to thii Lord 31. eat it with the bread that is in the basket of c. 33. till the days of your c. be at an end Num. 6. 7 . because the e. of his G . is upon his head 9 and he hath defiled the head of bis c. CONSENI', ED. INC.. Gen. 31. 15. but in this will we c. unto you 23. only let use. to them, they will dwell with us Dexit. 13.8. shalt not c. to him, nor hearken to him Jud<:. 11 . 17. sent to king of .Moah, bnt would not c. 1 Ainjf 20.8. elders said, hearken not to him, norc. 2 King.t 12.8. the priests e. to receive no more mon. Psal. 50. 18. when sawest a thief, thou c. with him Prov. 1. 10. if sinners entice thee, c. thou not /Jan. 1.1 4. so her. to them, and proved them ten days Lule23. 51. the same had note, to the deed of them ActsQ. 1. and Saul wase. toSlephen'sdealh,22.C0. 18.20. desired to tarry longer with them, he c. not I\\.m. I.t32. not onlydo the same, but c. with them 7. 16. what I would not, 1 c. to law that it is good 1 7im. 6. 3. if any man f. not to wholesome words CONSENT. 1 Sam. 11.7. and they came otit with one c. Psal. 83. 5. they have consulted together with one c. tIos.6.g. so the company of the priests murder by c. Zeph. 3. 9- may all call on L. to serve with one c. Luke 14. 16. all with one c, began to make excuse 1 Cor. 7-5. one another, except it be withr.for atime CONSIDER Signifies, [1] To think of, or meditate upim. 2 Tim. 2.7- [2] To view, mark, or observe, I ^v.\3. 13 [3] To resolve, or determijte, Judg. 18. 14. [4] To wonder and admire at. Job 37- 14. [5] To pity, comfort, or relieve, Psal. 41. 1. [6] To re- member, or call to mind, 1 Sam. 12. 24. Lev. 13. 13. then the priest shall c. the leprosy Deut. 4. 39. know this day and e. it in thine heart 32. 29 O that they were wise to e. their latter end Judg. 18. 14. now therefore c. what ye have to do 1 A'affj.12.24. c. how great things hath done for you 25. 17. therefore know and c. what thou wilt do Job 11. 11. he seeth also, will he not then c. it? 23. 15. when I c. 1 am afraid of him 34. 27. turned back and would not c. of his ways 37. 14. stand still and c. the wondrous works of God Psal. 5. 1. c. my meditation || 9 13. c. my trouble 8. 3. when I c. the heavens, the work of tliy fingers 13. 3. f. and hear, 45. 10. 1| 25. I9. c. my enemies 37. 10. shalt diligently c. his place, it shall not be 48. 13. e. her palaces, that ye may tell it to gener. 5o. 22. now c. this, ye that forget (iod, lest I tear 64. 9- for they shall wasely e, of his doing 119 95. but I will f. thy testimonies 153. f .mine atHiction, and deliver me, I forget not 159-c.howI love thy precepts.quicken me,0 Lord Piov. 6. 6 go to ihe ant, c. her ways, and be wise 23. l.with a ruler c. diligently what is before thee 24. 12. doth not he that pondereth the heart e. it ' Led. 5. 1. for they c. not that they do evil 7. 13. c. the work of Clotl, who can make straight 14.inprospeTity be joyful, but in day of adver. e. /id. 1.3. Israel doth not know, my people doth not c. 5. 12. neither c. the operation of his hands J i. 16. shall narrowly look upon thee and r. thoe 18.4. and I will c. in my dwelling-place 41. 20. that they may see, and know, and c. 43. 18. remember ye not, nor c. the things of old 52. 15. what they had not heard shall they c, Jer. 2. 10. c. and see if there be such a thing 20. in the latter days ye shall r . it, 30. 24. Lam. 2.20. O Lord, c. to whom thou hast done this 5. 1. O Lord, c. and behold our reproach Exck. 12. 3. it may be they will c. though they be a rebellious house Don. 9-23. understand the matter, and r. the vision Hos.1.2. they f. not in their brans that I remember Hag. 1. 5. thus saith the Lord, c. your ways, 7. 2.15. 1 pray you.c. from this day and upward, 18. Mai. 6. 28. c. the lilies of the held, Luke 12. 27. Luke 12,C4.c. the ravens, they neither sow nor reap John 11. 50, nor^. it is expedient for us that one die •Ids 15. 6. the elders came to r. of this matter 2 'I'im. 2. 7- f .and the Lord give thee understanding Ileb. 3. 1. brethren, c. the ApostU' and High-priest 7- 4. now c, how great this man was, unto whom 10. 24. let us c. one another to provoke to love 12,3. c. him that endured contradiction of sinners CONSIDERKD, EST. 1 Kings 3. 21. when I c.in morning.itwasnot my son 5. 8. I have c. things which thou sentest to mc for Job 1. 8. hast thou c. my servant Job ? 2. 3, Psal.3\.1 .\ will be glad, for thou hast r. my trouble Prov. 24. 32. then 1 saw and c. it well Led. 4. 1. I c. all the opprewious that are done 4. again I c. all travail and every riL;ht work 9. 1, for all this 1 c. in my hrart to declare this \Jer. 33 24. r. not what this people have spoken T)an. 7.8. c. the horns, and behold there came up [ Mat. 7 . 3 . c. not the beam th:it is iu ilune own eye CON Mark 6. 52. tLey e. not the miracV of th« loavej .■i*(s 12. 12. when Peter had r. the thing, he camt Horn. 4. ly. he c. not his own body now dead CONSIDEKETH, ING. Ps. 33. 15. fashi'tn. hearts alike,he call their work* 41.1. blessed is he that c, tlie poor,Lordwill doUve; Prov. 21 . 12. righteous man c. house of the wickec* t 29. but as for the upright, he c. his way 28. 22. and c. not that poverty shall come on hin 29. 7- the righteous c. the cause of the poor 31. IG. she r. a field, and buyethit.plants viuevard% Isa. 44.19- none c. in his he^rt to say, I have burn' 57. 1. none c. that the righteous is taken away Lzek. 18. 14. and c. and doth not such like,2H L)an.^.5. as 1 was c. behold, an he-goat cam« 1.6. 1. c. thyself, lest thou also be tempted tleb. 13. 7. c. the end ol their conversation CONSIST, ETH. Luke 12. 15. a man's life c. not in the abundance Cn/.1.17. he is before all things, by him all things c. CONSOLATION Is that inward spiritual rtfieshing and strengthen- ing of the heart, by the constderation and eipe- rience of God's gracious promises in Chrttt, 2 Cor. 1. 5. The Holy Ghoit is the worker of comfort, and is therefore called the Comforter, John i6. 7. The promises of the word are tUe grounds of comfort, 1 Thess. 4. 18. ; and godly ministers and the faithful, are the helpers of our confort and consolation, 2 Cor. 7- t), 7- Waiting for the consolation of Israel, Luke 2. 25. He waited for Christ to comfort them against their troubles, both spiritual and outward. The prophets used to confort the people oj' God among the Jews, against ail their sad tidings they brought them, with the prophecies of the coming and kingdom of Christ, Isa. 66. 12, 13. Htrein Simeon shewed the truth of his piety and devo- tion, that he believed, and waited for thti com- ing of Chiist. Jer. It). 7. nor shall men give them the cup of e. Luke 2.25. Simeon, waitiug for the c . of Israel 6.24.woe toyou rich, for ye have received your e. Acts 4. 36. which is, being interpreted, the son of e. 15. 31. which when read, they rejoiced for the c. /torn. 15.5.the God of f. grant you to be like-minded 2 t'oi. 1, 5. so our c. also aboundcth by Christ 6. afflicted, for your c. and sal. comf. for your c. 7. of sufferings, so shall ye be partakers of the c. 7.7. but by the c. wherewith he w.is comforted /'Ai7.2.1-if there be any c.in Christ.fulfil ye my joy 2 Thess. 2. 16. who hath given us everlasting c. Phtlem. 7. we have great joy and c. io thy love Hell. 6. 18. we might h.ive a strong c. who have lied CONSOLATIONS. Job 15. 11. are the c. of God small with thee ? 21. 2. hear my speech, and let this be your e. ija.66.11. and be satisfied with the breasts of her c. CONSORTED. Acts 17. 4. some of them c. with Paul and Silas CON.Sl'IliACV. 2 Sam. 15. 12. and Absalom's c. was strong 2 Kings 12. 20. his serv. made a e. and slew Joash 14. 19. they made ar. ag. Amaziah, 2 CAr. 25.27 15. 15. acts of Shallum and hisc. which he made 30. ilo^ihea made a c. against Pekah 17. ■*■ the king of Assyria found c. in Hoshea Jer. 11, 9. a c. is found among the men of Judah Etek. 22. 25. is a c. of her prophets in midst thereof dcts 23. 13. more than forty who had made thisf. CONSPIRATORS. 2 .c. all of them together, and come and fighl Amos 7. 10. Amos hath c. against thee iu Israel CONSIAN r. LV. 1 Chron. 28. 7- if he be c. to do my commandments Etra g, ■( 8. to give us a c. abode in his holy place P*al. 51. ■» 10. and renew a c. spirit within me Prov. 21 . 28. but the man that heareth, spcaketh c. Acts 12. 15. Rhoda c. affirmed that it was even so Tit. 3. 8. these things I will that thou affirm e. CONSrELLATlONS. 2A'ine/23.t5.put downthose that burnt incense toa. Isa. IS. 10. the c. thereof shall not give their lijM CONSTRAIN. Gat. 6. 12. they e. you to be circumciwd, oolj lest CON roNSTRAINF.il, ETir. 2 K'iNy»4.8.the woman of ShuDcmf.hiratoeat bread Jijd32. 18. full of miitttr, ihp spirit within me c. me Mat. 14. 2C. Jesus c. his disciples, Mart 6- 45. Luke S4. 29- biit they c, hioi, saying, abide with us Acts l6. 15. Lydia c. us to come into her house EiJ. 19. I was c. to appea. to Cassar Co/. 5.14. for love of Cbr. an.6.7. all the presidents and captains f. together Mic. 6, 5. remember what Balak king of Moabc. //(iA.2.10.hast c. shame to thy house, by cutting off Alat. 26.4. <■. that they might take Jesus and kilt Jvhji 12. 10. chief priests c. to put Lazarus to death CoNSUL'lLK. Detit. 18. 1 1. not found among you a c. with spirits CONSULTLTH. Xrf6ttfl4. 31. c. whether he lie able with 10,000 to meet CONSUME Signifies, [1] To waste, dfstroy, arid brijig lovtter ruin avd desoiation, Exod. 32. 10. [2] To spend, or squander away. Jam, 4. 3. [3] To vanish away. Job 7. 9. [4] To make, or catue to pass cwav, Tsal. "8. 33. [5] To bum tip, Luke 9. 54." [G] To melt away, Jer. 6. 29 [7] To crush, Esth.9, -t 24. Gen. 41. 3(1. and the famine shall c. the loud £iod. 3S. 3. lest I c. thee in the way. 5. Lev. 26. 16. the burning ague that shall c. the eyes Ihul. 5. 25. for tliis great fire will c. us 7.l5.thou shall f .all people whii^h Lord God shall 28.38. gather but little, for locust shall c. it, 42, 32. 22. a fire kindled in mine anger shall <•. earth Josh. 24.20. will c. you after he hath done you good 1 A'am.2. 33. the man of thine shall be to c. thine eyes S Kin^s 1. 10. let fire c. thee and thy fifty, 12. Job 15. 3V, fire shall c. the tabernacles of bribery 20. 26. a fire not blown shall c. him 24. 19. drought and heat c. the snow-waters Psal. 37. 20. shall c. into smoke shall they c.away 39. 1 1 . makest his beauty to c. away like a moth 49- 14. their beauty shall r , in the grave 78. 33. therefore their days did he c, in %*anity 2sa. 7. 20. and it shall also c. the beard 10. 18. and shall c. the glory of his forest and field 27. 10. there shall the calf c. the branches Jer.49.27-fire shall c the palaces of Ben-hadad Kzek. 4. 17. and c. away for their iniquity l.T. 13. and great hail-stones in my fury to c. it 21. 28. the .sword is drawn, it is furbished to c. 22. 15 I will c. thy filthiness out of thee 2*. JO. kindle th ■ fire, c.the flesh, and spice it well 35. 12. they are desolate, they are given us to e. X>5. there came out fire and c. the 250 men Sr, 2fl. a fire is ^one "ut, it hath t. Ar of Moab 95 TON "Knm. 25. 11. that 1 c not the children of Tsrael 32. 13. till the generation that had done evil was c Dent. 2. I6. when the men ot war were c. and dead Jitdg. 6.21. there rose fire out of rock and c. flesh 1 iigj25-30. F.zek. .19. 14. shall sever out men of c. employment l.ulte 18. 5. lest by her c. coming she weary me Horn. g. 2. that I have c. sorrow in my heart See BURNT-OKFERINGS. CONTINUALLY. Gen. 6. 5. e^e^y imagination of his heart was evil c. liod. 28. 30. upon his heart before the Lord c. 29. 38. two lambs of the first year, day by day r Lev. 24. 2. bring oil olive to cause lamps tobnrn c 1 -Si/m. 18. 29. and Saul became David's enemy c 2 Sam. 9. 7- thou shall eat bread at ray table r. 2 h'ijtgs 25.29 Jehoiakim eaf bread, e. Jer. 52. 33. 1 C/iron. 16. II. Sf'ek the Lord, seek his face c. X. Citron. 12. 15. was between Jerob. and Rehoh. 3(i. \ 1?. sent to them, rising up r. and sending them Ji'bX. 5. sent and sanctified his sons, thus did Job r. /Va/.34.1. his praise shall be r . in my mouth, 71,6 35.27. say c.the Lord be magnified, 40. 16. l 70- ^. 38, 17. readyto halt and my sorrow iscbeforeme 40.11. let thy loving-kindness and tnith r. preserve 42.3. while they c. say tome, where is thy God ? 44. 15. my confusion is c. bejore me, and shame 50,8. thy burnt -ofTe rings to have h^en c. before me 52. 1 . O mighty man, goodness of God endureth c. 71. 3. my habitation, whereunto I may c. resort 6. I have beenholden up, my praise shall he c. 14. I will hope c. and praise thee more and more 7T. 23. I am c. with thee, thou hast holden me 74.23.the tumult ofilmse that rise up increaseth c. 109. 15. let them be before the Lord c. to cutoff 119.44. so shall 1 keep thy law c, forever and ever 109. my soul isf. in my hand, yeldol not forget 117. and I will have respect to thy statutesc. 140. 2. c. are they gathered together for war /'/■oi'.6.14.hedevi3etli mischiefc.he soweth discord 21, bind them c. on thy heart, and tie them 11( stand f. upon thewatch-tower inday-time 49. 16. 1 have graven thee, walls are c. before me 51,13. and hast feared c. every day, b*^cause of f, 52. 5. my name e. everyday is blasphemed 58. 11. and the Lord shall guide thee c. and satisfy 60. 11. therefore thy gates shall be open c. CtZ. 3. a people that provoketh me to anger c, Jer. 6. 7. before me c. is grief and wounds t'.tek. 46. 14. a meat-offering e.to the Lord Dan. 6 16. thy God whom thou servest c. 20. Hos. 4. 18. they have committed whoredom c. 12. 6. keep mercy, aiid wait on thy God c Oliad 10. so shall all the heathen drink r.' Sah. 3. !9, for hath not thy wickedness passed c. ? r/«A.l.l7.shar. they not sparer, to slay the nations' Zech.Q. 1 21 . let us go c. and piay liefore the Lord Lnke 24. 53. were c. in the temple, praising God /lets 6. 4. we will give ourselves c. to prayer 10.7. a soldier of them that waited on Cornelius r. Vum. 13. 6. attending c. upon this very thing lleb. 7 . 3. like the Son of God, abideth a priest c. 10,1. with those sacrifices offered year by year c. 13, 15. by him let us offer the sacrifice of praise c. CONTINUANCE. Deut. 28. 59. even great plagues and of long c. /*J. 139. 16. my members which inr, were fashion. J'a. 64. 5. in those is c. and we shall be saved Ktek. 39. ■» 14. they shall sever out men of c. Dan. 1. + 10. fares worse liking than children of c Horn. 2.7. by patient c. m well doing seek for glory CONTINUE. Exod.Ql, 21. if he c. a day ortwo, not be punished Lei: 12. 4. c. in the blood of her purifying, 5. 1 .Sam. 12. 14. c. following the Lord your God 13, 14. but now thy kingdom shall not c. t S.im. 7. 29. that it' may c. for ever before thee 1 AVn^-t 2.4.the Lord may r. his word that he spake Jiih 15. 29. not be rich, nor shall his substance c. 17. 2. doth not mine eye c. in thtir provocation i Psal. 3fi. 10. O c. thy loving-kindness unto them 49. 1 1. thoucht that their houses shall c. forever 72. + 17. shall be as a son to e. his father's name loi 28. tbe children of thy ser\-ant5 shall c. 119 91. they c. arcnrding to thine ordinances Ua . 5. 11 . that c. till night, till wine inflame them 6b. * 22 and mine elect shall make them c. long '.G Jer. 32. 14. that the evidences may c. many days Dent. 21. 5. by iheir word snail every c. be tried Dan.M.Q. c. more years than the king of the north Mat. 15. 32. because they f . with me three days Jitlin 8.31.if yef.inmy words.then are ye disciples 15. 9. so have I loved you, c. ye in my love .ids 13.43. persuaded to f . in the grace of God 14. 22. confirming and exhorting them to c. in faith 2t). 22. having obtained help of God, 1 c. unto day Rom. 6. 1. sh?il wee. in sin that grace may abound' 1 1.22. towards thee goodness, if thou c.in goodness Gal. 2. 5. that the truth of gospel uiicht f .with you Phtl. 1.20. I know that I sha.l c. with you all Col. 1. 23. if yc c. in the faith, and be not moved 4. 2. c. in prayer, and watch with thanksgiving 1 7Vm.2.15. if they f. in failh, charity, and holiness 4. 16. take heed to thy doctrine, c. in them 2 7'jm.3.14.f.in the things which thou hast learned HedJ .23. priests not suffered to r.by reason of death 13. 1. let brotherly love c. entertain strangers Jam. 4. 13, and c. there a year, and buy and sell 2 Pf r.3.4.since the fathers.all things c .as theywere 1 Jo/iii 2. 24. ye shall c. in the Son and Father l!ev. 13. 5. power was given him to c. 42 months 17. 10. whenhecometh.hemust c. a short space CONTINUED. Gen. 40. 4. he sen-ed them, and c. a season in ward 1 Sam. 1. 12. as she c. praying before the Lord 2 Chron. 29. 28. e. till burnt-offering was finished Ne/i. 5. 16. yea, also I c. in the work of this wall Psal. 72. 17. his name shall be c. as long as the sun Jer. 31. i 32. should I have c. an husband to them Pan. 1. 21. Dnniel c. to first year of king Cyrus I\Iat. 20. 1 12. these last have r. one hour only Luie 6. 12. he c. all night in prayer to God 22. 28. ye are they that c , with me in temptation /hts I. 14. these all c. with one accord in prayer 2. 42. they c. steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine 8. 13. Simon himself c. with Philip, and wondered 12.lfi- but Peter f. knocking, when they had opened 20. 7. Paul preached andr.his speech till midnight II1&. 8. 9. because they c. not in my covenant I John 2. 19. they would no doubthave c. with us CONTINUETH. ING. Job 14. 2. he fleeth also as a shadow, and c. not Jer. 30, 23. a c. whirlwind, it shall fall on wicked .'ids 2. 46. they c. daily with one accord in temple h'om. 12. 12. rejoicing in hope, c. instant in prayer Gal. 3 . 10. cursed that c .not in all things.in the law 1 Tim. 5. 5. she that is a widow c. in supplications Ileb. 7. 24. butthis man, because he c. ever.hath an 13. 14. for here we have no r, city, but we seek Jam. 1.25. lonketh into the perfect law, and c. in it CONTRADICTING. /lets 13. 45. filled with envy, i. and blaspheming CONTRADICJION. Heb.l.t . without f, the less is blessed of the better 12.3, consider him that endured such c. of sinners CONTRARY. Ler. 26. 21. and if ye walk c. to me, 23. 27, 40, 24. then will I also walk e. to you, 28,41. Esck 9-1 .thongh itwas turned to the c. Jews had rule Ezek. 16. 34. tVier. is in thee, therefore thou arte. Mat. 14.24. the ship was tossed, for the wind wasc, Acts 17. 7. these aM do c. to the decrees of Ca?sar 18.13. persuaded men to worship (iodf.to the law 23. 3. commandest me to be smitten c. to the law 2fi. 9. to do many things c. to the name of Jesus /?om."l 1.24. grafted f. to nature into a good olive-tree 16. 17. c. to thp doctrine which ye have learned Gal. 5. 17. and these are e. the one to the other Col. 2. 14. the hand-writing which was c. to us 1 Thess. 2. 15. please notGod, and are e. to all men 1 Tim. 1.10. ifany thingthat is e. tosound doctrine Tit. 2. 8. that he of the c. part may be ashamed CONTRARIWISE. 2 Cor. 2. 7. c. ye ought rather to forgive him f'>'n/.2.7.c.when they saw the gospel was committed 1 Pet. 3. g. not rendering railing, but f. blessing CONTRIBUTION. Rom. 15.26. to make c.for the poor saints at Jerus CONTRI'lE. Thev are of a contrite spirit, iihose hearts art li'ulv mid deeplv Immhled under a sense of thei\ sin and guilt,' and God' t di.^jdfamre following upon it ; uliose proud and selj^wUled hearts are snhdned, and made obedient to God's will, and submissive to his providence, hein^ willing t( nfcept of reconciliation with God upon any terms Psal. 34. 18. I 51. 17. Isa. t>6. 2. This n opposed to the stony heart, tlmt is insensible of the burden of sin, stvbhom and rebellious against God, impenitent and incorrigibl*. P. be holv c.4.Cl. 3". 3, in the spvcnth day asan holy c. 8, Xic '-'8 25. 27. lenlh day 7ih month an holy f. iVj(Wi,^9.7. 36. on the eighth day shall he an holy c. to you if^m-CBCGlhe (lay of first-fruits shall have holyc 2y.l2.on fifteenth day of seventh month an holv c. CONKV, IRS. Lev. 11.5. and the c. because he chewelh cod. hn; divideth not hoof, is unclean to you, Z>?//.14.7. Psai. 104. 18. the rocks are a refuge for the c. I'rov. 30. 26. c. are but a feeble folk, make houses COOK. S. t'e».40.+ 17. in uppermost basket \%'as work of a c. I Sam. 8. 13. he will take your daughters to be c. 9. 23. Samuel said to c, biing poi timi I gave thee 24. c. look up the shoulder and set it before Saul COOL, Sti/istatttire. Oe7i. 3.8. walkiiic iu the garden in the c. of the day COOL, Adjective. Proy.l7.+ 27.a man of understanding is of a f. spirit COOL. I'eri. Luke 16. 24. dip tip of the fincer and c. my tongue COPIED. Vrov. 25. 1. men of Uezekiah king of Judah c. out COl'ING. 1 Kiyifs 7.0. costly stones from the foundation to c, COPPER. Czra 8. 27. two vessels of fine c. precious as gold COIPFR-SMITII. 2 7'/w.4. 14. Alexander the r. -J. did me much evil COrCLATION. Ler. 15. ifi. if any man's seed off. go out 17. skin wliereon is seed of c. shall be washed 18. wiib whom man shall lie with seed of c. COPY. Vmt. 17. 18, write him a c. of this law in a hook /(»j/i.8.32.he wrote on stones a c. of law of ]\Ioses lira 4. 11. this is c. of a letter sent to him, 5, 6. S.'l.r.ofArtaxerxes' letter was read beforeKehum 7. 11. this isf. of the letter Arlrixerxesgave Ezra /'>//:. 3. 14. c. of a writing for a commandment, 8. 13. •i 8. Mordecat ga\e Hatach a c. of the writing COR. f"t*A.45.14.offer a tenth part of a bath out of the c. CORAL. (.lA 28. 18. no mention shall he made off. orpearls L':eA-.27.''6.Syria was thy merchant in c. and agate CORBAN. ^laik 7. 11. it isc. that is tosav, a gift, shall be free C015D.' I he cords of the wicked, are the snares nifli which they Cfitch ii-eak and innctiry people, Psal. 120. 4. Phe cords of sin. l*iov. 5. 22. are the cintieqiicnces 0/ crimes awl had habits. Sin iieier goes uupiitiishcd ; and the bad habits ichich are contracted, are as it n^re i}-dissehtf>le bands from which It ts almoit impoisible to get free. Let us cast away their cords from us, Pial. 2. 3. L<:t us cast off their government, and free imr- selves from .subjection to their /arcs, nhich like fetters restrain u> from ovr purposes. To draw iniquity with cords of vanity, Isa. 5. 18. that (,', to spare no cost n"r yaitts in the yiir- niit of isefnTuiib several metaphors, de- •• ttng either the stahiiify nr min of a place or ^•■ple, according as then are said to be extended i)> loote, Isa. 33. 20. Jer. 10. 20. yns of the court and their c. ^ li-K- 15- 13. they bound Samson with new c. A>A 36. 3. if thf* be holdfA in c. of affliction &7 COR Psal. 2. .\ let u« cast away their c. from us 1 IR. 27. bind the sacr.with r. 10 horns of altar icg. 4. he hath cut asunder the c. of the wicked 140. 5- the proud have hid a snare and f. for nw Prov.5.Q2. he shall beholden willi the c. of his sins hi. 5. 18. woe to thf>m that Hraw iniquity with c. .32. 20. nor shs'i az:y ot" the c. thereof he broken Jer. 10. 20. tabernacle is spoiled, all my c. broken 38. 6. and they let down Jeremiah with c. 13. so they drew up Jeremiah with c. took him Eiek. 27. 24. in chests of rich apparel bound with f . Hi.f. 11. 4. I drew thim with ihe c- n' i, man .Mm 2. 15. when he had made a scourge of small c. CORIANDER. I'jrod. 16. 31. manna was like c. seed, Num. 11. 7- COKMORANT. Lev. 11. 7. ye shall have in abomination the little owl, and the c. and the great owl. Dent. 14. 17- Isa. 34. 11. but the f. shallpossessit, Z«>j/j. 2. 14. CORN. Gen. 41 . 57. all countries ran e to Joseph tohuy r. 42.2. Jacob heard there wa.sf. in Egypt, ,/r/,(7,12. ly- 6"^ yp. carry c. for the 'amine of your houses Exad. 22- 6. so that the stacks of c. be consumed Lev.^.l6. priest shall burn part of beaten f. thereof 23. 14. ye shall eat neither bread nor parched c. \nm. IB. 27. 3s tho' it were the c. of threshing-floor Dent. \6. y. as thou beginnest to put the sickle to c. 25. 4. thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he tread- eth out the r. 1 Cor. Q. 9. 1 Tim. 5. 18. Josh. 5. 11. they did eat of the oldf. of the land. 12. A' If /A2. 14. he reached her parched c. and she did eat 3, 7 Boaz went to li down at end of the heap off. I.yrt?rt.l7.17,take forhreih. an ephah of parched <-. 25. 18. Abigail took five measures of parched c. 2 Sam. 17-28. they hrought par<:lied c. and beans 2 h'ings 19. 2f). they \vere as blasred c. Isa. 37. 27. \fh. 5. 2. we take np c. for them, that we may eat Job 5. 26. as a shock of c. cometh in his season 24. 6. they reap every one his c. in the field .39. 4. their young ones they grow up with c. Psal. 65. 9. prepares! ihem c. when thou providesl I {. the valleys also are covered over with c. 72. 16. there shall be a handful of c. in the earth "8. 24. and had given them of the c. of heaven : Pruv. 1 1. 26. that withholdethf . people shall curse I Isa. 17. 5. when the har'.'est-man gathereth the f . 62. 8. 1 will no more give tliyc to thine enemies E:ek. 36. 20, I will call fortJte c. and will increase Hos.^.g. I will take away my f. in the time thereof 10. 11. Ephraim lovetli to tread out the c. 14.7 -they shall re' ive asthe/ .andgrow asthe vine Jfel 1. 10. for the f. is wasted, new wine is dried up 1. 17. barns are broken down, fore, is withered 4-/wi?.v8. 5. the new moon be gone that we may sell c. 9. 9. I will sift Israel like as c. is sifted in a sieve Marir4. 28. after that iht full c. in the ear John 12. 2t. except a < . of wheat fall into ground iors of con's. C'en. 41 - 5. seven ears of c. came up upon one stalk' /.enes for c. and mue Joel^. 19. behold, I will send you c. and w. and oi Hag. 1.11. I called for drought on c. a«rf new aiH* Zech. 9. 17. f. make men cheerful, and tc. the maids CORNER. Lev.Zl 5. shall thry 'h.^ve off thee, of their beard 11 COR 2 C//rfln. 28.24. he made altars in every c. of Jortifl Prov. 7. 8. passing throuch the street near her e 12. she is witho\it, and lieth in wait at every t; 21.9. better to dwell in c. of the house-lop, 25.24 /v<7.30.20. yet tby teachers not be removed info a f Jer. 48. 45. a flame shall devour the c. of Moah 51.26. they shall not take of thie a stone for a c Etek. 46. 21. in every c. of court there was a court .■Imos 3.12. that dwell in Samaria in the f. of a bea Zech. 10. 4. out of him came forth the r . and nail A/a/.21.42. the stone the builders i-ejc<- ted, the same is become the head of the c. Psal. IIB. 22. Mark I'l. 10. Luke '2(iA1 . .if ^^ 4.11. 1 /V^2.7 ..^fi"* 26. 26. for this thing was not done in a c. CORNEi:-GATE. 2 A'in^,Tl4. 13. from gate of Ephraimfothe c.-gate 2 Chron. 26. 9- built towers at Jerusalem at c.-gatt Jer. 31.38. city shall be built from tower to ga/e off. Zech. I'i.iO. land shall be inhabited to the f.-gart COHNKR-STONE. Job 38. 6. or who laid the c.-sttme thereof? P^al. 118. 22 is become the head-i/wwe of the c. 144. 12. that our daughters may be as c.-ston^s Isa. 28. 16. in Zion a precious c.-sione, 1 Pet. 6 6 Eph. 2. 20. Christ himself being the chief c.-j/oii« CORNER.S. Liod. 25. 12. put rings in four r. of ark, two on on# side, and two on the other, 26. J 27.4. | 37.13. 27. 2. make the horns upon the tour r, 38. 2. Lev. ig.O. shalt not reap the c. of your field, 23.82 27 . ye shall not round c. of your heads nor beard Num. 24. 17. a sceptre shall smite the c. of Moah Dent. 32. 26. I said. I will scatter them into c. 1 Sam, 14. t38. draw near, ye c. of the people Neh. 9. 22. moreover thou didst divide them into c. Job 1. 19. a great windsmotethefourf.of the house Art.ll.lS.gatherdisperesdof Judah from four f. Jer. 9-25, 26. I will punish circumcised with uiicir- cumcised.all that are inutterm.f 25.23. | 49-32. Ezek. 7. 2. the end is come upon four c. of the land 45. 19. put blood upon the four c. of settle of altai" Zeph. 3.-(6. their f. are desolate, the streets waste ZeRRECTION. Job 37. 13. rtLin to ^;ome, whether for c. or mercy Prov. 3. 11. u\y son.despise not nor be weary of his f. 7. 22. he goe:h as a fool to the e. of the stocks 15 10. f. is grievous to him that forsaketh'he way t .32. he thaf refuseth e. despiseth his own soul 22. 15. but the rod off. shall drive it from bim 23. 13. withhold not c. from the ctiild Jer. 2. 30. your children they received no e. 5. 3, but they have refused to receive e. 7. 28. this is a nation that receiveth not c. fJcs. 5.i2. though 1 have been a c. of them all //,.*. 1.12.0 God, thou hast established them fore. Zeph. 3, 2. she obeyed not, she received not c. 2 Tim. 3. 16. the scripture is profitable for f. CORRUPT Signifies, [1] To consume. Mat. 6. !9. [2] To de- fie, or pollute, Exud. 32. 7- [3] io mar, spotl, 'vr infect, 1 Cor. 15. 33. [4] To entice, or al- lure, 2 Cor. 11. 3. [5] To break, or makt void, Mai. 2. 8. {&] To cause to ditsemble, Dan. Il.t32. [7] I'utous and unsound^ wholly iiatsed by carnal interest and corrupt affections, 1 Tun. t). 5. 2 Tim, 3. 8. ""hI J-ilt/iy and unsavourt/ {'OK fiomipt comwunlcallon, EpK- \. CQ. j thaC u, ™«-A ri"»i"ttmiVfl/i<"» as yroceedt from eoTTupiion f* tht ipeaker, and tends to infect and corrupt the rsiudt and maitners oj't/ie hearers. [9] Deceitful, Pan. 2. y. Corruption sometimes signifies rottenness or putre- faction, siich at mir bodies are subject to tn the grave, I'sal. ID. 10, Thou wilt not sufi'er tliinc holy One to see corruption ; 1 Cor, 15. 4-. tt is sown in corruption: Like seed it is laid tn the earthy subject to rottenness. Jt likewise ii^ntjits the iifec:tmts and poisonoia nature of sin, whieh sptrtlitallv wastes the soul, being con- Irart/ to that iutegnti/ arid soiindjtess in which we were created, l-ph. 4. 22, Put off the old man which is corrupt ; that is, lahonr to mor- tify and siibdue that corruption of Jiatnre tvhic/i has infected the whole tnan, both smil and body, ti7td which dailu grotes worse and more corrupt by the fnljilling of its lusts. 1'he apostle Peter, speaking of seducers, says, that they are the servants of corruption, 2 Pet, C.iy. 'Ihey are slaves to their lusts, and under the power and dominion of sin. i'he mi/unt of Olives I'j called the mount of corruption, 2 Kings 23. 13. because Solomon built thereon temples to the gods of the Ammonites (7«rf of the Moab- ites, to gratify his wives who xeer4 natives of these nations. ('ten. 6. 11. the earth also was c. before God, 12. JiidgZ. 1 19. ''hen the mdge was dead they were c. Job 17. 1. my breath is c. my days are extinct Ps. 14.1. Ihey are c. none doth good, 53. 1. [ 73. 8. 38. 5. my wounds stink and are c. because of folly Prov. 25. 26. as a troubled fountaiu and e. spring £7tf*.20.44.DOt according to your r .doings.O Israel 23. 11. she was more c in her inordinate love than Dan. 2, 9- ye have prepared lying and c. words Ulal. 1, 14. cursed that sacrificeth to lA- ac. thing Mat. 7, 17. a c. tree bring th forth evil fruit 18. nor can a c. tree bringgood fruU, Luke 6. 43. 12. 33. or else make th*? tree e. ani his fniitc. Eph.4. 22. pu* off the old man which i^ c. 29. let no f .communication proceed out of mouth 1 Tim. 6.5. perverse dispnti^ij^s of men of c. minds £ Tim. 3. 8. these resist the trulh, men of c. minds COKRi;i'r. Deut.4. 16. take heed lest yc e. yourselves, S5. 31. 29. after my death ye will c. yourselves /)fln.ll. t 17. pivehim rhe daughter of women toe. 32. such asdowickrdly shall he c. by flatteries Atal. 2. 3. behold 1 will c. your seed, spread dung Afat. 6. 19. on earth, where moth and rust doth c. 20.treasures, where neither moth nor rust doth c. 1 Cor. 15.3.1. evil communications c. good manners 2 Cor. 2. 17. we are not as many that c. the word Jude 10, in those things they c. themselves Itev. 1 1 . t 18. shotildest destroy them that r . earth 19.2. great whore did r. earth with her fornications CORKUPTED, ETH. C'iw-G.lC. for all Hesh had f.his waynpon the earth I'.xod. 8. 24. the land was c. by reason of the flies 32. 7- L«.fd said to Moses, get thee down, for thy people have c. themselves, Jieut. 9. 12. j 32. 3. Jud^. 2. jy. c. themselves more than their fathers Ltek. 16. 47- thou wast c. more than they in ways 28. 17. thou bust e. thy wisdom by thy brightness Jlos.Q.Q. havedeeply f . thems.as in days of Giheah Amosl. til. pursued broth, and c.bis compassions Z/^ph. 3. 7. they rose early and c. all their doings AJal.2.8. ye have c. the covenant of Levi saith lA. Luke 12.33.whcrcnothiefapproacheth, nor moth c. 2 Cor.l.i.we have wronged no roan, have c. no man 11.3.1eslyo'ir minds he c.from simplicity inChrisi Jam. 5 1,2, go to ye rich men. your riches are r C()RUUPTKRS. Isa. 1. 4. all sinful nation, children that are c. Jet. 6.28 they are brass and iron, they are all c. CORRUPTIBLK. /?('m. 1.23. changed to an image made like to c.man I Cor. 9- 25. now they do '.t to obtain ar. crown 15. 53. for this e. must put on incorruption Pet. 1. 18. ye were not redeemed with c. things 23 being bom again, not of c. seed but incorrupt. 3.4. but let it be in that which is not e. meek spirii CORRUPTING. Pan. 11. 