WEfZlw //.2.2L from 1 0e &i6rar£ of (professor ^dmuef (tttiffer in (JJtemorfc of 3ubge ^atnuef (gtiffer Q0recftinrtbge (preeenfeb 6$ ^amuef Qttiffer QSrecftinribge feong to f 0e £i6rarg of (prtncefon £#eofogtcaf £Jetninarj> ScB N*4 ^ ^ MINUTE OF THE Methodift Conferences, ANNUALLY HELD IN A M E R I C A, From 1773 to 17943 inclufive. «W ^V**' * * PHILADELPHIA. PRINTED BY HENRY TUCKNI3S, NO. 25, CIIURCH-ACLE Y, AMD SOLD BY JOHN DICKINS, NO. 44, NORTH SECONB STREET, NEAR ARCH STREET. M DCC XCV. PREFACE. MANY of our travelling preachers have expreiled a defire, to have our " Yearly Minutes of Conference," publifhed in the or- der in which they have occurred; and are of opinion that a book of this kind would be pleafing and entertaining; efpecially to the preachers (both travelling and local) as well as to many of our judicious brethren and friends: wherein may be feen the growth and fpread of infant Methodifm to the manhood of twenty- two or tweflty-three years. We are the more defirous to fend this little publication into the world, becaufe it contains in fubftance a brief hiflory of the rife and pro- grefs of the travelling miniftry, and the fuccefs of their labours through thefe United States : — and while we furvey the part loving kindnefs of the Lord, we are led to trull him for the fu- ture, and to fay as of Jacob and of Ifrael, What hath God wrought. It may be objected (as it has been by foma on fimilar occafions) that " many of thefe mi- nutes have been already printed, and we have fb purchafe the fame books twice." We [ iv 3 We anfwer, lft, No perfon is imder any obligation to purchafe any books of ours unlefs* they want them, much lefs to purchafe thofe they have already. 2d, Although many of our yearly minutes have been printed, yet many others have not, and thofe that are publifhed being in (mall pamphlets are more liable to be loft, and we have found only one perfon in whofe hands a complete collection of the faid minutes was to be found. We wife all our preachers who fell our books, and efpecially the book ftewards, to make them- felres acquainted with their contents, that the people may be informed of what they are about to purchafe. Botetourt, May 24th, 1794. MINUTES gill 'J gg MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS IN CONNECTION WITH The Rev. Mr. John Wefley. PHILADELPHIA, June, 1773. H E following queries were propofed to every preacher : 1. Ought not the authority of Mr. Wefley and that conference, to extend to the preachers and people in America, as well as in Great- Britain and Ireland? Anfw. Yes, 2. Ought not the doctrine and discipline of the Methodifts, as contained in the minutes, to be the fole rule of our conduct who labour, in the connec- tion with Mr. Wefley, in America ? Anfiv. Yes. 3. If fo, does it not follow, that if any preachers deviate from the minutes, we can have no fdlowfhip with them till they change their conduct ? Anfvj. Yes. A 1 The C 6" ] Tlie following rules were agreed to by all the preachers pre Tent : J. Every preacher who a&s in connection with Mr. Wefley and the brethren who labour in Ameri- ca, is {tric~lly to avoid administering the ordinances of baptifm and the Lord's (upper. 2. All the people among whom we labour to be earneftly exhorted to attend the church, and to receive the ordinances there ; but in a particular man- ner to prefs the people in Maryland and Virginia, to- the obfervance of this minute. 3. No perfon or perfons to be admitted to our love-feafts oftener than twice or thrice, unlefs they, become members ; and none to be admitted to the ibciety meetings more than thrice. 4. None of the preachers in America to re- print any of Mr. Wefley's books, without his au- thority (when it can be got) and the confent of their brethren. 5. Robert Williams to fell the books he has alrea- dy printed, but to print no more, unlefs under the above reftriction. 6. Every preacher who a&s as an afiiftant, to fend an account of the work once in iix months to the general afliltant. ^U'Jf. 1. How are the preachers Rationed P jinfw. New-York, Thomas Rankin, 1 to change Philadelphia, G eorge Shadford , J in 4 mons , 7v t «v r 1 \o\\xv King, Vm&tfa J J wiUiam Waters. Francis Afbury, Robert Strawbridge, Baltimore, V Abraham Whitworth, 1 Jofeph Yerbery. Norfolk, - Richard Wright. Peterfburg, - Robert Williams. gueft. 2. What number are {fare in the fackiy? . Anfiu. C 7 3 New- York 1 So Philadelphia 180 New-Jerfey 20O Maryland 5CO Virginia IOO 1 1 60 MINUTES $*= =^3 MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS IN CONNECTION WITH The Rev. Mr. John Wefleyv PHILADELPHIA, May 25th, 1774- — f4^<^^0»^i>.+ — %?(fl- TV H are admitted thu year ? Anfw. William Waters Philip-Gatch Abraham Whitworih Philip EberU Jofeph Yerbery Qf eft, 2. Who are admitted on trial? Anfw. William Duke I Ifaac Rollins John Wade | Robert Lindfay Daniel Ruff j Samuel Spragg. Edward Drumgole, ^ueffi 3. Who are AJjftants this year ? Anfw. Thomas Rankin Fra litis Afbury George Shadford Robert Williams. John King .Abraham Whitwortfo Daniel Ruff William Waters Philip Gatdu guefl. 4j, [ 10 J Are there any cbjetlicns io any of the Philadelphia, Trenton, Greenwich, Chejler, Kent, Baltimore, Frederick, Norfolk, Brunfunch, } gulf* 4. Preachers ? Anfiv. They were examined one" by one. $>uefl. 5. Hoiv are the Preachers fationed this year ? Anfvj. Neiv-Tork, Ftancis Afbury, 7 to change Thomas Rankin, 3 in 3 mons. William Waters. Philip Ebert. Daniel Ruff, 1 tb change *ith jofeph Yerbery, J and r< Ebert . Abraham Whitworth. George Shad ford, Edward Drumgole, Richard Webfter, Robert Lindfay. Philip Gatch, William Duke e John King. John Wade, Ifaac Rollins, Samuel Spragg. All the preachers to change at half the year's end. ^ueft. 6. What number are there infccieiy ? Avfw* New- York - - 222 Philad-lphia - 204 New-Jerfey - 257 Chefter - , 36 Baltimore - - 738 Frederick - - 175 Norfolk - - 73 Brunfwick - 218 Kent - - 156 2073 This Conference agreed to the following parti- cuhrs. I. Every II x. Every preacher who is received into full connec- tion, is to have the ufe and property of his horfe, which any of the circuits may furnifh him with. 2. Every preacher to be allowed £.6 Pennfylva- nia currency per quarter, and his travelling charges befides. 3. For every afiiftant to make a general collection at Eafter, in the circuits where they labour; to be applied to the finking of the debts on the houfes, and relieving the preachers in want. 4. Wherever Thomas Rankin fpends his time, he, ■is to be affiited by thofe circuits, HI N U T E S G*= =*3 MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS IN CONNECTION WITH The Rev. Mr. John Wefley, PHILADELPHIA, May 17th, 1775. •<*<-><-<€£ >^>>i»*> ■•> — ^uejl. 1. ^^ H AT Prcuhers are admitted this year f Edward Drumgole Ifaac Rollins Samuel Sprngg. Anfw. William Duke John Wade Daniel Ruff Quejl. 2. Who are admitted upon trld ? Anfiv. John Cooper | Robeit Lindfay William Glcndenning. §>uejl. 3 . Who acl as JJfiflants this year ? Anfw. Thomas Rankin Francis Afoury George Shadford James Dempller Martin Rodda B Edward Drumgole William Waters Philip Gatch Daniel Ruff. %l»jl- 4- C 14 3 %ueft. 4. What numhers are there in fociet^ Anfw. Ntw-York 200 Philadelphia 190 New-Jerfey 300 Chefter 74 Kent 253 Baltimore 840 Frederick 33<5 Fairfax 30 Norfolk 125 Brunfwick 800 314-8 £hefl. 5. How are the Preachers flatisned? dtifw. New-Tor k, James Dempfler. Philadelphia, Samuel Sgragg. _ ? John King, 7nM * $ Daniel R&. Greenwich, William Duke. Chefier, - Richard Webfter. xr 1 Philip Gatch, Aeni > \ John Cooper. 1 Martin Rodda, Baltimore, > Richard Owen, J John Wade. _ , . . 1 William Waters, Frederick, j Robert StrawbrIdgc . Norfolk, Francis Afbury. "| George Shadford, I Robert Lindfay, Brunfwick, )■ Edward Drumgole, Kobeft Williams, J William Glendenning. Thomas Raskin is to travel till the month of De- cember, and then take a quarter in New-York. t IS 3 The preachers in New-Jerfey to change in one quarter. Webfter and Cooper to change with Gatcb and Waters, at half the year's end. The preachers in Brunfvvick and Hanover, to change as the afliftant thinks proper. Thomas Rankin's deficiencies to be paid out of the yearly collection The preachers' expenfes from conference to their circuits, to be paid out of the yearly collection. A general fall for the profperity of the work, and £qy the peace of America, on Tucfday the 1 8th of July . MINUTES 15* MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS IN CONNECTION WITH The Rev. Mr. John Wefley. BALTIMORE, May 2 ill, 1776. ^ueft, 1. *' HAT Preachers are admitted this year? Anfiv. John Cooper Henry Kennedy- Robert LindCay Samuel Spragg. William Glendcnning §>ueft. 2. What P readers are admitted on trial ? atiJ'iv. Nicholas Waters Freeborn Garrettfon John Sigrnan Thomas M'Clure JofepK Hartly Ifliam Tatum Francis Poythrefs William Wren. James Fofter f$uefl. 3. What Preachers acl ai AJJijlanls ? Anjzc. Thomas Rankin William Waters Francis Afbury i Daniel Ruff Martin Rodda George Shad ford Philip Gatch Jl. 4. Hotu are the Preachers Jlationed ? jlnfw. Neiv-Tork, Daniel Ruff. Philadelphia^ Samuel Spragg - . 3 2 Edward Drumgcls Samuel Spragg. I 18 1 New-Jerfey, | Kent, I } ! } Carolina; Pittfyhar.l Hanover, guefi. Robert Land fay, John Cooper. Nicholas Waters, William Wren, Jofeph Hartley. Francis Afbury, James Fofter, John Wade. Martin Rodda, Freeborn Garrettfon. William Waters, Thomas ivi'Ciure, Adam rcnnardon. Gec-igc Shadford, William Duke, William Glendenning, Edward Drumgole, Francis Poythrefs, I(ham Tatem. Ifaac Rollins. Philip Gatch, John Sigman. 5. What numbers are there infociety? Baltimore, Frederick, Fatrfa Brunf'wich, -Anfa, New- York Philadelphia New- jerfey Cheftcr Baltimore Frederick Fairfax Norfolk Brunfwick North-Carolina Hanover Pittfylvania 132 137 150 104 900 359 35° 125 161 1 683 270 100 492 1 July 26th, is appointed a day of falling. MINUTES &*■■ ^s MINUTES I OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS IN CONNECTION WITH The Rev, Mr. John Wefley, At a Preaching-Houfe, near Deer- Creek, in Hartford County, Maryland, May 20th, 1777. Queft. I. *Y HAT Preachers are admitted this year ? Anfnv. Nicholas Walers John Sigman Jofeph Hartley- James Fofter Freeborn Garrettfon Thomas M'Clure I(ham Tatum William Wren. ^ueji. 2 . What Preachers are admitted on trial ? Anfw. Caleb Pedicord Hollis Hanfon Robert Worfter Jofeph Cromwell Thomas Chew John Tunnell Samuel Strong William Gill John Littlejohn Edward Pride Lee Roy Cole John Dickins Reuben Ellis Edward Bailey. guefl. 3* C 20 ] Qtftfl. 3 . Who aft as JJfiftants this year ? .Anfvu Thomas Rankin Francis APoury Martin Rodda George Shadford Edward Diumgole William Wateis Philip Gatch 6>, Daniel Ruff Samuel Spragg James Foiler John King William Duke William Glendenning Robert Lind/ay. •eft 4. Are there any objections to any of the preach' crs ? Anfkv. They were examined one by one. Qiefl. 5. How ore the preachers Jialhned ? sinf-JJ. New-Tor k, Philadelphia, Ncw-Jerfy, £ Cbcfter, Kent, Baltimore, Frederick, Fairfax, Hanover, Axnelia, I WiUiam Duke. Henry Kennedy, Thomas M'Clure. Robert Lindfay. Martin Rodda, • William Glendenning, Jofeph Cromwell, Robert Worller. George Shadford, Jofeph Haitley, John Littlejohn, William Gin. Samuel Spragg, Cal:b PedicorcL Dinkl Ruff, John Cooper, Thomas Chew, Ifaac Rollins. ames X oft< "Nicholas Waters, Samuel Strong. Edward Drumgole, Jofeph Reafe, Reuben Ellis. Brutij BrunfwtcJt Id, I i 21 ] William Waters, Freeborn Garrettfon, John funnell. . Sufi*, ; Phil. p Gatch, Hnllis Hanfon. Piltjylvania, John Sigman, i Imam latum. Johi King, North Carolina, John Lee Dickins, Roy Cole, Edward Pride. Norfolk, - Edw ard Bailey. Que/}. 6. What numbers are in fociety ? Anfzv. New -York 96 Philadelphia 96 New-Jerfey 160 Chefter kent 136 720 JBaltimope^ -90G Annapolis 120 Frederick 361 Fairfax 33° Hanover 262 Amelia 620 Brunfwick 1360 SufTex 727 Pittfylvania - 150 North Carolina 930 696S Friday, July 25th, is appointed as a fad-day. Quefl. 7. As the prefent dijirefs is fuch, are the preachers refolved to take no Jlep to detach t he mf elves from the work of God for the enfuing year ? Anfta. We purpofe, by the grace of God, not to take any ftep that may feparate us from the brethren, or from the blefTed work in which we are engaged. Qfijt. 8. [ M ] Quell. 8. Has not the preaching of funeral fermons ieen carried fo far, as to proftitute that venerable cujhm, and in forne fort to render it contemptible ? Anfw. Yes : Therefore let all the preachers inform every fociety, that we will not preach any but for thofe who we have reafon to believe died in the fear 4md fayovir of God. MINUTES G* 8 ■■*%$ MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS IN CONNECTION WITH The Rev. Mr. John Wefley. LEESBURG, May 19th, 1778. <*<^^<^^#>^*>->~* guejl. TV HA T Preachers are admitted th'ts year ? Anf-w. Jof. Cromwell Samuel Strong William Gill Thomas Chew Thomas M'CIure Edward Bailey John Littltjohn Carter Cole John Tunnell John Dickins. Ifham Tatum £>jejl 2. What Preachers remain on trial? /injw. Henry Willis John Atkins John Beck James Kelly- Richard [vy Richard Ogbora p \dams Daniel Duvall. m Moore §>uejl. 3. What Preachers acl as AJljlants P AnCutft. 6. Who fiall all as General Stewards? Anfzv. William Moore, Henry Fry. £>j*fl. 7. What was done with the balance of the cot- IcEtion? Anfw. Lodged with Kenry Fry. %£/?. 8. What Jlo all the P redder s be allowed for quarterage? Anfw. Eight Pounds Virginia currency. The lail Friday in Aiiguil is appointed for a faft- ;day. «. MINUTES C* 8 MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS Jk eonute-tton With the Rev. Mr. John Wefleyt Kent County, Delaware, April 28th, 1779. $ueft. 1. ^^ HAT Preacher is admitted ihh year? ylnfw. Caleb Pedicord. Jg/<^. 2. Who remain en trial P jfnfw. Jofnua Dudley Philip Cox Jg«5/?. 3. Who drjifl from travellinv P Anfnv, Robert Cloud | WilliarrfDuke. ^/i/y?. 4. #&» Preachers aS as * Wants ? Francis Afbury Daniel RufF Jofeph Hartley $b(fl- 5- 4r* there any objt -cllons to Preachers ? Anfv. They were examined one bv one Richard Garrettkn Lewis Alfrey. Freeborn Garrettfon- Thomas M'Clure Caleb Pcdicord. ■r>y of the %ueft. 6. C 23 .y^/?. 5. Who of the Preachers are huffing to tale the JtaUon this conference Jh all place them in, and continue till next conference ? Anfw. Francis Afbury .Daniel Ruff Freeborn Garrett Ton Thomas M ; C!ure John Cooper Jofeph Hartley Philip Cox Caleb Pedicord &*& 7. How are the 1 Jfnfw, New-J.erfsy, and Philadetph Chefler Mail Lewis Alfrey Jcfoua Dudley Jofeph Cromwell Micajah Debruler William Waters Thomas Chew William Gill Richard Garrett Ton. rezchers to be flattened? fail & J » tchtn. 1 1 Delaware, J> Kent, Baltimore, Frederick, Philip Cox, Jo ill u a Dudley, Daniel Ruff. Jofeph Cromwell. John Cooper. Francis Afbury, Caleb Pedicord, Freeborn Garrettfon, Lewis Alfrey, Micajah Debruler. Jofeph Hartley, Thomas M'Clure. William Waters* Thomas Chew, William Adams. Richard Garrett fon, William Glendenning. No helper to make any alteration in the circuit, or appoint preaching in any new place, without confut- ing the affidant. Every exhorter and local preacher to go by the di- rections of the afiidants where, and only where, they fhall appoint. ^ufl. 8. Why iv as the Delaware conference held? Anfw. I 2 9 ] Anfw. For the convenience of the preachers in the northern Rations, that we all might have an opportu- nity of meeting in conference ; it being unadviiabla for brother Afbury and brother Ruff, with fome. others, to attend in Virginia ; it is confidered alio as preparatory to the conference in Virginia. — Our fen- timents to be given in by brother Waters. Quefl. 9. Ought not every travelling Preacher to meet the clq/s wherever he preaches ? Jnfiv. Yes : if polTible. Quejl. 10. Shall -we guard againjl a fepjration from the churchy direEly or indirefl'y ? Anfw. By all means. Quefl. 1 r. IV hat /hall he done with the children ? Anfw. Meet them once a fortnight, and examine the parents with regard 10 their conduct towards them. §>wfi* J 2. Ought not brother Afiury to acl as General AJfijlant in America P Anfw. He ought: ift, on account of his age; 2d, becaufe originally appointed by Mr. Wefley ; 3d, be- ing joined with MelTrs. Rankin and Shadford, by ex- prefs order from Mr. Wefley. ^ueft. 13. How farjkall his power extend? Anfw. On hearing every preacher for and againn: what is in debate, the right of determination /hall reft with him according to the minutes. MINUTES G^ ■-*% MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS IN CONNECTION WITH The Rev. Mr. John Wefley, FLUVANNA, May 1 8th, 1779* **«0>^&>&>*>"> — W- t ^uejl. I. yy H are admitted on trial P Anfw. Samuel Row Thomas Morris Greenberry Green William Adams Charles Hopkins John Haggerty Henry Ogborn Quejl 2. Are there any objeB'wns to any of th 2 preachy ers? Anfiu. They were examined one by one. Quejl. 3. Who act as AJJijlants ? Anfiu. James Kelly Andrew Yergain John Dickins Reuben Ellis Imam Tatum Francis Poythrefs Charles Hopkins Lee Roy Cole William Gill William Glendenning William Waters. %uejl. 4, C 32 I Qiejl. 4. Ho tv are the Preachers Jlationed? Neiv- Hope, %ar-River, > Roan-Oak, j Mecklenburg, £ B ran/ wick, J> Svfex, Pittfylvnn. Amelia, Fluvanna, Hanover, Berkley, Frederick, Fairfax, Baltimore, Jnfa>< James Kelly, Philip Adams. Andrew Yergain,. William Moore. John Dickins, Henry Willis. Reuben Ellis, John Sigman. Thomas Morris, Richard Ivy, . James Morris. Francis Foythrefs, Stith Parham, John Beck. Lee Roy Cole,. Greenberry Green, John Atkins. Imam Tatum, Samuel Row. Carter Cole, Nelfon Read. Charles Hopkins, John Major. John Tunnell, John Haggerty. William Glendenning. Freeborn Garrettfon. William Gill, Edward Bailey. William Waters, Thomas Chew, William Adams. 5. What number i are there infocietyr Nfew-jcffey' - 140 Philadelphia, - 89 1 Chcfle, L 33 ] Chefter go Delaware 795 Kent 493 Baltimore 900 Fredeiick 480 Fairfax 3°9 Berkley 191 Fluvanna 300 Hanover 281 Amelia 470 Suflex $5$ Brunfwick 656 Mecklenburg 498 Pit tfy Ivan ia 500 Roan-Oak 470 Tar-River 455 New-Hope - 542 Charlotte 186 James City 77 8577 Quejl. 6. What Jhall be done with the Preachers who were upon trial lajl year ? Anfu\ To be continued till next conference. Que ft> 7. Shall any Preacher receive quarterage v. Jofhua Dudley Richard Garrettfon John Haggerty Quejl. 4. Are there any abjedions to any of the P reach' ers ? An/: v. They were examined one by one. Quejl. 5. Who aft an AjJiiUnt* this year ? Anfov Francis Afbury William Waters Daniel Ruff Jofeph Hartley Freeborn Garrettfon Caleb Pedicovd Quejl. 6. How are the Preachers Jlationed '■? Anfw. Thomas Chew William Gill William Glendenning John Kaggerty Philip Cox. William Gill, ]ohn James, Riehard Garrettfon. John Cooper, George Mair. Jofeph Cromwell, Caleb Pedicord. William Glendenning* James Cromwell. Thomas Chew, James Martin, George Moore. Jofeph Haitley, Daniel Ruff, Freeborn Garrettfon, Jofliua Dudley. Ft ederickf C 37 1 ^ , . . 1 William Waters, Frederick, j Thoma3 Fofter> Fairfax, - Philip Cox. "J Micajah Dcbruler, Berkley, > John Haggerty, J John Tunnell. All the preachers to change after fix months. Quefl. 7. Ought not all the Ajjijlants to fee to the fet- tling of all the preaching h'-u/ei by truflees, and oraer the faid truflees to meet once in half a year f and keep a regif- ter of their proceedings ; if there are any vacancies choofe .nexv truflees for the better Jecurily cf the houfes, ann lei all the deeds be drawn infubflance after that in the printed minutes ? Anfw. Yes. Quejl. 8. Shall all the travelling Preachers take a li- cenfe from every conference, importing that they are AJfifl~ ants or helpers in connexion with us ? Anfw. Yes. Queft. 9. Shall brother Afoury Jign them in behaf of ■the conference ? Anfw. Yes. Quefl. 10. Ought it to beflriclly enjoined on all our lo- cal Preachers and Exhorters, that no one prefume to fpeak in public ivithout taking a note every quarter (if required^) and be examined by the Ajfflani with refpect to his life, his qualification and reception ? Anfw. Yes. Quefl. 1 1 . Ought not all our Preachers to make con~ fcience of rifmg at four, and if not, yet at Jive, and is it not a jhamefor a Preacher to be in bed till Jix in the morning ? Anfw. Undoubtedly they ought. Quefl. 