17. give him the daughter of women c. her CORRUPTION. Cep.22.25.hecause their f. is in them. and blemishes Kings Q:i. 13. on the right band of the mount off. Job 17- 14. I have said to e. thou art my father ;'ja/.l6,10. not leave my soul, nor wilt thou suffer Ihine holy One to see c. Acts 2. 27. | 13.35. 49. 9. that be should live for ever, and not see e. La. 38. 17. thou hast delivered it from the pitof c. Dan.lo.B.for mycomelinesswas turned in me to c. /onahi.6.yet ha*l Ihou broucht up my life from t deiJ 2..Tl.soaI not left in hell, norhisHeshdid set c 13. 34. he raised him up, no more to return to c 36. lUvid was laid to his fatliers mid saw c. cov jlcti 13, 37. but he whnniO. raised again sawnor. /?"r7i,a.21.shall he deliv.'red from the bondage of c, 1 Cor. 15. 42. it is sown in c. raised in incorruption 50, neither doth c. inherit incorruption Ga/, 6.8. that sowethtothe flesh,5haU of flesh reapc. 2 l*ei. 1.4. escaped the c. that is in world thro' lust 2. iv. and shall utterly perish in their own c. 19. they themselves are the servants oft. CORRUPI LV. 2 Chron. 27-2. and the people did yet e. Xeh. 1.7. we have dealt very e. against thee COST. 2 Sam. 19-42. have we eaten at all of the kind's e. ? 24. 24. nor offer to G. of that which c. me nothing 1 Chr. 21.24. nor offer burnt-offerings without e. Luke 14. 28. sitleth not down first, and counteth c. CO-STLINESS. Hev. 18. 19, all that had ships made ricb by her c. COSTLY. 1 Kin(;s5. 17. they brought f. stones, hewed stones 7. 9- all these were of c. stones by the measures 10. foundation was off, stones, even great stones 11. and above were c. stones and cedars Johjili.3. Mary took a pound of spikenard, veryc. 17Vni.2.9-thatwomen adorn thems. not with c. array COIES. C Chron. 32. 28. Ilezekiah made e. for flocks COPTAGE. S. Tsa. 1 . 8. daugh. of Zion ia left as a c. in a vineyard 24. 20. the earth shall be removed like a c. Zeph. 2. 6. the sea-coast shall be c. for shepherd^ COLCIl. F.S. Om. 49. 4. Reuben defiled it ami went up to my c. Job^. 13. I say, my c. shall ease my complaint Psal. 6. 6. all night I water my c. with my tears AmosS. 12. Israel be taken out in Damascus in a c. 6. 4. that stretch themselves upon their c. Luke 5. 19. let him down through tiling with bis c. 24. arise, take up ihy c. and go to thy house Acts 5. 15. they laid strk folk on beds and c. COUCH. Job 38.40. when they c . in dens, and abide la covert COUCH LD. ('•en. 49. 9- Jiidah c. as a lion, and as an old linn Awj/j. 24. y. het. he lav down as alion, asgreatliou COUCHEIII. Deut. 33. 13. for dew, and fordeep that f. beneath COUCHING. Cen. 49. 14. Issacharf. down between two burdens i'.'ifX-.25.5, will make Ammonites ar. ;)lace for flocks ( OVENANL' Is a mutual agreement between two or more par- ties. Gen, 21. 32. There 11 [1] A covenant of works, the terms whereof ar^. Do and live ; si?! and die. Gen. 2. 17. Isa. I. I9, 20. which eove- 7iant was broken by our first parents sinning asainst God, i« eating the forbidden fruit, and the covenant being made with Adam as a public person, not only for htmselj but fotrhis posterity, all mankind, descending from him hy ordinary generation, sinned tn him, and fell with him itt their frst transgression, Rom. 5. 12, 20. [2] 7'he covenant of redemption, and sohation by tirace, entered into by the sacred Thiee. in behalf of elect sinners, on wh.'m grace, and glory were settled for ever, in Christ, their covenant- head, Psal. 89. 3, 28. Eph. 1. 3, 4. 2 Tim. I. y. This covenant is, (1) The fruit of the sovereign love and good will of God, John 3. I6- Col. 1. 19. (C) .W. 14, lie will shew them bi^ covenant ; lie will ra eel to COV them, and male them vndentand the dutitt, ai\^ bestow on them the blessings of the connect (4) Lor the laws or conditions requfed of men by the covenant ; or the precepts of God, nhicA mr the testimonies or witnesses of God's will and >■• man's duty, Psal. 25. 10. (5) Por the dccil^'^i.c, or ten commandments, which contain the armies of the covenant, Deut. 4. 13. (6j lor tht law, religion, and people of the .lews, who were m covenant with God, Oan. 11. 28. (7.1 tor th, vow, priymise, or engagement, whcfeby a man ami woman mutually bind themselves to each ot':er in maniage ; and this is called the covenant of God, Prov. 2. 17. because i-od is the insliiutfr of that society and mutual obligation ; and be cause God is called to be the witness and juiige of that solemn promise and covenant^ and the avenger of the transgression of it, Gtfji. y. 12. "this is the token of (he c. 13,17. | 17.II. 17. 4. as for me, behold, my c. is with thee 13. myc. shall be in your Ilesh foran everlasting f. 14. that soul be cut off, he hath broken my c. Plod. 31. Iti. keep (he sabbath for a perpetual c. 34.28. he wrote upon the tables the words of thee jC^r.26. 15. ye do not my comm. but ye break my c. iVr/m. 25. 12. behold, I give to him my c, of peace 13. even the c. of tin everlasting priesthood Dent. 4. 13. and he declared unto you his c. 23. lest ye furget the c. of the Lord your God 31. Lord will not forget the c of thy tiilhers 9. 9- when I was gone to receive the tables of the c, 11. the Lord gave me the tables of the c, 15. the two tables of the c. were in my two hands 29. 1. thesearethe words of the c. which L.comm. 12. thou sbuulde^t enter iuto e. with the Lord 21. according to all the curses of thee, in this book 25. because y ■ have forsaken the c. of the Lord 31. 20. they will provoke me, and break my c. Jiidg. 2.1.1 said I will never break my c. with you 10W/71.2U.H. hast brought thy servant i^itof. of Lord 1 Kings 19. lu. for Israel have forsaken thy c. 14. 20.3-i.Ahab said, 1 will send thee away wiihlhisc. 2 Kings 13. 23. because of his c. with Abraham 23. 3. to perform words of the c. written in book and all the people stood to ihe c. 2 CArun. 34. 31. 1 Chron. 16. 15. be ye mindful always of his c. 2 C/i/wji. 15.12. they entered into f. with the Ld.God Sth. 13. 29. they have defiled the c. of priesthood Psal. 25 ] 1. that fearhiui, he will shew them his c. 44. 17. neither have we dealt f.Jsely in thy c. 50. 16. that thou shouldest tad e my c. in thy mouth b5. 20. he put forth his hands, he hath broken c. 74.20.have respect to thee Inrdark places of earth 78. 37. heart not right, nor were they stedfaat in c. By. 28. mercy keep .md c. shall stand fast v.'i[h him 34.myf. will I not break.nor alter the thing gone 3y. thpn hast made void the c. of ihy servant 111. 5. he will ever be mindful of hisr. 9- commanded his c. for ever, holy is his name Prov. 2. 17. and forgetleth the c. of her God Isa. 28. Ifl. your c. with death shall be disannulled 33. 8. he hath broken the c, he hath despised cities 42. 6. and give thee for a c. of the people, 4y. 8 54. 10. nor shall the c. of my peace be removed 5ci. 4. the eunuchs that take hold of my c. 6. 5y. 21. as for me, tliis Is my c. with them Jer. 11.2. he.ir ye the words of this c. 6. 3. cursed be the man that olteye h not words of c. 14. 21, remember, break not ihy c. with us 22. 9. because they have forsaken thee, of the I^. 31. 32. which my c. they brake, suith the Lord 33. 20. if you can break my c. of day and c. ofoigbl 21, tnen may r. be broken with IJavid my servant 25. if biy c. be not with day and night 34, 10. the people which bad entered into e. heard 18. who have not performed ihe words of this e. 50, 5. let usjom to the Lord in a perpetual r. Ltek. 1(5.8. 1 swaie and enU'ved into a f. with thee 59. host despised oath in breaking the e. 17. 18. 61. give them to thee for daughters, not by thy c. 17-15. or shall he breuk the c. and be deliveredr 16. whose Oath he despised, whose c. he brake ly, my r. he halh bntken, it will I recompense 20, 37. I will bring you into the bond of the c, 44.7. they have In-oken my c. because of aboimnat. Uan. 9 27. shall confirm c. with many for one week 11.C2. shall he broke II, yea also ihe prince of the c. 28. and his heart shall be against the holy c. 30, he shall have indignation against the holyc. 32.suchasdo wickedly against c. shall becorriipl //wj. 10. 4. spokenwords, swearing falselyin making r Zcth. 11. 10. that I uiight break my c. I had made jU«/,2.4. that my f. mightbe with Levisailh \Aj. tl.ye have corrupted c .of Levi, saith Ld. of hosU- U>. by profaning the c. of our fathers I4.yel she is thy companion.and the wife of thy. 3. 1. even me.-^seiiRer of the f. whom ye delight in Acts 3. 25. ye aie children of the c. God mad*- will- 7 . H and he gave him the c. of cirrumcisior. Hum. 1. 31 without understaiuliiie, c. brcal("r< cov Fom, 11- 27- tli'sis my c. when I take awiy their On/. 3, 15. though it be a man's c. yet if confirmed 17. that the r. was confirmed bwforeof God lleb. B. 6. he is Mediator of a better c. established 7. if .nat first f. had been faultless, then noplare p. they continued in my r . and I regarded them not 9. I. then verily the firsts, had also ordinances 4. Aaron's rod that btiddcd, and tables of the c. See Auk, ni,oon. Break. Ihot of the COVENANT. Ktod. C4. 7. Moses took the book of the c. and read SitiK^jC-T. C. Joijiah read intheir ears all the words of the hvok of the e. found, 2 Chron. 54. 30. fit. keep the passovcr, as it is written in book of c. Establish COVENANT. Gen .6. IB.with thee will I estab. my c. and snns.p.p. 17.7.1 "wxWestab. my c. between me and Abraham 19- tstab. c. with Isaac and his seed after him.Cl. ETorf.6.4. 1 have estah. myc .with them to give land Z'^i' C6.9. I will multiply and esfab. myc. with you P«(f ,8.18.that he may estab. his c. which he s^vare F.ctk. 16. 5o. I will estab. to thee an everlastinc c. 62. I v/ill estab. my f. with thee, thou shaltknow Everlasting, COVENANT. Gen. 9. 16. that I may remember the ertrlast. c. 17. 13. it shall be in yourtlesh for an eierlast. e. 19.1 will establishmyr. with Isaac for an erf r/.c. /^rp.C'4.R. beint; taken from Israel by an ^rffr^ajf. c. S Sam. ^.I. 5. yet he hath made with me an ever[. c. 1 Chr. 16. 17. confirmed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlast.c. Psal.\Q5.\0. /r/7.C4.5.because they have broken the everlast. c. 55.3.1 will make crfr.r.wirh you,6l.8.Jfr. 3C.40. Ecei. 37. C6. it shall be an eierlast. c. with them I/eb. 13. CO. through the blood of the everlast. c. Keep, keepest, keepeth. or kept COVENANT. G:n. 17.9, thou shalt X^f/j my c. thou and thy seed 10. this is my e. which ye shall keep betTiVeen me Erod. 19.5. if ye will obey my voice and keep myc. Deut. 7. 9. he'isG. faithful God, who keepeth €.12. 1 Kings 8.23. C Chron.6.1-t. Neh.\. 5. I 9- -"^C. 29.9.>t«p therefore thewords of this c.and do them 33.9. they have observed thy word, kept thy c. 1 A'ln^jll.ll.thouhastnot l^<';'Vmy f. /*/rt/.78.10. /'.f<7/-25.10.mer. and truth to luch as ieepc. I03.if^. 132. 12. if thy children will keepuiy c. and tesiim. Etek. 17. 14. by keeping of his c. it micht stand Dan. Q. 4. keeping c.and mercyto them that love him MaJe COVENANT. Gen JS.lB.saiue day the T,. made a c. vnth Abram 21.27. Abraham and Abimelech made a e. 32. Eiod. 54. 27. I have made a e. with thee and Israel Pent. 5. 2. L. our G. made a c. with us in Iloreb 3. L. made not this c. with our fathers, Heb. 8.9. 29- 1. besides the c. he miirfg with them in lloreb 31 . Ifi. will break my r. I have made with them Josh. 24.25. Joshua made a c. with people that day I Sam. ]8. 3. Jonathan and Pavid made a c. 23.18. 20. 16. Jonathan made a e. with the house of David 1 Kings 8.9. L. made a c. with Tsrael. 2 Chr. 6.11. 21. ark wherein is e. of the L. which he made 20. 34. Ahab made a c. with Ben-hadad 2 Kinos 11.4. Jehoiada made a c. with the rulers 17. made a c. between the Lord and the king 17- 15. Israel rejecled his e. he made with fathers 35. with whom the L. had made a e. and charged 38. the e. made vnth xnn ye shall not forget 23.3. Josiah made a c. before Lord, 2 Chr. 34. 31. ICA;on.ll.3.David mtrrfc a f. with elders in Hebron 16. 16. be ye mindful even of the c. which he made with Abraham. Neb. 9. 8. Psal. 105. 9. 2CArrtn.21.7.because off. he had marfewith David 23. 3. all the congregation made a c.with king Joash Joi 31 . 1. I made a c. with mine eyes, why then Ptal.50.5. that have made a e. with me by sacrifice 89. 3. have made a c. with my chosen, I have »wom fsa. 28. 15. ye said, ye have made a c, with death 57. 8. enlarged thy bed, and made a. c. with them Ji-r. 11- 10. broke thee. I made -wit)! their fathers 31. .12. not according to the c. I made with fathers 34.8. after Zedekiah had made a e. with people,! 5. 13. saiih the Lord, I made a. c. with your fathers 15. ye haAmadea. e. before me in house called Irf. performed not the words of thee. yeh^Amade £i(r'(-.17-13.and made a c with him, and taken oath Make COVENANT. Gen. 17. 2. I will make my c. between me and thee 26.28. let us make a r. with thee, 31.44. Ezra 10.3. Esod.23. 32. thou shalt make no c. Dtiit. 7. 2. 34. 10. behold I ma^« a c. before all thy people 12. lest thou jnake a c. with the inhabitants, 15. Deut. 29. 1 \. nor with you only do I make this e. I Sam. 11.1. male a c . with us, and we will serve 2. on this condition will I make a c. with you ZChron. 29. 10. now it is in my heart to male a r . Neh. g. 38. and we make a sure e. and write it Jab 41. 4. will he make a e. with thee ? A-/. 31.33. this is c. I v,'\\\mmke,IIeb.Z.\0.\ IO.16. Lttk. 34. 25 I will m. wilh them a c. of peace, 37.26. 99 COV Ilos.lAV.. I will make a f . for them with the '^■a »ts 12. 1. and they Aamake ac. wiih ilie Assjrians Nexo COVENANT. Jer.^X 31.1 Hill make a neiftf. with Isr. //fi. 8.8, Heb. 8. 13. a tiejv c. he hath made the first old 12. 24. and to Jesus the Mediator of the new c. Remember COVENAN 1'. Gen. 9.15. I will rfm.myc.ier. 26.42. £w*.l6.6o, F.iod. 6. 5, 6. I have rememb. my c. wherefore say Ler. S(i.4.'>.for their sakes rem. c. of their ancestors Pial. 105. B. hi' hath rem. hisc. for ever. 106. 45 Amos 1, 9- because they rem. not the brotherly <:. Luke 1. 72. mercy promised, and to rem. his holy c. COVENANT of Salt. Lev. 2. 13. the salt of c. of thy God to be lacking Sum. 18. 19. it is a c. of salt for ever before Lord 2 Chron. 13. 5. to David and his sons by a c. of salt Transgressed COVENANT. DeHr.17.2. hath wTought wickedness in trans.his c. Josh. 7. 11. thoy have also transgressed my c. 15. because he t.coi "L.Jud^.^.^O. 2 Kings 18. 12. 23, 16. when ye have transgressed c. of the Lord Jer. 34.18. and I will give the men that trans.my c. flos. 6.7. but they like men have trajisgressed the c. 8. 1. because they have trans.my c. and trespassed COVENANTED. 2 Chron. 7. 18. accordinc as I have c. with David Hag. 2. 5. according to the word that I c. with you A/(ir.26.15.they<'.withhim for thirtj-pieces of silver Luke 22. 5. were glad, and c. to give him money COVENANTS. Rom. 9. 4. to whom pertain the glory and the c. Gal. 4.24. these are the two cone from mount Sinai Eph. 2. 12. and strangers from the c. of promise COVER Signifies. [1] To hide, Prov. 12. 16. [2] To clothe. 1 Sam. 28. 14. [3] To protect and defeJid, Psal. 91. 4. [4] To pardon, or forgiie, Psal. 32. I. Rom. 4. 7. [5] To vaU, 1 "Cor. 11. 6, [6] To inclose, Exod. 29. 13. [7] i^ot to confess, Prov 28. 13. Violence covereth the mouth of the wicked, Prov. 10. 6. Their violent unjust courses shall bring down God's judgments upon them, thereby thev shall be so convinced of their former injurious practices, that thev shall have nothing to say for themselves, their mouths shall be stopped. To cover the feet, Judg. 3. 24. and\ Sam. 24. 3. This phrase is commonly understood in both these places, of easing nature; because the men not wearing breeches as we do, but long cnnts, they did in that act cover their feet But others erpotmd it, of composing one's self to take a little sleep or rest, as was very usi/al to do in the day-time in those hot countrtit, 2 Sam. 4. 5. and ulien they did so in a cool plaiV, they used to cover their feet, as appears from Ruth 3. 7 And this ejposition see7ns best to a^ree with the history in both places where this phrase is foimd. tir the seriaJits of Ehud staying so long for their lord, seems to imply, that they judged him c^one to sleep, which might take up a co/tsider- able time, rather than to that other work, which takes up but a little time. And if Saul was asleep in the care, then it is not strange that he neither heard David and hts men talking of him, nor perceived uhen David cut off the sAirt of his robe. ^Vo(/.lo.5.the locust*; shall c. the fare of the earth 21 .33. if a man shall dig a pit and not c. it 28. 42. make linen breeches to c. nakedness 3.1.22, I will c. thee with my hand while I pass by 40. 3. thou shalt c. the ark with the vail /.cr.l6. 13. cloud of inccnsemay c. the mercy-seat 17. 13. pour out the blood, and c. with dust i\'i/m. 22. 5. behold they c. the face of the earth Deut. 23, 13, and r. that which coraeth from thee 33. 12. the Lord shall c. him all the day long I 5aw.24. 3. and Saul went in to c. his feet Keh. 4. 5. c not their iniquity, let not tl eir sin Job 16 18.0 earth, c.nol thou my blood, let my cry 21. 26. shall lie down in dust, worms shall c. theni 22. 11. the abundance of waters, e. thee. 30. 34. 40. 22. the shady trees c. him with their shadow Psal. 91. 4. he shall c. thee with hii feathers 104. 9. that they turn not again to c. the earth lfi9-29' c.then)selves with their own confusion 139. 11. if 1 say, surely the darkness shall c. me 140. 9. let the mischief of their lips c. them Isa. 11. 9, as the waters c. the sea, Ilab. 2. 11. 14. 11. is spread under thee, the worms c. thee 22. 17. behold, the Lord «ill surely c thee 26. 21. the eanh shall no more c. her slain 30. 1 . that c. with a covering, but not of my Spirit 58. 7. when thou seest the naked, that thou c. him 5y. 6. neither c. themselves with their works tiO. 2. for behold the darkness shall c. the earth 6. the multitude of camels shall c. thee Jc. 46, 8 I will go up, and will c. the earth £«*♦■ 7, ifi. horror shall e. them, shame od all faces COV Etck.12. 6. thou shalt c. thy face ihat tno-i stv t\cA 12. he shall c. his face that lie see not tne gr-tund 24. 7- poured it not on ground to c. it with doBf 17, c. not thy lips, and eat not the bread of men 22. ye shall note, your lips, nor eat bread of meo 26.10. abund. of his horses, their dust shall c. thee 19. and when great waters shall c. thee 30.18. as furhfir, atloud shall c. her and daught 32. 7. 1 will c. the heaven. I will c. the sun .37-6. [ will r. you with skin, and put breath in yoii 38. 9. thou shalt be like a cloud to c. the land. 16 lios. 2.9. reco%'er my Hax given toe. her nakedni"s 10. 8. shall say to the mountains c. us, Ltike 23.;in Obad. 10. for thy violence shame shall c. theu Mic. 3. 7. yea, they shall all c. their lips, no answ^ 7. 10. and shame shall c. her that said to me Hab. 2. 17. the violence of Lebanon shall c. thee .1/arX14. 60. some began to spit on him andr.his face 1 Cor. 11. 7. a man ought not to c. his head 1 Ptt. 4. 8. for charity shall c.the multitude of siui COVERED. Gen. 7. ig. the mountain* were c. with waters. 20 y. 23, they c. the nakedness of their father 24. 65. Rebekah took avail and c. herself 38. 1 4.Tamar c. her with a vail, sat in open place Exod. 8. 6. the frogs came up andc. land of Egypt 14. 28. the waters c. the chariots and horseBiea 15. 5. the depths c. them, they sank as a stone 10. the sea e. them, they sank as lead, Josh.2i.7 16. 13. at even the quails came and c. the oamp 24.15. Moses went up. a cloud c. the niount,l6. 37- 9. c. with their wings over the mercy-seat 40. 21. the vai! c. the ark of the testimony 34. a cloud c. the tent of the congregation /.fi'. 13. 13. behold, if the leprosy have c. all his flesh Num. 4. 20. to see when the holy thrngs are c g. 15. the cloud c. the tabernacle. l6. | 16, 42. iVnr. 32.15. art waxen fat, thou arte, with falnes! Judg. 4. 18. Jael 0. him with a mantle, ly, 1 Sam. 19. 13. Michal c. the pillow with a cloth 28. 14. an old man cometh up c. with a mantle 1 Kingsi.l. c. king David with clothes, but no heat 8. 7. cherubims c. ark, 1 Chr. 28. IH. 2 Chr. 5. 8. 2 Ai»si ig, 1, king Ilezekiah heard it, he rent his clothes and c. himself with sackcloth, Jsj. 37. 1 2 Chr. 3.t 6. Solomon c. house with precious stonef Job 23, 17. norc. he the darkness from my face 31. 33. if [ c. my transgressions as Adam Pial. 44. 15. the shame of my face hath c. me 19. tho' thou hast c. us with the shadow of death 55. i 5. are come upon me, and horror hath r. me 65. 13. the valleys also are c. over with corn 68.13. shall be as the wings of a dove*, with silver 71.13, let them be c. with reproach that seek 78. t 53. but the sea c. their enemies, 106. ill. 89.45. glory to cease, thou hast f. him with shama 106. 17. the earth c. the company of A bi ram 119. 13. thou hast c. me in my mother's womb Prcv. 26, 23. like a potsherd c. with silver dross £6. whose hatred is c. by deceit, his wickedness Feci. 6. 4, his name shall be c. with darkness La. 6. 2. with twain her. his face, he c. his feet 22. t 17- the Lord who c. with excellent covering 25. + 7. will destroy the coverine c. over all peopla 29, 10. and your rulers the seers hath he c. 51. 16. I have r. thee in the shadow of my hand Gl. 10. he c. me with the robe of righteousness Jtr.5l. 42. she is c. with the multitude of wavel Lam. 2. 1. c. the daughter of Zion with a cloud 3. 16. broken my teeth, he hath c. me with ash;? 43. ihou hast c. with an^er, and persecuted us 44. ihou hast c. thysdf with acloud, that prayei Ezek. 1. 11. and two wings e. their bodies. 23, 16. 8. I spread my skirt, and c. thy nakedness 10. I girded thee with linen, I c. thee with silk 18. 7. and hath c. the naked with a garment. 16. 24. 8. top of a rock, that her blood should not l>e c. 27. 7. blue and purple was that which c. thee 31. 15. 1 e. the d^ep for him, and I restrained 17. 8. the flesh came up, and skin c. them abo*, e Jonah 3. 6. the king of Nineveh c. with sackcloth 8. let man and beast b^ c. with sackcloth Hub. 3. 3. God came, his glory e. the heavens Mat, 8,24. the ship was e. w^th the waves 10.26.there is nothing c. that shall not be revealed and hid that shall not be known, Luke 12. 2 1 Cor. 1 1 .6. if the womati be not c. let her be shora COVER ED /<7«. Gen. 38. 15. because 'I amar hnd e. her fact Esod. 10. 15. the locusts c. the /o^* of whole ea» 2 Sam. 19. 4. but David c. his face and cried Esth. 7. 8. as the word went they c. Ilaman's/iCi Psal. 69. 7. because shame hath c. my face Prov. 24. 31. nettles had e. thv. face thereof Isa. 6. 2. with twain he c. his face, and wiili twain Jfr.51. 51. heard reproach, shame hath e. our/ar^i Head COVERED. 2 Sam. 15. .10. David and every man had his head c hsth. 6. 12. Ilaman went •jiourning, his head e. Ptal. 140.7. hast f.niy head in the layofbattl cov 3€r. W 3. were confounded, and c. their heads, 4. 1 Cot. il. 4. every man praying, having his headc. COVE,RKD sin, or sins. Piul. 32. 1. blessed is he whose sin is e. Iiom.4.7. 85. 2. thou hast c. all th^ir sinSf Selah COVERKDST. J'ja/. 104- 6. thou c. it with the deep as a garment A!if;(.l6.18.tookest broidered garments and c. them COVF.RER. A'dA.S.tS.shall make haste, and r. shall be prepared COVER EST. Deut. 22. 12. vesture, wherewith thou e. thyself Psal. 5. t 11. shout for joy, because thou c. them 104. 2. who c. thyself with light us with a ganu. COVERETM. F.xad. 29. 13. thou shalt take all the fat that c. the lnwards.22.i:er. 3.:i,9. 14. | 4. 8. | 7.3. | 9. 19. I\'um. 22,11 . a people which c. the face of the earth Jydg. 3,24. surely he c. his feet in his chamber Job 9. 24. he c. the faces of the judges thereof 15. 27. because he c. his face with his fatness 36. 30. bthold. he c. the bottom of the sea 52, with clouds he e. light, commands not to shine P.f 73. 6. pride as a chain.violence c. them as a gar. 84. t6. through valley of Baca, rain also r.the pools 109. 19. be to him as the garment which c. him 147- 8. who c. the heavens with clouds, prep, rain Pr»v.l0.6. viuler.ce c. the mouth of the wicked, II. 12, love f.all sins]) 12. (6. a prudent man c, shame 17. 9- he that c. a transgression seeketh love 28. 1^. he that <*. his ^.ns shall not prosper Jer,3.^5. we lie down in shame, ourconfusion c. us J^cek. 28, 14, thou art the anointed cherub that <-. Mai. 2, 16. for one c. violence with his garment LuAeS.lG. when he Imhied candle c.it with a vessel CONF.RING. Gen. 8. 13. \oah removed the c. of the ark 20. If), bi-hidd, he IS to thee a c. of the eyes Esad. 22. 27. for that is his c r.iiment for his skin Lev. 13. 45. the leper shall put a c. on his upper lip Auw. 19.15. every vessel which halh no c. bound on i Sam. 17. 10. woman spread a c. over well's mouth Jo/) 22. 14. thick clouds ai-e ac. to him he seeth not 24. 7- that the naked have no c. in the cold 26. 6. naked befnre him, destruction hath no c. 31. 19- if I have seen any poor without c. Psal. 105. 39. he spread a cloud for c. and fire Cant. 3. 10. he made the c. of it of purple lsa.4.i5. for upon all the glory shall be a c. 22. 8. and he discovered the c. of Judah t 17- wno covered thee with an excellent r. 25. 7. destroy the face of the c. ca>t over all people V3. '20. the f. narrower than he can wrap hims. in 30. 1. that cnver with a c. bat not of my Spirit 22, ye shall defile the e. of thy jp-aven images 50. 3. I clothe heavens, and mak«>. sackc. their c. f'Et'*.28.13. every precious stone was thy c. sardius 1 Cor. II . 1 10. a wtiman ought to have a c. 1 5. glory to her, for her hair is civen her for a c. iVtf Hadgi.k's sAint. COVERING. Find. 25 20 c. the mercy seat with their wings Anm. 4. 5. Aaron shall t^ike down the c. vail I'-.eJi-. 28. 16. I will destroy thee. O c. cherub .Mal.2. 1 3. I have done c, altar of the Lord with tears COVERlNfi.S. Piov. 7- 16. decked my bed with e. of tapestry 31. 22. she maketh herself c. of tapestry COVERS. Fsod. 25. 29. make c. \\ 37. 16. he made his c. Au//i. 4. 7. put thereon c. to cover withal COVERT Sicuifics, [1] /In unt&race, or shadv place. 1 Sam. 'ib. 20. [2] A thicket for ntld' heasts. Job 38. 40. [3] Something made to shelier the jieojde from the weather on the sahhath ; or some costly chair of state, wherein tht kings of Judah used ut hear the priests etfound the law on the sah bath. 2 Kings ItJ. 18, [4] Christ Jesus, the saints' shelter, defence, or refuse, Isa. 32, 2. 1 S.im. 25. 20. Abigail came down by c. of the hill i A"i«ijJi6,18.the f. for the sahbathAhaz took down /(■/' 3(). 40. when lions abide in the c. to lie in wail 40. 21. behemoth lieth in the c. of the reed I'tal. 61. 4. I will trust in the «-. of thy wings ha. 4 6. a tabernacle forar. Irom storm and rain 16. 4, be thou a e. to them from the face of spoiler 32. 2. a man shall be a c. from the tempest ier. 25.38. he hath forsaken his c. as a lion COV El'. TAts word is sometimes taken in a good tense, as in I Cor. 12. 31, Covet earnestly the best gifts. 7'Aij covetovsness 11 ^ood and commendable, when spiritual blessings are earnestli/ desired and sought after. But most cotnmonli/ it is taken in a bad tense, for an eager and immoderate desire after earthly things. Josh. 7- 21. Prov. 21.'i*5, Covelousnes* it called idolatry. Col. 3. 5. he- tause the covetous man places that love, delight. oW confidene* in rtchtt tvhtch are due lu Cod lUO l.OU al"ne. This s\n is tondemned ir. all .tort' of personi, and is etpressly forbidden by the tenth commandment, Thou slialt nut covet, Ejwd. 20, 17. iiuch as are addicted to this sin, are haled of God, Psal. 10. 3. They are cruel and op- pressive, Mic. 2. 2. The riches they are so eager in the pursuit of, prove but poison to kill them, and thus they are miserable. Job 20. 15, I6, 17. Prov. 1. 19- The twrdmate love of wealth does likewise betray men to manifold sins, and ex- poses them to manifold 'njferings ; both from themselves, in denying thcmtehes the comfort of their estates ; and from others, ae extortioners, thieves, and the file, Deut. 16. I9. Eccl. 4.8. Mat. 26. 15. 1 Tim. G. 10. £x^rf.20,17. thou shalt not c. thy neighbour's house, wife, norservaJit, Deut, 5. 21. liotn. 7.7- | 13.9. A/if. 2. 2. they c. fields and take them by violence 1 Cor. 12. 31. but c. earnestly the best gifts 14. 39. c. to prophesy, and forbid not to speak COVETED. Josh. 7. 21. Achan said, then 1 c. them, took them ■lets 20. 33, I have c. no man's silver or gold 1 Ttm. 6, 10. which while some c. after tbev erred COVETETII. Proi>. 21. 26. he c. greedily all the daylong Hub. 2. 9- woe to him that c. ao evil covetousness COVEIOUS. Psal. 10. 3. the wicked blesseth c.whom Ld, abhors Z-iiX-tfld. 14, Pharisees who were f. heard these things 1 Cor. 5. 10. yet not altogether with the c. 11. if any brother be c. with such not to eat 6. 10. nor c. shall inherit king, of God, iC/i/i. 5. 5. 1 Ttm. 3, 3, a bishop then must not be c. 2 Tim.:i.2. in the last tim- s men shall be c. boasters 2 J*et. 2. 14. an heart exercised with c. practices COVETOUSNESS. Exod. 18.21. provide able men, men hating c. Psal. 119, ;t6. iricline not my heart to c. I'rov. 28.16. he thathatethr. shall prolong his days Isa. 57. 17. for the iniquity of his c. was I wroth Jer. 6. 13. every one is given to c. 8. 10, 22. 17, thy eyes and heart are not but for thy r. 31 .13. thine end is come, and the measure of thyc. Ezck: 33. 31. but their hf-art goelh after their c. Hub. 2. 9- woe to him that coveleih an evil c. Miiik 7. 22. out of the heart proceedelh c. Luke 12. 15, he said, take heed, and beware of c. Rom. 1.29. being fillfd with all c. fornication 2 Cor. 9, 5. as a matter of bounty, and not of c. Eph.5. 3. but f.let it not be once named among you t'y/, 3. 5. mortify your uiemb.and r. which is idolatry 1 Thess. 2, 5. nor at any 'ime used we a cloke oi c. Heb. 13. 5. let your coineisation be without c. 2/'e<.2.3.lhro' c.shall they make merchand. of you COULD Oen. 27.1.^hen Isaac w.is old, so that he c. not see Ext d. 8. IK. did so to bring furth lice, but c. not 1 •Sam. 3.2.Kli's eyes began to wax dim, he c.not see 1 Aings 14. 4. Ahijali f, not see his ejes were set 2 A iw§j 3. 26, to break tokin^cf Edom, butc. not 1 Chron. 21. 30, but David c. not go before it 2 Chron, 13. 7. RnehoLoam c. not withstand them /*ja/.37.36.yea, I sought him, but he f. not be found /ja.5.4. what c. have been done more to vineyard } Jer. 15. 1 . my mind c. not he toward this people Jonah 1.13. men rowed to bring it to land, but c. not A/a r/ 6. 19 -therefore Ilerodi as had a quarrel against John, and would have killed hiji, but she c. not 9. 18. cast him out, and they c. not, Luke 9. 4u. 14, 8. she hath done what she f. she is come John1\. 25. the world c. not contain the books Acts 13, 39, from which yef. not be ju'.tified by law COULUESr. Jer. 3.5. and hast done evil things as thou c. E'.ek. 16. 28. and vet thou c. not be satisfied COULTER, S. 1 Sam. 13. 20. Israel went to sharpen each his c. 21. they had a Qle for their c. and the forks COUNCIL. 2 Sam. 23.+ 23. David set Benaiah over his f. Mat. S.22. shall say, Raca, shall be in danger off. 2(i 5i).the c. sought false witness, Mark 14.55. Mui ^I5.1,wh»le r.boundJes. and carried him away Lnke^l. 66. the elders led Jesus into their c, John 11.47 the chief priests gathered ac.Wcrj 5.21. .7("/i 4. 15. had commanded them to go out of ihe c. 5. 27- thi-y brought and set tltcm before the r. 34, then stood there up one in the c. a Pharisee 41. and thi'y departed from the c. njoicing 6. 12. cau^lit Stephen, and brought him to the c, 15. all in the c. looking on him, saw bis f.ice 22. 30. he commanded all their c. to appear 23. 15. ye villi the c, signify to the chief captain 24. 20. any evil in me, while I stood before the c. COUNCILS, il/ar. 10.17. they will deliver yi^uup tof.Jl/orii3.g. COUNSEL Signifies, [1] Advice. Prov 20. 18. Dan. 4. 27- [2] Cod's purpose u*ff decicc. Acts 4, 28. I'S] cou The directions of his wo'd, tke inotu^nt of hi» Spirit, and the kindness of his piovideitctt P.sal 7-1. 24. (4) His will or doctiine concerning Ihe uav of salvation. Luke 7. 30. Acts 20. 27 [5] The dCMgns, thou-^htt, and most secret reso lutions, I Cor. 4. 5. Christ Jesus is called Counsellor, I»a. 9. 6. Oji account of his infinite wisdom. Col. 2. [2] On account if his willingness to instruct af, give couiuel to men ; as also, to plead their cmuy, before his throne. Rev. 3. 18. 1 John 2. 1. Exod. 18. 19. hearken to me, I will give thee c. Amw. 27 ,2 [.before Eleazar, who shall ask c. for Inn 31 ,16. these caused Isr. thro' the c. of Balaam, is commit trespass against L. in the matter of Peo. Z)^/r.32.28.areanationvoid ofc.nor isunderstand. Josh. 9. 14. asked not c. at cbe mouth of the Lord Judg. 20. 7. behold, give here your advice and c 2 -"iam.lb.^l. turnc, of Ahithophel into foolishne>. 16.23. so was all the c. of Ahithophel with Da\ id 17. 14. the L. defeated the good c, of Ahitho^jhe 20. 18, saying, they shall surely ask c. at Abe 1 Kings 1. 12. let me, 1 uray thee, give thee c. 12.8. forsook thee, of old men, 13. 2Chr. 10.8,1.3. 2 A ings 6. 8. king of Syria took c, with his servauia 18. 20. I have c. and strength for war, /ja. 36. 5. 1 Chron. 10. 13. so Saul died for asking c. of on*- 2 Chron. 22.5. Ahaziah walked after their c. 25. 16. king said, art thou made of the king's c. * 30. 2, the king had tcdien c. to keep the passover 23. the assembly took c. to keep other seven days Eira 10.3. according to the c. of my lord, and ihow 8. according to the c. of the princes and elden Neh. 4- 15. God hath brought their c. to nought Job 5.13. the c. of the froward is carried heaolong 10. 3. Emd should shine upon the c. of the wicked 12.13. wisdom and strength he hathf. and underst 21. 16. the c. of the wicked is far from me, 22. 18. 38. 2. who is this that darkeneih c. by words ? 42.3. who is he that hidelh c. without knowledge .' Piul. 1. 1, that walketh not in the c. of the ungodly 14, 6. you have shamed the c. of the poor 16. 7. I will bless the Lord, who hath given me c. 20.4. the Lord grant thee, and fulfil all thy c. 31.13. while they took c. together against me 33. 10. Lord brings the c. of the heath, to nought 55, 14. we took sweet c. together, and «'alked 64. 2. hide me from the secret c. of the wicked 68. 27. the princes of Judah and their c. 73. 24. thou shalt guide rae with thy c. afterwanJ 83. 3. they have taken crafty c. against thy peopU 106. 13. they wailed not for his c. but lusted 43. but they provoked him with their c. 107. 11. they contemned the r. of the Most High Prov. 8.14. f. is mine, snund wisdom. I am uudersl. 11 .14. where nof. is, the pe-iple fall, but in multit, 12. 15, but he that hearkeiieth unto e. is wise 15, 22. without c, purposes are disappointed 19- 20. hear c. and receive instruction, that thou 2u. 5. c. in the heart of man is like deep water 18. every purpose is established by c. and witf' 21. 30. there is no wisdom nor c. against the I, 24. 6. for by wist c. thou shalt make thy war 27 .9.50 dcih the sweetness of a friend by hearty e Isa. 5. 19, let the c. of the Holy One draw nigh 7- 5. they have taken evil c. against thee, sayL'ig 11.2. spirit off. and might shall rest upon him 19. 3. and I will destroy the c. of Egypt 11. the f.of counsellors of Phar.is become brutish 23. 8. who hath taken this c. against Tvre r 28. 29, from the Lord, who is wonderful in c. 29.15. that seek deep to hide c. from the Lord 40. 1 13. who being of his c. hath taught him ? 14. with whom to'ik he c.f who instructed him 44. C'6. and performeth the c. of his messengers Jer. 18. 18. nor shall c. perish from the wise 23. thou knowest all their f.againat me to slay mo 19- 7* 1 will make void r. of Judah and Jeru^^l€IIl 32, 19. mighty God, great inc. mighty in work 38, 15. if I give thee r.wilt not thou hearken to m 49.7 .is f. perished frmnprudent ? is wisd. vanished 30.thc king of lial-ylon huh taken c. against yoo Ezck. 7. 26. and c. shall perish from the ancienti 11. 2. and that give wicked e. in this city 13. t 9- they shall not be in the c. of my people Dan. 2. 14. David answered with c. and wisdom llos. 4. 12. my people ask cat their stocks and stall .1/ic. 4. 12. neither understand they his c. Ztch. 6. 1 :i. the f.of peace shall he between them boli Mill. 12. 11. the Pharisees held a e. against him 27- 7. they took c. and bought the potter's fiela 28. IS. when they had taken c. they gave monej Maik 3. 6. they took c. against Jesus, Jchn 11. 53. /.n*c23. 51. he had not consented to the r. of their John 18.14. now Caiaphasw.-is he whogave c. .his 4. 28, what thy f. determined before to be dom 5. .S3, when they heard, they took e. to slay thuffl 38. if this c. be of men, it will come to noufjhl 9. 23. al'ter that the Jews took c. to kill him 27.42 ihe soldiers' f was to kill the priWD'^c CO0 Eph. 1. 11. whi workcth after the r. of hii own will lJe6. 6. 17' to shew the immutability of his c. COUNSf.L of God or Lord, /tidg. 18. 5. they said, ask c. we pray thee of God 20. 18. the children of Israel asked c. <»/"Gu,/, 2.1. 1 S^»i.l4.37.SauI asked c. o/' Gurf, shall ! godown- Pja/.33.11.lhec. .4.9.isthereuu king in thee? is thy c. perished ? y«A. 1. 11. there is come out of thee a wicked c. HJark 15. 43. Joseph an honourable c, Luke 23, 50. i»'c/«.ll.34.whoknown mind of L. who been his t .f COUNSELLOKS. tChr. 22.4- they were his c. after his father's death Ezra 4. 5. they h i red c. against them, to frustrate 7- J 4. as thou art sent of the king, and his seven c. 28. extended mercy to nie before the king and c. R. 25. gold, which the king and bis c. had offered ioh 3.14. been at rest with kings and c. of the earth J 2. 17-leadelhc. away spoiled, makes judges fools r'ja/.lig.24. thy testimonies are my delight and c. Prop. 11. 14, in the multitude of c. is safety, 24. 6. 1 2. 20. deceit in heart, but to the c. of peace is joy 15. 22. in the multilude of c.they are established Js'j. 1. 26. I will restore thy c. asat the beginning 19. H. counsel of wise c. of Fharaoh i^ brutish Ihji. 3.24. said to his c. did we not cast three men ? 27. the king's c. being gathered, saw these men 4.36. my c. and my lords sought unto me 6. 7. all the c. and the captains have consulted COUNSELS. So& 37. 12. and it is turned round about by his c. PsaU 5. 10. O God, let ihem fall by their own c. 81. 12. and they walked in their own e, ProvA.S. man of understand, shall attain to wise c. 12. 5. but the c. of the wicked are deceit 22. CO. have not I written excellent things in c. ? Isa. 25. 1. thy c. of old are faithrulness and truth 47. 13. are wearied in the multilude of thy c. .^'li'. 7- 24. walked in thee, of their evil heart host H. 6. devoiir them, because of their own c. Mic. 6. 16. ye walk in the c. of the house of Ahab 1C07-.4. 5. will make manifest the c. of the heart COUNT. Exod, 12. 4. shall make your c. for the Iamb COUNT, rer&. "Lev. 23. 15. c. Iromthe morrow after the sjbbath 25. 27. let him c. the years of the sale, 52. }^nm. 23. 10. who can c. the dust of Jacob f - Sam. 1. lO. c. not me for a daughter of Belial ho 19. 15. and my maids c. me for a stranger 31. 4. doth not he see my ways, c all my steps : f^isi. »7- 6. the Lord shall c. when be wrileth 130 13, if I g^ them, thev are uioi« than the sand 101 ecu P^al. 139. 22. I hate them, 1 c. them mine enemies .l/j>.6-ll.sha)l I r. them pure with wicked balances Alts 20. 24. neither c 1 my life dear to myself P/ii/.3.8.i call things loss, and do f .them but dung 13. I c. not myself to have apprehended, but this 2 Thess.\. W.QoA would r.youworlhy of this calling 3. 15. c. him not as an enemy, but admonish him 1 'J'im.6. 1. f. their masters worthy of all honour Piii/e/ri. 17. if thou c. me a pnrtner, receive him Jam. 1. 2. c. it joy when ye fall into temptations 5. 11. behold, we f. theoi happy which endure 2 I'et. C.13. as they that c, it pleasure to riot in day 3. 9* Lord is not slack, as some men c. slackness Hep. 13. IH let him c. the number of the beast COUNTED. Gen. 15. 6. Abram believed, and he c. it to him for righteousness, P.t. 106. 31. Rom. 4. 3. Gai.3.6. 30. 3.1 the sheep that shall he c. stolen with me 3L 15. are we note, of him strangers .-' sold us I hingi 3, 8. that cannot be numbered ore. for mult. 1 Chron. 21. (i. but Levi and Benjamin c. he not A>/j. 13. 1.1. for they were c. faithful, office was Job 18. 3. wherefore we are c. as beasts and vile 41. eg. darts are c. as stubble, langheth at shaking Pial. 44. 22. we are c. as sheep for the slaughter 88. 4, I am c. with them that go down to the pit Prov. 17.28. even a fool, when he holdeth his peace is c. wise, and hi: that shuiteth his lips is a man 27. 14. rising early, it shall be c. a curse to him Aiff.5.28. their horses' hoofs shall be c. like fli 32. 15. and the fruitful field be c. for a forest 33. 18. where is he that c. the towers ? 40, 15. the nations are c. as small dust of balance 17. all nations are c. 10 him less than nothing IIns.8. 12. but they were c as a strange thing Mai. 14.5. they f. Iiim asai>rophet, Mark II. 32 Luke 21. 36. be c. worthy to escape these things Acts 5.41. rejnicmtj that they were e. worthy 19- 10 they burned their books, and c. the price h'om. 2, 26. nncircumcision be f. for circumcision 4. 5. to nini believelh, his failh isc. for righteous. 9-8, but the children of promise are c. for his seed P/iil. 3.7. what were gain, those I c. loss for (.'lui^ 2 Ihess. 1. 5, be c. worthy of the kingdom of Ciod I Jim. 1.12. enabled me, for that he c. me faithful 5. 17, let elders be c. worthy of double honour Ueb. 3, 3. this man was c. worthy of more glory 7. 6. he whose descent is not c. from them 10. 2g. hath c. blood of the covenant unholy thing See Accounted. COUNTETH, ING. Job 19, 11. he f, me as one of bis enemies, 33. 10. EccL 7. 27. c. one by one, to find out the account L.iike 14, 28. sitteth not down first, and c. the cost COUNTENANCE Signifies, [1] The face, or lisage, ISam. 16. 7. [2] Love, favour, and affection. Gen. 31. 5. [3] Brightness, festivity, or alacrity, Dan. 5.6. [4] Cod's love and favour, manifested by the graces and bevefits :i:hich he bes'ious upon hii people, Psal. 4. 6. Because mai by their coun- tenance diicoier their anger, or love ; hence it is that when it is attributed to God, who is said Sometimes to lift up the light of his coun- tenance upon his people, at other times to hide his face, or countenance, it signifts eitbei his grace and favour , or his anger, or displeasure. Gen. ^.5. Cain was very wroth, and his c. fell 34. + 16. the damsel was good of c. a virgin 31.2. Jacob beheld the c. of Laban, and behold 5. I see jour father's c. that it is not toward me Num. 6. 126. the Lord lift up his c. upon thee Dent. 28. 50. Lord will bring a nation of fierce c, Judg. 13. 6. and c. was like the c. of an angel 1 6jim. 1, 18. Hannah, her c. was no more sad 16. 7. look not on hist, or the height of his stature 12, now David was of a beautiful c. 17. 42. 25. 3. Abigail \\2Sam. 14.27. Tamar of a faire, 2 6i7ni. 23. t 21. he slew an Egyptian, a man of < . 2 Rings 5. + 1, Naaman was a man lifted up in c. 8. 11. he settled his c. stedfastly on Hazatl i\V/(.2,2.why isthy c. sad, seeing thou art not sick ' 3. why should not my c. be sad, when the cily Job 14.20. thou changest hisc.and sendest him away 29. 24. and the light of my c. they cast not down Psal. 4. 6. I^rd, lifl up the ligirt of thy c. upon us 10,4. the wicked, thro' pride of e, will not seek O, 11.7- righteous Ld. his c. doth behold the upright 21, 6. thou hast made him glad with thy c. 42. 5. I shall yet praise him for the ht'lp of liis c. II. who is the health of my c, and my G"i\. 13.5 44. 3. but the light of ihy e. did save ihem 80. 16. they perish at the rebuke of thy c. 89. 15. shall walk, O Lord, in the light of ihyc. 90. 8, hast set our secret sins in the light of iby c. Prov. 15 13. a merry heart maketh a cheerful c. 16. 15. in the light of the king's c. is life 25. 23. sn doih the angry i. a backbiting tongiie 27 17. so a man sharpeneth the c. of his friend Ace. 7.3 ly sadness of c the heart is made- btlU;r Cant. 2. 14. let me see thy c. thy c. is tomei; 5. 15. his c. is as Lebanon, excellent as cedars Isa. 3. t 3. I,ord doth take away man eminent in c 9. the shew of their c. doth witness against tt>ei»i Kzek. 27.35. they shall be troubled in their e. Dan. 5.6. then king's c. w?.s changed, and thought 8. 23, a king of fierce c. shall stand up Mat. 6. 16. be not as the hypocrites, of a sad ( 28. 3. his c. was like lightning, Luke 9. 29. Acts 2. 28. shall make nje full ofjoy with thy e, iCor. 3. 1 .couXd not behold Moses for gloi-y of his e liev. 1. 16. and his e. was as the sun shinelU See Chanced. COUNTENANCE. Liod.Z3t3*TiOT shah thou e.a poor man in his causp COUNIENANCES. Dan. I 13. then let our c. be looked upon before thee 15. their c. appeared fairer and falter in tlebh COUNTERVAIL. Esth.1 .\, though enemy could not f. king's damag« COUNJ RY. Gen. 19. 28. and lo, the smoke of the c. went up 24. 4. but thou shall go to my c. and my kindred 29. C6. Laban said it must not be so done in our c, 30. 25. send me away, that I may go lo my c. 34. 2. Shecbem the prince of the c. saw her 42, 33. the man, the Lord of the c. said unto us Num. 15.13. all born in the c. shall do these things 32. 4. the c. which the Lord smote before Israel Deul. 26. 3. I am come into the c. L. sware to give Josh. 2,2. there came out men to search out the c.3, 7.2. Joshua sent, saying, go up and view the c. Judg. 11. 21. Israel possessed the land of that c 16. 24. our enemy and the destroyer of our c. liuth 1. 2. and they came into the c. of Moab 22. who returned out of the c. of Moab 2 Sam. 15. 23. all thy c. wept with a loud voice 2 1,1 4. bones of Saul buried they in r. of Benjamin 1 h'in-s 20.27. but the Syrians filled the c. 2 htngs 3. 20. and the c. was filled with water Virt, 1.7. your e. is desolate,your cities burnt with fire 20. ) 6. the inhabitants of this c. shall say 22. 18. he will toss thee like a ball in a large c. Jer. 22.10. he shall not return, nor see bis native e. 31. 8. behold I will bring them from the north c. 48.21. and judg.;jent is come upon the plain c. 50.9. cause an assembly to iioie from the north c. 51, t 49. at Babylon fall ihe slain of all the c. Lztk. 20. 38. 1 will bring them forth out of the c, 25. 9. glory of the c. Bethjeshi-raoth, Baal-meori 47.22. they .shall te to you as born in the r. Jonah-^.1. mysayii)g, when I was yet in my c. Mic. 1 . 1 1 1 . ihe inhabitants of c.of flocks came noi il/(ii'.9.31.lhey spread abroad his fame in all that c. Mark 5. 10. thai he would not send them out of c. 14. told it in the city, and in the c. Luke 8. 34. Luke 15.15. he joined himself lo a citizen of that £- Acts 12.20. because their c.was nounshfdby k.'sr, 27-27. shipmen deemed they drew near to some c /Vi'^.l 1.9. sojourned in land of prom. as in strange c. 14. they declare plainly that they seek a c. lb- and truly if they had beenndndful of that r, 16, now they desire a better c. that is an heavenlj Far COUNTRY. Josh. 9. 6. they said we be come from z-far c. Q. 1 Ai«g.f8.41.out of a^a;f.for thy sake, 2C7jy.6.32. 2 liings 20. 14, Ilezekiah said, they are come irijiu z.far c. even from Babylon, Isa. 3y. 3. Prop. 25. 25. so is goud news from a. for c. Isa. 13. 5. from Z-far c. to destroy the whole lairl 46.11. man that executetli my counsel ivon\jar c. Jer. 4. It), publish, that Watchers come from afai c. 8. 19. because of them that dwell in afar c. Mat. 21.:i3. househd. went inloa/«rc. Mark 12 1. C5.14.kingd.of heaven is as a man trav. \i\io f ar c. Luke 15.13.5 ounger son lo^k his journey into_/ar c. Gun COUNJIIY. I.ep.1 6. 29. whether one ofyouro.e. 17.15. | 24.22. 1 hiitgs 10. 13. she turned and went to her «w/i c. 11. 21. let nie depart, that I may goto my cjin r. 22. 36. a proclamation every man to his own c. Jer. 51. g. let us go evtry one to his owji c. Mat. 2. 12. they departed into their ouin c. 13. 57. save in h}s oun c.Mark6.*. Liike4. 24. Markd. 1. he went thence and came into his-^oun t John 4. 44. a prophet hath no honour in his otvn v. Thy COUNIRY. Gen. 12. 1. Abram, get thee oat oi thy r. Acts ?. 3 32. 9. return to thy e. and to thy kind. I will deal V?(w(. 20. 17- let us pass, I pray thee, thro' thy c. Jonah 1.8. what is thy c. ? of what people art ihou Luke 4. 23. heard done in Capern. do [,ere in thy c COUNTRY-VILLAGES. 1 Sam* 6. 18. both of fenced cities and c.-iiUa^ei COUN'IRYMEN. ? Co*-.! 1.26. in journeying, in perils by mine own e. 1 'J'hess.i 14.ye have suffered like things of vourr. COUNJIllKS. GfM.26.3.to thee and thy seed will 1 give these c .4, 41. 57. all c.came into f g^pi lo loseph to buy cora cou - Kin^s 18.35. who among all f. that have delivered ICftr, CCS. house of fame and t;lory throughout c, Chron, £0. Sp. the fear of God was on all those c. EtraZ.i- fear on them, because of people of those c. 4.20, michty kings who have niied over all r. Psal.WQ.Q. he shall wound the heads over many c. l.sa.R.Q. and give ear all ye of far 41so the false chta-ch. Rev. U.S. £jtK/.27.9. thou shalt make the courtof the labem. shall be hangings for the c. 35.17. | 38. y. | 39. 40. 12. breadth of the c. 13. 1| 18. length of the c. 19. all the pins of the c. .15. 18. || 38. 20, 31. 40. 8. and thou shalt set up the c. round about Lev 6. 16- in the c. ofthe tabernacle shall eat it, 26. 2 Sam. 17. 18. a man which had a well in his c. 2 Kings^O. 4. afore Isaiah was gone into middle c. 2 Chron. 20. 5. Jehoshaphat stood before the new c. 24. 21. they stoned Zechariah in c. of Lerd's house 29. 16. brought out the uncleanness into the c. Esth .5. 1 . Esther stood in the inner c. of king's house 6. 4. and the king said, who is in the e./ 5. servants said, behold Ilaman standeth in the c. Jsa. 34. 13. habitation of dragons, and a c. for owls 35.-f ?■ shall be a c. for reeds and rushes Jer. 19. 1 I.Jeremiah stood in the c. of Lord's house 26. 2. stand in the c. of the Lord's house and speak 32. 2. and Jeremiah the prophet was shut up in the c. of the prison, 3.1. 1. | 3Q. 15. 38.6., 'hey cast Jeremiah into the dungeon in ihec. Ezei. 8. 7, he brought me to the door of the c. I6. 10. 3. thepian went in, the cloud filled the inner c. 40.17. he bi mcht me into outward (7.42.1. ] 46.21. 28. he brought me to the inner c. and measured 43. 5. the Spirit brought me into the inner c. 45. 19. put blood upon the cate of the inner c. 46. 21. in every corner of the c. there was a c. Amosl, 13. king's chapel, and it is the king's c. Acts 16. f 19. they drew Paul and Silas into the c. 17- + 22. Paul stood inside of r. of the Areopagites 19- 1 38. thef. days are kept, there are deputies Phil. 1 . + 13. my bonds are manifest in Caesar's c Rev. 11. 2. the c, without the temple, leave out COURTS. 2 Kings 21.5. l\Ian.-\ss«-h built altars for all the host of hea\en in the two c. 2 Chron. 33. 5. 23. 12. allars ia the two c. Josiah brake down 1 Chron. 23. 28. their office was to wait in the c. 28. 6. Solomon shall build my house and my c. 12. David gave Solomon the patteni of the c. 2 Chron. 23. 5. all the people shall be in the c. Psal.dS.i. approaches to thee.lhat he dwell inthyc. 84. 2. my soul fainteth for the c. of the Lord 92. 13. they shall flourish in the r. of our God 96.8. bring an offering and come into his c. 100. 4. enter into his c. with praise, be thankful to 116. ig. pay my vows in the c. ofthe lord's house 135. 2. ye that stand in the c. ofthe house of God /'d. 1. 12. who harh required this to tread my c. . 62. 9- they shall drink in the c. of my holiness Ezei. 9. 7. and fill the c. with the slain, go ye forth Zech. 3.7. ihoushaltjudgemy house, and keep my r LuieT. 23. they that live delicately are in king's c COURTEOUS. I Pet. 3. 8. love as brethren, be pitiful, be c. COUKTEOUSLY. Ar/sQT. 3. Julius (-.entreated Paul and gave liberty 28. 7. Publius received us and lodged us 3 days c, COURTIER. Ji'hn i. t 46. there was a certain c. whose son was COUSIN. l-uite 1. 36. thy c. Elisabeth hath conceived a son COUSINS. I.uie 1. 58. her neighbours and c. heard how L. ^ COW. I^i . 22. 28. whether c. or ewe, ye shall not kill it yum. 18. 17, firsthngof a r. thou shalt not redeem Job 21.10. their c. calveih, and castelh not her calf Isa. 7.21. a man nourisheth a young v. aid two sheep 11. 7, and the c. and the hear shall fcid, lion eat I'.zeJc. 4. 15. I have given thee c. dung for man's Amns 4. 3. every c. at that which is before her CRACKLING. Ei-ci. 7 .6. as c. of thorns under a pot, so is laughter CRACK NEI-S. I Kinss 14.^. takfl with thee ten loaves and c. CKAVV. Dan.Q.e5. thro'llis policy shall cause c. to prosper Mari 14. 1. takf? him by c. and put him to death Acts 18. 3. because he was ofthe same c. abode with 19. 25. ye know that by this c. we have wealth 27. so that not only this oiir c. is in danger liev. 18 22. no craftsman of whatsoever c. he be CRAI-TILY. Judg. 9. * 31 he sent messengers to Abiraelech r. CRE OR A rn NESS. Job 5. 13. he taketh the wise in theirc. 1 Cor. 3. 19 EtiAe 20. 23. but he perceived their c. and said Cor. 4. 2. not walking in c. nor handling the worl Evh. 4, 14. we be no more carried by cunning c CRAtTY. Job 5. 12. he disappointed the di-vices of the c. 15. 5. and thou choosest the tongue of the c. /'.fa/.83.3,have taken c. counsel against thy peopls 2 Cor. 12. 16. beinR c. I caught you with guiltt CRAFTSJIAN. Deut. 2"- 15. the work of the hands of the t. liei\ la 22. no e. shall be found anv more i;i il.ee CRAFISMEN. 2A'in^jC4.14 carried away all thee, and smiths.lO 1 Chron. 4. 14. of Charashim, for they were c, Neh. 11. 35. Lod and Ono. the valley of c. Hos. 13. 2. molten imnges, all of it the work of c. Alls 19. 24. Demetrius brought no sniiill gain to c. 38. if the c. have a matter against any man CRAG. Job 39. 28. the eagle abideth on the c. of the rock CRANE. Isa. 38. 14. like a c. or swallow so did I chatter Jer. 8. 7. c. and swallow obser\e the time 'jf'<:oming CRASHING. Ztvh. 1. 10. there shall be a great c. from the hills CRAVED. A/ar-f 15. 43. Joseph went in, and c. the body of Jesus CRAVETH. Prov. 16 26. labours for himself, his mouia i-. tt CREATE Signifies, [1] 'Jo make out of nothing, to hrtn» being out of non-entity. Gen. 1. 1, [2] To change the form, stale, ayid siinatioj of matter, uhich is wholly iiidtsposed for sucA a change, and requires as great pouer as to make out of nothing. Gen. 1. 21. ) 2. 19-_ m To give arid Tiork grace where it is Jiot, P.ph. 2. 10. [4] 7c cleanse the heart more and more froir. its ikj- tnral corrvption bu the pouer of sanctifying grace, Psal. 51. lo'. Num. If. t 30. but if the Lord c. a creature Psal. 51. 10. c. in me a clean heart, O God, r.'new Isa. 4.5. c. on every dwelling-place of Zion a cloud 45. 7. I form the" light and c. darkness, I c. evil 57. 19. I f. the fruit of the lips, peace to him 65. 17. behold, 1 c. new heavens and aueweaith IB. be glad and rejoice forever iu that which 1 c. CREATED. Gen . 1 . 1 . in the beginning God e. heaven and earth 21. God c. great whales and every living creature 27. so God c. man in his own image, in the image of God, male and female c. he them, 5, 2. 2. 3. in it he had rested from all he r. and made 6.7. Lord s.iid, I will destroy man whom 1 havec. Deut. 4. 32. since the day God c. man on tlie earth Psal. 89. 12. the north and south ihou haste, them 102. 18. people which shall be c. shall praise Lord 104.30. thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are c. 148. 5, for he commanded, and they were c. La. 40. 26. behold who hath c. these things 41. 20. anil the holy One of Israel hath c. it 42. 5. saith Lor.l. he that c. the heavens 43.1. the L. that c. thue. O Jacob, and formed t bet 7.havec.him for my glory, yea, I have made him 45. 8. let the earth open, 1 the Lord have c. it 12. I have made the earth, and r. man upon it 18. he hath established it. c. it not in vain 48, 7. they are c. now, and not from the beginning 54. 16, I have c. the smith, 1 havec. the waster Jer. 31.22. for the Luidlnthc. 0 new thing in earth £zfX .21.30. I will judge ihtc where thou wast c. 28. 13. prepared in the day th.it thnu wast c. 15. wast perfect ft-om the- d.iy that thou waste. iWa/.2.10. have one father, hath not nne God c us ? Mark 13.19. from beginning ofcreat. whit h God c. 1 Cor. 11.9. neither was the man c. for the woman £;/A.2,10.we are his workmanship c. in Christ Jesus 3. 9. hid in God, who c. all things by Jesus Christ 4. 24. the new man, after God c. in righteousness Col. 1. 16. forby him were all things c. in heaven, all things were (. by him, and for him 3. 10. new man after the image of liim that c. him 1 'iiwj.4.3.from meats which God r. to ba received Rev. 4. 11. thou art worthy, for ihou hast c. all ibincs, and for thy plcasurf they aiT, and were c. 10. 6. who c. heaven and tli*' things that therein ar« CKl'.AlEill. Amos 4. 1 3. he that c. the wind, the Lord is his name CREATION. Mark 10. 6. from the c. God made male and female 13. 19. as was imt from the beginning ofthe c. Uo»i.\ .fio.thi/igs of him from the c. arc clearly seen 8. 22. for we know that the whole c. groaneth 2 ]'el.3. 4. ihiiiKScontii.ue as they were from the c. Rev. 3.14. the A men. the beginning of the c. of God CREATOR. i-Jfc/.12,1.n-mcmbpr Ihy f. in the days of thy youth Jsa. 40.28. the Lord, the c. of the ends of the earth CRl Is,t. 4-1. 15. I am the Lord, thef. of Isratl, youT 'k. \om.\ 25.who served the creature nioie than tlier. 1 /'cf. 4. 19- lo 1*'™ ill well-doiti':; as to a faathful c. CREATIRE. 't H. 1. 20. let waters tiring furih the moving c, I fi', 11. 46. this is the law of everj- f. that moveth > .'(7«. l6. + 30.iftbe Lord create a new c. Mnrk 16.15. preach the c;ospel to every c-Col.1.^3. [' '/ri.B.iy. the earnest expectaliou of thee, waiteth ■JO. for the c. was made subject to vanity 21 . the c. shall be delivered from the bondage t 22. that every cgroaneth and travaileth iu pain 39. nor any c. shall be able to separate us 2 (.'or. 5. 17 - if any man be in Christ, he is a new c. Cia/. 6. 15. Dor uncircumcision, but a uewc. C(>/. 1. 15. who is the first-born of every c. \ Tim. 4. 4. for eve y c. of God is good, if it be Heb, 4. 1*1. nor is t.^ere any c ihat is not manifest i^ey.S.lS.everv^.in hea\en heard I,sayin5,blessing Living CREATURE. Gen. 1. 21. and God created every living c. 24. (rod said, 1ft theeairth brinj; forth the living c. 2. 19. whatsuerer Adam called every living c. 9. 10. establish my covenant with every living c 12. the token between me and every living c. 15. lev. 1 1. 46. the law of every liiingc. that moveth .£r(i. 1.20. spirit of//i'i«g c. was wiihin, 21. | 10. I7. 10. 15. the living ctbat I saw bv river Chebar, 20. CREATURES. ha- 1.3. 21. their houses shall be full of doleful c. J'im. 1, 16. should be a kind of first-fruits of his c liev. 8. g. a third part of the c. in the sea died Living CREATURES. Ezck. 1. 5. came the likeness of four living c. 13. it went up and down among the lt> i"g c. 14. living c. ran, aud returned as lightning 15. as 1 belield living c.oue wheel hy living c. 19. when the living c. went, the wheels went 3. 13, 1 heard noise of the wings of the living c. CREDITOR. Vent. 15. e. every c. that lendeth shall release it 1 ■Srtm.22.1 2.every one that had a c. went to David 2 Kings 4.1. c. is come to take my two sons bond, 4. + 7. he said, go, sell the oil, aud pay the c. Lviel. 41. there was 3 certain c. who had two CRlDirORS. [debtors Isa. 50. 1. to whii h of my c. have I sold you ? CREEK. S. Judg. 5. 1 17. Asher continued on the c. and abode ^cii 27-39they discovered a certain f. with a shore CREEP. Lev. 11 .31 . these are unci . to you among all that c. Pial. 104. 20. the beasts of the forest do c. forth 2 Vim. 3. 6. of this sort are thev who c. into houses CREEPEJH. G^«.l-25.G.made every thing that c. on earth, 26, t 28. hare dominion over every liv, thing that c. 30. have given to every thing c. herb for 7. 8. every thing that c. went in two and two, 14, 21. all flesh died of every thing that c.on earth 8. 17- bring forth wiih thee ev.ry thing that c. w ly. whatsoever e on the earth went out of ark Lev. 11. 41. every creeping thing that c. on the earth shall be an abomination. 43. 44. | 20.25. Deal. 4. 18. likeness of any thing that con ground Ptal. 6g. t 34. let evei*y thing that c. praise him CREE^l^G. Cgn. 1. + 20. let waters bring forth c. creature 26. let them have dominion over every c. thing 7.14. every c. thing after his kind went into ark Lev. 5. 2. touch the carcase of unclean c. things 11. 21. yet these may ye eat, of every c. thing 22, 5. or whosoever toucheth any c. thing Jteui. 14. 19. every c. thing that Hieth is uncleaJi 1 A'iHs.f 4. 33. spake of beasts, c. things and fishes /','"/. l04. 25. in the sea are c. things innumerable 1 J8. 10. all cattle, c. things praise the Lord J ze/c. 8. 10. form of c. things pourtrayed on wall 38. 20. all c. things shall shake at my presence iV(^j.2.18.I will make a covenant with the c. things Mic. 7. 1 17. move out of their holes like c. things Ilab. 1. 14. and maketh men as the c. things h colour, about a quarter oJ an inch diurneler, generaltv divided into (uo equal cavities, the greatest of jvhtch is /nil of' a v*Ai/,4. 1. dearly belf^v. andlonpedfor.myjoy and c. 1 T/iest. 2. 19. for what is our hope, or c. of rejoicing 2 7'iwi. 4.8. there is laid up for me a c of righteous. Jam. 1.12. he shall receiver, oflife Lord promised 1 Pet. 5. 4. ye sh;ill receive a c. of glory fadeth not iiev.i. 10. faithful to death, I will give a f. oflife 3. 11. hold that fast, that no man take thy c. 6. S. ar. given to him, and went forth conquering CROWN o/gold. llxod. 25. 11. thou shalt make upon it a c- of gold round about, 2*. ] 30. 3. I 37- 2. 11, 12. 2b. EjM.B.lii.Mordecai went out witti a great c. of gold Psai. 21.3.thou&ettest a c. of pure g. /Von his head CROWN wiih lu-ad. Gen. 49.26. they shall be on the c. of Joseph's head Veut. 33.20. teareth the arm with the c. of the /lend S Ham. 1. 10. I took the c. that was upon his head 12.30. took king's c. from his, head, 1 C/ir. 20.2. 14.25. from the sole even to c. of his head, Job^.'i. hsih. 2. 17 the k\n% set the royal c. on her head 6. 8. the c. royal which is set u^ton his head Jgb ly. y. he hath taken the c. from my head J.ta.3.17.Lord will smite with a scab the c. ot head Jer. 2. 16. have broken the c. of thy head 48.45. the c. ot the head of the tumultuous ones La-n. 5.16. thee, is fallen from our head, woe tons ^sek. 16. 12. I put a beautiful c. on thme head Mat. 27. 2y. they platted ac. of thorns, and put it on his head, Mark 13. 17- John ly. 2. Pev. 12. 1. and upon her head a c. of twelve stars 14. 14. having on his head a golden c. and a sickle CROWN. I'e.b. Psai. 5. t 12. with favour wilt thou f. him, as with CROWNliD. Psai. 8 5. thou hast c. him with glory and honour Prov. 14. >b. the prudent are c. with knowledge Con/. 3.11 the crown wherewith his mother t. him Nah. 3 17. thy c. are as locusts, and thy captains 2 I'im. 2. 5. he is not c. except he strive lawluUy JJe&. 2. 9. ue see Jesus c. with glory andhonour CROWN Eusr. Ifet. 2. 7. thou c. him with glory and honour CRUWNESI. Psai. 65. II. thou c. the vear with thy goodness cuow'neih. Ptal. 103. 4. who c. thee with loving-kindness CROWKINO. Jja. 23. 8. taken counsel against Jyre the c. city CROWNS. 1 Chroti. 2. 1 M. the c. of the house of Joab £tei. 23. 42. which put beautiful c. on their heads Zech. 6. 11. make c. || 14. thee, shall be to Heleni Jiev. 4. 4. the elders had on their heads c. of gold lO.andlhey cast their (-.before the throne, saying 9. 7. 00 the locust's heads were c. like gold 12. 3. a red dragon having seven c. on his beads 13. 1. a beast rise up, having upnn his horns ten c. J9. 12. and on his bead were many c CRUCIFY. J^tat. 20. 19. shall deliverhim to Oentiles to c. him 23. 34. some of them ye shall kill.and c.and scourge 27. 31. they led him away toe. him, Mark 15. 20 Mark 15.13. and they cned out again, f.him^ 14. 27. and with him they c two thie\-es, the one JLu*i^l.21. they cried c, him.e. him,/c/{« ly. 6,15. lleb. 6. 6. they c. to themselves the Son of God CRUCiriLU. [afresh i/rtr.26.2.Sonof Man is betrayed to be c.LitkeQi.l 27. 22. they all said unto him, let him be c. 23. 26. Pilate delivered him to be c. John I9. I6. 35. e. him and parted his garments, John ly. 23. 38. there were there two thieves e. with him, 44. Mark 15 32. Luke 23. 33. Jolat 19.18. C8. 5.1 know ye seek Jesus who wasr, A/ofil6. 6. J'/iM ly. 20. for the place where Jesus was c. 41. Acts 2. 23. by wicked hands ye have c. and slain 36. made Jesus, whom ye c. L. and C. 4. 10. J't>m.6 6- knowing that onr old man is e. with him 1 Cor. 1.1 3. is Christ divided ? was Paulc. for you ' 23. we preach C. e, unto the Jews a stumbling 2, 2. know any thing, save Jesus C. and him c. 8. they would not havi- c. the Lord of glory tC*ijr.l3.4.for tho* he was c. through weakness, yet ""a/. 2.20. 1 am e. with Christ, neverlheless, I live 3. 1. Christ hath been set forth, c. among a. 24. they that are Christ's have c. the Hesh with 6. 14. by whom the world is r. to me, 1 to world '^.^t. 11.8, and Egypt, where also our Lord w js c CHIIF.L. Oen. 49. 7. cursed be their wrath, for it was r. Eacd. O. 9. but they hearkered not for c bondage C\l\ Dent. 32. 33. their wine as the c. venom of asrs Job 30. 21 . thou art become r. to me, thou opposest Psai. 25. ly. mine enemies hate me with c. hatred 71.4. deh'.er me out of the hand of the c. man Piov. 5. y. lest thou give thy y^-ars to the c. n. 17. but he that is c. troubleth his own Hesh 12.10. hut the tender mercies of the wicked are c. 17. 11. a c. messen'.;er shall be sent against him 27. 4. wrath is c. l| Cant.H. 6. jealousy is c. hu. 13. y. behold, the day of the Lordcometh, r. ly. 4. the Egypli-ins will 1 give overto a c. lord Jer. 6. 23. they are r. ajid have no mercy, 50. 42. 30. 14. wounded with chastisement of a c. one Law. 4. 3. the daughter of my people is becomee. Heb. 11. 