12. Shall TA,e continue in clofe connection with the church, and prefs our people to a clojer communion with her? Anfw. Ye«. D $utft. 13, C 38 ] Que/}. 13. Will this conference grant the privilege to oil the friendly clergy of the church of England, at the re~ quejl or dejire of the people, to preach or adminijter the or- dinances in our preaching houfes or chapels f Anfw. Yes. Quejl. 14. What provifion fhall we make for the wives of married Preachers ? Anfw. They fhall receive an equivalent with their hufbands in quarterage, if they (land in need. Que/l. 15. Ought not our Preachers, if pojfible, to fpeak to every perfop one by one in the family where they Jodge, before prayer, if time will permit ; or give a f ami- iy exhortation after reading a chapter ? Anfw. They ought. Quejl. 16. Ought not this conference to require thofe travelling Preachers uejl. 2 2. Shall brother Afbury, Garrettfon and U' ti- ters attend the Virginia conference, and inform them of our proceedings in this, and receive their anfwer P Anfw. Yea. Quejl. 2 3 . Do we difapprove of the practice of dift'ilU ing grain into liquor ? Shall we difotun our friends who will not renounce the practice ? Anfw. Yes. S>uefl. 24. What faall the conference do in cafe of bro- ther Afourfs death or abfence ? Anfw. Meet once a year, and aft according to the. minute3. Quefl. 25. Ought not the AJfiftanl to meet the Negroes himfelf, and appoint as helpers in his abfence, proper white perfons, and not fujfer them to Jlay late and mfet by them- f elves ? Anfw. Yes. Quefl. 26. What mufi be the conditions of our union with our Virginia brethren ? 'Anfw. To fufpend all their adminiftrations for one year, and all meet together in Baltimore. Quejl. 27. How are the Preachers fiationed in Vir* ginia ? Anfw. Fluvanna, Hanover, Amelia^ 1 Mecklenburg, £ Suffex, William Moore, Greenbeny Green. Imam Tatum, Charles Hopkins. Philip Adams, Nelfon Reed. Lee Roy Cole, Edward Pride, Samuel Watfon. Henry Willis, Mofes Parks. Pittfyhania^ C 40 ] "1 Richard Ivy, Pittfylvania, > Carter Cole, I William Partridge, Yadkin, - Andrew Yergain. TT 1 Francis Poythrefs, New-Hope, j j ohn M aj or. Tar- River, - James Kelly. n n i 1 J onn Dickins, Roan-Oak, j Henry 0gbourn . Quejl. 28. ^3/ numbers are there in fociety ? Slnfw. New-jerfey - - 196 Philadelphia - 9° Chetter - - 100 Delaware - - 15° SufFex - - 260 Kent - - 7 2 5 Baltimore - - ^^° Frederick - - 5 2 4 Fairfax - - 3 6x Berkley - . - 205 Ha novcv - - 35 l Fluvanna • 34 2 Amelia - - 5° 6 Suffex - - 62 ° Biunfwick - ' 454 Mecklenburg - 455 Pittfylvania - ' - $34 Yadkin - - 21 New- Hope - - 455 Tar- River - - 455 Roan-Oak - 4*° 8504 MIN.UtES MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS IN CONNECTION WITH The Rev. Mr. John Wefley, Held at Choptank, State of Delaware, April 1 6th, 1781, And adjourned to Baltimore the 24th of faid month, Quefl. 1 . *y HA T Preachers are now determined, af- ter mature consideration, clofe obfervation, and earnejl prayer, to preach the old Methodijl doctrine, and Jlritlly enforce the difcipline, as contained in the notes, fermons, and minutes, as publi/bed by Mr. Wejley, fo fir as they refpecl both preachers and people, according to the know- ledge we have of them, and the ability God Jhall give, and firmly refolved to difcountenance a feparation among either preachers or people ? Anfw. Francis Afbury William Waters William Glendenning John Cooper Jofeph Hartley Caleb Pedicord Thomas Chew William GUI D 2 Samuel 4* I Samuel Row j-ueph C torn well F're e b o r n G a rre 1 1 1 *o n Richard Garrettfon John Haggerty a Dudley Calcb Boyer Francis Poythrefs- Lee Roy Co!c Edward Morris Reuben Ellis John James John Coleman Jofeph Wvatt Michael Ellis Richard Ivy William Partridge Nelion Reed James Martin Stephen Black Henry Willis Henry Ivletcalf. "i nomas Fofter John Tunneli Micajah Debruler Thomas M'Clure James White Jofeph Everett George Maic John A thin s David Abbott Queft. 2. l r /hy was conference began at Chopionk ? Slnfw. To examine thofe who could not go to Bal- timore* and to provide (applies for the circuits where the Lord is more immediately pouring out his Spirit. - §hiej$. 3, Is there any precedent for this in the cecono- my of Methodifm ? Anpiv. Yes : Mr. Weiley generally holds a confer- ence in Ireland for the fame purpofes. add tie take the preachers itito full cou- rt after one year's trial? — Or, would it net be Lthr after cor-fdrlg how young they are in age, grace, and gtf>, to tn them two years, unlefs *4 be one of double tef \mony, of whom there is a general approb~ ■ Anfw. Yes. $$uefl. 5 . Shall any Afflflant Nike a local Preacher to travel in the circuit, in the vacancy of conference, without confulting brother AJbury, or the Elder AJfijianis near him* by word or letter, Anfw. No. Queft. 6. If any former AJiJlant has had jufl cauff.r removing preaching from any houfe, Jhould his jucctjj turn L 43 turn to it, without confulling brother Afuury or the . circuits mar him ; and if it remains doubtful, leave it till next conference ? Anfw. Agreed. ^oefl. 7. Ought not the Preachers to examine every 1 admitted upon trial, for three months, Jirje, whe- ther they have been turned cut, , let them not be ved without they have evidenced repentance? andean . rally recommended ? Anfw, Yes. J. 8. Ought not the Pr to read the rules of the J octettes ; the c~. . Sfi % and t ha ■ .*, if they have got i ueft. / 3. How are the Preachers Jiationed this year ? Anfw. Wejl Jerfey, Eaf-Jcrfey Pcnnfylvan ,,} Kent, I). Somcrfett, Dorfet, Talbot, Kent, M. Tork, Baltimore, Frederick, Caleb Pedicord, Jofeph Cromwell. James Cromwell, Henry Metcalf. William Glendenning, Samuel Row, Ifaac Rollins. William Gill, John Coleman, Lee Roy Cole, John Tun n ell. Thomas M'Clure, Jofeph Wyatt, Jofeph Everett, John Atkins, George Moore. Thomas Chew, Stephen Black. Henry Willis, Jeremiah Lambert* Richard Ivy, David Abbot, Philip Cox. W T illiam Waters, John Haggerty, Samuel Watfon. Reuben Ellis, Charles Scott, Tonathan Forrefl, Calvert, C 45 ] Calvert, Fairfax, Berkley, Hanover, Fluvanna, i Amelia, Sujfex, JJle of Whie, I Brunfwick, Meckhnburg Roan-Oak, Nelfon Reed. Francis Poythrefs* Michael Ellis. Ignatius Pigman, Edward Morris, William Partridge. Richard Garrettforu Micajah Debruler, Samuel Dudley. ettfon, Tar-River, > New- Hope, Pittfylvania, > Beverly Allen, James Haw. Caleb Bov James Martin, James White. Enoch Matfon, Adam Cloud. Henry Ogbourn> John Cooper. Philip Bruce. Thomas Folter, James Mallory. Quefl, 14. Ought not every AJfJlant to give a c.'rcum- Jttmtial account of the circuity in writing, both of focieiies* and focal Preachers, with a plan, to his fuccejfor ? Anfw. Yes. $>uejl. 15. Ought not each Ajfiflant to inform all our > in his circuity of the fum that is to be made up for the Preachers' quarterage, exrluflve of travelling expenfes, andbrefs them to give according to their fever al abilities ? Anfw. Yes. Qj'/l. 16. IV hat numbers aie there in fociety ? dnfw. New-Jerfey - 512 Pennfylvania - 271 Delaware [ 4<5 3 Delaware Somerfet Kent 1052 500 923 Dorfet - - 280 Baltimore - - 1000 Frederick - - 606 Calvert - - 73 Little Yoik - 90 Fairfax - - 301 Berkley - - 306 Hanover - - 351 Fluvanna - - 342 Amelia - - 506 Suffex - - 606 Brunfwick - - 477 Mecklenburg . 350 Roan-Oak - - 470 Tar-River - - 358 New-Hope - - 45^ Pittfylvania - 600 Marin - $o Edenton - - 60 io,539 Quej}. 17. What proper method Jhould be taken, fup- fofing any difference Jhould arife in dealing between our brethren ? Anfw. Let the AfMant preacher at quartet ly meeting confult with the Steward, in appointing pro- per perfons to examine into the circumdances, and if there be any fufpicion of injuftice, or inability in the referrees, to appoint men of more (kill and probity, and the parties to abide by their decifion, or be ex- cluded the fociety. $>uejl. 18. How many general fajls fi all we have this year ? jinftv, C 47 ] Anfiv. Fouv, as follows : the rrfl Thurfdays in June, September, anuary and April. Que ft. 1 9. Wh : efijl from travel/in? this year ? Anfiv. John Dickins Imam Tatum William Moore Greenberry Green Daniel Ruff. MINUTES Kfc* VA «3 MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE PREACHERS IN CONNECTION WITH The Rev. Mr. John Wefley, Held at Ellis's Preaching- Houfe, in .Suffex County, VIRGINIA, April 17th, 1782, And adjourned to Baltimore, May 21ft. Queft. 1. "r HAT Preachers are admitted Into coti* necTion ? jfnfw. Caleb Boyer Thomas Fofter Henry Ogbourn James White James Mallory Beverly Allen James Haw $>ueft. 2. What Preachers remain on trial? Anfa. Enoch Matfon I Philip Bruce Adam Cloud | Ira Ellis E Caleb Edward Morris William Partridge Jeremiah Lambert John Coleman Ignatius Pigman Jofeph Everett. [ 5° 1 Samuel Watfon* Peter Moriarty Jonathan Forreft Charles Scott Johph Wyatt* George Mair David Abbott. Caleb Cole John Eafter John Magary John Major Samuel Dudley James Gibbons Henry Metcalf Quell. 3 What Preachers are admitted on trial F Anfw. John Baldwin I Hugh Roberts Henry Jones | Woolman Hickfon George Kimble I William Thomas. Thomas Hafkins | Quejl. 4. Who a3 as AJJiJlants P Anfw. Richard Garrettfon Micajah Debruler |ames Martin Beverly Allen Caleb Boyer James White Henry Ogbourn Tames Mallory Freeborn Garrettfon Francis Afbury William Waters John Tunnell William Gkndenning Reuben Ellis John Haggerty Philip Cox Thomas Chew- Caleb Pedicord Nelfon Read Samuel Row Francis Poythrefs William Gill Lee Roy Cole Henry Willis Ignatius Pigman Richard Ivy Jofhua Dudley John Cooper. €rs QtieJ}. 5. Are there any oljeBions to any of the Preach f Anfio* They were examined one by one. §«eft. 6. How are the Preachers Jiathned? Anfw. NewH«pe> - James White. ") Mi ajah Debruler, Tar-Rwer, 1 Ad cloud , J Tadkint [ 5i ] Tadki John Cooper, Enoch Matfon, George Kimble, james Martin, Thomas Fofter. Caleb Bowyer, Ira Ellis, Henry Jones. James Kelly, Thomas Chew*. Richard Garrettfon, Jofeph Cromwell, Jeremiah Lambert, Peter Moriavty. Philip Bruce, James G'.bbons. James Mallory, John Baldwin, James Haw. Ignatius Pigman,, Samuel Watfon. John Haggerty, Jonathan Forreft. Philip Cox, Michael Ellis. Reuben Ellis, Thomas Hafkins, Hugh Roberts. Lee Roy Cole, Jofeph Wyatt. Freeborn Garrettfon, Woolman Hickfon, John Magary. Samuel Row, Henry Willis. Francis Poythrefs, Edward Morris. Sujex, Suffex, I C 52 } William Gill, Mofes Park, Htnry Metealf, David Abbott. Nelfon Read, John Major. William Partridge, William Gler.denning, John Coleman. John Tunnell, Jofeph Everett. Jofiiua Dudley, Richard Ivy. Caleb Pedicovd, Samuel Dudley. Henry Ogbourn, John Eafter. William Waters, James Cromwell. Que]}. 7. Haw are th& Preachers to change after fix months r Anfw, Roan-Oak, 7'ar-River and New-Hope to change among thcmfelves, only Jeremiah Lambert with Thomas Fofter ; Fittfylvania and Yadkin, Brunf- wick and Mecklenburg ; SufTex and the lfle of White, only Beverly Allen to Hanover; Fluvanna with Han- over ; Eaft and Weft-Jerfey change ; brother Glen- denning and brother Tunnell ; John Coleman and Nelfon Read to change ; if brother Coleman goes to Virginia brother Read to take his place; Reuben Ellis to remain in Baltimore till conference : Hugh Roberts with Michael Eilia, Thomas Hafkins with John Haggerty ; the preachers in the peninfula change at the full quarterly meeting. ?. 8. What numbers are there in fooety ? Little-Tor k, I Lancaflcr, Perwfy/vdnia, J- Eafl-Jerfey, IVrf-Jerfey, Snffex, Hanover, Jp7uvanna t Anfw. EahSJerfey Weit-Jerfey 282 375 Pen nfy Ivan ia C 53 3 Pennfylvania Lancafter Little- York Delaware Suffex Talbot Dorfet Somerfet Kent, M. Baltimoie Frederick Calvert Fairfax South Branch New-Hope Tar- River Roan-Oak Yadkin and 7 Pittfylvania S Mecklenburg Brunfwick SufTex Me of White Hanover Fluvanna Marfh T Amelia and t Buckingham J 291 70 166 852 595 660 780 455 610 993 491 3°S 262 434 251 300 450 491 355 6ji 400 366 360 320 200 11,785 £>ueft. 9. What is the yearly colkftion ? An/to. £.42 16 3. Quejl. 10. How was it expended ? jtnfw. On the necefiities of the preachers. %ue/i* ix. Whatjbailbe done to revive the work ? E 2 Anfw\ L 5f 1 Anfiu. Hold evening meetings, and preach in the mornings in places convenient. Qieft. 12. Vi/hatjoall be done to get a regular and impartial fapply for th° maintenance of the Preachers ? Anfw. Let every thing they receive, either in money or cloathing, be valued by the preachers and ilewaids at quarterly meeting, and an account of the deficiency given in to the conference, that he may be iupplied by the profits avifing from the books and the conference collections. Qjjefl. 13. How Jhall we more effe dually guard cgainfl diforderly travelling Preachers P Anfw. Write at the bottom of every certificate. The authority this conveys is limited to next confer- ence. Quefl. 1 4. Hoiv riv.ift toe do if a Preacher 'will nut cle/ijl after being found g uilty ? Anfiv. Let the neareft Affiftant flop him immedi- ately In brother Afbury's ahfence let -the preachers inform the people of tkefe rules. Qufl. 15. &*><& Jhall we more eJfeHually guard againft diforderly heal Preachers ? dnfiv. Write at the bottom of the certificate, This conveys authority no longer than you walk uprightly, and fubmit to the direction of the Affiftant Preacher. Quell, \ 6. By what rule Jhall tve conduct ourfelves to~ wards the preachers and people that fe par ate from us ? Anfiv Difown them. QutjL 1 7 . How Jhall <^^=*>-> gueft. l\ WhjIT Prea. Anfvj. Enoch Matfon Philip Bruce Samuel Dudley- John Eafter Ira Ellis John Magary John Major Henry Metcalf Samuel Wat ion $>ueft. 2. What Preachers AnfiB, John Baldwin Henry Jones George Kimble 'hers are admitted ? Peter Moriarty James Gibbons Joieph Wyatt William Thomas George Mair Woolrr.au Hickfon Jonathan Forreft Michael Ellis James Morris. remain on trial ? Thomas Iiafkinj Hugh Roberts James Thomas Mattl'CVV C 58 ] Matthew Greentrce I William Thomas. Thomas Curtis Quejl. 3. What Preachers are received on trial? Anfvo. Jo/hua Worley William Damaron Lemuel Green William Cannon Jeffe Iiee Thomas Anderfon Thomas Humphreys Samuel Breeze Henry Metritt Francis Spry James Hinton William Phoebus Richard Swift Thomas Bowen Qfeft. 4. Are there any objections to any of the ? reach* en ? Anfu\ They were examined one bv one. $utfi* 5. Who a B as AJJlflants this year? Anfw. Francis Afbury Beverly Allen William Waters Caleb Boyer William Glendenning James Kelly Edward Drumgole Nelfon Read John Dickins J ames Cromwell Samuel Spragg Francis Poythrefs John Cooper John Tunnell Freeborn Garrcttfoa Thomas Chew Caleb Pedicord Lee Roy Cole Samuel Row William Gill Reuben Ellis Tchn Haggerty Phillip Cox Henrv Willis Richard Ivy James White Henry Metcalf James Haw Woolman Hickfoa William Partridge Henry Ogbourn " John Eafter Philip Bruce Edward Morris Jeremiah Lambert John Coleman Mofes Park Jonathan Forrefl James Martin £>»efl. 6. Bow are the Preachers Jlathned? Anftv. Holflem, - Jeremiah Lambert, Guilford, [ 59 3 Samuel Dudley, James Gibbons. James Cromwell, Thomas Anderfon. Peter Moriarty, JeiTe Lee. Henry Ogbourn, in, > William Cannon J Lemuel Green. ■Hope, Henry Willis. £, - Philip Bruce. "J Beverly Allen, ur y> f James Fofter, J James Hinton. Ira Ellis, Jofhua Worley. John Eafter, William Damaron. Caleb Pedicord, Edward Drumgole, Henry Merritt. James Kelly, Jofeph Cromwell. Thomas Chew, Thomas Fofter. James Haw, James Mallory. James Morris. James Martin, Henry Me teal f. Richard Ivy, Edward Morris, John Baldwin. James White, Enoch Matfon, Henry [ones. Caleb Boyer, Thomas Curtis. Allegany, t 60 ] Allegany, > Barclay, J- Fairfax, > Calvert, > Frederick, > Baltimore, > Little Tori, Chejler, Eqjl-Jerfey, W'Jl-Jerfey, J New- Tor k, Somerfet, Caroline, Annamejfex, \ j Dtrfti, ] Francis Poythrefs, Benjamin Roberts. Mofes Park, Thomas Humpheys. Jonathan Forreft, David Abbott. William Waters, Richard Swift. Ignatius Pigman, William Phcebus. John Coleman, Michael Ellis, Jofeph Everett. William Gill. Reuben Ellis, John Haggerty, Thomas Hafkins* Samuel Row, James Thomas, Fiancis Spry, William Ringold. Woolman Hickfon, John Magary. Samuel Spragg, John Dickins. William Partridge, Adam Cloud. Nelfon Read, Matthew Greentree, Thomas Bovven. Philip Cox, William Thomas, Samuel Breeze, William Wright. Lee Roy Ccje, Jofeph Wyatt. Dover, C ,g Salisbury i Guilford - - ^14 New- Hope - - 183 Tar- River - * 232 Roan-Oak - 40o Mar/h - . 50 Bartie » . 600 Pafquetank - 2 2 Holltein - • 60 Pittfylvania . -362 Mecklenburg - * 2 6 Brunfwick SufTex Nanfemond Hanover Amelia Fluvanna Allegany . . 2i)l Berkley . . l6$ fairfax - - , IO Old- Town, Cumberland % Frederick Calvert 417 540 3 3 7 162 356 ' - 548 Baltimore - . ooc . Talbot - . 9 * Eorfet . . J ^\ Annamefiex * 23c Somerfet 250 Carol me [ 62 ] Carol'ne - - 700 Kent - - 697 Dover - 1017 York - - 156 Chefter - - 320 Philadelphia - 119 Eaft-Jerfey - - 538 Wcft-Jerfey - 490 13,740 Qutfl. 8. What fum is to be raifed for the fupport $f the Preacher* s wives ? Jrfzv. North circuits £, 200> South circuits £.60. Quefl. 9. Houej} t 1 6. How many Preacher's wives are to be pre xided for ? Anfw. Eleven : Sifter Forreft Sifter Mafr Sifter Wyatt Sifter Thomas Sifter Everett Sifter Kimble £>uejl. 1 7. How is this money to be raifed? A3 ' Sifter Ell's Sifter Waters Sifter Haggerty Sifter Pigman Sifter Dickins. Anfw, Allegany Barclay Fairfax Frederick Calvert Baltimore Dorfet York 4 6 10 8 6 30 12 6 ^.82 B -ought up Pennfylvania Eaft and Weft jeifey 3 82 Dover Somerfet Annameffex Talbot Kent 50 20 8 6 10 20 £. 206 Carried up Sifter Dickins to be fupplied from Neu~York ; fifters Forreft, Ellis, Waters, Haggerty and Pigman, to be fupplied from Allegany, Barclay, Fairfax, Frederick, C 3- What preach ■ - F'2 Samuel Breeze William Phoebus Richard Swift Thoma3 Bowen Matthew Grcentree Lemuel Green William Ringold Hugh Roberts Thomas Ware. Mat ■: C M ] Jlnftv. David Jefferfon Thomas Jackfon' Ifaac Smith Wilfon Lee John Robertfon Simon Pile John Philips John Smith John Fidler James Riggin. William Jeffop Qujl. 4. Are there any objections to any of the Preach* ers? Anfw. They were examined one by one. S>jejl. 5. Who aft as Jjj/lants this year ? Anfiv. Francis Afbury Michael Ellis William Glcndenning Thomas Chew- Edward Drumgole | Samuel Dudley Lee Roy Cole Samuel Row Reuben Ellis John Haggerty Henry Willis John Dickins Edward Morris Philip Cox Ereeborn Garrettfon Nelfon Read James Martin James Kelly Henry Ogbsurn John Major Beverly Allen Philip Biuce Enoch Matfoa Richard Ivy John Eafter William Gill Caleb Psdicord §>u?Jl> 6. Hovj are the Preachers JlaUor.ed lots yea.' George Mair Caleb Boyer John Tumi ell James Cromwell Jofeph Everett Woolman Hickfow Thomas Hafkius John Cooper John Magary Ignatius Pigman. Anfw* Holjhin, Tadliny Safifburji "ford, Henry Willis. I Philip Bruce, 1 [ John Baldwin. \\ JefTcLee, \ lfa«c Smith. 1 Thomas Humphreys, 1 Thomas Aadcrf ' i I 6 7 ] Cafwell, Halifax, Wilmington, New- Hope, Tar- River, Orange, PJchmond Hampton, Allegany, Berkley, Fairfax, Bedford, Richard Swift- Enoch Matfon, Peter Moriarty- Bcverly Allen, James Hiaton. Jofhua Worley. William Cannon, Henry Jones. Thomas Curtis, David Jefferfon* Reuben Ellis, Thomas Fofter. William Glendenninj John Robertfon. Ira Ellis, Edward Drumgole. Richard Ivy, William Damaron, James Martin. Henry Ogbourn. James Kelly, Mofes Park. John Major. Thomas Fofter^ William Jefibp. Woolman Hickfon,, James Riggin. John Eaiter. James Morris. Wiifon Lee, Thomas Jackfon- Richard Smith, Thomas Bowen. Jofeph Everett. Edward Morris, James Haw* Redjhnt» [ 69 J Redjlone, > Gahert, } Baltimore, Little-Tor k, Philadelphia, V Dover, > Caroline, > Somerfet, > Annamejfex, > Accomac, Dorjet, | 1 Kent, M. jfuniatai Long-IJland, - New- Tor k, Weft-Jerfey, j Talbot, \ John Cooper, Samuel Breeze. Francis Poythrefs, Caleb Pedicord, Thomas Chew, William Gill. Michael Ellis. Lee Roy Cole, Jofeph Cromwell, Jeremiah Lambert. Nelfon Read, Adam Cloud. George Mair, Jofeph Wyatt, George Moore. Thomas Hafkins, William Ringold. Caleb Boyer, Hugh Roberts. James White.. John Tunnell, Lemuel Green; James Cromwell,. William Lynch, Thomas Ware. Simon Pile. Philip Cox. John Dickins. Samuel Dudley,. William Phoebus. Samuel Row, William Partridge,, John Fidler. Freeborn Garrettfon, William Thomas. Frederick, C 69 1 •J John Magary TrederUh, > Ifaac Smith, J Jona- thran Forreft. Trenton, ^ ^ Haggerty, hew Greentree Quejl. 