36. others had trial of c. mockings CRUELLY. Ezek. 18. 18. because he c. oppressed, he shall dip CRUELiV. Gen.4y. 5. instruments of c. are in their habitations Judg. 9. 24. the c. done to the sons of Jerubbaal Psai. 27. 12. such as breathe out c. are risen up 74.20. dark places are full of the habitations of c. Piov. 27. 1 4. wrath is c. anger is outrageous Lzek. 34. 4. with force and c. haveye ruled them CHUMHS. Mat. 15. 27. yet the dogs eat of the f . which fall from their master's table, Muik 7. 28. Luke Iti. 21 . to be fed with c. which fell from rich CRUSE. 1 Sam. 26. 11. take spear and c. of water let us go 12. so David took the spear and he c. 16. 1 Kings 14. 3. take with thee a c. of honey and go 17. 12. she said, I have but a little oil in a c. 14. nor c,. of oil fail, till the Lord send rain, I6. 19. 6. Elijah had a c. of water at his head 2 hings 2. 20. bring me anew c. and put salt therein CRUSH. Job 39. 15. ostrich forgettelh her foot may c. them /-a«t. 1.15. assembly against me to c. myyoungmen 3. 34. to c. under his feet all the prisoners of earth .■J;/ii»i4. 1. ye kiue of Bashaii which c. the needy CRUSHED. CRUSH r. Xet,22.24. ye shall not offer to ihe Lord what is ]Sum. 22.-25. the ass c. Ealaam's foot against wall Deut. 28. 33. shalt be only oppressed and c. alway Judg. 10. I 8. the Philistines c. the child, of Isr. 2C/jr. 16. 1 10. Asa c. some of thepeniile same time J('A4. 19. ill the dust, which arte, before ihe moth 5.4. his children far from safely are c. in the gate 20. + ly. 1 ecause he hath c. and forsaken the poor 34. 1 25. be oveiturnelh them, so that they are c La. 5y.5. that which isr. breakclh outinto a viper Jer. 51. 34. Kebach.idiic7.zar the king hath c. me CRY Is taken yiir a loud exlendnig of the voice, Eccl. 9, 17. Mat. 21. 15. Alio Jot xeeeving, mounting and lamentation, F.xod. 11. 6. ] 12. 30. In the Psalms, ajtd eUeuhere, it is often put for fervent and earnest piauer, either with the voice, or in tlu heart inly, Psai. 17. 1, Attend unto my cry Lxod. 14. 15, God savs to Moses,^ Whcrcfori criest thou unto me i Though as yet Moses had taid notAing. To cry, likewise signifies, to coll to Godjor vengeance. Gen. 4. 10. Hins are sntdto cry, uhen they are grow, manifest, and imf/udcnt, and snch as highly provoke God to anger ; lints the cry of the sttis and ii regularities of Sodom tended up to heaven, and called for vengeance. Gen. 18.20. I looked for righteousness, but behold a crj", Jso. 5. 7. The cry of the oppressed, pray- ing tor helpj'rom men, and vengeance from God upon their oppressors. The prophets, by prosopo- peias, frequently make beasts, trees, mouniauu, lands, and cities, to speak. 'I he young ravens crj-, and speak their wants toGod after their manner, Psai. 147. 9. A" Isa. 15.4. | ';(4. 14. Joel 1.20. Gen. 18. 21. according to the c. which is come up / . ■ ...... *«M5.0.andh'?c.toflie Lord a^tiiTij-/ thee, 24. 15. iChron. 13- 12. hii priests to c. alarm against yo\i Job 31. 38. if my land c. against me, or the furrows Jonah 1. 2. arise, go to JJ ineveh, and c. agaittst it CKY alou>l. . Kinsis 18.27. Elijah said, c. ahnd, for he is a god Job 19.7- I *• ahtuf, bat there is no judgment Pfai. 55. 17- M hoon will I prav and c. aloud Isa.m. 14. they sliall c. alond irom the sea 54. 1. sioLi, break forth into siiising, and c. altmd 58. 1. c. aloiid, spare not, lift »? thy voice like a //.'J. 5.8. trumpet in Ramah, c. aloud at Beth-aven Mie. 4. y. why dost thou c. aloud * is there no king <. R Y to the Lord. 1 >i.im 7. 8. cease not to c. unto the Lord for us /Vu/. 107. 19- tliey c. to the Lord in trouble, 28. /.(/. 19. '-0. they shall c.ti'L,ord,he ause of oppressors J''-l 1. 14. sanctify ye a fast, and c. to the Lord Mic. 3. 4. shall c. to the Lord, but he will not hear CRY out. \iiam. 2. tS4. ye make the Lord's people to r. out 4. ttg.Phinehas'wife was willichild,nearto c. out 8 18. Te shall c. out that day, because of your k. Job 19. 7- I c. out of wrong, but I am not heard 35. y. they c. out by reason of the arm of mighty ha. 12. G.c.out and shout, thou inhabitant of '/Aon 15. 4. the armed soldiers of Moab shall e. out 5. my heart shall c. ottt for Moab, his fugitives Sy. 9 stay yourselves and wonder, c. out and cr> Jer. 48.31. I will howl, and c. out for all Moab Lcm.2.ig. arise, c. out in the night, in the watches Amos 3. 4. will a youn^ linn c. out of his den ? IJab. 1 . 2. 1 r. out to thee, but thou wilt not save 2. 11. for the stone shall c. out of the wall Mark 10,47. he began toe. entt a'ld say, have mercy LuJiit ig 40. the stones would immediately c. out CRILU. Cen. 27. 34. Esau c. with a great and bitter cry 39. ] 5. he heard that 1 lifted up my voice and c, 41. 43. and they c. before him, bow the knee 55. people e. to Pharaoh for bread, go to Joseph 45. 1. he c. cause every man to go out from me lU^,i,3. 15. th» officers came and f . to Pharaoh A um .11,2. the people c. to Moses, and he prayed Veut. 22- 24. stone them, the damsel, bee. she c. uot 27. the damsel c. and there was none to save her Ji'ds- 5. 28. Sisera's mother c. through the lattice 7- 21. and all the host ran and c. and Hed 10. 12. and ye e. to me, and I delivered yon 15. t 19- called the name the well of him that c. I Sam.\4. +19. Saul and the people were c. together 17- 8. he stood and c. to the armies of Israel 20. 37- Jonathan c. after the lad, and said, 38. 'Sam. 20. ItJ. then c. a wise woman out of the city C2. 7 . I f . to my God. and he did hear my voice 1 hiuzt 13. 2. he c. ag. the altar in Beth-el, 4. 32. 18. 28. and thcv c. aloud, and cut themselves C Kvigs^. 12. Lli'ihasaw it. ande- my father, my 3. t21. all the Moabites were c. together 6- 5- he c. alas, master, for it was borrowed 8. 5. the woman c. to the king for her house 11.14. and Athaliah c. treason, treason 1 Chron. 5. 20. they c. to God in the battle, and he 2 C/irtm. 32. 20. Isaiah prayd and c. to heaven \e/i. 9. 27. when they c. to thee thou heardesf, 28. Job 17. t 14, I have c. to corruption, my father 29. 12. because I delivered the poor that c. 30.5. they c. after them, as after a thief Psal. 18, 6- in my distress I e. unto my Gnd 41. they c. but there was none to save them 22- 5. they c, to thee and were delivered 24. but when he c. unto him he heard 30. 2. O Lord my God, I c. tolhee,and hast healed e. I e. to thee, O Lord, and made supplication 51 . 22. heardest my supplications when I c. to thee 34. 6, this poor man r, and the Lord heard him %. 17. I c. unto him with my mouth, 77. 1. 38. 1. O Lord, I h,!"" c. day and ni^iht before thee .3. unto thee have 1 c. O Lord, in the morning 119. 145. I c. with my whole heart, hear me 130. 1. out of the depths have I e. to thee, <_) Lord 18'. 3. in the day wh^n I c, thou answeredst me la. 6.4, the posts moved at the voice of him ihatc, 30.7. therefore I c. concerning this, their strengtli •/tr 4. 20, destruction upon destruction is c .for l&nd 1*. ^G- tbv brethren c. after thee fully 105 CRY Etek. 9. 8. that I fell on my face and c. anrl said 10. 13. it was c. to them in my hearing, U nheel Dan. 6,20. he c. with a lamentable voice, O Dan, Jtoi. 7. 14. they have not c, to nie with their heart Jonah 1. 5. the mariners c. every man to his god 2. 2, I r. by reason of mine athii tion, to the Lord, and he heard me ; out of the belly of hell c. 1 Zcch. 7-13. that as her. aud they would nolhear,so they c. aJid I would not hear, sailh L, of hosts Mat. 14. 30, Peter c. saying, Loitl save me 20. 31. but they c. the more, saying, have mercy on us, O Lord, Mark 10. 48. J.uke 18, 39*. Mark 9. 26. the spirit c. and rent mm sore John 7- 37. Jesus c. if any man thirst, lei him come Acts 19- 32. somec- one thing,some another, 21, .'>4, 22, 24. might know wheref. they c. so against him Rev. 10. 3. when her. seven thunders uttered voice.> 12. 2- and she being with child, c. travailing in 1I-.18, c. with a loud cry to him that had sickle 18. 2, he f. mightily with a strong voice, saying 18. c. when they saw the smoke of her burning 19. they c. weeping and wailing saying, alas.alas CRIED M the I^yrd. F.T.8 12.Mosesf.roZ.. 15.25. ] 17.4. yum. 12.13. 14,10. Isr.f.roy_.Jw.l6. when wee to L. he heard. Dent. 26.7- Ji^^h. 24. 7. when they c. to the L. he put darkness 1 Ham.T. g. Sam. c. toL. 15. ll.||l A'in^/17.20. Elijah, 21. 2 A'iM. 20,11, Isa, cfoZ. 2 C^r, 14.1 I.Asa f. to L. 2C7ir. 13.14. they c. to L. Pj. 107.6.13. J.-n. 1.14. Pial. 3 4. 1 c re L, with my voice, 120. 1. | 142.1- Lam. 2, 18. their heart r. to L. O daughter of Zion CRIED loith a loud voice. 1 Sam. 2R. 1 2. woman at Kn-dor c. with a loud voice IHam. 19,4. V)Vi\\'S.c.-!i:ith hud voice, O Absalnm,my 2 Ai«»j18.28. Rabshakehc.ii'iVA/. f, /ja. 36. 13. iVM.g. 4. Lev.c, ri'iM/. v. \\Bsek. 11. 13, Ezek.c. Mat. 27.46. about ninth hour Jes. c. v^ith a I. voice 50. Mark 15. 34, .37- Luke 23. 46. John U, 43, A/rt;.l,26.evilspir. f. inVA /. v.\\Aits l6_.28. Panic. Acts 7 .57 - Steph. enemies c. with /. v. || 00. Steph, c. Hev. 6. 10, they c. with loud v. saying, how long, O 7. 2. the angel c. -unth a /fud voice, 10. 3- ] 19. 17. 10. mult, stood before Lamb c. u-ilh a loud voice CRIED ottt. I Sam. 4.13. all the city c. otjrjjS.lO.Ekronitesf. out 1 A i>i§/ 22.32. Jehoshaphat f. oii/, 2 C/jron. 18.31, 2 hi}t^j\. 40. they c. oiit, there is death in the pot y^r. 20. 8. I c. out, I cried violence and spoil Mat. 8- 2g. behold, the spirits c. out, J.uke 4. 33. 14. 26. the disciples e. out for fear, Mark 6, 4g. 20. 30. the blind men c. out, have mercy upon us (1/arX 1. 23. the man with an unclean spirit c. cnt 9. 24. the father of the child c, out, Luke g. 38, 15.13. and they c. out again, crucify him, Mai.'ZI . 23. Luke 23. 18. John \g. 6. Acts 19, 28. they c. out, saying, great is Diana, 34, 22. 23. as they c. out, and threw dust in the air 23. 6. Paul c. out in the council, I am a Pharisee CRIE.ST, ETH. Gen. 4.10. the voice of thy brother's blood c. to me t'-xod. 14, 15. wherefore c. thou to roe ?"speak to 22. 27. when he c. unto me, that I will hear 1 •)>am. 26. 14. who art thou that c. to the king.' Job 24. 12. and the soul of the wounded c. out I'sal. 72. 12. he shall deliver the needy when he c. 84. 2. my heart aiid flc-^h c. out for the living God Prov. 1.20. wisdom c. without, 8. 3- | 9. 3. 2. 3. yea, if thou c. after knowledge, and liftest Isa. 26.17. like as a woman thatc. out in her pangs 40. 3. the voice of him that c. in the wilderness 57. 13. when thou c. let companies deliver thee Jer. 12. 8. my heritage c. out against me 30. 15. why c. thou for thine affliction ? Mtc. 6,9- Lord's voice c. to the city, hear the rod Mat. 15.23. send her away, for she c. after us Luieg 39. he suddenly r. out. and it tearethhim ftotn g.27- Esaias also f. concerning l5rael,though Jam. 5. 4. behold, the hire of the labourers c. CRYING. 1 Sam. 4. 14. when Eli heard the noise of the c. 2 ■'Sam. 13. 19- I amar put aslies, and went on e. Job .39. 7- nor regardeth he the c. of the driver Prov. 19. 18, and let not thy soul spare for his c. 30. 15. the horse-leech hath two daughters c. give Isa. 22. 5. it is a day of c. to the mountains 24. 11. there is a c. for wine in the streets (>5. ly. voire of c. shall be no more heard in her Jer. 48- 3. a voice of c. shall be from Iloronaim /^tch. 4.7. shall bring forth the head-stone withe, Mai. 2. 13. covering the altar "f the Lord with c. Mat. 3. 3, voice of one c. in the wilderness, pre pare, Mark 1. 3- Lui; 3. 4. John 1. 23. 21. 15. a^d saw the chiMren r. in the temple Luke'k. 41. devils f. ih'>u art Christ, the Son of G Acts 8. 7. for UTicK-an spirits c. came out of many 14. 14, they ran in among the people, e. out 21. 28- laid hands on him, c. out, men of Israel 36. the Djul.itude followed, c. away with him CLP Cfol. 4. 6, Spirit into your hearl.^; Abba Fatfirf Ueb. 5. 7. he offered up pr ivers with strong c. liev. 21. 4. there will he no mure death nor c. CRYSTAL. Job 28, 17. the gold and the e. cannot equ^l it Ezek. 1. 22. firmament was as colour of terrible liev. 4. 6, there was a sea of glass like unto c. 21 - 11. the light of the greit city was clear as r. 22. 1 . a pure river of water of life, cleai s c CUB Il- ls the distance from the elbow bendina inwaidf /j the eitieniily of the ntiddle finger • this is cullea a common cubit, the cubit oj a man, containing u foot and an half , or half a yard, Deyt. 3. 11. There is likewise the sacred cubit, uhtch is a full yard, and contains two common cubits ; J'here u mention made of both these sorts of cubits, in 1 Kings 7- 15. and 2 Chron. 3. 15. In the former the two columns if brass tih%ch uere in Solomon's temple, are said to be eigh' teen cubits high; and m the Chronicles, ihirit/- five cubits: which is double the other. Some are of opinion, that the cubit which Jioah made use of when he built the ark, was equal to six com- mon cubits , they call this a geometrical cubit. Gen. 6, 16- in a c. shall thou finish the ark above Deut. 3. 11. the breadth of ii, after the c. of a man 1 Kings 7. 24. the knops compassing it, ten in a c. 2 Chron. 4. 3- ten in a c. compassing the sea about Ezek. 43. 13. the c. is a c. and an hand breadth iUfl/.6.27.can add oner. to his stature, /..(.it 12. 25. CUBITS. Ge7i. 6. 15. length of the ark 300 c. breadth 50 c. 7. 20, fifteen c- upward did the waters prevail Esod. 25.10. two f. and a half the length of the ark 1 Sam. n. 4. Goliath's height six f and a span 1 Kings 6. 2. length of the house 60. t- breadth 20. 23, each of the cherubims was ten e. high 7. 38. and every laver was four c. high 2 Kin«s 14. 13.Jehoash brake down the walls of Je- rusalem, 400 c. 2 Chron. 25. 23. Ezra 6. 3. the heighi 60 c the breadth 60f, Eith.5. 14. let a gallows be made fifty f, high.7. 9. Ezek. 40. 23. he measured from gate to gate 100 e. 47. the court 100 c. \\ 43. 17. the settle 14. c . 41. 2, and the breadth of the door was ten c. 9. the thickness of the wall was five c. 43. 16. and the altar shall be twelve c. long L)an. 3. 1. the height of the image was 60 c. Zcch. 5. 2. the length of the flying roll is 20 c. John 21 . 8. they were '^rom land as it were 200 c. tlev.ll.i'i . He measured the wall of the city 144 e CUCKOW. Lev. 11. 16. e. have in abomination, Deut. 14. 15 CUCUMBERS. Num. 11.5- ve remember she c and tie melons Jsa. 1.8. Zion is h-ft as a lodge in a garden of c Cvu; see Chew and Chewlth. CUMBERED. Luke 10. 40. Martha was c. about much serving' CUMBERETH. Luke 13, 7. cut it down, why c. it the ground? CUMBRA^CE. Deut. 1. 12. how can I myself alone hear yourc' CUMMIN. Tsa. 28, 25. doth he not scatter the c. and cast in 27. nor is a cart-wheel uraed about upon the c. but the c. is beaten out with a roa Mat. 23. 23. woe to vou scribes, ye pay tithes of c CUNNING. G^n.25.27.the boys grew, and Esau was a r .hunt«r Exod. 26. 1. with chenibims of c. work, 36. 8. 28. 15. thou shait make the breast-plate of c.worlc 31. 4. to devise c. works in gold and silver 38 23. Aholiab a c. workman and embroiderer 39. 8. he made the breast-plate of c. work I Sam. 16. 16. a man who is a c. player on an harp 18. I have seen a son of Jesse that is r.in playing 1 Chron. 25. 7. all that were c. in songs, were 288 2 Chron. 2. 7. send me a man c. to work in gold 13. I have sent a c. man of Huram my father's Pfij/.58.t5.not hearken, be the charmer never so c. 137. 5. if I forget, let my right hand forget her '-. Prop. 19-125. and the simple will be c. Cant. 7. 1. thy joints, the work of ^ c. workman La. 3. 3. I wdl take away the c. artificer 40. 20, he seekeih to him a c. workman to prepare Jer. 9. 17. send for c. women that they may come 10. 9. thej' are all the work of e. men CiM}\. 1. 4. children well favoured, c. in knowledge J/os. 6.t8. Gilead is a city c. for blood //'/*. 4, 14. and carried about bye. craftiness,whereb CUN SINGLY. 2 Pet.l.\6.v/e have not followed f. devised fable*. CUP. This word is taken in Scripture in a proper, and in a figurative sense. In a proper sense it sig- nifies a material cup, which people drink out oJ at meals. Gen. 40. 13. In the figurative senm it ts laien, (\) For th4 wint in fhj cup, 1 Cur. CUP :l. S7. fSJ For those suffert-igs and ajptciions xMch Oud iC'ids jij'oji a person or people: To Jnnk of :h:s ni/i, signijiei in undergo and en- dirre those iKltenrr^s : Isa. 51. 17, Sland up, O .leriisalem, wtiirh hast drunk at the hand of th( Lord the cup of liis fury. P'at. 75. 8. In tin handof the Lord thtie is a cup, the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall wring them oat, and drink them. Jn thtise and the iikepassage. God is command to the master of a Jeast, uht then used to diitiid.ite portiojts of meats or drinks *v' the several gtie\ts, ns he thought jit. Our Sa t'toiir prays. Mat. C6. 39, Let this cup pas; ''rom me. Let me he /reed from these s-ufferings 6oth in my soiU and body .* .Ind he tells his dis- ciples, Mat. 20. 23. I'hat they should indeed drink of his cup; that is, They shuxdd taste of inijlard affiictiotis and desertions, and have their share of outward sufferings for the gospel, as well as Imnself. (3) For Cod's blessings andjavoiirs, I'sal. 23: 5. Babvtou is called a golden cup, Jer. 51. 7- because of her great richcs and plenty. And it is said of the wj/n'iH annyed in purple, or of the anii- christian cltwch, that she had a golden cup in her hand, Hcv. 17. 4. ichich may denote the en ticing means, and specioJts pretences, which sh uses to allure people to idolatry, particularly by sensualitii, lururtt, and affluence. 1 will take'the cup of salvation, Psal.WQ. 13. 7 will offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving unto God. Je denotes joy and thanksgiving, and is a phrase taken from 'the common practice of the Jews in their thank offerings, ill which a feast was made of the remainder of their sacrifices, and the offer. ers, together with the priest, did eac and dritik before lite Lord ; and, among other rites, the master of the feast took a aip of wine into hi hand, and solemnly blessed Oodfor it, and fo the mercy which was then acknowledged ; and then gave it to all the guests, of which every oiu did drink in his turn, 1 Chron. l6. 2, 3. To uhich custom it is supposed that our blessed Loid alludes in the institution of the cup, ivhich also is called the cup of blessing, 1 Cor. 10. I6. Cen. 40. 11. and Pharaoh's c. was in mine hand 4'2. 2. put my c. my silver c. in the sack's mouth B -Sam. 12. 3. it drank of its own c. and lay in bosom 1 A'jwgj 7.26. wrought like brim of ac. 2 Chr.i. 5 Psal. 11. 6. this shall be the portion of their c. l6. 5. the Lord is the portion of my c. thou e:i. 5. thou anointest my head, my c. runneth over 73. 10. waters of a full cup are wrung out to them 75. 8. in the hand of the Lord there is a c. U6. 13. 1 will take the c. of salvation and call on Prov. 23. 31. when it giveth its colour in the <- La. 51. 17. whiuh hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the c. the dregs of the c. of trembling 22. taken out of thy hand the c. of trembling. hr. IG.7. nor shall men give theme, of consolation 25. 15. take the wine-<7. of his fury at my hand 17. then took I the c. at the Lord's hand 'J8. if they refuse to take the c. at thine hand 41,). 12. whose judgment was not to drink the c. 51. 7. BabyloQ hath been a golden f. in the hand I rim. 4.21. thee also shall pass through to thee L-ti. 23. 31. 1 will give her <•. into thine hand j2.thou shall drink of thy sister's r.deep and large y/uA.S.lG.c.of the Lord'sright hand shall be turned ^ffA.l2.2. 1 will make Jerusalem a c.of trembhng /!/oons and e. Mark *• 4. as the washing of c. aud pots, 8. CURDLED. Job 10. 10. hast not thou c. me like cheese < CURE. Jer. 33. 6. behold. 1 will bring it health and c. 46. 1 11. daughter of Lgjpt, no c. shall be to thee CURE, ED. Jer. 33. 6. I will c. them aud will Kveal peace 4(i. 11. (J daughter of E^ypt, thou shall not be c. H.'s.5. 13. yjt could he not c. you of your wound Mrit. 17. 16. thy disciples, they could not c. him 18. the cliild was c. from that very hour Luke 7'. 21. HI that same hour he c. many 9- 1. he gave them power to c. diseases John 5. 10. the Jews said to him that was c. CURES. Luke 13. 32. I cast out devils, I do c. to-day and CURIOUS. Z;rtfrf.28.8.c. Rirdle,27.28. | 29.5. | 3g. 5.Ler.8.T. 35. 32. and to devise c. works, to work in gold Acts 19-1 9- many of them that used r. arts brought CURIOUSLY. Psal. 139. 15. and c. wrought in the lowest puns CURLED. Cant. 5. 1 11. his locks are c. aud black as araven CURRENT. Oeit. 23. 16. e. ninnev with the merchant CURSE. To curse, signifies to rmpiecate, to call down mi. chief upon, or to wish evil to: Noah airsed h, grandson Canaan, Gen. 9- 25. Cursed be Ca- naan ; may he be hateful to Cod, abhorred men, arid miserable in his person and posterity. Jacob cursed the fury of his two sons Simeon and Levi, u-ho massacred the Shechemites, and plmtdered their city, Gen. 4y. 7. Moses enjoin, the people of Israel to denounce curses against the vtolaters of the la:v, Deul. 27. 15, l6, ^^jc, And Joshua cursed him uho should undeitake to build Jericho, Josh. 6. 26. These curses were either ordained by God himself, and pronounced iv men abounding with the Spirit ; or were pre- dictions of what evil should happen to a person, or people, uttered in the terms of imprecations, whtjh had their accomplishment : They were not Ihe effects of passioii, impatience, or revenge, and therefore were not such ai Cod condemns in his law, aud in his word. For example : he or- dains that no one shall prentme to curse his father, or his mother upon pain of death, Exod. 21. 17. Jfe shall Jiot wish any mischief to be- ful them, nor use any kind of malicious reviling speeches, which argue a contempt of his parents, lie ordains that 710 07ie curse the piince of hi.- people, Exod. 22. 28. or one that is deaf, Lev, 19- 14. In the gospel, our Saviour pronounces those of his di.uiples to be bles.scd, who are loaded with curses, and reijuires them to bless those that curse them, to render blessing foi cursiiv:,. Mat. 3. 11. Luke 6. 28. Rom. 12. 14 Qiod denounced his curse agninst the serpent which seduced Eve, imd against the earth, which ihcnet- forth was to produce briers and thorns : tt should produce both fewer atid worse fruits, and thtil with more trouble tf mett's minds and labour of their bodies. Gen. 3. 14. 17. He cursed Cain also, who had imbrued his hands in his brother Abel's blood, Gen. 4. 11. He was devoted to destruction, castjiut from Cod's presence and the communion of the church, and the society of his kindred and acquaintance, and wandeied from one country to another by leason of the trouble and peiplexity of his conseience. 'The divine jnalcdictions are not merely imprecations, impo- tent and fruitless desires ; they carry tht effects with them, and are attended with all the miseries deuomtced by Cod. Gen. 27. 12. 1 shall bring a c. on me, not a blessing 13. his mother said, upon me be thy c. my son Num. 5. 18. afid the priest have in his hand the bitter water that causeth the c. M), 22,24,27. 27. the woman shall be a c. among her people Deur.\\.9.^. I set before you a blessing and c. 30.1. 28. a c. if you will not obey the couim and meats 29. and shall put the c. upon mount I'.bal 21. +23. he thnt is hanged is the c. of God 23. 5. God turned the c. into a blessing, A'c^.l3.2. 29. 19. when he heareth the words of thia c. Josh. 6. 18. and make the camp of Israel a c. Judg. 9. 57. on them came the c. of Jotbam 1 AiH^r 2. 8. who cursed me with a grievous c. 2 Ain§,v22. 19. that they should become a c. Neh. 10. 29. they entered into a c. and into an oath Job 31.30. nor to sin by wishing a c. to his sou! Prov. 3. 33. ther. of Lord is in the house of wicked 26. 2. so ihe c, causeless "hall not come 27. 14. rising early it shall oe counted a e. to him 28. 27. that bideth his eyes shall have manyar. Jsa. 24. 6. therefore hiUh the c. devoured the eanh OCR Isa.34. 5. it shall come down on the pft^nl*- of nij c 43. 28. therelore I have giv^n Jacob to tht *. 65.15. shall leave your name for a r. to my chosen Jer. 24.9. I will deliver them to be a launi and at- 25. 18. I 29. 18. I 42. 18. 1 44. 8. 1.2 26.6. 1 will make this city a c. to all nations 44. 22. therefore is your land a c. at this day 49.13. 1 have sworn that Uozrah shall become a e Lam. 3. 65. give ihem sorrow, thj c. mito them J->an. y. 11. therefore the c. is poured upon us Zech. 5. 3. this is the c. thai goeth forth over earth B. 13. that as we were a c. among the heachea Alal. 2.2. if ye will not hear, I will send a r. on yoo 3.9. ye are cursed with a c. for ye have robbed me 4. 6. lest 1 come and smite tlie eaith with a c. Acts 23. 12. and bound themselves under a c. 14. Cal. 3. 10. as are of the works of law, are under r. 13. Chr. redeemed us from the c. being made a c. liev. 22. 3. shall be no more c. but throne of God CURSE, Veib. G««. 8. 21. the Lord said, 1 will not f. the ground 12.3. and 1 will c. him that curseth tlu-e Lxud. 22. 28. thou shall note, the ruler of ihy peo. Lev. 19. 14. thou shall not c. the deaf, nor put a A'/i»i. £2. 6. come, 1 pray thee, c. me this peo, 17. 11. balak said, come now, c. me them, 23. 7, 13. 12. God said to Balaam, ihou shall not c. people 23. 8. how shall I c. whom God hath no: cursed .■' 11. I look thee to c. mine enemies, 24. 10. 25. neither c. them at all, uor bless ihcm at all Ikut.'ZZA. they hired Balaam to c. thee, iVc/j.1.3.2 27. l.'J. and these shall stand on mount Elial to r. Josh, 24.9. lialak king of Moab called Ba.aam to a Judg. 5. 23. c. Meroz, s.^id the angid, c. ye billertj 2 Sam. 1(3. 9. why should this dead doge, the kin;;. 10. let him c. because L. halh said, c. David, 1 1. Job 1. 11. and he will c. thee to Iby face, 2. 5. 2. 9. then said his wife to him, c. C>od and die 3. 8. let ihem c. it that c. the day, who are ready Psal. 62. 4. they bless with mouth but c. inwardly 109.28. let them c. but bless thou, when they Prov. 11. 26. withholdelh corn, people shall c. hini 24. 24. him shall the people c. nations abhor lUia 30. 10. accuse not aservanl to master, lest he f. Eccl. 7. 21. lest thou hear ihy servant c. thee 10. 20. e. not the king in thout;IU, c. not the rich ha. 8. 21. c. their king and God, and look upwaixl Jer. 13. 10. yet every one of them doth c. me Mul. 2. 2. 1 will c. your blessings, 1 have cursed Mat. 5. 44. bless them that c. you, Luke 6. 28* 26. 74. he began to c. and to swear, Maik 14. 71. Rom. 12. 14. which persecute you ; bless audc. not Jam. 3. 9- therewilh c. we men, which are made CURSED. Cen. 3. 14. the scrpeiL c. |[ 17- c. is the groaiM) 4. 11. Cain c. || 9. 25. Noah s.iid, c. be Canaan, 5. 29. because of ground which the Lord hath c. 27. 29. c. be every one that curseth, Num. 24. 9- 49.7. c. be their anger, for it was fierce and cruel Lev. 20. 9- lie hath c. his father or his mother 24. 11. blasphemed the name of the Lord and c. 11. saying, bring forth him that hath c. 23. Num. 22. 6. 1 wot that whom th'Ki cursest is c. Duet. 27, 15. c. be he, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. 28. 16. c. shall thou be in the cilv, c. in ilie field 17. c, shall be thy basket and lliy store 18. c. shall be the ft-uit of thy body and land 19- c. when ihon comesl in, when thou goesi out Josh. 6. 26. f . be the iiian that buifdelh Jericho 9. 23. now therefore ye Gibeonites are c. uone of •/'"/S. 9-27. they did eat and drink, aud c. Abimelech 21. 18. c. be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin 1 Smn. 14. 24. c. that eateth food till evening, 2ti 17. 43. and ilie I'hilistiue c. l).»vid by his gods 26. 19, but if men, c. be they before the Lord 2 Sam. 16. 5. Shimei came forth, and r. still, 7. 13 19- 21. for this, because he c the Lord's ai:oiiiled 1 /vi;iffj2.8.Sbimei whoc. me with a grievous curse 2 Kiugs 2. 24. and c. them in tlie name of the Lord 9- 34. go see now this c. woman, and burj" her Neh. 13. 25. I contended with them, and c. ihem Job 1.5. it may be my sons have sinned and c. (Jod 3. 1. then Job opened his mouth and e. his day 5. 3. foolish taking root, suddenly I r.his LabitatioQ 24. 18. their portion is c. in the earth Psal. 37. 22. they that be c, of him shall be cut off 119-21. thou hast rebukrd (he proud that are c. 1 cvl. 7. 22. knowe_st thyself likewise hast c. others Jer. 11. 3. c. be the man nbeyeth not this covenant 17- 5. c. be tbe man that trusteth in man 20. 14. e. be the day wherein I was boi-K 15. c.be the man who brought tidings to my fathei 48. 10. c. be hr- thai doelhthe Lord's work deceit. fully, c. that keepeth l»ai k his sword from blood Mai. 1. 14. bill c. be the deceiver, who haih a maU 2. 2. yea, I have r. your blessings already, because 3. 9- ye are c. «ith a curse, for je have robbed mn Mat. 25. 41. he shall say, depart from me ye c. Jo/m7-49-'peopIe whokuowHih not the \%v/p arc #• CUT Qui 3. 10. c. is every one thai continuethnotin all ;.1. c, is every one tnal hangeth on a tree S /*rr.2.14. c. thildreii, wliu liave forsaken the way CUKSKD Mi/iir. C>(«(.7.26. lest thou lie a c. //iinij, for it isac. thirty I J 17. shall cleave nouelu of the e. t. to thy baud CURSi".D6r. Jiid^. 17. 2. silver taken froui thee, which thnuf. JiJ.irk 1 1 . 2 1 . the fig-tree thou c. is withered away CUllSLS. Xum. 5. 2:i. the priest shall write these c. in a book Vfttt.'^Q. 15. that all these c. shall uoDie on thee,45. ?y. 20. all the c. thai are writleu in this book shall lie upon him, -7. 2 Chioa. 34. 24. 21. according to all ther. of the covenant in book 30 7. Lord thy G. will pui tliese c. ou thy entrai s LVorf 21.n.he thatf. his father or his mother shall surely be put to dtath, Lev. 20. y. I'rov. 2U. 20. Lev. 24.15. whosoever c. his God shall bear hii sin Prov. riO. 11. a generation that c. their father Ai'it. 15. 4. honour father and mother, he that c. father or mother, let hioi die death, Maik 7-10. CUIISING. A'um. 5.21. priest charpe woman with an oath of r. De-'t. 27, t 13. ihes shall stand for a c. on Et>al 2U.20. the Lord shall send upon thee c. in all thou Vent. 30. 19. I have set before you ble^s iis and c. p 6am. 16. 12. Lord will requite me sifl^K for his c. Piul. 10. 7. his mimlb is full off. li''m. 3. 14. 5'J. 12. and for c. and lying which they speak H19. 17. as he loved c. so let it come unto hini IH. as he clothed himself with c. as a garment l'i,iv. 29. 24. he heareth c and bewrayelh it not Jri. 23. f 10. for because ofc the Iciad monrneth itch. 6. 8. earth which beareth thorm. is mgh to c. 6.im. 3. 10. out of the same mouth blessing and c. CURSINGS. ' Josh. 8. 3i. he read all the blessings and c. CUUTAIN. Psal. 104. 2. who covereit thyself with light, who Slretchesl out the heavens like a c. Isa. 40. 22 GLRf.AlNS. F.Tod. 26. 1. make taliernacle with ten c. 2. \ 36. 9- i\«wj.4 25. the Gershimiles shall bear the c. of tab 2-S'«m.7.2.arkof Gud^welleth within c. lC/(r.l7.1 C'tiu. 1. 5. but I am comely as the ^r. ol Solomon ha.^i. 2. let them stretch forth f. of thy habitation /ef.4.20. my tents spjiled, and my c. in a moment 10. 20. none to stretch my tent, and set up my 49. 29. they shall take to themselves their c. and ilab. 3 7 . the c. of the land of Midian did tremble CUSTODV. Num. 3. 36. under c. of the sons of Merari, boards Eith. 2. 3. gather fair viri;ins to the c. of liege, 3. 14.10 the c. of Shaashgaz the king's chamberlain CUSIOM Signifies, [1] Manti^r, or way, Luke 4. I6. [2] That which has been estahlnhed by hng use, and the consent 0/ ancestors, Judg. 11. 3Q. John 18. 39. [3] A ditty paid to the ling or prince upon the importation or exportalioji of commodities., Rom. 13. 7. [4] The -jiatf ol uamen, namely the na- tural disease J'or 'xhicii they used to be put apart, Geu. ai. 35. Cen. 31. 35. for the c. of women is upon me Judg. 11. 39. and It was a c in Israel 1 Sam. 2. 13. the priests* c. with the p-'Ople was Ezia 3. 4. according to the c. Jer. 32. 11. 4. 13. then will they not pay toll, tribute, and c. 20. been mighty kings, and c. was paid lo them 7. 24. shall not be law&il to impose c. on priests Psal. 119. j 132. be merciful according to the c. Mat. 9. 9. .lesus passed forth, and saw Matthew sit ting at the receipt of c. Mark 2. 14. Lukt 5. 27 17. 25. of whom do the kings of the earth take c.i Luke 1. 9. according lo the c. of the priest's office 2. 27. to do for him after the c. of the law 42. went to Jerusalem after the c. of the feast 4. 16. as lesus' c. was, he went into the synagogue Juhn 18. 39. ye have a c. that 1 should release one Horn. 13.7. render diere fore f. to whom c . is due 1 Coi . H . 16 we have no such c. nor the churches CU.STOMS. Lev. 18. 30. commit none of these abominable c. Jer. 10. 3. for the c. of the people are vain Acts 6- i4. shall change the c. Moses delivered us 16. 21. teach c. which are not lawful to receive 21. 21. that they ought not to walk after the c. 26. 3. I know thee to be expert in all c. and quest. Se. 17. tho' I committed nothiqg against the e. CUT. Lev. 22.24. ye shall not offer to the I/ivd what is c. t xek. 1(5. 