7. What numbers are there in f octet j Anfiv. New-York - 60 Long-Ifland - 24 Eaft-Jerfey - 450 Weft-Jerfey - 5 l S Philadelphia - 470 Little- York - 5° Juniata - 40 Dover 982 Kent, M. - 730 Talbot - 762 Dorfet - 760 AnnamefTex - 260 Somerfet - 33* Caroline - 752 Baltimoie - 8 3 q Calvert - 34° Frederick - 516 Fairfax - 3 r 7 Berkley • 116. Allegany - 240 Orange - 217 Richmond . 168 Suffex . 5 2 5 Nanfemond 215 Portfmouth . 191 Brunfwick - 484 Amelia . 3*7 Mecklenburg - 293 Amhcrft . 290 Halifax m 272 Holftein - - 76 Yadkin, t 7° ] Yadkin 292 Guilford 318 Cafwell 165 Salifbury 375 New-Hope 170 Tar- River 426 Roan- Oak 495 Bartie - 600 Camden and ) Banks J 350 Wilmington - 80 Pee Dee 99 14,988 Quefl. 8. How fhall we leep good order among the Preachers, and provide for contingencies in the vacancy of conference and abfence of the General AJJtftant ? Anfw. Let any three Afiiftants do what may be thought moil elegible, call to an account, change, fufpend or receive a preacher till conference. Queft. 9. What can be done nxith thofe places we have Jong tried y and appear to grow ivorfe every year ? Anfw. If you are obliged to make ufe of fuch places as a bridge to get to more valuable ones, ap- point no public preaching, but only meet fociety in the evening or fpeak to the black people. S£uejl. jo. What can he done towards erecling new chapels, and difeharginp the debts on thofe already built ? Anfw. Let the Afiiftant Preacher put a yearly fub- fcription through the circuits, and infill upon every member that is not fupported by charity to give fome- thing ; let them fubfcribe the firft quarter and pay the fecond, and the money to be applied by two Ge- neral Stewards. £>uefl. 1 1 . How /hall we prevent fuperfuity in drefs among our people P Anfw. [ 7« ] Anfw. Let the preachers carefully avoid every thing of this kind in themfelves, and fpeak frequently and faithfully againft it in all our focieties. Queft. 1 2 . What Jhall nxe do with our friends that will buy and fell flaves ? Anfw. If they buy with no other defign than to hold them as flaves, and have been previoufly warned, they fhall be turned out ; and permitted to fell on no confideration. Quefl. 13. What fhall we do with our local Preach- ers who iu// not emancipate their flaves in the jtates where the laws admit it ? Anfw. Try thofe in Virginia another year, and fufpend the preachers in Maryland, Delaware, Penn- fylvania, and New-Jerfcy. Qutfl 14. H)W Jhal/ we reform our finding ? Anfw. Let all our preachers who have any know- ledge in the notes, improve it by learning to fing true themfelves, and keeping clofe to Mr. Wefley's tunes and hymns. Shtejl 1 e. How fhall we enlarge the conference collec- tion t to [apply the wants of the Preachers ? Anfu. Let there be a public collection in all the principal places in the circuits, and brought to con- ference. Quefl, 16. What Preachers* wives are to be provided for? Sifter Wyatt Moore Thomas Mtir Ellis Scott Fore ft er .^ueft. 17. How is this money to be raifdf elrfw. Talbot 14 | Dorfct , 14 Dover Siftar Pigman Haggerty Dickins Drumgole Kelly Morris I Tfl 3 £■ £2 Brought over 28 Brought up 198 Dover *4 Philadelphia 24 Annameffejc *4 New Jtrfey 20 Kent 14 B run f wick 10 Caroline H Mecklenburg 8 Somtvfet H Bartie 2 Fairfax 20 SuiTtx 10 Baltimore 40 Amelia 10 Calvert 15 Nanfemond 7 Little York 10 Portfmouth 7 Frederick *5 Camden 6 Carried up £. 198 /• 302. Let every fiiftant Preacher fee that this money is collected and paid quarterly. $hfcft. 18. What Jhail he allowed the General AJtftant yearly ? Anfw. Twenty-four pounds, with his cxpenfes for horfes and travelling, brought into, and paid at con- ference. Qjjtfl. 19. What Preachers have died this year ? Anfw, William Wright, Henty Metcalf. Queft* 20. 14 hut Preachers defijl from travelling ? Anfw. David Abbott I John Coleman James Thomas | James Malory. Quejl. 21. How Jhall ive conduct our/elves towards European Preachers ? » Anfw. If they are recommended by Mr. Wefley, will be fubject to the American conference, preach the doctrine taught in the four volumes of Sermons, and Notes on the New Teftament, keep the circuits they arc appointed to, follow the directions of the London and American minutes, and be fnbject to Francis A (bury as General AlTiftant, whilft he (lands approved by Mr. Wefley, and the conference, we will I 73 ] will receive them ; but if they walk contrary to the above directions, no ancient right or appointment fhall prevent their being excluded from our connection. Que/}* 2 2. What fhall be done with our travelling Preachers that now are, or hereafter /hall be p'jpjfed of negroes, and refufe to manumit them where the law permits ? Anfw. Employ them no more. Que/?. 23. How fhall zee more effectually appoint, and keep days of Fnjlmg ? Anfw. By writing it upon every chvfs-paper, To be the firft Friday after every quarterly-meeting. Quejl. 24: When and where jhall our nest conference he held? dnfw. The firft at Green Hill's, Friday 29th and Saturday 30th of April, North Carolina; the fecond in Virginia, at conference chapel, May Sth ; the third in Maryland, Baltimore, the 15th day of June. MINUTES MINUTES OF SOME CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN THE MINISTERS and PREACHERS OF THE Methodift Epifcopal Church, AT A GENERAL CONFERENCE HELD AT BALTIMORE, January 1785. — <^^^^.^^^*>> — AS it was unanimoufiy agreed at this conference, that circumftances made it expedient for ns to Decome a feparate body, under the denomination of :he Methodift Epifcopal Church, it is neceflary that we Tiould here aflign fome reafons for fo doing. The following extract of a letter from the Rev. Mr. John Wefley, will afford as good an explanation as can be given of this fubjett : " Briftol, September 10th, 17B4. " To Dr. Coke, Mr. AJbury, and our Brethren in " North America. " I. By a very uncommon train of providences* ".many of the provinces of North America are total- " ly C 7* ] i( ly disjoined from the Brltifh empire, and ere&ed 61 into Independent' States. The Englifh government »' has no authority over them either civil or ecclefiafti- " cal, any more than over the dates of Holland. A " civil authoiity is exercifed over them, partly by the «< Corrgrefs, partly by the State Affemblies. But *' no one either exercifes or claims any ecclefiauical " authority at all. In this peculiar fituation fome " thoufands of the inhabitants of thefe States defire my advice : and in compliance with their defire, I " have drawn up a little (ketch. " 2; Lord King's account of the primitive church '•' convinced me many years ago, that bifhops and *' prefbyters are the fame order, and confequently " have the fame right to ordain. For many years I c * have been importuned from time to time, to exer- * : cife this light, by ordaining part of our travelling *' preachers. But I have ftijl refufedj not only for •' peace' fake ; but beeaufe I was determined, as lit- " tie as poffible t.o violate the eftablifhed order of the " national church to which 1 belonged. 4< 3. But the cafe is widely different between En- u gland and North America. Here there are bifhops "who have a legal juiifdi&ion. In America there * { are none, and but few parifh minifters. So that for •« fome hundred miles together there is none either to « baptize or to adminifter the Lord's Supper. Here " therefore my fcruples are at an end :. and I conceive " myfelf at full liberty, as I violate no order and in- « vade no man's right, by appointing and fending la- " bourers into the harveft. •« 4. I have accordingly appointed Dr. Coxs and "Mr. Francis Asbvry, to be joint Sagermtendents,* " over * As the tranflators of onr verfion of the bible have ufed the fc'nglifli word Bijbop inftcad of Superintendent, it ha? been thought by us, that it would appear more fcriptural to adopt their term B'Jhap. C 77 1 " over our brethren in North America. As alfo " Richard Whatcoat and Thomas Vasey, to u aft as Elders among them, by baptizing and admi- " niftering the Lord's Supper. " 5. If any one will point out a more rational and " fcriptural way of feeding and guiding thofe poor " fh.eep in the wildernefs, I will gladly embrace it. M At prefcnt I cannot fee any better method than " that I have taken. " 6. It has indeed been propofed, to defire the En- " glifh bifhops to ordain part of our preachers for " America. But to" this I objeft, ift, I defired the " Bifhop of London to ordain one only ; but could " not prevail : 2nd, If they confented, we know the " flownefs of their proceedings ; but the matter ad- " mits of no delay. 3rd, If they would ordain them u nozu, they would likewife expect to govern them. 11 And how grievoufly would this entangle us ? 4th, *' .As our American brethren are now totally difentan- 41 gled both from the State, and from the Englifh " hierarchy, we dare not entangle them again, either 44 with the one or the other. They are now at full 44 liberty, limply to follow the fcriptures and the pri- •* mitive church. And we judge it beft that they u (hould Hand fa;1 in that liberty, wherewith God 11 has fo ftrangely made them free. ''•JOHN WESLEY." Therefore, at this conference we formed ourfelves into an Independent Church : and following the coun- fel of Mr. John Wefley, who recommended the Epis- copal mode of church government, we thought it belt to become an Epifcopal church, making the Epifco- pal office elective, and the elected fuperintendent, or bifhop, amenable to the body cC minifttrsaiid pieach- CIS. G 2 $«& I 78 } Quefi. I. Who are the Superintendents of our Church f Anfw. Thomas Coke, Francis Afbury. Queft. 2. Who are the Elders ? Anfw. Rd. Whatcoat Thomas Vafey "Freeborn Garrettfon William Gill Thomas Chew John Haggerty Reuben Ellis James Kelly Richard Ivy John Tuanell Beverly Allen Henry Willis Caleb Boyer James Cromwell Enoch Mat Ton Nelfon Reed Jeremiah Lambert. Ignatius Pigman- The. lias Fofter John Baxter, ^uefi 3 . Who are the Deacons ? Anfw. John Dickins I Philip Bruce Michael Ellis j William Ringold. % f /?. 4. Wfa are the Affiants ? Atfw. All the Di aeons Jofcph Everett Phillip Cox john Cooper Ira Ellis Samuel Dudley William Cannon Henry Ogbourn James White George Moore William Thomas Thomas Kafkins Thomas Curtis William Phcebus Adam Cloud Robert Cloud Peter Mori arty QurJI. 5. Who are admitt Anfw. JeiTe Lee James Hintoa Thomas Anderfon William Partridge James Hinton John Baldwin Thomas Humphreys James Haw Edward Morris Simon Pile Woolman Hickfcn Richard Swift William Glendenning John Major Edward Drumgole William Damaron Thomas Bowen. ed into full conneBion ? William Damaron Thomas Eowcn Thomas [ 19 ] Thomas Anderfon Thomas Humphreys Richard Swift William Phcebus William Ringold Lemuel Green. Quejl. 6* IV Ijo retnam on trial ? Anf'w. David Jefferfon lfaac Smith John Smith Elijah Ellis John Robertfon William JefTop James Riggin Qu/ji. 7. Who are admitted en trial Wilfon Lee Simon Pile Thomas Jack Ton Samuel Breeze Matthew Greentree Thomas Ware James Thomas. Anf'w. Mark Whitaker Henry Bingham George Noteworthy Stephen Johnfon Thomas Williamfon John Freeman Michael Gilbert Jomua Hartley- Jeremiah Maftoit Hope Hull Ezekiei Cooper Hezekiah Bohehara- Stephen Dickins Levin Rofs Shores Bright Eleazer Hatheway Robert Sparks William Steens John Street Garret Thorn Ton Robert Ayres Jacob Brum. ^uefi. S. IV ho deftfl from travelling r Anfw. Samuel. Row I James Morris, James Martin j gueft. 9. Who is laid qfide ? Anf'w. Lee Roy Cole. £>nejl. I o. IV ho have died this yesr ? Anfao. Caleb Pedicord, a man of forrows, and, like his Mailer, acquainted with grief; but a man dead to the world, and much devoted to. God : And George Mair, a man of affliction, but of great patience and refignation ; and of excellent under- standing. Quejt. 1 1 . Are there any cfyefiiens to any of the Preachers P Anfn': ■ [ So ] Anfiv. They have been examined one by one* ^jirjl. 12. Ho to are the Preachers Jlationed this year? Anfw. As follows : Georgia, Beverly Allen, Elder* John Tunnell, Elder* Charleflon, George-Town, Woolman Hickfon- Tadhin, Holfiein, Cofivelly Sali/hury, Halifax, Henry Willis, Elder. 1 Henry Bingham, J" Thomas Williamfon, I Richard Swift, j" Michael Gilbert. Richard Ivy, Elder. Elijah Ellis. Jofhua Hartley, Hope Hull. James Hinton, George Nofeworthy r Reuben Ellis, Elder. WiJmingtsn, New-River, Tar-River, Rcan Oai, New- Hope, Guilford, John- Baldwin. Philip Bruce, Thomas Humphreys, Ifaac Smith. Edward Morris, Mark Whitaker. Henry Jones. John Smith. Stephen Johnfon Camde Nelfon Reed, Elder. 1 "William Partridge, \ William Steens Portfmouthi [ 8i ] Port/mouth, \ rhoma, Anderfon. Wtliiamfburg, John Street. Jeremiah Mafton. Bartie, Sufex, Brunfvjick, Mecklenburg, Enoch Matfon, EUer. 7 John Dickins, 3 David Jefferfon. William Glendenning* John Eafter. Edward Diorngolfr, James Haw, John Major, John Robertfon, Amelia, Bedford, Orange, Redfione Allegany, Berkley, Fairfax, James Kelly, Elder. William D maron, John Freeman, Thomas Bowen, James Kenney. Thomas Jackfon, J» Hezekiah Baneharo* J Stephen Dickins. Thomas Fofter, Elder. St. Mary's, Lancajler, j- Calvsrt, Peter Moriarty, John Fidler, Wilfon Lee. Lemuel Green, John Paup, William JefTop. Eleazer Hatheway, Simon Pile. Ignatius Pigman, Elder Jofeph Eveiett, Levin Rofs. Michael Ellis. Richard C 8a 1 Richard Whatcoat, Elder. Frederick, Baltimore, Kent, Talbot, JDorfet, Northampton, j • William Ringold, Samuel Breeze Francis Poythrefs, Jonathan Forreft. Caleb Boyer, Elder. Thomas Curtis, George Moore. Thomas Halkins, Jofeph Cromwell. William Thomas, Robert Ayres. Philip Cox, Mofes Hurley. Dover, Caroline, Somerfet, Jnamefex, William Gill, Elder. 1 Samuel Dudley, j Jofeph Wyatt. i William Cannon, V Jeffe Lee, J Shores Bright. Henry Ogbourn, Garret Thorn fon- James White, Robert Cann. Thomas Vafey, Elder, Little-Tor k, - John Cooper. Philadelphia, I l™ % T ' j James 1 nomas. Juniata, - James Riggin. Thomas Chew, Elder. 1 William Phoebus, Wejl-Jerfey, I Thomas Ware, J Robert Sparks. 77„/j «y r 7 Adam Cloud, Eajl-Jerfey, j ^^ Greentree . } L 83 ] Robert Cloud, Trenton, J» John M'CIafkey, Jacob Brufh. New-York, John Haggerty, Elder. Long-ljland, - Ezekiel Cooper. Shelburne, - Freeborn Garrettfon, Elder. Port-Rofe^ay, James Cromwell. Eider. ^ueji. 13. What was collided for Coiejbury college? An id. £. 45 : 16 : o Sterling. £>ueft. 1 4. What was the yearly colleSion ? Anfw. £. 300. ^ueft. 15. How was it expended? Anfw. In making up the yearly deficiencies, and fending out two miffionaries, and the expenfes of our conference. Quefl. 16. What numbers are in f octet y ? Anfw. Eighteen thoufand. It i*8 recommended to all our brethren to fufpend the execution of the minute on flavery, till the deli- berations of a future conference ; and that an equal fpace of time be allowed all our members for confider- ation, when the minute mail be put in force, Af. B. We do hold in the deepeft abhorrence, the practice of flavery ; and (hall not ceafe to feek its de- ftru&ion by all wife and prudent means. Qjefl. 17. When and where /hall we hold our confer* tnces next year ? Anfw. At Salifbury, Tuefday, 21ft of February.' At Lane's chapel, in Southampton county, Virginia, Monday, 10th of April, Iq Baltimore, the 8th of May, 1786. MINUTES & & i G^ =^3 MINUTES OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE Methodift Epifcopal Church, F*Otf THE YEAH 1786. TV t ^uefl. I . yv HO are the Supe -'inierrdents of our church ? Anfiv. Thomas Coke, Francis Afbury. $>uefl. 2 . Who are the Elders ? Anfiv. Rd. Whatcoat John Tunncll Freeborn Garrettfon Thomas Chew John Haggerty Reuben Ellis William Gill James Kelly Henry Willis Richard Ivy Caleb Boyer Nelfon Reed H Enoch Matfon Ignatius Pigman Thomas Fofter John Baxter James Cromwell Lee Roy Cole Beverly Allen Thomas Vafey James Fofter Francis Poythrefs James Haw Philip Biuce, C 8ueji. 6. Who remain on trial ? Anfixj, Mark Whitaker Henry Bingham Stephen johnfon Thomas Williamfon Jofhua Hartley Hope Hull William Stcens Jeremiah Mafton Robert Sparks Jacob Brum Robert Ayres Garret Thomfon John Pa up John M'Clafkey Robert Cann Stephen Dicklrts Ezekiel C s 7 ] Ezekiel Cooper j Simon Pile. JLevin Rofs Queft. 7. Who are admitted on trial? Anfiv. Sihon Smith John Mafon Robert Johnfon Miller Mark Moore Charles Hardy Daniel Afbury Caleb Maxcy John Steward Henry Vanover ■Terence Burns Micajah Tracy Elijah Lumfdon Newman Spam • Jacob Lurton William Hud foil John Jarrel William Hervey Benjamin Ogdoa John Simmons Mofes Hurley John Merrick Samuel Talbot Laftley Matthews Michael Lard. $>uejl. 8. Who defijl from travelling ? Anfiv. James Hinton I William Glendenning Edward Drumgole | William Ringold. Quejl. 4- Are there any oljdftions to any of the Preachers ? jfnfw. They were examined one by one. 4>2*ueft. 11. How are the Preachers Jlatipn9a[? Anfw. James Fofter, Elder. fyorpa, I Thomas Humphreys, * J John Major, Broad- River, t 88 ] Broad-River, - Stephen Johnfon, Henry Willis, Elder. Charlejlon, - Ifaac Smith. Beverly Allen, Elder. Santee, • Richard Smith, Reuben Ellis, Elder. n j-n ) Thomas Williamfpa^ J J' 5 Henry Bingham. ^ ,,. 1 Robert Miller, ' \ John Mafon. rr,/,. 7 Mark Whitaker, • / '• 4 Mark Mopre. James Kelly, Elder. Baldwin ard Morris, Guilford, - J onn Baldwin. ILdw rr ,. r 7 iLQward Morris hah f a *> \ Charles Hardy, Mecklenburg,} ] {^*y£^ Richard Ivy, Elder. New-Hope, - William Partridge, r D . 1 Thomas Anderfon, ar-Rtver, S- ,,. . , ~ ' ■ !| Micajah Tracy. D n J A Thomas Bowen, Roan-Oak, > Txr ir C4 . ' J William Steens. Cafwell, - Sihon Smith. Philip Bruce, Elder. n ■ £ Thomas Jackfon, ' 5 J°^n Freeman. Camdi .Camden and Banhsy Port/mouthy } C 89 ] John Robert Con, John Steward. T Burns. Francis Poythrefs, Elder. Brunfwich £ujex, Amelia, ■J Philip Cox, James Gibbons, Henry Merritt. Simon Pile, Laftley Matthews, Elijah Ellis, Daniel Afbury. Thomas Chew, Elder* WWiamflurgt Orange, Bsdfordy IIanover f 1 } Levin Rofs, William Damaronj Elijah Lumfdon. WiUiam Cannon, Henry Vanover, Newman Spain. Ananias Hudfon, Enoch Matfon. Elder. Allegany, Red/lone, Garret Thorn fon, Aguila Edward?, Michael Lard. John Smith, Robert Ay res, Stephen Dickjns. Nelfon Reed, Elder. Wejlmor eland > Fair/ax, Berkley, } Lemuel Green, John Paup. Richard Owens, John Fidltr. William Waters, William Hervey. B ,2 Richard I *9° !! Hichard Whatcoat, Elder. Kent \ J effe Lec ' j Samuel Talbot. a* 1 1 , 1 James White, Talbot, | Won. Lee. t^ 7 Ira Ellis, Dover ' $ I Moore. Caroline, Dorjtt, John Haggerty, Elder. "1 William Jeflbp, > Mofes Hurley, J John Jarrell. 7 Samuel Dudley, J Jofeph Everett. Thomas Fofte", Elder. Somerfet, j Merrick. jinnamrjfex, - William Thomas, Northampton, - Thomas Curtis. Caleb Boyer, Elder, »iv ,/ w 1 Henry Qtrbourn, Philadelphia, \ D a* • . r j reter Monarty. Little-Tor k 1 m T . ,-, , cy . 5- Matthew Greentree. and Juniata, J -Freeborn Garrettfon and James Cromwell, .£/ . , », ' J John Mann. Thomas Vafey, £/<&/•. TVfl*., 1 R°bevt Spark,, J Robert Cann. "J Jacob Brum, W'Jl-Jerfey, > John Simmons, Jacob Lurton. fol* Eapjerfey, | t 9' 1 John Tunnel, Eider.. John M'Cla%, Ezekiel Cooper, Newark, - RoberU Cloud. New~Tork, - John Dickins. Longljland, - Thomas Ware. William Gill and Ignatius Pigman, Elders, D , . 1 Wool man Hickfon, Bah.morc, J Adam Cloud. 7? j - l 1 Michael Ellis, Tnieruk, j Jo r e p h Cromwell. Calvert, - Jonathan Forreft. James Haw, Elder. Kentucky, - Benjarn-in Ogdon. Lee Roy Cole, Elder. Neivbern, 1 T „ n ., & WilmmgtonS C ^ ^"^ Antigua, John Baxter, Elder, Quejl. 12. What numbers are in fociety P Anfw. Portfmouth SufTex Brunfwick Amelia Mecklenburg Bedford Orange . - Williamfburg Allegany - - * Berkley Redilone Fairfax - Xancafter Whites. Blacks. 33° 26 4.16 72 S°5 59 382 30 392 37 524 16 374 75 167 11 35o 18 140 26 523 260 *74 . .Frederick r 92 1 Whites, Blacks. F-rederick . -- 39° 3 2 - -Calvert 295 316 Baltimore 655 in Link-York 136 Kent, 1013 Talbot 632 33 2 Dorfet 719 Somerfet 220 Aimamefiex 3 l 7 33 Northampton 151 9 Caroline - §57 243 Dover 690 158 Philadelphia - 498 G> orgia - 78 Cht.i'lefton ; - - 35 23 Spntee . 75 Pee Dee 285 10 Broad River - 200 Salifbury 3 2 7 10 Yadkin 426 11 Holftein - 250 Guilford 400 •10 Halifax 924 J 4 New- Hope 192 3 Tar-River 607 42 New- River 500 72 Roan-Oak 474 CafrcU 153 Bartie 405 58 Camden and Banks 257 Weft-Jerfey 492 Trenton 352 Eaft-Jerfey 3 6 5 New-York - 178 25 sLong-Ifland - - 146 8 Newark S° Nova- Scotia C 93 3 Nova- Scotia - - 510 Antigua, - - 1000 Total » • 1 879 1 Quejl. 1 3 . What is the yearly collection F Anfw. One hundred eighty-two pounds h* fhillings and fix pence. Queji. 14. How war this applied? Anfw. Towards fupplying the deficiencies of the preachers. £>u?J}. 15. What ivas contributed towards the Preach- ers fund for the fuperannuated Preachers , and the wi- dows and orphans of Preachers ? Anfw. Thirty-eight pounds five (hillings and four pence. Quefl. 16. What demands are upon it ? Anfw. Fourteen pounds for the funeral expences of" Jeremiah Lambert. S>uejl. 17. What was colkfted for, and expended on m'tffionaries this year ? Anfw. Fifty- four pounds feventeen fhillings. Quejl, 18. What has been collected this year for Cokef- bury college P Anfw. Eight hundred pounds two {hillings and ele- ven pence. £>ue/l. 19. What has been expended this year ? Anfw, Sixteen hundred and eighteen pounds four- teen fhillings and two pence. Balance due eight hundred and eighteen pounds eleven millings and three pence. Quefl. 20. When and where /hall we hold conference next year ? Anfw. At Saiiflniry, North- Carolina, on Thurfday May 17 — At Peterfburg, Virginia, June 19 — and at Abingdon, in Maryland, on Tuefday July 24, 1787, MINUTES Kfc^ 5*53 MINUTES OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE Methodift Epifcopal Church, FOR THE YEAR 1787. Quefl. 1. *v HO are the Superintendents of our church, for the United States ? Anfw. Thomas Coke (when prefent in the States) and Francis A (bury. £hifl. 2 Who are the Elders ? Anfiv. Rd. Whatcoat Freeborn Garrettfon John Tunncli Thomas Chew- John Haggerty Reuben Ellis William Gill James Ktlly Henry Willis Richard Ivy Caleb Boyer Nelfon Reed Enoch Matfon Ignatius Pigman Thomas Fofter John Baxter James Cromwell Lee Roy Cole Beverly Allen Francis Poythrefs James Haw Philip Bruce Jofeph Cromwell John Dickins Woolman Hickfon. C 9* ] Qnejl. Anfu\ Michael Ellis Jofcph Everett Samuel Dudley William Cannon Thomas Humphreys James White John Cooper Thomas Curtis William Phcsbus John Major Edward Morris Ifaac Smith Who are the Deacons ? Philip Cox Richard Swift John Eafter William Partridge Jeremiah Mafton Thomas Williamfon Thomas Anderfon Thomas Bowen Lemuel Green Thomas Ware? Robert Cloud William Jefibp. £hiejl. 4 Who are admitted into full connexion ? Jeremiah Mafton John M'Clafky John Paup j Simon Pile Ii Levin Rofe Robert Sparks | Garret Thompfon f Mark Whitaker. Anjtu. Robert Ayres Henry Bingham Jacob Brufli Robert Cann Ezekiel Cooper Stephen Dickins Hope Hull _ Thomas W'illiamfon Stephen Johnfon j gtutjl. 5. H ho remain on tr'wl ? Anfiv. Sihon Smith | Henry Vanover John Mafon Maik Moore Charles Hardy John Simmons Laftly Matthews Michael Lard Henry Merritt Daniel Afbury Quejl. 6. Who are admitted on trial ? Anfw. Edward Weft | Jeremiah Mintor James Connor j Daniel Locket William Bradbury I Lemuel Andrews Terence Burns Micajah Tracy j Jacob Lurton j John Jarrell I Benjamin Ogdon John Merrick Samuel Qmnton Talbot Aquila Edwards. Matthew [ 97 ] Nathaniel Mills Rvchard Pearfon Charles Connaway James Wilfon John Todd John Milburne Benton Riggin George Callahaun David Coombes Daniel Coombes T'nomas Hay man Benjamin Roberts *iaron Hutchinfon Elijah Phelps. Matthew Harris Lewis Grigg Barnabas M'Henry Benjamin Carter Ifaac Low Nathaniel Moore David Haggard Jeremiah Abel Thomas Wetherford Thomas Davies Lewis Chafteen Trancis Spry Cornelins Cook Thorhas Moirell llopher Spry H$wft. 7- Who defy} from travelling ? Anfw. John Robertfon, James Foiter. £>uefl. 8. Who bar died this year ? Anfefore the conference, Qufjt. 10. How are the Preachers fiationed this year ? Anfw. As follows : Burh, Richard Ivy, Elder. 1 John Major, I Matthew Harris. I Augufla* C 98 3 / n 1 Thomas Humphreys, M4«> J Mofes Park . T r> j v I J°hn Mafon, Bread- Ktver, > ;L, ^ . y 1 nomas JDavies. Beverly Allen, Elder. Edjflo, - Edward Weft. Qbarleflon, - Lemuel Green. Cainhoy, Reuben Ellis, Elder. Santee, - Ifaac Smith. '1 Henry Bingham, Pee-Deep > Lemuel Andrews, j Henry Leadbetter. 1 William Partridge, Tadkin, > Barnabas M'Henry, J James Conner. Salt/bury, - Mark Moore. Francis Poythrefs, Elder. Guilford, - Jeremiah Mintor. rj ,.f 7 Daniel Afbury, J ' J Jeremiah Abel. New- Hope - John Baldwin. Co/well, - Terence Burns James Kelly, Elder. Bladen, - Daniel Coombes , r „. 7 Edward Morris, Nezu-River, J- tj r\ t j Henry Ogbourn. C-. D . 7 Thomas Bowen, Jar-River, 5- ™, XJT . r 4 ' I 1 nomas Wetheriora. r, . I 'Thomas Anderfon, Roan Oak, Y n - • n I benjamin Carter. n/r 1 1 1 1 Richard Swift, Mecklenburg, > mi u 1 * j Charles Havay. Brunfivick, Port/mouth, Camden, Banks, Bartie, [ 99 ] John Eafter, Henry Jones. Philip Cox, Lewis Grigg. Hope Hull, Mark Whitaker. Philip Bruce, Elder. Thomas Jackfon, David Jefferfon. Sihon Smith, David Haggard. Henry Merrit, Lewis Chafteen. Bedford, Greenbrier, Orange, Hanover, Williamjburg, Amherjl, Lee Roy Cole, Elder. John Paup, William Bradbury. John Smith. Ifaac Low, Daniel Lockett. Henry Vanover, Stephen Johnfon. William Damaron. Holjlein, Nolachuckie, John Tunnell, Elder. ) Jeremiah Mafton, 1 Nathaniel Moore. \ Thomas Ware, \ Micajah Tracy. James Haw, Elder. Kentucky, I Tjiomas Williamfon, . J Wilfon Lee. Cumberland, - Benjamin Ogdon. Jofeph [ ioo ] jofeph Cromwell, Eider. Jtrdftpne Clarhfuurg, William Phoebuv James Wilfon, Elijah Phelp*. Robert Cann, Richard Pearfon. Charles Connaway : George Callahaun, Richard Whatcoat, Elder. Enoch Matfon, Elder. (Invalid) Allegany , Bath, Berkley, ij John Simmons, i John Todd. Robeit Ay res, Michael Lard. Laftley Matthews, Jacob Luiton. Caleb Boyer, Elder. (Invalid), r . , 1 Michael Ellis, J ' J Adam Cloud. Lancajler, 1 William Cannon, Elijah Ellis. Nelfon Reed, John Haggerty, and Ignatius Pigman ; Elders. "I Jonathan Forreft, Frederick, > Benton Riggin, J Benjamin Robeits. Calvert, - James Riggin. Baltimore, - Jefie Lee. John Jarrell, Thomas Chew, and James Cromwell, Eldtrs. Ira Ellis, John Merrick. . John Cooper, \ George Moore. Dover > Kent, C ioi ] Dover, Caroline, 1 Jacob Brum, Aaron Hutchinfon. James White, Garret Thomfon, Francis Spry. Freeborn Garrettfon, Elder. Dorfet, Scmerfd, J- Annamfjftx, > Northampton, Thomas Curtis. Levin Rofs, Charles Spry. Jofeph Everett, Matthew Greentree. Robert Sparks. John Haggerty and William Gill, Elders. n ,., m... 1 Samuel Dudley, r y V. niiam 1 -nomas. Little York, - David Coombes. jfitniaia, Thomas Fofter, Elder. Toxin Wffi J'ifot •1 I 1 Trenton, E-Jl-Jtrfey, ■ Robert Cloud, Thomas Morrell. Robert Cann, John M'CIaflcy. John Milbume. Ezekicl Cooper. Nathaniel Mills. Simon Pile, Cornelius Cook. New-Tork, John Dickins, Henry Willis, Elders, Ne-u-Rochelie, Samuel Talbot. Lor,g-IJlind f - Peter Moriarty. Qjej}. 1 1. What numbers arc there infociety ? . As follows : I 2 Georgia [ TO 2 ] Whites. Blacks, Georgia -» - 430 20 Broad River ... 403 1^ Edifto - - 240 4 Charleflon - - 34 53 Santee - - 178 12 Pee Dee 790 33 Salifbury - - 391 24 Yadkin _ - - 517 20 Holftein - 449 1 Guilford - 409 15 New- Hope - 291 30 'Tar- River - - - 680 50 Roan-Oak - - 419 129 Cafwcll - - - 207 6 Bartie - - - 38*6 50 Camden and Banks - 370 34 New- River - - - 495 80 Bladen . - 30 Halifax - - - 403 2.3 Mecklenbuirg - - 828 76 Pottfmouth - - 391 5-7 Brur.isvick - - 407 59 Suffix - - 496 93 Amelia - - 573 5 1 Wiliiamfourg - •- 217 5 Orange - - 337 3 Amhcift - ico 7 Bedford - ~ - 252 Buckingham - - 87 10 Kentucky 90 Alle.yny - - • 736 Berkley - - 203 26 Red : ; one - - 756 Fair x - - - 270 Lane after - 40D 155 Northampton - 178 22 Greenbrier [ i°3 ] Whites. Blacks •Greenbrier ipo Frederick 445 55 Calvert 443 550 Baltimore 756 196 Kent - 607 604 Talbot 1077 5 2 4 Dorfet 594 135 Somerfet 223 56 AnnamefTex 343 43 Caroline 616 268 Dover 654 209 Philadelphia 5»3 Little- York 1 aad Juniata j 136 Weil-JevTey 557 8 Trenton 372 Eail-Jerfey 465 Elizabeth-Town 240 New- Y oik - 235 40 Long-Ifland 160 7 Total 21949 3893 ^nejl. I 2 . What is contributed for the yearly expenfes '? jtrfw. £. 193 is 1. 'Queji. 13. Hoiv was this applitd? Anfw. Towards fupplying the deficiencies of the ■Preachers. ^uefl. 14- What ivas contributed towirds the fund for ^rannuated Preachers, and the widows and orphans of 1 Teachers ? Jr f™ "£■ 5 2 I0 - Queji* 15. What demand* are upon it? £. s. d. ' Attfio. For William Glendenning - 24 o o Caleb Boyer - - 14 8 1 uej. 16. [ io 4 ] Qu&fL r i has been colic tied this year for Cokef turj 'lege} yhij> — TV, 'uejt. \. ' ' HO art the B'fhops of our church, for the United States ? Anfiu. Thomas Coke, Francis Aio'urv* Quejl. 2 . Who are the Elders ? Anftu Reuben Ellis John Tunnell Beverly Allen James Haw Richard Ivy James Kelly Francis Poythrefs Philip Bruce William Gill Edward Morris Ira Ellis Richaid Whatcoaf. John Haggevty Ndfon Reed Jofeph Cromwell James Cromwell Henry Willis Thorn a? Fofter Jofeph Everett Lemuel Green Freeborn Garrett fori I John Dickins. [ io8 ] Queft. 3. Who are the Deacons ? Anfnv Hope Hull Ifaac Smith Thomas Ware Thomas Humphreys Matthew Greentree Jeremiah Mafton Thomas Williamfon Philip Cox Thomas Anderfon John Paup Richard Swift John Baldwin John Smith Henry Ogbourn John Eafter William Phoebus Thomas Bowen Jacob Brum William Jefibp Jonathan Forreft -Samuel Riggin John M'Clafky Ezekiel Cooper James White Robert Sparks Garret Thompfon George Moore Samuel Breeze Michael Lard William Thomas John Merrick Robert Cloud Peter Moriarty Samuel Q^ Talbott Cornelius Cook Thomas Morrell. ^ueft. 4. Who are admitted into full connexion ? Anfnx). Mark Moore Daniel Afbury Charles Hardy Henry Merritt Michael Lard Laftley Matthews Qurft. 5 Jlnf-ju. Lem. Andrews Matthew Harris Nathaniel Moore Barnabas M'Henry Micajah Tracy Benjamin Carter David Coombes Edward Weft Jeremiah Minter Daniel Lockett Jacob Lurton John Simmons John Merrick Samuel Q. Talbot? Cornelius Cook Thomas Morrell. Who remain on trial ? David Haggard Jeremiah Abel Thomas Wctheifoi- Lewis Chafteen Ifaac Low James Conner Elijah Phelps Richard Ptarfon Charles Connaway George Callahaun James C 109 3 James Wilfon John Jairall Benjamin Roberts George Haggerty Francis Spry Quejl. 6. Who are admitted on t> ial ? Anfiv. Bennet Maxey | James Thomas Aaron Hutchinfon Nathaniel Mills John Milburn Daniel Coombes. William Mofs Michael Burdge James Mechem JefTe Richardfon William Heath Jofeph Doddridge John Hill §Peter MalTey Benjamin Snelling Richard Pope James Parks Benjamin Barns Archer Davis Henry Birchett Jofhua Hartley Stephen Davis John Fore Salathiel Weeks Aquila Suggs Ifaac Lunsford William M'Kentree Dailey Beard Jofeph Dawfon John M'Gee John Rowen Eliphalet Reed John Chalmers John Allen Emory Pryer Valentine Cook John Lee Robert Green George Wells Griffith Callahaun William Gafvvay William Dougherty Jethro Johnfon John Fleming John Cooper Samuel Wigton John Bloodgood xAndrew Harpending Lemuel Smith David Candall Darius Dunham Lenox Martin. ^uejl. 7. Who dejijlfrom travelling in connexion tuith^ and under the direction of our conference ? Th< Chew. Anftu. Enoch Matfon Adam Cloud Quejl 8. What Preachers have a partial location on account of their families, and are fubjeel to the order of c snference P , K Jnfw* C no 1 Anfw. Caleb Boyer Samuel Dudley- William Cannon Jofeph Wyatt Michael Ellis Ignatius Pigman. §>uejl. 9. Who have died this year ? Anfiv. Thomas Curtis, a Deacon, upright in his life, fticcefsful in his labours, and triumphant in his death ; about feven years in the miniftry. John Major, a fimple-hearted man, a living, loving foul, who died, as he lived, full of faith and the Holy Ghoft : ten years in the work, ufeful and blamelefs. Woolman Hickfon, of promifing genius and con- fiderable preaching abilities ; upright in life, but foon fnatched away from the work by a confumption, and in the midft of his ufefulnefs : feven years in the work. Elijah Ellis, a Deacon, four years in the work 5 fteady, folid, humble, diligent and faithful ? who fpent himfelf in the work of God, in Lancafter. Quejl. 1 o. Are all the Preachers blamelefs in life and converfation ? ■ Anfw. They were all flri&ly tried, one by one, be- fore the conference. Queft. 1 1 . How are the Preachers Jlaiioned ? Anfiv. Richard Ivy, Elder. _ . T Mofes Park, £ur6e > J Bennet Maxey. Richmond, - Matthew Harris. „. - . 1 Hope Hull, Wajhmgton, j j^ Connor. Reuben Ellis, Elder. Seleuda, * Lemuel Andrews Broad-River, - William Partridge. 7 Henry Bingham, ^dtjlo, j- Wil liam Gafway. Charlejlon, - Ira Ellis. Gainhoy, Sanies, C ««« ] Sanfee, Waxfwws, Pee Dee, Jo Tar -River, Bladen, New- River, Roan-Oak, Cafwell, New- Hope, Guilford, Saljjbury, Tad kin, Halifax, } John Smith, Hardy Herbert. Michael Burdge. Thomas Humphreys, Mark Moore. Tunnell, Elder. Henry Merritt, William Mofs, Daniel Lockett. Thomas Hardy. Thomas ^nderfon, James Parks. Charles Hardy, William Heath, Michael Smith. Ifaac Low. Henry Ogbourn, John Ellis, Nathaniel Moore. Jeremiah Abel, James Connor. John Baldwin, Dailey Beard. Sihon Smith, Micajah Tracy. Edward Weft, John Afkew. Edward Morris, Elder. Holjlein, French- Broad, New River, Creen- Briar, 1 Jeremiah Mafton, J Jofeph Doddridge. Daniel Afbury. Thomas Ware, Jefle Richard foil. Richard Swift, Benjamin Carter. James [ H2 3 Anfon, Bartie, Camden P ortf mouth, Sujex, Brunfwic.k, Amelia, Mecklenburg Buckingham, Bedford, Amherfi^ Orange, H 'mover, Wdt'iamjburg James Kelly, Elder. David Haggard. ? James Mecbem^ 5 Archer Davies. \ Henry Birchett,. 5 J Difnal. John Barker. "V John Eafter, > Lewis Grigg, J Benjamin Barns. John Paup, Benjamin Ggdoru Jeremiah Minter, Salathiel Weeks. Philip Cox, William M'Kentree. Jofoph Dawfon, Jofhua Haitley, Ifaac Lunsford. John Ford. Thomas Wetherford* Samuel Davis, Richard Pope. Lee Roy Cole. Philip Bruce, Elder, Stephen Johnforr,. Aquila Suggs. Thomas Bowen, John Chalmers. Garret Thomfon s James Thomas. Robert Ayres, Elijah Phelps. Michael Lard, Lewis Cha^een.. William Phoebus,. James Riggin. Nelfo* C iij 3 Little-Tor i, - Baltimore, > Huntington, > Annapolis, Hartford, I Richard 1 Cecil, Kent, Talbot, Dorfet, Annamejfex, Somerfet, Northampton, Caroline, $ } n Reed, Elder. James Wilfon, John Rowen. Eliphalet Reed, George Callahaun* Robert Green, John Allen. Jonathan Forreft, Valentine Cook. John HiU. Ezekiel Cooper, Francis Spry. Samuel Breeze, Daniel Coombes. John Haggerty. John Cooper, George Haggerty. What coat, Elder. John Smith, George Wells, William Gill. William Thomas. Thomas Fofter, John Jarrell, Lenox Martin. Robert Sparks, William Jeflbp. Chriftopher Spry. James White, Emory Pryer. Jacob Brum, Levin Rofs. Jofeph Everett, Matthew Qrecntree, Benjamin Roberts. Dover,, c m i George Moore, Benton Riggin. John Simmons, Griffith Callahaun. Jacob Lurton, Laflley Matthews. R Pearfon, John Todd. Charles Conna\vay\ Philadelphia, Lemuel Green, Elder. ~i * 1 Robert Cann, LP&er, J- j hn Milbarnc. Brijlal, - William Dougheity. James Cromwell, Elder. ~\ Jofeph Cromwell, Salem, I Nathaniel Mills, J John Cooper. "1 John Merrick, Trenton, > Thomas Morrell^ J Jethro Johnfon. „.. , . 1 John M'Cfefky, Elizabeth, > r,. r>-, ' \ j himon File. T Jefie Lee, Flanders, > Aaron Hut chin ion, J John Lee, Henry Willis, Elder. Netv-Torh, - John Dicklns. Long-IJland, - Robert Cloud. Freeborn Garrettfon, Elder, Peter Moriarty, Albert Van NoilraiwL Dutcbefi- , r t> T ;/ 7 Peter Moriart\ new- A octet/, J- * i i r ] Dut chefs, Sboreham, New- City, Cambridge, Lake- Champlaiti) } Cornelius Cook. Andrew Harpending. Darius Dunham, Samuel Talbott, David Candall. Lemuel Smith. Samuel Wigton. Francis Poythrefs, James Haw, Elders. Thomas Williamfon, Peter MaiTey, Benjamin Snelling. Wilfon Lee. David Coombes, Barnabas M'Henry. §>uejt. 1 1. What numbers are in f octet y ? • White Lexington, Danfville, Cumberland I i ■1 Blacks. Anfw. Burke Richmond Wafhington Broad- River Edifto Charleflon Cainhoy Santee Pee Dee Seleuda Waxfaws Bladen New- River Roan -Oak Tar-River New Hope CrfweH Guilfoid Salifbury 82 — 345 22 707 7i 460 29 34° 25 5° 65 36 24 225 20 885 50 230 11 20 — 35 — 660 265 6+i 218 818 87 450 30 300 12 406 22 350 19 Yadkia £ €16 ] Yadkin Holfttin Bailie Camden Poitfmouth SufTcx Brunfwick Amelia Mecklenburg Halifax Orange Amherft Bedford Greenbrier Buckingham Hanover Williamfburg Glouceuer, tancafter Fairfax Berkley Rockingham Allegany Ciavkfburg Ohio Lexington Danfville -Cumberland Weft New- River Northampton Bath Frederick Calvert Annapolis Baltimore C*xil Whites. Blacks. 500 20 360 3 33° 60 4i3 39 390 259 1204 407 1249 355 630 177 950 '59 4i7 23 384 16 *39 17 373 34 210 5 222 12 220 — 230 5 54i 56 500 180 350 18 285 36 - 60 4i7 17 116 — 353 4 200 ID 22c fa 59 4 37 2 8 214 46 3°9 10 749 9 1 5-5 842 60 70 95° 269 Kent C 117 3 Kent - 840 760 Talbot 1077 524 Dorfet 721 264 AnnamefTex 347 57 Somerfet 500 60 Caroline 730 275 Dover 669 209 Philadelphia 270 17 Chefter 372 — Briftol 3 2 — Little-York 138 — Huntingdon 59 — Redttone 290 — Salem 704 24 Trenton 526 — Elizabeth 220 H Flanders - 55S 3 New York - 276 54 L.ong-Ifland 230 9 New-Rochelle - - 522 3 Dutch efs 10 Total 30,809 6 >545 Que ft. 12. What is contributed for the year/y ex/>en r e ? Anfw. £ 1 $5 '8 5. which was applied towards making up the deficiencies of the Preachers; many of whom after all, did not receive more than eighteen or twenty pounds, and feveral not more than fifteen pounds per annum. Quefl. 13, What is contributed towards the fund for the fitperannuated Preachers, with the widows and or- phans of Preachers P Anfw. £. 35 4 2. 2V. B. The conferences for the enfuing year, are to be held at Georgia, Monday March 9, — Charlef- ton C " 8 9 ton, Tuefday March 17, — North-Carolina, Saturday April 11, at M'Knight's church, — Peteifburg, Sun- day April 18, — Leeflburg, Tuefday April 28, — Bal- timore, Monday May 4, — Cokefbury, Saturday May 9, — Chefter Town, Wednefday May 13, — Philadel- phia, Monday May 18, — Trenton, Saturday May 23,^-New-York, Thurfday May 28. MINUTES MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL CONFERENCES OF THE Methodift Epifcopal Church, FOR THE YEAR 1789. Quefl. 1 . *r HO are the perfons that exercife the Epif copal Office in the Methodift Church in Europe and Ame- rica ? Anfw. John Wtfley, Thomas Coke, and Francis Afbury, by regular order and fuccefiion.* Quejl. 2 . Who have been elecled by the unanimous fuf- f rages of the Genera/ Conference, to fuper intend the Me- thodift connection in America ? Anfw. Thomas Cake, Francis Afbury. Quejl. 3. Who are the Eiders ? fra Ellis John Tunnell Edward Morris Ifaac Smith James Kelly phiifp * See the 4th Section of the 5th Edition of our Form of Difcipline, Anfw. Richard Ivy Hope Hull Mofes Park Reuben Ellis Beverly Allen [ no ] Philip Bruce John Eafter Philip Cox Francis Poythrefs James Haw Nelfon Retd John Haggerty Ezekiel Cooper Jonathan Forreft Richard Whatcoat £>utft. 4. Who are the jinfiu. James Connor Matthew Harris Mark Moore Edward Weft David Haggard Jeremiah Abel Ifaac Low Daniel Anbury Henry Merritt Sihon Smith Mark Whitaker Thomas Ware Thomas Humphreys Thomas Anderfon Jeremiah Maftin James Riggin Henry Ogbourn Richard Swift John Baldwin Charles Hardy John Pa up Stephen Johnfon Thomas Weatherford Jeremiah Minter Henry Jones Jofeph Everett Thomas Fofter Henry Willis Lemuel Green James Cromwell Jofeph Cromwell Freeborn Garrettfon. John Dickins Robert Cloud Thomas Morrell. Deacons ? Thomas Bowen Garret Thompfon William Phcebus Thomas Williamfon, Michael Lard Samuel Breeze George Haggerty John Hill George Moore William Jeffop Robert Sparks William Thomas Matthew Greentree Jacob Brufh John Smith Jofeph Wyatt Thomas Jackfon Benton Riggin Levin Rofs John Merrick John M'Clafky Cornelius Cook Peter Moriarty Samuel Talbott Jacob Lurton. ,g t . [ 121 ] Quejl. 5. Who are admitted info full connection ? Anfw. Matthew Harris James Connor Michael Burdge Lemuel Andrews Daniel Lockett Barnabas M'Kentree Micajah Tracy Benjamin Carter Edward Weil David Haggard Jeremiah Abel Ifaac Low Jeremiah Minte-r Thomas Weruherford joftuia Hartley QjfeJI. 