4. when born thy navel was not c. Act* 5.33. when ihey heard that, they were f. 7-54. CUT. Elforf . 3 ). S. and c. it in wires to work it in the blue Lev. 1. 6. shall c the burnt-offering into pieces, 12 8.20. he c the ram into pie<'es, Axorf. 29- 17. Jem. U. I. ye shaJl nut c yourselves nor make 107 car COT J;«/c-M.6.Iiookmyconcublneandc.hcrinpieces;i6'(/m. 21.17- so David c. <# bia Bervants wUfi 1 Ktn-s 18. 23. and c. the bullock in pieces. 33. j ^ v . ■ r 'u '^ u iheyr themselves after their manner with I 11. for m that I c. olf the skirt of thy robe _ _ for in that I r. , 0 A^i.ffT''4"i3 he c"in'pieees all the vessels of gold 28. Q. knowest how Saul halh c. t>/ the wizard; Solon.wi had made in temple. 2 Chron. 28. 24. 31. 9. and they c. ofSMVs head, and stripped oft 1 Chron. 20. 3. the people, he c. them with saws 2 Chron. 2. 8. thy servants can skill tor. liraher.lO. I Ps'il. 58. 7. he bendelh, let them be as c. in pieces 107. 16. c. the bars of iron in sunder, Isa. 23. 4. | hu 9. t 20. he shall f . mi the right and he hungry 51. t). art thju not il that hath c. Uahab ? Jir id. (). n.ir laraeul, nor c. themselves for them 3t. 18. when theyc. the calf in twain, and passed iG. 23. .le c. the roll with the penknife, and cast 41 . 5. their clothes rent, and having c. themselves 47. 5. how long wilt thou c. thyself? Dun. 2. 5. if ye^will not, ye shall be c. in pieces 3. 29. who speak against God shall be c. in pieces Imos 9. 1. and c. them in the head, all of them Jiah. 3. f 16. he will c. them with his troops i;e(7(.12.3.that burden themselves with it shall be c. his 27.140. and when they had c. the anchors CUT asunder. 2 Sam. 4. 12. they .tlew them and c. fjftlicir handa JO. 4. Haman took David's servants, and c. off their garments in tlie middle. 1 Chr. IQ. i. 20. 22. and they c. of the head of Sheba 21. ■( 5. the man that rnnsumi-d us and c. us off 1 A'mj,'j8 +25. not be cop totheeaman ni my si-ht 9. 7. then will I f. tijf Israel nnt of the land 11. ]6. till he had c. «/?' every male in Edoiii 13. 34. even to c. ojf .I'eroboani's house, 14. 14. 14.10. I willc. o^from Jerolmam him that pisseth 18. 4. when .Jezebel c. a/? the prophets of the Lord 21. 21. behold, I will c. off from Ahab him th,a pisseth against the wall, 2 kings 9. 8. 2 Kinqs 10.17. Ahaz c. oJf the borders of the ba-se 18. 16. Hezekiah c. of the gold from the doors 1 Chr. 17,8. have c.o^" all tliine enemies before tliee 2 Chr. 22. 7. Lord anointed to c. <'J/ house of Aliab 32.21. the angel toe. off all mighty men of valour Psal. 129.1. he hath c. asunder cords of the wicked J-b 4. 7- or where were the ri^httous <-.«//.' Jer. 50. 2:1. hammer of the whole earth c. asuude> Zech. 11. 10. I took staff IJeauly, and c it axjindir 14. then I catwider my other staff, even lUnd^ Mat. 24. 51. and shall c. him asunder, Lnke 12. 46. cur down, h'-xod. 34. 13. but ye shall c. doun their groves Lev. 26. 30. I will c. d^-xn your images, and cast iSnm. 13. 23. aiid c. d. from thence a branch, 24. Dent. 7. 5. ye shall break down their images, and c. doian their groves, 2 Kings 18. 4. | 23. 14. 20, 19. trees for meat thou shaft not c. down 20. the trees not for meat thou shall c. down Judg. 6. 25. and c. dawn the grove that is by it 2 Kings 19. 23. I viU f . down cedars, ha. 37 . 24. 2 Chr. 15.16. and Asa f.t/. her idol, and stamped it .34. 7. .losiah c. down all the idols in the land Jobs. 12. while in his greenness, and not c.down 14. 2. cometh forth like a flower, and is c. down 7. for there is hope of a tree if it be c. dozcti 22. 16. the wicked were c, down out of time 20. whereas our substance is not c. down Psal. 37. 2. they shall soon be c. down like grass 80. 16. branch is burnt, and is c . rfi»w.7i, they perish 90. 6. in the evening it is c. down, and withcreth 2sa. 9. 10. sycamores are c. down, but we will build 14. 12. how art thou c. down to the ground 22. 25. the nail shall be removed and c. down Jer. 22. ". they shall c. d-:.'n thy choice cedars 25. 37. the peaceable habitations are c. down 48.2. also thou shall bee. (/e c. off, and whose trus 10.11. my soul isc. <>_/? while I live, I will leave my 11. 10. if he e. off, then who can hinder him" 14. 1 10. man dieth, and is c. off. and where is he ' 18. 16. and above shall his branch he r. oJf 21.21. when number ofhis months isc. fj?"in midst 23.17. because 1 was not e. cj/" before the di.rknesi 24. 24. they are c off as the tops of ears" of corn 3d. 20. when people are c. off in their place f*.uty. 12. 3. the Lord shall c. off' aW flattering lips 31. f 17. let the wicked be c. off (or the graves 22. 1 said, I am c. off' from before thine eyes 34.16. toe. pjf remembrance of them from eariL 37 . 9. for evil doers shall be c. off, but those whc 22. they that be cursed of him, shall be c. off 28. but the seed of the wiuked shall be c. off 34. when the wicked are c. off, thou shalt see il 38. the end of the wicked shall be c. off 54. 5. he shall reward, c. them off m thy truth 75. 10. all the horns of the wicked will I c, off' 76. 12. be shall c. off' the spirit of princt^s 83. 4. they said, come, and let us c. thorn off' 88. 5. and they are c. off from thy hand 16. wrath goeth over me, terrors have c. me off 94. 23. he shall c. them off' in their wickedness 101. 5. that slandereth his neighbour will I c.off 8. that 1 may c. off'M wicked "doers from the city of the Lord log. 13. let his posterity be#.ijf and blotlt^d out 15. that the Lord may c. offihe memory of ihein 118. t lO.in the name of the Lord I will c.ihemoff 1 19. 1 139. my zeal halh c. me off, because I (.3, 12. and of thy mercy e. off mine enemies ^')rt^^2.22.but the wicked shall be c. (ijTfrom eartV 23. 18. thy expectation shall not be c.*>/f", 24. 14. Jsa. 6. ] 5. then said I, woe is me, for I am c. off y. 14. the Lord will c. off hon\ Israel head and ' lati 10, 7. to destroy and c. off nauons not a few II 13. the adversaries of Judah shall be c. off' 14. 22. I will c. off' horn Babylon the name 15. t 1. Moab is c. '>J?H2. and every beard c. off 22. 23. a burden th;it was upon it shall be c. off 29. 20. all that watch for iniquity are c. off 38. 12. he will c. me o/' with pining sickness 48.9. my praise will refrain, that I c. thee not off 19". his name should not have been c. -jf 53" 8. he was c. off out of the land of the living 55. 13. shall be for a sign that shall m be c. off' 66. 3. thatsacrificelh, as if he c. o/Ta dog's neck Jir.l. 28. truth is perished and c. ojTfrom mouth 29. c. r)jf thine hair, O Jerusalem, cast it away 9,21 .to c. off the children without, and young men 11. 19. let us c. him off ham the land of the living 44.7.10 c.ojf from you man and woman ouiof Jud. 8. that ye mightr. yourselves cjf and be acurse 44. 11. set my faceagainst you to c. rj?Judali 46. f2R. yet will I not utteriy c. thee off' 47.4. to c. off from Tyrus || 5. Ashkelon is c. iff 48. 2. come, let us c. it off from being a nation 25. the horn of Moab is c. off, his arm is broken 49. 26. all the men of war shall be c. off, 50. 30. 50. ifi. c. J/ the righleoub and the wicked, 4. 25. 7. behold, 1 will c thee off from the people l6» I will e offihe Cherethims. and destroj th» remnant of the ica-coisV CYP 'Siel. .>■>. l5. ana I will c.toff the multitude of No ■XX. 12. terrible of th»* nations have c bim off ^li 7 ■ I will c. off froni Seir him that pas^elh out 3". H. our hope is lost, we are c. off for our \ parts Pff«. 4- 14. hew down the trpe, c. off his braiulics i y. 2^1. JMesii^h shrill be r. off. but not for himself I Has. 4. t 5. c. <;^'thv mother 1 t6. people arte, off 8. 4. they have made idols, that they may be c. jf \ 10.7. .Samaria, her king is c. (;/?' as the foam, 15. 1 Jo'l 1 , 5. the new win'- is c. cjffrom your mouth, |^. iS. is not the meat c. oj/ before our eyes? I /^inos 1.5. I will c. off xhe inhabitant from Aven ! 11. I will c. cj/tlie inhabitant from Ashdod I C. .'t. I will f . off (he ,iudi;e from ihe midst thereof j 3. 14. the horns of (lie altar shall be c. off Ohad. 5. if robbers ly ni^ht, how art thou c. off I 9- every one of I'^sau may be c. off by slaughii-r I H^ and thou shall be c. off for ever 14, nor stand tor. c^' those of his that did escape ^''c. 5,q, and all thine enemies shall be c. off 10. hordes II 11, cities || 12. witchcrafts c. off I'i. thy graven imat;es will 1 c. off, Ntih. 1, 14. ^''■A. 1 . 15. for the wicked is utterly c. off 2. l^. and I will c. rjjf thy prey from the earth .■*. 15. the sword shafl c. llioe off it shall eat ///'//. 3. 17. tho'the flock sliall be c.off from the fold ^cj)/i. 1.3. 1 will c. (i/f man from ofl the land 4. r. rt/?' renin, of Tiaalji 11. that bear silver c. off 3 6, I nave c. ()/?' the nations, towers are desolate 7- so their dwelling should not be c. off Zec/i. 5.3. for every one that stealeth as on this side, I and every one that sweareth, shall be c. off ! 9. fi. I will f. ,'ff tlie pride of the rhilistmes 10, and I will c. off the chariot from Ephraim 11.8. three sheplierds also I c. off in one month y, and that, that is to be •. off, let it be c. off 13. 2. I will c. off the names oi" idols out of land 8. two parts in the land shall be c. off and die 14. 2. the residue of the people sliall not be c. off ifai.Q. 12. Lord will c.rffihe man that dolh this Mai. 5. 30, if thy right hand oflend thee, c. it off', 18.8. MaiJi 9.43, 45. Ufari 14.47. f-ojTear, £«/< 22. 50. John 18.10. 2(i. j^ifs 27. 32. the soldiers c.off Ihp ropes of the boat I-fom. 11. 22. otherwise thon shalt also be c. off' '2 Cor. 11. 12, that 1 may c. off occasion fiom them Gal. 5.12.1 would they were c. cj^'that troulile you CUT otil. S C^rmi. 2fi. 1 10. I'zziah r, otif many cisterns Job 33. 1 6. I also am c. vvt of the clay Prov. 10. 31, the froward to.ijiie shall be c. out Dan. 2. 31. a atone was r. out without hands, 45. Vom. 11,24. for if thouwert c. out of the olive-tret CUT short. 2 Kiugs 10.32. the Lord began toe. Tsrael short l\om. 9-28. will finish T^n^c.iishort in righteousness CU'J' vp. Job 30. 4, who f . up mallows by the husnes Isa. 33. 12. as thorns r. up shall they be burnt CUTTEST, ETll. Vent. 24. ig. when thou c. down thine harvest Jo6 28. 10. he c. out rivers among the rocks Psal. 29- + 7- the voice of the Lord c. flames of fire 46. 9- hf breakethbow, and c. the spear in sunder 141. 7- as when one c. and cleaveth wood on earth Prov. 26. 6. scndeth message by fool, c. oflT the feet J<^r. 10. 3. for one c. a tree out of the forest with ax 22. 14. build chambers and c. him out windows CUTTING. Exod. 31. 5. and in c. of stones to set them, 35. 33. Lev. 25. t 23. the land shall not be sold for c. off Deui. 24. * 1. let him write her a bill of c. off Isa. 38. 10, 1 said in the c. of mv davs. I shall ro Je>. 30. t 23. ac. whirlwind, k sii.ill fall with pain iLtek. 7- + 25. c. oft" Cometh, they shall seek peace 16. t 3. thy c. out is of the land of Canaan Jloh. 2. 10. consulted shame bye. off many peopl MarA 5. 5. tombs, crvinc and r. himself with stones CI' I I INfiS. /-tfi'. 10.28. yp shall not iiKikc any c. for dead, 21.5 Jer. 48. 37. upon all the hands sh.ill be c, and on Jonah 2. ■( 6. I went down to the. c. of the mount CYMBAL. I C^r. IS. 1. I am become as sounding brass, or CYMBALS. [a tinklinR c. B 'Sam. 6. 5 played on cornets and c. 1 Chr. 13 8 T f'hron. 15. l6. harjis and c. sounding, lfi.42. JtJ 5. but Asaph made a sound with e. S5. 6. these were under the hands of their father for song in ihf house ■>'" the T.ord with c, C Chron. 5. 13. they lift up tluir voice with c. S9- 25. he set Levites in house of the I^ord with c. Esra 3. 10, the sons of Asaph with c. Aeh. 12. 27 Psai, i50. 5. praise him upon loud-sounding c. CVPRKSS. Cant, l.t 14. my beb-vcd is to me as a cluster of c 4. t 13. with pleas, ml fruits, c. with spikenard ItA 44- 14. he takcth live c. and the oak 108 DAN D. n,\0OER. Juifg. 3. l6. Ehud made him a d. with two edges 21. he took the d. from his rij;ht thi-^h 22. that he could not draw the d. out of his belly Uailv; see after Days. DAINTY, TIES. Oen. 49. 9.0. Asher shall yield royal d. Job 33. 20. and his soul abhorreth d. meat Psal. 141.4. and lei me not eat of their d. Prov. S3. 3. be not desirous of his d. for they are 6. an evii eye, neither desire thou his d. meats Hab. 1. + 16. their portion is fat, heir meat is d. liev. 18. 14. all things which were d. are departed DALE. den. 14. 17. valley of .ShaveL, which is the king's rf. 2 Ham. 18. 18. a pillar which is io the king's d. DAMAGE. Eir'rt 4.22. why should d. grow to the hurt of kings i:,',»r/(.7.4.eiieiny couldiiol countervail the king's d. Prov. 26. 6. cutteth oft" the feet, and drinketh d. Dan. 6.2. and the king should have no d. Acts 27. 10. voyaj^e will be with hurt and much d. •i Cor. 7.9. that ye might receive d. by us iu nothing DAM. lliod. 22. 30. seven days it shall be with his d. on the eighth shall give it me, Lev. 22. 27- Deut. 22. 6. thou shalt not take the d. with young 7- but thou sh:iU in any wise let the d. go DAMNABLE. 2 Pet. 2. 1. who privily shall bring in d. heresies DAMNATION. Mat. 23. 14. therefore ye shall receive the greater d. Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47. 33. ye serpents, how can ye escape the d. of hell .' Mark 3. 29. but is in danger of eternal d. Johi 5.29. have done evil, to the resurrection of rf, /i'«ffl.3.8. evil, that good may come, whose d. is just 13. 2. they shall receive to themselves d. 1 Cor. 11, 29- he eateth and drinketh d. to himself 1 Tim. 5. 12. having d. because have cast off first fa-ith Per .(1.3. lingereth not. and their d, slumbercth not DAMNED. Mark Ifi. IC. but he thai believeth not shall be rf, lioni. 14. 23, and he that doubteth is d. if he eat 2 Then. 2. 12. that all might be d. who believed not DAMSLL. Ge«.24.55.her mother said.Iet the (/. abide few days 34. 3. and be loved the d. and spake kindly to d. 12. ask never so much, but give me the d. to wife I Deut. 22. 15. bring forth tokens of the rf. virginity 20. but if the tokens be not found for the rf. 21. they shall bring out the rf. and stone her £4, the rf. because she cried not, being in the city i'i. there is in the rf. uo sin worthy of death 29, shall give the rf. father fifty shekels of silver Jiidii. ^- 3*^' divided to every man a rf. or two 19- 4. the rf. father relair.ed him, and he abode Ritth. 2. 5. then Boaz said, whose rf, is this ? 6. it is Moabitishrf. that came back w ith Naomi 1 A lugs 1 . t 2, he sought for the king a young 0. 4, and the rf, was very fair, and cherished him Mat. H.W. John Baptist's head was brought in a charger, and given to the rf. Mark 6, 28, 26. 69, arf. came to Peter, saying, John 18. I7. Mark 5. 39, the rf, is not dead, but sleepeth 40. he taketh the father and mother of the rf, and entereth in where the rf. was lying Arts 12, 13, a rf, came to hearken, named Khoda 16.16, a certain rf, possessed w ilh a spirit, met us DAMSELS Gen. 24. 61 Rebekah arose and her rf. and rode 1 'Vnm. 25. 42, Abigail rode with five rf. of hers /*ja/. 68. 25. amongst them were the rf. plaving DANCE. Psal. 149. 3. let them praise him in the rf. 150. 4. Jer. 31, 13, the virgins shall rejoice in the rf. Lam. 5, 15. our rf. is turned into mouruiiig DANCE. Jwrf?. C1.2I. if the daughters of Shiloh come to rf. Job 21. 11. send forth little ones, their children rf. Eicl. 3. 4. a lime to mourn, and a time to rf. Jsa. 13. 21. owls dwell there, satjTs shall rf, lliere DANCED. Jiidg. 21. 23. according to their number that rf. 2 6'tfm, 6. 14. and David rf. before the Lord Airt/.l 1.17. have pipcd.and ye have Dolrf./,i'j(£7,32. 14. 6. the daughter of 1 lerodias rf. Matk 6. 22. DANCES. I'xod. 15. 20. the women went after her with rf. Jndg. 11. 34. daughter came to meet him with rf. 1 Hani.'ll.ll. did they not sing of him in rf. 29. 5, Jer. 31. 4 thou shall go forth in the rf. of Ihcm DANCING. F.sod. 32, 19. he came nigh, he saw the calf and rf. 1 •'^ani. 18. 6. [he women came out singing and rf. 30. 16. were spread on all the earth, eating and rf. v\n 2 Sam. fi. Ifi. she saw King David rf. 1 Chr. 15. 29. /*.!«/. 30. 1 1, thou hast turned my mourning into rf iMke 15. 25. as he came he heard ivusic and rf. DANDLED. Isa. 66. 12. and ye shall be rf. upon her knee-. DANGER. Mat. 5. 21. shall be in rf. of the judgnunt, 22. 22. shall be in rf. of council, in rf. of hell-lire ^lurA 3, 29. but is in rf. of eternal d.imuatioii .Ills 19.27. not only this our craft is in rf. but temp.. 40. in rf. to be called in question for this uproar DANGEROUS. .his 27. 9- and when sailing was now rf. because DARE. Job 41. 10, none is so tierce that rf. stir him up /ii'«i.5.7. for a good man some would even rf. to diu 15. 18, for 1 will not rf. to speak of any thing 1 CW.6.1.rf. any of you go to law before the unjust* 2 Cyj'.10.12.we rf. not make ourselves ot the number DARK. Gen, 15. 17- when the sun went down, and it was rf. P-iod. 9- + 32. for the wheat and the rye wererf. Lev. 13. 6. if the plague be rf. 21, 2(j, 28. 56. .NHw,12.8,5peak apparently, and not in rf. speeches Joi/i. 2. 5. when it was rf. the men went out C i>.ini. 22. 12. about him rf. waters, Psai. 18, 11. Neh. 13, 19- the gales of Jerusalem began to be rf. Jobs. 9. let the stars of tlie twilight thereof be rf. 12. 25. they grope in the rf. without light 18. 6. the light shall be rf. in his tabernacle 22. 13. can he judge through the rf. cloud .' 24. 16. in the rf. they dig thro' houses, which they 30. f 3, w?jit and famine they were rf. as night Psa/. 35. 6. let their way be rf. and slippery 49. 4. I will open my rf, saying on the harp 74. 20. rf, places of the earth are full of cruelly 78. 2. ill parables. 1 will utter rf. sayings of old 88. 12. shall thy wonders be known in the rf. Z 105. 28. he sent darkness and made it rf. frov.l.d. the words of the wise and their rf. .sayings 7. 9. in the twilight, in the black and rf. night Isa. 5. ^ 30. it shall be rf. in ilie deslruclion thereof 2y. 15. and iheir works are in the rf. and they say 45. ig. ] have not spoken in arf. place of the earth Jer. 13. 1(). your feel stumble on the rf, mountains J-atn. 3. 6. he hath set me in rf, placus, as they lliat Ltek. t. 12. what the house of Israel do in the rf, 32. 7. and 1 will make the stars thereof rf, 8. the bright lights of heaven will I make rf. 34.12. have been scattered in the cloudy and rf.day Dan. 8. 23. a king understanding rf. sentences shall Joel^. 10. the sun and the moon shall be rf, Amos 5. 8. seek him that maketh the day rf. 20. Mic. 3. (). it shall be rf. to you, the day shall be rf. Zech. 14. 6. the light shall not be clear, nor rf. LukeW. 36. if thy body be light, having no part rf. John 6. 17. went over the se-a, and it was now rf, 20. 1. Marj' caii:e early, when it was yet rf. 2Pt7. 1. 19. as 10 a ligh'ithat shiueth in arf, plac« DARKEN. Amos 8. 9. and 1 will rf. tlie earth in the clear day DARKLY. 1 Cor. 13. 12. for now we see through a glass rf. DARKENED. Rxod. 1 0.1 5. for they covered, so t liat the land w.is rf. I'sai. 69.23. let (heir eyes be rf. Horn. 11. 10. Lcii. 12. 2. while sun, moon, or the stars be not rf. 3. those that look out of the windows be rf. h{ I'ght, set in opposiiion to the children of darkness, meaiis the righteous in ppposttion to the wtcked ; the faitfi/nl in op- position to the incredulous and infidels, 1 Cor. (3. 14. Our Saviour eaU\, the eiercise of Satan's p<^-e§r, the power of diiikiiess, LuXe 22. 53. Bm this is your hour, aiui the power of dark- ness; this is the time ivlieiein power is given to the devil, and his iiulruments, to execute their desists against me. i he power of darkness, is iike'tise taken for the dutiiinion of sin, and s/a- veiif to the devil, under -.ihich all unregeiierat'id persons are, Co]. I. 13. Ceit. i. ?. and d. was upon the face of the deep 5. the light day, and the d. he called night IH, Gnd set them to divide the light from the d, 15. IC. an horror of great d. fell upon Abram Ered. 10. 21. that theie may be d. over Egj'pt ■ 22. there was a thick d. in all Egypt three days I i. 20. it was a cloud and d. to them, but li^ht 20. 21. and Moses drew near to the thick d. Urnt. 4. 11. the mountain humt with thick d 5.22. these words the Lord spake out of thick d. Joth.i-i.T. he pVitd. between you and the Egyp'.ians e Slim. 22. 10. d. was under his feet, Psal. 18. 9. 12. he made d. his pavilions round about bun 29. the Lord will enlighten my d. Psal. 18. 28. Joh 3. 5. let d. and the shadow of death stain it 6. as for that night, let d. seize upon it 5. 14. they meet with d. in the day time !0. 22. a land of *'. as d. itself, without any order 19. 8. and he hath set d. in my paths 20. 26. all d. shall be hid in his secret places 22. 11. or d. that thou canst not see 23. 17. because I was not cut off before the d. neither hath he covered the d. from my face 2fi- 'i. he selleth an end to d. tlie stones of rf. 3i. 22. no ent. 28. 29. thou shall grope as the blind in rf. Sam. 2. 9- an DAU Py.lO7.IO such assit in rf.and ihe shadow of ieafh 143. 3. the enemy hath made me to dwell in rf. Proz>. 20.20. his lamp shall lie put out in obscure rf. Eccl. 2. 14. but Jie fool walketh in rf. 5. 17. he eatith in rf. |j 6. 4. he departeth in rf. /fa. 42. 7. bring them that sit in rf. out of prison h. 49. 9- to them that are in rf. shew yourselves 59. 9. we wait for light, but we walk in rf. Jf/-. 23. 12. their ways shall be as slippery ways in rf. Uan. 2. 22. he knoweth what is in the rf. and light John 8.12. he that foUoweih me shall not walk inrf. 12. 35. for he that walketh in rf. knoweth not 46. whosoever believelh me.should not abide inrf. I 'Jhess. 5. 4. but ye, brethren, are not in rf. 1 John I. 6. and walk in rf. we lie and do not truth 2. 9- haleth his brotlier, is in rf. even till now 11. hateth his brother, is in rf. walketh in rf. Land 0/ DAR Wa ESS. Job 10. 21. before 1 go even to the land of rf. 22. a land of rf. asrf. itself, and shadow of death Jer. 2. 31. have 1 been to Israel a land of d. I DARKNESS with Itght. Gen. 1. 4. and (iod divided the light from the rf. 18. two great lights to divide the light from rf. Job 10. 22, aland where the light is as rf. 17. 12. the light is short because of rf. 18. 18. he shall be driven from light into rf. 26. t 10. until the end of light with rf. 29. 3. when by his light 1 walked through rf. 30. 26. when 1 wailed for light, there came rf. I'iid. 112. 4. to upright there ariseth light in rf. 1.39. 12. the rf. and light are both alike, to thee i'ci/.^. 13. wisdom excels as far as /igAf excelleih rf Isa. 5. 20. that put rf. for light, and light forrf. 9. 2. the people tliat walked in rf. have seen a greaf light, upon them hath light shined, Mat. 4. 16. 42. 16. I will make rf. light before them i5. 7. I form light and create rf. I make peace 50. 10. that walketh in rf. and hath no light ycr, 13, 16. while ye look for li-^ht, he make it gross rf. Lam. 3. 2. he brought me into rf, but not into light Amos 5. 18. the day of the Lord is rf. and not /i^A/ .Vic. 7. 8. when I sit in rf. the Lord shall be a.ltghi Mat. 6. 23. light Ui thee be rf! how great is ihatrf..' 10. C7. what I tell in rf. speak in iight, Luke 12. 3. Luke 1. 79. light to them that sit in rf. Horn, 2. 19. 11. 35. that the light which is in tliee be not rf. John 1.5. /io/,f shiiieth in rf. rf. comprehendeth it not 3. 19. anof men loved rf. rather than light 12. .35. walk while ye have light, lest rf. come Acts 26. 18. and to turn them from rf. to light Rom. 13. 12. cast ofT the works of rf. put on light 1 Cor. 4. 5. to bring to light the hidden things ot rf. 2 Cor. 4. 6. who commanded light to shine out of rf, D. 14. what communion hath lioht with rf. / 1 P?r.2.9-called you out of rf. iuto marvellous Ugh' i John 1. 5. Gou is hijht, and in him is no rf. at all 2. 8. rf. iiS past, and the true light now shineth Out of DARKNESS. De^. 5. 22. when ye heard the voice out of the rf. Job 12. 22. he discovereth deep things out of rf. 15. 22. believelh not that he shall return on/ of d. 30. he shall not depart out of rf. the tlame dry up /'irt/.t07.14.he brought themowf of d. and shadow La. 29. 16. the eyes of the blind shall see out ofd. DARLING. Pfal. 22. 20. deliver my rf. from power of the dog 35. 17. Lord, rescue my rf. from the lions DAUr, S. 2 Sfim. 18. 14. .loab took three rf. in his hand 2 Chron. 32. 5. Ilezekiah made rf. and shields Job 41. 26. the spear nor the rf. cannot hold 29. rf, are counted as stubble, he laugheth at Prov.7. 23. till a rf. strike thro' his liver Joel 2. f 8. when they fall on rf. not be wounded Eph.6. 16. to quench the fiery rf, of the wicked Heb. 12. 20. it shall be tlirust thro' with a rf. DASH. 2 h'ings 8. 12, and thou wilt rf. their children /■'ia/.2.9.1estrf. them in pieces like a potter's vessel 91. 12. they shall bear thee up, lest thou rf. thy foot against a stone, Mat. 4. 6. Luke 4. II. La. 13. 18. their bows shall rf. the young nun Jer. 13. 14. I will rf. them one against another DASHED. Ejorf.lS.G.thy right hand, () Lord, hath rf. in pieces Isa. 13. 16. their childr. n also shall be rf. in pieces before their eyes, Hos. 13. I6. Nah. 3 .10, IIos. 10. 14. the mother was rf. upon her children DASH El H. P.ra/.lS7.9.that rf.thy little ones against the stones DATES. 2 Chron. 31. t 5. tue cnddren of Israel brought rf. DAUB, ED, ING. Esod. 2. 3. she rf. the ark with slime and pit* h Eici. 13. 10. others rf. it with untempered nmrlar 11. say to them which rf. it, that it shall full 12. where is the rf. wherewith ye have rf. it,' 14. so I will break down the wa'l ye have rf, 22. 28 her prophets have rf. ihfim with mortar DALOIirER Signifies, [I) ^ fema'.e child. Gen. 31. 1. [2] A sister. Gen 34. I7. [3^ A niece, or brolhei'i daughter, Exod. C. 21. [4] .i duugkler-in-law, or son's wife Ruth, 3. 18. [5] 'Ihe uoiiien that dwell in a country. Gen. 34. 1. [0] Tin in- ha/ntants of a city or country, both men and Jiomen, Isa. 16. 2. Mat. 21. 5. [7] Posterity, lineage, or ojspring Luke 1. 5. [8] 'fhe luuin and other organs of singing, called ihn dkogh'ers of music, Eccl. 12. 4. [9I The branches oj trees, Gen. 49. +22. [10] 'the church of Cd Psal. 45. 9, 10. Cant. 5. 8. C^«.20.12. is rf. of my father, not rf. of my mother 24. 23. whose rf. art thou ? tell me, I pray thee, 47 48. to take my master's brother's rf. to his son 34.7 -he had wrought folly inlying wit'n Jacob's rf 8. soul of my son Shechem longeth for your rf. 17. then will we take our rf. and we will be gone 19. because he had delight in Jacob's rf. £j-orf. 1. 16. but if it be & rf. then she shall live 21. 31. whether he have gored a son or a rf. Lev. 12. 6. when the days arc fulfilled for a rf. 14. t 10. to take anewe-lanih, ;hfc rf. of her year 18. 17. nor shalt thou take her dau:;hter's rf. 21. 9. the rf. of any priest, if she prnfan'- hersell 22.12. if the priest's rf. be married to a stranger 13. if the priest's rf. be a widow or divorced -Vn/n.27. 9- if lie have no rf. give his irheritanc* 36. 8. every rf. that possesseth an inheritance lJeiit.2'! . 22. cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the rf. of his father or the rf. of his mother 28. 56, her eye shall be evil towards her rf. Judg. 11, 34. Jephthah's rf. came out to meet him 40. to lament Jephthah's rf. four days in a year 1 Sam. 1. 16. count not thy handmaid a rf. of Belnl 18. 19. when Saul's rf. should have been given 2 Sam. 12. 3. little ewe-lamb was unto him as a rf. 1 Kings i.\. Solomon took Fharaoh's rf. 11,1. loved many women, with the rf. of I'haraoh 2 KitigsH. 18. the rf. of Ahab was Jehoram's wife 9- 34. go bury Jezebel, for she is a king's rf. 1 Chron. C. 49- and the rf, of Caleb was Achsah Esth. 2. 7- he took his uncle's rf. for his own rf, Pjti/. 45. 10. hearken, O rf. and consider, and incline 13. the king's rf, is all glorious within Cant. 7. 1 ■ how beautiful with shoes, O prince's rf. Jer. 31. 22. h^iw long go about, backsliding rf. 49.4. 46. 19. O rf. dwelling in Egypt , furnish thyself 48. 18. thou rf. that dost inhabit Dibon, come iIom 11 Ezek. 14. 16. neither deliver son nor rf. 18. 20. 16. 44. saying, as is the mother, so is her rf. 45. thou art thy mother's rf. that loathelh 27- + 6. the rf. of the Ashnritesmade thy benches 44. 25, for son orrf. they may defile themselves Dan. 11.6. the king's rf. of the south shall come 17. shall give him the rf, of women coirupting fL's. 1. 6. and she conceived again, and bare arf. Mic. 5. 1. gather thyself in lioops, O rf. of troops 7. 6. rf. riseth up again;>t her mother, daushlcr-in- law agsinsther mother, -l/a/. 10.35. I.uie 12.53. Zeph. 3. 10. the rf. of my dispersed shall bring Mai. 2. 11. hath married the rf. of a sira;icc god Mat. y.22. Jesus said, rf. ne of good comf. thy faiih hath made thee whole, Maik5. 34. /.nXtO.-lB 10. 37. he that loveth son or rf more than me 14. 6. the rf. of llerodias d need before them 15. 28. her rf. was made whole fiom thai hour Mark 7. 26. he would cast forth de\ il out of her rf. Luke a 42. he had one only rf.about 12 year? o( ai^e 13. 16. ought not this woman, being rf. of Abraham Jt7j7.21. Pharaoh's rf. took him up and nourish d /yei.11.24. Moses refused to be son of I'haraoh's rf. DAUGHTER of Bahyhn. Pirt/.137.8.0 d.of Ba/>ylon,\vhu art to be destroy id Isa. 47. 1. O rf. of LabyUn, sit On the ground J'tT. 50. 42. to battle against tliep, Od.of Babylon 51. 33. rf. of Babylon is like a threshing fioor Zech. 2. 7. O Zion, that dwellest with rf. of Babylon DAUGH'l ER of the Chaldeons. ha. 47. 1- there is no throne, O rf. of the Chaldeans 5. get thee into darkness, O rf. of the Chaldeant DAUGHTER of I d^^m. Lam. 4. 21. rejoice and be glad, O rf. of Edom 22. he will visit thine iniquitv, O rf. 0/ E4ivm DAUGHTER of Egypt. Jer. 46. 11. go into Gilead, O virgin, rf. of Egypt 24. the rf. oJ' I svpt sh.tll be confounded nAr<;ill i.ll ../ OalUm. Jsa. 10. ,3iv. lift up thy voice, O d. of Galtim His DAUGHTER. Gen. 20. 6. Kachel his rf. conieth with the .sheep Ei.;/. Ji. 7. ii'aman sell his rf. to be a serv.uit Lev. ^l. 2. for his son or /'?.vrf. he may be defiled iV7iwi.27.8. shall cause inheritance to pass lohis d. 30. 16. the statutes betw< en the father and hisd Deut. 7. 3. nor his rf. shalt thou lake to thy >v"n 18. 10. there shall not be fuund on ihatn'.upil his rf, to pass through the fire, 2 Si: g^ 23. 10 JuJg.^l. 1. net any of us give hu rf. to Henjuniii. DAU 1 Sam. IT. 85. king will enrich and give nim his d. DAUGHTER of Jeruialem. 2 Kin^s 19. 21. the aaiitj^iter of Zion, the d. of Jerus. baih shaken her head at thee, Jsa. 37. 22. Lam, 2. 13. what thing shall I liken to thee. O d. vf Jerusalem, O daughter of Zion.to comfort thee = 1*5. they wai; their head at the d. of Jenisalem Mic. 4.b.ihe kingdom shall come to d. of Jerusalem /.eph. 3.14. rejoice v-ithall the heart, O rf. o/Jenis. Zech. 9. 9. shout, O d. of JerxLs. thy Kingcometh DAUr.niKll of Jmlah. Lam. I. l5. the Lord haih trodden the d. of Jit d ah 2. 2. he hath thrown down strong holds ot d. of J. 5. he hath increased in d. of Jndah mourning DAUGII rtR-IN-LAW. Cen. 38. Ifi. he knew not that she was his d.-in-laro 2i. Tamar thy d.-in-law hath played the harlot Lev. IR.15. not uncover nakedness of thy rf.-in-/aw 20.15. if a man lie with his d.-iH-Ziw both shall die Unth 1.22. Naomi returned, and Ruth her d.-in-!a-u> 4. 15. d.-in-lazo wliich lovtih thee, hath born him 1 .Sff'«.4.19.(/.-in iaw Phinehas' wife was with child t>.ek. 22. 11. another lewdly defileth his d.-tn-lau} Mtc. 7. 6. for the d.-in-law riseth up against the mother-in-law. Mat. 10.35. Lu^e 12.53 jVv DAUGHTER. Dnit. 22. 16. I gave my d. to this man to wife Ii. these are the tokens of my d. virginity Joi/i. 15. ifi. to him will I give myd. Jitdg. 1. 12 Juilg. 11. 35. alas. myd. thou hast brought me low li). 24. behold, here is my d. a maiden ituifi 2. 2. and she said unto her, go, my d. 3. 10. he said, blessed be thou of the Lord, my d. 1(1. her mother said, wlio art thou, my d. } IB. sit still, mt/ d. till thou know the matter Mat. 9. 18. a ruler, saying, my d. is even no«- dend 15. 22. my d. is grievously vexed with a devil Mark 5. 23. mv little d. lieth at the point of death DAL'GH TER of my people. ha. 22. 4. because of the spoiling of the d. of my p. Jer. 4. 11. a dry wind toward d. of my p. not to fan (i. 14. healed the hurt of rf. o/"my;». slii;htly,H. 11 26. (), d. of my people, gird thee with sackcloth 8. 19. behold, the voice of the cry oftherf. of my p. 2J. for hurt of (/. .). if thou afflict my rf. 34 1. Dinah went out to see the rf. of the land 9. e've your rf to us, and take oar rf. unto you 16. then'will we give our rf. to you, and take rf. 49. f 22. Joseph is a bough whose rf. run o\Tr Exod. 2. 16. the priest of Midian had seven rf. 21.9. he shall deal with her after the manner of rf. 34. Ifi. their rf. go a whoring after their gods Lev. 26. 29. the tiesh of your rf. shall ye eat iVttwi. 