6. Who remain on trial ? John Barker Lewis Chaftecn George Haggeity John Hill James Wilfcn Benton Riggin Benjamin Roberts John Jarrell Chridopher Spry John Milbume Nathaniel Mills Aaron Hutchinfon Andrew Hai pending John Bloodgood. Jlnf-iv. Bennet Maxey William GalTaway Hardy Herbert James Parks Daily Beard John M'Gee William Mofa Jofeph Doddridge jede Richardfon John Ellis Richard Pope Aicher Davies Benjamin Barns Henry Birchett Salathiel Weeks Aquila Snggs James Mechem rettr Maffey Julius Connor •William Heath Stephen Davies John Fore William M'Kentree Lewis Dawfon Ifaac Luns'ord Thomas Hardy John Chalmers Thornton Flenimlng George Wells James Thomas Benjamin Snelling John Rowen Eliphalet Reed Griffith Callahaun John Allen Robert Green Valentine Cook Daniel Coombes Aquila Ldwatds Lenox Martm William C 122 ] William Dougherty John Cooper Jethro Johnfon Emory Pryer John Lee Lemuel Smith David Candall Darius Dunham Samuel Wigton Albert Van Noftrand. Quejl. 7. Who are admitted on trial ? Anfiv. John Andrew Wheeler Griilom John Crawford Lemuel Moore John Ruffell William M'Dowell Jonalhan-Jackfon Philip Matthews Henry Leadbetter Jonathan Bird John Robin fon Myles Green leffe Nicholfon William Spencer Rice Haggard Daniel Southall John Lindfay Wyat Andrews Chriltopher Mooring Stephen Brooks John Hutt §utj}. 8. Who defijhfr Benjamin Brown William M k Lennahan Nicholas Sebrell ! Pemberton Smith Thomas Carroll Daniel Fidler John Childs Jofhua Wells Thomas Workman Jeremiah Caufden William Jackfon Jofeph Benfon Walter Fountain William RatclifT James Campbell William Ward Anthony Banning Richard Swain Sylveiter Hutchinfon, Benjamin Abbott William Lofee. n travelling with, and under the direBicn of, our conference ? Anfva. Robert Ayres. Shiejl. 9. What Preacher has a partial location on ac- count of his family, and is fubjetl to the order of the conference P dnfuefl. 12. How are the Preachers Rationed ? Anf Seleuda, Bread- Jiiver, > Bufe-Rivzr, - Saniee, > **' I 1 Gharleficn, Gr'tQt^PeC'Dte, Little Pee- Dee, Anfon r Bladen, John Andrew, Philip Matthews. John Crawford. Michael Burdge, William M'Doweir. William Gafiaway. Mark Moore, John Ruffell, Ifaat Smith, Lemuel Andrews. Ira Ellis. Aqyila Suggs,--, * Hardy Heibert. '1 homas Humphreys Lemuel Moore. John Ellis, Jonathan Jackfon. - Caf-weU, Edward Morris, Elder, Thomas Anderfon, Daily Beard. Jeremiah Mafton, Daniel Lockett. Charles Hardy, Micajah Tracy, Myles Smith. James- Park. Henry Merritt, Edward Weft, Jonathan Bird. Thomas Ware,. Henry Leadbettcr. Guilford % Guilford, J- Salt/bury, } Tadhin, > C *« 1 Ifaac Low, Benjamin Carter. Sihon Smith, Julius Connor, Jofiah Afkew. Daniel Afbury, John M'Gee. Holftein, Weft Ne w- River, Greenbrier, > Botetourt, John Tunnell, Elder. John Baldwin, Mark Whitaker. Jeremiah Abel, Jofeph Doddridge. James Riggin, JeiTe Richardfon. Henry Ogbourn. James Halifax, > Mecklenburg, - Bedford, Cumberland, Amelia, Brunfwici, Sujex, Greenville, Bariie, I Camden, J- Kelly, Elder. David Haggard, William Mofs, William Heath. John Paup. Richard Pope. John Barker. William M'Kentree. John Eafter, John Fore. Jeremiah Minter. Myles Green. Stephen Johnfon, Stephen Davies. John Lindfay. James Mechera. Henry Birchet. JeiTe Nicholfon. Rice Haggard, Daniel Southall. L 2 Portfrnuthf [ 126 J Port/moutb t > WilRamJburgj > Hanover, > Orange, V Aicher Davies, Lewis Davvfon. John Robertfon, William Spencer, Thomas Weatherforcf, Chri floppier Mooring. Thomas Hardy Salathiel Weeks, Benjamin Barns. Philip Bruce, Elder. Rockingham - Samuel Breeze, rd/Jegany, Berkley, , Fairfax, LancaJIer, ■Ghncefter. James Thomas, John Hutt, Thornton Flemming Benjamin Brown. Thomas Bowen, John Chalmers, Benjamin Soelling.. Garret Thompfon* Ifaac Lucsford. Lewis Chafteen, Valentine Cook, Thomas Scott, Philip Ccx, Travelling Book-Stewards NeKon Reed, Elder. Calvert, Annapolis, Baltimore, Fell's Point, Montgomery, Frederick, Bath, } Lenox Martin. Robert Green. Ezekiel Cooper. John Haggeity. Thomas Fofler. James Wilfon, John Childs. John Hill. George Haggerty, Joflwa Wefts. II unurgans 4 I «27 ] zr ■ j 1 Michael Lard. * "' y Thomas Woikman. Little Tork, - Jonathan Forrefl. Hariford, I J°' ,n £»«>• J 3 J°hn Rowen. Baltimore circuit, Benton Riggirc. Richatd Whatcoat, Jofeph Everett, Elders, r .. 1 George Moore, \ Benjamin Roberts. «. . 1 Matthew Greentree, Am/, f «r u ir j Walter roumain. er it * I John Smith, ialM > \ John Milburnc. tt^fa \ John Jarrell. ^ ^ Anthony banning, Annimeffcx, - William Ward. c' A 1 Eliphalet Reed, Some*/*, j Griffith Callahaun. Northampton, I ^Sj 1 * %> J 5' Jeremiah Cauiden. /, ,. 7 Robert Sparks, J joitpn Ben Ion. ,,..,. , l Thomas Jackfon, ~ • 1 William Thomas* Hover circuit 5- T . „ r * J Levin R-oIp. Dover and 7 r ^ n r Duck-Creck, j J 3C0b BrU % Henry Willis, Lemuel Green, Elder** Wilmington, - William Jcflbp, r* t * 1 William Dougherty, '""' j" James Campbell. ' • Mphia, - John Dickins, Book-Steward. BrifloK - - Robert Caan. Cbrlflurf, [ 1^8 ] Clarlfiurg, Itedjlone, Pitijburg, Ohio, James Salem \ Tr enton, Burlington, > Flanders, > MHz Town, i Neuburg, > Freeborn h r £ iv- Tori, > Long -I/land, > New Roc he He Dut chefs, Columbia, Cambridge, Jacob Lurtoo, Laftley Matthews. John Simmons. Nicholas Sebrell. Charles Connaway, Pemberton Smith. Richard Pearfon, Thomas Carroll. Cromwell, Elder. Simon Pile, Jethro Johnfon, Sylvelter Hutch infor*. Jofeph Cromwell, Richard Swain. John M'Clafty, William jackfon. Aaron Hutchinfon, Daniel Cccrnbes. John Merrick, John Cooper. Nathaniel Mills, Andrew Harpending, Garrett fon, Elder. Thomas Morrell, Robert Cloud, 1 each for John Merrick, J 4 months. William Pbcebus, John Lee. Peter Moriarty, Lemuel Smith. Samuel Talbot, Benjamin Abbott. John Bloodgood. Samuel Wigton. Darius Dunham, Lak-t T2 9 Lake Cbanplaine, j» r..m's Patent, Stand/era, \e8ada t i David Kc William Lofee. John Crawford, jefle Lee., Albert Van Npftran^ Lemuel Smith, Cornelius Cook. Francis Lexington Daufollle, Cumb Wha't iberland, ■ Anfm . Wa (li ? ngton Richmond Burke Augufta Cherokee Scleuda Broad River Edifto ClVarlefto© Cain hoy Santee An Ton Great Pee Dee Little Pee Dee Tar- River Bladen Eaft New- River Roan-Oak Cafwell Poythrefs, Elder, James Haw, Willon Lee, Stephen Brooks. Barnabas M' Ken tree, Peter Maftey. / Thomas Willbmion, ^olhua -Hartley. " rj are there in fo4yft& Whites. Blacks 900 148 545 $<* 297 4 87- 73 - 231 - 411 340 - 52 27 420 561 3 6 9 598. 878 34 730 758 35 l 10 1 1 j8 25 6 9 12 % 23 39 20 131 420 321 43 New- Hop< C '3° 3 Whites. Blacks. New- Hope - - - 527 31 ■Guilford - - - 410 22 Salifbury - - - 480 27 Yadkin . - - 345 7 Bartie - - - 510 20 Camden - - 424 85 Cumberland - - 225 Holftein - - 411 9 Weft New-Pviver - 299 6 Greenbrier - - 222 5 Botetourt 40 Halifax * 470 54 Portfmouth - 480 473 SufTex - - 1300 508 Biunfwick - - 1 1 82 318 Amelia - - 754 154 Mecklenburg - - 692 98 Cumberland, V. - 394 10 Bedford - - - 221 20 Orange - - 616 7*. Hanover - - 497 183 Williamfburg - - 274 50 Gloucefter ^ .- 657 62 Lancafter - 630 244 Fairfax .;',■- 474 76 Berkley - - - 325 36 Allegany - - • 499 21 Rockingham - - 79 5 Northampton ^ 360 84 Lexington »■ - 402 21 Danfville - - 410 30 Bath - 400 34 Frederick - - • 322 56 Montgomery • 648 103 Annapolis • 128 141 Calvert - 943 909 Baltimore C 13' 3 Whites. Black?, Baltimore 719 218 Hartford 451 110 Cecil 257 252 Kent 616 637 Talbot 1006 608 Dorfet 685 347 Annamefiex l S5 10 Somerfet 4G0 48 Caroline IPS 229 Dover 509 227 Chefter 228 18 Wilmington - 43 '9 Briftol 5 1 2 Little-York 151 Philadelphia - 256 17 Huntingdon - ^5 4 Redftonc 290 Salem 660 24 Trenton (3 Indians) 5 2 7 5 Elizabeth- Town 2 16 J 3 Flanders 281 2 New- York 290 7° Long-Hland - - 215 9 New-Rochelle - - *7-25' 6 Dutchefs 2 CO Columbia 60 I Cambridge '54 Coeman'^ Patent 10 Newburg 257 4 Total 35> OI 9 8,243 £>uejls 14. #'7ju// Z>3.r 3^rc contributed for the yearly ex- penfes ? Anfa. Near £. 171, which has been applied to- wards making- up the deficiencies of the preachers. C >32 ] Queft. 15. What h contributed towards the fund for the Jupercmuated preachers, and the widows and orphans of preachers P Anfw. £. 65 5 o. As a very few perfons have, in fome refpe&s, m'f- taken our meaning in the 32d Section of our Form of Difcipline, ** On bringing to trial diforderly perfons, &c." we think it neceffary to explain it. Wiien a member of our Society is to be tried for any offence, the officiating Minifter or Preacher is to call together all the members, if the Society be fmall, or a ftlecl: number, if it be large, to take knowledge, and give advice, and bear witnefs to the juftice of the whole procefs ; that improper and private ex-puliions may be prevented for the future. ^ueft. 16. IV hen and where fkall our next Conferences be held P Anfw. Tn Charleflon, Monday, February 15. — Georgia, Wednesday, March 3. — Kentucky, Mon- day, April 26. — Holilein, Monday, May 17. — Nbrth- Carolina, Monday, May 24. — Lane's Church, Mon- day, June 14. — Union-Town, Thurfday, July 29. — Leefburg, Thurfday, Auguit 26. — Baltimore, Mon- day, September 6. — Cokcfbury, Saturday, Septem- ber 11. — Duck-Creek, Thurfday, September 16. — Philadelphia, Wednefday, September 22. — Burling- ton, Tuefday, September 28. — New- York, Monday, October 4. M INUTES G*= *3 MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL CONFERENCES OF THE Methodift Epifcopal Church 3 FOR THE YEAR 1790. — « ~<*<£&$^&>&&>*> gueji. 1. W H0 An fa. James Po Trancis Parker Arthur Lipfey John Bonner John Halliday Samuel Tucker Jofeph Lillard Daniel Shines Daniel Dean John Wert Benjamin Blanton Hufus Wiley John Sproul Simon Carliflc are admitted en trial? ai M Enoch George George M'Kenney Thomas Eafter Hezekiah Arnold Gregory Johnfon Samuel Cowles Samuel Rudder John Jones Benjamin Wilfon William A. Lilly John Pace John Ball Morris Howe Jofeph Wynn George I 134 ] George Cannon | Evan Rogers Thomas Hayman Thomas Bell John N. Jones Gamaliel Bailey James Flemming jofeph Lovell Daniel Hall Thomas Everard Stewart Redman Philip Wager ^Nathaniel Pinkard Henry Chriftie Thomas Boyd Menfis Rainor George Pickering Matthias Swaim. TYedus Aldridge Queft' 2. Who remain on trial ? Anf-w. John Ruftel Richard Parrot William M'Dowell JLemuel Moore Hardy Herbert Wheeler GrifTom John Andrew John Crawford Philip Matthews Wyat Andrews Stephen Brooks Jonathan Bird Henry Leadbetter Daniel Southall Nicholas Sebrell Pemberton Smith Newet Vick Chriftopher Mooring John Kobler William Spencer Daniel Stringer Jofhua Cannon Daniel Fidler Thomas Scott Stephen G. Rofzeli Daniel Hitt Martin Hitt William M'Lennahas William Calbert John Reagan Charles Burgoon Jeremiah Caufden Walter Fountain William Ward James Bell Richard Swain William Jackfon Robert Hutchinfon Robert Bonfall W T illiam Lofee Daniel Smith George Roberts. $>urjl. 3. Who are admitted into full connection ? Anf T /- tr 1 Thomas Humphreys,. GwTown^ Hardy Herbert. ' Catauba, - Jonathan jackfon. Richard Ivy, Elder. V/aJhingtouy - Matthew Harris, n . , , ) Bennet Maxey, Ruhmond, j John Ha ,, iday '. ■d i \ John Andrew, • j Wheeler Griflbm.. , J John Crawford, Savannah, j J Phi l ip Matthews .. Savannah Tozvn Hope Hull. Francis Poythrefs, Elder. r* r .„ 1 Thomas Williamfon. Danfvdk, | gtcphcn Brook ^ 1 Wilfcn Lee, Cumberland, > James Haw, J Peter Miffey. m rr 1 Barnabas M'Henry, J 3 Benjamin SneKmg. T ■ Q 1 Samuel Tucker, ■' ' j Jofepn Lillard. j . T Henry Birchett, *"*£ ' j David Haggaid, Charles Hardv, Elder. Weft New-River, Daniel Shines. Daniel Lockett, Jofeph Pace. Holjlein, - Julius Conner. Rvjfd, j Holjlein, Greeny I John M'Gee, John Well. Thontfes C 14° ] Yadkin, Lincoln , Salj/bury, Anfcn, Thomas Bowen, Elder. William M'Dowell. }D; niel Afbury, JelTe Richardfon. James Parks, John Sproul. Frederick Roper. } Thomas Anderfon, Elder. Roan Oak, Pamlico, Guilford, Cafwell, Daniel MaiTey. 1 Henry Leadbetter, j Enoch George. } Lemuel Moore. George M'Kenney, 1 Heniy Merritt, j Simon Carliile. Thomas Ware, Elder. Neiv-Ehpe, Bladen, Tar- River, Eajl New-River, Contentncy, Halifax, | Mecklenburg, > Cumberland, > Ifaac Low, Rufus Wiley, Micajah Tracy. Jonathan Bird. Mark Whitaker, Benjamin Carter. Jufhua Cannon, Morris Howe, Daniel Dean. John Baldwin. Thomas Weatherford, Daniel Southall. Jeremiah Minter, Edward AlmoncL John Lindfay, John Metealf. James [ Mi ] jfmetia, James Kelly, Elder, Archer Davies> } John Kobler. John Eafter, Thomas Eafter, William Heath, Newet Vick. John Paup, John Fore. Benton Riggin, Daniel Sringer, Jofeph Wynn. Salathiel Weeks. Hezekiah Arnold. Jefi'c; Nicholfon, William M'Kentree. John Robinfon, William Spencer, Benjamin Wilfon. Philip Cox, Travelling Book-Steward. Brunfwicl, Greenfville, Sujfex, Bart'ie, Camden, Portfmoulh, Surrj, Ira Ellis, Wtliiamjburg, j- Glouce/ler, Hanover, Orange t Bedford, Amherfli I } Lee Roy Cole, Elders* Stephen Rofzell, Nicholas Sebrell. Benjamin Brown, Nathaniel Pinkard, John N. Jones. Stephen Davies, William Mofs. James Mechem. Chriftopher Mooring. Rice Haggard, Benjamin Barns. John Hutt, Pemberton Smith. Jeremiah C *4* J Jeremiah Abel, Elder. Botetourt, - Benjamin Blanton, Green-Briar, - Laftley Matthews. r 1 Jacob Luiton, Conomvay, j Th omas Boyd. Rockingham Allegany, Berkley, Stafford, Fairfax, Lane after, Philip Bruce, Elder. 7 Ifaac Lunsford, ' J Stewart Redman. 1 George Wells, j" Martin Hit}. 7 Lewis Chafteen, 3 Thomas Scott. 1 Thornton Flemming, j James Flemming. Samuel Breeze, Lewis Dawfon. Valentine Cook, Daniel Hitt. Nelfon Calvert, y South-River •} Annapolis •, Baltimore. Feli's Point, - Baltimore circuit, |- Montgomery^ > Frederick, J- Huntingdon, Lit tie Fork, J- Reed, £//&r. John Hill, Charles Burgoon. Lemuel Green, George Browning, Ezekiel Cooper. Jeremiah Caufden. John Haggerty. John Allen, William Calbert. George Haggerty, John Reagan. Jonathan Forreft.. John Simmons. Robtrt Green, Thomas Bell. John Rowen. Michael Lard. Richard Parrot. Hartford; C 143 3 Hartford, Cecil, Kent, Talbot, Dorfet, Annamejfex, Somerfet, Northampton, ( - MilfcrJ, '- Dover, 1 George Moore, Jofeph Jofhua Wells. Everett, Elder. Emory Pryer. Walter Fountain, Robert Sparks, John Chalmers. Eliphalet Reed, William Ward. James Wilfon, Griffith Callahaun. Jofeph Wyatt, George Roberts. John Milbume, John Jarrell. Thomas Fofter, George Pickering. James Thomas, Evan Rogers. Chriftopher Spry, Fredus Aldridge. William Thomas, Travelling Book-Steward, Richard Whatcoat, Elder. Wilmington, - John M'Clafky, Sylvefter Hutchinfoa, John Cooper. Richard Whatcoat. Robert Hutchinfon. John Dickins, Superintendent of the Printing and Book-bufinefs. Chejler, Philadelphia, Br'tflol, Charles Connaway, Elder. Randolph, - Anthony Banning. „, Jn 1 William M'Lenahan. Clark/burg, J- n n J J George Cannon. Redjc Redjlone, Pitt/burg, Ohio, } C 144 3 Amos G. Thomplon, Thomas Hayman. George Callahaun, Jofeph Doddridge. Daniel Fidler. James Cromwell, Elder. Salem, Bethel, Burlington, Trenton, Flanders, Jofeph Cromwell, William Doughertys Robert Cann, William Jackfon. John Menick, James Bell. Simon Pile, 5 Aaron Hutchinfon, Richard Swain. Thomas Morrel, Elder. New-Tori, I Eliz. Town, ? Long-IJland, - New Rochelle Neuburg, J- Robert Cloud, William Jeflop. Jethro Johnfon, Gamaliel Bailey. David Kendall. William Phoebus, Matthias Swaim, Jacob Brufh, Supernumerary* Benjamin Abbott, Jofeph Lovell. Freeborn Garrett fon, Elder. Dutchefs, \ New Lebanon > Columbia, > Albany^ Peter Moriarty, Menfis Rainor. Lemuel Smith, Thomas Everard. Andrew Harpending, John Crawford. James Campbell. Cambridge*) [ '45 ] Cambridge, } Darius Dunham, Phil : p Wager. . Litchfield, \ Samuel Wigton, Henry Chriilie. JefTe Lee, Elder, Fairfield, - John Bloodgood. New-Haven, - |ohn Lee. Hartford, - Nathaniel B. Mills. Bojlon, 1 JefTe Lee, \ Daniel Smith. Quejl. 12. What numbers are there infociety ? Anfiv. Whit. Blac Whit. Bh, Wafhington 807 132 New- River 308 15 Richmond 543 29 Green-Brier 204 3 Burke 554 20 Botetourt "5 Savanna circuit 206 3 Mecklenburg 480 30 Cherokee 194 8 Greenfville 776 3 CO Seleuda 250 5 Brunfwick 676 266 Bufh-River 149 10 Suffer 690 us Broad-River 400 93 Surry 677 244 Santee 334 93 Portsmouth 949 693 Edifto 530 121 Amelia 740 158 Charleftoa 5i 77 Cumberland 351 34 George-Town 43 11 Bedford 370 *5p Great Pee-Dee 274 43 range 527 109 Little Pee-Dee 737 33 Hanover 717 180 Bladen 167 61 Wiliiamfburg 536 155 New Hope 416 74 Gloucefter 918 100 Tar River IIOO 220 Lancafter 713 300 New-River 1019 492 Fairfax 775 *?5 Roan-Oak 834 4IJ Berkley 743 113 Bartie 634 97 Alleghany 374 21 Camden 585 218 Rockingham 287 48 Cafvvell 469 44 Clarkfburg 265 4 Guilford 430 25 Ohio 260 Yadkin 296 8 Northampton^ 5*5 15? Salifbury 438 29 Bath 3*4 4° Anfon 495 50 Frederick 470 83 Lincoln 185 4 Montgomery 771 339 Holftein 450 14 Severn 66 S 360 N Calvert [ i 4 6 ] \vhi. B!ac. Whi. Bla. 814 1170 Burlington 353 T2 12a 1*5 Trenton 429 33 892 IJI Elizabeth-Town 237 Flanders 32a 16 7 748 19a Newburg 3*4 8 973 180 Long lfland 268 9 36a 33* New-York 522 102- 750 411 New-Rochelle 774 794 53* Dut chefs 405 5 780 403 Columbia 379 3 522 84 Cambridge 3'co 300 46 Albany 264 3 937 35o Fairfield 105 879 236 Litchfield 66 I 889 35o New-Haven 9 40 20 Limeftone 66 317 9 Lexington 424 3* 215 24 Madifon 212 8 53 7 Danfville 322 26 190 190 5 Cumberland 241 41 4 334 6 Total 45949 11682 97 933 21 ' Calvert Annapolis , Baltimore Town and Point Hartford Baltimore circuit Cecil Kent Talbot Borfet Somerfet AnnamefTex Caroline Milford Dover Wilmington Cheiter Philadelphia Briftol Little-York Huntingdon Redftone Pittfourg Sakm Queft. 13. What is contributed towards the fund for the fuperannuated Preachers, with the 'widows and or- phans of Preachers ? Anpw. £.59 12. §>urfl. 14. How was this applied? Anfiv. For John Tunnell For William Glendenning, For Henry Jones, Balance in hand, Quefl. iff What appears to he the remaining debt if Coktjbury college. Anfw. £. 860 II 2. ^uejl. 16. What appears to be the number and expenfe JQ 8 10 8 6 4 6 6 4 24 J 9 8 59 1 2 t 147 3 s/Vta charity-hoys ivhicb are taken for the next year at ■Cokefbury-coUege ? Anfiu. There are 15 boys, who are wholly or pan- tially on charity : and the expenfeof boarding, cloth- ing and teaching them, is computed to be about /*. 275 per annum. £>uejl. 1 7. Whit can ke done for the infirudion of poor children (whites and blacks) to read? Anfw. Let us labour, as the heart and foul of one •wan, to eftabliih Sunday fchools, in, or near the places of public worfhip. Let perfqns be appointed by the bifhops, elders, deacons or preachers, to teach 'gratis) all that will attend, and have a capacity to learn ; from fix o'clock in the morning till ten ; and from two o'clock in the afternoon till -fix : where it does not in- terfere with public worfhip. Quefl. 18. When and where /hall the next Conferences be leld? Anfiu. At Charlefton, Tuefday, Feb. 22. Georgia, Wednefday, March 16. M'Night's, North Carolina, April .2. Peterfburg, Wednefday, April 20. Hanover, Tuefday, April 26. Alexandria, Monday, May 2. Baltimore, Friday, May 6. Duck-Creek, May 13. Philadelphia, Wednefday, May 18. New York, Thurfday, May 26. Union Town, Thurfday, July, 28. Connecticut, July 23. Albany Diftri£, Aug. 23. Qteft. 1 9 • What are the deficiencies of the preachers* falarietfince the lafl conference ? Anfiu. £. 1071 5 3. ^ f%ueft. 20. What was colled 'ed as a partial fupply for thefe deficiencies P Anfiu. [ i 4 8 ] yfri/tv. At the Baltimore conference there was a collection of £. 72 9 6. And as the brethren in the Kentucky and Ohio diP.ricls appeared to be in the greateft need, the conference generoufly voted two thirds of the faid flim, as a partial fupply for the preachers in the Ohio dillricl:, and one third for the bre- thren in Kentucky. The whole to be fent in books. There was alfo a collection of £. 48 18 11. at the Duck-Creek conference, which was fent as a partial fupply for thofe in the extremities of the ftatcs of New- York and Connecticut. MINUTES s* *#53 MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL CONFERENCES OF THE Methodift Epifcopal Church, FOR THE YEAR I 79 I. $ueft. I. fr HO are ad. Anf\- . James Tollefon Jofias kandell Samuel Anfley John Wood John Clark James Holley Ri:ketfon Lipfey Jofeph Moore William Moody John Sea well William Bellamy John Ahair Henry Hill William Ormond Freeman Killingfworth Abnei Hendley N ratted on trial ? George Martin John Buxton Samuel Edney James Nolly James Rogers Thomas Boyd Samuel Hitt Jeptha Moore Aquila Garrettfcn Lewis Browning Andrew Nichols Nathaniel Greaves Jofhu-a Jones Shadrach Boftwick John Beard Ifaac Robertfon 2 Samiul I *s* 1 Samuel Miller Robert M'Cay James Boyd Thomas Lovell Jofiiua Taylor Benjamin Fizler William Earley Aaron Hunt Robert Dillon <&ej. Anfw. John Bonner William &. Lilly Arthur Lipfey John Halliday JBuhbard Saunders John Sproul Samuel Cowles Frederick Roper John Ball Simon Carlifle George M Kenney Enoch Gtoige John Pace Daniel Deans Rufus Wiley John Weft :Morris Howe Daniel Shines Ezekiel Humphrey Thomas Eafter Benjamin Wilfon John Wynn David Valleau. Samuel Fowler Jofeph Tatman James OCuil Elifha P. a James C< 1 n H alloc k Jame: Covel Lev-ii Moore. Who remain on trial ? James Fleramlng Stewart Redman Thomas Bell William Calbert George Pickering Fred us Aid ridge Evan R.ogers Daniel Stringer John Kobler John N. Jones Nathaniel Pinkard George Cannon Thomas Haymond Gamaliel Bailey Jofeph Lovell Thomas Everard Philip Wager Henry Chfiftie Menzies Rainor Matthias Swaira John Clark Jofeph Lillard. John Metcalf Que/}. 3. Who are admitted into full connexion ? Atifru. John RufTel j Hardy Herbert William M 'Dowel I Aquila Sugg Francis Parker j Wheeler GrifTom Tucj}. 5. IV bo are the Anjiu. Reuben Ellis Ifaac Smith Thomas Humphreys Beverly Allen Richard Ivy Hope Hull Thomas Bowen Thomas Anderfon Thomas Ware Henry Merritt Ifaac Low Thomas Weatheifovd James Parks Mark Whitaker John Baldwin Charles Hardy James Kelly John Eailer John Pa up i3euton Riggin William Jackfon Richard Swain James Bell Robert Hutchinfon Jethro Johnfon Benjamin Abbott Darius Dunham Samuel Wigton David Can d all Lemuel Smith • Daniel Smith William Lofee John Crawford James Campbell Jonathan Newman Samuel Rudder. E tiers P Philip Cox Ira Ellis Stephen Davies James Mechem John Jarrell John Hill John Allen Michael Laid George Hnggerty George Wells Richard Swift Thomas Hemming Robert Cann Philip Bruce John Milburne John Merrick Simon Pile- James Cromwell John M'CIafkey John Dickins Henry C '53 ] Henry Willis Richard Whatcoat Lemuel Green Robert Cloud Thomas Morrell Freeborn Garrett Ton Jacob Brum Nathaniel B. Mills William Phoebus Jefie Lee Peter Moriarty John Bloodgood James Mann William Jeffop Ezekiel Cooper John Haggerty Francis Poythrefs Thomas Williamfon Wilfon Lee Barnabas M'Henry Amos G. Thompfon Charles Connavvay. ££ufl' 6. Who have been elefted by the unanimous fuf- f rages of the General Conference, to fuperintend the Me- thoJifi Ep'tfcopal Church in America P Anfiv, Thomas Coke, Francis Afbury. Quefl. 7. Who are the perfons that exercife the Epif co- pal Office in the Methodifl Church in America P Arfw. Thomas Coke, Francis Afbury, by regular order and fuccefilon*. Quefl. 8. Who are under a location , through ivcalneft of body or family concerns P Lee Roy Cole James Haw George Callahaun Anthony Banning, Anfw, Matthew Harris Micajah Tracy Jeremiah Abel Edward Wed Joan Barker Qj/eJ?. 9. Who deftfl from travelling ? Anfw, Jofeph Doddridge, Andrew Harpcndlng. ^uefi. 10. Who have died this year ? Anfw. Wyatt Andrews, who died full of faith and the Holy Ghoft. As long as he could ride, he tra- velled ; and while he had breath he praifed God. Lemuel Andrews, four years a labourer in the vine- yard of the Lord, who maintained a Heady, upright walk, * See the Hid Se&ion of the feventh Edition of our of Discipline* Form I *54 ] ^valk, attentive to the work ; his laft days were t bell to himfelf and the people he preached to. He died without any expveffions of the fear of death. Aaron Hutchinfon, a man of clear underilanding* gofpel fimplicity, and godly fincerity ; blamelefs in his life ; acceptable as a preacher ; fruitful in his la- bours ; which ended in the fhort fpace of four years. He wa3 patient, refigned, and confident in his lad -moments. Eliphalet Reed, a true Ifraelite, and not without his ufefulnefs. His feeble fyftem failed after three years labour ; a man of a fweet fpirit, and humble walk with God. Queft. 1 1 . Are all the Preachers blamelefs in life and conversation ? Anfiv. Their characters were ftricYiy examined one by one, before the conference. §>ueft. 1 2. How are the Preachers Jlationed this year i Anfiv. As follows : Reuben Ellis, Elder. V.harleflon, James Parks. Georgetown, Philip Matthews. Kinj/lon, Francis Parker. Litt'e Pee Dee, Jonathan Jackfon, Samuel Anfley, Great Pee Dee, William M'Dowell. Santee, John Crawford, James Tollefon. Edtfto, Michael Burdge, John Wood. Ed'flo-Ijland, Beverly Allen, fupernumerary. Ca a>^a, John Ruflel. Bujii- River, John Bonner. Br at River, Ifaac Smith, Jofias Randle. Seleuda, John Ellis. Union, Benjamin Tarrant. ■Cherokee, Wm. A, LiUey, Ricketfon Lipfey. Richard C 15s J Richard Ivy, Elder. Wafhington, John Andrew, Hardy Herbert. Richmond, John Clark. Burke, Hope Hull. North-Savannah, Hezeklah Arnold. South- Savannah, Wheeler Griffom. Ifaac Low, Elder. Cafaell, Enoch George, Henry Hill. Guilford, Jonathan Bird, Ezekiel Humphrey. Yadkin, JcfTe Richardfon, Daniel Dean. Lincoln, George M'Kinney, Simon Carlifle. Anfon, William Moody. Salt/bury, John M'Gee, F. Killingfworth. Thomas Bowen, Elder., Roanoak, John Pace, Samuel Covvles. New-Hops, J. Cannon, F. Roper, S. Edney. Bladen, John Ahair, William Bellamy. Tar-River, Morris Howe, W T illiam Ormond. Contentney, Aquila Sugg, Rufus Wiley. Eafl New-River, Thomas Weatherford, D. Southal!? Abner Hendley. Pamlico, John Sproul, Jofeph Moore. Mark Whitaker, Elder. Weft New -River, Charles Haidy, John Weft, Rujfel, Holftein, Bartie, Greenfville, Camden, Port/mouth, John Ball. John Sea well. Jofias Afkew, John Buxton. Benton Riggin, William Spencer. JefTe Nicholfon, Thomas Eaftcr. Thomas Anderfon, Daniel Stringer* lurry, James Kelly, Elder. John Ealier, John Fore. Suffix, C 156 ] Sujfex, Benjamin Barnes, Jofeph Wynn, Brunfwick, John Paup, Archer Davies. Mecklenburg, Dan. Southall, Hubbard Saunders. Amelia) John Baldwin, William M'Kentrec. Cumber/and, William Heath, Rice Haggard. Bedford, Bennet Maxey, John Kobler. Botetourt^ John Lindfay. Greenbrier) Salathiel Weeks, George Martin. Halifax, Benjamin Wilfon. Franklin) Henry Merritt, Benjamin Blanton. Banks , John Metcalf. MattQmuJheet) Daniel Shines. Ira Ellis, Elder. Amherjl, William Mofs, Nicholas Sebrell. Orange) Stephen G. Rofzel, John N. Jones. Hanover) John Robinfon, Pemberton Smith, EJfex, Stephen Davies, John Hutt. WUliamJburg) James Mechem, Benjamin Brown. Gloucejier, Chriftoph. Mooring, James Rogers. Philip Bruce, Eider. Lancajler) Lewis Dawfon, Martin Hitt. Stafford) Thomas Scott, Samuel Hitt. Fairfax, Thorn. Flemming, Stuart Redman. Alexandria) Ezekiel Cooper. Berkley, Lewis Chafteen, Valentine Cook. Allegany) Ifaac Lunsford, Daniel Hitt. Winchejler, Richard Swift. Rotkingham, Samuel Breeze, Jeptha Moore. Nelfon Reed, Elder. Baltimore-Toxin, J. Haggerty fupernumerary, Emery Pryer. FelVs-Point, Sylvefter Hutchinfon. Annapoiis, George Haggerty. Baltimore- County, Jacob Lur.ton, Andrew Nichols. Severn , [ 1*7 ] Severn, John Hill, John Chalmers. Calvert, Jofh 1a Wells, Nathaniel Greaves. Montgomery, JohiRowen, Aqurla Gairettfon. Frederick, Jonathan Forrefl, Tiiomas Bell. Bath t Michael Lard, John Simmons. Huntingdon, Charles Burgoon. Northumberland, Richard Panott, Lewis Browning. Little-York, George Browning. Hartford, Jofeph Cromwell, William Calbert. Jofeph Everett, Elder. Dover, Thomas Fofter, Evan Rogers. Mil/or J, John Smith, Shadrack Boil wick. Northampton, Griffith Callahaun, W. Fountain. Annamfjfzx, James Wilfon, Jofhua Jones. Somer/et, John Jarrell. Dorftt, Levin Moore. Talbot, Robert Sparks, Fred us Aldridge. Caroline, John Milburne, George Pickering. ^ueen-Ann, George Moore, James Thomas. Kent, Chriftopher Spry, William Jackfon. Cecil, Jofeph Wyatt, John Beard. Ch'Jler, Wilmington, Philadelphia, Briftol, Salem, Bethel, Burlington, Trenton, Flanders, Lemuel Green, Elder. J. M'Clafcy, I. Robinfon, S. Miller. Thomas Ware. Henry Willis, fupernumerary ; John Diokins, Superintendent of the Printing and Book-Bufinefs. Gamaliel Bailey, Jofeph LovclL John Merrick, Elder. James Bell, John Clark. James Cromwell. Simon Pile, William Dougherty; Robert Cann, Robert Hutch infon. Richard Swain, Samuel Fowl r. O Robeit C ^53 3 Robert Cloud, Elder. Neiv&urg, Jethro John fori, Jofhua Taylor. Wyoming, - James Campbell. Elder. New-Tork, Rd. Whatcoat, Thomas Morrell, fupernumerary, James Mann. New Rochelle, Jacob Brum, Thomas Everard, Thomas Lovell. Long-IJland, William Phoebus, Benjamin Abbott. Freeborn Garrettfon, Elder. Dutchefs, Peter Moriarty, Hallock. Columbia, Darius Dunham, Henry Chriftie. New-Britain, Elifha Pelham, Robert Dillon. Cambridge, David Valleau. Albany, Samuel Wigton, John Crawford. Snratoga, David Candall. Clfego, Philip Wager, Jonathan Newman. Jefle Lee, Elder. Litchfield, Matthias Swaim, James Covel. Fairfield, Nathaniel B. Mills, Aaron Hunt. Middlefields, John Allen, George Roberts. Hartford* Lemuel Smith, Menzies Rainor. Stodbridge, Robert Green. Lynn, John Bloodgood, Daniel Smith. Kingjlon, William Lofee. William Black, Elder. Halifax, William JefTop, John Mann. Liverpool, Thomas Whited. Shelburne, William Early. Cumberland, Benjamin Fizler. New- Port, John Cooper, St. Johns, - John Reagan. Annapolis, James Boyd. Lirnejlone, Peter Maffcy. Francis Poythrefs, Elder, Danfville, Thomas Williamfon, J. Tat man. Salt River, I >59 ] Sail- River, Wi Ifon ] Lee, Jofeph Li Hard. Lexington, Henry Birchett, David Haggard, Cumberland \ Bar nabas M' Henry, James O'Cull, Randolph, Geojge Cannon. Amos G ThornDfon, EWer. Clarlfourg, Laflley Matthews, Thomas Bo yd, RedJione t Daniel Fidler, James Coleman. Ohio, Wm. M'Lenahan, Thos. Hayi nan. Pitljburg, Charles Conn away, fupernumerary. Weft Indies, Samuel Rudder, Nathaniel Pinkaid. Queft. 12. What numbers are there in focieiy ? Anfa. Whites. Blacks. Whites. Blacks. Charleflon 66 119 Bladen 232 57 Kingfton 116 84 Tar River 655 16* Little Pee-Dee 765 55 E. New-River 1160 466 Great Pee-Dee 317 49 Contentney *93 48 Santee 354 126 B.-rtie 650 120 Ediflo 5JO 121 Cr.mden J8 5 229- Catauba 220 20 Banks 408 30 Cherokee 372 IO Botetourt 214 *5 Bufh-River zoo 15 Green-Brier 73 Broad-River 45° 95 Halifax 93 8 Union 1ZO Franklin 287 27 Scleuda 300 5 Mecklenburg 478 25 Wafhington 621 114 Cumberland 385 37 Richmo.id 501 72 Amelia 651 132- Burke 57a 43 Brunfwick 627 200 Savanna 3*3 4 Grdenfwlie 720 383 W. New-Hirer 320 16 SulTex 606 208 Ruffa 79 5 Portfmouth 819 574 Holflein 140 6 Sutrv 7/0 705 Green 340 3 Bedford 383 89 Yadkin 401 25 Amherft 335 130 Salifbury 519 24 Orange 530 54 Anfon 150 56 Hanover 640 121 Lincoln 4*9 12 EfTex 248 20 Roan-Oak S3* 352 Wiliiamfburg 473 194 Pamlico 374 50 Gloucefter 620 6z Guilford 420 36 Lancafter 586 210 Cafwell 508 31 Stafford 258 *9 141 New Kooe JIO 108 rairiax 657 Berkley [ itf© 3 Berkley Alleghany Rockingham Clarkfburg Ohio Northampton Reditonfr Pittfburg Randolph Calvert .Severn Montgomery Baltimore Frederick Bath Ifuntmgdori Hartford Whites. 1024 351 335 300 35° 563 360 IOO' 30 734 637 944 480 31 S 200 (>33 Baltimore Tdwn 430 Pcll-'s Point Annapolis' "Dover Miiford AnnaniefTex Somerfet Dorchefter -Caroline Talbot fkut Cecil Wilmington Chefter •Philadelphia 3"ri!*ol Stole m Bethel Burlington Of 'ft- 13 l 3 3 136 1022 720 3*5 546 735 970 740 720 4x8 93 429 254 =111 464 403 374 Blacks. 192 23 46 4 203 7 1329 414 347 207 93 41 2 181 1&1 42 223- 39 6 226 5* 9? A59 sn 610 430 340 4* •15 3<5 6 2 18 Whites. 420 304 412 Trenton Flanders j Nevvburg ^Elizabeth-Town 321 New-York 524 Ncw-Rochelle 661 Long-Jfknd 251 Dutchefs . 473 Columbia 253 New-Britain 130 Cambridge 260 Albany T. & C. 242 Saratoga 1 00 Otfego 80 Litchfield 130 Fairfield 1 73 Middlefields 6z Hartford 28 » Stockbridgc 30 5 Lynn ,58- Wyoming 100 Nova- Scotia; 730 Li m eft one 237 Lexington 543 Danfville ^520 Sah>Riv,er 259 Cumberland 349 Ohio 317 Pittfburg 136 Redftone 321- Clarkfburg 213 Randolph 30 Blacht. 32 8 7 112 16 17 6 <6 37 28- 23 67 4 6 % 2 Total 63269 12884 What if contributed towards the fund for tfte fuperamtated preachers , and the widows and orphans of pr&achers ? Anfw. Charlcfton, - £.3148- ^Georgia, - - - - 3 7 - - 7 5 6 .Centre t 161 ] Centre Diftria, II i North Diftrift, 6 5 a Baltimore Conference IO 2 6 From the Eaftern- Shore, 10 15 Nevv-Jerfey, - 3 O Pennsylvania Currency. £. 61 11 2 Qjejl. 1 4. .//otz/ tt'tf/ this applied ? Anf. Some part of it is lodged in the refpectivc diflri&s; and the remainder depofited in the book-fund*. Que/}. 16. What appears to be the expenfe of the cha- rity-boys, ay be under any reilraints from refractory men. If w ;at I havt advifed, with any improvement fhaii be found acceptable, it will give Sfii C 164 I reft and joy to my mind. I have ferved you almoftr twenty years. I can only fay they are your children. I want taught, and can aflure you it is in my heart to live and die with, and for, both the parents and chil* dien. Your Brother, Friend, and Servant, n. , for Chrift's fake^ F. ASBURY. Near Salem, New-Jerfey, Sept. 16, 1 7 9 1 . RECOMMENDATORY CAUTION. MARK WELL ! OUR brethren and friends, are defired to be more cautious how they receive ftrange preachers ; especially to preach ; unlefs their names are on the minutes, or they can (hew a parchment or a certificate from the preiiding elder, or fome elder in the diitri& ihey may fay they came from. MINUTES H* -A =*EJ MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL CONFERENCES OP THE Methodiil Epifcopal Church, FGR THE YEAR 79 2 ' — <-<*<€$^€|i^^»{l**>«»— %uejl. Wi HO are admitted on trial? Anfw. Henry Crank Laurence Mansfield Daniel Hall Samuel Steward James Dawley Joel Tucker William Hunter William Dyer Edward Hardy Jeremiah Jackfou Coleman Carlifte Philip Sa -vh William Burke Richard £ird Abfalom Kinfey William FulwoocJ Benjamin Tarrant Tobias Gibfon James Jenkinsv George Clark Benjamin Northcott John Page Stith Mead Jacob Peck James Ward Ephraim Chamber* William Talbot • Thomas Lyall Joh* [ 166 ] John Wat Con Se&lly Bunn Jordon Rexford Smith Weeks George Strebeck Zebulon Kankey Queft* 2. Who remain on Anftv. James Rogers John Buxton James Nolly Henry Hill Freeman Killingfworth William Moody Jofeph Moore William Bellamy John Ahair William Ormond Abner Henly Samuel Edney James Tollefou Jofias Randall Samuel rmfley John Wood James Holly Ricketfon Lipfey John Clark John Ray John Seawelt Jeremiah Norman George Martin James Coleman Laurence M'Combi Jofhua Hall Jofeph Rowen Jofeph Wain wright John Halliday. trial ? Elijah Sparks Thomas Boyd Aquila Garrettfon Andrew Nichols Lewis Browning Nathaniel Greaves Robert Dillon Elifna Pelham James Covel Jofhua Taylor \ Aaron Hunt Samuel Fowler William Earley James Boyd Shadrach Bod wick John Beard Robert M'Cay William Hardefty Ifaac Robertfon Simon Miller Levi Rogers Benjamin Fizler Benjamin Tarrant David Valleau. $>uejl. 3. Who are admitted into fu 7 connexion ? dn/w. IJkoroas Eafter John N. Jones Benjamin Wilfoa. John Wynn John Mctcalf Benjamin* Blanton Hubbard Saunders-. Daniel Stringer Samuel Cowles Simon Carlifle Geo.rg-2 C 167 3 6eorge M'Kenney Enoch George John Pace Daniel Deans Rufus Wiley- Morris Howe Daniel Shines Ezekiel Humphrey Frederick Roper John Bonner William A. Lilly Arthur Lipfey John Halliday Hezekiah Arnold John Ball John Weft John Kobler George Cannon Queft. 4. Who are the Anfiu. William Mofs Stephen G. Rofzel Nicholas Sebrell Pemberton Smith John Hutt Chriftopher Mooring John N. Jones John Fore Benjamin Barnes John Robinfon Rice Haggard Daniel Southall William Spencer Samuel Rudder Jefie Nicholfon Daniel Stringer John Mctcalf Jonathan Bird Thomas Raymond Samuel Hitt Stewart Redman James Flemming Thomas Bell William Calbert Robert Bonfall Menzies Rainor Philip Wager Matthias Swaim Fredus Aldridge Thomas Evcrnid George Pickering Evan Rogers Gamaliel Bailey Jofeph Lovell John Clark. Deacons ? Jofhua Cannon Aquila Sugg Samuel Cowles George M'Kenney Enoch George John Pace Daniel Deans Rufus Wiley Morris Howe John RulTel Francis Parker William M 'Dowel lohn Crawford William A. Lilly Arthur Lipfey Henry Leadbetter Hardy Herbert John Halliday Hezekiah I 1 6* 3 Hezekiah Arnold John Bonner David Haggard Stephen Brooks John Ball Daniel Lockett John Kobler George Cannon Thomas Haymond Daniel Fidler William M'Lennhan Laftley Matthews Martin Hitt Thomas Scott Ifaac Lunsford Daniel Hitt Valentine Cook Richard Parrot Jonathan Simmonds Jofhua Wells Svlvr-fter Hutchinfon Charles Burgoon Menzies Rainor £>uejl. 5. Who are tht Anf 1 Wilfon Lee Barnabas M' Henry Henry Birchett John Lindfay Salathiel Weeks Bennet Maxey Charles Coiinaway Amos G. Thompfon Samuel Breeze Thornton Flemming Richard Swift Philip Bruce Nelfon Reed Jofeph Cromwell Jonathan Forreft James Cromwell Jacoh Lurtou John Hill Emory Pryer JefTe Lee Daniel Smith Lemuel Smith Jtrcmiah Caufden Freeborn Garrettfon John Bloodgood Peter Moriarty Samuel Wigton Darius Dunham John Crawford Robert Green Richaid W in. t coat Robert Cloud Tliomas Morrell Nathaniel B. Mills William Phoebus Jacob Brufh James Mann William JffTop George Moore John Smith lofeph Wyatt Robert Sparks John Milburne John Jarrell Lemuel Green John M Clafkey John Menick Robert Cann Thomas Ware Henry Willis John Dickins Ezekiel Cooper. Qurjl- 6. Who have been ekcltd by the unawmdus faf- fragis of the General Conference, to fuperintend the Me- tbo.fi/i Epif copal Church in America ? Wti/'w. Thomas Coke, Francis Anbury. Qne,}. 7. Who are the perfons that aeerafe the Epif- C0pa> Offi' in the Mthodifl Church In dm erica f Anliv. Thomas Coke, Francis -Yfburv. Qutjl 8. Wb* are under a location through weaknefs of body or /ami y concerns' 4n[uejh 10. Who have died this year ? Anjiv. Thomas Weatherford: an European advanc- ed in grace, aged 56 : upwards of four years a la* bourer in the vineyard of 'the Lord : of (lender fyftem, unfitted to our changing climes: what wa9 beft of ally he lived the gofpel, and died triumphant in the Lord. Peter Maffey, under the profefiion of religion for fome years. He felt fome declenfion in the fpirit aficf practice of religion for a feafon, but was afterwards ieilored. He laboured faithfully in the miniftry up- wards of three yeafs, confirmed and eflabliihed in thtf grace of God and ufeful. An afflicted man who de- fired and obtained a fudden death, by falling front his feat, and exjlmed December 19, 1791, in the morning about 9 o'clock, at Cumberland on the Weft- em waters. George Browning, two years and an half in the field of labour, a ierious devoted man, who died in peace and refted from his afflictions, in hope of eter- nal glory, which God, that cannot lie, hath promifed to fa i tii fill foul's. ^iejl. r 1 . Are all the Freacherz blamelefs in life and converfation P Anfw. Their characters were ft r idly examined one by one, before the conference, and approved. Qu'fi. 12. Hoiv are the Preachers Jlationed this year ? Anfw. As follows : Ira Ellis, Elder. Jmherjl, - John N. Jones, Daniel Hall. Orange, I ] Wm Mofs, J. Rogers, S. Steward, Stcph. G. Rofzel, Nicholas Scbrttl, John Ellis, Lawrence Mansfield. Pern. Smith. Chriftopher Mooring. James Mechem. John Hutt, Book-Steward for the North and Centre Diftrids. 