21. t 25. dwelt in Meshbon and rf. thereof 2t).33.namesofrf. of Zelophehad, 27.1. J"jA. 17.3. 27. 7. the rf. of Zelophehad speak right 3ti. 10. even so did the rf. of Zelophehad De7it. 23. 17. shall be no whore oftherf. of Israel Judg. 3. 6. they took their rf. to he their wives 21. 7. we will not give them of our rf. to wives 18. howbeit,we may not give them wives of our rf. liuth 1.11. turn again, my rf. why will ye go M2. 13. nay, my rf. it grieveth me for your sakes 1 Sam. 8. 13. take your rf. to be confectionaries 3 Sam. 13. 18. were king's rf. virgins apparelled Neh. 3. 12. next repaired Shalhim, he and his rf. 5. 5. our rf. are brought into bondace already 7.fi3.took oneofrf. of Barzillai to wife, Ezra 2.Gl. 10. 30. not give our rf. to the people of the land .Ai*42. 15. no women were so fair as therf. of Job Psal. 45. 9. king's rf. among thy honourable women 14L 12. that our rf. maybe as corner-stones /Vor.31.29. many rf. have done virtuously, biit thou Cant. 2. 2. as the lily, so is my .ove among the rf. 6.^. the rf. saw her and blessed her, yea the queens ha. 13. + 21. rf. of the owl dwell there, 34. t 13. 32. 9. hear my voire, ye careless rf. give ear 43.+ 20. the rf. of the owl shall honour me fiO. 4. and thy rf. shall be nursed at thy side Jer. 9. 20. O ye women, teach your rf. wiiling 29. 6. give yourrf. to husbands, that they may liuar 49. 2. and her rf. shall be burnt with fire .3. cry, ye rf. of Rabbah, gird ye \vith s.ickcloth Lam. 3. 51. because of all the rf. of my city Ezek. 13. 17. set thy face against the rf. of thy peo. 16. + 31. in thy rf. is thine eminent place 46. sister Saniaria, and her rf. Sodom, and her rf. 49. abundance of idleness was in her and in h^rrf. 53. when I bring back the captivity of her rf. 55. when thy sister Sodom and rf. shall return 61. and I will give them unto thee for rf. 23.2. there were two women, the rf. of one mother 2f). 6. her rf. shall be slain in the field. 8. 30. IR. and her rf. shall go into captivity 32. 16. the rf. of the nations shall lament her //iif.4.13. therefore yourrf. shall commit whoredom 14. X will not punish your rf. when they commit Mic. 1. + 8. make a mourning as the rf. of the owl Luke 1. 5. and his wife was of the rf. of Aaron .ictsQ.\. 9. the same man had four rf. virgins 1 Fee. 3. 6. whose rf. ye are as long as ye do well DAUGHTERS of Jentsolem. Cant. 1.5. I am black, but comely, O rf. of Jenm. 2.7. 1 charge you. O rf. of Jerus. 3 5. | 5.8. | 8.4. 3. 10. paved with love for the rf. of Jenixatem 5. iG. this is my beloved, O rf. of JentsoU-m Z,hX-« 23. 28. rf. of Jcrjisolem, weep not for nie DAUGHTERS of 7.w«f/. Deut. 23. 17. there shall be no whore of rf. ,/ hr. Jtidg. 11. 40. rf, of hrael went yearly to lament 2 Sam. 1. 24. ve rf. of Liroel, weep over Saul, who DAUGirrEKS ofJudah. Psal.48. II. let the rf. of Judo h be glad, because 97. 8. Zion heard, and the rf. of Judah rejoiced DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW. Ruth 1. 6. then she arose with her d.-in-la\\ 7. 8. Naomi said to her two d.-in-law, go, return DAUGHTERS nf Moah. S'lim. 25.1. Isr. committed v< boredom with d.of M. ha. It). 2. so the rf. of ill shall be at fords of Arnon DAUGH lERS of music. Eccl. 12. 4. the rf. n/' mmic shall be brought low DAUGII lERS of the I'hiUslinei. Judg. 14.1. Samson saw a woman of the rf. of Phil. 2.1 have seen awonian oid.if I'hil get her forme 2 5am. 1.20. publish it not lest the d.of /V»J. GeH.5.4.hebegat jorwandrf.7,10,13, If 1 11.11 DAW Gen. 19. 12. tny s-ms and rf. bring out of this plnra 31. 28. not sufi"ered me to kiss my sons aid a. 55. he kissed his sons and rf. and blessed then. 37. 35. all his tons and rf. rose to comfort him Eiod. 3. 22. ye shall put them on your >ons and rf 10. 9. with our sotis and with our rf. will we no 21. 4. anil she have boru him sons or rf. 32. 2. ear rin:;s of your smis and rf. bring to nic 34. Ifi. and thou lake of their rf. to thy .wns Lev.lM.W. thou, thy sonsanA rf. with thee, ahall eat in the holy place. Sum. IH. II, ly iV»ffi. 21. 29. given his sons and rf. into cap'Jritj 21). 33. Zelophehad had no .?i>Hi.butrf. Jo.\h. 17. 3 Vent. 12. 12. ye and your sons and rf rtjoice 31. their Jtot* and rf. thev have burnt in the fire 2 Kings 17."l7- Jer. 7- 31. | .32. .35 28. 32. thy sons and rf. given to anothir people 41. beget sons and rf. but shall not enjoy thi'm 53. thou shalt eat the H*'sh of thy sons and rf. 32. 19. bncaiise of provoking of his sons and rf. Josh. 7. 24. they brought Achan, his .uma and rf. 17.6- rf. of Manasseh had inheritance among ju/i. Jtulg. 3. 6. they gave their rf. to their .nms 12. 9. Ibzan took in thirty rf. for his ions 1.5'/7m.l.4,lie'_'.ive Peniimah,her 'dTuand rf.portioni 2. 21. so Hannah bare three sons and two rf. 30. 3. their sons and rf, were taJct-n captives (i. grieved, every maft for bis sims and for his rf 19. liiere was nothing lacking, neither sons norrf ^Saoi. 5. 13. and thtre were yet sons and rf. bom to David, 1 Chron. 14. 3. 19. 5. which saved th'> li-.esof thy io«i andof ihyrf. 1 Chr. 2. 34. now Sheshan had no sons but rf. 4. 27, Shimei had sixteen sons and six rf. 23. 22. Eleazardied, and had no sons but rf. 25.5. God gave 1 1 eman fourteen sons and three rf. 2 Chron. 11. 21. Rehoboam had 28 sons and (io rf. 13. 21. Abijah besat 22 ii>MJ and sixteeen rf. 24. 3. .lehoiada took wives and begat .ions and rf. 28. 8. carried captive 200,000 women, so^ts and rf. 29. 9. our sons rf. and wives are in captivity for tnis 31. 18. to the genealogy of their sons and rf. Ezra^. 2. have laken ot their rf. for their J"«.« 12. give not your rf. to their sofis, AV/i. 1.3. 25. AV/i.4.14.andfight for your jflH,t.rf. and your wives 5. 2. that said, we, our sons and our rf. ar? m.any 5. we bring into bondage our sons and our rf. 10. 28. their sons and rf. clave to their brethren Joh 1.2. there were born to .lob 7 s. and 3 rf. 42. 13. 13. a day when his sons and rf. were eating, 18. Pstl. \Oti. 37. they sac. their sons and rf. to devils 38. and shed even the blood of their juwj and rf. fsa. 43. 6. bring my *. from far. and my rf from the 49. 22. bring thy sons in their arms, and thy rf. 56. 5. will I give a name better than of s. and rf. Jer. 3. 21. shame hath devoured their sons and rf. 5. 17. eat that which thy sons and rf. should eat 11. 22. their .tow and their rf. shall die by famine 14. IIJ. they shall have none to bury their s. and rf. lti.2. neither shalt thou have s. nor rf. in this place 3. saith the Lord concerning the sofis and rf. 19. 9. 1 will cause them eat the flesh of s. and rf 2y. tj. take ye wives and beget ii'jw and rf. 35. 8. we, our sons and our rf. drink no wine 48. 4fi. thv sons and thy rf. are taken captives Ezek.li Itfihey shall deliver neither ,«»ij norrf, 18 22. left a remnant brought forth, both son> and rf 1(). 20. taken ihy sons and rf. and sacrificed th'ui 23, 4 and they were mine, and bare so}is and rf. 10. they took her so?ts and rf. and slew her, £5. 47 . they shall slay their sons and rf. and burn up 24.21 .your sans and rf.fall by the sword,. ■i/"('i7. 17 . 25. when I take from them their sons and rf. Joel '2. 28. your.(i'n.T and rf. prophesy. Arts 2. 17. 3, 8. ! will sell your .ions and rf. to ,Indah 2 Co/-. 6. 18. \e shall be mv sons and rf. saith llieLnrd 'DAUGI! I'ERS of 6yr,a. Esek. 16.57. time of thv reproachof therf. (•/"•'sVfia Tuo DAUGHTERS. Gtfn.19,0. Thave t:co rf. let me bring them out to yoti \5. "take ihy wife and thy tiio d. which are hi-re .30. Lot dwelt in a cave, he and his tuo rf. 29 16. Laban had tn-o rf. L'^ah and Rachel 31.41. I ser\'ed thee fourteen years for thy ijvo d linth 1.7. Naomi went out with her two d. 1 Sfim. 2.21. Hannah conceived and bare tn'o rf. 1 i. 49. .Saul's two rf. were IVJerab and Michal I'rov. .30. 15, the horseleech hath two rf. crj-ing DAUGH lEKS of the vncircnmfised. 25flm.l.20. publish it not, lest rf. of 'Af leu-.triumpt DAUGH 1 ERS of 'Zion. Cant. 3. 11. goforih. *' ye rf of Zion. and behold Isa. .1. It), because the rf. of /-ion aie haugluy 17. smite with a scab the head of the rf. of Zit^i 4. 4. have washed axvav the filth of the rf. of Zioi; DAWN, lN(i. Josh. fi. 15. they rose about the rf. of the day Jiidg. 19. 2t). then came the woman in die d. 01 da; /.>A3. 9. neither let it see the rf. of the dav I 7. 4. 1 am full of tosiiiigs to the rf of the da> DAY P'll. T|f). 11-7. 1 prevpiitod the d. of the mominc \J'-l. *.*H 1. as it bepati to d. towards the first day i I'et. 1. 19. till the darrf. and the day-siar arise in DAY. rhe day 1* di'stingiiis/ied into natural, civil, and artificiiil. Thf natural or solar day, is the dn- rniion of four and Uventrf hours. The artJftcial liny, is the time 0/ the sim's continuance ahovt the hnricim, ti'ltich is vneqiinl, according to dif- j'fTcnt times and seasofis, bu rc'son of the oh. iiffvity of the sphere. God called the light day. that is, the artiUcial day. The evening and the morninc were the first day, namely, natural. Gen. 1. 5. The civil dny, ij that, the heginntnz and Otd nhetei'f 1* determined by the common cv.nnm of any nation. The Hebrews he^an theii cii it and ecclesiastical day from one ei-eJtim; to another. From even unto even shall ye cele- brate your sabbath. Lev. ^%. ^1. The Baby- lonians reckoned their days from one s^^Jt-rifi/li: to another ; the Italians from one sunset to another .' some from noon to noon ; and others from midnight to midnisht. This day. or to-day, do not only signify the par- ticular day on nhich one (c fpeaiiii;;, Imt like- rrtse any indefinite time. Thoa art to pass over Jordan this day, Dent.C). 1. that is, in a short time after this, the uord day being often ptit for time, as in Gen. '2. +, 17. }n the day when God made the eartli and the heavens : in the day ihou eate^t thereof thou shalt surelv die, that is, at the time jvhen ttum eate.u theie-f. 'l"o-. he may rest, till he shall accomplish his rf. IH. 20. they shall be astonished at his rf. lit. 25. he shall stand at latter rf. upon the earth 2 1 . 30. the wicked is reserved to rf. of 'destruction Psal. 19. 2. rf. untorf. utteivth speech, and night .37. 13. for he seeth that his rf. is coming "8. 42. nor remembered rf. when he delivered them 84. 10. arf, in thy courts is better than a thousand 119. 3fi4. seven times a rf. do I praise thee Prav. 4.18.thatshineth more and more to perfect rf. 7. 20, he will come home at the rf. appointed 27 1. thou knowest not what a rf. may bring forth Vant.'i.il . till rf. break, and shadows flee away ,4 .6. La. 7. 17. from the rf. that Kphraim departed 3ii. + 8. that it may be fur the latter rf. for ever 43. 13. yea, before the rf. was, | am he 58. 5. a rf. for a man to afflict his soul ? wilt thou call this a fast, an acceptable rf. to the Lord : fil . 2. and the rf. of vengeance of our God. 63. 4. Jer. 12. 3. prepare them for the d of slaucluer 27. 22. there shall they be till the rf. I visit them 32. 31. from the rf. they buili it, even to this rf. 36. 2. from the rf. I spake to thee, even to this rf. 38. 28. till the rf. that Jerusalem was taken 47. 4. because of the rf. that cometh to spoil 50. 27. woe unto them, for their rf. is come Lzefc. 4. G. 1 have appointed theeeach rf. for a year 7. 10. behold the rf. behold it is come, the morning 2 1 . 25. thou wicked prince, whose rf. is come, 29. 28. 15. from the rf. that thou wast created 3(1. 2. woe worth the rf, || 3. for the rf. is near 18. at Tehaphnelies also the rf. shall he darkened Dan. 6. 10. maketh petition three times a rf. 13. Ilos. 9. 5. what will ye do in the solemn rf. ? Joel 2. 2. a rf. of darkness.and of gloominess Amos 5. 8. seek him thai maketh the rf. dark 8. 10. ~\ will make llie end thereof as a bitter rf. Mic. 3. fi. and the rf. shall be dark over them 7. 4. the rf. of thy WHichnien, and thy visitation Zeph. 2.2. before the decree, the rf. pass" as the chaflf 3.8. till the rf. that I rise up to the prey 2'ff/i.4.10.for who hath despised rf. of small thincs .' '!/ 111 7 1.15. my mouth shew forth ihysalvation o//r/;avid 2 Chron. 21. 15. by reason of the sickness rf. hy rf. 24. 1 1 . thus they did rf. hy rf. ami gathered money 30. 21. the priests praised the Lord rf. by rf. Ezra 6, 9. let it be given rf. by rf. without fail Neh. 8. 18. rf. by rf. he read in the law of God Psal. 91. 5. nor the arrow that Hieth by rf. 121. 6. the sun shall not smite thee ^v rf. 136.8. the sun to rule by rf.forhis mercy enduretb /"I. 6*1. 19. the sun shall be no more thy light by rf. Jer. 31. 35. who giveth the sun for a licht by rf. Ezek. 12. 3. and remove by rf. in their sight 7. I did so. 1 brought forth my stuff by rf. t.uke 11. 3. give us rf, by rf. our daily bread 2 Cor. 4. 16. the inward man is renewed rf, hy rf, iiei. 21. 25. the gates of it shall not be shut hy rf Every DAV. (^>en. 6. t 5. the thoughts of his heart evil everv a E.Tod.\tiA. gooi.t and ^athT icertain rate every rf, 29 36. thou shall offer a bullock every rf. 1 S.im. 23, 14. and .Saul sought David every J. 2 Saw. 13. 37. David mourned for his son etery rf 2 Kings 25. 30. given him a daily rate for ei-ery rf, 1 Chron. 16. 37, minister, as eieiy rf. work required 2 Chron. 8, 13. even after a certain nte eirry rf, 14. as the duty of every rf. required Lzi a 3. 4 Keh. 1 1. 23. a portion for singers. du« for ev^ry rf. 12. 47. and the porters every rf. his portion I'sth. 2. ll.I\Iordecai walked erery rf. before court P.\al.1. n.God is angry «'ith the wicked *if>v rf. 5f>. 5. firry rf.they wr""!! my words, thpirthuiighLa \A5.Q..every d.w\\\ I bless thee .'indprai>e thy name Isa.5\. 13. and hast feared continually eiez-y rf, 52,5. and my name erery rf. is blasphemed Lzek. 43 25. seven days prepare every rf. a goat Lnke 16. 19. rich man fared sumptuously every d.. Horn. 14. 5. another esteemeih every rf. alike Peast\:iA\. /'.tfl/. 81. 3. blow trumpet on our solemn _/Vrt.tf-rf. .!/«(. 26. 5. they said, not on the /' a.^i-d. Mark 1 i..2, John 2. 23, infeast-d. manv believed in his name first DAV. Gen. 1. 5. the evening and morninc were frst rf. Q.6.onihejifsfd. of the month the mountains were seen, 13. £.rt>rf, 40. 2, I7. Lev. 23. 24. Eiod. 12 15 ihe^rst rf. ye shall put away leaveHj ■. ijoso eateth from frst rf, to seveiub 16. in ilie / ;-f/ rf. shall be an hnlv convocatiiin, y.tj. 23, 7. .35. .yum. 28. 18. I 29. 1. Lev. 23. 3y. on the ,,-r,ir rf, shall 1-e a sabbath 40. shall takeonyirj/ rf. boughs of goodly trees Num. 1,1, the Lord spake to Rloses on the //'m' rf, 18 they assembled the congrtgation on t]n-_/**,w rf. 33. 31!. on the first d. Aaron went up to Monni t lor JJeui. 16. 4. the tltsh sacrificed jirst rf. loi rcuiain I DAY JC'/ircw. S9- 17- ttiev began on first d. to sanctify /^.sra 3. 6. from ihi'firil d. l-egaii thry to offer 7 .y. 00 the first d. began he to go up from Babylon ami on the^irfi d. came he to Jerusalem 10. l6. sat down on/rj( d. of ihe tpnlh month 17. by first d. of first month they made an end NWi.8.2. Ezra brought the law on first d. of month \QSvom first unto last (/.he read in the law of God E^ek. 26 l.in the first d. the word of the Lord came, ig. 17. ! 31. 1. I 32. 1. Has.. 1. 1. 45. IR. in first d. of the month shalt offer a bullock Van. 10. Vy. from the first d.i)\o^ didst set thy heart A/rt^26.17. ft; 5rrf. of unleavened bread, A/ar* 14.12. Acts 20. 18. ye know from ft'"/ d. I came into Asia Phil. I. 5. for your fellowship from first d. till now See Week.. Secit'id DAY. Gen. 1. 8. the evening and morning were second d. Eiod. 2. i;t. and when he went out the secandd. Num.7. 18. on the second d. Nelhaneel did offer 29.17. on the secondd. offer twelve yomig bullocks Jas/i. 6. U. the second d. they compassed city once 10. 32. took Lachish on the second d. and smote it /wf/i*. 20. 24. Israel came against Benjamin «rii«(/(/. I San. 20. S+.Jonathan did eat no meat second d. 1 CA/'07i.3.2.he began to build jf <■(»«(/ rf. oftbe month Neh. 8. 13. ou the second d. were gathered together Esth. 7. 2. the king said to Esther the second d. Jfr.41.4. the second d. after he had slain Gedaliah Ezek. 43. 22. ou the secondd. thou shalt offer a kid T/iird DAY. Gen.\. 13. evening and morning were the third d. 22. 4. on third d. Abraham saw the place afar off .■J 1.22. it was told Laban on f/iirt/rf. Jacob was Ihd 34. 25. on third d. when they were sore, two sous Erod. 4. t 10. nor since the third d. Josh. 3. t 4. ly.ll. be ready against the third rf.for the third d. Lord will come down on mount Sinai, 15. Lev. 7. 17. the remainder of the flesh of sacrifice on the third d. shall be burnt with fire, ly. () A^H/n. 19.12. shall purify himself on third d. 31. ly, 19. the clean person sprinkle unclean on //aVi/rf. 29. 20. on the third d. eleven bullocks, two rams Dent. ly. +4. hated not from yesterday //iiVrf a. ti. Josh.Q. 17. Israel came to their cities on the third d. /Hfl'g'20.30.Israel went against Benjamin the (/(!>(/ a', 1 Sam.i.iT. not such a thing yesterday or r/;)>rfrf. 19. +7. was in his presence as yesterday or third d. 2 Sam. 3.-H7.ye sought Dav. yesterday and third d. 1 Kine^s 12.12. came to Kehob. rAiVrfrf. 2CAr.l0.12, 2 Kings\:i.'i5. I sr. dwelt as yesterday and (AjV*/ rf (/.there was a marriage in Cana .'If/j27. 19- 1^^ third d. wecastout lacVling of ship 1 Cor. 15. 4. and that he rose again the third d. lour I h DAV. C'en. 1 . 19. evening and morning were i\\t fourth d. Num. 29. 23. on XYift/mirih d. ten bullocks, two rams B Chron. 20. 26. on ihe/onrth d. they assembled Ezra 8.33. oifonrth d. was silver and gold weighed Zcch.1. 1. word can e to 7ech;triah on the fourth d. lifth DAY. Gen. 1. 23. the evening and morning were i\iv fifth d. Num. 29. 26. on the fifth d. nine bullocks, two rams Ezek. 1. 1. in the fifth d. of the month, 2. [ 8. 1. 33. 21. in the fifth d. one came unto me, saying Sixth DAY. Gen. 1 . 31 . evening and morning were the sirth d. Erod. 16. 5. on the suth d. gather twice as much,22. 2y.giveth you on the,iir/A rf.the bread of two days \itm. 7. 42. on the sixth d. Eliasaph offered 29. 29. Ml the sixth d. eight bullocks, two rams ikventh DAY. Ge^t. 2,2, on \}i\e seveyith d. God ended his work .T. andGod ble;;sedlhe j^i'Cn//((/. Exod.'i^. 11. 'Vorf. 12. 15, eateth leaven from first d. to seventh d. 16. on the seventh d. shall be an holy convoca- tion. Lev. 23. 8. Num. 28. 25. 1?,. 6. and in the teicnth d. shall be a feast 16 26. six days gather it, but the seventh d. i^ the sabbath, 20. 10. Lev.2^. 3. Deut. 5. 14. 27- there went out some on the seventh d. 29 ■1*'' "(' nian go out of bis [)lareon iheievenlh d. 24. 16. on the seventh d. he called vinto Moses 31. 17. on the seventh d. God rested. IJeb. 4.4. 34.21. on seventh d. thou bhalt rest, in earing-time 35. 2 , on itventh d. there shall be a holy d. to you ^f". 11. 5. the priest shall looK on him the ifrfTi^AlJe/-. 52. 31 d. 6, 27. 32, 34, 51. I 14. .Jy.l 112 UAV Lf r.l4.9.the seventh d. he shall shave It, Num.6 g. Num. ly. 12. on me seventh d. he shall be clean ly. on th^ seventh d. purify himself, 31. ly. 31. 24. ve shall wash your clothes on the seventh d. Deut 16. 8. on the seventh d. a solemn assembly Jush ft A.oxi seventh d. compass city seven times, 15. Judg.WAb.oXi seventh d. they said to Samson'swife 17. on the seventh d. he told her, because she 2 Sam. 12. 18. on the seventh d. the child died 1 Kings 20. 29. on the seventh d. battle was joined 2 h'ings25.S. on the seventh rf. came Nebuzar-adan Esth. l.lO.on seventh rf. when Ahasuerus was merry Ezek. 30. 20, in the seventh d. the word came 45. 20. and so do the seventh d. of the month iielt. 4. 4. he spake of the ievcnih d. on this wise, 'iod did rest the seventh d. from all lii? works Eighth DAY. Exod. 22. 30. on iheeight't d. thou shalt give it me Eev.Q. 1. oa the eighth d. Moses called -Aaron 12. 3. on eighth d. flesh of fore-skin be circumcised 14. 10. on the eighth d. he shall take two he-laml-s 23. bring twomrtl s on6i^A/Aih. 9. 15. Jews gathered together onyi»jA\ Xeh. fi.lfi. the wall wasVmish. in the t^centvfifthd. t.fijth rf. Evil-menidai'h lifted DAY I T:,enty.seventh DAY. Gi'v. 8. 14. on the t.-seventh rf. was the eartli dr-a. 2 Kings ^5.'27.oa t.-s.d. Evil-merodach lilted uenj Good DAY. 1 Sam. 25. 8. we come in a good 4. give to Dav^ Efth. 8. 17. Jews had gladness and a i,'(ii>rf rf. 9. ly 9. 22. was turned from mournnig into a good rf. Great DAY. Jer. 30.7. alas, that rf. is greot, none.is like it Uos.. 1, 11. fur gieat shall be toe rf. of .lezreei Joel 2. 11. the rf. of the Lord is great and terrildis 31. sun to darkness, moon to blood, before the 5 and terrible rf. of the Lord come. Acts 2. 2C Zfph. 1. 14. the great rf. of the Lord is near .\i.il. 4. 5. before the coming of great rf. of the Loi-u Johf 7. 37. that great rf. of the feafit, Jesus crieo Jude 6. reserved unto the judgment of the great a Uev. 6. 17. for the great rf. of his wrath is come 16. 14. to gather to the battle of the great d. hi the DAY. Gen. 2. 4. i« the rf. that the l.'-rd made the earth 17. tn the rf. thou eatesi thereof thou shalt die 3. 5. in the rf. ye eat. yi»ur eyes sh;»ll be o|)eiied 31. 40. thus I was, in the rf drought consumed .i^e 35. 3. who answered me pi the rf. of my distress Exod. .32. 34. nevertheless ,« the rf. when I visit l^v. 6. 5. in the rf. of his trespass-offering 20. offer in (he rf. wlien he is anointed, 7. 36. 7. 35. in the rf. he presented them to minister 14.2. law of leper in (A^rf. of his cleans. Xum. Q.g, t57. in the rf. of the clean and unclean Num. 28. 26. also in th'. rf. of the first-fruils 30. 5. if her father disallow in the rf. he heareih 7. husband held his peace in the rf. he heard it Joih. 10,12, in the d. L. delivered up the Amontes 14. 11. as strong as 1 was tn the rf, Moses sent me 1 Sam. 10. i I9. where thou didst hide in the rf. 21. 6, put hot bread in the rf. it was taken away 2Sam.Q2. 1. tnihed. the Lord had delivered him 1 Kings2.8. who cuised me in ihe d that I tied Xeh. 13. 15, in (he rf. wherein they sold victuals Esth. 9. 1. in ihe rf. the enemies of the Jews hoped Jiih 20. 28. his goods how away in the rf. of wrath P:>al. g5. 8- as in the rf. of lemptatioii. HeA. 3. 8. 102. 2. hide not thy face tn the rf. of trouble, in the rf. when 1 call, answer me speedily 110.3. thy people be willing in the d. of thy power 5. shall strike through kings tmhed. of his wrath 137.7. remember Edom tn tlw rf. of .Jerusalem 138. 3. iM the rf, when I cried, thou artsweredst me /Vor.6. 34. he will not spare in thed. of vengi^auce 11. 4. riches profit not m the rf. of wrath 24. 10. if thou faint tn the rf. of adversity Eccl. 7. 14. in the rf. of prosperity be joyful, but in the rf. of adversity consider 8. 8. neither hath be power tn the rf. of death 12. 3. in the rf. when the keepers shall tremble Cant. 3. 11. crowned him m the rf. of his espousals, and in the rf. of the gladness of bis heart 8. 8. in th" rf. when she shall be spoken for Isa. 9. 4, broken the yoke as in the rf. of Midian 10. '3. w-,at will ye do in the rf. of visitation :* 1 1 -Hi. in the rf. he came out of Egj-pt. Hos. 2. 15. 13. 13. shall remove in the rf. of his fierce aiig. r 17. 11. in the rf. shalt thou make thy plant grow in the rf. of grief and desperate .'borrow 30 25. in thed. ofgreat slaughter, when the liewtrs 26. in the rf. that the Lord bindeth up the brc.tch 5U. 3. in the d. of your fast you find pleasure Jer. 16.19. U Lord, my refuge in thed. ofaffliciiou 17. 17. thou art my hope in the rf. of evil 18.17. shew back and not face in the rf. of calamity 36. 30. his dead body shall be cast out in the rf. Lam. 1. 12. afflicted me in thed. of his fierce anger 2.1. remembered not his footstool in thed. of anger 3. 57. thou drewest near m the rf, that I called Ezek. 7 ly. gold not deliver ihem in thed. of wrath 16. 4. thy nativity in the rf. thou wast boni, 5, 56 Sodom not n'-entiornd in the rf. of thy pride 27. 27. they shall fall in the rf. of thy rum 3n.y.great pain came on them as in thed. of Egypt 32. 10. every man for his life in the rf. ol thy tail 33. 12. in the rf. he turneth from his wickedr.ess, not able to live in the rf. that he siiinelh IIos. 2. 3. lest t set her as in (he rf. she was born 4,5. therefore shall thou fall in the rf. and prophel Amos 1. 14. with a tempe^( tn the rf. of a wluvlwind 8.0. I will darken O'e earth in the clear rf. Oha'd. 11. tn th. d. th'.ii sniuilest on the other side 12. nor rijiMctd in t.'u rf. of their destruction 14. fhose of hisihatdid remain in the rf. '^fdist. Mai. 4. 3. in the rf. that I shall do this, saith Lord Luke 17. 30. in the rf. when the Son is revealed JohnM.g. if any walk in the rf. he stumblcth noj /.Vm.2.16. inrf. when G- shall judge secrets of meo 13. 13. let us walk honestly as in (he rf- 1 Cor. 1,8. maybe blameles.i m /A^ rf. of our Lord 2 C^r. 0. 2. in the rf- of salvation 1 succoured tlin 1 /7,(/.'2. 16. that I may rejoice in the d. of Chris! adi IKb'.V. g. in the rf. when I took them by th-' UiJid DAY 1 Pft S.18. may clnrify God in t/ie d. of visitation DAY of Jn4-imtnt. iiat. 10 15. it shall tie more tolerable for Sodom iu the rf. of Jutf^menC, 11. Sfc. MarJtt). ]1. 11 CG.mon.* tolerable for lyre and Sidon in d.ofj. 12. 3fj. shall i^ve account thereof md. of judg. 2 l^et. 2. y. and to reserve the unjust to d. of j. 3. 7. are reser\*ed unto fire against the d, of j. I John 4. 1*. we mav have boldness in the d. of j. DAY of the Lord. ha. 2. !2 d. of the L. shall be on every one proud 13.6.rf. of the L. is at hand, Joel 1. 15. Zeph.\.1. 9. the d. of the L. comelh, Joel C. i Zech. 14. 1. 34. 8. for it is the d. of the Lord's veiigeauce Ur. 1/5. 10. this is the d. of the L. God of hosts Lam. 2. 22. in the d. of the L.'s anger none escaped £tei. 13. 5. to stand in battle in the d. of the I^rd 30. 3. the d. of the L. is near, Joel 3. 14. Obad.lb. Amos 5. IH. woe to you that desire the d. of the L. Zeph. l.ti. in d. of the /,."'' sacrifice 1 will punish 18. shall deliver them in the d. of the L.'s wrath 2. 2. before the d. 6. and thou shalt fear d. and night Josh. 1, 8. this book of the law not depart, but thou shall meditate therein d. and night, PsaJ. 1.2. 1 Sam. 19. 24. lay naked all that d. and that night I Kings 8. 29. that thine eyes might be opened toward this house night and d. 2 Chr. 6. 20. Neh. 1. a. which I pray before thee d. and night 4. 9- and set a watch againsL them d. and nigh Lsth. 4. 16. neither eat nor drink night or d. Juh 17. 12. they change the night into d. 2fi. 10. till the d. and mght come to an end P»al. 32.4. d. and night thy hand was heavy on me 42. ."i. my tears have been my meat d. and nisht 55.10.rf.and night they go about it on the walls 74. 16. the d. is thine, the night also is thine 88.1. 0 Lord, I have cried d. ajfd night before thee 139. 12. but the nis,ht shineih as the rf. Keel. a. 16. that neither d, nor 7iight seeth sleep Isa. 4. 5. smoke by rf. and flaming fire by night 27.3. I the Lord will keep it rf. and night 34.10. it shall not be quenched rf. nor nisht 38. 12. with pininj sickness from rf. to niskt 13. from rf. to nis,ht wilt thou make an end of me 60. 11. gates, they shall not be shut rf. nor nig/ti 62. 6. watchmen never hold their peace rf. nor n. Jer. 9. 1. that I might weep rf. and night for slain ;4. 17 -eyes run down tears rf.and night, Lam.2.\S. 16. 13. and there ser\'e other gods rf. and night 33.20. (hat there should not be rf. nor night Z<'cA.14.7 day known to the Lord, not rf. nor night MarKi. 27. and should sleep and rise night and rf. 5, 5. rf. and night he was in the mountains 14.30. this rf. even this night, before the cockcrow Lnkel. 37- with fasting and prayers night and rf. 18. 7. his elect, which crj-rf. and night to him ^rts 9. 24. watched ;:ates night and rf. to kill hira SO. 31. cease not to warn every one night and rf. 26.? .our tribes instantly serving Gnd rf. and titght i CW.l 1.25. thrice 1 suffered shipwreck, arf, audn. 113 DA 1 Thest. 2. 0 labouring rf. and n. because would not 3.10 m^/i/ and rf. piavmg exceeduigly. 1 7im.5.5. ' J'heis. 3, C. but wrought with labour night and rf. 2 Tim.1.3. without ceasing 1 have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and rf. ReiK 4. 8. and they rest not rf. and night, saying 7. 15. and serve him rf. and night in his temple 8. 12. rf. shone not for a third part, and the night '2. 10. who accused them before God rf. and night 14. 1 1 .they have no rest rf. noi night, who worship 20.10. be tormented rf. and night forever and ever HaHat/i-DAY. Exod. 16. 2fi. the seventh rf. is the sahhath. 20. 10. 20. 8. remember the sabhath-d. to keep it holy, Uei't. 5. 12. 11. Lord blessed the sabhath-d. and hallowed it 31. 15. whosoever doth any work on safibath-d. 3.1. 3. ye shall kindle no fire on the sabbath d. :\'^'re there Jads- 20. 26. Israel ivited that rf. 1 Ham. 7. 6. 1 Sam. 8. 18. and yc shall cry out in that rf. and the Lo»d will not hear you in that rf. 9. 24. so Saul did cat with Samuel that d. DAY 1 Sam. 10. 9. and all those signs cam;? to p:ii%lh'i( d. 12. 18. the Lord sent thunder and rain thatd. 14. 23. so the Lord saved Israel that d. 37. Saul asked, but he answered him nntthatd 16. 13. Spirit of Lord came 00 David from that d 18. 9. Saul eyed David from that rf. a'ltl forward 2 i>am. 6. y. David was afraid of the Lord that d. 11. 12. so Uriah abode in .Jerusalem that rf. 1 Kings 14. 14. cut off the house of Jeroboam that 2 Chfoa. 15. \ 11. offered that d. of spoil 700 Of 18. 24. behold, thou shalt see on that rf. A'^A.8. 17- to that rf. Israel had not done so i:-j(A.3. 14.they should be ready against that rf. 8. ] 3 Job 3. 4. let that rf. be darkuess, let not G. regard il Psal. 146. 4. in that very rf. his thoughts perish Prov. 12. 1 1(J. a fool's wrath is in that rf. kuowi [ia. 2.11. Lord alone shall be exalted in that rf. 17 li.'. 32. as yet shall he remain at Nob that rf. ly. 21. Egyptians shall know the Lord iu that d 24. 21. in that rf. the Lord shall punish the host 26. 1. in that rf. shall this song be sung m Judab 2y. 18. in that rf. shall the deaf hear the woros 52. 6. they shall know in that rf. that 1 am he Jer. 3y.+ 10. Nebuz. gave them vineyards in that d 1(5. they shall be accomplished iu that rf. 17. but 1 will deliver thee in that rf. saith the L -£e^*. 29. 21. in that rf. Israel shall be exalted 38. ly. in that rf. there shall be a great shaking 3y. 22. know I am the Lord from that rf. forwaiij 48. 35. the name of the city from that rf. shall be Hos. 2, 18. and in that rf. will 1 make a covenaiH Jnei.i.ia. in that rf. mountains shall drop new wint Amoi 2. 16. he shall flee away naked in that d. 8-3. the songs of the temple be bowlings 1:1 that d. Obad. 8. shall 1 not m that rf. destroy the wise men * ^eph. 1. 15. that rf. is a day of wrath, of trouble /^tch. 2, il. nations be joined to the Lord in that d. y. Id. Lord their God shall save them in that U 11. 11. my covenant it was broken in that rf. 12. 8. the feeble at that rf. shall be as David 11. in thijc rf. shall there be a great mourning li. i. in that rf. shall there be a fountain opened 11. 4. his feet shall stand that rf. on the mount y. lu that rf. shall there be one Lord, his name oua .Mai. 3. 17. in that rf. when 1 make up my jewels Mat. 7-22. many will say to me in that rf. Lord 24,.36. bulofrAa^rf.knowethno man, Mark 13., 32. 26. 29. till that rf. I drink it new, Alar/c 14. 25 Luke d. 23. rejoice ye in that rf. and leap for joj 10. 12. be more tolerable in thai rf. for Sodom 21. 34. and so that rf. come on you unawares 23,54. and that rf. was the preparation and sabbatt John 1. 39. they came and abode with him that rf. 1 1, 53. trom that rf. they took counsel together 14.20. at thai rf. ye shall know 1 am in the Father Id. 23. and in that rf. ye shall ask me nothing 26. at that rf. ye shall abk in my name 1 Thess. 5. 4. that rf. should overtake you as a thief 2 Thess. I. li). our testimony was believed in that rf. 2. 3. that d. shall not come, except there come 2 i'(wj.l.l2.1 have committed to him against r/ia; d 18. he may find mercy of the Lord in that rf. 4. 8. the crown the Lord shall give me at that rf. 'This DAY'. G(?«.4.14.thou hast driven me out r/ji'jrf. from earth 24. 12. 1 pray thee send me good speed this rf. 25. 31. he said, sell me this rf. tuy birth-right 33. swear to me this rf. and he sware unto him 41, 9. 1 do remember my faults this rf. 48. 15. God who fed me all my life long to this d, Exod. 12. 14. this rf. shall be for a memorial 17- therefore observe thts rf. in your generations 13. 3. remember this rf. in whicu ye came out, 4. Deut. 1. 10. you are this rf. as the stars of heaven 2. 25. this rf. will I begin to put the dread of thee 4. 4. are alive every one of you this rf. 5. 3. 5. 24. seen this rf. that God doth talk with man 6. 24. as it is at thts rf. 8. 18. Ezra y. ?• 7.11. the statutes which I commanded thee thisd, 4. 40. I d. d. I 8. I, 11. ] 10. 13. I 30. 2, ti 8. 19. I testify against you this rf. ye shall perish 11 8. commandments which I command you thtsa 13.27.28. I 13.18. I 15.5. I I9. 9- I 27.1,4 32. statutes w-hich 1 have set before you rAiy J 12. 8. not do after all things ye do here this rf. 2d. 17. avouched thts rf. the ix>rd to be thy God 27. 9. ihi^ rf. thou art become the people ol the 29. 4. hath not given you ears to hear to this d 10. ye stajid this d. all of you before the Lord 18. whose heart turneth away /An rf. from the L 30. 15. I set before thee Murf.life and death, 19. 16. I commanded thee this d. to love the Lord 31. 27, while I am yet alive with you thi: rf. 34. 6. no man knov.relh his sepulchre to ihisd. Jo)h. 3. 7. this rf. will I begin to magnify thee 4. 9. ihe twelve stones are there unto this d. 7. 25. the Lord shall trouble thee tMs d. 14. 10. and now 1 am ihisd. eighty-five years olil 11.1 am as strong this rf. as when Moses sent mu 22, 16. to turn away this rf. from following Lord DAY rpiA. 52. 17- whii'li we are not cleansed till this d. 2C. if It be iri ret-ellion, save us not this d. 33.8. cleave to the I,ii. as ye have done unto this d. 24. 15. choose you this d. whom ye will serve Judi;. X. £6. I.uz is the name thereof unto Mif d. 10. X^. deliver us only, we pray thee, fhis d. IQ. 30. since Israel came up out of the land of p'pypt to this d. 1 Sa/.22.2.1 cry in the d.-time. but thou hearest not 42.8. Lord command his loving-kindness md.-time 78. 14. in the d.-ttme also he led them with a cloud 7ja.4.6. shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in d.-time 21. 8. I stand on the watch-tower in the d.-time Luke 21. .37. in d.-time he was teaching in temple 2 Pet.i. 13. that count it pleasure to riot in d.-t. DAYS. Gen. 4. t 3. at end of d. Cain brought an offering 8. 3. after 150 d. the waters were abated !4. t 1. and Abraham was old and gone into d. 27. 41. d. of mourning for my father are at hand CO.f 14. and Jacob abode with him a month of 4r. 9- the d. of my pilgrimage are an 130 years ■(28. thed. of the years of his life was 147 years 50. 4. when the d. of his mourning were past Num. 11. +20. ye shall eat of it a month of d. 14.34. after the number of//, ye searched the land Dent. 4. 32. for ask now of the d. that are past 10. 10. and I stayed in the mount forty d. Josh. 23. 1 1. Joshua waxed old and come into d. Judg. 1 1 .+ 4. after d. children of Amnion made war 1 Sam.X^. 1] . Samuel came not within d. appointed 18. 26. and the d. were not expired, wherefore 27. 1 7. David dwelt with Philistines a year of rf. ey. 3. which hath been with me these d. 1 Ki7igs2. 11. the rf. David reigned over Lsrael 3. 2. no house was built to the Lord till those rf. 14. 20. d. that Jeroboam reigned were 23 years 30. war between Rchoboam and Jerob. all their rf. 15. 16, between Asa and Baasha all theirrf. 32. 2 Kings 10.+ 36.rf.that Jehu reigned were 28 years 1.1. 3. into the hand of lien-hadad all their rf. 15.+ 13. and Shallum reigned a month of rf. IB. 4. to those rf. Israel did burn incense to it 23. 22. from rf. of the judges, not such a passover 1 Chron. 23. 1. when David wiis old and full of rf. 29. 15. our rf. are on earth as a shadow. Job 8. 9. 28, he died full of rf. riches and honour 2 Chron. Zi. 15. Jehoiada was old and full of rf. Ezra 4. 2. since the rf. I'^sar-addon brought us up 9-7. since rf. of our fathers have we been in trespass AVA. 1.4. I wept and mourned certain rf. 8.17. since rf. of Jeshua.son of Nun, unto that day Lsfh. 9. 22. as the rf. whereon the Jews rested 26. they called these rf. Purim, after Pur 28. and that these rf. should be lememb. and kept Job :i. 6. let it not be joined to the rf. of the year 7.1. are not his rf. also like the rf. of an hireling 12. 12. and in length of rf. understanding 21. 13. they spend their rf. in wealth, and go down 30. + 1. but now they that are of fewer rf. than I 16. the rf. of alfiiction have taken hold oil me 27. the rf. of affliction prevented me 32. + 4. Elihu waited, for they were f Ider for rf. 7. I said, rf. should speak, and years teach wisdom 33.25. he shall return to the rf. of his youth 36, 1 1. they shall spend their rf. in prosperity 42. 17. so ,iob died, being old and full of rf. I'sal. 21. 4. ihou pavest him length of rf. for ever 23. +6. dwelliuthe Lord's houre to length of rf. 37. 18. the Lord kiiowcth the rf. of the upright 44. 1. told us what work thou didst in their rf. 55. 23. dt'ccitful men not live out half their rf. 61. t 6. (hou shalt add rf. to the rf. of the king 77. 5. I have considered the rf. of old. the years 78. 33. therefore theirrf. did he consume in vanity 89. 2y. and his throne as the rf. of heaven 45. the rf. of his youth ha.U thnu shortened 90. 9. all our rf. are passeil away in thy wraih 10. the rf. of our years are threescore and ten 12.30 teach us to nuirbcrourrf. that we may apply DAY PsoL 90, 14. we may rejoice and be glad all 91. + 16. with length of rf. will I satisfy him ')3. t 5. holiness becomeththy house to length of c, 94.13. mayestgive him rest from the rf.ot adversity liy.84. how many are the rf. of thy sen-ant r Psnl. 13*). t 16. written, what rf. they should be fash 143. 5. I remember the rf. of old, I meditate Prov. 3. 2. for length of rf. shall they add to thee 16. length of rf. is in her right hand Etcl. 5. 20. not much remember the rf. of his life 7. 10. the cause that the former rf. were bitter 8. 15. that shall abide with him the rf. cf his lif» 11. 8. let him n member the rf. of darkness 12. 1 . while the evil rf. come not, nor the year« /.to. 23. 7. whose antiquity is of ancient rf, 15. seventy years, according to the rf. of one king Co. 20. the rf. of thy mourning shall be ended 65. 20. shall be no more thence an infant of rf. 22. as the rf. of a tree are the rf. of my people Jer. 2. 32. have forgotten me rf. without number 6. 11. the aged, with him that is full of rf. 28. + 3, in two years of rf. will I bring again 31. 33. after those rf. I will put my law in thei» 32. t 39. one heart, that they may fear me all rf. 3D. 2. from the rf. of .losiah even to this day Lam 4. 18. our rf, are fulfilled, our end is come Ezei. 4. 4. according to the number of the rf. 5. 9 12. 23. the rf.are at hand, and effect of every vision 16. 22. not remembered the rf. of thy youth, 43. I'an.H. 14. unto 2300 rf. sanctuary be cleansed 10. +2. I wa-s mourning three weeks of rf. 12. 11. abomination setup, there shall be 12yo rf. 12. blessed is he that waileth to the 1335 rf. Ilos. 2. 13. I will visit on her the rf. of Baalim y. 7- rf- of visitation, rf. of recompense are come 10. 9. thou hast sinned from the rf. of Gibeah Amos V. t 4. bring tithes after three years of rf 5. + 21. and I will not smell your holy rf. .Vic. 5. 1 2. have been from the rf. of eternity 7. 15. according to the rf. of thy coming out H^ig. 2. 16. since those rf. were, when one come to Zeth. 8. t4. with his staff for multitude of rf. y. ye that hear in these rf. these words 10. before these rf. there was no hire for man 11. I will not be as in former rf. saith the Lord 15. so have I thought in these rf. to do well liJul. 3. 7- from rf. of our fathers ye are gone away HJat. 11. 12. from rf. of .John the Baptist till now 24.22. and except those rf. should be shortened no flesh should be saved, Mark. 13. 20. 37. asrf. of Noe, so shall the coming of the Son b Lukel. 24. after those rf. Elisabeth conceived 21. 22. for these be the rf. of vengeance .'lets 3. 24. have likewise foretold of these rf. 5. .36. for before these rf. rose up Theudas 11. 27. in these rf. came prophets to Antioch 12. 3. then were the rf. of unleavened bread 19. + 38. if matter against any court rf. are kept 20. fi. we sailed after the rf. of unlt-avened bread 21. 38. which before these rf. madest an uproar Gal. 4. 10. ye observed rf. and months, and times Eph. 5, 16. redreming time, beraus*? the rf. are evil Ueb. 7.3. neither beginning of rf. nor end of life 10. 32. but call to remembrance the former rf. 1 Pet. 3. 10. he that would see good rf. let him ref. l\ev. 11. 3. shall prophesy 126O rf. in sackcloth 12. 6. that they should feed her there 12(k)rf. See Daviu, Last, (.)i,i), Joubne\. All the DAYS. Gen. 3. 14. dust shalt thou eat all the d. of thy life 5. 5. all the rf. Adam lived were 950 ye.-irs 8. all d. ofSeth 912 years It 11. of Enosytt5year» 14.rf. of CainanyU) years || 23. Enoch 365 years 27. all the rf. of IVlethuselali were y6y years 9. 29. all the rf. of Noah were ySO years Lev. 13. 46. all (he rf. wherein the plague shall be 15. 25. all the rf. of her issue shall be unclean, 26. Num. 6. 4. all the rf. of his separation, 5, 6, 8. Dent. 4 y. lest they depart from thy heartn// thed. 10. to fearnre <7//^/irrf. they live, I A'iiig.f fl. 40. 12. 1. to possess it all thed. ye live on the earth Josh. 4.124. that you might fear the Lordo// the d. ~\. 31. and Israel served the Lord all the rf. of Joshua and all the rf. of the elders, Judg. 2. 7 Jvdg. 2. m. delivered them n//rA.rrf. ofthejud-ze 1 Aflwi. 1.11. I w ill give him to Lord rt//rf. of his life 7. 13. against Philistmes all the rf. of Samuel 15. Simuel judged Israel all the rf. of his life 1 Kingi 4. 25. dwelt safely all the rf. of Solomon 11. 25. Kezon was advers. all the d. of Solomon 2 Kings 1,1. 22. 1 lazael oppressed l.*rael allthed. of 23. 22. nor in all the rf. of the kings of Israel 2 Chron. 24. 2. ail the rf. of .lehoida the priest, 14. Ktra 4.5. to frustrate their purposes a// rf. of Cyrus Job 1. + 5. thus did Job all the rf U.\-i. oil the d. of my appointed time will I wait /'.(rt/.23.6.nKTcyshallfallowmeff////(f rf. ofmylife 27. 4. dwell in house of I>ord all Ihe rf. of iny life Prov. 13. 15. all the rf. of the aftlictrtl are evil 31 . I'i. do him good, not evil, all iht rf. of her lift DAY ic. 75. in holiness before liini a//rA«rf.ol our life Sf4 llif I.iKK. Tht/ Life. DAYS come. ia.7. n . shall bring on ihet' d that ha-ve Dot come ;?r.2.1.5.behoMthe(/.c<'mt'.7. | ^0.3. j 31.27 ,31,:i8 /imosi. 2. the rf. eomc that he will lake you away Mat. g. 15. the d. shall romf when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, Mark ^. 20. Luie 5.35. Luke 1". 22. the d. come when ye shall desire to see 19. 43. the d. come thy enemies shall cast a trench SI. 6. the d. come in which there shall not be letl lleb.Q. U. d. come when I will make a oew covenant yew DAYS. Gen. 24. 55. let the damsel abide with as 3. feto d. 27. 41. tarry a few d. till thy brother's fury turn 29. 20. and they seemed to him but a /em rf, 47. i(. fe'J} and evil are the d. of ray pilgrimage V«m.*9"20. when the cloud was &fewd. on tabern. oi 14. 1 . man that is born of a woman is o( few d. 32. t ^- lilihu said, i am of Jew d. and ye are old fiai, 109. H. let his d. be few, and let another Dim. U. 20. within /Vtf d. he shall be destroyed Ue^). 12. 10. they verily for a few d. chastened us n,s DAYS. Cm. G. 3. yet /iis d. shall be 120 years 10.25. in /iJf rf. was the earth divided, 1 C/tr.l.lQ. Vent. 22. 19. may not put her away all Aisd. 2tJ, 1 Ajm^i l.t6.had not displeased him from An /. 15. 14. Asa was perfect all 'lisd. 2 Ckion. 15. 17. 16. 34. \nhis d. did lliel build Jericho 21. 29- I will not bring the evil in his d. 2 A't»gj8. 20. in/iis d. Edom revolted.^ (-hr. 21. 8 12. 2. Jehoash did what was right all his d. 15. 18. he departed not all his d. from the sins 1 C'hron. 22. 9. and quietness to Israel in his d 2 Chron. 34. 33. all his d. they departed not from Job 14. 5. seeing hisd. are determined, his months 15. 20. wicked man travailetb with pain all his d. 24.1. why dotliey that know him not see his d.f Psiii. 72. 7. in his d. shall the righteous flourish 103. 15. as for man, his d. arc as grass, as flower 144. 4. hisd. arc as a shadow th.at passeth away /V.'r.2{{.l(l. that hateth covftousness prolong Ai\r ,/. Eccl. 2. 23, for all his d. ate sorrows, his travail 5. 17. all his d. also he rateih in darkness S.I2 and though his d. be prolonged, yet I know 13. the wicked shall not prolong his d. Isa 65. 20. nor old man that hath not tilled his d. Jer. 17. 11. shall leave them in the midst of his d. 22. 30. write, a man that shall not prosper in /v:irf. S3. 6. in his d. Judah shall be saved, Israel dwell In the DAYS. G«i.30, 14. Reuben went m the d. of wheat -har\'est /«rf§. 5. 6. til the d. of Shamgar, i« (he d. of Jael 8. 28. was in quietness 40 years in ihe d. of Gideon I Sam. 17. 12. went for an old ma^ in the d. of Saul e Sam. 21. I. there was a famiLfi in the d. of David 9. lliey were put to death in the d. of har\'est, in the first d. in l»eg;.injng of barley harvest 1 Kings 10. 21 silver was nothing accounted of in the d. of Solomon, ^Chron, 9 20- 22 .46. Sodomites which remained in the d. of Asa 1 ChTtn. 4. 41. these came in the d. of llezekiah 13. 3. we enquired not at it in ihed. of Saul 2 Vhri>n.Qf).5. he sought (Jod in thed. of Zecharish .32. '.'6. came not on ihem in fhe d. of llezekiah J06 2g. 2. as in the d. M'hen God preserved me 4. as I was in the d. of my youth, when the secret Psat. 37- 19- in the d. of famine shall be satisfied 40. 5. wherefore should I fear in the d. of tvxx ■ h.cl, 2. 16. in thed. to oome shall be forgotten 11.9. let thy heart cheer thee in the d. of youth 12. I. remember thy Creator in the d. of youth Jer. 26. 18. Micah prophesied in^/i^ rf. of llezekiah l,am. \.T .Terus. remembered in the d. of her afflict. Kttk. 1 6.60. 1 will remember my covenant in the d. 22. 14. or hands be strong in the d. I shall deal Dan. 2. 44 in the d. of these kings shall God set up !^.\\.inihe d. of tliy father, light was found in him IIos. 2. lo. she shall sing as in the d. of her youth 9- 9- have deeply corrupted as in rhe d. of Gibeah 12. y. to dwell, as in the d. of the solemn feast Joel 1. 2. halh this been in the d. of your fathers ' Mat. 2. 1. when Jesus *as born in //i« (f. of Herod 23. 30. if we had been in the d. of our fathers 24. 38. for as in the d. that were before the flood A/flr*2.26. into the house of God i,td. of Abiathar Luke 1. 25. thus halh lyrd nealt with me in the d. 4. 25, many widows were in the d. of Elias 17. 26. as in tA« * of Noe || 2R. in tfit d. of Lot /lets b. 37. rose up Judas in the d. of the taxmg 11. 28. came to pass in 'A^ rf. of Ch^udius Cesar He&. 5.7 -who in the d. of his flesh, when he offered I re/.3. 20. long-suffer. G. waited tnthed. of Noah Rev. 10. 7. in thed. of the voice of seventh angel 11. 6. that it rain not in th^ d. of their prophecy In those Days. Qfn. 6. 4. there were giants in the earth in those d Oeut. 17 9. cume to the judge inthoxe d.\g. 17, 26. 3. go to thepr-est that sha.1 heint/iote d. 115 DAY DAY Jttd" 17 fi in rW« J. there was no king in Israel.l .Va/.12.i2.it isl.iwful to do well .m the ,f«^*rt/^-rf, ^ ... . In, nr /I I 1 . • 1 r.,1 .„ .1., i ^.. ..^l.t.^tl. J I .... f. I 18. 1. I 21. 2i 20. 27. for the ark of God was there in those d. I'Sam. 3. I. tlie word of L. was precious in those d. 2 ^a.-H. iti. 23. which he counselled in those d. 2 Kincs 20. 1. in those d. was llezekiah sick unto death. 2 Ckron. 32. 24. Isa. 38. 1. Jer. 33. Ifi. in those d. shall Judah be saved 0. 4. in those d. Israel shall go up and seek God 20. in those d. ioiq. shall be souglit for, aud noi Joel 9.. ^g. in Moifirf.will pour oui'my Spirit on the' T)i-nU \%. 119. forsake not the Leviie all thy d. AJark:i.i. lawful to do good o\\\al-bath-d. 7,ii«f6.y Luke 4. 31. he caiue aua taught them on sabbaih-d 6. 2. which is not lawful to do on the sabbath^ Acts 17. 2. three sabhath-d. reasoned with them Col. 2. 16. judge you in respect of sabbath-d. Thy DAYS. /Ircrf. 20.12. honour thy father anci ay mother, that thyd. may belong on land 1 . n y 0. giveth thee !5. the number of thy d. I will fulfil servants and on the handmaids. Acts 2 18, Mat. 24.19. woe lo them that give suck tn .hose d. MarkVi. 17- Luke 21. 2:'. Liike 1. 39. and Mary arose in those d. and went 20. 1. on one of those d. as he taught the people Acts 7. 41. they made a calf in ih-sed. and offered tiev. 2. 13. hast not dented my faith iit thoxe d. 9. d. in those rf. shall nien seek death and not find it L'Uter DAYS. Ntim. 24.14. people do to thy people in the latter d. Deitt. 4 30. in latter d. if thou tura to the Lord 31. 29. and evil will befal you in the latter d. Jer. 23.20. in latter d. consider it perfectly, 30. 24. 48, 47. yet will 1 bring auain the captivityof Moab in the latter d. saith the Lord 49- 39. the captivity of Elam in the latter d. Lzek.^HAti. come against my people in the latter d. i)un. 2. 28. maketli known what shall be in latter d. 10. 14. what shall befal thy people in the/afrer d. ties. 3. 5. and shall fear the Lord in the tatter d. Many DAYS. Gfn. 37. 34 T=iael mourned for his son many d. 47. t 8. how mo-ny are tlie d. cS thy life r Josh. ^'Z. 3. nor left your brethren these maTif d. 2 Sam. ly. t34. Bazillai said to the king, how >/iani/ d. are the years of my life ' I A'ln^f 2. 38. Shimei dwelt at Jerusalem manyd. 3.t II. and hast not a.sked for thyself many d. 17.15. she, and he, and ber house, did eat many d. 1 C'hron. 7. 22. and Ephraim mourned many d. Pial. 34. 12. what man is he that loveth many d / 119, 84. how many are the d. of thy servant.'' Eicl. 6. 3. so that the d. of his years be many 11. 1. for thou shall find it after many d. La. 24 22. alter m.rf. shall theybe visited. i.'2fi.38. 8. 32. 10. manv d. and years shall ye be troubled Jer. 32. 14. they may continue ntajty d. 35. 7. 37. 16. Jeremiah had remained there mmiy d. Ezek. 12. 27. the vision that he speth is for majii/ d. Dan. a. 26. I 10."l4. D(?«.l 1.33. shall fall by captivity and spoil many d. Hos. 3. 3. thou shall abide for me many d. 4. Israel shall abide many d. without a king LvAe 15. 13. not many d. after, younger ."ion gather. John 2. 12. tliey continued there not many d. Acts 1. 5. ye shall be baptized not manyd. hence 13. 31. he was seen many d. of them which come 16. 18. this did she mani/ J. I'aul being grieved 27. 20. Dor sun nor stars in many d. appeared My DA VS. Gtfn.29.2i .give me my wife, for my d. are fulfilled 2 KingsZQ. 19. good if peace and truth heinmv d. Jobl. 6. mn d. are swifter than a weav.r's shuttle Id. let me alone, for my d. are vanity 9. 25. now wiv rf. are swifter than a post, they flee 10. 20. are not my d. few. cease then, and let alone 17. 1. my d. are extinct, graves are ready for me 11. my d. are past, my purposes are broken 27. td. my heart shall not reproach me for my d. 29. 18. I 3hall nmltiply my d. as the sand /'ia/.39.4.know mine end. and the measure of niv d. 5. thou hast made my d. as an hand-breadth 102. 3. for my d. are consumed like snmke 11. my d. are like a shadow that dcclinelh 23. he weakened my strength.he shortened my d. 24. take me not away in the midst of my d. lid. t 2. therefore will 1 call upon him in my d. Isa. 38. 10. I said, in the cutting ofl!" of my d. 39.8. there shall be peace and truih in my d. Jer. 20. 18. my d. shall be consumed with shame A'dtt-fl-DAYS. 1 ^am.25.10.he many eervaiits j«)«'-a-rf. break away Proto7ig, ed, eth, DAYS. Devi 4. 2fi. shall not prolong your d. on it . .30. 18. 40. and that thou may est prolong thy rf. 22. 7. 5. 16. and that thy rf. may be prolonged, 6. 2. 33 that ye may /'ni/orii; your rf. ill the land, 11 9. 17. 20. to 'he eiKi th.it he may prolong his rf. 32. 47, ye shall prolong your rf. in the land Prov. 10. 27. the fear of the Lord prohngeth d. 28- Id. hateth covetousiiess, shall prolong his rf. heel. 8. '2, though a sinner's rf. be prolonged, yet 13. neither shall the wicked /jrw/on^ his rf. Isa. 13. 22. and ber rf. snail not be prolonged 53. 10. see his seed, he shall prolong his rf. Ezek. 12. 22. the rf. are prolonged, vision faileth .iaMfl//i-DAYS. Mat. 12,5 how on the jaii^.iM rf.the priests profane 10. ik It awful to heal on the zabbatnd T 23. 5. sh^ll not seek their pro.sperity all *Jty rf 25 la ttalr'itfrf. may be lengthened in land God ib. 20. he is t>y life, and the length of iV-y rf. 31. 14. thy d approach that thou moat uie 33. 25. and as thy rf. so shal! thy strengtn be 1 Sum. 25. 28. evil' not found with thee all thy rf. 2 Sum. 7. 12. and when thy rf. be fulfilled i Kims 3. 13. shall not be any like thee all thy rf. 14. walk m my ways, then 1 will lengthen My rf. 1 1. 12. in thy d. I will not do it, tor David's sake 2 l\ingi 20.6! I will add to thy a. 15 years, /.vo. 38. 3. 1 Vhron. 17. 11. when tny d. lie expired, that thou go Job 10 5. are thy rf.as the days of uian, are thy yeais 38. 12. hast thou commanded morning since thy d.t 21. because the number of thy rf, is great Prov. 9. ) I. tor by me thy rf. shall be multiplied Kzek. 22. 4. thou ha^t caused thy rf. lo draw near Two DAYS. Exod. 16. 29. on the sixth day the bread of two rf. Sum. y, 22. whether it were two rf. or a month 11. ly. ye shall not eat one, nor two rf. nor five 2 ■'iam. 1. 1. and David had abode two d. in Ziklag Ezra 10. 13. nor is this a work of one day or twod. 1-^th. 9. 27. that they would keep these two rf. Uos. d. 2. alter two rf. will he revive us, third day Mot. 2t). 2. after two rf. is the feast, M^nk 14. 1 John 4. 4<). and he abode there luo rf. 43. now after two rf. he departed thence 11. G. he abode tivo d. &tilL in the same place Three DAYS. Gen. 40. 12. Joseph said, three branches are three d. 13. within (Ay^t^rf. shall t'har lift up thy head, I9 18 Joseph said, the three baskets are three rf. 42. 17. he put them altogether into ward three rf £.'jyrf.3.18. let us go r/n-t? rf. journey into wilderness to sacrifice to Lordourtiod,5.3. | 8.27, | 15.28. 10. 22 there was a thick darkness iu li.gypt three rf. 23. nor rose any from his place for three rf. Jof,h. 1. 1 1, within three rf.ye shall pass over Jordan 2. id. and hide yourselves there th'-ce rf. 22, Judg. 19. 4. and he abode with him three rf. 1 -^am. 9. 20. thy asseS that were lost three rf. aao 2 1 .5. women have been kept from us these three rf. 30. 12. he had eaten no bread three rf. and nights 13.masterleftme,because (/irf^rf.agone I fell sick 2 .ba/n.20.4. assembled the menof .(udah in f4;tff rf. 24. 13. there be tlnee rf. pestilence, 1 Chr. 21. 12. 1 h.t7igs 12. 5. depart for three rf. 2 Chron. 10. 5. 2 htniis 2. 17. sought him three d. but found him not 2 Chron. 20. 25. were thiee rf. gathering the spoil Ezra 8. 15. there we abode in tents three rf. 10. 8. whosoever would not come in three rf. g. Eith. 4. Id. and neither eat nor drink three rf. Jonah 1.1 7. Lord prepared a fish,J iU(;«/. ifi. 13. observe the feast of tabernacles .sfz'ewrf. jKrfg.l4.12.if yecan declare it to me viithin seven d. 17. and she wept before him the seven d, 1 Sam. 10. 8. seven d. shalt thou tarry till I come 11. 3. the elders said, give us seveti d. respite 13. 8. he tarried seven d. according to the time 31. 13. and they fasted seven d. 1 Ckron. 10. 12. 1 Ai»£r58. 65. Solom. held a feast before h.sevend. 16. 15. Zimri did reign j-eivn d. in Tirzah 2 C/iron. 7. 9. they kept dedication of altar seven d. 30. 21. the children nf Israel kept the feast of un- leavened bread sfven d. 35, 17- Etra 6. 22. 23. assembly look counsel tokeep other seven d. Fsth. 1. 5. a feast both to great and small seven d. Isa. 30. 26. light of the sun, as thelight of jfrcM d. Ezek. 3. 15. I remained there astonished seven d. 43. 26. seven d. shall tliey purge the altar, purify Heli. 11. 30. fell, afterthev were compassed seven d. Eig/iC DAYS. C^n. 17 12.£iV'' d- old shall be circumcised, 21 . 4. '^C/iron. 29.17. sanctify house ofihe Ld. in ei-ht d. iu/ffC.21. when eii^hl d. were accomplished for the John 20. 26. after eioht d. .lesus came and stood in Ten DAYS. [midst Num. 11. 19. ye shall not eat ten d. nor twenty d. 1 Sam. 25. 38. (en d. after the Lord smote Nabal Neh. 5. 18. once in teji d. store of all sorts of wine Jer. 42. 7. after tc?t d. the word of the Lord came Dan. 1.12. prove thy servants, I pray thee, tend. 15. atilieend oUend, their countenances fairer Acts 25. d. when he had tarried more than (e« d. liev. 2. 10. but ye shall have tribulation teji d. Eleven DAY.S. l?«j/.I.2.«/fK»rf. journey betw.Iloreb andKadcsh Tuelve DAYS. Acts 24. II. there are but twelve d. since I went up Fottrteen DAYS. 1 Kings Q. 65. Solomon held a {^asX. fourteen d. ttfteen DAYS. Gal. 1.18.1 went and abode with Peter fifteen d. Ticenty DAYS. ^'r(m. \\. 19. ye shall not eat flesh tu-enty d, 'i'xcenty-cm DAYS. JJan.10.1 3. prince of I'ers, withstood me tiDenty-one Thirty DAYS. {d. Num. 20. 29- ihey mourned for Aaron thirty d. Deut. 34. H. Israel wept for Moses thirty d. Eith. 4.11.notbeencalled to the king these thirty d. Dan. 6.7. wliosoever shall ask petition for //(iVryrf. Thtrty-three DAYS. [l2. Lev. 12.4. inthe blood of her purify, thirty-three d. forty DAYS. Gen. 7.1.1 will cause it to rain on the e^vih forty d. 50. "S. forty d. were fulfilled for embalming him l.xjd. 24'. 18. Moses was in the mount forty d. and forty nights, .34. 28. Dent. 9! 9. [ 10. 10. Num. 13. 25. they returned after /wrfy d. 14. 34. Dent. 9. 25. I fell down before the Lord forty d. • h'in^s 19.8. went in .strength of that me^t forty d. Ezek. 4. 6. shalt bear the iniquity of Judah /orry d. Tonaft 3. 4. -^et forty d. and >J incveh be overthrown rt/(7/.4.2.wh'ca he had fasted/or/y (/.and/<,r/v nights Mark 1. 13. lesus vi^ forty d. in the wilderness tempted of Satan.was'with wild beasts, Lufre 4.2 Acts I. 3. being seen of them fortv d. and speaking Eifty-tu'o DAYS. «h. 6. 15. so the wall was finished \r ffty-two d. Yonr DAYS. ^jcnt. W. 21. that your (/. maybe multiplied 'er. iC. 9. I will cause to cease in your rf. mirth 35. 7. bu* all ywr d. ye shall dwell in tents Essk.VI.'tS. in y. d. will I say word, and perform it Joel 1.2. hath this been \n your d. or d. of fathers '. iiai. 1. 5. 1 will work a work in i/our d. Acts 13.41. DAILY. Erffd. 16. 5. twice as much as they gathered d A'i/)/». 4. ifi. the d. uie.-it-off ring, Eiek. 46. 13. 2a. 24. after this c.anner ye shall offer rf. 29. 6. beside the d. burnt-offering, Ezra 3. 4. Jii /i7.l0.1 6. when she pressed him rf.with her words XX6 2 A"i>fnt25.30.allowance was a d, rate for every day iV(7j. 5. 18. now that which was prepared for me d. /«/(. 3.4. when they spake d. hearkened not to thera Psal. 13, 2. having .sorrow in my heart d. how long 42.10. while they say d. to me, where is thy God r it). 1. be merciful, he fighting d. oppr^sseth me 2. mine enemies would d. swallow me up C'l. 8. 1 will sing, that [ may d. perform my vows 68. 19. blessed be the Lord who d. loadeth us 72. 15. he shall live and d. shall he be praised 74. £2. how the foolish man reproacheth thee d. 86. 3. I cry to thee d. \\ 88.9. I called d. upon thee 88. 17. they came round about me d. like water Proi'. 8. .30. and I was d. his dtlight, rejoicing in 34. that heareth me, watching d. at my gates Ita. 58. 2. yetihey seek me d. and delight to know Jer. 7- 25. d. rising up early and sending them 20.7. I am in derision d. every one mocketh, 8. Ezek. ,30. 16. and Moph shall have distresses d. Dan. 1. 5. the king appointed them a d. provision 8. 1 1 . he magnified himself, and by him the d. sa- crifice was taken away, 11. 31 .] 12. 11. //'>j.l2.1.Ephraim (/.increaseih lies and desolation /1/a/. 0.11. give us this day our rf. bread, Luke 11.3. 26. 55. 1 sat d. with you teaching in the temple, ^Ja^k 14. 49- luke I9. 47- | 22. 53. Lrtke 9.23 .let him take up his cross (/.aud follow me Acts 2. 46. continuing d. with one accord in temple 47. Lord added to the church d. such to bo saved 6. 1. widows were neglected in the d. ministration 16. 5. the churches increased in number d. 17.11 .the noble Rereans searched the scriptures d. 1 Cor. 15. 31. 1 die d. \\ Ileli. 3. 13. hut exhort d. lleb. 7. 27. who needcth not d. to offer sacrifice yam.2.15.ifasister be naked, and destitute of rf.food DAYS-MAN. Job 9- 33. neither is there any d. betwixt us DAY-SPRING. Job ^G. 12. caused ihcd.-spriyi^la know his place Z.Mjc/i as havt no being at all, but are extinct, both body and soul ; Mat. 22. 32, God is not the (Jod of the dead, that ts, of such as are finally and irreco- verably perished, uithoiit any possibility of living acain, as the Sadducees tlumghi ; but fie is the God of the living; that is, of such whose soiils do live andare in l-eing, and whose bodies, though no'j! dead, shall be made alive again. (4] Suck as were like dead persons, as the Jews, who seemed to be lost in Babylon, of whom there no more hope that they should return and live in their own land, than that a dead man should rise to life. Isa. 26. 19, Thy dead men shall live. [5] One very near to death, as govd as dead, tien. 20. 3. Thou art but a dead man, says Oi'd to Abimelech : 'Ehou de.serie^t a prc-ient and untimely death ; and if than proceedest in thy intended wickedness, it shall be inflicted upon thee. [6] Dead idols or images, Isa. 8. I9. [7] Impote/it or unable J'or generaiiun, according to the course of nature, Rom. 4. 19- [8] Smh as are decayed in grace. Rev. 3. 1. [9] Eree J'rom sin, "nd the law, as to expectation of eternal life thereby. Gal. 2. 19. [lOj The state of the dead, Uom. 8. 11. [11] The resvrrection of the dead, 1 ('or. 15. 2p. Gtvi. 20.3. God said to Abim. thou art but arf.man 23. 3. and Abraham stood up from before his ni thed. [light Heb. 11. 19. God was able to raise him /Vkw the rf. 13. 2o. brought agaio/rom the rf. our Lord Jesus Het Raislu, Risen. h DEAD. f7«n. 42.38. for his brothtrij rf. and he left, 44.20 Dtut. 25. 6. in the name of his brother that is rf. Josh. 1. 2. Closes my sen-^nt is rf. arise, go over Judg. 2U.5. my concubine they forced that she i* rf £ ^^yam. 2.7. Saul is rf. 4. 10. || 11. 21. Uriah is rf.24 I2.18.thechildij rf. 19. || 13. 32. Amnon only 1 j rf. 14.5.1 am awidow and my husb. isd.2 Kittgi-t.l. 18. 20. no tidings because the king's son is rf. 19.10. Absalom ii rf. |H Ari«gi21. 14. Naboth ijrf. l:z€k.4i. 31. priests shall not eat that ijrf. of itself Va^9. 18. my daughter (jrf. Mark 5. :i5. Luie8.4g. lUork <). 26. insitmuch that many said, he is d. John 8. 52. Abraham is rf. and the prophets, 53. 11. 14. then said Jesus plainly, Lazarus is rf. Horn. 6. 7. for he that is rf. is freed from sin 8. 10. if Christ be in you, body ijrf. because of sin 0«/. 2. 21. if righteous, bylaw, Christ iirf. in vain 1 Tim. 5. 6. liveth in pleasure, it rf. while she liveth Jam. 2. 17. faith, if it hath not works is rf. 20. 26. for as the bodv without the spirit is rf. so faith UasY)EAD. Judg. 2. 19. when the judge u-as rf. they returned 9. 55. when men of Israel saw Abimelech was rf. 1 >Sfl/«.17.51. rhiliitiiics saw their champion «'uj rf 25. 39. when David heard that Jiabal was rf. 31. 5. armour-bearer saw Saul wat d. 1 Chr. 10.5. 2 6ani. 4. 1. Saul's son heard that Abuer u^aj rf, 11. 26. Bathbheba heard her husband -was rf. 12. 19. David perceived that the child -^as rf, 13. 39. comlbrttd for Amnon, seeing he uas rf. I htngs 3.21. to give my child suck, behold.il najrf. 11. 21. when Iladad heard that Joab was rf. 21. 15. when Jezebel heard that ^aboth u'as rf. C h'i7tgs 3. 5. when Ahab was rf. Rloab rebelled 4. 32, behold, the child ^eai rf. and laid on his bed 11.1 Athaliah saw her sou was rf. 2 Chron. 22.10. HJat.i. 19. but when Herod was rf. behold, an angel X.»^e7-15.hc that was rf. sat up and began to speak 8. 53. laughed to scorn, knowing that she was rf. 15. 24. this my son was rf. and is alive again 32. for this thy brother was rf. and is alive again John 11. 39. Martha, the sister of him that uas rf. 44. and he that uas rf. came forth bouad 19. 33. saw that Jesus 7vas rf, brake not his legs fids Ho. 19. queslioDSofoue Jesus who :j«frf. Ho/n, 7. 8. for without the law sin was rf, liev, 1. 18. 1 am he that liveth, aud uas rf. bthold DEADLY. 1 Sam. 5. 11. was a rf. destruction throughout city i"'>fl/.17.9 deliverme from rf. enemies who compass Ezek. 30. 24. with groanings of a rf. wounded man Murk IC. 18. if drink rf. thii.g, it shallnot hurt them Jam.'i. 8. tougiie is an unruly evil, full of rf. poison ii'tr. 13. 3. au'l his rf. wound Wi' aealed, 12. DEAD NESS. Uotn. 4. 19- neither vet the rf. of Sarah's womb DEAE. Exod. 4. 11. or who makelh the rf. or the seeing ? '-.ci-, ly. 14. thou .shalt not curse the rf. nor put 1 -"iam. 10. t 27. Sam was as though he had been rf. i'ia/.38.13.hut I as a rf.raan heard not, 1 was dumb they are like the rf. adder that stoppeth UEA. AVa- 9. 10. thou kaewest tliat they rf. prnndlv 16.29 i Joh 6. 15. my breth. have rf. deceitfully, as a brook '^sal. 13. 6. the Lord hath rf. bountifully with ine 44. 17. nor have we rf. falsely in thy covenant 78. 57. and rf. unfaithfully like their fathers 103. 10. he hath not rf. with us after our sin.s 116. 7. the Lord hath rf. bountifully with thee 1 19. 65. thou hast rf. well with servant, accordini 78. they rf. perversely with me without a cause 147. 20. he hath not a. so with any nation /j"a.24.l6.the treacherous dealers have rf.verytrea- cherously, y^T. 3. 20. | 5. 11. | 12. 6. Lam. 1.2. Ezck. 22. 