3 range, Hanover, Gloticejler, Williamjburg Pomonhcy, Franklin, Cumberland, Mecklenburg, slmelin, Brunfzvick, Jjre'nJ'ville, .fyftx, Surry, Bartie, Portfmouth, .Camden, Banks, Roan Oak, Pamlico, £>u:tenty, - S coper long, Matt imajkeet, Trent, Go/ben, Bladen, New-Hope, Tar- River, Cafivcll, guifird, James Kelly, Elder. B. Riggin, I. Wynn, H. Saunders, William Spencer, Henry Crank. Rice Haggard, Jacob Peek. Stephen Davies, John Buxton. John Baldwin, Benjamin Barnes. . William M'Kentree, Joel Tucker. Jofiah Afkew, Daniel Stringer. Daniel Southall, Thomas Eafter. Henry Mevritt, James Dawly. Jeffe Nicholfon, Benjamin Blanton, Archer Davies, I. Hunter. Benjamin Wilfon. Thomas Bowen, Elder. William Mocdy, Abner Henly. Daniel Shines, Edward Hardy. Morris Howe, Abfalom Kinley. John Ahair. Frederick Roper. Samuel Cowles, Peter Gautier. Rufus Wiley, William Ormond. Jofhua Cannon, Samuel Edney. j. Fore, Henry Hill, J. Jackfou. J. Pace, E. Humphrey, P. Sands. Ifaac Low, Elder. Jonathan Bird, John Sproul. J. Nolley, E. George, W. Bellamy. Saljfiury f C »7* ] Sa^Jhury, - Aquila Sugg, Simon C?.r]iHe. Ta km, - George M'K.nnev, J fcp! Moore. Linco'n, - J. M'Gee, Freeman Killingfwovth. uln'on, - James Parks Higbcoy » Daniel Deans. Ittuben Ellis, Elder. Ghirlefton, - Daniel Smith. Geo q/t >aon, William M'Dowel. Little P e Dee, Ricketfon Lipfey, John RuflTell. G <-at Pen D.e, James Tollefon. Santee, - Ifaac Smith, J. Wood. Edijlo, - Francis Parker, Benjamin Tarraftt. Catauba. - John Crawford. Bujh-River, Tobias Gibfon. Seleuda, - W. A. Lilley, S. Atifley, J. RandiftL Cherokee, - JeiTe Richardfon, William Fullwood. James .enkins. Broad-River, Arthur Lipfey, Coleman Carlifle. Richard Ivy, Elder. IVaJh'wgton, Jonathan Jackfon, Hezek. Arnold, North- Savannah, John Bonner. Oconee, - John Clark, James Holly. Burke, ' - Benjamin Carter, George Clark. Elbert, - John Halliday. Richmond, Holflein, Green , New- River, Rufel, Limejlone, Lexington, Barnabas M'Henry, Elder, Henry Leadbetter. Salathiel Weeks, James Ward. Stephen Brooks, William Burke. David Haggard, Daniel Lockett. Jeremiah Norman. John Ray. Francis Poythrefs, Elder. John Seawell, Benjamin Northcott, John Page. DanJviHe, [ 173 ] Danfvilh, - Wilfon Lee, Pvichard Bird. Salt- River, - Henry Birchett, Ifaac Ham men. Cumberland, John Ball, Jonathan Stephenfou, Greenbrier, - John KoWer. Cowpajiure, John Lindfay; Botetourt, - Bennet Maxey, Stlth Mead. Bedford, - John Metcalf, George Martin. Amos G. Thompfon, Elder, Randolph, - Thornton Flemming. Clarkfburg, - John Wat fan, Ephraim Chambers. Ohio, - I. Lunsford, L. Matthews, D. Hitt, Fittfburg, - Valentine Cook, Seally Bunn. Reijlone, - Jacob Peck, William M'Lenahan, Philip Bruce, Elder. /Alegany, - Samuel Breeze, Thomas Boyd, Rockingham, Daniel Fidler, Elijah Sparks. Frederick, - Thomas Scott, Thomas JLyall. Berkley, - Thomas Haymond. Fairfax, - George Cannon, Steward Redman. Stafford, - Lewis Daw foil, William Talbot. Lancafler, • Martin Hitt, Samuel Hitt. Nelfon Reed, Elder. Bath, - Rezin Simpfon, William R. Nichols. Huntingdon, John Simmons. Northumberland, James Campbell, William Calbert. LiitleTork, - Samuel Rudder, Charles Cook. Hartford, - Jacob Lurton, Andrew Nichols. Baltimore, - James Cromwell, Samuel Browning. Frederick, - John Chalmers, Aquila Garrettfon. Montgomery, Jofhua Wells, Thomas Bell. Calvert, - Richard Parrott. vemrn, - John Rowen, Nathaniel Greaves, P 2 Aunapoiii, Annapolis, - Robert Bonfafl. FelVs-Point, Jofeph Cromwell. Baltimore-Town, Richard Whatcoat. Jofeph Everett, Elder. Dover, - "Walter Fountain, George Pickering, Mtlfortf, - George Moore, Solomon Sharpe. Somerfet, - John Smith, John Beard. Northampton, John Milburne, Hugh Works. Annomtjfex, - James Thomas, Jofeph Rowen. Dorfei, - Jofeph Wyatt, James Painter. Talbot, - Evan Rugers, Shadrach Boftwick. Caroline, - Thomas jackfon, Jofhua Jones Queen-Ann, - Chriftopher Spry, William Bimop* Kent, - John Jarrell, John Fountain. Cecily - Robert Sparks, James Wilfon. John M'CIa'Vy, Elder, Philadelphia, Henry -W'iiis- fupernumerary ; John Diekhis, Superintendent of the Printing and Book bufinefs. Chejler, - Jofeph Lo-vcll, Jofrph Wainright. Wilmington, - Sylvtfler Hutchinfon. -Brijlcl, - Simon Miller, I iaac Robin foru Robert Cloud, Elder. 'Wyoming, - "William Hardefty. Tioga, - John Hill. -Neavburg, - Sam. Fowler, Lawrence M'CorrnSs, Flanders, - Jethro Johnfon, Robert M Cay. Elizabeth- Town, John Clark, Jofeph Totten. Staten-IJland, Thomas Ware. John "Merrick, Elder t Trenton, - Gamaliel Bailey, D. Freeman, Burlington, - Rt. Hutchinfon, Wm. Dougherty, Salem, - Benjamin Abbott, David Bartine. Bethel, * m 3 Sethel, JNeiv-Tork, L,ong- IJlandy Nevj-RocheUe, Croton, Fairfield^ Litchfield) Midd/etczvn, Hartford^ Hubert Cann, Levi Rogers. Thomas MorrelJ, Lemuel Green* George Strebeck. Jacob Brum, Elder. John Reagan, James Boyd. James Bell, Benjamin Fizler. Peter Moriarty. Jofliua Taylor, Smith Weeks. Philip Wager, James Coleman. Richard Swain, Aaron Hunt. .Hope Hull, George Roberts, Fre- dus Aldridge. Freeborn Garrettfon, Elder. Dutchefs t - Thomas Everard, Zebulon Kankey. Columbia, - Samuel Wigton, Elifha Pelham. Pitfsfield, - David Candall, Robert Dillon, Jor- don Rexford. Otfego, - Jonathan Newman, James Covel. Saratoga^ - Matthias Swaim. Cambridge) - John Crawford, T. Woolfey. Albany) - Robert Green, David Valleau. ■Cataraqui) - Darius Dunham. Swagotchee, - William Lofee. JefTe Lee, Elder. Lynn) - Menzies Rainor. Bojlon, - Jeremiah Caufden. .Needhavi) - John Allen. ■.Provhdence t - Lemuel Smith. Queft. 13. What numbers are in fociety) in the Y-efttcl- ?rve circuits P Anjiu. As follows .1 .Amherft Amherft circuit .Orange Hanover Gioucefter Wiiliamfburg Pomonkey Franklin Bedford Cumberland Mecklenburg Ain^liu Brurr^ Greenfviiie Surry Bartie Pcrtfmouth Camden Banks Eoteiouri Cre^n-Brier Cowpafture Bedford Randolph Clarkfburg Rockingham, F;-.d-:ri(:k Berkley Fairfax Stafford La n caller kin Linccln An foil Saiifbury Roan-Oak New Hope Bladen -Tar-River Ccptentney Trent. Pamlico Cafv.,K C -7 5 1 Whites Slacks. Whites. Black-;. 345 12; Guilford 613 •57 i4^> 58 Matamafkeet 164 ' 47 .a A Wyoming 106 Do r 24* 47 Briltol 162 6 M [ford ts6 31 ! Trenton 3)° 33 So lerfct 615 9 Flanders 268 K irthampton 600 24 Sui liogton 507 47 •AnnamefTtX 337 ' Bethel 457 3 porfi* 643 39 i 1cm 554 *3 Talbot 400 34 ) nt chefs 546 7 Car. -line 799 %\ Himibia 226 3 Queen-Ann 53* 41 'irtsficld 224 Kent 395 47* \ibany 26T Cecil 416 *9 :tir qui 165 Ohio 364 t ridge 3*5 Pitdbmg 136 S ratoga 182 Redftooe 361 I< v)'fego 207 Allegany 360 2; iJtchfield 428 I Tioga 7i Fairfield 220 Phila lelphia 297 3' Middlctown 124 Wilmington 83 41 Hartford 1)5 Chefter 367 ;< J-ynn 118 New-Rochelle 39° 1 !3ofton 15 Croton 3i8 7 Ncedham 34 New York Jii 133 Providence JLong-lfland Staten-IJland 266 77 *3 3 Total ; —9 13871 Elizabeth-Town 190 Newburg 59.}. 3 6 J^//^. 74 What is contributed toward: the fund for the fuferannuated Preachers, with the widows and or- phans of Preschen ? Anfm, £. 103 3 2. Qtsft. 15. What has been applied ibis year ? Anfvj. To John Eafter, To Charles Connawav, To Jofeph Wptt. & 14 3° o o o o o o £.69 Qjef}. 16. ."^/\-;/ /,• //>» fun total, for which the book- Wnunt h now accountable' to the Preacher's fund ? 'Anfvih [ '?8 ] *il\fueft. 1 8. When and 'where /hall tlTe next Conferences be held? Jnfw. General Conference, November 1. 1792. Alexandria, November 15. 1792. Manchefter, November 25. 1792. North-Carolina, December 12. 1792'.' Charlefton, December 24. 1792. GeoTgia, January jo. 1 793. John's- River, March 24. 1793. New Territory, Nelfon'o, April 3. 1793. Cumberland, Nafhville, April 15. J 7 93 Kentucky, May 6. 1 793. Greenbrier, May 27. 1793. Union Town, June 9. 1 793. Old Town, June j8. 1793. Albany, July 15. ^793- Lynn, Auguft 1. 1793* Connecticut, Auguft 12. 1793. New- York, Auguft 25. 1793. Philadelphia, September 5. 1 793. Duck Creek, September 12. 1793. Cokefbury, October 22 1 793. Baltimore, October 29. 1793. Alexandria, November 15. 1793. Manchefter, November 25. 1793. North- Carolina, December 12 1793. Charlefton,. December 24. 1793. Georgia, January 10. 1794. John's- River, March 24. 1794. New-Territory, April 3. 1794. Cumberland, April 15. ^1794. ^Kentucky, May 6. 17Q4. Tcuft** C «79 5. Truftees for the incorporation in Georgia for the pre- fent year. Benjamin Carter Jonathan Jackfon. Francis A (bury Thomas Coke Richard Ivy Truftees for Union-diftri& fchooi. Valentine Cook. Jonathan Rolin. Charles Connaway Amos G. Thompfon William M'Lenahan Charles Connaway is to manage the building, dU reel: and enforce the discipline of the houfe. CAUTIONARY ADVICE. Our brethren and friends are (till defired to be very cautious how they receive impoftors, under the profef- fion of pieachers of our fociety or any other; as feve- ral people have been much impofed upon, and great- ly injured by fuch characters. If you have any doubts- concerning a ft range preacher, refer him to the preach- er who has the charge of the circuit ; but if he is not fully fatisfied, and the flranger comes to fettle among!! you, refer him to the quarterly-meeting conference. MINUTES ££**• «*3 MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL CONFERENCES OF THE Methodift Epifcopal Church, FOR THE YEAR l 793- Wi 9xfi- An/nv. John Derbrough Hamilton Jefferfon Jofhua Jones William Bifhop Richard Stocket Andrew Nichols John Philips Randolph Smith William Call William Wilkinfon Antiiony Sale William Douglr.s David Richardfon Thomas Wilkinfon William Wells HO are admitted on trial P Benjamin Denton James Johntton Samuel Reifher James Doughthit William Le Matters Jofeph Thrift Francis AcculT Samuel PJollis Jeffc Stoneman Robes t Bonham A 1 ward White Joel Ketch um Calvin Wofter Zadok Prieft Mofes Crane Elijah C 182 3 Elijah Woolfey Anthony Turk Enoch Murjge Jafon Perkins Daniel Oftrander Jacob Egbert Daniel Dennis Shiejl. 2. Who remain on s?nf*v. Thomas Lucas Heazin Simpfon Elijah Sparks William Talbott Thomas Lyall Henry Crank Lawrence Mansfield Daniel Hall Samuel Stuart James Dawley Tobias Gibfon George Clark James Ward Richard Bird Benjamin Northcott John i'age Stith Mead Jacob Peck Ephraim Chambers John Watfon Joel Tucker Frederick Curp William Page David Abbott John Vaneman James Smith William Hunter David Bartine. trial ? James Hunter Edward Hardy Jeremiah Jackfon Philip Sands Abfalom Kinfey James Nolly Coleman Carlifle William Fulwood Benjamin Tarrant James Jenkins Sealy Bunn James Painter Solomon Sharp Jordan Rexford Ztbulon Kankey Smith Weeks George Strebeck Jofeph Totten Lawrence M'Combs Jofeph Wainwright Jofeph Rowen. Queft. 3. IVho are admitted into full connexion ? Anjw. And. Nichols Aquila Garrettfon Lewis Browning Nathaniel Greaves Samuel Hitt Stuart Redman James Flemming James Rogers John Buxton Henry Hill John A hair William Ormond A bner Hendley Samuel Edney Freeman t «3 3 ] Freeman Killingfworth David Valleau . Joffph Moore Jofhua Hall William Bellamy Aaron Hunt William Moody Benjamin Fizler James Tollcfou Samuel Fbwjer Jofiah Randall Jofhua Taylor Samuel Aofley Robert M'Cay Jolin Clark James Coleman James Holley Levi Rogers Jeremiah Norman Simon Miller John Sea well John Ray George Martin Thomas Boyd Robert Dillon Elifha Pelham James Covel Qneft. 4. Who are the Deacons ? Shadrach Boftwick James Boyd John Beard William Early William Hard e ft y. Slnfw. Walter Fountain Charles Burgoon John Fountain James Wil Ton Matthias Svvaim Jofeph Moore Daniel Shines William Bellamy Ezekiel Humphrey Lewis Browning James Campbell John Simmons Evan Rogers Morris Howe John Chalmers Thomas Bell Will-am M'Dowell John H»tt George Cannon Thomas Haymond Samuel Hitt Stewart Redman James Flemming William Mofs Nicholas Sebrell Pemberton Smith Chriftopher Mooring John N. Jones Benjamin Barnes Daniel Southall William Spencer Daniel Stringer John Metcalfc John Ellis James Rogers John Wynn Th omas C is 4 ] Thomas Eafter John Weil Benjamin Blantoa John Pace Rufus Wiley Enoch George Daniel Deans Henry Hill WiKiam Ormomd Samuel Edney Simon Carlifle John Crawford John Ruffel Francis Parker Arthur Lip fey- Samuel An (ley John Bonner Hezekiah Arnold John Clark William A. Lilly John Ball John Ray Samuel Rudder John Sea well gwjt. 5. Who are ihs Anfuejl- 6. Who have been elecled by the unanimous fuf- frag-s of the General Conference, to fuperintemi the Me- tho ijl Epifcopal Church in America f Anfw. Thomas Coke, Francis A (bury. Queft. 7. Who are the perfons that exercife the Epif- copal Office in the M f ih idfl Epifcopal Church in America ? Anfw. Thomas Coke, Francis Afbury. Quejt 8. V/hti are under a location through weahnefs of body or family concerns? Anfw. Jonathan Forrefl John Rowan JeiTe Nicholfon Frederick Roper John Halhday Hubbard Saunders Mark Whitaker Daniel Lockett Stephen Brook George Wells Jofeph Cromwell James Cromwell Richard Swift Samuel Breeze Thomas Jackfon William Dougherty Thomas Amlerfon Arthur Davics. S^ueft. 9. What Preachers have withdrawn themfefoei from our or fer and connection ? Anfw. James Kelly John 'Allen Rice Haggard John Robertfon. ^j/ef. 10. IVho has been difm'ffed for improper cor.» dud? Anfw, James Bell. Qucfl. 1 1 . JJ'ho hair died this year ? Anfw. Benjamin Carter, who profefTed faith in Je- fus Chrift about eight years, and was about fix years employed in the miniftry. He was a native of the Weftern-waters, and received a wound in the late war, which greatly weakened him in his labours — a point* ed. zealous preacher, and a ftiict difciplinarian — a hap- py man, and one that appeared not to fear the face of any. He died in Auguft 1792, at Shoulder-bone, Wafhington county, in the ftate of Georgia, and was *>ltft with frequent confolalions in his Iaft hours. Toha E iS 7 j John Sproul. a fimple, honed mars, who gave H felt wholly to God and his work ; but was fuddenly taken from toil to red : though he was weak in body, he was fervent in fpirit ; and we venture to hope, though furprized by death, he went in peace to his eternal h< Qpeft l - . Are all ths Preachers blaxwlefs in hfe and m P Anfw. Their characters were ftriclly examined one by one, before the conference, and approved. Qjjfl. 13. Hozu are the Preachers Jlationed this year ? Anfiv. As follows : Richard Whatcoat, Elkr, Dover, - John Milburne, William Page. " td, - Walter Fountain, Jofeph Rowen*. Somerfet, - William B'ihop. Nortimmp, To be fupplied. Annamrffhxi - John Smith. Dorfet, - Charles Bur goon. Talbot, - To be fupplied. Caroline, - Chriiloph. Spry,' Hamilton Jeiferfoifc ^ueen-AnPf - To be fupplied. Kent, - David Abbott, John Vaneman. Cecil, - Benjamin x^bbot, Frederick Curp. Amherft Orange. Thomas Anderfe .,' 1et\ H mover, Gioucefter, WiUiamJburg, John Ellis, Henry Crank. Da-Mrl Stringer, John Buxton, Willi im Wilkinfon. John Wyrni, William Ball. William A. Lilley, James Dawley, Wm. Spencer, Lawrence Mansfield. Cumberland, Mecklenburg) Ira Ellis, Elder. Steph. Davies, Chriftoph. Moorings James Mccham, William Mofs. Amelia, [ 1&8' ]• Amelia, Brunfivick, Greenfville, Suffix, Surry, Bartif, Port/mouth, Camden, Banks, Ed en ten Richmond, & Manchefier Norfolk, & Porlfmouth Peterjburg Franklin, :} James Rogers, Joel Tucker. Henry Merritt, Daniel Hail. Daniel Southall, Thomas Eafter. John Baldwin, Pemberton Smith* Salathicl Weeks, Samuel Cowles. Benjamin Barnes, Nicholas Sebrell. William Htath, John Weil. Benjamin Blanton, Anthony Sale* James Hunter. Archer Davies. Joilah Afltew. William M'Kentry, John Lindfay. John N. Jones, S. S. Stuart, Tho. mas Wilkin Ton. Ifaac Low, Elder. Cafivcll, - Freeman Kiliingfworth, George M'Kenney. Union, - Jofeph Moore, James Holley. Stvanino, - Samuel Edney. Guilford, - John Pace, A. Kin fey. Naiv-River, David Richnrdfon. New-Hope, - Aquila Sugg, William Wells- James Parks, Elder. Tadhin, - John Fore, John Ahair. Salt/bury, - David Haggard. Anfon, - Jonathan Bird. Thomas Bowen, Elder. Bladen, - Sihon Smith, Benjamin Denton. Tar-River, Jofhua Cannon, Coleman Carliile, L. Dyfon. Go/hen, - Daniel Shines, Robert Cox. Trenu [ i8 9 1 Trent, - , Kufus Wiley, S. Carliflc M , t m:a/keet, Ezekiel Humphrey. Seep rlong, - Daniil Dean. Cntentney, - William Bellamy, William Douglas* Pamlicot - William Ormond, Jerem. Jackfcn. Rom Oik, - James Nolley, Philip Sands. Broad-River, Enoch George, WilKam Moody, Ifaac Smith, Elder. Catauba, - John Bonner. Santee, - Tobias Gibfon. Edifto, - John Ruffell, Samuel Anfley. Great Pee Dee, -Arthur Lipiey Little Pee Dee, Henry Leadbetter, Hezek. Arnold, Georgetown, J. Richardfon. Charlejlon, JVa/hingion } Richmond, Burke, Savanna, Cherokee, Oconee, Sekuda, Bufh-R'ivrr Reuben Ellis, Elder. Daniel Smith, Jonathan Jackfon* James i'ollefon, Jethro Johnfon. Jofiah Randall* Abner Henly. Benjamin Tarrant, Samuel Reifhe?. Hope Hull. John Crawford, Francis Parker, James Jenkins. George Clark, James Dougbthit, John Clark. Richard Ivy, Travelling Book- Steward, Netu- River, Holjlein, Green . Cumberland, Salt- River, John Kobler, Elder, Jacob Peck. John Simmons, Stith Mead. Samuel Rudder, John Kay.. Francis Poythrefs, Elder. Henry Birchett. - Jacob. Lurton, James Ward. Dar^ L *9° ] DanfviUe, - William Burke, John Page, John Seawell, for Bethel School. Lexington, - John Ball, Gabriel Woodfield. Hinhjlone, - Richard Bird. Lime/lone, - Benjamin Northcott. Barnabas M'Henry, Elder* Bedford, - Ben net Maxey. Botetourt, » John Metcalf, Jeremiah Norman. Greenbrier, - Francis Accuff. Cozi'Pq/lure, George Martin. Charles Connaway, Elder, Clarljburg, - Valentine Cook, JefTe Ctoneman. Ohio, - Thomas Scott, Robert Bonham. Wafhington, - Samuel Hitt, Ephraim Chambers, Fed/lone, - Thomas Bell, Seally Bunn. Pitt/burg, - Daniel Hitt, Alwood White. Philip Bruce, Lemuel Green, Elders. Rockinght Frederick, Winchejler, Berkley, Allegany, Fairfax, Alexandria, Stafford, Lancajier, Bofon, Needham, E;nn, G> eenivichy Warren, Provmw of 7 Main k Lynn, J Stephen G. Rozfell, Randall Smith, lcfhua Wells, Thomas Boyd. Hardy Herbert. William M'Lenahan, Thos. Lyail. James Flemming, John Philips. George Cannon. ■ Jeremiah Caufden. Thomas Haymond, Stuart Redman. Lewis Chafteen, William Talbott. Ezekiel Cooper, Elder. Amos G. Thompfon. John Hill. Jordan Rexford. David Candali, Enoch Mudge. Philip Wager. Jeffe Lee. George Hartford, New-London, Middhi 'own, Litchfield, Tolland, Granville, Pittsftld, Cambridge, Saratoga, Otfego, Harhemer, Dutchefs, Albany, Columbia, Fairfeld, I '9« J George Roberts, Eider. George Pickering, Jomua Hall. George Roberts, Richard Swain, Fredus Aldridge. - Jofhua Taylor, Benjamin Fizler. Lemuel Smith, Daniel OHrander, Jofeph Lovell. Thomas Ware, Elder. Calvin Wofter, Jafon Perkins. James Covel, Zadck Prieft. Joel Ketchum, Elijah Woolfey. Matthias Swa.'m. Zebulon Kankey, Mcfes Crane. Jonathan Newman, David Bartine. Samuel Fowler, Robeft M'Cay. Samuel Wigton y John Crawford. Robert Green. Aaron Hunt, James Coleman. Jacob Brum, Eider. Cretan, - Sylveft. Hutchinfon, Jacob Egbert, New-RocheUe, Peter Moriarty, David Valleau. Long-Ijland, Jofeph Totten, George Strebeck. Staten-IJland, Thomas Everard. Elizabeth-Town, John Reagan, Menzies Rainor. Flanders, - John Clark, Daniel Dennis. Newburg, - Laurence M ; Combs, Smith Weeks, New-York, - Thomas Man ell. Freehold, Salem, Bethel, Trenton, Burlington, Join Merrick, Elder. fames Wilfon, John Fountain. Wilfon Lee, Hugh Work. Gamaliel Bailey, Shad. Boflwick, Robert Sparks, Ifaac Rcbinfon. Robert Cann, Robert Hutch::. fon. Freeborn [ 192 ] Freeborn Garrettfon, Eider. Br'tjloh - Nathaniel B. Mills,. Elijah Pelham Levi Rogers. Chefter, - Robert Cloud, William Hunter. Wilmington, - Evan Rogers who after fix months is to change with Robert Cloud. Philadelphia, Freeborn Garrettfon fix months, and then change with Thomas Mor- rell ; Henry Willis, fupernume- rary ; John Dickins, fuperintend- ent of the Printing and Book- bufinefs. Nelfon Reed, £lder. Bath, - Lewis Browning, Thomas Lucas. Huntingdon, John Watfon, Laflley Matthews. Hartford, - Wm. M'Dowel, Richard Stocket. Baltimore Circuit, Nathaniel Greaves. Severn, - Richard Parrott, Solomon Sharp. Annapolis, - John Bloodgood. Calvert, - Benton Riggin, William Nichols. Prince George, Andrew Nichols. Montgomery, Morris Howe, Rezin Simpfon. Frederick, - Martin Hitt, Aquila Garrettfon. LitthTork, - John Chalmers, Simon Miller. Feirs-Point, Jofeph Wyatt. Bahimore-Toun, John M'Clafky, John Haggerty, fupernumerary. Valentine Cook, Elder, Northumberland, James Campbell, James Painter. Tioga, Wyoming, Seneca Lake, Quejl. 14 ive circuits ? Anf As follows : James Thomas. - William Calbert, Anthony Turk. James Smith. What numbers are infociety, in the refpe& Dover [ '93 ] Whites . Blacks Dover 9 30-* 5C7 Mdford 781 319 Somerfet 553 87 Northampton 616 249 Annameil'ex 345 85 Dorfet 534 431 Talbot (>35 330 Caroline 446 236 Queen-Ann 37* 467 Kent 5*3 462 Cecil 434 321 Hartford 53* 178 Baltimore 916 144 Severn 928 59* Annapolis 170 243 Calvert 73a 9*3 Prince- George 6s 225 Montgomery 728 362 Frederick 42a 74 Frederick-Tow n 24 24 Bath 326 22 Huntingdon 165 2 Northumberland 170 I .Little- York 156 Fell's Point 95 37 Baltimore Towr 1 440 207 Tioga 70 Wyoming ICO Lancafter 59° 261 Stafford 3°) 45 Fairfax 520 5° Berkley 57i 68 Frederick 485 t%6 Rockingham 350 46 Allegany 382 20 Winchester 55 28 Alexandria 58 40 Amherft Orange 520 62 Hanover 477 62 Gloucefter 677 63 Wiiliamfburg 589 241 franklin S66 92 w Cumberland Mecklenburg Amelia Brnnfwick Greenfwile 5 u flex Surry Bartie Portfmouth Camden Banks Norfolk & ? Portfmouth £ Bladen New Hope Tar-River Gofhen Trent Matamafkeet Scoperlong Contentney Pamlico Roan-Oak Chaileilon George- Town Littie Pee-Dee Great Pee- Dee Santee Catauba Broad-River Cherokee Seleuda and 7 Bufh- River 5 Edifto North Savanna Burke Richmond Wafhington Oconee Green H.-lftein Ruffcl New- River R hitcs. Elacks. 416 A3 479 3* 645 J39 (^53 161 665 347 448 206 814 955 616 176 729 439 555 34 7 174 4 109 *59 480 72 735 157 Oio 16a 366 52 587 337 156 42 175 23 360 96 415 104 538 544 50 169 52 180 589 31 256 28 163 158 16.3 4 541 78 428 13 555 30 474 135 104 420 10 650 III 5i8 Il8 2C2 18 345 9 271 18 125 4 184 15 Salt-River C *94 ] Whites. Blacks- Whites. Blacka. 3alt-River 340 24 Litchfield 184 Danfville 548 20 New-London 50 Lexington 401 30 Kartford 341 Hinkftone 281 4 iMiddletown 170 2 Limeftone 242 8 Fairfield 241 Cumberland 270 50 New-Rochelle 375 Bedford 474 102 Croton 278 6 Botetourt 470 30 Long-Ifland 27I 21 Green-Brier 202 J New- York 639 154 Cowpafture 48 8 Staten-Ifland 77 Clarkfburg 307 5 Elizabeth 226 8 Ohio 362 9 Flanders 310 12 Redftone 325 9 Newburg 397 4 Pittfburg 151 Salem 502 22 Dutchefs 381 7 Cafwell Ji7 75 Columbia 230 Guilford 613 57 Pittsfield 33° Salifbury J65 31 Or.fego 296 Bethel 433 9 Saratoga 270 Burlington 397 25 Cambridge 440 Trenton 465 41 Albany 388 6 Briftol 194 6 Harkemer 142 8 Chefter 379 19 Ofwegoche 90 Philadelphia 354 20 Bay Quinty 2>55 4 Wilmington 82 55 Granville, 90 Anfon 214 40 Boflon 41 Union 236 24 Lynn 166 Swanino 70 Needham Greenwich 50 16 Total 51416 16227 Warren J8 Qutfl* 15. What is contributed towards the fund for ihe fperannuated Preachers, with the widows and or- phans of Preachers ? dnfiv. £. 127 10 O. ^ueft. 1 6. What has been applied this year ? Anfw. To Jonathan Forreft, £. 24 O To John Eafter, 24 o o To Charles Connaway, 24 o o To Widow Hutchinfon, 600 %uefl. C >95 ] Qtte/l. 17. IV bat is the fum total, for which the hoqk- concern is now accountable to the Preacher* s-f una* ? Jnfw. £. 301 17 2. Shtejl. 1 8. When and where /hall the next Conferences be held? Anfw. Baltimore, O&ober 20, 1793. Peterfburg, November 15, 1793. North-Carolina, December 9, 1793. South-Carolina, January 1, 1794. New Territory, April 2, 1794. Kentucky, April 15, 1794. Mitchell's (Botetourt) May 26, 1 794. Rockingham, June 3, 1794. Union Town, June 12, 1794. Albany, July 10. 1 794. Lynn, July 25, 1794. Connecticut, September 8, 1794. New- York, September 22, 1794. Philadelphia, October 5. 1794 Here the diftrict Conferences terminate for this tour. CAUTION. The brethren are requeued to be on their guard a- gainft impoftors one of this character having made his way through North and South Carolina, collected money, purchafed a horfe by falfehood, and difap- peared. — If a preacher is on the travelling plan, he will be fent out from the diftrict conference ; if he i* in the local line, he can be recommended from his quarterly meeting. — If doubts arife relative to any perfon who may appear under the character of a Me- thodift preacher, refer him to the preacher who has the charge of the circuit, for examination, before he is permitted to preach. MINUTES Q*= *3 MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL CONFER EN C E S OF THE Methodift Epifcopal Church, TOR THE YEAR 1794. 1. fr^HO areati Anfiv. John Reynolds Thomas Wayman Levin Moore Henry Smith David Thompfon Joiiah Cole James Jones Freeborn Garrettfon, Jun. Rczin Cam Richard Fergufon William Dawley John Weeks Jeremiah Munday Edward Rouzey milted on trial? Charles Leadbetter Roger Hancock Thomas Mann James King Richard Pofey John Lindfay Mofes Spear John Dickin Peter Guthrie William Beauchamp Benjamin Walfh Thomas Coope William Kavanaii^h Levi Garrett 2- Nicholas [ i 9 8 ] Nicholas Snethen John Woofter William Storms Ezekiel Canfield Daniel Brumley Jofeph Mitchell David Browa Samuel Coat John Robinfon Jonathan Batemaa John Brodhead Matthew M'Gee. S>jeft. 2. Who remain on trial ? Anfiv. John Derbrough Alward White Hamilton Jefferfon John Philips Richard Stockett Robert Bonham William Bifhop Enoch Mudge lofeph Rowen Daniel Oftrander William Ball David Abbott William Wilkinfon Zadok Prieft Anthony Sale Francis Accuff Thomas Wilkinfon Calvin Woofter William Douglas Daniel Dennis Wiliam Wells David Bartine Benjamin Denton Jacob RickhoW' Leonard Dyfon Jacob Egbert Robert Cox Robert Manley Samuel Reifher William Hunter James Doukgthit Anthony Turk. Jefie Stoneman Quejl. 3. Who are admitted into full connexion ? Anfuej}. 9. What Preachers have withdrawn themfehes this year from our order and connection ? Anfw. Jeremiah Cofden, Jethro Jobnfon. S>uejl. 10. Who have been difmiffedfor improper con- duel? Anfw. Simon Carlifle I James Johnfon David Richardfon | David Valleau. £>jrf}. 1 1 . Who have died this year ? Anfw. Philip Cox, a native of Britain, who wai born at Froome, Somerfetfhire : he joined in our So- ciety about 18 years ago, and has been in the miniftry about t 203 ] about 16 Years, during which time he travelled extend lively through feveral of the United States. — He wag a man of fmall flature, great fpirit, quick apprehen- fion, found judgment, a lover of union, and often prayed and preached to the admiration of many, and in various parts with confiderable fuccefs. — His laft fervices weie great in chculating fo many hundred books of religious inftru&ion. On his return from a ^vifit to the Weft ward he was attacked with a difeafe in his bowels, accompanied with a fever and delirium : he obferved on Sunday the ift of September, that it was fuch a day of peace and comfort to his foul as he had feldom feen. Tuefday he reached home, after which he continued delirious, till, on Sunday the 8th, he departed in peace. Henry Birchett, from Brunfwick county, Hate of Virginia, between five and fix years in the miniftry : a gracious, happy, ufeful man, who freely offered himfelf for four years fervice on the dangerous (lations of Kentucky and Cumberland He might have re- turned at the Kentucky conference 1793, but finding there was a probability of Cumberland being vacated by the preachers, notwithstanding the pain in his breaft, and (pitting of blood, the danger of the Indi- ans, and prevalency of the fmall pox, he went a wil- ling maityr. after afking the con fen t of the Bifhop and the conference. We hoped his life would have been preferved, but report faith, he departed in much peace at Cumberland on the weltern waters in Febiuary 1794. He was one among the worthies who freely left fafety, eafe, and profperity, to feek after and fufter faithfully for fouls. His meeknefs, love, labours, prayers, tears, fermons and exhortations will not be foon forgotten : he wanted no appeal from labour, danger or fuffering. His willing heart faid with Ifaiah, Here am E, fend me. And notwithllanding' the [ 204 1 the prefident elder told him, he thought it was more than could be required of him, exprefling his fears of his life ; his willing heart apparently faid, " If I peiiih, I perifh." Thus nobly he for Jefus ftood, bold to feal the truth and his labours with his blood. This was the language of his heart and pra&ice, No crofs no fuffering I decline, Only let all my heart be thine. Who can doubt of his eternal re*ft, or fail to fay, let me die the death of the righteous, and let my laft end be like his. James Wilfon, a native of the Eaftern Shore of Maryland, about fifteen years in the profefiion of re- ligion, near fix years in public exercifes : his piety, walking with God, fetvour in prayer, and exhortati- ons were very great. Having found great confolati- on a little before his death, as he told feveral of his friends, we have reafon to hope he died in peace. His body was in a languid ftate for fome time, but he was fuddenly called away by fomething like a paraly- tic or apoplectic ftroke He departed at Churchhill, Queen-Ann's county, Eaftern-Shore of Maryland, in October, 1793. John Wynn, near the age of 27 years, a native of SufTex county, ftate of Virginia. Between thrre and four years in the travelling connection. He was a man of addrefs and natural elocution, of an upright heart, a fon of affliction willing to labour to the laft. When unable to travel at large, lie was indulged with a ftaticn in Winchefter, and was well received and much approved of by the people. He had felt In his fyftem iuch powerful afflictions as were ftrong indica- tions to himfelf, that he could not continue long He had been under feveral attacks of a bilious difcafe, sot without fome confumptive fymptoms. After a- bout fe\cn days illnefs, he flept in peace the 27th of April, 1794. QiirJ. 12. [ 20 5 ] Qjieft. 1 2 . Are all the Preachers blamelefs in life and con ver fat ion ? Anfw. They were ftri&ly examined one by one. Quell. 13. How are the Preachers jlatio'ned this year ? Anfiv. As follows : * Richard Whatcoat, Elder. Dover, - John Milburne. Mi/ford, - Walter Fountain, Rezin Cafh. Somerf't, - Morris Howe, Richaid Stocket. Northampton, John Jarrell, Stuart Redman Ann imjfex, - John Smith, J homas Haymond. Dorfet, - Jofeph Wainwright, William Page. Taibot, - John Beard. Caroline, - Nathan. B. Mills, Hamil. Jefferfon. Queen-Ann, - John Chalmers, James Campbell. Kent, - D. Abbot, T. Bell, John Vaneman. Cecily - Benjamin Abbott, Frederick Curp. Nelfon Reed, Elder. Hartford, - Benton Riggin, Jofeph Rovven. Baltimore - • John M'Claiky, Robert Sparks, Chrifloph. Spry, Geo. Cannon. Federal, - Richard Parrot, John Derbrough. slnnipoHs, - Jofcph Wyatt. Calvert, - William Hardefty, Levin Moore. Prince George, Solomon Sharp. Huntingdon, Robert Bonham, Thomas Edwards. Frederick, - Martin Hitt, Charles Burgoon, lail fix months. Btih, - Thomas Boyd, William M'Collom. Montgomery, F. Garrettfon, jun. Thos. Wayman. Little Tori, - Simon Miller. Cariifle, - William McDowell, William Talbot. Cok'Jbury - Jofeph Everett. - Lemuel Green, Elder. Leejburg, - Thomas Anderfon. "J Hand 6 mo. Alexandria^ - John Bloodgood. > change after Winchejler, - John Wynn. J fix months. S Fairfax^ [ 206 ] Fairfax, - Andrew Nicholls, Elijah Sparks. Stafford, - Nath. Greaves, Aquila Garrettfon. Lancqfler, - Jofhua Jones, William Bimop. Penaleton, - Richard Fergufon, firft fix months, Ephraim Chambers, laft 6 months. Berkley, - Andrew Nicholas, Thomas Lucas. Winchejler, *- Wra, M'Lenahan, Laftly Matthews. Rockingham, Jofhua Wells, Sealy Bunn. Mlegany, - Alward White, Wm. Beauchamp* Alexandria, - Thomas Anderfon, laft fix months. Reuben Ellis, Elder. sAmherjl - Anthony Sale, Gains. Orange^ - John Weft, George Martin, James Dawley. Hanover, - William A. Lilly, Daniel Hall. Gloucejler, - William Mofs, James Jones. William/burg, John N. Jones Thomas Eafter. Ira Ellis, Elder. Amelia, - John ^hair, Samuel Cowles. Greenjville, - Stephen Davies, Lawrence Mans- field, Thomas W T ilkinfon. Su/Tex, - Henry Merritt, James Rogers, Hen- ry Hill. Port/mouth, James Mechem, Samuel S. Stuart. Bartie, - Daniel Southall, Edward Hardy. Camden, • Joel Tucker, William Wilkinfon. Brunfwick, - Jofiah Afkew, Benjamin Blanton. Cumberland, James Hunter, David Thomfon, fix months. Norfolk, - Lee Roy Cole. Peterjburg - John Lindfay. Banks, - William Ball. Salathiel Weeks, John Baldwin, Book-Stewards* William Spencer, Eider. Sclifhury, * William Spenser, J oiiah Cole. Tadkin, [ 2o 7 ] Tadhln, - Chriftoph. Mooring, Pern. Smith.. An/on, - Henry Leadbetter, Daniel Dean. Stvanino, - John Simmons; Philip Sands, Jo- fiah Cole, to change after fix months, with Pemberton Smith, and Chriltopher Mooring. Cokflury-School, James Parks. Thomas Bowen, John Fore, Elders. Rom Oik, Tar -River, Gofhfn, Pamlico , Mattamajleet, Bladen , Gnnteniney Trent, New-Hope, Guilford, Cafivell, Franklin, Great Pee Dee, Little Pee Dee, Santee, Union, Catauba, Gharlejlon, Edifto, Eu/h- River t - Daniel Shines, Jeremiah Munday. Jonathan Bird, Abfalom Kinfey, Thomas Mann. Jeremiah Jackfon, Roger Hancock. Jeremiah Norman, William Wells. Freeman Killingfworth. William Bellamy, Robert Cox. Samuel Anfley, Charles Leadbetter. Aquila Sugg. lfaac Low, Elder. William Ormond, Leonard Dyfon. John Bonner, Benjamin Denton. Francis Parker, Arthur Lipfey. John Buxton, John Weeks, Willi- am Dawley, for fix months, Philip Bruce, Elder. Enoch George, Jofias Randall. Jofeph Moore. James Jenkins. Tobias Gibfon, one quarter ; Willi- am M*K.entree, Nicholas Waters. William Fulwood. Jofhua Cannon, lfaac Smith, fix months to change. lfaac Smith Samuel Reiiher. Broad-River) [ 203 ] Broad-River, John Clark, Coleman Carlifle. Seleuda, - Abner Henley. Cherokee* * James Tollefon. Wafhington, - John Ruffel, Rd. Pofey. Richmond, - George Clark, John King. Burke, - Benjamin Tarrant, J as Doughthft. Black-Swamp, Jonathan Jackfon, to changi his circuit every quarter. John Kublet'i Elder. Holflein, - Francis AccufF, John Lindfay. NtW'River, Samuel Rudder, John Ray. Rujfel - Jacob Peck. Green, - William Kavenaugh, Levi Garrett. Francis Poythrefs, Elder. Lexington, - John Metcalf, Tobias Gibfon. Danfville, - Thomas Scott. Htnkjione, - William Burk. Limeftone, - Richard Bird. Cumberland, Jacob Lurton, Mofes Spear. Salt-River, - Barnabas M'Henry, John Page, P. Guthrie ; Barnabas M'Henry and Jacob Lurton change Bedford, - David Thompfon, lad fix months, S. Mead. Botetourt, - James Hunter, lad fix months, W. Douglas. Greenbrier, - Anthony Sale, lad fix months. Cozvpajlure, John Pace, lad fix months. Cumberland, - Bcnnet Maxey, John Ball, lad 6 m. Charles Connaway, Elder. Clarljburg, - James Flemming, Henry Smith. New-H amp/hire, John Hill. Ohio, 1 K>9 1 Ooio, Wafkmgton, Redfinne, Piitfiurg, Needham, Bo ft on, Lynn, Marblehtad, Fitchburg, Orange, Rcaclfieldy Greenwich, Warren, New- London, M'tddktoivn, Litchfield, Tolland, Granville, Vermont, Fairfeld, Samuel Hitt, John H. Reynolds. Thomas Lyall, Samuel Welfh. Daniel Hitt, J. Philips. John Watfon, R. Fergufon. thefe to change in 3 months. J. Ketchurm Jtffe Lee, Elder. Amos G Thompfon, Chriftopher Spry. Evan Rogers. - J. Hill, J. Rexford, fupernumerary. Thomas Coope. George Cannon. Philip Wager. George Roberts, Elder, Jofeph Lovell. John Chalmers. Wilfon Lee, David Abbott, Zadok Pried, Enoch Mudge. Menzies Rainor, Daniel Oftrander. Fredus ^ldridge, James Covel. Lemuel Smith, G. Pickering. Jofhua Taylor. Jofhua Hall. Zebulon Kankey, Nicholas Snethcn. Freeborn Garrettfon, Elder. Pittsfield, - John Crawford, Daniel Brumly. Cambridge, - Robert Green, Jofeph Mitchell. Dutchefs, - Jacob Rickhow, David Brown; Da- vid Brown to change with Peter Moriarty in fix months. Cvlumbia, - Matthias Swaim, Jafon Perkins. S 2 [ 210 ] Croton, and New-Rochelle Long-IJland, New-Tork) 7 & Brook/in, K Freehold, Salem, Bethel, Trenton, Burlington, ,} Sylveft. Hutchin- -J S. & R. Huteh- fon, Peter Moriar- / infon to change ty, D. Dennis, t every 3 m. with Rbt. Hutchinfon. J L. M'Combs. Ezek- Cooper, Lawrence M'Combs.. Supernumeraries, William Phoe- bus, Jacob Brum, David CandalL Hariemer & Otfego Delaware, Saratoga, Albany, :} Marble^ and Newb Flanders Elizabeth & Staten John Merrick, Elder. Jofeph Totten, John Robinfon. Richard Swain, Anthony Turk. Benjamin Fizler. John Fountain, Robert M'Cay^ - Levi Rogers, Eliflia Cole. Thomas Ware, Elder. Smith Weeks, Ezekiel Canfield, John Woofter. Robert Dillon, David Buck. Thomas Woolfey, Jacob Egbert. Jonathan Newman, David Bartine., Thomas Woolfey, to change with Jonathan Newman in fix months. Samuel Fowler, Mofes Crane, Wil-. * liam Storms. Shadrach Boilwick, Samuel Coat. Town, 1 wburg, y h 'Jn W i\ John Clark, Calvin Woofter Valentine Cook, Elder. BrifioU - William Hunter, Jonath. Bateman. Chejler, - William Early, James Smith. Philadelphia, Thomas Morrell, John Dickins, fu- perintendent of the Printing and Book-bufinefs. Lancajler, - Ifaac Robinfon, Elijah Pelham. Northumberland * [ 211 ] Northumberland ', Robert Manly, John Brodhead.. Wyoming) - James Palmer. Thornton Hemming, Elder. Tioga, - James Moore. Seneca Lake, Alward White. Elder. Nova-Scotia, William Jefibp, Ifaac Lunsford, Daniel Fidler, Benjamin Wilfon, James Boyd, James Mann, John Mann, Richard Stockett. Darius Dunham, Elder. ypper-CanadaA Coleman. lower-circuit, j ■* Upper- Canada, 1 ^ h Woolf § upper circuit, 3 J * Quejl. 1-4. What numbers are in focuty in the ive circuits ? Anfnv. As follows : rejpefl- Whites. Blacks. Whites. Blacks. Dover Circuit 930 507 Huntingdon i-94 2 ,Milford 78i 3X9 Bath 290 22 -$omerfet 553 87 Montgomery- 6S5 340 Northampton 616 249 Frederick 36^ 90 Annameflcx 345 85 Little- York 1 and Carlifle $ 276 Dorfet 534 431 7 Talbot 635 33° Leefbu rg 55 12 Caroline 446 236 Fell's Point 96 35 Queen-Ann 573 467 Alexandria 60 40 Kent 37* 467 Winchefter 45i in Cecil 434 m Fairfax 540 50 Hartford 519 219 Stafford 324 42 Baltimore 695 12-3 Lancafter 55* 180 Baltimore Tow a 440 207 Pendleton 67 3 Federal 732 565 Berkley 526 72 Annapolis 120 190 Rockingham 364 33 Calvert 68a 1102 Allegany 285 14 brines- George no 205 Apiherft 341 10 Orange [ 212 ] Whites. T-lack Orange 641 74 Hanover 53* 81 Gloucefter 713 81 Wnliamfburg 423 121 Amelia 545 IO3 Greenfville 878 360 Suffex 1285 I069 Portfmouth 651 367 Bartie 616 I76 Camden 480 304 Brunfwick 586 2l6 Cumberland 3ia 7 Norfolk no 154 Peterfburg 52 28 Banks 203 16 Richmond & 1 Manchefler 3 23 4 Salifbury 543 21 Yadkin & 1 Swanino 3 702 12 Anfon 249 36 Roan- Oak 464 423 Tar-River 570 I03 Gofhen 355 34 Pamlico 488 92 Matamafkeet 198 Bliden 480 55 Contentney 316 74 Trent 597 327 New Hope 666 102 Guilford 631 51 Cafwell 477 58 Franklin 514 86 Great Pee-Dee 291 127 Little Pee-Dce 500 9 1 Santee 254 149 Union 483 57 Catauba 180 5 Charlefton 60 220 Eciilo 452 loo Bufh-River 245 7 Broad-River 435 68 SeJeuda 333 33 Cherokee George-Tow Wafhington Richmond Burke and? Oconee £ Blackfwamp Holitein New- River Ruffcl Green Lexington Danfville Hinkftone Limeitone Cumberland Salt-River Bedfo-. d Botetourt Green-Brier Cowp ifture CUrkfburg Ohio Wafhington Redftone Pittfburg Bolton Needham Lynn Greenwich Warren New-London Middletown Litchfield Tolland Granville, Pittsfield Cambridge Saratoga Offego Harkemer Dutchefs Albany Whites. Blacks, 204 n 53 103 389 128 650 in 5^3 31 120 257 18 155 18 145 4 300 7 410 20 447 19 270 5 374 6 400 30 350 8 345 41 470 30 1.07 7 50 8 334 4 221 1 222 6 278 7 I50 1 45 4 76 149 30 127 219 187 195 334 148 305 41a 160 140 182 j 406 10 475 5 Columbia [ 2I 3 ] Whites. Blacks. Whites Blacks. Columbia 251 2 Chefter 200 19 Fairfield 220 Lancafter 256 4 Croton 283 Wilmington 90 55 New-Rochelle 364 II Philadelphia 301 66 Long- Ifl-nd 250 34 Northumberland 310 1 Staten Ifland 70 Tioga 113 Elizabeth-Tow n 199 12 Wyoming 1 83 Flanders 258 3 Seneca-Lake 81 Newburg 430 13 Province of T New-York 575 135 upper-Canada, C 116 Delaware 290 Lower Circuit 3 Freehold 453 24 Midland Circuit 216 % Salem 586 94 Nova- Scotia 1100 Bethel Trenton 18 4° 4 156 Total 52794 13814 Burlington 383 15 Briftol 211 6 Qfefl. I* What rx //&. 3d. The Experience and Travels of Mr. Freeborn Gar- rettfon, well bound, 3s. A Pocket Hymn-Book, containing three hundred Hymns, well bound and lettered, 33. o^l. An Extract on Infant Baptifm, ditched, o,d. Children's TnilrucV!o:i$, Hitched, 6d. An Abridgment of Mrs. Rowe's Devout Exercifes of the Heart, bound, is. icid. The excellent Works of the Rev. Mr. John Fletcher, published one volume at a time ; the whole will confiil or about fix or (even volumes; the Ift, lid, Illrd, IVth, and Vth volumes now publifhed, well bound and lettered, at 5s. yfd per volume. A Funeral Difcourfe on the Death of that great Di- vine the Rev John Weflcy, Hitched, lid. The Saints Evtrlatting Reft well bound, 5s. 7i;d. The Ift volume of Mr. Francis Afbury's Journal, cs. 7id. A Tract on Slavery, 6d. The Rev John Wefley's Journal, vol Ift, 5s. 7^d. The Rev. John Wefley's Life, handfomely bound and lettered, 7s. 66. — N. B Some of the Britifh copies of this Life, in a larger type, have been fold in America, bound, at 15s. The Family Advifer and Primitive Phyfic, 33 gd. Extract from Law's Seriout. Call to a devout and holy Life, bound, 3s 96. Spiritual Letters, &c. by the Rev. John Fletcher, 5s. 7id. Appeal to Matter of Fac"t. and Common Senfe, by the Rev. John Fletcher, 5s. 3d. Sermons by the Rev.