7- in thee have they rf. by oppression 25. 12. because that Edom halh rf. against Judah 15. because the Philistines have rf, by revenge Hos.5.7. they have rf. treaclierously against the L. 6. 7. there have they rf. trea. 2. 9. but we see Jesus, for the sufiering of rf, crowned, that he should taste rf. for every man U.thro'rf. might destroy him that had power of rf. 15- and deliver tliera who through fear of rf. were 7. 23. were not suffered to continue, by reason ofrf. 9- 15. that by means ofrf. for the redemption of 16. there must of necessity be the rf. of the testator 1 1 5. Enoch was translated.that he should not seerf. Jam. 1, 15, sin when finished bringeth fnrth rf, 1 ./oAm3.14. that loveih not his brotlier abidelh in rf. 5. 1(1. there isa sin unto rf. \\ 17. a sin not unto rf, Kei. 1. 18. and I have the keys of hell and ofrf. 2. 10. be faithful unto rf. I will give thee a crown 1 1 . that overcomes shall not be hurt of second rf. 6. 8. and his name that sat on him was rf. and hell 9. 6. men sliall seek rf. and rf. shall flee from them 12. 11. and they loved not their lives to the rf. 1 3.3. saw one of his heads, as it were wounded to rf. 18.8^ her [vlagues shall come one day, rf. mouriiing 20. 6. on such the second rf. hath no power 13. and rf. and hell delivered up the dead in them 14.rf.and hell cast into lake, this is the second rf. 21. 4. and there shall be no more rf. uor sorrow See Da V. Irom DEAin. .'."/(. 2.13. Rahab's sisters, deliver our lives fromd. ■lohb. 20. in famine he shall redeem thee fTom rf. ^'^al. 33.19. to deliver their soul from rf. ke'ep nlive .'ib.l.l. thou ha.'st delivered my soul/mm rf. II6.8. 6h. 20. to the Lord belong the issues _/>wm rf, 78.50. he spared not their soul from rf. but gave I'rov, 10. C. lighteonsnessdelivereth/zom rf. II.4. lis, 13. 11. I will redeem thee/^yw rf. O death JrhH 5,24. but is passed />tim rf, to life, 1 John 3.14 II' h. b.'i. to him that was able to save him from rf. Jotn. 5. 20. know that he shall save a soxiVj'Tom rf. (.iates of DEATH. J>-^ 38.17.have the qate.^ of rf. been opened to thee ? P-^al.g. 13. thou that liftest me up from g,tus of rf. 107. 18. and ihev draw near to the go't* oj d. Put to DEATH. r;fn.efi.u.thattoucheth this man, shall bp;wf tod. Erod. 21. 29. o-\ stoned, hi.s owner also he put tod. 36. 2. whosoever work on sabbath, shall he fmt tod Iff. 19. 20. shall not be;/i/r tod. because not free 2u 1 1. both of them shall surely be put to rf. 24. 21. thai killeth shall he pnt tod. Ahm.SS. 30. Aww.l.51.Levitesshall set up tabernacles, stranger at cometh niiih shall be /»«/ ri 1 AV«^j-2.8. 1 sware saying, I will not ;>»/ thee (e rf 24. Adonijah shall be pitt to rf. this day 26. but I will not at this time put thee to rf. 2 C/ir. 15. 18. not seek the Lord should be pit< to d 23. 7. Cometh into the house, shall be put to rf. Eith. 4. 11. there is one law of his to;*/ him tod Jer. 18. 21. wives be widows, their men be pitt to a 26. 15. know for certain, that if ye jmt nie to d 19. (lid king and all Judah jmt him at all to d.f 21. king Jehoiakim sought to put I'rijah to rf. 38. 4. we beseech thee, lei this man be jmt to rf. 15, Jer. said, wilt thou noi surely put me to rf. ? 16. the king sware, I will not put thee to rf. 25. 41, 3. hands of Chald. that they might /w/ us rod 62. 27. smote them and }mt them lo rf. in Riblah Mat. 10. 21. childr. shall riseupag. parents, cause ihemioh^ put lo d. Mark \^. 12, Luke'2l.\(\. J 1. 5. when he would put him to rf. he fear. mult. 26.59.the chief priests sought false witness against Jesus to ;»7(r him tod. 27, 1. Mark 14. 55, Mark 14. 1. how to lake him by craft and put to rf. Luke 18. 33, they shall scourge and put him to rf. 2.J. 32. there were two malefact. led to he put to rf. John 11. 53. tliey took counsel to put him to rf. 12. 10. that they might put Lazarus also to rf. 18. 31. it is not lawful for u8to put any man to d. Arts 12.19. Herod command. keepersto'be;T/r /orf. 26. 1 0. when they were ;>«f tod.\ gavevoice ag.them I Pet.Z. 18v u( /wrf. in flesh, but quickened by Spirit See SuatLY. - S/,adow of DEATIL JoA 3. 5. let darkness and the s/t idow of rf. Mam it 10.21. to land of darkness and the ihadou- of rf. 22. 1 2. 22. and bringeth out to light the i/iadvio of rf. 16, 16, and on my eye-lids is the shadow oj rf, 24. 17. morning is to them even as shadow 0/ rf, 28. 3. he searcheth out darkness and shadow of rf. 34. 22. is DO shadow of d. where sinners may hide 38.17. or hast thou seen doors of the shadou' of rf. ? Puil. 23. 4. tho' 1 walk thro" valley oi shadow of d. 44. 19. tho' thou hast covered us with shadow of rf. 107. 10. such as sit in darkness, and shadow of rf 14. brought them out of darko. and shadow of rf. Isa. 9. 2. that dwell in the land of the shadow of rf. Jer. 2. 6. that brought us thro' land of shadtno of a. 13. 16. ye look for light ,he turn it into jAarfoupy/rf. Amos 5. 8. tumeth shadow of rf. into the morning .Vat. 4. 16. peo. that sat in region and shadow of d, Luke 1. 79- give light to them that sit in j/iarfya,t'/i. Uaps of DEATH. Pror. 14. 12. theend thereof are K'ayj <>/' rf. 16.25. IMtk DEATH. ha 28. 15. we have made a covenant with rf. 18. jour covenant with rf. shall be disannulled litr. 2. 23. and I will kill her children wtth rf. 6.8. and power was given to them lo kill with d Worthiiof DEATH. Deut.^ 17. 6. that IS iimthy of rf. shall be put to d. 19- 6. slay him, whei-eas lie was not worthy of rf. 21.ff2. a man have committed a sin worthy of d. 22. 26. there is in the damsel no sin worthy of rf, 1 AiH^j2,26..saidto .Abiathar,thou art ifcr/Av t/rf. Luke 23. 15. lo, notliing worthy of rf. is done to him Acts2^. 29. nothing laid to his charge worthi/ofd. 25. 11. if 1 have committed any thing urorrAv i>^rf. 25. found he had commitled nothing worthy of d. 2O. 31 . this man doth nothing worthy of d, Horn. 1.32. who commit smh things are worthy of d. DT.AIHS. ./<:'. 16. 4. they shall die of grievous rf. not be buried /■.:(*.28.8. shall die rf. of them that are slain in seas 10. thou shalt die the rf. of the uncircumcised 2 CW. 11. 23, in prisons more frequent, ill rf oft DKBA.SE. Ua. 57. 9- and didst rf. thyself even unto hell DEBATE, Verb. Prov.Q5.g.d. thy cause with thy neighbour himself /ja.27.8.in measure, thou wiltrf.with it, he slavelli DEBATE, S. /jfl,58.4-behold.ye fust for strife andrf.and to smite /i'(»m.l.29.fuIlofenvy,mui-der, rf. deceit, malignity 2 Cor. 12. 20. I fear'lesl there be rf. wralh, strife! DEBT Is what is due byonejtiun to anothrr, Neh, 10. 31, Sins are hy resemblance called debts, Mat. 6. I«. As a debt obligas the debtor to payment, so sin doth the sinner to pimtshmcnt. And as the cre- ditor hath a right to exact the payment from tht debtor^ fo tiod hath a right to infJict punnh'ueut OH the gjtiliy Thus men aie debtors to ul him ; and to their neizhlours, wht'H they wiov^, injure, or ojjeiid them, M.it. 6. IC. The apostle I'ai'i says, Rom. 1. I4. I am a debtor both to tht Ortekt and BarbniiaHS. 1 am bound by my ojic* to prtaih t'.e gospel l.i DEC aI/ ttJitiofts, 7i)heih4T more ctvtlned, or more rude. And sjieaitng of inch as lookid uyon ctrvunui- tton tu nec^isartf to thur jn\tit>cation and tal- vation, he says, I testify to every maii that is circumcised, that \m is a debtor to do the whole law, OaL 5. 3. lie obliges himself to keep tht whole law, as the condition of hfe, and so virlualty disclaims all pai doii bti Christ. 1 .*»(iHj.e2.2.every one that was in d. went to David ?/iVn?.»-1.7.hesaid.gn,sell the oil.pay thy (/.and live A'M.lO.Sl.we would leave the exaetioii of every d. Mat. IH. C". loosed him, and forgave him the d. 30 went and t-ast iulo prison till he should pay d. 32. his lord .said, 1 fori;ave thee all that d. Rom. 4. 4. reward is not reckoned of grace but d. DliBTUK. F.tek. 18.7- but hath restored to the d. his pledge Mat.l'S . \6. shall swear by gold of the temple is a + 18. whoso swcareth by the pift, he is the d. Pom. J. 14. 1 am d. to the Greeks and Barbarians Oal. 5. 3. that he is a d. to do the whole law DLbrORS. Jl/flr.6. 12. forgive us our debts, as we forgive ourrf. Luke 7- 41. a certain creditor had two d. 1-S.t4. think ye that they were d. above all meu l iti. 5. he called every one of his lord's d. iiff'rt. 8.1 'J. therefore, brethren, we are rf. not to flesh -5.27.it pleased them verily, and their d. they are DLIB'IS. Prov. CC.C6. be not of them that are sureties for d. A/ar.6.12.forgive us ourrf.as we forgive our debtors DECAY. Lev. 25. 35. if thy brother be poorand fallen in d. Rom. ll.t 12. d. of them the riches of the Ceutiles DECAYED. ^•'eh. 4. 10, the strength of the bearers of burden d. J*a. 44. £6. 1 will raise up the d. places thereof DECAYETJl. Job \i. II. and as the flood d. and drieth up i ici. 10. la. by much slothfuluess the building d. lieb. a. 13. that which d. is ready to vanish away DECEASE Luke Q. 31. and spake of his d. at Jerusalem 2 I'et. 1. 15. after my d. to have iu reniembrancfc DECEASED. Isa. 26. 14. they are d. they shall not rise Mat. 22. 25. first, when he had married a wife, d. D tCEIT Signi6es. [1] OuiU or fraud, Psal. in. 7. [ 36. 3. [2] Deceitful /-enon's, Jer. 9- 6. [3] Uelnding messages, dreams, and lies of false teachers, zvheie- iy they please the himmurs, and com/^y zalh the iuits of sinful peiions, Isa. :>0. 10. Jer. 8. 5. [4J Goods Qoitta hy oppression, f alii accusation, and deceit, Jr-r. 6. 2?. Zeph. 1. 9. [5] Deuces nrfaiT prete'ices to deceiic, I'sal. 30. 12. Then hiuidle the zvord of God deceitfully, 2 Cor. 4. 2. ziho minute it with their own inventions, or passions of pride, covclonsness, ii^c. or wrest It accoidmg to men^s pleasures, foil 15. 35. and their belly prepareth d. "7 ■ I. uiy lips not speak, nor my tongue utltr d. 31. 5. or if my foul hath hooted to d. Psal. 5. f 6. the Lord will abhor the man of d. 10. 7. his mouth is full of cursing, d. and fraud i6. 3. the words t>f his mouth are iniquity and d. 43.+ 1. O deliver me from the man of d. 50. 19. thy moutli to evil, thy tongue fraineth d. 55. II. d. and ;^uile depart not from her streets + 2.'^. men of d. shall not live half their days 72.14. he shall redeeui their soul from d. and viol. 101. 7. he that worketh d. not dwell in my house 109, t2. the mouth of d. is opened ag:.inst me 1 19. 1 la. trodden them that err, their d. is faJseh . PAT.ll.fl. balances of (/, ;ire abumiuation to Lord 12. 5. but the ( omisels of the wicked are d. 17. but a false wiuiess sheweth forth d. 20. d. is in the heart of them tiiat imagine evil 14. 8. but the folly of fools is d. eo.lj.breadof t/.is sweet to a man, but afterwards t 23. and balances of d. are not good 26. 24. he that hateth, layeth up d. within him 26. whose hatred is covered by d. his wickedut'i^ Isa, 63. 9. neither was any d. in his mouth fer.5. 27. cage full of birds, so are houses full o( d. e. 5. they hold fast d. they refuse to return ■ y. 6. thro' d. they refuse to know me, saith the L. t? tongue is an arrow sLot out, it speakeih d. It. 14. they prophesy the d. of their heart £3 26 they are prophets uf d. of theirown heart 42 t 20. you hj,ve used d. against your souls Li.«K. 22. t 7. in thee have they dealt by d. 129. the people of the land have used d. f/oj,11.12. the house of Isr. compasseth me with d. 12. 7- the balances of d. are in his hands ^Imos 8. 5. and falsifying the balances hy d- Zeph. X. 9- who hll their masters* houses with d. Hark 7. 22, out oJ" the heart of men proceed d. /icm. 1. 2y. full of murder, debate, d. maliguity S 13. with theif tongues they have used rf. U9 IJEC 0(7.2. a. lest any man spoil you thro* vain phitos. d. 1 Thess. 2. 3. for our exhortation was not of d. DECEllECL. Ps.5. 6. tht Lord will abhor the bloody and d. man 35.20.t]iey devise confessnot Jes. this is a d.aad an antichrist DECEIVERS. CCor. 6.8 by evil and good report, as t/. and yet true 'Tit. 1. 10. many rf. especially of the circumcision 2 John 7. for many d. are entered into the world DECEIVETII. 2 AVugjia. +32. hearken not to Ilezekiah when he d. Prov. 26. ly. so is the man that d. his neiglibour John 7. 12. others said, nay, but he d. the people ;e. Erod. 23 2, nor speak in a cause, to d. after many Dad. 17. II. thou shall not d. from the sentence /'j(?/.liy 157, yet do I not (/, from thy testimonies Prov. 4. 5. neither d. from the word of thy mouth 7. 25. let not thine heartrf. to herways.go not astray DLCLINEP, ETH. Jiids. 19. + 8. they tarried till the day d. 2 C/ir. 34. 2. d. neither to the right-hand nor left JoA 23. 11. his way have 1 kept and notd. Psal 44. 18. nor have our steps d. froni thy way 102. 11. my days are like a shadow that d. loy. 2.'1. I am gone like the shadow when it d. 119. 51. yet have I not d. from thy law DECREASE. Ps. 107 . 38. blesseth them and suffer not cattle to d. John .". 30. he must increase, but 1 must d. DECREASED, ING. den. 8.5. waters d. continually till the tenth month t the waters were in Roing and rf,till tenth month DECREE. 2 C/iriin.30.5.so they establish' d a d.to make prod. Ezra 4. + 21. make a d. to cause these men to cease 5. 13. king Cyrus made a rf. to build this house, 17. 6. 1. Darius made a rf. 12.|l7. 21. Artaxerxes a rf, EAih. 3. 15. the d. was given in Shushan, 9. 14. y.32.(/.of Esther confirmed these matters of Purim J,'h 20. +29. and the heritage of his d. from God 28. 26. when he made a d. for the rain and a way 38. + 10. and established my (/.upon it, and set bars Piui. 2. 7, I will declare the rf, the Lord hath said 148. 6. he halh made a d. which shall not pass ^;oz'.8.2y.when he gave to sea his i/. waters not pass Jer. 5. 22, for the bound of the sea by a perpetual d. Dan. 2. 9. if ye will not, there is but one d. for you 4. 17- this matter is by the d. of the watchers 24. and this is the d. of the most High 6, 8. now, 0 king, establish the d. and sign writing 13. Daniel regardeth not thee, nor d. hath signed 26. I make a d, that in every dominion men fear Jonah 3. 7 . proclaimed by the d. of king and nobles Mtc. 7. 11. in that day shall the d. be far removed Zepk.^.1. before the d. bring forth, before day f ass Lukel. 1, there went out a d. from CiBsar Augustus DECREE. Joh 22. 28. thou shalt also d. a thing, and it shall be Prov. 8.15. by me kings leigi', and princes (/, justice lia. 10. 1. woe to them that d. unrighteous decrees DECREED. E.sth. 2. 1. he remembered what was d. ag. Vashti y. 31, as they had d. for themselves and their seed Job 38.10. and brake up for it my d. place, set bars 7id,10.22 consumption (/.shall overHow with right, 1 Cor.l:.V\. hath so^/.in his heart, that he will keep DECREES. Isa. 10, 1. woe to them that decree unrighteous d. Acts 16, 4. they delivered them the d. to keep 17. 7- these do contrary to the J, of Caisar, saying DEDICATE. Dent. 10. b. lest he die and another man d. it 2 iiiun. 8. 1 1. which also David did d. to the Lord 2 Kings 12. 18. the things the kings of .ludah had d. 1 Chron. 26. 20. over the treasures of d. things, 26. 27 . out ol' spoils they did d. to maintain the house 28, 12. the pattern of the ti"easures oft/, things 2 Chr. 2. 4. behold I build an house to d. it to God 24. 7- the//, things did bestow upon Itaalim 31. 12. and brought in the d. thin'.;s faithfully Ezek. 44. 29. every d. thing in Israel shall be theirs DEDICAILD. D£'M/.20.5.hath built a new house and hath not i/.it Jiids. 17- 3. 1 had wholly d. the silver to the Lord 1 A' i«^x 7.51. Solom. brought in things which David his father had d. 1 Chron. 18. 11.2 Chron. 5.1 . 8.63. the king and Israel (/. the house, 2 Chr. 7. 5. 15. 15. Asa brought in the things his fathers had d. and things which himsidf had (/. '2 Chr, 15. 18. 2 h'rng\ 12. 4. all the money of the (/.things brought 1 Chr. 26.26. what the captains of the hosts had d. 28. and all that Samuel, Saul, and .loab had rf. ihb. y. 18. nor the first testament d. without blood DEDICATING. A'um. 7. 10. the jirinces oflVred for d. of the altar 11. each prince on his day for d. of the altar dedicahon. Num. 7. 84. this was tlie d. of the altar, 88. 2 Chron. 7, y. for they kept the d. of the altar Ezra 6. 16, rhildr. of captivity kept the d. with joy 17. and oflered at the d. of this house of (iod Neh. 12, 27, at the d. of the wall of .lernsaleni Dan. 3.2. come to d of tlie image the king set up, 3. John lo, 22. it was at Jenisahm the feast of the d. DEED. f;t?ji.44. 15. Joseph 5aid,what(/.isthis yehavedonc^ Eiud. y.l6. in very dA'os this cause 1 raised thee up Jndg. 19- 30. all ^ijd, there was no such d dniie 1 ■bum. 25. 34. in very d. except thou hiist halted 26. 4. David understood Saul was com^- iu very d 2 Sam. 12. 14. by this d. hast given great occasto-, Eith. 1. 17- for this d. of queen shall come abroui Ps. 1.57, t 8, happy that recompenseth thy (/. to u Prov. ly. + 17. his d. will he pay him again Lnke 03, 51. Joseph had not consented to*/.of them 24. ly. Jesus who was a prophet mighty iu d. Ates4.Ct. if we this day be examined of the good'/ Rom. 15. 18. 10 make Gent, obedient by woi-d and J 1 Cor. 5. 2. that hath done this d. be taken awi. 3, concerning him that hath so done this (/. C'(7/.3.17.whateveryedoinwordor»/.doall in natr J/im. I. 25. this man shall be blessed in his d. I John 3. 18, let us not love in word, but in d. DEEDS, Geti. 20, 9- hi^st done d. that ontzht not to be done 1 C/(;w7t,ll,t22. son of a man of Kabzeel, great oi'd l6. 8. make known his rf. am. people, P^aL 105. 1. 2 Chron, 35. 27. his d. first and last, are written A';/-a 9. 13. after all iscome upon us for ourevil (/. AV/(. 6. 19. also they reported his good d. before me 13. 14. wipe not out of my good d. that 1 have done Psa/. 28. 4. gave them according to their d. ha. 5y. 18. according to their (/. he will repay Jei . 5. 28. they overpass the d. of the wicked 25. 14. will recompense them according to their d Lnke 1 1. 48. that ye allow the d. of your fathers 23. 41, we receive the due reward of o\it d. yciA/(3.iy.loved darkness.because their//, wereevi! 20. to the light, lest his*/, should be reproved 21. that his (/. may be made manifest, that they 8. 41. Jesus saith, ye do the (/. of your father Acts 7. 22. RIosts was mighty in word and in y long and invet- erate custom ; they have deeply corrupted | themselves as in the days of Gibeah, Ilos.y.y. | Thei/ have cairiid on their wUlednets to such a pitch, as to imitate the ancient crimes of the in- habitant.^ of Ciibeah, which are recorded in Judg. I 19. 22,4:c. And Isaiah says. Turn ye unto hm» j from whom the children of Israel have deeply I revolted, namely by neglecting and J'orsakm^ \ him, and seeking to Egypt_/wr help, Isa. 31. 6. G^H.1.2. and darkness was upon the face of the d. , 7. 11. the fountainsof the (/. were broken up I 8. 2. the fotintairis also of the d. were stopped ' 49. 25. who shall bless thee with blessings of the rf. Devt. 33. 13. and for the d. that couclieth beneath Job, ?y. 30. and the face of the d. is frozen 41. 31. he maketh the d. to boil like a pt* 32. one would think the d. to be hoary Psal. 36. 6. thy judgments are a great d. 42. 7. d. calleth tO(/. at noise of thy water-spouta 6y. 15. neither let the d. swallow me up H)4.6. thou covercdst it with the d. as with garm 107. 24. and these see his wonders in the d. Prov. 8. 28. he strengthens the fountains of the d. ha. 44.27. that saith to th.- d. be dry, 1 will dry 51. 10. thounot il whiihdriftdwatersvffiTMtii ' DEF Jsit. Oi.lS. *hat led them thm' ihe 4. 6. the inward tlioujjht and ibe heart is rf. 6y.2. I sink in d. mire, where is no slandincj, I am come into d. waters wherf Hoods overllow me 1 1. lei me be delivered out of the d. waiers iiO. 9. and thou didst cause it to take d. root yS. 5. O I.ord, thy thoughis are very t/. 95. 4. in his hand are the d. places of the earth 1.15. 6. that did he in the seas aiid all d. places 140. 10. them be cast into d. pits that they rise not Ptoi'.XQ. 4.wordsof aman's mouth are as i rf. 31, 32,34. Jo/) 11. 8. it is rf. than hell, what canst thou know? /ja.33.iy. apeopleofrf, speech than canst perceive DEEPLV. Isa. 31.fi. the children of Israel have rf. revolted //oj. 9. y.ihoy have rf.corrupt. themselves as in dnys Mari 8. 12. Jesus sighed rf. in his spirit, and saith DEEPNE.SS. .l/flf.l3.5.sprungup,because they had norf. of earth DEEPS. AV/1,9.11. iheirpersecutorslhouthrewest into the rf. P.'al. 88, 6. thou hast laid me in the pit, in the rf, 1A8. 7- praise the Lord, \f dragouj and all rf. Zech. 10. 11. all the rf. of the river shall dry up DEER. I l^eiK. 14. 5. ye shall eat the fallow rf. and wild goat 1 Kings 4.23. Solom. had fallow rf. and fatted fowl DEFAMED. 1 Cvr. 4.13. being rf. we intreat,are made oflscouring j DEFAMING. /tT.SO.lO.forl heardrf. of many, fear on evervsid". I DEFEAT. j QSam. 15. 34. rf. the counsel of Ahithophel, 17.14, I DEFENCE. NtunA-i.O. their rf. is depart, from them, L. vnih us i Chron. 11.5. Rehoboam built cities forrf. of Jud. Job 22. 25. yea, the Almighty shall be thy rf. Psal. 7. 10. my rf. is of G. who saveth the upright 31. 2. be thou for an house of rf, to save me 59- 9- I will wait upon thee, for G. is my rf. 17. 16. thou hast been my rf. and refuge in trouble 62.2. God is my rf. I shall not be greatly moved.fi, 89' 18. for Lord is our rf.holyOne of Israel our king 94. 22, Lord is my rf. and God rock of my refuge Eccl. 7. 12 for wisdom is a rf. and money is a rf, Isa. 4. 5. for upon all the glory shall be a rf. ly. fi. the lirooks of rf. shall be emptied and dried 33.lti.his place of rf. sliall be the munition of rocks Kah. 2. 5. and the rf. shall be prepared Aeis 19 33. would have made his rf. to the people 22. 1. hear my rf. which I make now unto you Phil. 1.7- i" my bonds and in the rf. of the gospel 17. knowing that I am set for the rf. of the gospel DEFENCED. ^Kch. 11 . t 2. for the rf. forest is come down See City. Citils. DEFEND. Juds^. 10, 1. I'olah son of Puah arose to rf. Israel e Kings Ii..;H. 1 willrf.city,20.6.ii<7.37.35 | 38.6. 12i m.v Psal. 20. 1. the i.ame of the God of Jacob rf. thee 5:). 1. rf. me from them tliat rise up against me 82.3. rf. the poor and fatherless, do justice to needy La. 31, 5. so will the Lord of hosts a. Jerusalem Htc/i. y. 15. the Lord 01 nosts shall rf. them ,a.in that day shall Lordrf.inhabitantsof Jerus. DEFENDED. 2 SitM. 23. 12. Shammah stood and rf the ground .lets 7- 24. he rf. them and avenged the oppressed DEFENDE.ST. Ptul. 5. 11. ever shout for joy. because thou rf. them DEFENDING. Isa. 31. 5. rf. Jerus. he will deliver and preserve it DEFER. Eccl. 5. 4. when thou vowest a vow, rf. not to pay it Isa. 48. 9. for my name's sake will I rf. mine ang^r Oan. 9. 19' d' not for thine own sake, O my God DEFERRED. OcH.34. 19. the young man rf. not to do the thing Prov. 13. 12, hope rf. maketh the heart sick .'lets 24, 22. when Felix heard thise he rf. tbem drferim:ih. Pror. 19. 11. the discreiionof a man rf. his anger DEFV. Num. 23. 7. come, curse me Jacob, and rf. Israr! 8 how shall I rf. whom the Lord hath not defied' 1 'Sam. 17. 10. I rf. the anniesof Israel this day 25. is come up, surely to rf. Israel is he come up 2d. that he should rf. the armies of the living God DEFIED. .Vimj, 23. a.how shall I defy whomLordhath not rf.." 1 Aj»i. 17.36. he hath rf.the armies of the living God 45. the God of Israel whom thou hast rf. 2 Sam. 21. 21. when he rf. Israel, Jonathan, son of .Shimeah, brother of David.slew him, 1 C/tr. 20. 7. 23. 9. when they rf. Philistines gathered to battle DEFILE. Alan ij defiled, or polluted. fiVAer inwardlt/, by sin, 1 Cor. 8. 7. Tit. 1. 15. Ileb. 12. 15. or outward ly and cerem p/e ; but they are not agreed about the pto t where these fifteen steps were. Oihcis iht.Jt they were so called, became they were sung i«t* gallery, which they say, was in the cnwt oj Israel, where sometimes the Lcvites read thi laiv. But others are oj' opinion, that the mo't probable reaso7i why they are called ftours of do precs, or of ascent, is, because they were c>^**- posed and sung by the Jews '« the o(i-*t;i.>«t c/ DEL t&tir deliverance J Torn the tain ivittf of Babylniii whelfier it iveie to implore this deliverance from Cuw, or to reinni [luink\ j\>r it aj'ter it had hap- pened, .'ill these Psaluii have some relation Co thin gUdt eient. And the icnpluie commouli/ api'liet (he phrase, to ascend, or go up, to ei- preM this return, Kzra 1 . 3, 5, 1 1. | 7- 6, 7, 9- AeciiH.\e Babylon Tuas iituated in a plain, and Jerusalem tn a tnonnlaiuum coiwitrt/. And al- though one nj' the I'salnis is ascribed to David, and another to bolomotl, yet they alio, as icell as the re, 'ihat such as have used ihe otfire of a deacou well, purchase to theiiiselveb a good degree, 1 'Jim. 3. 1.1. They gatn great honour, re^fiect, and reputation. £ Kings 20.y. or backward tell d. 10, 11. Is'i. ."JB-S. t 11. by which it had gone down in d. of Ahaz 1 Chron. 15. 18. brethreo of second d. with thoni 17. 17. accordin;; to the slate of amaii of high rf. Pirt/.tid.y.nienof lo'.v d. vanity, meo of high d. a lie Luke \.b'Z. he hath exalted them of low (/. 1 i'tm. 6. l:t. they purchase to ihetiiselves a good d. Jnm. 1. y. let brother of low d. rejoice he is exalted Dl^LAY, ED. LUI. £>.; 22. Cr». then shalt ihou have d. in the Almighty Pill. 1. 2. but his d. is in the law of the Lord i6. 3. and to the excellent, in whom is all my d. 27. t 4. to beliold the d. of the Lord, and enquire 1 iy.24. thy testimonies also are my d. and counsel 77. that I may live, for thy law is my d. 174, Pmii.S.'lu.l was daily his rf. rejoicing always in the 11. 1. bill a just weight is the Lord's d. 20. such as are upright in ihrir way are his d. 12. 22. but they that deal truly are his d. 15. 8, but the prayer of the upright is his d. 16. 13. righteous lips are the ./. of kings IH. 2. a fool hath no d. in understanding ly. U). d. is not seemly for a fool, nmch less for 24. 25. but to llum that rebuke him shall be d. Cy. 17. yea. he shall give d. unto thy soul / ((7.12. 1 10. preacher sought to find out words of ^(^7.24. he shall d. their kings into thy hand 23. 15. thou shah not d. to his master the servant 25. 11. to d. her husband out of the hand of him :i2.39.any that can (/. out of ray hand. La. 43. 13. Josh. 2. 13. that ye will d. our lives from death 8. 7. for your God will av.sent,sa}iiig. (/.»(«; my wife Mich; I 1 /\ iiigs 20. 5. tliou shall (/. me the silver and gold Job 6. 23.(/. me fi-om eoeiuies. Ps. 31. 15. | 5y. 3 . Ps^l. 7. 1. O Lord, save me from them and d. me 25.20. keep my soul, and (/. me, for 1 trust in thee 27. 12. (/. «/^iiot over to the will of mine enemies ;{|. 2. bow down thine ear to me, d. me speedily 39. 8. (/. me from my transgressions, make me not 40. 1 l.be pleased to d.iue \\ 7u. 1 .muke haste to d.me 4:t. 1. O (/. me from the deceitful and unjust man 51. 14. (/. me from blond-guilliness, C) God 5y. 2. (/. me from the workers uf iniquity, save me riy, 14. (/.'«* out of ihe mire, and lei me not sink 18. draw nigh to my soi.l, and redeem it,rf. tut 71. 2. (/. 7«einthv righteousness, cause me, 31. 1. 4. (/. me, O my God, out of hand uf the wicked 109. 21. because thy mercy is good d. ihou mc liy. 134. (/. "le from the oppression of man 153. consider mine aliHclion, and d. me 154. plead my cause, and (/. wif, quicken me 170. (/. me according to thy word 140. L d.me O Ld.from the evil ma::, preserveme 142. ri. d. me from my persecutors, for they ar» 143. y. (/. me from mine enemies, I tlee unto ihee 141. 7. rid me, and d, me out of great waters 11. (/. vie from the hand of slrauge children Isu. 44. 17. he sailh. (/. vie, for thou art my GchI Jer. 3lt. 19. 1 am afraid of ihe Je.vs, lest they d. »u Acts 25. U. nomanmay(/. w(« to them, I appeal /t<.«<. 7.24 wno shall d. me from the body 1.I .ieaih Q'jim 4.10.the Ld shall <.«(*; from every evil worK DFX UKl- DELI V Kit thee, [ Psnl. lR.50.creal rf. pivpth he to his Viiig, m Pavi.l Vttti.1 \fi. the people whUhthe Lord shall rf. thee\ 3*;.7.tK(m shiilt compass me about wiih snnj^s ofi. 32. 11. saying, the L. our God shall rf. hj Pial. 79. 9. and rf. «i, and purge away our sins Jer. 43. 3, to rf. its into the hand of the Chaldeans Lam. 5. 8. none that doth rf. wi out of their haml D'in. 3.17, ourGod is able to rf. tu, and will rf. ns Mic. 5. 6. thu*; shall he rf. us fr.im ilie Assyrians Alnt. 6. r*. but rf. us from evil, Luke 11. 4. 2 Cor. 1.10. in whom we trust that he will yet rf. 7*^ Gai. 1.4. that he niight rf. ?u from this evil world DELIVER t/ou. G*ft.42.34-SO will 1 rf. v. your brother, shall traffic Ler. 26 26. they shall rf. you your bread by weight Juds;. 10. 11. did not I rf, you from the Egyptians : 1.3. ye have foi-saken nw»i I will rf, you no mwe 14. let them rf. yo't in the time of tribulation 1 Seim. 7, 3. he will rf. y^w from the Philistines j S h'tnsf 17.3iJ. be shall rf. y. from all your enemies ! 18. 29. shall not be able to rf. yc" out of his hand 2 C7i/-t»rt. 32, 14- be able to rf. yoo'- 32. 16. now when I had rf. the evidence to Banirh Esek. 3. 19. but thou hast rf. thy soul, 21. \ 33-9- 14. 16. as I live, they only shall be rf. 18. 17- 15 orshall he breakthe covenjiDl and be rf. .? 31.14. for they are all rf- unio death tothe earth 32.20. she is rf. to the sword, draw her multitudes Dan. 3. 28. and rf. his servants that tnisled in him 6. 27 . v,hn rf. Daniel from the power of the Uoiis 12. 1. at tliat time thy people shall be rf. Joeil. 32. shall call on name of the Lord shall be rf, Amos 9. 1. and he that escapeth shall not be rf. AJii. 4. 10. go to Babylon, there shall thou be rf. Hob. 2. 9. that be may be rf. from the power of evil Mai. 3. 15. yea, they that tempt God are even rf. xV/(r.n.27.all things are rf. to me of my Father, no man knoweth Son but the Father, Luke 10. 22. 27. 58. Pilate commanded the body to be rf. Markl. 13. thro' your tradition which ye have rf. 10.3:i.lhe Son of man shall he rf.to the chief priests 15. 15. released Barabbas.and rf.Jesus./,»ie 23.25. Luke 1. 57. time came that she should be rf. 2. 6. 4. 6, that is rf. to me, and to whom 1 will, I give it 17. there WAS rf. lo him the book of Esaias 9, 44. Son of man sh.dl be rf. into hands of men 12. 58. give (UIigen''e thai thou mayest he rf. 18. 32. for he shall be rf. uiilo the Gentiles John ifi. 21, but as soon as.slie isrf. of the <-hild 18. 36. that I should not be rf, to the Jews Acts 2- 23, bim beinc rf. by the counsel of God 15.30- Judas and Silas came to Ant. anvl rf, epistle 23. 33. and they rf. the epistle to the governor 27, 1- they rf, Paul to one Julius, a ccmurifm 28. 17. \el w:is 1 rf. prisoner from Jerusalem iwm.4.S5. was a, fo*- our offence' and raided again DEL /iV//i.",6 nowwcirerf ftuiii me lawihatbmiG dtad 8.21.ihe ireaiure iiseU'sh.il be (.Mr-im cnrru(i.i n 15. 31. 1 may be rf. fiuiii lht:a ihul do um believe 2 Ct»/, 4. 11. ai-e alway rf. to death for Jeiu^* s.tkc 2 Thess. 3. 2. we may be rf, fr^mi uiireasoiial'le meu 1 7 i»i. 1,20, whom 1 have a.lo baiau, that they bam 2 'Jim. 4, 17. I was rf. out of the moulh of llie lion lied. 11. 11. by faith Sarah was rf. of a child 2 Pet. 2. 7. and rf. just Lot, vexed with ihe filih^ 21. to turn from the commandment rf. to them Jude3. for llie faiih which was once rf. lo the sainu Kev. 12, 2. travailing in birlh, and pained to be rf. 4. before the woman which was ready to be rf. See Hand, H 4.n us, DELIVERED him. Gen. 37. 21. Reuben rf. him out of their hands Lev. 6. 2. in that which was rf. htm to keep, 4. Deut. 2. 33. the Loid our tlod rf. htm before us 1 Ki>is:i 13-26. therefore tlie Lord d.him lo ihe lioii 17. 23. and Elijah rf. htm unto his moUier Psal. 7. 4 yea, I have rf. htm that is mine enemy yi/rt/. 18. 34. the Lord rf. him to the turmenteis £7. 2. and rf. him to Poniius Pilate, Mark 15. 1. 18. that for envy tliey had d.him, Mark 15, 10. 26. be rf, him to be crucified, John 19- I6. Lukel. 15. and Jesus rf. him to bis mother 9.42. Jesus healed the child and rf./ny/ito bisfathtJ 24. 20. how our rulers rf. htm to be condemned John 18. 30. we would not have rf. him to lliee /ictsl. 10, God rf. him out of all his afflictions 12.4. Herod d.him to four qualeiuions of foldievs DELIVERED me. Ezod. 18. 4. God rf. me from the sword of PhaiaoU Jiid^. 12. 3. and vheii 1 saw that ye rf. rnt not 1 Sam. 17. 37. the Lord that rf. me from the lion 2 Sam. 22. 18. he rf. 7m- from my strong enemies 20. he d.me because delighted in me, Pmi.Ws.lSi. 49. thou hast d.?nc from violent man, Pja/.lb-48. 2 Kings 22.10-Uiikiah the priest hath rf. med. book Job 10. 11. God haih rf. me to the ungodly Pial. 18. 17. he rf. me from my strong eiieniits 43, hast rf. jne from the strivings of ihe people 34. 4. the Lord heaixl and rf. me from alluiy feaii 54. 7. for he hath rf. mc out of all trouble Joh7i 19. 11. he that rf- me to thee hath gieater siit 2 Tim. 3. 11. but oiil of them all the Lord rf. m« DELIVERED thee, 1 Sam.1\. 10. tJie Lordrf, //<« lo-day into myhainl^ 2 Sam. 12. 7- and I rf, thee out of the haiidof S